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10/28/2008 - Regular
aOAN~ /~ z -o 1838 r I Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda October 28, 2008 NOTE: Work sessions will be held at 1:00 p.m. in the Fourth Floor Training Room with the regularly scheduled meeting beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for October 28, 2008. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. WORK SESSIONS (1:00 P.M., FOURTH FLOOR TRAINING ROOM) 1. Budget work session to review the impact of State budget reductions to the County, tentative budget scenarios, and review of year-to-date revenues. (John Chambliss, County Administrator; Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Work session on the Stormwater Management Program, maintenance, and review of the new drainage projects list for fiscal year 2008-2009. (Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development) 3. Work session on the development of the Glenvar Community Plan (Route 11/Route 460 West). (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 4. Work session and overview of energy and efficiency suggestions and staff recommendations. (John Chambliss, County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) B. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M. BOARD MEETING ROOM - FIRST FLOOR) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Kevin Hutchins, County Treasurer Calvary Memorial Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS E. BRIEFINGS F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $104,000 from the Virginia Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2008-2009 Transportation Enhancement Program to help finance the construction of the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway and appropriation of $26,000 in matching funds. (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner) 2. Request to adopt resolution of support to submit a grant application to the Virginia Department of Transportation for a fiscal year 2009-2010 Transportation Enhancement Program Grant to help finance the construction of the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway. (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner) 3. Request to approve holiday schedule for calendar years 2009 and 2010. (Joe Sgroi, Director of Human Resources) 4. Request to adopt the stormwater management project list for fiscal year 2008- 2009. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 2 G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of an ordinance upon the petition of Theodore J. Foster to obtain a Special Use Permit in an R-1, Low Density Residential District, for the purpose of constructing a private stable on 5.801 acres located at 4535 Red Barn Lane, Vinton Magisterial District (continued from the April 1, 2008, Public Hearing) 2. First reading of an ordinance upon the petition of American Electric Power to rezone 13.103 acres from C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, to I-2C, High Intensity Industrial District with Conditions, for the purpose of constructing a construction yard located at the 1800 block of Loch Haven Drive, Catawba Magisterial District 3. First reading of an ordinance upon the petition of Faith Fellowship Church to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C-2, General Commercial District, for the purpose of Religious Assembly on 1.0 acre located at 4108 Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District 4. First reading of an ordinance upon the petition of James R. Cherney to rezone approximately 4.75 acres from R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions, to C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, for the purpose of constructing an office building located between the 2300 block and 2400 block of Electric Road and 2315 Bridle Lane, Windsor Hills Magisterial District 5. First reading of an ordinance upon the petition of JJDR Company, LLC to rezone 1.13 acres from a C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, to a C-2, General Commercial District for the purpose of conducting personal improvement services located at 1919 Electric Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance amending Section 30-22-1, Civil Penalties, and Section 30-91-2, General Regulations for Parking, of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning; Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 3 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to approve a lease agreement with the Ida Mae Holland Trust for land adjacent to the Read Mountain Preserve. (Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner) J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare 2. Library Board (appointed by district) 3. Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by district) 4. Social Services Advisory Board (appointed by district) 5. Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes -October 14, 2008 2. Request for donation of a surplus vehicle to the Town of Pulaski, Virginia 3. Resolution to approve the conditions of the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) grant for fiscal year 2008-2009 and to allow participation by the City of Salem L. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS M. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS N. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 4 O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Accounts Paid -September 2008 5. Statement of expenditures and estimated and actual revenues for the month ended September 30, 2008 6. Report of claims activity for the self-insurance program 7. Proclamations signed by the Chairman P. CLOSED MEETINGS as follows: (1) Pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711.A.1. consideration of prospective candidates for employment and the appointment of specific public officers, namely Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and County Administrator; (2) Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711.A.29. discussion of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract where discussion in open session would adversely effect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the County, namely, an economic development performance agreement with Core-Hollins Hospitality, LLC Q. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session on joining the Virginia Association of Counties/Virginia Municipal League (VACo/VML) Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust. (Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) 2. Work session to review the status of the South County Library Project and the Merriman Roundabout. (Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) EVENING SESSION R. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION 5 S. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to approve an agreement with Front Street Construction, Inc. and Old Towne Development, LLC. and the Village at Stone Creek Homeowners' Association to resolve pending litigation concerning the Wolf Creek Planned Community. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance upon the petition of Starkey Medical, PC to modify existing proffered conditions in a C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, on 1.241 acres located at 5681 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 2. Second reading of an ordinance upon the petition of Mel Wheeler, Inc. to obtain a Special Use Permit in an AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District, for the construction of a 170-foot broadcast tower on 3.06 acres located at 8131 Honeysuckle Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 3. Second reading of an ordinance upon the petition of Bonsack Baptist Church to obtain a Special Use Permit in an R-1, Low Density Residential District, for the purpose of Religious Assembly on approximately 3.30 acres located at the 4800 and 4900 blocks of Cloverdale Road, Hollins Magisterial District. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) U. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Charlotte A. Moore 2. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 3. Michael W. Altizer 4. Joseph P. McNamara 5. Richard C. Flora W. ADJOURNMENT TO SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2008, AT 1:00 P.M. FOR THE ANNUAL BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RETREAT, AT THE HOMESTEAD RESORT, HOT SPRINGS, VA NOTE: A meeting of the Audit Committee has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on November 11, 2008, in the Board Conference Room, Fourth Floor, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA 24018 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ ~° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Work Session to review the impact of State budget reductions to the County, tentative budget scenarios, and review of year-to-date revenues. SUBMITTED BY: John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~~_ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to allow staff to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the financial profile for Roanoke County for the current fiscal year. Staff has reviewed the first quarter operations for the FY 2008-09 budget looking at the impact of current economic conditions to our budget (revenues and expenses); the impact of the Governor's recent budget cuts for the current fiscal year; and the results of our request of Departments to offer plans for 5%, 10%, and 15% operating reductions to their departmental budgets. Staff has looked at these factors as well as known impacts to the budgets for FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 to show the impact of certain changes. We have also considered the impact of the opening of the new capital projects and the debt service on those borrowings. The work session should show signs of cautious optimism for the current fiscal year and the areas of concern and caution for the next budget year. Staff will be prepared to offer some suggestions for dealing with this year's budget. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ "2- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF "fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Work session on the Stormwater Management Program, maintenance, and review of the new drainage projects list for fiscal year 2008-2009 SUBMITTED BY: Tarek Moneir Depi.aty Director of Development APPROVED BY: John M. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 7'~+e Sfo~m wa~'er ~„a~aa•e,,,G.,t /Jru/'ec~ ~,'r~" w%l~ ,do c ~~n yit~ei~c~ do y ~ // /_ / "Io ef'~ R.denda.. ~e- a.lso r'lecd gt,~i~aycc, On '~RL 171QARJG//1CA~ v f 6~[i.t~'~r~ R.n d ~c. furG ~a~ c ~'~%r~ eS SIIMMARY OF INFORMATION: At a work session held on June 10, 2008, the Board directed staff to bring back possible solutions on inspection and maintenance of existing stormwater facilities and how the new Stormwater Management Ordinance regulations would be implemented on future stormwater facilities. Staff will also review the new drainage projects list for inclusion in the fiscal year 2008- 2009 Stormwater Management Program. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. A "3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF "fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Work session on the development of the Glenvar Community Plan (Route 11/Route 460 West) SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY: John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~,~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This Sf'csc% wi/~ be ¢'~~e/y w~t~ tl~e ~ro~OoJeo~ a Aai-~eI ~~ th ~s rea ioti . SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On March 22, 2005, the Board of Supervisors adopted amendments to the County's Comprehensive Plan. These amendments included a list of implementation projects that recommended the development of corridor studies (Route 220, Route 221, Route 460) and neighborhood community plans. Community plans and corridor studies have been completed for Mount Pleasant and Route 220, while the Hollins Area Plan and Route 221 Area Plan will be completed in the upcoming months. Development of a GlenvarArea Plan (as well as a Route 24 Corridor Study) is included in the Planning Commission's annual work plan to commence during the last quarter of 2008. Construction of the regional jail, the location of an Intermodal facility at nearby Elliston, the revised Master Plan and infrastructure construction at the Center for Research and Technology, the widening of Route 11/Route 460, along with existing public water and sewer lines and Interstate 81 provide opportunities for growth and development in this area of the County. Staff will review with the Board the process and schedule for the development of this community plan. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. fl'- y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRA"PION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: October 28, 2008 Work Session and overview of energy and efficiency suggestions and staff recommendations. Jol'in M. Chambliss, Jr. /J~_ County Administrator ~f COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: TI'~is time has been set aside to allow staff to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the results of the challenge given to County Employees to suggest ways to reduce fuel and energy costs and also to improve operational efficiencies. We received several good suggestions which a committee has reviewed to determine which could be practical to implement. Some of the suggestions are based on changes or ideas being tried in other localities or businesses and some are specific to our operations. Staff has categorized these suggestions and will make recormendations to implement several of the suggestions and we plan to continue to pursue others. As with many management or operational improvements, sometimes one has to make an investment in order to achieve savings. Some of the changes may bring savings or morale boosts to employees, but may have little impact on the delivery of services. We feel that you will appreciate many of the suggestions and hope that yoi.a can support implementing some of them. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1" - t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Request to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $104,000 from the Virginia Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2008-2009 Transportation Enhancement Program to help finance the construction of the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway and appropriation of $26,000 in matching funds Pete Haislip, Director, Parks, Recreation & Tourism Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner John m. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend acceptance and appropriation of the grant and use of the unspent CIIF monies for the required match. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism has been awarded a FY 2008-2009 Transportation Enhancement Program (TEA-21) Grant for the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway in the amount of $104,000. This grant will partially fund engineering and right-of-way acquisition for this greenway located in eastern Roanoke County. The Roanoke River Greenway is envisioned as the backbone of the Roanoke Valley greenway system and has been designated as the top greenway priority by the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission in its 2007 Update to the Roanoke Valley Conceptual Greenway Plan. That Plan was adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors in 2007. The Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway project is approximately five (5) miles long -from the Roanoke City line near the Waste Water Treatment Plant to Explore Park. -fhe total cost of this project is estimated to be approximately $5-$6 million, which includes costs associated with trail construction, bridges, retaining walls, boardwalks in wet areas and other recreational amenities. Also included in this estimated project cost are land acquisitions, design, engineering and permitting fees. The "fEA-21 grant funds are the largest and, to date, most reliable source of funding for these major greenway projects. While TEA-21 is an important source of significant funding it does require a 20% match, as is the case with most State and Federal grants. In past years, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism has been able to maximize in-kind services and utilize some in-house capital and maintenance funds to provide at least a portion of the required match. We are at the point though where this is no longer possible without an infusion of money from outside this department. It is our expectation that it will take several grants and at least five years to complete this section of the Roanoke River Greenway. FISCAL IMPACT: The grant award amount of $104,000 requires a match of $26,000. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Accept and appropriate the grant award of $104,000 from the Virginia Department of Transportation and appropriate the matching funds of $26,000 from either: (a) unspent monies in the Capital Improvement Incentive Fund (CIIF) of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. This is a one-time activity and may not be available for future growth. (b) appropriate the $26,000 match from the Board contingency (c) appropriate the $26,000 match from the minor capital reserve account 2. Do not accept the grant award of $104,000 from the Virginia Department of Transportation and do not appropriate matching funds of $26,000. STAFF RECOMMENDAI"ION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 1 (a) to accept and appropriate the grant in the amount of 104,000 and to authorize the use of $26,000 from the CIIF as the required match. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~' AT A REGI.ILAR MEETING OF "fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA"I"ION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA I"fEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Request to adopt a resolution of support to submit a grant application to the Virginia Department of Transportation for a fiscal year 2009-2010 Transportation Enhancement Program Grant to help finance the construction of the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway Janet Scheid Greenway Planner John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~~_ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS f~' e~uM~a-+o/ ~.~Prvv~l//- /~ ffi~ ~r/arti>~ is ar/Orovar~~ f/j~1 Cor~n~l W~~~ hse.~ ~O lJrodi ~/C Qv Ca.r~ Mo-To-lj ~O QLe~~p~ ./^r~~'r°~'7 SUMMARY OF INFORMAL"ION The 2007 Roanoke Valley Conceptual Greenway Plan, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in October 2007, recommends that focus be placed on completing the Roanoke River Greenway in 'the next Five years. Towards that goal, the County last year applied for a Transportation Enhancement Grant (TEA-21) for the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway. Roanoke County was awarded a grant in the amount of $104,000. The remaining Phase 1 project costs are estimated to be $346,000. For fiscal year 2009-2010, staff is recommending applying for another TEA-21 grant in the amount of $276,800 wl-iich is eighty percent of the remaining Phase 1 project costs. The grant funds already allocated plus these additional funds, if awarded, would go towards engineering and design and land acquisition along the greenway route. Required matching funds would total $69,200 with half of that amount coming from in-kind services, donated real estate and in-kind matching services from other sources. FISCAL IMPACT None at this time. ALTERNATIVES 1. Adopt the resolution in support of the fiscal year 2009-2010 Transportation Enhancement Grant to the Virginia Department of Transportation for the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway. 2. Do not adopt the resolution in support of the fiscal year 2009-2010 Transportation Enhancement Grant to the Virginia Department of Transportation for the Eastern Section of the Roanoke River Greenway. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Alternative 1. a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR A FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 "TRANSPORTATION ENCHANCEMENT PROGRAM GRANT TO HELP FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EASTERN SECTION OF THE ROANOKE RIVER GREENWAY WHEREAS, in accordance with Commonwealth Transportation Board construction allocation procedures, it is necessary that a request by resolution be received from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in order that the Virginia Department of Transportation program an enhancement project in Roanoke County. NOW, "THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That in 2008 the Commonwealth Transportation Board established a project for the construction and development of approximately 5 miles of the Roanoke River Greenway in eastern Roanoke County From the Roanoke City line to Virginia's Explore Park and funded that project in the amount of $104,000. 2. That the costs associated with the first phase of the project (which will include project design, engineering and permitting, and private land acquisition along the proposed greenway corridor) are estimated to be $450,000. Roanoke County is requesting additional grant funding in the amount of $276,800 which is 80 percent of the remaining estimated cost of the first phase of this project ($450,000 - $104,000 = $346,000 x 80% _ $276,800). Roanoke County hereby agrees to pay matching funds of $69,200 wl-~ich is 20 percent of the remaining estimated project cost. 3. That Roanoke County will provide 50 percent of the matching funds which is $34,600. The remaining 50 percent of the matching funds will come from in-kind services, donated real estate within the greenway corridor, and matching fi.inds provided by other sources. 4. That if Roanoke County subsequently elects to cancel this project the County hereby agrees to reimburse the Virginia Department of Transportation for the total amount of costs expended by the Department through the date the Department is notified of such cancellation. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRA"PION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Request to approve holiday schedule for calendar years 2009 and 2010 Joe Sgroi Director of Human Resources Jol-In Chambliss County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~eL~ils!/17B~t~ ~JpPrOV~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board has in the past, used the Columbus Day floating holiday for the purpose of closing the County offices the day after Christmas. Case in point, this year 2008, Christmas Day is on Thursday, and we are also closed on Friday, December 26, 2008 (moved Colurribus Day floating holiday) which was approved by the BOS on November 14, 2006. Staff suggests that the Board consider using the 2009 Columbus Day floating holiday for Friday, January 2, 2009, the day after New Year's. This will give employees a long weekend on what usually is a slow business day in the holiday week and save on energy, lights and utilities. 2009 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT New Year's Apply Day Columbus Day Floater The State offices will be officially closed on Friday, January 2, the day after New Year's. In 2010, the Columbus Day holiday can return to its normal floating holiday status. Attached is a suggested schedule of holidays for 2009 and 2010. It is recognized that the state may offer some other dates for closing state offices, however, the holidays approved by the Board of Supervisors will govern all County ofFices. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the attached holiday schedule for calendar years 2009 and 2010 2. Do not adopt the attached holiday schedule for calendar years 2009 and 2010 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends using the 2008 Columbus Day floating holiday for Friday, January 2, 2009, and adopting the 2009 and 2010 holiday schedules as attached. ROANOKE COUNTY New Year's Day , Day after New Year's i Martin Luther King Day ~ Presidents' Day Memorial Day :. Independence Day 2009 Holiday Schedule Thursday, January 1 ;Friday, January 2 (Columbus Day Floating Holiday moved here) Monday, January 19 *Floating Holiday (Monday, February 16) ;Monday, May 25 Friday, July 3 Labor Day 'i Monday, September 7 Veteran's Day ~*Floating Holiday (Wednesday, November 11) Thanksgiving Day ;Thursday, November 26 !Day after Thanksgiving ~ Frida Noverriber 27 I, y~ r Christmas Day ~ Friday, December 25 Floating Holiday is when the Cµ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ * ounty Offices remain open to the public. 2010 Holiday Schedule New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day .--- - jPresidents' Day ~ Memorial Day ~ Independence Day ;Labor Day ' Columbus Day _ ~___ i Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day 15) ~ *Floating Holiday (Monday, October 11) *Floating Holiday (Thursday, November 11) l Thursday, November 25 Day after Thanksgiving i Friday, November 26 Christmas Day Friday, December 24 *Floating Holiday is when the County Offices remain open to the public. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~-~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Request for adoption of the stormwater management project list for fiscal year 2008-2009 Arnold Covey Director, Community Development John Chambliss County Administrator ~~~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /~~~d ~„~sti.~ ~iproda~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At a work session held on October 28, 2008, staff presented an overview of the stormwater Management Program, a list of completed projects, and a new list of projects for their consideration. Projects P-182 through P-322 were previously presented to and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The stati.as of these projects was discussed during the work session. Staff is now submitting projects P-323 through P- 327 with maps and justifications for inclusion into the stormwater Management Program for fiscal year 2008/2009. The new projects are prioritized according to adopted County policy and are shown in EXHIBIT "A" PROPOSED PROJECTS. Funding is available for projects remaining on the approved list up to project P-319. The remaining projects will be funded in fiscal year 2009-2010. FISCAL IMPACT: No additional funding is being requested. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the additional drainage projects for inclusion into the Stormwater Management Program. 2. Do not approve the additional drainage projects for inclusion into the Stormwater Management Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 1.t C Q d C1 w C~ G Q U ~ O C d O Q~ Q U1 ~ ~ .a ~a = 'Cf X O W 0 0 L. a ~:, ca ca c~ c~ c~ ~.= z z z z z IW w w w w w ' : rn;, a a a a a ::~.:-<. U_ ~, '; ~ p ; ' n . ~ z ~ Z a ¢ J Q J N `.: ~ .. F- O ~ O W f cn., .. U C7 2 0 0 ,_.: ~: 0 o o . ,, LLI._.. ' ~.~:< rv ~ Q o ~ 2. n cy N o q tv al:. 0 e 0 0 0 0 e -'Q` -- o ~ v o 0 . r ~~:- ~ vi v o ~ -- ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ,_~~ ' F' _F=-... O' 'U`- ° ° o ~ ° o o o o --W ~ ~. 1-.r 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 a ~~¢ ~ ~ ' N N ~ N H .: ~:. W _ ~ H N > ~ 2 ~ W a w p w ~ z w a ~ O w Z ~ .:0 ..' ~ ~ _ : ~ ~ w . C:. 2 F ~ Z U;. U ~ U Z W ~ A ~ 7 7 Ur W (7 W ~ a ? W l tl H Q f~!] [(]] Q h ¢ ~ X X U W U N U W w ~Z r 3 O w Os O ¢ ~ r - U ~ U U U u1 ~ a E v ~ - m n ~ U m H W f ': V7 _: c y J 'c u ;$ .....W.•' n ~ ~ D i ~ ~ a ~ Y - O Q ~ ,4. c~+i v ro w o . ~ ° ° ~ ~p N !D O ~ n m . ~ = ~ L d d y .-f~:. a vi m a W- J J R L _ L U ~ ~ ~ ~ .. . ~ ~~pp N ~ m G1 Q C ~ Q 47 . W 6' m .+ Y O u N ~'{1~ . . n N ~ ~ ~. M 1'1 1' 1 [~,»Z ~~ ~ '~ .. . ~ _,~~ -,. ~w,• ~~ ~ -. , ~ e r z. ^'; - ~, ! +~ R4 R,~;~ k ~' • J ~. ~~ ~ ~. ~~. j ~f ~ Tc , , "4 `,.> ~. ,t~+; : ~. ~~ ~ , ~ w ~~. • '' . ~ +. . ~ ~ ~ 'Y~ ~. __~ y ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ,s. '.. y ~~ ,i 'i _, } h i~ ' "`s i ~+~ -f ~., .~ i~ ',„ •-,~~ ~ w y ~ '~' ~ t 4 ~~~~ ~ ~~ Project Number: P-323 Roanoke County N Owner Name: Elizabeth Page Department of Project Address: 6920 Thirlane Rd Community Development Tax Map Number: 037.06-01-51.00-0000 1 October, 2008 Scale: 1" = 100' e~ ~E ~ s y ~ ~~ +'~ ~y ', iA r M ~ ~~~ r ~" 4! 1 . ~ y'r`~ ~ . y~. ~ , ~. _~ ~ ._ ~ y"t' ,~ ~ r t ~ ~ ,~ ~ 1 ~~ - ~~ ,,a s' . ~~ r ~ ~4 ~~ ~ a~~ :S°+ '; :.,, _ ~- ~ _ ~~, ter.. T"' , ~.. y `. ~ L. ~ r ar 74 r` 1r ~ ~, pN Asir ~ .. #~~I , ~ ~ t ~. 1• , ~ ~~~ .~ -~. t,~ ~ -,. // ~ . I: F ~ ti _ r ~, .~ •~ h _ . r. _ ~k~~ '` w Y~~ 1 ~ yam.. . ? ~ ~ ~~ `j ~,~~ y;, ~ ~ ~ r •. .~,. y •~- ?: 1 Project Number.' P-324 Roanoke County N Owner Name: Randall Light Department of Project Address: 2044 Denise Cr Community Developmenf Tax Map Number: 039.04-01-32.00-0000 1 October, 2008 Scale: 1" = 100' A .'~~y-"~ ~~. ~~ .~ y S~r ~, ~ ~ i1s~~ ` `. ~ `,.jl '{ , 4 ` *. ~. =% I .~~ OOO _ _ ~ _ _ \'. .., ...~ ~ ~ ~, ~4 ^` _ ~: r ~ ~ .' t~ ~ ~~~ P -~ ._ ~ ~:~~ r ~"~ t ` ~ -tit, r ~~~ ~ . : r _ 't e ~~;~ s "4 W ~ ~ ~, ~; ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ' ,~ X34 :• '~' ; ,. ~ ~, ~ ~.y ~ ~ x"•~„ ~}ti ~"~`~ f... * ~~, ~. , ~,. ~~ ,fit Jr ~~I ~ ~ ' `7~~ ~ .rte, .! it... ~ •~~ ,i T~ ~~ ,~((''~~~ ~~ . ~ V .t `. ~ ~ ~p 3 r ~ ~ ~~ .`L'am .i" ~17 `'~.•• `$~' ,~ ~+ ti w ~,_~. ' x `~ ~:: .-, '. .a ~ ~ ~ ~` ~'' S~ I A" Y~ [ N Project Number: P-325 Roanoke County Owner Name: Brogan Lane Department of Project Address: Brogan Lane Community Development Tax Map Number.' 044.04-02-27.00-0000 1 October, 2008 Scale: 1" = 100' r F ^ '~. ~t ~ c,, f'i • . . .~ :~ v ~ ~- : ~-,r' .~~ Y "ate . r - f' ~' T ~, ~, ~= :~ ~~, ,,;~~ ~R _: ,fir _ ~' . - r- _ __ A * A; :~,r ;~ .. - f .~~~ a ~,~ ~y ,F aye- r .'~ ~, ~. 3 : ~~f9 tic ,: •r, { '~•~ ~ ,., ~' i E - ~, ~ .~ 4r 1 S~~ ~ ~~ I~ it '~ a { i i ~_ 1 ~, +~- i ~ ~ ,~. ~~. ~i F~ •' S ~ ~. ~';~ Project Number: P-326 Roanoke County N Owner Name: Kevin Camper Department of Project Address: 3060 East Ruritan Rd Community Development Tax Map Number: 040.17-01-04.00-0000 1 October, 2008 Scale: 1" = 100' Project Number: P-327 Roanoke County N Owner Name: Scott and Amber Slagle Department of Project Address: 3350 Kenwick Trl Community Development Tax Map Number. 087.06-03-40.00-0000 1 October. 2008 Scale: 1"= 100' ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF -fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADNIINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances; consent agenda Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning John Chambliss County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ecr7/»~nP.R~ ~j~rdtJ..~ ~ ~irs~" rLo-c/.'N~ CLnc.~ f'G~i°~'I'ar/ ~ ~~ co~,~,;s~,o.~ BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for November 11.2008. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. The petition of Theodore J. Foster to obtain a Special Use Permit in an R-1, Low Density Residential District, for the purpose of constructing a private stable on 5.801 acres located at 4535 Red Barn Lane, Vinton Magisterial District (continued from the April 1, 2008, Public Hearing) 2. The petition of American Electric Power to rezone 13.103 acres from C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, to I-2C, High Intensity Industrial District with Conditions, forthe purpose of constructing a construction yard located at the 1800 block of Loch Haven Drive, Catawba Magisterial District Page 1 of 2 3. The petition of Faith Fellowship Church to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C-2, General Commercial District, for the purpose of Religious Assembly on 1.0 acre located at 4108 Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District 4. The petition of James R. Cherney to rezone approximately 4.75 acres from R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions, to C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, for the purpose of constructing an office building located between the 2300 block and 2400 block of Electric Road and 2315 Bridle Lane, Windsor Hills Magisterial District 5. "the petition of JJDR Company, LLC to rezone 1.13 acres from a C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, to a C-2, General Commercial District for the purpose of conducting personal improvement services located at 1919 Electric Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the Clerk's Office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. "that the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the pi"irpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for November 11, 2008. 2. That ti-iis section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item(s) 11=5, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Page 2 of 2 County of R©a©oke ~~~ Cnmtnetrtity D pmienf~3 Ylanniing & Z Cfc4 5204 Barnard Driv ~ P O Bax 29800 Raanake, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2Dt5$ FAX (54D) 77b-7155 Staff Use ~s raccivcd: Rccefved by: 5-.31-0~ ~rl'lC~' ~nnit~;,ion fee: af:"~ ~"~ ~ PcrszA d~t~~-~ ~~r'~ oO a~eEr_ t ~.oJu t'tacnrds issued: I BOS dote: /~P~,~ Case Number ~ n ... ~ ~a pp ~aza~ AI,L, APPLICANTS Check type of applicatinn i31ed (cheek all that app1Y3 ^ Rezoning J~'Special Use U Variance ~ Waiver ^ Administrative Appeal ~ Comp Plan (I51-2232) Review w/zip Phone: s ~ ~ - a D ~ -, 2 ~.4 G Applicants tame/address r 11~eac~4~e 3. t'Q~~~r Wnrk: Sr-ID~- ~j&'~-(-'~3~7~. ~ 4 5 3 S Reel Uc.rn f...o.ne. cell #: ~'~I.Q._ ~ ~ g - 4~7 R°t --- Ro ~o (r. ' ~- yG 12,. Fax Nn.: Owner's nameladdress w/zip Phone #i: SLID _ ~O ~-1~2-2 ~lCj ~ ~ f=aS~-er' >1 LGr~ ~ Ffos~2r Wark: C'{I~3 - ~ $G..O z7Z ! ~ ~ rr ea Lt S ,3 5 R e c~. t~ c (' n ~m e. Fax Na. Il: R Ede Vii 2.4D 12 Property I.acatian 4535 Rent Bcrr, t.c~e~ `~ Magtsterial Dtstrtct: V i ~ .~ n R,gGnp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ O 12 Community Planning; area: 'fax MapNa.: ~o.lS._Ui -~,~.~2ci- ?,'~.~cat t _ ~ Existing Zoning~~ ~~^ Size of parcel(s): Aeres:'~ ~~ ~ i t 1 , io5S+g ,~ 85s Existing L-and Use: ~ i ~~ , WAIVER AND COMP PLAN (ls.z-zzs2) RENEW APPLICANTS (R/S/WICP) REZONING, SPECIAI, USE PERMIT I Proposed Zoning: f~ " ~ , S~ecic-~ ~~- ~.e~t~-i i ~- ~r Qr~s~+~•~-e. Proposed Land lJse: ~e 5+ ,n f.,-t'+~t f ~` Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested districk? Yes Nn IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIIRST. Does the prtrcel meet the minimum criteria far the requested Use 7j+pc es No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST' Ii' rezoning request, are conditions being; proffered with this request? Yes Na VARIANCE, WAIVER.AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL APPLICAN7"S (V/W/~j Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of !hc Raanake County Zoning, Ordinance in order ta: Appeal of Z.oninb Administrator's decision Eo Appeal of Interpretation of Sectinn(sj: of the Roanoke County Inning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Z,aning Map to Is the applicatinn complete? Please check ifenclnsed. APPLICATION W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTCD IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/51WlCP VlAA Cansultntian R/SIW/CP V/AA 8 I2" x I I" concept plan R/SfW/CP VIM Application fee Application Metes and bounds dcscrigtion Pmffers, if applicable Justification Water and scorer applic~~tion Adjoining; property owners I hereby certify that 1 am either the owner of the property nr the owner's agent or contract gurch~er and am rtctint; with the knnwled);e and consent of the owner. Qwncr's 3ignatun; ~~ " J JUS"I'IFICA'I'ION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN ps.z.xzs2} REVIEW REQUEST5 Applicant 1 r r ~fhe Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (1S?-22.32) review requests to determine khe need and justifECation for the change in Eerrns of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the fallowing questions as thoroughly as possible iJse addikional space if necessary., Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Raannke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the ', beginniug of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance.. f~~ e]<i~~'y^~ ~~p~s ~~' t,a~iG~ f~~ ~~ecic~\ ~~~e ~~~""r4r,`.~- iS .~]to~ C.~o.~ ~~lG~18-Oi--32~k~~1G~lS--Cal-3~+OI, ~'~-fG,I~~(%I',3~i~2~ l-~~~t~ ',, CiL~ r/inS G'~ r'~~-c~ha~a~ '~jn~~ ~[~nCt On ~~ 5~v~~~f`fl har~C. ~s2~t~`n~ ~'~~~ ~t?rmi~- en~,.,c~eS Z`on;n~ (~'r'~,`nc~,~(ce ~ec~rc,~, ,~~'3~~ ~~ I Sup~Dt^t~~'~ )('+C_U~~.~\ taS2 CST !(~,nC` C3.lnC\ ~3 17~ ~t~YtO+n[.E~~~ V ~ ...I ~}'~L' ~UCD~+L ~G:~E)(L' ~~ ~~t? COMrrltjn~-~-~. Please explain how khe project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Pl an-~ (~ f 11 i ~ S~ ZC ~ c>.~ U ~ ~7 ~ rm ~ k' C 0 i`t ~-e~ rrn S ~,u i ~~n ~ L'L~~o~ ~ ~~ -~ ~ Please describe the impact{s} of the request ou the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding; area, as well as the~impacts on public services and facilities, including waterlsewer, wads, schools, garks/recreaEion and fire and rescue. 'i1~f`~ t,~~: ~~ bs? fl© Ct(;~t1C'f~C k~~C~C~S QIi C.L`~C~intnC' f.3Cc~(~~~ Ot,ani~t--~ p~ ~U~~i[~ S~r~iC..t? ~, V ~.J :3 Private stable proposal -Foster (1) If the existing garage is not to be used for the private stable, please indicate what type of shelter will be utilized on the property (i.e. lien-to, run-in, etc...). Please provide a sketch indicating the location and dimensions of the structure with the proposed setbacks. The setbacks will have to meet the requirements for an accessory structure (front yard- behind front building line of principal structure; side yard- 10 feet when behind front building line or 3 feet when behind rear building line; rear yard- 3 feet). The current garage located Parcel 40.18-01-32.02 will not be utilized to shelter animals. I propose a run in shelter approximately 25 ft x 15 ft near the existing UGE line shown on the plat. This structure will conform to all building requirements and setbacks. See attached. (2) An amended sketch will need to be provided indicating the location of the proposed fence including the amount of fenced acreage. Also, please indicate the type and height of the fence. You will need to demonstrate that the proposed fence is fully contained on your property and does not encroach into the existing private road and r/w easements located on your property. Fencing will enclose approximately 3.25 - 3.5 acres. See attached plat. The fencing will be a combination of wood plank, tensile wire, and electric. The fence line will not include any area designated as a right of way. (3) Verify the number of horses proposed. Your original submittal indicated that a maximum of three (3) horses would be allowed. I propose a maximum of three horses (4) Your plans for managing animal waste so as to not create a nuisance or health hazard to adjoining or nearby property owners. Management of feces will consist of several methods. (a) A fecal pile will be established in the northern part of property 40.18-01-32.02. This site will provide a buffer from existing homes and structures. Additionally, composting will enhance natural disposal of waste. (b) Feces deposited in the field will be drug regularly to encourage uniform grazing and facilitate natural degrading of waste. (c) Fly control measures such as "Fly Predators" will help to maintain a hygienic and biologically safe atmosphere nNp fi Y a~ ~ Community Development ~ ~-- "~ ~ Planning & Zoning Division .:~ ~, b ,s 8 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDMSION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL LASE PERMIT PETITION PI..ANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROLE©URE The Roanoke County Planning Cammissian reserves the right to cantinue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional infarmation is presented at the public hearing.. lf' it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning C'ammissianers present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions an the new ar additional infarmation prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Cammissian may vote to cantinue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time far all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new ar additional infarmation and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted.. POTENTIAL C7F NEED FDR TRAF'F'IC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFI" IC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Transportation Engineering Manager or stafffram the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a trafl"tc impack study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate, fur°ther study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/ar suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date,. Effective Date: April l9, 2005 ~'1 ~ iG~ Name of Petition ~~ ....~_ ti./'~ .fr- - /~ ..~ Petitianer°s Signature 1 I2 ~~c~~ Date CONCEPT' PLAN CIIECKLIS~' A concept plan pf the proposed project must be submitted with the application. 'The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered.. h"urther, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request, ]n such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the proper€y and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not 6e manageable by County permitting regulations. the concept plan shpnld not be cpnfused with the site plan or plat plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State acrd County development ret;uiatians and may require changes to the inikial concept plan .unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed an a special use permit ar variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations:, A concept pla:~ is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications.. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level afdetail may vary, depending nn the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff-may exemptsome of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the are AL.L. APPi..1CANTS `~ a. Applicant name and name of development / b. Date, scale and north arrow ~' c. I_~ot size in acres or square feet and dimensions / d:. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County t<~u: map numbers of adjoining prpperties / e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, flnodplain, etc. J f The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties t;.. All property lines and easements ,/ h.. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights .~ i. Location, widths and names of ap existing; or platted streets or other public ways within or' adjacent to the development ,j Dimensions and locations of'al] driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Add'itiorral lrrfol•~trallorr regrrir°ed for /2~ZC7NING acrd SPECI~1. USE PERMIT fIPPLIC.9NI S k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site ,,,,,~„ I. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m Topography map in a suitable scalt; and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and sits distances at intersections a. Locations a# all adjacent fire hydrants / p~ Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. 1f project is to be phased, please show phase schedule l certify tha€ all items required in the checklist above are complete.. f,, 11a~ lay Signature of applicant Date 6 IJz?p8 %caucst iar a~rivatc ;~":~~~:; ~;w; ~.c~; +~~,~, ~ 1.~~ icoano~ c. V,~ '=1131 ~~,an~nr~ a17:~ ~_,ori !!"OSt~I' We praposc a maximum of'thrcc horses The area of containx~cnt for the horses will be fcneccl nn all sides ~~Ic ~~lill ~naintain the tree-co~erand tolia~;c along; the property lines to minimi7c ehan~cs to the ltci+~l~borhhood. There «~ill be s:,,r~i;,~~ri, ~,r„~,F,~~ .•,,,,~. 3,, ~,~~T„T.,;;,~ ,:+„r-,=„~~..,,.~_ , „~„.= r ~,f„~ ~.,~,., ,;,.. •,,,,~ ,~„ ii ~~ot be dercucl~+~ . L ~ V o t ~ ~~ ~ v w » ~ z E c ~~' p ~ 0 0 7 ~ ~~ . ~ ~• ~~ -, ~, '~ r ~ A . ,~ . ~ ;~.~ .~ . ,--I q a . ~ '^ r ~ ~-'~ , - ~' O ~ E ~ ~ .. ~'+ 'Kr / 1 ~ ,~ ~ , -~. - , ~_ fit' ,~ r VIA ~~ ~ ~ / t fir-, P .J ~ p: t ~'~~.~ ~ ~ e'` ~°~AO7~~ t ~ ~. ~J.: Eby ~ ~ I 0 ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~-~~, 4`{~ *~~ '; ', N ~y,. ~ _ ~ O ~ 00 '`~':`.u ~, T'.f'- ~ ...fir '!' \ }. v ~ ~+j~~. ~ a ~ ~ N ~ f~ byJ ~ ~ ~ - ~ a L Q L 'y ''r; , ~ v ! ,~, S 3y ~ ems'` f ~ ~ Q .~ Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Theodore J Foster Existing Zoning: R1 Proposed Zoning: R1S Tax Map Number: 040.18-01-32.00, .03, .04 Magisterial District: Vinton Area: 5.801 Acres 7January, 2008 Scale: 1" = 250' Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Theodore J Foster Existing Zoning: R1 Proposed Zoning: R1S Tax Map Number: 040.18-01-32.00, .03, .04 Magisterial District: Vinton Area: 5.801 Acres 7January, 2008 Scale: 1" = 250' County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning S2U4 Bernard Drive P Q Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 2018-{}798 (540) 772-2f168 FAX (540) 776-7155 For Staff Use Only d:O Received by: ~ /) ~~~ i fee: ~p~ ~'~ PC/13ZA date: d/(` ~.~' li~s~ l1- 3~4~ Placards issued: 1305 date: f~_~~o~ Case t~~~,t,~r ;~ ~ ~-- ~ I ~ ~~~~ ALL APPL,TCANT,S Check type ofapplication ftled (check all that apply) '~ Rezpning ^ Special Use ^ Variance ^ Waiver ^ Administrative Appeal Applicants nameladdress w/zip Pltone: ~1~1K~: S~-~=•r~E ~ j SP~-c~f~vr'~ ,Jir~tit_,J Work: I v ~- rt ~~ n. C.l-t !',~ ~ , S ~ Cell #: 12..oh~cv--~ OVA ~~u11 -210'-{ Fax No: 1 Owner's nameladdress wlzip Phone #: R - ~ ) 1.~t . Pa~r'~C7. IE~s~itir 5iit:~l-i~ p,ri~fztc.~r~ L .;~ Work: - ~ ~t \ ~ 'l~.,o. 43oX 202 Fax No #: \ 10 ~~PwoK-~-,~R ~:'~n2"l..-'x..421 Property Location ^ Cnmp Plan (1S~z-2232) Review .S`to-3`t2_--Uoal Sr~ME S`io °'7q8 W ~y~1v 5'~0- 3~~-&o5S 5`~la ~~ 3 5 ~, .. ~~-~ -L 5 ~l c - q ~ ~ - ~. b'~11 ~ ~ I ~ {_ o c.i-t ~t ~~ ~ ~ D ~ Magisterial District: ~ ,q'14 ~ w 3 r^~ Planninf;area: t'1t15oryc, ~~~~ ~2v~:,~1 Tax Map No DEC;, ,10 - G ti - 1~1.4~ - U aUC~ Existing Zoning: C '.~.. G Size afparcel(s): Acres: 13 • i ~~, Existing Land Use: ~ liC i'r~T JS/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: ~ "Z., G Proposed Land Use: ,,,~Ta RF, C.. t~ ' Jfi, fir. t~ Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district'? Ycs ~/ No IF NO, A VARIANCI~ I5 REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested €Jse Type. Yes ~ Nn IF NO, A VARIANCE I5 REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No / YstR1ANCE,:J;f1IYERAND4DMIlYtSTR~T'.IVEAI'PEAL~PPLIC~NTS{y1lY/,gA)'.' Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of-the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order €o: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to is the application complete? Please check if enclosed APPL1CATlON WILL NOT SE ACCEPTED 1F ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MI55ING OR INCOMPLETE it/511Y/CP VIAA [215/lVICP VIAA Consuhation 8 112" x 11 "concept plan J Application Metes and bounds description ./ .lustilacation N ~ ~ Water and sewer applieatian I Iterehy certify that 1 anti either the owner of the proper y or the owner's a nt or antt C of the owner. __~~~L~~' t~t. 1U5/1Y/ P V/pA Application fee ~' ~ Proffers, ifapplicable Adjoining property owners aft purchaser and am acting wit]t the lcnowl~dge and consent / Owner's Signature Applicant ;~`r1 11L~ ~R K><S j ..a (' it G ~ {~~ J f1 ~ ~..~ s (r n! 1"he Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver ar community plan (15.2-223.2) review requests to determine the Head and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare, Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary, Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Qrdinance as well as the purpose beginning ofthe applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. ............ Please explain haw the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Please describe the impacts} of the request an the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts an public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreatian and f re and rescue. Justification far Rezoning Applicant Mike Rakes/Spectrum Design The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver ar community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the fopowing questions as thoroughly as passible. Use additional space if necessary. (County questions in Red; Our responses in Slaclc~ Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. This request will simplify a cumbersome zoning situation: the subject parcel is dual zoned. 13.103 acres are zoned C1C and 33.297 acres are zoned 12C. The boundary line between the two cannot be distinguished by a layman on the site. If rezoned to 12, the entire parcel will be of one zone and its use will comply entirely with County Ordinance 30-86-2 for Construction Yards. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roannl<e County Community Plan, The 2005 Community Plan [orates this parcel in the Mason's Cove planning area, This planning area puts great value on preserving existing ridgeline views and promotes storm water management. This project is located on low ground near I-S.1 and will have na impact an ridgelines. Also, extensive storm water management practices are in pure which will be appropriately expanded with new construction. Please describe the impacts) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts an public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The impact of this rezoning will be to defragment the current zoning on this parcel.. Adjoining properties will be unaffected as the current land use will oat change, Impacts on water, sewer, schools, etc, will be zero as there will be no structures or employees added -only outdoor equipment storage. There will be no increase in noise ar odor. Proposed lighting will use similar fixtures currently in use and will be adjustable to prevent light levels from affecting adjacent properties, Roadway impacts are expected to be minimal as only necessary equipment will be stored and retrieved when required. No new entrances are prpposed. Trucks exiting the property will use the existing Route 419 exit. J4lSTIFICATION,FOR VARIANCE REQUEST Applicant M1~~ RAI~~ 5 Ia~Lt ~ ~~iJJ'1 ~4:.~kGrJ The ofZoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-23Q9 oftl~e Code of V irginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be gran€ed Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own wards, describe haw the request meets each factor. if additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper 1 The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 ~1 1 ~ ~ ~-1 ~ ~ 1 S N ~ ~ , 2 The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict t1~e use of the property. 3 The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity Such l3ardships should be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance 4 The variance will not be ofa substantial detriment to the adjacent properties ar the character ofihe district 4 ~US7'iFLCA7'I©it' FOR ADMINCST.RA'i"I'VE APPEAL REQUEST" Applicant ~ ~ Y-F [ZA kt.rG 5 ~ S P~ ~ ~ R J f}~ i~ ~ .~ ~ Cr rJ P{ease respond to the following as thoroughly as passible !f additional space is needed, use additional sheets oE'paper. 2 Evidence supporting claim: coiveEr~ ~al~A~ cxaucxlil~sT A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to 6e considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use ar design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit €he future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable 6y County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan ar plat plan that is required prior to tl~e issuance afa building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to tl~e initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concep€ plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan {15.2-22.32) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level ofdetail may vary, depending an the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt same ofthe items or suggest the addition ofextra items, but the follawin are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS ~ a. Applicant name and name of development / b Date, scale and north arrow / c. L•at size in acres or square feet and dimensions d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties ~ e Physical features such as g€ound cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. / f'. The zoning and land use of alI adjacent properties ~ g. All property lines and easements ~' All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights / i Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets ar other public ways within ar adjacent to the development `l j 17imensians and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces ~idditional it forrrratiorr r egreired for REZONING acrd SPECIAL. USE' PE12MI7"~fPPL.IC~fNTS lc Existing utilities {ovate€, sewer, storm drains} and connections at the site / I. Any driveways, entranceslexits, curb openings and crossovers / m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals `~ n Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections a L acations of all adjacent fire hydrants f p Any proffered conditions at the site and haw they are addressed ,f q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule l certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete ~3av _ Signature of applicant Date Community Development Planning & Zoning Division ~ Ary ~ 2 rs~ NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAVER, OR SPEC'IAJ`, USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing Tf it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available far planning staff andlor an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition.. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional infvrmaiion and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission, The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted.. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, ar Special Use Permit petitian if the County Transportation Engineering Manager ar staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses andlor a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential Iand uses and sltrratlorls that r~~ortld 1I~C4'SSItfItE',!'II"ther'.Stlldy is pl•ovided as pal•t of tlrrs applicatiall package), This continuance shall allow sufficient time far all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses andlor traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. Tf a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date., Effective Date: April 19, 2005 f Name of Petition s~-- Petitioner"s gnature n ~~~~ Date Community Develaprnent Planning & Zoning Division POTENTIAL, OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ANDIOR TRAFFIC ~MFACT STUDY The fallowing is a list of potentially high trafl:~c~generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a mare detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, ar special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we reCamrnend that you meet with a County planner, the County Transportation Engineering Manager, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation stafF to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and i/DOT reserve the right to request a trahrc study at any time, as deemed necessary.) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: • Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with mare than 75 dwelling units • Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) • GaS StatlDn/C.anvenienCE Stare/Car Wash • Retail shap/Shopping center • Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc) • Regional public facilities • Educational/Recreational facilities • Religious assemblies • Hotel/Motel • Galf course • Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic • Industrial site/Factory • bay care center • Bank • Nan-specific use requests Road Network Situations: • Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 5©€I-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 46Q, 11/4fii), 22fI, Z21, 419, etc) • Far new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly • When required to evaluate access issues • Development with ingress/egress an roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc (i.e. an Lang Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc) • Deveiapment in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem • bevelapment would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic slgna[(s) • Substantial departure from the Community Plan • Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (1QQ) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator ar the peak hour an the adjacent streets, or aver seven hundred fifty (75D) trips In an average day LEGEND - SURVEYED PROPERTY LINE - DEED LINE ® SET REBAR O EXIST[NG IRON FOUND ~~~LT H pF L f O END OF LINE/CURVE NOTHING FOUND, NOTHING SET ~O$ ~vorES: o DOUGLAS R. ~ ~ u MEREDITH, JR. a 3. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITHOUT S~ THE BENEFIT OF A T[TLE SEARCH AND THEREFORE MAY NOT SHOW ALL LiC. No. 7450-8 ENCUMBRANCES. Z. TWIS PROPERTY AS PLATTED DOES NOT C9`t'D SURVti~o~ ~ i 81 FALL WITHIN 7HE 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE. 3. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL AND CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. DATE: A. ANY PHYSICAL [MPROVEMENTS N0T I HEREBY CERTIFY THIS PLAT OF SURVEY TO BE CORRECT DIMENSIONED, SHALL NOT E3E SCALED. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF 5. FEMA FLOOD ZON 6. LEGAL REFERENCE IED AREA = 13.103 AC. REZONED FROM J 12C TABLE BEARING CHORD ANGEN ©El7A 'B'25'33'V X5.07 22.55 3'35'35' I6'OS'~e'V 17.15 73.96 11v~'S~' 78.13'20'V 207.IS 10~.~8 i~'S~'28' GRAPHIC goo 0 ~i~ I inch = 3 102 Albemarle Ave ~`~~ ~ ~ t ' ~ Roanoke, Virginia I ~ I~ ~ ~~ ~.~; ~~ 24013 En ~neerin www•Imw c.com Architecture ph: 540.345.0675 Surveying fax: 540.342.4456 ', Landscape Design Imweng@Imw.roacoxmalLcom )F SUR VEY 30YVING ~3 ACRES REZONED FOR APPALACHIANPOWER COMPANY LpCATED IN CATAWB MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE; VA COMM. 3574 SURVEYED: 8/28/D8 J ~ Dy y ~.. F ~ D v ~ ~~ ~_ ~< ~ W ®® WH ~ 6 a ~ „u i < ZC7 d ~-7 ~ ~ ~ ~~ w ~ z ~ C7r~ ~Z I ~ F ,. o `~ z~ ~ _ ~ E_ .~~ z ~' ~~ a y ~p ~r1 ~ar.C~ ~W I r~°~m oU3e~~e 'i op ~ U i.. I m~""-g ~g~6 o ~~a ~ ' ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ a m~~N ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ I '_ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~.- b . I ' p y ~~ S ~, §$a~~~ ~ Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: American Electric Power Existing Zoning: C1C Proposed Zoning: 12C Tax Map Number: 036.10-01-14.03-0000 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 13.103 Acres 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 400' Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: American Electric Power Existing Zoning: C1C Proposed Zoning: 12C Tax Map Number: 036.10-01-14.03-0000 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 13.103 Acres 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 400' (u;t~tur3iy oI'I~~ttariul~ta C.nrtimunit~= Dcvelolarncnf PI;~nnin~ ~ l,or~inh Yr ~ ~~Q~ I~LI"t1t2Pf~ ICI"1Vl~ -."~~ '_ >' ~' 0 Box ?~J~OD u~G ~pclIlOlC!/, ~lA 2~1QIi;-Q74~' (~40) 772-2068 1'A~ (54D} 776-71 ~5 l{'tar St.tif Use [)nl}= ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ hn(c rncch~cd: Rcccivcd hy' A~t~lic2tion fc~. ~.f~- PC/t3..,A. ~iai~ 1'laea~ds issued; 1305 dat~ ~ W ~~ ~1SC ~Lt Int7CF ~'~'~-• /[~~n~~{' ~i.y L riP.PI IC. ~NT~S Check type of application filed (check all that apply) ^ Rezoning 1%I Speei.tl iJse ~ Variance C3 Waiver lM7:tdntinistt-ative Appeal C1 Contp Platt ps.z-z?a~} I2cvie~t° Applicants nameladdress ~=Izip Phone: 540-334-9995 Rev. Gary Hoffman, l=aitE3 Fellowship Church Warlt: 540-334-3477 100 Wirtz Rd. Cell ~: 540-814-2044 Wirtz, VA 241$4 Fax lJo : 540-334-1289 O~3mer's Warne/address wlzip Phone tr: 540-814-2044 Rev. Gary Hoffman, Representing Owner: Hoe Wan Chung Wark: 540-334-3477 100 Wirtz Rd. Fax No f.': 540-334-1289 Wirtz, VA 24184 Property Location C' Magisterial Distriat: -W-ins}s~r~-ills- 4108 Electric Road ~ t i ~ Roanoke, VA 4018 Cornrnunity Plannirtg area: ~ ~ Tax Map No.: _O~Z-19-44•:8B-Qeoe- aooa Pxistinn Z.aniaag: C-2 Size of parcel(s): Acras: 1 acre Existing Land Use: Vacant Commercial Space ItEZO11rING, SPECI.~1L Us5'E PE.Ft]tII.T, 1T'riI1~LR :311:D OO11.IP PZfi11' {15.?-aas?) RE l'IEI~' APP.C.IC~iNTS (ItlS/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: Proposed Lat;d Use: Churcl~IReligious Assemble (per zoning orclinance) Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested disixict? Yes 0 No ^ L1! NO, A VAI2I.ANCE IS REQUIRED FII25T. Does the parcel meet the ininimurrt criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes i~ No d I1! NO, A VARIA.NCI±. IS REQUII2ED FIILST ifrezoning request, are conditions being 13roffered with this request? Yes ~ No !~ V.~.R~T_l1'CE,' F3r1.TYE.~..d.NIJ .~iD1lfINl.STItfiTIYE~-IPP~~~L`f~PPLICANTS (1'/lI'/Ar1) Variancel~tJaiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke Catinty Zoning frdinance in order to: Appeal of Zoninb Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application corrtplete? Please check ifenclosed. APPi.,ICATION ~'ti'~ILL NOT $E ACCEPTED ~ Al\'~' OF' THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE IUSnV1CP Vl:#A FtISnV/C!' VIA A Consultation S 112" x 11" concept t,1an Application I ~~ Metes utd bounds description )usti(ication _ ~, plater and sees=er application 1 ltercby ccrtifZ° that 1 ~trrt eitltcr the o~~=rter of the property or the oGVner's agent ar c n , of tltc ow~ter ~~~~ ~ ~~ Application fee _~ FroFters, if applicab3c Adjoining property a~i'ners p~rcltaser and am acting with the l;ato~~~lcdgc and consent O~a~ner's Si~ttatnre JUS1~T'ICA7']UN irOl2 R~70NlNG, SPACIAL T~51~ P>%RMIT ti~Al'VER OR COMP 1')/_A1`1 (~s z-??3?) RLVIL1~4r .. , .. ~7~QU.la5T5 ~lpplicanl Rev. Gary I-laffman, )vaith 1'ellawship Church The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15..2-zz3?) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in teens of public health, safety, and general Gvelfare Please answer the following questions as t.horougl~ly as possible, Use additional space if necessary. Please explain haw the request furthers the purposes of the Raanalce County Orduaance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning dastrict classilacation irr the Zoning Ordinance We request a "Special Use Permit" to locate a church to be called "Church Vtctonous" in the building at 4108 Electric Rnad, Roanoke, VA, We believe having a church at this location is a service-related organization who will serve tl~e surrounding area and county. Please explain how the project confornrs to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan, The Church will enhance and support the other commercial business's in the area, It will provide a safe, well-maintained and good environment which is consistent with the Roa- noke Community Plan The church will have several roams that will not be occupied in rear of building at present time which will be nice for future growth. The church plans to reface the existing sign on the property and put one an the building itself where there was nee previously, We plan to clean up the existing landscaping anal lighting that is already on the property. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts an public services and facilities, including water/sewer, reads, schools, parkslrecreatian and fire and rescue. The aforementioned building has been vacant for a while and it will benefit the surrounding area by cleaning it up and maintaining it. The peak periods for traffic for the church are at times {Sunday morning and future Wednesday evenings} when most of'the surrounding traffic is at low levels.. The building has parking for at least 54 parking places including .3 handicap spaces. The church will seat 230 people. Tl~te church will be a new church plant sa attendance at first will below. The adjacent business has agreed per attached letter to let us use his 12 ad- ditional parkirtg spaces, The Church will have little impact on public services due to minimal meeting times. R -~ ~CONC~I?T PLAN CK~CT~,TST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application.. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential Land use or design issues arising from the request.. In such cases involving rezanings, the applicant may proffer conditions to lirrrit the future use and development ofthe property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations.. The cancept plan should not be confused with the site plan ar plat plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building per3nit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the irritial concept plan, Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezanirrg ar imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan maybe altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations.. A cancept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, cortrmunity plan (1~.2-2232) review and variance applications.. the plan should be prepared by a professional site planrrer. The level ofdetail may vary, depending on the nature of the request, The County Planning 17ivision staff may exempt sorxre of-the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the fallowing are considered minirrrura: AL.L APP1:.7CANTS a. Applicant name and name of development b Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres ar square feet and dirr-ensions d.. f_.acatian, names of owners and Raanake County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc,. f.. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties ____ g All property lines and easements h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights _ i. Location, widths and natnes of all existing ar platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the developrzaerrt j Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional inforrrsatioia required for° REZONING alyd SPEClAl, CISF I'ERh~IT APPI~lC,4NT~` _ k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site 1. Any driveways, entratrces/exits, curb openings and crossovers _ m Topography troop in a suitable scale arad contour intervals _____, n. Approximate street grades acrd site distances at intersections o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants .,.~. p.. Any proffered conditions at the site and haw they are addressed - _ q. if project is to be phased, please Shaw phase schedule I certify that all iterras required in the cltec 'st above are corrrplete Signature of applicant Date 6 aua r ~: Community Development ,, «~;'. Planning ~ Zoning bivision ~s~a POTFN~L~L OI~ NEE.D FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFF>:C ~MPA.C~ S'I"C.JUY The fallowing is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a mare detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traff=ic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a Got~nty planner, the County traffic engineer, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VC~DT reserve the right- to request a traffic .study at any time, a.s deemed necessary.) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: • single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, orApartrnents with mare than 75 dwelling units • Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows} • Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash • Retail shop/shopping center • Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) • Regional public facilities • l;ducationa!/R.ecreational facilities • Religious assemblies •- Note!/Motel • Golf course • Hospital/Nursing har€~e/Clinic • Industrial site/Factory ® [lay care center • Bank • Nan-specific use requests Road Network Situations: a Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 590-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., R.te 11., ~4, 115, 117, 46Q, 11/460, Z~Q, 2Z1, 419, etc) p For new phases or changes to a development where a previously subrr~itted traffic study is mare than two (2} years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly • When required to evaluate access issues • Development with ingress/egress an roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, irr~provements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.} • bevelapment in an area where there is a known existing traff=ic and/or safety problem • Development would potentially negatively impact existing/Planned traffic signal(s) • Substantial departure from the Community Plan • Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (ion) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750} trips in an average day ~'ffective date: April 19, 20U5 OF R~~:c~ Community Development ti ~~ ,~: ~ Planning & Zoning Division ~~ ~ - •.~ 1836 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPEGIA.L USE PERMIT PETITION PI.ANNJNG COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves floe right to caritinue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Ilse Permit petition if new or additional infoi-inatian is presented at the public hearing. Lf it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written camrn~nts and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Cozz~inissian may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow suff cient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planxririg Canarriission.. Tl~e Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted., POTENTIAL OF NEED T"OR TRAFFIC .ANALYSES ANDIOR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if fihe County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Departrzaent of Transportation requests firr.-ther traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of paterxtial land uses arxd situations that ~t~ould necessitate, fur°tlzer study is pr°avided as part of tlxis applicatiarx package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission, lfa continuance is warranfied, the applicant will be notifred of-the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. ,~~~~t:v~ d~~~: Agri! 19, 2vos G L. ~ o f m E,..~ Name of Pet'tio ~, ~1'" petitioner's gnatur t]ate ' L ['. ~ _ ~ _ r it I __ __ 1 __ f~ ~~1 C'Itif)C:`Y l'~~ IIS~:` ~~i'111~1 i~+: `I ifll~~;i ~11 ~'r l~i~F111I 1~ To Whom It May Concern: Faitly Fellowslip Church is located at 100 Wirtz Rd. Wirtz, VA, 1 came to Faith Fellowship in October, 1992 when there were only 30 people. Currently we are running over '100 peo- ple and built a beautiful campus an US 220 in Franklin County, Faith Fellowship has com- mitted to plant and to financially back Church Victorious of the Roanoke Valley. I believe the area in Roanoke is perfect to bring to what has been sa successful in Wirtz. 1 will be leasing the building at 4108 Electric Rd. Roanoke, VA for a minimum of.3 years with an option to purchase.. The plan is to have a 2.30 seat sanctuary, At first attendance will below but we will have the room to grow into 2.30 seats. Our 54 parking spaces will be ade- quate for the size of congregation. The next door dentist offices have also agreed in attached letter to allow us to use their parking facilities for future growth. They do not use their park- ing on Sunday and Wednesday evening. Our purpose is to provide a beautiful, safe, loving, and spiritual environment to the Commu- nity. 1 believe the local retailers and restaurants will also benefit from our being in close prox- imity to them. Church Victorious will be meeting on Sunday mornings and as attendance grows also Wednesday evening. We will not be impacting traffic during the busy times far the area if you have any further questions, please contact me using the information below. In His Service, Pastor Gary Hoffman Church Victorious Faith Fellowship Church 540-334-34'17 (Church) 540-814-2044 (Pastor Mobile preferred} pastor cz faithfellowshipva.arg (E-Mail) irl ~- M a H U ~ ~ ~~g U t r1 'J U W /~ D w 00 cn Poe & C.;`roi~c Real Estate Caroup W 4108 Electric Rd,, )~'ree Standing Bldg, Roanoke, VA Page 1 of 6 4108 ~lec'tric Rd. Pr©perty ID: 15670185 41p8 Blectric Rd, Barry Ward Roanoke, VA 24018 County; Roanoke t. (540) 855-3657 ~l~.,~,-P~~onk ncn~ rsrATe cnoun For Lease Type: Total Space Available: Building Size: Year Built: Date Last Verified: Property ID: Active Retail Free Standing Bldg 10,500 SF 10,500 SF 1979 8/Z 1/2008 15&70185 Available Spaces Suite/ Space Minimum Maximum Rental Date Space Type Sablease Ftoor Available Divisible Contiguous Rate Available Space 1 10,500 5F $10.28 SF/Year immediate Free Standing No Bldg lG.eaSe Type; FINN Additional Information Property Description: The single story building measures approximately 10,500 square Feet The building is constructed in meta[ on a slab and has a stucco exterior. The property measures approximately 1 acre and provides ample parking In Front and in the rear of the building. Features include high ceiling height, ample parking and excellent signage an a 5. Route 419. Location Description: The property is located in Southwest Roanoke County, Virginia within close proximity to Tangiewood Mail and U.S. Route ZZO. The property is adjacent to the newly renovated Madison Square Center and close to the new Panera Bread. The property is located in close proximity to many traffic generators including Tangiewood Mall, area schools and major Roanoke Valley Employers, and khe neighborhoods of Soukh Roanoke and Hunting Hills. It is located on Rt 419 (Electric Road) with an average daily vehicle traffic count of 35,000+. The Roanoke Valley continues to be Virginia' s western center For industry, trade, health, education, travel and entertainment. Zoning bescriptian: aZ Lot Site: 1 AC Crfl5s Streets: Dgden Rd. Traffic Count: 35000 Highlights o Plenty of parking ®Monument sign on Electric Road lrttp://www.loo~net.cam/xNet/L,ooplink/PraEle/Pr`intAll, aspx?still-/17roker/wpcrealtors&L,I.... 8/2b/2008 a Edgard M. Q'Kee~e, DDS /'" '~.,~.~' ~ itobin E. Hinrichs, DDS ~}f}2 >ylectric Rc~~d ® }-~~~i[ : cl~~ciors~.}~lue:rid~eendc~.am~ Rn~au3}ce, Va 2~}t} I S Wets : ~i<<v.~~.t~lue:rSclgee€~cle> cc~€n Pho~7e : (54[)} 772-~75}5 '' l~aa : (54[}) 772-437}Cs August 25, ?Op8 Gary & Diane Hoffman liaith I~ellowship 1 QQ Wirtz Raad Wirtz, VA 24184 Dear Mr. & Mrs.. Hoffman: You and the members of your church have permission to use our pal°Icing facilities on Wednesday evenings and an Sundays. You also have permission from Dr°. Robin E. Hinrichs and from O'ICeefe Properties, LLC, which awns this building. If you have not already done so, you may want to obtain permission from Dr, Peter Kelly wl~a owns 41 Q6 EIectric Road, SW, Roanoke, VA (989-333$),. The northern half of the parking Iat next to his building belongs to him Best wishes, G~ Edward M. O'Keefe, DDS ,G~i., nuyiQr, ¢~ ~ ti ~'M1... ..c~`} I-Ia~Wan Cl~u~~g 5818 Saddleridge Raad Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Septerr~ber 4, ?008 The County of Roanoke Community Development Planning and Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive PC3 Bax 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 2401$-0798 Re: Special Use Permit Application for: 410$ electric Road, Roanoke, Virginia 2401.8 Dear Raanal<e Caunty: Please consider this letter as evidence of nay consent far Mr. Reverend Gary Hoffman of Faith Fellowship Church to apply far a Special Use Permit far my property located at 4108 Electric Raad. Mr. Hoffman has rriy per°inission to apply foi° the Special Use Permit and execute documents required for the Special Use Permit. If you have any additional cluestians concerni~ag my consent please contact ~~ne at 540- 774-7311. Sincerely, ~~_ Ha~ Chun g f' V r i ,1.~ 1 f .i ..:... ... :. :. i..a f4 w:,: .n S...u ..-', - -- ...`:... ,r`V......« i.w:' '. ..... _.. r~^L~'i+~i V. :J9:.. ~ s ~.~ x. ~~.~~v~.-• ..r.w ... .. a ,~ ~ P ~ ~ .~ 9 2 ~ dEL. JOLLY LAW fiIRM ' `' "1 (1 r.:.i lJ i; THIS I~EEb made and entered into this 2$tf~ day of Jant~arYr 19$$, by and between Windsor Exchange Corp... a California corporation (hereinafter. „Grantor"), and HaeWan Chung, as her sole and separate equitable estate (hereinafter "Grantee"). - W 1 T N E 5 S E T H- THAT FOR ANA IN CONSIf7ERATInN of the sum of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) cash in hand paid by the Grantee to the Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey, with General Warranty and English Covenants of Title, unto the Grantee, as her sale and separate equitable estate as recognized by the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, all of the following lot or parcel of .land situated in the Caunty of F3aanake, State of Virginia, and descrl.bed as follows: ~ AI,L that certain tract of land, together with alI appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in the Caunty of Roanoke, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: tJaw °rncem .lC1L.l.Y. PCACk'. tA[.FHAPRII,L,AMAN P C BEGINNING at an iron pin on the northwest side of Va. State Rt. 41,9 at Point 1 on the hereinafter mentioned plat of survey; thence Leaving VA. State Itt. 41.9, mnd with the line of the property at IL. Q. Martin, N. 43° 45' 00" W. 129,41 feet to an iron pin at 2; thence continuing with the Martin property, 5. 42° 53' W. 140.00 feet to an iron pin at .3; thence with the line of the property of Silly H. Branch and Jahn C. Glasgow, N. 43° A5' OO" W. 231.24 feet to an iron pin at ~!; thence leaving the Branch and Glasgow property, and with the line of the property of C & S Partnership, N. 46° 1.5' 00" E. 177.15 feet to an iron pin at 5; thence with the line of the property now or formerly owned by 1 c»~+hi '" d S" -~r'k~,. ia`'-~ f'`_~Fr.Y~la-u„er~a_~r +p ~ -~ ~s~ ~S ..-, _ 1~}is s,. ~t;, '~?., ~"~'"~ ~ ry5j, "++ ~"'~'~r'; r [, .~ ^'. ~ r !\Sg'~1? ,,iz fit.: S r' rlvti ~3. ..la~r~ 1 '•rti 1t:7%':. to- ... ~~,,. _.. i.... [ .? d.._. ~L .~ .. _.~ ... i. .. ...~-1 ~. .. ~~1 •t .. .. ~.t -. c a ~- fS ~ K,~ ~R, t [_' ii': This peed is:. made subject to all easements, xestrictionsr and conditions of record affecting the hereinabove-described pxaperty. It is expressly understood and agreed that the conveyance of ~~ } 279 ~ G 0142 l~analfl G. Sink and ,lames D. Fxalin, the following two cat~rses and distances: S. 19° 41' 00" E. 23.60 feet to an iron pin at f, and 5. 43° 45' QO" F. 329.22 feet to an iron pin at 7, and being an the northwest side of Va. State Rt. 419; thence with tha northwest side of Va. State Rt. 413, S. 42° 50' 15" W. 27.$2 feet to an iron pin at Paint 1, the PLAC1~ 0?~ SEGI13t32NG and containing 1.002 acres, as mare particularly shown can plat of survey made by Buford ~. Lumsden & Associates, Certified Land Surveyors, dated May 1, 1975, which survey is recprded in the Clerk"s pffice of the Cirouit Court ,far Roanoke County, Virginia, in ,13eed l~ncsl~. 1fl21, pagE.71~,; and B~TNG the same property conveyed unto the grantor hexeia by deed dated .7anuary 25, 1988, from Andrew P. Hepburn. et als, recorded immediately prior hereta> raw °Frlaaa ,IOLLY~ PLACL'. SLIN a PRILLgMAN.P C the interest in the above-described property to the Grantee is made to her as her sole and separate equitable estate, free from the debts and controls of marital. rightsr including curtesy of any present husband, or any future husband; that she may encumber her interest. in said property or cpnvey the same by her sole act without the union of any husband or any future husband in any conveyance wh~.ch Fho :ntly make with reference thex'etn; and that she in alI respects shall. hold and dispose of same just as thnugYs, she were feme s©],e. 2 ~_.'u.r-w'^,.Fri.i;,?liw;'.+!"it'vfi.~.[^...3ty~.-...'ir~~~..~~"Zi,."Ada.r~w.^:{-;a~'.'.w:'it6{39;.~n"R,..""m.S2i•`^s,+<i..Z"i-:=~s5ss."`~±.,..v.~~..k ~... ,.. ~ . .: .. ... ..:....;_: ~?.?T%1:t'":r~ ~,~ P.EUf'F.k'TS' Or ~ ~L/ ~~ / ~ ~.,.~.~~%~.. 'fir ~~,'~ ~~ ~~~, ~./..r .. 1 ~~.- ~,~. ~~ TAi ti l \~ FlC l7lfi ~ r.~iy.W CtY. J Ef ~:J {T~ ~~I..,.'~~/fi1c~ f ~ I, ~I II ~~, (' ' ~ °~~ ~ _ 1. UDC rt c. ~ '~5 e,e r) L)lVL . ~ , ~i w ? ;n "~ ti • ~ u V~, N F ~ ~ 0 ;~ iss ~ ~~ ~ ~ [~, ~ , C1 ~~ ~ r ~ ~~ 4r • ? . , [ ,~ yr' ~ `Z a~ ~ ~ Ex'=s r. I ~' ~' 1 r ~ .~ ~ r k J. 1 ~ f .~ ,f i P~"oP~4T Y cam' ', ,• 4y \~ .'.~ ~T T~ ti ~ !~ PLAT SHOYII NG PROPERTY TG QE G~HVEYE© TO casr~a~a~.r~~~ sin rfv~~~~r~n~r~aNn~. BY _ B, J. ~;pht~~;~NY ~.-~--~. ~~~y~,~,t,~~i ~~'~, 51TUAT~O IN CAVE S~kfrtG MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT f ~~`' r~'G ROAHOKE GOI111TY, V I RG ! N I A ~,;;r t3uivr T~.~,u~~dc€~ ~~ G~'RT, ~o! ~~ n C!0173 ~ sCntE: r° . 50' unre: !MAY f975 ~ Tf~ a . f . 4~ ~ ~ ~. r ~'v,,~~~~a ~t1KbRD T. Et1YYf3DEAl tr A33ACIA'f"ES trnTlri~a [.nnra suavcvons ROAMOKE, V1RG1l~lA ' _. ~. ~~ c Cry 2~ ° r \ ~ fL ~p r -] n ~--. i€ ~ ~c4 C7, v ~ ~.. ~ :`• c_r ra 1 •ry ~ ti Q~ ~~~ ~ `~ss~ 6~ ~~~I ~ ~ ~ RUC c CL7 ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~S~f ~~®~ p ~ J '} ~~~ ~ ~ J ~~ O ~ ~~ ~ ~~® !. °~' 4 `_ ~ a~ nl `A~9 ~/ • F ~~~ Q ~C ~ ~`~~ ~~ ~a ~`~~ ~S ~. ~~~ ~Q °3 C~ U c~~ c,[ ~~~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ r ,~ ~~ 04 ~~ ,, `Q. ~ fJ ~~. Q ~ ~~ {n' f: CO u 9 ~ v ~ !~ ~ ~~ ~[ f~ ~Cl ~~~ ~~ O ~~ ~- ~ ~~ ~~ Z~ 9 L' L Z ,\~`b r D~ ICJ S ~ l ~~ ~ ~~ ~~-, O~ .--~ C') O O 9 C~ n to ~t ~~ Cb~ U~ ~ `•~ ~~ ~ ~. G, ;-r A~ r--~ I .-. Ii n ~ ~. Roanoke County Department of Community Development Transition _ Core - Principal Industrial N Applicants Name: Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Tax Map Number: Magisterial District. Faith Fellowship Church C2 C2S 077.19-01-14.00-0000 Cave Spring Area: 1 Acre 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' N Applicants Name: Faith Fellowship Church Roanoke County Existing Zoning: C2 Department of Proposed Zoning: C2S Tax Map Number: 077.19-01-14.00-0000 Community Development Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 1 Acre 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' County of Roanoke Community Development PEanning & Zoning 5?Q4 Bernard Drive P {~ Box 29800 Roarroke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (5~0} 776-7155 For Staff Use Only ~~ ~'w ~ ~~~: U v~ bate Eeceivcd:~ ~~~ Received by: ~~~ (~ ~ r fr.gt7liCalEOrr tCe: "", .. P{/Q~A d3rC: _ ~ ~ fL~~~~~ "'~'~~ PlacaEds issued: $a5 dare; CaseNumUer aC~ „~. ~ ~ ~~~~ AL,1. ,APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (cltecl: all that apply) g.CRezorrittg G Special Use ~ Variance L'4'Vaiver C7 Adrnitristrative Appeal t~. Comp Flan jt5.z-zz3x) Review Applicants name/address w/zip Phone: atnes R. C~lerrtey Work: 5-60 Shattalon Dr~.ve, X28 Cell n: Wizlston Salem, NC ~~1fl6 Fax No Otivner's name/address whip Fltane ~: Wor{t: Same as Applicant Fax No #: Property ]..ocation ROtite ~l9 near irttersecta an of Staneybrook Drive Magisterial Dis€rict: ~it7aSOr N1llS . ana Br~.ale Laney S.W. Cortrntunity Planning area: La1TlaSOr Mills Tax Map Na : 0~6. ~.~ -o3-~s.oo-OOOO ana a~fi.~.~.-o~-~~.oa-oooo 1MxistingZoning: Ric Size of parcels}: Acres: 1~.. 7C1 Existing Land Use: j~esld~l:llt;lal ~ Vc~C~itt REZONING, SPECIAL IISE PERMIT; FVAIYER AND CgtY1PP.GAN (rs z-z?3r} REYIEI3' APPI,ICArYT'S (R/SIW/CI') Proposed Zoning: t/l~ Proposed 1. and Use: CamtnElr'Cia~ ~ O~~lce ~El~.laing Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested d'€strict'? Yes X No IF N4, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does ilte parcel meet the minimum cr#teria for the requested Use Type? Yes X iVo IF N4, A VARIANCI; IS REQUIRED I;IRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No VARIANCE, If~AIV.R.ANDADrY,CINISTRATIV.~'APPEAL.APPLIC~3NTS(Y/rf~/.~fA) Variance/W giver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal ofZoning Adrninistrator'sdccision to Appeal of ]ntetpretatian of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Qrdinance Appeal of Interpretation o! Zoning i19ap to Is the application complete? Please check ifenctased AFFI.ICATION ~VII.,L NOT I3E ACCEFTGD 1F AN1' OF THESE ITGiYIS AR1M l~I1SSING OR 1NCOi4IFLGTE tusnv/cr v1AA Coruuitation Application Justification J hereby certify that 1 am either the of the owner 8 112" x I l~oncept plan f I Application fee Ivletes tf"lraunds description "'fin; proffers, if applicabEe er and sewer applica' Adjoining prop<:rty owners ~epr rtyartheo~vner'sage t r onrr tpirn/has f ny~,maetingwiththeknowledgeandconsent ~ ~ / ~-'~~~ Qr~~rer's Sidnatute ames R. C ern . 2 .IUSTIFICATION FOR Ri!:,~ONING, SPE~CIAI.~ lJSE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (t5.2-223z} RCVIEW REQUESTS. Applicant James R. Gherne The Planning Commission wiEl study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan {15,2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. CJse additional space if necessary.. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose Found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance.. The Cattnty's zoning ordinance recognizes that a C-1 district is most appropriately fo~znd slang ar near major arterial streets where existing commercial development has acct.trred or commercial zoning has been established and near existing residential development: where it can serve as a logical bttffer strip between conflicting land t~se types. This proposed office building on Rot.tte 419 provides an appropriate rise for a major arterial street while serving as a buffer for adjacent residential neighborhoods. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in €he Roanoke County Community Plan„ Raanalce Caattt•tty's 20QS f',ammttnity Plan designates the property in gttestian as "transition". The transition ftitttre land use is a ttse which encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. Typically, transition areas serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. A proposed office development an this parcel is a ttse compatible with the transition designation. The 419 frontage development plan notes that 4~.9 frontage parcels should be reserved for office and commercial development where possible. Please describe the impact{s} ofthe request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including waterlsewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. 'There will be na negative impact on the starraunding area ar public services and facilities. In fact, permitting this acreage to be used for office rather than townhome use t;as ct.trrently permitted) eases the pressure on local schools. 3 a~xoa~ Community D~veiopment ~ ~ ~ ~ " -~ Punning & Zoning ©ivision +~ ~~ ~a~.. NOTICE T4 APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION 'WAIVER,, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, UR SPECIAL TJSE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDUR}; The Roanoke County Planning Camznission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Pen•nit petition if new ar additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public heating that sufficient time was not available for planning staff andlor an outside refezral agency to adequately evaluate and pzovide wzitten comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public heaxing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. Tkris continuance shall allow sufficient time foz all necessary zeviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and pzovide written comments and suggestions to be included in a wzitten memorandrtm by planning staff to the Planning Commission, The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance maybe wazxanted. POTEa`TTIAL OP NEED FOR. TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT' STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Comrission reserves tlxe right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waivez, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Pezmit petition if the County Transportation lµ.ngineering Manager or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests fuzthez tzaffic analyses andlor a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential laud uses ar:d situations drat wotslrl necessitate firrtlter• stzsdy is provided a.s part of this application paclca~e) This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing patties to evaluate the tequixed traffic analyses and/oz traffic itxzpact study and to pzovide wzitten comrents and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission.. If a continuance is wazxanted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public bearing date, Effective Date: April 19, 2005 ,3ames R. Cherne N ~ of Pe "ti6n .~-0.~ ---~ t` tuner's Signature ~% z c~ Date CQIVCEP'[ PT~AIV CI-T)CCICI.,ISI~ A concept plan afthe proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use cltange, development or variance that is to be considered Further, fire plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request In such cases invoiv'sng rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development ofthe property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County perrnitiing regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is requited prior to the issuance of a 6ui€ding permit. Site plan and bui€ding permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development tegutations and may require changes to the initial concept plan Unless limiting conditio€ts ate pr offered and accepted in a rezoning nr imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to rite extent permitted by the zonin; district and other regulations A concept plan is rerltrired tivitlt all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (l5 2-2232) review and variance appiicatians Tltc plan should be prepared lay a professional site planner 7'he level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request The County planning Division staff may exempt some of the items orsuggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL- APPC.iCANI S ~ a.. Applicant name and name of development X b Date. scale and north arraa' ~ c. L-ot size in acres or square feet and dimensions X d Location, names of owners and Ctoanake County tax map numbers of adjoining properties X c Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc X f. Ilte zoning and fond use of all adjacent properties ~ g Ail property lines and easements x h Ali buildings, existing; and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights X i Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent tv the development ~ j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, pari`ing spaves and leading spaces Additional ir~orrnatiorr required for RGZONlNG acrd SPGCI~f,G CISE PGRrtifll`:fPPL.lC'~INTS x k I/xistinf; utilities (water, se4ver, storm drains) and connections at the site X 1 Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers X m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals X n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections X o. Locations of ail adjacent fire hydrants ~ p Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed ~ q if project is to be phased, please show phase schedule items required :y-ih~lt~l.-f~~above are complete Signature of applicant ~ .lames R . C~terney ~_~ Z-- l..7 c~ Date ~~~ b eNI~IA'~auno~ aHoueoa ~ g ~ s ICI 3~IASIU IeNa1516eW SlllH ~osPWM s ~c ;uawdo~anaQ /(au~ay~ ~o; pa~eda~d ~ e > ~ ~ ~a xa~dwo~ a~i~0 6~b a;nod{ ~ ~ I I ~. a i m o. ~ ~° a - ~ a~ emg ~ _ ~ ~" o ~ Q n o o~ .n m a m o m m' ~ o m ~ N ~ _ ¢ ~ m'o ~ 3 ~ ~ a E m ~ o m o 0 2 2 2 c `~~ m ~ y~~ d 0 0 y S ~ o 5~3. 5pg 2` o E rb # C ~i ¢ r ~ ~ m y c ry '~v ~' m ~ - ° 5 `m ' a x ~ - ~ =moNg ^. I'n iolm3 Sg TFm'°a =mm''a 'd dg -m c ~i L ~ ~ S o` n v8-°$ggg ~m~o °'m'o'o 8ao~ ~ ~ ~ azi E _$° ~ ~ (n° a 2 2 t~ ~ - m ~ ~' w ~ X 3 3 ~~ O1 3 3 _ o $ ~ ~ ~ ~ - a ~ 2 0 0 ~ r ~ ~ ~ .n - - 5 'm - -8i _ = ~ ~ E _ ._ 8 ~~ .~ - - ~m m m __ _ - v ~ ro m ~ rn oni ~= n ° c ¢ v $ _ a o (n >qn maa o` rn a°'d $A ~ m `m ~ aaj n~ c9~ rn ~O~eU cm'in °' Hx xcgU~ Ny ~ ~ ~ ~ m= ~~~A E .y Fa-~^o2_d~m„a 9ma ~a~_`--c~~'° ~~ ~ ~ a ~ _~ y `H~°m boo ~<?~ 'S orv»m~i inzm' m' m' m'~~~ am a ~ ~ z ~ T R m `, m ~ ;~c o c~om W - Er°-N°m$ d > > ~ > yy >$ S 8i~ ~ ¢ v d 3 W ~¢> a cp`a ~ ~ x.o ~88.5~ ~ ~E a ~n m Q ~ ~ ~ oon ~ ~ n € `c= ; o0 (/)fir w`ww`a`w`~ f a~ws ~ ¢w ~ m' a n` ~ r m~,3m v ^w ~ u; ~' W o / J~p y Av ~~ au ri° W ~~;' `ca ~ o ~ ~, :~~. wo~..ia i o~w m a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N o UN / r /~~_ ° e c3 U a ~ E a u° L II + a w? - c`Y Y ~ ~ 6 ° ~ I _-_ o ~ L ~ Z L ~/ ~ / ;/ J ~ on _ \ ~~ ~ ~ Edo ``S U ~ ~ 2 ~/'~' ~ ~ . \ I'^ ~ ' ~ ~~, ~~o _ C~~ ~~ ~~ =o~s~ -- --_~- -, V) ~ _ L ~- m d ~ z ~mL /~,II~/ m ~~ ~` s3~d l ~t W d3 ~~ ~ ~~~`~ ~ ~ ~~ Z ~L y8 /Pike O / ~ '-~~ I'~~ YSi~cz~o o' ~ s-` ati ~ i \ ~ <~ o ~~'°' - _ n .-_ z Kw~ r ~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~._ ~~ ~ P~ ~~~ /~ -t - ~ ~. ~ - ~iiv vn r xa. 1~- d ~~ \~ II _ I IYi1N JCll -a i•.:f 1 '1\ :lX; I _ - ~~! / vuN3 n ;a ~ iYUN~,is~> ~, nNr~~ ~~ I >i c3NOL ~ ~.~,-'-~'_ / 596[5170 a '1 NI Sb -'ZH~'9'Q I 9711 w~ ~,I ~5~,[JNY'1 ~ ~\ II ~ ~ io->o co-s[a =LU eeJi ~ 7~ ~~Si 'y'4 o~, '-A~~ -A ~ ` ~"~A xv ~ vi~-, o-ao= idan pe ueiesa oa -i.sni ~ -~' ~i ~'~' 3 ilk NOf ~^~ a 151x Vi~ .ryIV1Nltl~ /~U L0+9/.M i \,~ I ~ \ / XVl < ~_~ ..9 - A J AOtl37 ~ NVOf y 0 ltlj - ~N / I ~-' ~0 .tl `J3dOtld •Lv d JOIAtll ~ ~ ~' /' I ~ 10 A1J3COyd / ,~y ` HOfIN 13 f~ Cf I/~ _ vS „ -Ntl5 ~ ~ Ntli ~ W ~ NtlS -_ NV.. ~ NV~ ~ __v~ ~rlsl m ~---1VS-'--,NbS-rvvS-h S -~ ~-nl~ \~ ~i _ ~ ~ e~s~ia~~a>IOOasn~NOis-' ~ / - _,l 1 LLLL .~ ` \ 0 ~ ( ~ ~ ;~~ w a d - ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Ar~ ~~ I~)~ i 1 ~_~ o w, ~m ~, n~oo pm mnEG tnl ~~ =oa ~ -~ foam o~a~zW~w ~ ~^ ''~z >- ~a phi ~~°o~ ~~ Oi i1V / _k' ~u 5~~ ~~°¢ ~'dY ~o~~~o~o ~, ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~<~W°~ ° zo ~l~~ ~ °°ai=oho Qzo ~~~~\ jw z~ ~o~ ~oQN'~~~m aa~mw~w 0 z~ c w ~ aa°'o°, kSs ~ ~~ ~ I . 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S° 57' E. S4 feet; N. 72° 38' W~ 161 feet; N. 24° 00' W, 8S ft. to a point; thence leaving the said branch, and partly along the existing fence line, N, 45° 21` 30" E. a total distance of 678.5 feet to a point in the Salem-Cave Spring Road; thence along said Road, S, 18° 26' 30" E. 515 ft. to an angle point; thence continuing along said Road, S. ,29° 2S' 30" E. 130.55 feet to the place of Beginning; and ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP NO. 76.11-03-76.00 BEGTNNTNG at a point on the westerly side of Virginia Highway Route No, 419, said paint being the northeasterly corner of the property of W.L. and Nellie L. C~rifl'ith; thence S, 58° 32' W. 362.00 feet to a point; thence N, 4$° 37' 40" W. 125.09 feet to a point; thence N, S° 57' E. 54 feet to a point; thence N. 72° 38' W. 129.69 feet to a point; thence N. 4S° 21' 30" E. 183.13 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 44° 38' 30" W. 110.00 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 4S° 21' 30" E. 429.52 feet to a concrete highway monument; thence S. 19° 2.3' 20" E. 113.74 feet to a concrete highway monument; thence S. 17° 48' E. 407.08 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being 4.299 acres as shown on survey made for Sam Lionberger, Jr. and Don Peery, dated January 17, 1974, by David Dick & Associates, Engineers & Surveyors, a copy of which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 995, page 554. Address of 5ub~ect Pra erties: 2400 Block Electric Road 2315 Bridle Lane SW Windsor Hills Magisterial District Roanoke County Tax Map Nas.: 076 1 9-03-76..00-0000 ~.....~....-._. _ 076.11-03-76.00-0(300 Present Zaninp: R3C Medium Density Multi-family Residential wlconditians Pro used Zonin C 1 C Office District wlconditions ~plicant`s Name: James R. Cfzemey Owner: James R. Cheney PROEI`ERS The undersigned ownerlapplicant does hereby proffer the following conditions in conjunction with rezoning application: The properties will be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan dated September 4, 2008 titled "Route 419 Offce Complex Prepared for Cherney 1]ev~lopment", prepared by Parker Design Group, subject to thane changes which may be required by Roanoke County during comprehensive site plan review 2 The office building will be developed in substantial conformity with the Building Elevation Concepts dated August 21, 2008 titled "New facility for Cherney bevelapment", prepared by Interactive Design Group 3. The subject properties shall be used only for those afFice uses permitted in the G1 zoning district, 4. Access to the office building sftall be only from Electric Road. Neither Staneybraok brive nor Bridle Lane shall be used to provide access to the office building, 5 All parking lot lighting shalt be post-top fxtures no mare than twelve (12) feet high with fully concealed fixtures and arranged so glare is not cast onto the adjoining properties. 6. All utilities serving the office building shall be underground. 7. The dumpster shall be serviced between 7:00 a.m and 10:00 p.m 8. The proposed freestanding sign shall be a monument style sign and shalt be designed to generally match the architecture and material of the office building.. Dated this ~ day of ____ ~'~"'~~ ~-- , 2008 Respectfully submitted, James R. Cf, ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS Tax Parcels: A76.11-Q3-75.OEa A76.11-a3-76.A0 James R. Gherney TAX MAP NO, OWNER 5 1 ADDRESS ZONING 076.11-03-77.00 JAM Properties, LLC C1G 2415 Electric Road, S,W. Roanoke, 1/Ir Inia 2401 ~ 076.11-03-70.00 Mast Rev. W~ F~ Sullivan R1 Bishop of the Ca#hnlic Diocese of Richmond, Virginia 81'1 Cathedral Place Richmond, Vir inia 20220 076.11-03-70.01 Alvin Lee Ingram R1 Patricia Hart Ingram 2326 Sorrell Lane Rnanake, Vir inia 24018 076.'11-03-71.(10 Alvin Lee Ingrarr~ R1 Pa#ricia Hart Ingram 2326 Sorrell Lane Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 076,11-03-72.Q0 Marion A„ Horne R1 Frieda D~ Horne 2318 Sorrel) Lane Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 076.11-03-73.00 William H. Ferguson, Jr. R1 Jean K~ Ferguson 2310 Sorrell Lane Rnanake, Vir inia 24018 076.07-05-01,00 Jay D. Taylor R1 Hugh A. Taylor 5206 5#oneybroak Drive Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 076.07-04-03.00 Audre E, Whitlow R1 5116 Staneyhraak Drive Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 076,07-04-0200 Paul Clinton Jones R1 Joann J. Janes 5106 S#oneybraak Drive Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 ADJOINING PR©PERTY OWNERS Tax Parcels. a7s.11-a3-75.00 a7fi.11-a3-76.aa James R. Cherrtey 076:07-04-01..00 Leroy F. Bailey Rhonda L. Bailey 5016 Stoneybrook Drive Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 R1 076„07-03-22.OD Member One Federal Credit Union P~ O~ Box 12288 Roanoke, Vir inia 24024 C1 C 076.07-03-23,00 Callie Dalton & Associates, Inc. 2320 Electric Road Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 C1 076.0703-24.00 Burgeon Enterprises, LLC 2350 Electric Rnad Roanoke, Vir inia 24018 C1 076.11-01-17.00 Wentworth Office Partners, LLC 2404 Electric Road Rnannke, Vir inia 24018 C1 a ~~"~ s~daouoo R uawdo ana ~(awa o _ ~ a~~~ uol~enala 6ulpllnq ~ I P U ,o~~,~„~,mo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ a ~ ~ ~" I~, ~ 'i'i a ~1 ~ Imo,.:- _- _ ~ ~ Yti~ ~ ~`~ it ~ ~ ~'i ® f - ~I ~~ ~ I~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~ I o 0 ®® ~ ~ ~ ;~®~~ ~~~~{~~~--'--gyppry I; ~ ~~ ~'I i == ~ ~`. .JJ[ 1III ~ a ~ ~ ~i."_ I' III ~+~_~- ~ ~~~ III ~~ [~ ~® ~ I ~ Imo' ~.. _ ~' [~ ii --~ i,- ~~ ~~ _ ~, ~. ~ ~ ~~ r.~-- ~ ~~ i ~! - ~ 'II ~~`,^ ~ I ~.- ~ - ~, O ~ I~ (~ ~ o ,;: ~> ®®I '~,~ ~ ;~ _ _ i i _ ~I I i ~ ~ ~ ~' '~ II ~ ~~ ~I Ill ~ i ~ -- ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ j ~ ~ ~-' -- - ~ I~ _ ~II ~ _ I 1 '~ ~~_ d ~ I~ Imo! i I~ ~ _, '..-~~ ~ _~ ~ 3 ~ 'a ~ ~ a 3 vlulml.,~~ouvm ~ ~ / ~ ~: ~- y~ ~~~~ ~ nnain ~uawdo~anap ~(auaay~ a E p~~ $ col Nllpal ~~ 9 '~ b fl e o F ~ ._ _. 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"_ // ' . ~ ~~` ~ ~ i'~tl~ 'fr~l - ' ~ ~ t m >~ ~, -~ ~ I~ n ; r _ I ~ ~~ ~' ~i ~ , 11~ _. ~ ~ ~ - ~- - ~'/ lry' _ ~ . IL L T ~ E= ~ •Y j __1 f ' I ~I -. I II '^ v1J I I ~ ~` _..s c ~ ' N > ~ .. .. ~ ~ ~.. I _ i i ~~ ~ I ~ r-~~.n. I !'. f' '. I CV ~, pp 8p $ L- a hs~ ~~pp5~~ ue~d nnain + g nnain ~uawdo~anap ~(awau~ ~~ ~ - ~ m `~ E iq Nlllael xeu 9 ~ 6 i s \ O / ~ ~. ~ ~i~ ~ ~¢ ~~ ~3. ~> __ __ ---- O O ~, , .~ ,. a~ .~ F, ~ ©~ ,~~ `ate ~ e ~ , . ~ ':i m ~ ,~\`' ~ ems. _ I". .~ m ~ ~ - ~ d - - ~ ~ -- ~•_ ~~ y. J ~~~ ,~'.~ ' $~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ u6is + L nnain ~uauado~anap ~(auaaya c O .~ 1 _ N. 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I I, ' d! ° 1 ''. ~- ~ it . ~.+ o ~ d -~ E ~ ' t O o ~I 1~ ~ O° j~ i v o ~ o ' ~ ~ ~ O m ~I ~- ~~~ +~;~ol ~ ~ ° ~ 'd'~ ° ~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ Ulm f . ~'~ -. m :, ~ - + ~e Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: James R. Cherney Existing Zoning: R3C Proposed Zoning: C1 C Tax Map Number: 076.11-03-75.00-0000; -76.00-0000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 4.70 Acres 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' N Applicants Name: James R. Cherney Roanoke County Existing Zoning: R3C Department of Proposed Zoning: C1 C Tax Map Number: 076.11-03-75.00-0000; -76.00-0000 Community Development Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 4.70 Acres 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 {s4a> ~~~-Zags rAx {silo) ??~-~r l sS For Staff Use On[ ~„ ~~ J V C)~i~ ~~ r Y ~ Dttte recciv~;d: Received by: ~ rl App{icatior~ fee: Flacardsissucd; i'ClRZA C3C)S date: ~t~ CuseNumber ,~ •- ~~/aoo~ ...................... ri1,L .,4PPLlCAJVTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) [:l Rezoning ©Special Use ~ Vnri.~nce f! Waiver q Admitristr':ttive Appeal C~ Cartrp Plan {ts.z-Z23z) Review ~ Applicants name/address w/zip •- ~.~T •Phone: J~~'l~~ "' ~~~ ~'"J ~ ~ ~ .a ~~ ~ `~ L~ t-- Wark: t "~~ ~ ~:, ;..~.1,"f~'`1t~ ~~ Cell #: Z~~t~c~1.'~, ~ti~ ~,t-{O~~ FaxNo.: ~.~`_~p~-!•a-.S .S~(~ . ~ C; ©wner's name/address w/zip ~cLY~-e=llz 9 ~. cS~ D~ Phone #: ~ `~U ._ •~Z,j ' Jay '- ~`~ 4~ 4..t~~..~-1?.1tr'l~D. Work: '(CO~1tJt714~t ~~ ~~~1~ FaxNo..~: ~~~`~~~, ,~u1 -~:3 ~,5~~ ..~,~.__ ._.,m.. I'ropetty Location .. ,.. .~ •~•~•• V c: ~~ i 1 7 i l Di ~ t, str ct: t c Magister a 1 'Rod=1:`~14f- ~la ~.y~0~ ~ Community Planning area: Tax Map No.: ~`~` 1$--G~--~(, ©~-' L`~?OO r Existing Zoning: ~""l.. Size of parcel(s): Acres: , [ 1xisting Land Use: ~V~~~t~-u~€k REZQNING, SPECIAi!• USE PER1V11T, [I'AYY.~'R AND CDMP PLAN (15.~~z13z? REY/EI;Y APPl•ICANTS (R/S/ W/CI') Proposed Zoning: G2` .. Proposed Land Use: j ~,r~~j~ Does tl;e parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes No 1T NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. L7oes the parcel meet the minimum criteeia for the requested Use Type? Yes Na IT NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No VARIANCE, WAIVERANIJ~ADMINISTRATIVEAPPEALAPPLICANT,S(Y/fi'/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of'the Roanoke C'aunty Zoning Ordinance in order ta: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of'Interpretatian of'Zaning Map to Is the application complete? Please check ifenclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. rusnvicr~ v~,~A r~snvrc;rr v~AA Consultation S 112" x 11" cnnccpt plan _ Applicatiart Metes and bounds description Justi(icatian Wat rand sewer application i hereby certify that I atn either the owner oftlre property th vner's agent or conic of the owner, v r~snv~cr~ v~nA .4pplicatinn fee ('rollers. if applicable A~ljaining property awnera eel purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and wnsent Owner's 5igna;ure 2 JUSTIFtGATtON FflR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN tis.z-zz3z1 REVIEW RI~.QUESTS Applicant ~...~ ~ f l ~ ~~"~ The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-22.32) review requests to determine the need and ,justification for the change in terEns of public lreatth, safety, and general welfare, Please answer the following questions as thorouglrly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. __ _ _ - __ Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicabl zoning district elassifrcation in the Zoning Ordinance., Y ~ ~ ~ 1 `~~ ,~ c7`i'~~ ~ J~~+ =7~ V~ t ~~ C ~ ~~ r, ( Y.~'V L ~ btu ~. v 4~ r""" ~ ~..~,~ Please explain how the project canfarrns to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. F{ q ^J}. i~ ...~ . C7V~.1 •~ ,~"' "~ I ~f -'~ `U~''" ~`~ ~~rl.Q.~. ~ lUR/lJ l~'^ l.Q~ G~-A.~ J ~ 1~ vY4w ~U l _ Please describe the impact(s) afthe request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the sun•aunding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue c. September 25, 200$ County of Roanoke Department of Camnaunity Development P,O. Box 29$00 Roanoke, V A 2401$ Lncatian: 1919 Electric Rd, Tax map #: 067n1 $~01-O1.Q0-0000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Dear Department of Corxrmunity Developrr><ent, Please accept the following written narrative outlining the proposed business at the above location per ,your request dated September 19, 200$. Tire pz'aposed business named "Golf Around the World° would have a romputezized golf simulator. Individuals would call ahead for appointments to rent time on the golf simulator and would be able to platy courses such as Pebble Beach or St. Andrews Pram around the wand utilizing their own golf clubs. Individuals would rent time in .30 minute blocks at $20 per 30 minutes. Tentative business hours would be 7 a,m. to 10 p.m, Monday through Saturday and 10 a~m, to S p.m, Sunday. The facility would only actually open when call ahead appointments have been made. Typical sessions army last from .30 minutes to 2 hours depending on whether 1, 2, 3, or 4 individuals would rent the simulator at a tirrre. The business model also calls for the possibility of renting the space to a group for meetings with the maximum number of participants to be determined by the Fire Marshall, The only change to the exterior of the property/building would be the addition of a sign to the vacant area of already existing sign posts, No other changes to the exterior of the building, parking lot or green area are planned. Tn our knowledge nn other facilities of'this type exist in the Roanoke Valley. We envision several benefits to Roanoke area residents including the following: Ability of'older individuals unable to get around nnrrrral golf courses to enjoy the benefits of playing golf indoors without walking on uneven surfaces, up and down hills, and possibly sustaining injury, Ability of all golfers to play golf' in inclement weather. Ability of all golfers to play renowned golf courses such as Pebble Beach or St, Andrews drat they would otherwise be unable to experience. ® As it is attached to a physical therapy practice, the facility would be utilized for golfers wishing to return to the sport who are rehabilitating fronn injury or surgery, ® Because of'the information generated by the computer, individuals axe able to practice snore precisely, receive lessons and club fitting more exact for the individual. If you have need for any additional information please do not hesitate to Gontaet us. Thank you,. Sincerer p ^,, i RiGhar . Sidor I`Eav 07 OS O4.23p RTFE & 1,100]7 RRCFIT"1"CTS 1 [54CI1 04.4-•x982 F'• 4 C~ .11 Ltd ,~ r v ~, .~!) ~" s' s, . a '~~~ - _ ~F' ~~ ^~.~€11~~1 c~`;~ lid ~~::r _•. 7 `~ "'. .,.E_ ,fj.:: ~ {i +y~ tp ti.} • (may d~ ~~ ~ (0 rIn .~ '' w., +pi' fj~~1 G~-f• l~Gr,~(a. 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Barons Enterprises-custom hornebuilder Oak Grove Elerneotary School Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: JJDR Co LLC Existing Zoning: C1C Proposed Zoning: C2 Tax Map Number: 067.18-01-01.00-0000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 13 Acres 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: JJDR Co LLC Existing Zoning: C1C Proposed Zoning: C2 Tax Map Number: 067.18-01-01.00-0000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 13 Acres 9 September, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' ACTION N0. ITEM NO. ~- ~ AT A REGI,ILAR MEETING OF "fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance amending Section 30-22-1, Civil Penalties, and Section 30-91-2, General Regulations for Parking, of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning John M. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance allows for the assessment of civil penalties for violations to the ordinance. Section 30-22-1 of the Zoning Ordinance allows the assessment of civil penalties for violations regarding signs. By amending the zoning ordinance, it would increase the flexibility the County would have in enforcing the parking of recreational and commercial vehicles, and the use of recreational vehicles for living and business purposes. The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance also places certain limits on the parking of recreational vehicles on corner lots. Section 30-91-2 ofthe Zoning Ordinance treats corner lots that front on two streets as having two front yards (each yard that fronts on a street shall be considered a front yard), and that recreational vehicles shall be parked in a side or rear yard behind the front building line. By amending the zoning ordinance, it would increase the flexibility the County would allow in the parking of recreational vehicles on corner lots. On April 22, 2008, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution requesting the Planning Corrimission to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance to address the issue. The Planning Commission reported to the Board of Supervisors that it would not recommend a change to this provision of the ordinance. On September 9, 2008, the Board of Supervisors initiated an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow for the parking of boats within the front and side yard setbacks of corner lots. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments (Attachment A) on November 3, 2008. The second reading and public hearing of the proposed amendments will be held on November 11, 2008. Attachment A also includes information on the definition of recreational vehicle (which includes boats and trailers),and Sections 30-100-7, Corner and Double Frontage Lots, Orientation of Yards, and 30-100-8, Establishment of Sight Triangles, which are referenced in the proposed amendments. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Adopt the first reading of an ordinance amending 30-22-1 (Civil Penalties) and Section 30-91-2 (General Regulations for Parking) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 2. Take no action at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 1. DRAFT - 10/OZ/08 ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Sec. 30-22-1. Civil Penalties. (A) Violation of the following scheduled provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed an infraction and shall be punishable by a civil penalty of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the initial summons and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each additional summons. 1. Section 30-93, signs; except for provisions relating to the posting of signs on public property, or public rights-of--way. 2. .Sections 30-91-2(A)1, Parking of recreational vehicles; 30-91-2(A)2, Parking of commercial vehicles; and 30-91-2(B), Recreational vehicles not allowed for living or business purposes. 3. (RESERVED). Sec. 30-91-2. General Regulations for Parking. (A) In the AR district and in all Residential districts: 1. Except for vehicles parked within multi-family developments all recreational vehicles, ~~i~ shall be parked ' behind the front building line, unless space is provided in a completely enclosed garage or other building. For the purposes of this section only, a corner lot that fronts on two (2) streets shall have only one front building line in accordance with Sec. 30-100-7. In the case of a unique house configuration the Zoning Administrator shall determine the parking location for the recreational vehicle, based on having no interference on sight distance in accordance with Sec. 30-100-8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Definition of Recreational Vehicle: Recreational vehicle: A vehicle which can be towed, hauled or driven, designed and used as temporary living accommodations for recreational, camping or travel uses only. Recreational vehicles shall include travel trailers, pick-up campers, motor homes, tent trailers or similar devices used for temporary mobile housing and shall also include boats. Sec. 30-100-7. Corner and Double Frontage Lots, Orientation of Yards. (A) On corner and double frontage lots, the front shall be determined by the administrator. A rear yard shall always be opposite a front yard. DRAFT - 10/07/08 ATTACHMENT A Sec. 30-100-8. Establishment of Sight Triangles. (A) To promote visibility for pedestrians and the operators of motor vehicles, a clear sight triangle shall be established at the intersecting rights-of--way of any two (2) public streets. The legs of this sight triangle shall be twenty (20) feet in length. They shall begin at the point of intersection of the two (2) street rights-of--way, and shall extend twenty (20) feet along each right-of--way line. The triangle shall be formed by connecting the endpoints of these two (2) lines. (B) Within this sight triangle nothing in excess of three (3) feet in height shall be constructed, placed, or permanently parked. In addition, no vegetative plantings within the triangle shall be allowed to grow to a height of greater than three (3) feet. (C) Nothing in this section shall imply the necessity of removing obstructions within this sight triangle, provided that these obstructions were installed or planted prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Routine trimming of shrubbery violating this height requirement shall be required, if the trimming will not endanger the health of the species. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRAI-ION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 30-22-1, CIVIL PENALTIES AND SECTION 30-91-2, GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR PARKING, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on September 9, 2008, the Board of Supervisors initiated an amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to allow the parking of boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles within the front and side yard setbacks of corner lots; and WHEREAS, the assessment of civil penalties for violations of the parking of recreational vehicles and commercial vehicles will provide greater flexibility in the enforcement of these ordinance provisions; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice supports the adoption of these amendments to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 3, 2008; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 28, 2008, and the second reading and public hearing was held on November 11, 2008. NOW, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That the following sections of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended to read and provide as follows: 1 Sec. 30-22-1. Civil Penalties. (A) Violation of the following scheduled provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed an infraction and shall be punishable by a civil penalty of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the initial summons and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each additional summons. 1. Section 30-93, signs; except for provisions relating to the posting of signs on public property, or public rights-of-way. 2. u? C C C °`_'~ ^; . Sections 30-91-2(A)1, Parking of recreational vehicles; 30-91- 2(A)2, Parking of commercial vehicles; and 30-91-2(B), Recreational vehicles not allowed for living or business purposes. 3. (RESERVED). Sec. 30-91-2. General Regulations for Parking. (A) In the AR district and in all Residential districts: 1. Except for vehicles parked within multi-family developments all recreational vehicles, shall be parked ' behind the front building line, unless space is provided in a completely enclosed garage or other building. For the purposes of this section only, a corner lot that fronts on two (2) streets shall have only one front building line in accordance with Sec. 30-100-7. In the case of a unique house configuration the Zoning Administrator shall determine the parking location for the recreational vehicle, based on having no interference on sight distance in accordance with Sec. 30-100-8. 2. "that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Second reading of an ordinance to approve a lease agreement with the Ida Mae Holland Trust for land adjacent to the Read Mountain Preserve, Hollins Magisterial District, for purposes of public access Janet Scheid Greenway Planner John M. Chambliss. Jr. County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval wifh our thanks to the property owners. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County owns approximately 250 acres on the Bonsack side of Read Mountain. This land is part of the Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department and is known as Read Mountain Preserve. Although 'the County property goes to the ridgeline of Read Mountain it does not go to the very top - an area known as Buzzards Rock. This outcropping of rocks is very scenic and provides outstanding views of the Hollins side of Read Mountain. It is the destination point for any trail through the County property. As the County began to plan for the opening of Read Mountain Preserve, and think about developing public access trails on the property, it became apparent that a trail that stopped at the County boundary -short of Buzzards Rock -would be somewhat anticlimactic. Several years ago, the volunteers with Read Mountain Alliance built a trail to Buzzards Rock with permission from the property owners. Now that the County owns these 250 acres, and wants to open the property to the public, it is necessary and prudent to enter into a lease agreement with the property owners to formalize access to the property that includes Buzzards Rock. The property owners had legitimate concerns about trespassing and liability that the attached lease addresses. A representative of the Ida Mae Holland Trust has met with County staff and complete agreement has been reached. The lease allows the County to build and maintain trails on the lease property and open these trails to the public. No motor vehicles are allowed on the trail except as needed for emergency access, construction or maintenance. Per Section 29.1-509 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended) the County agrees to hold the Ida Mae Holland Trust harmless from liability for personal injury or property damage arising out of the use of the leased property. "fhe amount of the rent for the lease is one dollar per year. "fhe Ida Mae Holland Trust reserves the right to terminate this lease after providing the County with sixty days notice. FISCAL IMPACT Lease would require one dollar payment per year. ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve second reading of ordinance accepting a lease agreement with Ida Mae Holland Trust 2. Do not approve second reading of ordinance accepting a lease agreement with Ida Mae Holland Trust STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 1: Return to: The Roanoke County Attorney's Office THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this i5 th day of October, 2008 by and between the Ida Mai Holland Trust, hereinafter referred to as "Holland", Lessor; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "County", Lessee: WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the entry into this Lease Agreement, the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Holland leases to the County the following described PROPERTY: All that certain parcel of real estate immediately adjacent to and northeast and northwest of Read Mountain Preserve, Tax Map # 039.00-01-01.05, owned by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, beginning at an abrupt corner of said Read Mountain Preserve and proceeding in a southwesterly direction approximately 2880 feet, to a corner in the property line of said Read Mountain Preserve, and then proceeding in a northwesterly direction approximately 927 feet to a corner with the land of Holland, then proceeding in a northeasterly direction to a corner of the Holland land and an adjoining landowner, and thence proceeding with the boundary line of the Holland land to the point and place of beginning; and further identified as a portion of County Tax Map Parcel # 028.00-01-09.00, of which the whole tax parcel is composed of 276.21 acres; as further identified on a sketch map attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and The above-described lease shall be subject to the following conditions: Members of the general public shall have free access to and use of the public access trails within the Property, subject to the laws and ordinances of the County of Roanoke, for the following purposes: walking, jogging, hiking, and nature study. There shall be no access by the County or the public at large granted by this Lease to any property of Holland other than that described herein. The County shall strive to prevent access from the leased Property onto the adjoining Holland lands. The County, or its authorized agents, shall have the exclusive right and authority to construct or improve any portion of the trails or greenways as herein described. 2. Public access with any type of motor vehicles, including but not limited to motorcycles, 4-wheel drives, motor bikes, mopeds, ATVs, and snowmobiles, shall be prohibited, except to the extent vehicles are necessary for construction, inspection, emergency calls, maintenance, or reconstruction of the greenways or trails within the leased Property by the County or its agents. 3. No building, sign, guardrail, or other structure shall be erected on the Property by Holland or located so as to render the trails inaccessible. 4. The County may erect and maintain such trail markers, vehicle control barriers, benches, bridges, fences and gates as necessary for preservation of the greenways, use of the trails, and safety of trail users. Where an existing farm road crossing the adjoining Holland property intersects the ridge trail, the County shall erect a sign to notify members of the public not to enter or trespass upon the adjoining private property of Holland. The County shall erect a physical barrier to prevent entry by motorized vehicles at the nearest practical location along the existing farm road. 5. There shall be no burning, hunting, dumping of ashes, garbage, waste, brush or other unsightly, offensive or hazardous material of any kind on or within the leased Property. The County shall be permitted to use organic materials found on site for purposes of trail maintenance to include' the closure of existing trails as County officials deem necessary in the interest of safety or~ preservation of the natural environment 2 6. There shall be no excavation or dredging on the easement or removal of loam, rock, sand, gravel or other materials The County shall be permitted to use natural materials such as rock or soil found on site for purposes of trail construction and maintenance so long as such use does not materially degrade the existing natural environment.. 7. After construction of public access trails, there shall be no other change in the natural topography including removal of trees on the ridge line of said Property, except for construction and maintenance of the trails, control of erosion and vegetative screening. Any such change must be approved by both parties. 8. Any construction of roads or driveways within the Property crossing the trails or greenways must be approved by the County and designed in coordination with the County to facilitate a safe and convenient crossing of the road by trail users. 9. There shall be no removal, destruction, or cutting of trees bigger than 4" DBH within the leased Property within the trails or greenways areas except as may be performed by the County or its assigns for construction and maintenance of the trails or greenways, reduction of hazard, good husbandry practice, or prevention or treatment of disease. No trees of whatever size shall be removed except as absolutely necessary for trail construction. 10. The County and its agents shall have the right to inspect the Property and to cut, clear, and remove all undergrowth, obstructions, or improvements lying within or upon the trails and greenways areas that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. 11. The County shall have the right and duty to ensure maintenance of the public access trails. 12. The Ida May Holland Trust shall be considered the fee owner of the Property for purposes of determining development density standards under applicable zoning and land use regulations and shall be responsible for payment of taxes on the Property. Nothing in this lease shall affect or endanger the property owner' landuse status. 13. The County agrees to hold Holland harmless from liability for personal injury or property damage arising out of the use of the leased property for Greenways and Trails purposes and to otherwise afford to Holland all the benefits and protections afforded to landowners by virtue of Section 29.1-509 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended) or any successor provision of law; provided Holland shall be held responsible for injuries or damages caused by the active conduct or acts of Holland, its agents, invitees, or contractors which violate the terms and conditions of this Lease. 14. The County agrees to relocate fences and to restore and repair any actual damage to Holland's property which may be directly caused by the construction, use or maintenance of the public access trails. Holland agrees that the County will not be expected to restore the property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as is practicable, and that Holland will cooperate with the County in effectuating such restoration. 15. Holland reserves the right to enter the Property in order to monitor compliance with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this lease. 16. Holland expressly reserves the right to continue the use of the Property for all purposes not inconsistent with the Lease herein granted. 17. This Lease shall be for a Term of One Yeaz commencing on October 14, 2008, and terminating on October 13, 2009. The County shall have the option to renew this Lease for additional 4 and successive one (1) yeaz terms, upon the same terms and conditions contained in this Lease Agreement; said Lease may be renewed by providing written notice to Holland on or before the end of each yeaz of the Lease. 18. The amount of the Rent for this Lease shall be One Dollar ($1.00) per year, payable at the beginning of each yeaz during the Term of this Lease, and each renewal term. 19. Holland shall have the right to terminate this Lease upon giving the County Sixty (60) days written Notice of termination. John M. Chambliss, Jr., County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify acceptance by the Boazd of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Action No. /Action No. adopted by said Boazd of Supervisors on the day of October 2008. WITNESS the following signatures d seals: I `r'~ ~~ C~ ~L 1 (SEAL) MATILDA HOLLAND BRADSHAW, TRUSTEE State of Virginia, County/~#g of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /5'-~ day of ~ Cf~ ~ , 2008, by Matilda Holland Bradshaw, Trustee of the Ida May Holland Trust. C '~. 2281~~ No P is Registration No. My commission expires: ~`f -~3 o'~d ~' ``~~~~~GT OR/q ~: PUBLIC •, m , * , REG. #228148 ~ ~ _ ~, : MY COMMISSION ' o • ..yP~ 5 ''~''2~FALTH aF \ `~,` Approved as to form: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney State of Virginia, CountylCity of Roanoke, to-wit: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By: (SEAL) John M. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2008, by John M. Chambliss, Jr., County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My commission expires: Registration No. 6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF "fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 ORDINANCE APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE IDA MAE HOLLAND TRUST OF LAND ADJACENT TO THE READ MOUNTAIN PRESERVE (TAX MAP NO. 028.00-01-09.00) IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF PUBLIC ACCESS WHEREAS, the Ida Mae Holland Trust is the owner of parcel of real estate located primarily on the Hollins side of Read Mountain adjoining the Read Mountain Preserve, composed of approximately 250 acres, owned by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County (Tax Map No. 039.00-01-01.05); and WHEREAS, trails on Read Mountain constructed by volunteers with the Read Mountain Alliance with the permission of the property owners cross back and forth between these two adjoining properties by following the natural contours and not necessarily the surveyed property boundaries; and WHEREAS, it would serve the public interest for the County and its citizens to have unimpeded legal access to the entire trail system on the Read Mountain Preserve as it now exists, including access to Buzzards Rock, and to permit trail improvements in the future; and WHEREAS, the trustee of the Ida Mae Holland Trust has graciously agreed to rent to the County for a nominal fee so much of this adjoining parcel (Tax Map No. 028.00-01- 09.00) as designated on the attached sketch map identified as Exhibit "A", attached hereto; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition or conveyance of an interest in real estate, including leases, shall be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 14, 2008; and the second reading was held on October 28, 2008. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator or his designee is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement with the Ida Mae Holland Trust for that portion of real estate adjoining the Read Mountain Preserve as indicated on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, from October 28, 2008 and continuing for one year until October 27, 2009; thereafter, this lease is subject to annual renewals, for a yearly rental of $1. 2. That the County Administrator or his designee is authorized to execute said lease agreement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such further actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 2 Q x w / _ J QJ / CL Y U ~ O ~ / Q w / N \ N ~ ~j~ ~ ~ / m r ~ ~ ,l /~Y m ~~ - / ~i, } ~ a J ~ Y Z " i ~ 7 ~ a m ~ r i _~ ~. _. ;~_ ~~~ , i ~I~ ~ ~ ~ _~ ~ i;1~ ,~ I ,~ _ QO U ~ . ' ~. ~ N N ~ i m ~w 0 m 0 N m O O N u q4~ J R U ~ l/1 0 > z w w u~ ~~ a z o z w Q~ z ~ z ~ o o C o U w •W~ ~~/ O Iv J~ L.L ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ ~ S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: John M. Charribliss, Jr. ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare The three-year term of Rita Gliniecki, Roanoke County member, will expire on December 31, 2008. Ms. Gliniecki is not eligible for reappointment as she has served three consecutive terms. 2. Library Board (appointed by district) Lisa Boggess, who represents the Vinton District, has notified Supervisor Altizer that she is no longer a County resident. Her four-year term expires on December 31, 2008. 3. Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by district) The four-year term of David Radford, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, will expire on December 31, 2008. Mr. Radford was appointed on November 13, 2007, to complete the unexpired portion of the term left vacate by the death of AI Thomason. 4. Social Services Advisory Board (appointed by district) The four-year term of Douglas C. Forbes, Vinton Magisterial District, expired on July 31, 2008. Mr. Forbes is not eligible for reappointment as he has served two consecutive terms. "fhe representative from the Catawba Magisterial District has resigned. This four-year term expires on July 31, 2009. 5. Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority The following one-year terms will expire on December 31, 2008: (1) Michael W. Altizer, elected representative; (2) Joseph B. "Butch" Church, alternate elected representative; (3) John M. Chambliss, administrative official; and (4) Diane D. Hyatt, alternate administrative official. 2 ~<< -3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRAI"ION CENTER ON l"UESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON 'fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR "PHIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM K- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October 28, 2008 designated as Item K -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 3 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -October 14, 2008 2. Request for donation of a surplus vehicle to the Town of Pulaski, Virginia 3. Resolution to approve the conditions of the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) grant for fiscal year 2008-2009 and to allow participation by the City of Salem That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required bylaw to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. ACTION NO. I"fEM NO. K-2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Request for donation of surplus vel~~icle to the Town of Pulaski, Virginia Anne Marie Green Director of General Services John M. Chambliss County Administrator G~~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: From time to time, other local governmental agencies have requested donation of surplus vehicles from Roanoke County, and the County has generally honored these requests. The Town of Pulaski, through its police Chief, Gary Roche, a former Roanoke County police officer, is requesting the donation of a Chevrolet ambulance for use by their emergency response team. The formal request is attached, and indicates that events over the past two years in the New River Valley have dictated a need for this type of vehicle to provide mutual aid to other jurisdictions. The Town has been advised of the cost to repair the vehicle, and is willing to proceed with the donation. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that the vehicle is worth approximately $2,000, less the cost of staff time posting it on our Internet auction site and completing the accompanying sales transactions. STAFF RECOMMENDAI"ION: Staff recommends that the Board approve this request. •Pul~ski October 14, 2008 Mr. David Anderson Fleet Garage Manager Roanoke County Garage 622 S. Market Street Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Anderson: I am writing to confirm my request for the County of Roanoke to consider donating the Chevrolet ambulance with the damaged engine, VIN #1 GBJK34FOXF011042, to the town of Pulaski Police Depattrnent. Our agency is currently without a transport vehicle for our emergency response team. Due to the events that have occurred in the New River Valley the past two years, our mutual aid response to other jurisdictions has been significantly hampered by the lack of a vehicle that can be equipped and serrt to the scenes of emergencies. I have discussed the repairs what would be required to bring this vehicle into service with our technicians and they advise that they will be able to do so in a timely manner. I appreciate your time in discussing this request and your patience while showing this unit to our personnel. Thank you again for your cooperation. Sincerely, /i/~ ~L%~ G. W. Roche Chief of Police 1!:~'r1•'N :~iF F'JLAi;K! • ('~! FF CF ~<_~;.I~C • P::-. v'",'•f, nh~"! • F°t!.. ;,"!:I.`,•'i~ 1g3i'1 • TFI. 5AL 94A 868G • '!1X ,`~4~ 994 8693 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~~- J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: October 28, 2008 Resolution to approve the conditions of the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) grant for fiscal year 2008-09 and to allow participation by the City of Salem John M. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator ~~-- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: -the fiscal year 2008-09 budget for the County of Roanoke included monies anticipated from the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) program for FY 2008- 09, appropriated the monies, and authorized staffing of the grant program for this fiscal year. The City of Salem has requested to continue participating in the County's Life Skills Mentoring Program, the major program operating by the Court Services Unit of the Juvenile Court utilizing VJCCCA grant and related monies, and they have approved their resolution to the Department of Juvenile Justice requesting that their VJCCCA monies be used in that manner. The Department of Juvenile Justice has requested that a resolution be adopted by the County of Roanoke recognizing that the City of Salem's grant monies will be used to support the Life Skills Mentoring Program. As operator of this program, the County will oversee the fiscal responsibilities of the grant. FISCAL IMPACT: -there is no fiscal impact as 'the grant monies are already included in the County's fiscal year 2008-09 budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution which will allow the Life Skills Mentoring Program to be administered bythe Roanoke County Court Services Unit utilizing the VJCCCA funds from both the City of Salem and County o~F Roanoke to serve the youth from both jurisdictions. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONS OF THE VIRGINIA JUVENILE COMMUNITY CRIME CON"fROL ACT (VJCCCA) GRANT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 AND TO ALLOW PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY OF SALEM WHEREAS, 'the County of Roanoke has participated in the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) program in the past allowing the Court Service Unit to provide direct services, treatment programs, substance abuse services and probation activities associated with the Juvenile Court; and WHEREAS, through the Life Skills Mentoring Program of the Roanoke County Court Services Unit, the grant funds have been administered to assist the court by providing counseling services, drug screens, intensive supervision, community service, restitution and other needed services, and WHEREAS, the Court Services Unit of the Juvenile Court serves the youth of both the County of Roanoke and the City of Salem, and WHEREAS, the Court Services Unit desires to provide services through the Life Skills Mentoring Program to serve the youth of both the County of Roanoke and the City of Salem utilizing the funding from the VJCCCA grant and other appropriate funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, will participate in the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and will accept said funds, appropriating them for the purpose set forth in this Act until it notifies the Department of Juvenile Justice, in writing, that it no longer wishes to participate in the program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator or the Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a local plan on behalf of the County of Roanoke and City of Salem; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Roanoke will combine services and grant resources with the City of Salem, and the County, as operator of the Life Skills Mentoring Program, will serve as Fiscal agent for these localities. ~~ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Unaudited balance at June 30, 2008 $ 16,743,199 Balance at October 28, 2008 $ 16,743,199 of General Fund Revenue 9.51 8.90% ** Note: On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2007-08 a range of 8.5%-9.5% of General Fund Revenues 2007-2008 General Fund Revenues $176,033,678 8.5% of General Fund Revenues $14,962,863 9.5% of General Fund Revenues $16,723,199 ** 2008-09 a range of 9.0%-10.0% of General Fund Revenues 2008-2009 General Fund Revenues $188,178,858 9.0% of General Fund Revenues $16,936,097 10.0% of General Fund Revenues $18,817,886 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 9.51 % which met our goal for 2007-2008. The balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2008-2009 9.0%-10.0% 2009-2010 9.5%-10.5% 2010-2011 10.0%-11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~~ County Administrator :~ - ~Z. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Unaudited balance at June 30, 2008 Amount $1, 540, 757.20 Balance at October 28, 2008 $1,540,757.20 Maior County Capital Reserve (Projects in the CIP, debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.) Unaudited balance at June 30, 2008 Submitted By Approved By Balance at October 28, 2008 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~~ County Administrator $2,339,030.00 $2,339,030.00 b- 3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2008-2009 Original Budget $ 300,000.00 June 24, 2008 Allocation to Art Museum of Western Virginia and Roanoke County (200,000.00) Public Schools for Education July 8, 2008 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison ($24,000.00) August 28, 2008 Appropriation for Development of a Regional Water Supply Plan ($11,100.00) Balance at October 28, 2008 $ 64,900.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~~ County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~ ~ l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid-September 2008 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: John M. Chambliss, Jr. ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Payments to Vendors $ - $ - Payroll 09/05/09 1,057,780.95 111,540.02 Payroll 09/19/08 1,019,578.65 112,776.88 Manual Checks - 640.71 Voids - - Grand Total Total $ 5,211,697.26 1,169,320.97 1,132,355.53 640.71 $ 7,514,014.47 A detailed listing of the payments is on 1`ile with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. ~.~ i m y E ` vhi ~ 'D ~ r~i - o _ ~ O a c o o ° N ~ t , N N y °~ C N N N N ~' ~ ~ ~ m _ A G~7 ~ A N ~ O 9 ri. q' CC .C .~ L W O C C~ 0 O C '~ O U N O z [c, ~ C d ~ d ~ c w C R C m a G m y d ~ ~ a A ~ o C C p1 Cz7 a 6 _ { j °~ J+ 0 O M Q~ O O W O 0 .` 0~. 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Jernigan Risk Manager John Chambliss County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Self-Insurance Program, Ordinance 0-061494-6, Section 2-86.C, attached is the fiscal year to date claims activity report including the first quarter that ended September 30, 2008. Attachment A -Auto, Attachment B -General Liability. FISCAL IMPACT: None Q Z ~ N I O O ~ ~ O OI O' O~ N' O ~ O, I I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ll.l ~ I ~ ~ O~ O M ~ ~ O m ~~ ~ ~~ ', ~ ~ ~ ~p I ~ Q CO. ~ N I ~ N U a I I I N w i oo °o w I ~ ~ cn I _ I ~ I II -~ I ~ ' I I ~ .__ __ _ ~ ~I, m III ~ ~, m' ~'I ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ III ~ ~, ~I ~' ' a~ I H n O o I n. O I o~ I o- I o , I of , of , °- I O V I , V U V U UII I - r_ - ~ --- I I I 1 _ - - - - __ I ~ ~ z_ of oil o' 0 0 0 0l, of I o I N ~ Q Q' ' Q Q' Q Q a Q', Q U Q ~, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~', ~ ~I ~, I O M I 1 ~- ~ - ~ 1 W I I 1 m I v c' I ~ I m ' I I I I i ~ I , 'J I N I , I I H I I ' I I ' fn a~ ' t l °' ~ ~ m m ', - ~ ' W W C > - -o ~ L o L I ~ ! ~ o ~ ~I m ~ rn ~ , ~ v ~,II , ~ f N o of n m "O ~ ' _ L r O -O ' -O ~ ~' N Y O~ O H ~ ~ o ~'I n ~~ ', 3 n -o I 0, ~ I W U J Q Z rn E o N Y '' `' x' °', '~ 2 ,-~~ ' -o ~ I O I ~ ~ U N N N ~ ~ N ~ v ] O I V a m r ~ m ~ E I m v .o ', ~ > I I '~. ~ ~ m ~ ,.,I m I Z H W ~ N L t ', ~ > ~ N al O I N > ~ al 'I N .... ~ ~ 'I m ~ ~ ~! T Q ~ > o '', o ~ n' o ~ I ~ . n I , I LL J O H Z m "o' m ' o m ~'' o ml m 3 ~ I W N O H w O oI. ~c c m c o c `° I m',I Y' c u c `° °~ m ~ ~ U `' m y .E I ' `' y i ~ r I v Q Q ~ I (/~ i ~ ~ O J ~ -I U _ (/~ J '' ~ U' ~ m W " - ~_ __ - _ _ __. ~ I ' ~ J J ~ N I I ' O V I o . 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H ~ Q' ~ D a a W ~ N i l ~ ~ w O J I ~ II L ~ fn, NI ~ ~ ~ m a of ~!, ~~ Q''' ~ H' J ~' ~ V JI J I Z, ~I W ~ ~' Z Z O a i i I ~I cn w ~ ~ H a I i ~ ~ ~ Z' H U m LL ~ ! U W n ! I J W O' p ~ °' N ~' Z ~ a'' w p n w ~ a J a v W ' ~, ~ ~ y' I '~ ~~ ~ ~ , Q a I i ~! ,I "O w o p to I~ --- -- ~ -- ~- __ ~_ ~ Z p ~ ~ ~ ! I 0 N ~, U Q p o I I I ^~ -_ - r_- __ __ - - - ___ __- ~~ , I I g ~ O Z , O I I ~ ~ ~ ~~ III ',,, m; I I I ~ I O P P C N L U fU Q 0 a~ rn m a 0 0 N O O C~u~tn#g of ~KuttrcuL~e ,~~ ~x~~~xx~" ~C t.~ 0~ RcAN~~ F z ~ c~ v a2 1 38 DECLARING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2008 AS NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, families can provide love and security for children and many children wait for forever families; and WHEREAS, children who need forever families may be young or young adults of any heritage, and the children may have special needs; and WHEREAS, adoption gives children a loving family in which to grow; and WHEREAS, many families in the Roanoke Valley have chosen adoption as a way to create or enlarge their families; and WHEREAS, adoptive families in the Roanoke Valley are recognized and congratulated for their commitment to children and to children's rights to loving and secure homes; and WHEREAS, National Adoption Day, which will be held on November 15, 2008, is sponsored by a coalition of national partners to draw special attention to foster children waiting for forever families and to celebrate all loving families who adopt. NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard C. Flora, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim and recognize the month of November 2008 as NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, by this proclamation, I celebrate the important role adoption plays in our society and call upon the citizens of Roanoke County to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities that honor adoptive families. ~I'a~c.~-~• Wanda G. Riley, Clerk y,,,...9 c. ~ p., Richard C. Flora, Chairman ~ c~~ John M. Chambliss, Cou Administrator J.._ n ~IILtIi~~J II~ ~IIFTY[II~tE ~ r.~ O~ FL~ANO,~. F z ~ 2 a a` 1838 DECLARING OCTOBER 20 THROUGH OCTOBER 26, 2008, AS RED RIBBON WEEK IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, SYMBOLIZING A COMMITMENT TO A DRUG-FREE LIFESTYLE WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon Campaign was initiated in 1985 by the Virginia Federation of Communities for Drug-Free Youth; and WHEREAS, the red ribbon was designated as the symbol of intolerance of illegal dryg use and acommitment to adrug-free lifestyle; and WHEREAS, a group of concerned citizens, parents, students, teachers, police officers, business people, judges, drug treatment providers, counselors, ministers, and other caring individuals have established the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition (RAYSAC) to bring better coordination and development of substance abuse prevention programs and resources; and WHEREAS, RAYSAC and Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare have asked that the Board of Supervisors recognize Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County and are promoting the Red Ribbon Campaign in the Roanoke Valley through a variety of activities. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard C. Flora, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim October 20 through October 26, 2008, as RED RIBBON WEEK in the County of Roanoke; and FIIRTHER, encourage all of our citizens to join in the observances and activities of this event. Wanda G. Riley, Jerk Richard C. Flora, Chairman John M. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator v-~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Work session on joining the Virginia Association of Counties/Virginia Municipal League (VACo/VML) Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer John M. Chambliss, Jr. A~ County Administrator U~/ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In May 2008, the Board approved changes to the retiree health insurance benefit in order to reduce the financial impact as the result of implementing Governmental Accounting Standards Board's Statement 45 (GASB 45). Investing these annual contributions in a trust will further rninirriize the impact. VACo and VML are sponsoring a statewide pooled trust for Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). This time has been set aside to discuss this option. The General Assembly passed legislation in the 2007 session that allowed localities to establish trusts for the investments of postemployment benefits other than pensions, and established the need for a Local Finance Board to manage this trust. A copy of this legislation is attached and will be discussed at the work session. 2007 SESSION ENROLLED VIRGINIA ACTS OF ASSEMBLY -CHAPTER 2 An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 15 of Title 15.2 an article numbered 8, 3 consisting of §§ 15.2-1544 through 15.2-1549, relating to the creation of trusts or equivalent 4 arrangements to fund the costs of providing postemployment benefits other than pensions for 5 counties, cities, towns, school divisions, and other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth. [3 789] Approved 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Chapter 15 of Title 15.2 an article numbered 8; consisting of §§ 15.2-1544 through 15.2-1549, as follows: Article 8. Local trusts to fund postemployment benefits other than pensions. § 15.2-1544. Counties, cities, towns, school divisions, and certain political subdivisions may establish local trusts or equivalent arrangements to fund postemployment benefits other than pensions. The governing body of any county, city, or town may establish a trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund postemployment benef tS other than pensions, as defned herein. Deposits to any such trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements and any earnings on those deposits shall be irrevocable; shall be dedicated to providing benefits to retirees and their beneficiaries in accordance with the terms of the plans or programs providing postemployment benefits other than pensions; and shall be exempt from taxation and execution, attachment, garnishment, or any other process. For the purposes of this article, an equivalent arrangement shall mean any fund or similar arrangement established by the governing body pursuant to this article under which funds are irrevocably allocated, segregated, or otherwise dedicated to providing postemployment benefits other than pension benefits to retirees and their beneficiaries. The governing body of any such county, city, or town also may make appropriations to any such trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements, and any such governing body may require active and former employees covered by a postemployment benef t plan or program to contribute to such a trust or equivalent arrangement through payments or deductions from their wages, salaries, or pensions. Officers and employees who are subject to inclusion in the retirement plans described in § 51.1-8D0 also may be included in any such trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements by the governing body. The governing body also may authorize the governing body of any other political subdivision that is appointed in whole or in part by the governing body of such county, city, or town, to establish and fund a trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements for its active and former employees. Any appointed or elected school board may establish and fund such a trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements for its active and former employees. The governing body of any county, city, or town also may enter into agreements with the appointed or elected school board that provides public schools within its boundaries or with any other political subdivision, which is appointed in whole or in part by the governing body of any such county, city, or town, to permit any such school board or such other political subdivision to participate in any trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements established by the governing body of any such county, city, or town. The governing body of any such county, city, or town, the school board of the local school divisions, and the governing body of any other political subdivision that establishes or participates in any such trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements, shall have the right to revise or discontinue its plans or programs providing such postemployment benefits other than pensions for its active and former officers anti employees as it may deem necessary or transfer any assets held in any trust or equivalent arrangement established pursuant to this article to any other trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangement established pursuant to this article; provided, however, any amendment, suspension, or revocation of any plans or programs providing such postemployment benef is other than pensions or transfer of assets held in a trust or equivalent arrangement shall not have the effect of diverting the assets of any trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements to purposes other than the exclusive benefit of the active or former employees or their dependents or beneficiaries entitled to such postemployment benefit. If all plans or programs providing such postemployment benefits other than pensions for which a trust or equivalent arrangement is established are repealed or terminated by the governing body that created such trust, trusts or equlvalent arrangements, then there shall be no continuing responsibility for that governing body to continue to make appropriations to such trust, trusts or equivalent arrangements, and the assets of any such trust, trusts or equivalent arrangements shall be used to provide any benefits continuing to i~ r r 07 J 00 7~ 2 of 3 57 be due to active or .former employees (and their dependents or beneficiaries} under such plans or 58 programs. If there are no active or former employees (or dependents or beneficiaries) due a benefit 59 under any plan or program providing such postemployment benefcts other than pensions for which the 60 trust or equivalent arrangement was established, then any remaining assets may revert to the locality. 61 ~ 15.2-1545. Postemployment benefcts other than pensions defined. 62 Postemployment benefits other than pensions covered by the trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangement 63 shall be def ned by the governing body of the county, city, or town, by the appointed or elected school 64 board, or by the governing body of any other political subdivision that creates any such program or 65 trust. Such benefts may include but are not limited to medical, dental, and life insurance provided to 66 individuals who have terminated their service and to the dependents of such individuals and m.ay be 67 provided by purchasing insurance, by a program of self-insurance, or by a combination of both. Such 68 postemployment benefits other than pensions may be provided to the officers and employees or to their 69 dependents, estates, or designated beneficiaries. Any benefcts arising from any postemployment benefits 70 other than pension plans shall be clearly defined and strictly construed. 71 § 15.2-1546. Assets of trusts or equivalent arrangements for postemployment benefits other than 72 pensions. 73 The assets of any trust or equivalent arrangement for postemployment benefits other than pensions 74 shall he exempt from state and local taxation, and the assets of any such trust or equivalent 75 arrangement shall not be subject to execution, attachment, garnishment, or any other process. 76 § 15.2-1547. Creation of local f nance boards to manage the assets of postemployment benef is trust 77 or equivalent arrangement; composition of such boards; alternatives to such boards; liability; and 78 removal from office. 79 Except as otherwise provided herein, the governing body of any county, city, or town that establishes 80 a trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements for postemployment benefcts other than pensions pursuant to 81 this article also shall create a finance board to serve as trustee of such a trust, trusts, or equivalent 82 arrangements and to manage and invest the assets of that trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements. Such 83 a finance board shall be composed of at least three members who shall include the chief financial 84 off cer of the locality, the treasurer of the locality, and at least one other additional person who shall be 85 a citizen of the Commonwealth with proven integrity, business ability, and demonstrated experience in 86 cash management and in investments. If the loealtty does not have a chief financial officer or a 87 treasurer, then that position may be filled by the chief administrative off cer of the locality or by a 88 citizen who meets the qualifications set forth above. The citizen member shall be appointed initially by 89 the governing body of the locality for a term of two years and if more than one citizen is appointed to 90 serve on any such board, then the local governing body may appoint those citizens for staggered terms 91 of one and two years. Subsequent appointments shall be for rivo-year terms or to fill the balance of any 92 unexpired term. The finance board shall annually elect one of its members as chairman and another as 93 vice-chairman. The fnance board shall meet at least four times a year, and a majority of the members 94 shall constitute a quorum. 95 Any school board of a local school division or the governing body of any other political subdivision 96 that establishes its own postemployment benefcts trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements pursuant to 97 this article shall create a f nance board to serve as trustee of such a trust, trusts, or equivalent 98 arrangements and to manage and invest the assets of that trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements. Such 99 a finance board shall be composed of at least three members consisting of the chief administrative 100 officer of the entity, the chief financial off cer of the entity, and at least one additional person who shall 101 be a citizen of the Commonwealth and who meets the qualif cations set forth above. The citizen member 102 shall be appointed initially by the governing body of the locality for a term of two years and if more 103 than one citizen is appointed to serve on any such board, then the local governing body may appoint 104 those citizens for staggered terms of one and two years. Subsequent appointments shall be for two-year 105 teens or to fill the balance of any unexpired term. The finance board shall annually elect one of its 106 members as chairman and another as vice-chairman. The finance board shall meet at least four times a 107 year, and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. 108 Alternatively, and in lieu of establishing the finance board as described in this section, the governing 109 body of any county, city, or town, school division or other political subdivision that has established a 110 retirement board or deferred compensation board to manage pension beneftts provided to or for its 111 active and former employees may designate that retirement board or deferred compensation board to 112 serve as trustee and to manage the assets of a trust or equivalent arrangement established pursuant to 113 this article. Any such retirement board or deferred compensation board shall have all the powers and 114 duties of the finance board described in this article, mutatis mutandis. 115 Except in the case of gross negligence or intentional misconduct, any member of a ,finance board 116 established pursuant to this section, any director of finance or another appointed official with a 117 similarly named position, or any member of a retirement board, who is acting in accordance with the 3of3 118 provisions of this article, shall not incur any lr'nbility for investment losses suffered by a [rust 119 established pursuant to this article. Members of any such finance board shall be subject to removal 120 from office ccs set forth in §§ 24.2-230 through 24.2-238. 121 § 15.2-1548. Finance boards or alternatives thereto to manage the assets of trusts or equivalent 122 arrangements to fund postemployment benefits other than pensions and provide annual reports; 123 exemption from Public Procurern.ent Act. 124 Except as otherwise provided herein, any finance board or any other person or entity serving as an 125 alternative thereto pursuant to § 15.2-1547 shall retain the services of an investment manager, invest its 126 funds in accordance with § 15.2-1549, maintain records of all of its proceedings, make such records 127 available for inspection by the public, invest the assets of the trust or equivalent arrangement in 128 accordance with the provisions of this article, and provide the governing body that created it an annual 129 report on the fund's performance and financial status. In lieu of any fnance board or other person or 130 entity serving as an alternative thereto pursuant to § 15.2-1547 serving as trustee, the investment 131 manager may serve as trustee of the funds. The selection of services related to the management, 132 purchase, or sale of authorized investments, including but not limited to actuarial services, shall not be 133 subject to the provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act {§ 2.2-4300 et .seq.). 134 § 15.2-1549. Investment of assets of trusts or equivalent arrangement for postemployrnent benefits 135 other than pensions. 136 Alf funds appropriated to a trust or equivalent arrangement for postemployment benefits other than 13? pensions, as defcned in § 15.2-1545, and all funds accrued from the investment of any such funds that 138 are on hand at any time and are not necessary for immediate payment of benefits shall be invested by 139 the finance board, by any person or entity serving as an alternative thereto pursuant to § 15.2-1547, or 140 by an investment manager who is serving as a trustee of the funds. All such funds shall be invested in 141 accordance with the prudent person standard established by § 51.1-803 and such investments shall not i42 be limited by Chapter 45 (§ 2.2-4500 et seg.) of Title 2.2. 143 2. That any trust or equivalent arrangement created by any county, city, or town, or school 144 division prior to July 1, 2007, to provide postemploymet-t benefits other than pensions and that is i45 consistent with the provisions of this Act is hereby validated and confirmed, and all such trusts or 145 equivalent arrangements are declared to be validly created and established. L', V ~MM }L', V td 7 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. c~° Z- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF "THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA"I"ION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 28, 2008 Work session to review the status of South County Library Project and the Merriman Roundabout Diana Rosapepe Library Director Diane Hyatt Chief Financial Officer John M. Chambliss County Administrator COUNTY ADMINIS'TRATOR'S COMMENTS: South County Library The South County Library project has a budget of $18 million, and the bonds have already been sold to fund this project. Of this amount, $12,339,990 is related to construction and site work. The bids for this work were received on August 21, 2008, and were significantly over budget. We received six bids ranging from $16,280,000 to $19,900,000. Attachment A shows the budget for the library project and the effect of the low bidder. We have been working with the architects (Holzheimer Bolek), the construction management firm (Construction Control Corporation) and several of the bidding contractors and sub-contractors to identify the areas that caused the bids to be over budget and then to determine a course of action. At this time, staff, the construction manager and the value engineers have identified nearly $6 million in ideas for cost savings and are now in the process of working with the architect to decide whiich of these items are feasible. Since the bids were more that 10 percent over budget, we will be re-bidding the project. Before we can re-bid, there will be a period of re-design and modification to the bid speci~Fications. We are currently estimating this will add an additional six months to the project schedule, which will extend the opening into Spring 2011. Merriman Roundabout The design for the Merriman roundabout is 70 percent complete. The architects (Hayes Seay Mattern &Mattern) have provided a preliminary estimate of $1.5 million to construct the project. This will probably be a low estimate for the project since it is in today's dollars. "fhe cost of the roundabout is higher than anticipated due to numerous requirements that have been directed by VDOT, and the extensive fill needed to level the area. The work will be done entirely on County and VDOT property so that no land acquisition is needed. As the Board will recall, the cost of the roundabout was not included in the cost of the library. "fhe Board did redirect $500,000 of prior year revenue sharing money to the project. Approximately half of this amount was needed for the design, leaving $279,639 to go toward construction. Attachment B shows the current estimate for 'the roundabout project compared to the amount currently budgeted. The Merriman roundabout is an ideal choice for revenue sharing funds. Because of the delay in the construction of the library, the project will now fit into the 2009-10 revenue sharing cycle, so that half of the construction costs for the roundabout maybe provided by the State. We will be prepared to discuss these items in greater detail at the work session. Attachment A South County Library Project Estimates as of October 28, 2008 Sitework and Building Construction Furniture and Fixtures Additional Equipment Miscellaneous Professional services A&E Construction Manager Contingencies Design Construction After Currently Construction Budgeted Bid Difference $ 12,339,990 $ 16,280,000 $ 3,940,010 1,546,250 1,546,250 - 720,000 720,000 - 359,045 359,045 - 1,515,730 1,515,730 - 548,280 548,280 - 320,000 170,000 (150,000) 650,705 650,705 - (1) $ 18,000,000 $ 21,790,010 $ 3,790,010 Note (1) Staff is working with architects, value engineers, and construction manager to modify and rebid project. Attachment B Merriman Road Roundabout Estimates as of October 28, 2008 Currently Current Additional Budgeted Estimate Funds Needed Design $ 152,261 $ 152,261 $ - Construction management 67,600 67,600 - Reimbursable expenses 500 500 - Construction 279,639 1,500,000 1,220,361 (1) $ 500,000 $ 1,720,361 $ 1,220,361 Note (1) -Potential source of funding is 2009-10 VDOT Revenue Sharing Funds. This would require 1/2 of funds to come from Roanoke County i~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an a~Ffirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certi~Fication by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coi.inty, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, 5204 BERNARD DRIVE, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: October 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve an agreement with Front Street Construction, Inc. and Old Towne Development, LLC. and the Village at Stone Creek Homeowners' Association to resolve pending litigation concerning the Wolf Creek Planned Community SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Ordinance 102495-10 approved the establishment of the County's first planned residential development (PRD) known as Wolf Creek. The developers (Wolf Creek, Inc. and Circle C Consultants, Inc.) proffered and the County accepted numerous conditions for this PRD, which were amended by Ordinance 081997-12. Front Street Construction, Inc. and Old Towne Development, LLC contracted with the original developers to develop a portion of this PRD known as the Village at Stone Creek. Many of the promised improvements and amenities in the proffered conditions have not been constructed or installed. The Board directed the County Attorney to commence litigation against Front Street Constn.~ction, Inc. and Old Towne Development, LLC to compel compliance with the PRD conditions. Over the past several months County staff and Supervisor Altizer have negotiated an agreement with the developers and the homeowners' association (the Village at Stone Creek Homeowners' Association, Inc) to secure consensus on methods of compliance with the proffered conditions, and to avoid the costs, delays and uncertainties of litigation. If the Board approves this agreement, the pending litigation will be dismissed. Attached you will find a copy of this agreement which provides the following: • that the developers of the two phases of the Village at Stone Creek will turn over governing control of the development to the homeowners' association; • that the developers will pay a sum of money to the County, wl-iich will be held in escrow for the homeowners' association to con'ipensate it for amenities promised under the PRD but not installed and to reimburse it for the installation of amenities consistent with the PRD; • that the developers will convey to the County open space real estate (the County in turn will convey said real estate to the homeowners' association); • that the County will consider amendments to the PRD (eliminating certain conditions previously accepted); • that the homeowners' association will complete its work within a defined timetable; • that the developers will be released from further liability or responsibility for past failure to comply with the PRD conditions; and • that the homeowners' association agrees to and supports this agreement. It is requested that the Board approve this agreement in substantially the form and content submitted; however, it is also requested that the County Attorney be authorized to make modifications to the agreement so long as those modifications do not alter essential elements outlined herein. The developers and County staff will work together to develop text amendments to the PRD which will be submitted to the Planning Con-irriission and Board of Supervisors for appropriate action in early 2009. FISCAL IMPACT: Accept the payment of $30,000 to be held in escrow by the County and distributed as provided in the agreement and as approved amenities are installed. No direct fiscal impact, although significant staff time and resources will be required to complete and implement this agreement. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the proposed agreement. 2. Refuse to approve the agreement, and litigate the enforcement of the planned residential development conditions, responsibility and liability issues over the next several years. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, to execute the agreement on behalf of Roanoke County in substantially the form and content as attached and subject to approval as to form by the County Attorney. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this z$ day of ~'" , 2008, by and among FRONT STREET CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Virginia Corporation (hereinafter "Front Street"), OLD TOWNE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ("Old Towne'), THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (the "County"), and THE VILLAGE AT STONE CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Virginia Corporation, (the "Association'). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Wolf Creek, Inc. was originally the developer of a project in Roanoke County known and identified as Wolf Creek; and WHEREAS, said project was a planned residential development whose zoning was governed by the document entitled "Wolf Creek, A Planned Community;' which document was approved as Roanoke County's first planned residential development in 1995 by Ordinance Numbe#~ 102495-10 and amended in 1997 by Ordinance Number 081997-12 (collectively the "Ordinance'); and WHEREAS, Wolf Creek, Inc. undertook the development of a portion of the project govemed by the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a portion of said project is currently being developed by Circle C Consultants, which portion is known as Richard's Wood; and WHEREAS, Wolf Creek has conveyed the remaining portion of the project to Old Towne, to be developed by Front Street and to be known as the Village at Stone Creek and Rockbridge at Wolf Creek; and WHEREAS, the Association has been established in order to provide governance for the subdivision known as the Village at Stone Creek; and WHEREAS, certain issues have arisen among the parties as to whether certain portions of the Village at Stone Creek have been developed in accordance with the Ordinance and the Planned Residential Development Master flan; and WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a series of lengthy negotiations in an effort to resolve the issues among them; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an agreement as to the resolution of all issues relating to the Village at Stone Creek; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth all terms and conditions relative to said settlement and resolution; and, which terms and conditions have been accepted by each of the entities by appropriate action taken on their behalf which, in the instance of the Association indicate approval thereof by majority of the owners of Lots within said subdivision (exclusive of the Developer Front Street Investments, Mark Corkery and Paul Corkery) and; WHEREAS, this Agreement is contingent upon the adoption of an Ordinance by the Board of Supervisors amending the Planned Residential Development Ordinance incorporating the changes described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties hereto do covenant and agree as follows: 1. Upon execution of this Agreement by all parties hereto, Front Street shall deposit the sum of $10,000 with the County to be held in escrow for the benefit of the Association; said funds to be paid to the Association as hereinafter set out. The purpose of this sum shall be to reimburse the property owners within the Association for amenities promised under the Ordinance but not constructed. No funds will be disbursed until the amended ordinance is adopted by the County. If for any reason this Agreement becomes null and void, the $10,000 shall be refunded to Front Street. 2. Upon execution of this Agreement, the Developers shall deposit the sum of $20,000 with the County to be held in escrow; said funds to be paid to the County in order to address -2- other development issues of the Association not addressed by this Agreement. The purpose of this sum shall be to pay for the installation of various amenities listed in the Ordinance and paragraph 15 of the Complaint. The Association shall choose the amenities to be installed, subject to review and approval by the County.est. These amenities shall be installed by the Association within twelve months of the execution of this Agreement or December 31, 2009 whichever occurs later. No funds will be disbursed until the amended ordinance is adopted by the County. If for any reason this Agreement becomes null and void, the $20,000 shall be refunded to Front Street. 3. The payment of $30,000 to the County by Front Street as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be in lieu of the construction and installation of the amenities required by the Ordinance, and more specifically listed in paragraph 15 of the Complaint previously filed by the County against Front Street in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Case No. CL08000453 (the "Lawsuit"). 4. County staff shall prepare a spreadsheet identifying all text changes to be made to the Ordinance reflecting the negotiations with the Developer. Said spreadsheet shall incorporate language reflecting the items referenced in paragraph 15 of the Lawsuit and shall be such that upon approval of the text amendments as hereinafter set out the Wolf Creek PRD shall, insofar as the Village at Stone Creek is concerned, be deemed to be in compliance with the County ordinances. On approval of the conceptual text changes as set out in this paragraph, the Developer shall prepare draft text amendments and engineered concept plans based upon the spreadsheet and shall submit the text amendments and engineered concept plans as a proffer amendment to the Ordinance to the Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation to the Board of Supervisors and thereafter for consideration of said changes by the Board of Supervisors. County staff shall review and approve the text amendments to the Ordinance prior to submission to the Planning Commission and thereafter for consideration by the Board of Supervisors. It is the intention of the parties that amendments to the Ordinance shall -3- be considered no later than March 31, 2009. 5. The County Staff shall further schedule meetings with residents of the Village at Stone Creek and shall submit said proposed changes as approved by Developer to said residents. A formal vote of the residents shall be taken and concurrence of the residents shall be obtained by a majority vote. If a majority of the residents do not approve of the terms of this Agreement, the Developer shall reserve the right (but not the obligation) to withdraw from this Agreement. 6. Upon approval of the Ordinance by the Board of Supervisors, Front Street shall immediately turn over governing control and the financial records of the Association to the members of the Association, subject to the following: (a) Mark Corkery will remain on the Board of Directors of the Association until the earlier of December 31, 2010 or until he no longer resides in the Village at Stone Creek and the remaining directors shall be chosen by the residents; (b) Front Street will retain architectural control over the remaining lots in Phase 2 of the Village at Stone Creek; {c) no dues will be paid to the Association by the owners of vacant lots; dues will be paid only after a building permit is issued for the construction of a house; and (d) only dues paying lot owners shall have a vote in the affairs of the Association . 7. Front Street shall have no further obligation to the Association for maintenance and/or repair of the streets, common areas, or any other improvements or amenities located within the Village at Stone Creek once said streets, common areas, improvements or amenities are conveyed to the Association. Front Street shall remain responsible for repairs to the streets and other common areas if damaged during construction of houses by Front Street or Old Towne in the Village at Stone Creek or Rockbridge (Phase 3 of the Village at Stone Creek). 8. Upon adoption of the amended Ordinance by the County the funds held in escrow under paragraph 2 shall be released to the Association as it completes the installation of improvements as approved by the County. The Association shall have no responsibility to install improvements and amenities in excess of the escrow funds available. Upon execution of this -4- Agreement by all parties hereto all letters of credit on Phases 1 and 2 of the Village at Stone Creek shall be released, and $1,000 cash or letters of credit for each vacant lot (lots 5, 6, 11 and 16 in Section 2) in the Village at Stone Creek shall be paid or submitted to the County to secure compliance with all erosion and sediment control ordinances and regulations The Association agrees to begin all landscaping work at the Village at Stone Creek within 30 days of the adoption of the ordinance amending the Planned Residential Development, and to complete that work within 60 days of the adoption of said amendment, subject to seasonal planting cycles. Prior to the release of funds and the installation of landscaping and other improvements, the Association shall submit to the County for its review and approval a landscaping plan and a plan for the construction of the entrance feature (said feature to be uniform and consistent with the other entrance features in Wolf Creek). 9. Front Street intends to sell Phase 3 of the Village at Stone Creek. The County shall approve the plans for the development of phase 3 as currently submitted. This approval shall occur upon the execution of this Agreement and payment of the $30,000 as provided in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. The developer of Phase 3 shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of the Ordinance, including but not limited to installation of plantings and construction of the walking trails in and around the "Meadow', and the preliminary development construction schedule prepared by Balzer and dated April 23, 2007, which is attached to this agreement. 10. The County and the Association hereby release, remise and forever discharge Front Street, Front Street Investments, LLC, Old Towne, R. Mark Corkery, Paul W. Corkery, Veronica B. Corkery, and Michael A. Howdyshell, along with their respective predecessors, successors, parent corporation, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, heirs, estates, and assigns (collectively the "Released Parties'") from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, and suits of any kind which the County and/or the Association have or may -5- have against the Released Parties, arising out of or relating in any way to the failure of the Released Parties to install the amenities as required by the provisions of the Ordinance, and which are the subject of the Lawsuit. 11. Old Towne shall donate the property known as the "Meadow" consisting of approximately 1.5 acres to the County subject to the following conditions: (a) all parties with an interest in the Meadow (including Wolf Creek, Inc. and First National Bank) shall approve of the conveyance to the County; (b) except for the preparation of a deed and subdivision plat and the statutory recordation fees, there will be no cost to Front Street associated with the conveyance; and (c) Front Street shall convey the property by quitclaim deed. The conveyance shall occur within 30 days after the execution of this Agreement by all of the parties. After the conveyance, Front Street shall have no further obligation or responsibility with regard to the landscaping in the Meadow. It is the intention of the County to convey the Meadow to the Wolf Creek Homeowner's Association, which shall be responsible for all maintenance of the Meadow. Miscellaneous Provisions (A) Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors and assigns. (B) Waiver. Failure by any party hereunder to insist upon or enforce any of its rights hereto shall not constitute a waiver thereof. (C) Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. To the extent permitted by law, the parties irrevocably agree that if there is cause for any litigation and/ or adjudication, such litigation and/or adjudication shall occur in the Circuit Court serving the County of Roanoke, Commonwealth of Virginia. -6- (D) Headings. The paragraph headings are herein used for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to vary the content of this Agreement or the covenants, agreements, representations and warranties herein set forth or the scope of any paragraph. (E) Counterparts. If this Agreement shall be executed in two or more counterpart originals, each counterpart original shall be for all purposes considered an original of this Agreement. (F) Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement shall be determined to be void by any court of competent jurisdiction, then such determination shall not affect any other provision hereof, all of which other provisions shall remain in full force and effect; and it is the intention of all the parties hereto that if any provision of this Agreement is capable of two constructions, one of which would render the provision void and the other of which would render the provision valid, then the provision shall have the meaning which renders it valid. (G) Understanding. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the Property and is intended to be an integration of all prior or contemporaneous agreements, conditions, or undertakings between the parties hereto; and there are no promises, agreements, conditions, undertakings, warranties, or representations, oral or written, express or implied, between and among the parties hereto with respect to the properties other than as set forth herein. No changes or modifications of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by all parties hereto. (H) Time. With respect to all time periods contained in this Agreement, it is expressly understood that time shall be, and is, of the essence. (I) Holidays, etc. Whenever the last day for the performance of any act required by any party under this Agreement shall fall upon a day which is not a business day, the date for the performance of any such act shall be extended to the next succeeding business day. As -7- used herein, a business day shall mean any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or Virginia holiday. (J) Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the last date that this Agreement is executed by any party hereto, and such date shall be inserted as the Effective Date at the beginning of this Agreement. (K) Approval by Board of Supervisors. This Agreement is subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. If this Agreement is not approved by the Board of Supervisors, or if the amended Ordinance is not adopted, then this Agreement is null and void, and of no effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. FRONT STREET CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Virginia Corporation By: Its: t~red~ '(-' OLD TOWNE DEVELOPMENT, LLC., a Virginia Limited iability Company By: Its: Ma~.~u- THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By: Its: VILLAGE AT STONE CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSO ION, INC., a V' 'a Corporation By, ~1, ~~~ -8- PETITIONER: Starkey Medical, PC CASE NUMBER: 19-9/2008 Board of Supervisors Consent 1St Reading Date: August 26, 2008 Planning Commission 1St Hearing Date: September 2, 2008 Planning Commission 2"d Hearing Date: October 7, 2008 Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2"d Reading Date: October 28, 2008 A. REQUEST The petition of Starkey Medical, PC to modify existing proffered conditions in a C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, on 1.241 acres located at 5681 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Azar began the conversation discussing the overall square footage of the signage with staff explaining the revised number is what the petitioner was requesting for future needs, but staff would be favorable to whatever the commission recommended. Ms. Hooker continued the discussion in looking at the sign lighting. The petitioner was requesting a backlit sign. At the previous hearing no consensus was reached by the commission on backlit versus ground lighting for signage. Mr. Craighead also presented a revised site plan devised after meeting with the neighbors that shifted the parking away from the driveway easement. Staff stated that they would support the revised plan as the one to be proffered. D. CONDITIONS 1. The building shall be developed in substantial conformance with the site plan prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated September 29, 2008. 2. No more than 5,600 square feet of medical office shall be constructed, and no more than 2,464 square feet of general office shall be constructed including the existing structure. 3. The proposed building shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the Starkey Road Elevation (East) prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated August 10, 2008. 4. The proposed landscaping shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the Landscape Plan prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated September 29, 2008. 5. If a new freestanding sign is proposed, it shall be monument in style, and constructed with materials to compliment the proposed building elevation. The monument sigh shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height and contain no more than fifty (50) total square feet. 6. All exterior lighting poles shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in total height. 7. The proposed uses on-site shall be limited to General Office, Medical Office, Business or trade schools and Guidance Services. E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. McNeil made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning petition amending the proffered conditions. The motion passed 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission Address of Subject Property: Tax Map No.: OwnerlApplicant's Name: 5681 Starkey Road Cave Spring Magisterial District Roanoke County 087,.18-Q1-4Q.Q0-OOttA Starkey Medical PROFFERS These conditions replace and void those listed in Ordinance 082801-13 from August 2001, and shall apply to the property in conjunction with this rezoning application. The undersigned ownerlapplicantdow hereby proffer the foilawing conditions: 1 ~ The property shall be developed in substantial conformance with the Site Plan prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated September 2J, 2008. 2. Na more than 5,600 square feet of medical office shall be constructed, and no more than 2,464 square feet of general office shall be constructed incl~~ding the existing structure, 3. The proposed building shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the Starkey Road Elevation (East) prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated August 10, 2008, 4, The proposed landscaping shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the Landscape Plan prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated September 29, 2008. 5, If a new freestanding sign is proposed, it shall be monument in style, and constructed with materials to compliment the proposed building eleuatian. fihe monument sign shall not exreed ten (10} feet in height, and contain na more than fifty {50} total square feet 6. All exterior lighting poles shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in total height inclusive of the base. 7. The proposed uses on~site shall be limited to General Ofl•<ce, Medical Office, Business or trade schools, and Guidance Seruices, OwnerlAppiicant: ~ By: Starkey Medical (9125/2gg8) Christopher Patriarca ~.OMR Process.docx Starkey Medical) FEMA Flood Maps) Floodway Page 1! Frdm: Butch Wqrkman To: Christopher Patriarca Date: 9J24/2008 5:19 PM Subject: t.OMR Process docx Starkey Medical/ FEMA Flood Maps/ Floadway Attachments: IQMR Process docx ~~ ~,~j°1 The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)~Map No 51161C0253G for the area represented by tax map no. 087.I8-O1-40,00 wiN require a map change The entire pr perty is located within the IOOyr regulatory floadpiain. However, the location of the tloodway is in question. The Flgodway represents the area that must be open to allow flood water to pass without creating an increase in the predicted Base Fiood Elevation. The Proposed site plan for Starkey Medical building addition does not appear to be affected. In order tq be certain where the flagdway is, we are requesting the owner to prgvide FEMA with better ground elevation data through a process called {LOMR) This will rev'sse the map at the location in question, I have attached a cgpy far the 1.OMR procedure. LoN~I~ Process A laOMR is a document that officially revises a portion of the effective NFIP map according to requirements and procedures outlined in Part 65 of the NFIP regulations. A LOMB allows FEMA to revise flood hazard information on an NFIP map via letter without physically revising and reprinting the entire map panel. This process typically takes less time and is Tess expensive than a PMR. LOMRs include the revised portion of the flood hazard map, affected flood profiles, and flvvdway data tables from the Flaad Insurance Study [FIS) report as attachments to the letter. IrOMRs are essentially like PMRs in that they are used to change flood risk zones, floodplainand/or flovdway delineations, flood elevations, and/vr planirnetric features; however, because of their limited distribution, LOMRs are primarily intended for small areas of change and areas where flood hazards are typically decreasing. FEMA charges the requesters of LOMRs a Fee for review of the flood hazard data submitted in support of certain types of requests such as these concerning structural measures. As with FMRs, a IaOMR must be requested through the CEO of the community because the community is responsible for the adoption of the revised flood hazard information into the community's floodplain management ordinances and regulations. To minimize the financial burden on the policyholders while maintaining the NFIP asself-sustaining, FEMA implemented procedures to recover costs associated with reviewing and processing requests for conditional and final map amendments and map revisions. The fee schedule for these requests is published in the Federal Register and applies to all types of requests except those that are specifically exempted in Section 72.5[c) of the NFIP Regulations. Technical supporting data ma,y be obtained by contacting a FEMA Flnnd Map Specialist listed in the "FEMA LOMA Depot'" section at the back of this booklet. The letter should give the name of the community for which the data are sought, provide specific informative as to the portion of the community and type of data needed, and give the requester`s name and telephone number. Before the request is serviced, a representative will call to discuss the request. If a charge is necessary far the service, the extent of the service and the costs will be discussed during the call. Requests for conditional and final FIRM revisions should be sent to the "FEMA LOMA Depot" at the following address: Michael Baker, Inc. Suite b00 3601 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandra, VA 22304 For questions about FIRMS, the SOMA or LOMB-F, flood mapping procedures, or the map revision process, call ].-877-33b-2627, toll free and ask far a "FEMA Flood Map Specialist". D Qs > ~ 2 ~ - z 2 z 4 o a C~ _~ - LL - ~ dad o w ~ ~~ , ~ s as a a a ~ a~ ~= ~ ~~ ~~ a~ ~ ~ ~. ~ a, z w z `„ `; N „ ,~ ,, w Q U J ~ ~ 1_ I) G ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~-. 'i (l 1 -, ` `` `~ i ~ \. ~ ~i ~''~~ h J1 U <ll T i. 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Q w W ; ~ ~ STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Starkey Medical Request: Rezone 1.241 acres from C-1, Office District with proffered conditions, to C-1, Office District with amended proffered conditions, in order to construct a 6,600 square foot building expansion to the existing business Location: 5681 Starkey Road Magisterial District: Cave Spring Proffered Conditions: 1. The existing building is to remain with minor improvements. 2. Total signage shall be limited to 24 square feet. 3. Landscaping shall be added to provide a visual barrier of the parking area from Starkey Road. 4. That the proposed improvements will be in substantial conformance with the concept plan, as prepared by Craighead and Associates, Architects dated July 3, 2008, subject to final building and site engineering. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Starkey Medical is requesting to rezone 1.241 acres from C-1, Office District with proffered conditions, to C-1, Office District with amended proffered conditions, in order to construct a 6,600 square foot building expansion to the existing business located at 5681 Starkey Road. The C-1, Office District, provides for the development of attractive and efficient office uses in the urban service area which serve both community and county-wide needs. Office Districts are most appropriately found along or near major arterial streets where existing commercial development has occurred and/or where commercial zoning has been established, or near existing residential development where it would serve as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use types. Land uses permitted in this district are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the Transition and Core land use categories of the Comprehensive Development Plan. The following proffers have been submitted by the petitioner for this proposal in addressing staff concerns: 1. The existing building is to remain with minor improvements. 2. Total signage shall be limited to 24 square feet. 3. Landscaping shall be added to provide a visual barrier of the parking area from Starkey Road. 4. That the proposed improvements will be in substantial conformance with the concept plan, as prepared by Craighead and Associates, Architects dated July 3, 2008, subject to final building and site engineering. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A medical office is defined in Section 30-29 as a site for facilities which provide diagnoses, minor surgical care and outpatient care on a routine basis, but which does not provide overnight care or serve as a base for an ambulance service. Current and proposed zoning is and will be regulated by Sec. 30-53, C-1, Office District. (C-1 Office District Regulations attached) Site development review is required. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background -The property was initially developed in the mid-1940s with the completion of the primary structure in 1945. The property would remain residential through its 1989 rezoning for a commercial use. The conditions imposed at that time included a provision preventing any future expansion of the structure. By 2001, a petition was filed to amend the condition preventing its expansion which allowed for a small expansion to the rear of the structure. The majority of the 1989 conditions were retained as part of the 2001 rezoning. Currently the property is the location of the Starkey Medical business. Topography/Vegetation - At present, the site is generally level with the exception of the slight, downward slope from its Starkey Road frontage. The southern property line rests along a small creek. The western property line adjoins a residentially zoned parcel having a vegetated tree buffer. Surrounding Neighborhood - To the north is an existing single family home constructed in 1910 and is zoned C-1 C (Office with Conditions). To the northwest is a small parcel, currently vacant and zoned C-1 (Office). To the west is an existing single family residence zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). To the south is and existing office in a former single family residence zoned C-1 C (Office with Conditions). ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site LayoutlArchitecture -Presently the site is the location of a 1,327 square foot primary building with a detached garage at the rear of the property. As proposed, the applicant will construct an expansion immediately to the rear of the existing primary structure, with rear garage being demolished. The expansion is to include 4,750 square feet on the first floor and an additional 1,850 square feet on the second floor. No additional structures are proposed on the site. Access will be directly from Starkey Road on the eastern side of the property, utilizing the existing driveway. The proposed structure with be constructed with materials to complement the existing structure on-site. Due to the location of the development adjacent to an R-1 zoned parcel, additional screening will be required per Section 30-92-6 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Per this section, a Type B buffer is required which has two available options. Option One entails a, 30' buffer with large trees and one row of evergreen shrubs and a row of deciduous shrubs. Option Two entails a, 20' buffer with one large and 2 small trees for every 50', a 6' screening fence and 3 shrubs for every 10'. At the time of this report, parking required for the site does not meet the requirement set in Section 30-91-9 of the Zoning Ordinance for a Medica/Office. This section calls for 7spaces pe~p~actitione~ or 7 space per 200 sq. ft., whicheve~isg~eate~ In this case, the greater number is the total square footage, which is approximately 8,250 total square feet between both the existing structure and the proposed addition. This square footage equates to 41 total spaces for the proposed structure, with only 31 shown on the submitted concept plan. The applicant is aware of this discrepancy, and has indicated to staff that an adequate solution will be developed and presented before the Planning Commission at the time of the public hearing on September 2nd. The petitioner has indicated that the only exterior lighting will be in the form of a single lamp post adjacent to the parking area and adjacent to all exits. It is also understood that all exterior lights shall be designed, 2 arranged and located so as not to direct glare on adjacent residential properties or right-of-ways and has also acknowledged that the maximum lighting density at adjoining residential properties or right-of-ways shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. Per Section 30-93-13(D)1 of the Zoning Ordinance, based on its approximate 152 feet of street frontage, 76 total square feet of signage is allowed for the property. The total height allowed is defined in Section 30-93- 13(D)4. Option one allows fora 10' sign with a 10' setback, and option two allows fora 15' sign with a 15' setback. The applicant has submitted a proffer regarding signage stating "total signage shall be limited to 24 square feet." AccessiTraffic Circulation -The site will be accessed directly off Starkey Road, utilizing the existing driveway. In a letter from VDOT dated August 8, 2008, regarding this rezoning, it was noted that although the proposed use will increase traffic generated from the site. VDOT also noted that the Minimum Standards ofEnt~ances to State Highwaysshould be adhered to when applicable due to this being a commercial entrance. Although sight distances have not been field verified, there does appear to have adequate sight distance in each direction. Additionally, VDOT may require a left and right turn warrant analysis during the site plan review stage in addition to the acquisition of a land use permit if any work will occur within the right- of-way. Any proposed use of the driveway easement for the proposed commercial use would result in the needing to upgrade the driveway to meet VDOT standards for a commercial entrance. Fire & Rescue/Utilities -The proposed use will result in additional impacts for fire and rescue with regards to inspections. Fire and rescue also requests that access to the site by fire/rescue vehicles and water for fire protection be considered. Public water and public sanitary sewer are available to the site. Economic Development -The Roanoke Department of Economic Development offers no objections to the proposed rezoning assuming the development conforms to the Community Plan and is compatible with the surrounding land use. Community Meetings - A community meeting was held on Thursday, August 21, 2008, in the 4th floor conference room at the Roanoke County Administration Center with 10 citizens in attendance. Both the petitioner and county staff were in attendance to address their concerns. Staff stated up front that the meeting was designed to discuss the zoning and proposed use of the property, with issues pertaining to more technical issues to be addressed through the site plan review process if the petition receives approval. Concerns over both the driveway and waterline easement running through the property were addressed with the petitioner indicating that the proposed structure is six feet outside the easement. Issues pertaining to stormwater management were also addressed with the applicant stating that a final solution had not as of yet been determined, but that it will be an underground facility, and all issues pertaining to both stormwater quality and quantity will be addressed as part of the site plan review process. Similarly, issues pertaining to traffic impacts were also discussed with staff stating that VDOT had commented on the submitted application, and that upon full receipt of site plans will have additional comments to address potential traffic issues. After all questions had been addressed, the majority of those in attendance were in favor of the project conceptually with the understanding that more technical details will be addressed during the comprehensive site plan review process. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan designates this site as Core and is immediately adjacent to parcels designated as Neighborhood Conservation. The Core is a future land use area where high intensity urban development is encouraged. Land uses within core areas may parallel the central business districts of Roanoke, Salem and Vinton. Core areas may also be appropriate for larger-scale highway-oriented retail uses and regionally-based shopping facilities. Neighborhood Conservation is a future land use area where most new neighborhood development will occur, including large-scale planned developments which mix residential with retail and office uses. Innovation in housing design and environmental sensitivity in site development is a key objective. Clustered developments are encouraged as is the use of greenways and bike and pedestrian trails. The proposed use does conform to the Core future land use designation, and with appropriate screening will have minimal effect on the neighboring property under the Neighborhood Conservation future land use. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Starkey Medical is requesting to rezone 1.241 acres from C-1, Office District with proffered conditions, to C- 1, Office District with amended proffered conditions, in order to construct a 6,600 square foot building expansion to the existing business located at 5681 Starkey Road. The C-1, Office District, provides for the development of attractive and efficient office uses in the urban service area which serve both community and county-wide needs. Office districts are most appropriately found along or near major arterial streets where existing commercial development has occurred and/or where commercial zoning has been established, or near existing residential development where it would serve as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use types. Land uses permitted in this district are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the Transition and Core land use categories of the Comprehensive Development Plan. The Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan designates this site as Core and is immediately adjacent to parcels designated as Neighborhood Conservation. The Core is a future land use area where high intensity urban development is encouraged. Land uses within core areas may parallel the central business districts of Roanoke, Salem and Vinton. Core areas may also be appropriate for larger-scale highway-oriented retail uses and regionally-based shopping facilities. Neighborhood Conservation is a future land use area where most new neighborhood development will occur, including large-scale planned developments which mix residential with retail and office uses. Innovation in housing design and environmental sensitivity in site development is a key objective. Clustered developments are encouraged as is the use of greenways and bike and pedestrian trails. The proposed use does conform to the Core future land use designation, and with appropriate screening will have minimal effect on the neighboring property under the Neighborhood Conservation future land use. The following proffers have been submitted by the petitioner for this proposal in addressing staff concerns: 1. The existing building is to remain with minor improvements. 2. Total signage shall be limited to 24 square feet. 3. Landscaping shall be added to provide a visual barrier of the parking area from Starkey Road. 4. That the proposed improvements will be in substantial conformance with the concept plan, as prepared by Craighead and Associates, Architects dated July 3, 2008, subject to final building and site engineering. 4 CASE NUMBER: 19-09/2008 PREPARED BY: Chris Patriarca HEARING DATES: PC: 09/02/2008 BOS: 09/23/2008 ATTACHMENTS: Proffers Application Site Requirement Snapshot Proposed layout and design Photographs Aerial Map Land Use Map Zoning Map C-1, Office District Standards County of Roanoke Cote rtl u n ity Planning & 5204 Bernard Driv ~-"`' ~' O Bax 29800 Roan©ke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 77.2-2068 FAX (540) 77b--7155 ALT. APP.C,ICANTS Check type of application filed {check all that apply) ~Rezaning fl Special Use i-I Variance ^ Waiver Cl Administrative Appeal ~ Camp Plan (IS.z-zz3z) Review Applicants Warne/address w/zip C'hone: ~`b •Z7 ~ ~' ~~2( ~`~ ~>ZA-l~k~'~A~ G>s~ 1C~1-~ ~A~ c~ ~~~i Work: Y • •""7"I'7 ' 1283 ~ >~ ti~~ 2.~-~ [ 5 Fax Na.: _ - ~4b Owner's name/address w/zip Phone ~~: STd-¢~.~~ ~I~I:11Gv~.t... work: y4cs -- 1?Gr -"~Ga'3a ~~~ ~A+L1 ~~~ ~.A~ Fax No. #: A, ~ C~1.1,,, T ~ . Property Location Magisterial District: ~,~,v~ ~j~l~,,.. ~~ ~ Community Planning area: ~j ~ ~ ~~~-~ d~j~C~ Tax Map No.: $.7 t --Q~r''~, .tea Existing Zoning: [ ~~ (,~'{,~ Gd•}~ rJ jT'I~3¢.S~ Size of parcel(s): Acres: ~ • ~'~ Existing I,atrd Use: CaFFIG~ . ~~ I j..l >~~j~j REZONING, SPECIAL, USE PERMIT, {f'AI{'ER AND COMP PLAN (15.2.-33.33) RE{~IEIV APPLICANTS (R/S/WICP) Proposed Zoning: G • ~ t'1./iT"k~ ~~~I~TZ~S ~~bRl, 1F1~J",7 Proposed Land Use: }'"!f3 ~ ~ ~,~ x f ~",~, ~~,~~ Dnes the parcet meet the minimum lnt area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes Nn IT NO, A VARIANCE IS REQTJIREl7 FIR Dnes tlrc parcet meet the minimum criteria far the requested Use Type? cs No Ir NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIREI3 FIRS"f b i t'f d f i di i i h hi ? ons e ng pra ere w I rcznn ng request, are con t t t s request Yes No {'ARlANCE, f{'AI {~ER.~I ND ADMINISTRATII'E ~IPPEAI..APPLICANTS (ISM'/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) n(~ the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to; Appeal of Zoning Administratnr's decision to Appeal of Interpretation O~ SeCtlpn(5): of 1.liC Roanoke COtlnty ~6ning OrdinanCC Appeal of interpretation of Zoning Map to is the application complete? Ptcase check ifenclosed. APPLICA'T`ION WILL NO'P BC ACCEPTED IF ANY OP'~'HESE NTEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE.. Iz15/1V/CP V/~'!„~1 It/5l1'VlCP V/AA Consultation !{ 112" x 1 1" cnrrcept plan Application ~ lvletes .:nd trounds descril hrstiiiention Water and sewer applies I hereby certify that I am either the owner ofthe property ar the~ner's ~t ~~ of the owner., Ii/SRVICI' VIAr~ Application fee 1'rofters, if applicable Adjoining property owners purchaser and am acting with the Irnnwtedge and consent Owner"s 5itnature 2 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SP)(;CIAL ClSE PERMIT WAIVER 012 COMP PLAN (ts.2-2232- REVIEW REQUEST'S Applicant The Planning Commission wi[1 study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification far the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. please answer the fallowing questions as tharaughly as passible. Use additional space ifnecessary_ Please explain haw the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classiCicatian in the Zoning Ordinance., ~ ~ ~: /~TC~G ~-~ ~ ~~~~ 111 I~lease explain how the project conforms to the genera! guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public scrviccs and facilities, including waterlsewer, roads, schools, parks/recreatian and fire and rescue. ~ ~~- .4 Tt~-~ ~~7 N~~~~~ a CONC>JPT PLAN CI-I>/CKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application., The concept plan shall f,raphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use ar design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezanings, the applicant may proffer conditions to i unit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any dcf'iciencics that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan shnuld not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building pcrrnit.. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial canccpE plan. Unless limiting conditions are praffcrcd and accepted in a rezoning ar imposed nn a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations.. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, spec'ra! use permit, waiver, community plan (IS..2-2232) review and variance applications, The plan shnuld be prepared by a professional site planner.. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature ofthe rcquest~ The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are, considered minimum: AL L,API'L•ICANTS ~ a, Applicant name and name of development / b, Date, scale and norkh arra~v .! c.. L,nt size in acres nr square feet and dimensions ~ d~ Location, names ofawners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties '~ e.. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, Ilaodplain, etc.. +~/f~ The zoning and sand use of'all adjacent properties //~ g. All property Tines and easements ~/ h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, Ilnor area and heights _~ i. Location, widths and names of a!I existing ar platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development "~ j.. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and ]Wading spaces Additional information regrrr""red for REZONING acrd &PECIAL USE PERMIT APPI-ICANTS / k, 1/xisting utilities (water, sewer, star~m drains} and cnnnectinns at the site / 1. Any driveways, entrances/exi€s, curb openings and crossovers `~ m. Topography map in a suitahle scale and centaur intervals ~n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections a. Lacatians of all adjacent 1Ere hydrants / p. Any proffered conditions at the site and ho~v they are addressed q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I ce ' ' at all items r quir d in the checklist above are complete,. Signatureo licant ~~~~ Date 6 Community Development Planning & Zoning C7ivision NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR. REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAVER, PUBLIC' STREET WAVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special L1se Permit peiitian if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sul~icient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new ar additional inforrr~ation and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted, POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFI;IC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Transportation Engineering Manager or staff frown the Virginia Deparhnent of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/ar a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note.` a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate. further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff' and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. 1/freetive C7ate: Agri] 19, 20D5 `~1ai~~Y lUt.i~71,~L- Na~r~ off Petition itione s Signat ~' ~~~~ Date ~ ~an,vo~ 1 ~ G ti r ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ J ~ ~, .a ~ '~ 1838 ~~;.. Cammuniry Develapmen# ~`_ _ +~~ Planning & finning Division ~' .n POTENTIAI.~ OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC ~MFACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high trafl7c-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to yaur rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special lase permit request. If yaur request involves one of the items an the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County Transportation 1=ngineering Manager, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the G'aunty staff and 11DOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any time, as deemed necessary.,) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: • Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, ar Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units • Restaurant (with ar without drive-through windows} • Gas station/Convenience stare/Car wash • Retail chap/Shopping center • Offices (including: fnanclal institutions, general, medical, etc.} • Regional public facilities • 1=ducational/Recreational facilities • Religious assemblies . Hotel/Mote[ • Golf Course • Hospital/Nursing home/clinic • Industrial site/i=actory • Day care center • Bank • Nan-specific use requests Road Network Situations: • Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 500-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 46©, 11/460, 220, 221, 419, etc) • Far new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted trafFie study is more than two (2) years old and/ar roadway conditions have changed signiricantiy • When required to evaluate access issues • Development with ingress/egress an roads planned or scheduled fnr expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Pfan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) • Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem • Development would potentially negatively Impact existing/planned traffic signal(s) • Substantial departure from the community Plan • Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hniar of the traffic generator or the peak hour an the adjacent streets, ar over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day ~c~i~ E~~ Architects, Designers, Construction Managers Rezoning with the deletion of Existing Proffered Conditions with new Proffered conditions Starkey Road 56~ ~ Starkey R®ad It.oanoke, VA. Prepared by Craighead and Associates, Architects July 3, 2008 RAY CRAfGt{EAD. ARCFEITECT ~ 2?21 BRAMBC.ETON AVENUE. S W.. P.p BpX 4682 . F20ANOKE. VA. 24015. (5401 ??k-5326 ~ar~-a1r~~~ ~~atemen~ Purpose The owner requests an amendment to the existing proffers of the parcel located at 56$1 Starkey Road in order to construct a new building with associated site work per the attached Concept Site plan as Prepared by Craighead and Associates, Architects, dated 3uly 3, 200$, with proffers in order to allow for the expansion of an existing medical practice on site. Introduction The current property is being used far an existing medical practice, instructional facility. The current zoning of C-1 {with proffers }will be maintained through the expansion of the existing facility. The proposed site plan and building plan is in confarznance to the planned Commercial Development for this property. The prapased building will set directly behind the existing facility and will be constructed to compliment and maintain the existing style and character of the original building. Materials will be consistent with the neiglaborhaod buildings and characters The proposed building will consist of approximately 4750 square feet on the first floor with approximately 1$50 sf on the upper level. Final layouts may adjust the actual final size. The proposed building will be approximately ~4 feet tall. The proposed site plan will keep the parking located approximately in line with the front of the existing building, thus maintaining the current street scope along Starkey Road. The additional parking and layout have been. presented to the Roanoke County Engineering Departrnent in regard to the construction of the building being lacated within the flood plain of-the stream lacated on the sou#h side of the property and the parking area proposed within the flood way ofi the stream, A new and updated flood certificate with field data elevations has been performed. Preliminary approval subject to final engineering review and comments has been given, The praposed additional building will share the existing water meter and sewer lines far the facility. No additional meter is contemplated. The existing facility is used predominately after 5:00 in the evening and the new building will be used during the conventional workday of 8-5 Monday thru Friday. The proffered conditions currently in place are attached as Attachment A, The proposed amendments to replace the existing is attached as Attachment B. The prapased site changes are in agreement to the development master plan far the area. It will allow for the existing usage to grow and provide far the owner to meet their expansion growth plans. Area and Adjacent Users The property lacated directly to the north and south ofthe subject property is currently zoned C- 1,The property to the north is being occupied as a residence and has design characteristics of a residential building. The property to the south is being used as office space and it to has design characteristics of a residential building, The property lacated at the west rear area is also c~.~rrently zoned C-1 which is a vacant property, The property located in the northwest corner of the property (accessed by a i S' easement noted on the site plan) is currently zoned R~ 1 and is being used as a single family residence, Concinsimns The Owners seeks the vacation of the existing proffered conditions for the property located at 5681 Starkey Road (Tax Map Parcel # 87.18-01-40.00, consisting of 1,241 acres) with proposed proffered conditions as attached to the request. The owner believes the changes requested will be in conformance with the current zoning and development plan for the area, and will greatly enrich and improve the area. L~~a~ ~esc~~pt~®n BEGINNING at a paint on the westerly side of Starkey Road, Virginia Secondary Rt. 904 at the Southeasterly corner of the property now or formerly known as the Baptist Parsonage; thence with the westerly side of Starkey Road South 24 15' West 1 S4 feet to a paint in the center of a dry branch; thence leaving Starkey Road North 73 30' West ~ 10.5 feet to a point; thence north 21 37' East 191.75 feet to a point; thence 5nuth 66 33' East 316.6 feet to the point and place of beginning, LE'I' ACS APE TY S Parcel Owner Tax Number 5695 Starkey Road Thomas E. Scarce Living Trust Tax # 87.18-01-41 ~00 Current Zoning: G1 PO Box 436 Roanoke, VA. 24015 5669 Starkey Road Warren S. & Ilona Coburn Tax # 87.18-01-39.00 Current Zoning: C-1 5669 Starkey Road Empty Lot Roanoke, VA. 24018 5669 Starkey Road Warren S~ & Ilona Coburn Tax # 87.18-01-54.00 Current Zoning: R-1 5669 Starkey Road Roanoke, VA~ 24018 5665 Starkey Raad Anthony J & Tina L. Musanea Tax # 87.18-OI-38,00 Current Zoning: C-1 5665 Starkey Road Roanoke, VA. 24018 CORRECTED - 91281Q1_(SEE_ ITALICS,,, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2Q01 OR©INANCE 082801-13 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 1.'13-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 5fi81 STARKEY ROAD, (TAX MAP N®. $7".'18-I-~C1) IN THE CAVE SPRIiNG MAGISTERIAL ®ISTRICT FROM THE Z®NifNG CLASSIFICATION OF C-I OFFICE ©ISTRICT ~fITH CON©ITIONS TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-1 WITH G©IVI3ITIDNS UPON THE APPLICATION OF RA-DE DIV., LTD., TIA PERFECT TOUCH. WHEREAS, the fret reading of this ordinance was held an .1uly 24, 2001, and the second reading and public hearing were held August 28, Zg01; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter an Augrast 7, 2001; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as rertuired by law., BE lT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 1.93 acres, as described herein, and located at 5681 Starkey Road (Tax Map Number 87.18-1- 40} in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of C-l Office District with conditions, to the zoning classification of C-I, Offce District with conditions. Z. That this action is taken upon the application of RA-DE Div•, Ltd,, TIA Perfect Touch. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby ~CCCptS: G:\SOARD\Z(lOilAug2$1$-2$RA-DE Div#l3•doc {~) That the existing residence on the property would be used for the afttce use- ~~~ ~p~ {2) That there will be no printing in connection with the business aperafton. (3) The existing house structure is limited to future enlargement not fo exceed 100 square feet and shall be built behind the front line of the existr'ng house. (4) • Signage s1~a1T be limited to 24 square feef, 5 feef in height. Monument style sign shall be required. (5) The Cinder block garage to the rear a# the existing dwelling will be used only in connection with the operation of the business on the property and will not be (eased to outside businesses. {6) All on-site parking shall acc;ur to the rear of the franc Fine of the existing dwelling. !f petitioners choose to construct additional parking, that parking shall be of a pervious surface. (7) Landscaping is fv be planted fo provide a visual buffer between the existing parking lof and Starkey Road, Landscaping shall include at a minimum, ~-2 Leyland Cyprus or other evergreen type tree, not to include white pine, and 3-~ deciduous or evergreen bushes planted along the eastern side of the parkinglot. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BECINNIN~ at a paint on the westerly side of Starkey Road, Virginia Secondary Rt.. 904 at the Southeasterly comer of the property now or formerly known as the Baptist Parsonage; thence with the westerly side of Starkey Road South 24 16' West 154 feet to a point in the center of a dry branch; thence leaving Starkey Road North 73' 30' West 310.6 feet to a point; thence North 21 ~ 37' East 191,75 feet to a point; thence South lab' 33` East 316..6 feet to the point and place of beginning That this ordinance shall be in fall force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the prauisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed, The Zoning Administrator is directed o:~HOa.~n~zaai ~Au~zs~s-zs~-nr; a~,~r ~.ao~ to amend the zoning district map to reflert the change in zoning classification authorized lay this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adapt the ordinance, and carried lay the following reGOrded Vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnsen, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: Nane A COPY TESTS; ..~- Mary H, Alfen, CMC Clerk to the Beard of Supervisors ce: f=ile Arnold Govey, Director, Gammunity Development Janet Scheid, Senior Planner Jehr~ W, Birckhead, ^irector, Real Estate Valuation Paul M~ Mahoney, County Attorney c:~aoa~zn~zooz~.a~~zs~a.xs~-oE n;~z3 ao~ Site Requirement Snapshot Current Site Zoning: Proposed Site Zoning: Proposed Use: Maximum Allowed Building Height: Building Height Proposed: Total number of parking spaces required: Total number of parking spaces proposed: Required number of handicap parking spaces: Actual number of handicap parking spaces: Required Stacking spaces: Proposed Stacking spaces: Required Buffer Type: Required Crown Coverage %: Proposed Crown Coverage: C-1, Office District C-1, Office District Medical Office -see C-1 attachment 45' 34' N/A N/A Type B Office Zoning 35% Will be determined during site plan review 6 o~~laauPUO,(c6®osui :I~ow3 09SS-S6£ (ObS) :roj Ol!l-54£ (065) :aUOy~+ ~ ~ ' ~~v;`h~~'.Gmio~aKo~moy aarr~srQ (6ua16~9eyy 8vudS an~~ GZNI 2~pW tiaMN n a SIn 27[OIIEO ~ 9j~~7i BIIII anuany II~E~IIIIO~ ezs L '~ °d I~~rpay~ lfa~.z~~g ~ Q m~~ z °° '~ •• R ~ of o x ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~xu~nxns DO'O b- IO-S I 'G S Ian-~~d ~.L ~' ' a '`< = Z ~ '~ ~xrxxvza axvz ~xtx~~~x~ quo '~l~Ij `z~~IeT QI~i~ ~~~ ® 30 ~~Id ~rr~d~.~odo,~ pu~~z~punog _ o ~ ~" ~ o '~°~~o~ J. ti~ ~ W W CUQ o~~NO ~ ~ O N f 1 Z.,. 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R _ - ~ Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Craighead & Associates -Starkey Medical Existing Zoning: C1C Proposed Zoning: C1C Tax Map Number: 087.18-01-40.00-0000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 1.241 Acres BJuly, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' Site Zoning - AG3 - EP AG1 AR ® AV C1 C2 _ C2CVOD 11 12 - PCD PRD PTD 1 R1 R2 R3 R4 RB GB - CB M1 - M2 N Applicants Name: Craighead & Associates - Starkey Medical Roanoke County Existing Zoning: C1C Department of Proposed Zoning: C1C Tax Map Number: 087.18-01-40.00-0000 Community Development Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 1.241 Acres BJuly, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' SEC. 30-53. G1 OFFICE DISTRICT. Sec. 30-53-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the G 1 office district is to provide for the development of attractive and efficient office uses in the urban service area which serve both community and county-wide needs. The G1 district allows for varying intensities of office development as part of either a planned office complex or, to a limited degree, small scale office uses. Retail uses are permitted, to a limited extent, where they are supportive of the office environment. The G1 districts are most appropriately found along or near major arterial streets where existing commercial development has occurred and/or where commercial zoning has been established, or near existing residential development where it would serve as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use types. Land uses permitted in the G1 office district are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the transition and core land use categories of the comprehensive plan. Site development standards are intended to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses. (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-53-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subj ect to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment Home BeautyBarber Salon Home Occupation, Type I Multi-family Dwelling Two-family Dwelling 2. Civic Uses Administrative Services Clubs Cultural Services Day Care Center Educational Facilities, College/LTniversity Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary Guidance Services Park and Ride Facility Post Office Public Parks and Recreational Areas Safety Services Utility Services, Minor 3. Office Uses Financial Institutions General Office Medical Office 4. Commercial Uses Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Communications Services Personal Services Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 5. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower Parking Facility (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Civic Uses Religious Assembly Utility Services, Major 2. Office Uses Laboratories 3. Commercial Uses Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation 4. Industrial Uses Landfill, Rubble 5. Miscellaneous Uses Broadcasting Tower Outdoor Gatherings (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 042799-ll, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042203-13, § 1, 4- 22-03; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-53-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A)l~linimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet). b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water, or both: a. Area: 15,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B~Nlinimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is located behind the front building line. b. Accessory structures: Behind front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet on any one side, with a combined total on both sides of at least 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind the front building line, or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C)l~laximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: When adjoining property zoned R-1 or R-2, 45 feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased, provided each required side and rear yard adjoining the R-1 or R-2 district is increased two feet for each foot in height over 45 feet. In all other locations the height is unlimited unless otherwise restricted by this ordinance. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet. (D~Nlaximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 80 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93) ATA REGULAR MEETING OF "fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRAI"ION CENTER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 ORDINANCE TO MODIFY EXISTING PROFFERED CONDITIONS IN A C-1 C, OFFICE DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS, ON 1.241 ACRES LOCATED AT 5681 STARKEY ROAD (TAX MAP N0.87.18-1-40j, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON 'fHE APPLICATION OF STARKEY MEDICAL, PC WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on August 26, 2008, and the second reading and public hearing were held October 28, 2008; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on September 2, 2008 and October 7, 2008; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the proffered conditions in a C-1 C, Office District with Conditions, on a certain tract of real estate containing 1.241 acres, as described herein, and located at 5681 Starkey Road (Tax Map Number 87.18-1-40) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, are hereby amended as set out below. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Starkey Medical, PC. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following amended conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: (1) The property shall be developed insubstantial conformance with the site plan prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated September 29, 2008. (2) No more than 5,600 square feet of medical office shall be constructed, and no more than 2,464 square feet of general office shall be constructed including the existing structure. (3) The proposed building shall be constructed insubstantial conformance with the Starkey Road Elevation (East) prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated August 10, 2008. (4) The proposed landscaping shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the Landscape Plan prepared by Craighead and Associates, dated September 29, 2008. (5) If a new freestanding sign is proposed, it shall be monument in style, and constructed with materials to compliment the proposed building elevation. The monument sign shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height and contain no more than fifty (50) total square feet. (6) All exterior lighting poles shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in total height inclusive of the base. (7) The proposed uses on-site shall be limited to General Office, Medical Office, Business or trade schools and Guidance Services. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Starkey Road, Virginia Secondary Route 904 at the southeasterly corner of the property now or formerly known as the Baptist Parsonage; thence with the westerly side of Starkey Road South 24° 16' West 154 feet to a point in the center of a dry branch; thence leaving Starkey Road North 73° 30' West 310.6 feet to a point; thence North 21 ° 37' East 191.75 feet to a point; thence South 66° 33' East 316.6 feet to the point of beginning. 2 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 3 PETITIONER: Mel Wheeler, Inc. CASE NUMBER: 21-10/2008 Board of Supervisors Consent 1St Reading Date: September 23, 2008 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 7, 2008 Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2"d Reading Date: October 28, 2008 A. REQUEST The petition of Mel Wheeler, Inc. to obtain a Special Use Permit in an AG- 3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District, for the construction of a 170-foot broadcast tower on 3.06 acres located at 8131 Honeysuckle Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS One citizen spoke on a self described "fact-finding mission" to have an explanation on how RF radiation is dealt with, what measures are implemented for the protection of citizens and who is in charge of its regulation. The applicant responded that it is regulated by the FCC and that the premises will be fenced with warning signage noting of the potential radiation hazard. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The commission had a brief discussion on the utilization of a lattice versus monopole tower. Although the monopole type is preferred by the county, the applicant indicated that the lattice type is more suited for radio broadcasting as proposed for this location. D. CONDITIONS 1. The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the Mel Wheeler Inc. Development Plan, dated August 1, 2008, and prepared by Balzer and Associates. 2. The broadcast tower shall not exceed 170 feet in height. E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Radford made a motion to recommend approval of the special use permit with two conditions. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Mel Wheeler, Inc. Request: To obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a 170 foot broadcast tower Location: 8131 Honeysuckle Road Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Suggested 1. The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the Mel Conditions: Wheeler Inc. Development Plan, dated August 1, 2008, and prepared by Balzer and Associates. 2. The broadcast tower shall not exceed 170 feet in height. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Mel Wheeler, Inc. proposes to construct a one hundred and seventy (170) foot broadcast tower atop Poor Mountain located at 8131 Honeysuckle Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. The property is zoned AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District. The tower will accompany a new transmitter building and an existing one hundred and eighty-eight (188) foot tall tower on-site. The new tower is required due to the re-allocation of existing call signs for radio broadcasting. The new tower will also provide NOAH weather alerts for the Emergency Alert System. The tower will not be lighted, will be painted a flat matte color and would be structurally capable of allowing the collocation of three (3) other providers. This site is designated Rural Preserve in the 2005 Comprehensive Plan, which is a future land use area of mostly undeveloped, outlying lands. These rural regions are generally stable and require a high degree of protection to preserve agricultural, forestal, recreational, and remote rural residential areas. The Rural Preserve designation does not specifically address the Broadcast Tower use, but other areas of the Plan do refer to tower locations. It is in the interest of Roanoke County to preserve and enhance the scenic and natural beauty of the area. Special emphasis is placed on reducing the number of towers located in the county as well as reducing tower heights and discouraging tower locations along or near the ridgetops of major mountains and land forms. To achieve these goals, the county will work cooperatively with tower owners, applicants and land owners. Although the tower is proposed for a location atop Poor Mountain, its construction will not necessarily have much of a negative impact on viewsheds and overall aesthetic as it will be part of a larger collection of towers already present atop the mountain. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A broadcasting tower is defined as any structure that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one (1) or more antennas. The term includes but need not be limited to radio and television transmission towers, microwave towers, common-carrier towers, and cellular telephone and wireless communication towers. Broadcasting tower types include, but are not limited to monopoles, lattice towers, wooden poles, and guyed towers. Excluded from this definition are amateur radio towers, which are described separately. Current and proposed zoning is and will be regulated by Sec. 30-32, AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District. (AG-3, AgriculturallRural Preserve District Regulations attached) Proposed broadcast tower will be subject to the use and design standards for a broadcasting tower as regulated in 30-87-2. Site development review is required. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background - At present, the proposed site serves as the location of an existing one hundred and eighty- eight (188) foot tall tower and approximately 5,600 square foot transmitter building constructed in 1947. In summer 2008, a site plan was approved for the construction of a new transmitter building, to replace the existing one, with a note made stating a Special Use Permit would be required for the construction of a new tower. The one hundred and seventy (170) foot self supporting tower is required due to the re-allocation of existing call signs for radio broadcasting, and will be utilized by both WSLD and WSLC. The property consists of a single parcel with a total acreage of 3.06 acres, is owned by Mel Wheeler, Inc. and is presently zoned AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District. The elevation of the area of the site designated for the tower is 3,753 feet; therefore the height at the top of the tower is 3,923 feet. Topography/Vegetation -The property steeply slopes towards the northwest with a low elevation of 3,616 feet at its northwest corner. Its high point is located in the northeastern section of the parcel at an elevation of 3,764 feet. The area to the northwest of Media Way is largely forested and relatively undisturbed; to the southeast of the road is the location of all existing structures constructed on-site. The surrounding property topography exhibits similar characteristics to those present on this site. Surrounding Neighborhood -All of the surrounding properties both fall within the AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District as well as the Rural Preserve future land use designation. With its location along the ridgeline of Poor Mountain, the only other land uses are for that of broadcasting towers and vacant, wooded slopes approaching the ridgeline. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site LayoutlArchitecture -The applicant proposes to utilize an area between both the existing transmitter building and broadcast tower to construct a lattice type tower. The tower will be painted in a matte color to minimize visual impact and glare for the tower. Presently, a shed is present to the northeast of the proposed tower site and the new transmitter building and associated parking area is located to the south. AccesslTraffic Circulation -The site is accessed directly off Media Way which is a private road located immediately off Honeysuckle Road. VDOT noted that the proposed development will not impact their right- of-way. Fire & Rescue/Utilities -The proposed use will not result in additional impacts for fire and rescue. Economic Development -The Roanoke Department of Economic Development offers no objections to the proposed rezoning assuming the development conforms to the Community Plan and is compatible with the surrounding land use. 2 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN This site is designated Rural Preserve in the 2005 Comprehensive Plan, which is a future land use area of mostly undeveloped, outlying lands. These rural regions are generally stable and require a high degree of protection to preserve agricultural, forestal, recreational, and remote rural residential areas. The Rural Preserve designation does not specifically address the Broadcast Tower use, but other areas of the Plan do refer to tower locations. Broadcast towers are discouraged in critical scenic view areas as well as on ridgelines. The county encourages and promotes the collocation of antennas on existing public and private structures within the county. Additionally the county encourages all wireless communication providers to locate new antennas on existing structures. Currently, there are no other structures suitable for support of this facility, nor proposed structures to be constructed in the immediate area. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Mel Wheeler, Inc. proposes to construct a one hundred and seventy (170) foot broadcast tower on the property located at 8131 Honeysuckle Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. The new tower is required due to the re-allocation of existing call signs for radio broadcasting. This tower is not consistent with the 2005 Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan as it is located on a ridgeline atop Poor Mountain. The tower will not be lighted and would be structurally capable of allowing the collocation of three (3) other providers. The proposed broadcast tower shall be painted in a matte color to blend with the existing environment which is consistent with the requirement that the structure and associated hardware, antennas, and facilities shall be a flat matted finish so as to reduce visibility and light reflection. The tower is a lattice type structure which is not consistent with county standards. These standards state that a monopole broadcasting tower design is recommended. Additionally, the board may approve an alternative broadcasting tower design if it finds that an alternative type of structure has less of a visual impact on the surrounding community and Roanoke County, and/or based upon accepted technical and engineering data a monopole design is not technically feasible. The proposed tower has a height of one hundred and seventy (170) feet. The maximum broadcast tower height allowed with a special use permit is one hundred ninety nine (199) feet. Staff recommends the following conditions: 1. The site shall be developed insubstantial conformance with the Mel Wheeler Inc. Development Plan, dated August 1, 2008, and prepared by Balzer and Associates. 2. The broadcast tower shall not exceed 170 feet in height. CASE NUMBER: 21-1012008 PREPARED BY: Chris Patriarca HEARING DATES: PC: 10/07/2008 BOS: 10/28/2008 ATTACHMENTS: - Application - Site Requirement Snapshot - Aerial Map - Land Use Map - Zoning Map - Topo Map - AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District Standards - Section 30-87-2, Broadcast Tower Specifications 4 County aiFRoanalce Community ©evclopi Plannirr~ & 2'aaning 5204 Bernard Drive F O Box .29800 `°~ FLoanoke, VA 24018-0798 (S40} 772-Z0b8 '~AX (S40} 776-7155 ALL APPLICANTS Check type of a plication filed (chccl. all that apply) C] Rezoning ~"Specittl Use Cl Vtriance C3 Waiver Ci Adnninistr:ttive Appcnl f~ Camlf Plan (152-2232) RCViCw Applicants name/address w/zip Phone: „~~ Yo.? SZ`i ° ~l7,~` ...... .. jV1E~., WE-4E~t.~=2. It.~G.... work: ~~.~~ ~4~1C.. ~ Cell:l: `LD O ~1'~ Z O~2 Fax Nn: Owner's name/address ~v/zip I'Irone #: ~ work: ~ A-~©v>w. Fax Nn ~~A)v+~ #: . . . Property I.ncation ~ Magistcriall7istrict: ~4l-tpsotZ ~~I~.~.S AD ~ 3 ~ f "~'~dE~5utCV..t.r~ Community Planning area: 'C`ar Map Na.: Qq 3.Ot~ -off -d~.o1 )rxistingZoning: rG]~(a-~ Size afparce[(s): Acres: 3•nC~ Existing Land Use: ~~~,p,~-~y,t~~pw~e RE.ZQNING, SPECI~II. USE PERMIT, {VAIVER.AND CQMPPLAN{ts.z-2z3z) REVIL'W APPLICANTS (It/S/V4'ICP) -_ .._ -- Proposed Z.nning: f~v .. 3 SP~[.t,~~. ~ ~F{~jMtT 1'roposed Lartd Use: ~j~~ A ~ -Tcw Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, 4vidth, and frontage requirements al~ the requested district? es Nn IT' NO, A VARIANCE IS REQIJIRI;D I~'IRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria I'ar tl~c requested Use Type? es Na IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED rIRST If rezoning request, ai°e conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No VARIANCE, IYAIVER AND ADhIINISTRATIVEAPPEALAPPLICANTS (V/lW/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) nfthe IZaanakc County Zoning Ordinance in ardor to: Appeal of Zoning Administralnr's decision to Appeal of Cnterpretation n!` Section(s): _ oi' the Roanakc County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of 7_.oning Map to is the applicalion complete? Please check ifenclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT Bl; ACCEPTED IF ANY OTr THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLI~,TE. rt/81FVICP V/AA Consullution r2lSnV/CE' V/CIA 8 II?" x 1 t" concept plan Rl5AV1CP VlAA K Application fee Application Metes and bounds description --•- Proffers, if appticablc JuS~tification -~ ~ '~:•% W,stcr and sc+ver application x Adjoining property o+vners 1 hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contra ct purchaser and am actint; with the knowledge and consent of the owner. s~~-c,~ Owner's Signature 2 J'115TI1+'ICATtON I=OR REZONING, $PECIAI, IJSE HERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (ts.x-zz3z) REVIEW REQCI~STS Applicant rt`yE~-- ~l,E~c.~.2 ~1-lc._. The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver ar cnmrnunity plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and.justificatian for the change in terms of public health, sal"ety, and general welfare. ]'lease answer the following questions as thoroughly as passible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain haw the request furthers the purposes of the Raanolce County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Toning Ordinance. ~~.~ ~T~AC.41~p Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the 1Zaanoke C.aunty Community Plan. Please describe Ehe impact(s) of the req~€est an the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as llte impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and [ire and rescue. Justification far' St~ecial Usc Pcr'njit: This special use reeluest is beint; made f~c~~- tl~e consta~uctio~~ of a 170' braadc:ast tower' oil Poor Mou~rtain on tax parccl ).3.00-01-01.01. Tl~e propasc:d tower will accompany tl~e new transmitter building and existing 188' broadcast tower-.. The new tower' is recluirecl due to tl~e r•e-allocation of~ existing call sig~ls for' raclia 13-oadcasting. The new tower' will else provide NC)AA weather alerts far the F.mergei~cy Alert System (LAS).. 2, Tltis project is located on Poor Mauntai~l where there are nn~ltiple braacleast towers due to the topagr°aphical nature of tl~e area a~~d ability to serve a large coverage area.. The tower lras tl~e ability to accamnaoclate three additional pr'ovider's o~~ the towe3° far' f~utur'e expans~an .3. This special use permit will have no impact an an.y adjacent proper-ties with the exception afvisual perccptian. Tl~e tower will be 13ai~~tec1 to match its sup°rou~aclings with a flat matte ti~tislx, unless aclclitianal r'ecluests are i~~acie by the FCC. 1=.xisting utilities on-site will support flee proposed tower. Tire tower is not recluir°ed to have any lighting per FCC staa~dards. Balzer & Associates lnc. corlclcrr r>/Aly cxlvcxlll!sm A concept plan of the prnpnscd project must be submitted wicks the appHcatian. The cancept plan shall graphically depict the land use clsange, development or variance that is to be considered. rurthcr•, the plan shall address any potential Iand use ar design issues arising fi°am the request. fn such cases involving rczonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by sa doing, correct any defrciencics that may not lee manageable by C:aunty permitting regulations, The concept plan should not be confused +vi€h the site plan ar plat plats that is required prior to the issuance of a building pcrrnit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure campliance+vith State and t~`ounty development regulations and may require changes to the initial concepE plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning ar impnscd nn a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations A cancept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, +vaiver, community plan (1 S 2-2232} review and variance appl'€cations, Tlse plan shnuld be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending an the nature afthe request. The County Planning L}ivisinn stal'f'may exempt same of the items ar suggest the addition of-extra items, but the fallawin are considered minimum; A1.1_ AP]'I:ICANTS X a. Applicant name and name of development X b l.~ate, scale and north arr~aw ?C c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions ,~,, d l..acatian, narrres a1 owners and poanake County tax map numbers of adjoining properties ,,~,,, e. t?hysical features such as ground saver, natural +vatercaurses, flnndplain, etc X f. Tlse zoning and Iand use of all adjacent properties ?C g All property lines and easements X h All buildings, existing and p€~oposed, and dimensions, f]oar area and heights ~ i L.acatian, +vidths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within ar adjacent to the development X j. Dimensions and lacalions of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional rrrfar nraliarr reguir'ed far 12~ZC)rVlNG and SPCCIfl1 U5E PCRAf1!"~1P1'L 1(~~lN1S k Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains} and connections at the si€e ~ l Any driveways, cntranceslcxits, curb openings and crossovers ~ iss, Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals ,~A n, Approximate street grades and sift distances at intersections n. L.ncatinns of all adjacent fire Isydrants X p. Any prnff'cred conditions at the site and haw they are addressed )( q. 1 f project is to be phased, please show phase sclsedulc I certify tlsat all items required in the checklist above arc complete, - Si tureal'applicant Date G Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBI~7IVISION WAVER, PUBLIC STREET WAVER, OR SPECIAL UsE PERMIT PETITION PLANMNG COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commissian reserves the right to continue a Rezaning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver ar Special Use Permit petitian if new or additional infon~tatian is presented at the public hearing. if it is the apinian of tl~e majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additiana! infarmation priar to the scheduled public bearing then the Planning Commission may vats to continue tl~e petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for a[I necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestians to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Cammissian. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF VELD 1;OR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAI;~'IC IMPACT STUDY The Raanoke Caunty Planning Coaramission reserves t13e right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special L7se Permit petition if the Caunty Transportation Engineering Manager ar staff tram the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note. a list of pates~tral la~~d uses and situatio~~s that r>>orrld ~7ecessitate fza~tl~c~r stzrdy is ps•or~ided as prnrt of this applicatiar~ package}., This continuance shall allow sufficient tithe for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/ar traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Gommission~ If a cantinuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April i ~, ZQOS CII~~I.... ~~'~C..E~-~ ~ 1~C.... Name at petitian petitioner's Signature pUnN F a..a'~ c ~ -; ~ ~ -- ~ x ~i a 1878 ~l~ 31nL "2crJ bate .:.~~1~ , ~.,~:~,~,-~~. ~~,,~~ Acl'ninin P~•a e~° Orvne~°s of Tai NIa # 09:3.00-01-01.01 093.00-01-01.00 Roy H Park Broadcasting of Rnannlce 8143 Ho~~eysuckle Road 171,.43 AC Zoning: ACS-3 Mailing Address: 333 East Fra~~lclin Str°eet Ricli~~nond, VA 2.3219 a9.3.a0-O1-44.00 Marls W Cronk 8151 Ho«eystralcle Road 8G6.49 AC`.. Znning: AG-3 S Mailing Address: 710 Virginia ICey Drive Ur~io~~ 1-fall, VA 24170 09.3,00-01-45.00 WDB.1 Televisinn Isar„ $149 Honeysuckle Rnad 10,83 AC.. Zoning: AG-.3 Mailing Address: 2807 Herslaberger Raad N,W• Raa~aoke, VA 24017 ai~cC> „m,~~~rrif-.TES ii-i~~:~ fa.~M1"LE ~Tit~iG 7C~t..1 Cl l?f?~w Roanoke County tax number 093..00-01-01.01-03000 BEGINNING AT A POINT an the westerly Right-of-Way line of Honeysuckle Road (Route 916} being S43°15'00"E, 5~0 feet from the northeasterly corner of NIF WDBJ Television, Inc. (Deed Book 886, Page 172, Roanoke County tax number 093..00-01-45.00-0000}; thence N43°15'00"W, passing the Right-of-Way line of Honeysuckle Road at 5.0 feet and continuing along the northerly line of said WDBJ property and the northerly line of NIF Mark W. Crank (Instrument #200506878, Roanoke County tax number 093,.00-01-44 OD~0000} for a total of 397.67 feet to a point on the southerly line of NIF Roy H. Park Broadcasting of Roanoke, Inc, (Deed Bank 885, Page 212, Roanoke County tax number 093.0(}-01-01 „00-0000}; thence leaving the line of said Crook property and continuing along the southerly line of said Broadcasting property the following; N46°45'00"E, 345,.12 fe~;t to a point; thence S35°48'32"E, 418.56 feet to a paint on the westerly Right-af-Way line cif Honeysuckle Raad; thence leaving the line of said Broadcasting property and continuing along the westerly Right-of-Way line of Honeysuckle Read the following: S40°11'52"W, 128.24 feet to a pointy thence along a curve to the right being 83.95 feet in length, with a radius of 205.00 feet and a chard bearing of S51 °55'46"W, 83.36 feet to a point; thence S63°39'40"W, 84.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 3068 acres and being Tract B as shown an plat entitled "Resubdivision Plat of Partial Survey and from Records far Media General Operation, Inc." recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of Roanoke County, Virginia in Plat Boak 29, Page 53.. PLANNERS • ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS SURVEYORS ROANOKE • RICHMOND • NEW RIVER VALLEY SHENANDOAH VALLEY 12D8 Corporate Circle + Roanak~. Vlrgin'sa 24D 18 • [54D1 772A58D • FAX (540 772-SDSD wvwr.balzer cc BROADCAST TOW.BR PRI',APPLICATION CONSULTATION C~EC~~LIST Date: • V Q~ Api>'IicantNarne: ~~ ~~~~~ ~F-~C.., Canstrltatrt Stai~i'Mcnrt~er: ----•» ~. ~ Q.v~R wt i ~ n v BROADCASTING TC)WLRS AND ASSOCIAT1irD ANT1!,NNA 1')rRiVi1TT~D IiY RI(GI-IT: + iVew and replaectnent b€"oaclcasting towers and associated at€tert€ta €1nt exceeding thirty (3t)) feet in ]teight and located within €rny co€tt€ttereial or indrlstrial ginning district provided: a) the p!oposed tower is a ntonopo[e type design: b) the general a€~ca of tltc p€apasccl ta~ver is currently served Uy about ground utilities including electric power and telephone pales: and c) all other use and design standards for the construction of the broadcasting tot~~er and associated lilcilities are rnet + Antennas may be installed on eery existing structure within the County provided said antenna dots not meet the definition of a broadcasting tower. does €1a1 increas€; the ]teight of the existing structure €t1ole than ten (10} feet, and does not result in the structure anti antenna exceeding the maxirnt€nt structure hcifht tits that zorti€tg district. • ~l entpnttrry towers e€ ectecl fbr a pe€ tad oat to exceed t~~ ent -one da s. ~. ~rBe t'oltnrving infnrnrrttinn shall I}c rcq€rired as pant at ttte Special C1se 1'ernrit fi}r a 13!°!}ndcrist 1 a~vcr in aclditiolt to standard applic:€tia!€ requi€°ements~ Proposed Site V~alities -~• tr Utilities Eltat are current( ~resent on site: ~~.EC-t`z~~ ~~ ~ lh' ll~~ ~Vlci~ Vfrt?t2.e}t~ Utilities required drat ar'e not currently psesertt on site: C.r• ected ra€rte of linlca e: N©HE L•stimated noise level in decibels: ~D ~g Broadcast Tower Struct€tre'l~ype: ^ Monopole ~ l.:auice fa~ver ^ Guyed'fawer ^ Stealti Design(descriptian) ^ ©ther (description) Proposed height o€tower excluding antenna: ~...~,~r Existing height of surrounding tree canopy a€td/or Uuildings: ~ ,~~ C15~ ~ '~x ~ ~~~ ~~5=~ Construction material and finish ot'towe€: Speciiie tower location Material: ~~~ ~~~ I°inislt: ~ ~~t~ongitude:7J~ ° ~~ ` -x-~rj" Latitude: ~°~ei ` ~~ • ~D ~. Ground Elevation in mean sea level of the praposeci rawer site: ! 3,~5~ Tower has st€°€tcturai ability to acca€nntadate: ^ C?ne ©Two ~ Tln•ee other providers. T es s of Atrteruta or Otirer Devices Attached 1o Ta~vcr i'~ ©€rt€ri-Directional Antenna ^ Direcliartal Panel ~ Parabolic Antenna ^ Whip Antenna Olhcr Pp~At-a,~t l.r /,.PJl1 r7i5H Material and finish of the proposed antenna(s)- Dimensions of Antenna(s)-]teighthvidtlt/depth Material: meets ,~r_! n~ F€n€slr: Al.uryurt~.+w. c.~a.t~aut~~u~n I 1 (o-~= Co©~~ Z=I ~ p1S4~ ~ : 4` Dl~- . !~ _~ ! YAGIS ~ ~ 1~ ~ 1"hc fuliawint; inlarruation rlrust Ire srrb€ltitted separately to Clt[rLr'.1 writ[err or €il:tplacci for€traE. N~~ [€tforntation on how Else prapasecl site relates la the: applica€tt's existirt~; conlnunlicatinn system incluclin~ €lurnber of atller sites within the Roanoke Valley. and the location of the antenna at each site. A map desibntttirtt; the specif€c coverer area(s) desired vvith a€1y averlloty areas de€lnted separately ^ A list, with a €r€ap, of all the alternative sites considered or evaluated to serve the area of this proposed tower, including; nthe€ cxistin~ tower sites in the vicinity ~illis should include any cn-lacatintls considered and the specific technical, legal or other reasons the othe€ site(s) were rejected Provide conccpttsal site plan drativn to scale, depicting the locatiart of support strt€ckures: equip€11ent enclosures, landscaped areas, fences, lighting;, access, li€r€its aCciis€urtled land, ave€agc slope of the site, ovine€shil~ and use of adjaini€tg properties, etc. ® Provide acct€t-ate, to scale, pho€ag;raphic si€nulations s9tasvinb the relatianship of the: propascd brnadcasi tower and associated antenna to the surraurtdittgs Pha€agrapElic sinlula€ions should include the relationships of €rny new or' nladified road ar utility cotridors necessary to serve the proposed braadcast tower site P€-avide eamputerizcd terrain analysis sltawirtg the visibility of the proposed broadcast tasver and antenna at the requested hcigllt and location. IC ttcw ar modiliccl road, access ar utility corridors are proposed, the terrai€t anal~,sis shall also show the visibility ofthese t1c~v ar rtlodiliccl feate€res ~ Provide detail sheet fitr broadcast tower si€ ucture Provide art accurate clescriptia€1 anti pho4og;raplt of the; 1}€oposecl tn~ver structcae, i€tclt€ding; a€ttenna. Provide detail sheet of any antenna oa• devises attached to tn4ver includin6 electrical and mechanical speeil€cations for antenna systems Nt~tes: I liercby certify that: • :111 requh~ed .srrbnritlals io the FrL~1, crs recfxired lrt, 7.onirrg Orclirrarrce Section .30-87-?D 6 hate beery arrbnrrtted • r1 regxir•erl orr-site balloon ar conrpcu•able test will be perfrn°nred arr;r7re dates of ~ f ; j~7~,1~~ for tlrc Plantrirrg Conrrrris.siartpoblic hearlrrg sclredrrled for ~GT. ~7 acrd ou the dates of ,~i . [~': for 11re 13rar~r1 of Srrper•visors preblrc hGartrrg sclredrrlecl far ~_Z~ ?.~$ • 1, the applicant, shall be r~esporr.sible jur all fees associated ts,ith the frling of the application, including the recrsarrcrble cost of cni), irulepcrrderrt arralVSis deemed rrecessar}, by the Corrrrt3, ra r,errfj> the need for' the neu~ 6rocrdcast tower Signature: ~ `~ Dale: ~~ ~ ~+;. ~:r~'~ 2 ,~ _~~-s.,_ ,~ _. i a ,.. '~ ~~~- ~. . _~, .~, ~, ~ ;: ~~~ ~ S. ~ ~ ~' 1 1 1 ~,I ~ ~, 1~+ ~', ~f R` ' f " ~ (, `~ ~, I, . Etistin~ Corrtmu~ucatio~as SVStCIll~ ~`' N1EL WHEELER lnc.: M1W.L Wheeler lne. (MWl} owns tine current WSLC-FM site oil Poar Mnutain (subject site} which is being; ulxlated to arco~n~nndate tlae laroposect tnwe~°, existing transn7itter tower, and slew trans-nitter builtlin~. MWl leases two other sites nn Poor Mountain for WSLQ {alapr~oxiir-ately 0.25 ~ni. southwest of the proposed site) and WXL,K {at about 0.2 nai. northeast of the larcaPnsed site} bath of whirla will nzo~e to the cnnsnlidated new site proposed herein. MWl also owns a directianal AM antenna array within the City of Salem at 1002 Newman Drive acrd leases a hair of AM tawers ~aear Caloraial Avenue.. The MWl studios are located an Electric Raad in Roanoke Cnunty and are equipped with n3icr°owave and VHF/[7HF base stations to accn~nrnadate broadcast operations., Balzer & Associates lnc. Co~~cr;~gc \~1aps The coverage of all stations shall ~zot change signiticantly fro~i~ existing cc~t~era~;e. 't4'XLIC 60dBu service contour as defined b~~ I+CC: ~~'SLQ ~OCIBII S~1'i'll'~ 1'011t0ii1' ii5 CiC~I11C[~ ~]}~ FCC: 1\rSLG-PM fiOdSu ser~~ice contour ~s dc~ined by I+CC: - ~. ~laba tv;S'S- ~' • a '~ 3 ~' - ~ t lD ~ ` .~ - ~ ~ ~ _ ~ u ' ~ ~~ , baleville ' ~ ~ ,~ . ` . ~ ~ / ~ i _ ~~ ° -' ~ , ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Cataweba `. i ~ ~ t _ ~ i ~ t ~ ° r ] r. y f (! ~~ ~ ~ E'~;r .~ ~" °- . _ . ~ .\ ' '.. ~ Al ; ; ~ ,f' . ~` `~ ~~ ~ ~,., ., 7~ 117 f Hollins ~ ~ l:r~~~ 1 I ".,i I~1 .I .-: i ~.~ ,( - a-_-r'-_ e ~ : `_ _ i -'`~ °° ~ > .Roanoke R&gionaWYYood runrF.~ Id i 1' 419 r ~r I eslers.AUll. .r~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ 101 • ~ ° . , , i ~ ~. 311 ^un r ~+`illa ' e `,+ / , ~ ° ' ~.~ ° ~ ~ j ~~ Edgpwo ~ .~ 11 aletn " 1A ' . ~ d.~ ~`~' ~I ~i' :' ~"~ ,• of f eeverry Herghts `~Y ~-~ ~~ •.,, _,.. ~'` l ; ~.~ ,.:~ I ~,,,~ ,~ r ~. ,~.• ~' O C l~?untnn - ~ - ~ l ' G4ziiv~~r , J '~ may- ', ~ 117 ..- `` ~ ~ _,.!.'~' ,~., ~~ , ~~ ~`~";,Roanoke y ~i ~ jl •: ~; -- i~ r ~ ,. `~ \h ~ _ IA. ~ JS ~ - ( ~- ~ Riverdale . ,/ ',y'~-iJ. j ~ t178r ~ v . _ 48 ~~ - .~ ,Dun r' ' ~ ! Gave. _prin~,.~ j . ~ , ~ I / l i r._., , ~, ' J' , ' ~ l ,+ ~ `~ S ,4 F I - f l j '( i '~ i I } J ~ ' e ti X137° 1~' - ~ ~ ~ ` 1 .E .1 11 .. -_- J/fjf _ 1 I'i _ ~ f 1 ~ ~ _ . f Ben1t ~lounka~n ~ - ~ , ,p . f ~ ~ _ ~20 l ,ti ~ _ •~ r ~ ? I p ~ r ~ ~BQOnes,Mfill ' t titer- ',~, ~ ~- -~ ~w-~7 ~ ' . l' ~ _ N 1 ~ ~ - sU TapuQuid~ ~ae7~ m 1999 DpLwme Yarnnrhdh, hiE DtfAG ~~ 4E40 ft Scale; 1:1.W,000 Detail: 10.0 Dai>~: WG53'! u ~ VINRJl11n '~NONVOtl ~O I.1N(100 u O Q ~z .e i m~ N O x°r ee4o ,_ ~ 9.. g~c s '•ae ' s' ;?P ; ; Ntfld 1NdWd0~~/~3Q ~ ~ ~ ° i - O i X N ~~ s~l~$ cs~ Sep=~ . ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ m ~€ ~NI d~~~~NM ~~W _sa ~~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 h$ ~ W 1 k2h'hh ~"~...~,~,.~ W4 ~~ of ¢ V /; ---_-_ ___ ~1 .958! em~~n ~ ~ 1 `e~4 I °;c --__-- ~_~'.ZF,BY,S£S o~ ~ C 1 ---- 1 phi ~ ~ rn- ~ ~ _© 'YOB t 1 ~ F A ~ 1 ~ 14 r a O 3 ~ ' I I 'il~ ;~l ~~ o ,. ~7 I 'i ~'; A 2h lhy WNOQ[L 1 \ i -2dm~2^'~W 3W~ZO ~`~ ti ~.. 75 6 ~ wlr`oP ~ ti, a '-- mmOjon O w ~ a:0 "~ ._ ~ ' ywu^ya• "~t, I v z ~ $ ;1,1~ ~, ~ , z ' ' ~ i' ,'1;i :& ~ : ;" , '~` ~~'" k~ i e\\ ~; i ~ ~~ ~' i!'' ~ i'v ---- f i,l - , ~•, ~, ~ •',~' '~ t. i ,`~~ ., - / ' - ~ ---- . . `' . ,, . r~Y ,i~ / `->:- _ _ :' - - . -. ~.. - .. .~ - ,, . , " .' k ~~"K, ~ / ~L°. / ~ ( 8~. _ ~~-- - / (7V10.l~L9'L6F M.OO,SL.£`6N ~ _ < < _ 2ov.~q ?~o i ' l~ 5/ //2hihh ~8 _ ' ~~ o .~ / ~. 2a W ~~ / YW 23ati2a~ 2"m^i2h ~. 2m2e ~ ~ ~r / i ~ / ,~ d'. -- // . ':' / w ~ ~ as ~ ~~ ~w ~ ~ -v 7„`0 - ~~ ~ g~il ^ $ ~ go a - v ~i° = o~ __ rc Fm _ U' mo a ¢ 3 3~ e 6° o: ~8:~gy'x ~ ~~r II V '~~ i 3 ou i _ a y '`` r ' w _ i o s a~ N a a qa.'''&` `~~~ ~ U 3Z -w rc ~o U ~ O K r - ~ ~ ~~ O4 m~ -w a p Z < O - ~ a~' hQ F ~ ~ N~ - - o <~ `.Y 1 - ~ w _ u .-o rvin ri3 -- m -'_ _~ -_ ~`'S }i , ~ l \ 3~ l._ ,, ~ ,, ; ~ _ i 't :~~ .'~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ` '~ ~ll ` _ {{ e/ rr'. '1 ~'ti4, yr )/ y ° 11 /1(f ~1'; ~ ~ a y E ~ ~' .~ p -' i ~ rr ' 1 t'~.~ .~ ' .J ~ ~ . x ~ 4 ~ ~I ~ . ~ ~ ~~~' a ~~~ oe ~~ ~,x .~ m ~ ' ,/ ~~`~ W } i t aY ~f r ~ ~Y ~~ I ~`'''~`~` }~ , 1 ~ 4 f ~' ~rz~ r", n ,~ 1 '~ _ ~ . ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~.- , - ~ `"\ k - of j ~ '' ~ ''~~ N ~: f a ~, ti _ y-~, tll lM1~ _ ~ ~ ~~~ a .~s T ~" a W N d a a ~? .. ~.- /~ Pk ,o t "~ "~ ~i.;`~~u~~j„ i l;~L~~NAiRB ~ /~ ~ ~~ S ~''' i "' k l °' H h ~, ,~ w -ti .Xr `1P `; '`h~ '' I a~i' 3 t" :`i~,~r,r y~ it .ik~. ~k ,~ . ,~~4` y )7~~~Y `fir M1rq ~'1 .. 1t1 ~ y at 4"~ ~ '~I~ ~ yyI'7 ~ ~ 5~ '~. }~ ~~t, 'pe.,~ , ~( jr i s ~1 .~~~T Y~ ~ r'., ~ P ,i T Vti ~ ~~µr~~ ,~~ ~~ #" rr~fjf t 1 + . , , ~~.~ k tw t { y~ a* ~• ~ +I~ 1 t7T ,~ f„k" i _± `. Tower Description: Overview: The proposed tower will be .170' tall and provide FM broadcasting capabilities for WSl~.Q and WSLC., Two call signs will be operating from one tower location providing maximum efficiency from the proposed tawer~ All required construction permits will be obtained and regulations followed as required by Federal, State, and Roanoke County regulations, 1_ocation: The tower will be located an an existing site owned and operated by Mel Wheeler Inc. The proposed 170' tower will be located adjacent to a proposed transmitter building and existing 188` broadcast tower currently in service. Sites adjacent to this one contain similar operations with various types of towers as shown in the attached photographs. The finished grade elevation of the tower is 3,753 above mean sea IeveL The overall height including the tower will be 3,923 above mean sea level, Structural: All structural requirements will meet all federal, state, and local requirements as Hated on the tower construction drawings RF Exposure: Appropriate warning will be provided on the perimeter of the site indicating potential RF exposure.. Fencing will be provided around the site to prohibit access to the area Tower Grounding: All required structures and equipment will be grounded and maintained throughout the construction process.. Tower Safety: In addition to site fencing, a safety cable will be installed for maintenance safety during repairs.. FAA Study: As shown on the pre-application consultation checklist, an application has been forwarded to the FAA in Fort Worth, Texas to evaluate the proposed tower for any air navigation hazards The tower will be registered with the FAA as required. _ c s - ~ ti ~ ~ ~ _ rr w c rr N a ~ ~ N ~ n . - c w a a N N Y N R N N K 6' N ~ ~ z ~_ a w n ; _ ~, 2 Q z , 7 4 N x .y '~' ~ y N to ~ ® Y ~' ~ c A ° C7 c2 ~ E ~ c m , a a a n- DESIGNEI] APPURTENANCE LOAI]ING S5 13~ t2. 1 G' s Gi TYPE Ek.EVA7€OtS TYPE ELEVAT[ON pcawnlSput li" G~mt€I~€t] 170 _ 5•Ele,tlrnl YaGk;71F!` Flea 176 3 V2" Scll AG 3' Iglt, VvnicaE sarrpod i7G SHPX~GBC~SP {G 7fG" Rigidl t54.d9. FtE9 34 {upc _ -. _~„_,,, aNpx.Zl.E wfgole nl€ollnl !w Ispcr lc~q 75 • GS AUttdiona3 CnE€c above Tows, (IG' n! 77G l3" Fleyy 7/FS' eahEe) 6 Grid {71fl' Flexl ~ -4G 5•Elomenl Yank {7!II- Fica) 17G _ a' GGd (716' Flex) ~ JO _.....e_._ MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE Fy Fu CyRAt3E Fy Fu A572-50 5q hsi G5 ksi A3G Y..Y 3G kai 5G ksi TQWER pES1GN NQTES 1 Tower is lacaled in Rvanake Caunly. Virgin€a 2 Tower designed Ior Exposure C !o the TIA-222-G Standard 3 Tower designed fora 30 mph basic wind in accordance wish the TIA-222-G Standard 4 Tower is also designed fora 30 mph basic wind with f) 7S in ice Ice is considered In increase in thickness with height. 5 l7egeclions are based upon a 60 mph wind 8 Strunture is designed for Structure Classification I! and Topographic category A (Ridge) with crest height of 20op feat par the ANSiffIA-222-G Standard 7 Tower sections have Mange conneclinns, 6 Typical GonneGlians use galvanized A325 bolls or equal substitute atong with null andlar nut locking devices in a snug fight condition Instalfation per ANSIITIA-222 Specifiaalions. 9 Tower members are "hot dipped" galvanized in accordance with ASTfN Ai 23 and ASTM A153 Standards 10 Welds are fabricated with ER-70S-6 eleGEradas #1 The linat design may incorporate changes from the above specifications providing any substilutian shall not materially and adverseSy affect the purchaser's abitity to use the product as intended 12 Feedlvwer: fl' fo GO' 13 Sch 4tl pipe supporting (1) 6 118" Rigid line and 318" cable safely climb 14 Maximum Moment = 4 0 k€t #5 Maximum Axial = 12 2 k 16 Maximum Shear = i t k MAX. CORNER REAC7"fONS AT 8A5E, DOWN: 422 K UPLIFT.' -344 K SNEAK 37 K AXIAL 95 K SHEAR MOMENT 9 K 770 kip-ft TORC€u~ c rdA_rt 30 mph W1ND - 0.750 rn fCE AXIAL 35 K MOMENT SHEAR' ~ \ 3560 kip-ff 48 K~_ TORG7UE 25 kfp-/i REACTIONS - 90 mph WIND ~ . ~.._.~ Elecfrnrrres Resenrclr, Irtc. °°' ~,azanear~so~-sr vI~ T ~~ si` ~ ~ 7777 Gardner Read pr°l°`t Raanake, VA (_:,,~,,. ~ LJ Chandler IN ~t761O c°°"l~ wSLQnnr5LC 98.119A. Olawn6y:r~helt7 Hafima Aped. Eslaldl,ltetl 1943 AISC Ceniri°d FaEdcatnr , Phone: 612-92a"-GC30#1 code: TIA-222-G Rota: g7l2Slp9 Sc,"3e' NTS FAX: 812-925-4026 Path' Dwq N°. E-1 F7n.n n ~ - ~ - - - -. ~ w [C K ' ~ ~ N @1 ~ N N m w - e N N w fi - .~ c N '~ _ p a N ¢ N w n ~ ^ N ~ N ~ N °c, - v q z Ln' rc N `y C ~ N "qS ~ .~ c ~ h N _ ~ N 4 z [7 ~ 5 ~ V U' _ C ~' l7 ~ ~ ~ q N ~ J a a 1^ m ii ~i Elp;a it r~-~ -~ x x X 758.0 IE _.....~._~.u ;X , X X ~, X --;.~ 77n r it , X i•G -,- Iza.s n x x 74.3 17 lan.p a ?< ~--~--- /rte/+~~yw «~• Eleclrr~rrics Reserrrclt, Ijtc. a°~FA2O0BO796O?-ST-VA ~~ l~ 4~: 7777 Gardner Road Roanakc VA ~ '-"•° Chandler, kN 4761Q al`°nt: wst_©nNSLC 99.1IB4. r7rawnnp:Shelb Hoffma no~'u; Eala!llished ip43 AISC Casliriad Fahdcaknr Phone; 812^925-600tl CR`19~ TIA-222»G oate; 07!25108 score: NTS FAX: 812-925»4028 Polh: owp Nv. E_1 ~E51GNE[3 APPURTENANCE ~.AADING TYPE ELEVATIQN TYPE ELEVATION ~t3caC,ri,lsprlr It" ailrufudl _ I7p x^. S EEL'mLni Yanl (7f0"Flex) 170 3 1!2" ar31 A[15' 30th Vedlcal supped ! 7p ~. SFIP%.GaG~SP (G 1!p" R1pid) 757.0.9 ~ 700,7a ~- Ir_..,.`p~ SHPx~1AE vrlpnlu rtmum loo toper Irp 75 ~ GS -~~~-~~~mm Adddimrll Gahla ahnvu lower {!p' °r 77G ~ _ S3' F1eH) 7lp• capla) _ _T ~_ G' Grid pl0" Ffi!ey T-~ 40 -~ 5-ElemullE Y°{I1171G" Fles) _~_ 170 ", _ G' Grid I7lG' FEc~Y __,,.~,. 70 _ ~...» MATERIAL STRENGTH GRAgE Fy Fu GRADE Fy Fu A572-Gp 50 i,lm^„ ^, GS k,V A30 ]G k.l 58 kcl ___ TgWER DESIGN NpTES 1 Tower is located in Roanoke County, Virginia 2 Tower designed for Exposure C is the TIA-222-G Standard 3 Tower designed fora 90 mph haste wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard. 4 Tower is also designed fora 36 mph basic wind with 0 75 in ice Ice is aonstdered to increase in thickness with height 5 C~eiteclions era based upon a GO mph wind G Structure is designed far Structure Classification fl and Topographic Category 4 {Ridge} with crest height of 2000 feet per the ANSIlTIA-222-G Standard 7 Tawor sections have flange connections. 8 Typical connections use galvanized A325 halts ar equal su6sfitute along with nuts and/or nut locking devices in a snug»fight cnndilion fnslaifation per AN511TIA-222 Specifications. 9 Tower members are''hol dipped" galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and ASTM A153 Standards 10 Welds are fabricated with ER-7tlS-6 electrodes 11 The final design may incorporate changes Trom the above specifications providing any substitution shall nal rnalerially and adversely affect the purchaser's ahility to use the prnductasinlended 12 Feedlower; 0' to 60' 13 Sch 4U pipe supporting (1) G S18" Rigid line and 318" cable safety climh 14 Maximum Moment » 4 0 kft 15 Maximum Axial = 12 2 k 16 Maximum Sf7ear = 1 1 k /~ MAX ppRNER REAG71pNS A7" 9ASE DAWN: 422 K UPLIFT. -394 K SHEAR 37 K AXIAL 95 K /~~ MOMENT SNEAK 770kip•If 9 K_~ TORpf1E 4 kip•ft 30 mph WIND _ 0.75D in 7G1= AX1AL 35 K /`~'~ MoluENr SNEAKK` ~ \ 35GO kip•fl 48 K. t............. ~r roRCauE 25 krp.f! REAP T1ONS - 90 mph W1Np A tC N W 1 1 ! 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 _ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 I f 1 _ _ _ ~. f 1 1 it ---IM 3 3 1 Sqq 1 I fl I I ~ 1 I 1 1 I i 1 _ ; _ _ _ 1 I 1 1~ 1 I I 1 1 I I _ _I_ , _ _ _ ; _ _ _ i ~ 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 _I_ _ _ J _ _ .. L _ _ _ 1 1 I f I 1 3 i i 1 I i 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I _ _ -E-°- ~---; . 1 f I 1 1 ; 1 1 1 f 1 1 ~ i 1 3 f f 1 I 1 1 I 1 a I 1 1 3 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I - -I- .. _ .t _ -. P _ _ _ 1 3 f I i 3 3 4 3 I I i 1 I I 1 f I 1 1 i I 3 I 3 3 1 f I 1 1 1 i I I I 3 I 1 3 I 3 f + 3 3 1 3 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 i I 1 3 1 I ~ 3 I f 1 I 1 I f I 1 3 i _ _ _1_ _ ~ _ _ m I _ I 1 1 3 I 1 1 1 i I f I -_ ... _}___y___ I I T 1 I 11 1 ~ 3 ( ; I 3 1~ i 1 1 I 1 f ! 1 3 _ I _ _ 3 3 _ _ _ ` 3 F I i I 1 I I3 I I I ;y f I 1 4L i 4 1 3 3 1 I 1 3 i _ _ _, _ _ _ r _ ,, 1_ ... _ _ E 1 1 f 1 ; 3 I I 3 lY f 1 F I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 i I 1 I ___ 1 °- ;---1- 1-- - I ; 3 1 ~ 1 1 7 1 I f : 1 I , f 3 ' I 1 3 I I I 1 _ .,. _' _ _ _ i _ f .. _ 1 3 1 I 1 i I i 1 ` 1 1 3 f 1 3 I E 1 1 I 1 I 1 3 1 1 1 f 1 1 I k 1 i I i -_ -_ r___I__ -' 1 3 3 I I 3 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 3 ! E I 3 1 I 3 3 1 3 3 1 .. _,,,f .... ... F.. .. _I-- _ IT I I I ; I 1 I 3 1 I 3 3 j 1 i 1 I E 1 I I 3 I I 3 IgnO V E 1 E I f 3 i 1 3 3 ' i i 3 1 3 l { 1 1 _ _ 1 .- 1 _ I _ _ _ _ _ _. f _ _ _ 3 i 3 3 1 3 3 I I i f 1 f i I 1 _ _ _ I_ _ _ _I _ .., _ _ 1_ _ ,,, i f 3 E i 3 3 I 3 1 i 1 f 1 1 I t I 1 ! _ I I I _1_ _ _ 1 .. ... ..i _ I I 3 3 I 1 3 i I 3 I 3 I 1 3 t I f ' i 1 t E 1 3 3 1 1 .._.. i_ _,-..1 .. _ _ i _.. ... L. .. _ I I 1 I I 1 F F ` { t I I 3 i F 1 3 f I 3 3 1 3 3 I 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 1 ` E 1 - -• I E 1 1 1 I ~ 3 1 1 3 I t I [ I E II 1 1 I _ _ ~ v _ F - _ - _ ~. ~_ _ . 3 I 3 E 3 1 3 1 1 f t I I E 1 1 1 it f it 3 f i 3 3 E 3 1 f I ___r___I___ ~___i _ _ f 1 I 1 1 li I I 1 ` i 3 1 1 i 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 f 4 1 E ! ! 1 t I 1 t I I F 3 3 3 1 I I F 3 i 3 1 F 1 I I ! E F 1 i 1 1 I I II I I 3 m-Minimum (f h4aaimlfln-~~ -5qq -i qq0 ,, Electrvrrics I2esenrclr, Irrc. °"'PA200S07'1fi01~57'WVA ~ -~ ~~;I 7777 Gardner Road ~ro~°u:Roanoke, vA ~ ~ +-J~ ~hand~~r, iN ~47E1~ alenC W5LnIWSLC 99.'€19A. ^rawn6y:5helb HO(1;n~ APP'd. EsiaU115hed 190.7 A15C CcA€ficd FnUlFcal°r Phone: 812-925-6000 code: '~9A~222-G Oald; 07~25~09 scalp; NT$ FAX: 912-425-4026 Pnth: owp h°. F_3 Leg Capacity sngq T1A-222-G - 90 mph130 mph 0.750 in Ice exposure C, ---- L.eg Compression {K) 1 1 I 1 i 1 i I E 1 I 1 t e 1 i 1 1 I I _ .. I _ ~ _ .. _ 1 - _ I - _ - •I_ 1 1 I i I f 1 i I 1 I I 1 1 ~ 1 1 I 3 I _ _ _I_ _ _ y _ _ _ r. _ _ _I_ .. _ 1 ! 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I _ _ _I ! I_ I I-... ... ...I _-'Em ..' 1 i 1 i 1 f 1 1 I I I 1 ' I I 1 I I I 3 ( _ _ _1_ _ .. _. p - _ _I_ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. _ ..I_ _ _ .A _ _ .. L ~ -_I_ _ _ I I s I 1 I f 1 3 I 1 ! 1 f 1 f 1 t 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 ~ 1 ~ I 1 I I i 1 3 1 f I 1 I 1 _ _ _I_ .. ... ; .. _ _ _i_ I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 3 1 3 I 3 3 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I _ _ _1_ _ _ ~ _ _ _ !. _ _ _I_ _ 3 f 3 I i i 7 I I 3 i f f 1 f I 1 ! I f 1 i 1 f 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 I 3 3 _..^I^__.I___1-_ 1 1 1 I 1 f 1 f 1 I t 3 1 ! I 3 I 3 I 3 I I I 7 f I 1 I 3 I 1 f I I I 1 igOq 5qq <. hlin:muln d 1.M1npirllEe[11 .> ..Sqq TIA-222-G - 90 tnph130 tnph 0.75© in Ice 1=xpasure C Niax9mum Vaiues Vx - - Vz _ __ Nix . ~ Mz Global Mast Shear (K) Gtal7al Mast Moment (kip-ft) 4 54 174 44A ._,__.e....,...~'...._....., i __~.... 3 _...,.,.....«.., 1 f s I 5 e I I t I I I E I I I 1 1sA.4as __.___.,___.___1.______I....._,_.1___---._ I ~ 1 I 1 II i I I f E I I 3 1 134.4T4 3 1 I s I 1 I I 3 ! 1 I 3 1 3 t IIk,S45 _ _ _ _ _ _ .t _ _ _ _ _ _ MsM ~ _ _ _ _ _ L _ .. _ .. _ .. J _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 1 ! 1 1 1 1 I s 1 a f I i 1 149.3-00 I 1 t 1 1 I t 1 ~ 1 100.444 i I I ..~ .. . .._.. _.1 _.. __ __1___.___... r. _..-.-_.. ____.._ 1 v 1 1 i I I I e I v s 1 C I f i I s I 1 1 O 1 I 1 s .•I.i 1 I 3 I 44044 _ _ _ _ _ _ .A _ _ _ _ _ _I_ _ _ _ _ .. _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ,. _ _ _ _ _ Q) 1 I 3 s ~ I f t 1 ! I I I I I 1 1 f I I r 1 I e I 3 44 44o- 1 I ! s - ----- --------,--- ~-__~ -------I______ I 3 I 1 3 3 I 1 f i 1 I 1 1 I i t I I 3 I I I 3 ! 1 1 i 5 I 1 ! ~ I I f ! ~.I A4.444, f 3 1 I ..... _ _ _ _ T .. _ .- ....... _I_ _ _ _ _ ..... .......~ _ .... _ .... ~ _ 1 I 1 1 F I 1 1 t ~ I t I 3 t I 3 1 ~ 1 1 3 I I 1 I ~,1 3 I I i 24.444 t I 1 4 ,. ., .. __.~__ _ _.. .. _I_.. _..___F____.._ ____ I I E I I I 3 3 i I 1 3 1 I 1 1 I 1 I E I 1 I ! I 1 I I I I I , I I 1 I s44o- r-~•-•- ~ , . ., Eleclrntrics Resettrclt, Itte. °° PA2Q08079801-ST 1/A ~~ ~ , ~ ~ y t E ~ 7777 Gardner iZ08Ci Pra~ad;Raanuke, VA LJ; ~L. ~IlJf Chandler, ilk 47610 clean:: ws~Qn+vst~c 99.t19A, 6rawntsY-SheIL t•sottma APP'A. EstnbEisn°tl 1943 AiSC Catli4eC F°411cnmr Phalle: 812.925-fi0pp eoi€°' 3'1A-222-G rl°tO' 07l25lp8 seal°' NTS FAX: 812-925-402& p°Ih I]w4 Na. E~ TIA-222-G - 50 mph130 mph 0.750 in ter~l~~~~~ ~ ) 9o day - No fce~'1,o Guy C O fq d ~: Defiectian (in) 50 loo Tilt (deg) € € I I I € I i I I I I I I I I ____ i _.. ..__I_____I____.. w:____ [ € I I I E I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I € I I € I I I I I 1 ___..l____J___ _I_____t___.. I I I I € € I I E [ I ! I € I ! I I I I ----k.„__....I____..I__.. ..rj ---- € # I I f I I - _ - .- _. ._ .f _ _ - ...I_ ... _ .. .. I- - - - - I E I I I I I I I I € I I I I I E I I € € I I _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ L . I I E I I € I I I I I € € I I I € I i ] i f I ___.,{ _~__.~..____I_.. .. .. ~~.____, € I € I € E I I € I I I I E I I 1 I E I k I € I .._.F____.#--___I_----4-___. E € I I I € I I I I I I # I I I I I I I I I I ___-1-----1_____1_____1.....__. I I i f I I E I 1 I E I I I I I I I I I I I I I Twist (deg) # I I I I I 1 E E I I I I I I I I I I I E I I E I I € I E I I I I I t I I 3 € I I I € I E I ____E__ _J___._I_____L_ _. I I I I ! I I ! k I I ! € I I I E I I I __________I____~I..___..i _..,-_ I I I 1 I 1 € I I I E I I 1 I € I I I I I I I I I I E I I I - -°~-----I-----1-----1.__ I € I I I f I I I I I I # I I I k I ! I I € I I ___}___ _ _I_ ___..I..-___I._ _ __ I I I I ] I I 3 k I I I f I I I I € I I I I I I -_-- i _.. .. .. .1 ~.--__I____ _!~___- I I I I € I 3 I I I I I I I I ( I I I I I I I I _..µ_1____.1_.._'_I_____1.____ I € I I I € I I I I I I I I I I I I I I # I I Ittu oun ff35 r - ~ F....,~ Electrvrtics ResearClr, l;'YC. °° PA20A8Q7?809-5T VA ~ ~ -- ~ }~~1 7777 ~&fC~flef RO~d ~'r°)en:Raanoke. VA ~ -; E---~.~... r--rY- i ~ Chandler, IN 47610 Cfi°ns: WSLQM15l.C 99.1!94. crownky:Shel6 Haffma APP d' EslnnlEsncd In43 nlsc c°nkl'f°d Famicu tur f hane:812-925-6000 Cn°Q' "CIA-222-G c"~~ 071Z510B 5~'''EC~ NTS FAX: 812-925-4026 P°FI'' pwQ Na. F-5 1 ~ , c 1 3 1 s 1 I 353.87 ___. 1 1 v i f 1 ___ _~.. .. .. .- 1 1 s 1 f I 1 a 1 I I 4 I --I-' i--~ --~-- 1 1 ~ I I 39.67 i 1 E 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 ! I I 1 I 1 3 I r ..-..._ --1-- --r -t°- 3 I 1 1 1 r 1 -----F.._ _ - f 1 i 1 i 1 e 1 I 3a.s6 1 1 ~ I a 1 1 I i _, I 1- I _ _ _ _ -- -- I I 1 3 I I 1 1 I I ~ I - -- --- 1 1 , 1 1 1 ~ 1 r , ,--; I I 1 I ~ 69.34 1 s 1 1 1 1 I I 3 1 1 I 1 3 I 1 1 1 1 ~ I I 1 1 e 1 I I 3 I E i i I i 3 1 f 1 1 1 c 1 i I E I I 1 I ~ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 F I ~ 1 ( 1 1 1 I I e 1 s 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 86 66 a 1 I 1 I _ ,~ _ _ J__1_ ' I a 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 _ I _____ _3_ _I__ I I 1 I I a I 1 I 1 6.66 I 1 f 1 1 f 1 I 1 f 1 1 s a 1 1 1 1 1 I s 1 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 1 ~ I 1 ~ 1 I 1 I _I_ _1__ -- --1-- ~-•-r---- ~ 1 f 1 e 1 I 1 i I 3 , 1 1 I I 1 ! 1 0.60 1 f 1 1 3 ( 3 I 1 3 1 ~ 1 1 I 3 I V 1 I 1 I i i f 1 f I I 1 1 ...... ___t__r_'__ E 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 _I__ _~.__I__ I 1 1 a 1 1 I I 1 1 ! ! I 1 f 1 3 I I 1 i i 1 1 1 3 I 1 3 I 1 i 1 4 1 t I i 26 66 1 i 3 1 i 3 f 1 I 3 I E I 1 I I 1 . I 1 1 1 1 1 ~ I 1 a I 1 e I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 t 1 I 1 s I e 1 F ! 1 1 e a t ! 1 1 3 t i 3 1 i E I 1 1 1 1 I I I ! I 3 f I 1 1 TfA-222-G - 9Q mph130 mph fl,750 in ice ~c~~ind o deg - No [ce~w1.0 Guy 100 O +~ tG )~ 9 [7eflection (ink 50 Tilt (deg) s E E 1 I (I ! 1 1 I I I I € I i I I E I I I I I I I I 1 E ! I € I I I __I__ € __I.._.~I__ ,._I____ _1__..I_.. I I I € 1 I I € 3 I I I 1 I I i I ! I I € I I I 3 € I I € I 1 I --1--i~~-I---€ - --I--1--L_.E_.. I I 1 € 1 I I € 1 I I I 1 I I I ! € I ~ I I ! I I I I I i I 4 __I_-J__I__J-- ---I__J__L__I-- I I I I i I I I 1 1 I I 1 ( E I I I E I I E E 1 I I I f I E I 4 I I I E I I I € _ _I _ _ ~ _ _ I _ _I _ .. _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ I _ 1 I I I I I I I I f 1 I E E 1 I I I € I I I E I I I I i I I I 1 E 1 I € € I I I i I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I E ! I I € I I € 1 I € € I I I I I I ! I 1 I I ! ! I I € [ 1 E ! I 1 { I I 1 € 1 I I € 1 I € I I € € I --~1--1---I-- °-1__-1--1_..1__ € 1 I I I I I I I 1 € I I 1 E 1 I I E I I € E 1 I I I E I € I 1 ( I I ! I I I I i 1 € E I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I E I 1 I I I E I I I 1 € 1 # I € 1 I I I 1 € I I 1 € ! 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WSLQIWSLC 99.118x{. ~IawnbY ~~~Ib HniTrna A~~d ~sl°urlsl,ca 1Aaa AISC Crslifiad F°6rical°r Phone: 812-925-6600 eo°C' TIA-222-G QAI°~ 07l2510B crate: NT FAX: 672-925-402fi Fnlh: pwp N°. ~. 39U n +~ Q ~', TEA-222-G -Service - 6[f mph Deflection (in) n 5 1n Is 7n lA q9d WI Wt 1 I _ I I I f` k _ __ t 1 I i_ 1 1~, l i l t I l i i I I 3 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 l E l f I l i 1 i ~ 1 1 1 s f l l I I f f f I l l f { I F I I I E I 3 1 1 E Sd_6~ 1 1 3 1 1 7 t I I f f 1 3 ! I I I I I E 1 1 1 1[ 3 f![ 1 1 I I~ i 3 1 1 1 1 1 ! I ! 1 1 3 t l l i 1 1 1 1 f-I Wk ~f I E i l I t t l I I I k l E l 1 I I !m 11 3 1 1 1 I I I i l l f _ 3 I I f_ I I I I I f k t I I I I f i l l t l l f l 3 1 3 1 ! I k I 1 1{ I I f! I I f f I I I I 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 l i l 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ( l I l i l i f I 39.x7 3 1 t I I I I 1 3 1 3 - hYr 4"tyy- -f-I-11_ __~ rYhi.. l i f l f f f l 3 I 3 1 M1 V f l l f E 1 1 1 I k l l 3 1 t 1 1 1 i 3 1 ! 1[ 4 1 I I I t l f l i l I t I 3 f{ 3 1 1 E 3 1 f l} I { 1 I I . 24.$[1 I F 1 1 1 1 i l! 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I I i l l l 1! 1 1 I I I I 0 5 1a IS 2tl 25 a {J.5 1 L~~~.-~.~ ~ Electrnures Research, Inc, 06 PR20O8o71609-ST VA /~ `~` 7777 Gardner Road P`°I~`I~ Roanoke VA ~--o ~`-~ `-" t'"'` ~ Chandler, ~~ 47f7~~ Gllene wcu~OIWSLC 99.1194. nrnwn6y:,rhelh Ho€fm~3 AFP'y Eslabfislf°a to+5 Alsc celfilird Fnikacalaf Phone; 812-925-6[}09 coax T€A-222-G ~01C~07125108 seal°~ NTS FAX: B'f 2-925-4{326 oath:.. .... ^.. . _ .. thrp Na ~_5 5 t5 Maximum Values Twist (deg) a a,S 1 1.5 ,~, 17E1 t30a I I I€ f l l l I l l t I I I I I I I I I I I I I f i€ € I I I 11 1 f I E I i i I I i I f 11 154 e35 __I__I_____. I___I _i_.____k _I__I__ - E I l i I€ I I € I€ I I I I I I I I€ i l l! 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I 1 I I 7.G7U _ _ _ _ ..„ „ .. _ ~ ~ „ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J _- __._ ___ _ _ _ t oaanao _____ __ _ _____ _ ...... _ .. ...- .. _ .. _ ~ _ _ _ _ .. _ .. _ _ _ _ _ i ~ d 1 ~ ~ ', 4505 ~ ~ ____________~,_ 1 ~1 ~ ~ ~I 1 i 3 NI ~ ~ d 9,3dG ° - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., _ _ _ _ _ .Iw_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .i„ I ! ai .._.. ..__.._________ ~___.. ..____~.-usd-_----------. I I si "" c I ~ ~~ Qt ~ d ~~ ° ~ I ~i ~ a r - 1 1 « ~ s 1 ! u U i; I i O.Gka m _ _ _ u _. ..._ ._ _ _. _ _ _ _, _ _ .. _ _I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ ., _ I 1 j ~ i ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ .... ~ . _ 70,000 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ d ~ , ~ 1 ~ 1 GGka _ _ ~ _ _ _... _ _ _I- GG.koo _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.000 AG S30~ j _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ x_ d _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ ..... _ .. _ . .'"-.-- '~. i us w .. c V _ _ _ _ _ _ 3a GGfl _ _ _ _ .... _ _ .. _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ .... ~ v _ _ _ _ _ _ [w G.atla v N _ V ('J V o-.oak - t: is ~ ~.._~ ,E'lectrotrics Reserrrcll, Ilrc, a° PA20D8077fi0?-ST-VA ~/~ / J i' f 7777 Gardnef Road P`AJ"`I Raanahay VA t..-;,.,,.~11~ ,~I ~".~1and~B1', ~~ 47614 c~icnt~~ W51.(]IWSLC 99.1184. o~awnhy:Shelb HaCfma Apn~: Eslaitllsh°a tpa3 nESC c°Irrca F'aadcatnr Phone: 812.925.60ti(3 coa°' TfA-222-G °atr 07!25108 5ci1v~ NT'S FAX: 822-925-4026 Path, Qwp 130. ~_7 J _ f ~. ~ J ~c~~~ nivisfor~ The Kathrein Scala Division CA7 series Yagi antennas are intended for use in professional fixed-station applications in the dt)6-512 MHz band They feature: • Internal balun and d'€pole feedpoini sealed within the boom assembly. • Balanced feed system, with no capacitors. • Heavy wall anodized aluminum pipe and tubing. • Heavy-duty aluminum castings and stainless steel hardware. • All aluminum components anodized for corrosion resistance„ • Entire antenna at DC ground potential. • f3ual and Auad arrays also available GA7.41 t) CA7-46f7 CA7-480 GA7-490 H-plane Horizontal pattern-V-polarization Vertical pattern - H-polarization CA7.490 CA7.4fi0 CA7-48(3 CA7-490 E-plane Horizontal pattern - H-polarization Vertical pattern - V-polarizat€on ~~d ix 109 46-B CA7-500 H-plane Horizontal pattern - V•palarizalian Vertical pattern - -polarization CA7-500 E-plane Horizontal pattern - H~polarizalion Vertical pattern - V-polarizat€an CA7 Series Yagi Antenna 406 to 512 MHz Kathrein Enc., Scala t7ivision Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97SC11 {l1SA) Phone: {&41)779-6500 l"ax: (541) 779-3991 Email: communicatians~kathrein.com Internet: www.kalhrein-scaly corn (shown vertically polarized CA7 Series _, `~'' --- - ~ ~ ~ ~ Yogi Ar~ter~na SCI~LI~ DIVISION 406t©5'i2MHz Speclfications: Frequency range _. Gain ~-~-~~ CA7-41 D ___ 406-420 MHz 12 dBt - .. ~ WN--__~~ ~~ _--~- ~..-~_~ Impedance . .., SDohms ..... _-_ __~~_~-___ - .- .~ VSWR _ -.-- __ _ <1.35:1 -.~._~-,_. _~-~~- ~ Folarizalion - Horizontal orverlical Frnnt•lo•back ratio n1 B dB _ ... - Maximum input power ~ ~.~. __- 250 watts (at 5D°C} H-plane beamwidth 53 degrees (half-power} E-plane beamwidlh ~ 41 degrees (half-power} ~. _ Gonnector _~.~.-~ N female_ __._ ~ .._..-_._ ~... _ Weight _ _ 6.5 Ib (2.95 k_g) ~ _ Dimensions ~_ 44 x 16.5 inches (1118 x 419 mm) Equivalent Itat plate area 0.63 it~ (O.p59 m~) Wind survival rating' 12D mph (2Dp kph) __m_ ~ - Shipping dimensions 48 x 26 x 6 inches (1219 x 66p x 152 mm} ~w_.~ w_.__- -~ Shipping weighlmm ~ ~ __-~ -12 Ib (5.4 kg) ~ Mounting Far masts of 2.375 inches (60 mm) GD. Specifications: CA7-46D CA7-486 Frequency range 45D-470 MHz' 47D~-49p MHz Gain 12 dBi 12 d8t Impedance 50 ohms ~ 5D ohms VBW R ~ <1.35:1 " ~- c1,35:1 _ Polarization Horizontal ar vertical Harizontat or vertical Front-lo•back ratio >18 dB ~ >18 dB Maximum input power 250 watts (a3 56°G) 25D walls (al 50°C) H-plane beamwidth 53 degrees {half-power) 53 degrees (half-power) ~~~ E-plane beamwidlh 41 degrees (half-power) 41 degrees (half-power) Connector N female N femate Weigttl 6.5 [b {2,95 kg) 6.5 tb (2.95 kg) Dimensions 39.9 x 14,9 inches (1013 x 378 mm) 38.1 x 13.1 inches (968 x 333 mm) Equivalent flat plate area D.55 itz {p.051 m~) 0.53 it2 (O.DA9 m~) Wind survival rating` 12D mplt (206 kph) 12D mph (20D kph} Shipping dimensions 41 x 15 x 6 inches (1041 x 381 x 152 mm) 41 x 15 x 6 inches (1641 x 381 x 152 mm} Shipping weight 9 ib (4.1 kg} 9 Ito (4.1 kg) Mounting For masts of 2.375 inches (60 mm} OD. f=or masts of 2.375 inches (6p mm) t7D. "' VSWR for A40-470 M}iz ~1 5:1 " Mechanicat design is based on environmental conditions as stipulated in EIA-222-F (June 1996) andlor EF5 app 019.1-4 which include the static mechanicat load imposed on an antenna by wind al maximum velocity Bee ttte Engineering Section of the catalog for further defatls Order information: Model ^escription CA7-410 4D6-426 Mtiz Yagi antenna CA7-46p 450-47p MHz Yagi antenna CA7.480 47D-430 MMzYagl antenna Aii specifieatians are subject to change without notice The fatest spenifications are available at www.kalhrein-scala.com. Kathretn inc.. Scala Division Pas! t7ftice $ax 4580 Medtard, OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-13566 Fax: (541 } 779-3951 Email: communications@kathrein,com internal: www kathrein-stela tom „' i 3, SCJkLIa D!1/1510N CA7 Series Yogi Anteriria 4Q6 to 512 MHz ~~ecifications: _ ._._.. GA7-490_ _..~ .- __„ CA7.500 _.~_~.___ _.~~ Frequancy range ~ - ~ ~..~ 480-500 MHz ....- _._ ~..a.-_ _`_" 49{7-512 MHz _~.___.m_ ~-.- .______ _-_~.~~ Gain ~- 12 dei __ _~_~_ __,W ~~ 12 dBi __~.~...._ .___._n.e .W~~ ~.~ Impedance ~.. ~ 50 ohms 50 ohms VSWR _.,~. _ ~..__ 21.35:1 __.._ . •. ~.~..... __...~_...- <1.35:1 -..,.....~.. _...~..__. Polarizalian Horizontal or vertiaal Horizon;al ar vertical Front-lo-back ratio >18 d9 X18 dB Maximum input power 250 watts (at 50°C} __ ._-~ 250 watts {at 50°C} H-plane beamwidth ____ ~_-__._ ~_ 53 degrees (half-power} 53 degrees (half-power} E-plane beamwidth 41 degrees (half•power) -_- ~~ 41 degrees (half-power} .--m- ~ Connector ~~-~ _____ ___ _ -~ N female y~- ~ __~. ________-.. N temale. _ ~-~- ~ W__~.. ~--. _ Weight ~...."""-" 6.5 Ib (2.95 kg} 6.5 Ib (2.95 kg) ~ _ Dimensions - 37.6 x 12.2 inches (956 x 311 mm) ~ _.. _ 36.5 x 12.5 inahes {927 x 318 mm) ~ EquivalenE ifat plate area - 0.5 ff~ (0.046 mx) 0.5 ftx {0.046 m~} , Wind survival rating' 120 mph (200 kptt) ~~- _ _- -~~ ~ ~ 120 rnpi} (200 kph) _ -_-_ Shipping dimensions 41 x 15 x 6 inches (1041 x 381 x 152 mm) ~ - 41 x 15 x 6 Fnches (1041 x 381 x 152 mm) __-_ ~ --~ -~~ Shipping weight 91b (4.1 kg) 9 Ib (4.1 kg) Mounting _.. Far masts of 2.375 inahes (60 mm) OD For masts ai 2.375 inches (60 mm) C3D. Mechanical design is based on environmental conditions as stipulated in ElA-222-F (June 1996} andlor ET5 3fl0 019-1.4 which include the static mechanical toad imposed an an antenna by wind at maximum velocity See the Engineering 5eetion of the catalog far further details. GA7-410 CA7-460 GA7-480 GA7.490 H-plane Horizontal patfern-V-palarizalian Vertical pattern - H-palarizalian CA7-410 GA7.460 GA7-4801 GA7-490 Order lnfarmation: Model Description GA7.490 480-500 MHz Yagi antenna CA7-500 490-512 MHzYaoi antenna E-plane Horizontal pattern -- H-palarizalian Vortical patfern _ V-polarization GA7-500 H-plane Horizontal pattern _ V-palarizalian Vertical pattern - H-polarization GA7.500 E-plane Harizonlai pattern - H-palarizalian Vertiaal patfern - V-palarizalian A[I specifications are subject to change without notice. The latest specifications are available at www. kaihrein-scala corn. Kathrein Inc., 5cafa Dtvisipn Post Offica Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (f15A) Phone: (541)779-6500 Fax: (541)779-3991 Email: aommunicatians~kaihrein cam Internet: wwwkathrein-scala cam .. ,. .~, ,~ , 5CI~1.la D1JU151dN A 8 {shown vertically polarized) Dimensions: Madel A B CA7-410 44 inches ifi.5 inches {1116 mm) ~ {419 mm) CA7-460 39.9 inches 14.9 inches (1013 mm) {378 mm) CA7.480 38.1 inches 13.1 inches {986 mm) (333 mm} CA7-490 37,8 inches 12.2 inches {956 mm) {311 mm} CA7.540 36.5 inches 12.5 inches (927 mm) {318 mm} Qrder Information: Madei Desariptian CA7.410 406--420 MHz Yagi antenna CA7-460 45p-47p MHz Yagi antenna CA7-480 470-490 MHz Yagi antenna CA7-490 460-500 MHz Yagi antenna CA7-500 490-512 MHz Yagi antenna CA7 Series Yagi Antenna 406 to 5~ 2 MHz AI! specifications are subject to change witiloui notice. the latest specifications are available at www.kathrein-scale com. Kathrein Inc., Scala Divisfan Past {Jffiaa Sax 458[3 Medford, QR 97501 {USA) Phone: {541)778-6500 Fax: (541) 779-3991 Email:aammunicationsC~kathrein,cam Internet:wwwkalhrein-scalacom ----- 1$rI''~tII.~~.~r° FNI .,A~ten.nas 1.€Z] :uttennas ;rte unchallcngeci in yst;€I€t}• anti dcpendahility E°.RI i~ the Dale €nanufncturcr ro use larpc diaittcter utucr cttnducturs and a cornplcrcly cncloscal. pressurized, irttcrnal series feed systcnt "lht; result is a sintitlc ;tntl reliable method tti• cnupliny; powc°r to the clctnrnt5 LJnlil,e cttmpetinl; dcsit;ns. k~ltl series fc[i ,tnrenrtas du not require a trou~lespme seeand'ary currcttt loop litr elemem cseitotirnt with all the resuhing disndvantngcs All ER.1 arttcnnas include brnclccts for mounting art Icg, pole. air face ntot€nting {up ut ~i2-inch unilorrtt truss scuion rower); brae€ccts for anc~r mounting mnfiguratians arc optionally ;tvail:tble L•.I~I's oribinal anti tiisrinctivc design carnbines the tsccprinn:ti cnginecrin~; features of an intetn:tlly fed. fully pressurizcc€ system with strperipr €abricttion char:tctcri'rcd by ~ortl]y we€ded iced can€tcctions. ruggcc€ brass tnatcri;tl :tnd 1-]C~ welding. Tltt: 1t(~l~(~Tii..l.i;R" series I=ivl ~uuennas unique design cor7sisrs of nvo series Fred, bcstt dipole e€cmcnrs which form a space phasccl, circularly polarized rttliator "Iltc anrenn:is conf€gurttion xntl r€tc large diatnctcr of the radiating alentents contribute to the uxcellcur band5vichh of the antenna svstern- :uul also inhibits catuna disdtargc CTtc horizontally polarizctl hurizanr;tl plane azintutlt pattern of nc~ SE-[I'7i series anrcrtna is pnt€tiditectinna) witlti€t t2 cIB when the anrertnt is pole or T..Atb113i~11"' C)ptimi-rcd ivlawtti€rg System mounted crop ;t uxvcr 5'sde tnounting the amemrt pre a topical [owcr structure swill af€ect the azimuth parrrrn EItI of€ers :t pattern mcasurcrnent sen•ice ra ;[5515[ in dctcrrttining nc~ cElect of the ntaunting structure an the antennas pattern Using I:RCs pattern optimization service. the pattern's cirt:tslarits may he intproved through the addition nl parasitically cscitecl elements F~n~fi~s ~ ~pw vs\X/lZ Irtrernal ft:ed l'IdIV pre SSlrii ZCll ~ Series led radi;tring clcntents ~ C:.ircular polariuuia€t ~ \Krc[clcd feed camtections ~ $trperiur VS\VIt. hand wiritlt ® I-iiglt input paver capacity ~ Cusrom mnc€ifitatiotts :tre available Corrosion resisruv eonsttactian ~~1'~~~°i'I~'~€C5 Frequency Range: 88 it 188 hfitz; Singlr lrrqucncy ut tnuhiplrxrd vcrsimts available polarizatien: Circular {eiutkwisey _ ~~..--_..,_._~_ ~, ~_.__ _~_..,_.__ w._ RF Input: i-S18 indt, 3-11B inch, nr 4.118 in[h FI!€ Flange Azimuth: ~~!~ 2 dRin Gee spatr A>Iial Ratio: Lrss than 3 [fi3 in irrr space VSWR at Input: 1.97:1 orless (with field n:ai[hing€ 125:1 ar Irss Frith top Itolc o€ tAhtBDA"' MaunGag System] 1.59:1 ar less trop mnuated withattt ficltl matching) Combine an Li21 anrertnn }virh an 1:€2i lutonntiny; Strttcturc- it:tttent Adeasuremcnt :uxi Install;tsinn rlssarc vot€rsel! of the hest :intcn€t^/tower iutc:ra:rtian L'121~s I'attcrn Mcasurenteut service will prpvidt: the crucial answers ccrnccrning tltc relationship bet55'(!t n the antenna mounting oric:mation :tnd arttennn pattern L'it1 1Lfnunting Sections :tre designed to ,tchicve nprintum amenna pcrfitrm:tncc while tech€eing weight and xv'tnd loads. C)nly ERI c:tn offer you an anrcttnaltawcdinstallatittn p:teltagc that will aclticvc your highest e:tpcctarions in a dcmandi€tg Flv€ marker Comaet Iaeerrpnics Itesearclt far utmpletc elcc;trica] and ntechan"satl spccific:ttions ~ ivladular constnrctipn fitcilitates easy installa'`pn :tncl repair ~ Mittirnnl cvrttltcr rclareci VSa~R. prpble€tts ~ Beam tilt andlor uuil lilt ;tv:tilahle ® Half-wave spacing; benvccn clctncuts available ~ Rugged brass cnrtsrrucrirtrt ~ Stainless steel supparr 6racl:cts and hartiwnrc ~ Radnmes ar t€eicing Itcaters nor nar€nal{y reclttired fitr radial ice less than 1!Z-irtch ~ Radomes or deicing heaters arc avail:tb[c ~ Custant designed antenna supports po€es or LAMBDA' bpti€nizcd Mounting 5ysrents are also ;tv,tilahlL front LRi tJ ~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~~ ~ y- _~ *• •~:~ ; - ~ ~,,~ --, ~~ _.~. . ~~ ~ .r _,~~~, ~~f ;- ~'1 ' ,~ f. ,I - l ~~ ~ ~__~:it.~ ~ `µ ~'~' '. ' I i ' j. ~' < •~~~ lbw - ~ =~ . s1i~ti ~ -:>! i~~ ~~ i,~~~ r1~, ~~~~ Your Single Source For Srnadcast 5a[utions'"' • Cali Tall-free at 877 ERI-L€NE • Visit Qnline at www eriinc com ~ ;~ ~_ ':Y t~ 1?i RAT®rI'I~I,E" F ~e~~nas 5HPX Series Super High Power Circularly Polarized dull Waue Spaced ~M Antenna Afadel Pawer Gain dt3 Gain Eemala 50 Ohrn Input, Input feed Input Power Hating, lrW Inches A Mode[ Full Wave Spaced Elements, 3-118 inch Interbay Line, 3-118 inch rTlement Stem _... .,... i I ~ SHPX-lAE ~ ~__.~ 0.4611 ~. _ _ 3.118 ~-- ~ .3.3623 ~~ .-w_ End ~~ ~ ~ 32 .~. ~ <~. .~ _._. 5HP%-7AE 6.9971 - ~......_ ~-. _ O.f1118 3-218 -~~ .._ _. _. _ ._ End- _._ ._ . 32 ?- SiiPX-2AE 6.9971 - - ~_W-. ~~ -0,0128 3-118 ~~ _ _ Center_ .-~39_~__m...._...__ 0.9971 5HPX-2AC6 mm 0.0128 G-118 Center G4 ~~~ 5HPX-3AE 1,5588 ~,_,_~_.__._-._...._ ~-- 1.9278 3-118 ...~ . ...~ .. . ~ ~- -~._~.. End ~ . 32 ~ . ~ Si1P%-3AC i-5588 --~~-m~~ ~- _.. . . ..- _ _ 1.9278 . 3,118_ m. .. p(ECemer . _- ....,-_ 39 SIiPX-3ACG -~ 13588 ~ -~-~~ _..._ 1.9278 ~-W- G•U8 .-~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p(t{enter ~ G4 --~~ .~ I _51{PX-4AE ~ 2-1332 _._ _u,_-~.___°°-_ -- 3.118 .__ 3.29p3 -- --~ - _-W.._,_.~... ..__~____~_. -_~.~_.n.._. End ~ -... .-~n_ 32 _ _..._ 2,1332 SIiPX-4AC 3-118 3.2963 _._. Ccnict 3~ ._... _ ~ 5HPX-4A[G m 2.3332 _ 31963 G-118 Centrr G4 ~ SHP%-SAE 2.7154 __ -~~~- - WW ~ 4.3384 3.118 __ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ End 32 m~M _ = 5HPX-SA{ 2-7154 ~--__..__ ~ .. ..._ A.3384 ~ ~ 3-118 mm ~.- ~~ 4W p(i{enter ...~._ 39 ~- SHPX-5hC6 2.7154 _~-~~.~- _~ 4.3384 G-118 ,m~ ._ .. . -_, ~~ ~ OH Cenler ~ G4 5HPX-GAE 33628 __SHPX-6AC 3.3628 ----~~-~~ --- -~ - ._._. . ~ 5.1888 - 3.118- T 5.1888 _ 3-118 ~ _ fnd Center _ 32 39 SHP%-GACG 3.3028 _.___ _ ~~- __ 5.188E G-Ve~ Center .~G4 SHPK-7AC 3.8935 -- ~_._v~. -- -~ 5.9034_ ____. 3-118 ~_~ p((Center 39 -_~_. _SHPX-lACG 3.8935 ~~ ---~-~~ .~~ 5.9034 ~^ G-1I8m~~~ ___- .- O(tCenicr . ~^.61 ~~-._ SHPX-ehC _ _ 4.4872 - ~~ --- - 6.5197 ~ 3-118 --- Cenler _~ ~ ~~ 39 _ ~~_ .}~IB72 S11P%-BACG 6.5197 G-118 -- Centrr _64 5HPX-9AC 5.0826 7.6608 G-118 p(fCenter 39 SHPX-9>;[6 5.0826 1.6608 b-118 plt Center b4 SHPX-l0A[ __5.6800 .~-~ 7.5435 3-118 -~ ~ {enter _-~A~ 34 51tPX-tOACb 5.6880 7.5435 b-318 [enter 64 -~ SIiPX-11AC ~_.._ 6.2783 ~~m 7.9785 G-;18 ~ ~~ pH Center -~ ~ 39 ~- ~ SHPK-11ACG .~___ G.2783 -___-- 7.9785 ____ G-i18 _, pff{emcr _ _____. Gd SNPK•17AC 6.8781 8.3747 3-118 £enter _ _ 39 SIiPX-12AC6 G 8181 8.3747 G-118 (enter G4 B Model Full Wave Spaced Elements, 4-1 /8 inch, Interbay Line, 4-118 inch Element Stem ~-_ - SIiPK-1BE 0.4611 -3.3623 6-318 a~ End ~ 40 _~ SHPK•2Hf 0.9911 -0.6128 6-1I8 End SG SHPX•2BC , 0.9971 -O.f1128 b-118 _ Ccnlc€ ___ __ B6 513PX-38E -- _ 1.SS88 _.___ 1.927E __ G-118 __ End YW-W _ SG S4iPX-3BC 1.5588 1.9278 6-118 WCrnI[r --- 117 -_ SHPK-4BE 1.1332 31903 5-118 End 5G SHPK-A8C _-~~ 2.1332 _-. 3.2903 G-118 Center i12 SHPX-SpE ___r___.. 2.7154 _ -~-~ 4.3384 G-118 ____ End 5G SHPK-5pC ~ 2.7154 4.3364 G-I18 _ (enter ~ 112 SIiPK bp( 3.3628 _-~ 5.1888 G-318 ~ Center lit SHPX-7pC 3.9935 5.91134 G-118 (t1f£entet 112 SHP%88C 4,4872 6.5197 G 1J8 Center 332 SHPK-98C ~~ 5.0826 - 7.6668 G-118 pf(Cenler 112 SHPK 108C 5.6806 7.5435 G-718 Ccntcr 112 SHPX-lief _ _6,2783 _____ _ 7.9785 ______ G-118 ~~ _ [tffCenter 112 5HPX-128{ C Model Full Wa 6,8781 8.3747 G•11B Cenler ve Spaced Elements, 6-118 inch Interbay Line, 4-1/8 inch Element Stem if2 SiPK-2CE 0.9971 6.0328 G-i18 End 80 SHPK-4CE 7.1332 3.2463 G-]18 End 120 5HPX-GCE 3.3028 5.i8BB G-118 End 320 ~-~ Y~'~ Your Single Source For Broadcast Solutions"" • Call Tall-free at 877 ERI-L.INE • Visit Online at www eriinc com ~~~~r~4n~~ ~~c~~~~~~{~~s {~a~~~~i~~~~f MPX Series Medium Power Circularly Polarized Full Wage Spaced FM Antenna Model Power Gatn dB Gain Pemale S61)hm Input. Input Feed Input Polder 13a;Ing, kW Inches MP%-1f _O,AG11 - ~~_~_- •3.3623 ~ 3-118 - End ~ 12 ~ _MP%•2E ~ _fl9971 - ~,M 0.0128 ~ 3-118 _-~.. ~ End ~.-mm.m 18 MP%-2{ ____--W.. __,~___ MP%•3E _ fl9911 ~ - _--r,_- ~...-m...,_ ., 1.5588 -0,6128 __--_ ___......_.._____ 1.9278 .~ 3-118 __. 3-118 ~_..__~feniCr ..-.._,-..-~.._~ End -.-.,Wr...18 ~_ }~ _._,_,~..._-_...,.....~_ 18 -' MP%-3C 1.5588 1,9278 _ ~ 3-118 OtfCenter 18 i'~ h1P% dE ~ 21332 ~ 3.2903 _ 3-118 ~ End ~ 18 €1 ~ MP%-4C _.... _ 2.1337 _m_ ~ _ _ 3.2903 ~.-..__ __ 3-118 {enter . 18 MP%•5E __W ~.„ ,.._- MP%-SC m _- _ 2,7154 _ ~... --.. ... 2.7154 -~_.. 4,3384 -. -.. d.33B~t _.- 3-118 .. 3-118 _..__ End _~~.---____ -.._ C3RCeii;er -__-._____. 18 ___.,..-... 78 MP%-6C -~.. - ~ 3,31118 5,1888 -- a-~ 3-11$ Center 18 ~... h4P%-7C ~ ~ W°-.-. -. ._ 3.8935 . .. ~ . '. ~ ,_ 5.9034 .M . __.- e. ,. 3-118 ~ _.._..-__ _fnd ~ .~ - _._..-.. i8 ~ ._ . . h§P%-8C . . .-_... . m A.4877 -~ _ . GS197 ~ 3-118 _ ---- ._.- Center 18...,._ - .. MP%•9C ~ - 5.0826 ---~~ 7.0668 3-118 ©ElCenter 18 ~ _MP%-16C -• 5.6800 ~ - - - 7.5435 T--•-.~. 3-118 Center 18 - MP%-11C •~.~-- - - 6.7783 -~ ~ ~ ~~ - _._~ 73785 ~~ ~~ ~ 3.118 ~ W_,----~ tlrtCentcr ~~ 18 ---~~~~. ~,. ...... . MP%-12C ~ G8781 837d7 3•SB Cemer -~ -_._-_..18- _ _- LPX Series Law Power Circularly Polarized Full Wane Spaced FM Antenna Model _- ~.._. LP%-111 ~ Power Gain ,....--a.._.._~ __.._ O.d611 ~~~ ~~ d0 Gain ,.-__ -33623 ~ Fematc 5tf Ohm Input, tnches -__._~...~W-- 1-51fl Input Feed __ _,. _ End ~ tnput Power Rating. kW _ _... 9 LP%-2E - ~w..~~._ ~. 0.9971 __-_. -- ---~ 0.0128 ~._._ 1.518 _ .. _..___..._ End ~ -- .-_.m.__m. 9 _--_. .-_ LP%-2C 0.9971 -6.0128 3,118 Center m... t7 !P%•3E 1.5588 1.9278 1-5I8 End 9 1.P%-3C N+- 1,SS88 1,9178 3-118 Otf Cotter 12 EP%-4E ~-- .~__....~...~_,..~ LP%-d{ 2.1332 - . ._.._- -~~- 2.1332 3.2903 ~ ~._w.__ 3.2903 1.518 .__....~~ __ 3-118 fnd ~~..._-.--._ Cenlcr 9 _-u.~-~-.~~. 12 LP%-SE ~ 2.7154 W- 4.3384 1-518 fnd ~ 9 ~ lP%•SC ~~ ~ -- _2.7154 -__ 4.3384 -~~ 3-118 UlfCemcr ~ t2 ~ tP%•6( ~ ~ -- _ 3.3028_ ~ .~ ~~~ 5.1888 ~___~ 3-118 ~.-_ ~ .~~ . {enicr ~- 12 ~~ Aµ. LP%•7C ._ _ 3.8935 ___-w~ _ .. 5.903d ~W- 3-118 ~ .~ _-Center ~_ - 12 ~ ~ ~ LP%-8{ 4.4872 ~-.-~ G.5197 3.118 ---~ -- Center --- 12 ~-- LP%-9{ 5.0826 7.0668 3-118 GiECenter __--~ i2 LP%•1€}C S.G800 7.5435 3-11fl Crnler 12 LP%•11C ~~ 6.2783 _7.9785 3-119 pffEentcr ~ 12 LP%•12{ -~~~ 6.8781 ~ 8.3747 3-118 - Center ~ 12 Mechanical SpecEfication Notes: 11) Antenna we€ght and wind load are approximate values for a typical structure assuming no top Iaad FInaI design Iaads wilt vary for sperilic pro}ecis and shpuld be verified by an ERl representative 121 Wind foods are caltulated in auardanee vdth the hNillTlAlEIA 2t2-F standard. Weight and effettive wind area (CaArl includes antenna, Inner transmission feed and typical support mast and mounting brackets with ne ice Your Single Source Far Broadcast Solutions'"' • CaH Tall-free at 877 ERI-LINE • Visit Onlir£e at www eriinc com ~ ~ it 1~C~'''I`IL,I,~3R" ~~ texas SHPX Series Super High Power Circularly Polarized Full Wave Spaced FM Antenna ~ Madel WilhAntenna Only w Antenna Weight,lh (Hg) Mth 1!2 inch of Radial Ice Wtlh Radame ~. _ . _ SVith Radame and 1!Z In'haRadlal With Antenna Only ~ Antenna [aAa, ft' (m') With 11Z inch of Radial Ice With Radame . ~ With Radame and 112 inch Radial Ice , ~`-' A Model ___ ... Full Wave Spaced Elements, _ -__.. ~. --_ 3-118 inch Interbay Line, 3 ~ - -118 i ~ ... ..-.~ nch Element Stem ~ - .-..._ - ~'; SHP%°lAE µ~ 107 Id8.S8) 187 18=1.90j~~ 157 (71-20) 312 (141.55) 4.G9 (0.441 5.'13 (0.55) --8.98 10-84) 10.75 (A.95) [-= SNP%-ZAE 220 (99.$$1 380 1172.52) 320 {145.28} 530 1286.02) 9.99 (Q.93} 11.95 (1.21) 18.55 {1,73} 11.62 (2.01) W _ SHP%•2AC 250 1113.SQ) _ 410 (185.14) 350 ~ 115890} GGO 1299.54) 11.13 {L04] 14.73 11.37} 19.69 11.83) 23.38 12.17} I R. 5HP%•2ACG 315 - ^ {143,01} 486 (21792# 415 I188.41) 730 [331.42} 12.5Q (1.16] 15,78 (1.47} 11.05 I1.9G) 24A3 12.27} SLIP%-3AE - 333 1151.18) 573 _ _ 1250.14) 483 123928) 948 (430.39) 15.28 (1.421 19.99 11.85) 28.33 12.52) 32.97 (3.(17) SHP%-3A( 363 -- (3G4.8Q) ~ 503 (273.75) - 513 [2329D] 978 (444.01) 15.42 [1.53) 21.75 12.023 29.27 (2.72) 34.74 (3.23) SNP%-3ACfi 42R 1194.31) 673 (305.54) -578 1252.41) 1,048 (475.79) 17.79 (1,GS) 22,81 {2.12) 30.54 {2.85) 35.79 {3.33# SIIP%•4AE 445 ~ (202.48} ~ ~ 7GG (347,151 G+IG ~ 1293.28) 1,265 (574.7b1 2D.58 (1.91} 27.01 12.51# 37.70 13.53) 44-32 {4.12) SI3PK-dAC d76 (216.10) ~ lg6 {361.38) 676 ~ 130G.901 1,195 {588.38) 21.72 (2,02} 28.79 12.58) _ 38.84 13.51] A6,09 14.291 j SHPK•4ACG 541 124S.G1)~ _ 871 (395.43] _ -741 1335.41) 1,374 (522.43) 23.09 12.15] 29.84 (2.78) 40.21 13.74} 47.14 (4.39) -) SHPK-SAE 559 (253.79) mm 959 [435.39) 809 1367-29) 1,594 (719.14) 25.87 (2A1) 3A.04 (3-17) 47.28 14.40) SS.67 (5.18) 511P%•SA[ _559 1253.791 959 (+535.391 _8Q9_ fiG7.291 1584 p19.141 ~ 25.87 (2.411 34.04 13.17) ~ <17.28 14.40) 55.57 #5.18) SNP%•SAf6 572 .-..._w. (305.Dg} ......__ 1,152 1523011 - - - . __ gl2 ___. _ ~ (441.29) __ 1,902 lBG3.51) ~_._ 31.1 - 7 (2.90# 41.07 13.82) _ 56.85 -- 15-29) G7A3 {G14)m ---_ 514PK•6A[ - 702 ~~ (318.71} 1,181 - - -- .. 1535.531 -•-~ 1,002 1454.91) 1,932 1877.13) 32.37 (3,01# 42.84 (3.99) ~ _ -_ 51.99 (5.39] 58.80 _.._~ (6.401 SI3PK-6ACG ~ IG7 1348.22] 1,252 1572,95} ---- 1,0G7 (48A.421 2,012 1913A5# 33.58 [3.13) 43.89 14.08) 59.36 15521 59.85 IG.SO)~ S41PK•1AC _785 T mm 1355391 ~ . 1.345 161D.G3} µ 1,135 _ ~ 1515.291 2,220 I1A07.8A) 3GAb (3,39} 48.0'1 (4.471 GG.43 ~ 16,18) 78.38 _ 17.291 Si1PK-7ACG _ 850 - 1385.90) W 1,+125 ~G4G.95} 3,250 (544.$01 2,30D (1,044.20) 37.83 (3.52) 49.14 (4.571 ~~ 67.80 ~ IG.311 19.A3 (1.39) -~ ~ SHP%-8AC _928 (421.31) 2,558 1711,87) 1,328 {602.91# 2,558 _11,165.87} 42.9Q (3.99) 55.89 [5.291 17.14 [1.18) 91,53 _18.53# SNP%-6ACG ~W~ 993 ~ 1450.82) 1,653 ---1750.451 1,393 (531.42) 2,553 (1,204A6) 44.27 [4,12) 57.94 15.39) 7831 (7.30} 92.55 18.51] .. SNP%-9A{ 1,13G (515.74) 1,875 1851,101 1,585 (720.04) 3,001 11,352.45) 50.71 [4.72# 56.74 IG11) 89.22 18.30) 105.59 19.83) SHPK-9AC6 1,201 (545.25) 1,951 1890.29# 1,b51 1749.55) 3,086 [1,401.04) 52.08 (4.84} 67.79 16.31) 90.59 (8.43) 105.74 19.93) SHPK-10AC 1,154 (51392) 1,954 1887.12} 1,554 (750.921 3,209 (1,454-b2) 53.49 (A.9A) 70.95 IG.GO) 96.29 18.951 114.21 [lA.G21 SHPK•1QACG 1,219 (553.431 ~ 2,Q44 1927.98) 1719 1780,431 3,294 (1,495.48) 5A.8b (5.10) 72,Q0 IG.70) 97.56 (9,08) 12515 I1Q.721 SHP%-13A( 1,172 1532.09) 2,037 _ 1924,BD) 3,722 1781.79# . 3,412 19,549.05) SG17 (5.23) 75.15 [5.99) 103.36 (9.52) 122.73 (11,+521 SHP%-11A{G 1,137 1551.59) - 2,127 - 1965.66) 3,787 18113A) 3,542 11,589,97) 57.64 (5.35) 75,21 (7.091 (04.73 19,74) 123.78 111.511 5NP%-12AC 1,380 {525.52} _ 2,340 11.DG2-3b) 1,900 _ 1898.92} 3,840 11,743.36] 64.01 {5.95) 85.00 (7.93# 115.A4 110.74} 135.92 112.74) SNPK-12A{G 2,445 (65G.D3} 2,435 (1,105.-09] 2,045 1928.43) 3,935 (1,795.49) 55.45 IG.A9) BG,OS (8.00} 116.$1 {10.87) 137.97 {12,$3) B Mode! Full Wave Spa ced Elements, 4-118 i nch Interbay Line, 4-118 inch Element Stem S11P%-l0E 155 (7037) 255 111111) 205 (93.07# 380 (172,52} 5.28 (0.49) G.S7 10.51) 9.SG (0.89) 1Q90 (1.03} SHP%-1RE 315 {t<53.01) 515 1233.81) 415 (188.41# 765 (347.31} 11.66 (1.08) 14A$ (4.35) 20.22 (1,88# 23.93 (1.15} SIIP%-28C M115 {188,41} 600 (272.46) 515_ 1233.81} 850 1385.90) 13.33 {1.24] 1533 (1.52} 24.89 (2.04} 24.98 (2.32) SHP%-30E 475 (215,65} 775 (351.85) 525 1283.75) 1150 (521.10) 18.04 I1.G8) 22.38 (2.08} 3D.88 (2,81) 35,36 (3.29) SNPK-38C 575 1251.05) W 850 1390.A4) 725 _ 1324.15) .W 1135 (560.59) 19.11 (1.83] 24.23 (2.25} 32.55 (3.03) 37.11 ;3.45} 511P%-4IIE 535 1288.29) mm I,D35 (459.89) N3S (379.D9] 1535 (596.89) 24.42 12.271 30.28 (2.82) AI.S4 (3.851 47.59 (4A3] SHP%-d8L 735 (333.68) 1,105 (504.67) 935 (424,48) 1505 (728,671 25.09 [1.43) 31.13 (2.99) 43.11 (4.A2) 49.44 {4.60) SHP%-58E 795 #360.93} _ 1,295 (587.93) 1,045 (474.43) 2920 1871.b8) 39.80 (2.87) 38.19 (3.551 5211 (4.8b} 59.82 (5.56) SHP%-50C 895 (406.33} 1,355 (614.11) 1,145 (519,83} 199A 19D3.A6) 31.47 (3.02) 40,04 (3.72# 53.88 (5.01} 51,67 (5.14) SNPK-GIIC 4,055 IA78.97)~ 1,510 [730.94) 1,355 1515.17) 2350 (1,O71.dA) 38.85 13.61) 47.94 (4.46} 64.54 (G.OD) 73.80 (5,87) SI1P%-lEt{ 1,115 (SSL51) 1,855 (841.17) 1.565 1720,51) 273A (1,739-411 45.13 14.23) 55.84 (5.19} 75.20 (7.D0) 85.13 #8.01) 5NP%-88C 1,375 [624.25) 1,115 _(850.21) 1,775 [BD5.85) 3135 {1,414.211 51.61 14.80) 53.75 15.831 85,85 (T99) 98.36 (9.15] 5HP%-98[ 1,535 [G96.89j 2,375 13,07815) 1,985 (901.19) 3500 (1,589.00) 58.01 (5,40) 71.55 (6.57) 96.52 {8.98) 110.59 110.29) 5HP%-108( 1,595 (769.53) 2,520 (?,189.48# 2,185 (99fi.53) 3870 (1,755.98# 54.38 (5991 79.55 {7.40} 147.19 19971 122.82 111.43) 513PK-110C 1,855 (842.17) 2,855 {1,300.T1} 2,405 [1,081,87} 4240 (1,924.96} 70.75 (G.SB) 87.46 18.14) 117.86 (10.96) 135.05 112,55) SNPK-1280 2.015 (91A Bl l 3.125 11.418 75} 2 515 [1.187 21) 4615 IZ.099 75) 77 15 (718) 95 35 18 87) 128 51 111 951 147 28 fl3 70) C Model Full Wave Spaced Elements, 6-1 /$ inch Interbay Line, 4-118 inch Element Stem SHP%-2CE 345 1116.63) 575 12b1.QSl 4AS (202.03) 825 {314.55) 1A,00 (1.321 15.83 (1.51) 22.75 (2.12) 25.48 12.37) _ 5HP%-4CE 595 (315.53) 1,155 (524.371 895 1406.33) 1,555 1751.371 30.00 (1.80) 35.39 (3.29) 47.2 {4.39) 52.7 14,901 S91PK-6EE 1,Q4S 1474.43) 1,735 (187.59# 1,345 (610.63) 2,485 11,128.19) 46.0A (4,281 13.96 #5.02) 74.b6 15.57) 19.91 17.431 See Mechanlca9 Specification Notes on par3e 12 ik~` ~ ~ Your Single 5aurce Far 13roacJCast 5ulutians'" ~ Call ToE!-free at 877 ERI-LINE ~ Visit C)niine at www er'sinc com i MPX Series Medium,, Power Circularly Polarized Full Wave Spaced FM Antenna ___.~_~.__- ---._..~.____~ __~~ _.- _______--_~~._..__~ ~ ~_~~-- ---~t_.~~. AntennaWei ht,lhs(R 1 AntennaCaAa,ft2 m2 _ __ .~.__ -- _..__._.- Model ._..._ With AnEnnna 0nly ~ __~ With t121nch of Radial Ice 44iEh Radame __W With Radame and 1!2 incls Radial lte -~ _ With Antenna tlnly With 112 inch of ftadlal ]ce With Radame i With Aadame and 172 inch Radial Ice h1P%-?L 75 ~ [34.051 127 151.66) -~ 119 ~ (54.031 210 (95.34} m 4.1$ [039) SAG (0.51] 6.73 (0.63] 8.14 10.76] `~ A1P%•2E 756 (70.82) 260 (118,OA] 244 ~ {110.781 426 Ii93Ap} 8.97 (D.83) 11,01 (1.12} 14.0T [1311 17,37 I1.G21 = MP%-2C 186 (84.441 ~ 3D7 _ [139.381 274 [124.401 476 (216.10] tU.ll (0.94] 13.78 {1.28) _ 15.21 11.41} 19.1A (1.78) htP%-3E 237 (107.G0) 393 (178,421 3fi9 (167.53) b42 {291.47) 13.75 11.281 18.56 (1,73} 21.40 (1.99} 26.60 {2.471 MP%•3C 267 (12122] 44D 1199.761 399 (181.151 692 (314,171 14.89 (1.39) 20.33 (1.89} 22.54 (2.10] 2$.37 (2.64) ~ I A1P%-Ai: 318 _ {144.371 ~ 526 (238,80) 494 (224.28} 8S8 (389.53} 1B,S4 (1.72} 25,71 (2.3A] Z$.73 (2.67} 35.83 (3.33) MP%-4C 348 - I1S7991 573 __#260.141 524 1237.90} ^ 908 ^ (41213] _ 19.68 (1.83} 26.88 (2-50] 29.87 [2.78) 37.60 (3.50} 1 h7FX-5E 399 1181.15] 659 (299.191 619 1287.031 1 074 (487.60} 23.32 (1..17] 31,66 (2.951 36.06 13.35) 45.06 (4.19} i h1P%-5C 429_ (194.77) ~ 706 (320.521 649 (294.651 l,it4 (510301 24A6 (2.261 33.43 (3.11} 3710 13.46} 46.83 14.36] tAP%-GC 570 {231,541 A39 _(380,97} ll4 _ (3S1:tA) ~ 1,340 I6D8.36)~ 29.25 (2.721 39.99 (3,72) _ 44.54 (4.14) SG,07 IS.Z21 A1P%-iC 561 1254.691 T~~ 925 {<119.951 _ 869 13°J4.53# mm 1,506 (683,72} 32.89 (3.06} 44.76 (4.161 50.73 (4.721 63.52 (5.91} Ml'%-eC G72 13p5.09) 7,105 (507.67) 7,024 1464.901 1,772 (804.A9} 38,82 (3.6?} 53,09 (4,94) 59.20 (5.51) 7A.S3 (6.931 MP%-9C 72_3 1328.24] ~ 1.197 1540,711 1.119 150&.03] 1,938 (819.$5) 42.45 (3.95] 57.86 15.38) 65.39 (6.08) 8198 (7.63} _ 1r41'X-l0C _ 834 1378,G4} ~ 1,371 __ (GZ2.431 ~ 1,274 1578.Ap] 2.204 (7,OOO.GZj 48.39 {4.50) GG.19 16.16] 73.87 ~ {6.81) 92-99 (B.GSI MP%•11C - 8B5 µ {401791 1.457 _ (661,4&1 1,369 - 1621.53# A 2,37D I1,A7598] 52.03 (4.84} 7096 16.60] 80.06 (7-45} 100.44 19.341 l4P%-12[ - 996 I's51 181 I.637 {743 tpl 1;524 I691 90} 2.fi36 11.196 74} S7 9fi (5 39} 79 29 (7 381 8B 53 (8141 11145 _ (14 37) LPX Series Law Power Circularly Polarized Ful[ Wave Spaced FM Antenna _ _ __Antenna Weight, Ihs (Kg} _ __ Antenna CaAa, tt2 [m2] Withltntenna With tl2lnch of ~~ With Aadnme and With Antenna With 7/2lnch of With Radame and Model Oniy Radial Ice With Radtsme 7721nch Radial Ice Only Radial Ice With Aadnme 1171nch Radial Ice tP%-tE G2 (26.15) 102 (4631) 1fl6 148.12) 176 (19.90] 3.08 (1.40) 4.59 12.09) 5.61 (2.55) 7.24 (3.29} LP%•2E 124 (56.30] ZD4 192,62] tl2 (9G.2S) 352 1159.81) 6,38 (2.9D] 9.60 (4.36] 11.43 15.49] 14.9D (6.1b] LP7(•2C 163 _ {74.00] 256 (116.22] 251 (173.95) 4D6 118432] 8.40 (3.81] 12.00 15.45) 13.45 #6.111 17.36 (7.851 Ll'll3f ~- 186 ~ ~- _1&444) 3D6 ^-_. (138.92] ~m 378 -~ (144.37} mm 528 1239.71) 9,67 (4.39) 14.62 (6.64) 17.2'1 mm 17.831 22,56 (11714) tP%-3C _ 225 (102.15) 358 --~ 1i62-531 357_ _ (162.08) SB2_ (26423] - 11.69 15.31] 17.02 (1.731 19.26 18.74} 24.96 {11.331 LP%-4[ ~m 248 (712.59) 4D8 (185.23} 424 (192.SD) 7D4 ~ {319.62) 12.97 (5.891 19,64 (8.92) 23.06 (10.471 36.23 (13,77) LP%-4C 287 (130.30] 460 ~~- 12D8-84} 463 -~ (270.1tl) 758 ~ (344.13) 14.99 #6.81) 22.03 (10.0D1 25.08 {11.39} 32.62 (14.81) LP7f-5l: 310 I14D.74} 51D_ (231.54) 53D (240.62) 880 1399-52] 16.21 17.39) 24.65 (11.191 28,86 113.11} 37,89 (?7.2D} LP%-5C ~ 349 {158.45] T - SG2 W (155.15) - SG9 (158.33) 934_ 1424.04] 18.29 18.30) 27.04 #1218} 30.90 _ I1~1.03} 40.28 ~ 118.291 LP%-Gf ~ All (186.59] --- 664 ~- (301.46] 675 (306.45) 1,110 (503.941 21.58 [9.80] 31.06 (14.56} 3G.T2 116.67) 47.95 (21.77) LP7f-7C 473 (214.74) 7GG (347.16} 781 (354.57] 1,286 (583.84) 2A.87 {11.29] 37.08 116.&3] 42.54 (59.37) 55.62 85.25) LP%-8( 535 124L89) B68 (394.67] 087 (402.70] 1,462 1663.75) 28.37 112.79} 42.fl9 (19.211 48.36 {2196# 63,27 (28.72} LP%-9C ~ 101 145.85) ~ _ 154 (69.921 mmm145 (65.83] 23A 1104.42) 5.31 12.41) 7.A1 (3361 7.84 13.5[1] 10.05 (4.56) LP%-1DC GS9 (299.19] ~ 1,072 ..m ~-- (486.691 - 1,099 ~ (498.95) 1,814 ~ --- (823.561 34.77 (15.791 52.12 123.66} G0.D0 127.241 78.69 (35.6$) tP%-itC 125 1102.15) 358 {162.53] 357 (161.0$1 582 (264.131 11.9I 1SA11 77A4 (7.92) 19.AB (8.841 25.38 171.52} LP%-12C 783 (355.48) 1,276 157930] 1,311 {S9S.19j 2,166 (983.36} 41.36 (18.78} 62.15 (28121 it-G4 (32.52) 93.93 [42.64) See hlcchanital Spe<ificafina Noses on page R RA'TO7ILLER° Antenna ~ Quarto wave stub (lter system) 6(1#} 1V! 2?t) V l]eicets (pcr bay) AptlOnS~' 1~ Bcant tilt (pcr system} [cen€er fed ® 3(1U \Y~l 22(] V €~ci<crs leer b:ty) antennas ranly) 3qt) \Y~I ?2;) V 17cicers Stans he:uers (per ~ ~inti-]2outtion Brackets (pcr ltay) ~ l=irsr null fill (per system} [center fed bay) ^ LP\ An€cnn:ts (? inch leg size or less} antennas ottly[ lclinn cnarit;g (pcr bay) ^ $i'XI{~tI'a Antenrsas (3 inch icg ~ Second nttli dill (pcr system) [cotter fed ~ L•.s ton t ul ru > ter h;sy} size nr less) antennas oniv; not :tvail:tltle for i. itX i I ~ - ` b (i , ^ R;tdnmcd Antennas (5 inch Ict; size 5cricsj ' Options available at addilinnal tos€ or Icss} m ltntlnsncs Your Single Source For Broadcast 5olutians'" ~ Call Toff-free at 877 ERI-LINE ~ Visit Online at www eriinc com ~ ~_i 71F ~~1Gh 5® ~~~ ~rI]~~-5Q I. r, , Attenuation and Average Power Frequency lsflir Attenuation d11l100 ft Attenuation dglt0q m Average Power, kW - __ ___...O.i_.. ~. 1 _..... _ ~A2S .___ 1}.035 • ~ - 0.081 U.115 - 91,0 78.G i.S ------ _._ . O,tl43 _ - __ 0.391 -~ ~~ ~ 64.1 _ 2 0.050 - O.1G3 ~- ~~__-- 55.5 „~ 10 0.112 03G6 ~ ~------- 24.6 _-~ 20 0.159 O.S21 _ _.~..,..,~ 17 3 m , .- 30 0.195 O.G41 ---~ 14.1 µ- ~~~~ Sfl 0.254 0.833 11).8 88 0.340 L72 - - _ 8.08 - W W- 100 0.3G4 1-19 7.56 ---~ 708 0.378 1-24 - 7.2G ._~..~....._-.. --- _v_ 1SA ~ _ 0A49 1.47 __-5.12 _~____ 174 0.98G 3.59 S.Gfi _.., .. _ .____. -- -~-._--._200 _.~._ ~~ -. O.S23 ~ 1.72 -- - _. - - - S.ZG ~~~~ --~~- 300 4.G99 2.13 4.24 W-__~_-_, 400 0-758 2.49 3.G3 _ ~~~ 4S0 _. 11.808 Z.GS 3A7 ~~- ~~~.~~ Cabie Ordering lnfarmation spa 11.ass 2.81 _____--_ ~ 3mmu 5tandardCable --.~~ S12 0.85G 2.84 -W.._, .__ ~ 3.1~ ~ m i 718"Standard[able,Standardla{krt,.._~.._,~_µ-~~~~ LF1FS-SOA G00 0.445 3.10 ~~~~ -2.91 _ Fire Ttetardant {able ~_ ~ 100 1.03 337 ~ 2.67 ~---___n_.__.~~- Y 718"Fire 8elardanl Jacket ICATVA) i OfSOFJ-SOA 000 1.11 ----3.63 ~~ ~.. .. 2~f8 ~ - _ lowVSWftand5peclalizedCables~-_~_~~~~ -___.____ . M-~~- .. m 824 1.13 -- -._._ 369 mm - 2-44 `_ 7!8"LosvVSWA,specifyoprrasing hand tOFSP-SOA•(") 894 1.18 _ 3.87 ~ 2-34 -_ - "fnsrrtsuffiixnumlrerlrom"lotivVSWRSpecifi[ations"taUle,pa ei71. 3 4G4 1.23 4.A2 2.24 - 1000 1.25 4.12 2.19 Characteristics 12511 1.42 - d.67 1.93 -- 1504 1.58 5.18 1.79 EI~CtrICB~ ______ ~ m mm ,. ^ ._.----.. 1700 1,70 S.S6 1.G2 i Impedancr, afsms SO ~ 1 ~ 1800 W--..--_-.-- _ 1.75 ~~ _ ~- 5.75 1.57 Maximum Frequency, G11z _-______µ____-_ __ 5 2t)A0 -Y-~~ Y 1.8G ~ ~ 5.11 i.48 Vrlacity,prrcent _______ ~ ~ 84 21AA 1.92 -~- 6.24 1.44 PeakPawrrBaling,kW ~_~__~_~_ _ _ 91 2200 -.... 1.97 6.46 1.40 _~LL d{I;csisianrr,nbms11000f1(t000m1 ~_ W ~~ _ -m 2300 mrn ~2.02 6-G3 1.3G __ Inner ~ _-_____ -~~ 0.3ZI1AS) ~ 3Ag0 ~~~ 2.37 7.15 1.15 -~ --~- Outer -~~_ ~_ q35 (1.18) ~ 3400 2.55 8.31 1.08 ---- ~ dc0rrakdavrn,vabs - G000 ~ 40g0 2.81 9.23 _ 0978 Jacket Spark, volts RMS _ 8000 _ 5000 3-23 10.6 0.853 Capacitance, pFlFt Im) ~._~ -_ _~_ _____e_ 22.8 {75.q] Standard Canditnns: _____~ Inductance, pHlil fm) ~. ___tl__~ _ _ ~- O,OS7 (0.187} Fnr AI€rnuatinn VSWO L0, ambient trmpcra trrre 20"C IG8"f I ~eC~ldlljCd~ Far AveragePavrer VSV1f110,ambirnttemprrature4q°C{104`'F}.inner Outer Canduuar Capper {andu{tor temprmunr 100`[ 1212"F1; no solar loading i lnnrrCpnduuas ~.-~-------~-.-__ Capper 0iamrtrr overJackrt, its Imm} 1.09 {281 i OiametrroverCapper0ulerConduttat,in(mm) - 0.981249} _ Qlameter Inner [anduttnr, in [mm) 035514.0} IdaminallnsitlclrnnsvrrsaJ}€meruions,cm 2.11 f,9inimum Rending fiadius, in Imm] 1D (250} Numbrrnf 8rnds, minimum [1yRirail 15150) Ornding Moment, fb-ft If1•m} 12I16.3) CabfrWrlght, lblk (kglm) ___.__ 0.3310,49) Tensile Slmngtit, Ib (kg} 32S llAl} Flat Plate [rush Strength, Ibfin (kglmml Sfl {lA) ^ A 75-alrm 7I8"diameter cable Is available fantact Fp1 fnr further infnrmaiion ~~ ~ Your Single Source For Broadcast Solutions'"' • Call Toll-free at 877 ERI-LINE • Visit Qnline at www eriJnc com - - i J 7/~ ~~.ch 5p :.~ Jh, DS-5~ EI. ° _~. ~ f ~~ w ' j f tel. ~ ; "- # { ~` k _ - ""`. ~.. _ <C y` N Male N Female 7-16 BIN Male 7-15 BfN Female 718" EEA Flange Sp€ice I Connectors Interface __ gescriptian TYPe lnnerCuntact 1luterContad Plating hlax,tengih MaN tt€a. Numher AttachmenF Attachment Code In{mm} In[mm) _ _ II 1SMale~ i]nePicce LSPIJM•BPC Captivated Scl#-Flare SG 2-9[74} 1.A6{37.71 ___ ~ ~ ~ FJh1ale W Bir€gFlare LSPNM-flC _ faptivated ~ Scl#-Flare SG 3.d 1761 1.35 {39.31 IJ Female OitePiecc LSPNf-BPC Captivated Self-Flare SG 2-7 (691 1.46;37.21 ,_, r -~ '~ N Female ~ BingFlare 45P#JF-BC _ Captivated - ~ _ Sell-Flare W SG 2.g [1A) 1.35 (34.3) _ _ _~ ~~ 7-1661Nf~1alc ~ t}nePiecc l5PNh4-flPC Captivated Self-Harr SS 2.7(69) 196(37.2) ~. ~. 7-1601N1,1alc flingFiarc LSPaM~BC Captivated Setf-Flare SS 3.1(79) 1.39{34.flJ ... 7-16 DEIJ Fem a!c GnePiece LSPAf•BPC Captivater# _ SeS#-flare 55 2.33 (59.1} 1.96137.2) I _ _7-1G NiN_Femalc-~~ ~ flin9Flarc L53'6F-BC faptivated ~ Bin Fia~rc ................. 55 2.9 (74J 1.36134.5) - T18"£IA F#ange - lASB Sell-Tapping __._ Scl#-Flare BB 3.3 (BA] _ 2.25157} 718"EIAF!ange Biglsl Angle 12ASU0•] Sell-Tapping Scl#-Fla€e 88 3.9!1.3 (99133} 2.25157} SpIECe_ - ~ -- L45Z ~ .. ~ Self-Tapping „~-Y Sel#-Flare 88 3.3 (BAl ~ -_ -mm-- 1.5138) Plating Eades: BB -Brass Body and Pln, BS Brass Bedy and S ilver Plaictl Pin. SG Silve r Plated Body and Gail Plated Pin. 55 -Silver Plated i3ody and Pin ,~, i ~~ Your Single Source For Broadcast Solutions"" • Call Toil-free at1377 ERI-LINE • Visit Online at www eriinc com ~P.` .: • `~ - Attenuation and Average Fawer Frequency M14z 0.5 1 Attenuation dB/100 Ei 0014 a a19 __._ AUenuatian dD/100 m U0<In D.nG3 W~W~~ Average Potver, kW ?47.0 17s.n .W~~W.W ~~~ 1.5 a.fl24 ____.~ D.an ~~ -__ in2.n _ _ . _ _ 2 0€127 ...__._ 0.069 __~. .-~~ 123.0 ~ 10 O.OG2 ~~~~ 0.202 ~ Sn.3 20 _ ~ 0.088 _ _~._ _ ~ 0189 38.] 3t1 __ _ _ - 0.109 ~ _-- ------- 0.346 ~ 3n.9 50 0.142 0.4GS 23.6 88 - 0.191 0.621 17.5 100 ~ __ 0105 .._____ 0.671 16.4 10$ _~ ...._-~~ 0113 ~~-~ 0.699 15.7 ~~4 150 n154 n.834 _ 13.2 n4 .~_-~~- ~.- n.vG -~ ~ a.9n4 12.z ~ 200 -_..._ _ __~ A197 _.-~ 0.976 11-3 ~ ~ 300 _-0.372 -__.. 1.22 9.07 -~-- 400 0.437 1.43 7,b7 _ - 450 O.4G7 1.53 7.18 Cable Ordering information ~ ~5ao _~tl~~~~ ~ o.ns~u 1.63 G.7G ~ Standard{able _ _ S12 Y ~ 0.503 3.65 G.Gl ~~ 1-5I8"Standard {attic,Standardla[kcl ~ W L0F7-SOA 600 0.550 7.81 6.09 Fire Retardanttabla ~-___~~. _-__W___.___. 700 _ 0.602 M...mm_____ . m _ ].97 ..~ 5.57 .~..._.._n_W____ .___-. _ 1-518"FireBetardantla[kel{ChdVAI __.~ _..___._._ ..~ LDF7Rtl-50A 800 ~ O.GSO ~~ 2.i3 5.15 LowVSWAandSpeciallzedCattles~T_.. ..~...__~ ~~_~~~~~~ ~.~__.__~._. ___~_~._._._--- ~ -~-~~ . 824 ~ ~_0.GG2 W~ ~W2.i7 , _ _`_~ ` 5-06 1-518'LowVStVR,speLifyopcratingband LDF7P-SOA-i''} -~ 894 0.694 ~ ~~ 218 W W ~ 4.83 - '"lnsertsuffixnumherfrom"LawV54VASpeLifiLatinns"table.page182 960 0724 2.3A - - 4.63 - 1000 0.742 2.43 4.52 ' C11araCt@1'I5tiC5 1250 O.B4$ 2.78 _____ 3.95 _____ Electrical ~_ 7500 0.947 3.71 _ _ .___ 3.54 ~.__. ~._.__ . noD t.nz 3.3s 3 z$ Imprdan[e,ohms 54±1 20n0 1.33 3.71 _ ~ ~ 296 Maximum FrequenLy, GHr - -- __---- - _ _---- _ 2.5 2300 L23 n.n5 2-72 Vclo[iry.Pcrtent ______- _____~,_._..--_w. _. ._-_._. 8B 2500 i.3fl n,21 mm 2-SB ~_~...~ I Pcak Power Acting, k44 _~ ~ W ~ _~w 375 ~ Standard Candilans: ~ d[ Aesislan[c, ahms11400 f3 #1000mm) -~._ .. ~ ~ ~ _ -~~.--__-____ . For hRenuatiaa. USWA 1.A, ambient temperature 20"C #G8`F1, atmaspheri[ pressure- riry air inner ~ ~ ___m_. ~ ~ 0.25 #0.83] -__ For hverage Pnwer,VSWA 1 ,0. inner temperat ure 100"C 12i 2"F). amhicnt Outer ~-~._~._._.~._~.~. n.16#0.52) -.__~.... ~~~-~- temperature=FD"Clt0n°F}, atmasphnicpressure.dryair.nasolarlaading dLBreakdown,voAs _______ ]7n00 #a[ket Spark, volts AMS 100nn Capa[itan[e, pFlft Im} -____..~~~~-___~~~-__~-__. 23.i p5.8J _-~-^ -- induLtan[c, pHNtlm) _~_~...._-.- _ ...._....__.._ 0.058(0.190} _...__._~.~_--_ Mechanical Outer {anduLtor ~~ Copper Inner{andu[tor W-~~-~~~-_-__~. CopperTuhc Diameter nvcr la[ket, in #mmj 1.98 (501 Diameter over Enpper Dutcr Cnnduetar, in (mm) 1.825 (46.3) Diameter Inner Conductor, in (mm} O.G87 #17.3) Flaminal (n51de Transverse Dlmen510n5, Lm 4,n5 Minimum Bending Radius, in Imm) 2n [51DI Flambee of BLnds, minimum #typicall 75 (501 BendingAloment,lh•(S IFl•ml 40 #5n1) Cahle ti'Velght, I67ft #kglrnl ~~~ __ 0.82 #111 ~-~~~~ ~ TensifeStrenglh,lblkgl 800#3631 ~ flat Plate GushStrength,iblin#kglmml 120#2.11 Yaur Single Source Far Broadcast 5nlutions'" • Call Toll-free at 877 ERI-LINE "Visit Online at www eriinc com G-11$ ~~x~h 50 ®h~., ~ ~~e" ~g~d. I~~r~e Specifications Type Numher _,m _~__~___.. ~ ~. ... h1AC%6_50 _._.__~_~_.~~ ._.. Sfxe -- - -- 6VB _ __-_ , ._- --. --- -- impedance - _ _ _ - - - 50+3).5~ofirn h3aKimum Channel W--W.__._._~~~.~_-~~~_~._.~~_.y___.__~ __-...__._ G9 ..._~_~w _.___._._.~..~.~ ~,.W.~-.__ Velocity ~....~_ .m...._______....__. 99.76".3 __.m..__°___.n._-...-_ .~._......._ ------- _~. PeakPalverRating,kW __...._.__.W.~___~.~-~~~__...__...__ 15DD .______...____~ - W.y~_~ ~.~~~~ Net4Velght,llr/Ft(kglm) ~ 726#fQl) ~ ~~~ Outer Cohductor0uts1de01ameteLin#mm} 6.1251156.OOi OuterConductor Inside Ulameter, in [mm) 5.9811152.001 loner Conductor0utslde Diameter, 3n [mm} ~ __ 2,bD016G.00) Inner Conductor Inside Diameter, in #mm# 2 520164 Oal ilange,Overall Diameter, in {mm) --~ -- - 8.1201206.20} ---~-- -----^~- DuIE Circle Diameter ~.~.~.-. ~....~~....~ . -.. ~...~ - 7 3751187.Oa) - . ~.~..... ~_....~_.__ .~_.,.M.M.M .~_.._ ~...~ NumherotDolts i~ Dolt Sire, ln. ~ 31B" ~~ Television Freciuencies (US] Attenuatioh Power Attenuatfan _... ..._.e..~. Power - Frequency, TV Channe[ "~.~"~'~.'-~" Average. Peak, T4 Channel Frequency, -_-_ ~-m~.~~~ Avarage, peak, MNx d8/1a0fE dBli00m NlHz d611o0ft dD110om ,i kW kW kw kW 2 55.23 _.~ _ -~.~ f~u a.03G 0.118 -~ -~ 233.6 W-- - 333,7 3b -- ~ u~ b0315 0.i22 LLY 0.4x1 68.7 98.2 W~ ~ 3 61.25 0.038 0.124 221.7 316,7 3T 609.25 0.123 0.403 G8A 47.7_ „'..j ~ 4 ~ 6715 _~_. m ~._ ~~ 0.04D _._ - ~ 0.130 ~~ 211.5 3a2.i 38 --. ~~a 615.25 _^~. __ 0.124 TT OA05 _ 68.0__ __._. 97.2 _ 5 77.25 O.D43 0.14D 197.1 261.fi 39 fi2115 0.124 0.407 67.7 96.7 - 6 83.25 0.044 0.145 i69.8 271.1 4a 62715 0.725 0.409 61.4 96.2 7 175.25 A.OGS D112 T29.9 185,b 43 _ 63315 0.125 0.411 __._ b7.0 45.8 8 181.25 O.OG6 ~ D11b ~ 127.7 162.4 42 G392S ~ _ 0.126 _ ~. OA13 ~ 66.7 95.3 9 18725 0 D67 _, ~ D220 ~~~ 325.6 179.4 43 ~~ 645.25 ~ 0-127 0.415 ~,.. 66.4 94.8 to 193,25 D-068 a.223 123.6 176.5 44 651.25 0.127 0.417 66.1 94.4 11 199,25 D-069 0.227 121.7 173.8 45 65715 0.128 0.479 65-8 93.9 12 26515 0.070 0.23D 119,8 171.2 46 663.25 0.128 D.421 GS.4 93.5 l 13 211,25 x.011 0.234 118.1 168,7 47 669.25 0.129 a.423 65.1 93.0 14 471.25 0.108 0.353 78.i 111.6 48 675.25 6.130 0.425 64.8 92.b 15 477,25 0.108 0.355 77.6 1ta.9 49 685.25 tl.130 0.427 64-5 921 „1 16 483-25 0.109 0.350 77.1 110.2 54 687.25 0.131 0.429 641 9i.8 i 17 489.25 0.116 0.366 76,6 109.5 51 693.25 0.13? 0.431 63.9 91.4 ~i 18 49S.2S 0.110 0.362 761 108.$ 52 697.25 0132 0.433 63.1 90,9 19 501.25 a,lll 6.364 75,7 108,1 53 765.25 0.133 x435 63,4 96.5 26 507.25 0.112 0.367 75,2 167.5 54 X1.25 0.133 6.437 63.i 9a.1 ZI 51313 0.112 0.3b9 74.8 lOb.B 55 117.25 0.134 0.439 b2.0 89.7 22 519.25 _ D.113 0.371 74.3 106.2 5G 723-25 0-134 D.441 G2.b 69.4 23 525.25 ~ 0.114 6.373 73.9 1D5.5 57 729.25 D.135 D.A43 62.3 89,6 24 53115 x.114 0.376 73.4 1049 S6 735.25 0.13b ~ 0.445 62.0 86.b 25 537.25 a.il5 0.376 73.0 104.3 59 ~ 741.25 x.136 0.447 61.8 88.2 26 543.25 0.116 0.380 72.6 103.7 GO 747.25 x.137 0.449 G1.S 87.9 2l 549.25 0.116 0.382 721 103.1 61 753.25 6.137 0.450 61.2 87.5 28 55515 0.117 0.384 71.8 102.5 G2 759.Z5 0.138 0.452 61.0 87.1 29 SG115 O.i16 0.366 71A 102.0 G3 765.25 0.138 0.454 60.7 86,6 ~ 3D 567.25 6.118 0.389 71.0 3D1.4 G4 771.25 0.139 0.45b 60.5 86A ~ 31 573.25 0.319 0.393 70.6 100.8 65 777.25 0.14D 0,458 60.2 86.7 ~ 32 579.25 6.12D D.393 70.2 1DD.3 G6 783.25 0.14D 6.4b0 66.0 85.7 33 565.25 0.120 6.395 69.8 99.8 G7 789.25 0.141 OA61 59.8 85A 34 591.25 0.121 fl.397 69.5 99.2 G8 795.25 O.i41 OA63 59.5 85.6 35 597.25 0.122 0.399 69.1 98.7 G9 801.25 A.t42 DA65 59.3 84,7 ~: ~~ _ Your Single 5a urce For BroacicasC 5olutions'"' ~ Call Ta11-[ree at 677 ERI-LINE • Visit Qnlin e at www er iinc com MACXLine° Rigid Line System Campanents _-..-__~._....__----------------Y-_.-_ _..__. ----------- -- ---____-_.... Item No. I4estriptlon Type Number 1 StraigltlSedio-n 7rlA(%GSOScries ___... ___._~----- ----------___-___._v_.~.,~._..,._ _ ---------___-___ ~~, 20.00 it'' h1ACXGSO.1 19.75 tt s" . _-_--_-. __ . ~... .. ~ h1A(%GS0.2 ~_.__...-. -___ _~ _ . .. _ 19.50 (t'" . 19.00 (t `' 17.50 tt' " _~_.-w h1ACXGSD.3 h1ACXG56 6 1r4A[XGSO-11 WY-__- UarlaUletcngtl:,uptoift'" ~ ~ h4ACXG50-S Varlaide tengtls, 5 m 10 f1 ' ` ....... . ~_ htACXGSO-10 .. -~ - .- VariaUletength,10tn20ft'' .... ~- ---_-~ .._._ _ W. 5eldCut 5traiglrt Setlion, up to 5 ft " '' . -- - ,_ .--.-- h4AIXG50-20-.. -mT ___ ~.._---...- _---__- h4ACXG50-A1 - ~~_ - _ _ - -- Field Cui Straight Se[tion, S to 2011' _ h}A(xGSO-39 2 96"hiiterElhavr ~~mmm---~----- ~~~~ ~-__ ~ _.___ ~ - AC%G56.10SE ~ 90°hRiter Elhacv, Uneven ieg ~ AC%GS0-]fl5U 3 ~. Rigid hanger 1 -~~ ~ _-. ~. _. REAG60D-13 .-~_~.- ~ Y- RigidsiorizomalHangnrt .-~ ~~~_--- „YYY RLAG00~i7 ~.. .-__~.. -- 4 HingedVctiitalSpdngliangerl .~ _- RlAG00-lf-H __ ____ ~ S Laieras0racc RlAG00-i4 G __.. _..---._.__- __.__,-. _..._n___e-~_._,..______ 3~Pnin1 Suspension Banger t W... ~.-.,._ _.~._._,_ ___.._.__ _____~...m _ REAGD0 11 ._. __. _-__. ~ _ Harizantal Spring Nangcr t -~~-.Y~~~~ _~~~~--~ RtAG00~1251' ~ 7 1"IaliFecdTltru AIAGOflB•ii B Gas garner ~ ~ RiA650-1b The simplified transmission Tina system shown In this diagram 9 Fine MatchingSectivn(DHF] STl}G50•FT is intenders only as aguide to rile components which may be - -~----~ ---- ---- re[luired Eat6 installation should be engineered individually - FincMat[herFieldl{etro(f Nil _.-. ..m~..a .~_... ~..,~.___ REAGSOR-FTK ~....... M... - Reducer{G•lIg-too-?!iG-) -.._ -.~. _-.__-_W_ {R0©04 .-__- Notes: .e_, - Reducer{G•1/g-tai-TlB-j t;LA6500-350 'Spetiflytesevislon[hannelnrirequency - ~~ ~ ~ Includes Isardrrarr kit. disk insulators, and instaihiion - ---- Male-to•Male Ada to _ P -_-.M..~-_,__,W -~ STDGSOD-S2 instructions - Swivel Field Flaaye Hit RLAG00g-27 'Includes field Range kit .°------- ----------°-.----------- -- - °----- 'Intlrtdestaptivatedinnertonnector -- _____ Soft Saldcr5wiuel Field Flange Kii {Iorinlerlnr runs] _._. .___ .._-.__. ~.~-__ _-_ RLAG00g•37 __-_-W- Y..- 'Includes lrulletlbellows assembly Fixed Field Flangt Kit RlAGfl0g-1g t Usc at 10 ft {3mj inletvals ----tl---•-----•-- •---- ---- 10nefo-reverylflOpil(30DDm) - EndTerminal RLAGSO-g0 - fl-Ring Gasket RtAG00-Sl - Ents Cap to seal line _____Y RLAG90g-St1 ~~ - G•118' Slip Hanger, Stud hlnunled RLAGll0g-22 - Hardware Kit _~__n_~ ALA6n136-11 _---~. ~~ - InnerConnettor ACXGSOg-10 - InnerCannettor,faptivaled ACXGSD-19 - Installation Tool Kit Contains a!I tools ne[essarv to assemlalr hiAC%line" ~ MAC%-TH Your Single Source For Broadcast 5alutions'"' • CaIlToll-free at 877 ERI-LINE • Visit Online at wwweriinc com ~~~~ - l -I _ , i 3-ll~ ~~ 5n ohm, [; ~~~e„ .~~~. Li~~e ~ _..~ _ .. ~-' _ ~1~. x~_"._- s r ~•~~@V15i011 ~I'2C~U@f1C[E5 (u$} $~1kZClflC8tlt)1'f5 ___a_e...._...----~_.._. _------_....__._. _.._-__-___m.r...~ ~._~.~,a. _ ---.. Type Num6ur htACX3S0A Size 3-118" Impedance _ 50 i~ 0.5 slim _ Maximum Channel _._ 69 .~ _ Vetoclty ~~ ~~~ ~ 99.fl°.u ~~ ~~~ ~ Paak Power Rating, kW _ _ . ~~~~~ 440 ~ ~_ ~, ... ~ ~ Net Weight, Ih/ft (kg/mj . ___ _ _.__ 2.B0 (4.20} _ ~.~ m ______ ~~ Outer Candugat Dutside 0lameter, In Emm)_ ~ 3.125 [79.00) ~ Doter Conductor Inside plameter, In Emm) ~_ ~ 3.027 (77.00) Inner CanductarOutsEdaDiameter, in (mm) 1.315 (33.00) Inner Canductorinslde piameter, in (mm} 1 231(31.00) Flange,Ovorall plameter, in(mm) _~.W ~~~ 5.188(13181}) ____~__ W Da1tC3rc[eDlameter ....._.._, ~~_ 4,3781111.301 ..__ _ _ _ . ~. Num6crafBalis~~ .. _.~ ___~ ..__ ..... 6W. _. Ba[tSize, in. ....... 318 ....,__.._ TVChannel . _ ~ _ ~... Ffequaary MHz .. Attenuat3oa~~.__ d811DOft dB11DOm .~_" Power Average, kW Peak. kW Z .~_ SS1S x_._ 0.072 _~ 0.235 ~ ~ 66.7 95.3 3 __~. G1.ZS O.O7S D148 ~~~ 63.3 90.5 4 67.25 OA79 0.259 60.4 BG,3 5 77.25 11,085 A.Z78 Sb.4 80.5 6 83.25 D.088 0.289 54.3 71.5 1 175.25 W D.128 0.420 37.3 53.3 8 181.25 0.130 0.427 36.7 52.4 9 187.25 0.132 0-434 361 51.6 TVEbannel _ ~. Frequency, Mf1z _ _ Attenuation --- dB/loo ft dB11DDm ~ ~~ Yy Power Averaga, kW Peak, kW ~.. 36 ~~~_ 603.25 D.Z39 ~~µ 0.784 ~ ~ 26.0 28.6 37 60915 D.24p 0.788 19.9 28A 38 61815 0.241 0.792 ~ T9.B 28,3 39 GZ1.Z5 0.243 0.196 19.7 28.1 40 627.25 0144 0.800 19.6 28,0 41 63315 ~ 0.245 ~0.8D4 19.5 ~ 27.9 42 639.25 0.246 0.807 19.4 27.7 __, _ ~~ 10 _ 193.25 _~_mm _0.134 __ 0.441 _.. ~~~ 35.5 SD.fl 11 199.25 A.137 0-44B ~ 35.0 SA.O 12 ~ IOS.IS 0.139 0.455 34.5 49.2 _ _ 33 211.25 A.141 0.461 ~ 34.D ~_ 48.5 ~-- id 411.25 0.111 0.692 22.7 32 ~ I 15 47715 0112 0.696 22.5 3Z.Z lb A83.25 0114 0.707 22.4 32.0 17 40915 0115 6.705 221 31.8 1$ 495.25 D.I16 6.710 22.1 31.b I 19 50315 011E 6.714 27.0 33.4 20 507.25 0,219 6,718 21.8 31.2 j 23 513.25 0.220 0.713 17.7 31.0 22 ~ 519.25 0.122 O.lZT ~~ 11.6 3D.$ I3 52515 0123 0,731 ~~~ IIA ~ 30.6 Z4 531,25 0.224 0,735 21.3 3D.5 IS 537.25 0125 0.739 211 30.3 2G 543.25 O.Z27 A.744 21.1 30.1 1J _ 549.25 _ O.Z28 D.748 21.0 30,0 28 555.25 0129 0.752 ZD9 29.8 29 561.25 0130 0.756 10.7 29.6 I 30 S67.Z5 0.232 D.760 ~ ZA.G 29.5 31 573.25 0,233 0.764 20.5 29.3 ~, 3Z 57915 0.234 0.768 20.4 29.2 3 .25 35 72 3 43 G4S.ZS ~ O.I47 D.83i 19.3 27.fi 11 .~W_ 651.25 ~~~ 0.248 O.B15 19.2 27.5 4S ~_ 657.25 p15D 11.819 19.1 27.3 46 663.25 0.281 D.823 19.1 2T.2 47 _ _669.25 D152 0.826 19.0 27.1_ 48 ~M____ 675.25 W 0.253 0,830 ~ 38.9 27.0 ^- 49 _ 681.25 0.254 0,834 38.B 26.9 _ 50 ~ 687.15 0.255 0.838 18.7 26.7 51 69315 0.256 0.841 10.6 26.6 52 _. 699.15 0158 0.$45 18.6 2b.S __~ 53 µ 7D5.15 0159 0.849 18.5 26.4 54 711.25 D.ZGD D,$SZ 18.4 26.3 SS ~___. 71715 0.161 0.85b 18.3 261 56 723.25 0162 p.BbD 18,2 26.1 57 ~ 729.25 0163 0.863 ~ 18.2 25.9 58 ~ 135,25 0.264 A.861 18,1 25.8 59 741.25 0.265 0.870 18.0 25.7 GA 747.25 0166 A.874 17.9 IS.G Gl 753.15 0.267 0.878 17.9 25.5 G2 789.28 0.269 6.881 17.D 25.4 _ 63 765.25 0270 _ 0.885 17.7 ZS.3 _ G4 11115 €1.271 D.888 17.7 25.2 65 777.25 0,272 0.892 17.6 25.1 66 783.25 0.273 0.895 17.5 25.0 29.0 67 ~ 789.25 D174 A.899 17,4 24.9 34 591.25 D.Z37 0.776 2D.2 289 68 795.25 0.275 D90Z 17,4 24.8 35 597.25 0.738 A.78p 20.1 28.7 G9 BO1.ZS 0116 D.906 T7.3 247 ~~ r Yaur Single Source Far Broadcast 5olutians'" • Call Tofl-free at 877 ERI-LINE • Visit C]nline at wwweriinc com • MEL Wheeler Inc. ~oun~y of Roanoze ~pecia~ Use Permit I~eques~ Broadcasting Tower for WSLQ and WSLC A~~ust ~, Zoos Bea P~-o~~~~ # Rosaozoo.oo Table of Contents I. Raanalce County Special Use Application II. Justification 1`or tl~e Special Use Permit III. Concept Plan Checklist IV. Roanalce Titxaes Acivertisen~ent V. Native aI' Applicant VI. Acljoining Property Owners VII. Legal Description of Subject Property VIII. Pe°e~Applicatian Consultation Checklist a. Existing Commu~iicatiota Systems b. Caverage Maps c. Regional Map from site location to the Roanoke Regional Airport d. Conceptual site Plan e. Piratog~•aphic Simulations f. Tarver Description g. Ta~vei° Canstructian Details h. Anteni~7 ~c Accessa~•y Details Site Requirement Snapshot Current Site Zoning: Proposed Site Zoning: Proposed Use: Building Height Required: Height Proposed: AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District AG-3S, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District with a Special Use Permit Broadcast Tower May not exceed one hundred ninety-nine (199) feet in height 170 feet Total number of parking spaces required: 2 spaces per tower Total number of parking spaces proposed: Required Buffer Type: No buffer required ~ -~~ / ~ df~ #r i..- "` r ~~, , '~, ,t .`.~ fir` - Y•.Y x ~ ': Ft x ~~. ~ G mow. ,,r .. w r t'Fy9f # } i X ~ ~ ~ c s ,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ t N3~ ~ ~ F: ~ ' J~~~ ...~°a. ,a. 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"~% ~ f . y f ~' ~;~ k t . a' x'~" ,~ +~'i ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~a z ~~ ~ ~„ ; >,~{ . ~ ~ as `A? ry~n f M'4 y.. ~~ P~~ ~°+ ~.. r^°A. a' F F o , x '~+. <~ • ~~ a F ~- r kap, 4. ~~ ~ ~ { e~ ~ ~ . 6'i ~~" v r. ~ f g - ;„<~. z ~ '. gN'~ Yr~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 _ '.x. a e ~ ~ ~ .~ . a ~' r `R. € ~ ~~„ a5E R ~6 46p~& 0 / a--+ m 0 U m C rl N o ~ U ^0 _W U N O 2 M r Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Mel Wheeler Inc Existing Zoning: AG3 Proposed Zoning: AG3S Tax Map Number: 093.00-01-01.01-0000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 3.06 Acres 12 August, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' Site Zonis Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Mel Wheeler Inc Existing Zoning: AG3 Proposed Zoning: AG3S Tax Map Number: 093.00-01-01.01-0000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 3.06 Acres 12 August, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' /j A J /. {__ l .~ ~ - rr -~ -: .~~'~i ~ ~l~ 'i' .~ ter "u -.'' ire / S.I~-~ ~ f- ~ I s~ ~ J ~.~~ i f~~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ { ,~ ~ ~ ~,~r ~ i % ~ j- Y ~G-. - ` n ~ ~,.;; r ~ ~' ~ ~ 4 , .~ / ~ r .~ ~''~ ~' ~^. -.t~ ~;~. 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(A) The AG-3, agricultural/rural preserve district consists of land primarily used as farmland, woodlands, and widely scattered residential development located within the rural service area. Also found in these areas are lands with steep slopes, and groundwater recharge areas. Many of the county's unique natural and scenic resources are found in this district. The purpose of this district is to maintain these areas essentially in their rural state, and attempt to protect sensitive and unique land resources from degradation as recommended in the rural preserve land use category of the comprehensive plan. This may be accomplished by maintaining the existing agricultural lands and preventing the encroachment of incompatible land uses. Non-farm residents should recognize that they are located in an agricultural environment where the right-to-farm has been established as county policy. This district is also intended to minimize the demand for unanticipated public improvements and services, such as public sewer and water, by reducing development densities and discouraging large scale development. (Ord. No. 042799-ll, § 1£, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-32-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture Farm Employee Housing Forestry Operations Stable, Private Stable, Commercial Wayside Stand 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment Home Occupation, Type II Manufactured Home Manufactured Home, Accessory Manufactured Home, Emergency Multiple Dog Permit Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Detached 3. Civic Uses Community Recreation Family Day Care Home Park and Ride Facility Public Parks and Recreational Areas Safety Services Utility Services, Minor 4. Commercial Uses Agricultural Services Bed and Breakfast Kennel, Commercial Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 5. Industrial Uses Custom Manufacturing 6. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permitpursuantto section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural Uses Commercial Feedlots 1.5. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems 2. Civic Uses Camps Cemetery Correctional Facilities Day Care Center Religious Assembly Utility Services, Major 3. Commercial Uses Campgrounds 4. Industrial Uses Composting Landfill, Construction Debris Landfill, Rubble Landfill, Sanitary Resource Extraction 5. Miscellaneous Uses Aviation Facilities, Private Broadcasting Tower Outdoor Gatherings Shooting Range, Outdoor (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 62293-12, § 8, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 7, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-32-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A)Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots, regardless of sewer and water provisions: a. Area: 3 acres (130,680 square feet). b. Frontage: 200 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. c. Maximum width to depth ratio: 1 to 5 (W to D) on streets in existence prior to the adoption of this ordinance. (B)Nlinimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 50 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 25 feet behind front building line or 10 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 35 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. 5. Where the principal structure is more than 150 feet from the street, accessory buildings may be located 150 feet from the street and 25 feet from any side property line. (C)Nlaximum height of structures. 1. All structures: 45 feet. (D)Nlaximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 5 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 20 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93) Sec. 30-87-2. Broadcasting Tower. (A) Intent: The intent of these provisions is to regulate the placement of new and replacement broadcasting towers within Roanoke County. These provisions provide broadcasting tower applicants, property owners, and all other Roanoke County citizens clear guidance on the official policies and standards of the County. These policies and standards shall be used by applicants as a guide when selecting alternative broadcasting tower sites and broadcasting tower designs within the county. In addition, the county staff, planning commission and board of supervisors shall use these policies and standards, the Roanoke County community plan and the general special use permit criteria found in section 30-19 as a guide for evaluating any future requests for broadcasting towers. In the interest of preserving and enhancing the scenic and natural beauty of Roanoke County it is the goal of the county to achieve a long term reduction in the number of broadcasting towers within the county, and where possible, to achieve a reduction in the height of existing broadcasting towers throughout the county, with special emphasis on towers located along or near the ridgetops of major mountains and land forms. In addition, it is the goal of the county, where possible, to achieve the relocation of existing broadcasting towers and associated utility and access corridors which have a high visual impact on scenic resources. To this end, the county will work cooperatively with broadcasting tower owners and applicants and land owners to achieve these goals. It is the official policy of the county to encourage and promote the collocation of antennas on existing public and private structures within the county. To achieve this end, the county encourages all wireless communication providers to locate new antennas on existing structures. Permits for new broadcasting towers should only be requested when no other reasonable alternative exists for locating needed antennas. When new broadcasting towers are proposed as a last alternative, the requested broadcasting tower location, height and design should be chosen to protect and enhance the scenic and natural beauty of Roanoke County. Broadcasting tower locations at elevations lower than surrounding ridge lines are preferred. The use of stealth designs should be considered for any new broadcasting tower. It is the intent of the county to fully comply with all of the applicable provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other applicable federal and state laws as said laws address and preserve Roanoke County's zoning authority and provide to the communication industry the right and responsibility to provide communication services within their service areas. (B) Applicability: 1. These standards shall apply to all new and replacement broadcasting towers within Roanoke County with the exception that new and replacement broadcasting towers and associated antenna not exceeding thirty (30) feet in height and located within any commercial or industrial zoning district shall be permitted by right provided: a. The proposed tower is a monopole type design; b. The general area of the proposed tower is currently served by above ground utilities including electric power and telephone poles; and c. All other use and design standards for the construction of the broadcasting tower and associated facilities are met. 2. No modification to increase the height, size, type or location of any existing broadcasting tower or associated facilities, excluding antennas, shall be made unless such modification results in the full compliance of the broadcasting tower and facilities with all of the requirements of this ordinance. 3. Antennas may be installed on any existing structure within the county, without the necessity of obtaining a special use permit, provided said antenna does not meet the definition of a broadcasting tower, does not increase the height of the existing structure more than ten (10) feet, and does not result in the structure and antenna exceeding the maximum structure height for that zoning district. 4. These provisions shall not apply to any temporary broadcasting tower erected for the purpose of system design or testing provided the temporary broadcasting tower is erected for a period not to exceed twenty-one (21) days. In addition, in declared local emergency situations, the county administrator shall be authorized to allow the temporary installation of a broadcasting tower for the duration of the local emergency. A zoning permit pursuant to section 30-9 of this ordinance shall be applied for and approved prior to erecting any temporary or emergency tower. (C) Application requirements: 1. All potential applicants for broadcasting towers shall consult with county planning staff at least thirty (30) days prior to submitting an application for a proposed broadcasting tower. During this consultation the applicant shall present information to the staff on system objectives, proposed coverage areas, and alternative sites considered and rejected. The staff shall provide the potential applicant information on Roanoke County policies and standards for broadcasting towers, and shall discuss with the applicant possible alternatives to broadcasting tower construction. 2. In addition to the application requirements contained in section 30-19-2 of this ordinance, all applicants for broadcasting towers shall provide the following at the time of application: a. The location of all other proposed broadcasting tower sites considered and rejected, and the specific technical, legal or other reasons for the rejection. b. The location of all other possible collocation sites considered and rejected, and the specific technical, legal or other reasons for the rejection. c. Accurate, to scale, photographic simulations showing the relationship of the proposed broadcasting tower and associated antenna to the surroundings. Photographic simulations shall also be prepared showing the relationship of any new or modified road, access or utility corridors constructed or modified to serve the proposed broadcasting tower site. The number of simulations and the perspectives from which they are prepared, shall be established with the staff at the consultation required in section C.1. above. d. A computerized terrain analysis showing the visibility of the proposed broadcasting tower and antenna at the requested height and location. If new or modified road, access or utility corridors are proposed, the terrain analysis shall also show the visibility of these new or modified features. e. Information on how the proposed site relates to the applicants existing communication system, including number of other sites within the Roanoke Valley, and the location of the antenna at each site. £ All broadcasting tower applicants shall be required, at their expense to conduct an on-site "balloon" or comparable test prior to the planning commission and board of supervisors hearings on the special use permit. The purpose of this test shall be to demonstrate the potential visual impact of the proposed tower. The dates and periods of these tests shall be established with the applicant at the pre-application consultation. g. Written verification that all required submittals to the FAA as required by section 30-87-2(D)6 of this ordinance have been submitted. 3. The applicant shall be responsible for all fees associated with the filing of the application including the reasonable cost of any independent analysis deemed necessary by the county to verify the need for the new broadcasting tower. The board of supervisors shall establish these fees, which shall be discussed with the applicant at the pre-application conference. (D) General standards: 1. The maximum height of any proposed broadcasting tower and associated antenna shall be made as a condition of the special use permit, but in no case shall any broadcasting tower and antenna exceed one hundred ninety-nine (199) feet in height. Applicants shall request the lowest broadcasting tower and antenna height necessary to accomplish their specific communication objectives. 2. The setback for any proposed broadcasting tower shall, at a minimum, conform to the requirements for principal structures for the proposed zoning district. However, in no case shall the minimum setback from the base of the broadcasting tower to any residential structure on an adjoining lot be less than forty (40) percent of the height of the tower, measured from the closest structural member of the broadcasting tower (excluding guy lines). Guy lines shall be exempt from the minimum setback requirements in side and rear yards for the respective zoning district, but shall comply with the setback requirements for the front yard. 3. The minimum setback from any property line abutting a road right-of--way for any other building or structure associated with a broadcasting tower shall be fifty (50) feet. Such buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from any other property line. 4. More than one (1) broadcasting tower shall be permitted on a lot provided all applicable requirements have been met including setback requirements. 5. Broadcasting towers shall not be illuminated with any type of lighting apparatus, unless such lighting is a requirement of the FAA or FCC. When lighting is proposed to conform to federal requirement, the county shall contact the federal agency to verify the necessity of lighting, and to determine the minimal amount and type of lighting necessary to comply with federal guidelines. Security lighting, or a "down lighting" design may be installed on buildings and structures associated with a broadcasting tower. In no case shall any lighting violate section 30-94 of this ordinance. 6. Any proposed broadcasting tower within two (2) miles from any general or commercial airport or located at a ground elevation at or above two thousand (2,000) feet, average mean sea level, shall be referred to the appropriate regional office of the FAA for review and comment prior to filing an application for a special use permit. 7. All broadcasting towers shall comply with any additional requirements established in the airport overlay district in section 30-72 of this ordinance, and the emergency communications overlay district in section 30-73. 8. Any broadcasting tower approved shall be structurally designed to carry sufficient loading, and the site approved shall be sized to accommodate the additional equipment necessary for at least three (3) other vendors/providers of communications services in order to minimize the proliferation of new broadcasting towers in the vicinity of the requested site. In addition, by applying and being granted the special use permit, the applicant and the owner of the land agree to make the broadcasting tower and tower site available for additional leases within the structural capacity of the broadcasting tower and at reasonable costs adequate to recover the capital, operating and maintenance costs of the broadcasting tower location required for the additional capacity. 9. A monopole broadcasting tower design is recommended. The board may approve an alternative broadcasting tower design if it finds that an alternative type of structure has less of a visual impact on the surrounding community and Roanoke County, and/or based upon accepted technical and engineering data a monopole design is not technically feasible. Cost shall not be a criteria for determining broadcasting tower design. 10. No broadcasting towers shall be permitted within the critical viewsheds of the Blue Ridge Parkway or Appalachian Trail as shown on any official map designating these viewsheds and pre-approved by the board of supervisors. In addition, no towers shall be proposed within any other designated area of local scenic, historical, ecological and cultural importance as designated and approved by the board of supervisors prior to the filing of a tower application. 11. By applying and being granted the special use permit, the applicant and the owner of the land agree to dismantle and remove the broadcasting tower and associated facilities from the site within ninety days of the broadcasting tower no longer being use for wireless communications. Dismantling and removal from the site shall only be required after notice by the County. If antennas on any approved tower are relocated to a lower elevation, the tower shall be shortened to the height of the highest antenna. A bond or similar performance guarantee may be required as part of the special use permit approval. Said guarantee will be in an amount sufficient to ensure removal of the tower and all associated facilities and the reclamation of the property and road, access and utility corridors to a condition that existed prior to tower construction. 12. All broadcasting tower structures and associated hardware, antennas, and facilities shall be a flat matted finish so as to reduce visibility and light reflection unless otherwise required by the FCC or FAA. 13. No business signs shall be allowed on the property identifying the name of, or services offered by, any business associated with the broadcasting tower. (E) General review policies: All special use permit requests for new broadcasting towers, including the replacement or modification of existing broadcasting towers shall be reviewed by the staff, planning commission and board of supervisors on the basis of the following criteria: 1. The extent to which the broadcasting tower proposal conforms to the general special use permit criteria in section 30- 19 of this ordinance, and the intent, application requirements, and general standards for broadcasting towers found in these provisions. 2. The demonstrated willingness of the applicant to evaluate collocation opportunities within the proposed communication service area, and the demonstrated history of the applicant choosing collocation sites within the Roanoke Valley. 3. The base and top elevation of the proposed broadcasting tower relative to surrounding natural land forms. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, broadcasting tower locations below surrounding ridge lines are preferred. 4. Broadcasting tower locations already served by existing roads and utilities are preferred due to the potential detrimental environmental and visual impacts resulting from the construction of new road and utility corridors. 5. Within the needed service area, the availability of other existing structures that are, based upon independent analysis, of suitable height, design, and location for the needed antenna. 6. The visibility of the broadcasting tower from the surrounding community and neighborhood compatibility of the tower as determined by the submitted computer simulations, terrain analysis and balloon or comparable test. 7. The degree to which the proposed tower location, site design and facilities including fencing, buildings and other ground mounted equipment and new or modified road, access or utility corridors are located, designed and constructed to be compatible with the neighborhood. (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 4, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 102798-12, § 1, 10-27-98) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUC"PION OF A 170-FOOT BROADCAST TOWER ON 3.06 ACRES LOCATED AT 8131 HONEYSUCKLE ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 93.00-1-1.1) WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON THE PETITION OF MEL WHEELER, INC. WHEREAS, Mel Wheeler, Inc. has filed a petition for a special use permit for the construction of a 170-foot broadcast tower on 3.06 acres be located at 8131 Honeysuckle Road (Tax Map No. 93.00-1-1.1) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 7, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 23, 2008; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 28, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Si.ipervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit for the construction of a 170-foot broadcast tower on 3.06 acres located at 8131 Honeysuckle Road (Tax Map No. 93.00-1-1.1) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2005 Community Plan, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and that it shall have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood or community, and said special use permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the Mel Wheeler Inc. Development Plan, dated August 1, 2008, and prepared by Balzer and Associates. (2) The broadcast tower shall not exceed 170 feet in height. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 2 PETITIONER: Bonsack Baptist Church CASE NUMBER: 22-10/2008 Board of Supervisors Consent 1St Reading Date: September 23, 2008 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 7, 2008 Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2"d Reading Date: October 28, 2008 A. REQUEST To obtain a Special Use Permit in an R-1, for the purpose of Religious Assembly located at the 4800 and 4900 blocks Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke. Low Density Residential District, on approximately 3.30 acres of Cloverdale Road, Hollins C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The commission inquired as to the current use of the two existing structures on the properties where the parking lot is proposed to be built. Mr. Rodney Pierson, representative for the petitioner, responded that the structure closest to the church is leased to Roanoke Valley Baptist for its ministries, and the other house is rented out as a residence. D. CONDITIONS 1. The site will be developed in substantial conformance with the "Parking Expansion for Bonsack Baptist Church," prepared by Hughes Associates Architects, Inc. dated July 31, 2008. E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Jarrell made a motion to recommend approval of the special use permit with one condition. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Bonsack Baptist Church Request: To obtain a Special Use Permit in an R-1, Low Density Residential District, for the purpose of Religious Assembly on approximately 3.30 acres Location: 4800 and 4900 blocks of Cloverdale Road Magisterial District: Hollins Suggested 1. The site will be developed in substantial conformance with the "Parking Conditions: Expansion for Bonsack Baptist Church," prepared by Hughes Associates Architects, Inc. dated January 30, 2008, and revised February 29, 2008. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bonsack Baptist Church is seeking a Special Use Permit for the purpose of Religious Assembly, namely a parking expansion, on three (3) parcels along the 4800 and 4900 blocks of Cloverdale Road. The properties are currently zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. The proposed parking expansion is for one (1) parking lot totaling sixty (60) spaces. A stormwater management pond is also proposed. No new buildings are proposed to be constructed at this time. The project site is designated Transition by the 2005 Comprehensive Plan. Transition policy encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels with a high degree of architectural and environmentally sensitive site design for office, institutional, higher density residential, park and small-scale coordinated retail uses while serving as buffers between highways and adjacent lower intensity land uses. Institutional uses are identified as being desirable within the Transition designation, and with the proposed conditions, staff concludes the proposal for the parking expansion will conform to the future land use category as described in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Religious assembly is allowed by special use permit in the R-1, Low Density Residential District. Use and design standards in the zoning ordinance require screening and buffering where parking and/or recreation areas adjoin residential land uses. Site development review is required. Onsite stormwater management is required. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) approval will be required for any changes to or impacts in the right-of-way of Cloverdale Road. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background -Bonsack Baptist was established in 1880, and the original structure was built in the downtown Bonsack area. The church building as it exists today was built in 1972 and is located at 4845 Cloverdale Road. The church also owns the parcel to the south at the intersection of Cloverdale Road and Kingsmen Road, and the property directly across Kingsmen Road, which is also used for church parking. On May 23, 2000, the Board of Supervisors rezoned this 7.97 acre parcel from C-2, General Commercial District with conditions, to C-2, General Commercial District (removing conditions from a rezoning in 1998), and approved a special use permit for the church's three phase master plan fora new religious assembly and related uses. The purpose of this application is to construct an additional parking lotto the north of the sanctuary. The church currently has 405 parking spaces. 189 spaces are required for the 756 seats in the sanctuary. However, the church conducts two services and has two Sunday school classes which overlap by 15-20 minutes. During this time, the church experiences a parking shortage. The addition of the sixty (60) proposed parking spaces would help to relieve this shortage. Additionally, this parking lot would be closer to the sanctuary than existing parking, and access is relatively flat, making it a convenient location for the elderly and seniors. The church has purchased the three additional properties to the north upon which this parking lot would be located. The three properties total approximately 3.3 acres, and all are zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Topography/Vegetation -The area where the parking lot is proposed is predominantly flat. To the east, in the direction of the area identified as the location for the stormwater pond, the land slopes gently down, in what appears to be an ideal location for the proposed stormwater pond. The site is mainly dominated by grass groundcover, but is spotted with trees and shrubs. Surrounding Neighborhood -The petitioner's property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. The main church building is to the south of the properties, and portions of the parking lot will extend to this property. Parking for the church also exists to the south and east of the church building. The properties to the north along Cloverdale Road, as well as the properties adjacent to Kingsmen Road to the east, are also zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District; single-family dwellings exist along this street. To the north is the Botetourt County line. Directly across the boundary is Oakey's Funeral Home. To the south, the adjacent property on which the church building is located is also zoned R-1. Walmart is located at the intersection of Cloverdale Road and U.S. Route 460. To the west, across Cloverdale Road, property is zoned C-1(C), Office District (with conditions). This property was rezoned in 1987 to construct an office park, but is currently vacant. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout -The applicant is proposing a parking lot with sixty (60) spaces to be constructed to the north of the main church building. There is a two story structure located at 4883 Cloverdale Road, and a residence located at 4903 Cloverdale Road. Per the site plan, these structures are to remain on the property. A stormwater pond is proposed to be located directly to the west of the proposed parking lot. AccesslTraffic Circulation -The parking lot is to be accessed by the existing entrance to the church off Cloverdale Road. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) reviewed the special use permit application. Per VDOT staff engineer Scott Woodrum, "the proposed rezoning may increase the potential traffic generated from the site." Additionally, "A right turn lane warrant analysis may be requested by the Department during the site plan review stage." Future connections to the site could occur at the signalized intersection of Crumpacker Drive and Cloverdale Road. In this case, any access to commercially-zoned properties would require the properties to be rezoned to a commercial designation per the requirement of the zoning ordinance. Fire & Rescue/Utilities -The County Fire and Rescue Department had no comments in reference to this request. Economic Development -The Department of Economic Development offered no objections to the proposed special use permit request. 2 Screening and Buffering -Use and design standards in the zoning ordinance require screening and buffering where parking and/or recreation areas adjoin residential land uses. The concept plan submitted with the application displays a buffer yard; all applicable regulations will be addressed during the site plan review process. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The project site is designated Transition by the 2005 Comprehensive Plan. Transition policy encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels with a high degree of architectural and environmentally sensitive site design for office, institutional, higher density residential, park and small-scale coordinated retail uses while serving as buffers between highways and adjacent lower intensity land uses. Institutional uses are identified as being desirable within the Transition designation, and with the proposed conditions, staff concludes the proposal for the parking expansion will conform to the future land use category as described in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The parking lot expansion proposal is generally consistent with policies and guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan. Sufficient space is available to comply with all applicable development standards. Institutional uses are identified as being desirable within the Transition designation, and with the proposed conditions, staff concludes the proposal for the parking expansion will conform to the future land use category as described in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. CASE NUMBER: PREPARED BY: HEARING DATES ATTACHMENTS: 22-1012008 Nicole Gilkeson PC: October 7, 2008 BOS: October 28, 2008 Application Aerial Photograph Future Land Use Map Zoning Map R-1 District Regulations Religious Assembly Use and Design Guidelines Letter from VDOT dated September 19, 2008 County of Roanoke Community Deve ent Planning & Zan AtlG - i ZODB n~~a~rM~rvr afi CGMMllN1ry 5204 Bernard Dri t1EVELDPMFM- P OBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0 (S40} 772-2068 FAX (S4f)} 77 - lSS tnf#' Use Onl --~ --~ U •ccived: Received by: -1-~, cat;on r~~: ct: I' y date: lacards issued: BOS dnte: -ry Or ~! O C} Case Number ~a "' ~v ~~.~~ ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed {check all that apply) ^ Rezoning i~pecial Use ^ Variance ^ Waiver ^ Adrninistrative Appeal ^ Co>rnp Plan (t5.x-zzaz;' Review ° 5 ~~ Ap licants nam`,e/address wh`ip 1,, \\\ ,,,,,, Phone: ~~~~ ' CI ~-f~ J ~ " ' C ~ ' _ ti t I `~ ~ Work: S~- S~~- ~ a ~Z~" °~A6L~ ~Y~ Y ~ '-` ~ i ~ti Cell {#: e..., .~v- ~d ~ C-1-~a]-4~" :L~~ .\ ~t Z~~1~1 FaXNn.: ~lic'~- c'1(aty ~- ~~~(n Owner's name/address w/zip ` Phone ~: SPa~.~ ~p~1S~~- ~`p~--..~~- G~(--`~Cc,,r~ work: Q'''~ ~ c c~..1 c_r d~ ~~~ , Fax No.. #: Property Location Magisterial District: ~`~, €rt~ ~~ ~ C ~''F' C~"~ ~.~c~ Cammttnity Planning area: Tax Map Na. c~4.~1~ '~~.,aa .uI~1 cry l~ xisting Zoning: ~'1 ~ ,~, _ try ~~, . Size of parCCl{5): ACrC5: ©k~tM-~~ p ~ ~ R, .~ 1rXlSting Land DISC: '~~.~~4~ ` REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAI VER AND COMP PLAN (is 2-2z3z) REVIEW APPLICANTS (RIS/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: 2~.~- Fraposed Land Use: ~~~.,~~ ~ ~ud~ ~~~~-`~ t Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? es Na IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. s the parcel meat the minimum criteria far the requested Use Type? es Nn IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED I+IRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (V/W/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Raanake County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 1F ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETIJ, RISIwICP v1AA ItlSIVI'!CP V/AA ti/5lW/CP V1AA Consultation 8 112" x 1 I ° concept plan Application Tee Application j Metes and hounds description Pronfers, inapplicable Iustilication Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners I hereby certiny that I am either the owner of the property ar the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the lcnawledt;e and consent of the owner. Dwner's Signature 2 JIISTII! ICATION IiOR REZOlYI1~1G, SPECIAL tJSE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLA1~i (zs.2-2232) REVIEW REQUESTS Applicant ~J~1~`~-~ '~ ~~ C~Vf~ The Plannipg Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests #o determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare, Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as passible. Use additional space if necessary Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning ©rdinance. '`~tn; ~ ~ ~'~~. ~ ~ vv~ ~> ~--~-~ ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~.--~~ ~~ Cam. i~c «~ ~ c~ ~. ~ , `~,t ;,~a ~~ -~ :~ ~,, v~ ,1 t be ~' -'sue--~c... ~r~~~,l-~- -~~ Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. '~L~.~~ ~/~~c.~..~- ~ ~c.~ -}++~c.~ f..~ ~~~ rfln-~! e., ~~G.I ~c.r..` 4e e_~. ~ `f 1 rt~ Please describe the impact{s) ofihe request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parkslrecreation and fire and rescue. ~o ~ ~ ~~ ~,~ c~r~ c... ~f ~ ~ ~ -~1--~. c ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~Fa ~ ~l~-L~ 3 JIJ5T11?ICATION I~OR VARIANC>; REQUEST Applicant l;J`-~t115~1~-~ .~ ~ ~ ~-`-~'~~ The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2349 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following; factors before a variance can be granted. l?lease read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describe how the request meets each factor ]f' additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1, The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall 6e in harntany with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2,. 'The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit ar unreasonably restrict the use of the property.. .3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. Such hardships should be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance will net be of a substantial detrim`` ent to the adjace~ntlp'roperties or the character of the district, ~Q C iMQ n G.~l~ C~fC~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~CG~ ~~ C ~~ ~ t"~ ''" ~ '1•f ~e{ ~-t~ ~USTITMCATION TOR ADMINISTRATIVC APPEAL REQtJCST Applicant Please respond to the fallowing as thoroughly as possible, if additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1~ Reasons far appeal: 2.. Evidence supporting claim: CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application, The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request.. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development ofthe property and by so doing, correct any def iciencies that may not be manageable by Gaunty permitting regulations.. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior io the issuance of a building permit, Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan, Unless Iimiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning ar impaled an a special use permit or variance, t1Ye concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications.. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level ofdetail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff'may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum ALL~FPLICANTS _ a, Applicant naive and name of development !~ b. Date, scale and north arrow ,mil c. I.,ot size in acres or square feet and dimensions ~r d.. Location, names af'awners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties ~~ e, Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, {Ioodplain, etc. v f:. The zoning and land use of-ail adjacent properties „_,,~. g.. All property lines and easements _~ h. Ail buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights ~ i. Location, widths and names of'ali existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development / j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL. USG PERMIT APPLICANTS /' k. existing utilities {water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site ~. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers _~~' rn,. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals __~~ Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections ~ o. Locations of all adjacent fre hydrants /f' p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed v q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete, ~ ~Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Signature of applicant a e 6 Gomml~nity ^evelopment Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONINfI, S~CJBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIG STREET WAIVER, OR SPEGI.AL ~C..~SE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Fublic Street Waiver or Special LTse Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff andlar an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to cantinue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time far all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff' to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to cantinue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, ar Special i_lse Permit petition if the County Transportation Engineering Manager or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in malting a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land uses and ,situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time far all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. ]f a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April l9, 2005 ~~m~ of etition Petitioner's Signature ¢OAk ~ ~ ~ S1 2 ~ a Tana U Dot ~,4 ,- Dommunity Development ; . ~ Planning & Zoning Division ~~ POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC ~MPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and read netwark situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items an the ensuing list, we recommend that you meat with a County planner, the County Transportation Engineering Manager, and/ar Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the patential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in r~rder to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and i/DOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any time, as deemed necessary. High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: • Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential Apartments with more than 7S dwelling units p Restaurant (with or without drive through windows} • Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash d Retail shop/Shopping center a Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, Etc,) REgiona! public facilities o Educational/Recreational facilities • Religious assemblies p Hotel/Motel • Golf Course m Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic • Industrial site/Factory a Day care center • Bank • Non-specific use requests Road Network Situations: units, or Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 5[)Q-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g,, Rte 11, 2~4, 115, 117, 46Q, 11/46f}, 2Z0, 2Z 1, A 19, etc) m For new phases or changes to a development where a prevlausiy submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly • When required to evaluate access issues • Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (i,e, on tong Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) s Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem • Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traff"Ic signal(s) • Substantial departure from the Community Plan • Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (1(3Q} trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (75Q) trips in an average day ~y [;~ (-i ~ ~, ~ ~ btr~ `k'INI9~JIA ~3a'04Ydtl GYOTJ 7"i`C4213M'i'J Sf5"F _a-~® ~v U oUUU ~ ~' J ~ ~~ `~~ ~ t , ~~ . ~~~`-, l i~ ~ -- I ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~'~ ~ o~ G~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ x ~ ,~ , , ~ ti ~ ~, A ~ ~ o 4 ~ 2nd{.ar \ ~ ~ R ;~~ ~~~` ~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ +\\ r V l\ CG ~ \\, ti~ ' t \1 ~` ~, nl?~ `5` 1 ~, \ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ s ~`~ ~` ~ is ~ ~o ~ ! -~ >4 it .I ~ r a to 1~o ty~ 1 ~ ~ r~`~ ~ _ ~ , < `r`) ~ 3 -~ ~! , ~ ~ \ = - / X95 ~ ~;,.. ~ zs9'~z m o ~N 1 0~ ,, o ~~~ ~ ~ I i - i ~ __~ ~~ ~ 9 , ~ I W ~ I 1 '~~. W ~ C.~lot ~vl ~ m'b" ~~ ~ , ~' l I nl I E{...~ C~ d m t r; ~C~O I S ~~W ~~ ~ _ pal ~ ~~n t''!{ _ ~ 1 ~ I r ~I ~'C~ '~'mm - p ( i ~~R 1 i ~I~ '~ _ I \` o O 1 i i^ ( W 4 y I i ~ q, I ~~ - i~ ti I I r ~ _ J i SL t4 ia3 1!1 (F3"701 ~y ;ff 0~ ' ~ '~ ~ m ~ ~. ©. ~~ i ~ ~.-;-r--{-- "''"" ~~ , ~~ 3~tsnu+ N~anr~ tsudva >XJUSrros . ~ o ~ a 1 O -~--; tl ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ - oooo-oo or ro to ro ~aav~xs_I ~ -. ; .: g t 1 ~ ~ °o ~\ ~ C', c "~ ~, ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ` 1 ~ ADO ~~ 1. ~ \\ ~'., ~~~/~ 1654 i~' ~ c ~, i{ t't~ ri I rr ~ i)i ~1 t k ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ I RIOt 3'~9 '~"rrq ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ i~--~--~",'--~ ; ~j , ~~, ~ ~~ ~ r ~ ~~ 2 ~~ ~ ~I ~~~ i ~ II / r I ~ ~ \1 ~ ~ 4a> ~1 `~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~~ - I r~ ~,.~u / I ~nN / i I ~.1 1 tiQ.. ~ N ON \ ~' • 1 / Y 1 5 I' I Io~N r ~ ~ - t /" ~1 I ~~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ozol ve 9 ~~ ~ a.,,,_ d ~ ~~ ~ a~Q Si e ~~ Land Use - Conservation Rural Preserve Rural Village Village Center Development Neighborhood Conservation Transition _ Core - Principal Industrial Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Bonsack Baptist Church Existing Zoning: R1 Proposed Zoning: R1 S Tax Map Number: 040.01-01-09.00-0000, 10, 11 Magisterial District: Hollins Area:.097, 0.33, & 2.0 Acres 12 August, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' Zoning _ AG3 - EP AG1 AR AV C1 _ C2CVOD 12 - PCD PRD PTD R1 R2 R3 ~ R4 RB GB - CB M1 - M2 Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Bonsack Baptist Church Existing Zoning: R1 Proposed Zoning: R1 S Tax Map Number: 040.01-01-09.00-0000, 10, 11 Magisterial District: Hollins Area:.097, 0.33, & 2.0 Acres 12 August, 2008 Scale: 1" = 200' SEC. 30-41. R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-41-1. Purpose. (A) The R-1, low density residential district is established for areas of the county within the urban service area with existing low-middle density residential development, with an average density of from one (1) to three (3) units per acre, and land which appears appropriate for such development. These areas are generally consistent with the neighborhood conservation land use category as recommended in the comprehensive plan. In addition, where surrounding development and the level of public services warrant, these areas coincide with the development category recommended in the plan. This district is intended to provide the highest degree of protection from potentially incompatible uses and residential development of a significantly different density, size, or scale, in order to maintain the health, safety, appearance and overall quality of life of existing and future neighborhoods. In addition to single-family residences, only uses of a community nature which are generally deemed compatible are permitted in this district. This would include parks and playgrounds, schools and other similar neighborhood activities. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1£, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-41-2. Permitted uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Home Occupation, Type I Manufactured Home Manufactured Home, Emergency Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Detached (For Zero Lot Line Option - *) Single-Family Dwelling, Attached Single-Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option - *) 2. Civic Uses Community Recreation Park and Ride Facility Public Parks and Recreational Areas Utility Services, Minor 3. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Stable, Private 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment Alternative Discharging Sewage System Home Beauty/Barber Salon Multiple Dog Permit 3. Civic Uses Cemetery Crisis Center Day Care Center Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary Family Day Care Home Religious Assembly Utility Services, Major 3.5. Commercial Uses Bed and Breakfast 4. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 62293-12, §§ 3, 8, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, § II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-41-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. All lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 30 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 8, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-83-9. Religious Assembly. (A) General standards: 1. Any outdoor activity area, swimming pool, or ball field or court which adjoins a residential use type shall be landscaped with one row of small evergreen trees in accordance with Section 30-92 along the property line adjoining the residential use type. Where night-time lighting of such areas is proposed large evergreen trees shall be required. 2. When a place of religious assembly adjoins a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Section 30-92 shall be provided between the parking area(s) and the residential use type. (B) In the AG-3, AG-1 and AR districts, the maximum building coverage shall be twenty (20) percent and the maximum lot coverage fifty (50) percent of the total lot area. (C) In the AG-3, AG-1, AR, and R-1 districts a special use permit shall not be required for the expansion of an existing use provided all of the following conditions are met: a. The total gross floor area of the expansion itself does not exceed 15,000 square feet; and b. The gross floor area of the expansion is not more than two hundred (200) percent of the existing gross floor area; and c. The expansion does not include a principal worship area expansion of more than fifty (50) percent of the existing permanent seating. All other expansions must obtain a Special Use Permit. (D) Additional standards in the C-2 district: 1. All new Religious Assembly uses require a Special Use Permit. 2. Expansions of existing uses are permitted by right. (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 19, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042799-ll, § 2, 4-27-99) ® ~Ad e C®M®I®T~~L~'~ ®f ~~R~~NgA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PO BOX 3071 SALEM, VA 24153-0560 DAVID S. EKERN, P.E. COMMISSIONER September 19, 2008 Ms. Becky Meador Roanoke County Planning Department P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Faxed 540-772-2108 RE: Rezoning - R-1 to R-1 w/Special Use Permit Bonsack Baptist Church Proposed Land Use -Existing w/ Parking and Church Offices Route 220A -Cloverdale Road Dear Ms. Meador: We have reviewed the above mentioned special use permit request and offer the following comments: 1. The proposed rezoning may increase the potential traffic generated from the site. 2. With the change in use of the existing entrance, the VDOT Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highwaxs should be adhered to where applicable. This would include meeting minimum sight distance requirements. 3. The current posted speed limit along Cloverdale Road adjacent to this development is 45 mph. The minimum required intersection sight distance is 500 feet. The sight distance from the existing entrance appears to be adequate looking to the left. Sight distance in both directions should be field verified and measures taken to ensure the required sight distance is obtainable. 4. Aright turn lane warrant analysis may be requested by the Department during the site plan review stage. This will depend upon but is not limited to the projected traffic generated by the site, the existing traffic on Cloverdale Road, and the accident history adjacent to the site. 5. The Department requests the removal of the private entrance to the two-story dwelling from Cloverdale Road (Route 220A). The parcel would then be accessed by use of the existing church entrance adjacent to the site. 6. Upon review and approval of site plans, a commercial entrance permit and/or a land use permit will be required for work within VDOT right-of--way. Information regarding any changes to the existing drainage system should also be included for review. WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Ms. Becky Meador September 19, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, Scott A. Woodrum, P.E. Staff Engineer VDOT, Salern Residency AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE PURPOSE OF RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY ON 3.30 ACRES LOCATED AT THE 4800 AND 4900 BLOCKS OF CLOVERDALE ROAD (TAX MAP NOS. 40.01-1-9, 10, 11) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON THE PETITION OF BONSACK BAPTIST CHURCH WHEREAS, Bonsack Baptist Church has filed a petition for a special use permit for the purpose of religious asserribly on approximately 3.3.0 acres located at the 4800 and 4900 blocks of Cloverdale Road (Tax Map Nos. 40.01-1-9, 10, and 11) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 7, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 23, 2008; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 28, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Bonsack Baptist Church for the purpose of religious assembly located at the 4800 and 4900 blocks of Cloverdale Road in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2005 Community Plan, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and that it shall have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood or community, and said special use permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) The site will be developed in substantial conformance with the "Parking Expansion for Bonsack Baptist Church" prepared by Hughes Associates Architects, Inc. dated July 31, 2008. 2. That tl-~is ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 2