HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/2008 - Adopted Board RecordsACTION N0. A-1014081 ITEM N0. E-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, 1/1RGINIAHELD AT THE ROANOKE COI.INTYADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE; AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: October 14, 2008 Request for authorization to execute a modification agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Tecton Products. Jill Loope Assistant Director of Economic Development C~UNTYADMINISTRATGR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INFGRMATIGN; Roanoke County entered into a performance agreement with Tecton Products on April 29, 2005, wr~ich provided for an economic development grant and certain other consideral:ions tothe company based upon measurable performancegoals. The proposed development was to be implemented in two phases. Phase I included the construction of a X5,000 square foot manufact~~ring facility with a minimum investment of $6.5 million in improvements, machinery, and equipment and the employment of at least 58 people. Phase II included a facilityexpansionresulting in a rr~inimum investmentof $5.6 million in building improvements and equipment and a total of 93 employees by December 31, 2011. To date, Tecton has significantly exceeded the investment projections for Phase I at ~kheir facility located in Roanoke County's Center for Research and Technology. However, due to a downturn in the residential construction market, the company has failed to meet their minimum employment obligations. Current employment at ~khe facility is 36 fell-Lime employees with plans to increase employment to 45 by the first of the year. Therefore, the company is requesting a 15-month extension to the performance agreement to November 30, 2009, to grant them the opport~~nity to f~.,ilfill the employment objectives of the agreement. This request is consistent with the extension allowable under the Code of Virginia forthe Governor's Opportunity Fund Grant that the company received. The modification agreement will also grant a 15-month extension to the Phase II development to March 31, 2013. Staff has consulted with The Ifirgir~ia Economic Development Partnership and ~rl~e Roanoke County Economic Development Authority and all parties are in agreement with this extension request. A copy of the modification agreement is attached for reference. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no negative fiscal impact with this project. STAFF REC~MMENDATIaN: Staff recommends authorizing the execution of the modification agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority, and Tecton Products. vaTE: Supervisor Church motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Ms. Moore ~ ^ ^ Mr. Church ~ ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ~ ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ~ ^ ^ Mr. Flora ~ ^ ^ c: Jill Loope, Assistant Director, Economic Development Doug Chittum, Director, Economic Development Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Modification Agreement THIS MGDIFICATIGN AGREEMENT made as of this 14th day of Qctober, 20oS, by and between the BGARD aF SUPERVI54RS OF RUANUKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereafter "the County", the ECUNGMIC DEVELGPMENT Ai.1THGRITY 4F R(~AN4KE CUi~NTY, VIRGINIA (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority"}; and TECT4N PRUDUCTS, LLC, a Minnesota limited. liability company, hereinafter "the Company", WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County is the owner of an approximate 457 acre business park development known as the Center for Research and Technology the "CRT"}, located off State Route 4~0, at and near its intersection with Interstate S 1 and Exit 132, in the western portion of the County, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Economic Development Au~rhority of Roanoke County, Virginia, desire to promote and encourage the economic development and vitality of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley through the recruitment of new business for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority desired, by the sale to, and development for, the Company of approximately twenty (20} acres of real estate in the CRT (the "Property"}, that the Company will create high quality employment opportunities for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley by the development of this project which will promote economic development and generate new tax revenues for Roanoke County; and 7 WHEREAS, the Company desired to acquire and develop a portion of the CRT as a research and development and production facility, and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid. public purpose for the expenditure of public funds; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Incentive and Performance Agrecment ~"Performance Agreement"} on April 2~, ~U05, which provided for an economic development grant and certain other incentives to the Company based upon the achievement of measurable performance goals; and WHEREAS, the County applied for and received from the Commonwealth of Virginia a grant from the Governor's Gpportunity Fund ~"G4F"} in the amount of $1 oO,oUU on behalf of the Company; and WHEREAS, Tecton has significantly exceeded their initial investment commitment in excess of $2.5 million; and WHEREAS, duc to depressed economic conditions in the national housing market, the Company desires to modify 'the Performance Agreement by extending the time to meet certain performance goals, IOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to accomplish the following; 1. Governor's opportunity Fund A. Paragraph 1 of the Performance Agreement established measurable investment and employment goals for the Company as conditions for the receipt of funds from GGF. The Company had 30 months from February 27, ~,oo~, (the date the funds were received z by the Company} to constrict and operate a facility in CRT with an investment of at least $~,50C1,000 in improvements, machinery and equipment and to create 58 jobs at said facility. The Company has satisfied its investment obligations; however, it has failed to meet its minimum employment obligations by achieving 90% of its jobs creation goal. The Company has requested the County to apply fora 15-month extension from the date of performance required by GAF as provided in Section 2.2-11 ~ E.2.b, of the Code of Virginia. This extension will grant the Company an opportunity to fu.lfil.l its employment obligations until November 30, 2009, in order to avoid refunding a proportional amount of the grant as provided in Paragraph 1 ~ of the Performance Agreement, The County agrees to apply for this 15-month extension to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership on behalf of the Company. 2. County Incentive Grant A. Paragraph 2 of the Performance Agreement established measurable employment and investment goals for the Company as conditions for the receipt of incentives from the County related to the Phase I development and the Phase II expansion, The Company has requested an extension from the County on the performance timeline consistent with the extension request for the GQF. This will grant the Company an opportunity to fulfill its employment obligations to the County until November 30, 2009, The County agrees to grant this extension by way of this Modification Agreement as follows: 3 3. Amendments to the Performance Agreement A. Paragraphs 2.A.(2} and 2.A,(3} are amended to clarify that the employment requirement means people scheduled for full time employment, actually working an average of at least 40 hours per week (except in the event of a disability, FMLA, or other type of leave}, and eligible for Company benefits. B. Paragraph 3.F is amended to clarify that shol~ld the Company not meet 90 percent of its new jobs commitments in Phases I and II, the Grant shall be reduced by $1,000 for each job below these commitments and shall be calculated according to the original employment requirement of 58 in Phase I, and 93 additional people in Phase II for a total of 151 employees. 4. The parties agree that the obligation of the Company to meet the employment requirements of Phase I shall be extended from August 31, 2008 to November 30, 200. The parties further agree that the obligation of the company to meet the employment and investment requirements ofPhase II shall be extended from December 31, 2Q11 to March 31, 2013. 5. All other provisions of the Performance Agreement shall be in full force and effect. b. This Agreement shall be governed by and all disputes related hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 7. This Agreement and any reimbursement of costs and improvements from public funds is sl~bject to future appropriations by the Board of Supervisors to the Authority. IN WITNESS WI~ERE~F, the undersigned have excepted this Agreement the clay and gear first above written. 4 B(~ARI) (~F SUPERViS~~S ~F ROANOKI~: C()UNT~', VIRGINIA ~y Seen: County Attoxney STATE OF VIRGINIA COtrNT~' ~F RUAN[~KF', t«-~vit: By .lohn M. Chambliss, L1r. County Administrator F.CUNOUIIC I~EVi~~I,UPMI~~NT A L1"I'I I~~RITY CAF RC~ANaIi ~~ CC)t]NrI~~' ~3illy H. Rrar~ch, Chairman The foregoing instrr~merrt was ackrrov~fledged before me this gay of , X008, by John M. Char7~bliss, ~ r., on behalf of the Boaxd of Super~~isors for Roanoke Co~u~ty, Virginia. Natary Przblic nay Commission expires: l ~ STATE flF VI RGI N IA C~tJNT~~ ~F RoAr~o~E, to-wit: The foregoing instxur~~ent way acknowledged before me ti7is day of 20a~, by ,Chairman of the I~ conamic Deti~elopment Atithnl•ity of Roanoke Ct~~rr~ty, Virginia. Notary Public My Conltrlission expires: / / r TE~T~N PROnUCTS, LLC ~y: Its: STATE ~ ~' ~}IT~'~C,UU~1T~' ~~` , to-~4Tlt. The foregoing instr~~ment tiVas acknoti~~ledged before me this ~~y of X008, by as of Tecton Products, I~I.C. Notary Pt~hlic My commission expires: / / G AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 ORDINANCE 141448-2 AMENDING SECTION 2~-1, `DEFINITIONS', SECTION 24-24, `SPECIFIC COLLECTION CATEGORIES', AND SECTION 24-25. `SUPPLEMENTAL COLLECTION SERVICE' OF CHAPTER 24. "SOLID WASTE" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has determined that several amendments to the solid waste chapter of the Roanoke County Code are necessary to improve and enhance solid waste collection services for the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the public interest to make these amendments to this chapter; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 23, 2008, and the second reading and public hearing was held on October ~ 4, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: ~. That Chapter 24. "Solid Waste" of the Roanoke County is amended as follows: ARl'1CLE 1.1N GENERAL Sec. 20-~ . Defini~rions. The following words and terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section; Aufomaled collection: A mechanical method of garbage collection utilizing a vehicle equipped with a hydraulic arm that empties special containers provided by the county. Brush collection: Curbside collection of brush, small tree limbs, and other arboreal materials from residential customers. Bulk collection: Manual curbside collection from residential customers of appliances, furnaces, air conditioners, furniture, carpeting, rugs, bagged leaves and grass, boxes, four ~4} unmounted tires, k~~~i~dir~g ~~~ter$i~l and other perrr~issible household items tee . ,Building lla~err~ Any horne~owner generated material frern small remodeling er repair work. Examples of i'ncluded' items would be lurn~ber Mess than 8 feet in length}, wood 1 fro~rr~ trim, paneling, small arnc~unts of containerized drywall or ceiling tile, PVC car galvanized pipe Mess than feet in length}. No ind~iviual place or container may weigf~ more than 5g poiunds~ No snore than a ~ load wall be collected at ar~y one time. Commercial collection: The county's limited curbside collection of garbage placed in approved containers, generated by licensed business establishments, including three ~3} to five ~5}family rental properties, one ~1 } to five ~5} unit retail complexes, churches and church-run daycares. .. . , Contractor/commercial waste: Waste material, including constructionldemolition waste, resulting from work performed under contract for consideration. This includes, but is not limited to, trimming, yard maintenance and remodeling orother home repair. Curbside collection: The collection of solid waste that has been placed no farther than five ~5}feet from a curb or edge of a qualified road. Debris waste: Stumps, logs, limbs, wood, brush, leaves, soil and rock from land clearing operations. Free loader: Dumpster-style trailer which may be reserved by the county residential customers far one weekday or one weekend. Garbage: Solid and semi-solid items including discarded food wastes, wastes likely to decompose, bottles, waste paper, cans and clothing. Hazardous waste: "Hazardous substances" as defined by the Virginia Hazardous Management Waste Regulation; posing a danger to human health, harm to the environment, including but not limited to oil-based paint, insecticides, herbicides, poisons, corrosives, combustibles, caustics, acids, motor oils and gasoline. Household waste: Non-hazardous material, including garbage and trash, derived from households. Industrial waste: Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial process that is not a regulated hazardous waste. Pf~ysically-challenged service: Refuse pickup at the house for ci~lizens who are physician-certified as unable to transport garbage to the street. Private road: A road not in the primary ar secondary system. See also "Q+~alified Road" below. Premium garbage collection: Gptional pick+~p of garbage from a residential customer for a fee. Residential customers: County residents living in single-family homes including individ+~ally-owned townhouses duplexes, single lot mobile homes and condominiums, Residential collection: Garbage, bulk and brush collection from residential customer's dwellings. Recyclables: Newspaper, cardboard, office paper, aluminum, capper, steel, tin, auto batteries, motor oil. Qualified road: A road in the primary or secondary system of highways in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This term also includes private roads mee~ling specific county prescribed conditions, as noted in section 20-23 below. Seasonal collection: Collec~l:ion of Christmas trees and bagged leaves, during applicable times of the year. Solid waste: Solid and semi-solid materials including household garbage, yard waste, brush, bulk household waste, un-mounted tires and other permissible discarded, non- hazardousmaterials. Yard waste: Lawn clippings, small brush and twigs, shrubbery clippings, bagged leaves. ARTICLE II. COLLECTION BY COUNTY *~~* Sec. 20-24. Specific collection categories. ~a} Weekly curbside collection. The county shall provide weekly curbside garbage collection of household waste at no charge to all residential customers, meeting requirements of this chapter, in the county. To receive curbside collection, the following general rules must be followed: 3 (1 } All containers placed within five (5}feet of ~rhe curb line of a qualified road by 7:0o a.m. ofthe schedi~iled collection day. (~} , containers shall be removed nt It 1!~ fe from the public street right-of-way no later than 1:00 a.m. of the day following the scheduled collection day. }All ~r~aterial placed in tl~e container for collection maust be bagged, (4} No dead animals, hazardous material, automobile parts, ashes, liquids, debris, rocks, ~lir~T ~n~~l~ ~ ~~o~~r~~ or construction waste, contractorlcommercial waste, or any other material deemed unsafe for collection shall be placed in the containers for collection. (5} Sharps and needles must be sealed in proper needle disposal containers or other heavy, capped plastic containers, such as detergent bottles, milk jugs or soft drink bottles. (6} Pet feces must be double bagged before being placed in containers for collection. (7} Latex paint may be placed in containers after it has completely solidified. (b} Specific rules pertaining to automated collection. All residential customers within the automated service area will receive one (1}automated container. Weekly collection will only be for household waste, garbage and yard waste placed within the container. The containers are assigned to the structure, not to the occupants. Thr,~n hni~hnlr~e . Ali co~~~~ reil~~~il ~~~~~~~~ r: ~1ii~a~l fir cr~i ~~~~~in~i. ~I~i~l~ ~~~~.~~t purchased. No more than two (2} containers per residential customer will be allowed. When set to the curb line, each container must have at least five (5} feet of clearance on all sides. (1~ The replacement fee for a container shall be established by the solid waste manager subject to the approval of the county administrator. (2} Residents may be charged for repairs or replacement of containers, if the loss or damage is due to negligence of the customer as determined by ~khe solid waste manager. `the bor~ect-~er will be responsible for purebasing a r~ew contai~~er in all instances of loss due to burning. (c} Physically-challenged collection. Backyard household waste collection will be provided to residential customers when everyone living in the structure is disabled or handicapped and unable to transport the refuse to the curb. A physician's certification of handicaps or disabilities is required for all individuals residing in the household. 4 Physically-challenged residents will be required to renew this certification on an annual basis. The following additional criteria apply: {1) Customers receiving this service are limited to one container, {2) Customers will be subject to all automated guidelines except placing container at curb. (3) All materials placed in containers for collection must be bagged. {4} fags shall weigh ne mere than 0 lbs. {5) Tr~is service is not available for b~~~lk and brush collection. {d) Premium garbage collection. Optional backyard service may be available to residential customers for household waste only by application. The charge for premium backyard collection will be a minimum of fifteen dollars {$15.00) per month and will include service up to one hundred {100) feet from the curbside pickup location. For each additional one hundred {100) feet or fraction thereof, an additional ten dollars {$1 D.00) charge will be assessed. The premium refuse collection charges shall be paid in advance on a quarterly basis. The following additional criteria apply: (1) Customers receiving this service are limited to one (1) container. {2} Customers will be subject to all automated guidelines except placing container at curb. {3) All materials placed in containers far collection must be bagged. (4) Bags shall weigh no more than 30 lbs. (5) This service is not available for bulk and brush collection. (6) A nonrefundable application fee in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be made in advance together with proper application forms from the solid waste division of general services. {e) Commercial collection. The county shall provide free, weekly, curbside collection of garbage to licensed commercial establishments {includ'+ng churches and church-r~~n daycares}, generating not more than three ~3} county provided automated containers per week. This service will be provided by application only through the office of general services. The county will not provide collection to any apartment office, or retail complexes of more than five ~5} commercial establisr~ments or to mobile home parks of any size. The county will provide licensed commercial establishments one {1}container at no cast; the commercial establishment may purchase two {2) additional containers. Commercial establishments generating over three r~undred {300} gallons of refuse per 5 week are required to seci~ire private collection. The following conditions apply to commercial collection: (1} Commercial customers within the automated service area will be subject to the rules pertaining to standard automated collection and all county solid waste rules. (2) Bulk brush or bagged leaf collection is not available to commercial customers. (f} Nonresident collection. The county may, at its option, provide weekly garbage collection to nearby, non-county residents upon application and approval. A monthly fee of twenty dollars ($24.44} will be required. These customers are allowed only one (1 } container and they will be required to pay a monthly rental fee of one dollar ($1.44} for the use of the container. Non-county residents are not eligible for bulklbrush collection. (g) Condominium and townhouse developmeniF collection. The county shall provide once weekly pickup by an automated vehicle to residential customers residing in owi~er- accupied condominium and townhouse developments. The method of collection shall be consistent with the collection service received by other residential customers. (h) General. Debris waste will not be collected under any circumstances. (1} Mixed or contaminated loads, e,g. bulk interrr~ingled with brush, will not be collected. (2) Solid waste contaminated with hazardous wastes will not be collected nor handled by county personnel. Sec. 20-25. Supplemental collection service. (a) Brush callec~ion. The county provides free brush collection every other week to residential customers, Brush or other yard waste collection service will not be provided to commercial or non-county residential customers. It will be the responsibility of premium and physically-challenged customers to place any brush items at the curb for collection. Brush must be placed as close as possible to the curb line or road { ~~~}i~~i~~Y~ur~ itl~i« feet) and five (5} feet away from any horizontal obstruction and have overhead clearance, such that the operation of the equipment is not impaired or restricted. S~~ch placement shall be made no earlier than the Saturday preceding the scheduled collection and no later than 1:44 a.m. of the day scheduled collection date. (1) Brush resulting from normal property maintenance, may not exceed six (6) feet in length r helve inches (1 } inches in diameter. 4l`rec st~~~~~p less th~r~ foot in width must be free cf all dirk, grass, clumps ekc., in order to be collected by County personnel. Stumps must be placed manually at the curb in girder to be 6 collected. Debris waste will not be collected pursuant to this section. The cuttings, limbs, nil stump must be placed in a pile not to exceed six (G} by six {6} by six (6}feet in size. (2) Brush cuttings and tree limbs resulting from commercial tree trimming operations (contractor/commercial waste) will not be collected. (3) Brush resulting from land-clearing will not be collected. (b} Yard waste. Residential customers may place small quantities of bagged yard waste in their county-provided containers on their regularly-scheduled collection day. Excess quar~~tities of yard waste must be placed in disposable containers, to include but not be limited to, plastic or paper bags and adjacent to the road or curb line for scheduled bulk collection. The disposable containers must be of substantial construction and shall not weigh mare than fifty X50} pounds when fiul1. The containerized clippings must be separate from any other bulk or brush items set out for collection. ~c} Seasons! collections. For asix-week period, ~~sually beginning with the first Monday in November, bagged leaves will be collected on a ~~~°°'~'~~ "~c~~ ~r^ r,°~.~; °nfi~a-I~t~~cl~~~le to be yet by tl~e Direr ~t ~~~~~~I ~~~~ T~7 r-~~i r~~t tyre ~arir~g the week of Thanksgiving. The county will not provide vacuum service for the collection of leaves. (1 } Leaves must be placed in sti~irdy, tied, plastic bags within five ~5}feet of curb and may not exceed fifty (50} pounds per bag. (2) Christmas trees will be collected separately from other yard waste during a one-week period in January. Trees must be placed within five (5) feet of the curb with all decorations removed so they may be safely mulched. Notice will be provided as to exact collection dates for these services. (d} General. Materials resulting from land-clearing opera~rions or commercial yard waste management operations will not be collected pursuant to this section. It will be the responsibility of the contractor or owner to properly dispose of any such materials. (e} Bulk collection. The county provides free collection of bulk items every other week to residential customers. Bulk collection service will not be provided to any commercial customers. It will be the responsibility of premium and backyard service customers to place any bulk items adjacent to the qualified road or curb line for collection. The bulk items must be placed as close as possible to the curb line or road ~ E~~ii~~i~~~~r~~ ithi~~ 5 teed and five {5} feet away from any obstruction. The items m~~st be completely clear of any overhanging wires or branches, in order to be collected. Such placement shall be made no earlier than the Saturday preceding scheduled collection and no later than 1:00 a.m. the day of collection. 7 ~~ ~ r~-»ctn inn I~rrrn nr hn~rn! to fit inn ~d ii~i~nr~~nrl rnn~~indr~ YY'CI TIT- CCT~Tt-~'rrCCT L~r~- ~2} Residential customers can place no more than a pickup truck size load of bulk for pickup. If it is necessary for the materials to be containerized, the container must be of a disposable nature. ~3} Bulk items include materials resul~ling from normal household activity, including but not limited to, items such as appliances, furniture, four ~4} unmounted tires, tc~~~A pallets, bicycles, swing sets disassembled}, sawn furniture, and cardboard moving boxes or other trash resulting from moving anb r~~all araun~ of han~eawne~~ generated buil~i~~g n~a~eral. ~} Any constructian~dernalition waste set out for collection must be less than feet in length woad, boards, pipes, plaster board etc,}, weigh less than 5g pounds per pi+~ce and be no rare than a pickup track load in total, dat~erial deemed likely to be blown around shall be c~-ntairrer~zed by same means. The resulting container can weigh na mare than 5g lbs. The material cannot Dave resulted from contracted work. ancrete and rac~fing shingles gill nc~t ~' e ~cll~ei by c~~r~ly pelrcr~l~el. ~5} Any material that may be wind blown must be bagged. Any glass items, such as mirrors, windows or shower doors, must be taped and bagged. (6) Latex faint may be placed aut for bulk colleckion after it has comple#ely sol4dified. ~l} Excluded items: All prohibited waste, such a concrete, asphalt, paver~er~t, ~-~~c~tr~ ~-~it~c~le cr kilo, clir, rcl~, debris waste, hazardous materials, animal carcasses, a~~tomobile parts, propane tanks and riding lawnmowers will be the responsibility of the owner or contractor to properly dispose of. 4f} Addr'~ior~a! disposal senricss. County residential customers are entitled to the use of a fourteen-foot "freeloader" at no charge on a "first come, first serve" basis. The freeloader must be schedi~~led in advance and is to be used during spring cleaning, basement or attic cleaning, or major yard work projects. Use of the freeloader is governed by the following criteria: (1) Residential customers may reserve the freeloaders no more than four (4) times a year. (2) Materials may only be hand loaded (not mechanically) onto the trailer. ~3} Small items or any material susceptible to wind must be containerized in some manner, such as bags or boxes. 8 (4} The freeloader will be delivered only to occupied residential homes. Homes currently under construction are not eligible to receive 'the freeloader. The freeloader will only be delivered to a safe and easily accessible location determined by solid waste staff. (5) The resident must be home to accept delivery of the freeloader to sign a release liability form. (fi} No hazardous materials or debris waste or ~nn~+r, ,,,+~-,n ~~-'~+~ shall be placed in freeloader. (7} Permissible items incl~~de brush, bulk, small amounts ct horneowner generated building r~~atorials and yard waste pursuant to section 20-1. (8) Prior to removal the loads will be inspected and the resident will be required to remove non-approved materials. (g} County residents may take pick-up truck loads of bulk items and brush originating from their residence to the Tinker Creek Transfer Station free of charge. The number of such loads permitted without charge, and other rules and regulations pertaining to removal and disposal of bulk items and brush at the Tinker Creek Transfer Station, shall be in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the county administrator or his designee. In special circumstances upon request, the county administrator or his designee may issue special dump permits far the disposal of bulk items and brush at the transfer station in addition to the number of loads generally permitted for county residents. 2. That the effective date of this ordinance is October 14, X008. on motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Cr~urch, Altizer, McNamara, Flora NAYS: None A COPYTESTE: Mary randt, CPS 1 Assist Deputy Clerk to the oard 9 c: Circuit Court Robert P. Doherty, ,.Ir., Judge James R. Swanson, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Bonnie Hager, Judicial Secretary Norte Lowe, Secretary Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Doris J. Johnson, Clerk for distribution} General District Court Vincent A. Lilley, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk for distribu~kion} Gerald Holt, Sheriff Kevin Hutchins, Treasurer Nancy Horn, Commissioner of Revenue Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Randy Leach, Commonwealth Attorney Chief Magistrate Raymond Leven Diana Rosapepe, Director, Library Services Ray Lavinder, Police Chief Richard Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue Roanoke Law Library, 315 Cr+urch Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Law Library, Singleton Osterhoudt Roanoke County Code Book John M. Chambliss, ~„Ir., CountyAdmiriistrator Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Cr+ief Financial Officer Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director, Development Pr+ilip Thompson, Deputy Director, Planr+ing Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance David Davis, Court Services Elaine Carver, Cl~+ief information Officer Bill Greeves, Director, Information Technology Anne Marie Green, Director, General Services Pete Haislip, Director, Parks, Recrea~kion & Tourism William E. Driver Director, Real Estate Valuation Brent Robertson, Director, Management & Budget 10 ACTION NO. A-101408-3 ITEM NO. H-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 14, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Designation of voting delegate to the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) conference to be held November 9-11, 2008 SUBMITTED BY: Mary V. Brandt, CPS Assistant Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: John Chambliss County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) annual conference will be held November 9- 11, 2008. They have requested that each county designate a representa~l:ive of its Board of Supervisors as well as an alternate to cast its votes at the annual business meeting on Tuesday, November 11. The voting credentials form must be subrriitted to VACo by November 6, 2008. VOTE: Supervisor Church amended motion to designate Chairman Flora to serve as the County's voting delegate at this year's conference and that the Chairman serve as the voting delegate at future conferences until future notice Motion Approved Yes No Abs ~ _ Ms. Moore Mr. Church ® ® ^ ^ ^ ^ ~Mr Altizer ® ^ ^ 1 Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ Mr. Flora ~ ^ ^ c: Virginia Association of Counties File AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 RESOLUTION 101408-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I-CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: "that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October 14, 2008, designated as Item I-Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -September 9, 2008, and September 23, 2008 2. Resolutions of appreciation to: (a) Kay Johnston, Finance Department, upon her retirement after twenty-three years of service (b) Herman W. Meador, II; Fire and Rescue Department, upon his retirement after twenty years of service 3. Request from the Sheriff's Department to accept and appropriate a federal grant in the amount of $15,736 approved under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program for equipment and training 4. Acceptance of a portion of Huffman Lane, Rte 761, (Vinton Magisterial District) into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required bylaw to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Church, Altizer, McNamara, Flora NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary V r ndt, CPS Assist Deputy Clerk to the Board c: Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Teresa Becher, Transportation Engineering Manager 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 RESOLUI"ION 101408-4.a EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO KAY JOHNSTON, FINANCE DEPARTMENT, UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY-THREE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Kay Johnston was employed by the Roanoke County Finance Department as a buyer for the Purchasing Division on January 18, 1985; and WHEREAS, Ms. Johnston retired on October 1, 2008, aftertwenty-three years and nine months of service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Johnston was a Certified Professional Public Buyer and a member of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing and the Virginia Association of Governmental Purchasing; and WHEREAS, Ms. Johnston worked with County and Schools Departments procuring goods and services, providing training on Purchasing Code, and assisting in the irriplementation of upgrades to the Purchasing System; and WHEREAS, Ms. Johnston was a dedicated employee who always provided a high level of service to customers while maintaining an outstanding quality of work; and WHEREAS, Ms. Johnston, through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life and providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to KAY JOHNSTON for more than twenty-three years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Church, Altizer, McNamara, Flora NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: -, Mary r ndt, PS Assists eputy Clerk to the Board 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 RESOLUI"ION 101408-4.b EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO HERMAN W. MEADOR, II, FIRE AND RESCUE, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Herman W. Meador, II was employed on July 25, 1988, by the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department and held the positions of firefighter, Fire Sergeant, and Fire Lieutenant; and WHEREAS, Mr. Meador retired from the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department on October 1, 2008, as a Fire Lieutenant after twenty years and two months of service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Mr. Meador served as a team member and team leader for the Roanoke County Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team attaining specialist- and technician-level certifications; and WHEREAS, Mr. Meador assisted the department on many special projects in his career including photography and documentation; and WHEREAS, Mr. Meador performed a crucial role in protecting the life and property of citizens in one of the most hazardous professions, and Roanoke County is very fortunate to have bene~Fited From his dedication and many years of experience; and WHEREAS, Mr. Meador, through his en~iployment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens by providing continual fire protection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to HERMAN W. MEADOR, II for more than twenty years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. On mol:ion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Church, Altizer, McNamara, Flora NAYS: None A COPY TESTS: Mary V. randt, CPS Assist t Deputy Clerk to the Board 2 ACTION NO. A-101408-4.c ITEM NO. I-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: October 14, 2008 Request from the Sheriff's Department to accept and appropriate a federal grant in the amount of $15,736 approved under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program for equipment and training Sheriff Gerald S. Holt John Chambliss, Jr County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMAL"ION: The Sheriff's Office has received approval for a grant in the amount of $15,736 from the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. This grant will provide funds to cover equipment, training, and staff related needs. This grant was approved by email notification on September 26, 2008. FISCAL IMPACT: IVone. The grant is in the amount of $15,736 in federal funds and requires no matching funds. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recorrimends acceptance and appropriation of awarded funds in the amount of $15,736. VOTE: Supervisor Altizer motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Ms. Moore ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ c: Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 RESOLUTION 101408-4.d ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION OF HUFFMAN LANE, RTE 761, (VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT) INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described below currently serves at least 3 families and was established prior to July 1, 1992, at which time it was used by motor vehicles as a public access; and WHEREAS, the County has determined its si.ibdivision ordinance satisfies subsection B of §33.1-72.1, Code of Virginia, and is therefore eligible to make qualifying additions to the secondary system of state highways maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation and fund necessary improvements as set out therein, except as otherwise prohibited by subsection B of §33.1-72.2, Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, after examining the ownership of all property abutting this street, including the deeds and related plats, this Board finds no restriction on the use of public funds for improving of the road; and WHEREAS, after examining the ownership of all property abutting this street, this Board finds that speculative interest does not exist; and WHEREAS, this Board has identified immediately available funding to make improvements required to qualify the street for addition to the aforesaid secondary system of state highways, based on the Department's cost estimate of $ 50,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to §33.1-72.1, Code of Virginia, this Board requests the following street be added to the secondary system of state highways maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation and hereby guarantees the right-of-way of the street to be clear, unencumbered and i.inrestricted, which right of way guarantee shall including any necessary easements required for cuts, fills, and drainage: Name of Subdivision: O.C. Huffman Map & Family Subdivision for Greer Back Creek Name of Street: Huffman Lane, Rte. 761 From: Existing end of State maintenance To: Proposed cul-de-sac Length: 0.015 miles Guaranteed Right-of-Way Width: Right of Way Instrument Reference 40 feet + (R/V1/ Width Varies) or Instrument #: 200813731, 200813732, 200813733 and Date Recorded: 10/03/08 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thus Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to improve said street to the prescribed minimum standards, funding said improvements with the following funds; Source of Funds Amount Roanoke County Secondary Six Year State Funds $ 50,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board agrees to reimburse, witriin 45-days of receiving an invoice, all costs that the Virginia Department of Transportation incurs to relocate existing utilities within the right of way that are discovered during the course of and in conflict with the construction, drawing such funds from resources other than those administered by the Department; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board agrees to reimburse, within 45-days of receiving an invoice, all costs that the Virginia Department of Transportation incurs in the construction of necessary improvements to I:he road that are over and above the estimated cost of improvements or to otherwise identify an eligible source of funds administered by the Department to cover such costs; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution and a county check in the amount of $ 0 be forwarded to the Residency Administrator of the Virginia Department of Transportation. Moved by: Supervisor Altizer Seconded by: None Regi„iired Yeas: Supervisors Moore, Church, Altizer, McNamara, Flora Nays: None A Copy Teste: Mary randt, CPS Assist t Deputy Clerk to the Board pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Teresa Becher, Transportation Engineering Manager Virginia Department of Transportation 2 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 101408-4.d adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote on Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk 3 PROPERTY OF 40• JAMES W. & SHEILA H. e R'~aN~Re A PROPERTY OF q°~ ~, LOGAN ~fM Nri B~cR£ S ATSYK. STEVE s ~~ F p Z ~ INSTRUMENT No. 200514860 ~ S ~ ~ =~ GREER ~ '~ Fti "~y P.B. 28, PG. 9 ~ 8 ''c 9 ~ /INSTRUMENT No. 200323296 c•P~„'"p°~ c~`'A B _ N ~,, TAX X180.00-2-25 o ~ ~ 2- P.B. 28, PG. 9 U rr TAX X80.00-2-21-` t 28'b 4'P~ ~ ~ ~ ti`O 1 ~ _ G ~~'ti ~ . \ w ~~ ryryo 2 ~ ,~ ~ ' e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MEN ~ s _ ~ IiAW7ENAHCE ~ 57''31.503"E / P p~ , ~ D ~ O~ J i ' ce GN r1~?.A / , -J~~ 30" OAK PROPERTY OF 15" PINE ALVIN S. & TRACY P. 80ARD D.B. 1329, PG. 924 IPF P, B. 13, PG. 7 ~+` TAX #80.01-2-1fi ~ f Q'~v~ PKF `` ~ J! ~ Q~~pnPr P P~M~N~ ~ / ~~ ~~~ ~- LPN ~~ ~ ~a\, •, ` 'r [ , /52+ E ~ i GRA 'r. 5 1~ 41 a Za a ix ~._ 98~Oi GP'(`I ~i' _ ,F. ~ 15' MAPLE '• ~ '~ HEDGES v GRP~` _ \ ~ ~. GGN `Pilo '•, TELEPHONE V PEDESTAL ~(j u N ~ CP ~ a_ ~\ O PROPERTY OF \\~ KR/STINK LEE INSTRUMENT No. 200711272 0 TAX #80.03-1-25 ~'- ,pN~G Si 0 O J, ~N ~G~24y '` ~~ i RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACCEPTED cuRVE 'e" R=40.00' L=48.64' D=69'40'01" T~27.84' CH=N37'14'S6"W CHORD OtST.~45.70' CURVE 'C' CURVE "D" R=40.00' R~25.00' L=130.06' L=33.15' D=18678'06" D=75'58'08" T=72fi.65' T=19.52' CH=S8975'52"E CH=N34'05'53"W CHORD DIST.=79.88' CHORD DIST.=30.77 VIRGINIA PROPOSED R/W ,V ~ ~ 3 /~o 0~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ PROPERTY OF / W. J. HARDY TAX //80.03-1-22 BENCHMARK RAILROAD SPIKE SET IN POWER POLE d 303-6015 ELEVATION = 100.00 (ASSUMED) ~xtlrreiT';a -~ PLAT SHOWING PORTION OF HUFFMAN LANE RTE. 761 REQUESTED BY F SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY TO BE ACCEPTED INTO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ ~'°"~'Ok SECONDARY SYSTEM o ~ ti ~ VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ~ ~ ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ov '~ SCALE: 1 "= 30' DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2008 1 8 PREPAR® 8Y ROANOtOE COUNTY DEPARI'1[ENT OF CD![YUNITY DEVELDPI[ENT BOARD 0 PROPERTY OF CATHERINE L. MCCAIN D.B. 962, PG. 514 TAX #80.03-1-26 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA"PION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 RESOLUTION 101408-5 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, l:he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Drily public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following voice vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Church, Altizer, McNamara, Flora NAYS: None A COPY TEST Mary .Bran t, CPS Assi ant Deputy Clerk to the Board