HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/2024 - RegularPage 1 of 4 INVOCATION: Reverend Dwight O. Steele, Sr., Pilgrim Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: “Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board.” Roanoke County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2024 Page 2 of 4 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for November 19, 2024. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. Board of Supervisors meetings can also be viewed online through Roanoke County’s website at www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place them on silent. A.OPENING CEREMONIES 1.Roll Call B.REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C.PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1.Recognition of GIS Department staff on winning a 2024 VACo award for the Town of Vinton’s Stormwater Outfall Management Application. (Darren Jones, GIS Analyst II) (Anita McMillian, Vinton Planning Director) (James Hutzler, VACo) D.FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 1.Ordinance accepting and appropriating proceeds from the sale of the Poage's Mill property in the amount of $845,465. (Susan Peterson, Director of Finance, Roanoke County Public Schools)(First Reading and Request for Second Reading) Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda November 19, 2024 Page 3 of 4 E. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes – October 22, 2024 2. The Resolution establishing a meeting schedule for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for calendar year 2025. 3. Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 (Animals and Fowl), Article II (Dogs, Cats and Other Animals), Division 2 (License) and Division 3 (Rabies Control) to provide for a Lifetime Licensing Tax on the ownership of dogs and cats in Roanoke County. (Second Reading) 4. Request to accept and allocate grant funds in the amount of $3,824.37 from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest Partnership along with a $3,920.13 local match from the fiscal year 2024-2025 Roanoke County Sheriff’s Office operating budget. 5. Resolution requesting changes in the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System of State Highways, Route 866, Mount Pleasant Boulevard, Vinton Magisterial District. 6. The petition of Tracy Etayo to obtain a special use permit to operate a short -term rental on approximately 0.1803 acre of land zoned R-1, Low intensity Residential District, located at 5445 Endicott Street, Hollins Magisterial District. (First Reading and Request for Second Reading and Public Hearing) F. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS G. REPORTS 1. Unappropriated, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves Report 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of October 31, 2024 4. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of October 31, 2024 5. Accounts Paid – October 2024 Page 4 of 4 H. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work Session to Discuss Proposed Amendments to Chapter 14 of the County Code (Parades). (Peter S. Lubeck, County Attorney) I. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711(A)(5) of the Code of Virginia, for discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business’ or industry’s interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. Specifically, the Board will discuss potential business location or expansion in the community/Catawba Magisterial District. EVENING SESSION – 7:00 PM J. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION K. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING 1. Ordinance amending Article III (District Regulations) and Article IV (Use and Design Standards) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to regulate tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product retail sale locations pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-912.4. (Philip Thompson, Director of Planning) (Second Reading and Public Hearing) L. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Tammy E. Shepherd 2. Martha B. Hooker 3. Paul M. Mahoney 4. David Radford 5. Phil C. North N. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 19, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of GIS Department staff on winning a 2024 VACo award for the Town of Vinton’s Stormwater Outfall Management Application SUBMITTED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: This time has been set aside to recognize GIS Department staff on winning a 2024 VACo award for the Town of Vinton’s Stormwater Outfall Management Application. VACo representative James Hutzler will be in attendance and present the award. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 19, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance accepting and appropriating proceeds from the sale of the Poage's Mill property in the amount of $845,465 SUBMITTED BY: Laurie Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Appropriation of proceeds from the sale of the Poage's Mill property BACKGROUND: The Poage's Mill property was purchased in fiscal year 2007 -2008 using Major Capital Funds. On September 10, 2024, Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) settled the sale of the Poage's Mill property. DISCUSSION: The RCPS received proceeds of $845,465 by wire payment. This revenue was not in their current budget and therefore requires approval by ordinance from the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. At their October 17, 2024 meeting, the Roanoke County School Board held a public hearing per Code of Virginia 22.1-129 and then approved the following: 1. An appropriation of $845,465 for undesignated special projects in their Major Capital Fund 2. A request to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to appropriate $845,465 to the facilities category per Code of Virginia 22.1 -115 FISCAL IMPACT: Page 2 of 2 The RCPS budget category for facilities per Code of Virginia 22.1 -115 will increase by $845,465 to be used for their special projects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the ordinance and scheduling the second reading for December 17, 2024.       !"#$%&'( )*)$ +,-"./0/.1%+,4#5 66)6) &6)*57)8&5 '79 : )8)5,%#5 9)5/7)8 B>CDEFGEGHFIJK<JL>MJN<@OPNBQRS=STJJQUU>@@Q>V@T>UKQ>JW@T>PJKX>YKCA?CJ?>C@OZ[T>VR\RURJ<C>S>R\>V?CJS>>OaRC>?KOA><@Z[TRUC>\><N>aKU<J@R<@T>SNCC><@BNVX>@K<VaRQQC>bNRC>K??CJ\KQ\RKJCVR<K<S>BO@T>MJN<@OJWI?>C\RUJCUZ[T>PJKX>YKCA?CJ?>C@OaKU?NCSTKU>VR<@T>WRUSKQO>KCGEEdeGEE^NUR<XfKgJCMK?R@KQYN<VUUJU@KWWC>SJVUC>@NC<@J@T>fKgJCMK?R@KQYN<VZU@U@T>=STJJQcJKCVK??CJ\>@T>WJQQJaR<Xh??CJ?CRK@RJ<JW]^H_FH`_WJCN<V>URX<K@>VU?>SRKQ?CJg>S@UR<@T>fKgJCMK?R@KQYN<VZN>U@@J@T>MJN<@OJWIJK<JL>cJKCVJW=N?>C\RUJCU@JK??CJ?CRK@>]^H_FH`_@J@T>WKSRQR@R>USK@>XJCO?>CMJV>JWjRCX AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF POAGE’S MILL PROPERTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $845,465 WHEREAS, the Poage’s Mill farm property was purchased by Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) in fiscal year 2007-2008 using Major Capital Funds; and WHEREAS, Section 22.1-129(A) of the Code of Virginia authorizes a school board, when it determines that it has no use for some of its real property, to sell such property; and WHEREAS, Section 22.1-129(A) further authorizes the school board to retain all or a portion of the proceeds of such sale upon approval of the local governing body and after the school board has held a public hearing on such sale and retention of proceeds; and WHEREAS, on September 10, 2024, (RCPS) settled the sale of the Poage's Mill property, receiving proceeds of $845,465 by wire payment; and WHEREAS, per Code of Virginia § 22.1-129, Roanoke County School Board held a public hearing at their October 17, 2024 Board meeting and then approved making a request to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to appropriate $845,465 to the facilities category per Code of Virginia 22.1-115; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that the Board accept and re-appropriate such funds to RCPS; and WHEREAS, § 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 19, 2024, and the second reading was held on December 17, 2024. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That $845,465 be accepted from the sale of the Poage’s Mill Farm property and appropriated into the Roanoke County Public Schools ’ facilities category per Code of Virginia 22.1-115. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM E - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for November 19, 2024, designated as Item E - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes – October 22, 2024 2. Resolution establishing a meeting schedule for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for calendar year 2025. 3. Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 (Animals and Fowl), Article II (Dogs, Cats and Other Animals), Division 2 (License) and Division 3 (Rabies Control) to provide for a Lifetime Licensing Tax on the ownership of dogs and cats in Roanoke County. (Second Reading) 4. Request to accept and allocate grant funds in the amount of $3,824.37 from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest Partnership along with a $3,920.13 local match from the fiscal year 2024-2025 Roanoke County Sheriff’s Office operating budget. 5. Resolution requesting changes in the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System of State Highways, Route 866, Mount Pleasant Boulevard, Vinton Magisterial District. 6. The petition of Tracy Etayo to obtain a special use permit to operate a short-term rental on approximately 0.1803 acre of land zoned R-1, Low intensity Residential District, located at 5445 Endicott Street, Hollins Magisterial District. (First Reading and Request for Second Reading and Public Hearing) Page 1 of 8 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of October 2024. Audio and video recordings of this meeting will be held on file for a minimum of five (5) years in the office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. Before the meeting was called to order, an invocation/a moment of silence was observed. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call Present: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Absent: Supervisor Mahoney Staff Present: Richard L. Caywood, County Administrator; Rebecca Owens, Deputy County Administrator; Doug Blount, Assistant County Administrator; Madeline Hanlon, Community Engagement Director; Peter S. Lubeck, County Attorney; Amy Whittaker, Public Information Officer and Rhonda D. Perdue, Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Action No: 102224-1 Item C.1 1. Proclamation expressing the appreciation of the County of Roanoke to Roanoke College for their generosity and continued partnership. (Richard Caywood, County Administrator) Supervisor Radford moved to adopt the proclamation. Supervisor Hooker seconded the motion. Motion approved. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Minutes October 22, 2024 – 3:00 p.m. Page 2 of 8 Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney Action No: 102224-2 Item C.2 2. Resolution to recognize a Roanoke County Employee for exemplary service to Roanoke County. (Richard Caywood, County Administrator) Supervisor Hooker moved to adopt the resolution. Supervisor North seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney Action No: 102224-3 Item C.3 3. Recognition of Deputy Joe Mullins and Officer Justin Hubbard as recipients of awards this past summer at the annual YOVASO (Youth of Virginia Speak Out About Traffic Safety) Awards. (Eric Orange, Sheriff and Sgt. Dan Walters, Special Operations) Recognition given to Deputy Mullins and Officer Hubbard. Action No: 102224-4 Item C.4 4. Resolution congratulating Lindsey Arnold for 50 years of service with the Cave Spring Rescue Squad. (Logan Spencer, Volunteer Chief, Cave Spring Rescue Squad) Supervisor Radford moved to adopt the resolution. Supervisor Hooker seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on Route 460 Corridor Improvements. (Ken King, VDOT Salem District Engineer) Briefing given by Ken King. Page 3 of 8 E. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES Action No. 102224-5 Item E.1 1. Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 (Animals and Fowl), Article II (Dogs, Cats and Other Animals), Division 2 (License) and Division 3 (Rabies Control) to provide for a Lifetime Licensing Tax on the ownership of dogs and cats in Roanoke County. (F. Kevin Hutchins, Treasurer) (First reading and Request for Second Reading) Supervisor Hooker moved to approve the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling the second reading for November 19, 2024. Supervisor Shepherd seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney F. PUBLIC HEARING Action No. 102224-6 Item F.1 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding the issuance of not to exceed $75,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and providing for the form and details thereof in accordance with Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2606. (Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance and Management Services) No speakers present. G. CONSENT AGENDA Action No. 102224-7.a-i Item G.1-9 ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY Action No. 102224-7.a Item G.1 1. Approval of minutes – October 8, 2024 Action No. 102224-7.b Item G.2 2. Proclamation recognizing November 2024 as National Adoption Month and November 23, 2024, as National Adoption Day in the County of Roanoke. Page 4 of 8 Action No. 102224-7.c Item G.3 3. Ordinance authorizing the granting of new public drainage easements to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, on property owned by the following: 1) Kerry L. Hall (Tax Map 036.20-01-02.00), located at 2731 Tully Drive; 2) Robert W. & Patrica A. Martin (Tax Map # 036.20-01-03.00), located at 2737 Tully Drive; and 3) Michael R. & Linda M. Walker (Tax Map # 036.20-01-04.00), located at 2801 Neil Drive in Catawba Magisterial District for the purpose of constructing drainage improvements. (Second Reading) Action No. 102224-7.d Item G.4 4. Ordinance to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $455,452 from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs for the Aid to Localities Funds (VDFP). (Second Reading) Action No. 102224-7.e Item G.5 5. Ordinance amending Article III (District Regulations) and Article IV (Use and Design Standards) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to regulate tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product retail sale locations pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-912.4. (First Reading and Request for Second Reading and Public Hearing) Action No. 102224-7.f Item G.6 6. Ordinance amending Chapter 21 (Taxation), Article III (Real Estate Taxes), Division 3 (Exemption for Elderly and Disabled Persons) of the Roanoke County code. (Second Reading) Action No. 102224-7.g Item G.7 7. Ordinance authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $75,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and providing for the form and details thereof. (Second Reading) Action No. 102224-7.h Item G.8 8. Resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to accept a portion of Appletree Drive extension of Plantation Grove Subdivisions Sections 1 & 3 in Hollins Magisterial District into the VDOT Secondary Road System. Action No. 102224-7.i Item G.9 9. Resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to accept a portion of South Gala Drive tension of Orchard Park Section 2 in the Hollins Magisterial District into the VDOT Secondary Road System. Supervisor North moved to adopt all matters on the consent agenda. Supervisor Shepherd seconded the motion. Motion approved. Page 5 of 8 Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisory Mahoney H. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS - None I. REPORTS Action No. 102224-8 Item J.1-6 1. Unappropriated Balance, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves Report 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of September 30, 2024 4. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of September 30, 2024 5. Accounts Paid – September 2024 6. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of September 30, 2024 Supervisor Hooker moved to receive and file the reports that have been included with the agenda under Item I. Supervisor Radford seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney J. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to review with the Board of Supervisors the status of the County of Roanoke's ongoing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects as of June 30, 2024. (Laurie Gearheart, Director of Finance and Management Services and Steve Elliott, Budget Administrator) 2. Work Session to review with the Board of Supervisors the 2025 Board Meeting Calendar and Planning Commission Schedule. (Richard Caywood, County Administrator) (Peter Lubeck, County Attorney) Page 6 of 8 K. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: Action No. 102224-9 Item K.1 1. Section 2.2-3711(A)(5) of the Code of Virginia, for discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business’ or industry’s interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. The Board will discuss potential business location or expansion in the Catawba and Cave Spring magisterial districts. Supervisor North moved to go to closed session. Supervisor Shepherd seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney EVENING SESSION – 7:00 PM L. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Action No.102224-10 In the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter which was identified in the motion to convene in closed session. Only those matters lawfully permitted to be discussed under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act were discussed. Supervisor Hooker moved to adopt the certification resolution. Supervisor Radford seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney M. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING Action No. 102224-11 Item M. 1 1. The petition of Dale Wilkinson to rezone approximately 21.39 acres of land zoned I-1, Low Intensity Industrial District, to R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District, in order to develop a 225-lot residential subdivision, located at 7812 Sanderson Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. (Megan Cronise, Assistant Director of Planning) (Second Reading and Public Hearing) Page 7 of 8 Supervisor North found that the proposed rezoning request: 1. Is inconsistent with the future land use designation of “Principal Industrial” included in the County’s adopted comprehensive plan, but the proposed residential use is in line with adjacent properties currently zoned for residential use and will assist with the current need for available housing in Roanoke County. 2. Is good zoning practice, and 3. Will not result in substantial detriment to the community. Therefore, moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the rezoning request as it has been requested, including the following four proffered conditions: 1. The property shall be developed in general conformance with the concept plan showing a maximum of 147 lots entitled "Beahm Property Botetourt County, VA Rezoning Concept" prepared by Engineering Concepts, Inc., dated 9/24/24, subject to any changes required during the comprehensive site plan review process. 2. The residential dwelling units shall be constructed in general conformance to the elevation examples for townhomes and detached homes provided by the applicant as part of the rezoning application titled "Townhome Example Elevations" dated 9/24/24. 3. A road shall be constructed to connect to the road/public right-of-way in Stonegate Phase 3 as shown on the concept plan entitled “Beahm Property Botetourt County, VA Rezoning Concept” prepared by Engineering Concepts, Inc., dated 9/24/24. Construction of this road shall begin upon the issuance of the 110th building permit for the lots in the development. 4. Right-of-way along Sanderson Drive shall be dedicated to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors as shown on the concept plan entitled "Sanderson Drive and Shadwell Drive Left Turn Lane" prepared by Roanoke County Department of Planning, dated 7/9/24 for intersection improvements at Sanderson Drive and Shadwell Drive. The right-of-way dedication shall take place upon execution of the subdivision plat. Supervisor Radford seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney N. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS – None Page 8 of 8 O. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. David Radford 2. Tammy Shepherd 3. Martha Hooker 4. Paul Mahoney - Absent 5. Phil C. North Supervisors were offered the opportunity to share comments and provide updates to their peers and the public on items of interest to them. P. ADJOURNMENT Action No. 102224-12 Supervisor Shepherd moved to adjourn the meeting. Supervisor Hooker seconded the motion. Motion approved. Ayes: Supervisors Radford, Hooker, Shepherd, North, Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Mahoney Submitted by: Approved by: __________________________ __________________________ Richard L. Caywood Phil C. North Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Chairman Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.2 MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Page 2 of 2 Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. Page 1 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2025 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That for calendar year 2025, the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 1:00 pm (Organizational Meeting) Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, May 13, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, May 27, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, June 10, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, June 24, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, July 8, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, July 22, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, August 19, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, September 9, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, September 23, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Page 2 of 2 Tuesday, October 14, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, October 28, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, November 18, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, December 16, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm 2. That the organizational meeting for 2026 shall be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2026, at 1:00 p.m. RO Regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors are held at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, SW, Roanoke, VA 24018. The meeting dates are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Any change to this schedule will be advertised at least two weeks in advance. Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 1:00 pm (Organizational Meeting) Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, May 13, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, May 27, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, June 10, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, June 24, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, July 8, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, July 22, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, August 19, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, September 9, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, September 23, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, October 14, 2025, at 2 pm Tuesday, October 28, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, November 18, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Tuesday, December 16, 2025, at 2 pm and 6 pm Organizational Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2026, at 1 pm Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2025 Meeting Schedule Page 1 of 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.3 MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: BACKGROUND: Page 2 of 3 In Roanoke County, ongoing administrative costs have increased to more than $8,000, annually, while generating an average annual revenue of just $43,000 (as calculated over the past 3 years). Additionally, over time, Roanoke County has seen annual license issuance decrease from approximately 5,500 to just 2,500 licenses. This corresponds with a 2016 statewide study which concluded that only 60% of animal owners comply with the licensure requirement. Roanoke County also has a corresponding cat license requirement, which maintains the same pricing points as for dogs. It is estimated that compliance by cat owners is less than 20%. Most individual cat owners assert that their pet is an indoor pet and that they therefore do not perceive a need to either inoculate the cat against rabies or comply with the licensing requirement. In 2017, the General Assembly enacted legislation (now codified as Section 3.2 -6528 of the Code of Virginia) authorizing localities to issue lifetime dog license for individual dogs and cats. (Please note, this process will have no impact on the issuance of licenses to dog kennels or for dogs adjudicated to be “dangerous dogs”). DISCUSSION: There are perceived benefits to the imposition of lifetime licenses. By converting to a lifetime license, an animal is licensed just one time, reducing the administrative burden of county staff. Additionally, citizens will not be inconvenienced by making multiple trips to the Treasurer’s office and paying and annual fees. Such lifetime licenses will still, however, maintain the integrity of the licensing process and rabies control. While administrative costs have continued to rise, the state has not increased the original maximum fee allowed for annual licenses (still allowing localities to charge only $10.00). When establishing the lifetime license provision, the state set a maximum fee of $50.00. However, research has shown that the imposition of higher license prices have been counterproductive to the goal of increased inoculations and licensing compliance. The goal of the program is to maintain proper control and spread of rabies with responsible pet ownership, with minimum government oversight; the main purpose of this program is not revenue generation. Based upon the adoption of lifetime licenses by other localities and a review of surrounding localities’ licensing requirements, the Roanoke County Treasurer recommends that the Board amend the County Code to provide for lifetime dog and cat licenses, and to impose corresponding fee amounts of $20.00 for lifetime dog licenses, and $15.00 for lifetime cat licenses. Animal control enforcement would not be affected by a conversion to a lifetime license, and the burden would be on individual pet owners to maintain current inoculations on Page 3 of 3 their pets for the health and welfare of their animals and the public at large. There have been no changes since the first reading held on October 22, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated that if the proposed ordinance amendments are adopted, there will be an increase in revenue over the next several years (as more pet owners purchase lifetime licenses), but that revenues will eventually decrease. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of the ordinance. Page 1 of 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 (ANIMALS AND FOWL), ARTICLE II (DOGS, CATS AND OTHER ANIMALS), DIVISION 2 (LICENSE) AND DIVISION 3 (RABIES CONTROL) TO PROVIDE FOR A LIFETIME LICENSING TAX ON THE OWNERSHIP OF DOGS AND CATS IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, Virginia, has authority pursuant to Section 3.2-6524, et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to fix and set a license tax for all dogs and cats, to be imposed in Roanoke County, and to adopt an ordinance for the enforcement thereof; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this matter was held on October 22, 2024, and the second reading was held on November 19, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows, 1. That Chapter 5 (Animals and Fowl), Article II (Dogs, Cats and Other Animals), Division 2 (License) and Division 3 (Rabies Control), is hereby amended as set forth below; all sections not set forth below shall remain unchanged. 2. That this amendment shall be effective on January 1, 2025. DIVISION 2. LICENSE Sec. 5-41. Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, hold, or harborown a dog or cat four (4) months old or over in this county, unless such dog or cat is currently licensed under the provisions of this division. Such a license shall be valid only as long as the animal’s owner resides in Roanoke County and the animal’s rabies vaccination is kept current. (Code 1971, § 5-14; Ord. No. 2135, 9-26-78; Ord. No. 72688-11, § 1, 7-26-88; Ord. No. 41294-7, § 1, 4-12-94, 11-19- 24; Ord No. _______)(State Code authority: Section 3.2-6530) Page 2 of 4 Sec. 5-42. License year. (a) Dog and cat licenses shall run by the calendar year, namely from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. kennel and dangerous dog licenses shall be issued for each calendar year, from January 1 st through December 31st. (b) The owner of a dog or cat may apply for a license not to exceed a three-year period of time, so long as this period does not exceed the period that the rabies inoculation for such animal is effective as certified by a veterinarian.All other animal licenses issued on or after January 1, 2025, shall be “lifetime” licenses. (Code 1971, § 5-14; Ord. No. 2135, 9-26-78; Ord. No. 41294-7, § 1, 4-12-94, 11-19-24; Ord No. _______ ) Sec. 5-44. Tax imposed. (a) Commencing on January 1, 2025, a “lifetime” license tax is hereby imposed on dogs or cats required to be licensed under this division in the following amounts (prior to January 1, 2025, licenses were issued for each animal on an annual or three-year basis): 1) (a) The license tax on dogs, for as long as the owner owns the dog, shall be $20. 2) The license tax on cats, for as long as the owner owns the cat, shall be $15. Upon transfer of a dog or a cat to a new owner, the new owner shall likewise pay the license tax. (b) An annual license tax is hereby imposed on kennels and dangerous dogs or cats required to be licensed under this division in the following amounts: (1) Male dog or cat: Ten dollars ($10.00). (2) Female dog or cat: Ten dollars ($10.00). (3) Neutered or spayed dog or cat: Five dollars ($5.00) with a veterinarian's certificate that the dog or cat has been neutered or spayed. 1) (4) Kennel for up to twenty (20) dogs: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00). 2) (5) Kennel for up to fifty (50) dogs: Thirty-five dollars ($35.00). 3) (6) Dangerous dog, as declared by any general district court or circuit court of this commonwealth or by a community service officer pursuant to section 5-26.1(c)(2) above: one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) (in addition to the other applicable fees herein). All certificates shall be updated and renewed for a fee of eighty-five dollars ($85.00) and in the same manner as the initial certificate was obtained (in addition to the other applicable fees herein). (b) A three-year license tax is hereby imposed on dogs or cats required to be licensed under this division in the following amounts: Three (3) times the rate specified in (a)(1), (2) and (3) above, less ten (10) percent. (c) No license tax shall be levied under this section on any dog that is trained and serves as a guide dog for a blind person or that is trained and serves as a hearing dog for a deaf or hearing- impaired person. As used herein, the term "hearing dog" means a dog trained to alert its owner, by touch, to sounds of danger and sounds to which the owner should respond. (d) In no event shall the treasurer pay any refund of the license tax imposed by this section. (Code 1971, § 5-14; Ord. No. 2135, 9-26-78; Ord. No. 52290-7, § 1, 5-22-90; Ord. No. 72793-7, § 1, 7-27-93; Ord. No. 41294-7, § 1, 4-12-94; Ord. No. 060998-7, 6-23-98; Ord. No. 042313-7, § 1, 4-23-13, 11-19-24; Ord No. ________) Page 3 of 4 Sec. 5-45. When and where tax due and payable. The license tax on dogs or cats shall be due and payable at the office of the county treasurer as follows: (1) On or before January 1 and not later than January 31 of each year, the owner of any dog or cat four (4) months old or older shall pay such tax, or within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the three -year license.Within thirty (30) days after the dog or cat reaches four (4) months of age or within thirty (30) days of acquiring a dog or cat four (4) months of age. (2) If a dog or cat shall become four (4) months of age or if a dog or cat over four (4) months of age unlicensed by this county shall come into the possession of any person in this county between January 1 and October 31 of any year, the license tax for the current calendar year shall be paid forthwith by the owner. (3) If a dog or cat shall become four (4) months of age or if a dog or cat over four (4) months of age unlicensed by this county shall come into the possession of any person in this county between November 1 and December 31 of any year, the license tax for the succeeding calendar year shall be paid forthwith by the owner and such license shall protect the dog or cat from the date of payment of the license tax. (4) For the period from July 1, 1994, to December 31, 1994, the tax for a cat license shall be fifty (50) percent of the amount stated in section 5-44. (Code 1971, §§ 5-14, 5-15; Ord. No. 2135, 9-26-78; Ord. No. 72688-11, § 1, 7-26-88; Ord. No. 41294-7, § 1, 4-12-94, 11-19-24; Ord No._______) Sec. 5-48. Issuance, composition and contents. (a) Upon receipt of a proper application and the prescribed license tax, the county treasurer shall issue a dog or cat license; provided, however, that such license shall not be issued unless the applicant presents a certificate meeting the requirements of section 5-67 and showing that the dog or cat in question has been vaccinated against rabies as required by section 5-66. When the license is issued, such certificate shall be so marked and returned to the dog's or cat's owner. (b) A dog or cat license shall consist of a license tax receipt and a tag made of twenty -gauge metal or other suitable material in a rectangular shape one-half inch in width and two (2) inches in length, with a one-eighth inch hole at each end. (c) The receipt issued pursuant to this section shall have recorded thereon the name and address of the owner or custodian of the dog or cat, the date of payment, the year for which the license is issued, the serial number of the tag and whether the license is for a male, female, neutered or spayed dog or cat, or for a kennel or a dangerous dog. (d) The license tag for a dog or cat shall be stamped or otherwise permanently marked, showing: "Roanoke County, Va. Dog Tag," or "Roanoke County, Va. Cat Tag," the sex of the dog or cat, the calendar year for which issued and a serial number. (e) The license tag for a kennel shall consist of a license receipt and a tag made of twenty -gauge metal or other suitable material two and one-half (2½) inches in diameter, stamped or otherwise permanently marked, showing "Roanoke County, Va. Kennel Tag," the calendar year, or such longer period, for which issued, the number of dogs and a serial number. (Code 1971, §§ 5-16, 5-18; Ord. No. 2135, 9-26-78; Ord. No. 41294-7, § 1, 4-12-94, 11-19-24; Ord No.______) Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 3. RABIES CONTROL1 Sec. 5-66. Vaccination required. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, hold or harbor any dog or cat over the age of four (4) months within the county, unless the dog or cat has been vaccinated with a vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in that species within a period of the immediately preceding thirty - six (36) months. Such animals shall continue to receive rabies vaccinations so as to not allow their immunity to expire. If a license has been issued to any dog or cat pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, and the dog’s or cat’s immunity to rabies expires, the animal’s license shall become void within thirty (30) days of the expiration of immunity. Following such invalidation, the animal’s owner or keeper must thereafter provide proof of current vaccination to the Treasurer and again pay the tax amount in order to reinstate the license. (b) Any person transporting a dog or cat four (4) months of age or over into the county from some other jurisdiction shall be required to comply with this section within thirty (30) days after bringing the dog or cat into the county. (Code 1971, §§ 5-28, 5-29; Ord. No. 51287-4, § 1, 5-12-87; Ord. No. 72688-11, § 1, 7-26-88, 11-19-24; Ord No.______) 1State law reference(s)—Rabies inoculation of dogs and domesticated cats, Code of Virginia, § 3.1 -796.97:1. Page 1 of 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.4 MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: $3,824.37 from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof 2025 Roanoke County Sheriff’s Office SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: The Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) has awarded the Roanoke County Sheriff’s FISCAL IMPACT: Page 2 of 3 Supervisors in the fiscal year 2024-2025 Sheriff’s office budget. No additional appropriation of County funds is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance and allocation of grant funds in the amount of $3,824.37 from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest Partnership along with allocating $3,920.13 from the Sheriff's Office operating budget to the Grant Fund. Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance and allocation of grant funds in the amount of $3,824.37 from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest Partnership along with allocating $3,920.13 from the Sheriff's Office operating budget to the Grant Fund.           !  "#"$%&'! () *!! !+ #  %&'! () ))! )( (,#-%&'! () ))! ((.!+  (,#-  /011 *!2  &!3 456478 496:; <=8>?@@AB @@?C8( 3 =5D E8=8F8>GH$#I "JKLK,#M CN8=8F8>O>456478C496:;P5QR4P  %3 SS>4P8D N; ETU ! /%'&!+ ( W%+(3 #-X#$X"$  V /             !!"#$%& '(()*)+ '(,())*+& '&*&& ' ./  01213345/ 0/4// 07689 ::68;<=8<;>/>38- ?68=?6=   @6A 6B9 6C  FGHIJLM'(,())*+& ' ,NO)* ( &PQORQO)STTJUVEYZ ['(,())*+& ' ,NO)* (  Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.5 MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Form AM 4.3 Form AM 4.3 (Rev 11/13/2024) by Resolution of the governing body adopted 11/19/2024 In Roanoke County ICR ID: 38882882 NONE Report of Changes in the Secondary System of State Highways CHANGE TYPE RTE NUM & STREET NAME CHANGE DESCRIPTION FROM TERMINI TO TERMINI LENGTH NUMBER OF LANES RECORDAT ION REFERENC E ROW WIDTH Length Correction Rt. 809 - Sunnyvale Street Int of Rtes 116 & 809 0.39 mi W to end of state maintenance 0.39 0 Abandonment Rt. 866 - Mt. Pleasant Boulevard Project §33.2-912 0.22 mi N of Int of Rtes 617 & 866 0.27 mi N of Int of Rtes 617 & 866 0.05 2 0 Renumber Rt. 866 - Mt. Pleasant Boulevard Town to Secondary §33.2-705 Int of Routes 116 & 809 0.22 mi W of Int of Routes 617 & 866 0.03 0 Length Correction Rt. 866 - Mt Pleasant Boulevard Int of Rtes 116 & 866 Int of Rtes 866 & 617 0.26 0 The following VDOT Form AM-4.3 is hereby attached and incorporated as part of the governing body's resolution for changes to the secondary system of state highways. A Copy Testee Signed (County Official):__________________________________________________________ Project/Subdivision: Mt. Pleasant Blvd & Jae Valley Road Intersection Realignment 326 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024 RESOLUTION REQUESTING CHANGES IN THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM OF STATE HIGHWAYS, ROUTE 866, MOUNT PLEASANT BOULEVARD, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation completed a Revenue Sharing Program project in 2010 to improve sight distance and safety at the intersection of Jae Valley Road (Route 116) and Mount Pleasant Boulevard (Route 866); and WHEREAS, the project sketch and VDOT Form AM-4.3, attached and incorporated herein as part of this resolution, defines adjustments necessary in the Secondary System of State Highways as a result of said Revenue Sharing Program project; and WHEREAS, Route 866, identified on the project sketch and VDOT Form AM4.3 to be abandoned, due to the improvement of Route 116, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1) The Board hereby requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to abandon Route 866, identified as the segment between A and B on the project sketch and VDOT Form AM4.3, from the Secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.2- 912 of the Code of Virginia, and 2) A certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Page 1 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.6 MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: . That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of this ordinance for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for December 17, 2024. . That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. JlJSTfFICA TION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT W AIYER OR COMP PLAN (L5,2-ZZJZ) REVIEW REQUESTS Applicant ::s� G-\:o-�Q The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to detennine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroug)tly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request funhers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of tbc applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. We feel our house fully comp lys with Sec. 30-41-1. The average house in our neighborhood. The house is IOcated 2 housed off ofPlantatlon Or and abOut 3 miles from exit 146 on 1-81. we have been and would like to continue to use our home as a rental but In this case as a shOrt term rental. Our rental Is very safe for the guests and the neighbors. we have 3 security camefas outside to record any unusual behavior. As we have done for he past 8 years we will continue to maintain the Inside and outside of the house In an exefl1)1ary way. We provide outside lawn service regular ly and since cleaning Is done at checkouts there is alWays someone monitoring the situation and making sure everything Is the way it 's supposed to be. Since we don, live on the property we have twoproperty managers that are alWays avallable to attend to the guests, if needed. We have plurTilers, electricians and handyman available as wen to help with any problems that might arise. In summary we Intend to provide the highest degree of protection I n order to maintain the heatth, safety, appearance and overall quality or me or the neighborhood. We average about 3weeks out of the month renting the hOuse. .. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. 1) The electrie, connivance of access, congestion In the pub lic streets, put>llc safety, utilities, pub lie services will not be affected since Itcreates no more traffic than a normal slngle family home. 2) We will continue to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious comm1.111ty since the yard and house aremaintained regularly.3) I feel shOrt term rentals are necessary and contribute to the comrruntty by providing reasonable prices for famllles to come and visitRoanoke. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. I don't feel that this will impact the neighbors since I've been doing this since 2016 and have had no problems or compl aints. In fact, since there are people there less days than a normal family (about 3 weeks out of the month) there Is less of am lmp l act on the publicutilities and services. Since no !amity lives there permanently there's no one using the school systme. I keep a strict 'No Party• policy with penalties and a negative review ll not followed. They are to clean up alter themselves Inside and outside maintaining the property in good condltiOn. They are to park In the driveway or In front of the house (which IS common on our street) but are instructed to not park In front or any then neighbors house. We have the yard maintenanced regularly and the hOuse stays in excellent repair. I evenhave a neighbor that notifies me of any potential problems. Below IS an example of the reviews l'Ve received. I also maintain a 4.91 star out of 5 rating. Attached are some pictures, as well, of the inside of the hOuse. A rough floor plan of main floor and basement are attached. Each floor is approximately 900-1000 square feet. Also attached Is the house rules that are posted when they book and are again sent to them when they check In. 3 ' I 4 Applicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describe how the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE REQUEST 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2.The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or the character of the district. 3.Evidence supporting claim: Tracy Joyce Etayo 5 Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. JUSTIFICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL REQUEST 1.Reasons for appeal: 2.Evidence supporting claim: Tracy Joyce Etayo 6 ALL APPLICANTS a.Applicant name and name of development b.Date, scale and north arrow c.Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions d.Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e.Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f.The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties g.All property lines and easements h.All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i.Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j.Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS k.Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site l.Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m.Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n.Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections o.Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p.Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q.If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. Signature of applicant Date CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: X X X September 9, 2024 7 Community Development Planning & Zoning Division POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County traffic engineer, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any time, as deemed necessary.) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash Retail shop/Shopping center Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) Regional public facilities Educational/Recreational facilities Religious assemblies Hotel/Motel Golf course Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic Industrial site/Factory Day care center Bank Non-specific use requests Road Network Situations: Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 500-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 460, 11/460, 220, 221, 419, etc) For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly When required to evaluate access issues Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic signal(s) Substantial departure from the Community Plan Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750)trips in an average day Effective date: April 19, 2005 8 Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective date: April 19, 2005 Name of Petition Petitioner’s Signature Date Tracy Joyce Etayo 09-09-2024 House rules You'll be staying in someone's home, so please treat it with care and respect. Checking in and out Check-in: 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM Checkout before 11:00 AM Self check-in with smart lock During your stay 12 guests maximum Pets allowed Quiet hours 9:00 PM - 7:00 AM No parties or events Commercial photography allowed No smoking Additional rules -Children are welcome but please note that the house is not child friendly. For example the blinds have cords, the furniture is not bolted to walls, there are no outlet protectors, etc. -NO SMOKING ON PREMISES-INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF HOME, If broken there is a $250 fine. -We do accept dogs but unfortunately not cats but there's an additional $15.00 per night per pet fee. There is a place to select that you're bringing a pet and how many (so please indicate the number of dogs coming) but the price won't show up there. I will send the pet fee separately after you book. Please be mindful that while pets are accepted they are NOT allowed on furniture or in the beds. For not following these instructions there will be a $150 fine. ***********Upon leaving put ONLY the TOWELS in the washer on a normal cycle using hot water.************************* -Please strip ONLY the bed linen on the beds that you used . Leave the sheets in the laundry room on the floor. DON’T put comforters, mattress pads, or sheets in washer upon leaving. The bunk beds/trundle in the upstairs bedroom aren't recommended for adults. They are designed for children and so aren't very comfortable for adults. We are not responsible for any accidents resulting from the use of the bunk beds. There is a wood burning stove in the basement but it's NOT to be USED. It doesn't work properly. There will be a $500 fine if used and we are not responsible for any damages due to it being used. If you disconnect ANY cables on the TV or unplug ANYTHING please RECONNECT AS IT WAS. Please be aware that I have check-in time until 11:00 pm. You are welcome to check in as late as you want but I can't be responsible if you have problems getting in. I've never had a Before you leave Gather used towels Throw trash away Turn things off Lock up Additional requests -Please strip the beds that were used and put in laundry room. -Please remember check out is 11:00. -Hand wash dirty dishes or leave in dishwasher with dishwasher running. Show more Additional rules -Children are welcome but please note that the house is not child friendly. For example the blinds have cords, the furniture is not bolted to walls, there are no outlet protectors, etc. -NO SMOKING ON PREMISES-INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF HOME, If broken there is a $250 fine. -We do accept dogs but unfortunately not cats but there's an additional $15.00 per night per pet fee. There is a place to select that you're bringing a pet and how many (so please indicate the number of dogs coming) but the price won't show up there. I will send the pet fee separately after you book. Please be mindful that while pets are accepted they are NOT allowed on furniture or in the beds. For not following these instructions there will be a $150 fine. ***********Upon leaving put ONLY the TOWELS in the washer on a normal cycle using hot water.************************* -Please strip ONLY the bed linen on the beds that you used . Leave the sheets in the laundry room on the floor. DON’T put comforters, mattress pads, or sheets in washer upon leaving. The bunk beds/trundle in the upstairs bedroom aren't recommended for adults. They are designed for children and so aren't very comfortable for adults. We are not responsible for any accidents resulting from the use of the bunk beds. There is a wood burning stove in the basement but it's NOT to be USED. It doesn't work properly. There will be a $500 fine if used and we are not responsible for any damages due to it being used. If you disconnect ANY cables on the TV or unplug ANYTHING please RECONNECT AS IT WAS. Please be aware that I have check-in time until 11:00 pm. You are welcome to check in as late as you want but I can't be responsible if you have problems getting in. I've never had a problem with someone getting in OK but in the event there's an issue I can't guarantee my availability. SUNDAY CHECK IN is 6:00 if we can have it available earlier we will let you know. The driveway is located on the side of the house. Please do not park in front of the neighbors house under any circumstances. Our driveway easily fits 3 -4 cars and in front of OUR house you can park another one in the road. ****Please remember CHECK OUT IS AT 11:00 AM****** If you check out prior to the check out date please notify us of your early departure. I need to know when the house is vacant. This is a NO PARTY house so please no loud music or other loud activities during QUIET HOURS which is from 10:00 pm - 7:00 am. �4.91) Guest favorite This home is a guest favorite based on ratings, reviews, and reliability Overall rating 3 • 2 ' Kylie Cleanliness 4.9 New Salem Borough, Pennsylvania ••••• • 3 days ago • Group trip Sheila 3 months on Airbnb ***** • 3 weeks ago • Group trip Accuracy 4.9 We were all amazed, it was just perfect for us. Very clean and eccessible. We give your airbnb an A+ rating ... � A, Richard W, 11 months on Airbnb ***** • August 2024 • Group trip This location is close to restaurants and shopping. Tracy, has everything you need for your stay. I highly recommend staying here. Check-in 5.0 Communication 5.0 0 Wes McDowell, Kentucky Location 4.9 O] ••••• • 2 weeks ago • Stayed a few nights Very clean and comfortable just what we needed! 0 Martin 2 years on Airbnb ••••• • 3 weeks ago • Stayed with a pet Value 4.8 Wonderful experience. Tracy quickly responded to inquiries. The patio and fenced yard was absolutely awesome for our large puppy. Planning on staying there again. � Grace 4 years on Airbnb ••••• • August 2024 • Group trip Great Airbnb. Perfect for a group of friends or a whole family. Roanoke Cou nty, Sou rce: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS UserCommu nity Roanoke Cou nty, Virginia2019 0 Subject Site $HULDO0DS 7UDF\(WD\R (QGLFRWW6W  Lot Size:  Acre Current Zoning: R-1 Proposed Zoning: R-1S Proposed SUP for Short-Term Rental Magisterial District: Hollins Roanoke Co. Planning (540) 772-2068 5204 Bernard Dr. Roanoke VA 24018 ² R1R1 Roanok e County, Virginia 2019 Roanok e County, Virginia2019 0 Zoning R1 ² Zoning Map Tracy Etayo 5445 Endicott St 038.12-03-32.00-0000 Lot Size: 0.1803 Acre Current Zoning: R-1 Proposed Zoning: R-1S Proposed SUP for Short-Term Rental Magisterial District: Hollins Roanoke Co. Planning (540) 772-2068 5204 Bernard Dr. Roanoke VA 24018 Subject Site NCNC Roanoke County, Virginia 2019 Roanoke County, Virginia2019 0 ² 1:564 Future Land Use Neighborhood Conserv ation Future Land Use Map Tracy Etayo 5445 Endicott St 038.12-03-32.00-0000 Lot Size: 0.1803 Acre Current Zoning: R-1 Proposed Zoning: R-1S Proposed SUP for Short-Term Rental Magisterial District: Hollins Roanoke Co. Planning (540) 772-2068 5204 Bernard Dr. Roanoke VA 24018 Subject Site Capital Unappropriated  % of Board Expenditure Balance Revenues Contingency Contingency Reserves Unaudited balance as of June 30, 2024 29,191,800$     ‐$                   ‐$                   9,058,432$     Approved Sources: Appropriated from 2024‐25 budget (Ordinance 052824‐3.a)‐                          50,000          ‐                     93,647             Appropriated from 2023‐24 budget amendment (Ordinance 072324‐6) 2,022,180          ‐                    650,291        1,500,000          Addition of 2023‐24 operations and close out of completed projects ‐                           ‐                     ‐                     158,263           Approved Uses:  Appropriated for 2024‐25 budget (Ordinance 052824‐3.b)‐                           ‐                     ‐                     (5,159,423)       Appropriated for 2024‐25 budget (Ordinance 052824‐3.b)‐                           ‐                     ‐                     (93,647)             MOU regarding the joint capital funding approved on April 11, 2023 ‐                           ‐                     ‐                     (5,000,000)      Balance at November 19, 2024 31,213,980$    12.0% 50,000$       650,291$      557,272$         County of Roanoke Unappropriated Balance, Board Contingency, and Capital Reserves Fiscal Year 2024‐2025 General Government Changes in outstanding debt for the fiscal year to date were as follows: Unaudited Outstanding Outstanding June 30, 2024 Additions Deletions November 19, 2024 VPSA School Bonds 69,781,182$ -$ 7,019,794$ 62,761,388$ Lease Revenue Bonds 78,395,000 - 4,630,000 73,765,000 Subtotal 148,176,182 - 11,649,794 136,526,388 Premiums 11,056,810 - - 11,056,810 159,232,992$ -$ 11,649,794$ 147,583,198$ Submitted By Laurie L. Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services Approved By Richard L. Caywood County Administrator Revenues Revenues Budget Revenues % of Budget Budget Revenues % of Budget Actuals % of Variance Real Estate Taxes $119,492,000 $7,052,493 5.90% $129,080,327 $8,220,255 6.37% $1,167,762 14.21% Personal Property Taxes 44,500,000 1,739,040 3.91% 44,500,000 2,027,101 4.56% 288,061 14.21% Public Service Corp Base 4,220,000 501,633 11.89% 5,500,000 555,649 10.10% 54,016 9.72% Penalties & Interest on Property Taxes 1,130,000 269,358 23.84% 1,350,000 279,970 20.74% 10,612 3.79% Payment In Lieu Of Taxes 210,000 0 0.00% 225,000 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Total General Property Taxes 169,552,000 9,562,524 5.64% 180,655,327 11,082,975 6.13% 1,520,451 13.72% Communication Taxes 2,550,000 636,473 24.96% 2,625,000 626,680 23.87% (9,793) -1.56% Local Sales Tax 15,800,000 3,859,917 24.43% 17,000,000 4,015,216 23.62% 155,299 3.87% Consumer Utility Tax 3,750,000 844,579 22.52% 3,750,000 1,035,896 27.62% 191,317 18.47% Business License Tax 7,800,000 269,048 3.45% 9,100,000 290,311 3.19% 21,264 7.32% Franchise Tax 690,000 0 0.00% 750,000 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Motor Vehicle License Fees 2,450,000 217,759 8.89% 2,450,000 229,898 9.38% 12,138 5.28% Taxes On Recordation & Wills 1,650,000 333,599 20.22% 1,550,000 381,953 24.64% 48,354 12.66% Utility License Tax 575,000 75,123 13.06% 565,000 98,408 17.42% 23,285 23.66% Hotel & Motel Room Taxes 1,650,000 448,276 27.17% 2,050,000 581,829 28.38% 133,552 22.95% Taxes - Prepared Foods 6,100,000 1,506,525 24.70% 6,450,000 1,553,452 24.08% 46,927 3.02% Other Taxes 1,345,000 338,923 25.20% 1,355,000 264,181 19.50% (74,742) -28.29% Total Other Local Taxes 44,360,000 8,530,222 19.23% 47,645,000 9,077,825 19.05% 547,603 6.03% Animal Control Fees 42,500 8,622 20.29% 42,500 9,591 22.57% 968 10.10% Land and Building Fees 15,850 3,643 22.99% 18,000 2,223 12.35% (1,421) -63.92% Permits 924,107 180,311 19.51% 1,112,872 306,852 27.57% 126,541 41.24% Fees 64,600 6,033 9.34% 64,600 13,293 20.58% 7,260 54.62% Clerk of Court Fees 127,000 36,453 28.70% 127,000 42,322 33.32% 5,869 13.87% COUNTY OF ROANOKE Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues General Fund - C100 For the Four Months Ending Thursday, October 31, 2024 Prior Year Current Year Variances Revenues Revenues Budget Revenues % of Budget Budget Revenues % of Budget Actuals % of Variance COUNTY OF ROANOKE Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues General Fund - C100 For the Four Months Ending Thursday, October 31, 2024 Prior Year Current Year Variances Photocopy Charges 210 0 0.00% 210 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Total Permits, Fees and Licenses 1,174,267 235,062 20.02% 1,365,182 374,280 27.42% 139,218 37.20% Fines and Forfeitures 558,500 113,132 20.26% 558,500 130,813 23.42% 17,681 13.52% Total Fines and Forfeitures 558,500 113,132 20.26% 558,500 130,813 23.42% 17,681 13.52% Revenues from Use of Money 500,000 433,344 86.67% 1,229,586 422,159 34.33% (11,186) -2.65% Revenues From Use of Property 185,014 52,064 28.14% 185,014 68,625 37.09% 16,561 24.13% Total Use of Money and Property 685,014 485,409 70.86% 1,414,600 490,784 34.69% 5,375 1.10% Charges for Services 3,750,400 1,220,652 32.55% 4,145,100 861,740 20.79% (358,912) -41.65% Charges for Public Services 70,000 442 0.63% 80,000 340 0.43% (102) -30.00% Education Aid-State 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Total Charges for Services 3,820,400 1,221,094 31.96% 4,225,100 862,080 20.40% (359,014) -41.65% Reimb-Shared Programs Salem 1,124,084 128,912 11.47% 1,396,800 135,292 9.69% 6,380 4.72% Miscellaneous Revenue 298,536 114,911 38.49% 303,200 84,376 27.83% (30,535) -36.19% Recovered Costs 950,000 368,663 38.81% 1,050,000 368,831 35.13% 169 0.05% Total Miscellaneous 2,372,620 612,486 25.81% 2,750,000 588,499 21.40% (23,986) -4.08% Non-Categorical Aid 418,000 443,356 106.07% 418,000 499,049 119.39% 55,693 11.16% Shared Expenses 6,199,847 1,467,642 23.67% 6,371,084 1,666,714 26.16% 199,072 11.94% Revenues Revenues Budget Revenues % of Budget Budget Revenues % of Budget Actuals % of Variance COUNTY OF ROANOKE Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues General Fund - C100 For the Four Months Ending Thursday, October 31, 2024 Prior Year Current Year Variances Welfare & Social Services-Categorical 4,786,943 1,270,678 26.54% 5,425,000 1,404,983 25.90% 134,304 9.56% Other State Categorical Aid 2,468,805 693,855 28.10% 2,523,710 747,373 29.61% 53,518 7.16% Welfare & Social Services 6,550,000 1,918,690 29.29% 6,765,000 2,133,216 31.53% 214,526 10.06% Education Aid-Federal 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Other Categorical Aid 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Total State and Federal Revenue 20,423,595 5,794,221 28.37% 21,502,794 6,451,334 30.00% 657,113 10.19% Other Financing Sources 3,900,878 0 0.00% 365,000 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Total Other Financing Sources 3,900,878 0 0.00% 365,000 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Transfers 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Total Transfers 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Grand Totals 246,847,274 26,554,150 10.76% 260,481,503 29,058,589 11.16% 2,504,440 8.62% Expenditures Exp & Encum Expenditures Exp & Encum % of Budget & Encumbrances % of Budget Budget & Encumbrances % of Budget Actuals Variance Legislative 496,434 120,242 24.22% 274,494 89,248 32.51% (30,994) -34.73% General & Financial Administration 9,686,100 3,182,953 32.86% 10,632,225 3,484,757 32.78% 371,445 10.66% Electoral Board & Officials 878,412 220,555 25.11% 1,038,250 243,892 23.49% 36,219 14.90% General Government Administration 11,060,946 3,523,750 31.86% 11,944,969 3,817,898 31.96% 376,670 9.87% Courts 1,824,442 545,395 29.89% 1,911,992 613,026 32.06% 67,632 11.03% Other Judicial Support 1,567,615 543,725 34.68% 1,819,030 625,563 34.39% 81,350 13.01% Judicial 3,392,057 1,089,120 32.11% 3,731,022 1,238,589 33.20% 148,982 12.03% Law Enforcement & Traffic Cont 19,147,546 6,995,651 36.54% 20,485,586 7,273,682 35.51% 341,637 4.72% Fire and Rescue 23,049,523 8,068,087 35.00% 25,510,476 8,778,616 34.41% 708,378 8.18% Correction & Detention 12,260,647 3,798,087 30.98% 12,827,609 3,970,407 30.95% 161,586 4.10% Animal Control 1,365,488 441,172 32.31% 1,305,828 436,397 33.42% (4,775) -1.09% Public Safety 55,823,204 19,302,998 34.58% 60,129,499 20,459,102 34.03% 1,206,826 5.95% General Services Administration 1,104,225 346,261 31.36% 1,424,992 487,765 34.23% 125,913 26.67% Refuse Disposal 5,830,467 1,939,121 33.26% 6,228,560 1,969,316 31.62% 89,493 4.59% Maint Buildings & Grounds 5,286,786 2,206,822 41.74% 5,875,468 2,005,804 34.14% (206,046) -10.36% Engineering 2,582,251 978,505 37.89% 2,851,962 843,204 29.57% (125,209) -14.87% Inspections 1,193,331 369,087 30.93% 1,132,091 404,556 35.74% 35,469 8.77% Garage Complex 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Public Works 15,997,060 5,839,796 36.51% 17,513,073 5,710,645 32.61% (80,380) -1.42% Mental Health 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Public Health 579,181 289,591 50.00% 767,419 355,210 46.29% 65,619 18.47% Social Services Administration 9,642,017 3,064,529 31.78% 10,856,721 3,429,441 31.59% 364,061 10.62% Comprehensive Services Act 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Public Assistance 4,918,666 1,436,973 29.21% 4,918,666 1,616,944 32.87% 179,971 11.13% Social Services Organizations 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% COUNTY OF ROANOKE Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances General Fund - C100 For the Four Months Ending Thursday, October 31, 2024 Prior Year Current Year Variances Expenditures Exp & Encum Expenditures Exp & Encum % of Budget & Encumbrances % of Budget Budget & Encumbrances % of Budget Actuals Variance COUNTY OF ROANOKE Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances General Fund - C100 For the Four Months Ending Thursday, October 31, 2024 Prior Year Current Year Variances Health and Welfare 15,139,864 4,791,092 31.65% 16,542,806 5,401,595 32.65% 609,651 11.29% Parks & Recreation 3,166,375 970,674 30.66% 3,048,494 1,110,539 36.43% 124,865 11.40% Library 4,865,913 1,580,748 32.49% 5,221,194 1,650,044 31.60% 53,088 3.25% Cultural Enrichment 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Parks, Recreation & Cultural 8,032,288 2,551,422 31.76% 8,269,688 2,760,583 33.38% 177,953 6.52% Planning & Zoning 1,874,396 651,631 34.76% 1,922,932 621,202 32.30% (17,804) -3.09% Cooperative Extension Program 115,391 102 0.09% 145,391 23,188 15.95% 23,086 99.56% Economic Development 590,862 385,089 65.17% 680,371 288,830 42.45% 37,434 13.86% Public Transportation 510,000 67,709 13.28% 510,000 202,759 39.76% 135,049 66.61% Contribution to Human Service Organizations 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Planning 3,090,649 1,104,532 35.74% 3,258,694 1,135,978 34.86% 177,766 16.57% Employee Benefits 3,758,302 682,891 18.17% 3,260,820 592,172 18.16% (90,719) -15.32% Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup 62,700 28,273 45.09% 62,700 12,100 19.30% (16,173) -133.67% Miscellaneous 10,196,943 3,934,088 38.58% 10,683,516 3,984,504 37.30% 50,415 1.27% Tax Relief/Elderly & Handicapp 1,110,000 947,319 85.34% 1,694,060 1,091,533 64.43% 144,214 13.21% Refuse Credit Vinton 225,000 0 0.00% 225,000 56,250 25.00% 56,250 100.00% Board Contingency 3,632,275 0 0.00% 50,000 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Unappropriated Balance 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Non-Departmental 18,985,220 5,592,571 29.46% 15,976,096 5,736,558 35.91% 143,987 2.51% Interfund Transfers Out 109,250,809 46,799,636 42.84% 116,861,844 49,457,584 42.32% 2,657,948 5.37% Intrafund Transfers Out 6,075,177 3,572,976 58.81% 6,253,812 1,600,972 25.60% (1,972,004) -123.18% Transfers Out 115,325,986 50,372,611 43.68% 123,115,656 51,058,555 41.47% 685,944 1.34% Grand Totals 246,847,274 94,167,892 38.15% 260,481,503 97,319,504 37.36% 3,447,397 3.55% ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. __________________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 19, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid – October 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Laurie L. Gearheart Director of Finance and Management Services APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Total Payments to Vendors -$ -$ 16,029,211.29$ Payroll 10/11/24 2,192,159.91 19,381.74 2,211,541.65 Payroll 10/25/24 2,059,601.34 23,828.91 2,083,430.25 Manual Checks - 461.86 461.86 Grand Total 20,324,645.05$ A detailed listing of the payments to vendors is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 19, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session to Discuss Proposed Amendments to Chapter 14 of the County Code (Parades) SUBMITTED BY: Peter S. Lubeck County Attorney APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: The time has been set aside to discuss proposed amendments to Chapter 14 of the Roanoke County Code (Parades) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Page 1 of 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 19, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending Article III (District Regulations) and Article IV (Use and Design Standards) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to regulate tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product retail sale locations pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-912.4 SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Director of Planning APPROVED BY: Richard L. Caywood County Administrator ISSUE: Second reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to regulate tobacco, nicotine, and/or hemp product retail sale locations BACKGROUND: • During this past legislative session, the General Assembly passed a bill that allows localities to regulate the retail sale of tobacco, nicotine, and/or hemp product retail sale locations within 1,000 feet of schools and day care centers. • • The new law states as follows: Any locality may by ordinance regulate the retail sale locations of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as such terms are defined in § 18.2-371.2, or hemp products intended for smoking, as such term is defined in § 3.2-4112, for any such retail sale location and may prohibit a retail sale location on property within 1,000 linear feet of a child day center as defined in § 22.1-289.02 or a public, private, or parochial school. An ordinance adopted pursuant to this section shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under § 4.1-206.3 or (ii) any retail sale location of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before July 1, 2024. Virginia Code § Page 2 of 3 15.2-912.4. Section 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia pertains to the granting of retail licenses for the sale of alcohol; accordingly, any retail business that possesses such a license will be exempt from the provisions of any such ordinance adopted by the Board. • • After the General Assembly passed this law, representatives of Roanoke County Public Schools requested that the Board of Supervisors consider regulating retail sales of these products in Roanoke County. • On June 11, 2024, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution directing the Planning Commission to study and provide a recommendation regarding whether to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to regulate the retail sale of these products as allowed under the new law. DISCUSSION: Staff reviewed draft amendments and maps with the Planning Commission at its meeting on August 6, 2024. The proposed amendments would add a use and design standard for the retail sales, convenience stores, fuel centers, and gasoline stations prohibiting the sale of tobacco products, vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 3, 2024. One citizen spoke during the public hearing regarding his concerns on the proposed amendments impacting him locating a cigar/pipe tobacco store in West Village Shopping Center near North Cross private school. The Commission continued the public hearing until its meeting on October 1, 2024, due to recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance amendments recommended by staff that were not advertised. At the Planning Commission's meeting on October 1, 2024, six (6) people representing Roanoke County Public Schools spoke during the public hearing in support of the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Additional letters of support were also submitted for the public record. The Planning Commission discussed the benefits and challenges with the proposed ordinance amendments. The Planning Commission recommended that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended in order to regulate the sales of nicotine vapor products, alternate nicotine products, and hemp products intended for smoking on properties within 1,000 feet of the principal school building of public Roanoke County middle and high schools pursuant to the authority granted by Virginia Code § 15.2-912.4. The Planning Commission did not recommend changes to the regulation of the retail sale location of tobacco products. FISCAL IMPACT: Page 3 of 3 There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the second reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission. Code of Virginia Title 15.2. Counties, Cities and Towns Subtitle II. Powers of Local Government Chapter 9. General Powers of Local Governments Article 1. Public Health and Safety; Nuisances   § 15.2-912.4. Regulation of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp productretail sale locations  Any locality may by ordinance regulate the retail sale locations of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as such terms are defined in § 18.2-371.2, or hemp products intended for smoking, as such term is defined in § 3.2-4112, for any such retail sale location and may prohibit a retail sale location on property within 1,000 linear feet of a child day center as defined in § 22.1-289.02 or a public, private, or parochial school. An ordinance adopted pursuant to this section shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under § 4.1-206.3 or (ii) any retail sale location of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before July 1, 2024.  2024, c. 536.  The chapters of the acts of assembly referenced in the historical citation at the end of this section(s) may not constitute a comprehensive list of such chapters and may exclude chapters whose provisions have expired.  1 7/26/2024 12:00:00 AM Zoning Ordinance Amendments Retail Sales of Tobacco/Vaping Products Board of Supervisors Public Hearing November 19, 2024 Background2 •During this past legislative session, the General Assembly passed a bill that allows localities to prohibit the sale of tobacco and vaping products within 1,000 feet of a school and day care centers (Sec. 15.2-912.4). •The Roanoke County schools requested the Board of Supervisors to consider passing an ordinance regarding this issue. •On June 11th, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution (attached) directing the Planning Commission to study and provide a recommendation regarding whether to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to prohibit the sale of tobacco and nicotine vapor products within 1,000 feet of a school building. Background3 •Staff reviewed draft amendments and maps with the Planning Commission at its August 6th meeting. •Staff has advertised the draft amendments and mailed letters to property owners who would be affected by the proposed amendments. •The proposed amendments would add a use and design standard for the retail sales use type prohibiting the sale of tobacco products, vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building. Background4 •While retails sales would include tobacco/vape shops, pharmacies, grocery stores, and big box retail, it does not include all places/use types that tobacco and vaping products could be sold such as convenience stores, fuel centers, and gasoline stations. •Staff has added these use types on the proposed amendments, but they were not included in the legal advertisement or in the letter sent to property owners. •At its September 3rd meeting, Planning Commission opened the public hearing and continued it to its October 1st meeting •Staff has advertised the revised draft amendments and mailed additional letters to property owners who would be affected by the proposed amendments. Background5 § 15.2-912.4. Regulation of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product retail sale locations Any locality may by ordinance regulate the retail sale locations of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as such terms are defined in § 18.2- 371.2, or hemp products intended for smoking, as such term is defined in § 3.2-4112, for any such retail sale location and may prohibit a retail sale location on property within 1,000 linear feet of a child day center as defined in § 22.1-289.02 or a public, private, or parochial school. An ordinance adopted pursuant to this section shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under § 4.1-206.3 or (ii) any retail sale location of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before July 1, 2024. 6 Draft Amendments ARTICLE III – DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30-53. C-1 LOW INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-53-2. Permitted Uses. (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 3. Commercial Uses Retail Sales * 7 Draft Amendments SEC. 30-54. C-2 HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-54-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 4. Commercial Uses Retail Sales * 8 Draft Amendments SEC. 30-61. I-1 LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-61-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 4. Commercial Uses Retail Sales * 9 Draft Amendments ARTICLE IV – USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30-85. COMMERCIAL USES. Sec. 30-85-13. Convenience Store. (A) General standards: 4. The retail sale of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking, as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia, shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building (educational facilities, primary/secondary). 10 Draft Amendments Sec. 30-85-14.5. Fuel Center. (A) General standards: 4. The retail sale of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking, as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia, shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building (educational facilities, primary/secondary). 11 Draft Amendments Sec. 30-85-16. Gasoline Station. (A) General standards: 4. The retail sale of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking, as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia, shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building (educational facilities, primary/secondary). 12 Draft Amendments Sec. 30-85-24.5. Retail Sales. (D) General standards: 1. The retail sale of tobacco products, nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking, as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia, shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building (educational facilities, primary/secondary). Maps Location Map14 Back Creek ES15 Bonsack ES16 Cave Spring HS17 Cave Spring ES & MS18 Clearbrook ES19 Community School20 CTE Area21 Fort Lewis ES22 Glen Cove ES23 Glenvar ES, MS & HS24 Green Valley ES25 Hidden Valley HS26 Hidden Valley MS27 Masons Cove ES28 Mount Pleasant ES29 Mountain View ES30 North Cross31 Northside MS & HS32 Oak Grove ES33 Penn Forest ES34 Horn ES & Cundiff ES35 William Byrd MS & HS36 Planning Commission Public Hearing – September 3, 2024 •One citizen spoke during the public hearing regarding his concerns on the proposed amendments impacting him locating a cigar/pipe tobacco store in West Village Shopping Center near North Cross. •The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until its meeting on October 1, 2024, due to recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance amendments recommended by staff that were not advertised. 37 Planning Commission Continued Public Hearing – October 1, 2024 •Six (6) people representing Roanoke County Public Schools spoke during the public hearing in support of the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. •Additional letters of support were also submitted for the public record. •The Planning Commission discussed the benefits and challenges with the proposed ordinance amendments. •The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendments to apply only to Roanoke County high schools and middle schools and that the prohibition on the retail sales of tobacco products be removed from the ordinance. 38 Planning Commission Continued Public Hearing – October 1, 2024 •Amended Use & Design Standard for Convenience Store, Fuel Center, Gas Station, and Retail Sales •The retail sale of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building of any Roanoke County public high school or middle school. This shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under Sec. 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia or (ii) any retail sale location of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before November 20, 2024. 39 Questions? 40 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III (DISTRICT REGULATIONS) AND ARTICLE IV (USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS) OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN ORDER TO REGULATE TOBACCO, NICOTINE, AND HEMP PRODUCT RETAIL SALE LOCATIONS PURSUANT TO VIRGINIA CODE § 15.2-912.4 WHEREAS, on April 5, 2024, the General Assembly amended the Code of Virginia by adding § 15.2-912.4 which allows localities to regulate the retail sale locations of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product sales near schools; and WHEREAS, after Virginia Code § 15.2-912.4 was enacted, representatives of Roanoke County Public Schools requested that the Board of Supervisors consider regulating certain retail sale locations of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp product sales near schools in Roanoke County as allowed under the new law; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2024, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution directing the Planning Commission to study and provide a recommendation regarding whether to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to regulate the retail sale locations of tobacco, nicotine, and hemp products near schools in Roanoke County as allowed under the new law; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County staff reviewed draft amendments pursuant to the new law and certain maps with the Planning Commission at its meeting on August 6, 2024, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter on September 3, 2024, which was continued to and resumed on October 1, 2024; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended to regulate the sales of nicotine vapor products, alternate nicotine products, and hemp products intended for smoking on properties within 1,000 feet of the principal school Page 2 of 4 building of public Roanoke County middle and high schools pursuant to the authority granted by Virginia Code § 15.2-912.4; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice are valid public purposes for such recommendations by the Planning Commission and action by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2024, and the second reading and public hearing were held on November 19, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke as follows: 1. The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE III – DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30-53. C-1 LOW INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-53-2. Permitted Uses. (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30 - 19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 3. Commercial Uses Retail Sales * SEC. 30-54. C-2 HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-54-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Page 3 of 4 4. Commercial Uses Retail Sales * SEC. 30-61. I-1 LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-61-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 4. Commercial Uses Retail Sales * ARTICLE IV – USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30-85. COMMERCIAL USES. Sec. 30-85-13. Convenience Store. (A) General standards: 4. The retail sale of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building of any Roanoke County public high school or middle school. This shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under Sec. 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia or (ii) any retail sale location of n icotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before November 20, 2024. Sec. 30-85-14.5. Fuel Center. (A) General standards: 4. The retail sale of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal Page 4 of 4 school building of any Roanoke County public high school or middle school. This shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under Sec. 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia or (ii) any retail sale location of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before November 20, 2024. Sec. 30-85-16. Gasoline Station. (A) General standards: 4. The retail sale of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building of any Roanoke County public high school or middle school. This shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under Sec. 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia or (ii) any retail sale location o f nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before November 20, 2024. Sec. 30-85-24.5. Retail Sales. (D) General standards: 1. The retail sale of nicotine vapor products, alternative nicotine products as defined in Sec. 18.2-371.2 of the Code of Virginia, or hemp products intended for smoking as defined in Sec. 3.2-4112 of the Code of Virginia shall be prohibited on properties located within 1,000 feet of a principal school building of any Roanoke County public high school or middle school. This shall not affect (i) a licensee holding a valid license under Sec. 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia or (ii) any retail sale location of nicot ine vapor products, alternative nicotine products, or hemp products intended for smoking operating before November 20, 2024. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption.