HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/1/2020 - RegularINVOCATION: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors December 1, 2020 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: "Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board." Page 1 of 5 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda December 1, 2020 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for December 1, 2020. Regular meetings are normally held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Because of the present state of emergency, and until further notice, members of the public are urged not to attend Board of Supervisor meetings in person. All are encouraged to view and participate in meetings through electronic means. Meetings may be viewed live on RVTV, Channel 3, or on the County's website https://roanokecountyva.gov (and accessed by clicking on the "Watch Board Meetings Online" button). Prior to and during meetings, citizens may share comments by email (to diacks(abroanokecountyva.gov) or by phone (540-776- 7278). When submitting comments, please include your name and address. Comments submitted by email and by phone will be read aloud during meetings, subject to reasonable time limitations. For those individuals who desire to attend meetings in person, please be advised that seating modifications and limits have been established in order to facilitate social distancing; attendees who are not of the same household must sit six feet apart; and attendance at meetings will be limited to 25 individuals. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the 2021 Real Estate Assessment and Roanoke Valley Economic Conditions (Kenneth Fay, Director of Real Estate; Meredith Thompson, Budget Division Director; Steve Elliott, Budget Manager) Page 2 of 5 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of Year End Financial Results for June 30, 2020, acceptance of audit report and allocation of year end funds (Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance and Management Services) E. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget in accordance with Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2507 (Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance and Management Services) F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing Hazard Pay in the estimated amount of $452,668.25 and Gratitude Bonus in the estimated amount of $556,012.25 from General Funds and a bonus for sworn positions in the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $44,674.75 from General Funds to be mostly reimbursed by the Virginia Compensation Board (Due to the Pandemic Disaster, it is requested, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived and the ordinance adopted as an emergency measure) (Daniel R. O'Donnell, County Administrator) 2. Ordinance to receive education grant awards related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to appropriate $2,909,646.61 to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Grant Fund for fiscal year 2020-2021 (Due to the Pandemic Disaster, it is requested, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived and the ordinance adopted as an emergency measure) (Susan Peterson, Director of Finance, Roanoke County Public Schools) 3. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition (with conditions) of Real Property from the Commonwealth of Virginia, located at 0 Old Cave Spring Rd. (Tax Map No. 076.20-03-05.00-0000), 4555 Old Cave Spring Rd. (Tax Map No. 076.00-03- 02.00-0000), 4607 Old Cave Spring Rd. (Tax Map No. 076.20-03-01.00-0000), 4445 Brambleton Ave. (Tax Map No. 086.08-04-04.00-0000), and 4441 Brambleton Ave. (Tax Map No. 086.08-04-05.00-0000) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and authorizing execution of a Memorandum of Agreement and deeds of conveyance (Peter S. Lubeck, County Attorney; Richard L. Caywood, Assistant County Administrator) 4. Ordinance accepting and appropriating $165,450 from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation for the purchase of a half -interest in 34 acres adjacent to Explore Park in Bedford and Roanoke Counties (Doug Blount, Director of General Services and Parks, Recreation and Tourism) Page 3 of 5 5. Ordinance authorizing a permanent drainage easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation on Property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map No. 027.14-02-18.00-0000) for the purpose of constructing Route 11 (Williamson Road) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Hollins Magisterial District (Megan Cronise, Transportation Planning Administrator) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance appropriating $5,990,386.83 for Roanoke County Public County Public Schools from fiscal year 2019-2020 year-end funds and re -appropriating $682,560.17 from the Roanoke County Public School Health Insurance Fund (Susan Peterson, Director of Finance, Roanoke County Public Schools) 2. Ordinance approving a Site Use Agreement between Roanoke Gas Company and the County of Roanoke for use of a tower located on Poor Mountain, 8487 Honeysuckle Road; Windsor Hills Magisterial District and accepting and appropriating $275 monthly for the term of the lease (Susan Slough, Assistant Director of Communications and Information Technology) H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Library Board (appointed by District) 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism (appointed by District) I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Confirmation of appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Board of Directors and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority 2. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,433.90 from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership to the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office 3. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $19,275 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds J. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Page 4 of 5 K. REPORTS 1. Unappropriated, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Statement of Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of October 31, 2020 L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Martha B. Hooker 2. Phil C. North 3. P. Jason Peters 4. Paul M. Mahoney 5. David F. Radford M. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 5 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Briefing to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the 2021 Real Estate Assessment and Roanoke Valley Economic Conditions Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Provide the Board of Supervisors an overview of the results of the 2021 Real Estate Assessment through November 16, 2020, and an overview of Roanoke Valley Regional economic conditions. BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke conducts an annual assessment on all real property located in the County. County staff provides a briefing annually to the Board of Supervisors on the results of the current reassessment. The results of the 2021 assessment are as of November 16, 2020, and are still being refined by staff. Results may also be impacted by the assessment appeals process. DISCUSSION: This time has been scheduled to provide a briefing to the Board of Supervisors on the 2021 Real Estate Assessment including fiscal impacts related to the assessment and economic conditions. Additionally, key dates in the fiscal year 2021-2022 budget development process will be reviewed. The attached PowerPoint presentation will be shown. Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the receipt of the attached presentation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors receive information regarding the 2021 Real Estate Assessment and Roanoke Valley economic conditions. 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ITEM NO. D.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Presentation of Year End Financial Results for June 30, 2020, acceptance of audit report and allocation of year end funds Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Accept audited financial results for the County of Roanoke and allocate year end funds for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020 BACKGROUND: Brown Edwards and Company completed the audit of the financial operations of the County of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke Public Schools for the year ended June 30, 2020. The County and School Audit Committees met on November 12, 2020, to review the results of the year's operations. Both the County and Schools have received a clean and unmodified opinion. Staff from Brown Edwards and Company will present the audit information to the Board at the meeting. DISCUSSION: On September 22, 2020, staff reviewed preliminary unaudited financial results for June 30, 2020, and there have been minimal changes since that work session. Below is the information for the County regarding the General Government results of operations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. Revenue collections were $2,276,393 above budget and reasons for these variances are as follows: Page 1 of 3 - Personal Property Taxes were $700,639 above budget due to vehicle assessments outperforming our budget assumptions. - Intergovernmental Revenue, including State & Federal sources, was $985,945 above budget which relates directly to reimbursable expenses for social services programs. - Local Sales Tax was $730,937 above budget which included the first year of collections on internet sales. - Business License tax was $550,144 above budget due to an increase in gross receipts as a result of modest growth and better performance. - Other Revenues were $691,272 below budget primarily as a result of impacts from COVID-19. Of the $691,272, Meals Tax was $233,157 below budget, and Hotel/Motel Tax was $202,787 below budget. Expenditures savings were $1,576,401 and reasons for this variance are as follows: - Personnel savings were related to attrition and vacancies in the amount of $649,702, which can be attributed to a hiring freeze and lay-off of part-time employees implemented in light of uncertainties related to COVID-19. - Additional savings in non -personnel and transfers in the amount of $926,699 were created through decreased spending in usage based regional programs including the Western Virginia Regional Jail, CORTRAN, and Regional Detention Center, directly related to COVID-19, and curbing of departmental spending implemented in light of uncertainties related to COVID-19. FISCAL IMPACT: The Budget Ordinance 052819-4 for the Fiscal year 2019-2020 Fiscal year Operations Budget provides that all unexpended general government expenditures and revenues collected in excess of budget shall not lapse but be re -appropriated and presented to the Board for recommendations of allocations and designations based on the Comprehensive Financial Policy. Attachment I summarizes General Government surplus revenue and expenditure savings totaling $3,852,794 net of encumbrances appropriated with Budget Ordinance 052819-4. Staff recommends the following allocation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020: Page 2 of 3 - $1,045,000 from year end savings to restore funds for the Center for Research and Technology, which were reduced to provide additional project funding for the Public Service Center replacement. - $511,068 from year end savings to fully fund the Gratitude Bonus for Roanoke County employees paid on August 21, 2020. - $309,900 from year end to purchase a solid waste truck - $250,000 from year end to continue funding for the General Government Expenditure Contingency per the County's Comprehensive Financial Policy - $1,736,826 from year end to fund a transfer to capital toward Capital Reserves STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting the audited financial results for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, allocating $210,438 for encumbrances from year end savings, and allocating the funds as presented above in the fiscal impact section. Page 3 of 3 PRELIMINARY DRAFT — OPEN FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION ONLY BROWNEDWARDS certified public accountants REQUIRED COMMUNICATION WITH THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE Honorable Members of the Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke, Virginia Roanoke, Virginia We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County"), for the year ended June 30, 2020. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, Government Auditing Standards, and the Uniform Guidance, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in the letter to you dated May 28, 2020. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit. Significant Audit Matters Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the County are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during 2020. We noted no transactions entered into by the County during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period. Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimates affecting the financial statements were: • The useful lives of capital assets and the allowance for uncollectible accounts are based on management's knowledge and judgment, which is based on history. • The other postemployment benefits liability is based on an actuarial study provided by the County's external actuarial firm. • The net pension liability and the net OPEB liability for state administered plans are based on actuarial studies provided by actuaries engaged by the Virginia Retirement System. • The self-insurance liability is based on information from an external third -party consultant and subsequent claims information provided by the third -party administrator. Your Success is Our Focus 319 McClanahan Street, S W. - Roanoke, Virginia 24014-7705 - 540-345-0936 - Fax 540-342-6181 - voww.BEcpas.com PRELIMINARY DRAFT — OPEN FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION ONLY Significant Audit Matters (Continued) Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices (Continued) We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop these estimates in determining that the estimates are reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. The most sensitive disclosures affecting the financial statements are those related to capital assets, long-term debt, commitments and contingencies, other postemployment liabilities, and pension disclosures, and the impact of the COVTD-19 pandemic. The financial statement disclosures are neutral, consistent, and clear. Difficulties Encountered in Perfbrming the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit. Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are clearly trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. There were no corrected or uncorrected misstatements. Disagreements with Management For put -poses of this letter, a disagreement with management is a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor's report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated November _, 2020, a copy of which is attached. Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. if a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the governmental unit's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor's opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the County's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. PRELIMINARY DRAFT — OPEN FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION ONLY Other Matters We applied certain limited procedures to the management's discussion and analysis, the General Fund budget to actual schedules, and the required pension and OPEB schedules which are required supplementary information (RSI) that supplements the basic financial statements. Our procedures consisted of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI. We were engaged to report on the additional budget to actual statements, the combining statements of the internal service and agency fund financial statements, the financial statements of the discretely presented component units, and the schedule of expenditure of federal awards, which accompany the financial statements but are not RST. With respect to this supplementary information, we made certain inquiries of management and evaluated the form, content, and methods of preparing the information to determine that the information complies with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the method of preparing it has not changed from the prior period, and the information is appropriate and complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements. We compared and reconciled the supplementary information to the underlying accounting records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves. We were not engaged to report on the introductory or statistical sections, which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. Restriction on Use This information is intended solely for the use of the Board of Supervisors and management of Roanoke County, Virginia and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Roanoke, Virginia November , 2020 Attachment Attachment 1: Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Year End Financial Results Allocation of Year End Funds December 1, 2020 Revenues Amended Revenue Budget —General Fund $199,499,629 Actual Revenues $201,776,022 Revenues above Budget $2,276,393 % of Amended Budget 101.14% Expenditures Amended Expenditure Budget — General Fund $199,499,629 Actual/Projected Expenditures $197,712,790 Encumbrances Carried Forward $210,438 Expenditure Savings $1,576,401 % of Amended Budget 99.21% FY 2020 Year -End Balance Revenues above Amended Budget $2,276,393 Expenditure Savings, Net Encumbrances $1,576,401 Total 2020 Year End $3,852,794 Recommended Allocation of FY 2020 Year -End Restore funds for Center for Research & Technology $1,045,000 Gratitude Bonus for Roanoke County Employees $511,068 General Government Fund Expenditure Contingency $250,000 Purchase of Solid Waste Truck $309,900 Transfer to Capital Reserves $1,736,826 Total Recommended Allocation of FY 2020 Year -End $3,852,794 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget in accordance with Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2507 Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Public hearing for budget amendment BACKGROUND: This is a public hearing to secure citizen's comments concerning amending the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget by adjusting the aggregate amount to be appropriated during the fiscal year by $5,990,386.83 for Roanoke County Public Schools Fiscal year 2019- 2020 Year End Funds and re -appropriating $682,560.17 from the health fund, by $2,909,646.61 for new Virginia Department of Education Grant Awards related to the Coronavirus received by the Roanoke County Public Schools, and $275 a month for the term of the lease for a tower between the Roanoke County Gas Company and the County of Roanoke. DISCUSSION: Section 15.2-2507 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that whenever such amendment exceeds one (1) percent of the total expenditures shown in the adopted budget, the County must publish notice of a meeting and public hearing. The notice must state the County's intent to amend the budget and include a brief synopsis of the proposed budget amendment(s). This notice was published on November 24, 2020. Page 1 of 2 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $5,990,386.83 FOR ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FROM FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 YEAR- END FUNDS, RE -APPROPRIATING $682,560.17 FROM THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS HEALTH INSURANCE FUND AND TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING TERMS OF THE COUNTY'S COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL POLICY ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $2,909,646.61 TO THE GRANT FUND IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUDGET FOR THE 2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR FOR NEW VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GRANT AWARDS RELATED TO THE CORONAVIRUS ORDINANCE APPROVING A SITE USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROANOKE GAS COMPANY AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR USE OF A TOWER LOCATED ON POOR MOUNTAIN, 8487 HONEYSUCKLE ROAD; WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT AND ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $275 MONTHLY FOR THE TERM OF THE LEASE FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact as a result of the public hearing. Requests for the appropriation will occur later on this agenda. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board hold the required public hearing. Board action appropriating funds, as provided in this notice, will occur later during this meeting. Conducting the public hearing does not guarantee the requested appropriation will be approved. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Ordinance authorizing Hazard Pay in the estimated amount of $452,668.25 and Gratitude Bonus in the estimated amount of $556,012.25 from General Funds and a bonus for sworn positions in the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $44,674.75 from General Funds to be mostly reimbursed by the Virginia Compensation Board Rebecca Owens Assistant County Administrator Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Authorize hazard pay for uniformed sworn Public Safety employees, a gratitude bonus for all other eligible employees not receiving hazard pay, and an additional bonus for sworn positions in the Sheriff's Office provided by the Compensation Board BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic created many uncertainties for the County budget. The original fiscal year budget proposed on March 10, 2020, included a 2.75% across the board compensation adjustment for County employees, along with funding to be utilized to address findings from the Compensation Study. As a result of COVID-19 and the economic downturn, the County was required to revise revenue projections down $11 million over the proposed budget, and salary increases were no longer a possibility. The approved fiscal year 2021 budget was a maintenance budget and did not include any salary adjustments for employees. On August 11, 2020 the Roanoke County Board Supervisors authorized Hazard Pay to all full-time and part-time, sworn public safety employees through the Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) through the CARES Act. Uniformed/sworn Roanoke County employees in Police, Fire & Rescue, and Sheriff departments that were full-time received $2,000, and Page 1 of 3 part-time received $1,000. Additionally, the Board voted to provide a Gratitude Bonus for all other employees from use of fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 funds from the General Fund. Regular full-time employees not receiving hazard pay received $750 and part-time received $250. On August 21, 2020, eligible employees received either Hazard Pay or the Gratitude Bonus. DISCUSSION: The Board of Supervisors has identified providing hazard pay to uniformed employees in the departments of Police, Fire and Rescue, and Sheriff and a gratitude bonus to all other employees as a priority in recognition of employees during COVID-19. Hazard pay and the gratitude bonus are anticipated to be paid from General Funds. The Sheriff's Office sworn position bonus is also anticipated to be paid from General Funds but will partially be reimbursed by the Virginia Compensation Board. Uniformed/sworn Roanoke County employees during the COVID-19 pandemic within the departments of Police, Fire and Rescue, and Sheriff are recommended for hazard pay and all other employees are recommended for a gratitude bonus as follows: A) Hazard Pay for Public Safety - (Police, Fire & Rescue, and Sheriff) -$1,000 for all Full Time Uniformed / Sworn Public Safety Employees -$500 for all regular PT Uniformed / Sworn Public Safety Employees B) Gratitude Bonus - -$750 for all full time employees not receiving Hazard Pay -$250 for all regular Part -Time employees not receiving Hazard Pay. County employees qualifying for the hazard pay/gratitude bonus are further defined as full-time and regular part-time employees who are in an active pay status at the time the bonus is paid. Regular full-time employees are those listed in the Roanoke County Pay Classification Plan. Regular part-time employees are those actively working and recommended by the Department Director. It does not include part-time casuals and temporaries, boards and commissions. C) Bonus for Sheriff's Office sworn employees from the Virginia Compensation Board -$500 one-time bonus for sworn positions Funding was approved by the 2020 Special Session I of the General Assembly to provide a $500 bonus payment for sworn sheriff officers. Funding provided by the Virginia Compensation Board does not represent base salary funding, and consequently is in addition to and does not supplant local salary supplements or any recent local salary increases. Like all funding for salaries and expenses in constitutional offices, Page 2 of 3 Roanoke County will be responsible for paying these expenses, and the Compensation Board will reimburse the majority of the actual expenses. Section 15.2-1508 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, authorizes the governing body of any city, county, or town to pay a monetary bonus. The payment of the bonus must be authorized by ordinance. For consistency and clarity, we are including both hazard pay and gratitude bonus into the ordinance. As we would like to make this payment to employees on December 11, 2020, it is requested that the second reading of this ordinance is dispensed with, upon a 4/5ths vote of the members of the Board. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost to provide hazard pay for uniformed/sworn public safety is $452,668.25, the estimated cost to provide gratitude pay is $556,012.25, and the estimated cost to provide the compensation board bonus to Sheriff's Office sworn employees is $44,674.75. The employee payments will be funded with one time money in the General Fund and partial reimbursement is anticipated from the Compensation Board for the Sheriff bonus. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance and dispensing with the second reading of the ordinance upon a 4/5ths vote of the Board of Supervisors. Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 and ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING HAZARD PAY IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $452,668.25 AND GRATITUDE BONUS IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $556,012.25 FROM GENERAL FUNDS AND A BONUS FOR SWORN POSITIONS IN THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,674.75 FROM GENERAL FUNDS TO BE MOSTLY REIMBURSED BY THE VIRGINIA COMPENSATION BOARD WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic created many uncertainties for the County budget; WHEREAS, the original fiscal year 2021 budget, proposed on March 10, 2020, included a 2.75% across-the-board compensation adjustment for County employees, along with funding to be utilized to address findings from the recently conducted Compensation Study; and WHEREAS, as a result of COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn, the County was required to decrease revenue projections by $11 million and to eliminate the previously proposed salary increases; and WHEREAS, accordingly, the approved fiscal year 2021 budget did not include any salary adjustments for employees; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2020 the Roanoke County Board Supervisors authorized Hazard Pay to all full-time and part-time, sworn public safety employees through the Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) through the CARES Act; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2020 the Roanoke County Board Supervisors also voted to provide a Gratitude Bonus for all other employees from use of fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 funds from the General Fund; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County employees have continued to provide stellar service and adapted to new working environments throughout the pandemic; and Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, to continue to retain and support employees and reward their hard work, it is recommended that unallocated general funds be used to provide a second round of hazard pay and gratitude bonus for County employees; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that uniformed employees in the departments of Police, Fire and Rescue, and Sheriff receive hazard pay as recognition for the increased risk assumed during the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, it has further been proposed that all other County employees receive a gratitude bonus as recognition for increased risk assumed during the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, the 2020 Special Session I of the General Assembly approved funding to reimburse a $500 bonus for Compensation Board funded and filled sworn positions as of November 5, 2020, WHEREAS, the Sheriff has approved a list of sworn employees to receive the $500 bonues; WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1508 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, authorizes the governing body of any locality to pay monetary bonuses to its officers and employees, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems that it is in its best interests to authorize the payment of the proposed hazard pay and gratitude bonuses to recognize the services rendered by County officers and employees during these difficult economic times; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 2020; and because County Administration would like to make such payments to employees on December 11, 2020, the second reading of this ordinance has been dispensed with since an emergency exists, upon a 4/5ths vote of the members of the Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 2 of 4 1. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to pay hazard pay to uniformed employees in the departments of Police, Fire and Rescue, and Sheriff from unallocated County General Fund as follows: a. Full-time uniformed, sworn public safety employees shall receive $1,000 in hazard pay. b. Part-time uniformed, sworn public safety employees shall receive $500 in hazard pay. c. Such total payments from the County General Fund are estimated at the amount of $452,668.25. 2. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to pay a gratitude bonus from the County General Fund to all other Roanoke County officers and employees as follows: a. All full-time employees not receiving hazard pay shall receive a $750 bonus. b. All regular part-time employees not receiving hazard pay shall receive a $250 bonus. c. Such total payments from the General Fund are estimated at the amount of $556,012.25. 3. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to pay a one-time bonus from the County General Fund for sworn sheriff department employees as follows: a. All eligible sworn positions identified by the Sheriff shall receive a $500 bonus to be mostly be reimbursed by the Compensation Board. 4. County employees qualifying for the hazard pay or gratitude pay bonus are further defined as full-time and regular part-time employees who are in active pay status at the time the hazard pay or gratitude pay bonus is paid. Regular part- time employees are those recommended by their respective department director. Page 3 of 4 Part-time casuals and temporaries, and members of boards and commissions are not eligible for the gratitude bonus. Page 4 of 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: December 1, 2020 Ordinance to receive education grant awards related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to appropriate $2,909,646.61 to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Grant Fund for fiscal year 2020-2021 Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Approval of and appropriation of $2,909,646.61 to the Grant Fund for the following new funds available through the Virginia Department of Education. BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Education accepted applications for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act awarded emergency relief funds to states for elementary and secondary education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund and the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund on August 14, 2020. In addition, on October 9, 2020, the Virginia Department of Education notified all school divisions in the Commonwealth that Governor Northam allocated $220.8 million of the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) for educational purposes, and that each school division in the Commonwealth would receive a portion of such funds. These CRF awards are intended for costs incurred related to COVID-19 in reopening and operating public schools during the first months of the 2020-2021 school year, but can be used for qualifying costs back to March 1, 2020. The CARES Act requires that the payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund only be used to cover expenses that: Page 1 of 3 1. are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); 2. were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or local government entity; and 3. were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020. The CRF may not be used to replace lost local or state revenues for public schools in fiscal year 2021, such as the reduction in state sales tax payments or the removal of other state Direct Aid to Public Education funding from the fiscal year 2021 state budget. DISCUSSION: Roanoke County Public Schools was awarded the following grants: $130,116.61 for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) State Set- aside Fund. Grant funds will be used for facility upgrades and cleaning supplies. $419,900 for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) State Set-aside Fund. Grant funds will be used for hot spots for low income families with no access to internet. 2,359,630 for Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) Awarded to School Divisions. Grant funds will be used for the replacement of laptops for all students learning through the 100% online program, air purifiers for all classrooms and other staff support. Please see attached reports from the Roanoke County Public Schools for more detail. FISCAL IMPACT: No Roanoke County Public Schools funds are required. Funds are 100% Federal funds passed through the Virginia Department of Education. $2,909,646.61 will be appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools Grant Fund. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Page 2 of 3 Staff recommends approval of the first reading and waiver of the second reading of the ordinance to accept and appropriate funds for $2,909,646.61 for the specific grant awards. Page 3 of 3 11/20/2020 Board Docs® Pro Agenda Item Details Meeting Oct 22, 2020 - Roanoke County School Board Meeting Category 8. CONSENT AGENDA Subject 8.03 Request for Appropriation of CARES State Set -Aside Funds Type Action Budgeted No The Virginia Department of Education accepted applications for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act awarded emergency relief funds to states for elementary and secondary education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund and the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund on August 14, 2020. Roanoke County Public Schools was made aware of the following awards on October 2, 2020: ESSER APPLICATION Application Awarded Use Special Education Services and Supports $ 64,479.61 $ 64,479.61 Remote Teacher Tables and Speakers Cleaning/Sanitizing Supplies for Schools and School Buses $ 50,000.00 $ 28,137.00 Disinfectant Facilities Upgrades/Protective Equipment $ 5 0,000.00 $ 37,500.00 Touchless Bathroom Faucets TOTAL ESSER APPLICATION $164,479.61 $130,116.61 GEER APPLICATION Virginia Initiative to Support Internet Outside of school Networks (VISION) $419,900.00 $419,900.00 Hot Spots for low-income families with no access to internet (This will subsidize the County Support) TOTAL GEER APPLICATION $419,900.00 $419,900.00 TOTAL SET-ASIDE FUNDS $584,379.61 $550,016.61 The original application and award information is attached. Since the grant exceeds the remaining contingency, it will increase the overall Roanoke County Public Schools budget and will need to be presented to the Board of Supervisors to approve an ordinance for an additional appropriation. : 181-20.docx (35 KB) 261-20b.docx (41 KB) 261-20.docx (35 KB) 261-20c.xlsx (36 KB) 261-20a.docx (36 KB) 261-20d.docx (25 KB) https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/roecnty/Board.nsf/Public 1 /1 11/20/2020 Board Docs® Pro Agenda Item Details Meeting Oct 22, 2020 - Roanoke County School Board Meeting Category 9. ACTION ITEMS Subject 9.01 Request for Appropriation Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) Awarded to School Divisions - Mrs. Susan Peterson Type Action Preferred Date Oct 22, 2020 Absolute Date Oct 22, 2020 Fiscal Impact Yes Dollar Amount 2,359,630.00 Budgeted No On October 9, 2020 the Virginia Department of Education notified all school divisions in the Commonwealth that Governor Northam allocated $220.8 million of the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to each school division and other local education agencies. These CRF awards are intended for costs incurred related to COVID-19 in reopening and operating public schools during the first months of the 2020-2021 school year, but can be used for qualifying costs back to March 1, 2020. The CARES Act requires that the payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund only be used to cover expenses that: are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or local government entity; and were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020. The CRF may not be used to replace lost local or state revenues for public schools in FY 2021, such as the reduction in state sales tax payments or the removal of other state Direct Aid to Public Education funding from the FY 2021 state budget The Financial Update during the October 15 Work Session reviewed the allowable categories of uses for these CFR awards and possible ways Roanoke County Public Schools could use the funds. Below is the final suggested use of these funds. Replace laptops for all students learning through the 100% online program in preschool $ 26,260.00 Replace laptops for all students learning through the 100% online program in grades KG -3 415,110.00 Replace laptops for all students learning through the 100% online program in grades 4-5 246,945.00 Replace laptops for all students learning through the hybrid program grades in 4-5 768,610.00 Purchase laptops for Instructional Assistants who help with remote learning 164,125.00 Handheld UV Wands for preschool and kindergarten classrooms for extra sanitization 32,000.00 G3 Series UV Ionic air purifiers for all classrooms 541,834.36 Curriculum development & other staffing support costs charged to the CARES ESSER Grant 141,152.90 https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/roecnty/Board.nsf/Public 1/2 "r`zIMINII Board Docs® Pro School reimbursements for out-of-pocket COVID-related qualifiable expenditures 23,592.74 Total Award $2,359,630.00 The original application and award information is attached. Since the grant exceeds the remaining contingency, it will increase the overall Roanoke County Public Schools budget and will need to be presented to the Board of Supervisors to approve an ordinance for an additional appropriation. 273-20.docx (20 KB) 273-20a.xlsx (24 KB) I l 273-20b.pdf (762 KB) 273-20c.docx (30 KB) 273-20d.docx (18 KB) 273-20e.docx (35 KB) https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/roecnty/Board.nsf/Public 2/2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 ORDINANCE TO RECEIVE EDUCATION GRANT AWARDS RELATED TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, AND TO APPROPRIATE $2,909,646.61 TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS' GRANT FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Education accepted applications for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act awarded emergency relief funds to states for elementary and secondary education through the Elementary and Secondary Relief (ESSER) Fund and the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund on August 14, 2020; and WHEREAS, in addition, on October 9, 2020, the Virginia Department of Education notified all school divisions in the Commonwealth that the Governor had allocated $220.8 million of the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) for educational purposes, and that each school division in the Commonwealth would receive a portion of such funds. These CRF awards are intended for costs incurred related to COVID-19 in re -opening and operating public schools during the first months of the 2020-2021 school year, but can be used for qualifying costs back to March 1, 2020; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County Public Schools received the following grants: A. $130,116.61 for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) State Set- aside Fund. Grant funds will be used for facility upgrades and cleaning supplies. Page 1 of 2 B. $419,900.00 for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) State Set-aside Fund. Grant funds will be used for hot spots for low income families with no access to internet. C. $2,359,630.00 for Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) Awarded to School Divisions. Grant funds will be used for the replacement of laptops for all students learning through the 100% online program, air purifiers for all classrooms and other staff support; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 2020, and it has been proposed that in order to facilitate a timely distribution of funds to the Schools, that the second reading ordinance of this ordinance be dispensed with since an emergency exists, upon a 4/5ths vote of the members of the Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. Grant funds totalling $2,909,646.61, from the sources set forth above, are received and appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Grant Fund for fiscal year 2020-2021. 2. An emergency is deemed to exist, the second reading of this ordinance is dispensed with, and this ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Ordinance authorizing the acquisition (with conditions) of Real Property from the Commonwealth of Virginia, located at 0 Old Cave Spring Rd. (Tax Map No. 076.20-03-05.00- 0000), 4555 Old Cave Spring Rd. (Tax Map No. 076.00-03- 02.00-0000), 4607 Old Cave Spring Rd. (Tax Map No. 076.20-03-01.00-0000), 4445 Brambleton Ave. (Tax Map No. 086.08-04-04.00-0000), and 4441 Brambleton Ave. (Tax Map No. 086.08-04-05.00-0000) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and authorizing execution of a Memorandum of Agreement and deeds of conveyance Jill Loope Director of Economic Development Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator The acquisition of residual parcels of real estate located at the intersection of Old Cave Spring Road and Brambleton Avenue. BACKGROUND: In 2006, Roanoke County began working with Mennel Milling Company to assist with relocating its manufacturing operation from Roanoke City to Roanoke County to a 26 acre industrial site Mennel owned between Starkey Road and Commonwealth Drive. In 2010, Roanoke County worked with Mennel and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to request support for legislation in the 2011 Session of the Virginia General Assembly to authorize the exchange of real estate between the Commonwealth and Mennel Milling Company. The exchange of real estate would benefit the Commonwealth by providing VDOT with a more attractive site for an area maintenance headquarters for the southwestern portion of Roanoke County. It was also Page 1 of 4 planned to benefit Mennel Mill by providing additional land needed for their current and future business operations, as well as improved on site mobility for rail cars and delivery vehicles at their location off of Starkey Road. In 2013, Mennel Milling Company was fully built out at its current location in southwest Roanoke County. It attempted to acquire the parcel of real estate owned by VDOT adjacent to its existing facilities for future expansion through a strait purchase transaction, but was informed by VDOT that a swap was the only transaction they would entertain. As a result, Mennel acquired the former Fabricated Metals property nearby with the intent of executing the exchange with VDOT. The property Mennel acquired was for the sole purpose of facilitating the land swap and was of no use to Mennel. VDOT was involved in the selection of the swap property prior to Mennel acquiring same. During this time, VDOT changed its mind and was no longer interested in the land swap. The compromise solution formed was for the Commonwealth to declare the property surplus and convey it to a public authority for a valid economic development purpose. This approach was agreed to by all parties, and resulted in the County's Economic Development Authority acquiring the property at fair market value and then selling the property to Mennel. Subsequent to this, VDOT began to search for a new parcel for its Area Headquarters. Early in its search, VDOT identified three (3) parcels at the end of Clearbrook Village Lane that it believed would be ideal for its use. Roanoke County suggested numerous options for VDOT to explore that would not consume prime commercial property with a non-taxable use that would not encourage additional quality development. However, VDOT determined that the Clearbrook Village Lane site was its preferred site. As Roanoke County has no zoning authority over Commonwealth projects, Roanoke County is not in a position to prevent VDOT from choosing its preferred location for its Area Headquarters. DISCUSSION: The Virginia Department of Transportation (the "Commonwealth") has expressed its desire to purchase certain properties (the "Clearbrook Properties") located at the intersection of Clearbrook Lane and Clearbrook Village Lane, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, for the purpose of developing its South Roanoke County Transportation Maintenance and Operations Facility. The Clearbrook Properties are located in Roanoke County's Clearbrook overlay zoning district, and although the Commonwealth is except from County zoning restrictions, the Commonwealth's proposed use will be inconsistent with the allowed uses in the zoning district. It has been the vision of the County that the Clearbrook Properties would be Page 2 of 4 used for purposes that would contribute to the economic development in the County. It has been proposed that the County acquire the following parcels, located in the County of Roanoke (Windsor Hills Magisterial District), at the intersection of Old Cave Spring Road and Brambleton Avenue, which are owned by the Commonwealth: Address Tax Map No. Acreage 0 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-05.00-0000 1.15 4555 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-02.00-0000 0.29 4607 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-01.00-0000 0.49 4445 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-04.00-0000 0.14 4441 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-05.00-0000 10.5 The above parcels are "residue parcels," which were historically acquired by the Commonwealth's Commissioner of Highways, incidental to the construction and improvement of public highways, and have been held in the public interest since their acquisition. The Residue Parcels have economic -development potential; ownership of them would facilitate access from Old Cave Spring Road to parcel 086.-8-04-03.00-0000 (4453 Brambleton Avenue), which parcel is 4.3 acres in size, and could provide a desirable location for business. Pursuant to § 33.2-1010 of the Code of Virginia, the Commissioner of Highways may lease, sell, or exchange such residue parcels of land upon such terms and conditions as in the judgment of the Commissioner of Highways may be in the public interest, provided, however, that the Commissioner of Highways shall not use such parcels for any commercial purpose; upon such sale or exchange, such residue properties must be used for public use. In recognition of the Commonwealth's intended use of Clearbrook Properties, and in order to ultimately facilitate potential economic development of the Residual Parcels within the confines of Section 33.2-1010 of the Code of Virginia, the following arrangement has been proposed: A. The Commonwealth will convey, by deed, the Residual Parcels to the County, upon the condition that the Residual Parcels be used for public purposes, including the uses of equipment and material storage and project staging. The Commonwealth will retain an easement in each of the Residual Parcels, enabling the Commonwealth to continue to use the parcels for its public purposes; and Page 3 of 4 B. If and when the time comes that the County desires to convey the Residual Parcels to the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority ("EDA") for the purpose of furthering economic development in Roanoke County, the Parties will execute a new deed with the following provisions: a. The County will pay the Commonwealth the fair market value of the Residual Parcels, as determined by an independent appraisal at the time of the transaction; b. The Commonwealth's easement in the Residual Parcels will be extinguished; c. The County will convey fee simple ownership of the Residual Parcels to the EDA; and d. The EDA will pay the County the fair market value paid to the Commonwealth as consideration; and FISCAL IMPACT: To initially acquire the properties from the Commonwealth of Virginia, there will be no fiscal impact. However, if and when the County decides to convey the property to the EDA for economic development purposes, the County will pay the Commonwealth the fair market value of the properties, which will be determined by an independent appraisal at the time of the transaction. At present, the combined tax assessed value of the properties is $681,200. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the ordinance and setting the second reading for December 15, 2020 for the acquisition of property from the Virginia Department of Transportation Page 4 of 4 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT by and between the Virginia Commissioner of Highways, the County of Roanoke, Virginia, And the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, made and executed in triplicate this day of , 20_, by and between the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, the Commonwealth of Virginia, acting by and through the Commissioner of Highways, hereinafter referred to as the COMMONWEALTH, and the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the EDA. WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has expressed its desire to purchase the property located at Clearbrook Lane and Clearbrook Village Lane, Tax Map Nos. in Roanoke County, Virginia, to develop its South Roanoke County Transportation Maintenance and Operations Facility; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has expressed its desire to acquire the property located at Old Cave Springs Road, Tax Map Nos. _, in Roanoke County, Virginia, from the COMMONWEALTH for the COUNTY's shared use with the COMMONWEALTH for the public uses of equipment and material storage and staging; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has expressed its desire to potentially convey said property located at Old Cave Springs Road, to the EDA for the purpose of furthering economic development in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, in the event the COUNTY does convey said property located at Old Cave Springs Road to the EDA, the COUNTY has expressed its desire pay the fair market value of said property to the COMMONWEALTH. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The COUNTY shall: a. Execute a deed in a form substantially similar to Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. This deed shall convey the ownership of the property located at Old Cave Springs Road, Tax Map Nos. , in Roanoke County, Virginia, to the COUNTY and reserve to the COMMONWEALTH an easement for the COMMONWEALTH's continued use of the Old Cave Springs property as a staging area for snow removal and other maintenance operations. 1 b. Use the Old Cave Springs Road property for the public use of staging and storage for the Western Virginia Water Authority. c. Execute a deed in a form substantially similar to Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, in the event the COUNTY ceases to use the Old Cave Springs Road for the public use stated herein. The deed shall include a right of reversion for the COMMONWEALTH in the event the COUNTY ceases to use the Old Cave Springs Road property for public use. The COUNTY's payment of fair market value to the COMMONWEALTH shall satisfy this right of reversion. 2. The COMMONWEALTH shall: a. Execute a deed in a form substantially similar to Exhibit A. b. Execute a deed in a form substantially similar to Exhibit B. 3. The EDA shall: a. Execute a deed in a form substantially similar to Exhibit B, in the event the COUNTY conveys the Old Cave Springs Road property to the EDA for the purpose of economic development. THE COUNTY, EDA and COMMONWEALTH acknowledge that this Agreement has been prepared jointly by the parties and shall be construed simply and in accordance with its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party. THIS AGREEMENT, when properly executed, shall be binding upon both parties, their successors, and assigns. THIS AGREEMENT may be modified in writing by mutual agreement of all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day, month, and year first herein written. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: Typed or printed name of signatory 2 Title Signature of Witness Date Date NOTE: The official signing for the COUNTY must attach a certified copy of his or her authority to execute this agreement. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS: Lori A. Snider Date State Right of Way and Utilities Director Department of Transportation Signature of Witness Date ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRIGNIA: Typed or printed name of signatory Title Signature of Witness 3 Date Date PREPARED BY VDOT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Exempted from Grantor taxes under Section 58.1-811(C)(4) Roanoke Countv is exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to " 58.1-811 & 17.1-266, Code of Virginia THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made this day of Decd 2020, between the Deleted:, Deleted: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, acting by and through the Commissioner of Highways, (`GRANTOR") and THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TH& COUNTY — Deleted: the OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, (`GRANTEE"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the hereinafter described residue property was acquired in connection with the construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance and repair of the State Highway System; and WHEREAS, this conveyance is authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 33.2-1010 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the GRANTOR does hereby release, remise and quitclaim unto the GRANTEE all of its right, title and interest in and to the following parcels of land After recordation return to Grantee's Address: M Tax Map No. Address Acreage 0 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-05.00-0000 1.15 4555 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-02.00-0000 0.29 4607 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-01.00-0000 0.49 4445 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-04.00-0000 0.14 4441 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-05.00-0000 0.5 PREPARED BY VDOT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Exempted from Grantor taxes under Section 58.1-811(C)(4) Roanoke Countv is exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to " 58.1-811 & 17.1-266, Code of Virginia THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made this day of Decd 2020, between the Deleted:, Deleted: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, acting by and through the Commissioner of Highways, (`GRANTOR") and THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TH& COUNTY — Deleted: the OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, (`GRANTEE"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the hereinafter described residue property was acquired in connection with the construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance and repair of the State Highway System; and WHEREAS, this conveyance is authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 33.2-1010 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the GRANTOR does hereby release, remise and quitclaim unto the GRANTEE all of its right, title and interest in and to the following parcels of land After recordation return to Grantee's Address: M Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, which Properties shall be used by the Grantee for public numoses_ in accordance with Section 33.2-1010 of the Code of Vim: Tax Map No. Address Acreage 0 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-05.00-0000 1.15 4555 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-02.00-0000 0.29 4607 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-01.00-0000 0.49 4445 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-04.00-0000 0.14 4441 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-05.00-0000 0.5 as shown on Sheets of the plans for Route State Highway Project and lying north of and adjacent to the north revised existing right of way line of Route from a point approximately feet opposite approximate Station + ( centerline) to a point approximately feet opposite approximate Station + ( centerline) containing acres, more or less, land; and being a part of the same lands acquired from by deed dated recorded in Deed Book Page in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia For a more particular description of the land herein conveyed, reference is made to the photocopy of said Sheets, , showing outlined in RED the said land, which photocopy is hereto attached as a part of this conveyance and is to be recorded simultaneously herewith in the State Highway Plat Book , Page All or a portion of the said property shown outlined in RED on the aforesaid plan sheet may be located within the 100 year flood plain as may be determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and may be restricted as to use by zoning ordinances -2- Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted Table Commented [PSL1]: We can prepare a plat as an exhibit, and incorporate the plat by reference Formatted: Highlight Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted: Highlight Formatted: Highlight Formatted and regulations of the jurisdictions wherein the land lies. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the Grantor shall retain a permanent easement to maintain, operate, and use the property for its maintenance operations. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that this conveyance is subject to any right, privilege, easement, condition or restriction encumbering the herein described land, whether located above, upon, or under the surface, either presently in use or of record. It is further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that should the Grantee discontinue use of the lands herein conveyed for public purposes, the Parties, shall execute a new deed, in substantial form as Exhibit B (attached hereto and incorporated by reference), pursuant to which Grantee shall pay to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation the fair market value of the property, which the Parties agree shall be the then current tax -assessed value of the propert If the Grantee, -oeietea:-ffi,- dernandoractiononthepanofrheGrantor its successors or assigns, fails to immediately comply with the terms hereof, the Grantor may petition any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce such provisions, including the execution of the deed and payment of fair market value. (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Commissioner of Highways, has caused this deed to be executed in its name as of the day, month, and year first above written. C• COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA City of Richmond, to -wit: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Commissioner of Highways (SEAL) Lori A. Snider State Right of Way and Utilities Director Department of Transportation The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of j2ecember Deleted: 2020, by Lori A. Snider, State Right of Way and Utilities Director, Virginia Department Deleted: of Transportation, who has been authorized to execute same by the Commissioner of Highways_ My commission expires: -4- Notary Public Deleted: ¶ I Affix Stamp for Notary ID and Commission Expiration Date: Formatted: Indent: First line: 0" ACCEPTED BY: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" VIRGINIA: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" pamel R. O'Donnell Deleted: Typed or printed name of signatory ,Roanoke County Administrator* Date (Deleted: Title Deleted: Deleted: ¶ Commonwealth of Virginia County of Roanoke, to wit: The foregoing QUITCLAIM DEED was acknowledged before me this the a o Q g day g g fhihd December 2020 by Daniel R. O'Donnell, County Administrator of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Signature oWitness ¶ Approved as to form:¶ ¶ [NANIE]9 ¶ County Attorney¶ Deleted: Notary Public Deleted: My commission expires: Deleted: Deleted: _ Deleted: Deleted: Approved as to form: County Attorney -5- Date¶ Tax Map Parcel Number not assigned PREPARED BY VDOT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Exempted from Grantor taxes under Section 58.1-811(C)(4) THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made this day of , 20 , between the COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ("GRANTOR"), the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ("GRANTEE"), and the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, acting by and through the Commissioner of Highways, ("COMMONWEALTH") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, this conveyance is authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.2-4900 et seq. of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the GRANTOR does hereby release, remise and quitclaim unto the GRANTEE all of its right, title and interest in and to the hereinafter described lot or parcel of land and any and all improvements, all of which lies in Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia: Being as shown on Sheets of the plans for Route , State Highway Project and lying north of and adjacent to the north revised existing right of way line of Route , from a point After recordation return to Grantee's Address: -1- approximately feet opposite approximate Station + ( centerline) to a point approximately feet opposite approximate Station + ( centerline) containing acres, more or less, land; and being a part of the same lands acquired from , by deed dated , recorded in Deed Book , Page , in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of , Virginia. For a more particular description of the land herein conveyed, reference is made to the photocopy of said Sheets , showing outlined in RED the said land, which photocopy is hereto attached as a part of this conveyance and is to be recorded simultaneously herewith in the State Highway Plat Book , Page All or a portion of the said property shown outlined in RED on the aforesaid plan sheet may be located within the 100 year flood plain as may be determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and may be restricted as to use by zoning ordinances and regulations of the jurisdictions wherein the land lies. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the permanent easement reserved to the COMMONWEALTH for its use of maintenance and operations is hereby terminated. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the Grantor shall pay to the COMMONWEALTH the fair market value at the time of transaction. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that this conveyance is subject to any right, privilege, easement, condition or restriction encumbering the herein described land, whether located above, upon, or under the surface, either presently in use or of record. It is further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that should the Grantee discontinue use of the lands herein conveyed for public purposes, all of IWA Grantee's right title and interest to said lands shall immediately terminate and the lands shall revert to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation, without demand or action on the part of the Grantor. For the purpose of public notice in the event of reversion, the Grantee shall quitclaim and release said property by deed to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation immediately on written request by the Grantor. If the Grantee, its successors or assigns, fails to immediately comply with the terms hereof, the Grantor may petition any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the re -conveyance of said property. (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Commissioner of Highways, has caused this deed to be executed in its name as of the day, month, and year first above written. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA IM [NAME] COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to -wit: (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Virginia. 20 , by of the County of Roanoke, Notary Public Affix Stamp for Notary ID and Commission Expiration Date: AGREED TO BY: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS: Lori A. Snider State Right of Way and Utilities Director Department of Transportation WE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA City of Richmond, to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by Lori A. Snider, State Right of Way and Utilities Director, Virginia Department of Transportation, who has been authorized to execute same by the Commissioner of Highways. Notary Public Affix Stamp for Notary ID and Commission Expiration Date: ACCEPTED BY: THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: Typed or printed name of signatory Title Date Signature of Witness Date Commonwealth of Virginia County of Roanoke, to wit: The foregoing QUITCLAIM DEED was acknowledged before me this the day of , 20 , by of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Notary Public SIB My commission expires: Or:v L N . fu E N 0 _ U N > 4-14-1L O � V .> N V Ln _0O C6 c (3) p M " Q E E E cn O N 4-J +-+ o O (Yi i ate+ - � 0 L � =3 0 U v CSO .> 4-1p � N Q L a -J a - f6 -+ (3) (3) c cn (3)Dro .� .� O m 4-J N aJ N O fu 0 ca E ' O • v +-+ co — ca � ' Z 'fu 0- " 0- 4-0 N _O > O O = +.a m b E ca O ca U w - o Q O Ln 0 Ln uo N E a a) �� ro O =3cn O E > = J � 'x LnO > ._ O ca � O O E O Q p � .� V 0 C6 C6 ate-+ Uw Ln ~ O ~ ® O LL > > .J� i�u�.'t •�• k "I' ' ' r mss''; ' • ...� i` � .�- � "' S t. .. �,. 1r �_ r` r •3.- '4� {,rte �, _ 0 # jY.�i•r . yj 4f�rX rA 'rte J*�. �] �y yy+t�'.a'f '� y7 m � r a LN � 05 � I i'' Y'p °' `� i,�[ 'ski Fj•S/�iR ' .A+ rr , tr '��yk',•� r Iy +^��,.�,•^, s+ o- -- •ti i^} �iyy fir l `yit'S . r { r i"f���CC,p.'-'•.s 5 - I * 9 `� �f' %` 1l #'" Fh j'514�' t/4 .},. _f {``d:'�'Sy•. - _�'_ 5a •F s �y .. 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(TAX MAP NO. 076.20-03- 05.00-0000), 4555 OLD CAVE SPRING RD. (TAX MAP NO. 076.00-03- 02.00-0000), 4607 OLD CAVE SPRING RD. (TAX MAP NO. 076.20-03- 01.00-0000), 4445 BRAMBLETON AVE (TAX MAP NO. 086.08-04- 04.00-0000), AND 4441 BRAMBLETON AVE. (TAX MAP NO. 086.08-04- 05.00-0000), IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AND DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (the "Commonwealth") has expressed its desire to purchase certain properties (the "Clearbrook Properties") located at the intersection of Clearbrook Lane and Clearbrook Village Lane, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, for the purpose of developing its South Roanoke County Transportation Maintenance and Operations Facility; and WHEREAS, the Clearbrook Properties are located in Roanoke County's Clearbrook overlay zoning district, and although the Commonwealth is except from County zoning restrictions, the Commonwealth's proposed use will be inconsistent with the allowed uses in the zoning district. It has been the vision of the County that the Clearbrook Properties would be used for purposes that would contribute to the economic development in the County; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the County acquire the following parcels, located in the County of Roanoke (Windsor Hills Magisterial District), at the intersection of Old Cave Spring Road and Brambleton Avenue, which are owned by the Commonwealth: Page 1 of 4 and; Address Tax Map No. Acreage 0 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-05.00-0000 1.15 4555 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-02.00-0000 0.29 4607 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-01.00-0000 0.49 4445 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-04.00-0000 0.14 4441 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-05.00-0000 0.5 WHEREAS, the above parcels are "residue parcels," (hereafter the "Residual Parcels") as set forth in § 33.2-1009 of the Code of Virginia, which were historically acquired by the Commonwealth's Commissioner of Highways, incidental to the construction and improvement of public highways, and have been held in the public interest since their acquisition; and WHEREAS, the Residue Parcels have economic -development potential; ownership of them would facilitate access from Old Cave Spring Road to parcel 086.-8- 04-03.00-0000 (4453 Brambleton Avenue), which parcel is 4.3 acres in size, and could provide a desirable location for business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § 33.2-1010 of the Code of Virginia, the Commissioner of Highways may lease, sell, or exchange such residue parcels of land upon such terms and conditions as in the judgment of the Commissioner of Highways may be in the public interest, provided, however, that the Commissioner of Highways shall not use such parcels for any commercial purpose; upon such sale or exchange, such residue properties must be used for public use; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the Commonwealth's intended use of Clearbrook Properties, and in order to ultimately facilitate potential economic development of the Page 2 of 4 Residual Parcels within the confines of Section 33.2-1010 of the Code of Virginia, the following arrangement has been proposed: A. The Commonwealth will convey, by deed, the Residual Parcels to the County, upon the condition that the Residual Parcels be used for public purposes, including the uses of equipment and material storage and project staging. The Commonwealth will retain an easement in each of the Residual Parcels, enabling the Commonwealth to continue to use the parcels for its public purposes; and B. If and when the time comes that the County desires to convey the Residual Parcels to the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority ("EDA") for the purpose of furthering economic development in Roanoke County, the Parties will execute a new deed with the following provisions: a. The County will pay the Commonwealth the fair market value of the Residual Parcels, as determined by an independent appraisal at the time of the transaction; b. The Commonwealth's easement in the Residual Parcels will be extinguished; c. The County will convey fee simple ownership of the Residual Parcels to the EDA; and d. The EDA will pay the County the fair market value paid to the COMMONWEALTH as consideration; and Page 3 of 4 WHEREAS, a draft Memorandum of Agreement and draft deeds have been prepared between the Commonwealth, the County, and EDA; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate interests be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 2020, and the second reading was held on December 15, 2020. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such memorandum of agreement and deeds and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of the following real estate (in accordance with the proposed Memorandum of Agreement, as set forth in the preliminary recitals of this Ordinance), all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney: Address Tax Map No. Acreage 0 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-05.00-0000 1.15 4555 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-02.00-0000 0.29 4607 Old Cave Spring Road 076.20-03-01.00-0000 0.49 4445 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-04.00-0000 0.14 4441 Brambleton Ave. 086.08-04-05.00-0000 0.5 Page 4 of 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: December 1, 2020 Ordinance accepting and appropriating $165,450 from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation for the purchase of a half - interest in 34 acres adjacent to Explore Park in Bedford and Roanoke Counties Doug Blount Director of General Services and Parks, Recreation APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Ordinance accepting and appropriating $165,450 from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation for the purchase of a half -interest in 34 acres adjacent to Explore Park in Bedford and Roanoke Counties BACKGROUND: Since 2013, Roanoke County has operated Explore Park under a 99 -year lease from the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA), a political subdivision of the Commonwealth that owns over 1,100 acres along the Roanoke River in Bedford and Roanoke Counties. The VRFA was created to provide high quality recreation in the western part of Virginia, to promote tourism and economic development, and to conserve scenic and natural areas along the Roanoke River. Following an extensive public involvement process, Roanoke County developed the 2016 Explore Park Adventure Plan that proposed a new vision for Explore Park as an outdoor adventure recreation destination. The Adventure Plan also proposed preserving much of Explore Park in its natural state to allow for passive recreation, open space, and forest conservation. There are three parcels totaling 34.10 acres that are located within the boundaries of Explore Park and north of the Roanoke River. These parcels are co -owned by the VRFA and Betty W. Mayes, who each own a half -interest (50%). Two of the parcels are Page 1 of 6 located in Bedford County and one of the parcels is located in Roanoke County, as shown on the attached map and summarized below: Parcel C/Tax Map Number 172-A-42 12.10 deeded acres; wooded; undeveloped Located in Bedford County Frontage on Breezewood Lane 2020 Assessed Value: $64,400.00 Parcel D/Tax Mar) Number 080.00-05-17.00-0000 13.95 deeded acres; wooded; undeveloped Located in Roanoke County Frontage on the Roanoke River Railroad crosses the parcel 2020 Assessed Value: $16,700.00 Parcel E/Tax Map Number 172 -A -14A 8.05 deeded acres; wooded; undeveloped Located in Bedford County 2020 Assessed Value: $16,100.00 Ms. Mayes approached Roanoke County expressing her willingness to sell her half - interest in the three parcels. Roanoke County submitted a grant application to the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) Forest CORE Program in 2018 for acquisition of Ms. Mayes half- interest in the three parcels. TheVOF awarded Roanoke County $165,450 for the purchase and protection of Ms. Mayes' half -interest in the 34 acres of land contained within the boundaries of Explore Park. DISCUSSION: Following the purchase of Ms. Mayes' half -interest of the property by Roanoke County, the property will be jointly owned by Roanoke County (50% interest) and the VRFA (50% interest) and placed under an open -space easement with the VOF, in accordance with the Open -Space Land Act (Va. Code § 10.1-1700 et seq.) including Section 10.1- 1701 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. Roanoke County proposes to manage these three parcels as part of Explore Park, remaining forested and largely undeveloped, except for trails and similar facilities for outdoor recreation, as outlined in the Explore Park Adventure Plan. Planned restoration management activities will follow the guidance of a forest management plan, written with forest health as the management objective. Potential activities may include invasive species control, the planting of native species, and riparian buffers. County staff have met with the VRFA Board of Directors who are supportive of placing the open space easement and forest management restrictions on the parcels. Page 2 of 6 In addition, Roanoke County must comply with the following VOF requirements, which are provided in the attached grant agreement: I. To provide the following documents to VOF prior to disbursement of the grant funds: 1. An appraisal of the Property prepared within six months of closing by a Virginia licensed appraiser who meets Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) standards. 2. A real estate purchase contract evidencing that the Properties are under contract to be sold to the Grant Recipient and Grant Recipient's ability and intention to acquire the Property. 3. A survey of the project properties to ALTA/ASTM standards prepared by a Virginia licensed surveyor or professional engineer, preferable in digital form, depicting the metes and bounds of the property. 4. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment shall be provided. 5. Final policy or commitment for owner's title insurance less than ninety (90) days old showing title vested in the seller of the properties and that upon closing of the purchase transactions, Roanoke County will hold an unencumbered fee simple interest in the property (subject to easements and other encumbrances of record acceptable to VOF). 6. Roanoke County must provide contact information to the settlement agent who will be receiving the grant funds for closing and must also provide a W-9 for that company at least two weeks before the desired closing date. 7. Verification of eligible expenditures related to property acquisition at closing and shown on settlement statement, including, but not limited to: survey fees, appraisal fees, legal fees including title reports and insurance, required reports, and recordation fees. 8. Verification of eligible expenditures related to restoration and enhancement work prior to fund disbursement which may include bills of sale, copies of invoices, contracts, cancelled checks (both parties), etc. Grant recipient is strongly encouraged to review planned restoration or enhancement work and estimated costs with VOF before work is executed. Eligible restoration and enhancement work on the property include those activities to promote forest health as outlined in a forest management plan, to include inventory and treatment of invasive species and afforestation with native species if appropriate. 11. To comply with the following terms and conditions: 1. The property acquisition must be completed before any restoration or Page 3 of 6 enhancement activities may receive funds. Any variance from the budget submitted with application and the eligible expenditures listed above must be approved by VOF staff in writing. 2. Until the completion of the project or the end of the grant period (December 8, 2022), Roanoke County shall submit brief progress reports twice per year to VOF on the status of grant implementation, with the first report due by December 30, 2020. The second report will be due by June 8, 2021, and subsequent reports (if any) due every six months thereafter. Additionally, a final report is due upon completion of the project. 3. In any deed conveying the property, or any portion thereof, to a state or local governmental body, the deed must designate such property as open -space land in accordance with the Open -Space Land Act (Va. Code § 10.1-1700 et seq.) including Section 10.1-1701 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. 4. In addition, the restrictions outlined below shall be imposed in perpetuity by enforceable restrictions set forth in a deed of easement to be granted to VOF. See Exhibit B for deed of easement template. a. Permanent protection of the forest areas in accordance with the forestry provision set forth in Exhibit A attached to this agreement or by an enhanced forestry provision; and b. Further permanent protection of the property as set forth generally in the restrictive provisions set forth in Exhibit A. 5. The form of deeds of transfer from Roanoke County and VRFA to other entities and any conservation or open -space easements must be provided to and approved by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation prior to execution. 6. Roanoke County must provide copies of all recorded deeds of transfer, open space easements, and conservation easements for which VOF monies have been awarded, showing the locality, deed book, page of recordation, and/or instrument number to VOF no later than one month after recordation. 7. Roanoke County will release information to the media informing the community of the project and acknowledging that it has received funding from VOF. All press releases and other printed materials and publications, audiovisuals, and signs pertaining to the project must be reviewed by VOF before use. Each protected land or project will be permanently marked with a VOF sign or signs (as appropriate) in locations reasonably selected or approved by VOF. VOF shall provide such signs at no cost to the property owner. 8. VOF reserves the right to seek a review of the appraisal submitted by Roanoke Page 4 of 6 County, at Roanoke County's expense, prior to disbursement of grant funds. 9. Roanoke County shall work closely with VOF to set up all property closings and must contact VOF at least one month before the desired closing date to ensure that VOF will have sufficient funds available to meet the funding obligations created hereunder. 10. Roanoke County shall hold the Commonwealth of Virginia harmless from all legal liability under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq., together with any other federal, state or local law or ordinance related to hazardous substances or hazardous waste. Roanoke County shall include in all deeds conveying the property (except those to the federal government) a requirement that all subsequent owners of any portion of the property shall hold the Commonwealth of Virginia harmless from all legal liability under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended, 42 U. S. C. §§ 9601 et seq., together with any other federal, state or local law or ordinance related to hazardous substances or hazardous waste. 11. Modification of this Agreement must be in a writing executed by the parties hereto. 12. The interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. 13. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors. 14. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of VOF and Roanoke County possess all necessary power and authority to bind the parties hereto and, upon execution, this Agreement shall constitute a legal and valid obligation of the parties hereto. Termination of grant agreement: VOF reserves the right to reclaim grant funds or properties purchased with grant funds or to nullify the grant agreement if recipient fails to meet land transfer deadlines, obtain appropriate open space protection, appropriate forest management provision, or provide required documentation regardless of transfer of ownership. Page 5 of 6 FISCAL IMPACT: The VOF Forest CORE Program provides one -hundred percent (100%) of the costs associated with the land acquisition, including the appraisals, ALTA survey, environmental assessments, title reports, and closing costs. There is no local match required. Per the grant agreement, the VOF grant funds distributed shall not exceed the approved appraised value of the three properties acquired plus eligible documented costs incurred, not to exceed the total grant amount of $165,450.00, and that grant funds may be released in stages as each of the parcels are acquired and subsequent required enhancement activities occur. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling the second reading for December 15, 2020. Page 6 of 6 4 <Parcel x o ,. 71. .� F. a a. — r i I - r 1_ < Blue Ridge Park uay�isitors' Center , I r Parcel 6> e 511J N Legend 0 900 1,800 3,600 5,400 W E a Explore Park Forest Preservation' Feet S ROANOKE Forest CORE Fund: Forest and Community Opportunities for Restoration and Enhancement Drawn by: WWilcox Document Name: 20181031-VOF-CORE 2018 Grant Round - Mountain Valley Region Date: 10/28/2018 Park Forest -Pres Topography Map 00#104-e q�o <Parcel E Ar ke�,� Parcel D> �erA (2 parts) Mayes/VRFA Pa < Blue Rid,geforkw`ay-Visito Parcel A Cre Legend 20ft Contours' i N a Explore Park Forest Preservation 0 900 1,800 3,600 5,400 W E Existing Parklands J Feet g ,�IROANOKE Forest CORE Fund: Forest and Community Opportunities for Restoration and Enhancement Drawn by: WWilcox VA Document Name: 20181031 -VOF-CORE rI- 2018 Grant Round - Mountain Valley Region Date: 10/28/2018 October 30, 2018 Mark Courtright Assistant Director of Parks Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism 1206 Kessler Mill Road Salem, VA 24153 Re: Virginia Outdoors Foundation Forest CORE Program Explore Park Forest Preservation Dear Mr. Courtright, I am interested in negotiating a price to sell the on -half interest 1 own on the following parcels to Roanoke County for purposes of expanding Explore Park and conserving forestland: Parcel ID: Locality: Acreage: � 17220900 Bedford County 8.05 acres 17204800 Bedford County 12.10 acres 80.00-05-17.00-0000 Roanoke County 13.95 acres The Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA) owns the remaining one-half interest in these parcels. 1 understand the sale is contingent of receiving grant funds from the Forest Core Program, and after the completion of a sale, my property would be added to Explore Park to conserve its forest. Sincerely, Betty W. Mayes 242 Trevey Road Buchanan, VA 24066-4872 VIRGINIA OUTDOORS TERRA VIRGINIA OUTDOORS FOUNDATION FOREST CORE FUND GRANT AGREEMENT Grant Recipient: Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism (Roanoke County) Project Title: Explore Park Forest Preservation Project Number: FCFMVP2018-00006 Board Approval Date: December 5, 2018 Project Period: June 8, 2020 through December 8, 2022 Project: Acquisition of half -interest in three tax map parcels co -owned by Betty W. Mayes and the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA), totaling 34.1 acres, contained within the boundary of Explore Park, which is managed by Roanoke County for outdoor recreation. Following the purchase of Ms. Mayes' half - interest of the property by Roanoke County, the Property will be jointly owned by Roanoke County (50% interest) and VRFA (50% interest) and placed under an open -space easement with Virginia Outdoors Foundation. The parcels will be added to Explore Park to be preserved as forest with year-round public access. Planned restoration management activities will follow the guidance of a forest management plan, written with forest health as the management objective. Potential activities may include invasive species control and the planting of native species. Property: 34.1 acres in Roanoke and Bedford Counties, contained within Explore Park. Specifically, parcels referenced in the application as: Parcel C: TMP 172-A-42, Bedford County Parcel D: Parcel ID 080.00-05-17.00-0000, Roanoke County Parcel E: TMP 172 -A -14A, Bedford County Grant Amount: $165,450.00 (see Exhibit C: proposed budget for estimated breakdown of funds for preservation/enhancement/restoration) It is understood and agreed that the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) grant funds distributed shall not exceed the approved appraised value of real properties acquired plus eligible documented costs incurred, not to exceed the total grant amount of $165,450.00, and that grant funds may be released in stages as each of the parcels is acquired and subsequent required enhancement activities occur. Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, in consideration of the grant funds in the amount of $165,450.00 being provided to it pursuant to this agreement by VOF, agrees as follows: I. To provide the following documents to VOF prior to disbursement of the grant funds: 1. An appraisal of the Property prepared within six months of closing by a Virginia licensed appraiser who meets Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) standards. 2. A real estate purchase contract evidencing that the Properties are under contract to be sold to the Grant Recipient and Grant Recipient's ability and intention to acquire the Property. 1 3. A survey of the project properties to ALTA/ASTM standards prepared by a Virginia licensed surveyor or professional engineer, preferable in digital form, depicting the metes and bounds of the property. 4. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment shall be provided. 5. Final policy or commitment for owner's title insurance less than ninety (90) days old showing title vested in the seller of the properties and that upon closing of the purchase transactions, Roanoke County will hold an unencumbered fee simple interest in the property (subject to easements and other encumbrances of record acceptable to VOF). 6. Roanoke County must provide contact information to the settlement agent who will be receiving the grant funds for closing and must also provide a W-9 for that company at least two weeks before the desired closing date. 7. Verification of eligible expenditures related to property acquisition at closing and shown on settlement statement, including, but not limited to: survey fees, appraisal fees, legal fees including title reports and insurance, required reports, and recordation fees. 8. Verification of eligible expenditures related to restoration and enhancement work prior to fund disbursement which may include bills of sale, copies of invoices, contracts, cancelled checks (both parties), etc. Grant recipient is strongly encouraged to review planned restoration or enhancement work and estimated costs with VOF before work is executed. Eligible restoration and enhancement work on the property include those activities to promote forest health as outlined in a forest management plan, to include inventory and treatment of invasive species and afforestation with native species if appropriate. II. To comply with the following terms and conditions: 1. The property acquisition must be completed before any restoration or enhancement activities may receive funds. Any variance from the budget submitted with application and the eligible expenditures listed above must be approved by VOF staff in writing. 2. Until the completion of the project or the end of the grant period (December 8, 2022), Roanoke County shall submit brief progress reports twice per year to VOF on the status of grant implementation, with the first report due by December 30, 2020. The second report will be due by June 8, 2021, and subsequent reports (if any) due every six months thereafter. Additionally, a final report is due upon completion of the project. 3. In any deed conveying the property, or any portion thereof, to a state or local governmental body, the deed must designate such property as open -space land in accordance with the Open -Space Land Act (Va. Code § 10.1-1700 et seq.) including Section 10.1-1701 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. 4. In addition, the restrictions outlined below shall be imposed in perpetuity by enforceable restrictions set forth in a deed of easement to be granted to VOF. See Exhibit B for deed of easement template. a. Permanent protection of the forest areas in accordance with the forestry provision set forth in Exhibit A attached to this agreement or by an enhanced forestry provision; and b. Further permanent protection of the property as set forth generally in the restrictive provisions set forth in Exhibit A. 5. The form of deeds of transfer from Roanoke County and VRFA to other entities and any conservation or open -space easements must be provided to and approved by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation prior to execution. 6. Roanoke County must provide copies of all recorded deeds of transfer, open space easements, and conservation easements for which VOF monies have been awarded, showing the locality, deed book, page of recordation, and/or instrument number to VOF no later than one month after recordation. 7. Roanoke County will release information to the media informing the community of the project and acknowledging that it has received funding from VOF. All press releases and other printed materials and publications, audiovisuals, and signs pertaining to the project must be reviewed by VOF before use. Each protected land or project will be permanently marked with a VOF sign or signs (as appropriate) in locations reasonably selected or approved by VOF. VOF shall provide such signs at no cost to the property owner. 8. VOF reserves the right to seek a review of the appraisal submitted by Roanoke County, at Roanoke County's expense, prior to disbursement of grant funds. 9. Roanoke County shall work closely with VOF to set up all property closings and must contact VOF at least one month before the desired closing date to ensure that VOF will have sufficient funds available to meet the funding obligations created hereunder. 10. Roanoke County shall hold the Commonwealth of Virginia harmless from all legal liability under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq., together with any other federal, state or local law or ordinance related to hazardous substances or hazardous waste. Roanoke County shall include in all deeds conveying the property (except those to the federal government) a requirement that all subsequent owners of any portion of the property shall hold the Commonwealth of Virginia harmless from all legal liability under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended, 42 U. S. C. §§ 9601 et seq., together with any other federal, state or local law or ordinance related to hazardous substances or hazardous waste. 11. Modification of this Agreement must be in a writing executed by the parties hereto. 12. The interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. 13. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors. 14. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of VOF and Roanoke County possess all necessary power and authority to bind the parties hereto and, upon execution, this Agreement shall constitute a legal and valid obligation of the parties hereto. 3 Termination of grant agreement: VOF reserves the right to reclaim grant funds or properties purchased with grant funds or to nullify the grant agreement if recipient fails to meet land transfer deadlines, obtain appropriate open space protection, appropriate forest management provision, or provide required documentation regardless of transfer of ownership. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contractual agreement as of the dates entered below. The Virginia Outdoors Foundation Forest CORE Fund By: Martha Little Deputy Director Grant Recipient: By: [Signature] Please print name here: Title: Date: Date: L' VIRGINIA OUTDOORS TERRA EXHIBIT A Restrictions for parcel(s) to be conveyed to state or local governmental bodies Forest Management Deed Restriction No timbering shall be permitted other than for the following purposes: Cutting of trees for maintenance of existing cleared areas used for parking, roads, utilities, buildings, and structures; Cutting of trees for creation and maintenance of trails; iii. Cutting of trees, with prior written approval of Grantee for wildlife habitat management, for the protection or enhancement of the natural heritage resources, for conversion of monoculture plantations to natural forest conditions, which approval or disapproval shall take into consideration the ecological importance of tree cover and avoidance of forest fragmentation; iv. Removal of trees posing an imminent hazard to the health or safety of persons or to property; V. Removal of invasive trees or other invasive species or vi. Removal of trees that are diseased, storm -damaged, or have died naturally. In general, the forest shall be maintained in its natural state. Forest management practices conducted shall comply with an approved forest stewardship plan with the intent of restoring the ecological health and function of the forest and such practices may not be employed primarily for commercial purposes. Best Management Practices (BMPs), as defined by the Virginia Department of Forestry, shall be used to control erosion and protect water quality when any material timber harvest is undertaken, such as may be required for (iii), (v), or (vi) above. A pre -harvest plan shall be submitted for approval no later than fourteen days before the proposed date of a material timber harvest, and such plan must be consistent with the terms of the easement on the property. The pre -harvest plan shall describe the BMPs to be used in sufficient detail to ensure that water quality will be protected. Additional Suggested Deed Restrictions Prohibit separate conveyance of a portion of the Property or division of the Property. ii. Limit buildings, structures, roads, public parking areas, trails, utilities, and signs permitted on the property. (List those permitted, limit ground area of the buildings and structures permitted, include sign provision acknowledging VOF contribution to funding of the project, and limit infrastructure to small area of property. Infrastructure should be constructed using Best Management Practices and should be sited to avoid sensitive areas.) iii. Limit activities on the property to public outdoor recreational activities, natural resource- based educational or scientific activities, and small-scale incidental commercial operations compatible with above -listed activities. 5 iv. Provide for riparian protection zones, such as riparian buffers along waterways adjacent to or traversing the property, for buffering of karst features, and for protection of natural heritage resources. V. Limit grading, blasting, filling, or earth removal to avoid materially altering the topography of the property except as required for construction of permitted buildings, structures, roads, public parking area, trails, utilities, and signs. vi. Prohibit surface and subsurface mining on the property, drilling for oil, gas, or other minerals on the property, and dredging on or from the property. vii. Provide for public access to the property or certain trails thereon. G VIRGINIA oUTnooRS TERRA 1*:1:1111 a 3 Template for deeds of conveyance in which Forest Core Grant Funds are provided for purchase or partial purchase of property NOTE TO TITLE EXAMINERS: This deed contains restrictions on permitted uses and activities on the property described below, which run with the land and are applicable to the property in perpetuity. Prepared by: F. Bruce Stewart (VSB No. 08780) Virginia Outdoors Foundation 402 W. Duke of Gloucester Street, Suite 218 Williamsburg, VA 23185 Return to: Tax Parcel No(s). Exempt from under the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Section(s) and from Circuit Court Clerk's fee under Section 17.1-266 THIS DEED made this day of , 20_, between , party of the first part, Grantor; party of the second part, Grantee; and the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia (VOF), party of the third part, witnesseth: RrrIT01 C• R-1. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity on October 13, 2017 to Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC permitting it to construct a natural gas pipeline (the "Mountain Valley Pipeline") through 17 counties in West Virginia and Virginia. R-2. The Commonwealth of Virginia and Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement for comprehensive mitigation of Virginia Resource 7 impacts of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (the "Forest Fragmentation Agreement"). R-3. Pursuant to said agreement certain funds were allocated by the Commonwealth to VOF, with which VOF established the Forest CORE (Community Opportunities for Restoration and Enhancement) Program to help mitigate the impact of forest fragmentation in the Commonwealth. 7 R-4. VOF has consulted with various agencies and departments of the Commonwealth and has ensured that this Deed meets the mitigation goals of the Forest Fragmentation Agreement and furthers the Commonwealth's policies of environmental protection and enhancement of natural resources. R-5. Pursuant to the Forest CORE Program as described above, VOF has awarded a Forest CORE grant in the amount of $ to Grantor for the (Select: purchase or partial purchase) of the below - described (Select: property ["Property"] orthe below -described property ["Property'] and other property) in County. R-_. (Insert recitals here specific to the project and the attributes of the Property.) R-_. It is intended that the Property owned by Grantor and being conveyed herein to Grantee be kept in perpetuity as open space in accordance with the restrictions set forth below. R-_. VOF, as a condition of such grant, has required that the restrictions set forth below running with the land be included in this Deed and has joined in this Deed to indicate its agreement to enforce such restrictions in perpetuity. R-_. Grantee has joined in this Deed to indicate its agreement to accept this Deed as encumbered by the restrictions set forth below and to comply with said restrictions, and Grantee further agrees that VOF is entitled to enforce the restrictions in perpetuity, which agreement is binding on Grantee, its successors and assigns. CONVEYANCE That for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid to the party of the first part, , at and before the signing, sealing and delivery of this Deed, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first part, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey in fee simple with GENERAL WARRANTY and English Covenants of title unto the said party of the second part, , the following described Property, to -wit: (Insert legal description) (Note: If there are existing buildings or structures on the Property or if there is a reserved right to construct buildings, structures, or other infrastructure on the Property either (i) the building area shall be surveyed and excluded from this conveyance or (ii) the boundaries of an existing or proposed building area shall be delineated and such building area shall not be used in calculating CORE funding.) The Property is shown as Tax Map No(s). [or PIN] among the land records of the County of , Virginia. [Use if one tax parcel: Even if the Property may have been acquired previously as separate parcels, it shall be considered one parcel for purposes of this Deed, and the restrictions set forth below shall apply to the Property as a whole and shall bind Grantee and Grantee's successors in interest of the Property or any portion thereof in perpetuity. Use if more than one tax parcel: Even though the Property consists of parcels for real estate tax purposes and it may have been acquired previously as separate parcels, it shall be considered one parcel for purposes of this Deed, and the restrictions set forth below shall apply to the Property as a whole and shall bind Grantee and Grantee's successors in interest of the Property or any portion thereof in perpetuity J This conveyance is made subject to all conditions, restrictions, reservations, restrictive covenants, and easements of record, but is not intended to re -impose any of them. RESTRICTIONS Restrictions are hereby imposed on the use of the Property, which run with the land in perpetuity and are binding on Grantee, its successors and assigns. The acts that Grantee covenants to do or not to do upon the Property and the restrictions that VOF is hereby entitled to enforce are and shall be as follows: 1. No division of the Property. Separate conveyance of a portion of the Property or division of the Property is prohibited. For purposes of this Deed, division of the Property includes, but is not limited to, recordation of a subdivision plat, judicial partitioning of the Property, testamentary partitioning of the Property, or pledging for debt of a portion of the Property. 2. Collective footprint limitation on buildings, structures, roads, trails, and utilities. (i) The construction and maintenance of buildings, structures, roads, driveways, trails, and utilities on the Property are permitted within the limitation of subparagraph 2. (ii) below. Note: that buildings must be limited to public access or contained within an envelope or existing or be extremely limited. (ii) For purposes of this restriction, the collective footprint is the ground area measured in square feet of the buildings; structures; utilities, roads and parking areas with impervious surfaces; and all other impervious surfaces on the Property, excluding linear surfaces, such as roads and driveways with pervious surfaces, trails, walls, fences, and boardwalks. The collective footprint shall not exceed square feet of impervious cover. 3. Management of Forest. No timbering shall be permitted other than for the following purposes: (i) cutting of trees for maintenance of existing cleared areas used for buildings, structures, utilities, roads, driveways, and parking allowed above; (ii) cutting of trees for creation and maintenance of trails; (iii) cutting of trees for wildlife habitat management, for the protection or enhancement of natural heritage resources, and for conversion of monoculture plantations to natural forest conditions; (iv) removal of trees posing an imminent hazard to the health or safety of persons or to Property; (v) removal of invasive trees or other invasive species or (vi) removal of trees that are diseased, storm -damaged, or have died naturally. In general, the forest shall be maintained in its natural state. Forest management practices conducted shall comply with an approved Forest Stewardship Plan with the intent of maintaining or restoring the ecological health and function of the forest and such practices may not be employed primarily for commercial purposes. Best Management Practices (BMPs), as defined by the Virginia Department of Forestry, shall be used to control erosion and protect water quality when a material timber harvest is undertaken, such as may be required for (iii), (v), or (vi) above. A pre -harvest plan shall be submitted to VOF 6 for approval no later than fourteen days before the proposed date of a material timber harvest. The pre -harvest plan shall describe the BMPs to be used in sufficient detail to ensure that water quality will be protected. 4. Grading, Blasting, Filling, Earth Removal and Mining. (i) Grading, blasting, filling, or earth removal shall not materially alter the topography of the Property except (a) for erosion and sediment control pursuant to an erosion and sediment control plan, or (b) as required in the construction of permitted buildings, structures, roads, driveways, trails, and utilities. (ii) Surface mining on the Property, subsurface mining from the surface of the Property, drilling for oil or gas or other minerals on the Property, and dredging on or from the Property are prohibited. 5. Designation as Open Space. In the event that the Property is conveyed to a public body as defined in Section 10.1-1700 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, the Property shall be designated as open space in accordance with Section 10.1-1701 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. 6. (Optional provision. Signs. At least one sign in a location visible to the public including acknowledgment that VOF contributed funding for this project.) (If the Property is landlocked, this provision could be deleted.) 7. (Optional provision: Public Access. The public shall have a right of daily access to the Property for recreational uses at times set by Grantee, subject to reasonable restrictions to ensure the security of the Property and safety of the public. Notwithstanding the above, Grantee retains the right to exclude the public from the Property, or a portion thereof, in case of emergency or disaster (for as long as is necessary to abate the emergency or disaster), for maintenance of the Property, and as necessary for resource management and protection. Grantee, in its discretion, may charge fees for access to the Property. AMENDMENT OF RESTRICTIONS The restrictions set forth above shall not be amended except by a notarized writing executed by Grantee, its successors or assigns, and by VOF, its successors or assigns, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of County, Virginia. ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIONS 1. Right of inspection. Employees, agents, contractors, and other representatives of VOF may enter the Property from time to time for purposes of inspection (including photographic documentation of the condition of the Property) and enforcement of the restrictions set forth above after permission from or reasonable notice to Grantee or Grantee's representative, provided, however, that in the event of an emergency, entrance may be made to prevent, terminate or mitigate a potential violation of these restrictions with notice to Grantee or Grantee's representative being given at the earliest practicable time. 10 2. Enforcement. (a) VOF has the right to take actions, including the reclamation of Forest CORE Fund grant monies used to purchase eased property or the seizure of land purchased with said grant funds as well as the bringing of a judicial proceeding, necessary to enforce the above restrictions, which specifically include the right (a) to recover any damages arising from non-compliance; (b) to compel Grantee to disgorge to VOF any proceeds received in activities undertaken in violation of the above restrictions; (c) to require Grantee to replant or pay for the replanting of trees on the Property in the event that Grantee harvests timber in violation of the above restrictions; (d) to enjoin non-compliance by temporary or permanent injunction; and (e) to pursue any other appropriate remedy in equity or at law. If the court determines that Grantee failed to comply with above restrictions, Grantee shall reimburse VOF for any reasonable costs of enforcement, including costs of restoration, court costs, expert -witness costs, and attorney's fees, in addition to any other payments ordered by the court. VOF's delay shall not waive or forfeit its right to take such action as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the above restrictions, and Grantee hereby waives any defense of waiver, estoppel, or laches with respect to any failure to act by VOF. (b) Grantee shall not be responsible or liable for any damage to the Property or change in the condition of the Property (i) caused by fire, flood, storm, Act of God, governmental act, or other cause outside of Grantee's control or (ii) resulting from prudent action taken by Grantee to avoid, abate, prevent, or mitigate such damage to or changes in the condition of the Property from such causes. This Deed may be executed in one or more counterpart copies, each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same Deed. Execution of this Deed at different times and in different places by the parties hereto shall not affect its validity. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: [Counterpart signature pages follow.] 11 [Counterpart signature page 1 of 3] WIMITH •; STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY of to -wit: I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, do certify that , Grantor herein, whose name is signed to the foregoing deed bearing date of has this day acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid. Given under my hand this day of My commission expires on Registration Number: NOTARY PUBLIC (SEAL) 12 [Counterpart signature page 2 of 3] GRANTEE STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY of , to -wit: I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, do certify that , Grantee herein, whose name is signed to the foregoing deed bearing date of has this day acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid. Given under my hand this day of My commission expires on Registration Number: NOTARY PUBLIC (SEAL) 13 [Counterpart signature page 3 of 3] VIRGINIA OUTDOORS FOUNDATION STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY of to -wit: I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, do certify that , of the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, whose name is signed to the foregoing deed bearing date of , has this day acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid. Given under my hand this day of My commission expires on Registration Number: NOTARY PUBLIC (SEAL) 14 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $165,450 FROM THE VIRGINIA OUTDOORS FOUNDATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HALF -INTEREST IN 34 ACRES ADJACENT TO EXPLORE PARK IN BEDFORD AND ROANOKE COUNTIES WHEREAS, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation provides grant funding to protect land in perpetuity; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has been awarded such a grant, in the amount of $165,450 from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, for the purchase of a half -interest in 34 acres adjacent to Explore Park in Bedford and Roanoke Counties; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County proposes to manage the property as part of Explore Park, remaining forested and largely undeveloped, except for trails and similar facilities for outdoor recreation; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, a first reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 2020, and the second reading was held on December 15, 2020. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. 1. That the sum of $165,450 is hereby accepted from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, and appropriated for the purchase of a half -interest in 34 acres adjacent to Explore Park in Bedford and Roanoke Counties. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Ordinance authorizing a permanent drainage easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation on Property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map No. 027.14-02-18.00-0000) for the purpose of constructing Route 11 (Williamson Road) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Hollins Magisterial District Megan Cronise Transportation Planning Administrator Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requests a 0.034 acre (1,477 square foot) permanent, drainage easement across tax map parcel 027.14-02-18.00-0000 owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to facilitate a sidewalk project along Route 11 (Williamson Road). BACKGROUND: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding was first included in the VDOT Six -Year Improvement Program in fiscal year 2016 to provide pedestrian accommodations in the vicinity of Route 11 (Williamson Road) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road). County staff worked with VDOT to determine the project scope and preliminary engineering began in fiscal year 2017. The project includes 2,376 linear feet of five -foot -wide sidewalk on the west side of Williamson Road between the Peters Creek Road intersection and North Roanoke Assisted Living. Pedestrian crosswalks and signals will also be included at the Williamson Road/Peters Creek Road intersection. The right-of-way phase is concluding and the project will be advertised for construction Page 1 of 2 in early 2021. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring of 2021. DISCUSSION: As part of the storm water management proposed for the sidewalk project, VDOT requests a 0.034 acre (1,477 square foot) permanent drainage easement across parcel 027.14-02-18.00-0000 be granted to the Commonwealth of Virginia. This parcel is owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and is old Route 11 right-of-way that runs between Williamson Road and Peters Creek Road, behind North Market Village. An ordinance to grant the permanent drainage easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation requires two readings. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this item. Project funding is 100 percent (100%) State and Federal. VDOT requests that Roanoke County donate the easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading and scheduling the second reading on December 15, 2020. Page 2 of 2 North Market �- �Village I r\ Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement oger r Proposed Sidewalk Project Board of Supervisors Parcel 027.14-02-18.00 Deer Branch Williamson Road Sidewalk Project November 2020 A Permanent Draina e Easement Location Feet g 0 62.5125 250 375 500 N ROOANOKE LLXLL 31V3S 02 :6MP'1Vld 2oZ9LLS / WD20:6 - OZOZ `91, -N / JolaysJ / 1 112 0 I Zo dlt� / pc co Q O Q 3 \ oo I I W Z- Z o 0 N \\ Of C, U-CDCD of �0 I � C14 > LL- LL- Z > p =o W W p�� I = N I I N O 0� 4 M cn 'r, N Z U VM� m pWZ<H WN^�.W �W J W 04 N o� rn WU�CD �Y2e U v a 0 d' \\ Q Z z a- O n Y m NC -4 CD LLImO �Of Of ¢O O� � CV CL \ I 1 O Q m Y O OU w t=D \\ 1 11 OQ N M IA `=' ) � m W Z 7"� O'ZC M \ R \ D\ O!\ I N 7 ] O / \\ J �•\ 00 E w oco a z �N r, I On I O �Q W \ L6\ \ z V7 N O x 00 U � O O z \ dl W N 0 o Q m U Z 0 \ O Z z 110 O x w d C-4 W o z_ W O U ID oppp O Q n 1 m N 3 O Z W W 9 Q 2 � ^ m W O W C-1 O Q in co � \ \ M OD I N z O m ^ U w Of QCD C-4 04NNON I O O Z O NJ LJ O ��m�� J¢2 o� N Q c a i� 5 C � \ 30 I 1 y o , f o0 V) Lr) \ g 1 or >�o _ .-. 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WITNESSETH: In consideration of the good will and public benefit to be derived from this donation including the improvement of the roads of the Commonwealth, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor hereby gives, grants and conveys unto the Grantee the permanent right and easement to construct, operate, maintain, repair or replace a drainage facility along State Highway Route 11, Williamson Road, upon and across the property of the Grantor, located in the Hollins Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, more particularly described as 0 Peters Creek Rd, Roanoke County Tax Map No. 027.14-02-18.00-0000. The easement is designated and described as "PROPOSED PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT" containing 0.034 Acres (1,477 Square Feet), more or less, on a plat entitled "COMPILED PLAT OF 0.034 ACRE DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA BEING GRANTED TO COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PROPERTY OF ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, TAX PARCEL 27.14-02-18.00 ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA" prepared by Christopher B. Kaknis, Land Surveyor, dated November 16, 2020, a copy of which is hereto attached as a part hereof to be recorded simultaneously herewith and in the State Highway Plat Book , Page - 1 - It is agreed between the parties hereto that the Grantee and their agents shall have the right to inspect the drainage facility and to cut and clear all undergrowth and other obstructions in and along the same adjacent thereto that may in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use thereof. The Grantor by the execution of this instrument acknowledges that the plans for the project as they affect the Grantor's property have been fully explained to the Grantor or the Grantor's authorized representative. The Grantor by the execution of this instrument acknowledges that the easement being conveyed hereunder is being donated to the Commonwealth of Virginia for highway use or associated uses. The Grantor also acknowledges that the Grantor is entitled to be compensated for the easement hereby conveyed and, pursuant to Virginia Code Section 25.1-417 and by this donation, hereby waives Grantor's right to an appraisal and compensation. The Grantor covenants and agrees for the Grantor its successors and assigns, that the consideration hereinabove mentioned shall be in lieu of any and all claims to compensation for said easement, and for damages, if any, to the value of the lands of the Grantor which may result by reason of the use to which the Grantee will put the easement being conveyed. This paragraph, however, does not apply to any physical damages caused by the Grantee, its agents and contractors done to the Grantor's remaining property during construction of the aforesaid project. SIGNATURE(S) AND NOTARY CERTIFICATE(S) ON FOLLOWING PAGE(S) -2- WITNESS the following signature(s) and seal(s): THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA By: Daniel R. O'Donnell Title: Roanoke County Administrator COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by Daniel R. O'Donnell, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Registration #: My commission expires: Approved as to form: County Attorney GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: Virginia Department of Transportation Right of Way and Utilities Section 731 Harrison Avenue Salem, VA 24153 -3- Notary Public The Commonwealth of Virginia acting by and through the Virginia Department of Transportation which is action by and through its Authorized Agent, does hereby accept the conveyance of the interest in Real Estate made by this deed. State Right of Way Director LM Lori A. Snider COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ) to -wit: The foregoing document was acknowledged, this the day of 20 , by Lori A. Snider, State Right of Way Director. Notary Public Registration #: My commission expires: AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ON PROPERTY OWNED BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (TAX MAP NO. 027.14-02-18.00-0000) FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING ROUTE 11 (WILLIAMSON ROAD) AND ROUTE 117 (PETERS CREEK ROAD) PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has requested a 0.034 acre (1,477 square foot) permanent drainage easement across tax map number 027.14-02-18.00-0000, which is old Route 11 right-of-way connecting Williamson Road (Route 11) to Peters Creek Road (Route 117) located behind North Market Village, to facilitate a sidewalk project along Williamson Road; and WHEREAS, VDOT has requested that the permanent drainage easement be donated to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, the proposed easement will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and disposition of real estate be authorized only by ordinance; and WHEREAS, a first reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 2020, and the second reading was held on December 15, 2020; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provision of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance of the necessary permanent drainage easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for the completion of Route 11 (Williamson Road) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) Pedestrian Safety Improvements on property owned by Roanoke County, tax map number 027.14-02-18.00-0000. Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That conveyance of a 0.034 acre (1,477 square foot) permanent drainage easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation to facilitate Route 11 (Williamson Road) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) Pedestrian Safety Improvements on property owned by Roanoke County, tax map number 027.14-02-18.00-0000, is hereby authorized. 2. That the permanent drainage easement is donated to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation. 3. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on a form approved by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: December 1, 2020 Ordinance appropriating $5,990,386.83 for Roanoke County Public County Public Schools from fiscal year 2019-2020 year-end funds and re -appropriating $682,560.17 from the Roanoke County Public School Health Insurance Fund Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Conduct second reading of ordinance to appropriate $5,990,386.83 to Roanoke County Public Schools, suspend Section 10-6, Item B of the Comprehensive Financial Policy for fiscal year end 2019-2020 only and transfer $682,560.17 from the Roanoke County Public Schools Health Insurance Fund BACKGROUND: Code of Virginia §22.1-100 promulgates that all unspent funds from either the Commonwealth or the County must be returned to the governing body at the end of the fiscal year. To provide flexibility from this law, the County of Roanoke and the School Board adopted policies to guide the use of year-end carryover balances by the School Division. Section 10-6, Item B of the County of Roanoke Comprehensive Financial Policy identifies that all School Operating Fund appropriations remaining at the end of the year will not lapse but shall be appropriated to the Schools and used for Major capital projects, Minor capital projects, Capital Maintenance Program, School Safety and Security, and/or Comprehensive Services Act. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March and the immediate economic recession, revenue projections from both the Commonwealth and the County were revised Page 1 of 3 downward. As a result, the adopted General Fund budget included a $1.3 decrease from the 2019-2020 budget. Among other reductions, $2.8 million of ongoing operational needs were deferred to close this budget shortfall. At the time, County Administration obtained County Board of Supervisor consensus to consider the use of the carryover balances for one-time non-recurring expenses pending Board of Supervisor review and approval. DISCUSSION: The Roanoke County Public Schools requests a one-year suspension of the policy to allow for the non -emergency fund carryover to be used as detailed below to fill the budget gap created as a result of the economic hardships presented due to the health pandemic. Requested Use of the June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover: Rollover of outstanding purchase orders 5/14/20 adopted CIP Budget 8/27/20 School Board approved laptop refund 8/27/20 School Board approved laptop refund fees 8/27/20 eliminate parking fees due to COVID-19 9/01/20 School Board approved Bus Driver and Aide Bonus $500 bonus for employees grade 0 through 13 1 -step raise for all employees CTE equipment Conferences and travel (mostly in staff development) Music uniforms Transfer to Capital Maintenance Program Transfer to Technology Replacement Fund Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund English language arts textbook adoption (good for seven years) Curriculum development for remote learning due to COVID-19 Total $ 7,127.20 599,999.84 356,500.00 7,001.00 36,800.00 393,999.00 507,425.50 1,098,046.83 50,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,000,000.00 652,624.00 50,000.00 993,916.00 196,947.46 $ 5,990,386.83 In addition, Roanoke County Public Schools is requesting to transfer $682,560.17 from the Roanoke County Public Schools Health Insurance Fund, to supplement funding from fiscal year 2019-2020 year-end to provide for a one-step retroactive raise for all Roanoke County Public Schools employees. Attached is a memo from Roanoke County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Nicely Page 2 of 3 dated October 29, 2020, which details this year end request. (Attachment A) Additionally, County staff analyzed this request and attached is a memo dated October 30, 2020 which outlines information regarding which items meet policy, are one-time expenses and those that are recurring expenses. (Attachment B) The Roanoke County Public School Board approved this request at their meeting on November 12, 2020. Attached is the School Board report as approved. (Attachments C and D) There have been no changes since the first reading of the ordinance on November 17, 2020. FISCAL IMPACT: School year end carryover operating funds at June 30, 2020 totaled $5,990,386.83 and the request is for the appropriation to Roanoke County Public Schools for personnel, operating and capital needs. Additionally, the Roanoke County Public Schools request the transfer of the $682,560.17 from the Health Insurance Fund to supplement funding for a one-step retroactive raise. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the second reading of the ordinance. Page 3 of 3 Attachment A _ ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS F u Office of the Superintendent 5937 Cove Rd. Roanoke, VA 24019 .. (540) 562-3700 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Dan O'Donnell, Roanoke County Administrator From: Dr. Ken Nicely, Roanoke County Public Schools Superintendent Cc: Ms. Rebecca Owens, Roanoke County Assistant Administrator Ms. Laurie Gearheart, Roanoke County Director of Finance and Management Services Ms. Susan Peterson, Roanoke County Public Schools Director of Finance Date: October 29, 2020 Subject: June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover Appropriation Request Code of Virginia §22.1-100 promulgates that all unspent funds a School Division receives from either the Commonwealth or their County must be returned to the appropriate governing body at the end of the fiscal year. To provide flexibility from this law, the County of Roanoke and the School Board adopted policies to guide the use of year-end carryover balances by the School Division. During the budget adoption for the 2020-2021 school year, the approved preliminary General Fund budget included a $4.9 million increase from the 2019-2020 budget. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March and the immediate foreseeable economic recession, revenue projections from both the Commonwealth and the County were revised downward. As a result, the adopted General Fund budget changed to a $1.3 decrease from the 2019-2020 budget. Among other reductions, $2.8 million of ongoing operational needs were deferred to close this budget shortfall. At the time, there was cross -entity consensus to allow flexibility for using the year-end carryover balances during 2020-2021 due to the budgetary impacts expected from the economic recession. During the October 22, 2020 School Board Meeting, the School Board approved a one-year suspension in School Board policy §4.26 for the General Fund to allow the non -emergency fund carryover to be used to fill the budget gap as a result of the economic hardships presented due to the health pandemic. Roanoke County Public Schools requests a one-year abeyance from the County of Roanoke Comprehensive Policy §10.6.13 to allow the non -emergency fund carryover to be used as detailed on the attached table to fill the budget gap created as a result of the economic hardships presented due to the health pandemic. The emergency fund carryover will be fully funded. County of Roanoke Comprehensive Financial Policy §10.6.6. "All School Operating Fund appropriations remaining at the end of the year will not lapse but shall be appropriated to the Schools and used for Major Capital projects, Minor Capital projects, Capital Maintenance Program, School Safety and Security, and/or Comprehensive Services Act reserves." In the original adopted budget, Roanoke County Public Schools set aside $2.1 million to incorporate recommendations from a compensation study and provide a 1 -step increase. This was removed for the adoption of the final budget. Roanoke County Public Schools' employees face higher demands in order to provide safe and effective instruction and support to the students of the County. In order to recognize these efforts, Roanoke County Public Schools will provide a 1 -step raise for all employees retroactive to July 1, 2020. The retroactive payment will occur in one lump sum in December and all required VRS reporting will be resubmitted as necessary. The total cost of the raise is $1.8 million and will be funded through both the year-end carryover ($1.1 million) and health insurance reserves ($0.7 million). If approved by the Board of Supervisors, the ordinance for the General Fund appropriation would need to include the carryover balance plus the $682,560.17 transfer from the Health Insurance Fund. _ ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS k'y p K a Office of the Superintendent 5937 Cove Rd. Roanoke, VA 24019 .. (540) 562-3700 USE OF JUNE 30, 2020 DEAR -END CARRYOVER ..Amount Discussion Rollover outstanding purchase $ 7,127.20 Open purchase orders at June 30, 2020. This orders is in accordance with the normal policies. 5/14/20 adopted CIP Budget 599,999.84 The 2020-2021 Annual Capital Budget, as adopted via County Ordinance 062320-8 appropriated $3,950,785 from the Capital Fund Balance for certain projects. Part of this balance included a projected $600,000 of year-end carryover. This would have been funded with the normal policies. 8/27/20 School Board approved 356,500.00 Revenue loss due to online learning needs in laptop waiver and refund response to COVID-19 physical distancing 8/27/20 School Board approved 7,001.00 requirements and related costs. laptop credit card fees refund 8/27/20 School Board approved 36,800.00 Revenue loss in response to COVID-19 parking fees waiver physical distancing requirements. 9/01/20 School Board approved Bus 393,999.00 The cost of a bonus and related FICA to pay Driver, Lot Attendant, and Bus Aide for a gross $2,000 Bus Driver and Lot bonus Attendant retention or new hire bonus and a $1,000 Bus Aide retention or new hire bonus. $500 bonus for all employees on 507,425.50 The cost of a bonus, FICA, and taxes for a net grade 0 through 13, excluding Bus $500 bonus for all employees in grades 0 Drivers, Lot Attendants, and Bus through 13, excluding Bus Drivers, Lot Aides Attendants and Bus Aides. 1 -step raise for all employees 1,098,046.83 The full cost, including wages, VRS, and FICA of a 1 -step increase for all employees for July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 is $1,780,607. The $1,098,046.83 is partial funding, the remaining $682,560.17 will be transferred from the Health Insurance Fund. CTE equipment 50,000.00 One-time deferral made to reduce the —II Conferences and travel (mostly in 20,000.00 adopted March 26, 2020 School Board budget staff development) to the revised budget adopted through Music uniforms 20,000.00 County Ordinance 062320-7. The difference Transfer to CMP 1,000,000.00 related to a reduction in revenue projections Transfer to Technology Replacement 652,624.00 from both the Commonwealth and the County Fund due to immediate economic recession. Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund 50,000.00 English Language Arts textbook 993,916.00 One-time adoption of English Language Arts adoption (good for 7 years) materials for instruction. Curriculum development for remote 196,947.46 One-time costs necessary to create semester 3 learning due to COVID-19 and 4 curriculum for hybrid and online leaning at elementary schools. $5,990,386.83 Rebecca E. Owens RoanokeCounty of ssistant Countv Administrator Memo To: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator From: Rebecca E. Owens Assistant County Administrator Date: October 30, 2020 Attachment B Subject: Roanoke County Public Schools FY 2020 Year -End Request Background On October 29, 2020, Dr. Ken Nicely, Roanoke County Public Schools Superintendent, sent a memorandum regarding the June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover Appropriation, which requests a one-year abeyance from the County of Roanoke Comprehensive Financial Policy. Section 10-6, Item B, regarding Roanoke County Public Schools Reserves and Year End Allocation states that "All School Operating Fund appropriations remaining at the end of the year will not lapse but shall be appropriated to the Schools and used for Major Capital projects, Minor Capital projects, Capital Maintenance Program, School Safety and Security, and/or Comprehensive Services Act reserves." With the development of the FY 2021 budget, there were many uncertainties due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the County of Roanoke and Roanoke County Public Schools reduced General Fund budgets based on reduced revenue projections. During that time, entities discussed flexibility in the use of available year-end funding for Roanoke County Public Schools for one-time, non-recurring expenditures. Review of Roanoke County Public Schools FY 2020 Year -End Request The memorandum received from Dr. Nicely detailed the distribution of $5,990,386.83 in Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund balance for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. The distribution included a description and item amount for each request. The table below displays the items requested that meet the Comprehensive Financial Policy, which totals $1,607,127.04 of the year end amount to be distributed. Purpose Amount Adopted FY 2021 CIP Project Funding $599,999.84 Transfer to Capital Maintenance Program $1,000,000.00 Rollover of Outstanding Purchase Orders $7,127.20 Total, Items in Accordance of Policy $1,607,127.04 The table shown below displays the items requested that do not meet the Comprehensive Financial Policy, which totals $4,383,259.79 of the amount to be distributed. Purpose Amount One -Time Funding Bus Driver, Lot Attendant and Bus Aide Bonus $393,999.00 $500 bonus all employees on grade 0 through 13 $507,425.50 Laptop Credit Card Fees Refund $7,001.00 Laptop Waiver and Refund $356,500.00 Parking Fees Waiver $36,800.00 Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund $50,000.00 Transfer to Technology Replacement Fund $652,624.00 Curriculum Development for Remote Learning (COVID-19) $196,947.46 English Language Arts Textbook Adoption $993,916.00 CTE Equipment $50,000.00 Music Uniforms $20,000.00 Conferences and Travel (Mostly for Staff) $20,000.00 Subtotal, One -Time Funding $3,285,212.96 Recurring Funding One -Step Retroactive Raise for All Employees $1,098,046.83 Subtotal, Recurring Funding $1,098,046.83 Total, Items Not in Accordance of Policy $4,383,259.79 The full cost of the raise for all RCPS employees, including wages, VRS, and FICA of a 1 - step increase (approximately 1.55%) for July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 is $1,780,607. The $1,098,046.83 reflected above is partial funding; the remaining $682,560.17 is expected to be transferred from the Health Insurance Fund. Summary With the development of the FY 2021 budget, entities discussed flexibility in usage of year end funds beyond those identified in the policy for one-time, non-recurring expenses. Roanoke County Public Schools have provided a request to distribute FY 2020 year-end funds to support various items that do not meet the County's Comprehensive Financial Policy including a recurring raise for all RCPS employees. Next Steps The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will be presented with: First reading of the ordinance to appropriate the Roanoke County Public Schools June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Second reading scheduled for December 1, 2020. Additionally, a budget public hearing will be required and conducted on December 1, 2020 for the budget amendment and appropriation. Cc: Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance & Management Services 11/13/2020 Board Docs® Pro Attachment C Agenda Item Details Meeting Category Subject Type Preferred Date Absolute Date Fiscal Impact Dollar Amount Budgeted Budget Source c L4 Nov 12, 2020 - Roanoke County School Board Meeting 9. ACTION ITEMS 9.02 June 30, 2020 Audit and Year -End Carryover Appropriation Request - Mrs. Susan Peterson Action Nov 12, 2020 Nov 12, 2020 Yes 37,734,486.94 No June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover The fiscal cycle of Roanoke County Public Schools begins with the adoption of the Annual Budget in March in order to document the proposed plan of expenditures and the expected means of financing those expenditures. Then after year-end, a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is produced that provides an accounting of the actual activity of the fiscal year. The basic financial statements within the CAFR is audited by an independent public accounting firm. For the year ended June 30, 2020, Brown, Edwards & Company, L.L.P performed this audit. The Audit Committee met on November 12, 2020 to review the results of the audit, which was an unmodified opinion, the best an organization can receive. General Fund Carryover and Net Surplus The main operating fund for the schools is the General Fund. Below is a quick summary of the results for the year. Prior Year Carryover: Unspent emergency fund balance of $2,000,000.00 that is a budgeted reserve for financial emergencies due to unexpected revenue shortfalls related to Federal or State mid -year funding changes or unplanned significant expenditure increases. The reserve is established according to School Board policy and exists to protect the School System from mid -year disruption of classroom operations related to the aforementioned emergencies. Current Year Revenues: Overall revenues were $1,255,506.28 or 0.88% higher than final budget. The driving forces behind this variance include: Increases: 1. Sales tax collections higher than budgeted by $947,134.84. 2. Medicaid revenues higher than budgeted by $276,596.38. 3. Interest income on investments higher than budgeted by $162,204.20. 4. Warranty Reimbursements higher than budgeted by $67,905.68. 5. Insurance Adjustments higher than budgeted by $65,295.08. 6. Alternative Education Regional Program higher than budgeted by $52,826.00. https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/roecnty/Board.nsf/Public 1/3 "r119YAKI z11 Board Docs® Pro Reductions: 1. VDOE funding was less than budgeted by $299,630.28 as final March 31, ADM was 34 students less than budgeted. Current Year Expenditures: Overall expenditures were $4,734,880.55 or 4.45% less than final budget. The driving forces behind this variance include is related certain savings in light of the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 health pandemic. Reductions: 1. Personnel lapse related to attrition, vacancies, and part -year positions of $1.8 million for contracts (1.55% of total). 2. Personnel non -contract savings of $1.2 million for ERIP days not used, substitutes not needed, and open-end positions not filled, which is a direct result of closure of schools. 3. Radio equipment savings of $323,248.64 by using the Technology Replacement Fund for all leases. 4. Utility savings of $299,864.10, mostly related to vacant buildings during the closure of schools. 5. Unused grant reserves of $200,000.00. 6. Fuels savings of $125,896.38, mostly related to not running full routes during the closure of schools. 7. Professional development savings of $88,834.33 for not attending annual training or conferences due to the social distancing requirements. 8. Various other departmental savings due to the closure of schools. June 30, 2020 Carryovers Staff recommends appropriation of June 30, 2020 carryover balances as follows: All Funds June 30, 2020 Year -L General Fund - Available $ 5,990,386.83 General Fund - Emergency 2,000,000.00 Fleet Replacement Fund 701,861.73 Instructional Resource Fund 155,766.74 Technology Replacement Fund 790,666.66 Grant Fund (87,139.95) Nutrition Fund 4,087,577.45 Minor Capital Fund -Available 796,785.89 Minor Capital Fund -CMP Available 128,840.42 Minor Capital Fund -Assigned 3,909,439.24 Major Capital Fund -Assigned 7,823,585.77 2018 Bond Fund -Assigned (1,227,333.75) Health Insurance Fund''"""` 7,978,537.04 Dental Insurance Fund 45,259.05 Risk Management Fund 1,345,897.50 OPEB Trust Fund 1,083,783.08 Student Activity Funds 2,210,573.24 $ 37,734,486.94 cy . y ,.. ,. — Rollover outstanding purchase orders $ 7,127.20 5/14/20 adopted CIP Budget 599,999.84 8/27/20 School Board approved laptop 356,500.00 https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/roecnty/Board.nsf/Public 2/3 11/13/2020 Board Docs® Pro refund 8/27/20 School Board approved laptop 7,001.00 refund fees 8/27/20 eliminate parking fees due to 36,800.00 COVID-19 9/01/20 School Board approved Bus Driver, 393,999.00 Lot Attendant, & Bus Aide bonus $500 bonus for employees grade 0 through 13, excluding Bus Drivers, Lot Attendants, & 507,425.50 Bus Aides^^ 1 -step raise for employees with available 1,098,046.83 step^^ CTE equipment 50,000.00 Conferences and travel (mostly in staff 20,000.00 development) Music uniforms 20,000.00 Transfer to CMP 1,000,000.00 Transfer to Technology Replacement Fund 652,624.00 Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund 50,000.00 English language arts textbook adoption 993,916.00 (good for 7 years) Curriculum development for remote learning 196,947.46 due to COVID-19 5,990,386.83 Health Insurance Fund** $ 682,560.17 (Transfer to General Fund for raise) General Fund Year -End Carryover 1,098,046.83 $ 1,780,607.00 The following reports are attached June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover — Year-to-date summary report of the activity and final balance in all funds. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report — (CAFR) is the set of financial statements for the School Division that complies with the accounting requirements promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). 2020-11-12 Year -End Carryover Summary.pdf (93 KB) I l 2020 CAFR_online.pdf (8,175 KB) https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/roecnty/Board.nsf/Public 3/3 Attachment D 15 Roanoke County Public Schools November 12, 2020 School Board Meeting June 30, 2020 Year -End Carryover Administration $ 102,111.80 General Fund - Available $ 5,990,386.83 School Board 70,356.08 General Fund - Emergency 21000,000.00 Elementary Instruction 84,692.76 Fleet Replacement Fund 701,861.73 Finance 11,279.45 Instructional Resource Fund 155,766.74 Human Resources 34,041.15 Technology Replacement Fund 790,666.66 IT Services 328,634.65 Grant Fund (87,139.95) Facilities and Operations (utilities and bus fuel) 597,695.51 Nutrition Fund 4,087,577.45 Pupil Personnel Services 30,752.47 Minor Capital Fund -Available 796,785.89 Secondary Instruction 123,205.21 Minor Capital Fund -CMP Available 128,840.42 Superintendent 22,784.24 Minor Capital Fund -Assigned 3,909,439.24 Career and Technical Education 7,594.06 Major Capital Fund -Assigned 7,823,585.77 Testing and Remediation 83,304.36 2018 Bond Fund -Assigned (1,227,333.75) Grant Reserves 200,000.00 Health Insurance Fund** 7,978,537.04 Departmental Savings 1,696,451.74 Dental Insurance Fund 45,259.05 Personnel Savings (2.44% of Personnel Budget) 3,038,428.81 A Risk Management Fund 1,345,897.50 Revenue in excess of budget 1,255,506.28 OPEB Trust Fund 1,083,783.08 $ 5,990,386.83 Student Activity Funds 2,210,573.24 $37,734,486.94 A Personnel savings includes $1.8 million for contracts (1.55% of total) and $1.2 million non -contract savings for ERIP, Substitutes, and Open End Available for 2020-2021 Special Needs $ 5,990,386.83 Positions, which is a direct result of COVID-19. Available for Capital Needs 925,626.31 Reserved for Special Use 30,818,473.80 $ 37,734,486.94 6/30/21 Budget Deferrals Requested Use of June 30, 2020 General Fund Year -End Carryover CTE equipment Rollover outstanding purchase orders $ 7,127.20 Conferences and travel (mostly in staff development) 51 5/14/20 adopted CIP Budget 599,999.84 Music uniforms 2! 8/27/20 School Board approved laptop refund 356,500.00 Counseling SAP (Life Counseling 2 -day program) 7,660.00 8/27/20 School Board approved laptop refund fees 7,001.00 SCOPE and RAA (professional development) 5,625.00 8/27/20 eliminate parking fees due to COVID-19 36,800.00 Transfer to CMP 1,000,000.00 9/01/20 School Board approved Bus Driver, 393,999.00 Lot Attendant, & Bus Aide bonus Transfer to Technology Replacement Fund 652,624.00 $500 bonus for employees grade 0 through 13, 507,425.50 excluding Bus Drivers, Lot Attendants, & Bus Aides^ A Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund 675,000.00 1 -step raise for employees with available step^ A 1,098,046.83 Transfer to Risk Management Fund 198,253.00 CTE equipment 50,000.00 Transfer to William Byrd Turf Replacement 40,000.00 Conferences and travel (mostly in staff development) 20,000.00 Transfer to Bogle Turf Replacement 25,000.00 Music uniforms 20,000.00 Transfer to Instructional Resources Fund Transfer to CMP 1,000,000.00 $ 2,756,758.00 Transfer to Technology Replacement Fund 652,624.00 Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund 50,000.00 English language arts textbook adoption 993,916.00 (good for 7 years) Curriculum development for remote learning 196,947.46 due to COVID-19 $ 5,990,386.83 A ^Teachers hired in the current year on step 1 will not get the 1 -step Funding for 1 -step raise for all employees Health Insurance Fund** $ 682,560.17 increase, as they should be on step 1, rather they will receive the $500 General Fund Year -End Carryover 1,098,046.83 bonus instead. $ 1,780,607.00 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $5,990,386.83 FOR ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FROM FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 YEAR- END FUNDS, RE -APPROPRIATING $682,560.17 FROM THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS HEALTH INSURANCE FUND, AND TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING TERMS OF THE COUNTY'S COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL POLICY WHEREAS, Section 10(6)(B) of the County of Roanoke Comprehensive Financial Policy (the "Policy") states that "[a]II School Operating Fund appropriations remaining at the end of the year will not lapse but shall be appropriated to the Schools and used for Major Capital projects, Minor Capital projects, Capital Maintenance Program, School Safety and Security, and/or Comprehensive Services Act reserves"; and WHEREAS, there were many uncertainties due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in developing the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget for both County of Roanoke (the "County") and Roanoke County Public Schools (the "School Board"); and WHEREAS, the Board the School Board discussed flexibility in the use of available fiscal year 2019-2020, year-end funding for Roanoke County Public Schools; and WHEREAS, insofar as several of the School Board's proposed uses of year-end funds fall outside of the categories set forth in the Policy, it is necessary for the funds to revert back to the Board for re -appropriation; and WHEREAS, the School Board has requested the allocation of year-end funds in the amount of $5,990,386.83 of fiscal year 2019-2020 for various purposes which will be set forth below; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the School Board has further requested the transfer of $682,560.17 from the Roanoke County Public Schools Health Insurance Fund, to supplement funding from fiscal year 2019-2020 year-end to provide for a one-step retroactive raise for all Roanoke County Public Schools employees; and WHEREAS, the School Board has proposed the Board re -appropriate funds to be used for the following purposes, in the following amounts: Proposed purposes for FY 2019-2020 year-end funds Amount Adopted FY 2021 CIP Project Funding $599,999.84 1 -step raise for school employees 1,098,046.83 Transfer to Capital Maintenance Program 1,000,000.00 Rollover of Outstanding Purchase Orders 7,127.20 Bus Driver, Lot Attendant and Bus Aide Bonus 393,999.00 $500 bonus for all employees in grades 0 through 13 507,425.50 Laptop Credit Card Fees Refund 7,001.00 Laptop Waiver and Refund 356,500.00 Parking Fees Waiver 36,800.00 Transfer to Fleet Replacement Fund 50,000.00 Transfer to Technology Replacement Fund 652,624.00 Curriculum Development for Remote Learning (COVID-19) 196,947.46 English Language Arts Textbook Adoption 993,916.00 CTE Equipment 50,000.00 Music Uniforms 20,000.00 Conferences and Travel (Mostly for Staff) 20,000.00 Proposed purpose of Transfer from Health Insurance Fund Amount 1 -step raise for school employees $682.560.17 Total Funds for Appropriation $6,672,947.00 WHEREAS, the Board desires to re -appropriate the funds requested by the School Board in order to assist them in addressing the unique circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 17, 2020, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 2020; Page 2 of 3 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That A) the sum of $5,990,386.83 from Roanoke County Public Schools fiscal year 2019-2020 year-end funds, and B) the sum of $682,560.17 from the Roanoke County Public Schools Health Insurance Fund, are hereby re -appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools to be used as deemed necessary by the School I:ifT ON 2. In making such re -appropriations, and because of the unique circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board temporarily suspends Section 10(6)(B) of the County of Roanoke Comprehensive Financial Policy (only as it pertains to year-end, carryover funds from fiscal year 2019-2020). Page 3 of 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: December 1, 2020 Ordinance approving a Site Use Agreement between Roanoke Gas Company and the County of Roanoke for use of a tower located on Poor Mountain, 8487 Honeysuckle Road; Windsor Hills Magisterial District and accepting and appropriating $275 monthly for the term of the lease Susan Slough Assistant Director of Communications andTechnology Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: We were approached by Roanoke Gas radio service provider, Two way Radio, due to losing their current tower location on Poor Mountain. They asked about the possibility of placing equipment on our tower located at 8449 Honeysuckle Road SW Roanoke. BACKGROUND: Traditionally tower owners/operators lease antenna space with each other if there is no frequency interference anticipated and there is enough room for vertical separation. No issues are anticipated. DISCUSSION: By placing equipment on our tower, it allows Roanoke Gas to maintain their coverage area and benefits us with a quality tenant. There have been no changes since the first reading of this ordinance held on November 17, 2020 FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke Gas would reimburse Roanoke County $275 monthly for utilities and Page 1 of 3 maintenance costs associated for the upkeep of the premises and equipment. Page 2 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriating this funding to offset site operating cost, for use in the site maintenance and upkeep of equipment and approval of this ordinance. Page 3 of 3 ANTENNA SITE AGREEMENT This Antenna Site Use Agreement ("Agreement") for County property located at 8449 Honeysuckle Road, Tax Map No. 093.00-01-44.02-0000, is entered into this day of , 2020 between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke, County, Virginia, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 ("County"), and Roanoke Gas Company, 519 Kimball Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24016 ("RGC"). For good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Premises. County is the owner land located at 8449 Honeysuckle Road, Roanoke, Virginia, on which it has a telecommunications tower and structures in which telecommunications support equipment and infrastructure are located. More specifically, parcel of land at issue in this Lease is atop Poor Mountain, in the Catawba Magisterial District. The Geodetic coordinates of the Property are as follows: 37 Degrees — 11' — 10.00" N. Latitude, and 80 Degrees — 09" — 50.00" W. Longitude (collectively, "the Premises"). RGC desires to lease space within the County's equipment shelters on the Premises to install and store certain communications equipment and space upon the each of the two Towers on the Premises in such amounts and in such locations as described on Exhibit A attached hereto, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Such RGC equipment in the County's storage structure shall not exceed 10 square feet. 2. Use. The Premises shall be used by RGC for the transmission and reception of radio communication signals on various frequencies and for the installation, maintenance and operation of necessary facilities, including, but not limited to, transceivers and an antenna. County agrees to cooperate with RGC in obtaining at RGC's expense any licenses, permits and other approvals required for RGC's use of the Premises. 3. Term. This Agreement shall be for an initial period of two (2) years ("Initial Term") commencing on Dec 1, 2020 ("Commencement Date"). RGC shall have the right to extend the Initial term for two (2) successive two (2) year periods (each a "Renewal Term") on the terms and conditions set forth herein. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for each successive Renewal Term unless either County or RGC sends written notice of non -renewal to the other no later than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, such notice to be provided in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Agreement. 4. Rent. (a) For the Initial Term, RGC shall pay County Two Hundred Seventy -Five Dollars ($275.00) per month as a reimbursement for utilities and maintenance costs associated with upkeep of the Premises and equipment. This Reimbursement shall be payable as an annual lump sum due on October 1 of each year during the Initial Term of this Agreement. 1 (b) For any Renewal Term, Rent will increase by five percent for each renewal period. (c) County grants RGC the right to draw electricity from the existing electric supply within the Premises and the Building. (d) If this Agreement is terminated prior to its expiration, rent shall be prorated to the date of termination. 5. Interference. (a) RGC shall install and operate RGC's communications equipment and antenna in a manner that will not cause interference to County and any other Lessees who lease space on the Premises as of the time of execution of this Lease. All operations by RGC shall be lawful and in compliance with all applicable federal and state requirements. (b) Subsequent to the installation of the RGC equipment, nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit County from leasing space on the premises to other parties. If RGC deems such other leases to interfere with operation of its equipment, RGC has the right to terminate this Lease, as set forth herein. 6. Improvements; Liability; Utilities; Access. (a) RGC has the right to erect, maintain and operate on the Premises radio communications facilities, including, but not limited to, transmitters and receivers and all related equipment, radio transmitting and receiving antennas and supporting structures thereto ("Lessee Facilities"). Upon notice to and consent of the County, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, RGC may undertake the work necessary to prepare, maintain and alter the Premises for RGC's business operations and to install transmission lines, connecting the antennas to the transmitters and receivers. All of RGC's installation work shall be performed at RGC's sole cost and expense and in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with County's and standard Radio frequency installation specifications. RGC has the right to remove all RGC Facilities at its sole expense on or before the expiration or earlier termination of the term, provided RGC repairs any damage to the Premises caused by such removal. RGC shall restore all portions of the Premises to suitable condition after any installation, repair or other work activity on RGC equipment. (b) If RGC wishes to install additional equipment or utilities other than what is referenced in this Agreement, it may only do so with consent of the County, and such equipment and utilities may be subject to additional rent or fees. Such additional equipment shall be subject to an addendum to this Lease. (c) With reasonable notice to County, County shall provide to RGC, RGC's employees, agents and subcontractors access over the Property to the Premises during business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. RGC agents and assigns shall only be given access when accompanied by County personnel. In the event of an emergency, RGC will notify County's on-call Comm -IT personnel to gain entry to the facility. 7. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated without further liability on thirty (30) days' prior notice as follows: (a) by either party upon a default of any covenant or term hereof by the other party, which default is not cured with sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice of default, provided that the grace period for any monetary default is ten (10) days from receipt of notice; (b) by RGC if it does not obtain or maintain any license, permit or other approval necessary to the installation and operation of the RGC Facilities; (c) by RGC if RGC determines that the Premises are not appropriate for its operations for economic or technological reasons, including signal interference; or (d) the County may terminate this Agreement for cause if the County determines that RGC's actions pose a risk of violation of any federal or state law, regulation or ordinance applicable to public health, safety or welfare and issues written notice, or if RGC's actions result in the issuance of a legal Notice of Violation of any public health, safety or welfare law, regulation or ordinance and RGC is unable to cure the conditions specified in the County's notice or the legal Notice of Violation within the time prescribed therein. 8. Taxes. County is a tax-exempt entity. County's status shall not inure to the benefit of RGC. RGC shall pay all applicable local, state and federal taxes attributable to its equipment, antennas and infrastructure. 9. Insurance. (a) RGC shall procure, maintain and pay for a public liability policy, naming County as an additional insured, by endorsement, with limits of $1,000,000 for bodily injury, $1,000,000 for property damage, $2,000,000 aggregate, with a certificate of insurance to be furnished to County at the time of execution of this Lease. (b) RGC will indemnify and hold harmless the County for any losses, damages, claims, lawsuits or judgments of any kind arising out of RGC's lease of the Premises. 10. Destruction of Premises. If the Premises or Facilities are destroyed or damaged, RGC may elect to terminate this Agreement as of the date of the damage or destruction by notice given to County no more than forty-five (45) days following the date of any such damage or destruction. In such event, all rights and obligations of the parties shall cease as of the date of the damage or destruction. 11. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered, sent by facsimile or by an overnight courier providing proof of service, or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses. If to County: County of Roanoke, Virginia P.O. BOX 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Attention: Director of General Services If to RGC: Roanoke Gas Company PO Box 13007 Roanoke, VA 24030 Attention: Paul Schneider, P.E. 12. Title and Quiet Enjoyment. County warrants that it has full right, power and authority to execute this Agreement and has good and marketable title to the Property. County further warrants that RGC shall, provided RGC is not in material default, have the quiet enjoyment of the Premises. 13. Assignment. Either party may, upon notice to the other party, assign or transfer its rights and obligations arising under this Agreement to any of its governmental entities or affiliates, or to a successor by consolidation or merger. In all other instances, either party may assign or transfer its rights and obligations only upon written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be withheld or delayed unreasonably. 14. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall run with the Land. RGC shall have the right to submit this Agreement for recordation to the appropriate governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Property. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and assigns. 15. Tower Marking and Lighting Requirements. County acknowledges that shall be responsible for compliance with all tower or building marking and lighting requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") or the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"). 16. Miscellaneous. (a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and supersedes all offers, negotiations and other agreements. There are no representations or understanding of any kind not set forth herein. Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties. (b) If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable with respect to any party, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such provision to persons other than those as to whom it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: ROANOKE GAS COMPANY By Its: Commonwealth of Virginia, County/City of , to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by My commission expires: Registration No. Notary Public [remainder ofpage intentionally blank] BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Commonwealth of Virginia, County/City of , to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2020, by Notary Public My commission expires: Registration No. EXHIBIT A RC Poor Mtn Towers EXHIBIT B The RGC Property shall consist of the following: (a) Floor space in the smaller EMS shelter right hand side: floor space shall be sufficient in size to accommodate Lessee's one (1) equipment cabinet, having a footprint of 48" height x 24" width x 18" depth, together with clearance of approximately 1' in front and 1' in rear of the cabinet to facilitate servicing the equipment, Qty -1 MTR2000 VHF Transceiver (150Mhz). (b) Space for Qty -1 VHF antenna on top of smaller tower (75'-100') Antenna and new coax, polyphasers and grounding hardware. ff RGC Base equipment to be located in tthis spot Poor Mtn EMS Bldg Front Left Conrer Lek Side of Building AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROANOKE COUNTY AND ROANOKE GAS COMPANY FOR A COMMUNICATIONS ANTENNA AT 8449 HONEYSUCKLE ROAD WHEREAS, Roanoke County and Roanoke Gas Company ("RGC"), wish to enter into a ground lease for an antenna site and ten square feet of space inside the County's equipment shelter on property owned by the County at 8449 Honeysuckle Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, for purposes of installing and maintaining RGC communications equipment including but not limited to transceivers and antennas; and WHEREAS, RGC is the primary natural gas utility in the County and location of the antennas and communications equipment is critical to its operations; and WHEREAS, the parties have determined that such ground lease will not adversely affect the County's emergency communications equipment and tower on the property; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition or conveyance of an interest in real estate, including leases, shall be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 17, 2020 and the second reading was held on December 1, 2020. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The 2020 ground lease between Roanoke County and Roanoke Gas Company be approved. 2. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and to execute such other documents and take such further actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Open district appointments. BACKGROUND: 1. Library Board (appointed by District) The following District appointments remains open: Vinton Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism (appointed by District) Mike Roop's three (3) year term representing the Vinton Magisterial District has expired effective June 30, 2019. Open Windsor Hills Magisterial District FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for December 1, 2020, designated as Item I - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 3 inclusive, as follows: 1. Confirmation of appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Board of Directors and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority 2. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,433.90 from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership to the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office 3. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $19,275 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: December 1, 2020 Confirmation of appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Board of Directors and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Confirmation of appointments. BACKGROUND: Blue Ridge Behavioral Health Care Board of Directors: Blue Ridge has recommended Carol Whitt, the Roanoke County Representative be reappointed to a three-year term to expire 12-31-2023 Blue Ridge has recommended that Helen Ferguson (At -Large) be reappointed to an additional three year term to expire 12-31-2023 be ratified by the Board. It is the consensus of the Board to reappoint both individuals. Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority: It is the consensus of the Board to reappoint the following individuals to an additional one-year term to expire December 31, 2021. Eric Orange Richard Caywood Rebecca Owens Page 1 of 2 Martha Hooker Additionally, it is the consensus of the Board to appoint Paul M. Mahoney to a one-year term to expire December 31, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of all individuals. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: December 1, 2020 Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $19,275 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds SUBMITTED BY: Jill Camilletti Deputy Clerk IV APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Acceptance and allocation of funds in the amount of $19,275 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia BACKGROUND: Technology Trust Funds represent fees collected by the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, and have been received from the State in the amount of $19,275. In accordance with State of Virginia Code Section 17.1-279, the Circuit Court Clerks Office shall assess a $5.00 fee called Technology Trust Fund Fee. Each month, the Clerk's Office can request the fees that were assessed the previous month. The code section further states that four of every five dollar fee shall be allocated by the Compensation Board from the trust fund for the purposes of obtaining and updating office automation and information technology equipment including software and conversion services; preserving, maintaining and enhancing court records, including but not limited to the costs of repairs, maintenance, land records, consulting services, service contracts, redaction of social security numbers from land records and system replacement or upgrades and improving public access to court records. DISCUSSION: The funds received from the Commonwealth of Virginia have been earmarked for maintenance needs for the Clerk of Circuit Court, specifically towards the twice yearly Page 1 of 2 maintenance bill from the Supreme Court for maintaining their records, offset the cost of postage, equipment, etc. FISCAL IMPACT: All funds are provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia. No County matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $19,275 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: December 1, 2020 Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,433.90 from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership to the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office SUBMITTED BY: Eric Orange Sheriff APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: The acceptance and allocation of $2,433.90 from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) grant. BACKGROUND: The U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) grant, created by the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1988, is a unique Department of Justice initiative designed to provide a critical resource to state and local law enforcement. Since 1999, the BVP program has awarded more than 13,000 jurisdictions a total of $467 million in federal funding for the purchase of over 1 million ballistic vests. DISCUSSION: The U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) has awarded the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office grant funds to assist in the purchase of protective vests. FISCAL IMPACT: The total amount of the grant awarded is $2,433.90, which includes a fifty percent (50%) match. The U.S. Department of Justice grant funds a total of $1,216.95 and the County match of $1,216.95 was appropriated by the Board of Supervisors in the fiscal year Page 1 of 2 2020-2021 Sheriff's Office budget. No additional appropriation of County funds is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the acceptance and allocation of grant funds in the amount of $2,433.90 to the Sheriff's Office from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bulletproof Vest Partnership. Page 2 of 2 Jurisdiction's Handbook hnps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/bvp/vests/roles/lea/history/award_dctails jsp... AWARD SUMMARY Listed below shows the detail information for the award you selected. ROANOKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AWARD SUMMARY Total Award Program Award Number Status Amount Proposed Amount 2020 Approved Regular 2020BUBX20020842 by BVP $1,216.95 $2,433.90 Solicitation Funding Percentage: 50.00% Expiration Date: 08/31/2022 AWARD 2020BUBX20020842 FINANCIAL HISTORY Transaction Type Invoice Number Date Amount + Award in Processing 09/01/2020 $1,216.95 OBLIGATION 10/19/2020 $1,216.95 Comments: Award Released on 10/19/2020 + Award Balance $1,216.95 RETURN I of 1 10/20/2020, 2:42 PM O M O Ln N 01 lD M O N Ol M L. O M N � 00 OJ v O O '0 Ln O O f6� O O m C O V Vi- Vi- � o O O • O C o � N r -I OJ � O Ln 00 Ln 00 f0 OJ 'i V N M N M Q. a O l0 M l0 M CL m N N CL co C O N M o N N 0 O m N Q0 U O U C l6 C � � � N 0 0 O N � � � O M � � O � fV N cI N O N O N O O N p N N L OJ v C �f O 0 n3Li w L v Q v 0 4.1 a, 'a O y � O y L Q CL V C Q Q i0 Q Q m COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CHANGES IN OUTSTANDING DEBT Changes in outstanding debt for the fiscal year to date were as follows $ 176,726,541 $ - Outstanding Deletions December 01, 2020 - $ 948,122 8,546,276 74,515,490 3,470,000 77,530,000 12,016,276 152,993,612 - 11,716,653 $ 12,016,276 $ 164,710,265 Submitted By Laurie L. Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Approved By Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Unaudited Outstanding June 30, 2020 Additions General Obligation Bonds $ 948,122 $ - ; VPSA School Bonds 83,061,766 - Lease Revenue Bonds 81,000,000 - Subtotal _ 165,009,888 - Premiums 11,716,653 - $ 176,726,541 $ - Outstanding Deletions December 01, 2020 - $ 948,122 8,546,276 74,515,490 3,470,000 77,530,000 12,016,276 152,993,612 - 11,716,653 $ 12,016,276 $ 164,710,265 Submitted By Laurie L. Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Approved By Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: December 1, 2020 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 31 -Oct -20 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASHINVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON 3,296,512.79 3,296,512.79 GOVERNMENT: SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA 6,474.00 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 38,002,125.47 WELLS FARGO 0.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA 0.00 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION 25,787,151.89 MONEY MARKET: ATLANTIC UNION BANK 2,039,340.95 HOMETRUST BANK 2,024,590.88 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 14,368,244.09 WELLS FARGO 5,287,715.83 TOTAL 11/17/2020 38,008,599.47 25,787,151.89 23,719,891.75 90,812,155.90