HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/9/2009 - RegularaOANn /~ z .o r 283 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda June 9, 2009 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for June 9, 2009. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at X540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.~ 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Pastor Chester Lykins Clearbrook Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag 6. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD T0, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. BRIEFINGS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for authorization to execute the Second Modification Agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority and Integrity Windows (Jill Loope, Assistant Director of Economic Development) 2. Reappointment of Special Assistant for Legislative Relations, authorization to continue an agreement and an appropriation of funds (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 1 F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance authorizing execution of an agreement and the donation by lease of office space in the Roanoke County Public Service Center to the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) 2. Clean Valley Council 3. Library Board (appointed by District) 4. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board (appointed by District) 5. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program (appointed by District) 6. Social Services Advisory Board (appointed by District) I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDAAND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of committee appointment(s) J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 2 M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Joseph P. McNamara 2. Charlotte A. Moore 3. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 4. Richard C. Flora 5. Michael W. Altizer 0. CLOSED MEETING P. WORK SESSIONS (Training room - 4t" Floor) 1. Work session to review and discuss Green Ridge Recreation Center Business Plan, Operating Pro-Forma, fees, charges and staffing plan (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. ADJOURNMENT TO JUNE 23, 2009, AT 12:00 NOON TO TOUR THE GREEN RIDGE RECREATION CENTER, THE COUNTY FLEET SERVICES CENTER, AND THE NORTH COUNTY FIRE STATION; AND AT 3:00 P.M. FOR THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING AT THE ADMINISTRATION CENTER NOTE: THE EVENING SESSION ON JUNE 23, 2009 (7:00 P.M.~ WILL NOT BE HELD AS THERE ARE NO ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 9, 2009 Request for authorization to execute the Second Modification Agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority and Integrity V1Jindows J i I I Loope Assistant Director of Economic Development B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke Coi~inty entered into a Performance Agreement with Integrity Windows on May 23, 2003, which provided for an econon~iic development grant and certain other considerations to the Company based upon measurable performance goals. Due to national economic conditions beyond their control, particularly in the residential construction market, the County modified the Agreement on February 24, 2009 to reduce the local penalty for job creation from $1,000 to $500 for each full time position below the original employment goal. Since that time, new legislation has been adopted by the Virginia General Assembly, which allows for the extension of performance timelines for Governor's Opportunity Fund ~GOF} grants. This new legislation will go into effect on July 1, 2009. While Integrity has met the performance goals outlined in their Phase I GOF grant, they have not satisfied the employment goals for their Phase I I grant. As a result, Integrity is requesting an extension of their Phase II GOF grant to December 31, 2011 to allowthem more time to reach their employment goals. Staff has consulted with Roanoke County Economic Development Authority and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and all parties are in agreement with this request. FISCAL IMPACT: This modification applies only to state grant funds, and ~kherefore has no local fiscal impact. STAFF REC~MMENDAI'I~N: Staff recommends authorizing the County Administrator to execute the Modification Agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Economic Development Authority and Integrity vlJindows. 2 Second Modification Agreement THIS SECOND MODIFICATION AGREEMENT made as of this day of 2oD9, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, thereinafter "the County"}, the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA thereinafter referred to as "the Authority"}; and INTEGRITY WINDOWS, INC., a Minnesota corporation, thereinafter "the Company"}. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County, the Authority and the Company collectively, "the parties"} entered into an Amended and Restated Performance Agreement ~"Performance Agreement"} on May 23, 2003, which provided for an economic development grant and certain other incentives to the Company based upon the achievement of measurable performance goals; and WHEREAS, the Company has installed the Phase 1 and Phase 2 improvements and has installed the new equipment as promised in the Performance Agreement of the parties; and WHEREAS, the Company has significantly exceeded its investment commitments in excess of $32 million in buildings and equipment; and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority desire to promote and encourage the economic development and vitality of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley through the recruitment of new business for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds; and WHEREAS, due to the depressed economic conditions in the national housing market the parties modified the Performance Agreement on Feburary 24, 2009 by reducing the penalty for its failure to achieve the full-time employment goals in said agreement; and, WHEREAS, Chapter 224 of the 2009 Acts of Assembly authorized the Commonwealth of Virginia to extend the performance period for any performance agreements including the Governor's Development opportunity Fund; and, WHEREAS, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership has informed the County that it is agreeable to extending the performance period far the Governor's Development opportunity Fund Phase Z grant, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following amendment: 1. Amendment to the Performance Agreement. Paragraph 4 is amended to extend the time period for performance under the Governor's Development opportunity Fund Phase 2 grant from August 31, 2009 until December 31, 2011. 2, All other provisions of the Performance Agreement and first Modification Agreement shall be in full force and effect. 3. This Agreement shall be governed by and all disputes related hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 4. This Agreement and any reimbursement of costs and improvements from public funds is subject to future appropriations by the Board of Supervisors to the Authority. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. BQAR.D OF SUPERVISQRS QF RQANQKE CQUNTY, VIRGINIA By B. Clayton Goodman, III. County Administrator Seen: County Attorney STATE OF VIRGINIA CQUNTY OF RQA]~QKE, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2009, by B. Clayton Goodman, III, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY STATE OF VIRGINIA By Billy H. Branch, Chairman COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2009, by ,Chairman of the Economic Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: 1 1 By STATE OF INTEGRITY WINDOWS, INC. Its: CITYICOUNTY OF , to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2009, by , as Integrity Windows, Inc.. Notary Public My Commission expires: 1 1 day of of 4 ACTIGN N4. ITEM NO. ~" o~ ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BGARD 4F SUPERVISORS GF R4ANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RCIANGKE CGUNTY ADNIINISTRATI4N CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: June 9, 2009 Reappointment of Special Assistant for Legislative Relations, authorization to continue an agreement and an appropriation of funds Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney C~UNTYADMINISTRATGR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY~F INFGRMATIGN: Triis action reappoints Eldon James & Associates, Inc. as Roanoke County's Special Assistant for Legislative Relations. It also continues the agreement with Mr. James previously approved. Finally, it appropriates funds for this agreement from the Unappropriated Balance. FISCAL IMPACTS The County will pay Eldon James & Associates, Inc. for the services of the Special Assistant $22,560 annually (240 hours at the rate of $94 per hour) which is an increase of $4 per hour for these services (due to the dramatic increase in fuel costs). Additional hours will be paid at a rate of $94 per hour and shall not exceed a total of 256 hours annually or a total payment of $24,000 annually. STAFF REC4MMENDAI'IGN: It is recommended that the Board (i) reappoint Eldon James & Associates, Inc. as Special Assistant for Legislative Relations, and (ii) appropriate $24,000 'From the Board's FY 2009-2010 Unappropriated Balance for these purposes. ACTiGN NG. ITEM NO. ~~ ! AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS QF RDANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELDATTHE RGANGKE CQUNTYADMiNiSTRATiQNCENTER MEETING DATE; June 9, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance authorizing execution of an agreement and the donation by lease of office space in the Roanoke County Public Service Genterto the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission SUBMITTED BY: APPRQVED BY: Pete Haislip, Director Parks, Recreation & Tourism Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner B. Clayton Goodman, iil County Administrator CQUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S CQMMENTS; SUMMARYQF INFQRMATIQN: When the position of Roanoke Valley Greenway Coordinator was established in ~ 996, the Greenway Commission office was initially housed at the Fifth Planning District Commission know the Roanoke Valley Alieghany Regional Commission}. In June 1997, Roanoke County offered to house the Greenway Coordinatoratthe Roanoke CountyAdministration Center ~RCAC}. The Greenway Commission accepted this offer, and the office was moved to the RCAC in Qctober 1997 undera three-year agreement, which was renewed in 2000 for an additional three-year term and in 2004 for an additional five-year term. In November 2005 the space for the Greenway Commission was re-assigned to the Parks Department in the Public Service Center, 1206 Kessler Mill Road. Per the attached agreement, the County serves as fiscal agent and provides office space, computer, desk, and atelephone. The Greenway Commission pays all direct bills far additional furniture, copying, telephone service, supplies, and mail. The Greenway Commission requests the renewal of this agreement in order to continue housing the Greenway Commission office in Roanoke County. Rather than an expiration date, the agreement can be cancelled by either party with two months notice. FISCAL IMPACT: All direct bills, salaries, and fringe benefits are paid out of the Greenway Commission budget. The County absorbs the cost of the office space, utilities, janitorial service, and fiscal reports. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the first reading of the ordinance to renew the agreement to provide office space to the Greenway Commission and set the second reading for June 23, 2009. 2. Do not approve the first reading of the ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1; renew the agreement to provide office space to the Greenway Commission. 2 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1St day of July 2009, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the ROANOKE VALLEY GREENWAY COMMISSION (hereinafter referred to as "Commission"). WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. County agrees to serve as fiscal agent for the Commission, to receive and expend funds, and to keep appropriate records. The County shall not be responsible for the preparation of grant applications or reports on behalf of the Commission. 2. County agrees to provide payroll and other employee services and benefits for the Commission staff consistent with County policies applicable to County employees, except the provisions of the grievance procedure shall not be available to the members and employees of the Commission. 3. County agrees to provide procurement services for the Commission consistent with County code and policies. 4. County agrees to provide a minimal level of clerical staff support, as available, for the Commission, recognizing that volunteers will be used when possible. 5. County agrees to allow the Commission to use property owned by County, including approximately 200 square feet of office space located at the Roanoke County Public Service Center, 1206 Kessler Mill Road, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. The County in its sole discretion 1 reserves the right to provide alternative office space in any other County facility upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Commission. 6. County agrees to provide basic office furniture, a computer, and a telephone instrument. 7. This agreement may be canceled or terminated by either party upon two- (2) month's notice in writing or any date that may be mutually agreed upon. 8. County will maintain the property described in paragraph 5, above, and provide janitorial services similar to the quality and level of services provided to other, similar County facilities. 9. Commission has examined and knows the condition of the premises and has received same in good order and repair, and that no representation as to the condition or repair thereof has been made by the County prior to or at the execution of this agreement that are not expressed herein. The premises shall be returned to County at the expiration of this agreement in such good condition and state of repair, ordinary wear and tear allowed for. Commission shall be responsible for the safety and security of the leased premises. In an emergency it shall be the responsibility of the Commission to notify either the Roanoke County Police Department or the Roanoke County Department of General Services, as appropriate. 10. During the term of this agreement, County will provide and pay for all utilities water, sewer, electric, and solid waste services} which may be necessary to the Commission for the reasonable and proper use and enjoyment of the premises by the Commission. In addition, the County shall allow the Commission to use 2 conference rooms and meeting facilities and storage space for equipment and files on the premises on a space available basis. Commission may use County office equipment, such as copiers, fax machines, telephones and other office support equipment, if temporarily available and not required for any governmental purposes. The availability of conference rooms, meeting facilities or office equipment is solely within the discretion of the County. Commission shall be responsible for its postage, office supplies, copier charges, Internet access charges, and the total cost of its telephone billings and charges. 11. This agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and may not be modified or changed except by written instrument executed by the parties. 12. This agreement shall not be assigned by the Commission without the express, written approval of the County. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: By ROANOKE COUNTY GREENWAY COMMISSION James B. Lee-Chairman BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY B. Clayton Goodman, III -County Administrator By 3 Approved as to form: Paul Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney State of Virginia County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2009, by James B, Lee, Chairman, on behalf of the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission Notary Public My commission expires: State of Virginia, County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged 2009, by B. Clayton Goodman, III, of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. before me this day of County Administrator, on behalf Notary Public My commission expires: Approved by Ordinance on June 23, 2009 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT AND THE DONATION BY LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER TO THE ROANOKE VALLEY GREENWAY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Ordinance 040897-6 authorized execution of an intergovernmental agreement establishing the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission between the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the County of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton pursuant to Section 15.1-21 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1300 F, successor to Section 15.1-21, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, provides authority for any political subdivision entering into such an agreement pursuant to this State Code section to "sell, lease, give or otherwise supply ... such property, personnel or services therefore as may be within its legal power to furnish" to this intergovernmental commission; and WHEREAS, the Greenway Coordinator has been housed at the Roanoke County Administration Center since October, 1997, under successive lease agreements, the most recent of which was agreed upon in 2004 for a term of five (5) years; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the Board of Supervisors has determined that certain office space in the Roanoke County Public Service Center is now temporarily surplus and available for other public uses, and that the donation by lease of this office space to the Commission will serve other public uses; and 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to continue its relationship with the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission and to retain the flexibility to move the Commission's office space to other county owned buildings should the need arise; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on June 9, 2009; and the second reading was held on June 23, 2009. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it is in the County's best interests to enter into an agreement to document the working relationship between the County and the Commission and to provide for the donation by lease of office space to the Commission in the Roanoke County Public Service Center or other appropriate location in county owned buildings should circumstances require. 2. That the County Administrator is authorized to negotiate and to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. 2 ACTI~]N N4. ITEM NO. ~~" ~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD aF SUPERVISGRS GF RGAN4KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RQAN4KE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CEN-fER MEETING DATE: June 9, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Appoir~tments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPRgVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator C4UNTYADMINISTRAT4R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARYgF INF4RMATIgN: 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) The five-year term of Kevin Barnes, Cave Spring Magisterial District, will expire on June 30, 2009. 2. Clean Valley Council The two-year term of Dennis "Chip" Harris will expire on June 30, 2009. As requested by Chairman Altizer at the May ~ 2, 2009 meeting, Mr. Harris was contacted to determine his willingness to serve additional terms. Mr. Harris has declined re- appointment. 3. Library Board appointed by District Lisa Boggess, Vinton Magisterial District, is no Iongera County resident. Herfour-year term expired on December 3~, 2008. 4. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board appointed by District The following three-year terms will expire on June 30, 2009: ~a} David 1Natt, Catawba Magisterial District; fib} Donna Wooldridge, Catawba Magisterial District; ~c} Deborah George, Hollins Magisterial District; ~d} Roger Falls, Vinton Magisterial District Supervisor Altizer advised that Roger Falls, Vinton Magisterial District, agreed to serve an additional term. This confirmation has been placed on the Consent Agenda. 5. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by District) Each supervisor was asked to appoint two citizens who live, work or do business in the County to serve on this committee. The term for each of these appointments is three years and the initial terms will be staggered and expiration dates determined after all of the appointments have been made and confirmed. Mike Pedelty was appointed by Supervisor Moore; however, Mr. Pedelty has resigned effective immediately due to relocation for employment. The Board needs to appoint three additional members as follows: (1) Supervisor Church, one member; (2) Supervisor Altizer, one member; (3) Supervisor Moore, one member. fi. Social Services Advisory Board appointed by District The four-year terms of Natalie Norris, Cave Spring Magisterial District, and Dorothy Hayes, Hollins Magisterial District, will expire on July 31, 2009. 2 T ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRATION CEN"fER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2aa9 RESOLU'~ION APPROVINGANDCONCURRING INCERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Thatthe certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May26, 2aa9 designated as item K-ConsentAgenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Item 1 inclusive, as follows: 1. Confirmation of committee appointment to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. ACTIQN NG. "fEM NO. Z AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD OF SUPERVISORS GF RaANOKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RDANOKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: June 9, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of committee appointment to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPRGVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator CGUNTY ADMINISTRATGR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INFGRMATIGN; The three-year appointment of Rogers Falls, Vinton Magisterial District,willexpireonJune 30, 2009. Mr. Falls has indicated his willingness to serve another term. It was the consensus ofthe Board to reappoint Mr. Falls and his appointment has been placed onthe consent agenda. ~1- GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $ 16,143,199 Addition for 2007-08 Operations 906,609 Appropriation for staff at the Clearbrook Station X156,000} of General Fund Revenue 9.51% Balance at June 9, 2009 $ 17,493,808 9.65% ** Note: 4n December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 200?-08 a range of 8.5%-9.5% of General Fund Revenues 2007-2008 General Fund Revenues $116,033,618 8.5% of General Fund Revenues $14,962,863 9.5°/° of General Fund Revenues $16,123,199 ** 2048-09 a range of 9.0°/°-10.0% of General Fund Revenues 2008-2049 General Fund Revenues $181,259,899 9.0% of General Fund Revenues $16,313,391 10.0°/a of General Fund Revenues $18,125,990 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 9.65°/a which is within the range ofour goal for 2008-09. The balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2009-2010 9.5°/a-10.5°/0 2014-2011 10.0%-11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E, Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman County Administrator ~-a CoUNTYOF RoANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Audited balance at June 3D, 2008 Addition for 2DDl-2DD8 Operations Unappropriate funds for architectlengineering fees forthe renovation of the former Southview Elementary School Appropriate additional funding for Bent Mountain Station Parking Lot Balance at June 9, 2DD9 Ma'or County Capital Reserve Amount $1,54D,151.2D 298,490.00 115,DDD.DD ~81,316.DD} $1,932,811.2D (Projects in the C1P, debt payments fo expedite projects idenfrfied in C1P, and land purchase opportunities.) Audited balance at June 3D, 2008 $2,339,D3D.DD Balance at June 9, 2DO9 Submitted By Approved By Rebecca E. Qwens Director of Finance B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator $2,339,D3D.DD ~- RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA From 2008-2009 Qriginal Budget June 24, 2008 Allocation to Art Museum of Western Virginia and Roanoke County Public Schools for Education July 8, 2008 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison August 28, 2008 Appropriation for Development of a Regional Water Supply Plan April 14, 2009 Appropriation for the June 9, 2009 Primaries May 19, 2009 Appropriation for the construction of the veteran's monument at the Vinton War Memorial Balance at June 9, 2009 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Amount $ 300, 000.00 ~200,000.00> ~$24,000.00~ ($11,100.00) ($24, 900.00 ) ($20,000.00) $ 20,000.OD Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ~- ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. P AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANGKE CGUNTY ADMINIS'fRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE; June 9, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to review and discuss Green Ridge Recreation Center Business Plan, Gperating Pro-Forma, fees, charges and staffing plan SUBMITTED BY: Pete Haislip, Director, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Marcus +Drdonez, Assistant Director Matt Henke, Center Manager APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, II County Administrator SUMMARY OF INFGRMATIaN: This time has been set aside to review and discuss the Green Ridge Recreation Center Business Plan and Gperating Pro-Forma, including fees and charges. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS OF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANUKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER GN -I~UESDAY, JUNE 9, 2009 RESQLUI'IQN CERTIFYING THE CLQSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CQNFQRMITY WI'~H THE CQDE QF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3112 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co~~nty, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NGW, THEREFGRE, BE IT RESGLVED, thatthe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Unly public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Gnlysuch public business matters aswere identified inthe motion converiingthe closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia.