HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/21/2004 - Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda December 21,2004 NOTE: There will be a tour of the proposed regional jail sites at 11 :00 a.m. prior to the Board meeting. Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for December 21, 2004. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVlV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Bill Booth Vinton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS C. D. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendment to the fiscal year 2004-2005 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2507, Code of Virginia. (Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) 1 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt the following financial policies: (Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) (a) Adopt a policy for the general fund unappropriated balance (b) Adopt a policy establishing capital reserves (c) Amend the policy for the use of unexpended appropriations at the end of each fiscal year (d) Adopt a policy for the use of general fund revenues ín excess of budget at the end of the fiscal year 2. Request to adopt the drainage maintenance projects for fiscal year 2004- 2005. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES - CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits o~ the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a special use permit to construct a private stable on 2.876 acres, located at 861 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Billy D. Montgomery and Catherine R. Montgomery 2. First reading of ordinance to rezone 17.034 acres from R4C, high density residential district with conditions, to R4C, high density residential district with amended conditions, for the development of single family housing located at Plantation Road at the intersection of Hershberger Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of M & M Developers, LLC 3. First reading of ordinance to amend Section 30-74-4 (A) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the reference date for the Flood Insurance Study for Roanoke County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The reference date will reflect the new Flood Insurance Study date of February 4,2005, as amended. 2 G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending Article II, Taxes on Tangible Personal Property, Section 21-16, Returns, of the Roanoke County Code to change the date of filing tangible personal property tax returns on motor vehicles and trailers from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days. (Nancy Horn, Commissioner of the Revenue) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare 2. Citizens Advisory Committee for Regional Jail Project 3. Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Community Advisory Committee (CAC) J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes - December 7,2004 2. Ratification and confirmation of committee appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Community Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by district) 3. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the regional jail project 4. Request to adopt resolution canceling and rescheduling a meeting date of the Board of Supervisors 5. Request to purchase five fire vehicles and adopt a resolution authorizing the borrowing of $1,539,270.74 from the Risk Management Fund to finance these vehicles 3 K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Major Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Minor Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 4. Board Contingency Fund 5. Future Capital Projects 6. Accounts Paid - November 2004 7. Statement of expenditures and estimated and actual revenues for the month ended November 30,2004 8. Statement of Treasurer's accountability per investment and portfolio policy as of November 30,2004 9. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 10. Economic Development Report for the month ended November 30, 2004 11. Report on proposed regional jail sites O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. P. WORK SESSIONS (Board Meeting Room - 1st Floor) 1. Work session to discuss middle school baseball and softball programs. (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism) 2. Work session to update the Board on the status of the Public Safety Building Project and plan for the upcoming activities. (Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator) 4 EVENING SESSION Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of D. Diane Henson, General Registrar for the County of Roanoke, after thirty years of service 2. Introduction of Judith Ann Stokes, General Registrar S. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive comments on the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for fiscal years 2005-2011 and the allocation of revenue sharing funds for fiscal year 2005-2006. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) (a) Approval of resolution for the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for fiscal years 2005-2011 and the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2005-2006 (b) Approval of projects for fiscal year 2005-2006 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Program T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Continued until January 25. 2005 at the reQuest of the petitioner. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone .98 acres from C1 Office District to C2 General Commercial District, and to obtain a special use permit on 2.22 acres for the operation of a fast food restaurant and drive-thru located at the intersections of Brambleton Avenue, Colonial Avenue and Merriman Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Seaside Heights, LLC. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 2. Continued until January 25. 2005 at the reQuest of the Plannina Commission. Second reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to construct a 199 ft. broadcast tower located at 432 Bandy Drive near Windy Gap Mountain, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of Nextel Partners, Inc. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) U. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 5 v. w. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Michael A. Wray 2. Michael W. Altizer 3. Joseph P. McNamara 4. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 5. Richard C. Flora ADJOURNMENT TO TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2005, AT 2:30 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF HOLDING AN ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING PRIOR TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING AT 3:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. j) -I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2004-2005 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2507, Code of Virginia SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Elmer C. Hodge ~ jf~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~f~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This is a public hearing to secure citizen's comments concerning amending the fiscal year 2004-05 budget by adjusting the aggregate amount to be appropriated during the fiscal year. Section 15.2-2507 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that whenever such amendment exceeds 1 % of the total expenditures shown in the adopted budget or $500,000, whichever is lesser, the County must publish notice of a meeting and public hearing. The notice must state the County's intent to amend the budget and include a brief synopsis of the proposed budget amendment. This notice was published on December 14, 2004. 1. Appropriation of an amount not to exceed $1,539,270.74 to authorize the borrowing from the Risk Management Fund for the purchase of five fire vehicles. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact as a result of the public hearing. Requests for appropriations will occur later in this agenda. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board hold the required public hearing. Board action appropriating funds as provided in this notice will occur later during this meeting. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E- I (a) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request to adopt a policy for the general fund unappropriated balance SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Elmer C. Hodge ~ ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ cff~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: One of the measures of a fiscally well managed local government is the adoption of formal fiscal policies. The staffs of the County Board of Supervisors and the School Board have been developing a series of these fiscal policies. On February 14, 1989, the Board of Supervisors approved a goal of maintaining the general fund unappropriated balance at 6.25% of the general fund revenues. The general fund unappropriated balance is important for numerous reasons: . It can be used for cash flow during lean revenue months. The majority of County revenues are collected twice a year (in April-May and in November- December). However, our expenditures continue throughout the year. . It can be used in cases of emergency, such as if a revenue source should be suddenly eliminated or if the County should incur a large unforeseen expenditure. . Interest income is generated from the unappropriated balance, which is then used as a budgeted revenue source. . It can be used as a source of short-term borrowing during the start up phases of large construction projects, before the bonds have been sold. . A meaningful balance helps the County maintain good standing with the rating agencies. <¿- ) (a.) The rating agencies are currently recommending that the unappropriated balance be maintained at a level between 10% and 15% of the general fund revenues. The attached policy will increase the general fund unappropriated balance gradually to a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 11 %. This will leave the Board with some flexibility during anyone year to move between the minimum and maximum balances. Money will be added to the general fund unappropriated balance from the year-end revenues in excess of budget, as outlined in a separate policy. FISCAL IMPACT: A meaningful general fund unappropriated balance will have all the benefits outlined above. In addition, these sound fiscal policies will promote a healthy bond rating which will keep interest rates as Iowa possible for future borrowings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached General Fund Unappropriated Balance Policy. 2 ~ - J(Q.') AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE POLICY WHEREAS, one of the measures of a fiscally well managed locality is the adoption of formal financial policies; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has previously had a goal of maintaining the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of general fund revenues; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors now wishes to provide for the long-term economic stability of the County of Roanoke by establishing a formal policy for the establishment, maintenance, and use of the unreserved general fund balance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the General Fund Unappropriated Balance Policy is adopted as follows, and 2. That this policy is in effect for FY 2003-04, and subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors. County of Roanoke, Virginia General Fund Unappropriated Balance Policy c¿- ¡ (~\ I. Background The County of Roanoke recognizes one of the keys to sound financial management is the development of financial policies. Credit agencies carefully monitor levels of unreserved fund balance in a government's general fund to evaluate a government's continued creditworthiness. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends that governments establish a formal policy on the level of unreserved fund balance in the general fund. In addition, the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB) issued a comprehensive set of accepted budget processes and procedures that set the standards of excellence in state and local governmental budgeting. A critical element incorporated into these standards is the adoption of financial policies, which include the development of a policy on stabilization funds, i.e. Unappropriated Balance (Principle 2; Element 4; Practice 4.1). This policy addresses this standard. II. Purpose The Board of Supervisors is ensuring the long-term economic stability of the County of Roanoke, by establishing a policy that maintains a prudent level of financial resources to protect against reducing service levels or raising taxes and fees because of temporary revenue shortfalls or unpredicted one-time expenditures. III. Reasons for adopting this policy . Plan for contingencies . Maintain good standings with the rating agencies . Avoid interest expense for operating budget needs and capital needs . Investment income from fund balances . Ensure cash availability when revenue is unavailable IV. Fund Balance Policy Guidelines The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at a minimum of 6.25% of general fund revenues. This minimum will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 7.0 - 8.0% 7.5 - 8.5 8.0 - 9.0 8.5 - 9.5 9.0 -10.0 9.5-10.5 10.0-11.0 (-I ~ ) v. Maintenance of Fund Balance At the end of each fiscal year, all general fund revenues in excess of budget will first go into the General Fund Unappropriated Balance, until the maximum balance for the current fiscal year is met. The General Fund Unappropriated Balance is available for difficult economic times, stabilizing cash flow requirements, and emergency appropriations by the Board of Supervisors; however it is the intent of the Board to maintain at least the minimum balance for the current fiscal year. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E-/ Cb) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request to adopt a policy establishing capital reserves SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Elmer C. Hodge ~-H~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~--e SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: One of the measures of a fiscally well managed local government is the adoption of formal fiscal policies. The staffs of the County Board of Supervisors and the School Board have been developing a series of these fiscal policies. The County Board of Supervisors and the School Board recognize the need to develop a funding source for needed capital projects. The concept of developing a Major County Capital Reserve and a Minor County Capital Reserve will meet the needs of the large capital projects as defined in the formal Capital Improvements Plan, as well as the smaller capital items and one-time expenditures that arise during the year. This policy develops a means of accumulating funds on a pay-as-you-go basis for these capital needs. The School Board will be adopting a similar policy for school capital reserves. FISCAL IMPACT: This policy will encourage capital reserves for needed County capital projects. In addition, the bond rating agencies encourage the adoption of a series of sound fiscal policies. This will promote a healthy bond rating, which will keep interest rates as Iowa possible for future borrowings. <Z - '(\¿~) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution which establishes the County Capital Reserves. 2 t:: - I (h) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR COUNTY CAPITAL RESERVES WHEREAS, one of the measures of a fiscally well managed locality is the adoption of formal fiscal policies; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes the need to fund capital projects; and WHEREAS, it is important to the Board of Supervisors to fund some capital projects on a pay-as-you-go basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows; 1. That the policy for County capital reserves is hereby adopted as follows; and 2. That this policy shall be in effect for FY 2003-04, and the subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors C-I (b) County of Roanoke, Virginia Policy for County Capital Reserves I. Background The County of Roanoke recognizes one of the keys to sound financial management is the development of a systematic way to fund capital projects. In addition to the Debt Policy, the County believes it is important to set up a funding stream and guidelines to fund some capital projects, or portions of capital projects, on a pay-as-you-go basis. The National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB) has issued guidelines representing standards of excellence in governmental budgeting that include the preparation of policies and plans for capital asset acquisition, maintenance, and replacement (Principle 2; Element 5; Practice 5.2). This policy addresses this standard. II. Purpose This policy will establish guidelines to set aside reserves to fund County capital projects. III. Policy Guidelines for Major County Capital Reserve a. The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes a Major County Capital Reserve for the purpose of accumulating funds to pay-as- you-go for County Capital projects identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan that is adopted by the Board of Supervisors. b. Funds will be deposited into the Major County Capital Reserve from the following sources: i. As specified in the Policy for Use of General Fund Revenue in Excess of Budget at Year End, the revenues in excess of budget will be allocated first to the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to the extent required, and next to the Major County Capital Reserve ii. Any additional funds that the Board of Supervisors appropriates to the Reserve c. Funds may be allocated from the Major County Capital Reserve for the following purposes: i. Cash outlay for projects identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors IV. s=- I ( f)) ii. Debt payments to expedite projects identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors iii. Land purchase opportunities, even if they are not included in the County Capital Improvements Plan Policy Guidelines for Minor County Capital Reserve a. The Board of Supervisors hereby renames the County Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance as the Minor County Capital Reserve. b. Funds will be deposited into the Minor County Capital Reserve from the following sources: i. As specified in the Policy for Use of Unspent Expenditure Appropriations at Year End, the unencumbered expenditure savings remaining after the departmental rollover will be allocated to the Minor County Capital Reserve. ii. As specified in the County Charter, the proceeds from the sale of land and fixed assets, unless specifically appropriated otherwise by the Board of Supervisors, will be deposited to the Minor County Capital Reserve. iii. Any additional funds that the Board of Supervisors appropriates to the Reserve. c. Funds may be allocated from the Minor County Capital Reserve for the following purposes: i. Cash outlay for minor County capital projects. These are projects that are not normally in the County Capital Improvements Plan, and are usually less that $500,000. ii. Architectural and engineering services for all capital projects, whenever possible Hi. Other one-time expenditures iv. Major County Capital Projects as identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan, adopted by the Board of Su pervisors 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E - I (c) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request to amend the policy for the use of unexpended appropriations at the end of each fiscal year SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Elmer C. Hodge ~ f/~¿f1 County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~fr~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: One of the measures of a fiscally well managed local government is the adoption of formal fiscal policies. The staffs of the County Board of Supervisors and the School Board have been jointly working to develop year end balance policies for the appropriation of excess revenues and unexpended appropriations. On April 23, 1996, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy for the use of unexpended appropriations at the end of each fiscal year. This policy recognized the need to return a portion of departmental savings back to the departments as a way to encourage efficient use of budgeted funds, and a way to fund one-time expenditures for the departments. In addition, this policy also provided a funding stream for County-wide capital needs. The attached revision to this policy recognizes the change in name from the Capital Fund to the Minor County Capital Reserve. FISCAL IMPACT: This policy encourages the departments to be efficient with their funds, and provides an ongoing funding stream for capital needs. In additions, the bond rating agencies encourage the adoption of a series of sound fiscal policies. This will promote a healthy bond rating, which in turn helps the County to attain lower interest rates of future borrowings. [- )((\ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution amending the policy for the use of unexpended appropriations at the end of each fiscal year. 2 ç ) ('" .......w- >~~ ) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2004 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE POLICY FOR THE USE OF UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIONS AT THE END OF EACH FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, as a result of frugal management practices at both the departmental and administrative levels of County government, various County departments have completed the fiscal year with actual expenditures being less than budget appropriations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has previously adopted Resolution 042396-5 on April 23, 1996 establishing a policy for the use of unexpended appropriations at the end of each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors adopted this policy to fund capital reserves and to provide incentives to reduce annual expenditures below appropriations while maintaining the high quality delivery of public services. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the policy for the use of unexpended appropriations at the end of each fiscal year is hereby amended as follows, and 2. That this amended policy shall be in effect for FY 2003-04, and the subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors. I L.--- c"' '.. \ (\ ) County of Roanoke Policy for Use of Unspent Expenditure Appropriations at Year End I. Background At the end of a fiscal year, unspent expenditure appropriations generally lapse and revert to a reserve or fund balance within the fund in which the appropriations originated. In some cases it is desirable to reappropriate a portion of these funds to allow for the completion of projects or purchases in process. The County provides for these instances by including wording in the Appropriation Ordinance that encompasses encumbrances, capital projects and school funds. The National Advisory Council on State and Local BudQetinQ (NACSLB) has issued Quidelines representing standards of excellence in Clovernmental budQetinq that include the preparation of policies and plans for capital asset acquisition. maintenance, and replacement (Principle 2; Element 5: Practice 5_2)- This poiicy addresses this standard, II. Purpose This policy would establish guidelines to fund Jhe Minor County Cppit~l ße~~rv~ ~ -- - L Deleted: a and to distribute unspent funds at year end to departments for needed '<I D"Jeted: c expenditures. This additional funding will provide an opportunity for departments '(DeIet"'ed-:- - to invest in items that will assist them in meeting their service delivery objectives. e. r Encouraging frugal management practices will provide a more flexible environment and allow innovative and efficient approaches to servicing our citizens. j ~I ) --I J III. Performance Standard Departments will not engage in practices, for the purpose of solely generating savings, that will adversely affect the quality of service delivery, unless approved by the County Administrator and/or the Board of Supervisors. IV. Policy Guidelines A. When the County's accounts are closed out at the fiscal year-end, 60% of the unencumbered expenditure savings from each departmental budget of the General Fund will be designated for reappropriation to that department in the following fiscal year. The remaining 40% of the unencumbered expenditure savings will revert to the Minor Countv Capital Reserve. fo~ Juture. c§ipi_tal._- projects approved by the Board of Supervisors. B, Departmental requests for this reappropriation of funds will be evaluated and approved by the County Administrator on an item-by-item basis, C. These funds are "non-recurring"; therefore, the use of these funds can only be used for expenditures such as vehicle replacement, computers, renovations, training or other purposes that relate to the department's mission and do not require expenditures in future fiscal years. These funds cannot be used for salary increases, additional personnel, or expansion of services, - [ Deleted: Fund J --------------- ----- ----.... - , Deleted: <#> That thisPolicy shall be in effect for FY 1995-96 and subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors,l1 11 . ------------ ACTION NO. Ë- j (d ') ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request to adopt a policy for the use of general fund revenues in excess of budget at the end of each fiscal year SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Elmer C. Hodge ët'~ (-) ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ./ ~~r~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: One of the measures of a fiscally well managed local government is the adoption of formal fiscal policies. The staffs of the County Board of Supervisors and the School Board have been jointly working to develop year end balance policies for the appropriation of excess revenues and unexpended appropriations. The attached policy and resolution were prepared as a means of providing an ongoing future funding stream for County capital needs, as well as increasing the General Fund Unappropriated Balance over time. The annual appropriations of funds for major capital projects will ensure that progress can be made on current and future county capital needs. FISCAL IMPACT: This policy will provide funding to gradually increase the general fund unappropriated balance and for needed County capital projects. In addition, the bond rating agencies encourage the adoption of a series of sound fiscal policies. This will promote a healthy bond rating, which in turn helps the County attain lower interest rates on future borrowings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached policy for the use of general fund revenues in excess of budget at the close of each fiscal year. c-) Cd) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR THE USE OF GENERAL FUND REVENUE IN EXCESS OF BUDGET AT THE END OF EACH FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, any general fund revenue in excess of budget at the end of each fiscal year reverts to the General Fund Unappropriated Balance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is concerned about maintaining a sufficient level in the General Fund Unappropriated Balance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is also concerned about funding major County capital improvements identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the policy for the use of general fund revenue in excess of budget at the end of each fiscal year is hereby adopted as follows, and 2. That this amended policy shall be in effect for FY 2003-04, and the subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors. [- )(1") County of Roanoke Policy for Use of General Fund Revenue in Excess of Budget at Year End I. Background At the end of each fiscal year, general fund revenues in excess of budget revert to the General Fund Unappropriated Balance. The Board of Supervisors is concerned about maintaining a sufficient level in the General Fund Unappropriated Balance, as outlined in the General Fund Unappropriated Balance Policy. In addition, the Board of Supervisors is concerned about setting aside funds to pay as you go for Major County Capital Projects. The National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB) has issued guidelines representing standards of excellence in governmental budgeting that include developing a policy on stabilization funds (Principle 2; Element 4; Practice 4.1) and the preparation of policies and plans for capital asset acquisition, maintenance, and replacement (Principle 2; Element 5; Practice 5.2). This policy addresses these standards. II. Purpose This policy will establish guidelines to allow funds to build and replenish the General Fund Unappropriated Balance, and to fund the Major County Capital Fund. III. Policy Guidelines A. When the County's accounts are closed at the end of each fiscal year, the revenues in excess of budget will be allocated as follows: a. First to the General Fund Unappropriated Balance, until the maximum amount for the current year is met, as specified in the General Fund Unappropriated Balance Policy b. Next to the Major County Capital Fund B. Any revenues that have been established to go toward a specific program will be removed from the above allocation C. If in any year, the general fund revenues are less than the budget, the difference will be removed from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request for adoption of drainage maintenance projects for fiscal year 2004-2005 SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director, Community Development Elmer C. Hodge ~ J-fç ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ "fI~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On December 7,2004, staff presented at a work session with the Board of Supervisors an overview of the drainage maintenance program. Staff reviewed with the Board the history of the drainage program, drainage complaint procedure, maintenance responsibilities, previously approved project list and new project list. In addition, a review of the 1995 Regional Storm Water Master Plan was discussed. Projects P-159 through P-271 were previously presented to and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The status of these projects is shown in EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS AND THEIR CURRENT STATUS. Staff is now submitting projects P-272 through P-297 with maps and justifications for inclusion into the drainage maintenance priority list for fiscal year 2004-2005. The new projects are prioritized according to adopted County policy and are shown in EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS. Funding is available for projects remaining on the approved list and through P-281 on the new list. The remaining projects will be funded in fiscal year 2005-2006. C-....\ c... '. ..j.,.". FISCAL IMPACT: No additional funding is being requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of these additional drainage projects for inclusion into the drainage maintenance priority list. 2 ~-~ EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS P-159 - P-271 PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-159 c¿"- ,~'"-~"" Mary Bland (RFA 92E1009) 7920 Cedar Edge Forest Edge CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $3500 #95.01-3-50 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-160 John Hamilton (RFA 93E1116) 4209 Arlington Hill Dr. Arlington Hills REPLACE WITH CONCRETE PIPE $6000 #86.16-4-27 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-161 Randy Likens (RFA 92E1071) 906 Starmount Avenue Deer Run Estates, Section #2 CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $3000 #27.09-2-1 HOLLINS COMPLETE PROJECT P-162 C"'_, (". ~~:J.""" OWNER: Mrs. Legg (RFA 92E1 071) 5647 Penguin Drive Penn Forest DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: ($4000 ) T AX MAP: #87.13-7-2 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-163 OWNER: Nancy Biggs (RFA 92E936) 549 Water Oak Road DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: ($20,000) TAX MAP: #38.08-04-68.00 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS: REMOVED FROM LIST/DRAINAGE EASEMENT ISSUES PROJECT P-164 OWNER: Danny Gilbert (RFA 93E1158) 1820 Dorset DESCRIPTION: INSTALL CONCRETE PIPE WITH HOMEOWNER PARTICIPATION ESTIMATED COST: $7000 TAX MAP: #76.10-533.1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-165 <~,~ """<.,. Wayne Lineberry 3730 Ellen Drive INSTALL STORM SEWER WITH VDOT PARTICIPATION $30,000 #55.10-4-3 CATAWBA REMOVED FROM LIST/DRAINAGE EASEMENT ISSUES P-166 Mr. Taylor 2950 Penn Forest Blvd. Penn Forest REPLACE COLLAPSED STORM SEWER $18,000 #87.06-3-21 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-167 Mr. Peyton 4818 Colonial Avenue CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $3000 #87.05-4-9 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-168 c¿..~.~... Mr. Harry Gain (RFA 92E1 053) 8167 Hunters Trail Belleview Gardens CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $1000 #28.01-1-10 HOLLINS COMPLETE P-169 Linda K. Winge 4914 North Spring Dr. INSTALL ADDITIONAL STORM SEWER $5000 #37.13-3-32 CATAWBA COMPLETE P-170 Martin Carle 5515 Taney Drive CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $5000 #37.05-1-15 CATAWBA COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-171 ç¿...P~ Reggie Lemons 7131 Cedar Crest Road Woodlands CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $2000 #26.20-02-43.00 HOLLINS COMPLETE P-172 Phillip Day (RFA 93E1147) 7574 Old Mill Road CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $1200 #95.03-2-1 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-173 Clifford Fountain (RFA 92E964) 7045 Starlight Lane CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $4000 #97.03-1-12 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-174 r~~. ", Joseph Stowers (RFA 92E1052) 3326 Kenwick Trail Penn Forest CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $500 #87.06-3-35 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-175 Alice Holpp (RFA 92E86) 1309 Ashebrook Drive Hampden Hills CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $12,000 #79.01-2-1 VINTON REMOVED FROM LIST/DRAINAGE EASEMENT ISSUES P-176 Robert M. Crigger 2933 Beldon Drive (RFA 93E1089) CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $8,000 #25.01-1-26 CATAWBA COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP # MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-177 [<-~. Pacetti R. Carlos 5339 Endicott Street INSTALL ADDITIONAL PIPE $3,500 #38.12-3-41 HOLLINS COMPLETE P-178 Chris Lawrence 5342 Hu ntridge Road CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $1,500 #40.09-04-10 HOLLINS COMPLETE P-179 Virginia Hodgson 3717 Kentland Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $800 #76.08-06-67 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-180 ç. .-.. "". .....~¡J Cathy Yotka (RFA 93E1159) 3930 Westmoreland Dr. Lot 9, Section 7, Mt. Vernon Heights CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $5,000 #77.13-4-35 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-181 Sam StClair 2850 Silver Leaf North Beverly Heights CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $6,000 #44.03-3-55 CATAWBA REMOVED FROM LIST/DRAINAGE EASEMENT ISSUES P-182 Paul Black (RFA 94E1199) 7549 Williamson Rd. CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $5,000 #27.11-3-9 HOLLINS DELAYED TEMPORARILY PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJE CT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-183 \°.- °, t --t~ o~""o o. "°'" Danny Rivers 2417 Horsepen Mountain Circle Falling Creek Estate STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $1 ,000 #50.04-3-87 VINTON COMPLETE P-184 Lawrence Kelly (RFA 92E974) 3587 Farmington Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $3,500 #76.20-3-10 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-185 Dorothy Overstreet (RFA 93E1 097) 2725 Tanglewood Drive Penn Forest CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $1 ,500 #87.14-4-15 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-186 r::::'" (""""ð., " Lucille lartosca (RFA 93E1152) 1313 Deer Run Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $1,500 #61.04-2-52 VINTON COMPLETE P-187 Amber Spikes 4846 Cherokee Hills Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $1,000 #54.04-4-59 CATAWBA COMPLETE P-188 Betty Saunders (RFA 94E1201) 1861 Terry Drive EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO AN EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM $10,000 #50.03-2-15 VINTON COMPLETE PROJECT P-189 ç.,,~ OWNER: Mrs. Vickie Stinson 5487 West River Road DESCRIPTION: VDOT TO INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM ELIMINATING A TRAFFIC HAZARD. ROANOKE COUNTY WILL PROVIDE ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SUPPORT. ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP: #64.03-1-34.1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-190 OWNER: David Herrick 2635 Green Ridge Circle DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO AN EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $7,000 TAX MAP: #36.20-6-12 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-191 OWNER: Jeff Foutz (RFA 94E1184) 5440 Setter Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP: #40.17-3-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-192 ç"" ." . -- "ì l.. '::>(", -..' "" OWNER: Carl Sutter 5007 Labradore Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 #40.09-3-1 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-193 OWNER: Elizabeth Weaver 4415 Wyndale Av. DESCRIPTION: INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND/OR ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTI MATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP: #76.08-6-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-194 OWNER: Joe Farmer (RFA 95E1271) 4749 Brookwood Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP: #76.11-3-37 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-195 ~"~", \, ' - Ciol L"..", " Melinda Crosser (RFA 94E1223) 6172 Burnham Road REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM $15,000 #76.03-3-70.6 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-196 Barbara Doyle (RFA 95E1256) 5041 Craun Lane REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM $20,000 #37.10-2-8 CATAWBA COMPLETE P-197 Lucille Harmon 3630 Brandywine Av. REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATESTORM SEWER SYSTEM $15,000 #77.13-2-1 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE PROJECT P-198 " \' ~<.. "" OWNER: Scott Taylor 1141 Starmount Ave. DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE AND REGRADE EXISTING CHANNEL. EXPANDED TO INCLUDE FULL REACH OF CHANNEL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 ADDITIONAL COST: $12,000 TAX MAP: #27.09-4-9 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT: P-199 OWNER: J. D. Fralin TAX MAP: # 38.10-7-25 DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNELS BETWEEN WILLIAMSON ROAD AND FLORIST PROJECT WILL INCLUDE PRIVATE PARTICIPA TION MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: (TOTAL) $45,000 (COUNTY) $22,500 (PRIVATE) $22,500 HOLLINS ESTIMATED COST: STATUS: REMOVED FROM LIST PROJECT P-200 OWNER: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors TAX MAP: #38.07-2-56 DESCRIPTION: RELOCATE EXISTING DISCHARGE CHANNEL ONTO COUNTY PROPERTY. FILL IN RAVINE BETWEEN COUNTY PROPERTY AND ADJACENT PROPERTY. FILL MATERIAL WILL BE INERT MATERIAL ONLY ESTIMATED COST: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: $35,000 HOLLINS COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-201 -~. Raymond Nero 1689 Richland Hills Drive INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM $10,000 #35.03-1-18 CATAWBA REMOVED FROM LIST/DRAINAGE EASEMENT ISSUES P-202 Henry Trail (RFA 95E1332) 3052 Parham Drive REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM $30,000 #79.01-1-92 VINTON ENGINEERING AND SURVEY UNDERWAY P-203 George Igoe 3041 Embassy Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $5,000 #36.19-1-34 CATAWBA COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: I STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-204 [-x Joy Kilbane 3867 Vauxhall Road STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $15,000 #76.08-3-11 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-205 Bruce Young 3106 Galloway Drive STABILIZE OUTFALL CHANNEL $2,500 #76.15-3-6 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-206 Jean and Gail Holbrook 314 Woodmere Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $1,000 #61.19-7-7 VINTON COMPLETE PROJECT P-207 OWNER: Lisa Aly 5237 Cave Spring Lane c-'.. "') ~. """0<.... DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: 8,000 TAX MAP: #76,20-5-12 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-20B OWNER: Michael Daley (RFA 95E1335) 3055 Bradshaw Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 #16.03-2-53 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-209 OWNER: Anthony Wallace 5621 Legate Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL COMPLETED IN CONJUNCTION WITH P-124 COST: $6,500 TAX MAP: #36,19-1-42 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-210 t'.. . ","-'J~ OWNER: Bill Francis 3356 Kenwick Trail DESCRIPTION: COST: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL EMERGENCY REPAIRS $7,500 TAX MAP: #87.06-3-41 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-211 OWNER: Peggy Stack 323 Ingal Blvd. DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABILE CHANNEL EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO OUTFALL OF PIPE COST: $8,000 TAX MAP: #54.02-2-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-212 OWNER: Charles Hofer 5932 Sunnycrest Road DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT A NEW CHANNEL FROM RIGHT OF WAY TO NATURAL WATERCOURSE ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP: # 6.03-2-5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-213 ç-<., OWNER: Gina Barringer 3422 Lakeland Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABLE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,555 #76.19-2-58 Access 5386 Luwana Dr. TAX MAP #76.19-2-56 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-214 OWNER: Robert Furrow 2711 Sunnyvale DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT NEW CHANNEL FROM RIGHT OF WAY TO NATURAL WATERCOURSE ESTIMATED COST: $4,000 TAX MAP: #79.01-3-16 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P.215 OWNE R: Steven T. Doyle 1879 Elbert Drive DESCRIPTION: SEWE R SYSTEM INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 #76.06-3-40 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-216 C"..'-' . L. -~, Julie E. & J. R. Bell 2032 Governor Drive INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM $18,000 #36.19-2-32 CATAWBA COMPLETE P-217 Roger Jefferson Darrell Brittin 4721 Starkey Road CONSTRUCT STABLE CHANNEL $16,000 #87.07-4-10 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-218 Greg Walter 8521 Barrens Road CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $1,000 #26.08-5-18 HOLLINS COMPLETE PROJECT P-219 OWNER: Doris E. and Mabel Carlson 4229 Sharolyn Drive 'i...-=- J. ,", DESCRIPTION: REPLACE COLLAPSING CORRUGATED METAL STORM SEWER SYSTEM WITH CONCRETE ESTIMATED COST: $25,000 TAX MAP: #86.16-4-3 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-220 NAME Charles R. Simpson 5326 Cave Spring Lane DESCRIPTION: REPAIR AND REPLACE PORTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $4,500 TAX MAP: #76.19-2-6 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT: P-221 OWNER: Craig S. Sellers 3616 Manassas Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 #77.18-4-25 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: PENDING DRAINAGE EASEMENT DONATION PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P -222 Terry Edwards 6258 Buckland Mill Road STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $8,000 #18.17-4-26 HOLLINS COM PLETE P-223 Paul T. and Susan Leroy 4037 Crawford Road REPAIR EXISTING CONCRETE CHANNEL $5,000 #77.19-2-54 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-224 Jonathan Bingham 2725 White Pelican CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $60,000 #87.13-2-4 CAVE SPRING ENGINEERING UNDERWAY ç:.- J.", PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P.225 Thomas F. Engl 5227 Rosecliff Road S. W. CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $3,000 #86.11-2-4 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P.226 William V. and Marian Johnson 2850 Embassy Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $1,000 #36.20-5-21 CATAWBA COMPLETE P.227 Walt Dixon 2680 Willowlawn REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM $1,000 #77.05-5-21 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE [-~" PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-228 Iris Stone 5161 North lake Drive INSTALL INLETS ALONG EXISTING SYSTEM $10,000 #37.09-1-33 CATAWBA PENDING P-229 Mr. David Cushman 805 Halifax Circle CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $6,000 #71.10-2-23 VINTON COMPLETE P-230 John A. and Cynthia L. D. Marco 5069 Williamsburg Court CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $500 #86.08-5-24 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE ~-~. "., , PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTrMA TED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTI MATED COST: TAX. MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-231 ("",-~' ",' ~ '~'. , . ,'<> Don Neighbors 2020 Denise Circle CONSTRUCT NEW CHANNEL $6,000 #39.04-1-35 HOLLINS PENDING P-232 Jerry Ogden 3446 Poff Lane STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $12,000 #87.10-3-11 CAVE SPRING REMOVED FROM LIST/DRAINAGE EASEMENT ISSUES P-233 Michael and Karen Tripp 5081 Labradore Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $10,000 #40. 1 3-3-30 HOLLINS PENDING PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-234 ç~-~ "" Betty Saunders 1861 Terry Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $2,000 #50.03-2-15 VINTON COMPLETE P-235 Charles Noel 5507 Lynn Dell CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $15,000 #86.16-3-13 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-236 Richard Lee Lawrence 5004 Falcon Ridge Road STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $20,000 #88.13-3-20 CAVE SPRING PENDING PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-237 Patricia Lewis 7192 Bent Mountain Road STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $5,000 #95.01-02-40 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-238 Bernice Doran 1290 Dennis Lane CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $5,000 #35.04-2-67 CATAWBA PENDING P-239 Howard Pauley 3620 Manassas Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $8,000 #77.18-4-26 CAVE SPRING PENDING DRAINAGE EASEMENT DONATION ~-~ PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P.240 Elizabeth Underwood 143 Missimer Court CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $18,000 #61.19-10-25 VINTON COMPLETE P.241 Gilbert Banton 2331 Coachman Drive RECONSTRUCT CHANNEL $2,000 #39.12-1-27 HOLLINS COM PLETE P.242 Dean Thompson 2730 Tulip Lane STABILIZE OUTFALL OF STORM SEWER $12,000 #61 . 11-1-47-5 VINTON COMPLETE ~-~ PROJECT P.243 '~- c,,'\ r:::::J....,. OWNER: Craig and Kathy Dickerson 2817 Emissary Drive DESCRIPTION: RECONSTRUCT CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 #36.20-4-22 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-244 OWNER: Robert Lindsey 6744 Mallard Lake Drive DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: #96.03-3-10 CAVE SPRING STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P.245 OWNER: Lee Hall 3412 Poplar Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM IN CONJUNCTIONWITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP: #77.14-6-46 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT P-246 ~-cl. OWNER: Todd Ranio 820 Harmon Road DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 #38.08-5-6 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS: PENDING PROJECT P-247 OWNER: Barbara Hansel 4515 Hammond Lane DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $50,000 #77.17-2.20 and 21 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: PENDING PROJECT P-247 OWNER: Paul Diagle 4566 Girard Drive DESCRIPTION: REPLACED EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER IN CONJUNCTIONWITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP: #77.17-2-11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS: COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-248 Kenneth Paitsel 2639 Stanford Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $6,000 #44.04-3-5 CATAWBA PENDING P-248 R. W. Minter 2659 Standford Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $12,000 #44.04-3-8 CATAWBA PENDING P-249 Charles and Dianna Dietrich 5533 Halcun Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $30,000 #38.07-5-17 HOLLINS ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING UNDERWAY ~.-~ PROJECT P-250 ~- ~}- OWNER: R. D. Peters 7519 Milk-A-Way Drive DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM. COUNTY ATTORNEY TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OF EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY. ESTIMATED COST: $1,500 - $50,000 #27.10-8-1 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS: REMOVED FROM LIST/COUNTY NOT RESPONSIBLE PROJECT P-251 OWNER: Shirley Woodson 2837 Crown Circle DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT CHANNEL - PROJECT DEPENDS ON DONATIONS OF DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP: #44.03-2-30 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: PENDING PROJECT P -252 OWNER: Anne Wealti 1311 Deer Run Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 #61.04-2-53 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON STATUS: PENDING PROJECT P-253 C ", C-~... OWNER: Linda D. Stover Barker 4435 Wynd ale Avenue DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM IN CONJUNCTION WITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $20 000 TAX MAP: #76.08-6-44 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS STATUS: PENDING PROJECT P.254 OWNER: Francis Brookman 2719 Beaver Brook Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 #44.04-4.11 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: PENDING PROJECT P-255 OWNER: Dennis Guthrie 4962 Bower Road DESCRI PTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $4,500 TAX MAP: #76.07 -3-25 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: WINDSOR HILLS NEW DEVELOPMENT IS CORRECTING DRAINAGE PROBLEM PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-256 c¿-~ Mrs. Howard 5701 Pine Acres Lane REMOVE SILT FROM CHANNEL $5,500 #86.16-2-29 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE P-257 Virginia Johnson 5330 Chaparral Drive STABILIZE CHANNEL $6,000 #87.06-2-2 and 3 CAVE SPRING REMOVED FROM LIST/DEVELOPER CORRECTED PROBLEM P-258 Norman Ronk 3317 Carner Lane CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $5,000 #36.08-1-1 CATAWBA PENDING PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-259 [-~ Janet Walker 5466 Yale Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $4,000 # 64.02-2-25 CATAWBA PENDING P-260 Lynn Johnson 4490 Brentwood Court STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $5,000 #86.08-7-24 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE P-261 Tim Kennedy 5546 Ambassador Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $20,000 #36.20-4-32 CATAWBA Richard Taylor 5554 Ambassador Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $10,000 #36.20-4-32 CATAWBA PENDING PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-262 ç~, '"". ..¿....., Jason Beach 1446 Lori Drive CONSTRUCT STABLE CHANNEL $18,000 #79.03-2-28 VINTON PENDING P-263 Michael Whiteside 6116 Steeplechase Drive INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER DEVELOPER TO PARTICIPATE $10,500 #86.01-2-36 and 37 WINDSOR HILLS PENDING P-264 Robert Agee 5361 Cave Spring Lane STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL SLOPE $5,000 #76.19-1-20 WINDSOR HILLS COMPLETE PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-265 James E. Moneyhun 3007 Tree Top Lane STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $5,000 #87.09-2-40 CAVE SPRING PENDING P-266 Hans-Andreas and Stowasser 126 Orlando Avenue CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $3,000 #38.11-3-56 HOLLINS PENDING P-267 Ms. Romanus 4206 Kings Chase Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $15,000 #97.08-02-02 CAVE SPRING PENDING (~~~ ",," PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: T AX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P.268 c¿-~ Paul Shumaker 1541 Mountain Heights CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $3,500 #35.04-01-17 CATAWBA PENDING P-269 Richard Rader 3582 Colony Lane STABILIZE CHANNEL $2,000 #77.19-02-19 CAVE SPRING COMPLETE Þ.270 Ronald Callahan 5138 Springlawn Avenue EVALUATE EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM FORPOSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE FEASIBILITY OF PROJECT ENGINEERING - $2,500 CONSTRUCTION - $25,000 #86.12-01-40 CAVE SPRING ENGINEERING COMPLETE/PLANNING STAGE PROJECT P-271 <t:,~"', ~ OWNER: Sara Cole and Kathryn Davis 1529 Dalmation Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABILE CHANNEL ESTI MATED COST: $10,000 #36.03-1-30 TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA STATUS: COMPLETE ~-~, EXHIBIT "B" NEW PROJECTS P-272 - P-297 PROJECT O\VNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT O\VNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: OWNER: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRlCT: STATUS: PROJECT O\VNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERlAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-272 \',.~~ à" Nora Weikel 5191 Wipledale Avenue REGRADE DRAINAGE EASEMENT PROVIDING AN OVERFLOW CHANNEL FOR STORMS GREATER THAN 100 YR. $6,000 #37.13-01-14 CATAWBA P-273 Eugene & Barbara Caton 3404 Greencliff Road REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER $55,000 #77.10-03-18 Edward & Elizabeth Siler 3409 Ashmead Drive #77.10-03-25 CAVE SPRING P-274 Wayne & Audrey Simpson 4615 Vest Drive CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL & STORM SEWER $30,000 #77 .17 -04-06 CAVE SPRING PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: OWNER: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: OWNER: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-275 c- ~ ""'- (" "".' ...." - Barbara S. Roop 3424 Bunker Hill Dr. INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER $25,000 #77.10-06-36 James & Catherine Paul 3426 Bunker Hill Dr. #77.10-06-37 CAVE SPRING P-276 Michael & Gloria Jennings 5263 Cave Spring Lane CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL/INSTALL ADDITIONAL INLET $60,000 #76.19-01-30 WINDSOR HILLS P-277 William & Rita Brinner 4845 Keagy Road STABILIZE EXISTING OUTFALL OF STORM SEWER SYSTEM (WILL NEED DRAINAGE EASEMENT) $3,000 #67.18-02-09 Roy & Mary Gwyn 4843 Keagy Road #67.18-02-10 WINDSOR HILLS PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-278 ~c>", \ - ~..."", William & Heather A. Harris 6210 Buckland Mill Rd. CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $25,000 #18.17-04-32 HOLLINS P-279 Daniel A. LaPrade 3041 Merino Drive EV ALUA TE EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER $30,000 #76.03-01-07 WINDSOR HILLS P-280 Bobby & Shirley J. Cooper 637 Landfair Drive STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $35,000 #61.19-04-11 VINTON PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTTh1ATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTTh1ATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTTh1A TED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-281 Larry & Tracy Western 3927 Meadowlark Road REMOVE BERM AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT $4,000 #87.17-01-02 CAVE SPRING P-282 Leslie H. Stockton 7320 Crosstimbers Trail REPLACE INADEQUATE STORM SEWER $18,000 #26.20-02-58 HOLLINS P-283 Charles & Peggy Aldridge 3310 Locust Grove Lane EST ABLISH SW ALE $5,000 55.10-01-07 CATAWBA \ '. '-""""""':;~>""" PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMA TED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMA TED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-284 (._~ Leonard & Caryl Hatch 2739 Tanglewood Dr. CONSTRUCT STABLE CHANNEL $40,000 #87.14-04-13 CAVE SPRING P-285 Cindi West 5948 Merriman Road REGRADE REAR PROPERTY AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE OUTFALL CHANNEL TO MERRIMAN ROAD $4,000 #87.17 -04-04 CAVE SPRING P-286 Robert & Ann Draper 3001 Hillandale Avenue ST ABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $6,000 #68.18-02-18 WINDSOR HILLS PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGIS_TERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-287 Theodore Sutton 2285 Donagale Drive PROVIDE ADEQUATE CHANNEL $8,000 #39.12-02- 73 HOLLINS P-288 Jill Trent 5367 Cave Spring Lane STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $20,000 #76.19-01-19 WINDSOR HILLS P-289 David & Joan Thomas 4015 Drake Circle CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL $3,500 #26.08-01-22 HOLLINS ç¿,.- eJ.... PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTJ.l\1ATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P.290 Helen Beam 4922 Balsam Drive ST ABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $10,000 #87.05-04-26 CA VE SPRING P-291 Haven & Nancy Shuck 5405 Canter Drive REPAIR EXISTING PAVED FLUME $10,000 #86.07-03-10 WINDSOR HILLS P-292 Robert & Patricia Martin 2737 Tul1y Drive REPLACE INADEQUATE STORM SEWER $20,000 #36.20-01-03 CATAWBA (-á. PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-293 '.." . .'-' \. ~;~.". ~ Richard & Paula Gross 6465 Fairway View Trail REP AIR EXIS TIN G PAVED FLUME $10,000 #66.04-01-35 WINDSOR HILLS P-294 William & Mary King 1912 Bridle Lane ST ABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $20,000 #76.06-05-24 WINDSOR HILLS P-295 Michael & Kathleen Perdue 4805 Huntridge Rd. STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $25,000 #40.14-01-09 HOLLINS PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: PROJECT OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: TAX MAP: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: STATUS: P-296 C¿e - d-, Mark & Deborah Long 6512 Fairway Estates Dr. STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL $15,000 #66.04-01-08.03 WINDSOR HILLS P-297 Christopher & Cheryl Shupe 6625 Old Fann Road CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS $4500 #76.03-06-12 WINDSOR HILLS ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Ft-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances; consent agenda SUBMITTED BY: Janet Scheid Chief Planner Elmer C. Hodge ê f6 County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for January 25. 2005. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. The petition of Billy D. Montgomery and Catherine R. Montgomery to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a private stable on 2.876 acres, located at 861 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District. 2. The petition of M & M Developers, LLC, to rezone 17.034 acres from R4C, High Density Residential District with Conditions to R4C, High Density Residential District with Amended Conditions for the development of single family housing located at Plantation Road at the intersection of Hershberger Road, Hollins Magisterial District. 3. The petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend Section 30- 74-4 (A) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the reference date for the Flood Insurance Study for Roanoke County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The reference date will reflect the new Flood Insurance Study date of February 4, 2005, as amended. 1 ~ ).._~ ~""",;~ Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the Clerk's Office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for January 25. 2005. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1-3, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. 2 , . \=~) County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Only 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 :;fjí1'iJ!~~¡~¥i:1§ AppHcajDD fee; -II O.ôo PC~ date: Placards issucd; BOS datc; Casc Number '.". ." Check type of application filed (check all that apply) 0 Rezoning !B"ŠPecial Use 0 "Variance 0 Waiver 0 Administrative Appeal Phone:~%D~\~L Work: Cell#: ,\96- 9~\or::- Fax No.: - Owner's name/address w/zip :S:> c..... ""' e..- c, ~ A ~ ~ \ \ C-~CÃ.- ",-t- Phone #: Work: Fax No. #: Property Location 'J 6 ( - ( t' ¡<-t- S t-6 IL" <--J Magisterial District: C:::t- P-...W (1 t\- (2J Community Planning area: . e".... v tJ-r- Tax Map No.: 'i - 0'] - 5' -- ~ ( Existing Zoning: Size of parcel(s): Acres: '2.. , B i"'llp Existing LaDd Use: ""':':':¡~fiJ.~~;.;~#~.9-W-- rJ$~ fr~tWiTAJ!1¿::W#!J!fJ~:_~r:f:tqœt~:@~tJf1 . Proposed Zoning: ~ ~ Sf'€' c.-~-vV ~ e.- / ~~',--t- Proposed Land Use: f íl'v,.J-e 5~ I-e... Do~_the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? €/ No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No ilfi~j..,~~J{ ~Þ.@~m{~~k~~fi~:;i~~i~if.i~~ðt~jJ\.".;','.:,~..."" ..,...., ;V I/J , I Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to P- 5 ;h. Ir::: 174.- t' f """---"""""""",--""'......................<.......-...'..,,..-........,................,.." Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke CO11D.ty Zoning Ordinance in order to: lJ/4 , Æ:>f the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WJLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSmG OR INCOMPLETE. ¡wyrï I~ ~ RJSM V/AA Consultation 8 1/2" x 11" conccpt pJan ~ Application fee v Application . Metes and bounds description' Proffers, if applicable ./ Justificarlon Water and sewer application. Adjoining property owners I hereby cenify that I am either the ownér °j-tfe pro~ or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowJedge and' 00""'" of th, 0""". ~"\'-I \)'î~~~ .. Own,'" S;gna"'" c....C>.....*-~~y~.. . \'f, C3'1'\-\- ~ c\'\ e.-,~\-.. ~ "w) ~~~~~:,~~r\Ti ON FORREZdNrn G '"S~~~~Y~'~:~~T,"?~~~~:_~~~~~" --. ",.. - -.. .. '",,-- -, .. 0" Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zonmg Ordinance. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. 3 r .. ."... ..' ..' ,. '. ""'. ,.' .,.. "" """. . .'. ~~~~:iFlé$A:TION FOR V A1liA:NCE ~~~~~~ .. r-~) I Applicant Th~1oníng Appeals is re~uired by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a varíánce can be granted. Please read the factors Jisted below carefully and in your own words, describe how the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in hannony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property . 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. Such hardships shouJd be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or the character of the district. .4 t=-J J I)~~~~~CA:TIÎÖN FO~ A!)~~~~~~~~'.#:9~~~::: """""""'-'" Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. Reasons for appeal: 2. Evidence supporting claim: 5 F-- ) lr~~~~~~:rLANCImCI{LIST ' , ' , .",>. ,.,.".h ~"'" '.,.., , """"""""-""" .", A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County pennitûng regulations. The con~ept plan should not be confused with the site p1an or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building pennit. Site plan 2lld building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted ÌD a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning. special use peimit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site p1anner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The COU.Dty PlanniDg Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are comidered minim urn : ALL APPLICANTS a. Applicant ruune and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoÎ1liI1g properries e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. i. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties An property lines and easements All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces f. - g. h. - J. Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPliCANTS k. Existing utilities (water, sewer. storm drains) and connections at the site 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants - p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed - q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above axe complete. Signature of applicant Date , 6 Billy David & Catherine R. Montgomery 861 Texas Hollow Road Salem, VA 24153 ~ '- ) November 23, 2004 Department of Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive, SW P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018..0798 Dear Sirs: On April 8, 2004, my wife and I met with David R Holladay to discuss the requirements for having a private horse stable on our property located at 861 Texas Hollow Road in Salem. Per his instructions, we have attached an application for a special use pennit along with a copy of the plat of our property showing the current location of our home, utility building, and dog pen. Also shown is the intended location of the stable and fenced pasture. If this request is granted, the horse will strictly be for our daughter's personal use and enjoyment. She, with our help, will be responsible for its care and maintenance. We intend to properly manage all animal waste in order to prevent a nuisance or health hazard to any adjoining or nearby property owners. There are currently three homes in our neighborhood that have horses, and we feel that these properties have added to the value of the surrounding area. Thank you for your consideration of this request Should there be any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, Billy David Montgomery Attachments ':~"'. \ ,- - , ,h '\ v\/--/ ~~;~.,,/ ¿p,,/' , \ \ r :"" \ ~ . \!f;g ~\'" (:)1 it<) ~ 'V P-" '-5 f \ '.. . .\ ,'Y ,. ~ -( 'I' I V" t.. "(¡- .; -m \ i~\~" ,\1' '~ ' '\ (~ . -'~ ' ,'.."" -i~~c.ic----ô-JI1 ,~ \ F=-r.' '\'....,~ 1°2Ula U"LIT(~LD""<)r \, r~'~~-{',I,_'"""'-' 'è 1 i DoG PEN \i!¡;-"I~ +jj;t,\tI..~....¡:r- i í - ¡, ... +:-," ~ï'..)' ~ '\! \ ~ \! I. ,.., \, ~, ¡ \ \, \ ,\1 ' , , ~\ :l: ~ ! Jì :r= " ... ~ ! : 0 ~\ c::;) >a¡: ::r-ì ~ '1 j ff) ~í\' i, !,' ;, \ i 'i! ~ ~1 ,l ¡ 5' '1:)"",,1..1(' !Jr,~I.Ir,'i ¡ J -' - __I -~,---t --------_._._-------J~~~,M~~~'~_.._1 '," "'~--' ". .......--.--..-.,----.. jI tL5~J;_"ß!É-.~~l_I€~Jì5._lli1 L_(,p-~LJS.e.djt_-,_.._... ._-....,-.- ,~--- . ,. Zoning ~ '~o - AG3 .~ 8EP " _AGI AA _AV CI 8C2 8 C2CVOD 11 12 8PCD PRO ~- - OJ PTD AI A2 A3 A4 Roanoke County Department of Community Development N  Applicants Name: Billy D. & Catherine R. Montgomery Existing Zoning: R1 Proposed Zoning: R1S Tax Map Number: 44.03-5-51 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 2.876 November 24, 2004 No Scale CO1UltJ' uJ' Roanoke C<.rttmwnit,. 1Jt!\""ClolJrtttnt 1>launjng & Zoning FOr" St~dT Us~ On! ' t=: '-~, ]}"I¡; rL'Cci,;~rlc lküi<:eõJ by: 5204 Bernard Drive Þ 0 Box 29000 Roanoke, VA 24018.(Þ798 (S4(J} 172-2058, FAX ($40) 716-7155 ,',p(1&lrtiao fœ: FC:l'J7.A dUe: ]'n.."'õlrds L~: J .i:)S: dl C: CI':1õC' NUI:!fCo:>f ALL ~tPPLlC;(,\'~ ~~ !)~ (If ,¡¡ppliQ1iion fi]e~ (çhçck ;ln~~t ~pp!~) [J ReznL1Èng 0 .spo:i~~ Us~ 0 Va.ri:m:-c 0 Wa;ivrr 0 Admjntsl:rnû\'e Ap~J AppljÇ¡"'l~ m~~rf;$!õ; w/zip M & M DEVELOPERS. LLC CONTRACT PURCHASER 167 BUCK LANE ROANOKE, VA 24012 O'iimtT'$, ".;unc:l¡¡ddr~5 wfnp DOMINION TRUST CO. & M.E. HINMAN EXORS AND TRUSTEES, CIO FIRST UNION P.O. BOX 40062 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32231 Pmp¡;-n)' loGHi[1iJl PLANTATION ROAD AT THE INTERSECTION OF HERSHBERGER ROAD, NORTH ROA. CO. Tax Map No,: 38.16-1-3.9 CONTACT: RALPH MABES HALL AND ASSOCIATES PbI;J!1Ie:: Work: (540) 314-3783 Cel] fI: Fax No.: PáC}~ #: (540) 354-8138 Work: Fu No- I: ~1¡¡Øsledal DisElÌçt: HOLLINS Çommuni~' Pt¡¡[ nlDg .¡¡r~a: HOLLINS Exis11ng Zl:)mng: R-4C Size of p.'IrçEl(~): A~: 17.034 Exi.~r1£, Lurl U~: VACANT , ,'" , , , " , ,,' , , , , , , IŒZONl.1f¡1f;$? EÇ1jU' {ISH, PH R,U17:.tND .\f.'i ß"ERAPPLlCANTS. (RIS/\\ I) PoJpos<'.:d Zonii1.$: R-4C (AMENDED CONDITIONS) Pl1JpO~ [&ncl U~: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DETACHED - ZERO LOT LINE OPTION DOi$ thl,:: pami m«t ttoiC minimum ](K ¡Jre'.1I, 'i\idth, and fT(Ia1:t¡¡S~ Tt'I! J\JiÏmTIffits of ¡he n:qUQ-:æd d'istriat? y~ IX No D IF N'O, A V AR1ANÇE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Dn~ ¡l~ p'aro:;~ 1~ t11C: min1mum ctit~ for tb: req~~,;[ Use Typ:? IF NO, A V ARJAil'fÇE liS REQ1.1lliED FIRST Ifrrzoning n:qr;u;,,~. iFf: ronditiol1) bc:iIl@. proffen:d wilh ebrs ~~r? Y.::~ Y~5~ NoD NniJI ." , , " " 1-~<lNL-tN_, , , , , , , , , , ' , , " . ,'. ' , " ' , ." " ,,' , '" , '" , , , ND AD!llNl$ßMTltK ApPEAL APfUC4.lITS (t~lIVh«) . V.;ui~rn:'CIW~vc:, of SI;'Ct:il)To(:~} gf {llE Rl;i3ronkc: ÇOU1~' z.OI1.1Elg (m;iir.am;e in lJrd~ to: - App::a:l Qf Zgoi'[ ~ AdmiIÛ51nror':]: de-;lçjoJ} C'Q A~~] (l<f ] ]~rp:n;tmJon [Jf 5~pgru::~): App::al of IIJIt:!pTeJ;ati[}]1¡ [)of Z.pniug- JI.'l....p 10 (l<f ~c: Rœn$(:Çìrnmty Zonií1ij!, çm;m~ Is thc appJi~ticm COOJpktr-? Please dtt:dt if ~d05ed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF AN'" OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR fNCQlUPLETE. RlSlW ViAo'\ RiS/\\' VlAA RiS/W \'IAA 00 CúiStl:lliJfiOfi §Ii S H2~ x ! I ~ (~[ p\;il~ ~ AJi'ptiì:illiilllJ Ji.!'i!' X AppliClJli,.'IIJ X M-eœs ~.~)ñ ¡¡¡il!àlrlii d~~ipli(}rl X Proller'S. itf. aP:Pl1L.'IIW.t! J'u!ìlil'ict [ioo ""'iller I11td ~'i!r UWliCMioo AdjoitJing proptt"I)' OO'1l£tl 1 ~l'}' œtt:i{} liJíI( I mn c!itll£:r l3ìi! Ù>'JÎ'1ia or 'b: }<~tüp' 'œ !b: [ro;.' . -, ¡jge'".if IÌT c(ltIlre...'1 pL'ri:l~ ùêð ;Un IIi:tirJ.É, ""Bib !~ }.'.J'IIiI'!I.'l;!'dge liD:! CØà!:erll of 1!le Ò'k,'ilIff. "",!ICr'~ S:¡jJþa1\J!t'i! Appfica~ M & M DEVELOPERS, LLC The: Planning: O;m;¡¡nission will ~tooy r~zoni¡¡~, spcçiiil 05~ peTmit or waiv:cr n:qu~.sts to deto::-nnin:: ~h~ n~ :and jusJ:ifjC;¡(Ì>!)11 for U>': çkaE1~ in ~s i;llfpwJiç Iu;,'drh, !';!)feè)', 2nd ~~ral '.\'èi~. PI~ ;!J1$"..¡;:r d.l~ fol1owing q"~'\ jr1J]S as tb:jJUu~bly;as ~iblc. Use :addióoi¡ ¡ } sp.¡lceif n¡:œsslU)'. Pleas~ explain h(w\' rh. ,""'q~It:'~ f~1[tJ!.er:5: ¡h¡;, p~lrplX~O;¡ of :¡he Rn~rÞ:)tc: C(Y'J.n1YQt"Qi:r~m:e ;;¡S ""ell 3:!õ; 1he ~r.J!"J1'í~ fiJun( ;~t '~!ë beginning of the .1pp!l.;:able lJ:mi"g: district d",s'Silk:UlQI1 in tilt:" Z{)l1ins Ordin;ir«. The proposed request for rezoning will allow this parcel of land to become a buffer between the less intensive residential areas to the north, which is zoned R-1, and the more intensive commercial properties locate to the southeast as prescribed in section 30-45-1 of the zoning ordinance. A multitude of house designs and styles wíll provide for a diverse and flexible layout. The density of the proposed community is approximately 4 units per acre which would place less demand on the current infrastructure and services than the 16 unit per acre density that the current zoning allows for. The subject parcel is adjacent to both Plantation Road and Hollins Road, which are both primary roadways. The proposed community is within a short distance of major transportation corridors such as Interstates 81 and 581. Please e'};p[ain l.1or...... I.r.eproj~( COnfDrn1S ¡o me 2eT.er<¡1 guiáeliní$ ~ml po3ide:;: çrmtalm:d in 1he Ro.;¡¡;¡oke- COf.Jnry Cnml!1urcily Plan. The proposed community seeks to preserve the surrounding environment as well as providing an opportunity for growth and economic development. The new development seeks to preserve existing cemetery located within the boundaries of the subjec parcel, which dates back to as early as 1817. Greenspace is proposed around the boundary of the cemetery as well as the area surrounding Tinker Creek to provide for a buffer and protection for the other land uses. The proposed rezoning would encourage growth in an area of the county where the infrastructure and facilities can support it and where expansion of the existing infrastructure is already planned. The new community may spur additional economic growth through the revival and reuse of vacant facilities in the area such as the old Winn-Dixie building located across Plantation Road. The proposed development seeks to provide an aesthetically pleasing area with landscaping and a variety of architectural features. Please d.."'Scrib:=-1f1f: imç~~t(s} of ,be~t tJfI tbe property iL~f, ~ .adjoiELÍl1g prop::nics I .ami ili:: S1.ITrnUL1m:rng area:, as wdl IS IiÞ..e: jm¡Jla~1sonpUbLk Sr,::f'\'l¡;¡;:s 3;n,1 fa>citi~5! únc['udin~. w~!:j(:Wt,."T, rœids. ~s, parksl~~tion4ind fi:re ~~ r~cl;lC. The rezoning of the subject parcel will result in less impact to the area than that which the current zoning provides for. The proposed 65 lots of single family homes will have far less impact on the community and environment than the currently allowed 272 units. Proposed greenspace and landscaping will provide a natural buffer between the proposed development and adjoining land uses. Public utilities are already located in the vicinity of the property and deemed adequate to serve the proposed community as verified by the Western Virginia Water Authority, Availability No. 04-191 dated 15 November 2004. All proposed improvements shall be in compliance with Roanoke County, Western Virginia Water Authority and Virginia Department of Transportation standards. The proposed access road for the development will connect to Hollins Road. VDOT project 0601-080-233, C-501 plans to widen Hollins Road in the area of the proposed connection. F-'d" .. . . ... . .. . .. ... . CONCEPT PLAN CHECKUST A çcm:;~ plaiil c;f ~r~ PI"IJ1t(',~~ proj~~ mI,JS~ be- submjt~d with tfu~ .appH¡;;;.t:ic:m. Th:: ç[)i1U:t;p~ plí!n :i.}¡¡;¡11 8fa'phicaUy d¡;pìct I1tc [¡Iod llf,C' chaRjfC, de,,~lopmcm or \'a1i;mce th;¡¡t i!'!. to be CQfl5Îdered. FUlihçr, (h~ pll.¡¡n shUll a-dört:S51my ~temËaf Jarldi ~!je: or d~rgn i~'i!,lf::) ~ris¡ng ft\?J!I ~bl:: n:qI;Jest. In ~..oc;h ç~~s Ì111Vo]'..rng n::ZQT.fogs, die ~W]i¡¡:¡¡rit may prQffçr çc;n:rli~Îi)nl' tL) Eim.it tj~ future W¡~ ;117£1 dçw;~'](~pme~ of tl~ propt::ny alll,j b~' :ro ooj~:, çr:m«t :;my dï::w.:~t:'ru:ie.') th~t may [] )t bf. m:l~g~ble f:t.y çOO11$}' permitÜug regulat"irnrL.,. Th~ Cm'¡;L~pi plan $hm!ild u:¡.£ L1J:: cfmfu~ 1,..'i~11 ¡he- ::¡;¡t~ pl;m Of p¡~H plan !!¡¡¡;I L:;: réq¡u.ired p;ri4)f to rh¡; isslli!:ru:f: Of a b",iJd.in.g p:nnit. SHe p)¡m and buUlding ~Ul1jt proc.edlJffl ClWilTf compli:;rv.:e ",'ith St:ate: :inti County de'.'ek.pm::lU! re-.gJ;J!;¡ÜQns ¡jnd IT"';¡~' rc:ql,liœ i..'!it4.IJ~¡¡ iii) tl~ ¡¡¡¡rtlal G;Qn¡,;ept plan. [JIJ1t:~ limiting C()IJ¡;!i~jQns ~ PrQft~ ?irlJ~i 3J:;œp-;ed in .¡¡.re2l,JIJin,g Of jmpc:1!Sed om a ~ïól] '\l.~ pi:TIni1 ()r \'¡!;dan:;~, I:hc ÇOl~~ plan In¡;¡y œ ;iÏl;';r.,.-'d. ~Q ~E~.xt~nt permltl:cd ~. the ZlJ'mn£. tli:¡lJi¡:t ~l1ðnth:::':r regu[atiøTr.;:. A ,¡;(}nœpt plaT! š~ ~1.!i,re:cti vt'i~h i:!t1 ~.lA.miny:, ~e¡;iJtD u~ P::mlÜ, Wiiive:r 2:1rl "ad::J~ app i;<,:ariqns- The ~J.n should œ prepa~ by 3i pn¡.fe:¡$iønal :,.:Î!i: plarnter. The- kvt:1 of ó::t~lj 1ii2IJ;io' \'31)' ,depending rnt the- rr3.ttJre of tfli:~ request. The- COU31ty PI2.Lmin,g; m','¡:;JLJn ~tl1:ft' I:n¡¡y e:t~mpt SffilE r;lfthe i1eJTI$ (!If ~~I¥.~~ rb~ flddltir.m nf !t.X!fa it~1l!;, [yJJi ~h~ foJ owln,g; are¡;un<¡ldere4 min'im¡¡m: ALL APPLlC.\.I"\"'fS X a.. Applicant rla...ïI: and 1J~m..:::- Of dc"~!.{'pmcl1t X X X X X X n -<;:, X X X j. b, ~ie, w.:a.le ,¡lad onfÙl arm'", 1;. L¡;¡t sill: in acn:s or Si:Ju~rÇ' ft:t1 ,iril r; j1:mflsi..,Il'>; U:Jc;¡¡ti(m, ß¡onrn:s of J'(I,'1tr.n; .a.u,;¡: Ro;u11Ji:c COWU)' l,u 11"~lp rJI,Jm!)::rs rÆ ~dJoining p.:"'Dp:.~rti~ d. e. Ph}"~cal f~l:'~ s¡;¡ch ;?¡$ gr(!t~"1d. i,.'\")v~r, r¡¡¡tlmll1A'at~¡-';;(1~~::S, floodpbin., etc. n~ ZJ;I11ins ~nd 1.¡; Jd ~5t: !;If aU adj;Iç~m: p~1'Ii~ An j.mlpErt.y lir:.Ç..~ ;:¡m,i ~:5.e:m.enl5 f. b. ALl D¡ri1dlu,;5, cxi$tir<£ ar4 pmpo~eçl, ¡and óinll::m."¡o.ns, fl()Qr ¡ir~a ¡,:nd h~ghl:¡; Lœatirnt, wÏidth.~ :and nWl:=$ (1f aU ~i~dn,g: Qf p.1a~d $tJ1,:r::t:s (II" o:lJ~ pl,Jblic'j\,~YS wîlhin (1£ adj.açent 11) [b~ de"'ek-i¡mlrn1 ml~slQrl) ?l1d I~tbon!) of ~U dñ\~..~).~, pilrkin,g ~~J;.) .i.Il~ lQadi:n~ sp¡J.Q¡,.~ L Ad4fJiormi irif(>n1Jmi(.~lr rf!41f/irfd ftjr REz{).\%rc¡ mrd sPECIAL {/$E PER.Urr APPL1('.ANTS X X X X X X - p, ~q. k. L Existing utilitiç:; (wa:¡er, ~e'.\':,-r, ~~lJml d4!Ü[ ~) ¡md Ç{)\11k::Ç'!3I:It1$ ;¡tlfu:: ~i1Ç Any ðr:iv~'A'~~'5, e 'nrJ.D.:;e~"'~xi¡¡.<;, ~rb ~~iud c["[}.<;~{)\'e-;r:;. IT!. TCJPoS.r,¡¡ph)' mi1p in .¡!j ¡¡~i1ablt: scale Z!L1d i;[)nt.Ql,ß" in(ef\'~d5 rt.. Approximaæ ~re~ ~d~~ ;¡¡¡nd si~ ojji[;taru:~;\i at Í.1¡i~~tiJi)!L"i 11. lQc.rJti(XIt'; of all adja'¡;eß fi~ hydr.;ults Any prof~d cr;JrIl:'lipon.<; a~ tl1i;' siæ aad bO'A' tl~ <i~ a~~ If ji'J1Jjrn is to be; phi1$::rl, plc'¡ $1::' :¡hl)w pha~ :jÇbr.èh;úiC I certify nhat aU ~.s T"i5:r.cin.'d im 1ihc Cr.eckli~ .'ib(}\'~ are oompl\ete. ~ ~~M~/"~"'~~ S:3gn3~1,J¡;~ (If apphçalJt . //-.2.0/- 0 ¥ D¡¡!.~ þ".,,~, Introduction The following material constitutes rezoning application for tax parcel 38.16-1-3.9. The application is to change the zoning classification of a 17.034-acre tract of real estate located on the east side of Plantation Road in Roanoke County at its intersection with Hershberger Road (Tax Map No. 38.16-1-3.9) in the Hollins Magisterial District from the zoning classification of R-4C to the zoning classification of R-4 with revised proffered conditions. The subject parcel was formerly zoned R-3 prior to 4 February 2003 whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County voted to change the zoning to R-4 with conditions based on the application by Carroll Investment Properties, Inc. The zoning change allowed for 272 units to be built on the 17-acre parcel. The proposed development will only have 65 single-family houses. M&M Developers, LLC, the current contract purchaser of said real estate, hereby submits an application for rezoning of a certain tract of real estate containing 17.034 acres, as described herein, and located on the east side of Plantation Road in Roanoke County at its intersection with Hershberger Road (Tax Map No. 38.16-1-3.9) in the Hollins Magisterial District from the zoning classification of R- 4, High Density Multi-Family Residential, to remain the zoning classification of R- 4, High Density Multi-Family Residential with a change of conditions. Legal Description The said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east side of Plantation Road at the northwest corner of the property of CBL Plantation Plaza Ltd. (Tax Map No. 38.16-1-3.3); thence with the easterly side of Plantation Road the following courses and distances: N. 25 deg. 25' 56" W. 372.42 feet; N. 19 deg. 43' 18" W. 251.25 feet; N. 27 derg. 20' 29" W. 150.08 feet; N. 30 deg. 14' 36" W. 194.96 feet; N. 18 deg. 25' 50" W. 94.13 feet; N. 07 deg. 51' 08" W. 223.82 feet; thence leaving Plantation Road and with a line of Ethel V. Fulcher (Tax Map No. 38.12-5-6); N. 84 deg. 04' 05" E. 572.46 feet; thence S. 16 deg. 00' 28" E. 441.80 feet; thence S. 15 deg. 28' 10" E. 85.44 feet; thence N. 72 deg. 07' 55" E. 175.10 feet; thence S. 21 deg. 40' 18" E. 236.34 feet; thence S. 34 deg. 38' 30" E. 111.56 feet; thence S. 36 deg. 34' 20" E. 197.11 feet; thence S. 64 deg. 34' 04" W. 749.23 feet to the Point of the Beginning, and containing 17.034 acres (excluding the area in the cemetery). Proposed Use M & M Developers seeks the rezoning of this parcel to R-4, High Density Multi- Family Residential District for use as single-family dwellings detached with the zero lot line option. Public sewer and public water will serve the proposed lots. Zero lot line provisions require a 5,760 square-foot minimum lot size with 48 foot minimum road frontage, 24 foot minimum front building setback, 10 foot minimum side yard opposite zero yard, and 20 foot minimum back building setback within ~,.. ... ,..0\ .-;/.. the common development. All setbacks adjacent to adjoining property will adhere to the regular R-4 setback requirements. Proffered Condition 1. The developer hereby proffers substantial compliance with the Charleston Estates Master Plan dated November 23, 2004. 2. A greenspace easement shall be dedicated as shown on the Charleston Estates Master Plan dated November 23, 2004. s IJ) :/ n e. CO> C7> ii q i ~~ 0 ~ ~ g!5 ...... z " ~ " ~ ~ å 0 0 +.. à~ ~=~ !~A~ .Ž~È .~~ .. n " 0 D '" ." '" ~ ~ 0 0 § ~ : ~~~ ~ :0""" ~~~ mm~ en", f¡1R -<en )0.. :0" 0:0 00 ,."z ..-< !j¡:1 ¡;¡rii N~ '" :0 0 -< )0 :0 0 )0 " ." N ~.... 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ !:1fg!'!b~~.<:~::¡- ~ 5 t: f ;:~ - :0 .... ¡j " 0<: .,~I\ ~;!; ~:¡: ~õ!B !') 5 ~~ ~ ~ ð~~ ~ f ~ ~ rii¡¡¡~ ~;" ~ 5 !!i-<)o Z ¡;;¡¡ " " ~:o ¡;¡ ¡;; ~!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -< ~ 0 rii '" -< , , , Q. ~ ~ ~ ;; I I ~ \' ~J "' , A , '" I ~ \ :¡, , ~ , j \ , \ n ~I ¡!l " õ . ø ... g :tI 0 0 0. ~H~~ I ~ ;~~~ p ~ ~ I":',. ",i.' -."'.'.. ...'" ¡¡¡:¡ ¡¡Ii ¡!¡¡¡ ¡i¡! CHARLESTON ESTATES MASTER PLAN ~OANOKE COUNlY, VI~GINIA ~ ;!! .. ~ w V~t. Av Zoning _AG3 _EP 8AG1 AR 8AV C1 8C2 8 C2CVOD 11 , 12 .PCD PRD ,"- I PTD R1 R2 R3 R4 ~' ,~- ;!! .. Roanoke County Department of Community Development  Applicants Name: M & M Developers, LLC Existing Zoning: R-4C Proposed Zoning: R-4C Tax Map Number: 38.16-1-3.9 Magisterial District: Hollins Area: 17.034 acres November 29, 2004 Scale: 1" = 300' ACTION NO. ITEM NO. '"~. ~;¡ ,- - .:;;; AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of ordinance to amend Section 30-74-4 (A) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to change the reference date for the Flood Insurance Study for Roanoke County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency SUBMITTED BY: George W. Simpson, III, P.E. Assistant Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Periodically, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) revises the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Roanoke County has been advised that new flood insurance rate maps will be issued and become effective February 4, 2005. As such, it is necessary to revise the Zoning Ordinance to reflect the new effective dates to comply with FEMA floodplain management regulations. This revision is required for continued participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. Staff is requesting the Board to approve the attached ordinance revising the effective date in Section 30-74-4 of the Zoning Ordinance to February 4, 2005. FISCAL IMPACT: No appropriation of funds is required for this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: F-j (1) Approve the ordinance revising the effective date of the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) in the Zoning Ordinance to February 4, 2005. (2) Not approving the ordinance could result in the suspension of Roanoke County from participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. 2 § 30-74-2 ROANOKE COUNTY CODE t:""~,3 Sec. 30-74-2. Applicability and Administration. (A) These provisions shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of Roanoke County and identified as being within a floodplain, as stipulated in this section. (B) These provisions shall supersede any regulations currently in effect in floodplain areas. Where conflict exists between these provisions and those of any underlying zoning district, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. . (C) In the event any provision concerning a floodplain area is declared inapplicable as a result of any legislative or administrative actions or judicial discretion, the basic underlying zoning district provisions shall remain applicable. Sec. 30-74-3. Compliance. (A) No land shall hereafter be developed and no structure shall be located, relocated, constructed, enlarged, or structurally altered except in full compliance with the terms and provisions of this section and any other applicable ordinances and regulations which apply to uses within the jurisdiction of this section. Sec. 30-74-4. De1ineation of Areas. (A) The various floodplain areas shall include areas subject to inundation by waters of the 100-year flood. The primary basis for the delineation of these areas shall be the Flood Insurance Study for Roanoke County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, dated Oc:t:aBcr 15-,l9Qg..., as amended. These areas are more specifically defined as follows: febrùc.w'i 4-,'Zoo5" 1. The Floodway is delineated for purposes ofthis section using the criteria that a certain area within the floodplain must be capable of carrying the waters of the lOO-year flood without increasing the water surface elevation of that flood more than one. foot at any point. These Floodways are specifically defined in Table 4 of the above referenced Flood Insurance Study and shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map accompanying that study. 2. The Flood-Fringe shall be that area of the lOO-year floodplain not included in the Floodway. The basis for the outermost boundary of the Flood-Fringe shall be the 100-year flood elevations contained in the flood profiles of the above referenced Flood Insurance Study and as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map accompanying the study. . The Appr.oximated Floodplain shall be those floodplain areas shown on the flood insurance rate map for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, and all other floodplain areas where the drainage area is greater than one hundred (100) acres. Where the specific lOO-year flood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such the u.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Floodplain Information Reports, U.S- Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, development and/or activity shall detenrrine this 3. Supp. No.5 1860.4 ACTION NO. tlJ ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Second reading of ordinance amending Article II, Taxes on Tanqible Personal Property, Section 21-16, Returns, of the Roanoke County Code to change the date of filing tangible personal property tax returns on motor vehicles and trailers from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days SUBMITTED BY: Nancy J. Horn Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The owner of a motor vehicle or trailer shall file a personal property tax return with the Commissioner of the Revenue as provided under Section 21-16 (d) of the Code of Roanoke County within thirty (30) days of any of the following events, for the year for which the tax is to be assessed: (1) A change in the name or address of the person or persons owning taxable personal property; (2) A change in the situs of the taxable personal property; (3) A change in which a person acquires one or more motor vehicles and for which no personal property tax return has been filed: or (4) Any other change affecting the assessment or levy of the personal property tax on motor vehicles and trailers for which a tax return has been previously filed. Any person who shall fail to file such return within thirty (30) days of the change in situs or status as enumerated above in subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4) shall, in addition to the tax to be paid, be assessed a penalty of 10% (ten) percent of the tax due. ,~,-, , Personal Property tax returns filed by taxpayers reporting a change in the situs or status of a motor vehicle or trailer require accurate supporting documentation for proper assessment of the tax. The vehicle title or permanent registration includes the information needed by the Commissioner of the Revenue to make her assessment and is the preferred form of documentation. The Commissioner of the Revenue does accept other forms of supporting documentation for Personal Property tax returns. Specifically, temporary registrations and bills of sales are examples of documentation oftentimes provided by the taxpayer with his return, but neither is as accurate as the vehicle title or permanent registration. Further, many taxpayers rely on dealerships to register their vehicles with the Division of Motor Vehicles. In such cases, although the dealerships have thirty (30) days to title the vehicle, the title and permanent registration cards are not always received in time for such taxpayers to comply with the personal property tax requirements without assessment of a penalty. Staff recommends amending the Roanoke County Code to change Section-21-16 (d) to allow returns of tangible personal property on motor vehicles and trailers to be filed within sixty (60) days and allow assessment of a penalty for failure to file such return within sixty (60) days. The amendment to the Code will assist the Commissioner of the Revenue in providing more accurate assessments and eliminate problems of incomplete, inaccurate and untimely returns. It will also be an excellent customer service undertaking. The first reading of this ordinance was held on December 7, 2004; the second reading will be held on December 21, 2004. FICAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of this ordinance. 2 H-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II, TAXES ON TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, CHAPTER 21-16, RETURNS, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO CHANGE THE DATE OF FILING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RETURNS ON MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAILERS FROM THIRTY (30) DAYS TO SIXTY (60) DAYS WHEREAS, Title 58.1-3518 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, requires every taxpayer owning any property subject to personal property taxation on January 1 of any year to file a personal property tax return with the commissioner of the revenue on or before May 1 of each year, except as otherwise provided by ordinance; and WHEREAS, Section 21-17(a) of the Roanoke County Code provides that County taxes on tangible personal property (except tangible personal property on motor vehicles, trailers and boats) shall be due from and after January 1 and payable on or before May 31 during the year for which it is assessed; and WHEREAS, Title 58.1-3518.1 (A) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, establishes that a local governing body may provide for an alternative method of filing personal property tax returns for motor vehicles, trailers and boats; and WHEREAS, Title 58.1-3518.1 (B) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, provides that any jurisdiction which adopts an alternative method may require the owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or boat to file a new personal property tax return whenever there is: (i) a change in the name or address of the person or persons owning taxable personal property; (ii) a change in the situs of personal property; (iii) any other change affecting the assessment or levy of the personal property tax on motor vehicles, trailers 1 H .~~~., , or boats for which a tax return has been filed previously; or (iv) any change in which a person acquires one or more motor vehicles, trailers or boats and for which no personal property tax return has been filed; and WHEREAS, Title 58.1-3916 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, establishes that a local governing body may provide by ordinance the time for filing tangible personal property tax returns and set penalties for failure to file returns in time; and WHEREAS, Section 21-16 (d) of the Roanoke County Code establishes that returns of tangible personal property on motor vehicles and trailers shall be filed within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of any of the following events, for the year for which the tax is assessed: (1) A change in the name or address of the person or persons owning taxable personal property; (2) A change in the situs of the taxable personal property; (3) A change in which a person acquires one or more motor vehicles and for which no personal property tax return has been filed; or (4) Any other change affecting the assessment or levy of the personal property tax on motor vehicles and trailers for which a tax return has been previously filed. WHEREAS, Section 21-16 of the Roanoke County Code further provides that any person who shall fail to file a return within thirty (30) days of the occurrences of any of the changes described in subsections (1), (2), (3), or (4) shall, in addition to the tax to be paid, be assessed a penalty of ten (10) percent of the tax due; and 2 f-t,- \ WHEREAS, the Board finds that amending Section 21-16 (d) of the Roanoke County Code to permit the change of the date for filing of tangible personal property tax returns on motor vehicles and trailers with a situs or status occurrence from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days and by changing the time from which any penalty will be assessed thereon from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days is necessary and appropriate for the assessment of tangible personal property on motor vehicles and boats; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 7, 2004, and the second reading was held on December 21 , 2004. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Article II, Taxes on Tanqible Personal Property. OF CHAPTER 21, SECTION 21-16, Returns is amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 21-16. Returns. (d) Returns of tangible personal property on motor vehicles and trailers shall be filed within tffifty (ðQ) sixty (60) days of the occurrence of any of the following events, for the year for which the tax is assessed: (1) A change in the name or address of the person or persons owning taxable personal property; (2) A change in the situs of the taxable personal property; (3) A change in which a person acquires one or more motor vehicles and for which no personal property tax return has been filed; or 3 ~-f (4) Any other change affecting the assessment or levy of the personal property tax on motor vehicles and trailers for which a tax return has been filed previously. Any person who shall fail to file such return within tt:Wty (ðQ) sixty (60) days of the occurrence of any of the changes described in subsections (1), (2), (3), or (4) shall, in addition to the tax to be paid, be assessed a penalty of ten (10) percent of the tax due. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 2005. 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. .=11-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 2004 Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge ê tf County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare The three-year term of William L. Lee, member at large, will expire on December 31, 2004. The member at large must be confirmed by the Cities of Roanoke and Salem. Mr. S. James Sikkema, Executive Director, Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, has advised that Reverend Lee is ineligible for reappointment and recommends that Ms. Dana Barnes Lee's appointment be ratified. This ratification has been placed on the consent agenda for confirmation. 2. Citizens Advisory Committee for the Regional Jail Project At the December 7, 2004 meeting, it was the consensus of the Board to appoint two citizens from each magisterial district to serve on this committee by December 9. There were no term limits established. Confirmation of the following committee appointments has been placed on the consent agenda for this meeting: Catawba District Cave Spring District Hollins District Vinton District Windsor Hills District Herman Lowe and Mark A. Layman Pam Berberich and Dawn Erdman Norman Gregory and Gary Jarrell Don Davis and Charlie Greer Steve Noble and Elizabeth Abe ,'- ..~ J-~ -.....J 3. Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Community Advisory Committee (CAC) The late Lee B. Eddy served on this committee without a term limit. The County has three representatives on this Committee and the Board is asked to appoint a citizen and/or representative of the community, business, education, health care or civic interests rather than staff members. Supervisor Wray plans to nominate Ted Grochowski to serve on this committee at this meeting and has requested that confirmation of his appointment be placed on the consent agenda. Mr. Grochowski has been contacted and advises that he is willing to serve. 2 ~/-S' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for December 21, 2004, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive. as follows: 1. Approval of minutes - December 7, 2004 2. Ratification and confirmation of committee appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Community Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by district) 3. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the regional jail project 4. Request to adopt resolution canceling and rescheduling a meeting date of the Board of Supervisors 5. Request to purchase five fire vehicles and adopt a resolution authorizing the borrowing of $1,539,270.74 from the Risk Management Fund to finance these vehicles 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 3-0- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Ratification and confirmation of appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Community Advisory Committee (CAC), and Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by district) SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge t r-r County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Blue Ridae Behavioral Healthcare The Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Board of Directors has appointed Ms. Dana Barnes Lee to serve as a member at large for a three-year term which will expire on December 31 2007. This appointment must be ratified by all five participating localities. Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Plannina Oraanization Community Advisory Committee (CAC) At the December 21,2004, Board meeting, SupervisorWray nominated Ted Grochowski to serve on this committee and requested that confirmation of the appointment be placed on the consent agenda. There is no term limit for this committee. Boano~e Coun~v Plannina Commiss!Jmjappointgg...þv dist!:!£!l At the December 7,2004, Board meeting, Supervisor McNamara nominated AI Thomason to serve an additional four-year term which will expire on December 31, 2008. J:-~,^ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointments to the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Community Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Roanoke County Planning Commission be ratified and confirmed. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 5-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of committee appointments to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the regional jail project SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge t If County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: / ~ ff~L SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the December 7,2004 meeting, there was a consensus of the Board to form a citizens advisory committee for the regional jail project. Each supervisor was asked to appoint two citizens from his magisterial district to serve on this committee. There were no term limits established. Below are the names of the citizens who were appointed by the Board members: Herman Lowe Mark A. Layman Pam Berberich Dawn Erdman Norman Gregory Gary Jarrell Don Davis Charlie Greer Steve Noble Elizabeth Abe Catawba District Catawba District Cave Spring District Cave Spring District Hollins District Hollins District Vinton District Vinton District Windsor Hills District Windsor Hills District STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointments to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the proposed regional jail be confirmed. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Y-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21 ,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request to adopt resolution canceling and rescheduling a meeting date of Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: By Resolution 010504-1, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County established a meeting schedule for calendar year 2004 which included an organizational meeting of the Board to be held on Monday, January 3, 2005. The Board has determined that their organizational matters can be handled at 2:30 p.m. on January 11, 2005. The Board can then commence its first regular meeting for calendar year 2005 at 3:00 p.m. on January 11, 2005. Therefore, the January 3,2005 meeting can be canceled. At the organizational meeting on January 11, 2005, the Board can elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman and establish a regular meeting schedule for calendar year 2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt the prepared resolution. ,3"-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION CANCELING AND RESCHEDULING A MEETING DATE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, by Resolution 010504-1 the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County established a meeting schedule for calendar year 2004 which included an organizational meeting of the Board to be held on Monday, January 3, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that their organizational matters can be handled at the January 11, 2005 meeting; therefore, the organizational meeting scheduled for January 3,2005 can be cancelled; and WHEREAS, § 2-102 e. provides for the manner in which the Board of Supervisors may change the time and place of a regular meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That the meeting scheduled for Monday, January 3, 2005, be, and hereby is cancelled. 2. That the organizational meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday, January 11, 2005, at 2:30 p.m. at which time the Board will elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman and establish a regular meeting schedule for calendar year 2005. A regular meeting of the Board shall commence at 3:00 p.m. 3. That notice of this change shall be posted by the Clerk in a public location. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 3-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 Request to purchase five fire vehicles and adopt a resolution authorizing the borrowing of $1,539,270.74 from the Risk Management Fund to finance these vehicles AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Richard E. Burch, Jr. Fire and Rescue Chief APPROVED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. ~ f/~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ 'fr~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the December 7,2004 Board meeting, the Board concurred to approve the purchase of five fire vehicles and the concept of internally financing this purchase through the Risk Management Fund at an interest rate of 2% annually. Bids were received for the fire and rescue vehicles and related equipment and total approximately $1,939,270.74. The County will be purchasing the following: . Four enclosed-cab Pumpers with 1,500 gallons-per-minute pumps and 750 gallon water tanks. These units will go to Cave Spring, Hollins, Clearbrook, and Read Mountain. . One enclosed-cab Tanker with a 1,500 gallons-per-minute pump and 2,500 gallon water tank. This unit will go to Fort Lewis. -- ,.., '-J --~::> The replacement of these apparatus is crucial to keep modern, up-to-date and efficient equipment available to provide service to the County citizens. Replacement of older equipment is also essential to reduce the cost of maintenance and repairs. This plan includes the purchase of five new apparatus and will result in six 1980 or earlier vehicles being taken out of service, reducing our fire apparatus fleet by one. FISCAL IMPACT: A repayment schedule for this loan is shown as Attachment A. The Fire and Rescue Department will repay the Risk Management Fund $400,000 in July 2005, $400,000 in July 2006 and $403,032.16 in July 2007. The additional funding of $354,603.40 will come from Botetourt County as per the agreement dated April 25, 2003 in the 2005-2006 fiscal year. This financing recommendation includes an interest rate of 2% which is less than the current market rate for a conventional lease purchase. The Risk Management Fund is part of the County's pooled cash program that earns a percentage of the interest income monthly based on the funds cash balance. Using these funds for financing will decrease the amount of interest income earned which has already been budgeted. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the purchase of the fire vehicles and adopt the attached resolution which will finance $1,539,270.74 with interest of 2% annually through the County Risk Management Fund to be repaid over the next three years. In addition, apply the funds from Botetourt County to the loan. 2. Approve the purchase of the fire vehicles and finance $1,539,270.74 through a conventional lease purchase method. In addition, apply the funds from Botetourt County to the loan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution (alternative 1 above). 2 Attachment A Schedule of Repayment of Loan from Risk Management Fund For Purchase of Fire Vehicles 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 Purchase of fire vehicles 1/1/2005 1,939,270.74 Interest accrual* - 10,462.23 7,902.59 Repayment from Fire and Rescue vehicle replacement budget (400,000.00) (400,000.00) (400,000.00) (403,032.16) Reimbursement from Botetourt for pumper in Read Mountain station (354,603.40) Activity for year 1,539,270.74 (744,141.17) (392,097.41) (403,032.16) Loan Payable at beginning of year - 1,539,270.74 795,129.57 403,032.16 Loan Payable at end of year 1,539,270.74 795,129.57 403,032.16 *Interest accrual is for illustrative purposes and could vary depending on delivery date of the trucks and when payment from Botetourt County is received. Cl I l}ì I-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF $1,539,270.74 FROM THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN FIRE VEHICLES. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of Roanoke County, Virginia, (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow an amount not to exceed $1,539,270.74 from the County Risk Management Fund to finance the acquisition of certain fire vehicles. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: 1. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to loan surplus monies available in the County Risk Management Fund to County Fire and Rescue Department to purchase fire vehicles (the "Loan"). The Loan shall be made on the terms set forth in this resolution. The County Risk Management Fund shall lend an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,539,270.74. There will be an interest charge of 2% annually for this loan. 2. The Fire and Rescue Department will repay the Risk Management Fund with 3 annual payments. The Fire and Rescue Department will repay the Risk Management Fund $400,000 in July 2005, $400,000 in July 2006 and $403,032.16 in July 2007. Botetourt County will pay $354,603.40 in fiscal year 2005-06 to Roanoke County's Risk Management Fund. The loan from the County Risk Management Fund will be fully paid and satisfied in July 2007. '~5 3. The Fire and Rescue Department may prepay the Loan at any time without penalty. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 2 ('v-) GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Prior Report Balance % of General Amou nt Fund Revenues $9,738,285 6.61% 2,050,000 11,788,285 20,000 11,808,285 8.02% Addition from 2003-04 Operations Audited Balance at June 30, 2004 July 1, 2004 Explore Park Loan Repayment Balance at December 21, 2004 Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above $11,808,285 $11,808,285 8.02% Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 2004 - 2005 General Fund Revenues $147,255,793 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $9,203,487 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge E if County Administrator Submitted By Approved By MAJOR CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA {YJ~ Appropriation from 2003-04 Operations Amount $1,416,838.00 Balance at December 21 2004 $1,416,838.00 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Elmer C. Hodge ¿'fI County Administrator ~..3 MINOR CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Audited Balance at June 30, 2004 $11,389,450.22 Remaining funds from completed projects at June 30, 2004 347,440.84 Transfer from Department Savings 2003-04 233,419.00 September 28, 2004 Appropriation for the Public Safety Building Project (6,110,540.00) October 12, 2004 Appropriation for Regional Jail Facility Study (85,922.00) December 7,2004 Appropriation for refund to PFC, LLC for PPEA review fees (50,000.00) Balance at December 21 , 2004 $5,723,848.06 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge {' ff County Administrator fV,i RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2004-2005 Original Budget $100,000.00 September 28, 2004 Appropriation for professional services provided by (9,000.00) Chandler Planning October 12, 2004 Appropriation for Special Assistant for Legislative (18,000.00) Relations October 26, 2004 Appropriation for participation in a libarary study (29,700.00) with the City of Roanoke Balance at December 21,2004 $43,300.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge t If County Administrator fY--~ FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-1997 debt budget Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund FY1997-1998 Original budget appropriation Savings from 1997-1998 debt fund FY1998-1999 Original budget appropriation FY1999-2000 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Savings from 1998-1999 debt fund FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service FY 2001-2002 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Savings from 2001-02 debt fund FY 2002-2003 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service FY 2003-2004 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service FY 2004-2005 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Balance at December 21, 2004 $ 670,000 1,113,043 2,000,000 321,772 2,000,000 2,000,000 (1,219,855) 780,145 495,363 2,000,000 (1,801,579) 198,421 2,000,000 (465,400) 116,594 1,651,194 2,000,000 (2,592,125) (592,125) 2,000,000 (2,202,725) (202,725) 2,000,000 (4,192,701) (2,192,701) $ 6,242,387 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ê If County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NO. N-lP AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid-November 2004 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors Payroll 11/05/2004 Payroll 11/19/2004 Manual Checks Voids Grand Total Direct Deposit Checks Total $ $ $ 4,078,935.99 839,478.56 124,791.26 964,269.82 796,878.36 165,424.45 962,302.81 1,725.76 1,725.76 $ 6,007,234.38 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. FINI62 County of Roanoke, Virginia Page 10:25:04AM Date 12/8/2004 Schedule of Expenditures, Encumbrances and Appropriations For the 05 Month Period Ended 11/30/04 Year to Date Expend Expenditure. & Encumb Monthly Outstanding & Encumbrance Unencumbered a.a"loof Fund 100 General Fund Budget Expenditure. Encumbrance Year to Date Balance Budget 0101 Legislative 380,507.00 34,661.61 1,495.00 171,202.30 209,304.70 44.99 0102 General & Financial Administra 9,978,910.06 894,101.10 33,478.35 4,055,760.30 5,923,149.76 40.64 0103 Electoral Board & Officials 289,436.00 86,590.36 0.00 148,799.66 140,636.34 51.41 0100 General Government Administrat 10,648,853.06 1,015,353.07 34,973.35 4,375,762.26 6,273,090.80 41.09 0201 Courts 1,210,968.04 101,873.87 144.48 412,419.92 798,548.12 34.06 0202 Other Judicial Support 911,973.85 82,600.65 0.00 317,546.76 594,427.09 34.82 0200 Judicial 2,122,941.89 184,474.52 144.48 729,966.68 1,392,975.21 34.39 0301 Law Enforcement & Traffic Cont 12,944,412.46 1,143,761.53 229,545.99 5,047,029.36 7,897,383.10 38.99 0302 Fire and Rescue 9,905,545.89 906,665.08 77,438.62 3,645,789.16 6,259,756.73 36.81 0303 Correction & Detention 6,120,323.92 527,080.04 18,530.48 2,182,751.55 3,937,572.37 35.66 0304 Animal Control 410,996.00 38,306.35 238.38 154,244.38 256,751.62 37.53 0300 Public Safety 29,381,278.27 2,615,813.00 325,753.47 11,029,814.45 18,351,463.82 37.54 0401 General Services 465,195.00 33,324.71 51,072.66 205,661.73 259,533.27 44.21 0402 Refuse Disposal 4,689,528.00 396,986.21 144.48 1,560,388.33 3,129,139.67 33.27 0403 Maint Buildings & Grounds 3,441,228.00 345,677.44 15,306.73 1,421,483.43 2,019,744.57 41.31 0404 Engineering 2,720,536.00 196,018.73 22,699.05 1,331,327.99 1,389,208.01 48.94 0405 Inspections 924,777.00 96,072.48 0.00 416,618.01 508,158.99 45.05 0406 Garage Complex 407,832.59 40,133.17 4,270.00 126,538.38 281,294.21 31.03 0400 Public Works 12,649,096.59 1,108,212.74 93,492.92 5,062,017.87 7,587,078.72 40.02 0501 Mental Health 32,475.00 3,685.36 0.00 25,415.59 7,059.41 78.26 0503 Public Health 459,403.00 229,701.50 0.00 229,701.50 229,701.50 50.00 0504 Social Services Administration 3,905,586.00 423,834.09 88.18 1,647,053.15 2,258,532.85 42.17 0505 Comprehensive Services Act 5,116,473.43 262,150.51 0.00 1,156,286.97 3,960,186.46 22.60 0506 Public Assistance 2,619,500.00 248,393.68 0.00 1,329,540.65 1,289,959.35 50.76 0507 Institutional Care 33,100.00 112.50 0.00 31,319.59 1,780.41 94.62 0508 Social Services Organizations 168,585.00 0.00 0.00 59,292.50 109,292.50 35.17 "<::: 0500 Health and Welfare 12,335,122.43 1,167,877.64 88.18 4,478,609.95 7,856,512.48 36.31 \ -:J FIN 162 County of Roanoke, Virginia Page 10:25:04AM Date J 2/8/2004 Schedule of Expenditures, Encumbrances and Appropriations For the 05 Month Period Ended 11/30/04 Year to Dale Expend Expenditures & Encumb Montbly Oulstanding & Encumbrance Unencumbered asa"loof Fund 100 General Fund Budget Expenditures Encumbrance Year to DBte BBIBnce Budget 0601 Parks & Recreation 3,973,143.02 262,472.19 2,805.25 1,455,822.53 2,517,320.49 36.64 0602 Library 2,30 I ,551.00 230, I 06.05 577.92 926,529.46 1,375,021.54 40.26 0603 Cultural Enrichment 191,249.00 0.00 0.00 129,760.00 61,489.00 67.85 0600 Parks, Recreation & Cultural 6,465,943.02 492,578.24 3,383.17 2,512,111.99 3,953,831.03 38.85 0701 Planning & Zoning 806,449.00 45,575.39 0.00 224,278.17 582,170.83 27.81 0702 Cooperative Extension Program 96,129.00 1,264.68 0.00 2,619.79 93,509.21 2.73 0703 Economic Development 622,106.00 47,286.03 1,495.00 334,088.25 288,017.75 53.70 0705 Contribution to Human Service 95,050.00 0.00 0.00 84,116.00 10,934.00 88.50 0700 Community Development 1,619,734.00 94,126.10 1,495.00 645,102.21 974,631.79 39.83 0801 Employee Benefits 960,726.00 28,291.76 0.00 145,931.54 814,794.46 15.19 0802 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup 35,000.00 2,004.27 0.00 7,045.09 27,954.91 20.13 0803 Miscellaneous 2,744,267.00 218,183.48 0.00 1,118,588.94 1,625,678.06 40.76 0804 Tax Relief/Elderly & Handicapp 600,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600,000.00 .00 0806 Refuse Credit Vinton 240,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240,000.00 .00 0807 Contingency Balance 43,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,300.00 .00 0800 Non-Departmental 4,623,293.00 248,479.51 0.00 1,271,565.57 3,351,727.43 27.50 0901 Interfund Transfers Out 71,825,210.00 13,999,469.05 0.00 18,739,090.44 53,086,119.56 26.09 0902 Intra fund Transfers Out 1,181,859.00 581,011.17 0.00 632,365.81 549,493.19 53.51 0900 Transfers Out 73,007,069.00 14,580,480.22 0.00 19,371,456.25 53,635,612.75 26.53 Grand Totals 152,853,331.26 21,507,395.04 459,330.57 49,476,407.23 103,376,924.03 32.37 -z ~ FlN053 County of Roanoke, Virginia Page 10:24:20AM Date 12/8/2004 Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues For the 05 Month Period Ended 11/30104 Year to Date Revenues Monthly Year to Date Unrealized as a % of Fund 100 General Fund Budget Revenues Revenues Balance Budget 010 Real Estate Taxes 64,4 75,000 13,601,486 17,611,421 46,863,579 27.32 011 Pen;onal Property Taxes 25,464,846 19,076 340,250 25,124,596 1.34 012 Public Service Corp Base 2,530,000 566,487 566,487 1,963,513 22.39 013 Penalities & Interest On Prope 600,000 34,160 144,531 455,469 24.09 014 Payment In Lieu Of Taxes 120,000 410 119,590 .34 020 Local Sales Tax 7,400,000 429,569 2,236,865 5,163,135 30.23 021 Consumers Utility Tax 6,955,377 532,272 2,518,719 4,436,657 36.21 022 Business License Tax 5,050,000 161,438- 17,812 5,032,188 .35 023 Franchise Tax 1,240,000 219,197 712,573 527,427 57.4 7 024 Motor Vehicle License Fees 1,760,000 13,414 105,291 1,654,709 5.98 025 Taxes On Recordation & Wills 1,195,000 118,116 454,871 740,129 38.07 026 Utility License Tax 470,000 21,599 125,183 344,817 26.64 027 Hotel & Motel Room Taxes 625,000 63,742 258,939 366,061 41.43 028 Taxes - Prepared Foods 2,860,000 256,166 1,000,441 1,859,559 34.98 029 Other Taxes 110,000 6,294 37,542 72,458 34.13 030 Animal Control Fees 28,177 3,654 8,179 19,998 29.03 031 Land and Building Fees 293,700 24,126 123,430 170,270 42.03 032 Pennits 243,650 21,101 131,078 112,572 53.80 034 Fees 43,050 5,937 29,701 13,349 68.99 037 Clerk of Court Fees 46,732 4,264 16,881 29,851 36.12 038 Photocopy Charges 25,000 10 213 24,787 .85 039 Fines and Forfeitures 599,200 45,236 234,797 364,403 39.19 040 Revenues from Use of Money 400,000 54,240 133,272 266,728 33.32 041 Revenues From Use of Property 11,833 974 6,764 5,069 57.16 042 Charges for Services 3,652,879 330,495 1,297,813 2,355,066 35.53 048 Charges for Public Sevices 2,906,341 260,558 1,295,940 1,610,401 44.59 050 Reimb-Shared Programs Salem 319,000 37,677 64,478 254,522 20.21 051 Miscellaneous Revenue 63,400 25,355- 281,747 218,347- 444.40 056 Recovered Costs 538,115 36,357 107,497 430,618 19.98 060 Non-Categorical Aid 233,000 75,587 507,463 274,463- 217.80 061 Shared Expenses 4,879,037 104,114 1,592,981 3,286,056 32.65 064 Welfare & Social Servies-Categ 1,960,000 488,353 2,327,613 367,613- 118.76 073 Other State Categorical Aid 5,612,345 13,491 738,075 4,874,270 13.15 080 Welfare & Social Services 2,677,177 321,960- 2,999,137 12.03- 086 Other Categorical Aid 993,767 19,835 296,866 696,90 I 29.87 092 Other Financing Sources 3,625,212 3,625,212 .00 -:2 093 Transfers 2,846,494 1,893,176 1,997,191 849,303 70.16 ~ FINOS3 10:24:20AM Fund 100 General Fund County of Roanoke, Virginia Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues For the 05 Month Period Ended 11130/04 Year to Date Revenues Unrealized Balance Page Date Year to Date Revenues asa%of Budget 2 12/8/2004 Grand Totals R~ort Parameters Fiscal Month Entered: 05 Report Date Eotered: 11/30/04 Fiscal Year Eoding Entered: 2,005 Budget Monthly Revenues 152,853,331 19,113,970 37,001,355 115,851,976 24.21 :<. \ -.J ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER fv~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: December 21.2004. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of November 30. 2004. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: BANKERS ACCEPTANCE: SUNTRUST CAP 783,506.84 783.506.84 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS: SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA SAVINGS & LOAN 100,000.00 100,000.00 CORPORATE BONDS ALEXANDER KEY FED SUNTRUST CAP 2,171,664.25 597,968.33 2,769,632.58 GOVERNMENT: ALEXANDER KEY FED ALEXANDER KEY - Sub Acct SUNTRUST-CAP 37,014,950.66 4,380,586.00 12,147,904.73 53,543,441.39 LOCAL GOV'T INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION 12,188,125.71 12,188,125.71 MONEY MARKET: ALEXANDER KEY FED ALEXANDER KEY - Sub Acct SUNTRUST-CAP SUNTRUST - SWEEP WACHOVIA 10,687,714.80 10,850.82 1,698.997.25 5,033,436.58 2,324.673.19 19,755,672.64 TOTAL 89,140,379.16 11/05/04 1 of 1 fV-9 DECLARING DECEMBER 20, 2004, AS SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS TOY SHOP DAY IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, the Salvation Army was organized in 1865 in London, England, and in 1887 in Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS. the mission of the organization is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination; and WHEREAS, the Salvation Army will hold its grand opening for the Christmas Toy Shop on December 20, 2004, at the former Sleep Zone building at Tanglewood Mall; and WHEREAS, the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Shop will offer joy to thousands of children and parents by providing clothes, toys, and food; and WHEREAS, the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Shop will share the love, hope, and warmth of the Christmas season with thousands of residents of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard C. Flora, Chairman of the Board of SupeNisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim December 20, 2004, as SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS TOY SHOP DAY in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, express my sincere appreciation to the Salvation Army for their efforts on behalf of the citizens of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley. ~J.~ '\2: ,ù-.s> G. ~ ">< .... Diane S. Childers, Clerk Richard C. Flora, Chairman County of Roanoke Economic Development Report For the Month Ended November 2004 2003 2004 I I Year.,1io-Date -- - Permits Issued Value Permits Issued Value I Permits Issued Value Permits Single family residential (detached) 36 2,310,346 38 2,652,833 505 31,772,359 Single family residential (attached) - 0 0 o 49 2,086,218 Multi-family (apartment/duplex) - 0 0 0 2 103,463 Hotels/motels - 0 0 0 0 0 Amusement/socia I/recreation - 0 0 0 0 0 Churches/religious - 0 1 171,028 3 1,382,003 Industrial buildings 1 5,023,357 0 0 2 7,030,585 Parking garages - 0 0 0 0 0 Service stations - 0 0 0 1 156,288 Hospitals/institutional - 0 0 0 1 205,012 Offices/banks/professional 1 162,804 0 0 3 411 ,230 Public works/utilities - 0 0 0 0 0 Schools/educational - 0 0 0 0 0 Stores (retail) customer service 1 522,056 0 0 2 1,690,608 Other buildings/structures 7 63,612 17 1,172,223 155 4,521,323 Additions/alterations (residential) 47 523,806 30 228,604 509 4,508,420 Additions/alterations (commercial) 5 635,150 9 524,818 110 5,048,351 Demolitions 7 50,050 2 7,000 40 343,200 TOTAL 105 $9,291,181 97 $4,756,506 1,382 $59,259,060 "< I 0 1 County of Roanoke Economic Development Report For the Month Ended November 2004 2003 2004 Year- To-Date Permits Issued Value Permits Issued Value Permits Issued Value Fees Collected The following portion of this report reflects all permits issued, refunds, courtesy permits and deleted permits, and monies collected. Figures for prior periods on this report may not match previous reports if further transactions have been made to permits since the original reports were printed. Building permits 106 $24,165 97 $22,832 1,375 $262,782 Electrical permits 122 6,551 120 5,159 1,504 76,056 Plumbing permits 68 4,733 81 4,270 962 54,775 Mechanical permits 80 5,898 78 5,675 864 60,707 Signs 3 111 9 321 148 5,131 Re-inspection for construction 2 50 3 75 28 725 TOTAL 381 $41,508 388 $38,332 4,881 $460,176 Examinations - $0 - $0 - $0 Certificates of occupancy 11 215 4 95 113 2,410 11 $215 4 $95 113 $2,410 ~ I ---- C7 2 ACTION NO. (\I-I ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Report on proposed regional jail sites SUBMITTED BY: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Asst. County Administrator Elmer C. Hodge U~ J--{ ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As requested at the December 7,2004, Board meeting, the Jail Study Group, comprised of the Sheriffs, the administrative representatives, and the chief corrections officials of the partner localities, has met and prioritized the 18 sites previously identified as potential jail sites. After much discussion, the sites were ranked and the top five sites identified. This information was forwarded to the Citizens Advisory Committee and to the Board of Supervisors and is also attached to this Board report. ~ ~ \ l MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors Citizens Advisory Committee FROM: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator SUBJECT: Ranking of Proposed Jail Sites DATE: December 16, 2004 The Board of Supervisors at their December 7,2004, meeting asked the Jail Study Group to rank the proposed jail sites and to forward those recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and to the Citizens Advisory Committee. The Jail Study Group is comprised of the Sheriffs of the City of Salem, Roanoke County, Montgomery County, and Franklin County and the administrative representatives and chief corrections officials trom each of those localities. This same study group has met with and continues to work with the consultants chosen to prepare the two required studies for submission of the application to the Department of Corrections for a new or expanded j ail which are: . The Community Based Corrections Plan which determines the number of cells needed for the new facility. . The Project Plan which is comprised of the Architectural plans showing the schematic of the building plan, site plan, operating budgets, capital costs, financing plans, environmental and geotechnical studies, etc., for the proposed facility. Although the Board has not yet authorized an option so that we may enter the properties to conduct the needed testing, we have been working to identify sites which met the criteria outlined below which were used to measure each site (the original twelve sites plus the six sites suggested after the community meeting held at the Salem Civic Center). Evaluation Criteria: . The willingness of the Seller or current owner of the property to sell the property at this time. . The proximity of the site to the four Court Systems. . The proximity of the site to the potential partner localities and the ability to easily get inmates or visitors to the facility. . How the neighboring properties are being used and the impact that this type of facility might have on the community (two of the most significant factors). . The availability of utilities (water, sewer, gas). N-II . The general lay of the land (topography) and other features that enhance or hinder development. . Proximity to a major highway for access to the facility. . Other limitations (or lack thereof) which could hinder development of the site. . Asking or marketing price of the marketed sites. The attached matrix (Attachment B) shows the numerical results of the evaluation of each site. The top five sites remaining are ranked in the order of preference. It is recommended that the other thirteen sites be dropped from consideration based on the information indicated in the following narrative. The Jail Study Group recommends proceeding as quickly as practical to obtain the options so that the required testing may begin. RANKING OF THE 18 SITES 1. Higginbotham Farms Site - This 54.56-acre site is zoned Industrial and is located in the Dixie Caverns area. It is bounded by the Roanoke River and the NS railway with access onto West River Road near the Roanoke River Bridge and the railroad crossing. There is a cemetery located on the property which the owner is attempting to move. The residential property located near the entrance is owned by a different property owner and may be needed to provide a better access to the site. Nearly 1/4 of the site is in the 100-year flood plain; however, the proposed footprint of the structure can be accommodated on the site. The site gently slopes towards the river. Because there is other property and the railroad between the site and West River Road, much of the development will be hidden from view. During the time when the foliage is off of the trees, some of the development may be visible from US 460. Water and sewer are available at US 460 and gas is available from the Center for Research & Technology (CRT) site. We would need to purchase nearly 41 acres to obtain 30 acres above the 500-year flood zone. This property received a score of 154 on the matrix and is ranked # 1. 2. Horn Property - This 47.63-acre site is comprised of three parcels, part of which is zoned residential and most of which is zoned industrial. There is an existing salvage operation and a home located on the site; however, the property owner is willing to carve out the salvage area and be responsible for future clean-up efforts. The property is bounded by the creek from Dry Hollow, West River Road, the NS Railway, Goodwin Memorial Church, a vacant parcel, and a private home owned by a different owner. There is a small knoll in the center of the property which could be used to fill and even the building surface. Water and sewer are available at US 460 and gas is available from the CRT site. Traffic and utilities must cross the Roanoke River and the railway property. This property received a score of 136 and is ranked #2. 2 ~~Il 3. Newbern Site - This 35. 14-acre site is located near Exit 146 ofl-81 and an entrance could be made £fom Plantation Road. Part of the tract adjoins 1-81 and the Days Inn property. The general development in the area is a combination of commercial, industrial, and residential. Water, sewer, and gas are located near the property. Although located outside the crescent of the four localities, the proximity to the Interstate would allow reasonable access. The property is zoned Commercial and is actively marketed as such. Although this interchange is slated for improvement when 1-81 may be widened, this site should not be hampered. This property received a score of 134 and is ranked #3. 4. Ingersoll Rand Site - This site contains the former Ingersoll Rand plant and open land behind the manufacturing plant. The property is zoned Industrial and the utilities are available at the site. Traffic to the site must pass through residential development; however, the area has been used for industrial purposes for years. The property is located outside the crescent area of the four localities and is some distance £fom 1-81. The land is gently rolling and not in a flood zone. The property received a score of 133 and is ranked #4. 5. Old Mountain Road Site - This 50.48-acre site is located immediately behind the Ingersoll Rand site; however, there is a knoll in the middle of the property, and there is considerable rock visible on the site. The utilities are located in close proximity to the site. This site backs up to the residential development and could serve as a buffer for the Ingersoll Rand property. The property received a score of 111 and is ranked #5. 6. Dixie Caverns Site - This site contains 68.18 acres, yet much of it is mountainous and involves the Dixie Caverns attraction. Part of the flat land is actually located across 1- 81. The campsite area and land immediately to the £font are the only developable area, and the flat area is not large enough to support the jail footprint and related operations. This would also end the business effort of the attraction. Although the availability of utilities and proximity to good roads improved the numerical score of 132, it is suggested the site be dropped because it cannot be practically developed for the jail. 7. Meacham Road - This 43-acre site is located in the Dixie Caverns area parallel to 1- 81 and is zoned residential. Access would need to be developed to either Meacham Drive or Twine Hollow Road. Water and sewer are available at Twine Hollow Road and gas is available £fom the CRT. The property received a score of 120; however, because of the presence of a residential property owned by a different owner in the middle of this property, the proximity to 1-81 which is slated to be widened, and the proximity of residential development in the immediate area; it is suggested that this property be dropped £fom consideration. 8. Huffman Trust - This property contains 27 acres located beside Pinkerton Chevrolet on Route 419 and beside Cove Road. Coupled with the proximity to 1-81, this site is readily accessible. The property is zoned Commercial and has utilities near the site. 3 ~ -) t A second 10-acre site owned by a different property owner would be needed to properly develop this site and provide buffer to the adjoining residential community. Because of the proximity to the interchange with 1-81 which is slated for cloverleaf type improvement, the proximity to existing residential development, and the general price of the land, the property received a score of 107; but it is suggested that it be dropped because of the cost to develop the site and the concerns stated above. 9. Center for Research and Technology - This site is located near the Dixie Caverns interchange of 1-81, and is Roanoke County's premier development site. Much has been invested to bring utilities to the site and have site ready pads for commercial/industrial development. The property is zoned as a Planned Technology District, and there are restrictive covenants on the property which guide any proposed development. A Design Review Team would need to review proposed development to help determine compliance with the development guidelines. Although developed by Roanoke County, it is not practical to remove this prime development site ITom the potential tax rolls for a tax-exempt operation. The property received a score of 106; however, the team suggests dropping this site ITom consideration. 10. Newland Road/Peters Creek Road - This property is located across ITom the intersection of Airport Road at Peters Creek Road and is comprised of two properties. The property is surrounded by residential development, and the center of the property is in the floodway and flood plain. Utilities are located near the property. The property received a score of 105; however, the team suggests dropping this site ITom consideration. 11. Taylor Tract-Merriman Road - This property is located in ITont of Penn Forest School and is owned by Roanoke County Schools. A considerable portion of the property is in the flood plain and would require both an elevation to be developed as well as a relocation of wetlands. The team felt that this type of development was not appropriate for the site. Also, the access through residential development, the proximity to the residential development and school, and the other uses which could be made of the property by the Schools or County led to the recommendation that this property be dropped. The property score was 100. 12. College of Health Sciences (Carilion) - This 37.65-acre site in the Dixie Caverns area has two high-voltage power lines (on steel towers) bisecting the property and noticeable sink holes. The cost and difficulty of trying to relocate these power lines makes this site less desirable. The property score was 99, and the team urges dropping this site ITom consideration. 13. Valley Gateway - This site is located off US 460 near the WalMart at Bonsack. There is a 22-acre parcel which includes some of the stormwater management for the remainder of the site and a smaller tract across the street. It would be difficult to locate the footprint of the development on this site, and the cost would be expensive for a jail development project. The score was 99, and the suggestion is to drop the site ITom consideration. 4 f'I-)\ 14. Salem Filtration Plant - This 15.38-acre site is still in use as the filtration plant for the City of Salem. Access is £fom US 460, and utilities are adjacent to the site. The site is too small for this project. The score is 98, and the suggestion is to drop the site £fom consideration. 15. AEP Site - Staff looked at this site as a possibility to work in conjunction with the College of Health Sciences site to see if a suitable building site could be established. Because of the steep topography and the impact of the high-voltage wires, the site was dropped £fom consideration. The score was 95. 16. ValleyPointe Phase II - This site is located behind the ValleyPointe development near Wood Haven Road and is cuITently home to an asphalt plant and quaITY. The property is not for sale at this time and has been dropped. The score was 87. 17. Franklin Road - This site is located off Indian Grave Road. It was suggested to staff because of the site's size and the fact that it had been rezoned recently although not yet developed. Because of the impact of the topography of the site on the footprint of the project and the fact that the owner has not expressed an interest in selling, this site was dropped. The score was 74. 18. Bradshaw Trust - This property is located across Old Mountain Road £fom the Ingersoll Rand site. Although suggested for consideration, the property is not currently for sale, and the property was dropped from consideration. The score was 73. Attachment A gives a real estate synopsis and a photo of each site. Staff is available to discuss these sites and urges a selection so that the testing may begin. cc Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Jail Study Group 5 {'I-\\ SITE: ADDRESS: Higginbotham Farms LLC West River Road Salem, V A ATTACHMENT-A OWNER: Higginbotham Farms LLC PARCEL NO: 064.03-01-19.01 ACREAGE 2004 ASSESSED VALUE 41 +/- A of 54.56 A $311,300 ZONING: 1-2 WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Yes, Owner contacted the County PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 10.60 FC - 43.85 MC - 19.93 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Bounded by the Roanoke River and the railroad tracks. No immediate neighbors. UTILITIES A V AILABILITY : Water and Sewer along 460 Gas near R. R. Donnelly LA Y OF LAND: Gently sloping from the railroad tracks to the river. Approximately 1 /4 of the area along the river is within the 100 year flood plain. MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Property is located in western Roanoke County near 460 and 1-81 Dixie Caverns Exit OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Amount of land in the flood plain Single entrance onto West River Road (60 ft. right of way) Road flood potential at bridge and further down West River Road Cemetery on site that the owner is trying to relocate Access passes by another property owner (being worked on) TOTAL WEIGHT: 154 RANKING: 1 Prospective Regional Jail Sites ~ ., No Scale SITE: Horn Property ATTACHMENT - A ~ -l1 ADDRESS: 5647 West River Road Salem, VA 24153 OWNER: Harold and Shirley B. Horn PARCEL NO. 064.03-01-25 064.03-01-25.01 064.03-01-26 Total ACREAGE 12.65 A 11.74 A 23.24 A 47.63 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $ 93,400 87,100 306.800 $487,300 ZONING: 1-2 WILLING BUYER I SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 11.04 FC - 44.29 MC - 20.37 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Property is bounded by railroad, West River Road and Roanoke River. There is one home, one vacant lot, and a Church near the property. Other residential neighbors are located some distance away. UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Water and Sewer at 460 Gas near RR Donnally LAY OF LAND: Two thirds of property is gently rolling. A small knoll at the center ofthe property would be used to level property. Property includes residence and salvage business, farm land and forested area. MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Access ITom 460 and 1-81 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Little flood plain; must cross railroad with utilities; must grade site TOTAL WEIGHT: 136 RANKING: 2 en Q) +-' C/) ro J ro c: 0 .- 0> Q) a: Q) > +-' U Q) c.. en 0 ~ 0... Q) ('( () CJ) 0 z '<j" 0 0 C\J Cf) C\J ~ Q) .D E Q) > 0 z - - : N ~\I SITE: Newbern Site ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: Carvin Street Roanoke, V A OWNER: Bach and Newbern PARCEL NO.: ACREAGE: 2004 ASSESSED VALUE 018.18-01-01 35.14 $651,800 ZONING: C2C WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC 8.09 FC 33.97 MC 33.54 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC Good FC Fair MC Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Mix of Commercial, Industrial and Residential and bounded by 1-81 UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Plantation Road LAY OF LAND: Rolling and sloped towards 1-81 MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Proximity to residential development Widening ofl-81 and potential for Interchange improvements Site is being considered by other developers at this time TOTAL WEIGHT: 134 RANKING: 3 en Q) +-' .- en rn J rn c: 0 .- C) Q) a: Q) > .- +-' U Q) Q. en 0 L.. (L Q.) ~ u (j) 0 z {i .-- \\ SITE: Ingersoll Rand Property ATTACHMENT - A ADDRESS: Shadwell Drive OWNER: Bogar LLC PARCEL NO.: 028.03-01-02 ACREAGE Part of 98.18 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE Land: $1,267,300 ZONING: 1-1 WILLING BUYER I SELLER: PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 11.15 FC - 31.24 MC - 36.61 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Industrial, residential subdivisions, farm land UTILITIES AVAILABILITY: Water and Sewer available on site LAY OF LAND: Rolling MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81 and Route 11 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Not in the general area of the crescent from the participants. Residential neighbors. TOTAL WEIGHT: 133 RANKING: 4 en a> +-' .- (j) - ~r"~ ~. ~~:- . 1: \.. . , IJl)78 r ;..; ~~--~.~;~~. ';.~.~..,. , ~' -..'ff';!'J' . f ,;t;. ",=,'\t'{ '\ . 1 ii" .t ,~ ,~ "-'~ ,'(:,,~ ...i.{ f-y.'l~~ '~"M' " .,. ", "',~ '. . .. . ',' !J .~', ~~~., ,..' " ~, ",' . .' ¡. -',,{1" -li~ r . ~ .. '"", ~ . . " . II!' (: ~&~, . tt.~.', " -I.,tZ ,r.., :~~.,-~...,~, ~ ,'r'" "7 i7 ... ", ~"'" ' ' . . -'\~'~~'.-.~: ,'- , "'l.j",'." Ï'jl¡ . . '7.,t!:J:þK., .' " . " ; - ,'" :-, i ~ . .¡ ..t.,. '-¡¡, x... -" :\I ., ~ ,; ~.It. -- , . '~!i!.' " . .- ". . - a: . . """~c:i-¡"<I. !!" .:0.'"" "... " .' . - ~ -t" N-, 0'" J 'Co ": ~ Ii ' ,- '~'"'fT'.""'" "'-"'c " " iIiI "';;~';;"I ~ r :! 'Ii ¡.or I ~1' Jb¡,..., r ;:! ~,¡¡ - ¡,- ~.\'. ' ~" '" WI" -' ~. -\ ~". """" "'°ó.'/~I ...~- -. , '0 , }l"", ';:~ - 'f_.", " . '. . :q ,j" L",:;:.;/~¡ . '~'i'~""'" , - .. ~..#'.. ~ .011;'; . II ~ -, ?¡¡ -". .~" . . -'r . - . . !".,', ",' - ' ':'_c -- 1::...,--",-,1'\: - - - , - ,I ¡,,<O::.;,i;~ ,- '-" -- 0'..::." , en ï. " -~ ~~<. '1'--: :.-;;¡~'W. , '. ',-, ,: -" ~ J ". . ~ .:- }1-~! :k:>, . -- "-", - """, /'. ~'- ~! .1-~ ~ "~~ ~"-, ro "", 'VD',c, '-'-,"'. .~ co, . . § .: '~~^þ'" .~H., .:.' "'. ':'~[<:'. :J~¡. ~:_~ ~~"I'~ ~"-'~. y ',."., - "'" "u, ..-..- . , " era> Æ,..: '--t!.' v....;' 7-..~"; '.." .; ¡ I.. ',;" ,.:k;~~ ~ '1 .," -, - - """""'-'-' -,,' "" '-.. ... ~ , ';"-'.- -- ".- , . '- .. . . .~ ~~ '~~--~-'._--~/.~~""',,' .~, . ;~.;¡ C3 ~~'-:S1\l177;;',= - ¡." . - - -.. ... - ~. "'.0'"31\1 Q) -'ß;.. ~¡;y ~'i~ 1. "' ,= - , ~ :1 ..;, ~..... jf. ~ /'.,.,..,; Q. Jr~~,)~ 'it;!l'yiif'.; ~, ""~..J '~ ¡ I. C/) W'~~'r-]:F;' slr,:lf.!J. ti,.., , ~ *~~~, ' " ", ~~ , - ",.. . r l~ . ~. ,'<l4..~..... - , ,1".:;:("",. ,~4. ~,,~ t.r.; .r;;;, (j""","",,~,... "', m -""'" "~~"..-- ' " . 0 ". ... . w . " rrt , ... ' ~èJ 1tlj,'1"iI'1;' i i~J~~ . " ,." '. .., if! '1. -. " I "'. '" '1-"/ . ~ ,ffi~~' it;.. ' - . ., ..~ -', I' ~¡: - , ~ g ;' , ! , ~... - r- ... ¡ l " ~?" <'..;.~ ^ """" " . , I 'd' ~-' If...., " , , " ..... OJ ' "'; ',~~ oL ri'i 'c. , ' '.' '."J~!;ll. '." . ~I"", " 1~ '11>J L~....- KK'§ \! ~ "'(~'r.J . ~~~ ~ ~'ri.~ . :,.: --'::::' ". ~~~ ~ . ^-"!'~ .» ~. ';.:.!oJ' "'-'" . -~t . ~~ 1; . f;;,";i;ti/;'. ',' -, 'ò'. "." J z .".~, "°'"7 -- .... " .m ~ . '........ ~'~oll.Lñ - ...r~~ClI"]/1Y. . . i., I"IJ"-".'~'¡\.' .....:"'Jlö ~~,...... I"; -'1 I ~ff;¡oT'~.- -,., - - ',. -'~ .Y/"..~ - 1 '1 ~ ".,..:, - ..~ , . W< . . '~.. , ... . .. ~.',.", Q) I ~ . (,) Cf) 0 Z - ,. ..' : , .. 0 .. ~ "&.. . I ","." . ," " ;::' -' t ," ~ t,;' ,¡' . "... '\,... \ir ~., ,,~ - :\'.. ""',..::. 1 ... ~ . 'ia°' .t': , ... ...:'11,""0 .~\.. ,"',- '0"1 - ". .. '.., "to - ~¡¡¿ : "- ...:..' . . '\0 -a-. :. t.1Ij to ",..1. .... ... '~ . "; .. , . r "' ~ l - ft, .. - 0.; ""= 0" .-, , j(.' " ~ . ~ -\\ SITE: Old Mountain Road Site ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: Old Mountain Road OWNER: Charles Beahm PARCEL NO: 028.03-01-03 ACREAGE 50.48 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $790,100 ZONING: 1-1 WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC- 11.65 FC-31.74 MC- 37.11 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC -Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Residential, farming, industrial UTILITIES AVAILABILITY: Water on Old Mountain Road, Sewer on Beaumont Road LAY OF LAND: Sloped and rolling with some visible rock MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: I -81 and Route 11 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Distance ftom crescent of service area, sloped site with visible rock TOTAL WEIGHT: 111 RANKING: 5 en Q) +-' .- en - .m J m c: 0 .m Q) a:: Q) > ~ u Q) c.. en 0 ~ a.. '!It ~' I~ - .. ~ - ~.¡.. - , . -":~'W: ~ .. ry"'... .~ \c!, " "t..: ,r .~ " ~. '.r, ~,~~ )' '.. " ~ ~ -t- ... .. "t- .' '.' ~- .. , \r . ~';., ":. ~ 0.. -r -.\ '..", ~- - . r.: . ,:. .. '" " .' . r ;Yo " "- ."~-a - " "' ',~ ~. '~ ~'ï.~~ . , ,~~ ". .~. ~:~~ 'II .. ~. .';. .- ...,- .'- I ~.', ~ ~.'t ;:':.,: . .~ ...~!\ ~~~;*;<:~ ... , 't', \ ~ - ~ - . - ' - ,0'" " . - 'Þ., .. .. ,:, - r:...-.;. . ~ .. ~_.',." ~ ~" L:~ .' '.. ;:.." ... ~ "... '...8,"': .... ,¡;, -. ,~\I . . .. ..!'. "', ... . - . ~ a a C\J C') C\J ..... Q.) .0 E Q.) > 0 z SITE: Dixie Caverns ATTACHMENT - A fV--U ADDRESS: 5757 West Main Street Salem, VA OWNER: Philip Trompeter and Constance Hausman PARCEL NO.: 063.04-01-01 ACREAGE 61.47 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $532,700 ZONING: AR WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC 9.94 FC-43.19 MC-19.27 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Some residential, some business some forested land UTILITIES AVAILABILITY: Water and Sewer at 460 Gas at R. R. Donnelly or CRT LAY OF LAND: Some steep mountainous, some flat (has caverns) MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81 and Route 460 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Caverns business is located on site (part of this property); Some steep slope Site does not have enough flat ground for this type development TOTAL WEIGHT: 132 RANKING: 6 Drop en Q.) +-' (() ro J ro c: 0 .- m Q.) a: Q.) > +-' U Q.) c.. en 0 '- a... Q) ëij u (f) 0 z .~' '.' .' ,- ;,,~.'... J' ,,;', ." :. .' ::-' , .', ,- ," ..... ..c- , ~. , l",iJ \~- ",.,. ~I :..- -': >, .' 0.,.' . . " . -. - .~ .. -.' -. ,," '. ".: - ~. ,",..,J ~~.r'" ;. . ,- '"'Í" 0 0 C\J C') C\J ..... Q) ..Q E Q) > 0 z ~. ~:..~. - ... ' ,J" ... , ,/ .. . ,.." ,a'- ,'. M- . .- -.. ,¡,.' ~~", . , "l ""',,'Cô9- ....,' . ~, \. >- .... -,.. . ~,>. ., -. t'~~ '. .~ .""'." ). , .tp,'" . ,~~..""- _¿ 'I> . "-'- - ~ .. A' ' .~ ...' ~-J\' SITE: Meacham Road Property ADDRESS: 6206 Meacham Road Salem, VA 24153 OWNER: Paul W. Hicks ATTACHMENT-A PARCEL NO.: 063.04-03-51 63.04-03-52 63.04-03-53 Total ACREAGE 9.85 A 6.11 A 27.00 A 42.96 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $185,600 21,400 94.500 $301,500 ZONING: AR WILLING BUYER I SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 10.81 FC - 44.06 MC - 20.37 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Bounded by 1-81, rural forested land, and residential UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Water and Sewer along Twine Hollow Road, Gas at CRT LAY OF LAND: Rolling to sloped MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81, Route 460 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Uncertainty of widening ofl-81, need to purchase secondary site for truck traffic, proximity to residential, one residential site not owned by property owner would also need to be acquired. TOTAL WEIGHT: 120 RANKING: 7 Drop en Q) +-oJ CJ) - .- ro J ro c: 0 .- 0') Q) a: Q) > .- +-oJ U Q) c.. en 0 "- a.. I,'~ ~, , ""~'I ~ t;..¡. ." "'.~~'~ í ,~:r:,. . J .r r " ",. .. , , I , - ,,' It;.. - ~, ¡ " :' :: ¡ , 'I ". - > ï , '} '.' .. .If ...' t.,- 1:/' :" , " ' j 1 /' / /' > .' -., ,'j... -':'~" j -., '~..' ..' '-'...,.~ ..' .:-;- <'> I r"" ,~,,' ,j~ ..i'i"",: ~'j,"1" .. -.",'. ,IS, . 'o"",,~~ \~ ," --:(,\ , " ., --! '," . .. 'J ,'1' ;~ -:' t'. \ \ ,,~' 'L " i", r' ,- 0"',' "';"';' .,- ... t~!,. ,,' ". ,i-!-;..--;;" .:- : -. ~~C"'C:':" , .I " ~ , ,: t' ,~, "::~ -- -"' " -,I" .,..-" '--', .. ';--., ,:;~;k./!- . .. " ~;~ :<' \ ' ,..' , . ¡¡>: ? "~,- .. ."þ t.- . ' '"-....- . ',~ ... ,~' " ," ',' , ':> -c' ~ .- .' - - - ": : , .; >i , ; ": ""'" 0" '", -.', '\' , -"'~ \ -~'\ ,,' '\ 'i \ , -' j - , ". . ~ -'.I - i ¡. , ' " I .- f: 'j .'1" r .' " $ : ~' '" ,.¿,"- -,:," " ';', , ..J'" ~. ~, ,F J ',' .II, "-,;;' , , - ~,. I í \ Q) (\j U Cf) 0 Z ¡ "..~ ,~.t" ,- , " t: . . ii' : ;~ ~~i ~.~ '.,-. . :::: I ... 'j ... ~ J r - ~ a:¡ W .' -.~ l I- 'r ~ .. -. (f a: w I- ~ "'Ì" 0 0 C\J C') C\J .... Q) ~ E Q) > 0 Z if , 'j " , ~J)1 SITE: HulTman Trust ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: North Electric Road Roanoke, V A OWNER: Estelle H. Ronk & Others PARCEL NO.: 036.11-02-36 $934,500 ACREAGE: 10.65 (27.8 A) 2004 ASSESSED VALUE ZONING: C-2 WILLING BUYER I SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC 3.75 FC 34.57 MC 29.21 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC Good FC Fair MC Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Surrounded by Commercial, Residential, Cove Road and Electric Road 419 UTILITIES AVAILABILITY: Along 419 LAY OF LAND: Rolling with some drainage concerns MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81 and 419 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Proximity to location of proposed cloverleaf interchange for 1-81 Proximity to residential development Cost of site Grading and Drainage concerns Additional parcels of land will be needed TOTAL WEIGHT: 107 RANKING: 8 Drop en Q) +-' Cf) - .- CtS J CtS c: 0 .- 0> Q) a: Q) > .- +-' U Q) c.. en 0 "- a... Q.) CtS (.) (f) 0 z .. v 0 0 C\J C') .... Q.) .c E Q.) (.) Q.) 0 ~~I , SITE: Center for Research and Technology (CRT) ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: 4958 Glenvar Heights Blvd. Salem, VA 24153 OWNER: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PARCEL NO.: 054.00-01-02 ACREAGE: 424.31 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $2,747,700 ZONING: PTD The site is zoned as a Planned Technology Development District (PTD) - a unique zoning code that allows residential, commercial and industrial activities to co-exist under specific conditions in the creation of a technology community. WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Uncertain PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC 10.19 FC 43.44 MC 19.75 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC Good FC Fair MC Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Residential and industrial bounded by 1-81 UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: On site LAY OF LAND: Rolling depending on location within site MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81 or 460 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Impact of being a Planned Technology District with Restrictive Covenants Use of Roanoke County's premier industrial site Impact to existing tenant of the park. TOTAL WEIGHT: 106 RANKING: 9 Drop Prospective Regional Jail Sites .,.. .\ \ t, - " December 3, 2004 No Scale ~~\\ SITE: Newland / Peters Creek ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: Airport Road and Peters Creek Road OWNER: Parcell - James Cates Parcel 2 - Jesse N. Jones ACREAGE: Parcell - Net 9.953 A Parcel 2 - 15.37 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $146,600 $840.700 $987,300 ZONING: Parcel 1: R-1 Parcel 2: C-2 WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Yes (agent contacted County) PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 7.84 FC - 31.33 MC - 33.29 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Residential, some commercial UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Water, Sewer, Gas along Peters Creek Road LAY OF LAND: Rolling with creek crossing property. MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-581 Peters Creek Road OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Proximity to residential development, stream on site TOTAL WEIGHT: 105 RANKING: 10 Drop November23,2004 No Scale -¿' SITE: Taylor Tract- Merriman Road ATTACHMENT-A N~\\ ADDRESS: 5690 Merriman Road Roanoke, VA OWNER: Roanoke County School Board PARCEL NO.: 097.05-01-26 ACREAGE 28.71 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $389,600 ZONING: R-l WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Not Detennined PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 7.63 FC - 22.85 MC - 34.28 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Good MC - Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Bounded by residential subdivisions, School, Regional Park UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Water and Sewer at Merriman Road LAY OF LAND: Gently sloped with some area in flood plain MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: From Route 220 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Proximity to school, residential subdivisions, and park Flood Plain issues for development of the anticipated footprint of the new facility. TOTAL WEIGHT: 100 RANKING: 11 Drop Prospective Regional Jail Sites November 23, 2004 No Scale ._-~ ~ ~ -Yl SITE: College of Health Sciences ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: 5994 Harwick Drive OWNER: Carilion PARCEL NO.: 063.04-01-08 ACREAGE 37.65 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $170,500 ZONING: AR WILLING BUYER / SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 10.68 FC - 43.93 MC - 20.01 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Bounded by 1-81, Several residential neighbors, and mountainous land UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Water and Sewer at 460 Gas at R.R. Donnelly LAY OF LAND: Property is gently rolling with known sinkholes. Property is crossed with two sites of high tension wires and towers, which cannot be easily relocated. MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Route 460 and 1-81 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Location of electric towers and known sinkholes are not conducive to this type of construction. TOTAL WEIGHT: 99 RANKING: 12 Drop en (]) +-' en m J m c: 0 .- 0) (]) a: (]) > +-' U (]) Q.. en 0 ~ 0.. SITE: Valley Gateway ADDRESS: Challenger Avenue Roanoke, VA OWNER: F&W Properties II, Inc. PARCEL NO.: 050.01-01-05.08 ACREAGE: 26.08 ZONING: C-2 WILLING BUYER I SELLER: Yes PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC FC MC PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC Fair FC Fair MC TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Commercial, Residential, and Industrial UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Along 460 LAY OF LAND: Steep rolling with impact of drainage ITom offsite MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 460 OTHER LIMIT A TIONS (LACK OF): Site marginal with drainage considerations Cost of site TOTAL WEIGHT: 99 ~)1 ATTACHMENT - A Fair 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $1,957,000 RANKING: 13 Drop en Q) +"'" .- (j) - .- ca J ca c: 0 .- 0> Q) a: Q) > .- +"'" U Q) Q.. en 0 ~ a... ~ _;1 II', 'l- . \ ii ~~" ~ ,Jo' "~-~j ,-" " ,1 ~, '-' 'o'- r' _'\. .... . - <# .,/ ';/ .)1 -~.;-' -- ':;- ' -' ,- " ;,,'-~ ",' r ~ ~, -; 1: -.::t 0 0 C\J ,1 cri ..... Q) .Q E Q) () Q) 0 SITE: Salem Water Filtration Site ATTACHMENT - A N ~ \ \ ADDRESS: 4127 West Main Street Salem, VA OWNER: City of Salem PARCEL NO.: 054.04-01-10 ACREAGE 15.38 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $1,350,500 ZONING: I-IS Wll.LING BUYER / SELLER: Not Determined PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 4.69 FC - 41.29 MC- 21.88 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Rural, residential, business, industrial UTll.ITIES AVAILABILITY: Water, Sewer, gas along Route 460 LAY OF LAND: Gently sloped MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Route 460 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Site is being used for municipal water filtration system. After new plant is completed in Salem, property could become available. Site is too small for the proposed project. TOTAL WEIGHT: 98 RANKING: 14 Drop .~ November 23, 2004 No Scale IV J \ SITE: AEP Site ATTACHMENT-A ADDRESS: West Main Street OWNER: AEP ACREAGE: Would require subdivision of property 105.64 A in site 2004 ASSESSED VALUE: Not Determined WILLING BUYER I SELLER: Undetermined PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 10.68 FC - 43.93 MC - 20.01 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Fair MC - Good TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: One business, several residences, mountainous terrain UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Water and Sewer at 460 Gas at RR Donnelly LAY OF LAND: Mountainous with varied slopes. Property would be difficult to grade for flat site. MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Route 460 1-81 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Topography is challenging for this type of development TOTAL WEIGHT: 95 RANKING: 15 Drop .-/y~j.i: Q) <tI u (f) 0 z ..>.,> .'. .:. ..-.- '- Q) .c E Q) > 0 z .., . . . ;.. ,... . .. ....,' ~'.~';'_. SITE: Valley Pointe, Phase n ADDRESS: Wood Haven Road Roanoke, VA NJ \ ATTACHMENT-A OWNER: English Construction Co., Inc. (Behind V alleyPointe) PARCEL NO.: 026.19-01-01 026.19.01-02 026.19-01-03 026.15-01-04 ACREAGE: 4.35 5.72 2.16 85.85 98.08 WILLING BUYER / SELLER: No PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC 9.92 FC 33.53 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC Good FC Fair 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $ 186,000 268,100 91,100 1.453.800 $1,999,000 MC 35.29 MC Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Residential, Commercial, and Industrial UTILITIES AVAILABILITY: Wood Haven Road LAY OF LAND: Varied MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Peters Creek, 1-81 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Existing business on property not ready to move at this time. Developmental cost of site and possible remediation. TOTAL WEIGHT: 87 RANKING: 16 Drop ZONING 12C 12C R-1 I2C CJ) Q) ..- .- C/) - .- CtS J CtS c: 0 .- C> Q) a: Q) > .- ..- () Q) c.. CJ) 0 ~ a.. Q) (1j () (j) ~ 0 z -.::t a a C\I ct) "- Q) .c E Q) () Q) 0 SITE: Franklin Road ATTACHMENT - A ADDRESS: Franklin Road near Indian Grave Road OWNER: Evangel Foursquare Church PARCEL NO.: 098.02-02-16 ACREAGE 48.65 A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $131,600 ZONING: ARS WILLING BUYER I SELLER: Not Determined PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC - 9.32 FC - 20.47 MC - 41.75 PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC - Good FC - Good MC - Fair TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Residential and light business UTILITIES AVAILABILITY: Water and Sewer in 220 at Clearbrook Gas? LAY OF LAND: Rolling and sloped MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: Route 220 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Challenging topography for this type of development; 1-73 corridor, Access and utilities Clearbrook overlay district TOTAL WEIGHT: 74 RANKING: 17 Drop N-II en Q) +-' en as J - as c: 0 C> Q) a:: Q) > .- +-' U Q) c.. en 0 ~ D... Q) co u en 0 z "<:t a a C\ C") C\ ..... Q) .D E Q) > 0 Z SITE: Bradshaw Trust ADDRESS: 7015 Old Mountain Road Roanoke, V A OWNER: Matilda Holland Bradshaw, Trustee PARCEL NO.: ACREAGE: 028.03-01-25 028.03-01-22 68.95 56.43 ZONING: R-l WILLING BUYER / SELLER: No PROXIMITY TO COURT SYSTEM: RC 11.65 FC 31.74 MC PROXIMITY TO PARTNERS: RC Good FC Fair MC TYPE AND PROXIMITY OF NEIGHBORS: Residential and Industrial UTILITIES A V AILABILITY: Off Hollins Road LAY OF LAND: Rolling MAJOR HIGHWAY ACCESS: 1-81 and Rt 11 OTHER LIMITATIONS (LACK OF): Owner not interested in selling at this time. TOTAL WEIGHT: 73 37.11 Fair ,.J -II A TT ACHMENT - A 2004 ASSESSED VALUE $490,300 362.500 $852,800 RANKING: 18 Drop z 0 (f) () Ø> (j) 0 CD () CD 3 0- CD ..... W I\) a a ... .þ. -u ...... 0 (f) "'C CD (') r-+ <. CD ::D CD CC -. 0 ::J 0) C- O) -. - (J) -. r-+ CD (f) Attachment B Jail Matrix December 15, 2004 Willing Proximity Proximity Neighbors Available Lay of Asking Major Other Total New Asking Acreage Buyer 1 Court Partners Utilities Land Price Highway imitations Weight Rank Suggest Price Seller System Access (Lack of) Site MaxWt 20 20 10 50 20 20 15 15 20 190 Higginbotham Farms 20 15 8 45 15 15 12 14 10 154 1 1,640,000 40,000 A 41/54.56 Horn 20 15 8 35 12 12 10 14 10 136 2 2,800,000 47.63 Newbern Site 20 12 7 35 17 14 5 14 10 134 3 4,300,000 100,000 A 35.14 Ingersol Rand 20 10 6 35 18 12 12 10 10 133 4 2,100,000 70,000 A 30/68.18 Old Mountain Road 20 10 6 20 18 10 12 10 5 111 5 1,000,000 50.48 Dixie Caverns Site 20 15 8 35 15 8 12 15 4 132 6 drop 2,000,000 61.47 Meacham Road 20 15 8 30 15 10 12 10 0 120 7 drop 425,000 plus other prol 42.96 Huffman Trust 20 15 8 20 15 10 5 14 0 107 8 drop 3,700,000 plus 500,000 278 Center for Research and Tech. 10 15 8 25 17 8 10 13 0 106 9 drop N/A 30/424.31 Newland 1 Peters Creek 20 18 8 20 18 10 1 10 0 105 10 drop 2,995,000 25.32 Taylor Tract Merriman Road 18 12 7 10 18 10 12 8 5 100 11 drop N/A 28.71 College of Health Sciences 20 15 7 30 5 0 12 10 0 99 12 drop N/A 3765 Valley Gateway 20 8 4 25 15 10 5 12 0 99 13 drop 3,345,000 150,000 A 26.08 Salem Filtration Plant Site 15 15 8 20 20 10 0 10 0 98 14 drop N/A 15.38 AEP 15 15 8 30 10 5 0 12 0 95 15 drop N/A 30/105.64 Valleypointe Phase II 0 18 7 25 15 10 0 12 0 87 16 drop N/A 30/98.08 Franklin Road 10 12 7 10 12 8 0 10 5 74 17 drop N/A 48.65 Bradshaw Trust 0 10 6 20 15 12 0 10 0 73 18 drop N/A 125.38 '"2 { - ACTION NO. ITEM NO. --::p - \ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 16, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to discuss middle school baseball and softball programs SUBMITTED BY: Pete Haislip Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Elmer C. Hodge ê If County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This work session has been scheduled to brief the Board on the potential impacts and issues regarding the School Board's decision to approve middle school baseball and softball. The Parks and Recreation staff, Advisory Commission members, and several Recreation Club Presidents will attend this meeting. Staff will present a field inventory and maintenance information at the meeting. ACTION NO. ~-~ ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to update the Board of Supervisors on the status of the Public Safety Building Project and to plan for upcoming activities SUBMITTED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge tf{- County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The official notice to proceed for the design phase of the Public Safety Facility project occurred on December 3 with a kick-off meeting involving the Northrop-Grumman team, County departmental leadership, and the project management firm, Construction Dynamics Group, in attendance. As there will be a significant amount of planning, design and coordination of activities occurring over the next few months, it is important to keep the Board of Supervisors informed on the status of the project and the activities that must occur soon to move the project to construction. Although the official schedule is not due from Northrop-Grumman until mid-January, we want to let you know what we will be facing in the short term. The purpose of this work session is as follows: (1) inform the Board of the activities that have occurred over the past few weeks; (2) bring the Board up to speed on some of the activities that must occur in the near future to keep the project on track; (3) get input from the Board on how best to present the project schedule, activities and impacts to the public once this information is more fully developed; and (4) begin to plan for a groundbreaking celebration to occur in the upcoming months. 1>-~ Attachment A provides a framework for discussion of these items. Staff appreciates all of the support for this project that has been given by the Board of Supervisors over the past two years to get us to this point. Working together, we can and will bring this important project to a successful conclusion over the next 27 months. 2 Attachment A 'p-~ Board of Supervisor's Work Session Update on Public Safety Building Project December 21,2004 A) Completed Activities Activity Date 1) Contract with Northrop-Grumman executed November 16,2004 2) Notice to Proceed for Design December 3,2004 3) Kick-off Meeting with County Staff and Northrop-Grumman Team - Review of Preliminary floor plans December 3, 2004 4) Pre-development meeting with pennitting agencies and N-G team - preliminary schedule for pennitting discussed December 8, 2004 5) Computer Aided Dispatch system planning meeting with County Staff / Northrop-Grumman New World Systems (CAD vendor) December 9, 2004 6) Revalidation of changes to floor plans discussed on 12/3 (scheduled as of the writing of this report) December 20, 2004 B) Upcoming Important Dates 1) Value Engineering - Value Engineering is currently scheduled to occur between January 4 and 7. The 35% design will be reviewed by a value engineering team organized by Construction Dynamics Group to find savings and/or operational improvements. 2) Guaranteed Maximum Price to be established - The Guaranteed maximum price, which must be less than the Contract Cost Limit plus any change orders negotiated at that point in time, is to be detennined on or before March 20, 2005 at 60% design completion. Attachment A T..)- à 3) Completion of Project - The date of completion for all phases of the project is March 3,2007 which is 27 months from Notice to Proceed. C) Items for Discussion with Board of Supervisors I) Public Information / Community Meeting Although the site and scope of the project has been widely publicized in media reports, and in a video production on R VTV, we believe we should notify the immediate community of what to expect both during the construction phase and once the project is complete. We would like to discuss dates and times for a community meeting and a mailing that we are planning to send to nearby residents. As the demolition work may occur as early as February, we are suggesting a late January / early February public meeting, assuming site plans are developed enough to be presented to the public. We believe this can be achieved. We propose to have informational mailings sent to nearby residents in advance of the public meeting. We will do our best to minimize the impacts on the nearby residents and School employees, but with any construction project of this magnitude there will be impacts that need to be discussed and planned for. 2) Initiation of Demolition Work for School Board Warehouses and former Youth Haven II Building The demolition of the School warehouses and former Youth Haven II house could occur in February if the School Board allows us right of access to remove the warehouses prior to the land transfer. This would be the first significant work on the site. 3) Land Transfer from School Board This item will take a declaration of surplus property from the School Board and an ordinance by the Board of Supervisors, which includes a first reading, second reading and public hearing. This cannot occur prior to the subdivision plat being completed by Northrop-Grumman's project engineers. We will be scheduling site plan review meetings with school officials during January or February to review and refine site plans. Our goal is to have the land transfer completed in February or March at the latest. The timing of this item is still under discussion. At this point it looks like actual site work could begin in late February or early March. 2 Attachment A 4) Official Groundbreaking Ceremony We should begin discussing the organization of an official groundbreaking event for the project, most likely in February or March at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. As stated in the Board report, Northrop-Grumman is to deliver to us a more detailed schedule by mid-January for review. We will notify you of the actual activity dates in future briefings and work sessions. 3 /r-~ Q AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. /IR ì \J - . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21 2004 APPROVED BY: Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of D. Diane Henson, General Registrar for the County of Roanoke, after thirty years of service œ jf~~ Elmer C. Hodge .~ - 25 c. County Administrator AGENDA ITEM: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Ms. Henson retired as Roanoke County General Registrar on December 1, 2004, after working in the Registrar's Office for thirty years. She was appointed General Registrar by the Electoral Board on June 1, 1996. During her tenure, Ms. Henson worked for the benefit of Roanoke County and its citizens by successfully implementing the many changes that were made at the state level. She advanced keypunched voter records into an effective statewide computer system and executed the provisions of the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), known as the "Motor Voter Act". Ms. Henson was instrumental in the County's decision to purchase electronic voting equipment to comply with the 2002 Help America Vote Act (HA V A). Roanoke County was one of the first localities in Virginia to purchase this equipment which has proven to be successful and accepted by the voters. Due to the many outreach programs established during the past thirty years, voter registration has steadily increased from approximately 35,500 to 60,000. The County would like to express its appreciation to Ms. Henson for her leadership as Roanoke County General Registrar, and wish her well in her future endeavors. Ronkeith Adkins, Chairman of the Electoral Board; Warren Campbell, Vice-Chairman; and Dana Martin, Secretary, plan to attend the meeting. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,2004 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF D. DIANE HENSON, GENERAL REGISTRAR, AFTER THIRTY YEARS OF SERVICE r¿-i WHEREAS, D. Diane Henson was first employed by Roanoke County on October 30, 1974, as Assistant Registrar, and also served as Deputy Assistant General Registrar and Acting Registrar; and WHEREAS, Ms. Henson was appointed General Registrar by the Roanoke County Electoral Board on June 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, Ms. Henson retired from Roanoke County on December 1, 2004, after thirty years and one month of service; and WHEREAS, during Ms. Henson's tenure, the Registrar's Office experienced many changes at the state level and she successful implemented these changes which included advancing keypunched records into an effective statewide computer system, and executing the provisions of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 know as the. . . "Motor Voter Act"; and WHEREAS, Ms. Henson was instrumental in Roanoke County being one of the first localities in Virginia to purchase electronic voting equipment to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002, and successfully completed the transition to the new machines; and WHEREAS, Ms. Henson always exhibited neutrality and professionalism in her position and due to the many outreach programs established during the past thirty years, the registered voters have increased from approximately 35,500 to 60,000; and WHEREAS, Ms. Henson was a member of the Voter Registrar's Association of {(-I Virginia and has served on various committees within that organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County, to D. DIANE HENSON for thirty years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO.~ - ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21,2004 SUBMITTED BY: Introduction of Judith Ann Stokes, General Registrar Elmer C. Hodge ~ /f~ County Administrator AGENDA ITEM: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: We are pleased to welcome and introduce Judith Ann Stokes who was appointed General Registrar by the Roanoke County Electoral Board on October 26 and began work on November 15, 2004. Prior to her position as registrar, Ms. Stokes was employed by Delegate Morgan Griffith for seventeen years as a paralegal and legislative assistant. For the past five years, she served as his Chief of Staff and was appointed to serve on the Joint Subcommittee to study the certification, performance, and deployment of voting equipment. Ms. Stokes was born in Columbus, Georgia, and attended Columbus College. She has lived in the Roanoke Valley for twenty-seven years. Ronkeith Adkins, Chairman of the Electoral Board; Warren Campbell, Vice-Chairman; and Dana Martin, Secretary, plan to attend the meeting. ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER S-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21 2004 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Public Hearing and adoption of Secondary System Six-Year Construction Plan for fiscal years 2005-2011 and the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2005-2006 Arnold Covey, Director ~ f-}--cr«? Department of Community Development COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the Board of Supervisors is required to conduct a public hearing on the Secondary Road System Six- Year Construction Plan to receive public comments. This plan was developed jointly by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and County staff. The projects identified were a result of requests received by County citizens, VDOT, and the Board of Supervisors during the past year. The plan before the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors was presented to you at a work session on November 16, 2004. At the work session, County staff explained the funding for the next six years and the distribution of this year's allocation of approximately $2.72 million between the two funding categories (Countywide Incidental Construction Items and Numbered Projects). There were no projects added to this year's numbered projects list. However, one project, Colonial Avenue, Rte 720, from Rte 419 to Ogden Road, Rte 681 , will be removed from the Plan due to insufficient funding. Staff is now requesting the Board of Supervisors to conduct the public hearing and approve one of the following alternatives and impacts. 1 S-l ALTERNATIVES: 1. Conduct the public hearing and adopt the resolution approving the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for fiscal years 2005-2011 and allocation of funds for fiscal year 2005-2006. 2. Conduct the public hearing and defer approval of the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for fiscal years 2005-2011 until staff can review additional comments received at the public hearing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1 assuming that no comments are received. 2 s- I(á) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDA Y, DECEMBER 21, 2004. RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEARS 2005-2011 AND APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2005-2006. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on November 16, 2004 to receive comments for the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2005-2011; and the adoption of the funding for Fiscal Years 2005-2006; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2005-2011 and allocation for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 as set out in the attached Six-Year Secondary System Construction Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested to be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2005-2011 by the Clerk to the Board. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 5:-1 (b) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve projects for fiscal year 2005-2006 Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge {fF County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) annually provides localities the opportunity to receive state matching funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the state's highway system. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides $15,000,000 for the matching program and limits localities to $500,000 each. However, if fewer or more than 20 counties participate, our share of money will be reduced/increased proportionately. The Revenue Sharing Program for fiscal year 2005-2006 contains 13 projects totaling $1 million in improvement projects. County and VDOT staff presented these projects with maps and justifications for inclusion in the Revenue Sharing Program for fiscal year 2005-2006 at the November 16, 2004 Board of Supervisors work session. Having received no requests to modify or change the priority list, staff is requesting the Board to approve the priority list for the fiscal year 2005-2006 Revenue Sharing Program. 1 $-' (j,) FISCAL IMPACT: The funding will be shown in the Department of Community Development operating budget for fiscal year 2005-2006. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the project list and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Letter of Intent and defer appropriation of the funds ($500,000) until July 1 2005. 2. Decline to participate in the Revenue Sharing Program for fiscal year 2005-2006. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of alternative #1. 2 PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: Seaside Heights, LLC (Bojangles) 32-12/2004 (Rezoning) & 33-12/2004 (SUP) T- \ Planning Commission Hearing Date: January 4,2005 (Continued from December 7, 2004) Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: January 25,2005 (Continued from December 21, 2004) A. REQUEST The petition of Seaside Heights, LLC, to rezone .98 acres from C1, Office District to C- 2, General Commercial District and to obtain a Special Use Permit on 2.22 acres for the operation of a fast food restaurant and drive-thru located at the intersections of Brambleton Avenue, Colonial Avenue and Merriman Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Continued by request of the petitioner) B. CITIZEN COMMENTS C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION D. CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: - Vicinity Map - Other - Concept Plan - Staff Report Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission 2 County of Roanoke. Department of Community Development 1" Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: David Holladay, Senior Planner/Zoning Administrator Date: November 30, 2004 Re: December 7, 2004 Public Hearing - Agenda Item I. 2. Seaside Heights, LLC / Bojangles has requested that their petition, Agenda Item I. 2., be continued until January 4,2005. The petitioner would like more time to discuss traffic issues with the Virginia Department of Transportation. Mr. Anthony Ford, Roanoke County Traffic Engineer has recommended that the petitioner conduct a traffic impact analysis of the existing turn lanes and traffic signal timing. The additional time would also allow County staff to further discuss with the petitioner conditions for the special use pennit. Staff recommends continuing the petition until January 4, 2005. DEC. 1. 2004 2:11PM CARTER,OSBORNE&M!LLER Carter, Osborne «Miller ATTORNEYS AT LAW ~ NO.3 32 P. 2 î-I December 1, 2004 Mr. David Holladay, Zoning Administrator Roanoke County Planning Department P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 RE: Special Use & Rezoning Applications - Seaside Heights, LLC Dear MI. Holladay: We respectfully request that the Special Use Application and Rezoning Applications of Seaside Heights, LLC scheduled to come before the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors be postponed. The Planning Commission hearing date of December 7, 2004, should be rescheduled for January 4, 2005, and the Board of Supervisors hearing on tlùs matter would be rescheduled from December 21, 2004, until January 25,2005. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns willi this request. v ~ truly yours, CARTER, OSBORNE & MILLER d~~ 1. Lee E. Osborne JLEO/jmh corporate/lids e!1S i dcl1ci gh ts/ltrtobo 11 ad 3)' c: Mr. Stanley Seymour, III Seaside Heights, LLC 1401 Franklin Road P.O. Box 13206 Roanoke, Virginia 24032.3206 P: 540.982.0234 F: 540.982.8102 'WWW.cbolaw.com - ------------- ----- , -. County of Roanoke Community Developmént Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Only 1-1 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 :_i~_:~_'}~,-~_;:I.:,:,~.,1J_':;-"~-~.'~'9.,~-._iv,,.::,:,:~,'.~$" -..' '..'" ' ,'.'. . ..,.-....' . :-.,---:' '.--.',.. . ,,".' .--.,-- - -- "....-.............-....:..',...,:,',...:....-...........-,......... PC/EZA ~[I:: Placards issued: '~ ' '..... ","" .. Check type of application fl1~ (check all that apply) XJ Rezoning 0 Special Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver Applicants name/address W ZIp "P--oÍ::J<> ( /...L c... I ,>-rt'-, S ..t1""""o~hone; 5'"1 6&:> 4i~--A.~ ¡¿J Work: Seaside Heights, ll.C ~ v;4 œ«~ û:k¡arå" N..U, Esq. CLvt...1C~J <-'7'?( 'i? C~ll #: 3 . Fax No.: 0 Administra-rive Appe.al 5'"37- 6./q¿.¡ S46 125-818-0 Owner's name/address wlzi 1 { ;?. ~ ~A. ~-rl.. ocr t"2...c/ Phone #: .> 1 7 - ,( '1'í Seaside Heights, ll.C G-a.,:n.e-rJb./1 t11.ð Work: 540-125-131-130 CINfICf: ~rd A. tls.H, Esq. ;ZoKï -, FuND. #:s.q@-1.1l¡ M61 018 5.!O-7H-QPG1 Prop~rty Location Intersection of Brambleton Avenue, Colonial Avenue and Merriman Road Magisterial Distri~t: Cave spr i ng CoIDlIlUIli ty Plann.iD.g area: C?lve Spr ing TPšr~1~~o~l8~~~8ã~Õ3~~~~~1and ~. ~??\ Existing Zoning: C-1 Size ofparcel(s): Acres: ~ Existing Land Use: Vacant. ;~~ii~~~#~.~~tt$Þ;'fß~)~,:,~~¥~~~~~~::~~!Ji}. :...:~'.'.~-,: ,...:~..~.~~,.~ ~.~.~~:_:"._~~-"...~" ~"- . Propos~ Zoning: C- 2 Proposed Land Use: fast food restaurant w/drive-thru.& 6600 sq ft retai I space D s the parcel mc'e.t the minimum lot area, width, 2Dd frontage r~ements of the requested district? Yes No IF NO, A VARlANCEIS REQUIRED FIRST. Dœs the parcel me~t the minimum criteria for the reque.sted Use Type? <0 IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes @ ;'":::dk~i';~~..~::'.,~:'"" 'A>.Tn.:.~"."~';"."~::::::'::'-'..X;:;:;'~~."~":;;~;~~":':~:....~'~EI..-~.:i~.,~.~.3J~~:"~:::.;:i"1.':"t'..'.'.',- .-." ,,"""""',-'..". "",.,:"",,"'" L!~J,¥;m:J!~~n:?¿l~! ~:r.u:.: ~~!gmH:-IT!~ £~.~,.:.._;;".,Ä~~;:. W-Œl.~~;,.:,:..".:'.;) .,:,-~.~ .:::, ,'" :,',;;~..,- .--~._-'-.\' :~.,:,""-: No VarianœIWaiver of Sectìon(s) of !be RoaDoke CO1mty ZoDin.g Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning AdministTator's decision to Appeal of InterpretAtion of Section(s): Appw of Interpretation of Zonmg Map to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESJ ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. RJSfW V/AA RJSfW V/AA R/SIVY V/AA §t§ Consult¡tion ~ B 1/2" x II" concept plan ~ Application fee Application . , Mete$ aDd bounds description Proffers. if applicable Justifica!Ìon WatJ:J: and Sl:wl:r application Adjoining propcrty owners I hcrl:by a:nify that I am I:ither thl: owner~ WD1:.(¿gl:Dt or contract purchaser and am acting witl:1 th~ knowledgl: aDd consent of the owner. ' Owner's Signa.tUre JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST T-I Applicant SEASIDE HEIGHTS, LLC The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general we:far~. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of the C-2 District is to provide for a variety of commercial and service-related activities within the urban service area serving the community of several neighhorhoods or large areas of the County. These commercial districts are generally found along maj:1 :. ", ¡ 11 thoroughfares which serve large segments of the County population. The use as a mixed retail ãntJ res~aurant meets these criterions and those uses are specifically permitted within the County's Zoning Ordinance and within the County Comprehensive Plan. Retail uses are specifically allowed by right and the restaurant, drive-in and fast food is allowed with a Special Use Permit. A significant portion of the subject property is already zoned C-2 and, thus, the rezoning effort is a small extension of the existing Zoning District. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The subject property is designated as "transition" within the County's land Use Plan. The "transition" category recognizes that certain roadways have the potential of becoming primary corridors where strip development pressures exist. Certainly this is true with the subject property with the adjoining uses on BrambJeton Avenue. The guidelines for "transition" promote planned development nodes and major road junctions in redevelopment of existing strip developments. The former uses on the subject property have been eliminated and, with the appropriate grading plan, the proposed use as retail and restaurant, fast food with a drive-thru. subject to a Special Use Permit, are appropriate in this area. All of the adjoining properties along Brambleton are similar retail uses. Thus, the proposed use meets the objective of the "transition district" which is to provide for development along design,,:: .::',. 'oad corridors in the County. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The proposed development will have no negative impact upon public services and facilities. The property is already zoned Commercial, a portion being C-1 and a portion being C-2. The rezoning from C-1 to C-2 will allow for the appropriate development of a significant portion of the property with one owner, thereby assuring limited access and a well-designed and coordinated plan of development. F:\USERS\CBaumgardner\ZONING\Seaside Heights JUSTIFICA TION.doc -- ---"- R~ 221 (8RMfBi.EJVtv "'1£) ------ - -/--- / ----------"""- - I I \ -\ \ - ¡;; q 40' 20' O' 40' 80' ~- . I ," == 40' GRAPHIC SCALE SITE: LA YOUT AND GRADING PLAN FOR -"~ Ih- J8 ( co..... "'" .... SlPIEIflIÐI 27. zao.f ... ,".",' _,I ... - ......J-x...."'¡"", .... - --'1.t4- U""'-~ Ro80, LLC SITUA TE: BRAM8L£TON A VENUE AND COLONIAL AVENUE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VA. i!ïCWA ~ CALDWELL WHITE ASSOCIATES .......- / ..........,.. / ........... _...~:;..:;:""" .."'."':0;.,':.':':'-':::"-.". .- ,~, ...-.... .-- IT ~ ~ i'! ~ "-'/oJ Av "'687 ~ Zoning _AG3 _EP '-...... - AG 1 AR %(:~ - C2CVOD 11 '12 ~ - PCD PAD '" ~ Ii '-...... L=: -~ PTD A1 R2 R3 ~ A4 "" (../<, Roanoke County Department of Community Development N  Applicants Name: Seaside Heights, LLC Existing Zoning: C-1 Proposed Zoning: C-2S Tax Map Number: 86.08-3-36. 1 Portion of 86. 08-3-35. 1 Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 0.98 acres October 25, 2004 No Scale 1-1 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Only 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 AppJication fee: O. DO PC/BZA date: Placards issued: l:>l( Case Number Check type of application filed (check all that apply) 0 Rezoning DCSpecial Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver 0 Administrative Appeal . . R ,iß eo l-tL.- .) f t't..h- l!!-11<-...l><-"'" 6 Q Apphcants name/addr YZlp 5'16.0 Coll~ þ...J Phone: f") 7 - I f~ SEASIDE HEIa-rTS LlC ÍÙ> Ie- VA Work S4A nl\-R1 RO Cll'ITPCT: J=. Iw... rd /1. 141õ1l (. ~~ 'C:- ( ;L'-(:":>( ? Cell ~: J149 0,511'0;1".1 D. ., S...jbu 209--<:, R-",..:...ôlœ, ":. 1ftQ1AxNo.: "'UII-lIq-U%l Owner's name./address w/~ 9 { 2.."3 G c....,-f£. JZr l2.d Phone #: S:J 7 - (; I 70/ SEASIDE HEla-rTS LlC G-aJrt..e.r.Jhv/"tIJ,41Ò Work: 54\.1-,25 3+80 , ( , Cll'ITPCT: [d.;mlcl.4.. tJatt. I:~~ J-.O:17'7 FaxNo.#: t..UtI '71'1 03G.r 3 . Property Location 0 Colonia I Avenue 4510 Brambleton Avenue Magisterial District: Cave Spr i ng Community Planning area: Cave Spr i ng Existing Zoning: C-2 Proposed Zoning: C- 2 Proposed Land Use: fast food restaurant w/drive-thru Does t~rcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes, - No 0 IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. /'" Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YesfIt' No [ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes 0 Noo Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S/W V/AA RJS/W V/AA RfSfW VIAA m ConsuJtation §. g 1/2" x 11" concept plan ~ Application fee Application X Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer application X Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the pr r th owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. SEAS 1 8"(,. Owner's Signature 2 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST í-I Applicant SEASIDE HEIGHTS, LLC The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of the C-2 District is to provide for a variety of commercial and service-related activities within the urban service area serving the community of several neighborhoods or large areas of the County. These commercial districts are generally found along major arterial thoroughfares which serve large segments of the County population. The use as a mixed retail and restaurant meets these criterions and those uses are specifically permitted within the County's Zoning Ordinance and within the County Comprehensive Plan. Retail uses are specifically allowed by right and the restaurant, drive-in and fast food is allowed with a Special Use Permit. A significant portion of the subject property is already zoned C-2 and, thus, the rezoning effort is a small extension of the existing Zoning District. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The subject property is designated as "transition" within the County's land Use Plan. The "transition" category recognizes that certain roadways have the potential of becoming primary corridors where strip development pressures exist. Certainly this is true with the subject property with the adjoining uses on Brambleton Avenue. The guidelines for "transition" promote planned development nodes and major road junctions in redevelopment of existing strip developments. The former uses on the subject property have been eliminated and. with the appropriate grading plan, the proposed use as retail and restaurant, fast food with a drive-thru, subject to a Special Use Permit, are appropriate in this area. All of the adjoining properties along Brambleton are similar retail uses. Thus, the proposed use meets the objective of the "transition district" which is to provide for development along designated key road corridors in the County. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself. the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer. roads, schools. parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The proposed development will have no negative impact upon public services and facilities. The property is already zoned Commercial, a portion being C-1 and a portion being C-2. The rezoning from C-1 to C-2 will allow for the appropriate development of a significant portion of the property with one owner, thereby assuring limited access and a well-designed and coordinated plan of development. \\JOLL Y\SYS\USERS\CBaumgardner\ZONING\Seaside Heights JUSTIFICATION.doc í-J Description of 0.298 acre To be rezoned from C-l to C-2 (portion of Tax Parcel 86.08-3-35.01) Situate at the southwest comer of Colonial Ave. and Merriman Road County of Roanoke, VA Property of SEASIDE HEIGHTS, LLC Beginning at a point at the intersection ofthe southerly right of way of Colonial Ave. and the westerly right of way of Merriman Road; Thence leaving Colonial Ave. and with the westerly right of way of Merriman Road, S. 14°39'39" E., 26.04 feet to a point; Thence continuing with said right of way of Merriman Road, S.4°01'45" W., 40.69 feet to a point; Thence leaving Merriman Road and with the property of Seaside Heights, LLC (D.B 1699, Pg. 1806), on a curve to the right whose radius is 1,457.39 feet, whose length is 164.71 feet, and whose chord is S. 85°40'16" W., 164.82 feet; Thence continuing with the property of Seaside Heights, LLC, S. 89°02'06" W., 5.98 feet to a point; Thence leaving the property of Seaside Heights, LLC, and with the easterly boundary of the existing C-2 zoning N 31°56'45" E., 141.28 feet to a point in the southerly right of way of Colonial Ave.; Thence with the southerly right of way of Colonial Ave. on a curve to the left whose radius is 591.25 feet, whose length is 100.92 feet and whose chord is S. 65°39'16" E., 100.81 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.298 acres and being the easterly portion of a 0.580 acre parcel of right of way purchased from the Virginia Department of Transportation by Seaside Heights, LLC I ç " ~ "-~ Av At.., ~ Zoning _AG3 _EP ~ .. AG1 AR 'Ý - AV If =~OD ~ 12 " - pCD 0, PRD -' prD " R1 R2 R3 R4 '-..J. " (-A ~ Ii Roanoke County Department of Community Development N A Applicants Name: Seaside Heights, LLC Existing Zoning: C-1/C-2 Proposed Zoning: C-2S Tax Map Number: 86.08-3-34 86.08-3-35 86.08-3-35.1 86.08-3-36.1 Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 2.22 Acres October 25, 2004 No Scale -r-~ PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: NEXTEL Partners, Inc. 31-12/2004 Planning Commission Hearing Date: January 4, 2005 (Continued from December 7, 2004) January 25, 2005(Continued from December 21, 2004) Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: A. REQUEST The petition of Nextel Partners, Inc., to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a 199 ft. broadcast tower, located at 432 Bandy Drive, near Windy Gap Mountain, Vinton Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION D. CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Steve Azar made a motion to continue the request. Motion carried 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. - Concept Plan - Staff Report - Vicinity Map - Other ATTACHMENTS: Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission -~ Petitioner: -. -':^',i;¡STÃFF'REPÖR Nextel Partners, Inc. Request: Special Use Permit for a 199' monopole Broadcast Tower (with antenna) on an AG.3 zoned parcel. 432 Bandy Drive. Windy Gap Mountain Vinton Location: Magisterial District: Suggested Conditions: 1. No lighting andlor markings shall be permitted on the broadcast tower unless required by the FAA. 2. The broadcast tower, hardware and antennas shall be constructed of non. reflective materials to reduce visibility and reduce light reflection. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Nextel Partners, Inc. is proposing to construct a 199' monopole broadcast tower and antenna on Windy Gap Mountain for expanded coverage of their wireless communications network. The site is designated as Rural Preserve in the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Broadcast towers are permitted in the AG-3 zoning district with a Special Use Permit. Site plan review shall be required. Specific attention should be focused on the proposed disturbed area due to critical slopes and ridgeline protection interests. VDOT entrance review may be required at intersection of Bandy Drive and State Route 116 in Franklin County. Building permits shall be required. Sealed, engineered, as-built plans shall be required to certify actual height. The site shall comply with the Emergency Communications Overlay requirements in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Subject to FCC and FAA approvals. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Backqround - The applicant has been evaluating the Windy Gap Mountain area for some time. Originally there was a discrepancy between Franklin County staff and Roanoke County staff concerning the jurisdiction of the subject parcel and site. The applicant had communicated with both counties to work through the public hearing process. The applicant filed a Special Use Permit application with the Franklin County Department of Planning. The application was not acted upon by that county because of the jurisdictional question. The applicant then sought clarification from each county to determine proper jurisdiction. Information from USGS maps, both Roanoke County GIS, Franklin County GIS and surveys from licensed surveyors was evaluated by staff and attorneys from both counties. It has been determined that the site of the proposed broadcast tower is actually located within Roanoke County, subject to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, however the property is being assessed by Franklin County for tax purposes. ~~ TopoaraphyNeaetation - The site is thickly wooded with mature deciduous and evergreen trees along with some low growth vegetation. The base elevation of the proposed broadcast tower site is 1659 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) with steep slopes of up to 25%. The top of the 199 foot proposed broadcast tower, with antenna and lightning rod would then be 1858 feet AMSL. Surroundina Neiahborhood -The site is located off Bandy Drive, a private road that intersects with State Route 116, on the Franklin County side of Windy Gap Mountain. Bandy Drive curves around close to Roanoke County near the site of the proposed broadcast tower. The road serving the property is a steep, narrow dirt and gravel road. The general area is heavily wooded and has several homes within several hundred feet of the site. The adjoining Franklin County parcels have an A-1, Agricultural zoning and the adjacent Roanoke County parcels are zoned AG-3, Rural Agricultural. There is some pasture land south of the site in Franklin County with cattle. The subject site is approximately 1200 feet west of State Route 116. There are existing overhead AEP electrical lines, with average pole heights of 25', adjacent to Bandy Drive near the entrance to the site. Electric and telephone service would need to be extended approximately 100 feet to the site of the proposed broadcast tower and communication building. An access road would need to be graded to the proposed site. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture -The applicant is proposing to locate a 199' broadcast tower and equipment buildings on a 50' X 100' leased area of the 11.95 acre parcel. Access is proposed from Bandy Drive a steep, narrow dirt and gravel private road. Tree clearing will be required at the site and on the road to the tower site. A representative from the applicant has stated that the building proposed to be constructed with the broadcast tower is 10' X 20', and will be enclosed by a six foot chain link fence with barbed wire surrounding the top of the fence. The monopole is proposed to be galvanized steel and non-reflective. The monopole is engineered to support the applicant's antenna system and three additional colocation opportunities for other cellularl PCS providers. No back up generator is proposed at this location. Environmental Impacts - The applicant had a consultant perform an assessment of the site to determine if there were any endangered species of wildlife, historic structures, sites, buildings or objects of significant American history or listings in the National Historic Register of Historic Places (within one mile radius of the site) and all reports were negative. In addition there were no wetlands, as defined by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, identified on the site. The applicant did reference the removal of trees would be necessary for the grading of an access road and site preparation for the construction of the proposed tower and related structure. The FAA Aeronautical Study Number 2004-AEA-1983-0E, indicates that no markings or lighting will be required for the broadcast tower at this site. The broadcast tower may be visible to the Mount Pleasant residents and Franklin County residents. The proposed broadcast tower may be visible from several areas of the Blue Ridge Parkway between the Vinton area and south of the Mount Pleasant area. At the Blue Ridge Parkway overpass above Jae Valley Road the structure may be visible from passing vehicles. A back up generator is not proposed with this request. In the event of power failure a portable generator is proposed to be brought in to serve the facility. The application shows additional colocation proposals that are all panel type antennae for other celiularlPCS service providers. The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance does not require that the colocation only be for cellularl PCS service. If whip antennas or dishes were used as the colocations the 20 foot separation between antennae may not be required. The Roanoke County Crowell Gap Tower for public safety purposes is located approximately 3700 feet from this proposed broadcast tower site. The base elevation of the Roanoke County tower is 2056 feet AMSL, with a total height of 150 feet. The applicant has indicated that this site does not meet their requirements for coverage purposes. The Roanoke County Communications Shop has indicated that the Crowell Gap Tower has available leasable space at several heights on that broadcast tower. The applicant has indicated that 2 -r-~ the Roanoke County Public Safety Tower at Crowell Gap does not provide the coverage area that the proposed broadcast tower may provide. The colocation potential on the County tower must be fully considered as an option for the applicant. Currently the applicant does not have any tenants secured to colocate on the proposed broadcast tower at their proposed Windy Gap location. AccesslTraffic Circulation - Access to the proposed leased area for the tower site is shown from Bandy Drive. This is a dirt and gravel, narrow private road that intersects State Route 116 on the Franklin County side of Windy Gap Mountain. Bandy Drive is located in Franklin County. A twenty foot (20') access easement is proposed to serve the leased area. The site of the proposed tower and related buildings is in Roanoke County. The applicant has indicated that the communication facilities associated with the broadcast tower is unmanned and should have minimal impact on traffic generation. The applicant indicates that the facility will normally be checked once a month by service personnel from the wireless company. The number of service trips will be increased as additional carriers locate on the proposed broadcast tower. Fire & Rescue/Utilities - No negative impacts are anticipated regarding an increased need for emergency service responses. No public water sewer is involved, and is not available to the site. Roanoke County Public Safety Communications Impacts - The Roanoke County Information Technology- Radio Communication Shop has worked closely with planning staff in trying to insure that there are no radio communication conflicts between the proposed broadcast towers and antenna that broadcast on radio frequencies in the same band. Staff has been in constant communication with the applicant attempting to insure that Roanoke County emergency public safety radios are not negatively impacted. The Roanoke County broadcast tower is located approximately 3700 feet from the proposed site. The Information Technology Department is satisfied that any potential interference issues have been resolved. Community MeetinQ - On November 17, 2004, a community meeting was held at the Mount Pleasant Fire Department and First Aid Crew building. Planning staff, Information Technology staff and representatives from Nextel partners, Inc. were available to discuss the Special Use Permit process and proposed broadcast tower proposal for the citizens. Approximately 10 residents and staff attended the meeting. A primary issue that the neighbors discussed included the condition of Bandy Drive, the private road in Franklin County, used as access to the site. Issues of the broadcast tower's visibility from the surrounding neighborhood, potential radiation hazards and decreased property values were also discussed. The Nextel representative advised the neighbors that he would contact the company to bring the road maintenance issue to their attention. Upgrades to Bandy Drive would be outside the scope of Roanoke County jurisdiction since the private road is located within Franklin County. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan designates the subject property as Rural Preserve. Within the Community Values Section of the Community Plan residents of the Mount Pleasant area identified the view of Windy Gap Mountain as an important scenic vista. Rural Preserve is a future land use area of mostly undeveloped, outlying land. These rural regions are generally stable and require a high degree of protection to preserve agricultural, forestall, recreational and remote residential areas. A distinguishing feature on the subject parcel is the view, the ridgeline and the critical slopes. The Ridgeline Protection Themes in the Community Plan specifically note that utility and communications structures should not be placed on ridgelines. The scenic beauty of the ridgelines contributes to the quality of life and preserves property values. Limits on the extent of mountainside and ridgeline development will help preserve the 3 -- " I-~ scenic beauty of the County. The disturbance of land on critical slopes and ridgelines creates the potential for future erosion problems and further deterioration of the slopes and ridgelines. It is the intent of the County to fully comply with all of the applicable provisions of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other federal and state laws and allow the communication industry the right and responsibility to provide communication services within their service areas. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The proposed broadcast tower is a monopole design which is preferred over the lattice type tower. The structure is designed to accommodate at least three (3) other potential collocation opportunities if other service providers were looking to start or upgrade their coverage in the Windy Gap Mountain area. The height of the proposed broadcast tower is the maximum that Roanoke County Code will allow. The proposed height is based on the applicant's interest in improving coverage in the Mount Pleasant, Vinton and Franklin County areas. The original application filed with Franklin County focused attention to the Burnt Chimney, Red Valley and Smith Mountain lake areas. The diagrams that the applicant included in their submittal show a twenty foot separation between panel antennas for cellular-type service coverage. This separation demonstrates the need for a taller tower, if all of the antennas are for cellular-type use. Should there be other microwave dish antenna or whip style antennas there may not be a need for this separation. There are opportunities available from the Roanoke County Crowell Gap broadcast tower for colocation of antennas. The application referenced the need for a higher broadcast tower to satisfy their service needs. The excessive height of the tower may create more of a negative visual impact on the Mount Pleasant and Franklin County areas than to collocate on an existing facility. The goals of the Roanoke County Community Plan are to reduce the number of new broadcast towers by encouraging collocation possibilities on existing structures and by not encouraging broadcast towers on ridgelines. The disturbed area along the ridgeline for a new access road and site clearing for the broadcast tower and necessary buildings may potentially create erosion problems. The proposed broadcast tower is not supported by the Community Plan. Planning staff is not convinced that the Roanoke County Crowell Gap broadcast tower site has been fully considered as an alternative. Planning staff is recommending that propagation studies be conducted and provided to Roanoke County staff for evaluation for the Roanoke County site on Crowell Gap. Until the Roanoke County site is fully considered staff is recommending that the petition shall be continued. CASE NUMBER: PREPARED BY: HEARING DATES: # 31.12/2004 J. Murphy PC: December 7,2004 BOS: December 21, 2004 4 County of Roanoke Community Developmént Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Only í-~ Da!~ rec~Ì'Ved: 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Placards issued: Case Number 3 \ - \ ~ ""0 ',,- .' ..".' ." "."" , . ;¡"';';"~:iPifiit:ANTS !i ~ cC';';",i..'='CI- ,",: ,,':,:,:, , , """"",""", ,"'0' , , Check type of application filed (check all that apply) 0 Rezoning l!rSpecial Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver 0 Administra-tiye Appe.a1 Phone:JS7-3!>5- Sl/;1D Work: Cell #: Fax No.: 5't/ö - 725'- L/qSo Applicants name/address wlzip tJL)Ch.\ PM~<"S I ~e.. RÞA 1'\0 ke. 11,4 )'/018 5115" ße.ma"'¿ ~f', S"ì Ie. ZðO Cði\+.d-: ~+e ~ ll~ Owner's name/address whip L'. ....AA. SLJoe. "'(.of! \)I! J.t3.:l B~",!y tk IkAy. VA ~4\o\ Property Location Phone #: -z;-'t'::> - t..¡ :J-7 - ;;¡ DS>Cj Work: Fax No. #: ~3~ ßø.nÅ't ~r. Magisterial District: VifJlbN 't--- Community Planning area: . fV.. \-. D { fCLÇ'e¡.... r Tax Map No.: (,- 74,;). (F"~t'\\.ch-- C4,) Existing Zoning: AG-3 Size ofparcel(s): Acres: II," 5' Existing LaDd Use: Re.?i JeY\.\1...\ I ~Jed iiii~~i~~~~r~Ç.~ P$~ fg~ÏT.~':~~J2~~~t~~:~~rm. ~,,_:~~<--o.,_.. ",:.:,~..~'.",- ~._'~:_,~~-,_.~o~,.o.,-" ',., Proposed Zoning: Á &- ~ Proposed Land Use: Þ v"D C4 ~-f ~v..IV ~ the parcel meet the minimum lot area., width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? QE.J No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FJRST, Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? @ No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FffiST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No 2i~ii1,::ii~~ ~:~#iiè~~1t~i~~)iiiiiiiiiN~~i::~~,~,,'~~., ,:,~.~..:, .:-~~ ,'. :,,~~:,,',~~. "~~~:'-'~~'."~;':J_O~, VariancefWaiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning OrdinaJ1Ce in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Sectìon(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Is the application compIete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WJLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE w.SSING OR INCOMPLETE. RJSIW V/AA RIsrw V/AA RJsrw V/AA m. ConsultatioD n g 1/2. x 11" CODcept plan ...-- Application fee , Application ¡or 'A- Metes and bounds description '.4 Proffers, if applicable . JUSli.fic~tion ;4- Wale; and sewer a.pplication - AdjoiIring property owners Ih""by o<rnfy ""-t ¡ un ci1honho ...."., of!he mp onhoo 0" 0' '" ~ ~ ",d "" acting .nth the !mow] edge """, consent of the owner. ,,/, 4'1. ' Owner's Signattlre 1)aui d +/0 Iladw.- QIounf1l of ~&nnh I"'?-- PAUL M. MAHONEY COUNTY A TIORNEY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY A DURNEY P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2089 JOSEPH B. OBENSHAIN SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY VICKIE L. HUFFMAN SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY (540) 772-2007 October 13, 2004 (540) 772-207 I James Jefferson, Esq. 5 East Court Street, Suite 101 Rocky Mount, V A 24151 Re: Nextel Partners, Inc. Dear Mr. Jefferson: This letter will confirm a telephone conference held on October 13, 2004, between you, Jay Carter, David Holladay, and me concerning the proposal by Nextel Partners, Inc. to erect a 199-foot cell tower and equipment shelter on a 5,OOO-square foot portion of an 11.95-acre tract owned by Linda Sue Perdue (Franklin County Tax Map No. 6-74.2). Nextel filed an application for zoning approval for this tower with Franklin County in August of 2004. A question has arisen with respect to the proper application of zoning power and authority to this application, since it appears that the proposed location of this tower may be in Roanoke County. Upon further review, Franklin County officials have determined that a large portion of this parcel is located in Roanoke County. Both Franklin County and Roanoke County officials have reviewed topographical maps of this area and have determined that the proper location of the boundary line between the counties is along the ridgeline. This determination results in the conclusion that the proposed location of this cell tower and equipment shelter is in Roanoke County. Mr. Jefferson will review this matter with the Commissioner of the Revenue for Franklin County and I will provide a copy of this letter to the Commissioner of the Revenue for Roanoke County so that these officials may take appropriate action with respect to this parcel. I ., , James Jefferson, Esq. Page Two October 13, 2004 1-~ Mr. Holladay will inform the representatives of Nextel of this determination and recommend that it file the necessary zoning application for approval of this cell tower by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Further review by Franklin County officials will be necessary to determine the exé!lct location of Ms. Perdue's house on this parcel. This review will have an effect on such issues as school attendance and voting registration. I trust that this letter accurately reflects the discussion of the parties. Very truly yours, ~ '\{Y\ . -m'rJ Paul M. Mahoney ~ County Attorney (j PMMj sb C: David Holladay Nancy Horn T.:::,.:..'....'. . .' '. . f ~ ,. ~ ~ f ~. ~ ~ I I m I i f ~. ~ É f: f ,. ~ f~ ~'. !' ~ ~ ~: ~ ¡ ~. '" ~: F J; If, ~ f ¡" ~ ~. .. ~: t: t: ( f" ,. t~ r (, f t,' ~: ~-~ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT Nextel Partners, Inc. Wireless Communications Facility Windy Gap I. LETTER OF APPLICATION a. Proposed Us,e of the Property. Nextel Partners, Inc. is requesting a Special Use Permit for the purpose of installing a wireless communications facility (WCF) within a 50' x 100' leased area located in the southwest corner of the parent tract containing 11.95 acres. The subject parcel is located at 432 Bandy Drive, Hardy, Roanoke County, Virginia, approximately 1,200 feet west of Highway 116 with a tax map number of 6-74.2 (See Figure 4). The parent parcel is zoned AG-3 (Agricultural-See Figure 5) with the existing land use primarily wooded and undeveloped except for one residemce located approximately 650 feet to the northeast and Bandy Drive to the east running along the border of the parent tract. The parcel straddles the Roanoke and Franklin County border with' Nextel's leased area on the Roanoke County side. The proposed WCF is located at an elevation of 1 ,659' AMSL with 8-25 percent slopes that are moderately steep to steep (See Figure 3). The proposed WCF will contain a 195 foot monopole with twelve (12), 8 foot panel type antennas mounted at the top. At the base of the tower, a 10'(w) x 20'(1) x 10'(h) equipment shelter will sit on a concrete pad the same length ànd width (See Zoning Drawings). Coaxial cables running from the equipment shelter will run up the inside of the monopole to the panel antennas at the top. A six foot higl1 chain link fence will surround Nextel's shelter and monopole for security purpI)ses. Power and telephones lines will be pulled approximately 100 feet from Bandy Drive up to the site. From Rocky Mount take Highway 40 east until Highway 122 (Booker T. Washington Hwy). Turn left on Highway 122 heading north until Burnt Chimney. Turn left on Highway 116 (Jubal Early Hwy) heading north and continue on to Windy Gap (See Figure 2). Turn left at 432 Bandy Drive heading west on the gravel road. At the next right, turn heading north up the gravel road. Approximately 580 feet before the residence, turn left up a dirt path to an opE~n area. The site is directly ahead on a dirt path (See Figure 1). It is Nextel's policy to provide collocation opportunities to other carriers and county departments as long as the design and engineering can accommodate such request::;. In this case, it may be possible for 2 to 3 other carriers to collocate on this monopole. Mr. Bill Agee of the Franklin County Emergency 911 Department mentioned that many county fire, police, and emergency crews carry Nextel phones as a backup to county radios and coverage in the T l I I ¡ t ~ f ¡; ~ f .r: ~ ~ l ~ f ~. ~ K ~ i. e- lr ;,. j' [,' to. ~.. f' 0; ¡, ~, t~' ~;, ;¡; ,...... -~ i I ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ -¡f. Î , ;1 J Special Use Permit Application Roanoke County, VA October 22, 2004 1-~ HardylWindy Gap area would be essential not just for Nextel but for Franklin/Roanoke county as well. b. Effect of the changes on the Surrounding Area. The proposed wireless communications facility will be located in a heavily wooded area on a parcel that is primarily undeveloped and of course, some trees will need to be cleared within the leased area. The size and scale of the proposed development is relatively small in comparison to the size of the parent parcel. The equipment shelter and monopole will not significantly affect storm water runoff or create soil erosion issues. The proposed WCF was strategically planned in a location that would not adversely impact surrounding view-planes. There are no known historic resources located on the subject parcel and no known endangered species or vegetation. Apart from the removal of a few trees, no significant impacts are anticipated on the subject parcel or surnJunding area. c. Reason for the Request. As Nextel's customer base grows, so does the need for expanded coverage. In order for N'3xtel to be competitive and satisfy customer demand, Nextel must be continually expanding coverage areas. In this case, coverage along Highway 116 from Vinton to Red Valley is sparse at best (See Figure 6). With the proposed facility, road and in-building coverage will be significantly increased from southeast Vinton to Windy Gap Estates, hence the request for a Special Use Permit (See Figure 7). II. Justification for Re~~onina. Special Use or Waiver Reauest 1. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as won as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance The intent of Section 30-87-2 is to regulate the placement of new broadcasting towers within RoéJnoke County. Whenever possible, carriers are encouraged to co- locate antennas on existing structures with request for new towers when no other reasonable location is available. In addition, it is the intent of the ordinance to require engineering documentation which proves the structure meets all the required standards of the ordinance. Nextel has provio'ed engineering drawings which show the proposed tower meets all the required sf~tbacks for telecommunication structures as well as the setbacks for principal structures in the AG-3 zoning district classifications. Nextel has also provided a third party engineering review which concluded we meet all of the engineering specifications of the Roanoke County zoning ordinance. Nextel Partners, Inc. Windy Gap-VA 178P 2 f i r t ~ ,. ~. [ f. t Î t t , I I i I m M Special Use Permit Application Roanoke County, VA October 22, 2004 /-~ 2. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies containled in the Roanoke County Community Plan The Roanoke County Community Plan was developed as a blueprint for the future growth and development of the county over the next 10-15 years. A major force behind the plan has been to identify and protect scenic view ~heds as well as its natural resources. Many times telecommunication structures have been located in areas which disturb the natural scenic view sheds of many important local resources. Nextel has identified a location which meets their current engineering needs as well as protecting the nó'tural beauty of the region. Since the area has many elevation changes becaust~ of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the proposed tower will only be seen from a sele'ct few locations. This can be documented from a balloon test which was conducted at the proposed location simulating the 195 foot tower and as expected, the proposed location of the tower mitigates any visual impacts along Highway 116 and most surrounding areas (See Figures 12-25). The essential character of the l:Jxisting region will not be significantly impacted by the proposed use. ,. 3. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining propel1ies, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, parks/recreations and fire and rescue. The impact of the proposed facility on the property will be very minimal. Nextel has leased only a 50' by 1 DO' area on the 11.95 acre, with very little tree clearing required for the félcility. Nextel will utilize the existing private entrance road (Bandy Drive) off of Highway 116 and will not be required to build any new road to access the facility. Any impact on tht~ adjacent properties wíll be very minimal since the nearest adjacent residential residence is approximately 800' away, with existing wooded property in between. Since only a minimal amount of trees will need to be removed for the t3cility, the existing buffer will help to shield the ground equipment as well as a large portion of the tower. The facility operates on only power and telephone connections and is unmanned, therefore not impacting any public services or facilities. In fact, since most police, fire and rescue crews use Nextel service as back up to their own communication system, the facility will only enhance safety in the area. III. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL The proposed wireless communications facility meets the criteria of the Special Use Permit Application and Zoning Ordinance and furthers the policies of the COmmunityuThe general health, safety and welfare of the community has been considered in the proposed design and location of the WCF. Nextel Partners, Inc. humbly requests approval of the Special Use Permit Application in regards to the proposed development. Nextel Partners, Inc. Windy Gap-VA178P 3 . . " '_.. : :----; . m. oo. TN '\' "N ; " 8.11"'W 1 r Topographic Map & Terrain Analysis Special Use Permit Application County, VA .9 NEXTEL 't¡iJ,ti9 PartnerSINC Wireless Communications Facility Windy Gap - VA 178P * = Visible location Roanoke í-~ i i i 1,< " i L '~~~'" "'",,'" '~J,., r \, ""\ '\. \. " ..... '- ", ~ r Site Photos 1-6 Map Key . ~~XTa.. Special Use Permit Application ~ ParlnerS'}NC County, VA Wireless Communications Facility Roanoke Windy Gap - VA178P ---. J--~ +-- cr: "0 Ct1 0 cr: ;::..., Q) - - Ct1 > Q) Ct1 J Tower Site Franklin County Roanoke County Department of Community Development N  Applicants Name: Nextel Partners, Inc. Existing Zoning: AG-3 Proposed Zoning: AG-3S Tax Map Number: 89.00-3-49 Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 11.95 acres November 30, 2004 No Scale .... 0 ~ ~ @ ;..... Q) ~ 0 ~ ~ ...¡....J ~ ~ 0 u bI) ~ . ,...... 00 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ "'0 ~ ~ ~ 00 r-- ~ ~ > l--~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) 00 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ b1J ~ .~ 00 ;j ~ Cj ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 r-- """""'" ~ >