HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/14/2009 - Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda April 14, 2009 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for April 14, 2009. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Dr. Louis M. Strickler Woodlawn United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. BRIEFINGS 1. Presentation of County budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for fiscal years 2010-2014. (B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator) 1 D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring April 12 through 18, 2009, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Roanoke County 2. Resolution of appreciation to the Coffee Pot Ladies Auxiliary for 15 years of caring for the triangle garden at the corner of Brambleton Avenue and Route 419 E. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding recommendations of the Roanoke County Bonding Committee regarding Mason's Crest Subdivision. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney; Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development Services) a. Recommendation regarding the Developer's Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement; and b. Recommendation regarding the Developer's Land Subdivider's Agreement. 2. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding recommendations of the Roanoke County Bonding Committee regarding Hidden Ridge Subdivision. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney; Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development Services) a. Recommendation regarding the Developer's Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement; and b. Recommendation regarding the Developer's Land Subdivider's Agreement. F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt the Roanoke County School Budget for the fiscal year 2009-2010. (Drew Barrineau, School Board Chair; Lorraine Lange, School Superintendent; and Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) 2. Request to approve the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Jacqueline Shuck, Executive Director, Roanoke Regional Airport; Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) 3. Request to approve the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Dan Miles, Chief Executive Officer; Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) 2 4. Request to approve the Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV) Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Elaine Bays, Cable Access Director) 5. Request to approve and appropriate funds in the amount of $24,900 for the June 9, 2009 Primaries. (Judy Stokes, General Registrar) 6. Request to approve the health insurance plan and rates for County and Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Rebecca E. Owens, Director of Finance) 7. Request to approve the dental insurance plan and rates for County and Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Rebecca E. Owens, Director of Finance) G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance establishing a trust for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund post-employment benefits other than pensions. (Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) 2. First reading of an ordinance authorizing conveyance of an easement to Western Virginia Water Authority for a water line across property owned by the Board of Supervisors at the Roanoke County Fleet Services Building, Hollins Magisterial District. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) 3. First reading of an ordinance authorizing conveyance of an easement to Appalachian Power Company (AEP) for electrical service to a residence on Westward Lake Drive, a paper street, in the Catawba Magisterial District. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES I. APPOINTMENTS 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 2. Library Board (appointed by District) 3. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program (appointed by District) 4. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission 3 J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes - January 13, 2009; January 21, 2009 2. Resolution of appreciation to Patricia Brown, Information Technology Department, upon her retirement after nineteen years of service 3. Request from the schools to accept and appropriate grant funds In the amount of $10,503.64 for the Mentor Teacher Program 4. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC-CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program 5. Acceptance of Westshire Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System 6. Acceptance and appropriation of a Five Star Restoration Matching Grant from the National Association of Counties, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the Wildlife Habitat Council in the amount of $10,000 to help finance the Taylor Tract Park Wetland Restoration/Enhancement Project 7. Resolution authorizing recordation of a deed restriction designating certain reserve areas for purposes of preservation and use as open-space land for storm water detention, flood drainage and conservation reserve on property owned by the Board of Supervisors at the Roanoke County Fleet Services Building, Hollins Magisterial District K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 4 N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of March 31,2009 5. Proclamations signed by the chairman O. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Joseph P. McNamara 2. Charlotte A. Moore 3. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 4. Richard C. Flora 5. Michael W. Altizer P. CLOSED MEETING Q. WORK SESSIONS (Training room - 4th Floor) 1. Work session for the Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. (B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator; Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) R. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION S. ADJOURNMENT 5 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. /i . L.-l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Presentation of County budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for fiscal years 2010-2014 B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a presentation of the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 and the fiscal year 2009-2014 Capital Improvements Program. Summaries of financial and operational information of the proposed budget have been placed in all Roanoke County library branches for citizen review. Beginning late last summer, the Board and staff worked closely together to review local revenue estimates, state funding issues, capital improvement projects, and other costs of operations. Declining economic conditions made it necessary to make amendments to the current year's revenue budget, which required reducing expenditures and curtailing all but essential spending for departmental operations. While it is difficult to project the long- range implications of current economic conditions, it is anticipated that the economic slowdown identified during FY09 will continue through FY1 0; therefore, it was necessary to make significant reductions in the development of this year's budget. This overview outlines revenues, major issues, and funding reductions that have been presented to the Board and discussed in prior work sessions throughout the budget development process. The remainder of the budget process is as follows: . May 12, 2009 . May 26, 2009 . May 26, 2009 Public Hearing and 1 st reading of the Appropriation Ordinance 2nd Reading of the Appropriation Ordinance Adoption of Annual Budget and Capital Improvements Plan County of Roanoke Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2009-2010 April 14, 2009 Prepared by Department of Management and Budget www. roanokecou ntyva. gov County of Roanoke Proposed FY2009-2010 Budget Table of Contents County Administrator's Message.............................................. 1 Financial Summaries.............................................................., 8 Summary of Proposed Budget........................................ ....... 8 General Fund Chart... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 10 General Government Revenue... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 General Government Expenditures... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 13 Department Expenditure Summary... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 15 Departmental Budget Reduction Summary... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Capital Projects and Funding................................................... 21 FY10-14 Summary of Funded Capital Projects......................... 21 C I P Review Com m ittee Prioritization... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... 22 Contribution Requests..... ........................................................ 24 Social Services Agencies... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... 24 Health and Human Services Agencies... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Cultural, Tourism, and Other Agencies................................... 25 Dues and Memberships....................................................... 26 Roanoke County Schools........................................................ 28 Bud g et Sum m a ry .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . 28 County of Roanoke County Administrator's Proposed Budget FY2009-2010 I am pleased to present the Proposed FY2009-2010 Budget to the Board of Supervisors and citizens of Roanoke County. This budget was developed under difficult circumstances related to the current economic downturn. The challenge of this budget was to maintain and protect the quality of services provided by Roanoke County during a time of decreasing revenues. The Board of Supervisors directed staff to prepare a budget that did not include a tax increase and sought to minimize the impact on service levels. With a few exceptions, staff was able to develop an annual fiscal plan that conformed to these guidelines. In order to accomplish this goal staff focused on a combination of base budget reductions, reductions in personnel costs, reduced capital expenditures, and no increases in employee salaries or benefits. FY2010 Total Gross Operating Budget $369,574,381 In temal 5.e;v ic 0::- FllI~( U..:!% ~ ~r:{:rol F....Ind ,......- ')Cl.i% D~t.~ hmd },.;"!1H. Uplt~1 prOJeCl~ HInd__ 1.6% /' ((Impoflent Unlt_/ ~ .,..,. ~.~hMls ~ 449% While the budget is balanced within existing tax rates and fees, some of the actions taken to balance the budget should not be viewed as sustainable and will require attention in future budgets. Allocating one-time revenues, deferring the purchase of capital items and other expenditures were methods used to off-set a portion of the projected budget deficit; however, these actions should be viewed as short-term fixes and not a long-term solution. To realize a long-term solution, the County will engage in the process of identifying its strategic organizational goals and then developing operational plans to accomplish these goals within the financial resources and policies adopted by the Board of Supervisors. This strategic planning process will be incorporated into the FY201 0-2011 budget development process. With the approval of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (federal stimulus package), many state and local governments are expecting to benefit from the flow of federal funds into numerous programs and grants. Roanoke County staff is currently reviewing our eligibility for various funding streams related to the stimulus package; however, preliminary analysis indicates very little of the funding will find its way directly from the federal government to the County. Roanoke County has received indirect benefits due to federal stimulus funds flowing to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Initial reductions in state funding for law enforcement and constitutional officers were reinstated and Roanoke County Schools had a portion of its original reduction in state aid restored due to stimulus funds. Federal stimulus funds represent a mixed blessing for state and local governments when using the money to balance their operating budgets. The stimulus funding is expected to remain in place for a two year period. The federal dollars brought needed relief to governments struggling to fund basic services; however, once these funds are exhausted, the need to replace that funding will still exist if recipients have not planned accordingly. If economic recovery does not raise revenues adequately, governments will once again be faced with making significant cuts to services or raising taxes to counter the loss of revenue. Fund Summary Increasel Increasel FY08-09 FY09-10 (Decrease) $ Decrease % General Fund $ 188,178,858 $ 185,023,201 $ (3,155,657) -1.68% Component Unit Schools 171,573,289 165,831,434 (5,741,855) -3.35% Capital Projects Fund 13,874,461 9,735,772 (4,138,689) -29.83% Debt Fund 8,443,046 8,034,018 (409,028) -4.84% Internal Service Fund 1,003,295 949,956 (53,339) -5.32% Total $ 383,072,949 $ 369,574,381 $ (13,498,568) -3.52% Highlights of the Proposed FY2009-2010 budget are as follows: Revenue Plan The national economy has been in recession since late 2007 and under the most optim istic projections will not start to grow again until late 2009. Considering there is an 18-24 month lag between changes in general economic conditions and local governmental revenue collections, County revenues will most likely not return to pre-recession levels for some time. While Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley have a diverse economic base that has been historically insulated from the extreme expansions and contractions of the national economy, the impacts of higher unemployment, decreased business investment, declining consumer confidence, and the instability of the stock market have initiated declines in governmental revenue sources throughout the Roanoke region. The challenges of developing the FY2009-201 0 budget actually began during the current fiscal year (FY08-09) when deteriorating economic conditions signaled staff to prepare amended revenue projections that reflected a potential revenue shortfall of $6.9 million. This shortfall was the result of projected declines in personal property taxes, sales taxes, meals taxes, interest income, and downward mid-year revisions of state revenues as Virginia struggled with its own budget shortfall. 2 FY2009-2010 General Government fund revenues are projected to be $166.8 million, a decrease in available resources of $4.1 million from the adopted FY08-09 budget of $170.9 million. Total General Government Revenue FY05-06 through FY09-10 170,B77}305 S 170,000,000 51G~,rJllO,l1UO ~l;)U,U')(J.OtIU 51:, :',fJIJO,UtlO As noted, declining economic conditions have caused reductions in many of the county's major revenue sources; however, real estate taxes are projected to grow slightly for FY10 due to new construction and assessment growth of 3.970/0 in calendar year 2009 and projected new construction and assessment growth of 20/0 in calendar year 2010. Real estate revenue is projected to grow $1.5 million to $87,700,000 or 530/0 of General Government revenues. Significant declines in new vehicle sales and deteriorating used vehicle values have caused a reduction in personal property revenues of $5 million. In addition, sales tax revenues and business license receipts are expected to remain flat while meal tax revenues are expected to decline by $200,000. The depressed housing market is also expected to reduce recordation and conveyance taxes by $250,000; but lower mortgage rates could help this category outperform projections. S 1.=:'0,000,000 $l~ :',UIJO.UtlO $140,000.000 , Acual nos -OG A( t tJ.11 rV06-Q, AC.1 L1al rYO 7-D 8 Bucl!Ol..et fYOE-09 :0 ..o,"k)S~cJ fY09-10 . Total c,f!n~ra I c.1oV'(::.!mm L'!nt P.e~'en[J t=! In the FY2009-2010 budget year, the County is expected to receive additional reimbursement from the state for social services programs offered over the past several years. The additional reimbursement is expected in the amount of $1 ,050,000 and while this is positive, the County expects to see a reduction in state funding in the amount of $690,000 as a result of reductions in state funding for law enforcement and the loss of funding for 19 deputy sheriff positions that were transferred to the Western Virginia Regional Jail. Thus, the County can expect to see a growth in state revenues of just $360,000. FV2010 General Government Revenue $166,793,434 Charges for Service:; 1.8% Oth~r Rf.!Venlle 2.3% J ederal 2.11,1{, Gr~np...al rmpP.t1y T~xes (ommonwe3lth S5% 61) ..~% o th er local r axes 13,9% 3 Expenditure Plan The decline of $4.1 million in General Government funds represents expenditure reductions of 2.40/0 when compared to the FY08-09 expenditure budget. As mentioned earlier, a $6.9 million revenue shortfall for the current year was identified due to the weakening economy and action was taken by staff to adjust expenditures to bring the budget back in balance. Tactics used to balance the current FY 09 budget include: . reducing departmental operating budgets by $1.8 million . freezing vacant positions for a savings of $1.4 million . deferring capital expenditures totaling $825,000 . reducing the transfer to schools of $1 million . utilizing accumulated (unspent) account balances of $1.65 million and other adjustments of $225,000 FY2010 General Government Expenditures $166,7931434 Odler OperatfnGTram.tE'~ fj PJlfnl J\ctmlnl-:;tr F1t1oo ,I. 5';,(; ~ .frJr.', TI ilm rr~r... lu (h..'bl ~l:p.rj(,1.." FlJnd (I1n<;.tII1Jtlflllal OltIrpp; 7.fi~, 9.~';'.c. Jmlil:rdl Admillhll alil}JI II. ft.';.; tl"l all.JW~I1IClll S'-'I'...iLc,> 2.1% rub lie Stlkty 1'1_1% Lml1lllllllily:\{'rvile. 7.0% Ir..msff'l'"'i. t,.s(hol1l \ n_:\I,Il, HUJII.JJI S:L' ...iu...... 11_1% LllulI [I'-1MlllIIl..'lt;J1 -k3% In addition to the mid-year budget reductions, additional policy modifications were made to further reduce expenditures while protecting our most important services. A Job Bank Committee was formed to review all requests to fill vacant positions and part-time hires with all but the most critical positions (public safety, social services) remaining vacant through the end of the fiscal year. In addition, restrictions were placed on travel and training requests and purchasing limits were lowered to require departments to gain approval for purchases over a set limit. These policy modifications will remain in effect through FY2009- 2010. In developing the FY1 0 expenditure plan, it was necessary to reduce the operating budgets of most departments. Target allocations were initially developed that reduced departmental operations by approximately $2.7 million. Excluding personnel costs, these cuts represent an average reduction of 20-250/0 in the operating costs of most departments; however, the public safety agencies (police and fire and rescue) were reduced by a smaller percentage (70/0 and 60/0, respectfully). In developing their operating budgets, departments were instructed to minimize the impact of funding cuts on services to the citizens. Given that the County is a service organization, this meant protecting as many personnel positions as possible. With this direction, 4 departments submitted budgets that reflected a total reduction of 12 positions in various departments. (These positions were not eliminated as a result of layoffs.) The Department of Social Services' operating budget was not reduced. A large percentage of DSS's budget is reimbursed from the state and federal government for administration and mandated programs; therefore, reducing many of these programs is not an option. Aside from these facts, the downward spiral in the economy has led to an increase in the demand for services in this area. DSS's budget reflects a $1 million increase for client services related to mandated programs and increasing case loads. There is a matching increase in state and federal revenues for these increases. Departmental Operations While the current economic climate makes it necessary to contract the size of government, there were some increases in the FY2009-201 0 budget in specific areas - primarily in the public safety area. Due to the termination of the joint funding agreement with Roanoke City for personnel, funding of $335,000 for 6 additional firefighter positions in the Clearbrook station was included in Fire and Rescue's budget. In addition, the new north county fire and rescue station will open during FY2009-2010 and a half-year of funding totaling $385,000 is included for 14 positions (the other half-year of funding was included in the FY08-09 budget). With the opening of the Western Virginia Regional Jail, a full-year of funding totaling $710,000 is included in the Sheriff's FY2009-2010 budget to cover the cost of housing County inmates at the new facility. During FY08-09 budget development, the Board of Supervisors approved a half year of funding for a new patrol district (with a projected hire date of January 1 , 2009). As a tactic to cover the projected budget shortfall, these 6 positions were not filled during this current year and are eliminated in the FY2009-2010 proposed budget. General Government Expenditures FY2008-2009 vs. FY2009-2010 In preparing the FY2009-2010 S2J,OOO.ooo budget, several other significant reductions were made to $lU,UUUruuo departments in the Human Services area including County $lJ,UUU,uou Libraries as well as Parks, $lI.\uuu,uuu Recreation, and Tourism. The proposed budget calls for SJ,uuu,uuu Public Libraries to alter their hours of operation which would result in a projected savings of $45,000. All library branches would be closed on Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Rt. 419 Headquarters Library will be closed on Sundays. ,- r I- - - I- - l- I- - - IJ - -=:J IJ '- - '- $0 (jell!.:lo.1l Cum liltl Limlal JlIllitial 1".10.111 LI St'fIIt'll L ^dllllnl<;.lT.iltlnll rHf(ct"r~ ^rlmll'll<;.lT.iltlnf'l :';H"o/k~ l'ublil"')L1rdy (UllllnUlli LV HUll rLlIl }t:ryi{.t", ~H"L'lc~ . H U8-0~ D fY 09-10 5 The FY2009-2010 budget for Park, Recreation, and Tourism calls for the elimination of 2 positions in its Parks Division for a savings of $1 02,000. In addition, the hours of operation at Brambleton Center will be reduced and the Blue Ridge Visitor Center will open one month later (May 1). The number of youth sports games will be reduced by 10% to save the cost of providing "game officials." The mowing and upkeep ofVDOT medians has also been eliminated. Parks, Recreation, and Tourism had proposed closing the Craig Avenue Center in Vinton due to a decrease in use of the facility. Closing the facility would have resulted in a savings of $15,000. A meeting was held at the Craig Center on April 6 and citizens asked that the facility remain open as a recreation center. It is recommended that the staff work with the citizens to develop programs to generate renewed interest in the facility and that the Center remain open as a recreation center. **Included at the conclusion of this report is a "Departmental Budget and Reductions Summary" which provides a summary of the budget reductions absorbed by each department and the resulting impacts. Education Initial state budget estimates for Roanoke County Schools indicated a reduction in state funding of approximately $7 million. At that time, the funding formula used to determine the County's allocation for school operations for FY2009-201 0 indicated an increase in funding to schools in the amount of $1.7 million. As revenue projections continued to erode (specifically, the reduction in personal property taxes), the Schools received word that it would be receiving approximately $3.8 million in federal stimulus funding for general operations to off-set state losses. As the funding formula was recalculated, the result indicated a reduction in the County's transfer for School operations by $1.67 million. The School Board and school administration agreed to a transfer amount from the County in the amount of $60,543,357 for school operations. In the proposed budget for FY2009-201 0, the county also increased funding in the amount of $300,000 for the joint County/Schools capital fund, which increases the County's annual allocation to $1,700,000. This joint fund helps fund major capital projects for both the Schools and County. The positive, collaborative working relationship between the Board of Supervisors, the School Board, and the staffs of both organizations greatly benefits all citizens of Roanoke County. Capital Proiects Even though we are experiencing difficult economic times, Roanoke County is still moving forward with important facility and infrastructure needs for the community. During the upcoming fiscal year, several capital projects will be completed and begin serving county citizens. The North County fire station is scheduled to open August 2009, the 800MHz Public Safety Radio upgrade is scheduled to "go live" in October 6 2009, the new Fleet Service Center should open by July 2009, and the Green Ridge Recreation Center is scheduled to begin operations by January 2010. Bids for the new South County Library came in higher than original cost estimates and the project will be re-bid in the summer of 2009. The estimated completion date for the new library is now scheduled for early 2011. While we are readying ourselves for the opening of new capital facilities, the current economic conditions made it necessary to scale back FY2009-2010 funding for current initiatives and plans for projects that can be deferred to a later time. Funding in the amount of $450,000 for upgrades to the Glenvar library has been deferred for future consideration. In addition, funding has been reduced by $150,000 for on-going site development at the Center for Research and Technology and $500,000 has been cut from the VDOT revenue- sharing program. In addition, $500,000 in funding has been deferred for a year for both the on-going renovations to the Roanoke County-Salem jail and to the North County Business Park. The deferral of these payments is not expected to impact the outcome of these projects; however, these payments will need to be added back in the FY201 0-2011 budget. Conclusion I would like to thank the members of the Board of Supervisors for their hard work and guidance throughout the development of this budget. It is also important to recognize the team effort that was put forth by the employees of Roanoke County in developing this fiscal plan during challenging times. Special thanks should be given to the School Board, Superintendent and her staff for their cooperation and willingness to work with the Board and County staff to bring together a plan that provides for all of the citizens of Roanoke County. While this budget protects and maintains the County's core services that are most vital to our citizens, the budget process does not stop. As the national, state, and local economies continue to struggle, we still have demanding choices to make as we implement this budget and begin planning for the FY201 0-2011 budget; however, I am confident that the strong leadership of the Board of Supervisors, the School Board, and our capable staff will allow Roanoke County to successfully meet the challenges that lie ahead. 7 Roanoke County Adopted FY08-09 and Proposed FY09-10 Budget April 14, 2009 Adopted Proposed FY2008-2009 FY2009-2010 Revenues General Fund General Government $ 170,877,305 $ 166,793,434 Emergency Communications Center 2,264,299 2,287,400 Comprehensive Services 7,156,582 7,079,647 Law Library 41,648 46,648 Public Works Projects 190,107 0 S B & T Building 444,580 444,580 Recreation Fee Class 1,600,126 2,954,856 Internal Services - Information Technology 4,963,927 4,758,751 County Garage 640,284 657,885 Total General Fund $ 188,178,858 $ 185,023,201 Debt Service Fund - County $ 8,443,046 $ 8,034,018 Capital Projects Fund 13,874,461 9,735,772 Internal Service Fund 1,003,295 949,956 School Operating Fund 143,223,216 137,909,128 School Nutrition Fund 5,463,612 5,521,806 School Debt Service Fund 10,867,155 11,341,461 School Grants Fund 5,428,137 5,448,137 School Capital Fund 3,106,717 2,422,257 School Textbook Fund 1,595,030 1,580,030 School Bus Fund 810,000 810,000 School Laptop Insurance Reserve 551,500 406,500 Regional Alternative School 527,922 392,115 Total Revenues All Funds $ 383,072,949 $ 369,574,381 Less: Transfers (97,367,891 ) (103,468,215) Total Net of Transfers $ 285,705,058 $ 266,106,166 8 Roanoke County Adopted FY08-09 and Proposed FY09-10 Budget April 14, 2009 Adopted Proposed FY2008-2009 FY2009-2010 Expenditures General Fund General Government General Administration $ 3,532,264 $ 3,275,124 Constitutional Officers 11,231,433 12,649,359 Judicial Administration 1,121,435 964,058 Management Services 3,367,491 3,611,036 Public Safety 22,766,327 23,513,490 Community Services 12,311,034 11,729,632 Human Services 17,108,389 18,534,539 Non-Departmental 10,792,716 8,090,994 Transfers to School Operating and Dental Insurance 62,214,926 60,543,358 Transfers to (from)Capital Fund 3,166,090 (74,836) Transfers to Debt Service Fund 15,639,972 16,501,324 Other Operating Transfers 7,625,228 7,455,356 Total General Government $ 170,877,305 $ 166,793,434 Emergency Communication Center $ 2,264,299 $ 2,287,400 Comprehensive Services 7,156,582 7,079,647 Law Library 41,648 46,648 Public Works Projects 190,107 0 S B & T Building 444,580 444,580 Recreation Fee Class 1,600,126 2,954,856 Internal Services - Information Technology 4,963,927 4,758,751 County Garage 640,284 657,885 Total General Fund $ 188,178,858 $ 185,023,201 Debt Service Fund - County $ 8,443,046 $ 8,034,018 Capital Projects Fund 13,874,461 9,735,772 Internal Service Fund 1,003,295 949,956 School Operating Fund 143,223,216 137,909,128 School Nutrition Fund 5,463,612 5,521,806 School Debt Fund 10,867,155 11,341,461 School Grants Fund 5,428,137 5,448,137 School Capital Fund 3,106,717 2,422,257 School Textbook Fund 1,595,030 1,580,030 School Bus Fund 810,000 810,000 School Laptop Insurance Reserve 551,500 406,500 Regional Alternative School 527,922 392,115 Total Expenditures All Funds $ 383,072,949 $ 369,574,381 Less: Transfers (97,367,891 ) (103,468,215) Total Net of Transfers $ 285,705,058 $ 266,106,166 9 -c c: ::::J u. tU I.- cu c: cu ~ o ~ o N > u. ~ o N .... m N o .... in CO ~ 11). 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County of Roanoke General Government Revenue Summary Adopted FY 2008-2009 and Proposed FY 2009-2010 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Increase FY 08-09 FY 09-10 (Decrease) Revenue Real Estate Taxes $86,191,666 $87,700,000 $1,508,334 Personal Property Taxes 29,582,066 24,590,000 (4,992,066) Other Property Taxes 3,292,000 3,353,000 61,000 Local Sales Tax 8,775,000 8,775,000 0 Telecommunications Taxes and Fees 3,270,000 4,450,000 1,180,000 Utility Consumer Tax 3,575,000 3,625,000 50,000 Business License Tax 5,750,000 5,800,000 50,000 Bank Franchise Tax 450,000 400,000 (50,000) Motor Vehicle License Tax 1,900,000 1,900,000 0 Recordation and Conveyance Tax 1,750,000 1,500,000 (250,000) Hotel/Motel Tax 800,000 900,000 100,000 Meals Tax 3,700,000 3,500,000 (200,000) Other Local Taxes 1,815,000 686,000 (1,129,000) Permits, Fees & Licenses 767,300 588,300 (179,000) Fines and Forfeitures 610,000 782,000 172,000 Use of Money and Property 1,207,500 607,500 (600,000) Charges for Services 820,400 770,400 (50,000) Fire & Rescue Fee for Service 2,439,977 2,294,016 (145,961) Miscellaneous Revenue 707,400 907,400 200,000 Recovered Costs 120,700 165,700 45,000 Commonwealth 9,413,296 9,753,125 339,829 Local Aid to the Commonwealth (550,000) (530,000) 20,000 Federal 3,340,000 3,490,000 150,000 Total Revenue 169,727,305 166,007,441 (3,719,864) Transfer from Other Funds 1,150,000 785,993 (364,007) Total General Government $170,877,305 $166,793,434 ($4,083,871) 12 '" OJ J.. ::::J ...., .- -c c: OJ c. >< LL.I ...., c: OJ E c: J.. OJ > o ~ ~ m ~ .... m en I' \0 \D ~ 11). tU J.. OJ c: OJ ~ o ~ o N > u. Vl Qj U ~ ~'*- o 1,,0 ".j:i r-..: .a "~ c o u c o ".j:i "~ c "E '*- "'C~ <:(N ro Qj c OJ <.9 Vl lo.... ~ C ro ~ bD "~ '*- +-,LI"l ~ ~ a. o Qj ..c (5 c o ".j:i "~ c "E ~ ~o ro "w :0 ~ Vl OJ u "S: Qj V') ~'*- OJN E N OJ bD ro C ro ~ ~ 2 ~~ "~ ~ ::c~ ~ a.. Vl OJ u "S: Qj V') >'*- "-t= 0 5 r-..: E E o u "'C C ~ u.. OJ u "S: Qj V') .:t;'*- OJ en om .8 Vl lo.... ~ C ro ~ o o ..c u V') a'*- :;~ lo.... 1,,0 ~M C ro ~ 13 Vl OJ u "S: Qj,*- V')~ c ~ ro ~ E ~ I ~ c OJ E t:,*- ro 00 a. . OJ ~ o C o Z County of Roanoke General Government Expenditure Summary Adopted FY 2008-2009 and Proposed FY 2009-2010 Expenditures General Administration Constitutional Officers Judicial Administration Management Services Public Safety Community Services Human Services Non Departmental Employee Benefits Internal Service Charges Miscellaneous Transfers To (From) Debt-County Debt-Schools Schools-Operating Emergncy Communications Cntr Capital Transfer from Capital Fund Schools-Dental Internal Services Comprehensive Services Garage Board Contingency Total General Government Adopted Budget FY 08-09 $3,532,264 11,231,433 1 , 121 ,435 3,367,491 22,766,327 12,311,034 17,108,389 4,677,459 4,673,757 1,441,500 7,077,187 8,562,785 61,737,627 2,129,299 7,163,853 (3,997,763) 477,299 1,003,295 4,253,000 139,634 100,000 $170,877,305 14 Proposed Budget FY 09-10 Increase (Decrease) $3,275,124 12,649,359 964,058 3,611,036 23,513,490 11,729,632 18,534,539 ($257,140) 1,417,926 (157,377) 243,545 747,163 (581,402) 1,426,150 2,109,103 4,465,391 1,516,500 (2,568,356) (208,366) 75,000 7,464,231 9,037,093 60,066,059 2,152,400 5,593,786 (5,668,622) 477,299 949,956 4,253,000 o 100,000 387,044 474,308 (1,671,568) 23,101 (1,570,067) (1,670,859) o (53,339) o (139,634) o $166,793,434 ($4,083,871 ) County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Summary Adopted 2008-2009 and Proposed 2009-2010 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2008-2009 2009-2010 Increasel Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change General Government General Administration Board of Supervisors 416,866 359,162 (57,704) -13.84% County Administrator 350,832 284,636 (66,196) -18.87% Public Information 281,720 317,662 35,942 12.76% Chief Information Officer 150,366 155,420 5,054 3.36% Asst Co Administrators 339,874 347,687 7,813 2.30% Human Resources 743,233 723,409 (19,824) -2.67% County Attorney 539,141 547,279 8,138 1.51% Economic Development 710,232 539,869 (170,363) -23.99% Total General Administration 3,532,264 3,275,124 (257,140) -7.28% Constitutional Officers Treasurer 818,917 821,830 2,913 0.36% Commonwealth Attorney 950,816 1,008,533 57,717 6.07% Commissioner of the Revenue 824,439 783,299 (41,140) -4.99% Clerk of the Circuit Court 1,027,801 1,029,351 1,550 0.15% Sheriffs Office 7,609,460 9,006,346 1,396,886 18.36% Total Constitutional Officers 11,231,433 12,649,359 1,417,926 12.62% Judicial Administration Circuit Court 197,068 242,191 45,123 22.90% General District Court 45,878 44,378 (1,500) -3.27% Magistrate 1,655 1,655 0.00% J & DR Court 19,429 18,429 (1,000) -5.15% Court Service Unit 857,405 657,405 (200,000) -23.33% Total Judicial Administration 1,121,435 964,058 (157,377) -14.03% Management Services Real Estate Assessments 972,770 1,001,651 28,881 2.97% Finance 1,303,729 1,345,901 42,172 3.23% Public Transportation - CORTRA 380,476 550,000 169,524 44.56% Management and Budget 274,754 276,296 1,542 0.56% Procurement Services 435,762 437,188 1 ,426 0.33% Total Management Services 3,367,491 3,611,036 243,545 7.23% Public Safety Police Department 10,923,393 11,036,761 113,368 1.04% Fire and Rescue 11,842,934 12,476,729 633,795 5.35% Total Public Safety 22,766,327 23,513,490 747,163 3.28% Community Services General Services 5,227,813 4,993,856 (233,957) -4.48% Community Development 4,770,681 4,577,110 (193,571 ) -4.06% Building Maintenance 2,312,540 2,158,666 (153,874) -6.65% Total Community Services 12,311,034 11,729,632 (581 ,402) -4.72% 15 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Summary Adopted 2008-2009 and Proposed 2009-2010 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2008-2009 2009-2010 Increasel Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change Human Services Grounds Maintenance 2,263,512 2,237,675 (25,837) -1.14% Parks and Recreation 2,560,065 2,299,063 (261,002) -10.20% Public Health 639,724 523,935 (115,789) -18.10% Social Services Administration 4,908,903 5,028,603 119,700 2.44% Public Assistance 2,619,500 4,019,500 1,400,000 53.45% Institutional Care 26,274 (26,274) -100.00% Contributions 794,417 1,203,708 409,291 51.52% Library 2,886,306 2,829,875 (56,431) -1 .96% VA Cooperative Extension 95,629 93,758 (1,871 ) -1 .96% Elections 314,059 298,422 (15,637) -4.98% Total Human Services 17,108,389 18,534,539 1,426,150 8.34% Non-Departmental Employee Benefits 4,677,459 2,109,103 (2,568,356) -54.91 % Internal Service Charges 4,673,757 4,465,391 (208,366) -4.46% Miscellaneous 1 ,441 ,500 1,516,500 75,000 5.20% Total Non-Departmental 10,792,716 8,090,994 (2,701 ,722) -25.03% Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt-General 7,077,187 7,464,231 387,044 5.47% Transfer to Debt-School 8,562,785 9,037,093 474,308 5.54% Transfer to Capital 7,163,853 5,593,786 (1,570,067) -21.92% Transfer (From) Capital Fund (3,997,763) (5,668,622) (1,670,859) 41 .79% Transfer to Schools 61,737,627 60,066,059 (1,671,568) -2.71% Transfer to E-911/ECC 2,129,299 2,152,400 23,101 1.08% Transfer to Schools Dentallnsurc 477,299 477,299 0.00% Transfer to Internal Services 1,003,295 949,956 (53,339) -5.32% Transfer to CPMT-County 2,154,000 2,154,000 0.00% Transfer to CPMT-Schools 2,099,000 2,099,000 0.00% Transfer to Garage II 139,634 (139,634) -100.00% Total Transfers to Other Funds 88,546,216 84,325,202 (4,221,014) -4.77% Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency 100,000 100,000 0.00% Addition to Fund Balance Total Unappropriated Balance 100,000 100,000 0.00% Total General Government 170,877 ,305 166,793,434 (4,083,871 ) -2.39% 16 County of Roanoke FY09-10 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Summary Department Reduction (25,000) Commissioner of the Revenue The Commissioner of Revenue's reductions included various administrative items related to office expenses; however, the primary reduction was in part-time staffing. This reduction will impact the citizens because the Cimmissioner's office will no longer prepare state income taxes for the public. Community Development A significant portion of Community Development's reduction came from the elimination of two positions, GIS Technician and Civil Engineer, for a total cost savings of $109,333. The elimination of these positions should not negatively impact services as the economic slowdown has reduced the work load for these positions. The department plans to utilize more in-house staff for design and engineering services to save on professional services costs. In addition, the department has opted not to upgrade or purchase new data processing equipment and has deferred motor vehicle replacement for FY09-10. These reductions should have minimal impact on services to the public. Economic Development Economic Development's reductions centered on travel and training in the areas of marketing for new prospects. This will result in a reduction in face-to-face networking events and the department will employ alternative methods utilizing available technology. Finance Service level impacts to citizens will be minimal. Fewer paper copies of the department's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) will be printed. However, the CAFR will still be made available to citizens on CD and in electronic form via the department's website. The department will also be reorganizing and will be eliminating one Purchasing position for a savings of $97,974. Fire and Rescue Fire and Rescue's reduction of $214,250 has the potential to impact services to county citizens. Deferral of vehicle replacement saved $104,250, but this reduction coupled with reductions in equipment and repair line-items could have an impact on service levels if significant vehicle repairs are needed. In addition to line-item reductions, the lack of an increase in the FY09-10 budget will result in the North County Station being understaffed by four positions. With this shortage, there is the potential for one or more units county-wide to be out of service on a daily basis. General Services General Services' reduction of $548,000 has the potential to impact services to county citizens. The department will not be mailing annual holiday schedule post cards to county households and citizens will have to rely on the newspaper and the county website for information. A significant portion of the department's reduction came from a $175,000 decrease in funding for routine maintenance for county facilities. Due to this, repairs to county buildings will only be done on an emergency basis. In addition, the department has deferred vehicle replacement for FY09-10 for a savings of $165,000, but if one of the trucks in the department's fleet breaks down, garbage collection service levels could be impacted. 17 (345,600) (22,600) (169,000) (214,250) (548,000) County of Roanoke FY09-10 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Summary Department Reduction (307,000) Information Technology Information Technology's $307,000 reduction will not have a noticeable impact on citizen services. The department eliminated its Chief Security Officer position for a savings of $86,362 and is deferring equipment replacement for FY09-10. In addition, the department was able to reduce its software support and telephone service line-items by $126,000 through various cost saving measures. These reductions will have an impact on internal network security and the ability to expand county software and telephone services, but there is no direct impact on services to county citizens. Library The library's reduction of $152,000 will have a significant impact on library services to citizens. The department was able to save $45,000 by altering the hours of operation at its headquarters and branch libraries. All six facilities will now be closed on Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Additionally, the HQj419 library will be closed on Sundays. Other reductions in the department's budget will result in fewer new books and other popular materials, including DVD's and audio books, and a 20% reduction in subscriptions to magazines and newspapers. The department's normal replacement cycle for public computers will be extended by 1-2 years. Finally, computer classes will no longer be offered free of charge and library participation in area events and festivals will be eliminated. Parks and Recreation The Parks and Recreation department's reduction of $262,850 will have a significant impact on citizen services. Two positions, Park Administrator and Maintenance Worker, were eliminated for a savings of $101,655 and existing staff was shifted to cover changes in programs and services, saving $44,446. Youth sports games have been reduced by 10% for FY09-10, thereby saving on the cost of officials. The Teen Center and Brambleton Center hours of operation have been altered and the Blue Ridge Visitor Center will now open on May 1,2009 instead of April 1, 2009. Finally, reductions in grounds maintenance funds will result in the elimination of mowing VDOT medians and park fields may not be mowed as frequently. Police Operational reductions include deferring the purchase of 1 patrol vehicle, instituting operational changes to reduce overtime, and other miscellaneous operating costs. In addition, reductions were also made to various programs including the awards ceremony, Citizen Police Academy, COPS Camp, Honor Guard, K-9 unit, Motor Carrier unit, the department's Open House, and School Resource Officers. *Please note, a new patrol district that was to be created mid-way through FY08-09 was deferred in order to close a projected budget shortfall for the year. While these six positions were never actually hired, the proposed FY10 budget does not reinstitute these positions. These six positions are not reflected in the $161,500 reduction absorbed by the department. Sheriff While the Sheriff's Office received additional funding for the per diem cost of house county inmates in the new Western Virginia Regional Jail, the Sheriff did absorb a capital reduction that resulted in the deferral of purchasing replacement vehicles, totalling $44,000. Social Services Due to dramatically increasing work loads caused by the economic downturn, the Department of Social Service's operational budget was not decreased. Additional state funds for mandated programs and administrative costs necessitated an increase in operating funds by $1,050,000. 18 (152,000) (262,850) (161,500) (44,000) County of Roanoke FY09-10 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Summary Department Reduction (50,000) Treasurer The Treasurer's $50,000 reduction was mostly associated with office restructuring. Additional reductions were taken in various office expenses and in the hiring of temporary help during peak tax collection periods during the spring. Assistant County Administrators The Assistant County Administrators met their reduction goal by reducing cell phone usage and subscriptions. Travel and training will be limited, as well. Board of Supervisors The Board of Supervisors reduced promotional activities, cell phone usage and furniture purchases. They will also limit the number of meals provided at dinner meetings to meet their reduction goal. Chief Information Officer The Chief Information Officer met the departmental reduction by reducing research costs. Clerk of the Circuit Court The Clerk of the Circuit Court met their departmental reduction goal by eliminating the purchase of indexing services and reducing part-time salaries, telephones, postage, and storage costs. Commonwealth Attorney The Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney will meet its reduction goal by reducing mileage reimbursement and data processing equipment purchases. County Administrator The County Administrator's Office is meeting the reduction goals by reducing part-time salaries. County Attorney The County Attorney's Office is reducing research, books, subscriptions and professional services to meet their reduction goal. Alternative methods, such as greater use of online services will be instituted. Court Service Unit Court Service Unit will meet its reduction goal by reducing the amount of purchased services. Elections Elections met their reduction goal by decreasing the number of poll workers hired (part-time salaries). This will result in less staffing at precincts and has the potential to create longer waiting times for the voters. Emergency Communication Center The Emergency Communication Center met their reduction goals by limiting training. The need for new communications equipment and maintainence service contracts were also reduced as these amounts had been previously overestimated. 19 (7,000) (20,765) (4,000) (35,000) (8,000) (12,000) (12,000) (50,000) (20,000) (110,000) County of Roanoke FY09-10 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Summary Department Reduction (1,500) General District Court General District Court was able to meet their reduction goal by reducing office supplies and telephones. Human Resources The Human Resources department met their reduction goal by reducing tuition reimbursement and employee training and education utilized by all county employees. The department also reduced software support, postage and telephones. J & DR Court Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court reduced their office supply purchases to meet their reduction goal. Management and Budget The Management and Budget department will meet their reduction goal by reducing the number of printed copies of the Annual Fiscal Plan, Capital Improvement Program and Departmental Annual Reports. These books will continue to be available on the County's internet site and on CD's. Subscriptions and memberships will also be reduced. Public Health Public Health submitted a reduced request for local funding. The FY09-10 request was $115,789 less than FY08-09. Public Information The Public Information Office met their reduction goal by reducing advertising and special events participation. Real Estate Valuation The Real Estate Valuation department met their reduction goal by reducing part-time salaries for the Board of Equalization and by reducing training and education for staff. VA Cooperative Extension The Virginia Cooperative Extension Office met their reduction goal by eliminating all expenditures other than shared salary costs and telephone. (45,000) (1,000) (8,500) (115,789) (12,000) (18,000) (1,871) GRAND TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL REDUCTIONS FY09-10 (2,784,225) 20 E ro '- 0> o '- 0... (fl (fl- _ u C Q) Q)Q)"Q ~ E '- o Q) 0... C>-o ro 0 Q) o '- -0 0:: Q. C ..... E :J o=u.. ~~o Sg-c- o 0 ro O'<;tE '<'""" E o :J ~CJ) o '<'""" o N >- u.. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ('\J C'l 0 L[) 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 L[) CO CI.l 0> 0 0 0 !'- 0 0 0 !'- 00 '0' 0>- 6 <0- 6 6 6 6 6 0>- C'l ('\J C'l' ... "<I" 0 "<I" L[) 00 0 0 0 0> L[) a. (")- L[)_ !'- L[)_ 0 ('\J !'- 0 0> ('\J co ('\J ('\J 6 ('\J 0>- "<1"- !'-- 00- L[)- 6 C') (ij ~ <17 ~ <17 <17 <17 <17 ~ <17 (") C'). - <17 0 0 ... 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I-G: 00"<1"0 OW<DW o N ci r o N o eo en N W C') W -.r ..... o N M ..... o N 0000 o <17 <17 <17 o 6 o 0> <17 M ..... o N N ..... o N 0000 o <17 <17 <17 o 6 o 0>_ ~ N ..... o ~ ..... ..... o N 0000 o <17 <17 <17 o 6 o 0>_ ('\J <17 ..... ..... o N o ..... o N 0000 o <17 0 <17 o L[) l!"i cri ('\J L[) "<I" 0> N 00 <17 <17 o ..... o N 01 o o N 00"<1"0 o <17 <0 <17 o !'- ~ ~ 00 00 <17 6 ('\J <17 {l Q) Q) Q) U g e ..!!lQ. ro" CQ ~ OlCQ ,S Q) t:: :;, ,S t:: 0l~Q) II) Q)Q)u CI.l ~U::~ ~""Q)o ::::J S S ~ CI) ~lL.lL.~!!l C)OlOlooai r::: ,S ,S <:) ;,. .- m m <:) Q) "OalalC\JU:: r::: Q.Q.:S" ~ 0 0 '~ ~ 'I-~~~C: OQ)Q){l{l :>. t:: t:: t:: '_ (ij~~tt:5 E~~6:~ E ::::J (/) "t <D C'l .... C'l co .... ~ o o o 0' o Ol ~ o o o 0' o Ol .... ~ o o o 0' o Ol C'l' ~ o o l() ~; C') .... ... ~ "t <D " <D' ~ "t' C'l ~ t:ll s::: :s s::: ~ e:: u "t ... c:!. >: u. 19 ~ Roanoke County CIP Review Committee Capital Project Prioritization Due to the current economic climate, it was the consensus of the Committee to present to the Board of Supervisors last year's prioritization of capital projects. Last year, the Committee prioritized the submitted capital project requests by applying a set of evaluation criteria to each individual project. After scoring was completed by committee members, each project's average score was calculated and listed in numerical order with the highest score representing the greatest priority. The Levell projects represent capital needs that have the highest perceived community value, but have no identified funding associated with them. Succeeding levels were determined by grouping projects together that had successively lower scores; therefore, a lower perceived priority. This prioritization accurately reflects the Committee's recommendations on capital priorities for the current fiscal year CIP (FY2009-20 1 0). The Committee's recommendations on capital priorities are as follows: Average Total Department - Project Score Total Capital Cost Levell Projects: Parks & Recreation: Greenways & Trails Library: Glenvar Library Expansion Library: Mt. Pleasant Library Renovation Community Development: Regional Storm Water Management & Flood Control Police: Criminal Justice Training Facility Fire & Rescue: New Oak Grove Station Fire & Rescue: MDT Computer System Parks & Recreation: Land for Passive Recreation Information Technology: Enterprise Storage and Backup Information Technology: Upgrade & Redesign of County Internet & Intranet Parks & Recreation: Green Hill Park Fire & Rescue: New Hanging Rock Station 69.1 67.5 66.5 65.2 64.8 64.5 64.1 62.4 62.3 62 61.1 60.4 $15,878,707 $5,993,700 $3,325,750 $7,500,000 $3,600,000 $4,150,000 $212,750 $9,000,000 $826,106 $246,575 $4,098,300 $4,375,000 Level 2 Projects: Parks & Recreation: Sports Lighting Replacement Police: South County Police Precinct General Services: New Public Service Center Library: Vinton Library Renovation Parks & Recreation: Brambleton Center Parks & Recreation: Walrond Park Parks & Recreation: Arnold Burton Softball Complex Parks & Recreation: Vinyard Park Phase III Information Technology: Enterprise Security Project 59.8 59.5 59.1 57.8 56.3 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.1 $1,460,000 $360,000 $12,000,000 $4,988,735 $500,000 $715,000 $300,000 $545,000 $300,000 Level 3 Projects: Parks & Recreation: Whispering Pines Park Fire & Rescue: Station Renovations 53.8 53.4 $435,000 $524,535 22 Fire & Rescue: Masons Cove Bunk Room Addition Information Technology: Wi-Fi 'Hot Spots' Expansion Police: Bomb Disposal Unit Parks & Recreation: Taylor Tract Park and Trail System Information Technology: Microsoft Exchange Project Parks & Recreation: Camp Roanoke Information Technology: Email Archiving, Retention and Recovery Library: Bent Mountain Library Expansion Parks & Recreation: Hollins Park Information Technology: Voice Over IP System General Services: Parking Garage Fire & Rescue: Station Fuel Control System Parks & Recreation: Spring Hollow Reservoir 53.4 53.1 52.5 52.5 52.4 52 51.8 49.4 48.5 47.3 46.6 44.3 37.3 $325,000 $854,000 $165,000 $629,500 $500,000 $267,500 $104,800 $265,680 $335,000 $1,301,491 $5,200,000 $145,000 $3,234,000 23 County of Roanoke FY2009-2010 Agency Funding Requests Proposed Contributions Social Services Aaencies FY08 FY09 FY10 Agency Name Adopted Adopted Request Proposed Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare $157,000 $175,000 $248,779 $180,000 TAP $29,600 $27,700 $31,000 $27,700 TAP - Transitional Living Center $19,700 $17,700 $21,000 $17,700 Total Social Services Agencies $206,300 $220,400 $300,779 $225,400 Health and Human Services Aaencies FY08 FY09 FY10 Agency Name Adopted Adopted Request Proposed Adult Care Center of the Roanoke Valley $10,500 $10,500 $12,000 $10,200 Advancement Foundation $0 $400 $1,500 $400 American Red Cross $4,200 $3,700 $5,000 $3,700 Bethany Hall $1,700 $1,300 $2,100 $1,300 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valley $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Blue Ridge Independent Living Center $700 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc, $0 $600 $3,732 $600 Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia $700 $200 $20,000 $200 Bradley Free Clinic $5,600 $5,600 $6,500 $5,600 Brain Injury Services of SWVA $1,600 $2,200 $35,000 $2,200 Camp Virginia Jaycee, Inc, $600 $200 $4,800 $200 Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP) $19,900 $20,700 $25,000 $20,700 Children's Trust (formerly Children's Advocacy Center and CASAl $0 $0 $10,000 $7,600 Children's Advocacy Center of the Roanoke Valley, Inc $3,900 $3,900 See Children's Trust $0 Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) $3,600 $3,600 See Children's Trust $0 Commonwealth Catholic Charities $400 $400 $1,500 $400 Commonwealth Search and Rescue (Daleville) $200 $400 $1,000 $300 Conflict Resolution Center, Inc, $1,400 $1,600 $24,000 $1,400 Council of Community Svcs - Info and Referral Center $3,100 $3,200 $3,200 $3,200 Council of Community Svcs - Nonprofit Resource Center $0 $500 $500 $500 Council of Community Svcs - Homeless Mgmt Information System (NEW) $0 $0 $5,000 $0 Dare to Care Charities (NEW) $0 $0 $3,000 $0 Family Service of the Roanoke Valley $4,400 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 Good Samaritan Hospice $0 $0 $5,500 $0 Goodwill Industries of the Valleys $1,200 $1,100 $1,100 $700 Habitat for Humanity - Cash Donation $2,100 $2,100 $5,000 $1,900 Habitat for Humanity - Property Donation None None Property $0 Literacy Volunteers of Roanoke Valley $1,100 $1,200 $2,000 $1,200 LOA Area Agency on Aging $15,700 $15,700 $32,003 $15,700 Manna Ministries $0 $800 $5,000 $800 Mental Health America of Roanoke Valley $1,000 $1,100 $1,500 $1,100 24 County of Roanoke FY2009-2010 Agency Funding Requests Proposed Contributions National Multiple Sclerosis Society $600 $0 Planned Parenthood (NEW) $0 $0 Presbyterian Community Center $600 $600 Roanoke Area Ministries $1,600 $1,400 Roanoke County Prevention Council $1,000 $1,000 Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality Network $1,100 $1,000 Roanoke Valley SPCA $700 $800 Roanoke Valley Speech & Hearing Center $2,000 $1,800 Roanoke Wildlife Rescue $700 $100 Saint Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation $3,500 $3,700 Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry $5,400 $5,300 Salvation Army $2,800 $2,700 Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc, $0 $0 Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank $5,200 $5,200 The Achievement Center $0 $0 Trust House $4,200 $4,200 YMCA - Kirk Family $200 $0 YMCA - Partners of Youth $1,800 $0 YWCA of the Roanoke Valley $900 $900 Total Health and Human Services Agencies $119,100 $123,300 $118,600 Cultural. Tourism and Other Aqencies FY08 FY09 FY10 Agency Name Adopted Adopted Request Proposed Art Museum of Western Virginia $200,000 $150,000 .............. $50,000 Art Museum of Western Virginia - N/A $50,000 ",,^^^^ $50,000 Roanoke County Schools Education Program Arts Council of the Blue Ridge $2,900 $2,700 $5,000 $2,500 Blue Ridge Parkway 75, Inc, $0 $12,500 $12,500 Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District $1,200 $1,100 $3,500 $1,100 Center in the Square - Igniting Dreams, Energizing Promises Campaign (NEW) $0 $0 ~+ $0 (this is a 5 year request for $200,000 per year) '" Center in the Square Operating $39,600 $39,400 $37,000 Clean Valley Council, Inc $1,400 $1,500 $3,000 $1,500 Downtown Music Lab $1,400 $1,600 N/A $0 (now part of Jefferson Center Foundation and included in their request) FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway $10,400 $11,700 ..A....,... $11,600 Greenway Commission $30,200 $29,700 ...."'""" $29,800 Harrison Museum of African American Culture $1,700 $1,300 $1,000 History Museum & Historial Society of Western Va, - Learning Gallery $0 $1,200 $0 $0 History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va, - 0, Winston Link $3,600 $3,500 $8,000 $3,500 History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va, - Step Into the Past $8,700 $7,600 $5,900 Hollins University - The Eleanor 0, Wilson Art Museum $0 $25,000 "^"""" $20,000 Jefferson Center Foundation $1,500 $1,600 $2,500 $1,700 Mill Mountain Theatre (no longer in operation) $6,700 $6,900 N/A $0 25 County of Roanoke FY2009-2010 Agency Funding Requests Proposed Contributions Mill Mountain Zoo $8,900 $9,500 ...ft $9,500 Mill Mountain Zoo - Capital Request $1,200 $1,500 ,."^"",, $1,700 Miss Virginia Pageant $0 $1,000 $1,200 $1,000 Miss Virginia Pageant - TV Sponsorship $4,950 $4,950 $4,950 $3,000 New Century Venture Center $1,100 $1,000 $1,000 Opera Roanoke $700 $900 $5,000 $600 Roanoke Ballet Theater $0 $0 $2,500 $0 Roanoke Children's Theatre (NEW) $0 $0 $0 Roanoke Higher Education Center $11,000 $11,400 C1t1~nnn $11,500 Roanoke River Basin Association $0 $0 $4,000 $0 Roanoke Symphony $6,500 $6,100 C1t.,~nnn $5,900 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities $2,300 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Salem Museum and Historical Society $0 $0 ...ft $0 (The full request is for $100,000 at $20,000 per year for 5 years) Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce - Operating $5,000 $5,800 $5,800 $5,700 Salem-Roanoke Baseball Hall of Fame $2,800 $2,000 $2,500 $2,200 Science Museum of Western Virginia - Capital Request $0 $200 $0 Science Museum of Western Virginia - Operating $17,900 $18,200 ..""^^^ $18,100 Small Business Development Center $3,500 $3,400 $6,000 $3,200 Southwest Virginia Ballet $0 $0 $2,000 $0 Tri-County Lake Administrative Commission (TLAC) Smith Mtn Lake $9,000 $6,400 $6,400 $5,700 Vinton Chamber of Commerce - Business Recruitment $3,900 $4,500 $4,200 Vinton Dogwood Festival $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Vinton Historical Society $0 $2,000 ............ $2,000 Virginia Amateur Sports $45,500 $44,400 ..""""" $44,200 Virginia Economic Bridge $0 $0 $1,500 $0 Virginia Institute of Government Membership $3,333 $3,600 $5,000 $0 Virginia Museum of Transportation $6,400 $6,500 $6,500 Virginia Western Community College - Scholarship $13,420 $13,797 ......"" $14,409 Virginia Western Community College - Site Development $0 $40,579 """,""" $40,579 (Second year of 5 year capital funding request submitted in FYOB-09) Western Virginia Land Trust $2,200 $2,500 ...."""" $2,200 Williamson Road Area Business Association $1,000 $0 $0 Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc, $1,100 $1,100 $1,640 $1,100 Total Cultural, Tourism and other Agencies $462,003 $541,426 $1,848,058 $415,188 Dues and Memberships FY08 FY09 FY10 Agency Name Adopted Adopted Request Proposed National Association of Counties $1,781 $1,781 $1,781 $1,781 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce - Dues $2,620 $2,620 $2,610 $2,610 Roanoke Regional Partnership (formerly Roanoke Valley Economic $160,000 $170,291 .....^"". $170,291 Development Partnership) ",1''',''''' Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission C1tlt'1lt..~ FY10 request amount pending approval of per capita rate reduction by the Regional $57,215 $65,388 $57,513 Commission 26 County of Roanoke FY2009-2010 Agency Funding Requests Proposed Contributions Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau $155,700 $180,700 ....ft.... $180,700 Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce - Dues $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Vinton Chamber of Commerce - Dues $500 $500 $500 $500 Virginia Association of Counties $18,027 $20,110 ........""... $20,063 Virginia Municipal League $9,573 $9,573 $10,062 Total Dues and Memberships $406,416 $451,963 Cl'AAA/:'>" $444,520 GRAND TOTAL $1,193,819 $1,337,0891 $2,928,7921 $1,203,7081 27 Roanoke County Schools Budget Summary - All Funds FY 2009-10 Budget Budget Increase Percent Fund 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Change General Fund 143,223,216 137,909,128 (5,314,088) -3.7% Grants Fund 5,428,137 5,448,137 20,000 0.4% School Nutrition Fund 5,463,612 5,521,806 58,194 1.1% Textbook Fund 1,595,030 1,580,030 (15,000) -0.9% Capital Fund 3,106,717 2,422,257 (684,460) -22.0% Debt Fund 10,867,155 11,341,461 474,306 4.4% Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund 551,500 406,500 (145,000) -26.3% Regional Alternative School Fund 527,922 392,115 (135,807) -25.7% School Bus Fund 810,000 810,000 0 0.0% Total Funds 171,573,289 165,831,434 (5,741,855) -3.3% All School Funds General Fund School Nutrition Fund Textbook Fund Capital Fund Regional Alternative School Fund School Bus Fund 28 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ']) - ( AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring April 12 through 18, 2009, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in the County of Roanoke B. Clayton Goodman, III ISCQ... County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Emergency Communications Center has requested that the Board proclaim the week of April 12 through 18,2009, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in the County of Roanoke. Chief Information Officer Elaine Carver, Chief Communications Officer Pat Shumate, and several dispatchers will attend the meeting to accept the proclamation, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL 12 THROUGH 18, 2009, AS NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEEK IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, the week of April 12 through 18, 2009, has been declared "National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week" by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the President of the United States issued a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe that week with appropriate ceremonies and activities; and WHEREAS, problems of crime, fire and other disasters touch and affect all segments of our society, and if unabated, can undermine and erode both moral and economic strengths of our community; and WHEREAS, men and women are engaged In the operation of emergency response systems for the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, these individuals are responsible for responding to stressful telephone calls from the general public for police, fire, and emergency medical assistance, and for calmly and professionally dispatching appropriate assistance to help save the lives and property of our citizens; and WHEREAS, our telecommunications personnel daily serve the public in countless ways without recognition by the beneficiaries of their services. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors do hereby proclaim the week of April 12 through 18, 2009 as "NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICA TORS WEEK" and call upon the citizens of the County of Roanoke to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. 2 ACTION NO. ])-2 ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of appreciation to the Coffee Pot Ladies Auxiliary for 15 years of caring for the triangle garden at the corner of Brambleton Avenue and Route 419 SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Coffee Pot Ladies Auxiliary has been caring for the triangle garden at the corner of Brambleton Avenue and Route 419 for fifteen years; however, they have advised the Board that they are no longer able to care for the garden due to health issues and family responsibilities. They noted this was effective February 28, 2009. The Ladies Auxiliary feels it has been a privilege to take care of the garden and have had many good times doing so over the years. They regret they are unable to give it the attention and dedication it deserves. The ladies expressed that Roanoke County has been a wonderful partner during this endeavor. County employees, Shelia Rose Dooley and Janet H. "Jan" Killgore, and several of the other members will be in attendance to receive the resolution. Mr. Carroll Bell, owner of the Coffee Pot, will also be in attendance. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE COFFEE POT LADIES AUXILIARY FOR 15 YEARS OF CARING FOR THE TRIANGLE GARDEN AT THE CORNER OF BRAMBL TON AVENUE AND ROUTE 419 WHEREAS, in 1993 several friends formed the Ladies Auxiliary of the Coffee Pot, a historic roadhouse restaurant built in 1936 and located on Brambleton Avenue, in the city of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the members of the auxiliary are dedicated to community service and have a great appreciation for the environment; and WHEREAS, the members of the auxiliary partnered with Roanoke County to maintain and beautify the triangle garden located in the County at the corner of Brambleton Avenue and Route 419; and WHEREAS, the members of the auxiliary have diligently taken care of the triangle garden for the past 15 years; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors wishes to thank the ladies auxiliary for being an outstanding partner and providing invaluable assistance to maintain and beautify County surroundings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its sincere appreciation to the members of the COFFEE POT LADIES AUXILIARY: DIANN BATEMAN, DEBORAH H. BOWMAN, SHELlA R. DOOLEY, JANIS FRASER, SHARON GUTHRIE, EMMALEE HALL, JENNIE HAZELGROVE, ANGELA JAMISON, JANET H. KILLGORE, DIANE OBER, SEDONA PATTERSON, LYNN SPIRES, and SHARON D. THEEDE for their many years of 1 commitment and devotion to the beautification of our community; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to the ladies in their future endeavors. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: APRIL 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution approving and adopting the recommendation of the Roanoke County Bonding Committee to declare the developer of Mason's Crest Subdivision is in default and to authorize officials of Roanoke COLlnty to exercise its rights under the Developer's Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement; the Developer's Land Subdivider's Agreement; and, the accompanying Irrevocable Letters of Credit SUBMITTED BY: Tarek Moneir Deputy Director of Development Services APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In 2004, Radford & Company (Developer), a Virginia Corporation submitted plans to Roanoke County and was granted approval to develop a large parcel of land located off Merriman Road, Route 613 south of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. An Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement (ESC) dated June 23, 2004 was established for the development to proceed. The Developer posted a Bond in the amount of $1 03,836 in the form of an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit presented by Salem Bank & Trust (now StellarOne Bank) for this project. On July 13, 2005, the Developer signed a Land Subdivider's Agreement with Roanoke County and posted a Bond in the amount of $937,475 in the form of a Letter of Credit by Salem Bank & Trust (now StellarOne Bank) in order to comply with Roanoke County's Ordinance to subdivide the same land and proceed with the infrastructure development of Mason's Crest subdivision. 1 The Developer agreed that measures for the control of siltation, erosion and all improvements to the land within the said subdivision would be properly and satisfactorily provided, installed, and completed as agreed upon on the approved plans. As the improvements were completed, the Developer requested and was granted reductions to the amount of the bonds/surety leaving a balance of $51,918 for ESC and $57,156 for the Land Subdivider's Agreements. Significant improvements have taken place, but the subdivision remains incomplete. A punch list of outstanding items to be corrected had been identified and mailed to the Developer. Additionally, staff has sent several follow up notices to the Developer listing the remaining incomplete items. To date there has been no response from the Developer (see attached copy of a letter with the list of items needing to be addressed). The Bonding Committee considered the facts presented by the Community Development Department staff on the project and determined that the Developer is in default. A notice of public hearing was established and mailed via certified mail to the Developer and Creditors of today's hearing. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of completing the remaining improvements is anticipated to be covered by the funds on credit with the bank for this project. AL TERNATIVES: 1. The Bonding Committee recommends that the Board of Supervisors: a. Formally declare that the developer is in default of the Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement and instruct the staff to demand payment of the surety in order to pay for the incomplete ESC measures; and, b. Formally declare that the developer is in default of the Land Subdivider's Agreement and instruct the staff to demand payment of the surety in order to pay for the remaining needed improvements; and, c. Authorize the staff to spend these funds for completion of the needed corrections or improvements of the subdivision. 2. Reject the Bonding Committee Recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve alternative 1. 2 ( ( QIountu .of ~onnok.e DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILOING PERMITS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENGINEERING INSPECTIONS MAPPING-GIS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR. ARNOLD COVEY DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. TAREK MONErR DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PLANNING. PHILIP THOMPSON COUNTY ENGINEER. GEORGE W. SIMPSON. III. P.E, BUILDING COMMISSIONER. JOEL S. BAKER. CBO FIRST NOTICE February 18, 2009 Mr. David Radford Radford & Company 2772 Electric Rd Roanoke, VA 24018 Re: Mason's Crest Subdivision Section 1 Project #: SB-OS01654 Land Subdivider's and Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement Expiration/Request for Schedule Dear Mr. Radford: This letter is to inform you that both your Land Subdivider's Agreement and your Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement have expired. The expiration date of the E & S Agreement was June 23, 2005 and the Landsubdivider's Agreement was July 13,2006. Your Landsubdivider's Agreement and Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement states certain requirements that need to be met to complete the project. An inspection was performed by Roanoke County staff on January 12, 2009 to determine if these requirements had been met. A punch list of outstanding items was generated and includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. The remaining top coat of asphalt is needed to be put down on Mason's Crest Trail. 2. The existing sediment basin to the right of Mountain Spring Trail at STA 180+50 will have to be converted to a stormwater management facility when the area draining to it is fully stabilized. ( ( Mr. David Radford 2/18/2009 2 3. The areas draining to all of the E&S traps and basins are not completely stabilized. Also, the areas draining to them need to be over seeded and stabilized. When these areas reach full stabilization, the E&S measures must be removed. 4. Per the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-47-5 Application Process: HAt a minimum this information shall include: 6. A circulation plan, including location of existing and proposed vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and other circulation facilities and location and general design of parking and loading facilities. General information on the trip generation, ownership and maintenance and proposed construction standards for these facilities should be included..." 5. Per the Mason's Crest Masterplan document dated December 19,2003: "A series of trails are shown on the Master Development Plan. The developer has the discretion to develop some of the trails as hard surface, multi-use trails or woodland soft-surface pedestrian only trails. The intent is to develop the lower portions of the trail system as hard surface trails connecting to the amenity recreation area." Per the two sections shown above, the trail system in the developed open space areas of the site must be marked as shown on the approved Mason's Crest plans. If copies of these documents are needed, please see www.roanokecountyva.gov/pz or contact Tamrni Wood, CZA at (540) 772-2068 xt.226. You must provide Roanoke County with a written response and schedule of when these items will be addressed no later than March 4, 2009 or the County will consider your project in default. Any additional costs/expenses other than those covered by the letters of credit will be levied to your account and will remain your responsibility to repay to the County. If you should have any questions regarding the comments in this letter, please do not hesitate to call our office (540) 772-2190. u Deni Sowder Development Review Coordinator pc: Arnold Covey, Community Development Director Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development Services Matt Cooper, EIT, Project Engineer Steve Lyon, StellarOne t--I, ':--v AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BONDING COMMITTEE TO DECLARE THE DEVELOPER OF MASON'S CREST SUBDIVISION TO BE IN DEFAULT AND TO AUTHORIZE OFFICIALS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO EXERCISE ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE DEVELOPER'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AGREEMENT AND THE ACCOMPANYING IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT WHEREAS, Radford & Company, a Virginia corporation (hereafter "Radford"), as developers of Mason's Crest Subdivision (hereafter "Mason's Crest S/D") in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, on or about June 23, 2004, entered into an Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement (hereafter "E & S Agreement") with the County of Roanoke and provided an irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by Salem Bank & Trust, now StellarOne Bank (hereafter "StellarOne"), to insure the construction and maintenance of certain erosion and sediment control facilities in connection with the development of Mason's Crest SID; and WHEREAS, Radford has partially complied with its legal responsibilities under the aforesaid E & S Agreement and Roanoke County officials have authorized a partial release of their Letter of Credit but a balance of $51,918.00 remains on deposit with StellarOne to secure the completion of the requirement under this agreement; and WHEREAS, the remaining tasks to be performed to comply with Radford's E & S Agreement include the conversion of an existing sediment basis adjacent to the Mountain Spring Trial into a stormwater management facility with a fully stabilized draining area and stabilization of the areas draining into all of the erosion and sediment traps and basins with adequate seeding and removal of temporary erosion and sediment control measures upon successful full stabilization; and WHEREAS, representatives of the Roanoke County Department of Community Development have met on several occasions with Radford to discuss the status of compliance with the E & S Agreement and finally mailed a letter to Radford, dated February 17, 2009, requiring a response by March 2, 2009 and documentation of steps to complete their responsibilities, but no response has been received from Radford or StellarOne as of this date; and WHEREAS, the Bonding Committee for Roanoke COLlnty meeting on February 19, 2009, at the Roanoke County Administration Center considered the documentation as to the status of this subdivision project and the contacts with Radford to secure compliance and voted to recommend that the developer be declared in default and that the County take all necessary actions to collect the outstanding bonded proceeds; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on this 14th day of April, 2009, to consider the recommendation of the Bonding Committee and to accept testimony and proposals from Radford and StellarOne. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Radford & Company is legally bound unto the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement dated June 23, 2004, for the construction and maintenance of certain control measures in accordance with the plans for Mason's Crest subdivision dated May 28, 2004 and all subsequent revisions thereof as approved by the County of Roanoke. 2 2. That Radford & Company has failed to substantially complete the erosion and sediment control facilities and measures as required by the aforesaid Agreement and that the anticipated cost for completion of said facilities and measures equals or exceeds the sum of Fifty-two Thousand Dollars ($52,000.00). 3. That authorized representatives of Roanoke County have attempted without success to obtain a response or agreement from Radford & Company for the completion of its legal obligations to the County and the public under the aforesaid Agreement. 4. That the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County has recommended that Radford & Company be declared in default under the terms of its Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement dated June 23, 2004 and that Roanoke County exercise its legal rights and responsibilities to obtain the remaining bonded indebtedness being held for the County's benefit. 5. That Radford & Company is hereby determined to be in default for its failure to substantially and adequately complete the requirements imposed upon it by the aforesaid Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement. 6. That StellarOne Bank, the successor in interest to Salem Bank & Trust, has issued an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, dated July 6, 2004, Letter of Credit Number 183, on behalf of Radford & Company for Mason's Crest, Project Number 04-SB-00012, on which the remaining balance is Fifty-one Thousand, Nine Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($51,918.00). 7. That the officials and staff of Roanoke County are hereby authorized, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to draw upon the 3 aforesaid Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, dated July 6, 2004, Letter of Credit Number 183, for all funds secured thereby for the County of Roanoke as "BENEFICIARY" and to take all actions, legal or otherwise, to enforce the legal rights and responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors in connection with the development of Mason's Crest Subdivision by Radford & Company. 8. That the County Administrator, the Director of the Department of Community Development, his staff and agents, and the Office of the County Attorney are hereby authorized to take such action, including the initiation and pursuit of such legal proceedings, as may be necessary to fully assert and defend the rights and obligations of Roanoke County in this regard. 9. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from the date of its adoption. 4 ~-1.;h AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ROANOKE COLlNTY BONDING COMMITTEE TO DECLARE THE DEVELOPER OF MASON'S CREST SUBDIVISION TO BE IN DEFAlIL T AND TO AUTHORIZE OFFICIALS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO EXERCISE ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE DEVELOPER'S LAND SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT AND THE ACCOMPANYING IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT WHEREAS, Radford & Company, a Virginia corporation (hereafter "Radford"), as developers of Mason's Crest Subdivision (hereafter "Mason's Crest S/D") in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, on or about July 13, 2005, entered into a Land Subdivider's Agreement (hereafter "Subdivider's Agreement") with the County of Roanoke and provided an Irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by Salem Bank & Trust, now StellarOne Bank (hereafter "StellarOne"), to insure the construction of certain physical improvements to the land in connection with the development of Mason's Crest SID; and WHEREAS, Radford has partially complied with its legal responsibilities under the aforesaid Subdivider's Agreement and Roanoke County officials have authorized a partial release of their Letter of Credit but a balance of $57,156.00 remains on deposit with StellarOne to secure the completion of the requirement under this agreement; and WHEREAS, the remaining tasks to be performed to comply with Radford's Subdivider's Agreement include a top coat of asphalt to Mason's Crest Trail, a series of trails as shown on Radford's Master Development Plan for this subdivision and a circulation plan in accordance with the requirement of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, Section 30-47-5; and WHEREAS, representatives of the Roanoke County Department of Community Development have met on several occasions with representatives of Radford to discuss the status of compliance with the Subdivider's Agreement and finally mailed a letter to Radford, dated February 17, 2009, requiring a response by March 2, 2009, and documentation of steps to complete their responsibilities, but no response has been received from Radford or StellarOne as of this date; and WHEREAS, the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County meeting on February 19, 2009, at the Roanoke County Administration Center considered the documentation as to the status of this subdivision project and the contacts with Radford to secure compliance and voted to recommend that the developer be declared in default and that the county take all necessary actions to collect the outstanding bonded proceeds; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on this 14th day of April, 2009, to consider the recommendation of the Bonding Committee and to accept testimony and proposals from Radford and StellarOne. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Radford & Company is legally bound unto the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance with the Land Subdivider's Agreement dated July 13, 2005, for the construction of certain physical improvements to the land in accordance with the plans for Mason's Crest, Section 1, subdivision, prepared by Lumsden Associates, PC, dated May 23, 2005, and all subsequent revisions thereof as approved by the County of Roanoke. 2 2. That Radford & Company has failed to substantially complete the physical improvements to the land as required by the aforesaid Agreement and that the anticipated cost for completion of said facilities and measures equals or exceeds the sum of Fifty-seven Thousand, One Hundred Fifty-six Dollars ($57,156.00). 3. That authorized representatives of Roanoke County have attempted without success to obtain a response or agreement from Radford & Company for the completion of its legal obligations to the County and the public under the aforesaid Agreement. 4. That the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County has recommended that Radford & Company be declared in default under the terms of its Land Subdivider's Agreement dated July 13, 2005, and that Roanoke County exercise its legal rights and responsibilities to obtain the remaining bonded indebtedness being held for the County's benefit. 5. That Radford & Company is hereby determined and declared to be in default for its failure to substantially and adequately complete the requirements imposed upon it by the aforesaid Land Subdivider's Agreement. 6. That StellarOne Bank, the successor in interest to Salem Bank & Trust, has issued an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, dated July 18, 2005, Letter of Credit Number 246, on behalf of Radford & Company for Mason's Crest, Section 1, on which the remaining balance is Fifty-seven Thousand, One Hundred Fifty- six Dollars ($57,156.00). 7. That the officials and staff of Roanoke County are hereby authorized, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to draw upon the 3 aforesaid Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, dated July 18, 2005, Letter of Credit Number 246, for all funds secured thereby for the County of Roanoke as "BENEFICIARY" and to take all actions, legal or otherwise, to enforce the legal rights and responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors in connection with the development of Mason's Crest Subdivision by Radford & Company. 8. That the County Administrator, the Director of the Department of Community Development, bis staff and agents, and the Office of the County Attorney are hereby authorized to take such action, including the initiation and pursuit of such legal proceedings, as may be necessary to fully assert and defend the rights and obligations of Roanoke County in this regard. 9. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from the date of its adoption. 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-d AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution approving and adopting the recommendation of the Roanoke County Bonding Committee to declare the developer of Hidden Ridge Subdivision is in default and to authorize officials of Roanoke County to exercise its rights under the Developer's Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement; the Developer's Land Subdivider's Agreement; and, the accompanying bonds SUBMITTED BY: Tarek Moneir Deputy Director of Development Services APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In early 2001, J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. (Developer), a Virginia Corporation submitted plans to the County and was granted approval to develop a large parcel of land located off Buck Mountain Road, southeast of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. An Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement dated March 15, 2001 was established for the development to proceed. The Developer posted a Bond in the amount of $16,595 (bond # 08529285) with Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland for this project. On March ih, 2002, the Developer signed a Land Subdivider's Agreement with Roanoke County and posted a Land Subdivider's Bond in the amount of $507,350 (bond # 08595237) from the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. This was in compliance with Roanoke County's Ordinance to subdivide the same land and proceed with the infrastructure development of Hidden Ridge subdivision. The Developer agreed that measures for the control of siltation, erosion and all improvements to the land within the said subdivision will be properly and satisfactorily provided, installed, and completed as provided for on the approved plans. The Developer proceeded with the development as approved by the Department of Community Development. On January 12, 2006, the Department of Community Development drafted a letter to the developer with a list of VDOT's concerns and items that would need to be addressed in order for this road to be accepted into the State Secondary Road System (see attached letter dated January 12, 2006). The Developer has been given ample time to complete the corrections, but the subdivision improvements remain incomplete. Community Development staff sent several notices of compliance to the Developer listing the incomplete items. To date, there has been no response from the Developer. The Bonding Committee considered the facts presented by the Department of Community Development staff on the project and declared that the Developer is in default. A notice of today's public hearing was sent via certified mail to the Developer and Creditor. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of completing the remaining improvements is anticipated to be covered by the funds on credit with Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland for this project. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The Bonding Committee recommends that the Board of Supervisors: a. Formally declare that the Developer is in default of the Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement and instruct the staff to demand payment of the surety in order to pay for the incomplete ESC measures; and, b. Formally declare that the Developer is in default of the Land Subdivider's Agreement and instruct the staff to demand payment of the surety in order to pay for the remaining subdivision improvements; and, c. Authorize the staff to spend these funds for completion of the needed corrections and improvements of this subdivision. 2. Reject the Bonding Committee Recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve alternative 1. Qlountu of ~oanoke DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PERMITS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENGINEERING INSPECTIONS MAPPING/GIS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR, ARNOLD COVEY DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, TAREK MONEIR DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PLANNING, PHILIP THOMPSON COUNTY ENGINEER, GEORGE W, SIMPSON, III, P,E. BUILDING COMMISSIONER, JOEL S. BAKER, CBO January 12,2006 Don Dye Buck MOWltain Land, LLC PO Box 20041 Roanoke, VA 24018 Re: Hidden Ridge Corrections required prior to acceptance of Eagle Crest Drive and part of Piney Ridge Drive into the State Secondary Road System Dear Mr. Dye: The County Of Roanoke, in conjWlction with the Virginia Department of Transportation, conducted an inspection of Eagle Crest Drive and Piney Ridge Drive on 1111/06. Listed below are the corrections that need to be made prior to VDOT accepting the road into the State Secondary Road System. The corrections must be completed within sixty (60) days. VDOT Comments 1. CBR test results need to be provided. 2. Lot 3865: The steel plate needs to be removed and the back of the entrance needs to be lowered. The curb and gutter located in front of the mailbox has sunk and cracked. This section of curb and gutter needs to be replaced and brought of to the correct elevation. 3. The curb and gutter in the cul-de-sac at the end of Piney Ridge Drive is low in front of lots 3865 and 3862. This section needs to be replaced so that the water will make it to the DI- Y in the cul-de-sac. 4. The lift holes in all of the DI structures need to be checked for grout. If the lift holes are not grouted, they need to be. P.O. BOX 29800. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018. PHONE (540) 772-2080. FAX (540) 772-2108 * Recycled Paper 5. All of the internal connections of the stonnwater sewer systems need to be checked for grout. If they have not been grouted, they need to be. If the grout has come the off or separated, it needs to be replaced. 6. The DI-7 in the cul-de-sac of Piney Ridge Drive is not accessible. It can not be opened to check the inside. It needs to be cleaned out from around it so it can be checked. 7. All the street lights have to be removed from the VDOT right-of-way, which includes the head of the light, or provide shop drawings and details to the Richmond Central Office for approval. Provide maintenance responsibilities and permit with continuous surety. 8. Lot 3883: The sprinkler system itself and the controls for the sprinkler system have to be removed from the VDOT right-of-way. There is also ponding of water in front of the entrance. Both this entrance and the entrance to lot 3901 are low or there is a high spot between the two entrances. This area needs to be fixed so it can drain. 9. Remove and repave, as painted, the section of Piney Ridge Drive across from lot 3883. 10. Lot 3845: Remove the outlets to the roof drains from the VDOT right-of-way. Remove and replace a 4' wide section, where painted, in front of the entrance to the lot. 11. Backfill behind all sections of curb and gutter and around all DI structures. 12. The cracks adjacent to DI structures G, H, I, and K need to be saw cut and epoxy applied to them. There are 3 cracks adjacent to DI structure G. 13. The pipe in DI-H needs to be cleaned out. 14. The shoulder behind the upper side ofthe main entrance to Eagle Crest Drive is not wide enough and the slope going down toward the 36" CMP is too steep. The shoulder needs to be widened and the slope flattened out to at least 1.5 to 1. 15. The deceleration lane on the upper side of the main entrance to Eagle Crest Drive seems to have a dip where it butts up to Buck Mountain Road. Verify that it has the correct fall of2% toward the curb and gutter. 16. Manhole AA-2 (stonn sewer manhole), as designated on the plans, needs to be found, saw cut around, pavement removed, raised, and repaved around. 17. The water manhole in the main entrance to Eagle Crest Drive needs to be saw cut around, raised, and repaved. 18. The shoulder behind the lower side of the main entrance to Eagle Crest Drive does not have the ditch that is shown on the plans. Also, where the water leaves the curb and gutter, the area just behind the paved area is eroded. The ditch needs to be put in and the erosion fixed. 19. Lot 3810: If the house is to have 2 entrances, Marcus Brown must be contacted @ (540) 387-5488 before installation to review and approve the double entrance. 20. Lot 3822: The entrance to the lot is too wide. The length needs to be cut down and an extra 8' of curb and gutter added to the upper or lower side. 21. Steps must be provided in all manholes where required. 22. The pavement in front of the entrance to the office has been gouged up. This area needs to be saw cut and repaved. Roanoke County Comments 1. Manhole V: The frame and cover needs to be anchored to the top of the manhole. '2. There is erosion on the slope behind DI structure J in the form of a small ditch that needs to be fixed. When these corrections have been made, please contact me to schedule another inspection. If there are any questions about this letter, do no hesitate to contact me at 772-2065 ext. 235. Thanks, ta!:~ Civil Engineer I Community Development f-J~CA.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BONDING COMMITTEE TO DECLARE THE DEVELOPER OF HIDDEN RIDGE SUBDIVISION TO BE IN DEFAULT AND TO AUTHORIZE OFFICIALS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO EXERCISE ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE DEVELOPER'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AGREEMENT AND THE ACCOMPANYING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BOND WHEREAS, J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., a Virginia corporation (hereafter "J.P. Turner"), as developers of Hidden Ridge Subdivision (hereafter "Hidden Ridge S/D") in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, on or about March 15, 2001, entered into an Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement (hereafter "E & S Agreement") with the County of Roanoke and provided an Erosion and Sediment Control Bond secured by Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland (hereafter "F&D Maryland"), to insure the construction and maintenance of certain erosion and sediment control facilities in connection with the development of Hidden Ridge SID; and WHEREAS, J.P. Turner has failed to substantially comply with its legal responsibilities under the aforesaid E & S Agreement and a balance of $16,595.00 remains on deposit with F & D Maryland to secure the completion of the requirement under this agreement; and WHEREAS, the remaining tasks to be performed to comply with J.P. Turner's E & S Agreement include, but may not be limited to, the correction of an erosion ditch on the slope behind DI structure J and the anchoring of a frame and cover to the top of Manhole # 5; and WHEREAS, representatives of the Roanoke County Department of Community Development have meet on several occasions with representatives of J.P. Turner to discuss the status of compliance with the E & S Agreement, mailed a detailed letter dated January 12, 2006, a subsequent letter dated October 30, 2008, and finally mailed a letter to J.P. Turner, dated February 19, 2009, requiring a response by February 27, 2009, and documentation of steps to complete their responsibilities, but no response has been received from J.P. Turner or F & D Maryland as of this date; and WHEREAS, the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County meeting on February 19, 2009, at the Roanoke County Administration Center considered the documentation as to the status of this subdivision project and the contacts with .J.P. Turner to secure compliance and voted to recommend that the developer be declared in default and that the County take all necessary actions to collect the outstanding bonded proceeds; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on this 14th day of April, 2009, to consider the recommendation of the Bonding Committee and to accept testimony and proposals from J.P. Turner and F & D Maryland. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., is legally bound unto the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement, dated March 15, 2001, for the construction and maintenance of certain control measures in accordance with the plans for Hidden Ridge Subdivision, dated March 15, 2001, and all subsequent revisions thereof as approved by the County of Roanoke. 2. That J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. has failed to substantially complete the erosiona 2 and sediment control facilities and measures as required by the aforesaid Agreement and that the anticipated cost for completion of said facilities and measures equals or exceeds the sum of Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($16,595.00). 3. That authorized representatives of Roanoke County have attempted without success to obtain a response or agreement from J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., for the completion of its legal obligations to the County and the public under the aforesaid Agreement. 4. That the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County has recommended that J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. be declared in default under the terms of its Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement, dated March 15, 2001, and that Roanoke County exercise its legal rights and responsibilities to obtain the remaining bonded indebtedness being held for the County's benefit. 5. That .J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. is hereby determined and declared to be in default for its failure to substantially and adequately complete the requirements imposed upon it by the aforesaid Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement. 6. That Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland has executed and entered into Erosion and Sediment Control Bond No. 08529285, executed March 19, 2001, as surety for J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. for Hidden Ridge, Project Number 014-SB- 00001, on which the remaining balance is Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($16,595.00). 7. That the officials and staff of Roanoke County are hereby authorized, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to draw upon the 3 aforesaid Erosion and Sediment Control Bond, dated March 19, 2001, Bond No. 08529285, for all funds secured thereby for the County of Roanoke as beneficiary and to take all actions, legal or otherwise, to enforce the legal rights and responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors in connection with the development of Hidden Ridge Subdivision by J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. 8. That the County Administrator, the Director of the Department of Community Development, his staff and agents, and the Office of the County Attorney, are hereby authorized to take such action, including the initiation and pursuit of such legal proceedings, as may be necessary to fully assert and defend the rights and obligations of Roanoke County in this regard. 9. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from the date of its adoption. 4 ./ '} b C -c/o AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BONDING COMMITTEE TO DECLARE THE DEVELOPER OF HIDDEN RIDGE SUBDIVISION TO BE IN DEFAULT AND TO AUTHORIZE OFFICIALS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO EXERCISE ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE DEVELOPER'S LAND SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT AND THE ACCOMPANYING LAND SUBDIVIDER'S BOND WHEREAS, J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., a Virginia corporation (hereafter "J.P. Turner"), as developers of Hidden Ridge Subdivision (hereafter "Hidden Ridge S/D") in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, on or about March 7, 2002, entered into a Land Subdivider's Agreement (hereafter "Subdivider Agreement") with the County of Roanoke and provided a Land Subdivider's Bond secured by Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland (hereafter "F & D Maryland"), to insure the construction of certain physical improvements to the land in connection with the development of Hidden Ridge SID; and WHEREAS, J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., has failed to substantially comply with its legal responsibilities under the aforesaid Subdivider Agreement and a balance of $507,350.00 remains on deposit with F & 0 Maryland to secure the completion of the requirements under this agreement; and WHEREAS, the remaining tasks to be performed to comply with J.P, Turner's Subdivider Agreement include a punch list of twenty-two (22) separate items required by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) as conditions for the acceptance of Eagle Crest Drive and Piney Ridge Drive into the State Secondary Road System, as set forth in a letter dated January 12, 2006, to Don Dye; and WHEREAS, representatives of the Roanoke County Department of Community Development have meet on several occasions with representatives of J.P. Turner to discuss the status of compliance with the Subdivider Agreement, mailed a detailed letter dated January 12,2006, a subsequent letter dated October 30,2008, and finally mailed a letter to J.P. Turner, dated February 19, 2009, requiring a response by February 27, 2009, and documentation of steps to complete their responsibilities, but no response has been received from J.P. Turner or F & D Maryland as of this date; and WHEREAS, the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County meeting on February 19, 2009, at the Roanoke County Administration Center considered the documentation as to the status of this subdivision project and the contacts with ..J.P. Turner to secure compliance and voted to recommend that the developer be declared in default and that the County take all necessary actions to collect the outstanding bonded proceeds; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on this 14th day of April, 2009, to consider the recommendation of the Bonding Committee and to accept testimony and proposals from ..J.P. Turner and F & D Maryland. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. is legally bound unto the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance with the Land Subdivider's Agreement, dated March 7, 2002, for the construction of certain physical improvements to the land in accordance with the plans for Hidden Ridge Subdivision, prepared by Lumsden Associates, PC, dated January 16, 2001, and all subsequent revisions thereof, as approved by the County of Roanoke. 2 2. That J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. has failed to substantially complete the physical improvements to the land as required by the aforesaid Agreement and that the anticipated cost for completion of said facilities and measures equals or exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($507,350.00). 3. That authorized representatives of Roanoke County have attempted without success to obtain a response or agreement from J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., for the completion of its legal obligations to the County and the public under the aforesaid Agreement. 4. That the Bonding Committee for Roanoke County has recommended that J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., be declared in default under the terms of its Land Subdivider's Agreement dated March 7, 2002, and that Roanoke County exercise its legal rights and responsibilities to obtain the remaining bonded indebtedness being held for the County's benefit. 5. That ..J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. is hereby determined and declared to be in default for its failure to substantially and adequately complete the requirements imposed upon it by the aforesaid Land Subdivider's Agreement. 6. That Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland has executed and entered into Land Subdivider's Bond No. 08595237, dated March 8, 2002, on behalf of J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc., for Hidden Ridge Subdivision, on which the remaining balance is Five Hundred Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty ($ 507,350.00). 7. That the officials and staff of Roanoke County are hereby authorized, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to draw upon the 3 aforesaid Land Subdivider's Bond, dated March 8, 2002, for all funds secured thereby for the County of Roanoke as beneficiary and to take all actions, legal or otherwise, to enforce the legal rights and responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors in connection with the development of Hidden Ridge Subdivision by J.P. Turner Brothers, Inc. 8. That the County Administrator, the Director of the Department of Community Development, his staff and agents, and the Office of the County Attorney, are hereby authorized to take such action, including the initiation and pursuit of such legal proceedings, as may be necessary to fully assert and defend the rights and obligations of Roanoke County in this regard. 9. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from the date of its adoption. 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F-J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Adopt the Roanoke County School Budget for the fiscal year 2009-2010 SLlBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County School Board has submitted the attached budget for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. The School Board approved this budget at their meeting on March 26, 2009, and in accordance with state law, has now submitted it for Board of Supervisors approval. Drew Barrineau (Chairman of the Roanoke County School Board), Dr. Lorraine Lange (Superintendent of Schools), and Penny Hodge (Assistant Superintendent of Finance) will attend the Board of Supervisors meeting to present the school budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving and adopting the attached school board budget for the 2009- 2010 fiscal year. Roanoke County Public Schools Budget 2009 - 2010 Roanoke County Public Schools School Board Members C. Drew Barrineau, Chairman Windsor Hills District Michael W. Stovall, Vice Chairman Vinton District David M. Wymer Catawba District H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Cave Spring District Jerry L. Canada Hollins District ~.. ~r ~.J:. '" . ..... Dr. Lorraine S. Lange School Superintendent Penny A. Hodge, CPA Assistant Superintendent of Finance David E. Atkins Finance Manager 5937 Cove Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24019 www.rcs.k12.va.us ...... Table of Contents ~ Executive Summary Superintendent's Budget Message....................................................................... 1-2 Mission Statement....................................................................................................3 Budget Development Calendar................................................................................4 Budget Development Process .............................................................................. 5-7 Basis of Presentation................................................................................................8 Budget Summary - All Funds.................................................................................. 9 General Fund Revenues per Pupil..........................................................................1 0 General Fund Revenues................................................................................... 11-12 Description of General Fund Expenditures by Budget Categories....................... .13 General Fund Expenditures per Pupil................................................................... .14 General Fund Expenditure Summary by Department............................................15 Student Enrollment............................................................................................... .16 Historical Fund Balance Data ................................................................................17 Other School Funds Grant Fund....................................................................................................... 19-20 Nutrition Fund........................................................................................................21 Textbook Fund..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., .,22 Capital Fund...........................................................................................................23 Debt Fund...............................................................................................................24 Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund...........................................................................25 Regional Alternative Education Program..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.26 Bus Fund................................................................................................................27 Roanoke County Public Schools 5937 Cove Road Roanok:e, Virginia 24019 March 26, 2009 Dear School Board Members: The process of developing a budget each year is vitally important for allocating resources to the successful operation of a first class educational program for approximately 14,600 students in the 1 7 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, 5 high schools, and 2 alternative schools in Roanok:e County. This year, that process became even more critical as the school system was forced by the national economy to make drastic cuts in expenditures to balance to steeply declining state and local tax revenues. Feedback was encouraged from throughout the system and community as we look:ed deep within our budget to find ways to do more with less while maintaining our focus and finances on our #1 priority, the students. Presented herein is the fiscal year 2009-10 (FY10) budget for Roanoke County Public Schools. Overall, the FY10 approved operating budget totals $137,909,128, representing a 3.7 percent decrease under the FY09 budget. The approved budget is based on a projected average daily membership (ADM) in FY10 of 14,400 students which reflects a projected one percent reduction in enrollment. The FY10 budget, the second year of the state biennium budget, represents a projected state revenue decrease of 9 percent, or $7.4 million for the school division. The transfer from the County Board of Supervisors to the school division is expected to decrease by 3 percent, or $1.7 million reflecting the significant loss of local tax revenues. The school division projects a slight decrease in other revenues of$123,795 for a total reduction in regular school revenues of$9.1 million. Offsetting a portion of the $9.1 million in lost revenue this year is a brand new source of funding for public education. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) signed into law by President Obama on February 17, provides $3.8 million in new funding for the school division. One component of ARRA is the State Fiscal Stabilization Funds which are intended to address significant shortfalls in state tax revenues. The General Assembly elected to include this portion of the stimulus funding in distributions to public schools to partially offset state revenue reductions in the proposed state budget. The stabilization funds are specifically designed to stimulate the economy and the law expressly states that the funds "may be used to pay salaries to avoid having to layoff teachers and other school employees". The School Board has elected to include this stimulus funding in the FY10 budget to offset a portion of the significant state revenue reductions and purposefully avoid the layoff of full-time employees (not including part-time or grant funded positions). The reduction in total revenues for FY10 has been addressed with thoughtful and methodical reviews of all school expenditures and the selection of budget cuts that would least impact the classroom and teacher-student relationship. In the short-term, efforts are focused on maintaining direct educational services for students in the school division while reducing some of the resource services that the school system has enjoyed in past years. Maximizing student achievement, excelling on Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments, exceeding state accreditation benchmark:s, and having all schools meet the Adequate Yearly Progress (A YP) provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) remain primary goals of Roanok:e County Public Schools. Based on 2007 -08 test results (most recent test results available), the school division continues to be a leader in student performance across the state with 100% of our schools meeting state accreditation and 100% of our schools meeting federal A YP benchmarks. Additionally, our students consistently exceed the state average on both SOL and Scholastic Achievement Tests (SAT). Roanok:e County Public Schools also prides itself on one of the lowest dropout percentages in the state at 1.36% in FY08 (the latest data available). The heart and soul of Roanoke County Public Schools lies with the employees who work: with the students on a daily basis. By its very nature, public education is labor intensive and, accordingly, the emphasis in the school budget rests with personnel and benefit costs. Unfortunately, in order to protect employee jobs and address the significant revenue shortfalls, employee salaries will be frozen at the same levels for FY10. On a positive note, premiums for employee health and dental insurance will also remain at the same rates for FY10 avoiding the potential for reduced pay checks next year. The School Board has funded minimal budget increases for FY10 limited to fuel costs, utilities, increases in hourly minimum wage rates under the Fair Labor Standards Act, legal fees, internet filters, formative assessments, and replacement of discontinued student fees. This budget also includes the agreed upon annual increase of $300,000 to fund the Joint Capital Improvement Financing Plan with the Board of Supervisors. Unlik:e past years, the funding for this budget was drastically reduced by current economic conditions. However, the School Board requested feedback: from employees and citizens as early as September 2008 as they began the laborious process of identifying efficient economic alternatives for spending. The School Board has made systematic and methodical choices to provide the best possible educational environment within the constraints of available funding and other essential budget needs. We commend the School Board for their strong leadership and enduring commitment to providing a high quality education to the students of Roanoke County Public Schools despite the real challenges of this economy. We would also lik:e to thank: the many parents and other citizens of Roanoke County who volunteer their time and expertise to help mak:e our schools a safe and caring place for "learning for all, whatever it tak:es." Sincerely, .~ _....'. t, ~1~ilJ :J:. ~ ~A.~ Penny A. Hodge, CPA, RSBO Assistant Superintendent of Finance Lorraine S. Lange, Ed. D. Superintendent 2 Roanoke County Public Schools Mission Statement It is the mission of Roanok:e County Public Schools to ensure that all students participate in quality learning experiences necessary to grow, adapt and meet the challenges of a changing world. Beliefs and Assumptions . All children can learn. . The individual school controls enough variables to assure that virtually all children can be motivated to learn. . A school's stak:eholders are the most qualified people to implement needed changes. . School-by-school change is the best hope for reform. "Learning for all, whatever it takes" 3 Roanoke County Public Schools Budget Development Calendar November 2008 · Identification and prioritization of budget initiatives and budget reductions based on Comprehensive Plan and state forecasts December 2008 · Budget kick-off and distribution of Budget Preparation Instructions to staff · Budget Development Calendar presented to School Board · Preliminary revenue estimates prepared based on proposed Governor's budget January 2009 · Operating Budget Requests submitted to Finance Office by all departments · School Nutrition Services, Textbooks, Debt and Grant Budget Requests submitted to Finance Office · Draft Operating Budget compilations distributed to Senior Staff · Revenue projections updated based on proposed House and Senate budgets · Public comment on FY2010 Operating Budget February 2009 · Operating Budget discussions - Superintendent and Senior Staff · Preliminary revenue sessions with local government · Preliminary revenue projections updated based on General Assembly action · Budget work session with Employee Advisory Committee March 2009 · Budget Summit with School Board and staff · Joint Budget Work Session with Board of Supervisors · Presentation of Executive Budget Summary to School Board · School Board adoption ofFY2010 Operating Budget and Other Fund Budgets · School Board adopted budgets presented to Board of Supervisors April 2009 · Public hearings and discussions with School Board, School Staff and Board of Supervisors on Operating Budget · Finance Office distributes per pupil cost for public education in accordance with state law by April 15th Mav 2009 · Board of Supervisors adopts FY201 0 budget for school system 4 Roanoke County Public Schools Budget Development Process The School System budget cycle is divided into a five-step process that includes planning, preparation, adoption, implementation, and evaluation. The process is driven by two objectives: to develop a budget that will provide every child in the school system with the best possible educational opportunities and to optimize the use of available resources. Within this framework, the School Board attempts to balance the educational needs of students with the resources available to the school system from local, state, and federal sources. Budget Planning For the fiscal year that begins July 1, the budget planning process starts the prior year when the School Board adopts a budget calendar. The calendar includes important activities in the budget process and the dates on which important decisions are scheduled. Once adopted, the calendar represents the guidelines for the preparation and adoption of the budget for the school system. Preparation of the School Budget Preparation of the school operating budget includes input from each school and input from the following budget committees: Superintendent's Bud2:et Committee Penny Hodge, Chairperson Lorraine Lange, Superintendent Jerry Canada, School Board Drew Barrineau, School Board Fuzzy Minnix, School Board Mike Stovall, School Board David Wymer, School Board Cecil Snead, Director of Instruction Torren Nanz (HVHS student) Kristen Maish (HVHS student) Senior Staff Bud2:et Committee Penny Hodge, Chairperson Lorraine Lange, Superintendent Allen Joumell, Assistant Superintendent Tom Hall, Deputy Superintendent Cecil Snead, Instruction B J Brewer, Instruction Ben Williams, Testing and Remediation Roger Johnson, Career and Technical Ed Jessica McClung, Pupil Personnel Services Brenda Chastain, School Board Clerk Emplovee Advisorv Committee Tim Sauls, Cave Spring HS Janet Shaffer, Mt. Pleasant Irma Sanders, Burton Center Tammy Wood, Northside HS Sarah Hollett, Clearbrook Ralph Russo, Hidden Valley Middle Thom Ryder, Oak Grove Barbara Buckley, Oak Grove Allen Joumell, Assistant Superintendent Tom Hall, Deputy Superintendent Jane James, Director of Technology Thom Ryder, RCEA Diane Hyatt, Roanoke County David Atkins, Budget and Finance Martin Misicko, Director of Operations Jessica McClung, Director, PPS/Special Ed Alex Zuber (CSHS student) Carol Whitaker, Personnel/Staff Development Dave Trumbower, Classified Personnel Martin Misicko, Operations Jane James, Technology David Atkins, Budget and Finance Ed Tutle, Nutrition Services Michele Dowdy, School Counseling Services Fran Kiker, School Counseling Services Darlene Ratliff, Deputy School Board Clerk Chuck Lionberger, Community Relations Anita Halterman, Northside Middle Debbie Lane, Bonsack Sherry Meredith, Ft. Lewis Dan Turman, Transportation Karen Campbell, Cave Spring Middle Bethany Drown, Glenvar Middle Buddy Hansbarger, Masons Cove Cindy Klimaitis, Green Valley 5 Roanoke County Public Schools Budget Development Process Emplovee Advisorv Committee (continued) Kim Clapper, Glenvar Elementary Rebecca Campbell, Glen Cove Susan McQuail, RECook Betty Jay, H L Horn Kay Thompson, William Byrd Middle Teresa Butta, Back Creek Allyson Seifert, William Byrd High Julie Kolb, Glenvar High Traci Starr, Central Office Ann Deeds, Hidden Valley High Lisa Hayes, Hidden Valley High Andra Blatt, Central Middle Lorena Browning, Burlington Lisa Coleman, Burlington Marylee Shaffer, Mountain View Sonya Cline, Glenvar High J eanine Bennett, W E Cundiff Don Higgins, Maintenance Kim Hires Smith, Bent Mountain Jason Staples, Penn Forest Jennifer Durrance, Cave Spring Elementary Debra Overstreet, Back Creek Budget Adoption The budget for the school division for the next fiscal year is presented at board meetings and work sessions in February and early March. On or before April 1 of each year, the School Board adopts the next fiscal year's budget and submits to the Board of Supervisors for approval. The school division operates as a legally separate component unit. However, the school division is fiscally dependent upon the County of Roanoke with approximately 43% of the school budget funded by local taxes. The final adoption and appropriation occur in May of each year. In 2008, the school system received its third Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) Meritorious Budget Award for Excellence in the preparation and issuance of the 2008-09 school system Annual Budget document. The award represents a significant achievement by Roanoke County Public Schools and reflects the commitment of the school division and staff to meeting the highest standards of school budgeting. Budget Implementation The fiscal year begins on July 1 of each year when the newly adopted budget becomes available for spending. Department administrators receive monthly reports which reflect the budgeted amount, year to date expenditures, encumbrances, and the amount remaining for expenditure. Upon review of these reports, the administrators may request budget transfers to align the budget with their spending priorities. The board members receive monthly and quarterly reports of revenues and expenditures to date. Budget Evaluation The last step in the budget process is the evaluation of the financial plan. The results of operation for the fiscal year are reported annually in the School Board's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is audited by a certified public accounting firm. The Superintendent's Annual School Report is also prepared annually in accordance with regulations set by the Virginia General Assembly. For the past seven years, Roanoke County Public Schools has received two prestigious awards for its CAFR. The first award is the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). This is an international award that recognizes excellence in preparation and issuance of school system financial reports. The second award received is the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada. The Certificate of Achievement is a national award that recognizes conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. 6 Roanoke County Public Schools Budget Development Process FY 2009-10 Special Considerations The General Assembly adjourned their regular legislative session on February 28, 2009 as the first state in the country to adopt a budget using federal funding approved in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. This historic act with significant funding for education allowed the General Assembly to offset large reductions in state funding for education related to the declining national economy. The overall goals of the ARRA are to stimulate the economy in the short term by investing in essential services that will benefit the country over the long term. The local government is also experiencing significant losses in local tax revenues in both the current year and the revenue forecasts for the FY 2009-10 budget. The Board of Supervisors requested that the School Board reimburse $1 million in the current year to partially offset local revenue losses in excess of $6.9 million. The School Board agreed to fund this transfer out of the Emergency Contingency reserved for unexpected revenue shortfalls and/or unplanned significant expenditure increases. The FY09-10 budget restores $671,290 of that amount to the Emergency Contingency in light of widely anticipated funding challenges ahead in FYi 0-11. 7 Roanoke County Public Schools Basis of Presentation The accounting system of the Roanoke County Public School division is organized and operated on the basis of self-balancing accounts which comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenues, and expenditures, as appropriate. School system resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purpose for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are as follows: General Fund The General Fund consists of the necessary expenditures for the day-to-day operations of the School System for the upcoming fiscal year. This includes costs such as teacher salaries, supplies, equipment, and other operating costs. Grants Fund The Grants Fund accounts for federal, state, and private grants to provide critical support for the instructional program. School Nutrition Fund The School Nutrition Fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures necessary to operate school cafeterias. The primary source of funding for this budget comes from cafeteria sales and federal reimbursements for free and reduced lunches. Limited funding is provided through local tax dollars to fund this program. Textbook Fund The Textbook Fund consists of the costs associated with the purchase of new textbooks and consumable instructional materials related to the subject area textbooks. This fund is highly subsidized by the School Operating Budget through an interfund transfer. Capital Fund The Capital Fund represents state funding for school construction and technology. Debt Fund The Debt Fund represents the payment of principal and interest for loans used to build/renovate school facilities. Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund The Insurance Reserves Fund includes the laptop computer warranty reimbursements and the related replacement of parts and batteries. Regional Alternative School Fund The Regional Alternative School Fund is used to account for the costs to provide an alternative educational program for students needing a non-traditional setting. This program is jointly funded by Roanoke County and Bedford County. School Bus Fund The School Bus Fund accounts for school bus and support vehicle replacement. 8 Roanoke County Schools Budget Summary - All Funds FY 2009-10 Budget Budget Increase Percent Fund 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Change General Fund 143,223,216 137,909,128 (5,314,088) -3.7% Grants Fund 5,428,137 5,448,137 20,000 0.4% School Nutrition Fund 5,463,612 5,521,806 58,194 1.1% Textbook Fund 1,595,030 1,580,030 (15,000) -0.9% Capital Fund 3,106,717 2,422,257 (684,460) -22.0% Debt Fund 10,867,155 11,341,461 474,306 4.4% Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund 551,500 406,500 (145,000) -26.3% Regional Alternative School Fund 527,922 392,115 (135,807) -25.7% School Bus Fund 810,000 810,000 0 0.0% Total Funds 171,573,289 165,831,434 (5,741,855) -3.3% All School Funds Grants Fund General Fund / /SChOOI Nutrition Fund / ~ Textbook Fund Capital Fund Debt Fund Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund Regional Alternative School Fund School Bus Fund 9 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Revenues Per Pupil Budget 2008-09 Budget Percent of 2009-10 2009-10 13,985,000 10.1% 58,512,936 42.4% 4,044,692 2.9% 60,543,357 43.9% 823,143 0.6% 137,909,128 100.0% State Sales Tax State Revenue Federal Revenue Transfer from County Other Revenue Total Revenues 14,500,000 65,383,615 177,737 62,214,926 946,938 143,223,216 Revenue Per Pupil 971 4,063 281 4,204 57 9,577 Estimated Average Daily Membership Transfer from County Other Revenue Sales Tax State Revenue Federal Revenue 10 14,400 I Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Revenues FY 2009-10 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) State SOQ Revenues State Sales Tax 13,631,057 14,776,055 14,342,770 14,500,000 13,985,000 (515,000) State Basic Aid 33,802,051 39,291,130 39,413,465 48,055,090 42,553,002 (5,502,088) Salary Supplement 706,7 54 1,005,538 2,596,685 SOQ - Vocational Education 939,357 848,711 850,160 893,362 881,124 (12,238) SOQ - Special Education 5,475,108 5,073,815 5,082,479 5,942,802 5,861,393 (81,409) SOQ - Gifted Education 339,958 378,230 378,876 436,971 430,985 (5,986) SOQ - Remedial Education 250,495 285,979 286,467 378,708 373,520 (5,188) Retirement 1,807,143 2,721,410 3,225,064 3,262,715 3,198,865 (63,850) Social Security 1,932,391 2,149,453 2,153,123 2,524,720 2,490,134 (34,586) Group Life 129,152 1l0,890 106,815 86,197 (20,618) English as a Second Language 126,871 153,309 188,405 238,380 201,218 (37,162) SOQ - Remedial Summer School 95,095 71,762 86,983 104,618 1O0,1l0 (4,508) Total SOQ Revenues 59,1 06,280 66,884,544 68,715,367 76,444,181 70,161,548 (6,282,633) Lottery Funded Programs: Lottery 2,155,332 2,138,475 2,058,866 2,313,614 (2,313,614) At Risk 102,595 154,797 113,736 139,248 126,283 (12,965) Foster Home Children 402,163 333,150 264,174 380,358 333,074 (47,284) Support for Construction/Operating 870,302 870,302 Enrollment Loss 413,700 413,700 Special Ed - Regional Tuition 52,1 0 I 13,122 29,679 36,340 36,340 Voc Ed-State Equipment 17,040 20,428 24,023 8,096 8,096 Voc Ed-State Adult Education 35,547 32,412 22,216 28,149 9,626 (18,523) Voc Ed-State Occup/Tech Ed 100,480 104,729 68,076 64,476 67,244 2,768 Disparity: K-3 208,335 423,159 437,602 453,439 437,134 (16,305) Total Incentive Revenue 3,073,593 3,220,272 3,018,372 3,387,380 2,30 I ,799 (1,085,581) State Categorical Revenues Homebound Payments 19,625 25,194 37,258 43,662 34,589 (9,073) Adult Education Basic 4,277 6,954 10,302 8,392 (8,392) State Grant Revenue 81,746 29,507 57,760 Total Categorical Revenue 105,648 61,655 105,320 52,054 34,589 (17,465) Total State Revenue 62,285,521 70,166,471 71,839,059 79,883,615 72,497,936 (7,385,679) Federal Revenue Medicaid Reimbursement 97,673 63,529 96,783 40,365 40,365 Medicaid - Administrative Claiming 53,149 159,603 96,340 AFJROTC Reimbursement 34,888 26,027 40,000 40,000 Emergency Impact Aid 1l,509 Federal Land Use 1,713 1,730 1,727 1,000 1,000 Federal Grants 12,418 2,871 2,380 Voc Ed - Carl Perkins Act 155,987 158,790 154,895 136,372 136,372 Federal Stimulus (ARRA) 3,826,955 3,826,955 Total Federal Revenue 320,940 432,920 378,152 177,737 4,044,692 3,866,955 Local Revenue Local Appropriation-County 57,260,071 58,813,1l5 62,450,497 61,737,627 60,066,058 (1,671,569) Transfer from County - CSA 1,299,000 1,549,000 1,849,000 11 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Revenues FY 2009-10 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Transfer from County - Dental 366,143 385,820 417,616 477,299 477,299 Transfer from Regional Program 134,080 Total Local Revenue 59,059,294 60,747,935 64,717,1l3 62,214,926 60,543,357 (1,671,569) Other Revenue Interest Income 326,347 424,224 391,181 200,000 150,000 (50,000) Rental of School Property 6,466 6,835 10,850 Tuition - Regular School 104,1l4 141,095 123,920 104,344 67,334 (37,010) Tuition - Summer School 87,855 124,205 85,773 90,000 85,000 (5,000) Tuition - Summer Physical Ed 6,360 12,800 16,239 Tuition - Adult Education 110,670 51,094 1l,238 69,667 41,435 (28,232) Tuition - Preschool (LEAP) 99,964 114,920 106,813 126,360 126,360 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 23,085 8,335 31,432 3,600 3,600 Distance Line Refund 1,000 E-rate Reimbursement 31,225 254,067 232,374 232,374 Alternative School Recovered Costs 17,220 17,220 17,220 17,220 17,220 Tuition from Other Localities 7,500 2,500 18,525 20,613 17,060 (3,553) Online High School Tuition 67,790 95,340 93,025 82,760 82,760 Total Other Revenue 858,371 1,029,793 1,160,282 946,938 823,143 (123,795) Total General Fund Revenue 122,524,126 132,377,1l9 138,094,606 143,223,216 137,909,128 (5,314,088) 12 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Expenditures by Budget Categories The education of students is a labor-intensive operation that is reflected in the allocation of the financial resources of the school system. For the 2009-10 fiscal year, contract salaries and fringe benefits represent 82% of expenditures in the operating budget. The major department budget areas are described below. Classroom Instruction expenditures deal directly with the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. This includes the development of curriculum and instructional programs which support the standards of quality and the administration of schools and programs in compliance with state, federal, and school board mandates, policies, and guidelines. Classroom instruction also includes expenditures associated with educational testing, career education programs, special education services, homebound instruction, and guidance services. Personnel is the largest expenditure in the school operating fund. These departments include the salary and fringe benefit costs for classroom personnel, instructional and central office support staff, and school administration. Support services are expenditures related to providing transportation for regular, special, and summer school programs and the maintenance and operation of all school facilities. Central support departments include expenditures for the school board, school superintendent, budget and finance, community relations, pupil assignment, and staff development. Property insurance for school buildings, employee medical insurance, and fund transfers for debt and textbooks are budgeted under central support. Special programs capture the cost of providing summer school and adult education classes. 13 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Expenditures Per Pupil FY 2009-10 Budget 2008-09 Classroom Instruction Personnel Central Support Support SelVices Special Programs Emergency Contingency 5,177,909 118,189,391 12,402,014 6,980,758 473,144 Budget Percent of Cost 2009-10 2009-10 Per Pupil 5,802,747 4.2% 403 112,430,180 81.5% 7,808 10,895,683 7.9% 757 7,700,476 5.6% 535 408,752 0.3% 28 671,290 0.5% 47 137,909,128 100.0% 9,577 14,400 I 143,223,216 Estimated Average Daily Membership Personnel Support SelVices Central Support Special Programs Adult Education Classroom Instruction 14 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Expenditures Summary by Department FY 2009-10 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Classroom Instruction: Instructional Programs 892,068 844,898 796,916 871,967 1,019,967 148,000 Deputy Superintendent of Administration 1,069,518 1,033,484 1,174,818 1,428,023 1,502,444 74,421 Testing and Remediation 80,914 252,641 360,799 277,457 406,673 129,216 Career and Technical Education 425,792 432,806 400,003 412,069 448,519 36,450 Pupil Personnel and Special Education 573,446 499,993 593,851 583,348 694,889 111,541 School Counseling Services 353,032 356,535 382,727 395,073 360,783 (34,290) Media Services 818,714 1,114,224 1,845,550 1,209,972 1,369,472 159,500 Total Classroom Instruction 4,213,484 4,534,581 5,554,664 5,177,909 5,802,747 624,838 Personnel: Instructional Personnel 72,786,918 77,138,915 80,442,460 78,826,462 74,187,258 (4,639,204 ) Administrative Personnel 8,197,413 8,919,372 9,195,964 9,384,374 9,085,875 (298,499) Classified Personnel 17,878,246 19,534,059 20,432,503 19,433,613 18,612,1 05 (821,508) Employee Insurance Benefits 10,544,942 10,544,942 Total Personnel 98,862,577 105,592,346 110,070,927 118,189,391 112,430,180 (5,759,211) Central Support: School Board 238,174 237,429 285,874 260,826 258,308 (2,518) School Superintendent 42,308 258,135 86,556 440,276 440,276 Budget & Finance 11,144,581 14,370,278 16,096,359 10,602,896 9,717,896 (885,000) Community Relations 47,024 56,482 52,147 53,900 16,900 (37,000) Staff Development 105,705 297,050 408,184 924,050 342,237 (581,813) Pupil Assignment 102,485 109,075 181,727 120,066 120,066 Total Central Support 11,680,277 15,328,449 17,110,847 12,402,014 10,895,683 (1,506,331) Support Services: Transportation 1,245,073 1,269,798 1,662,244 1,892,488 1,879,440 (13,048) Facilities & Operations 3,906,403 4,547,235 4,362,881 5,088,270 5,821,036 732,766 Total Support Services 5,151,476 5,817,033 6,025,125 6,980,758 7,700,476 719,718 Special Programs: Summer School 352,960 341,772 311,045 403,477 347,477 (56,000) Adult & Continuing Education 66,060 53,084 43,747 69,667 61,275 (8,392) Total Special Programs 419,020 394,856 354,792 473,144 408,7 52 (64,392) Emergency Contingency 671,290 671,290 Total General Fund Expenditures 120,326,834 131,667,265 139,116,355 143,223,216 137,909,128 (5,314,088) 15 Roanoke County Public Schools Student Enrollment September Average Daily Annual Fiscal Year Enrollment Membership Growth 1995-96 Actual 13,753 13,721 1996-97 Actual 13,881 13,863 1.0% 1997-98 Actual 13,956 13,898 0.3% 1998-99 Actual 13,875 13,862 -0.3% 1999-00 Actual 13,852 13,856 0.0% 2000-01 Actual 13,871 13,865 0.1% 2001-02 Actual 13,911 13,930 0.5% 2002-03 Actual 14,094 14,127 1.4% 2003-04 Actual 14,385 14,279 1.1% 2004-05 Actual 14,508 14,365 0.6% 2005-06 Actual 14,842 14,728 2.5% 2006-07 Actual 14,891 14,777 0.3% 2007-08 Actual 14,931 14,802 0.2% 2008-09 Budgeted 14,600 2009-10 Proposed 14,400 14,900 14,800 14,700 14,600 ~ 14,500 ~ 14,400 -< 14,300 _ 14,200 ... 14100 ;- 14'000 ~ 13'900 13:800 13,700 13,600 13,500 Average Daily Membership Trend b ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h b ~ ~ ~ h9i faOJ ~9J &)C'J ASS ~~ 'S\::)~? ~ '!X\::) hSS fa\::) ~~ &)\;S ~OJ ,OJC'J ~OJ ,OJOJ ~C'J rv\::)\;S rv\::)\::) rv\::)\::) rv\::)\::)"'? rv\::)\;j rv\::)\::) rv\::)\;S rv\::)\::) rv\::)\::) 16 Roanoke County Public Schools Historical Fund Balance Data Transfer from County General Fund Fiscal Year Annual One-Time Phase 1 Reserve for Total Ended June 30 Appropriation Appropriation Capital Projects New Schools Appropriation Increase From Prior Year Percent Increase 1994-95 36,733,183 800,000 37,533,183 3,326,900 9.73% 1995-96 39,647,773 1,850,000 41,497,773 3,964,590 10.56% 1996-97 42,550,097 2,000,000 44,550,097 3,052,324 7.36% 1997-98 45,865,244 1,434,815 47,300,059 2,749,962 6.17% 1998-99 46,542,839 2,000,000 48,542,839 1,242,780 2.63% 1999-00 47,941,865 2,000,000 49,941,865 1,399,026 2.88% 2000-01 49,297,791 2,000,000 1,500,000 52,797,791 2,855,926 5.72% 2001-02 52,311,049 2,000,000 1,500,000 55,811,049 3,013,258 5.71% 2002-03 55,040,790 2,000,000 57,040,790 1,229,741 2.20% 2003-04 55,920,239 2,000,000 57,920,239 879,449 1.54% 2004-05 55,418,522 2,000,000 57,418,522 (501,717) -0.87% 2005-06 57,667,370 2,000,000 59,667,370 2,248,848 3.92% 2006-07 59,240,414 2,000,000 61,240,414 1,573,044 2.64% 2007-08 62,902,796 2,000,000 64,902,796 3,662,382 5.98% 2008-09 62,214,926 2,000,000 64,214,926 (687,870) -1.06% General School Operations Fund Balances Fiscal Year Fund Balance Ended Operating Operating asa % June 30 Budget Fund Balance of Budget 1995 71,808,432 1,326,683 1.85% 1996 76,103,239 1,250,706 1.64% 1997 79,912,607 1,122,274 1.40% 1998 83,928,863 1,144,086 1.36% 1999 87,233,241 1,951,696 2.24% 2000 91,081,332 2,475,202 2.72% 2001 95,277,499 3,322,436 3.49% 2002 98,162,402 4,008,278 4.08% 2003 102,259,339 4,190,156 4.10% 2004 110,986,972 3,670,525 3.31% 2005 112,448,453 5,385,687 4.79% 2006 118,007,240 6,282,978 5.32% 2007 127,332,873 6,992,833 5.49% 2008 135,091,375 5,288,063 3.91% Note: School Emergency Fund Balance of $1.3M adopted by School Bd in 2006, excluded from above fund balance. Increased to $2M in 2007-08. 17 Roanoke County Public Schools Other School Funds 2009 - 2010 Roanoke County Public Schools School Grant Fund Revenues FY 2009-10 Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Federal Grants: Title I, Part A 1,083,443 1,088,126 1,042,897 1,005,100 904,590 (100,510) Title II, Part A 245,705 245,248 260,886 355,762 335,000 (20,762) Title II, Part D 19,425 113,582 121,447 14,049 14,500 451 Title III 48,851 53,831 46,605 37,139 37,139 Title IV, Safe & Drug Free Schools 49,693 39,653 38,764 37,865 33,652 (4,213) Title V, Part A 34,399 29,630 21,299 Title VI-B F1ow- Thru Funds 3,070,607 2,871 ,416 3,101,515 3,009,979 3,053,735 43,756 Preschool Mini Grant- 1 yr 92,254 91,376 91,379 91,379 89,747 (1,632) Preschool Mini Grant - 2 yr 10,490 Sliver Grant 36,374 1,006 Reg Tech Ed Training 9,914 Refugee - Child School Impact 451 4,691,692 4,543,782 4,724,792 4,551,273 4,468,363 (82,910) State Grants: Early Reading Initiative 86,771 94,285 128,584 173,450 159,166 (14,284) Algebra Readiness 32,966 75,485 47,374 60,401 58,360 (2,041) GED Funding 15,717 15,717 15,717 15,717 15,717 High Schools That Work - WBHS 6,828 7,865 14,750 10,000 (10,000) High Schools That Work - CSHS 6,966 9,645 14,626 10,000 (10,000) Preschool Initiative 255,837 270,447 291,798 423,004 430,985 7,981 Visually Handicapped Grant 4,107 4,103 3,817 4,106 4,106 Learn & Serve 59,888 47,456 58,058 26,089 26,089 Mentor Teacher 17,191 13,357 13,357 Standards of Learning 14,831 Regional Tech Ed 15,657 7,745 Supplemental Technology 20,215 28,972 Dual Emollment 71,191 114,684 123,552 Tobacco Settlement 75,000 68,956 64,290 64,320 62,850 (1,470) Universal Services Fund 43,698 Adult Basic Education 101,775 89,777 88,397 (1,380) General Adult Education 8,392 8,392 Special Education in Regional Jail 112,355 112,355 VCA Fine Arts 1,500 Jobs for Virginia Graduates 50,000 Race for GED 46,394 728,363 839,390 866,705 876,864 979,774 102,910 Other Grants: Parent Fair 1,520 1,520 Total Grant Revenues 5,421,575 5,383,172 5,591,497 5,428,137 5,448,137 20,000 19 Roanoke County Public Schools School Grant Fund Expenditures FY 2009-10 Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Federal Grants: Title I, Part A 1,083,442 1,088,126 1,042,897 1,005,100 904,590 (100,510) Title II, Part A 245,705 245,248 260,886 355,762 335,000 (20,762) Title II, Part D 19,419 113,582 121,447 14,049 14,500 451 Title III 44,629 57,961 46,608 37,139 37,139 Title IV, Safe & Drug Free Schools 49,693 39,653 38,764 37,865 33,652 (4,213) Title V, Part A 34,399 29,630 21,299 Title VI-B Flow-Thru Fllllds 3,070,672 2,871,541 3,101,565 3,009,979 3,053,735 43,756 Preschool Mini Grant- 1 yr 92,254 91,376 91,379 91,379 89,747 (1,632) Preschool Mini Grant - 2 yr 10,490 Sliver Grant 36,374 1,006 Reg Tech Ed Training 5,962 Refugee - Child School Impact 451 4,687,528 4,544,086 4,724,845 4,551,273 4,468,363 (82,910) State Grants: Early Reading Initiative 86,771 94,285 128,584 173,450 159,166 (14,284) Algebra Readiness 32,966 75,485 47,374 60,401 58,360 (2,041 ) GED Funding (ISAEP) 15,717 15,717 15,717 15,717 15,717 High Schools That Work - WBHS 6,828 7,865 14,750 10,000 (10,000) High Schools That Work - CSHS 6,967 9,645 14,626 10,000 (10,000) Preschool Initiative 255,837 270,447 291,798 423,004 430,985 7,981 Visually Handicapped Grant 4,107 4,103 3,817 4,106 4,106 Learn & Serve 59,888 47,456 58,058 26,089 26,089 Mentor Teacher 17,191 13,357 13,357 Standards of Learning 14,831 Regional Tech Ed 15,660 11,697 Supplemental Technology 20,215 28,972 Dual Enrollment 60,098 49,564 78,701 Tobacco Settlement 75,000 69,318 64,291 64,320 62,850 (1,470) Universal Services Fund 43,698 Adult Basic Education 101,775 104,491 89,777 88,397 (1,380) General Adult Education 8,392 8,392 Special Education in Regional Jail 112,355 112,355 VCA Fine Arts 1,500 Jobs for Virginia Graduates 50,000 Race for GED 46,394 717,274 774,632 930,298 876,864 979,774 102,910 Other Grants: Leap Program 6,340 Parent Fair 1,514 6 7,854 6 Total Grant Expenditures 5,412,656 5,318,724 5,655,144 5,428,137 5,448,137 20,000 20 Roanoke County Public Schools School Nutrition Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2009-10 Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: Pupil, Adult & Other Sales 3,630,443 3,788,710 4,035,978 3,980,000 3,950,000 (30,000) Rebates & Refunds 4,704 9,901 9,099 5,000 10,000 5,000 State Reimbursement 72,160 77,118 82,751 75,000 75,000 Federal Reimbursement 1,219,889 1,177,955 1,280,922 1,240,000 1,390,000 150,000 Interest Income 23,057 41,217 40,212 30,000 30,000 Other Income 1,199 277,946 Transfer from General Fund 133,612 66,806 (66,806) Total Revenues 4,951,452 5,372,847 5,448,962 5,463,612 5,521,806 58,194 Exoenditures: Salaries & Related Costs 2,382,501 2,574,625 2,740,327 2,913,612 2,913,612 Contractual Services 57,120 61,221 69,338 65,000 75,000 10,000 Travel 16,453 12,355 16,480 18,000 18,000 Food Supplies 2,149,426 2,238,943 2,360,355 2,150,000 2,300,000 150,000 Supplies 59,670 65,859 79,157 85,000 90,000 5,000 Equipment 39,127 238,959 102,225 130,000 100,000 (30,000) Unappropriated 102,000 25,194 (76,806) Total Expenditures 4,704,297 5,191,962 5,367,882 5,463,612 5,521,806 58,194 Beginning Balance 468,389 715,544 896,429 Reserved for Inventory Ending Balance 715,544 896,429 977,509 Meal Prices: FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Elementary lunch 1.60 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 Secondary lunch 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 Reduced price lunch 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 Adult lunch 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 Full priced breakfast 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.00 1.00 Adult breakfast 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 Reduced breakfast 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Reimbursement Rates: Breakfast Lunch Federal - paid meal $0.24 $0.23 Federal - reduced price meal $1.05 $2.07 Federal - free meal $1.35 $2.47 State reimbursement none $0.05 21 Roanoke County Public Schools School Textbook Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2009-10 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007 -08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: Sale of Textbooks 35,165 24,726 12,792 30,000 10,000 (20,000) Other Revenue 5,401 3,532 11,490 4,000 9,000 5,000 State Reimbursement 564,688 925,095 926,675 1,150,884 1,150,884 Transfer from School Operating Fund 345,146 395,146 410,146 410,146 410,146 Total Revenues 950,400 1,348,499 1,361,103 1,595,030 1,580,030 (15,000) Expenditures: Salaries & Related Costs 65,271 80,040 87,752 82,597 92,097 9,500 Instructional Materials 25,000 24,000 24,302 25,000 25,000 Consigmnent Textbooks 526,449 729,411 763,808 1,156,901 943,000 (213,901) Non-Consigmnent Textbooks 255,668 397,744 364,662 330,532 519,933 189,401 Laptop Computer Equipment 115,000 115,000 65,000 Total Expenditures 987,388 1,346,195 1,305,524 1,595,030 1,580,030 (15,000) Beginning Balance 136,686 99,698 102,003 Ending Balance 99,698 102,003 157,582 Scheduled Adoptions: FY2010 - Social Studies K - 12 FY2011 - Math FY2012 - Reading & Science 22 Roanoke County Public Schools School Capital Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2009-10 Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: Interest Income 59,338 103,956 511,482 Other Income 22,762 264 220 Soft Drink Commission 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 (60,000) State Technology Bond 804,000 766,745 841,255 804,000 804,000 State Construction Grant 282,220 289,799 289,940 302,914 (302,914 ) Federal Stimulus Modernization 1,132,200 1,132,200 Sale of Land 41,043 61,550 Proceeds from State Agency 352,466 Proceeds from Bond Premiums 1,192,655 Proceeds from VPSA Bonds 581,774 21,264,713 Proceeds from Lease Purchase 3,564,057 Transfer - Bogle Field Reserve 25,000 25,000 Transfers from Other Funds 5,317,753 7,443,735 8,046,798 1,501,429 (1,501,429) Transfer from Laptop Fund 183,250 (183,250) Beginning balance - laptops 255,124 461,057 205,933 Total Revenues 7,480,314 12,269,599 32,268,613 3,106,717 2,422,257 (684,460) Exoenditures: Salaries & Related Costs 22,104 41,675 24,776 Contracted Services 283,645 534,186 1,183,612 School Projects (Pepsi) 60,000 54,536 60,000 60,000 (60,000) Equipment 1,460,570 1,675,180 3,530,991 804,000 804,000 Stimulus School Modernization 1,132,200 1,132,200 Technology 400,000 2,188,050 56,177 1,733,870 (1,733,870) Technology - LCD bulbs Technology -laptop batteries 145,000 145,000 Land 4,176,516 50,000 2,466,726 Building Improvements 7,131,761 18,851,684 302,914 (302,914 ) Bogle Reserve 25,000 25,000 Transfers to Other Funds 303,099 Laptops - Future Years 205,933 316,057 110,124 Total Expenditures 6,402,835 11,978,487 26,173,966 3,106,717 2,422,257 (684,460) Beginning Balance 9,178,506 10,255,985 10,547,097 Ending Balance 10,255,985 10,547,097 16,641,744 23 Roanoke County Public Schools School Debt Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2009-10 Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: VPSA Premium 285,446 Transfer from General Fund 7,433,677 6,809,782 6,784,688 8,562,786 9,037,092 474,306 Transfer from School Fund 2,304,369 2,304,369 2,329,369 2,304,369 2,304,369 Total Revenues 9,738,046 9,399,597 9,114,057 10,867,155 11,341,461 474,306 Exoenditures: Principal on G. O. Bonds 510,000 525,000 540,000 555,000 575,000 20,000 Principal on Literary Loans 850,032 850,032 826,632 687,685 459,321 (228,364) Principal on VPSA Bonds 4,573,152 4,481,603 4,449,988 5,367,054 5,367,864 810 Interest on G. O. Bonds 159,831 149,631 133,181 119,682 103,031 (16,651) Interest on Literary Loans 232,945 207,274 181,603 156,635 135,834 (20,801 ) Interest on VPSA Bonds 3,412,086 3,182,837 2,957,653 3,981,099 4,700,411 719,312 Bank Service Charges 5,900 5,900 7,232 Total Expenditures 9,743,946 9,402,277 9,096,288 10,867,155 11,341,461 474,306 Beginning Balance 8,580 2,680 Ending Balance 2,680 0 17,769 24 Roanoke County Public Schools Laptop Insurance Reserve Revenues and Expenditures FY 2009-10 9th carts Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: Interest Income 16,843 37,527 29,212 Fees from Students 320,811 414,720 401,138 379,000 144,000 (379,000) LostJDamaged Parts 14,836 20,000 (20,000) Recovered Costs 341 Insurance Deductible Paid by Students 2,500 (2,500) Warranty Reimbursements 181,810 165,075 166,100 150,000 150,000 Total Revenues 534,300 617,322 596,791 551,500 294,000 (401 ,500) Exoenditures: Warranty related: Salaries & Related Costs 10,226 15,080 32,914 34,448 21,530 (12,918) Miscellaneous Operating (bags) 27 ,304 50,929 38,064 51,000 (51,000) Printing Supplies 22,918 22,918 Small Equipment (batteries) 111,304 127,849 131,699 131,250 85,552 (45,698) Small Parts - Students 32,029 19,183 29,317 30,000 20,000 (10,000) Small Parts - Teachers 2,264 2,039 3,824 6,000 (6,000) Laptop Network Security Software 20,000 40,000 40,000 (40,000) Reserve related: Equipment 85,998 387,120 133,216 75,552 (75,552) Laptop Purchases or Reserves 183,250 (183,250) Laptops on carts: Carts 87,000 300,000 5th year warranty 139,500 139,500 Upgrade electric 30,000 30,000 Battery replacements Total Expenditures 289,125 642,201 369,034 551,500 406,500 68,000 Beginning Balance 245,175 220,297 673,418 897,180 897,180 Ending Balance 245,175 220,297 448,054 673,418 784,680 427,680 25 Roanoke County Public Schools Regional Alternative School Fund FY 2009-10 Actua1s Actua1s Actua1s Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: Department of Education Grant 77,835 87,823 95,249 97,308 97,308 Roanoke County Tuition 169,564 192,232 196,876 200,807 200,807 Roanoke County Transportation 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Bedford COllllty Tuition 179,322 192,232 196,876 200,807 75,000 (125,807) Bedford COllllty - SAP 10,000 10,000 10,000 (10,000) Total Revenues 426,721 501,287 518,001 527,922 392,115 (135,807) Exoenditures: Salaries and Fringe Benefits 391,262 419,981 437,964 469,559 326,831 (142,728) Purchased Services 500 (500) Communications 600 200 (400) Lease/Rent of Equipment 2,150 1,000 (1,150) Travel 508 673 598 800 800 Office/Medica1 Supplies 1,815 1,541 3,052 1,600 1,600 Small Equipment 1,603 1,453 2,502 2,100 2,100 Janitorial Supplies 863 198 36 1,500 300 (1,200) Instructional Materials 4,372 3,168 5,575 10,893 5,000 (5,893) Instructional Equipment - New 25,741 Transfer to Roanoke COllllty: Transportation 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Property Insurance 620 620 620 620 620 Utilities 16,600 16,600 16,600 18,600 18,600 Total Expenditures 436,643 463,234 511,688 527,922 376,051 (151,871) Beginning Balance 304,337 20,515 58,568 64,881 64,881 Ending Balance 20,515 58,568 64,881 80,945 80,945 Total Cost Per Student Roanoke County Cost Per Student 10,916 11,581 12,792 13,198 9,401 8,478 9,612 10,794 10,990 10,990 26 Roanoke County Public Schools School Bus Fund FY 2009-10 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Decrease) Revenues: Interest Income 11,728 15,248 17,035 Sale of Machinery & Equipment 21,072 6,283 11,743 Transfer from General Fund 700,000 700,000 760,000 810,000 810,000 Total Revenues 732,800 721,531 788,778 810,000 810,000 Expenditures: School bus replacements 686,638 793,306 756,893 775,000 775,000 Support vehicle replacements 34,550 35,000 35,000 Total Expenditures 686,638 793,306 791,443 810,000 810,000 Beginning Balance 803,157 849,919 778,144 Ending Balance 849,919 778,144 775,479 27 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F-2- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 Request to approve the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~<:Q..- County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is required to submit their budget to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke City Council for approval before it can be formally adopted by the Commission. At its meeting on March17, 2009, the Commission approved the attached budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 to be forwarded to the governing bodies of the two localities. The 2009-2010 budget for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission shows revenues of $7,560,988 and expenditures of $7,516,627. This reflects that airport operations are self- supporting and do not require any additional supplement from either the County orthe City. This is a 14.5% reduction in revenues from the 2008-2009 budget. The Commission also adopted the attached proposed capital expenditure budget program. The capital expenditures total $425,000. These expenditures will be funded with State Grant funds and Commission funds. Jacqueline Shuck, Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, will attend the Board of Supervisors meeting to answer any questions that the Board may have. 1 FISCAL IMPACT: On June 30, 1996, the County made its final payment of $264,640, which completed our original ten year capital contribution to the airport. There will not be any additional monies needed as a result of this budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission budget for the fiscal year 2009-2010. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 2009-2010 UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Regional Airport Commission Act and Section 17.(a) of the contract between the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming year to the Board of Supervisors of the County and City Council of the City; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 18, 2009, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board, the Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a request that the County approve the FY 2009-2010 budget of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 2009-2010 budget and proposed capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission as set forth in the March 18, 2009 report of the Commission Executive Director, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION 5202 Aviation Drive Roanoke, VA 24012-1148 (540) 362-1999 FAX (540) 563-4838 www.roanokeairport.com March 18, 2009 Honorable Chairman and Members Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Re: Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Fiscal Year 2009- 2010 Budget and Proposed Capital Expenditures Dear Chairman Altizer and Members of the Board: In accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Contract dated January 28, 1987, as amended, the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is hereby submitting its Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Operating Budget (Attachment I) for approval. This Budget was adopted by the Commission at its meeting on March 17, 2009. Weare also providing a separate listing of Capital Expenditures which are expected to exceed $100,000 in cost and are intended to benefit five or more future accounting periods (Attachment II). You will note that no deficit is anticipated in either the Operating Budget or for the listed Capital Expenditures; therefore, no additional appropriations are being requested or anticipated from the City or the County of Roanoke. Formal approval of the Operating Budget and the Capital Expenditure List by resolution of each of the participating political subdivisions would be appreciated. I would be pleased to respond to any questions or comments that you may have with regard to this matter. On behalf of the Commission, thank you very much for your assistance and cooperation. //Y-l trulY,~ours:, :--. ~. ~~:.~(~ .~~eli~Ifudt Executive Director Enclosures cc: Chairman and Members, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Mark Allan Williams, General Counsel, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Paul M. Mahoney, Roanoke County Attorney Brenda Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attachment I ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION FOR YEAR 2009-2010 BUDGET 2008-2009 2009-2010 Budget Budget Percentage EXPENSE BUDGET Expenditures Expenditures Change 1 Ooerations and Maintenance Exoenses A. Salaries, Wages and Benefits $4,199,515 $4,011,224 -4.5% B. Operating Expenditures 3,155,510 2,990,395 -5.2% C. Other Maintenance & Improvement Projects 155,500 240,000 54.3% Total Operations and Maintenance 7,510,525 7,241,619 -3.6% 2 Non-Ooeratina Exoenses A. Interest 200,045 104,194 -47.9% B. Debt Service 507,693 81,214 -84.0% Total Non-Operating 707,738 185,408 -73.8% 3 Caoital Expenses A. Capital Projects and Purchases 400,075 89,600 -77.6% Total Capital Expenses 400,075 89,600 -77.6% Total Buqgeted Expenditures 8,618,338 $ 7,516,627 -12.8% 2008-2009 2009-2010 Projected Projected REVENUE PROJECTIONS Revenues Revenues Change 1 Ooeratina Revenues A. Airfield $1,502,600 $1,302,877 -13.3% B. General Aviation 375,637 388,189 3.3% C. Terminal Related 5,169,637 4,488,630 -13.2% D. Other Revenues 346,198 320,930 -7.3% Total Projected Operating Revenues 7,394,072 6,500,626 -12.1% 2 Non-Ooeratina Revenues A. Interest from Debt Service 40,000 0 -100.0% B. Interest on Investments 828,634 548,162 -33.8% C. State Funds 438,400 372,200 -15.1% D. Federal Reimbursable Funds 137,400 140,000 1.9% E. Gain/(Loss) on sale of assets 0 0 Total Projected Non-Operating Revenues 1,444,434 1,060,362 -26.6% Total Projected Revenue $ 8,838,506 $ 7,560,988 -14.5% ATTACHMENT II Proposed Capital Expenditures (For projects expected to exceed $100,000 in cost and intended to bene'fit 'five or more accounting periods) I. Projects A. Screening Checkpoint Modifications: 1. Description: Convert Gate #1 to checkpoint screening area. 2. Justification: In order to provide for two lines moving through the checkpoint at busy travel times, Gate # 1 will temporarily become the location of the screening equipment and procedures, with the passenger queue being relocated to the current X-ray machine location. At a later time the building will be expanded to provide for a double lane. Estimated Cost: $200,000 B. Upgrade Fire Alarm System: 1. Description: Upgrade and expand twenty year old analogue fire alarm system to a digital system. 2. Justification: This aging system is becoming harder to repair and, for safety purposes, the control panel needs to be relocated to the Security Operations Center. In addition, the upgraded system will provide greater life safety protection and comply with the current building code. Estimated Cost: $225,000 II. Anticipated Funding Sources: State Aviation Grant Funds Commission Capital Funds City and County Funds $301,750 123,250 o Estimated Total Projects Funding $ 425,000 RESOLUTION OF THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Adopted this 17th day of March 2009 No. 03-031709 A RESOLUTION approving and adopting the Commission's Operating and Capital Purchase Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission that the fiscal year 2009-2010 Operating and Capital Purchase Budget for the Commission as set forth in the report and accompanying attachment by the Executive Director dated March 17,2009, is hereby approved; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Executive Director is authorized on behalf of the Commission to submit the fiscal year 2009-2010 Operating and Capital Purchase Budget, as well as a list of Proposed Capital Expenditures, to the Roanoke City Council and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors for approval pursuant to the contract between the Commission, Roanoke City and Roanoke County dated January 28, 1987, as amended. A TrEST: . {J-eIf)dli~ VOTE: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Dooley, Minnix, Porterfield, Turner None Stewart ACTION NO. ITEM NO. f- - '3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On March 25,2009, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) adopted an operating budget for the fiscal year 2009-201 O. As specified in the RVRA's Member Use Agreement, the Charter Member Users must now approve this budget before it can be placed in effect. In a letter dated March 26, 2009, the Chief Executive Officer of the RVRA submitted the attached approved budget for consideration by the Charter Member Users. The budget totals $10,410,104 and represents an increase of 0.3% from the current 2008-2009 budget. The budget does not include a salary increase for employees. The budget does not include an increase in the general tipping fee rates. These rates will remain at $45 per ton for Charter Members and $55 per ton for commercial users. However, the budget does include an increase in the rate for commercial wood mulch sales to better reflect the true value of this material while continuing to provide free mulch to our citizens when available. The budget also includes revisions to the rates for tire disposal which is anticipated to have the net effect of lowering the rates while more accurately capturing the appropriate fees for this service. In addition the budget utilizes $2,053,044 of the General Surplus Fund to balance the budget. The General Surplus Fund currently has a balance of $4,633,152. The use of $2,053,044 in the 2009-2010 budget is intentional in order to bring the reserve down to a more reasonable level, and to avoid increases in the Charter Member rates. The use of General Surplus Fund balance is planned through the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Daniel Miles, Chief Executive Officer of the RVRA, will be at the meeting to present the budget request. FISCAL IMPACT: The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority budget will impact the County in several ways: 1. Tipping fees for Charter Members will remain the same. 2. The County will continue to receive a municipality fee of $300,000 annually from the RVRA to compensate for the siting of the landfill within the County. The City of Roanoke also continues to receive a municipality fee of $100,000 to compensate for the siting of the transfer station. 3. The County will receive payment of $49,500 during the FY 2009-2010 for providing accounting services. All of the above impacts are included in the FY 2009-2010 proposed County budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution approving the operating budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for the fiscal year 2009-201 O. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14,2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 WHEREAS, Section 5.9 of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement provides that the Authority shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County, the City Council of the City of Roanoke, and the Town Council of the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 26, 2009, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority has submitted a request that the County approve the FY 2009-2010 budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 2009-2010 budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority as set forth in the March 26, 2009 report of the Authority Chief Executive Officer, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. ROANOKE VALLEY RESOllRCE AUTHORITY March 26, 2009 Mr. Clay Goodman, County Administrator County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Goodman: On March 25,2009, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority approved its FY 2009/2010 annual budget. The balanced budget totals $10,410,104 and represents an increase of 0.3% from the current FY 200812009 budget with no increases in our general tipping fee rates. A copy of the budget is attached. However, please note the approved budget does include an increase in the rate for commercial wood mulch sales to better reflect the true value of this material while continuing to provide free mulch to our residents when available. Weare also revising our rates for tire disposal which is anticipated to have the net effect oflowering the rates while more accurately capturing the appropriate fees for this service. The Authority has scheduled an informal public comment meeting on June 4,2009 at 7 p.m. at the Tinker Creek Transfer Station for staffto receive and address any questions, comments, or concerns from the public on these rate changes prior to a public hearing. And in accordance with the provisions ofthe Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (the "Act"), a public hearing by the Authority's Board of Directors is scheduled on June 24,2009 at 12:00 p.m. as a part of the regularly scheduled board meeting. Also, please be informed that in accordance with Section 15.2-5136.G. ofthe Code of Virginia, as amended, which requires "a copy of the notice shall be mailed to the governing bodies of all localities in which such systems...is located," a copy ofthe "Notice of Public Hearing," which includes these pending changes and the revised rate schedule is attached. The Resource Authority strives to provide the most cost-effective solid waste disposal services possible in a fiscally and environmentally responsible manner while maintaining our contractual obligations and high quality service to the Roanoke Valley. This budget is a reflection of those efforts and includes the Authority's plans to assume the operations ofa permanent household hazardous waste facility to better serve the residents of our member communities. Historically, this specific service and its associated costs of approximately $100,000 annually have been provided and funded directly by the Authority's three member communities. 1020 Hollins Road, NE Roanoke, Virginia 24012-8011 (540) 857-5050 Fax (540) 857-5056 Web Site: www.rvra.net Mr. Clay Goodman Page 2 March 26, 2009 In accordance with our "Member Use Agreement," the Authority's 200912010 annual budget has been submitted to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors with a request for the County Board of Supervisors' approval. It is my understanding Ms. Holton has scheduled this item to be on the Board of Supervisors' agenda for the 3:00 p.m. session on April 14, 2009. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the Authority's budget or if you would like to meet with me to discuss this issue prior to addressing the Board of Supervisors. The Resource Authority is committed to serving the residents and businesses of the County of Roanoke as a Charter Member and we look forward to continued success. Sincerely, ~aLJ~ Daniel D. Miles, P .E. Chief Executive Officer Attachments ROANOKE V ALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY 2009-10 BUDGET .r'~~ - - ...~ --... '.,. 1 . - I t--:--- ~. . '~~ ;~".~ ,f . ~ ~.C,~ ......~,~.I.~. ~.. -.....- . ~~. .,.~.\.... ~~, ...... 1:" . :.-'2l" , · '.;1 ~".~ ,.. ~~.- .w - ?".~(II'~:~~--" ... .~~~ !\~~ . - .. . ~~~~>-~- ~ " I l.... ..., ,'"'- ,r, '1.; ~ . ~', ~ ...........--. ... ,~ SMITH GAP LANDFILL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. STAFF AND COUNSEL Board of Directors The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Board of Directors is comprised of seven members appointed by the charter member jurisdictions. Four members represent Roanoke County. two members represent Roanoke City and one member represents the Town of Vinton. The Authority Board is governed by its Articles of Incorporations, Bylaws and the Members Use Agreement. Anne Marie Green, Chair County of Roanoke Robert K. Bengtson, P.E., Vice Chair City of Roanoke Diane D. Hyatt, Treasurer County of Roanoke Laurence M. Levy City of Roanoke Suzie Snyder County of Roanoke Keith Tensen County of Roanoke Michael G. Kennedy, P.E. Town of Vinton *************** Staff Daniel D. Miles. P.E. Chief Executive Officer The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority is directed by a Chief Executive Officer with 29 employees. Deborah T. Charles, CPS/CAP Board Secretary *************** Counsel The Resource Authority receives legal counsel through a contract with the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. Mark A. Williams, Esq. General Counsel Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Table of Contents Budget Summary 1 Revenues 3 Expenses Personnel 4 Operating 6 Capital 12 Reserves 13 Bond/Budget Comparison 14 Tipping Fees Breakdown 15 Rutrough Road Landfill 16 Appendix Resolutions 2009.2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority BUDGET SUMMARY 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority SUMMARY REVENUE 2009-2010 Disposal Fees $ 7,964,100 Interest Income $ 336,000 Transfer from General Surplus $ 2,053,044 Sale of Recyclable Material $ 12,700 Miscellaneous $ 44,260 Transfer - Rutrough Road $ Total $10,410,104 EXPENSES Personnel $ 1,775,973 Operating $ 4,159,985 Capital $ Transfer to Reserves $ 1,710,000 Debt Service $ 2,764,146 Total $10,410,104 DISPOSAL FEES Municipal Per Ton Per Ton ~5 $55 Private 2009-2010 BUDGET 1 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority SUMMARY BUDGETS 2004-05 2005-06 2006--07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 REVENUE Disposal Fees $ 7,260,200 $ 7,255,240 $ 7,401,700 $ 7,821,500 $ 7,956,260 $ 7,964,100 Interest Income $ 371,340 $ 371,340 $ 482,720 $ 557,720 $ 657,720 $ 336,000 Transfer from General $ 875,310 $ 860,885 $ 783,555 $ 926,499 $ 1,714,635 $ 2,053,044 Surplus Sale of Recyclable $ 31,000 $ 24,000 $ 26,000 $ 22,000 $ 22,000 $ 12,700 Material Miscellaneous $ 28,000 $ 28,000 $ 28,000 $ 26,000 $ 24,000 $ 44,260 Transfer - Rutrough Road $ 62,665 $ 67,205 $ 68,065 $ - $ - $ TOTAL $ 8,628,515 $ 8,606,670 $ 8,790,040 $ 9,353,719 $10,374,615 $10,410,104 EXPENSES Personnel $ 1,516,632 $ 1,581,987 $ 1,618,535 $ 1,601,810 $ 1,711,620 $ 1,775,973 Operating $ 2,871,757 $ 3,078,558 $ 3,251,186 $ 3,581,905 $ 4,073,056 $ 4,159,985 Capital $ 312,600 $ 15,000 $ 3,000 $ 4,500 $ 120,000 $ Transfer to Reserves $ 1,160,000 $ 1,160,000 $ 1,160,000 $ 1,410,000 $ 1,710,000 $ 1,710,000 Debt Service $ 2,767,526 $ 2,771,125 $ 2,757,319 $ 2,755,504 $ 2,759,939 $ 2,764,146 TOTAL $ 8,628,515 $ 8,606,670 $ 8,790,040 $ 9,353,719 $10,374,615 $10,410,104 DISPOSAL FEES Munidpal $ per ton 45 45 45 45 45 45 Private $ per ton 55 55 55 55 55 55 0/0 INCREASE 6.6% -0.3% 2.1% 6.4% 10.9% 0.3% in expenses 2009-2010 BUDGET 2 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority RJEVENUES 2009-2010 BUDGET -R kVIIR oano e a ey esource u on - CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 493 Total Tipping Fees $7,956,260 $ 7,964,100 Based on tonnage receipts of : 164,850 Munidpal 86,600 tons @ 45 $ 3,897,000 Commerdal & Private 57,500 tons @ 55 $ 3,162,500 Residential 6,900 tons $ 429,670 Wood 11,800 tons @ 35 $ 413,000 1,900 tons (residents) Tires 13,070 9,460 tires @ 3 $ 28,380 2,510 tires @ 5 $ 12,550 1,100 (residents) 150 tons @$140jton $ 21,000 Total $ 7,964,100 401 Interest Income $ 657,720 $ 336,000 Debt Service Reserve Fund $ 100,800 Operating & Other Reserve $ 235,200 956 Transfer from General $1,714,635 $ 2,053,044 Funds available from General Surplus fund Surplus 460 Sale of Recyclable $ 22,000 $ 12,700 Sale of Recyclable Scrap Material Metal & Miscellaneous 459 Miscellaneous Private $ 24,000 $ 44,260 Mulch Sales Revenue I 976 Transfer from $ - $ - Deferred transfer this fiscal year Rutrough Road Fund TOTAL REVENUE $10,374,615 $10,410,104 - - A th 'ty REVENUES 2009 2010 BUDGET 3 TIPPING FEES CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUS 451 City of Roanoke $2,214,100 $ 2,178,950 Municipal Waste 45,000 tons @ Wood Waste 4,000 tons @ Tires 3Aoo whole @ 750 mixed @ City of Roanoke Total 452 County of Roanoke $1,872,300 $1,872,800 Municipal Waste 38lX)() tons @ Wood Waste 4,300 tons @ Tires 1,600 whole @ 1,500 mixed @ County of Roanoke To 453 Town of Vinton $178,800 $ 169,900 Municipal Waste 3,600 tons @ Wood Waste 200 tons @ Tires 300 whole @ - mixed @ Town of Vinton Total 458 Commercial $1,776,200 $1,757,980 Commercial Waste 31,500 tons @ Wood Waste 700 tons @ Tires 160 whole @ 100 mixed @ Commercial Total 3a TIFICATION tal 45 $ 2,025,000 35 $ 140lX)() 3 $ 10,200 5 $ 3,750 $ 2,178,950 45 $1,710,000 35 $ 150,500 3 $ 4,800 5 $ 7,500 $1,872,800 45 $ 162,000 35 $ 7,000 3 $ 900 5 $ $ 169,900 55 $1,732,500 35 $ 24,500 3 $ 480 5 $ 500 $ 1,757,980 2009-2010 BUDGET TIPPING FEES CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 459 Private $1,553,700 $ 1,554,800 Private Waste 26,000 tons @ 55 $ 1,430,000 Wood Waste 2,600 tons @ 35 $ 91,000 Tires 4,000 whole @ 3 $ 12,000 160 mixed @ 5 $ 800 150 split @ 140 $ 21,000 Private Total $1,554,800 463 Residential $361,160 $ 429,670 Residential Waste Based on Uniform Disposal Allocation City of Roanoke $ 167,196 County of Roanoke $ 244,821 Town of Vinton $ 17,653 Residential Total $ 429,670 TOTAL TIPPING FEE $7,956,260 $ 7,964,100 2009-2010 BUDGET 3b Roanoke Valley Resource Authority EXPENSES PERSONNEL 2009-2010 BUDGET _ Roanoke Valley Resource Authority PERSONNEL - CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 1010 Salaries $1,116,864 $1,155,495 Salaries for 29 employees 1015 Overtime $55,000 $55,000 Extra work required on Saturdays & Holidays 1020 Part - time $24,000 $24,500 Operations, Buildings, and Grounds Maintenance 1116 Supplements $10,000 $10,000 Outstanding performance recognition 2100 F.1.c.A. $91,484 $94,477 7.65 % of salaries, overtime, part time 2200 Retirement - VRS $135,453 $145,902 14.03 % of salaries 26 employees $ 1,039,928 2204 Retirement - City $17,150 $18,803 16.27 % of salaries 3 employees $ 115,567 2202 Deferred Compo Match $22,620 $18,850 $25 per pay period 29 employees 2300 Hospitalization $170,374 $166,164 33 participating employees 0.0% single 20 $415 per month $ 99,600 sing+ 1 1 $427 per month $ 5,124 em&sp 4 $591 per month $ 28,368 family 4 $689 per month $ 33,072 includes 4 retirees 2310 Dental $7,020 $7,540 29 participating employees @ $2601 month 2400 Life Insurance - VRS $12,296 $8,527 0.82 % of salaries 26 employees $1,039,928 2401 Life Insurance - City $1,232 $948 0.82 % of salaries 3 employees $ 115,567 2500 Short & Long Term $3,127 $5,235 Short RVRA pays 100% $2,000 Disability Ins. Long 0.56% salaries RVRA pays 50% $3,235 2700 Workers' Compo Ins. $35,000 $12,500 Workers' Compo Insurance 29 employees 2750 Retirement Health $0 $3,224 0.31 % of salaries 26 employees $1,039,928 Insurance Credit GASB 45 $0 $8,808 Retiree Health Insurance Expense 2800 Termination Pay $10,000 $10,000 Annual and sick leave payments TOTAL PERSONNEL $1,711,620 $1,775,973 - 4 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority PERSONNEL POSITION # GRADE CURRENT PAY RANGE CEO 1 U Unclassified Operations Manager 1 35 $ 61,693 to $ 91,673 Environmental & Safety Manager 1 33 $ 55,957 to $ 83,149 Operations Supervisor 2 24 $ 36,070 to $ 53,598 Administrative Assistant 1 24 $ 36,070 to $ 53,598 Administrative Secretary 1 17 $ 25,635 to $ 38,092 Motor Equipment Operator II 14 19 $ 28,262 to $ 41,9% Building Maintenance Mechanic 1 19 $ 28,262 to $ 41,996 Motor Equipment Mechanic 1 19 $ 28,262 to $ 41,996 Scale Operator 1 16 $ 24,414 to $ 36,278 Scale Operator/Office Assistant 1 16 $ 24,414 to $ 36,278 Account Oerk I 0 15 $ 21,090 to $ 31,339 Laborer/Operator 1 13 $ 21,090 to $ 31,339 Accountant 1 24 $ 36,070 to $ 53,598 Senior Equipment Operator 2 21 $ 31,159 to $ 46,301 TOTAL SALARIES 29 $ 1,147,519 6/30/2009 Adjustments: Market 0.0% $ Performance 0.0% mid-point $ $ $ $ Reclass(s) $ 7,976 Total $ 7,976 TOTAL ADJUSTED SALARIES $ 1,155,495 2009 - 2010 BUDGET 5 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority EXPENSES OPERATING 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority OPERATING CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 3004 Medical Exams $ 600 $ 1,000 Physical exams for new employees; drug and alcohol random testing 3007 Contract Services $ 199,430 $ 327,950 Employee Assistance Program: $15.50 @ x 29 employees $ 450 Groundwater Monitoring *Drinking Water Sampling 24@$l,110sample $ 26,400 *Monitoring Wells 6 wells; 2 events/year $20,500/ event = $ 41,000 Norfolk Southern Rail Inspections $ 1,000 Stormwater Discharge *Permit Sampling 1 samples x $4,500 $ 4,500 Gas Monitoring Quarterly @ $740 $ 2,960 Oean Valley Council 12 months $ 51,000 Landscaping $265/month $ 3,180 Tire Disposal- 800 Tons @ $98.00 + Fuel Surcharge $ 90,000 Copier Rental $622/month $ 7,460 HHW Disposal $ 100,000 3011 Janitorial Service $ 18,204 $ 18,204 Services for all Facilities $l,517/month $ 18,204 3012 Extenninating Services $ 1,644 $ 1,728 T.5. - $76/month $ 912 S.G. - $68/month $ 816 Arbitrage Testing $ 1,200 3013 Professional Services $ 73,900 $ 75,100 Auditing Services $ 12,000 Legal Services $ 47,000 Engineering Services $ 7,000 Software support $ 2,400 Outside Legal $ 4,000 Leachate sampling $ 1,500 3029 Municipal Waste $ 2,217,439 $ 2,054,820 Norfolk Southern 151,000 58 tons/car = 2,600 2.5% decrease (rail) 1,800 cars: $849/ car $ 1,528,200 804 cars: $655/car $ 526,620 Total $ 2,054,820 2009-2010 BUDGET 6 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority OPERATING CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 3030 Waste Water Freight $ 107,160 $ 124,640 Leachate Cars 190 Cars @ $656 $ 124,640 3035 Stone Car Freight Charge $ 8,445 $ 13,100 Stone Cars 20 Cars @ $655 $ 13,100 3101 Temporary Help $ - $ - Buildings and grounds maintenance 3202 Repairs/ Office Equipment $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Maintenance and repairs to office equipment 3204 Repairs to Vehicles $ 3,000 $ 4,000 Maintenance and repairs to all road vehicles 3206 Repairs to Data $ 2,000 $ 3,500 Maintenance and repairs to Processing all data processing equipment 3208 Repairs to Buildings $ 90,000 $ 100,000 Maintenance and repairs to all buildings and Grounds and property; pump stations, septic tanks. 3209 Repairs to Other $ 170,000 $ 170,000 Construction Equipment Equipment Off Road Vehicles $ 135,000 Tipper $ 10,000 Railcars $ 5,000 Miscellaneous Equipment $ 20,000 Tub Grinder, Seeder, etc. 3530 Printed Forms $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Letterhead, envelopes, cards, scale tickets repair orders, purchasing forms includes General Counsel 3610 Advertising $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Personnel, RFP, bids, public hearings, etc. 3620 Public Information $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Handouts $ 1,100 User Brochures $ 300 HHW Brochures $ 600 Miscellaneous $ 500 2009-2010 BUDGET 7 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority OPERATING CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 3625 Promotional Articles $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Recycling handouts, pens, pencils, miscellaneous items 3630 Special Events $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Annual Employee Functions & Customer Appreciation Day 4600 Central Services $ 49,500 $ 49,500 Administrative services, Roanoke County jRoanoke City for data processing, accountin~ miscellaneous 5110 Utilities - Electridty $ 51,500 $ 51,500 Transfer Station $1,625jmonth $ 19,500 Smith Gap Landfill $2,542jmonth $ 32,000 5121 Utilities - Heat - Fuel $ 31,500 $ 31,500 Transfer Station Natural Gas $ 6,500 Smith Gap Landfill Propane Gas $ 25,000 5141 Water Service - Transfer $ 3,500 $ 4,500 Water Service for Transfer Station Station 5142 Sewer Service - Transfer $ 12,500 $ 12,500 Sewer Service Station Leachate - Smith Gap $ 12,500 5210 Postage $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Postage for all mailings and correspondence, postage meter rent, includes General Counsel 5230 Telephone $ 5,000 $ 5,700 Telephone service to both facilities, rental of lines & equipment, long distance calls, fax lines, includes General Counsel 5235 Cell Phones $ 2,400 $ 3,800 Service for cell phones 2009-2010 BUDGET 8 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority OPERATING CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 5302 Property Insurance-Fire $ 39,000 $ 43,000 Coverage for all buildings, contents, and equipment 5305 Motor Vehicle Insurance $ 9,000 $ 9,700 Insurance for on-road vehicles 5307 Public Offidals Insurance $ 400 $ 500 Insurance through VML or V ACO pools 5308 General Liability Ins. $ 10,600 $ 9,600 Coverage for all facilities & property 5410 Rent of Equipment $ 5,280 $ 5,280 Rental of Miscellaneous Equipment Heavy Equipment Emergency Equipment 5501 Travel- Mileage $ 500 $ 500 Use of personal vehicles for RVRA business, staff, and Board Members 5503 Travel- Lodging $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Out of town conference lodging, SWAN A, VML, legal conferences, including meals 5504 Conference $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Conference registrations; SW ANA, VML, legal conferences 5520 Dinner Meetings - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Monthly Board meetings, dinners, and Luncheons luncheons associated with RVRA 5540 Training & Education $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Operator training for hazardous materials, certification, miscellaneous 5601 Contributions $ 402,000 $ 402,000 Payments per contract to: Roanoke County $ 300,000 Roanoke City $ 100,000 Volunteer fire and rescue $ 2,000 2009-2010 BUDGET 9 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority OPERATING CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 5801 Dues $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Professional &. Association dues: SW ANA, SWVSWMA, &.IAAP Returned check fees and misc. fees 5815 Warrants and Fees $ 19,200 $ 21,200 DEQ annual fee --$20,000 Returned check fees $1,200 5823 Employee Recognition $ 6,000 $ 6,000 A wards and Certificates 5850 Miscellaneous Operating $ - $ - No programs planned 6010 Office Supplies $ 4,000 $ 5,000 Office paper, pens, pencils, folders, etc. 6011 Photocopies $ 400 $ 400 Miscellaneous Photocopies 6013 Small Equipment &. $ 12,000 $ 14,000 Small items of office and shop equipment Supplies and supplies, tools, miscellaneous 6040 Medical Supplies $ - $ - Moved to Safety Equipment Fund 6050 Janitorial Supplies $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Supplies for general cleaning &. sanitation 6071 Radio Parts $ 3,600 $ 4,200 Communications Equipment 6080 Gas, Oil, Grease $ 275,000 $ 350,000 Fuel for all equipment and vehicles, includes oil, lubricants 6091 Tires, Tubes, Parts $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Replacement and maintenance parts and supplies for all equipment and vehicles 6130 Uniform and Wearing $ 14,100 $ 16,000 Safety Shoes - 24 employees $ 3,200 Apparel Rain gear, shirts, hats, mise. $ 2,600 Rental of uniforms - 24 $ 10,000 mats &. towels $ 200 2009-2010 BUDGET 10 .---- R kVll R oano e a ey esource u on - CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 6202 Subscriptions $ 100 $ 200 Professional magazines and manuals 6203 Books $ 200 $ 200 Miscellaneous books and manuals 6211 Code Books $ - $ - Miscellaneous legal code books 6501 Other Operating Supplie $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Disinfectants, deodorizers, salt for roads, wavel and stone for roads, seed, mulch fertilizers and lime for seeding slopes, fill areas and other areas, miscellaneous office supplies 6503 Fire Equipment and $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Fire hoses & extinguishers replacements & Supplies and for annual inspections for both facilities 6510 Safety Equipment and $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Update Red Cross video and books Medical Supplies 9670 Un-appropriated Balance $ 106,254 $ 101,463 For unexpected expenditures 2.5% TOTAL OPERATING $ 4,073,056 $4,159,985 2009-2010 BUDGEf - A th "ty OPERATING 11 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority EXPENSES CAPITAL 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority eAPIT AL CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 8101 Machinery &. Equipment $ - $ - New 8102 Machinery &. Equipment $ - $ - Replacement 8201 Furniture, Office $ - $ - Equipment New 8202 Furniture, Office $ - $ - Equipment Replacement 8302 Communications $ - $ - Equipment Replacement 8402 Small Capital Outlay $ - $ - Replacement 8701 Data Processing $ - $ - Equipment New 8702 Data Processing $ - $ - Equipment Replacement 8902 New Building $ 120,000 $ - TOTAL CAPITAL $ 120,000 $ - 2009-2010 BUDGET 12 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority EXPENSES RESERVES 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority RESER YES CODE DESCRIPTION BALANCE DEPOSIT EXPENSE BALANCE JUSTIFICATION 7 f1I2009 FY09-10 FY09-10 06/30/10 924500 Landfill Oosme $ 5,872,465 $ 600,000 $ 2,051,000 $ 4,421,465 As required by Bond Indenture, State and Federal regulations to close Smith Gap landfill. Expenditure for construction of Phase L 925010 Equipment $ 597,766 $ 600,000 $1,000,000 $ 197,766 For replacement of Reserve Fund equipment per equipment replacement schedule. 925020 Environmental $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ 500,000 Groundwater Contingency Fund protection fund per I local permit. 925030 Landfill Host $ 128,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 138,000 As per local permit. Community There are no planned Improvement Fund expenditures. 925040 Property Value $ 443,193 $ - $ - $ 443,193 As per local permit. Protection Current fund is adequate based on anticipated sales. 925050 Future Site $ 740,353 $ 300,000 $ 150,000 $ 890,353 Stormwater Improvements Development 925060 Landfill Interim & $ 244,000 $ - $ - $ 244,000 For development of Post Development unused portions of Smith Gap property for recreation. 925065 Capital $ 460,000 $ 200,000 $ 450,000 $ 210,000 For maintenace and Improvement improvements to the Fund facilities. Tipper repairs & overlay IS floor TOTAL RESERVE $8,985,777 $1,710,000 $ 3,651,000 $ 7,044,777 FUNDS 2009-2010 BUDGET 13 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority BOND/BUDGET COMPARISON 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority BOND BUDGET CONIPARISON CATEGORY BOND CURRENT FY2009-10 PROJECTION BUDGEI BUDGET WASTE GENERATION (Tons) Solid Waste Generated Residential Waste 84,100 95,600 93,500 Commerdal Waste 111,500 57,900 57,650 Less: Additional Source Recycling Residential Waste (5,200) 0 0 Commerdal Waste (7,000) 0 0 Solid Waste to the System 183,400 153,500 151,150 OPERATING REVENUES Tipping Fee Revenue Requirement $ 13,560,000 $ 7,956,260 $ 7,964,100 Interest Income $ 1,134,000 $ 657,720 $ 336,000 Recycling Income $ - $ 46,000 $ 56,960 Transfer from General Surplus $ - $ 1,289,635 $ 2,053,044 Other Income $ - $ - Total Operating Revenues $ 14,694,000 $ 9,949,615 $ 10,410,104 OPERATING EXPENSES Landfill and Transfer Station $ 5,262,000 $ 3,171,632 $ 3,343,398 Rail Expenses $ 2,956,000 $ 1,908,044 $ 2,192,560 Total Operating Expenses $ 8,218,000 $ 5,079,676 $ 5,535,958 NET REVENUE AVAILABLE for DEBT SERVICE $ 6,476,000 $ 4,869,939 $ 4,874,146 DEBT SERVICE $ 3,591,000 $ 2,759,939 $ 2,764,146 DEPOSITS TO RESERVE ACCOUNTS Oosure Fund $ 500,000 600,000 600,000 Renewal and Replacement Funds Equipment Reserves $ 700,000 400,000 600,000 Environmental Contingency Fund $ 130,000 - - Host Community Improvement $ 10,000 10,000 10,000 Property Value Protection $ - - - Total Deposits to R & R Fund $ 4,369,999 $ 410,000 $ 610,000 HOST FEES $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 EXCESS REVENUES $ (2,384,999) $ 700,000 $ 500,000 INDENTURE COVERAGE TEST (.10 minimum) (0.6642) 0.2536 0.1809 ADDITIONAL DEPOSITS TO RESERVES Further Site Development $ 920,000 $ 500,000 $ 300,000 Interim and Post Development $ 25,000 $ - $ - Recycling $ 200,000 $ - $ - Capital Improvement Fund $ - 200,000 200,000 Total Additional Deposits to Reserves $ 1,145,000 $ 700,000 $ 500,000 SOLID WASTE TIPPING FEES ($/ton) Residential (Munidpal) $ 71.09 $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Commerdal $ 76.09 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 2009-2010 BUDGET 14 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority TIPPING FEE BREAKDOWN 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority TIPPING FEE BREAKDOWN CATEGORY LANDFILL TRANSFER TRANSPORT TOTAL PERCENT OPERA nONS 24.54 12.09 14.51 51.13 62% DEBT SERVICE 8.05 4.21 6.03 18.29 22% DEPOSITS AND 11.25 1.39 0.00 12.64 15% RESERVES * TOTAL 43.83 17.68 20.54 82.06 100% PERCENT AGE 53% 22% 25% 100% NOTES: Operations costs are estimated to be 67% landfill and 33 % transfer station. $ 5,535,958 Rail operating costs $ 2,192,560 Debt service based on construction costs: 44% landfill, 23% transfer, 33% rail. $ 2,764,146 Deposits allocated as 89% landfill, 11% transfer (includes host fees). $ 1,910,000 Based on receiving a total of 151,150 tons * Additional revenue other than tipping fees allows total to be reduced to the proposed rates of: Municipal Commercial $ $ 45.00 per ton 55.00 per ton 2009-2010 BUDGET 15 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority RUTROUGH ROAD LANDFILL 2009-2010 BUDGET Roanoke Valley Resource Authority RUTROUGH ROAD LANDFILL CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION Beginning Balance $ 5,059,804 $ 4,814,504 Antidpated Balance July 1, 2008 Expenditures -Budgeted $ 365,300 $ 365,300 All Post Oosure Care Activities Interest $ 120,000 $ 77,310 Estimated Interest Income from Investments ESTIMATED BALANCE $ 4,814,504 $ 4,526,514 2009-2010 BUDGET 16 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority RUTROUGH ROAD LANDFILL CODE DESCRIPTION FY08-09 FY09-10 JUSTIFICATION 3007 Contract Services $ 90,800 $ 90,800 Groundwater Monitoring Lab. Analysis - 2 Events $ 35,000 Gas Monitoring Quarterly $950/Event $ 3,800 Gas Extraction System $ 12,000 monitoring Cap Maintenance $ 30,000 miscellaneous seeding, grading, E & S control care Road Maintenance Stone $ 10,000 Synthetic cap installation $ - Assessment of Corrective $ - Measures 3013 Professional Services $ 66,000 $ 66,000 Engineering Services Groundwater Sampling 2 Events @ $18,000 $ 36,000 Groundwater Assessment $ 10,000 Program Miscellaneous $ 10,000 Legal Services $ 10,000 3208 Repair and Maintenance $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Disposal of Leachate $ 200,000 5110 Utilities - Electridty $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Electric Service for Blower/Flare Station 5230 Telephone $ - $ - Included in internal services 5815 Warrants & Fees $ 500 $ 500 DEQ Annual Fee 5850 Miscellaneous $ 2,000 $ 2,000 advertisement and bottled gas. 6302 Property Insurance $ - $ - Coverage for Flare Station and Assodated Equipment 8101 Machinery & Equipment $ - $ - 9808 Transfer to RVRA $ - $ - Administrative Cost not charged this FY Operations to assist in financial assurance calculations TOTAL $ 365,300 $ 365,300 2009-2010 BUDGET 17 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority APPENDIX 2009-2010 BUDGET RESOLUTION OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY Adopted this 25th day of March 2009 RA#2009-522 A RESOLUTION approving the Authority's annual budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 and authorizing submittal of such budget to the governing bodies of the Charter Member Users for approval. BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority that: 1. The fiscal year 2009-2010 Annual Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority as set forth in the report and accompanying attachments by the Chief Executive Officer dated March 25, 2009, and submitted to this Board is hereby approved; and, 2. The Authority Chairman is authorized on behalf of the Authority to submit the fiscal year 2009-2010 annual budget and related documents to the governing bodies of the Charter Member Users, being the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, for approval in accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement, dated October 23, 1991, as amended. On motion of Ms. Hyatt, seconded by Mr. Bengtson, and carried by the following recorded roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Bengtson, Ms. Green, Ms. Hyatt, Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Snyder, Mr. Tensen NAYS: None ABSENT: Mr. Levy ATTEST:J4a!, l' (If%A.il...d Deborah T. Charles RVRA Board Secretary ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve the Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV) Budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 SUBMITTED BY: Elaine A. Bays Director of Cable Access APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton jointly operate Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV, Channel 3). The initial equipment and facility for the television studio were funded through a capital grant from Cox Communications. The station is located at the Jefferson Center, and currently employs five full time staff members. Our staff members include Preston Seaman, Lacy Stinnett, Howard Swank & George Warner. The staff produces original video productions, monthly television shows, and covers live government meetings for the local governments and their school systems. Programming is cablecast on Cox Communications, Channel 3, and Comcast, Channel 3, in the West County area. RVTV is governed by the Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee, which includes representatives from the City, the County, and the Town. Supervisor. Altizer is your Board Representative, Dan O'Donnell is the County Representative, and David Jones is the Member at Large. The operational budget for RVTV is provided by the three governments, based on the proportion of Cox customers located in each jurisdiction. Roanoke County's share of the cable budget is 44% which is a 3% decrease (47%) from the previous year. 1 Cable television staff is carried on the County's payroll and benefit system. During 2008-2009, Roanoke Valley Television produced a total of 114 Video Productions for the three localities and their school systems. RVTV produced the following for the County: (30) Half Hour Television Shows, (23) Original Video Productions, and RVTV covered (23) Live Board Meetings. A few examples of RVTV productions include: Green Ridge Fire, Roanoke County Informational Video, and the Western VA Regional Jail. (An entire list of productions is included the Budget Packet). RVTV monthly television shows include: "Roanoke County Today," which highlights local government issues and events, and "Accent Excellence," for the Roanoke County School System. RVTV also produces two quarterly TV shows, "Roanoke County Business Partners," & liRE Connection. " FISCAL IMPACT: The total 2009-201 0 RVTV budget request is $359,411. The Cable TV Committee voted to reduce the current 2008-2009 Operating Budget ($353,767) by 10%, and use that reduced amount ($318,390) as the amountto requestfrom the member localities. The reduction is being funded from the RVTV Year-End Rollover Account, which represents the unused funds from the Operating Budget since 1991. The Year End Rollover Account has a current balance of $157,430. The reduced RVTV budget is $318,390, of which Roanoke County's share is 44%, or $140,091. This reduced budget is a $26,179 decrease from last year's budget. The total Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Revenue paid by Cox Communications to Roanoke County last year was $998,579. AL TERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Adopt the FY 2009-2010 RVTV Operating Budget. Alternative 2: Do not adopt the FY 2009-2010 RVTV Operating Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee recommends that the Board adopt Alternative 1, and approve the FY 2009-2010 RVTV Operating Budget. 2 To: From: Date: Re: Roanoke Regional Cable Television Committee Elaine Bays, Director of Cable Access April 3, 2009 FY 2009-2010 Operating Budget Proposal BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Roanoke Valley Television, RVTV Channel 3, is a Government & Educational Access Station serving the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, the Town of Vinton and their respective school systems. The operational budget for R VTV is provided by the three governments, based on the proportion of Cox Customers located in each jurisdiction. Currently, RVTV employs five full time staff members. The staff produces original videos, monthly television shows, and covers live government meetings. Roanoke Valley Television produced the following for 2008 - 2009: . 54 Original Television Shows (12) Inside Roanoke, (12) Roanoke County Today, (12) Spotlight On City Schools, (12) Accent Excellence, (3) Roanoke County Business Partners (3) REConnection . 62 Government Meetings (24) Regular Roanoke City Council, (23) Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, (11) City Planning Commission Meetings, & other additional meetings . 60 Original Video Productions Ex. Carbon Footprint, Teacher of the Year, Green Ridge Fire, Specialty Centers, Vinton Fac;ade Program Additionally, Roanoke Valley Television covered numerous special events including ground breakings, dedication ceremonies and news conferences. Roanoke Valley Television produced a total of60 Stand Alone Video Productions last year for the three localities and their school systems. The approximate rate for video production work in the private sector is $1,500 per finished minute. Roanoke Valley Television produced 580 Minutes (9 Hours & 40 Minutes) which totals $870,000 in Production Value. RVTV also produced 54 Original TV Shows for a total of27 Hours of Programming. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed RVTV FY 2009-2010 Operating Budget is $359,411. The Cable TV Committee is being requested to reduce the current 2008-2009 Operating Budget ($353,767) by 10%, and use that reduced amount ($318,390) as the amount to request from member localities. The Committee is being requested to fund such 10% reduction ($35,377) plus an additional $5,644* (a total of$41,021) from the RVTV Year- End Rollover Account, which represents the unused funds from the Operating Budget since 1991. The Year End Rollover Account has a current balance of$157,430.30, which can be used to pay the $41,021. * Additional amount of $5,644 relates to necessary increases in the Budget. See detailed Budget on Page 5 of2009-2010 Operating Budget Proposal for line item details. The proposed budget includes funding for closed captioning services for both the City Council and Board of Supervisors Meetings. RVTV expended 98.10% of its FY 2007-2008 Operating Budget. FISCAL IMPACT: The total RVTV budget request is $359,411 , consisting of $318,390 from the member localities and $41,021 from the RVTV Rollover Account. Cox calculates the percentage of subscribers (December 31, 2007) in each locality as follows: (2007 number of Subscribers in parenthesis) Locality Subscribers Percentage City 27,543 (27,558) 52% (49% - 2007) County 23.406 (26,678) 44% (47% - 2007) Vinton 2,483 (2,482) 4% (4% - 2007) Total 53,432 (56,718) 100% (100%) 2 Based on the above figures, each member's contribution to the $318,390 for the localities part ofthe total 2009-201 0 Operating Budget of $359,411 ($41,021 of which amount will be funded from RVTV Rollover Account) would be as follows: Each member's part of 2008- 2009 Budget 2009 - 2010 Budget City $173,346 $165,563* (52%) County $166,270 $140,091 (44%) Vinton $14,151 $12,736 (4%) Total $353,767 $318,390 *In addition to the City's share of the above $318,390, the City will also pay $3,360 for closed captioning for City Planning Commission meetings. 3 m(])mrfJI(])~~ffi VI mJ 1J 1ffi11rffinffiWJ1~n(])J ITl www.rvtv.org ROANOKE VALLEY TELEVISION ~(])(])~ ~ ~(]) ~- (]) CQ)r~~rFmliflrn~ ]]3lIDcQl~cmt rPrr(])]l)@~mIl RVTV 2008 Edited Video Productions Title Client Length Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Highlight Video City of Roanoke 28:00 Citizen Appreciation Day PSA City of Roanoke :30 RCPS Spelling Bee - Highlight Video City Schools 17:00 Student Riders - Valley Metro PSA City Schools :60 Kite Festival PSA County of Roanoke :30 Camp Roanoke Open House PSA County of Roanoke :30 Western V A Regional Jail County of Roanoke 8:30 Parks & Rec. Summer Registration PSA County of Roanoke :30 Central Middle School County Schools 11:00 Citizen Appreciation Day - Highlight Video City of Roanoke 19:00 (4) Teacher of the Year Packages City Schools 30:00 Highland Park Centennial - Highlight Video City Schools 7:00 Step Program City Schools 13:00 Student Government Day Town of Vinton 11:00 Vinton Arbor Day Celebration T own of Vinton 6:00 Carbon Footprint City of Roanoke 9:00 Student Clean & Green Video City of Roanoke 3:00 Teacher of the Year Ceremony - Highlight Video City Schools 30:00 TEK Camp Highlight Video County of Roanoke 5:00 Parks & Rec. KIOSK Video County of Roanoke 16:00 Elmer Hodge Retirement Video County of Roanoke 26:00 Pack the Bus PSA County Schools :30 State of the City Address City of Roanoke 28:00 Emergency Communication Center County of Roanoke 9:00 E-Waste Event PSA County of Roanoke :30 V A Parks & Rec. Conference Promo County of Roanoke 8:00 New Specialty Centers Video County Schools 8:00 F a<;ade Program T own of Vinton 10:00 Park Partners County of Roanoke 8:00 2 Title Client Length City Schools 5:00 City Schools 10:30 County of Roanoke 15:00 County of Roanoke :30 County of Roanoke 34:00 City of Roanoke 7:00 City / County :30 ea. City of Roanoke 8:00 County of Roanoke 7:00 County of Roanoke 18:00 City of Roanoke 8:00 City of Roanoke :30 County of Roanoke 6:30 ea. City of Roanoke 6:30 ea. Minds in Motion Parent University Burton Center for Arts & Technology Parks & Rec. Winter Registration PSA State of the County VML Video (2) Earth Summit PSA New Williamson Rd. Fire Station Roanoke Co. Informational Video Green Ridge Fire Video Business Owner Safety (Police) DARE Camp PSA (4) Focus on Crime Prevention & Safety (12) "The Spot" & "Library Happenings" Total Minutes Produced 580 Minutes (9 Hours & 40 Minutes) The approximate rate for Video Production work in the private sector is $1,500 per finished minute. RVTV produced 580 Minutes (9 hours & 40 Minutes) of Stand Alone Video Productions in 2008 which totals $870,000 in Production Value. 2008 Television Shows Total Title Client Time 12 Inside Roanoke City of Roanoke 30:00 ea. 12 Roanoke County Today Roanoke County 30:00 ea. 12 Spotlight On City Schools Roanoke City Schools 30:00 ea. 12 Accent Excellence Roanoke County Schools 30:00 ea. 3 Roanoke County County of Roanoke 30:00 ea. Business Partners 3 REConnection County of Roanoke 30:00 ea. Total: 54 Television Shows 3 Total Stand Alone Productions Total Productions City of Roanoke Roanoke County Town of Vinton 60 34 23 3 Percentage 57% 38% 5% 2008 Government Meetings Totals Meetings 24 11 1 1 1 23 1 Regular City Council Meetings City Planning Commission Meetings City Council Budget / School Board Interviews (May 1) City Council Budget Adoption (May 12) City Schools Facility Meeting (Nov. 12) Regular Board of Supervisors Meetings Special BOS Meeting - Non-Profits (March 18) Total: 62 Government Meetings RVTV additionally covers many Groundbreakings, News Conferences, and Special Events County Fleet Service Groundbreaking North Co. Fire & Rescue Station Groundbreaking Tons of Fun Event, Roanoke County Garden City E-branch, Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Williamson Rd. Fire Station, Ribbon Cutting Ceremony City Schools Convocation Ceremony 4 RVTV Proposed 2009 - 2010 Budget 2008-2009 Budget Proposed Remaining % Expended 2009 - 2010 Balance (12/31/08) 1010 Regular 192,845.00 192,967.00 100,972.59 47.64 (Actual 192,967) 2100 FICA (Employer 7.65%) 14,753.00 14,762.00 8,027.24 45.59 2200 Retirement - VRS (14.03% of Salary) 26,130.00 27,074.00 13,596.97 48.89 2202 Deferred Comp Match (650 x 4) 2,600.00 2,600.00 1,480.00 43.08 2300 Group Health Insurance 23,134.00 28,182.00 9,891.84 56.50 (Actual 28,182 - 1 Additional Coverage) 2310 Group Dental Insurance 986.00 1,131.00 349.02 61.73 (Actual 1,131-1 Additional Coverage) 2400 VRS Life (1.13% of Salary) 2,179.00 2,179.00 1,418.91 34.88 2500 Long Term Disability Insurance 360.00 360.00 196.82 45.33 3013 Professional Services - Other 27,500.00 27,500.00 14,370.25 47.75 (Closed Captioning, Dubbing etc.) 3013A CC - City Planning Commission * City Only 3204 Repairs Vehicles (By Garage) 400.00 400.00 337.00 15.60 3209 Repairs (Other Equipment) 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,818.86 9.06 3305 Maintenance Service Contracts 1,600.00 900.00 1,285.69 19.64 (Telephone) 5210 Postage 175.00 100.00 166.30 4.97 5230 Telephone 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,168.58 45.79 5235 Cellular Phones 480.00 480.00 250.43 47.83 5305 Motor Vehicle Insurance 1,300.00 1,300.00 199.00 86.69 5308 General Liability Insurance 2,550.00 2,550.00 787.00 69.14 5410 Lease/Rent of Equi pment 500.00 250.00 500.00 0 5420 Lease/Rent of B uil dings 36,697.00 37,798.00 18,530.44 49.50 (8 x $3,118.60 4 x $3,212.16) 5501 Travel (Mileage) 200.00 200.00 152.97 23.52 5520 Dinner Meetings & Luncheons 200.00 200.00 40.00 80.00 5801 Dues & Association Membership 278.00 278.00 00.00 100.00 (Public Relations Society of America) 6010 Office Supplies - General 800.00 800.00 476.11 40.49 6013 Small Equipment & Supplies 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,185.70 19.05 6014 Video Supplies 7,700.00 7,700.00 3,184.70 58.64 6080 Gas, Oil & Grease 1,500.00 1,300.00 1,008.54 32.76 6091 Tires 200.00 200.00 177.74 11.13 Total $353,767.00 $359,411.00 $183,398.76 48.16% 213500 Amount to be funded from R VTV Roll-Over Account -$41,021.00** Amount to be funded from Member localities $318,390.00 *In addition to the City's share of the above $318,390, the City will also pay $3,360 for closed captioning for City Plamring Commission meetings. ** Amount consists of $35,377 (a 10% reduction of last year's total budget), plus an additional $5,644 in increased costs as shown above. R VTV expended 98.10% of its FY2007 -2008 Operating Budget 5 RVTV Financial Report Current Account Balances as of January 30,2009 213200 (2008-2009 Operating Budget) .............................................. $158,122.58 213450 (New Cox Cable Capital Grant) .............................................. $1,029,848.85 (Balance includes accrued interest.) (Cox has made all payments due for Capital Grant) 213500 (RVTV Year-End Rollover Account) .................................... $157,430.30 Account 213500 (RVTV Year-End Rollover) represents the unused funds from the Operating Budget since 1991. RVTV does not lose these funds at the end of the fiscal year, rather they are rolled over into this savings account which may be used for future capital purchases or the operating budget. 2008 Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Revenue Paid by Cox Communications to the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Benefit of the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton Starting on January 1, 2007, the Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Act of 2006 (Va. Code 58.1-645 et seq.) required Cox Communications, as well as other cable television providers, to pay a five percent (5%) sales or use tax to the Commonwealth of Virginia in place of paying franchise fees to the localities, including the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton. Under the Act, the Commonwealth pays the amount of revenues it receives from cable television providers, like Cox, to the localities. For the calendar year 2008, Cox Communications paid to the Commonwealth of Virginia a total of $2,245,770 (City $1,147,511, County $998,579, Vinton $99,680) for the benefit of the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton. The Commonwealth of Virginia paid to the three localities the appropriate share of this total amount as a replacement amount for the franchise fees. The three localities have previously agreed to allocate up to twenty percent (20%) of the above total revenues (which used to be referred to as franchise fees) received by the localities to the RVTV operating budget. For the coming year, that amount would be $449,154. However, RVTV is requesting an operating budget of $359,411, which is $89,743 less than the amount that could have been allocated under the above formula. 6 2008 Cox Cable Subscribers Cox calculates the percentage of subscribers (December 31, 2008) in each locality as follows: 2007 number of subscribers in parenthesis. Locality Subscribers Percentage City 27,543 (27,558) 52 % (49% - 2007) County 23,406 (26,678) 44% (47% - 2007) Vinton 2,483 (2,482) 4% (4% -2007) Total 53,432 (56,718) 100% (100%) Based on the above figures, each member's contribution to the $318,390 for the localities part of the total 2009- 2010 Operating Budget of $359,411 ($41,021 of which amount will be funded from RVTV Rollover Account) would be as follows: Each member's part of 2008 - 2009 Budget 2009 - 2010 Budget City $173,346 $165,563 * County $166,270 $140,091 Vinton $14,151 $12,736 Total $353,767 $318,390 * In addition to the City's share of the above $318,390, the City will also pay $3,360 for closed captioning for City Planning Commission meetings. NOTE: Based on the 2009-2010 Operating Budget of $359,411, without the $41,021 funding from the RVTV Rollover Account, each member's contribution would have been: City $186,894, County $158,141, & Vinton $14,376. 7 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F -, C; AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve and appropriate funds in the amount of $24,900 for the June 9,2009 Primaries SUBMITTED BY: Judy Stokes General Registrar APPROVED BY: B. Clayton "Clay" Goodman, III ~CG County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The State Board of Elections has issued orders for a Democratic primary on June 9,2009 for the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and House of Delegates (Districts 11 and 17), and for a Republican primary for the offices of House of Delegates (Districts 8, 11, and 17) and Board of Supervisors (Windsor Hills District). The cost of the primary was not included in the current budget inasmuch as it was not certified by SBE until March 13, 2009. No reimbursement will be made by the state. Elections Officials and Staff Required advertising Rent of polling places Postage and printed forms Total $23,000 650 300 950 $24,900 FISCAL IMPACT: It is requested that funds be allocated from the Board Contingency. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriating funds in the amount of $24,900 from the Board Contingency for the June 9th Democrat and Republican Primaries. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F-eo AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve the health insurance plan and rates for the County and Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke and Roanoke County Public Schools participate in a joint health insurance program for eligible employees. The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA), the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA), and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority (WVRJA) also participate in our plan. This medical plan is self-funded with reinsurance coverage to protect the financial risk assumed. Under the current contract, reinsurance is composed of two elements: specific and aggregate stop loss. The specific stop loss threshold is $200,000. Specific reinsurance protects the plan from any catastrophic claims paid on a member during the plan year. The aggregate limit of 110% protects the total financial liability assumed for the plan at 10% above "expected" claims level. The plan purchases administrative services, access to the network physicians and facilities, and claims administration from Anthem. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Tile medical plan rates will remain unchanged for the upcoming plan year as outlined on Attachment A. The initial renewal proposed by Anthem requested a slight decrease to the current rates. However, rates will remain unchanged to enable plan sponsors to increase their reserve funds and use this money to mitigate future rate increases. Our renewal compares favorably to national and regional medical plan trends of 8% to 11 %. 1 Since the plan is self-funded, the actual claims paid on the program are used to establish rates for the County, Schools, RVRA, WVWA, and WVRJA as well as employee contributions. During this past year primary cost drivers were identified: . Overall medical and pharmacy claim payments decreased 4%, but on a cost per member basis decreased 5.6% from the previous review period. . During the review period (February 2007 through January 2008), there was one claimant who exceeded the $200,000 Specific Stop Loss Limit. . In-Network utilization of the plan continues to be high with over 99% of the submitted claims being with network providers. The use of Anthem's network providers protects the member from balance billing and lowers out of pocket costs. . Outpatient prescription drug claims made up over 22% of the total claims expenses on the program. This is slightly higher than industry average of 18% to 20%. The number of scripts filled was down 5.8% and the total expense of medications decreased 3.9%. Generic utilization is 66.6% which is good, and the average member covered filled 13 prescriptions per year, which is down from the 14 scripts last year. On March 17, 2009, Finance, Human Resources, and representatives for the County, Schools, WVW A, RVRA, and WVRJA met to review the renewal and discuss recommendations for the 2009-2010 plan year. The historical performance of the medical program was reviewed from a cost standpoint. As discussed, the medical plan's aggregate increases have been below market average for the period July 1,2003 through June 30, 2009 (38.8% versus the national average of 66%). The Insurance Committee has been successful in maintaining this favorable performance during this time through plan design changes that have addressed the underlying cost drivers of the program. No major benefit modifications are recommended for the 2009-2010 policy year. Several legislative initiatives highlighted by Anthem in their renewal will become effective July 1, 2009: . Inclusion of additional well baby checkup at 30 months of age in accordance with guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics, · Prescription drug retail supply limit changing from 31-day to 30-day supply, · Mandatory generic cost share - changing the member cost share on brand name drugs to pay the generic (tier 1) copay rather than the present brand (tier 3) copay amount, 2 . Colonoscopies to remove polyps will be paid as a preventive measure not as a medical service. Additional changes to the plan evaluated during this renewal are as follows: . Increase the aggregate stop loss from 110% to 115%. The aggregate limit protects the total financial liability assumed for the plan above expected claims level. As noted, the present arrangement is 110% aggregate stop loss. Premiums for this reinsurance are estimated to be $405,100 for the 2009-2010 year. The probability of claims exceeding 10% of expected is very small (less than 1 %). Wachovia Insurance Services advised that a higher limit of 115% aggregate should be implemented. This would reduce the reinsurance premiums by $216,184 to $188,917. The increased risk exposure is minimal. This will be implemented for July 1, 2009. · A benefit change to include coverage for the surgical treatment for morbid obesity. Anthem projects the expected cost impact of this addition is $530,000 or an additional 2.7% increase in claims expense. Upon review of Anthem's medical assessment of providing coverage for these services as well as the additional cost involved, this will not be added to the plan for July 1, 2009. In addition to the plan changes noted, Anthem will provide the County, Schools, WVRJA, RVRA, and WVW A a wellness credit of $50,000 for the 2009-2010 policy year. FISCAL IMPACT: None. No changes to the health insurance rates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the health insurance plan and rates, with Anthem, for fiscal year 2009-2010. 3 Roanoke County and Roanoke County School~ Health Insurance Renewal Rate~ 2009-10 Attachment A PPOPlanDesign Increase Monthly County Employee Employee for Premium Benefit Rate Pays Employee Current 2008-09 Subscriber Only 464.30 414.96 49.34 10.63% Subscriber + 1 minor 655.42 427.34 228.08 34.80% Employee + Spouse 951.80 590.60 361.20 37.95% nla Family 1114.48 688.50 425.98 38.22% Married School & County Couple 1114.48 874.86 239.62 21.50% Renewal 2009-10 PPO Plan Design Subscriber Only 464.30 414.96 49.34 10.63% - Subscriber + 1 minor 655.42 427.34 228.08 34.80% - Employee + Spouse 951.80 590.60 361.20 37.95% Family 1114.48 688.50 425.98 38.22% Married School & County Couple 1114.48 874.86 239.62 21.50% - Current Membership I County Schools Subscriber Only 505 1102 Subscriber + minor 58 110 Employee + Spouse 54 118 Family 208 415 Total Members 825 1745 ACTIOI\I NO. ITEM NO. F-7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 Request to approve the dental insurance plan and rates for County and Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance B. Clayton Goodman III ~ County Administrator ~~ APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County of Roanoke and Roanoke County Public Schools participate in the joint purchase of dental coverage for their eligible employees and retirees through the Roanoke Valley Regional Health Care Consortium. Delta Dental presented a renewal indicating a 3.8 % increase in premium rates based on the actual claims experience of Consortium participants. This increase is under the 5 % rate cap negotiated in last year's market study. Since the dental plan is on a calendar year basis, a blended rate is calculated for the employee rate each year in order to avoid changing the rates in the middle of the year. Dental rates for employees are brought forward to the Board during the spring, for approval. Retirees pay a premium that is based on their experience in the dental plan. The dental rates will need to be increased for 2009-201 0 as outlined on Attachment A and would be effective July 1,2009. Employee rates will not change and dental reserves will be used to cover the increase in premium for 2009-2010. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the dental reserves to cover the full cost of the increased premium. 1 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the dental insurance plan and rates for fiscal year 2009-201 O. 2 Roanoke County and Roanoke County Schools Dental Insurance Renewal Rates 2009-10 Attachment A Employees: Plan Increase Monthly County Employee Employee for Retiree Premium Benefit Rate Pays Employee Rate Current 2008-09 Subscriber Only 25.06 18.18 6.88 27.45% 37.12 Subscriber + 1 40.76 21.58 19.18 47.06% 60.64 Family 70.54 30.20 40.34 57.19% 105.58 Married School & County Couple 70.54 48.34 22.20 31.47% n/a Renewal 2009-10 Plan Subscriber Only 26.02 19.14 6.88 26.44% - 38.54 Subscriber + 1 42.32 23.14 19.18 45.32% - 62.94 Family 73.24 32.90 40.34 55.08% - 109.60 Married School & County Couple 73.24 51.04 22.20 30.31% - n/a CurrentMembership Retiree Membership County Schools County Schools Subscriber Only 444 930 75 31 3 Subscriber + 1 173 352 38 174 Family 227 508 7 12 Total Members 844 1790 120 499 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (\ .'-1 Q ---L AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of an Ordinance establishing a trust for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund post- employment benefits other than pensions SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In May 2008, the Board approved changes to the retiree health insurance benefit in order to reduce the financial impact as the result of implementing GASB 45. In October 2008, we held a work session with the Board explaining that investing these annual contributions in a trust will further minimize the cost. Staff was watching the 2009 General Assembly session to see if VRS would offer to invest these funds for localities. A bill was introduced for this, but was tabled in committee. There are many benefits of using a pooled trust, and the County would like to join the VACoNML OPEB Pooled Trust ("the Trust"). This is the only pool OPEB trust offered in Virginia, and it offers the advantage of economies of scale and cost sharing with other localities, as well as access to sound professional advice and a well diversified portfolio. The Trust currently has $80.5 million in assets. This plan is directed and controlled by local government officials. Attachment A shows the localities and schools districts that are members. In order to join the Trust, the Board must adopt the attached ordinance, which forms a local finance board to serve as trustee and authorizes them to execute a contract with the Trust. The Local Finance Board will meet quarterly to monitor the performance of the investments, review the actuarial reports, and make sure that the plan is adequately funded. According to State Code, the Finance Board should be composed of at least three members, to include the chief financial officer, the treasurer, and at least one additional person who is a citizen of the Commonwealth with proven integrity, business ability, and demonstrated ability in cash management and investments. It is suggested that the Local Finance Board be composed of Kevin Hutchens (Treasurer), Diane Hyatt (Chief Financial Officer), Rebecca Owens (Director of Finance), and Paul Mahoney (County Attorney). At some time in the future, the School Board and/or the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority may wish to participate in our trust account, with a separate account. This saves some cost over joining separately, and allows us to share knowledge and skills on the Local Finance Board. We have built provisions into the ordinance to allow them to join at a late time, if they choose. FISCAL IMPACT: After the County account is established, we will need to make a deposit into the trust account representing the actuarially computed liability for 2007-08 ($627,231) and for 2008-09 ($358,100) for a total deposit of $985,331. This deposit needs to be made before June 30, 2009. These amounts have already been appropriated in the respective year budgets. Future year deposits will be budgeted in each year based upon the actuarial reports. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the first reading of the attached ordinance to establish a trust for OPEB benefits, establish the local finance board as trustee, appoint its members, and authorize it to join the VACoNML OPEB pooled trust. The second reading of this ordinance will be held on April 28, 2009. VACoNML OPEB Pooled Trust Fund Participant List as of February 2009 County of Henrico City of Suffolk Public Schools City of Suffolk Fairfax County Chesapeake Public Schools Chesapeake County Public Schools Chesterfield County City of Roanoke Fairfax Public Schools Virginia Beach Public Schools City of Virginia Beach Lucy Corr Village Stafford County Public Schools Faquier County Faquier County Public Schools Town of Leesburg City of Staunton Staunton City Public Schools ATTACHMENT A AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TRUST FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACCUMULATING AND INVESTING ASSETS TO FUND POST- EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OTHER THAN PENSIONS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (herein the "Board") intends to establish a trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund post-employment benefits other than pensions in accordance with section 15.2-1544 of the Virginia Code; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1500 of the Virginia Code provides, in part, that every locality shall provide for all the governmental functions of the locality, including, without limitation, the organization of all departments, offices, boards, commissions and agencies of government, and the organizational structure thereof, which are necessary and the employment of the officers and other employees needed to carry out the functions of government; and WHEREAS, in connection with the employment of the officers and other employees needed to carry out the functions of government, the County of Roanoke (herein the "County") has established certain plans to provide post-employment benefits other than pensions (herein "Other Post-Employment Benefits"), as defined in Section 15.2-1545 of the Virginia Code, to individuals who have terminated their service to the County of Roanoke and to the beneficiaries of such individuals; and WHEREAS, Article 8, Chapter 15, Subtitle II of Title 15.2 of the Virginia Code (ss 15.2-1544 et seq.) provides that the governing body of a County may establish a trust for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post- Employment Benefits; and WHEREAS, the Board may permit the Roanoke County School Board to participate in any trust established by it for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits, and such participation may be evidenced by a separate agreement with the Roanoke County School Board; and, WHEREAS, the Board may permit the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority to participate in any trust established by it for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits, and such participation may be evidenced by a separate agreement with the Authority; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1300 of the Virginia Code provides that any power, privilege or authority exercised or capable of exercise by any political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other political subdivision of the Commonwealth having a similar power, privilege or authority pursuant to agreements with one another for joint action pursuant to the provisions of that section; and WHEREAS, any two or more political subdivisions may enter into agreements with one another for joint action pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-1300 of the Virginia Code provided that the participating political subdivisions shall approve such agreement before the agreement may enter into force; and WHEREAS, numerous localities in the Commonwealth of Virginia have determined to jointly establish and participate in the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund (the "Trust Fund") for each such locality; and 2 WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that it is otherwise in the best interests of the County to become a participating employer in the Trust Fund; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 2009, and the second reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on April 28, 2009. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AS FOLLOWS: S 1 That the County does hereby establish a trust pursuant to Section 15.2- 1544 of the Virginia Code for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits, in the form set forth in the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund Agreement (the "Agreement"), a copy of which is attached here as Exhibit A. S 2 That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the County an agreement(s) with the Roanoke County School Board and/or the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority permitting it(them) to participate in any trust, trusts or equivalent arrangements for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund post-employment benefits other than pensions in accordance with section 15.2- 1544 of the Virginia Code. Separate accounts will be established for each participating entity. S 3 That the County does hereby agree to become a "Participating Employer" in the "Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund" (hereinafter, the "Trust Fund"), as further defined in the Agreement. S 4 That the County does hereby appoint the following individuals to the local finance board and for the terms of office pursuant to Section 15.2-1547 of the Virginia 3 Code to serve as the trustee of the County with respect to the Trust Fund, and as the "Local Finance Board" as defined in the Agreement: Kevin Hutchins Diane Hyatt Rebecca Owens Paul M. Mahoney The finance board shall be composed of at least three members who shall include the chief financial officer of the County, the treasurer of the County, and at least one other additional person who shall be a citizen of the Commonwealth with proven integrity, business ability, and demonstrated experience in cash management and in investments. The finance board may be expanded by the Board of Supervisors to provide representation for any other political subdivision that may, in the future, agree to participate in the Trust Fund with the County. Subsequent appointments to the finance board may be made by resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors. S 5 That the County does hereby direct the Local Finance Board to execute and deliver the Trust Joinder Agreement for Participating Employers under Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund ("Trust Joinder Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. S 6 That the County does hereby designate the following benefits provided to individuals who have terminated their service to the County and to the dependents of such individuals as Other Post-Employment Benefits: 4 S7 adoption. Exhibits: Retiree Health Insurance Benefits That this ordinance shall be in force and effect immediately upon its Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund Agreement ("Exhibit A") Trust Joinder Agreement for Participating Employers under Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund ("Exhibit B") 5 Exhibit A VIRGINIA POOLED OPEB TRUST FUND AGREEMENT TIllS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), made by and between the Participating Employers and their Local Finance Boards who execute Trust Joinder Agreements to participate in the Virginia Pooled aPEB Trust Fund, and the individuals named as Trustees pursuant to Section 106 hereof and their successors (the "Board of Trustees"). The Participating Employers and their Local Finance Boards hereby establish with the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees hereby accept, under the terms of this Agreement, a trust for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund post-employment benefits other than pensions as provided in Article 8, Chapter 15, Subtitle II of Title 15.2 of the Virginia Code (~~ 15.2-1544 et seq.) to be held for the purposes set forth herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1500 of the Virginia Code provides, in part, that every locality shall provide for all the governmental functions of the locality, including, without limitation, the organization of all departments, offices, boards, commissions and agencies of government, and the organizational structure thereof, which are necessary and the employment of the officers and other employees needed to carry out the functions of government; and WHEREAS, in connection with the employment of the officers and other employees needed to carry out the functions of government, a locality may establish certain plans to provide post-employment benefits other than pensions (referred to hereinafter as "Other Post- Employment Benefits"), as defined in Section 15.2-1545 of the Virginia Code, to individuals who have terminated their service to the locality and to the dependents of such individuals; and "THEREAS, Article 8, Chapter 15, Subtitle II of Title 15.2 of the Virginia Code (~~ 15.2-1544 et seq.) provides that the governing body of a city, county, or town, school district or the governing body of any other political subdivision that is appointed by a city, county, or town, if so authorized, may establish a trust, trusts, or equivalent arrangements for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1300 of the Virginia Code provides that any power, privilege or authority exercised or capable of exercise by any political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other political subdivision of the Commonwealth having a similar power, privilege or authority pursuant to agreements with one another for joint action pursuant to the provisions of that section; and WHEREAS, the County of Fairfax and the County of Henrico have adopted ordinances approving participation in the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund for each such locality; and WHEREAS, the Participating Employers and their Local Finance Boards and the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund (herein referred to as the "Trust Fund") hereby establish a trust for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post- ( Employment Benefits for Participating Employers; and WHEREAS, the parties intend that the Trust Fund hereby established, when taken together with the plans providing Other Post-Employment Benefits, shall constitute a "voluntary employees' beneficiary association" under Section 50l(c)(9) and a tax-exempt governmental trust under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: PART 1- GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 100. APPLICATION. The provisions of Part 1 are general administrative provisions applicable to each Part of this Agreement and provisions applicable to the Board of Trustees. Section 101. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement, unless the context of the term indicates otherwise, and shall govern the interpretation of this Agreement: A. Administrator. The term "Administrator" means the Virginia Local Government Finance Corporation (d/b/a "VMLN ACo Finance Program") or any successor designated by the ( Board of Trustees, with the consent of the Virginia Association of Counties and Virginia Municipal League, to administer the Trust Fund. B. Beneficiary. The term "'Beneficiary" means a person designated by an Employee, in accordance with the terms of a Plan, to be entitled to benefits under such Plan, and where the context requires, includes a dependent of the Employee. C.. Code. The term "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and, as relevant in context, the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. D. Custodian. The term "Custodian" means the banks, mutual funds, insurance companies or other qualified entities selected by the Board of Trustees, under a separate written document with each, to hold the assets of the Trust Fund. E. Effective Date. The term "Effective Date" means the date coinciding with the last to occur of each of the following events: (i) passage of an ordinance by each of the Counties of Fairfax and Henrico approving such Counties as Participating Employers in the Trust Fund; (ii) execution by the Local Finance Boards of the Counties of Fairfax and Henrico of the Trust Joinder Agreement; (iii) execution of this Agreement by all members of the initial Board of Trustees and the Administrator; and (iv) any contribution of cash to the Trust by a Participating Employer. 2 F. Emplovee. The term "Employee" means the employees and officials, if applicable, of an Employer, and where the context requires, includes former Employees who have terminated service with an Employer. G. Emplover. The term "Employer" means (i) the governing body of any county, city, or town within the State, (ii) the governing body of any other political subdivision within the State authorized to establish a trust under Section 15.2-1544 of the Virginia Code by the governing body of any county, city, or town that appointed in whole or in part such governing body, or (iii) any appointed or elected school board within the State. H. Fiscal Year. The fIrst fIscal year of the Trust Fund shall be a short fIscal year beginning on the Effective Date of this Agreement and ending on June 30, 2008. Each subsequent fIscal year of the Trust Fund shall begin on the fIrst day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June. 1. Investment Policy. The term "Investment Policy" means the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund Investment Policy, as established by the Board of Trustees, as amended from time to time. 1. Local Finance Board. The term "Local Finance Board" means the fInance board, or any retirement board or deferred compensation board appointed by the governing body of a Participating Employer to serve as the trustee of such Participating Employer with respect to the Trust Fund, in accordance with Section 15.2-1547 of the Virginia Code, by execution of the Trust Joinder Agreement. Each Local Finance Board shall be the trustee and representative of its Participating Employer for purposes of this Agreement and shall vote the beneficial interest of such Participating Employer in the Trust Fund, as prescribed in Part 3 of this Agreement. K. Other Post-Employment BenefIts. The term "Other Post-Employment BenefIts" means any and all post-employment benefIts other than pensions, including but not limited to medical, dental, vision, disability and life insurance which may be provided to Employees and Beneficiaries, as may be provided under Plans of Participating Employers. L. Participating Employer. The term "Participating Employer" means an Employer whose governing body has passed an ordinance or resolution to participate in the Trust Fund, and whose Local Finance Board, serving as the trustee of such Employer in accordance with Section 15.2-1547 of the Virginia Code, executes a Trust Joinder Agreement, as provided in Section 301 hereof. M. Plan. The term "Plan" means the plan or plans established to provide Other Post-Employment Benefits, which are maintained by Participating Employers pursuant to any applicable statute, regulation, ordinance, resolution, plan, program, policy, agreement, understanding or other arrangement for the benefit of Employees and their Beneficiaries. N. State. The term "State" means the Commonwealth of Virginia. 3 O. Trust Fund. The term "Trust Fund" means the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund, ( comprised of all of the assets set aside hereunder for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits. P. Trust Joinder Asrreement. The term "Trust Joinder Agreement" means the agreement, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to which the Local Finance Board joins in the Trust Fund, as the trustee of such Participating Employer, and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund Agreement, as provided in Section 30 I hereof. Q. Trustees. The term "Trustees" means the individuals who serve on the Board of Trustees of the Trust Fund pursuant to Section 106 hereof and their successors. R. Virginia Code. The term "Virginia Code" means the laws embraced in the titles, chapters, articles and sections designated and cited as the "Code of Virginia," under the laws of the State. Section 102. GENERAL DUTIES AND MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A. General Duties. The Board of Trustees and each Investment Manager appointed pursuant to this Agreement shall discharge their respective duties under this Agreement solely in the interest of Employees and Beneficiaries of the Participating Employers and: (i) except as otherwise provided by any applicable provision of any statute, regulation, ordinance, or resolution, for the exclusive purpose of providing Other Post-Employment Benefits to ( Employees and Beneficiaries of Participating Employers and defraying the reasonable expenses of administering the Trust Fund; (ii) with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of like character and with the same aims; and (iii) by diversifying the investments of the Trust Fund so as to minimize the risk of large losses unless under the circumstances, it is clearly prudent not to do so. However, the duties and obligations of the Board of Trustees and each Investment Manager, respectively, as such, shall be limited to those expressly imposed upon them, respectively, by this Agreement notwithstanding any reference herein to the Plans. The Board of Trustees shall administer the Trust Fund in compliance with Code Section 503(b). 1. Authority of the Trustees. The Trustees shall have the power and authority and shall be charged with the duty of general supervision and operation of the Trust Fund, and shall conduct the business and activities of the Trust Fund in accordance with this Agreement, the Trust Joinder Agreements, bylaws, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees and applicable law. 2. Trustees' Liabilities. No Trustee shall be liable for any action taken pursuant to this Agreement in good faith or for an omission except bad faith or gross negligence, or for any act of omission or commission by any other Trustee. The Trustees are hereby authorized and empowered to obtain, at the expense of the Trust Fund, liability insurance fully protecting the respective Trustees, the Administrator, and the 4 Trust Fund from any loss or expense incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees, for all acts of the Trustees except bad faith or gross negligence. The Trust Fund shall save, hold harmless and indemnify the Trustees and Administrator from any loss, damage or expense incurred by said persons or entities while acting in their official capacity excepting bad faith or gross negligence. 3. Standard of Review. In evaluating the performance of the Trustees, compliance by the Trustees with this Agreement must be determined in light of the facts and circumstances existing at the time of the Trustees' decision or action and not by hindsight. 4. Limitations on Liabilities. The Trustees' responsibilities and liabilities shall be subject to the following limitations: (a) The Trustees shall have no duties other than those expressly set forth in this Agreement and those imposed on the Trustees by applicable laws. (b) The Trustees shall be responsible only for money actually received by the Trustees, and then to the extent described in this Agreement. The Trustees shall not be under any duty to require payment of any contribution to the Trust Fund or to see that any payment made to them is computed in accordance with the provisions of the Plans. (c) The Trustees shall not be responsible for the correctness of any determination of payments or disbursements from the Trust Fund. (d) The Trustees shall have no liability for the acts or omissions of any predecessor or successor in office. (e) The Trustees shall have no liability for (i) the acts or omissions of any Investment Advisor or Advisors, or Investment Manager or Managers; (ii) the acts or omissions of any insurance company; (iii) the acts or omissions of any mutual fund; or (iv) following directions that are given to the Trustees by the Local Finance Board in accordance with this Agreement. B. Reliance on Counsel. The Board of Trustees may employ, retain or consult with legal counsel, who may be counsel for the Administrator, concerning any questions which may arise with reference to the duties and powers or with reference to any other matter pertaining to this Agreement; and the opinion of such counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection in respect of any action taken or suffered by the Trustees in good faith in accordance with the opinion of such counsel, and the Trustees shall not be individually or collectively liable therefor. C. Meetin2:5. The Board of Trustees shaH meet at least quarterly, and more frequently if called, at the principal office of the Trust Fund or at such other location as may be acceptable to a majority of the Trustees. One such quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees 5 shall be held as soon as practicable after the adjournment of the annual meeting of Local Finance ( Boards of Participating Employers at such time and place as the Board of Trustees may designate. Other meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at places within the Commonwealth of Virginia and at times fixed by resolution of the Board of Trustees, or upon call of the Chairperson of the Board or a majority of the Trustees, on not less than ten (10) days advance notice. Such notice shall be directed to the Trustees by mail to the respective addresses of the Trustees as recorded in the office of the Trust Fund. The notice of any special meetings of the Board of Trustees shall state the purpose of the meeting. A majority of the number of Trustees elected and serving at the time of any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction. of business. The act of a majority of Trustees present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Trustees. Less than a quorum may adjourn any meeting. D. Office of the Trust Fund. The Administrator shall establish, maintain and provide adequate funding for an office for the administration of the Trust Fund. The address of such office is to be made known to the parties interested in or participating in the Trust Fund and to the appropriate governmental agencies. The books and records pertaining to the Trust Fund and its administration shall be kept and maintained at the office of the Trust Fund. E. Execution of Documents. A certificate signed by a person designated by the Board of Trustees to serve as Secretary shall be evidence of the action of the Trustees, and any such certificate or other instrument so signed shall be kept and maintained at the office of the Trust Fund and may be relied upon as an action of the Trustees. ( , F. Appointment of Administrator. The Virginia Local Government Finance Corporation is hereby designated the Administrator. The Board of Trustees may designate any successor Administrator only with the consent of the boards of the Virginia Association of Counties and the Virginia Municipal League and shall provide compensation for the Administrator to administer the affairs of the Trust Fund. G. Duty to Furnish Information. The Local Finance Boards and the Board of Trustees shall furnish to each other any document, report, return, statement or other information that the other reasonably deems necessary to perform duties imposed under this Agreement or otherwise imposed by law. H. Reliance on Communications. The Board of Trustees may rely upon a certification of a Local Finance Board with respect to any instruction, direction, or approval of its Participating Employer and may continue to rely upon such certification until a subsequent certification is filed with the Trustees. The Trustees shall have no duty to make any investigation or inquiry as to any statement contained in any such writing but may accept the same as fully authorized by the Local Finance Board and its Participating Employer. 6 Section 103. ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS AND DUTIES. A. Trustees. The Board of Trustees, in addition to all powers and authorities under common law or statutory authority, including Article 8, Chapter 15, Subtitle II of Title 15.2 of the Virginia Code (99 15.2-1544 et seq.), shall have and in its sole and absolute discretion may exercise from time to time and at any time, either through its own actions, delegation to the Administrator, or through a Custodian selected by the Board of Trustees, the following administrative powers and authority with respect to the Trust Fund: 1. To receive for the purposes hereof all cash contributions paid to them by or at the direction of the Participating Employers or their Local Finance Boards. 2. To hold, invest, reinvest, manage, administer and distribute cash balances as shall be transferred to the Trustees from time to time by the Participating Employers or their Local Finance Boards and the increments, proceeds, earnings and income thereof for the exclusive benefit of Employees and Beneficiaries under the Plans of each Participating Employer. 3. To continue to hold any property of the Trust Fund that becomes otherwise unsuitable for investment for as long as the Board of Trustees in its discretion deem desirable; to reserve from investment and keep unproductive of income, without liability for interest, cash temporarily awaiting investment and such cash as it deems advisable, or as the Administrator from time to time may specify, in order to meet the administrative expenses of the Trust Fund or anticipated distributions therefrom. 4. To hold property of the Trust Fund in the name of the Trust Fund or in the name of a nominee or nominees, without disclosure of the trust, or in bearer form so that it will pass by delivery, but no such holding shall relieve the Board of Trustees of its responsibility for the safe custody and disposition of the Trust Fund in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; the books and records of the Board of Trustees shall show at all times that such property is part of the Trust Fund and the Board of Trustees shall be absolutely liable for any loss occasioned by the acts of its nominee or nominees with respect to securities registered in the name of the nominee or nominees. 5. To employ in the management of the Trust Fund suitable agents, without liability for any loss occasioned by any such agents, selected with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with the same aims. 6. To make, execute and deliver, as trustee, any deeds, conveyances, leases, mortgages, contracts, waivers or other instruments in writing that it may deem necessary or desirable in the exercise of its powers under this Agreement. 7. To do all other acts that it may deem necessary or proper to carry out any of the powers set forth in this Section 103 or Section 202, to administer or carry out the 7 purposes of the Trust Fund, or as otherwise is in the best interests of the Trust Fund; ( provided, however, the Board of Trustees need not take any action unless in its opinion there are sufficient Trust Fund assets available for the expense thereof. 8. To adopt bylaws governing the Trustees' operations and procedures. 9. To contract with municipal corporations, political subdivisions and other public entities of State or of local government and private entities for the provision of Trust Fund services and for the use or furnishing of services and facilities necessary, useful, or incident to providing Trust Fund services. 10. To advise the Administrator on the establishment of expectations with regard to the provision of administrative services and the establishment of appropriate fee levels. 11. To establish and charge fees for participation in the Trust Fund and for additional administrative services provided to a Participating Employer in addition to any fees charged by other administrative service providers. 12. To collect and disburse all funds due or payable from the Trust Fund, under the terms of this Agreement. 13. To provide for and promulgate all rules, regulations, and forms deemed necessary or desirable in contracting with Local Finance Boards and their Participating Employers, in fulfilling the Trustees' purposes of providing Other Post-Employment Benefits through the Trust Fund, and in maintaining proper records and accounts. 14. To employ insurance companies, banks, trust companies, investment brokers, investment advisors, or others as agents for the receipt and disbursement of funds held in trust for Participating Employers. IS. To determine, consistent with the applicable law and the procedures under the Trust Fund, all questions of law or fact that may arise as to. investments and the rights of any Participating Employer to assets of the Trust Fund. 16. Subject to and consistent with the Code and the Virginia Code, to construe and interpret the Trust Agreement and to correct any defect, supply any omissions, or reconcile any inconsistency in the Agreement. 17. products. To contract for, purchase or otherwise procure insurance and investment B. Administrator. Pursuant to an administrative services agreement between the Board of Trustees and the Administrator, the Administrator shall have the power and authority to implement policy and procedural matters as directed by the Board of Trustees as they relate to 8 the ongoing operation and supervision of the Trust Fund and the provisions of this Agreement and applicable law. Section 104. TAXES. EXPENSES AND COMPENSATION OF TRUSTEES. A. Taxes. The Administrator, without direction from the Board of Trustees, shall payout of the Trust Fund all taxes, if any, imposed or levied with respect to the Trust Fund, or any part thereof, under applicable law, and, in its discretion, may contest the validity or amount of any tax, assessment, claim or demand respecting the Trust Fund or any part thereof. B. Expenses and Compensation. The Board of Trustees is authorized to set aside from Participating Employer contributions received and the investment income earned thereon a reasonable sum for the operating expenses and administrative expenses of the Trust Fund. All remaining funds coming into the Trust shall be set aside, managed and used only for the payment of Other Post-Employment Benefits. By resolution of the Board of Trustees, Trustees may be provided a reasonable per diem fee and/or reimbursement for expenses for attendance at all meetings. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any person employed by a public body, including elected officials or appointed members of governing bodies of a county, city or town or other political subdivision, shall not be eligible to receive fees for services as Trustee from the Trust Fund other than reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with his or her responsibilities as a Trustee. C. Payment of Expenses. The Board of Trustees may use and apply assets in the Trust Fund to payor provide for the payment of all reasonable and necessary expenses which may be incurred in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the Trust Fund, including but not limited to, the employment of such administrative, legal, accounting, and other expert and clerical assistance, and the purchase or lease of such materials, supplies and equipment as the Trustees, in its discretion, may deem necessary or appropriate in the performance of its duties, or the duties of the agents or employees of the Trust Fund or the Trustees. Section 105. C011MUNICATIONS. Until notice is given to the contrary, communication to the Trustees or to the Administrator shall be sent to them at the Trust Fund's office in care of the Administrator. The Administrator's address is VMLNACo Finance Program at 1108 E. Main Street, Suite 801, Richmond, VA 23219. Section 106. APPOINTMENT. RESIGNATION OR REMOVAL OF TRUSTEES. A. Trustees. Except as otherwise provided for the initial group of Trustees and in subsections B.2 and E of this section, the Trustees shall be selected from the members of Local Finance Boards. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no more than one 9 member of the Local Finance Board of .any particular Participating Employer shall be eligible to ( sit on the Board of Trustees at one time. B. Appointment of Trustees and Lenl?ili of Aooointment. The number of Trustees serving on the Board of Trustees shall be between five (5) and nine (9). The actual number of Trustees may be increased or decreased from time to time within this range by the Board of Trustees by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Only the Local Finance Boards, by vote taken in accordance with Section 307 hereof, may increase or decrease the range in the number of Trustees. No decrease in number shall have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent Trustee. 1. The initial group of Trustees shall be an interim group of five (5) Trustees to establish the Trust Fund as follows: (a) one (1) individual selected by the Local Finance Board of the County of Fairfax from among its members, (b) one (1) individual selected by the Local Finance Board of the County of Henrico from among its members, and (c) three (3) individuals designated. by agreement of the Virginia Association of Counties ("V ACo") and the Virginia Municipal League ("VML"). With the first annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards, the Board of Trustees shall be divided into no fewer than two classes, Class A (which includes representatives of the Local Finance Boards of the two founding Participating Employers until the annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2015 (the "Fiscal Year 2015 annual meeting")) and Class B (which includes the Trustees selected by VML and V ACo until the first annual meeting of Local Finance Boards for ( the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009 (the "Fiscal Year 2009 annual meeting")). An additional Class C with two seats may be created by the Board of Trustees prior to any annual meeting, but only if there are at least seven total Participating Employers. Provided there are at least nine total Participating Employers, the Board of Trustees may create a nine-member Board of Trustees, in which case one additional seat shall be allocated to Class A and one additional seat to Class C. 2. On or after July 1, 2008, the Trustees shall solicit nominations from the Local Finance Boards for open Trusteeships and such nominees shall constitute the candidates for the election of Trustees by vote at the Fiscal Year 2009 annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards as provided in Section 307. In the event that there are not a sufficient number of eligible nominees, nominations will be provided by the Executive Directors of the Virginia Association of Counties and the Virginia Municipal League from among the members of any Local Finance Board, local government officials or local government employees. The initial group of Trustees described in B.l(a) and (b) above shall be classified as Class A Trustees and shall serve until the Fiscal Year 2012 annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards and for one three-year term thereafter until successor Trustees are elected at the Fiscal Year 2015 annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards, in accordance with Section 106E below, from the pool of nominees selected by all Local Finance Boards. If an additional Class A Trustee seat is created for a non-founding ( \ 10 Participating Employer's Local Finance Board before the Fiscal Year 2011 annual meeting, that seat will expire at the Fiscal Year 2012 annual meeting. If such an additional Class A board seat is created subsequent to the Fiscal Year 2011 annual meeting, then it will expire at the annual meeting when the founding Participating Employers' board seats expires beginning at the annual meeting held in Fiscal Year 2015, if appropriate, and every third succeeding year thereafter. The initial group of Trustees described in B.1 (c) above shall be classified as Class B Trustees and shall serve until successor Trustees are elected at the Fiscal Year 2009 annual meeting of Local Finance Boards. At the Fiscal Year 2009 annual meeting of Local Finance Boards, Trustees of Class B shall be elected to hold office for a one-year term expiring at the Fiscal Year 2010 annual meeting of Local Finance Boards until successor Trustees are elected at the Fiscal Year 2010 annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards, in accordance with Section 106E below, from the pool of nominees selected by all Local Finance Boards. Trustees of the third class (Class C), if such a class is created, shall be elected to hold office for a two-year term expiring at the Fiscal Year 2011 annual meeting of Local Finance Boards until successor Trustees are elected at the Fiscal Year 2011 annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards, in accordance with Section 106E below, from the pool of nominees selected by all Local Finance Boards. At each annual meeting of Local Finance Boards after the annual meetings of Local Finance Boards described above, the successors to the class of Trustees whose terms shall then expire shall be identified as being of the same class as the trustees they succeed and elected to hold office for a term expiring at the third succeeding annual meeting of Local Finance Boards. If a Class C is created at a subsequent annual meeting, its seats will expire one year following the year in which the Class B seats expire. Trustees shall hold their offices until the next annual meeting of Local Finance Boards for such Trustee's respective Class and until their successors are elected and qualify. 3. At each annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards, the incumbent Trustees will present all nominations received for each class of Trustees (A, B, or C) for which an election is to be held. If a Local Finance Board does not designate a particular class for its nominee(s), such names will be included on the lists of eligible nominees for each class for which an election is to be held unless the individual named is elected to another seat. 4. No individual Trustee may be elected or continue to serve as a Trustee after becoming an owner, officer or employee of the Administrator, an Investment Advisor, an Investment Manager or a Custodian. Except as otherwise provided in B.2 above, following the first election for Trustees, no Trustee may be elected or continue to serve as a Trustee unless he or she is a member of a Local Finance Board. 11 5. Each Trustee and each successor Trustee shall acknowledge and consent to his or her election as a Trustee by giving written notice of acceptance of such election to the Chairperson of the Trustees. ( \ C. Resilmation of a Trustee. 1. A Trustee may resign from all duties and responsibilities under this Agreement by giving written notice to the Chairperson of the Trustees. The Chairperson may resign from all duties and responsibilities under this Agreement by giving written notice to all of the other Trustees. Such notice shall state the date such resignation shall take effect and such resignation shall take effect on such date but not later than sixty (60) days after the date such written notice is given. 2. Any Trustee, upon leaving office, shall forthwith turn over and deliver to the Chairperson at the principal office of the Trust Fund any and all records, books, documents or other property in his or her possession or under his or her control which belong to the Trust Fund. The Chairperson, upon leaving office, shall forthwith turn over and deliver to the Administrator at the principal office of the Trust Fund any and all records, books, documents or other property in his or her possession or under his or her control which belong to the Trust Fund. D. Removal of a Trustee. Each Trustee, unless due to the resignation, death, incapacity, removal, or conviction of a felony or any offense for which registration is required as defmed in Virginia Code g 9.1-902 and for whom all rights of appeal under Virginia law have expired, shall serve and shall continue to serve as Trustee hereunder, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. ( \ A Trustee shall relinquish his or her office or may be removed by a majority vote of the Trustees or ipso facto when the Employer which he represents is no longer a Participating Employer in the Trust Fund. Notice of removal of a Trustee shall be furnished to the other Trustees by the Chairperson of the Trustees and shall set forth the effective date of such removal. Notice of removal .of the Chairperson shall be furnished to the other Trustees by the Administrator and shall set forth the effective date of such removal. E. Appointment of a Successor Trustee. Except as otherwise provided in part B.1 of this Section with respect to the initial two terms of Class A Trustees, in the event a Trustee shall die, resign, become incapacitated, be removed from office, or convicted of a felony or any offense for which registration is required as defined in Virginia Code ~ 9.1-902 and for whom all rights of appeal under Virginia law have expired, a successor Trustee shall be elected forthwith by the affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining Trustees though less than a quorum of the Board of Trustees. The notice of the election of a successor Trustee shall be furnished to the other Trustees by the Chairperson. In case of the removal, death, resignation, etc. of the Chairperson, notice of the election of a successor Trustee, and the new Chairperson, shall be furnished to the other Trustees by the Administrator. Eligible nominees will be provided by the members of the Local Finance Board of the Trustee being replaced; however, no more than one member of such board may serve as Trustee at one time. If such nominees do not receive the 12 affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Trustees, additional eligible nominees will be provided by the Executive Directors of the Virginia Association of Counties and the Virginia Municipal League from among the members of any Local Finance Board, and, if there are an insufficient number of nominees to fill available positions, local government officials or local government employees. The term of office of any Trustee so elected shall expire at the next Local Finance Board meeting at which Trustees are elected where a successor shall be elected to complete the term for the Class to which such Trustee has been assigned. Any successor Trustee for a Class A Trustee from a founding Participating Employer with respect to the initial two terms shall be appointed by that Trustee's Local Finance Board. F. Trustees' Ril?hts. In case of the death, resignation or removal of anyone or more of the Trustees, the remaining Trustees shall have the powers, rights, estates and interests of this Agreement as Trustees and shall be charged with the duties of this Agreement; provided in such cases, no action may be taken unless it is concurred in by a majority of the remaining Trustees. Section 107. Bonding:. All Trustees shall immediately make application for a fidelity bond, to any company designated by the Board of Trustees, in such amount as may be specified by the Board of Trustees. Premiums on such bonds shall be paid from the Trust Fund, which bonds shall be continued in force in such amount as the Board of Trustees may from time to time require. If a Trustee's bond is refused, or is ever cancelled, except with the Board of Trustee's approval, such Trustee may be removed from office by majority vote of the Board of Trustees and such Trustee shall be entitled to compensation, if any, to the date of such removal only. A bond for a Trustee is not required under this section if a bond is obtained for such Trustee pursuant to Section 408. PART 2 - PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO INVESTMENTS Section 200. APPLICATION. The provisions of Part 2 apply to the investments of the Trust Fund. Section 201. ADMINISTRATION OF TRUST. A. General. All such assets shall be held by the Trustees in the Trust Fund. B. Contributions. The Board of Trustees hereby delegates to the Administrator the responsibility for accepting cash contributions to the Trust Fund and the Administrator shall have the responsibility for accepting cash contributions by Participating Employers. Contributions of a Participating Employer to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits are irrevocable. Assets held in the Trust Fund shall be dedicated to providing Other Post-Employment Benefits or to defraying reasonable expenses of the Trust Fund. Neither the Trustees nor the Administrator shall be under any duty to determine whether the amount of any contribution is in accordance with the Participating Employer's Plan or Plans or to collect or enforce payment of any contribution. All contributions by a Participating Employer shall be transferred to the Trust Fund to be held, managed, invested and distributed as part of the Trust Fund by the Trustees inraccordance with the provisions of this Agreement and applicable law. 13 C. Applicable Laws and Regulations. The Board of Trustees shall be authorized to take the steps it deems necessary or appropriate to comply with any laws or regulations applicable to the Trust Fund. ( D. Accumulated Share. No Participating Employer shall have any right, title or interest in or to any specific assets of the Trust Fund, but shall have an undivided beneficial interest in the Trust Fund; however, there shall be a specific accounting of assets allocable to each Participating Employer. Section 202. MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENTS OF THE TRUST FUND. A. Authority of Trustees. Except as set forth in subsections C, D, E, G or H of this Section, and except as otherwise provided by law, the Board of Trustees shall have exclusive authority and discretion to manage and control the assets of the Trust Fund held by them pursuant to the guidelines established by the Board of Trustees in the Investment Policy. B. Investment Policy. The Board of Trustees, as its primary responsibility under this Agreement, shall develop a written Investment Policy establishing guidelines applicable to the investment of the assets of the Trust Fund, and from time to time shall modify such Investment Policy, in light of the short and long-term fmancial needs of the Plans. The Investment Policy shall serve as the description of the funding policy and method for the Trust Fund. C. Investment Advisor. The Board of Trustees, from time to time, may direct the Administrator to appoint one (1) or more independent Investment Advisors ("Investment Advisor"), pursuant to a written investment advisory agreement with each, describing the powers and duties of the Investment Advisor with regard to the management of all or any portion of any investment or trading account of the Trust Fund. The Investment Advisor shall review, a minimum of every calendar quarter, the suitability of the Trust Fund's investments, the performance of the Investment Managers and their consistency with the objectives of the Investment Policy with assets in the portion of the Trust Fund for which the Investment Manager has responsibility for management, acquisition or disposition. If the Administrator contracted with a lead Investment Advisor prior to the establishment of this Agreement, the Board of Trustees may ratify such contract. The lead Investment Advisor will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees and will be compensated for its recurring, usual and customary services as part of the fee schedule established with the Administrator. D. Investment Advisor Duties. Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, the Investment Advisor shall recommend an asset allocation for the Trust Fund that is consistent with the objectives of the Investment Policy. If the Board of Trustees shall approve a separate Investment Policy with respect to assets in a segregated portion of the Trust Fund, the Investment Advisor shall recommend an asset allocation for such segregated portion of the Trust Fund that is consistent with the objectives of such Investment Policy. At least annually, the Investment Advisor shall review the Investment Policy and asset allocation with the Board of Trustees. The 14 Investment Advisor shall also advise the Board of Trustees with regard to investing in a manner that is consistent with applicable law, and, as advised by the Administrator, the expected distribution requirements of the Plans. E. Investment Managers. The Board of Trustees, from time to time, may appoint one (1) or more independent Investment Managers ("Investment Manager"), pursuant to a written investment management agreement with each, describing the powers and duties of the Investment Manager to invest and manage all or a portion of the Trust Fund. The Investment Manager shall have the power to direct the management, acquisition or disposition of that portion of the Trust Fund for which the Investment Manager is responsible. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for ascertaining that each Investment Manager, while acting in that capacity, satisfies the following requirements: 1. The Investment Manager is either (i) registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended; (ii) a bank as defmed in that Act; or (iii) an insurance company qualified to perform the services described herein under the laws of more than one state; and 2. The Investment Manager has acknowledged in writing to the Board of Trustees that it is a fiduciary with respect to the assets in the portion of the Trust Fund for which the Investment Manager has responsibility for management, acquisition or disposition. F. Custodians. The Custodian(s) shall no less frequently than annually or at the request of the Board of Trustees certify the value of any property of the Trust Fund managed by the Investment Manager(s). The Trustees shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon such valuation for all purposes under the Trust Fund. G. Investment in Insurance Contracts. The Trustees may offer one (1) or more investment options pursuant to one (1) or more agreements with insurance companies qualified to. do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any asset invested pursuant to such an agreement shall be held by the insurance company. Each insurance company so selected shall certify the value of the Trust Fund's interest in the property held by it at least annually. The Trustees shall be entitled to rely conclusively on such valuation for all purposes under this Agreement. H. Investment in Mutual Funds. The Trustees may offer one (1) or more investment options pursuant to one (1) or more agreements with companies offering mutual fund products. Any asset invested pursuant to such an agreement shall be held by the Trustees. Each mutual fund so selected shall certify the value of the Trust Fund's interest in that fund at least annually. The Trustees shall be entitled to rely conclusively on such valuation for all purposes under the Trust Fund. 1. Absence of Trustees' Responsibilitv for Investment Advisor and Mana2:er. Except to the extent provided in paragraph A of Section 102 above, the Board of Trustees, 15 collectively and individually, shall not be liable for any act or omission of any Investment ( Manager and shall not be under any obligation to invest or otherwise manage the assets of the Trust Fund that are subject to the management of any Investment Manager. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board of Trustees shall be under no duty at any time to make any recommendation with respect to disposing of or continuing to retain any such asset. Furthermore, the Board of Trustees, collectively and individually, shall not be liable by reason of its taking or refraining from taking the advice of the Investment Advisor any action pursuant to this Section, nor shall the Board of Trustees be liable by reason of its refraining from taking any action to remove or replace any Investment Manager on advice of the Investment Advisor; and the Trustees shall be under no duty to make any review of an asset acquired at the direction or order of an Investment Manager. J. Reporting. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for and shall cause to be filed periodic audits, valuations, reports and disclosures of the Trust Fund as are required by law or agreements. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Board of Trustees shall cause the Trust Fund to be audited by a certified public accounting firm retained for this purpose at least once each year. The Board of Trustees may employ professional advisors to prepare such audits, valuations, reports and disclosures and the cost of such professional advisors shall be borne by the Trust Fund. K. Coriuningling Assets. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, the Board of Trustees may commingle the assets of all Participating Employers held by the Board of Trustees under this Agreement for investment purposes in the Trust Fund and shall hold the Trust Fund in trust and manage and administer the same in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. However, the assets of each Participating Employer shall be accounted for separately. The Board of Trustees and the Administrator shall be under no duty to determine whether the amount of any contribution is in accordance with the Plans, or to collect or enforce payment of any contribution, or distribution to Plan participants. Section 203. ACCOUNTS. The Trustees shall keep or cause to be kept at the expense of the Trust Fund accurate and detailed accounts of all its receipts, investments and disbursements under this Agreement, with the Trustees accounting separately for each Investment Manager's portion of the Trust Fund. Section 204. DISBURSEMENTS FROM THE TRUST. A. Trust Payments. The Board of Trustees hereby delegates to the Administrator the responsibility for making payments from the Trust Fund. In accordance with rules and regulations established by the Board of Trustees, the Administrator shall make payments from the Trust Fund for Other Post-Employment Benefits, as directed by the Local Finance Board of each Participating Employer. Such rules and regulations shall include procedures for certification by the Local Finance Board that payments from the Trust Fund are for the purpose of: (i) paying Other Post-Employment Benefits to or on behalf of Employees or Beneficiaries, 16 (ii) paying premiums to an insurer for Other Post-Employment Benefits, (iii) an irrevocable transfer of assets to a trust, or equivalent arrangement, for providing Other Post-Employment Benefits to Employees and Beneficiaries, which trust assets are legally protected from creditors of the Participating Employer, or (iv) for any purpose permitted under Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 45, Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions or applicable Virginia law. Payments shalI be made in such manner, in such amounts and for such purposes, including the payment of Other Post-Employment Benefits under participating Plans, as may be directed by the Local Finance Board. Payments from the Trust Fund shall be made by electronic transfer or check (or the check of an agent) for deposit to the order of the payee. Payments or other distributions hereunder may be mailed to the payee at the address last furnished to the Administrator. The Trustees shall not incur any liability on account of any payment or other distribution made by the Trust Fund in accordance with this Section. Such payment shall be in full satisfaction of claims hereunder against the Trustee, Administrator or Participating Employer. B. Allocation of Expenses. The Trustees shall pay all expenses of the Trust Fund from the assets in the Trust Fund. All expenses of the Trust Fund, which are allocable to a particular investment option or account, may be allocated and charged to such investment option or account as determined by the Trustees. All expenses of the Trust Fund which are not allocable to a particular investment option or account shall be charged to each such investment option or account in the manner established by the Trustees. Section 205. INVESTMENT OPTIONS. The Trustees shalI initially establish one (I) investment option within the Trust Fund pursuant to the Investment Policy, for communication to, and acceptance by, Local Finance Boards. Following development of the initial "investment option" pursuant to the Investment Policy, the Board of Trustees may develop up to two (2) additional investment options, reflecting different risk/return objectives and corresponding asset mixes, for selection by Local Finance Boards, as altematives to the initial investm~nt option. The determination to add alternative investment options to the Investment Policy, and the development of each such investment option, are within the sole and absolute discretion of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees shall transfer to any deemed investment option developed hereunder such portion of the assets of the Trust Fund as appropriate. The Trustees shall manage, acquire or dispose of the assets in an investment option in accordance with the directions given by each Local Finance Board. All income received with respect to, and all proceeds received from, the disposition of property held in an investment option shall be credited to, and reinvested in, such investment option. If multiple investment options are developed, the Board of Trustees shalI establish one (1) default investment option in the absence of valid Local Finance Board investment direction. If multiple investment options are developed, from time to time, the Board of Trustees may eliminate an investment option, and the proceeds thereof shall be reinvested in the default investment option unless another investment option is selected in accordance with directions given by the Local Finance Board. 17 Notwithstanding anything hereinabove to the contrary, the Board of Trustees, in its sole ( discretion, may establish a separate, short-term investment option or fund, to facilitate contributions, disbursements or other short-term liquidity needs of the Trust or of particular Participating Employers. Separate investment funds within the Trust Fund and varying percentages of investment in any such separate investment fund by the Participating Employers, to the extent so detennined by the Board of Trustees, are expressly permitted. PART 3 -PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS Section 300. APPLICATION. The provisions of Part 3 set forth the rights of Participating Employers. Section 301. PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS. A. Approval. The Board of Trustees or its designee shall receive applications from Employers for membership in the Trust Fund imd shall approve or disapprove such applications for membership in accordance with the tenns of this Agreement, the Trust Joinder Agreement, bylaws and the rules and regulations established by the Board of Trustees for admission of new Participating Employers. Before approving the participation of any Employer that has established a Plan, the Board of Trustees or its designee shall determine and affirm that such Employer is permitted to establish a trust pursuant to Article 8, Chapter 15, Subtitle 1I of Title 15.2 of the Virginia Code (~~ 15.2-1544 et seq.). The Board of Trustees shall have total discretion in determining whether to accept a new member. The Board of Trustees may delegate the authority for membership approval to the Administrator. B. Execution of Trust Joinder Asrreerrient by Local Finance Board. Each Employer will make its election to become a Participating Employer by directing its Local Finance Board to execute a Trust Joinder Agreement in such form and content as prescribed by the Board of Trustees. By the Local Finance Board's execution of the Trust Joinder Agreement, the Participating Employer agrees to be bound by all the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the Trust Joinder Agreement, the bylaws and any other rules and regulations adopted by the Trustees under this Agreement. The Local Finance Board of each Participating Employer, serving as such Employer's Trustee, in accordance with Virginia Code ~ 15.2-1547, shall represent such Participating Employer's interest in all meetings, votes, and any other actions to be taken by a Participating Employer hereunder. A Local Finance Board may designate one or more, but less than all, of its members to serve as the authorized representative of such Local Finance Board for purposes of this Agreement. C. Continuing as a Participating Employer. Application for participation in this Agreement, when approved in writing by the Board of Trustees or its designee, shall constitute a continuing contract for each succeeding fiscal year unless terminated by the Trustees or unless the Participating Employer resigns or withdraws from this Agreement by written notice of its Local Finance Board. The Board of Trustees may terminate a Participating Employer's participation in this Agreement for any reason by vote of three-fourths (%) of the Board of Trustees. If the participation of a Participating Employer is terminated, the Board of Trustees 18 and the Administrator shall effect the withdrawal of such Participating Employer's beneficial interest in the Trust within one hundred eighty (180) days, by transfer of such assets to a trust, trusts or equivalent arrangement for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits, established for this purpose by such Participating Employer. If withdrawal is not completed within this time period, the Board of Trustees, in its discretion, may make reasonable alternative arrangements for the distribution of the Participating Employer's beneficial interest. Section 302. Places of Meetings. All meetings of the Local Finance Boards shall be held at such place, within the Commonwealth of Virginia, as from time to time may be fixed by the Trustees. Section 303. Annual Meetin!2:s. The annual meeting of the Local Finance Boards, for the election of Trustees and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the annual meeting, shall be held at such time on such business day between September 1 st and October 31 st as shall be designated by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Section 304. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Local Finance Boards for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, by the Board of Trustees, or if Local Finance Boards together holding at least twenty percent (20%) of all votes entitled to be cast on any issue proposed to be considered at the special meeting sign, date and deliver to the Trust Fund's Secretary one or more written demands for the meeting describing the purpose or purposes for which it is to be held. At a special meeting no business shall be transacted and no action shall be taken other than that stated in the notice of the meeting. Section 305. Notice of Meetings. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of every meeting of the Local Finance Boards and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be given not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting to each Participating Employer's Local Finance Board of record entitled to vote at such meeting, at the address which appears on the books of the Trust Fund. Section 306. Ouorum. Any number of Local Finance Boards together holding at least a majority of the outstanding beneficial interests entitled to vote with respect to the business to be transacted, who shall be physically present in person at any meeting duly called, shall constitute a quorum of such group for the transaction of business. If less than a quorum shall be in attendance at the time for which a meeting shall have been called, the meeting may be adjourned from time to time by a majority of the Local Finance Boards present. Once a beneficial interest is represented for any purpose at a meeting of Local Finance Boards, it shall be deemed present for quorum purposes for the remainder of the meeting and for any adjournment of that meeting unless a new record date is, or shall be, set for that adjourned meeting. Section 307. V oting. At any meeting of the Local Finance Boards, each Local Finance Board entitled to vote on any matter coming before the meeting shall, as to such matter, have one vote, in person, for each whole dollar invested in the Trust Fund standing in its name on the books of the Trust Fund on the date, not more than seventy (70) days prior to such meeting, fixed by the Board of Trustees, for the purpose of detennining Local Finance Boards entitled to vote, as the 19 date on which the books of the Trust Fund are to be closed or as the record date. ( Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, at any meeting held after the date the fifth (5th) Participating Employer joins the Trust, no one Local Finance Board may vote more than forty- five percent (45%) of the total votes cast In the event that more than one member of a Local Finance Board attends a meeting, the Local Finance Board will designate one member authorized to cast its votes. If a quorum is present at a meeting of the Local Finance Boards, action on a matter other than election of Trustees shall be approved if the votes cast favoring the action exceed the votes cast opposing the action, unless a vote of a greater number is required by this Agreement. If a quorum is present at a meeting of the Local Finance Boards, Trustees for all open seats for each class of Trustees on the Board of Trustees shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the beneficial interests entitled to vote in such election. Local Finance Boards at the annual meeting will vote at one time to fill all open positions within a single class of Trustees. Elections will be held by class, in the order of the . length of the terms to be filled, beginning with the longest term. The designated representative of each Local Finance Board will cast up to the full number of its votes for each open position within a class of Trustees, but it may not cast votes for more than the number of open positions in such class. Those nominees receiving the largest plurality of votes, up to the number of positions to be filled, will be declared elected. Subsequent votes may be held to break any ties, if necessary, in order to elect the correct number of Trustees. PART 4 - PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO OFFICERS ( Section 401. Election of Officers: Terms. The Board of Trustees shall appoint the officers of the Trust Fund. The officers of the Trust Fund shall consist of a Chairperson of the Board, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary. The Secretary need not be a member of the Board of Trustees and may be the Administrator. Other officers, including assistant and subordinate officers, may from time to time be elected by the Board of Trustees, and they shall hold office for such terms as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. All officers shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Board of Trustees and until their successors are elected. Section 402. Removal of Officers: Vacancies. Any officer of the Trust Fund may be removed summarily with or without cause, at any time, on a three-fourths (%) vote of the Board of Trustees. Vacancies may be filled by the Board of Trustees. Section 403. Duties. The officers of the Trust Fund shall have such duties as generally pertain to their offices, respectively, as well as such powers and duties as are prescribed by law or are hereinafter provided or as from time to time shall be conferred by the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may require any officer to give such bond for the faithful performance of such officer's duties as the Board of Trustees may see fit. Section 404. Duties of the Chair:person. The Chairperson shall be selected from among the Trustees. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or in the resolutions establishing such committees, the Chairperson shall be ex officio a member of all Committees of the Board of 20 Trustees. The Chairperson shall preside at all Board meetings. The Chairperson may sign and execute in the name of the Trust Fund stock certificates, deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments except in cases where the signing and the execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Trustees or by this Agreement to some other officer or agent of the Trust Fund or as otherwise required by law. In addition, he shall perform all duties incident to the office of the Chairperson and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to the Chairperson by the Board of Trustees. In the event of any vacancy in the office of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson on an interim basis until such vacancy is filled by subsequent action of the Board of Trustees. Section 405. Duties of the Vice-ChailJ'erson. The Vice-Chairperson, if any, shall be selected from among the Trustees and shall have such powers and duties as may from time to time be assigned to the Vice-Chairperson. Section 406. Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Local Finance Boards in the Trust Fund. When requested, the Secretary shall also act as secretary of the meetings of the Committees of the Board of Trustees. The Secretary shall keep and preserve the minutes of all such meetings in permanent books. The Secretary shall see that all notices required to be given by the Trust Fund are duly given and served. The Secretary may sign and execute in the name of the Trust Fund stock certificates, deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Trustees or by this Agreement. The Secretary shall have custody of all deeds, leases, contracts and other important Trust Fund documents; shall have charge of the books, records and papers of the Trust Fund relating to its organization and management as a trust; and shall see that all reports, statements and other documents required by law (except tax returns) are properly filed. Section 407. Compensation. The Board of Trustees shall have authority to fix the compensation, if any, of all officers of the Trust Fund. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any person employed by a public body, including elected officials or appointed members of governing bodies, shall not be eligible to receive compensation for services as an officer of the Trust Fund other than reimbursement for reasonable expenses. Section 408. Bonding. All officers shall immediately make application for a fidelity bond, to any company designated by the Board of Trustees, in such amount as may be specified by the Board of Trustees. Premiums on such bonds shall be paid from the Trust Fund, which bonds shall be continued in force in such amount as the Board of Trustees may from time to time require. If an officer's bond is refused, or is ever cancelled, except with the Board of Trustees' approval, such officer may be removed from office as provided in Section 402 and such officer shall be entitled to compensation, if any, to the date of such removal only. PART 5 - VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEES' BENEFICIARY ASSOCIATION PROVISIONS Section 501. Compliance with Code Section SOl( c )(9). At all times, the Trust shall be administered in accordance with and construed to be consistent with Section 501(c)(9) of the Code and the regulations thereunder. 21 Section 502. Inurement. No part of the net earnings of the Trust Fund may inure to the benefit of any Participating Employer or individual other than through the payment of Other Post- Employment Benefits, except that the Trustees may pay all reasonable expenses for administration of the Trust Fund, Trustees fees and expenses, and other expenses provided for in this Agreement. ( PART 6 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 601. Titles. The titles to Parts and Sections of this Agreement are placed herein for convenience of reference only, and the Agreement is not to be construed by reference thereto. Section 602. Successors. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Trustees, the Local Finance Boards, and the Participating Employers. Section 603. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument, which may be sufficiently evidenced by any counterpart. Any Participating Employer that fonnally applies for participation in this Agreement by its Local Finance Board's execution of a Trust Joinder Agreement which is accepted by the Trustees shall thereupon become a party to this Agreement and be bound by all of the tenns and conditions thereof, and said Trust Joinder Agreement shall constitute a counterpart of this Agreement. Section 604. Amendment or Tennination of this Agreement: Termination of Plans. ( A. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended in writing at any time by the vote of a majority of the Trustees. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, this Agreement may not be amended so as to change its purpose as set forth herein or to penn it the diversion or application of any funds of the Trust Fund for any purpose other than those specified herein. The Board of Trustees, upon adoption of an amendment to this Agreement, shall provide notice by sending a copy of any such amendment to each Local Finance Board within 15 days of adoption of such. amendment. If a Local Finance Board objects to such amendment, the Local Finance Board must provide written notice of its objection and intent to terminate its participation in the Trust Fund by registered mail delivered to the Administrator within ninety (90) days of such notice, and if such notice is given, the amendments shall not apply to such Participating Employer for a period of 180 days from the date of adoption of such amendments. The Participating Employer's interest shall be terminated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph B of this section. It is the intent of the Trustees that the Trust shall be and remain a tax-exempt voluntary employees beneficiary association under Section 501 (c )(9) of the Code. The Trustees shall promptly submit the Agreement to the Internal Revenue Service for approval under the Code and all expenses incident thereto shall be borne by the Trust Fund. The Trustees may make any modifications, alterations, or amendments to the Agreement necessary to obtain and retain approval of the Secretary of the Treasury as may be necessary to establish and maintain the 22 status of the Trust Fund as tax-exempt under the provisions of the Code or other federal legislation, as now in effect or hereafter enacted, and the regulations thereunder. Any modification, alteration, or amendment to this Agreement:, made in accordance with this Section, may be made retroactively, if necessary or appropriate. The Trustees, Local Finance Boards and all Participating Employers shall be bound thereby. B. Termination. This Agreement and any trust created hereby may be terminated at any time by the Trustees with respect to a Participating Employer when the Participating Employer's participation interest in the Trust Fund is terminated or when a Trust Joinder Agreement has been terminated. The Trust Fund may be terminated in its entirety when all participation interests of all Participating Employers have been terminated in their entirety. This Agreement and the Trust Fund may be terminated in their entirety pursuant to Virginia law. In case of a termination of this Agreement:, either in whole or in part, the Trustees shall hold, apply, transfer or distribute the affected assets of the Trust Fund in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement and the direction of the Local Finance Board of each Participating Employer. Upon any termination, in whole or in part, of this Agreement, the Trustees shall have a right to have their respective accounts settled as provided in this Section 604. In the case of the complete or partial termination of this Agreement as to one or more Participating Employers, the affected assets of the Trust Fund shall continue to be held pursuant to the direction of the Trustees, for the benefit of the Employees and Beneficiaries of such Participating Employer, until the Trustees, upon recommendation of the Administrator, distribute such assets to a trust:, trusts or equivalent arrangement established by such Participating Employer for the purpose of funding Other Post-Employment Benefits, or other suitable arrangements for the transfer of such assets have been made. This Agreement shall remain in full effect with respect to each Participating Employer that does not terminate its participation in the Trust Fund on behalf of its Employees and Beneficiaries, or whose participation is not terminated by the Trustees. However, if distributions must be made, the Local Finance Board of each Participating Employer shall be responsible for directing the Administrator on how to distribute the beneficial interest of such Participating Employer. In the absence of such direction, the Administrator may take such steps as it determines are reasonable to distribute such Participating Employer's interest. A Participating Employer must provide written notice of its intent to terminate its participation in the Trust Fund by registered mail signed by its Local Finance Board and delivered to the Administrator at least ninety (90) days in advance. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, during its first year of participation, a Participating Employer must provide notice of its intent to terminate no less than one hundred eighty (180) days in advance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trustees shall not be required to payout any assets of the Trust Fund to Participating Employers upon termination of this Agreement or the Trust Fund, in whole or in part, until the Trustees have received written certification from the Administrator that all provisions of law with respect to such tennination have been complied 23 with. The Trustees shall rely conclusively on such written certification and shall be under no ( obligation to investigate or otherwise determine its propriety. When the assets of the Trust Fund affected by a termination have been applied, transferred or distributed and the accounts of the Trustees have been settled, then the Trustees and Administrator shall be released and discharged from all further accountability or liability respecting the Trust Fund, or portions thereof, affected by the termination and shall not be responsible in any way for the further disposition of the assets of the Trust Fund, or portions thereof, affected by the termination or any part thereof so applied, transferred or distributed; provided, however, that the Trustees shall provide full and complete accounting for all assets up through the date of fmal disposition of all assets held in the Trust. Section 605. Spendthrift Provision: Prohibition of Assignment of Interest. The Trust Fund shall be exempt from taxation and execution, attachment, garnishment, or any other process to the extent provided under Article 8, Chapter 15, Subtitle II of Title 15.2 of the Virginia Code (SS 15.2-1544 et seq.). No Participating Employer or other person with a beneficial interest in any part of the Trust Fund may commute, anticipate, encumber, alienate or assign the beneficial interests or any interest of a Participating Employer in the Trust Fund, and no payments of interest or principal shall be in any way subject to any person's debts, contracts or engagements, nor to any judicial process to levy upon or attach the interest or principal for payment of those debts, contracts, or engagements. Section 606. Meetings: Virginia Freedom of Information Act. ( The Administrator shall give the public notice of the date, time, and location of any meeting of the Board of Trustees' or of the Local Finance Boards in the manner and as necessary to comply with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Va. Code ~S 2.2-3700 et seq.). The Secretary or its designee shall keep all minutes of all meetings, proceedings and acts of the Trustees and Local Finance Boards, but such minutes need not be verbatim. Copies of all minutes of the Trustees and Local Finance Boards shall be sent by the Secretary or its designee to the Trustees. All meetings of the Board of Trustees and Local Finance Boards shall be open to the public, except as provided in ~ 2.2-3711 of the Virginia Code. No meeting shall be conducted through telephonic, video, electronic or other communication means where the members are not physically assembled to discuss or transact public business, except as provided in SS 2.2-3708 or 2.2-3708.1 of the Virginia Code. Section 607. Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced, and the trust or trusts created hereby shall be administered, in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Section 608. Situs of the Trust. The situs of the trust or trusts created hereby is the Commonwealth of Virginia. All questions pertaining to its validity, construction, and ( \. 24 administration shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Venue for any action regarding this Agreement is the City of Richmond, Virginia. Section 609. Construction. Whenever any words are used in this Agreement in the masculine gender, they shall be construed as though they were also used in the feminine or neuter gender in all situations where they would so apply and whenever any words are used in this Agreement in the singular form, they shall be construed as though they were also used in the plural form in all situations where they would so apply, and whenever any words are used in this Agreement in the plural form, they shall be construed as though they were also in the singular form in all situations where they would so apply. Section 610. Conflict. In resolving any conflict among provisions of this Agreement and in resolving any other uncertainty as to the meaning or intention of any provision of the Agreement, the interpretation that (i) causes the Trust Fund to be exempt from tax under Code Sections 115 and 501 (a), and (ii) causes the participating Plan aild the Trust Fund to comply with all applicable requirements of law shall prevail over any different interpretation. Section 611. No Guarantees. Neither the Administrator nor the Trustees guarantee the Trust Fund from loss or depreciation or for the payment of any amount which may become due to any person under any participating Plan or this Agreement. Section 612. Parties Bound: No Third Party Rights. This Agreement and the Trust Joinder Agreements, when properly executed and accepted as provided hereunder, shall be binding only upon the parties hereto, i.e., the Board of Trustees, the Administrator and the Participating Employers and their Local Finance Boards. Neither the establishment of the Trust nor any modification thereof, nor the creation of any fund or account, the payment of any Other Post- Employment Benefits, shall be construed as giving to any person covered under any Plan of a Participating Employer or any other person any legal or equitable right against the Trustees, or any officer or employee thereof, except as may otherwise be provided in this Agreement. Under no circumstances shall the term of employment of any Employee be modified or in any way affected by this Agreement. Section 613. Necessarv Parties to Disputes. Necessary parties to any accounting, litigation or other proceedings relating to this Agreement shall include only the Trustees and the Administrator. The settlement or judgment in any such case in which the Trustees are duly served or cited shall be binding upon all Participating Employers and their Local Finance Boards and upon all persons claiming by, through or under them. Section 614. Severabilitv. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall continue to be fully effective. If any provision of the Agreement is held to violate the Code or to be illegal or invalid for any other reason, that provision shall be deemed to be null and void, but the invalidation of that provision shall not otherwise affect the trust created by this Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] 25 IN \\'TThitSS \VtiEREOF, each of the members of the initial Board of Trustees has executed this Trust Agreement. ( Date: ". }I ft 8' ~- .. County of Fairfax Date: i-f II d 06 Da1e:~ ~dM.~ ,Design!;. ofV.~VML Date: I;/II/P'i . ( ~ JkL/ . " Designee of V ACoNML Date: i-)}- by ~ld~~ . Designee ofVAColVJ-.1L ( Accepted by the A.dministrawr City of Richmond Commonwealth of Virginia VIRGrN1A LOCAL GOV'ERl\lJ\1ENT FJN,.6,N ORPOR.:\.TION The forgoing instrument ...ras acknovledged before me this 11th day of April 2008 by: By: Jesse Hall, L~on T. Johnson, Victoria Lucente, Deidra M. MCLaughlin, Robert L. Mears, and Robert W. auterberg. :OOl\t.A. KDOCS\OClCSNtK \1 2441 ;'0\ \! James D. Campbell Notary Public #22055 M commission expires Oct6b~r 31, 2009. 16 Exhibit B TRUST JOINDER AGREEMENT FOR P ARTICIP ATING EMPLOYERS UNDER VIRGINIA POOLED OPEB TRUST FUND TillS TRUST JOINDER AGREEMENT is made by and between the Local Finance Board of ,Virginia (herein referred to as the "Local Finance Board") of , Virginia (herein referred to as the "Participating Employer"), and the Board of Trustees (herein collectively referred to as the "Trustees") of the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund (herein referred to as the "Trust Fund"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Participating Employer provides post-employment benefits other than pensions (herein referred to as "Other Post-Employment Benefits"), as defined in section 15.2- 1545 of the Virginia Code, for Employees and Beneficiaries; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Participating Employer desires to establish a trust for the purpose of accumulating and investing assets to fund Other Post-Employment Benefits as it may appropriate; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Participating Employer has adopted an ordinance and/or resolution (a certified copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) to authorize participation in the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund and establish a Local Finance Board, and, pursuant to Virginia Code S 15.2-1547, has directed the Local Finance Board to enter into this Trust Joinder Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Trust Fund, in accordance with the terms of the Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund Agreement (the "Agreement"), provides administrative, custodial and investment services to the Participating Employers in the Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, the Local Finance Board, upon the direction of the governing body of , Virginia, desires to submit this Trust Joinder Agreement to the Trustees to enable , Virginia, to become a Participating Employer in the Trust Fund and a party to the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements flowing to each of the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. Pursuant to the Board of Trustees' acceptance of this Trust Joinder Agreement, the , Virginia, is a Participating Employer in the Trust Fund, as provided in the Agreement, and the Local Finance Board is authorized to enter into this Trust Joinder Agreement, and to represent and vote the beneficial interest of Virginia, in the Trust Fund in accordance with the Agreement. 2. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Trust Joinder Agreement have the meaning given to them under the Agreement. 3. The Local Finance Board shall cause appropriations designated by the Participating Employer for deposit in the Trust Fund to be deposited into a depository designated by the Trustees. 4. The Local Finance Board shall timely remit, or timely approve the remittance of, administrative fees as may be due and payable by the Participating Employer under the Agreement into a depository designated by the Trustees. 5. The Participating Employer shall have no right, title or interest in or to any specific assets of the Trust Fund, but shall have an undivided beneficial interest in the Trust Fund; however, there shall be a specific accounting of assets allocable to the Participating Employer. 6. The Local Finance Board shall provide to the Administrator designated by the Trustees all relevant information reasonably requested by the Administrator for the administration of the Participating Employer's investment, and shall promptly update all such information. The Local Finance Board shall certify said information to be correct to the best of its knowledge, and the Trustees and the Administrator shall have the right to rely on the accuracy of said information in performing their contractual responsibilities. 7. The Trust Fund provides administrative, custodial and investment services to the Participating Employer in accordance with the Agreement. 8. The Trustees and the Administrator, in accordance with the Agreement and the policies and procedures established by the Trustees, shall periodically report Trust activities to the Participating Employer on a timely basis. 9. The Local Finance Board and the Participating Employer agree to abide by and be bound by the terms, duties, rights and obligations as set forth in the Agreement, as may be amended by the Trustees, which is attached hereto and is made a part of this Trust Joinder Agreement. 10. The Local Finance Board, in fulfillment of its duties as the trustee of the Participating Employer, retains the services of the Investment Manager or Managers selected by the Trustees pursuant to the Agreement. 11. The term of this Trust Joinder Agreement shall be indefinite; however, the Participating Employer may not terminate this Trust Joinder Agreement until 180 days after its initial investment. Thereafter, the Local Finance Board may terminate this Trust Joinder Agreement on behalf of the Participating Employer by giving at least 90 days prior notice in writing to the Trustees. Termination shall be governed by the provisions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Local Finance Board has caused this Trust Joinder Agreement to be executed this day of , 20_ 2 LOCAL FINANCE BOARD OF , VIRGINIA ATTEST: * * * * ACCEPTANCE: VIRGINIA POOLED OPEB TRUST FUND Virginia Local Government Finance Corporation By: Administrator #::ODMA \PCDOCS\DOCSNFKI1259891 17 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C:r - d , AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance authorizing conveyance of an easement to Western Virginia Water Authority for a water line across property owned by the Board of Supervisors at the Roanoke County Fleet Services Building, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Attorney B. Clayton Goodman, 1I1~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This is the first reading of an ordinance that dedicates an easement through the Fleet Services Building property in order for the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) to provide the water service required for the new Fleet Services facility building on Hollins Road in the Hollins Magisterial District A plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. showing the location of this easement on the Fleet Service Center property, designated PLAT SHOWING RESERVE AREAS AND WATERLINE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 1 (9.179 AC.) (PLAT INSTUMENT #200802243) PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATED ALONG HOLLINS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", dated April 18, 2008 is attached. The second reading will be held April 28, 2009. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact to Roanoke County is anticipated. AL TERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for conveyance of the permanent easement of Roanoke County property as requested by Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA). 2. Decline to adopt the proposed ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the 'first reading and schedule the second reading for April 28, 2009. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO WESTERN VIRGINIA WATER AUTHORITY FOR A WATER LINE ACROSS PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY FLEET SERVICES BUILDING, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Roanoke County is in the process of constructing a Fleet Services Building located on Hollins Road; and WHEREAS, the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) requires a right-of-way and easement for underground water line on the County's property to provide water service to the site as shown on the plat entitled "PLAT SHOWING RESERVE AREAS AND WATERLINE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 1 (9.179 AC.) (PLAT INSTUMENT #200802243) PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATED ALONG HOLLINS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", dated April 18, 2008; and WHEREAS, the proposed right-of-way will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 2009, and a second reading was held on April 28,2009. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to WVWA for the provision of water service in connection with Roanoke County's Fleet Services Building. 3. That donation to WVWA of an easement and right-of-way for an underground water line and related improvements, within the easement area designated on the above- mentioned map, on the County's property (Tax Map No. 39.05-2-4) to provide water service to the Fleet Services Building is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 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I~!: l:hh~lg~ OMP'lOS09~\ LO\ Jng\9~l LO\LOOZ\gOUIMIJP\:M ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance authorizing conveyance of an easement to Appalachian Power Company (AEP) for electrical service to a residence on Westward Lake Drive, a paper street, in the Catawba Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Appalachian Power Company (AEP) desires to provide service to a new residence located on Westward Lake Drive and to install an underground line for this service. AEP has requested the County to convey to them a right of way and easement ten feet in width along the margin of Westward Lake Drive for this underground utility location. Westward Lake Drive is a part of a platted subdivision but has never been taken into the state Secondary Road system and remains a paper street under the control of Roanoke County. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed ordinance would authorize the conveyance to AEP of a permanent utility right of way and easement, ten feet (10') in width for proposed installation of an underground electric line in Westward Lake Drive, a paper street. Westward Lake Drive was dedicated to public use by plat recorded in Plat Book 3, page 87, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. The Department of Community Development has also reviewed these plans. FISCAL IMPACT: No 'fiscal impact to Roanoke County is anticipated. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for conveyance of the permanent easement of Roanoke County property as requested by Appalachian Power Company (AEP). 2. Decline to adopt the proposed ordinance, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the 'first reading of the ordinance and schedule the second reading for April 28, 2009. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO THE APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO A RESIDENCE ON WESTWARD LAKE DRIVE, A PAPER STREET, IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Appalachian Power Company (AEP) desires to provide electric utility service by an underground electric line to a new residence located on a portion of Westward Lake Drive which was dedicated to public use in Plat Book 3, page 87, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the portion of Westward Lake Drive where this electric line will be located has not been accepted into the state Secondary Road System and therefore remains a "paper street" under the ownership and control of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Appalachian Power Company (AEP) requires a right-of-way and easement from Roanoke County for their underground electric line on the County's property to provide electric service to the site, Tax Parcel, # 054.02-05-51, as shown on the plat entitled "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON THE PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA,", dated 3/27/2009; and WHEREAS, the proposed easement will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 2009, and a second reading was held on April 28, 2009. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to Appalachian Power Company (AEP) for the provision of electric service to a residence in the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County. 3. That donation to (AEP) of an easement and right-of-way for an underground electric line and related improvements within the easement area designated on the above- mentioned map for utility service to property owners, designated as Tax Map No. 054.02- 05-51, is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 2 ROAD 10' RIW EASEMENT 5' EACH SIDE OF UG LINE PROPOSED UC LINE A N ~ PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY A - - - - - - -. PROPOSED NEW UNDERGROUND LINE - - - - EXISTING OVERHEAD LINE APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY CHARLE8TON REOIOH.ftOAHOJU! DISTRICT- R<Wl0fl.E COUNTY. VIRGINIA PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON THE PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OIIAWN 8Y: LMA PS'P. BY: CPH DATE: 3/27(2009 SCAlE: NONE ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA T.O. 665000 MAP SECTION 37800249C1 SHEET--1--0F~ DRAWING NO. V-1995 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. :r l-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. League of Older Americans - Advisory Council The one-year term of Beverly Eyerly expired on March 31, 2009. 2. Library Board (appointed by district) Lisa Boggess, Vinton Magisterial District, is no longer a County resident. Her four-year term expired on December 31,2008. Herman Lowe, Catawba Magisterial District, resigned effective January 5, 2009. His four-year term will expire on December 31, 2011. 3. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by district) Supervisor Flora has requested that Renee Godard and Bryan Pittenger be appointed representing the Hollins Magisterial District and that confirmation of these appointments be placed on the consent agenda. Each supervisor was asked to appoint two citizens who live, work or do business in the County to serve on this committee. The term for each of these appointments is three years and the initial terms will be staggered and expiration dates determined after all of the appointments have been made and confirmed. The Board needs to appoint three additional members as follows: (1) Supervisor Church, one member; (2) Supervisor Altizer, two members. 4. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission The three-year term of Charles Blankenship expired on April 8, 2009. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 14, 2009 designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1-6, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes - January 13, 2009; January 21, 2009 2. Resolution of appreciation to Patricia Brown, Information Technology Department, upon her retirement after nineteen years of service 2. Request from the schools to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $10,503.64 for the Mentor Teacher Program 3. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC-CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program 4. Acceptance of Westshire Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System 5. Acceptance and appropriation of a Five Star Restoration Matching Grant from the National Association of Counties, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the Wildlife Habitat Council in the amount of $1 0,000 to help finance the Taylor Tract Park Wetland Restoration/Enhancement Project 6. Resolution authorizing recordation of a deed restriction designating certain reserve areas for purposes of preservation and use as open-space land for storm water detention, flood drainage and conservation reserve on property owned by the Board of Supervisors at the Roanoke County Fleet Services Building, Hollins Magisterial District That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ,1=- 2- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 Resolution of appreciation to Patricia S. Brown, Information Technology Department, upon her retirement after nineteen years of service AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Patricia S. Brown, Information Technology Department, retired on April 1 ,2009, and has requested that her resolution of appreciation be mailed to her. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolution and direct the Deputy Clerk to mail it to Ms. Brown with the appreciation of the Board members for her many years of service to the County. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO PATRICIA S. BROWN, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT, UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER NINETEEN YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Patricia S. Brown was employed by Roanoke County on July 24, 1989; and WHEREAS, Ms. Brown retired on April 1 ,2009, as a Programmer in the Information Technology Department after nineteen years and eight months of service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Brown provided crucial assistance for programming tasks of maintenance projects and for major projects such as Y2K and the HP Migration, and her in-depth knowledge of COBOL programming methods and research for programming business logic have been invaluable assets to the department; and WHEREAS, Ms. Brown played an active role on several Information Technology development teams, including the Application Services team, participating in technical and task reviews while providing a welcomed sense of humor and positive attitude; and WHEREAS, Ms. Brown, through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life and providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to PATRICIA S. BROWN for more than nineteen years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -T---:s AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request from the schools to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $10,503.64 for the Mentor Teacher Program B. Clayton Goodman, III ~CJ{ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Schools requests that the Board accept and appropriate the following: The Division of Teacher Education and Licensure, Virginia Department of Education, has officially forwarded a request for Mentor Teacher Program allocations to Roanoke County Public Schools. These funds are used to support an induction program for new teachers to Roanoke County Public Schools. The allocation is in the amount of $10,503.64 FISCAL IMPACT: The grant requires a 50 percent match. A 50 percent local match in the total amount of $5,251.82 from accounts 732020-1121 of $2,625.91, and 732030-1121 of $2,625.91. The personnel budget will be increased by $10,503.64. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $10,503.64 for the Mentor Teacher Program. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 13, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of committee appointments to the Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC-CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by district) Each supervisor was asked to appoint two citizens who live, work or do business in the County to serve on this committee. The term for each of these appointments is three years and the initial terms will be staggered and expiration dates determined after all of the appointments have been made and confirmed. Supervisor Flora requested that Renee Godard and Bryan Pittenger be appointed to serve on this committee representing the Hollins Magisterial District. It was the consensus of the Board to place confirmation of these appointments on the consent agenda. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. - r- -J-:J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Wests hire Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director, Community Development APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Boone Homes, Inc. (formerly Boone, Boone,& Loeb, Inc.), the developer of The Groves, Section 10, located in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.09 miles of Westshire court, from the intersection with Monet Drive (VA Sec. Rte 1255) in the direction of North to the end of its cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Westshire Court into the Secondary Road System. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WESTSHIRE COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Addition Form AM-4.3, fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the representative for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Virginia Department of Transportation's Subdivision Street Requirements, and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to S33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, after receiving a copy of this resolution and all outstanding fees and documents required of the developer, whichever occurs last in time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Residency Administrator for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Becky Meador, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation In the CO~!1_ty of Roanoke By resolution of the governing bcxiy adopted May 12,2009 The following VDOT Form AM-4.3 is hereby attached and incorporated as part of the governing body's resolution for changes in the secondary system of state highways. A Copy Testee Signed (County Official): Report of Changes in the Secondary System of State Highways Project/Subdivision The Groyes Section 10 Type Chan2e to the Secondary System of State Hi2hwavs: Addition The following additions to the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant to the statutory provision or provisions cited, are hereby requested; the right of way for which, including additional easements for cuts, fills and drainage, as required, is hereby guaranteed: Reason for Change: New subdivision street Pursuant to Code of Virginia Statute: ~33.1-229 Street Name and/or Route Number ~ Westshire Court, State Route Number 1303 Old Route Number: 0 From: Route 1255 Monet Drive To: cul-de-sac end, a distance of: 0.09 miles. Right of Way width (feet) = 40 feet VDOT Form AM-4.3 ( 412012007), Asset Management Division Page 1 of 1 -~ ",-~ -" ~ ~~_~ __=__0. VICINITY MAP ! I 1<: 1 ,)> \ ~ \ ,';0 \: I N \ 16 ICJ\ \CJ\ K\~ II:J \>-'1 \ NORTH v . l' , , - f:tlST. 25' TX/AJHA" ~ (P.B. ; TM JlA 1l000001.S oA9lJOlT f P.B. Ii lAX / 96.0; Pl/(J'(RI U1Hl1OO/fI[4. De. 91/. F I[l{D I!! PROPOSED ADDITION(S) INGREY DESCRIPTION LENGTH ROW ROADWAY WIDTH SERVICES Miles Feet Feet Houses Westshire Court; From Monet Drive (route 1255) to the END'of its cul-de-sac 0.09 40 28 13 ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVLOPMENT ACCEPTANCE OF WESTSHIRE COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J-b AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance and appropriation of a Five Star Restoration Matching Grant from the National Association of Counties, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the Wildlife Habitat Council in the amount of $10,000 to help finance the Taylor Tract Park Wetland Restoration/Enhancement Project SUBMITTED BY: Lon Williams, Landscape Architect/Park Planner Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The National Association of Counties, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the Wildlife Habitat Council, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), administer the Five Star Restoration Matching Grant Program that seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing modest financial assistance to diverse partnerships for wetland, riparian and coastal habitat restoration. A Five Star Restoration Matching Grant in the amount of $10,000 was awarded to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism to assist the Department in a wetland restoration/enhancement program in conjunction with the Taylor Tract Park and Trail System project, which has secured additional funding assistance through the Department of Conservation and Recreation's Land and Water Conservation Fund program. 1 The Taylor Tract Park Wetland Restoration/Enhancement Project will seek to create new wetland areas, and restore and enhance existing wetland areas at the Taylor Tract that have been disturbed during the previous land use on this parcel to a more environmentally sustainable condition. The project will be located on the approximately 16-acre site available to the Department for recreational development at the Taylor Tract, which includes approximately six acres of land that have been delineated as jurisdictional shrub- scrub wetlands that fall under the regulation of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Consistent with partnership guidelines established by the Five Star Restoration Matching Grant Program, our project is supported by a partnership that includes the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Friends of the Roanoke County Public Library, Roanoke County Public Schools, Penn Forest Elementary School, and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. An environmental engineering consulting firm will also serve as a partner in our project, as this firm will be contracted to assist in the preparation of a wetland restoration and enhancement plan. As the Five Star Restoration Matching Grant Program is administered as a reimbursement program, Roanoke County should be capable of financing the project while requesting periodic reimbursements. The program requires a 50% (minimum) matching share from the project sponsor. In this case, the Roanoke County match would be a minimum of $10,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Matching grant funds in the amount of $10,000 will be appropriated for the project. Funding in the amount of $5,000 is available for the procurement of environmental engineering services in the preparation of a wetland restoration and enhancement plan through the Department's Capital Maintenance Program (CMP). It is anticipated that a portion of the work will be accomplished through the use of the Department's project work crew. This in-kind work is estimated to be worth approximately $9,500 and will be used along with the $5,000 in CMP funds to meet or exceed the required grant funding match. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative #1: Accept and appropriate the Five Star Restoration Matching Grant funds in the amount of $10,000 to the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. Alternative #2: Decline the Five Star Restoration Matching Grant funds in the amount of $10,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. 2 l RZ~]~ l<<e~t~(~ ~ ~~~...,~~~ 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW I Washington, DC 20001 1202.393.6226 I fax 202.393.2630 I www.naco.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 12, 2008 CONTACT: Jim Philipps 202-942-4220, jphilipps@naco.org Roanoke County one of 10 nationally to receive grant for wetland restoration project Kansas City, Mo. - The Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism will receive a $10,000 federal grant to restore and protect six acres of wetlands and create approximately one new acre of wetland along the Back Creek tributary. The grant was announced July 12 by the National Association of Counties (NACo). NACo has awarded $246,100 in grants through the Five Star Program Partnership to sustain 10 projects in various counties across the country to help implement locally-driven wetland and watershed restoration projects. Five Star Restoration projects involve a high degree of cooperation with local governmental agencies, elected officials, community groups, businesses, schools and environmental organizations working together to improve local water quality and restore central fish and wildlife habitats. Roanoke County partners will restore and protect the site, located on a 28-acre land tract soon to house the new South County Library. The development of an environmental education program focusing on wetlands will also be coordinated with several local schools as well as library patrons, county residents and visitors. Project partners include the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Friends of the Roanoke County Public Library, Roanoke County Public Schools, Penn Forest Elementary School, Engineering Concepts, Inc., and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. -more- Page 2 The 2008 NACo grantees are: . Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Va. . Miami Science Museum- Miami-Dade County, Fla. . Southwest Environmental Center- Dona Ana County, N.M. . Escambia County, Fla. . DeKalb County, Ga. . George Wildlife Foundation- Newton County, Ga. . Umcompahgre Plateau Project- Montrose and Delta Counties, Colo. . Jefferson Parish Department of Environmental Affairs, La. . University of Kentucky Research Foundation- Fayette County, Ky. . Upper Oconee Watershed Network- Clarke County, Ga. "On behalf of the nation's counties, I congratulate the 2008 NACo Five Star grantees," said NACo President Eric Coleman, commissioner, Oakland County, Mich. "NACo is very proud of its longstanding support of the Five Star Restoration Challenge Grant Program. Counties and their partners across the country are fostering environmental stewardship and building diverse partnerships that promise to restore and protect the environment well into the future." Since 1997, NACo has helped fund projects in 118 counties across the country, providing a total of more than $1,196,000 for community-based environmental restoration and education. The Five Star Restoration Program has supported more than 400 projects with more than $4 million in federal funds. Major funding for the program comes from the EPA's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds. Other participating partners of the program are the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the Wildlife Habitat Council with corporate sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern Company. ### The National Association of Counties (NACo) is the only national organization that represents county governments in the United States. Founded in 1935, NACo provides essential services to the nation's 3,066 counties. NACo advances issues with a unified voice before the federal government, improves the public's understanding of county government, assists counties in finding and sharing innovative solutions through education and research, and provides value-added services to save counties and taxpayers money. For more information about NACo, visitwww.naco.org ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -:3=-, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution authorizing recordation of a deed restriction designating certain reserve areas for purposes of preservation and use as open-space land for stormwater detention, flood drainage and conservation reserve on property owned by the Board of Supervisors at the Roanoke County Fleet Services Building, Hollins Magisterial District SlIBMITTED BY: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This resolution authorizes the permanent dedication of certain reserve areas at the new Fleet Services Building property. In the process of design of the Fleet Services Center, reserve areas for purposes of stormwater detention and maintenance, flood drainage and conservation were designated and set apart on the County's property, Tax Map # 39.05- 02-04. These reserve areas are more clearly shown on two plats titled as "PLAT SHOWING RESERVE AREAS AND WATERLINE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 1 (9.179 AC.) (PLAT INSTRUMENT #200802243) PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATED ALONG HOLLINS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. and attached as Exhibits A and B. The Code of Virginia, Section 10.1-1701 authorizes localities to acquire and designate property to be retained and used for preservation and open-space land in conformity with the County's Comprehensive Plan. As the county cannot legally convey an easement to itself, the recording of a deed restriction will serve the purpose of providing public notice of the dedication of these reserve areas. In the event of any subsequent disposition of this property by the County, any deed or conveyance will be required to include these restrictions upon any future ownership. Also attached for your review is the Deed Restriction w~lich has been prepared by the County Attorney's Office for recordation among the land records in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact to Roanoke County is anticipated. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute the necessary document for recordation of the deed restriction at the county's Fleet Center on behalf of Roanoke County. 2. Decline to adopt the proposed resolution, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed resolution as provided in Alternative 1. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF A DEED RESTRICTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN RESERVE AREAS FOR PURPOSES OF PRESERVATION AND USE AS OPEN-SPACE LAND FOR STORMWATER DETENTION, FLOOD DRAINAGE AND CONSERVATION RESERVE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY FLEET SERVICES BUILDING, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Roanoke County is in the process of constructing a Fleet Services Building located on Hollins Road; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke desires to permanently designate and restrict the use of portions of its property, identified as Tax Map # 39.05-02-04, as necessary for the completion of the County's Fleet Services Center as shown on the plats entitled "PLAT SHOWING RESERVE AREAS AND WATERLINE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 1 (9.179AC.) (PLAT INSTRUMENT #200802243) PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATED ALONG HOLLINS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated April 18, 2008; and WHEREAS, the proposed designation of certain reserve areas for purposes of stormwater detention, access and maintenance, flood drainage and conservation will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.1-1701 of the Code of Virginia, the County of Roanoke, as a public body defined in Section 10.1-1700 of said Code, may acquire and designate property to be retained for use as open-space and for the preservation of such real estate. A reading of this resolution was held on April 14, 2009. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be restricted and preserved for public uses shall be permanently reserved and dedicated in connection with the construction of Roanoke County's Fleet Services Building. 3. That the recordation of a permanent deed restriction for purposes of designating and setting apart a stormwater access and maintenance reserve area, a flood drainage reserve area and conservation reserve areas, # 1 and # 2, as the reserve areas designated on the above-mentioned map, on the County's property (Tax Map No. 39.05-2- 4) adjacent to the Fleet Services Building, is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 2 THIS DEED RESTRICTION made this _ day of April 2009, by the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantor; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, Virginia, is the owner of that certain parcel of real estate comprising 9.179 acres, located adjoining Hollins Road, Route 601, in the Hollins Magisterial District of Roanoke County, and further designated as Tax Map # 39.05- 02-04.00, upon which the said County intends to construct a new Fleet Service Center; and, WHEREAS, Section 10.1-1701, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, specifically authorizes a county, as a "public body" defined in Section 10.1-1700 of said Code, to acquire and designate property to be retained and used for the preservation and use as open-space land in conformity with the county's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke intends to protect and preserve, in perpetuity, certain portions of said real estate parcel designated as "Stormwater Access and Maintenance Reserve Area", "Flood Drainage Reserve Area", "Conservation Reserve Area #1" and "Conservation Reserve Area #2", respectively, all as more specifically designated on plats of survey designated as "PLAT SHOWING RESERVE AREAS AND WATERLINE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 1 (9.179 AC.) (PLAT INSTUMENT #200802243) PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATED ALONG HOLLINS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.c., dated 04/18/08; and, WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, as Grantor, intends to accomplish the protection and preservation of these designated areas for their expressed purposes which are in furtherance of the goal of the Commonwealth of Virginia to enhance the quality of our state's waters through appropriate stormwater and flood control measures and to provide for open-space land on a portion of this parcel by restricting the use of these areas as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, desires to create a public record of the intended formal designation of these enumerated areas by placing a deed restriction and attached plat of survey of this real estate in the official land records maintained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, in recognition of the foregoing expressed purposes and in consideration of the public benefit to the citizens of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, which shall result from this public deed restriction, the Grantor does hereby grant and dedicate portions of the real estate parcel described below which are designated as "Stormwater Access and Maintenance Reserve Area", "Flood Drainage Reserve Area" and "Conservation Reserve Area #1", and "Conservation Reserve Area #2" respectively, all as more specifically delineated on a plats of survey designated as "PLAT SHOWING RESERVE AREAS AND WATERLINE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 1 (9.179 AC) (PLAT INSTUMENT #200802243) PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATED ALONG HOLLINS ROAD, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", prepared by Lumsden Associates P.C, dated 04/18/08, which surveys are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, and incorporated herein; Said parcel of real estate, herein referred to as the "Property", is described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel ofland designated as "New Tract 1" containing 9.179 acres, as shown on that plat dated February 13, 2008, prepared by Lumsden Associates P.C, entitled "Plat Showing Combination of A 5.157 Ac. Tract (Instrument # 2007 15113) And An 4.022 Ac Tract (Instrument # 2007 15114) Property of Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia Creating Hereon New Tract 1 (9.179 Ac.) Situated Along Hollins Road Hollins Magisterial District Roanoke, Virginia" recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office as Instrument Number 200802243, pages 1 and 2, and to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property. The Grantor retains the right to construct such structures and grading as shall be necessary to create the designated stormwater access and maintenance area, to perform normal maintenance and repairs to maintain the said designated areas for their intended uses but otherwise the designated "Conservation Reserve Area #1" and "Conservation Reserve Area #2" shall remain in their natural state. The designations and restrictions contained in this deed restriction shall be binding upon the Grantor and its successor in interest and any subsequent purchaser or grantee of this Property and shall continue as a servitude running with the Property. The Grantor shall include such designations and restrictions in any subsequent deed or conveyance of its ownership of all or any part of said Property. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County reserves the right to amend the designations and restrictions set forth in this deed restriction when such actions shall further the objectives herein set forth. Such amendment shall be adopted after opportunity for public comment by formal action of the Board of Supervisors consistent with procedures then in place for vacation or substitution of easements or similar actions involving public property. Although it is the Grantors intention that this deed restriction will benefit the public as described above, nothing contained herein shall be construed to convey to the public, or any member thereof, a right of access to or use of the Property without the express written consent of the County of Roanoke. The Grantor retains the exclusive right to such access and use, subject to the terms hereof. WITNESS THE FOLLOWING SIGNATURE AND SEAL: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BY: Mike W. Altizer, Chairman Clerk Approved as to form: County Attorney COMMONWALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: The foregoing Deed Restriction was acknowledged before me this _ day of . 2009, by Mike W. Altizer, Chairman, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. My Commission expires: Notary Public NRN WO)')dN30S\II.Jnl@11VW :11VW-3 Strtr6-ZLL (OvS') :XVj L L vv.vLL (Otr!;) : 3NOHd {HOvZ V1NI~}tI/\ '3)lONVO~ 6990Z X08 'O'd MS '3nN3^v N013113W'v118 t99v VlNlnllJA '3)10NVOH S1I3NNVld-S1IOA3A lInS-S1I33NIDN3 ":)"d 'S3!YlJOSSY N30SWfll I.V.':- ""8-- ~.I -. . - ~ .. -: ;,=--~~ J -:. ~ l/) ~ ~"'"' n:~~ ~u~ 8cr)~ ~~~ ~1Ct) CO~ ~CJ.)~ ~y~ QOCt) -(0 ~o ~ ~ ~ i ::I .c ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~~k"-~~ . ~C5"")~SI ~~_~~V)~ ~ ~ '"" - ~ c.:i -.;&~~~o 8 ~ I 15 I 15 ~ ~ ~ g5~ ~CO~ ~~ Q:: o ::I: u a ::i ~ r-. I-~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~h~~u::! ~ ~~~i ~ :z: ei -trt- 11 i i i - ~ I ~ l-... l-... ~ I l-... 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I~!: l:hh~lg~ OMP'lOS09~\ LO\ Jng\9~l LO\LOOZ\gOUIMIJP\:M GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA w-\ % of General Amount Fund Revenue Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $ 16,743,199 9.51% * Addition for 2007-08 Operations 906 J 609 Appropriation for staff at the Clearbrook Station (156,000) Balance at April 14, 2009 $ 17,493,808 9.44% ** Note: On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2007-08 a range of 8.5%-9.5% of General Fund Revenues 2007-2008 General Fund Revenues $176,033,678 8.5% of General Fund Revenues $14,962,863 9.5% of General Fund Revenues $16,723,199 ** 2008-09 a range of 9.0%-10.0% of General Fund Revenues 2008-2009 General Fund Revenues $185,259,899 9.0% of General Fund Revenues $16,673,391 10.0% of General Fund Revenues $18,525,990 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 9.44% which is within the rar for 2008-09. The balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2009-2010 2010-2011 9.5%-10.5% 10.0%-11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES fY-2- Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Audited balance at June 30, 2008 Amount $1,540,757.20 Addition for 2007-2008 Operations 298,490.00 Unappropriate funds for architecUengineering fees for the renovation of the former Southview Elementary School 175,000.00 Appropriate additional funding for Bent Mountain Station Parking Lot (81,376.00) Balance at April 14, 2009 $1,932,871.20 Maior County Capital Reserve (Projects in the CIP, debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.) Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $2,339,030.00 $2,339,030.00 Balance at April 14, 2009 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA From 2008-2009 Original Budget June 24, 2008 Allocation to Art Museum of Western Virginia and Roanoke County Public Schools for Education July 8, 2008 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison August 28, 2008 Appropriation for Development of a Regional Water Supply Plan Balance at April 14, 2009 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator N-3 Amount $ 300,000.00 (200,000.00) ($24,000.00) ($11,100.00) $ 64,900.00 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER N-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: April 14, 2009 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of March 31,2009. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: GOVERNMENT: SUNTRUST/ALEXANDER KEY SUNTRUST/ALEXANDER KEY CONTRA SUNTRUST SECURITIES SUNTRUST SECURITIES CONTRA 36,024,537.19 585,128.87 2,000,000.00 30,878.06 38,640,544.12 LOCAL GOV'T INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION (G.O.) 6,997,4 76.63 6,997,476.63 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST STELLAR ONE SUNTRUST/ALEXANDER KEY SUNTRUST SECURITIES SUNTRUST SWEEP WACHOVIA 73,069.86 32,737.02 39.808,109.92 6,135,618.98 2,527,422.99 2,048,364.88 50,625,323.65 TOTAL 96,263,344.40 04/03/09 ~ - s~ (),) WELCOMING THE VIRGINIA COUNCIL OF DELIBERATION (VCOD) TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, FOR THEIR ANNUAL MEETING ON MARCH 20-22, 2009, WHEREAS, The Virginia Council of Deliberation (VCOD) is organized under the authority of the United Supreme Council 330 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America; and WHEREAS, The VCOD is composed of nine consistories which are located in the following cities: Norfolk, Richmond, Hampton, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Petersburg, Alexandria, Warrenton, and Fredericksburg; and WHEREAS, The VCOD is holding their annual meeting in Roanoke County at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood from March 20 through March 22, 2009; and WHEREAS, The VCOD is in the forefront of advancing Scottish Rite Masonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, through charitable endeavors; and WHEREAS, The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County desire to recognize the valuable contributions ofthe VCOD and show appreciation that Roanoke County was selected as the site for their annual meeting. NOW THEREFORE, WE, Michael W. Altizer, Chairman, and John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County do hereby welcome the VIRGINIA COUNCIL OF DELIBERATION to the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, The Board of Supervisors expresses its best wishes for a productive meeting and a very enjoyable visit to the Roanoke Valley. km~~/ John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator Ih ujlU/ #. Utn:f;= Michael W. Altizer Chairman DECLARING THE WEEK OF MAY 3 THROUGH 10,2009 AS NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, music plays an increasingly important role in our world today, and is one of the most sublime of human pursuits and is subscribed to by all races and creeds; and WHEREAS. music is the language of all peoples and one of the greatest forces in creating peace and harmony; and WHEREAS, the Theme for the Eighty-Sixth Annual National Music Week, observed May 3 through 10, 2009, is Music... Poetry of the Heart; and WHEREAS, the Thursday Morning Music Club and the National Federation of Music Clubs are dedicated to encouraging young musicians, to increasing musical knowledge, and to advancing American music and its cooperating musicians. and join forces to direct attention to the dynamic influence of music in everyday living. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michael W. Altizer. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim and recognize the week of May 3 through 10, 2009, as NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK in Roanoke County; and FURTHER. urge all citizens to observe and take part in activities, recognizing the importance of music, musicians, and musical organizations to the cultural life of our County, State, Nation, and World. Dated this 25th day of March 2009. In~ U.~ Michael W. Altizer, Chairman ~.C1~ ~..JIT B. Clayton Goodman, III 0J --,5 (0) ([OUttt~ of ~oa:ttolte 't1J':~~lttinl1 I- . . ~ z Cl ~ 2> DECLARING MAY 3 THROUGH MAY 9,2009, AS MUNICIPAL/COUNTY CLERKS WEEK IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WH EREAS, the Office of the Municipal/County Clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Municipal/County Clerk is the oldest among public servants; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Municipal/County Clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, the local governing bodies, and agencies of government at other levels; and WHEREAS, Municipal/County Clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality, rending equal service to all; and WHEREAS, the Municipal/County Clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and community; and WHEREAS, Municipal/County Clerks continually strive to improve the administration of their office through participation in education programs, seminars, workshops, and the annual meetings of their state, province, county, and international professional organizations. NOW THEREFORE, I, Michael W. Altizer, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim and recognize May 3 through May 9, 2009, as MUNICIPAL/COUNTY CLERKS WEEK; and FURTHER, extend appreciation to Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board; Becky R. Meador, Deputy Clerk to the Board, and to all Municipal/County Clerks for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent. /nuiwl ?~. Ottr~ Michael W. Altizer, C airman ~.Ql 'ZJ:i:r.. liT B. Cia n Goodman, III County Administrator (\ r-- I (-~-.)c ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Q - I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE"r1NG DATE: April 14, 2009 Work Session for the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: B. Clayton Goodman,11I County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to present any updated information received regarding the state's budget and discuss the County's budget for the next fiscal year. K AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia.