HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/24/2006 - Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda January 24, 2006 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for January 24, 2006. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Barry Foster Raleigh Court United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Recognition of student delegation from Wonju, Korea and presentation of Certificates of Honorary Citizenship. 2. Resolution of appreciation to Donald W. Gillispie, Fire and Rescue Department, upon his retirement after fifteen years of service. 3. Certificate of recognition to J. C. Taylor for nine years of service on the Roanoke County Board of Equalization. 4. Certificate of recognition to Jane Milliron for seven years of service on the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. 1 D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Cox Communications, Inc. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) 2. Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and ITT Industries Night Vision Division. (Doug Chittum, Director of Economic Development) 3. Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and the Mennel Milling Company of Virginia. (Jill Loope, Assistant Director of Economic Development) 4. Update on VMLNACo/APCO Steering Committee and request to appropriate funds in the amount of $2,203 for assessment for APCo negotiations. (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES - CONSENT AGENDA: Approva/ of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 43 acres from 1-2, Industrial District, to AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District, and to obtain a special use permit and a review of a proposed public facility per section 15.2- 2232 Code of Virginia for the construction and operation of a regional jail located at 5859 West River Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance to accept the conveyance of approximately 28.71 acres of real estate located on Merriman Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, from the Roanoke County School Board to the Board of Supervisors. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 2 I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) for Fire and Rescue 2. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 3. Virginia Western Community College Board J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes - December 20, 2005 and January 10, 2006 2. Resolutions of appreciation upon the retirements of the following individuals: (a) James F. Hicks, Sheriff's Office, after twenty-three years of service (b) Eugene W. Caton, III, Real Estate Valuation, after sixteen years of service 3. Request to accept the donation of a new 5 foot wide drainage easement across property of Harold L. Barrett and Lynn B. Barrett, Lot 27 A, Section 1, Northbrooke Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District 4. Request to accept the donation of a new 7.5 foot wide drainage easement across property of David T. Mann and Melissa B. Mann, Lot 1, Section 1, Northbrooke Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District 5. Request from the schools to accept and appropriate funds totaling $7,338.23 for grants and reimbursements 6. Resolution approving the sublease and co-location by NEXTEL WIP Lease Corp on the NTELOS owned tower located at the Hollins Fire Station at 7401 Barrens Road, Hollins Magisterial District K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request to schedule a work session on February 14, 2006, to discuss the Stormwater Operations Program. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 3 M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Future Capital Projects 5. Accounts Paid - December 2005 6. Statement of expenditures and estimated and actual revenues for the month ended Decem ber 31, 2005 7. Statement of Treasurer's accountability per investment and portfolio policy as of Decem ber 31, 2005 8. Public Safety Center Building Project Budget Report 9. Public Safety Center Building Project Change Order Report 10. Report of claims activity for the self-insurance program for the period ended December 31,2005 O. CLOSED MEETING P. WORK SESSIONS (Training Room - 4th floor) 1. Update on the 2006 Session of the Virginia General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) EVENING SESSION Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of congratulations to Cave Spring High School volleyball team for winning the State Group AA Championship. (a) Certificate of recognition to Stacey Craighead, Cave Spring High School, for being named Group AA Volleyball Player of the Year and for being named to All-State First Team. 4 (b) Certificate of recognition to Lauren Clary, Cave Spring High School, for being named to the Volleyball All-State First Team. 2. Certificate of recognition to Meredith Buckley, Glenvar High School, for being named the State Softball Co-Player of the Year. 3. Certificate of recognition to Kelly Clark, Glenvar High School, for winning the State Championship in the 2-mile event. S. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive comments on the Secondary Roads System Six- Year Construction Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 and the allocation of secondary road funds for fiscal year 2006-2007. (Anthony Ford, Transportation Engineering Manager) (a) Approval of resolution for the Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 and the allocation of secondary road funds for fiscal year 2006-2007 (b) Approval of projects for fiscal year 2006-2007 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Program T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Continued until Februarv 28. 2006. at the reQuest of the PlanninQ Commission. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone 1.14 acres from C- 2C, General Commercial District with conditions, to C-2, General Commercial District, for the operation of a medical office located at 5296 Peters Creek Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Vistar Eye Center. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 2. Continued until Februarv 28. 2006. at the reQuest of the PlanninQ Commission. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone 8.92 acres from C- 2S, General Commercial District with special use permit, to R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District, for the construction of a townhouse development located at 7656 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Eric Eanes and Todd Conner. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner 5 3. Continued until February 28. 2006. at the reQuest of the petitioner. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone 1.3014 acres from C-1, Office District, and .0786 acres from C2C, General Commercial District with conditions, to C-2C, General Commercial District with conditions, and to obtain a special use perm it for the construction of a fast food restaurant with drive-thru located at 3814 Challenger Avenue, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Grant Avenue Development, Inc. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 4. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone 3.564 acres from R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with conditions, to C-2, General Commercial District, and to obtain a special use permit for the construction of a life care facility located at 6509 Carefree Lane and 6920 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) U. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 2. Michael W. Altizer 3. Richard C. Flora 4. Joseph P. McNamara 5. Michael A. Wray W. ADJOURNMENT 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C-l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Student Delegation from Wonju, Korea, and presentation of Certificates of Honorary Citizenship SUBMITTED BY: Elmer Hodge Ell County Administrator SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: We are pleased to recognize a middle school delegation from Wonju, Korea, that is visiting the Roanoke Valley from January 20 - February 12, 2006. The students are: Mok In Jung Sung Bae Park Hang Lee Hyun Woo Jang Sol Gi Lee Gil Hyun Lee Su Jin Lee Sung Tak Kang Ji Won Yang Yeon Hee Song is the chaperone accompanying the delegation. The delegation is visiting Roanoke as a Sister City of the Roanoke Valley. North Cross School is hosting the students, which allows for an exchange of American and Korean cultures. Theywill also have the opportunity to make American friends through a homestay and to practice their English-speaking skills. Part of their time in the States will be spent touring Washington, D.C. The students will be introduced at the afternoon session. ~uutP of 3aoano~ CERTIFICATE OF HONORARY CITIZENSHIP BE IT HEREBY KNOWN THAT <Part SU"IJ ( jae (vVonju) 1(0 rea has, on Tuesday, January 24, 2006, been named an HONORARY CITIZEN OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, USA and shall hold and enjoy a place of high esteem in the minds and hearts of the Citizens of the County of Roanoke. ~·~_.\a..lAì'~J~ Michael A. Wr~y, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~ .f(.,.?J~ Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator ATTEST: ~J.~ Diane S. Childers, CMC Clerk to the Board ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of appreciation to Donald W. Gillispie, Fire & Rescue Department, upon his retirement following fifteen years of service SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge Ell County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Donald W. Gillispie, Battalion Chief for Fire and Rescue Operations, retired from the County on January 1, 2006, after fifteen years of service. Chief Gillispie will attend the afternoon Board meeting to accept a resolution of appreciation from the Board. Also attending the meeting will be Rick Burch, Chief of Fire and Rescue. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2006 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO DONALD W. GILLISPIE, FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Donald W. Gillispie was first employed on December 10, 1990, by the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department as a Battalion Chief for Fire Prevention, and also served as Division Chief for Support and Community Service; and WHEREAS, Chief Gillispie retired from Roanoke County as Battalion Chief for Fire and Rescue Operations, on January 1, 2006, after fifteen years and one month of service; and WHEREAS, prior to joining the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department, Chief Gillispie also served as a volunteer firefighter in Blackstone, Virginia, and as a member of the Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Company in Roanoke County for eighteen years; and WHEREAS, during his volunteer service in Roanoke County, Chief Gillispie assisted in the development of the Roanoke Valley Fire/EMS Training Center and the Volunteer Length of Service Awards Program, as well as serving on the committee that revised and adopted the Roanoke County Fire Prevention Code; and WHEREAS, Chief Gillispie also served on the Roanoke County Fire Chiefs Board and as a member of the Virginia State Fire Firefighters Association and the State Fire Chiefs Association; and WHEREAS, Chief Gillispie, through his employment with Roanoke County and his many years of volunteer service, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to DONALD W. GILLISPIE for more than fifteen years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 2 - ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Q-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 AGENDA ITEM: Certificate of recognition to J. C. Taylor for nine years of service on the Roanoke County Board of Equalization APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Ell County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board wishes to express their appreciation to Mr. Taylor for his years of service on the Board of Equalization. He is to be commended for his dedication and professionalism in providing fair representation to the citizens of the County. Mr. Taylor, who represented the Catawba Magisterial District, served from January 1, 1996, through December 31,2005. In addition, Mr. Taylor also served on the Board of Equalization during the 19aG's. Mr. Taylor plans to be present at the meeting to accept his Certificate of Recognition. Also in attendance will be Billy Driver, Director of the Real Estate Valuation Department. ~uutP of l\oano~ CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO J. C. TAYLOR for his service on the Roanoke County Board of Equalization + Mr, Taylor, Catawba Magisterial District representative, was appointed to the Board of Equalizatioll by the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. He served in this capacity for nine years from January 1, 1996, through December 31,2005. . While on the Board of Equalization, Mr. Taylor was elected to serve as Chairman for three terms, + In addition to his current term of service, Mr. Taylor also served on the Board of Equalization for several years in the 1980's. -+ The Board of Supervisors wishes to express their deepest appreciation to Mr. Taylor for his years of capable and dedicated service to Roanoke County. Presented this 24th day of January, 2006 ~·~a..W Michael A. Wray, Chairm~ ß. /'~~. ~ B. "Butch" Church In~ ?,t ~ Michael W. Altizer ----z,~~S> (. ~ c::..¡__ Richard C. Flora ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C-y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 AGENDA ITEM: Certificate of recognition to Jane Milliron for seven years of service on the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge EAt County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board wishes to express their appreciation to Ms. Milliron for her many years of service on the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. Ms. Milliron was appointed to her first term on June 23. 1998, and reappointed in February 2002. She has recently moved away from Roanoke County, and is therefore unable to continue serving as the County's representative on the Commission due to the residency requirement. At the time of her resignation from the Commission, Ms. Milliron was serving as the Vice-Chair. Ms. Milliron plans to be present at the meeting to accept her Certificate of Recognition. ~uutP of 3aoano~ CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO JANE MILLIRON for her service on the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission ... Ms. Milliron was appointed to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission by the Board of Supervisors on June 23, 1998. She began serving her first term on July 8, 1998, and was reappointed to a second term in February 200:2. .. During Ms. Milliron's tenure on the Airport Commission, she was elected Vice-Chair in July 2004 and re-eJected in July 2005. ... Ms. Milliron was willing to use her personal time to attend training sessions and wor\<.shops to acquire a greater understanding of aviation on a nalional level as well as a local level. .. The Board of Supervisors expresses their deepest appreciation to Ms. Milliron for her years of capable and dedicated service to Roanoke County. Presented this 24th day of January, 2006 \Yl'~Q.W Michael A. Wray, Chairm~ ~ oseph P. McNamara, Vice-Chairman J~~~:~h:e:tb In~?~ ~ Michael W. Altizer ~ ,ó.--S> Go ~ eo., "- Richard C. Flora ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E- \ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Cox Communications, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: Douglas Chittum Economic Development Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge {II County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Cox Communications Inc., a Fortune 500 company and the nation's third-largest cable television provider, is a multi-service broadband communications company with approximately 6.7 million total customers, including approximately 6.3 million basic cable subscribers. The corporation employs approximately 23,000. After extensive analysis of future facility requirements, the corporation has determined that the Roanoke County center needs to expand and renovate on its current site. Cox Communications Roanoke has agreed to construct a building expansion of 27,000 square feet and to renovate the existing facility on their property located on Fallowater Lane in Roanoke County. The estimated investment of building construction and purchase of equipment is in excess of $5 million. Cox currently employs approximately 200 people at the Roanoke facility. After expansion, company officials have agreed to create employment opportunities and raise the workforce total to 240 full-time positions by 2010. Therefore, a three party performance agreement has been negotiated between Roanoke County, Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Cox Communications, Inc. This agreement will promote and encourage the expansion of this important existing business and provide increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke. The agreement allows for an economic development grant in an amount equal to three years of new local tax revenue to be reimbursed to the company after the expansion is completed. New local tax revenue is defined as new real estate and Business Professional Occupational License (BPOL) taxes generated annually by the project, not to exceed to $100,000. If the company generates less than the estimated new local tax revenue, then the actual grant for that year shall be less. The three year period will commence on January 1, 2007. FISCAL IMPACT: Per the performance agreement, the grant will be calculated as a reimbursement based on new tax revenues; therefore, the financial impact will be in the form of foregone revenue. No new funding is needed for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizing the execution of a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Cox Communications Roanoke. E-I INCENTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT THIS INCENTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (the" Agreement") is made as of this _ day of , 2006, by and between ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (hereafter, the "County"), the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (hereafter, the" Authority"); and COXCom, INC. d/b/a Cox Communications Roanoke, (hereafter, the "Company"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia, desire to promote and encourage the economic development and vitality of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley through the expansion of existing business for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Company desires to expand its existing facility (the JlProjecf/) located at 5400 Fallowater Lane in Roanoke County (the "PropertyJl), and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority expect that the Company the will create high quality employment opportunities for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley 1 with the completion of this Project which will promote economic development and generate new local tax revenues for Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: 1. Site Development by the Company. A. The Company will cause this expansion Project in Roanoke County to be made and developed, subject to obtaining ordinary and necessary governmental approvals from the County, and any other governmental agency. B. The Company shall construct an approximate 27,000 square foot expansion of its existing facility with a total construction and equipment cost of at least $5 million on the Property with a targeted completion date of April 1, 2007. After this expansion the Company will employ at least 240 people (being defined as employees scheduled for full time employment by the Company and eligible for Company benefits) at the Property by 2010. C. The Company agrees to provide the County and the Authority any and all documentation that may be required to verify the investment and employment figures. 2. Procedures for the reimbursement of Authority funds to the Company. A. Beginning in calendar year 2007, the County shall appropriate to the Authority in three annual installments sums sufficient, for an Economic 2 Development Incentive Grant for the benefit of the Company. These sums sufficient amounts will equal a total of three years of "New Local Tax Revenues." The terI11- "New Local Tax Revenues," means the total of local real estate taxes and Business and Professional Occupation License (BPOL) taxes generated annually by the Project; and New Local Tax Revenues also means the net increase in real estate and BPOL taxes paid by the Company in the tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009 over the taxes paid in the base tax year 2006. The total amount of the Economic Development Incentive Grant shall not exceed $100,000. If the Company generates less than the estimated New Local Tax Revenues, then the actual Grant for that year shall be less than the estimated total of $100,000 for all three years. Such payments will be made over a three (3) year period in accordance with this Agreement. The three-year period will commence on January I, 2007. B. Within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year beginning January I, 2007, the Company shall provide such employment, financial and tax revenue data relating to the Project as may be reasonably required by the Authority so that the Authority may calculate the actual grant amounts. The Company hereby authorizes the Commissioner of the Revenue for Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to release to the Authority and the County its confidential tax information and data so that the Authority may calculate the actual reimbursement amounts. The Authority shall pay the annual reimbursement amount to the Company at an address designated by the Company within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Authority of the data. 3 C. If the Company terminates this Project or fails to complete the construction of this development by April L 2007, then the Authority shall be relieved of any obligation to the Company for any Economic Development Incentive Grant. 3. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement to a separate entity provided that any such assignment shall not relieve the Company of its obligations herein. 4. If any party is unable to perform its commitments under this Agreement by reason of force majeure, then that party shall not be deemed to be in default of its obligations under this Agreement, and any deadlines for the performance of its obligations and, if applicable, the deadlines for the performance of the other party's obligations shall be extended for a time equal to the time period of the force majeure event, plus ten days. The term a "force majeure" as used herein, shall include without limitatìon acts of God: hurricanes, floods, fire, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms; strikes or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders of governmental authorities; insurrections; riots; epidemics. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by and all disputes related hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 6. This Agreement and any payments of public funds are subject to future appropriations by the Board of Supervisors to the Authority. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney By: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Approved as to form: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY By Attorney for EDA By: Chairman COX COMMUNICATIONS, INC. By: Its: ST ATE OF VIRGINIA ) )ss COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of November, 2006, by Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: 5 STATE OF VIRGINIA ) )ss COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by , Chairman of the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: _/ _/ _ STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by , as of Cox Communications, Inc. Notary Public My Commission expires: _/ _/ _ 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. r-;-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and ITT Industries Night Vision Division SUBMITTED BY: Douglas Chittum Economic Development Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge £11 County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ITT Industries, the world's leading developer, producer and supplier of night vision goggles and technology, was awarded a multi-million dollar contract offacilitization funding from the Army Contracting Agency of White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The purpose of the award is for the renovation and expansìon of its Roanoke County facility on Plantation Road in order to position the company to increase its production capacity and be more competitive internationally. Recently, the company has successfully competed for and been the recipient of a $160 million contract for Monocular Night Vision Devices (MNVDs) and a $10 million contract award from the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Acquisition Center for production of the first sensor fusion goggle - the Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG). ITT Industries Night Vision Division (ITTNV) has agreed to a renovation of approximately 60,000 square feet and to construct a building expansion of 19,000 square feet at its existing Roanoke County facility, The estimated investment of building construction and purchase of equipment is $51,755,000. During the expansion and renovation process, company officials have approved the creation of 250 new job positions. It is significant to note that 50 of these positions will be management with an average salary of $50,000. This is significantly higher than Roanoke County's prevailing average wage of $30,378. The expansion/renovation will also positively impact 11 other Virginia businesses who are suppliers to ITTNV, of which 9 are located in the Roanoke region. The Night Vision Division has been a long standing Roanoke County business partner since 1958 and has impacted the region with its research and development, recruitment of human talent, the creation of spin-off companies in the region, and its highly skilled workforce of over 1,100. The company has been awarded a $700,000 grant from the Governor's Opportunity Fund, which requires a local match by Roanoke County, and a $150,000 training grant from the Virginia Division of Business Assistance Workforce Services Program, which will provide training assistance for the new employees. The $700,000 local match will be in the form of an economic development grant which will be administered by the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority. This grant is equal to four years of new tax revenue generated by this expansion/renovation project and shall begin in fiscal year 2007. The grant will not exceed $700,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Per the performance agreement, the grant will be calculated as a reimbursement based on new local tax revenues over a four-year period; therefore, the financial impact will be in the form of foregone revenue. No new funding is needed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizing the execution of a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and ITT Industries Night Vision Division. INCENTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT THIS INCENTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (the" Agreement") is made as of this _ day of , 2006, by and between ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (hereafter, the "County"), the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (hereafter, the" Authority"); and ITT INDUSTRIES, INC. acting through its Night Vision Unit, an Indiana corporation, (hereafter, the "Company"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia, desire to promote and encourage the economic development and vitality of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley through the expansion of existing business for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Company desires to expand and develop a portion of its existing production facility (the "Project") located on Plantation Road in Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority expect that the Company's expansion will create additional high quality employment opportunities for the citizens of the · Roanoke Valley by the development of this Project which will promote economIC development and generate new tax revenues for Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: 1. Governor's Opportunity Fund A. The County has applied to the Commonwealth of Virginia and has been awarded a grant of up to $700,000 from the Governor's Opportunity Fund ("GOF") on behalf of the Company subject to the conditions provided in this Agreement. The County and the Authority acknowledge that any GOF funds are for the sole use and benefit of the Company for this Project, subject to any reasonable conditions, requirements and obligations imposed on the GOF funds in connection with such grant. B. Company (i) will construct, expand and operate a facility on the Plantation Road site in the County of Roanoke, using monies invested by the Company from internal sources and from the u.s. government for a total investment of at least $51,755,000 in plant renovation, expansion, site development, machinery, and equipment, and (ii) will create new employment of 250 jobs at said facility, all over a 30- month time period measured from May 1, 2005. C If 90 percent of the total investment and new jobs commitments set forth above are not met, the Company shall repay to County that part of the Governor's Opportunity Fund grant that IS proportional to the shortfall, as provided by the following example: The grant of $700,000.00 is considered to be $350,000.00 for the investment commitment for the Project and $350,000.00 for the employment commitment. If, after 30 months the total investment in the Project is at least $46,579,500.00 and the number of new jobs created by Company is at least 225, no refund is required. If, after 30 months the total investment in the Project is only $25,877,500.00, and the new jobs created are 166, the Company shall refund to the County 50 percent of the fund related to the investment commitment; Le., the sum of $350,000.00 and 33 percent of the fund related to job creation--Le., the sum of $115,500.00. Any refunds by Company to County and Authority hereunder shall be repaid by County to the Governor's Opportunity Fund. D. If 90 percent of the investment and employment goals have been met within the 30-month period, then and thereafter Company is no longer obligated to repay any portion of the grant provided to it hereunder. Furthermore if the Company fails to meet its investment and employment goals, its only obligation to the County and the Authority is as provided in Paragraphs l.C and 3.e. E. The Company agrees to provide the County, Authority and the Commonwealth any and all documentation that may be required to verify the investment and employment figures. 2. Site Development by the Company. A, The Company will cause this expansion Project in Roanoke County to be made and developedl subject to obtaining ordinary and necessary governmental approvals from the Countyl and any other governmental agency. B. The Company shall construct an expansion of its existing facility with plant renovation and site development costs to the facility and installation of new equipment therein with a total investment of $5L 755,000 as described in paragraph 1 B. This development will employ at least 250 additional people (being defined as employees scheduled for full time employment by the Company and eligible for Company benefits) by October 311 2007. C. The Company agrees to provide the County and the Authority any and all documentation that may be required to verify the investment and employment figures. 3. Procedures for the Grant of Authority funds to the Company. A. Beginning in calendar year 20071 the County shall appropriate to the Authority In four annual installments sums sufficientl for an Economic Development Incentive Grant for the benefit of the Company. The Economic Development Grant will not exceed $7001000 or it will equal a total of four years of llNew Local Tax Revenueslll whichever is less. The terml IINew Local Tax Revenues/I means the total of local real estate taxes I machinery and tools taxesl and business personal property taxes generated annually by the Project. Such payments will be made over a four (4) year period in accordance with this Agreement. The four-year period will commence on January 11 2007. · B. Within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year begÌIming January 1, 2007, the Company shall provide such employment, financial and tax revenue data relating to the Project as may be reasonably required by the Authority so that the Authority may calculate the actual grant amount for that year. The Company hereby authorizes the Commissioner of the Revenue for Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to release to the Authority and the County its confidential tax information and data so that the Authority may calculate the actual grant amounts. The Authority shall pay the annual grant amount to the Company at an address designated by the Company within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Authority of the data. C. If 90 percent of the investment commitment as provided in paragraph 2.B is not met, then the Company's Economic Development Incentive Grant shall be reduced by an amount that is proportional to the amounts as set forth in Paragraph 1.c, above. 4. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement to a separate entity provided that any such assignment shall not relieve the Company of its obligations herein. 5. If any party is unable to perform its commitments under this Agreement by reason of force majeure, then that party shall not be deemed to be in default of its obligations under this Agreement, and any deadlines for the performance of its obligations and, if applicable, the deadlines for the performance of the other party's obligations shall be extended for a time equal to the time period of the force majeure . . event, plus ten days. The term "force majeure" as used herein, shall include without limitation acts of nature: hurricanes, floods, fire, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms; strikes or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders of governmental authorities; insurrections; riots; epidemics. 6. This Agreement shall be governed by and all disputes related hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 7. This Agreement and any payments of public funds are subject to future appropriations by the Board of Supervisors to the Authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney By: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Approved as to form: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY By Attorney for EDA By: Chairman ITT INDUSTRIES, INC. NIGHT VISION UNIT By: Its: · , . ST A TE OF VIRGINIA ) )ss COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of November, 2006, by Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: ST ATE OF VIRGINIA ) )ss COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by , Chairman of the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: _/ _/ _ STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by , as of lIT Industries, Inc., Night Vision Unit. Notary Public My Commission expires: ~/ _/ _ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-:1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and the Menne! Milling Company of Virginia SUBMITTED BY: Jill Loope Assistant Director of Economic Development Elmer C. Hodge [II County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Mennel Milling Company has milled wheat into specialty flours for more than 120 years. They have been an important contributor toward the Roanoke regional economy for decades, and their presence in Roanoke has played a critical role in Virginia agribusiness- approximately one-third of the entire wheat production in the state of Virginia is purchased by Mennel and their customer base includes Maple Leaf Foods, Nestle, and Hershey, just to name a few. After extensive analysis of rail served sites in Virginia and surrounding states, Mennel has decided to construct a 73,480 square foot state-of-the-art flour mill on 26.96 acres off Benois Road and Commonwealth Drive in Roanoke County. The new mill will more than double the capacity of the current mill. Mennel is planning a $30.8 million investment in state-of-the-art equipment and a new modern facility to move the company's manufacturing operation to Roanoke County from the City of Roanoke. The company is moving because its current location is where Roanoke City is planning a Biomedical Park for downtown. The decision to remain in Virginia results in 33 jobs retained for the Roanoke region. Virginia successfully competed against Ohio and Tennessee for the project. Therefore, a three party performance agreement has been negotiated between Roanoke County, Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Mennel Milling. This agreement will promote and encourage the expansion and retention of this important company and provide increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke. The agreement allows for an economic development grant in an amount equal to three years of new local tax revenue to be reimbursed to the company after the new facility is built. New local tax revenue is defined as new real estate and Machinery and Tools taxes generated annually by the project, not to exceed $900,000 in total. This is consistent with the County's Public Private Partnership Policy. If the company generates less than the estimated new local tax revenue, then the actual grant for that year shall be less. The three-year period will commence on January 1, 2008. FISCAL IMPACT: Per the performance agreement, the grant will be calculated as a reimbursement based on new tax revenues generated by the project; therefore, the fiscal impact will be in the form of foregone revenue. No new funding is needed for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizing the execution of a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and The Mennel Milling Company. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT THIS PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (the" Agreement") is made as of this _ day of ,2006, by and between ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (hereafter, the "County"), the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (hereafter, the" Authority"); and ROANOKE CITY MILLS, INCORPORATED D/B/A MENNEL MILLING COMP ANY OF VIRGINIA a Virginia corporation, (hereafter, the "Company"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia, desire to promote and encourage the economic development and vitality of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley through the construction of new business and the retention and expansion of existing business in order to provide for retained and increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Company, its parent, subsidiaries and sister compames (collectively, "Mermel") desire to construct a new mill facility (the "Project") located at Benois Road in Roanoke County (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority expect that Mermel will maintain its high quality employment opportunities for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley with the 1 completion of this Project which will promote economic development and generate new local tax revenues for Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: 1. Site Development by the Company. A. The Company through Mennel will cause this new Project in Roanoke County to be made and developed, subject to obtaining ordinary and necessary governmental approvals from the County, and any other governmental agency. B. The Company through Mennel shall construct an approximate 73,480 square foot new flour mill facility with a construction cost of at least $13.7 million on the Property, and install new equipment therein with a value of at least $13.8 million by June 30, 2007. After this new construction the Mennel will employ at least 33 people (being defined as employees scheduled for full time employment by the Company or Mennel and eligible for Company or Mennel benefits) at the Property and by operations emanating from the Property (such as transportation functions). C. The Company agrees to provide the County and the Authority any and all documentation that may be required to verify the investment and employment figures for the duration of this Agreement. 2. Procedures for the reimbursement of Authority funds to the Company. 2 A. Beginning in calendar year 2008, the County shall appropriate to the Authority in three annual installments sums sufficient, for an Economic Development Incentive Grant for the benefit of the Company and Menne!. These sums sufficient amounts will equal a total of three years of "New Local Tax Revenues." The term, "New Local Tax Revenues," means the total of local real estate taxes and machinery & tools taxes generated annually by the Project. The total amount of the Economic Development Incentive Grant shall not exceed $900,000. If the Project generates less than the estimated New Local Tax Revenues, then the Grant shall be less than the estimated total of $900,000 for all three years. Such payments will be made over a three (3) year period in accordance with this Agreement. The three-year period will commence on January 1, 2008. B. Within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year beginning January 1, 2008, the Company shall provide such employment, financial and tax revenue data relating to the Project as may be reasonably required by the Authority so that the Authority may calculate the actual grant amounts. The Company hereby authorizes the Commissioner of the Revenue for Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to release to the Authority and the County MenneI's confidential tax information and data so that the Authority may calculate the actual reimbursement amounts. The Authority shall pay the annual reimbursement amount to the Company at an address designated by the Company within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Authority of the data. 3 C. If the Company terminates this Project or fails to complete the construction of this development by December 31, 2007, then the Authority shall be relieved of any obligation to the Company or Mennel for any Economic Development Incentive Grant. 3. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement to a separate entity provided that any such assignment shall not relieve the Company of its obligations herein. 4. If any party is unable to perform its commitments under this Agreement by reason of force majeure, then that party shall not be deemed to be in default of its obligations under this Agreement, and any deadlines for the performance of its obligations and, if applicable, the deadlines for the performance of the other party's obligations shall be extended for a time equal to the time period of the force majeure event, plus ten days. The term a "force majeure" as used herein, shall include without limitation acts of God: hurricanes, floods, fire, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms; strikes or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders of governmental authorities; insurrections; riots; epidemics. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by and all disputes related hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 6. This Agreement and any payments of public funds are subject to future appropriations by the Board of Supervisors to the Authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. 4 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY1 VIRGINIA By: Elmer C. Hodgel County Administrator ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY By: Chairman Seen: County Attorney ST ATE OF VIRGINIA ) )ss COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 20061 by Elmer C. Hodgel Jr.1 on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for Roanoke Countyl Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: ST ATE OF VIRGINIA ) )ss COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 20061 by , Chairman of the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke Countyl Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: _/ _/ _ 5 ROANOKE CITY MILLS, INCORPORATED D/B/A MENNEL MILLING COMPANY OF VIRGINIA By: Its: STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by , as of Roanoke City Mills, Incorporated d/b/ a Mermel Milling Company of Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: _/_/_ 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Update on VMLNACo/APCO Steering Committee and request to appropriate funds in the amount of $2,203 for assessment for APCo negotiations SUBMITTED BY: Anne Marie Green Director of General Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Ell- County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County and Roanoke County Schools are members of the VMLNACo Steering committee, which consists of local government officials within the Appalachian Power Co. (APCo) service area. The committee was established to negotiate reduced electric service charges with APCo for the local governments. Prior to the formation of this committee, the localities negotiated individual contracts with APCo, which required the localities to hire consultants and attorneys during the process. Issues currently being monitored by the negotiating committee include: · Request by APCo to increase its 2006 fuel factor. The State Corporation Commission (SCC) has conducted hearings on this matter and found no fault with APCo's reasons for the increase. The Committee expects that the SCC will approve this increase shortly. · Assisting with renewal of the current contract with APCo, which is set to expire in 2007. · APCo is applying for an increase in its rates for incremental cost for transmission and distribution system reliability and state and federal environmental requirements. This case should be heard in February, and the SCC staff and the Negotiating Committee have filed objections to this increase, which would add approximately 9% to consumer bills. · The General Assembly's Electric Utility Restructuring Commission (EURC) met in January, and the Negotiating Committee's counsel attended the session. Capped electric rates are scheduled to end in 2010, at which time it is anticipated that effective competition will be operating in the state. However, based on experience in other areas of the country, even if well functioning wholesale and retail markets exist by that time, there may be significant price increases to consumers. If these markets are not fulfy functioning, the situation may be aggravated, increasing prices to consumers even further. The Negotiating Committee and its counsel continues to monitor this situation and will be prepared with recommendations for the SCC and the local governing bodies as the time grows closer. There have been no assessments since May 2003. Since that time, the Committee has provided the following services to the localities: · Negotiated contracts with APCo for extension of current rates through June 30, 2007. · Represented the localities in American Electric Power's corporate separation from APCo. · Participated in APCo's application to join a regional transmission authority. · Supported an amendment in the 2004 General Assembly permitting local governments to represent their citizens if and when "retail choice" becomes an actuality. · Participated in various other proceedings in the SCC including determination of the methodology for calculating a utility's wire charges. FISCAL IMPACT: The current assessment from the committee, which is based on kilowatt hours used, is $250,000, and Roanoke County's share is $1 0,621. Based on usage, the Roanoke County schools are responsible for $8,418, and the County is responsible for $2,203. These funds are available in the Board Contingency Fund. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the payment of $2,203 to the VMLNACo AEP Steering committee from the Board Contingency Fund. 2. Negotiate separately with APCo. The County would have to employ a consultant, which would also require an expenditure of funds, probably in excess of the assessment from the Steering Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances - consent agenda SUBMITTED BY: Janet Scheid Chief Planner APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge tll County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for February 28, 2006. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. The petition of the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority to rezone approximately 43 acres from 1-2, Industrial District, to AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District, and to obtain a special use permit, and a review of a proposed public facility per section 15.2- 2232 Code of Virginia for the construction and operation of a regional jail located at 5859 West River Road, Catawba Magisterial District. Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the Clerk's Office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1, That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for February 28. 2006. 1 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item(s) 1, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. 2 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & ZonÎng For Staff Use Only e-¿>05Ó~ IOl . Date fee ived I'd- ~? 05 Received by: .:J .~~·O 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Placards issued: Cii5e Number ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application f¡]ed (check all that apply) J(Rezoning .~Special Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver 0 Admìnistrative Appeal ~ Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicants narne/address w/zip Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority c/o Jim Guynn, Jr. P.O. Box 2078 R Phone: Work: Cell #: Fax No.: Owner's name/address wlzip Higginbotham Farms LLC c/o John Higginbotham P.O. Box 20369, Roanoke, VA 24018 Property Location 5~ vYf71t iZ,~u- R~.J Phone #: Work: ..., 7-t..¡ ()"':J-Ov Fax No. #: Tax Map No.: 6~f. t.7J - 0 1 - /1. Magisterial District: Ca tawba Communit)' Planning area: CA~ r>r-- Existing Zoning: 1-2 Sizeofparcel(s):Acres: 43 acres ± Existing Land Use: Farm REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAIVER AND COMP PLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW APPLICANTS (R/SIW fCP) Proposed Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Ar¿3 "'-'l ? v· P. correctional facilit Does the parcel meet the minimum Jot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes X No IF NO. A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes X No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST Ifrezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No .X VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRA TIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (VIW/M) VariancelWaiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal oflnterpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check ífenclosed. APPLlCA nON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/SIWICP V/AA R/SIWICP V/AA RlSlW/CP VIA A EE Consultation Eii 8 112" x II" concept plan ~ AppHcation fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, ¡fapplicable Justification Water and seWeT application Adjoiníng property owners \ hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the ov.rner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. c:;<: d ('"H ~ ¿// /Þ -pr-<--/ 0 V Owner's Signature c",,1;q~rf fw,·c...Á¿:Ç( r 2 JUSTIFICA TION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW REQUESTS Applicant Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority The P]anning Commission will study rezoning, special use pennit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in tenns of public health, safety, and general weJfare. Please answer the following questíons as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. See attachment Please expJain how the project conforms to the genera! guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community PJan. See attachment Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and faciJities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parkslrecrealion and fire and rescue. See attachment 3 Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed rezoning enhances the public safety, health and welfare of Roanoke County citizens in general and those citizens who live in close proximity to the site in particular. Operation of a regional jail on this site after rezoning to A-3 will have less impact upon the neighbors than uses currently permitted by its 1-2 status. For example, the current 1-2 zoning would allow construction and operation of a truck tenninal, scrap and salvage services, land fill, type 1 and type 2 industry, and meat packing facilities. Each of these pennitted uses would potentially increase air, noise, and light pollution, and traffic congestion. On the other hand, the plan for the regional jail would eliminate noise and air pollution and minimize light pollution to the extent that it will hardly be noticed by the neighbors. Moreover, the current plans of the Authority would limit increase in traffic to employees going to and from work and goods and services providers. The current plan calls for video visitation of inmates housed in the regional jail. The visitors would initiate the video contact at their local jail, eliminating the need to travel to the regional jail. The preliminary traffic study prepared by Hayes Seay Mattern & Mattern and attached in the Appendix at number shows the need for some minor road improvements to accommodate the small increase in traffic. Certainly, any íncrease ín traffic would be less than the increase ín traffic associated with a truck tenninal. The aesthetics of the proposed regional jail buildíng are more attractive and hannonious than buildings associated with the uses allowed under current 1-2 zoning. Further, the proposed regional j ail facility is more conducive to meeting the purposes of the zoning ordinance for this area than the uses allowed under the current 1-2 zoning. Please explain how the project confonns to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The project confonns to the general design guidelines contained in Chapter 3 ofthe Community Plan. In particular, the design of the jail blends the architecture into the site and includes landscaping that is appropriate for the location. It leaves considerable buffer from adjoining land. The community meetings and public participation the Authority plans to conduct will give the local community an opportunity for input into the process. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the 'Property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads. schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The impact of this request on the property and adjoining property is that it will result in construction of a building and development of the land. On the other hand, as mentioned previously, the construction of a regionaljail is more harmonious with the area than the construction of other facilities allowed in the 1-2 district. The attached concept plan shows potential connections for water and sewer. The attached traffic study provides for potential road improvements to alleviate any inconvenience from the slight increase in traffic expected when the facility is in operation. The impact on fire and rescue services from the regional jail is no different from the impact of construction of a manufacturing facility or truck tenninal allowed by right under 1-2. Finally, U1Ùess jail employees decide to move into the area to be closer to work, there should be little or no impact upon school or park facilities. I CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphicaJly depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases inv01ving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development ofthe property and by so doing, COTTect any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with 31] rezoning, special use pennit, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of me request. The County Planning Division staffmay exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the fonowing are considered minimum: ALVAPPLlCANTS ~ a. Applicant name and name of development /' b. Date, scale and north arrow ../'" c. ~. ~. :~; P::' ~::::::::::~~j'œot propert;" . h. 9, _ J. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. A 11 buiJdings, existjng and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development Dimensions and loeations of al1 driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information requíredfor REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS /k. ~ ?---:: _ m. rJ/E n. ../" o. tJt p. YlÆ q. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed If project is to be phased, pJease show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checkJist above are complete. ~~. S natun: of apph t -ô /;z.. ~ ;?J.}"- i7 :r Date 6 Community Development Planning & Zoning Dìvision NOTICE TO ApPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION ApPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition ifnew or additional information is presented at the public hearing. I f it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission sha1l consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Transportation Engineering Manager or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potentìalland uses and sìtuations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant wi1l be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April J 9,2005 ~1f,~n~ ~1'.~ ¡ø-.?3-v5 Date Higgenbotham Site Access Review Proposed Roanoke Regional Jail Roanoke County, Virginia HS:M:11 Commission No. 10065B January 10,2005 Purpose: HSMM was tasked to perform a preliminary review of the access options into the Higgenbotham site for the proposed Roanoke Regional Jail. The purpose of the review was to determine viable access options into the site and potential issues related to each option. HS:MM reviewed the options with available survey information and in the field. The review included potential visual impacts, potential safety issues, major cost issues, impacts to the Roanoke River, geometric layout, and overall estimated traffic flow, both existing and proposed. Cost estimates were not a part of this review. Reviewed Options: HSMM performed a preliminary review of three options for access into the Higgenbotham site (see Attachment A). The typical section for the proposed access was a two lane 24'pavementlshoulder ditch section. The options included the following: · Option A - Access through the Cooper property along the existing driveway off of Route 639, West River Road, on the west side of the Norfolk Southern Railroad. · Option B - Access off of Route 11/460 approximately 1000' north of the intersection of Route 639, West River Road, with a bridge over the Roanoke River. · Option C - Access off of Route 11/460 opposite the intersection with Route 647, Dow Hollow Road, with a bridge over the Roanoke River. Option A - travels from its intersection with Route 639, West River Road, along the west side of the existingIailroacL and-continues.--Ì113 m~rtherly- dire~tionasit enters thé site.- There· is the potential that the first 400' of entrance road will need to be raised to keep the access road out of the I OO-year floodplain of the Roanoke River. A hydraulic analysis will need to be performed in the future if this option is chosen to determine the impact to the 100-year water surface elevation. Sight distance was reviewed in the field and based on our observations, adequate site distance in each direction exists at this location. Projected traffic for the proposed jail facility was provided by Roanoke County (see Attachment B). Using this information along with the Virginia Department of Transportation traffic counts for Route 639 and 11/460, HSM1\.1 reviewed the need for left and right turn lanes to serve the proposed site. Using a very conservative approach during the peak hour, no additional turn lanes are required along Route 639. On Route 11/460, a left turn lane exists into Route 639; a right turn lane does not. Depending on the directional distribution of trips along Route 11/460, an eastbound right turn lane would probably be required. No major overhead utilities would need to be relocated as a part of this option. Option B - travels from Route 11/460 in an easterly direction crossing the Roanoke River with a bridge structure approximately 1000' north of the Route 639 intersection. This location was chosen because this is the narrowest point to cross the Roanoke River's 1 DO-year floodplain. The proposed bridge structure will have an impact to the 1 DO-year floodplain of the Roanoke River. A hydraulic analysis will need to be performed in the future if this option is chosen to determine the impact to the I DO-year water surface elevation. Sight distance was reviewed in the field and based on our observations adequate site distance in each direction exists at this location. An existing left turn lane exists along Route 111460; a right turn lane does not exist. Depending on the directional distribution of trips along Route 11/460, an eastbound right turn lane would probably be required. Major overhead utilities will need to be relocated and/or adjusted as a part of this option. The bridge construction at this location will be problematic due to the limited space between Route 11/460 and the Roanoke River. HS:MM searched for other potential locations north of the existing wayside and found none that had better characteristics. Crossing at the existing wayside was not reviewed as an option due to the impact to this recreational facility. Option C - in the vicinity of the Route 11/460 intersection with Route 647 travels in an easterly direction crossing the Roanoke River with a bridge structure. This location was chosen because of the intersection location. The terrain from Route 11/460 to the river is very rough and will require a great deal of effort to construct the access road. The proposed bridge structure would be longer due to a wider crossing ofthe 100-year floodplain. This will have an impact to the 100-year floodplain of the Roanoke River. A hydraulic analysis will need to be performed in the future if this option is chosen to determine the impact to the 1 DO-year water surface elevation. Sight distance was not reviewed in the field due to the existing intersection with Route 647. Based on the observations above, Option C was eliminated as a viable option as compared to Options A and B and no further review was made. Conclusions: Based on our preliminary office and field review HSMM recommends that Option A be used as the proposed access into the site. Option A has less impacts and should be the most cost effective option for providing access to the Higgenbotham site for the proposed Roanoke Regional-Jail-. Iftms- sit€ is chosen;- mere·à€tailed-design;·revi€w,·and.cÐordinatiÐ-Fl- will-be- required to define the impacts and cost associated with Option A. ~ PROPOSED SITE \ , o ~ HIGGENBOTHAM SITE ACCESS REVIEW LOCATION MAP NO SCALE HSMM Attachment B Proiected Traffic 175 Employees - Total for three shifts 20 Service Vehicles per day 20 Transportation Vehicles per day for inmate transportation - vans 100 Visitors per day Existing 2003 VDOT Traffic Counts Route 11/460 - 10,000 vehicles per day Route 639, West River Road - 660 vehicles per day <!) gJ) ç:... t¡ c c c: (' c: (' 4-. o .r j ,/ .' I . " ~ I --.----------1':. .' -_.-- - ./ J..,. . ~~ __,J' r" \ \ ~.. f ~ ~... \ ~ -' ...... \ \ \. I . \ \ \ r \ I -~ .. :/ i~ ..----" (~í'/ ~ ~ \ ' i--·--j·-:-- ,. . -. '" (' c I ...s: . ~ .... ... , ( C ~ (J ~ C C C C C C , \ .-- -\ ". \ ç' ¡i't,·· . ' ~\ ',' l }i n I ".~ '. , . . '. 'I ~~./ - .. , .-----.... 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'C(~ ~ .. tJoZ¡¡;:>' ,s,~8~~ (.> ""bi'~:::; ìš~ ~8 :;i,:: ~ D"'-, ~ t::'~ ~ "t:::> ~ (.>0 "< 3"" u ail 0.:1 ¡ '" -' < u OJ ~ u I: :ë ¡!; "- < ! a: '"' *^.~ I £;Ÿ'o[Q] 1:1 M.Þ'LOdlO,¡!' ~b"\J.n~,\OI. t'o,\ çoOl'\ Iòbu,.T Jþ ....:.. A BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF JAIL NEEDS FOR ROANOKE COUNTY AND SURROUNDING JURISDICTIONS Current Local Jails The current Roanoke County-Salem Jail was completed in 1979 and began operations in 1980 with a rated operating capacity of 108 to serve the needs of Roanoke County, the City of Salem, and Craig County. During the first six months of calendar year 2004, this facility housed an average of 275 inmates in addition to the nearly 100 potential inmates who were involved with Home Electronic Monitoring or other Community Based Programs who would otherwise have been incarcerated. This facility is considered a regional jail pursuant to Section 53.1-81 of the Code of Virginia based on the operating Agreement between the City of Salem and Roanoke County dated August 8, 1977. The Franklin County jail was built in 1937 with an addition in 1987 and has an operating capacity of 49. It serves an average inmate population of 146 by housing up to 100 inmates in other jail facilities. Montgomery County's jail was constructed in 1953 with an addition in 1989 for a rated capacity of60. Its average inmate population is 145. Reason for a Ret:donal Jail vs Local Jail expansion Each of the three local j ails is operated by the Sheriff of the County. As evidenced by the number of inmates housed at these three facilities, these jails do not currently meet the needs oftheir jurisdiction for housing prisoners and will certainly not be able to handle the projected growth ofthe inmate population in the future. Given these circumstances, Roanoke County, Franklin County, Montgomery County, and the City of Salem set out to consider cost efficient and economical alternatives to expansion of their local jails. Several concerns led the localities to conclude that a constructing a regional jail while also operating the local jails was the best economic option. The State will provide up to 25% of the approved capital cost of jail expansion if the jail serves one community. On the other hand, if the facility serves three or more communities, the State will provide up to 50% of the approved capital cost of a regional facility. This additional share of state funding, the economy of scale of a regional facility, and the efficiency ofthe operations made the Regional Jail concept more attractive. In the course of deliberations over the fonn of the regional jail several factors stood out as important to the integration of every day operations oflocal jails and the regional jail. These concerns inc1uded the need to serve the local populations, minimize travel by arresting officers, administer local corrections programs, and attempt to minimize the number of new jail beds built. For example, the design of the Regional Jail will allow the arresting officer to take his arrestee to the local jail in accord with current practice. Generally, inmates will stay in the local jail until sentenced, and then move to the regional jailor the state system to serve their sentence. Some special inmates such as medical cases, women, or inmates with special needs, may be moved to the Regional Jail before sentencing. All scheduled transportation of inmates between the Regional Jail and the local Jail will be provided by the Regional Jail Staffto avoid disruption of the other duties ofthe Sheriffs deputies at the local level and to minimize the traffic in the area of the Regional Jail. The State Board of Corrections agreed on July 20,2005 to a plan for a regional jail with continued use of the local jails. Creation of the Western Vin!Ïnia Re2ional Jail Authoritv On June 24, 2005, the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority was created to design, build, finance, own, and operate the Regional Jail. The Authority Board is comprised of three representatives from each of the participating localities-- the Sheriff; a member of the governing body (Board of Supervisors or City Council); and an Administrative Staff member. The localities also appoint alternates for each of these positions. The Authority model allows a separate entity to borrow money without the debt being a direct liability to any of the member jurisdictions. The Authoríty and each ofthe member localities adopted a Service Agreement which compels the locality to place all inmates above a pre-determined capacity at the regional jail. Each locality is also guaranteed bed space based on the proportionate share identified by the Community Based Corrections Plan. The payment by the using locality to the Authority is generally based on the number of beds used times a per diem rate. The per diem rate has two factors, a capital component to cover the debt service and an operating component to cover the net share of the operating cost. It is the desire to keep the Regional Jail as full as possible in order to spread the cost over a larger base, thus keeping the per diem as low as possible, The rate charged to outside agencies may be at a different rate than the rate charged to member localities. The service agreement also provides property value protection to neighboring properties. The process is similar to the plan provided to the neighboring properties to the regional landfill (Roanoke Valle Resource Authority). Other jurisdictions or agencies may place inmates at the Regional Jail by paying a prescribed per diem rate. The other locality may also be considered for membership in the Authority if they meet the requirements of the Department of Corrections and pay their related costs. A Superintendent will be appointed to oversee and operate the regional jail. The authority will attempt to keep the regional jail as full as practical to efficiently spread the cost among all users. Moratorium on J ail Construction The 1996 Virginia General Assembly, by language in the Appropriations Act, imposed a moratorium on the review of plans by the Department of Corrections which has the effect of eliminating the development of new jails and the expansion of existing jail facilities. This moratorium has been continued by each subsequent session of the General Assembly. The Budget Bill submitted to the 2004 session of the General Assembly by the Governor was amended to include language that "The County of Roanoke and City of Salem, in order to proceed in planning for an expansion project for the Roanoke County-Salem Jail complex. . . may submit the required community-based corrections plan, facility specifications, and the expected financing costs to the Department of Corrections and State Board of Corrections prior to March 1,2005." Franklin County and Montgomery County were likewise granted a waiver rrom the moratorium during the 2005 session of the General Assembly. The Community Based Corrections Plan, the Program Plan, and the Request for Funding were submitted in February, 2005 on behalf of the four member localities. The Community Based Corrections Plan was approved by the State Board of Corrections on July 20,2005 and the Program Plan was approved at a special meeting of the State Board of Corrections on August 31, 2005. Community Based Corrections Plan The Communíty Based Corrections Plan (needs assessment) was prepared by Powell Consulting Services and considered the present conditions and needs of the four member localities and projected the inmate population for ten years beyond the proposed opening of the new facility. The projected need for the year 2018 will be 1006 beds which is 789 beds beyond the 217 available at the three local jails today. This number does not include those on Home Electronic Monitoring who do not occupy a jail bed. By comparison, the three jails had a population of 585 on May 9, 2005. This study was approved by the State Board of Corrections on July 20,2005, Pro2ram Plan The second required study is the Program Plan which includes a general site plan of the proposed site, a concept plan of the proposed facility, a six year proposed budget, and a staffing plan. Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern were selected to prepare this study and to coordinate other testing and studies of the proposed site to determine if the site is suitable for the project. The facility and programs must conform to standards established by the State Board of Corrections and be approved by the staff of the Department of Corrections. This study was reviewed numerous times with the staff of the Department of Corrections and was approved by the State Board of Corrections on August 31, 2005. Site Selection During the fall of 2004, eighteen potential sites were identified and considered by the Ad Hoc Committee working on the Jail project and also by a citizen committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. The Higginbotham Fanns site near Dixie Caverns in Western Roanoke County was selected as most suitable site based on criteria of availability (willing seller), access to major highway, proximity to the Courts and the partner localities, surrounding neighbors (development), topography, availability of utilities, and asking price. An option to purchase approximately 41 acres of land from Higginbotham Fanns (subject to survey) was approved by Roanoke County on January 11,2005 and a resolution to extend the option until April 30,2006 was approved on May 24,2005. The option has been assigned to the Jail Authority and they will be responsible for the actual purchase of the property. In order to prove that the site is suitable, an environmental assessment was prepared and also a geo-technical study. Further survey for the property boundary and proposed location of the foundation have also been approved. Access to the site will be from West River Road by means of a 60 foot ingress/egress easement. The property survey calculates 42.312 Acres to be purchased. The cemetery located on this site containing 0.435 Acres will not be purchased and will not be moved. Architect / En~ineerin~. Construction Drawin2s Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern of Roanoke, Virginia has been selected to develop the construction drawings, site plan, and related studies for this project. Based on the Community Based Corrections Plan's projected need for 789 new beds, the original design proposes 605 rated beds. The State Board of Corrections has also approved the ability to double bunk up to 200 beds which could give us a total of 805 available beds. A value engineering study was conducted on the project during the week of December 5 to look at potential cost saving features, alternate construction considerations, efficiency issues, and other design features. These suggestions will be considered by the Authority and the Architect will be advised as to which changes are desired. Proposed Features of the New Re2ional Jail Facility The building will be an approximately 605 bed facility situated on a 42.312 Acre tract off of West Ri ver Road in Roanoke County. The property will be bounded by the Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks to the south and the Roanoke River to the West, North and East of the property. Road access will be via a 60 foot ingress/egress right of way from West River Road running parallel to the railroad right of way. All construction will occur outside of the 100 year floodplain area. The building will be a two story facility with the ground floor serving as the dayroom, housing unit, warehouse, administrative, and programming area. The housing units will be in a modular design where up to four housing units are supervised visually by a control room and an officer inside the housing unit. The second floor level will be a mezzanine style sharing the open area dayroom of the first floor cells. Housing units will be separated into maximum security levels, medium security, dormitory style, medical, and segregation. The design of the facility is modular so that additional housing units may be constructed in the future which can utilize many of the core features (food preparation, laundry, program space, etc.). Up to six similar housing units could be added to the facility in the future. Most ofthe inmates housed at the facility will be sentenced inmates. Some may be inmates with medical needs, women, special populations, or those needing to be separated. Any inmate as a trusty status will be working inside the facility. All community based programs will be administered through the local j ails. All releases from custody will be from the local jail, not the regional jail facility. Natural lighting into the facility will be through skylights and there will not be windows in the cell areas. Outdoor lighting for the parking areas will be downlight style poles with basic security lighting near the building. There will not be a "glow" from high intensity lights on the site. The building will be constructed of pre-cast concrete cells and walls with brick and/or metal around the administrative and service areas. Outside equipment will be properly screened and there will be minimal fencing around the area (primarily around the sally port and warehouse areas for security purposes. Several "green" characteristics are being included in the design of the project to make the facility energy efficient and environmentally friendly, Much attention has been given to storm water management and re-use, energy efficient equipment, air quality, light and energy use, and landscaping, We plan to have minimal storm water runoff. We will re-use as much storm water as possible. Visitation with inmates will be via video visitation equipment wherein the visitor will go to the local jail and will be able to visit with the inmate via the teleconferencing equipment. This will minimize traffic to the Regional Jail facility and will reduce the travel for the visitor. Public utilities (water, sewer, gas, power, telephone) will come from West Main Street (11/460), Minor road improvements may be made to West Main Street and West River Road for site distance and/or turn lanes if needed. Future Schedule This project has been included by the Governor in the capital budget to be considered by the General Assembly at their 2006 session. February, 2006 - Rezoning Request, Special Use Permit, and 2232 Review to be considered by the Roanoke County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors March, 2006 - Purchase of land by the Authority Apri1, 2006 - Bidding and beginning of early site work Summer, 2006 - Construction bids for the project Fa]], 2006 - Begin construction Fan, 2008 - Open facility (Approximately September, 2008) 2232 Review. Zonin~. Special Use Permit This review is required by the Planning Commission because the Community Plan did not specify a regional jail facility in its study of infrastructure needs to be 10cated in Roanoke County. The zoning wi1l need to be changed from 1-2 to AR-3 and a Special Use Permit wi]] be required for this specific use. Community meetings wi]] be held to a]]ow neighbors to be aware of the proposed project and to hear of their concerns. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G - \ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 First reading of an ordinance to accept the conveyance of approximately 28.71 acres of real estate located on Merriman Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, from the Roanoke County School Board to the Board of Supervisors AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Paul M, Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. It is our recommendation that this property be incorporated into the Roanoke County park lands in the Back Creek area and be evaluated as part of the Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Master Plan process now being conducted. The results of this evaluation will be brought back to the Board at a future date for discussion and to provide direction. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance authorizes the acceptance of a conveyance from the Roanoke County School Board of approximately 28.71 acres of real estate known as the "Taylor Property" located on Merriman Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. The School Board purchased this property in 1993 for $240,000 plus various closing costs and expenses. The Board of Supervisors transferred $275,000 to the School Board from the 1993 General Obligation Bonds in order to pay for this property acquisition. On December 14, 2005, the School Board adopted a resolution declaring this property to be surplus and authorizing the conveyance of this property to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. In July 1998, Engineering Consulting Services Limited (ECS, Ltd.) was hired to provide wetlands delineation on this property. Subject to a survey and confirmation by the U. S. Corps of Engineers, ECS, Ltd. determined that approximately 7 acres of this property were identified as wetlands. In 2005, the Board of Supervisors retained Engineering Concepts, Inc. to prepare a site feasibility study for the South County Library Project. It 1 concluded that the buildable area of this property is limited due to extensive flood plain and topographic constraints. The 1992 deed (Deed Book 1389, Page 869) to the School Board includes the following conditions and restrictions: 1. Within one year from the date of this deed, the party of the second part shall plant a buffer of evergreen trees as close as feasible to any adjoining property of any party of the first part or their successor(s) in interest. Prior to commencing any actual development or construction upon this property, the party of the second part shall erect a six-foot chain link fence along such boundary line just inside this buffer line of trees upon the property of the party of the second part. 2. The party of the second part agrees that it shall comply with all current Roanoke County zoning or other ordinance requirements regarding permissible lighting levels in effect at the time of any development or construction of school facilities or parks/playground facilities on this property. The party of the second part further agrees that a major component of any architectural design and site planning efforts related to the development of this parcel will be directed towards minimizing the peripheral effects of lighting for such development. 3. The party of the second part agrees that it shall allow Frederick E. Taylor, Jr., or his designee, a reasonable time, not to exceed one year from the date of this deed, to remove a riding ring and associated fixtures from this property, Fìnally, it appears that Hurley Ward is using a portion of this property for stable and horseback riding activities. There is no written lease; however, she pays $300 every 3 months and provides the School Board with proof of insurance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the first reading of this ordinance and schedule the second reading for February 14,2006. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT THE CONVEYANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 28.71 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON MERRIMAN ROAD FROM THE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke County School Board entered into a Memorandum of Understanding in December of 2005 providing for the conveyance of approximately 28.71 acres of real estate (Tax Map No. 97.05-1-26) from the School Board to the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, at their meeting on December 14, 2005, the County School Board declared the above-mentioned 28.71 acre parcel of real estate to be surplus property, thus allowing the Board of Supervisors to obtain ownership of the property upon approval of this ordinance and recordation of a deed; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and conveyance of real estate interests be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance will be held on January 24, 2006, and the second reading will be held on February 14, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the acquisition from the County School Board of Roanoke County of an approximate 28.71 acre parcel of real estate, is hereby authorized and approved. 1 2. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administrator are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this real estate, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 2 WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board has detennined that it has no further use for approximately 28.71 acres of unimproved real estate it owns fronting on Crystal Creek Drive comprising all of Roanoke Tax Map Parcel #97.01-1-26; and WHEREAS, the School Board desires to transfer the Property to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pursuant to § 22.1-129A of the Code of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County School Board, pursuant to § 22.1-129 A of the Code of Virginia, hereby declares the Property to be surplus; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution, signed by the Chainnan and certified by the Clerk, shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Division Superintendent is authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the Roanoke County School Board with the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors relating to the transfer of the Property, a copy of such agreement is attached hereto as Attachment A; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chainnan and the Clerk are authorized to execute a deed and such other documents and to do such other things as may be necessary to transfer title to the Property to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Ccß1tl~ CHAIRMAN Certificate I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Roanoke County School Board at its regular meeting held on December 14, 2005. d.{!:1,ð(,JJ éA,,*~; -" This Memorandum of Understanding between the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Board of Supervisors) and the County School Board of Roanoke County (School Board) states the intent of the School Board to , convey to the Board of Supervisors a parcel of real estate known as the "Taylor Property" 1. In January of 1993 the School Board purchased a parcel of real estate consisting of 28.71 acres known as the "D. M. Taylor Heirs Property: Tax Map No. 97.05-1-26 for $240,000 plus closing costs (total $245,552.01) for a proposed new southwest County high school. 2. The voters of Roanoke County at a referendum held on November 3, 1992, approved the issuance of general obligation bonds. Out of the 1993 general obligation bonds, the Board of Supervisors transferred to the ,School Board the sum of $275,000. The School Board utilized this t~ to po.y for the acquisition of the Taylor property. . .r 3. The Board of Supervisors retained Engineering Concepts, Inc: in 2005 to prepare a site feasibility study for the South County library - Project. Engineering Concepts, Inc. studied many possible sites in south County for this project, including the Taylor property. It concluded that ~ ~ the buildable area of this property is limited due to extensive flood plain and topographic constraints. 4. The School Board has determined that the Taylor property is surplus and it has no use for this property for school purposes. 5. The School Board agrees to convey the ownership of the Taylor property consisting of 28.71 acres, TaX Map No. 97.01-1-26 to the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the provisions of §22.1-129 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. - 1 ... 6, The Board of Supervisors is considering the use of the Taylor property for parks and recreational purposes. Approved tnis J 4 day of 4f.C €n1bÞ 2005 by the County , School Board of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Boa~ of Supervisors. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~ Michael W. Atlizer, Chairman ... .." . .'".oJ OIIo.,J' :./ 2 .... Roanoke County Attorney's Office Exemption Claimed: Grantor and Grantee are exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to §58.1-811A(3), C(4) and C(5), Code of Virginia Tax Map No. 54.02-4-1.1 THIS DEED, dated this ~ day of J Q. c: -e m.~PAI'V ,2005, by and between the COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political body of the Commonwealth of Virginia (-Grantor") and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (-Grantee"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on -pûJìLe..rf\J'J~ r '"i." 2-Ù 05 duly authorized the conveyance to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia of certain lands. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby GRANT and CONVEY to Grantee, with Special Warranty, all of those certain lots or parcels of land lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: That certain parcel of real estate containing 0.248 acres, more or less, designated as -Gtenvar Booster Station Well Lot" as more particularly shown on Plat entitled -Plat from records showing the subdivision of 32.42 acres, Tax Parcel #54.02-4-1 (Original Tract) being the prope~ty of the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia and creating New Glenvar Booster Station Well Lot (A New 0.248 Acre Tract) New Tax Parcel #54.02-4-1.1 being conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia situated along Westward Lake Drive, VA Sec. Route 1146, Catawba District, Roanoke County, Virginia," said plat attached hereto as Exhibit A. .. 1 ,'. This conveyance is expressly made subject to any and all recorded conditions, reservations, easements and restrictions affecting title to the property herein conveyed. Drew Bàrrineau, Chairman, executes this instrument on behalf of the School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, to dedicate and convey the property herein- above described pursuant to action and authorization of said School Board on the II.{ day of J.Ü.tCP.nJhtJv, 2005, said resolution attached hereto as Exhibit B. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, executes this instrument on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to signify acceptance by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance #062204-13 adopted by the Board on the 22nd day of June 2004. WITNESS the following signature and seal: SCHOOL BOARD OF R072tt~~A By Drew Barrineau, Chairman (SEAL) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By (SEAL) Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Approved as to form: Paul ^^. ^^ahoney, County Attorney ~ 2 State of Virginia,/} County/City of 1\ 0 o....n ()k~/ ,to-wit: ~ . T e for,egoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /~ day . of· ,2005, by Drew Barrineau, Chairman, on behalf of the School Bard of Ronnoke County, Virginin. ~J~<-' J- - elw>~ I j' Notary Public My commission expires: ( t- 3 {?- f} 1 State of Virginia, County/City of , to-wit: The foregoing instrument was ncknowledged before me this day of ,2005, by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Bonrd of Supervisors of Ronnoke County, Virginia. Notnry Public My commission expires: .... 3 Sep 07 05 10:35a Michael D. Huffman (3C4) 932-6446 p. 1 ~4 ~ " . V;I ... NEW.O.248 ~ ACRE TRACT q'" it£S11v4RD LAkf EsT. --- ATE:S SUBDlVI LP,(~ -=--- STON ROUTr- ___ WE" 'e 114{) ___ S'lWARD LA 50' R/W -- k( DR I.P~ /\,T ------ --- ,. --- NEW GLENVAR BOOSTER STATION V'/'ELL LOT NEW TAX PARCEL #54.02-4-1.1 REWAlNING PART OF' TAX PARCEL 54.02-4-1 COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD or RQANOKE COUNTY. VA. DEED BOOK 12M, PG. 1491; ælGINAl TRACT ~ 32.42 ACRES (DEED) REMAINING = 32.17 ACRE'S NOTES: I. TJ.IIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SUliVEY. THIS PLAT IS INŒNDED FeR THE lRANSFER OF A UTIliTY 7RACT. THIS PlAT IS NOT INT[H[)ED FOR LOCATION Of üTHER EASEMENTS AAD/M [NCROACHUENl'S. 2. ' }jIS PLAT WAS DRAVIN fROM R€CORDS AI<ID A PAATIAl fiELD SUI!~Y. 3. THIS PROPERTT' IS IN ZONE X (AREAS OUTSIDE THE: UIoIITS OF A TOO )'EAR FLOOO BOUNDARY). IrIS OPNION is BASW ON AN IN'SPEC11CH OF THE: FLüOl) INSURANŒ RATE MAPS AND HAS NOT BEEN YERIRED BV ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS. SEr COI./I.IUNITY NUUBER 510190: toIAP Nu!IBER 51'01ca036 D, DATED OCT09ER 15, 1993.- 4. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO INfORhoIATION THA T 'hOULD BE REVEAU:O BY A COholPLETE 1111.E S(Þ.RCH. 5. THE COUNTY SCHOa.. BOARD CF ROANOKE COUNTY. ""RGJNIA 'NER( O\lfol[RS OF R£cæo ÀT ì1/Æ OF SURVEY. 6. LEGAl.. REÆRDJCES; ÐEEJ} BOO\( 1264, PAGE 1491. 7. PLAT REFERENCES; ADJOINER PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 6.2. a. TAX WAP N~: 54.02-4-1 9. ORIGINAL J2."2 ACRf: 1RACT WAS NOT fULL Y REfflACED fOR ' }jIS s~~. \0. POSSlBL£ IJllLITT' E"S£NEHl'S ON SllE. 11. TliE NEW LOT CREATED IS AN 1,J1IUTV LOT, POINT COORDINA1fS (ASSUMED DATUM NUMBER HORlHlHG EAS11NG DESCRIPTKJN 1 7818.72 5569.02 PIN F 2 7721.59 5615.94 NEW CORNER :3 7701.58 5514.55 NEW CORNER 4 7798.72 5~7.62 NEW CORNER WIll 1ER WoNHCU ~ ....J 00 -1 <t <.:) Z DDG LQT Lor ~ fENCE TAX -;;;L 54-:=-3--3;1 JOHN H. ,R &l DEIRDRE ~. fRANK ¡ D£ED BOOK 156~. Pfj. 1M2 I LDTB LEGEND R/W PC. EX. ~~ Ð' I.P. ~ . '4 RIGHT OF WA V PAGE EXISTH-.lG SET FOUND EDCE PAVOI[NT IRON PIN f!NCE WA T£R t.lETI:R WATER VÞ.l'Æ PLAT FROIA RECOROS SHOWING ll..Œ SUBDIVISION or 32..42 ACRES (DEED) T AX PARCEL 154.02-4-1 (OR/GINN. TRACT) B£lNG TtiE PROPERTY OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AND CREA TlNG NEW GLENVAR BOOSTER STA TlON WELL LOT (A NElli 0.248 ACRE TRACT) NEW TAX PARCEL 54.02-4--1.1 BEING CQNVEYED TO Tt1E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VlRGJNtA SITUATED ALONG WESTWARD LAXE DRI\IE. VA. SEC. ROUTE 11146 CATAYoRA DISTRICT ROANOIŒ COUNTY, VlR:GI.NIA PREPARED ev: MICHAEL D. HUFFMAN, L.S. 5706 DEPUTY DR/\/E ROANOI<E. \fIRGINIA (540) 562-0701 SCALE: l' "= 50' DATt: $EPTOJBER 06. 2005 R£VtSED: -UHf.: 21, 200"' (VAR1OUS) RE:\1SED: MAV 24, 20(}f. (PREVIOUS OWNER) ACTION NO. ITEM NO. II-J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers, CMC Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge £/1 County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) for Fire and Rescue The following four-year terms expired on January 1,2006: (1) Leon Martin, Volunteer Member at Large; (2) Mike Gee, Volunteer Fire; (3) Craig Sheets, Volunteer Rescue Squad; and (4) Brian Garber, Volunteer Member at Large. Members of the LOSAP are recommended by the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Chiefs Board and confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Recommendations are not yet available regarding these appointments. 2. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission The four-year term of Jane Milliron will expire on February 10,2006. Ms. Milliron is no longer a Roanoke County resident and is therefore not eligible for reappointment due to the residency requirement. 3. Virginia Western Community College Board E. Wilson "Will" Davis, Jr, has resigned from his position as a Roanoke County appointee due to his relocation to Chesterfield County. This four-year term will expire on June 30, 2007. At the January 10 meeting, Chairman Wray advised that he is working with Dr. Robert Sandel, President of VWCC, regarding a nomination for this vacancy. J"\ - L, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN D CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 24, 2006, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes - December 20, 2005 and January 10, 2006 2. Resolutions of appreciation upon the retirements of the following individuals: (a) James F. Hicks, Sheriff's Office, after twenty-three years of service (b) Eugene W. Caton, III, Real Estate Valuation, after sixteen years of service 3. Request to accept the donation of a new 5 foot wide drainage easement across property of Harold L. Barrett and Lynn B, Barrett, Lot 27A, Section 1, Northbrooke Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District 4. Request to accept the donation of a new 7.5 foot wide drainage easement across property of David T. Mann and Melissa B. Mann, Lot 1, Section 1, Northbrooke Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District 5. Request from the schools to accept and appropriate funds totaling $7,338.23 for grants and reimbursements 6. Resolution approving the sublease and co-location by NEXTEL WIP Lease Corp on the NTELOS owned tower located at the Hollins Fire Station at 7401 Barrens Road, Hollins Magisterial District 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -- " J ~ ............ -0' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions of appreciation upon the retirement of the following individuals: (a) James F. Hicks, Sheriff's Office, after twenty-three years of service (b) Eugene W. Caton, III, Real Estate Valuation, after sixteen years of service SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ¿II County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Lieutenant Hicks retired on January 1,2006, after twenty-three years and three months of service in the Sheriffs Office. Mr. Caton retired on January 1, 2006, after sixteen years of service in the Real Estate Valuation Department. They have each requested that their resolution be mailed since they are unable to attend a Board meeting, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolutions and direct the Deputy Clerk to mail them to the retirees with the appreciation of the Board members for their many years of service to the County. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2006 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO JAMES F. HICKS, JR., SHERIFF'S OFFICE, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY-THREE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, James F. Hicks, Jr., was first employed on October 16,1982, by the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office as a Deputy Sheriff and retired from Roanoke County on January 1, 2006, after twenty-three years and three months of service; and WHEREAS, Lieutenant Hicks received his first promotion to the rank of Deputy Sheriff Corporal on January 1, 1985, was subsequently promoted to the rank of Deputy Sheriff Sergeant on April 19, 1986, and achieved the rank of Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant on December 23, 1999, and WHEREAS, Lieutenant Hicks made many significant contributions to the Roanoke County Sheriffs Office through his leadership ability; and WHEREAS, Lieutenant Hicks, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to JAMES F. HICKS, JR. for more than twenty-three years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO EUGENE W. CATON, III, REAL ESTATE VALUATION DEPARTMENT, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Eugene W. Caton, III, was first employed on December 18,1989, by the Roanoke County Real Estate Valuation Department as a real estate appraiser; and WHEREAS, Mr. Caton retired from Roanoke County on January 1, 2006, after sixteen years of service and achieving the position of Senior Appraiser; and WHEREAS, Mr. Caton has been a dedicated employee who maintained a high level of integrity in his dealings with County citizens and fellow employees during his tenure with the Real Estate Valuation Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Caton has been a member of the Virginia Association of Assessing Officers; and WHEREAS, Mr. Caton, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to EUGENE W. CATON, III, for sixteen years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. ACTION NO. J-~ ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept the donation of a new 5 foot width drainage easement across property of Harold L. Barrett and Lynn B. Barrett, Lot 27A, Section 1, Northbrooke Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Ell County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easement conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a 5 foot width drainage easement along Townsend Road in the "Northbrooke" subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District: Donation by Harold L. Barrett and Lynn B. Barrett of a 5 foot width drainage easement across property located at the intersection of Townsend Road and Pettit Avenue in the Hollins Magisterial District. The location of said easement is shown on a plat entitled "Plat Showing New 5.0' Drainage Easement Being Granted to County of Roanoke, Virginia, by HAROLD L. & LYNN B. BARRETT, located on Lot 27A, Section 1, "Northbrooke" (P.B. 22, Pg. 47), Hollins Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia" dated December 5,2005, prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. The location and dimensions of this easement have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this easement. v .119THD ~ ~ .. b N .... I<i !') as Q ~ "OCl.. :;a ~~ ~~Q~ ~FE ~ 1::0 is....~.... :"I:~ ~ C ~ Q::¡¡¡~ L.a,j . C'o.4 Boot ....~ I)iS ~§ð~¡::::'''''' ~~ ~ìS:!~~ e"OCQ:~"""" e:~ .~~ei SQ§~G~~ e~ e:!~ 5g~~ ~~ ;:.... ;:!~.... a.: e~cti;C e.:ii e:i 1.iJé;j~SQfš.....C'0.4~-:- 8:\1) If ....!D~i:!:¡::¡¡o.... ~ ïi~ïoot~~:Z:~~~~~~ ....\I)Q:....~"'tiSi~l,uJ.. Q:: ;g "IIj~l;:j"llj....=-....~~~oF=lg;!a:: zts ztffi o~a;~..L;1¡;.;: ~~~~{tj~~~~~g~~g N ...¡ ....: IOl 'fÚ 'Ol 'B'd .3>100HBHlHON. '/ 'ON NOUJ3S dO NVIGlH3f'/ I bI~ ~)... ~I ~ ~ S·S~ d81<i~ ~I<i__~ W~LùLùCIJ ~~"~~ -....~....... c.J~ <.0 ~~~ C .'-<.J '-<.J .J. L....ð~~ c·OtnQ..Q.. I ;o::~~ . _ ~ ....P:::iñ~~ <ci u LoJ "" "" ~g¡~-ð .... C1::tnðO ~ Q..LoJoCQ :"I: ä:!CQ.... '-' ~ "OC :r:ß...... (JLoJQ.. a ~~š~i :;::;:\1)\1) Q:¡OQoot J:cb¿¿ I1J tn~ t:]" --s - "" ~ VibJ "" ~)...~ c'" a- <!..<o~o",,- -""p:::r;:Jt<") ~8~::¡;~ ........C)::o/¡j:.:: ~ o.:~8 ~ >-.Q:¡ FEß ol.iJ ::.a J:::: ---.. ---.. ~.. .... 3'J)N'Jl1C1vcY ,OJ-) P hr ~ ~ V ..t:¡; ~ .... 6i¡ ~ 'J;J,y, ~a~ .... d ~~i<! ~ .. &i1~ " I:::: ~ " ~"" "ì' CQ~ :;g ~ cci ~ I ~~:2:Ó ~ "" p::: $:::::;:: <o....LLj...... ""3g¡o/¡j.... .... C1:: <>-' ~ Q..-J~ ~ c~ ......- o C1:: '" :r: ...... ..¡. ...... òIo ~ ~8 :0-1;:1 fb\ ~~~~~~ \() ....:;:Q:: þ.õ.:......CtilJ 0, t) . :; ~ ~~ ~8~¡g~..., ¡;;oric:l"'~:s! -- C'IoI""'1. . ~J:..!!.~~~ --- Af.80,6I.rtS ,!lurO' I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ oR' """I~.,.I- ~ ~~ ~ ~ '""'4¡:::Q.(I)~ c::i ~Ñã~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ 1-" !!! <::I ~ O~ (j t.,) "Q ....I 0 '« O:::E1it1 ~~Q:(I)~ QJ~2: ~ §~ :3 è1 ~ gsO~ ~ (3~ :t: ~ 3" h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:2 . ~ ~Q~ :i: ~o ~ O;::Pz::¡~2; ~l.. C!J~~~ I- ~.~ (j <:) ...: '« ;2:;~~ ~ ~~~ ~QJO ~ ~ C :;:¡ lQ 0 t;) òIo I I I I I I I , I , I / I I I I I , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ fii~~ ð¡~~ ~Iìð '''---. / , , / It'! o o N Iii" ãi .c E CI) o CI) Q It'! b ~ ... .n II 0) :- ó z Iii ::i Iii ...J I- :IE -< -< 0 0 c 0 (/) '-U):::E '-""a ~~~ ~~~ ..........z ~~a ~~VJ _. ..:::E ~~:3 aUo@¡ I ...J "- - ~ .:.; ~ ::î "" z 5 w "" > N ...; ...; ð ~ t;:¡$~ ~(g> ~ N w' ~x><:: ",:;¡¡~ "" -...; ~qa ,,""-01: UCfJ . 0::: o....L.LJ -z u)z W....-.: E--....J <q-. -~ Uo 0>-....-.: U) L.LJ - U)>-z <0:::(3 =>0::: ZCfJ- c/:¡>- Wo:::~ OL.LJL.LJ U) L.LJ ~ ~Zo .,:::::;_Z ::>0""-': ,ZO --<L.LJO::: IIMP'ë:lWBII!l9U~6\!ilOOë: dO llBllp PUIII\BIIIII WBJlloJd\,o ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 3-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept the donation of a new 7.5 foot width drainage easement across property of David T. Mann & Melissa B, Mann, Lot 1, Section 1, Northbrooke Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ¿If County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easement conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a 7.5 foot width drainage easement along Townsend Road in the "Northbrooke" subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District: Donation by David T. Mann & Melissa B. Mann of a 7.5 foot width drainage easement across property located at the intersection of Townsend Road and Pettit Avenue in the Hollins Magisterial District. The location of said easement is shown on a plat entitled "Plat Showing New 7.5' Drainage Easement Being Granted to County of Roanoke, Virginia, by DAVID T. MANN & MELISSA B. MANN located on Lot 1, Section 1, "Northbrooke" (P.B. 20, Pg. 201), Hollins Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia" dated September 21,2005, prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. The location and dimensions of this easement have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this easement. V. .LI8IHX"! ~. ~ ~ ~~5~~~ ~ ~ j!;~;:C",=ü :3 ~ ~~~18~~;~~ ~ ·~IS~~IQ~~~ 63 r=: ::z: ;;; t"i ¡::: d'~ ! ~~ ~;:~~~~~ ~ i~t;~~~~~~~ ¡~i",=S8:~ ~s~~ 5Q~ ~)..~ '~~eJ ~~~~~t)~~~~I~ gJ ~@~I~~~I~~~~ ¡ ...: co.¡ / , , / , / C:) ~ , 0::; , ~~ f;1 .~ ~§i f2 !Wi .,.: /1 'ili / ~ ¡ I It) I'..: ~ , , ~ :;¡ oj o .... I ~ð ~ ~V1g ~ _ ~ i3~ _....Q::::!!O <ci 0 \<J .1¡ (\ "'.....~ ... ... ct::~o.= ».c: Q.. :"'( õ:;: ~ ::!!!;2 ....:- - -- --- , , ( - 10 3nN fÅVb' ,01-) ___~V JJJ,J,3d ---- - --- IOl 'Dd 'oz 'g'd .3>KJ01:Jf1HÜJON. 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GJ (J) ci z Iii ::i ... 2 < 0 c 0 úi ....I < o (/) ~Ln:::¡: ~:r-O 'i":'U ~~~ ~~Z OOW ......0 ~~t.r.I .. ..:::¡: z~3 O....@J J: ....I 0... - ~ .;.¡ ~ W ~ co z 5 ~ ;:!; « « Ô ~ ~~~ ...:g> ~N"¡ ~x><: ...g~ ~Qêš ...o...c.:: Uen . r::r:: o....w -z U)Z W< E---J -<9- _en uê§ 0>-< U)w- U»z -<r::r::G Z~e:: Wen> Or::r::W U)~'::G """ZO ~_Z ~a< , z ° --,wr::r:: a.p·¡WS.g8~ge\JnS'98U 6\glle~ \SaUIMSJp\:. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. T-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request from the schools to accept and appropriate funds totaling $7,338.23 for grants and reimbursements APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge éll County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Schools requests that the Board accept and appropriate the following grants and reimbursements: 1. Annual Carl Perkins entitlement in the amount of $2,772.68 from the State Department of Education for career and technical education. This will be a supplement to the entitlement from funds unexpended by other school divisions during the 2004-2005 school year, These funds should be appropriated to the career and technical education budget. 2. Reimbursement in the amount of $2,065.55, authorized by the 2005 session of the Virginia General Assembly, to reimburse students and the school system for the cost of student industry certification testing. These funds should be appropriated to the career and technical education budget for subsequent reimbursement to the appropriate schools. 3. Grant funds in the amount of $2,500 from the Allstate Foundation to be used to support a parent education initiative for the school system's driver's education program. The purpose of the program is to develop and improve safe driving habits for teen drivers, with the goal being to present one parent meeting in each of the five high schools by mid-March 2006. These funds should be appropriated to the driver education budget. FISCAL IMPACT: The career and technical education budget will be increased by a total of $4,838.23; the driver education budget will be increased by $2,500. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the acceptance and appropriation of funds in the amou nt of $7,338.23 as outlined above. 'to" ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J-lo AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution approving the sublease and co-location by NEXTEL WIP Lease Corp on the NTELOS owned tower located at the Hollins Fire Station at 7401 Barrens Road, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Anne Marie Green Director of General Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge éll County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: By ordinance 102604-7, the Board of Supervisors authorized the execution of an option and lease agreement with Virginia PCA Alliance, L.C., d/b/a/ NTELOS, for a 3,400 square foot tower site to be located on County property at the Hollins Fire Station. The ordinance provided that any subleases of tower and equipment space to third party entities by NTELOS would be subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors through resolution. Twenty percent (20%) of the rental received by NTELOS for the sublease is to be paid to the County. NTELOS has requested approval from the Board for NEXTEL WI P Lease Corporation to co-locate on the telecommunications tower located at the Hollins Fire Station. Staff has determined that there should be no interference with County equipment at the site when NEXTEL's equipment is installed, If there are any problems, under the terms of the option and lease agreement, NEXTEL's equipment will be removed. FISCAL IMPACT: The County will receive $4,320 annually from NTELOS as 20% of the rent from the sublease. .. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SUBLEASE AND CO-LOCATION BY NEXTEL WIP LEASE CORP. ON THE NTELOS OWNED TOWER LOCATED AT THE HOLLINS FIRE STATION AT 7401 BARRENS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by Ordinance 102604-7 Roanoke County authorized the execution of an option and lease agreement with Virginia PCS Alliance, L.C., d/b/a/ NTELOS, for a 3,400 square foot tower site to be located on property owned by Roanoke County at the Hollins Fire Station on Barrens Road in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Option and Lease Agreement provides that NTELOS must receive consent from Roanoke County to sublease the tower; and WHEREAS, this Agreement also provides that 20% of the rental received by NTELOS for any such sublease shall be paid to Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That the Board hereby approves the NTELOS request to sublease to NEXTEL WIP lease corporation space on the NTELOS owned tower located at the Hollins Fire Station at 7401 Barrens Road, Roanoke County, Virginia; and 2. That NTELOS shall pay Roanoke County 20% of any rents paid to NTELOS by NEXTEL WIP Lease Corporation; said payments to be placed in the County Building Repair Account pursuant to Ordinance 102504-7. 1 3. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions approved by the County Attorney. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Request to schedule a work session on February 14, 2006, to discuss the Stormwater Operations Program SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge [¡( County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County staff requests the Board of Supervisors to sched ule a work session for February 14, 2006. Staff will present an overview of the Stormwater Operations Program including updates on previously approved projects and a list of new projects. N - \ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA % of General Amount Fund Revenues Prior Report Balance $11,808,285 7.57% Addition from 2004-05 Operations 1,103,457 Audited Balance at June 30, 2005 12,911,742 Unallocated revenue 2005-2006 350,000 Balance at January 24, 2006 13,261,742 8.50% Note: On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance for 2005-06 at a range of 7.5%-8.5% of General Fund Revenues 2005 - 2006 General Fund Revenues $156,020,489 7.5% of General Fund Revenues $11,701,537 8.5% of General Fund Revenues $13,261,742 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge [If County Administrator N-Q COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve {Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.} Amount Audited Balance at June 30, 2005 $5,318,848.06 Remaining funds from completed projects at June 30, 2005 346,794.94 Transfer from Department Savings 2004-2005 784,359.00 7/26/2005 Appropriation for construction of new school warehouse (117,000.00) 8/23/2005 Appropriation for vehicle and equipment for Animal Control (85,540.00) Officers approved in the Police Department 9/27/2005 Appropriation for renovations to Roanoke County Courthouse (123,000.00) 12/20/2005 Appropriation to design and build a bay at Back Creek Fire and (150,000.00) Rescue Station 12/20/2005 Contribution to the Town of Vínton for the War Memorial Expansion (100,000.00) Balance at January 24, 2006 $5,974,462.00 $5,000,000 of this reserve is planned for radio purchases in the CIP Major County Capital Reserve {Projects in the CIP. debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.} Unaudited Balance at June 30, 2005 $1,416,838.00 7/1/2005 Capital Improvement Program funding for 2005-06 (Library) (1,416,838.00) Appropríation from 2004-05 Operations 679,628.00 Balance at January 24, 2006 $679,628.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge {If County Administrator N-3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2005-2006 Original Budget $100,000.00 August 9, 2005 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison ($15,000.00) September 13, 2005 Appropriation for donation to American Red Cross ($10,000.00) for assistance with Hurricane Katrina October 25, 2005 Appropriation for the purchase and installation of a ($1,800.00) neighborhood sign in the Delaney Court Community December 20,2005 Appropriation to increase services and staffing hours at Bent ($9,000.00) Mountain and Mount Pleasant Libraries Balance at January 24, 2006 $64,200,00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge [H County Administrator N-L\ FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Unaudited Balance at June 30,2005 FY 2005-2006 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Add Economic Development Dropoff FY 2005-2006 Annual Capital Contribution County Schools Balance at January 24, 2006 2,000,000 (3,424,615) 524,000 300,000 300,000 $ 6,242,387 (900,615) 600,000 $ 5,941,772 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge [II County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NO. N -5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid-December 2005 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Ell County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Total Payments to Vendors $ $ $ 6,233,832.70 Payroll 12/02/05 986,918.91 154,782.70 1,141,701.61 Payroll 12/16/05 874,285.72 103,329.47 977,615.19 Payroll 12/30/05 918,478.43 107,080.95 1,025,559.38 Manual Checks 1,173.51 1,173.51 Voids Grand Total $ 9,379,882.39 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. N -l.P " .c .... '" V) 00 ...., V) ¡;: 00 ~ '<r 0 C- '" t- '" '<r ..... ..... N ..... 0 ~ '" N 00 '<r "" ÕÎ ." e 0 '¡¡ t- ~ '" C- ~ '<I: '" 0 0 t- ~ 00 00 '<r ~ t- O ..... '<I: V) '" '" r- '" Q c: ::0 ~ '" 0:, ..¡. 00 ~ 0 = t- OO 0 ..; ..... ~ 0:, 0:, N 0 ..; 00 0 ..¡. ..... -.c ..... 0 ~ ó E " ... . ." '<r "1" "1" .... '<r '<r .... '<r V) '<r .... .... V) '<r .... 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"0 1:1 c co os ¡.¡ = "CI "0 01 ~ .51 ~ ... 01 .. ... .§ ~ co ... f .è '" c ¡.¡ = .... Q = ~ .. ... be Q ::I co "0 M co ... '" ~ t.:' U 1:1 Q 0\ .. "!' e .. "'~ ~ f ..... - os ... ¡¡:; = ... ., õi ~ "0 C E í-' "0 C '" ::> ... I s E «; 8 :g N .. r>Í c ] "ª .. ""ß í-' Jj 2 ¡¡ " "' c .c " w g = 8 [i' ~ :;; '"' " .:¡¡ ::>: "0 ~ 8- ~ ;:: c ¡¡: ~ ~ .". ::> ~ ... 0 ~ -;; 1:: ¡,¡ "- ¡:..: ¡¡: ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERYISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, YIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: January 24,2006. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of December 31,2005. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS: SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA SAVINGS & LOAN 100,000.00 100,000.00 GOVERNMENT: ALEXANDER KEY FED ALEXANDER KEY FED CONTRA SUNTRUST SUNTRUST 64,944,533.42 95,167.34 10,596,000,00 (65,190.00) 75,570,510.76 LOCAL GOY'T INYESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION 10,162,498.31 10,162,498.31 MONEY MARKET: ALEXANDER KEY FED BRANCH BANKING & TRUST SALEM BANK & TRUST SUNTRUST SUNTRUST - SWEEP WACHOVIA 13,006,971.97 2,025,427.44 1,010,624.25 2,079,472.85 275,500.34 2,390,825.17 20,788,822.02 TOTAL 106,621,831.09 01/09/06 N-8 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER BUILDING PROJECT BUDGET REPORT COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Northrop-Grumman Date Description Contract Amount Continoencv 12/03/04 Opening Balance $ 26,030,769 $ 780,923 01/27/05 Change Order (001) 21,065 (21,065) 01/27/05 Change Order (002) . 53,835 - 01/28/05 Progress Payment #1 (1,456,157) - 02124/05 Progress Payment #2 (403,222) - 03/24/05 Progress Payment #3 (375,678) - 05113/05 Progress Payment #4 (855,272) - 06110/05 Progress Payment #5 (401,210) - 06120105 Change Order (003) - Establish Guaranteed Maximum Price (51,387) 51,387 06128/05 Change Order (004) - Foundation change 319,034 (319.034) 07/14/05 Progress Payment #6 (378,417) 07/27/05 Progress Payment #7 (445,669) 08/10105 Progress Payment #8 (759,513) 08123/05 Change Order (005) - Sewer Line Replacement 124,407 (124,407) 10105/05 Progress Payment #9 (774,442) 10/13/05 Change Order (006) - Convert Citations and Warrants Databases no cost 10/20/05 Progress Payment #10 (664,909) 12/08/05 Progress Payment #11 (1,196,297) 12/08/05 Change Order (007) - Minor Changes to Radio Equipment no cost 12/08/05 Change Order (008) - Additional conduits for redundant 911 teed no cost 12/0B/05 Change Order (009) - Regrading slope from road cut south side of Cove Road 3,737 (3,737) 12/0B/05 Change Order (010) - Coordination of sewer line with Glen Cove School water line no cost 01/03106 Change Order (011) - Refrigerated storage for evidence storage 24,621 (24,621) Balance at January 9, 2006 $ 18,B15.295 $ 339,446 . The funds to be used for change order #002 were taken from departmental E911 funds. Submitted By, Dan O'Donnell Ass!. County Administrator Approved By, ê" tJ. Elmer Hodge Co n County Administrator N-9 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER BUILDING PROJECT CHANGE ORDER REPORT COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ChanQe Order Number Date Approved Description of Change Order Amount 001 January 27, 2005 6 GHz Microwave and Vinton Related Costs $ 21,065 002 January 27, 2005 Delete several CAD servers, add CAD and related CAD software (paid from departmental E911 funds) 53,835 003 June 20, 2005 Establish Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) (51,387) 004 June 28, 2005 Revised foundation due to soft soils 319,034 005 August 23, 2005 Replace the sanitary sewer line 124,407 006 October 13, 2005 Convert Citations and Warrants Databases for new CAD System no cost 007 December 8, 2005 Minor changes to Radio Equipment specifications no cost 008 December 8, 2005 Additional conduits for redundant 911 feed no cost 009 December 8, 2005 Regradîng slope from road cut south side of Cove Road 3,737 010 December 8, 2005 Coordination of sewer line with Glen Cove School water line no cost 011 January 3, 2006 Changes to the Evidence Storage Room 24,621 Total as of January 9, 2006 $ 495,312 Submitted By, Dan O'Donnell Asst. County Administrator Approved By, çll Ermer Hodge (. tr County Administrator ACTION NO. tiJo ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Report of claims activity for the self-insurance program for the period ended December 31, 2005 SUBMITTED BY: Robert C. Jernigan Risk Manager Elmer C. Hodge Ell County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the self-insurance program, Ordinance #61494-4, Section 2-86.C, attached is the fiscal year-to-date claims activity report, including the second quarter that ended December 31,2005. Attachment A - Auto; Attachment B - General Liability, <C ë QJ E ..e:: u <'0 0 0 '<ti I!) ;f I!) <'! M' 0:> ,...: '<t .01 ..t CD "" 0:> ~-I CD CD ~ <D 0 I!) 0 0 C"! 0 0 .... 0 0 0:> 0 0 ~ "" ¡ Ò N ~ I!) f· 1 "0 "0 "0 c: : c: ' c: QJ QJ QJ QJI QJ I rn rn rn QJ a.' 0 .Q 0 0., 0. 0 0 0 0 0' 0 II) --1---- I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 <C <C <C <C <C <C ... > > > > > > M a:: W u QJ III j': 13 I- :!: g :E a:: W ~ 0 (J 15 "0 W -, c: D.. >. II 0 w c ~ u <II a:: Q,) rn > .9 rn '¡:: "0 rni ,50 W II) "01 W 0 E <'0' ~ I- 0 0 ..e::, 0) ..= ~I c: rn N "0 :E .... ::J ... 0 <'0 ~, rn Õ a:: 2 '-I :J 0 I- <'01 a. I- O! QJ <II <II' >- ::J c: 13 13 ... QJ QJ W .J « 'C :E :.c <II' 13 0) (J ::J QJ <II <II £1 :E n¡ ë > > <II c.. Z .., QJ :¡¡ c: > ~ <II :¡¡ <II "0 13 ..e:: ..e:: 13 QJ ã ã 0. ::J Iii :E :.c 0. QJ ..\I: ..\I: QJ ~I )( rn > u u > 0 z ~ æ 2 2 ... "0 B tí tí QJ '"i' ..e:: ..e:: QJ ïii U. 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Z ., Q) C) ~ t "0 n¡ n¡ Q) E u Q. ~ ~ ::I .2 n¡ w .s::: "'" "0 rJ) <II U "0 ~ ~ <II Z 'is. ~ n¡ "'i' "'" e LLI C :; Q) .$ ...J' 0 aJ 13 n¡ W >- :c > I- .a Q) .t: rJ) "0 > Q. œ: Q) <II <II c( t) E E W ~ ëü ëü >- 0 13 13 u t: t: ~ <II Q) Q) E N N :.::> :.::> 0 ~ i:3 i:3 ~ LL .$ Q) Q) <II ~ in n¡ n¡ 3: 3: 3: :2 :2: :2 0 Oi 0 (J) (J) : (J) lCJ lCJ lCJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N ~ ¡;:: N .... N 0 N ð Õ} Õ} .... 0> lCJ r-- 0 N N 0 0 JJ JJ JJ i?5 i?5 i?5 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Qd AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to provide an update on the 2006 session of the Virginia General Assembly APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Ell County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to provide the Board with an update regarding issues being addressed in the 2006 session of the Virginia General Assembly. Schedule A, attached, outlines some of the items of interest from VMLNACo. Schedule A 2006 General Assembly Items of Interest from VML and VACO January 19. 2006 Gov. Kaine made several recommendations in his State of the Commonwealth address, including: a homestead exemption to target tax relief directly to homeowners (cities and counties would be allowed to exempt up to 20 percent of the value of an owner-occupied home from the real estate tax bill on conditions determined at the local level. This action requires a constitutional amendment.) a veto of unfunded mandates on local governments a requirement that annual assessment letters contain more information for taxpayers, including information regarding assessment increases and the local tax and budget processes, including key public meetings a long-term transportation investment plan to reduce congestion and promote economic growth (Gov. Kaine will release a comprehensive funding plan later this week that will use one-time surplus revenue and apparently dedicate new long-term sources of revenue to transportation. Kaine also reiterated his desire to lock up the transportation trust fund.) a bill to require the submission of traffic impact statements with rezoning plans so local officials have accurate and comprehensive information about the impact of traffic on land-use decisions a bill to clarify when local government officials can reject rezoning requests development of a plan that moves toward a long-term care delivery system for elderly and disabled Medicaid recipients. Eminent Domain To date, approximately 40 bills have been introduced on the subject of eminent domain. Most of the bills place restrictions on local and state condemnation authority or redefine the term "public use." HB 94 (Suit) redefines "public use" to prohibit local and state government from exercising the power of eminent domain for the purpose of economic development. Local governments played an active role in the development of Del. Suit's bill and have joined a large group of stakeholders that hope to make HB 94 a "consensus bill" to address the Kelo decision. This bill also preserves current condemnation authority for state and local governments and other entities that have the power of eminent domain. It is hoped that the General Assembly will not address the myriad of other bills this year and allow the Housing Commission to review the bills during the interim before the 2007 Session. 1 Schedule A Transportation Gov. Kaine will release his transportation funding proposal before Monday. V ACo expects the governor's plan to include a combination of "one time" surplus revenues and new and enhanced recurring revenue sources. New nongeneral funds serve to protect general fund revenue for the remaining core services, including K-12, health care and public safety. Kaine's plan will also include specific land use proposals. As reported in the Jan. 17 issue of the Washington Post, "Kaine proposed giving local governments more power to slow growth, require traffic studies and coordinate with transportation planners," Del. Leo C, Wardrup Jr" Virginia Beach, chairman of the House Transportation Committee proposes taking $1.2 billion a year from the general fund for roads and transit. Del. Wardrup's plan dedicates the state's share of recordation taxes, all state insurance tax premiums and an additional .25 percent of the state sales and use tax to transportation. Gov. Warner proposed dedicating one-third of the insurance tax premiums to transportation while .50 percent of the sales and use tax Îs currently dedicated to transportation. Wardrup's plan does not meet VA Co's transportation priority policy statement: To avoid a major congestion and mobility crisis, VACo urges the 2006 General Assembly to approve increased revenues for transportation that are separate, reliable and permanent. The Senate's transportation task force, the Statewide Transportation Analysis and Recommendation Task Force (START), has released its list of recommendations for action. VACo expects several bills and a significant funding plan to emerge from senators who served on the task force. The Senate recommendations cover a number of issues: funding needs and potential sources; spending priorities and conditions; transit, rail, linking land use and transportation; Commonwealth Transportation Board and Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) reform; reorganizing VDOT construction districts; and reorganizing state transportation agencies. The first and overriding principle in the report states that the general fund is not a long-term solution for transportation financing. The second funding principle states that revenue sources for transportation must be sustainable and dedicated to transportation. The report also encourages better land use coordination between local governments and the state, H 681 (Scott, E.T) expands the present revenue-sharinQ fund proQram for counties to include cities and towns as well. The annual match limit is raised to $4 million per locality, and the total limit on state funds is raised to $100 million. Since the program now applies to all localities (not just counties), the present section embodying the program is repealed, and the new program is relocated to the article of Chapter 1 of Title 33.1 dealing with overall allocations of highway improvement funds. 2 Schedule A Land Use Bills SB 262 (Wagner), Virginia Energy Plan Siting of facilities: If approvals for low emission energy facilities (wind, nuclear, liquefied natural gas) are granted by the SCC through the one-stop permitting process, established by General Assembly, the use of the parcel for the low-emission energy facility would be deemed to satisfy local zoning requirements, 5B 373 (Watkins) is the first transfer of development rights bill to surface. The Governor is expected to have a proposal as well. Under the Watkins bill, the program is optional for each locality. The locality would identify areas that it wants to preserve from development (sending areas) and areas it wants to concentrate development in (receiving areas). Individual property owners could buy the development rights from the sending areas and then transfer those rights to specific pieces of property in the receiving areas. Under the bill, the receiving property that obtains the increased density would not have to go through a rezoning. A consequence is that there would be no proffer negotiations. The alternative benefit to the locality would be the preservation of areas that otherwise could be developed. This would help deal with the stale zoning problem - where lands were zoned for residential uses years ago when the massive growth of modern times was not anticipated, Taxation The Senate Local Government Committee has reported SB 219 (Quayle) that requires a locality to calculate and publish in its budget a revenue-neutral tax rate in years in which real estate in the locality has been assessed. The revenue-neutral tax rate is calculated for comparison purposes to demonstrate the tax rate that would be required to produce the same amount of revenue in the next fiscal year as if real estate had not been reassessed. HB 169 (Lingamfelter) requires localities to set the real estate tax rate so that the total real estate tax revenue will not increase by more than 3% over the prior year, with the exception that localities can increase the rate to the level of the rate of population growth plus the rate of inflation (but not over a 6"/0 in this case). HB 315 (Albo) and HB 897 (Gear) say that total local tax revenue collections may not increase more than 5"/0 from the prior year, unless approved by majority vote of the local governing body. 3 Schedule A Bills similar but not identical. HB 491 (Frederick) requires localities to add on to the notice of reassessments the prior assessment, and the applicable tax rate on the new assessment. If the applicable tax rate has not been set, then the notice must include the time and place of the public meeting on the tax rate. Real Estate Tax Exemptions for the Elderly and Handicapped: HB 87 (Cole) adds Stafford, Fauquier and Clarke counties to the list of localities in Northern Virginia that may use higher income levels and net worth in determining eligibility for exemption programs. HB 121 and HB 202 (Marshall, R.G.) increase the maximum financial worth cap in Northern Vir9inia to $400,000 from $340,000. (These appear to be duplicates.) HB 560 (Amundson) increases it to $500,000. HB 277 (Caputo) and HB 1097 (Sickles) increase it to $540,000. HB 540 (McClellan) increases the maximum income to $75,000 from $50,000, and the net worth cap to $350,000 from $200,000, Local authority over shooting guns HB 704 (Hogan) eliminates any local regulation of hunting or discharge of firearms that were enacted prior to 1995. HB 705 (Hogan) is much more expansive by prohibiting any regulation of the discharge of firearms and hunting by local governments. The existing authority to regulate shooting and to prohibit shooting near subdivisions would be wiped out. The bills are headed to the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. Many localities have adopted ordinances under the existing Jaws in an attempt to reduce the risks of citizens being shot in heavily populated areas. The bill would undo all those ordinances. Economic Development SB 109 (Stosch) Changes the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund to require for projects that receive funding: to have the new jobs created must be no less than the prevailing average wage in the county or city, specific elements included in a contract between the locality and the prospect (including the value of the services and funds committed by the state and the local governments, and a negotiated formula for damages paid if the contractual agreement is not met by the prospect. Also requires review of these contracts by the Attorney General's office, with a 7 -day review period. 4 Schedule A Telecommunications tax reform HB 568 (Nixon) is the long-negotiated proposal for restructuring of taxeS on communications services, reappearing in much the same form as last year, It will be considered in the House Finance Committee on Monday, January 23, at 8:30 AM. The bill would replace current local consumer utility taxes, business license taxes in excess of 0.5 percent of gross receipts, cable franchise fees and local E-911 fees with a statewide 75 cents per month E-911 fee and 5 percent Communications Sales and Use Tax on all voice, video and audio communications regardless of technology. Cable companies would also collect and pay the public rights-of-way use fee that now applies to local exchange telephone companies. The new taxes and fees would be collected by the companies from their customers and paid monthly to the Virginia Department of Taxation. These revenues would be held in a segregated trust fund and distributed monthly to all counties, cities and towns, without going through the state appropriation process, This will insulate the funds from future "raids" by General Assembly budget writers. Each county, city and town's distribution percentage would be the same as its percentage of the FY 2006 state total of the taxes and fees being eliminated. After June 30, 2006, the Auditor of Public Accounts will compile the figures on which the distribution will be based, from the FY 2006 annual reports submitted to his office by localities' auditors. Small towns that do not routinely furnish an annual audit report to the APA will have to make a one-time report of their revenues from these taxes and fees, so that they can participate in future distributions of the new tax. Local officials may hear some public safety agencies complain that the bill is not "revenue neutral" for them, because the landline E-911 funds that now come to the locality earmarked for that purpose will be replaced by a general fund distribution. But because those current E-911 collections will be reflected in the locality's distribution percentage, this will not be a revenue loss, only a change in how the revenue is labeled. VML is convinced the bill's broadened tax base and fixed-percentage distribution method will reasonably ensure that no locality will lose any current revenue as a result of the change, More importantly, however, VML supports the bill because it will replace a shrinking tax base with one that should offer reasonable future growth. We do not view mere preservation of the status quo as an acceptable option for telecommunications taxes. The revenue base for the current taxes and fees is rapidly shrinking as customers increasingly shift to technologies that are now taxed at lower rates (wireless phone service) or are not taxed at all (Voice over Internet phone service; satellite TV). Figures reported by VDOT just this week indicate that land-based phone lines in service in Virginia (the base for the current consumer utility tax) decreased another 4.25 per cent in the 12 months ended September 3D, following a 5.4 percent decline in the previous year. Increased growth in VOIP usage will only accelerate this decline. In contrast, when a/1 types of 5 Schedule A communications services are included, the industry is growing in Virginia. Applying the replacement 5 per cent tax to all these services will ensure localities reasonable annual revenue growth from this source for the foreseeable future, barring a major recession. We urge member localities to tell their legislators they support (or at least do not actively oppose) this bill, which is consistent with VML's adopted 2006 legislative program. Cable competition bills in negotiation Verizon's bill to allow it to provide cable TV services without obtaining a franchise from the local governing body is HB 881 (Kilgore). VML, VACo and several local governments negotiated with Verizon over the last year to get it into its current form. The cable industry has its own bill that is very different from the Verizon bill. Both bills have merit, although at least one telecommunications attorney has advised a major Virginia locality that the principles in the Cable bill are very unfavorable to the city. Verizon, the cable industry and several legislators are negotiating the terms of a compromise bill. The negotiations have a deadline of 19 January. As before, the main issue the two parties are disputing is whether Verizon or any other entrant should have to agree to a build out provision. 6 q AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. " ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-I.a-b AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of congratulations to Cave Spring High School volleyball team for winning the State Group AA Championship. (a) Certificate of recognition to Stacey Craighead, Cave Spring High School, for being named Group AA Volleyball Player of the Year and for being named to All-State First Team. (b) Certificate of recognition to Lauren Clary, Cave Spring High School, for being named to the Volleyball All-State First Team. Elmer C. Hodge £/1 County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Cave Spring Knights won the State Group AA Volleyball Championship on November 12,2005. The team has played in the state championship final for the last four years and won the title three times. The Knights finished the season with a record of 26 wins and 2 losses and have amassed a four-year record of 107 wins and 6 losses. The team has not lost a district match in four years. In addition to winning the state championship, various team members received individual honors with All-State First Team places awarded to Team Captains Lauren Clary and Stacey Craighead who was also named State AA Player of the Year. Head Coach Tamalyn Tanis was named State AA Coach of the Year by the Virginia High School Coaches Association as well as being named Coach of the Year for the River Ridge District and Region III. In addition to the team members, the following individuals are expected to attend the meeting: Dr. Unda Weber, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Martha Cobble, Principal; Randy Mack, Athletic Director; Tamalyn Tanis, Head Coach; Mark Tanis and Mike Wiegand, Assistant Coaches; and Stacey Craighead's and Lauren Clary's parents. ". ~-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAM FOR WINNING THE STATE GROUP AA CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, team sports are an important part of the curriculum at schools in Roanoke County, teaching cooperation, sportsmanship, and athletic skill; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Knights Volleyball Team won the State Group AA Championship on November 12, 2005, and finished the season with an overall record of 26 wins and 2 losses; and WHEREAS, the Knights have compiled a four-year record of 107 wins and 6 losses and have not lost a district match in four years; and WHEREAS, the Knights are the first team in the Virginia High School League to compete in the state championship final for four consecutive years and won three championship titles; and WHEREAS, in addition to the accomplishments of the team, various team members achieved individual honors with All-State First Team places awarded to Team Captains Lauren Clary and Stacey Craighead who was also named Group AA Player of the Year for the District, Region, and State; and WHEREAS, the Knights are coached by Head Coach Tamalyn Tanis, who was named State Group AA Coach of the Year by the Virginia High School Coaches Association in addition to being named Coach of the Year for the River Ridge District and Region III, and Assistant Coaches Mark Tanis and Mike Wiegand. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to the members of the CAVE SPRING KNIGHTS VOLLEYBALL TEAM: Lauren Bosche, Lauren Clary, Stacey Craighead, Tina Crawford, Katherine Jetton, Laura Jones, Jessica Lancaster, Kelsey Largen, Caitlyn Long, Allyson Paone, Andrea Thornton, Maggie Wagner, Erica Wiegand, and Taylor Yarber for their athletic ability, their commitment, and their team spirit; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to the members of the team, the coaches, and the school in their future endeavors. 2 K-\. q ~uutP of 3ßolUtO~ CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO StACe'i CrAtsheAb TeAm CAptAt" CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAM for winning the STATE GROUP AA VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP In addition to helping her team win the State Championship, Ms. Craighead's individual accomplishments include: ... Being named River Ridge District, Region III, and State Player of the Year ... Being named to the All-District, All-Region, And All-State First Teams ... Holding both the all-time kills and blocks records at Cave Spring ... Being named to PrepvoIleyball.com's "Senior Aces" national list ... Receiving a volleyball scholarship to Seton Hall The Board of Supervisors congratulates Ms. Craighead upon her ath1etic achievements and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors. Presented this 24th day of January 2006 \ll'~ 0.. W Michael A. Wray, Chairm~ !nuk/ # ~ Michael W. Altizer ~,ù-..-D Go ~ (W.... Richard C. Flora '\ ~-l, b ~uutP of l\omto~ CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO LAMrm C1A~ TeAm CAptAt" CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAM for winning the ST ATE GROUP AA VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP . In addition to helping her team win the State Championship, Ms. Clary was also named to the All-District and All-State First Teams. . The Board of Supervisors congratulates Ms. Clary upon her athletic achievements and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors. Presented this 24th day of January 2006 ~·~Q.W Michael A. Wray, Chairm~ In~ 11 ~ Michael W. Altizer ~,~J> c. ~~... Richard C. Flora ACTION NO. ITEM NO. R -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: Certificate of recognition to Meredith Buckley, Glenvar High School, for being named the State Softball Co-Player of the Year Elmer C, Hodge (II County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to recognize Meredith Buckley of Glenvar High School for being named State Softball Co-Player of the Year by the Virginia High School Coaches Association. Ms, Buckley's accomplishments as a pitcher during her freshman year include pitching three no hitters and achIeving an Earned Run Average of 0.2. In addition to Ms. Buckley and her parents, the following individuals are expected to attend the meeting: Dr, Linda Weber, Superintendent of Schools; Joe Hafey, Assistant Principal; Fenton Harrison, Head Coach, and Donna Wooldridge and Allen Leonard, Assistant Coaches. ~uutP of l\oanoke CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO Muebtth Ø"ck1e\j GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL for being named STATE SOFTBALL CO-PLAYER OF THE YEAR + Meredith Buckley received this honor for her accomplishments as a pitcher during her freshman year. + These accomplishments include pitching three no hitters and achieving an Earned Run Average of 0.2 + The Board of Supervisors congratulates Ms. Buckley upon her athletic achievements and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors. Presented this 24th day of January 2006 \'l'~Q,W Michael A. Wray, Chairm~ ß. "~~ t~ð/-I B. "Butch" Church 1n~'l4.~ Michael W. Altizer ~,~-S> c. ~c:w.... Richard C. Flora - ¡.' ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K --3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 Certificate of recognition to Kelly Clark, Glenvar High School, for winning the State Championship in the 2-mile event Elmer C. Hodge £11 County Administrator AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Kelly Clark, who is now a senior at Glenvar, is being recognized for winning the Group A State Championship in the 2-mile event which she accomplished in 11 :37 during her junior year. Ms. Clark also came in second in both the 1-mile and in cross-country. Ms. Clark has continued her accomplishments during her senior year becoming district and regional champion and coming in second in cross-country. She has received a full four- year scholarship to Virginia Tech in track and cross-country. The Board also recognized Ms. Clark in 2003 and 2004 for her previous accomplishments in track and cross-country during her freshman and sophomore years. In addition to Ms. Clark and her parents, the following individuals are expected to attend: Dr. Weber, School Superintendent; Joe Hafey, Assistant Principal; and Dickie Myers, Head Coach. ~uutP of 3aoano~ CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO Ken". (1Ark GLENV AR HIGH SCHOOL for winning the STATE GROUP A CHAMPIONSHIP IN THE 2-MILE EVENT · In addition to winning the 2-Mile Event, Ms. Clark came in second in the l-Mile Event and in cross-country. · The Board of Supervisors also recognized Ms. Clark for her accomplishments in track and cross-country in 2003 and 2004. · Ms. Clark has received a four-year scholarship to Virginia Tech for track and cross- country. · The Board of Supervisors congratulates Ms. Clark upon her athletic achievements and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors. Presented this 24th day of January 2006 "\"\.~ Q, W Michael A. Wray, Chairm~ B."~~t~ð/J B. "Butch" Church 1h~7¿.~ Michael W. Altizer --z \ ö.-..S> (.. ~ a..- .... Richard C. Flora ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER 5-\ ,Q AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing and adoption of a resolution for the Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 and the allocation of secondary road funds for fiscal year 2006-2007 SUBMITTED BY: Anthony Ford, P.E. Transportation Engineering Manager APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge £/1 County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the Board of Supervisors is required to conduct a public hearing on the Secondary Roads System Six- Year Improvement Plan to receive public comments, The plan was presented to the Board of Supervisors at a work session held on December 20,2005. At the work session, County staff explained the funding allocations for the next six years and the distribution ofthe upcoming fiscal year's allocation of approximately $3.08 million between the two funding categories: countywide incidental construction items and numbered projects. Staff is requesting that the Board of Supervisors conduct the public hearing and approve one of the following alternatives and impacts. FISCAL IMPACT: None 1 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Conduct the public hearing and adopt the resolution approving the Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 and allocation of secondary road funds for fiscal year 2006-2007. 2. Conduct the public hearing and defer approval of the Secondary Roads System Six- Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 until staff can review additional comments received at the public hearing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1, assuming no comments are received. 2 I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON JANUARY 24,2006 RESOLUTION REQUESTING APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE SECONDARY ROADS SYSTEM SIX-YEAR IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2012 AND APPROVAL OF THE ALLOCATION OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 24, 2006 to receive comments for the adoption of the Roanoke County Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 and the adoption of the secondary road funding for fiscal year 2006-2007; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the adoption of the Roanoke County Secondary Roads System Six-year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 and the allocation of secondary road funds for fiscal year 2006-2007. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested to be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Roanoke County Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2006-2012 by the Clerk to the Board. Counfy of f( oanokeJ Virqinia Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2006-2012 and Revenue Sharing Program for Fiscal Year 2006-2001 Image courtesy of www.jessieparker.ca/firstlgt/pages/FL11RoadsSeasons.html submitted to Virginia Department of Transportation -- Salem District VDOT TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I SECONDARY ROADS SYSTEM SIX-YEAR IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR FY 2006-2012 A. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 3 B. COUNTY-WIDE INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS..............................4 i. RURAL ADDITION PROGRAM....................................................... 5 C. N UMBERED PROJ ECTS... . . ............................................................ . ...... . .7 D. VDOT's SECONDARY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM SUB M ITT A L. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . 42 SECTION II REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FOR FY 2006-2007 A. INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 51 B. REVENUE SHARING PROJECTS: DETAILS AND MAPS........................... 53 C. REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM SUMMARy............................................. 91 D. PROJECTS CONSIDERED BUT NOT FUNDED.........................................95 1. A. INTRODUCTION SECONDARY ROADS SYSTEM S¡X-YR IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR FY 2006-12 Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) are continuously reviewing and updating the Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan. Staff receives requests throughout the year concerning secondary roads in Roanoke County (those roads with route number 600 or greater). The requests are reviewed and classified as maintenance or construction. Maintenance items are activities involved in preserving or restoring the roadway, facility, or structure to its original condition. Maintenance requests are normally referred to VDOT's resident engineer for immediate correction, but some are considered for placement on the Revenue Sharing Program list (begins on page 51). Construction improvements are operations which usually require more than one fiscal year to complete, and which change or add to the characteristics of a road, facility, or structure. Construction requests are put on file to be reviewed during the Six-Year Plan and Revenue Sharing yearly updates. These requests normally require right-of-way, additional funding, and/or preliminary engineering. VDOT and Roanoke County staff have reviewed and evaluated each request for inclusion in this Six-Year Plan and Revenue Sharing Program. In deciding which projects would be included, staff considered traffic counts, existing and future development, pavement conditions, drainage, safety, and the economic benefit of the project. We cannot fund all the requests received due to budget constraints; therefore, we have prioritized the requests based upon the criteria above. The Board of Supervisors is required by the Code of Virginia to approve the allocation of funds to those projects identified within the Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan. In order for a project to remain on the Six- Year Plan it must receive sufficient funding to begin the preliminary engineering process within the six year time frame. 3 Roanoke County received $2.72 million last year from VDOT for its secondary road system construction program. Roanoke County's expects to receive approximately $3.08 million for FY 2006-2007, an increase of nearly $360,000. As a review, there are two funding categories in the Six-Year Plan: COUNTY- WIDE INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS and NUMBERED PROJECTS. These categories will be defined and the projects will be presented on the following pages. 1. B. COUNTY-WIDE INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS VDOT defines Incidental improvements as any operation, usually constructed within one year, which changes the type, width, length, location, or gradient of a road, facility, or structure. It could also include the addition of features not originally provided for such road, facility or structure. The VDOT categories of services included in County-wide Incidental Construction Items and the tentatively approved allocation to each category are presented below. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES CURRENT ALLOCATION TRAFFIC SERVICES $60,000 PIPE INSTALLATIONS/PRIVATE ENTRANCES $40,000 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYS -- FERTILIZATION AND SEEDING -- SUBDIVISION PLAN REVIEW $60,000 RIGHT -OF-WAY ENGINEERING -- TRAFFIC CALMING $50,000 RURAL ADDITION -- Total: $210,000 4 I.B.i. RURAL ADDITION PROGRAM Take note that there is not an allocation for the Rural Addition Program for FY 2006-2007. This is due to the fact that VDOT has notified the County that as of January 1, 2006 we are no longer eligible to finance Rural Addition improvement costs under the State's provisions. This change in procedure is due to enforcement of existing statutes from the Code of Virginia following General Assembly action and opinion from the Office of the Attorney General. Roanoke County asked for an additional extension of its Rural Addition authority status and was informed by VDOT that such an extension would not be granted. Consequently, there will be no projects added to the Rural Addition Priority list for FY 2006-2007, or in future years, for that matter. One potential project was submitted to the County for consideration this past year that met all of the criteria and that requested road section (Sugar Rum Ridge Road/Trelawney Trail) will be kept on file for addition to the Priority List if the County comes into compliance with VDOT's policies in the future. On a positive note, there was one Rural Addition project removed from the Priority List this past year. Leffler Lane was completed by the County staff and submitted to VDOT in mid-2005; VDOT has accepted this road into their system of Secondary Roads and has assigned it Route Number 1299. For more information on the Rural Addition program, please see the County website (http://www.roanokecountyva.gov/Departments/ Enq ineerinq/Transportation/Freq uentlvAskedOuestions. htm) or contact the County's Transportation Engineer (phone no. 540-772-2080). As directed by the Board of Supervisors, County staff will be reviewing the projects currently on the Priority List and will only pursue those projects that either do not have speculative interest and/or right-of-way donations or those that the adjoining property owners agree to pay all of the necessary required speculative interest funds and donations. The following Priority List is presented solely for information. 5 RURAL ADDITION PRIORITY LIST FAMILIES PROBLEMS *ESTlMA TED YR ROAD DISTANCE SERVED SEEN COST ADDED TO LIST Hemlock Right-of-way and drainage easements (1) Ave. 1500' 6 required. Significant private property $261 ,450 1990 damage. (2) Raintree 2600' 15 Right-of-way and drainage easements $451,500 1990 Rd. required. Adjacent to Parkway. (3) Chestnut 500' 6 Right-of-way easements required. $105,000 1990 Mtn. Cr. (4) Southview 800' 5 Right-of-way easements required. $139,125 1991 Dr. (5) Williams 300' 6 Right-of-way easements required. $58,000 1991 Ave. (6) Lucado St. 700' 5 Right-of-way easements required. $121,800 1991 (7) Kathryn Dr. 790' 4 ROW required, stream crossing and $144,900 1992 difficult horizontal alignment. (8) Cowman 400' 4 ROW required, homes close to road. $87,150 1992 Rd. (9) Harmony 900' 8 Right-of-way and drainage easement $127,300 1993 Ln. required. (10) Alcoa Rd. 1109' 8 APCO lines, ROW required, $208,425 1993 Stormwater Management. (11) Willow 3600' 4 ROW required, possible speculative $439,950 1994 Valley interest, Stormwater Management. (12) Falling 800' 3 Adjacent to Wolf Creek, ROW required, $115,750 1995 Creek Speculative Interest. (13) Rusty Rd. 300' 7 ROW required, steep terrain, sight $139,125 1995 distance problems. Crescent (14) Ln. 1000' 11 ROW required, Speculative Interest, $139,125 1995 Woodland utility relocation. Ln. (15) Riverview 1200' 5 ROW required, Speculative Interest. $162,100 1995 Rd. (16) Broyles Ln. 500' 10 Possible Citizen Participation. $5,775 1998 (17) Townsend 400' 5 Sight distance problems. $69,575 1998 Ln. (18) Deerfield 1000' 6 Private Property Damage, Drainage $87,150 1999 Road Concerns. (19) Dow Hollow 3000' 3 Widen, possible drainage concerns. $208,425 2000 Rd. Grey Fox (20) Ln./Uphill 2000' 11 Possible drainage/grade problems. $133,350 2000 Dr. (21) France 900' 4 Speculative Interest, drainage issues $121,275 2003 Drive *The estimated cost is for construction of the road only. It does not include: Utility relocation, right-of-way, construction stakeout, engineering, or rock walls. The homeowner and/or Roanoke County are responsible for these costs. (Note: 06-07 costs increased approx. 5% from 05-06 costs) 6 1. C. NUMBERED PROJECTS The bulk of Roanoke County's allocated funds are for Numbered Projects. This year, staff anticipates approximately $2.87 million to be allocated toward numbered projects. This value is an increase of nearly $520,000 from last year. Even with the increase in funds, there are no new numbered projects added to this year's Plan. The entire six-year plan as submitted by VDOT is enclosed for your review (see pages 43-49). The following is a summary of our current and proposed plan for next year: I.e.!. PROJECTS SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE FUNDING IN FY 06/07 Priority projects numbered 0 through 11, and 15 are scheduled to receive funding this year. They are: Hollins Road, McVitty Road, Old Cave Spring Road, Colonial Avenue, Buck Mountain Road, Cotton Hill Road, Mountain View Road, Boones Chapel Road, Catawba Creek Road, Dry Hollow Road, Merriman Road, John Richardson Road, and Rocky Road, respectively. 1.e.2. PROJECTS NOT SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE FUNDING IN FY 06/07 Priorities numbered 12, 13, 14, and 16 will not receive any funding this year. They are Shadwell Drive (Old Mtn. Road), Garman Road, Hardy Road, and Moncap Trail. 1.e.3. PROJECTS ADDED TOIREMOVED FROM THE FY 06-12 PLAN There were no projects added to the FY 2006-2012 Plan. Similarly, there were none taken out of the Plan due to insufficient funds. I.CA. UNPAVED ROAD PROJECTS IN PLAN FY 05/06 Unpaved roads are a separate account and the allocation is based upon the number of qualifying lane miles within each County. Only 1.32 miles of our unpaved roads (19.53 total miles) qualify for funding because they meet the minimum 50 vehicles per day requirement. Those gravel roads that are part of the current Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan are Rocky Road, Priority #15, and Moncap Trail, Priority #16. Of these, only Rock Road will receive funding in FY 2006-2007. Please see the next several pages of this document for details and highlights of the aforementioned projects. 7 PRIORITY #0 (CURRENTLY UNDERWAY) HOLLINS ROAD - RTE 601 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 6,300 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Widen road and bridge to accommodate industrial/commercial traffic along Hollins Road and increasing commuter traffic from Botetourt County. Proposed improvements include five- laning just past the bridge and adding a third lane to Hanover Direct and then reconstructing the existing two lanes to the intersection of Trevilian Road. VDOT has bought right-of-way for five lanes to the residential homes. Pre-construction meeting held in April '05; work began soon after. STATUS OF PROJECT: Project underway. ADVERTISING DATE: 1/11/2005 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $13,694,908 $11,705,471 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,989,437 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $953,530 FY 07/08: $1,035,907 FY 08/09: $0 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 8 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN < ~~ W~~7E S , < ..' . . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS HOLLINS ROAD 9 PRIORITY # 1 MCVITTY ROAD - RTE 1662 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Windsor Hills TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 7,600 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Straighten alignment, widen, and improve drainage. Replace existing bridge. STATUS OF PROJECT: In conjunction with priority #2, Old Cave Spring Road, final plans are nearing completion. County BaS has approved the use of paved shoulders to accommodate bicyclists on Mc Vitty Rd. The County will not incur any additional costs consequent to the addition of the paved shoulders. There are still some issues with the proposed greenway that need to be resolved. A design public hearing is scheduled for January 26, '06. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 2/10/2009 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $4,866,100 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $2,875,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,991,100 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $206,000 FY 07/08: $80,000 FY 08/09: $530,000 FY 09/10: $440,000 FY 10/11: $493,800 FY 11/12: $241,300 10 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS MCVITTY ROAD, OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD 11 PRIORITY #2 OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD - RTE 1663 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Windsor Hills TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 8,800 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Straighten alignment, widen, and improve drainage. STATUS OF PROJECT: In conjunction with priority #1, McVitty Road, final plans are nearing completion. County BOS has approved the use of paved shoulders to accommodate bicyclists on Mc Vitty Rd. The County will not incur any additional costs consequent to the addition of the paved shoulders. There are still some issues with the proposed greenway that need to be resolved. A design public hearing is scheduled for January 26, '06. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 2/10/2009 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $2,821,600 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $1,214,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,607,600 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $351,608 FY 07/08: $250,000 FY 08/09: $390,000 FY 09/10: $345,000 FY 10/11: $161,992 FY 11/12: $109,000 12 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS MCVITTY ROAD, OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD 13 PRIORITY #3 COLONIAL AVENUE - RTE 720 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Cave Spring TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 7,800 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Road and drainage improvements. STATUS OF PROJECT: Numerous public meetings have been held with citizens, specifically the Colonial Avenue Alliance. After receiving comments from those meetings, VDOT instituted several changes to the initial plan. Right of way width was reduced and the design speed was lowered to minimize changes to the existing alignment. The project was coordinated with appropriate federal, state, and local officials as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the State Environmental Review Process. Plans were presented at a design public hearing held in October '05. Right-of-way acquisition should begin in mid '06. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 7/8/2008 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $4,508,900 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $2,311,887 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $2,197,013 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $250,000 FY 07/08: $220,000 FY 08/09: $800,000 FY 09/10: $927,013 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 14 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN -... .. ?:- ,". ~~ COLONIAL AVENUE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS (From RT 419 to RT 687) 15 PRIORITY #4 BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD - RTE 679 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Cave Spring TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 5,000 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2001 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Project will improve the alignment at the intersection of Buck Mountain Road and US Rte. 220. Additionally, a portion of Buck Mountain Road will be reconstructed; project includes a bridge replacement. STATUS OF PROJECT: VDOT staff is currently working on the plans. County staff has discussed the possibility of extending the project to the east side of US Rte. 220 for a better connection to Clearbrook Village Lane and Stable Lane. A citizen's informational meeting was held in March '05 to review the project/ included proposed location of future extension. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 7/8/2011 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $5,859,999 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $1,769,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $4,090,999 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $162,000 FY 07/08: $271,745 FY 08/09: $76,000 FY 09/10: $449,899 FY 10/11: $902,243 FY 11/12: $1,335,400 16 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN .' , .~~~~ .,;~J ~ ~~. \ .<ù'!V ..1~ ~,~ ...,: ~?~ "t~~' ~~'.., t;;:., .¡ W' .~..--- \ ", .1.... I' .. ~t . ..L;'.1. v ..1 ~ 4:'- .. 0 :~ ~.~~ ..' .., - 0\\..\..5 ~ ~.~_."\ ~....... ,. " G\~G ": ~" . '.~' \~\ l' ... 5 .\: ~~..: ~~-'t~.. . I ~._- . '. -/ ..~~ ff :' ,';L.i¡i ~ ,-, ~~I'.i:l- , . f.~ ~ ~.... ~~ . -y N . _0 ~~~ ì(t~ J,t "_(~~: , '.,-~ . "9 ¡ ~ '(11 :.; ~-<. '.p ~ r·.....:· ~ ~......,~'IØ ... ....Y'..... I' .j . , r ~: "'~ '='" ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD 17 PRIORITY # 5 COTTON HILL ROAD - RTE 688 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Cave Spring TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 3,100 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Reconstruct 0.61 miles of existing roadway. STATUS OF PROJECT: VDOT staff is currently working on the preliminary design. There are some issues with the Blue Ridge Parkway that need to be resolved as the Blue Ridge Parkway Long Range Management Inventory is updated. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 2/14/2011 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $2,296,000 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $1,212,180 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,083,820 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $44,676 FY 07/08: $48,923 FY 08/09: $97,633 FY 09/10: $92,000 FY 10/11: $300,000 FY 11/12: $310,000 18 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN " . .- .-........~I. .......:-.I'!' t"~ ...... . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS COTTON HILL ROAD 19 PRIORITY #6 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD - RTE 651 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Vinton TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 1,400 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Reconstruct 1.08 miles of existing roadway. STATUS OF PROJECT: Preliminary design is completed. Public Hearing was held on March 12,2003. Local VDOT staff felt they sufficiently addressed the comments received from the Public Hearing and successfully sought approval of plans by VDOT's Chief Engineer to proceed with right-of-way acquisition. The County BOS approved by resolution the design of 11-ft travel lanes, 4-ft bike lanes, and 4-ft shoulders. The County's cost for the designated bike lanes is estimated at $118,000 and the BOS has approved this financial allocation. The Wolf Creek Greenway will be accommodated by passing under the proposed roadway. Project will be put out to bid Spring '06. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 5/09/2006 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $5,327,800 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $4,026,761 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,301,039 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $650,000 FY 07/08: $651,039 FY 08/09: $0 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 20 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD 21 PRIORITY #7 BOONES CHAPEL ROAD - RTE 614 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Cave Spring TRAFFIC COU NT (VPD) : 150 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2000 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Replace bridge and rebuild approaches. STATUS OF PROJECT: VDOT staff is currently working on plans. A Design Public Hearing was held in October '05; Board of Supervisors approved a resolution of support in December '05. Right-of- way acquisition is scheduled to begin in late '06. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 11/13/2007 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $964,200 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $630,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $334,200 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $90,000 FY 07/08: $145,500 FY 08/09: $98,700 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 22 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN I ; . .-;'"' f.&~· ~', \ . .~ : .' . " ~:. . '. ~.;. ..~':',r .- f. . '.':.1". . I.í 1', '.. . .'" ..,1..., .,'" ~ ~ .. J ,'I'. ~~ I . \'~(~~,\:. -~'. ....J1..·· :- ~_. I r·......· "'0 0::: ~. ··,f~·'-/ , l' . ..,.. ... . ..-,.. (~~ .. STARLlGft>-: ~....:,~'. :r' · < " / <. ~ ~ .'.~ .... '..: ~..i.Ji-." -11 < ...'~. ,'~~~¡¡~''-'~~~' "<~,' . ¡ 't'.~..\. ~ ..~, ~ ~.. I r I....~ "'"!'pl. .:",-' t '. ¡., . .r¡:"..'..~.. »..-t:.. '.:::' ~ '. <: '... " ;-,' , r~_. ~.- ¿ . -: '. .. .. ~:(r- :~'.' ., .'.'~ J'.', ~~ ~ " >~"'-'/j- 4.:ii.t.ltc· - r·:.:..£¡~'I! ~~ I .. _. ~'r .~. ,.~~ .......... . ~." ~r'" ~...- .I~ '..-: ~ ." . ".:-.'1". ~.:~~1.:-:,..~~.(1...:· -.t ........ -." .- ."1- ~ ~I-'~·~~ ." ...,,~ I.- ~"'-!,~-~I. . )". ".:-. .: ~} ~ i-j" ~.:1£ ~:; '.' :' ~.~.~ :~~.'.}.,~ '\~ ~'. j;, -;,,' .~. - '.....?,.. .-;.~ ' M' . .,... ~. ",,~2.:...:.t ....~ .".- ·~:'·r~~·'.··-·· I' . . ...~-: ~- 'r- . r' . . '.'. ~ ~ ~!r~: ~~I:r'- ..:... ~ _ ..:,....' :-.. .. ""'! "r:L ". ~ t ~ ~ ", I ~ 1.: ~.;-~>_. ~~.. '. ~ ~J: ~ ,. '.._ . , " ~1. ~. ..... ~.- :. ~ ...( , '_. _-. 1"'" r. t- '. -. , . "'," - --; - ~.; - .. ~ I' . .. _.:> .'...., L ' .kl~ti,··, >i' ~ .;- ·it...,· ,;~ :.~ì:: '·~,áti,~':~fu ., - - "';}:i:-};, . .. ~ _~L "{~r; -. "10 '- r...: ..-. ~.~.. ~ 1_.1 '.~ 0')'1 ""'1'./ . , ,"j;"'t../··.:; . -·.t . . ~. ~~.~ ....~_~.. r:· "':~.~~> ~'-. ~ .... . .. ~ I ..~.J: . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SOONES CHAPEL ROAD 23 PRIORITY #8 CATAWBA CREEK ROAD - RTE 779 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Catawba TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 750 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2000 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Reconstruction of 0.40 miles of existing roadway and replacement of the bridge. STATUS OF PROJECT: Scoping meeting held in spring of2002; project in the initial design stage. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 7/11/2009 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $1,468,854 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $472,411 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $996,443 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $20,000 FY 07/08: $50,000 FY 08/09: $340,000 FY 09/10: $273,000 FY 10/11: $313,443 FY 11/12: $0 24 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN , .f. J ,. 'i 1'..... 1 . ":i ., ¡; l" · ,. . J; I . ~ ~!~;.~( . . . .( . .' . ~ ,. II.', . r· ~ ~ L I I " , I. ~, ; \ff.') ,) , " t .' , ··..01' . I,: ~.I . . . @}~-;.: , ofl.. .....'(~...... "J~"'4' .~;. . &., "' .J, . , / 19 _ ~~ 1., ~-- ... Rl31"1f:'~ CATAWBA HOSP/l: ~ . 10 ...q¿ D . ,~_ .~, .ó' ~' I» -:·i.',.~ . . ~~. . , , ~1 (\'t.- ~ "..~-- ~' ~ ft¡~ ~ ..... ..,. ,.' I! .' . .; /...,,, ;", ' ~,..J'¡; ." " ~ , . to; ., ......~ . t '. ).; ;.. .',' , .rl ~ '. . ,"'. ." . . ,,.} . '\ . ...... ~ ""1 4 I...~ . .. ~ . .".~ .;' ;~~<.\. 't ", f,. '-', '. r,! . . ~, '.' í ..' rr}~, t..;;, ,~ - / - - ..~' ~/~ Jr..:..·..', ;...... - ~ - ~ I ~I . - .. r . . ~ ~.. J.". .L .- -:.: . ...... ..- , "-...'. L~.·f~~,. · -J .." ,.~ ,:. ¡J') . -', . . -'- /~ ' '¡.;'J .,.. . ~. -... Æ- ~ I. ,II. Ir,;.~·J¡,,· .. t~·.., . ~ ' t ,:.. .' " .."", "" :--: .... ;, , ,~ \ '. -..... ......... .' I -.-.... -.t C...q7'...q .. l1tS...q ~ . V...q¿¿t"Y ~.. .- N ...... Df? '< . ~. ~~ I .:...J~~I \.".~ .. -~ :.,............- -" " ,J .\ ..... · PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS CATAWBA CREEK ROAD 25 PRIORITY #9 DRY HOLLOW ROAD - RTE 649 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Catawba TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 280 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 1998 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Dry Hollow Road is the primary access to Camp Roanoke and to some residential properties. This project will address safety concerns by widening the roadway and improving horizontal sight distance under the railroad trestle near the intersection of West River Road, Rte 639. This will be accomplished by constructing a box culvert and retaining wall to span the creek and widen the roadway. STATUS OF PROJECT: VDOT staff is currently working on plans; project in the very initial stages. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 7/13/2011 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $1,458,000 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $330,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,128,000 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $30,000 FY 07/08: $30,000 FY 08/09: $170,111 FY 09/10: $105,000 FY 10/11: $275,000 FY 11/12: $205,000 26 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN , , <.L .,.> ,.. ~ '~ \ ~ .n. ','1::' ... f"' ..:: ~,~:~-:~ -'.. ~~. ......' .;. ¡ , ," ! .-, o /.,-;,. ...-1II.t ~ \ . ~ ,,- .' ~".tÞ r..... ~ ~.;h - . <~~:. - ... ~. ~. .-"f' ~ ... ~ r' ...-!r-~I_~" ~_. ,,~ ·~~·~~r. ~:",- . ~,. r'" ~,.,.",.. J ".r....; .'....'r ;.~. _ I .. r' :':.~ :'.'.,. . ~.""J~J-II¡ ¡-. .".,/' -" .... ... ., ~;. .; . " ~" ' J" ~ . . ",:t' 1 " ) .'( . . \. \. , , b, . " '\ ....... ~ . :0.... ~ <0; ~ ---- ...... '1-....,. ._ , . . '-»'T.. . '~1'. ~: .- ~- .. .. ~~ " , ~ ..._~- . & $ O'~ì:. '. -.J ....¡ , t~ µ~. .......¡ +.. ..~ / I . 2 ~~:' .-:~.... À ".'..'!:." ~~.~ 9:: - " ..' -- I. ' Q ~..:," t" "',. .1' ., , .~.. 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',"'.:I..~. ,I., ~..i";. ~ jIJ';r..S,;..-:........ ........ :ì..,~.'..~ ~ - >- ~ . ..f,640 F,eet .. .. . ~... ,;,JJ . i :::J..' 4· . f· .' , .. , , ~ . ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS DRY HOLLOW ROAD 27 PRIORITY #10 MERRIMAN ROAD - RTE 613 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Cave Spring TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 6,400 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 1998 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Improve 1.31 miles of existing roadway; improve existing alignment to address safety concerns; potentially add accommodations for bicyclists and pedestrians; and improve drainage by upgrading box culvert and adding curb and gutter in some locations. STATUS OF PROJECT: Scoping meeting was held in November '02. A Citizen's Information Meeting was held in November '04. Based on comments received from the public (ranging from spot improvements, drainage concerns, need for bicyclists/pedestrian accommodations, etc) VDOT is considering changing the scope of the project to address public comments. **Note: there are currentlv no funds allocated for construction. onlv vreliminarv engineering. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: N/A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $800,000 ** PREVIOUS FUNDING: $450,311 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $349,689 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $50,000 FY 07/08: $0 FY 08/09: $175,000 FY 09/10: $124,689 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 28 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS MERRIMAN ROAD 29 PRIORITY # 11 JOHN RICHARDSON ROAD - RTE 743 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 950 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2001 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Replace bridge and rebuild approaches. STATUS OF PROJECT: VDOT staff is currently working on plans; project in the very initial stages. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 8/10/2011 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $1,281,700 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $190,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $1,091,700 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $40,000 FY 07/08: $0 FY 08/09: $103,640 FY 09/10: $34,240 FY 10/11: $340,000 FY 11/12: $413,512 30 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN "-. ;",.."".. R,ì ? 43 '. ~ -..~ -., ~ '.'" '. \. ... ~_. .'~: - - . ,~-',- ~ "I f!t~ _ .- ' ...- , ' '- -~ ~. ~.....- "~": ."""""'- "",,!'. ...~ ~ ¡ ", f;'" ,. ~~ . ...... .. I ~ ~'- '. . .' .. ''''.' -'. i ' ~. . : , ...... ~ " .- . ' --,-. '..' . l;' · ::v.~ ,~ '. ~J- ~ -g~~ , - 0)' t .:,;. ~~'~i .. a ~,.. "....,' , ~ .. . .. ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JOHN RICHARDSON ROAD 31 PRIORITY # 12 SHADWELL DRIVE, OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD - RTE 605 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 2,300 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2003 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Potential curve improvements and widening of existing roadway. STATUS OF PROJECT: VDOT staff is currently working on plans; project in the very initial stages; proposed improvements currently on hold pending possible development plans and right-of-way donation. **Note: the County BGS aV¡Jroved a transfer of funds ($255.080) to the Hardv Road ¡Jro;ect (BGS Action No. A-091305-3. Item £-2) ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: N/A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $525,000 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $244,920 ** ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $280,080 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $0 FY 07/08: $0 FY 08/09: $0 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 32 ::~. .. .. .... ~ . "I, - ... . . .. 40 --...~ , "~-t .,. ... 0\1 . ~ ~ - " ~-f' - , ~ ; '-.::...~ . ".-"ro,;" ~. ---..:... fj. ,~' ,·...l·..:; , - ; ~ I, .._~ .t ___ -.. " -1 ~.~ ;r , . ' f ----, """" --~_.- I ' - .J' ]V ;- ...~. '~~ ~..." r . - ~ .;. .~ :A.: : -. .~~ . .~ .-~ ..~ , - .:¡.r-,~ Q:\" ~ Q:, ¡ ~ r' ¡! ~' It s. o . ¿ , Q . ....J . 0 , "- ~.- ~;, ~~ . J -- ~. I~' I I .~. . i; .. , . .' :I - '\.r ,....-.. I_~· ~ ~', . ~t."19 :'. " ~ -~., -. ~....... j . ~ '. f ..r II {"' .. ~-'-" ~i of: *-~'. ~ . .. ..... .~ I·"" ~. . -..... ... II . ~. t"" .... """"',- ~,. .. ~...... ......";.. "':. ~ ~. . ~~... ~ -' ~ . I: .. 0" ..... (' { " r . I -.' ". Feet ~~ - " ".:- ~. 6"'-':' ;¡ I ¡if -..:r\ ~... . 0( L ~.. N w4E ~~~ S - . ~ ., o 240 480 I I I I I I 960. I I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHADWELL DRIVE, OLD MOUNTAIN ROAD 33 PRIORITY # 13 GARMAN ROAD - RTE 929 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Catawba TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 1,200 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2003 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Railroad safety project (upgrade to 12-inch lens flashing light). STATUS OF PROJECT: Will be completed soon. 90% of funds came from FHW A, 10% from railroad. **No secondary road funds required from County. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 6/30/2005 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $40,000 ** PREVIOUS FUNDING: $40,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $0 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $0 FY 07/08: $0 FY 08/09: $0 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 34 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN u ,. ~.~ \. 7.~~ I ~~.L.~ ~ \í:. I - ~.. ~ ~ IIJj ,..... ~\._~,.. I[L t ' , J; .~L' - ~ ! ' .. ./ -- :-:. '. '''1'·" .. t -..... '~ \~ ~ .' ^ /,'. "''' r ./' ;~ ')~~'.,'~ , . . I r ~. ........ ~ roh- ..... ... I ~~ '.:. '. ,~t .:., -.r.:...-......! r -~ ... /. .-' .. - 'p -" " /" ,.,-.~.''-,'.'-'''''' c~· /~/'" ~: ,}... \\...~~ \\ , \ } \ .~.I 1 \. .---I ..\ --'I ~~. .::. ~ ~'-~ ~.' . .- ,.. ;. ,~# , ~, ~.., ~ . ,L . .. ~ i ~ . ~ .;. ~'. ~ ..-,. ... " \ \ \\ ,~\ N w4E ~~~ S ,...-:.....;'~ ~ :/II: ---. -' . , " ~ ':- ";Õ ... ~, ~. ¿'.' ~ ~.~~.:-." 0""- 150' ~. 300 I . \ '.600 . r _I' I· '1. I· . I 1\ '.~ L \~ Feet ~ 1'" . . . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS GARMAN ROAD 35 PRIORITY # 14 HARDY ROAD - RTE 634 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Vinton TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 10,000 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2004 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Reconstruct road from the eastern town limits of Vinton to just east of Feather Road, Rte 654. There is much development activity occurring along Hardy Road and there is increasing traffic to/from Bedford County. STATUS OF PROJECT: Project is in the very initial stages. **Note: there are currentlv no funds allocated for construction or rizht-of-wav. onlv vreliminarv engineering. The County BGS avvroved a transfer offunds ($255.080) from the Shadwell Drive vro;ect (BGS Action No. A-091305-3. Item £-2) ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: N/A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $750,000 ** PREVIOUS FUNDING: $422,188 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $327,812 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $0 FY 07/08: $0 FY 08/09: $40,000 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $57,773 FY 11/12: $230,039 36 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN 4,~".iI'J .-~: -~~ ~ ';-'" . ,~~ ~~-, - .,. l' .. . ... :- ~ " ~. . > -.. I.~. .. -:. : ~~~ ~ . ..- -. ,. ~. . j. ~ . .. ,1 ~f' ~.. ~; i '} ." ......¡ I ~... , . ~ , . -.-. . -. ,- ". ... ".UI: ,~ ""'.. .. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS HARDY ROAD 37 PRIORITY # 15 ROCKY ROAD - RTE 744 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Windsor Hills TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): 60 ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Reconstruct and surface treat 0.52 miles of existing roadway; replace existing pipe culvert. STATUS OF PROJECT: Project is in the preliminary stages; property owners have been contacted about impacts to right-of-way. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 10/9/2007 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $460,000 PREVIOUS FUNDING: $188,733 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $271,267 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $20,000 FY 07/08: $125,000 FY 08/09: $126,267 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 38 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN D :;t~~. u , f . ~ . :":"~ 0 . .......... ,,0 tv¡ CR<Ç: :' 1 ,^, ...~. . 'g ::\';~~.,~ '- .~ :t·~·:-~..~ð1'~ ..' ~" . ~~ .,/~~~~~,,; ....~:"~, ~!". ,W~~~ E ~.I /'11- I.:~ I ..... ~. I.. ~_~""'-- :. .. _<' -J;. '," ~~;; .. : -. '~.~ ,. ~.) ~ . .....~. . ~ -. ~~.". ... ",. S ,.. I .J. I.., . ..... ~.J .....-= ;;," , _.j (~:. .~ .~,; -. ~"t ~~:~ I I . / , ~~'. ! oW I_ .. ;:~-:~.....t· i.....·.:¡..., ~ .r. ,...__ .. "..: ... :~L .-r .',-1"4:..'< -.. ,;.-' _:i~ ~~~~¡~.: I ~ ~~~·.~.i. ~ ·oC .'1:. . ". ....·'..r 'J'¡-'''~.-->~~.'¡:'. ,.j, -J .,,:,-...., .- - -,4~I,J~.· '.. ".If'.-,;~ ';" ~ ' - I _ ~ , ..~. ..J....~. ~ :~~~. ~1i.:_.··r_'I.. ',..~~ ...., , '-. . ~......... - ..;.. :-=- ~.. ~:-'~~Ii· f ..... ~~If\ - '. - l' " -' ... .,It ~ ~.~ /:~~ :.-~ . .-: "~W~'" ~". .'. ¡.:~~~;.~ ...., .¡.'; I k' 'L ~ ~-".."~~- ~_.)-~~~B:.~." . ,:~~.. - ' '", - ·.~1 . I .w.L. ~.,,:. . . ~ .~~.._~ ~ ~~I ~ L '~~:~~_~ . . r -..."...-:¡ ~ ,,..,M.~ . r- ~_ .. - "¡.li.: '- '. '-"'J'<C.'~'" <~ :;..~:,'.~_.'~;.'" .. ..'_-... ,~J. ',' . - ''', - .. -'~'-.~~~""'~~-..~:.:.'\', ~~¡ '.... ". ,,~;..ot:''-'.. . ~. i. . .,' 'i:': _. _~" _~ . ... I )~. . . ...... ... ~ ,... r I ~ - -. - . .. "1.:.... I ~ I ~""1\ ~ ~ r·r·~··~:~·:~~ ~I~"~I I-~.~~'" ~~f~I""!..: ,j'~,.:~~.~. \." ,:.~i!f~"? ,I O,:~~~ /.~.~~~~·.~:.?,-,·.1~~qoA.,;'.~~ . .... PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ROCKY ROAD 39 PRIORITY # 16 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: STATUS OF PROJECT: ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: PREVIOUS FUNDING: MONCAP TRAIL - RTE 1728 Windsor Hills 50 2004 Reconstruct and surface treat 0.20 miles of existing roadway. Project is in the preliminary stages. N/A $80,000 $0 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: $80,000 PROJECTED FISCAL YR ALLOCATIONS: FY 06/07: $0 FY 07/08: $0 FY 08/09: $10,000 FY 09/10: $10,000 FY 10/11: $50,000 FY 11/12: $10,000 40 ...... ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN f't~ N W4E ~~~ S .- 1,0.~' , -. . ---~--l - ...... \ I .- . ,~' . f' ---- -\ CORNTASSELLN ~ , fIr-. ~, ?~. '1 ßIO'11~O 1 ) t· PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS MONCAP TRAIL 41 1. D. VDOT'S SECONDARY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUBMITTAL 42 C0 '<:j" I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I~ '" ..... ~ U; ..... I N ..... U) U) N «J ..... 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UI IJ m m Õ Õ l- I- Z. 1:: '" 0 '" 0. 0 '" (,) 0:: CJ) '<t <0 '" '" N ~ W ñí Q r- 'õ r- '" '" '" D.. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 50 II.A. INTRODUCTION REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FOR FY 2006-2007 The Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Program annually provides Roanoke County the opportunity to receive State matching funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the State's highway system. In the past, the Commonwealth of Virginia provided $15 million for the matching program and limited localities to $500,000 each. Last year, for fiscal year 2005-2006, the program was increased $35 million (implied as a one-time allocation), making it a $50 million state funded program. This included increasing the maximum state participation from $500,000 to $1 million per locality and allowing cities and towns the option to participate. The notice of the increase in state participation came in the spring of 2005; months after the Board of Supervisors had already approved the allocation of County funds for the fiscal year 2005-2006 Revenue Sharing Program and its budget. At the time of the writing of this document, the General Assembly has yet to approve the legislative action required to match last year's allocation of funds for the fiscal year 2006-2007 program. Staff anticipates that this will occur in the coming months (most likely early spring 2006) and that the County will once again be eligible for $1 million in state participation. Therefore, the enclosed Revenue Sharing Priority List includes projects that would entail $1 million in County/state matching funds. If in the future the County is notified that the program will not be increased again and that the County is only eligible for $500,000 in state matching funds, we can utilize the prioritized list to determine which projects would then be eligible. Roanoke County and VDOT staffs have been continuously reviewing and evaluating streets and drainage requests throughout the year for inclusion in the Revenue Sharing Program. In addition to reviewing citizens' inquiries, staff contacted Roanoke County's Stormwater Operations Division, Economic Development staff, General Services staff, Police Department, Fire & Rescue Department, School Board personnel, Western Virginia Water Authority, and VDOT's area superintendents. 51 VDoT and County staff have reviewed and evaluated each request received for inclusion in the revenue sharing plan. In deciding which projects would be included, the following criteria were used; traffic counts, existing pavement width (V DOT standard: 18' or greater for plant mix), existing and future development in the adjacent area, overall pavement condition (alligator cracking, depressions and utility cuts), drainage, vehicular and pedestrian safety, and the economic benefits. Application for Revenue Sharing Program funding must be made by resolution of the governing body of the jurisdiction in which the road is located. Project funding is allocated by resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Construction may be accomplished by VDoT or, where appropriate, by the locality under an agreement with VDoT. 52 II. B. REVENUE SHARING PROJECTS: DETAILS AND MAPS Following is Roanoke County's priority list of revenue sharing projects to be completed in the 2007 construction season or beyond. 53 PRIORITY # 1 BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD - RTE 679 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Kings Chase Drive, Rte 2050, to Eagle Crest Drive, Rte 3537 (near the Blue Ridge Parkway crossing) Cave Spring 4,700 Widen shoulders; install guard rail, if necessary $50,000 $25,000 54 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA . _ _. /I. "r'" I I - !'L"'I.. .... t. ~...PI :'. ..: ... ~ I I ~_ . ~ ~ "'1";-.~ .. . ~ I I~~· ~ -t.,"~" . ...... ~ ....... ."L... . .~~ , .... . I . . ~ .. t· ." .~~ . '. ~ - oil. - - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 185370 I I I I I I 740 Feet I I N )(~ W~E S Buck Mountain Rd 55 PRIORITY # 2 ARTHUR STREET - RTE 717 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: Intersection with Starkey Road, Rte 904 Cave Spring 130 -ARTHUR ST. 7,400 - STARKEY RD. Widen intersection; cut bank back; extend culvert; put in turning tapers $40,000 $20,000 56 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 70 140 280 Feet I I I I I I I I I N )(~ W~E S Arthur St / Starkey Rd 57 PRIORITY # 3 LEFFLER LANE - RTE 1299 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Po ages Mill Drive, Rte 1780, to dead-end Windsor Hills 50 Plant-mix asphalt overlay (2-inches HMA) over newly constructed Rural Addition road $8,236 $4,118 58 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 50 100 200 Feet I I I I I I I I I N )(~ W~E S Leffler Ln 59 PRIORITY #4 & 5 IVYLAND ROAD - RTE 775 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Rutrough Road, Rte 618, to end-of-state maintenance Vinton 180 Construct new turn-around at the end-of-state maintenance and then apply plant-mix asphalt overlay (2 inches HMA) on entire road. $65,840 $32,920 60 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 95 190 380 Feet N )(~ W~E S I I I I I I I I Ivy land Rd 61 PRIORITY #6 & 7 HUFFMAN ROAD - RTE 761 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Rutrough Road, Rte 618, to end-of-state maintenance Vinton 140 Construct new turn-around at the end-of-state maintenance and then apply plant-mix asphalt overlay (2 inches HMA) on entire road. $64,784 $32,392 62 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA -, ~:."Þ ," ,;'" ... - . -:'"">--' ~t .\ ~ \.. ,~ . .~ ~'\ i o PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 150300 I I I I I I 600 Feet I I N W~~E ~ S Huffman Ln 63 PRIORITY # 8 NEWPORT ROAD - RTE 624 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From 0.1 mile east of Miller Cove Road, Rte 620, to 0.2 miles east of Miller Cove Road, Rte 620 Catawba 860 Re-grade slope to allow for greater sight distance when approaching the curve; clear zone/shoulder improvements; possibly extend guard rail. $40,000 $20,000 64 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA .JI¡' .¡ ~ ; . ~ p" rI I"" ,~ -r. ., .. ~ .... ø..- If" __,...f ,,'- .~ -~ ~ ,.. ..... .. ~ lit .;#~ .1 .,. ~. ~ ~<?? 0«;;- ~«.~ ~«; " . . , -- ,tr .. -")-.. \ ~ ~ ',-\ ..~., '1.', , ,~. - ..",,' . ~ , ~ < 11:~: .( . ~ , . ~., '" ~ t#~1 . _:.,~ 6'~r~ tI .~- '.J oJ' ~j " ~ o PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I I I I I I I I I N )(~ W~E S o 75 150 300 Feet Newport Rd 65 PRIORITY #9 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: KEAGY ROAD - RTE 685 Intersection with Walton Lane, Rte 1386 Windsor Hills 4,000 Re-grade slope to improve sight distance $50,000 $25,000 66 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA .' ~ . .... -....... L .t .;<µ. ~ ~~.~. ~ ~ ~ \ \-" .. ' - ........... ¡: . \ . ~. .' .. - ; . ., I . , .).~ . . .\' 'i';t .,~~ ~.~ " . :' - '/'1' ... . I I", . "1 r '. " t "" . "~ O 0 37.575 150 Feet PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I I I I I I I I I N W~~E ~ S Keagy Rd / Walton Ln 67 PRIORITY # 10 CARSON ROAD - RTE 758 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: Bridge near intersection with Lake Back-o-Beyond Drive, Rte 3505 Vinton 880 Re-grade slopes to improve sight distance around curve on bridge approaches $50,000 $25,000 68 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA .-.. . r ",") { .' ... .. f ~ J ~ ~ " ,. 1" ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 55 110 220 Feet I I I I I I I I I N W~~E S Carson Rd 69 PRIORITY # 11 & 12 THIRLANE ROAD - RTE 626 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Peters Creek Road, Rte 117, to Wood Haven Road, Rte 628 Catawba 2,000 Improve drainage by grading shoulders, re- establishing ditches (from Peters Creek Rd to Connie Dr, Rte 1490); plant-mix asphalt overlay (2- inches HMA) (from Peters Creek Rd to Wood Haven Rd) $88,788 $44,394 70 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 125250 I I I I I I 500 Feet I I Thirlane Rd 71 PRIORITY # 13 DAUGHERTY ROAD - RTE 643 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: Existing culvert near 4144 Daugherty Road Catawba 600 Replace existing box culvert with larger drainage structure and re-work approach channel $75,000 $37,500 72 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 25 50 100 Feet I I I I I I I I I N W4tE S Daugherty Rd 73 PRIORITY # 14 FRIENDSHIP LANE - RTE 1895 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Plantation Road, Rte 115, to end-of-state maintenance Hollins 1,900 Continued funding for drainage improvements $10,000 $5,000 74 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA . I· ~ ~.... "'. . ......... ... ..... '" k ~ < ~.. r . PROPOSED DRAINAGE o 70 140 I I I I I I 280 Feet I I N )(~ W~E S Friendship LN 75 PRIORITY # 15 STARLIGHT LANE - RTE 615 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Merriman Road, Rte 613, to Hemlock Avenue, Rte 6009 Cave Spring 250 Plant-mix asphalt overlay (2 inches HMA) $84,480 $42,240 76 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA I I I I I I 1,080 Feet I I N )(~ W~E S PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 270540 Starlight Ln 77 PRIORITY # 16 WOODLEY DRIVE - RTE 1372 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Mc Vitty Road, Rte 1647, to end-of-state maintenance Windsor Hills 300 Need drainage pipes and inlet; plant-mix asphalt road (2 inches HMA) $23,232 $11,616 78 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA N o 50 100 200 Feet , J... PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I I I I I I I I I ~l W~E s Woodley Dr 79 PRIORITY # 17 GIESER ROAD - RTE 1650 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: Intersection with Glenbrook Drive, Rte 1699 Windsor Hills 340 Re-establish curb & gutter and pavement to improve drainage $40,000 $20,000 80 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA ~ PROPOSED DRAINAGE ø N o 25 50 100 Feet ~ I I I I I I I I I W~E S Gieser Rd 81 PRIORITY # 18 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: STARLIGHT LANE - RTE 615 Intersection with Hemlock Avenue, Rte 6009 Cave Spring 250 Re-grade slope to improve sight distance $50,000 $25,000 82 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA '. . .- . .- ..toI! . .. N )(~ W~E S o PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 95 190 I I I I I I 380 Feet I I Hemlock Ave / Starlight Ln 83 PRIORITY # 19 SANDLEWOOD ROAD - RTE 678 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Buck Mountain Road, Rte 679, to end-of-state maintenance Cave Spring 170 Widen from 12-ft to 18-ft; construct turn-around at end-of-state maintenance $150,000 $75,000 84 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA N o 75 150 300 Feet ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I, , , I I , , I W~E S Sandlewood Rd 85 PRIORITY #20 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: MOUNT PLEASANT BOULEVARD - RTE 866 Intersection with Jae Valley Road, Rte 116 Vinton 1 ,400 Improve sight distance/safety at intersection $500,000 $250,000 86 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 25 50 100 Feet I I I I I I I I I N )(~ W~E S Mount Pleasant Blvd / Jae Valley Rd 87 PRIORITY #21 BRANDYWINE AVENUE - RTE 1602 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Bunker Hill Drive, Rte 1602, to Kenmore Avenue, Rte 682 Cave Spring 140 Establish adequate drainage along roadway. $80,000 $40,000 88 PRIORITY #22 BUNKER HILL DRIVE - RTE 1602 LOCATION: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD): PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: COUNTY CONTRIBUTION: From Manassas Drive, Rte 682, to Brandywine Avenue, Rte 1602 Cave Spring 140 Establish adequate drainage along roadway. $80,000 $40,000 89 DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 06-07 REVENUE SHARING ROANOKE COUNTY, VA PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS o 100200 I I I I I I 400 Feet I I N )(~ W~E S Bunker Hill Dr / Brandywine Ave 90 II.C. REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM SUMMARY 91 lr) MO µ:., U o ill """"0 ill o ~ p.., ill E-< ~ o p::: 0 o Z µ:.,~~ Ô~> i3 (/) ~~ µ., ill E-< Ö ~ 8 Z>u S~ilI ~b~ 6\ô~ VJOo ~¡;:~ ::8::8 ~~ ,....:¡,....:¡ ~~ (/)(/) ~ E-< U U @ ~ Q E-< ,...., VJ VJ ð~ ¡.., c S;:Ò ::: ~~ .u .¡S '"" ¡¡: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ §. Q':; ~ ~ ~ ~ ¡¡:~ ~¡:~ '" §::::.;; ~~'-.: ~~ i~ ~'- ~ ;;:.: i:: ~ ''::; ~ ~ ~ ....:¡ . . 'is ~CIJ;;::" Q':;~~ ....:¡ )~~ .::;, ~ ..::::: ... ~ ~ c;,¡ '- Q':;:::;;.:~ :::: ~ ::: ~i:c::C ",'"" ::: 6 :.. ~ ~ -¡:: .'f: 'CQ"Q,,'"" ~~ ~ .... ~~ Ò..::::: ::: ~ ð~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ i:c::~~ I- o o > ~ .- ~ "E cu :J en - I9~ VJ cu c VJ .- VJ ,Q) VJ U ..... Q) ~c :J o .r:: VJ c Q) -0 ~ >- z o o " '<1"' -0 C Q) ...... x Q) .:,¿' U cu VJ ..0 ..... .:,¿~ C cu cu...... ..oc ...... .- :J...... U :J ..0.. § t:~ B g: PA-s ..... U Q) ...... .~ c Q) -0 ~ I- o o > ~~ ~ 0 I ..... VJ ,c Q)-O .r:: -0 ~« ~~ '-' :J :>-0::: .!!è-o Q:;2 > U o 2 ...... ...... ro~ .r::o @-u cu:>- .~ 3: ¡¡: ~ t:Q:; cu > C:o >- z o M ...... 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Zo¡¡, ~~ '" ..... -0 .º C ..... :JC- 4- - cu ...... c w E w 0.. 0.. :J <./1 >- cu -- c cu -- c cu -- c cu -- c z L/1 N o ~ g o CX) 0, o ,0 0' ~ g Lf" \.0 T"""I'" .. .. eM .... rom ~rt~~õõ ..ê "E (]) >- \.0 .:b r- g~Õ::"E2~E .~ -0' :!J!. c::: :J C:::c::: U II. D. PROJECTS CONSIDERED BUT NOT FUNDED The following projects were considered for inclusion in the FY 2006/2007 Revenue Sharing Program but were not added. Carson Road, Rte 758: Drainage issues; problems with curvature and geometry; road width deficiencies; with so many problems with this particular roadway, the project may be too extensive to handle under Revenue Sharing. Staff recommends that this project be one of the first added to the future Numbered Project list once additions are possible. Crutchfield Street, Rte 1904: Staff received a request to improve the sight distance for one property's driveway. This project would require major renovations to an established yard, including cutting down trees and vegetation that is outside of the public right-of-way. The benefits do not outweigh the associated project costs. Staff will recommend to VDOT that they install the appropriate signage for this situation. Boones Chapel Road, Rte 614: Staff received two requests: to realign and widen an existing bridge and to construct a new turn-around at the end of the roadway. VDOT has/will rectify the first request with their bridge construction/maintenance crew. The second request, to install a new turn-around at the end of state maintenance, was not put in the Program due to lack of citizen interest. The affected property owners were contacted and they informed the County staff of their opposition to such a project. Cantle Lane, Rte 1339: Staff received a request to repair the existing curb & gutter on this particular roadway. A site visit confirmed that improvements were needed. VDOT has informed County staff that they will address the concerns under normal maintenance activities. 95 ACTION NO. ITEMNO.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24,2006 Approval of projects for fiscal year 2006-2007 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Program AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Anthony Ford, P.E. Transportation Engineering Manager APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge {II County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Program annually provides Roanoke County the opportunity to receive state matching funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the state's highway system. In the past, the Commonwealth of Virginia provided $15 million for the matching program and limited localities to $500,000 each. Last year, for fiscal year 2005-2006, the program was increased $35 million (implied as a one-time allocation), making it a $50 millíon state funded program. This included increasing the maximum state participation from $500,000 to $1 million per locality and allowing cities and towns the option to participate. At the time of this public hearing, the General Assembly has yet to approve the legislative action required to match last year's allocation of funds for the fiscal year 2006-2007 program. Staff anticipates that this will occur in the coming months, most likely early spring 2006, and that the County will once again be eligible for $1 million in state participation. Therefore, this fiscal year's revenue sharing priority list includes projects that would entail $1 million in County/state matching funds. If in the future the County is notified that the program will not be increased again and that the County is only eligible for $500,000 in state matching funds, we can utilize the prioritized list to determine which projects would then be eligible. 1 The Revenue Sharing Program for fiscal year 2006-2007 contains 25 projects totaling $2 million in improvement projects ($1 million in County matching funds). County and VDOT staff presented these projects with maps and justifications for inclusion in the revenue sharing program for fiscal year 2006-2007 at the December 20, 2005 Board of Supervisors work session. Receiving no requests to modify or change the priority list, staff is requesting the Board to approve the priority list for the fiscal year 2006-2007 Revenue Sharing Program. FISCAL IMPACT: The funding will be shown in the Department of Community Development operating budget for fiscal year 2006-2007. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the project list and authorize the County Administrator to sign the letter of intent and defer appropriation of the funds ($1,000,000) until July 1,2006. 2. Decline to participate in the Revenue Sharing Program for fiscal year 2006-2007. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 1 . 2 T -I PETITIONER: Vistar Eye Center CASE NUMBER: 1-1/2006 Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 7, 2006 (Continued from January 3, 2006) Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 28,2006 (Continued from January 24, 2006) A. REQUEST The petition of Vistar Eye Center to rezone 1,14 acres from C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions to C-2, General Commercial District for the operation of a medical office, located at 5296 Peters Creek Road, Catawba Magisterial District B. CITIZEN COMMENTS C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION D. CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission 'STAFFiREPO'RTC", . "'J.,'." Vistar Eye Center The petition to rezone 1.14 acres from C-2C General CommercÎal District with Conditions to C·2 General Commercial District to construct an eye examination office 5296 Peters Creek Road Petitioner: Request: Location: Magisterial District: Proffered/Suggested Conditions: Catawba Magisterial District none EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Vistar Eye Center wishes to rezone a parcel from C-2C to C-2 in order to construct an eye examination center. This rezoning request consists of a single 1, 14-acre parce1. Current conditions that apply to the site address building location, landscaping, access, and lighting. The petitioner wishes to eliminate these proffers of a previous owner and will adhere instead to current C-2 zoning requirements. The property is adjacent to two parcels zoned C-2 and three zoned R-2. The conceptual plan submitted wÎth this application has not been proffered. The property is designated as Transition according to the 2005 Community Plan. The Transition future land use is a use that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. These areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. These areas are suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. A Vistar Eye Center medical office is a use compatible with the Transition designation from the 2005 Community Plan. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance allows medical offices to be constructed and operated in C-2 zoned property. The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance defines a medical office use as the use of a site for facilities which provide diagnoses, minor surgical care, and outpatient care on a routine basis, but which do not provide overnight care or serve as a base for an ambulance service. Medical offices are operated by doctors, dentists, or similar practitioners licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Medical Office businesses are permitted in C-2 General Commercial district by right. The parcel petitioned for rezoning bounds 3 parcels zoned R~2 on its rear boundary. In accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, screening requirements state that the following buffer must be established between C-2 and R-2 zoned properties: The applicant shall choose between two options of Type C screening and buffering yards: 1. 40' buffer containing large trees and small trees, one row of evergreen shrubs, and a row of deciduous shrubs 2. 30' buffer containing one large tree for every 30', 6' screening, and 4 shrubs for every 10' In accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, lighting regulations state the following requirements for exterior lighting. These standards shall apply to all uses and developments requiring a site development plan pursuant to Section 30-90 of this ordinance: (1) All exterior lighting fixtures shall be designed, located and arranged so as not to direct glare on adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles (A) All exterior lighting fixtures within residential zoning districts shall be designed, located and arranged so as not to direct glare on adjoining streets or residential properties. The lighting intensity at adjoining residential properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles 1 In accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Sec. 30-92-6. Applìcability of Regulations and Requirements), the following regulation is established for screening dumpsters in all zoning districts: (E) Additional screening requirements. 1, All refuse service (dumpsters/containers) and outdoor storage areas in all zoning districts shall be screened from surrounding views, In addition, ground level mechanical equipment shall be screened or landscaped. A site plan review is required. A commercial entrance permit is required. Existina Proffers The current proffers on the property are as follows: 1. Use of subject property will be limited to office space, 2. Property will be developed in substantial accord with the site plan submitted with the following exceptions: a. Remaining undeveloped portion of the property, if developed, will have landscaped front yard, parking at the side or rear of the building, and one sign of limited message, simple geometric shape, consistent lettering style, with adequate spacing. b. Access to the building shown on the site plan will be shared with either property to the northwest or with any buildings developed on the undeveloped portion of the subject property. c. Screening and buffering on the site will comply with section 21-92 of the County Zoning Ordinance. d. On-site lighting will be of limited height (14' maximum) as not to impact adjacent duplexes. 3. Sign will be of limited message, simple geometric shape, and consistent fettering style with adequate spacing. No billboard advertising permitted. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Backaround - The petitioner, Vistar Properties, LLC, purchased one parcel on Peters Creek Road, east of 1- 581, The property is 1.14 acres with no existing structures, Vistar Properties, LLC has purchased the property and is applying to have it rezoned to C-2 Commercial District. It is currently zoned C-2C Commercial District with proffered conditions. The proffered conditions were approved in 1988. TopoaraphvNeaetation - The property has a vegetative buffer consisting of several large and small trees along its northwestern boundary. The parcels adjacent to this rear boundary are zoned R-2 Medium Density Residential. There are no vegetative buffers on its northeastern or southwestern boundaries, which border commercially-zoned properties. There is no vegetative buffer between the property and Peters Creek Road to the southeast. The property lies outside the SOD-year floodplain. The entire site is generally flat. Surroundinq Neiahborhood - The property is adjacent to property zoned C-2 General Commercial District to the northeast (Green Ridge Retail Center) and southwest (a vacant lot). The properties to the northwest and west are zoned R~2 Medium Density Residential and contain detached single-family homes. The parcels across Peters Creek Road from the property are located in Roanoke City and are zoned C-1 (Commercial Office) and LM (Light Manufacturing). The southbound lane of Peters Creek Road runs the length of the southeast border of the property. 2 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site LayouUArchitecture - Vistar Properties, LLC proposes to construct a two-story branch of Vistar Eye Center, not to exceed 30' in height, on the site. The conceptual rendering plan is enclosed. A 20' landscaping buffer in front of the building and a 30' landscaping buffer behind the building are proposed. The proposed building ís 7,000 square feet and is situated in the rear western corner of the property, with parking and traffic flow located on the front and right sides of the building. The proposed entrance to the property is from the southbound lane of Peters Creek Road. An updated conceptuaf plan has up to 19 parking spaces located below the building primarily for use by employees. This addition to the plan does not alter the outside layout of the building. These details of the conceptual plan have not been proffered. Accessrrraffic Circulation - The site will be accessible from an entrance from the southbound lane of Peters Creek Road on the southeastern boundary of the property. This will be the only access point on the site. The increased traffic expected to be generated from this site is not sufficient to trigger a traffic impact study. This section of Peters Creek Road is maintained by the City of Roanoke. They have been given an opportunity to review this petition. Mr. Anthony Ford recommends that the applicant meet with him and representatives from the city to discuss this project. Fire & Rescue/Utilities - The proposed site is 1.5 miles from Hollins Fire Station located on Peters Creek Rd NW. Hydrants are located nearby on Peters Creek Rd and on Century Dr NW behind this property. Fire and Rescue Department staff has noted that the impact of the commercial building will be 2 additional fire inspections per year by the fire prevention division. Western Virginia Water Authority has commented that sanitary sewer service is available at the site and that a water line must be extended to the property, 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The site is designated as Transition in the 2005 Community Plan, The Transition future land use is a designation that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. These areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Transition future land use areas are suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. Intense retail and highway-oriented retail commercial uses are discouraged, The proposed rezoning for a Vistar Eye Center medical office is compatible with the Transition designation from the 2005 Community Plan. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The rezoning requested for the above property by the petítioner is in conformance with the 2005 Roanoke County Community Plan. It is designated as a Transitional future land use, is bounded on two sides by parcels zoned C-2, and is located on the Peters Creek Road corridor. The traffic generated by the proposed development is not considered significant enough to warrant a traffic impact analysis. The most significant issue with respect to the property is its location adjacent to a residential district. However, impacts on these districts should be minimized by meeting buffering and screening requirements detailed in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. CASE NUMBER: PREPARED BY: HEARING DATES: 1·1/2006 Joshua C. Gibson PC: 1/3/06 BOS: 1/24/06 3 92. OJ O~'6l ) County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Onl Date r~eived: Received by: TuJ 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Placards issued; .-J "I.i\ Check type of application filed (check all that apply) taRezoning 0 Special Use 0 Variance DWaiver o Administrative Appeal 0 Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicants name/address whip VISTAR EYE CENTER 2802 Brandon Avenue Roanoke VA 24015 Phone: Work: Cell #: Fax No.: 540-344-4000 "é Owner's name/address whip VISTAR PROPERTIES, LLC 2802 Brandon Avenue Phone #: Work: Fax No. #: Eï40-142-4171 540-344-4000 540-342-4373 Property Location 5296 Peters Creek Road Magisterial District: Hollinð Community Planning area:....I:lo 11 ins· Tax Map No.: 37.08-01-01 { . l L\. o.c... . Existing Zoning: C2-C Size of parcel(s): Acres: ~,'~F-~~'~::ti-:(i;~~W~,¡1;:?:,:t~;.·~;~z~~:·:~¥ ~m-J,%~0~::f~:~J~~~:1;~')1!'~~;i~:;t*~/"~~&~f1~t1~š'~~~~:¡t~t~~ ";jREZONING'{S/J.Q,€(.íU.;'[:JSElPJl:/fMIT:;:;WJ4lJ!ER! . k~:'I:LY"'.'; i.. '-: ~' '."';"~'(j-p:';)!:' ",\':';-~n:'i':."iJ,;;;·,.t''-.t(;c.;!;)¡~' ;ti';~~(·~',j,~ "f.':r;.'''::~;''~(~~'f,'r ,~~.,;~'{~:t.è:i;',~·'~(;"'I1Ç~·_''''''':"i Existing Land Use: Vacant Proposed Zoning: Proposed Land Use; C~2 Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and ftontage requirements of the requested district? Yes XX No IFNO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes XX No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No t¡K_1£1¥)~[~I~~':!~d¿ .",:,/l1f&1~~m¡$,;, VariancefWaiver of Section(s) N/A of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. RlSIWICP V/AA RlSIWICP V/AA RlSlW/CP V/AA ~ Consultiition §i 8 1/2" X II" concept pJan ~ Application fee X Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if appJicable Justification Water and sewer appliciition Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner ofthe propeI)Y or the owner:' agent or contract purchaser and am iicting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. ~.-l " /: ../ 1~:;'¿7 i. c..-..I¿l/t'L....-..-: Owner's Signature 2 _~~~.m'0?i~~~_C~'~""~~~~~~~''''''''~--;'''~ ~m'r.¡t(, ~~~j'i-{~(i),,~·~J~1:i)TI_~Ü1~;J.~~,'~1,~~fi~~~~~:t;1;~~1 ~;1îi~:~:~jt¡~t~~íf~~J«~i1;~;D!jÌi1M?i ~~~~{rij~~- i-~i~~ï:~'I~~~~~~1f:~ii~~i\~~;I;îç~~;~k~~~ :):~'J:.:~~'~~~<~~, ':,',? ?~:5:,;~,"{~~~~ f'~(:;~~,:~{~: "'. :){~:¡iöÃ!iìt~¡M~.~',";,~::'~i;~. ):?,:' ?:~ .~" i ::, ','t: :., ~~t:{} .Ir;~:':,':;~~f-~:';:;' ';[¡f(j ~~~~,¿~k~~i~~!á~J.~~h1.~~~~~~~~~á~~~~~~~6lli~.$~¿~Lt.&~-2.;~ Applicant VISTAR EYE CENTER The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to deteri:nine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the pmposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginnìng of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. This petition requests removal of proffers placed on the property in 1988) which were carried over to new zoIring classifications. The proffer conditions currently meet or exceed requirements of the present zoning ordinance, given standards, setbacks, buffering, and screening in force under the current ordinance. There would be no negative traffic or land-use impacts caused by re-zoning this property :fÌom C2-C to C-2. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan, This lot is designated by IItransition" in the land-use guide of the Roanoke County Community Plan. Office, medical) and small-scale retail-use types are encouraged under this plan. Similar commercial (i.e., C-2) development currently exists along both sides of Peters Creek Road. Site development for this property will be consistent with the Community Plan. Surrounding Properties are of similar scale businesses) which are zoned C-2. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and ~ilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parkslrecreation and fire and rescue. Requested zoning for C-2 would have no impact on the use of this or adjacent commercial properties. Adjacent residential property would be screened in accordance with zoning requirements. Land-use patterns are similar to the surrounding area. The size of this lot would not adversely impact surrounding utilities or public services. 3 A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations, The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan orplot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building pennit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use pennit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use peffiÚt, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS /a. ~b. V'" c. ..,/' d. /e. v f. V" g. ~h. L i. ~j. Applicant name and name of development Date, scale and north arrow Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties All property lines and easements All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information requiredfor REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPUCANTS k. V" I. Existing utilities (water, sewer, stonn drains) and connections at the site Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p. A:n.y proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. Ifproject is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. ..,1/ /J GiftZ:~ I~· Ct?U"4v-.J Signatur of apphcant /1/11/05 Date 6 ~ /~' ... ~ ~ ?12. ~ ~/N&. - - ,/ 77/)C.. #" ./ ~~cC~-z1Z ). ~ t:e7V7u",e-r c-:::x;r/O;? .e -~ 'U;()/,v6. /-~,=~' q:,' ~-.P'~ .f . ~~.e$//O' ~(~ ~ . . t/Z I J '2774'2r 4~té"/~ etf11- 8d , I - ~..... &r/J17: t:H R.RBvT!2Ò'iP'ð '- t!. '2 -Co ~ 71W1F- ~7.af-O/-O/ -~ 4'Z1 r,c; to' '" ., ... ~ ~ .,:¡' ~ 7/ ~ '" ~ 7 ~ , ~M~8Z- (,{)/~'!.J ¿ ... zPAI/V6 ~~ ~4f-d-t " ~ 1\ " ~~ _11 .., ",. ~ ~~.- pßt- ( ~f? ~c f2C/. 6/T6, XIICME * /Z&t//~,Pl?I2. ~/N~ rJ2B./Þf. Rev/bY ~! Jl'~ 4O'-.ti' /,/~ ~ ~, A£W ßc/u7Y o I ',Jo' 4-b ~ VI?7JlIZ ~~ ~~h~m~I~.1 KINSEY, SHANE & ASSOCIATES Date: / /' _ ,~ 1~IP~m~1 Architects, Engineers ;/t:. Sheet No: IIIIII~ 201 W. Main Street Scale: //I-:;..::]It!J1 °0-/ Salem, Virginia 24153 Project No: ,ffGI-,;1! r £. ~ tI ~\, \,~ ~~. <v" '0:\'~ ~ (fJ~ '\ 53( o. ~ ./~ 6'0 .rI) 5296 . ~ , ~~~ 4. ~nmllllll'l KINSEY, SHANE & ASSOCIATES ~lIij ~ Architects, Engineers III'II~. 201 W. Main Street ~~~ Salem, Virginia 24153 VI&7,4fZ. eye C&fJ7l?12-... Date: II j/J/ó5 Sheet No: Scale: Project No: ~-AI PP-2. ·V ./ / , ,/ , , ,/ ./f' ,fi2~? / 4 ,/ J;7.();( / ()I ,/ D=6.5 / ,/ ~ ,{' ;' ,/'~ iP / 4 ~ / J;7.0B ,...' 02 5.00 þ,r.. ",/" D~5.5 d\ / //0 7. ~q, 6. ~.28 ,,",. / -# \ CD ~À ,,~ 5..2 "!.J'! Ie 51611 Home Funeral --...\ ~ 1IIIII ~I~I~. KINSEY, SHANE & ASSOCIATES Architects, Engineers 201 W. Main Street Salem, Virginia 24153 Vlff~ Y¡& a3V7lii2- Date: //j/~tG Sheet No: Scale: Project No: ~;V j/D - ?; EXHIBIT A ., ... .,.- ~-, ___.h'~:!I\~I.~, .. LEGAL PESCRJ.PTION 1k:, I --- .. P7'_. ::"~, 7Jr"""'W';.....\.....Þ~~~ All that certain Jot or parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Roanoke~ State of Virginia, and more particular]y describèd as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iTOn on tht northwest side of Virginia Route No. 117 at the castermost comer of a 0.569 acre parcel cODveyed to Roy L. Tolbert, et UX, by deed dated March 15, 1966, aDd recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Cou.nty, VìrgiDia, in Deed Bock 800, page 585: thence with th(} northeasterly line of said To1bert property N. 33° 56' 3011 W. 248.29 feet 10 a point; thence N. 55Q 30' 10" E, 200.0 feet to a point; thence váth a new division Jine through the propèrty of Branch & Associates, Incorporate~ S. 33° 56' 30" E. 250.23 feet to an iron on the northwest side of Virginia Route No. 117; thence with the line of Route No. 117, S, S6u 03' 30" W. 200.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 1.14 acres., more or less, and being shown 011 a plat by T. P. Parker, CL.S-j dated January 15, 1971; and being the $ame property conveyed to Bluestone Industries. Incorporated by deed dated May 31, 1991 from KeVÎI1 Forbes, et als, Trustees of Construction and Genera] Laborers Local Union No. 980, at! unincorPorated association, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the aforesajd County in Deed Book 1343 at page 793. I~lSTRUMENT 120aS14390 xECORDED IN THE CLERK"S OFFICE OF ROAND!Œ COll)..rfV ON AUGUST 25, 28ß5 AT 11:37AM ~313.ØB GRANTOR TAX WAS PAID AS REG\JIRgt :B~J SE:C 58.1-802 OF THE VA. CODE STATEt $:56.5@ LO~qL: $15 ~ø STEVEN A. MCGRAW, CLERK KIN~EY, SHANE & ASSOCIATES Architects, Engineers 201 W. Main Street Salem, Virginia 24153 V/~~ ~C81J~ Date: /I/J7/~ Scale: Sheet No: Project No: f!~f£"'" ÃI pp- .t¡: Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO ApPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition ifnew or additional information is presented at the publíc hearing. Ifit is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planníng staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staffto determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning COIT.ùl'..1ssion. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective date: Apri/19, 2005 fL'1 ¡filL 0..../ J /' // ,/" .1- .1 /. U2d4-<t ) , /I II 514-..... ~?<-) é.;'~-c/ Name of petltiori ~t f· ¿;{'lh-J .. ¡etitioner'S Signature' Nr."Í, d .2. J"Cð S , Date 8 Community Development Planning & Zoning Division POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County traffic engineer, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any timef as deemed necessary.) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: · Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units · Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) · Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash · Retail shop/Shopping center · Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) · Regional public facilities · Educational/Recreational facilities · Religious assemblies · Hotel/Motel · Golf course · Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic · Industrial site/Factory · Day care center · Bank · Non-specific use requests Road Network Situations: · Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 500-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11,24,115,117,460,11/460,220,221,419, etc) · For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly · When required to evaluate access issues · Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) · Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem · Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic signal{s) · Substantial departure from the Community Plan · Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day Effective date: Apri/19, 2005 9 _AG3 _EcP _ .o.G1 AR _r.;II C1 _C2 _ G2CVOD II / " 12 ~ .PCD PRO - ../ .PTD , /' RI ./ R'2 ,,- R3 R4 ~/ / ../ City of Roanoke ~ Site 37,08-1-1 5296 Peters Creek Road - Applicants Name: VISTAR EYE CENTER Exîsting Zonîng: C2C Proposed Zoning: C2 Tax Map Number: 37.08-1-1 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 1.14 Acres November 22, 2d)4)i;h equals 200 feet Roanoke County Department of Community Development PETITIONER: Eric Eanes & Todd Conner CASE NUMBER: 3~1/2006 T~Q Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 7,2006 (Continued from January 3, 2006) Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 28, 2006 (Continued from January 24, 2006) A. REQUEST The petition of Eric Eanes and Todd Conner to rezone 8.92 acres from C-2S, General Commercial District with Special Use Permit to R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District for the construction of a townhouse development, located at 7656 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION D. CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission Petitioner: ·SJ'ÂFF.'ÎiÊP()R. "t:' ,! ,.. '"' '.. ',_'_ -I'" .,' . '0' ',". -,·,_·_·1 Eric Eanes & Todd Conner Request: Location: To rezone 8.92 acres from C-2 General Commercial/Special Use Permit to R-3 Medium Density Multi-Family Residential to construct a townhome development 7656 Williamson Road Magisterial District: Hollins Suggested Proffer of Conditions: 1. The project shaH be constructed in general compliance with concept plan titled "Williamson Road Subdivision" prepared by Balzer & Associates dated November 231 2005. 2. A maximum of 51 residential units shall be constructed on the property. 3. Screening and buffering onsite shall be implemented per the following: · Type B, Option 1 or 2, adjoining R-3 zoned property; · Type C, Option 1 or 2, adjoining C-2 zoned property; · Type D, Option 1 or 2, adjoining 1-1 zoned property. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is an unconditional request to rezone 8,92 acres of a 9.84 acre tract from C-2 SUP to R-3 situated on the north side of Williamson Road approximately 0.2 mile east of its intersection with Plantation Road for the purpose of developing a townhouse project at a proposed density of 5.71 units per acre. The overaJI site is designated Principal Industrial and Core by the 2005 Roanoke County Community Plan. All redevelopment proposed under this petition would occur in the area delineated Principal Industrial. The proposed residential development is not consistent with that designation, 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Site plan review and VDOT approval for a new commercial entrance will be required. Local and state stormwater management regulations are also applicable, Townhouse developments are permitted by right in the R-3 and R-4 zoning districts and by Special Use Permit in A V and C-I. General Use & Design standards include the following: · public water and sewer are required; · varying front yard setbacks, building facades and roof lines are required for any group of five or more abutting townhouses; · a minimum separation of 40 feet is required between any group of five or more townhouse units and any other townhouse building and a minimum of 20 feet is required between groups of four or less units from any other building containing four Or less townhouses; · the maximum height of any townhouse shall not exceed 45 feet and no accessory building shall exceed 1 5 feet in height; · accessory structures shall be allowed only in rear yards and shall not exceed 10 feet ~y 1 0 feet in area; · only one yard shall be improved with an impermeable surface intended for vehicle storage or garage or parking area access; · maximum building and lot coverage requirements shall be computed for the entire site development; · public street frontage shall not be required for any proposed lot of record platted for · townhouse construction in R-3 and R-4 districts, and; · vehicular access and turn around for regularly scheduled public service vehicles shall be provided, Additionally, the following standards are applicable in the R-3 district per Section 30-82-14(E): · the maximum gross density shall not exceed 12 townhouse units per acre; · the minimum parcel size shall not less than 7,200 square feet for the first dwelling unit plus 3,630 square feet for each additional unit; · front yard setbacks shall average at least 15 feet for each townhouse group with a minimum of 10 feet for any individual townhouse unit; no common parking area, common driveway or street right-of-way shall be pennitted within a required front yard area; · a minimwn side yard of 15 feet shall be provided for each end residence in any group of townhouses adjoining a private boundary of the development; where a group of townhouses adjoins a private drive or parking area or walkway intended for the common use of townhouse occupants, the side yard setback shall be at least 10 feet; · the minimum rear yard setback shall be 25 feet; · the minimum lot size for individual townhouse lots shall be 1,800 square feet for interior lots and 2,300 square feet for end lots; · the minimum width for individual townhouse lots shall be 18 feet measured from center of wall to center of wall or outside end wall; · a maximum of 10 townhouse units shall be permitted per group of townhouses; · maximum overall coverage shall not exceed 40% for buildings and 65% for lots. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background - 0.92 acre of the overall subject parcel with approximately 140 feet of frontage on Williamson Road will remain C-2. The requested zoning change consists of 8.92 acres which fonnerly contained motel buildings for Howard lohnson's and, more recently Budget Motor Lodge. In 1991 a Home for Adults was also pennitted on the property, but never operated per Rajesh Desai who has owned the land since 1985. All buildings on the site were removed in 2002 per Mr. Desai.. Purchase of the site by petitioners is contingent on the outcome of this rezoning request. The proposed 51-unit townhouse development would be served by two 50-foot wide public roads, one directly accessing Williamson Road, Topography!Vegetation - The site rises gently from U.S. 11 for approximately 250 feet and climbs to a plateau where the proposed new residential construction would begin. That portion of the site then rises very gently northward to its end. Portions of the west boundary display mature deciduous growth while scattered evergreen and deciduous trees stand in central portions of the tract and appear sparsely along the east border. Surrounding Neighborhood - The subject parcel is bounded by R-l and C-2 zoned parcels on the east (both occupied by single family homes), undeveloped I-I zoned property to the north, the C- 2 zoned Hollins Manor Apartments and an R-3 zoned single family home on the west and C-2 zoned retail and service commercial uses to the south across Williamson Road. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout! Architecture - 51 townhouses with public road access are proposed for the subject 8.92 acres resulting in a density of approximately 5.7 units per acre. Per concept plan, no more 2 than four abutting townhouses are grouped together and no more than two abutting units will have the same front building line. Single story attached patio homes are planned with an option for a second floor - exterior building materials are not specified, but are expected to include brick, The building footprint indicates that each unit will contain 1,980 square feet. Two off- street parking spaces are proposed per unit and all townhouses will have garages. No project identification sign is indicated. Screening & Buffering - Per ordinance, only that portion of the northeast border of the site adjoining R-l property requires landscaping and/or screening (Type A including a variable 15' - 20' wide buffer yard with trees and shrubs and, under Option 2, a 6-foot high screen). Staff requests that the applicant proffer Type D, Option 1 or 2 screening and buffering along the north boundary adjoining 1-1 property (Option 1: 50' buffer, large and small trees and a row of deciduous shrubs; Option 2: 35' buffer, one large tree each 30',6' screen and six shrubs for each 10'). Staff also requests the applicant proffer Type C, Option 1 or 2 screening and buffering along all borders (south, southeast and southwest) with C-2 zoned property (Option 1: 40' buffer, large and small trees and one row each of evergreen and deciduous shrubs; Option 2: 30' buffer, one large tree each 30',6' screen and four shrubs for each 10'). Staff also requests the applicant proffer Type A, Option 1 or 2 screening and buffering along the northeast boundary adjoining the existing single family residence (Option 1: 20' buffer, large trees and one row each of evergreen and deciduous shrubs; Option 2: IS' buffer, one large and three small trees for each 75', 6' screen and two large shrubs for each 10'). Access/Traffic Circulation - VDOT Assistant Residency Administrator reports that the posted speed limit on Williamson Road is 35 miles per hour and that minimum sight distance is 455 feet in either direction. VDOT also states that the existing entrance needs upgrading for a right-turn lane and that a new entrance pennit would be required for such work in addition to complete subdivision plans with drainage details pertaining to the proposed public streets. The Roanoke County Transportation Engineering Manager estimates a maximum of 362 vehicle trips per weekday (30-35 estimated morning and evening peak hour trips). Public roads are supported as are sidewalks for the proposed project. Also noted is the likely need for a right-turn deceleration lane or a larger entrance radius at Williamson Road. Fire & RescuelUtilities - Fire & Rescue staff states that the proposed site is one mile from the Hollins station and that hydrants are located nearby on Williamson Road. 12-inch public water and 8-inch public sewer facilities are located in the existing right-of-way and extensions would be required to serve the development. Stonnwater Management - Onsite storm water detention will be required. No specific location has been identified on the concept plan. Public Schools - School age children generated by the proposed development would attend Burlington Elementary, Northside Middle and Northside High Schools. As of the start of the fall, 2005 school year, Burlington Elementary's enrollment was approximately 430 children with a capacity of 440 pupils, Northside Middle School's enrollment was approximately 750 students with a capacity of 806 and Northside High was at capacity with its enrollment of 1,050 students. Ail figures are per individual school staff. At completion, a total of 10-12 school children are projected to live in the development. 3 Economic Development - the Roanoke County Economic Development Department objects to the proposed rezoning for the following reasons: · commercial acreage needed for the county's economic growth is in short supply; · this is prime commercial property situated within a future growth area near the intersections of Williamson Road and Plantation Road and Williamson Road and Peters Creek Road with close proximity to Interstate 81; · said property Ís the most logical access from Williamson Road to 60-plus acres of adjacent undeveloped land (Huffman property) to the north; · this site is one of several contiguous properties located northeast of Plantation and Williamson Roads currently available for sale - assembling these properties would create a commercial site of approximately 40 acres; · the proposed land use is not compatible with existing adjacent land uses and/or zoning; · the proposed rezoning does not comply with the recently adopted community plan. Hollins Village Design Guidelines - the Williamson Road/Hollins Village Master Plan developed in the mid-1990's seeks to foster business in the community by creating alternatives to typical strip development. With the central theme of providing a hospitable atmosphere and a beautiful setting for renewal of offices and commerce, the master plan focuses on business and frontage properties along Williamson Road. The applicant's proposal should incorporate a pedestrian scale in buildings and proper sensitivity to exterior lighting and identification signage. Architecture in step with historic structures and limited grading and site coverage are also encouraged, even for those projects without Williamson Road frontage. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The 2005 Roanoke County Community Plan has designated the subject 8.92 acres Principal Industrial and most of the remaining 0.92 acre Core. Principal Industrial delineates areas for existing and planned regional employment centers distributed throughout the county, convenient to major residential areas and suitable highway access. In addition to advocating employment centers, industrial parks and conventional warehousing and wholesaling uses, Principal Industrial calls for the siting of small industry, custom manufacturing, agriculture and mining and extraction where feasible. The Community Plan framework does not include residential land use types within the Principal Industrial category. General future land use policy recommends high quality architectural features in addition to creative landscape design that is environmentally sensitive and enhances the surrounding community. Greenways policy advocates the incorporation of easements into new residential subdivisions and office and industrial parks. New road building and existing road widening should include serious consideration of greenways and bikeways and their associated benefits and costs. Although located within the same overall vicinity with existing residential, commercial and industrial uses, staff does not agree with the petitioner's assertion that the subject site is transitional in nature. Removing nearly 90 percent of this parcel's commercial or industrial potential does not comply with goals and policies of the Community Plan. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS In consideration of the infonnation presented by this report, staff does not support the proposed rezoning. The overriding factors are non-compliance with the Community Plan and the potential for loss of 8.92 acres of commercial/industrial property. 4 If the Plmming Commission chooses to give a favorable recommendation to this request, staff suggests the following proffered conditions be established: 1. The project shall be constructed in general compliance with concept plan titled "Williamson Road Subdivision" prepared by Balzer & Associates dated November 23, 2005. 2. A maximum of 51 residential units sha1\ be constructed on the property. 3. Screening and buffering on the property shall be insta1\ed per the following: · Type B, Option 1 or 2, adjoining R-3 zoned property; · Type C, Option 1 or 2, adjoining C-2 zoned property; · Type D, Option 1 or 2, adjoining I-I zoned property. CASE NUMBER: PREPARED BY: HEARING DATES: 3 - 1 / 06 Timothy Beard PC: 01/03/06 BOS: 01/24/06 5 · 'f'2-OS0~q30 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Onl Dale received: Received by: 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Application fee; Placards issued: Check type of applîcation filed (check al1 that apply) Rezoning 0 Special Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver 0 Administrative Appeal 0 Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicantsname/addressw/zip Eriç Eanes, Todd Conner-Contract Purchdser 1202 Electric Road, Suite A ~ Phone: Work: Cell #: Fax No.: ~R7-l)Rn() 387-5811 Phone #: Work: Fax No. #: Property Location Magisterial District: H 7656 Williamson Road Community Planning area: Tax Map No.: :'ifiti¡{t(j~t$®g~lçfj.'·... Proposed Zoning: R - 3 Proposed Land Use: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes ex No [] IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does 'the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Y es ~ No [) IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST Ifrezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? JPAit1J.&bÈ'.iWJi~ij(~#t¡J;fi¡jlj.Jj~ ., '.. .. -,' ,.".< ,,., . "'<'" " " " -,... "'. VariancelWaiver of Section{s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordi.nance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal ofltlterpretation ofSecti.on{s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check ifenclosed, APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. RlSIWICP V/AA RlSIWICP V/AA ~ Consultation Ei 8 l/2" x 11" concept plan AppJication Metes and bounds description Justification Water ~~ewer apP"lica~ I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property orft-owner~tract-p. of the owner. -?J ¿ ", / ¡Ç--z, ,_ ,,' (" /":, ./' RlSIWICP V/AA Application fee Proffers, if appJicable Adjoining property owners ser and am acting with the knowledge and consent Owner's Signature p ¿Ja c./f/l-.,5 ~ /2.... 2 Applicant Eri ç Eanps &. TC]r1r1 (;onner The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use pennit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in tenns of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning ofthe applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. See #1 attached Please explain how the project conforms to the general guideJines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. See #2 attached Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the sWTounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. See #3 attached 3 A concept plan ofthe proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shaH graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to lirrút the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to tbe initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, conununity plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS ~ a. Applicant name and name of development J b. Date, scale and north arrow X c. --.X.. d. J e. --.X.. f ---X g. --.X.. h. --.X.. i. ---X. j. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercoW'ses, floodplain, etc. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties All property lines and easements All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional infonnation required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS ---X k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, stonn drains) and connections at the site ~ L Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers X m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contoW' intervals X n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections -X- o. Locations of alJ adjacent fire hydrants -.X p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed -X q. Ifproject is to be phased, please show phase schedule / /-.;2 ~ -00 - Date 6 JUSTIFICA nON FOR REZONING #1 Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. This project furthers the purpose of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in several ways. This development provides a convenient and attractive development that is in hannony with the surrounding area. It encourages economic development by providing a convenient, accessible parcel of commercial land suitable for the development of small businesses along Williamson Road. This development also provides and meets a specific housing need by providing attached (town house style) patio homes. It does not affect any historic site or sensitive natural resources. The project furthers the purpose of the R-3 District by providing attractive medium density residential development in an area where such development is appropriate. It is located in an area that transitional uses are appropriate, an area where residential, commercial and industrial uses are within the same area. This development provides a buffer between less dense R-1 zoned property and the adjacent commercial and industrial property. #2 Please explain how the project confonns to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. This project contributes to the community plan for the Hollins Community Planning Areas in several ways. This development meets the community values set out in the Community Plan by providing a well balanced mix of business and residential development. This development allows for the opportunity of commercial growth along Williamson road and it does not impair the view shed of Tinker or Read Mountains. This proj ect does not involve the removal or destruction of any historic home sites, This project meets the general policies within the Community Plan. It respects the view sheds of Read and Tinker Mountains. This project also respects the natural topography of the site by allowing it to dictate the development's layout and housing style. This project will attract business opportunities by having an easily developed commercial parcel locáted along Williamson Road suitable for small business development. This development provides a natural buffer of medium density developement between the commercial/ industrial areas and the family residential areas. #3 Please describe the impact(s) ofthe request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parkslrecreation and fire and rescue. This development will have minimal impact on surrounding properties. It will provide a natural transition between the adjoining single family residential and the commercial/industrial property. This project will have the nonnal development impacts on the water/sewer, schools and roads of any residential development. This project will be a great asset to the Hollins area. By meeting the goals of the Community Plan, this development will provide a well balanced mix of commercial and residential development that respects the environmental concerns of the community. Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Pennit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional infonnation and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to detennine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMP ACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Pennit petition if the County Transportation Engineering Manager or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April 19, 2005 ~ Name ~ ~ ~~ Petitioner's Signature Date Community Development Planning & Zoning Division POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County Transportation Engineering Manager, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential addítional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reselVe the right to request a traffic study at any time, as deemed necessary.) HIgh Traffic-Generating Land Uses: · Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units · Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) · Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash · Retail shop/Shopping center · Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) · Regional public facilities · Educational/Recreational facilities · Religious assemblies · Hotel/Motel · Golf course · Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic · Industrial site/Factory · Day care center · Bank · Non-specifíc use requests Road Network Situations: · Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 500-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 450, 11/450, 220, 221,419, etc) · For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly · When required to evaluate access issues · Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc, (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) · Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem · Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic signal(s) · Substantial departure from the Community Plan · Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day LEGAL DESCRIPTION - for R-3 Portion of Tax #27.11-01-25 Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Coopers Lane, 275 feet northerly rrom the northerly side ofU. S. Highway No. II, thence along the easterly side of Cooper' s Lane, N 20°50' W, 287.0' to a point, thence N20000'W, 647.7 feet to a point; thence N77°20'E, 436.4 feet to a point; thence S17°35 'E, 584.6 feet to a point; thence N68°55 'E, 50.09 feet to a point; thence S 17°35'E, 288.64 feet more or less to a point; thence S69°00'W, 442.79 feet more or less to the point of beginning and containing 8.92 acres more or less and being situated in Roanoke County, Virginia. ~Im \1'INJ'Ð'dI^ . A1..Nno:) :;!>cON'1tO'd 0 Hi. SNlTIOH ~ 0 I. I I ~ ~ <'- ~Hi lij¡ 1!lil ~'''~o ~ of) ¡J. . ¡ill ¡ ," ~ N ¡ ~ 1m kg 1IIII ¡'Ii D 0 I¡III NOISIAlosns 01;101:1 Nosvwml z < ,- 0 m~ ill! ,ill ~ Š of) III ! 0 :¡ ~ I u ;: "- : . " > , -~...- " \ .. , \ , "- , , '- , " \ , , '. , ì .. ! J " ~ .~ ~ , - w ';:¡ w~ -, / ~i z ", ¿ ~ , ~:; !:'~ It'i ~- ~ !~ ~- !? Eli , i~ <; , Q ,,~ I ~ !;~ ~~ , e ~~ t~ ~ .. t §¡o "!'::f z ~ '. wo ~ f~ o:!¡ gf < ~ ~~ D ~ W ; ~ ~ Œ / 0 ~ ê " 4 ~ ..~~ .-.... -r WN~ . ~:~ s.~ :~ :t~~ .~~. ¡:: 5 ~š~ ) I ì ¡¡,~ ~~I .'" .--~ " ~~ ~¡:&! / ~ :~ ~ woo "0 ~;; >-It. i~ ~ S'U > \ ~I'!! "'!fINID't::tIA . A.1Nno~ =>IÖ'N"iOI::1 r Ö ~ j; SNnlOH ~ ~ Ö j" t ! I, I Z ,..: "M' ¡¡ , Ijh I 'Ii I Ó<~ ""'NOZ "NOWaN<X"''' I .ii '" ; . Ihi ¡ r' ~ ~ '" h~i Q 0 I¡¡II I¡II Mil NOISIAloans O'tlO!; NOSV'-J'lfIllIM I . 0 .J (\J a !III ~ ~ ~ '" em !i a ISI ! ,.11 [! "-\ 7' ,; / ---......., "- --...... " --~~.... "- "- ~", ) , , / ~,~' ,"" '- §-.. ; '~" I 2. ..... ë4~ 'm~ " ';:¡O:r~~U _..- --, -. \~§d~~: ;~i~~S~~~'::;~;!; _.~ "\ '<,.",,:<,,'\ \. \, \. \ '.. \. \" ) ) \<:':-,:'~'~'::'\~<:<> '. ' ) ,\'\\-.',,\\\ ,\"'... ,~// " I I I ---_/ /' - ......-/ .---~ ..-_.. ---'-~- / I , ,/ / " " / i I I ~' --/... , -- - --- ~.. -.. ..... ..... --.-- ...~~..~..... ... .~. r---"--o. ~~ J , ; / -,' f / .-----.... --- --_.~- ~ " ....---- -_.~... " -..---.- -"-..... -..-p" , .-..... , / ,...- - ~~~ ~ -~-~...~ " Zoning <aU alher value&" ZONING _^G3 _EP _AG1 AR _AV C1 _C2 _ C2CVOD 11 .·12 .PCD PRO .pm R1 R.! S R3 ~ R4 R8 GI! .ce M1 I - ::881 Co ...-.~ \ It-c '41",{)ú í5'ð: =? - Applicants Name: Conner - Contract Purchaser Existing Zoning: C2S Proposed Zoning: R3 Tax Map Number: 27.11-1-25 (Portion) Magisterial District: Homns Area: 9.84 Acres December 2. 2005 1 inch equals 300 feel Roanoke County Department of Community Development \ " " , . ... ...- '-<II . '¥ . . . . I.......~ \~.~t . .' . ... ~ - '. . ,. ~ -:r ,'Y "'~.f~ . -- - " npn:;¡rl"mpnt nf (':nmmllnit" np\/plnnmpnt PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: Grant Avenue Development 20-11/2005 T-3 Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 7, 2006 (Continued from November 1, 2005 and December 6, 2005) Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 28, 2006 (Continued from November 15, 2005 and December 20, 2005) A. REQUEST The petition of Grant Avenue Development, Inc. to rezone 1.3014 acres from C-1, Office District and .0786 acres from C2C General Commercial District with Conditions to C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions and to obtain a Special Use Permit for the construction of a fast food restaurant with drive-thru, located at 3814 Challenger Avenue, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. AI Moyer spoke in opposition of the Grant Avenue Development application citing traffic safety concerns regarding entrance and exits from the site. Specifically he referred to the crest of the hill in relation to the potential entrance to the site and the potential for a traffic accident to occur at that location. Robert Patton spoke in opposition of the application saying that it would be better for an office use. Mr. Chris Craft spoke in favor of the Arby's restaurant stating that an Arby's Restaurant is a good use for the parcel. Mr. Travis Lang spoke in opposition of the application stating potential traffic accidents and congestion created by the site and the newly installed traffic lìght outweighed the need for a Fast Food Restaurant to be located on the site. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Ms. Kate Youngbluth presented the staff report. She recommended an additional condition to revise the site plan date to November 1, 2005 and to remove the Zoning Notes, Parking Requirements and Landscaping & Screening sections of the submitted concept plan. Mr. Ed Natt spoke on behalf of Grant Avenue Development. He addressed concerns brought forth by the community meeting regarding traffic and lighting that the site would create. During his discussion of traffic impacts Mr. Natt quoted from a traffic study done by T.P. Parker & Son. In addition, Mr. Natt agreed to proffer a number of staff suggested conditions from the staff report. Mr. Steve Azar then asked Mr. Natt if the buffer shown on plan was the 30' buffer with 6' screening option of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Natt confirmed that the plan depicted the 30' buffer with 6' screening option. Mrs. Martha Hooker asked Mr. Anthony Ford if the 10' Right of way would be sufficient for a right turn lane on West Rurîtan Road. Mr. Ford answered that he had not been apart of the TP. Parker & Son conversation with VDOT regarding how much land would suffice for a right turn lane and that 10' seemed lìke it would be the minimum amount necessary. Mr. Paul Brown ofT.P. Parker & Son spoke and said that up to 20' of right of way could be dedicated if VDOT choose to require the applicant to do so, Ms. Hooker then asked Mr. Ford if the six right-turn lane stacking spaces on West Ruritan would be enough to accommodate traffic generated from the site onto Route 460. Mr. Ford then explained that he had never received the traffic study report that Mr. Natt was quoting and would need further information to answer her question. Mr. Brown then confirmed that Mr. Ford had not received the report and that the draft traffic study was submitted to VDOT only. Mr. Brown said conflicting traffic flows in and out from the site could be aided by placing traffic bars on West Ruritan Road to control traffic flow, Mr. Natt agreed to proffer traffic stop bars on either side of the West Ruritan Road entrance/exit. Mr, Ford commented that traffic bars were a good idea however the applicant must make sure they have VDOT's approval to create them. Mr. McNeil stated that it seemed that traffic was the biggest issue. He then asked Mr. Ford if VDOT would accept any right of way that the applicant chose to dedicate, Mr. Ford answered that VDOT is always willing to accept any right of way applicants are willing to dedicate. Mr. Azar commented that he was concerned because Mr. Ford had not received the traffic study. Mr. AI Thomason commented that VDOT should be present for the discussion. Mrs. Hooker asked Mr. Ford jf he would like to examine and comment on the traffic study prior to the Planning Commission voting on the application. Mr. Ford said that the traffic study that T.P. Parker & Son had created should be a three-way discussion between himself, the applicant, and VDOT and that he did wish to examine and comment on the study prior to the Planning Commission vote. D. CONDITIONS 1) The subject property, 3814 Challenger Avenue, shall have no direct access to or from Route 460. 2) Up to 10' of right of way shall be dedicated by the developer to VDOT on West Ruritan Road for a right turn lane onto Route 460. 3) The cross access easement shown on "Concept Plan for GRANT AVENUE DEVELOPMENT" under the date of August 30,2005 revised October 25,2005 between 3806 Challenger Avenue and the subject property shall be developed in substantial conformance with the concept plan to allow cross access between the two sites, West Ruritan Road and Trail Drive. 4) The hours of operation shall conclude no later than 11 :30 PM. 5) The top of any light fixture shall not exceed 15 feet in height. 6) Dumpsters shall not be emptied between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM, 7) The proposed sign shall be no greater than 18 feet in height from grade. 8) The building design and color scheme shall be in general conformity with the Photos dated October 25, 2005. 9) The subject property will be developed in substantial conformity with the '''Concept Plan for GRANT AVENUE DEVELOPMENT" requesting the Rezoning and Special Use Permit of Parcel C-1 to Construct an Arby's Restaurant" submitted by T.P. Parker & Son, Engineers, Surveyors and Planners, under the revised date of October 25,2005 and with the subsequent revisions made during the Planning Commission hearing dated November 1, 2005. E. PROFFER(S) 1) The hours of operation shall commence no earlier than 10:00 AM on each morning. F. COMMISSION ACTION(S) 11/1/05: Mr. Azar made a motion for a 30 day continuance to provide Mr. Ford time to review the traffic study completed by T.P. Parker & Son. Motion carried 4-0. 12/6/05 (Update): Mr. Ed Natt requested a 60 day continuance. Mr. Jarrell made a motion for a 60 day continuance. Motion carried 5-0. G. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. H. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan _ Staff Report _ Vicinity Map Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation 2Þ1/2006 T-~ Planning Commission Hearing Date: January 3,2006 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: January 24, 2006 A. REQUEST The petition of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation to rezone 3.564 acres from R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions to C-2, General Commercial District, and to obtain a Special Use Permit for the construction of a Life Care Facility, located at 6509 Carefree Lane and 6920 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Compton Biddle, Esquire, spoke representing the petitioner. He stated the requested rezoning would bring the property into conformity. He also explained Friendship Manor does not plan to develop or change the structure that is currently on the property. Mr. Biddle explained the zoning map of the site and surrounding property, He stated most of the existing building is currently zoned C-2. Mr. Jarrell inquired about exact location of site sought to be rezoned. Mr. Biddle discussed site map and location. Mr. McNeil expressed concern regarding rezoning the property from R3 to C2. Mr. Biddle stated the petitioner plans to leave remaining property R3. Mr. Azar noted the rezoning would bring the property into compliance. D. CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Gary Jarrell made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Jarrell also made a motion to recommend approval of the SUP. Motion carried 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report Other Rebecca Mahoney Roanoke County Planning Commission ',-"-":", -"'. ::.r: _'-O':,'~.-.~"'-' :-~~;:.:;:; _'_~,-,.:,:'~"'" ~-;-,_.;. '.. _', ,. ,,' _ '. ' .', ";:,,,,, ,"" ,.~,;'~'··:·,.STÄFF·RERÓRT. ~. :.[ ~'-" - ~":' _"', ' ,':: ~"" , '~'.,', ,_. I ,..-~'" !'j '; '::7-::""~:'''¡'~'''· '. ,;" C' . ' ,_ '_', 'L C":. "..:: '" '.: ,.' __,.~,..; " ~ ,,' .,' ,,', ~::, ','.' 'j - . ,. :', C' ¡ Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation Petitioner: Request: Location: Rezone from R3C to C·2 and a Special Use Permit for a life care facility. 6509 Carefree Lane and 6920 Williamson Road Magisterial District: Hollins Proffered/Suggested NONE Conditions: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation is requesting to rezone 3.564 acres from R3C to C-2 and to obtain a Special Use Permit for an existing Life Care Facility, located at 6509 Carefree Lane and 6920 Williamson Road. The purpose of the rezoning is to bring the property and land use into conformity with the appropriate zoning. There is no proposed development at this time. The property is designated as Development in the Community Plan and is located in the Hollins Magisterial District. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The zoning ordinance permits a life care facility only in the C-2 General Commercial District and AV AgriculturalNiHage Center District and only by Special Use Permit. A life care facility is defined as ~a residential facility primarily for the continuing care of the elderly, providing for transitional housing progressing from îndependent living in various dwelling units, with or without kitchen facilities, and culminating in nursing home type where all related uses are located on the same lot." Such facility may include other services integral to the personal and therapeutic care of the residents. No particular use and design standards apply to the life care facility use. A Special Use Permit is required to ensure compatibility with existing and future uses in the area as outlined jn the Community Plan, No changes will be made to the existing facility or on the property, 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Backqround - The portion of the parcel located at 6509 Carefree Lane contains a section of the existing assisted living facility. The entire facility houses elderly residents and contains 191 beds. Assisted living accommodations include occasional assistance up to 24-hour nursing supervision including Alzheimer's care. The parcel located at 6920 Williamson Road contains a 5,500 square foot metal service garage, The existing condition on the property refers to the construction of buildings within a 1 DO-foot wide buffer strip adjacent to the properties. TODOQraphvNeqetation -The site is generally flat with a small watercourse running through the property. Surrounding Neiqhborhood -To the west and north of the site is Peters Creek Apartments. Peters Creek Apartments are In Phase 3 of development. The existing Life Care Facility lies to the east of the proposed rezoning. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT There will be no new development. Public utilities, roads, schools, and parks would not be negatively impacted, 1 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The subject parcels are designated Development by the Communíty Plan. These areas are where most new neighborhood development will occur, including large-scale planned developments which mix residential with retail and office uses. Some of the land use types are conventional and cluster residential. multi-family, planned residential and community development, and community activity centers. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS· Staff recommends approval of the petìtioners' request for rezoning from R3C to C2 and approval of the Special Use Permít for a life care facility. The two parcels sought to be rezoned contain a portion of the existing assisted livíng facility. No changes will be made to the existing facility or on the property, The proposed rezoning and Special Use Permit request would remove the existing non-conforming use of the subject properties owned by the Applicant. CASE NUMBER: PREPARED BY: HEARING DATES: 1·212006 R. Mahoney PC: 1/3/2006 BOS: 1/24/2006 2 12- 0 S-e>X~~3 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning , For Staff Use Onl os ~eGeived by: 1'0') 1) f'l31/J5 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 o Administrative Appeal 0 Comp Plan (15.2-2232) Review Applicants name/address whip Friendship Manor Apartment Vi I I age Corporation crNTACT: Edward A. Natt, Esq. Phone: Work: Cell #: Fax No.: 725-8180 725-8180 Owner's name/address whip Friendship Manor Apartment Village crNTACT: Edward A. Natt, Esq. Phone #: Corporation Work: Fax No. #: 774-0961 725-8180 725-8180 774-0961 Property Location 6509 Carefree Lane 6920 Wi II iamson Road Tax Map No.: Part of 27...17-04-13 and entirê 27.14-02-07.0~ Magisterial District: 11011 ins Community Plamling area: 110 I I ins Existing Zoning: R3C Sizeofparcel(s):Acres: 3.564 +/ Existing Land Use: á~sliit.....f I ;vinCl GR~ Proposed Zoning: C- 2 i- 5>.' ò ' '? L - ~ \. \ Proposed Land Use: "A::. ";3 í ";3 Lt:u LI V Iñ§ I çt.., Gi..L t-6..c::...\ ,4- Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and rrontage requirements of the requested district? Yes No IF NO, A VARlAl~CE IS REQUIRED FIRST. lJoes the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST Ifrezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No VarianceIWaiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of InteIpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of InteIpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check ifenclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/srwlCP V/AA R/srw¡CP V/AA R/S/W/CP V/AA ~ Consultation 0", / êji 8 112" x II" concept plan ./ ~ Application fee ,/ X Application/ X Metes and bounds description'" Proffers, if applicable X Justification ,/ Water and sewer applicatíon X Adjoining property owners -/ I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the PE0.E.~rty or the owner' s ~!Lent or contracty.urchaser and..Æ..l!f!!n.....K )'lith the knowledge and consent of the owner. FR(eÐS...»'~~AP~ ~Lt.ÞGE u...w-u<AT(Q\I i< BY:~~/~r' C£P Owner's Signature JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT OR WAIVER REQUEST Applicant: FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed rezoning will bring the existing use of the subject property into conformity with the rest of the development owned by the Applicant. The parcels sought to be rezoned contain a portion of the assisted living facility. No changes will be made to the existing facility or on the property. The sole purpose of tbis rezoning is to bring the property into conformity with the existing use. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The general guidelines and policies of the Roanoke County Community Plan would further the request in that the zoning of the property should be appropriate for the existi ng use on the property. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The rezoning will have no impact on any of the community facilities, as there will be no construction undertaken. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNER LISTING Address of Subject Property: Tax Map No.: Present Zoning: Tax Map No.: Present Zoning: Applicant/Owner Name: 6509 Carefree Lane Building: Regency III Apartments Roanoke County A portion (3.564 acres) of 027.17-04-13 R3C 6920 Williamson Road Building: Steel Frame Shed (Service Garage) Roanoke County 027.14-02-07.03 R3C Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS This list as follows are those property owners who own property beside, behind or across the street from the subject property noted above: Official Tax Number 027.13-05-05.00 o Burlington Drive 027.14-02-07.01 7301 South Barrens Road 027.17-04-13.01 775 Dent Road 027.17-04-15.00 6491 Carefree Lane 027.17-04-16.00 o Carefree Lane COUNTY OF ROANOKE Owner's Name and Mailinq Address Harold F. Trent, Jr. and Cheryl Trent Tîckle 408 High Street Salem, VA 24153 Peters Creek II Associates, LP c/o VHDA Attn: Tony Webb 601 South Belvidere Street Richmond, VA 23220 Dent Road LLC 2609 McVitty Road Roanoke, VA 24018 MPW Group LLC 1237 Southside Drive Salem, VA 24153 \\.IOLL Y\SYS\USER S\CBaumgardner\ZON I NG\FR I ENDSHIP MANOR\APO,doc Page 1 of 2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE Official Tax Number Owner's Name and Mailinq Address 027.17-04-14.00 6503 Carefree Lane Robert W. Woodward 3322 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke,VA 24018 027.17 -04-19.00 o Carefree Lane Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation P. O. Box 5009 Roanoke, VA 24012 027.18-01-36.00 6630 Pendleton Avenue Norman R. & Barbara D. Young 6630 Pendleton Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 \lJOLL y\SYS\USER S\CBaumgardnerIZONING\FRIEN DSHI P MANOR'APO.doc Page 2 of 2 Comm: 05-364 The following is a deed description for property of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation being a portion of Tax #27.17.04-13 and Tax #27.14.02-07.03 to be rezoned from R-3 to C-2. The description is as follows: BEGINNING at Corner #1, said point located on the easterly boundary of property of JGM Partnership (P.B. 13, Pg. 82), said point also located on the southerly boundary of Tract C, property of Peters Creek II Associates, LP (P.B. 16, Pg. 123); thence leaving JGM and with Peters Creek II Associates, N 49° 45' 19" E, 756.02 feet to Corner #2, said point being the southeasterly corner of Tract C, said point also being the southwesterly corner of Tract D P .B. 20, Pg. 131), Peters Creek II Associates, LP; thence leaving Tract C and with Tract D, N 61 ° 51' 54" E, 124.46 feet to Corner #3; thence continuing with Peters Creek II Associates, LP, S 40° 15' 01"E, 74.47 feet to Corner #4; thence leaving Peters Creek II Associates, LP and with the property of Friendship Manor Village Corporation, being the northerly boundary of Parcel 1 (P.B. 24, pg. 68); thence S 36° 34' 04" W, 417.1 0 feet to Corner #5; thence S 33° 30' 06" W, 114.00 feet to Corner #6; thence S 36° 20' 06" W, 188.00 feet to Corner #7, said point located on the property of Nonnan R. and Barbara D. Young; thence leaving Young and with a zoning line through the property of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, N 79° 22' 20" W, 223.02 feet to Corner #8, said point being the northeasterly corner of property of JGM Partnership; thence continuing with JGM Partnership, N 61 ° 40' 30" W, 105.57 feet to Corner #1, the place of BEGINNING and containing 3.564 acres. Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION ApPLlCA TION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Pennit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to detennine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Pennit petition if the County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notifIed of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April 19, 2005 FR 18'l>SH I P MAKR APARTMENT V I LI.ÞJ:JE ŒRR:RAT I GJ Name of Petition 4/~/cÞ-' Petitioner's Signature //~ZJ-tt J Date ...-( 4-< o OJ) Cï:I ~ B J ~I~ ~i Q ·t 0 ¡t l ~i tl < .l "I tt ~ = r' tZ:I 0.. Cï:I S L ...;. I If~ ~ " - ~ I -. -'-'-"""- . .-----..- :1 .' i ~...'''' .r' ¡r'r' J ,/ I ,~",~",. \ , 'I " / j -. (.(I>¡¡{--J" I'à o þ' 01::1 NÓQg)¡I3L1JO</ "577 . ~ Sf'(þ'/77/M , ,0 I !33HS . 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'P\: fA <;-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2006 ORDINANCE TO REZONE 3.564 ACRES FROM R-3C, MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS, TO C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AND TO OBTAIN A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LIFE CARE FACILITY LOCATED AT 6509 CAREFREE LANE AND 6920 WILLIAMSON ROAD (PART OF TAX MAP NO. 27.17-4-13 AND ALL OF TAX MAP NO. 27.14-2- 7.03), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT UPON TH E APPLICATION OF FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 20, 2005, and the second reading and public hearing were held on January 24,2006; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on January 3, 2006; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 3.564 acres, as described herein, and located at 6509 Carefree Lane and 6920 Williamson Road (Part of Tax Map Number 27.17-4-13 and all of Tax Map No. 27.14-2-7.03) in the Hollins Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions, to the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. 3. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation to construct a Life Care Facility to be located at 6509 1 Carefree Lane and 6920 Williamson Road in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said special use permit is hereby approved, 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at Corner #1 , said point located on the easterly boundary of property of JGM Partnership (PB 13, Pg. 82), said point also located on the southerly boundary of Tract C, property of Peters Creek II Associates, LP (PB 16, Pg. 123); thence leaving JGM and with Peters Creek II Associates, N. 49° 45' 19" E. 756,02 feet to Corner #2, said point being the southeasterly corner of Tract C, said point also being the southwesterly corner of Tract D (PB 20, Pg. 131), Peters Creek II Associates, LP; thence leaving Tract C and with Tract D, N. 61 ° 51' 54" E. 124.46 feet to Corner #3; thence continuing with Peters Creek II Associates, LP, S. 40° 15' 01" E. 74.47 feet to Corner #4; thence leaving Peters Creek II Associates, LP and with the property of Friendship Manor Village Corporation, being the northerly boundary of Parcel 1 , (PB 24, Pg. 68); thence S. 36° 34' 04" W. 417.10 feet to Corner #5; thence S, 33° 30' 06" W. 114.00 feet to Corner #6; thence S. 36° 20' 06" W. 188.00 feet to Corner #7, said point located on the property of Norman R. and Barbara D. Young; thence leaving Young and with a zoning line through the property of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, N. 79° 22' 20" W. 223.02 feet to Corner #8, said point being the northeasterly corner of property of JGM Partnership; thence continuing with GM Partnership, N. 61 ° 40' 30" W. 105.57 feet to Corner #1, the place of beginning, containing 3.564 acres. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 2 ~",\"..Q "'<Ç.~S ~~, Zoning _AG3 _EP _AG, AR .AV C1 _C2 . C2CVOO 11 r--=.J II _f'CD PRD . pro R1 R2 RJ R4 I; O;=/~ ~- -- - Applicants Name: Friendship Manor Apl1ment Village Corp Existing Zoning: RC3 Proposed Zoning: C2S Tax Map Number: 27.17-4-13, 27.14-2-7.03 Magisterial District: Hollins Area: 3.564 Acres December 2, 2005 1 inch equals 300 feet Roanoke County Department of Community Development