HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/8/2022 - RegularPage 1 of 4 INVOCATION: Reverend Gregory Reynolds Shenandoah District of the Wesleyan Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: “Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board.” Roanoke County Board of Supervisors March 8, 2022 Page 2 of 4 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for March 8, 2022. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Friday at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. Board of Supervisors meetings can also be viewed online through Roanoke County’s website at www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov. Our meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772 -2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget (Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance and Management Services) D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution requesting adjustment of the CORTRAN program minimum age requirement from age 70 to age 65 (Paula Benke, CORTRAN Program Coordinator) Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda March 8, 2022 Page 3 of 4 E. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting and appropriating $5,157,837.51 in additional grants for Roanoke County Public Schools (Susan Peterson, Director of Finance - Roanoke County Public Schools) 2. Ordinance reapportioning the representation in the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by altering the boundaries of the election districts, establishing voting precincts therefor, incorporating a map showing the boundaries of said districts and precincts, designating new polling places for certain precincts, and providing for an effective date of this ordinance (Peter S. Lubeck, County Attorney) F. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting funds in the amount of $34,000 from Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, LLC, and appropriating the funds to Roanoke County's Fee Class Fund to be used for constructing a playground at Explore Park (Doug Blount, Assistant County Administrator) 2. Ordinance accepting and appropriating funds in the amount of $500 from an anonymous donor for the County of Roanoke Fire & Rescue Department (C. Travis Griffith, Chief of Fire and Rescue) 3. Ordinance accepting and appropriating funds in the amount of $107.71 from Mr. Michael A. Wray for the County of Roanoke Fire & Rescue Department (C. Travis Griffith, Chief of Fire and Rescue) G. APPOINTMENTS 1. Library Board (appointed by District) 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) 3. Roanoke County Economic Development Authority (EDA) (appointed by District) H. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes – November 3, 2021; November 5, 2021 2. Request to accept donation of a K9 ballistic vest and dog leash from Spikes K9 fund valued at $3,794 Page 4 of 4 3. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $3,000 from the Virginia Information Technology Agency for the Public Safety Answerin g Points (PSAP) Educational Grant Program 4. Confirmation of appointments to the Grievance Panel (At -Large) I. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS J. REPORTS 1. Unappropriated, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves Report 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Proclamation signed by the Chairman – Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month 4. Resolution #440 of the Western Virginia Water Authority thanking Daniel R. O’Donnell for his service as a Director of the Authority K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. David F. Radford 2. P. Jason Peters 3. Martha B. Hooker 4. Phil C. North 5. Paul M. Mahoney L. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Briefing to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget SUBMITTED BY: Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Briefing for the Board of Supervisors regarding the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget. BACKGROUND: As part of the annual budget process, the County Administrator presents a balanced operating budget for consideration by the Board of Supervisors. Thi s briefing provides an overview of the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 -2023 Operating Budget. DISCUSSION: This time has been scheduled to provide the Board of Supervisors with a briefing on the County Administrator’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget. A Power Point presentation providing an overview of the operating budget will be presented to the Board. The proposed operating budget document will be distributed to the Board of Supervisors at the March 08, 2022 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this briefing. The fiscal impact of the operating budget will be determined at budget adoption scheduled for May 10, 2022. Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors receive information regarding the County Administrator's Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget. County Administrator’sProposedFiscal Year 2022-2023Operating Budget Board of Supervisors Meeting March 8, 2022 •Budget Environment •General Assembly •Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget Themes •Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget Revenues and Expenditures •Next Steps 2 Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating BudgetAgenda Budget Environment •COVID-19 Pandemic •Revenue Recovery •Historically High Inflation •Uncertainty with State Budget 3 General Assembly •Unknown Impact of the Grocery Tax Legislation •Local grocery tax revenues are uncertain for FY 2022-2023 •Proposed budget does not include any anticipated grocery tax revenue •Compensation Board Changes •Proposed Sheriff salaries are anchored at $42,000 and pending legislation may increase the compensation board starting salary beyond that •Changes for Sheriff pay will impact other Public Safety pay scales •Proposed budget does not address the impact of potential compensation board changes 4 5 1.Retaining and Recognizing Employees 2.Continuing our Commitment to Public Safety 3.Investing in our Children’s Future 4.Strengthening Investment in Capital and Technology 5.Enhancing Quality of Life 6.Continuing Support for Regional Programs Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget Themes 6 1. Retaining and Recognizing Employees •Provides a 5% cost of living increase for all County employees, including public safety •Implementation of a grade step compensation system for Emergency Communication employees •Funds year 2 of the public safety pay plan implementation •Funding to begin addressing non-public safety compression issues •Funding for required rate increase for the Virginia Retirement System •Minimize health insurance increase to employees 2. Continuing Commitment to Public Safety •Increase funding for vehicle replacement •Increase funding for vehicle repairs and fuel costs •More appropriately fund Fire & Rescue overtime •Provide funding for mental health check-ins for Police •Continued implementation of salary step plans 7 8 •$77.56 million transfer in local support for schools •$7.67 million transfer for debt service for school capital •$1.88 million transfer for Children’s Services Act •Increasing funding for bond issuances into our joint County/School capital project program from 12-12-12 to 17-17-17 •Increase for Community College Access Program through Virginia Western Community College 3. Investing in our Children’s Future 9 •Continuing annual contribution for capital maintenance programs •Increasing contribution to fleet and heavy equipment replacement •Increasing contribution for software as a service and maintenance costs •Increasing funding for bond issuances into our joint County/School capital project program from 12-12-12 to 17-17-17 4. Strengthening Investment in Capital and Technology 10 •Funding transportation and planning studies •Funding landscaping and gateway signage •Expanding the recycling program with a new trailer and part- time staff •Extending the operations at the Brambleton Satellite Office for Elections •Funding the previously adopted memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Town of Vinton for E911 services and tipping fees 5. Enhancing Quality of Life 6. Continuing Support for Regional Programs •Increasing Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection due to higher utilization and compensation adjustments •Increasing per diem for the Western Virginia Regional Jail due to inflation, decline in prisoners, and compensation board requirements •Funding debt service principal increase for the Western Virginia Regional Jail •Increasing tipping fees for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority •Increasing required contribution to Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge 11 Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating Revenues and Expenditures Revenue Changes •Based on additional information from the Commissioner of Revenue as well as information from the National Auto Dealers Association, the proposed budget projects personal property tax revenue of $39 million which is consistent with current year projections 13 $32.74 $37.16 $33.50 $39.16 $39.00 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36 $38 $40 FY 2021 Revised FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Adopted FY 2022 Projected FY 2023 Proposed Mi l l i o n s Personal Property Revenue Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget:General Government Revenues Revenues Proposed February 8th Recommended Changes Revised Proposal Percentage Real Estate tax $ 110,247,500 $ 250,000 $ 110,497,500 50.6% Personal Property tax 36,500,000 2,500,000 39,000,000 17.9% Commonwealth and Federal 18,327,423 300,000 18,627,423 8.5% Sales, Hotel & Motel, Meals, and Cigarette taxes 18,517,210 150,000 18,667,210 8.5% Consumer Utility, Public Service Corporation, and Communications taxes 10,440,928 -10,440,928 4.8% Business License tax 7,225,000 -7,225,000 3.3% Other local taxes 6,234,072 -6,234,072 2.8% Permits, Fees, Licenses, and Charges for Services 4,904,005 129,961 5,033,966 2.3% Other (Recovered Cost, Miscellaneous, etc.)2,754,626 -2,754,626 1.3% Total $ 215,150,764 $ 3,329,961 $ 218,480,725 100% 14 Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget Summary Total Budget Growth 8.68% Current Inflation Rate 7.48% 15 Amount FY 2023 Proposed Budget $ 218,480,725 FY 2022 Adopted Budget $ 201,038,851 Total Budget Growth over Adopted FY 2022 $ 17,441,874 Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating BudgetGeneral Government Expenditures 16 Budget Themes Increase Over FY 2022 Total Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget $ 201,038,851 Retaining and Recognizing Employees Continuing our Commitment to Public Safety 384,321 Investing in our Children’s Future 5,864,752 Strengthening Investment in Capital and Technology 985,150 Enhancing Quality of Life 830,234 Continuing Support for Regional Programs 905,201 Other Budget Items 55,780 Total FY 2022-2023 Proposed Operating Budget $ 218,480,725 Increase over FY 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget $ 17,441,874 Retaining and Recognizing Employees Description FY 2023 Proposed Budget Increase 5% cost of living increase for all County employees, including public safety and emergency communications (includes career paths, competency adjustments and change in base) $ 4,400,022 Year 2 of public safety pay plan implementation (includes career paths and change in base) 1,889,870 Virginia Retirement Increase (all funds)981,364 Health and Dental Insurance Contribution 670,719 Funding to begin addressing non-public safety compression issues 400,000 Part time salary increase for General Fund 74,461 Total $ 8,416,436 17 Health Insurance Rates 18 Impact of Health Insurance Rate on $30,000 Salary FY 2022 Salary $ 30,000 FY 2023 Salary + 5% Cost of Living Adjustment $ 31,500 FY 2023 Salary Increase $ 1,500 Family Plan with Wellness Annual Increase (at 3%)$ 198 Net Salary Increase $ 1,302 •Monthly employee premiums for employee only increase is $2.82 and family plan is $16.52 Continuing our Commitment to Public Safety Description FY 2023 Proposed Budget Increase More appropriately funding Fire & Rescue overtime $ 200,000 Funding for vehicle repairs and fuel costs 120,500 Funding for mental health check-ins for Police 25,000 Cross walk guards 30,000 Other 8,821 Total $ 384,321 19 Investing in our Children’s Future Description FY 2023 Proposed Budget Increase Transfer for operating based on revenue sharing formula $ 5,739,752 Community College Access Program 75,000 Turf maintenance 50,000 Total $ 5,864,752 20 Strengthening Investment in Capital and Technology Description FY 2023 Proposed Budget Increase Increase 12-12-12 to 17-17-17 for Future County & Schools Debt $ 300,000 Increase contribution for software as a service and maintenance cost 165,200 Capital Transfer for light fleet and equipment 500,000 Other 19,950 Total $ 985,150 21 Enhancing Quality of Life 22 Description FY 2023 Proposed Budget Increase Funding the previously adopted MOU with the Town of Vinton for E911 services and tipping fees $ 415,000 Transportation and planning studies 100,000 Landscaping and gateway signage 50,000 Expanding the recycling program 40,000 Extending the operations at the Brambleton Center Satellite Office and other expenses for Elections 60,955 Funding for waste management vehicle repairs and fuel costs 65,000 Other 99,279 Total $ 830,234 Continuing Support for Regional Programs Description FY 2023 Proposed Budget Increase Increase in per diem for Housing of Prisoners at Western Virginia Regional Jail $ 250,000 Increase if debt service for Western Virginia Regional Jail (principal)141,678 Required contribution to Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge 232,273 Increase in RCACP-increase in population and employee compensation/benefits 200,000 Increase in tipping fee Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 70,000 Other 11,250 Total 23 Proposed FY 2022-2023 Operating BudgetGeneral Government Expenditures 24 Budget Themes Increase Over FY 2022 Total Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget $ 201,038,851 Retaining and Recognizing Employees Continuing our Commitment to Public Safety 384,321 Investing in our Children’s Future 5,864,752 Strengthening Investment in Capital and Technology 985,150 Enhancing Quality of Life 830,234 Continuing Support for Regional Programs 905,201 Other Budget Items 55,780 Total FY 2022-2023 Proposed Operating Budget $ 218,480,725 Increase over FY 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget $ 17,441,874 Preparing For the Future •Continue final phase of public safety compensation plans •Develop long range financial forecasts with multi-year budgeting •Conservative debt management program •10-Year Plans for capital improvement, vehicle replacement, and capital maintenance •Provide for reserves for unappropriated balance, expenditure contingency, and other fund balances 25 26 Next Steps Item 2022 Date Work Session –FY 2022 –2023 Revenue Outlook; County Fees & Charges Compendium February 8 Work Session –FY 2022 –2023 Compensation Update Work Session –FY 2023 –2032 Capital Improvement Program Review February 22 Briefing –County Administrator’s Proposed FY 2022 –2023 Operating Budget March 8 Public Hearings: Effective Tax Rate; Maximum Tax Rate Adoption of Maximum Tax Rate Work Session –Proposed FY 2023 Operating Budget (first of two) March 22 Public Hearings: Tax Rate Adoption; Operating and Capital Budgets (first of two) Adoption of 2022 Tax Rates Work Session –Proposed FY 2023 Operating Budget (second of two) April 12 Public Hearing: Operating and Capital Budgets (second of two) First Reading of FY 2022-2023 Operating and Capital Budget Ordinances April 26 Second reading of FY 2022-2023 Operating and Capital Budget Ordinances (total of five ordinances) Approval of Operating and Capital budgets, Revenues and Expenditures for County and Schools May 10 Questions and Comments Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution requesting adjustment of the CORTRAN program minimum age requirement from age 70 to age 65 SUBMITTED BY: Megan Cronise Transportation Planning Administrator APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Recommend adjusting the minimum age for CORTRAN (County of Roano ke Transportation) program eligibility from age 70 to age 65 in order to position the program to potentially receive additional funding from the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). BACKGROUND: The CORTRAN program was established in 1985 in order to help County residents remain in their homes and independent with curb -to-curb transportation from their homes to destinations within Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton. The program is currently struct ured so that Roanoke County residents are eligible to use the CORTRAN program if they are either 70 years of age or better, or if they have a disability. While Roanoke County funds the program annually, staff has applied for grant funding through the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 to leverage and maximize County funds. DRPT awarded the program funding for fiscal year 2022 for the urban area of the County and it is anticipated that preliminary funding awards will be announced in the next 45 days for fiscal year 2023. Any funding awards will be incorporated into the Six Year Improvement Program to be adopted by the Commonwealth Transportation Board in June 2022. Page 2 of 2 In February 2022 DRPT contacted County staff to inquire about a potential CORTRAN program change, reducing the eligible age from 70 to 65, which could result in available funding for the urban and rural areas of the County. Roanoke County does not currently receive any DRPT funding for the rural area. DISCUSSION: County staff anticipates that changing the minimum age requirement for CORTRAN eligibility from age 70 to age 65 will have minimal impact on ridership levels due to the history of approvals and current ridership demographics. Since changing the minimum age requirement for eligibility from age 60 to age 70 in 2019, reports show that 53 individuals have been approved within the age range of 65 through 69. All of these riders were approved due to a disability, which is not based on age. No a pplications were denied during this time based upon the applicants' age. FISCAL IMPACT: While it is unknown how many individuals will enroll in the CORTRAN program if the minimum age is lowered to age 65, staff believes it will have limited impact on the budget as the majority of riders are currently approved due to a disability, not by age. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ADJUSTMENT OF THE CORTRAN PROGRAM MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENT FROM AGE 70 TO AGE 65 WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke Transportation (CORTRAN) program was established in 1985 in order to help County residents remain in their homes and independent with curb-to-curb transportation from their homes to destinations within Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, the CORTRAN program is currently structured so that Roanoke County residents are eligible to use the service if they are either 70 years of age or better, or if they have a disability; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has applied for grant funding through the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 to leverage and maximize County funds for the CORTRAN program; and WHEREAS, by reducing the CORTRAN eligible age from 70 to 65, additional funding may be available from DRPT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The eligible age for the CORTRAN program is changed from age 70 to age 65. 2. That the program eligibility change shall take effect on October 1, 2022. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance accepting and appropriating $5,157,837.51 in additional grants for Roanoke County Public Schools SUBMITTED BY: Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Approval and appropriation of $5,157,837.51 to the Roanoke County Public Schools BACKGROUND: Roanoke County Public Schools staff have applied for various grants as approved by the Roanoke County School Board at their November 11, 2021 board meeting. DISCUSSION: A grant application has been awarded to be appropriated in the Minor Capital Fund as follows: $248,000 for a School Security Equipment Grant Grant applications have been awarded to be appropriated in the Grant Fund as follows: $164,948.85 for an Emergency Connectivity Fund Grant $12,000 for an ESSER II Social Emotional Learning Grant $2,674,479 for an ARPA Grant for qualifying ventilation replacement and improvement projects Page 2 of 2 $32,927.55 for an ARPA ESSER III for homeless children and youth $1,035,263.81 for an ARPA ESSER III for addressin g unfinished learning $365,374.82 for an ARPA ESSER III for the before and after school programs $591,385.44 for an ARPA ESSER III for summer programs $33,458.04 for an ARPA ESSER III for postsecondary special education support Total to be appropriated to the School Grant Fund is $4,909,837.51 The attached Roanoke County School Board report was approved at their February 24, 2022 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: State and Federal funds will be appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Grant Fund in the amount of $4,909,837.51 and to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Minor Capital Fund in the amount of $248,000.00 for a total of $5,157,837.51. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the ordinance to accept and appropriate funds for $5,157,837.51 and scheduling the second reading for March 22, 2022. E SSER II Unfinished Learning E SSER II Unfinished Learning Page 1 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,157,837.51 TO ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS WHEREAS, Roanoke County Public Schools staff applied for various grants as approved by the Roanoke County School Board; and WHEREAS, a grant application has been awarded to be appropriated in the Minor Capital Fund in the amount of $248,000 for a School Security Equipment Grant; and WHEREAS, eight grant applications totaling $4,909,837.51 have been awarded to be appropriated in the Grant Fund as follows: $164,948.85 for an Emergency Connectivity Fund Grant $12,000 for an ESSER II Social Emotional Learning Grant $2,674,479 for an ARPA Grant for qualifying ventilation replacement and improvement projects $32,927.55 for an ARPA ESSER III for homeless children and youth $1,035,263.81 for an ARPA ESSER III for addressing unfinished learning $365,374.82 for an ARPA ESSER III for the before and after school programs $591,385.44 for an ARPA ESSER III for summer programs $33,458.04 for an ARPA ESSER III for postsecondary special education support ; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and Page 2 of 2 WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 8, 2022, and the second reading was held on March 22, 2022. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $248,000 is hereby accepted and appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Minor Capital Fund. 2. That the sum of $4,909,837.51 is hereby accepted and appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools' Grant Fund. 3. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance reapportioning the representation in the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by altering the boundaries of the election districts, establishing voting precincts therefor, incorporating a map showing the boundaries of said districts and precincts, designating new polling places for certain precincts, and providing for an effective date of this ordinance SUBMITTED BY: Peter S. Lubeck County Attorney APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Article VII, Section 5 of the Constitution of Virginia requires each locality that conducts elections by district (such as the County of Roanoke) to reapportion the representation in the governing body among the districts in proportion to the population based upon the decennial census. BACKGROUND: In preparation for the County’s redistricting requirement, on February 23, 2021, the Board held a public hearing to receive comments on developing guidelines for the redistricting of Roanoke County in accordance with the 2020 decennial census. Following the public hearing on February 23, 2021, the Board declined to act because of the delay in the receipt of the 2020 census data due to complications in compiling data as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 22, 2021, in preparation for the receipt of the delayed census data, the Board created the County of Roanoke Redistricting Committee, appointed members thereto, and adopted policies and procedures to guide the 2021 redistricting process. Following the June 22, 2021 appointments, the County of Roanoke Redistricting Page 2 of 2 Committee compiled data, met on several occasions, and outlined findings to be shared with the Board. On February 22, 2022, the Board held a work session to review those findings shared by the County of Roanoke Redistricting Committee, and to discuss redistricting. DISCUSSION: This is the first reading of a proposed ordinance to approve certain recommendations of the County of Roanoke Redistricting Committee to reapportion the representation in the Board by altering the boundaries of the election districts, establishing voting precincts therefor, incorporating a map showing the boundaries of said districts and precincts, and designating new polling places for certain precincts. The attached proposed ordinance shows the changes made to the outside boundar ies of the five magisterial districts, the outside boundaries of thirty-three voting precincts, and the respective polling places for each voting precinct. The changes will have the effect of aligning the County’s magisterial districts with the 2020 Census Blocks, will equalize the population between the Hollins Magisterial District and the Vinton Magisterial District, and will restructure polling precincts to accommodate voter population and new legislative boundaries. The second reading and public hearing on this proposed ordinance is scheduled for March 22, 2022. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the proposed ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the proposed ordinance, and scheduling of the second reading and public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Redistricting Ordinance Roanoke County Board of Supervisors March 8, 2022 Overview •Legal considerations •The Committee’s recommendations •Next steps 2 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legal Considerations -When? •Article VII, Section 5 of the Constitution of Virginia requires that any locality that conducts elections by district to change its district boundaries every 10 years in the year ending in one 33 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legal Considerations –What Based Upon? •Redistricting: based upon population -the United States decennial census (Sec. 24.2-304.1 of the Code of Virginia) •census blocks •Reprecincting: based upon registered voters 44 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legal Considerations –Guiding Principles •Contiguity: the principle that all areas within a district should be physically adjacent •Compactness: the principle that the constituents within a district should live as near to one another as practicable 55 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legal Considerations –Guiding Principles •Population equality (“one person, one vote”): each person’s vote must count equally an no person’s vote should be worth more than another’s •Each district must have equal population based on the 2020 census, with no more than plus/minus 5% deviation between districts •Communities of interest: take into account rural, suburban and urban interests, as well as income and neighborhood characteristics 66 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legal Considerations –Guiding Principles •Districts should have clearly definable boundaries (streets, rivers, other permanent physical features) •Census blocks •Racial and language minorities should be identified •Changes cannot deny or abridge a citizen’s right to vote on the basis of race or color or membership in a language minority group, and cannot result in “retrogression of the position of members of a racial or ethnic group with respect to their effective exercise of the electoral franchise.” 77 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legal Considerations -Redistricting & Reprecincting •Redistricting –changing district boundaries •Reprecincting –changing precinct boundaries •“Split precinct” –a precinct that is not entirely encompassed in a single district •Any type of district can split the precinct •Congressional •House of Delegates •Senate of VA •Localities required to establish precincts that are not split. If unable to do so, may apply for a waiver from the State Board of Elections 88 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee US House/Congressional District Boundary Changes 9 Old Congressional Districts 2020 Congressional Districts 9 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Virginia State House Boundary Changes 10 Old State House 2020 State House 10 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Virginia State Senate Boundary Changes 11 Old State Senate 2020 State Senate 11 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee 2020 Non-White Population per District (Existing) 1212 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Population Distribution: Existing 1313 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee (REVISED) The Committee’s Recommendations 1.Align Magisterial Districts with 2020 Census Blocks 2.Equalize population between Hollins and Vinton Districts 3.Restructure Polling Precincts to accommodate voter population and new legislative boundaries 1414 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Recommendation 1: Align Magisterial Districts with 2020 Census Blocks. Examples below: 15 Catawba & Windsor Hills:Cave Spring & Vinton 15 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Catawba & Hollins 1616 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Impact of aligning Magisterial Districts with 2020 Census Blocks 1717 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee (REVISED) Recommendation 2: Equalizing Population 1818 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Proposed Plan (detail): Hollins to Vinton 1919 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Proposed Plan (detail): Hollins to Vinton 20 1,142 Total Population in this area 54 are Non-White (4.7%) 20 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Proposed Plan: Impacts on Minority Distribution 2121 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Equalizing Population: Proposed Plan 2222 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee (REVISED) Equalizing Population: Existing vs. Proposed Plan 2323 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee (REVISED) Proposed Magisterial Districts 24 Recommendation 3: Restructured Polling Precincts: Catawba 2525 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Restructured Polling Precincts: Cave Spring 2626 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Restructured Polling Precincts: Hollins 2727 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Restructured Polling Precincts: Vinton 2828 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Restructure Polling Precincts: Windsor Hills 2929 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Legislative Boundaries Will Require Us to Apply for a Waiver 30 2 Voters 8 Voters 30 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Next Steps for the Board •March 22, 2022 •Second reading and public hearing on redistricting ordinance •Adoption of resolution to administer a split precinct 3131 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Next Steps for Staff •County Attorney •Submission of ordinance to the Office of the Attorney General for certificate of “no objection” •Registrar •Notice of adopted changes mailed to all registered voters whose election district, precinct, or polling place has been changed •Clerk to the Board •Copies of adopted changes sent to the local electoral board, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the State Board of Elections, and the Division of Legislative Services 3232 Roanoke County Redistricting Committee Questions? 33 Page 1 of 21 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 ORDINANCE REAPPORTIONING THE REPRESENTATION IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BY ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ELECTION DISTRICTS, ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS THEREFOR, INCORPORATING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICTS AND PRECINCTS, DESIGNATING NEW POLLING PLACES FOR CERTAIN PRECINCTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021, the Board held a public hearing to receive comments on developing guidelines for the redistricting of Roanoke County in accordance with the decennial census; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing on February 23, 2021, the Board declined to take action because of the delay in receipt of census data due to complications in compiling data as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2021, in preparation for the receipt of delayed census data, the Board appointed a Redistricting Committee and adopted policies and procedures to guide the 2021 redistricting process; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2022, the Board of Supervisors held a work session to review the findings of the Redistricting Committee, and to discuss redistricting; and WHEREAS, legal notice of a public hearing concerning the adoption of an ordinance establishing magisterial districts for the County of Roanoke was provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 8, 2022, and the second reading was held on March 22, 2022. Page 2 of 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That there shall be established in Roanoke County five magisterial or election districts to be known and designated as follows: Catawba Magisterial District Cave Spring Magisterial District Hollins Magisterial District Vinton Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District from each of which there shall be elected one member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; and 2. That the outside boundaries of the five magisterial districts , the outside boundaries of the thirty-three voting precincts, and the polling places for each voting precinct shall be as follows: CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Beginning at the common corner of the Craig, Montgomery, and Roanoke County boundary; thence with the boundary between Craig and Roanoke counties along the crest of North and Brush Mountains in a north-easterly direction to the common corner in the boundary between Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke counties; thence with the boundary between Botetourt and Roanoke counties in a south-easterly direction to Interstate 81; thence with Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence in a southerly direction with Interstate 581 to its intersection with Woodhaven Road (Route 628); thence in a south -easterly direction with Woodhaven Road (Route 628) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117), said point being on the northerly boundary of the City of Roanoke and the northerly right-of-way of Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in the south-westerly direction of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and with the boundary of the City of Roanoke to its intersection with Cove Road (Route 780); thence with Cove Road (Route 780) and with the boundary for the City of Roanoke in a westerly and south-westerly direction to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the City of Salem; thence with the eastern boundary of the City of Salem in a nort h- westerly direction to Electric Road (Route 419); thence with the east eastern boundary of the City of Salem and Electric Road (Route 419) to Interstate 81 and the northern Page 3 of 21 boundary of the City of Salem; thence with the northern boundary of the City of Sa lem and Interstate 81 in a south -westerly direction into the western boundary of the City of Salem; thence with the boundary of the City of Salem in a southerly direction to a point of intersection with Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence in a sou therly direction with Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694) to a point where it intersects with a gas transmission line at the crest of Twelve O’clock Knob (elevation 2,683); thence with the crest of Twelve O’clock Knob and Census Blocks1 1003 and 1013, the dividing boundary between the Catawba and Windsor Hills Magisterial Districts, in a westerly and south - westerly direction to its intersection with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612); thence following the ridgeline of Poor Mountain in a generally south -westerly direction to a point of intersection with Honeysuckle Road (Route 916) at the boundary between Montgomery and Roanoke counties; thence with the Montgomery and Roanoke County boundary in a northerly direction to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit A: Magisterial Districts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit A. Catawba Precinct – 101 Beginning at the common corner between the Craig, Montgomery, and Roanoke County boundaries; thence with the boundary between Craig and Roanoke counties along the crest of North and Brush Mountains in a north-easterly direction to the common corner in the boundary between Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke counties; thence with the boundary between Roanoke and Botetourt County in a south -easterly direction to the intersection with Interstate 81 as with the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a south - westerly direction along Interstate 81 to the intersection of Interstate 581; thence continuing to follow the Virginia House of Delegates boundary in a westerly and north - westerly direction, along the boundary of Census Block 1029 and the western boundary of Census Block 1006 to the point at which Loch Haven Drive (Route 1895) intersects with Loch Haven Lake Drive (private road); thence following the Virginia House of Delegates boundary along Loch Haven Lake Drive (private road) until it intersects with Timberview Road (Route 1404); thence in a westerly direction along Timberview Road (Route 1404) to its intersection with Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence following the Virginia House of Delegates boundary in a northerly and westerly direction to intersection with Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311); thence in a northerly direction along Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311); thence to intersection with Lost Hollow Road (private road) and north to the southern boundary of Census Block 1000; thence in a westerly direction to the point at which the southern boundary of Census Block 1000 meets Forest Acre Court (Route 700); thence following the southern boundaries of Census Blocks 2004, 2015, and 2012 along the ridgeline of Fort Lewis Mountain to the point at which Montgomery and Roanoke County boundaries intersect Reese Mountain Road (private road); thence northerly with the boundary between Montgomery and Roanoke counties, to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: 1 The map titled “2020 CENSUS – CENSUS BLOCK MAP (INDEX): Roanoke County, VA”, created by the Geography Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, dated April 11, 2021 is attached hereto as Exhibit G. All references to the map herein will be identified by census block, and referenced as “Census Block __” or “Census Blocks __”. Page 4 of 21 Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Masons Cove Elementary School – Voting Place Richfield Precinct – 102 Beginning at a point where Fort Lewis Boulevard intersects Interstate 81; thence in a southerly direction to the boundary of the City of Salem; thence in a south -westerly direction along the boundary of the City of Salem to Butt Hollow Road; thence in a so uth- easterly direction along the City of Salem boundary to the intersection of West Riverside Drive (Route 639) and the Roanoke River; thence in a westerly direction along the Roanoke River, following the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a n orth- westerly direction along Virginia House of Delegates boundary to Interstate 81; thence in a north-easterly direction along Interstate 81 past Alleghany Drive (Route 642); thence north-westerly along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence eas terly along Texas Hollow Road (Route 641); thence north-westerly along Paint Bank Road (Route 913); thence continuing to follow Virginia House of Delegates boundary past Bear Creek Drive (Route 1176) to end of Census Block 1003; thence in a southerly direction along the boundary of Census Block 1048 to its intersection with the boundary of the City of Salem; thence in a westerly direction, following the City of Salem and Roanoke County boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Glenvar High School – Voting Place North Glenvar Precinct – 103 Beginning at a point on the boundary between Montgomery and Roanoke counties at which it is intersected by Interstate 81; thence in a northerly direction along the Montgomery and Roanoke County border to the intersection of Reese Mountain Road (private road); thence in a north-easterly direction along the southern 2012, 2015, 2004 , and 1000 Census Block boundaries to a point just north of the intersection of Lost Hollow Road (private road) and Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311); thence in a southerly direction along Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311); thence in a westerly direction alo ng the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a south -easterly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary following Paint Bank Road (Route 913); thence westerly along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary following Texas Hollow Ro ad (Route 641); thence southerly along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary following Texas Hollow Road (Route 641); thence in a south-easterly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point of intersection with Interstate 81; then ce in a generally south-westerly direction along southbound Interstate 81 to a point of intersection with Fort Lewis Church Road (Route 777); thence in a southerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to northbound Interstate 81; thence in a south-westerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary following Interstate 81; thence in a south - easterly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point of intersection at West Main Street (Route 460); thence in a westerly and south-westerly direction along West Main Street (Route 460) to its point of intersection with the Page 5 of 21 Montgomery and Roanoke County boundary; thence in a north -westerly direction along the boundary of Montgomery and Roanoke counties to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Glenvar Middle School – Voting Place Northside Precinct – 104 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and Cove Road (Route 780); thence in a north-westerly direction with Cove Road (Route 780) to an intersection with Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in a north -westerly direction along Cove Road (Route 780) to its intersection with Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in an easterly direction along Green Ridge Road (Route 629) to its intersection with Wood Haven Road (Route 628); thence in an easterly direction along Wood Haven Road (Route 628) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in a south-westerly direction along Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Northside High School – Voting Place Hanging Rock Precinct – 105 Beginning at the intersection of Wood Haven Road (Route 628) and Interstate 581; thence north with Interstate 581 crossing Interstate 81 to its intersection with Loch Haven Lake Drive; thence northerly with Loch Haven Lake Drive to its intersection with Timberview Road (Route 1404); thence in a westerly direction with Timberview Road (Route 1404) to the Western Virginia Water Authority (Carvin s Cove Reservoir) west property line; thence following Virginia House of Delegates boundary to the topographic crest of Brushy Mountain; thence in a south-westerly direction, continuing along Virginia House of Delegates boundary past the intersection with Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311) to the end of Census Block 1004; thence in southerly direction along the Census Block 1035 boundary to intersection with the northern boundary of the City of Salem, just west of Red Lane Extension (Route 705); thence with the north boundary of the City of Salem and in a generally north-easterly direction to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419); thence with the eastern boundary of the City of Salem in a south and then north-easterly direction to a point on the shared boundary of the City of Salem, City of Roanoke, and Roanoke County at the intersection of Green Ridge Road (Route 629) and Cove Road (Route 780); thence in a north-easterly direction with Cove Road (Route 780) to intersection at Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in an easterly direction to intersection at Wood Haven Road (Route 628); thence in an easterly direction along Wood Haven Road (Route 628) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Glen Cove Elementary – Voting Place Page 6 of 21 South Glenvar Precinct – 106 Beginning at a point on West Main Street (Route 460) and its intersection with the boundary between Montgomery and Roanoke counties; thence in a north-easterly direction along West Main Street (Route 460) to a point of intersection with the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a south -easterly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in an easterly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary, following the Roanoke River; thence in a southerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary following Creekside Drive (Route 774); thence in a westerly direction along the Census Block 1026 boundary to a point where it intersects with a gas transmission line at the crest of Twelve O’clock Knob (elevation 2,683); thence in a south -westerly direction to follow Census Block 1046, 1068, 1052, and 1069 boundaries to a point of intersection at the Montgomery and Roanoke County boundary; thence in a northerly direction along the Montgomery and Roanoke County boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Glenvar Library – Voting Place Fort Lewis Precinct – 107 Beginning at a point on West Riverside Drive (Route 639) along the boundary of the City of Salem; thence with the western boundary of the City of Salem in a southerly direction and with the southern boundary of the City of Salem in an easterly and southerly direction to its intersection with Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence in a southerly direction along Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694) following the Census Block 1003 boundary; thence to its intersection with the Virginia State House of Dele gates boundary; thence in a north-westerly direction along Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a northerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary following Creekside Drive (Route 774) to a point at which it intersects West Riverside Drive (Route 639); thence in a westerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point of intersection with Diuguids Lane (Route 639); thence in a northerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit B. Fort Lewis Elementary School – Voting Place CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Beginning at a point where Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a southerly direction until Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) intersects Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a south -easterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) to its intersection with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a northerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667); thence in a south-easterly direction with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667), then following Census Block 3000 to the boundary between Franklin and Roanoke counties; thence with the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary in a southwest to Page 7 of 21 northwest direction as it meanders along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to a point southwest of Ladyslipper Road (private road); thence in a northerly direction, following Census Block 3030, to the centerline of Dawnwood Road (Route 691); thence in a northerly direction with Dawnwood Road (Route 691) to its point of intersection with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) in a northerly direction to its intersection with Bent Mountain Road (Route 221); thence in a north-easterly direction with Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to a point where said route enters the City of Roanoke; thence along the boundary of the City of Roanoke in a south-easterly and easterly direction until it intersects with the western side of Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) at the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit A: Magisterial Districts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit A. Starkey – 501 Beginning at Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) at its intersection with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897) and Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point of intersection at the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary; thence in a westerly direction along the boundary of Franklin and Roanoke counties to a point of intersection with Census Block 3030 just west of Ladyslipper Road; thence in a north -westerly direction along Census Block 3030 to a point of intersection at Dawnwood Road (Route 691) and the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence continuing in a northerly direction along the boundary of Census Block 3008 to a point of intersection at Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) and Bent Mountain Road (Route 221); thence in a north -easterly direction along Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. Penn Forest Elementary School - Voting Place West Cave Spring – 502 Beginning at a point where Electric Road (Route 419) intersects with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence in a south-easterly direction with Electric Road (Route 419) to its intersection with Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence in a southerly direction wi th Chaparral Drive (Route 800) to its intersection with Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687); thence in a westerly and south -westerly direction along Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687) to its intersection with Kenwick Trail (Route 1530); thence in a southerly and south- westerly direction along Kenwick Trail (Route 1530) to its intersection with Penguin Drive (Route 1752); thence in a south-easterly and then south-westerly direction along Penguin Drive (Route 1752) to its intersection with Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence in a westerly direction along Chaparral Drive (Route 800) to its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a south-easterly direction along Merriman Road (Route 613) to its intersection with Cartwright Drive (Route 1726); thence in a westerly and then south- westerly direction along the western established property line of 6011 Merriman Road to its intersection with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 807); thence in a westerly and north - westerly direction along Crystal Creek Drive (Route 807) to its intersection with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence in a north -easterly direction along Brambleton Page 8 of 21 Avenue (Route 221) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated Ma rch 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. Cave Spring Middle School – Voting Place East Cave Spring – 503 Beginning at a point where Electric Road (Route 419) intersects with Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence in an easterly direction along Electric Road (Route 419) to its intersection with Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a southerly and south -westerly and then south-easterly direction with Starkey Road (Route 904) to its intersection with Benois Road (Route 633); thence in and easterly direction along Benois Road (Route 633) to its intersection with the Norfolk Southern rail line at Census Blocks 4003 and 4001; thence following Census Block 4003 in a south-westerly direction to its intersection with Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a south -westerly direction to its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a north-westerly direction to its intersection with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897); thence in a south-westerly and then north-westerly direction along Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897) to its intersection with Cartwright Drive (Route 1726); thence in a north-easterly and then northerly direction along the western boundary line of 6011 Merriman Road to its intersection of Cartwright Drive (Route 1726); thence in a northerly and then easterly direction along Cartwright Drive (Route 1726) to its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a north -westerly direction along Merriman Road (Route 613) to its intersection with Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence in a north-easterly direction to its intersection with Penguin Drive (Route 1752); thence a north-easterly direction along Penguin Drive (Route 1752) then north -westerly to its intersection with Kenwick Trail (Route 1530); thence a north-easterly to easterly along Kenwick Trail (Route 1530) to a north-easterly and the north-westerly direction to its intersection with Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687); thence in an easterly direction then south-easterly along Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687) to its intersection with Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence in a northerly direction to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. Cave Spring High School – Voting Place Green Valley – 504 Beginning at a point where Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) at its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419); thence in a north-easterly direction to the boundary of the City of Roanoke at which Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) exits the County; thence following the corporate line south-westerly until it meets a point where Electric Road (Route 419) exits the City of Roanoke; thence in a south-westerly direction along Electric Road (Route 419) then to a north-westerly direction along Electric Road (Route 419) to the point of the beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. Green Valley Elementary School – Voting Place Page 9 of 21 Clearbrook – 505 Beginning at a point on the City of Roanoke boundary at which Franklin Road (Route 220) south exits the City; thence with the southerly boundary of the City of Roanoke in the north-easterly direction to a point where it intersects Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668); thence in a southerly direction until Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) intersects Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a south -easterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) until it intersects with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a north -easterly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667); thence south-easterly with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667) extended to the Franklin County boundary at the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains; thence with the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary in a south-westerly to north-westerly direction as it meanders along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to Merriman Road (Route 613); thence northerly along Merriman Road (Route 613) until it intersects the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a south-easterly and north-easterly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway until it intersects Franklin Road (Route 220); thence northerly with Franklin Road (Route 220) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. Clearbrook Elementary School - Voting Place Buck Mountain -- 506 Beginning at a point where Starkey Road (Route 904) intersects Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a north-easterly direction along Starkey Road (Route 904) whereby it converges with Buck Mountain Road (Route 679) at the southeast corner of Census Block 4008 and continues eastwardly then south -easterly to its intersection of Census Blocks 4000, 2012, 3000 and 1011; thence in an south-westerly direction along the boundary of Census Block 3000 and the Blue Ridge Parkway to its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a north-easterly direction and then a northerly direction along Merriman Road (Route 613) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. South County Library – Voting Place Hunting Hills – 507 Beginning at a point that Electric Road (Route 419) exits the City; thence in a south - easterly direction along Franklin Road (Route 220) to its intersection with the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a south-westerly direction to its intersection with Buck Mountain Road (Route 679); thence in a south-easterly direction along Buck Mountain Road (Route 679) through its merger with Starkey Road (Route 904) and its intersection with the Norfolk Southern railway tracks at the southwest corner of Census Block 4004; thence following the boundaries in a northerly direction along the western border of Census Block 4004 then north-easterly to the intersection of Benois Road (Route 633); the nce in an easterly direction to its intersection with Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a northerly direction along Starkey Road (Route 904) to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419) to the Page 10 of 21 place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit C. South County Library – Voting Place HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Beginning at a point of intersection of Interstate 81 and the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary; thence with Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence in a southerly direction with Interstate 581 to Woodhaven Road (Route 628); thence in a southerly direction with Woodhaven Road (Route 628) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in an easterly and southerly direction with the boundary of the City of Roanoke to the end of Read Mountain Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along the Census Block boundary 1005/4006 and 4007/1000 between Summit Ridge Road (Route 1055) and Coachman Drive (Route 1055); thence in a south -easterly direction along Census Block 4013/1000, west of Coachman Circle (Route 1055) and Coachman Drive (Route 1055); thence in a southerly direction, continuing along Census Block 1000 to intersection of Ruritan Road (Route 609) and Donagale Drive (Route 1049); thence in a southerly direction along centerline of East Ruritan Road (Route 609) to a point of intersection with Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a north-easterly direction with Challenger Avenue (Route 460) to its intersection with the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary; thence in a northerly and westerly direction with the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit A: Magisterial Districts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit A. Plantation Precinct – 201 Beginning at a point where Williamson Road (Route 11) intersects Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence easterly along Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821) to point of intersection with Census Block 1014/1005 on Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence in a north - easterly direction along established property line between 342 and 348 Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821) to a point of intersection with Carvins Creek; thence meandering northerly along Carvins Creek and Census Block 1005/1008 to a point of intersection at Plantation Road (Route 115); thence in a south-easterly direction along Plantation Road (Route 115) to a point of intersection with the northern boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in a westerly and northerly direction along the Roanoke City and Roanoke County boundary to its intersection with Florist Road (Route 623 ); thence northerly along Florist Road (Route 623) to a point of intersection with Williamson Road; thence northerly along Williamson Road (Route 11) to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit D. Summerdean Church of the Brethren - Voting Place Burlington Precinct – 202 Page 11 of 21 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Williamson Road (Route 11) and Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in a southerly direction along Williamson Road (Route 11) to point of intersection with Florist Road (Route 623); thence in a south -easterly direction along Florist Road (Route 623) to its intersection with the northern boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in an easterly and northerly direction along the Roanoke City boundary to a point of intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in a north- easterly direction along Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit D. Burlington Elementary School - Voting Place Mountain View Precinct – 203 Beginning at a point on the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary at its intersection with Williamson Road (Route 11); thence in a south-easterly direction along the shared Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary to the boundary of Census Block 4006/4008 at the edge of Read Mountain; thence in a south-westerly direction following Census Block 4006/4008, and 1005/1000 along the crest of Read Mountain to a point at the end of Read Mountain Road (Route 611) and the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in a north- westerly direction along the Roanoke City boundary to a point of intersection with Plantation Road (Route 115); thence in a northerly direction along Plantation Road (Route 115) to a point of intersection at Williamson Road (Route 11); thence in a north-easterly direction along Williamson Road (Route 11) to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit D. Mountain View Elementary School - Voting Place Green Ridge Precinct – 204 Beginning at the intersection of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and Wood Haven Road (Route 628); thence in a north-westerly direction along Wood Haven Road (Route 628) to a point of intersection at Interstate 581 southbound ramp; thence in a northerly direction to the intersection of Interstate 81 northbound lane; thence along Interstate 81 to area of Buckland Mill Road (Route 1858); thence in a south-easterly direction, following established property boundary between 6028 and 6104 Buckland Mill Road (Route 1858); thence in a south-westerly direction to the end of Webster Drive (Route 1808); thence extending parallel from Webster Drive (Route 1808), southerly along established property line between 7930 Webster Drive (Route 1808) and 6807 Goff Road (Route 182 7); to intersection at the corner of Census Blocks 2011/2013/2007; thence in a southerly direction along Census Block 2013/2007 to a point of intersection at the northern-most established property line of 7516 Deer Branch Road (Route 842); thence westerly and southerly along the established property lines of 7516, 7514, 7510, 7420, 6732 Deer Branch Road (Route 842) to a point of intersection at Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in a south-westerly direction along Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit D. Page 12 of 21 Life Church - Voting Place Orchards Precinct – 205 Beginning at a point of intersection of the boundary between Botetourt and Roanoke counties and Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a south -westerly direction with Challenger Avenue (Route 460) to a point at the intersection of Challenger Avenue (Route 460) and East Ruritan Road (Route 609); thence in a north-westerly direction along East Ruritan Road (Route 609) to a point of intersection with Donagale Drive (Route 1049); thence northerly along Census Block 4013/1000 between Coachman Drive (Route 1055) and Coachman Circle (Route 1055); thence continuing westerly along Census Block 4007/1000 between Summit Ridge Road (Route 1055) and Coachman Drive (Route 1055); thence continuing south-westerly along Census Block 1000/1005 to a point of intersection with the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in a southerly direction along the City of Roanoke boundary to a point of intersection with Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence north-easterly along Challenger Avenue (Route 460) to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit D. Bonsack Baptist Church – Polling Place Hollins Precinct – 206 Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 81 northbound lane and the boundary between Botetourt and Roanoke counties; thence with Interstate 81 in a south-easterly direction along the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary to a point of intersection at Williamson Road (Route 11); thence in a south-westerly direction along Williamson Road (Route 11) to a point of intersection at Plantation Road (Route 115); thence in a southerly direction along Plantation Road (Route 115) to a point of intersection with the east fork of Carvins Creek; thence in a south-westerly direction, following Census Block 1005/1008 along Carvins Creek to a point of intersection with Census Block 1014 just east of Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence in a south -westerly direction along Census Block 1005/1014 between 342 and 348 Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence in a westerly direction along Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821) to a point of intersection at Williamson Road (Route 11); thence in a northerly direction along Williamson Road (Route 11) to a point of intersection at Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in a westerly direction along Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to the western boundary and parcel line of 6732 Deer Branch Road (Route 842); thence in a north-westerly direction along established rear property lines of 7420, 7510, and 7514 Deer Branch Road (Route 842); thence in a north-easterly direction along rear property line of 7516 Deer Branch road; thence in a northerly direction along property line to a point of intersection with Census Blocks 2013/2007; thence in a north- easterly direction along Census Blocks 2013/2007 to point of intersection at the corner of Census Blocks 2011/2013/2007; thence in a northerly direction along Census Block 2013 to a point of intersection at the end of Webster Road (Route 1808); thence northerly along established property line between 7930 Webster Drive (Route 1808) and 6807 Goff Road (Route 1827); thence in a north-westerly direction along Webster Drive (Route 1808) to a point of intersection at Buckland Mill Road (Route 1858); thence northerly along Page 13 of 21 established property line between 6022 and 6028 Buckland Mill Road (Route 1858) to point of intersection with Interstate 81 northbound lane; thence north-easterly along Interstate 81 northbound lane to the point of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit D. Hollins Library – Voting Place VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Beginning at a common point between Botetourt and Roanoke counties and Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a south-westerly direction to the intersection of Challenger Avenue (Route 460) and East Ruritan Road (Route 609); thence in a north -westerly direction along the centerline of East Ruritan Road (Route 609) to an intersection with Donagale Drive (Route 1055); thence in a north -westerly direction along Census Blocks 4013/1000 boundary between Coachman Drive (Route 1055) and Coachman Circle (Route 1055); thence in a westerly direction, along Census Blocks 4007/1000 between Summit Ridge Road (Route 1055) and Coachman Drive (Route 1055); thence in a south - westerly direction along Census Block 1005/1000 to its intersection with the boundary for the City of Roanoke; thence in a south-easterly direction along the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence to the intersection of Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence to the northern-most corner of the boundary of the Town of Vinton; thence following the courses of the boundary between the Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke in a westerly and southerly direction to a point at the corner of the Town of Vinton boundary meets the Roanoke River and on the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence continuing with the boundary of the City of Roanoke in a south and south-westerly direction until said City of Roanoke boundary intersects Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668); thence continuing with Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) in a southerly direction until its intersection with Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a south-easterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) until its intersection with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a northerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667); thence in a south-easterly direction with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667) extended to the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary; thence following the boundary between Franklin and Roanoke counties as it meanders in a north-easterly and northerly direction to the Roanoke and Bedford County border to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit A: Magisterial Districts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit A. Bonsack Precinct – 401 Beginning at a point on the intersection of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary; thence in a south -westerly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway to the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob; thence with the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob in a westerly direction to a poi nt on the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the eastern boundary of the City of Roanoke in a north -north- westerly direction to Census Block 1005/1000 just east of 1846 Read Mountain Road (Route 611); thence in a north-easterly direction along Census Blocks 1005/1000 and 4007/1000 between Coachman Drive (Route 1055) and Summit Ridge R oad (Route Page 14 of 21 1055); thence in a south-easterly direction along Census Blocks 4013/1000 between Coachman Drive (Route 1055) and Coachman Circle (Route 1055) to a point of intersection at Ruritan Road (Route 609); thence in a south-easterly direction along East Ruritan Road and the Census Blocks 4009/1000 to a point of intersection at Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a north-easterly direction along Challenger Avenue (Route 460) to the Botetourt and Roanoke County border; thence in a south -easterly direction along the border of Botetourt and Roanoke counties to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit E. Bonsack Elementary School - Voting Place North Lindenwood Precinct – 402 Beginning at a point of intersection of the eastern boundary of the City of Roanoke and the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob; thence in a north -easterly direction with the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob to the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a north-easterly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway to the shared boundary between Botetourt and Roanoke counties; thence in a southerly direction with the Botetourt and Roanoke County boundary to its intersection with the boundary shared by Bedford, Botetourt, and Roanoke counties; thence with the Bedford and Roanoke County boundary in a southerly direction to a point of intersection at Washington Avenue (Route 24); thence in a south -westerly direction along Washington Avenue (Route 24) to a point of intersection with Wolf Creek and the eastern boundary of the Town of Vinton; thence in a northerly direction with Wolf Creek and Virginia Senate boundary to the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in a northerly direction along the City of Roanoke boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit E. William Byrd Middle School – Voting Place North Vinton Precinct – 403 Beginning at the eastern boundary of the City of Roanoke and the western boundary of the Town of Vinton at Virginia Avenue; thence in a north-easterly direction along the City of Roanoke and Town of Vinton boundaries to a point at the north -western property pin of 613 Olney Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along the Virginia Senate boundary just north of 613 Olney Road; thence in a south -easterly direction along Mountain View Road (Route 651) to a point at the north -eastern property line of 1685 Mountain View Road (Route 651); thence in a southerly direction along the Virginia Senate boundary to a point of intersection at Washington Avenue (Route 24); thence in a westerly direction along Washington Avenue (Route 24) to a point of intersection at Pine Street; thence in a southerly direction along Pine Street to a point of intersection at Jackson Avenue; thence in a north-westerly direction along Jackson Avenue to a point of intersection at Pine Street; thence in a southerly direction along Pine Street to a point of intersection at Virginia Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along Virginia Avenue to a point of intersection at Spruce Street; thence in a southerly direction along Spruce Street to a point of intersection at Hardy Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Hardy Page 15 of 21 Road which turns into Virginia Avenue; thence north-westerly along Virginia Avenue to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit E. Herman L. Horn Elementary School - Voting Place South Vinton Precinct – 404 Beginning at the eastern boundary of the City of Roanoke and the western boundary of the Town of Vinton at Virginia Avenue; thence in an easterly direction along Virginia Avenue to a point of intersection at Spruce Street; thence in a northerly direction along Spruce Street to a point of intersection at Virginia Avenue; thence in an easterly direction along Virginia Avenue to a point of intersection at Pine Street; thence in a northe rly direction along Pine Street to a point of intersection at Jackson Avenue; thence in a southerly direction along Jackson Avenue to a point of intersection at Pine Street; thence in a north-easterly direction along Pine Street to a point of intersection at Washington Avenue (Route 24); thence in an easterly direction along Washington Avenue (Route 24) to a point of intersection at Wolf Creek and Census Blocks 1000/1010; thence in a south- easterly direction along Wolf Creek and Census Block 1010, to a point of intersection at the Roanoke River; thence in a westerly direction along the Roanoke River and Census Blocks 1001/1017 to a point of intersection at the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in a north-westerly direction along Tinker Creek and the boundary of the City of Roanoke to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit E. W.E. Cundiff Elementary School - Voting Place South Lindenwood Precinct – 405 Beginning at the point of intersection of Wolf Creek and Washington Avenue (Route 24); thence easterly along Washington Avenue (Route 24) to a point of intersection at the Bedford and Roanoke County boundary; thence in a southerly direction along the Bedford and Roanoke County boundary to a point of intersection at the Roanoke River; thence in a north-westerly direction along the Roanoke River and Census Blocks 1001/1030 to a point of intersection at the corner of Census Blocks 1017/1030; thence in a north-westerly direction along Wolf Creek and Census Blocks 1017/1030, 1018/1029, 1014/1018, 1010/1018, 1010/1012, and 1000/1010 to the place of beginning , and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit E. William Byrd Middle School – Voting Place Mount Pleasant Precinct – 406 Beginning at the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton and the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke at the Roanoke River; thence in a south -easterly direction with the Roanoke River and Census Blocks 1017/1001, and 1000/1006 to a point of intersection at the boundary between Bedford and Roanoke counties; thence in a southerly direction with the Bedford and Roanoke County boundary to that shared by Bedford, Franklin, and Page 16 of 21 Roanoke counties; thence in a southerly direction with the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to a point of intersection with Windridge Parkway (Route 1520); thence in a westerly direction along Roanoke County boundary to intersection of Census Blocks 3007/1002 just west of 1270 Windridge Parkway (Route 1520); thence in a northerly direction along the Census Blocks 1002/3007, 1002,3000 1000/3000 to a point of intersection with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a south-westerly direction along Bandy Road (Route 666) to a point of intersection at Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a north -westerly direction to a point of intersection at Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668); thence in a north -easterly direction along Yellow Mountain Road to a point of intersection at the City of Roanoke boundary ; thence in a north-easterly direction along the Roanoke City boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit E. Mount Pleasant Elementary School - Voting Place WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Beginning at a point on the east side of Electric Road (Route 419) and the north side of Keagy Road (Route 685) a common corner on the City of Salem, City of Roanoke, and Roanoke County boundary; thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke and the east side of Electric Road (Route 419) in a south-south-easterly direction to the intersection of Glen Heather Road (Route 713); thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Glen Heather Road ( Route 713) in an easterly direction to the intersection with Grandin Road Extension; thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Grandin Road Extension in an easterly direction to the western outside boundary of the Taryn Hill Subdivision; thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke to Garst Mill Road (Route 682); thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Garst Mill Road (Route 682) in an east-north-easterly direction to the intersection of Grandin Road Extension; thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Grandin Road Extension in an easterly direction to the center of Mudlick Creek; thence with the western boundary of the City of Roanoke to Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence leaving the boundary of the City of Roanoke with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) in a south-westerly direction to Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence southerly with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) to Dawnwood Road (Route 691); thence with Dawnwood Road (Route 691) in a southerly direction, along Census Blocks 3030/3002 to the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary; thence from the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary as it meanders in a south -westerly direction along the crest of Blue Ridge Mountains to its intersection with the Floyd and Roanoke County boundary; thence with the Floyd and Roanoke County boundary westerly to its intersection with the common corner of the Floyd, Montgomery, and Roanoke County boundary; thence following the Montgomery and Roanoke County boundary in a northerly direction to the crest of Poor Mountain at its intersection with Honeysuckle Road (Route 916); thence along the crest of Poor Mountain in a generally north-easterly and continuing along the crest of Poor Mountain and Twelve O’clock Knob to a point where a gas transmission line crosses the crest of Twelve O’clock Knob (elevation 2,683 ft.) at Twelve Page 17 of 21 O’clock Knob Road (Route 695); thence with Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694) in a northerly direction to its intersection with the boundary of the City of Salem; thence with the boundary of the City of Salem in an easterly and northerly direction to Keagy Road (Route 685); thence in a northerly and easterly direction with Keagy Road (Route 685) to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit A: Magisterial Districts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit A. Bent Mountain – 301 Beginning on the boundary between Montgomery and Roanoke counties at the top of Poor Mountain and the intersection of Honeysuckle Road (Route 916); thence in a generally north-easterly direction, along Census Blocks 1069/1016, then 1069/1066, then 1052/1066 to its intersection with Census Blocks 1067 and 1068; thence continuing in a generally south-westerly direction, along Census Blocks 1067/1066, then 1002/1011, to a point of intersection with Census Blocks 1002 and 1010; thence in a westerly direction to the northernmost property line of 8711 Bent Mountain Road (Route 221); thence in a south-easterly direction along established eastern property line of 8711 Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to a point of intersection at Bent Mountain Road (Route 221)/Census Block 1002; thence in a south-easterly direction along Census Blocks 1002/1003 to its intersection with Census Blocks 1009 and 1025; thence in a north-easterly direction along Census Blocks 1003/1025 to a point of intersection with Census Blocks 3034 and 1026; thence in a south-easterly direction along Census Blocks 1025/1026 to its intersection with Census Blocks 3009, 3026, and 1030; thence in a south-easterly direction along Census Blocks 1030/3026 to a point of intersection at the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary at Slings Gap; thence in a westerly-south-westerly direction along their shared boundary to the boundary between Floyd and Roanoke counties; thence in a westerly direction along the Floyd and Roanoke County boundary to the boundary between Floyd, Montgomery, and Roanoke counties; thence in a northerly direction along the Montgomery and Roanoke County boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. Bent Mountain Center/Library - Voting Place Back Creek – 302 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) and Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence in a south -westerly direction along Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) to the point of intersection at Dawnwood Road (Route 691) and Shaver Road (Route 732); thence southerly along Census Blocks 3030/3002 to a point of intersection at the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary; thence westerly along the Franklin and Roanoke County boundary to the intersection of Census Blocks 3027/1030; thence in a north-westerly direction along Census Blocks 3027/1030, 3026,1030, 1025/3009, 1025/1026 to a point of intersection at the corner of Census Blocks 1003/3024/1026/1025; thence in a south-westerly direction along Census Blocks 1003/1025 to a point of intersection at the corner of Census Blocks 1003/1002/1009/1025; thence in a north-westerly direction along Census Blocks 1002/1003 to a point of Page 18 of 21 intersection with the eastern established property line of Parcel 094.00 -01-35.00-0000 (northeast parcel of 8711 Bent Mountain Road (Route 221); thence in a north -westerly direction to a point of intersection at Census Blocks 1002/1010; thence in a northerly direction along Census Blocks 1011/1002, 1067/1066 to a point of intersection at Census Blocks 1052/1066/1068/1067; thence in a north -easterly direction along Census Blocks 1068/1067, 1004/1002, 1049/1002, 1046/1001, 1047/1000, 1048/1000, to a point of intersection with a gas pipeline; thence in a north-easterly direction along said gas pipeline to its intersection with Census Block 1043; thence in a south-easterly direction along Census Blocks 1043/1040; thence in a south -easterly direction along Census Blocks 1042/1043 to its intersection with the southern property boundaries of 4556 Wade Road (Route 746); thence in a south-easterly direction along southern established boundaries of 4556 Wade Road (Route 746), and 6663, 6720 and 6750 Ivy Mountain Drive (Route 762) to a point of intersection with Ivy Mountain Drive (Route 762); thence in a south-westerly direction along Ivy Mountain Drive (Route 762) to a point of intersection with Mount Chestnut Road (Route 692); thence in a north -easterly direction along Mount Chestnut Road (Route 692) to a point of intersection at Roselawn Road (Route 689); thence in a south-easterly direction along Roselawn Road (Route 689) to its point of intersection at the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a south - easterly and southerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point of intersection at Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) and Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745); thence in a westerly direction along Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. Back Creek Elementary School - Voting Place Windsor Hills – 303 Beginning at a point of intersection at Garst Mill Road (Route 682) and the City of Roanoke; thence in a south-westerly direction along Garst Mill Road (Route 682) to a point of intersection at Crest Hill Drive (Route 1658); thence in a westerly direction along Crest Hill Drive (Route 1658) to a poin t of intersection with Census Blocks 2011/2009/4003/4000, just east of Kirkwood Drive (Route 1664); thence in a south - westerly direction along Census Blocks 4015/4000 to a point of intersection at Colonnade Drive (private road) and Electric Road (Route 419); thence southerly, and northerly along the southbound lane of Electric Road (Route 419) to a point of intersection at Glen Heather Drive (Route 713); thence in a north-easterly direction along the City of Roanoke boundary; thence in an easterly direction along the boundary of the City of Roanoke to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. Our Lady of Nazareth - Voting Place Oak Grove Precinct – 304 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Electric Road (Route 419) and Grandin Road Extension (Route 686); thence in a south-easterly direction along Electric Road (Route 419) to a point of intersection at the northern boundary of 5321 Gieser Road (Route 1650); Page 19 of 21 thence in a south-westerly direction along the established eastern property line of 5321 and 5322 Gieser Road (Route 1650), and 5327 Castle Rock Road (Route 702); thence in a south-westerly direction along Castle Rock Road (Route 702) to a point of intersection at Farmington Drive (Route 1652); thence in a southerly direction along Farmington Drive (Route 1652) to a point of intersection at Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573); thence in a westerly direction along Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573) to end of road; thence continuing westerly along the southern established property lines of 5540, 5546, 5552, 5558, 5564, 5570, 5576, 5582, and 5588 Cynthia Drive (Route 1502) to a point of intersection with the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a north-easterly direction, along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary, to the crest of Twelve O’clock Knob; thence in a north-easterly direction to Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694) to a point of intersection with the City of Salem boun dary; thence in a south-easterly direction along the shared boundaries between the City of Salem, City of Roanoke, and Roanoke County to a point of intersection at Electric Road (Route 419); thence in a south -westerly direction, along Electric Road (Route 419) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. Oak Grove Elementary School - Voting Place East Hidden Valley Precinct – 305 Beginning at a point of intersection at Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Old Cave Spring Road (Route 1663); thence in a south-westerly direction along Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to a point of intersection at Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745); thence in a north - westerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point at the northern established boundary of 5618 Spring Meadow Drive (Route 1498); thence continues in an easterly direction, along the established southern property lines of 5588, 5582, 5576, 5570, 5564, 5558, 5546 and 5540 Cynthia Drive (Route 1502); thence continues in an easterly direction along Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573) to a point of intersection at Farmington Drive (Route 1652); thence in a south -easterly direction along Farmington Drive (Route 1652) to a point of intersection at Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573); thence in an easterly direction along Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573) to a point of intersection at Old Cave Spring Road (Route 1663); thence in a southerly direction along Old Cave Spring Road (Route 1663) to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. Hidden Valley High School - Voting Place Garst Mill – 306 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and the boundary of the City of Roanoke; thence in a south-westerly direction along Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to a point of intersection at Old Cave Spring Road (Route 1663); thence in a north-easterly direction along Old Cave Spring Road (Route 1663) to a point of intersection at Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573); thence in a westerly direction along Cave Spring Lane (Route 1573) to a point of intersection at Farmington Drive (Route Page 20 of 21 1652); thence north-westerly along Farmington Drive (Route 1652) to a point of intersection at Castle Rock Road (Route 702); thence westerly along the eastern established property lines of 5327 Castle Rock Road (Route 702), 5322 and 5321 Gieser Road (Route 1650) to the point of intersection at Electric Road (Route 419); thence in an easterly direction along Electric Road (Route 419) to a point of intersection at McVitty Road (Route 1662); thence in a northerly direction along Census Blocks 4013/4017, 4014/4000, and 4015/4000 to its intersection with Crest Hill Drive (Route 1658); thence a south-easterly direction along Crest Hill Drive (Route 1658) to a point of intersection at Garst Mill Road (Route 662); thence northerly along Garst Mill Road (Route 662) to a point of intersection with the City of Roanoke boundary; thence in a north -easterly and south-easterly direction along the boundary of the City of Roanoke to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. The Brambleton Center - Voting Place West Hidden Valley Precinct – 307 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Stoneybrook Drive (Route 1316) and Bridle Lane (Route 1315); thence in a south -westerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to a point of intersection at Stone Manor Drive (Route 1281) and Roselawn Road (Route 689); thence in a north-westerly direction along Roselawn Road (Route 689) to a point of intersection at Sugar Loaf Mountain Road (Route 692); thence in a westerly-south-westerly direction along Mount Chestnut Road (Route 692) to a point of intersection at Ivy Mountain Drive (Route 762); thence in a north -westerly direction along Ivy Mountain Drive (Route 762); thence along the southern established property lines of 6663 Ivy Mountain Drive (Route 762) and 4556 Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694) to a point of intersection at Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence northerly along Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694) to southern established boundary of 4487 Twelve O’clock Knob Rd (Route 694); thence westerly along Census Block 1043 to a point where a gas transmission line crosses the crest of Twelve O’clock Knob (elevation 2,683) at Twelve O’clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence in a north -easterly direction along Census Blocks 1040/1043, 1026/1024, 1026/1025 to its intersection with the Virginia House of Delegates boundary; thence in a north -westerly direction along the Virginia House of Delegates boundary to the place of beginning, and as shown on the map titled “Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts” dated March 8, 2 022 attached hereto as Exhibit F. Hidden Valley Middle School - Voting Place 3. That certified copies of this ordinance shall be mailed by the Clerk to the local electoral board, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the State Board of Elections, and the Division of Legislative Services; and Page 21 of 21 4. That this ordinance shall become effective upon (i) issuance of a certification from the Office of the Attorney General or (ii) 60 days following the Board’s submission of this Ordinance to the Office of the Attorney General, so long as no response is received from the Office of the Attorney General pursuant to Virginia Code § 24.2- 129(D). Vinton Cave SpringWindsor Hills Hollins Catawba 2018 County of Roanoke, VITA, Esri, HERE, Garmin, NGA, USGS, NPS March 8, 2022 Exhibit A: Magisterial Districts r 0 1.5 30.75 Miles Legend Virginia Senate Virginia House of Delegates US House/Congressional Magisterial Districts YALEDR CAMPBELL DR PL A N T A T I O N RD PLANTATION RD WESTRIVERRD MOUNTAIN HEIGHTSDR LILA DR WILLIAMSONRD PLEASANT RUN DR WILLIAMSONRD COVE RD LOCH HAVEN DR81RAMP DEXTERRD LAMARREDR QUAILPL KEAGYRD WESTMAINST 81RAMP WESTMAINST 81 RAMP BARRENS RD NORTH ELECTRIC RD WOOD HAVENRD ALP I N E RD NORTH LAKEDR 81RAMP REDLANE EXT MILLERCOVERD MALVERN RD BRADSHAW RD THOMPSON MEMORIAL DR OLD MOUNTAINRD QUINCEMOUNTAINRD CHEROKEE HILLSDR CA L D E R R D WILDWOODRD PETERS CREEK RD CONNORS RUN SHADWELL DR PETERS CREEK RD HICKORYDR ASHTON LN SCARLET OAKDR JANDADR DENTRD SKYVIEWRD LELIACIR DOW HOLLOWRD OLDCATAWBARD EMBASSY DR TWELVEOCLOCK KNOBRD COACHMANDR GLADDEN RD SUMMER DR WEST MAIN ST TY L E R R D GRANDINROADEXT JA N E E DR BU F F A L O CI R POORMOUNTAIN RD FLORIST RD DARBY RD STANLEYFARM RD FRANKLIN ST SYCAMORE DR LABAN RD DAUGHERTY RD PR U N T Y DR BEASONLN TREVILIANRD MOORE RD GARMAN RD STOK E S D R COVE HOLLOWRD OLSENRD GREENRIDGERD HOLLINSRD ABS A L O M SMI T H R D ZA N A RD ELECTRICRD ELECTRICRD RAM D R FORTLEWIS CHURCH RD HARBORWOOD RD ALLEGHANY DR CATAWBA VALLEYDR WABUN LN WEST RURITANRD FOREST ACRECT DANROBINRD MOWLES RD FORESTACRE TRL GREEN RIDGE RDMC D A N I E L D R STARTER LN RICHLAND HILLSDR WE B S T E R DR BLACKSBURGRD BOHONHOLLOW RD POPCORNLN RUSSLENDR CARVINS COVE RD GREY FOX LN TIM E R RD TEXASHOLLOWRD NOVER AVE IN G A L BL V D MILLBRIDGERD KEFFER RD ANCHORDR THOMAS LN MEADOWCREST ST HIDDENWOODSDR THOMASDR OAKLANDBLVD DA I R Y RD READ MOUNTAINRD GARTH DR HA W L E Y D R ENON DR CREEKSIDE DR NEL L DR BUCKLAND MILLRD BARNS AVE GOODWIN AVE HAVENS TRL ROBERTA RD BOXLEYRDMILLWOOD DR DU T C H OV E N R D LAPPINGLN TIMBERVIEW RD TOBEY RD MEADOW CREEKDR SHAWNEE TRL ARABIAN LN EDDIES RD DENNISLN LILLY D R GREENHILL PARKRD CROTTS LN MOUNTAINPARKDR GLENMARYDR CA S E Y R D FARMHILLDR LAKEFRONTDR ALBERT RD ALLTREE TRL CRUTCHFIELD ST DEER TRAIL DR TWINE HOLLOWRD LE E RD MA Y W O O D AV E KEYSTONE LN WARWOODDR BARLEYDR LOCUST GROVELN NEWPORT RD BELDON DR CATAWBA CREEKRD WADE RD BOTTSHOLLOW RD GUMSPRINGS RD DRY HOLLOWRD BA Y N E R D WEST RIVERSIDEDR 81 BEARCREEK DR STONESKEEPLN CARLOS DR APACHE RD SHERWOOD RD MOUNTAINDR TINY TRL FILLYCT 81 EDGEBROOKRD WATESLN MA Y F A I R DR SINKER LN LOCH HAVEN LAKEDR PETTY AVE BENDING OAKDR TUTTLERD MA T T I E DR KNOLL R D GRACIE RD SAWMILLBRANCHRD BLUEBIRDLN YATEMANLN WI L L I B Y RD TRAVIS TRL HIDDENCOVE RD CARDINALDR RAMEY LN SANDYRIDGE RD FROSTYLN JEN S E N P L FOREST ACRECT GRAVEL HILL RD PAINT BANKRD SPILLWAYLN MOSES FAMILY RD 581 WINDFALLDR 81 RAMP 81RAMP RIDGEDR POWELLDR DAMEWOOD DR BERRYBROOKDR 58 1 YELLOW FINCHRD ALLIE LN 81 RA M P PA T R I C K LN CATAWBA HOSPITALDR CARNER LN 81RAMP LUTHERDR JOYCELN KE S L E R MI L L R D DUCKPOND RD BLACKSBURG RD MILDREDS WAY CATAWBAFORESTLN 581RAMP 581 RAMP ELENAVISTADR SPRINGHOLLOW ACCESSRD HIDDEN FALLSDR GARTH DR MVP ACCESSMEACHAMRD HICKORY HILL RD REESE MOUNTAIN RD BRUSH MOUNTAINRD Richfield North Glenvar Fort Lewis South Glenvar Northside Hanging Rock Catawba Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA r Legend Catawba Magisterial District Precincts Virginia House of Delegates Exhibit B: Catawba Magisterial District Precincts 0 0.75 1.50.38 Miles March 8, 2022 RANDALL DR SA U L LN BRAMBLETONAVE BRAMBLETONAVE MOUNT PLEASANTBLVD WEDGEWOOD RD GARSTMILLRD MCVITTYRD BRANDYWINE AVEPINEVALERD MANASSASDR VI E W A V E BRETHREN RD BACKCREEKRD COLONIALAVE ROSECREST RD GRANDINROAD EXT WINTERDR CHAPARRAL DR GLENHEATHERDR INDIAN GRAVE RD ROSELAWNRD STONEYBROOKDR NORMANDY LN PLE A S A N T HIL L D R ELM VIEW RD YELLOWMOUNTAINRD CORDELL DR BUCKMOUNTAIN RD CLEARBROOKLN ARLINGTON HILLSDR SOUTH PEAKBLVD VALLEY AVE BROOKWOODDR SUNCRESTDR CROSSBOW CIR STARKEY RD OGDENRD CRYSTALCREEKDR SUGARLOAF MOUNTAINRD HOFAWGERRD CIRCLECREEKDR DAVISBOONE RDWILSONRD ELECTRICRD ELECTRIC RD PINE NEEDLEDR MERRIMANRD STARLIGHTLN JAEVALLEYRD VIS T A PKW Y COLEMAN RD KELLYLN BANDYRDRANCHCREST DR SOLONEVICHRD BENOISRD KEEFERRD WINNBROOKDR WILLOWLAWNST OLD MILLRD BUNK E R HILL D R GRA P E TRE E L N SOUTHMOUNTAINDR PENCHECKCIR BUSHDALE RD LAN E W O O D DR DAWNWOOD RD SUN VALLEY LN HOLLYBERRY RD COTTON HILL RD LINNCOVE CT SUMMERSETDR BENT MOUNTAIN RD PEACHTREE CIR BRANDERWOOD DR LEWISRD BRANICODR PENN FOREST BLVD FARMINGTONDR MAYFIELDDR COLONY LN FORTMASONDR BRIDLE LN FALCONRIDGE RD FRANKLIN RD SCOTFORDCT SUNNYVALEST LAKELANDDR SOUTHINDIANGRAVERD BOWER RD WOODLEY DR PENGUINDR RANLYNNDR CRANAPPLEDR ROCKHILLDR PITZERRD JULIE T CT MEADOWLARK RD MT CHESTNUTRD HEM I N G W A Y RD MERINODR PAMLICO DR FLAMINGO DR HUNTINGHILLS DR MONETDR LEFFELRD CAVALIERDR DOVEDR RIC H A R D S BLV D FERGUSONVALLEYRD OLD FARMRD STEEPLECHASEDR WEBBRD FOREST RD HYDEPARKDR BRAHMARD FERGUSON DR CRESTHILL DR DOE RUN RD CHAGALL DR CANTER CIR JANNEYLN FRANKLINRD ALMONDRD CROWELLGAPRD WOODRIDGEDR GOODMAN RD BANBURY LN KIRKWOODDR CRESCENTBLVD MASON KNOB TRL PEB B L E DR RABBITRUNRD CEDARLN LARSON LN BELLEMEADEDR DUNAHOODR KENWICK TRL PINEY RIDG E DR STABLE RD LONGVIEW RD SHA AL RD PARKWAYDR KINGS COURTDR OVERLANDDR CIRCLEVIEW DR CARRIAGE DR CHIPPENHAMDR FAIRCRESTLN GRANDIN RD SADDLERIDGE RD KENTLAND DR CANTERDR WHISPERINGLN HA Z E L DR PONDEROSA CIR HA W K B I L L CI R MASONS CRESTTRL GLENMONT DR POFFLN KIRK L N OGDEN RDGIESERRDCASTLEROCKRD RE D HI L L R D WARRING LN SPOTSWOODDR POAGEVALLEYROADEXT ELBERT DR MARY B PL VINYARDRD CANTLELN SKYLARK CIR SPLIT OAK RD ROCKI N G H A M BLVD BOONES CHAPEL RD PARKWOODDR DAVISAVE POAGE VALLEYRD FOXRIDGERD FREEBORNCIR TWOFORD RD FALLOWATERLN STERLING RD SINGING HILLSRD RUTROUGHRD HOLLY TREEDR STEARNESAVE BRIDLEWOODDR OVERBROOK DR SUGAR RIDGEDR SPARKS RD EANES RDGIRARDDR WO O D R D SIMSMORE AVE CORNTASSEL LN DORSET DR BUCKHORN RD HARTMAN FARMLN MARIGOLD CIR OAKCLIFFDR RAVENROCKRD WARWOODDR TAMARACKTRL BRA H M A RD SUNNYCRESTLOOP FORDWICKDR LUWANADR ENCHANTEDLN SUNBERRY CIR MCSPETZLN TALL OAKLN EDEN AVE SHAD O WHOLLO W L N BRIARRIDGECIR HA R M O N Y DR GRU B B RD EDENSHIRE RDMALLARDDR LORI DR BRYAN RD MALLARDLAKEDR LAURELHILLRD EMMALN DANIELRD RAINTREERD MIDWAY D R SHINGLE RIDGERD LAKEDALE RD FRANKLINRD BONSALLLN WINDRIDGE PKWY ROYALOAK DR TUPELOTRL RAKES RD BRANC H R D TALLPINE LN SPRINGRUNDR PENWOODDR CLEARBROOK PARKRD CYNTHIA DR TITAN TRL UPLANDGAME RD DEERFIELD RD SILVER FOXRD CROSSBOWCIR ALDERRD WILLOWBRANCHRD MON C A P TRL BALLYHACK TRL MAYODR MUSICAL LN COXHOPKINS RD DEERVIEWCIR HUCKLEBERRY LN CARR ROUSE RD QUARRY DR BLUE RIDGEPKWY OLDVIRGINIA SPRINGSRD WILLOW BRANCH RD HILLSIDE RD MAYLANDRD FISHPONDRD HEMLOCKAVE MILLNER PL LOWLAND LN LANDVIEWDR HARMONYLN BLUE RIDGE PKWY MILLHOUSELN COWMANRD MASO N S VIEW L N BLACKHORSELN MELODY AVE CHRISTIE LN BLANTONAVE TOKEN RD INDIANROCKRD FORTMASONDR POPLAR VIEWRDASTONLN BACKCREEK CIR SCENIC HILLSDR BANDYLN GINSENGRD WILD TURKEYRD MOONSONG RD CARONSVIEWLN FALLWELLLN WHITE PINERD ROANOKE MOUNTAIN PKWY Buck Mountain Hunting HillsEast Cave Spring West Cave Spring Starkey Green Valley Clearbrook Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA Exhibit C: Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts March 8, 2022r 0 0.54 1.080.27 Miles Legend Cave Spring Magisterial District Precincts Virginia House of Delegates US House/Congressional GLADE CREEKRD HERSHBERGER RD PLANTATIONRD PLANTATIONRD CAREFREE LN NO R T H BR O O K D R MAR S O N R D CO O P E R S R D LAMARREDR QUAIL PL LILA DR FRIENDSHIP LN BARRENSRD WILLIAM S O N R D WALR O N D DR WILLIAM S O N R D DEERBRANCHRD HITECH RD VALLEYPOINTE PKWYWOODHAVENRD ALPINE R D WENDOVERRD NORTHSIDEHIGH SCHOOLRD DEXTERRD NORTHRIDGE LN NORTHLAKEDR SUMMER VIEWDR CARSONRD CHALLENGERAVE CHALLENGERAVE KINGSMEN RD CLOVERDALERD HUNTRIDGERD CLOVERDALERD BONSACKRDWESTRURITANRD TRAILDR CRUMPACKERDR MANOR ST SANDERSON DR MALVERNRD RURITAN RD CORTLANDRD SHADWELLDR VIKIN G DR PETERSCREEKRD PETERSCREEKRD CRIS P I N S T OLD MOUNTAINRD TINKERVIEW RD ASHTON LN GARMAN DR COACHMAN DR LAYMANRD SCARLETOAK DR FAIROAKSRD RESERVOIR RD PLANTATIONCIR DENTRD FLORISTRDAIRP O R T R D BUNK E R CIR VILLAGEGREENDR PALM VALLEYRD EVANLN DARBYRD HEDGELAWNAVE CLEARWATER AVE STONELEDGEDR LABA N RD ORLANDO AVE SPRINGBEAUTY ST GEN E V A CIR EASTCAMPUSDR GROVELN VISTA AVE MEMO R Y LN HOLLINS RD ORCHARD HILLDR TREVILIANRD ASHB U R Y CT OLSENRD CROSSTIMBERS TRL DERBYDR ORLANDO AVE EASTRURITANRD SIERRADR STOKES DR GLOSTER DR WATERFALLDR DALLASRD WORMACKRD ORCHARDPARKDR RIDGECREST DR FLORAFARMDR HUNTERSTRL VALLEYPARKDR BROOKVIEWRD APRICOT TRL BLU E V I E W DR APPLETREEDR ESTES ST BARRENSVILLAGE LN LITTLETONRD BEAUMONT RD THORNROSERD LULA AVE NORTHWAYDR FOR E S T OAK D R INDI A N RD BLOOMFIELDAVE CLUBHOUSEDR MAR T H A D R LINN DR WEBST E R D R PRALINE P L NOVERAVE MYSTIQUE CT APPLE HARVESTDR LOCHHAVENDR NELMSLN FAIRHURST DR MEADOWCREST ST VILLAGELN SUMMERDEANAVE CARDIFF CT GOLDENIVY DR OAKLANDBLVD BOBBYDR SETTERRD FAC U L T Y AVE SHERRYRD OAKLAND BLVD AFTON LN VERNDALEDR NELLDR DARBY CIR ABNEY RD ANCHORDR CARTER GROVELNBRITANEYRD NORTH BARRENSRD FIELDVIEWDR FENWICK DR JOHNRICHARDSON RD SUD L E Y RD CRUMPACKER DR JONATHANLN ENO N D R WESTCAMPUS DR PETTIT AVE PHY L L I S RD CHESTER AVE BUCKLAND MILLRD DEN I S E C I R READ MOUNTAINRD ARCHCRESTDR GREENWAY DR VISTAMONT DR ARDMORE DR BARNS AVE BOXLEYRD MAYFIELD ST COACHMANCIR PENDLETON AVE LOMANDR CRO T T S L N TINKERDALE RD THIRLANERD BLUEBELLLN CUNDIFFDR PRE A K N E S S CT RUNNINGDEER LN EAST DR ALEXANDERDR MEYERSDR AUTUMNWOOD L N SOURWOOD ST HARTMA N CT CRESTLANDDR ALBE R T RD CRAUNLN CH E S T E R DR OLDETAVERNRD ROMEDR CAROLIN A T R L AVERYROW GOFFRD STRATHMORE LN BELLE H A V E N R D BIRK D A L E DR KEYSTONELN CRUTCHFIELDST BARNAGETDR IN T E G R I T Y DR BISCAYNE RD SA N T A AN I T A T E R VIVIANAVE WATER OAK RD BROYLES LN PETERS CREEKRD SOFTDRTIMBERVIEWRD CE D A R HL APRIL LN 81 SUMMITRIDGERD POINDEXTERLN GARR E T T L N HUNTERSLN CARLOSDR TINK E R LN CONN I E DR WESVANDR PINETREELN HUGH AV E WINESAPDR BYERSRD TIN Y TR L DOGWOOD ACRESDR GREGGINDR LOCHHAVEN LAKEDR TINKERBELLLN RED BARNLN NELLCIR 81 ELDEN AVE SOUTH BARRENSRD ELWOOD ST PO S T RD FRANCEDR PETTYAVE SULLIVAN LN TWIN FORKSDR PIN E W O O D DR LOIS LN STA R M O U N T A V E 581 WILLOWBROOK DR LAMARRECIR 58 1 81 RAMP 81 RAMP 581RAM P ANGEL LN LAKEBACKO BEYONDDR 581RAMP 581 RAMP GANDERWAY 581RAMP BLUERIDGEPKWY 581RAMP CHA L L E N G E R AVEOrchards Mountain View Plantation Burlington Green Ridge Hollins Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA r Legend Hollins Magisterial District Precincts Virginia House of Delegates 0 0.45 0.890.22 Miles Exhibit D: Hollins Magisterial District Precincts March 8, 2022 SA U L LN MOUNT PLEASANTBLVD RANDALLDR MARVINDR FEATHERRD STONEBRIDGE DR LINDENWOODDR BAKE R DR LEMONLN CARSONRD CHALLENGERAVE CHALLENGERAVE HUNTRIDGE RD CLOVERDALE RD BONSACKRDWESTRURITANRD VIS T A PKW Y TRAILDR CRUMPACKER DR WASHINGTON AVEWASHINGTONAVE RURITANRD FINNEYDR BANDYRD HARDYRDBEECHWOODDR TEMPLE DR SHA AL RD RIVERVIEWRD BLUERIDGEPKWY BUSHDALE RD PITZERRD SUNVALLEY LN HUFFST CHESTNUT MOUNTAINDR WOODMERE DR COACHMAN DR GLADECREEK R D YELLOWMOUNTAIN RD OLD MOUNTAIN RD MAPLEWOOD DR EVANLN LEWISRD ROANOKERIVERPKWY LAWSONLN MAYFIELD DR HORSEPEN MOUNTAINDR SUNNYVALE ST JAEVALLEYRD COX HOPKINSRD SWA N DR COOPERS COVERD OLNEYRD WOL F RUN EASTLAND RD ROCK HILLDR HOLLINSRD ORCHARD HILLDR AL C O A RD PIO N E E R DR HEM I N G W A Y RD PLAN T A T I O N GROV E L N TODDSBURY DR DERBYDR HORSESHOE BENDRD EASTRURITANRD CHESTNUT RIDGERD HIGHLANDRD IVYLANDRD FERGUSONVALLEYRD JON Q U I L CIR FORESTRD BROOKRIDGERD APRICOT TRL DEER RUNDR FERGUSON DR BLU E VIEW D R APPLETREE DR FOUNTAINLN HIL L A V E OLNEYRD BE A V E R S LN CAMERON DR BLOOMFIELD AVE ROBINDALE DR GOODMAN RD LAYMANRD PRALINE P L PEBBLEDR MYSTIQUECT CARLOS DR ADAM DR TERRY D R GOLDEN IVYDR 16T H S T MOUNTAINVIEW RD SETTERRD CEDARMEADEDR FALLING CREEKDR SUNFLOWERDR MUSE DR BARTONST SPRING GROVEDR BERKLEYRD LANGLAND DR JONATHAN LN SUMMIT RIDGERD WHISPERING LN HOGANCIR HAMMONDDR MISSIMERLN READMOUNTAIN RD WARRINGLN AVER YROW CAST L E R I D G E R D STO N E Y RIDG E D R ROCKI N G H A M BLVD AFTON LN AZALEA RD HILL CIR CUNDIFFDR RUTROUGHRD HIRAMST UNDERHILLAVE PRE A K N E S S CT LAKE ST DENBEIGHCIR STERLINGRD BLUFF RD AEROSPACERD HALIFAXCIR ROMEDR EANES RD CIDERMILL CT CAMBRIDGE DR LAUREL GLENRD STATON DR HUFFMANLN WO O D R D SIMSMOREAVE BARNAGETDR RAVENROCKRD IN T E G R I T Y DR MATTHEW DR CARTERGROVECIR APRILLN DALEVIEW DR HA R M O N Y DR TULIPLN WESVANDR EDENSHIRE RD LORI DR WINDY GAPDR BRYAN RD WO L F CRS T DALADIER DR GREGGINDR DANIELRDGEARHART RD DEER HOLLOWDR HOGAN RD RED B A R N LN MEADOW LN WINDRIDGE PKWY BALLYHACKTRL LABELLEVUEDR RAKES RD MAT T I E D R BRANC H R D TALL PINE LN BLANDFIELDDR POPLARGROVE DR PINESPUR RD RIDGE RD SULLIVANLN SPRADLINDR HE Y SLN LOIS LN CRANWELLDR CARR ROUSE RD QUARRY DR OLD VIRGINIASPRINGSRD MOUNT PLEASANTBLVD PARHAMDR MAYLANDRD BALLARD ST RIVERD A L E R D WILLOWBROOK DR STACIE D R MILLHOUSELN COWMANRD PALMETTO BLUFFRD WOODWAY RD GORDONBROOKDR BLANTON AVE MARYSWAY LN INDIANROCKRD LAKEBACK O BEYONDDR POPLARVIEW RD DEERPATHTRL OLDSALEMTURNPIKERD BANDYLN CARONSVIEWLN NIAGARARD North Lindenwood South Vinton South Lindenwood Mount Pleasant North Vinton Bonsack Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA March 8, 2022 Exhibit E: Vinton Magisterial District Precincts r Legend Vinton Magisterial District Precincts Virginia Senate 0 0.47 0.950.24 Miles BRAMBLETON AVE GARSTMILL RD BUCKEYE RD BRANDYWINE AVE MANASSAS DR VIEW AVE COLONIAL AVE ROSECREST RD GRANDINROADEXT CHAPARRALDR GLEN HEATHERDR ROSELAWNRD ELMVIEWRD CORDELLDR KEAGY RD STARKEYRD CRYSTAL CREEKDR SUGARLOAF MOUNTAINRD HARVESTHILL RD ELECTRICRD HARBORWOODRD ELECTRIC RD MERRIMAN RD COLEMANRD 81 QUINCE MOUNTAINRD WALTONLN KELLY LNSOLONEVICHRDBENOISRD 81 OLDMILLRD BOXWOODDR SOUTH MOUNTAINDR HUNTING HILLSDR BENTMOUNTAINRD MCVITTYRD DAWNWOOD RD COTTONHILL RD HICKORYDR GLADDEN RD POOR MOUNTAIN RD ELLISON AVE LINNCOVECT MT CHESTNUT RD WESTRIVER RD SUMMERSETDR DRYHOLLOW RD BUCKMOUNTAINRD PEACHTREECIR BRANICODR PENN FORESTBLVD COLONYLN QUAILRIDGE CIR FORTMASONDR BRIDLELN SCOTFORD CT LAKELANDDR STONE MOUNTAINRD BOWERRD PELHAMDR CLUBLN RAN LYNNDR CRANAPPLEDR COUNTRYWOODDR AIRPOINT RD MEADOWLARKRD HOLLYBERRYRD FLAMINGO DR PAMLICO DR GRANDINRD MONETDR CAVALIERDR DOV E DR RICHA R D S BLVD MILL CREEK RD MILLWHEEL DR HUMMINGBIRDLN BRAHMARD WESTRIVERSIDE DR TWELVEOCLOCK KNOBRD IVYMOUNTAIN DR MOWLES RD WA B U N LN LAR K C I R JANNEY LN ALMO N D RD ANN L N WO O D R I D G E DR KIRKWOODDR CRESCENT BLVDRABBITRUNRD LARSONLN SALISBURYDR BELLEMEADEDR POPCORNLN KENWICKTRL PINEY R I D G E DR LEVI RD LEIGH LN LOSTDR RUSSLENDR LONGVIEWRD BACKCREEK ORCHARDRD PARKWAYDR KINGS COURTDR OVERLAND DR CREEKSIDE DR DAWNCIR KENTLANDDR OTHE L L O CIR LAPPING LN POAGES MILLDR MILLWOOD DR HIDDEN WOODSDR MALLARD LAKECT POF F LN CASTLEROCKRD CARRIAGE HILLSDR POAGE VALLEY ROADEXT ELBERTDR LAWRENCE LN CREEKCIR LITT L E H O R N DR VINYARDRD TERRAPINTRL CAN T L E L N TINSLEY LN CANYONRD SPLITOAKRD APPLE GROVELN HUNTCAMPRD PARKWOODDR DAVISAVE FRANKLIN ST POAGE VALLEYRD MOUNTAINTOPDR TERRACEDR MAGGIELN FOXRIDGERD CABINCREEKDR TWO FORD RD FALLOWATERLN CO U N T R Y HO M E S R D INGLESIDE DR GREENHOLLOWDR OLDBENT MOUNTAINRD BEASLEY TRL BRIDLEWOODDR WHISTLERDR SUGAR RIDGEDR FARMHILLDR SLINGSGAPRD VE S T DR NANDINADR SALLIELN WARWOOD DR BOTTOM CREEK RD TAMARACK TRLLUW A N A DR RIDGELEARD IVYRIDGERD MARTINSCREEKRD BOTTS HOLLOWRD FORTUNE RIDGERD TALL OAKLN PATTERSON DR OLDSHILLINGRD COVE HOLLOWRD GRUBB RD REDSTAGRD STRATFORD WAY EMMALN TIMBER BRIDGE RD RAINTREERD SUGARCAMPCREEKRD SLINGS GAPRD ROCKYRD SHINGLERIDGERD STARLIGHTLN GREENHILLDR GREENHOUSE RDCOBBLELN WINDSONGLN ROYALOAKDR BEARINGRD TUPELO TRL BERRYLN STONEMILLDR HIGHFIELDS FARMDR PENWOODDR POWELL DR BLUERIDGEPKWY RE E DRD KINGBROTHERSRD CYNTHIADR TITANTRL UPLANDGAMERD HONEYSUCKLE RD VISTAFOREST DR LOSTMOUNTAINRD SPILLWAYLN COUNTYLINERD MONCAP TRL FOSTER LN HUCKLEBERRYLN WILLETTLN BOTTOMCREEKLN ALLIELN FAIRWAYVIEWTRL GARSTCABINDR CHRISTOPHERDR WADERD CEZANNECT 81 RAMP STONEYPOINT RD RUSSWOOD RD HARMONYLN MASONSVIEWLN CLOV E RHILL R D TOKENRD FORTMASON DR AIRPOINTDR LUTHERDR COBBLETRL MONTUORIWAY MARIEDR SCENICHILLS DR GINSENGRD MILDREDSWAY RIDGELEA ESTATES DR COLESRD LAUREL CREEKRD BLUE RIDGE PKWY MEDIA WAY MAJESTIC LN BEECHNUT RD GARTH DR HIDDENFALLSDR MOONSONGRD FALLWELL LN WI L L O W VA L L E Y R D MVPACCESSPOOR MOUNTAIN1RD GARST MILL WEST HIDDEN VALLEY OAK GROVE EAST HIDDEN VALLEY WINDSOR HILLS BENT MOUNTAIN BACK CREEK Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA March 8, 2022 Exhibit F: Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts r 0 0.79 1.580.4 Miles Legend Windsor Hills Magisterial District Precincts Virginia House of Delegates 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 7 9 12 14 17 20 22 Ca r v i n C o v e R e s e r v o i r 581 8181 581 Roanoke city° Salem city° Simmonsville dist Dist C-01 Gills Creek dist Blackwater dist Locust Grove dist Boone dist Blue Ridge dist Amsterdam dist Valley dist Craig Creek dist Dist A-01 Buchanan dist Fincastle dist Union Hall dist Dist 1 Dist D-01 Rocky Mount dist Windsor Hills dist Vinton dist Catawba dist Hollins dist Cave Spring dist BOTE T O U R T 0 2 3 ROAN O K E 1 6 1 FRANKLIN 067 BEDFORD 019 BOTETOURT 023 BEDFORD 019 CRAIG 045 BOTETOURT 023 MONTGOMERY 121 CRAIG 045 FRANKLIN 067 FLOYD 063 FLOYD 063MONTGOMERY 121 SALEM 775 ROANOKE 770 FLOYD 063 ROANOKE 161 MO N T G O M E R Y 1 2 1 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 SALEM 775ROANOKE 161 ROANOKE 161 ROANOKE 770 ROANOKE 161 BEDFORD 019 CRAIG 045 ROANOKE 161 FRANKLIN 067 ROANOKE 161 Shawsville Lafayette Hollins Cloverdale Blue Ridge Elliston Daleville Laymantown Glenvar Hollins Cave Spring Boones Mill Salem Roanoke Troutville Vinton A LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (INDEX) - Sheet ID: 253351161000 Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Note: This index map sheet provides the map sheet configuration in relation to the subject entity. Due to scale limitations, map content may be simplified. Refer to parent and/or inset map sheets for detailed map content. 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP (INDEX): Roanoke County, VA37.449902N 80.284216W 37.452412N 79.819595W 37.082037N 79.817615W 37.079539N 80.279928W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Kilometers 0 1 2 3 4 5 Miles SCALE 1:56,293 Exhibit G Sinking Creek Mtn Chimney Rock Turnpike Crk Cabin Br Adaline Br Sinking Crk Sinking Crk Pickles Br Mill Crk Lee Holw Cabin Br Trout Crk Sinking Crk 42 Simmonsville dist 95703 Craig Creek dist 91032 Catawba dist 90648 301 ROANOKE 161 CRAIG 045 3011* 3009* Hall Rd State R t e 6 2 4 Thorny Hollow Trl Little M ountain R d Suga r M a p l e L n Miller Cv Upper Craigs Creek Rd Cumberland Gap Rd Blue Jay Ln Blue Jay Ln Sugar Maple Ln Donkey Dr Blue Mount a i n Dr State Rte 620 State Rte 651 State Rte 660 Taylor Dr Mountain Side Dr Ross L n Poorhouse Farm Rd Hall Rd Creekside Ln State R t e 6 5 1 State R t e 6 2 4 State Rte 620 Sta t e R t e 6 2 1 Miller Cove Rd State Rte 620 LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 5 2 6 1 37.445688N 80.278831W 37.446320N 80.188049W 37.373952N 80.187302W 37.373321N 80.277995W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161001 Sheet 1 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Earn Knob Broad Run McAfee RunPickles Br McAfee Run Catawba Crk 320 311 Simmonsville dist 95703 Craig Creek dist 91032 Catawba dist 90648 301 ROANOKE 161CRAIG 045 Appalachian Trl 3003 3013* 3013* 2000* 3022* 3014* 3001* 3005* 3006* 3009* 3007 3021 3010 3002 3008 White Deer Trl State Rte 618 Upper Craigs Creek Rd Craig Valley Dr Mc C a l e b L n Waltons Mountain Rd Waltons Mountain Rd Hickory Brook Dr Hickory Ln Coleys Cliff Rebel Ridge Dr Jockeymore Dr Huf f L n Hart D r Carroll Ln Laurel Hill Pass Broad Run Rd Country Campground DrCountry Campground Dr Clear Spring Rd Hidden Acres Trl Bryant Ln Persimmon Dr Catawba Forest Ln State Rte 621 State Rte 698 State R t e 7 7 9 Newport Rd Blac k s b u r g R d Catawba V a l l e y D r Catawba H o s p i t a l D r Keffer Rd Cataw b a C r e e k R d LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 1 5 6 3 7 2 37.446320N 80.188049W 37.446881N 80.097265W 37.374513N 80.096606W 37.373952N 80.187302W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161002 Sheet 2 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) North Mtn McAfee Knob Buchanan Br Broad Run Haymaker Br Little Catawba Crk Carvin Crk Catawba Crk Ca t a w b a C r k Masons Crk Catawba Crk Masons Crk 311 Craig Creek dist 91032 Amsterdam dist 90048 Catawba dist 90648 301 BOTE T O U R T 0 2 3 ROAN O K E 1 6 1 CRAIG 045 BOTETOURT 023 CRAIG 045 ROANOKE 161 Appalachian Trl Appalachian Trl 1013 1011* 1008* 1014* 3013* 1012*2000* 1010* 3004 2002*1015*1015* 3001* 1007* 3000 3005* 3006* 1009 Hogan Hollow Rd State Rte 618 Wilderness Ln Cata w b a R d Little Catawba Creek Rd Cook Mountain Trl Rhodes Ln Our Rd Sunnybrook Farm Dr Gravelly Ridge Rd Arbor Ln Cherokee Ln Palmer Trl Docs Way Still Branch Rd Hidden Acres Trl Fli n t R d Catawba Forest Ln Cardinal Dr Bugle Ln State Rte 663 State Rte 737 State Rte 890 State R t e 6 0 0 State Rte 864 State Rte 740 State Rte 779 State Rte 655 Old Catawba Rd Oakey Dolin Rd Carvins Cove Rd ApacheRd Moses Family Rd Sagewood Cir Catawba Valley Dr Catawba Creek Rd Old Mountain Rd Carterdell Rd Bendemeer Rd Shawnee Trl LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 2 6 7 4 8 3 37.446881N 80.097265W 37.447372N 80.00648W 37.375003N 80.00591W 37.374513N 80.096606W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161003 Sheet 3 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Carvin Cove Reservoir Buchanan Br Rulman Br Sawmill Br Tinker Crk Angell B r Rocky Br Carvin Crk Tinker CrkRai l w a y Amsterdam dist 90048 Catawba dist 90648301 ROAN O K E 1 6 1 BOTE T O U R T 0 2 3 Daleville 21152 1007* 1008* 1002* Azalea Rd Tinker Mill Rd Tinker Top Rd Tinker Top Rd Reservoir Rd Ridge Creek Ln Grandview Dr Et z l e r R d Jamison Farm Ln Cata w b a R d Carvins Cove Rd Shenandoah Ave Inte r nati o n a l P k wy Glebe Rd Glebe Hill Dr Azalea Rd Orc h a r d L a k e D r Wellington Ln Wentworth Ln Ridgecrest Dr Hollymeade Ln Coventry Ln Camelia D r Mimosa St Cambridge DrCamelia Dr Daleview Dr Willis Way Rd Glebe R d Jamestown Rd Woody Way Preston Pkwy Harvest Ln Vi l l a g e L n Ivy Ln Anthony Ln Tu gel Dr Victoria Dr Andrew Dr Game Trl Greenway Hollow Rd Maple Leaf Trl Rocky Top Rd Mountain Trail Rd River Birch Ave State Rte 1035 State Rte 675 State Rte 1021 State Rte 674 State Rte 648 State Rte 1055 State Rte 1052 State Rte 1050 State Rte 1051 State Rte 787 State Rte 626 State Rte 1020 State Rte 1019 State Rte 672 State Rte 1030 State Rte 1038 State Rte 1040 St a t e R t e 1 0 4 3 State Rte 1042 St a t e R t e 6 7 2 State Rte 1141 State Rte 779 Carvins Cove Rd LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 3 7 8 9 4 37.447372N 80.00648W 37.447792N 79.915694W 37.375422N 79.915212W 37.375003N 80.00591W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161004 Sheet 4 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Cabin Br Adaline Br Sandy Br Gallion Br Trout Crk Catawba Crk Bradshaw Crk Gallion Br Wright Br North Fork Roanoke Riv Trout Crk Bradshaw Crk Craig Crk North Fork Roanoke RivDist A-01 92713 Craig Creek dist 91032 Catawba dist 90648 301 ROANOKE 161 CRAIG 045 MONTG O M E R Y 1 2 1 CRAIG 0 4 5 MO N T G O M E R Y 1 2 1 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 3015 2015* 2015* 3020 3018 3013* 2000* 3019 3012* 3009* 2012* 3011* Gallion Ridge Rd Catawba Rd Moun t T a b o r R d Upper Craigs Creek Rd Teaberry Ln Bending Oak Dr Arab i a n L n Berrybrook Dr Johnsville Church Rd Hidden Cove Rd Filly Ct Brush Mtn Rd Gracie Rd Damewood Dr State Rte 630 State Rte 621 Sta t e R t e 6 5 0 Stat e R t e 7 0 1 State Rte 620 State Rte 624 State Rte 622 State Rte 704 State Rte 697 Miller Cove Rd Blacksburg Rd Brush Mountain Rd Sandyridge Rd Bradshaw Rd Gra v e l H i l l R d Newport Rd LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 1 10 2 6 11 5 37.373321N 80.277995W 37.373952N 80.187302W 37.301582N 80.186556W 37.300952N 80.277161W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161005 Sheet 5 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Cove Mtn Mason Crk Horners Br Big Bear Rock Br Catawba Crk Paint Bank Br Bradshaw Crk Masons Crk McAfee Run Catawba Crk Dry Crk Masons Crk Mason Crk Catawba Crk Horners Br Catawba dist 90648 301 303 Appalachian Trl 3017 2015* 2005* 1051* 1065*1068* 1056* 1047* 1064* 3013* 1005* 2000* 1003* 2009* 3022*3014* 3014* 2004* 1001* 3012* 3009* 2012* 2012* 3011* 1008* 1054 105 3 1006 2008 2010 3016 Bending Oak Dr Moo r e R d High Meadow Ln State Rte 873 Green Acres Dr Brandy Run Dr (Wildlife Mgmt Area) Ramey Ln Bradshaw Dr State Rte 620 State Rte 624 State R t e 6 2 2 State Rte 619 Wildwood Rd Pa i n t Bank Rd Deer T r a i l D r Twin Creek Cir Craighead Ln Blacksburg Rd Misty Ln Duck Pond Rd Lawyer Rd Zana Dr Brad s h a w R d Newport Rd Saw Mill Branch Rd Ramsey Ln Miller Cove Rd LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 1 5 10 2 11 3 7 12 6 37.373952N 80.187302W 37.374513N 80.096606W 37.302142N 80.095949W 37.301582N 80.186556W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161006 Sheet 6 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Williams Br Horners Br Peters Crk Gish Br Jumping Run Crk Dry Crk Pe t e r s C r k Peters Crk Ma s o n C r k Mason Crk Masons Crk Masons Crk Masons Crk Pet e r s C r k Dry Crk Mason Crk Horners Br Horners Br Masons Crk Masons Crk Norfolk Southern Rlwy No r f o l k S o u t h e r n R l w y 81 81 311 311 419 101 116 311 311 311 117 117 419 Catawba dist 90648 Roanoke city° 95363 Salem city° 95547 301 302.01303 SALEM 775 ROANOKE 161 SA L E M 7 7 5 RO A N O K E 7 7 0 ROANOKE 770ROANOKE 161 Roanoke 68000 Salem 70000 2016 1011* 1039 1004 1000 3005* 3010* 1046 2005* 3018* 3021* 1028* 1008* 1008* 1008* 1051* 2012 1014* 1014* 1056* 1047* 1005* 1009 3004* 103 6 * 1012* 1048 2000* 1071* 2013 2009 2000* 1045 1037 1027* 1010* 1052* 1072* 1062 1055* 1003* 2009* 2002* 1015* 3000* 3000* 2006 2011 1035 1002* 1007* 2004* 1001* 1037 1042 1039 1002 2017 2006 2007 2001 1000 1004 3008 1036 2002 2010 1006 1041 1008 3014 2003 1026 1032 1034 1033 1018 1049 1063 2011 1021 1038 3017 1001 1005 1002 1007 2004 2007 3009 3015 3012 3007 3016 3013 1017 1016 2008 1003 1031 1043 3006 1044 1035 1038 1040 1050 2003 1022 1019 1023 1020 3019 3011 Captain Dr Lancelot Ln NW Peters Creek Rd NW Links View Dr Waldheim Rd Pe t e r s C r e e k R d N W Electric Rd Dale w o o d A v e Ch a m b e r l a i n L n Electric Rd Pa r k d a l e D r Kesler Mill Rd Honeysuckle Rd Mount Vernon Ln Red L n Stonegate Dr Academy St Craig Ave Thompson Memorial Dr Thompson Memorial Dr Hig h S t Embassy Dr NW Lonna Dr NW Gree n R i d g e R d Barnett Rd NW Ha v e n S t Br a n c h D r Garst St Hook Ln Stoutamire Dr Doyle St Newman Dr Moses Ln Martin Ln N Mill Rd De e r R u n C r N Oaks Dr Rutledge Dr Camp North Rd Penguin Ln Quail Ln Cherrywood RdWalnut Rd Epperly Ln Russell Dr Kevin Ln Polar Ln Locke St King Arthur Ct NW Westminster Dr Arcadia Dr NW Biltmo r e D r N W Meadowbrook Rd NW Laura Rd NW Northwood Dr NW Showalter Rd NWSigmon Rd NW Peach Tree Dr NW Northwood Dr NWPexton Ave Youngwood Dr NW Byron Cir (Driveway) Jenson Pl Travis Trl Bluebird Ln Robin Lynn Rd Windfall Dr Kings Crest Dr Wanaga Way Dr John Mason Rd Sc o u t R d Burma Dr Oak Dr Exd Oak Dr Forest A cre Ct Brian Rd Alltree Trl Windfall Dr Legate Dr Forest Highlands Ct Hearth Ln Barrister Dr Valhalla Ct Pine Valley Ln Pine Dr Green Ridge Cir Lothar St Ston e y C r e e k L n Sch o o lDriv e w a y Buckwood Trl Drivewa Bullington Cir SycamoreDr Glen Haven Dr Tamarisk Cir Dipl o m a t D r Shirle y R d Olde Course Ln Kinloc h L n Lilac Ln Wayburn Dr Pine Dr Aarons Run Cir Escape Ridge R d Plain View Ave Dalmation Ln Mountainwood Dr Hav e n s T r l Buckwood Trl Kidder Ln Ch o c t a w R d Casey Rd Deputy Dr Embassy Cir Heather Hill Dr Quail Hollow Cir Roberta Rd Foxtail Ln Tuttle Rd Skycoe Dr Lawyer Dr Gated Rd Sawgrass Ct Lost Hollow Rd Hollybrook Rd Chase Ct Timer Rd Travis Trl Bennett Spring Rd Green Tree Ln Ponderosa Dr Lawyer Rd Dart Dr Zana Rd Avalon Cr Louise Wells Dr Rolling Brook Rd Tula Dr John R o b e r t s o n R d Rusty Rd Chase Ct Ram Dr Green Ridge Ct Candlelight Cir NW Ra m D r Coronado Dr Brushy Ridge Rd MedinahCir Cascades Ct Bromley Ln Eddies Rd Wayburn Dr Downhill Dr Laurel Woods Dr Rubley LnWygal Dr Hollybrook Rd North Rd Alltree Trl Win d f a l l D r Sherwood Rd Windfall Dr Carner Ln Westfield Pl Fieldgate Rd Dellwood Rd Hinchee Ln Dunford Dr Hanging Rock Ct Alltree Trl Jensen Pl Calder Rd Chickasaw Dr Mountanwood Dr Du n r o v i n L n Green Ridge Ct Apollo Dr Clayton Ln Da w n Ma r i e C t Lawyer Dr Richland Hills Dr State Rte 700 State Rte 622 State Rte 619 State Rt e 7 4 0 State Rte 773 State Rte 1404 State Rte 628 State Rte 629 Sta t e R t e 7 8 0 State Rte 705 State Rte 7 4 0 State R t e 8 6 4 St a t e R t e 7 8 3 St a t e Rt e 9 4 1 State Rte 914 State Rte 883 State Rte 733 State Rte 705 State Rte 863 State Rte 805 St a t e R t e 7 6 5 Be l d o n D r N Ele c t r i c Rd Thompson Memorial Dr Riple y S t Br u b a k e r D r Loch H a v e n D r N Lake Dr N Lake Dr Taney Dr Deer Park Dr Loblolly Dr Lamplighter Dr Shadow Ln NW Neil D r Goodwin Ave Montvue Rd Shirley Rd Laurel Mountain Rd Reedland Rd Willow Ridge Rd Willow Creek Dr Sawmill Branch Rd Embassy Dr Wates Ln Green Rid g e Rd NW Al l t r e e T r l White Oak Dr Northland Dr Timberview Rd N Electric Rd Carvins Cove Rd Ambassador Dr Diplomat Dr NW Summ e r D r Eveningwood Ln NW Sweetfern Dr NW Frosty Ln Branchside Rd Thompson Memorial Dr Thompson Memorial Dr Byr o n D r Mountain Heights Dr Ap a c h e R d Pin Oak Dr SkyviewRd Carleton Dr Dennis Ln Edgebrook Rd Lonna Dr NW Sagewood Cir Sagewood Cir Re d Ln Ex d Janda Dr Grand Retreat Blvd Thompson Memorial Dr Forest Acre Trl N Spring Dr NW Waxmyrtle Dr Twilight Rd Green Ridge Rd Deborah Ln Branchside Dr Janda Dr Mo n t c l a i r D r Ca t a w b a V a l l e y D r Bradshaw Rd Ke s s l e r Mill Rd Janee Dr Env o y D r N Garden Ln NW Cove Rd NW June Dr Wayburn Dr Absalom Sm ith Rd Skycoe Dr Virginia Deer Rd Grand Retreat Dr Bendemeer Rd Inn s b r o o k e D r Tully Dr Lantern St NW Morris Rd Red Ln Governor Dr Ele c t r i c Rd Boulder Trail Dr Dutc h O v e n R d Swimmer Ln Connors Ct Old Catawba Rd Rid g e D r Old Catawba Rd Bluebird Ln Shawnee Trl Con s u l D r Emissary Dr Wood Haven Rd Wipledale Ave Bauman Ln Wildwood Rd Pa t r i c k R d Plunke t t R d LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 2 6 11 3 12 4 8 13 7 37.374513N 80.096606W 37.375003N 80.00591W 37.302632N 80.005341W 37.302142N 80.095949W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161007 Sheet 7 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Hollins Univ Hollins Univ Carvin Cove Reservoir Lo c h H a v e n L k Lick Run Lick Run Peters Crk Deer Branch Crk West Fork Carvin Crk West Fork Carvin Crk Horse Pen Br Peters Crk Lick Run West Fork Carvin Crk West Fork Carvin Crk Deer Branch Crk Carvin Crk Tinker Crk Peters Crk Deer Branch Crk Tin k e r C r k Carvin Crk No r f o l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy 81 581 581 81 117 115 116 101 101 118 115 11 11 220 220 Valley dist 96159 Amsterdam dist 90048 Hollins dist 93911 Catawba dist 90648 Roanoke city° 95363 302.05 312.02 302.01 302.03 302.07 302.06 301 BOTETOURT 023 ROANOKE 161 ROA N O K E 1 6 1 ROA N O K E 7 7 0 Hill House Ct Tinker Ln Cloverdale 17680 Hollins 37880 Hollins 37880 Roanoke 68000 2026 2005 1016 1017 2023 2001 4006* 4006* 4014* 1008 1003 3005* 3010* 2006 2022 3018* 2018 2019 2032 2031 2020 3021* 4000* 2009 4005 2027 4001* 4002 2026 2019 1028* 1007 1000 1002 3004* 1036* 2020 2000* 1027* 3001 3000* 1015 1003 1010 1019 2000 1006 1004 1000 1001 1025 1005 1002* 1007* 2014 2015 2002 1000 1018 2009 2004 1006 1030 2018 2022 3003 1010 2028 2008 2024 2025 1012 2015 1017 2003 1015 1016 1024 2011 2002 2006 1003 2000 1007 2007 2015 2005 2013 1009 1008 1004 1004 2010 3020 1008 1007 2025 2000 2013 20052004 1037 1038 2020 2008 2015 20062007 1030 1029 1031 1033 1026 1027 1039 1023 1022 1032 1024 2023 2024 2009 4004 2019 1019 1017 1025 1014 1005 1002 1011 1029 2006 1018 2011 1022 2028 1013 2021 1020 4003 2005 1023 1036 2011 1035 10131015 1007 1001 1018 2013 2021 2016 2010 1011 1021 20 1 2 201420 1 6 1003 2027 2012 2007 2002 1016 1012 2008 2007 2000 2017 1003 2003 1028 1025 1020 2018 2022 2001 1000 2012 2014 2029 2030 1004 1019 1005 2004 2005 1009 2008 2016 2021 2001 1001 2029 1009 2013 2001 2014 2017 1005 1009 1001 2017 2016 2004 20 1 0 1013 1004 1006 1000 2019 2030 2002 1012 1002 1014 1006 2023 2020 3002 2011 20172012 2018 2003 1014 1034 2009 10 0 6 1024 1021 1002 1005 1040 1010 1011 1001 2003 1008 2010 Dancing Tree Ln Tinker Top Rd Dogan Ln Bryant Rd Reservoir Rd Barns Ave NW Fro n t a g e R d N W Hershberger Rd NW Hershberger Rd NW Plantation Rd Bonhill Dr NW Airport Rd NW Airp o r t R d N W Towne Sq Blvd NW Florist Rd NW Sanderson Ridge Ct Lee Hwy Sanderson Dr Player Dr NE Monterey Rd N E Old Mountain Rd NE Woodbridge Ave NW Appleton Ave NW Fairhope Rd NW Sh a m r o c k S t N W Garstland Dr NW Cove R d N W Peter s C r e e k R d N W Westside Blvd NW Asp e n S t N W Collingwood St NEElls w o r t h S t N E Hun t i n g t o n B l v d N E Rou n d h i l l A v e N W Sun r i s e A v e N W Oakland Blvd NW Will i a m s o n R d N E Tinker Creek Ln NE Holl i n s R d N E Pl a n t a t i o n R d N E Broa d S t N W Ring R d NW Ring Rd NW Grandview Ave NW Valley View Blvd NW Vall e y V i e w B l v d N W Lee Hwy Curt i s A v e N W Fralin Rd NW Whitn e y A v e N W Hildebrand Rd NW Aviation Dr NW Lo n g A c r e D r N E Houston Ave NE Monterey Ave NE Oaklawn Ave NENorthridge St NE Maplelawn Ave NE Frontier Rd NE Birchlawn Ave NW Le l a A v e N E Crittendon Ave NE Li n k S t N E Preston Ave NE Palmer Ave NE Christian Ave NE Ho l m e s S t N E Hurst Ave NE Front i e r R d NW Trinkle Ave NE Critte n d o n A v e N W Oaklawn Ave NW Troy Ave NE Maplelawn Ave NW Christia n A v e N W Fleming Ave NE Bo h o n S t N E Huntington Blvd NE Troy A v e N W Wentworth Ave NE Presto n A v e N W Trinkl e A v e N W Winsloe Dr NW Oliver Rd NE Vista DrDan Ln Cufftown Rd Strawberry Hill Rd Garfield Ln Old Mill Dr N C o m m e r c e S t Indust r i a l D r Altamira Dr Arnold Dr N E Casper Dr NE Sanders Dr N E Jacklin Dr NE Trevino Dr NE Tr e v i n o C i r N E Horseman Dr NE Go l f v i e w D r N E Oh i o A v e N E Ne l m s L n N E Old V i r g i n i a S t N E Applewood St NE Columbia St Pennsylvania Ave NE Elmcrest St NE Quail Dr N W Ga r s t l a n d A v e N W Appleton Ave NW Barrington Dr NW Harvest Ln NW Angus Rd NW Guernsey Ln N W Mi c h a e l S t N W High Acres R d N W Northminster Rd NW Ordw a y D r N W Fern c l i f f A v e Princeton Cir NE Ange l l A v e N W Wentw o r t h A v e N W Flem i n g A v e N W Brown Rd Laurel Ridge Rd NW Clarendon Ave NW Riley Rd NE Wingfield Ave N E Curtis Ave NW Ben S t N W Lew i s t o n S t N W Thelma St NW Ole v a S t N W Tuckawana Cir NW Av i a t i o n D r N W Yardle y D r N W Empress Dr NW Thirlane Rd NW Del r a y S t N W Marr S t N W Durh a m S t N W Ede n D r N W Edin b u r g h D r N W Rutgers Ave NW Ravenwood Ave NWChur c h i l l D r N W Corn e l l D r N W Gree n l a w n A v e N W Rich l a n d A v e N W Vanc o u v e r D r N W Dorc h e s t e r D r N W Valley View Blvd North NW Ced a r h u r s t A v e N W Flo r a l a n d D r N W Valle y V i e w B l v d W e s t N W Rave n w o o d A v e N W Avalon Ave NW Huff L n N W Portland Ave NW Mat t a p o n i D r N W Tom Andrews Rd NW Highland Farm Rd NW Th i r l a n e R d N W Huggins Dr NW Countryside Rd NW Dan s b u r y D r N W Ranch Rd NW Ferncliff Ave NW Hershberger Rd NW Trap p e r C i r N W Airport Entrance Rd Hollyhock Rd NW Lakeview Pl Pendleton Ave Meyers Dr Ch e s t e r D r Poindexter Ln Timberview Rd SundanceCir Readvie w Rd Big Ben Dr Ce d a r H i l l Old B l a c k H o r s e R d Lois Ln Cee S t Albe r t R d Sweetenberg Ln Samantha Cir East Dr WalhallaCt N Battery Dr Ridgecrest Ln Jones St Mi d d l e P a r k L n Wendover Rd Black Walnut Ct Copper Cir Colle g e D r Iron d a l e C i r Emerald Ct DrEmerald Ln Tinker Ln Tinke r b e l l L n Wormack Rd Columbine Ln Cardiff St Hollins Court Dr Ashburn Rd Webs t e r D r S Battery Dr Sherry Rd Indi a n R d Brent Ci r N E Valleypointe Pkwy Sta r m o u n t A v e Tinkerbell Ln Beaufort Ct Ma s o n P a r k D r Stonelyn Cottage CtBro o k St He a t h C i r Little Walk Rd Lakeview Cir Obenchain Dr Crestland Dr Oleander Cir Old Valley Rd Longleaf Dr Sweet Cherry Ct Soft Dr Drak e C i r Birkdale Dr Forest ofArden Ln Running Deer Ln Stone House Ln Domaca Dr Bryant Cir Hearthstone Rd NW Nel l C i r Garrett Ln Sequoia Dr Charnwood Cir NW Grove Ln NW Ridg e v i e w D r N W Bro o k f i e l d R d Mar t h a Dr N W Crystal Anne Ln Jasmine Cir Sugarmaple Ct Crestland Dr Ca r v i n S t Crotts Ln Muirfield Cir Austin Ave Nell Dr GenevaCir Past Times Ln Otte r v i e w D r Cent u r y D r Leighburn Dr Orlando Ct New Barrens Rd Twin Forks Dr Deerwo o d R d Sn o w be r r y C i r Northwalk Dr Scotch Pine Ln Old Do m i n i o n D r Hill House Ct Hollins Court Cir Vistamont Dr Tiny Trl Concourse Alex a n d e r D r Golden Oak Ln Layne Ct Connie Dr Norseman Dr Nicho l a s L n Barrens Village Ct Olsen Scarlet Oak Ct Red Cedar Cir Wild Cherry Ct Aco r n Keaton Dr McConnell Rd College View Ct Carolin a T r l WoodburySt N W Ol d M a n o r C t Old Manor Dr Hartm a n C t DarbyRdNW Eastdale Cir NW Gates Cir Bobby Dr Fish b u r n D r Olsen Rd Gar l a n d C i r Black Walnut Cir Gander Way Flippo Rd Old York Rd Fair Oaks Rd NE Gil Haven Dr Linn Dr Sweetenberg Ln Concourse Dr Dogwood Acres Dr Darb y Cir N W Winter Park Dr France Dr Seneca Dr la Marre Cir Cherry Blossom Cir Fish b u r n Dr Stra t h m o r e L n Cardington Dr Martindale Ave Lula A v e Robertson Ln Dallas Rd NW Hill House Ct Stone House Ln Summerville Ln Biscayne Rd Garman Dr Centurion Rd Lanasey Dr FloradaleCir Da i r y R d Arrowhead Ln Branchmac LnNorthside H S Rd Carriage Park Dr Village Green Dr Sta t e R t e 6 2 6 State R t e 6 2 5 StateRte 838 StateRte 815 State Rte 752 State R t e 8 2 2 Sta t e R t e 6 26 St a t e R t e 6 0 1 StateRte 623 Sta t e R t e 1 4 0 4 State Rte 62 8 St a t e R t e 6 0 5 State Rte 616 State Rte 621 State Rte 1404 N Ba r r e n s R d Pet t i t A v e Summerdean Ave NE Angel Rd Ol d D o m i o n D r Carvins Cove Dam Rd Boxley R d William s o n R d Pinehurst Cir Trevilian Rd Old M o u n t a i n R d Nelms LnNW Slusser Ln Mem o r y L n Bo l e j a c k B l v d Kenw orth Dr Valleypark Dr Orlando Ave Ma y f i e l d S t Palm Valley Fairhurst Dr NW Santa Anita Ter NW Lit t l e t o n R d S Barrens Rd Dwig h t S t Estes St N Hugh Ave McKinney St Townsend Rd New l a n d R d Marson Rd Northway Dr Key s t o n e L n Waterfall Dr Tinkerview Rd Pla n t a t i o n Rd John Richardson Rd Car l o s D r Keffield St Greyholme Ln S Bend Dr Pinetree Ln Oxbow Way Byers Rd Peter s Creek Rd Hawthorne Rd NW Old Mo u n t a i n Rd NE Sudley Ave Greenwich Dr Timberview Rd Val l e y P a r k D r Palm Valley Rd Northside High School Rd Summer Dr NorthsideHigh Sch o o l Rd No r t h r i d ge L n Th o r n r o s e R d N W Sumpter Pl Nover Ave Car e f r e e L n N W Plymouth Dr Air p o r t Rd S Campus Dr Ashton L n Shadwell Dr Crutchfield St Nelm s LnNW Magnolia Rd Orlando Ave Capito St Commander Dr NW Abney Rd NW Ma l v e r n R d N W Peyton St Peyton St Black Walnut Cir Lila Dr Summer ViewDr E Campus Dr Hershberger Rd NW Ardmore Dr Gaston Dr Greyholme Ln Meadewood Dr St o n i n g t o n Rd N W Ridgecrest Dr Barns AveNW Walrond Dr Stokes Dr Ha l c u n D r Barrens Village Ln Oa k l a n d B lv d Bun k e r L n N W Craun Ln NW N Spring Dr NW Reservoir Rd Cedar Crest Rd Kite Dr Old Dominion Dr Old D o m i n i o n D r Dexter Rd Dallas Rd Pla n t a t i o n Rd Sanderson Dr Trillium Ln Peters C r e e k R d N W Goodland AveClearwater Ave NE Little Hoop Rd Langley Pl Cove Rd NW Enon Dr Dee r B r a n c h D r Me a d o w c r e s t S t Dent Rd Vista Ave Daytona Rd Kenworth Dr Vernda l e D r Tampa Dr Return Rd Pollyhill Ln Ch e s t e r D r Raymond Ave NW S Barrens Rd Carefree Ln Vivian Ave Petty Ave Belle H a v e n R d Sca r l e t O a k D r Frien d s h i p L n Sunnybrook Dr Olsen Rd Lee Hwy Buckley Dr Longstreet Rd Stonin g t o n R d Flora Farm Rd la Marre Dr Webster Dr Pl a n t a t i o n C i r N E Barrens Rd Thi r l a n e R d N W Viking Dr Anchor Dr N W Sie r r a D r N W Northmont Ave Williamso n Rd NW Alpine Rd Middleton S t Che ster A ve Elwood St N W Ridgecrest Dr Hugh A v e Woodcreeper Dr Norman St Crosstimbers Trl Topping St Autumn Wood Ln Eno n D r N Brook Dr Oa k l a n d B l v d Bluebell Ln Bluebell Ln NW Brookview Rd Beaumont Rd Quail Pl Wipledale Ave Airp o r t Rd NW Air p o r t R d N W Lee H w y Loch Haven Lake Dr Gof f R d Tinkerdale Rd Hite c h R d Buckland Mill Rd Village Ln NE Greenwich Dr Harmon Cir Concourse Lab a n R d Po s t R d Valleypointe Pkwy Wood H a v e n R d Palmyra Dr NW Fenwick Dr NW Northside Rd NW Darby Rd NW Elden Ave Back St William s o n R d Loman Dr Loman Dr Manor St N W Faculty Ave Friends Wa y N W Ho l l i n s R d Springbeauty St Greenville Pl Read MountainRdNE Loch H a v e n D r Wen d o v e r Rd Knoll Rd Water Oak Rd Santee Rd NE En d i c o t t S t N E Deer Branch Rd Co o p e r S t Flagler Dr Northside High School Dr Clubhouse Dr Gre e n w a y D r N Lake Dr N Lake Dr Granville St Starmount Ave Sou t hDr N W Greenway Dr Flo r i s t Rd NW Archcrest Dr Hedge l a w n A v e LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 3 7 12 4 13 9 14 8 37.375003N 80.00591W 37.375422N 79.915212W 37.303051N 79.914731W 37.302632N 80.005341W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161008 Sheet 8 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Fa l l i n g C r e e k R e s e r v o i r Laymantown Crk Coyner Br Laymantown Crk Falling Crk Cook Crk Glade Crk Tinker Crk Glade Crk Laymantown Crk Glade Crk Railw a y Rai l w a y Railway Norfolk Southern Rlwy 81 81 220 220 11 460 220 220 220 460 221 221 Dist 1 91209 Blue Ridge dist 90384 Amsterdam dist 90048 Valley dist 96159 Hollins dist 93911 Vinton dist 96183 Roanoke city° 95363 312.01 312.02 ROAN O K E 1 6 1 BOTE T O U R T 0 2 3 BOTETOURT 023 BEDFORD 019 ROANOKE 161 ROA N O K E 7 7 0 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 BED F O R D 0 1 9 Blue Ridge 08200 Laymantown 44620 Cloverdale 17680 Roanoke 68000 2007 2000* 3001 3006 3003 3002 4006* 4014* 4014* 3000 2020 1000 2018* 1005 4008 3007 4000* 4001* 2024 2023 2001 3016 3015 2000 2009 2010 1006 3008 3000* 2008 3017 2019* 4010 3005 2011 1002 3023 3004 3027 3025 3026 3021 2021 2012 301 2 1007 2006 401 3 3010 4007 2005 2003 3013 4012 1004 2002 2013 301 1 3024 1003 1001 3014 3022 3020 2015 2017 2016 2014 3018 4009 3019 1008 3028 2022 4011 300 9 2004 Blue Ridge Pkwy Cypress Ct San derson D r Nicho l a s Av e N E Meadow Crossing Ln NE Monterey Rd NE Mountain Pass RdMountain Pass Rd Gibson Ln Stoneledge Dr Rainbow Ridge Ln Clo v e r d a l e R d Clo v e r d a l e R d Blue Hills Village Dr Gala Dr S Oakwood Rd N R o m e D r Hil l view Dr Coaling Rd Blue Hills Dr NE Orange Ave NE Ora n g e A v e N E Sei b e l D r N E Glade C r e e k R d Lee Hwy Brickyard Rd Webster Rd Blue Ridge B lvd Blue R i d g e Bl v d Lakeview Rd Stonehaven Ln Rainbo w F o r e s t D r La y m a n t o w n R d Pheasant Run Buckingham Ct Deer Run Rd Deer Trak Mall a r d D r Winds o r C t Fox Fire Apple Tree Rd McIntosh Rd Drake Trl Wine s a p R d Stayma n R d Pippin St Old Farm Rd Couga r D r Read Mountain Rd Blue Hills Cir Blue Hills Dr NE Pinewood Ln Coyner Springs Rd Dawnridge Ln Beachview Ln Dogwood Ln Timber Creek Ln Peachtree Valley Dr Lak e v i e w D r Eastpark Dr Canterbury Cir Old Carriage Rd Farmer Brown Ln Arrington Ln Chivas Dr Britis h W oods D r Montana Dr State Rte 1404 Deer Ridge Trl Micke y L n Harris Dr McFarland Rd Bishop Dr Creekside Cir Sto n eg a t e D r York St Jonathan Rd Orchard Hill Dr Jay Ridge Rd Applewood Dr Apple Ln Birchwood Ln Rogers Ln N & W A v e Rachel Dr Tinkerview Dr Mu r r a y C t Barbara Ln Carol y n D r 2nd A v e 1st A v e Stoneybrook Rd Cook Ave Up d i k e L n Richardson Dr Highland Dr Summerfield Ct Basham Ln Teresa Ln Bonny View Ln Dow n i n g S t Toad Hollow Rd Clemons Rd Arthur Rd Royce Rd Smith Ford Rd Welches Run Rd Eagle Rdg White Tail Dr Broo k f i e l d L n Deer Haven Dr Willowbrook Ln Lula Dr Stonebridge Dr Eleanor Ln Mo r n i n g D o v e L n Wy n d e r m e r e D r Qu e e n R e g e n t C t Ca r r i a g e L n Lacey Ln Glen Haven LnFoxcroft Dr Heritage Dr Ridgewood Dr Morning Dove LnAutumn L n Lynn Brae Dr Hill D r First Crossing Dr Wades Cir Avery R o w Murray Farm Rd Misty Mountain Ln Ind igo Ln David Palmer Ln Davi s R d Timberline Dr Ridgevie w R d Woodlawn Ave Hunters Trl Rollingwood Ct Doc Meador Rd Hea t h e r L n Murray Dr Lakeridge Cir Hillandale Dr Colonial Ct Calvert Rd Little Valley Dr Park Dr Memory Ln Kn o l l w o o d D r Bro y l e s L n Br i a r H i l l C t Ray St Praline P l April Ln April Ln PioneerDr Windrush Ln Golden Ivy Dr Morning Glory Dr Palmer Green C i rForest Oak Dr NE Bald w i n Ct Phy l l i s R d N E Ashbury Ct High Crest Ct Dresden Ln Carters Grover Ln Stonecreek Way Hunters Ln Pin e w o o d D r Gardendale Cir Bonsack Elem Cider Mill Ct Hom e s t e a d L n N E Evan Ln Hill Dr NE Sidetrack Rd Ke l l i n g t o n C t CottageRose Ln Danagle Dr Sullivan Ln Fence Post Cr GladeHill Cir NE Sea n L n Hunters Trl Fo r e s t O a k D r Golden Ct Wil l o w b r o o k D r Mat t i e D r Den i s e C i r N E Farm house Ct Carls b a d C i r Chateau Ct Juniper Dr Chadwick Cir Fieldview Dr Cortland Rd Fieldview Dr Autumn Dr Afto n L n Cook Creek Rd Orchard Cir Orchard Hill Dr Sterling Place Cir Apple Tree Dr Dresden Cir Springfield Dr Labellevue Dr Farmhouse L n Wist e r i a Plac e C t Greggin Dr NE Jo r d a n C i r Golden Cir NE Wal-Mart Access Rd Mid d l e V a l l e y D r Moc k i n g b i r d H i l l R d As h b u r y D r Tolman Cir Harvest Ridge Rd Laym an Rd Olde Tavern Rd Mystique Ct Plan t a t i o n G r o v e L n Carter Grove Cir Woodvalley Dr Greenmont Ct Sta t e Rte 1 4 0 2 State Rte 605 St a t e R t e 7 9 3 State Rte 1425 Sta t e R t e 6 5 7 St a t e R t e 6 5 8 State Rte 605 State Rte 1456 State Rte 1420 State Rte 723 Stat e R t e 7 3 8 State R t e 1 0 6 0 State Rte 1064 Stat eRte 1 0 6 4 State Rte 1061 State Rte 1067 State Rte 1065 State Rte 1083 Stat eRte 1 0 0 3 State R t e 6 0 5 State Rte 1424 State Rte 1010 State Rte 1059 State Rte 747 State Rte 1057 State Rte 771 State Rte 1075 State Rte 1090 State Rte 1014 State Rte 654 St a t e Rte 1096 State Rte 713 State Rte 1095 State Rte 1435 State Rte 1450 State Rte 1 4 1 1 State Rte 1480 Stat e R t e 1 4 1 1 State Rte 778 State Rte 1423 State Rte 660 State Rte 1401 State R t e 6 5 8 State Rte 658 State Rte 1499 State Rte 1433 State Rte 1428 Sta t e Rte 1449 State Rte 658 State Rte 1413 State Rte 880 State Rte 1414 State Rte 1406 State Rte 1432 State Rte 611 State Rte 758 State Rte 606 St a t e R t e 9 0 0 8 State Rte 1220 State Rte 1060 Britaney Rd NE Read Mountain Rd NE Windcrest Ln Crispin St Chal l e n g e r AveNE Springer Rd NE Blue Ridg e Pkwy Coachman Cir E Rurit a n R d La u r e l Ridge Dr Cortland Rd Apple Harvest Dr Kentmere Rd Blue V i e w D r Carson Rd Apricot Trl Ki n g s m e n R d Ruritan Rd Summit Ridge Rd NE Gloster Dr Crumpacker Dr Stayma n D r Stayman Dr Ston e y r i d g e Dr Bloo m f i e l d A v e Cloverdale Rd Sett e r R d N E Wesvan Dr Gala Dr Wine s a p D r Cha l l e n g e r A v e N E Layman Rd Layman Rd NE Do n a g a l e D r N E Labradore Dr NE Lake Back O Beyond Dr Northrome Dr Hillview Dr Orchard Hill Dr W R u r i t a n R d Cundiff Dr Blu e b e r r y Rd g Coachman Dr Crumpacker Dr Orchard Villas Cir Rome Dr Glade Creek Rd Jonathan Ln Bon s a c k R d N E Summerfield Dr So u r w o o d S t N E Stone l e d g e Dr Glade Pioneer Dr Orchard Park Dr Jona m a c P l Redc o r t Dr Trail Dr Clov e r d a l e R d Red Barn Ln NE Huntridge Rd Barnaget Dr Surrey Ln NE S Gala Dr McIntoshLn App l e t r e e D r LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 4 8 13 14 9 37.375422N 79.915212W 37.375771N 79.824514W 37.303400N 79.824121W 37.303051N 79.914731W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161009 Sheet 9 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Womack Br Pedlar Holw Rocky Br Bradshaw Crk Bradshaw Crk Craig Br Flatwoods Br North Fork Roanoke Riv Bradshaw Crk Cove Holw Roanoke Riv Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy 81 81 11 460 460 11 Dist A-01 92713 Dist C-01 92913 Catawba dist 90648 301 305.01 303 MO N T G O M E R Y 1 2 1 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 Elliston 25488 Lafayette 43224 1023 2015* 1060* 1021* 1058* 2040* 1033* 1031* 1009* 3013* 1032* 1030* 2039* 2000* 2045* 2037* 2038 2046* 2013 2014 2018 2012* 1008* 1059 2001 Acre of Rocks Rd Roano k e R d Howa r d D r Rese Mountain Rd Roano k e R d Pedlar Rd N Fork RdMinter Rd Flatwoods Rd Acre of Rocks Rd Flatwoods Rd Catawba Rd Bradshaw Rd Cove Hollow Rd Apgar DrGreen Hill Ln Lafay e t t e S t Dewberry Ln Honey Rd Cannery Rd Bluebird Dr Walthall St Historic Dr Gardner St Myrtle Ln Bluebell Rd Fox Hollow Rd N Fork Rd Saddlesore Ln Deaconess Dr Deaconess Dr Burkette Rd New R i d g e R d Joyce Twine Hollow Rd Marshall Dr Kelley St Thomas Dr Berrybrook Dr Stones Ke e p L n Malinda Rd Louis e C i r So u t h e r l a n d Ci r State Rte 714 State Rt e 6 2 2 State Rte 713 State Rte 635 State Rte 603 State Rte 714 State Rte 773 StateRte 740 State Rte 6 2 6 State Rte 603 State Rte 910 State Rte 622 State Rte 778 Meacham Rd W Main S t W Main St Wil l i b y R d Sinker Ln Bradshaw Rd Willib y Rd Cove Ho l l o w Rd Ca m p b e l l D r LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 5 15 6 11 16 10 37.300952N 80.277161W 37.301582N 80.186556W 37.229211N 80.185811W 37.228581N 80.276328W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161010 Sheet 10 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Western Virginia Regional Jail Fort Lewis Mtn Roanoke Riv Paint Bank Branch Crk Big Bear Rock Br Paint Bank Br Little Bear Rock Br Callahan Br Mill Crk Little Bear Rock Br Callahan Br Little Bear Rock Br Callahan Br Dry Br Dry Br Horners Branch Crk Mill Br Horners Br Bear Rock Branch Crk Norfolk S outhern R lwy Norfolk S o u t h e r n R lwy No r f o l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy 81 81 112 11 460 Windsor Hills dist 96439 Catawba dist 90648 Salem city° 95547 301 305.02 305.01 303 ROANOKE 161 SALEM 7 7 5 Glenvar 31488 Salem 70000 2022 1001* 2015* 1078 3011 1052* 2001 1060* 1021* 1058* 1070* 2040* 1076 1031* 1057 1000 1003* 1003* 1003* 1051* 1009* 1065* 1068* 1051* 1064* 1005* 1050* 1032* 103 0 * 1017* 2039* 1077* 1040* 2000 2045* 1027* 1026* 1074 3010 3012 3009 2015 2037* 2046* 3021 10 4 3 * 1008* 1008* 1033 2016 1012 2051 1038 1022 2017 1011 1018 1004 10 0 3 1013 1063 1062 2057 2048 1029 1024 1036 1021 1035 1039 1026 20 4 3 1019 2047 1027 3019 30 0 7 2041 2035 1031 1041 2058 1065 1064 2052 1073 2032 2024 1002 3016 3020 3017 3013 3003 3002 1066 2026 1015 1028 2027 1020 1032 3001 2006 2020 2008 1061 2025 1022 1007 2044 2013 1017 2009 3008 1013 1018 2033 1044 2056 1008 1014 1061 2034 2003 2023 1016 2021 1010 2053 2042 1045 1025 20592054 1037 1028 10 2 0 1019 30 0 6 1012 3018 1010 1001 1028 3014 3004 2055 1005 1007 1023 1002 2049 2005 1014 2011 2012 1016 2019 2036 2010 1027 2014 1025 2018 2028 2007 1024 1026 1006 1029 1030 2031 1075 3000 1067 3005 2002 1034 1069 3015 2004 1015 2029 1011 1009 2030 2050 Ja c k s o n D r W Main St Salem Industrial DrButt Hollow Rd Texas Hollow Rd Burma Rd Hor n e r L n Wildwood Rd Walnut Ln Ra n d o l p h A v e Westland St Macon St Rollingwood Dr Howard Dr Leemount St Keesling Ave NW Medfo r d R d Litc h e l l R d Valleydale Rd Bonav i s t a R d Gardner Dr Fort L e w i s B l v d Keesling Ave NW Fletcher St Par k w o o d A v e Sa l l i e L n Roger Rd Min er L n Joyce Ln Puckett Cir Shelor Farm Ln Whispering Wind Dr Cunningham Dr Fulcher Rd View Point Ave Win d s o n g L n Vintage Ln Nellie C i r Ha w l e y D r Mountview Stonewood Dr St o n e w o o d D r Dot Cir Saw Mill Rd Thurman Rd Buckskin Ln Cro s s m i l l L n Fallbrooke Dr Gavin Cr Polly Cir June Cir Ca n o e C i r StypesBranch Rd Blac k h a w k C i r Cou n t r y F a r m R d Starter Ln River Bend Ln Cloverleaf Cir Duxbury Rd Foxstone Ln Crown C i r Dix Mill Rd Givens Rd Skyview Rd Warrio r D r Barley Dr Adel C i r Em m e t t L n Malus Dr Foster Ln Artrip Ln Tomahawk Cir Tree Top Camp Rd Fresh Meadow Ln Brewster Cir Bent Tre e C i r Lelia Cir Little Bear Rd Southview Bus Access Rd Foxstone Ln Luther Dr Wa b u n L n GroverRd Sco u t C i r Pine St Wind Song Ln Celtic Cir Williams Dr Joe Carrol Rd Joyce Furnace Ln Buff a l o C i r Te e p e e L n Getty Ln Corporat e C i r Clayview Cr Green Hill Dr Susquehanna Range Great Bend Dr Great Glen Dr Fort Lewis C i r Terrace Dr Ivie C i r Brogan C i r Walking Ln Walter Dr Grover Rd Wa r b o n n e t R d White Eag l e L n Yale Dr Botts Hollow Rd Is a b e l L n Celtic Cir Pa r r R d Neta Cir Arrowhead Dr Booher Dr State Rte 639 State Rte 649 State Rte 642 State Rte 778 State Rte 619 State Rte 641 State Rte 824 State Rte 734 State Rte 639 St a t e R t e 6 3 9 State Rte 737 Sta t e Rte 6 4 3 State Rte 828 State Rte 6 4 6 State Rte 661 State Rte 796 State Rte 638 Stanford Dr Waldon Ln Bohon Hollow Rd Edgewood St Pleasant Run Dr Twin e H o l l o w R d Mendham Way Creekwo o d D r Paint Bank Rd Emmett Ln Knollri d g e R d Poor Mountain Rd DowHollowRd Cre e k s i d e D r Bowling Dr Dan R o b i n R d Barley Dr Rob Knob Rd W Main St Garman Rd Ha r b o r w o o d Rd NW River Rd Dog w o o d A v e Dry Hollow Rd Uphill Dr Peac e f u l D r Elderwood Rd Silver Leaf Dr Fernlawn Rd Andrew Ave Ing a l B l v d Harborwood Rd Allie Ln Misty Ln Tyler Rd Hickory Dr GladdenRd Beason Ln Sleepy Hollow Rd SW River Rd Bredlow Cir Mc D a n i e l D r Shelor Ave Fort Lewis Church Rd Sun d a n c e R d Martin McNeil Rd Ba y n e Rd Popcorn Ln Whippoorwill Ln Gumwood Ln Yateman Ln GarthDr Ma y w o o d A v e W River Rd Harwick Rd Givens Tyler Rd Indian Hill Rd Lo c u s t G r o v e L n Ha w l e y D r Westward L a k e D r Glenvar Heights Blvd Koppers Rd Elmwo o d L n Mountview Dr Rob Knob Rd Brogan Ln Bre e d l o w C i r Hillcrest Rd Bydawle Rd Garth Dr Indian Head Rd Glenmary Rd Dow Hollow Rd Fort L e w i s B l v d Beaver Brook Rd Mountain Park Dr Ell e n D r Alleghany Dr Daugherty Rd Spicewood Ln Rob Knob Rd W Rive r s i d e D r ButtHollow Rd Tobey Rd Prun t y D r Lee Rd Ev e l y n D r Hawley Dr Lapping Ln Fort Ave Southview Dr Stanley Farm Rd Di u g u i d s Ln Cherokee Hills Dr Lilly Dr Uphill Dr Givens A v e Texas Hollow Rd Wild w o o d R d Mayfair Dr Gene St Calloway Gum Springs Rd LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 5 10 15 6 16 7 12 17 11 37.301582N 80.186556W 37.302142N 80.095949W 37.229770N 80.095292W 37.229211N 80.185811W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161011 Sheet 11 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Roanoke County- Salem Jail Roanoke Colg Windsor Lk Snyders Br Gish Branch Crk Gish Branch Crk Williams Br Barnhardt Crk Mud Lick Crk Cave Spring Br Mill Crk Mud Lick Crk Barnhardt Crk Mud Lick Crk Peters Crk Peters Crk Mason Crk Horners Branch Crk Dry Crk Barnhardt Crk Barnhardt Crk Mill Crk Mill Race Paint Bank Branch Crk Mud Lick Crk Cross Crk Mud Lick Crk Norfo l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfo l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfo l k S o u t h e r n R l w y 81 81 419 117 117 311 116 112 419 116 419 11 11 11 11 460 11 460 221 11 11 460 46011 Windsor Hills dist 96439 Catawba dist 90648 Cave Spring dist 90664 Roanoke city° 95363 Salem city° 95547 Catawba dist 90648 307.02 305.02 305.01 308.04 306.02 303 307.01 SALEM 7 7 5 ROAN O K E 1 6 1 SALEM 775ROANOKE 161 SALEM 775 ROANOKE 770 ROANOKE 161ROANOKE 770 Toby Aly Win g a t e A l y Dulaneys Aly Cave Spring 13720 Roanoke 68000 Salem 70000 1005 1001* 1000 4018 4009 4008 4010 1021 1006* 4004 1005* 1002* 3009* 1012 1070* 1020* 1003* 1051* 1017* 1029 1016 2002 1011 1015 1017* 100 9 2001 4006 10 0 4 1007* 4017 4005 4000 4002 1018* 4022* 3006* 1002 2005 2000 2003 1015* 1001 4024* 1077* 1040* 3004* 1010 1071* 1027* 1027* 1052*1072*1055* 1026* 4001 1014 1017 1016* 4018* 1011 1021* 4021* 1043* 1000 3008* 3002* 2004 4003 4007 1002 2012 4019 4020 1019 4008 1010 1006 1008 4002 1005 1007 1018 3005 1025 2009 2010 1003 2008 1009 1014 1010 1011 1001 1007 1006 4019 4022 4021 4020 4016 40124013 1004 1008 4014 4015 4003 1013 1022 1004 4011 1023 1000 4007 1020 1024 20072006 2011 4012 4009 40 1 0 4013 1012 4000 4014 4004 4017 1012 1003 1013 1000 4023 4011 1009 1001 1019 40014016 1007 1006 4015 4006 4005 1008 3007 Brand Ave Poff Ln Franklin St W Main St Overb r o o k D r S W Windsor Rd Mudlick Rd SW Romar Rd Gleneagles Rd Hidden Valley School Rd Fairway Forest Dr McVitty Rd SW Grandin Rd SW Brand o n A v e S W Ridgewood Dr Keagy Rd McVitty Rd Aerial Way Dr SW Ele c t r i c R d 12 O ' C l o c k K n o b R d Woodshill Ln Millwoo d D rStone Mill Dr Kingsmill Dr Hammit Ln Salem Industrial Dr W Riverside Dr Blancha r d A v e Kiska Rd Burma Rd Peters Creek Rd NW Go o d w i n A v e Wil d w o o d R d Melrose Ave NW Melrose Ave NW Salem Tpke NW Peters Creek Rd NW Cherryhill Rd NW Wilmont Ave NW Green Spring Ave NW West s i d e B l v d N W Shenandoah Ave NW El e c t r i c R d Dalewood Ave El e c t r i c R d Parkdale Dr Ke s l e r M i l l R d N B r o a d S t Re d L n Stonegate Dr Aca d e m y S t Cra i g A v e Th o m p s o n M e m o r i a l D r High St Ot t e r A v e Gun Club Rd NW Ba r n e t t R d N W 6th St 7th St Homeplace Dr S Colorado St SilvercrestDr E 4th St N Market St Hawthorn Rd Mount Vernon Ave Maccie S t N Shanks St Braxton Ave Corporate Blvd Rice Ave Olde Salem Dr Mountain Ave Meadowview Dr Ta r a L n Antrim St Penley Blvd Harrison Ave Cleveland Ave Campus Ln Edgelawn Ave NW Woodlawn Ave Debra Ln Coleman Ln Poff Ln Simms Cir Titleist Dr Niblick Dr Eagle Dr Bent Ridge Ln Deacon St Mill Ln Amy Ln Mills t r e a m Dr W Riverside Dr Mount Regis Dr Summit Ln NW Springfield St NW Conehurst Blvd E Main S t Mo u n t a i n R d N W Springfield Ave Brymoor Rd SW Clara Ave SW Sawyer Dr Forest Dr Bogey Ln Wes tclub Dr Golf Colony Dr Mowl e s D r Un i o n S t Vin e S t Commerce St Fro n t A v e Eddy A v e Pe a c h S t Bow m a n A v e Cen t r a l A v e Wa r d S t Pe c k S t N W McCauley Ave Morwanda St NW Victoria S t N W Electric Rd Ca l d w e l l S t N W Burchette St Salem Commons Ln Eugene Dr NW Turnberry Rd Links Manor Dr Mount Holland Dr SW Keithwood Dr SW Bruceton Rd SW Greenfield St SW Eton Rd SW Greenlee Rd SW McClelland St Piedmont Ave Oakview Dr Kimball Ave Bonnie Ln Moran Ave Mulberry St Hill Ave Darnell Rd Rebec c a L n Ko o g l e r D r N W Glendon Rd Renfro Blvd NW Surrey Ave NW Gilford Ave NW Laurelwood Dr SW Chesterto n S t S W Royal Oak Dr SW Westchester Ave SW Belford St SW Driftwood Ln SW Norwood S t S W Darlington Rd SW Norwood St SW Pyrtle Dr Jo a n C i r Palmer Ave Karen D r Page St Bai l e y A v e Wh i t e O a k S t E Burwell St Lytham Dr SW Baier Dr Ferrum Dr Homestead Dr Cook DrLancing Dr E Calhoun S t S B r o a d S t E Clay St Ch a p man S t White St College Aly W Calhoun S t Ch e s t n u t S t W 2nd St Ta y l o r A v e Diamond Rd Stratford Park Dr SW Ga l e L n Upland Dr Maylin Dr Mc C l e l l a n d S t S S h a n k s S t Lewis Ave W Burwell St Elm S t James St Map l e S t Shanks St NW Calhoun St Em me t t A v e Stratford Park Dr SW Braeb u r n D r Tucke r L n S Clearing Rd Belle Aire Cir SW Roanoke St W 4th St Brushy Mountain Dr Starview Dr Carrollton A v e Narcissus St Cravens C r e e k R d S W Medmont Cir SW Valentine Rd SW Cr e s t m o o r D r S W Red Oak Ln SW Lake Dr SW Azalea St Marston St Ha r r i e t An n D r Longview AveHarrogate Dr Gr e e n S t Va l l e y d a l e A v e La k e A v e Renfield Dr SW S Lake Dr SW Deyerle Rd SW Fra n c e s D r N W Shenandoah Ave NW Blue Ridge Dr SW Atwater St NW Cita d e l L n Desi Rd NW N B r u f f e y S t Poplar AveTu r n e r R d Tidewater St Pendleton Dr W Carrollton Ave Thrush Dr NW Bainbridge Dr He m l o c k R d Camelot Dr Oak Rd NW Autumn Ln NW Dea n e r D r N W Reavis Ln Pomeroy Rd NW Hemlock Rd NW Pomeroy Rd Highfield Rd Silverwood Rd NW Summit Dr NW Glenn Ridge Rd NW Stonewall Rd NW Moomaw Ave N W Gladies St NW Lemay Dr McDivitt Rd Dillard Dr Margaret Ln St John Rd Inte r v a l e D r Easto n R d Ca t a w b a D r Electric Rd S Electric Rd Simms Dr Texas St Gle n m o r e D r Texas S t Kime Ln Hig h l a n d R d Cliffvie w D r Midla n d R d Roan o k e B l v d Apperson Dr Glenmore Dr Id a h o S t Pin e S t Elizabeth Ave Lynchb u r g T p k e Maryland Ave Virginia Ave Turner St Brookland Dr Or c h a r d D r Pea r l S t Tremont Rd Grac e S t Caro l i n a A v e Ohio S t Parago n A v e In d i a n a S t Yorkshire St Monroe St Richfield Ave E Calhoun S t E Burwell St Pennsylvania Ave S C o l l e g e A v e E 3rd St Roan o k e B l v d E 2nd St S M a r k e t S t Flo r i d a S t S Yorkshire St De l a w a r e S t 9th St Brook Ave 8th St Rowan S t Riverland Dr Te n n e s s e e S t E Riverside Dr E Main St La k e h u r s t A v e Ro s s S t Forest Lawn DrForest L a w n D r Hale AveCa r e y A v e S Park Cir SW Russlen D r Carolyn Cir Woods M e a d o w L n Lipps Rd Tomley Dr Hillbrook Cir Dorset Dr Sai n t David Ct Saint James Cir SW Elli s o n A v e Hid d e n Hil l C i r Laryn Ln London Cir Cabin Creek Dr Fairway View Trl Winnbrook Ln Black w o o d D r Pow e l l D r Cedar Ridge Rd Ke n b r o o k Garstview Cr Castle Rock Rd River Ri d g e C t Warwood Dr Via Carrera Ru Elena Vista Dr Lance r D r Woods Meadow C t Archer Cir Heather Ridge Rd Hidden Forest Ct Berry Ln Mews Hill Dr Mount Gordon Rd Foxhall Cir FontaineCir Ki r k w o o d C i r Pommel D r Thames Dr Hidden Valley Dr Easthill Dr Hickory Hill Dr Christie Ln Tomaranne Dr Hook L n Burnham Rd Winterberry Dr Mountain Laurel Rd Rege n c y C i r S W Dyer Ct Lakemont Dr Chip C i r Cabin Creek Dr Winnbrook Dr Millcrest Ct Weaver Rd Stallion Cir Ch e s h i r e L n Old Garst Mill Rd Larson Ln Farmwood Dr Towne Dr TowneDr Hickory Ridge Ct Bear Ridge Cir Reserve Point Ln Ly n n s o n D r Turnstile Dr Arrow D r Grandin Rd Exd Galloway Cir Merino Dr Castle View Ct Mill View Ct Whitehall Cir SW McVitty Rd Whippletree Dr Sussex Ct Buckingham Cir Apple Blossom Ln Meadow Valley Cir Winnbrook Ct Foxfie l d C t Hidden Woods Ct Wi n t e r b e r r y Sq Southwick Cir SWWoodley Dr Kentl a n d Dr Tanglewood Ln We x f o r d C t River O a k s D r Wynne Rd Walton Ln Walton Ln Leigh Ln PiccadillyLn SW Harm o n y R d Dellwood Rd Smokey Ridge Rd Oakcliff Dr Cresthill Rd Mount Gordon Rd Walton LnFairway Estates Dr State Rte 636 State Rte 686 State Rte 694 State Rte 774 State Rte 692 State Rte 685 State Rte 686 Carriage Dr Woods H i l l Rasmont Rd GrandinRdSW Woodshill Ln Goodwin Ave Elbert Dr Hackney Ln Green Meadow Rd Brahma Rd Concord Pl Normandy Ln Willetta Dr Mews Hill Dr Garst Mill Rd Electric Rd Vauxhall Rd Brookfie l d D r Gaye Ln Banbury Ln Club Ln Sto n e y b r o o k D r Lonsdale Rd GlenHeatherDrSW Montvue Rd Shirley Rd Meadow Creek Dr Creekside Dr Westmoreland Dr Ledgewood Ave Electric Rd ValleyForge Ave Pinevale Rd SW Garst Mill Rd SW Garst Mill Park Greenway Sheldon Dr Fairway Forest Dr Hidden Valley Dr Brookwood Dr Gle n b r o o k D r Valley Forge Ave Mowles Rd Franklin St McVitty Rd Postal Dr McVitty Forest Dr Southwoods Dr Kentland Dr Fontaine Dr St e e l e R d Littlehorn D r Bridle Ln Pelham Dr McVitty Rd High Gate Ln Que e n s m i l l Dr Fairway Forest Dr Gieser Rd Ayrshire Dr Garst Mill Rd Foxfield Ln Car r i a g e D r Fairway Ridge Rd Fa r m in g t o n D r Mill Pond Dr Skyview Rd Kirkwood Dr Wes t h i l l D r Glen Heather Cir Kentland Dr Chelsea St Electric Rd SW Galloway Dr Brahma Rd York Ave Mews Hill Dr SW Stone Mill Dr Bower Rd Longridge Cir Cantle Ln Bond S t Glen Heather Dr TannehillDr Mill w o o d D r Fairway Estates Trl Keagy Rd SW McV i t t y R d Buckingham Dr Links Manor Ln W Riverside Dr Wildflower Ln Sugar Loaf Dr Grandin Rd Exd Brambleton Ave McVitty Forest Dr Br o m l e y R d Pinevale St Halevan Rd Millbridge Rd Sh e l b y D r Sorre l l L n Northcross Rd Cresthill Dr Longridge Dr Bighorn D r Roxbury Ln Charing Cross Dr Overbrook Dr Willowlawn St Hidden Woods Dr Wyndale Ave Skyc o e D r Hathaway Dr Millwheel Dr Twelve Oclock Knob Rd Longhorn Rd Castle Rock Rd Kingsm i l l D r Eddies Rd Hereford Rd Sugar Loaf Mountain Rd Tall w o o d Dr Merino Dr Colonnade Dr Charing Cross Dr Wynmere Dr Sorrell Ora n d e r D r S W Hillbrook Dr Mil l Wh e e l D r Hyde Park Dr Cordell Dr GaylordRd Valley Dr LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 6 11 16 7 17 8 13 18 12 37.302142N 80.095949W 37.302632N 80.005341W 37.230259N 80.004772W 37.229770N 80.095292W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161012 Sheet 12 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Fairlane Lk Lick Run Crk Garnard Br Gum Spring Br Murray Run Crk Lick Run Ore B r Murray Run Lick Run Crk Garnand Br Garnard Br Mud Lick Crk Mud Lick Crk Peters Crk Peters Crk Mud Lick Crk Tinker Crk Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy No r f o l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfo l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy No r f o l k Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy NorfolkSouthern Rlwy Norf olk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk S o u t h e r n R l w y Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy 581 581 116 115 116 116 24 24 116 419 116 101 11611 220 220 11 221 220 11 221 11 11 460 220 220 220 460 460 11 221 221 Windsor Hills dist 96439 Vinton dist 96183 Cave Spring dist 90664 Roanoke city° 95363 Cave Spring dist 90664 Vinton dist 96183 307.02 311.02 308.04 308.03 308.03 309 310 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 ROANOKE 770 ROANOKE 161 RO A N O K E 7 7 0 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 RO A N O K E 7 7 0 Hazardous Aly Cave Spring 13720 Cave Spring 13720 Roanoke 68000 Vinton 81280 2007 1005* 1011* 3001 1007 3009* 2035* 2012 2004* 2008* 3014 1020*2000* 1017* 1001 2003* 2002* 1002 2032* 1000 2033* 1008 1001 2032* 1007 2034* 1000 1014*1015* 1016* 1018* 30 0 6 * 2034 3000 2004* 10 2 1 * 3003 2026* 5000* 2036* 2001* 3015 3017 2011* 3008* 3002* 1002 2006 3004 1004 1003 3011 3016 1013 1009 3018 1004 3013 1003 1022 3012 3005 10 0 6 1006 1005 3010 1010 1012 2006 Fallon Park Entrance Reynolds Rd SE Tipton Ave SE Three Chop Ln SW Frontage Rd Mill M o u n t a i n P k w y Eddington Rd SE Bandy Rd SE Garden City Blvd SE Yellow Mountain Rd SE Fleet w o o d A v e S W Winding Way Rd SW Wrig h t R d S W Colonial Green Cir SW Brooks Ave SE Craig Robertson Rd SE Colonial Ave SW Bennington St SE Brambleton Ave SW Lofto n R d S W Beverly Blvd SW Mudlick Rd SW Grandin Rd SW Brandon Ave SW Gran d i n R d S W Frances Dr NW Aerial Way Dr SW Hershberger Rd NW Tenne s s e e A v e N W Cove R d N W Vermont Ave NW Virginia Ave NW Melrose Ave NW Melro s e A v e N W Westside Blvd NW Salem Tpke NW Troutland Ave NW Red Fox Dr NW Cherryhill R d N W Wilmont Ave NW Long Meadow Ave NW Old Stevens Rd NW Wes t s i d e B l v d N W Shenandoah Ave NW Maycrest St NW Asp e n S t N W Arch b o l d A v e N E Eastern Ave NE 19t h S t N E Sunset Ave NEVarn e l l A v e N E 20th St NE Yeager Ave NE Eastgate Ave NE Mason Mill Rd NE Orange Ave N E Orange Ave N E Lee A v e N E Wildhur s t A v e N E Roundhill Ave NW Sun r i s e A v e N W Oakland Blvd NW Greenland Ave NW Williamson Rd NE Ho l l i n s R d N E Pl a n ta tio n R d N E Ring Rd NW Gra n d v i e w A v e N W Valley View Blvd NW Valley View Blvd NW Bennington St SE Dale Ave SE Kenwood Blvd SE Greenbrier A v e S E Dale Ave SE 13th St SE 13th St SE Wise Ave S E Signal Hill Ave NW Rolling Hill Ave NW 6th S t N W7th S t NW 8th S t NW 7th St SW 9th S t N W 8t h S t S W Centre A v e N W 10th St NW 9t h S t S W Norfolk Av e S W Rorer Ave SW 10th St SW Forest Park Blvd NW Linwood Rd NW Mohawk Ave NE Sycamore A v e N E 10th St SW 11 t h S t S W Jackson A v e S W Norfolk Ave SW 12th St SW 14 t h St S W Jackson A v e S W 13 t h S t S W 16 t h St S W 17 t h St S W Compton St NE Pocahontas Ave NE McDowell A v e N E Gregory Ave NE 11t h S t N E Carver Ave NE Rhodes A v e N E Courtland Rd NE McDowell Ave NE Hollins Rd NE 18 th S t S W 19th St SW 20 t h S t S W Rorer Ave S W 21 s t S t S W Chapman A v e S W Salem Ave S W Ashlawn St SW Templeton Ave NE Nor t h A v e N E Overlook Rd NE Cra i g R d N E 13th St NE Centre Ave NW Boulevard St SW 24 t h S t N W Patterson A v e S W 11th St SE Narrow,poorly-Maintained Aly 12th St SE Sand Rd NE Ke n n e d y S t N E Edi s o n S t N E Spr i n g Holl o w A v e N W Meadows St NWBow m a n S t N W Cha t h a m St N W Hillcrest Ave NW Burt o n A v e N W Lyn d h u r s t S t N W Huntington Blvd NW Hillc r e s t A v e N W Fore s t H i l l A v e N W 10 t h St S E 8th S t S E 7th S t S E Bullitt Ave S E Stewart A v e S E Jamison Ave S E Dale Ave S E 4t h S t N E Cumberland St NW Westmont St NW Courtland Rd NW Valle y V iew A v e Greenhurst Ave NW Rad f o r d R d N E Bluestone Ave NE Shull Rd NE Rutherford Ave NE Church Av e S E Tazewell A v e S E 3r d S t S E Kimball Ave NE Williamson Rd NE Campbell Ave SE Ridgefield St NE Murre l l R d N E La r c h w o o d S t N E Fielda l e R d N E Aven d a l e A v e N E Courtney Ave NE Liberty Rd NE Denniston Ave SW 10 t h St S W 11 t h St S W Du d d i n g St S W Denniston A v e S W Nan c y D r N W Du n m o r e St S W Memorial Ave S W Westover Ave SW 2n d S t N E Franklin Rd SE Norfolk Ave SE Shenand o a h A v e N E Wells Ave NE Moorman A v e N W Ma n s f i e l d S t N E Fugate R d N E 16 t h S t S E 19t h S t S E 15 t h S t S E 18th St SE 14 t h S t S E Denniston Ave SW Westover Ave S W Maiden Ln S W Dudding St SW Edgewood St SW Loudon A v e N W 22nd St NW 18th S t N W 17 t h S t N W 16th St NW 15 t h S t N W 14th St NW 12 t h S t N W 11 t h S t N W Tompkin s A v e S E 17 th S t S E 16 t h St SE Morton Ave SE Church Ave SE Tayloe A v e S E 12th St SE Pittsfield Cir NW Pittsfield Ave NW Kershaw Rd NWDensmore R d N W Wyomin g A v e N W Gilbert Rd NW Kentuc k y A v e N W Maine Av e N W Mon r o e St N W Comer St NW Dakota Ave NW 5th St NW Shenandoah Valley Ave NELac o n i a A v e N E Levelto n A v e N W Courtland Rd NW Fore s t H i l l A v e N E Fores t H i l l A v e N E Queen Ave NW Kirk Ave SE Norfo l k A v e S E N J e f f e r s o n S t Walker Ave Ga i n s b o r o R d N W Willow Rd NW Ol d C o u n t r y C l u b R d N W Ad a m s S t N W Michigan Ave NW 35th St NW Van Buren St NW Woodleigh Rd NW 31 s t S t N W Panorama Ave NW Ho l l y R d N E Ky l e A v e N E Noble Ave N E Clover Ave N E Rockland Ave NW Co l g a t e S t N E Hunt Ave NW Noble Ave N EKellogg Ave NW Wells Ave NW 2nd S t Carver Ave NW Church Ave SW Kirk Ave SW Norfolk Ave SW 2nd S t Du p r e e S t N W Whitten Ave NW 6th S t S E Morrill A v e S E Mo r n i n g s i d e S t S E Pied m o n t S t S E Arbo r A v e S E 8th St SE Buena Vista Blvd SE 9th S t S E Russell A v e S W Courtland Rd NE Thurston Ave NE Libe r t y R d N W Gandy Rd NW Wayne St NE 10 t h S t N E 10 t h S t N W Orange Ave NW Do w n i n g S t N W Bur r e l l S t N W Madison Ave NW Cherry Ave NW Patton Ave NW Gilmer Ave NW Mercer Ave NW Chapman Ave S W Campbell Ave SW Ro l f e S t S W Buford A v e SW 4th St SW 15 t h S t S W Marshall Ave SW Lakeview Dr NW Fairland Rd NW Springhi l l D r N W Fields St NW To p H ill D r N W Plea s a n t V i e w A v e N W Norris D r NW Andrews R d N W Hanover Av e N W McDowell A v e N W McDowell Ave NW Orange Ave N W Madison A v e N W Madison Ave NW Rutherford Ave NW Cleveland A v e S W Riverside Blvd SW Day Ave SW Day Ave SW 8t h S t S W Roanok e A v e S W Ferdinand Ave SW Elm Ave SW Rockland Ave NW Le o n S t N W Court St NW Delaware Ave NW Alview A v e N W Syracu s e A v e N W Franwill Ave NW Andre w s R d N W 22 n d S t N W Syracuse Ave NWCarroll Ave N W 16th St NW Salem Tpk e N W Rutherford Ave NW 22 nd St N W Essex Ave NW Harrison Ave NW Salem Tpke NW 8t h S t NW Fairfax A v e N W Fairfax Ave NW 13th St NW 20 t h S t N W Gilmer A v e N W Mountain Ave SW Hannah Cir SW Winchester Ave SW 6th St SW Highland Ave SWWinona Ave S W Washington Ave SW 5t h S t S W Thomas Ave NWMercer Ave N W Rugby Blvd NW Grayson Ave NW 14 t h S t N W Staunton A v e N W 21 s t S t N W 19 t h S t N W 23rd St NW 24 t h St N W Gilmer A v e N W Delta Dr NW 29 t h S t N W 30 t h S t N W 4t h S t SW Oxfor d A v e S W Berkley Ave SW Mountain View Ter SW Cam b r i d g e A v e S W 12th St SW Berkley Ave S W Wasena Ave S W Maryland Ave NW Laf a y e t t e B l v d N W Crescent St NW Massachusetts Ave NW Ajax A v e N W Clifton St NW Wellsley S t N W 25 t h S t N W Bri d g e S t S W Baker Ave NW 27th St NW Johnson Ave NW Glengary Ave NW Centre Ave NW 30th St NW Baker Ave NW Abb o t t S t N W Pa l m A v e N W Clifton St NW Fresno St NW Olive Ave NW Pa l m e t t o S t N W Flor i d a A v e N W Gui l d h a l l A v e N W Glenro s e A v e N W Golfside Ave NW Lomba r d y A v e N W Ju n i p e r S t N W We s t w o o d B l v d N W Lilac Ave NW 36th St NW Mu l b e r r y S t N W Norway A v e N W Barberry Ave NW River Birch Ln SW Penarth Rd SWParliament Rd SW Peakwood Dr SW Franklin Rd SW Resource Ave Pr o g r e s s D r S E Hamilton Ter SE River Ave SE Be l l e v i e w A v e S E Riverland Rd SE Allison Ave SW 5t h S t S W Albemarle Ave SW Walnut Ave SW Woods Ave SW King George Ave SW 6th St SW Woods Ave SW Rosalind Ave SW Janette Ave SW Rose Ave SE Thomason Rd SE Ha l l R d S E Alan J P Fishburn Pkwy Prospect Rd SE Robin Hood Rd SE Wyc l i f f e A v e S W Lynn Ave SW 25th S t S W Winston Ave SW Allison Ave SW Broadway A v e S W 26th S t S W Walnut Ave S W Car o l i n a A v e S W 27th S t S W Longview Ave SW Sewell Ln SW McNeil Dr SW Persinger Rd SW Ross Ln SW Hu n t e r s R d S W Mount Vernon Rd SW Blair Rd SW Blenheim Rd SW 28th S t S W Ste p h e n s o n A v e S W Wonju St SW 8t h S t S W 23r d S t S W Wildwood Rd SW Winth r o p Ave S W Montgomery Ave SW Rosewood Ave SW Woo d l a w n A v e S W Woodlawn Ave SW Ave n e l A v e S W Montgomery Ave SW Oregon Ave SW Ca r t e r R d S W Alberta Ave SW Oak S t S W Lofto n R d S W Guilford Ave SW Livin g s t o n R d S W Wiley Dr SW Avenham Ave SW Brandon Ave SW Fran k l i n R d S W Spessard Ave SW Bar h a m R d S W Mont v a l e R d S W Id a v e r e R d S W Ho w a r d R d S W Wea v e r R d S W Ca r l t o n R d S W Spring Rd SW Montv a l e R d S W Fairway Dr S W Tillett R d S W Avenel Ave SW Grandin Rd SW Wilshire Ave SW Heritage Rd SW Dogwood Ln SW Forest Rd SW Park Ln SW Pasley Ave SW Lansing Dr SW Westhampton Ave SW Beverly Blvd SW Northview Dr SW Circle Dr SW Lee Hi Rd SW Wautauga St SW Bluemont Ave SW Win b o r n e S t S W Hartland Rd SW Inglewood Rd SW Creston Ave SW Hollo w e l l A v e S W Sweetbrier Ave SW Corbieshaw Rd SW Windsor Ave SW Sherwood Ave SW Ard e n R d S W Derwent Dr SW Lincoln Ave SW Nottingham Rd SE Woodcliff Rd SE Cornwallis Ave SE Flannagan Dr 1s t St SW Clarke Ave SW Sta n l e y A v e S E Carlton Rd SW La n g d o n R d S W Ca r t e r R d S W Avo n R d S W Shirl e y A v e S W Ble n h e i m R d S W Bel l e v i l l e R d S W Arli n g t o n R d S W Gre e n w o o d R d S W 24th St S E 2n d S t S W Albemarle Ave SW S J e f f e r s o n S t Map l e A v e S W 2nd St SW Evans Mill Rd Day Ave SW Walnut Ave SW Lab u r n u m Av e S W Mount Vernon Rd SW Laburnum Ave SW La n g d o n R d S W Yo r k R d S W Elm Ave SE Elm Ave S E Willow Oak Dr SW Rob e r t s R d S W W Ridge Rd SW Burnleigh Rd SW Stoneridge Rd SW Riverview Blvd SE Technical St SE Ivy S t S E Service Ave SE Sylvan Rd SE Cam illa A ve S E Industry Ave SE Arbu t u s A v e S E Waln u t A v e S E Hounds Chase Ln SW Somerset St SW Allendale St SW Duke of Gloucester St SW White Oak Rd SW Cassell Ln SW Pie d m on t S t S E Laurel St SE 7th S t S E Morgan Ave S E Morehead Ave SE Sherwood Ave SW Overla n d R d SW Lakewood Dr SW Hemlock Ln SW Audubon Rd SW White Oak Rd SW Somercroft Ct Wa r r i n g t o n R d S W Welch R d S W Clearfield Rd SW Sh e f f i e l d R d S W Oakwood Dr SW Persi n g e r R d S W Bluefield Blvd SW Summit Ave SW Br i g h t o n R d S W Wellington de SE Gearhart Rd S E Glenwood Dr SE Kepplewood Rd SE Ivywood St SE Howbert Ave SW Welton Ave SW Hamilton Ave SW Floyd Ave S W Kerns Ave S W Valley Ave S W Main St SW Roberts Rd SW Lockridge Rd SW Wilton Rd Hartsook Blvd SE Estates Rd SE Wil l i a m s o n R d S E Pechin Ave SE Penm a r S t S E Mon t r o s e A v e S E Murr a y A v e S E Beechwood Dr SW Brandon Driveway SW Brandon Ln SW Kerns Ave S W Luck Ave SW 24th S t S W Church Ave SW Londonderry Dr SW Darwin Rd SW Ridgewood Ln SW Albemarle Ave 5t h S t S E 4th St SE High l a n d A v e S E 6t h S t S E 7th S t SE Mountain A v e S E McCla naha n S t SW 23rd S t S W Cry s t a l S p r i n g A v e S W 25th St SW 22nd S t S W Reserve Ave SW Ric h e l i e u A v e S W 3r d S t S W Highland Ave S W Mountain Ave SW Franklin Rd SW Wellington Dr SE Ethel Rd SE Ray Rd S E Mabry Ave S E Ventnor Rd SE Lori Dr Wakefield St Ev ergreen Ln Leslie Ln SW Tamarack Trl Oak Cre s t A v e S W Meadowwood Rd Ired ell Ave Larson Oaks Dr Old T o w n e R d S W Fa l l R d One Oak Rd SW Tomaranne Dr Peace Ln Les l i e L n Sunridge Ln Sun b r e e z e Cir Freeborn Cir Dover Dr Eva Ave Larson Ln As h m e a d e D r Sunscape Dr Garst C a b i n D r Davis Ave Sunchase Ln Potomac St Saratoga Ave SW Sun c h a s e Ct Cedarmeade Dr State Rte 668 State Rte 666 Wedgewood Ogd e n RdSW Conc o r d P l Electric Rd Evergreen Ln Overdale RdAntietam Dr Colonial Ave Davis Ave SW Oa k d a l e R d S W Willetta Dr Greenview Rd Grand i n Rd Parham Dr Lan e w o o d D r WestmorelandDr Electric Rd CastleHill St Br a n d y w i n e A v e La w n d a l e R d Bunk e r H i l l D r Pinevale Rd SW Georgetown Rd Timberlane Ave Richards B lvd Hillandale Dr Goodview Ave Pe b b l e D r Goodview Ave Marti n e l l A v e Valley Forge Ave Harris St SW Ha s t i n g s R d Circle Brook Dr Sedgefield Rd SW Martinell Ave Colony Ln Bev e r l y Blvd S W GarstMillRd Fleetwood Ave SW Ogden Rd Wedgewood Rd SW Sunnyvale St Mayfield Dr Lofton Rd Sh a r m a r R d Bandy Rd SE Lofton Rd SW Bandy Rd Woodway Rd Melody Ave Woodland Dr SW Cedar Ln Par k w o o d D r Red RockRd SW Daleton Av e Bram b l e t o n Ave Circle Brook Dr Pop l a r D r Manassas Dr View Ave Gre e n c l i f f R d Pil o t B l v d Clearview Dr Ashebrook Dr Timberline Trl Ho n e y w o o d L n Brand y w i n e A v e Custis Ave Forester Rd SW Hollowdale Dr Bram b l e t o n A v e S W Kenmore Ave Wed g e w o o d R d S W LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 7 12 17 8 18 9 14 19 13 37.302632N 80.005341W 37.303051N 79.914731W 37.230678N 79.914251W 37.230259N 80.004772W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161013 Sheet 13 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Big Br Falling Crk Sandy Crk Sandy Crk Horseshoe Br Horseshoe Br Wolf Crk Glade Crk Glade Crk Tinker Crk Glad e C r k Glade Crk Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Nor f olk Souther n Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlw y Railwa y Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy 24 24 116 24 24 24 24 220 460 220 460 221 221 Dist 1 91209 Vinton dist 96183 Roanoke city° 95363 Roanoke city° 95363 310 312.02 311.01 312.01 311.02 ROA N O K E 1 6 1 BED F O R D 0 1 9 ROANOKE 161ROANOKE 770 ROANOKE 161 ROANOKE 770 Roanoke 68000 Vinton 81280 Roanoke 68000 2037 3009 3010 3013 3004 3012 2000* 1012 2035* 3035 3002 3008 2018* 1000 1007* 1006 1010 2004* 2008* 2004 2000 2001 3007 1016 1000 1005 2055 1014 2011 2015 2017 2018 3005 2030 2029 2011 2022 2039 2038 20 3 1 1001 1005 2011 1000 2001 2072 2002 2056 3036 1007 2001 3006 2032* 2010 1016* 1016* 1002 1011 2012 2020 3011 1017*1017* 2000* 3000* 2012 10311028 1027 2001* 2009 2048 2066 2036* 2019 2019* 1003 1017 2071 2011* 2014 20742033 1029 1018 2002 2009 2010 1021 2019 2007 1007 1010 1006 1013 2005 2041 2075 2013 2018 1011 2000 1025 1014 2015 1009 10001001 1002 1016 1008 1014 1001 1015 1002 1003 1008 1023 1013 2003 1005 1004 2016 1003 1024 2006 1004 1019 1023 1016 1004 1018 1012 1022 1027 1026 2010 2009 2003 1012 2042 2027 2016 2028 1009 1019 2004 1013 2002 1007 1017 1010 1030 1026 1002 1001 200 5 1024 1014 2008 2005 1005 1020 1006 1025 1015 3001 3003 1022 2017 1012 1021 1015 1013 10 2 0 2014 1011 1009 1003 1015 1004 1018 2040 2076 20 1 3 2073 2021 20 0 8 2007 2006 1008 Morning Dove Ln State Rte 651 Blue Ridge Pkwy Ha r d y R d Ridge Rd Rutrough Rd SE Gravel Hill Rd 16th S t S E Edgert o n A v e S E Brow n l e e A v e S E Mount Pleasant Blvd SE Rutrough Rd SE Queen Ann Dr SE Carlisle Ave SE Bennington St SE CraigRobertson Rd SE Bennington St SE Granby St NE Mary L i n d a A v e N E Turner Branch Rd Oyler R d Owl Ln Windhurst Dr Calvert Rd Underhill Ave Walla c e A v e N E Archbold Ave NE East e r n A v e N E Baldwin Ave NE Gus W Nicks Blvd NE Blue Hills Dr NE Kessler Rd NE Manning Rd NE Sunset Ave NE 20th S t N E Yeager Ave NE Eastgate Ave NE Mason Mill Rd NE Oran g e A v e N E Oran g e A v e N E Dunk i r k A v e N E Moir St NE Chestnut Mountain Dr Stewartsville Rd Seibel Dr NE Bell e A v e N E King St NE Berkley Rd NE Berkley Rd NE Dre w r y s H i l l R d Stewartsville Rd Jeters Chapel Rd Rhodes Ave Dale Ave S E Kenwo o d B l v d S E Greenbrier Ave SE Dale Ave S E Wicker L n Spradlin Loop Ln Pheasant Run Dr Pinewood Dr Redbud Ln Sandy Run Rdg Cain Dr Little M o u n t a i n L n Shady Run Rd Breezewood Ln Ve r n o n S t S E Clinton A v e S E Ken w o o d B l v d Edm u n d A v e N E Daleton Blvd NE 20t h S t N E 24th St NE Purc e l l A v e N E Howard Ave NE ClydeAve N E Old Vinton Mill Rd NE Carvin St NE Butterfly Ln British Way Mountain Lane Ter Glendale Dr Davis Ln Chittum Ln Sedgefield Ln Brookledge Dr Willowood Dr Dearing Ln Bible Ln Pine Spur Rd Hillcrest Dr Fallon Dr Beagle Club Rd Hazelwood Ter Timberline Trl Perrow Rd Sa i n t Clair Ln Pa r k w a y L n Guin Cir Rosemont Ln Red Rose Ln Viny a r d A v e N E Dell A v e N E Idl e w i l d B l v d N E Sprin g t r e e D r N E Meadowrun Dr NE Sleep y L n N E Pinnacle Ridge Rd NE Hickory Woods Dr NE Dogwood Hill Rd NE Richard Ave NE Me c c a S t N E Savannah Dr NE Mecca St NE Cann a d a y R d N E Richa r d A v e N E Belle Ave NE Atherly S t N E Flying W Ln Overlook Rd Old B r o o k R d Baymeadow Ln Baker Ln Tinker Creek Greenway Paved Trl Oak Branch Ct Plateau Rd SE Rosewalk Ln SE 18 t h S t S E Redwood Rd SE Padbury Ave SE Dundee Ave SE Redwood Rd SE Gordon Ave SE Bennington St SE Jones Rd Barrington Ct As h l e y Ct Blue Ridge Ln Gordonbrook Dr Charleswood Rd Ivy l a n d D r Sha-Al Rd Rainelle St Rai n e l l e St S E Hammond Dr Ch a r l e s t o w n S q Bushdale Rd Blakemore Cir Southampton Dr Cam b r i d g e S q Derby Dr Belmont Ct Ston e a c r e s D r Twin Mountain Dr Corllens Ln Terry D r Pine Spur Rd Toddsbury Cir Azalea Cir Shalon Cir Laurel Hill Dr Arcadia Cir Jeter Pl Meadows Rd Pi n e S t Oak St Mi s s i m e r C t Hill Cir Hill Ave Beavers Cir Bluff Rd Heys L n Paddington St a t i o n L n Pineridge Rd Cro c u s Cir Chestnut Mountain Cir Abbey Cir Warner Pl Goode Park Rd Bart o n S t S E Riverd a l e R d S E Meadowwood R d Marys Way Ln Harmony Dr Lo c k h a r t D r Halifax Cir Je n n i f e r C t Ballyhack Trl Castleridge Rd Denbeigh Cir Edgemont Cir Stewart View Te Hor s e p e n Mou n t a i n C i r Coolbrooke Rd Ivy Ln Mason Rd Bush F a r m Dr Hem ing w ay R d Vinyard Park Dr Hiram St Huffman Ln Rainelle StDelmar Ln Bluff Rd SE Saunja Cir Saunja Cir Wolf Crst Stone Creek Pa Sassafras Cr Prea k n e s s C t Twin Mountain Cir E G r e e n w a y P l Laurel Glen Rd Meadows Ct Ra i l r o a d A v e Le m o n L n Horse Shoe Bend Rd To b ia s R d S Preston Rd Spradlin Dr Smo k e R i s e C t Riverview Rd Oxf o r d S q Melissa Cir Baker Dr Jon q u i l Cir Muse Dr Bexh i l l D r Cardinal Park Dr Marlou St Marvin Dr Deer Run Dr Huff St Everlin Rd Greenway Landing Pl De e r R i d g e L n Oakshire Ln Bushdale Rd SE Pedigo Cir Horn Cir Lake St In d u s t r y Cir Cambridge Court Rd Berry Hill Cir Stonebridge Cir Way n e St N E Callie Ct Alc o a R d Hogan Cir Hogan Rd SE Feather Lake Dr Simsmore Ave Bo n s a l l L n Roop St Simsmore Ave Saunja Cir Lawson Ln Camney Ln Wayland St NE Minnie Bell Ln Feather Lake Dr Sha Al Rd Iv y l a n d D r Ae p D r i v e w a y Wolf Run Green Knoll Ln Mel i s s a Dr Stacie D r Mansard Square Dr Alison L n Highland Rd Mea d o w s Spr i n g s C i r State Rte 635 State Rte 635 State Rte 658 State Rte 883 State Rte 788 State Rte 619 State Rte 633 State Rte 1633 State Rte 1632 State Rte 163 0 State Rte 1640 State Rte 635 St a t e R t e 1 01 5 State Rte 1628 State Rte 634 State Rte 634 State R t e 6 5 8 State Rte 936 State Rte 618 State R t e 6 1 7 StateRte 651 State Rte 651 State Rte 761 State R t e 7 1 2 Mountain View Rd Wo o d S t S Pollard St Franklin Ave Big Rock Dr Mea d o w S t Jeanette Ave Daladier Dr Ballard St Bush Dr S P r e s t o n R d Eastland Rd SE Highland Rd Ridge Rd SE Chestnut Ridge Rd McGeorge Dr Randall Dr Elizabeth Dr Blue Ridge Pkwy Blue R i d g e P k w y Pitzer Rd Wyndham Dr Ramada Rd Horsepen Mountain Dr Adam Dr Fe a t h e r R d Temple Dr Broadhill Dr Carso n Rd E Virginia Ave E Au g u s t a A v e Giles Ave Chestnut Ln Morrison Ave E JacksonAve Highland Rd Crofton Dr Chestnut Ridge Rd Charleswood Rd Cranwell Dr Finney Dr Colbourne Ave BerkleyRdNE Berkley Rd NE Kenyon Rd 9t h S t 10th St Almond Dr Wolf Creek Dr Devonshire Dr N P r e s t o n R d Parkview Dr Riverdale Rd SE Staton Dr Ma r s h a l l Av e Missimer Ln Dillon Dr Rutrough Rd SE Beavers Ln West Virginia Ave Bedford Rd Hardy Rd Spruce St Lauderdale Ave Mount Pleasant Blvd Toddsbury Dr Tinker Ave Booker Ave Washington Ave Bryan Dr Cedar Ave Halliahurst Ave Underhill Ave Raleigh Ave Chestnut St Rhodes Ave Woodm e r e D r Duke Dr Brookshire Dr Ne l s o n S t Daleview Dr Sunnyva l e S t Mayfield Dr Blandford Ave Emerald Dr West Virginia Ave Norbourne Ave Niagara Rd Vale Ave NE Stonebridge Dr Lindenwo o d D r 5t h S t 7t h S t Ruddell R d Cameron Dr Dawnridge Dr E Washin g t o n A v e Cottage Ave Tink e r A v e Pine St Cl e a r v i e w D r Hardy Rd Fairmont D r By p a s s R d Claiborne Ave 3rd S t Wyndham Dr Burnt Quarter Dr Fall i n g C r e e k D r Redlands Dr Poplar Grove Dr Blandfield Dr Laurel Glen Rd Hill Ave Mi t c h e l l Rd Bali Hai Dr Aragona Dr Maywood Dr Old Walnut Ave Gla d e R d BraddockRd 8t h S t Lynn Haven Cir Fountain Ln S Pacific Dr DaletonAve 4th St E Clev e l a n d A v e Landfair Dr McDonald St Missimer Ln Mount Pleasant Blvd Ellington St Pembrook Dr Cambridge Dr Montgomery Cir Howell Dr Robin d a l e D r Sunflower Dr Holid a y R d Washington Ave Tulip L n Spring Grove Dr Gus Nicks Blvd Briarwood Dr Palisades Dr S Maple St 4t h St King St Landfair Dr Langland Dr By p a s s Rd Feather Garden Cir Parker Ln Shelbourne Ave Jae Valley Rd Dale Ave Walnut Ave Echo D r Beechwood Dr 11 t h St Etna Ave Deer Run Dr Ma r t i n D r E Washin g t o n A v e Feather Garden Cir Deer Path Trl Huffman LnCedarmeade Dr Pedigo Ln Pedigo Ln Niagara Rd State Rte 651 Vinyard Rd Timberidge Rd Olney Rd La u r e l Glen Rd Gates Ln Swan Dr W Cleveland Ave 6t h S t 7t h St Pinecrest D r Maplewood Dr Chestnut Mountain Dr A LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 8 13 18 9 19 14 37.303051N 79.914731W 37.303400N 79.824121W 37.231026N 79.823729W 37.230678N 79.914251W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161014 Sheet 14 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Boners Run Indian Run Falling Spring Holw Falling Spring Holw Calf hill Holw Dark Run Spring Br Reese Holw Coffee Valley Ryan Holw Brake Br Seneca Holw Seneca Holw Spring Valley Br Spring Valley Br Cove Holw Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern RlwyNorfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy 81 81 11 460 460 460 11 11 Dist C-01 92913 Catawba dist 90648 305.01 MO N T G O M E R Y 1 2 1 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 Shawsville 71632 Lafayette 43224 Elliston 25488 1034 1056 1052* 1053* 10 6 9 * 1058* 10 3 3 * 1057* 1060* 1060* 1059* 1032* Echo Hills Rd Sparrow Rd Alleghany Spring Rd Seneca Hollow Rd Rya n R d Ro a n o k e R d Boners Run Rd Ro a n o k e R d Yellow Finch Ln Berry Patch Rd Howard Dr Roan o k e R d Pedlar Rd N Fork Rd Pair O Docs Ln John Farm Rd Walnut Grove Rd Basham Hollow Rd New t o w n R d Oldtown Rd Dark Run Rd Booth Rd Fort Vause DrKirk Hollow Rd Jacob Dr Briggs Rd Slu s h e r L n Brake Rd Maxey Rd Coles Rd Clowers Dr Eastern Montgomery Ln Brake Rd Hancock Rd Gr a h a m S t Riffe St Dark Creek Dr Weeping Willow Ln Crest Mtn Cir Boggs Mtn Loop Ambrose Rd Blankenship Rd Old Roanoke R d Helm Rd Callow a y S t Big Spring Dr Blount Dr Duke LnCrozie r R d Barnett Rd State Rte 633 State Rte 690 State Rte 753 State Rte 682 State Rte 632 State Rte 1006 State Rte 9263 St a t e R t e 6 3 1 State R t e 8 0 3 State Rte 741 Stat e R t e 7 4 5 State Rte 754 State Rte 609 State Rte 636 State Rte 822 State Rte 637 State Rte 635 Yellow Finch Ln Berry Patch Ln Cove Hollow Rd LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 10 11 16 20 15 37.228581N 80.276328W 37.229211N 80.185811W 37.156837N 80.185068W 37.156207N 80.275497W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161015 Sheet 15 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Little Back Crk Big Laurel Crk Bottom Crk 9th Martins Crk Little Back Crk Mill Br Dry Br Dry Br Bottom Crk Back Crk Big Laurel Crk Martins Crk Cove Holw Mill Crk Bottom Crk Back Crk 221 Dist C-01 92913 Windsor Hills dist 96439 Catawba dist 90648 306.02 305.01 306.01 MO N T G O M E R Y 1 2 1 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 1005 1070* 1002* 1052* 1053* 1030* 1002* 1069* 1022* 1016 3034* 3034* 1028* 1018* 1058* 1058* 1058* 1026* 1025* 1036* 1017 1057* 1044* 1060* 3035* 1042* 1051* 1059* 1050* 1032* 1017* 1040* 1019* 1043* 1055 1000 1009 1029 1004 100 1 1067 1049 1024 1023 1010 1015 1048 1047 1006 1011 1054 1068 1066 1013 1014 1046 1071 1003 1012 Coles Rd Lodi Ln Popular Springs Ln Countrywood Dr Lookout Ln Martins Creek Rd Fernway Dr Lost D r LostView Ln Split Rail Ln Harvest Hill Rd Pippin Ln Airpoint Rd Airpoint Dr Boxwo o d Cir Lost View Ln Cole s R d Hi d d e n F a l l s Boxwood Dr Country Ln Ridgelea Estates Dr Ca r r i a ge H i l l s D r Russwood Rd Orchard Dr Greenhouse Rd Lost Dr Botts Hollow Rd Stone Mountain Rd Maggie Ln Airpoint Cir Poplar Springs Ln Split Rail Ln Sta t e Rte 7 5 4 State Rte 788 State Rte 612 State Rte 786 State Rte 786 State Rte 695 State Rte 711 State Rte 612 State Rte 690 State Rte 896 State Rte 694 State Rte 649 Ridgelea Rd Willett Ln Poor Mountain Rd Slings Gap Rd Bent Mountain Rd Dry Hollow Rd State Rte 631 Willett L n Cove Hollow Rd Sugar Camp Creek Rd Twelve OclockKnobRd Wade Rd Honeysuckle Rd Back Creek Orchard Rd Ti n s l e y L n Strawberry Ln LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 10 15 11 20 12 17 21 16 37.229211N 80.185811W 37.229770N 80.095292W 37.157396N 80.094637W 37.156837N 80.185068W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161016 Sheet 16 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Masons Knob Hemppatch Mtn North Frk Mason Crk Mud Lick Crk Cave Spring Br Mill Crk Mud Lick Crk Mud Lick Crk Dividing Spring Crk Dividing Spring Crk Mud Lick Crk Mud Lick Crk Little Back Crk North Fork Blackwater Riv Martins Crk Back Crk Little Back Crk Little Back Crk Mason Crk Back Crk 419 221 221 Boone dist 90432 Blackwater dist 90320 Windsor Hills dist 96439 Cave Spring dist 90664 Blackwater dist 90320 Cave Spring dist 90664 308.02 305.01 308.04 308.03 306.01 306.02 309 30 9 307.01 307.02 FRANKLIN 067ROANOKE 161 FRANKLIN 067 FRANKLIN 067 ROANOKE 161 Cave Spring 13720 3003 3026 1070* 1006* 1005* 1002* 3002* 1030* 1002* 3028 3034* 3029* 1026* 1025* 3030 1017* 3031 3027 1017* 3000* 3003* 3035* 3035* 3000* 1007* 1042* 2016* 4022* 1015* 2018* 4024*3004* 1029* 1029* 3004* 2001* 1016* 4018* 4021* 1023* 2006* 2014* 1043* 2004* 2000* 1007* 3036* 3002 2003 3032 3019 2007 1005 1004 1001 4025 2000 2002 3001 3008 1006 1008 1010 3018 3009 3010 3024 1003 3013 3009 3006 302 5 3016 1003 1007 2017 3000 3038 3011 1002 1000 1004 2002 2005 1008 3012 3008 2003 3005 1005 3007 3004 3037 3021 3010 3001 3006 3020 2001 2004 3007 3015 3014 3017 3003 3002 1009 3033 3022 3023 Blue Ridge Pkwy Majestic Ln Mill Pond Ln Slings Gap Rd John Arthur Rd Naf f R d Masons Knob Rd Lange Ln Green Meadow Rd Martins Creek Rd Skylark Cir Rhododendron Trl Grubb Rd Highfields Rd HarmonyLn Deep Woods Dr Prvt Mallard Lake Ct Glen Meadow Dr Stoney Point Rd Lilly Hill Rd Chagall Cir Bayberry Ct Shady Side Dr Dawn Cir Wales Ct Orchard View Ln Old Farm Rd Longview Rd Strawberry Mountain Dr Montague Way Othello Cir Cave Spring Cir Leawood Cir Dovetail Cir Fox Grape Rd Barbara Cir Snowbird Cir Lowland Ln Dove Dr Garner Rd Ponderosa Cir Ripplebrook Rd Wellington Rd Lawrence Ln SW Autumn Park Dr Ann Ln Bearing Rd MatisseLn Sunnycrest Rd Penwood Dr Cromwell Ct Grape Tree Ln Castelview Ln Sugar Ridge Dr Sunnyvale Rd Landview Dr Colonial Place DrFarmington Place Ct Titan Trl Dove Dr Shingle Rd Sylvan Brook Rd Tall Oak Ln Shaver Rd Parkway Dr Highfields Farm Cir Falwell Dr Solonevich Rd Willow Spring Rd Old Mill Fore s t Dr Hollyberry Rd Ivy Mountain Dr Winterwood Trl Bayberry Ct Lakedale Rd SW Fairfax Raspberry Ln Butternut Rd Musical Ln Salisbury Dr Wimbledon Ct Peach Tree Cir Spring Run Dr Deepwoods Dr Harm ony L n Country Homes Rd Midsummer Ln Stratford Way Gloucester Ct Linda Ln Farmington Cir Christie Ln Marsh Wren Ln Renoir Ln Kirk Ln Blackhorse Ln Saddleridge Ln Buckeye Rd Pine Acres Ln Vinyard Rd Crown Rd Ashmont Dr Cezanne Ct Wren Rd BradfordCr Spr i n g Meadow Ct Belcroft Ct Steeplechase Dr Laurel Hill Rd Juliet Ct Woodmont Dr Oriole LnFlamingo Dr Cotton Hill Ln Christopher Dr Mason Knob Trl Penn Forest Pl Snow Owl Dr Sugar Rum Ridge Rd Pencheck Cir Monet Dr Lynn Dell Rd Old Mill Forest Cir Leffle r L n Ryan Ln Berganblick Ln Fordwick Dr Vista Forest Dr Squires Ct Golden Eagle Ln Two Ford Rd Roselawn Rd Moncap Trl Harmony Ln Sunberry Cir Masons View Ln Henry Farms Rd Stonecroft Ct Canter Cir Mallard Dr Barn O w l C i r Bobolink Ln Otter Park Ct Saddleridge Rd Mary B Pl Timberlan d C i r Ingleside Dr Brookhaven Ct Burkwood Cir Willow Valley Rd Broughton Dr Penny Ln Equestrian Dr Bridlewood Dr Bridlewood Dr Branico Dr Royal Oak Dr Balsam Dr Cavespring Ln Old Locke Ct Spring Meadow Dr Hampshire Dr Forest View Rd Homewood Cir Hamlet Trl Chaucers Ct Shelia Ln Briar Ridge Cir Woodcock Cir Stickley Ln Sedgewick Dr Gaugin Cir Winterwood Trl Levi Rd Hilltop Dr Farm Hill Dr Monet Dr Forest Creek Dr Mountain Spring Trl Wing Commander Dr Cavalier Ct Trinity Ct Saint Ives Ct Roselawn Court Dr Roycroft Dr Shrewsburg Ct Chippenham Dr Bre n t w o o d C t Lange Ln Terrapin Trl Eagle Cir Trelawny Trl Shingle Ridge Rd Sunnycrest Rd Sa d d l e r i d g e C i r Parkway Dr Hollybe r r y C i r Highf i e l d s F a r m T r l Highfields Farm Dr Mallard Lake Dr Raintree Dr EastshireCt Woodvale Dr Huntwood StWood v a l e C i r Cedarwood Ln Woodridge Dr Westshire Ct Creekview Ct Willow Leaf Cir Empire Ln Rosevale Rd Willingham Dr Amber Ct Chatsworth Dr Chagall Dr Renee Ln Williamsburg Ct Westbriar Ct Old Barn Cir Woodbrook Dr Country View Rd Sandhurst Dr State Rte 962 State Rte 692 State Rte 694 St a t e R t e 6 9 4 State Rte 690 State Rte 612 State Rte 688 State Rte 937 State Rte 888 State Rte 934 State Rte 752 State Rte 764 State Rte 691 State Rte 613 State Rte 689 State Rte 690 State Rte 689 State Rte 1728 Vest Dr Pu r p l e F i n c h R d Rabbit Run Rd Rose Crest Rd SW Blue Ridge Pkwy Spe n c e r D r Grape Holly Ln Bent Mountain Rd Creek Cir Naff Rd Masons Crest Trl Springlawn Ave Colon i a l A v e Electric Rd SRoselawn Rd Lakeland Dr Hammond Ln Holland Rd Rasmont Rd Penguin Dr Arcturus Dr Cotton Hill Rd Mount Chestnut Rd Nandina Dr Old Mill Plantation Dr Poages Mill Dr Rosecrest Rd SW Five Oaks Rd Majestic Ln Slings Gap Rd Token Rd Beasley Trl Roselawn Rd SW Cavali e r D r Ledgewood Ave Electric Rd Penn Forest Blvd SW Cave Spring Ln McVittyRd Lowland Ln Bent Mountain Rd Fort Mason Dr Poage Valley Rd Exd Arlin g t o n H i l l s D r Ro s e c l i f f R d Coleman Rd Old Mill Rd Cedar Edge Rd Forest Edge Dr Poage Valley Rd Henry Farms Rd Ayrs h i r e D r Merriman Rd White Dove Ln Split Oak Rd Lost Mountain Rd Majestic Ln Roselawn Rd Mountain Spring Ct Pleasant Hill Dr Topping Hill Dr Kenwick Trl Wertz Orchard Rd Stone Manor Dr Farmington Dr Old Cave Spring Rd Titan Trl Cre s t S t Girard Dr Wineberry Trl Crystal Creek Dr Landmark Cir Dawnwood Rd Old MillForest Dr Scenic Hills Dr Linn Cove Ct Canter Dr Cave Spring Ln Penn Fores t Blvd Luwana Dr Sandpiper Dr RoselawnRd Beechnut Rd Chaparral Dr Scotford Ct Two Ford Rd Corntassel Ln Brambleton Ave Hummingbird Ln Cartwright Dr Ranchcrest Dr Sharolyn Dr SW Willow Valley Rd Old Bent Mountain Rd Canyon Rd Wade Rd Apple Grove Ln Sugar Camp Creek Rd Sunnyside Dr SW Penquin Cynthia Dr Sulgrave Rd Sugar Loaf Mountain Rd Roselawn Rd Ran L y n n D r Ha z e l D r Belle Meade Dr Twelve Oclock KnobRd Twelve Oclock KnobRd Shingle Rd Mill Run Cir Knowles Dr Monet Dr Whistler Dr Whistler Dr Pencheck Cir LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 11 16 20 12 21 13 18 22 17 37.229770N 80.095292W 37.230259N 80.004772W 37.157884N 80.004205W 37.157396N 80.094637W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161017 Sheet 17 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Garnard Br Gum Spring Br Back Crk Norfolk Southern Rlwy 581581 419 419 220 220 220 Boone dist 90432 Cave Spring dist 90664 Vinton dist 96183 Roanoke city° 95363 Boone dist 90432 308.02 30 8 . 0 4 308.03 306.01 309 310 FRANKLIN 067 ROANOKE 161 FRANKLIN 067 ROANOKE 161 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 RO A N O K E 7 7 0 Cave Spring 13720 Roanoke 68000 2020 2029 4000 5008 2015 1008 1034 3009 2002 1012 2012 4002 4003 4004 2013 3001 1027 1026 1013 1003 2007 2006 4007 4006 4009 1018 1016 1025 1020 5003 5006 5004 3002 2002 1035 2004 1011 3000 4005 1006 1009 4010 1014 1022 1024 1005*1011* 3002* 1038* 1005 2000* 1017* 3005 50 0 7 2003* 2002* 3000* 30 0 3 * 4000 2000 3000* 5012 2032* 2033* 2016* 2034* 1014* 1015* 1016* 2018* 1029* 3004* 2001* 2004* 2010* 3006 3002* 3004 2010 2026* 5000* 5001 1023* 2006* 2014* 1001* 1043* 4001 2016* 2005 2009 2001* 1002* 1032* 10 3 0 * 1033* 2011* 2004* 2001 2000* 1007* 3036* 1023 1031 1021 202 2 2021 5011 2027 2028 500 9 4012 2008 3003 2003 2035 2005 2008 2013 4006 2031 4002 2019 5010 3001 2005 3003 20 0 0 4007 4011 1028 2011 2009 1017 1010 4004 2030 4008 201 0 2007 2001 2003 2011 1015 201 2 5002 2025 2024 2023 4008 1007 5005 4005 4001 1004 4003 1019 Summit Way Summit Way Hillview Ave SE Southmont Dr SW Draper Rd Old Rocky Mount Rd Eanes Rd SE Ve n t n o r R d S E Blanton Ave SE Melcher St SE New Spring Branch Rd SE Southern Ln SW Mill Mountain Pkwy Pheasant Ridge Rd Franklin Rd SW Ga r d e n C i t y B l v d S E Yellow Mountain Rd SE Wel c o m e V a l l e y R d S E Narrows Ln SW Van Winkle Rd SW Griffin Rd SW Bristol Rd SW Southe r n H ills Dr SW Davis Boone Rd Masons Crest Trl Wood Warbler Ln Lark Cir Bobwhite Dr Parkway Place Dr Fox Chase Ct Oa k C t Paddington Ct Branc h R d Vaughan Rd Wo o d R d Warring Ln Indian Rock Rd SE Stonehenge Sq Partridge Cir Buckhorn Dr Deerfield Rd SW Destinee Ln Cox Hopkins Rd Winter Dr Morningside Dr Overlook Trail Dr Campbell View Ln Fox Croft Cir Buck Run Ct Cou n t r y Co t t a g e L n Penwood Dr Kelly Ln Exd Starkey Ln Termina l Rd Cres c e n t L n Cresent Ct Azalea Rd Oakwood Dr Will Carter Ln Rock Hill Dr The Peaks Dr Cro s s b o w C t Chuka r D r Singing Hills Rd Fawn Dell Rd Amanda Ln Clearwood Dr Woodchuck Rd Quail R i d g e C t Elk Hill D r Hawkbill Cir Warring Ln Hilltop Rd Aston Ln Santa Fe Trl Clearbrook Ln Olyvia Pl Rock Garden Ln Keefer Rd Mounta in Vil l a g e D r Bu c k R u n D r Kim Ct Woodthrush Cir Carol Ln Suns e t D r Rockbridge Ct Kildeer Cir Hofawger Rd Mountain Spring Ct White Pelican Ln Silver Fox Rd BuckRun Sq Verona Trl Tre eTop L n Commonwealth Dr Co w m a n R d S Indian Grave Rd Clearwood Dr Futurama Dr Dickerson Rd Turkey Ridge Rd Colony Ct Glenmont Dr Singing Hills Cir Red Hill Rd Kathryn Dr Circle Creek Dr Deer View Cir Oriole Ln Le s l i e Ln Sandlewood Rd Eagle Crest Dr Huntmaster Cir Knigh t s C t Ca p u l e t C t Sparks Rd Laurel Cir Morning Dove Rd Raven Rock Rd Daniel Rd Hillview Av e Raven Rock Rd Park Manor Dr Quail Ridge Cr Winterset Dr Singing Hills Cir Red Stag Dr Enchanted Ln Shady Acres Dr Melinda Ln Upland Game Rd Marigold Cir View Ave Blue Heron Cir Mallar d Dr Hemlock Ave Laurel Dr Forest Ln Woodland Ln Mayo Dr Gearh a r t R d De l a v a n S t Hol l y f i e l d C i r Singing Hills Rd Summerset Cir Ivy Green Ct Hillside Rd Piney Ridge Dr Wiliam Ct Fox Den Rd Maple Ct SW Blue B i r d C i r Forest Ct Forest Ridge Rd Graceland Dr Knights Bridge Dr S Peak CtS Peak Estates DrJeffrey Dr Gallatin St Hartley Cir Ar c h e r D r Wilson Rd Forest Rd Co l o n i a l C o u r t D r Berke l e y P l a c e D r KnightsCt Kings Ct Dr Kings Court Dr Back Creek Cir Londonderry Ct Kelly Ln Londonderry Ln Barn S w a l l o w C i r Red Bird Cir Berry Hill Dr Woodview Rd Tall Pine Rd State Rte 789 State Rte 672 State Rte 676 State Rte 715 State Rte 615 Sta t e R t e 6 7 4 State Rte 766 State Rte 679 State Rte 917 St a t e R t e 6 0 4 State Rte 667 State Rte 613 State Rte 687 St a t e R t e 6 1 4 State Rte 657 State Rte 666 State Rte 666 Stat e R t e 6 6 8 Mayland Rd Valley View R d Og d e n R d S W Purple Finch Rd Blue Ridge Pkwy Blue Ridge Pkwy Blue R i d g e P k w y Boones Chapel Rd Holly Tree Rd Birch Ct Woodthrush Dr Crescent Blvd Meadowlark Rd Back Creek Rd Rockin gham Blvd Electric Rd Hammond L n Valley Ave Colonial Ave Electric Rd Do w n i n g S t Hunting Hills Ct Flintlock Rd Poplar View Rd Peregrine Crest Cir Fox R i d g e R d S W Cotton Hill Rd Lan e w o o d D r Faircrest Ln Pine Ct SW Token Rd Village Dr Starkey Rd Stea r n e s A v e Arthur S t Roan Mountain Rd Yellow Mountain Rd Mill Mountain Pkwy Chevy Rd Leno r a R d Bernard Dr SW Emma Ln Kings w o o d D r Electric Rd Whipplewood Dr Starlight Ln Beacon Dr Atalanti s B l v d Crawford Rd Village Run Doe Run Rd Sleepy Hollow Dr Suncrest Dr Pi n e N e e d l e D r Martinell Ave Me r r i m a n R d Poff Ln Kenwick Trl Overland Dr Crestwood Dr Meadow Ln Circle View Dr Wilson Mountain Rd Fran k l i n RdSW Colony Ln Pamlico Dr Remington Rd S Mountain D r Buck Mountain Rd Villa g e Way Sandlewood Rd Crysta l Creek Dr Annie Holland Dr Verona Trl SW Franklin Rd Almond Rd Janney Ln Fallowater Ln Bandy Rd Bandy Rd Gi r a r d D r Penn Forest Blvd Ogden Rd Falcon Ridge Rd Hunt Cam p R d Leffel Rd Sandpiper D r Hannah Belle Way Eden Ave Chaparral Dr S Indian Grave Rd Fr a n k l i n R d Eanes Rd Bryan Rd Lewis Rd Ced a r L n Parkwood Dr Manassas Dr Green Valley DrFairburn Dr CypressPark Dr WoodsCrossing Dr Flintlock Ln Black Bear Ln Hunting Hills Dr Blanton Ave SE Yellow Mountain Rd SE Hummingbird Ln Tu r k e y H o l l o w R d Overhill Trl SW Crowell Gap Rd Goodman R d Elm View Rd Par k w o o d D r Bernard Dr Hunting Hills Cir Cro s s B o w C i r Summerset Dr Brethren Rd Winter Dr Franklin Rd SW Tang l e w o o d D r Indian Grave Rd SW Ben o i s R d Quarry Dr Thompsons Ln Starkey Rd S Peak Blvd Sta b l e R d Branderwood Dr LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 12 17 21 13 22 14 1918 37.230259N 80.004772W 37.230678N 79.914251W 37.158303N 79.913772W 37.157884N 80.004205W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161018 Sheet 18 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Ro a n o k e R i v Big Br North Fork Gills Crk Lynville Crk Prater Crk Prater Crk Horseshoe Br Lynville Crk Back Crk 116 Dist 1 91209 Boone dist 90432 Cave Spring dist 90664 Vinton dist 96183 310 309 FRANKLIN 067 ROANOKE 161 BEDFORD 019 ROANOKE 161 FRANKLIN 067 BEDFORD 019 2015 1007* 1007* 1007* 1024 1023 1026 1016* 1016* 1016* 1022 1017* 1019 3000 2010* 2000* 3002* 1025 1001* 1043* 2001* 2016* 3007 1002* 2011* 1020 3008 1021 2013 1000 3001 2014 1018 Angel Valley Dr Lenoir Ln Crowell Gap Rd Mountain Edge Dr Bandy Dr Edwardsville Rd Winterhill Dr Baile y B l v d Coopers Cove Rd Truman Hill Rd Trails End Rd Dudley Creek Rd Novella Ln Jubal Early Hwy Buckeye Ln Coopers Cove Rd Gravel Hill Rd Windhaven Trl State Rte 639 Valley View Cir Berkhill Ln Nans LnBuckeye Ln Valley View Rd Silver Lake Rd Timber Trail Ln Windridge Pkwy Pheasant Run Rd Pine Springs Dr Buck Dr Blue Mountain Dr Chestnut Forest Dr Dixon Dr Shortridge Ln Owl Ridge Cir Mount Airy Rd Bousman Cir Ch e s t n u t F o r e s t F d Lynville Mountain Rd Deerfield Rd Deer Ridge Dr Ridgeway Rd Hickory Chase Ln McVey Rd River Rock Rd Archery Ln Birch Ln Gu n C l u b D r Lenoir Ln Bellwood Ln Lovelace Ln Woodthrush Dr Wood Thrush Cir Park Ln Val l e y R d Candlelight Ln Old Hollow Ln Bush Ln Ridgecrest Rd Ridgecrest Rd Mountain Valley Rd Genetic Ln Kalena Dr Saddleback Trl Silver Shadow Rd Boulder Point Dr Forest R d Overlock Pkwy Bu s h d a l e R d Aerospace Rd Deer Hollow Dr Mount Pleasant Blvd Brookridge Rd Windermere Way Whispering Ln Tam w o r t h L n Rutrough Rd SE Hemingway Rd Saul Ln Periwinkle Ln Lemon Ln Horse Shoe Bend Rd Sun Valley Ln Deer Hollow Dr Sun Valley Ln Windridge Pkwy Simsmore Ave Alcoa Rd Whispering Ln Carr Rouse Rd State Rte 633 Stat e Rte 6 3 5 State Rte 678 St a t e R t e 6 3 5 State Rte 633 State Rte 681 State Rte 838 State Rte 682 State Rte 1520 State Rte 1524 Sta t e R t e 1 5 2 3 State Rte 635 State Rte 660 Sta t e Rte 8 5 5 State Rte 667 Stat e Rte 6 6 5 State Rte 939 State Rte 617 State Rte 618 State Rte 617 State Rte 666 Wycom b e R d Pitzer Rd Rakes Rd Blue Ridge Pkwy Timberland Trl OldVirginia Springs Rd Tall Pine Ln Ferguson Valley Rd Pa l metto Bluff Rd Ferguson Dr SE Mill House Ln Vis t a Pk w y Brookridge Rd Bandy Rd Sterling Rd Wild Oak Dr Crowell Gap Rd Coopers Cove Rd Edenshire Rd Jae Valley Rd Pitzer Cir Windy Gap Dr LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 13 18 22 14 19 37.230678N 79.914251W 37.231026N 79.823729W 37.158651N 79.823338W 37.158303N 79.913772W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161019 Sheet 19 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Bull Run Knob Little Laurel Crk Sugar Run Camp Crk Camp Crk Big Laurel Crk Lick Frk Lick Frk Lick Frk Lick Frk Lick Frk Lick Ridge Crk Lick Ridge Crk Lick Ridge Crk Green Crk Mill Crk Bottom Crk Mill Crk Big Laurel Crk Bottom Crk Mill Crk Mill Crk 221 Locust Grove dist 94343 Dist C-01 92913 Blackwater dist 90320 Windsor Hills dist 96439 306.01 FLOYD 0 6 3 ROANO K E 1 6 1 FLOY D 0 6 3MONT G O M E R Y 1 2 1 FRANKLIN 067 FLOYD 063 MO N T G O M E R Y 1 2 1 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 ROANOKE 161 FRANKLIN 067 1049 1041 1046 1030* 1022* 1050 1048* 1028* 1018* 1051 1036* 1042 1034 1044* 1040 1052 1033 1043 1038 1019* 104 7 1031 1037 1027 1021 1039 1032 1045 1035 10 2 0 Sweet Annie Dr SE Blue Ridge Pkwy Blu e R i d g e P k w y Blue Ridge Pkwy Bottoms Creek Ln Patterson Dr County Line Rd Sugar Run Rd NE Sugar Run Rd NE Copper Hill Rd NE Pine Forest Rd NE Autumn Dr NE Tumbling Waters Rd NE Twin Falls Rd NE Twin Falls Rd NE Floyd Hwy N Mountain View Dr SE Deer Run Dr SE Callaway Rd Ferrum Mtn Rd Callaway Rd Snake Dr NE Pine Forest Rd Kempa Dr NE Family Farm Ln NE Mountain Side Trl Siner Rd NE Apple Ridge Rd NE Dividing Spring Rd NE Tumbling Waters Rd NE Locust Ridge Ln Signal Hill Dr Old Shilling Rd Cobble Ln Cobble Ln Lancaster Rd Russwood Rd Mountain Top Dr Easy St Ivy Ridge Rd State Rte 643 State Rte 703 Sta t e R t e 6 4 5 State Rte 800 State Rte 889 State Rte 637 State Rte 669 State Rte 865 St a t e Rte644 State Rte 644 Sta t e R t e 7 1 1 State Rte 607 State Rte 690 State Rte 708 Tinsley Ln Blue R i d g e P k w y Blue R i d g e P k w y Green Ho l l o w D r Slings Gap Rd Mill Creek Rd County Line Rd Ben t M o u n t a i n R d Green Hollow Dr Countyline Rd NE Bottom Creek Ln Bottom Creek Rd Rocky Rd Patterson Dr County Line Rd State Rte 631 State Rte 631 State Rte 631 Fortune Ridge Rd Clover Hill Rd King Brothers Rd Flo y d Hwy N Lancaster Rd Callaway Rd LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 15 16 17 2120 37.156837N 80.185068W 37.157396N 80.094637W 37.085019N 80.093983W 37.084461N 80.184326W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161020 Sheet 20 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Cahas Mtn North Frk Little Crk South Fork Maggodee Crk Mill Crk South Frk Green Crk North Fork Blackwater Riv North Frk Maggodee Crk Boone dist 90432 Blackwater dist 90320 Windsor Hills dist 96439 309 306.01 306.01 FRANKLIN 067 ROANOKE 161 1029* 1030* 3029* 1048* Hicks Hollow Rd Blue Ridge Pkwy Blue Ridge Pkwy Cahas Mountain Rd Dillons Mill Rd Adney Gap Rd Slings Gap Rd Hidden Falls Ln John Arthur Rd John Arthur Rd Naff Rd Callaway Rd Shamrock Farm Rd Shamrock Farm Ln Spruce Ln Tench Creek Dr Beech Tree Ln Den Tree Ln Kinsey Ln Webster Corner Rd Wades Gap Rd High Hills Ln Rhododendron Rd Flanders Rd High H i l l s L n Mill Creek Ln Clark Hollow Rd Glendale Rd Wright Rd Day Break Ln Hunters Glen Dr Hidden Falls Ln Remle Ln Orchard Ridge Hollow Ln State Rte 664 State Rte 6 0 2 State Rte 742 State Rte 643 StateRte 862 State Rte 862 State Rte 613 State Rte 923 State Rte 643 State Rte 741 State Rte 726 State Rte 744 State Rte 850 State Rte 835 State Rte 741 Slings Gap Rd Blue Ridge Pkwy LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 16 20 17 18 2221 37.157396N 80.094637W 37.157884N 80.004205W 37.085507N 80.003639W 37.085019N 80.093983W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161021 Sheet 21 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Melody Lk Little Crk Teels Crk White Oak Crk Gills Crk Mill Crk Maggodee Crk White Oak Crk Norfolk Southern Rlwy Norfolk Southern Rlwy 220 220 Boone dist 90432 Blackwater dist 90320 Cave Spring dist 90664 Blackwater dist 90320 309 ROANOKE 161FRANKLIN 067 Boones Mill 08584 1037 1036 1038* 1041 1042 1040 1029* 1032* 10 3 0 * 1033* 1039 Crooked Run Rd Cahas Mountain Rd Naff Rd Labellevue Dr Leaning Oak Rd Green Level Rd Wildwood Rd Bethlehem Rd Virgil H Goode Hwy Virgil H G o o d e H w y White Oak Rd Grand Ridge Dr Gilmer Branch Rd Peakwood Dr Taylors Rd Grassy Hill Rd Boones Mill Rd State Rte T-739 Sta te Rte 1620 Woodstock Ln James Acres Ln Guthrie Rd Apple Rd Cold Springs Ln Apple Rd Boon Bernard Dr Heatherwood Dr Easy St Heatherwood Dr Oakwood Dr Oakwood Dr Longview Cir Longview Ln Oak View Ln Lonesome Pine Ln Lonesome Pine Ln Mountainaire Rd Winding Way Rd Wi n d i n g W a y C i r Winding Way Rd Angell Ln Judy Ln Webb Mountain Rd Easter Mountain Ln Shorty Dr Murray Knob Rd Maggodee Creek Dr Fisher Flora Ln Trestle Ln Westwood Dr Nightingale Ln Narrows Rd Woodglen Dr Blue Hills Dr Wood Glen Dr Melody Lake Cir Highridge Dr Honeybee T r l Ca h a s L n Mo n t y R d Meadowhill Ln Pine Hill Ln House Rock Rd Ashlee Ln Whispering Pines Ln Black Bear Ln Webb Mountain Rd Harmony Rd Poff Ln Terrace Rd Primrose Cir Primrose Rd Morter Ln Misty Ln Turner Ln Hidden Hill Ln Whispering Creek Rd Rocky Top Ln Shadow Ln Dogwood Hill Rd Cambaugh Ln Ca m la c h L n Mill Race Rd Flora Leffue Ln Fox Ridge Dr Burgess Rd Leffue Ln Teel Creek Ln Wilson Rd Wild T u r k e y R d Millner Pl Willow Branch Rd Shadow Hollow Ln Spotswood Dr Willow Branch Rd Dunahoo Dr State Rte 694 State Rte 686 State Rte 692 State Rte 919 State Rte 684 Sta t e R t e 6 91 Sta t e R t e 7 2 8 State Rte 693 State Rte 739 State Rte 613 State Rte 758 State Rte 852 State R t e 6 1 4 State Rte 824 State Rte 1611 State Rte 881 State Rte 615 State Rte 691 State Rte 1613 State Rte 615 State Rte 1608 State Rte 828 State Rte 677 State Rte 677 State Rte 615 State Rte 614 Willow Branch Rd Boones Chapel Rd Webb Rd Willow Branch Rd Willow Branch Rd Franklin Rd Frank l i n R d LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. Key to Adjacent Sheets 17 21 18 19 22 37.157884N 80.004205W 37.158303N 79.913772W 37.085925N 79.913294W 37.085507N 80.003639W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Kilometers 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Miles SCALE 1:11,000 Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (PARENT) - Sheet ID: 253351161022 Sheet 22 of 22 PARENT sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Tin k e r C r k Tin k e r C r k Glad e C r k Gla d e C r k No r f o l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norf o l k S o u t h e r n R l w y Norf o l k S outh e r n R lwy 24 24 Roanoke city° 95363 Roanoke city° 95363 Roanoke city° 95363 Vinton dist 96183 Vinton dist 96183 311.02 311.02 311.01 ROA N O K E 1 6 1 ROA N O K E 7 7 0 ROANOKE 770 RO A N O K E 1 6 1 RO A N O K E 7 7 0 ROANOKE 161 ROANOKE 770 Roanoke 68000 Vinton 81280 Roanoke 68000 Roanoke 68000 2051 2002 1008 2003 3050 3037 3041 20692068 2003 3046 3045 3042 2023 3031 2065 2054 2043 1006 3047 3032 3034 3011 3033 1010 2085 3000 1011 3038 3028 2044 3051 3049 2067 2057 2049 1017 2087 2070 3025 3044 3043 3029 3039 2064 2079 2008 3052 3017 3009 3006 3020 3048 2061 3030 2052 2062 3005 3004 2025 2047 2063 2053 2045 2005 3027 3019 2050 2026 3001 2024 2082 2084 2080 2004 2086 2007 3022 3023 30123013 3014 3008 2088 2083 3007 2009 2006 3002 1009 3003 2060 2077 3018 3010 2078 3040 2046 2081 3024 3021 3026 20592058 3015 3016 Om a r A v e N E Hardy Rd West V i r g i n i a A v e West Virgini a Ave Cottag e A v e Pi n e S t Bedford Rd Hardy Rd Sp r u c e S t Vi n y a r d R d E Aug u s t a A v e 3rd St Kenwood Blvd Wy n d h a m D r Ni a g a r a R d Wyndham Dr Cl e a r v i e w D r Jeanette Ave Bypass Rd Broadhill Dr Gus W Nicks Blvd NE Gu s N i c k s B l v d Vinton Mill Ct NE 5t h S t W Cleveland Ave 6t h S t Belle A v e N E Old Vinton Mill Rd NE Cedar Ave Bra d d o c k R d Vale A v e N E Carv i n S t N E Dale A v e Washingt o n A v e Blue Ridge Ln Coolbrooke R d Vinyard Av e N E Washington Ave E Clevela n d A v e Dell A v e N E Idlewild Blvd NE Halliahurst A v e Mountain View Rd King S t N E Berkley Rd NE Vinyard Park Dr Man s a r d S q u a r e D r Pineridge Rd Mi t c h e l l R d King S t Tink e r A v e Moir S t N E Cly d e A v e N E Dunk i r k A v e N E Highl a n d R d Clin e S t N E Kermit Ave NE Marl o u S t Vale Ave NE Brook St NE W Madison Ave In d u s t r y C i r Norbourne Ave Colbourne Ave Timberidge Rd Ro o p S t Gretchen Ct W Madison Ave Gretchen Ct State Rte 634 State R t e 6 5 3 W Cleveland Ave E Virgin i a A v e N M a p l e S t Wo o d S t Craig A v e S Pollard St Frank l i n A v e Mea d o w S t W Jackson Ave N Bla i r S t N P o p l a r S t E Virginia Ave Pi n e S t E Augu s t a A v e Giles A v e Morris o n A v e E Jackson Ave Berkley Rd NE Sp r u c e S t Church St Elm S t Crestview Ave S P o p l a r S t Jefferson A v e West Virginia Ave Bed f o r d R d Hard y R d Spruce St Cedar Ave Chestnut St S P o p l a r S t S Blair St Gunn Ave West Virginia Ave Raleigh Ave Chestnut St 5t h S t Mon r o e A v e Ruddell Rd Pe a k e S t W Lee Av e Pi n e S t Bow m an S t Ch e s t n u t S t N B l a i r S t S B l a i r S t E Lee Ave Hard y R d W Augusta Ave Cottage Ave 3r d S t Pine St 1s t S t E Madiso n A v e Crestview Ave Gus Nicks Blvd 4t h S t Polk A v e Washingto n Ave E Cleveland Ave Pitt Ave Crestview Ave SPo l l a r d St Foxland Ave S M a p l e S t N P o l l a r d S t S Maple St 4t h S t Walnut Ave Davidso n St E Virgin i a A v e 2n d S t S Poplar St LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE International or State Water Limit CANADA Federal American Indian Reservation L'ANSE RESVN 1880 Off-Reservation Trust Land or Hawaiian Home Land T1880 Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area, Alaska Native Village Statistical Area, or Tribal Designated Statistical Area KAW OTSA 5690 American Indian Tribal Subdivision EAGLE NEST DIST 200 State American Indian Reservation Tama Resvn 9400 State Designated Tribal Statistical Area Lumbee SDTSA 9815 Alaska Native Regional Corporation NANA ANRC 52120 State (or statistically equivalent entity)NEW YORK 36 County (or statistically equivalent entity)MONTGOMERY 031 Minor Civil Division (MCD)1 Bristol town 07485 Census County Division (CCD), Census Subarea (CSA), or Unorganized Territory (UT)Hanna CCD 91650 Consolidated City MILFORD 47500 Incorporated Place 1,2 Davis 18100 Census Designated Place (CDP)2 Incline Village 35100 Census Tract 3 33.07 Census Block 4 3012 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Interstate 3 U.S. Highway 2 State Highway 4 Other Road Russell St Cul-de-sac Circle 4WD Trail, Stairway, Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Railroad Southern RR Pipeline or Power Line Ridge or Fence Perennial Stream Tumbling Cr Intermittent Stream Piney Cr Island Name DEER IS Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified Geographic Offset or Corridor Water Body Pleasant Lake Swamp, Marsh, Gravel Pit, or Quarry Okefenokee Swamp Glacier Bering Glacier Military Fort Belvoir National or State Park, Forest, or Recreation Area Yosemite Natl Pk Brown UnivCollege or University Baxter County JailPrison or Juvenile Detention Center Airport, Airfield, or Helicopter Landing Pad Oxnard Arprt Selected Mountain Peaks Mt Shasta Inset Area A Outside Subject Area Where international, state, county, and/or MCD/CCD boundaries coincide, the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. Where American Indian reservation and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the American Indian reservation boundaries. Where Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries and American Indian tribal subdivision boundaries coincide, the map shows only the Oklahoma tribal statistical area boundaries. Geographic area names are followed by either their FIPS or census code. 1 A ' ° ' following an MCD name denotes a false MCD. A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that a false MCD exists that is coextensive with the place and has the same name and FIPS code as the place; the false MCD label is not shown. 2 Place label color corresponds to the place fill color. 3 Census tracts are identified by an up to four-digit integer number and may have an optional two-digit suffix; for example 23 or 1457.02. The census tract codes consist of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit corresponding to the basic census tract number, but with leading zeros, and trailing zeros for census tracts without a suffix. The tract number examples above would have codes of 002300 and 145702, respectively. 4 A ' ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. * Due to space limitations, some areas and features such as water bodies, colleges, prisons, and roads may not be labeled. 37.286751N 79.907238W 37.286849N 79.883347W 37.267762N 79.883229W 37.267665N 79.907113W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2020. The boundaries shown on this map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Vintage: 2020 Census (reference date: January 1, 2020) Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB20) Map Created by Geography Division: April 11, 2021 ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity NAME: Roanoke County (161) Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: NAD 83 Spheroid: GRS 80 1st Standard Parallel: 37 01 51 2nd Standard Parallel: 38 58 44 Central Meridian: -79 25 16 Latitude of Projection's Origin: 36 32 38 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 ST: Virginia (51) 0 91 182 273 364 455 Meters 0 309 618 927 1,236 1,545 Feet SCALE 1:2,901 1 mile = 5,280 feet Geographic Unit (GU) Block Map Series 2020 CENSUS BLOCK MAP (INSET) - Sheet ID: 253351161A01 Sheet A1 of 1 INSET sheets Total Sheets: 24 (Index 1; Parent 22; Inset 1) Sheet Location within Entity 2020 CENSUS - CENSUS BLOCK MAP: Roanoke County, VA Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance accepting funds in the amount of $34,000 from Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, LLC, and appropriating the funds to Roanoke County's Fee Class Fund to be used for constructing a playground at Explore Park SUBMITTED BY: Doug Blount Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Ordinance accepting funds in the amount of $34,000 from Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, LLC, and appropriating the funds to Roanoke County's Fee Class Fund to be used for constructing a playground at Explore Park BACKGROUND: Roanoke County signed a 99-year lease for Explore Park in 2013 with the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. As a part of the lease requirements, Roanoke County developed a master plan (called the Adventure Plan) for the park. T he master plan laid out a detailed approach to provide recreational amenities through public and private offerings to develop the park into a destination for local citizens and tourists from outside of Virginia's Blue Ridge. In 2016, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved the Adventure Plan for Explore Park, which outlined the direction for the park's development. As a part of the Adventure Plan and Business Plan for Explore Park, it outlined the public -private partnerships necessary for the park to develop into a destination facility. One of the new amenities identified in the Adventure Plan was providing an inclusive and destination playground. Page 2 of 2 Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, Inc is a non-profit organization that hosts an annual hockey game between fire and rescue and law enforcement personnel from the Roanoke Valley. The organization donates the proceeds from their events to different causes in the Roanoke Valley. This is the 18th year for this event and it has raised more than $450,000 during its tenure. This year they have teamed up with Friends of the Blue Ridge to raise funds for an inclusive playground at Explore Park. There have been no changes since the first reading. DISCUSSION: Guns and Hoses would like to donate $34,000 for the purposes of constructing an inclusive and destination playground at Explore Park. The playground is proposed to be constructed next to the pavilion at Explore Park in Adventure Village. This playground will have a woodland theme and will have features that all children can play on. The total project cost for the equipment, installation, mulch and border rail is $105,000. This donation will pay for the installation and purchase of the mulch and border rail. The total raised between Friends of the Blue Ridge and Guns and Hoses is $84,000. Any additional funding needed for the project that is not raised through donations will be funded from Parks, Recreation and Tourism's Fee Class Account. The cost of the project has been increased by $10,000 to incorporate additional ADA accessible features due to this generous donation by Guns and Hoses. FISCAL IMPACT: The total project cost is $105,000. Any additional funds that are not raised through local partners will be paid for from Parks, Recreation and Tourism's Fee Class Account. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached ordinance. Visitor Center Roanoke River Parkw ayAdventure V illage Brugh Tavern Event CenterZip Line Tow er Taubman Center Picnic Pavilion Village Green Woodland Playground Country Store &Gas Station *As shown in Phase 4 -projected year 12 Page 1 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON MARCH 8, 2022 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,000 FROM ROANOKE VALLEY GUNS AND HOSES HOCKEY, LLC AND APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS TO ROANOKE COUNTY’S FEE CLASS FUND TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTING A PLAYGROUND AT EXPLORE PARK WHEREAS, Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, Inc is a non-profit organization that hosts an annual hockey game between fire and rescue a nd law enforcement personnel from the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, Inc. donates the proceeds from their events to different causes in the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, this year, Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, Inc. has teamed up with Friends of the Blue Ridge in order to raise funds for an inclusive and destination playground located at Explore Park in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Roanoke Valley Guns and Hoses Hockey, Inc. wishes to donate $34,000 to Roanoke County for the purpose of constructing an inclusive and destination playground at Explore Park; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved an Adventure Plan for Explore Park in 2016, which identified the need for such a playground at Explore Park; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 22, 2022 and the second reading was held on March 8, 2022; and Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $34,000 is hereby accepted and appropriated to the General Fund for the purpose of constructing a playground at Explore Park; and 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance accepting and appropriating funds in the amount of $500 from an anonymous donor for the County of Roanoke Fire & Rescue Department SUBMITTED BY: C. Travis Griffith Chief of Fire and Rescue APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Acceptance and appropriation of f unds in the amount of $500 from an anonymous donor to be used at Clearbrook Fire & Rescue Station #7 for EMS equipment. BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department received a donation in the amount of $500 for rescue equipment at Clearbroo k Station #7. The donor lives in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke County and was thankful for the services provided from this station to his area. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $500 will be allocated to purchase EMS equipment at Clearbrook Station # 7. No match is required. There have been no changes since the first reading of the ordinance on February 22, 2022. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $500 FROM AN ANONYMOUS DONOR FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, a citizen of the Clearbrook area has donated $500 to the Fire & Rescue Department to show his appreciation for services provided by Clearbrook Station #7; and WHEREAS, the funds received will be allocated to purchase rescue equipment to be housed at Clearbrook Station No. 7; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 22, 2022, and the second reading was held on March 8, 2022. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $500 made available to the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department is accepted and appropriated to the general fund. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance accepting and appropriating funds in the amount of $107.71 from Mr. Michael A. Wray for the County of Roanoke Fire & Rescue Department SUBMITTED BY: C. Travis Griffith Chief of Fire and Rescue APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Acceptance and appropriation of funds in the amount of $107.71 from Mr. Michael A. Wray, citizen of the Clearbook area, to be used at the Clearbrook Fire & Rescue Station #7 for EMS equipment. BACKGROUND: Mr. Michael A. Wray donated $107.71 to the County of Roanoke Fire & Rescue Department. Mr. Wray has shared that, in late 2020, he was transported to the hospital and that he received efficient and professional service by the County's Fire & Rescue Department. He recently closed a bank account and decided to donate the remaining funds from the account to the Fire & Rescue Department in recognition of the excellent care he received. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $107.71 received from Mr. Michael A. Wray will be allocated to purchase EMS equipment at Clearbrook Station No 7. No match is required. There have been no changes since the first reading held on February 22, 2022. Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached ordinance. From:Jennifer Sexton Date:2/1/2022 10:49 AM Subject:Fwd: [EXTERNAL] - Re: Check for 107.71 Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $107.71 FROM MR. MICHAEL A. WRAY FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Mr. Michael A. Wray, a citizen of the Clearbrook area, has donated $107.71 to the Fire and Rescue Department; and WHEREAS, the funds received will be allocated to purchase EMS equipment at Clearbrook Station No. 7; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 22, 2022, and the second reading was held on March 8, 2022. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $107.71 made available to the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department is accepted and appropriated to the general fund. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Open district appointments BACKGROUND: 1. Library Board (appointed by District) The following District appointments remain open: Vinton Magisterial District 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) The following appointments remain open: Mike Roop’s three (3) year term representing the Vinton Magisterial District expired June 30, 2019. Rich Tomlinson's three (3) year term representing the Vinton Magisterial District expired June 30, 2021. Murray Cook's three (3) year term representing the Windsor Hills Magisterial District expired June 30, 2020. There is also one open Windsor Hills Magisterial District appointee. Page 2 of 2 3. Roanoke County Economic Development Authority (EDA)(appointed by District) Steve Musselwhite’s four-year term on the EDA expired on September 26, 2021 and he does not wish to be reappointed. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM H- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 8, 2022, designated as Item H - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes – November 3, 2021; November 5, 2021 2. Request to accept donation of a K9 ballistic vest and dog leash from Spikes K9 fund totaling $3,794 3. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $3,000 from the Virginia Information Technology Agency for the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Educational Grant Program 4. Confirmation of appointments to the Grievance Panel (At-Large) Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept donation of a K9 ballistic vest and dog leash from Spikes K9 fund valued at $3,794 SUBMITTED BY: Howard B. Hall Chief of Police APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Accept a donation from Spikes K9 Fund to provide a ballistic vest and a dog leash for a police canine of the Roanoke County Police Department. BACKGROUND: The Police Department recently purchased a new canine in the summer of 2021. This canine and his handler completed basic training in November 2021. They are certified in patrol work and narcotics detection. Due to the nature of the job, this canine may be placed into situations where he would benefit from being outfitted with a ballistic vest. The donation from Spikes K9 Fund is valued at $3,794. This donation includes a K9 Storm Ballistic K9 Vest valued at $3,699 and a K9 Storm Go Leash 6 foot valued at $95. Spikes K9 fund is a non-profit organization that provides ballistic vests and other valuable resources to working dogs. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funds are required. Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the acceptance of this donation. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $3,000 from the Virginia Information Technology Agency for the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Educational Grant Program SUBMITTED BY: Susan Slough Assistant Director of Communications APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $3,000 in grant funding from the Virginia Information Technology Agency Public Safety Access Point (PSAP) program. BACKGROUND: The Virginia Information Technologies Agency awards grant funds from 911 user taxes. The purpose of the program is to financially assist Virginia primary Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) with the purchase of equipment, services and training that support the continuity and enhancement of wireless E -911. DISCUSSION: Each year the Roanoke County E-911 Center has applied for, and been awarded, an educational grant, provided by the Virginia E-911 Services Board. This grant is used to offset the expense of training. FISCAL IMPACT: Awarded grant funds total $3,000. No local matching funds are required. Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $3,000 for the Public Safety Access Point grant program. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of appointments to the Grievance Panel (At- Large) SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Confirmation of appointment to the Grievance Panel BACKGROUND: The following appointee’s term on the Grievance Panel expired January 22, 2022. Anita Hassell, Director of Human Resources has recommended the reappointment of all to an additional three-year term to expire January 22, 2025. It is the consensus of the Board to reappoint these individuals. Barry Agnew (alternate) George Anderson Lee Blair (alternate) Elaine Carver (alternate) Tim Hubbard Dana Martin (alternate) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends confirmation of these appointments. Changes in outstanding debt for the fiscal year to date were as follows: Audited Outstanding Outstanding June 30, 2021 Additions Deletions March 8, 2022 VPSA School Bonds 74,515,490$ 19,910,000$ 8,552,438$ 85,873,052$ Lease Revenue Bonds 77,530,000 - 3,630,000 73,900,000 Subtotal 152,045,490 19,910,000 12,182,438 159,773,052 Premiums 10,777,149 2,543,232 - 13,320,381 162,822,639$ 22,453,232$ 12,182,438$ 173,093,433$ Submitted By Laurie L. Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Approved By Richard L. Caywood County Administrator Oiountu of ~oanok£ ~ ,. ~ ,_ • . -,:> .z G'> :::::> -0 ~ (.) ~ DECLARING MARCH AS MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS EDUCATION AND AWARENESS MONTH IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that affects approximately 400,000 people in the United States; and WHEREAS, it typically strikes young adults in the prime of life -in their 20's to 40's. Women are more likely to have Multiple Sclerosis by about 3:1. Symptoms can begin as simply as tingling and progress to near paralysis; and WHEREAS, March of 2022 is Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month. It is important for better education and awareness of Multiple Sclerosis so that it's victims can lead more productive and satisfying lives -to benefit themselves, their caregivers and families and the overall community; and WHEREAS, Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that not only affects the person with the condition, but also greatly impacts family, friends and the community; and WHEREAS, the exact cause of Multiple Sclerosis is still unknown, and there is no known cure; and WHEREAS, the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis may be mild such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision; and WHEREAS, every hour of every day, someone is newly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis; and WHEREAS, the Multiple Sclerosis Alliance Of Virginia (MSAV) provides programs and services for anyone in Virginia whose life has been affected by MS. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Paul M. Mahoney, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby recognize the month of March 2022, as Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month in the County of Roanoke and call this observance to the attention of all our citizens. Presented this 8th day of March 2022