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6/23/2009 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda June 23, 2009 NOTE: At 11:30 a.m., the Board of Supervisors will depart the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, to tour the Green Ridge Recreation Center, 7415 Wood Haven Road; the Fleet Services Center, 5235 Hollins Road; and the North County Fire Station, 150 Hershberger Road. Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for June 23, 2009. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540} 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Gregory D. Reynolds Wesleyan Church Shenandoah District Superintendent 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD T0, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, upon her retirement after twenty-two years of service 2. Resolution ratifying and confirming the appointment of Rebecca (Becky) R. Meador as Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Page 1 of 5 3. Certificate of recognition to Chris Richardson, Northside High School, for winning first place in CAD-Architectural with Animation Level II at the Virginia Technology Student Association (TSA) state competition 4. Proclamation commemorating the 50t" anniversary of Blue Ridge Beverage Company and proclaiming June 23, 2009, as Blue Ridge Beverage Day in Roanoke County D. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget and the fiscal year 2009-2010 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2507, Code of Virginia (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) E. NEUUBUSINESS 1. Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $1,422,424 for fiscal year 2008-2009 to the Department of Social Services for provided services (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Request to accept and appropriate additional state revenues in the amount of $775,000 to the Sheriff's Office for fiscal year 2008-2009 budget for state funded operating reimbursements (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 3. Request to accept and appropriate $34,800 from the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority for training provided by the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy for fiscal year 2008-2009; and approving the budget of $202,354 for the Training Academy for fiscal year 2009-2010 (John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator; and J. Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police) 4. Resolution determining that Appalachian Power Company is the only source practicably available to provide electric service and street lighting service to the County and approving the contracts for such services upon certain terms and conditions (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) 5. Resolution approving an agreement between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke for shared use and maintenance of the open recreational land at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) (Mark Courtright, Assistant Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) Page 2 of 5 6. Resolution granting a waiver to The Freedom Center under Section 13-23 of the Roanoke County Code to the provisions of the County's noise ordinance, Article II. Noise of Chapter 13: Offenses -miscellaneous (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; Wendi Schultz, Tourism and Event Coordinator) F. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading and adoption of an ordinance authorizing execution of an agreement and the donation by lease of office space in the Roanoke County Public Service Center to the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) G. APPOINTMENTS 1. Clean Valley Council (At-Large) 2. Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board 3. League of Older Americans Board of Directors (appointed by LOA and ratified by the County) 4. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board (appointed by District) 5. Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection (RCACP) 6. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program (appointed by District) 1. Roanoke County Community Policy and Management Team 8. Roanoke Valley Juvenile Detention Commission 9. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 10. Social Services Advisory Board (appointed by District) 11. Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority Page 3 of 5 H. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDAAND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of committee appointments 2. Request to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $1,803,853 to Roanoke County Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010 3. Request to approve an application for an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Federal Grant 4. Request to grant the Roanoke County Chief of Police authorization to enter into an agreement with the Town of Vinton Police Department allowing utilization of the Roanoke County Police Department's Virtual Private Network (VPN) infrastructure I. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS J. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Accounts Paid -May 31, 2009 5. Treasurer's Statement of Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of May 31, 2009 6. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances for the month ended May 31, 2009 7. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues for the month ended May 31, 2009 Page 4 of 5 M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Charlotte A. Moore 2. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 3. Richard C. Flora 4. Joseph P. McNamara 5. Michael W. Altizer N. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711.A.1 discussion or consideration of the performance of specific public officers, namely the performance evaluation of the County Attorney O. WORK SESSIONS (Training Room - 4t" floor) 1. Work session on the County's legislative program and preparation for the 2010 session of the Virginia General Assembly (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney; Eldon James, Legislative Liaison) P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Q. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: THE EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) WILL NOT BE HELD AS THERE ARE NO ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS Page 5 of 5 ACTION NO. ITEM N0. ~ P~ ATA SPECIAL MEE1-ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS-(RATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, upon her retirement after twenty-two years of service Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, Ill, County Administrator -~'-~~- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Brenda Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, will retire on July 1, 2009 after twenty-two years and two months of service to Roanoke County. She will attend the meeting to accept a resolutian of retirement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2009 RES4LU'r14N EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATIGN OF 'rHE BARD ~F SUPERVISORS ~F R~ANOKE COUNTY TD BRENDA J. H~LT~N, DEPUTY CLERIC T~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY-TVI~O YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Brenda J. Holton was hired on May ~ , ~ 987, as a Secretary in the County Administrator's Office and two years later was promoted to the position of Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, Ms. Holton will retire as Deputy Clerk to the Board on June 3g, 2gD9, after a total of twenty-two years and two months of dedicated, loyal, and capable service with the County; and WHEREAS, during hertimeas Deputy Clerk, Ms. Holton, with her professionalism and easy-going nature, successfully served sixteen Board members, two County Administrators, and three Clerks; and WHEREAS, Ms. Holton embraced education and earned her cerl:ification as a Municipal Clerk and held membership in both the Virginia Municipal Clerk's Association and International Institute of Municipal Clerks for twenty years; and WHEREAS, Ms. Holton, as one of the County's first Webmasters, created the Board of Supervisors Internet and ir~tranet Web pages and encouraged other departments to utilize the County Web site to share and communicate information; and WHEREAS, Ms. Holton helped to transition the Board of Supervisors members from paper to electronic agendas and meetings saving both valuable time and resources; a~~d WHEREAS, Ms. Holton was instrumental in the installation and maintenance of LaserFiche, a document management system that today includes microfilmed minutes of the Board meetings dating back to 180; and WHEREAS, with care, precision, and skill, Ms. Holton researched and wrote countless meaningful Board recognitions and proclamations; and WHEREAS, with her strong organizational skills and attention to detail, Ms. Holton helped organize many special events, including the ~ 988 Sesquicenter~r~ial, Year 2000 Celebration, investiture ceremonies, annual State of the County Addresses, Board of Supervisors retreats, and many regional and joint meetings. NOVA, TH EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to BRENDA J. HILTON for more than twenty-two years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 2 ACTION N0. ITEM NO. C ~ z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Resolution ratifying and confirming the appointment of Rebecca (Becky) R. Meador as Clerk to the Board of Supervisors B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: "fhe Clerk to the Board is an administrative position that is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Section 15.2-1538 of the Code of Virginia provides for the appointment of a Clerk to the Board, and ordinance #62789-4, adopted by the Board on June 27, 1988, provides that the Board may appoint a Clerk who shall serve at the pleasure of ~~he Board and underthe direction of the County Administrator. We conducted a regional search to fill the vacancy in the Clerk's Office and received a strong response from applicants for this position. Following an extensive review of applications and interviews with prospective candidates, we are pleased to announce that Becky R. Meador has been chosen to fill ~~he position as Clerk to the Board. During her service with the County, Becky has worked in the Treasurer's Office, Community Development, and as Deputy Clerk to the Board. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge about the structure of the organisation. Mlle are pleased that Becky has chosen to accept this position, and we look forward to working with her in her new role as Clerk. STAFF RECOMMENDAl"ION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached resolution ratifying and confirming the appointment of Becky R. Meador as Clerk to the Board of Supervisors effective June 15, 2009. ATA REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD OF SUPERVISORS GF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2009 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF REBECCA (BECKY) R. MEADOR AS CLERK TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1NHEREAS, Section 15.2-1538 of the Code of Virginia,1950 as amended, provides for the appointment of a Clerk for the Board of Supervisors; and UIJHEREAS, Ordinance #62789-4 adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on June 27,1989, provides that the Board may appoint a County Clerk who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and underthe direction ofthe GountyAdrr~inistrator, and who shall have the duties and responsibilities asset out in said ordinance and in the State Cade; and ~11lHEREAS, said ordinance provides that if the Board chooses not to appoint a Gaunty Clerk such duties and responsibilities shall be performed by the County Administrator. NOVA, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. -that the Board hereby ratifies and confirms the appointment of Becky R. Meador as Clerk to the Board of Supervisors effective Monday, June 15, 2009, said appointment having been made by the Gaunty Administrator. 2. ghat Becky R. Meador shall exercise all of the powers and fulfill all of the duties of Clerk to the Board of Supervisors as provided in Ordinance #52789-4 and as provided in the Gode ofVirginia. ACTION N0. ITEM N0. ~ . AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 23, 20x9 Certificate of recognition to Chris Richardson, Northside High School, for winning first place in CAD-Architect~4iral with Animation Level II at tl~e Virginia Technology Student Association TSA} state competition Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, III _ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Technology Student Association ~TSA~, established in ~ 988, is an organization of students, parents, educators and business leaders that focuses specifically on students enrolled technology education. TSA believes in the need for a technologically literate society and continually strive for that goal. The Virginia TSA is composed of more than 16,000 high school, middle school and elementary students throughout ~Che Commonwealth. Chris Richardson, a senior at Northside High School, placed first in the CAD-Architectural with Animation Level II competition at the Virginia TSA Leadership Conference, "Technosphere", held May 1-3, 2009 in Fairfax County. He won the regional competition prior to the state competition and will be competing at the national level in Denver, Colorado June 28 through July2, 2D09. Mr. Richardson, r~isfarr~ily, and Dr. Lorraine Lange, School Superintendent,will attend~Ehe meeting. Michael Johnson, Technology Education Coordinator for Northside High School, will also be in attendance. ~Q1p Of ~O~rCp~e CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TC} Chris Richardson for winning Fist ~~ace at the U'~~~inia Technology Student ssocia~~on 41 ~c~~r~p~e~e" conference The Virginia Technology Student association Leadership Conference, "Technos here", was held in Fai~~rfax Caunt Ma ~ ~~ throe h Ma ~~~, ~ga9. p y y g y ~ Chris Richardson, a senior at Northside High School, placed ~rirst in the CAD-~rrchitectural with P~nimation Level II competition. ~ Mr. Richardson also won the regional competition prior to the state contest and will compete at the national level in Denver, Colorado .dune 8th through July end, X009. ~ The Board of Supervisors congratulates Mr. Richardson on his outstanding accomplishments and expresses its best wishes for success in his future endeavors at Virginia Military Institute. Presented this 23rd day of Jung 2~~9 Michael UV. ~Itizer, chair an .-~ G ~ ~ Richard C, Flora ~-~~ ~- m~ Charlotte A. Moore ACTION N0. ITEM NO. C~-~-~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD ATTHE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June ~3, ~OQ9 Proclamation commemorating the 50t" Anniversary of Blue Ridge Beverage Company and proclaiming June 23, 2QQ9 as Blue Ridge Beverage Day in Roanoke County Jill Loope Assistant Director of Economic Development B. Clayton Goodman, III .. County Adm~n~strator C~UNTYADMINISTRATaR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Blue Ridge Beverage Company has been in the Roanoke Valley for l1 years and has been under the continuous leadership of the Archer family for the last 50 years. They are one of the largest wholesale beverage distributors in Virginia, distributing hundreds of the finest malt beverages, fine wines and soft drinks made in the United States and around the world. Roanoke County recognizes and appreciates the significant contributions that Blue Ridge Beverage has made to ~khe community and wishes ~khe Archer family every success in the future. Representatives from the Archer family will be present to accept the Proclamation. ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE ~3, X909 PROCLAMATIQN CGMMEM4RATING THE 50t" ANNIVERSARY of BLUE RIDGE BEVERAGE COMPANY AND PROCLAIMING JUNE 23, 2449 AS BLUE RIDGE BEVERAGE DAY IN RoANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, Blue Ridge Beverage Company opened for business in the Roanoke Valley in ~ 938; has been under the ownership of the Archer family for the last 5g years; and is one of the largest wholesale beverage distributors in Virginia, distribu~king hundreds of the finest malt beverages, fine wines and soft drinks made in the United States and around the world; and WHEREAS, Blue Ridge Beverage's Roanoke County operation began with 9 employees and has today grown to over 3~5 employees with ~4a working in the Roanoke County location; and WHEREAS, Blue Ridge Beverage operates six warehouse facilities, headquartered in Roanoke County and including Norton, Marion, Lynchburg, Waynesboro, and South Boston with more than ~~ o,gag square feet of total operational space, and services nearly 5,400 customers throughout a 49-county region in Southwest, Southside and Central Virginia; and WHEREAS, in 1959, Blue Ridge Beverage Company was acquired by the Archer family when James irll. Archer, Jr. and his wife Regine moved to the Roanoke Valley; and under the leadership of Mr. Archer, the company grew exponentially throughout the next decade, leading to the most rapid growth in the history of Blue Ridge Beverage; and WHEREAS, for the next 37 years under the guidance of Mrs. Archer and her six Page ~ of 2 children, Blue Ridge Beverage has successfully completed nine acquisitions and increased their distribution to well over l.3 million cases of beverages annually; and WHEREAS, Blue Ridge Beverage continually strives for excellence as noted by their 2007 national President's Cup award given to the top distributors in the country by the Coors Brewing Company; and has been selected a Miller Master by The Miller Brewing Company, as one of the top distributors in the country on three occasions. NC~11V, THEREFGRE, UVE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby issue this proclamation to commemorate the ~Ot" ANNIVERSARY aF THE BLUE RIDGE BEVERAGE COMPANY; and proclaim Tuesday, June 23, 2009, as BLUE RIDGE BEVERAGE DAY in Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board extends congratulations to Blue Ridge Beverage Company and the Archer farrrily for its extraordinary success, and expresses deep appreciation for the corrrpany's many contributions to the community, the local economy and our citizens, Pale 2 of 2 ACTIaN Na. fV~~ ITEM N~. -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BQARD ~F SUPERVISQRS QF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROAN4KE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE. AGENDA ITEM; SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ,dune 23, 2009 Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget and the fiscal year 2009-2010 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2501, Code of Virginia Brent Robertson Director, Management and Budget B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator CaUNTYADMiNISTRAT~R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INF4RMAT14N: This is a public hearing to securecitizen's comments concerning amending thefiscalyear 2008-2009 budget by adjusting the aggregate amount to be appropriated during the fiscal year. Section 15,2-2501 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that whenever such amendment exceeds 1 percent of the total expenditures shown in the adopted budget or $500,000, whichever is lesser, the County must publish notice of a meeting and public hearing. Thenotice mi~ststate~rheCounty's intenttoamendthebudgetand includeabrief synopsis of the proposed budget amendment4s~. This notice was published on June 16, 2009. 1. Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $1,422,424 for fiscal year 2008-2009 to the Department of Social Services for provided services 2. Request to accept and appropriate additional state revenues in fhe amount of $115,000 to the Sheriff's Gffice for fiscal year 2008-2009 budget for state funded operating reimbursements Page 1 of ~ 3. Request to accept and appropriate $34,800 from the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority for training provided by the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy for fiscal year 2008-2009; and approving the budget of $202,354 forthe Training Academy far fiscal year 2009-2010 4, Request to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $1,803,853 to Roanoke County Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010 FISCAL IMPACT: There is nofiscal impact as a resultof the public hearing, Requestsfortheappropria~l:ions will occur later on this agenda. STAFF RECaMMENDATIaN: It is recommended that the Board hall the required public hearing. Board aci:ion appropriating funds, as provided in this notice, will occur later during this meeting. Page ~ of 2 AT ACTION N0. ITEM NO. ~=` A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOf~E COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $1,422,424 for fiscal year 2008-2009 to the Department of Social Services for provided services Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget B. Clayton Goodman, III ~_ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Department of Social Services receives, throughoutthe year, additional appropriations far public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available $126,OOa in Federal IV-E funds for foster children; $300,000 Special Needs Adoption; $100,000 far Auxiliary Grants; $81,000 for administration; $300,000 TANFIVIEW work and transitional child care; $99,036 for Non-View child care; $9,500 Head Start child care; $'100,000 Adoption Subsidy; $1,563 Adoption Incentive; $20,000 Adult Services; $32,625 Independent Living; $300 Respite Care; $26,400 Foster Care Resource and Training; $130,000 Child Care Block Grant; and $90,000 VIEUV purchase of service. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $1,422,424 to ~~he fiscal year 2008-2009 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. FISCAL IMPACT: Na fiscal impact. Any local required match is currently in the budget. Page ~ of ~ STAFF RECaMMENDATI~N: Staff recommends appropriation of $1,422,424 to the fiscal year 2005-2009 Social Services budget to be distributed in the fallowing manner: $126,000 tar AFDC -Foster Care; $300,000 Special Needs Adoption; $100,000 Auxiliary Grants; $87,000 for adn~~inistration; $300,000 TANFIVIEVIJ tiNork and Transitional Child Care; $99,036 Non- VIE11v child care; $9,500 Nead Start child care; $100,000 Adaption Subsidy; $1,563 Adoption Incentive; $20,000 Adult Services; $32,625 Independent Living; $300 Respite Care; $26,400 Foster Care Resource and Training; $130,000 Child Care Block Grant; and $90,000 VIEV11 purchase of service and to appropriate same revenues ~fram the state, Page 2 of ~ ACTION NO. I"fEM NO. ~_- ~ ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, 11lRGIN1AHELD ATTHE ROANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE1'iNG DATE: June 23, 2409 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPRC}VED BY; Request to accept and appropriate additional state revenues in the amount of $175,4aQ to the Sheriff's office for fiscal year 2008-2009bi~dget forstatefunded operating reimbursements Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINIS'TRATOR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY OF iNF~RMATION: During fiscal year 2008-2449, as in previous years, the inmate population at tl~e Roanoke County jail has remained above capacity. As a result, operational costs such as outsourcing inmates to other facilities, foal, utilities, medical costs, etc. continue to consume a substantial porkion of the jail's budget. Due to the inmate population, the Sheriff is projecting expenditures related to inmate care to exceed original budget allocations by $715,000 for fiscal year 2008-2009. The major driver of these increased costs is the outsourcing of prisoners and the switch to the 1lvestern 1lirginia Regional Jail Authority. (Forcomparativepurposgis, the year-end adjustment approved bythe Board for fiscal year 2441-2008 was $544,400. Roanoke County is reimbursed by the state for salaries, mileage, office expenses, and far housing state prisoners. The reimbursement for state responsible inmates varies between a rate of $6 and $8 per day. In addition, the City of Salem reimburses the County far housing its prisoners on a per diem basis. State reimbursement for commonwealthrgisponsible prisoners is subjectto state prisoner population, general assembly appropriations, and political factors, variables difficult to consider in revenue projections. Page 1 of 2 During previousfiscal years, state revenue receipts have exceeded the conservativestate budget projections by an amount that would cover increased jail expenditures caused by higher than normal inmate populations. Based on the revenue estimates versus the projected revenues anticipated to be collected from the state forthe Sheriff's Department for fiscal year 2008-2009, revenues in excess of budget for these categories should total approximately $350,000. In addition, rein~ibursement revenue by the City of Salem for city- responsible prisoners in the jail is projected to exceed budget projections by $425,000, wriich is related to Salem's reimbursement for prisoner per diems and their share of on- going renovations to the existing Roanoke County-Salem jail. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact--100 percent state funds and contractual reimbursements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends an appropriation adjustment to recognize an additional $715,000 of revenue far fiscal year 2008-2009 for personnel and operations reimbursement and increasing the fiscal year 2008-2009 Sheriff's Department budget by $715,000 to cover increased operational casts of the jail caused by increased inmate population, staffing requirements, aid capital reimbursements. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ~: _ ~~ ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEE`f ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIONCFNTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMIT'f"ED BY: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Request to accept and appropriate $34,8x0 from the UVestern Virginia Regional Jail Authority for training provided by the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy for fiscal year ZooB-2009; and approving the budget of $202,354 for the Training Academy for fiscal year 2009-20~ 0 James R. Lavinder, Chief of Police Jahn M, Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator B. Clayton Goodman III .~~, ^ County Administrator !7'~-~° COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In September 20x1, the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy ~RCCJA~ was established after meeting the administrative and training requirements established by Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Since that time, the Academy has operated by funds provided by the Police Department. The scope of training operations rapidly expanded to include personnel from the Roanoke County Sheriffs Office and Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority. To ensure that the students are afforded the necessary resources and access to professional training aids, the academy is establishing a fee structure and budget for participants to offset the operational costs. Fees established will be competitive with other criminal justice training academies and will be evaluated and assessed annually. In addition, the Academy will periodically conduct programs utilizing the expertise of paid private contractors in support of their educational efforts. A portion of the cost for providing these specialized services will be the responsibility of the attendee. The participant fees which may be levied by sponsoring these programs and generated by providing these services are requested to be returned to the academy to offset those training expenditures. Page 1 of Z The RCCJA seeks to extend training opportunities to sworn personnel frarn outside criminal justice agencies. Participants from outside agencies woN~ld be billed on a er p participant basis depending upon the training provided and casts incurred to conduct the training. Revenues and expenditures of the RCCJA will be accounted for in a new fund in the general fund. At the end of each fiscal year, staff requests excess revenues in this fund be carried over 1 DD% to the RCCJA. Allowing the RCCJA to retain this revenue will help fund future training programs, offset operational expenditures, and address small capital needs. The Western Virginia Regional Jail has made a payment of $34,800 to the County for the training of its initial staff and it is requested that this payment be accepted by the County and appropriated to the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy to offset the costs incurred during the fiscal year 2008-2009. As a second item, staff requests that you approve the attached budget and appropriate monies related to theCrirr~inal JusticeAcademyforfiscalyear2009-2D1D inthe amountof $2D2,354. The receipts far this budget will come as transfers from the Roanoke County Police Department and Roanoke County Sheriff budgets; payments by the Western Virginia Regional Jail; and fees paid by any other using agency who participate in the Academy training classes or in-service style training. No new County monies are required for this effort. FISCAL IMPACT: Receive and appropriate $34,804 forthe Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy for fiscal year 2DD8-2DQ9, Approve the budget and appropriate $242,354 for the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy forfiscal year2D09-2D~D. STAFF RECQMMENDATI~N: Staff recommends the following: 1. Authorize staff to establish a new fund to account for the revenue and expenditures of the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy. 2. Accept the payment from ~khe Western Virginia Regional Jail in the amount of $34,84D and appropriate to the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy forfiscal year 2D08-20D9. 3. Approve the budget and appropriate the same on behalf of the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy in the amount of $2D2,354 for fiscal year 2009-2D~ 0. 4. Authorize staff to accept and appropriate all future payments from other criminal justice agency parkicipants to the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy to offset operational and training expenses incurred by the Academy. Page ~ of 2 Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy Budget for FY 2009 - 10 REVENUES Total Local Revenues $ 202,354 EXPENDITURES Persannel Costs Salaries Overtime FICA Retirement-VRS Deferred Comp Health Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance -VRS Long Term Disability Short Term Disability Cash in Flex Leave Plan Total Persannel Costs Operating Costs Professional Services Software Support Printed Farms Lease-Rent Equipment Travel Training Dues Office Supplies Small Equipment Copy Paper Evidence Supplies Uniforms Books Code Books Total operating Costs Total Expenditure Budget $ 86,741 6, 515 12,169 1,520 11,143 601 980 235 1, 668 121.972 2 5,100 3,250 1,700 5,000 4,400 5,750 soo 3, ~ 00 1$,350 7,000 z,ooo 1,540 2,13 2 zoo 5 ~U.3~Z $ 202,354 ACTION NO. ITEM NO, ~*r,~.,t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANQKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY; June 23, 2009 Resolution determining that Appalachian Power Company is the onlysource practicably availableto provide electricservice and street lighting service to the County and approving the contracts forsuch services upon certain terms and conditions Anne Marie Green Director of General Services B. Clayton Goodman, lil County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATaR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARYOF INFaRMATION: Roanoke County participates in a VMLIVACo steering committee which negotiates with Appalachian Power Company (APCo} for electric power. The comrr~ittee, which is made up of the Public Authorities (local governments, school systems, and entities such as the Western Virginia Water Authority} served by APCo, is represented by the Richmond law firm of Williams Mullen, and also hired a consultant to assist with negotiating a new contract for electric service and street lights. The contract is now ready for approval and will go into effect on July ~, 2009 for a period of three years. The pertinent terms of the contract are as follows: ~. The rates for the Public Authorities will parallel rates approved by the State Corporation Commission (SCC} for regulated customers. If the SCC approves increases to those rates, such as for fuel factors or environmental and reliability improvements, the Public Authorities' rates wi11 also increase by that amount. 2. The Public Authorities wi11 receive a "surcredit" of $1.5 million in year one, $1.75 million in year two, and $2,0 million in year three (totaling $5.25 million for the life of the contract, which will be based on usage, and applied to the bills. Page ~ of 2 3. APCa will install meters to measure the Public Authorities' loads, and will use that information to negotiate a new contract at the end of the three years, wr~ich will be based on the actual cost of providing service, 4. According to the Committee's consultant, the public authorities have been receiving a veryfavorable rate on street lighting, so the contract ca11s far an annual $00,000 aggregate increase in those rates far the three years. 5. APCo has also agreed to develop a Voluntary Energy Efficiency Program far the Public Authorities, and will contribute a total of $450,000 to fund the program, which will be developed by the Steering Committee. 6. In addition to the terms of the contract, APCo has also agreed to a new contract for service with the Western Virginia Water Authority for the cost of electricity to Spring Ha11aw Reservoir. F 15CAL f M PACT; The fiscal impact depends on the amount of electricity used by the County. General Services is in the process of implementing a performance contract for reduction of usage of all utilities and anticipates that at least in the short run, the impact of increases in rates of electricity will be small, The increase of $~ D0,000 for street lighting is spread across all the public authorities, and should have a minimal impact on the County budgetforthat service. STAFF RE~aMMENDATI~N: Staff recarr~mends that the Board approve the attached resolution and authorize the County Administrator to sign the negotiated contract wi~kh APCa for a three year period beginning July ~, 2009. The contract isthe product of extensive and prolonged negotiation among the entities and has been approved by the energy consultant and counsel forthe Steering Committee. Paae ~ of 2 AT A REGULAR NIEETING GF THE BGARa OF SUPERVISGRS OF RQANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER GN TUESDAY, JUNE ~3, 200g RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT APPALACHIAN PO~fER CaMPANY IS THE aNLY SOURCE PRACTICABLY AVAILABLE TQ PROVIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE AND STREET LIGHTING SERVICE T4 THE COUNTY AND APPROVING THE CGNTRACTS FOR SUCH SERVICES UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITiQNS WHEREAS, the VMLNACo APCo Steering Committee (Committee) comprised of representatives of local governments and political subdivisions has for many years negotiated on behalf of such governmental units within the service area of Appalachian Power Company (sometimes dba American Electric Power) (APCo) the terms of standard contract forms which have included rates for the purchase of elec~kricity supply and delivery service and for the installation, maintenance and delivery service for street lights by and for such governmental units from APCo as a single or sale source provider; and VIIHEREAS, the County's most recent contract for the purchase of electricity supply and for street lighting service will terminate on June 3g, 2D09; and VIlHEREAS, the Committee has recommended that all jurisdictions in the APCo service area approve and adopt these electricity service contracts at the rates and subject to the conditions all as set forth in the negotiated agreement; and UVHEREAS, in consideration whereof, APCo is the only source practicably available which can and will supply electricity service and delivery thereof and to supply street lighting service far the entire needs of the County at established rates for such services. Page ~ of 2 NOVU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. Since APCo is the only electricity generation provider which can and will contract to supply electricity service and delivery and to supply street lighting service to the County for the entire needs of the County at established rates for such service for a three year term commencing July 1, 2009, it is hereby determined by this Board that APCo is the only source practicably available to provide such services. 2. This Board accepts the offer of APCo for a contract for electric service and for street lighting service for a three year term commencing July 1, 2009. 3. The County Administrator and the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, and deliver on behalf of this Board, in form approved by the County Attorney, all documents and take such actions as shall be deemed necessary and appropriate to carry out and administerthis approval. 4. In compliance with Section 2.2-4303.E of the Code of Virginia governing sole source procurement, the County's Purchasing Agent is hereby directed this day to post a certified copy of this resolution in the County's public area for posting such notices. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. .~ ITEM NO. ~ ~ ~-a:;p AT A REGULAR MEEI~ING OF THE BOARD QF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June ~3, X009 Resolution approving an agreement between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke for shared use and maintenance of the open recreational land at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC} Mark Courtright Assistant Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism B. Clayton Goodman, III .~~_ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The City of Roanoke has entered into an agreement with ~rhe Veterans Affairs Medical Center VAMC} of Salem to utilize 6.5 acres of open recreation land for its youth sports program. Roanoke City's five year agreement with VAMC began July 1, 2008, with actual use of the complex permitted each year from July 1-~ December 31. Roanoke County had proposed to be part of this agreement with VAMC and the City of Roanoke, but in this instance federal regulations do not allow non-adjacent property owners to lease property from the government. In order for Roanoke County teams to access this facility the attached agreement between the City and County is required. The City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke recognize the demand for playing fields in the Roanoke Valley, and the challenge to maintain safe, playable surfaces. This agreement will allow Roanoke County to schedule recreational practices etc. on t~~is site, therefore minimizing wear and tear on Roanoke County fields. Additionally, local travel clubs will be permitted to rent the VAMC fields through Roanoke City Parks and Recreation, which also reduces play on city and county fields. Revenues generated through these rentalswill be used tofundtheshared maintenance program as outlined in the agreement. Page ~ of ~ Wefeel this partnership creates awin-win situation forall porkies, especiallythe citizensas ~fhis will help provide additional and much needed safe, playable athletic fields. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal irr~pact. Roanoke City will purchase ali materials and fund the necessary contracts to maintain and operate the facility. Remaining revenues will then be spilt between the city and county to reimburse staff time spent to maintain the complex. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1. Approve the Agreement between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County for Shared Use and Maintenance of the open Recreational Land at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center Alternative 2. Do not approve the Agreement between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County for Shared Use and Maintenance of the open Recreational Land at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center STAFF REC~MMENDA'~ION: Staff recommends Alternative 1, Approval of the Agreement between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County for Shared Use and Maintenance of the open Recreational Land at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING FOTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE ~3, X009 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR SHARED USE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE OPEN RECREATIONAL LAND AT THE VETERANS AFFAIRS MEDICAL CENTER {VAMC) WHEREAS, the Veterans Affairs Medical Center VAMC} in Salem, Virginia owns fi,5 acres of open recreation land on its premises which it desires to make available for recreational use by citizens of the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, federal regulations require that any lease of such federal property must be with a locality which is immediately adjacent to the federal facility involved; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke has entered into a lease agreement with VAMC far the use of this G.5 acres for recreational purposes and wishes to partner with Roanoke County for the use of this land for scheduled practices and associated maintenance of said land; and WHEREAS, an agreement has been negotiated between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County which will permit the County to schedule recreational practices an the VAMC fields and thereby reduce wear and tear on existing Countyfields and; and WHEREAS, any revenues generated from rental of the VAMC field's will be utilized to fund shared maintenance costs at tr~is location with no anticipated fiscal in~ipact to the operations of the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. NOIN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, asfollaws: Page 1 of 2 1. That the negotiated Agreement between the city of Roanoke and Roanoke County for Shared Use and Maintenance of the Qpen Recreational Land at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center ~VAMC}, located in Salem, Virginia, is hereby approved.. 2. That the Director of Roanoke County Deparkment of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is hereby authorized to execute such agreement on behalf of Roanoke County upon such form as shall be approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this Resolution and the Agreement shall became effective from and after July 1, 2009. Page ~ of 2 ACl"ION NO. ITEM NO. ~_-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AG EN DA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Resolution granting a waiver to The Freedom Center under Section 13-23 of the Roanoke County Code to the provisions of the County's noise ordinance, Article ll. Noiseof Chapter13: Offenses - rriiscellaneous Pete Haislip, Director Parks, Recreation and Tourism Wendi Schultz, CFE B. Clayton Goodman, III.~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'SCGMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Freedom Center, anon-denominational Church in Salem, VA will be holding a free public event in Green Hill Park an July 4, 2009. This celebration is to be a traditional July Fourth celebration. (twill open at4:00 p.m, and closewith a~fireworksdisplayat9:45 p.m. Throughoutthe evening there will be a wide variety of activities, music, faod, crafts vendors and other special attractions forthe public to enjoy. Aspecial area will also host activities especially for children. VIle anticipate a highly successful and enjoyable event. The organizers of the event, Randall and Donnette Spence, who are also pastors of this ch~~irch, have requested a waiver to the County's noise ordinance. They are requesting this waiver in the event the program does not run on schedule and that the fireworks are delayed beyond the 10:00 p.m. time frame. Every effort will be made to ensure that all activities run on schedule; however, in the eventof inclementweatherwhichwould cause a delay in some performances, a waiver is requested. Organizers of the event want to adhere to all County ordinances and park rules, but also want to ensure that the fireworks will not be curtailed. Staff determined it was best to bring this request forward to the Board far a waiver. Consequently, in order to accommodate the unlikely change in schedule, organizers are requesting a waiver of the County noise ordinance for one hour from 1 D:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.rn., on Saturday July 4, 2000, Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECaMMENDATI~N: Staff recommendsthatthe Board approve a resolution granting awaiver underSection 13- 23 ofthe Roanoke County Code to ~khe provisions of the County's noise ordinance, Article 11. Noise of Chapter 13: offenses -Miscellaneous of the Roanoke County Code. Page 2 of 2 ATA REGULAR MEETING FOTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOI~E COUNTY ADNIINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2009 RESOLUTION GRAN~'ING A WAIVER TO THE FREEDOM CENTER UNDER SECTION ~3-23 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE COUNTY'S NOISE ORDINANCE, ARTICLE II. NOISE OF CHAPTER ~ 3.OFFENSES - MlSCELLANEa~1S WHEREAS, The Freedom Center, anon-denominational church located in Salem, VA, will be holding a free public event on Sat~~rday, July 4, 2009, beginning at 4:00 p.m. and closing with a fireworks display at 9:45 p.m. in Green Hill Park; the event will include a variety of activities, music, food and crafts vendors; and WHEREAS, in order to accommodate the advertised time frame and any possible delays due to weather for this event and the fireworks display, The Freedom Center is requesting a waiver of the County noise ordinance for one hour from 10:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m., on Saturday, July 4, 2009; and VIIHEREAS, Section 13-23 of the Roanoke County Code establishes certain standards for the Board of Supervisors to grant waivers from the provision of the Roanoke County Naise Ordinance to avoid undue hardship upon consideration of certain factors set forth in sub-section (b) of Section 13-23 and after making certain alternative findings. N011~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the provisions of Section 13-21. Specific acts as noise, sub-section (5) and Section 13-20. General prohibition of Article II. Noise be WAIVED for a period of one (1) hour until 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 4, 2009. Page 1 of ~ 2. That this Waiver is granted specifically to The Freedom Center for any noise disturbance created as a result of the event and fire~rorks display from 4:DO p.m. until 11:00 p.m. in Green Hill Park on Saturday, July 4, 2009. Page 2 of 2 AC1-ION N0. ITEM NO. j -- C AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Second reading and adoption of an ordinance authorizing execution of an agreement and the donation by lease of office space in the Roanoke County Public Service Center to the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission Pete Haislip Director Parks, Recreation & Tourism B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S GOMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: When the position of Roanoke Valley Greenway Coordinator was established in ~ 996, the Greenway Commission office was initially housed at the Fifth Planning District Commission know the Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Cornrr~ission}. In June 1997, Roanoke County offered to house the Greenway Coordinator at the Roanoke County Administration Center~RCAC}, The Greenway Commission accepted this offer, and theofficewas moved to the RCAC in Qctober 1991 underathree-year agreement, which was renewed in 2000 for an additional three-year term and in 2004 for an additional five-year term. In November 2005 the space for the Greenway Commission was re-assigned to the Parks Department in the Public Service Center, 1206 Kessler Mill Road. Per the attached agreement, ~~he County serves asfiscal agent and provides office space, computer, desk, and atelephone. The Greenway Commission pays all direct bills for additional furniture, copying, telephone service, supplies, and mail. The Greenway Commission requests ~khe renewal of this agreement in order to continue housing the Greenway Commission office in Roanoke County. Rather than an expiration date, ~~he agreement can be cancelled by either party with two months notice. Page ~ of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: All direct bills, salaries, and fringe benefits are paid out of the Greenway Commission budget. The County absorbs the cost of the office space, utilities, janitorial service, and fiscal reports. ALTERNATfVES: ~ . Approve the second reading and adopt the ordinance to renew the agreement to provide office space to the Greenway. 2. Do notadoptthe ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative#1; adoptthe ordinance renewing the agreementto provide office space to the Greenway Commission. Page 2 of 2 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~St day of July 2009, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, thereinafter referred to as "County"} and the ROANOKE VALLEY GREENVIlAY COMMISSION thereinafter referred to as "commission"}. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. County agrees to serve as fiscal agent for the Commission, to receive and expend funds, and to keep appropriate records. The County shall not be responsible for the preparation of grant applications or reports on behalf of the Commission. ~. County agrees to provide payroll and other employee services and benefits for the Commission staff consistent with County policies applicable to County employees, except the provisions of the grievance procedure shall not be available to the members and employees of the Commission. 3. County agrees to provide procurement services for the Commission consistent with County code and policies. 4. County agrees to provide a minimal level of clerical staff support, as available, for the Commission, recognizing that volunteers wi11 be used when possible. 5. County agrees to allow the Commission to use property owned by County, including approximately 200 square feet of office space located at ~khe Roanoke County Public Service Center, 1206 Kessler Mill Road, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. The County in its sole discretion 1 reserves the right to provide alternative office space in any other County facility upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Commission. 6, County agrees to provide basic office furniture, a computer, and a telephone instrument. 7. This agreement may be canceled or terminated by either party upon two- (2) month's notice in writing or any date that may be mutually agreed upon, 8. County will maintain the property described in paragraph 5, above, and provide janitorial services similar to the quality and level of services provided to other, similar County facilities. 9. Commission has examined and knows the condition of the premises and has received same in good order and repair, and that no representation as to the condition or repair thereof has been made by the County prior to or at the execution of this agreement that are not expressed herein. The premises shall be returned to County at the expiration of this agreement in such good condition and state of repair, ordinary wear and tear allowed for. Commission shall be responsible for the safety and security of the leased premises. In an emergency it shall be the responsibility of ~~he Commission to notify either the Roanoke County Police Department or the Roanoke County Department of General Services, as appropriate. 14, During the term of this agreement, County will provide and pay for all utilities water, sewer, electric, and solid waste services} which may be necessary to the Commission for the reasonable and proper use and enjoyn7ent of the premises by the Commission. In addition, the County shall allow the Commission to use Z conference rooms and meeting facilities and storage space for equipment and files on the premises on a space available basis. Commission may use Co~~inty office equipment, such as copiers, fax machines, telephones and other office support equipment, if temporarily available and not required for any governmental purposes. The availability of conference rooms, meeting facilities or office equipment is solely within the discretion of the County. Commission shall be responsible for its postage, office supplies, copier charges, Internet access charges, and the total cost of its telephone billings and charges. ~1. This agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and may not be n~odified or changed except by written instrument executed by the parties. 12. This agreement shall not be assigned by the Commission without the express, written approval of the Co~~nty. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: By ROANOKE COUNTY GREENUVAY COMMISSION James B. Lee- Chairman BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY B. Clayton Goodman, III -County Administrator By 3 Approved as to form: Paul Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney State of Virginia County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was 2009, by James B, Greenway Commission acknowledged before me this day of Lee, Chairman, on behalf of the Roanoke Valley Notary Public My commission expires: State of Virginia, County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before nee triis day of 200, by B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Notary Public My commission expires: Approved by ordinance on June 23, 2000 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTIQN OF AN AGREEMENT AND THE DONA'f ION BY LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER TO THE ROANOKE VALLEY GREENWAY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Grdinance 940897-5 authorized execution of an intergovernmental agreement establishing the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission between the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the County of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton pursuant to Section 15.1-21 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as an~ended; and WHEREAS, Section 15.E-1300 F, successor to Section 15.1-21, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, provides authority for any political subdivision entering into such an agreement pursuant to this State Code section to "sell, lease, give or otherwise supply ... such property, personnel or services therefore as may be within its legal power tofurr~ish" to this intergovernmental commission; and WHEREAS, the Greenway Coordinator has been housed at the Roanoke County Administration Center since Goober, 1991, under successive lease agreements, the most recent of which was agreed upon in 2004 for a term of five (5) years; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec~kion 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the Board of Supervisors has determined that certain office space in the Roanoke County Public Service Center is now temporarily surplus and available for other public uses, and that the dona~l;ion by lease of this office space to the Commission will serve other public uses; and Page 1 of 2 VIIHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to continue its relationship with the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission and to retain the flexibility to move the Commission's office space to other county owned buildings should the need arise; and VIIHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on June 9, ~oD9; and the second reading was held on June 23, X009. BE lT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it is in the County's best interests to enter into an agreement to document the working relationship between the County and the Commission and to provide for the donation by lease of office space to the Commission in the Roanoke County Public Service Center or other appropriate location in county owned buildings should circumstances require. Z. That the County Administrator is authorized to negotiate and to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page ~ of ~ ACTION N0. ~r~~~ ITEM N 0. ~ ~ t ~~~~- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE; June 23, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATQR'S CQMMENTS: SUMMARY QF INFQRMATIQN: 1. Clean Valley Council The two-year term of Dennis "Chip" Harris will expire on June 30, 2409. As requested by Chairman Altizer at the May 12, 2009 meeting, Mr. Harris was contacted to determine his willingness to serve additional terms. Mr. Harris has declined re- appointment. ~. Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board Upon the retirement of John M. Chambliss, Llr., Assistant County Administrator, the County Administrator, B. Clayton Goodman, III, recommends the appointment of Dan O'Donnell as his replacement. See additional Board report. 3. League of Older Americans Board of Directors (Appointed by LOA and ratified by the County) The League of Older Americans Board of Directors has requested ~khat the Board of Supervisors ratify the appointment of Pamela Bernado to serve athree-year term that will expire on March 31, 2011. Rati~fica~l:ion ofthis appointment has been placed on the consent agenda. Page ~ of 3 4. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board (appointed by District) The three-year term of Deborah George, Hollins Magisterial District, will expire on June 30, 2009. The Board has been notified that Ms. George is moving from the district. 5. Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection {RCACP} Upon the retirement of John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator, the County Administrator, B. Clayton Goodman, III, recommends the appointment of Donna Furrow as his replacement. See additional Board report. 6. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by District) Supervisor Moore appointed Gene Marrano to represent the Cave Spring Magisterial District. Gonfirmation of this appointment has been placed on the consent agenda. 7. Roanoke County Community Policy and Management Team Upon the retirement of Jahn M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator, the County Administrator, B, Glayton Goodman, III, recommends the appointment of Dan O'Donnell as Administrative Representative and Diane Hyatt as the alternate. See additional Board report. 8. Roanoke Valley Juvenile Detention Commission Upon the retirement of John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator, the County Administrator, B. Clayton Goodman, III, recommends the appointment of Dan O'Donnell as his replacement. See additional Board report. 9. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority l~pon ~khe retirement of Jahn M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator, the County Administrator, B. Clayton Goodman, III, recommends the appointment of Rebecca Owens as Diane Hyatt's replacement, See additional Board report. 10. Social Services Advisory Board (appointed by District) The four-year terms of Natalie Norris, Cave Spring Magisterial District, and Dorotl~y Hayes, Hollins Magisterial District, will expire on July 31, 2009. As requested by Supervisor Flora at the June 9, 2009 meeting, Dorothy Hayes was contacted and has expressed her willingness to serve an additional term. Confirmation of the re-appointment has been placed on the consent agenda. Page Z of 3 11.Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority Upon the retirement of John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator, the County Administrator, B. Clayton Goodman, Ill, recommends the appointment of Diane Hyatt as the Administrative Representative and B. Clayton Goodman, III as alternate. See additional Board report. Page 3 of 3 ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS QF RGANaKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM; APPROVED BY: June 23, X009 Appointment of Representative to the Court Community Corrections Pragram Regional Community Criminal Justice Board B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator CGUNTYADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INF~RMAI'IaN: The Court Community Corrections Office serves the 23r~ and 25t"judicial districts and has two advisory boards to review policy matters, grant programs, recommendations for facilities, and other matters of concern before the judicial community. Sheriff Holt by virtue of his office works with the Regional Community Criminal Justice Board and Police Chief Ray Lavinder serves an the Regional Alcohol Safety Action Pragram ~ASAP~ Policy Board. John Chambliss was appointed to be Roanoke County's representative to the Community Criminal Justice Board as well as a representative from Roanoke County. 11Vith John's retirement as Asst. County Administrator, I recommend appointing Dan Q'Dor~nell, Asst. County Administrator as the Roanoke County member of this Advisory Board for the remainder of the term which expires June 3g, 20~ g. Dan has agreed to this appointment and if you concur, this item can be placed on the consent agenda today for approval. STAFF RECaMMENDATI~N: 1 recommend appointing Dan G'Dannell as the Roanoke County representative of the Community Criminal Justice Board of the Gffice of Court Community Corrections for the balance of the term wl~iich expires June 3D, ~~1 a. If you concur, this matter may be added to the consent agenda today for approval. ACTION N0. ~~ a 4~' ITEM N0. ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: June 23, ~Da9 Appointment of Representative to the Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection (RCACP) B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator ~C~UNTYADMINISTRAT~R"S ~~MMENTS: SUMMARY OF INF4RMATI~N: The Regional Center for Anirnal Control and Protection (RCACP} was formed to oversee the municipal pound facilities for the City of Roanoke, Botetourt County, Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke. During the ~ 980's, the localities contracted with the Roanoke Valley SPCA to operate the pound facility on behalf of the localities. When the new facilities for the SPCA were constructed, the SPCA side of the facility was established to serve for adoption of animals, education, and advocacy. The second part of the building builton the SPCA property isthe municipal pound facility named the Regional Centerfor Animal Controland Protection. Aseparatesub-group fromthe SPCAnarned Animal Care Services Inc. provides the staff to operate the pound on behalf of tl~e localities and the oversight of ACS is provided by an Advisory Board with representation from the participating localities and ~khe SPCABoard of Directors. ThisBoard approvesthe hiring of the Executive Director and helps provide the operating policies for daily operations, working very closely wi~lh the staff of the SPCA shelter, John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, has served on this advisory board since its inception and helped with the planning, financing, construction, and opening of the regional pound facility. With John's retirement as Assistant County Administrator, I recommend appointing Donna Furrow, Assistant Chief of Police for the Roanoke County Police Department as ~khe Roanoke County member of ~kf^iis Advisory Board. This position an the Board does not have a term limit. Donna has agreed to this appointment and if you concur, this item can be placed on the consent agenda todayforapproval. STAFF REG~MMENDATI4N: I recommend appointing Donna Furrow as the Roanoke County representative on the Advisory Board for the Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection. If you concur, this matter may be added to the consent agenda today for approval. ACTION N0. ~` ' ITEM N0. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINfSTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2a0g Appointment of the Administrative Member to the Roanoke County Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT) B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator C4UNTYADMINISTRATQR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY QF INFQRMATION: The Community Policy and Management Team CPMT} is a rr~ul~:i-disciplinary team comprised of ~khe Director of several core agencies or departments School, Social Services, Health, Community Services Board, Court Service Ur~it~; representa~l:ive from a public or private provider of services to youth; a parent advocate; and a representative from the administrative function of government, In Roanoke County, we have also add representation from Finance, County Attorney's Office and Police. John Chambliss has served as our representative for Administration. 1Nith his retirement as Asst. County Administrator, I recon~imend appointing Dan O'Donnel, Asst. Co~~nty Administrator as the administrative member and Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer as the alternate. This position on the committee is based on position or function of government and is not for a specific term. Dan has agreed to this appointment and if you concur, this item can be placed on the consent agenda today for approval. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: l recommend appointing Dan O'Donnell as the administrative representative and Diane Hyatt as the alternate to the CPMT. If you concur, tr~is matter may be added to the consent agenda todayfor approval. ACTIN No, ITEM NO. ~ - ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: 'AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY. June ~3, ~OO9 Appointment of Representative to the Roanoke Valley Juvenile Detention Commission B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMATION: The RoanokeValley Juvenile Dete~~tion Commission Was formed to oversee the Juvenile Detention Center at Coyner Springs. The member agencies of this Commission are the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, Franklin County, Boteto~~~rt County and Roanoke County. This Commission is the governing body of the regional Juvenile Detention Center and is responsible for creation of the budget, policy, appointment of the Superintendent, and oversightof the operations. Duringthe planning, construction, organizal:ion and operation of this project, John Chambliss served as the appointment for Roanoke County. VIlith John's retirement as Asst. County Administrator, 1 recommend appointing Dan O'Donnell, Asst. County Administrator as the Roanoke County member of this Commission. This position on the Commission does not have a term limit. Dan has agreed to this appointment and if you concur, this item can be placed on the consent agenda todayfor approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I recommend appointing Dan O'Donnell as the Roanoke County representative of the Roanoke Valley Juvenile Detention Comrr~ission. If you concur, this matter may be added to the consent agenda today for approval. ac~rioN No. ITEM NO. ~ `~ j AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2409 Appointment of Representative to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority B. Clayton Goodman, III Co~~inty Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF iNF~RMATIaN: The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Board (RVRA) is comprised of four representatives from Roanoke County, two representatives from Roanoke City and one representative from the Town of Vinton. The County of Roanoke representatives are currently Diane Hyatt (term expires 12-31-10), Anne Marie Green (term expires 12-31-11), Keith Tenson (term expires 12-31-09) and Suzie Snyder (term expires 12-31-09). Currently Anne Marie Green serves as Chairman of the RVRA and Diane Hyatt serves as Treasurer. Vllith the reassignment of duties due to the retirement of John Chambliss as Assistant County Administrator, I recommend appointing Rebecca Owens to fill the unexpired term of Diane Hyatt. Rebecca has agreed to this appointment and if you concur, this item can be placed on the consent agenda today far approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I recommend appointing Rebecca Owens to replace Diane Hyatt, effec~kive August 1, 2809, as the County representative on ~~he RVRA for the remainder of the term which ends December 31, 2810. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ -' ~ f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA I'~EM: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Appointment of Representative to the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator C~UNTYADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority is comprised of 3 representatives and an alternate for each from each of the four member jurisdictions Franklin County, Montgomery County, Roanoke County, and City of Salem}. The representatives are the Sheriff, a member of the Board of Supervisors City Council} and senior administrator. This Authority is the governing body of the regional jail and is responsible for creation of the budget, policy, appointment of the Superintendent, and oversight of the operations. During the planning, construction, and organization ofthis project, John Chamblissserved as the administrative appointment for Roanoke Co~„inty. Wi~~h John's retirement as Asst. County Adrr~ir~istrator, I recommend appointing Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer as the administrative member and Clay Goodman, County Administrator as the alternate. This position on the committee is based on position ar function of government and is for a term expiring December 31 of each year. Diane already serves as John's alternate and has been elected Treasurer. Diane has agreed to this appointment and if you concur, this item can be placed on the consent agenda today for approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I recommend appointing Diane Hyatt as the administrative representative and Clay Goodman as the alternate to the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority for the balance of the term which ends December 31, 2009. If you concur, this matter maybe added to the consent agenda todayfor approval. i ~ + ~.~..i ~~ ,.,.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RGANOKE CaUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RDANGKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER GN TUESDAY, JUNE 23, ~g09 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM H -~CONSENTAGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, VErginia, as follows: Thatthe certain section of the agenda of the Board of SupervisorsforJune~3, 2009 designated as Item H -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forte in said section designated Items ~ through 4 inclusive, as follows: 1, Confirmation of committee appointments 2. Request to accept and appropriate grant funds in .the amount of $1,83,853 to Roanoke County Schools for fiscal year~DQ9-214 3. Request to approve an application for an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Federal Grant 4. Request to grant the Roanoke County Chief of Police authorization to enter into an agreement with the Town of Vinton Police Department allowing utilization of the Roanoke County Police Deparkment's Virtual Private Network ~VPN} infrastructure That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. ACTION N0. "f EM NO. ~ ~ ~~- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPRGVED BY: June ~3, 2009 Confirmation of committee appointments to the Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board; League of Older Americans Board of Directors; Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection ~RCACP}; Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable SRC-CLEAR}; Roanoke County Garrirriunity Policy and Management Team; Raanake Valley Juvenile Detention Commission; Roanoke Valley Resource Authority; Social Services Advisory Board; and Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman, III .g~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION; ~. Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board It was the consensus of the Board to appoint Dan O'Donnell to replace John M. Chambliss, Jr. Confirma~l:ion was placed on the consent agenda. ~. League of Older Americans Board of Directors Appointed by LOA and ratified by the County The League of Older Americans Board of Directors has requested ~khat the Board of Supervisors ratify the appointment of Pamela Bernado to serve a three-yeartermthat will expire on March 31, 2011. It was the consensus of the Board to ratify the appointment of Ms. Bernardo. The ratification was placed on the consent agenda. Page 1 of ~ 3. Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection (RCACP) It was ~rhe consensus of the Board to appoint Donna Furrow to replace John M. Chambliss, Jr. Confirmation was placed on the consent agenda. 4. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by District) Supervisor Moore appointed Gene Marrano to represent the Cave Spring Magisterial District. Confirmation of this appointment has been placed on the consent agenda. 5. Roanoke County Community Policy and Management Team It was the consensus of the Board to appoint Dan O'Donnell as the Administrative Representative to replace Joan M. Chambliss, Jr. and Diane Hyatt as the alternate. Confirmation was placed on the consent agenda. 6. Roanoke Valley Juvenile Detention Commission It was the consensus of the Board to appoint Dan a'Donnell to replace John M. Chambliss, Jr. Confirmation was placed on the consent agenda. 1. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority It was the consensus of the Board to appoint Rebecca Owens to replace Diane Hyatt. Confirmation was placed on the consent agenda. 8. Social Services Advisory Board (appointed by District) Supervisor Flora reappointed Dorothy Hayes, Hollins Magisterial District, to serve an additional term. 9. Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority It was the consensus of the Board to appoint Diane Hyatt as the Administrative Representative to replace Joan M. Chambliss, Jr. and B. Clayton Goodman, III as the alternate. Confirmation was placed on the consent agenda. Page ~ of 2 AC~f ION N0. ITEM N0. ~"~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: June 23, 2009 Request to accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $1,~03,~53 to Roanoke County Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010 B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~1 County Administrator COUNTY ADMINIS'TRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Schools requests that the Board accept and appropriate the following: 1. Dr. Jessica McClung, Director of Special Education, submitted a spending plan for the first half of the stimulus f~,inding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA} for Title VI-B. The funds will be used for children with disabili~hies as outlined in Attachment A. The schools are requesting an appropriation of $1,741,652 for fiscal year 2009-2010, 2. Dr. Jessica McClung, Director of Special Education, submitted a spending plan for the first half of the stimulus funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA)designatedforpreschoolprograms. Fundswilibeusedforpreschoolprograms offered to children with disabilities as outlined in Attachment B. The schools are requesting an appropriation of $62,001 for fiscal year 2009-2010. 3. This is a request for appropriation of funds in the amount of $200 for Preschool Summer Camp for fiscal year 2009-2010. In order to offer an inclusive sei:ting for students receiving extended school yearservices, the school system created a summer camp for neuro-typical peers that are currently enrolled in our preschool program through the VPI or tuition populations. Funds collected will be used for activities during extended school year and summer camp. Page ~ of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: 1. The special education budget will be increased by $1,741,552. 2. The preschool budget will be increased by $62,001. 3. The preschool summer camp budget will be increased by $200. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECaMMENDATI~N: Accept and appropriate grant funds in the amount of $1,803,853 to Roanoke Caunty Schools for fiscal year 2009-2010. Page 2 of 2 m~ W ~= tl1 C - r r Q N r r Q ' N ' I p r a ~ p r O ~ ,., C ~ ~, CO Q~ L^ Q} ~ ~ m ~~ ~ 41? L, 4~ U i L Cqp4~~ iJ} L £,ryryf~S~ ~/] L ~y~C1~}` ilJ L N ~ L qR~1 G? L CryC~i 4I1 L ,f~9+ U) L L~~[`T` 'V1 L C^^IjI' G+7 L N Ul L ,n~+D 4li 4 ~R^+~~, tli L irti~~ N L 'fnnO`` Ul L t~ffJ, ~ L ~~f1~ 4Q L. (~~Si]+ US L ~'Q Gf7 L fAAt~~~ U'S L '~nI1,i {ry L yN^~~ :A L Cg~Y~+f fA L. (RC, !I} I~ Cqi#,f GQ L.. R~3^ - r + ~ ~ ` `~ W ~ p~y vJ t: ~' L V W W ~ 'rl+ W W ti W ~ W W \Y W 'W 5C/ W ~ W W W W W ~, W ~ W ~. !~. 41'+ c~ G , est ~ c~ a .~ c~ o ~ r.JJ c~ © ITTS V! r,~ o~ ~ t~ a r~+~ ~ c~ Q ~ o, O pTq~ V~ c O e 7~ VJ o C ,~74 VJ o a p/~ry V~ c~ ~ o ~+ c~ ~ o , , ~ c~ '~ ~ ~- ~ ~ c ~, ~ ~ Q ® S~ ~) ~ '~ 1 Gl Q) S~ C7 N , ~ i N t rv ~ cv ~ rv ~ ~ ~ cv i cv i cv i c~ i N ~ N i CV i CV ~ Cv i ~ i N o Cv ~ ~ i N ~ ~ i 'v ~ , ~v ~ c~ ~ c~ s N. L t~. 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QO blot schnol s ecific $0..00 $2,54'0.40 $0.00 $0.00 $48,000,00 $0,8'Q1.85 ~~~~i~.~~ ~~~~.-T"4I +~ f ~~;111~.~Lf ~'ll~~,l/'V +~"TV~~V'V,~~J' ~~r~~I~ .Li~ +~i7~~~~ ! ,~V ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~~`~° ~-' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADNIINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve an application for an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Federal Grant SUBMITTED BY: Gerald S. Holt Sheriff APPRQVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator C~UNTYADMINISTRAT~R'S COMMENTS; SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Federal Grant program requires approval by the Board prior to submission of the application. The Sheriff's Office and the Commonwealth Attorney's Office have jointly applied for a grant, which will provide funds from the United States Department of Jusi:ice. These funds, if awarded, will be used to purchase an updated fire alarm system and computers forthe Sheriff's Office. The remainder of the funds will be for the Commonwealth Attorney's Office VictimlWitness program to supplement their opera~ling budget. The Roanoke County Sheriff's Office will use $2~,8~ 8 of the grant funds and -the Commonwealth Attorney's Office will use the remainder of the monies, $~ 0,2~ 5. This grant is good for a period of four years . FISCAL IMPACT: No Matching funds are required. The grant is in 'the amount of $35,033 and requires no additional funding from the Board of Supervisors. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the application for the grant as attached. Title, Roanoke County Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney's Office Technology and Services Survival Program Applicant: Roanoke County Sheriff s Uffice in canjunctian with Roanoke County Commonwealth Attorney's Office Goals 1. Purchase new fire alarm system for Roanoke County Jail ~. Purchase Dell Computers for the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office 3. Fund Commonwealth Attorney's office operating expenses: .. a. Training b. Equipment c. Office supplies d. Dues e. Subscriptions I: Reference material g. Stationery (letterhead, envelopes and business cards h. Telephone expenses Strategies to obtain goals 1. This fire alarm system has already been included in a bid for a current job. The specifications, cost of labor, equipment and estimated completion date have been calculated for the end of November 2009. 2. Upon grant award, purchase computers. Upon arrival of computers, install in needed areas. Completion should be within three months of receiving funds. 3. Upon award of grant monies, purchase needed supplies: a. Toner cartridges b. Dell 9-cell battery c. 3 cases of copy paper d. Pens, file folders, note pads, binders, postage e. Pay annual dues to 3 organizations that provide materials, resources and training to stahl~ f. Printed information forms for victims g. Subscription to Prevent Child Abuse I~~r legal updates h. Resource materials i. Telephone expenses for three lines These supplies will be purchased as soon as the grant money is available. Training will be provided to one staff member for the following; 1. Crime Victims Issues, November 15-20, 2009, Norfolk, VA 2. Program Management, March 2010, Richmond, VA Title: Roanoke County Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney's Office Technology and Services Survival Program Applicant: Roanoke County Sheriff s Office in conjunction with Roanoke County Commonwealth Attorney's Office Project Narrative The Roanoke County Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney's Offices, under the approval of the County Administrator, are trying to improve and maintain the high quality of services to the citizens of Roanoke County that they deserve. In order to do so, many areas that budget cuts have affected could be updated and improved with the grant award. The Roanoke County Sheril~~ s Of`f ice is desperately trying to improve a fire alarm system within the jail that is outdated and very crippled. This alarm system, although functional and approved by the local Fire Marshal, has not been updated since its installation in 1980. The Roanoke County Sheriff s Office is in the process of updating its main control room center, which houses the fire alarm system. The fire alarm system upgrade was initially part of the upgrade package; however, the funding was not available and had to be eliminated. Due to the lack of funding, the fire system was to remain the same, The other operations in the jail that are controlled in this area were in much worse shape and no longer able to be repaired, The new Tire alarm system will enable quicker activation of the fire alarms, as the sensors will be updated. This new system will also enable ~thc control room operator greater ease in navigating where the fire is located. This in turn, will give the first responders mare time to handle the situation with less chance of great loss. With money awarded from this grant, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office will be better equipped to protect the citizens, inmates and staff that are in the Roanoke County JaillCourthouse complex, This project has an estimated completion date of November 2009. The Roanoke County Sheriff's Office is requesting $24,81 S of the allotted grant money. 'hhe second part of the request from the Roanoke County Sheriff s Office is to purchase computers to replace several within the Department. Due to budget cuts, the normal replacement of computers has not been an option. These outdated computers are unable to support the workload that is required of them. With the money awarded from this grant, the Roanoke County Sheriff s Office will be better able to comply with federal, state and local reporting and information sharing requirements. The purchase and installation of these computers is estimated to be complete within three months of the grant award. The Roanoke County Commonwealth Attorney's Office operating budget was eliminated and basic staples of a successful VictimlWit,ness Program are being affected or eliminated. This program provides vital services to a population that desperately needs assistance, The items that are being requested to help the VictimlWitness Program are iste as: Page ~ of 2 l . Training for one staff member. a. November 18-20, 2009, Crime Victims Issues in Norfolk VA b. March 2010, Program Management Training in Richmond, VA 2. Printers (2} will be purchased and installed within 3 months of grant award. 3. Laptops (2} will be purchased and installed within 3 months of grant award. 4. HP LaserJet toner cartridges (3) 5. Dell 9-cell battery to be purchased immediately 6. Copy paper (3} to be purchased immediately 7. office Supplies -binders, pens, calendars, ledger books to be purchased through the upcoming year S. Postage for approximately one year 9. Dues to organizations, one year each: a. Virginia Network for Victims and witnesses of Crimes, Inc. b. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance c. Virginia Children's Advocacy Center 10. Subscription for one year: a, Prevent Child Abuse 11. Books and resource materials 12. Letterhead and envelopes to be purchased as needed, not to exceed 5,000 13. Business cards to be purchased and supplied as needed, not to exceed 1,000 14. Handbooks and brochures to be purchased and supplied as needed, not to exceed 5,000 15. Telephone expenses for one year The items listed above are vital to the survival and success rate of the Victiml~Vitness Program. In order to be a success, this program needs the ability to communicate with and provide aid to the victims effectively. If this program does not run effectively, the safety of the victims is in jeopardy. The Roanoke County Commonwealth Attorney's ~fiice is requesting $10,215 of` the grant award. Page 2 of 2 JOAN ~ p~ 1. F . DATE DEPARTMENT: +~i' 1~ ~ ~ ~Of ~ -~ GRANT PROGRAM: c' ~1~1 `x.11 GRAN"S"ING AGENCY: AGENCY CONTACT: AGENCY PHONE NO: f~ o''~ EXA E OF NUMBER IF EDERAL GRANT... CFDA # Dept: epartment of Education ~ (A en No. 84.XXX Grant Pro ram No. PROGRAM TITLE: ~ Q r FUNDING REQUEST: FEDERAL STAT LOCAL MATCH OTHER TOTAL REQUEST IF L CAL MATCH IS REQUIRED, ARE FUNDS AVAILAB IN DEPARTMENT BUDGET? YIN nq ACCOUNT TO WHICH THE MATCH WILL BE CODED: n jA INDIRECT COSTS? Y!N AMO NT ~ ~~fl REIMBURSEMENT GRANT? YIN hit` ~ ~ ~f 10 iS FINANCIAL & PROGRESS REPORTS REQU ST FOR FUNDS SUBMITTED BY: PREPARED BY: ~~~ 7~~ Dep rtment = ~P• ' Finance '~'udc( ~ ~ De artment S Finance S ~~ ~v r C ~ PROJECT DIRECTOR: S N' PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: J~ ~S^I ~.0 J~'~~ - ,~,~ DEPT. DIRECTOR APPROVING SIGNATUR DAT~;- .goe REVIEWED ~ APPROVED BY FINANCE: I SIGNATURE: ~ DATE: OMB APPROVAL N4.11Z1-fl188 EXPIRt=S 5-95 (Rev. X197) Budget Detail Workshee Purpose; The Budget Detail worksheet may be used as a uide to assist you in the preparation of the budget and budget narrative. You may submit the budget nd budget narrative using this form or to the format of your choice plain sheets, your own form, or a ariation of dais form). However, all required Information ~includirag th.e budget narrative) must b provided, Any category of expense not applicable to your budget may be deleted. A. Persanne~ -List each position by title and name of ern loyee, if. available. Show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time to be devoted to the p oject. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization.. NamelPasition Computation Cast Postilion ~, each postition entry limited to one line Rosition 2 Postilion 3 Postilion 4 ~oslitian 5 Postilion 6 SUB-TOTAL $O.Oa ~. ~'rin~e Benefits -Fringe benefits should be based on actual known costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed ire budg t category (A} and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Fringe benefits o overtime hours are limited to FICA, ~'orkman's Compensation, and Unemployment Cornpensat on. Na~nelPosition Fringe benefit 1, each benefit entry is limited to one line Fringe benefit 2 Fringe benefit 3 Fringe benefit A Fringe benefit 5 Computation 5UR-T[~TAL ~~~~~ Tota Personnel & p'iringe Bend is Q,tP FORM 715gf1 (5-95~ ~. 'I~'ave~ -Itemize travel expenses of project persontlel by purpose ~e.g., sta~'to training, field interviews, advisory group meeting, etc.}, Show the basis o.f amputation ~e.g,, six people to 3-day training at $ airfare, ~~ lodgl.ng, $~ subsistence). In traini g projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately, Show the number of trainees and the unit costs invol~fed. Identify the location of travel, if known. Indicate source of Travel Policie applied, Applicant or Federal Travel Regulations. PurpQSe of Txavei .Location ..~. traininglCrime Victim Issues Norfolk, VA November 1~-20, 2049 training! Program Richmond Management March 2009 For abavE training Norfolk and Richmond For above training Norfolk and Richmond, VA Item Computation Cost Registration $350,D0 per person x 1 $350.00 Registration $1 D0.04 per person x 1 $~ 00,00 Meats-lunch breakfa t 4 meals x $10.00 $~O,QQ Meals dinner 3 meats x $25.00 $75.00 For above training Norfolk, VA Mileage Far above training Richmond Mileage For above training Norfolk and Richmond lodging 600 miles x.55 per mile $330.00 3G0 miles x 37.5 per mile $135,Q0 $110x3+$98x2 $526.00 TaT~.L $t,556.0~ _~. D. E~~~pment -List non-expendable items that are to be purchased. Non-expendable equipment is tangible property having a useful life of mare than. two y ors and an acquisition cost of $5,Q~4 or more per unit, (Note: C]rganization's own capitalization pol ~cy maybe used far items costing less than $5,~{lQ}, Expendable items should be included either in the `supplies" category or in the "Other" category, Applicants should analyze th.e cost benefits of put hosing versus leasing equipment, espc~ cially high cast items and thofie subject to rapid technical a vances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" category. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the success of the project. Attach a narrative describing the pxucuremen, method to be used. tcm Computation Cost Fire Alarm System equipment and inst lotion ~~ $,g08_6Q Laser ,let P2035n Printer $304.00 x 2 shippin and handling included $640.00 Dell BPS M1730 Laptop $1500 x 2 shipping nd handling irticluded $3,200.00 Doll Qptipiex Minitower with 5tandarci base $075,00 x 7compc~t rs $6,525.03 equipment entry 5 TOTAL $29,~~3A0 ~. Supplies -List items by type office supplies, postage, raining materials, copying papelr, and expendabie equipment items costing less that $S,~OQ, such s books, hand held tape recorders} and show tl~e basis fQr computation, ~~1ote; Qrganization's own apitalization policy naay be used for items costing less than $5,00}. Generally, supplies include ny materials that axe expendable or consumed during the course of the project. supply items HP laser toner cartridge Dell. 9~Cell battery COPY Paper Ledger Book, pens, file folders, note cards, Postage dueslsubscriptions 5tatianary (letterhead,envelopes, business cards Felice Crimes and Offenses t_aw Virginia resource book Handbooks, brochures Computation Cost $~o.~a x 3 $270.DD $,T~.oo x 2 $350.00 $55.Q0 per case x 3 ~~ 65.00 $215.00 .44 x 1400 clients x 3 notices each $1,3$6,00 3 memberships $T5, Q x $30.00 x $~S.QOx $30.00 $160.00 5~oox $135+~a~ox$ ~+1400x$60.00 $1,01 O.OD $150.0 5000 x &75.00 $375.00 TC~T~L ~~,~s~ .oo ans~ruel~o~i - As a rule, construction costs are not a' towable. ~n some cases, ininar repairs or reno~rations maybe allowable. cheek with the pragraan off e before budgeting funds in this category, Purpose Description of W 'rk Cost four lines per entry, use boxes below or an additional page far more space if required T~TA~~4,Oa C. ConsultantslContraets ~ Indicate whet~aer applicant s formal, written Procurement Policy or the Federal Acquisition Regulations are followed. Ca~s~ltant Fees: For each consultant enter the name, if kno n, service tv be provided, hourly or daily fee ~8-hour. day), and estimated time on the project, Consulta ~t fees in e~ccess of X450 per day require additional. justif cation and prior approval from ~JP. Name of Cousultant Service Provided Camputatlon Cast Supply item 9, one line per entry maximum of three lines Supply Item ~, one line per entry Supply item 1, one lir>s per entry Supply item ~, one line per entry S~btntal $O.OD ~a~.sultant ~xp~hs~s: List all expenses to be paid from the rant to the individual consultants in addition to their fees ~i.e., travel, meals, lodging, etc.) Item Location _ Cam~utatzon Cost ~_ ._ Consultant expertise entry 7, one Ilse p maximum of Three lines .~ maximum of three lines Consultant expense entry 1, one line p maximum of three lines Subtotal ~O,aO ~r~r1t~a~cts; Provide a dcscrxption of the product or service t be procured by contract and an estzmate of the cost. Applicants are encouraged to promote free and pen competition in awarding contracts. A separate justification must be provided for sale source co tracts in excess of $10,000. Rena. Cast maximum of four lines, additi-anal information should be attached an a separa#e heet~s) maximum of four lines Subtotal ~o.oo TOTAL ~o.~a ~. ~~her Costs - List items ~e.g,, rent, reproduction, telep one, janitorial or securzty services, and investigative or confidential funds by major type and the basis of the computation. Far exan1ple, provide the square footage and the cost per square foot for re t, or provide a monthly rental cost and ho~~v many months to rent, Description Computation Cost Telephone expenses far staff- long distance and IaCai charges $6.04 per month x t~ months x 3 lines $516.q~ TCITAL $576.00 I, Indirect Costs -Indirect costs are allowed only if tl~e pplicant has a I~ederaIIy approved indirect cost rate. A copy of the rate approval, (a fully executed, neg bated agzeem.ent), must be attached. 7f the applicant does not have an approved rate, one can be re uested by contacting the applicant's cognisant Federal agency, which will review all documents ion and approve a rate for the applicant organization, or if the applicant's accounting system permit. ,casts m.ay be allocated in tl~e direct costs categories, , Description Computation CQSt ore line per entry one line per entry TOTAL $a.00 Budget Summary- then you have completed the budge ~worl~sheet, transfer ti7e totals for each category to the spaces below. Compute the total direct costs and the total project costs. l~adicate the amount of Federal requested and the amount of non-Federal funds that will support the project. Budget Category A~noun~ ~.. Personnel $OAO B. Frln a Bene#its g $0.00 C. Travel $1,556.00 D. ~ ui anent g ~ $9,593.00 E, Su Iles pA ~~,051,00 .~ F, Construetlan $0.00 G. ConsultantslContracrs $O.Oa H, Other $515,00 $35,806.00 Total Dfrect Costs I. Indirect Cos#s TOTAL PROd~CT COTS ~~ n~ ~~~ ~a~ n~ FederallRe nest $35,033,00 q $713.00 Non-Federal Amount Page 1 of 2 A~PLICATI~N FUG 2. DATE SCJBMITTED Applicant identifier FEDERAL ASSISTANCE l .TYPE OF SC~rBMISSION ~ ~ 3. DATE RECEIVED B State Application Identifier STATE A lication Nan-Construction pp 4. DATE RECEIVED B Federal Identifier FEDERAL AGENCY S,APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name Organi~atianal Unit Roanoke County Sheriff s Office Address ~ Name and telephone number of the person to be contacted on 401 E Main St, matters involving this Salem, Virginia application 2415 3 -431 ~ Holt, Ge ald r ~ } X540} 3 S I -~/.JSD ~, EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FEIN} 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT 54-6001572 County 8, TYPE OF APPLICATION 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY New Bureau of Justice Assistance 1 ~. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOIVIEST~C ASSISTANC ~ 11.17ESCR7PTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT NUMBER; 16.73 S CFDA EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE Roanoke County Sheriff and TITLE; ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM Commonwealth Attorney's Off ce Technology and Services Survival Program 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT Roanoke County Sheriffs Office which includes the Jail an Courthouse. Roanoke County Commonwealth Attorney's Office 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL Start Date: July ~ 1, 2009 DISTRYCTS GF End Date: March 31, 2010 a. Applicant b. Praj ect VA06 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING 16, IS APPLICATION Federal $35,033 SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER Applicant $0 12372 PROCESS`? hops:llgrants.ojp.usdQj.govlgmsexternallapplicationReview;do?print=yes 6/5/2009 Page 2 of 2 State ~ $0 Local $0 Other $0 Program Income $0 TOTAL x$35,033 Progra~a is not covered by E,~, 1372 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ~N ANY FEDERAL DEBT? N 1 ~. T~ THE BEST ~F MY KN~~LED~E AND BELIE ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATION PREAPPLICATI~N ARE TRUE AND C~RRE~T, rf ~E ~CUI~ENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTH~RI~EI~ BY G~VERNIN~ BaDY aF THE AFPL CANT AND THE APPLICANT SILL COMPLY'~ITH THE ATTACH~L~ ASSI~RANC~S IF T ~ E ASSISTANCE IS REQ[JIRED, https:llgrants.ojp.usd~~ j.go~lgmsexternallapplicatianReviev~.d~?print yes 615/~0~9 ACTION N0. . r ~~ ITEM N0. ~~ ~n ~~`~~ AT A REGULAR MEET~ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPRGVED BY: June ~3, zooo Request to grant the Roanoke County Chief of Police authorization to enter into an agreement with the Town of Vinton Police Department allowing utilization of the Roanoke County Police Department's Virtual Private Network (VPN) infrastructure James Ray Lavinder Chief of Police B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~~ County Administrator SUMMARY GF INFORMATIGN; 'the Roanoke County Police Department has purchased and created a Virtual Private Network (VPN} to allow its patrol units to easily and securely communicate, from the patrol ver~icles using a mobile computer, with our Police Communica~kions Center and the Virginia Criminal Information Network ~VCIN}.The VPN provides a secure environment atfast data transmission speeds. ^~he Town of Vinton would like to install in-car computers in their police vehicles and operatean the Roanoke County Police Department's network. The capabilities oftheVPN allow forexpansian, and adding theVinton Police Department will not impactthesystem. The agreement has been reviewed by the County Attorney and is attached for reference. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no additional costs to Roanoke County. STAFF RECGMMENDAI'IGN: Staff recommends granting the Roanoke County C~~ief of Police authoriza~:ion to execute the agreement with the Tawn of Vinton Police Department. Memorandum of Agreement "fhe Roanoke County Police Department has established a mobile Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow wireless based receiving and transmitting of Criminal Justice Information known as VCIN and the utilization of mobile computer aided dispatch and field reporting. Appropriate software and hardware has been purchased by the Police Department and configured to provide a secure method of wireless computing and communication. Whereas, ~khe necessary infrastructure has been created to support the County Police Department and many other users. Whereas, Vinton Police Department and Roanoke County Police Department share common bonds. Whereas, adding Vinton Police Department to the existing VPN is an efficient use of resources. The Roanoke County Police Department as owner of the VPN intends to allow use of the VPN by Vinton Police Department for its secure method of sending and receiving Police CAD, Field Reporting and VCIN data for 18 mobile devices. The Vinton Police Department agrees to: 1. Maintain a County approved Windows operating system on its mobile computers. 2. Maintain approved antivirus software and keep it updated by ~khe week. 3. Maintain and activate a firewall. 4. Keep all software up to date. 5. Allow only police vehicle based mobile computer devices on the VPN. 6. Not use ~khe VPN for email. 7. Allow the County Police and County IT to set VPN policy in the best interest of the en~kire VPN. 8. Purchase the necessary software licenses and support agreement through the County Police Department at a competi~kive rate. The current cast of software licensing and 1 year of premium maintenance for 18 mobile computers to access the VPN is $6187.5x. Each year requires a software maintenance fee to be paid. Tl~e Vinton Police Department's fee will be based i~ipon the number of licenses. The Roanoke County Police agrees to: 1. Provide technical suppark as possible 2. Maintain appropriate server software and updates as needed. 3. Provide Analytics access to a designated person ar persons of the Vinton Police Department. 4. Cause or create a Vinton Police group within the Ne~kMotion VPN. Page 1 of 2 Memorandum of Agreement This Agreement does not create any right to continue the agreement for either the County or Town of Vinton, Either may terminate the agreement with a ~0 day notice to the Chief of Police. This agreement does not impact nor apply to any Information Technology or Emergency Communication agreements. Any costs that are incurred to provide VPN access to the Vinton Police Department beyond what is necessary to provide a VPN for the County Police shall be borne by the Vinton Police Department, Agreed to this day of 2009. James R. Lavinder Chief of Police Roanoke County Agreed to this day of 2009. Herbert Cooley Chief of Police Town of Vinton Page 2 of 2 GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE ~ ~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA of General Amount Fund Revenue Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $ 16,143,199 9.51 Addition for 2001-08 Opera~kions 906,609 Appropriation for staff at 'the Clearbrook Station X156,000} Balance at June 23, 2DD9 $ 11,493,808 9.65% ** Note: On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adapted a policy to increase the Genera! Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2001-08 a range of 8.5%-9.5°/° of General Fund Revenues 2001-2008 General Fund Revenues $176,033,618 8.5°/° of General Fund Revenues $14,962,863 9,5°/° of General Fund Revenues $16,123,199 ** 2008-09 a range of 9.0%-10.0% of General Fund Revenues 2008-2009 General Fund Revenues $181,259,899 9.0°/° of General Fund Revenues $16,313,391 10,0°/° of General Fund Revenues $18,125,990 The Unappropriated Fund Balance ofithe County is currently maintained at 9.65% which is wi~khin ~khe range of our goal for 200809. The balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2009-2010 9.5%-10.5°/° 201D-2011 10.0%-11.0°/0 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ~-- 9 . CQUNTY ~F R~AN~KE, VIR~INiA i++~,~~ CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architecturallengineering services, and ether one-time expenditures.) Audited balance at June 3D, X008 Addition for 2DOl-2DD8 Operations Unappropriate funds for architectlengineering fees for the renovation of the former Southview Elementary School Appropriate a~~itional funding far Bent Mountain Station Parking Lot Balance at June 23, 2DD9 Amount $1,54D,151.2D 298,490.00 175,DDO.DD ~81,376.OD~ $1,932,811.20 Manor County Capital Reserve Projects in the SIP, debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.} Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $2,339,030.00 Balance at June 23, 2DD9 $2,339,03o.DD Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA From 2008-2009 original Budget June 24, 2005 Allocation to Art Museum of Western Virginia and Roanoke County Public Schools for Education July 5, 2aos Appropriation for Legislative Liaison August 25, 2005 Appropriation for development of a Regional Water Supply Plan April 14, 2009 Appropriation for the June 9, 2009 Primaries May 19, 2009 Appropriation for the construction of the veteran's monument at the Vinton War Memorial J Balance at June 23, 2009 Submitted By Rebecca E. awens Director of Finance Amount $ 300, 000.00 (200,000.00) ($24,000.00) ($11,100.00) ($24,900.00) ($20,000.00) $ 20,000.00 Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ACTIGN NO. ,: . ITEM NO. ~x...:~~~; AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BOARD GF SUPERVISORS OF ROANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY; APPROWED BY: June 23, 2009 Accounts Paid-May 2999 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance B. Clayton Goodman III~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors $ - $ ~ $ 8,056,330.71 Payroll 05101 109 1,113,431,06 98,273.05 1,211,710.11 Payroll 05/15109 1,015,D19.26 98,739.72 1,173,818.98 Payroll 512912009 1, 081, 396.81 105, 856.20 1,181, 253.01 Manual Checks - 2,553.66 2,553.66 Grand Total $ 11,631,666.41 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to ~rhe Board of Supervisors. ACTION No. ITEM NUMBER ~-~.~`~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of May 31, 2009. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: GOVERNMENT: SMITH BARNEY (1,498,117.86) SMITH BARNEY CONTRA 30,025,227.87 SUNTRUST SECURITIES 2,DOD,000.00 SUNTRUST SECURITIES CONTRA 17,402.50 30,544,512.51 LOCAL GOVT INVESTNIENT POOL; GENERAL OPERATION 7,006,704.14 7,006,704.14 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 73,Q92.89 SMITH BARNEY 28,314,360.19 SUNTRUSTIALEXANDER KEY 0.29 SUNTRUST SECURITIES 6,152,850.98 STELLAR ONE 32,746.18 SUNTRUST SWEEP 12,768,697.68 WACHOVIA 2,049,185.01 49,390,933.22 TQTAL 86,942,149.87 N co .,~~ ~ y M ~ a, v '~ C 0 ~ '~ o ~ N , U !q ~~ L 3 ~, A 7 U a ~ ~ 1~ ~ C C N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ U C ~ ~ ro W W ~ D L ~ ~ c C U G ~ fA d u W a ~ .~ ~ ~ 7 ~ .a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0i 7 a u ~ ~ G x c W W ~ ~ ~ C L ~ ~ o ~ ~ N ~ c~ ~~ W o ~ ~ C ~ _ ~ m Q1 3 ~` u v i ~ C O ~G W o ~' ° ~ m a ~" ~ E ~ c p ~ t a ~ ~ ~ V ~ 0 1JWy~ = ~ 0 ~ ~ ID ~ y V ~ = r r ~ ~ a ~ ~' a 0 N G L } ~ ~ 'G ~ ~ ` ~ ~ r1 a~ ~ ~w W ~ 0. v a G1 '~ 0 0 ry r -~ ~ ~ u7 07 ~ ~l (y ti Qf r ~ r ~ r tD ~ D ^ r Cfl ~ ~0 O M ~ ~"~ ~ (~7 O N O r N O D r~ ~ l! 1 lf} r 00 (D N N e~ O r OQ p In N lf7 r ~ (0 ~ N ["? 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CD C~7 ~''y M ~ N N ~ ~ r N r N N to M N N I~ h l'7 {fl !A h N N ~ p D I,p ~ ~ a r N a i! 0 N ~ N c a~ '~ ~- c ~' a ~ C ~ H LL ~ ~ N L ~ ~ r ~ a O H ~ _ _ ~ ~ +~ a 4. H a~ H C7 0 ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. O - ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD ATTHE RGANGKE CGUNTYADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: June 23, 2009 Work session on the County's legislative program and prepara~kion for the 2010 session of the Virginia General Assembly Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Eldon James will review the results of the County's legislative proposals in the 2009 session of the Virginia General Assembly, and to begin planning for its legislative initiatives for the 2010 session. The following topics will be discussed with the Board at this Work Session: 2010 Legislative Issues 1 } Explore Park's future may be a major concern if Virginia Living History does not exercise the lease option. Funding of the park, reversion of the land to the State, and other options for the use of the park will need to be determined. HB 18311Chapter l39 extends the term of the reversion of the VRFA to the Con~imonwealth in the event it ceases to operate a project until July 2010. Virginia Living Histories, Inc. notified VRFA on June 13, 2009 that it was exercising its rights under the lease to extend the inspection period expiration date to June 13, 2010. 2) VRS management and investment of funds for localities for post employment benefits. (OPEB) 3} The Athey-Vogel Study Committee is currently reviewing legislation to strengthen the requirements placed on localities for Urban Development Areas to manage growth. This legislation may include impact fees and significant modifications to conditional zoning proffers. 4) Changes in the match rates for CSA. 5} Amend Section 9.1-105 of the State Code to add a surcharge on all traffic summons to support the Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy. Page 1 of 2 6} If the Board intends to consider and adopt proposals} for Community Development Authorities CDA}, then additional sources of local tax revenues could be instrumental in the success of such authorities. It is proposed that the Board consider seeking General Assembly approval of increased taxing power within established CDAs that could be used to pay the principal and interest of CDA issued revenue bonds for p~~blic infrastructure improvements. This enhanced local taxing power could be applied to the transient occupancy tax, meals tax, or sales tax generated by activities within the CDA. STAFF REC~MMENaATI~N: It is recommended that the Board discuss its initiatives, key topics and concerns for the 2010 session of the Virginia General Assembly. Mr. James and County staff will begin discussing these legislative initiatives with members of the Roanoke Valley legislative delegation in July, August, and September in preparation for the 2010 session. Page 2 of 2 rII .' f i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2809 RESOLU'~14N CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN C4NF4RMiTY WITH THE CEDE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuantto an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3112 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that~the Board of Supervisorsof Roanoke Co~~nty, Virginia, hereby cer#ifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were disc~.~ssed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Orilysuch publicbusinessmattersaswereidenti~fied inthemotionconveningthe closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia.