HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/24/2009 - Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda March 24, 2009 NOTE: The evening session will start at 5:30 p.m. Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for March 24, 2009. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Dr. Stephen C. Hundley Roanoke District Superintendent - United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to Charles W. King, Fire and Rescue Department, upon his retirement after twenty-eight years of service D. BRIEFINGS 1 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt a resolution setting the allocation percentage for personal property tax relief in Roanoke County for the 2009 tax year. (Rebecca E. Owens, Director of Finance) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES - CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits o~ the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. The petition of Wolf Creek, Inc., Circle C Consultants, Inc., Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc., Front Street Construction, Inc., and Old Towne Development, LLC to amend the Planned Residential Development Master Plan for Wolf Creek, which measures 38.384 acres and includes the communities of Wolf Run, Wolf Crest, Beech Cove, Richard's Wood, Village at Stone Creek and Rockbridge, Vinton Magisterial District G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES I. APPOINTMENTS 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 2. Library Board (appointed by District) 3. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program 4. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes - December 16, 2008 K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Accounts Paid - February 2009 5. Analysis of Comparative Schedule of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances for the month ended February 28, 2009 6. Analysis of Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues and Encumbrances for the month ended February 28, 2009 7. Proclamations signed by the Chairman and Board O. CLOSED MEETING P. WORK SESSIONS (Training Room - 4th floor) 1. Work session for the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. (Clay Goodman, County Administrator; Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) EVENING SESSION - BEGINNING AT 5:30 P.M. Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES - 5:30 P.M. 1. (POSTPONED FROM DECEMBER 16, 2008) Second reading of an ordinance upon the petition of Edward Rose Properties, Inc. to rezone approximately 16.3 acres from R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to R- 3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions and C- 2C, General Commercial District with Conditions and to rezone approximately 11.2 acres from C-2, General Commercial District, to R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions, for the purpose of constructing a mixed-use development consisting of an apartment complex and commercial uses located at the 6200 and 6300 blocks of Cove Road and Green Ridge Road, Catawba Magisterial District. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 3 2. (CONTINUED UNTIL APRIL 28, 2009, AT THE REQUEST OF THE PETITIONER) Second reading of the petition of Foxhall Properties, LLC to rezone 12.237 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial District, to 1-2CS, High Intensity Industrial District with Conditions and Special Use Permit, for the purpose of operating an asphalt plant and construction yard located at 4127 West Main Street, Salem, Catawba Magisterial District. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney; Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) S. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS - 7:30 P.M. 1. Resolution of congratulations to Glenvar High School Wrestling Team for winning the State Group A Championship (a) Certificate of recognition to Jason Ayers for winning the 135-pound division state championship T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Richard C. Flora 2. Joseph P. McNamara 3. Charlotte A. Moore 4. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 5. Michael W. Altizer v. ADJOURNMENT 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. L - \ . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF -rHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE-rING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA rrEM: Resolution of appreciation to Charles W. King, Fire and Rescue Department, upon his retirement after twenty-eight years of service SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, Illlst~lo County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Mr. King retired on February 1,2009, as Operations Battalion Chief after twenty-eight years of service with the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department. He will attend the Board meeting to accept a resolution of retirement. Division Chief Joey Stump will attend the meeting to congratulate Mr. King. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF -rHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA-rION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009 RESOLU'-ION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO CHARLES W. KING, FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Charles W. King was employed on October 16, 1980, by the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department, and held the positions of Firefighter, Fire Lieutenant, Fire Captain, and Training Battalion Chief; and WHEREAS, Mr. King retired from the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department on February 1, 2009, as Operations Battalion Chief, after twenty-eight years and four months of service; and WHEREAS, Mr. King performed a crucial role in protecting the life and property of citizens in one of the most hazardous professions, and Roanoke County is very fortunate to have benefited from his dedication and many years of experience; and WHEREAS, Mr. King, through his commitment in the field of Heavy and Tactical Rescue, allowed Roanoke County to be recognized throughout the state as a leader in this field; and WHEREAS, Mr. King dedicated himself to ensuring that all responders operated in a safe manner by emphasizing best practice models through constant instruction of all members of the Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. King, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens by his responses to fires and training of other firefighters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to CHARLES W. KING for more than twenty-eight years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 2 ACTION NO. rrEM NO. E - I AT A REGULAR MEE1-ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT -rHE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to adopt a resolution setting the allocation percentage for personal property tax relief for the 2009 tax year SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~l County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~t~~~~-.a \) ~\\~t.O\).J elf 'S.t~ ~CI.O\'(\~""&-b.o~"1\tQ... BACKGROUND: The Personal Property Tax Relief Act (PPTRA or the Act) of 1998 established a state-wide program to provide relief to owners of personal use motor vehicles. The 1998 Act envisioned a five year phase-in of relief expressed as a percentage of the bill related to the first $20,000 of personal use vehicle value. Costs soared and the percentage was frozen at 70% since 2001. In 2004 and 2005, additional legislation was passed to amend the original Act. This legislation capped PPTRA at $950 million for all Virginia localities for Tax Years 2006 and beyond. PPTRA funds are allocated to individual localities based on each government's pro rata share of Tax Year 2004 payments from the Commonwealth. The County's share of the $950 million is $12,229,857. At the December 20,2005 board meeting, ordinance 122005-10 amending the Roanoke County Code by adding a new Section 21-225 to provide for the implementation of the 2004-2005 changes to the Personal Property Tax Relief Act (pp-rRA) of 1998 was adopted by the Board of Supervisors. 1 SUMMARY OF INFORMA-rION: The County uses The PPTRA Allocation Model developed by the State to calculate the effective reimbursement rate. This model uses historical trends and a five year rolling average to calculate the effective reimbursement rate. This same methodology for calculating the rate is used by many of our neighboring localities. In 2008, County staff used the PPTRA Allocation Model to calculate the effective reimbursement rate. -rhe rate for the County was 63.470/0 and the Town of Vinton was 61.970AJ. -rhese calculations proved to be very accurate and the amount collected with the calculation was almost as if the old method of personal property tax collection were in place. In 2009, once again County staff computed the effective reimbursement rate based upon the PPTRA allocation model. The percent~ge is similar to those localities that are ready to adopt their resolutions. The rate for the County is 60.840/0 and Tl1e Town of Vinton is 59.140AJ. The Board is required by the State to annually adopt a resolution setting the percentage reduction in personal property for that year. The attached resolution establishes the percentage reduction at 60.840/0 for the 2009 tax year. FISCAL IMPACT: The percentage reduction is calculated to distribute the $12,229,857 block grant allocation from the State in the manner described above. There will be some timing delays in the receipt of the State funds, since they are now being received in the following fiscal year (2009-10), but we will be allowed to accrue these funds back to the 2008-09 year for accounting purposes so that our budget will be balanced. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffs of the County Finance Department, Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, and Information Technology have reviewed this calculation and recommend adopting the attached resolution which establishes the percentage reduction for personal property tax relief at 60.840/0 for Roanoke County for the 2009 tax year. 2 AT A REGLILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS-rRA-rION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24,2009 RESOLU-rION SETTING THE ALLOCATION PERCENTAGE FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RELIEF IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR TH E 2009 TAX YEAR WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 58.1-3524 (C) (2) and Section 58.1-3912 (E) of the Code of Virginia, as amended by Chapter 1 of the Acts of Assembly and as set forth in item 503.E (Personal Property Tax Relief Program or "PPTRA") of Chapter 951 of the 2005 Acts of Assembly and qualifying vehicle with a taxable situs within the County commencing January 1, 2009, shall receive personal property tax relief; and, WHEREAS, this Resolution is adopted pursuant to Ordinance 122005-10 adopted by the Board of Supervisors on Decerrlber 20, 2005. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED1 BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA1 as follows: 1. That tax relief shall be allocated so as to eliminate personal property taxation for qualifying personal use vehicles valued at $1,000 or less. 2. That qualifying personal use vehicles valued at $11001-$20,000 will be eligible for 60.84010 tax relief. 3. That qualifying personal use vehicles valued at $20,001 or more shall only receive 60.840/0 tax relief on the first $20,000 of value; and 4. That all other vehicles which do not meet the definition of "qualifying" (for example, including but not limited to, business use vehicles, farm use vehicles, motor homes, etc.) will not be eligible for any form of tax relief under this program. 5. That the percentages applied to the categories of qualifying personal use vehicles are estimated fully to use all available pp-rRA funds allocated to Roanoke County by the Commonwealth of Virginia. 6. Supplemental assessments for tax years 2005 and prior shall be deemed \ non-qualifying' for purposes of state tax relief and the local share due from the taxpayer shall represent 1000/0 of the assessed personal property tax. 7. That this Resolution shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -----'E - \ AT A REGULAR MEE1-ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT -rHE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CEN-rER MEETING DATE: March 24,2009 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances; consent agenda SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: -rhe first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. -rhe adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for April 28. 2009. -rhe titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. The petition of Wolf Creek, Inc., Circle C Consultants, Inc., Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc., Front Street Construction, Inc., and Old Towne Development, LLC to amend the Planned Residential Development Master Plan for Wolf Creek, which measures 38.384 acres and includes the communities of Wolf Run, Wolf Crest, Beech Cove, Richard's Wood, Village at Stone Creek and Rockbridge, Vinton Magisterial District. Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the Clerk's Office. Page 1 of 2 Sl AFF RECOMMENDA liON: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for April 28. 2009. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Itenl(s) 1, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Page 2 of 2 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanolce, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 County of Roanol{e Community Development Planning & Zoning ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) MRezoning 0 Special Use D Variance 0 Waiver 0 Administrative Appeal 0 Camp Plan (15.2-2232) Revic,v Applicants name/address w/zip Wolf Creek, Inc. c/o Daniel F. Barnes. Esquire 3140 Chaparral Drive, Suite 20Q-C Roanoke,VA 24018 Phone: Work: Cell #: Fax No.: 540-725-4707 540-772 -0126 Owner's name/address w/zip Wolf Creekl Inc. cIa Daniel F. Barnesl Esquire 3140 Chaparral Drivel Suite 200-C Roanoke, VA 24018 Property Location V t The property-is located at the intersection of Mountain View Road and Wolf Run and Magisterial District: in 0 n includes the property adjacent to the following roads: Stone Creek Path, Sassafras Circle, Sweet Bay Circle, Green Knoll Lane, Wolf Crest, Wolf Run, Beech Cove Trail, and Beech Cove Lane. COlnmunity Planning area: Vi nton Phone #: Work: Fax No. #: 540-725-4707 540-772-0126 Tax Map No.: See attached list of affected Size ofparcel(s): Acres: 38.384 Existing Zoning: PRO Existing Land Use: Residential REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAIVER AND COMPPLAN (15.2-2232) REVIEW APPLICANTS (R/S/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: PRO Proposed Land Use: Residential ~s the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirelnents of the requested district? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED F~~ es the parcel meet the Ininimum criteria for the requested Use Type?~ No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes 0 VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRA TIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (VIW/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPl'lED IF ANY OF ''fHESE rrEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R18AV/CP V/AA R/S/\V/CP V/AA Rl8AV/CP V/AA ~ Consultation Bi 8 1/2" X II" concept plan ~ Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification ~ater Id se\ver application Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the proper r 1e 0\ er's a t or contract purchaser and am acting \vith the knowledge and consent of the owner. O\vner's Signature 2 From: To: Date: Subject: "R. Mark Corkeryll <rmcorkery@cs.com> "'Megan Croniselll <mcronise@roanokecountyva.gov> 2/20/2009 11 : 39 AM RE: Wolf Creek Application Signature Page I am the contact person for both companies 201 Berkley Rd Roanoke, VA 24012 540-400-6795 -----0 rig in a I Message----- From: Megan Cronise [mailto:mcronise@roanokecountyva.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 181 2009 4:22 PM To: rmcorkery@cs.com Subject: Wolf Creek Application Signature Page Good afternoon Mark, Per our conversation earlier today, I have attached a document with an example of the language and information we are looking for to add to the application package. Please also provide the mailing address, phone number and contact person for both Front Street Construction, Inc. and Old Towne Development, LLC. If you would please email me the scanned signature page as soon as you can and mail me the page with original signatures I can continue to process the Wolf Creek application. Please let me know if you should have any questions. Thank you very much for your help, Megan Megan G. Cronise, AICP - Principal Planner Roanoke County Department of Community Development (540) 772-2068 x 282 (540) 772-2108 (fax) mcronise@roanokecountyva.gov BY~~ Its:~ Wolf Creek, Inc., a Virginia corporation 2 ? ~ G~~~____O"~~_~_ Its: f) (:-sLD ~~~~~~.~._.--- - '.=~ Circle c. Consultants1 Inc. 3 Wolf Creek Homeowner's Association, Inc., a Virginia Corporation BY&~ Its: -p{2E~\ 4 Referencing the application filed by Wolf Creek ltlC. by Daniel F. Barnes, Esquire, with tIle Roanoke County Departlnent of Community Development on Febnlary 6th, 2009, to amend the Wolf Creek Platmed Residential Development Master Plan, I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Front Street Construction, Inc. BY~. ~ Its: President Date 2~ to ..-0, Old TO\Vl1e Development, LLC By ~ ~- Date L'" w '~CJ~ Its: Member JUSTIFICA liON FOR REZONING OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Applicant: Wolf Creek, Inc. The Planning Commission will study rezoning) special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. Wolf Creek, and its related development communities, was the first Planned Residential Development to be proposed and constructed within Roanoke County. The acreage of the entire community amounts to a little more than 38 acres and the development within is a mix of single-family homes, deck homes and village homes. The various communities within the greater Wolf Creek development (RichardJs Wood, Beech Cove, Villages at Stone Creek, Rock,bridge and the single-family homes along Wolf Crest and Wolf Run) are supported and separated by various portions of undisturbed and undeveloped open space. The purpose of a Planned Residential Development District (PRO), as set forth at Section 30-47, et. seq., of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, is to provide for the development of residential communities that incorporate a variety of housing options. Additionally, the Zoning Ordinance requires that a PRO include significant areas of open space as Ua means to maintain critical natural and cultural resources." These two main purposes of a PRD are met by the Wolf Creek development. This request brought by the developer(s) is to revise and update the Master Plan. Specifically, the developer seeks to provide a more clear and definite description of the design guidelines for development of both the residences and the open space within the Wolf Creek community. The updated Master Plan will more clearly set forth the amenities to be included within the open space. Lastly, this updated Master Plan will provide a benchmark by which Roanoke County can evaluate any future development or renovation of the residences therein. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The Vision Statements in Chapter Two of the Roanoke County Community Plan set forth various goals with respect to development and growth within the County. The Third Vision Statement regarding Housing called for uopen spacesll to be provided within cluster developments and innovative site design concepts. The First Vision Statement regarding Growth Management and Planning called for the use of "open space" as an integral part of communities. The proposed Master Plan for this PRD clarifies the boundaries and amenities for various open spaces within the Wolf Creek development. The Future land Use Plan indicates that the property subject to this revised Master Plan shall be identified as IlDevelopment." Chapter Three of the Community Plan sets forth certain issues regarding parcels identified as development. Specifically, the objectives for such areas of residential growth include the encouragement of planned residential communities that protect and incorporate environmental features and resources within the development. The parcels of land subject to this rezoning are within a planned residential community. Most importantly, the revised Master Plan ensures that certain environmental features and resources will be both protected and incorporated within the Wolf Creek development. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. This rezoning will not result in any significant change or impact upon the parcels subject to the rezoning} the adjoining parcels or the greater neighborhood. Rather} this submission of a revised Master Plan is focused upon the goal of clarifying the amenities and design guidelines for the greater Wolf Creek development. I JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE REQUEST Applicant WOLF CREEK, INC. The of Zoning Appeals isrequired by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describe how the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in halmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished frOIn a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. Such hardships should be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as alnendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent propelties or the character of the district. 4 JUSTIFICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL REQUEST Applicant WOLF CREEK, INC. Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. Reasons for appeal: 2. Evidence supporting claim: 5 I CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project Inust be sublnitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, develoPlnent or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to liInit the future use and developlnent of the property and by so doing, COITect any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County pennitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building pennit. Site plan and building pelmit procedures ensure compliance with State and County develoPlnent regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use pennit, waiver, cOlnlllunity plan (15.2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detaillnay vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division stafflnay exempt SaIne of the itenls or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimuln: ALL APPLICANTS x a. Applicant nalne and nalne of development Date, scale and north a11.OW Lot size in acres or square feet and ditnensions Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties All propelty lines and easements All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the developlnent Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces x b. x c. x d. x e. - x f. x g. 2- h. x 1. ~ j. Additional infor/nation .requiredfor REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERJ.ilT APPLICANTS x k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storn1 drains) and connections at the site x 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers x m. Topography Inap in a suitable scale and contour intervals x n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections x o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants - x p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed - ~ q. Ifproject is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are conlplete. t::---"'. 6 LEGAL Address of Subiect Property: THE INTERSECTION OF MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD AND WOLF RUN Applicant's Name: WOLF CREEK, INC~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Roanoke, Virginia: BEGINNING at corner #1, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route #651, said point also being the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Section 7, Falling Creek Estates (PB 12, page 170); thence leaving Route #651 and with Section 7, Falling Creek Estates, N. 14 deg. 411 52" E. 1043.04 feet to corner #2, said point located on the southerly boundary of Section 3, Falling Creek Estates (PB 9, page 71); thence continuing with Section 3, Falling Creek Estates, N. 67 deg. 14120" E. 779.21 feet to corner #3, said point located on the westerly side of Section 5, Falling Creek Estates (PB 9) page 146); thence continuing with Section 5, Falling Creek Estates, S. 16 deg. 541 0611 E~ 491.70 feet to corner #4; thence with the new boundary lines of Lot 6 for the following three courses comprising the southerly portion of Lot 6, Section 5, Falling Creek Estates, S. 89 deg. 15' 4611 W. 20.00 feet to corner #5; thence S. 16 deg. 42' 00" E. 224.60 feet to corner #6; thence N. 73 deg. 05' 54" E. 20.00 feet to corner #7, said point located on the original Lot 6 boundary line; thence continuing with the southerly boundary of Lot 6, S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 312.03 feet to corner #8, said point being the northwesterly corner of Cindy F. Ross property; thence leaving Lot 6 and with Ross S~ 16 deg. 541 0611 E. 514.98 feet to corner #9, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Laurel Glen Lane, said point also being the southwesterly corner of property of Cindy F. Ross (DB 1376, page 943); thence leaving Ross and with Laurel Glen Lane for the following three courses, S. 66 deg. 28' 05" W. 203.72 feet to corner #10; thence S. 47 deg. 43' 04" W. 29.58 feet to corner #11; thence S. 63 deg. 22' 1 0" W.111.14 feet; thence S. 26 deg. 37' 50" E. 30 feet; thence S. 63 deg. 22' 10" W. 231.88 feet; thence N. 26 deg. 37' 50" W. 30.00 feet to corner #12; thence leaving Laurel Glen Lane and with Virginia Secondary Route 651 for the following four courses: thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 13 deg. 051 55'" a radius of 577.37 feet, a chord of 131.71 feet and bearing N. 75 deg. 18' 0911 W. to corner #13; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 27 degw 18' 49", a radius of 481.01 feet, a chord of 227.14 feet, and bearing N. 68 deg. 11' 43" W. to corner #14; thence N. 47 deg. 52' 47" W. 362.91 feet to corner #15; thence N. 49 deg. 26' 32" w. 202.61 feet to corner #1, the place of beginning and containing 38.384 acres. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNER LIST Property Location: THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD AND WOLF RUN AND INCLUDES THE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE FOLLOWING ROADS: STONE CREEK PATH, SASSAFRAS CIRCLE, SWEET BAY CIRCLE, GREEN KNOLL LANE, WOLF CREST, WOLF RUN, BEECH COVE TRAIL AND BEECH COVE LANE. Applicant: WOLF CREEK, INC ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS The following is a list of those property owners who own property beside) behind or across the street from the subject property noted above: CITY OF ROANOKE Official Tax Number Owner's Name and Mailinq Address 050.04-01-52.00-0000 Town of Vinton 311 South Pollard Street Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-01-53.00-0000 William K & Rebecca P. Brown 4227 Denbeigh Circle Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-01-56.00-0000 Harold R. & Diane S. Harless 4045 Falling Creelc Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-01-59.00-0000 Russell B. McCormaclc 4019 Falling Creel( Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-02-01.04-0000 David M. & Caroline F. Forbes 4001 Falling Creelc Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-02-01.03-0000 Walter Lee Cox 3923 Falling Creelc Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-02.01.02-0000 Douglas L. & Colleen R. Sherlc 3917 Falling Creelc Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-02-01.01-0000 Jefferson IC. & Susan G. Teass 3911 Falling Creelc Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-03-78.00-0000 Thomas A. & Vicl(ie C. Callahan 3904 Laurel Glen Lane Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03-74.00-0000 William C. & Wanda M. Butler P.O. Box 100 Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03-67.00-0000 Charles R. & Sara K. Boxler 5144 Burnt Qualier Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03-68.00-0000 Michael M. Kessler 5130 Burnt Qualier Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03 -69.00-0000 Joe J. Hatcher 5120 Burnt Quarter Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-03-70.00-0000 James C. & Betty P. Reynolds 5110 Burnt Quarter Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03-71.00-0000 Gary A. & Sandra L. ICesler 4163 Toddsbury Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-03-72.00-0000 ICevin D. & Sally B. Crouch 4149 Toddsbury Drive Vinton, VA 24179 050.04-02-02.00-0000 Garry Lee & Jo Ann M. Saunders 3918 Blandfield Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03-79.00-0000 Gary E. & Sherrie H. Busmlell 3908 Horsepen Mountain Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 050.04-03-82.00-0000 Andrew F. & Carol A. Haas 3938 Horsepen Mountain Drive Vinton, VA 241 79 AFFECTED PROPERTIES The following is a list of those parcels of real property which are subject to this rezoning request. TAX MAP NO. TAX MAP NO. TAX MAP NO. 050.04-04-26.00-0000 050.04-04-25.00-0000 050.04-04-24.00-0000 050.04-04-08.00-0000 050.04-03-73.00-0000 050.04-04-09.00-0000 050.04-04-10.00-0000 050.04-04-07.00-0000 050.04-04-06.00-0000 050.04-08-07.00-0000 050.04-08-03.00-0000 050.04-08-08.00-0000 050.04-08-10.00-0000 050.04-03-78.00-0000 050.04-03-11.00-0000 050.04-08~05.00-0000 050.04-08-19.00-0000 050. 04-08-04~ 00-0000 050.04-08-12.00-0000 050.04-08-02.00-0000 050.04-08-13.00-0000 050.04-08-03.00-0000 050.04-08-18.00-0000 050.04-08-14.00-0000 050.04-08-15.00-0000 050.04-08-16.00-0000 050.04-03-73.00-0000 050.04-04-01.00-0000 050~04-09-01.00-0000 050.04-09-02.00-0000 050.04-09-12.00-0000 050.04-09-03.00-0000 050.04-09-05.00-0000 050.04-09-09.00-0000 050.04-09-08.00-0000 050.04-09-07.00-0000 050.04-09-11.00-0000 050.04-03.73.01-0000 050.04-09-13.00-0000 050.04-05-07.00-0000 050.04-05-12.01-0000 050.04-04-35.00-0000 050.04-04.34.00-0000 050.04-04-18.00-0000 050.04-04-19.00-0000 050.04-04-31.00-0000 050.04-04-30.00-0000 050.04-04-29.00-0000 050.04-04.28-00-0000 050.04-04-27.00-0000 050.04-04-32.00-0000 050.04-04-33.00-0000 050.04-04-36.00-0000 050.04-04-37.00-0000 050.04-06-73.06-0000 050.04-06-73.05-0000 050.04-06-73.04-0000 050.04-06-73.03-0000 050.04-04-23.00-0000 050.04-04-22.00-0000 050.04-04-21.00-0000 050.04-04-20.00-0000 050.04-04-11.00-0000 050.04-04-12.00-0000 050.04-04-13.00-0000 050.04-04-15.00-0000 050.04-04-05.00-0000 050.04-08-06.00-0000 050.04-04-04.00-0000 050.04-04-03.00-0000 050.04-04-02.00-0000 050.04-08-01.00-0000 050.04-07 -04.00-0000 050.04-07 -05.00-0000 050.04-07 -06.00-0000 050.04-07-11.00-0000 050.04-07 -09.00-0000 050.04-07 -03.00-0000 050.04-07 -02.00-0000 050.04-07 -01.00-0000 050.04-07 -07.00-0000 050.04-03-74.00-0000 050.04-05-09.00-0000 050.04-05-08.00-0000 050.04-05-1 0.00-0000 050.04-05-07.00-0000 050.04-05-05.00-0000 050.04-05-03.00-0000 050.04-05-02.00-0000 . Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO ApPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION ApPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanolce County Plal11ling Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the ,Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written cormnents and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then tIle Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessalY reviewillg parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide writtell comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to tIle Planning COlnmission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanolce County Planning Commission reserves tIle rigllt to cOlltinue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the C01Ulty Transportation Engineering Manager or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in malcing a land use decision (Note: a list of potential land uses and situations that rvould necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written commellts and/or suggestions to the plannillg staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April 19, 2005 WOLF CREEK, INC Date Community Development Planning & Zoning Division POTEN.TIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing listl we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County Transportation Engineering Managerl and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any time/ as deemed necessary.) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: . Single-family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units . Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) . Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash . Retail shop/Shopping center . Offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) . Regional public facilities . Educational/Recreational facilities . Religious assemblies . Hotel/Motel . Golf course . Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic . Industrial site/Factory . Day care center . Bank . Non-specific use requests Road Network Situations: . Development adjacent to/with access onto/within SOO-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 460, 11/460, 220, 221, 419, etc) . For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly . When required to evaluate access issues . Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) . Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem . Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic signal(s) . Substantial departure from the Community Plan . Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day A REZONING APPLICATION: PLANNING AND DESIGN DOCUMENTS FOR I COUNTY OF ROANO INIA ROANOKE COUNTY'S FIRST PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRD) WOLF CREEK, INC., OWNER & DEVELOPER HILL STUDIO, P .C., PLANNER & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT JUNE 23, 1995 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1995 UPDATED OCTOBER 17, 1995 UPDATING INCORPORATING ONE-YEAR REVIEW & APPROVALS DECEMBER 01, 2001 UPDATED FEBRUARY 6, 2009 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES OWNER/DEVELOPER: PLANNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: DESIGN TEAM ADVISORS: T Wolf Creek, Inc. 4346 Starkey Rd., SW Mr. Steve Musselwhite, Pres. Hill Studio, PC 20A East Campbell Ave. Roanoke, VA 24011 540-342-5263 Planning Team: David P. Hill, ASLA Project Manager, Frank H. Hill, AlA Kitty Johnson, Melissa Board, Valerie Birch, AICP, Sandra Gaylord Lumsden Associates, PC 4664 Brambleton Ave., SW Roanoke, VA 24014 540-774-4411 Keith Rastorfer, Project Manager Janet Shield, AICP, Community Planner, Roanoke County NPS Blue Ridge Parkway: Gary Johnson, Chief, Resource Planning & Professional Services Division Carlton Abbott and Partners Carlto.n S. Abbott, FAIA Will Orr, Park Landscape Architect for the Blue Ridge Parkway 1 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES INTRODUCTI N WOLF CREEK CONCEPT Wolf Creek is a 38-acre planned community of residences adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Roanoke County, Virginia. The community is proposed as Roanoke County's first Planned Residential Development (PRO) and will offer an alternative to typical subdivision developments which can be designed without regard to the surrounding landscape. Because the design of Wolf Creek is based on a commitment to be a compatible adjacent use to the Blue Ridge parkway, the design responds by incorporating the community into the surrounding agricultural and residential land use patterns. Vital towns and villages, meadows, fields and farms, and forests compose the cultural landscape of the western Virginia's Blue Ridge parkway corridor. These four elements are incorporated into the design of Wolf Creek. The massing diagram on page 13 illustrates the four land use types at Wolf Creek. Park lands are the front of the property, and are designed to be meadows visible from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Much of this land was determined to be critical viewshed of the Parkway, and the land is proposed to be ultimately conveyed to the homeowners' association. A second subset of park lands are lands retained by the homeowner's association. These lands include the loop of trails and amenities located in the lowlands and floodplain, with tie-ins to the remainder of the neighborhood. In the center of the land is the village at Stone Creek with consistent street frontage patterns and landscaped courtyards that will follow in the tradition of nearby towns such as Fincastle, and design guidelines require timeless construction tradition that can be found in much older Virginia towns. Wolf Creek's pedestrian scale, consistent street frontage patterns, trees, wide sidewalks and landscaped courtyards will follow in the tradition of nearby towns such as Fincastle, and design guidelines require timeless construction tradition that can be found in much older Virginia towns. This village is designed as a scene visible to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Virginia highland towns, such as Meadows of Dan, provided a similar visual experience for the Parkway visitor. To the south of the Village at Stone Creek is Richard's Wood at the wood's edge and across the dell is Beech Cove. Out of primary view of the Blue Ridge Parkway, these are inwardly-focused toward Muse's Dell. The remainder of the site is divided into 33 single family lots and one lot containing a stormwater management facility which range in size from ~ to 1 acre. These are sited in the rear of the field and the woods, in the distant view of the Parkway. They also are designed to be compatible with adjacent lands uses to the north and west. 2 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES PROJECT LOCATION Wolf Creek is located in the eastern half of Roanoke County, 65 yards off of the Blue Ridge Parkway motor road, and % mile north of Virginia Route 24. The property is one mile east of Vinton, seven miles east of downtown Roanoke and Interstate 581. The site's slightly rolling topography is typical of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley and has influenced the form of many Virginia towns. Nearby FincastleJ Lexington} Bedford all exhibit character based on village patterns which have agricultural foregrounds and are sit~? on rol~i.~g te~rain. 3 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN PROCESS Critical to the success of this project is building of consensus toward a solution acceptable to the National Park Service, Roanoke County, Town of Vinton, and adjacent land owners. Realizing the importance of consensus-building, the partners of Wolf Creek, Inc. the project's developer, helped to fund the three day workshop entitled "Partnership Planning for lands adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway," held January 25- 27, 1995 at the Vinton War Memorial. This workshop, coordinated by the Coalition for the Blue Ridge Parkway, brought together people of various disciplines from the Coalition, land owners, Roanoke County staff and board members, a private-sector planning team, and staff from the Blue Ridge Parkway. The purpose of the workshop was to create designs and reach consensus on infrastructure issues that face several proposed developments in the Roanoke Valley adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway. The workshop included a series of intense design sessions and presentation/critiques to the collective audience. Design Workshop: A series of work sessions and presentations 4 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES The workshop format allowed expertise groups to form. Gary Johnson, Chief of Resource Planning and Professional Services, and Will Orr, Park Landscape Architect with the Blue Ridge Parkway, drew an analysis map of the Wolf Creek property, showing the critical viewsheds and the resources that were most important to protect. This is below. Two site-specific guidelines emerged that are important for the property. The lanes can be split at the entrance, providing quality sense-af-place with landscaping and signage for residents, while ameliorating the view of the entrance as seen from the Parkway. A second objective is to create "Landscape Protection Zones," or LPZs, along the rear property lines and along roadways. These zones utilize the existing tree canopy to partially- screen development scenes in layers parallel to the Parkway. Steve Musselwhite presented the workshop with his "Report to the Members of the Design Workshop of Lands Adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Roanoke County Virginia" on January 27. This report provided the basis for design guidelines and planning a community that is both consistent with the Blue Ridge Parkway guidelines and employs traditional building practices that are desirable in home-building today. Above: Split lanes to minimize visual impact of road. 5 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES Below: Original drawing for the LPZ, later incorporated into Design Guidelines SENSE OF PLACE Wolf Creek is located in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Agrarian fields, pastures and meadows; barns, rail fences and stone walls; vital villages and towns - all with the Blue Ridge and Alleghany mountains in the background - create the Shenandoah Valley's unique sense of place. The Slue Ridge Parkway drops into the Valley only briefly over its 470 mile length. As described by the Parkway's founding landscape architect, Stanley Abbott, "these dips into valleys provide a few notes of staccato that enhance an otherwise melodious symphony. Jl By incorporating the characteristics of the Valley's vernacular landscape into the design of Wolf Creek, the Valley's sense of place will be preserved and interpretable for visitors. Architectonic forms in the Valley include those reminiscent of more traditional "old Virginia" building styles in contrast to the "pioneer" style used on the mountain tops. Although there is an attempt to be compatible with the Parkway, the Developer looks to Fincastle and Williamsburg for development comparables, and for examples of sense of place. 6 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES FINCASTLE & WILLIA SBU G Fincastle and Williamsburg are models for the home and landscape structure types of Wolf creek. Their vitality is in part due to their streetscapes which create a community oriented, pedestrian-friendly and highly functional environment. The major design elements which contribute to the success of these towns are 1) the linear town pattern, 2) the high density of buildings which create the street's edge, and 3) the courtyard and park spaces woven into the residential fabric. The consistency of details such as gateways, roof slopes and cornices create a rhythm, giving each developed area a unique sense of place. TIMELESS BUilDING ELEMENTS These photos depict the character desired for the homes of Wolf Creek. The village sections, Village at Stone Creek, Rockbridge, and Beech Cove, may be the most controlled architecturally, and exhibit these qualities most thoroughly. 7 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES SITE AND SITUATION WATER, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE There are 4.77 acres of the site in the flood plain. These areas are in the two swales on the property. In addition to its safety hazard, the floodplain lands provide for a diversity of wildlife. Although these areas of the site have been grazed, the lowlands have the greatest potential for wetlands habitats. A few specimen sycamore and beech trees are in the lowlands. Upland mixed vegetation forest, consisting of oaks, poplar, beech, and mature maple and Virginia pine covers 20.70 acres of the site. Several large groupings of mountain laurel indicate the woods have been undisturbed for some time. Meadow makes up 17.45 acres of the site. There is very little tree coverage in the meadow except for a few clumps of locust. These may indicate outcroppings which are difficult to mow and graze. The Natural Heritage Survey indicates no endangered species are known to exist on the property. HISTORIC RESOURCES There are no documented historic resources on the site. An old farmhouse exists off of Laurel Glen Lane, including outbuildings and old pump. None of the artifacts are substantial, and they will be razed as part of construction. UTILITIES Both public water and sewer, applied-for through the Town of Vinton, are proposed for this development. Sewer requires an off site extension, which will cross under the Blue Ridge Parkway and tie into the existing sewer interceptor at Stonebridge subdivision in the Town of Vinton. An 8" sewer line is proposed. An 8" water line will supply both domestic and fire protection needs. This will be placed off of an existing 6" line on Laurel Glen Road. Both sewer and water lines will meet the standards of both Town of Vinton and Roanoke County. A larger set of sewer and water plans will accompany the site plan submittal. With the completion of the National Park Service environmental assessment, it is predicted these services can be in place by spring 1996 and will serve the houses as soon as the first phase is finished construction, summer of 1996. 8 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES The slope a.naI1""Sis gaph5CJlly r~pre$!Cl_U tho!; \~mic.al elew.tion changes on the 38. t~t ~te~ S!o.pe cafego:ries riUlg~ from o.s%~ S ..lS%j 15.25% lrid 25% UJd up. '!he ItWst bull dRhle land iills between 0-15%. The milp illustra t es. the range of slopes by color with the lightest b!&ng- the fJe..nen arW U1d the. ~mtst baoog: tm lteepe.st The. majority ofth:. acreage, 27.87 ~cre-$. falls into th!. 5.15% ~H1gc... J .2-4 We$: faIllnto the Q-5% ruge; 4.1I acres fill into the 15.25'/0 nogt:lnd only 2.93 u:res Wlinta the 2.5% lI1d over. t'~",.... ... f S LOPt: ANALYSrS .. \'. ....~ .cDLO..B. 0. s!: c::::J !.I'~ c:z:J IS.:lS ~ U;. I.M.1 Vi' __ I i SLO?E _~ALYSIS t-lI-~ ~.>----- WOLF CREEI{ ROANOfCE: CQUNT"f. '\'1RGINIA 9 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES VI EWS From the site, the most significant views are to the west. The site is generally pitched to the Above: View from the site: Mill Mountain visible in background. Above: Most critical view to the site from Blue Ridge Parkway overpass. west, and over the Blue Ridge Parkway, the knolls of Vinton compose a foreground view, with downtown Roanoke in the middle ground, surrounded by the mountain bowl west of Salem. Houses and entrance roads will be oriented to take advantage of this view. 10 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES INDIVIDUAL ITE RE au CES The Map on the following page shows some rTIore detailed site resources of the Wolf Creek site. Where engineering does not require changes, large groves of trees, rock outcroppings and mountain laurel thickets are resources to be preserved, and are visible in the Master Plan shown on Page 13. The floodplains show land to be left permanently open. With it's highl visible the existing field is to be as a meadow. ~; j~!~~f?~'~~. ~';'?t \ - . ., . " View of Muse's Dell - Specimen Canopy Trees to be preserved, to the extent possible. .,~ t?~.... :./ . .;. Rocks to be preserved, to the extent possible, in center of Cul-de-sac. Where large trees (>24" cal.) are required to be removed by retention and utility needs, 3" to 6" caliper trees will replace them to rapidly replace feeling of the dells. 11 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES ,ro, r..-... "'-.. SITE RESOURCES lUl.l ,. r.c '- -=- ---.:J I >lI I~ "i.": ~~ "'-UtA \~TOLF CREEI( R(lANOKE COUNTY r VIRGINIA 12 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES LAND USE PLAN LAND USE The land use of Wolf Creek will be divided into four categories: 1) Park lands} 2) Village homes (Village at Stone Creek, Rockbridge and Beech Cove), 3) Deck homes (Richard's Wood), and 4) Single-Family homes along Wolf Run and Wolf Crest. The park lands are located on the front of the property and in the floodplain dells. The village homes are in the center to north center of the property. Deck homes are south of Wolf Run. Single family homes are located behind the fields and woods on the north and east sides of the property. ~.f"'-"- .. , ......r~~ l..AJ{P tlsJr, c,-CFtRA(1E $~at.;J;.J".AM!t y t..ol'$ ~ 1...Ql Ae !\::J1- .-t.e 1.7l M; j..1~ 4.( (~1 he 13 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES MASTE LAN Wolf Creek is designed as a series of neighborhoods responding to site conditions of the property. The neighborhoods are Village at Stone Creek, Rockbridge, Richard's Wood, Beech Cove, Wolf Crest and Wolf Run. Each neighborhood is distinguished by housing type and roadway alignment. VILLAGE HOME NEIGHBORHOODS Village at Stone Creek, Rockbridge and Beech Cove are the three village home neighborhoods. Village homes are named for their distinctive placement in an intimate arrangement that draws on the land use patterns of European villages and colonial American development. Modeled after Williamsburg dwellings, substantial houses (1650 min. sf) of 1 to 2 stories above grade are placed closely together with large blocks of common open space adjacent. In the case of colonial precedent, the open spaces were grazing and farmlands. In the case of Wolf Creek, these lands are dedicated park lands, wildflower meadows, and creekside walking trails. Each village home owns a small patio and has at least one reserved outdoor parking space in a driveway. Most village homes have two-car attached garages. Additional parking areas are provided for visitors. Common areas between homes are maintained by the homeowner's association, which also cares for exterior parking, private streets, sidewalks, and other common areas and park lands. DECK HOME NEIGHBORHOODS Richard's Wood is the development's deck home neighborhood. This area is designed to take advantage of the slopes facing Muse's Dell on the southern property. Deck homes are designed to maximize the open land in common open space areas. The entire landscape of the deck home areas is maintained by the Richard's Wood homeowner's association. A maximum of 15 buildable lots are permitted in Richard's Wood. SINGLE FAMILY NEIGHBORHOODS Wolf Run and Wolf Crest end in cul-de-sacs, creating neighborhoods of single-family houses. Buyers may purchase lots in these areas and build their own houses. A set of design guidelines enforced by the Architectural Review Committee, will provide substantial influence and require that design concept and quality is maintained. 14 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES ACCESS Access to Wolf Run is from Mountain View Road (State Route 651). From Mountain View Road, a two lane boulevard, Wolf Run, becomes the development's main street along which turns can be made onto Jenny Lane and Stone Creek Path. Wolf Run then narrows to two lanes, and Wolf Crest is accessed before Wolf Run ends in a cul-de-sac. A second entrance to Beech Cove a village home section of the development is off of Laurel Glen Lane. To ensure the integrity of the above stated design concept, a set of guidelines will direct the design and development of the plan. The Wolf Creek Homeowner's Association will ensure that the guidelines are followed in addition to overseeing maintenance of the development's amenities. MARKET TARGET The mix of housing types, high amenity orientation and preservation of natural resources is intended to bring a variety of residents to the site. In addition to young families, it is anticipated that empty nesters and seniors will become site residents. PARK LAN DS A 10.11 acre park featuring a wildflower meadow, mowed and landscaped areas, walking trails and a dry pond (which doubles as a retention area) will provide residents and visitors of Wolf Creek with the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of the Valley. The meadow is intended to be ultimately conveyed to the hOllleowners' Association. Maintenance on this parcel will be through the homeowner's association. Trails and a seating area / gazebo are planned. A second group of park lands include the streamside trails that lead from the meadow to Muse's Dell, with a loop trail for exercise and enjoying the scenery. Amenities along this trail include benches, foot bridges, tree labels, and flower plantings. These trails and park lands will be semiprivate, in the care of the homeowner's association. An Open Space Master Plan follows the Wolf Creek Master Plan data on page 16. 15 ~.. ..r / , I ,,/Cy' l ~ /"., ~ ~, ,~ 13.' .1. \ / - 13369' - ,.; /Ji89.36'20' E . ........................ ~ 2 / ................ ..' i.i. ><: ~ ,.. ...................... i ......i..< ~ 8 ii<iio./.f :!: $ li>C. .... >;> 1 : "- <ij "It" ............. ............... .........., ,.';ii ~ ~_ f:! J ... it .........i ......... ................. 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Ol ro ?: 0 .;,t: .c .... :B g ~ 0 ~ 0 CD 0:: 5 0:: <{ 0 0:: >- -I :E w it C> w ~ -l ~ t) <9 -l W Z :> 0 U5 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES D SIGN GUIDELINES I. Outline Statement Objective The Association Membership Levels Design Guidelines II. Circulation Principles Guiding Circulation Wolf Run - Entrance Area Wolf Run and Wolf Crest Village Streets Deck Home Streets and Parking III. Wolf Creek Design Guidelines Village and Deck Homes Single Family Homes Setback and the Landscape Protection Zone IV. Landscape Guidelines Village Deck home Single Family Hardscape Palette Plant Palette V. [Villages at Stone Creek and Rockbridge] [TBD] 20 21 22 23 27 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN GUIDELINES OUTLiNE TATEMENT I. PROJECT DESCRIPTI N Obiective The objective of this project is to create a planned residential community that maximizes site resources and is visually compatible with the adjacent Blue Ridge Parkway. By using tile local context of village, meadow and forest as the theme for the community's design; following environmentally sensitive development policies; and interpreting traditional town planning principles in innovative ways to meet the needs of today, Wolf Creek will provide a quality home atmosphere and beautiful setting for new development. Association All property owners at Wolf Creek are automatically metllbers of Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. The members elect the Architectural Committee to resolve design and maintenance issues. Each year the committee can be composed of different members except for the master developer, who will be a member with majority voting power until the last lot is sold. The master developer may appoint another member in his place if he so chooses. The committee's primary function will be to review design proposals. Other responsibilities will include assessing annual dues for maintenance and upkeep of the property, determining the maintenance and capital improvement budget, and deciding community capital improvement and maintenance projects. Membership Levels There will be different levels of membership in the Association, depending on type of home or lot purchased. Because of the different levels of maintenance required, there will be different levels of homeowner's association fee assessed to each type of unit. This will be more thoroughly discussed in the declaration of Codes, Covenants and Restrictions, developed during the fall, 1995. Design Guidelines The design guidelines are written with the intent to guide the development and maintenance of Wolf Creek. They are meant to establish the overall character of the community as well as to provide a springboard for the design process. All homes constructed in the single-family section of Wolf Creek will be subject to review and approval of the Architectural Committee of the Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. These guidelines will indicate acceptable and unacceptable construction materials for the primary and related structures, site design and landscaping. These guidelines are not meant to cover all site-specific adaptations, nor should they be used as a substitute for common sense and in each case should be applied to better the objective, described above. The Architectural Review Committee shall review design solutions taking into consideration the overall quality of the design, materials, and colors to be used. 21 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES II. CIRCULATION PRINCIPLES GUIDING CIRCULA liON The main entrance road should be distinct, with landscaped median. The traditional main street found in many Shenandoah Valley towns provides inspiration for the Village home plan. Wolf Run - Entrance Area The entrance area consists of two single lanes with a landscaped median. Meadow Trail, along the eastern side of the entrance is setback from the curbs as topography allows. This road will be dedicated to VDOT. Maintenance for the road will be by VDOT. Maintenance for the landscape - both median and adjacent to the roadway - is proposed by the homeowner's association. Wolf Run and Wolf Crest The two-lane road through the single-family parts of the PRD is dedicated to VDOT in 50' rights-of-way. These 30' roads will feature asphalt construction, lined with curb and gutter. Maintenance for these roads will be by VDOT. Village Streets Used as the main street in the village home areas of Village at Stone Creek, Rockbridge1 and Beech Cove, the asphalt road is constructed with curb and gutter. Except for Village at Stone Creek, a 3' stamped concrete sidewalk in a herringbone, brick pattern or a herringbone brick sidewalk is placed behind the curb. A special paving surface will distinguish the entrance areas into these neighborhoods. Deck Home Streets and Parking Richards Wood is distinguished by a special entrance paving zone, and will have an 18' wide street. This street will remain private, will have curb and gutter, and will have stamped concrete sidewalks on the side of the street toward houses. Maintenance for sidewalks and private streets will be by the Homeowners' Association. 22 ex> o a N m N '- <1J ..0 E QJ u Q) o (/) OJ s::: - OJ ~ 10 c b.O .V; Q) >- Qc ~o .~ OJ L. E U 0 .....:t: oti ~~ -c c co OJ tlO :m :; >- "E o tn QJ E o. :r: ~ "E ro u.. Q) ""GO c: Vi 1i Ie QJ 1a I :! QJ :ii nI C. QI u U nt C ~ '"'C ~ L.. C co QJ -e w ,Q) OJ '- ~ --c OJ ~ 1::. 0 > Q) s.... tV '"0 E "-8. 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Trees which are so close to the house as to be compromised during construction or present a possible danger after construction despite careful and prudent construction activity, may be excluded from these requirements after review and approval of the Architectural Review Committee and county planning staff. Front setback - 30' Driveway cut zone Sideyard setback - 10' House cut zone - offset rectangle Rearyard setback - 25' Landscape Protection 3. For those lots situated in the woods, no tree above 6" cal. will be removed in the front of the house between house and roadway, except for a swath the desired width for driveway paving, with as much as 3' allowed on each side beyond the edge of pavement. This shall be delineated on the tree survey, mentioned above. 26 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES IV. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES The landscape of Wolf Creek is integral to its success. Each area composes part of the entire landscape of Wolf Creek. The planted motor courts and courtyards will provide quiet places for resting and relaxing outdoors. Behind village motor courts, adjacent to the Wolf Crest lots, fruit trees planted in rows will provide orchards in addition to providing shade and wind protection. The landscape for the Meadow will be of a more rural character to blend in with the countryside, and the Blue Ridge Parkway beyond. The ground plane materials shall be brick, stamped concrete made to look like brick, native stone, or brown pebble. Each motor court shall have a minimum of either 2 planting beds (total minimum area + 40 s.f.) or two trees. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility of the homeowners association. Village Landscape Guidelines Motor courts The ground plane materials shall be brick, stamped concrete made to look like brick, native stone or brown pebble. Each motor court shall have a minimum of either 2 planting beds (total minimum area = 40s.f.) or two trees. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility of the homeowners association. Pedestrian Walkways Each public pedestrian walkway shall be punctuated with planting beds in areas that do not already feature natural amenities. An Arbor will be constructed in Beech Cove in the open space across from the entrance. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility of the homeowners association. Front and Rear yards Areas for individual expression, there will be a small lot of land which accommodates each village home. Between the fence and the front door, for example, or between the back door and the street, each home has its own plaza, averaging 120 s.f., with adjacent areas for individual gardens, which is the responsibility of the individual homeowner to maintain. Fences, trails, trees, and plantings will be used to create spaces as well as to screen unsightly elements. Deck Home Landscape Guidelines In contrast to the wooded quality of the single-family lots and the cultivated quality of the village landscape, the landscape of Richard's Wood is designed to represent a wood's edge environment. Houses are perched to be exactly on the woods edge, with a meadow landscape in front and woodlands in back. Because of this unique and fragile concept, all maintenance in these neighborhoods beyond the building line is the responsibility of the homeowners association. Several boulders have been placed in a circular arrangement. The area within this circle will be planted with a flowering ground cover. Five flowering dogwood trees and five red maples will be planted randomly between the boulders and gazebo. Ten azalea bushes 27 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES will be planted on each side of the stone steps to be place from Jenny Lane to the gazebo and six butterfly bushes will be planted around the gazebo. A monument-style sign identifying Richard's Wood with landscaping surrounding it shall be installed at the intersection of Wolf Run and Jenny Lane(at the 2301 Jenny Lane lot). Boulders will be used aesthetically throughout the property, or will be removed from the property. HARDSCAPEPALETTE Fences in the Deck home, Single-family neighborhoods and the Meadow may be compatible with Blue Ridge Parkway Design Guidelines. Fences in the village, when out- of-view of the Parkway, will be more detailed, inspired by more local precedent (pickets). Railings may be made of wood or dark color steel. Walls may be constructed of brick, decorative concrete block, or field stone and mortar or dry-laid. The field stone may set in an uncoursed roughly squared pattern as below. 3 Board Fence for Village Right: Picket Fence for Village Below: Meadow Fences; spiked rail and fieldstone wall 28 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES Signage Wolf Creek development signs shall be of the monument type, those with their base on the ground. The entrance demarcation will be incorporated into a wall. Signs shall include no more than three colors, and one of the colors will be from the palette of Blue Ridge Parkway signage colors. Trail signage Shingle signs shall be made of wood and shall be left a natural color or can be painted with approved paint colors. They shall measure a maximum of 2'x 4'. Should the use of bridges be required, they will be modeled on Blue Ridge Parkway precedent, for both vehicular and pedestrian bridges. Below is a concept study for a vehicular bridge over a creek, using a large precast culvert as the interior structure, and arched wingwalls typical on Blue Ridge Parkway 1_ bridges. The uncoursed, roughly-squared pattern of masonry will be used. PLANT PALETTE This plant palette is meant as a general guideline for the entire planned community. It consists of native plants to the Blue Ridge, with a few introduced species that have been in our region for centuries. Individual site variations occur that make some of these plants better candidates for selection. It is recommended that a Landscape Architect or Horticulturist be consulted to draw detailed planting designs. Wolf Run Entrance (criteria: large, grand trees) Liriodendron tulipifera Fagus grandifolia Platanus occidentalis Quercus rubra Quercus velutina (Tulip Poplar) (American Beech) (Sycamore) (Red Oak) (Black Oak) 29 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES Villaqe (criteria: detailed and flowerinq trees) Liquidambar styraciflua Nyssa sylvatica Quercus coccinea Acer rub rum Oxydendrum arboretum Stewartia ovata Com us florida Cercis canadensis Amelanchier Canadensis Malus & Pyrus species Hibiscus syriacus Magnolia grandiflora (American Sweetgum) (Black Gum) (Scarlet Oak) (Red Maple) (Sourwood) (Mountain Stewartia) (Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Serviceberry) (Flowering crabapple, apple, & pear) (Rose-of-Sharon) (Southern Magnolia)* Deck homes (criteria: woods edqe) Acer rubrum Oxydendrum arboreum Stewartia ovata Comus florida Cercis Canadensis Amelanchier Canadensis Pinus echinata !lex opaca Fraxinus Americana Cedrus virginiana (Red Maple) (Sourwood) (Mountain Stewartia) (Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Serviceberry) (Shortleaf Pine)* (American Holly) (American Ash) (Eastern Red Cedar) Sinqle Family Lots (criteria: canopy native trees) Quercus acutissma Quercus falcata Quercus laurifolia Quercus phellos Liriodendron tulipifera Fagus grandifolia Acer saccharum Nyssa sylvatica Liquidambar styraciflua Com us f10rida Cercis canadensis Magnolia virginian a Platanus occidentalis (Chestnut Oak) (Southern Red Oak) (Laurel Oak) (Willow Oak) (Tulip Poplar) (American Beech) (Sugar Maple) (Black Gum) (American Sweetgum) (Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Sweetbay Magnolia) (Sycamore) 30 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES Picea abies Pinus echinata Ilex opaca Magnolia grandiflora (Norway Spruce)* (Shortleaf Pine)* (American Holly) (Southern Magnolia) Evergreen shrubs for Courtyards and Detailed Spaces Kalmia latifolia Ilex glabra Rhododendron catawbiense Rhododendron carolinianum (Mountain Laurel)* (I nkberry) (Catawba Rhododendron)* (Carolina Rhododendron) Deciduous shrubs for Courtyards and Detailed Spaces Ilex verticillata Aronia arbutifolia Lindera benzoin C/ethra alnifolia Rhododendron calendulaceum Rhododendron indicum Rhododendron austrinum Sambucus canadensis (Common Winterberry) (Red Chokeberry) (Spicebush) (Summersweet Clethra) (Flame Azalea) (Indica Azalea) (Karume Azalea) (American Elder) Nonnative favorites to use occasionally in your own garden: These are encouraged in the village outside of view of the Parkway Magnolia soulangiana Magnolia stellata Prunus species Albizia Julibrissin Hydrangea arborescens Buxus sempervirens Taxus species Syringa Vulgaris (Saucer Magnolia) (star Manolia) (Flowering cherries) (Mimosa) (Hydrangea) (English Boxwood) * (English Yew) (Common Lilac) * good for screening 31 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. I /_LI AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 Appointments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, 1I11?GU- County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. League of Older Americans - Advisory Council The one-year term of Beverly Eyerly will expire on March 31,2009. 2. Library Board (appointed by district) Lisa Boggess, Vinton Magisterial District, is no longer a County resident. Herfour-year term expired on December 31,2008. Herman Lowe, Catawba Magisterial District, resigned effective January 5, 2009. His four-year term will expire on December 31, 2011. 3. Roanoke County Community leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by district) At the February 24, 2009 meeting, the Board confirmed the appointment of five members to this committee. Each supervisor was asked to appoint two citizens who live, work or do business in the County to serve on this committee. The term for each of these appointments is three years and the initial terms will be staggered and expiration dates determined after all of the appointments have been made and confirmed. The Board needs to appoint five additional members as follows: (1) Supervisor Church, one member; (2) Supervisor Altizer, two members; and (3) Supervisor Flora, two members. 4. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission The three-year term of Charles Blankenship will expire on April 8, 2009. 2 J- / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 24, 2009 designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Item 1, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes - December 16, 2008 That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. N~) GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA % of General Amount Fund Revenue Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $ 16,743,199 9.51 % * Addition for 2007-08 Operations 906,609 Appropriation for staff at the Clearbrook Station (156,000) Balance at March 24, 2009 $ 17,493,808 9.30% ** Note: On December 21,2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2007-08 a range of 8.5%-9.5% of General Fund Revenues 2007-2008 General Fund Revenues $176,033,678 8.5% of General Fund Revenues $14,962,863 9.5% of General Fund Revenues $16,723,199 ** 2008-09 a range of 9.0%-10.0% of General Fund Revenues 2008-2009 General Fund Revenues $188,178,858 9.0% of General Fund Revenues $16,936,097 10.0% of General Fund Revenues $18,817,886 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 9.30% which is within the ran for 2008-09. The balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2009-2010 2010-2011 9.5%-10.5% 10.0%-11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton "Clay" Goodman III County Administrator N-~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Audited balance at June 30, 2008 Amount $1,540,757.20 Addition for 2007-2008 Operations 298,490.00 Unappropriate funds for architect/engineering fees for the renovation of the former Southview Elementary School 175,000.00 Appropriate additional funding for Bent Mountain Station Parking Lot (81,376.00) Balance at March 24, 2009 $1,932,871.20 Maior County Capital Reserve (Projects in the CIP, debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.) Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $2,339,030.00 Balance at March 24, 2009 $2,339,030.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton "Clay" Goodman III County Administrator RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA From 2008-2009 Original Budget June 24, 2008 Allocation to Art Museum of Western Virginia and Roanoke County Public Schools for Education July 8, 2008 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison August 28, 2008 Appropriation for Development of a Regional Water Supply Plan Balance at March 24, 2009 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton "Clay" Goodman III County Administrator ^/__2, / V .--..-/ Amount $ 300,000.00 (200,000.00) ($24,000.00) ($11,100.00) $ 64,900.00 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. /J-LI AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid-February 2009 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton "Clay" Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Total Payments to Vendors Payroll 02/06/09 Payroll 02/20/09 Manual Checks Voids Grand Total $ $ 1,018,560.81 1,071,549.29 93,486.17 99,106.40 3,640.72 $ 7,875,259.46 1,112,046.98 1,170,655.69 3,640.72 $ 10,161,602.85 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. fY C -.J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Analysis of Comparative Schedule of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances for the Month Ended February 28, 2009 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III '~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Comparative Schedule of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances - Highlights General Government Administration . General Government Administration is primarily comprised of County Administration, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, Public Information, County Attorney, Human Resources, Finance, Management and Budget, Registrar, Commissioner of the Revenue and the Treasurer. . General Government Administration expenditures are 5.53% or $288,387 higher than the previous year. This increase is primarily attributed to increased costs associated with employee benefits. Judicial Administration . Judicial Administration consists of Circuit Court, General District Court, Magistrate, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, and Court Service Unit. . Judicial Administration expenditures are 16.94% or $220,936 higher than the prior year. This increase is attributed to increased costs associated with employee benefits, repairs to the HVAC system at the courthouse, and maintenance and repairs to the security system in the courthouse. 1 Public Safety . Public Safety includes the departments of Police, Fire and Rescue and Sheriff. . Public Safety expenditures increased 5.04% or $1,044,814 from the prior year. This increase is primarily attributed to increased costs associated with employee benefits, full year funding of the four positions added to the Hollins station mid-year during 2007-08, and full year funding of six positions for a new patrol unit and a new School Resource Officer added mid- year during 2007-08. Public Works . Public Works includes the departments of General Services Administration, Solid Waste, Custodial Services, Welding Shop, Engineering and Building Maintenance. . Public Works expenditures decreased 6.42% or $613,815 over the prior year. Though employee benefits increased, the decrease is attributed to the fact that the VDOT revenue sharing of $1 miliion was paid from the general fund operating last year and in the current year we budgeted and paid for this expenditure from the capital account established new in 2008-09. Health and Welfare . Health and Welfare is the department of Social Services which administers all public programs within the federal/state guidelines. . Expenditures for Health and Welfare increased 6.61 % or $402,434 from the prior year. This increase is attributed to the state of the economy and the additional services that Social Services provided based on the needs of the citizens. Parks, Recreation and Cultural . Parks, Recreation and Cultural include the departments of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Library. . Expenditures for Parks, Recreation and Cultural increased 9.80% or $363,267 from the prior year. This increase is attributed primarily to increased costs of employee benefits and utilities. Community Development · Community Development includes Planning Services Administration, Illegal Dumps, Planning Commission, Planning Services Transportation, and Economic Development. · Expenditures for Community Development increased 22.70% or $274,729 from the previous year. This increase is attributed primarily to restructuring in the department of Community Development. For the purpose of this report, Engineering is categorized as Public Works and had decreased expenditures as a result of this reorganization. This categorization for Community Development will be corrected at the end of this fiscal year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept report as presented. 2 " " OJ) 0; ~ 0 .!2 r:: Cl ... :; Gi .lIl: o r:: IV o a:: .... o ~ r:: ::::l o <.J 0-- o o N t::: ~ '" en III U r:: IV ... .c E ::::l U C W 'C C IV en III ... ::::l :!:: 'C r:: III c. )( w "i ::::l - u <C 'C r:: IV 'C III - III Cl 'C ::::l III .... o - r:: III E III - IV - rn III > :;::; IV ... IV C. E o (J '" o ;;0 N N o 'C GI 'C c: W 'C o .;:: GI Q. oS c: o :E co o GI oS ... o ... GI o ... c: o III e;e~ VI iii .a o c( ..c....... 'gEoGl GI :I ~g WW "" ...:i IV ~ VI VI GI GI g .a CO :c..c c: E GI :I 0.0 >< c: ww "" .... GI Cl 'C :I ID ..c... 'g E 0 8. rl anJi "" .;: IV ~ ~ o 'C 0.:. VI GI VI 0 GI c: ... 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AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Analysis of Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues for the Month Ended February 28, 2009 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance B. Clayton Goodman, III ~/ County Administrator SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues - Highlights General Property Taxes . General Property Taxes are comprised of real estate taxes, personal property taxes, public service Corporation, payment in lieu of taxes and penalties and interest. . General Property Taxes are approximately 6.9% or $2,948,70'1 higher than the previous year. This increase is primarily attributed to real estate tax collections being 7.8% higher than the previous year as a result of the market value and construction reassessment of 8.12% for 2008. Other Local Taxes . Other Local Taxes primarily consist of local sales tax, communications sales and use tax, business license tax, meals tax, hotel and motel tax, taxes on recordation and wills, consumer utility tax, motor vehicle license fees, and other local taxes. . Other local taxes have decreased approximately -0.78% or ($135,633) from the prior year. The significant decrease in this category is in the taxes on recordation and wills; which is tied to decreases in housing market sales and transfers. . Also, meals tax and hotel/motel tax are down slightly as a result of the downturn in the economy. 1 Permits. Fees and Licenses . Permits, fees, and licenses primarily include animal control fees, land and building fees, permits, other fees, clerk of court fees and photocopy charges. . Permits, fees and licenses have decreased approximately -22.87% or ($141,776) from the prior year. The significant decrease in this category is in the land and building fees and permits which is also directly attributable to declines in the housing market. Use of Monev and Property · Use of money and property includes revenue from interest income and rental income. . Revenues from use of money and property have decreased approximately -47.36% or ($477,909) from the prior year. This decrease is directly attributable to the earnings on investments and the significant drop in interest rates from the prior year. Charaes for Services · Charges for services are primarily comprised of clerk fees, sheriff fees, fee for ambulance service, board of prisoners-Salem, and library receipts. . Charges for services have increased approximately 18.83% or $356,697 from the prior year. This is primarily attributable to an increase in the amount paid by Salem for the boarding of prisoners. Miscellaneous · Miscellaneous revenues are primarily comprised of recovered costs from the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority, Western Virginia Water Authority, and Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for fiscal agent services, welfare services-Salem, and a host locality fee for the landfill. . Miscellaneous revenues have increased approximately 79.61 % or $252,159 from the prior year. This is primarily attributable to an increase in the services provided to Salem citizen's in the Social Services department for which we are reimbursed. State and Federal Revenues . State and federal revenues primarily consist of funding for welfare program and services, various departments with constitutional officers (Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, Sheriff, Commonwealth Attorney, and Clerk of the Circuit Court), HB599 Law Enforcement, Library Grant, and Housing State prisoners. · State and federal revenues have decreased approximately -3.71 % or ($371,651) from the prior year. This is primarily attributable to the amount that was required to be reimbursed to the State of Virginia under the reduction in state aid mandate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept report as presented. 2 "" o o C:' r-- '" " 00 '" c.. ~ Q III 'c Cl "- :> <Ii ..ll: o c: III o c:: - o ~ c: ~ o o l/I <P ~ c: <P > <P c:: iii", ~ 0 -Ci; UN <((;j ,,0 c: III " <P Gi~ Cl-8 " c ~ w lD~ .... .g o Gl -0.. ; ..c E 'E <p 0 -== III -CO V)o <p Gl ~= III 0 Iii u.. Q. E o o "" o o N ::E ::s ~~ 00 GO Ul ... Gl 0 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ lCI -g Gl Ul III 0::: lCI Ul ... 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III '" III iii g c '0 N ~ I'll ~ I- ::; "C :A '" iii c ~ '0 I'll 0 0 (") l; ..J 0 (j) I- 0 0 COMMEMORATING THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF lIT NIGHT VISION AND PROCLAIMING MARCH 17, 2009, AS lIT NIGHT VISION DAY IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, ITT's military avionics systems and radar components plant opened for business in 1959 and has been located in Roanoke County for 50 years; and WHEREAS, lIT, based in Roanoke, is the world's leading developer, producer and supplier of Generation 3 image intensification technology for U.S. and allied military forces as well as federal, state and local law enforcement; and WHEREAS, ITT's Roanoke manufacturing plant began with 54 employees and has grown to 1,509 highly skilled, technology workers in 2009; and WHEREAS, Night vision production came to the Roanoke plant in 1962 and in 1973, Roanoke County became the headquarters for a new operating division formed by ITT Corporation-lIT Electro-Optical Products Division (EOPD); and WHEREAS, In December of 1995, the Roanoke division's name was changed from lIT Electro-Optical Products Division to lIT Night Vision; and WHEREAS, ITTNV made a capital investment that exceeded $46 million in 2005, created 489 new jobs and renovated and expanded their Roanoke county facility which now totals 285,000 square feet of manufacturing and administrative space; and WHEREAS, for the last five years 2004-2008 inclusive, IITNV has received a total of $2.7 billion in orders of their night vision equipment; and WHEREAS, ITTNV strives for excellence as noted by the 2006 High Tech Manufacturing Award Winner from the NewVA Corridor Technology Council and remains committed to the community by sponsorships such as the Blue Ridge PBS KidsFestj and WHEREAS, ITT Night Vision is part of lIT Corporation, a Fortune 300 company, which has been named to Forbes.com's list of "America's Best Managed Companies" for 2008, and awarded the company the top spot in the conglomerates category. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby issue this proclamation to commemorate the 50th ANNIVERSARY OF lIT NIGHT VISION; and FURTHER, THE Board of Supervisors proclaims Tuesday, March 17,2009, as lIT Night Vision Day in Roanoke County, extends congratulations to ITT Night Vision for its extraordinary success, and expresses deep appreciation for the company's many contributions to the community, the local economy and our citizens. Intdw/ ?1-. ~ Michael W. Altizer, Cha rman /~ /n ~~;..- ~ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. .- County Administrator ~ \ <)....-9 (. ~ a.i .... Richard C. Flora (l/Jo.ddn. a m~ Charlotte A. Moore fV-rL~ r Q1ount~ of ~oanokc ttO'~~~lttial1 ~. .,. I- ;0 Z Cl ~ 21; DECLARING THE WEEK OF MARCH 8, 2009 AS GIRL SCOUT WEEK IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, March 12, 2007, marks the 97th anniversary of Girl Scouts ofthe USA, founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 in Savannah, Georgia; and WHEREAS, throughout its distinguished history, Girl Scouting has helped build millions of girls and women of courage, confidence, and character; and WHEREAS, through the dedication, time, and talent of volunteers of different backgrounds, abilities, and areas of expertise, the Girl Scout organization thrives for girls in many settings; and WHEREAS, through Girl Scouting's unique leadership development program, girls define leadership by making the world a better place by discovering, connecting, and taking action in their communities; and WHEREAS, Girl Scouting takes an active role in increasing girls' awareness of the opportunities available to them in math, science, sports, technology, health and fields that can expand their horizons; and WHEREAS, more than 3.7 million Girl Scout members nationwide will be celebrating 96 years of this American tradition, with nearly 50 million women who grew up participating in Girl Scouting and exemplify the impact of this amazing Movement. NOW THEREFORE, WE, Michael W. Altizer, Chairman, and Charlotte A. Moore, Supervisor for the Cave Spring Magisterial District, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors and citizens of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of March 8, 2009 as GIRL SCOUT WEEK in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, We commend the Girls Scouts for their commitment on "behalf of America's girls, and express our congratulations to the Girls Scouts upon their 97th anniversary. /.-I!- )?1 a~/ ~ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. County Administrator /huw 71. ~ Michael W. Altizer, C airman (!jJw..Idn a m~ Charlotte A. Moore Cave Spring Magisterial District }J-1 \".. IL-- ACTION NO. ITEM NO. /r-l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24. 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session for the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 SUBMITTED BY: B. Clayton Goodman,lIl County Administrator COllNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to present any updated information received regarding the state's budget and discuss the County's budget for the next fiscal year. Q AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 1<- 1 --- PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: Edward Rose Properties, Inc. 27 - 12/2008 Board of Supervisors Consent 1st Reading Date: November 11, 2008 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 3, 2009 Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2nd Reading Date: March 24, 2009 A. REQUEST Rezone approximately 16.3 acres from R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions (approximately 12.4 acres), and C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions (approximately 3.9 acres) and to rezone approximately 11.2 acres from C-2, General Commercial District, to R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions, for the purpose of constructing a mixed-use development consisting of an apartment complex (approximately 23.6 acres) and commercial uses (approximately 7.8 acres) B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Eight citizens spoke in opposition to the request. Key issues emphasized by the speakers were stormwater runoff, exterior lighting installation heights and intensity, volume of crashes in the vicinity of Cove Road and Green Ridge Road, traffic generated by the new Public Safety Center, pressure on the local road network when problems occur on Interstate 81, vehicular stacking in the Cove Road left turn lane onto Route 419 southbound, responsibility for "level of service" improvements, indirect negative traffic impacts at the southern intersection of Cove Road and Green Ridge Road, increased traffic impacts on the local road network after the multi-generational recreation facility opens, advancing commercial zoning northeast along Cove Road, screening and buffering at the extreme southern tip of the proposed project and concerns regarding the background investigations of potential renters. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Timothy Beard presented the staff report. Ms. Hooker inquired about recreational amenities planned for the development and the existing level of service at the Route 419 eastbound turn lane onto Cove Road. John Houchin, Edward Rose construction representative, stated that likely apartment size breakdown would be 33 - 35 percent one-bedroom, 50 - 55 percent two-bedroom and 12 -15 percent three-bedroom units. Passive recreation activities such as walking trails and fishing from stormwater detention areas are possible in addition to the clubhouse, swimming pool and other outdoor items appearing on the concept plan. Consulting traffic engineer, Paul Anderson, noted eight locations in the vicinity where traffic counts were taken, that the minimally acceptable level of service is "0" (high-density flow where speed and freedom to maneuver are severely restricted and comfort and convenience have declined while flow remains stable), that a right turn lane onto Route 419 from Cove Road could benefit up to 90 percent of vehicles navigating their way through this intersection and such an improvement should be constructed simultaneously with the start of development. Mr. Jarrell asked about the site's proximity to available emergency services, the potential use of corporate or short-term apartment leases by the developer, background checks for sublease situations and the extensive wording of the petitioner's proposed proffered condition pertaining to Cove Road - Route 419 turn lane construction. The development would be served by Masons Cove and Hollins Fire and Rescue Departments. The applicant typically rents less than 10 percent of apartment units on a corporate basis. The detailed wording regarding a proposed right turn lane proffer was intended to provide the developer with limits on materials prices and timing of contractors' work so as to coincide with construction occurring on the subject property. Mr. Jarrell also inquired about the potential for damage to downstream wells and septic fields due to this project. Mr. Azar inquired as to square footages of signs, particularly for potential commercial buildings and kinds of lighting those signs may display. Mr. Azar also asked about trash dumpsters, construction timing of the recommended Cove Road right turn lane onto Route 419 and leasing periods. The developer proffered limited sign area for apartment identification, but chose to keep all of its options open for future commercial signage (zoned C-2). Mr. Houchin replied that a centralized compactor will be utilized for trash within the apartment complex and that short- term conference/training may occur (corporate basis noted above). Mr. Radford inquired as to the proposed build-out scenario for the project and if any "green" concepts would be utilized, particularly in regard to outside lighting. Apartments would be built first over a two-year period starting in 2010. No active marketing campaign for commercial sites has begun. No specific "green" concepts are involved - the applicant committed to full compliance with all zoning ordinance regulations relative to exterior lighting. Mr. McNeil asked for a summary of all uses suggested by the petitioner for the proposed C-2 portion of the overall site which would require approval of a Special Use Permit (Adult Care Residences, Life Care Facility, Nursing Home, Religious Assembly and Mini-warehouse) and if Cove Road or Route 419 appear on the Virginia Department of Transportation's Six- Year Improvement Plan. Neither road is scheduled for work per VDOT engineer, Scott Woodrum. Ms. Hooker and Mr. Radford each reiterated their concerns with possible grading to be done along the curve on Cove Road near the Green Ridge Road intersection, fair housing standards and background checks for potential apartment residents. D. CONDITIONS 1. The property will be developed substantially in accord with the Edward Rose Properties, Inc., concept plan dated October 3,2008, subject to any changes required by Roanoke County during development plan review. 2. As to the 23.6 acres to be rezoned to R-3, Multi-Family Residential District, the property will be used only for Residential Uses, Multi-Family Dwelling. 3. As to the 7.8 acres to be rezoned to C-2, general Commercial District, the property will be used only for one or more of the following purposes: Residential Uses: Accessory Apartment, Home Occupation-Type 1, Multi- Family Dwelling. Civic Uses: Administrative Services, Clubs, Cultural Services, Day Care Center, Educational Facilities - Primary/Secondary, Guidance Services, Post Office, Public Assembly, Public Parks and Recreational Areas, Safety Services, Adult Care Residences, Life Care Facility, Nursing Home, Religious Assembly. Office Uses: Financial Institutions, General Office, Medical Office, Laboratories. Commercial uses: Antique Shops, Bed and Breakfast, Business Support Services, Business or Trade Schools, Commercial Indoor Entertainment, Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation, Communications Services, Construction Sales and Services, Consumer Repair Services, Hospital, Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge, Personal Improvement Services, Personal Services, Restaurant - General, Retail Sales, Studio - Fine Arts, Veterinary Hospital/Clinic, Mini-warehouses. 4. The exterior design of commercial buildings to be located on 7.8 acres to be rezoned C-2 will be consistent with the exterior design of multi-family dwellings to be located on 23.6 acres to be rezoned R-3. 5. The required buffer yard along the eastern boundary of the property, between the area to be rezoned R-3 and the single family residences zoned R-2 to the east, will be landscaped at the Type B, Option 1 or 2 level per zoning ordinance Section 30-92-6(A) in effect on this application date. 6. The exterior appearance of multi-family dwellings to be constructed on the property will be substantially in accord with drawings attached to this Proffer of Conditions. 7. Apartment complex identification signage shall be limited to one maximum 30 square-foot monument sign located at/near each of the two proposed vehicular access points on Cove Road. E. COMMISSION ACTION Ms. Hooker made a motion to recommend denial of the request with proffered conditions. The motion carried 3 - 2. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE Mr. McNeil and Mr. Radford voted to approve the request. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Staff Report _Vicinity Map Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission FIRST AMENDED PROFFER OF CONDITIONS Address of Subject Properties: Multiple, including 6356 Cove Road, NW Tax Map Numbers: 036.11-02-01.01; 036.11-02-01.00; 036.11-02-02.00; 036.11-02-03.00; 036.11-02-04.00; and 036.11-02-36.00 Present Zoning: R-2 and C-2 Proposed Zoning: R-3 and C-2 Applicant: Edward Rose Properties, Inc. Property Owners: Melvin L. and Pauline J. Ronk (036.11-02-01.01) Roanoke Airport Business Park LLC (036.11-02-01.00, 036.11-02-02.00, and 036.11-02-01.00) Baldwin-Swift Properties LLC (036.11-02-04.00) Estelle H. Ronk, Lowell E. Bower, Eileen B. Edwards and Alan A. Huffman, Trustee (036.11-02-36.00) Proffers 1. The property will be developed substantially in accord with the Edward Rose Properties, Inc. concept plan dated October 3,2008, subject to any changes required by Roanoke County during development plan review. 2. As to the 23.6 acres to be rezoned to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District, the property will be used only for Residential Uses, Multi-Family Dwelling. 3. As to the 7.8 acres to be rezoned C-2, General Commercial District, the property will be used only for one or more of the following purposes: Residential Uses: Accessory Apartment, Home Occupation-Type I, Multi-Family Dwelling. Civic Uses: Administrative Services, Clubs, Cultural Services, Day Care Center, Educational Facilities - CollegelUniversity, Educational Facilities - Primary/Secondary, Guidance Services, Post Office, Public Assembly, Public Parks and Recreational Areas, Safety Services, Adult Care Residences, Life Care Facility, Nursing Home, Religious Assembly. Office Uses: Financial Institutions, General Office, Medical Office, Laboratories. Commercial Uses: Antique Shops, Bed and Breakfast, Business Support Services, Business or Trade Schools, Commercial Indoor Entertainment, Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation, Communications Services, Construction Sales and Services, Consumer Repair Services, Hospital, Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge, Personal Improvement Services, Personal Services, Restaurant - General, Retail Sales, Studio - Fine Arts, Veterinary HospitaVClinic, Mini-warehouses. 4. The exterior design of the commercial buildings to be located on the 7.8 acres to be zoned C-2 will be consistent with the exterior design ofthe multi-family dwellings to be located on the 23.6 acres to be zoned R-3. 5. The required buffer yard along the eastern boundary of the property, between the area to be zoned R-3 and the single-family residences in the areas zoned R-I and R-2 to the east, will be landscaped at the Type B, Option 1 or 2 level, as Type B is prescribed in Section 30-92-6(A) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as in effect on the date of this Proffer of Conditions. 6. The exterior appearance of the multi-family dwellings to be constructed on the property will be substantially in accord with the drawings dated February 25,2009, and attached to this Proffer of Conditions. 7. Apartment complex identification signage shall be limited to one maximum 30-square foot monument sign located at/near each of the two proposed vehicular access points on Cove Road, and those signs shall be no taller than six (6) feet. 8. Any free-standing (pylon or monument) commercial site identification sign shall be no taller than eight (8) feet and no larger than seventy-five (75) square feet, and shall be placed within seventy-five (75) feet ofthe southernmost vehicular access point onto Cove Road. 9. The poles carrying lighting for the commercial area shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height, and the light fixtures shall be directed downward. 10. The poles carrying lighting for the multi-family development shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height, and the light fixtures shall be shielded and/or directed downward. 11. The applicant will construct a right-turn lane on Cove Road, at the intersection of Route 419 and Cove Road, as permitted by VDOT, that is approximately 200 feet in length with a ISO-foot taper, in accordance with VDOT standards and specifications for an urban collector road. Dated this i "8"1l.. day of ~ , 2009 ~Kdc 2 {#1185277-1, 109694-00001-01} :~~LC , Manager E By 3 {#1185277-1, 109694-00001-01} Estelle H. Ronk Lowell E. Bower Eileen B. Edwards Alan A. Huffman, Trustee Baldwin-Swift Properties LLC By Roanoke Airport Business Park LLC By By Ed~a~d Rose Properties, Inc. ByC/(~ ~.~ 3 {#1l85277-1,I09694-00001-01} , Manager , Manager , Manager ,~nT "1-- .............. -oQ.) ca.. ro~ (0 -- CJ) 0> .~ -0 ::J (l) $ Q.) :> +"" C o I.... u.. o E <If (f)Q) ct Q)Q) ~ 2~ roD-D g-Q)N -g ~~- on:: >- D:::"2ro Q)ro" >:;;:~ 8~~ 00 .- "'ON CQ.) roo.. I'--~ --- L{) ('i') CJ) 0> .~ "'0 ::J (l) c o :;::; ro > Q.) W I.... ro Q.) 0::: o c (/) gf ct QJQJ E eLm t2a roD-D g-Q)N -g ~~- on:: >- n::-o~ ~ro QJro" >:;;:~ 8~~ ...;:t .- ('i') "'OQ.) Ca.. ro>> ,1 .......1- 00"-' 1 D 0> .1 oli C ~ "'0 D' ::J (l) , C r 0 +"" ro I > . IJ Q.) w l I.... ro Q.) t 0::: , ~1 l I' I nl I. I, ~ (, r I~ ~ (j'r , o c <If (f)Q) ct Q)Q) E "-m t2a roD-D "- N ~ ~L()- ~n::~ D:::"2ro Q)cu2 >,,-" 0-0 Q) OWLL Petitioner: Edward Rose Properties, Inc. Request: Rezone approximately 16.3 acres from R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions (approximately 12.4 acres), and C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions (approximately 3.9 acres) and to rezone approximately 11.2 acres from C-2 General Commercial District, to R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions for the purpose of constructing a mixed-use development consisting of an apartment complex (approximately 23.6 acres) and commercial uses (approximately 7.8 acres) Location: 6200 Block and 6300 Blocks of Cove Road and Green Ridge Road Magisterial District: Catawba Proffered Conditions: 1. The property will be developed substantially in accord with the Edward Rose Properties, Inc., concept plan dated October 3, 2008, subject to any changes required by Roanoke County during development plan review. 2. As to the 23.6 acres to be rezoned to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District, the property will be used only for Residential Uses, Multi-Family Dwelling. 3. As to the 7.8 acres to be rezoned to C-2, General Commercial District, the property will be used only for one or more of the following purposes: Residential Uses: Accessory Apartment, Home Occupation-Type 1, Multi-Family Dwelling. Civic Uses: Administrative Services, Clubs, Cultural Services, Day Care Center, Educational Facilities - Primary/Secondary, Guidance Services, Post Office, Public Assembly, Public Parks and Recreational Areas, Safety Services, Adult Care Residences, Life Care Facility, Nursing Home, Religious Assembly. Office Uses: Financial Institutions, General Office, Medical Office, Laboratories. Commercial Uses: Antique Shops, Bed and Breakfast, Business Support Services, Business or Trade Schools, Commercial Indoor Entertainment, Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation, Communications Services, Construction Sales and Services, Consumer Repair Services, Hospital, Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge, Personal Improvement Services, Personal Services, Restaurant - General, Retail Sales, Studio - Fine Arts, Veterinary Hospital/Clinic, Mini - warehouses. 4. The exterior design of commercial buildings to be located on 7.8 acres to be rezoned C-2 will be consistent with the exterior design of multi-family dwellings to be located on 23.6 acres to be rezoned R-3. 5. The required buffer yard along the eastern boundary of the property, between the area to be rezoned R-3 and the single family residences zoned R-2 to the east, will be landscaped at the Type B, Option 1 or 2 level per zoning ordinance Section 30-92-6(A) in effect on this application date. 6. The exterior appearance of multi-family dwellings to be constructed on the property will be substantially in accord with drawings attached to this Proffer of Conditions. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The petitioner, Edward Rose Properties, Inc., proposes to rezone approximately 16.3 acres from R-2, Medium Density Residential District, and 11.2 acres of C-2, General Commercial District to R-3C, Medium Density Residential District, with Conditions, and to C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions, in order to construct a mixed-use residential and commercial project. Approximately four acres of the overall site is already zoned appropriately (C-2) for the use type and building configuration indicated on the applicant's concept plan. The total acreage included within the proposal's boundaries is 31.4 acres. Architectural renderings have been submitted in regard to building height and detail. The petitioner has stated its intent to apply deed restrictions insuring that residential and commercial buildings are generally consistent with each other in design and construction. Among potential uses suggested by the applicant for the two commercial buildings onsite are hotel and restaurant, assisted living, daycare and general offices. The applicant has proffered commercial uses within the range indicated on page 1. The proposal's potential (at complete build-out) to generate 5,000, or more, vehicle trips per day or a minimum of 250 peak hour trips necessitated the production of a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) per Virginia Department of Transportation regulations. Revisions to the original TIA were submitted and commented on by VDOT and Roanoke County staff. The site is designated Transition and Core by the 2005 Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The project conforms with policies of each of these designations accompanied by proffered conditions listed above. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Roanoke County site plan review will be conducted. Commercial entrance permit(s) from the Virginia Department of Transportation will be required. Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control regulations provide for protection of land and waterways downstream from development sites. Roanoke County drainage regulations require onsite detention of stormwater at pre-development rates. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Backqround - Edward Rose Properties, Inc., is the contract purchaser of 31.4 total acres currently composed of six separate tracts owned by four different owners that is the subject of this request. The overall site contains three homes, each with a private driveway. The houses would be demolished. Two of the driveway locations with intersections on Cove Road would be upgraded and extended. A 15.094 acre portion of the largest of the six tracts (27.372 acres) is subject to purchase pending rezoning. The remaining 12.278 acres is not part of this petition and would remain C-2, General Commercial District. All of the other five parcels comprise the remaining acreage of the rezoning request. Existing R-2, Medium Density Residential zoning (roughly forming the northern half of the site) reflects the opportunity for alternative housing where single family residential neighborhoods can be buffered as adjoining infill development occurs. Existing C-2, General Commercial zoning would not permit commercial buildings as far north along Cove Road as the extent requested by this petition. Topoqraphv/Veqetation - The overall site varies tremendously in elevation from nearly 1,250 feet near its northern extent to a low of approximately 1,120 feet along the seasonal stream (a tributary of Peters Creek) found at the southern tip of the site. Vegetation on the 31.4 acre combination of parcels includes scattered 2 evergreen trees along the west and northwest perimeter and within the north central interior of the project. Dense hardwood stands occur along the northeast border and the north central interior. Deciduous trees are also found along the west border and south of existing houses on Cove Road. Most of the southern portion of the property is a fertile grassland historically used for hay production. Stretching virtually the entire length of the project site north-to-south is an Appalachian Power 69 kilovolt power line and its accompanying 60-foot wide right-of-way. Surroundinq Neiqhborhood - The subject tracts are bounded by R-1, Low Density Residential District, and R-2, Medium Density Residential District, properties on the east and north. Significant portions of land adjoining on the east are used agriculturally. Most of the remaining residentially zoned land in the vicinity is occupied by established single family residences. Interstate 81 right-of-way, access ramps and travel lanes are found northwest of the site. Property southwest of the proposed project zoned C-2, General Commercial District, is used agriculturally and forms a portion of the southernmost parcel of the overall project area. Further southwest across Route 419 are commercially used tracts within the City of Salem. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture - The Edward Rose Properties, Inc., concept plan proposes 12 separate apartment buildings containing 252 dwelling units (a density of 10.68 units per acre within the projected multi-family residential portion of the overall site), a management office and clubhouse. Additionally, two future commercial buildings are indicated, but will not be constructed by the petitioner. Pad sites for commercial structures are shown on both sides of the west vehicular access on Cove Road approximately 1,100 feet north of the Electric Road (Route 419) - Cove Road (VA 780) intersection. Potential commercial structure footprints (single story) vary from 19,000 square feet to 30,000 square feet. Commercial building heights are not addressed - the C-2 General Commercial District height is unlimited unless adjoining low and medium density residential property. Among possible uses suggested for these structures are general office, day care, assisted living, hotel and restaurant. An assisted living facility would require approval of a Special Use Permit which is not requested under this application. The multi-family buildings would not exceed three stories or 40 feet in height and are projected to be constructed of a combination of siding, stone and brick (please see attached renderings). Multi-family buildings proposed for the southern half of the subject site are not easily reached with the southernmost structure positioned nearly a half-mile from the nearest Cove Road entrance. Use and design standards for R-3 zoned multi-family dwellings require 10 percent common open space and recreational areas for parcels over five acres - totaling 2.36 acres of amenities over residential portions of the site. A clubhouse and associated amenities are shown near the northern tip of the property. Additional open space and recreation areas may be required. AccessfTraffic Circulation - The overall project displays two vehicular access points onto public right-of-way (Cove Road), both proposed in the northern one-third of the site. Commercial sites and seven of the twelve proposed apartment buildings are easily reached per the circulation pattern shown on the concept plan. Apartment structures numbered 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are less accessible. A 24-foot wide two-way traffic aisle is indicated throughout proposed residentially-zoned portions of the site. The entry road bisecting proposed commercial buildings would exceed 30 feet in width leading to individual parking lots for each of those structures. After passing those interior commercial access points, the road narrows to 24 feet as it extends to residential parking areas. The concept plan indicates approximately 500 parking spaces designed for apartment use. Minimum parking required by the ordinance for the multi-family portion of the project would be 460 parking spaces. VDOT's general review indicated that the posted speed limit on this segment of Cove Road is 40 miles per Hour and the minimum required intersection sight distance is 445 feet. Per VDOT staff, "based on the approximate intersection locations in the concept plan, sight distance at the first entrance traveling east on 3 Cove Road from Electric Road appears to be adequate looking left, but may be inadequate looking to the right. Sight distance at the second entrance traveling east on Cove Road from Electric Road appears to be adequate looking to the right, but may be inadequate looking to the left. Left and right turn lane warrant analyses may be requested during the site plan review stage. This will depend on, but is not limited to, projected traffic generated by the site, existing traffic on Cove Road and accident history adjacent to the site." Data supplied by VDOT through the applicant's traffic engineering consultant Hayes Seay Mattern & Mattern - Architecture Engineering Construction Management (HSMM AECOM) indicate that from May 1, 2005 through April 30, 2008, seven crashes occurred at Electric Road's intersection with the south-bound Interstate 81 ramp, one crash occurred at Electric Road's intersection with the north-bound Interstate 81 ramp, five crashes occurred at the Electric Road - Cove Road intersection and no crashes occurred at the Cove Road - Green Ridge Road intersection immediately north of the project site. 2007 Annual Average Daily Traffic volume estimates indicated 14,000 vehicle trips occurred on this northern segment of Route 419. Volume estimates indicated 3,600 trips on Cove Road and 1,900 trips on Green Ridge Road. Traffic Impact Analysis & Review - VDOT's review of the first Traffic Impact Analysis submitted by HSMM AECOM found inadequacies related to such items as peak hour trip generation, traffic volume data and type of vehicle discrepancies, signal warrants analysis and modeling. The TIA included a proposed development description, discussion of existing and projected volumes in the study area and traffic operations analysis. The study assumed the construction of the 252 unit apartment complex, a 150 room hotel, a 200 bed assisted living facility, daycare, restaurant and offices. Quoting the study's executive summary, "there will be two full-access entrances along Cove Road. The proposed entrance to the west of Green Ridge Road will have an eastbound full width right turn lane with taper. All of the proposed land uses are acceptable under this (proposed C-2 General Commercial) zoning. The study area consists of three signalized intersections and five unsignalized intersections. The proposed project will be completed in one phase by 2013. Design year 2015 will also be analyzed for complete development build-out - six years after the start of development as required by Chapter 527 regulations. The signalized intersections of Route 419 with Interstate 81 northbound ramps, 1-81 southbound ramps and Green Ridge Road are projected to operate at an acceptable level-of-service during the build conditions of design year 2015. The westbound left-through movement of the unsignalized intersection of Route 419 with Cove Road is projected to operate at level-of- service F during background and build-out conditions of design year 2015 PM peak hour. The addition of a right-turn lane for the westbound approach would help improve level-of-service for the westbound right movement. A signal may be of benefit to this intersection, but coordination with the (existing) signal at the intersection of Route 419 with 1-81 northbound ramps will be necessary due to the close proximity of that intersection. The developer has not committed to fund the addition of the right-turn lane nor a signaL" VDOT staff comments on the updated TIA included a variety of specific intersection, traffic volume and vehicle lane storage conditions and stated "the analysis suggested a right-turn lane and signal at the intersection of Route 419 and Cove Road. The peak hour warrant was evaluated for this intersection. A full signal warrants study would be required prior to signalization of this intersection being recommended." Roanoke County Transportation Engineering comments included the following: "due to additional traffic volumes associated with this development and background growth, signal modifications may be necessary at Interstate 81 northbound ramps/Route 419 and 1-81 southbound ramps/Route 419 to accommodate total 2013 build-out year volumes. According to the submitted analyses, the following existing storage lengths may be exceeded during a peak hour along Route 419 in the 2013 build-out year of the development: 1-81 southbound ramps/Route 419 intersection northbound left-turn lane; 1-81 northbound ramps/Route 419 intersection westbound left-turn lane and northbound right-turn lane and through lanes; Route 419/Cove Road intersection southbound left-turn lane. Due to poor level-of-service with extensive queuing, consideration should be given to the addition of an exclusive eastbound right-turn lane at the Cove Road/ western site drive intersection. The internal protected stem length at the Cove Road site drive intersections should accommodate the storage necessary for anticipated queuing before parking and crossing maneuvers 4 are allowed." Stormwater Manaaement - A series of detention areas appear on the concept plan along eastern and southern reaches of the overall site. No detailed stormwater engineering plans are currently available. Final grade conditions are expected to direct runoff southward within this portion of the Peters Creek watershed. Public Schools - School-age children generated by this development would attend Glen Cove Elementary, Northside Middle and Northside High Schools. As of spring 2008, Glen Cove had excess capacity and Northside Middle and High Schools have undergone extensive recent renovations. Based on the housing type proposed a maximum of 40-50 students could be expected at completion of the development. Fire & Rescue/Utilities - The subject property is served by Masons Cove Fire & Rescue and Hollins Fire & Rescue stations. The Masons Cove facility is located six miles north of the petitioner's site and housed two ambulances and one of each of the following as of May, 2008: pumper, tanker, brush truck, squad vehicle and utility/personnel transport vehicle. The Hollins Fire & Rescue station is situated approximately five miles east of the subject property and contained two pumpers, two ambulances, one ladder truck and one reserve ambulance as of May, 2008. Additionally, the new North County station will be operational later in 2009 assuming a portion of the burden of Hollins Station 5 which has handled one-third of all Roanoke County fire and rescue incidents for several years. Sanitary sewer is located onsite along the stream paralleling the southwest boundary of the proposed development. Public water is slated to be provided through a joint effort by City of Salem and the Western Virginia Water Authority by extension from Salem under Electric Road to the subject property. Community Meetinas - Neighborhood meetings were held on November 19, 2008, and on February 12, 2009, to allow the petitioner to present its proposal to area property owners and other interested citizens. Approximately 50 people attended the first meeting where the overwhelming concern expressed was traffic safety. Screening and buffering and impacts on nearby schools also were discussed. At the second meeting, with a similar number in attendance, traffic was more directly addressed with VDOT staff and Edward Rose's transportation consultant (HSMM AECOM) available for detailed information (see Traffic Impact Analysis & Review). 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The 2005 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property a combination of Transition and Core. Generally, the higher elevated, more forested northern half of the project area is delineated Transition and the lower-lying southern half of the site is designated Core. Transition policy advocates the orderly development of highway frontage tracts or as a well-developed buffer between existing single family residential areas and existing and future commercial land uses along Route 419 and Cove Road. Quoting the applicant, "the community plan calls for a high standard of design in architecture, landscaping and signage. The proffered concept plan reflects a planned community incorporating all of these elements, including the desired vegetative and topographical buffering and in particular the preservation of existing large trees." The Core designation specifies future land use areas for high intensity urban development Select large-scale highway oriented retail uses are also encouraged. Both land use designations call for the inclusion of greenways, bike and pedestrian trails into project design with linkages to adjoining neighborhoods. Proposed density for the multi-family residential portion of the development calls for 252 apartment units constructed on 23.6 acres (10.68 units per acre), roughly equivalent to the Transition category residential density cited in the comprehensive plan. Core category land use types cited by the comprehensive plan include general retail shops, personal services, offices and institutional uses - within the range of uses proffered by the petitioner. 5 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS This proposal by Edward Rose Properties, Inc., would provide a transitional land use between established single family residential neighborhoods to the east and existing and future commercial uses along Route 419. The multi-family residential density proffered is practical per comprehensive plan policy. The shared access concept between proposed apartments and the proffered range of future commercial uses limits Cove Road access points to the extent possible, but cannot compensate for the unknown additional traffic volume that this development will yield at complete build-out - estimated to occur in 2012 for the apartment complex. The request has generated significant concern from nearby residents, mainly in regard to traffic. Construction of 252 new apartments could generate 1,500 vehicle trips to and from the development. Commercially-generated trips are even more difficult to estimate without known specific users. Currently, this segment of Cove Road carries 3,600 vehicles daily. Completion of two future commercial buildings in addition to proposed new multi-family family traffic volume could double the existing Cove Road traffic load. If the Planning Commission recommends approval of this request, staff suggests the following addition to the proffers submitted: Add "Apartment complex identification signage shall be limited to one maximum 30 square-foot monument sign located at/near each of the two proposed vehicular access points on Cove Road." In addition, the following uses within the range proffered by the petitioner require acquisition of a Special Use Permit Adult Care Residences, Life Care Facility, Nursing Home, Religious Assembly, Mini-warehouse. CASE NUMBER: PREPARED BY: HEARING DATES: 27 - 12/2008 Timothy Beard PC: March 3, 2009 BOS: March 24, 2009 ATTACHMENTS: Rezoning application Aerial and Site Photographs VDOT comment letters Future Land Use Map Zoning Map R-2 District Regulations R-3 District Regulations C-2 District Regulations 6 5204 Bernard Drive POBox 29800 Roanoke, VA 240 18~0798 (540) 771-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Dale reed ved: 10-3-0'6 A I. . Ii c.-'^ / pp Icallon ee: 4 J 11;;) ,5 33'~ ")027 pz - /1g () 309L/ Received by: ~4/, ff ~ 1w ' rJ,(l1/./1 LA\-.u. County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning For Staff Use Onl pefBZA dale: --06" Placards issued: BOS dale: , ' , . - - - -, ..,'. -. .,'.' . '. . ,. , ','.. .-.-,,',-- --'-'-,,'-..-",--,--,-...".:-'-'-. ......-... "',,- - '--. ."',' -,.",--.---:.'-....,-',. . '",' -. -. ,." "....- . ALL APPLICANTS ... Check type of application filed (check all that apply) X Rezoning 0 Special Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver Applicants name/address wlzip EDWARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INC 790 I Crawfordsville Road, Suite D Indianapolis, IN 46214 o Administrative Appeal 0 Comp Plan (15 2~22m Review Phone: 317-388-4317 x 125 (Laurie Corley) Work: Fax No: Owner's name/address wlzip Phone #: Work: Fax No. #: Multiple--Please see attached sheet Property Location Cove Road at Green Ridge Road Magisterial District: Catawba 'ommunity Planning area: Hollins-Peters Cree Tax Map No: Multiple--Plense see attached sheet. Existing Zoning: R-2 and C-2 . - . ,. - , - - - -. ." . ., "-".'. .. .-'- .-. ". . . .. ., ","'. ---. .. , .. ...... .". .,. ,".. -. .. .", ,....-....-,.-",". -. .' ," '. -. . ., .-'." . . .. .. . -.,". '-", , REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAIVER ANDCOMP PLAN (/5.2-w2)REVIEWAPPLICANTS (RfS/W/CP) Proposed Zoning: R-3 and C-2 with conditions--Please see attached sheet Proposed Land Use: Apartment development and unspecified commercial Please see attached description Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes X No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes X No 0 IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, ate conditions being proffered with this request') Yes X No 0 . , ." -.. '. - '- . ... -.. -." , " . , , . - -. . ... .... .. . - , - ,. - - -.. - - ' ,. . -- . - . -.. -- - " "...". .. .-. -.- -.................. .-.", . ,. , ,",. " ".. - ," ',-. - . '--. . - - . -. . - -- - - - - - - -. , , VARIANCE,lVAIVER AND ADMINISTlV1TIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (VI1WAA) VariancelWaiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: A eal of Zonin Administrator's decision to A ealofInte retation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. RlSfW/CP VIM of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance RISI\\'ICI' \'1,\,\ Consultation Application Justification RlSlWfCP VIM I D Application fee 8 Ill" x II" concept plan Metes and bOllnds description __ Proffers, ifapplicablc Water and sewer <1ppIiC:llion Adjoining owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner oflhe properly or the owner's ogent or contrJct purclmser and 0111 octing with the knowledge and consent of thc owncr Edwmd ose ProP. ties c., Controcll\l[cho$cr By . ~_~_ ___ 1#1123440.1, 109694~OOO()I~()11 2 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMITW AIVER OR COMP PLAN (15.2-2232)REVIEW . REQUESTS . Applicant EDWARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INe. The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use pennit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible Use additional space if necessary Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The R~3 district is "intended to coincide with the ., .. transition land use categor[y]" of the Community Plan; to have access to major streets, sewer and water, and schools having adequate capacity; and with parcel sizes large enough to pennit "well-planned residential development" It is also "intended to serve as a buffer between less intensive residential areas and more intensive. , . districts" The proposed apartment development satisfies all of those criteria: It is located in the Core and Transition areas; fronts on a major street and is only a shott distance from North Electric Road and 1-81; has access to sewer and water; is a short distance from Glen Cove Elementary School and convenient to Northside Junior and Senior High Schools; will be a carefully designed, unitary development covering almost 24 acres; and will buffer the existing residential neighborhood from existing and future commercial uses along Cove Road and North Electric Road. The purpose of the C-2 district is "to provide locations for a variety of commercial and service related activities serving a community of several neighborhoods or large areas of the county.n The district is "most appropriately found along major arterial thoroughfares'" Land uses within the district "are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the Transition and Core land use categories" ofthe comprehensive plan This commercial site is readily accessible to a large surrounding area via 1-81, North Electric Road, Green Ridge Road and Cove Road, and is located in Core and Transition areas. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The land which is the subject of this application is located in areas designated "Core" and "Transition" in the Community Plan.. (Please see the attached portion of the Land Use Map,) The major portion of the proposed commercial site is in the Core area, and the major portion of the apartment site is in the Transition area. The Core area is intended for "high intensity urban development" and "larger-scale highway oriented retail uses" involving clustered retail uses and planned office and institutional uses, served by an arterial street system. The proposed commercial site isjust a few hundred feet along Cove Road from North Electric Road and readily accessible to and from 1- 81, both major commercial thoroughfares The Transition area is to serve as a less intensively developed buffer between highways and adjacent lower intensity development. Multi-family development is an approved land use type in the Transition area, This apartment development will buffer the existing single-family neighborhoods to the north and east from the commercially zoned land along NOIth Electric Road and Cove Road~ The Community Plan calls for a high standard of design in architecture, landscaping and signage, The proffered concept plan reflects a planned community incorporating all of these elements, including the desired vegetative and topographical buffering and in particular the preservation of existing large trees. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adj oining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The proposed 7.8-acre commercial site (39 acres of which is already zoned C-2) will lie along, and be accessed nom, Cove Road, and the 23 6-acre apartment development will be situated behind that, also being accessed from Cove Road. The entire area between Cove Road and Interstate 81, west of the commercial site, is highway right of way, so no private owners will be directly impacted by the commercial uses, The apartment development will entirely screen the commercial site from properties to the east and will itself be substantially screened on the east by existing large trees. The property lies only a few hundred yards from North Electric Road and its access ramps to and nom 1-81, which are the outes expected to absorb the majority of the traffic impacts from both the proposed commercial and apartment uses Please see the attached Traffic Study, Water and sewer are available Please see attached letter from WVW A. The new Roanoke County Recreation and Aquatic Center, only 23 miles away via Green Ridge and Wood Haven Roads, should be able to accommodate the recreation needs of the apartment residents, who will also have access to the recreational facilities (clubhouse with fitness center, swimming pool) which will be included in the project. {1/1123440-), 1 09694~0000 I .01 } 3 County fire and rescue responders will be the Mason's Cove Station (5,1 miles away) and the Hollins Station (4,6 miles away), though the nearest emergency services facility is actually the City of Roanoke's Station #13 on Peters Creek Road, only 23 miles and less than 5 minutes away While it is of course impossible to predict the exact makeup of the tenant population of the apartment project, the developer's experience would suggest that the tenant mix will not include a large number of families with school-aged children, In any event, based on its web page, Glen Cove Elementary School would appear to have a capacity of in excess of 800 children and a current enrollment of less than 500, so that even in tile event an unexpectedly large percentage of the tenant population consists of families with children, overloading of Glen Cove School from this development would not seem likely (# 1123440-1, 109694-00001-0 I I IJ1JSTIFl(~ATIONFOR VARIANCE REQUEST .<>1 Applicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted~ Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describe how the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the 7.oning Ordinance. 2, The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity, Such hardships should be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or the character of the district. (#] ]23440.1,109694-0000]-01) 4 JUSTIFICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL REQUEST Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible, If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper 1 Reasons for appeal: 12. Evidence supporting claim: (1I1l23440-1, 109694.00001.01) 5 !itO&CEPT PLAN CHECKLI~T.)................ ... ....... ...., . .n A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County penl1itting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance ofa building penni! Site plan and building pem1it procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan Unless limiting conditions arc proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15 2-2232) review and variance applications The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature ofthe request The County Planning Division staffmay exempt some ofthe items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: -L u. 1 b L c -L d -L e ~ -L g .-::L h. L 1- Additiona/ ill/ormation required for REZONING and SPECIAl. USE PERMIT APPLICANTS L k Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site -1- 1 Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers ../ m Topogfilphy map in a suitable scale and contour intervals L n (\11\ 0 lit p NI\ q Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections locations of all adjacent fire hydrants Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed lfproject is to be phased, please show phase schedule ~cl1~ /. 'UlClb Date 6 Community Development Planning & Zoning Division NOTICE TO ApPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICA nON ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND/OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Transportation Engineering Manager or staff fro111 the Virginia Department of TranspOltation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note a list of potential land uses and situations that }vould necessitatefilrther study is provided as part o.fthis application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing pmties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified ofthe continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective Date: April 19, 2005 Petitioner's Signature tlP6btJ1.-I, 'Jt; tJt) Date Community Development - Planning & Zoning Division POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANAL YSIS AND/OR TRAFFIC IMP ACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic-generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County Transportation Engineering Manager, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reselVe the right to request a traffic study at any time, as deemed necessary.) High Traffic-Generating Land Uses: . Single-family residential subdivisions/ Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units . Restaurant (with or without drive-through windows) o Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash o Retail shop/Shopping center . Offices (including: Financial institutions, general, medical, ete.) . Regional public facilities . Ed ucational/Recreational facilities . Religious assemblies . Hotel/Motel . Golf course . Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic . Industrial site/Factory . Day care center . Bank . Non-specific use requests Road Network Situations: . Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 50Q-ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e,g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 460, 11/460, 220, 221, 419, etc) . For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and/or roadway conditions have changed significantly . When reqUired to evaluate access issues . Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening/ improvements, etc, (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six-Yr Road Plan, etc.) . Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and/or safety problem . Development would potentially negatively impact existing/planned traffic signal(s) . Substantial departure from the Community Plan . Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the (111123440-1, 109694-00001- 01 ) peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day {l11123440-1. 1 09694~OOOO 1-0 l} REZONING APPLICATION EDWARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INe. PARCELS TO BE REZONED LIST OF TAX MAP NUMBERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS Tax Map No. Acreage Owner, Address and Telephone j036011-02-04.00 10350 Baldwin-Swift Properties LLC 3216 Williamson Road Roanoke, VA 24012 537-0055 (Dan Baldwin) J 036.11-02-03.00 1. 17.3 Roanoke Airport Business Park LLC P. O. Box 201 Roanoke, V A 24002 29.3-8506 (Calvin Powers) 1/'036,11-02-02.00 )0.36.11-02-01.00 1.152 Roanoke Airport Business Park LLC 0.133 Roanoke Airport Business Park LLC j036.11-02-01.01 3.490 Melvin L and Pauline.T. Ronk 6356 Cove Road, NW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1829 ~36~ 11-02-36.00* 15,094 Estelle R Ronk et aL 3.317 Carner Lane Roanoke~ VA 24019 562-2780 (Estelle Rank) *Tax Parcel 036.1 1-02-36.00 comprises a total acreage of 27..372. Edward Rose Properties, Inc. is purchasing a 15,094-acre portion of this tract, which will be subdivided for the sale. Only that 15.094-acre portion is being rezoned. {IIII23523-1,I09694-00001-0I} REZONING APPLICA nON EDW ARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INe. AREAS TO BE REZONED NOTE: Maps and metes and bounds descriptions of each parcel are at Tab 5, Tax Map No. 036.11-02-04,00 036, ll-02-03~00 036,11-02-02,00 036,11-02-01.00 036.11-02-01.01 036,11-02-36,00 {1I1123523-1~ I09694-00001,OI} Current Zoning Requested Zoning R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 C-2 2 R-3 R-3 - 1" 173 acres C-2 - 17 square feet R-3 - 0.810 acre C-2 - 0.342 acre C-2 C-2 - 3A36 acres R-3 - 0,054 acre R - 3 - 11.199 acres (Remaining 3 ~895 acres stays C-2) , 1 ';'0 T'0",,~ , . ~~ ~ m, ~~~~n ~U~n I III : i I! i I I I IS: ~ ~>~ll ~~o~~. 2U~~~ h~a~ I ' f ),..,) : l':\l :h ~~. . ~~~~ :~ ~U~m oEl]O) , . , , -- ~ --~ ~-~ + . ~~ 8 .' ~ M~;~ m~i; I II I' f I,' ' " , I i I : $' ~' hi~ i~~3B eiiEe' ,~=~~e 8u~.H 1:11:) : \':':\ , )L.f. ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ i~~~~to .e~an DElle) I ~ ~~E!~~ ~ ~~m~ " :::J'IIISJOO . . " ~ ~~t ~m ~ ~m ~ e~m ~'t<""" ~ . t ~ be~~ d~~ ;~ ~~9~~il h~~s~ .. ...... .... <<:G~J:> = ~ hih ~ ~~s~ii ~ H~~~ ~ 111111111 ! .~ ~ e ~~B~ : 2~:a5 REZONING APPLICATION EDWARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INC. DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPER AND THE PROJECT THE DEVELOPER: Edward Rose Properties, Inc, is a family-owned company headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, The Rose family has been continuously involved in residential development and construction since 1921 and since 1965 has concentrated its efforts on apartment construction and management. The company now owns and manages over 53,000 rental units in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia and Wisconsin, Developments in Virginia include Waterfront in Virginia Beach (684 units), The Vinings in Richmond (258 units), Trophy Club (248 units) and Enclave (254 units) in Midlothian, and Sunscape on Colonial Avenue in Roanoke County (264 units). The new Roanoke project is being developed by and will be managed from Rose's regional office in Indianapolis, which also manages Sunscape. Edward Rose Properties builds apartments to hold for its own account. It last sold a development in 1986, It is therefore committed to constructing and maintaining developments with a high standard of quality. THE PROJECT: The proposed apartment project will consist of 12 buildings on 23.6 acres, comprising a total of 252 aparhnent units, plus a management office and clubhouse. While a final decision has not yet been made on the the exact configuration ofthe units, a typical Rose project ofthis size contains a mix of .35% one-bedroom units, 50% two-bedroom units, and 15% three-bedroom units. The commercial area totals 7,8 acres and will consist of two pads, bisected by the entrance road. Depending on the exact location of the entry drive, the pads will be roughly identical in size, Deed restrictions will be used to insure that the appearance of the buildings constructed on the commercial site is generally consistent with the design and construction ofthe apartment buildings. {It/ /23523-/, /09694-0000/-0/} 3 WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES OPEN SPACE PLAN 1. A wildflower meadow in the front of the property is adjacent to Mountain View Road. With an orchard at the rear of this area, it is maintained to appear as a part of the National Park. The trails through this land are, universally accessible. The land adjacent to the trail will be mowed more closely. The outside of the upper trail is the property line. 2. Lining the meadow through the rear of the property is a Homeowner's Association owned and operated variable width streamside trail loop that crosses Wolf Creek on a small bridge, traverses the gorge adjacent to the creek and then climbs between two lots before going into Muse's Dell and returning to the front of the property. 3. In Muse's Dell, a picnic seating area will be provided with two picnic tables and two park benches. 4. Trails will be constructed in locations shown on the "Wolf Run/Wolf Crest, Beech Cove and Richard's Wood proposed amenities" map, dated May 6, 2008. Trail amenities to be installed along the trails included two benchesJ 1 to 2 foot bridges depending upon trail placement, 3-5 planting beds adjacent to the walking trail measuring 40 sq ft each, tree labels for trees of significance by species placed adjacent to the walking trail, and trail signs located at trail entrances or i nte rsection s. 19 w ~ EXISTING ZONING CONDITIONS PROPERTY GURRENTL Y ZONED C-2 = 15.1 AG. +/- PROPERTY GURRENTL Y ZONED R-2 = 16.3 AG. +/- \ , , GRAPHIC SCALE \ ~ i., (DfPBr) ) , ..... - ... " m I r- ::om. 00, c~ ~~ mO ..... ::0 u;~ o ~ , / , , , , " " \ ':'y " 'y ,,",,/ / '" ') ~ , " :' yj~ " ""',~~~ , ~ 'v~~~~ "'~~" / , "-- ,~~\ ' ,,",' '" '"", ~ ~ " ' y~~ ,,",->Y , ~' , , , - I ~ , , , / \ \ , , D ~ ~~~ '.:~ ,_.~~~~' ., ~ w PROPOSED ZONING CONDITIONS AMOUNT OF PROPERTY ZONED C-2 AFTER REZONING = 7.8 AG. +/. AMOUNT OF PROPERTY ZONED R-3 AFTER REZONING = 23.6 AG. +/- PROPERTY REZONED FROM R-2 TO C-2 = 3.9 AG. +/- PROPERTY REZONED FROM R-2 TO R-3 = 12.4AG. +/- PROPERTY REZONED FROM C-2 TO R-3 = 11.2 AG. +/- PROPERTY TO REMAIN C-2 AFTER REZONING = 3.9 AG. +/- \ GRAPffiC S';"ALE \ ~~ I, ,~~" J r- ::om. 00, c:-l -l~ mO ..... ::0 <O~ o , , / ,,'.... \ "....y ">, " .... "",/ / ... '>' , ....'..yj' '" ' , """,_~<v, .. . ",/~<q' .... "~~" / , ,,~ " ' .. v~,' '.. 'v y~~ '....,"'y , ~' , , .. \ . - I ~ \ \ , , / \ \ , , The following is a deed description for Tax Parcel 36,11-02-04 to be rezoned from R-2 to R-3^ The description is as follows: BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Cove Road (Virginia Secondary Route 780), said point also being northwesterly comer of Tax Parcel 36.11- 02-05; thence leaving Cove Road and with Tax: Parcel 36,11-02-05, S .37024' 22" W, 438.65 feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.1 1-02- 05; thence continuing with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-05, S .39021' 23" E, passing the southwesterly comer of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-06 at 90.00 feet, in a11276.9l feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly comer of Tax Parcel 36,11-02-06; said point also located on the westerly boundary of Plain View Subdivision and on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36,11-02-09; thence leaving Tax Parcel #.36.11-02-06 and with Plain View Subdivision, S 4.30 25' 00" W, 959,48 feet to a point, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.15-01-01, said point also located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36~ 11-02-36; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36,15-01-01 and with Tax: Parcel 36.11-02-36, N 070 04' 26" E, passing the southeasterly comer of Tax Parcel #36.1 1-02-01.01 at 740,04 feet, in all 916.97 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 and with Tax Parcel #36.11-02-03 for the following 2 courses; thence S 84039' 30" E, 120,66 feet to a point; thence N 1 r 28' 30" E, 550.84 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Cove Road; thence leaving Tax Parcel #36.11-02-03 and with the southerly right-of-way of Cove Road for the following 4 courses; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by delta angle of 340 18' 12", a radius of 531.23 feet, an arc distance of 318.05 feet, a chord of 31.3.32 feet and bearing S 640 11' 35" E to a point; thence S 440 21' 17" E, 2855 feet to a point; thence N 450 32' 43" E, 30.00 feet to a point; thence S 44021' 17" E, 40.50 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing 10350 acres. ~ lGO~S'~O ~z'H 9~.qGO~HO 41 In b ;2 (~ ~~~~~~ ~) 411 II 1I~<::i <>:1"......<riC l- :'0 ~~~ (fj0::!E og:;2; <::J ~o o:~G ~~cra: ~Q~ Oc:i~Ql<)o:q! J: to I L.u 0: t..:l Q:: ~. V) "<t ..., <: <::J '-'-1 f-,-...,~gZf;;: Q5(jq)l"j O~b i:~~0:~~-<(8 CjO"l1::~ Q:=!:~ ~~G:i ~~~ ~~cn ~~~ V\1-=C ~~ OfjL,~S~~f: .M/H) ;" L.J TO VA HWY, aVoer Jg~ VA ~% ~c" ___RTf #419 IJ n~ ~~ ~ ~ ~)... l-~ U} ~~ ti.if:l )~ - b o N <3 (3 I / ~ .!. <ci &l :x: ~ I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ DNINOZ za I ----","" tJNINOZ r~ - 00' " 6O.~~ 00.... ",0_ 01 ..",~ YI' 00 /1" :ro~ .9['cv (?,.. p:/ 11.9. .... .. "'0"....... r'",_ W" 0, ~P:t :l/~~"" ;,.: $' '02: ......... .9['0>" g I(f';' ~T 00l: ....rg':t/. 'U.;sl 1--; .9['q.r> N'<{< 4i 00'," ,.rf!~> ~ PI" v:( '11;-" ~ 00'" 'C0~.9['0>" .& S/~..rI;/'II.9.' ~ .. "'0~r'0>" :;,>/ a ..,.,~II' / '0.91'(;>, '-.... 8r0f' .-r,O, 00. .... 1:;11' </ ~ .......... S?r&, # fP~ -..... .s.5 00.% .. .."I:t :l/j:>.() ~ A~ 0''/0'' 0P ~ qytV .f'J;<;-S~~ , :r'0P' , ~ :::l (:l ~ ~ b o N u..'60 o. ~a:. csri ~aj ::eo..: <::> <::> <0' ...., J, <::> .!. ~ ~ "'" ~ o " , ~ ] o U o d 2: ll.i ~ ill I- ::;: ~ <( 0 0 () () [/) ::~~ :;:~8 ~~u t___ I..... 0.... 66~ ":t.q<-O ~~Ln W .. ~ z~:::J ou..-' 1: @J "" ::::: ~ .:.J ~ ,;" :J '" z 5 ~ ~ Z ~ o z gm~ on?f5> ~ 1""1 wJ ~xu;; ",,00 ...""z ~ (US ..."""" b ~ II ~~ P-.t:.IJ u5~ ~~ ~iQ Uo 0>-<:: CfJ.i:.IJ- Cf) 13::>: Z -< - ~ ZC{l- J:;&;.:l~> Qi:.IJr:.d ~~~ ~C1< ,.....Jffi~ '.- ~ <( u VI O"'no ~Z'~~'9C-qoOC~LO\Jn. \OC~LO\.l.OOZ\'O UIMlttp\IM The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax Parcel 36, 11 ~02-03 to be rezoned from R-2 to R-3. The description is as follows: BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of.way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36, 11-02-04~ thence leaving Virginia Secondary Route 780 and with Tax Parcel 36.11- 02-04 for the following 2 courses; thence S 17028' 30" W, 550.84 feet to a point; thence N 840 39' 30" W, 120.66 feet to a point, said point located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.1l-02-0LOl;thence leaving Tax Parce136J 1-02-04 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01 ~01 for the following 2 courses; thence N 070 50' 30" E, 13 1.31 feet to a point; thence N 030 36' 30" W, 7.73 feet to a point; thence with new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, N 090 45' 10" E, 12.15 feet to a point; said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax parcel 36.11-02.02; thence with the boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, S 84028' .30" E, 77,16 feet to a point; thence N 14049' 30" E, 390.82 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondmy Route 780; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02 and with Virginia Secondary Route 780 with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 090 39' 36" , a radius of 531.2.3 feet, an arc length of 89.57 feet, a chord of 8946 feet and bearing S 860 10' 29" E, to the point of BEGINNING and containing 1,173 acres. IlnO~.H.'E:O~ - o ~I 9C~q.OC~lO u..a; o . ~~ B;""i ffia:i :::;0..: ..... '2 C ~S2;:$ Vi C:::E o~~ (!J onO Q::l.f)~ ~:ifiu.'Te: ~Q~ O~O~C1r<)O~ :t:U)<: 1l.aj0:::(,,)~~' V),-,O"""<: (!)t::; ..... .>::...~:2<:!": Qj(,,)Q::o:Ql.aj O~ 5:;'<1: OC')Q::t'J-I(!)O Xr<)QC 0:::'<1:<(1;.) l.aj K "lb e" Cl :::E :: k~ ~~~ '<1: E.:!m '<1::s:~ i2:<<:<<:l V)f..'Q (5R: COVE ROAD V A. SEe RTE, Wrao _TO VA HwY (RfW vARiES) RTE #419 Cl '. ~~ J , ~1i5 ~ \~I~ I I K.I ~~ ~\: ~ "" ~ '\ I ~ c:> <:::> ~ I ~ .!. <ci "'"l ~ "" ~ <ci C5 "'" "" ~ ~ 6 I 8 d: b <0 o b 10 ;:~~ :J~o ';'N~ ~f:::~ o-z ~S?~ ~~Vi .... ~ z~::J ou.."""' I ~ a. - ~ ! ::: 0:> Z 0 ~ ~ z ~ o :?; g$?2 ~~~ ~x~ ",00 ..,."'Z ;gci<C ..,.o..:~ b 10 II . ~ ~~ u5~ CJ;::l~ E-....J <:'t -~ Uo SSE;.i:S en >- Z ~p:::- ~~ z"P- w~> @~~ ~~~ ~~-< ....J ~ 2i? ~ <>: u V1 DMP'{ "ICO -l-!r9C-Q" oe~ LO' '".'oeLLD' LOOZ'UOUI"DJp,'''' The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax Parcel 36.11-2-03 to be rezoned from R-2 to C-2, The description is as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly comer of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, said point also located on the easterly boundary of Tax #36.11-02-01.01; thence leaving Tax #36.11-02- 02 and with Tax #36J 1-02-01.01, S 030 36' 30" E, 12.27 feet to a point; thence leaving Tax #36.11-02-01.01 and with the new zoning line through the property of Tax #36,11- 02-03, N 090 45' 10" E, 12.15 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax #36.11-02-02; thence with Tax #36.11-02-02, N 840 28' .30" W, 2.84 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing 17 square feet ""D^.I'&O'2~119c'q.oellO I- O<..l-o:! C O<l: 12 ;; lI...~~ f.':~ ~Ot')O tt::!:2~ ~~'Ta: ~Cl~ ;;:;gt\l 0-1"'" ~o::C63~u~~' (1)02.<: ~ffi I-CL""io2:c:f.': -~tdt:l o!:2:::i !!:) .t')Q::t'.l-l~C :t:lI)c I:l:::<l:<l:t.l C)r-..,*=C-' a::!:J;;:i _><~ 1::!<l:""1 <l:e:1m <l:~SE ~~~ V)<l:Q;; u CO\fF. ROl\D V ~ SEC. RTK if1BO (R/"'# V ARIES) Cl c:i z ill ~ ill I- ... <C 0 <C 0 0 0 U) ~~z ......0 't,\,U ~ ~~~ __z DO""' <::i ~"l'Cl ~ _~U'} .. .. ~ z:<:J ou..... I @J 0.. =' ~ --' ::1' ~ ,.1J ::; ro Z 5 w ... ~ N <::> Z :0; o~ c;, o ; o~ ~ t:J"'u ...."""" cr:i' I co~> om ~ ~N . <:2x'S<! Ir-- 1 IDOO NO - <f'(OZ 0"'" <ci j;OC3 I"'; ><) ......10 ~ .,.0..0<: ,.............. to "< O"JU ~ c.jen o~ 0..:0::: *' ~~ C/i'~ e-..-i ~Jj ~~ Uo "0 O~-< ~W- CD >:2:; sg ZC{-l>-< b t:.Ll~> CD o - II UJ~~ a ~ ~ ::E-:2:; '" ;:::::J f@-< U ,.....JW~ VJ b CD I I , I (,.!) ~,)I"") c::> E; "-' I 0.:: c::> ~4J . C'..J ~~' I cr :s:::J' ILu ~ ~ ~\ Ib 1 ~~ In~ ~ ~ I~CO 'Ci ~ :;;: , 1'<1- (',j 8 C5(5'~CO ~ Q ~ tI) ><:: L,I ~ ~~)I~ I ~!:'"lt;l Il ; J ~ ~ c::> <g ~ 1 c- I r.l:: 1 ....- .:- It) C'l Lt: ...... '3 1 \()""'; c::> ""': I"~ I -..A~ t..O 'Z 0) ...... I,"""" r.. t") I 0 ...... - <:: "-' c::> tI) 'Ci Vi ~ Q ~ 1 8 ....... It-:::. X I ~CL..l~ ~ I )>, Ct:: Ct:: I ~ (,.!) I ;s; ~ Lu &-1-.1 p::G J::;;r:::tV') rnr:2 z'- .......0 ~ <::> <::> ~ <::> I 8 I - <ci 1ii "< ;:; lu ~ I~ I \ ~!:-l ~ '- ~I~ ~ ~ ......fS:::i I- \ ~I~ ~ ~ ~\~I ~ ,I ~ (~\'I: ~ ~ ~ ~ 77.16' 'p?,"g l-. ~s 84'28 Jp E \9,0.'r-' 60.00- . N i") ~\Y ;~ ~ "1 ~ii r:::. p ~ is fll5 ~ ~ \.~ ..... "?~~ .:::.~~~ g t:i Cl ~ <;;.;. ~ ~ Cl lJ) Z I I I 1 '<: N 8~'JO. W 120.66' co 0 b a C'l 0 ,.... to C\J r-'.. II .,.: 0 :;; ~ ,c 0 "0 0 OMP'CO'~.W9C ~q.o SllO\"S\O SIIO\lOO (:\s8tJIM9.,1P\:M The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax #36,11-02-02 to be rezoned from R-2 to R-3. The description is as follows: BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 (Parcel II) (D.E. 1706, Pg. 376); thence leaving Virginia Secondary Route 780 and with the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, S 14049' 30" W, 390,82 feet to a point; thence continuing with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, N 84028' 30" W, 77,16 feet to a point; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 and with the new zoning line through Tax parcel 36.11-02-02, N 090 45' 10" E, 362.10 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 09022' 17", an arc length of 83.08 feet, a radius of 507.96 feet, a chord of 82.99 feet and bearing N 81046' 29" E, to a point; thence continuing with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 030 35' 54", an arc length of3336 feet, a radius of 531.23 feet, a chord of ~33.36 feet and bearing N 870 11' 45" E to the place of BEGINNING and containing 0.81 acres. tl"O^'I~lq ~'~~119t~q.OnlO <:;) q C; ~ I ~ <ri ij, "" ~ "'?'t\t S\tC. __ ~ ~~ ~~\~Sl ~ ~o~\) l..."'?I'{\ c:,o c ~1~() ~ ~ n ~I :t '" C:i c; I ~ ~ <ri ,..., ~ >< ~ <:.!I ~ ~ r:B 1tI ~ I- ~ ~ l <::> ;; ~ l' "l i01~C,j l' (j 0... -~<O ~Q::o ,...,~~ ~ a;; c:i t.... e Z l- e ClU~ J::; '<(- ~~6 ?E0c.? Q)Cl...~!:t: kJo81 Z........ILC ;s;....J~ 3Et..:CQ I<')o<{. OViQ~ct:OQ:~ ~~.!dso<.!:lf::!~ 01..... Nf':-Zlt)l::j t:C\li'Q1.,j 3<30 ~trlt':lct:~'<('<(u ~t2.~<.!:l Cl::!;~ L.l (j >-1 ~ l:!:! iii ~ "C:"lllQ "'Cs:~ o Eo< E~c to Vid~ c:i "C --- ~~i1;i8~ 8N~S;:1'l O>,..,Q", - ~ 41l.L1Lylu C!:I iii " II . !l$t.r)"''''' ~€~~ f::;1lO~lQ :;c::l:::;c<: ~~~~~~ 1-= ~~l-..' ';..'J.., Q~CO<cl ~~:e~~ ~1:gl.)1:g1g ~~;~~ b to !s! ~GtHl2S b to . II 0 ~ q; c.:> UJ b to a:l 0 b Cl C') to <:> ~ N , II .,.: I'-- 0 ~ ill .D 0 ti' a a z ill ~ ti.i ...J t- ::;: <( <( 0 0 0 0 (IJ :=~::t """0 1"":'U ~~~ ~:::~ ~@o ~~Vl .. ..::; z~3 aU-@) I: .... 0.. - ~ --' ;;: :>, w ':5 to Z (5 w " > <', <( <( 6 ~ t:;~~ ffi~5 :;;; "" w' ~X'" lD2~ ~qd .".0..'" UCIJ .~ ~~ ~j E-<c... ;::SrQ Uo o>-~ ~~z ~~~ zcr- ~~>: o~~ U)~o ~::s~ ~~o ......:lj;iJtx: BMp'lql~'~~11 '9t-q'O CllQ \In. \OCILO \LO O~\'6"", OJP\'" The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02 to be rezoned from R-2 to C-2, The description is as follows: BEGINNING at point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36,11-02- 01, Parcel III (D.R 1706, Pg. 376); thence leaving Tax Parcel36J 1-02-01 and with the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 10004' 56", a radius of 507,96 feet, an arc length of 89.38, a chord of 89.27 feet and bearing N 72002' 52" E to a point; thence with a new zoning line thru the property of Tax #36.11-02-02, Parcell (D.R 1706, Pg, 376); S 090 45' 10"W, 362JO feet to a point, said point located on the boundary of Tax Parce136J 1- 02-03; thence leaving new zoning line and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, N 840 28' 30" W, 2.84 feet to a point, said point located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36,11- 02-01.01; thence leaving Tax Parcel.36J 1-02-03 and with Tax Parce136.l1-02-01.0l, N 03036' 30" W, passing the southeasterly corner of Tax Parcel #36.11-02-01 at 251.45 feet, in all .329.74 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing 0.342 acres. ?-'t~ ~ '2;~C :-. <: '1 ~ '01~S , 1:!i ",\ -- ~~\." ~ '?-O l?>-'"' \'?-/~ ~ co~. clt .... ~ Q.. \ unO~llJ~I'lo'o"11 'ge"oGonLe c;, ~ ~"~ c;, "). ~~c.:j;g. Cl ,..., Cl.. .!.~. - Q: to <ci ;;;: 80':- "'" oj '>( 0 ~ ~"roC) ,....c?/i/\~ UI\~ ,c\!i;'~'ti';i'l ~ ~ :12~ .'.1 ~ ffi :i? ....(,i~ . .i)iil !2~ ~ .:ii~~:~I~ ~ ~ ~ /~~~il~ ~ ~ >~.~....'................'t-, 0 <~~>I. I o.<~ (.:) Lu 0--: '... ~II ~ ~ ~ JO: . 'is !;) C\l tI) >N. N <:!l 0 iN11") i!J; I co ~ ~I Q: is CIi ~ ...., "- ' N 0 "_c.:j = >11!t: e1 ~e8 0... g ... <: . Q::<O '" . I<=> co ..q;:R "'"I ...'. ~I 25 ~ Cl.. - ~ J8l ~ a:i "" ...1 :x: CIi ci . III <:1.0 I e-.:; . i 1 ...1 I I I I ~ c:; m 6 6 I 8 .!. C> C> 8 1 8 ...l. - <ci ~ '>( ~ N "".,," · .) ~~. ~ ~ '>( ~ ~ ~ Qt;::; !::o djg~ @5o;:e 0;::l/)tJ] cn..~~ ~Ci~ <:---'Ili: o....J 3i:k:C\lQ~U:%~' OvjoLuU eJ ::r: I <: Cj':; l/)Ol-'ol2<:Vl ....~;t;j oGo 9':l'<t~0::~~::$~ ~.:::..~c Cl<~ l.,j(.h.~~ ~~o ~~cn ~s~ ~ E":~o ;:!; Vl(jP:: c:i ~ --- ,.,. · 'h. ~~!ii~~ iSOl~<::lQ) -"1- ........Ii.J.... ....... . . :It ~-1l'>l><0l !S),:of"~."" :ti::P~ /!.:<>:} 115 :l:::':: :.:: ;~~~~t ..-:.....,..". .....'l., ~i!:;<:::d~ltIJ:lQ a~!ii~~~ f;~~~~ !!i~~ait3 Y,~h1sl~ ~~~~~ '0 ID a to II . 0 ~ <\: U tf) !s! ~ tn:Hp~ b <0 <Xl g b 0 <C 0 ~ II N 8 .,.: ~ .... '" ..c::l .9 u 0 ci :z ill ::E ill ...J I- ::;: ..;: ..;: 0 () 0 0 <n ;~~ 1~Cj I.... r-.. n... ........z ~~~ ~::~ LU~:l BU.@ :r:: = 0. ~ .:..; ~ J." LU "" ::J :; Z "'" ~ '" ..: <( B ~ t;:;"'~ 5~> ~;::\'l =~~ "'" ...: ~~~ ~i2 ~~ t-<Q.., ::5aQ ~~<: C/1!::<.J - cn>25 '~f5~ zcr- wi2>- O!::<.J~ cn~o :E_z ~CJd .....:l~A:: C"'p'I.I~-~~H '9r~qGO elLO \ ,.9\0 r~LO \LOO~\ 9CUI"" ,p"", The following is a deed description for Tax Parcel .36.11-02-01 to be rezoned from R-2 to C-2. The description is as follows: BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northwesterly comer of Tax Parcel 36,11-02-02; thence leaving Virginia Secondary Route 780 and with Tax #.36.11-02-02, S 03036' 30" E, 7829 feet to a point, said point being located on the northerly boundary of Tax #36.11-02-01.01; thence leaving Tax #36.11-02-02 and with Tax #36.1l-02-0LOl, S 890 36' 20" W, 133.69 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence leaving Tax Parcel .36.11-02-01.01 and with Cove Road with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 17006' 22", a radius of 50796 feet, an arc length of 151,66 feet, a chord of 151.09 feet and bearing N 58027' 1.3" E to the place of BEGINNING and containing 0.133 acres~ .. ~ ..r /' I " : r1 ~ I c ~ I ~ ~ I <:::i KI I ~e:; 1':;0: I . :::: I '~ I \ ~ I ~ I , I , I \ I ~ (,!)I(,!) ~I~ , K11K1 ~ ' t'jD~ ,~ \ II a ~ U VI ' I I I \ I ~ II _ i ~- II l' II : p !ii'i. r~~ I _ _ I I I I I I i \ I t I I ' ' :1 f-' I: ------------------t-l 00 "'-'0-1/ - XYl i I ' "" '''' '- \J"'\OClLO\lOO~\ D"p'~-~~W9C.qDOC~LO ~WgC'qDOC~LO unDA111"~'~ l- C1S2gJ C3g:;~ -~g::E Ct:;lt}...., 4;'0 Ci~ (.!)Vl:3e: ~.....I'" ~1Ot4 t'-J8:::::...;- ~OlQ~(.) SJh 0r-..1;Z <.:lJ;;::2; 05ui"i0:2aVlt;j '-'''iN ...JGc l- 'cdWt'-J"'l:"<Cl:.J 03l:.Jt')0::l): ::0 ~~~~ ~"'l:~ lU~><m "'l:~~ a~ i2~o Vl"'l:O:: (.) o !f2 ~ f:<:i F-. 0:: '';""''\ , ::E "- f;:j {:] , 0~/ ~2! :::;: &. I ~ , !;J.f!:i, !::~ / o C"J I I I I .t:~ "'"," .~. '! "Cl ~i, / ~, / , I / "" b "- f. S'I~ ~1l'lc>~li?ui jg~:ci1ri"'-: O ~LOK_{O~ <3 II II,.!!..!!, ii'i '-> <<ll:: 15~ I-$E ;;;!:j$ ~~ \ 12'6 use: ~~~ ~K1f?: . tL~ ~Q:;U: ~~ dm q c:; I 2:l ..!. ~ ~ ><: ;::: o .--;- Op... ""'<c;:j o II!) N(j,) ol."- I . ....lQ ....-- cD. 25SZ "Ii:=cn ~~ ~o 00 o @ b <0 II ~"'z :;~o "fC['l.{ ;:!:~~ "''''z 600 ;;;~ wX3 Z.:E@J o -' iE :;;: ~ .:.; ~ uJ UJ "" ::J 5 Z ..,. ~ N ~ ~ Z Z o - tu~~ -'ee> ~~~ <lJ2~ ..,. ..<( :gQli1 ... 0.. 8 ~ ~ .!.. ~fQ ~~ ~7 -fQ Uo<: Ot:i_ U):=-Z ::9~a --""'::::;'p:::; z C{l :;: c.zJfQ- 65~~ ~a~ :::::>Z9 ......:lw........ <cl 8 .... ><: i::!: The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax #36-1 1-02-01.01 to be rezoned from R-2 to C-2< The description is as follows; BEGINNING at a corner located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also located on the southerly boundary of Tax #36< 11- 02-01; thence leaving Cove Road and with Tax #36.11-02-01, N 890 36' 20" E, 133.69 feet to a point, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax #36.11-02-02; thence leaving Tax #36< 11-02-01 and with Tax #36-11-02-02, S 030 36' 30" E, 263.72 feet to a point; thence with a new zoning line through Tax #36< 11-02-01.01, S 090 45' 10" W, 313.61 feet to a point; said point located on the northerly boundary of Tax #36.11-02-36; thence with said tax parcel, N 720 48' 44" W, 339.60 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence leaving Tax #36.11- 02-36 and with Virginia Secondary Route 780 for the following 2 courses; thence N 160 34' 12" E, 243.87 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 320.34' 20", an arc length of 288. 77 feet, a radius of 507.96 feet, a chord of 284.90 feet and bearing N .330 36' 52" E to the place of BEGINNING and containing 3.436 acres. The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax #.36.11-02-01,01 to be rezoned from R-2 to R-3, The description is as follows: BEGINNING at the northeasterly comer of Tax #36.11-02-.36, said point also located on the westerly boundary of Tax #36,11-02-04; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36,11-02-04 and with Tax #36.11-02-36, N 720 48' 44" W, 14.56 feet to a point; thence leaving Tax #36.11-02-.36 and with a new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01, N 09045' 10" E, 31.3,61 feet to a point, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax #36.11- 02-0.3; thence continuing with said parcel for the following 2 courses; thence S 030 .36' .30" E, 7.73 feet to a point; thence S 070 50' 30" W, 13 L.3l feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Tax 36.11-02-04; thence leaving Tax #.36.11-02-03 and with said Tax #36.11-02-04, S 070 04' 26" W, 176.93 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing 0.054 acres. ~lnO^OI~lqJlI'~~H .gC.qoOClLO \5 <:: liE aG~ ~Q~ d~q (!)Q."';o 0::!:2~ <:--:-~B: ~a~ ;:u.::C\1 0-1 ~v}~@~(,)61i~ (fj1B....~o<.:lj:;!<:. i-r<)~N~~Ul:::i 53 N r.c L.J....., -1 G 0 ;I:'-.,;.1;;0::Q::.q:.q:t:..J [jL.J"ll::t!l Q~~ ~~~ j:;!.q:;:.:j :~(Q 2!~ I() l/j!-:o o ;SQ:; d .q: a & "4:, f:1 0"" .I:ti ffitci L ~a.:fq-;:--, ClJf:? ":,<!/ij :::;,;;:; Is:: !;J~ 0"-.: .I:ti ~ {3 ~ "'i ~ '" . ,~ M ~ ~ ~.. /"r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1fJ. ~ I ;;;.~I ~ I I '0 I 1D -~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ~\ I ;;, I 0 ~I I I I I 1E I ,/C'- /' Xl , I , ~ ___ t .!. N 6!f36'ZO" E 133.69 ~ ~8 :>,: ~ ;:::: I ~ .!. - UJ "" . 1'1 _~ to (is ~ ?';~~l::::~"", @f;:j~!5i~~~ r...;:. -~ . . 4dU~!!'~~ ......r:..: o. ,....jCf.l ot"- io NO o . IN ......l!':l ............ . '--' (0 t'? . ~~ ~g E-<-.;j- cr:i 009~-ZO_ AI .i''':!!:...'L N /I 9ro# .\'111 -- ~ ;.., .- ~ Cl I '- ~ I :l Cl I.,., I -IN 1 ~I:l . - - I ~ ~ rei ~ ~ !jl \:; ~ "11 "';:::: I I I ;?~ d\ tr\ e: IAJ :,1. .... ;., lQ ~ t:)L "! "'ifi'l~ ~1~1....' ~ ~~ t:2 ;?;; 8ll; Cj I ~:o?:I'. It,!) Cl "" ~ ~ Ki ........ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1..~;!:Cl <::) ~ <::: I............. S'< ~ I d m ..... ~ lfj ~ t ~~ t: try I- <.0 ,9S'ft :ill....... ~ ~ . l,~ .....~ I tjl~ '" 0 b 0 <') 0 ,... to C\J "" II ~ 0 ... ,- Ol .0 .2 " 0 ill l- ..; o d z :i :!; o o w -' <( o III 'b <l) II . ;:~:E "''''0 "l'1'u ~~~ ~~z 00""' ",..-Cl ~~V1 .. ..::E ,,",~:J 5""-' I ~ Cl. - <: ~ s <( u Uf ~ ~ ~ "" z 5 ""' '" :( '" z :S o :6 8rrlki ",(35 ~ ~~- "'~2 .. .<: :gqo '<tCl.C>: c.JU) ~o:: ~g <'r -~ Uo 0>--< U')w- U')>z <g5~ zc.p- Ci:lfQ>:' Qw!:::! ~~o ~~~ .....:JWO:: DMP'(q)I'1 ~t.~ 1'9C~q~OtILO \ ,no \OtILO\ LOOt\B6"IM. JP\,M The following is a deed description for a portion of Tax #36.11-02-36 to be rezoned from C-2 to R-3. The description is as follows: BEGINNING at Comer #17 located at the intersection of Electric Road (Virginia Highway Route 419) and Cove Road (Virginia Secondary Route 780); thence leaving Virginia Highway 419 and with Cove Road for the following 2 courses; N 590 18' 46" E, l4K84 feet to Comer #18; thence N 40045' 50" E, 137,08 feet to Comer #19, the actual point of BEGINNING; thence continuing with Cove Road for the following 2 courses; N 09038' 23" E, 20L8l feet to Comer #20; thence N 1 r 19' 42" E, 103-41 feet to a point; thence leaving Cove Road and with the new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36,1 1-02-36 for the following.3 courses; thence S 800 14' 50" E, 252.67 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 900 00' 00", a radius of 120.00 feet, an arc length of 188,50 feet, a chord of 169,71 feet, and bearing N 540 45' 10" E to a point; thence N 090 45' 10" E, 347,20 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36,11-02-01,01; thence continuing with said tax parcel, S 72048' 44" E, 14,56 feet to Comer #2, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36011-02-04; thence leaving Tax #36.11-02-01,01 and with Tax Parcel 36.11- 02-04,8 07004' 26" W, 740.04 feet to Corner #3, said corner located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.15-01-01; thence leaving Tax Parcel.36, 11-02-04 and with Tax Parcel 36,15-01-01, S 370 42' 00" E, 8.33.90 feet to Comer #4, said point being the northeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36,15-01-02; thence leaving Tax parcel .36,15-01-01 and with Tax Parcel 36.15-01-02, 8480 59' 59" W, .30L96 feet to Corner "A"; thence with the new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36,11-02-36 for the following 21 courses and leaving Tax Parcel 36,15-01-02; thence N 250 24' 0.3" W, 49,86 feet to Comer "B"; thence N 000 04' 02" E, 1736 feet to Corner "C"; thence N 050 10' 45" W, 27.70 feet to Comer "D"; thence N 33044' 2.3" W, 1 L5l feet to Comer "E"; thence N 860 25' 51" W, 24.46 feet to Corner "F"; thence N 470 13' 00" W, 12.97 feet to Corner "0"; thence N 120 09' 46" W, 17.94 feet to Corner "H" thence N 440 16' 58" W, 18.99 feet to Corner "I"; thence N .310 .31' 45" W, 25,78 feet to Corner "J"; thence N 320 45' 55" W, 23.40 feet to Corner "K"; thence N 5404.3' 48" W, 23.99 feet to Comer "L"; thence N 32039' 14" W, 34,16 feet to Corner "M"; thence N 340 .35' 40" W, 30.95 feet to Comer "N"; thence N 72032' 26" W, 2K05 feet to Comer "0"; thence N 52054' 46" W, 21.46 feet to Corner "P"; thence N 400 17' 28" W, 34.99 feet to Corner "Q"; thence N 51020' 49" W, 16.3.16 feet to Comer "R"; thence N 600 52' 05" W, 225.23 feet to Comer "8"; thence N 360 18' 10" W, 176.40 feet to Comer "T"; thence N 180 58' 08" W, 144.44 feet to Comer "U"; thence N 05030' 08" W, 113.00 feet to Comer #19, the actual point of BEOINNING and containing 1 1.199 acres. I IDo4s~g(:-~'H9C~Qo9CILO I E:i <:; J ~ .!. - ~ ~ l- I=:: Cl~~ ~C C5E::2:l OO::::E ~tI)~ eel ~ ~ ~ LLI C5 ~ ~U:lli: :>-.1::>-: ~ViI,\Jc.t<)8~~.. ~ cr~~(!)~ tI)~""'ol2~<n t:~~t;j 3t5o !:!l[Q2~t:l'<l;<l;~ a~'~~ ~; ~ C3;;JG:i f':~O <l;f..iG:l ~~~ C) _~o 0) Vj"'C~ >- (.) , , o t:O /:'- ~ ~ 0.:: lu . .?! . ~ ~88~11;~ <<: Q ~~~:::l~:e 0~~~~~~ >- >- 'UJ u"'" ""'- C/Jp::: :"!!;: >-)5::; ,~ ~-- o 0.:: f:2 o (.) ~ '''.. .... '..../ <::;/ :~:''I ,1'..;; a _1'.... 0- -06'. /0. 1.1> '.--0." ;s;.. <%J ~ ..y +~ -q, -c1<~ '<PJ' ~ 4 -:\'F- ~ ~ 74. ~'% ru ~~~ &,7 '7~ \~ 12. ~ ~ it ~ ~ rg # ~ ~~ C\lt:l ~~ j; ~ ~~ : ~ ~ 8 8i I <3 J ~ ~ >.;: ~ ....- .- \ \ -0 \ \\~ '\, "'i \ .- .. .. 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LL N Q) c.. ~ I- 0) c .- "'C .- ::::J co c o ~ eu > Q) W L- eu Q) ~ ('f) Q) c.. ~ J-- C) c .- "'C .- ::J III , ~ n: I ~l. ~I ~,I c o ~ CO > Q) w !.... CO Q) ~ / I : .~ \ I ~ ~' I l j I D~\ I n r ,~ . C"') Q) Q. ~ I- 0> c .- "'0 .- ::J co c o .- ...... CO > Q) w Q) "'0 .- Cf) ~ "'0 C co N ~ "r" en CD Q.. ~ l- e> c .- "'0 .- :J OJ c o :+:i CO > CD W CD "'0 .- Cf) Tax Map No. .36J 5-01-02 .36.15-01-01 .36.11-02-17 .36.11-02~16 36J 1-02-15 36J 1-02-14 36.11-02-13 .36.11-02-12 REZONING APPLICATION EDWARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INe LIST OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS Owner & Address Larry G. and Ida Jane E. Conner 6012 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Jack C. and Rose L Garst 5645 Plain View Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 Jack C. and Rose L. Garst William C. and Stephanie Y Hill 56.33 Plain View Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 Tristan M. Robertson 5619 Plain View Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 Tristan M. Robertson Colleen M. Coleman 5617 Plain View Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 James W, Koiner 5607 Plain View Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 {1I//22650.I.I09694-00001-01} 36.11-02-11 36Jl-02-l0 36.11-02-09 36.11~02-06 .36.11-02-05 .36.11-01-11 36.11-01-10 36.11-01-09 36.11-01-08 (1I1122650-1.109694-00001-0I) Luther .T., Jr- and Martha A. Garst 6150 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Luther J., Jr. and Martha A. Garst Luther J " k and Martha A. Garst Luther J.,.k and Martha A. Garst Steve A. and Debra L Thomas 204 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Gladys C Weddle 6215 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Ronald G. and Dora Jean Thomas 6231 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Robert G. Ronk 6247 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 George H. and Berna C Franklin 6263 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 2 J~~~ s~i5:::~ ~€H~ ~~~I~ i "' Kb z""lx'" 4-J " OJ Q) ~ 0>0 0 LLO O. 0 LJ"") 0 l/) l{) eu r-- ::J 0 OJ 0 l{) .!: U C 0 l{) T"""I N . . l{) OJ N ..- eu 0 u U) . U c en (]) .- t (]) c. 0 s.... 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II ts' r..~ l~'o 'tJ' ~ .:2 ....,~ ~ ~ ,. 'fl" .,. ~"'. , .. ' , / (:' IJ '., t j I ~rnT r I a -.;.- COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PO BOX 3071 SALEM , VA 24153-0560 DAVID S. EKERN, P.E. COMMISSIONER November 13, 2008 Ms. Becky Meador Roanoke County Planning Department P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Faxed 540-772-2108 RE: Rezoning - R-2! C-2 to R-3! C-2 with Conditions Edward Rose Properties, Inc. Proposed Land Use - Apartment Development and Unspecified Commercial Cove Road- Route 780 Dear Ms. Meador: We have reviewed the above mentioned rezoning request and offer the following comments: 1. The proposed rezoning will increase the potential traffic generated from the site. This project is being reviewed in accordance with ~ 15.2-2222.1 of the Code of Virginia and the Virginia Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations, 24 V AC 30-155. A comment letter under separate heading has been provided by the Department for the required Traffic Impact Analysis. 2. With the change in use, the VDOT Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways should be adhered to where applicable. This would include meeting minimum sight distance requirements. 3. The current posted speed limit along Cove Road is 40 mph. The minimum required intersection sight distance is 445 feet. A concept plan was included in the rezoning package for our review. Based on the approximate entrance locations in the concept plan, the sight distance at the first entrance traveling east on Cove Road from Electric Road appears to be adequate looking to the left but may be inadequate looking to the right. The sight distance at the second entrance traveling east on Cove Road from Electric Road appears to be adequate looking to the right but may be inadequate looking to the left. Sight distance in both directions for both proposed entrances should be field verified and measures taken to ensure the required sight distance is obtainable. 4. A left and right turn lane warrant analysis may be requested by the Department during the site plan review stage. This will depend upon but is not limited to the projected traffic generated by the site, the existing traffic on Cove Road, and the accident history adjacent to the site. 5. Upon review and approval of site plans, a land use permit will be required for work within VDOT right-of-way. Information regarding any changes to the existing drainage system should also be included for review. WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Ms. Becky Meador November 13,2008 Page 2 of2 Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Thank you. Sincerely, ;1-: (( ~ ,. (Jut ) Scott A. Woodrum, P.E. Staff Engineer VDOT, Salem Residency COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PO BOX 3071 SALEM, VA 24153-0560 DAVID S. EKERN, P.E. COMMISSIONER November 13, 2008 Mr. Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning Department of Community Development County Of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Thompson: In accordance with ~ 15.2-2222.1 of the Code of Virginia and the Virginia Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations, 24 V AC 30-155, a traffic impact analysis was prepared by HSMM I ABCOM for the proposed Rose Cove Road Properties dated October 2008. This report was submitted for the site plan on behalf of Edward Rose Apartments. We have evaluated this traffic impact analysis for compliance with the above noted code and offer the following comments: 1) The volumes shown on Figure 3.1 for intersections 6 and 7 do not match the turning movement counts in Appendix B. 2) It appears that a growth rate of 1.25 percent compounded annually was used on Route 419 and 1-81 instead of the recommended 1.5 percent. 3) The WB left turns and right turns are switched for intersection 6 for the PM peak hour in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. This error is carried through on the buildout figures and the analysis. 4) For the analysis of the background and build conditions, the heavy vehicle percentage should be assumed to be the same as the existing conditions. Where the data shows a heavy vehicle percentage greater than 2 percent, the higher percentage should be used for the background and buildout traffic. 5) The AM peak hour trip generation used 250 apartment units instead of the 252 listed in the narrative of the report and shown on the proposed site plan. 6) For the assisted living land use, a rate of 0.22 for the PM peak hour should be used (see p. 488 of the ITE trip generation manual). 7) The rates for the general office land use should be used to compute the trip generation. The equations give an unreasonably high volume for this size general office land use. The AM volumes were generated using the number of employees equation instead of the square footage equation (p 1159). 8) Medical office land use PM peak computation used the PM peak hour of the generator instead of the peak hour of the adjacent street (p 1192). WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Mr. Philip Thompson November 13, 2008 Page 2 of2 9} An incorrect rate was used for the PM peak hour for high-turnover (sit-down) restaurant land use. . 10) The PM peak hour for day care center should be computed using the equation for the peak hour of the adjacent street (p 1037). 11) Pass-by was only computed for the PM peak hour. A 40 percent pass-by trip reduction is not allowed for a high-turnover (sit-down) restaurant. The 40 percent trip reduction is for fast-food restaurants. A pass-by rate for a high-turnover (sit-down) restaurant was not included in the scoping document. 12) All of the AM and PM volumes are swapped for intersection 8 in Figure 6.2. The PM SB tlnu should be 25 vehicles. 13) The volumes in the HCS analysis for intersection 4 for the design year 2015 Build AM and PM do not match the volumes shown on Figure 7.2. 14) The volumes for the EB left and right turns are switched at intersection 6 in the PM peak hour existing conditions HCS analysis. 15) There was no signal wmants analysis to go with the reconunended signal at the intersection of Route 419 and Cove Road. 16) The intersections of Route 419 and the NB ramps and Route 419 and Cove Road are in close proximity to each other. The analysis of these two intersections should be performed in the same model to analyze the interaction of two signals. The correction of these items will require the report to be resubmitted. We would be glad to meet with you and the engineer if that would be beneficial. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a time to meet on this project. I ask that you mange to have VDOT's comments on the traffic analysis included in the official public records on the proposed project as well as placed in the case file for the rezoning application. ht addition, the traffic impact analysis should be placed in the case file for the rezoning application. VDOT will also make these documents available to the general public. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, ./~a7/~ Scott A. Woodrum, P.B. Staff Engineer VDOT, Salem Residency bkb/ cc: Mr. Arnold Covey -Director Community. Development, Roanoke County cc: Ms. Teresa Becher, P.E. - Transportation Engineering Manager, Roanoke County cc: Mr. Michael Gray - VDOT Salem District Planning Manager cc: Mr. Christopher McDonald, P.E. - Southwest Regional Traffic Engineer, VOOT cc: Ms. Anne K. C. Booker, P.E. - Assistant Regional Traffic Engineer, VOOT COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PO BOX 3071 SALEM, VA 24153-0560 DAVID S. EKERN, P.E. COMMISSIONER December 23,2008 Mr~ Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning Department of Community Development County Of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, \TJ\ 24018 Dear Mr. Thompson: In accordance with 915.2-2222.1 ofthe Code of\Tirginia and the \Tirginia Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations, 24 \T J\C 30-155, a traffic impact analysis was prepared by HSMM I ABCOM for the proposed Cove Road Property Development dated December 10, 2008. This report was submitted as part of the rezoning request on behalf of Edward Rose Properties, Inc. We have evaluated the second submission of this traffic impact analysis for compliance with the above noted code and have the following comments: 1. The growth rate at the intersections of the 1-81 Ramps and Route 419 still appears to be lower than the 1.5 percent listed in the report and agreed to at the project scoping. In response to the previous comment on this issue, the response letter stated the existing counts were considered to be from 2009~ Since the traffic counts were taken late in September 2008, this could be reasonable assumption. However it appears that this assumption was made for these two intersections, but not for the remainder of the network. This assumption should have been applied consistently for all intersections since the counts were taken at the same time. In addition, this assumption should have been included in the report narrative. The differences associated with this assumption range from zero to eight vehicles per movement and should not make a difference in the results of the report. 2. The volumes used in the HCS analysis for intersection 4 for the design year 2015 build conditions, both AM and PM periods, do not match the volumes shown in Figure 7.2. The differences are small and should not make a difference in the results ofthe report. 3. There is a discrepancy between Table 8.2 and the narrative of the report. Table 8.2 PM Peak Hour Left Turn Storage Requirements reports that the eastbound approach of intersection 4 Cove Road and Green Ridge does not require left tm'll storage. In addition, this table reports that the eastbound approach of intersection 7 Cove Road and Green Ridge needs 100 feet of storage for the 2013 build scenario as well as the 2015 background and build scenarios. The text below the table conflicts with these results and reports that intersection 4 requires left turn storage, but no storage requirements are denoted for intersection 7. The appendix does not include the analysis of the left and right turn requirements. J\s a note, the analyses should have been included in the report~ WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Mr. Philip Thompson December 23, 2008 Page 2 of2 4. At intersection 6 Cove Road and Green Ridge Road, the eastbound left and right turn movements for the PM peak hour were transposed between the existing year and the background traffic volumes. This issue was not commented on in the first submittal. It should be noted that the volumes warrant 100 feet of left turn storage under the existing conditions as well as under design year 2015 buildout conditions. The development is projected to add 25 vehicles in the peak hour to the westbound and eastbound through volumes, but is not projected to add any left turn movements at this intersection. HSMM I ABCOM has addressed all of our other comments from the October 3, 2008 submission and no further submissions of the report are required. Clarification of the turn lane discrepancy denoted in item 3 and the volume mor denoted in item 4 should be provided by the engineer. The analysis also suggested a right turn lane and signal at the intersection of Route 419 and Cove Road. The peak hour warrant was evaluated for this intersection. A full signal warrants study would be required prior to signalization of this intersection being recommended. The SYNCHRO analysis and the SimTraffic simulations show that there are no queuing issues southbound on Route 419 in the design year 2015 with the project being built. Under the same conditions, the northbound approach at the intersection of Route 419 and the 1-81 north bound ramps would occasionally, approximately four times per hour, have queues that would extend back to the intersection with Cove Road. On rare occasions, it would spill back through this intersection. The analysis reports that if Cove Road remains as a single lane approach, it is projected to operate at level of service (LOS) E and F under the design year 2015 background conditions for the AM and PM peak periods, respectively. With the addition of a right turn lane, the level of service for the left turn movements from Cove Road remains poor at LOS F, but the operation of the right turn movement is improved. Due to the poor level of service under the background conditions, the developer is not proposing to fix this problem. 1 ask that you arrange to have VDOT's comments on the traffic analysis included in the official public records on the proposed project as well as placed in the case file for the rezoning application. In addition, the traffic impact analysis should be placed in the case file for the site plan application. VDOT will also make these documents available to the general public. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Thank: you. Sincerely, ./dl1tl.~ Scott A. Woodrum, P.E. Staff Engineer VDOT, Salem Residency bkb/ cc: Mr. Arnold Covey -Director Community Development, Roanoke County cc: Ms. Teresa Becher, P.E. - Transportation Engineering Manager, Roanoke County cc: Mr. Michael Gray - VDOT Salem District Planning Manager cc: Mr. Christopher McDonald, P.E. - Southwest Regional Traffic Engineer, VDOT cc: Ms. Anne K C. Booker, P.E. - Assistant Regional Traffic Engineer, VDOT Land Use _ Conservation _ Rural Preserve _ Rural Village Village Center Developrrent . Neighborhood Conservalion _ Transition . Core _ Principallnduslrial Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Edward Rose Properties, Inc. Existing Zoning: R2, C2 Proposed Zoning: R3, C2C Tax Map Number: 036.11-02-01,01.01,02,03,04,36 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 31.4 Acres 6 October, 2008 A Scale: 1" = 400' Zoning _AG3 _EP _AG1 AR _AV C1 _C2 _ C2CVOD 11 _12 _PCD _PRD _PTD R1 R2 _R3 _R4 RB GB _CB M1 _M2 Roanoke County Department of Community Development N Applicants Name: Edward Rose Properties, Inc. Existing Zoning: R2, C2 Proposed Zoning: R3, C2C Tax Map Number: 036.11-02-01,01.01,02,03,04,36 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 31.4 Acres 6 October, 2008 Scale: 1" = 400' A ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 1 of3 SEC. 30-42. R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-42-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the R-2, medium density district is to establish areas in the county within the urban service area where existing low-middle to middle density residential development (one (1) to six (6) units per acre) is primarily located and land areas which appear generally appropriate for such development. These areas are consistent with the neighborhood conservation land use category, and where public services warrant, the development land use category as recommended in the comprehensive plan. This district is intended to provide reasonable protection to existing single family residential neighborhoods, while accommodating a diversity of alternative housing options. These areas are designated based on access to roads, sewer and water, and schools with suitable capacity to accommodate development at the stated density. Older neighborhoods where smaller platted lot sizes exist are also included where opportunities exist for additional in-fill development. (Ord. No. 042799-11, S 1f., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, S 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-42-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Occupation, Type I * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Attached * Single-Family Dwelling, Detached (For Zero Lot Line Option - *) Single-Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option - *) Two-Family Dwelling * 2. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Minor 3. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 2 of3 (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Multiple Dog Permit * Townhouse * 2. Civic Uses Adult Care Residences Cemetery * Crisis Center Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Family Day Care Home * Utility Services, Major * 3. Commercial Uses Boarding House Golf Course 4. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 82493-8, S 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, S 2,4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, S II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 072605-7, S 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, S 1,4-22-08) Sec. 30-42-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. Lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 3 of3 (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. 5. The expansion of a legally established nonconforming structure into the required side or rear yard shall be permitted provided the expansion does not encroach into the required yard any greater than the existing encroachment. (C)Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 30 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, S 10, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, S 8,4-26-94) SEes. 30-43, 30-44. RESERVED. http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 1 of3 SEC. 30-45. R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-45-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the R-3, medium density multi-family residential district is to provide areas in the county within the urban service area where existing middle-high density residential development (six (6) to twelve (12) units per acre) has been established and land areas which generally appear to be appropriate for such development. This district is intended to coincide with the development and transition land use categories contained in the comprehensive plan. They are designated based on access to major streets, sewer and water, and schools with suitable capacity to accommodate development at the stated density, and where parcel sizes allow for well-planned residential development. The areas designated in this district are also intended to serve as a buffer between less intensive residential areas and more intensive office, commercial and industrial areas and districts. A variety of housing densities and styles is encouraged in order to permit a diversity and flexibility in design and layout. Additional standards are established to provide for amenities in higher density developments. (Ord. No. 042799-11, S 1f., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, S 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-45-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Occupation, Type I * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multi-family Dwelling * Residential Human Care Facility Single Family Dwelling, Attached * Single Family Dwelling, Detached (For Zero Lot Line Option - *) Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option - *) Townhouse * Two Family Dwelling * 2. Civic Uses Community Recreation * Family Day Care Home * Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 2 of3 Utility Services, Minor 3. Commercial Uses Boarding House 4. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Home Beauty/Barber Salon * 2. Civic Uses Adult Care Residences Cemetery * Crisis Center Cultural Services Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Safety Services * Utility Services, Major * 3. Industrial Uses Landfill, Rubble * 4. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 62293-12, S 9,6-22-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, S 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, S 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, S II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 042208-16, S 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-45-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 3 of 3 3. All lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 4. For minimum lot size and permitted densities for multi-family dwellings and townhouses refer to Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C)Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 35 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 60 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, S 10,6-22-93) http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 1 of 5 SEC. 30-54. C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-54-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of this district is to provide locations for a variety of commercial and service related activities within the urban service area serving a community of several neighborhoods or large areas of the county. This district is intended for general application throughout the county. General commercial districts are most appropriately found along major arterial thoroughfares which serve large segments of the county's population. The C-2 district permits a wide variety of retail and service related uses. Land uses permitted in this district are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the transition and core land use categories of the comprehensive plan. Site development regulations are designed to ensure compatibility with adjoining land uses. (Ord. No. 042208-16, S 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-54-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type I * Multi-Family Dwelling * Two-Family Dwelling * 2. Civic Uses Administrative Services Clubs Cultural Services Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, College/University Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Family Day Care Home * Guidance Services Park and Ride Facility * Post Office Public Assembly Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Safety Services * http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 2 of 5 Utility Services, Minor 3. Office Uses Financial Institutions * General Office Medical Office Laboratories 4. Commercial Uses Agricultural Services * Antique Shops Automobile Dealership, New * Automobile Repair Services, Minor * Automobile Rental/Leasing Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail * Bed and Breakfast * Boarding House Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Commercial Indoor Entertainment Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation Commercial Outdoor Entertainment Commercial Outdoor Sports and Recreation Communications Services Construction Sales and Services * Consumer Repair Services Funeral Services Garden Center * Gasoline Station * Hospital Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge Kennel, Commercial * Pawn Shop Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Restaurant, General Retail Sales http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 3 of 5 Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 5. Industrial Uses Recycling Centers and Stations * 6. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Parking Facility * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Civic Uses Adult Care Residences Halfway House Life Care Facility Nursing Home Religious Assembly Utility Services, Major * 2. Commercial Uses Adult Business * Automobile Dealership, Used * Automobile Repair Services, Major * Car Wash * Commercial Indoor Amusement Convenience Store * Dance Hall Equipment Sales and Rental * Manufactured Home Sales * Mini-warehouse * Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Center Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service * Restaurant, Drive-in and Fast Food * Surplus Sales Truck Stop * 3. Industrial Uses Custom Manufacturing * Landfill, Rubble * http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 4 of 5 Transportation Terminal 4. Miscellaneous Uses Broadcasting Tower * Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 82493-8, S 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 022796-14, S 1,2-27-96; 042297-14, S 1,4-22-97; Ord. No. 042799-11, S 2,4-27-99; Ord. No. 102803-15, S 2, 10-28-03; Ord. No. 102505-7, S 2, 10-25-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, S 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-54-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet). b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water, or both: a. Area: 15,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is located behind the front building line. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: None. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C)Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: When adjoining property zoned R-1 or R-2, 45 feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased, provided each required side and rear yard adjoining the R-1 or R-2 district is increased two feet for each foot in height over 45 feet. In all locations the height is unlimited unless otherwise restricted by this ordinance. b. Accessory structures: actual height of principal structure. (D) Maximum coverage. http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 5 of 5 1. Building coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 90 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, S 10, 6-22-93) http://library6 .municode.com/ default/Doc View/12222/l/120/l23 1/22/2009 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009 ORDINANCE REZONING APPROXIMATELY 16.3 ACRES FROM R-2, MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, TO R-3C, MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS (APPROXIMATELY 12.4 ACRES), AND C-2C, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS (APPROXIMATELY 3.9 ACRES) AND TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 11.2 ACRES FROM C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, TO R-3C, MEDIUM DENSITY MUL TI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH CONDITIONS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF AN APARTMENT COMPLEX (APPROXIMATELY 23.6 ACRES) AND COMMERCIAL USES (APPROXIMATELY 7.8 ACRES) UPON APPLICATION OF EDWARD ROSE PROPERTIES, INC. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 11, 2008, and the second reading and public hearing were held March 24, 2009; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 3, 2009; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of certain tracts of real estate as described below and located in the Catawba Magisterial District, is hereby changed as follows: (a) Tax Map No. 36.11-02-04 containing 10.350 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions. BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Cove Road (Virginia Secondary Route 780), said point also being northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-05; thence leaving Cove Road and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-05, S 3r 24' 22" W 438.65 feet to a point, said point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-05; thence continuing with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-05, S 390 21' 23" E passing the southwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02- 06 at 90.00 feet, in all 276.91 feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-06; said point also located on the westerly boundary of Plain View Subdivision and on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-09; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-06 and with Plain View Subdivision, S 430 25' 00" W 959.48 feet, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax 1 Parcel 36.15-01-01, said point also located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.15-01-01 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36, N 07004' 26" E passing the southeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 at 740.04 feet, in all 916.97 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.02 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 for the following 2 courses: thence S 840 39' 30" E 120.66 feet to a point; thence N. 1 r 28' 30" E 550.84 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Cove Road; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 and with the southerly right-of-way of Cove Road for the following 4 courses; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by delta angle of 34018' 12", a radius of 531.23 feet, an arc distance of 318.05 feet, a chord of 313.32 feet and bearing S 640 11' 35" E to a point; thence S 44027' 17" E 28.55 feet to a point; thence N 450 32' 43" E 30.00 feet to a point; thence S 44027' 17" E 40.50 feet to the place of beginning. (b) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-03 containing 1.173 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions. BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04; thence leaving Virginia Secondary Route 780 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-04-04 for the following 2 courses; thence S 17028' 30" W 550.84 feet to a point; thence N 840 39' 30" W 120.66 feet to a point, said point located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 for the following 2 courses; thence NOr 50' 30" E 131.31 feet to a point; thence N 030 36' 30" W 7.73 feet to a point; thence with new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 N 090 45' 10" E 12.15 feet to a point; said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02; thence with the boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, S 840 28' 30" E 77.16 feet to a point; thence N 140 49' 30" E 390.82 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02 and with Virginia Secondary Route 780 with a curve to the right which curve is defined by a delta angle of 09039' 36", a radius of 531.23 feet, an arc length of 89.57 feet, a chord of 89.46 feet and bearing S 860 10' 29" E to the point of beginning. (c) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-03 containing 17 square feet is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions. BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, said point also located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 ; thence leaving Tax ParceI36.11-02-02 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01, S 030 36' 30" E 12.27 feet to a point; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 and with the new zoning line through the property of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, N 090 45' 10" E 12.15 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02- 02; thence with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, N 840 28' 30" W 2.84 feet to the point of beginning. (d) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-02 containing 0.81 acres is hereby changed from 2 the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions. BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03; thence leaving Virginia Secondary Route 780 and with the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, S 14049' 30" W 390.82 feet to a point; thence continuing with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, N 84028' 30" W 77.16 feet to a point; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 and with the new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, N 09045' 10" E 362.10 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 09022' 17", an arc length of 83.08 feet, a radius of 507.96 feet, a chord of 82.99 feet and bearing N 810 46' 29" E to a point; thence continuing with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 03035' 54", an arc length of 33.36 feet, a radius of 531.23 feet, a chord of 33.36 feet and bearing N 8r 11' 45" E to the point of beginning. (e) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-02 containing 0.342 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions. BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01 and with the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 100 04' 56", a radius of 507.96 feet, an arc length of 89.38, a chord of 89.27 feet and bearing N 720 02' 52" E to a point; thence with a new zoning line through the property Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, S 09045' 10" W 362.1 0 feet to a point, said point located on the boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03; thence leaving new zoning line and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03, N 84028' 30" W 2.84 feet to a point, said point located on the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-2-01.01; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 N 030 36' 30" W passing the southeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01 at 251.45 feet, in all 329.74 feet to the point of beginning. (f) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-01 containing 0.133 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions. BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also being the northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02; thence leaving Virginia Secondary Route 780 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, S 030 36' 30" E 78.29 feet to a point, said point being located on the northerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 ; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 , S 890 36' 20" W 133.69 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.02 and with Cove Road with a curve to the right which said curve is a delta angle of 1 r 06' 22", a radius of 507.96 feet, an arc length of 151.66 feet, a chord of 151.09 feet and bearing N 580 27' 13" E to the point of beginning. 3 (g) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-01.01 containing 3.436 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of C-2C, General Commercial District with Conditions. BEGINNING at a corner located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780 (Cove Road), said point also located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01; thence leaving Cove Road and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01, N 890 36' 20E E 133.69 feet to a point, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02; thence leaving Tax Parcl 36.11-01-01 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-02, S 030 36' 30" E 263.72 feet to a point; thence with a new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01, S 09045' 10" W 313.61 feet to a point; said point located on the northerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36; thence with said tax parcel N 720 48' 44: W 339.60 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route 780; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36 and with Virginia Secondary Route 780 for the following 2 courses; thence N 16034' 12" E 243.87 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 32034' 20", an arc length of 288.77 feet, a radius of 507.96 feet, a chord of 284.90 feet and bearing N 330 36' 52" E to the point of beginning. (h) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-01 containing 0.054 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-2, Medium Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of R-3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions. BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36, said point also located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36, N 72048' 44" W 14.56 feet to a point; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36 and with a new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 , N 09045' 10" E 313.61 feet to a point, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03; thence continuing with said parcel for the following 2 courses; thence S 030 36' 30" E 7.73 feet to a point; thence S or 50' 30" W 131.31 feet to a point, aid point being the northwesterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-03 and with said Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04, S or 04' 26" W 176.93 feet to the point of beginning. (i) A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-36 containing 11.199 acres is hereby changed from the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District, to the zoning classification of R- 3C, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District with Conditions. BEGINNING at Corner #17 located at the intersection of Electric Road (Virginia Highway Route 419) and Cove Road (Virginia Secondary Route 780); thence leaving Virginia Highway 419 and with Cove Road for the following 2 courses; N 590 18' 46" E 148.84 feet to Corner #18; thence N 400 45' 50' E 137.08 feet to Corner #19, the actual point of beginning; thence continuing with Cove Road for the following 2 courses; N 09038' 23" E 201.81 feet to Corner #20; thence N 1 r 19' 42" E 103.41 feet to a point; thence leaving Cove Road and with the new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36 for the following 3 courses; thence S 800 14' 50" E 252.67 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 90000' 00", a radius of 120.00 feet, an arc length of 188.50 feet, a chord of 169.71 feet, and bearing N 540 45' 10" E to a point; 4 thence N 09045' 10" E 347.20 feet to a point, said point located on the southerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 ; thence continuing with said tax parcel, S 72048' 44" E 14.56 feet to Corner #2, said point located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-01.01 and with Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04, S or 04' 26" W 740.04 feet to Corner #3, said corner located on the westerly boundary of Tax Parcel 36.15-01-01 ; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.11-02-04 and with Tax Parcel 36.15-01-01 , S 3r 42' 00" E 833.90 feet to Corner #4, said point being the northeasterly corner of Tax Parcel 36.15-01-02; thence leaving Tax Parcel 36.15-01-01 and with Tax Parcel 36.15-01-02, S 480 59' 59" W 301.96 feet to Corner "A"; thence with the new zoning line through Tax Parcel 36.11-02-36 for the following 2 courses and leaving Tax Parcel 36.15-01-02; thence N 25024' 03" W 49.86 feet to Corner "B"; thence N 000 04' 02" E 17.36 feet to Corner "C"; thence N 040 10' 45" W 27.70 feet to Corner "0"; thence N 33044' 23" W 11.51 feet to Corner "E"; thence N 860 25' 51" W 24.46 feet to Corner "F"; thence I'J 4r 13' 00" W 12.97 feet to Corner "G"; thence N 12009' 46" W 17.94 feet to Corner "H"; thence N. 440 16' 58" W 18.99 feet to Corner "I"; thence N 310 31' 45" W 25.78 feet to Corner "J"; thence N 320 45' 55" W 23.40 feet to Corner "K"; thence N 54043' 48" W 23.99 feet to Corner "l"; thence N 320 39' 14" W 34.16 feet to Corner "M"; thence N 340 35' 40" W 30.95 feet to Corner "N"; thence N 720 32' 26" W 28.05 feet to Corner "0"; thence N 520 54' 46" W 21.46 feet to Corner "P"; thence N 400 17' 28" W 34.99 feet to Corner "Q"; thence N 510 20' 49" W 163.16 feet to Corner "R"; thence N 600 52' 05" W 225.23 feet to Corner "S"; thence N 36018' 10" W 176.40 feet to Corner "T"; thence N 18058' 08" W 144.44 feet to Corner "U"; thence N 050 30' 08" W 113.00 feet to Corner 19, the actual point of beginning. 2. A portion of Tax Map No. 36.11-02-36 consisting of 3.895 acres, which is currently zoned C2, shall remain in the zoning classification of C2. 3. That this action is taken upon the application of Edward Rose Properties, Inc. 4. That the owners, Baldwin-Swift Properties llC, Roanoke Airport Business Park llC, Melvin L. and Pauline J. Ronk, and Estelle H. Ronk, lowell E. Bower, Eileen B. Edwards, and Alan A. Huffman, Trustee, of the property have voluntarily proffered in writing the following amended conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: (1) The property will be developed substantially in accord with the Edward Rose Properties, Inc. concept plan dated October 3,2008, subject to any changes required by Roanoke County during development plan review. (2) As to the 23.6 acres to be rezoned to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District, the property will be used only for Residential Uses, Multi-Family Dwelling. (3) As to the 7.8 acres to be rezoned C-2, General Commercial District, the property will be used only for one or more of the following purposes: 5 Residential Uses: Accessory Apartment, Home Occupation-Type I, Multi-Family Dwelling. Civic Uses: Administrative Services, Clubs, Cultural Services, Day Care Center, Educational Facilities - College/University, Educational Facilities - Primary/Secondary, Guidance Services, Post Office, Public Assembly, Public Parks and Recreational Areas, Safety Services, Adult Care Residences, Life Care Facility, Nursing Home, Religious Assembly. Office Uses: Financial Institutions, General Office, Medical Office, Laboratories. Commercial Uses: Antique Shops, Bed and Breakfast, Business Support Services, Business or Trade Schools, Commercial Indoor Entertainment, Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation, Communications Services, Construction Sales and Services, Consumer Repair Services, Hospital, Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge, Personal Improvement Services, Personal Services, Restaurant - General, Retail Sales, Studio - Fine Arts, Veterinary Hospital/Clinic, Mini-warehouses. (4) The exterior design of the commercial buildings to be located on the 7.8 acres to be zoned C-2 will be consistent with the exterior design of the multi-family dwellings to be located on the 23.6 acres to be zoned R-3. (5) The required buffer yard along the eastern boundary of the property, between the area to be zoned R-3 and the single-family residences in the areas zoned R-1 and R-2 to the east, will be landscaped at the Type B, Option 1 or 2 level, as Type B is prescribed in Section 30-92- 6(A) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as in effect on the date of this Proffer of Conditions. (6) The exterior appearance of the multi-family dwellings to be constructed on the property will be substantially in accord with the drawings dated February 25,2009, and attached to this Proffer of Conditions. (7) Apartment complex identification signage shall be limited to one maximum 30- square foot monument sign located aUnear each of the two proposed vehicular access points on Cove Road, and those signs shall be no taller than six (6) feet. (8) Any free-standing (pylon or monument) commercial site identification signage 6 shall be no taller than eight (8) feet and shall be placed within seventy-five (75) feet of the southernmost vehicular access point onto Cove Road. (9) The poles carrying lighting for the commercial area shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height, and the light fixtures shall be directed downward. (10) The poles carrying lighting for the multi-family development shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height, and the light fixtures shall be shielded and/or directed downward. (11) The applicant will construct a right-turn lane on Cove Road, at the intersection of Route 419 and Cove Road, as permitted by VDOT, that is approximately 200 feet in length with a 150-foot taper, in accordance with VDOT specifications for a rural collector road. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 7 i W~, l' ~ J ; ~~ \.~~ ~ ~ 'J ') ~ '.,' T17" IJ r I " IIJ- g ~ ~ I ow m ,.' \l~-:'" .. _. ~ '1'1'111 //1/1 "/1 r r II I ,~, I> I.NJ\ II 11/ H Ee ~^,:~ 'l'jll 11 'Jjl TjT I~ '. '1'1 'I "I/I'L II I ,',,' ~~: IJ H-iJ III H-i H- . ~~ r T J I I 1 ~ J : JI;li~ ~ jliij~ ~ "'i:~._: ~,. JI ~ 111 " ..' .' IJI1ll1J nj II rn .- - I f'/ I I ~I , ~~ ~ ! /,~tr 71 I? lIB I: - ~~ ' II I I, ,".: ~""""...... ,;"I...... " ,"x:x.'X '- . '- \. \.'\. I A - J-'~'~ , l ~ ~:.~, ~~D\ ~ ~ ~ " -. ':\1 ~ " r ',~.:','~ ~ I~&~~"~-'\"'~"'.' "~~ ll~ tit- ,J . ..~ '~,~~ c~r;. - ~ , "1 .q. " -", ~~,~, , ~ , ~. t,~ t\ ~t~~~ , '.~ ~ \! 'Mt.' . '~t. ~ }1 , ' }I~:', ;~ ~~":" .. .1 : .', ~ ;~,~, ,,', ' ~; , r" , . ') f. it '. e. 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AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Continued Second Reading and Public Hearing from March 24,2009 until April 28, 2009 - Petition of Foxhall Properties, LLC to rezone 12.237 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial District, to 1-2CS, High Intensity Industrial District with Conditions and Special Use Permit, for the purpose of operating an asphalt plant and construction yard located at 4127 West Main Street, Salem, Catawba Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COLlNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 6'.{r' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On Friday, March 6, 2009, Adams Construction Company, hand-delivered to Deputy Clerk to the Board, a request to continue or postpone the public hearing on the above reference matter scheduled for March 24 to April 28, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This request is consistent with the Board's policy found in Resolution No. 10990-3 on requesting continuances or postponements of previously scheduled public hearings for a change in zoning classification. Therefore, this public hearing has been rescheduled for April 28, 2009 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 5-.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of congratulations to the Glenvar High School wrestling team for winning the State Group A Championship (a) Certificate of recognition to Jason Ayers for winning the 135-pound division state championship SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, III BCQr- County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Glenvar High School wrestling team won its second Virginia High School League State Group A Championship in three years on February 21 , 2009. The team championship was confirmed before the finals started, with a final team score of 123. In addition to winning the team championship, Jason Ayers won the 135-pound division individual state championship. The team is coached by Kevin Clifford. Along with the wrestlers and their families, Coach Clifford and Assistant Principal Sonya Cline will attend the meeting. All assistant coaches are invited as well. Superintendent Dr. Lorraine Lange sends her apologies for having to miss this recognition because of a prior commitment. David Wymer, Catawba District School Board Representative, and Assistant Superintendent Allen Journell will attend to represent Roanoke County Schools. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDA V, MARCH 24, 2009 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM FOR WINNING THE STATE GROUP A CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, team sports are an important part of the curriculum at schools in Roanoke County, teaching cooperation, sportsmanship and athletic skill; and WHEREAS, the Glenvar High School Wrestling Team won its second Virginia High School League State Group A Championship in three years at the Salem Civic Center on February 21, 2009; and WHEREAS, the team championship was established before the final round began, with a concluding score of 123, a remarkable 23 points over the second place team from Strasburg; and WHEREAS, the team had seven state qualifiers, six of which placed in the top seven at the state tournament, where Jason Ayers won the 135-pound division individual state championship by a 6-0 decision; and WHEREAS, the Highlanders were also Three Rivers District and Region C Champions and took first place in the Rural Retreat Invitational; and WHEREAS, the Highlanders are under the dedicated leadership of Head Coach Kevin Clifford, Assistant Coaches Brian Burke, Cecil Coleman, and Malachi Underwood and managed by Ariele Rosmarino, Lauren Fulp, and Emily Fulp. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to the members of the GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM: Derek Abdelnour, Trey Allen, Alex 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. h-J... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Continued Second Reading and Public Hearing from March 24,2009 until April 28, 2009 - Petition of Foxhall Properties, LLC to rezone 12.237 acres from 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial District, to 1-2CS, High Intensity Industrial District with Conditions and Special Use Permit, for the purpose of operating an asphalt plant and construction yard located at 4127 West Main Street, Salem, Catawba Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COLlNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 6'.{r' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On Friday, March 6, 2009, Adams Construction Company, hand-delivered to Deputy Clerk to the Board, a request to continue or postpone the public hearing on the above reference matter scheduled for March 24 to April 28, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This request is consistent with the Board's policy found in Resolution No. 10990-3 on requesting continuances or postponements of previously scheduled public hearings for a change in zoning classification. Therefore, this public hearing has been rescheduled for April 28, 2009 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 5-.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of congratulations to the Glenvar High School wrestling team for winning the State Group A Championship (a) Certificate of recognition to Jason Ayers for winning the 135-pound division state championship SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, III BCQr- County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Glenvar High School wrestling team won its second Virginia High School League State Group A Championship in three years on February 21 , 2009. The team championship was confirmed before the finals started, with a final team score of 123. In addition to winning the team championship, Jason Ayers won the 135-pound division individual state championship. The team is coached by Kevin Clifford. Along with the wrestlers and their families, Coach Clifford and Assistant Principal Sonya Cline will attend the meeting. All assistant coaches are invited as well. Superintendent Dr. Lorraine Lange sends her apologies for having to miss this recognition because of a prior commitment. David Wymer, Catawba District School Board Representative, and Assistant Superintendent Allen Journell will attend to represent Roanoke County Schools. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDA V, MARCH 24, 2009 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM FOR WINNING THE STATE GROUP A CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, team sports are an important part of the curriculum at schools in Roanoke County, teaching cooperation, sportsmanship and athletic skill; and WHEREAS, the Glenvar High School Wrestling Team won its second Virginia High School League State Group A Championship in three years at the Salem Civic Center on February 21, 2009; and WHEREAS, the team championship was established before the final round began, with a concluding score of 123, a remarkable 23 points over the second place team from Strasburg; and WHEREAS, the team had seven state qualifiers, six of which placed in the top seven at the state tournament, where Jason Ayers won the 135-pound division individual state championship by a 6-0 decision; and WHEREAS, the Highlanders were also Three Rivers District and Region C Champions and took first place in the Rural Retreat Invitational; and WHEREAS, the Highlanders are under the dedicated leadership of Head Coach Kevin Clifford, Assistant Coaches Brian Burke, Cecil Coleman, and Malachi Underwood and managed by Ariele Rosmarino, Lauren Fulp, and Emily Fulp. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to the members of the GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM: Derek Abdelnour, Trey Allen, Alex 1 Asimakopoulos, Jason Ayers, Alex Burke, Kahlil Carazo, Andrew Cundiff, Jeremy Dolan, Andrew Fridley, Corey Hancock, James Harvey, Tyler Haynie, Cole Herndon, Zach Hill, Brandon Mayo, Jacob Noble, Tyler Tate, and Camren Wynn for an outstanding performance, their athletic ability, their team spirit, and their commitment to each other; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to the members of the team, the coaches, and the school in their future endeavors. 2 Asimakopoulos, Jason Ayers, Alex Burke, Kahlil Carazo, Andrew Cundiff, Jeremy Dolan, Andrew Fridley, Corey Hancock, James Harvey, Tyler Haynie, Cole Herndon, Zach Hill, Brandon Mayo, Jacob Noble, Tyler Tate, and Camren Wynn for an outstanding performance, their athletic ability, their team spirit, and their commitment to each other; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to the members of the team, the coaches, and the school in their future endeavors. 2 CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO Jason Ayers for winning the 135-Pound State Group A Wrestling Championship 'Y Jason Ayers, a junior at Glenvar High School, won the 13S-Pound State Group A Wrestling Championship on February 21,2009. 'Y Mr. Ayers also placed first in the Three Rivers District, Region C, Highlander Invitational, and Rural Retreat Invitational. 'Y Mr. Ayers completed the season with 37 wins and 11 losses. 'Y The Board of Supervisors congratulates Mr. Ayers upon winning this championship and expresses its best wishes for success in his future endeavors. Presented this 24th day of March 2009 /hu. B. "~fd. %(J;>>.~ ~ ,u-~.s> Go ~ r:..r ~ Richard C. Flora ef,cvId;a. a m~. Charlotte A. Moore