HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/26/2021 - RegularINVOCATION: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2021 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: "Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board." Page 1 of 5 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda January 26, 2021 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for January 26, 2021. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Because of the present state of emergency, and until further notice, members of the public are urged not to attend Board of Supervisor meetings in person. All are encouraged to view and participate in meetings through electronic means. Meetings may be viewed live on RVTV, Channel 3, or on the County's website https://roanokecountyva.gov (and accessed by clicking on the "Watch Board Meetings Online" button). Prior to and during meetings, citizens may share comments by email (to djacks@roanokecountyva.gov) or by phone (540-776- 7278). When submitting comments, please include your name and address. Comments submitted by email and by phone will be read aloud during meetings, subject to reasonable time limitations. For those individuals who desire to attend meetings in person, please be advised that seating modifications and limits have been established in order to facilitate social distancing; attendees who are not of the same household must sit six feet apart; and attendance at meetings will be limited to 25 individuals. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to David F. Radford for his service as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 2020 (P. Jason Peters, Chairman) Page 2 of 5 D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Daniel R. O'Donnell, County Administrator) 2. Briefing on the Economic Development Strategic Planning process for 2021 (Jill Loope, Director of Economic Development; Scott Tate, Ph.D., Associate Director, Economic Development, Office of Economic Development Outreach and International Affairs) E. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission: 1. The petition of R. P. Fralin, Inc. to rezone approximately 41.85 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District to R-1, Low Density Residential, District to develop a 124 -lot single-family home subdivision located at 5524 Old Mountain Road, Hollins Magisterial District 2. The petition of Zye and Gaven Reinhardt to obtain a special use permit in an AR, Agricultural/Residential, District for a special events facility on approximately 31.32 acres, located at 2875 Timberview Road, Catawba Magisterial District F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Article 1 (General Provisions), Article 11, (Definitions and Use Types), Article III (District Regulations), Article IV (Use and Design Standards) and Article V (Development Standards) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Philip Thompson, Director of Planning) 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of permanent and temporary easements on parcels owned by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (Tax Map Parcel Numbers 080.00-05-02.01-0000, 080.00-05-03.00-0000, and 080.00-05-04.00- 0000) for development of the Roanoke River Greenway in the Vinton Magisterial District (Lindsay Webb, Parks, Planning and Development Manager) 3. Ordinance approving a permanent easement to Roanoke Gas Company on parcel owned by Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map Number 036.03-01-01.00-0000) for the development of the Stormwater Operations Building at the Public Service Center (Doug Blount, Director of General Services and Parks, Recreation and Tourism) Page 3 of 5 4. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of permanent and temporary easements at Explore Park owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (Tax Map Parcel Number 080.00-05-24.00-0000) for development of the Roanoke River Greenway in the Vinton Magisterial District (Lindsay Webb, Parks, Planning and Development Manager) G. APPOINTMENTS 1. Library Board (appointed by District) 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism (appointed by District) H. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes — December 1, 2021 2. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $1,816 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds 3. Resolution requesting acceptance of Old York Road into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System 4. Confirmation of appointments to the Roanoke County Audit Committee I. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS J. REPORTS 1. Unappropriated, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of December 31, 2020 4. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of December 31, 2020 5. Accounts Paid — December 31, 2020 6. Statement of Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of December 31, 2020 Page 4 of 5 K. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to review with the Board of Supervisors fiscal year 2020-2021 mid- year revenues and expenditures and fiscal year 2021-2022 budget issues (Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance and Management Services; Steve Elliott, Budget Manager) EVENING SESSION — 7:00 P.M. L. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. The petition of Kent Wheeler to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1 C, Low Density Residential, District with conditions to 1-2, High Intensity Industrial, District and to rezone approximately 14.483 acres from 1-2, High Intensity Industrial, District to AG -1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density, District, located at and near 5454 Aerospace Road, Vinton Magisterial District (Philip Thompson, Director of Planning) M. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Paul M. Mahoney 2. Phil C. North 3. David F. Radford 4. Martha B. Hooker 5. P. Jason Peters O. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 5 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: Resolution of appreciation to David F. Radford for his service as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 2020 Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator This time has been set aside to recognize David F. Radford for his service as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 2020. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2021 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO DAVID F. RADFORD FOR HIS SERVICE AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN 2020 WHEREAS, David F. Radford served as Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors during 2020; and WHEREAS, during Mr. Radford's term as Chairman, the County achieved a variety of accomplishments, including: • Adapting to the challenges of continuing to serve the citizens of Roanoke County during the COVID-19 pandemic. • Adjusting operations while facilities were closed in order to conduct business, stay connected with individuals and families, and provide outdoor recreation opportunities. • Providing aid to small businesses, granting short term financial assistance to citizens, and making important infrastructure improvements, utilizing federal CARES Act funding and other grants. • The first Illuminights event, bringing in more than 43,000 visitors to Explore Park. • Continued growth at Explore Park through its vendor partners. • Acquisition of additional land to double the size of the Read Mountain Preserve. • Emphasizing support of our public safety departments to ensure our citizens enjoy living in a safe and healthy community. • Ensuring adequate emergency response capabilities and improved coverage to further protect our community through a $3 million grant from the Department of Homeland Security for fifteen additional firefighter positions. • Numerous local, state and national awards and accolades for County programs and services. • A broadband study to identify areas in the County that are either under- served or unserved by broadband services. • $976,000 from the Governor's new Fast Track Broadband program, enabling the County to advance broadband initiatives in the most rural parts of Roanoke County. • Numerous transportation projects that will increase safety, ease traffic congestion, and widen busy roadways. Page 1 of 2 • The $13 million investment by Mack Trucks to produce a new line of medium duty trucks and create 250 new jobs at its Roanoke Valley Operations in the County. • A $15,000 Community Development Block Grant for Opportunity Zone marketing of the Wood Haven Technology Park. • Regional planning efforts with the City of Roanoke to move forward the Oak Grove Center Plan. • Adoption of the Hollins Center Plan into the County's Comprehensive Plan to guide growth and development of the area. • A $20,000 Governor's Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund Grant for the Catawba Sustainability Center. WHEREAS, the Board recognizes Chairman Radford's contribution to the economic growth in Roanoke County throughout his term; and WHEREAS, Chairman Radford emphasized sound financial strategies and practices and promoted regional projects and initiatives to benefit all the residents of the Roanoke Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to David F. Radford for his collaborative and steady leadership of the Board of Supervisors as Chairman during 2020 and for his belief in democracy and championing of citizen participation in local government. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: Briefing to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator Briefing for the Board of Supervisors regarding the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). BACKGROUND: As part of the annual budget process, the County Administrator presents a ten-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for consideration by the Board of Supervisors. This briefing provides an overview of the ten-year CIP. The Board of Supervisors will deliberate the priorities, projects, and funding sources included in the proposed CIP through budget adoption on May 11, 2020. DISCUSSION: This time has been scheduled to provide the Board of Supervisors with a briefing on the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2031 CIP. The proposed CIP document and the presentation providing an overview of the CIP will be distributed to the Board of Supervisors at the January 26, 2021 meeting. A work session was held on January 12, 2021 to review the proposed CIP. Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the briefing. The fiscal impact of the CIP will be determined at adoption of the fiscal year 2021-2022 budget on May 11, 2021. The Board of Supervisors will adopt for appropriation the first year of the ten-year CIP as part of the annual budget ordinances. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of Supervisors receive information regarding the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Program. Page 2 of 2 CL U ._ N CD ri co Li -L.- C\I 0 >- 0) -b LL o b., L. , L._ .s _i_ , 0_ 4E4) E ' 0 i N E ' 73 >— 5,- < u_ oc.) 48 3) im 0 N coC Q Q C _i_ 8:Q 0U January 26, 2021 0 -a c 00)Q Improvement Program Summary • FY 2022 — FY 2031 Capita Q) (1) > 0C C D LL r -I m O N >- LL N I 0 - (NJ CU 4-1N O N X LL z . . E 2 0) 0 Ci:c 0 E c7) 0 c\I o 2 >- Q ' E 1 — >2 N00 N O 'Q c\I �U vDi Go 4D .— .6 co 8: O LL 6-0 I c N � LL N O D N C >-(3 LL 0 W •� (/) C OL - 0 oa- 8: U 8:U 0 73 C 0 0- V) V) CU C CU0 t W 0 C 0 • CD ci CU C (130 0 CU •- co 0 U_ c . 'CU CU t ca a) L E (! 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N r -i r-1 rn (N -u)- 0 J) - O 01 rn IJ} 01 rn 01 d 00 rn N 00 00 rn Roanoke County Broadband Authority Initiative N r-1 O m IJ} 00 r-1 N N VD 01 N IA- (NI rn 01 OC rn N 01 01 N r-1 4-1 CU o_ 0 L co on 0 0 c U 1- c DZS N c O 2 ' -0 .N 0 = 0 Cr Q Improvements O O O O 0 O O O O 419 Town Center Development Standards O O O O 0 m O O O O m Rural Broadband Initiative l0 r -I Tr r -I l0 u0 I" 00 N LID e 0 LnT elN 00LnN I" LID 00 O CI I" C aV E 0. 0 �, cu 0 u .E 0 i U W 1- 0 0_ 0_ L- CD 0 CN1 L_ O N v� 0 06 N go W � O 0a r, () 2 p M N L N N 0 L O O O O 0 iJ} O 0 0 r -I iJ} Route 460/Challenger Ave Study Fallowater Lane Extension* O O O N N iJ} O O 0 m 0 00 0 N 0 0 O N iJ} VDOT Revenue Sharing Program* 0 0 0 O Lf) N iJ} O O 0 00 r -I 0 00 Ln O 0 0 N iJ} NPDES — MS4 BMP Construction O O O Li Lf1 r-1 N iJ} 0 0 0 LriLf1 r-1 0 00 0 N O 0 0 N iJ} Storm Drainage Maintenance of Effort 0 01 0 0 0 M M 0 0 0o r -I co Total, Transportation & Stormwater *FY 2022 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program funding is planned for Fallowater Lane Extension project N U 0 •� O n� 0_ v co OCN O >- u_ I c) N • N O D N 0- >- u_ - > - g O) O (n O O c O U 0 O Emergency Medical Dispatch O 0 0 iJ} O O 0 O O Lri N Email & Productivity Tools Replacement Network & IT Infrastructure Replacement Plan O O O O O O Diesel Exhaust Removal System Emergency 911 Phone System Upgrade O m 00 00 00 m 00 00 00 Global HR: HR & Payroll Modules O O 0 00 rn 0 0 0 00 r -I iJ} 0 0 Computer Replacement Program O O O Lri N Public Computer Replacement Plan (Library) O O O Lri N O O O Lri N iJ} Voting Machine Replacement 0 M 00 0 0 0 LID L!i 0 00 LID M of N 0 0 0 L!i L!i Total, Technology & Public Safety Z O V z cC N c -I U CO0 N ›— CN N sa) O '� N N N 0) (63 .0 Q� O P I 1 N M N O O N N � LLL>- LI- LL f0 H 0 0 0 Ln N 0 00 r -I 0 0 0 Ln 00 r -I 0 0 0 O r -I 0 0 0 0 0 r -▪ I To � N CU N N N O t 0_ - O N dA - 0 • 0 0_Q • Q U O • Oa.., t co � U LL teC a•+ � U E te•+ C C O General Government Fund Transfer r -I N N m cri r -I 00 r -I N r -I r -I Lf) 0 m r -I N N rn N 00 N f0 Q U Q) vi co a.., -C U Q) N U �b.0 41)0 4- >.+ OC U - LL Q) ++ -C a + N 0 O a 4- > C U cc t co >. 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ITEM NO. D.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Briefing on the Economic Development Strategic Planning process for 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Jill Loope Director of Economic Development APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: This time has been set aside to brief the Board on the 2021 Economic Development Strategic Plan process lead by the Virginia Tech Office of Economic Development. BACKGROUND: The Economic Development Strategic Plan will help guide the direction and focus of Roanoke County's Economic Development Program over the next 5 years. The plan will reflect changing County demographics, industry conditions and consumer preferences, and will establish economic development priorities for post COVID-19 recovery and vitality. The Economic Development Strategic Plan will include strategic recommendations to enhance Roanoke County's business climate, advance the economic health and recovery of the County, and support economic vitality consistent with the County's character and strengths. The Plan will also serve as a foundation for the work program for the Economic Development Department, and will align with related County initiatives and priorities. Scott Tate, Ph.D., Associate Director, Economic Development, Office of Economic Development Outreach and International Affairs will be in attendance. Page 1 of 1 U c�d a O V O � V � w � cd C/D 0 U Cm) o ° o a) OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT z 0 C!) U U N SCOTT TATE, ASHLEY POSTHUMUS 0 0 N JANUARY 26TH, VIRGINIA TECH OFFICE 1 OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a) C 0 i OA CO a j 0 O C N U ate+ -Ico -, (6 CO E -I-,p a) +' N co cn CO U i O 0 - +' Q co = 0 0 C U d 0 c N LU CO •a O cB L O a) O CO N U a) U L-0 CO CO c 'E co N aD i co O --+ 0 o a) co E CO LA C N CC ON -I-,Lll O N co z� N cB > CO W C co +' C O J L N Q v, N Q Q > Vf N C > QCO de a) co a) Q c 'E La E O +'— + Q> U 4-)L U a1 N > 0 C O v • • numerous projects. (o �' E Q (a c N N O uj O 0 U (a — to U N co N u) E ;, N N N to O > ? O O N to +� O (� O N c� Q `� O (a N a O .0 CD CO o_ -0, >CT a) L E N N O o O co U O O O % = (� (a U O j > Q 0 w i N Q, to �_-' Q c H D i i — a3 E gO O to 0 O to O }, +� +• V U cn U •x N E O N •' �' N [� a3 o N O Q= o a) E a) U_o a c n `� ca ca }' +� > a a� 0 u) = -0 U0 (5E Q 5cD0 co0_ Q co U co cci 4- Q O Q Q 0: 1-1-W� a) co c o 4- t5 U N � • O) Q a 1 a) E 0 0 resources. OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Serve as a foundation for a) L a) > o 0) co 0 o O c�0 Q> co E a) w opo . -� a)o 0 x p I a) business climate I T o c) O ooca O To ET2 o a) U (1) O E cn U o co = cn > O O a) o �U U Uta) -c c a) O > Q_ N Q CO (!) Be a "living" document... 0 c a) O .- U .= -o .= a)o co -0 N � C t771 Q • OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT L DRAFT REPORT AND PUBLIC INPUT DATA COLLECTION COMPLETE SEPTEMBER, 2021 PROJECT KICKOFF MARCH, 2021 NOVEMBER, 2021 0 z JANUARY,2o21 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Q) co a) O O EW o � a) o c -o UU a) E O O }' U O O a) L O C.)co Q U o Q 5, N co a) L O O CB O CO a) � • %." sof c .x sa O .L (13 > o 0 N a) o a) N a)cco co U •S oo •c L a U i CBI � 4- 0) a c o E O E co U)a) cc W H c6 It . M f - . = IL 1 llh, 1• a) -o .cco (/) O) co _._,., Q co co N cmc a) = cm r L -1- O O co = a) = Q- E }' a) p O O • Q DO 0 vi . tea) O� U O) 4- (C/) •N (C/) a) c O a) a) -0 (/) a)4>c COU L co L- � c (6 c— O O >, N a) W u) m cn 7 E a) O) a) 1 a) r L c •(n O CO L _C 73 O -0 CO a) c c6 a)U a) oO c D N N 0 r N c CO 0) ai o CO _c 17) N -tc 1— •— 6 O tiC .- O N O O lac6 ._ � �� clE E a) �o>0 �0 X0'0 w ct -0 w C� co • • • Q O L 0) E E 0 0 N co O co N E Q o .c N N _a � a O • • • 0 .0 �U cu cu CJ) C!) cu cu cn Q pE O O a.5 b a� d U N tj • r-, N cn U •U c-+ Cfl • °�� cd N cD° O of O p UO '' di UdiC cd UdU CJp N W i N OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: The petition of R. P. Fralin, Inc. to rezone approximately 41.85 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District to R-1, Low Density Residential, District to develop a 124 -lot single- family home subdivision located at 5524 Old Mountain Road, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Director of Planning APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Consent agenda item for first reading on an ordinance. BACKGROUND: The first reading of this ordinance is accomplished by adoption of this ordinance in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for February 23, 2021. The title of this ordinance is as follows: 1. The petition of R. P. Fralin, Inc. to rezone approximately 41.85 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District to R-1, Low Density Residential, District to develop a 124 -lot single-family home subdivision located at 5524 Old Mountain Road, Hollins Magisterial District. Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: There is no discussion on this item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of this ordinance for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for February 23, 2021. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item(s) 1, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Page 2 of 2 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P (:) Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 For Staff Use OWI 1 received 1. lifacac teceivett bk. Phone: Work: Sifo - 2.nLf.L2et7 Y_ lot, Cell #: — - - Fax No.: nppi,e,uo, Ge tit/nrnd vacs. [ {?lava ti IstiULY� cif )S da, Property Location 5 5 Ral. of A Out, -A,-,, I65 KoA. •.,nt.e. U A a-zto 1, Magisterial District: 1-4 of 1 ,,,_5 l'iltic NumbePZ ^ Q. OC)© 9 Zoning: .41:,a f( ;51,-.12') ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) rt Rezoning 0 Special Use ❑ Variance ❑ Waiver ❑ Administrative Appeal ❑ Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicants name/address vv/zip R.?. C r•..,1Isr,, T,uc . S 9,11 S©u...}y. (�•acnwcse_ i.)r;re (t,,aV,_ VA4, ago) `j Phone: Work: Sifo - 2.nLf.L2et7 Y_ lot, Cell #: — - - Fax No.: Owner's name/address w/zip fhc.cc� 5c_clit$ (hLCA,-lrci,e, Ly.A, CkteA- c,-/,19 U calrl ox --6.-"A`,.‘!“- Re/ 0 i! -7 lioa.,c fL4.twdl�. NIA 2..4i/3i 1 1 -I: -Jot e51%„. Phone #: thy.: 5410. 105 - 11 u :_ vacs. °A 1t -Work: '3^4,("0e alik'•\ - S <)- 52«• Ori Q Fax Noi#: VA 'Q` -I1 Olt Property Location 5 5 Ral. of A Out, -A,-,, I65 KoA. •.,nt.e. U A a-zto 1, Magisterial District: 1-4 of 1 ,,,_5 Community Planning area: Tax Map No.: c.,17.60.0 -l5 ..00- 0000Existing Zoning: .41:,a f( ;51,-.12') Size ofparcel(s): Acre: 41.16 Existing Land Use: S: ",3\e Ca..,�4k Vi.a.e REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAIVER AND COMP PLAN {05.2-2232) REVIEW APPLICANTS (R/S/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: - 2. Proposed Land Use: 'Dt-f m,1- 5,Aell.3..tIs 'it-ei 4.r;4,11)14- I)( c. Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST (Rezoning). Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type in Article IV (Special Use Permit)? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YesX No VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (V/TV/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance �_______ Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S/W/CP V/AA R/S/W/CP V/AA R/S/WICP V/AA Consultation 8 1/2” x 11" concept plan Application fee Application ✓ Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification / Water and sewer ap lication Adjoining property owners 1 hereby certify that 1 am either the owner of the erty or the owne ' agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent rale owner. 4 L1 Owner's Signature 2 September 11, 2020 Board of Supervisors & Planning Commission of Roanoke County 5204 Bernard Dr. Roanoke, VA 24018 Attn: Mr. Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning Re: Boxwood Subdivision R1 — Residential Lot Rezoning Request Tax Parcel #039.01-01-13.00-0000 Dear Mr. Thompson, R.P. Fralin, Inc. is requesting to rezone Tax Parcel #039.0101-13.00-0000 from 11 Industry Type 1 to R1 Residential to allow for the development of a single-family subdivision. The site is approximately 41.85 acres, and is located on 5524 Old Mountain Road, surrounded North and South by residential neighborhoods in the County and Roanoke City, respectively. This makes it an ideal living opportunity for families and retirees alike, which is commensurate with Roanoke County's goals for new residential housing, and it is consistent with population trends in Roanoke County. As you are aware, Roanoke County identifies a need for various housing types to meet the current and future demand of the County. There is a need to allow the types of housing which will provide Roanoke County the diversity in housing that it seeks. To that end, we are requesting this rezoning and it is our pleasure to propose Boxwood. This community will provide excellent living opportunities in the desirable Roanoke County community. This new Roanoke County community will consist of approximately 124 new single-family homes. The homes will be a mix of two-story, one and one-half story, and patio style homes. Boxwood will mandate a commitment to the aesthetic quality and architecture. To that end, we have also included examples of the styles of homes (Exhibit A) that we plan to offer the Roanoke County community in Boxwood. The property will be subdivided in general conformance with the preliminary Concept Plan (Exhibit B). The existing single-family dwelling will be removed. We will develop and build in phases as market conditions dictate and anticipate starting in the southwest portion of the parcel. As we discussed, the Comprehensive Plan designates this site as Principal Industrial. We believe that when this property was designated for Industrial, the needs for the County were different than they are today as it pertains to this property. As we know, Comprehensive Plans change over time, and it has been a significant amount of years since the last Comprehensive Plan was written. Although well - intended, the land does not lay well for industrial use. Further, the land is surrounded with residential use both in the Roanoke City side and the Roanoke County side. Lastly, the traffic generated from this use is far less burdensome and dangerous than industrial use. In other words, the site is ideally located near the Peters Creek Road and Williamson Road corridors and the proposed use is consistent with the residentially zoned properties to the North, South and East. In addition, the location has been used as a single-family home for over 100 years. The parcel appears to simply not be viable as an industrial site. As further evidence, please consider the industrially zoned parcels located north of the site along Old Mountain and Shadwell that have also sat unimproved, yet lay better for industrial development than this one. Page 1 of 4 This site is within close proximity to the "Hollins Center," and Boxwood will complement the Plan's objectives. This community will support the initiative to have a commercial center. Further, Boxwood will offer scenic views of the coveted Read Mountain Preserve, which is also a key focal point of the Hollins Center Plan. Boxwood repurposes an outdated property to satisfy the need for new and affordable housing, which is also in keeping with the Hollins Center Plan. While the market is dynamic and subject to change, we anticipate an array of price ranges starting at $249,950. We will not sacrifice our commitment to quality and standard finishes, such as granite countertops and architectural shingles. The property will be served by public water and public sewer, which makes it appropriate for the proposed zoning. Stormwater management and quality will be provided as required by applicable regulations. Per the Roanoke County guidelines, the proposed land use is not considered high traffic. The North County Fire and Rescue Station #1 is located within 2 miles to the subject property and will conveniently provide services to this property. We performed a Traffic Study on the Site (Exhibit C) and determined that the proposed community does not trigger warrants for additional turn lanes or modifications to existing roadways. The schools serving this community will be Mountain View Elementary, Northside Middle School and Northside High School. The addition of the Boxwood community to Roanoke County will provided much needed help to alleviate the declining school enrollment population. Using the following model, the anticipated number of school age children at full build -out is approximately forty-seven (47) additional students: (# of proposed dwelling units) x (persons/household) x 15% = # of school aged children, (124 x 2.55 x 15%) = 47 In summary, we are confident that Boxwood will further the goals set by Roanoke County, meet a market need for new homes, and be a very positive addition to the Roanoke County community. It will also provide economic development opportunity for this section of Roanoke County and the region as a whole. We are excited to present Boxwood to the Planning Commission, the Board of Supervisors, and the Roanoke County citizens. As a Roanoke County based business, we are excited to have the opportunity to be a catalyst for growth in Roanoke County: We remain committed to providing Roanoke County with all information necessary to consider this request and welcome input from all interested parties. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions. Sincerely, 1,(4,6? Robert P. Fralin, President, R.P. Fralin, Inc. Page 2 of 4 VICINITY MAP Page 3 of 4 ADJACENT PROPERTIES Northern Property Boundary Toms Creek Investors LC P.O. Box 10296 Blacksburg, VA 24062 TM# 039.01-01-10.00-0000 Zoning: R2 17.1 Acres Pamela Hope and Carl Dudley Jannay 5403 Meadowcrest St Roanoke, VA 24019 TM#: 039.01-01-05.00-0000 Zoning: R1 12.82 Acres Mary Ann and Michael A Croom 1321 Carlos Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 TM#: 039.01-01-07.03-0000 Zoning: R.1 1.08 Acres Sara Ann and Jason Alexander McKnight 1335 Carlos Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 TM#: 039.01-01-11.00-0000 Zoning: R2 1.8 Acres Southern Property Boundary Roanoke City Parcels Western Property Boundary Mildred P Hinman Testamentary TR; Trust Company of Virginia TRS 204 South Jefferson Street, Suite 200 Roanoke, VA 24011 TM#: 038.16.01-09.01-0000 Zoning: 11 19.4 Acres Debra C. Moore 6214 Chip Circle Roanoke, VA 24018 TM#: 039.09-01-06.00-0000 Zoning: 11/12 3.55 Acres Eastern Property Boundary Mary Scott McCutchen 5449 Old Mountain Road Roanoke, VA 24019 TM# 039.01-01-21.00-0000 Zoning: R1 1.41 Acres Sandra L. and Michael D. Prosser 4325 Old Virginia Street Roanoke, VA 24019 TM# 039.01-01-20.00-0000 Zoning: RI 0.44 Acres Sandra L. and Michael D. Prosser 4325 Old Virginia Street Roanoke, VA 24019 TM# 039.01-01-19.00-0000 Zoning: R1 0.7 Acres Page 4 of 4 REZONING PARCEL TM# 039.01-01-13.00-0000 DEEDED ACREAGE: 38.77 AC. ESTIMATED ACREAGE: 41.85 AC. 1 J 038.16-01-03.01-0000 039.09-01-06.0000 039.01-05.00-0000 039.01-01-07.03-0000 039.01-01-11.00-0000 039.01-01-10,00-0000 7 039.01-01-25.00-0000 8 039.01-01-21.00-0000 039.01-01-20.00-0000 10 039.01-01-19.00-0000 ENONEER it CONCEPTS, INC. OWNER NAME TESTAMENTARY TR TRUST COMPANY OF VIRGINIA TRS DEBRA C MOORE CARL DUDLEY & PAMELA HOPE DUDLEY MICHAEL & MARY ANN CROOM JASON & SARA ANN MCKNIGHT TOMS CREEK INVESTORS LLC MICHAEL D PROSSER MARY SCOTT MCCUTCHEN MICHAEL & SANDRA PROSSER ADDRESS 204 SOUTH JEFFERSON STREET SUITE 200 5075 HOLLINS ROAD 0 CARLOS DRIVE 1321 CARLOS DRIVE 1335 CARLOS DRIVE 0 OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD 5601 OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD 5449 OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD 0 OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD MICHAEL & SANDRA PROSSER 5415 OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD ADJACENT PARCELS BOXWOOD REZONING ROANOKE COUNTY VA ZONING 11 11/1/2 R1 R1 R2 R2 RI R1 R1 R1 SCALE 1»35O AUG. 14, 2020 Metes and Bounds Description From Deed Book 1571 Pg. 0608: BEGINNING at a point in the center of the new Old Lick Road, which point is 16.5 feet N. 85 degrees 27' W. of an old b.o. stump; thence N. 85 degrees 27' W. 171.0 feet to a locust; thence S. 79 degrees 48" W. 247.5 feet to a locust; thence S 85 degrees 33" W. 257.4 feet to the center of the old and original Old Lick Road; thence along the road S. 5 degrees 27' W. 165 feet to the center of the Bonsack Road; thence along the Bonsack Road, N. 56 degrees 12" W. 215.0 feet to a locust; thence S. 67 degrees 15" W. 1354 feet to the right of way of the Shenandoah Valley Railroad; thence along the right of way, S. 16 degrees 30" W.1311 feet to a fence; thence along the fence N. 50 degree 24" E. 1338.5 feet to a point; thence still along the fence N. 45 degrees 39" E. 316.8 feet to the corner of the fence; thence still along the fence S. 41 degrees 51" E. 132 feet; thence still along the fence, S. 63 degrees 51" E. 423.7 feet to the center of the old and original Old Lick Road; thence along the road, S. 4 degrees 39" E. 447.5 feet to a fence leading to the mountain; thence along the fence, N. 82 degrees 39" E. 877 feet to the center of the new Old Lick Road; thence along the road, N. 16 degrees 35' W. 542 feet to the place of Beginning, and containing 38.99 acres. TffiralREIREIRIMICLIZEIMIEIMMENEMINEKERMATAMMINRISIMICIMICHINIEr N,56' 24 ,52.08 »W ' 371.673 556, 36' 58.96"E�__ -- 306.366 N38' 16' 03.45"E_ 17.533 47.95' 502,362 lairRIMMINYMEHYSISIBOIMIZINSIZI Cf3 AO'34. 1187 06' 48' : 43.55"W NOO 00' 04.6959. ,9 W26 18.740 N01' 02' 14.42"E Zn 75.000 +ten NO2'55' 16.21"E 75.000 ;ti N54' 52' 13.52"W_-3 �9' 41.87452. X 4. cj� 55h .1v 67 67'23' 04.377 ,5ip,9&1 08" 08' 48.09"E 1.14.458 11' 22 47:40 Es 111„82.3— S45' 11;82,E S45' 04' 49.33 "E 143.5757 TM# 039.01-01-13.00-0000 DEEDED ACREAGE: 38.77 AC. ESTIMATED ACREAGE: : 41.85 AC. S14' 13' 08.02'W 1383.844 564' 00' 39;13"E 18.393 €; N48' 58 9.60"E 158.158 N54' 48, .13"E 119.910 0 'SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS FOR METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION METES SC BOUNDS ENGINEERING CONCEPTS, INC. 94 G STREET DAMVIUE, VIRGINIA UM $40.4113.VM BOXWOOD REZONING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA SCALE 1 "- 300' AUG. 14, 2020 20033 ›a.% Lin E 0 1 .0 c m..E- ow 0 0 0 Boxwood — Architectura AVERY • Approximate Finished SF: 1,933 • Approximate Unfinished Basement SF: 748 • 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths FREDERICKSBURG • • • Boxwood -Architectural JAMESTOWN WILLIAMSBURG Approximate Finished SF: 2,007 Approximate Unfinished Basement SF: 1,245 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • • • • • • Boxwood — Architectura MARGATE • Approximate Finished SF: 1,626 • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths MADISON E 0 O 1.„4.=:r [� N � L t1 O O s O +� c c m U � w o L rip N Q1 QJ co ro E E X •X 2 O O -0 O_ Q CI) Q m Q < • • • ��l� r� �� • 1 1 �' .00° ,tit ,,{L rill/�\ Cr w�. u,: r 3 * / ti ' ! V,,, -;(/, i i \ ''' /- i c i ter. 7 \ ...- \ A / """ ;;r:z 0 / ,0_,<\ i,`+�w� r ROAD (TYP.) Iie%1 w ��� = 40.E l r ') I� i • E ice! I �f ,,' tl • Ott , , 1 ��/��`�►�"� ,, ' 44), 1� r— 144 A ' A;.:- f , � )� �� � l �. .f •` , I! �+ 6 �� , s ti � ;>; �g . ,,..,� $� ' 4---' � f 1� Nti' ir I 1 (( ( ( *N;jY �- 4; 1 ' •r EXISTING : •� k i \ •_ STRUCTURES t PROPOSED `': t SUBDIVISION t LOT .. \ .;� . 1� > 'j l i i ',# 4,14.,9 "` 4w e= CUL -DE --SAC � � � � �mai� ���� r:.� � =. � k� -� �� ,x �, ti �► I � � ' = \50' ci ' PROPOSED / 1 R.O. w LINE � 1 \ , 1 I3 ?. lI' A 4.i r „--_-Ai t ` 1 r I i I } I Mm`-'. E ■1�1n�OA ■,I l �` N� I WALKING TRAIL =1 �,i� /� �� 1��;�� j q i I f n J 4 ' -- I f 1 1 EXTEND EXISTING �I ( - t / TAX PARCEL NOS. 039,01-W-13.00-0000 AREA OF DEVELOPMENT 41.85E ACRES CURRENT ZONING INDUSTRIAL (LIGHT) PROPOSED ZONING: RI - LOW DENSITY I fi CURRENT USE SINGLRESIDENTIAL EF4MILYHOME PROPOSED USE 124 LOT SUBDIVISION I MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 11011L tV1 f • 1 �, iii El \ y f ROADS ! ( , '' ' MINIMUM LOT AREA REQUIRED: 7,200 S.F. I MINIMUM LOT AREA SHOWN 7,200,07 S.F. MINIMUM FRONTAGE SHOWN 60 FEET (REVD)! YARDS MINIMUM FRONT: 30 FEET # 3SI .` '� SITE TABULATION MINIMUM SIDE 10 FEET u. .SITE I 3 I I ,,.y CONTRACT OWNER MINIMUM REAR: 25 FEET � . / DEVELOPER: R. P. FR4LIN, Inc. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES 35 FEET # 1 # . 1 # # �I ,"' � -,Q[ Q 5211 SOUTH CONCOURSE DR. j ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24019 UTILITIES' WATER: W.V.W,A. ` ENGINEER: SEWER: W V.WA. PO-SiENGINEERING CONCEPTS ELECTRIC: AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER i , E 94 GREENFIELD STREET GAS: ROANOKE GAS ;' DALEVILLE, VA 24083 I L1 Ph: (540) 473-1253 SITE ADDRESS: 5524 OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD ROANOKE, VA 24019 .; ENGINEERING CONCEPTS, INC. 94G`LDSTREET DALEYLLE, VIRGINIA 240113 CONCEPT PLAN BOXWOOD REZONING SCALE 11=3001 11/19/20 540.473.12453 ROANOKE COUNTY, VA 20033 b44, '1Xriii ovoraciumgenesmorag ' `, illIENNAFTZWIMMIBEERMAIEUMAIUMNIANK -7•7 ,,, re. t' J., ,-, .... \ f / -- 4, t i 4 E i ) 4 t 11 oe— fr 1 f„)11 ff LO7S ENTERING VIA NELMS LW: 19 LOTS (15. WEEKDAY: 180 AM. PEAK: 14 P.M. PE:AK: 19 LOTS ENTERING VIA LONG ACRE DR: 17 LOTS (14% OF TOTAL) 7 WEEKDAY: 160 VPH AM. PEAK: 13 VPH P.M. PEAK: 17 VPH tUV.\ 27 --- '0 k 01, LOTS ENTERING VIA OLD MOUNTAIN 0: 88 LOTS (71% OF TOTAL) WEEKDAY: 831 VPH A• M' ' PEAK* 67 VPH P.M. PEAK: 88 VPH ?1=) . / , t 2? - OF TO7AL)\•-.,.. f VPH VPH VPH tc. ENGINEERING CONCEPTS, INC, 94 CORRIENFIVID STREM: DALEVRA VIRGINIA 24039 540473.1253 • 1,01 \ FOR LEFT AND RIGHT TURN LANE 1\4 WARRAN7S PLEASE SEE ATTACHED VDOT ACCESS MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS • VDOT OVERVIEW BOXWOOD REZONING . . ROANOKE CORTat_yA SCALE 1400' AUG. 14, 2020 20033 MilfigISZEMIERSZeigi 112158.6MMISESITYMEIIIMMOMEINAMIRMARKSARISIONCENEDINaliniFilliggENVIZBISMIENIE \ \, REQUIRED SIGHT DISTANCE LEFT: 500' *so 0 /1 ! NEMING CO 94 GREENIELD STREET DAIEVILUE. VIROINA 2.4093 44.0.47$.12$3 ' REQUIRED SIGHT .\ DISTANCE RIGHT: 1 500' -,- j 17 /I/ 2 c, 1 H 0 0 1M 0 I 7 0 0 C : I c; I . I ; I i 1 f / ,_ i: 1'. A. 1 EPTS, NC. SIGHT DISTANCE BOXWOOD REZONING ROANOKE COUNTY. VA od SCALE 1" •-..150' AUG, 14 2020 20033 m z z rZ W CII Ifi1i1ffiffllMEWAIMME"INI IFA s`M1RUDPA Roanoke County, Virginia VDOT Access Management Calculations. State Route 605 — Old Mountain Road PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project consists Of a .124 home residential>subdivision site located on Parcel # 039.01-01-13.00-0000. The parcel is approximately 41:55 acres of which will be dedicated for the development of the subdivision. VDOT Site Distance Intersection Sighf Distance is based on Table 2-5 in Appendix F, Page F-40, SDL' SDR 2 Lane Major Road. Thespeed limit on Old Mountain Road is 45 mph. This corresponds to a required sight dcstance of 500'. From the proposed entrance, the required site distance is based on 45 MPH which results in the following: SDR (South) 500' (Required) SDL (North)500':(Required) 94 GREENFIELD STREET - DALEVILLE, VIRGINIA - 540.473.1253 ENGINEERING CONCEPTS, INC, "Creating Success" Trip Generation and Right Turn Lane Warrant EXISTING CONDITIONS The following Trip Generation Analysis uses the Peak AM and PM Generator as shown in the 10th Edition ITE Manual. VDOT Jurisdiction Report 73 Data For State Route 605 Annual Average Daily Traffic Volume (AADT) Annual Average Weekday Daily Traffic Volume (AAWDT) (Total, NB & SB Lanes) K Factor Directional Factor Weekday peak design hourly volume (K x AADT) is then 0.115 (3,300) The Peak Design Hour Traffic Volume (DHV) distribution is: North Bound LTL (51.30%) x 380 VPH South Bound RTL (48.70%) x 380 VPH =3,300 VPD =3,600 VPD = 0.115 = 0.513 = 380 VPH = 195 VPH = 185 VPH TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS (ITE Trip Generation Rates 1 Oth Edition) Land Use Code:Single-Family Detached Housing (210), A.M. Peak Hour Generator Average Rate per 1 Dwelling = 0.76 PHV Total = (124 x 0.76) = 94 VPH Entering = 26% % Leaving = 74% The number of proposed dwellings will be a maximum of 124 homes. Traffic Entering Subdivision: 71% via SR 605, 15% via Long Acre Dr. NE, 14% via Nelms Ln. NE A.M. Peak Direction (Traveling south for right turn) approach total =185 VPH (From DHV above) Determine Peak Hour Turning Right into Site from State Route 605: PHV(AM PHV) entering = 94 VPH x 26% Entering = 25 VPH 25VPH x 0.513 (DF) = 13 VPH 13 VPH x 71 % Lots = 10 VPH Right Turn off Old Mountain Rd. TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS (ITE Trip Generation Rates 10th Edition) Land Use Code: Single -Family Detached Housing (210), P.M. Peak Hour Generator Average Rate per 1 Dwelling = 1.00 PHV Total = (124 x 1.00) = 124 VPH % Entering = 64 % Leaving = 36 P.M. Peak Direction (Traveling east for right turn) approach total =195 VPH (From DHV above) Determine Peak Hour Turning Right Into Site from State Route 605: PHV entering from right turns = 124 VPH x 64% Entering = 80 VPH 80 VPH x 0.513 (DE) = 41 VPH 41 VPH x 71% Lots = 30 VPH Right Turn off Old Mountain Rd. P.M. Peak will be the controlling factor for Right Turn lanes off of Old Mountain Road See Figure 3-26 below using data above PHV RIGHT TURNS, VEHICLES PER HOUR 120 100 80 60 40 20 FULL -WIDTH TURN LANE AND TAPER REQUIRED NO TURN LANES OR TAPERS REQUIR 30 VPH P.M. Right Tum Taper Not Reuired 10 VPH A.M__._. Right Tum Taper Not Required 1 I I I I I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 PHV Total = 3,300 VPD x 0.115 x 51.30%= 195 VPH1 PHV APPROACH TOTAL, VEHICLES PER HOUR FIGURE 3-26 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (2 -LANE HIGHWAY) Appropriate Radius required at ail Intersections and Entrances (Commercial or Private). VDOT Jurisdiction Report 073 is attached at the end of this report. Based on Figure 3-26 from the 2012 VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix F, the site does not warrant consideration for a right turn taper. Warrants for Left Turn Storage Lanes on Two -Lane Highways WARRANT FOR LEFT -TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO-LANE HIGHWAY 800 z 700 600 W = 500 J 0 > 400 z 300 0 200 Opposing Volume = 185 VPH 100 200 400 600 800 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) Advancing Volume = 195 VPH FIGURE 3-13 PHV (P.M, Generates the Greatest Trips) PHV Total (124x1.00) = 124 VPH 64% Entering (124 VPH x0.64) = 80 VPH 80 VPH x 0.513 (DF) = 41 VPH 41 VPH x71%of lots =29VPH Opposing VPH =185 VPH Advancing VPH = 195 VPH Left Turn % (29/195) = 14.9% 1000 Based on figure 3-13 from the 2012 VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix F, the site does not warrant consideration for a left turn lane into the site from Old Mountain Road, I --T TTT TTTTITTFTTTT iT— AI-Grade, Unsi9nallted Intersections — L=%LeftTurns in VA - i S - Storage Length Required V = 5(] mph (Design Speed) — L=15% —..� as w 1 a S=200' -- No Lane Left- Re urn uired "k fl 200 400 600 800 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) Advancing Volume = 195 VPH FIGURE 3-13 PHV (P.M, Generates the Greatest Trips) PHV Total (124x1.00) = 124 VPH 64% Entering (124 VPH x0.64) = 80 VPH 80 VPH x 0.513 (DF) = 41 VPH 41 VPH x71%of lots =29VPH Opposing VPH =185 VPH Advancing VPH = 195 VPH Left Turn % (29/195) = 14.9% 1000 Based on figure 3-13 from the 2012 VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix F, the site does not warrant consideration for a left turn lane into the site from Old Mountain Road, Virginia Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering Division 2018 Annual Average Daily Traffic Volume Estimates By Section of Route Roanoke Maintenance Area Route Length AADT QA 4Fire Bus Rim wail, County Truck 2Axle 3+Axle 1Trail 2Trail QC K Factor QK Dir Factor AAWDT QW Year US 460 S, Challenger Ave Bonsack Rd 0.28 580 R NA NA 02/27/2019 80-1096 Stoney Ridge Dr rel Bonsack Rd 0.25 630 R NA NA 02/27/2019 nom 80-606 Layman Rd Bonsack Rd 0.12 610 R NA NA 02/27/2019 80-631 Cook creek Rd Bonsack Rd 0.06 590 R NA NA 02/27/2019 80-636 Glade Creek Rd t Bonsack Rd 0.23 630 R NA NA 02/27/2019 T°1 US 460 N, Challenger Ave 605 Old Mountain Rd Old Mountain Rd Sanderson Dr NCL Roanoke 1 1.07 3300 F 97% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% C 0.115 F 0.513 3600 F 2018 A`I_gJ Eaou®nL18 L 1.10 3000 F 97% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% F 0.115 F 0.568 3200 F 2018 80-627 Sanderson Dr 80-627 Shadwell Dr 0.20 5800 N 98% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% N 0-117 F 0-692 6300 N 2018 Tal Botetourt Comb/Line Layman Rd 80-603 Bonsarle Rd 0-53 20 R ToI NA NA 02/27/2019 Dead End { 80-669 Patterson Dr Bottom Creek Rd 1.63 40 R NA 80 Bottom Creek Rd 80-744 Rocky Rd NA 05/22/2018 05/22/2018 05/22/2018 020 70 R NA Bottom Creek Rd 2.40 230 NA NA 80-711 Tinsley Lane NA IGngsman Rd All SR 220 Cloverdale Rd 0.30 290 R 11 NA Botetaurt County Line NA 02/27/2019 80-610 Wnt Ruritan Rd Ruritan Rd 0 19 310 R NA NA 06/16/2015 r,. 80-1049 Dominic Dr East Ruritan Rd 1 14 1200 R rui 0.108 F 0.637 NA 06/16/2015 US 460 Challenger Ave Coachman Dr Cul de. Sac. 0.35 120 R F NA NA 03/15/2018 80-1051 Sonrweod St Coachman Dr 0.22 230 R NA NA 03/15/2018 80-609 Raritan Rd 11 W Ruritan Rd 0.07 630 R 0 126 F 0.899 NA 06/16/2015 1�I 80-1050lean Line W Ruritan Rd 0.24 960 R 0.107 F 0.613 NA 06/16/2015 80-1054 13royle Lane W Ruritan Rd 0.38 1400 R 0.102 F 0.635 NA 06/16/2015 W Ruritan Rd W Ruritan Rd W Ruritan Rd — � 80-1211 Sunirner Field Dr 0 09 2400 R NA NA 03/15/2018 80-1072 Ashbury Court 018 2900 R NA NA 03/15/2018 80-1022 Mocking B ird 11111 Rd 010 3000 R rat NA 80-102113lteview Rd NA 06/16/2015 5/8/2019 28 November 24, 2020 Ms. Rebecca James, CZA Zoning Administrator Roanoke County Department of Planning 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Re: Boxwood Rezoning Application — 5524 Old Mountain Road Traffic Comments Response Dear Becky, Engineering Concepts, Inc. (ECI) has received the comments from your email sent October 30th with additional comments from Roanoke City. We have summarized the comments from each and provided our response in blue italic font to assist in your review. Roanoke City Comments 1. Transportation concurs with trip generation data; however, we believe the distribution could be as high as 40% using the streets going south. Is a fully developed TIA forth coming? • We trust the information provided to date is adequate to review the impacts of this project. Our project did meet the Roanoke County threshold of a single-family residential subdivision with more than 75 units and initiated the process of reviewing these impacts with Roanoke County, VDOT, and Roanoke City. While additional data could be developed, we don't expect any material change in the analysis of this project's impact from additional work. 2. The 2019 VDOT volume information does not truly represent the ADT on Old Mountain Rd near Nelms Lane. In 2018, our traffic counts showed on Old Mountain Rd between Nelms Lane and Monterey Rd was 5806 vehicle/day (NB 2,906 and SB 2,897). Please re -calculate the turn lane warrants at Nelms lane using this data. Data collection report available upon request. • The turn lane warrants provided were shown at the new access road into the subdivision and did not include an analysis at Nelms Lane. We have attached an analysis at Nelms Lane with this submittal using the traffic data provided. • Right Turn Lane summary:: The existing right turn analysis shows that a full -width turn and taper is required well beyond the threshold. No analysis for additional traffic was necessary. • Left Turn Lane summary: The existing left turn lane analysis shows that a left turn. lane with 100' storage is required. Additional left turns from the proposed development did not change this requirement. 94 GREENFIELD STREET - DALEVILLE, VIRGINIA 24083 -2- • Based on these analysis, the proposed development does not change the requirements for turning lanes at Nelms Lane. In addition, the additional traffic does not move the requirements for these turning lanes appreciably beyond the threshold of these requirements or towards the next level of improvement. 3. Please update quantity of homes in the project description. It should be 124. • This description has been updated. 4. Lot 82 and 83 are partially located in the City ROW. • The final subdivision layout will be adjusted with field topography and boundary survey to ensure each lot meets Roanoke County and Roanoke City standards. We understand these 2 lots will require adjustment. In addition, the request for a pedestrian access between Nelms Lane and Long Acre Drive is now planned with a walking trail which will farther affect these lots. 5. The City will investigate the addition of a curve warning sign and advisory speed of 25 mph relative to Nelms Ln. • Acknowledged. 6. With the connectivity to the City streets, we would suggest extending new sidewalk along Long Acre Dr to Cup St and along Nelms Ln to Pennsylvania. This will improve conditions for the residents directly effected by the development by providing residents safer walking conditions. • Our project will provide pedestrian accommodations on both sides of the street in accordance with VDOT requirements. In addition, we are proposing a walking trail to connect Nelms Lane and Long Acre Drive as previously discussed. We will extend the pedestrian accommodations to the City line for future connection by the City. If you need any additional information or would like to discuss this project further, my cell phone will be the best way to reach me at 540.588.3312. Sincerely, Engineering Concepts, Inc. Bobby Wampler, P.E. 94 GREENFIELD STREET-DALEVILLE, VIRGINIA 24083 186 vph PHV RIGHT TURNS, VEHICLES PER HOUR 120 Existing Traffic Turning onto Nelms Lane FULL -WIDTH ' N LANE AND TAPER REQUIRED : . 60 40 20 TAPER REQUIRED NO TURN LANES OR TAPERS REQUIRED 100 200 300 400 500 600 F-80 700 PHV Total = 2,897 VPD x 0.115 = 333 VPH PHV APPROACH TOTAL, VEHICLES PER HOUR Appropriate Radius required at all Intersections and Entrances (Commercial or Private). LEGEND PHV - Peak Hour Volume (also Design Hourly Volume equivalent) Adiustment for Right Turns For posted speeds at or under 45 mph, PHV right turns > 40, and PHV total < 300. Adjusted right turns = PHV Right Turns - 20 If PHV is not known use formula: PHV = ADT x K x D K = the percent of AADT occurring in the peak hour D = the percent of traffic in the peak direction of flow Note: An average of 11 % for K x D will suffice. When right turn facilities are warranted, see Figure 3-1 for design criteria.* FIGURE 3-26 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (2 -LANE HIGHWAY) Rev. 1/15 Rcnci Desicrn Manual 800 r-. 2 7 11 00 W 600 500 {D 400 z p 300 0 0 O 200 0 100 Page F-71 Nelms Lane Existing Left Tum Warrant Analysis 200 400 600 800 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) 1000 FIGURE 3-8 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY 800 a 700 uj 600 2 J 500 0 0 400 50% Left Turns A: -Grade. Unsignalized Intersections L - % Left. Turns in VA S - Storage Length Required V= 40 mph (Design Speed) L = 40% N 0) Opposing Volume = 333 VPH O 300 0 Q 200 0 'VVi• 0 J� -]O�• ASO 100 0 0 No Left -Turn Lane Required I 1 200 400 600 800 1000 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) Advancing Volume = 334 VPHI FIGURE 3-9 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY At -Grade, Unsignalized Intersections L -'h, Lefl Turns in VA S - Storage Leap h Required V - ti mph (Design Speed) \ % `Y I I _I \ I .\\\* \\:\\:\\s\.\\„ q I\\\1/4\ 1� _ _...... ._ (... - - - - his• — N. No Leuir La Re Lane Required \ 1 \ N. p I ) 1 1 1I 200 400 600 800 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) 1000 FIGURE 3-8 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY 800 a 700 uj 600 2 J 500 0 0 400 50% Left Turns A: -Grade. Unsignalized Intersections L - % Left. Turns in VA S - Storage Length Required V= 40 mph (Design Speed) L = 40% N 0) Opposing Volume = 333 VPH O 300 0 Q 200 0 'VVi• 0 J� -]O�• ASO 100 0 0 No Left -Turn Lane Required I 1 200 400 600 800 1000 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) Advancing Volume = 334 VPHI FIGURE 3-9 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY Rebecca James - Fwd: [EXTERNAL] - Boxwood Rezoning Traffic From: "Bowman, Catherine" <catherine.bowman@vdot.virginia.gov> To: Rebecca James <ijames@roanokecountyva.gov> Date: 12/2/2020 3:24 PM Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] - Boxwood Rezoning Traffic Cc: Brian Blevins<brian.blevins@vdot.virginia.gov> Becky, Page 1 of 2 Please see the comments below from VDOT's Traffic Section on the revised rezoning TIA for Boxwood Subdivision. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks, Catherine Bowman Salem Residency - Land Use Phone: 540-520-0646 Forwarded message From: Knight, Jason <jay.knight(a),vdot.virgi.nia.gov> Date: Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 2:09 PM Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] - Boxwood Rezoning Traffic To: Bowman., Catherine <cathe:rine.bowm:HanPvdot.virg:inia..gor.> I have a couple of comments on this one. They don't really affect anything but 1 wanted to pass it on for future reference, -They used the same direction of traffic (travelling south for Right turn lane) for both AM and PM peak directions. They probably did that to make the LTL calcs the "worst-case" but they don't have to do that. Typically you pick one direction on the road for peak in the AM and the opposite direction is peak PM. In cases where the peak direction is an unknown we typically run it both ways just to see how it turns out and use the worst case scenario. There are situations where the peak direction is the same for both AM and PM but those are very rare and typically don't last very long. Mostly where a large business dtunps a bunch of people out at 4 or 4:30 and they all pretty much go one direction. I don't think thats the case out here though. -Also, for both the RTL and LTL calculations they need to include the projected trips in advancing (for RTL) and advancing/opposing (for LTL) volumes. It doesn't make a difference in this case because the volumes are fairly low anyway, but it is something to look for in future submittals. I don't think a re -submittal is necessary I just wanted make you'aware of this stuff. Have a good one! Jay On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 12:25 PM Bowman, Catherine <catherine.bowman@vdot.vi:rg:inia.gov> wrote: file:///C:/Users/r fames/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5FC7B I B6P02uDOMAINM-Z_... 12/4/2020 Page 2 of 2 Anne and Jay, Please see the email string below and the revised documents fir the Boxwood Subdivision rezoning attached to this email and let me know if you have any questions or comments. Roanoke County asked this morning about the review on this project. Thank you for your help, Thanks, Catherine Bowman Salem Residency - Land Use Phone: 540-520-0646 file;///C:/Users/rjames/AppDatalLocal/Temp/XPgrpwise/5FC7B 1 B6PO2_DOMAINM-Z ... 12/4/2020 O C C N C O> r2c 0 N V.ize: Al.: Acre, xis in. Zonin.: 1- 'ro.ose. Zonin.: R- a. is ena Ds nc c 0 a) U a) 3 1 • y: Z g CO oma( C a Q o O N m0 LO N- -1- O O o N Lo 0 N m 0 0 O o0 co O 0) o•� �,, -7-7-, CM/ ,1-I1ti-1-11> -.11(14:1 �w -1 -I ' --, -1 -1 Ot�QfonkeV/'° �3 ▪ ��,ry���nJ-l�R„,�iu1u.y ,` .1- }-177-1-171 %..7 , DR NE 4°r7'>�1 7�HORSM^~-.-C1 ^. 11 -in -t1 > ,. Roanoke County, Virginia 2019 la % ©'cms �> 1 -i -i ', G fi• t` >>> 8107742 -1/'›o>k,1>• 1 '>• N73�NNl� OSWFl3INW DR -1-1":111714-1-1:E:11-11\11:11:1:1:1:1-1 ,-,-�>;NOELM�S�EW I_ :� 11`I7'11�♦`•�-�Q �'�1',��'1-1-i� l,' ` ,,,,, CD 3�Nd/0 >>-,�u�% l 03 n �� 0N0� '' 1 >: • a% j/aaa as ae�uil J/ui1 ON SNIIIOH �, as SNIIIOH Q O X O 1- 039.01-01-13.00-0000 Lot Size: 41.85 Acres Existing Zoning: 1-1 Proposed Zoning: R-1 Magisterial District: C O S 0 N 1) U 1) 7 n Roanoke Co. Planning 00 ••0 p o oD N E > n O O 07O 0 O 0 � o O EL ▪ O cO 0 N 7. 0 0) 7 °ID aaituil -1 a� I � U - co c O I SNIIIOH11 l 1 �aai da SNIIIOH o o EY O 3 -'1-i-1ti-1-I-,�', -a-I,-,-,-,-1Di19+QfREVIoke ..7.-.7."*"..7:.:77-1:0R_IS-7:17-‘111/4-1111-11-11_11-17-17:1_17:::::3 xsi\ NOR 14E \ ..„.7 .--.:::::1:14/41% re,'"i Get• '>> . >'�� -in -1 ;:::SW '>' DR >• � p1 DRQ 1'f -in _I"v 1 LN. NE NE NELM 3NN-iSWl3N--�',-'-'-"-1 '777777, >' >> ,,��,> 3N� >>. ',,x.712 7 ...,CO • Roanoke County, Virginia 2019 Future Land Use Q C ▪ N C O Oc O (NiLo r2L 039.01-01-13.00-0000 Lot Size: 41.85 Acres Existing Zoning: 1-1 Proposed Zoning: R-1 Magisterial District: C O S Jurisdictions Future Land Use Conservation c E Q 0 0 Neighborhood Conservation Principal Industrial Roanoke Co. Planning � ▪ o cO 0) N - O - 0) R ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: The petition of Zye and Gaven Reinhardt to obtain a special use permit in an AR, Agricultural/Residential, District for a special events facility on approximately 31.32 acres, located at 2875 Timberview Road, Catawba Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Director of Planning APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Consent agenda item for first reading on an ordinance. BACKGROUND: The first reading of this ordinance is accomplished by adoption of this ordinance in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for February 23, 2021. The title of this ordinance is as follows: 1. The petition of Zye and Gaven Reinhardt to obtain a special use permit in an AR, Agricultural/Residential, District for a special events facility on approximately 31.32 acres, located at 2875 Timberview Road, Catawba Magisterial District. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion on this item. Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of this ordinance for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for February 23, 2021. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item(s) 2, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Page 2 of 2 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 For Staff Use Ont Date received: Received by: Application fee: PC/BZA date: Placards issued: HOS date: Case Number ALL APPLICANTS Check type of a lication filed (check all that apply) 0 Rezoning pecial Use ❑ Variance ❑ Waiver 0 Administrative Appeal 0 Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicant name/addres /z' Zyr, titc d ha,re4 r r 1 f i rvt�j•ff 1�l l I % r r� / Gaut„ At{Alotroll 1311 `l E`wkOt(Vt`c 1p �, 4 Phone: 5y14 a' 264— 70(r.) ut I Work: ( Cell #: roe,...), Fax �]wner' na(ce/addr)ess w/ 'p 7 r „ , >'�j oft I,t ,t'YA iD t( G J i 6 , L� c,r ?/ qd ZIV rte $: 5 4 o-76 ( —173q v ` ork: pi a ax No. #: Property Location Magisterial District: .T& 1 c. Community Planning area: Tax Map No.:o 26 -0`1 - o 1— 18" J.'o FU�0 Existing Zoning: /-�0 iccuifbit ci., Size ofparcel(s): Acres: 33 Existing Land Use: REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAIVERtAND COMP PLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW APPLICANTS (R/S/W/CP) Proposed Zoning:) p<G t T. S.� 1Cf `T Proposed Land Use: { L� t • /sell, Does t parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes No E IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST (Rezoning). Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type in Article IV (Special Use Permit)? Yes 7 No _. IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST if rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes - No VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (V/W/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to • Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S/W/ V/AA Consultation 111=— 8 1/2" x 11" concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer application V Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that 1 am either the owner ofthej property or the owner's agent or ontract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent f the owner. Owner's Signature 2 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW REQUESTS Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The request is for a special use permit that will allow my colleagues and I to operate a special use facility. The special use facility that we are inquiring is a wedding venue. As well as a wedding venue we will also be hosting business parties and other small functions during our colder months. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. No longer will this residence be a home to few but a beautiful wedding destination to many, providing memories that will last a lifetime. The wedding venue conforms to the Roanoke community plan by ensuring scenic beauty within our blue ridge mountains. The wedding parties traveling from far and wide will come into contact with our gorgeous scenery and may possibly fall in love with this area, ensuring future tourists. These weddings will help promote many different religions from far and wide, showing that Roanoke is an inviting area to all types of people. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The property will experience a high volume of citizens on many given weekends. As neighbors we have reached out to the adjoining properties ensuring that traffic will be limited on Timberview road as well as music will be discontinued after 10pm when the weddings will end (our lovely neighbors on the road have given us support in this endeavor). The venue is sitting on a private well and sewage system. We plan on having two shuttle busses in order to limit traffic on Timberview road so that we can provide safety to our neighbors. Near the venue resides 3 hotels which will allow out of town guests to stay within close proximity to the venue and help Roanoke county economic growth. Attached is a post to the neighbors indicating our plans for the venue and their support/concerns. 35 members of the road belong to this Facebook group. iB P;:.d180%I12:OOPM E Posts Q. Mark Reinhardt residents Dec 2at10.21 AM •E Timberview Rd Seasons greetings neighbors. A few weeks ago a wedding planned by my daughter for a good friend took place at my house before the restrictions towards Covid were set, she was able to have 90 guests and it was a smashing success. The bride and groom were thrilled at having a wedding at my home which provided them with memories that will last a lifetime. With the success of this wedding my sons and I are thinking about establishing a wedding venue here permanently. My neighbors consisting of Gerry and Donna Stevens, the Ashby's and the Browns were asked if the music and lights at this wedding were intrusive in which they all replied that it did not affect them ( thank you to our wonderful neighbors Donna and Gerry for being so supportive). At this wedding there was an Abbot bus which brought the guests to the venue from the park and ride located in Salem which helped maintain low traffic on Timberview. We plan on having two shuttle buses in order to transfer guests to their cars when there is less traffic on the road (9-10pm). Our weddings will end at 10 allowing for music to not affect those in hearing distance. We wanted to establish a form of communication with our neighbors on Timberview road so that you can provide your concerns and for us to address them promptly. Write a comment... H0 ;.0 F Posts Like 81% 1112:00 PM Q Comment 0 Send m Courtney Harless and 3 others Seen by art • • 4 Sandy Pinnell it would be nice to have a heads up when these buses will be on the road so we can be expecting them. There's not much room to pass a bus on some places. 1w Like Reply Mark Reinhardt Sandy Pinnell thank you fo... Gaven Reinhardt This would be about the size of the vehicle we plan on getting. We didn't want a Abbot bus or School bus going down Timberview. lw Like Reply �p' Write a comment... GIF 0liDa;,„0 4181%11112:OOPM (— Posts Q +w a Robin Tate n'”' Your home is absolutely beautiful and is a perfect venue for weddings. Most of the activities will be behind your home which wouldnt effect anything on Timberview other then the traffic issues which you have already planned for. The Tate's wish you the best of luck with this new venture' Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for such events! Happy holidays to all our neighbors! lw Like Reply 4 0= Jennifer Snare 0 think your home would be a wonderful venue for a wedding and wish you guys the best. 1w Like Reply 10 Jami Smith Weidmann 6 Are we invited to the parties?! :z bd Like Reply 2 0 Donna Chapman Stevens Awesome.... this is the perfect place for a venue. •` the first one was such a success... I am sure they all will be!! 6d Like Reply 10 �Q' Write a comment... GIF v i R e n o R y a w k r a P e g d i R e u l B AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS ON PARCELS OWNED BY THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBERS 080.00-05-02.01-0000, 080.00-05-03.00-0000, AND 080.00-05-04.00- 0000) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROANOKE RIVER GREENWAY IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Roanoke River Greenway is a regional bicycle and pedestrian trail developing through the Roanoke Valley, linking the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, the Town of Vinton, and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, in 2018 the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission made the Roanoke River Greenway its number one priority in the region through the Roanoke Valley Greenway Plan; and WHEREAS, extension of the Roanoke River Greenway is supported in the Explore Park Adventure Plan and the Roanoke County Community Strategic Plan, adopted in 2016 by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the National Park Service approved the Roanoke Valley/Blue Ridge Parkway Trail Plan in 2015 that supports development of an integrated trail system that provides connectivity between the Roanoke Valley Greenway network and the Blue Ridge Parkway (Parkway); and WHEREAS, Roanoke County partnered with the Parkway to submit a Federal Lands Access Program grant application that was approved in 2016 for engineering, right- of-way acquisition, and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway proposed between the Blue Ridge Parkway and Explore Park; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, on February 28, 2017, the Board of Supervisors accepted the grant funding, and a Memorandum of Agreement was executed on June 6, 2017 between the Federal Highway Administration-Eastern Lands Division, Virginia Department of Transportation, and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County is overseeing the design and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway proposed on the south side of the Roanoke River with a parking lot proposed at the corner of Highland and Rutrough Roads, crossing through the closed regional landfill owned by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA), connecting to the Back Creek Overlook located on the Roanoke River Parkway, and crossing through a tunnel located underneath the Roanoke River Parkway before connecting into Explore Park; and WHEREAS, temporary and permanent easements are needed for the greenway proposed across three parcels owned by the RVRA, identified as Roanoke County Tax Map Numbers 080.00-05-02.01-0000, 080.00-05-03.00-0000, and 080.00-05-04.00-0000 WHEREAS, the RVRA Board of Directors approved the donation and conveyance of the required temporary and permanent easements to Roanoke County for design and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and conveyance of real estate interests be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 26, 2021, and the second reading was held on February 9, 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 2 of 3 1. That the acquisition of permanent and temporary easements on parcels owned by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (Roanoke County Tax Map Numbers 080.00-05-02.01-0000, 080.00-05-03.00-0000, and 080.00-05-04.00-0000) as shown on the three attached plats dated December 28, 2020 and prepared by John R. McAden, is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute, deliver and record the deed, and any other documents on behalf of the County and to take such further actions as he may deem necessary or desirable in connection with this project. The form of the proposed deed is hereby approved with such completions, omissions, insertions and changes as the County Administrator may approve, whose approval shall be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery thereof, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page 3 of 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance approving a permanent easement to Roanoke Gas Company on parcel owned by Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map Number 036.03-01-01.00-0000) for the development of the Stormwater Operations Building at the Public Service Center SUBMITTED BY: Doug Blount Director of General Services and Parks, Recreation APPROVED BY: County Administrator ISSUE: Ordinance approving a permanent easement to Roanoke Gas on parcel owned by Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map Number 036.03-01-01.00-0000) for the development of the Stormwater Operations Building at the Public Service Center BACKGROUND: Roanoke County has developed a two-phase plan to replace the Public Service Center located at 1206 Kessler Mill Road, Salem Va. In the first phase of the plan, a new building is being constructed at the Fleet Service Center for the General Services Department on Hollins Road. In addition, a new shop building is being constructed at Green Hill Park for the West County Parks Crew and a Stormwater Operations Shop Building is being constructed in a higher elevation part on the existing Public Service Center parcel. During the first phase of the plan, three (3) properties were purchased next to the Fleet Center for General Services and Parks, Recreation and Tourism for operations and storage. The second phase of the plan has a building being constructed on Hollins Road next to the Fleet Center for Parks, Recreation and Tourism. DISCUSSION: The design of the Stormwater Operations Shop Building places the new building on a Page 1 of 2 higher elevation within the existing parcel located at 1206 Kessler Mill Road at the Public Service Center. The optimal location of the building is over the existing Roanoke Gas Company line that services a portion of the Salem community. In order to be able to construct the building, the gas line must be moved to a new location on the parcel. Roanoke Gas Company has agreed to move the gas line and requests a new easement. The new easement is for six thousand, six hundred and eighty-two square feet (6682 square feet). In addition, the existing easement is vacated to Roanoke Gas Company as identified on the plat dated November 19, 2020. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to granting the easement; and a nominal fee of $1.00 is being paid by Roanoke Gas for granting the easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance and setting the second reading for February 9, 2021. Page 2 of 2 THIS DEED OF EASEMENT, made this _____ day of ______________, 20__, by and between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, "Grantor"; and ROANOKE GAS COMPANY, a Virginia corporation, "Grantee". W I T N E S S E T H THAT, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby grant unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, the permanent right of way and easement to construct, install, operate, repair, replace, and maintain a gas pipeline (with appliances and accessories useful and necessary in connection therewith) over, under, through and across its land in the County of Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, and being more described as follows: A 10' wide gas line easement, five feet on each side of the gas line, the County of Roanoke, designated on the County of Roanoke land records as Parcel ID: 036.03-01-01.00-0000 and being further identified as 1206 Kessler Mill Rd, Salem, VA, 24153. The location of E THE PROPERTY OF ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF dated November 19, 2020. Said plat is attached hereto and recorded herewith as Exhibit A. Page 1 of 3 may be caused by the construction, operation, or maintenance of said easement. The Grantor agrees that the Grantee will not be expected to restore the property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as practicable, and that the Grantor will cooperate with the Grantee in effectuating such restoration. The Grantee will indemnify and save the Grantor harmless against any and all loss or damage, accidents, or injuries, to persons or property, whether of the Grantor, or of any other persons or corporations arising in any manner from the negligence of Grantee in the construction, operation, or maintenance, or failure to properly construct, operate, or maintain its facilities installed upon the right-of-way granted by this Deed of Easement. the Grantor to the Grantee and recorded among the land records of the County of Roanoke, Virginia at Deed Book 1521, Page 321 is hereby vacated. Daniel R. instrument on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to convey the easement herein-above described pursuant to Ordinance ____________________ adopted by said Board on ____________________. To have and to hold unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Page 2 of 3 WITNESS the following signature and seals: _____________________________(SEAL) Daniel R. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County STATE OF VIRGINIA ) County of Roanoke ) To-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____day of __________________, 20__, by, Daniel R. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. __________________________ Notary Public My Commission expires: ______________________ Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 ORDINANCE APPROVING A PERMANENT EASEMENT TO ROANOKE GAS COMPANY ON A PARCEL OWNED BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (TAX MAP NUMBER 036.03-01-01.00-0000) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STORMWATER OPERATIONS BUILDING AT THE PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER WHEREAS, Roanoke County has developed a two-phase plan to replace the Public Service Center located at 1206 Kessler Mill Road; and WHEREAS, as part of the plan, a new Stormwater Operations Shop Building is being constructed in a higher elevation on the existing Public Service Center parcel; and WHEREAS, the optimal location of the new building is over the existing Roanoke Gas Company line, and in order to be able to construct the new building, the gas line must be moved to a new location on the parcel; and WHEREAS, Roanoke Gas Company has agreed to move the gas line, and requests a new easement and vacation of the previous gas line easement, both as shown SITUATED ON THE PROPERTY OF ROANOKE COUNT prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated November 19, 2020; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and disposition of real estate be authorized only by ordinance; and WHEREAS, a first reading of this ordinance was held on January 26, 2021 and the second reading was held on February 9, 2021; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 1 of 2 1. That pursuant to the provision of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made available for conveyance to Roanoke Gas Company for a gas line easement. 2. That vacation of the previous easement and conveyance to the Roanoke Gas Company of a new gas line easement as shown and described upon the plat entitled PROPERTY Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated November 19, 2020, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby authorized and approved. 3. That the County accepts and appropriates the payment of $1.00 as fair market value compensation for this gas line easement. 4. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on a form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of permanent and temporary easements at Explore Park owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (Tax Map Parcel Number 080.00-05-24.00-0000) for development of the Roanoke River Greenway in the Vinton Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Doug Blount Director of General Services and Parks, Recreation APPROVED BY: County Administrator ISSUE: Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of permanent and temporary easements at Explore Park owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (Tax Map Parcel Number 080.00-05-24.00-0000) for development of the Roanoke River Greenway in the Vinton Magisterial District. BACKGROUND: The Roanoke River Greenway is a regional bicycle and pedestrian trail developing through the Roanoke Valley, linking the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, the Town of Vinton, and Roanoke County. The 2018 Roanoke Valley Greenway Plan identifies the Roanoke River Greenway as its number one priority in the region, as shown on the attached map. The greenway will serve as the primary non-motorized transportation Blue Ridge Parkway, and Explore Park. The 2007 Roanoke County Comprehensive Master Plan for Parks and Facilities identifies the development of greenways and trails as a high priority desired by citizens. Extension of the Roanoke River Greenway is supported in the Explore Park Adventure Plan and the Roanoke County Community Strategic Plan, adopted in 2016 by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. The National Park Service (NPS) approved the Roanoke Valley/Blue Ridge Parkway Page 1 of 3 Trail Plan in 2015 that supports development of an integrated trail system that provides connectivity between the Roanoke Valley Greenway network and the Blue Ridge Parkway (Parkway). Roanoke County partnered with the Parkway to submit a Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) grant application that was approved in 2016 for engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway proposed between the Blue Ridge Parkway and Explore Park. On February 28, 2017, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors accepted the grant funding, and a Memorandum of Agreement was executed on June 6, 2017 between the Federal Highway Administration-Eastern Federal Lands Division (EFLHD), Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and Roanoke County. DISCUSSION: The proposed two-mile section of greenway will be an 8-10-foot-wide, paved, shared use path for pedestrians and bicyclists. The greenway will be located on the south side of the Roanoke River with a parking lot proposed at the corner of Highland and Rutrough Roads, as shown on the attached project map. The greenway will cross through the closed regional landfill owned by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA), connect to the Back Creek Overlook located on the Roanoke River Parkway, and cross through a tunnel located underneath the Roanoke River Parkway before connecting into Explore Park. Construction of this greenway segment is anticipated to begin in 2021. Permanent and temporary easements are required for construction and maintenance of the greenway at Explore Park which is owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA), identified as Tax Map Parcel Number 080.00-05-24.00-0000 on the attached plat prepared by Balzer & Associates. The VRFA Board of Directors approved the donation and conveyance of the permanent and temporary easements on October 1, 2020. Attached is a deed of easement that has been signed by the VRFA Board Chairman. The greenway is a Locally Administered Project (UPC No. 110155) with oversight from VDOT. For federal-aid projects, VDOT is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation-Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to certify local government compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act), as amended, found in Title 42 Chapter 61 of the United States Code and the implementing regulations found in 49 CFR Part 24. The VRFA has been informed of their right to an appraisal and compensation for the value of the easements; however the VRFA has waived these rights. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no costs associated with the acquisition of the permanent and temporary Page 2 of 3 easements. The value of the temporary and permanent easements donated by the VRFA will count towards the local match required for the project. Roanoke County will be responsible for the future maintenance of the greenway. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling the second reading for the February 9, 2021 Board of Supervisors meeting. Page 3 of 3 Buchanan Buchanan 13 !( Eagle Rock Eagle Rock 25 ! ( 26 35 ! ( ! ( 1 ! ( Botetourt Botetourt County County 35 Botetourt County Botetourt County ! ( 1 ! ( 21 ! ( 12 ! ( 8 !( Craig Craig 1 ! ( 1 County County ! ( 7 ! ( 9 8 ! (! ( 26 ! ( 43 30 43 Botetourt Botetourt ! ( ! (! ( County County 8 1 !( ! ( 10 ! ( 10 !( 24 23 ! ( ! ( 36 39 ! ( ! ( 43 ! ( 6 ! ( 22 ! ( 38 ! ( 27 17 ! ( ! ( 43 City of City of ! ( 5 ! ( Salem Salem City of City of 36 10 !! (( Roanoke Roanoke 27 14 ! !( ( 29 18 40 !44 ( ! ( Town of !Town of ( ! ( Vinton Vinton 27 ! ( 20 43 40 ! ( ! ( ! ( 10 19 !10 ( ! !( ( 44 ! ( 40 10 ! ( !( 3 31 ! ( ! ( 34 ! ( 40 ! ( 10 32 40 ! ( ! ( ! ( 34 41 33 ! ( ! ( ! 37( 15 ! ( 28! ( ! 16 ( 42 ! ( ! ( 5 ! ( 41 Roanoke County Roanoke County ! ( 10 ! ( 2 !5 ( ! ( 36 ! ( 2018 Greenway Plan Network Map Legend 32 - Mill Mountain Park Trails 17 - Gish Branch Greenway 1 - Appalachian Trail Proposed Greenways 33 - Mudlick Creek Greenway 18 - Glade Creek Greenway 2 - Back Creek Greenway Category 1 Roanoke River 34 - Murray Run Greenway 19 - Gladetown Trail 3 - Barnhardt Creek Greenway Greenway, Unbuilt Category 2 Hard Surface Greenways 35 - National Forest Connections 20 - Green Hill Park Trails 4 - Birding and Wildlife Trail Sites and Trails, Unbuilt 36 - Perimeter Trail 21- Greenfield Trails 5 - Blue Ridge Parkway Trails Category 3 Greenways and Trails in Design 37 - Poor Mountain Trails 22 - Hanging Rock Battlefield Trail 6 - Carvin Creek Greenway Category 4 Conceptual Greenways 38 - Read Mountain Greenway 23 - Havens Wildlife Management 7 - Carvins Cove Trail Network and Trails Category 5 Built Greenways 39 - Read Mountain Trails Area Trails 8 - Carvins Cove Connections and Trails 40 - Roanoke River Greenway 24 - Hinchee Trail 9 - Catawba Greenway National Forest Trails 41 - Roanoke River Greenway 25 - James River Greenway 10 - City, County and Appalachian Trail Extensions 26 - Jefferson National Forest Trails U.S. Bicycle Route 76 Town Park Trails 42- Spring Hollow Trails 27 - Lick Run Greenway Locality Boundaries 11 - Craig Creek Trail 43 - Tinker Creek Greenway* 28 - Long Ridge Trail 12 - Daleville Greenway* ® Public Lands 44 - Wolf Creek Greenway 29 - Mason Creek Greenway 13 - Eagle Rock Greenway 30 - Masons Cove Greenway 14 - Elizabeth Greenway 31 - Mill Mountain Greenway 15 - Explore Park Trail Network 16 - Garden City Greenway *Please see Appendix E for more information about the 00.751.534.56 alternative alignments for Tinker Creek and Daleville Greenways. Bqqfoejy!I!.!4 Miles v i R e n o R y a w k r a P e g d i R e u l B Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Prepared by the Office of the Roanoke County Attorney Official Tax Map No. 080.00-05-24.00-0000 Property Owner: Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority THIS CONVEYANCE IS EXEMPT FROM RECORDATION TAXES AND FEES PURSUANT TO VIRGINIA CODE § 58.1-811(A)(3), § 58.1-811(C)(4), § 17.1-266, AND § 17.1-279(E) THIS DEED OF EASEMENT, is entered into this _____ day of __________________ 2021, by the VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY (hereinafter referred to as the a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY (hereinafter referred to as the , a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Roanoke River Greenway is a developing bicycle and pedestrian trail identified in the regionally approved Roanoke Valley Conceptual Greenway Plan, as updated in 2018, endorsed by the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, County of Botetourt, City of Salem, and Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, the 2016 Explore Park Adventure Plan adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority support extension of the Roanoke River Greenway through Explore Park; and WHEREAS, the 2007 Roanoke County Comprehensive Master Plan for Parks and Facilities identified the development of greenways and trails as a high priority desired by citizens in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, an easement is needed for the eastern section of the Roanoke River Greenway across portions of the y designated as Roanoke County Tax Map No. 080.00-05-24.00-0000, and more particularly described upon the plat dated ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Б Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 July 19, 2020 prepared by John R. McAden, said plat being attached as Exhibit A (comprised of 4 total sheets) and to be Virginia with this Deed; and WHEREAS, Grantee has requested, and the Grantor has agreed to, the conveyance of a permanent greenway easement and Greenway use as a PUBLIC ACCESS TRAIL; and WHEREAS, Grantor has also agreed to the conveyance of certain other drainage, slope, and temporary construction easements to the Grantee. NOW THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of _____________________DOLLARS ($____.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor hereby GRANTS and CONVEYS with General Warranty and Modern English Covenants of Title unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the following described easements, in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to wit: A PERMANENT GREENWAY EASEMENT , consisting of 2.25 total acres, more or less, to construct, improve, operate, inspect, use, monitor, maintain, repair or replace a PUBLIC ACCESS TRAIL upon, over, through, and across the parcel of land belonging to the Grantor, acquired and recorded in t Virginia in Deed Book 1483, Page 1165 and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 080.00-05-24.00-0000. The location of said shall be within the area as shown upon the plat dated July 19, 2020 prepared by John R. McAden, said plat being attached as Exhibit A and to be recorded in the County, Virginia with this Deed. Together with a PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT consisting of 1,600 total square feet, more or less, through and across the parcel of land belonging to the Grantor, Roanoke County, Virginia in Deed Book 1483, Page 1165 and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 080.00-05-24.00-0000. The ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Б Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 location of said shall be within the area as shown upon Exhibit A. Together with a PERMANENT SLOPE EASEMENT consisting of 0.72 total acres, more or less, through and across the parcel of land belonging to the Grantor, Virginia in Deed Book 1483, Page 1165 and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 080.00-05-24.00-0000. The location of said shall be within the area as shown upon Exhibit A. Together with a TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT consisting of 1.79 total acres, more or less, through and across the parcel of land belonging to the Grantor, Roanoke County, Virginia in Deed Book 1483, Page 1165 and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 080.00-05-24.00-0000. The location of said shall be within the area as shown upon Exhibit A. The temporary construction easement shall automatically expire upon completion of construction or substantial completion. The Grantor agrees that the Grantee will not be expected to restore the property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as is practicable to its condition at the time the easement was granted, and that the Grantor will cooperate with the Grantee in effectuating such restoration. Said PERMANENT EASEMENTS shall be subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. The Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee and the general public free access to and use of the Public Access Trail within the Greenway Easement subject to the laws and ordinances of Roanoke County, for the purposes including but not limited to: walking, jogging, hiking, bicycle riding, horseback riding, and nature study. The general public shall have no right to construct or improve any portion of the Greenway Easement and Public Access Trail. 2. The Greenway Easement herein conveyed shall be appurtenant to the s over which it runs and shall convey to the Grantee the perpetual right to install and ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Б Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 maintain improvements, the right to go on, over and upon the said Greenway Easement for the purposes of installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing the improvements necessary for the Public Access Trail. 3. Public access with any type of motor vehicle, including but not limited to motorcycles, four-wheel drives, motor bikes, mopeds, ATVs, and snowmobiles, shall be prohibited except for construction, inspection, responding to emergency calls, maintenance, or reconstruction of the Public Access Trail within the Greenway Easement area by the Grantee or to the extent such vehicles are necessary for accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act unless otherwise approved by a private vendor land lease for the recreation operations at Explore Park. 4. The Grantor shall be considered the fee owner of the Greenway Easement for purposes of determining development density standards under applicable zoning and land use regulations. 5. The Grantor shall retain the right to use the land subject to the Greenway Easement acquired herein in Exhibit A in any manner which shall not interfere with the use and enjoyment of said rights for recreational access to the Public Access Trail. 6. The Grantor shall not erect any building, fence, sign, guardrail, or other structure over the easement so as to render the Greenway Easement inaccessible, except that fences and gates may be erected and/or maintained with the mutual consent of the Grantor and Grantee. In the event that this covenant is violated, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repair, replace, or otherwise be responsible for such improvements if damaged or removed. ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Ѝ ƚŅ Б Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 7. There shall be no excavation or dredging, or dumping of ashes, garbage, waste, brush or other unsightly or offensive material on the Greenway Easement or Public Access Trail by the Grantor or Grantee, and their agents or licensees, other than by Grantee during the existence of the Temporary Construction Easement. 8. Any construction by the Grantor of roads or driveways within the Greenway Easement or crossing the Public Access Trail must be approved by the Grantee and designed in coordination with the Grantee to facilitate a safe and convenient crossing of the road by Public Access Trail users. 9. The Grantor shall have no maintenance responsibility whatsoever of the Public Access Trail within the Greenway Easement. 10. The Grantee may erect within the Greenway Easement markers, kiosks, litter receptacles, vehicle control barriers, benches, bridges, signage, fences, and gates, as deemed necessary for preservation of the Greenway Easement, use of the Public Access Trail, and safety of the Public Access Trail users. No other building or above grade structure shall be constructed by the Grantee or Grantor within the Greenway Easement without written permission of both. 11. The Grantee and its agents shall have the right to inspect the Greenway Easement and to cut, clear, and remove all undergrowth, obstructions, or improvements lying within or upon the easements that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. 12. The Grantee shall have the right and duty to ensure maintenance of the Public Access Trail and the easements for as long as it holds the Greenway Easement rights hereunder. ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Ў ƚŅ Б Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 13. The Grantee shall not deny the Grantor access to the Public Access Trail or Greenway Easement. 14. The Grantee agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Grantor from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, damages, losses, and liabilities to the extent permitted by the law and without waiving any claim of sovereign immunity. However, the Grantor shall not be held harmless from liability caused by the active conduct or acts of the Grantor, its agents, invitees, or contractors which violate the terms and conditions of this Deed of Easement. 15. The covenants agreed to and the terms, conditions, and restrictions imposed herein shall be binding upon the Grantor and its agents, successors, and assigns and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity with the described land. The Grantor agrees that the terms, conditions, and restrictions of this Greenway Easement will be inserted by it in any subsequent deed or other legal instrument by which it divests itself of either the fee simple title to, or of its possessory interest in, the subject property. 16. Should the Grantee or its assigns or successors cease to develop, operate, or maintain the Public Access Trail, the Grantor may request that the Greenway Easement be vacated. Grantee or its assigns or successors shall not unreasonably withhold approval of such request. 17. The Grantor acknowledges the right to receive just compensation and the right to request an appraisal for the property herein conveyed, and hereby waives those rights. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: SIGNATURES TO FOLLOW: ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Џ ƚŅ Б Prepared by: Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney (VSB #88094) 5204 Bernard Drive; P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 GRANTEE: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By: ______________________________________ Printed name/title: __________________________ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ) COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _________ 2021, by ________________________________________________. My commission expires: ________________________ ______________________________________ Notary Public Registration No. ________________________ (SEAL) Approved as to form: ___________________________ County Attorney ЊΉЊЍΉЋЊ tğŭĻ Б ƚŅ Б AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS AT EXPLORE PARK OWNED BY THE VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 080.00-05-24.00-0000) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROANOKE RIVER GREENWAY IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Roanoke River Greenway is a regional bicycle and pedestrian trail developing through the Roanoke Valley, linking the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, the Town of Vinton, and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, in 2018 the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission made the Roanoke River Greenway its number one priority in the region through the Roanoke Valley Greenway Plan; and WHEREAS, extension of the Roanoke River Greenway is supported in the Explore Park Adventure Plan and the Roanoke County Community Strategic Plan, adopted in 2016 by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the National Park Service approved the Roanoke Valley/Blue Ridge Parkway Trail Plan in 2015 that supports development of an integrated trail system that provides connectivity between the Roanoke Valley Greenway network and the Blue Ridge Parkway (Parkway); and WHEREAS, Roanoke County partnered with the Parkway to submit a Federal Lands Access Program grant application that was approved in 2016 for engineering, right- of-way acquisition, and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway proposed between the Blue Ridge Parkway and Explore Park; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, on February 28, 2017, the Board of Supervisors accepted the grant funding, and a Memorandum of Agreement was executed on June 6, 2017 between the Federal Highway Administration-Eastern Lands Division, Virginia Department of Transportation, and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County is overseeing the design and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway proposed on the south side of the Roanoke River with a parking lot proposed at the corner of Highland and Rutrough Roads, crossing through the closed regional landfill owned by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, connecting to the Back Creek Overlook located on the Roanoke River Parkway, and crossing through a tunnel located underneath the Roanoke River Parkway before connecting into Explore Park; and WHEREAS, temporary and permanent easements are needed for the greenway at Explore Park proposed across a parcel owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA), identified as Roanoke County Tax Map Number 080.00-05-24.00- 0000; and WHEREAS, the VRFA Board of Directors approved the donation and conveyance of the required temporary and permanent easements to Roanoke County for design and construction of the Roanoke River Greenway; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and conveyance of real estate interests be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 26, 2021, and the second reading was held on February 9, 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 2 of 3 1. That the acquisition of temporary and permanent easements on parcels owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (Roanoke County Tax Map Number 080.00-05-24.00-0000) as shown on the attached plat dated July 19, 2020 and prepared by John R. McAden, is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute, deliver and record the deed, and any other documents on behalf of the County and to take such further actions as he may deem necessary or desirable in connection with this project. The form of the proposed deed is hereby approved with such completions, omissions, insertions and changes as the County Administrator may approve, whose approval shall be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery thereof, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page 3 of 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors APPROVED BY: County Administrator ISSUE: Open district appointments. BACKGROUND: 1. Library Board (appointed by District) The following District appointments remains open: Vinton Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism (appointed by District) expired effective June 30, 2019. Open Windsor Hills Magisterial District FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. Page 1 of 1 Zoning Ordinance Amendments DRAFT — Planning Commission Recommended (A) Site plans shall be submitted on sheets no greater in size than thirty (30) by forty-two (42) inches. A sheet size of twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches is preferred. The scale of the plans shall not be greater than one inch equals ten (10) feet (1"=10'), or less than one inch equals fifty (50) feet (1"=50'). Plans shall be designed using an engineering scale. The director of c mmunity cvcl pmcnt development services may approve a lesser scale such as 1"=100' provided sufficient detail is provided to insure compliance with all applicable requirements of this ordinance and any other requirement or ordinance of the county or Commonwealth. Plans may be submitted in a digital format in accordance with County standards. Sec. 30-90-3. Administrative Procedures and Requirements. (A) The director of community dcvclopmcnt development services shall have the administrative authority to establish county procedures for site development plan review and approval. No procedure so established shall set a lesser standard than is legislated in this ordinance. (B) The director of community dcvclopmcnt development services shall coordinate the county review of any site development plan submitted in accord with county administrative procedures, and shall have the authority to request opinions or decisions from other county departments, agencies or authorities of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or from other persons as may from time to time be consulted. (C) A minimum of six (6) °Complete set(s) of site development plans shall be submitted for review in accordance with the Land Development Procedures. A review fee shall be required for any site development plan submitted. The director of community evel pmcnt development services shall establish procedures for the collection of these fees. (D) The county shall review, and approve or disapprove any site development plan submitted for its review within forty-five (45) days of the filing of the plan with the director of community dcvclopmcnt development services. If an unapproved site development plan is returned to the applicant or other agent of the property owner, due to lack of required information on the plan, or because the design or standards proposed on the site development plan do not meet the provisions of this ordinance or other applicable county standards, the forty -five-day time period shall begin again with the resubmittal of the plan to the county. (I) No change, revision, or erasure shall be made on any pending or approved site development plan, nor on any accompanying data sheet where approval has been endorsed on the plan or sheets, unless authorization for such changes is granted in writing by the director of community dcvclopmcnt development services. The director shall consult with all applicable departments or agencies prior to approving the change. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § la., c., 4-27-99) 10 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $1,816 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for Technology Trust Funds SUBMITTED BY: Jill Camilletti Deputy Clerk IV APPROVED BY: County Administrator ISSUE: Acceptance and allocation of funds in the amount of $1,816.00 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia BACKGROUND: Technology Trust Funds represent fees collected by the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, and have been received from the State in the amount of $1,816.00. In accordance with State of Virginia Code Section 17.1-279 it is stated the Circuit Court Clerk's Office shall assess a $5.00 fee called Technology Trust Fund Fee. Each month, the Clerk's Office can request the fees that were assessed the previous month. The code section further states that four out of every five dollars of the fee shall be allocated by the Compensation Board from the trust fund for the purposes of obtaining and updating office automation and information technology equipment including software and conversion services; preserving, maintaining and enhancing court records, including but not limited to the costs of repairs, maintaining and enhancing court records, consulting services, service contracts, redaction of social security numbers from land records and system replacement or upgrades and improving public access to court records. Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: The funds received from the Commonwealth of Virginia have been earmarked for maintenance needs for the Clerk of Circuit Court, specifically towards the twice yearly maintenance bill from the Supreme Court for maintaining their records, equipment, etc. FISCAL IMPACT: All funds are provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia. No County matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $1,816 to the Clerk of Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution requesting acceptance of Old York Road into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System SUBMITTED BY: Tarek Moneir Director of Development Services APPROVED BY: County Administrator ISSUE: Resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) accept Old York Road into the Virginia Department of Transportation System. BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke is requesting that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution requesting that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) accept, as described by the AM-4.3, 0.08 mile of Old York Road from the intersection with Flora Farm Road (VA SEC. Route # 1874) to end of its cul-de-sac. Old York Road is located within Villages at Tinker Creek in the Hollins Magisterial District. See exhibit A for exact location. DISCUSSION: The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. Page 1 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends approval of the attached resolution. Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED ADDITION(S) SHOWN IN BLUE DESCRIPTIONLENGTHROWWIDTHSERVICES Houses MilesFeetFeet(Current/Future) 1.Old York Road; From: Int. Flora Farm 0.0850323/6 Road, To: End of its cul-de-sac ROANOKE COUNTY ACCEPTANCE OF OLD YORK ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SCONDARY SYSTEM DEVLOPMENT SERVICES AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON JANUARY 26, 2021T RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF OLD YORK ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Addition Form AM-4.3, fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the representative for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Virginia Department of TransportationSubdivision Street Requirements; and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention, which applies to this request for addition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.2-705, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, after receiving a copy of this resolution and all outstanding fees and documents required of the developer, whichever occurs last in time; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Residency Administrator for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Page 1 of 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board hereby guarantees the performance of the street(s) requested herein to become a part of the State maintained secondary system of state highways for a period of one year from the date of the acceptance of the referenced streets by VDOT into the secondary system of state highways. This Board will reimburse all costs incurred by VDOT to repair faults in the referenced streets and related drainage facilities associated with workmanship or materials as determined exclusively by VDOT. Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 1 Susan McCoy - [EXTERNAL] - Zoning Ordinance From: "Don Witt" <drwitt@cox.net> To: <planninggroanokecountyva.gov> Date: 1/4/2021 11:53 AM Subject: [EXTERNAL] - Zoning Ordinance Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed zoning ordinance changes. Most changes make sense but I have some questions about clarifications. Not having the entire code in front of me, my questions may be clarified elsewhere. Sec. 30-28 Temporary construction yard. I did not see a time limitation on "temporary." Nor did I see any time limit in Sec. 10-100-14. At Penn State there were "temporary" wood framed residential dormitories built in 1943 that were still used in 1980. Sec. 30-29-5 Short Tem Rental . Could I rent for 30 days, skip a day, and rent for another 30 days to the same entity? This potential problem is addressed under "Temporary" but not under "short term. Sec. 30-100-14. Consider defining "limited duration." See 30-28 above. Sec. 30-100-14 B.1.c. Consider deleting subparagraph as an unnecessary expense for a temporary issue. p.s. Great article in the paper yesterday. Keep up the good work. Retired Architect 540-793-5991 drwitt@cox.net WARNING: This message was sent from outside the Roanoke County email system. DO NOT CLICK any links or downloaded attachments unless you know the content is from a trusted source. fi le:///C:/Users/smccoy/AppData/Local/Tem p/XPgrpwise/5FF301AAPO2_DOMAINM-Z... 1 /1 1/2021 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CHANGES IN OUTSTANDING DEBT Changes in outstanding debt for the fiscal year to date were as follows: Audited OutstandingOutstanding June 30, 2020AdditionsDeletionsJanuary 26, 2021 General Obligation Bonds$948,122$-$-$948,122 VPSA School Bonds83,061,766-8,546,27674,515,490 Lease Revenue Bonds81,000,000-3,470,00077,530,000 Subtotal165,009,888-12,016,276152,993,612 Premiums11,716,653--11,716,653 $176,726,541$-$12,016,276$164,710,265 Submitted ByLaurie L. Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Approved ByDaniel R. O'Donnell County Administrator %% e 86 c 36 n .. a 33 i 2.56%2.83%6.80%0.00%9.34% - r-0.47%-6.40%-8.16%-8.97% 26.09%14.01%34.69%44.35%15.78% -11.67%-29.27%-65.88%-15.06%-12.66% a -128.68%-167.22%-346.42% V f o s e c % n a ) i r 04 40 a (10) 94 V ,, (421) s l 27 5,4551,3084,945 41 a(3,583)(4,683) 51,35551,575 84 (81,587)(92,886)(36,404) u 440,763104,979,354,729330,461 ( t (143,967)(211,932)(171,921)(223,782)(145,570) 1 c A $1,246,265 %% t 68 e s 41 .. g e 07 d 5.28%3.04%0.00% u 43 u 49.43%48.87%50.19%43.94%57.35%32.89%13.31%63.10%17.13%46.27%52.71%14.28%32.96%70.34%64.49%36.84%31.24%37.62% n 109.14% B e v f e o R % 33 0 r 42 79 a s 14 e,, e 85 Y u 99 t 90,34210,50914,00811,14923,79752,176 n 53 n 366,539,164,693317,309952,557102,810339,695,326,736 e 41 e v 1,689,2313,710,9281,274,2685,217,2461,233,3261,783,010 r 51 e r u R $48,741,103 s C e u n 73 e 76 v 48 210 ,, e t 29 e R 34 g 73,60042,50015,85064,600 l 96 d,, 750,000180,000800,000600,000734,179506,685167,000 a 40 u 3,400,0002,900,0009,096,4753,750,0005,420,0002,383,6001,509,5093,382,500 u 33 t B 31,991,250 1 c $98,611,227 A E d K n %% O a t 56 e s N 23 d .. g e Ae 92 d 3.71%5.56% t u 33 -0.67% u 49.26%42.02%50.42%41.72%42.76%36.24%17.21%41.21%51.84%38.37%42.76%52.13%29.88%39.14%52.49%42.38%34.05%42.38% O n e 106.06% B e g R v f d e o F u R OB % f Y o T t 27 n N 02 89 r e s 28 U General Fund - C100 ,, a e m 52 e O 6,204 u 5(5,455)1 e Y90,76346,91312,69927,38056,859 n t C 78 ,, 315,184376,626410,194622,096274,730563,477275,161 re a t 21 v o 1,248,4683,605,9491,355,8554,862,5181,377,2931,928,581 i 51 e r S PR $47,494,838 e v i t a r 00 a 06 00 p 210 ,, t For the Six Months Ending Thursday, December 31, 2020 57 e m 20 g 90,00042,50015,85064,600 o 45 d 750,000180,000,820,000530,000,524,225167,000 C 46 u 3,400,0003,250,0003,800,0006,775,0002,383,6001,509,5091,468,3574,510,000 33 B 33,675,00011,370,594 1 $96,420,000 s e x a T s ye t x r a e T p l o r a c P lo aL r r e e n h et GO ll aa tt oo TT Real Estate TaxesPersonal Property TaxesPublic Service Corp BasePenalties & Interest on Property TaxesPayment In Lieu Of TaxesCommunication TaxesLocal Sales TaxConsumer Utility TaxBusiness License TaxFranchise TaxMotor Vehicle License FeesTaxes On Recordation & WillsUtility License TaxHotel & Motel Room TaxesTaxes - Prepared FoodsOther TaxesAnimal Control FeesLand and Building FeesPermitsFeesClerk of Court FeesPhotocopy Charges %%%%% e 86676 c 59381 n ..... a 19514 i 0.00%6.43%0.26%1.51%0.00%0.00% - 1232 r-8.61%-1.14%-2.88%-3.30%-5.01% 29.96% - 1 -16.88% a - -518.43%-145.13%-101.31% V f o s e c % n a ))) i r 31530 000 53456 a 56742 V ,,,,, s l 93915 2,809 46232 a(6,200) 63,63110,32739,873 ( 11 (19,030)(12,423)(90,189)(45,397)(27,109)(69,640)(90,772) u (( t (123,544) c A %%%%% t 08100 e s 70644 ..... g e 30124 d 0.00%0.00%0.00% u 56342 u 60.08%19.06%40.42%42.94%12.23%21.13%21.42%28.32%39.91%40.12%49.41%57.07% n 234.24% B e v f e o R % 54114 000 r 48584 a s 93815 e,,,,, e 72538 Y 8,560 u 21981 t 23,83072,02089,019 n 4265 n 212,384,160,568268,956941,647 e 1 e v 1,674,6212,110,4691,812,6471,084,8302,639,300 r e r u R C 50055 00 40074 85202 ,,,,, t 63305 e 4,500 95072 g 70,000 73391 d,, 353,500125,000178,200759,934415,536949,775402,000 32 u 3,900,0755,287,6524,518,1842,195,6834,625,000 B %%%%% t 60120 e s 48166 ..... g e 62810 d 0.00%0.00%0.00% u 43543 u 32.80%70.18%43.89%41.82%29.98%20.02%43.87%33.27%41.38%43.46%49.28%56.20% n 240.98% B e v f e o R % 33644 000 95930 r s 37568 ,,,,, a e 88543 e u 74214 Y78,22120,983 n 31276 , 148,753147,375150,242179,208314,354968,756 re 1 v o 1,693,6512,180,1081,903,4201,082,0212,599,427 i e r PR 50055 00 80072 35208 ,,,,, t 43803 e 4,500 15820 g 70,000 84311 d 453,500210,000178,200,750,514408,536944,775,402,000 42 u 4,050,0755,268,3774,380,0002,195,6834,625,000 B s y t e r s e n p e o c r s i s e L P e r c di ud t v n i n r a e a f e s r s y S u o e e r o F e n o e f Fo d n , n s M a s l ae l tf i g e o s r mc e a re s n i sh e i PFUCM lllll aaaaa ttttt ooooo TTTTT Fines and ForfeituresRevenues from Use of MoneyRevenues From Use of PropertyCharges for ServicesCharges for Public ServicesEducation Aid-StateReimb-Shared Programs SalemMiscellaneous RevenueRecovered CostsNon-Categorical AidShared ExpensesWelfare & Social Services-CategoricalOther State Categorical AidWelfare & Social ServicesEducation Aid-FederalOther Categorical Aid %%%% e 9003 c 6004 n .... a 1001 i 0.00%0.00% - r a V f o s e c % n a ) i r 9003 00 32 a 84 V ,, s l 47 40 a 11 u , ( t 1 c A %%%% t 2008 e s 4005 .... g e 0005 d 0.00%0.00% u 53 u n B e v f e o R % 3004 00 r 96 a s 83 e,, e 80 Y u 82 t n 55 n ,, e 87 e v r 7 e r u R C 9105 0 191 003 ,,, t 360 e 396 g 068 d,,, 777 u 121 B 27,696,091 2 %%%% t 5005 e s 7002 .... g e 1004 d 0.00%0.00% u 53 u n B e v f e o R % 2001 00 34 r s 79 ,, a e 32 e u 31 Y n 74 ,, re 86 v o i 7 e r PR 0702 0 623 562 ,,, t 519 e 720 g 841 d ,,, 673 u 122 B 27,421,627 2 e u n e s v e e c Rr l u a o r S e d g e n i F c ns d r a n e s n a f l i s a eF t tn r o aa t e r T h ST t d ll n O aa tt a l r oo a t TTG o Other Financing Sources T Transfers %%%%% e 44928 c 09115 f ..... n o 1.50%4.17%0.00% 1.15%3.36%2.00%7.55%0.00%1.33%0.00%4.69%0.00% 48930 a -9.45%-4.22% i -- 16.80% 36.59% 3 r -22.64%-41.54%-39.78%-39.91%-10.24% - % a V s e )) ) c 0000 49409 n 58934 a i 83707 r ,,,,, a5,086 39777 s 10,28014,726 40,22514,73649,08943,292 l61103 V (30,662)(89,591) ( 109,109 154,290113,609 1102 a (224,546)(156,444) , ( u t6 (2,240,439)(2,521,363)(1,270,728) ( c A %%%%% 22381 t 10228 m ..... e u 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 97287 g c 48.61%46.69%90.33%42.74%52.57%43.51%43.35%37.93%46.29%44.09%48.18%48.52%48.82%49.90%73.96%44.34%51.11% 44444 d n u E B f & o p s x e % cE n a r b 0000 54992 m 6939 9 u s 27054 c e ,,,,, r s n c 05717 a e n E r 33472 e a 159,353685,687650,108438,298367,176381,536 408,888884,197574,770 u13465 dr Y t,,,,, i 3,562,0245,434,2416,368,2853,206,2752,450,3782,395,0183,721,2612,424,695 nb t 41566 d a n 1 m n e s u e r r e c p r u n x u t CE E i d & n e E p K x O0000 59919 E 75 879 l N 09928 a A ,,,,, u 90971 t Ot c04715 e R 327,806946,893832,716515,902 452,682 48586 A g ,,,,, F7,628,5871,604,3351,236,6248,453,3465,085,9714,935,6971,811,0091,151,8788,392,3314,743,666 d 82633 d 12,488,74714,691,003 u 311 O n B a Y d T e t N e U g General Fund - C100 O d u C %%%%% B 61183 ft 11451 m ..... e o u 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 74199 tg c 49.10%45.98%67.59%42.45%46.36%51.73%52.55%48.01%62.90%54.40%46.62%52.43%52.09%44.06%75.24%47.61%48.98% 44544 d n n eu E B m f & e t o p a t x % S E For the Six Months Ending Thursday, December 31, 2020 e v i t a r 0000 78553 a 9155 8 s p 87779 e ,,,,, s c m 80745 r e n o r72855 a a 168,266675,494545,224423,562338,332376,450 277,363976,984530,121 u92385 C er t,,,,, i 3,533,2687,635,0918,860,4174,468,7152,400,9152,608,4043,868,4172,311,087 b Y 31166 d 2 r m n o u e i r c p n Px E E & 0000 42090 14 868 84344 ,,,,, 77154 t 36024 e 342,673673,425621,955500,358 410,344 47683 g ,,,,, 7,684,7971,591,3831,176,0599,307,3445,150,1804,974,6201,875,6431,203,0718,125,4564,718,666 d 82133 14,758,93716,861,674 u 411 B n o i t a r t s i n i m d A t n e e r ma f nl r e e s y v W t k o er d f o G n a l a l SW a a r ih cc t ii e cl ll i n a bb d e e uu u LegislativeGeneral & Financial AdministrationGCourtsOther Judicial SupportJLaw Enforcement & Traffic ContFire and RescueCorrection & DetentionAnimal ControlPGeneral Services AdministrationRefuse DisposalPMental HealthPublic HealthH Electoral Board & OfficialsMaint Buildings & GroundsEngineeringInspectionsGarage ComplexSocial Services AdministrationComprehensive Services ActPublic AssistanceSocial Services Organizations %%%%% e 66541 c 06846 f ..... n o 0.00%4.10% 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 56174 a -2.11%-2.19% i 14.86%62.41%70.17%39.58% 23111 r -21.59%-27.09%-14.53%-19.21% --- % a V s e ) )) c 00000 69865 n 86477 a i 57342 r (370) ,,,,, a 49455 s 86,45610,877 l50079 V (12,698) 323,683141,880 64992 a (208,843)(445,743)(676,467) ,, ( u 1,582,636 t73 (8,117,355) ( c 1 ( A %%%%% 75278 t 03818 m ..... e u 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 83981 g c 36.95%38.77%46.73%20.19%67.92%43.64%52.85%56.32%56.13%46.82%74.28% 35144 d n 100.00% u E B f & o p x % E 0000 60342 447 72 s 96515 e ,,,,, r s c 38645 a e n 17,58827,482 r 31524 e a 988,129582,398518,654580,987 110,000 u61672 r Y t,,,,, i 1,645,8172,282,8604,655,2443,464,107 b t 21751 d 42,260,067 n 49 m n e u e r r c p u n x CE E & 000 55586 42 951 99653 ,,,,, 86680 t 87,09752,000 19216 e 763,591 110,000 90698 g ,,,,, 2,674,0804,244,8651,246,2375,231,0918,265,7451,035,0004,663,337 d 62847 23,932,85990,255,221 u 391 B2 %%%%% 14622 t 06298 m ..... e u 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 09846 g c 50.30%49.85%39.73%20.62%43.02%33.72%31.93%54.12%61.84%54.18%69.31% 53154 d n 100.00% u E B f & o p x % E 0000 68800 152 56 s 32467 e ,,,,, s c 29392 r e n 17,95816,605 r90595 a a 496,307194,993701,428593,685 110,000 u27764 er t,,,, i 1,189,5932,102,7225,331,7113,322,228 b Y 3634 d 50,377,422 50 r m n 1 o u e i r c p n Px E E & 000 17463 80 873 84112 ,,,,, 29739 t 87,09752,000 88870 e 453,245960,000 110,000 57971 g ,,,,, 2,364,8324,218,0491,249,0652,080,3509,851,9754,793,048 d 61673 23,932,85992,980,128 u 392 B2 l a r u t l u C & l n a t o i n t e t a u s e m l rt r O a c t a e s o p r g R T e e n ,if d D ss n - n k n n n r a a a r o al r Parks & RecreationLibraryCultural EnrichmentPPlanning & ZoningCooperative Extension ProgramEconomic DevelopmentContribution to Human Service OrganizationsPEmployee BenefitsDixie Caverns Landfill CleanupMiscellaneousTax Relief/Elderly & HandicappNInterfund Transfers OutIntrafund Transfers OutTG Refuse Credit VintonBoard ContingencyUnappropriated Balance ACTION NO.___________________ ITEM NUMBER_______________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 31-Dec-20 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASH INVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON15,987,791.4315,987,791.43 GOVERNMENT: SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA1,996.00 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 42,001,995.69 WELLS FARGO0.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA0.0042,003,991.69 LOCAL GOV'T INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION 25,793,268.0925,793,268.09 MONEY MARKET: ATLANTIC UNION BANK4,540,116.71 HOMETRUST BANK4,026,699.76 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 10,386,245.54 WELLS FARGO5,287,945.78 24,241,007.79 TOTAL108,026,059.00 01/26/2021 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE:January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM:Work session to review with the Board of Supervisors fiscal year 2020-2021 mid-year revenues and expenditures and fiscal year 2021-2022 budget issues SUBMITTED BY:Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY:Daniel R. O’Donnell County Administrator ISSUE: Reviewfiscal year 2020-2021 mid-year (through December 31, 2020) revenues and expenditures and fiscal year 2021-2022 budget issues with the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: Per section 4-1 Item C and section 4-5 of the Comprehensive Financial Policy, in January of each year, County staff will provide information to the Board on a mid-year update of current year revenues and expenditures as relates to the adopted budget. The attached presentation provides information on revenues and expenditures through the second quarter (December 31, 2020) of fiscal year 2020-2021. The attached presentation includes a proposal to amend the fiscal year2020-2021 General Government Fund Revenue andExpenditure Budget based on revenue trends seen through mid-year. Additionally, this presentation will review budget issues expected with the development of the fiscal year 2021-2022 budget. DISCUSSION: This time has been scheduled to discuss fiscal year 2020-2021 mid-year revenues and Page 1of 2 expenditures and expected budget issues with the development of the fiscal year 2021- 2022 operating budget. The attached PowerPoint presentation will be shown. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the receipt of the attached presentation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that theBoard of Supervisors receive information regarding fiscal year 2020-2021 mid-year revenues and expenditures and expected budget issues with the development of the fiscal year 2021-2022 operating budget. Page 2of 2 Millions $ in Millions $ in Millions $ in Millions $ in Millions $ in Millions $ in Millions ACTION NO. ITEM NO. L.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: The petition of Kent Wheeler to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1C, Low Density Residential, District with conditions to I-2, High Intensity Industrial, District and to rezone approximately 14.483 acres from I-2, High Intensity Industrial, District to AG-1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density, District, located at and near 5454 Aerospace Road, Vinton Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Director of Planning APPROVED BY: County Administrator ISSUE: Agenda item for public hearing and second reading of ordinance to rezone a portion of a property from residential to industrial and to rezone a portion of a property from industrial to agricultural. BACKGROUND: · In May, 1990, a portion of this property was zoned from M-2, General Industrial, District to R-1, Single Family Residential, District with the intent to construct a single-family dwelling. However, due to steep topography a house was never constructed. · -2 portion of the property since th-1C to I-2 would allow the existing business to expand its operation. · On the portion of the property that Mr. Wheeler is petitioning to rezone from I-2 to AG-1, there is currently a single-family dwelling, built in 1885. If approved, this portion of the property would be purchased by an adjacent property owner and Page 1 of 2 the structure demolished. Future plans include constructing a single family dwelling in close proximity to the existing structure. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request on January 5, 2021. No citizens spoke during the public hearing and no comments were received (by phone or by email) during the 10-minute recess period. Mr. Wheeler explained his request to rezone a portion of his property to industrial to allow for the future expansion of the existing business and to rezone a portion to agricultural to subdivide and sell to an adjacent property owner. The Planning Commission discussed the zoning of the property and the surrounding area, the steep topography of the site, the future land use designation, the existing business on the property, and how this rezoning is swapping or rearranging the zoning on the property. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the request to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1C, Low Density Residential, District with conditions to I-2, High Intensity Industrial, District and to rezone approximately 14.483 acres from I- 2, High Intensity Industrial, District to AG-1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density, District. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the second reading of the ordinance to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1C, Low Density Residential District with conditions, to I-2, High Intensity Industrial District and to rezone approximately 14.483 acres from I-2, High Intensity Industrial District, to AG-1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density District. Page 2 of 2 TUBGG!SFQPSU Qfujujpofs;Lfou!Xiffmfs Sfrvftu;Sf{pofbqqspyjnbufmz24/134bdsft!gspn!S.2D-Mpx!Efotjuz!Sftjefoujbm-Ejtusjdu xjui!dpoejujpotup!J.3-IjhiJoufotjuz!Joevtusjbm-Ejtusjdu-!boe!sf{pof!bqqspyjnbufmz! 25/594bdsft!gspn!J.3-!Ijhi!Joufotjuz!Joevtusjbm-Ejtusjdu-!up!BH.2-!Bhsjdvmuvsbm0Svsbm! Mpx!Efotjuz-Ejtusjdu Mpdbujpo;6565boe!6595Bfsptqbdf!Spbe! Nbhjtufsjbm!Ejtusjdu;Wjoupo Qspggfsfe!Dpoejujpot;Opof FYFDVUJWF!TVNNBSZ;! Kent Wheeleris petitioning to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1C, Low Density Residential,Districtwith conditionsto I-2, High Intensity Industrial,District, and rezone approximately 14.483acres from I-2, High Intensity Industrial,District, to AG-1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density,District. The owner of the adjacent property to the northeast, David Brown Jr,has agreed to purchase the 14.483acres that would be rezoned from I-2 to AG-1, in order toconstruct asingle-family dwelling.On the 13.023acres that would be rezoned from R-1Cto I-2, Kent’s Insulating and Tru Teambusinesswould expand itsexisting construction yard use type by erectinga storage building along the existingaccess driveway.The property (TM#090.00-03-12.03-0000)is 47.6 acres in size and currently spilt zoned between R-1C, Low Density Residential,Districtwith conditionsand I-2, High Intensity Industrial,District. The 2005 Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan indicates theFuture Land Use Designation ofthis parcel as Conservation. Conservation is a future land use area of particular environmental sensitivity due to topography, existence of unique land characteristics, conservation/open space/greenway easements, soil types or locationwith respect to other State or Federallypreserved lands. While the rezoning of13.023 acres from R-1Cto I-2is not consistent with the Conservation future land use designation; the majorityof the parcelis already zoned I-2and is being used as anindustrial usetype. In addition, the 64-acre parceladjacent to the south is zoned I-2 and is being used for multiple industrial uses.The proposed rezoning of 14.483acres from I-2to AG-1is consistent with the Conservation future land use designation, as the Rural Residential land use type is encouraged under this designation. 2/!!!!!!!!!!BQQMJDBCMF!SFHVMBUJPOT Section 30-29-2of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinancedefines single family dwelling as “asite built or modular building designed for or used exclusively as one (1) dwelling unit for permanent occupancy.” Single family dwelling, detached is defined as “asingle family dwelling which is surrounded byopen space or yards on all sides, is located on its own individual lot, and which is not attached to any other dwelling by any means.”Adetached single family dwelling is allowed as a use permitted by right, with no additionaluse and design standards, in the AG-1district.This use is not allowed in the I-2district. Section 30-29-6 defines construction yards as “establishments housing facilities of businesses primarily engaged in construction activities, including outside storage of materials and equipment.” Aconstruction yard is allowed as a permitted use by right in the I-2district,withthe following use and design standard: 1 “In theI-2 district, all materials stored on the premises overnight shall be placed in a storage yard. The storage yard shall be fully screened from surrounding views in accordance withSection 30- 92, and shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any adjoining residential district.” Construction of a detached single family home will require residential building permit review. Construction of anew industrial buildingwill require site plan review and commercial building permit review. 3/!!!!!!!!!!BOBMZTJT!PG!FYJTUJOH!DPOEJUJPOT Background–InMay, 1990, a portion of this property was zoned from M-2,General Industrial, District to R- 1, Single Family Residential, District with two proffered conditions(all lots shall be a minimum of one acre in size, and a minimum 50-foot buffer yard shall be maintained between M-2 and R-1 properties).The original intent was to construct a single-family dwelling on this tract, but the land is too steepso one was never constructed.Kent’s Insulating and Tru Team has been operating on the I-2 portion of the property since the early 2000’s.On the portion of the propertythat Mr. Wheeler is petitioning to rezone from I-2 to AG-1, there is currentlyasingle-family dwelling,built in 1885. If approved, this structure is proposed tobe demolished. Future plans include constructing a single family dwelling in close proximity to the existing structure. Topography/Vegetation–The 47.6-acre propertyis almost entirely wooded. A paved driveway leads from Aerospace Road to the existing Ken’s Insulation and Tru Team buildingand parking lot. From the end of the paved driveway, a gravel driveway extends to the southeastern portion of the property, past the existing house tothe adjacent property owned by David Brown Jr. Generally, the property slopes downward from Aerospace Road. The existing Kent’s Insulation and Tru Team building sits approximately 80 feet lower than the property’s frontage alongAerospace Road. The lowest point on the property, at the far northern end, sits approximately 230 feet lower than the Aerospace Road frontage. There is a hill in the southeastern portion of the property where the elevation rises approximately 130 feet. The western portion of the property, which is proposed to be rezoned from R-1Cto I-2, slopes steeply downward from the existing road and parking lot. Surrounding Neighborhood–The subject property is surrounded to the northandeastby properties zoned AG-1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density. These properties are all either vacant or rural residentialuses. Adjacent to the south is a large parcel zoned I-2, High-Intensity Industrial. This property is occupied by two businesses: Aerospace Testing Corporationand Pavement Stencil Company.Adjacent to the west is a residential useparcel zoned R-1C, LowDensity Residential.This parcel was part of the overall 1990 rezoning.The far southwestern tip of the property shares a small border with a property zoned AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve.There is a single-family dwelling on this property. 4/ BOBMZTJT!PG!QSPQPTFE!EFWFMPQNFOU Site Layout/Architecture–The owner of the adjacent property to the northeasthas agreed to purchase the 14.483acres that would be rezoned from I-2 to AG-1, and would construct a single-family dwellingin the future. On the 13.023acres that would be rezoned from R-1Cto I-2, Kent’s Insulating and Tru Team would construct a storage building, to expand its existing industrial business,along the existing access driveway. The proposed storage building would be approximately 4,800square feet in size(120 feet by 40 feet). Access/Traffic Circulation–No new access points are proposed with this rezoning. There is currently one pavedaccessdrivewayoff ofAerospace Road.From the end of this paved road, a gravel driveway extends to the southeastern portion of the property, past the existing house to the adjacent property owned by David Brown Jr.Mr. Brown currently has an access easement to his property. 2 Bhfodjft!Dpnnfout: The following agencies provided comments on this application: Office of Building Safety–Construction and alteration of structures willneed tomeet the requirements of the applicableVirginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Roanoke County Transportation–No concerns. Economic Development–Economic Development supports the rezoning request by K&K Corporation. Fire and Rescue–These changes will not affect the services provided by Fire and Rescue. However, for the newly constructed commercial storage building, fire flow and access requirements would need to be met. Solid Waste–As a potential single family home, we will provide solid waste collection to the nearest state maintained road. Stormwater–No concerns. WVWA-No concerns. VDOT–We have reviewed the above-mentioned rezoning requests. It appears from the information provided that granting a rezoning for the construction of a commercial storage building and a rezoning for the construction of a single family home on this property will not adversely impactthe VDOT right-of-way as both will access Aerospace Road from an existing driveway. Anyfuture expansions or redevelopment of the parcel or alteration to the existing drive mayrequire VDOT review, approval, and permitting. 5/DPOGPSNBODF!XJUI!SPBOPLF!DPVOUZ!DPNNVOJUZ!QMBO The 2005 Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan indicates the Future Land Use Designation of this parcel as Conservation. Conservation is a future land use area of particular environmental sensitivity due to topography, existence of unique land characteristics, conservation/open space/greenwayeasements, soil types or location with respect to other State or Federally preserved lands. Typical resources would include wetlands, ridgelines, mountainsides, scenic views from the Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachian Trail, identified greenway corridors,productive agricultural lands, historical and cultural resources and threatened or endangered species habitats.The proposed rezoningof 14.483acres from I-2 to AG-1isconsistent with the Conservation future land use designation,but the proposed rezoning of 13.023acres from R-1Cto I-2 is notconsistentwith the Conservation future land use designation. 6/TUBGG!DPODMVTJPOT Kent Wheeler is petitioning to rezone approximately 13.023acres from R-1C, Low Density Residential, Districtwith conditionsto I-2, High Intensity Industrial,District, and rezone approximately 14.483acres from I-2, High Intensity Industrial District, to AG-1, Agricultural/Rural Low Density,District. The owner of the adjacent property to the northeast, David Brown Jr,has agreed to purchase the 14.483acres proposed to berezoned from I-2 to AG-1, in order toconstruct a single-family dwelling. On the 13.023acres proposed to berezoned from R-1Cto I-2, Kent’s Insulating and Tru Team would expand the existing industrial use type by constructingacommercialstorage building along the existing access driveway. 3 The 2005 Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan indicates the Future Land Use Designation of this parcel as Conservation.The proposed rezoning of14.483acres from I-2 to AG-1 is consistent with the Conservation future land use designation. The proposed rezoning of 13.023acres from R-1Cto I-2 is not consistentwith the Conservation future land use designation, but this property is already being used for an industrial use, and this rezoning will not bring about a major expansion of this use. The proposal to construct a storage building along the existing road would disturb the surrounding landscape and ecosystem far less than the construction of a single family dwelling. Alarge adjacent parcel is also zoned I-2 and is used for multiple industrial uses. DBTF!OVNCFS;!$2.203132 QSFQBSFE!CZ;Jtbbd!Ifosz IFBSJOH!EBUFT;!QD;!!!!!Kbovbsz!6-!3132!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CPT;!Kbovbsz!37-!3132 BUUBDINFOUT;Bqqmjdbujpo!Nbufsjbmt Nbqt!)Bfsjbm-!\[pojoh-!Gvuvsf!Mboe!Vtf* Qipuphsbqit J.3!Ejtusjdu!Sfhvmbujpot S.2!Ejtusjdu!Sfhvmbujpot BH.2!Ejtusjdu!Sfhvmbujpot Dpotfswbujpo!Mboe!Vtf!Eftjhobujpo Psejobodf!Ovncfs!633:1.22 4 I-2 District Regulations SEC. 30-62. I-2 HIGH INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-62-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the I-2, high intensity industrial district is to provide areas within the urban service area which contain more intensive industrial uses or are suitable for such activities. These areas coincide with the principal industrial land use category contained in the comprehensive plan and are designated based on the suitability of the land in terms of slope and freedom from flooding and the relative remoteness and absence of substantial residential development which could be adversely affected by such development. In addition, the availability of adequate sewer and water capacity, access to arterial road network, and proximity to rail and airport facilities or the interstate highway system are major considerations. Distributing these areas around the county in a planned manner to create employment centers within close proximity to residential growth areas and reduce heavy traffic generation of industrial uses is encouraged. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1f., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 30-62-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture 2. Civic Uses Day Care Center * Guidance Services Park and Ride Facility Post Office Public Maintenance and Service Facilities Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Safety Services 1 I-2 District Regulations Utility Services, Major * Utility Services, Minor 3. Office Uses Financial Institutions * General Office Laboratories Medical Office 4. Commercial Uses Automobile Repair Services, Major * Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools * Equipment Sales and Rental * Laundry Personal Improvement Services 5. Industrial Uses Construction Yards * Custom Manufacturing * Industry, Type I Industry, Type II Landfill, Rubble * Meat Packing and Related Industries Railroad Facilities Recycling Centers and Stations * 2 I-2 District Regulations Scrap and Salvage Services * Transfer Station * Transportation Terminal Truck Terminal Warehousing and Distribution 6. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Parking Facility * Wind Energy System, Small* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Civic Uses Correctional Facilities 2. Commercial Uses Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation Fuel Center * Mini-warehouse * Surplus Sales Truck Stop * 3. Industrial Uses Asphalt Plant * Composting * Industry, Type III 3 I-2 District Regulations Resource Extraction * 4. Miscellaneous Uses Aviation Facilities, Private * Broadcasting Tower * Outdoor Gatherings * Wind Energy System, Large * Wind Energy System, Utility * (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 042297-14, § 1, 4-22-97; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4- 27-99; Ord. No. 082807-18, § 1, 8-28-07; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11; Ord. No. 091311-7, § 1, 9-13-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13, Ord. No. 092215-9, § 1, 9-22-15, Ord. No. 062816-4, § 1, 6-28-16, Ord. No. 062717-4, § 1, 7-27-17) Sec. 30-62-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet). b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water, or both: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is located behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: 4 I-2 District Regulations a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: behind front building line and 3 feet from side line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. All structures: When adjoining property zoned Residential, seventy-five (75) feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased provided each required side and/or rear yard adjoining a residential district is increased two (2) feet for each foot in height over seventy-five (75) feet. This distance shall be measured from the portion of the structure which exceeds seventy-five (75) feet. In all other locations the height is unlimited. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 75 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 90 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 9, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) 5 R-1 District Regulations SEC. 30-41. R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-41-1. Purpose. (A) The R-1, low density residential district is established for areas of the county within the urban service area with existing low-middle density residential development, with an average density of from one (1) to three (3) units per acre, and land which appears appropriate for such development. These areas are generally consistent with the neighborhood conservation land use category as recommended in the comprehensive plan. In addition, where surrounding development and the level of public services warrant, these areas coincide with the development category recommended in the plan. This district is intended to provide the highest degree of protection from potentially incompatible uses and residential development of a significantly different density, size, or scale, in order to maintain the health, safety, appearance and overall quality of life of existing and future neighborhoods. In addition to single-family residences, only uses of a community nature which are generally deemed compatible are permitted in this district. This would include parks and playgrounds, schools and other similar neighborhood activities. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1f., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-41-2. Permitted uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Stable, Private * 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type I * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit * 1 R-1 District Regulations Residential Human Care Facility Single Family Dwelling, Attached * Single Family Dwelling, Attached (Cluster Subdivision Option) * Single Family Dwelling, Detached Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option) * Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Zero Lot Line Option) * 3. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Family Day Care Home * Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Utility Services, Minor 4. Commercial Uses Bed and Breakfast * 5. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage System * 2. Civic Uses Cemetery * 2 R-1 District Regulations Crisis Center Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Major * 3. Commercial Uses Golf Course * 4. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 62293-12, §§ 3, 8, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, § II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 30-41-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. All lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. 3 R-1 District Regulations b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 35 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 8, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) 4 AG-1 District Regulations SEC. 30-33. AG-1 AGRICULTURAL/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT. Sec. 30-33-1. Purpose. (A) The AG-1, agricultural/rural low density district consists of land primarily used as farmland, woodlands, and scattered residential development located within the rural service area. Also found in these areas are lands with steep slopes, and groundwater recharge areas. Many of the county's unique natural and scenic resources are also found in this district. The purpose of this district is to encourage these areas to remain in their rural state, and protect sensitive and unique land resources from degradation, consistent with the recommendations of the comprehensive plan for the rural preserve areas. This may be accomplished by maintaining the existing agricultural lands and preventing the encroachment of incompatible land uses, while allowing development to occur at a reasonable density. Non-farm residents should recognize that they are located in an agricultural environment where the right-to-farm has been established as county policy. This district is also intended to minimize the demand for unanticipated public improvements and services, such as public sewer and water, by reducing development densities and discouraging large scale development. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1f., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-33-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture Farm Employee Housing * Forestry Operations * Stable, Commercial * Stable, Private * Wayside Stand * 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * 1 AG-1 District Regulations Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type II * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Accessory * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit * Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Detached 3. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Family Day Care Home * Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Safety Services * Utility Services, Minor 4. Commercial Uses Bed and Breakfast * Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 5. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small* 2 AG-1 District Regulations (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Commercial Feedlots * 2. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems * 3. Civic Uses Camps * Cemetery * Day Care Center * Utility Services, Major * 4. Commercial Uses Agricultural Services * Antique Shops * Bed and Breakfast Inn * Campgrounds * Country Inn * Golf Course * Kennel, Commercial * Special Events Facility * Studio, Fine Arts 5. Industrial Uses Composting * 3 AG-1 District Regulations Custom Manufacturing * Landfill, Construction Debris * Landfill, Sanitary * Resource Extraction * 6. Miscellaneous Uses Aviation Facilities, Private * Broadcasting Tower * Outdoor Gatherings * Shooting Range, Outdoor * Wind Energy System, Large* Wind Energy System, Utility* (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 62293-12, § 8, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8- 24-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 7, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 052609- 22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 091311-7, § 1, 9-13-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13, Ord. No. 062816-4, § 1, 6-28-16) Sec. 30-33-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots, regardless of sewer and water provisions: a. Area: 1.5 acres (65,340 square feet). b. Frontage: 150 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. c. Maximum width to depth ratio: 1 to 5 (W to D) on streets in existence prior to the adoption of this ordinance. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 4 AG-1 District Regulations 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 20 feet. b. Accessory structures: 20 feet behind front building line or 10 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. 5. Where the principal structure is more than 150 feet from the street, accessory buildings may be located 150 feet from the street and 20 feet from any side property line. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. All structures: 45 feet. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 20 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 40 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) 5 ROANOKE COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 5204 Bernard Drive, P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Peter S. Lubeck Mary Beth Nash TEL: (540) 772-2071 COUNTY ATTORNEY Rachel W. Lower FAX: (540) 772-2089 Marta J. Anderson SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEYS SAMPLE MOTIONS The petition of Kent Wheeler to: 1. Rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1C (Low Density Residential) District with conditions to I-2 (High Intensity Industrial) District; and 2. Rezone approximately 14.483 acres from I-2 (High Intensity Industrial) District to AG-1 (Agricultural/Rural Low Density) District. All properties are located in the Vinton Magisterial District. MOTION TO APPROVE I find that the proposed rezoning of 13.023 acres from R-1C to I-2: 1. Is not consistent with the Conservation future land use designation, but the property is already being used for an industrial use, and this rezoning will not bring about a major expansion of this use, 2. Is consistent with an adjacent parcel which is also zoned I-2 and is used for multiple industrial uses, 3. Is good zoning practice, and 4. Will not result in a substantial detriment to the community. I therefore MOVE TO APPROVE the rezoning request as it has been requested. Further, I find that the proposed rezoning of 14.483 acres from I-2 to AG-1: 1. plan and good zoning practice, and 2. Will not result in a substantial detriment to the community. I therefore MOVE TO APPROVE the rezoning request as it has been requested. MOTION TO DENY I find that the proposed rezoning request: 1. Is plan and good zoning practice, or 2. Will result in substantial detriment to the community. I therefore MOVE TO DENY the request. MOTION TO DELAY ACTION I find that the required information for the submitted proposal is incomplete. I therefore MOVE TO DELAY action until additional necessary materials are submitted to the Board of Supervisors. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 5204 Bernard Drive, P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 ORDINANCE REZONING APPROXIMATELY 13.023 ACRES FROM R- 1C (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS TO I- 2 (HIGH INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT AND REZONING APPROXIMATELY 14.483 ACRES FROM I-2 (HIGH INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT TO AG-1 (AGRICULTURAL/RURAL LOW DENSITY) DISTRICT, LOCATED AT AND NEAR 5454 AEROSPACE ROAD, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (TAX MAP NO. 090.00-03- 12.03-0000) WHEREAS, Kent Wheeler is requesting to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R-1C (Low Density Residential) District with Conditions to I-2 (High Intensity Industrial) District and to rezone approximately 14.483 acres from I-2 (High Intensity Industrial) District to AG-1 (Agricultural/Rural Low Density) District, on a parcel located at and near 5454 Aerospace Road, in the Vinton Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 15, 2020, and the second reading and public hearing were held on January 26, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on January 5, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends approval of the petition as requested; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The petition of Kent Wheeler to rezone approximately 13.023 acres from R- 1C (Low Density Residential) District with conditions to I-2 (High Intensity Industrial) District, is approved. Page 1 of 2 2. The Board finds that the proposed rezoning request of the approximately 13.023 acres is not consistent with the Future Land Use Designation of Conservation; however, the property is already being used for an industrial use, the rezoning will not bring about a major expansion of the current industrial use, it is consistent with an adjacent parcel which is also zoned I- 2 (High Intensity Industrial) District and is used for multiple industrial uses, is good zoning practice, and will not result in a substantial detriment to the community. 3. The petition of Kent Wheeler to rezone approximately 14.483 acres from I- 2 (High Intensity Industrial) District to AG-1 (Agricultural/Rural Low Density) District, is approved. 4. The Board finds that the proposed rezoning request of the approximately 14.483 acres is cons adopted comprehensive plan, is good zoning practice, and will not result in a substantial detriment to the community. 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 2 of 2