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7/24/2018 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors INVOCATION: Pastor Ken Nienke Fellowship Community Church July 24, 2018 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: "Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board." Page 1 of 6 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda July 24, 2018 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for July 24, 2018. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of Supervisors meetings can also be viewed online through Roanoke County's website at www.RoanokeCountvVA.gov. Our meetings are closed -captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Albert Lynn Hudson, Fire Captain, upon his retirement after seventeen (17) years of service (Stephen G. Simon, Chief of Fire and Rescue) D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS Page 2 of 6 F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting the conveyance of three (3) parcels of unimproved real estate for Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District (David Holladay, Planning Administrator) 2. Ordinance authorizing the granting of a new public drainage easement to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on property owned by Ms. Ellen Smith Ryan, Tax Map No. 087.05-04-17.00-0000 for the purpose of facilitating Stormwater Management (Tarek Moneir, Acting Director of Development Services) 3. Ordinance amending sections of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Appendix A of the Roanoke County Code) dealing with agritourism activities (Philip Thompson, Acting Director of Planning) 4. Ordinance repealing and replacing the Code of the County of Roanoke - Chapter 2, Article IV, from Self -Insurance Program to Risk Management Program (Mary Beth Nash, Senior Assistant County Attorney; Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance; Patrick Elwell, Special Assistant to the County Administrator) 5. Ordinance amending the Code of the County of Roanoke, by amending and re- enacting Chapter 21 Taxation, Article III -- Real Estate Taxes, Section 21-42 -- Moratorium on the granting of Exemptions from Real Estate and Personal Property taxes by designation (Peter Lubeck, Senior Assistant County Attorney) 6. Ordinance amending the Code of the County of Roanoke by amending and re- enacting Chapter 21 Taxation, Article III -- Real Estate Taxes, Division 4 -- exemption for surviving spouses of certain persons killed in the line of duty (Peter Lubeck, Senior Assistant County Attorney) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $208,917 from the Virginia Department of Social Services for the County of Roanoke Department of Social Services and add four new benefit programs specialist positions to the County's Classification and Pay Plan (Joyce Earl, Director of Social Services; Christopher R. Bever, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Ordinance amending Ordinance 052218-5, fiscal year 2018-2019 Operations Budget for Roanoke County Public Schools, to account for additional funding in the amount of $567,792 from the Commonwealth of Virginia (Ms. Susan Peterson, CPA, MA, Director of Finance, RCPS; Christopher R. Bever, Director of Management and Budget) Page 3 of 6 H. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance declaring surplus and authorizing sale of 2 parcels totaling .505 +/- acres of real estate located at 3319 and 3323 Westmoreland Dr., Cave Spring Magisterial District (POSTPONED AT THE REQUEST OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY) (Ruth Ellen Kuhnel, County Attorney) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Budget and Fiscal Affairs (BFAC) (appointed by District and At -Large) 2. Economic Development Authority (EDA) (appointed by District) 3. Library Board (appointed by District) J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes — May 8, 2018; May 22, 2018 2. Confirmation of appointment to Ninth District Development Financing, Inc.; Roanoke Valley Detention Commission; Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge, Virginia Western Community College Board of Directors 3. Request to accept and allocate funds from the 2017 DCJS BYRNE/JAG Grant for law enforcement training in the amount of $17,678 4. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $12,941.07 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds 5. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Deborah S. Harris, Administrative Service Coordinator, upon her retirement after seventeen (17) years of service 6. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to F. Robert Saul, Jr., Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court III, upon his retirement after twenty-six (26) years of service K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS 1. Unappropriated, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves Page 4 of 6 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Accounts Paid - June 30, 2018 4. Statement of Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of May 31, 2018 5. Statement of Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of June 30, 2018 6. Proclamation signed by the Chairman - Farmers Market Week M. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to update the Board of Supervisors on the strategic direction of Economic Development in the County of Roanoke (Jill Loope, Director of Economic Development) N. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711.A.1, Personnel, namely discussion concerning appointments to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 2. Section 2.2-3711.A.1, Personnel matter, namely performance evaluations of the County Administrator and County Attorney 3. Section 2.2-3711.A.5, Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community 4. Section 2.2-3711.A.8, Consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel, namely the Vinton Gainsharing Agreement EVENING SESSION O. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION P. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. The petition of Laurel Crest, LLC to rezone approximately 3.27 acres from AR, Agricultural/Residential, District to R-3, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential, District, to construct 20 townhouses and 2 single family attached dwellings on properties located at 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District (Philip Thompson, Acting Director of Planning) Page 5 of 6 2. The petition of Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority and Lewis Living Trust to rezone 113.6 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District and R-1, Low Density Residential, District to PTD, Planned Technology Development, District, for the development of a Technology Park located in the 7600 to 7900 blocks of Wood Haven Road and the 7200 block of Thirlane Road, Catawba Magisterial District. (Philip Thompson, Acting Director of Planning) Q. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. George Assaid 2. Phil C. North 3. Joseph P. McNamara 4. P. Jason Peters 5. Martha B. Hooker S. ADJOURNMENT Page 6 of 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Albert Lynn Hudson, Fire Captain, upon his retirement after seventeen (17) years of service Stephen G. Simon Chief of Fire and Rescue Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Recognition of the retirement of Albert Lynn Hudson BACKGROUND: Albert Lynn Hudson retired on July 1, 2018, after seventeen years and six months of service with Roanoke County's Fire and Rescue Department. Mr. Hudson is expected to attend today's meeting to receive his resolution and quilt. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion associated with this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24 2018 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ALBERT LYNN HUDSON, FIRE CAPTAIN, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER MORE THAN SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Captain Hudson was employed by Roanoke County on January 2, 2001; and WHEREAS, Captain Hudson retired on July 1, 2018, after seventeen years and six months of devoted, faithful and expert service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, during Captain Hudson's tenure with the Fire and Rescue Department, he served as Paramedic/Firefighter; Fire Lieutenant and Fire Captain and served with professionalism and dedication in providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County; WHEREAS, Captain Hudson served as an instructor in many areas for the Department passing his knowledge on to our current work force which will be his ongoing legacy; and WHEREAS, Captain Hudson served as a Team Leader for the Department's Technical Rescue Team providing both leadership and technical knowledge for specialized rescues through -out Southwest Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to ALBERT LYNN HUDSON for more than seventeen years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: July 24, 2018 Ordinance accepting the conveyance of three (3) parcels of unimproved real estate for Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: David Holladay Planning Administrator APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: First reading of an ordinance to accept three parcels of real estate in preparation for construction of a turnaround on Fort Lewis Church Road. BACKGROUND: Fort Lewis Church Road terminates at End of State Maintenance, with no public turn around. Citizens in the area requested a turnaround and have donated necessary right of way. The three parcels being accepted would provide right of way for construction of a new public turnaround. DISCUSSION: Roanoke County and Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) staff coordinated with citizens at the end of Fort Lewis Church Road to construct a new public turnaround. Roanoke County provided preliminary engineering and right-of-way acquisition. VDOT will construct the new turnaround. The new turnaround will allow new space for refuse collection vehicles, school buses and VDOT maintenance vehicles to maneuver. In addition, the new turnaround will provide fire trucks improved access to an existing fire hydrant. Page 1 of 3 This item involves the acceptance of the following real estate, being conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, for roadway improvements, specifically for construction of a new public turnaround at the end of Fort Lewis Church Road: 1. The donation from Marie A. Hannabass of approximately 0.0295 acre of real estate for purposes of location and construction of Fort Lewis Church Road turnaround as shown on exhibit entitled "Exhibit A" showing right-of-way being conveyed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County by Marie A. Hannabass, Roanoke County Tax Map Parcel #054.02-04-69.00 situated along Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia dated October 20, 2017. 2. The donation from Jeno A. Jackson and Marie A. Hannabass of approximately 0.0163 acre of real estate for purposes of location and construction of Fort Lewis Church Road turnaround, as shown on exhibit entitled "Exhibit A" showing right- of-way being conveyed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County by Jeno A. Jackson and Marie A. Hannabass Roanoke County Tax Map Parcel #054.02-04- 69.00 situated along Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia dated October 20, 2017. 3. The donation from Jeno A. Jackson and Jay A. Jackson of approximately 0.0560 acre of real estate for purposes of location and construction of Fort Lewis Church Road turnaround, as shown on exhibit entitled "Exhibit A" showing right-of-way being conveyed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County by Jeno A. Jackson and Jay A. Jackson Roanoke County Tax Map Parcel #054.04-07-01.00 situated along Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia dated October 20, 2017. Acceptance of this property is a necessary step in the process of VDOT constructing the new public turnaround. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. County staff time for preliminary engineering and Community Development survey funds were expended to prepare the deeds. Page 2 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the first reading of an ordinance to accept three parcels of real estate and set the second reading and public hearing for August 28, 2018. Page 3 of 3 Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Exemption Claimed: Grantee is exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to § 58.1-811A(3) and 17.1-266 of the Code of Virginia. Prepared by: Law Office of Kirk A. Ludwig P.O. Box 989 Roanoke, VA 24005 Tax Map No.: 054.02-04-69 Title Insurance: None THIS QUITCLAIM DEED made this day of , 20_, by and between JENO A. JACKSON and MARIE A. HANNABASS (whether one or more, "Grantor") and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA (hereinafter "Grantee") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by deed dated May 2, 1996 and recorded in the Clerk's Office, Circuit Court for Roanoke County in Deed Book 1507, page 1625, Jeno A. Jackson acquired title to a parcel of real property located in Roanoke County, Virginia, said parcel being 1.18 acres on the north side of Fort Lewis Church Road as shown on a plat of survey dated May 2, 1996 made by T. P. Parker & Son for Jeno A. Jackson, attached hereto and made a part hereof;" and WHEREAS, by deed dated March 16, 1998 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1570, page 1694, Jeno A. Jackson conveyed to Barry and Andrea Weiler 1.12 acres on the north side of Fort Lewis Church Road as shown on a plat of survey dated May 2, 1996 made by T. P. Parker & Son for Jeno A. Jackson, a copy of which is of record in Deed Book 1507, page 1627, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, and as more particularly shown on that survey for Barry L. 1 Law office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Weiler made by T. P. Parker & Son, dated March 13, 1998, of record in Plat Book 20, page 170, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office;" and WHEREAS, by deed dated March 11, 2004 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office as Instrument No. 200404670, Barry and Andrea Weiler conveyed to Marie A. Hannabass 1.12 acres on the north side of Fort Lewis Church Road as shown on a plat of survey dated May 2, 1996 made by T. P. Parker & Son for Jeno A. Jackson, a copy of which is of record in Deed Book 1507, page 1627, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, and as more particularly shown on that survey for Barry L. Weiler made by T. P. Parker & Son, dated March 13, 1998, of record in Plat Book 20, page 170, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office;" and WHEREAS, there exists a discrepancy between the two surveys described in the aforesaid deeds, and the 710.07 square foot right-of-way to be conveyed to Grantee as shown on the plat attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" (hereinafter, the "right-of-way")" is comprised in part of property affected by this discrepancy; and WHEREAS, this discrepancy raises the issue of whether Jeno A. Jackson or Marie A. Hannabass owns the property comprising the right-of-way; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Grantor to quitclaim, release and convey to the Grantee any and all right, title and interest they may have, individually, jointly or severally, to the right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the said Grantor by reason of the location and construction, oil Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig or other improvements of Fort Lewis Church Road, along, through, or over the lands of the Grantor, and for the further consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby QUITCLAIM, RELEASE AND CONVEY unto Grantee their interest in the following property: That 710.07 square foot portion, more or less, of Roanoke County Tax Map Number 054.02-04-69 marked "RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED" as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance by said Board of Supervisors of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of WITNESS the following signatures and seals: .vw (SEAL) JE A. JA SON STATE/CNWEA OF COUN /CITY F to -wit: The foregoing nstrument was acknowledged before me this day of U , by Jeno A. Jackson. Notary Public My commission expires: �d/g BAnda Taylor Carrell Gbmmonwealth of Virginia Notary Public t't Cofte ilwilon No. 228900 MY Qmmiswn Expires 11/30/4019 3 1 (SEAL) MARIE A. HANNABASS STATE/CO ONWEA H OF COUNTY IT OF , to -wit: he foregoing i istrument was acknowledged before me this J� day of by Marie A. Hannabass. r Notary Publi My commission expires: // ,.?d B'dinda Taylor Carroll Commonwealth Of Virginia Nolary Public k Commission No. 228900 My Commission Expinos 11 /3010 19 Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig 0 Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA la Office of the County Attorney COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, COUNTY/CITY OF to -wit: (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_ by Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. My commission expires: Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Notary Public 5 • d- 0 O a. � o N PARCEL "A" ` 00 a P.B. 10 PG. 90 Z � Q T.M. 1054.02-68-00.00 p ,L1 PROPERTY OF W Lo'1 DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS D.B. 1217 PG, 78 I P.B. 21 PG. 168 1.667 ACRES ° y� O 20' ACCESS EASEMENT D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PT PARCEL "E" T.M. 11054.02-04-69.00 �� b PROPERTY OF / MARIE A. / HAN NABASS D.B. 1507 PG. 1627 (PLAT) P.B. 20 PG. 170 1.12 ACRES STYPES71 All 04 S85058'00"E N81°02'O� E • 12• 61.90' • 61 .90, PROPOSED PAVEMENT --.4SP c EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT-.\ O T.M. (054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF STEVEN T. HELM / D.B. 1116 PG. 508(PLAT) / \D.B.1524 PG. 688 0.812 ACRES "END OF STATE . MAINTENANCE SIGN" -jp ,SRT LEwls CHURL 0 M °210N65 RD. 184.81 , S80°34'Op„ �-•�� 6A. "L3 RTE, 777 149.94' 30' PRESCRIPTIVE WW T.M. 1054.04-07-01.00 PROPERTY OF JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON "C2" D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES oma/ 6L ^q� / Q��oo 0 �P DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC --.4SP c EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT-.\ O T.M. (054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF STEVEN T. HELM / D.B. 1116 PG. 508(PLAT) / \D.B.1524 PG. 688 0.812 ACRES "END OF STATE . MAINTENANCE SIGN" -jp ,SRT LEwls CHURL 0 M °210N65 RD. 184.81 , S80°34'Op„ �-•�� 6A. "L3 RTE, 777 149.94' 30' PRESCRIPTIVE WW T.M. 1054.04-07-01.00 PROPERTY OF JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON "C2" D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES 2f RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED AREA= 710.07S.F. = 0.0163AC. EXISTING ROADWAY EXHIBIT "A " SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS & JENO A. JACKSON ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL ##54.02-04-69.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC CHORD DIST "Cl" 120044'37" 37.00' 65.06' 77.97' 539°23'04"W 64.32' "C2" 145°07'41" 37.00' 117.81' 93.72' N86°26'55"E 70.60' "C3" 85°32'56" 25.00' 23.13' 37.33' S56°39'32"W 33.96' 2f RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED AREA= 710.07S.F. = 0.0163AC. EXISTING ROADWAY EXHIBIT "A " SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS & JENO A. JACKSON ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL ##54.02-04-69.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Exemption claimed: Grantee is exempt from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to Sections 58.1-811A(3) and 17.1-266 of the Code of Virginia. Prepared by: Law Office of Kirk A. Ludwig P.O. Box 989 Roanoke, Virginia 24005 Tax Map No. 054.04-07-01 Title Insurance: None THIS DEED, made this day of , 20_, by and between JENO A. JACKSON AND JAY A. JACKSON (whether one or more, "Grantor"), and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ("Grantee") WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the said Grantor by reason of the location and construction, or other improvements of Fort Lewis Church Road, along, through, or over the lands of the Grantor, and for the further consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby GRANT and CONVEY to Grantee in fee simple, with General Warranty and Modern English Covenants of Title, the following described real estate lying in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the location and construction or other improvement of a road right-of-way, with Fort Lewis Church Road generally located in the centerline of said right-of-way: That 2,437.45 square foot portion, more or less, of Roanoke County Tax Map Number 054.04-07-01 shown on the plat attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof, (the "Property"); and ..r Being a portion of the property conveyed to Jeno A. Jackson and Jay A. Jackson by deed dated June 13, 2002 of record in the Clerk's Office, Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia as Instrument No. 200211729. Also granted herein is the temporary right and easement to use such additional areas as located and staked on the ground for cut and/or fill slopes as being required for the proper execution of the work. Said temporary construction easement will terminate at such time as the construction or improvement of the aforesaid route is completed. And further granted herein is the right and easement to construct, improve and maintain any drain ditches or other drainage facilities that may be needed for the proper and adequate drainage of said route. It is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that the Grantee and its agents shall have the right to inspect the easements herein granted and to cut, clear, and remove all undergrowth, obstructions or improvements lying within, upon or adjacent to said easements that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. The Grantor covenants that no building or structure shall be erected upon or within the easements herein granted or placed in such location as to render the easements inaccessible. In the event the covenant is violated, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repair, replace or otherwise be responsible for such improvements if damaged or removed. Grantor, for the consideration stated above, also covenants and agrees, upon demand of any public utility company or corporation having its facilities in, over or across the lands herein conveyed, that the Grantor will give, grant and convey unto Law Office such public utility company or corporation an easement in, over and across the lands Of Kirk A. Ludwig 11 of the Grantor lying adjacent to the lands herein conveyed for the relocation, construction, operation and maintenance of said facility. The Grantor by execution of this instrument acknowledges that the plans for the aforesaid right-of-way and easements as they affect Grantor's property have been fully explained to Grantor or Grantor's authorized representative. The Grantor covenants and agrees for Grantor and for Grantor's heirs, successors, successors in title, executors, legal representatives and assigns that the consideration aforementioned shall be in lieu of any and all claims to compensation and damages by reason of the location, construction, reconstruction, operation or maintenance of said road right-of-way, including such drainage facilities as may be necessary. This conveyance is made expressly subject to all recorded conditions, reservations, easement and restrictions affecting title to the property herein conveyed. The road right-of-way herein granted is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any easement or right-of-way now in existence or which may be acquired in the future. To have and to hold unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance by said Board of Supervisors of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance Number adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 20 This document has been prepared by the Law Office of Kirk A. Ludwig on behalf of the Grantee. Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig y WITNESS the following signatures and seals: (SEAL) J00- A. JA6KSON STATE OF COUNTY CITY Fes, to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /a�day of 20f� by Jeno A. Jackson. ,L" NotaryP blic My commission expires: ;M'; Belinda Taylor Carroll ; '1 Balinda Taylor Carroll � Cnrnnv,,,,., . ,f �;Jnrlinia Commonwealth of Virginia t}' Notary Public a� ,�?* � ���,;.�� �"'wjoo Commission No. 228900 9p'yrr;yh My Comm%,: iun I xpnes 11/30/2019 My C011imissim Expires 11/30/2019 STATE OF COUNTY, to -wit: The foregoing instru.,f,nent was acknowledged before me thisi'ay of 20 by Jay A. Jackson. Notary ublic My commission expires: Bellmde Taylor Carroll b0FR9Pii0tlwe131th of Virginia Wary Public COMMIlaion No, 228900 11111N�S1aff Exp 1inw2o19 Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig .10 Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SEAL) Office of the County Attorney STATE OF COUNTY/CITY OF to -wit.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. My commission expires: Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Notary Public PARCEL"A" 00, IT P.B. 10 PG. 90 S i 1 X570 L.M. 1054.02-68-00.00 a PROPERLY OF CD s� DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS N `L I �A �l D.13.1217 PG. 78 m I I P.13.21 PG. 168 O.. Q 1.667 ACRES P� Qo`L�� � I Qoti� ply 'Q'•i O w 20' ACCESS EASEMENT 2: D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 \ PROPOSED �'- \\ \ RIGHT-OF-WAY / "�@Rq� T.M. 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERLY OF 7-� STEVEN T. HELM PT PARCEL "E" / FIREEXISTING\ / .\\D.B.1116 4 G. (PLAT) T.M. #054.02-04-59.00 \ HYDRANT D.B.812RE 688 PROPERTY OF \ \ / 0.812 ACRES MARIE A. HANNABASS \ \ \ °�'� / MAINTENANCE "END OF SIGN" ' _ D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 (PLAT) \ 6 P.B. 20 PG. 170 FORr 1.12 ACRES °1pp^ : C(�uRCH RD S80° 184.9.94 81' STYPES . _.1 \ \ /N 6 G3 Rr4 00"E 1.� � E. 77 N�°i p0 30` PRESCRIP77VE WW / �2 45 S85058'00"E N81°o.2 �� E 61.90' 61.90 PROPOSED 11C2" T.M. #054.04-07-01.00 � PAVEMENT p PROPERTY OF ti =4` JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON ^oma ���� oh D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) Q Q �� o°� INSTRUMENT #200211729 0 ) ti`' '�� 5.020 ACRES EXHIBIT 'A " RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED SHOWING AREA= 2,437,45S,F, = 0,056OAC. RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO EXISTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY ROADWAY BY JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.04-07-01.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC CHORD DIST "Cl" 120°44'37" 37.00' 65.06' 77.97' 1 S39°23'04"W 64.32' "C2" 14500741" 37.00' 117.81' 93.72' N86°26'55"E 70.60' "C3" 85°32'56" 25.00' 23.13' 37.33' S56039'32"W 33.96' 00, IT P.B. 10 PG. 90 S i 1 X570 L.M. 1054.02-68-00.00 a PROPERLY OF CD s� DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS N `L I �A �l D.13.1217 PG. 78 m I I P.13.21 PG. 168 O.. Q 1.667 ACRES P� Qo`L�� � I Qoti� ply 'Q'•i O w 20' ACCESS EASEMENT 2: D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 \ PROPOSED �'- \\ \ RIGHT-OF-WAY / "�@Rq� T.M. 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERLY OF 7-� STEVEN T. HELM PT PARCEL "E" / FIREEXISTING\ / .\\D.B.1116 4 G. (PLAT) T.M. #054.02-04-59.00 \ HYDRANT D.B.812RE 688 PROPERTY OF \ \ / 0.812 ACRES MARIE A. HANNABASS \ \ \ °�'� / MAINTENANCE "END OF SIGN" ' _ D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 (PLAT) \ 6 P.B. 20 PG. 170 FORr 1.12 ACRES °1pp^ : C(�uRCH RD S80° 184.9.94 81' STYPES . _.1 \ \ /N 6 G3 Rr4 00"E 1.� � E. 77 N�°i p0 30` PRESCRIP77VE WW / �2 45 S85058'00"E N81°o.2 �� E 61.90' 61.90 PROPOSED 11C2" T.M. #054.04-07-01.00 � PAVEMENT p PROPERTY OF ti =4` JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON ^oma ���� oh D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) Q Q �� o°� INSTRUMENT #200211729 0 ) ti`' '�� 5.020 ACRES EXHIBIT 'A " RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED SHOWING AREA= 2,437,45S,F, = 0,056OAC. RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO EXISTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY ROADWAY BY JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.04-07-01.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Exemption claimed: Grantee is exempt from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to Sections 58.1-811A(3) and 17.1-266 of the Code of Virginia. Prepared by: Law Office of Kirk A. Ludwig P.O. Box 989 Roanoke, Virginia 24005 Tax Map No. 054.02-04-69 Title Insurance: None THIS DEED, made this day of , 20_, by and between MARIE A. HANNABASS (whether one or more, "Grantor"), and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ("Grantee"). WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the said Grantor by reason of the location and construction, or other improvements of Fort Lewis Church Road, along, through, or over the lands of the Grantor, and for the further consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby GRANT and CONVEY to Grantee in fee simple, with General Warranty and Modern English Covenants of Title, the following described real estate lying in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the location and construction or other improvement of a road right-of-way, with Fort Lewis Church Road generally located in the centerline of said right-of-way: That 1,286.46 square foot portion, more or less, of Roanoke County Tax Map Number 054.02-04-69 shown on the plat attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof, (the "Property"); and Being a portion of the property conveyed to Marie A. Hannabass by deed dated March 11, 2004 of record in the Clerk's Office, Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia as Instrument No. 200404670. Also granted herein is the temporary right and easement to use such additional areas as located and staked on the ground for cut and/or fill slopes as being required for the proper execution of the work. Said temporary construction easement will terminate at such time as the construction or improvement of the aforesaid route is completed. And further granted herein is the right and easement to construct, improve and maintain any drain ditches or other drainage facilities that may be needed for the proper and adequate drainage of said route. It is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that the Grantee and its agents shall have the right to inspect the easements herein granted and to cut, clear, and remove all undergrowth, obstructions or improvements lying within, upon or adjacent to said easements that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. The Grantor covenants that no building or structure shall be erected upon or within the easements herein granted or placed in such location as to render the easements inaccessible. In the event the covenant is violated, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repair, replace or otherwise be responsible for such improvements if damaged or removed. Grantor, for the consideration stated above, also covenants and agrees, upon demand of any public utility company or corporation having its facilities in, over or across the lands herein conveyed, that the Grantor will give, grant and convey unto Law Office such public utility company or corporation an easement in, over and across the lands Of Kirk A. Ludwig of the Grantor lying adjacent to the lands herein conveyed for the relocation, construction, operation and maintenance of said facility. The Grantor by execution of this instrument acknowledges that the plans for the aforesaid right-of-way and easements as they affect Grantor's property have been fully explained to Grantor or Grantor's authorized representative. The Grantor covenants and agrees for Grantor and for Grantor's heirs, successors, successors in title, executors, legal representatives and assigns that the consideration aforementioned shall be in lieu of any and all claims to compensation and damages by reason of the location, construction, reconstruction, operation or maintenance of said road right-of-way, including such drainage facilities as may be necessary. This conveyance is made expressly subject to all recorded conditions, reservations, easement and restrictions affecting title to the property herein conveyed. The road right-of-way herein granted is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any easement or right-of-way now in existence or which may be acquired in the future. To have and to hold unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance by said Board of Supervisors of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance Number , adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 20 This document has been prepared by the Law Office of Kirk A. Ludwig on behalf of the Grantee. Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig WITNESS the following signature and seals: (�—\f � �) ARIE A. HANNABASS STATE OF COUNTY ITY to -wit: e foregoing instru ent was acknowledged before me this day of 201by Marie A. Hannabass. Notary ublic My commission expires:// Be inda T87W Cerrdl �;rirtua�attvit'r �V6�g►rEii3 N,„4;Iry'Pubit i rnnrris;;,icnt No. 228900 M41 MCennnm ,,iun Expires JjWr11119 Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA (SEAL) Office of the County Attorney STATE OF COUNTY/CITY OF to -wit.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. My commission expires: Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Notary Public 030 0 C3� • d' a O CD N PARCEL"A" ` C6 P.B. 10 PG. 90 ` �}7 T.M. 1054.02-68-00.00 0, j, PROPERTY OF X16 ,Lo,'1 I I .fes DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS N D.B. 1217 PG. 78 68 oTIN�OV I II P.B.C 1.66 S 1.667 ACRES ppb O 20'ACCESS EASEMENT D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PT PARCEL "E" T.M. #054.02-04-69.00 �\ b PROPERTY OF MARIE A. HANNABASS D.B. 1507 PG. 1627 (PLAT) P.B. 20 PG. 170 1.12 ACRES STYPES71 _ 1 i S85058'001 N81°0,100"E 61.90' 61.901 PROPOSED PAVEMENT 4St C EXISTING 0 0 C`i XI.M 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF STEVEN T. HELM D.B. 1116 PG. 508 (PLAT) \D.B. 1524 PG. 688 0.812 ACRES 'END OF STATE MAINTENANCE SIGN" F/O'R�T Lewisc_'- / ►-►U N PC). S80°3410011E 181 G 149.94' 30' PRT E' .77 RESCRIPrn1E R/W T.M. 1054.04-07-01.00 PROPERTY OF JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED AREA= r,2s6.465.F. = 0.0295Ac. EXISTING ROADWAY EXHIBIT 'A " SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.02-04-69.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS I TAN ARC CHORD DIST "C1" 120°44'37" 37.00' 65.06 77.97' S39°23'04"W 64.32' "C2" 145°07'41" 37.00' 117.81' 93.72' N86026'55"E 70.60' "C3" 85032'56" 25.00' 23.13' 37.33' S56°39'32"W 33.96' RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED AREA= r,2s6.465.F. = 0.0295Ac. EXISTING ROADWAY EXHIBIT 'A " SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.02-04-69.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE CONVEYANCE OF THREE (3) PARCELS OF UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, two (2) adjacent land owners desired to donate portions of their property in fee simple, to Roanoke County for right-of-way purposes to construct a turnaround at the terminus of Fort Lewis Church Road; and WHEREAS, Marie A. Hannabass, Jeno A. Jackson and Marie A. Hannabass, and Jeno A. Jackson and Jay A. Jackson have freely and voluntarily entered into deeds to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to thus allow the Board of Supervisors to obtain ownership of each property for purposes of road construction upon approval of this ordinance and recordation of deeds; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and conveyance of real estate interests to the County of Roanoke be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing was held on August 28, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the donation from Marie A. Hannabass of approximately 0.0295 acre of real estate for purposes of location and construction of Fort Lewis Church Road turnaround as shown on exhibit entitled "Exhibit A" showing right-of-way being conveyed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County by Marie A. Hannabass, Roanoke County Tax Map Parcel #054.02-04-69.00 situated along Fort Lewis Church Road, Page 1 of 2 Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia dated October 20, 2017, is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the donation from Jeno A. Jackson and Marie A. Hannabass of approximately 0.0163 acre of real estate for purposes of location and construction of Fort Lewis Church Road turnaround, as shown on exhibit entitled "Exhibit A" showing right-of-way being conveyed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County by Jeno A. Jackson and Marie A. Hannabass Roanoke County Tax Map Parcel #054.02-04-69.00 situated along Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia dated October 20, 2017, is hereby authorized and approved. 3. That the donation from Jeno A. Jackson and Jay A. Jackson of approximately 0.0560 acre of real estate for purposes of location and construction of Fort Lewis Church Road turnaround, as shown on exhibit entitled "Exhibit A" showing right-of-way being conveyed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County by Jeno A. Jackson and Jay A. Jackson Roanoke County Tax Map Parcel #054.04-07-01.00 situated along Fort Lewis Church Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia dated October 20, 2017, is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administrator are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the donation of this real estate, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. Page 2 of 2 rn � � o ezAl N PARCEL"A" ` a P.B. 10 PG. 90 I z I s T.M. 1054.02-68-00.00 Q L1 X-)� 0 PROPERTY OF L�'1 ' �S� DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS Lu I D.B. 1217 PG. 78 I P.B. 21 PG. 168 1.667 ACRES p(6 otic I I o'1r� p1`L X10 �Di �10`L 20' ACCESS EASEMENT D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 PROPOSED �\ RIGHT-OF-WAY / '�@R.y� r.M. 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF PT PARCEL "E" ` ` / \ STEVEN T. HELM T.M. #054.02-04-69.00 b D.B. 1116 PG. 508 (PLAT) \ / EXISTING\ D.B. 1524 PG. 688 PROPERTY OF FIRE / . \ o.81slz ACRES MARIE A. \ \ / HYDRANT / \ \\ cti / "END OF STATE HANNABASS \ MAINTENANCE SIGN" D.B. 1507 PG. 1627 (PLAT) \ \ P.B. 20 PG. 170 e�r�F FORT �EYVIS 1.12 ACRES CHURCH 10 Rp 65°2 S80 Y84.81' STYPES _!. \ A85 N c3 RT400 E 1`" �9 9 E 777 ioou� 30' PRESCRIPTIVE WW —� T. 'I M. x`054.04-07-01.00 11.5 S85°58'00"E - N81°02 • PROPERTY of • g0, PROPOSED , D JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON 61.90' 61. CZ PAVEMENT a .B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED SHOWING AREA= 7t aO7S.F. = 0.0163Ac. RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO EXISTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY ROADWAY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS & JENO A. JACKSON O� gOANpROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL ##54.02-04-69.00 L SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 r Z CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 0 a�� ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 1838 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Z 0 ^� O DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC CHORD DIST EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED SHOWING AREA= 7t aO7S.F. = 0.0163Ac. RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO EXISTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY ROADWAY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS & JENO A. JACKSON O� gOANpROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL ##54.02-04-69.00 L SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 r Z CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 0 a�� ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 1838 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC CHORD DIST "Cl" 120°44'37" 37.00' 65.06' 77.97' S39023'04"W 64.32' "C2" 145°07'41" 37.00' 117.81' 93.72' N86°26'55"E 70.60' "C3" 85032'56" 25.00' 23.13' 37.33' S56°39'32'W 33.96' EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED SHOWING AREA= 7t aO7S.F. = 0.0163Ac. RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO EXISTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY ROADWAY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS & JENO A. JACKSON O� gOANpROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL ##54.02-04-69.00 L SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 r Z CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 0 a�� ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 1838 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC CHORD DIST "Ci" 120°44'37" 37.00' 65.06' 77.97' 539023'04"W 64.32' I.C21. 145007'41" 37.00' 0 37.33' "C3"85'32'56" 25.00' 23.13' S56°39'32"W 33.96' PARCEL"A" `v � lq- r-4 P.B. 10 PG. 90 d' CD s b-) T.M. 1054.02-68-00.00 a 0 PROPERTY OF p N I DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS ti I _\ D.B. 1217 PG. 78 P.B. 21 PG. 168 1.667 ACRES Cd 20' ACCESS EASEMENT D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 \ PROPOSED \\ \ RIGHT-OF-WAY / @R.q c \ \ / EXISTING PT PARCEL "E" \ T.M. 1054.02-04-69.00 \ \ PROPERTY OF \ \ MARIE A. HANNABASS \ D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 (PLAT) \ P.B. 20 PG. 170 u 1.12 ACRES /JC STYPES — _l i S85058'00"E N81°0'00„E 61.90' 0 61.g01 rmurvacu PAVEMENT P) / �� ����� �ob �^ 14 •� ~ uj / T.M. 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF STEVEN T. HELM \ n c, 1116 PG. 508 'PLAT' D.B. 1524 PG, 688 0.812 ACRES RD' 184.81' q p0„E 1~� RIPTIVE R/W N F.M. 11054.04-07-01.00 PROPERTY OF JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES EXHIBIT "A ” RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED SHOWING AREA= 2,437.45S.F. = 0.056OAc. RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED EXISTING ROADWAY TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.04-07-01.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT s C) rn O 0 N PARCEL "A" ` 06 P.B. 10 PG. 90 I az I I \,y T.M. 1054.02-68-00.00Q� PROPERTY OF DARRELL V. & BONNIE L. WELLONS uj D.B. 1217 PG. 78 I P.B. 21 PG. 168 y�Q I 1.667 ACRES p<b 111 I 20' ACCESS EASEMENT \ D.B. 1507 PG. 1629 PROPOSED �- �\ \ RIGHT-OF-WAY PT PARCEL "E" / T.M. #054.02-04-69.00 b PROPERTY OF FxIsrlNc\ MARIE A. HANNABASS D.B. 1507 PG. 1627 (PLAT) P.B. 20 PG. 170 1.12 ACRES STYPES _ 12 A5 S85058'00"E N81°0 00 E • 61,90' • 61.9° PROPOSED PAVEMENT 0 0, O TM. 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF STEVEN T. HELM • D.B. 1116 PG. 508 (PLAT) D.B.\ 1524 PG, 688 0.812 ACRES Z"END OF STATE MAINTENANCE SIGN" PO �- RT GL3E115 cNURC� SRD . 1�848.1.'80°34'00°�149.'� TE' .94 so' pRRESCRIPTIVE R/W T.M. 1054.04-07-01.00 PROPERTY OF JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES °ti ^`� / ��``o� a �P DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC 0 0, O TM. 1054.02-67-00.00 PROPERTY OF STEVEN T. HELM • D.B. 1116 PG. 508 (PLAT) D.B.\ 1524 PG, 688 0.812 ACRES Z"END OF STATE MAINTENANCE SIGN" PO �- RT GL3E115 cNURC� SRD . 1�848.1.'80°34'00°�149.'� TE' .94 so' pRRESCRIPTIVE R/W T.M. 1054.04-07-01.00 PROPERTY OF JENO A. & JAY A. JACKSON D.B. 939 PG. 359 (PLAT) INSTRUMENT #200211729 5.020 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED AREA= 1,286..46S.F. = a0295Ac. EXISTING ROADWAY EXHIBIT 'A " SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.02-04-69.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC CHORD DIST "Cl" 120044'37" 37.00' 65.06' 77.97' S39023'04"W 64.32' "C2" 145°07'41" 37.00' 117.81' 93.72' N86°26'55"E 70.60' "C3" 85032'56" 25.00' 23.13' 37.33' S56°39'32"W 33.96' RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED AREA= 1,286..46S.F. = a0295Ac. EXISTING ROADWAY EXHIBIT 'A " SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY BY MARIE A. HANNABASS ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #54.02-04-69.00 SITUATED ALONG FORT LEWIS CHURCH ROAD RTE. 777 CATWAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2017 PREPARED BY ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Ordinance authorizing the granting of a new public drainage easement to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on property owned by Ms. Ellen Smith Ryan, Tax Map No. 087.05-04-17.00-0000 for the purpose of facilitating Stormwater Management Tarek Moneir Acting Director of Development Services Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Ordinance authorizing the granting of a new public easement by Ellen Smith Ryan to the Board of Supervisor of Roanoke County tax map no. 087.05-04-17.00-0000 for the purpose of facilitating storm water management, Cave Spring Magisterial District. BACKGROUND: Ms. Ellen Smith Ryan is granting a variable width, 1,521 sq. ft. public drainage easement located on Tax Map No. 087.05-04-17.00-0000 shown upon the plat titled "Easement Plat Showing New Public Storm Drain Easement situate 3807 Bell Meade Drive, Lot 7, Block 1" dated 1 May 2018 as shown in the attachment. This drainage easement is needed to complete the previously planned and funded Belle Meade drainage project. The Belle Meade drainage project is a revenue sharing, storm drain improvement project jointly funded by the County of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Transportation. It is "Phase II" of a project completed in October of 2011; which will bring the drainage system in the area to current design standards including the construction of an adequate outfall to a natural watercourse. Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: The plans for this project as they affect Ms. Ryan's property have been fully explained to Ms. Ryan and her authorized representative. Once this stormwater easement is accepted by Roanoke County, the continued maintenance will be the responsibility of Roanoke County. The Department of Community Development is in concurrence with this request. FISCAL IMPACT: Other than One Dollar ($1.00) paid in hand at and with the execution and delivery of the attached Deed, there is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. The County currently maintains the existing stormwater easement. This expansion of the easement will not impact maintenance costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of this ordinance and schedule the public hearing and second reading for August 28, 2018. Page 2 of 2 TAX. #087.05-04-05.00 EX. 12' WIDE P.U.E. r "Attachment A" TAX. #087.05-04-03.00 EX. VARIABLE1� D' W16TN D.E. I o ! \ 1 18.0' r NEW VARIABLE WIDTH DRAINAGE Lo EASEMENT I o I 0,521 S.F.) I N W A 00 ol TAX #087.05-04-16.00 0 ! TAX #087.05-04-18.00 LOT 6, BLOCK 1 0 ! LOT 8, BLOCK 1 BELLE MEADE! PROPERTY OF BELLE MEADE z I ELLEN SMITH RYAN I ' ! TAX #087.05-04-17.00 EXIST. 10' WIDE I I LOT 7, BLOCK 1 DRAINAGE q55'1 BELLE MEADE, P.B. 3, PG. 286 EASEMENTW.B. 201800007 I I 1;1 ' I I I ! I < N.88'3400 . ,�1oa,ao -- BELLE MEADE DRIVE VA SEC. RTE. 1633 - 50,R.O.W. NOTES: 1. REFERENCE: BELLE MEADE, RECORDED IN P.B. 3, Pg. 286 2, THIS PLAT IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. 3, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN ZONE "X" AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA FLOW INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NO. 51161CO232`0, DATED SEPT 28, 2007. a4►�'�H of vj FRANK B. CALDWELL,III LIC. NO. 1335 / MAY 18 J DATE: 05/01/18 W.O.: 16-0012 N.B.: RkeCo #3 SCALE: 1"= 40' CALC: J.V.J. DRAWN: J.V.J. CLOSED: J.V.J. CHECKED: F.B.C. EASEMENT PLAT FOR COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHOWING NEW PUBLIC STORM DRAW EASEMENT SITUATE 3807 BELLE MEADE DRIVE LOT 7, BLOCK 1 BELLE MEADE, P.B. 3, PG. 286 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VA. !rCWA CALDWELL .WHITE ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS / PLANNERS 4203 MELROSE AVENUE, NW P.O. BOK 6260 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24017 (640) 366-3400 FAX: (640) 366--8702 "Attachment B" Exemption claimed: Roanoke County is exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to Section 17.1-266, Code of Virginia Prepared by: County Attorney's Office Tax Map No. 087.05-04-17.00-0000: THIS DEED OF EASEMENT made this day of (I Z 2018, by and between ELLEN SMITH RYAN, Grantor, and the BO RD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), paid in hand at and with the execution and delivery of this Deed, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby GRANT and CONVEY unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the following described new variable width storm drainage real estate easement: A perpetual RIGHT of EASEMENT, of variable width, containing 1,521 square feet, to construct, install, improve, operate, inspect, use, maintain, monitor, and repair or replace a variable -width DRAINAGE EASEMENT, together with related improvements, including slope(s), if applicable, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto from a public road, upon, over, under, and across a tract or parcel of land belonging to Grantor, shown upon the Plat entitled "Easement Plat Showing New Public Storm Drain Easement situate 3807 Belle Meade Drive, Lot 7, Block 1" dated 1 May 2018 and prepared by Caldwell White Associates, P.C., said parcel designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map Number 087.05-04-17.00. The location of said easement is more particularly described on the Plat attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and by reference incorporated herein. Page 1 of 4 The "Variable -Width Drainage Easement" containing 1,521 square feet being for the installation and maintenance of a new drainage easement and to allow for ,1 necessary grading and storage during any phase of construction, reconstruction, repair or replacements of the improvements to the drainage system, the location of which is set forth on the Plat (Exhibit A). The Grantee agrees to restore and repair any actual damage to Grantor's property that may be directly caused by the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of said project except as hereinafter provided. The Grantor agrees that the Grantee will not be expected to restore the property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as is practicable, and that the Grantor will cooperate with the Grantee in effectuating such restoration. It is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that the Grantee and its agents have the right to inspect the easement herein granted and to cut, clear, and remove all trees, shrubbery, undergrowth, obstructions, or improvements lying within, upon, or adjacent to said easement that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. The Grantor covenants that no building or structure shall be erected upon or within the easement herein granted or placed in such location as to render said easement inaccessible. In the event that this covenant is violated, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repair, replace, or otherwise be responsible for such improvements if damaged or removed. The Grantor acknowledges that the plans for the aforesaid project as they affect Grantor's property have been fully explained to Grantor or Grantor's authorized representative. The fixtures, facilities, lines, utilities, and any other improvements Page 2 of 4 placed upon, under, or across the easement by the Grantee shall remain the property of the Grantee. The easement herein granted is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any easement or right-of-way now in existence or which may be acquired in the future. The Grantor covenants and agrees for itself, and for its successors and assigns that the consideration aforementioned and the covenants herein shall be in lieu of any and all claims to compensation and damages by reason of the location, construction, operation, maintenance, or reconstruction of or within the easement area. The grant and provision of this Deed of Easement shall constitute a covenant running with the land for the benefit of the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. To have and to hold unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance by said Board of Supervisors of the interest in the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 2018. Approved as to form; Mary Beth Nash Senior Assistant County Attorney Page 3 of 4 WITNESS the following signatures and seals: ELLEN SMITH RYAN Commonwealth of Virginia County of Roanoke, to -wit: (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this C- day of 2018, by Ellen Smith Ryan, Grantor. ~mow .b Notary Public ,•,,.k. "", My commission expires: r� '•`'t`..'.,'...`,, 'i •s A ., RY 1 . 1y 1 y q 7649133 •_ 1AY Cam. '•• ` ,fes BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF '•.,•• '``•�•.••..••••'•l*,a• ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA Lam..••'" Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator Commonwealth of Virginia County of Roanoke, to -wit: (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of '2018, by Thomas C. Gates, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Grantee. My commission expires: Notary Public Page 4 of 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF A NEW PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT BY ERNESTINE SMITH TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ON PROPERTY OWNED BY ELLEN SMITH RYAN (TAX MAP NO. 087.05-04-17.00) FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT WHEREAS, the Roanoke County has requested that Ellen Smith Ryan ("Ryan") grant the County a new variable one thousand five hundred twenty-one square foot public drainage easement across Ryan's property in the County (Tax Map No. 087.05-04-17.00) said new drainage easement to adjoin an existing culvert currently located on the same parcel; and WHEREAS, the new public drainage easement will facilitate storm water management along Belle Meade Drive, which is a residential area; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and conveyance of real estate interests be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing was held on August 28, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County shall acquire a new twenty -foot public drainage easement across property belonging to Ryan, adjacent to Belle Meade Drive, more specifically identified on Tax Map No. 087.05-04-17.00, containing 1,521 square feet and shown on the attached plat prepared by Caldwell White Associates, dated May 1, 2018, and such conveyance is hereby authorized and approved. Page 1 of 2 2. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrators, either of whom may act, are authorized to execute, deliver and record the deeds, and any other documents on behalf of the County and to take all such further action as any of them may deem necessary or desirable in connection with this project. The form of the deed is hereby approved with such completions, omissions, insertions and changes as the County Administrator may approve, whose approval shall be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery thereof, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Ordinance amending sections of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Appendix A of the Roanoke County Code) dealing with agritourism activities Philip Thompson Acting Director of Planning Thomas C. Gates County Administrator First reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance BACKGROUND: On January 23, 2018, the Board of Supervisors requested staff to work with the Planning Commission to consider amendments to the County's Zoning Ordinance dealing with agritourism activities. DISCUSSION: Over the last several months, the Planning Commission and staff have reviewed, discussed, and developed amendments to the County's Zoning Ordinance regarding agritourism activities. The proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance would: Amend Article II (Definitions and Use Types) o Add definitions for agritourism, farm brewery, farm distillery, and farm winery Amend Article III (District Regulations) o Add agritourism, farm brewery, farm distillery, and farm winery as permitted by right uses in the AG -3, AG -1, AR, and AV zoning districts Amend Article IV (Use and Design Standards) Page 1 of 2 o Add use and design standards for agritourism, farm brewery, farm distillery, and farm winery o Amend the use and design standards for special events facility Amend Article V (Development Standards) o Add minimum parking required standards for agritourism, farm brewery, farm distillery, and farm winery o Amend the parking area surface standards for agricultural and forestry use types The Planning Commission held a public hearing on these amendments on June 5, 2018. No citizens spoke on this issue during the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed amendments. The Planning Commission also recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution providing guidance to the Zoning Administrator when reviewing and determining agritourism activities, which will be considered by the Board at its August 28, 2018 meeting. The Planning Commission also recommended that the Board of Supervisors consider revisiting the noise ordinance regarding agritourism activities. FISCAL IMPACT: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the first reading of the ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance regarding agritourism activities and schedule the public hearing and second reading for August 28, 2018. Page 2 of 2 COUNTY CODE SECTIONS (FOR REFERENCE) Chapter 13 — Offenses - Miscellaneous ARTICLE II - NOISE Sec. 13-21. Specific acts as noise disturbances. The following acts are declared to be noise disturbances in violation of this article unless specifically excepted in section 13-19. (6) Using or operating a loudspeaker or other sound amplification devices in a fixed or movable position exterior to any building, or mounted upon any motor vehicle or mounted in the interior of a building with the intent of providing service to an exterior area for the purpose of commercial advertising, giving instruction, information, directions, talks, addresses, lectures, or providing entertainment to any persons or assemblage of persons on any private or public property, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day. Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance ARTICLE V — DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SEC. 30-91. OFF STREET PARKING, STACKING AND LOADING. Sec. 30-91-3,3. Minimum Parking Required. Schedule B Specific requirements shall be determined by the administrator based on requirements for similar uses, location of proposed use, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use, and appropriate traffic engineering and planning criteria and information. Determination of requirements may be appealed to the board of zoning appeals. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, , 2018 RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S REVIEW OF AGRITOURISM ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, at Title 15.2, Section 15.2- 2288.6 Agricultural Operations; Local Regulation of Certain Activities addresses the regulatory arrangement in the Commonwealth of Virginia as to agritourism; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County continues to recognize that agricultural activities including agritourism are an integral component of the County's economy and that maintaining the continued vitality of agriculture is necessary to achieve and preserve a balanced tax base and a diverse, healthy economy benefiting all of the citizens of the County; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia has enacted Section 15.2-2286.6 of the Code of Virginia, which prohibits a locality from regulating the following activities at an agricultural operation' unless there is a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public: 1. "Agritourism activities," which are defined in Section 3.2-6400 of the Code of Virginia as "any activity carried out on a farm or ranch that allows members of the general public, for recreational, entertainment, or educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural activities, including farming, wineries, ranching, historical, cultural, harvest -your -own activities, or i "Agricultural operation" means any operation devoted to the bona fide production of crops, or animals, or fowl including the production of fruits and vegetables of all kinds; meat, dairy, and poultry products; nuts, tobacco, nursery, and floral products; and the production and harvest of products from silviculture activity. Code of Virginia Sec. 3.2-300. Page 1 of 4 natural activities and attractions. An activity is an agritourism activity whether or not the participant paid to participate in the activity"; 2. The sale of agricultural or silvicultural products, or the sale of agricultural - related or silvicultural-related items incident to the agricultural operation; 3. The preparation, processing, or sale of food products in compliance with subdivisions A 3, 4, and 5 of § 3.2-5130 or related state laws and regulations; or 4. Other activities or events that are usual and customary at Virginia agricultural operations; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2288.6(A) of the Code of Virginia further mandates that "any local restriction placed on an activity listed above shall be reasonable and shall take into account the economic impact of the restriction of the agricultural operation and the agricultural nature of the activity"; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2288.6(B) of the Code of Virginia further states that "no locality shall require a special exception or special use permit for any activity listed above on property that is zoned as an agricultural district or classification unless there is a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public"; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2288.6(C) of the Code of Virginia further states that that "except regarding the sound generated by outdoor amplified music, no local ordinance regulating the sound generated by any activity listed above shall be more restrictive than the general noise ordinance of the locality, however in permitting outdoor amplified music at an agricultural operation, the locality shall consider the effect on adjoining property owners and nearby residents"; and Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, presently there are no written factors, mechanism, or procedures for the County's Zoning Administrator to evaluate whether a specific activity as described above as engaged in by an individual or entity imposes a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that: 1. Roanoke County will request those engaging in agritourism activities to declare their intent to do so by filing (with the Zoning Administrator) the attached Declaration and Determination Form, found at Attachment A to this Resolution, which form may be updated from time to time by the County Zoning Administrator. 2. The Zoning Administrator will review these matters administratively on a case-by- case, individual basis in accordance with the factors and criteria set forth on the Declaration and Determination Form. The Zoning Administrator will first determine whether the proposed activity constitutes agritourism. If the Zoning Administrator finds that the proposed activity is an agritourism activity, he will then determine whether the proposed agritourism activity will have a substantial impact on the health, safety or welfare of the general public. Activities found to have such an impact shall require approval of a special use permit in accordance with Section 30-19 et seq. of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance prior to commencing the activity. 3. Recognizing that the scope and impact of activities may change over time, the Zoning Administrator shall have the discretion to reconsider and reverse his prior Page 3 of 4 determinations regarding the existence of an agritourism activity's substantial impact. Page 4 of 4 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A PART 1: AGRITOURISM DECLARATION OBJECTIVE: Determine whether the property qualifies for auitourism use. This application and the answers to the questions below constitute your DECLARATION of intent to conduct agritourism activities on your property. Please answer ALL questions thoroughly and add as many attachments and/ or details as necessary. Name or company name Property owner or primary contact (if different from above) Property address City State Zip Tax map/ parcel nos. Zoning Acreage Magisterial district Phone no. What types of agricultural operations are regularly done on the property? What services/products will be provided by the farm or ranch as a result of the proposed asiritourism activitv? Page 1 of 7 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A Will any services or products be provided by an outside source? If so, explain: Will anyone be employed who does not reside on the premises, and who is employed solely for aLyritourism aurnoses? If yes, what is the estimated number of outside employees to be employed for the agritourism activity? Is your property currently in Roanoke County's Land Use Tax Assessment Program? To be completed by the Zoning Administrator This property DOES qualify for agritourism This property DOES NOT qualify for activities. ❑ a2ritourism activities. ❑ NOTES Page 2 of 7 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A PART 2: IMPACT DETERMINATION OBJECTIVE: If the property qualifies for agritourism, determine whether the proposed ap-ritourism activity creates a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. Roanoke County, in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Section 15.2-2288.6, is authorized to make a determination whether certain agritourism activities would have a "substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public." The Board of Supervisors authorizes that this determination shall be made administratively, by the Zoning Administrator, on a case-by-case basis. In order to guide that determination, certain factors of consideration and a set of specific questions have been developed and are set forth on the pages which follow. The following examples are intended to inform applicants of the types of impacts that may be found to have a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public: • Frequency and hours of operation: Agritourism events which are sporadic, such as occasional weddings or large events which only occur a few times per year are not likely to have a substantial impact. Conversely, events occurring on a daily or weekly basis would be more likely to have a substantial impact, but such determination would further depend on other factors such as crowd size and or traffic generation. • Vehicle trips per day: Activities that generate large volumes of traffic may be found to have a substantial impact if such traffic would pose a safety hazard to the travelling public. The number of trips would need to be considered in relation to the access available to the subject site, such as existing or proposed entrance improvements and what type of road is being accessed (primary road or secondary road, paved or unpaved, public or private). • Amplified music (or other noise generated): The County has a noise/nuisance ordinance that it may rely upon to address this issue, however where there is an expectation of frequent noise that could be audible from adjacent and neighboring properties, that could very well be determined to have a substantial impact. • Structures: In instances where farm structures will be regularly used for assembly purposes, ingress and egress, structural integrity, fire protection, etc. will be considered in determining whether there is a substantial impact on public safety from a proposed Agritourism activity. • Size of the subject property and location of activity on the property: A large parcel which provides a significant buffer to neighbors is much less likely to be found to have a substantial impact. • Sanitation: A clear plan for providing adequate water and wastewater services during Agritourism events will be important in any finding of no substantial impact. • Access: As noted above under "Vehicle trips per day" substantial impact may be clear when driveway access is inadequate to handle the volume of traffic. Also, introducing large volumes of traffic onto a private road will often dictate that there is a substantial impact. • Parking management: A clear plan to address adequate parking management for events that generate concentrated volumes of traffic is expected. The management plan shall describe the use of and positioning of staff, volunteers, security or off-duty law enforcement to direct vehicular traffic to clearly delineated parking areas or back-ups on adjoining public roads. The introduction of large volumes of traffic without a viable traffic management plan may indicate a significant impact. Page 3 of 7 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A ACTIVITY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS What type of activity is being proposed? What is the frequency and/ or hours of operation for your proposed activity? How many vehicle trips per day (VTPD) are expected from your proposed activity? Over 50? (This number should not include vehicle trips associated with any normal day-to-day operations of the farm). Will the activity use outdoor amplified music? Will the activity use outdoor lighting? Page 4 of 7 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A Will structures be used in conjunction with any proposed agritourism activity? (Barns, sheds, etc.) If yes, are the structures used for farm purposes? Such structures must be used generally for farm purposes but can be occupied for agritourism activities on an infrequent basis. PROPERTY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS How far will activities be from the nearest nronerty boundarv? Is the property located on a shared private road? If yes, do you have an active road maintenance agreement? How do you plan to accommodate anticipated parking for your activity? Page 5 of 7 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A Are there any open waterways (ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, etc.) located on the property and how do you plan to ensure the environmental integrity of these waterways as well as the safetv of vour activity patrons? How do you plan on accommodating minimum sanitation standards and/or adequate sewage disposal for your activity? (Restrooms, permanent or portable. A permit from the Vireinia Department of Health (VDH) may be necessarv). What potential impacts do you foresee the proposed activities having upon adjacent or neighboring properties (including but not limited to potential impacts listed on page 3 of this form)? Page 6 of 7 Agritourism Resolution Attachment A To be completed by the Zoning Administrator The proposed agritourism use DOES create a The proposed agritourism use DOES NOT substantial impact on the health, safety, or create a substantial impact on the health, general welfare of the public. ❑ safety, or general welfare of the public. ❑ NOTES TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS: By my signature, I willfully declare that the information provided is correct and complete. I am the property owner or am authorized to file this form on behalf of the property owner or organization. I acknowledge that the information provided on and attached to this form is considered public information and will be made available for public review during and after the determination process. I further certify that if the above -designated property ceases to be used for agricultural purposes, the Zoning Administrator will be immediately notified prior to conducting further agritourism activities; such a change in use may affect the property's eligibility to host agritourism activities. Recognizing that the scope of proposed agritourism activities may foreseeably change over time, I acknowledge that the Zoning Administrator may decide, at a future time, to re-evaluate whether the agritourism activities create a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. (Signature of Owner / Officer) (Printed name) Page 7 of 7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE (APPENDIX A TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE) DEALING WITH AGRITOURISM ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the 2014 General Assembly of Virginia enacted, and the Governor signed into law, Section 15.2-2288.6 of the Code of Virginia, a provision that highlights and protects certain rights of agricultural operations engaged in the bona fide cultivation and harvesting of agricultural products; and WHEREAS, the rights of owners of bona fide agricultural operations include the right to conduct on-site agritourism activities, the sale of certain specified products incidental to the agricultural operation, the preparation, processing of certain specified food products and activities that are usual and customary on agricultural operations; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County continues to recognize that agricultural activities including agritourism are an integral component of the County's economy and that maintaining the continued vitality of agriculture is necessary to achieve and preserve a balanced tax base and a diverse, healthy economy benefiting all of the citizens of the County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes that, as with any new statutory initiative, a general framework for supporting and addressing agritourism activities will assist County Staff and citizens; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing were held on August 28, 2018. Page 1 of 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that 1. The below sections (or portions of sections) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read and provide as follows (all sections or portions of sections not set forth below shall remain in effect without change): ARTICLE II — DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES SEC. 30-29. USE TYPES; GENERALLY. Sec. 30-29-1. Agricultural and Forestry Use Types. Agritourism: Any activity carried out on a farm or ranch that allows members of the general public, for recreational, entertainment, or educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural activities, including farming, wineries, ranching, historical, cultural, harvest - your -own activities, or natural activities and attractions. An activity is an agritourism activity whether or not the participant paid to participate in the activity. Farm brewery: An establishment located on one or more lots in Roanoke County licensed as a limited brewery under Section 4.1-208 of the Code of Virginia. Farm distillery: An establishment located on one or more lots in Roanoke County to which a limited distiller's license is issued under Section 4.1-206 of the Code of Virginia. Farm winery: An establishment located on one or more lots in Roanoke County licensed as a farm winery under Section 4.1-207 of the Code of Virginia. ARTICLE III — DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30-32. AG -3 AGRICULTURAL/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT. Sec. 30-32-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Page 2 of 7 Agritourism * Farm Brewery * Farm Distillery * Farm Winery * SEC. 30-33. AG -1 AGRICULTURAL/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT. Sec. 30-33-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agritourism * Farm Brewery * Farm Distillery * Farm Winery * SEC. 30-34. AR AGRICULTURAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-34-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agritourism * Farm Brewery * Farm Distillery * Farm Winery * Page 3 of 7 SEC. 30-36. AV AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT. Sec. 30-36-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by requirements contained in this ordinance. modified or more stringent standards as standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agritourism * Farm Brewery * Farm Distillery * Farm Winery * right subject to An asterisk (*) listed in article all other applicable indicates additional, IV, use and design ARTICLE IV — USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30-81. AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY USES. Sec. 30-81-1.5. Agritourism. (A) Agritourism activities shall be considered by -right uses unless there is a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. If the zoning administrator determines that the agritourism activities will have a substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public, a special use permit shall be required. (B) Outdoor amplified music shall be regulated by Section 13-21(6) of the County Code (Noise Ordinance). 30-81-2.5. Farm Brewery. (A) Accessory uses may include, but are not limited to, tasting rooms, gift shops, offices, retail sales of alcoholic beverages manufactured on site, food sales and service, and facility tours. (B) Events may be conducted at a farm brewery on one or more days, where the purpose is agritourism or to promote beer sales, and which may be, but is not limited to, festivals; receptions; weddings; reunions; anniversary and birthday celebrations; club meetings and activities; tasting educational seminars; tasting luncheons or dinners; business meetings; corporate gatherings; agritourism promotions; and fundraisers and charity events. Page 4 of 7 (C) Outdoor amplified music shall be regulated by Section 13-21(6) of the County Code (Noise Ordinance). 30-81-2.6. Farm Distillery. (A) Accessory uses may include, but are not limited to, tasting rooms, gift shops, offices, retail sales of alcoholic beverages manufactured on site, food sales and service, and facility tours. (B) Events may be conducted at a farm distillery on one or more days, where the purpose is agritourism or to promote the sale of distilled spirits, and which may be, but is not limited to, festivals; receptions; weddings; reunions; anniversary and birthday celebrations; club meetings and activities; tasting educational seminars; tasting luncheons or dinners; business meetings; corporate gatherings; agritourism promotions; and fundraisers and charity events. (C) Outdoor amplified music shall be regulated by Section 13-21(6) of the County Code (Noise Ordinance). Sec. 30-81-3.5. Farm Winery. (A) Accessory uses may include, but are not limited to, tasting rooms, gift shops, offices, retail sales of alcoholic beverages manufactured on site, food sales and service, and facility tours. (B) Events may be conducted at a farm winery on one or more days, where the purpose is agritourism or to promote wine sales, and which may be, but is not limited to, festivals; receptions; weddings; reunions; anniversary and birthday celebrations; club meetings and activities; tasting educational seminars; tasting luncheons or dinners; business meetings; corporate gatherings; agritourism promotions; and fundraisers and charity events. (C) Outdoor amplified music shall be regulated by Section 13-21(6) of the County Code (Noise Ordinance). SEC. 30-85. COMMERCIAL USES Sec. 30-85-24.6. Special Events Facility. (A) General Standards: 1. The site shall front directly on and have direct access to a publicly owned and maintained street. Page 5 of 7 2. Outdoor amplified music shall be regulated by Section 13-21(6) of the County Code (Noise Ordinance). ARTICLE V — DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SEC. 30-91. OFF STREET PARKING, STACKING AND LOADING. Sec. 30-91-3. Number of Parking Spaces Required. Sec. 30-91-3,3. Minimum Parking Required. USE TYPE PARKING REQUIRED (A) Agricultural and Forestry Use Types Agriculture No requirement Agritourism No requirement Commercial Feedlots No requirement Farm Brewery See Schedule B Farm Distillery See Schedule B Farm Employee Housing 2 spaces per dwelling unit Farm Winery See Schedule B Forestry Operations No requirement Stable, Private No requirement Stable, Commmercial 1 space per employee, plus 1 space for every 4 animals stabled Wayside Stand 1 space per 100 sq. ft., 3 spaces minimum Sec. 30-91-4. Parking Area Design Standards. Sec. 30-91-4.3. Parking Area Surface Standards. (A) All off-street parking and stacking areas, except for those required for single family and two family dwellings or agricultural and forestry use types, shall be graded for drainage and surfaced with concrete, asphalt, bituminous pavement, brick or stone pavers, or a permeable or pervious surface in accordance with the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Where permeable or pervious pavers are used, when required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code ADA - compliant pavers shall be utilized. 1. Within the Clearbrook village overlay district, any parking areas or parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum requirements of this ordinance, shall be constructed with a permeable or pervious pavement material in Page 6 of 7 accordance with the Roanoke County Stormwater Management Design Manual. Gravel shall not be accepted as an approved permeable or pervious surface. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Page 7 of 7 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Ordinance repealing and replacing the Code of the County of Roanoke - Chapter 2, Article IV, from Self -Insurance Program to Risk Management Program Mary Beth Nash Senior Assistant County Attorney Thomas C. Gates County Administrator The current Roanoke County Code concerning a "Self -Insurance Program" (Chapter 2, Article IV, §2-80-87) no longer reflects Roanoke County's process for providing risk - management services and the administration of insurance coverage to its property and employees. BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted Chapter 2, Article IV, §2-80 -87 (titled "Self -Insurance Program") into the Roanoke County Code on June 14, 1994 (Ord. 61494-6, §1). The ordinance became effective on July 1, 1994. It has been amended once on February 23, 2016 (Ord. 022316-3) to provide clarifications to provisions regarding Fire and Rescue Volunteers. The article created a self-insurance program to provide for the administration of claims made against the County, its employees and losses from damages not otherwise covered by commercial insurance policies. The program also created an internally - administered, self-insurance fund for the purposes of paying judicially -ordered claim awards, claim settlements/ adjustments, administrative expenses and securing third - party insurance policies. The program established specific liability limits, covered risks, limitations and exclusions, administrative procedures, settlement authority levels and other technical Page 1 of 2 details. The article allows for additional third -party services and/or insurance policies to be secured to supplement the self-insurance program. DISCUSSION: This article should be amended to adopt new language providing for modern risk management and insurance administrative practices. Replacing the current "Self -Insurance Program" article with the language proposed would allow the County Code to reflect more efficient practices for providing insurance coverage and risk -management services without limiting the County's options for doing so in the future. The proposed replacement language would provide the same authorizations to establish and administer the important services originally intended but in a significantly more efficient manner. In lieu of the significant level of detail outlining specific processes and specifications in the article's current language, a new administrative policy has been drafted to supplement the proposed amended article. This policy would establish appropriate minimum levels of coverage the County will maintain, and outline standards for the management and administration of insurance contracts and relevant services. By governing these details through administrative policy instead of Code provisions the County will be more adaptable to evolving conditions and addressing future needs. The new article language being proposed does not restrict the County's options for providing applicable services or liability coverage to only third -party contracts, nor does it preclude the use of a self-insurance program (or a variation thereof) in the future. The amended language does not alter the level of authority granted to the County Administrator by the Board to provide and administer such services, nor does it reflect changes to the standards of coverage, protections, or services intended of the original article's provisions. Additionally, the amended language and administrative policy retains the County's sole authority to make claim settlements/adjustments pursuant to the terms previously established by the Board. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends amending Chapter 2, Article IV, §2-80-87 of the Roanoke County Code as provided in accompanying supplemental documents and scheduling the second reading and public hearing for August 28, 2018. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE - CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE IV, FROM SELF- INSURANCE PROGRAM TO RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, on July 1, 1994, the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 61494-6, enacting a Self -Insurance program to reflect the manner in which the County indemnified losses not otherwise covered by commercial insurance policies, including coverage for injuries to employees, volunteers, and third parties, as well as coverage for other property and casualty claims and further, the Ordinance provided for a claims management system overseen by County Trustees; and WHEREAS, since it was enacted in 1994 and amended only once since then its original enactment to identify coverage for certain volunteers, the County has recognized that its processes for risk management, claims administration, and indemnifying those who allege injury or loss have changed; thus, it is necessary to amend this portion of the County Code to reflect the evolution of more efficient and cost- effective risk management, claims administration and insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, the amendments to this Ordinance will not adversely affect the County, its agents, employees, or citizens with regard to any legally mandated insurance coverage or indemnification; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing were held on August 28, 2018; and Page 1 of 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Self -Insurance ordinance for Roanoke County is hereby repealed and amended as follows: Sec. 2-80. - SCOPeGFeatiGR and purpose. • The County shall provide for the administration of claims arising out of accidents and other occurrences of alleged injury to persons or property that may be brought against the County, its officers, agents and employees, and further, shall provide for the administration of any judicially -mandated awards from such claims in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia and/or other applicable statutes or regulations. The County Administrator, or their designee, shall be responsible for the management and/or oversight of such claims, and all other risk management measures implemented pursuant to these provisions. 1 Section 15.2-1518 sets forth the authority for the County to obtain insurance or self -insure for the risks described herein. Page 2 of 12 To the extent that the County elects to enter into contracts of insurance or participate in group self-insurance pools to indemnify the County against such claims, it shall do so in accord with all applicable statutes. The County shall also provide for reasonable risk -management measures and/or services necessary to mitigate the County's losses and liabilities for such claims. Nothing contained in these risk management provisions shall be construed to abrogate or waive any defense of sovereign immunity, official immunity, governmental immunity, or any other defense available to the County, or any covered person. These risk management provisions do not create a contract between the County and any person, employee, agent or entity, nor is it intended to create any third -party beneficiaries. These provisions do not create any vested rights or property interests in anyone, except as required by statute. Sec. 2-81. - Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning: Claim(s) means requests for payment for personal injury or property damage. County officer means a member of the board of county supervisors, a constitutional officer, an elected official, or a member of a board, commission or authority which is appointed by the board of supervisors or performs functions of the county, e.g., electoral board, board of zoning appeals Covered person means a county officer, county employee, or fire and rescue volunteer. Employee means a person other than a volunteer or county officer who performs services for the county, is paid wages or a salary by the county in exchange for services, and who is subject to direction by county officers or their designees. The term also includes persons who perform functions of the county, e.g., registrar. The term specifically excludes independent contractors. Occurrence means an event or accident that results in personal injury or property damage. Personal injury includes: (1) Death, bodily injury, sickness, shock, intentional infliction of mental anguish or mental injury; (2) False arrest, false imprisonment, wrongful eviction, wrongful detention, malicious prosecution, or humiliation; (3) Libel, slander, defamation, invasion of rights to privacy, infringement of copyright, false service of civil papers, abuse of process; Page 3 of 12 (4) Assault and battery; and (5) Deprivation of rights, privileges, or immunities secured by state or federal law or by the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of Virginia. Property damage means physical injury to or destruction of tangible and/or intangible property and all direct and consequential loss resulting therefrom. Self jpsI4FapGe fund. The ris-k management f6lAd- shall be a _19191 -19 -at , , mss. manager, nr their de'�Jl , Volunteer means a person other than a county officer or employee who performs services for the county without remuneration and who performs them subject to direction by county officers or employees and who is registered as such with the county's department of human resources. (Ord. No. 61494-6, § 1, 6-14-94; Ord. No. 022316-3 , 2-23-16) Page 4 of 12 Page 5 of 12 Page 6 of 12 Page 7 of 12 Page 8 of 12 Page 9 of 12 Page 10 of 12 me' -e gee Page 11 of 12 ViFginia Di 1hlin /int roton+iA-n r -r aRy OVn000` PE)linioo /(l rd N, n 61.494 _F § 1 G:_ 1r-r4-Q�7 Se S. 2 88 2? 1 QQ. Reserved That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption Page 12 of 12 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: BACKGROUND: July 24, 2018 Ordinance amending the Code of the County of Roanoke, by amending and re-enacting Chapter 21 Taxation, Article III -- Real Estate Taxes, Section 21-42 -- Moratorium on the granting of Exemptions from Real Estate and Personal Property taxes by designation Peter Lubeck Senior Assistant County Attorney Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Roanoke County, pursuant to directives and permissions set forth in the Constitution and Code of Virginia, grants annual tax exemptions to certain qualifying individuals and owners of real property. At present, the County provides exemptions to the following individuals in the amount of approximately $909,424 per year: 1) Disabled veterans ($584,764 estimated revenue impact in 2018); 2) Surviving spouses of members of armed forces killed in action ($2,767 estimated revenue impact in 2018); and 3) Elderly and disabled individuals ($321,893 estimated revenue impact in 2018). Exemptions are also provided to the owners of the following categories of real property in the amount of approximately $14,523,048 per year: 4) Properties which are eligible for "land use" assessments (properties used for agricultural, horticultural, forestal, etc. purposes are taxed at "use value" instead of fair market value) ($1,795,218 estimated revenue impact in 2018); Page 1 of 2 5) Properties exempt by "classification" by the General Assembly (the General Assembly has set forth certain types, or classes, or organizations (such as religious or charitable organizations) that are exempt from taxation) ($12,002,745 estimated revenue impact in 2018); and 6) Properties exempt by "designation" (the General Assembly (prior to January 1, 2003) and the Board of Supervisors (after January 1, 2003) have approved exemptions by designation for 8 organizations in total) ($725,085 estimated revenue impact in 2018). The proposed moratorium would affect only new designations (pursuant to the above noted category 6). Prior to January 1, 2003, when certain charitable organizations did not qualify for tax exemption under the classes established by the General Assembly (pursuant to category 5 above) the General Assembly occasionally, with the recommendation of localities, designated the real property of such organizations as tax exempt. After January 1, 2003, the General Assembly placed the authority to make additional designations with the localities, in the localities' discretion. Section 58.1-3651 of the Code of Virginia sets forth criteria that a local governing body shall consider when reviewing an application for tax exemption by designation. Such criteria include "the revenue impact to the locality and its taxpayers of exempting the property" and "any other criteria, facts, and circumstances that the governing body deems pertinent to the adoption of such ordinance." DISCUSSION: If the Board imposes the proposed moratorium, individuals and property owners may continue to remain or become eligible for all of the above exemptions except for new "designations" by the Board of Supervisors. FISCAL IMPACT: At present, no new applications for exemption by designation have been filed with the Commissioner of Revenue. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, BY AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING CHAPTER 21 TAXATION, ARTICLE III -- REAL ESTATE TAXES, SECTION 21-43 -- MORATORIUM ON THE GRANTING OF EXEMPTIONS FROM REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES BY DESIGNATION WHEREAS, Pursuant to section 6(a)(6) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia and to § 58.1-3651 of the Code of Virginia, the County by ordinance may by designation exempt from real or personal property taxes, or both, the real or personal property, or both, owned by a non-profit organization that uses such property for certain purposes; and WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors finds the costs of providing municipal services has been continually increasing over the past years; and WHEREAS, The Board further finds that it is the announced policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Roanoke to distribute the tax burden uniformly, fairly and upon all property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that: 1. The Code of the County of Roanoke is amended and re-enacted by inserting the following Section into Article III of Chapter 21: Sec 21-43. Moratorium on the granting of exemptions from real estate and personal property taxes by designation. (a) After the date of adoption of this ordinance, the Commissioner of Revenue shall not accept or continue to process any applications filed by non-profit organizations Page 1 of 2 seeking exemption from taxation by designation pursuant to Section 58.1-3651 of the Code of Virginia. (b) The Commissioner of Revenue may receive applications from any organization which claims exemption under Articles 1 through 4 of Chapter 36 of the Code of Virginia. Applications for exemption under existing classifications shall be reviewed to determine if the organization qualifies for an existing classification exemption. (c) This moratorium on acceptance and/ or processing of any applications filed by non- profit organizations seeking exemption from taxation by designation shall be in effect until repealed by the Board of Supervisors. State law reference — Authority for above section, Code of Virginia, § 58.1-3651. 2. That any provision of the Roanoke County Code not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect as adopted. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: July 24, 2018 Ordinance amending the Code of the County of Roanoke by amending and re-enacting Chapter 21 Taxation, Article III -- Real Estate Taxes, Division 4 —exemption for surviving spouses of certain persons killed in the line of duty Peter Lubeck Senior Assistant County Attorney APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Whether to amend the County Code to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of certain emergency services personnel who are killed in the line of duty. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: In 2017, the Code of Virginia was amended (pursuant to a 2016 amendment to the Constitution of Virginia) to permit localities to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who is killed in the line of duty. The surviving spouse would receive an exemption of 100% of the tax on real property (consisting of the individual's residence and up to one acre of land) which is assessed at or below average value. Only that portion of the assessed value in excess of the average assessed value would be subject to real property taxes. In order to qualify for the exemption, a surviving spouse must be un -remarried and own and occupy the property as his or her principal residence. The County, in the Board's discretion, may enact this available tax exemption by amending the County Code (by ordinance). Page 1 of 2 This exemption is similar in nature and scope to the mandatory tax exemption for surviving spouses of members of armed forces killed in action (the County must grant the exemption to all who are eligible; no County Code amendment was required). Only one individual in Roanoke County has applied for and received this benefit during the past several years (the benefit to the individual (impact upon County revenue) for 2018 is estimated at $2,767). FISCAL IMPACT: At present, the Commissioner of Revenue has received no inquiries about or any applications for this potential exemption. Any future fiscal impact is unknown at this time as the exemption is directly related to the value of the individual property for which the tax exemption is being requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: em Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING CHAPTER 21 TAXATION, ARTICLE III -- REAL ESTATE TAXES, DIVISION 4 -- EXEMPTION FOR SURVIVING SPOUSES OF CERTAIN PERSONS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 6-B of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia and to § 58.1-3219.14 of the Code of Virginia, the County by ordinance may exempt from taxation certain real property of the surviving spouse of certain emergency services persons killed in the line of duty. WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing were held on August 28, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that: The Code of the County of Roanoke is amended and re-enacted by inserting the following Division to Article III of Chapter 21: ARTICLE III, DIVISION 4 EXEMPTION FOR SURVIVING SPOUSES OF CERTAIN PERSONS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY Sec. 21-90. - Title. This article shall be known as the "Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Certain Persons Killed in the Line of Duty". The purpose of this division is to provide an exemption from taxation for the qualifying real property of spouses of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who are killed in the line of duty. Page 1 of 4 Sec. 21-91. — Authority for article. This division is authorized by the Code of Virginia, Title 58.1, Chapter 32, Article 2.5, Sections 58.1-3219.13 through 58.1-3219.16. Sec. 21-92. - Definitions. As used in this division, unless the context requires otherwise: "Covered person" means any person set forth in the definition of "deceased person" in Section 9.1-400 of the Code of Virginia whose beneficiary, as defined in Section 9.1-400 of the Code of Virginia, is entitled to receive benefits under Section 9.1-402 of the Code of Virginia, as determined by the Comptroller prior to July 1, 2017, or as determined by the Virginia Retirement System on and after July 1, 2017. Sec. 21-93. - Exemption from taxes on property of surviving spouses of certain persons killed in the line of duty. (a) Pursuant to Article X, Section 6-13 of the Constitution of Virginia, for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, the County exempts from taxation the real property described in subsection (b) of the surviving spouse of any covered person who occupies the real property as his principal place of residence. If the covered person's death occurred on or prior to January 1, 2017, and the surviving spouse has a principal residence on January 1, 2017, eligible for the exemption under this section, then the exemption for the surviving spouse shall begin on January 1, 2017. If the covered person's death occurs after January 1, 2017, and the surviving spouse has a principal residence eligible for the exemption under this section on the date that such covered person dies, then the exemption for the surviving spouse shall begin on the date that such covered person dies. If the surviving spouse acquires the property after January 1, 2017, then the exemption shall begin on the date of acquisition, and the previous owner may be entitled to a refund for a pro rata portion of real property taxes paid pursuant to Section 58.1-3360 of the Code of Virginia. The County shall not be liable for any interest on any refund due to the surviving spouse for taxes paid prior to the surviving spouse's filing of the affidavit or written statement required by Section 58.1-3219.15 of the Code of Virginia. (b) Those dwellings in the County with assessed values in the most recently ended tax year that are not in excess of the average assessed value for such year of a dwelling situated on property that is zoned as single-family residential shall qualify for a total exemption from real property taxes under this article. If the value of a dwelling is in excess of the average assessed value as described in this subsection, then only that portion of the assessed value in excess of the average assessed value shall be subject to real property taxes, and the portion of the assessed value that is not in excess of the average assessed value shall be exempt from real property taxes. Single-family homes, condominiums, town homes, manufactured homes as defined in Section 46.2-100 of the Page 2 of 4 Code of Virginia whether or not the wheels and other equipment previously used for mobility have been removed, and other types of dwellings of surviving spouses, whether or not the land on which the single-family home, condominium, town home, manufactured home, or other type of dwelling of a surviving spouse is located is owned by someone other than the surviving spouse, that (i) meet this requirement and (ii) are occupied by such persons as their principal place of residence shall qualify for the real property tax exemption. If the land on which the single-family home, condominium, town home, manufactured home, or other type of dwelling is located is not owned by the surviving spouse, then the land is not exempt. For purposes of determining whether a dwelling, or a portion of its value, is exempt from County real property taxes, the average assessed value shall be such average for all dwellings located within the County that are situated on property zoned as single-family residential. (c) The surviving spouse shall qualify for the exemption so long as the surviving spouse does not remarry and continues to occupy the real property as his principal place of residence. The exemption applies without any restriction on the spouse's moving to a different principal place of residence. (d) The County shall provide for the exemption from real property taxes of (i) the qualifying dwelling, or that portion of the value of such dwelling and land that qualifies for the exemption pursuant to subsection (b), and (ii) with the exception of land not owned by the surviving spouse, the land, not exceeding one acre, upon which it is situated. A real property improvement other than a dwelling, including the land upon which such improvement is situated, shall also be exempt from taxation so long as the principal use of the improvement is (a) to house or cover motor vehicles or household goods and personal effects as classified in subdivision A 14 of Section 58.1-3503 of the Code of Virginia and as listed in Section 58.1-3504 of the Code of Virginia and (b) for other than a business purpose. (e) For purposes of this exemption, real property of any surviving spouse of a covered person includes real property (i) held by a surviving spouse as a tenant for life, (ii) held in a revocable inter vivos trust over which the surviving spouse holds the power of revocation, or (iii) held in an irrevocable trust under which the surviving spouse possesses a life estate or enjoys a continuing right of use or support. Such real property does not include any interest held under a leasehold or term of years. (f) (1) In the event that (i) a surviving spouse is entitled to an exemption under this section by virtue of holding the property in any of the three ways set forth in subsection (e) and (ii) one or more other persons have an ownership interest in the property that permits them to occupy the property, then the tax exemption for the property that otherwise would have been provided shall be prorated by multiplying the amount of the exemption by a fraction the numerator of which is 1 and the denominator of which equals the total number of people having an ownership interest that permits them to occupy the property. (2) In the event that the principal residence is jointly owned by two or more individuals including the surviving spouse, and no person is entitled to the exemption under this Page 3 of 4 section by virtue of holding the property in any of the three ways set forth in subsection (e), then the exemption shall be prorated by multiplying the amount of the exemption by a fraction the numerator of which is the percentage of ownership interest in the dwelling held by the surviving spouse and the denominator of which is 100. Sec. 21-94. - Application for exemption. (a) The surviving spouse claiming the exemption under this division shall file with the commissioner of the revenue of the County on forms to be supplied by the County, an affidavit or written statement (i) setting forth the surviving spouse's name, (ii) indicating any otherjoint owners of the real property, (iii) certifying that the real property is occupied as the surviving spouse's principal place of residence, and (iv) including evidence of the determination of the Comptroller or the Virginia Retirement System pursuant to subsection (a). The surviving spouse shall also provide documentation that he is the surviving spouse of a covered person and of the date that the covered person died. The surviving spouse shall be required to refile the information required by this section only if the surviving spouse's principal place of residence changes. (b) The surviving spouse shall promptly notify the commissioner of the revenue of any remarriage. Sec. 21-95. - Absence from residence. The fact that surviving spouses who are otherwise qualified for tax exemption pursuant to this article are residing in hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent homes, or other facilities for physical or mental care for extended periods of time shall not be construed to mean that the real estate for which tax exemption is sought does not continue to be the sole dwelling of such persons during such extended periods of other residence, so long as such real estate is not used by or leased to others for consideration. 2. That any provision of the Roanoke County Code not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect as adopted. 3. That this ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the beginning of July 1, 2017 and shall, at that time, be retroactive to January 1, 2017. Page 4 of 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $208,917 from the Virginia Department of Social Services for the County of Roanoke Department of Social Services and add four new benefit programs specialist positions to the County's Classification and Pay Plan Joyce Earl Director of Social Services Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Appropriation of funding from the Virginia Department of Social Services to the County of Roanoke Department of Social Services in the amount of $208,917 for four (4) new benefit programs specialist positions to assist with increased case loads anticipated with Virginia's Medicaid expansion legislation. BACKGROUND: Virginia's governor recently signed legislation to expand Medicaid for up to 400,000 uninsured citizens in the Commonwealth. Additional administrative funding to assist with the increased volume of Medicaid applications was provided to local Social Services departments for the equivalent of approximately 300 new benefit programs specialist positions throughout the Commonwealth. Local allocations were determined using current funding versus current workloads and projected increases due to Medicaid expansion. The Commonwealth anticipates that Roanoke County and the City of Salem's share will be approximately 3,800 additional Medicaid clients for the department. Based on these additional clients, the County of Roanoke has received funding to support four (4) new benefit programs specialist positions. Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: The Commonwealth is providing funding in the amount of $208,917 to the County of Roanoke in fiscal year 2018-2019 for additional local staff to determine eligibility and carry the on-going Medicaid cases. This equates to four (4) benefit programs specialist positions. Funding from the Commonwealth will cover the costs of all four (4) positions in fiscal year 2018-2019, therefore a local match will not be required for fiscal year 2018-2019. There have been no changes since the first reading on June 28, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no impact to the County in fiscal year 2018-2019. Beginning in fiscal year 2019-2020, Roanoke County will be required to pay the 16% match as required with all administrative positions. Of the 16% local match, the City of Salem pays one third of those position costs. The local cost for all four positions in fiscal year 2019-2020 is estimated to be $34,500, with the County of Roanoke paying approximately $23,100 and the City of Salem's paying approximately $11,400. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance to appropriate $208,917 in additional funding from Virginia Department of Social Services to the County of Roanoke Department of Social Services and adding four (4) new full-time benefit programs specialist positions to the County's Classification and Pay Plan. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $208,917 FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND ADD FOUR NEW BENEFIT PROGRAMS SPECIALIST POSITIONS TO THE COUNTY'S CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN WHEREAS, recently enacted legislation signed by the Governor of Virginia has expanded funding for Medicaid services in the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke's share of this funding is $208,917 to support additional Benefit Programs Specialist positions; and WHEREAS, the appropriation of these funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia was not included in the County's fiscal year 2018-2019 approved budget ordinance; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance before they are expended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 28, 2018, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. 1. That the sum of $208,917 is hereby appropriated from revenue received from the Virginia Department of Social Services. 2. A total of four (4) full-time positions will be added to the County of Roanoke Classification and Pay Plan. 3. This ordinance shall take effect on July 24, 2018. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Ordinance amending Ordinance 052218-5, fiscal year 2018- 2019 Operations Budget for Roanoke County Public Schools, to account for additional funding in the amount of $567,792 from the Commonwealth of Virginia Christopher R. Bever Director of Management and Budget Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Amend Ordinance 052218-5, fiscal year 2018-2019 Operations Budget for Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) to account for additional funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia. BACKGROUND: On May 22, 2018, through Ordinance 052218-5, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted the fiscal year 2018-2019 RCPS Operations Budget. Subsequent to that adoption, the Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly adopted its final changes to the fiscal years 2018-2020 biennial budget on May 30, 2018. On June 8, 2018, the Virginia Department of Education released the calculation tool for the final General Assembly budget allocations by school division. The state increased the funding for K-12 education from lottery funds, which resulted in $567,792 in additional revenue for RCPS. On June 12, 2018, the RCPS School Board approved revisions to the fiscal year 2018- 2019 RCPS Operations Budget to account for the additional revenue. Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: This ordinance will amend the fiscal year 2018-2019 RCPS Operations Budget ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors on May 22, 2018 to account for additional revenue allocated by the Commonwealth of Virginia to RCPS. The School Board allocated the additional funds into a contingency budget. This allows additional time for the School Board to revisit board spending priorities and the subsequent allocation of the additional funds during the summer. There have been no changes since the first reading on June 28, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT: The School Board General Fund Budget will increase by $567,792 for a total General Fund Budget of $147,326,299 for 2018-2019 as detailed in Attachment #1. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance amending Ordinance 052218-5 to account for an additional appropriation of $567,792 from the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Roanoke County Public Schools. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 052218-5, FISCAL YEAR 2018- 2019 OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, TO ACCOUNT FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $567,792 FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted the fiscal year 2018-2019 Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) Operations Budget on May 22, 2018; and WHEREAS, subsequent to adoption by the Board of Supervisors, the Commonwealth of Virginia finalized its fiscal years 2018-2020 biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the final Commonwealth of Virginia biennial budget included an additional $567,792 in funding for the RCPS Operations Budget for fiscal year 2018-2019; and WHEREAS, the RCPS School Board amended the fiscal year 2018-2019 Operations Budget on June 12, 2018 to account for the additional revenue from the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance before they are expended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 28, 2018, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on July 24, 2018. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. 1. That Ordinance 052218-5 is hereby amended to account for $567,792 in additional revenue received from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Page 1 of 2 2. That the Roanoke County Public Schools fiscal year 2018-2019 Operations Budget shall be amended as detailed in Attachment #1. 3. This ordinance shall take effect on July 24, 2018. 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ITEM NO. H.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Ordinance declaring surplus and authorizing sale of 2 parcels totaling .505 +/- acres of real estate located at 3319 and 3323 Westmoreland Dr., Cave Spring Magisterial District (POSTPONED AT THE REQUEST OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY) Ruth Ellen Kuhnel County Attorney Thomas C. Gates County Administrator This agenda item has been postponed by the County Attorney. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator All open district appointments BACKGROUND: 1. Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee (BFAC) (appointed by District) The following District appointments remain open: Cave Spring Magisterial District Vinton Magisterial District Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee (BFAC) (At -Large) One open appointment 2. Economic Development Authority (EDA) (appointed by District) The following four-year term expired on September 26, 2017: a) Steve Anderson, representing the Cave Spring Magisterial District is eligible for reappointment Page 1 of 2 3. Library Board (appointed by District) The following four-year term expired on December 31, 2016: a) Heather Lawrence, representing the Vinton Magisterial District FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 24, 2018, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6 inclusive, as follows.. 1. Approval of minutes — May 8, 2018; May 22, 2018 2. Confirmation of appointment to Ninth District Development Financing, Inc.; Roanoke Valley Detention Commission; Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge; Virginia Western Community College Board of Directors 3. Request to accept and allocate funds from the 2017 DCJS BYRNE/JAG Grant for law enforcement training in the amount of $17,678 (Chief Howard B. Hall) 4. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $12,941.07 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds 5. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Deborah S. Harris, Administrative Service Coordinator, upon her retirement after seventeen (17) years of service 6. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to F. Robert Saul, Jr., Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court III, upon his retirement after twenty-six (26) years of service Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Confirmation of appointment to Ninth District Development Financing, Inc.; Roanoke Valley Detention Commission; Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge; Virginia Western Community College Board of Directors Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Confirmation of appointments. BACKGROUND: Ninth District Development Financing, Inc. The two-year term of Wendi Schultz expired June 30, 2018. Roanoke Valley Detention Commission The four-year term of Daniel O'Donnell and Laurie Gearheart expired June 30, 2018 Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge The three-year term of Thomas Gates expired June 30, 2018 Virginia Western Community College Board of Directors The four year term of Dr. Sam English expired June 30, 2018. Dr. Killough has retired and his appointment will not expire until June 30, 2019 Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: The Board has recommended all of the above staff appointments. Virginia Western Community College Board of Directors The Board has recommended the reappointment of Dr. Sam English to an additional four-year term to expire June 30, 2022 and to appoint Dr. Ken Nicely to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Killough. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: July 24, 2018 Request to accept and allocate funds from the 2017 DCJS BYRNE/JAG Grant for law enforcement training in the amount of $17,678 SUBMITTED BY: Howard B. Hall Chief of Police APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Acceptance and allocation of grants totaling $17,678 from the Department of Justice for law enforcement training. BACKGROUND: The Office of Justice Programs has awarded funding to the Roanoke County Police Department under the fiscal year 2017 Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation in the amount of $17,678. This grant is to provide training for local law enforcement officers for Bulletproof Mind and a Female Enforcers training. DISCUSSION: The Office of Justice Programs has awarded funding to the Roanoke County Police Department to help cover the costs for the following training: Bulletproof Mind- Bulletproof Mind is a two-day course that is designed to prepare officers psychologically, emotionally, and tactically for their roles as law enforcement professionals in modern society. Law enforcement professionals will examine the current relationship between law enforcement and the community they are sworn to protect while also identifying the most current threats to both. Page 1 of 2 Female Enforcers- Female Enforcers is a one -day course that addresses the 24/7 reality of working as a woman in law enforcement today. The course presents skill sets designed to enhance the proficiency of female law enforcement officers mentally, physically, and tactically. FISCAL IMPACT: Awarded federal funds total $17,678. No matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance and allocation of grant funds to the Police Department in the amount of $17,678 from the Office of Justice Assistance Grant Program. Page 2 of 2 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of the Assistant Attorney General 1Yashiugtou, D.C. 20531 . June 26, 2018 Mr, Thomas Gates County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, VA 24018-4345 Dear Mr. Gates: On behalf of Attorney General Jefferson Sessions III, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Office of Justice Programs has approved your application for finding under the FY 17 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation in the amount of $17,678 for County of Roanoke. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. This award is subject to all administrative and financial requirements, including the timely submission of all financial and programmatic reports, resolution of all interim audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of cash -on -hand. Should you not adhere to these requirements, you will be in violation of the terms of this agreement and the award will be subject to termination for cause or other administrative action as appropriate. If you have questions regarding this award, please contact - Program Questions, Dawn K. Idill, Program Manager at (202) 598-7513; and - Financial Questions, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Customer Service Center (CSC) at (800) 458-0786, or you may contact the CSC at ask.ocf6@Dusdcj.gov. Congratulations, and we look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Alan R. Hanson Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Enclosures OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS x''I ryi Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice 810 7th Street, NW Washington, DC 20531 Tel: (202) 307-0690 TTY: (202) 307-2027 E-mail: askOCR@usdoj.gov Website: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr June 26, 2018 Mr. Thomas Gates County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, VA 24018-4345 Dear Mr. Gates: Congratulations on your recent award. In establishing financial assistance programs, Congress linked the receipt of federal funding to compliance with federal civil rights laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for ensuring that recipients of financial assistance from the OJP, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) comply with the applicable federal civil rights laws. We at the OCR are available to help you and your organization meet the civil rights requirements that come with DOJ funding. Ensuring Access to Federally Assisted Programs Federal laws that apply to recipients of financial assistance from the DOJ prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability in funded programs or activities, not only in employment but also in the delivery of services or benefits. A federal law also prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery of services or benefits. In March of 2013, president Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The statute amends the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) by including a nondiscrimination grant condition that prohibits discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The new nondiscri in i nation grant condition applies to certain programs funded after October 1, 2013. The OCR and the OVW have developed answers to some frequently asked questions about this provision to assist recipients of VAWA funds to understand their obligations. The Frequently Asked Q€testions are available at littp://ojp.gov/about/oct-/vawafags.htm. Enforcing Civil Rights Laws All recipients of federal financial assistance, regardless of the particular funding source, the amount of the grant award, or the number of employees in the workforce, are subject to prohibitions against unlawful discrimination. Accordingly, the OCR investigates recipients that are the subject of discrimination complaints from both individuals and groups. In addition, based on regulatory criteria, the OCR selects a number of recipients each year for compliance reviews, audits that require recipients to submit data showing that they are providing services equitably to all segments of their service population and that their employment practices meet equal opportunity standards. Providing Services to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals In accordance with DOJ guidance pertaining to Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, recipients of federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). See U.S. Department of Justice, Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, 67 Fed. Reg. 41,455 (2002). For more information on the civil rights responsibilities that recipients have in providing language services to LEP individuals, please see the website hitp://www.lep,gov, Ensuring Equal Treatment for Faith -Based Organizations The DOJ regulation, Equal Treatment for Faith -based Organizations, 28 C.F.R. pt. 38, requires State Administering Agencies (SAAS) to treat faith -based organizations the same as any other applicant or recipient. The regulation prohibits SAM from matting awards or grant administration decisions on the basis of an organization's religious character or affiliation, religious name, or the religious composition of its board of directors. The regulation also prohibits faith -based organizations fi-om using financial assistance from the DOJ to find inherently (or explicitly) religious activities. While faith -based organizations can engage in uon-funded inherently religious activities, they must hold then separately from the program funded by the DOJ, and recipients cannot compel beneficiaries to participate in them. The Equal Treatment Regulation also makes clear that organizations participating in programs funded by the DOJ are not pennitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. For more information on the regulation, please sec the OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/about/ocr/egtial_fbo.htm. SAAS and faith -based organizations should also note that the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c); lire Victims of Crime Act of 1984, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 10604(e); the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 5672(b); and VAWA, Pub. L. No. 113-4, sec. 3(b)(4), 327 Stat. 54, 61-62 (to be codified at 42 U.S.C. § 13925(b)(I3)) contain prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of religion in employment. Despite these nondiscrimination provisions, the DOJ has concluded that it may construe the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) on a case-by- case basis to permit some faith -based organizations to receive DOJ funds while taking into account religion when hiring staff, even if the statute that authorizes the funding program generally forbids recipients from considering religion in employment decisions. Please consult with the OCR if you have any questions about the regulation or the application of RFRA to the statutes that prohibit discrimination in employment. Using Arrest and Conviction Records in Making Employment Decisions The OCR issued an advisory document for recipients on the proper use of arrest and conviction records in making hiring decisions. See Advisory for Recipients of Financial Assistance from the U.S. Department of Justice on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity C911111ASSiOn'S Enforcement Guidance: Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions Under Title V11 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (June 2013), available at http://www.ojp,tisdoj,gov//about/ocr/pdfs/UscofConviction_Advisory.pdf. Recipients should be mindful that the misuse of arrest or conviction records to screen either applicants for employment or employees for retention or promotion may have a disparate impact based on race or national origin, resulting in unlawful employment discrimination. In light of the Advisory, recipients should consult local counsel in reviewing their employment practices. If warranted, recipients should also incorporate an analysis of the use of arrest and conviction records in their Equal Employment Opportunity Plans (EEOPs) (see below). Complying with the Safe Streets Act An organization that is a recipient of financial assistance subject to the nondiscrimination provisions of the Safe Streets Act, must meet two obligations: (1) complying with the federal regulation pertaining to the development of an EEOP (see 28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpt. E) and (2) submitting to the OCR findings of discrimination (see 28 C.F.R. §§ 42.204(c), .205(c)(5)). Meeting the ESOP Requirement If your organization has less than filly employees or receives an award of less than $25,000 or is a nonprofit organization, a medical institution, an educational institution, or an Indian tribe, then it is exempt from the EEOP requirement. To claim the exemption, your organization must complete and submit Section A of the Certification Fornt, which is available online at littp://www.ojp.iisdoj.gov/about/ocr/pdfs/cert.pdf. If your organization is a government agency or private business and receives an award of $25,000 or more, but less than $500,000, and has fifty or more employees (counting both full- and part-time employees but excluding political appointees), then it has to prepare a Utilization Report (formerly called an EEOP Short Form), but it does not have to submit the report to the OCR for review. Instead, your organization has to maintain the Utilization Report on file and make it available for review on request. lot addition, your organization has to complete Section B of the Certification Form and return it to the OCR. The Certification Form is available at littp://w%vw,ojp.usdoj.gov/about/ocr/pdfs/cert.pdf, If your organization is a government agency or private business and has received an award for $500,000 or more and has filly or more employees (counting both full- and pari -time employees but excluding political appointees), then it has to prepare a Utilization Report (formerly called an ESOP Short Form) and submit it to the OCR for review within sixty days from the date of this letter. For assistance in developing a Utilization Report, please consult the OCR's website at lttip://www.ojp.iisdoj.gov/abotit/ocr/ecop.litin. ht addition, your organization has to complete Section C of the Certification Form and return it to the OCR. The Certification Form is available at littp://mvw,ojp.tisdoj.gov/abotit/ocr/pdfs/cert.pdf. To comply with the EEOP requirements, you may request technical assistance from an EEOP specialist at the OCR by telephone at (202) 307-0690, by TTY at (202) 307-2027, or by e-mail at EEOsubmisson@usdcj.gov. Meeting the Requirement to Submit Findings of Discrimination If in the three years prior to the date of the grant award, your organization has received an adverse finding of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex, after a due -process hearing, from a state or federal court or from a state or federal administrative agency, your organization must send a copy of the finding to the OCR. Ensuring the Compliance of Subrecipients SAAB must have standard assurances to notify subrecipients of their civil rights obligations, written procedures to address discrimination complaints filed against subrecipients, methods to monitor subrecipients' compliance with civil rights requirements, and a program to train subrecipients on applicable civil rights laws. In addi€ion, SAAB must submit to the OCR every three years written Methods of Administration (MOA) that summarize the policies and procedures that they have implemented to ensure the civil rights compliance of subrecipients. For more information on the MOA requirement, see http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/funding/other requirements.htni. If the OCR can assist you in any way in fulfilling your organization's ,civil rights responsibilities as a recipient of federal financial assistance, please contact us, Sincerely, Michael L. Alston Director cc: Grant Manager Financial Analyst ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: July 24, 2018 Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $12,941.07 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds SUBMITTED BY: Jill Camilletti Deputy Clerk IV APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Acceptance and allocation of funds in the amount of $12,941.07 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia BACKGROUND: Technology Trust Funds represent fees collected by the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, have been received from the State in the amount of $12,941.07. In accordance with State of Virginia Code Section 17.1-279 stated the Circuit Court Clerk's Office shall assess a $5.00 fee called Technology Trust Fund Fee. Each month, the Clerk's Office can request the fees that were assessed the previous month. The code section further states that four of every five dollar fee shall be allocated by the Compensation Board from the trust fund for the purposes of obtaining and updating office automation and information technology equipment including software and conversion services; preserving, maintaining and enhancing court records, including but not limited to the costs of repairs, maintaining and enhancing court records, consulting services, service contracts, redaction of social security numbers from land records and system replacement or upgrades and improving public access to court records. DISCUSSION: The funds received from the Commonwealth of Virginia have been earmarked for Page 1 of 2 maintenance needs for the Clerk of circuit Court, specifically towards the twice yearly maintenance bill from the Supreme Court for maintaining their records, equipment, etc. FISCAL IMPACT: All funds are provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia. No County matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $12,941.07 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Deborah S. Harris, Administrative Service Coordinator, upon her retirement after seventeen (17) years of service Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Recognition of the retirement of Deborah S. Harris BACKGROUND: Deborah S. Harris retired on July 1, 2018, after seventeen years of service with Roanoke County. Ms. Harris is unable to attend today's meeting and her quilt and resolution will be mailed to her home. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion associated with this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO DEBORAH S. HARRIS, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COORDINATOR UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Deborah Harris was employed by Roanoke County on July 2, 2001; and during her tenure has served as a Financial Analyst for the Finance Department; the Utilization Management Specialist with the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) office and Administrative Services Coordinator for the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, Ms. Harris retired on June 29, 2018, after seventeen (17) months of devoted, faithful and expert service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Harris, throughout her employment with Roanoke County has been instrumental in improving the quality of life and providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Harris supervised front line staff at the Department of Social Services ensuring Roanoke County citizens were provided excellent customer service at every interaction; as well as fiscal staff responsible for an annual budget of over 8 million dollars. WHEREAS, during Ms. Harris's time serving the citizens of Roanoke County, she assisted every team and program in Social Services. Ms. Harris worked with both state and local governments to ensure funding was appropriately allocated and utilized to maximize the greatest potential. Ms. Harris vigorously explained and enforced all payment procedures to staff at the Department assuring an excellent record of audit findings during her tenure. Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, Ms. Harris was known for considerable thoroughness, patience, and attention to detail in her work. Her efforts across program areas provided tangible support for all the professionals she encountered. Ms. Harris held the Department to a level of integrity known throughout the State. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to DEBORAH HARRIS for seventeen (17) years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J.6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to F. Robert Saul, Jr., Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court III, upon his retirement after twenty-six (26) years of service Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Recognition of the retirement of F. Robert Saul Jr. BACKGROUND: F. Robert Saul, Jr. retired on July 1, 2018, after twenty-six and six months of service with Roanoke County's Clerk of Circuit Court's Office. Mr. Saul is unable to attend today's meeting and his quilt and resolution will be mailed to his home. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion associated with this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24 2018 and RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO F. ROBERT SAUL, JR., DEPUTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT III, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY-SIX (26) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Mr. Saul Jr. was employed by Roanoke County on January 1, 1992; WHEREAS, Mr. Saul Jr. retired on July 1, 2018, after twenty-six and six months of devoted, faithful and expert service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, during Mr. Saul's tenure with the Clerk of Circuit Court's Office, he served as a Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court, Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court I, Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court II and Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court III and served with professionalism and dedication in providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to F. ROBERT SAUL, JR. for more than twenty-six years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 1 of 1 N i N N w fC .Ljm V i m V i Q) 0A i i O V i m O 00 0) v m 00 N a-0 m Q O L- CL Q Q m i G1 r -I O N 00 r -I O N J_ m N v MA ii rq rq M M O_ ate+ M U 000 000 O I- O 1\ _ yW OO ar Q N c-1 l0 Ln LD . � � O O Ln O Ln R 00 O 00 *' O U N 00000 O c LA • o � N rq O1 CC W 00 Il R O1 i U ri M 011 I- CL i O Ln 011 CL MCL N N ca M Ob � o0 N N � N 0 O N n L U O N C: f6 U C: C � C 00 0rq 0 O N 4' N q0 4� N O -a M y � � 00 r -i ON Ob � N t0 ELi O N O N O 0) 0 O N R ULi } 0) f+ E2 3 d N Q N 0 CL Q Q R Q Q Q f0 Q Q m COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CHANGES IN OUTSTANDING DEBT Changes in outstanding debt for the fiscal year to date were as follows: Unaudited Outstanding June 30, 2018 Additions Deletions General Obligation Bonds $ 2,765,175 $ VPSA School Bonds 78,883,082 Lease Revenue Bonds 81,845,705 Submitted By Approved By $ 163,493,962 $ Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Outstanding July 24, 2018 $ 2,765,175 8,121,855 70,761,227 81,845,705 $ 8,121,855 - $ 155,372,107 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: July 24, 2018 Accounts Paid -June 2018 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Thomas C. Gates County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors Payroll 06/01/18 Payroll 06/15/18 Payroll 06/29/18 Manual Checks Grand Total Direct Deposit Checks Total 1,424,926.99 1,375,204.55 1,612,346.05 $ - $ 10,758,576.21 61,242.31 1,486,169.30 51,408.29 1,426,612.84 91,837.74 1,704,183.79 8,145.13 8,145.13 $ 15,383,687.27 A detailed listing of the payments to vendors is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: July 24, 2018 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 31 -May -18 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASHINVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON 35,881,624.34 35,881,624.34 CrZOPA=1N �il�►�� SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA (264,172.00) SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 50,005,378.13 WELLS FARGO 12,000,000.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA (122,890.00) 61,618,316.13 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: 4,043,953.57 GENERAL OPERATION 10,052,438.12 10,052,438.12 MONEY MARKET: AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 2,024,684.35 BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 95,758.76 HOMETRUST BANK 11,479.34 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW - JAIL 1,121,761.72 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 4,043,953.57 UNION FIRST 0.00 BANK OF THE JAMES 500,997.55 WELLS FARGO 18,129.07 7,816,764.36 TOTAL 115, 369,142.95 07/24/2018 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: July 24, 2018 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 30 -Jun -18 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASHINVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON 24,700,333.66 24,700,333.66 CrZOPA=1N �il�►�� SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA (238,050.00) SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 48,005,178.81 WELLS FARGO 12,000,000.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA (120,240.00) 59,646,888.81 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: 21,104,190.71 GENERAL OPERATION 10,069,071.02 10,069,071.02 MONEY MARKET: AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 2,027,127.97 BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 95,820.17 HOMETRUST BANK 11,486.18 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW - JAIL 1,123,333.24 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 21,104,190.71 UNION FIRST 0.00 BANK OF THE JAMES 501,495.35 WELLS FARGO 29,672.31 24,893,125.93 TOTAL 119, 309, 419.42 07/24/2018 �uixtc#g of YvauuOke F L 38 DECLARING THE WEEK OF AUGUST 5-11, 2018 AS FARMERS MARKET WEEK IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, Roanoke County farmers and ranchers provide citizen with access to healthful, locally, and regionally produced foods through farmers markets, which are expanding and evolving to accommodate the demand for a diverse array of agricultural products, and WHEREAS, farmers markets and other agricultural direct marketing outlets provide infrastructure to assist in the distribution of farm and value-added products, thereby contributing approximately $9 billion each year to the U.S. economy, and WHEREAS, farmers markets serve as significant outlets by which small -to - medium, new and beginning, and veteran agricultural producers market agricultural products, generating revenue that supports the sustainability of family farms and the revitalization of rural communities nationwide, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors recognizes the importance of expanding agricultural marketing opportunities that assist and encourage the next generation of farmers and ranchers; generate farm income to help stimulate business development and job creation; build community connections through rural and urban linkages; and more; NOW, THEREFORE, to further awareness of farmers markets' contributions to Roanoke County life, the Board of Supervisors do hereby proclaim the week of August 5-11, 2018, as Roanoke County Farmers Market Week, in conjunction with the observance of National Farmers Market Week. Presented this 24th day of July 2018 �11 al-�.. 11�U L t. Martha B. Hooker, Chairman P. Ja on Peters, Vice -Chairman ACTION NO. ITEM NO. M.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 Work session to update the Board of Supervisors on the strategic direction of Economic Development in the County of Roanoke Jill Loope Director of Economic Development Thomas C. Gates County Administrator This time has been set aside to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the strategic direction of Economic Development in Roanoke County. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. P.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 The petition of Laurel Crest, LLC to rezone approximately 3.27 acres from AR, Agricultural/Residential, District to R-3, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential, District, to construct 20 townhouses and 2 single family attached dwellings on properties located at 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District Philip Thompson Acting Director of Planning Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Agenda item for public hearing and second reading of ordinances on an application to rezone property from agricultural to residential for a 22 -unit residential development. BACKGROUND: Laurel Crest is seeking to develop a multi -family development consisting of twenty (20) townhouses and two (2) attached single family dwellings. In 2000, Design Guidelines for the Clearbrook Village Commercial Overlay District were developed for the Clearbrook Village Overlay District. While the property is not located in the overlay district, the developer has submitted five (5) proffered conditions addressing issues raised in the design guidelines and are consistent with the overlay district. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request on July 10, 2018. Two citizens spoke during the public hearing. Concerns and issues raised included: increased traffic, delays at the existing traffic light, impacts to Clearbrook Elementary School and school capacity, impacts to the Blue Ridge Parkway viewshed, and the Page 1 of 3 capacity of the existing sewage lift station. Staff and/or the applicant clarified the school information, that the applicant would be responsible for any upgrades to the sewage lift station if additional capacity is needed, and that the applicant had conducted a left -turn analysis into the site which did not warrant a turn lane. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning from AR to R-3 with the following five (5) proffered conditions: 1. Concept Plan Conformance. The property will be developed in substantial conformance with the development pattern shown on attached concept plan "Laurel Crest Townhome Concept Plan" (Exhibit A) dated 5/17/2018, subject to necessary modifications as may be required by regulatory agencies. 2. Lighting. No freestanding light pole, including fixture, shall be more than 18 feet above grade. All exterior lights, including security lighting, shall be down -lit or shielded so as not to direct glare onto adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. In addition, the light source from any security lighting shall not be visible from adjoining residential properties. 3. Signage. The community sign shall be a freestanding monument sign that shall not exceed 7 feet in height or 10 feet in width. The sign shall be channel lit, ground lit or top lit with shielded lamps placed so as to not cast light onto the path of traffic or on any adjacent road or property. The sign will complement the townhome style, and materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. The color of the sign shall be in the earth tone color range. 4. Landscaping. The use of native species shall make up a minimum of 50% of the planting materials. Trees shall measure a minimum of 2'/2 inches in caliper, and shrubs a minimum of 24 inches in height, at time of planting. Three shrubs shall be planted in front of every townhome and three trees shall be planted at the end of each townhome row. 5. Building Design. No visible flat or shed roofs shall be used. The maximum height of structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Siding materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. Materials shall be in the earth tone color range. Page 2 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the second reading of the ordinance to rezone the property from AR to R-3 with the five proffered conditions. Page 3 of 3 STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Laurel Crest, LLC Request: To rezone approximately 3.27 acres from AR, Agricultural/Residential, District to R- 3, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential, District, to construct twenty (20) townhomes and two (2) single family attached dwellings Location: 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road Magisterial District: Cave Spring Proposed 1. Concept Plan Conformance. The property will be developed in substantial Proffers: conformance with the development pattern shown on attached concept plan "Laurel Crest Townhome Concept Plan" (Exhibit A) dated 5/17/2018, subject to necessary modifications as may be required by regulatory agencies. 2. Lightinc q. No freestanding light pole, including fixture, shall be more than 18 feet above grade. All exterior lights, including security lighting, shall be down -lit or shielded so as not to direct glare onto adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. In addition, the light source from any security lighting shall not be visible from adjoining residential properties. 3. Signage. The community sign shall be a freestanding monument sign that shall not exceed 7 feet in height or 10 feet in width. The sign shall be channel lit, ground lit or top lit with shielded lamps placed so as to not cast light onto the path of traffic or on any adjacent road or property. The sign will complement the townhome style, and materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. The color of the sign shall be in the earth tone color range. 4. Landscaping. The use of native species shall make up a minimum of 50% of the planting materials. Trees shall measure a minimum of 2'/2 inches in caliper, and shrubs a minimum of 24 inches in height, at time of planting. Three shrubs shall be planted in front of every townhome and three trees shall be planted at the end of each townhome row. 5. Building Design. No visible flat or shed roofs shall be used. The maximum height of structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Siding materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. Materials shall be in the earth tone color range. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Laurel Crest, LLC is requesting to rezone approximately 3.27 acres from AR, Agricultural/Residential, District to R-3, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential, District with proffered conditions, located at 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road. The submitted concept plan shows the development of twenty townhomes and two single family attached dwellings. The existing home (5356 Indian Grave Road) shall remain. This site is designated Transition on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. A future land use area that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. Transition areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Intense retail and highways oriented commercial uses are discouraged in transition areas, which are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. Appropriate land use types within transition areas are planned office parks and independent facilities in park -like surroundings, small-scale planned and clustered retail uses and planned townhouse communities of 6 or more units per acre or garden apartments at a density of 12 to 24 units per acre. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The purpose of the R-3, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential District "is to provide areas in the county within the urban service area where existing middle -high density residential development has been established and land areas which generally appear to be appropriate for such development. This district is intended to coincide with the development and transition land use categories contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. They are designated based on access to major streets, sewer and water, and schools with suitable capacity to accommodate development at the stated density, and where parcel sizes allow for well-planned residential development. The areas designated in this district are also intended to serve as a buffer between less intensive residential areas and more intensive office, commercial and industrial areas and districts. A variety of housing densities and styles is encouraged in order to permit a diversity and flexibility in design and layout." (see attached Section 30-45. R-3, District Regulations). The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance defines Townhouse as "a grouping of three (3) or more attached single family dwellings in a row in which each unit has its own front and rear access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, and each unit is separated from any other unit by one (1) or more common walls". A Single Family Dwelling is defined as "a site built or modular building designed for or used exclusively as one (1) dwelling unit for permanent occupancy. Attached is "two (2) single family dwellings sharing a common wall area, each on its own individual lot." The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance also contains Use and Design Standards for the townhouses and attached single family dwellings. Standards associated with townhouses include both general and district specific (R-3) standards as listed below: General standards: All townhouse developments shall be served by public sewer and water. 2. The facades of townhouses in a group shall be varied by changed front yards and variations in design so that no more than four (4) abutting townhouses will have the same front yard setback and the same or essentially the same architectural treatment of facades and roof lines. 3. The minimum separation between townhouse buildings shall be twenty (20) feet. 4. The height of all townhouses shall be limited to forty-five (45) feet. Accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. 5. Accessory structures for townhouse units shall be permitted only in rear yard areas and shall be no larger than ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet in area. 2 6. Only one yard, either the front yard or the rear yard, or in the case of an end unit, the side yard, shall be improved with a driveway or other impermeable surface intended for the storage of motor vehicles or for access to a garage, or other parking areas. 7. The maximum building and lot coverage requirements applying to townhouses shall be computed for the site of the entire development. 8. Public street frontage shall not be required for any proposed lot of record platted for townhouse development within R-3 and R-4 districts. In the AV and R-2 districts, the applicant shall designate as part of the special use permit application, the location of any lot that is not proposed to front on a public street. 9. If utilized, private roads shall be constructed in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Additional standards in the R-3 district: Maximum gross density: Twelve (12) townhouse units per acre. 2. Minimum parcel size: Seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus three thousand six hundred thirty (3,630) square feet for each additional unit. 3. Front yard setbacks for each group of townhouse units: an average of fifteen (15) feet, and not be less than ten (10) feet for any individual townhouse unit. No common parking area, common driveway or street right-of-way shall be permitted within the required front yard area. 4. A side yard setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided for each end residence in any group of townhouses adjoining a property boundary of the development. Where a group of townhouses adjoin a private drive or parking area or walkway intended for the common use of townhouse occupants, the side yard setback shall be ten (10) feet. 5. Minimum rear yard setback: Twenty-five (25) feet. 6. Minimum lot size for individual townhouse lots: One thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet for interior lots and two thousand three hundred (2,300) square feet for end lots. 7. Minimum width for individual townhouse lots: Eighteen (18) feet, measured from center of wall to center of wall or outside end wall. 8. Maximum number in a group or block of townhouses: Ten (10) townhouse units. 9. Maximum coverage for townhouse developments: Building coverage: Forty (40) percent. Lot coverage: Sixty-five (65) percent. Standards associated with attached single family dwellings are listed below: General standards within a common development containing three (3) or more acres: The minimum lot size, frontage and front and rear yard setbacks required in the district regulations may be reduced up to twenty (20) percent, however the normal front, rear, and side yard setback requirement must be maintained adjacent to any lot or public street or right-of-way not within the common development; or not otherwise designated for zero lot line use. The twenty (20) percent road frontage reduction does not apply to parcels with frontage in a cul-de-sac. 2. Minimum side yard opposite the common lot line between two (2) attached dwellings: Ten (10) feet. 3. Maximum building coverage: Forty (40) percent. 4. A copy of the plat approved by the subdivision agent of the county shall be submitted to the administrator. The administrator shall make the appropriate notation on the official zoning map that the affected lots have been approved for attached dwellings. General standards on existing lots or in new developments containing less than three (3) acres: Minimum side yard opposite the common lot line between two (2) attached dwellings: Ten (10) feet. Public street frontage shall not be required for any proposed lot of record platted for single family attached development within R-3 and R-4 districts. If approved, comprehensive site development review will be required. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Property — The site currently consists of two separate parcels: 5356 Indian Grave Road (TM#098.01-01- 02.00-0000) and 5372 Indian Grave Road (098.01-01-03.00-0000). Both parcels have existing single-family dwellings on the properties. If approved, the single-family dwelling, outbuilding, and driveway at 5372 Indian Grave Road will be removed. The parcels will then be combined and the existing single-family dwelling located at 5356 Indian Grave Road will be subdivided and remain on a separate parcel. The existing driveway and access to Indian Grave Road will remain; however, the existing outbuilding(s) will be removed. Topography/Vegetation - The property has a gently rolling topography with a lower elevation starting along Indian Grave Road and increasing to the southeastern property line where the existing single family dwelling (5356 Indian Grave Road) is located. Most of the site is an open field with some mature hardwood trees located along the southeastern property line. Surrounding Neighborhood — Adjacent properties to the north are zoned C-2, High Intensity Commercial and include the Clearbrook Fire Station, Clearbrook Elementary School, and vacant property. Properties to the east, west and south are zoned AR, Agricultural/Residential, and include single family residential homes and vacant property. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture - The concept plan submitted with the application shows the construction of twenty (20) townhomes and two (2) single-family, attached dwellings. The townhouses are arranged in two groups E of ten (10) units. One new entrance and private road is proposed for the townhome development while the single-family, attached dwellings will be served with individual driveways. Proposed building elevations have been submitted with the application. Per proffer number 5 - " No visible flat or shed roofs shall be used. The maximum height of structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Siding materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. Materials shall be in the earth tone color range. The concept plans shows a Type B buffer yard along the southern property line which is required between R-3 and AR zoned properties. Additional landscaping is shown at the townhouse entrance and throughout the proposed development. Required parking and additional landscaping requirements will be addressed during the comprehensive site plan review process. Additional development features shown on the concept plan are a proposed trash enclosure at the end of the private townhouse road and the possible location of a stormwater management facility near Indian Grave Road. These details will be finalized during the site plan review process. The applicant has also proffered conditions limiting signage (7 feet tall and 10 feet wide monument sign) and lighting (18 -foot high light poles with fixtures) consistent with the Clearbrook Village Overlay District (CVOD). Clearbrook Village Overlay District (CVOD) — The proposed rezoning is not located in the CVOD, however the applicant has proffered conditions consistent with those regulations. The purpose of the Clearbrook Village Overlay district is to promote future development that is consistent with the current character of Clearbrook and with the comprehensive plan future land use map and polices for this area. Design Guidelines for the Clearbrook Village Commercial Overlay District are attached to the staff report. Community Meeting — A Community Meeting was held on June 18, 2018 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Approximately 15 people attended the meeting. The major concerns/comments included the exiting traffic problems that exist on Indian Grave Road and the intersection at Franklin Road and Indian Grave Road; Roanoke County Schools are overcrowded, including Clearbrook Elementary, this development would add additional students; general comment regarding the size of the development not being consistent with the area; concerns about the future residents of the townhomes; the timeframe of construction; and the benefits of this project to the Clearbrook Community. Agency Comments: The following comments were provided by various agencies on this request: Economic Development — "Economic Development supports the proposed rezoning as a desirable use for this growing commercial corridor. Creating a greater density of housing in this area of the County will support enhanced commercial growth, as well as meet the growing demand for housing variety among diverse age groups. The project also supports the goal of increasing population growth in the County." Building Safety — The Office of Building Safety stated: "all construction will need to meet the requirements of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building code applicable at time of construction. Fire & Rescue —"The construction should not have any impact on fire and rescue services. Our only concern is that the additional stormwater runoff from the elevated surfaces above the station could impact the retaining wall and should be considered. Of course all fire flow access requirements within code must be met." There were also comments related to the impact on the future residents due to the proximately to the fire station. Roanoke County Schools — A 2016 Facility Use Study indicates the program capacity for Clearbrook Elementary School at 354. The June 2018 enrollment numbers show an enrollment at Clearbrook Elementary at 338. The applicant has indicated that the number of school children generated by the development is estimated at nine (9). The addition of Title 1 classrooms, which are smaller, could impact the program capacity at schools. The school board also has the option of realignment of elementary schools in Cave Spring if overcrowding becomes an issue. Roanoke County General Services -"There will be an impact on Solid Waste collection. While the proposed house count would be incorporated into the current route, there will be additional costs associated with the development." Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — The site/property fronts directly on Indian Grave Road which is a publicly owned and maintained street. VDOT's comments include the requirement of a Land Use Permit for a new entrance or a change in the use of an existing entrance. In addition, commercial entrance spacing and intersection sight distance regulations must be adhered to. A traffic study may be required for possible impacts to Route 675 resulting from this development. Comprehensive site plan review is required, as well as review of the existing drainage system. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN This site is designated Transition on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. A future land use area that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. Transition areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Intense retail and highways oriented commercial uses are discouraged in transition areas, which are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. Appropriate land use types within transition areas are planned office parks and independent facilities in park -like surroundings, small-scale planned and clustered retail uses and planned townhouse communities of 6 or more units per acre or garden apartments at a density of 12 to 24 units per acre. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Transition future land use designation. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Laurel Crest, LLC is requesting to rezone approximately 3.27 acres from AR, Agricultural/Residential, District to R-3, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential, District, with proffered conditions, to construct twenty townhomes and two single family attached dwellings, located at 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road. The site is designated as Transition on the Roanoke County Future Land Use Map. The proposed application conforms to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and is in conformance with the County's Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval of this rezoning request with the following proffered conditions: Concept Plan Conformance. The property will be developed in substantial conformance with the development pattern shown on attached concept plan "Laurel Crest Townhome Concept Plan" (Exhibit A) dated 5/17/2018, subject to necessary modifications as may be required by regulatory agencies. 2. Lighting. No freestanding light pole, including fixture, shall be more than 18 feet above grade. All exterior lights, including security lighting, shall be down -lit or shielded so as not to direct glare onto adjoining street or residential properties. The intensity at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. In addition, the light source from any security lighting shall not be visible from adjoining residential properties. 6 3. Signage. The community sign shall be a freestanding monument sign that shall not exceed 7 feet in height or 10 feet in width. The sign shall be channel lit, ground lit or top lit with shielded lamps placed so as to not cast light onto the path of traffic or on any adjacent road or property. The sign will complement the townhome style, and materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. The color of the sign shall be in the earth tone color range. 4. Landscaping. The use of native species shall make up a minimum of 50% of the planting materials. Trees shall measure a minimum of 2'/2 inches in caliper, and shrubs a minimum of 24 inches in height, at time of planting. Three shrubs shall be planted in front of every townhome and three trees shall be planted at the end of each townhome row. Building Design. No visible flat or shed roofs shall be used. The maximum height of structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Siding materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. Materials shall be in the earth tone color range. CASE NUMBER: 6-712018 PREPARED BY: Rebecca James HEARING DATES: PC: 7110118 BOS: 7124118 ATTACHMENTS: Application Aerial Map Zoning Map Land Use Map R-3 Medium Density Multi -Family Residential District Standards AR Agricultural/Residential District Standards Townhouse Use & Design Standards Single Family, Attached Use & Design Standards Design Guidelines for the Clearbrook Village Commercial Overlay District Transition Future Land Use Designation 7 -P 2-- 1 (Zrz:, C) � -�)'s County of Roanoke 1, or Staff Use Only Co-nuiunityDevalopme.lt Date received, Recei bV: Planning & zoning 5204 Bernard Drive Application fee; PC/HZ.A dat P 0 Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 I'lacards issued: BOS date: (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-71,55 Case tda tuber Check type of application tiled (check all that apply) QReroning [(Special Use ElVariance ❑Waiver []A,dministrafiiveA0peal ElComp Platt (15.2-2232) Review Applicants name/address w/zip Phone: Laurel Crest, LLC PO Box 20886 Work: 540,204,4247, ext Ice Roanoke; VA 24018 Coli #: Fax No.: A Owner's name/address w/zip Phone #: RFC2017 Land, LLC PO Box 20888 Work; _32264247, ext toa 540 — _ Roanoke, VA 24018 Fax No. #: Property Location5356 Indian Grave (toad Roanoke, VA 24018 Magisterial District: CaveSpring 9 Sf ,G Community Planning area: Not included in any CP study area. Tax ftp No 098.01-01-02.00-0000 Existing Zoning: AR -Agricultural/Residential Size ofparcel(s): Acres: , existing Land Use: Single Family Home I>'ClONING, SPACIAL r1,�L I'I Rt1afIl, �YRIVLIi ,�tVD 1'4 1V qs z z2.3i) RL CL6f' AI'�'LiC.41VTS' (IIISIWiCP} Proposed Zoning: R-3 Medium Density Residential Proposed Land Use: Townhomes 2a units) and Single Family Attached (2 units) Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes 0 No ❑ IF NO, A VARIANCI: IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No ❑ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS 1;iEQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes ll NoE YAI{.I�11+C, WAXVh AIVD f(DMINISI'RA7IV A'I'FAL AII'LICAiYT ir'IW/AA} Variance/Waiver of Sections) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to; Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Sections); _ of the Roanoke County Zonhtg Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zottitig Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. —APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY Of, THE,,,; ITEMS ARE, MISSING OR. INCOMPLETE. im RIS/W/CP VHA R/SRVICY VIAA Consultation ✓ 8 1/2" x I V concept plan ✓ Application feeApplication Metes and bounds descriptionProffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer appy Consent f the owner. ' ion ✓ Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I an, either the owner of the report, or the o nor, gent "contract purchaser and ant acting with the knowledge and - .� _----�_._-• O�+rtet's Sigttatttre 2 OIAIUSEWEW TUSTIFICAOQR REZONING, SPECT REQUESTS: Applicant Laurel Crest, LLC The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain. how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the .Zoning Ordinance. See attached justification packet. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. See attached justification packet. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. See attached justification packet. 3 CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district -and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. TheCountyPlanning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS X a. Applicant name and name of development X b. Date, scale and north arrow X c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions X d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties X c. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. X f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties X g. All property lines and casements X h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights X i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development X j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional infor•mationiegiii?°e4fol•.REZON1NGandSPECIAL USEPERNIITAPPLICANTS X k. Existing utilities (.water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site X 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers X m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals X n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections X o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants X p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed N/A q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that ite req ' ed in t checklist above are complete. _ I1 1` Sign re of applicant Date rol May 11, 2018 Board of Supervisors & Planning Commission of Roanoke County 5204 Bernard Dr. Roanoke, VA 24018 Attn: Mr. Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning Re: Laurel Crest Townhomes R3 - Townhome Rezoning Request Tax Parcel #098.01-01-02.00-0000 Dear Mr. Thompson, Laurel Crest, LLC is requesting to rezone Tax Parcel #098.01-01-02.00-0000 from AR Agricultural/Residential to R3 Residential to allow for the development of a townhome subdivision. The site is approximately 2.78 acres, and is located on Indian Grave Road Southwest, in the vicinity of Clearbrook Elementary School and virtually adjacent to LewisGale Family Medicine. This makes it an ideal living opportunity for families and retirees alike, which is consistent with population trends in Roanoke County. As you are aware, the Roanoke County 2005 Comprehensive Plan, as well as a 2012 Future Land Use Guide, both identify a need for various housing types to meet the current and future demand of the County. These plans further identify that densities currently allowed in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance will need to be utilized to allow the types of housing which will provide Roanoke County the diversity in housing that it seeks. To that end, we are requesting this rezoning and it is our pleasure to propose Laurel Crest. This community will provide excellent living opportunities in the desirable Roanoke County community. This new community will consist of a maximum of 22 new townhomes. Laurel Crest will include 20 two- story style townhomes and 2 patio style townhomes. Laurel Crest will mandate a commitment to the aesthetic quality and architectural design of the nearby neighborhoods of the County. The site is ideally located along the edge of the Clearbrook Village Overlay District and the proposed use is an excellent transitional use between the commercially zoned properties to the Northeast and the residential use to the South West. According to the Design Guidelines for the Clearbrook Village Commercial Overlay District (2000), the parcel is designated as a Secondary Area and directly adjoins the Primary Area. Because Laurel Crest is contiguous to an area designated for high intensity urban development, Roanoke County's Future Land Use Guide (2012) designates the property for Transition land use. Accordingly, the proposed townhome community is an ideal development for furthering the goals of the County. The property proposed for rezoning is immediately south of a portion of the Clearbrook Village Commercial Overlay District. As such, this new community has been designed to respect the Design Guidelines published in 2000 for that district. Laurel Crest will provide housing that will be aesthetically consistent with surrounding communities and businesses. In keeping with the Design Guidelines published in 2000, we are proffering design standards that will cover many aspects of the development including but not limited to lighting, signage, landscaping, and architecture. We have also included examples (Exhibit B) of the styles of townhomes that we plan to offer the Roanoke County community. Page 1 of 7 We understand that areas within the viewshed of the Blue Ridge Parkway must be sensitive to preserving the surrounding landscapes enjoyed by users of the Parkway. Our community will be 0.7 miles from the closest point of the Parkway. Our site due diligence determined that the community is not a material impact to the Parkway viewshed. In fact, unlike many other buildings in the area, there is only one spot along the Parkway where one may see the edges of Laurel Crest and it would require an illegal parking presence on a small grassy section of the Parkway. The property will be served by public water and public sewer, which makes it more appropriate for the proposed zoning. Stormwater management and quality will be provided as required by applicable regulations. Per the Roanoke County guidelines, the proposed land use is not considered high traffic. The Clearbrook Fire and Rescue Station is located adjacent to the subject property and will conveniently provide services to this property. The schools serving this community will be Clearbrook Elementary, Cave Spring Middle School and Cave Spring High School. Using the following model the anticipated number of school age children is approximately nine (9) children: [22 (# of proposed dwelling units)] x [2.55 (person slhousehold)] x 15% = # of school aged children. We are confident that this new community will further the goals set by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, meet a market need for new homes, and be a welcomed addition to the community. We look forward to the opportunity to bring new housing to Roanoke County. We have included a preliminary development plan (Exhibit A) showing the layout and are proffering substantial conformance to it. We are excited to present Laurel Crest to the Planning Commission, the Board of Supervisors, and the Roanoke County citizens. As a Roanoke County based business, we are excited to have the opportunity to be a catalyst for growth in Roanoke County. We remain committed to providing Roanoke County with all information necessary to consider this request and welcome input from all interested parties. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions. Sincerely, Robert P. Fralin, Managing Member of Laurel Crest, LLC Page 2of7 VICINITY MAP Page 3 of 7 r .J 1 j r Ya yQi r � r , C[eybrook Ierabrco '• �Qoa , .. ✓> Park 1FJem-de'Aary,�'.., 'r. f„20� J 97 riearhrook l Fi q A,4qd cue'616flaa r C `r • ' ' r.i y'Ati9 � r I oil y � rr r , J Page 3 of 7 PROFFER STATEMENT The applicant hereby agrees to proffer the following conditions as part of the rezoning request for Tax Parcels 098.01-01-02.00-0000 & 098.01-01-03.00-0000: 1. The property will be developed in substantial conformance with the development pattern shown on attached concept plan "Laurel Crest Townhome Concept Plan" (Exhibit A) dated 5/17/2018, subject to necessary modifications as may be required by regulatory agencies. 2. No freestanding light pole, including fixture, shall be more than 18 feet above grade. All exterior lights, including security lighting, shall be down -lit or shielded so as not to direct glare onto adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. In addition, the light source from any security lighting shall not be visible from adjoining residential properties. 3. The community sign shall be a freestanding monument sign that shall not exceed 7 feet in height or 10 feet in width. The sign shall be channel lit, ground lit or top lit with shielded lamps placed so as to not cast light onto the path of traffic or on any adjacent road or property. The sign will complement the townhome style, and materials such as exposed I tandard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. The color of the sign shall be in the earth tone color range. 4. The use of native species shall make up a minimum of 50% of the planting materials. Trees shall measure a minimum of 2 V2 inches in caliper, and shrubs a minimum of 24 inches in height, at time of planting. Three shrubs shall be planted in front of every townhome and three trees shall be planted at the end of each townhome row. 5. No visible flat roofs shall be used. The maximum height of structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35 feet). Siding materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. Materials shall be in the earth tone color range. Sigr Ore and printed nar fie of property owner State of Virginia County of Roanoke to Wit: Date The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I5 day of 2 XFC 2.oi 2 L��►e1, LU Printed name of property owners / My commission expires: ('�12-V —r�" J J- i=,16pc.� Izv33 de, Notary Public printed name and registration number Page 4of7 Date `Notary P lic si natur� a THOMAS JOHN FEU_ERS ° NOTARY PUBLIC . Commonwealth of Virginia Reg. #7203310 ADJACENT PROPERTIES Northern Property Boundary Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 TM# 098.01-01-01.00-0000 Zoning: C2 1.98 Acres Shepherd Properties Roanoke, LLC 2320 Maiden Ln. SW Roanoke, VA 24015 TM# 098.02-02-01.00-0000 Zoning: C2 5.58 Acres Southern Property Boundary Walters, Kenneth J. 5394 Indian Grave Rd. Western Property Boundary Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees 2360 Hardy Rd. Vinton, VA 24179 TM# 098.02-02-16.00-0000 Zoning: C2 48.65 Acres Lumsden, Newton Denver; Lumsden, Mary Ellen 5410 Indian Grave Rd. Roanoke, VA 24018 TM4 098.01-01-08.00-0000 Zoning: AR 2.89 Acres Roanoke, VA 24018 TM# 098.01-01-06.00-0000 and 098.01-01-04.00-0000 Zoning. AR 1.05 Acres Walters, Kenneth J. 5394 Indian Grave Rd. Roanoke, VA 24018 TM# 098.01-01-04.00-0000 Zoning: AR 0.07 Acres Page 5 of 7 Part of Tax Map No: 098.01-01-02.00-0000 and 098.01-01-03.00-0000 PARCEL 1 BEGINNING atan iron pipe in Mrs. LeeYate's line and being the northeast corner of Harry Pickel's residence lot, and with Pickel's line N. 48'42'W. passing 2 feet south of a black oak at 8' all 303 feet to an iron on the west side of a 20 foot roadway in the line of Jessie W. Simmons and with Simmon's line running along the west side of said 20 foot roadway, N. 14 49' E. 239 feet, N. 47' 36' W. 16 feet to a point in State Secondary Road 675; and thence with a new line, N. 26' 11' E. 44 feet to a point in the road, S. 53 11'E. to an iron pipe at 27.3 feet, all 386.6 feet to an iron pipe, S. 46 21' E. 190 feet to an iron pipe in Mrs. Lee Yate's line, and with her. line, S. 69'46'W. 311 feet to the BEGINNING; and BEING 2.78 acres as shown on that plat recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 872, page 575. PARM 7 BEGINNING at a point in the center of the Indian Grave Road, being State Sec. Route No. 675, the point of BEGINNING; thence S. 47' 36' E. 38.93 feet to a point; thence with the line of the present Sam. R. Webb property, 5.14'49'W. 290.85 feet to a point; thence with the line of a 0.074 acre tract being conveyed to Gertrude M. Pickle, N. 55'W. 124.96 feet to a point in the center of Va. State Sec. Route No. 675; thence with the center of Va. State Sec. Route No. 675, N. 35 30' E. 124.60 feet to a point; thence continuing with the center of Va. State Sec. Route No. 675, N. 29 23' E. 154.15 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and containing 0.49 acre; and being shown by survey dated June 21, 1973, made by Jack G. Bess, CLS, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 978, page 641. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 EXHIBIT B: TOWNHOME STYLES Page 7 of 7 W E 5 Y E R N V I R G I N I A WATER AUTHORIT 1 Engineering Services Availability # 18-164 May 16, 2018 Address: 5356 INDIAN GRAVE RD & 5372 INDIAN GRAVE RD Accounting Code: Roanoke County Tax Map Number(s): 098.01-01-02.00-0000 & 098.01-01-03.00-0000 Card #:NONE Contact: Chris Burns 772-9580 Prepared by: Mitch Eakin, Utiltiy Planner (540) 283-2996 This letter has been generated without an approved plan. Based on the information that has been provided to the Western Virginia Water Authority, public water and sewer can be made available to this proposed parcel under certain conditions as outlined below. The design engineer is responsible to verify the water and sewer requirements for any development. All costs associated with the design and construction of the public water and sewer improvements required to serve this new parcel will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. A more detailed Availability Letter outlining specific fee's associated with connecting to the public water and sewer systems will be provided in conjunction with the site plan review process. WATER: Water can be provided to the Property by connection to the existing 8" public water main located in Indian Grave Rd. The hydraulic grade line of the existing 8" waterline in is HGL 1410. It is the owner/developers responsibility to ensure that the existing water system can provide the necessary flow and pressure required for the proposed development on this parcel. Depending on how Property is developed the internal water service could be either private or public, and this would be determined at the time of site plan approval. SEWER: Sewer can be provided to the Property by connection to the existing 8" public sanitary main located in Indian Grave Rd. Depending on how Property is developed the sewer service could be either private or public, and this would be determined at the time of site plan approval. Depending on the time of development the developer could be required to participate in an upgrade to the Clearbrook lift station if proposed development plans are determined to exceed the capacity of the lift station. Our Mission is Clear 601 South Jefferson Street. Suite 300 . Roanoke VA 24011 540-853-5700 . www.westernvawater.org EXHIBIT C: BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY PHOTO 5356 Indian Grave Mewshed _ MLegoid Wnfe a description foryourmap „� °1r z VINIO-dll'A1Nnoo 3NONVOII lON-LS10 `JNIadS 3nVO fi a� a NVId id3ONOD m o� o _ OVO?J 3i\VaE) NVIONI ZLES 8 9SES _ _ N , ■ S3WOHNMOl1S3bOl3bw o o N o \ I I v w I v ks�5�1 Izwl I I I I I I I` I I SII I I I II I I I ♦ \ 1 i W. I I� I I I 1 I I I I \ I I I I ♦ / �LJ \ _ I �I�_ I I I I I II I \ \ -6\ , I+I I`♦1 12 I I I I I I I � ZooW4 `IIII l L 1 I'. i.,i... T j \I . rc � i rI iiii ♦ o Y\ ro�R� I \\ \ � I I FSI � ` � � 1 I I I � \ I / I� I o ♦ v � �� � �' ♦ LI //�� �o � dna I ���� I � ��` V � v I I � - ��' / ♦ � vI IIS xd � �� _��� � m \ � I ` vv \ \ ;/ i � \\ \� � / � � /SII w � � ,�,�•�� � W �� � \ �� it I `1 �r�OVd� � � � � \ �/�`� ✓ � — — —�� -- m Z - - - 22 oN F- CD N n d m m o _0 _0 > cu> cu (U 00 0000 E E W- cu cu 9 9 0 0 0 -0 'E E -099 E N v) M 4(� z N 0 Z:) 0 0 0 N -0 , , z — — I .(u U) 0 (D C,4 0) 0) CL C? C? LO rl— 0 U) CL 2 'OL 2 x co co m 2 cL < -i x LU IL IL '0 '0 < (b H _ F r 1 1 A �{ Q� Owe Pim bi�Ni Nit rn > > Q iv NU) O CO rn rn 0 s (1) o N V V (6 3 0000 O U II r C C Q o o (u (u U Q rn F-> c - m 'c C C z N N �� X00 m ° m N _0 o a) Z N m U) O N N O CLO O X00 .. N LO rl UU _ N � _ 0 0's 200 N N _ Ce)^ Qj .N Q O Q� O'6 X W 00 1Ce) 1^ VJ VJ CL Q J W d d N H 00 Q 2 °e.�; 3 0 J 9 o ��2 A/� a � Q o o o / \ \ / E kU oo - E J \& 9 cu < § a« ..\\ X66 - \ 0-0 [S c I 6E I.)g g m r e\ o > E E p \ A ¥ / a ) ) 2 ƒ J / / » ' \ 6 = = 9 9 9 \ \ \ -o { \ \ \ � � % ] 2 § § \ a G G # ! 3 0 J � 0 o o / \ \ / 1=2 > oo - E E J \ < 00 \ 9 90 § a— .. X66 \ -0 -0 [S ® 1an)� gg f m r e o > E E p ] \ A / a ) ) ƒ= J / / » (D C \ 6 = 9 9 9' LO rl_ cL ® \ \ \ co co / -: LO LO f] j ƒ\ Foo # / R-3 District Regulations SEC. 30-45. R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-45-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the R-3, medium density multi -family residential district is to provide areas in the county within the urban service area where existing middle -high density residential development (six (6) to twelve (12) units per acre) has been established and land areas which generally appear to be appropriate for such development. This district is intended to coincide with the development and transition land use categories contained in the comprehensive plan. They are designated based on access to major streets, sewer and water, and schools with suitable capacity to accommodate development at the stated density, and where parcel sizes allow for well-planned residential development. The areas designated in this district are also intended to serve as a buffer between less intensive residential areas and more intensive office, commercial and industrial areas and districts. A variety of housing densities and styles is encouraged in order to permit a diversity and flexibility in design and layout. Additional standards are established to provide for amenities in higher density developments. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1£, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-45-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type I * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multi -family Dwelling * Residential Human Care Facility Single Family Dwelling, Attached * Single Family Dwelling, Attached (Cluster Subdivision Option) * R-3 District Regulations Single Family Dwelling, Detached Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option) Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Zero Lot Line Option) Townhouse * Two Family Dwelling * 2. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Family Day Care Home Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Minor 3. Commercial Uses Boarding House 4. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Civic Uses Adult Care Residences Cemetery * Crisis Center Cultural Services 2 R-3 District Regulations Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary Safety Services * Utility Services, Major * 2. Industrial Uses Landfill, Rubble * 3. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * Wind Energy System, Small (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 9, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, § II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4- 22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 30-45-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. All lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. K R-3 District Regulations b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 4. For minimum lot size and permitted densities for multi -family dwellings and townhouses refer to Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 35 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 60 percent of the total lot area. il R-3 District Regulations (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93) AR District Regulations SEC. 30-34. AR AGRICULTURAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-34-1. Purpose. (A) These areas are generally characterized by very low density residential and institutional uses mixed with smaller parcels that have historically contained agricultural uses, forest land and open space outside the urban service area. These areas provide an opportunity for rural living in convenient proximity to urban services and employment. Agricultural uses should be encouraged to be maintained. Over time, however, these areas are expected to become increasingly residential in character, with residential development becoming the dominant use over agricultural and more rural type uses. The purpose of this district, consistent with the Rural Village land use category in the comprehensive plan, is to maintain these areas essentially in their rural state, consistent with the level of services anticipated by the county. These areas are generally suitable for low density residential development and other compatible land uses. (Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1£, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4- 22-08) Sec. 30-34-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. I . Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture * Forestry Operations * Stable, Commercial * Stable, Private * Wayside Stand * 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type II * AR District Regulations Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit * Residential Human Care Facility Single Family Dwelling, Detached Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Zero Lot Line Option) 3. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Family Day Care Home Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Minor 4. Commercial Uses Bed and Breakfast * Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 5. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems * 2 AR District Regulations 2. Civic Uses Camps * Cemetery * Crisis Center Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary Safety Services * Utility Services, Major * 3. Commercial Uses Antique Shops Golf Course * Kennel, Commercial * Studio, Fine Arts 4. Industrial Uses Custom Manufacturing Resource Extraction * 5. Miscellaneous Uses Broadcasting Tower Outdoor Gatherings (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 7, 4- 26-94; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811- 1, § 1, 3-8-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13, Ord. No. 062816-4, § 1, 6-28-16) Sec. 30-34-3. Site Development Regulations. K1 AR District Regulations General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system: a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet) b. Frontage: 110 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 30,000 square feet b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. Lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 25,000 square feet b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet b. Accessory structures: 15 feet behind front building line or 10 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet b. Accessory structures: 10 feet 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. il AR District Regulations Where the principal structure is more than 150 feet from the street, accessory buildings may be located 150 feet from the street and 20 feet from any side property line. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. All structures: 45 feet (D) Maximum coverage. Building coverage: 25 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Use & Design Standards — Residential Uses Sec. 30-82-14. Townhouses. (A) Intent. It is the intent of this section that townhouses be allowed in areas where they are or may be appropriately intermingled with other compatible types of housing. The purpose of the following design standards is to ensure the efficient, economical, comfortable and convenient use of land and open space and serve the public purposes of zoning by providing an alternative to conventional arrangements of yards and buildable areas. (B) General standards: All townhouse developments shall be served by public sewer and water. 2. The facades of townhouses in a group shall be varied by changed front yards and variations in design so that no more than four (4) abutting townhouses will have the same front yard setback and the same or essentially the same architectural treatment of facades and roof lines. 3. The minimum separation between townhouse buildings shall be twenty (20) feet. 4. The height of all townhouses shall be limited to forty-five (45) feet. Accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. 5. Accessory structures for townhouse units shall be permitted only in rear yard areas and shall be no larger than ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet in area. 6. Only one yard, either the front yard or the rear yard, or in the case of an end unit, the side yard, shall be improved with a driveway or other impermeable surface intended for the storage of motor vehicles or for access to a garage, or other parking areas. 7. The maximum building and lot coverage requirements applying to townhouses shall be computed for the site of the entire development. 8. Public street frontage shall not be required for any proposed lot of record platted for townhouse development within R-3 and R-4 districts. In the AV and R-2 districts, the applicant shall designate as part of the special use permit application, the location of any lot that is not proposed to front on a public street. 9. If utilized, private roads shall be constructed in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. (C) Additional standards in the AV district: Maximum gross density: Eight (8) townhouse units per acre. Use & Design Standards — Residential Uses 2. Minimum parcel size: Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus five thousand four hundred forty-five (5,445) square feet for each additional unit. Front yard setbacks for each group of townhouse units: an average of fifteen (15) feet, and not be less than ten (10) feet for any individual townhouse unit. No common parking area, common driveway or street right-of-way shall be permitted within the required front yard area. 4. A side yard setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided for each end residence in any group of townhouses adjoining a property boundary of the development, or a street right-of-way, private drive, parking area or walkway intended for the common use of townhouse occupants. Minimum rear yard setback: Twenty-five (25) feet. 6. Minimum lot size for individual townhouse lots: Two thousand (2,000) square feet for interior lots and two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for end lots. 7. Minimum width for individual townhouse lots: Twenty (20) feet, measured from center of wall to center of wall, or outside of end wall. 8. Maximum number in a group or block of townhouses: Four (4) townhouse units. 9. The maximum building and lot coverage shall comply with the requirements for the AV district. 10. When a townhouse development adjoins a single family dwelling, a Type C buffer yard as described more fully in section 30-92 shall be provided. (D) Additional standards in the R-2 district: Maximum gross density: Twelve (12) townhouse units per acre. 2. Minimum parcel size: Seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus three thousand six hundred thirty (3,630) square feet for each additional unit. 3. Front yard setbacks for each group of townhouse units: an average of fifteen (15) feet, and not be less than ten (10) feet for any individual townhouse unit. No common parking area, common driveway or street right-of-way shall be permitted within the required front yard area. 4. A side yard setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided for each end residence in any group of townhouses adjoining a property boundary of the development. 2 Use & Design Standards — Residential Uses Where a group of townhouses adjoin a private drive or parking area or walkway intended for the common use of townhouse occupants, the side yard setback shall be ten (10) feet. Minimum rear yard setback: Twenty-five (25) feet. 6. Minimum lot size for individual townhouse lots: Two thousand (2,000) square feet for interior lots and two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for end lots. 7. Minimum width for individual townhouse lots: Eighteen (18) feet, measured from center of wall to center of wall or outside end wall. Maximum number in a group or block of townhouses: Ten (10) townhouse units. 9. Maximum coverage for townhouse developments: a. Building coverage: Thirty-five (35) percent. b. Lot coverage: Sixty (60) percent. (E) Additional standards in the R-3 district: 1. Maximum gross density: Twelve (12) townhouse units per acre. 2. Minimum parcel size: Seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus three thousand six hundred thirty (3,630) square feet for each additional unit. Front yard setbacks for each group of townhouse units: an average of fifteen (15) feet, and not be less than ten (10) feet for any individual townhouse unit. No common parking area, common driveway or street right-of-way shall be permitted within the required front yard area. 4. A side yard setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided for each end residence in any group of townhouses adjoining a property boundary of the development. Where a group of townhouses adjoin a private drive or parking area or walkway intended for the common use of townhouse occupants, the side yard setback shall be ten (10) feet. Minimum rear yard setback: Twenty-five (25) feet. 6. Minimum lot size for individual townhouse lots: One thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet for interior lots and two thousand three hundred (2,300) square feet for end lots. Use & Design Standards — Residential Uses 7. Minimum width for individual townhouse lots: Eighteen (18) feet, measured from center of wall to center of wall or outside end wall. Maximum number in a group or block of townhouses: Ten (10) townhouse units. 9. Maximum coverage for townhouse developments: a. Building coverage: Forty (40) percent. b. Lot coverage: Sixty-five (65) percent. (F) Additional standards in the R-4 district: Maximum gross density: Eighteen (18) townhouse units per acre. 2. Minimum parcel size: Seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus two thousand four hundred twenty (2,420) square feet for each additional unit. Front yard setback for each group of townhouse units: an average of fifteen (15) feet, and not less than ten (10) feet for any individual townhouse unit. Common parking areas, driveways, and rights-of-way may be permitted within the front yard setback. 4. A side yard setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided for each end residence in any group of townhouses adjoining a property boundary of the development. Where a group of townhouses adjoin a private drive or parking area or walkway intended for the common use of townhouse occupants, the side yard setback shall be ten (10) feet. Minimum rear yard setback: Twenty-five (25) feet. 6. Minimum lot size for individual townhouse lots: One thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet for interior lots and two thousand one hundred (2,100) square feet for end lots. 7. Fifty (50) percent of the individual townhouse lots shall be allowed to have a minimum width of fourteen (14) feet, measured from center of wall to center of wall. The remaining lots shall have a width greater than fourteen (14) feet. Maximum number in a group or block of townhouses: Ten (10) townhouse units. 9. Maximum coverage for townhouse developments: a. Building coverage: Forty-five (45) percent. rd Use & Design Standards — Residential Uses b. Lot coverage: Seventy (70) percent. (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 16, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Use & Design Standards — Residential Uses Sec. 30-82-13. Single Family, Attached. (A) Intent. The following provisions are intended to offer greater flexibility in providing a variety of housing options to meet the changing demands and needs of the public. The standards below are intended to accommodate new developments of attached single family dwellings, as well as to allow attached single family dwellings as in -fill development on scattered sites in existing residential areas. (B) General standards within a common development containing three (3) or more acres: 1. The minimum lot size, frontage and front and rear yard setbacks required in the district regulations may be reduced up to twenty (20) percent, however the normal front, rear, and side yard setback requirement must be maintained adjacent to any lot or public street or right-of-way not within the common development; or not otherwise designated for zero lot line use. The twenty (20) percent road frontage reduction does not apply to parcels with frontage in a cul-de-sac. 2. Minimum side yard opposite the common lot line between two (2) attached dwellings: Ten (10) feet. Maximum building coverage: Forty (40) percent. 4. A copy of the plat approved by the subdivision agent of the county shall be submitted to the administrator. The administrator shall make the appropriate notation on the official zoning map that the affected lots have been approved for attached dwellings. (C) General standards on existing lots or in new developments containing less than three (3) acres: Minimum side yard opposite the common lot line between two (2) attached dwellings: Ten (10) feet. (D) Public street frontage shall not be required for any proposed lot of record platted for single family attached development within R-3 and R-4 districts. (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 16, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 111400-7, § 2, 11-14-00; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) yr� �J PON* 0P* �I- M J E 1 I I I I k 1 E 3� I E i 1 F 1 [ 1 1 1 1 I A � 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 1 E i I i l 1 1 i E E E i F E 1 1 E E 1 1 1 1 1 1 E i I ^M.t Cd U E ✓' � � .� G O � I 3� 1 1 E •.�•� 1 [ 1 A � a Cd U E ✓' � � .� G O � � � A W � Q a � CJJ w� "� •� 'L7 'C C3ow Q © ti EO U C3 r" Y F C 0 cz c � ia) � r a N 4 7 cd © -- © ° 7, M. cu ., a ° cd O Ci. U O r+ to v ,U � cd x . m c { cid U 0 © � C m CL CZ °? 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Transition areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Intense retail and highway oriented commercial uses are discouraged in transition areas, which are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. Land Use Types: Office and Institutional - Planned office parks and independent facilities in park -like surroundings are encouraged. A high degree of architectural design and environmentally sensitive site design is encouraged. Retail - Small-scale planned and clustered retail uses. Multifamily Residential - Garden apartments at a density of 12 to 24 units per acre. Single -Family Attached Residential - Planned townhouse communities of 6 or more units per acre. Parks - Public and private recreational facilities. These facilities should be linked to residential areas by greenways, bike and pedestrian trails. Land Use Determinants: EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN - Locations where limited commercial uses exist. EXISTING ZONING - Locations where commercial zoning exists. ACCESS - Locations where properties have direct frontage and access to an arterial or major collector street. SURROUNDING LAND USE - Locations which serve as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use patterns. ORIENTATION - Locations which are physically oriented toward the major street. URBAN SECTOR - Locations served by urban services. Photographs emailed to the Planning Commission regarding the property location and the Blue Ridge Parkway Em .11 2-0 �Cj m 4� E rG L) v 00 a iL ■ \ A AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE REZONING APPROXIMATELY 3.27 ACRES FROM AR (AGRICULTURAL/RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO R-3 (MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; TO CONSTRUCT 20 TOWNHOUSES AND 2 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS ON PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 5356 AND 5372 INDIAN GRAVE ROAD, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (TAX MAP NOS. 098.01-01-03.00-0000 AND 098.01-01-02.00-0000) WHEREAS, Laurel Crest, LLC is requesting to rezone approximately 3.27 acres (located at 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District) from an AR (agricultural/residential) district to an R-3 (medium density multi -family residential) district, to enable the construction of twenty (20) townhomes and two (2) single family attached dwellings, and has voluntarily proffered reasonable conditions regarding the same; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 28, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing were held on July 24, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 10, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends approval of the petition with the proffered conditions; and law. WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 1 of 4 1. The petition of Laurel Crest, LLC to rezone approximately 3.27 acres (located at 5356 and 5372 Indian Grave Road, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District (Tax map nos. 098.01-01-03.00-0000 and 098.01-01-02.00-0000) from an AR (agricultural/residential) district to an R-3 (medium density multi -family residential) district, to enable the construction of twenty (20) townhomes and two (2) single family attached dwellings, is approved with the following voluntarily proffered conditions: A. Concept Plan Conformance. The property will be developed in substantial conformance with the development pattern shown on attached concept plan "Laurel Crest Townhome Concept Plan" (Exhibit A) dated 5/17/2018, subject to necessary modifications as may be required by regulatory agencies. B. Lighting. No freestanding light pole, including fixture, shall be more than 18 feet above grade. All exterior lights, including security lighting, shall be down -lit or shielded so as not to direct glare onto adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. In addition, the light source from any security lighting shall not be visible from adjoining residential properties. C. Signage. The community sign shall be a freestanding monument sign that shall not exceed 7 feet in height or 10 feet in width. The sign shall be channel lit, ground lit or top lit with shielded lamps placed so as to not cast light onto the path of traffic or on any adjacent road or Page 2 of 4 property. The sign will complement the townhome style, and materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. The color of the sign shall be in the earth tone color range. D. Landscaping. The use of native species shall make up a minimum of 50% of the planting materials. Trees shall measure a minimum of 2 '/2 inches in caliper, and shrubs a minimum of 24 inches in height, at time of planting. Three shrubs shall be planted in front of every townhome and three trees shall be planted at the end of each townhome row. E. Building Design. No visible flat or shed roofs shall be used. The maximum height of structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Siding materials such as exposed standard concrete block, metal, or brightly colored siding will not be used. Materials shall be in the earth tone color range. 2. The Board finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the purpose and intent of the County's Comprehensive Plan and good zoning practice, and will not be a substantial detriment to the community. 3. The Board further finds that the applicant's proffered conditions: were voluntarily given and are reasonable, have a reasonable relation to the rezoning, are in conformity with the County's Comprehensive Plan, are clearly understood and are enforceable, do not require or allow a design or standard that is less restrictive than the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, and that he rezoning itself gives rise for the need for the conditions. Page 3 of 4 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 4 of 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. P.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: July 24, 2018 The petition of Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority and Lewis Living Trust to rezone 113.6 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District and R-1, Low Density Residential, District to PTD, Planned Technology Development, District, for the development of a Technology Park located in the 7600 to 7900 blocks of Wood Haven Road and the 7200 block of Thirlane Road, Catawba Magisterial District. Philip Thompson Acting Director of Planning Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Agenda item for public hearing and second reading of ordinances on an application to rezone property from low intensity industrial and residential to planned technology development for the development of a technology park. BACKGROUND: The Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority (WVRIFA) was formed in 2014 by six regional governments to provide a mechanism for localities to cooperate regionally on economic development projects After an analysis to identify suitable large acre tracts in the region, the Wood Haven Road site was selected as the first priority for development Included in the County's Strategic Plan is having appropriately zoned, graded commercial and industrial sites with the necessary infrastructure to position the County for future economic growth Page 1 of 3 The PTD district is intended to provide flexibility in design and site layout, allow latitude in combining different use types within a single development, and provide the developer with incentives to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional planned development DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request on July 10, 2018. Fourteen speakers (14) spoke during the public hearing. Four (4) speakers spoke in favor of the rezoning request. Their comments focused on: critical need in the region for large, prepared sites; accessibility to and visibility from 1-81/1-581; half the property is already zoned for industrial use; site would promote economic and business growth in the region; site would provide tax revenue, quality jobs and business investment to support our region's quality of life; need to provide infrastructure for future growth in our region; Wood Haven site selected as top priority in regional analysis; and other economic development agencies (GO Virginia and Virginia Economic Development Partnership) have awarded funding towards the Wood Haven site due to its strategic location. Ten (10) speakers spoke in opposition to the rezoning request. Their comments focused on: impact and visibility of the proposed graded pad site to adjacent properties, impact on surrounding property values, concern over the removal of the existing mature tree buffer; inadequacy of the proposed planted buffers; need for more details about the development; buildings should be located along the Interstate away from Wood Haven Road; concern over entrance location; inadequacy of Wood Haven Road and other roads to handle additional traffic especially truck traffic; timing of road improvements; concern over permitted uses; traffic safety concerns; impacts during construction to surrounding property owners; vacancy of existing industrial properties along the 1-81 corridor; rezoning would remove R-1 property in an area with limited housing options; develop property in phases; blend industrial park with surrounding community by including parks, circumferential greenway, and site design considerations (building location, location of parking and loading areas); area is a peaceful and tranquil area which will be impacted by proposed development; impact to Kingston community; and development proposal is not supported by neighborhood residents. The Planning Commission discussed the permitted uses, the lack of building locations on the plan, traffic impacts, the timing of road improvements, truck traffic, existing issues at the I-581/Peters Creek Road interchange, buffers, construction impacts including noise, entrance location, property values, housing supply in the area, the intent of the PTD, and conformance with the County's Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning request from 1-1 and R-1 to PTD. Page 2 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the second reading of the ordinance to rezone the property from 1-1 and R-1 to PTD. Page 3 of 3 Information provided to the Planning Commission during the Public Hearing Page 1 of 1 Susan McCoy - [EXTERNAL] - Written Comments From: Willie Klepper <weklepper24 a gmail.com> To: <smccoy@roanokecountyva.gov>, <jwoltz@roanokecountyva.gov>, <pmahoney@ro... Date: 7/5/201$ 7:27 PM Subject: [EXTERNAL] - Written Comments Attachments: Planning.WVRIFA Comments.docx; Planning.WVRIFA Comments.docx Dear Ms. McCoy and Commissioners; I am writing to ask you to include the attached letter as written comments for the public hearing on July 10 regarding the rezoning of the parcels on Wood Haven Rd. I will be out of town on a mission trip with my church and unable to attend the meeting, but as a taxpayer and resident of the community I would like to voice my concerns of the proposed zoning. Thank you in advance for accepting my letter and considering my comments as part of the public record. Thanks and God Bless! William (Willie) Klepper WARNING: This message was sent from outside the Roanoke County email system. DO NOT CLICK any links or downloaded attaclunents unless you know the content is from a trusted source. file:NC:/Userslsmccoy/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5B3E7120P02 DOMAINM-Z_P... 7/6/2018 William Fd K1ep[,.wr 7940 Wood Haven Rd. Roanoke, VA 24019 (560) 589-4273. weItIep; ►U. ,z m June 30, 2018 Dear Planning Commission, This letter is to express my concerns of over portions of the application for the development of the Wood Haven Road property that will be heard before you during the July 10, 2018 Commission Meeting. Unfortunately, I will be out of town on a mission trip with my church that week and will not be able to attend the meeting, thus I submit these written comments. I ask the Planning Commission to accept these comments and allow them to be part of the official record of the meeting on July 10, 2018, First, I would like to say that I am not opposed to job creation or development! I am a huge supporter of capitalism and the free market! We must be open to progress or we will fall behind and from that point the economy will spiral down. Secondly, I do, however, oppose the way this whole project has been handled! WVRIFA has been allowed to spend tax payer dollars without tax payer input and no oversight or restrictions. Tax payers were not even aware of this project until the over inflated purchase was made. Authorities such as WVRIFA should be providing a service (like the water authority) to the tax payers. WVRIFA is providing nothing but headaches and concern over property values. Nor do I have any say as to who runs and/or operates WVRIFA. I do not get to vote on its members, yet they get to spend my tax dollars... that is not proper governing or use of tax dollars. However, that is water under the bridge so I shall move forward. In the application submitted to the Planning Commission, it stated that Exhibit B (The Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines) "will remain a draft, subject to the final approval of the Participation Committee and the Authority, until such time as the authority is prepared to close with a purchaser or user of the technology park." This statement is unacceptable to the surrounding community! The reason this is unacceptable is because WVRIFA has promised the citizens of community, on multiple occasions and in multiple community meetings that they would restrict the uses and NOT allow manufacturing, warehousing, heavy industry and other uses of the property. These promises have been documented and can be read on WVRIFA's website (http://wvrifa.org/wp- contentLuploads/2017/06/Preferred Images2.pdf). Yet while reading BOTH Exhibits A, Master Plan Permitted Uses, (page 16 of 109 in the application) AND Exhibit B, Wood Haven Technology Park Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines, Section C.1, (page 20 of 109 in the application) I can read that proposed uses include manufacturing of limitless possibilities, up to and including automobiles and houses! WVRIFA has gone back on its promises to the community! I would ask the Planning Commission to either deny the application, pending an application that is on par or in agreement with WVRIFA promises made to the community, or (if the Commission has the authority) strike items a), b) and c) from the permitted uses in Exhibit A and Exhibit B to ensure that WVRIFA upholds its end of the deal with the community. Either way, Items a), b) and c) are not acceptable uses of this property to the surrounding community! Additionally I would like to note the apparent absence of a definitive storm water/run off management plan in the text and drawings submitted to the Commission. My home is downstream of the property in question... literally downstream! There is a small un -named tributary to Peters Creek that flows from the property in question, through my property (pictures attached). The corner of my house sits approximately 6 feet above and 15 feet from this un -named tributary. The heaviest of rains have yet to threaten my house and I am not required to have FEMA flood insurance. My concern is that once this property, now wooded and pasture, is developed, the need for FEMA flood insurance will change. I have asked on several occasions and I have been told that this development would not cause run-off issues for my home. Yet I have not read, nor seen, a definitive plan as to the proposed and/or planned management of run-off and storm water. I have also. asked the question, "If this development causes my property to be in a flood plain, who is going to pay for FEMA flood insurance?" I have not been given an answer to this question either. Yet here we are moving forward with the attitude that we will take care of it when we have to... THIS IS MY HOME! THIS MAKES ME NERVOUS! I would greatly appreciate someone addressing my concerns of storm water and runoff management, and sooner rather than later! Finally, I would like to address the access to the property, regardless of what the traffic studies say. I would encourage the members of the Commission to drive across the bridges on Wood Haven that cross over 1-581, with one of Adams Construction's dump trucks coming the opposing direction. You will hug that white line, that has a six inch shoulder! As you approach the property in question, think back to the number of turns and the small intersections that you had to negotiate just to get there from 1-581. Then go home by way of Thirlane road... it doesn't even warrant a white line according to VDOTI This property is NOT easily accessible by large volumes or large vehicles! I have read the traffic study, I know what VDOT says, but I want to ask YOU to drive it. You will have an appreciation for these comments. It is the communities' opinion that access to the property be completely reconsidered and include options to access via 1-81 and/or 1-581. Thank you for your time, consideration of my comments and your service to our beautiful county! Thanks and God Bless! William E. Klepper This is a picture of the debris line taken after extremely large rainfall event on May 5, 2017. The corner of my house can just be seen in the upper right corner of the photo. This picture was taken during a heavy rain on May 18, 2018. The water rarely gets much higher than this. You can see the debris line on the lower left side of the creek. Also, note the head wall pipes that discharge from under Wood Haven Rd. are flowing at full capacity. I7 If these pipes are replaced with larger pipes, I feel certain my home would be placed in jeopardy as these pipes act as a sort of flood control for the amount of water allowed downstream from the proposed development. There are three things we would like you to keep in mind as you decide whether to approver the petition for a zoning change or turn it down. The first thing to consider is that this property in zoned R- 1 in an area of the county which has very few options for additional housing. This is not some huge remote acreage in the middle of nowhere. This is 70 + acres adjacent to neighborhoods where people bought houses with the knowledge that other houses might some day be built on this land. Secondly, the original justification given be WVRIFA to purchase this property was to keep it in reserve for potential sale to a large company needing a 50 acre pad for a building. Either this was untrue, or WVRIFA has changed from its original intention and now plans on offering smaller plots to several companies in a campus like development. In either case, it is clear that there is no definite plan for this development and as new ideas are presented the plan is readily adapted to fit a new direction. We ask that you look closely at the type of business which could be built in the PTD zoning codes and then modify those codes to restrict the development to only those uses which WVRIFA has already indicated it is seeking. Don't let them settle for less just because the can't get the technology type business they want and are desperate to find anyone who will move to Roanoke. Thirdly, WVRIFA is betting the tranquility of our neighborhood against the remote chance that having land available for development is going to attract these types of businesses to the County. There is no record of success in this philosophy. There are industrial parks with vacancies up and down the I_g 1 corridor for miles. In Roanoke County there are 220 acres available right now with roads, streetlights and utilities already in place, yet they can't attract new business to the area. There is no reason to change the zoning on the R-1 property until WVRIFA demonstrates that they truly are committed to bringing high paying technology jobs to this property by developing the 50 or so acres which are already zoned for industrial development. If they are successful in this, then they can seek to re -zone the remaining property. I)The first point we would like to make is that zoning is not some haphazard plan slapped together in some backroom board session. It is a carefully thought out design to blend the needs of a community together to provide a place for jobs, shopping, manufacturing, recreation, roadways, green space and housing. More than half the acreage is zoned R-1, in fact, the amount of acreage zoned R-1 is approximately the same as all of the land within the ring road of Valley View Mall. With this in mind, some consideration should be given to blending the development of the property with the residential neighbors by including parks and recreational buffers where possible. It should be made clear that all building fronts will face Wood Haven Rd. and be brick or architectural block. All parking areas should be hidden and loading docks should be in the rear. A circumferential greenway should be part of the project's design. Land in north county which is suitable for residential housing is limited and there is high demand. Many people who bought houses in the adjacent neighborhoods did so with the knowledge that this property was zoned for more houses, not for industrial buildings. It is not uncommon to see young track athletes from Northside High School using Wood Haven Rd. as a training site. Any further development will just add more traffic and make it even more dangerous for these kids. If a greenway track were to be built around the circumference of this property, the kids could cut through Sequoia Dr. right to the track for their training runs. The Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act says that any authority which is formed, when seeking rezoning, must be considered the same as any private individual, commercial or industrial entity. It is unlikely that this commission would grant this request for rezoning without seeing a very specific detailing of what was going to be built. You must apply this same criteria to WVRIFA and its petition for rezoning. 2) The second point to consider is that the Authority has repeatedly said that the development would be Technology based, but the original justification to purchase this property was to have a site available for a company needing a 50 acre building pad. There has been considerable waffling on what WVRIFA is going to develop on this property. The current Master Plan shows six possible smaller building sites for a campus type development. This zoning petition, if approved as is, would allow for the manufacturing of cars and other motor vehicles, manufactured homes, paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents, the chemical production of stone, metal or concrete. It would allow the use of hand tools in production. None of these uses are considered technology based. The Authority has indicated that these are land uses that it does not intend to pursue, so let's take them off the table and eliminate them all together. If they are true to their word about what type of business they want to attract, they will not be opposed to extracting uses (a) through (c) on the Master Plan permitted uses. The authority has not presented a solid plan for development since the beginning. They have not indicated that they have any business interested in relocating to this area. The zoning should be narrowly defined to prevent them from going off track from the technology based development that is currently being offered. Close the loopholes to make it more specific. If you allow these uses to stand, you run the risk of having the Authority, under pressure to find a tenant or buyer, changing its direction and abandoning its vision for technology based business and selling to the first group that makes an offer. This would obviously be a detriment to the community. 3) Having a site available does not in any way signify potential success in attracting the type of company that the Authority claims it would like to have occupy this property. There are many available Industrial Parks lining the I-81 corridor and they have vacant development sites which they are unable to fill. The Roanoke Center for Research and Technology is one such site. It has been available for more than twenty years and yet only two businesses have located on the 480 + acres. All of the infrastructure, roads, gas, electricity, lighting etc... is in place, yet greater than 200 acres of usable land sits empty. Less than a mile from the Wood Haven site is the Valley Point business park. There are many vacancies in this park that would be ideal for a tech business, yet there is no interest. One site at Valley Point with 12,000 square feet has been vacant for several years. The Authority was formed with the intent of attracting economic development to the area, yet the Roanoke County Office of Economic Development has shown little success is filling its available sites. Can we expect that an Authority with three participating jurisdictions would be more successful? Until we know that they can, I suggest that we table the re -zoning and develop that portion which is already available for Planned Technological Development until such time as the Authority has shown that it would be successful in attracting the type of businesses they are looking for. If they are as successful as the County has been in filling the Center for Research and Technology we will have many more years of tranquil living on Wood Haven Rd. At the beginning of tonight's comments we said that there were three things we would like you to keep in mind when considering this petition for a change in zoning. Roanoke County touts itself as a beautiful area to live in with open spaces and outdoor activities. If you allow this land to be developed, you will forever be closing the door on future opportunities. It has been argued that the need for more business is crucial to the financial standing of the County because it is substantially resident funded, yet when we questioned the expenditure of Millions of tax payer dollars for this development, we were told that the County had a AAA bond rating and going into debt for this project was not going to have an impact. The thing it will not have an impact on is the amount we will be paying in taxes even if more business does relocate to this area. Any additional income will quickly be eaten up by other projects. [WVRIFA may use the argument that the citizens indicated at the community meetings that they were in favor of this development. According to the numbers reported on their web page, only about 80 people actually participated in their scam while the majority of people in attendance quickly recognized that they were being led to a conclusion rather than being allowed to express their true feelings. More than 100 people either walked out of the meeting or refused to participate. There were probably close to 200 people at the standing room only first meeting, possibly 100 at the second community meeting and no more than 50 at the third meeting.] There were three things we wanted you to keep in mind as you decide whether to approver the petition for a zoning change or turn it down. The first thing to consider is that this property in zoned R- I in an area of the county which has very few options for additional housing. This is not some huge remote acreage in the middle of nowhere. This is 70 + acres adjacent to neighborhoods where people bought houses with the knowledge that other houses might some day be built on this land. Secondly, the original justification given be WVRIFA to purchase this property was to keep it in reserve for potential sale to a large company needing a 50 acre pad for a building. Either this was untrue, or WVRIFA has changed from its original intention and now plans on offering smaller plots to several companies in a campus like development. In either case, it is clear that there is no definite plan for this development and as new ideas are presented the plan is readily adapted to fit a new direction. We ask that you look closely at the type of business which could be built in the PTD zoning codes and then modify those codes to restrict the development to only those uses which WVRIFA has already indicated it is seeking. Don't let them settle for less just because the can't get the technology type business they want and are desperate to find anyone who will move to Roanoke. Thirdly, WVRIFA is betting the tranquility of our neighborhood against the remote chance that having land available for development is going to attract these types of businesses to the County. There is no record of success in this philosophy. There are industrial parks with vacancies up and down the I-81 corridor for miles. In Roanoke County there are 220 acres available right now with roads, streetlights and utilities already in place, yet they can't attract new business to the area. There is no reason to change the zoning on the R-1 property until WVRIFA demonstrates that they truly are committed to bringing high paying technology jobs to this property by developing the 50 or so acres which are already zoned for industrial development. If they are successful in this, then they can seek to re -zone the remaining property. STAFF REPORT Petitioners: Western Virginia Regional Industrial Authority and Lewis Living Trust Request: To rezone approximately 113.6 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial District and R-1, Low Density Residential District to PTD, Planned Technology Development District for the development of a Technology Park Location: 7600 to 7900 blocks of Wood Haven Road and the 7200 block of Thirlane Road Magisterial District: Catawba EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Western Virginia Regional Industrial Authority and Lewis Living Trust (petitioners) are requesting to rezone approximately 113.6 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District and R-1, Low Density Residential, District to PTD, Planned Technology Development, District, to develop a Technology Park on property located off of Wood Haven Road and Thirlane Road. The PTD district is intended to provide flexibility in design and site layout, allow latitude in combining different use types within a single development, and provide the developer with incentives to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional planned development. The petitioners have submitted a preliminary master plan that identifies permitted uses along with development standards (access, building height, lighting, signage, setbacks, lot coverage, and buffer areas) for the proposed Technology Park. The property may be developed as a single or multiple sites. This site is designated Principal Industrial, Transition, and Neighborhood Conservation on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the Principal Industrial designation, and generally consistent with the Transition designation. The request is not consistent with the Neighborhood Conservation designation which makes up less than 1 acre of the property. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 30-63 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (attached) provides standards for the Planned Technology Development (PTD) District. The PTD district is established primarily for Type I and Type II manufacturing and industrial uses. Supporting accessory uses and facilities, such as office, commercial establishments, and residential areas are also permitted. The PTD district is intended to be designed with a park -like setting that complements surrounding land uses by means of appropriate siting of buildings, controlled access points, attractive and harmonious architecture, effective landscape buffering and scenic view easements. The district is intended to provide flexibility in design and site layout, allow latitude in combining different use types within a single development, and provide the developer with incentives to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional planned development. In addition, the intent of the planned technology development (PTD) district is to provide certain industries that are clean and environmentally efficient the opportunity to locate in an area of like technologies in what is generally known as a mixed use park, developed under a complete, comprehensive master plan. Standards are provided for landscaping, buffering and open space to encourage high technology industries and to ensure a park -like atmosphere. Important in determining the location and size of a PTD are the accessibility of the location, the availability of public utilities, public safety services and the suitability of the topography for site and building development purposes. The PTD ordinance also includes site development regulations and recommendations. As part of the PTD rezoning process, a master plan is submitted which lists the permitted uses that will be allowed within the district and as well as any additional development standards. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Property — The site consists of eight (8) separate parcels (TM#s 026.17-01-01.00-0000, 026.17-01-02.00- 0000, 026.17-01-03.00-0000, 026.18-01-12.00-0000, 026.18-01-12.01-0000, 026.18-01-12.02-0000, 026.18-01-13.00-0000, and 026.18-01-14.00-0000) totaling approximately 113.6 acres. The property is bounded by Interstate 81 to the north, Interstate 581 to the east; and Wood Haven Road to the south. Access is provided by Wood Haven Road and Thirlane Road. An existing residence and outbuildings exist on a portion of the Lewis Living Trust property as well as a cemetery. Other homes and outbuilding have been removed from the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority properties. Topography/Vegetation - The property has a gently rolling topography with the highest elevation in the northeast corner of the property adjacent to Interstate 81/Interstate 581 sloping down to the southwestern corner of the property. Higher elevations are generally located along Interstate 81 with lower elevations along Wood Haven Road. The majority of the property consists of open fields/pasture. Mature hardwood and evergreen trees are located on the western property (TM#026.17-01-03.00-0000) totaling approximately 30 to 35 acres. Some additional trees also exist along the streambanks and along the right- of-ways for Thirlane Road, Wood Haven Road, Interstate 581 and Interstate 81. While no floodplain areas exist on the property, several areas have been identified as Waters of the United States (see Existing Conditions Map in the Master Plan). Grading of the site will be in such a manner as to balance cut and fill to the extent practicable, which will remove most of the existing trees on site. Surrounding Neighborhood — Adjacent properties to the north across Interstate 81 are zoned AR, Agricultural/Residential and include rural residential homes and vacant property. Properties to the east across Interstate 581 are zoned 1-2, High Intensity Industrial, and include Green Ridge Recreation Center and an asphalt plant. Properties to the south of Wood Haven Road and west are zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and include single family homes and single family subdivisions. One adjoining property to the south is zoned 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial District, and includes a church (Old German Baptist Church). ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The petitioners submitted a preliminary master plan which includes the following: Permitted Uses: Development on the property shall be limited to the following uses: 1. Enterprises engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products, from processed or previously manufactured materials. Included would be assembly of electrical appliances, bottling and printing plants, and the manufacturing of paint, oils, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents, and other chemical production of stone, metal or concrete. Also included are any other uses determined by the Roanoke County Zoning Administrator to be "Industry, Type I" (or a successor category) uses under the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 2. Enterprises in which large durable goods are produced including automobiles, manufactured homes, or other motor vehicles. These uses are currently classified as "Industry, Type II" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 3. Establishments primarily engaged in the on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing within enclosed structures, involving the use of hand tools, or the use of mechanical equipment commonly associated with residential or commercial uses, or a single kiln. These uses are currently classified as 2 "Custom Manufacturing" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 4. Use of a site for business, professional, or administrative offices, excluding medical offices. Typical uses include real estate, insurance, management, travel, or other business offices; organization and association offices; or law, architectural, engineering, accounting, or other professional offices. These uses are currently classified as "General Office" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 5. Laboratories and establishments primarily engaged in performing research or testing activities into technological matters. Typical uses include engineering and environmental laboratories, medical, optical, dental, and forensic laboratories, x-ray services, and pharmaceutical laboratories only involved in research and development. 6. Utility services, major. 7. Utility services, minor. 8. Public parks and recreational areas. 9. Accessory uses associated with a principle permitted use in accordance with any established Roanoke County standards. While there are nine (9) uses listed, uses 6-9 listed above would be ancillary to another use (1-5). All the uses, except for Industry, Type 11, are allowed as by -right uses in the 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District. The Industry, Type 11 use has been reduced to only include the manufacturing of large durable goods. The use definitions from the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Use & Design Standards associated with these uses are attached to this report. Height: When adjoining property that is zoned residential, the maximum building height shall be forty-five (45) feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased, provided each required yard adjoining a residential district is increased two (2) feet for each foot in height over forty-five (45) feet. This distance shall be measured from the portion of the structure which exceeds forty-five (45) feet. In all other locations, the height is unlimited, subject, however, to the approval of the Development's Participation Committee. This is the standard for height in the PTD district. Lighting: All lighting in the Development shall be shielded and directed downward to control extraneous light or glare. Where development is located adjacent to buffers, dark/night sky friendly lighting using full cutoff lighting fixtures is encouraged so that there is no direct light upward and no glare. The intensity at streets external to the Development or any adjoining residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. Lighting of parking lots, loading/unloading areas and access ways shall be no greater than 25 feet in height, and kept to minimum necessary for direction and safety during operating hours. Walkways and building entries are encouraged to have ground level lighting or pedestrian scale lighting not exceeding 15 feet in height. These lighting standards are a higher standard than what is required in the PTD district. Signage: For each permitted business in the Development, building mounted signs shall be allowed but shall be limited to 1 square foot of signage area for each linear foot of building facade, not to exceed 500 square feet per building face. Signage may be placed on any one or more of the building facades and need not be proportionately allocated. Notwithstanding the above limitation, each permitted business shall be entitled to minimum building mounted signage of 500 square feet. In addition, each permitted business may install one freestanding sign, which shall be monument -style with a maximum height of 15 feet and a maximum width of 10 feet. All signage shall be designed to coordinate with the building in color and materials, and shall be located on the site plan submitted to the Development's Participation Committee for approval. In addition, a monument -style identification sign for the Development located at or near the principle entrance, which sign may list all of the businesses within the Development, as well as directional signage within the Development shall be permitted. Temporary signs shall also be allowed in accordance with the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Sign standards do not exist for planned districts. They are determined as part of the rezoning process. Minimum front setbacks: All structures, except for signage and structures required for utility and roadway infrastructure, proposed to front on a public street external to the Development shall be located a minimum of: (i) thirty (30) feet from the existing public right-of-way, or (ii) the distance from said public right-of-way to the depth of the Buffer Area as depicted on the master plan, whichever distance is greater. The PTD standard for minimum front setback is 30 feet. Lot coverage: Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed seventy-five (75%) percent. This is the PTD requirement for maximum lot coverage. Buffer Areas: Except as required for grading, landscaping, infrastructure and utility installation, the buffer areas shown on this master plan will remain undisturbed. When site grading is completed in accordance with a grading plan approved by Roanoke County, the buffer areas shown on this master plan shall be landscaped as follows: A. For the buffer areas adjacent to Wood Haven Road: within the first 100 feet of the buffer width measured from the north right-of-way line of Wood Haven Road (or for the depth of the buffer area if less than 100' in width from the north right-of-way line of Wood Haven Road), there shall be installed one row of large deciduous trees, one row of large evergreen trees, one row of small evergreen trees, and one row of small deciduous trees for each one hundred foot of buffer width. (Example: for each 100 -foot of buffer length within a 100 -foot wide buffer, approximately 3 large deciduous trees, 5 large evergreen trees, 10 small evergreen trees, and 7 small deciduous trees will be required.) In addition, at least one row of large, mixed evergreen trees shall also be installed within the buffer area beyond the 100 -foot wide planted buffer area fronting Wood Haven Road where there is sufficient area. Existing mature trees within the buffer area undisturbed by grading, infrastructure or utility installations may be considered a substitute for the required landscaping; and B. For the buffer areas along the western property boundary: any vegetation which is disturbed by the site grading will be replaced by a row of large, mixed evergreen trees (including but not limited to fast-growing varieties such as Leland Cypress). Existing mature trees undisturbed by site grading within the buffer area may be considered a substitute for the required landscaping. Areas designated as waters of the U.S. (a.k.a. wetlands and streams) which are not impacted by grading, infrastructure or utilities installations will not be landscaped as set forth in A or B above, but will remain undisturbed a minimum of 25 feet outside the designated boundary of the wetland and/or stream. This is E intended to leave the entire frontage area between the first 307 feet of Wood Haven Road along the southwestern boundary of the property and the edge of the buffer area affecting that section in its natural state and exclude, within that section, the installation of the landscaping described in A above. Sizes and the spacing of trees shall be as set forth in Section 30-93-5 of the Roanoke County zoning ordinance. The berm, as located on this master plan, is intended to provide additional buffering to properties along Wood Haven Road. The height of the berm will vary. The PTD states that the zoning administrator shall determine buffer yard requirements based on the existing or proposed use in the PTD and the district in which those uses are permitted. The proposed buffers meet or exceed the required buffers in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Access: As shown on the preliminary master plan, access to the site shall be provided by a new entrance located along Wood Haven Road to the west of the existing church property. As recommended in the PTD regulations, the petitioners will landscape the first 100 feet of the access road from the entrance. A sight distance analysis for this entrance has been provided as part of the preliminary master plan. TIA: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) has been completed and submitted with the rezoning application. The Virginia Department of Transportation and the City of Roanoke staff have concurred with the TIA. The TIA was performed utilizing high traffic generating uses. Once a user(s) have been determined, a revised TIA will be submitted to better define the traffic impact. Listed below are the recommended improvements based on the high traffic generating uses. RecommendedIntersection Improvements Electric Road at Cove Road No improvements recommended Wood Haven Road at Site Provide eastbound left turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 100 feet of Access storage and appropriate taper Provide westbound right turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper Provide separate left and right turn lanes exiting from the site Wood Haven Road at Provide eastbound right turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 150 feet of Valleypointe Parkway storage and appropriate taper Green Ridge Road Optimize signal timing to accommodate future traffic at Electric Road Cove Road Provide eastbound left turn lane on Cove Road with 100 feet of storage at Green Ridge Road and appropriate taper Provide southbound left turn lane on Green Ridge Road with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper Cove Road Optimize signal timing and coordinate with Peters Creek Road system at Peters Creek Road timing Peters Creek Road No improvements recommended at Thirlane Road Peters Creek Road Provide second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road with 400 at Valleypointe Parkway feet of storage and appropriate taper Reconfigure southbound approach to provide two (2) right turn lanes and a combined left I through lane Provide right turn overlap phases on all approaches Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Peters Creek Road at 1-581 Signalize off -ramp and eastbound Peters Creek Road. Westbound Northbound Off -ramp to Peters Creek Road does not need to be signalized since it is median - Eastbound Peters Creek separated Road Realign 1-581 NB off -ramp to approach Peters Creek Road approximately 1,100 feet (center to center) west of Valleypointe Parkway and provide two (2) right turn lanes on 1-581 NB off -ramp, with a minimum of 400 feet of storage on second right turn lane Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Peters Creek Road at Wood Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Haven Road Peters Creek Road at North No improvements recommended Lake Drive Peters Creek Road at No improvements recommended Northside High School Road Community Meeting —A Community Meeting was held on June 27, 2018, at Northside High School Auditorium. Approximately 50 people attended the meeting. The major concerns/comments included, but were not limited to, access off of Wood Haven Road, allowable uses, increase in traffic to existing roads including truck traffic, inadequacy of existing roads to handle existing truck traffic, impact to Thirlane Road, noise mitigation, decrease in property values, stormwater runoff and erosion control, types of high paying jobs, grading and removal of existing trees, and building heights and setbacks. Agency Comments: The following comments were provided by the various agencies on this request: Economic Development — "The Director of Economic Development is an appointed member of the Board of Directors for the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority. As such, the Economic Development Department has been actively engaged in the development of the Woodhaven Road Master Plan, Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines, and supports the rezoning request as submitted. Building Safety — The Office of Building Safety stated that: "any construction will need to meet the requirements of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code in effect at that time." Fire & Rescue —"By itself, the new commercial property that is being proposed will not increase overall call volume to the point that impacts the ability of Fire/Rescue to manage incidents effectively. However, the Hollins Fire/Rescue District is one of the busiest in Roanoke County and any additional increase in calls to the Hollins Fire/Rescue District does impact the response capabilities which eventually may require additional fire/rescue resources for the future for this district. Fire flow and access requirements for future buildings will also need to be met." Western Virginia Water Authority - "Public Sewer would need to be extended to the property. 6 Sewer currently stops at 7862 Wood Haven Road. It would be the responsibility of the owners design engineer to insure that gravity sewer is possible. The owner would be responsible for all costs associated with extension, including but not limited to engineering and construction." Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — "A Land Use Permit will be required if a new entrance is needed from the VDOT right-of-way or for the change in use of an existing entrance. The VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix F: Access Management Design Standards for Entrances and Intersections must be adhered to where applicable for commercial entrances. This includes but is not limited to commercial entrance spacing and intersection sight distance. The intersection sight distance must be field verified and measures taken to ensure the minimum required distances can be met. VDOT concurrence for the TIA for this development was granted by letter on April 20, 2018. The proposed development plan will be required to provide recommended traffic mitigations along the frontage of the property. The department will not issue an approval of the plans or any necessary Land Use Permits until the locality approves this request. In addition, information regarding any changes to the existing drainage system should also be included for review." 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN This site is designated Principal Industrial, Transition, and Neighborhood Conservation on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. Approximately 35 acres (30.8%) of the site is designated as Principal Industrial. Principal Industrial is a future land use area where a variety of industry types are encouraged to locate. Principal Industrial areas are existing and planned regional employment centers and are distributed throughout the county, convenient to major residential areas and suitable highway access. Due to limited availability, areas designated as Principal Industrial are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities. Appropriate land uses within Principal Industrial include: agricultural industries which involve the manufacturing, storage, marketing and wholesaling of agricultural products; small industries and custom manufacturing; conventional freestanding industrial uses, warehouses, wholesalers, storage yards, and industrial parks that are developed and designed according to a unified plan. These parks are employment centers and may include mixed land uses including supporting retail services. The proposed project is consistent with the Principal Industrial future land use designation. Approximately 78 acres (68.6%) of the site is designated as Transition. Transition is a future land use area that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. Transition areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Intense retail and highways oriented commercial uses are discouraged in transition areas, which are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. Appropriate land use types within transition areas are planned office parks and independent facilities in park -like surroundings, small-scale planned and clustered retail uses and planned townhouse communities of 6 or more units per acre or garden apartments at a density of 12 to 24 units per acre. The proposed project is generally consistent with the Transition future land use designation. Approximately 0.6 acres (less than 1 %) of the site is designated Neighborhood Conservation. Neighborhood Conservation is a future land use area where established single-family neighborhoods are delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged. Appropriate land uses include single family residential housing (attached and detached), neighborhood institutional centers such as parks, schools, churches, and community meeting areas, and low impact neighborhood commercial services that serve the local neighborhood. The portion of the property designated Neighborhood 7 Conservation is proposed to remain undeveloped and undisturbed. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The Western Virginia Regional Industrial Authority and Lewis Living Trust (petitioners) are requesting to rezone approximately 113.6 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District and R-1, Low Density Residential, District to PTD, Planned Technology Development, District, to develop a Technology Park on property located off of Wood Haven Road and Thirlane Road. The petitioners have submitted a preliminary master plan that identifies permitted uses along with development standards (access, building height, lighting, signage, setbacks, lot coverage, and buffer areas) for the proposed Technology Park which meets the intention and standards of the PTD zoning district. This site is designated Principal Industrial, Transition, and Neighborhood Conservation on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the Principal Industrial designation, and generally consistent with the Transition designation. The request is not consistent with the Neighborhood Conservation designation which makes up less than 1 acre of the property. Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning request. CASE NUMBER: 5-712018 PREPARED BY: Philip Thompson HEARING DATES: PC: 7110118 BOS: 7124118 ATTACHMENTS: Application Aerial Map Zoning Map Land Use Map PTD Planned Technology Development District Standards 1-1 Low Intensity Industrial District Standards R-1 Low Density Residential Standards Use Definitions (Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance) Use & Design Standards (Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance) Principal Industrial Future Land Use Designation Transition Future Land Use Designation Neighborhood Conservation Future Land Use Designation 8 County of Roanoke Pte_ VgaVaa9 For Staff Use Only Comrnnnity Development pate received, Rece'ved by: Planning & Zoning plication fee:,,o PC1B�i date: 5204 Bernard Drive 4 Zb4. — F47.100.— 7- r o - I g Pfanrds issued: DOS date: P 0 Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 7-2.1-18 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Caset+lumier -. ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application tiled (check all that apply) ® Rezoning D Special Use ❑ Variance ❑ Waiver Q Administrative Appeal ❑ Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicants nameladdress whip Phone: Work: SEE ATTACHED SHEET Cell M Fax No.: Owner's name/address w/zip Phone #: Work: SEE ATTACHED SHEET Fax No. #: Property Location Magisterial District: Catawba SEE ATTACHED SHEET Community Planning area: Peters Creek/ Hollins Tax Map No.:SEE ATTACHED SHEET l xistin Zoning- "l ° I.ow Intensity Industrial District b g: R-1 Low Densitv Residential District Size ofparcel(s): Acres: !,,13-6 Existing Land Use: Vacant, residential_, agricultural REZONING, SPECIAL VSE PERMIT, WAIVER AND COMP PLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW APPLICANTS (WS/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: PTD, Planned Technology Development District Proposed Land Use: Technology Park Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes X No fl IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIREID FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes IR No s IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes n Non VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRA TIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (V/WIAA) Variance/Waiver of Scclion(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance /Appeal or interpretation or coning map to Is the application complete? Please check if e ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/SA Y/CP WAA Consultation Application Justification I hereby certify that I am either the consent f the owner. By: WILL NOT BE OF RIS/1V/CP V/AA 'tR } 2011 8 Ill" x I V concept plan A ation repAy Metes and bounds descriptionf��H P , i Water and sewer application Adj ' property owners p rty or the owner's gent or contract purchaser and with the knowle II A.fitL;GLQ L L ST�rAL FACILITY AUTHORITY Eii�ynetn Uougnty,(j txovxitive llirector LEWIS LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 17, 2016 Dy:�a .I Gi'.r'a Owner's Signature Staf brM i!ewis, Sr., Co -Trustee 2 ATTACHMENT TO REZONING APPLICATION TILED BY WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY AND TI'iE LEWIS LIVING TRUST Applicants' names /addresses fv/zig Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority P. O. Box 2569 Roanoke, Virginia 24010 Phone: (540) 343-1550 Fax No.: (540) 344-6096 Lewis Living Trust dated August 17, 2016 7838 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Phone: (540) 9924534 Fax No.: None Owners' names/addtesses vv/zi As to Tax Map Parcel Nos 026.18-01-13.00-0000 026.18-01-14.00-0000 026.17-01-01.00-0000 026.17-01-02.00-0000 026.17-01-03.00-0000 Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority P. O. Box 2569 Roanoke, Virginia 24010 As to Tax Map Parcels _Nos 026.18-01-12.00-0000 026.18-01.12.02-0000 026.18-01-12-01-0000 Lewis Living Trust dated August 17, 2016 7838 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Property_Locations Tax Map Nos. 7627 Wood Haven Road 026.18-01-13.00-0000 7629 Wood Haven Road 026.18-01-14.00-0000 0 Wood Haven Road 026.17-01-01.00-0000 7755 Wood Haven Road 026.17-01-02.00-0000 7911 Wood Haven Road 026.17-01-03.00-0000 7222 Thirlane Road 026.18-01-12.00-0000 0 Thirlane Road 026.18-01-12.02-0000 0 Thirlane Road 026.18-01-12.01-0000 Acreage xxjA�oning 19.09 I-1 15.93 I-1 16.33 R 1 2.35 R 1 43.95 R-1 11.14 1-1 3.29 I-1 1.52 I-1 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL. USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW REQUESTS Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. SEE ATTACHED SLEET Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan, SEE. ATUACM SH= Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and Facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. SEE ATTACHED SHEET 3 CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other reguiations. A concept plan is raquired with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) rev€ew and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the followin are considered minimum; ALL APPLICANTS a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow c, Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions d. Location, names o€owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties g. All property lines and easements h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMITAPPLICANTS k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site 1, Any driveways, entranceslexits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map In a suitable scale and contour intervals n, Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. WES G IA R INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY $ May 11 2018 SigaTurlyapplicant Eliza h ughty, Executive Director Date LEWIS LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 17, 2016 By� pina S Stiafi r Lewis, Sr., o -Trustee Date 6 4'F12 Community DevelopmentPlanning & Zoning Division POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRA>~FIC .ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic -generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County traffic engineer, acid/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any time, as deemed necessary.) High Traffic -Generating Land Uses: • Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi -family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units • Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) • Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash ® Retail shop/Shopping center • Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) Regional public facilities Educational/Recreational facilities ® Religious assemblies • Hotel/Motel Golf course ® Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic ® industrial site/Factory • Day care center Bank • Non-specific use requests Road Network Situations: ® Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 500 -ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte ii, 24, 115, 117, 460, 11/460, 220, 221, 419, etc) • For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly • when required to evaluate access issues • Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (Le. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six -Yr Road Plan, etc.) • Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem • Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic signal(s) • Substantial departure from the Community Plan Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour an the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day Effective dote: April 79, 7005 6, {4eVNpN�I Community Development z n Planning & Zoning Division V yE a 1538 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING CONliyilssION APPLICATIQN ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue: a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presenters at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning -Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition, This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted, POTENTIAL QF NEED FOR TRAI'FIC ANALYSES AND/OR T RAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission resei'ves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land arses and situations that irott/rl ateces.sil(ile jitt°thet-stttc/y of1his application package,). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written coinniernts and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scltedtrled public hearing date. . Effective dote. April '19, 2005 WCIOA HAVEN TECHNOLOGY PARK Name of petition WITS r IRG NIA RYGI AL U TRIAL FACRJTY AUTiIORCCY Bv: y petitioner's Signa e E zabeth Doughty ecutive Director iii�►li�f� LEWIS LIVING "FRUST DATED AUGUST 17, 2016 By 7< s� X31 cr} 5 Petitioner's Signature et L I 20 0 Rate WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY P. O. Box 2569 Roanoke, Virginia 24010 (540) 343-1550 PHONE (540) 344-6096 FAX June 29 52018 Mr. Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning Roanoke County Planning & Zoning P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Re: Request to rezone parcels: 026.18-01-13.00-0000 026.18-01-14.00-0000 026.17-01-01.00-0000 026.17-01-02.00-0000 026.17-01-03.00-0000 026.18-01-12.00-0000 026.18-01-12.02-0000 026.18-01-12.01-0000 from I-1 and R-1 to PTD Dear Mr. Thompson: Please find enclosed an Amended Master Plan being submitted by the undersigned in connection with our pending rezoning application. We have also updated the Justification statements filed with our original application in order to update references to the Master Plan as the same has been amended, and enclosed the same. We certify that we are the owners of the above parcels, as delineated on the initial application. The enclosed Amended Master Plan and Justification replace the Master Plan and Justification filed with our initial rezoning application. The master plan was amended to address comments we have received since the filing, including comments made during the June 27, 2018 community meeting at Northside High School. Very truly yours, WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL MCILITY AUTHORITY By: Eli th Doughty, Ex u 've Director LEWIS LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 17, 2016 By:.11 6euz Se S ord Lewis, Sr., Co -Trustee JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (15.2-2332) REVIEW REQUESTS (amended 6/28/2018) Applicants: Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority and Lewis Living Trust Dated August 17, 2016 Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The Planned Technology District ("PTD") was established primarily for Type I and Type II manufacturing and industrial uses. The 15 -acre minimum district size and the emphasis placed on controlling access points and the siting of buildings, as well as developing mechanisms to promote an aesthetically pleasing and functional planned development make the PTD zoning district the appropriate district for the Wood Haven Technology Park. The over 100 acres of the Wood Haven Technology Park have been intentionally acquired by the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Authority (the "Authority"). The Authority was formed by six regional governments (the Counties of Roanoke, Botetourt and Franklin, the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Town of Vinton). The purpose of the Authority is to provide a mechanism for its member jurisdictions to cooperate regionally on economic development projects. Its formation was spurred by the recognition that our region lacks prepared, industrial sites of fifty (50) acres or more. Companies with the proven potential to bring high quality jobs to our area but needing 50 to 100 acres of assembled, developable space were simply bypassing our region. The same issue is affecting competitiveness statewide. Virginia created the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program to encourage the development of larger sites (sites of at least 100 acres). The Authority has already been supported by investment through the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program. Soon after its formation, the Authority engaged engineers to study potential development sites. More than 165,000 regional sites were studied. The parcels went through a screening process for factors such as slope, geology, zoning, threatened and endangered species, road access and utilities. Less than 2,000 parcels of the 165,000 studied qualified for further analysis. Another phase of evaluation followed. After consideration of potential return on investment and a regional ranking by local economic development directors, the Wood Haven site emerged as the Authority's first priority for development. As detailed in the application, the Authority already owns five of the eight tax map parcels which are the subject of this rezoning request and the Lewis Living Trust dated August 17, 2019 (the "Trust") owns three. The Trust has joined the Authority in this rezoning application as a co -applicant. Both the Trust and the Authority anticipate that the Trust property will be conveyed to the Authority at an agreed- upon time. By GIS records, the acreage of the parcels seeking rezoning totals 113.6. By survey, the total acreage is 109.9. To assist the Authority in its development of a master plan for the property, a series of three community meetings were held. Opportunities for the site were discussed, along with issues and concerns. To address concerns of neighbors along and off Wood Haven Road, the amended master plan for Wood Haven Technology Park (Exhibit A) pushes the boundary of the development area away from Wood Haven Road as much as possible and towards I-81 and 1-581 which the site borders, reducing the development area size to approximately 88 acres (the development boundary established in the initial master plan has been adjusted in the amended master plan to exclude the cemetery along the northeast boundary and to include the area of the potential entrance road expansion). A significant buffer area is provided along Wood Haven Road. If the buffer area is disturbed by grading, landscaping, infrastructure or utility installation, it will be revegetated. Otherwise, it will remain undisturbed. Since site grading will be required within portions of the buffer area in order to establish the development area, an additional standard has been added to the amended master plan addressing landscaping within buffer areas. In addition to the buffer area, a berm will be provided within the 88 acre development area. The height of the berm will vary for aesthetics but its height should not exceed five feet from the height of the development pad itself. The amended master plan delineates the permitted uses within the Technology Park. As the PTD ordinance provides, no use will be allowed in the Wood Haven Technology Park except for those uses included on the amended master plan. Of n note is that only one of the Type -II Industry uses (which would otherwise be allowed in a PTD district) will be permitted — that relating to the production of large durable goods. Given the Authority's focus on encouraging the development of businesses and industries that are clean and environmentally efficient, the listing of permitted uses was carefully constructed. With the encouragement of neighbors, the allowed uses include public parks and recreational areas, since a greenway could be incorporated into the development. As an additional measure to ensure that the development of Wood Haven Technology Park meets the objectives of the amended master plan, the Authority created a Participation Committee that must approve not only the specific use sought by a potential purchaser or tenant, but also the siting of buildings and their design, exterior materials and colors, appurtenances, and equipment. The Participation Committee consists of the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem. Decisions by the Participation Committee must be unanimous. 0) To govern the Wood Haven Technology Park, the Participation Committee and the Authority have approved the enclosed draft Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines (Exhibit B). The Declaration will remain a draft, subject to the final approval of the Participation Committee and the Authority, until such time as the Authority is prepared to close with a purchaser or user of the Technology Park. At that point, it will be finalized, recorded in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, and will bind all owners and users in Wood Haven Technology Park. This document will not replace Roanoke County's zoning and development controls on Wood Haven Technology Park, but will be an addition to those controls. A metes and bounds description of the area which is the subject of this rezoning application is enclosed (Exhibit Cl. A listing of the adjoining property owners is enclosed (Exhibit D). Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The property is located in the Peters Creek/Hollins community planning area, is zoned I-1 and R-1, and is split between Principal Industrial and Transition land use designations. The Community Plan recognizes the limited availability of centrally - located and prepared sites designated as Principal Industrial and the important role industrial development plays in the livelihood of Roanoke County citizens and the broader region. It recognizes that the County and its partners need an inventory of sites that can accommodate large office and industrial users in order to effectively compete in economic development. Since these facilities are important revenue generators, the Comprehensive Plan notes that areas designed Principal Industrial are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities. Transition uses generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby lower intensity development. Incorporating design and development controls over a mixed-use industrial park while providing buffering for adjacent land uses is encouraged. In 2016, the Board of Supervisors approved a Community Strategic Plan which was the culmination of a community-based process intended to guide the County for several years. The Plan recognized that "One of the key components of economic growth is having infrastructure in place for development. It is imperative to have appropriately zoned, graded commercial and industrial sites available that have access to water, sewer, high speed communications, and transportation options." The Community Strategic Plan and the Comprehensive Plan both recognize the importance of regional cooperation, particularly in the realm of economic development. The Authority is an example of such cooperation and is specifically identified as such in the Strategic Plan. The Authority was recognized in February k] when the Wood Haven project was among nine state-wide projects receiving GO Virginia infrastructure grants. And, more recently, the Wood Haven Technology Park site has been nominated by the Governor as an Opportunity Zone under the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The 2017 Annual Report on the progress and achievements in the various initiatives set out in the Strategic Plan applauded the Authority's significant community engagement process which provided input in the development of the Wood Haven Technology Park master plan. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, road, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. In coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT") and the City of Roanoke's Transportation Division, a Transportation Impact Analysis dated July 14, 2017 and revised April 4, 2018 ("TIA") has been prepared and separately submitted to Roanoke County. For ease of review, the TIA (minus its lengthy appendix, previously submitted) is included as Exhibit E. By letter, both VDOT (Exhibit F) and the City of Roanoke Traffic Engineering Division (Exhibit G) have concurred with the scope, methodology and conclusions of that submittal. Without a specific user for the site, the analysis assumed and based its analysis on the site being developed in such a way as to result in the maximum traffic impact. When an actual user(s) has/have been determined and a required site plan developed, the traffic analysis will be updated for review by VDOT and the City of Roanoke's Transportation Division. Twelve intersections were studied in the TIA. Improvements were recommended for some intersections as detailed in the TIA. The TIA recognized that there are already substantial delays and queues on Peters Creek Road at the intersection with Valleypointe Parkway and at the I-581 Northbound off -ramp, mainly due to high intersection volumes, lack of an acceleration lane onto Peters Creek Road from the exit ramp, and the short distance from the northbound off -ramp onto Peters Creek Road to Valleypointe Parkway. These issues indicate a current need for road system improvements. The development of the Wood Haven Technology Park provides the opportunity to not only improve current conditions but also provide for future site traffic as detailed in the TIA. The Western Virginia Water Authority has confirmed that public water and sanitary sewer can be made available to serve the new development. A copy of the Western Virginia Water Authority's letter is enclosed as Exhibit H. Steps are being taken by Roanoke Gas to provide the site with service capable of providing a range of volumes and therefore accommodating a range of uses. The site is served by Appalachian Power from a circuit with a capacity of 6 MVA. Fiber 4 telecommunications from the Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority currently exist in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. While the property itself will change as the Wood Haven Technology Park is developed, the development limitations set out in the amended master plan, VDOT's ultimate requirements as to road improvements, as well as the role of the Participation Committee in reviewing and approving site development, all function to buffer surrounding properties from adverse impacts. No negative impact on the public services or facilities, such as schools, parks/recreation or fire/rescue are anticipated. Indeed, the tax revenues and employment generated by the development, without any corresponding demand on public services, will only serve to enhance public services. 5 H X W k7N10WA'.kMr1 03NONVOU .n n�waR vn°�mnna rP �� a � >IIJVd A001ONHO31 N3AVH QOOM o S2lvIoOSSV t V U�p�y IOd iQ �J33lIS IlNA0 NV-1dH3-LSMa 534N3Wtl ` Ito g r t <Ln m # $ g i z Aid I �,. �.. r ,/: ,' I, . •`.la�+rrt.,, ` �kS'�a�p�'��S ,'��aC�����6����i � � NJ'A. 2 d M ra TOP M aCW 3Nb181 H, q@c �Y�d3 ag 3�,Sy 3 e34 9 � t P�� I •/ p/ a ♦ _ 000iiig WW S{ Z a 1 a I lain, •• '��r rI s2 pW q �gsJsIaM$ gI'lEa5" 9 ONE28A$ e d ssig �p� ; ' • a i .k % (If v) 7r - Zt7 G 56�C�jj 1 , t Q W O -H ZCl- LLJ d S2 ®w i ' i t 3 , �♦ g . ' Ld ; i'�---` .' - i.,Li ♦ c� Y\� ` �.�« \♦ �: a3����$SE�i Ri l4t ! 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N MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AND NOTES (Revised 6/28/2018) Master Plan Permitted Uses Uses: The Property may be used only for the following land uses: (a) Enterprises engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products, from processed or previously manufactured materials. Included would be assembly of electrical appliances, bottling and printing plants, and the manufacturing of paint, oils, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents, and other chemical production of stone, metal or concrete. Also included are any other uses determined by the Roanoke County Zoning Administrator to be "Industry, Type I" (or a successor category) uses under the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (b) Enterprises in which large durable goods are produced including automobiles, manufactured homes, or other motor vehicles. These uses are currently classified as "Industry, Type II" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (c) Establishments primarily engaged in the on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing within enclosed structures, involving the use of hand tools, or the use of mechanical equipment commonly associated with residential or commercial uses, or a single kiln. These uses are currently classified as "Custom Manufacturing" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (d) Use of a site for business, professional, or administrative offices, excluding medical offices. Typical uses include real estate, insurance, management, travel, or other business offices; organization and association offices; or law, architectural, engineering, accounting, or other professional offices. These uses are currently classified as "General Office" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (e) Laboratories and establishments primarily engaged in performing research or testing activities into technological matters. Typical uses include engineering and environmental laboratories, medical, optical, dental, and forensic laboratories, x- ray services, and pharmaceutical laboratories only involved in research and development. (f) Utility services, major. (g) Utility services, minor. (h) Public parks and recreational areas. (i) Accessory uses associated with a principle permitted use in accordance with any established Roanoke County standards. Master Plan Standards Height: When adjoining property is zoned residential, the maximum building height shall be forty- five (45) feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased, provided each required yard adjoining a residential district is increased two (2) feet for each foot in height over forty-five (45) feet. This distance shall be measured from the portion of the structure which exceeds forty-five (45) feet. In all other locations, the height is unlimited, subject, however, to the approval of the Development's Participation Committee Ling: All lighting in the Development shall be shielded and directed downward to control extraneous light or glare. Where development is located adjacent to buffers, dark/night sky friendly lighting using full cutoff lighting fixtures is encouraged so that there is no direct light upward and no glare. The intensity at streets external to the Development or any adjoining residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. Lighting of parking lots, loading/unloading areas and access ways shall be no greater than 25 feet in height, and kept to minimum necessary for direction and safety during operating hours. Walkways and building entries are encouraged to have ground level lighting or pedestrian scale lighting not exceeding 15 feet in height. Signage: For each permitted business in the Development, building mounted signs shall be allowed but shall be limited to 1 square foot of signage area for each linear foot of building facade, not to exceed 500 square feet per building face. Signage may be placed on any one or more of the building facades and need not be proportionately allocated. Notwithstanding the above limitation, each permitted business shall be entitled to minimum building mounted signage of 500 square feet. In addition, each permitted business may install one freestanding sign, which shall be monument -style with a maximum height of 15 feet and a maximum width of 10 feet. All signage shall be designed to coordinate with the building in color and materials, and shall be located on the site plan submitted to the Development's Participation Committee for approval. In addition, a monument -style identification sign for the Development located at or near the principle entrance, which sign may list all of the businesses within the Development, as well as directional signage within the Development shall be permitted. Temporary signs shall also be allowed in accordance with the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Minimum front setbacks: All structures, except for signage and structures required for utility and roadway infrastructure, proposed to front on a public street external to the Development shall be located a minimum of: (i) thirty (30) feet from the existing public right-of-way, or (ii) the distance from said public right-of-way to the depth of the Buffer Area as depicted on the master plan, whichever distance is greater. Lot coverage: Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed seventy-five (75%) percent. Subdivision: Should the parcels which comprise the Property be combined or subdivided, the standards shall bind each subdivided or recombined parcels, as applicable. Buffer Areas: Except as required for grading, landscaping, infrastructure and utility installation, the buffer areas shown on this master plan will remain undisturbed. When site grading is completed in accordance with a grading plan approved by Roanoke County, the buffer areas shown on this master plan shall be landscaped as follows: A. For the buffer areas adjacent to Wood Haven Road: within the first 100 feet of the buffer width measured from the north right-of-way line of Wood Haven Road (or for the depth of the buffer area if less than 100' in width from the north right-of-way line of Wood Haven Road), there shall be installed one row of large deciduous trees, one row of large evergreen trees, one row of small evergreen trees, and one row of small deciduous trees for each one hundred foot of buffer width. (Example: for each 100 -foot of buffer length within a 100 -foot wide buffer, approximately 3 large deciduous trees, 5 large evergreen trees, 10 small evergreen trees, and 7 small deciduous trees will be required.) In addition, at least one row of large, mixed evergreen trees shall also be installed within the buffer area beyond the 100 -foot wide planted buffer area fronting Wood Haven Road where there is sufficient area. Existing mature trees within the buffer area undisturbed by grading, infrastructure or utility installations may be considered a substitute for the required landscaping; and B. For the buffer areas along the western property boundary: any vegetation which is disturbed by the site grading will be replaced by a row of large, mixed evergreen trees (including but not limited to fast-growing varieties such as Leland Cypress). Existing mature trees undisturbed by site grading within the buffer area may be considered a substitute for the required landscaping. Areas designated as waters of the U.S. (a.k.a. wetlands and streams) which are not impacted by grading, infrastructure or utilities installations will not be landscaped as set forth in A or B above, but will remain undisturbed a minimum of 25 feet outside the designated boundary of the wetland and/or stream. This is intended to leave the entire frontage area between the first 307 feet of Wood Haven Road along the southwestern boundary of the property and the edge of the buffer area affecting that section in its natural state and exclude, within that section, the installation of the landscaping described in A above. Sizes and the spacing of trees shall be as set forth in Section 30-93-5 of the Roanoke County zoning ordinance. Master Plan Notes 1. The site will be graded in such a manner as to balance cut and fill to the extent practicable. 2. Principle entrance location shall be developed and landscaped in accordance with Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-63-4(A)(1). 3. The berm, as located on this master plan, is intended to provide additional buffering to properties along Wood Haven Road. The height of the berm will vary. 4. The Property may be developed as a single or multiple sites. Consideration: NIA Tax Map Nos. 026.18-01-12.00-0000 026.18-01-12.01-0000 026.18-01-12.02-0000 026.18-01-13.00-0000 026.18-01-14.00-0000 026.17-01-01.00-0000 026.17-01-02.00-0000 026.17-01-03.00-0000 Prepared by: Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority c/o Roanoke Regional Partnership 1 11 Franklin Road, Suite 333 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 WOOD HAVEN TECHNOLOGY PARK DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines is made this day of , 20_ ("Effective Date"), by the WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("WVRIFA"), whose address is c/o Roanoke Regional Partnership, 111 Franklin Road, Suite 333, Roanoke, Virginia 24011. WHEREAS, WVRIFA is the owner of the property comprising the Wood IIaven Technology Park ("Wood Haven"), a commerce park consisting of approximately 100 acres and located in Roanoke County, Virginia, adjacent to Interstates 81 and 581, more fully described and depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, Wood Haven Technology Park is designed to provide a location for businesses that promote economic development in the region and provide primary employment for citizens of WVRIFA's member jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these restrictive covenants and development guidelines are to insure the orderly development of the site, to protect the environment, and to provide that the use of the site will not adversely affect the health and safety of the residents and workers in the vicinity of the site, or the use or development of property within and adjacent to the site. NOW, THEREFORE, WVRIFA hereby declares, covenants, and agrees for itself and its successors and assigns that the property identified and depicted in Exhibit A shall hereafter be held, leased, transferred, and sold subject to the following conditions and restrictions. ARTICLE I — GENERAL DECLARATIONS AND PERMITTED USES A. Definitions Business or Businesses The owner(s), lessee(s), or occupant(s), including prospective owners, lessees or occupants of the Development. EXHIBIT B Concept Plan: The general development _plan and land use plan for the Wood Haven Technology Park, including infrastructure, road and parcel design as approved by the Participation Committee and Board of WVRIFA. Declaration This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines as the same may be from time to time amended or supplemented. Development: Site on Wood Haven Road as more particularly described on Exhibit A, together with such other additional land as may be added to the Development by WVRIFA from time to time as permitted by this Declaration. Executive Director: Executive Director of WVRIFA. Improvements: Any and all improvements made to or constructed upon the Development including, but not limited to roads, buildings, structures, tanks and storage containers, drainage and utility facilities, driveway and parking areas, grading, landscaping, fencing, screening devices, site lighting, communication devices, signs, and all similar or related structures or improvements. Master Plan The Master Plan of the Development as approved by Roanoke County Oil , as the same is revised from time to time. The Declaration is an independent document and is not intended to be incorporated into the Master Plan. Participation Committee: Wood Haven Road Project Participation Committee consisting of The City of Roanoke, Virginia, the City of Salem, Virginia, and the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Property or Properties: The parcel or parcels of land, including any improvements thereon, located in the Development, as set forth in any deed, option, lease, agreement of sale applicable to these restrictions. Transfer: Any conveyance or transfer of title or possessory rights respecting the Property, any portion thereof, or any interest therein, by contract, deed exchange, foreclosure (including a deed in lieu thereof), assignment, lease, operation of law, or other means to another person or persons or entity or entities, whether voluntary of involuntary. In the case of a non - publicly held corporation, the assignment or other transfer of fifty percent or more of its capital stock evidencing control of such corporation shall constitute a Transfer, unless made to the corporation's parent or subsidiary controlled (through stock ownership) by the corporation. In the case of a partnership, general or limited, a change of the general partner or the transfer or assignment of partnership interests 2 shall constitute a Transfer. In the case of a limited liability company, the transfer of more than fifty percent of its membership interests shall constitute a Transfer. The granting of a mortgage, deed of trust, lien or other encumbrance on or with respect to the Property shall not be deemed a Transfer, but any foreclosure there under (or deed in lieu thereof) shall constitute a Transfer. B. Applicability_ These Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines, including the land use regulations and building requirements, shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in and to the Property or any portion thereof, and shall be incorporated in any Transfer of the Property as covenants running with the Property. The Executive Director shall record applicable documents and revisions associated with these Restrictive Covenants and Development Guidelines with the Roanoke County Clerk of the Circuit Court. Invalidation of any of the provisions of these guidelines and covenants shall in no way affect any of the other provisions, or parts thereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. WVRIFA hereby explicitly reserves an option until the twentieth (20th) anniversary of the recordation of this Declaration to expand the Development without the consent of any owner or mortgagee by including any real property acquired by WVRIFA or its successors in interest which is adjacent to the Development. The option to expand may be terminated prior to such anniversary only upon the filing by WVRIFA or its successor in interest of an amendment to this Declaration. The rights, obligations and benefits conferred upon WVRIFA under this Declaration may be assigned by WVRIFA and shall inure to the benefit of WVRIFA's successors in interest. C. Land Uses and Development Standards 1. Permitted Uses: Properties within the Development shall be used only for the following purposes. Land uses not listed are prohibited. (a) Enterprises engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products, from processed or previously manufactured materials. Included would be assembly of electrical appliances, bottling and printing plants, and the manufacturing of paint, oils, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents, and other chemical production of stone, metal or concrete. Also included are any other uses determined by the Roanoke County Zoning Administrator to be "Industry, Type 1" (or a successor category) uses under the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (b) Enterprises in which large durable goods are produced including automobiles, manufactured homes, or other motor vehicles. These uses are currently classified as "Industry, Type II" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (c) Establishments primarily engaged in the on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing within enclosed structures, involving the use of hand tools, or the use of mechanical equipment commonly associated with residential or commercial uses, or a single kiln. These uses are currently classified as "Custom Manufacturing" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 3 (d) Use of a site for business, professional, or administrative offices, excluding medical offices. Typical uses include real estate, insurance, management, travel, or other business offices; organization and association offices; or law, architectural, engineering, accounting, or other professional offices. These uses are currently classified as "General Office" in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (e) Laboratories and establishments primarily engaged in performing research or testing activities into technological matters. Typical uses include engineering and environmental laboratories, medical, optical, dental, and forensic laboratories, x-ray services, and pharmaceutical laboratories only involved in research and development. (f) Utility services, major. (g) Utility services, minor. (h) Public parks and recreation areas. (i) Accessory uses associated with a principal permitted use in accordance with any established Roanoke County standards. Where it is unclear whether or not a particular use of a site within the Development is permitted, the Participation Committee, in consultation with the Roanoke County Zoning Administrator, shall decide whether or not such use is permitted, and its decision shall be final and binding upon all persons. 2. Development Standards: The use and development of all properties in the Development shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in Article III of these Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants. ARTICLE II — ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES A. Improvements, In General No construction, exterior alterations, additions, or renderings to any existing or proposed improvement may be initiated without submission of plans for said improvements to the Participation Committee. Interior alterations which do not change exterior appearances are permitted without submission of plans, provided such interior changes do not change any use of the Property. Review and recommendation of approval with respect to uses and improvements by the Participation Committee shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of any permits or approvals required for any local, state, or federal law or regulation. Plans will be subject to all applicable federal and state laws and Roanoke County ordinances. Pertinent ordinances of the Roanoke County include, but may not be limited to: Zoning, Subdivision, Storm Water Management, Erosion/Sediment Control and Steep Slope Ordinance, as amended. Plans submitted to Roanoke County for review and approval shall be accompanied by the written statement of the Participation Committee that it has reviewed and approved said plans pursuant to the Declaration. Should plans be revised, the revised plans shall be subject to the further review and approval of the Participation Committee. Insurance, including liability, hazard and extended "all risks" coverage, and builder's risk shall be 4 in place and shall be continuously maintained in full force and effect in such amounts and with such insurers as the Participation Committee shall reasonably require, with WVRIFA named as an additional insured. B. Subdivision, In General All property within the Development shall be subdivided in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, as amended. No lot may be subdivided or its boundary lines changed except with the prior written consent of WVRIFA. WVRIFA expressly reserves to itself the right to re -plat any lot or lots owned by it and shown on any subdivision plat of the Property in order to create a modified building lot or lots and to take such other steps as are reasonably necessary to make such re -platted lot suitable and fit as a building site, including but not limited to, the relocation of casements, roads, and rights of way to conform to the new boundaries of said re -platted lot. C. Project Review Process The proposed use and development of a Property in the Development must be reviewed and recommended for approval by the Participation Committee prior to the transfer of land, subsequent transfer, development, or redevelopment of a Property pursuant to the participation agreement between the localities represented on the Participation Committee. D. Maintenance of Improvements All properties, buildings, structures and improvements shall be maintained in a neat, clean, and attractive condition at all times. The premises shall be kept in a state of good repair. Maintenance and landscaping and lawns shall include all necessary planting, cutting, watering, fertilizing, aerating, seeding, spraying, pruning, and weeding. Property owners shall promptly replace any dead or damaged landscaping approved as part of the site plan for the Property. Painted and exposed metal surfaces shall be maintained and kept free from peeling or rust. Parking areas and drives shall be paved and damaged pavement or hard surfaces repaired. E. Enforcement Enforcement of these Development Guidelines and Restrictive Covenants shall be undertaken by WVRIFA. In the event of a violation, the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia shall have the ultimate jurisdiction to enforce or interpret any of the restrictions, conditions, covenants, and liens now or hereafter imposed by this Declaration. Failure to enforce any provision contained in this Declaration shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the provisions, whether the violation is singular or repetitive. ARTICLE III — DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS 5 The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, standards set out in the Master Plan, and other applicable regulations shall be met for any development or improvement in the Development. In addition, the following development and design standards shall apply A. Primary Access Primary access to sites within the Development will be provided via an access road off Wood Haven Road. Driveways and potential internal site circulation roads including those that may be required to provide access to development on adjacent tracts may be provided off this primary access road or any secondary access road that may be developed in the future. B. Buildings I. Siting and Location: Buildings shall be located on the site such that the Development establishes an attractive and functional arrangement of buildings and parking and enhances the natural and man-made features of the Development. The siting of buildings and all other improvements on a parcel shall be subject to the approval of the Participation Committee. 2. Design: All development shall meet the following design standards for exterior facades, materials, appurtenances, and equipment. (a) General Building Desi n: The architectural composition, scale, elements and details of a building shall relate to the character of the Development. Landscaping shall be an integral component of the exterior design of any building. All buildings shall minimize potential impacts from noise, light, and traffic. (b) Building Facades and Materials: Buildings shall enjoy various architectural forms to create visual character and interest. Buildings shall be segmented with distinct masses of vertical and horizontal elements to minimize bulkiness. Front building facades and those facing public streets shall be designed to exhibit attractive architectural features, materials, dimensions and symmetry, Brick, stone, architectural masonry, architectural metal panels, and glass are preferred exterior materials for sides of the building seen when entering the parcel. Two or more colors are encouraged to highlight architectural details and materials. The Participation Committee shall have the right to approve the exterior materials, including exterior colors, of any structure or improvement in the Development. 6 Primary building entries shall be clearly visible and articulated using architectural features, elements and materials. Roofs shall be designed to be an integral component of the architecture of the building and shall be non -reflective. Planned expansion or renovation for all buildings or structures must meet or exceed the quality of the initial structure. (c) Building Appurtenances and Equipment: Roof mounted equipment and vents shall be reasonably screened from public street views by painted panels, opaque screens, or other effective methods. All exterior equipment shall be designed to minimize noise and shall include appropriate insulation materials or technologies to control outside noise. Exposed features such as gutters, downspouts, vents, towers, etc. shall be designed to match the color of surfaces to which they are attached. (d) Damaged or Destroyed Buildings: If any building or other improvement in the Development is damaged or destroyed by fire, storm, explosives, or otherwise, then all debris resulting from the damage or destruction shall be cleaned and removed within sixty (60) days of the damage or destruction. If any building is to be reconstructed, such construction shall begin within six (6) months of the date of the damage or destruction, or the land shall be graded and restored to substantially the condition, which existed prior to initial construction. C. Parking, Loading Areas and Docks Parking for employees shall be located in areas that are removed fiom the entrance. Parking for visitors shall be located in close proximity to the main building entrance and shall be setback from the entrance so as to not interfere with or detract from the views of the building seen when entering the parcel. All parking areas shall be landscaped both internally and externally to enhance the architecture of the building, the site, and the Development. Loading areas and docks shall be appropriately screened. D. Utilities All utilities shall be located underground unless the type of service necessary for normal activities of the industry or business shall prohibit underground installation. All development shall be served by public water and sewer systems. Low -impact design (L.I.D.) methods of managing storm water shall be considered in designing the development. All storm water management areas shall be landscaped appropriately and maintained. Management areas and drainage channels shall blend with the landscaping of the site and incorporate natural materials and vegetation. E. Accessory Structures 7 Walls and Fences: Walls and fences shall complement the architecture of the building and shall be of materials that architecturally enhance the building and the Development. Where fencing is needed, decorative metal fencing is preferred; chain-link fencing may be allowed if approved by the Participation Committee. Where retaining walls are required in the front yard or where they are visible from public areas, wall materials shall be stone or finished masonry. Retaining walls higher than 8 feet are discouraged. Long expanses of wall surfaces shall be offset and be appropriately landscaped. As an alternative to traditional retaining walls, "green walls" consisting of architectural concrete block, covered with a rapidly -grown groundcover, may be permitted in less visible areas. Terraced wall systems are encouraged supplemented with plantings on the flat terraces. 2. Outbuildings; All accessory buildings shall be consistent with the architecture of the primary building. Accessory buildings shall be located behind the front building line of the primary building and shall be reasonably screened fi•om public streets unless approved by the Participation Committee. Trash Enclosures: Areas for trash collection shall be accessible for service. All trash areas shall be fully enclosed, located behind the front building line of the primary building, and reasonably screened from public streets unless approved by the Participation Committee. Enclosures must be architecturally consistent and compatible with the design of the primary building. F. Outside Storage No materials may be stored on the Property except inside a building or behind a visual barrier which reasonably screens the stored materials from view from any lot line or public right-of-way. G. Si ns All signage shall be designed to be integrated and coordinated with the building to complement the building design in scale, color, and materials. H. Temporary Construction Structures and Utilities Construction activities shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local land disturbance regulations. Temporary construction structures, portable offices, and other related facilities shall be maintained in good condition and arranged in a compact and organized manner on site. Facilities shall be situated so they are unobtrusive and attractive when seen from the public right-of-way or lot lines. All temporary structures and portable facilities shall be removed upon the completion of construction activity and before permanent occupancy of the building. All temporary construction utilities shall be in a single, unobtrusive alignment. Distribution to the various areas of construction shall be from an approved, on-site location. Areas for the storage of construction equipment and materials shall be coordinated and visually unobtrusive from the public right-of-way and lot lines. Mobile equipment shall be aligned in an orderly manner at the end of each work day. Construction debris shall not be allowed to 8 accumulate during construction. It shall be removed daily or located in a visually screened place if debris is to be removed less frequently. Open burning of debris is not permitted. After construction is complete, any temporary barriers, surplus materials, and all trash and debris shall be removed from the site. All backfill materials shall be cleared of any building materials, stone or debris. ARTICLE IV — REPURCHASE AND PURCHASE OPTIONS A. Option to Repurchase in the Event of No Construction If, after the expiration of three (3) years after the recordation of a deed in the Development from WVRIFA to the purchaser, the then record property owner of the purchased Property shall not have begun in good faith the actual construction of a building acceptable to WVRIFA upon the Property, then, in that event, WVRIFA shall have the right and option to refund to said record property owner the amount of the original purchase price paid to WVRIFA for said Property or Ten and no/00 Dollars ($10.00), whichever amount is greater, whereupon the said record property owner shall forthwith convey the Property back to WVRIFA. In the event that the record property owner for any reason fails or refuses to convey title back to WVRIFA as required herein, then, in that event, WVRIFA shall have the right to enter into and take possession of said Property, along with all rights and causes of action necessary to have title to said Property conveyed back to WVRIFA. B. Option to Purchase In the event that any owner of unimproved Property in the Development or any portion thereof shall desire to sell all or a portion thereof in accordance with the terms of the Declaration, WVRIFA shall have the first right and option to purchase said Property at the same purchase price paid to WVRIFA by the original purchaser or Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00), whichever amount is greater. Prior to such sale, the property owner shall notify WVRIFA by registered or certified mail of its intentions to sell the Property or any portion thereof. Said notice shall describe the exact parcel intended to be sold. WVRIFA shall have sixty (60) days from receipt of said notiee in which to exercise the option. Settlement shall take place within sixty (60) days after such exercise. C. Warranties In the event that WVRIFA exercises any of its rights specified in subparagraphs A and B above to reacquire the Property, the then record property owner shall convey the Property to WVRIFA by general warranty deed with English covenants of title, free and clear of liens and encumbrances. ARTICLE V — ENFORCEMENT AND AMENDMENT 9 A. Inspection, Compliance, and Enforcement WVRIFA and its authorized agents may from time to time at any reasonable hour or hours enter and inspect any parcel and the improvements located thereon to verify compliance with these covenants. A violation or breach of any provisions herein shall give WVRIFA or its authorized agents the right, after ten (10) days written notice of such violations, to enter the Property and to abate or remove, at the expense of the owner or tenant, anything or any condition which is contrary to these provisions or in violation of law. These covenants shall also be enforceable by WVRIFA, or its successor in interest, in a proceeding at law or in equity (including injunctive relief) at the expense of the violator (including attorney's fees and costs) in the applicable court. Failure by WVRIFA, or its successor in interest, to enforce any covenant or restriction contained herein shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. B. Amendment The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Property for a term of twenty-five (25) years from the Effective Date, after which time the Declaration shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless amended by or abolished by a written agreement signed by all owners of the Property subject to the Declaration and approved by a resolution adopted by WVRIFA. WVRIFA shall have the authority to unilaterally amend the Declaration at any time and from time to time so long as it either (i) owns any property within the Development; or (ii) its option rights to expand the Development have not terminated. Once WVRIFA no longer owns any Property within the Development and its option rights to expand the Development have terminated, this Declaration may be amended in whole or in part by a recorded agreement bearing the signatures of all the Property owners accompanied by a resolution adopted by WVRIFA approving the amendment. C. Severability Invalidation of any of these covenants or any part thereof by judgments or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. WITNESS the following signature as of the date first above written: WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY Its: 10 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY / COUNTY OF , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1 20_, by of Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Commission Expires: Registration Number: Notary Public 11 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A PARCEL OF PROPERTY SITUATED ON THE SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE ROUTE 81 AND INTERSTATE ROUTE 581 AND ADJOINING WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628) AND THIRLANE ROAD (ROUTE 626). BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN SET ON THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF WOOD HAVEN RD. (ROUTE 628) AND AT THE SOUTHEASTERN CORNER OF TM 037.05-01-29.00-0000, THENCE WITH SAID TAX PARCEL NORTH 29°31'49" WEST, 998.69 FEETTO AN IRON PIN SET AT OLD FENCE BREAK; THENCE NORTH 64°43'04" WEST, 387.23 FEET TO AN IRON PIN SET ON LINE OF TM 26.17-01-04.00-0000; THENCE WITH SAID TAX PARCEL AND WITH TM 026.17-01-05.00-0000 NORTH 9°04'48" EAST, 435.02 FEET TO A 12 " ASH FOUND; THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE LATTER TAX PARCEL SOUTH 87°29'32" WEST, 461.14 FEET TO A TACK IN POST FOUND ON THE LINE OF TM 26.17-02-10.00-0000; THENCE CONTINUING WITH SAID TAX PARCEL NORTH 9019'23" EAST, 64.75 FEET TO AN IRON PIN SET ON THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE ROUTE 81; THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE ROUTE 81 NORTH 67°59'30" EAST, 1,340.96 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE NORTH 78°48'28" EAST, 494.04 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE NORTH 64056'21" EAST, 862.86 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING AN ANGLE OF 13°54'54", A RADIUS OF 1,OS2.92 FEET, A TANGENT OF 128.49 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 255.71 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NORTH 83°OS'56" EAST 255.08 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 76°24'48" EAST, 411.16 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE NORTH 84°22'21" EAST, 63.14 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 8°16'02" EAST, 35.51 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 72030'23" EAST, 303.46 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 52'17'02" EAST, 109.OS FEETTO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING AN ANGLE OF 19°22'40", A RADIUS OF 1,180.24 FEET, A TANGENT OF 201.51 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 399.17 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF SOUTH 38055'51" EAST 397,27 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 29°14'15" EAST, 268.38 FEET TO A MONUMNT FOUND; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING AN ANGLE OF 0026'20", A RADIUS OF 2,771.19 FEET, A TANGENT OF 10.62 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21.23 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF SOUTH 28957'40" EAST 21.23 FEET TO A REBAR FOUND ON THE NORTHEASTERN CORNER OF TM 26.18- 0141.00; THENCE WITH SAID TAX PARCEL AND LEAVING THE RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE ROUTE 81 NORTH 89"39'00" WEST, 153.24 FEET TO AN AXLE FOUND IN THE MIDDLE OF A 30 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AS DEFINED ON PLATS IN INSTRUMENT N0, 20106313 AND DEED BOOK 520 PAGE 1; THENCE WITH THE SAID TAX PARCEL AND ALONG THE CENTER OF THIRLANE ROAD SOUTH 7"28'01" EAST, 327.46 FEET TO A EXHIBIT C POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THIRLANE ROAD (ROUTE 626); THENCE LEAVING SAID TAX PARCEL AND WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THIRLANE ROAD (ROUTE 626) AND WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628) SOUTH 82°16'35" WEST, 20.31 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 33'25'01" WEST, 65.24 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 70°19'46" WEST, 150.03 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 76°25'16" WEST, 110.40 FEET TO A POINT SOUTH 71'38'15" EAST 11.87 FEET FROM AN IRON SET, THENCE SOUTH 76°38'12" WEST, 20.34 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 56°00'28" WEST, 112.37 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 2°10'09" EAST, 54.05 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 62°12'55" WEST, 94.67 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 71021'49" WEST, 181.39 FEET TO A MONUMENT FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 66°17'08" WEST, 67.37 FEETTO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 75°29'46" WEST, 6.64 FEETTO A PK NAIL SET AT THE SOUTHEASTERN CORNER OF TM 26.18-01-14.01- 0000; THENCE WITH SAID TAX PARCEL AND LEAVING THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628) NORTH 30°45'03" WEST, 537.35 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 59°14'57" WEST, 360.15 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 30'42'31" EAST, 423.98 FEETTO AN IRON PIN FOUND ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628); THENCE LEAVING SAID TAX PARCEL AND WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628) SOUTH 78°39'36" WEST, 623.46 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING AN ANGLE OF 28058'19", A RADIUS OF 383.10 FEET, A TANGENT OF 98.98 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 193.72 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF SOUTH 64°11'21" WEST 191.66 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 49°42'13" WEST, 503.12 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND ON THE SOUTHEASTERN CORNER OF TM 37.05-01-30.00-0000; THENCE WITH SAID TAX PARCEL AND LEAVING THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628) NORTH 34"48'32" WEST, 431.70 FEETTO AN IRON PIN FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 5510'03" WEST, 200.02 FEETTO AN IRON PIN FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 34'49'09" EAST, 450.93 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND ON THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD; THENCE LEAVING SAID TAX PARCEL AND WITH THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD (ROUTE 628) SOUTH 49°43'15" WEST, 307.62 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 109.968 ACRES ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS Roanoke County Tax Parcels: 026.18-01-13.00-0000 026.18-01-14.00-0000 026.17-01-01.00-0000 026.17-01-02.00-0000 026.17-01-03.00-0000 026.18-01-12.00-0000 026.18-01-12.02-0000 026.18-01-12.01-0000 EXHIBIT D TAX MAP NO. OWNER(S) 7 ADDRESS ZONING 1 026.18-01-11.00-0000 Channie Ross Carter Life Estate 7207 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 11 2 026.18-01-09.00-0000 Lauren E. Petty 7121 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 11 3 026,18-01-10.00-0000 Robert A. Chapman 4676 Red Barn Lane, N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 11 4 026.18-01-08.00-0000 William Smith, Executor Mary Ellen Smith Estate 116 141h Street Roanoke, VA 24016 11 5 026.18-01-07.00-0000 Harriett S. Sweetenberg Heirs c/o Charles Sweetenberg 6916 Connie Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 11 6 026.18-01-06.00-0000 RVP Development LLC c/o Poe & Cronk Real Estate Group, Inc. 10 S. Jefferson Street, Ste. 1200 Roanoke, VA 24011 11 7 026.18-01-15.00-0000 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 12C 8 026.15-01-01.00-0000 English Holding Company Inc. P. O. Box P-7000 Lynchburg, VA 24505 12C EXHIBIT D 9 026.03-01-03.00-0000 Gregory Olen Givens, III AR Margie Gail Givens Piano, et al. c/o Charles E. Givens 4707 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.E. Roanoke, VA 24019 10 026.03-01-07.01-0000 John L. Mitchell AR Carol Click 2689 Gil Have Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 11 026.03-01-07.02-0000 John L. Mitchell AR Carol Click Mitchell 2689 Gil Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 12 026.03-01-07.03-0000 Richard E. Shawn AR Nancy G. Shawn 2685 Gil Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 13 026.03-01-07.05-0000 Gil -Haven Drive Association LLC AR 2680 Gil Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 14 026.03-01-07.07-0000 Terry M.' Keffer AR Karen W. Keffer 2680 Gil Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 15 026.03-01-08.00.0000 Harry H. Fortune, Jr. AR Nancy C. Fortune 2608 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 16 026.03-01-09.00-0000 Clarence P. Lockhart Revocable Trust AR 2578 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 17 026.03-01-10.00-0000 Lloyd A. Bowman AR Joyce J. Bowman 2570 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 18 026.03-01-11.00-0000 Lloyd A. Bowman AR Joyce J. Bowman 2570 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 19 026.03-01-12.00-0000 William H. Mistele AR Jing Zhang 2508 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 20 026.03-01-12.01-0000 William H. Mistele AR Jing Zhang 2508 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 21 026.17-01-03.01-0000 Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility AR Authority P. O. Box 2569 Roanoke, VA 24010 22 026.03-01-17.01-0000 Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility AR Authority P. O. Box 2569 Roanoke, VA 24010 23 026.03-01-17.00-0000 Clarence E. Wise AR Vickie W. Wise 2504 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 24 026.03-01-18.00-0000 Mark Steven Reinhardt AR 5431 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24019 25 026.03-01-16.00-0000 Anthony Bradford Walrond AR 2416 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 26 026.03-01-15.00-0000 John Phillip Walrond AR 812 Fenwick Drive, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24012 27 026.03-01-14.00-0000 Anthony Bradford Walrond AR 2416 Loch Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 28 026.03-01-13.00-0000 Paul Dale Walrond AR 4533 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.E. Roanoke, VA 24019 29 026.17-01-08.00-0000 Robert C. Brammer AR Barbara T. Brammer 2386 Loch Haven Drive, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 30 026.17-02-10.00-0000 Kimberly D. Sanchez -Cruz R1 8574 Brubaker Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 31 026.17-01-05.00-0000 Clarence L. Tarpley R1 Betty A. Tarpley 8576 Brubaker Drive, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 32 026.17-01-04.00-0000 Clarence L. Tarpley R1 Betty Tarpley 8329 Ram Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 33 037.05-01-29.00-0000 Darrell E. Bower R1 Lena D. Bower 7875 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 34 037,05-01-04.01-0000 Michael J. Dalbo R1 7920 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 ff35037.05-01-04.02-0000 David L. Lucas R1 Jeneva L. Lucas 7910 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 36 037.05-01-04,03-0000 Rickey L. Hodge R1 Kathryn L. Hodge 7900 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 37 037.05-01-30.00-0000 D. E. Bower R1 Lena A. Bower 7875 Wood Haven Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 38 037.05-08-32.00-0000 Whitney Estates Homeowners Assoc. Inc. R1 c/o Thomas McCracken 7926 Sequoia Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 39 037.05-08-04.00-0000 Patrick K. Dooley R1 7874 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 40 037.05-08-03.00-0000 Gregory Alan Addison R1 7870 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 41 037.05-08-02.00-0000 Adrian L. Whicker R1 Jennifer R. Whicker 7866 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 42 037.05-08-01.00-0000 Greg W. St. Clair R1 Tammy Lee St. Clair 7862 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 43 037.06-01-74.00-0000 Lewis Living Trust R1 Stafford C. Lewis, Sr., Trustee 7838 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 44 037.06-01-73.00-0000 Lewis Living Trust R1 Stafford C. Lewis, Sr., Trustee 7838 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 45 037.06-01-72.00-0000 Lewis Living Trust R1 Stafford C. Lewis, Sr., Trustee 7838 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 46 037.06-01-71.00-0000 Ernest E. Sweetenberg R1 6834 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 47 037.06-01-70.00-0000 Leland Newman R1 c/o Elmer Newman 7044 Thirlane Road, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 48 037.06-01-70.01-0000 Ernest E. Sweetenberg R1 Norma Jean Sweetenberg 6834 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 49 037.06-01-69.00-0000 Richard Newman Heirs R1 c/o Joyce Newman Payne, Exec. 7044 Thirlane Road, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 50 037.06-01-68.00-0000 Lewis Living Trust R1 Stafford C. Lewis, Sr., Trustee 7838 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 51 026.18-01-14.01-0000 Old German Baptist Church 11 c/o Walter J. Jamison 50 Jamison Farm Lane Troutville, VA 24175 52 037.06-01-67.00-0000 Michael D. Hamilton R1 7706 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 53 037.06-01-66.00-0000 Ernest E. Sweetenberg R1 Norma Jean Sweetenberg 6834 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 54 037.06-01-65.00-0000 Judith T. Young R1 7636 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 55 037.06-01-64.00-0000 Timothy E. Sweetenberg R1 Angelia Doggett-Sweetenberg 7630 Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA 24019 56 037.06-01-63.00-0000 Ernest E. Sweetenberg R1 Norma Jean Sweetenberg 6834 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 57 037.06-01-62.00-0000 Ernest E. Sweetenberg R1 Norma Jean Sweetenberg 6834 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 58 037.06-01-09.01-0000 Calvin Coleman R1 7055 Thirlane Road, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 59 037.06-01-09.00-0000 Calvin Coleman R1 Deborah D. Coleman 7055 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 60 037.06-01-08-00-0000 Calvin Coleman R1 Deborah D. Coleman 7055 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 61 037.06-01-04.00-0000 Sweetenberg Land Trust R1 Charles H. Sweetenberg, Trustee 6916 Connie Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Zoning Districts: 11 Industrial (Light) District 12C Industrial (Heavy) District w/Conditions AR Agricultural/Residential R1 Low Density Residential 62 037,06-01-03.000000 Vixay Sonethongchanh R1 7652 Sweetenberg Lane Roanoke, VA 24019 63 037,06-01-05.00-0000 Harriett S. Sweetenberg Heirs R1 c/o Charles Sweetenberg 6916 Connie Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Zoning Districts: 11 Industrial (Light) District 12C Industrial (Heavy) District w/Conditions AR Agricultural/Residential R1 Low Density Residential ODAVENPORT zopz 15V ANNIVERSARY 20„ TRANSPORTATION IMPACT Project Number: 163045 ANALYSI,,S- Revision: Original: ion: April 4, 2018 ,*b x a=0 Prepared for WVRIFA Woad Haven Site Roanoke County, VA This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% f All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including hinc DAVENPORT Transportation Impact Analysis Wood Haven Site Roanoke County, VA Prepared for WVRIFA Original: July 14, 2017 Revised: April 4, 2018 Analysis by: Nick Liguori, P.E. Danver Dela Cruz, E.I. �Lrt� o., Lf 0 •p f "/7 , Drafting/Graphics by: Danver Dela Cruz E.I. 0 t¢�'' U NlCl1%A,%'R LIGUt3Rl Lie. No. 053368 Sealed by: Nick Liguori, P.E. 0 �y1� S I0NAL ts❑ ❑� 4M % to 40 This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post -consumer content. All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding, is 100% recyclable. R1 This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT shall be without liability to DAVENPORT and shall be a violation of the agreement between DAVENPORT and the client. Richmond Office: 16003 Ciw(inmiml 110%tl['1:Ud S"INIII! Ilio Souuh(.inI SITICC 2Ii02 SuLQ11 �:1WMCi'lll kl. V\ 11814 NLiin: 80M �.i 1091 1 1-;m .336,118 t)3_l =tip DAVENPORT Wood Haven Site — Transportation Impact Analysis Roanoke, VA Prepared for WVRIFA April 4, 2018 Executive Summary The Wood Haven Site is a proposed development to be located on the southwest quadrant of 1-81 and 1-581 on the north side of SR Route 628 (Wood Haven Road) in Roanoke County, Virginia. One access point is proposed on Wood Haven Road approximately 900 feet west of Thirlane Road. While the specific users for this site are not known at this time, the types of uses will be restricted to limited industry, laboratories, research and development facilities, custom manufacturing and general office. For analysis purposes, this study assumed the development of 550,000 square feet of a combination of limited industrial, office space and research and development - which represents the maximum impact scenario for traffic generation. For example, while the potential exists for a manufacturing or industrial facility of up to 900,000 square feet, such a use would generate fewer trips than the 550,000 square feet of mixed uses upon which we have based our analysis. Based on ITE rates and equations, this development has a trip generation potential of 5,011 daily trips, with 732 trips in the AM peak and 689 trips in the PM peak. DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this development and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The recommended improvements are summarized in Exhibit A and in Table A. Peters Creek Road at Valleypointe Parkway and 1-581 NB Off -ram There are already substantial delays and queues on Peters Creek Road at the intersection with Valleypointe Parkway. Both the Synchrol SimTraffic and the VISSIM analysis confirm this conclusion. The existing adverse conditions are mainly due to the high intersection volumes, which indicate a current need for road system improvements to handle existing traffic volumes and address existing safety issues. The proposed site development provides the opportunity to not only improve current conditions, but to provide for future site traffic. The intersection of Peters Creek Road and Valleypointe Parkway is located only 650 feet east of the 1-581 Northbound off -ramp onto Peters Creek Road eastbound. The traffic models and field observations indicated that there are safety issues, as well as congestion, at the merge area from 1-581 Northbound. This is due to the lack of an acceleration lane onto Peters Creek Road from the exit ramp, as well as the short distance to Valleypointe Parkway. Taking the additional site traffic into account, it is recommended that the 1-581 Northbound off -ramp at its intersection with eastbound Peters Creek Road be signalized. The westbound direction of Peters Creek Road does not need to be signalized since it is median -separated. This improvement would 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — TIA Executive Summary DAVENPORT resolve the existing safety and weaving issues on Peters Creek Road by providing a protected, signalized phase during which traffic from 1-581 Northbound off -ramp can turn right and proceed towards the appropriate lane at the Valleypointe Parkway intersection. In order to signalize the off -ramp, its approach onto Peters Creek Road should be realigned to a location approximately 1,100 feet (center to center) from Valleypointe Parkway, with dual right turn lanes on the approach. These recommendations are shown in the conceptual plan in Exhibit B. The VISSIM and SimTraffic simulations indicate adequate queue storage along Peters Creek Road. At the intersection of Peters Creek Road and Valleypointe Parkway, it is recommended that a second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road be provided, and that the lanes on southbound Valleypointe Parkway be reconfigured as two (2) right turn lanes and a combined left/through lane. These improvements will require geometric modifications to accommodate dual turning lanes, including the presence of truck traffic. A conceptual plan illustrating these improvements is shown in Exhibit B. Right turn overlap signals should also be provided on all approaches. Since this signal is part of a coordinated system on Peters Creek Road, modifications to timing will need to be coordinated within that system for optimal throughput. Wood Haven Road The site access on Wood Haven Road is proposed to be located approximately 900 feet west of Thirlane Road. Based on the VDOT Road Design manual, this access will warrant both a right turn and a left turn entry lane on Wood Haven Road. Separate left and right turn exit lanes from the site are also recommended to reduce delays exiting the site. Cove Road at Green Ridge Road The unsignalized intersection of Cove Road and Green Ridge Road is expected to operate at LOS E during the future build PM peak. To reduce delays on the stop - controlled southbound Green Ridge Road, a southbound left turn lane is recommended. Also, eastbound Cove Road warrants a left turn lane due to the volume of left turns, even in existing conditions without the addition of site traffic. A left turn lane is recommended in order to safely accommodate left turns at this intersection. These improvements, which are shown in the conceptual plan in Exhibit C, are expected to improve the level of service to LOS D during the PM peak, in addition to improving overall intersection safety. Conclusion In conclusion, this study has determined the potential traffic impacts of this development based on a maximum impact scenario for traffic generation. It has identified transportation improvements that will not only improve existing safety and capacity issues but also accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. With the recommended improvements in place, the traffic impacts of the proposed development can be accommodated while improving existing safety and congestion issues. 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — TIA Executive Summary ii . % UDAVENPORT J - Table 1Recommendations Intersection Recommended Improvements Electric Road at Cove Road No improvements recommended • Provide eastbound left turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 100 Wood Haven Road at Sitefeet of storage and appropriate taper Access Provide westbound right turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper • Provide separate left and right turn lanes exiting from the site Wood Haven Road at 0 Provide eastbound right turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 150 Valleypointe Parkway feet of storage and appropriate taper Green Ridge Road Optimize signal timing to accommodate future traffic at Electric Road Provide eastbound left turn lane on Cove Road with 100 feet of Cove Road storage and appropriate taper at Green Ridge Road • Provide southbound left turn lane on Green Ridge Road with 100 (see Exhibit C) feet of storage and appropriate to er Cove Road 0 Optimize signal timing and coordinate with Peters Creek Road at Peters Creek Road system timing Peters Creek Road No improvements recommended at Thirlane Road • Provide second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road with 400 feet of storage and appropriate taper Peters Creek Road ' Reconfigure southbound approach to provide two (2) right turn at Valleypointe Parkway lanes and a combined left 1 through lane (see Exhibit B) • Provide right turn overlap phases on all approaches Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals i Signalize off -ramp and eastbound Peters Creek Road. Westbound Peters Creek Road does not need to be signalized since it is Peters Creek Road at 1-581 median -separated. Northbound Off -ramp to Realign 1-581 NB off -ramp to approach Peters Creek Road Eastbound Peters Creek approximately 1,100 feet (center to center) west of Valleypointe Road Parkway and provide two (2) right tum lanes on 1-581 NB off -ramp, (see Exhibit B) with a minimum of 400 feet of storage on second right turn lane. • Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Peters Creek Road at Wood . Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Haven Road Peters Creek Road at North No improvements recommended Lake Drive Peters Creek Road at No improvements recommended Northside High School Road 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — TIA Executive Summary yiK R v �W�� � H a =— (��)o � N YdRN1A Yh aerON NouO3sa3LNI d5foa S JIUOcNaAVQ AX 3liS H3Arlf QOOhl 3�ORl N33k1913A0� _ 0 DAVENPORT Wood Haven Site - Transportation Impact Analysis Roanoke, VA Prepared for WVRIFA April 4, 2018 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 2 Figure1 — Site Plan..................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2A-- Site Location Map.................................................................................... 5 Figure2B - Vicinity Map.............................................................................................. 6 2.0 Existing Conditions.. ........................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Inventory ................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Existing Traffic Volumes....................................................................................... 7 Figure 3 - Existing Lane Geometry ............................................................................. 8 Figure 4 - 2017 Existing Traffic Volumes.................................................................... 9 3.0 Approved Developments and Committed Improvements..............................................10 3.1 Approved Developments......................................................................................10 3.2 Committed Improvements....................................................................................10 4.0 Methodology......................................................................................................................10 4.1 Base Assumptions and Standards.......................................................................10 5.0 Capacity Analysis..............................................................................................................11 5.1 Level of Service Evaluation Criteria.....................................................................11 6.0 2024 Build -out Analysis....................................................................................................12 6.1 Trip Generation....................................................................................................12 6.2 Trip Distribution....................................................................................................13 6.3 Future No Build Traffic.........................................................................................13 6.4 Total Traffic..........................................................................................................13 Figure5 - Trip Distribution........................................................................................14 Figure 6 - 2024 Future No Build Volumes.................................................................15 Figure7 - Site Trips.................................................................................................. 16 Figure 8 - 2024 Future Build Volumes......................................................................17 6.5 Level of Service Results......................................................................................18 6.6 Queuing Analysis................................................................................................. 28 Figure 9 - Recommended Improvements.................................................................. 35 7.0 2030 Design Year Analysis............................................................................................... 36 7.1 2030 Traffic Volumes...........................................................................................36 Figure 10 - 2030 No Build Volumes.......................................................................... 37 Figure 11 - 2030 Design Year Volumes.................................................................... 38 7.2 Level of Service Results...................................................................................... 39 7.3 Queuing Analysis................................................................................................. 46 8.0 VISSIM Interchange Analysis .......................................................................................52 9.0 Summary and Conclusion................................................................................................54 Appendix.................................................................................................................................... 57 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 1 DAVENPORT Wood Haven Site — Transportation Impact Analysis Roanoke, VA Prepared for WVRIFA April 4, 2018 1.01ntroduction The Wood Haven Site is a proposed development to be located on the southwest quadrant of 1-81 and 1-581 on the north side of SR Route 628 (Wood Haven Road) in Roanoke County, Virginia. This site consists of approximately 109 acres, and proposes to have one access point on Wood Haven Road approximately 900 feet west of SR Route 626 (Thirlane Road). While the specific users for this site are not known at this time, the types of uses will be restricted to limited industry, laboratories, research and development facilities, custom manufacturing and general office. For analysis purposes, this study assumed development of 550,000 square feet of a combination of limited industrial, office space, and research and development. The site plan is shown in Figure 1. Figures 2A and 2B present the site location map and vicinity map, respectively. DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this development and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The following intersections were included in the study: • Electric Road at Cove Road • Wood Haven Road at Thirlane Road • Wood Haven Road at Proposed Site Access • Wood Haven Road at Valleypointe Parkway • Green Ridge Road at Electric Road • Cove Road at Green Ridge Road • Cove Road at Peters Creek Road • Peters Creek Road at Thirlane Road • Peters Creek Road at Vaileypointe Parkway • Peters Creek Road at Wood Haven Road • Peters Creek Road at North Lake Drive • Peters Creek Road at Northside High School Road The above-mentioned intersections were analyzed for the following scenarios: • 2017 Existing Conditions • 2024 Future No Build Conditions • 2024 Future Build Conditions • 2030 Design Year No Build Conditions • 2030 Design Year Build Conditions 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA DAVENPORT Additionally, the 1-581 1 Peters Creek Road interchange was reviewed using VISSIM software. The analysis periods for this study were weekday AM (6-9 am) and PM (4-7 pm) peaks. City of Roanoke and VDOT were contacted to obtain background information and to ascertain the elements to be covered in the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA). Information regarding the property was provided by the site civil engineer, Draper Aden Associates. 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 3 IN J` DAV E\VORT 2.0 Existing Conditions 2.1 Inventory A field investigation was conducted by DAVENPORT staff to determine the existing roadway conditions in the study area. Table 2.1 presents a summary of this review. Figure 3 illustrates the existing lane geometry. 2.2 Existing Traffic Volumes Existing traffic volumes for this project were collected by DAVENPORT staff. Table 2.2 below contains the dates these counts were conducted. Figure 4 shows existing AM and PM peak hour volumes. The full reports for these volumes can be found in the appendix. Table 2.2 - Traffic Volume Data Table 2.1 - Street Inventory Count Location: Date Taken: Speed Maintained Facility Name Route # Typical Cross Section Pavement 2/1/2017 DAVENPORT Width Limit B Wood Haven Route 628 2 -lane undivided Approx. 20' 35 MPH VDOT Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Peters Creek Road at Thirlane Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Electric Road Route 419 4 -lane divided Approx. 66' 35 MPH VDOT Cove Road Route 780 2 -lane undivided Approx. 25' 30 MPH VDOT Thirlane Road Route 626 2 -lane undivided Approx. 23' 25 MPH VDOT Valleypointe Route 4 -lane undivided Approx. 52' 40 MPH VDOT Parkway 1947 Green Ridge Route 629 2 -lane undivided Approx. 23' 35 MPH VDOT Road Peters Creek Route 117 4 -lane divided Approx. 68' 45 MPH City of Roanoke Road 2.2 Existing Traffic Volumes Existing traffic volumes for this project were collected by DAVENPORT staff. Table 2.2 below contains the dates these counts were conducted. Figure 4 shows existing AM and PM peak hour volumes. The full reports for these volumes can be found in the appendix. Table 2.2 - Traffic Volume Data Count Location: Date Taken: Electric Road at Cove Road 2/1/2017 DAVENPORT Wood Haven Road at Thirlane Road 2/1/2017 DAVENPORT Wood Have Road at Valleypointe Parkway 2/1/2017 DAVENPORT Electric Road at Green Ridge Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Green Ridge Road at Cove Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Peters Creek Road at Cove Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Peters Creek Road at Thirlane Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Peters Creek Road at Valleypointe Parkway 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT Peters Creek Road at Wood Haven Road 1/31/2017 DAVENPORT 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 7 J DAVENPORT 3.OApproved Developments and Committed Improvements 3.1 Approved Developments Approved developments are developments that have been recently approved in the area, but not yet constructed. Per Roanoke County, there are no approved developments to be considered in this analysis, but the 1 % annual growth rate would be sufficient to account for background traffic growth. 3.2 Committed Improvements Committed improvements are improvements that are planned by VDOT, Roanoke County, City of Roanoke, or a developer in the area, but not yet constructed. Based on the project scoping meeting, there are no committed improvements to be included in this analysis. 4.0 Methodology 4.1 Base Assumptions and Standards This analysis was conducted based on the VDOT Traffic Operations and Safety Analysis Manual (TOSAM) and TIA Regulations Administrative Guidelines. The following table contains a summary of the parameters and assumptions: 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 10 ..--.1 -Assumptions Peak Hour Factor Existing year: Overall observed PHF per intersection (PHF) Future years: 0.92 or overall observed PHF, whichever is higher Background Traffic 1 % per year Annual Growth Rate Signal Based on TOSAM guidelines Timing/Phasing Signalized and unsignalized: Synchro and SimTraffic Version Analysis Software 10.0 Freeway: VISSIM Version 7 Lane widths 12 -feet No -build scenarios: Based on existing turning movement counts by movement Future build scenarios: Calculated based on combination of no - Truck percentages build traffic and site traffic, which was considered to have a 10% heavy vehicle composition. See Supporting Documents section of Appendix for more information 1.581: 7% per VDOT 2016 traffic counts 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 10 DAVENPORT 5.00apacity Analysis 5.1 Level of Service Evaluation Criteria The Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) utilizes a term "level of service" to measure how traffic operates in intersections and on roadway segments. There are currently six levels of service ranging from A to F. Level of service "A" represents the best conditions and Level of Service "F" represents the worst. Synchro traffic modeling software was used to determine the level of service for studied intersections. VISSIM software was used to determine the level of service of interchange weaving segments as well as merge and diverge areas. All worksheet reports from the analyses can be found in the Appendix. Table 5.1 — Level of Service Criteria Signalized Intersection per Highway Capacity Manual Unsignalized Intersection Level of Service Control Delay Per vehicle (sec) Level of Service Delay Range (sec) A <-10 A _<10 B >10and <20 B >10and _<15 C >20and _<35 C >15and <_25 D >35and <-55 D >25and <_35 E > 55 and < 80 E > 35 and < 50 F > 80 F > 50 WeaviqR. Segments Level of Service Density c/mi/In Freeway Weaving Segment Multilane Distributor and Collector - Weaving Segments A < 10 s 12 B >10and<_20 >12and<24 C > 20 and < 28 > 24 and <_ 32 D > 28 and < 35 > 32 and < 36 E > 35 and <_ 43 > 36 and _< 40 F >43 >40 Merge and Diverge Areas Level of Service Density (pc/mi/In) A <10 B > 10 and <_ 20 C >20and<28 D > 28 and < 35 E > 35 F Demand exceeds capacity 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 11 4 0 DAVENPORT 6.0 2024 Build -out Analysis This section presents the assumptions, results, and recommendations for future build- out of the Wood Haven Site based on an assumed build -out year of 2024. 6.1 Trip Generation The trip generation potential of this site was calculated using TripGen 2013 software, which is based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 9Eh Edition. Table 6.1 below contains the results. While the specific users for this site are not known at this time, the types of uses will be restricted to limited industry, laboratories, research and development facilities, custom manufacturing and general office. For analysis purposes, this study assumed development of 550,000 square feet of a combination of limited industrial, office space, and research and development. There is the potential for different land uses, such as up to 900,000 square feet of either manufacturing or heavy industrial. The trip generation scenario in Table 6.1 below represents a maximum impact scenario and a threshold in terms of site traffic generation. Table 6.1 - ITE Trip Generation Wood Haven Site 24 Hour AM Peak PM Peak Average Weekday Driveway Volumes Hour Hour Two -Way ITE Land Use Land Size Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Code General Office 710 250 Th Ft 2,634 350 48 61 297 GFA Limited Industrial 110 50 Th Ft 349 40 6 6 43 GFA Research and 760 250 I Th. Sq. Ft. 2,028 239 49 42 240 Development GFA Total Unadjusted Trips 6,011 629 103 109 680 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 12 DAV ESPORT 6.2 Trip Distribution Site trips for this proposed development were distributed based on existing traffic patterns. VDOT traffic counts indicate a directional factor of 53% traveling northbound on 1-581 in the AM peak and the reverse in the PM peak. It was considered that site traffic will be consistent with this pattern. This overall directional factor was used in combination with daily traffic volumes for each street in the study area in order to derive trip percentages for each street. This distribution was approved by VDOT and City staff. More information can be found in the Supporting Documents section of the Appendix. • 28% to/from the south on 1-581 • 16% to/from the south on Peters Creek Road • 15% to/from the northeast on 1-81 • 13% to/from the northwest on 1-81 12% to/from the east on Peters Creek Road • 7% to/from the north on Electric Road 5% to/from the south on Electric Road • 4% to/from the south on Cove Road 6.3 Future No Build Traffic The 2024 future no build traffic volumes were computed by applying a 1% compounded annual growth rate to the 2017 existing traffic volumes. Figure 6 shows the 2024 future no build traffic volumes for AM and PM peaks. 6,4 Total Traffic The 2024 build -out traffic volumes were computed as the sum of future no build volumes and site trips. Site trips are shown in Figure 7 for AM and PM peaks. Figure 8 shows the 2024 build volume totals. 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 13 � w Access CUT ,a OUT K wn +w+ __ _d f \)4-19% ` North Lake F: _e f - � �^ { §W \ * 2 Creek ! ( _w __ e §\[ T »_ a mlJ�of )\ f � %,. %-7% IN })) _m Ridge Road 4% OUT J aaJ fr_w 4) j _eyp _e Oo0 F- fr Parkway 5% Our J � o: IX ®° ! ee m!- / \. c.Rw GS §§ , ° rg§ *-z r 0mw e§/ 1-561�4 13 )§a) »w +) / ,awl Electric Road _aa : 7% IN ,mw>§ am!_ } rte® » rlane »w 16% OUT - � \\ \ � w Access CUT ,a OUT K wn +w+ __ _d f \)4-19% ` North Lake ° _e f � \)4-19% IN �^ { o Creek _ m,_ T )\ f � %,. %-7% IN _m Ridge Road 4% OUT J aaJ as j Oo0 F- o: IX ®° ! �. \. c.Rw \ rg§ e§/ 13 )§a) »w +) / taw Electric Road _aa 7% IN am!_ � r 0 0 i z w 0 �� a 0 n J ll 4--1/23 r 23180 r w U II IY ro Wood Haver.F r Sap to m C a o 3C Rnad 15311621 t 1 1 r z Z rc 1014 to6f35� _m d aAry _ o a a a w u A �vm 1.21126 a�'HP8 1.38169 O1�a +-301 17 qae _� r 9154 4 x651148 „-E _ yalleypolnte g j o 4 Parkway 23179-1 } Y 4129•--� 24129- r� 181 1817323"} *10'01 _oB3p� nm`� sfge85' g� Mal Evjg e�l �ao oE�Si� p �avevoo mm1� 1.12116 Z! +-0/0 00 159 J r rhirlane 010✓ 4l i (r Road 6.113 j' 1 111— yew 72f66� vm 012-4 '�N Ro M� vnm 1 53196 J� +-413 Northside High r14f41 c o0 oa 2061155 h 6140 7A! 40 � m�i� LOlB x115 North Lake ✓�� 2811162 1 5111 681502 m Q• 1.54f84 +-6651649 J 14 r 56 115 Peters 63!106.1 Creek 4961680 137I238� 1.47!30 Jlb 4-212 r5l4 Green Ridge Rnsd 35135, r 110 m o 9 113180 +� 9 G n IY Cove Road IY n v rc o � .n 0 L 197 f38S 1.50149 +-5261791 6001788 E€ectric Road J �aoor 011 U 174f16 .% 16150.1 1 O 7351615— 727 f551� o N r 0 0 �zu z w 0 �� a g n n i a U II IY � r Sap to m C r zeo � g a a m� Lora z Y W li � Wood Haven JJ4 'raid 00 s Road O00 7141 1' T z. z Z a1d—� tiir o� w ut � U m rc °fig `��� Lato YIg - 11* L0f4 4r� 233149 Valleypolnla tura rola Qg kgo�no ?3rkway 5r28—t r Z M T5 A r afa-1 _ BB 13257 c 2P$3�� E-581 Eei aa mg �=`sSLSg acr"ia Lard �o J j 4 4—a to J r 252144 Thhiene ala,? 'Ile Road alga 111 d1�a 16183' oral - L oto J14 4—ara Narlhslde High rafo Ca 5Gnooi Kom atcJ I aro.-o 0 0 aro- t r Site Access L a to 871467.: *i 1 1 Ir 4 i—oaa fn 16183 �. North Lek. ` rola olor1 aloes ti r y a 9 — Ldfa 4-+101117 a J j4 !- ora Peters oac oral 1 * rCreek 1 6193—t dra-t L ala Jj4 4—at a rata Gruen Rld e Road 41413.J (a orc — 3117- c e: m U Cove Road 32 B vM12 VC*t-. L 1913 4-13!L1 4 EleclricRoad J�4 rola q 4418-t �r ° 070 2112 Of 7 o o T z �= � r zeo � g a a z Y W li � 00 �m in a u_ a NSP ti513 d w Ca m P 4! 1 t-11 z3 r 231 an w* w Wand Ham ui j Road DOO sir T Z 814 -r o� w j1!35 , O d U ry 4 04F eC-g� 21130 aafi6Sg 'FYYwz 4!•.38189 �`p *-34117 14 x242 f94 V alyto 4 x65114882 �46 1 r arkwa P -,W 24 f23— 224 f23 r p8 a.00�E 23918481 i � "E 1-581 �Fiv ESQ -12116 1.4 4-010 r 2721105 Thlrlane araJ hir Raad 6113) 111— 88f 14B 7 nf21 v�'nm 4-53 f96 4-413 Northside High y r 14141 School 0 2P6f 155 41 1 r 6f) 10�+ n"a3 ®� 747401 ryon Site Access m'N ti 0 f 0 87!467) hi t_nr2 181937, N-th Lake o 281 f 152 J 511- r Y 6a r s41 ¢ �o mm 4-54184 1766/666 ,0 4J 1 ly r 56175 w 1 Peers Qoo 631 106-t 1 1 rCleek 512 f 773--� 137 f 2361 mn L47130 1 1 4j . 4212 r514 Green Rftl e Road 39f58J 9 41ir 110--u. o 11fi1971 U K 7 Cove Road m B U K x.,216 f 38B t. 63 x 51 4-5391793 4-609179aEI-M. Road 4' 1 *-011 0 218!174 J 18150) 7291563 h t r o 7351615— 011 7 o O in a u_ w d DAVENPORT 6.5 Level of Service Results This section presents intersection capacity analyses for the following conditions during AM and PM peaks: 2017 Existing Conditions • 2024 Future No Build Conditions • 2024 Future Build Conditions Levels of service summaries for each intersection are provided in the following pages. Efforts were made to improve the level of service for each lane group at each intersection to a LOS D where possible and to mitigate queuing issues. See Section 6.6 for queuing results. Recommendations for turn lanes at the site access are based on criteria in Appendix F of the VDOT Road Design Manual. The recommended improvements are illustrated in Figure 9. The Synchro level of service output is included in the Appendix. 414!18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 18 Table 6.2 - Electric Road at Cove Road Level of Service by Approach Scenario Overall LOS (Delay in secfveh) Westbound L R Northbound T R Southbound L T AM Peak Hour ' • • r r r r • . 1 Existing ; �� ` r r r r • 1 1 1 2024 No Build 1 2024 Build PM Peak Hour Existing _ 2024 No Build -- 2024 Build rpi � qr rp i I �p Recommendations + • - - - +-+ 414!18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 18 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 19 Cw)) DAVENPORT Table 6.6 - Green Ridge Road at Electric Road Level of Service by Approach (Delay in seclveh) Scenario Overall i LOS Eastbound Westbound Northbound L T R L I T R! L T R Southbound L T -FR— AM Peak Hour AM Existing EEMEEMMEMM� '`'0 1 a 2024 No Build aMa�' aMM '1• �� a 2024 Build : a�a� • r ',• � 2024 Build + : � � a � , �a , � �a � � • r Improvements PM Peak Hour • ■ Existing r • aa��� •' r r • a , • 2024 No Build a aa� �� ra , • 2024 Build a , : aa� ! • •� r ■ I ; I•'r : it ..p : �I ''U � 2024 Build + a�aa� • .: � .: ��a Improvements , r i !I l • Recommendations •. . - •.- - - 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 20 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 21 A 1.2 A 1.2 B 13.4 C 15.8 A (4.3) r A 1.2 A 1.2 B 13.4 C 15.8 A 1.2 A 1.2 B 13.2 C 15.5 A (4.3) A 1.2 A 1.2 B 13.2 C 15.5 A 1.5 A 1.1 B 13.6 1-117.4) A (4.6) A 1.5 A 1.1 B 13.6 C 17.4 A8.0 A0.0 A1.1 813.5 b26.6 B 10.5 1 . ..- - A(42) A 1.5 A 1.1 B 13.5 B 14.5 A 2.4 A 1.0 B 14.5 A (4.3) A 2.4 A 1.0 B 14.5 C 21.8 A 2.4 A 1.0 B 14.9 A 2.4 A 1.0 B 14.9 C 24.4 A 2.5 A 1.0 C 15.3 A (7.2) A 2.5 A 1.0 C 15.3 E 37.9 A8.8 A0.0 A1.0 C15.1 E49.2 B11.9 1 A(5.5) A2.5 A1.0 C15.1 D25.9 • Provide eastbound left turn lane on Cove Road with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper r - Provide southbound left turn • lane on Green Ridge Road with 100 feet of storage and appropriate to er 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 21 �4_) DAVENPORT - . • . • • • • i " - • • ill • s `-F MUST A ■ - • C 15.1 A0.0 A0.0 D28.4 E (55.3 C (26.4) - E (60.0) 1 D (38.6) E (61.8) 1 D (39.3) - F (82.2)1 B (11.7} - D (37.1) D (51.1) D (53.4) D (40.9) B (18.1) -I D (52.7) C (27.5) - E (58.2) 1 D (39.9) E (63.0) 1 D (43.5) - F (81.7) B (14.4) - D (38.7) Q (49.0) D (52.4) D (44.9) C (20.5) - D (53.1) 1 C (27.4) - E (64.9) I D (39.5) E (63.0=D(52. ) - F (81.4) B (15.1) - D (42.8) D (49.4) E (57.8) D (52.7) C (20.9) . ; - E (56.1) C (27.7) - E (57.9) D (38.3) E (61.0) D (54.6) - E (59.9) B (17.1) - .. D (43.6} D (52.0) D (52.4) D (55.0) C (20.8) B 14.6 A 0.0 A 0.0 E 37.6 E (67.2) 1 C (32.8) - E (64.4) 1 D (35.9) E (61,0) 1 D (38.4) - E (69.1)IC (26.1) - e D (42.0) E (61.4) E (58.6) D (40.5) C (30.6) - E (67.8) C (34.0) - E (62.6) D (36.5) E (62.1) D (43.3) - E (71.1) C (32.2) - .: • D (45.7) E (62.1) E (57.3) D (45.0) D (36.3) - E (75.2) C (33.7) - E (63.5) D (36.4) E (62.1) 1 D (44.6) - E (72.4) Q (45.9) - f D (52.1) E (68.6) E (58.1) D (46.2) D (48.4) e - E (69.6) 1 C (34.7) - I E (66.4) 1 D (37.4) E (77.1) D (43.9) - F (84.0) 1 C (34.4) - . • - - D (4$.0) E (64.0) E (60.7) D (47.0) D (39.1) - - • • : • • Optimize signal timing and coordinate with Peters Creek Road system timing - . • . • `-F MUST C 15.1 A0.0 A0.0 D28.4 A(11) • A0.5 A0.0 D28.4 B 14.8 A 0.0 A 0.0 D 26.4 . ' . A (1.0) A 0.5 A 0.0 D 26.4 C22.5 A0.0 A0.0 E48.4 t • A(2.9) A 3.2 A 0.0 E 48.4 I B 13.6 A 0.0 A 0.0 D 29.7 ` A (1.1) A0.7 A0.0 D29.7 B 14.6 A 0.0 A 0.0 E 37.6 • : A (1.3) A 0.7 A 0.0 E 37.6 C 15.4 A 0.0 A 0.0 F 50.4 A (3.4) A 1.0 A 0.0 F 50.4 - . - .. • No improvements recommended • LOS EIF conditions (in both no -build and build scenarios) is a typical condition for stop -controlled approaches onto major streets such as Peters Creek Road, and . - is mainly due to a lack of sufficient gaps in traffic for left turns from the stop - controlled approach. These conditions are expected to be limited to peak periods. 4/4%18 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 22 Q DAVENPORT 4!4118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 23 .. - - •. .. UZU • E C B E E C E D E D E D 62.01(23.0)116.5 76.2 62.9 26.3 56.1 46.0 55.1 54.3 61.1 (45.9) G30.4 E61.5 ❑54.3 E59.8 E C B EE G E D D D E • : • 62.3 24.1 17.2 74.4 63.3 26.5 y 55.3 45.7 53.8 53.2 61.1 (46,4) C31.3 E61.8 Q53.6 E59.5 FC B E F C E D D D E • 210.6 24.1 17.2 74.2 83.6 28.2 55.3 45.7 53.2 52.2 57.5 (76.8) F80.1 E79.2 b53.6 E56.7 B B E D A E ❑ E C r CD 41.9 16.1 13.6 64.4 35.9 1.0 _ 71.4 42.4(55.4)126.0 • - (29 8) C23.6 C34.3 E66.2 031.2 E I C B F C C E D E D I E a D (61.1) 129.1 19.7 85.7 25.8 24.5 67.3 47.6 58.2 53.8 60.5 (36.1) C31.7 G27.8 E64.3 E59.6 E C C F C C D E D E r D 60.21(31.6 20.7 84.8 27.6 25.5 ]El 69.0 47.5 56.1 52.5 61.3 (37.7) 033.6 C29.4 E65.7 E59.7 E C C F D G E D D D F 65.01(33.7)121.8 84.7 35.0 27.6 71.9 48.1 54.9 49.5 548.4 (132.1) D 36.6 D 36.4 E 68.2 F 462.0 DCB F C B E D E D C 8 22.5 44. 19.0 80.9 22.5 14.5 76.5 42.5 67.5 46.9 a a - (32.9) 025.1 C24.1 E71.2 D50.5 • Provide second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road with 400 feet of storage and appropriate taper a Reconfigure southbound approach to provide two (2) right turn lanes and a • • " combined left/ through lane • Provide right turn overlap phases on all approaches • Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals 4!4118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 23 �J- DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Woad Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 24 DAVENPORT Table 6.12 - Peters Creek Road at North Lace Drive Level of Service by Approach (Delay in seclveh) Scenario Overall LOS Eastbound Westbound L T R L T Northbound Southbound R L T R L T R AM Peak Hour ,` ION. Existing = ��� ;. •' 2024 No Build •� 2024 Build : ��aa �����. 2024 Build + N NMIaN Improvements PM Peak Hour , Existing �" ' ONE 00 N 2024 No Build � � � 0 '' � 2024 Build 2024 Build +MEMEOMM M&MUEM& Improvements s - .. . No improvements recommended i 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 25 DAVENPORT 4/4/18 163045 Wood Maven Site — Roanoke, VA 26 -0 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 27 -0 DAVENPORT 6.6 Queuing Analysis A queuing analysis was conducted based on a traffic simulation of the study intersections using SimTraffic software. This simulation was carried out based on VDOT TOSAM guidelines, including a total of 10 runs of 60 minute length in order to obtain statistically reliable results. The tables that follow present maximum queue lengths for no build, future build, and future build with improvement scenarios. Queue lengths are then compared with the length of existing turn lane storage bays. This information was used to identify areas where improvements such as new turn lanes or extensions of turn lanes are needed. For locations with more than one lane per movement, the lane with the higher queue is reported. The recommended improvements are illustrated in Figure 9, Max Queue ft Table 6.15 - Electric AM Peak 96 Road at Cove Road Hour Queues 79 27 72 Effective Storage(ft)Full Full Full 150 WBLTR 230 2024 No Build :7 30 WBR NIBR SBL Max Queue ft WBL-TR 94 95 15 146 Effective Storage ft Full 150 125 230 2024 Build WBR SBL Max Queue ft 72 80 80 Effective Storage ft Full 150 230 2024 Build + Improvements —1 su WBR NBR SBE. Max Queue ft 79 84 7 119 Effective Stora e Existin Max Queue ft ft Full PM Peak - - 52 150 1 Hour Queues �" '�+Uf�'� 118 125 _ NB •� 15 230 SBL 141 Effective Storage ft Full 150 125 230 2024 No Build WBL WBR NB Max Queue ft 50 117 15 107 _ Effective Storage ft Full 150 125 230 2024 Build. WBL WBR NBR SB - Max Queue ft 52 114 15 115 Effective Storage (fl Full 150 125 230 2024 Build + Improvements WBL 13R NBR Max Queue ft 125 137 7 100 Effective Storage ft Full 150 125 230 Table 6.16 Existing - Wood Road at Thirlane AM Peak Hour Queues WBLTR . Road NBLTR WL Max Queue ft 27 30 Effective Storage ft Full Full 2024 No Build WBLTR NBLTR Max Queue ft 27 30 Effective Storage ft - Full Full 2024 Build WBL-TR NBLTR SBLTR 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 28 DAVEMORT Max Queue ft 14 72 291 52 Effective Storage ftT Full Full Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements Max Queue (ft) SBLTR 11 WBLTR 58 261 70 Effective Stora e ft Existing Full PM Peak Hour Full Queues WBLTR I Full NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue ft EBTR 20 72 72 29 Effective Storage ft Full Fuil Full Full 2024 No Build WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue ft 74 55 29 Effective Storage ft w Full Full Full 2024 Build WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue ft 136 114 29 Fffective Storage (ft) Full Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements SBLTR WBLTR _ NBLTR_ NBLR 161 Max Queue ft 9 74 122 Full Effective Storage ft Full Full Full NBLR Table 6.17 - Existin Max Queue ft Wood Haven Road at Valleypointe AM Peak Hour Queues _ Parkway 54 66 Effective Storage(ft)185 Full 2024 No Build Max Queue ftT7 69 70 Effeckive Stora e ft 185 Full 2024 Build Max Queue ft EBTR 20 ��: 98 205 Effective Storage ft Full 185 Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBR WBL Max Queue ft 24 67 Effective Stara e (ft:: ExistingWB' Max Queue ft w 200 185 74 -- 96 Effective Storage ft 185 Full 2024 No Build Max Queue ft WBL 31 NBLR 97 Effective Storage ft' 185 Full 2024 Build Max Queue ft EBTR. 22 WBL 73 NBLR 161 Effective Storage ft Full 185 Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBR WBL NBLR Max Queue ft 34 63 159 Effective Storage (ft) 200 185 Full 4/4/18 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 29 0 DAVENPORT Existing Max Queue ft - Green Ridge AM Peak Road at Cove Hour Queues 70 LTBR 282 72 NBT NBR 127 36 SBL 40 Ski 105 SBT 147 Effective Storage ft Full 575 Full 2024 No Build Max Queue (ft) Full 550 250 Full Full 2024 No Build Effective Storage ft BLTR WE Full Full ""AST NBR SBL SBT SE3TR Max Queue ft NBLTR 29 304 54 129 56 42 121 103 _ Effective Stora e ft Full 575 Full Full 550 250 Full Full 2024 Build SBL SBTR WELT WBR 1 NBT NBR SBL SBT S9TR Max Queue ft Full . E 96 Full 81 364 55 Full 79 132 36 62 80 100 Effective Storage ft 2024 No Build Max Queue (ft) 575 Full BLTR 145 Full 550 250 Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBLTR WBLT WBR Full NBT NJPPI SBL SBT SBTR Max Queue ft SBLTR 198 17 278 59 Full 173 54 4G 147 139 Effective Storage ft Full 575 Full Max Queue (ft) Full 550 250 Full Full Existing Effective Storage ft - , ._ . weep- R Full RW __ NBR SBL T . S R Max Queue ft 29 267 52 217 58 104 103 94 Effective Stora e ft Full 575 Ful Full 550 250 Full Full 2024 No Build BLT WBR NBT NBR S81 M13TR Max Queue ft = 27 252 74 212 103 63 105 119 Effective Storage ft. Full 575 Full Full 550 250 Full I Full 2024 Build EBLTR WBLT WBR NBL NBT NBR Max Queue ft 29 330 53 20 213 84 63 82 96 Effective Storage ft Full 575 Full 300 Full 550 250 Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBLTR ... WBLT WBR NBL NBT NSR SBL SBT SBTR_ Max Queue ft 20 256 70 5 243 99 86 115 127 Effective Storage ft Full 575 Full 300 Full 550 250 Full Full Table 6.19 Existin� Max Queue ft - Green Ridge AM Peak Road at Cove Hour Queues 70 Road LTR__ 59 49 SBL':: 76 Effective Storage (ft) Full Full Full Full 2024 No Build Max Queue (ft) 54 WBLTR 37 NBLTR"MRMMW 68 _ 117 Effective Storage ft Full Full Full Full 2024 Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue (ft) 112 37 51 98 Effective Storage (ft) Full Full Full Full 2024 Build + Im rovements TR WBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 47 1 77 62 57 84 Effective Stura e: Existing Max Queue ft 200 - Full . E 96 Full 81 Full 46 200 Full 79 Effective Storage ft Full Full Full Full 2024 No Build Max Queue (ft) EBLT - 213 BLTR 145 53 SBLTR 118 Effective Storage ft) Full Full Full Full 2024 Build Max Queue (ft) EBLTR 116 WBLTR 100 52 SBLTR 198 Effective Storage ft Full Full Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBL WBLTR _ SBL SBTR Max Queue (ft) 67 73 60 93 78 Effective Storage ft 200 Full Full 200 Full 4/4118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 30 0 DAVENPORT Table 6.21 - Max Queue (ft) Peters Creek AM Peak 50 Road at Thirlane Hour Queues .. 86 .. 275 Existin iNax Queue ft E13 532 250 241 B 100 L 175 NBT 304 NBTR 296 129 166 SBTR 212 ffective Storage (ft) Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 2024 No Build EBL Full WBLT WBR NBL NBT NBTR 50 _SBT SBTR Max Queue ft 565 250 216 100 175 335 335 153 188 208 ffective Stora e ft Ful 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 2024 Build Max Queue ft EBLT 677 250 WBLT 392 WBR 100 NBL 175 NBT 402 NBTR 354 MW 132 SBT 302 I SBTR 331 Effective Storage ft Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 24 Build + Improvements 23 MR 310 t T 275 NU"ABT NBTR SBL SBT SBTR Max Queue ft 541 250 332 100 174 414 401 145 236 250 Effective Stora e Xlstin ax Queue Full 357 250 250 Full 437 100 R 11 [741 100 175 L:jm 174 Full 316 Full 327 175 174 Ful 424 Full 423 ective Stora e . Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 2024 No Build hJlax Queue ft 554 250;694 2 100 175 328 290 M 174 346 j,.s_13TR 312 "ve Storage ft Full 250ll 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 024 Build fViax Queue (ft) EB 733 250 100 174 284 TR 282 St3:L 175 SB;T 406 TR 425 ective Stora a ft Full 250ll 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full Build +Im rove Max Queue EBLT 641 E.Jong 250 ] 587 WB. 100 175 362 343 175 534 1 564 Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full Table 6.21 - Max Queue (ft) Peters Creek AM Peak 50 Road at Thirlane Hour Queues Road 86 Effective Storage (ft) 275 2024 No Build Max Queue (ft) EBL 50 tFull Effective Storage ft 275 2024 Build Max Queue ft 275 396 WB 22 56 767 Effective Storage ft 275 Full Fu€I Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements Max Queue ft EBL 227 53 YVIB 6 50 MOW— 433 Effective Storage (ft) EXIStIn Max Queue ft 400 PM Peak EBL 50 Full Hour Queues _ Full Full - 23 Full _ SBLR 118 Effective Stara e ft - 275 Full Full 2024 No Build Max Queue ft eL 75 ..-... TV 22 SBLR 159 Effective Storage ft) 275 Full Full 2024 Build EBL SBLR Max Queue ft 74 75 159 Effective Storage (ft) 275 Full Full 2024 Build + Im rovements Max Queue ft EBL 90 23 MR 310 Effective Storage ft 275 Full Full 4!4!18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 31 0 DAVENPORT Table 6.22 - Peters Creek AM Peak .. at Valleypointe Hour Queu es =@. ol NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 118 142 xistin Max Queue ftLBL 25 330 54 249 437 300 14$ 55 77 72 233 Effective Stora e ft 325 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2024 No Build NBLTR SBL EBR W WBT WBR N 272 Fp%BL SBT SBR Max Queue ft Effective Storage ft 165 68 250 789 300 187 60 120 68 157 Effective Stora e ft EBT EBTR 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2024 Build 24 261 38 89 "SBT WBR NBLT_ WAR SBL Full ?R Max Queue ft _ _ 375 731 83 250 1 064 300 235 39 64 73 224 Effective Stomp ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2024 Build + Improvements Max Queue ft 273 EBT 247 EBR 80 WBL 172 WBT 370 252 189 51 108 Existing SBR 128 Effective Stora Existin 500 Full T Full EBR 325 WBL Full WBT 300 WBR' Full N 350 460 S .:._ 246 Full Max Queue ft 173 361 72 137 330 47 261 41 115 71 333 Effective Stomp ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2024 No Build Max Queue ft 374 QST 422 EBR 76 WBL 250 W 714 R 300 N 238 39 151 SBT 52 SSR: 353 Effective Storage ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2024 Build EBL EBT EBR WBL NBLTR_ R NBLT N SB SBT 153 Max Queue ft 243 330 318 249 401 300 274 39 162 2281 2628 Effective Storage ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 024 Build + Improvements L 170 EBT 334 EBR 158 WBL 161 WVr 339 WBR 118 NBLTIIM 293 60 230 311 SBR 245 165 500 Full Full 325 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full VW*M M` ExistingESL EBT ; Xl- iFURTIT Loll I!► EBTR WBL IWe ol.FVr-- WBT "oZ WBR =@. ol NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 118 142 135 25 330 39 122 99 210 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2024 No Build EBL EBT EBTR WBT WBT WBR NBLTR SBL Max Queue ft 80 114 109 272 209 39 118 100 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full Full 'Full 325 Full 100 2024 Build EBL EBT EBTR WBL WBT WBR NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 61 114 143 24 261 38 89 100 671 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Fult 325 Full 100 Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBL EBT EBTR WBL WBT WBR NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 76 65 79 56 340 46 99 100 275 Effective Stora e (ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full Existing EBL PM Peak EEE Hour EBTR Queues WBL WBT WIBE2 NBL R S1 L SBTk Max Queue ft 156 246 224 24 322 80 224 97 151 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2024 No Build BTR WBL WBT WBR NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 157 160 201 47 417 320 226 99 281 Effective Storage ft} 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2024 Build JWL EBL EOT^ BBTR WBL WBT WBR NBLTR_ SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 98 139 153 24 382 102 186 99 408 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2024 Build + Improvements EBL EBT EBTR WBL WBT WBR_ NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 127 120 132 90 347 72 196 99 311 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 4/4/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 32 0 DAVENPORT F1 . 174,wz, WIT ... -... In am Uff-A1141- -... at North Lake Drive qlgwlqvik� AM Peak Hour Queues Existin Max Queue ft 292 59 134 dive Storage ft Full Max Queue ft Full 158 Full 130 A24 Build + 30 EBT 352 WBR SBL SBR rn rovements ,9�15L Full Full 225 Full Full Max Queue ft 114 61 _ 64 107 52 ec_.tive. Stora s ft.. 200 Full SBR 200 Full Full 101 � 156 53 353 125 1 4 ST -N Full - -- Full BLR 225 Max Queue ft 52 125 2024 Build 441 $TR Effective Storage ft Full WBR NBLTR SBLT Full Max Queue ft 2024 Build + 109 132 WBT WBR SBL SBR Improvements 125 Effective Storage ft - Full Fuh Full Max Queue ft 41 Full 11 8 411 407 Effective Stow, e ft 200 WBLT Full 200 Full Full Table 6.26 - Peters Creek -... at North Lake Drive AM Peak Hour Queues Existin - - _ Max Queue ft 49 158 122 130 138 30 28 352 26 -727-- Effective Storage ft Effective 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 2024 No Build _ _ EBTR WBLT WBT WBI� SBLT SBR Max Queue ft 49 69 101 169 156 53 353 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full 125 2024 Build $TR WBLT WBT WBR NBLTR SBLT SBR Max Queue ft 29 109 132 108 153 30 28 307 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Fuh Full Full 225 Full Full 125 2024 Build * EBL 81W EBTR WBLT WBT WBR Improvements Max Queue ft 67 133 119 95 114 36 22 417 125 Effective Stora 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Fuli 125 e ExistingT_ - _ BR NR"f Max Queue ft 135 135 136 70 67 54 45 223 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Fuli Full 125 2024 No Build EBL EBT EBTR W Max Queue ft 95 66 48 67 66 54 50 333 1 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 2024 Build I.. 8L EBT EBTR WBLT WBT V SBLT SBR Max Queue ft . 169 86 67 69 49 62 28 269 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 20 Build + EBL EBT _ EBTR WBLT WBT WBR NBLTR SBLT SBR ro Improvements Max Queue(ft)_97 76 75 134 145 72 46 270 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 33 0 DAVENPORT Table 6.26 - Peters Max Queue ft Creek AM 199 Road at Peak Hour 301 19 Northside Queues 152 High WBTR 283 School 225 Road NBLT NBR 68 48 58LT 261 SBR 81 Effective Storage ft 275 Full 325 250 Full 225 Full, 100 Full 375 2024 No Build Max Queue ft EBL 194 276 19 gL 132 WBT 314 INBR 151 NSC 50 65 SBLT 263 S11 65 Fffective Storage(ft) 275 Full 325 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 2024 Build EBL EBT WBL WBS" WBR NBLT NBR SBLT SBP Max Queue (ft) 194 288 19 248 264 225 71 48 313 82 Effective Storage (ft) 275 FLIT 325 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 2024 Build + Improvements EBL ,_ T JEBR WSNBLT NBR SBLT SBR Max Queiae(ft) 247 322 95 196 292 209 53 78 266 73 Effective Stara e ft Existi n Max Queue fit 275 PM 131 Full Peak 282 325 Hour _ 19 250 Queues =150 - Full -272 225 225 Full 135 100 92 Full 197 375 84 Effective Storage ft 275 Full 325 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 2024 No Build EBL EBT EBR WBL. WBT WBR NBLT NBR SBLT SBR Max Queue ft 130 303 18 154 296 225 70 94 265 65 Effective Storage ft 275 Full 325 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 2024 Build W£3L WBT V§Ft Nt3LT NB SB __. Max Queue ft 249 379 225 91 92 329 46 Effective Storage ft 7EB 250 Full 225 FLIT 100 Full 375 2024 Build + Im rovements WBUL WBT WBR NBLT NBR SBLT SSR Max Queue ft 221 387 225 118 97 242 56 Effective Stora e (ft 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 Table 6.27 - Peters Creek Road AM Peak Hour Queues Off -ramp 2024 Build+ Irn rovements E NBR Max Queue ft 330 258 Effective Stora eft Full 400 2024 Build + Improvements PM Peak Hour Queues EBT NBR Max Queue(ft) 228 226 Effective Storage ft Full 400 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 34 DAVENPORT 7.0 2030 Design Year Analysis A 2030 design year analysis was performed in order to review the long term capacity at the study intersections. This section presents the assumptions, results, and recommendations for this analysis. 7.9 2030 Traffic Volumes 2030 design year build volumes were obtained by summing 2030 no build volumes and site trips for the Wood Haven Road Site. The 2030 design year no build traffic volumes were computed by applying a 1% compounded annual growth rate to the 2017 existing traffic volumes over a thirteen (13) year period. Design year no build volumes are shown in Figure 10. Site trips are the same as those shown in Figure 7. Figure 11 shows the 2030 design year build volumes for AM and PM peaks. 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 36 ry11 IJ q W � a p p �- n�n n � t.613 Z 7 z O C w a - J14 4-17za x24165 z w w Wood Haven Rodd a o z Z 1711/212- i 1 r _ a p w 111015- 5!38 •� - o a • � m U n w � 1.23137 F.02 " La0l94 °°tee 4-32!18 'F:Fw� In x242197 J I +4 x69115782 goa } vaueypolnie e$B r� Parkway 29!113- ,F ��1 m•� ryry zs131-V i3n 259lfi6715i �' Vii t�1�V F��PEm !-Sa1 �� • sS P �fSoa�� t.13l17 J14 jz7s119s J1 7h]rlene Ol9J h t f. Road 7! 14 J *1 111 9121 � no 931152 1 4 L 551102 J 14 4-5/3 15143 Northside High x O COO O 2191180- 7110- 79/427 Jl 91[o Access � Of 7 B71a87J hr J 4-012 ,6193 N-th Lake 1 x,16 zsa Gfl 6x1--+721531 r571 o0o h * Creek 6711131 I 5431210 146!250 1 L 50132 J�4 4—zl2 x616 Green Ride -- Road 42161- '11� 118- 123/163 1 o a jq O K d p O O Cove Rodd O � � -2210412 v: 1.66155 4-5711842 J 1, 4-6371536 Electric Road J 14 r o! 3 J¢ U 228!1.64- 19153) 11 o 7811653-+ T74l597- 911 o ry11 IJ q W � Y p p �- a H y Z 7 z a - DAVENPORT 7.2 Level of Service Results This section presents intersection capacity analyses for the following conditions during AM and PM peaks: • 2030 Design Year No Build Conditions • 2030 Design Year Build Conditions Levels of service summaries for each intersection are provided in the following pages. Efforts were made to improve the level of service for each lane group at each intersection to a LOS D where possible, and to mitigate queuing issues. The recommendations for the 2030 Design Year analysis are the same as those shown in Figure 9 for the Year 2024 analysis. 4/4/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 39 0 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 40 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 41 1 QNIC f A VVYI. 1%%PVI Level .f a,L I vIwwn f\VRIf of Service by Approach (belay in seclveh) Scenario Overall I O LS Eastbound L T __R Westbound L T R Northbound L! T Southbound R L T R AM Peak Hour ■ 2030 Design Year ■ a� a .. • , a�a No Build 2030 Design Year ■ a�� • a ' a Build I • 2030 Design ■ ff mMINS Bud +Year Improvements I r ■ 1 PM Peak Hour ■ 2030 Design Year a MEMMM. Mom . 0 No Build ■ 2030 Design Year r �a , , MME Build . r • r ■ • 2030 Year DesiBuild ■ � �� ■ ■ ■ •' ` ' ' ` ' Improvements . 1 . ■ ■ ' Recommendations • . _ .. f ... ■ - - ' ... 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 41 0 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 42 E C B E F C E ❑ D D E - ` E (58.5) 69.3 65.3) (17.4 73.9 93.9 27.0 56.2 45.5 53.8 53.1 61.8 .1 F 89.7 D 54.2 E 60.1 B E F C E D D D E - F(89.8)3 7(23772t2 17.4 73.6 110.3 28.2 56.2 45.5 (53.7)1(5Z 57.7 F 88.0 F (1O2.9) D 54.2 E 56.9 ` ❑ B B E ❑ A D E C C (34.2) 42.2 16.4 13.1 66.5 48.5 0.81(75E6)1(42,4.(55.6)126.6 C23.8 D45.6 E69.5 C31.8 ..- E C I C F! C C E D E D I E - D (41.6) 61.4 34.2)1(2 3 84.2 34.4 26.1 - 1(72.2)6Z.3 56.D 52.5 65.9 D 35.8 D 35.9 E 68.4 E 63.2 E D C F D CE D E D F F (144.0)(66.5)136.2 22.2 84.1 47.8 28A _ 1(75.9) 47.8 55.4 49.7 600.4 D 38.7 D 48.4 E 71.5 F 503.2 r.- D C I B F CB F D E D C (34.7) 45.11(23.6)1(18.9 84.4 25.51(14.6 82.8 42.3 _ 69.9 47.8 C26.D 027.1 E76.5 D51.8 ..- • provide second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road with 400 feet of storage and appropriate taper Reconfigure southbound approach to provide two (2) right turn lanes and a ` y combined left /through lane • Provide right turn overlap phases on all approaches • Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 42 0 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 43 0 DAVENPORT E 7.7 E C B C 71.7 21.6 13.7 (28.3) D 53.9 C 27.3 C 23.1 D 53.7 D 50.3 ak Hour E 7-C77A- EDE D 8.8 25.6 7.5 58.1 54.5 _ 59.1 46.7 E C B C (70.4)-65.3)113.7 D E 59.1 (29.4) C 27.2 I 55.9 E 56.7 C 29.9 E B B C 72.1 97.6 10.3 (27.4) C 20.1 E B B C 71.8 9 8.0 10.3 (28.2} C 20.5 No E 7.7 CB 26.6 E 10.6 55.0 D D D 53.3 53.9 39.9 C 22.9 D 53.7 D 50.3 E 7.7 C B _ 26.9 10.6 E 55.0 D 53.3 D 53.9 D 39.9 C 23.1 D 53.7 D 50.3 ak Hour E 7-C77A- EDE D 8.8 25.6 7.5 58.1 54.5 _ 59.1 46.7 C 25.7 E 55.9 E 56.7 -7 E B,8)1(27.3)1 I CA 7.5 E 58.11(54.9 D E 59.1 D 46.7 C 27.2 I 55.9 E 56.7 provements recommended 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 44 0 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 45 + DAVENPORT 7.3 Queuing Analysis A queuing analysis was conducted based on a traffic simulation of the study intersections using SimTraffic software. This simulation was carried out based on VDOT TOSAM guidelines, including a total of 10 runs of 60 minute length in order to obtain statistically reliable results. The tables that follow present maximum queue lengths for no build, future build, and future build with improvement scenarios. Queue lengths are then compared with the length of existing turn lane storage bays. This information was used to identify areas where improvements such as new turn lanes or extensions of turn lanes are needed. For locations with more than one lane per movement, the lane with the higher queue is reported. The recommended improvements for the 2030 Design Year are the same as those shown in Figure 9 for the Year 2024 analysis. Table 7.16 - 2030 Na Build Wood Haven AM Peak Hour e 96 145 SBLTR 15 SBL 57 b Max Queue ft 4 Effective Stora e (fO 28 Full 150 Full 125 230 2030 Build EBLTR WBL WBR SBLTR Max Queue ft SBL Max Queue (ft) 134 74 116 15 81 Effective Storage ft 2030 Build + Improvements Full 150 73 125 230 2030 Build + Im rovements Full W . . WBR NBT SBLTR SHL Max Queue (ft) SBLTR 126 115 3 BLTR 73 127 Effective Storage f: 2030 No' Max Queue ft Full 1 e _ 5392 150 1 Full NBR 14 230 SBL 127 Effective Storage (ft) WBLTR Full 150 Max Queue (ft) 125 230 2030 Build 28 WBL 193 VVl3K__77TW 150 NBR 18 SBL 1 78 Max Queue ft Effective Storage €t Full 150 125 230 2030 Build + Improvements WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Max Queue ft 124 131 2 10 123 27 Effective Storage ft Full 150 Full 125 230 Full Table 7.16 - 2030 Na Build Wood Haven AM Peak Hour Road at Thirlane Queues BLTR Road NB:: SBLTR Max Queue "ft) 110 73 28 Effective Storage (ft) Full Full Full 2030 Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR Max Queue ft 14 130 134 28 Effective Storage ft WBLTR NBLTR SBLTR 2030 Build + Improvements 73 Max Queue (ft) Full Full Full Effective Storage(ft) SBLTR WBLTR ;NBLTR SBLTR 2030 No Build Max Queue ft R 110 BLTR 73 S' r 28 Effective Storage (ft) Full Full Full 2030 Build EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR S Max Queue (ft) 14 130 134 28 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 46 DAV EMORT 9opmWOU-1mal WORM, Max Queue ft • P - Electric AM Peak WBL 67 h BLR. 90 Effective Storage ft 185 Full 2030 Build 1N WBL NBLR Max Queue (ft) SBL ` 62 .._ fail 117 50 1807 Effective Storage (ftj 255 Effective Storage 185 Full 2030 Build + Improvements Full EBR WBL NBLR Max Queue 'ft Fulli 13 63 238 Effective Stora e ft WBR 52 200 185 Full PM 2030 No Build Peak Hour Queues Effective Stora e WBL NBLR Max Queue ft Full Full 32 101 Effective Storage ft Full 2030 Build + Improvements 185 Full 2030 Build EBT'R WBL NBLR Max Queue (ft) 19 _ 54 230 Effective Storage ft Full 1 185 Full 2030 Build + Improvements Max Queue ft EBT _ 2 • R 34 WBL 67 B R 161 E=ffective Storage ft - Full 200 185 Full 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA, 47 Table 7.17 - Electric AM Peak Road at Green Hour Queues Ridge Road 2030 No Build 1N 74 NB7 196 NBR 53 SBL ` 62 .._ fail 117 118 . Max Queue ft 255 Effective Storage ft 575 Full Full 550 250 Full Fulli 2030 Build Max Queue ft EBLTR 27 WBLT 249 WBR 52 NB;mm 126 36 41 144 139 Effective Stora e ft Full 575 Full Full 550 250 Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBLTR WELT WBR SBL SBT SBT , Max Queue ft _ 20 304 198 170 54 51 152 148 Effective Stora e 2030 No Build Max Queue ft Effective Stara e ft ft Full _ ; 29 Full 575 ., _ 254 575 f=ull P 53 Full Full NBT 231 Full 550 NBR 101 550 250 SBL 105 250 Full I Full 7FullFull 2030 Build WELT WBR h113T NBR SBL Max Queue ft 323 72 223 130 104 89 117 Effective Storage ft 575 Full Full 550 250 Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBLTR WBLT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SST SBTR'" Max Queue ft 29 318 64265 229 115 88 123 128 Effective Stara e ft Full 575 Full 300 Full 550 250 Full Full 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA, 47 4j DAVENPORT Table 7.18 - Green Ridge Road at Cove Road Peters Creek Road AM Peak Hour Queues X130 No Build EBL1' WBLTR NBLTR Peak Hour SBLTR Max Queue ft 96 57 70 2030 No Build _ 96 Effective Storage (ft) wB - Full Full Full Full 2030 Build Max Queue ft 776 EB .: "WBLTR NBLTR 175 SBLTR Max Queue ft 170 279 94 37 74 250 140 ffective Stara e ff Full Full Full Full Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBL WBILT WBLTR. NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue (ft) SBT 53 Max Queue ft 58 73 67 78 Effective Storage 2030 No Build ft 200 - . R EBLTR Full WBLTR Full NBLTR ` 200 Full SBLTR Max Queue ft 100 175 265 98 74 Full 95 Effective Storage ft EBR Full Full Full NBT Full 2030 Build_ SBT SBTR EBLTR WBLTR NBLTR. SBLTR Max Queue ft 136 182 69 Max Queue ft 183 Effective Storage ft 100 Full Full Full 166 Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBL EBTR WBLTR NBUTI SBL SBTR Max Queue ft Full 75 5 90 63 107 81 Effective Storage ft 200 Full Full Full 200 Full 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 48 Table 7.19 - Cove Road at Peters Creek Road AM Peak Hour Queues 2030 No Build _ >WT__, t $i RrtT wB - Max Queue ft 776 250 298 100 175 431 408 170 279 298 Effective Storage Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 2030 Build tS EBR WBILT WBR NBLMWT SBL SBT SBTR Max Queue ft 429 250 598 100 175 362 333 155 231 286 Effective Storage ft Full 250 Full 100 175 Full I Full 175 Full Full 20 Build + EBLT EBR WBL_T WBR NBL NBT F NBTR SBL SBT SBTR Improvements Imr Max Queue ft 687 250 547 100 175 392 374 166 243 252 Effective Stara e (ftl Full 250 1 Full 100175 Full Full 175 1 Full Full PM Peak Hour Queues 2030 No Build EBLT __ __ . NBT NBTR SSL Max Queue ft 432 250 504 100 174 344 330 170 414 429 Effective Storage ft Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 2030 Build EBLT EBIf WBR NBL NBT NBTR SBL SBT S's Max Queue ft 1550 250 1010 100 175 369 344 175 1023 1036 Effective Storage (ft) Full 250 Full 100 175 Full Full 175 Full Full 2030 Build + EBLT EBR WBLT WBR NBL NBT NBTR SBL SBT SBTR Improvements Max Queue ft 873 250 848 100 175 361 345 175 643 664 Effective Storage ft Full 250 Full 100 175 1 Full I Full 175 Full Full 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 48 (� DAVENPORT 2030 No Buil" Max Queue ft Effective Stora pe 52 27 • r A 20 250 703 22 Full SBLR 135 Fu ll 2030 Build Max Queue ft .5 275 403 287 52 SBLR 545 Effective Storage ft 275 Full Full Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements IMLW Full Full 2030 Build -LIE Max Queue ft 306 99 WBT WBR 775 Effective Stora e ft 2030 No Build Max Queue ft 400 57 Full 41 Full 139 Effective Storage ft 275 249 1577 Full Full 2030 Build E13L 110 WBT WBTR SBLR Max Queue f1 112 250 19 22 219 Effective Storage ft 275 Full Full Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBL WBL' 206 '' 484 WBTR SBLR Max Queue ft 90 SBR 134 24 371 Effective Storage ft 275 325 Full Full Full •WAQ• 2030 No Max Queue ,ft IF • r A 20 250 703 rr 300 197 60 99 73 287 Effective Stora e ft25 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2030 Build -LIE TIE BR WBL WBT WBR NSLT NSR SBL ANMax Queue ft 5 249 1577 300 199 41 92 110 228 Effective Storage ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements Max Queue ft 293 T 253 SR 82 WBL' 206 '' 484 284 AIBLT 235 93 - LT 124 SBR 134 Effective Stor 500 Full Full 325 Full Full 300 Full 350 450 2030 No Bi Max Queue ft 367 - 556 325 fill MORMIM7111111 249 566 74 - - ODOR 214 59 MMM S13L 117 SBT 52 SBR 355 Effective Storage ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2030 Build_ T EB'l� B7 T SBR Max Queue ft 374 494 320 250 490 290 334 54 173 2279 2458 Effective Storage ft 375 Full 325 250 Full 300 Full 350 460 Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements Max Queue ft EEL.... F-8T,.E_ ;• 169 378 230 208 7375- 194 318 54 236 72L:4..Effective Stora e (ft) 500 Full Full 325 ll 300 Full 350 460 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 49 0 DAVENPORT m 2030 No Build 19 9.-: ST R NBLTR I SBL 0 SBTR Max Queue ft 164 187 228 47 302 41 98 100 366 Effective Stora e ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2030 Build M EBTR WBL WBT WBR NBLTR SSL SBTR Max Queue ft 441 115 118 143 135 412 57 139 100 693 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBL EBT EBTR WBL :WB11 WBR ' NBLTR SSL. SBTR Max Queue (ft) 77 55 74 61 350 57 103 100 296 Effective Stora e 2030 No Build ft 165 PM EBL Full Peak EBT Full Hour Queues EBTR 135 WBL Full WBT 325 WBF� Full NBLTR 100 SSI Full SBTR Max Queue ft 156 198 182 135 400 100 200 99 259 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2030 Build EBL EBT EBTR WBL WBT WR�R x104 _ NBLTR SBS. SBTR Max Queue ft 164 254 247 134 348 166 99 449 Effective Storage(ft) 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBL EBT EBTR WBL WBT WBR NBLTR SBL SBTR Max Queue ft 135 114 132 83 367 103 202 99 336 Effective Storage ft 165 Full Full 135 Full 325 Full 100 Full Table 7.23 - ... Haven `•.. at Site Access AM Peak . Queues 2030 Buifd _lwT Max Queue (tt) 7 2B6 107 186 Effective Storage ft Full Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements., EBL. WBR SBL Max Queue ft _ 105 74 94 Effective Stora e ft' 200 200 Full 2a3o Build Max Queue ft 116 441 Effective Storage ft Full Full 2030 Build + Improvements EBL 48 WBR 2 SBL 412 Max Queue ft Effective Storage ft 200 200 Full 414/18 163045 Wood Havers Site — Roanoke„ VA 50 DAVENPORT 30 No Buifd Max Queue ft --'Effective Table 7.24 - Peters _ 28 AM 137 Creek Peak Hour 179 -,.. at North 151 Lake 157 Drive 3Q SBLT 331 SBR 125 Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 T Full 125 2030 Build 302 EBL EBT EBTR W • , WBT WBR 242 SBLT SBR Max Queue (ft) Full 48 110 70 155 179 30 Full 389 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 SBLTMax Full 125 2030 Build + Improvements 310 EBL EBT EBTR WMA WBT WBR NBLTR SBLT SBR Max Queue ft Full 53 131 132 100 103 28 14 404 125 Effective Stora e 2030 No Build Max Queue ft ft 210 92 Full PM 95 j Full Peak Hour 89 Full Queues 49 I Full 69 1 225 107 Full 50 Full 217 125 125 Effective Stora e ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 2030 Build 320 EBL EBT EBTR WBLT WBT WBR 'NBLTR SBLT SBR Max Queue (ft) Full 92 71 72 86 108 52 52 244 125 Effective Storage ft 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 2030 Build + Improvements 338 EBL EBT EBTR WBLT WBT WBR NBLTR 5B1.T SBR Max Queue ft Full 132 218 232 143 145 73 46 289 125 Effective Storage (ft) 210 Full Full Full Full 225 Full Full 125 7.26 - Peters Creek AM Road at Peak Hour Northside QueuesTable High School Road 2030 No Build T Max Queue (ft) 196 302 19 250 486 225 49 67 242 65 Effective Storage ft 275 Full 325 250 Ful! Full 100 Full 375 2030 Build EBL E8T EBTR Wk WBT NBLT NBR SBLTMax Queue (ft 274 310 38 128 285 n25 69 46 261 105 Effective Stara e ft 275 Full 325 250 Full Full 100 Full 375 2030 Build + Im rovements Max Queue ft EBL 252 EBT 344 FI3R 28 WBUL 221 WBT 338 225 70 77 293 83 Effective Stora e ft) 2030 No Build 275 E8L Full U91 EBT 325 =e EBR 250 WBL Full WST 225 1 W8R Full NBLT 100 N. Full 375 Max Queue ft 131 320 20 249 355 225 90 92 241 67 Effective Stora e ft 275 Full 325 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 2030 Build — $L EBT EB, • .BT WBR NBLT NBR SBLT SIBR Max Queue f1 91 338 43 249 405 225 138 100 253 66 Effective Storage 275 Full 325 250 Full 225 Full 100 Full 375 2030 Build + Improvements EBL E13T EBR WBUL WBT WBR NBLT NBR SBLT SBR Max Queue (ft) 118 251 56 249 405 225 129 99 246 64 Effective Stora : eft 275 Full 325 1 250 1 Full 225 Full 100 Full 1 375 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 51 0 DAV E1'NPORT 8.OVISSIM Interchange Analysis At the request of VDOT, a freeway merge and diverge analysis was carried out in order to review traffic operations at the interchange of 1-581 and Peters Creek Road. This simulation was performed using VISSIM software, and a 10 -run simulation of 60 minutes each was performed for each scenario. This simulation also included adjacent intersections on Peters Creek Road at Valleypointe Parkway and at Thirlane Road in order to understand any weaving or queuing issues that may impact the interchange. .•y \\Mf \4a NY ^ �r R rr♦ Jt` A Screenshof of VISSIM Model 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 52 DAVENPORT The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 8.1 below. The future build without improvements scenario indicates LOS E 1 F conditions on eastbound Peters Creek Road. This is due to the combination of capacity issues at the nearby signalized Valleypointe Parkway intersection, as well as insufficient acceleration lane lengths on the ramps from 1-581 to Peters Creek Road. A weaving issue exists on eastbound Peters Creek Road between the 1-581 Northbound off -ramp and Valleypointe Parkway. This is due to the combination of background and site traffic coming off the ramp, merging onto eastbound Peters Creek Road, and seeking to weave into the left turn lane at Valleypointe Parkway. Only 650 feet of spacing between this off -ramp and Valleypointe Parkway exists for this weaving area. Based on both the VISSIM and Synchro / SimTraffic analyses, it has been recommended to signalize the 1-581 Northbound off -ramp at its intersection with eastbound Peters Creek Road. The westbound direction of Peters Creek Road does not need to be signalized since it is median -separated. This improvement would resolve existing weaving and safety issues on Peters Creek Road by providing a protected, signalized phase during which traffic from 1-581 can turn right and proceed toward the appropriate lane at the Valleypointe Parkway intersection. To signalize the off -ramp, its approach onto Peters Creek Road should be realigned to a location approximately 1,100 feet (center to center) from Valleypointe Parkway, with dual right turn lanes on the approach. This improvement, together with the recommended capacity improvements at the Peters Creek Road 1 Valleypointe Parkway signalized intersection, provides adequate queue storage along Peters Creek Road based on the VISSIM and SimTraffic simulations. The recommendations are summarized in Figure 9. Table 8.1 - VISSIM Interchange Analysis 2030 Design Year AM Peak 2030 Design Year PM Peak Facility Section No I Build without Build with No Build without Build with Build Improvements Improvements Build Improvements Improvements Weaving Peters Creek Road Between 1-581 NB A (11.9) B (20.0) B (14.8) A B (12.2) A (11.9) Eastbound and SB Rams 11.8 Peters Creek Road Between 1-581 NB B (17.9) B (18.4) B (19,7) B B (20.8) B (23.3) Westbound and SB Rams 21.0 Between Peters 1-581 Northbound Creek Road EB and B (12.3) B (11.7) B (12.8) (15.6) B (15.7) B (15.6) WB Ramps Between Peters 1-581 Southbound Creek Road EB and B (13.6) B (14) B (14.0) (12 7) B (13.3) B (13.9) WB Ramps Mer e / Diver e Peters Creek Road Merge with on-ramp D (30.0) F (48.8) Signal D D (34.3} Signal Eastbound from 1-581 NB Controlled 31.1 Controlled Peters Creek Road Diverge with off- B (11.4) B (12.7) B (12.7) B B (13.9) B (13.9) Eastbound ramp to 1-581 SB (13.6) Peters Creek Road Diverge with off- B (20.0)1 C (20.7) B (18.3) C C (23.4) C (24.1) Westbound ramp to 1-581 NB (22.2)LOS (merging segment density, pc/mi/ln) 4/4/18 163045 Wood Haven Site - Roanoke, VA 53 0 DAVENPORT 9.0 Summary and Conclusion The Wood Haven Site is a proposed development to be located on the southwest quadrant of 1-81 and 1-581 on the north side of SR Route 628 (Wood Haven Road) in Roanoke County, Virginia. One access point is proposed on Wood Haven Road approximately 900 feet west of Thirlane Road. While the specific users for this site are not known at this time, the types of uses will be restricted to limited industry, laboratories, research and development facilities, custom manufacturing and general office. For analysis purposes, this study assumed the development of 550,000 square feet of a combination of limited industrial, office space and research and development - which represents the maximum impact scenario for traffic generation. For example, while the potential exists for a manufacturing or industrial facility of up to 900,000 square feet, such a use would generate fewer trips than the 550,000 square feet of mixed uses upon which we have based our analysis. Based on ITE rates and equations, this development has a trip generation potential of 5,011 daily trips, with 732 trips in the AM peak hour and 689 trips in the PM peak hour. DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this development and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The recommended improvements are summarized in Figure 9 and in Table 9.1. Peters Creek Road at Valleypointe Parkway and 1-581 NB Off -ram There are already substantial delays and queues on Peters Creek Road at the intersection with Valleypointe Parkway. Both the Synchrol SimTraffic and the VISSIM analysis confirm this conclusion. The existing adverse conditions are mainly due to the high intersection volumes, which indicate a current need for road system improvements to handle existing traffic volumes and address existing safety issues. The proposed site development provides the opportunity to not only improve current conditions, but to provide for future site traffic. The intersection of Peters Creek Road and Valleypointe Parkway is located only 650 feet east of the 1-581 Northbound off -ramp onto Peters Creek Road eastbound. The traffic models and field observations indicated that there are safety issues, as well as congestion, at the merge area from 1-581 Northbound. This is due to the lack of an acceleration lane onto Peters Creek Road from the exit ramp, as well as the short distance to Valleypointe Parkway. Taking the additional site traffic into account, it is recommended that the 1-581 Northbound off -ramp at its intersection with eastbound Peters Creek Road be signalized. The westbound direction of Peters Creek Road does not need to be signalized since it is median -separated. This improvement would resolve the existing safety and weaving issues on Peters Creek Road by providing a protected, signalized phase during which traffic from 1-581 Northbound off -ramp can turn right and proceed towards the appropriate lane at the Valleypointe Parkway 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 54 DAVENPORT intersection. In order to signalize the off -ramp, its approach onto Peters Creek Road should be realigned to a location approximately 1,100 feet (center to center) from Valleypointe Parkway, with dual right turn lanes on the approach. These recommendations are shown in the conceptual plan in Exhibit B. The VISSIM and SimTraffic simulations indicate adequate queue storage along Peters Creek Road. At the intersection of Peters Creek Road and Valleypointe Parkway, it is recommended that a second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road be provided, and that the lanes on southbound Valleypointe Parkway be reconfigured as two (2) right turn lanes and a combined left/through lane. These improvements will require geometric modifications to accommodate dual turning lanes, including the presence of truck traffic. A conceptual plan illustrating these improvements is shown in Exhibit B. Right turn overlap signals should also be provided on all approaches. Since this signal is part of a coordinated system on Peters Creek Road, modifications to timing will need to be coordinated within that system for optimal throughput. Wood Haven Road The site access on Wood Haven Road is proposed to be located approximately 900 feet west of Thirlane Road. Based on the VDOT Road Design manual, this access will warrant both a right turn and a left turn entry lane on Wood Haven Road. Separate left and right turn exit lanes from the site are also recommended to reduce delays exiting the site. Cove Road at Green Ridge -Road The unsignalized intersection of Cove Road and Green Ridge Road is expected to operate at LOS E during the future build PM peak. To reduce delays on the stop - controlled southbound Green Ridge Road, a southbound left turn lane is recommended. Also, eastbound Cove Road warrants a left turn lane due to the volume of left turns, even in existing conditions without the addition of site traffic. A left turn lane is recommended in order to safely accommodate left turns at this intersection. These improvements, which are shown in the conceptual plan in Exhibit D, are expected to improve the level of service to LOS D during the PM peak, in addition to improving overall intersection safety. Conclusion In conclusion, this study has determined the potential traffic impacts of this development based on a maximum impact scenario for traffic generation. It has identified transportation improvements that will not only improve existing safety and capacity issues but also accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. With the recommended improvements in place, the traffic impacts of the proposed development can be accommodated while improving existing safety and congestion issues. 414/18 163045 Wood Haven Site — Roanoke, VA 55 DAVENPORT 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 56 Recommendations Intersection Recommended Improvements Electric Road at Cove Road No improvements recommended • Provide eastbound left turn lane on Wood Haven Road with 100 Wood Haven Road at Site feet of storage and appropriate taper Provide westbound right turn lane on Wood Haven Road with Access 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper , Provide separate left and right turn lanes exiting from the site Wood Haven Road at 0 Provide eastbound right turn lane on Wood Haven Road with Valleypointe Parkway 150 feet of storage and appropriate taper Green Ridge Road Optimize signal timing to accommodate future traffic at Electric Road • Provide eastbound left turn lane on Cove Road with 100 feet of Cove Road storage and appropriate taper at Green Ridge Road Provide southbound left turn lane on Green Ridge Road with (see Exhibit C) 100 feet of storage and appropriate to er Cove Road 0 Optimize signal timing and coordinate with Peters Creek Road at Peters Creek Road system timing Peters Creek Road No improvements recommended at Thirlane Road • Provide second eastbound left turn lane on Peters Creek Road with 400 feet of storage and appropriate taper Peters Creek Road 0 Reconfigure southbound approach to provide two (2) right turn at Valleypointe Parkway lanes and a combined left 1 through lane (see Exhibit B) . Provide right turn overlap phases on all approaches Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Signalize off -ramp and eastbound Peters Creek Road. Westbound Peters Creek Road does not need to be signalized since it is median -separated. Peters Creek Road at 1-581 Realign 1-581 NB off ramp to approach Peters Creek Road Northbound Off ramp to approximately 1,100 feet (center to center) west of Valleypointe Eastbound Peters Creek Road Parkway and provide two (2) right turn lanes on 1-581 NB off - (see Exhibit B) ramp, with a minimum of 400 feet of storage on second right turn lane. • Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic signals Peters Creek Road at Wood 0 Optimize signal timing and coordinate with adjacent traffic Haven Road signals Peters Creek Road at North No improvements recommended Lake Drive Peters Creek Road at Northside No improvements recommended High School Road 414118 163045 Wood Haven Site -- Roanoke, VA 56 CYOWM+CDNW EALTH of VIRGINIA. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 714 South Broad Street STEPHEN C. BRICH, P.E. Salem, VA 24153 COMMISSIONER April 20, 2018 Ms. Carolyn A. Howard Vice President/Regional Manager Draper Aden Associates 16003 Continental Boulevard South Chesterfield, VA 23834 RE: WVRIFA-Industrial Development Route 628 — Wood Haven Road Roanoke County Concurrence —Traffic Impact Analysis Ms. Howard: The traffic impact analysis for the above-mentioned development received by our office on April 4, 2018 has been reviewed and it appears that all applicable standards and specifications have been met as the Virginia Licensed Professional Engineer has acknowledged by signing and stamping the analysis. Please be aware this concurrence does not constitute approval of the required site plan for the development which would include entrance location/spacing, intersection sight distance, proposed drainage, etc. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you, Sincerely, 1Hn_�levins, P.E. Assistant Resident Engineer/Land Use VDOT, Salem Residency ckb/ cc: Philip Thompson — Roanoke County cc: Mark Jamison, PE — Roanoke City www.Virginiadot.org We Keep Virginia Moving EXHIBIT F April 25, 2018 Ms. Carolyn A. Howard, Vice President/Regional Manager Draper Aden Associates 16003 Continental Boulevard South Chesterfield, VA 23834 Re: Wood Haven Traffic impact Analysis Ms, Howard: The City Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed the final revision of the Woad Haven TIA, dated April 4, 2018, and it seems that all findings and recommendations are applicable and approvable. However, the approval of this TIA does not constitute the City's approval on proposed geometric improvement design details for the development and the affected street network. The City reserves the right to request updating the TIA and adding additional improvements when the traffic condition has significant changes in the study area. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Thank You. ly, City Traffic Engineer Public Works- Transportation 1802 Courtland Road N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone (540) 853-2686 Fax (540) 853-1270 www.facabook.com/roanoke.transportation EXHIBIT G W E S T E R N V I R G I N I A (NATER AUTHORIT)/ Engineering Services Availability # 18-137 April 23, 2018 Address: 7911 WOOD HAVEN RD,7627 WOOD HAVEN RD,7629 WOOD Accounting Code: Roanoke County HAVEN RD,O WOOD HAVEN RD Card #:NONE Tax Map Number(s): 026.17 -01 -03.00 -0000,026.17 -01 -01.00 -0000,026.18 -01- 14.00-0000,026,18-01-13.00-0000,026.17-01-02.00-0000 Contact: WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTIRAL FACILITY AUTHORITY Prepared by: Mitch Eakin, Utiltiy Planner 540 283-2996 This letter has been generated without an approved plan. Based on the information that has been provided to the Western Virginia Water Authority, public water and sewer can be made available to this proposed parcel under certain conditions as outlined below. The design engineer is responsible to verify the water and sewer requirements for any development. All costs associated with the design and construction of the public water and sewer improvements required to serve this new parcel will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. A more detailed Availability Letter outlining specific fee's associated with connecting to the public water and sewer systems will be provided in conjunction with the site plan review process. WATER: Water can be provided to the Property by connection to the existing 12" public water main located in Wood Haven DR. Hydraulic grade line of the existing 12" waterline in is HGL 1375. It is the owner/developers responsibility to ensure that the existing water system can provide the necessary flow and pressure required for the proposed development on this parcel. Depending on how Property is developed the internal water service could be either private or public, and this would be determined at the time of site plan approval. SEWER: Sewer can be provided to the Property by connection to the existing 8" public sanitary main located in Wood Haven Rd Depending on how Property is developed the sewer service could be either private or public, and this would be determined at the time of site plan approval. Public sewer will require a main line extension. Our Mission Is Clear 601 South Jefferson Street • Suite 300 • Roanoke VA 24011 540-853-5700 • www.westernvawater.org EXHIBIT H e i . .. �d I ' dep,�y .. ► t e � � 1 ♦ e r y r IMBED`, '�� PTD District Regulations SEC. 30-63. PTD PLANNED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30-63-1. Purpose. (A) The planned technology development (PTD) district is established primarily for Type I and Type II manufacturing and industrial uses. Supporting accessory uses and facilities, such as office, commercial establishments, and residential areas are also permitted. The PTD district is intended to be designed with a park -like setting that complements surrounding land uses by means of appropriate siting of buildings, controlled access points, attractive and harmonious architecture, effective landscape buffering and scenic view easements. The district is intended to provide flexibility in design and site layout, allow latitude in combining different use types within a single development, and provide the developer with incentives to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional planned development. In addition, the intent of the planned technology development (PTD) district is to provide certain industries that are clean and environmentally efficient the opportunity to locate in an area of like technologies in what is generally known as a mixed use park, developed under a complete, comprehensive master plan. Standards are provided for landscaping, buffering and open space to encourage high technology industries and to ensure a park- like atmosphere. Important in determining the location and size of a PTD are the accessibility of the location, the availability of public utilities, public safety services and the suitability of the topography for site and building development purposes. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98) Sec. 30-63-2. Permitted uses. (A) All of the residential, civic, office, commercial, industrial and miscellaneous use types listed in article II of this ordinance are permitted in the PTD district. Residential use types shall be limited to no more than fifteen (15) percent of the total gross square footage. No use shall be permitted except in conformity with the uses specifically included in the final master plan. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98) Sec. 30-63-3. Site Development Regulations. (A) Each planned technological development shall be subject to the following site development standards: 1. Minimum district size: 15 acres of contiguous land. 2. Minimum front setbacks: All structures proposed to front on existing public streets external to the PTD shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from the existing public right-of-way. PTD District Regulations The zoning administrator shall determine buffer yard requirements based on the existing or proposed use in the PTD and the district in which those uses are permitted. 4. Lot coverage: Maximum lot coverage shall be determined through the preliminary master plan process and shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent. Public streets in the PTD district shall be built in accordance with VDOT and Roanoke County standards. In reviewing the PTD preliminary master plan, the commission may recommend, and the board may approve, one (1) or more private streets within the proposed district. Private residential streets in the PTD district shall be built in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Construction details for private residential streets shall be submitted with the PTD preliminary master plan. 6. The applicant may propose a reduction to the number of parking spaces required by this ordinance for each use type, if justified. This proposal will be reviewed with consideration given to potential future uses of the site, parking demand and expansion potential. 7. Maximum height of structures: When adjoining property zoned residential, forty- five (45) feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased provided each required yard (side, rear, or buffer) adjoining a residential district is increased two (2) feet for each foot in height over forty-five (45) feet. This distance shall be measured from the portion of the structure which exceeds forty-five (45) feet. In all other locations the height is unlimited. 8. Arrangement of areas: a. The location and arrangement of structures, parking, access drives, outdoor lighting, signs, and other uses and developments within the PTD, in addition to achieving these development standards, shall be accomplished in accordance with an approved final master plan to assure compatibility with the existing and future land use in the vicinity. b. All areas designed for future expansion or not intended for immediate improvement or development shall be specified as reserve areas in the preliminary master plan. The future use and the limitations on future use of such area shall be specified, or else such areas shall not be included as part of the PTD application. Reserve areas included in the PTD shall be landscaped or otherwise maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 9. Accessory structures shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure. 2 PTD District Regulations 10. Every structure in the PTD shall be a fully enclosed building of permanent construction. Any outside storage area shall be fully screened so that no materials so stored are visible at any lot line or public right-of-way. 11. Lighting: Lighting shall comply with section 30-94 of this ordinance. 12. Utilities: Utilities shall be underground unless the type of service necessary for normal activities of the industry or business shall prohibit underground installation. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1,5-24-11) Sec. 30-63-4. Site Development Recommendations. (A) The planned technology development district should be designed and developed as a manufacturing, industrial and technology park with high standards for landscaping, buffering and open space. To ensure a park -like atmosphere the following site development recommendations are made. (1) The principal entrance into the PTD district should be sufficiently landscaped to comply with the purposes of this district. In addition, the first one hundred (100) linear feet of street, leading through this principal entrance into the PTD, should have a landscaped median of sufficient width and planting density to meet the purposes of this district. (2) Parking within the PTD should be located to the side or rear of the principal structures on the lot, wherever feasible. During review, consideration will be given to topographical constraints, innovative site design, buffering and landscaping factors. (3) Loading areas should be screened from public view and should not be placed in front yards. (4) Fences should not be placed in front yards except as necessary for security purposes. Fencing should be uniform and well kept. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98) Sec. 30-63-5. Relationship to Existing Development Regulations. (A) All zoning regulations shall apply to the development of the PTD district, unless modified by the board of supervisors in the approval of the final master plan. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98) PTD District Regulations Sec. 30-63-6. Application process. (A) The timeframes outlined in the section are the maximum timeframes mandated by the Code of Virginia. Roanoke County will make every reasonable effort to complete the application process within a shorter timeframe. (B) Prior to submitting a formal application for review and approval under these provisions, the applicant and county staff shall meet to discuss the requirements of this section. The purpose of the meeting is to obtain a mutual understanding of the application requirements and process. The applicant is encouraged to submit information on the scope and nature of the proposal to allow staff to become familiar with the proposal in advance of this meeting. (C) Any application to rezone land to the PTD designation, shall constitute an amendment to the zoning ordinance pursuant to section 30-14. This information shall be accompanied by graphic and written information, which shall constitute a preliminary master plan. All information submitted shall be of sufficient clarity and scale to clearly and accurately identify the location, nature, and character of the proposed district. (D) The completed rezoning application and supporting preliminary master plan materials shall be submitted to the planning commission for review and analysis. The commission shall review this information and make a report of its findings to the board of supervisors. The commission shall as part of its review hold a public hearing pursuant to section 15.2- 2204 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. The proposed district shall be posted with signs indicating the date and time of the commission public hearing. (E) The commission shall make a report of its findings to the board of supervisors within ninety (90) days of the receipt of the materials, unless the applicant requests, or agrees to an extension of this time frame. The commission's report shall recommend approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval of the preliminary master plan. Failure of the commission to make a report of its findings to the board of supervisors within this period shall constitute a commission recommendation of approval. (F) If the commission recommends denial of the preliminary master plan, or approval with modification, the applicant shall, if requested, have sixty (60) days to make any modifications. If the applicant desires to make any modifications to the preliminary master plan, the board of supervisor's review and action shall be delayed until such changes are made and submitted for review. (G) The board of supervisors shall review the preliminary master plan, and after holding a public hearing act to approve or deny the plan within ninety (90) days. Approval of the preliminary master plan shall constitute acceptance of the plan's provisions and concepts as proffers pursuant to section 30-15 of this ordinance. The plan approved by the board of supervisors shall constitute the final master plan for the PTD. Once approved by the board of supervisors, the administrator shall authorize the revisions to the official zoning map to indicate the establishment of the PTD district. M PTD District Regulations (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042799-11, § la., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-63-7. Revisions to final master plan. (A) Major revisions to the final master plan shall be reviewed and approved following the procedures and requirements of section 30-63-6. Major revisions include, but are not limited to changes such as: 1. Any significant increase in the density of the development; 2. Substantial change in circulation or access; Substantial change in grading or utility provisions; 4. Substantial changes in the mixture of land uses; 5. Substantial change in architectural or site design features of the development; 6. Any other change that the administrator finds is a major divergence from the approved final master plan. (B) All other changes in the final master plan shall be considered minor amendments. The administrator, upon receipt of a written request of the owner, may approve such minor amendments. If the administrator fails to act on a request for a minor amendment to the master plan within thirty (30) calendar days, it shall be considered approved. 2. A request which is disapproved by the administrator shall be considered a major amendment and shall be subject to the approval process outlined above for such amendments. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1,5-24-11) Sec. 30-63-8. Approval of preliminary and final site development plans. (A) Following the approval of the final master plan, the applicant or its authorized agent, shall be required to submit preliminary and final site development plans for approval. Final site development plans for any phase or component of the PTD that involves the construction of structures or facilities, shall be approved prior to the issuance of a building and zoning permit, and the commencement of construction. Standards for preliminary and final site development plans are found in a document entitled land development procedures, available in the department of community development. PTD District Regulations (B) It is the intent of this section that subdivision review under the subdivision regulations be carried out simultaneously with the review of a planned industrial development under this section. The plans required under this section shall be submitted in a form which will satisfy the requirements of the subdivision regulations, as determined by the administrator. (C) Preliminary and final site development plans submitted for review shall be in compliance with the final master plan approved by the board of supervisors. Roanoke County shall review and approve or disapprove any final site development plan within sixty (60) days of its submittal. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98; Ord. No. 042799-11, § ld., 4-27-99, Ord. No. 062717-4, § 1, 7-27-17) Sec. 30-63-9. Reserved. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98, Ord. No. 062717-4, § 1,7-27-17) Sec. 30-63-10. Control following approval of final development plans. (A) The zoning administrator shall periodically inspect the site and review all building permits issued for the development to ensure that the development is in general compliance with the submitted schedule. (Ord. No. 92794-17, § 1, 9-27-94; Ord. No. 042898-15, §§ 1, 2, 4-22-98) G7 1-1 District Regulations SEC. 30-61. I-1 LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-61-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the I-1, low intensity industrial district is to provide areas within the urban service area which are suitable for less intensive industrial activities. These areas are primarily designated based on the suitability of the land in terms of slope and freedom from flooding, as well as the availability of adequate sewer and water capacity, access to arterial road network, and proximity to rail and airport facilities or the interstate highway system. This district generally coincides with the recommendations for the principal industrial land use category contained in the comprehensive plan, and particularly those areas unsuitable for more intensive or potentially hazardous industrial uses. Distributing these areas around the county in a planned manner to create employment centers within close proximity to residential growth areas and reduce heavy traffic generation of industrial uses is encouraged. Since land with suitable characteristics for less intensive industrial development is limited in the county, a high degree of protection is promoted where industrial development is located adjacent to existing or future residential areas. The conversion and/or redevelopment of existing non -conforming uses in this district which are unrelated to industrial needs is also encouraged. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1£, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-61-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture 2. Civic Uses Administrative Services Day Care Center * Guidance Services Park and Ride Facility Post Office Public Maintenance and Service Facilities Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Safety Services Utility Services, Major Utility Services, Minor 3. Office Uses Financial Institutions General Office Laboratories Medical Office 4. Commercial Uses Agricultural Services * Automobile Repair Services, Major * Automobile Repair Services, Minor Automobile Parts / Supply, Retail * Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Communication Services Construction Sales and Services * Consumer Repair Services Equipment Sales and Rental Garden Center * Laundry 2 1-1 District Regulations 1-1 District Regulations Personal Improvement Services Restaurant, General Retail Sales Veterinary Hospital / Clinic 5. Industrial Uses Custom Manufacturing * Industry, Type I Landfill, Rubble Recycling Centers and Stations Transportation Terminal Truck Terminal Warehousing and Distribution 6. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Parking Facility * Wind Energy System, Small* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Commercial Uses Automobile Dealership * Automobile Rental / Leasing Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation Convenience Store * 3 1-1 District Regulations Fuel Center * Gasoline Station Manufactured Home Sales Mini -warehouse * Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service Surplus Sales Truck Stop * 2. Industrial Uses Composting * Construction Yards Resource Extraction Transfer Station * 3. Miscellaneous Uses Aviation Facilities, Private Broadcasting Tower Outdoor Gatherings Wind Energy System, Large Wind Energy System, Utility (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 042297, § 1, 4-22-97; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27- 99; Ord. No. 082807-18, § 1, 8-28-07; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11; Ord. No. 091311-7, § 1, 9-13-11, Ord. No. 111213- 15, § 1, 11-12-13, Ord. No. 092215-9, § 1, 9-22-15, Ord. No. 062816-4, § 1, 6-28-16, Ord. No. 062717-4, § 1, 7-27-17) Sec. 30-61-3. Site Development Regulations. il 1-1 District Regulations General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet). b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water, or both: a. Area: 15,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is located behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: behind front building line and 3 feet from side line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. All structures: When adjoining property zoned residential, forty-five (45) feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased provided each required side and/or rear yard adjoining a residential district is increased two (2) feet for each foot in height over forty-five (45) feet. This distance shall be measured from the portion of k' 1-1 District Regulations the structure which exceeds forty-five (45) feet. In all other locations the height is unlimited. (D) Maximum coverage. Building coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 90 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 9, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) 6 R-1 District Regulations SEC. 30-41. R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-41-1. Purpose. (A) The R-1, low density residential district is established for areas of the county within the urban service area with existing low -middle density residential development, with an average density of from one (1) to three (3) units per acre, and land which appears appropriate for such development. These areas are generally consistent with the neighborhood conservation land use category as recommended in the comprehensive plan. In addition, where surrounding development and the level of public services warrant, these areas coincide with the development category recommended in the plan. This district is intended to provide the highest degree of protection from potentially incompatible uses and residential development of a significantly different density, size, or scale, in order to maintain the health, safety, appearance and overall quality of life of existing and future neighborhoods. In addition to single-family residences, only uses of a community nature which are generally deemed compatible are permitted in this district. This would include parks and playgrounds, schools and other similar neighborhood activities. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § I£, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-41-2. Permitted uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Stable, Private * 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type I * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit * R -I District Regulations Residential Human Care Facility Single Family Dwelling, Attached * Single Family Dwelling, Attached (Cluster Subdivision Option) Single Family Dwelling, Detached Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option) Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Zero Lot Line Option) 3. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Family Day Care Home Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Utility Services, Minor 4. Commercial Uses Bed and Breakfast * 5. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage System * 2. Civic Uses Cemetery * 2 R -I District Regulations Crisis Center Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Major 3. Commercial Uses Golf Course * 4. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 62293-12, §§ 3, 8, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, § II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 30-41-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. All lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. K R -I District Regulations b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 35 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 8, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) El Use Types SEC. 30-28. DEFINITIONS. (C) For the purposes of this ordinance, the words and phrases listed below in this section shall have the meanings described below. Accessory use: A use of land or a building or structure or portion thereof customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the land or building or structure and located on the same lot with such principal use. SEC. 30-29. USE TYPES; GENERALLY. Definitions: Sec. 30-29-3. Civic Use Types. Public parks and recreational areas: Publicly -owned and operated parks, picnic areas, playgrounds, indoor or outdoor athletic facilities, game preserves and open spaces. Utility services, major: Services of a regional nature which normally entail the construction of new buildings or structures such as generating plants and sources, electrical switching facilities and stations or substations, community waste water treatment plants, and similar facilities. Included in this definition are also electric, gas, and other utility transmission lines of a regional nature which are not otherwise reviewed and approved by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. Utility services, minor: Services which are necessary to support development within the immediate vicinity and involve only minor structures. Including in this use type are distribution lines and small facilities that are underground or overhead, such as transformers, relay and booster devices, stormwater management facilities and well, water and sewer pump stations. Also included are all major utility services which were in existence prior to the adoption of this ordinance. Sec. 30-29-4. Office Use Types. General office: Use of a site for business, professional, or administrative offices, excluding medical offices. Typical uses include real estate, insurance, management, travel, or other business offices; organization and association offices; or law, architectural, engineering, accounting or other professional offices. Laboratories: Establishments primarily engaged in performing research or testing activities into technological matters. Typical uses include engineering and environmental laboratories, medical, optical, dental and forensic laboratories, x-ray services, and pharmaceutical laboratories only involved in research and development. Excluded are any laboratories which mass produce one (1) or more products directly for the consumer market. Sec. 30-29-6. Industrial Use Types. Use Types Custom manufacturing: Establishments primarily engaged in the on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing, within enclosed structures, involving the use of hand tools, or the use of mechanical equipment commonly associated with residential or commercial uses, or a single kiln. Industry, Type I: Enterprises engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products, from processed or previously manufactured materials. Included would be assembly electrical appliances, bottling and printing plants, and the manufacturing of paint, oils, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents and other chemical production of items made of stone, metal or concrete. Industry, Type II: Enterprises in which goods are generally mass produced from raw materials on a large scale through use of an assembly line or similar process, usually for sale to wholesalers or other industrial or manufacturing uses. Included in this use type are industries involved in processing and/or refining raw materials such as chemicals, rubber, wood or wood pulp, forging, casting, melting, refining, extruding, rolling, drawing, and/or alloying ferrous metals, and the production of large durable goods such as automobiles, manufactured homes, or other motor vehicles. 2 ARTICLE IV — USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30-83. CIVIC USES. Sec. 30-83-8. Public Parks and Recreational Areas. (A) General standards: Any outdoor activity area, ball field or court, or stadium which adjoins a residential use type shall be landscaped with one row of small evergreen trees in accordance with Section 30-92 along the property line adjoining the residential use type. Where night-time lighting of such areas is proposed large evergreen trees shall be required. Sec. 30-83-11. Utility Services, Major. (A) General standards: 1. In considering an application for a special use permit, the planning commission and board of supervisors shall consider the justification for the location of the proposed utility service and any alternative locations which may be available. 2. The minimum lot size may be reduced as part of approval of the special use permit provided all setback and yard requirements are met and all other dimensional requirements are achieved. 3. The height limitation contained in each district may be increased as part of the approval of the special use permit, subject to any other height limitation contained in the section 30-72 and 30-73 of this ordinance. 4. No major utility service shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of an existing residence. Except in the I-1 and I-2 districts, outdoor storage of materials and equipment, except during construction of the utility facility, shall be prohibited in association with a major utility service, unless specifically requested and approved as part of the special use permit. In the I-1 and I-2 districts outdoor storage areas shall comply with the screening provisions contained in section 30-92-4 (E). 6. Buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed to be compatible with the surrounding area, so that these facilities or structures will not adversely affect nearby properties. 7. Except in the I-1 and I-2 districts, Type E screening and buffering consistent with section 30-92 of this ordinance shall be required, unless specifically modified as a part of the approved special use permit. IV -1 All sewer and water utility services shall be publicly owned and operated by a government agency unless otherwise recommended by the director of the utility department and approved by the board of supervisors. 9. Sewer and water utility services shall be designed with a service area and capacity consistent with the purposes of the respective zoning district and the recommendations of the community plan. SEC. 30-84. OFFICE USES. Sec. 30-84-1. General Office. (A) In the AV and NC districts, when a general office use adjoins a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use type. SEC. 30-86. INDUSTRIAL USES. Sec. 30-86-3. Custom Manufacturing. (A) General standards: 1. A custom manufacturing establishment shall meet all the requirements for a principal structure. 2. All activities associated with a custom manufacturing establishment, other than loading and unloading, shall be conducted within an enclosed building. (B) Additional standards in the AG -3, AG -1, AR and AV districts: 1. Maximum square footage for a custom manufacturing establishment: six thousand (6,000) square feet. 2. When adjoining a residential use type on an adjoining lot, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use type. The site shall front directly on and have direct access to a publicly owned and maintained street. (C) Additional standards in the AG -3, AG -1 and AR districts: The custom manufacturing establishment shall be accessory to a single family dwelling. IV -2 2. No custom manufacturing establishment shall be located on lot containing less than three (3) acres. SEC. 30-88. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES. (A) As defined in section 30-28, accessory uses and structures may be commonly found and associated with principal use types. Principal uses which are allowed by right or by special use may include accessory uses and activities, provided such accessory uses and activities are appropriate and incidental to the principal use, and provided they are designed and located in accord with the intent and provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 30-88-4. Accessory Uses: Office Use Types. (A) Office use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot: Parking for the principal use. 2. Recreational facilities available only to the employees of the office use type. Day care facilities available only to the employees of the office use type. 4. Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose and function of office use types, as determined by the administrator. One accessory dwelling unit occupied by employees responsible for the security of the use. 6. Construction office or trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction office or trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project. 7. Micro wind energy systems that project no more than fifteen (15) feet above the highest point on the structure and complies with the height requirement of the zoning district. Sec. 30-88-6. Accessory Uses: Industrial Use Types. (A) Industrial use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot: Parking for the principal use. 2. Recreational facilities available only to the employees of the industrial use type. Day care facilities available only to the employees of the industrial use type. IILT1cj 4. Cafeterias and sandwich shops available only to the employees of the industrial use type. Incidental retail sale of goods associated with the industrial use type, provided the square footage does not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area or three thousand (3,000) square feet, whichever is less. 6. One accessory dwelling unit occupied by employees responsible for the security of the use. 7. Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose and function of industrial use types, as determined by the administrator. Construction office or trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction office or trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project. 9. Micro wind energy systems that project no more than fifteen (15) feet above the highest point on the structure and complies with the height requirement of the zoning district. WW" Principal Industrial: A future land use area where a variety of industry types are encouraged to locate. Principal Industrial areas are existing and planned regional employment centers and are distributed throughout the county, convenient to major residential areas and suitable highway access. Due to limited availability, areas designated as Principal Industrial are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities. Land Use Types: Agricultural - Industries which involve the manufacturing, storage, marketing and wholesaling of agricultural products. These industries may also be located outside of the Principal Industrial areas, within the rural designations, where agricultural skills may be found. Small Industries and Custom Manufacturing - These industries typically serve a local market and may involve the on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing. Mining and Extraction - These facilities locate according to the availability of natural resources. Industrial - Conventional freestanding industrial uses, warehouses, wholesalers, storage yards. Industrial Parks - Large tracts of land that are subdivided, developed and designed according to a unified plan. These parks are employment centers and may include mixed land uses including supporting retail services. These types of industries are encouraged to develop in Principal Industrial areas. Planned industrial parks should incorporate greenways, bike and pedestrian paths into their designs and link these features to surrounding neighborhoods where appropriate. Land Use Determinants: EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN - Locations where industry has historically developed. EXISTING ZONING - Locations zoned industrial. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY AREAS - Locations identified by Roanoke County as an economic opportunity area. EMPLOYMENT CENTERS - Locations where labor-intensive industries exist. TOPOGRAPHY - Locations that can be developed in an environmentally sensitive manner and that are outside of the designated floodplain. RESOURCE PROTECTION - Locations that can be developed in such a way as not to threaten valuable natural resources. WATER AND SEWER SERVICE AND SUPPLY - Locations where water and sewer service exist or can be provided in the near future. ACCESS - Locations served by an adequate public street system that does not direct traffic through existing residential neighborhoods. TRANSPORTATION CENTERS - Locations within close proximity to rail, airport and major street systems. URBAN SECTOR - Locations served by, or in close proximity to urban services. Transition: A future land use area that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. Transition areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Intense retail and highway oriented commercial uses are discouraged in transition areas, which are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. Land Use Types: Office and Institutional - Planned office parks and independent facilities in park -like surroundings are encouraged. A high degree of architectural design and environmentally sensitive site design is encouraged. Retail - Small-scale planned and clustered retail uses. Multifamily Residential - Garden apartments at a density of 12 to 24 units per acre. Single -Family Attached Residential - Planned townhouse communities of 6 or more units per acre. Parks - Public and private recreational facilities. These facilities should be linked to residential areas by greenways, bike and pedestrian trails. Land Use Determinants: EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN - Locations where limited commercial uses exist. EXISTING ZONING - Locations where commercial zoning exists. ACCESS - Locations where properties have direct frontage and access to an arterial or major collector street. SURROUNDING LAND USE - Locations which serve as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use patterns. ORIENTATION - Locations which are physically oriented toward the major street. URBAN SECTOR - Locations served by urban services. Neighborhood Conservation: A future land use area where established single-family neighborhoods are delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged. Land Use Types: Single -Family Residential - Attached and detached housing at a reasonable density that is not significantly higher than the existing neighborhood. Infill lots or community re -development should be designed to be sensitive to the surrounding neighborhood but can be at reasonably higher density. New single-family residential developments should incorporate greenways and bike and pedestrian trails. Cluster developments are encouraged. Neighborhood Institutional Centers - Uses that serve the neighborhood residents including parks, schools, religious assembly facilities, recreational and park facilities, community meeting areas and clubs. These facilities should be linked to the residential areas by greenways, bike trails and pedestrian paths. Neighborhood Commercial - Low impact services to serve the local neighborhood that are consistent with the Community Plan design guidelines. Land Use Determinants: EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN - Locations where limited density residential subdivisions have been platted and developed. EXISTING ZONING - Locations where limited density residential zoning has been established. EXPANSION AREAS - Locations where the expansion of the existing development pattern is logical. INFILL DEVELOPMENT - Locations where infill areas complement the surrounding development pattern. ACCESS - Locations served by a local street system. URBAN SECTOR - Locations served by urban services. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2018 ORDINANCE REZONING APPROXIMATELY 113.6 ACRES FROM 1-1 (LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT AND R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO PTD (PLANNED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT; FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TECHNOLOGY PARK, LOCATED IN THE 7600 TO 7900 BLOCKS OF WOOD HAVEN ROAD AND THE 7200 BLOCK OF THIRLANE ROAD, CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority (WVRIFA) was formed in 2014 by six (6) regional governments to provide a mechanism for localities to cooperate regionally on economic development projects; and WHEREAS, after an analysis to identify suitable large acre tracts in the region, the Wood Haven Road site was selected as the first priority for development; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 28, 2018, and the second reading and public hearing were held on July 24, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 10, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends approval of the petition; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The petition of the West Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority and Lewis Living Trust to rezone approximately 113.6 acres located in the 7600 to 7900 blocks of Wood Haven Road and the 7200 block of Thirlane Road (in the Catawba Magisterial District) (Tax map nos: 026.17-01-01.00-0000, 026.17-01-02.00-0000, Page 1 of 2 026.17-01-03.00-0000, 026.18-01-12.00-0000, 026.18-01-12.01-0000, 026.18.01- 12.02-0000, 026.18-01-13.00-0000, and 026.18-01-14.00-0000) from 1-1 (low intensity industrial) district and R-1 (low density residential) district to PTD (planned technology development) district, for the development of a technology park, is approved. 2. The Board finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the purpose and intent of the County's Comprehensive Plan and good zoning practice, and will not be a substantial detriment to the community. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 2 of 2