HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/23/2023 - Adopted Board RecordsAT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ONTUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 RESOLUTION052323-1 ADOPTING1) THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE,VIRGINIA AND ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND2) THE FISCAL YEARS 2024-2033 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA AND ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND 3) THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 FEE COMPENDIUM WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2503 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that the governing body of the County shall prepare and approve an annual budget; and WHEREAS, said budget shall be prepared and approved for informative and fiscal planning purposes only; and WHEREAS, this budget contains a complete itemized and classified plan of all contemplated expenditures and all estimated revenues and borrowings for the ensuing fiscal year; and WHEREAS, a brief synopsis of said budget was published as required by the provisions of Section 15.2-2506 of the State Code, and the public hearingsas required thereon were held onApril 25, 2023and May 9, 2023. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1.That there is hereby approved the annual operatingand capital budget revenues and expendituresfor fiscal year 2023-2024for Roanoke County, Virginia, and Roanoke County Public Schools,as shown on the attached Schedules1 and 2. Page 1of 2 Schedule #1 County of Roanoke Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating and Capital Budget Revenues May 23, 2023 Revenues - County Amount Hfofsbm!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz Hfofsbm!Hpwfsonfou Hfofsbm!Qspqfsuz!Ubyft %27:-663-111 Tbmft!Uby 26-911-111 Dpnnvojdbujpot!Tbmft!boe!Vtf!Uby 3-661-111 Dpotvnfs!Vujmjuz!Uby 4-861-111 Cvtjoftt!Mjdfotf!Uby 8-911-111 Cbol!Gsbodijtf!Uby 7:1-111 Npups!Wfijdmf!Mjdfotf!Gfft 3-561-111 Sfdpsebujpo!Ubyft 2-761-111 Ipufm!boe!Npufm!Sppn!Uby 2-761-111 Uby!po!Qsfqbsfe!Gppet 7-211-111 Puifs!Mpdbm!Ubyft 2-:31-111 Qfsnjut-!Gfft!'!Mjdfotft 2-285-378 Gjoft!boe!Gpsgfjuvsft 669-611 Vtf!pg!Npofz!boe!Qspqfsuz 796-525 Dibshft!gps!Tfswjdft 4-931-111 Dpnnpoxfbmui 24-946-6:6 Gfefsbm 7-699-111 Puifs 7-384-5:9 Subtotal, General Government $246,847,274 Qvcmjd!Xpslt!Qspkfdut %286-843 Gmffu!Tfswjdf!Dfoufs 5-197-342 Dpnnvojdbujpot!'!Jogpsnbujpo!Ufdiopmphz 24-:63-9:5 Sfdsfbujpo!Gff!Dmbtt 6-2:9-757 Dijmesfo(t!Tfswjdft!Bdu!)DTB* 8-:59-277 Hsbout!boe!Puifs!Gvoet3-135-:47 Qbslt-!Sfdsfbujpo!'!Upvsjtn!.!Tdippmt!Pqfsbujpot529-3:2 Qpmjdf!F.Djubujpo!Tqfdjbm!Sfwfovf!Gvoe71-111 Dpnnvojuz!Efwfmpqnfou!Ufdiopmphz!Gff!Gvoe51-111 Qpmjdf!Tqfdjbm!Qsphsbnt3-611 Dsjnjobm!Kvtujdf!Bdbefnz565-263 Subtotal, Other General Funds $34,361,548 Total, General Fund - County $281,208,822 Qbhf!2!pg!3 Amount Efcu!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!gspn!Dpvouz %25-989-9:5 Efcu!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!gspn!Tdippmt 5-236-456 Dbqjubm!Qspkfdut!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz 26-248-739 Joufsobm!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz 26-8:2-2:5 Total, All County Funds $331,141,883 - Schools Amount Tdippmt!Jotusvdujpo% 25-- Tdippmt!Benjojtusbujpo-!Buufoebodf-!boe!Ifbmui 9-48-466 Tdippmt!Qvqjm!Usbotqpsubujpo 21-:1-136 Tdippmt!Pqfsbujpo!boe!Nbjoufobodf 2:-8-344 Tdippmt!Gppe!Tfswjdf!boe!Puifs!Opojotusvdujpobm!Pqfsbujpot 9-95-345 Tdippmt!Gbdjmjujft 39-3:-332 Tdippmt!Efcu!boe!Gvoe!Usbotgfst 3-7-8 Tdippmt!Ufdiopmphz 2--288 Tdippmt!Opo.Dbufhpsjdbm!Tqfoejoh3-- Total, All Schools $280,939,732 Total: All County and Schools $612,081,615 Less:Transfers(132,026,058) Total Net of Transfers$480,055,557 Qbhf!3!pg!3 Schedule#2 County of Roanoke Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating and Capital Budget Expenditures May 23, 2023 Expenditures - County Amount Hfofsbm!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz Hfofsbm!Hpwfsonfou Hfofsbm!Benjojtusbujpo %4-:88-627 Dpotujuvujpobm!Pggjdfst 31-2:8-67: Kvejdjbm!Benjojtusbujpo 2-242-439 Nbobhfnfou!Tfswjdft 4-99:-866 Qvcmjd!Tbgfuz 51-312-738 Dpnnvojuz!Tfswjdft 27-473-972 Ivnbo!Tfswjdft 37-949-223 Opo.Efqbsunfoubm 29-654-658 Usbotgfst!up!Tdippm!Pqfsbujoh!Gvoe 97-893-171 Usbotgfst!up!)gspn*!Dbqjubm!Gvoe 5-391-157 Usbotgfst!up!Efcu!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz!Efcu 8-721-245 Usbotgfst!up!Efcu!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!Tdippmt!Efcu 8-1:6-677 Usbotgfst!up!Joufsobm!Tfswjdft!.!Sjtl!Nbobhfnfou 3-265-114 Usbotgfs!up!Qvcmjd!Xpslt!Qspkfdut 286-843 Usbotgfs!up!Dsjnjobm!Kvtujdf!Bdbefnz323-254 Usbotgfs!up!Dijmesfo(t!Tfswjdft!Bdu!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz 2-:45-111 Usbotgfs!up!Dijmesfo(t!Tfswjdft!Bdu!Gvoe!.!Tdippmt 2-98:-111 Hfofsbm!Hpwfsonfou!Fyqfoejuvsf!Dpoujohfodz719-273 Beejujpo!up!Gvoe!Cbmbodf3-:85-224 Subtotal, General Government $246,847,274 Qvcmjd!Xpslt!Qspkfdut %286-843 Gmffu!Tfswjdf!Dfoufs 5-197-342 Dpnnvojdbujpot!'!Jogpsnbujpo!Ufdiopmphz 24-:63-9:5 Sfdsfbujpo!Gff!Dmbtt 6-2:9-757 Dijmesfo(t!Tfswjdft!Bdu!)DTB* 8-:59-277 Hsbout!boe!Puifs!Gvoet 3-135-:47 Qbslt-!Sfdsfbujpo!'!Upvsjtn!.!Tdippmt!Pqfsbujpot529-3:2 Qpmjdf!F.Djubujpo71-111 Dpnnvojuz!Efwfmpqnfou!Ufdiopmphz!Gff51-111 Qpmjdf!Tqfdjbm!Qsphsbnt 3-611 Dsjnjobm!Kvtujdf!Bdbefnz 565-263 Subtotal, Other General Funds $34,361,548 Total, General Fund - County $281,208,822 Qbhf!2!pg!3 Amount Efcu!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz %2:-115-34: Dbqjubm!Qspkfdut!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz 26-248-739 Joufsobm!Tfswjdf!Gvoe!.!Dpvouz 26-8:2-2:5 Total, All County Funds $331,141,883 - Schools Amount Tdippmt!Jotusvdujpo%25--: Tdippmt!Benjojtusbujpo-!Buufoebodf-!boe!Ifbmui 9-48-466 Tdippmt!Qvqjm!Usbotqpsubujpo21-:1-136 Tdippmt!Pqfsbujpo!boe!Nbjoufobodf 2:-8-344 Tdippmt!Gppe!Tfswjdf!boe!Puifs!Opojotusvdujpobm!Pqfsbujpot 9--345 Tdippmt!Gbdjmjujft 39-3:-332 Tdippmt!Efcu!boe!Gvoe!Usbotgfst 3-7-8 Tdippmt!Ufdiopmphz 2-6-288 Tdippmt!Opo.Dbufhpsjdbm!Tqfoejoh3--7 Total, All Schools $280,939,732 Total: All County and Schools $612,081,615 (132,026,058) Less: Transfers Total Net of Transfers$480,055,557 Qbhf!3!pg!3 Schedule #3 County of Roanoke, Virginia FY 2022 - FY 2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary of County and Schools Funding Sources Roanoke County - Unrestricted Cash FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033Total General Government Transfer$2,900,000$5,150,000$6,585,000$8,650,000$9,500,000$7,250,000$7,500,000$8,000,000$7,500,000$7,500,000$70,535,000 Capital Reserves5,925,1383,083,395000000009,008,533 VPSA Refunding Bonds167,625124,750124,125125,931122,83182,94482,63182,63182,63182,6311,078,730 Debt Fund - County 280,812280,812276,487279,309279,354143,006137,3660001,677,146 Reallocation of Completed or Cancelled Projects 306,503000000000306,503 {ǒĬƷƚƷğƌͲ ƓƩĻƭƷƩźĭƷĻķ /ğƭŷυВͲЎБЉͲЉАБυБͲЏЌБͲВЎАυЏͲВБЎͲЏЊЋυВͲЉЎЎͲЋЍЉυВͲВЉЋͲЊБЎυАͲЍАЎͲВЎЉυАͲАЊВͲВВАυБͲЉБЋͲЏЌЊυАͲЎБЋͲЏЌЊυАͲЎБЋͲЏЌЊυБЋͲЏЉЎͲВЊЋ Roanoke County - Restricted Cash FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033Total CommIT Fund Transfer$125,000$125,000$125,000$125,000$0$0$0$0$0$0$500,000 CommIT Fund Balance100,000000000000100,000 CommIT Communications Fund Balance100,000000000000100,000 {ǒĬƷƚƷğƌͲ wĻƭƷƩźĭƷĻķ /ğƭŷυЌЋЎͲЉЉЉυЊЋЎͲЉЉЉυЊЋЎͲЉЉЉυЊЋЎͲЉЉЉυЉυЉυЉυЉυЉυЉυАЉЉͲЉЉЉ Non-County Funding Sources FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033Total Stormwater Local Assistance Fund$0$0$250,000$0$0$375,000$0$0$375,000$0$1,000,000 Transfer from Schools500,000000000000500,000 Contribution from the City of Salem17,55061,7500000000079,300 Contribution from the City of Roanoke01,250,000000000001,250,000 {ǒĬƷƚƷğƌͲ bƚƓΏ/ƚǒƓƷǤ CǒƓķźƓŭ {ƚǒƩĭĻƭυЎЊАͲЎЎЉυЊͲЌЊЊͲАЎЉυЋЎЉͲЉЉЉυЉυЉυЌАЎͲЉЉЉυЉυЉυЌАЎͲЉЉЉυЉυЋͲБЋВͲЌЉЉ Roanoke County - BondsFY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033Total Lease / Revenue Bonds$0$0$21,000,000$0$0$20,000,000$0$0$20,000,000$0$61,000,000 {ǒĬƷƚƷğƌͲ \[ĻğƭĻ Ή wĻǝĻƓǒĻ .ƚƓķƭυЉυЉυЋЊͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉυЉυЉυЋЉͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉυЉυЉυЋЉͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉυЉυЏЊͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ Total, All County Funding Sources$ 10,422,628 $ 10,075,707 $ 28,360,612 $ 9,180,240$ 9,902,185$ 27,850,950 $ 7,719,997 $ 8,082,631$ 27,957,631 $ 7,582,631 $ 147,135,212 Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) - All Funding Sources FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033Total Transfer from Schools General Fund$ 1,250,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,250,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 21,250,000 Major Capital Reserves2,000,000600,000600,000600,000600,000600,000600,000600,000600,000600,0007,400,000 Debt Fund - Schools640,703676,244700,833725,424752,750644,69400004,140,648 Grant Funds00000000000 County transfer for cash in MOU05,000,000000000005,000,000 VPSA Refunding Credits116,750116,250117,931114,83174,94374,6313,9874,01200623,335 VPSA Bond Issue25,000,00095,000,0000020,000,000020,000,00020,000,000020,000,000200,000,000 Total, RCPS Funding Sources$29,007,453$102,892,494$3,168,764$3,440,255$23,677,693$3,819,325$23,103,987$23,104,012$3,100,000$23,100,000$238,413,983 Total, FY 24-33 County & RCPS Funding Sources$39,430,081$112,968,201$31,529,376$12,620,495$33,579,878$31,670,275$30,823,984$31,186,643$31,057,631$30,682,631$385,549,195 County of Roanoke, Virginia FY 2021 - FY 2030 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary of County and Schools Projects Note: Projects with $0 in FY 2024-2033 are active projects that have been fully funded in prior fiscal years. Category/Department/ProjectFY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033 FY 24-33 Total Assessments and Studies Planning New Zoning Ordinance$150,000$100,000$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$250,000 Housing Study200,000000000000200,000 200,000000000000200,000 East Roanoke River Greenway Feasibility Study 200,000000000000200,000 Williamson Road/Peters Creek Road Multimodal Safety Study Planning Total 750,000100,00000000000850,000 Assessments and Studies Total$750,000$100,000$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$850,000 Buildings and Facilities Library 0500,00015,600,000000000016,100,000 Hollins Library Replacement 0500,00015,600,000000000016,100,000 Library Total Commomwealth's Attorney 0431,20000000000431,200 Commonwealth's Attorney Office Renovations Commomwealth's Attorney Total 0431,20000000000431,200 Fire and Rescue New Bonsack/460 Fire Station00000000000 0000600,00016,000,000000016,600,000 Hollins Fire Station Replacement 005,400,000004,000,0000020,000,000029,400,000 Fire Station Improvements/Replacement/Additions Fire and Rescue Total 005,400,0000600,00020,000,0000020,000,000046,000,000 General Services 000000160,0002,150,000002,310,000 Bent Mtn & Mount Pleasant Library Renovations & Expansion 500,000800,0005,100,0000000006,400,000 Courthouse HVAC Replacement 2,050,0000000000002,050,000 Public Safety Center HVAC and UPS Replacements 00525,0000000000525,000 Brambleton Center HVAC Replacement 00005,200,000000005,200,000 RCAC HVAC Replacement 00000000000 Public Service Center Facility Replacement General Services Total 2,550,000800,000525,0005,100,0005,200,0000160,0002,150,0000016,485,000 Parks and Recreation 00750,0000000000750,000 Explore Park (Phase II) 00740,0000000000740,000 Green Ridge Dehumidification 00000500,000250,000150,00000900,000 Sportsfield Lighting Program 001,490,00000500,000250,000150,000002,390,000 Parks and Recreation Total County of Roanoke, Virginia FY 2021 - FY 2030 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary of County and Schools Projects All Projects (Continued) Note: Projects with $0 in FY 2024-2033 are active projects that have been fully funded in prior fiscal years. Category/Department/ProjectFY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033 FY 24-33 Total Buildings and Facilities (Continued) Sheriff's Office 135,000475,00000000000610,000 Jail Roof Replacement Sheriff's Office Total 135,000475,00000000000610,000 Buildings and Facilities Total$2,685,000$2,206,200$23,015,000$5,100,000$5,800,000$20,500,000$410,000$2,300,000$20,000,000$0$82,016,200 Capital Maintenance Programs & Recurring Development Services NPDES-MS4 BMP Construction$100,000$200,000$500,000$100,000$150,000$750,000$100,000$100,000$750,000$100,000$2,850,000 Storm Drainage Maintenance of Effort0240,000510,0000240,000320,000430,000340,000350,000360,0002,790,000 Development Services Total 100,000440,0001,010,000100,000390,0001,070,000530,000440,0001,100,000460,0005,640,000 Parks and Recreation 75,000100,000100,00075,000125,000375,000400,000150,000400,000500,0002,300,000 Green Ridge Capital Maintenance Program 725,000725,000725,000725,000750,0001,250,0001,250,000750,0001,177,5001,025,0009,102,500 PRT Capital Maintenance Program Parks and Recreation Total 800,000825,000825,000800,000875,0001,625,0001,650,000900,0001,577,5001,525,00011,402,500 Economic Development Roanoke County Broadband Authority Infrastructure387,149383,664383,664384,9830000001,539,460 370,479370,843370,581370,148369,543370,534370,866369,224371,399370,6483,704,265 Wood Haven Technology Park Economic Development Total 757,628754,507754,245755,131369,543370,534370,866369,224371,399370,6485,243,725 General Services 880,000880,000886,367865,109872,6422,060,4162,704,1311,868,4072,983,7323,471,98317,472,787 General Services Capital Maintenance Program 880,000880,000886,367865,109872,6422,060,4162,704,1311,868,4072,983,7323,471,98317,472,787 General Services Total Sheriff's Office 125,000125,000125,000125,000150,000175,000155,000155,000175,000155,0001,465,000 Sheriff's Office Total 125,000125,000125,000125,000150,000175,000155,000155,000175,000155,0001,465,000 Capital Maintenance Programs & Recurring Total$2,662,628$3,024,507$3,600,612$2,645,240$2,657,185$5,300,950$5,409,997$3,732,631$6,207,631$5,982,631$41,224,012 Computer Infrastructure, Software and Hardware Communications & IT Genesis Operations Bridge$220,000$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$220,000 Radio Systems RF Sites Generator Replacement120,000000000000120,000 Wave Critical Connect Upgrade0200,00000000000200,000 County-Wide Computer Replacement Program260,000270,000270,000270,000270,000270,000270,000270,000270,000270,0002,690,000 00000300,0000000300,000 County-Wide Cisco Phone Replacement Program 150,000200,000175,0000000000525,000 Email and Business Productivity Tools Replacement 400,000300,00000000000700,000 Enterprise GIS Maps and Apps Upgrade County of Roanoke, Virginia FY 2021 - FY 2030 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary of County and Schools Projects All Projects (Continued) Note: Projects with $0 in FY 2024-2033 are active projects that have been fully funded in prior fiscal years. Category/Department/ProjectFY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033 FY 24-33 Total Computer Infrastructure, Software and Hardware(Continued) Communications & IT IT Infrastructure Replacement Plan1,200,000650,000650,000650,000650,000750,000800,0001,200,000750,000750,0008,050,000 911 Phone and Radio Console Upgrade0125,00000000000125,000 OTEK Console Encryption Keying Upgrade0100,00000000000100,000 Roanoke Valley Radio System Hardware Upgrade02,500,000000000002,500,000 Rural Broadband Initiative00000000000 CommIT Total 2,350,0004,345,0001,095,000920,000920,0001,320,0001,070,0001,470,0001,020,0001,020,00015,530,000 Finance/Human Resources Global Payroll Module1,000,0000000000001,000,000 Finance/Human Resources Total 1,000,0000000000001,000,000 Elections Voting Machine Replacement425,000000000000425,000 Elections Total 425,000000000000425,000 Library 50,000100,000100,00065,00075,00080,00080,00080,00080,00080,000790,000 Public Computer Replacement Library Total 50,000100,000100,00065,00075,00080,00080,00080,00080,00080,000790,000 Computer Infrastructure, Software and Hardware Total$3,825,000$4,445,000$1,195,000$985,000$995,000$1,400,000$1,150,000$1,550,000$1,100,000$1,100,000$17,745,000 Transportation Planning $250,000$300,000$550,000$450,000$450,000$650,000$750,000$500,000$650,000$500,000$5,050,000 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program Glade Creek Greenway at Vinyard Park West00000000000 Williamson Road Pedestrian Improvements00000000000 Buck Mountain/ Starkey Rd Intersection00000000000 Planning Total 250,000300,000550,000450,000450,000650,000750,000500,000650,000500,0005,050,000 Parks and Recreation East Roanoke River Greenway250,000000000000250,000 West Roanoke River Greenway00000000000 Parks and Recreation Total 250,000000000000250,000 Transportation Total$500,000$300,000$550,000$450,000$450,000$650,000$750,000$500,000$650,000$500,000$5,300,000 Subtotal, Roanoke County Projects$10,422,628$10,075,707$28,360,612$9,180,240$9,902,185$27,850,950$7,719,997$8,082,631$27,957,631$7,582,631$147,135,212 County of Roanoke, Virginia FY 2021 - FY 2030 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary of County and Schools Projects All Projects (Continued) Category/Department/ProjectFY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028FY 2029FY 2030FY 2031FY 2032FY 2033 FY 24-33 Total Roanoke County Public Schools Schools Burton Center for the Arts & Technology27,257,45353,864,25500000000$81,121,708 Capital Maintenance Program$1,250,000$1,500,000$1,750,000$2,000,000$2,250,000$2,500,000$2,500,000$2,500,000$2,500,000$2,500,000$21,250,000 500,000000000000$500,000 HR Payroll and Software System 023,764,11900000000$23,764,119 WE Cundiff Elementary 023,764,12000000000$23,764,120 Glen Cove Elementary Northside Middle001,418,7641,440,25521,427,6931,319,32513,537,963000$39,144,000 Hidden Valley Middle00000009,660,036600,00020,600,000$30,860,036 Glenvar Elementary0000007,066,02410,943,97600$18,010,000 Schools Total 29,007,453102,892,4943,168,7643,440,25523,677,6933,819,32523,103,98723,104,0123,100,00023,100,000238,413,983 Total, Roanoke County Public Schools Projects$29,007,453$102,892,494$3,168,764$3,440,255$23,677,693$3,819,325$23,103,987$23,104,012$3,100,000$23,100,000$238,413,983 Total, FY 22-31 County & Schools Projects$39,430,081$112,968,201$31,529,376$12,620,495$33,579,878$31,670,275$30,823,984$31,186,643$31,057,631$30,682,631$385,549,195 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OFROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-2APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 OPERATIONS BUDGET AND APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, public hearings were held on April 25, 2023and May 9, 2023 concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2023-2024; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 23, 2023, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 9, 2023, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 23, 2023, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, for the functions and purposes indicated: Page 1 of 7 County of Roanoke, Virginia Fiscal Year 2023-2024 County Operations First Reading May 9, 2023; Second Reading May 23, 2023 Appropriation Amount Revenues: General Fund - County: General Government$ 246,847,274 Public Works Projects 175,732 Fleet Service Center 4,086,231 Communications & Information Technology 13,952,894 Recreation Fee Class 5,198,646 Children's Services Act 7,948,166 Grants & Other Funds 2,024,936 Parks, Recreation & Tourism - School Operations 418,291 Police E-Citation 60,000 Community Development Technology Fee 40,000 Police Special Programs 2,500 Criminal Justice Academy 454,152 Subtotal, General Fund281,208,822 Debt Service Fund - from County14,878,894 Debt Service Fund - from Schools4,125,345 Subtotal, Debt Service Fund19,004,239 Internal Service Fund - Health Insurance13,365,987 Internal Service Fund - Dental Insurance 821,204 Internal Service Fund - Risk Management1,604,003 Subtotal, Internal Service Funds15,791,194 Total Revenue - County Operations Funds$ 316,004,255 Expenditures: General Government - County Operations: General Administration Board of Supervisors $ 496,434 County Administration 1,059,288 Internal Auditor 194,520 Public Information 344,133 County Attorney 752,968 Human Resources 1,130,173 Subtotal, General Administration 3,977,516 Constitutional Officers Commissioner of the Revenue1,054,580 Commonwealth's Attorney1,567,615 Sheriff's Office14,951,433 Treasurer 1,260,683 Clerk of the Circuit Court 1,363,258 Subtotal, Constitutional Officers20,197,569 Page 2 of 7 Appropriation Amount Judicial Administration Circuit Court$ 257,068 General District Court 103,440 Magistrate 1,590 Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 39,086 Court Service Unit 670,144 Courthouse Maintenance 60,000 Subtotal, Judicial Administration1,131,328 Management Services Real Estate Valuation (Assessor)1,057,944 Finance & Management Services2,831,811 Subtotal, Management Services3,889,755 Public Safety Police17,152,104 Fire & Rescue 23,049,523 Subtotal, Public Safety40,201,627 Community Services Economic Development590,862 Development Services3,838,282 Planning2,384,396 General Services 9,549,321 Subtotal, Community Services16,362,861 Human Services Parks, Recreation, & Tourism5,838,532 Public Health579,181 Social Services14,560,683 Library 4,865,913 Virginia Cooperative Extension115,391 Elections (Registrar)878,412 Subtotal, Human Services26,838,112 Non-Departmental Employee Benefits 2,458,302 Transfer to Communications & Information Technology 11,908,477 Contributions - Discretionary, Contractual, Dues & Memberships2,480,357 Miscellaneous1,646,411 Board Contingency50,000 General Government Expenditure Contingency608,162 Addition to Fund Balance2,974,113 Subtotal, Non-Departmental 22,125,822 Page 3 of 7 Appropriation Amount Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to School Operating Fund$ 86,782,060 Transfer to Debt Service - County & Schools 14,705,700 Transfer to County Capital 4,280,046 Transfer to Children's Services Act - County 1,934,000 Transfer to Children's Services Act - Schools 1,879,000 Transfer to Internal Services - Risk Management 2,154,003 Transfer to Criminal Justice Academy 212,143 Transfer to Public Works Projects 175,732 Subtotal, Transfers to Other Funds112,122,684 Total, General Government - County Operations$ 246,847,274 Public Works Projects$ 175,732 Fleet Service Center4,086,231 Communications & Information Technology13,952,894 Recreation Fee Class5,198,646 Children's Services Act7,948,166 Grants & Other Funds2,024,936 Parks, Recreation & Tourism - School Operations418,291 Police E-Citation60,000 Community Development Technology Fee40,000 Police Special Programs2,500 Criminal Justice Academy454,152 281,208,822 Total, General Fund - County Operations Debt Service Fund 19,004,239 Internal Service Fund - Health Insurance13,365,987 Internal Service Fund - Dental Insurance821,204 Internal Service Fund - Risk Management1,604,003 Total, Internal Service Funds15,791,194 Total Expenditures - All County Operations Funds$ 316,004,255 Page 4 of 7 2. That the County Administrator may authorize or delegate the authorization of the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one department to another. 3. That all funded outstanding operating encumbrances at June 30, 2023, are re- appropriated to the 2023-2024 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That all General Government Fund unexpended appropriations and all General Government revenues collected in excess of appropriated revenues at the end of any fiscal year not lapse but shall be re-appropriated and presented to the Board of Supervisors for allocation based on guidance provided in Section 10- 1 through 5 of the County of Roanoke Comprehensive Financial Policy as approved by the Board of Supervisors. 5. Account balances remaining in the Fee Class Fund collected by the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department will be allocated to accounts as defined by the Fee Class Accounts Procedure. 6. Account balances remaining in Children’s Services Act (C111), Police Confiscated Property (C120), Police Special Programs (C121), Forfeited Asset Sharing (C122), Sheriff Confiscated Property (C123), Sheriff Jail Fees (C124), Inventory Accounts (C125), Criminal Justice Academy (C126), Police Training Facility (C127), Garage -Fleet Service Center (C130), Motor Pool (C132), Grants (C135), Opioid Abatement Settlement Fund (C136), Communications and Information Technology (C141-C144), Fee Class (C150), PRT Schools Ground Maintenance (C151), Public Works Fund (C170), South Peak Page 5 of 7 Community Development Authority (C201), County Debt Fund (C310, C320, C330, C340, C360, C365, C375),County Capital and Economic Development Funds (C420, C421, C425, C428, C440, C445, C451, C455, C475), County Trust Funds (C501, C502), Internal Service Funds (C700, C705, C710), Special Welfare (C810), Regional Fire/Rescue Training Center (C814), Commonwealth Fund (C815), and Economic Development Authority (C818) funds will carry over 100% and be re-appropriated to the individual funds. 7. That the Board of Supervisors anticipates receiving various grants, donations, and other miscellaneous revenues. These anticipated funds are appropriated to the Grants Fund for the various functions and purposes as provided therein, and said appropriation shall be acknowledged and allocated to the appropriate fund upon approval by the Board of Supervisors on the Consent Agenda. 8. That the Board of Supervisors approves the County of Roanoke Classification and Pay Plan. The Classification and Pay Plan included as part of this ordinance is effective July 1, 2023. The County Administrator shall implement the County Classification and Pay Plan pursuant to Board of Supervisors Resolution 082515-1. 9. That the Board of Supervisors recognizes that the General Assembly has presently approved a 5% increase in pay for each of the Commonwealth’s elected constitutional officers. The Board desires to further supplement the pay of the County’s presently-elected constitutional officers in recognition of the essential services that they perform. Accordingly, in accordance with Section 15.2-1605.1 of the Code of Virginia, the Board appropriates such a supplement Page 6 of 7 Roanoke County Classification Plan Attachment A Public Safety Step Structures In order to recruit and retain employees in critical public safety positions for Police, Fire & Rescue,Sheriff and Emergency Communications certain positions have been removed from the Classification Plan format which combined all jobs. Each of these departments will have a step pay structure that identifies the employee pay based on rank and step. The Public Safety pay structures are anchored to the starting rate shown at the lowest level and progress with time in job and promotion in rank. The Public Safety pay structures are being implemented over a period of 3 years. The implementation period began in July 2021 and employees should be in their appropriate step as of July 2023, subject to appropriation by the Board of Supervisors. Attachment B Classification Plan The Classification Plan provides a summary of all Roanoke County jobs, the pay range, the number of employees assigned to each job and identifies the individual departments. The County has moved toa Decision Band Method (DBM) based classification for non-public safety employees. The grading hierarchy of the Decision Band Method is illustrated by an alpha-numeric nomenclature and is determined by the level of decision making required for the job. The Roanoke County handbook (page 21) chapter 6 section B outlines the grievance procedure and identifies positions including Department Heads that serve at the pleasure of the County Administrator and may not use the grievance procedure. The following positions are considered Department Heads irrespective of title and include: Chief of Fire and Rescue, Chief of Police, Director of Planning, Director of Development Services, Director of Economic Development, Director of Finance and Management Services, Director of General Services, Director of Human Resources, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Director of Communications and Information Technology, Director of Library Services, Director of Real Estate Valuation, Director of Social Services, Public Information Officer, Internal Auditor, and any additional departmental units that may be created by organizational changes approved by the County Administrator. The County Administrator and the County Attorney are unclassified positions and the employment arrangement is by contract and approved by the Board of Supervisors. Attachment C Pay Bands The Pay Bands attachment shows the minimum and maximum pay rates assigned to the pay band. Attachment A Public Safety Step Structures Attachment A: Roanoke County Classification Plan - Public Safety Step Structures POLICE Rank12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 ChiefMARKET Assistant Chief$ 98,173$ 100,382$ 102,641$ 104,950$ 107,312$ 109,726$ 112,195$ 114,719$ 117,300$ 118,767$ 120,251$ 121,754$ 123,276$ 124,817$ 126,377$ 127,957$ 129,557$ 131,176$ 132,816$ 134,476$ 136,157$ 137,859$ 139,582$ 141,327$ 143,093 Commander $ 78,539$ 80,306 $ 82,113 $ 83,960 $ 85,849 $ 87,781 $ 89,756 $ 91,775 $ 93,840 $ 95,013 $ 96,201 $ 97,403 $ 98,621 $ 99,854 $ 101,102$ 102,366$ 103,646$ 104,941$ 106,253$ 107,581$ 108,926$ 110,287$ 111,666$ 113,062$ 114,475 Sergeant$ 68,294$ 69,831 $ 71,402 $ 73,009 $ 74,652 $ 76,331 $ 78,049 $ 79,805 $ 81,600 $ 82,621 $ 83,653 $ 84,699 $ 85,758 $ 86,830 $ 87,915 $ 89,014 $ 90,126 $ 91,253 $ 92,394 $ 93,549 $ 94,718 $ 95,902 $ 97,101 $ 98,314 $ 99,543 Police Officer IV$ 59,386$ 60,722 $ 62,089 $ 63,486 $ 64,914 $ 66,375 $ 67,868 $ 69,395 $ 70,957 $ 71,844 $ 72,742 $ 73,651 $ 74,572 $ 75,504 $ 76,447 $ 77,403 $ 78,371 $ 79,350 $ 80,342 $ 81,347 $ 82,363 $ 83,393 $ 84,436 $ 85,491 $ 86,560 Police Officer III$ 56,558$ 57,831 $ 59,132 $ 60,463 $ 61,823 $ 63,214 $ 64,636 $ 66,091 $ 67,578 $ 68,422 $ 69,278 $ 70,144 $ 71,020 $ 71,908 $ 72,807 $ 73,717 $ 74,638 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 $ 75,571 Police Officer II$ 53,865$ 55,077 $ 56,316 $ 57,584 $ 58,879 $ 60,204 $ 61,558 $ 62,944 $ 64,360 $ 65,164 $ 65,979 $ 66,804 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 $ 67,639 Police Officer I$ 51,300$ 52,454 $ 53,634 $ 54,841 $ 56,075 $ 57,337 $ 58,627 $ 59,946 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 $ 61,295 Recruit$ 49,327 FIRE & RESCUE(24-HR) Rank12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 ChiefMARKET Deputy Chief$ 93,200$ 95,298 $ 97,442 $ 99,634 $ 101,876$ 104,168$ 106,512$ 108,908$ 111,359$ 112,751$ 114,160$ 115,587$ 117,032$ 118,495$ 119,976$ 121,476$ 122,994$ 124,532$ 126,088$ 127,665$ 129,260$ 130,876$ 132,512$ 134,168$ 135,845 Battalion Chief$ 74,560$ 76,238 $ 77,953 $ 79,707 $ 81,500 $ 83,334 $ 85,209 $ 87,126 $ 89,087 $ 90,200 $ 91,328 $ 92,469 $ 93,625 $ 94,795 $ 95,980 $ 97,180 $ 98,395 $ 99,625 $ 100,870$ 102,131$ 103,408$ 104,700$ 106,009$ 107,334$ 108,676 Captain$ 64,835$ 66,294 $ 67,785 $ 69,310 $ 70,870 $ 72,465 $ 74,095 $ 75,762 $ 77,467 $ 78,435 $ 79,416 $ 80,408 $ 81,413 $ 82,431 $ 83,462 $ 84,505 $ 85,561 $ 86,631 $ 87,714 $ 88,810 $ 89,920 $ 91,044 $ 92,182 $ 93,334 $ 94,501 Lieutenant$ 60,311$ 61,669 $ 63,056 $ 64,475 $ 65,926 $ 67,409 $ 68,926 $ 70,476 $ 72,062 $ 72,963 $ 73,875 $ 74,798 $ 75,734 $ 76,680 $ 77,639 $ 78,609 $ 79,592 $ 80,587 $ 81,594 $ 82,614 $ 83,647 $ 84,692 $ 85,751 $ 86,823 $ 87,908 Master Paramedic/FF$ 57,439$ 58,732 $ 60,053 $ 61,405 $ 62,786 $ 64,199 $ 65,643 $ 67,120 $ 68,630 $ 69,488 $ 70,357 $ 71,237 $ 72,127 $ 73,028 $ 73,941 $ 74,866 $ 75,802 $ 76,749 $ 77,708 $ 78,680 $ 79,664 $ 80,659 $ 81,667 $ 82,688 $ 83,722 Paramedic/FF$ 54,704$ 55,935 $ 57,194 $ 58,480 $ 59,796 $ 61,142 $ 62,517 $ 63,924 $ 65,362 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 $ 66,180 Firefighter/EMT$ 50,187$ 51,316 $ 52,471 $ 53,652 $ 54,859 $ 56,093 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 $ 57,355 Recruit$ 48,257 SHERIFF Rank12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 SheriffCONSTITUTIONAL OFFICER LT Colonel$ 94,374$ 96,497 $ 98,668 $ 100,888$ 103,158$ 105,479$ 107,852$ 110,279$ 112,760$ 114,170$ 115,597$ 117,042$ 118,505$ 119,986$ 121,486$ 123,005$ 124,542$ 126,099$ 127,675$ 129,271$ 130,887$ 132,523$ 134,180$ 135,857$ 137,556 Captain$ 75,499$ 77,198 $ 78,935 $ 80,711 $ 82,527 $ 84,384 $ 86,282 $ 88,223 $ 90,208 $ 91,336 $ 92,478 $ 93,634 $ 94,804 $ 95,989 $ 97,189 $ 98,404 $ 99,634 $ 100,880$ 102,140$ 103,417$ 104,710$ 106,019$ 107,344$ 108,686$ 110,044 Lieutenant$ 65,651$ 67,128 $ 68,639 $ 70,183 $ 71,762 $ 73,377 $ 75,028 $ 76,716 $ 78,442 $ 79,423 $ 80,415 $ 81,421 $ 82,438 $ 83,469 $ 84,512 $ 85,569 $ 86,638 $ 87,721 $ 88,818 $ 89,928 $ 91,052 $ 92,190 $ 93,343 $ 94,509 $ 95,691 Sergeant$ 61,071$ 62,445 $ 63,850 $ 65,286 $ 66,755 $ 68,257 $ 69,793 $ 71,364 $ 72,969 $ 73,881 $ 74,805 $ 75,740 $ 76,687 $ 77,645 $ 78,616 $ 79,599 $ 80,594 $ 81,601 $ 82,621 $ 83,654 $ 84,699 $ 85,758 $ 86,830 $ 87,916 $ 89,014 Master Deputy IV$ 56,810$ 58,088 $ 59,395 $ 60,732 $ 62,098 $ 63,495 $ 64,924 $ 66,385 $ 67,878 $ 68,727 $ 69,586 $ 70,456 $ 71,336 $ 72,228 $ 73,131 $ 74,045 $ 74,971 $ 75,908 $ 76,857 $ 77,817 $ 78,790 $ 79,775 $ 80,772 $ 81,782 $ 82,804 Master Deputy III$ 54,105$ 55,322 $ 56,567 $ 57,840 $ 59,141 $ 60,472 $ 61,832 $ 63,223 $ 64,646 $ 65,454 $ 66,272 $ 67,101 $ 67,940 $ 68,789 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 $ 69,649 Master Deputy III$ 51,528$ 52,688 $ 53,873 $ 55,085 $ 56,325 $ 57,592 $ 58,888 $ 60,213 $ 61,568 $ 62,337 $ 63,116 $ 63,905 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 $ 64,704 Master Deputy I$ 49,074$ 50,179 $ 51,308 $ 52,462 $ 53,643 $ 54,850 $ 56,084 $ 57,346 $ 58,636 $ 59,369 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 $ 60,111 Recruit$ 47,187 ECC Rank12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 ECC Manager$ 77,806$ 79,557 $ 81,347 $ 83,178 $ 85,049 $ 86,963 $ 88,919 $ 90,920 $ 92,966 $ 94,128 $ 95,305 $ 96,496 $ 97,702 $ 98,923 $ 100,160$ 101,412$ 102,679$ 103,963$ 105,263$ 106,578$ 107,911$ 109,259$ 110,625$ 112,008$ 113,408 Supervisor$ 61,751$ 63,140 $ 64,561 $ 66,014 $ 67,499 $ 69,018 $ 70,571 $ 72,159 $ 73,782 $ 74,705 $ 75,638 $ 76,584 $ 77,541 $ 78,510 $ 79,492 $ 80,485 $ 81,491 $ 82,510 $ 83,542 $ 84,586 $ 85,643 $ 86,714 $ 87,798 $ 88,895 $ 90,006 Training Off$ 54,168$ 55,386 $ 56,632 $ 57,907 $ 59,209 $ 60,542 $ 61,904 $ 63,297 $ 64,721 $ 65,530 $ 66,349 $ 67,178 $ 68,018 $ 68,868 $ 69,729 $ 70,601 $ 71,483 $ 72,377 $ 73,282 $ 74,198 $ 75,125 $ 76,064 $ 77,015 $ 77,978 $ 78,952 CO II$ 47,936$ 49,014 $ 50,117 $ 51,245 $ 52,398 $ 53,577 $ 54,782 $ 56,015 $ 57,275 $ 57,991 $ 58,716 $ 59,450 $ 60,193 $ 60,945 $ 61,707 $ 62,479 $ 63,260 $ 64,050 $ 64,851 $ 65,662 $ 66,482 $ 67,313 $ 68,155 $ 69,007 $ 69,869 CO I$ 42,800$ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 $ 43,763 Attachment B Classification Plan Fund Legend: DBP;!Jogpsnbujpo!Ufdiopmphz!Gvoe<!DNT;!Dpnnvojdbujpot!Tipq!Gvoe<!DPO;! Dpotujuvujpobm!Pggjdfs<!DQ;!Dbsffs!Qbui<!FDD;!Fnfshfodz!Dpnnvojdbujpot!Dfoufs! Gvoe<!GFF;!QSU!Gff!DmbttGvoe<!GTG;!Gmffu!Tfswjdf!Dfoufs!Gvoe<!HHG;!Hfofsbm! Hpwfsonfou!Gvoe<!HOU;!Hsbou!Gvoe<!SDB;!SDBDQ<!TDI;!QSU!Tdippm!Hspvoe! Nbjoufobodf!Gvoe<!TIB;!Tibsfe!Tfswdjft<!VOD;!Vodmbttjgjfe Status Legend: OPFY;!!Opo.Fyfnqu!gspn!GMTB FYF0Dpn;!!Fyfnqu!Dpnqfotbupsz FYF0EJTD;!!Fyfnqu!Ejtdsfujpobsz ATTACHMENT B: DBM CLASSIFICATION JOB LISTING FY 2023 - 2024 EFFECTIVE 7/1/2023 DBMFundSTATUSNO. EMP JOB #POS #POSITIONDEPARTMENTMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-1756 A13GGF1787COURIERNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 30,181$ 36,772$ 43,364 A13GGFJ-17311758CUSTODIANNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 4$ 30,181$ 36,772$ 43,364 A13GGFJ-17461776REFUSE COLLECTORNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 5$ 30,181$ 36,772$ 43,364 B21GGFJ-12771242DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT INOEXCLERK CIRCUIT COURT1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-12031153INCOME TAX COORDINATORNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-12061156TAX CLERK I *CPNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE5$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21ECCJ-14591432E-911 CALL TAKERNOEXCOMMIT2$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-11791124SECRETARYNOEXCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-1661 B21CP2388MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES5$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21CPJ-16642392PERMIT TECHNICIAN I *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES3$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-15901584OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXFIRE & RESCUE1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-17321759CUSTOMER SERVICE REP NOEXGENERAL SERVICES 2$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-1743 B21GGF1773OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-2037 B21GGF2144LIBRARY ASSISTANTNOEXLIBRARY13$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21FEEJ-18061856AQUATICS SPECIALIST (FEE)NOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21SCHJ-18421892MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I (SCHOOL)NOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM4$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21J-1841 CP1891MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I *CPNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM17$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-1845 B21GGF1899OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-18531906PARKS & FACILITY SERVICE TECHNICIANNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-18511904PARKS CLERKNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-1870 B21GGF1936RECREATION TECHNICIANNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-1535 B21GGF1537OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXPOLICE2$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21CPJ-15361540RECORDS TECHNICIAN I *CPNOEXPOLICE6$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-13321298OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXREAL ESTATE VALUATION1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-2081 B21GGF2207OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXELECTIONS1$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21J-1962 GGF2066CUSTOMER SERVICE REP NOEXSOCIAL SERVICES6$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-19772085SOCIAL SERVICES AIDE NOEXSOCIAL SERVICES2$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 B21GGFJ-13511321TREASURER CLERK INOEXTREASURER2$ 34,927$ 42,555$ 50,183 J-1278 B22GGF1243DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT IINOEXCLERK CIRCUIT COURT3$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1204 B22GGF1154REAL ESTATE CLERK IINOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-12061157TAX CLERK II *CPNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22CMSJ-14581431COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT INSTALLERNOEXCOMMIT3$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1476 B22CAO1457OFFICE COORD/DEPT BUDGET SPECIALIST NOEXCOMMIT1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1178 B22GGF1123LEGAL SECRETARYNOEXCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY3$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GNTJ-11811126VICTIM/WITNESS ASSISTANT COORD (GRANT)NOEXCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22CPJ-16612401MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22CPJ-16642393PERMIT TECHNICIAN II *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1379 B22GGF1354ACCOUNTS REPRESENTATIVENOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS2$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22CPJ-17271752BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECH I *CPNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 7$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-17551786CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALISTNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-17341761EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 0$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1739 B22FSF1767FLEET MECHANIC I (FSF)NOEXGENERAL SERVICES 8$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-17571788FLEET MECHANIC I *CPNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 2$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-17421772OFFICE COORD/DEPT BUDGET SPECIALIST NOEXGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22FSFJ-17531784OFFICE COORD/DEPT BUDGET SPECIALIST (FLEET)NOEXGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-2034 B22GGF2139DEPARTMENT BUDGET SPECIALISTNOEXLIBRARY1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-2043 B22GGFSENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANTNOEXLIBRARY11$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-20432150SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT BENT MOUNTAINNOEXLIBRARY$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-2043 B22GGF2149SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT CIRCULATION SUPERVISORNOEXLIBRARY$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-2043 B22GGF2154SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT MATERIALS MANAGEMENTNOEXLIBRARY$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-20432151SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT MT PLEASANTNOEXLIBRARY$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-20432152SENIOR LIBRAY ASSISTANT (OTHER)NOEXLIBRARY$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-18321882HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1842 B22SCH1894MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II (SCHOOL)NOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22CPJ-18411893MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II *CPNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-18951961RECREATION SPECIALISTNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22CPJ-15361538RECORDS TECHNICIAN II *CPNOEXPOLICE$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-2150 B22RCA2233ANIMAL SUPPORT ATTENDANTNOEXRCACP11$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-12391192ACCREDITATION SUPPORT SPECIALIST NOEXSHERIFF1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-12281183CIVIL PROCESS SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXSHERIFF1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-12291184CONTROL ROOM OPERATORNOEXSHERIFF2$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1950 B22GGF2050ACCOUNTS COORDINATORNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES2$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-19552056BENEFIT PROGRAMS SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES32$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GNTJ-19842092CSA COMPLIANCE SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 B22GGFJ-13571327COLLECTIONS SPECIALISTNOEXTREASURER1$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1352 B22GGF1322TREASURER CLERK IINOEXTREASURER3$ 39,659$ 48,320$ 56,981 J-1279 B23GGF1244DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT IIINOEXCLERK CIRCUIT COURT6$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-12001150BUSINESS ORDINANCE INSPECTORNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-12061158TAX CLERK III *CPNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1207 B23GGF1160TAX COMPLIANCE DEPUTYNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1487 B23ECC1473TECHNICAL ANALYST I (ECC)NOEXCOMMIT1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-14811463TECHNICAL ANALYST I *CPNOEXCOMMIT5$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GNTJ-11821127VICTIM/WITNESS ASST DIRECTOR (GRANT)NOEXCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1654 B23CP2380CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES5$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1661 B23GGF2389MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23CPJ-16642394PERMIT TECHNICIAN III *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23CPJ-16742405STORMWATER INSPECTOR I *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES5$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 GGFJ-1391 B231367ACCOUNTS REPRESENTATIVE IINOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1396 B23GGF1372PURCHASING TECHNICIANNOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-15971604ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTNOEXFIRE & RESCUE1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23CPJ-17271753BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECH II *CPNOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1739 B23FSF1766FLEET MECHANIC II (FSF)NOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1757 B23GGF1789FLEET MECHANIC II *CPNOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-17491780SOLID WASTE EQUIPMENT OPERATORNOEXGENERAL SERVICES 23$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-20442153TECHNOLOGY SERVICES COORDINATORNOEXLIBRARY1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23J-1820 GGF1871MARKETING & ELECTRONIC SERVICES SPECIALISTNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1841 B23GGF1895MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III *CPNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23SCHJ-18421963MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III (SCHOOL)NOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-18561909PARKS MAINTENANCE SERVICE SPECIALISTNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-1866RECREATION PROGRAMMERNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM6$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1867 B23FEE1928RECREATION PROGRAMMER (FEE)NOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-18661926RECREATION PROGRAMMER ASKNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-18661925RECREATION PROGRAMMER BRAMBLETONNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-18661927RECREATION PROGRAMMER CAMP ROANOKENOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1866 B23GGF1929RECREATION PROGRAMMER THERAPEUTIC RECNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-16912325ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTNOEXPLANNING1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-15251525ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTNOEXPOLICE1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23RCAJ-21562238FOSTER COORDINATORNOEXRCACP1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-2161 B23RCA2241RESCUE & VOLUNTEER COORDINATORNOEXRCACP1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-20752200ASST GENERAL REGISTRAR NOEXELECTIONS1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-2085 B23GGF2210ABSENTEE VOTING & ELECTION ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANTNOEXELECTIONS1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1152 B23SHA1102MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER INOEXRVTV2$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-12251180ACCREDITATION SPECIALISTNOEXSHERIFF1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-19512051ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-19652069FAMILY SERVICES SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES37$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1974 B23GGF2082SELF SUFFICIENCY SERVICE INTAKE SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-19872097SELF SUFFICIENCY SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES5$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-19792087SENIOR BENEFIT PROGRAMS SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES4$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-19702078TECHNICAL ANALYST INOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 J-1301 B23GNT1271YOUTH SURVEILLANCE OFFICER (GRANT)NOEXSOCIAL SERVICES3$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B23GGFJ-13531323TREASURER CLERK IIINOEXTREASURER3$ 44,391$ 54,085$ 63,780 B24GGFJ-12051155REAL ESTATE CLERK SUPERVISORNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-12081159TAX CLERK IVNOEXCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 CMSJ-1463 B241440COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIANNOEXCOMMIT3$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24ECCJ-14871474TECHNICAL ANALYST II (ECC)NOEXCOMMIT$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-14811464TECHNICAL ANALYST II *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24CPJ-16542379COMBINATION CODE COMPLIANCE INSPECTORNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24J-1658 GGF2385GIS SPECIALISTNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1674 B24CP2406STORMWATER INSPECTOR II *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24CPJ-13831358BUYER *CPNOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS3$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-13931369PAYROLL TECHNICIAN *CPNOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS3$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1589 B24GGF1598FIRE LOGISTICS TECHNICIANNOEXFIRE & RESCUE1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1739 B24FSF1768FLEET MECHANIC III (FSF)NOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-17571790FLEET MECHANIC III *CPNOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-11051065HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST NOEXHUMAN RESOURCES2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 GGFJ-1852 B241905PARKS CREW LEADERNOEXPARKS, REC & TOURISM4$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1127 B24GGF1092PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALISTNOEXPIO1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-16962331PLANNER INOEXPLANNING3$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-15341532INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT SPECIALISTNOEXPOLICE1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-2149 B24GGF2243ANIMAL HEALTH ATTENDANTNOEXRCACP2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-2153 B24RCA2235CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISORNOEXRCACP1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24RCAJ-21602232MAINTENANCE TECH/CUSTODIANNOEXRCACP1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-13331299REAL ESTATE & LAND USE COORDINATORNOEXREAL ESTATE VALUATION1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1968 B24GGF2076FRAUD INVESTIGATORNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 GGFJ-1985 B242094JUVENILE INTERVENTION SERVICES SPECIALIST (GRANT)NOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-19642068SR FAMILY SERVICES SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES8$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B24GGFJ-19862095FAMILY ASSESSMENT & PLANNING TEAM (FAPT) FACILITATORNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1980 B24GGF2088SR SELF SUFFICIENCY SPECIALISTNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 GGFJ-1354 B241324TREASURER CLERK SUPERVISORNOEXTREASURER2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B25GNTJ-10551027DEPUTY CLERK TO BOSNOEXBOS1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25ECCJ-14871475TECHNICAL ANALYST III (ECC)NOEXCOMMIT$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25GGFJ-14811465TECHNICAL ANALYST III *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 J-1665 B25GGF2395PERMIT TECHNICIAN SUPERVISORNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25CPJ-16542397SR COMBINATION CODE COMPLIANCE INSPECTOR *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25CPJ-16742407STORMWATER INSPECTOR III *CPNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25GGFJ-16682402STORMWATER MAINTENANCE FOREMANNOEXDEVELOPMENT SERVICES2$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 J-1383 B25CP1376SENIOR BUYER *CPNOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25GGFJ-13931385SENIOR PAYROLL TECHNICIAN *CPNOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25FSFJ-17391769FLEET MECHANIC IV (FSF)NOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25GGFJ-17571791FLEET MECHANIC IV *CPNOEXGENERAL SERVICES $ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 J-1957 B25GGF2061BENEFIT PROGRAMS TRAINERNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B25CMSJ-14881476COMMUNICATIONS INSTALLATION FOREMANNOEXCOMMIT1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-1976 B25GGF2084SERVICES TRAINERNOEXSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 J-1280 B31GGF1248DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT CIVIL CHANCERYEXE/COMPCLERK CIRCUIT COURT$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31GGFJ-1280DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT IVEXE/COMPCLERK CIRCUIT COURT4$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31GGFJ-12801245DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT IV CIVIL LAWEXE/COMPCLERK CIRCUIT COURT$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31GGFJ-12801246DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT IV CRIMINALEXE/COMPCLERK CIRCUIT COURT$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1280 B31GGF1247DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT COURT IV LAND RECORDSEXE/COMPCLERK CIRCUIT COURT$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31GGFJ-17301756GENERAL SERVICES CREW LEADEREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31GGFJ-17481778SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FOREMANEXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31GGFJ-20392146LIBRARIANEXE/COMPLIBRARY3$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 J-1825 B31FEEBUSINESS SERVICES SUPERVISOR (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM2$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31FEEJ-18251950BUSINESS SERVICES SUPERVISOR EXPLORE PARK (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31FEEJ-18251875BUSINESS SERVICES SUPERVISOR GREEN RIDGE (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B31FEEJ-18401890MEMBERSHIP SUPERVISOR (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 CPJ-1325 B311290APPRAISER I *CPEXE/COMPREAL ESTATE VALUATION7$ 50,316$ 61,305$ 72,293 B32GGFJ-10001000EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTEXE/COMPADMINISTRATION1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32GGFJ-11831128VICTIM WITNESS DIRECTOR/EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTEXE/COMPCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32GGFJ-10751040EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTEXE/COMPCOUNTY ATTORNEY1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32J-1652 GGF2376CHIEF INSPECTOR/FIELD SUPVEXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 GGFJ-1656 B322383DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COORDINATOREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32FSFJ-17541785FLEET SUPERVISOREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32GGFJ-17411771SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SUPERVISOREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32J-1752 GGF1782WELDING SHOP SUPERVISOR EXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 0$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 J-1847 B32FEE1900OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32GGFJ-18541907PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32SCHJ-18551908PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (SCHOOL)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 GGFJ-1868 B32RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM5$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 FEEJ-1869 B32RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM3$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32FEEJ-18691934RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR AQUATICS (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32GGFJ-18681931RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR ATHLETICSEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 GGFJ-1868 B321930RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR BRAMBLETONEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 GGFJ-1868 B321932RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR CAMP ROANOKEEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32FEEJ-18691951RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR EXPLORE PARK (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32FEEJ-18691933RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR PROGRAMS (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 GGFJ-1868 B321935RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR WELLNESSEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 GGFJ-1537 B321539POLICE RECORDS SUPERVISOREXE/COMPPOLICE1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 B32RCAJ-21582240KENNEL MANAGEREXE/COMPRCACP1$ 57,421$ 69,961$ 82,502 C41GGFJ-10051003ASSISTANT TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOREXE/COMPADMINISTRATION1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1455 C41CAO1428BUSINESS COORDINATOREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1454 C41CAO1425BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT13$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41CAOJ-14661443DATA INTEGRATION SPECIALIST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41CAOJ-14801462SYSTEMS ENGINEER *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT4$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41CAOJ-14841470TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEER *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1485 C41CAO1471WEB SYSTEMS ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-16752409BUSINESS COORDINATOREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-11352305ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALISTEXE/COMPECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT2$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-13751350BUDGET ANALYSTEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1404 C41GNT1382FINANCIAL ANALYST (GRANT)EXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41CPJ-13871362FINANCIAL ANALYST *CPEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS2$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-15761580BUSINESS COORDINATOREXE/COMPFIRE & RESCUE1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-15911585COMMUNITY OUTREACH COORDINATOREXE/COMPFIRE & RESCUE1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41J-1579 GGF1581DATA ANALYST - F & REXE/COMPFIRE & RESCUE1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-17291755CAPITAL PROJECTS SPECIALISTEXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-1737 C41GGF1764FACILITIES SUPERVISOREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1740 C41GGF1770HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-20262131ADMINISTRATIVE & MARKETING MANAGEREXE/COMPLIBRARY1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-20312137BRANCH LBRARIAN VINTONEXE/COMPLIBRARY$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-2031BRANCH LIBRARIANEXE/COMPLIBRARY3$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 GGFJ-2031 C412135BRANCH LIBRARIAN GLENVAREXE/COMPLIBRARY$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-20312136BRANCH LIBRARIAN HOLLINSEXE/COMPLIBRARY$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-2036DIVISIONAL LIBRARIANEXE/COMPLIBRARY3$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-20362142DIVISIONAL LIBRARIAN ADULTEXE/COMPLIBRARY$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-2036 C41GGF2141DIVISIONAL LIBRARIAN CHILDRENEXE/COMPLIBRARY$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-20362143DIVISIONAL LIBRARIAN YOUNG ADULTEXE/COMPLIBRARY$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41SHAJ-20302134INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEMS/TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOREXE/COMPLIBRARY1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-20412147COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT LIBRARIANEXE/COMPLIBRARY1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1810 C41GGF1861BUSINESS COORDINATOREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-18441897MARKETING AND ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-11261091PIO MANAGEREXE/COMPPIO1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-15281528BUSINESS COORDINATOREXE/COMPPOLICE1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1325 C41CP1300APPRAISER II *CPEXE/COMPREAL ESTATE VALUATION$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-2084 C41GGF2201ASST DIRECTOR & ELECTION MANAGEREXE/COMPELECTIONS1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-12261181BUSINESS COORDINATOREXE/COMPSHERIFF1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-1956BENEFIT PROGRAMS SUPERVISOREXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES4$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 GGFJ-1956 C412060BENEFIT PROGRAMS SUPERVISOR ADULT AEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 GGFJ-1956 C412057BENEFIT PROGRAMS SUPERVISOR ADULT BEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-19562059BENEFIT PROGRAMS SUPERVISOR FAMILY/CHILDREN AEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41GGFJ-19562058BENEFIT PROGRAMS SUPERVISOR FAMILY/CHILDREN BEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C41J-1973 GGF2081RESOURCE COORDINATOREXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES0$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 J-1981 C41GNT2089UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST (GRANT)EXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 58,250$ 76,453$ 94,656 C42GGFJ-10541026CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK TO BOSEXE/COMPBOS1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-12751240CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURTEXE/COMPCLERK CIRCUIT COURT1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1201 C42GGF1151CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISIONER OF THE REVENUEEXE/COMPCOMMISSIONER REVENUE1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1454 C42CAO1426BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42ECCJ-14571430COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42CMSJ-14611435COMMUNICATIONS SHOP MANAGEREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1466 C42CAO1444DATA INTEGRATION SPECIALIST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1471 C42CAO1449GIS ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT4$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42CAOJ-14801461SYSTEMS ARCHITECT *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42CAOJ-14841469TELECOMMUNICATIONS ARCHITECT *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1485 C42CAO1472WEB SYSTEMS ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1653 C42CP2377CIVIL ENGINEER I *CPEXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES2$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-16672398SENIOR PLANS EXAMINER/CODE COMPLIANCE INSPECTOREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-16702403STORMWATER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-14021380FINANCIAL SYSTEMS ANALYSTEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1392 C42GGF1368PAYROLL SPECIALISTEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GNTJ-14041383SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST I (GRANT)EXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42CPJ-13871377SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-17501781DEPARTMENT SYSTEMS ANALYSTEXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1738 C42FSF1765FLEET/GARAGE MANAGEREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-17471777SOLID WASTE MANAGEREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-11091068HR MANAGER- BENEFITSEXE/COMPHUMAN RESOURCES1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42FEEJ-18131864CENTER MANAGER (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 GGFJ-1848 C421901PARKS ADMINISTRATOREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-1857PARKS MANAGER EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM2$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-1857 C42GGF1912PARKS MANAGER GROUNDSEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1857 C42GGF1913PARKS MANAGER TURF/PROJECTSEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-18801946TOURISM/EVENT COORDINATOREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM0$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-16972332PLANNER IIEXE/COMPPLANNING3$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-17002335TRANSPORTATION PLANNEREXE/COMPPLANNING2$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1542 C42GGF1544DEPARTMENT SYSTEMS ANALYSTEXE/COMPPOLICE1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42RCAJ-21542236DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONSEXE/COMPRCACP1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42CPJ-13251297SENIOR APPRAISER *CPEXE/COMPREAL ESTATE VALUATION$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-1966FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOREXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES7$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1966 C42GGF2073FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR ADOPTIONSEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-19662074FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR ADULT SERVICESEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-19662070FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR CPS INVESTIGATIONSEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-19662072FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR FOSTER CAREEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1966 C42GGF2096FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR FOSTER CARE BEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-19662093FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR IN HOME SERVICESEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-19662071FAMILY SERVICES SUPERVISOR PREVENTIONEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 C42GGFJ-19752083SELF SUFFICIENCY SUPERVISOREXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1350 C42GGF1320CHIEF DEPUTY TREASUREREXE/COMPTREASURER1$ 62,601$ 82,164$ 101,726 J-1454 C43CAO1427BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST III *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43CAOJ-14671445DATA SERVICES SUPERVISOREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43CAOJ-14711450GIS ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1475 C43CAO1456NETWORK SERVICES SUPERVISOREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1483 C43CAO1468TECHNICAL SERVICES SUPERVISOREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43CPJ-16532378CIVIL ENGINEER II *CPEXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-13771352BUDGET MANAGEREXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1389 C43GGFFINANCE MANAGEREXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS2$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1389 C43GGF1365FINANCE MANAGER ACCOUNTS PAYABLEEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-13891364FINANCE MANAGER PAYROLL/RISKEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GNTJ-14041384SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST II (GRANT)EXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1387 C43CP1378SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1110 C43GGF1069HR MANAGER- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESEXE/COMPHUMAN RESOURCES1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-20252130ADMINISTRATIVE LIBRARIAN - MATERIAL MANAGEMENTEXE/COMPLIBRARY1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-20272132ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COORDINATOREXE/COMPLIBRARY1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 GGFJ-2042 C432148SENIOR BRANCH LIBRARIANEXE/COMPLIBRARY1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1865 C43GGFRECREATION PROGRAM MANAGEREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM4$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-18651922RECREATION PROGRAM MANAGER ASKEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-18651921RECREATION PROGRAM MANAGER ATHLETICSEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1865 C43GGF1923RECREATION PROGRAM MANAGER BRAMBLETONEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1865 C43GGF1924RECREATION PROGRAM MANAGER CAMP ROANOKEEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43SHAJ-18261876ROANOKE VALLEY GREENWAY PROJECT COORDINATOREXE/DISCPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-17032338TRANSIT PLANNEREXE/COMPPLANNING1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-16992334TRANSPORTATION ENGINEEREXE/COMPPLANNING1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 GGFJ-1532 C431531CRIME ANALYSTEXE/COMPPOLICE1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43SHAJ-11511101MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER IIEXE/COMPRVTV2$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GGFJ-19522052ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COORDINATOREXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 C43GNTJ-19602064COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE ACT COORDINATOR (GRANT)EXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 66,952$ 87,874$ 108,797 J-1003 C44GGF1001INTERNAL AUDITOREXE/COMPINTERNAL AUDITOR1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44CAOJ-14701448ENTERPRISE SERVICES MANAGEREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44GGFJ-13811356ACCOUNTING MANAGEREXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44GGFJ-13761351BUDGET ADMINISTRATOREXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 J-1395 C44GGF1371PURCHASING DIVISION DIRECTOREXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44GGFJ-17361763FACILITIES MANAGEREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM GGFJ-1104 C441064HR MANAGER- GENERALISTEXE/COMPHUMAN RESOURCES1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 J-1890 C44GGF1957CAPITAL PROJECT ADMINISTRATOREXE/COMPGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44GGFJ-18581914PARKS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MANAGEREXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44GGFJ-18591915PARKS SUPERINTENDENTEXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44FEEJ-18861954RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT (FEE)EXE/COMPPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 GGFJ-1698 C442333PRINCIPAL PLANNEREXE/COMPPLANNING1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C44GGFJ-17012336ZONING ADMINISTRATOREXE/COMPPLANNING1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C45GGFJ-11801125SENIOR ASSISANT COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEYEXE/COMPCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY6$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 C45GGFJ-16692399STORMWATER OPERATIONS MANAGEREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 GGFJ-1671 C452400STORMWATER PROGRAM MANAGEREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 C45GGFJ-16572384PROJECT ENGINEEREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES2$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 C45GGFJ-13901366FINANCE MANAGER - SYSTEMSEXE/COMPFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 C45GGFJ-11071067HR MANAGER/SYSTEMSEXE/COMPHUMAN RESOURCES1$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 J-1452 C51CAO1422APPLICATION SERVICES MANAGEREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C51CAOJ-14721451GIS MANAGEREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C51CAOJ-14731454INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES MGREXE/COMPCOMMIT1$ 72,401$ 95,026$ 117,651 C52GGFJ-11761121CHIEF ASSISTANT COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEYEXE/COMPCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY1$ 78,934$ 103,601$ 128,268 J-1080 D61GGF1044SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEYEXE/COMPCOUNTY ATTORNEY2$ 84,383$ 110,752$ 137,122 J-1080 D61GGF1044SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEYEXE/COMPSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 84,383$ 110,752$ 137,122 D61RCAJ-21622242VETERINARIANEXE/COMPRCACP1$ 84,383$ 110,752$ 137,122 D61SHAJ-11501100DIRECTOR OF CABLE ACCESSEXE/DISCRVTV1$ 84,383$ 110,752$ 137,122 J-1486 D62ECC1423ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COMMUNICATIONSEXE/DISCCOMMIT1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 J-1453 D62CAO1424ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION TECHEXE/DISCCOMMIT1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-16512375BUILDING COMMISSIONEREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-16552381COUNTY ENGINEEREXE/COMPDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 GGFJ-1131 D622301ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTEXE/DISCECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 GGFJ-1382 D621357ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCEEXE/DISCFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-17261751ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF GENERAL SERVICESEXE/DISCGENERAL SERVICES 0$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-11001060ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HREXE/DISCHUMAN RESOURCES1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 GGFJ-2028 D622133ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESEXE/DISCLIBRARY1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 J-1807 D62GGF1857ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PARKSEXE/DISCPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-1807ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION & TOURISMEXE/DISCPARKS, REC & TOURISM3$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-18071858ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF RECREATIONEXE/DISCPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 J-1807 D62GGF1964ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF TOURISMEXE/DISCPARKS, REC & TOURISM$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 GGFJ-1125 D621090PIO OFFICEREXE/DISCPIO1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-17022337ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNINGEXE/DISCPLANNING1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-13261291ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF REAL ESTATE VALUATIONEXE/DISCREAL ESTATE VALUATION1$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 J-1954 D62GGFASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICESEXE/DISCSOCIAL SERVICES2$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 J-1954 D62GGF2054ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES BENEFITSEXE/DISCSOCIAL SERVICES$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 D62GGFJ-19542055ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES CHILD WELFAREEXE/DISCSOCIAL SERVICES$ 88,734$ 116,463$ 144,193 E81GGFJ-20352140DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESEXE/DISCLIBRARY1$ 110,516 $ 145,052$ 179,588 E81RCAJ-21552237EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RCACPEXE/DISCRCACP1$ 110,516 $ 145,052$ 179,588 J-1328 E81GGF1293DIRECTOR OF REAL ESTATE VALUATIONEXE/DISCREAL ESTATE VALUATION1$ 110,516 $ 145,052$ 179,588 E82CAOJ-14681446DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYEXE/DISCCOMMIT1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 E82GGFJ-16502382DIRECTOR OF DEV SERVEXE/DISCDEVELOPMENT SERVICES1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 E82GGFJ-11332303DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTEXE/DISCECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 J-1733 E82GGF1760DIRECTOR OF GENERAL SERVICES EXE/DISCGENERAL SERVICES 1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 E82GGFJ-11021062DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCESEXE/DISCHUMAN RESOURCES1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 E82GGFJ-18191870DIRECTOR OF PARKS, REC & TOURISMEXE/DISCPARKS, REC & TOURISM1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 E82GGFJ-16902327DIRECTOR OF PLANNINGEXE/DISCPLANNING1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 J-1963 E82GGF2067DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICESEXE/DISCSOCIAL SERVICES1$ 114,867 $ 150,763$ 186,658 E83GGFJ-13861361DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICESEXE/DISCFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS1$ 119,218 $ 156,473$ 193,729 DBMFundJOB #POS #POSITIONSTATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM MidpointMAXIMUM J-1578 E83GGF1591CHIEF OF FIRE AND RESCUEEXE/DISCFIRE & RESCUE1$ 119,218 $ 156,473$ 193,729 J-1529 E83GGF1529CHIEF OF POLICEEXE/DISCPOLICE1$ 119,218 $ 156,473$ 193,729 F101GGFJ-10011004ASST COUNTY ADMINISTRATOREXE/DISCADMINISTRATION1$ 136,649 $ 179,351$ 222,054 F103GGFJ-10071007DEPUTY COUNY ADMINISTRATOREXE/DISCADMINISTRATION1$ 145,351 $ 190,773$ 236,195 UNCGGFJ-10021006COUNTY ADMINISTRATORADMINISTRATION1 J-1053 UNCGGF1030BOARD OF SPVRS VICE CHAIRMAN BOS1 UNCGGFJ-10521029BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEMBER BOS3 UNCGGFJ-10511028BOS CHAIRMAN BOS1 UNCGGFJ-12761241CLRK OF CIR CTCLERK CIRCUIT COURT1 J-1202 UNCGGF1152COMMISIONER OF REVENUECOMMISSIONER REVENUE1 UNCGGFJ-11771122COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEYCOMMWLTH ATTORNEY1 UNCGGFJ-10771041COUNTY ATTORNEYCOUNTY ATTORNEY1 UNCGNTJ-14031381WORKER'S COMP REHAB WORKER (GRANT)NOEXFINANCE & MGMT SERVCS2 J-2082 UNCGGF2208DIRECTOR OF ELECTIONS & GENERAL REGISTRAREXE/DISCELECTIONS1 UNCGGFJ-12441196SHERIFFSHERIFF1 UNCGGFJ-13561326TREASURERTREASURER1 ECCJ-14601433COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER I *CPNOEXCOMMIT22See Step Plans J-1460 ECC1434COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER II *CPNOEXCOMMITSee Step Plans ECCJ-1462 1436COMMUNICATIONS TEAM SUPERVISORNOEXCOMMIT5See Step Plans ECCJ-14651442COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING OFFCRNOEXCOMMIT8See Step Plans ECCJ-14691447EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEREXE/COMPCOMMIT1See Step Plans J-1575 GGF1589BATTALION CHIEFEXE/COMPFIRE & RESCUE8See Step Plans J-1580 GGF1592DEPUTY CHIEFEXE/DISCFIRE & RESCUE2See Step Plans GGFJ-15771590FIRE CAPTAINNOEXFIRE & RESCUE29See Step Plans GGFJ-15861596FIRE INSPECTORNOEXFIRE & RESCUE2See Step Plans J-1598 GGF1607FIRE INSPECTOR CAPTAINNOEXFIRE & RESCUE1See Step Plans J-1588 GGF1597FIRE LIEUTENANTNOEXFIRE & RESCUE26See Step Plans GNTJ-15961602FIREFIGHTER (GRANT)NOEXFIRE & RESCUE15See Step Plans GGFJ-15851595FIREFIGHTER *CPNOEXFIRE & RESCUE113See Step Plans J-1585 GGF1599MASTER PARAMEDIC FIREFIGHTER *CPNOEXFIRE & RESCUESee Step Plans J-1596 GNT1606MASTER PARAMEDIC FIREFIGHTER *CP (GRANT)NOEXFIRE & RESCUESee Step Plans GGFJ-15851600PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER *CPNOEXFIRE & RESCUESee Step Plans GNTJ-15961605PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER *CP (GRANT)NOEXFIRE & RESCUESee Step Plans J-1526 GGF1526ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICEEXE/DISCPOLICE2See Step Plans J-1530 GGF1530POLICE OFFICER - COMMANDEREXE/COMPPOLICE9See Step Plans GGFJ-15401542POLICE OFFICER - SGTNOEXPOLICE16See Step Plans GGFJ-15311533POLICE OFFICER - UNIFORM DIV *CPNOEXPOLICE114See Step Plans J-1531 GGF1534POLICE OFFICER II *CPNOEXPOLICESee Step Plans J-1531 GGF1535POLICE OFFICER III *CPNOEXPOLICESee Step Plans GGFJ-15311536POLICE OFFICER IV *CPNOEXPOLICESee Step Plans GGFJ-12371190DEPUTY SHERIFF - LT COLONELEXE/DISCSHERIFF2See Step Plans GGFJ-12431203DEPUTY SHERIFF - SERGEANTNOEXSHERIFF15See Step Plans J-1227 GGF1182DEPUTY SHERIFF - CAPTAINEXE/DISCSHERIFF3See Step Plans GGFJ-12361202DEPUTY SHERIFF - LIEUTENANTNOEXSHERIFF7See Step Plans GGFJ-12301198DEPUTY SHERIFF *CPNOEXSHERIFF56See Step Plans GGFJ-12301199MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF II *CPNOEXSHERIFFSee Step Plans J-1230 GGF1205MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF II* CP MEDICALNOEXSHERIFFSee Step Plans GGFJ-12301200MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF III *CPNOEXSHERIFFSee Step Plans GGFJ-12301201MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF IV *CPNOEXSHERIFFSee Step Plans CLASSIFICATION PLAN FY 2023-2024 CAREER PATHS BANDDBMJOB #POS # POSITION STATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM (DBM)MAXIMUM (DBM)FUND J-1206 BB211156TAX CLERK I *CPNOEXCOMM OF REV$ 34,927 $ 50,183GGF 5 J-1206 BB221157TAX CLERK II *CPNOEXCOMM OF REV$ 39,659 $ 56,981GGF BB23J-12061158TAX CLERK III *CPNOEXCOMM OF REV$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF BB22J-14601433COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER I *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 39,659 $ 56,981ECC 22 BB23J-14601434COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER II *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 44,391 $ 63,780ECC J-1481 BB231463TECHNICAL ANALYST I *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF 5 J-1481 BB241464TECHNICAL ANALYST II *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 50,316 $ 72,293GGF J-1481 BB251465TECHNICAL ANALYST III *CPNOEXCOMMIT$ 57,421 $ 82,502GGF J-1487 BB231473TECHNICAL ANALYST I (ECC)NOEXCOMMIT$ 44,391 $ 63,780ECC 1 J-1487 BB241474TECHNICAL ANALYST II (ECC)NOEXCOMMIT$ 50,316 $ 72,293ECC J-1487 BB251475TECHNICAL ANALYST III (ECC)NOEXCOMMIT$ 57,421 $ 82,502ECC J-1471 CC421449GIS ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601 $ 101,726CAO 4 J-1471 CC431450GIS ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 66,952 $ 108,797CAO J-1484 CC411470TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEER *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 58,250 $ 94,656CAO 1 J-1484 CC421469TELECOMMUNICATIONS ARCHITECT *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601 $ 101,726CAO J-1454 CC411425BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 58,250 $ 94,656CAO 13 J-1454 CC421426BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601 $ 101,726CAO J-1454 CC431427BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST III *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 66,952 $ 108,797CAO J-1485 CC411471WEB SYSTEMS ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 58,250 $ 94,656CAO 1 J-1485 CC421472WEB SYSTEMS ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601 $ 101,726CAO CC41J-14661443DATA INTEGRATION SPECIALIST I *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 58,250 $ 94,656CAO 1 CC42J-14661444DATA INTEGRATION SPECIALIST II *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601 $ 101,726CAO CC41J-14801462SYSTEMS ENGINEER *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 58,250 $ 94,656CAO 4 CC42J-14801461SYSTEMS ARCHITECT *CPEXE/COMPCOMMIT$ 62,601 $ 101,726CAO J-1661 BB212388MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 34,927 $ 50,183GGF 5 J-1661 BB222401MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 39,659 $ 56,981GGF J-1661 BB232389MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 41,487 $ 59,607 J-1664 BB212392PERMIT TECHNICIAN I *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 34,927 $ 50,183GGF 3 J-1664 BB222393PERMIT TECHNICIAN II *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 39,659 $ 56,981GGF J-1664 BB232394PERMIT TECHNICIAN III *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF J-1654 BB232380CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF 5 J-1654 BB242379COMBINATION CODE COMPLIANCE INNOEXDEV SERV$ 50,316 $ 72,293GGF J-1654 BB252397SENIOR COMBINATION CODE COMPLIANCE INSPECTOR *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 57,421 $ 82,502GGF J-1674 BB232405STORMWATER INSPECTOR I *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF 5 J-1674 BB242406STORMWATER INSPECTOR II *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 50,316 $ 72,293GGF J-1674 BB252407STORMWATER INSPECTOR III *CPNOEXDEV SERV$ 57,421 $ 82,502GGF J-1653 CC422377CIVIL ENGINEER I *CPEXE/COMPDEV SERV$ 62,601 $ 101,726GGF 2 J-1653 CC432378CIVIL ENGINEER II *CPEXE/COMPDEV SERV$ 66,952 $ 108,797GGF BB24J-13931369PAYROLL TECHNICIAN *CPNOEXFIN&MGMT SERV$ 50,316 $ 72,293GGF 3 BB25J-13931385SENIOR PAYROLL TECHNICIAN *CPNOEXFIN&MGMT SERV$ 57,421 $ 82,502GGF BB24J-13831358BUYER *CPNOEXFIN&MGMT SERV$ 50,316 $ 72,293GGF 3 J-1383 BB251376SENIOR BUYER *CPNOEXFIN&MGMT SERV$ 57,421 $ 82,502GGF CLASSIFICATION PLAN FY 2023-2024 CAREER PATHS BANDDBMJOB #POS # POSITION STATUSDEPARTMENTNO. EMPMINIMUM (DBM)MAXIMUM (DBM)FUND J-1387 CC411362FINANCIAL ANALYST *CPEXE/COMPFIN&MGMT SERV$ 58,250 $ 94,656GGF 2 J-1387 CC421377SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST I *CPEXE/COMPFIN&MGMT SERV$ 62,601 $ 101,726GGF CC43J-13871378SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST II *CPEXE/COMPFIN&MGMT SERV$ 66,952 $ 108,797GGF CC41J-14041382FINANCIAL ANALYST (GRANT)EXE/COMPFIN&MGMT SERV$ 58,250 $ 94,656GNT 1 CC42J-14041383SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST I (GRANT)EXE/COMPFIN&MGMT SERV$ 62,601 $ 101,726GNT CC43J-14041384SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST II (GRANT)EXE/COMPFIN&MGMT SERV$ 66,952 $ 108,797GNT J-1585 FR STEP1595FIREFIGHTER *CPNOEXFIRE & RESCUEGGF 113 J-1585 FR STEP1600PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER *CPNOEXFIRE & RESCUEGGF J-1585 FR STEP1599MASTER PARAMEDIC FIREFIGHTER *CPNOEXFIRE & RESCUEGGF J-1596 FR STEP1602FIREFIGHTER (GRANT)NOEXFIRE & RESCUEGNT 15 J-1596 FR STEP1605PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER *CP (GRANT)NOEXFIRE & RESCUEGNT J-1596 FR STEP1606MASTER PARAMEDIC FIREFIGHTER *CP (GRANT)NOEXFIRE & RESCUEGNT J-1739 BB221767FLEET MECHANIC I (FSF)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 39,659 $ 56,981FSF J-1739 BB231766FLEET MECHANIC II (FSF)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 44,391 $ 63,780FSF 8 J-1739 BB241768FLEET MECHANIC III (FSF)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 50,316 $ 72,293FSF J-1739 BB251769FLEET MECHANIC IV (FSF)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 57,421 $ 82,502FSF J-1757 BB221788FLEET MECHANIC I *CPNOEXGEN SVC$ 37,064 $ 53,253GGF J-1757 BB231789FLEET MECHANIC II *CPNOEXGEN SVC$ 41,486 $ 59,607GGF 2 J-1757 BB241790FLEET MECHANIC III *CPNOEXGEN SVC$ 47,024 $ 67,564GGF J-1757 BB251791FLEET MECHANIC IV *CPNOEXGEN SVC$ 53,664 $ 77,104GGF J-1727 BB221752BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECH I *CPNOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 39,659 $ 56,981GGF 7 BB23J-17271753BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECH II *CPNOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF BB21J-18411891MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I *CPNOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 34,927 $ 50,183GGF 17 BB22J-18411893MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II *CPNOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 39,659 $ 56,981GGF BB23J-18411895MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III *CPNOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 44,391 $ 63,780GGF J-1842 BB211892MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I (SCHOOL)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 34,927 $ 50,183SCH 4 J-1842 BB221894MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II (SCHOOL)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 39,659 $ 56,981SCH J-1842 BB231963MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III (SCHOOL)NOEXPRT/GEN SVC$ 44,391 $ 63,780SCH J-1536 BB211540RECORDS TECHNICIAN I *CPNOEXPOLICE$ 34,927 $ 50,183GGF 6 J-1536 BB221538RECORDS TECHNICIAN II *CPNOEXPOLICE$ 39,659 $ 56,981GGF J-1531 PD S1533POLICE OFFICER UNIFORM DIV *CPNOEXPOLICEGGF J-1531 PD S1534POLICE OFFICER II *CPNOEXPOLICEGGF 114 J-1531 PD S1535POLICE OFFICER III *CPNOEXPOLICEGGF J-1531 PD S1536POLICE OFFICER IV *CPNOEXPOLICEGGF J-1325 BB311290APPRAISER I *CPEXE/COMPREAL EST VAL$ 50,316 $ 72,293GGF 7 J-1325 CC411300APPRAISER II *CPEXE/COMPREAL EST VAL$ 58,250 $ 94,656 J-1325 CC421297SENIOR APPRAISER *CPEXE/COMPREAL EST VAL$ 62,601 $ 101,726GGF J-1230 SHRF S1198DEPUTY SHERIFF *CPNOEXSHERIFFGGF J-1230 SHRF S1199MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF II *CPNOEXSHERIFFGGF 56 J-1230 SHRF S1205MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF II* CP MEDICALNOEXSHERIFFGGF SHRF SJ-12301200MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF III *CPNOEXSHERIFFGGF SHRF SJ-12301201MASTER DEPUTY SHERIFF IV *CPNOEXSHERIFFGGF Attachment Pay Bands ATTACHMENT C: DBM PAY BANDS HOURLYANNUAL DBMMinMidpointMaxMinMidpointMax A13$14.5101$17.6790$20.8479$30,181$36,772$43,364 B21$16.7918$20.4591$24.1263$34,927$42,555$50,183 B22$19.0668$23.2308$27.3948$39,659$48,320$56,981 B23$21.3417$26.0025$30.6633$44,391$54,085$63,780 B24$24.1905$29.4735$34.7564$50,316$61,305$72,293 B25$27.6063$33.6353$39.6643$57,421$69,961$82,502 B31$24.1905$29.4735$34.7564$50,316$61,305$72,293 B32$27.6063$33.6353$39.6643$57,421$69,961$82,502 C41$28.0047$36.7562$45.5076$58,250$76,453$94,656 C42$30.0965$39.5017$48.9069$62,601$82,164$101,726 C43$32.1885$42.2474$52.3062$66,952$87,874$108,797 C44$34.8081$45.6856$56.5630$72,401$95,026$117,651 C45$37.9489$49.8080$61.6671$78,934$103,601$128,268 C51$34.8081$45.6856$56.5630$72,401$95,026$117,651 C52$37.9489$49.8080$61.6671$78,934$103,601$128,268 D61$40.5686$53.2463$65.9239$84,383$110,752$137,122 D62$42.6605$55.9920$69.3234$88,734$116,463$144,193 D63$44.7523$58.7375$72.7227$93,085$122,174$151,263 E81$53.1325$69.7364$86.3403$110,516$145,052$179,588 E82$55.2244$72.4820$89.7396$114,867$150,763$186,658 E83$57.3163$75.2276$93.1389$119,218$156,473$193,729 F101$65.6964$86.2266$106.7567$136,649$179,351$222,054 F103$69.8802$91.7178$113.5554$145,351$1$236,195 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-3APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 CAPITAL BUDGET FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, public hearings were held on April 25, 2023 and May 9, 2023 concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2023-2024; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 23, 2023, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 9, 2023 and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 23, 2023, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, for the functions and purposes indicated: Page 1of 4 County of Roanoke, Virginia Fiscal Year 2023-2024 County Capital First Reading May 9, 2023; Second Reading May 23, 2023 Appropriation Amount Revenues: County Capital: Transfer from General Government Fund$ 7,615,000 County Unrestricted Cash (excl. Transfer from General Govt. Fund) 6,680,078 County Restricted Cash 325,000 Non-County Funding Sources 517,550 Total Revenue - County Capital$ 15,137,628 Expenditures: County Capital: FY 2024 Capital Fund supported by General Government Fund excluding General Government Transfers to CIP & Fleet Replacement$ 4,015,000 FY 2024 Capital Year Budget - Assessments and Studies750,000 FY 2024 Capital Year Budget - Buildings and Facilities2,685,000 FY 2024 Capital Year Budget - Computer Infrastructure, Software and Hardware2,662,628 FY 2024 Capital Year Budget - Capital Maintenance Programs and Recurring3,825,000 FY 2024 Capital Year Budget - Transportation500,000 Subtotal, FY 2022 Capital Year Budget10,422,628 FY 2024 Fleet Replacement Budget700,000 Total Expenditures - County Capital$ 15,137,628 Page 2of 4 2.That the County Administrator may authorize or delegate theauthorization of the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereoffrom one project to another so as to provide for the completion of a capital project. 3. That all funded outstanding capital encumbrances at June 30, 2023, are re- appropriated to the 2023-2024 fiscal year to the same account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for capital projects at June 30, 2023, and appropriations in the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget. 5. That the Board of Supervisors anticipates receiving various grants, donations, and other miscellaneous revenues. These anticipated funds are appropriated to the Grants Fund for the various functions and purposes as provided therein, and said appropriation shall be acknowledged and allocated to the appropriate fund upon approval by the Board of Supervisors on the Consent Agenda. 6. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 2023. Page 3of 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-4APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CATEGORIES WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, public hearings were held on April 25, 2023 and May 9, 2023 concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2023-2024; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 23, 2023, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 9, 2023, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 23, 2023, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, for the functions and purposes indicated: Page 1 of 3 County of Roanoke, Virginia Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Roanoke County Public Schools Categories First Reading May 9, 2023; Second Reading May 23, 2023 Appropriation Amount School Categories Schools Instruction$ 141,100,293 Schools Administration, Attendance, and Health 8,937,355 Schools Pupil Transportation 10,790,025 Schools Operation and Maintenance 19,795,233 Schools Food Service and Other Noninstructional Operations 8,534,234 Schools Facilities 28,299,221 Schools Debt and Fund Transfers 22,605,537 Schools Technology 14,015,177 Schools Non-Categorical Spending: Schools Health Insurance Fund$ 20,722,738 Schools Dental Insurance Fund 1,682,564 Schools Risk Management Fund 383,500 Schools Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund 142,790 Schools Activity Funds 3,931,065$ 26,862,657 Total - Schools Categories$ 280,939,732 2. That the Non-Categorical Spending represents $20,722,738 for the Schools Health Insurance Fund, $1,682,564 for the Schools Dental Insurance Fund, $383,500 for the Schools Risk Management Fund, $142,790 for the Schools Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund, and $3,931,065 in School Activity Funds. 3. That all funded outstanding categorical encumbrances at June 30, 2023, are re-appropriated to the 2023-2024fiscal year to the same category for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That all appropriations unexpended and remaining at the end of this fiscal year shall, pursuant to Section 22.1-100 of the Code of Virginia, revert to the fund of the Board of Supervisors from which derived, with the expectation that such Page 2 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-5AMENDING SECTION 10-3 (LEVYING OF LICENSE FEES AND TAXES) OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, RAISING THE THRESHOLD OF ANNUAL GROSS RECEIPTS FOR THOSE ENTITIESREQUIRED TO PAY THE COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE TAX (FROM $135,000 OR MORE TO $150,000 OR MORE); AND REQUIRING ENTITIESTHAT ARE BELOW THE THRESHOLD TO PAY ONLY AN ANNUAL $50 LICENSE FEE WHEREAS, Section 58.1-3703 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, authorizes localities to enact an ordinance levying a local license tax and/or fee forissuing a business license;and WHEREAS, Section 10-3(1) of the County Code presently imposesa fifty dollar ($50) annual license fee upon those entities whose annual gross receipts (during the prior year) are less than one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000); and WHEREAS, Section 10-3(2) of the County Code presently imposes an annual license tax upon those entities whose annual gross receipts (during the prior year) from a business, trade, profession, occupation or calling are one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) or greater; and WHEREAS, in order to encourage and benefit small businesses in Roanoke County, it is proposed that the above County Code provisions be amended to 1) raise the threshold of annual gross receipts for those entities required to pay the County business license tax from one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) or more to one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) or more, and 2) require that entities below the threshold to pay only the annual fifty dollar ($50) license fee; and Page 1of 3 WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 9, 2023, and the second reading and public hearing was held on May 23, 2023. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors as follows: 1. That Sections10-3(a)(1) and (2) of the Roanoke County Code are hereby amended as follows: Sec. 10-3. - Levying of license fees and taxes. (a) Subject to the limitations provided in § 58.1-3703.C. of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), and except as otherwise specifically provided for in this chapter of the Roanoke County Code, there are hereby imposed and levied for each and every year, beginning with January 1 of each year and ending December 31 following, and there shall be collected the following license fees and taxes upon the privilege of doing business or exercising a profession, trade, occupation or calling, including all phases thereof, in the county, which license fees and taxes shall be for the support of the county government, payment of the county debt, and for other county and public purposes: (1) There is hereby imposed and there shall be collected an annual license fee in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) for issuance of a license on businesses, trades, professions, occupations and callings and upon the persons, firms and corporations engaged therein within the county; provided, however, that this license fee shall not be charged to any person whose gross receipts from a business, trade, profession, occupation or calling are one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000.00) one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) or greater during the preceding calendar year and who is subject to levy and payment of the annual license taxes as provided in subsection (a)(2) hereof; and (2) There is hereby levied and there shall be collected the annual license taxes at the rates and in the amounts hereinafter set forth in this chapter upon any person, firm, or corporation engaged in a business, trade, profession, occupation or calling subject to licensure in the county. Except as may be otherwise authorized by specific or special provisions of chapter 37 (§ 58.1-3700 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and this chapter of the Roanoke County Code, the annual license taxes shall not be imposed upon any person whose gross receipts from a business, profession, trade, occupation or calling are less than one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000.00) one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) during the preceding calendar year. Page 2of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-6 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO BOING US HOLDCO, INC. TO OPERATE A CAR WASH ON APPROXIMATELY 1.97ACRES OF LANDZONEDC-2 (HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) AND CVOD (CLEARBROOK VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT), LOCATED AT 3434 BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD AND 5147 FRANKLIN ROAD (TAX MAP NO: 088.03-02-01.00-0000), IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Boing US Holdco, Inc. has filed a petition for a special use permit to operate a car wash on approximately 1.97 acres of land zoned C-2 (High Intensity Commercial) District and CVOD (Clearbrook Village Overlay District), located at 3434 Buck Mountain Road and 5147 Franklin Road (Tax Map No: 088.03-02-01.00-0000), in the Cave Spring Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 25, 2023, and the second reading and public hearing were held on May 23, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on May 2, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommends approval of the petition to obtain a special use permit, with two conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board finds that the proposed special use meets the requirements of Section 30-19-1 of the Roanoke County Code and that the proposed special use conforms with the standards set forth in article IV, use and design standards of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Page 1of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-7DENYING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO MARTIE MURPHY TO OPERATE A CAR WASH ON APPROXIMATELY 5.995ACRES OF LANDZONEDC-2 (HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) AND C-2C (HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS), LOCATED AT 3939 VALLEY GATEWAY BOULEVARD (TAX MAP NO: 050.01-01-05.06-0000), IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Martie Murphy has filed a petition for a special use permit to operate a car wash on approximately 5.995 acres of land which is split zoned C-2 (High Intensity Commercial) District and C-2C (High Intensity Commercial) District with existing conditions, located at 3939 Valley Gateway Boulevard (Tax Map No: 050.01-01-05.06- 0000), in the Vinton Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the said property contains the following two (2) conditions imposed upon the parcel by Ordinance #072506-8 adopted on July 25, 2006: (1) Before a certificate of occupancy can be issued for any building constructed along the southern border of the property, a row of staggered evergreen trees will be installed along said southern border at or near the top of the slope above the existing storm water detention facility. Trees will be spaced 12’ on center and will extend from one end of the building or buildings along that border to the other end. It is estimated that this would result in the planting of no more than 45 trees. (2) Screening shall be provided for HVAC rooftop units on the building or buildings located along the southern border of the property in order to shield those units from the view of residents situated directly behind the Integrity Windows facility. Screening shall be in the form of covers or parapet walls, and shall be a neutral color. WHEREAS, the petitioner has not requested amendment or removal of the two (2) conditions imposed upon the parcel by Ordinance #072506-8 adopted on July 25, 2006; and Page 1of 3 WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 25, 2023, and the second reading and public hearing were held on May 23, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on May 2, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommends approval of the petition to obtain a special use permit, with two conditions; and WHEREAS, during the public hearing on May 23, 2023 the Board considered the Planning Commission’s recommendation, considered the recommendation of County staff, and thoroughly deliberated the petition; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board finds that the proposed special use is inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the County’s adopted comprehensive plan or good zoning practice. 2. The Board further finds that the proposed special use will result in substantial detriment to the community. 3. The special use permit is hereby denied. Page 2of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-8.aACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $51,000FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024FOR SHUTTLE SERVICE TO THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE’S MCAFEE KNOB TRAILHEAD PARKING LOT IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the National Park Service’s McAfee Knob Overlook is one of the most highly visited locations along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail; and WHEREAS, the proposed shuttle service was studied by the National Park Service as the baseline service scenario in the February 2021 Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Triple Crown Area Transit Feasibility Study; and WHEREAS, the proposed shuttle service is included as part of Recommendation 1.Z. in the Roanoke Valley Transit Vision Plan, which was approved by the Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization on September 22, 2016; and WHEREAS, the proposed shuttle service to the National Park Service’s McAfee Knob Trailhead Parking Lot meets the goals of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) Demonstration Project Assistance grant by offering a creative approach in determining a new travel market for public transportation, as well as by improving the utilization and productivity of an existing public transportation service with a connection to the Smart Way bus route at the I-81 Exit 140 Park and Ride; and WHEREAS, RoanokeCounty received$40,800inDemonstration Project Assistancegrant funding through DRPTfor fiscal year 2024, which provides eighty (80) percent of net operating costs to operate the McAfee Knob Trailhead Shuttle; and Page 1of 3 WHEREAS, Roanoke County agrees to provide $10,200for fiscal year 2024, which totalstwenty (20) percent of net operating costs to match the DRPT operating funding; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 9, 2023, and the second reading was held on May 23, 2023. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $51,000 is accepted and appropriated for the purpose of the McAfee Knob Trailhead Shuttle program. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption. Page 2of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETINGOFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSOF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-8.b ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $187,242 IN VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OPEN CONTAINER FUNDING FOR THE WEST ROANOKE RIVER GREENWAY PHASE 1 (VDOT UPC 97171) PROJECT, CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Roanoke County desires to construct segments of the Roanoke River Greenway between Montgomery County and Franklin County to complete the backbone of the Roanoke Valley greenway system; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County is administering of the West Roanoke River Greenway Phase 1 (VDOT UPC No. 97171) project proposed along West Riverside Drive in Roanoke County and the City of Salem; and WHEREAS, on October 25, 2022, the Board of Supervisors approved the re- allocation of $4,524,105 in previously appropriated SMART SCALE funding and the re- allocation of $4,352,469 in previously appropriated Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funding to the West Roanoke River Greenway Phase 1 project grant account; WHEREAS, in September 2022, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) allocated $187,242 in Open Container funds to this project to satisfy a funding deficit prior to project phasing; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 9, 2023, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 23, 2023. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia Page 1of 2 ACTION NO. A-052323-8.c ITEM NO. H.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 23, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: The petition of Larry and Rhonda Conner to obtain a special use permit to operate a short-term rental on approximately 1.32 acres of land zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District, located at 5859 Bent Mountain Road, Windsor Hill Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Director of Planning APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Consent agenda item for first reading of an ordinance. BACKGROUND: The first reading of this ordinance is accomplished by adoption of this ordinance in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for June 27, 2023. The title of this ordinance is as follows: The petition of Larry and Rhonda Conner to obtain a special use permit to operate a short-term rental on approximately 1.32 acres of land zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District, located at 5859 Bent Mountain Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. DISCUSSION: Page 1of 2 There is no discussion on this item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1.That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of this ordinance for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for June 27, 2023. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. VOTE: Supervisor Mahoney moved to approve the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling the second reading and public hearing for June 27, 2023. Supervisor Peters seconded the motion. Motion approved. YesNo Absent Ms. Hooker Mr. Mahoney Mr. North Mr. Radford Mr. Peters Page 2of 2 ACTION NO. A-052323-8.d ITEM NO. H.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 23, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: The petition of Parker Design Group, Inc. to obtain a special use permit for religious assembly on approximately 2.91 acres of land zoned C-2, High Intensity Commercial District, located on Oakland Boulevard between 233 Hershberger Road and 4843 Oakland Boulevard, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Director of Planning APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Consent agenda item for first reading of an ordinance. BACKGROUND: The first reading of this ordinance is accomplished by adoption of this ordinance in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for June 27, 2023. The title of this ordinance is as follows: 1. The petition of Parker Design Group, Inc. to obtain a special use permit for religious assembly on approximately 2.91 acres of land zoned C-2, High Intensity Commercial District, located on Oakland Boulevard between 233 Hershberger Road and 4843 Oakland Boulevard, Hollins Magisterial District. Page 1of 2 DISCUSSION: There is no discussion on this item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1.That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of this ordinance for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for June 27, 2023. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. VOTE: Supervisor Mahoney moved to approve the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling the second reading and public hearing for June 27, 2023. Supervisor Peters seconded the motion. Motion approved. YesNo Absent Ms. Hooker Mr. Mahoney Mr. North Mr. Radford Mr. Peters Page 2of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 RESOLUTION052323-8.e APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors and Richard L. Caywood entered into an employment agreement on December 14, 2021; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board and Mr. Caywood to amend the agreement dated December 14, 2021, in order to compensate Mr. Caywood in an amount commensurate with the salaries of County Administrators in comparable localities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. The proposed First Amendment to the County Administrator’s Employment Agreement, dated May 23, 2023, which is hereby attached to this Resolution, is approved; the Chairman is authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the Board. 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Page 1of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 RESOLUTION052323-8.f APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE COUNTY ATTORNEY’S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors and Peter S. Lubeck entered into an employment agreement on January 14, 2020, and subsequently entered into a second, revised agreement on June 8, 2021, which replaced the prior agreement; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board and Mr. Lubeck to amend the agreement dated June 8, 2021 in order to compensate Mr. Lubeck in an amount commensurate with the salaries of County Attorneys in comparable localities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. The proposed First Amendment to the County Attorney’s Employment Agreement, dated May 23, 2023, which is hereby attached to this Resolution, is approved; the Chairman is authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the Board. 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Page 1of 2 ACTION NO. A-052323-8.g ITEM NO. H-8 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 23, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of appointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) (District); Community Policy & Management Team (CPMT); Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization (TPO); Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission; Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee; Virginia Western Community College Board; Western Virginia Water Authority SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Confirmation of appointments. BACKGROUND: Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) (District): Supervisor Martha Hooker has recommended the reappointment of Richard L. Jones, Jr. to represent the Catawba Magisterial District for an additional five-year term to expire June 30, 2028. Community Policy & Management Team (CPMT): In accordance with the Bylaws of the CPMT, a representative of a private organization or association of providers of children or family services, or its designee shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a three-year term. Renee Brown (Primary) and Trista Thompson (Alternate), with DePaul Community Page 1of 3 Resources, terms will expire June 30, 2023. Staff has recommended the reappointment of both to an additional term of three (3) years to expire June 30, 2026. The Bylaws of the CPMT requires that all designees shall be ratified by the Board of Supervisors. Staff has appointed the following and must be ratified by the Board. There are no term limits: Community Services Board: Leigh Frazier, Mark Chadwick, Sarah Watkins, Howard Shumate, Courtney Alleyne and Chris Park (alternates) Court Services Unit: Kevin Meeks (Primary); Jasmin Lawson and Joshua Vaught (alternates) Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization (TPO): Phil C. North and David F. Radford’s appointments will expire June 30, 2020. The Board has recommended both be reappointed to a three-year term, which will expire June 30, 2026. Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission: Phil C. North, David F. Radford and Richard Caywood’s (alternate) appointments will expire June 30, 2023. The Board has recommended both be reappointed to a three- year term, which will expire June 30, 2026. Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee: Paul M. Mahoney’s appointment will expire June 30, 2023. The Board has recommended that Paul M. Mahoney be reappointed to a three-year term, which will expire June 30, 2026. Virginia Western Community College Board: Penny Hodge’s appointment will expire June 30, 2023. It is the consensus of the Board to reappoint Ms. Hodge to a four-year term to expire June 30, 2027 Dr. Ken Nicely’s four-year term will expire June 30, 2023. It is the consensus of the Board to reappoint Dr. Nicely to an additional four-year term to expire June 30, 2026. Western Virginia Water Authority: Richard L. Caywood’s four-year term will expire June 30, 2023. It is the consensus of the Board to reappoint Mr. Caywood to an additional four-year term, which will expire Page 2of 3 June 30, 2027. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends confirmation of all referenced appointments. VOTE: Supervisor Mahoney moved to confirm the appointments. Supervisor Peters seconded the motion. Motion approved. YesNo Absent Ms. Hooker Mr. Mahoney Mr. North Mr. Radford Mr. Peters cc:Rebecca James, Zoning Administrator Grace McCown, CSA Coordinator Page 3of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 RESOLUTION052323-8.hACCEPTING THE DONATION OF A RECYCLING TRAILER FROM COX COMMUNICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL CAPACITY AT FALLOWATER LANE WHEREAS, in 2005, Roanoke County initiated a mobile drop-off recycling program which has grown since its inception to include trailers at the Brambleton Center, Cox Communications, William Byrd Middle School and Glenvar Middle School; and WHEREAS, the expanded recycling program was due in part to the provision of a drop-off location and donation of trailers to the County by Cox Communications as a part of their Cox Conserves environmental program—Cox Communications has corporately invested over one hundred million dollars in sustainability and conservation projects, to include initiatives related to emissions, water conservation and landfill impacts; and WHEREAS, Cox Communications continues their partnership and investment in recycling by providing use of their property on Fallowater Lane as a drop-off location for all County citizens, where the County currently has three trailers; and WHEREAS, Cox Communications would like to donate another trailer to handle the heavy flow of traffic at this site. The price of the new trailer is $21,220 and matches the specification requirements of the County; and WHEREAS, Solid Waste employees will continue to be responsible for hauling the recyclable materials to the processor and maintenance of the trailer and site. Page 1of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 RESOLUTION 052323-8.iREQUESTING THAT THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FUND ACHARGING AND FUELING INFRASTRUCTURE DISCRETIONARY GRANT TO INSTALL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE AT EXPLORE PARK, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is committed to advocating for and improving transportation infrastructure in both the County and in the region; and WHEREAS, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funded the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Opportunity to strategically deploy charging and alternative fueling infrastructure to accelerate an electrified and alternative fuel transportation system that is convenient, affordable, reliable, equitable, accessible and safe; and WHEREAS, locating electric vehicle charging stations at Explore Park meets the requirements of the CFI Community Program; and WHEREAS, installing electric vehicle charging stations at Explore Park will provide a needed charging station along the Blue Ridge Parkway and in the rural area of Roanoke County that will also be beneficial for visitors to Explore Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors requests the U.S. Department of Transportation fund a CFI Discretionary Grant through the Community Program to locate electric vehicle charging stations at Explore Park. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. A-052323-8.j ITEM NO. H-11 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 23, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve fiscal agent agreement for the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (RCACP) SUBMITTED BY: Jessica Beemer Assistant Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Approve a fiscal agent agreement with the Regional Centerfor Animal Care and Protection BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke has served as the fiscal agent for the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (RCACP) since December 2012. DISCUSSION: The current agreement expires on June 30, 2023, and is recommended for renewal through June 30, 2026. Fiscal agent responsibilities include Accounting, Accounts Payable, Payroll and Purchasing and are outlined on the attached agreement. The RCACP approved this agreement during their budget process. FISCAL IMPACT: The RCACP will pay the County of Roanoke $63,141.00, $65,035.20 and $66,986.16 for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, 2025 and 2026, respectively to provide fiscal agent services. The annual revenue received for providing this service was included as a recovered cost in the County General Government Budget. Page 1of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached fiscal agent agreement with the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection, in substantially the format submitted, and authorizing the County Administrator to sign the agreement. VOTE: Supervisor Mahoney moved to approve the fiscal agenda agreement.Supervisor Peters seconded the motion. Motion approved. YesNo Absent Ms. Hooker Mr. Mahoney Mr. North Mr. Radford Mr. Peters cc:Jessica Beemer, Assistant Director of Finance and Management Services Page 2of 2 ACTION NO. A-052323-8.k ITEM NO. H-12 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 23, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve a fiscal agent agreement with the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority SUBMITTED BY: Jessica Beemer Assistant Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Approve a fiscal agent agreement with the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke has served as the fiscal agent for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) since 1992. DISCUSSION: The current agreement expires on June 30, 2023, and is recommended for renewal through June 30, 2026. Fiscal agent responsibilities include Accounting, Accounts Payable and Payroll and are outlined on the attached agreement. The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Board approved this agreement during the budget process. FISCAL IMPACT: RVRA will pay the County of Roanoke $61,182.00, $63,017.40 and $64,908.00 for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, 2025 and 2026, respectively to provide fiscal agent services. The annual revenue received for providing this service is included as a recovered cost in the County General Government Budget. Page 1of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached fiscal agent agreement with the Roanoke Valley Resources Authority, in substantially the format submitted, and authorizing the County Administrator to sign the agreement. VOTE: Supervisor Mahoney moved to approve the fiscal agenda agreement. Supervisor Peters seconded the motion. Motion approved. YesNo Absent Ms. Hooker Mr. Mahoney Mr. North Mr. Radford Mr. Peters cc:Jessica Beemer, Assistant Director of Finance and Management Services Page 2of 2 ACTION NO. A-052323-8.l ITEM NO. H-13 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 23, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve a fiscal agent agreement with the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority SUBMITTED BY: Jessica Beemer Assistant Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Approve a fiscal agent agreement with the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke has served as the fiscal agent for the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority (WVRJA) since 2005. DISCUSSION: The current agreement expires on June 30, 2023, and is recommended for renewal through June 30, 2026. Fiscal agent responsibilities include Accounting, Accounts Payable, Payroll and Purchasing and are outlined on the attached agreement. The Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority approved this agreement during their budget process. FISCAL IMPACT: The WVRJA will pay the County of Roanoke $134,400, $138,432 and $142,584 for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, 2025 and 2026, respectively to provide fiscal agent services. The annual revenue received for providing this service is included as a recovered cost in the County General Government Budget. Page 1of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached fiscal agent agreement with the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority, in substantially the format submitted, and authorizing the County Administrator to sign the agreement. VOTE: Supervisor Mahoney moved to approve the fiscal agenda agreement. Supervisor Peters seconded the motion. Motion approved. YesNo Absent Ms. Hooker Mr. Mahoney Mr. North Mr. Radford Mr. Peters cc:Jessica Beemer, Assistant Director of Finance and Management Services Page 2of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 RESOLUTION 052323-8 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM H- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 23, 2023, designated as Item H -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 13 inclusive, as follows: 1.Approval of minutes – February 28, 2023 2.Ordinance accepting and appropriating funds in the amount of $51,000 for fiscal year 2024 for shuttle service to the National Park Service's McAfee Knob Trailhead Parking Lot, Catawba Magisterial District (Second Reading) 3.Ordinance accepting and appropriating $187,242 in Virginia Department of Transportation Open Container Funding for the West Roanoke River Greenway Phase 1 (VDOT UPC No. 97171) Project, Catawba Magisterial District(Second Reading) 4.The petition of Larry and Rhonda Conner to obtain a special use permit to operate a short-term rental on approximately 1.32 acres of land zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District, located at 5859 Bent Mountain Road, Windsor Hill Magisterial District (First Reading and request for Second Reading and Public Hearing) 5. The petition of Parker Design Group, Inc. to obtain a special use permit for religious assembly on approximately 2.91 acres of land zoned C-2, High Intensity Commercial District, located on Oakland Boulevard between 233 Hershberger Road and 4843 Oakland Boulevard, Hollins Magisterial District (First Reading and request for Second Reading and Public Hearing) 6.Resolution approving the first Amendment to the County Administrator’s Employment Agreement Page 1of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ONTUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-9 REMOVING THE EXISTING PROFFERED CONDITION ON APPROXIMATELY 14.713 ACRES OF LAND ZONED AVCS (AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTERDISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT) AND AR (AGRICULTURAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT), LOCATED AT 9651 BENT MOUNTAIN ROAD, 9744 TINSLEY LANE, AND 9786 TINSLEY LANE, LOCATED IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (TAX MAP NOS: 103.00-02-21.00-0000, 103.00-02-21.01-0000, AND 103.00- 02-23.00-0000) WHEREAS, Terio and Lisa Comerose have filed a petition to remove a proffered condition on approximately 14.713 acres (three separate parcels) located at 9651 Bent Mountain Road, 9744 Tinsley Lane, and 9786 Tinsley Lane in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the said property contains the following one (1) condition imposed upon the parcel by Ordinance #121311-12 adopted on December 13, 2011: (1) The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the site plan prepared by Pierson Engineering and Surveying, dated November 28, 2011, and the architectural renderings prepared by Interactive Design Group dated July 18, 2011. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 25, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on May 2, 2023;and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning as requested to remove the one (1) proffered condition currently existing on the property; and WHEREAS, the second reading and public hearing were held on May 23, 2023. Page 1of 3 Rachel Lower, Senior Assistant County Attorney Rebecca James, Zoning Administrator Page 3of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ONTUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 ORDINANCE 052323-10 1) REZONING APPROXIMATELY 1.24 ACRES OF LAND FROM C-1 (LOW INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) TO I- 1C(LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIALDISTRICTWITH A CONDITION)AND 2) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A CONSTRUCTION YARD LOCATED AT 5681 STARKEY ROAD, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (TAX MAP NO: 087.18-01- 40.00-0000) WHEREAS,Hugo Jimenez is requesting to rezone approximately 1.24 acres from C-1 (Low Intensity Commercial) District to I-1C (Low Intensity Industrial) District with one condition on approximately 1.24 acres of land located at 5681 Starkey Road, identified as Roanoke County Tax Map No: 087.18-01-40.00-0000 (hereinafter referred to as the “subject property”); and WHEREAS, Hugo Jimenez is also requesting a special use permit to operate a construction yard on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 25, 2023, and the second reading and public hearing were held on May 23, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on May 2, 2023;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends approval of the petitionas requested, with one condition associated with the requested special use permit; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 1of 3 1.The petition of Hugo Jimenez to rezone the subject property from C-1 (Low Intensity CommercialDistrict)toI-1C (Low Intensity IndustrialDistrict with one condition) is approved, with the following proffered condition: a. The Property owner hereby proffers that the property shall only be developed and used for the following purposes: general office, medical office, business or trade schools, communication services, garden center, personal improvement services, and veterinary hospital/clinic. In addition to the uses listed above, the property owner proffers that a construction yard may be allowed on the property with an approved special use permit. 2. The Board finds that the proposed rezoning request is consistent with the purpose and intent of the County’s adopted comprehensive plan, is good zoning practice, and will not result in substantial detriment to the community. 3. The petition of Hugo Jimenez to obtain a special use permit on the subject property to operate a construction yard is approved, with the following condition: a. The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the concept plan titled “Conceptual Landscape Plan” prepared by Fiddlehead Landscape & Garden Design, dated March 20, 2023. b. The outside storage of materials on site shall be prohibited. 4. The Board further finds that the proposed special use permit meets the requirements of Section 30-19-1 of the Roanoke County Code, that the proposed special use conforms with the standards set forth in article IV (use and design standards) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, is in conformance with the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan, and will have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood and community. Page 2of 3