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7/28/1987 - Regular
O~ ~yOANp,~.~ Z .~ ~~ ~ ~~~~.~e `~ a ~ 8 E~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN`P~ A BeautifulBeginning ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JULY 28, 1987 Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular Welcome to the Roanoke County of the month at 2:00 p.m-. and meetings are held on the second Tpublic Hearings will be heard at 7:00 the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m• .m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this P schedule will be announced. p,• OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. SUPERVISOR NICKENS - ABSENT 2, Invocation: Bishop Wayne M. Ayers Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Vinton, Virginia 3, Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS BLJ ANNOUNCED ECH WAS ABSENT C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report of Drainage Maintenance Projects by Drainage Crew . WORK SESSION SET FOR 9/8/87 BLJ DIRECTED THAT BOARD MEMBERS BE INCLUDED IN PLANS FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS IN COMMUNITY F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PMM REQUESTED PUBLIC HEARING FOR DRAFT ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH WATER AND SEWER DEPOSITS - WILL DISCUSS WITH BOARD PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board. AHB NOMINATED BERNARD HAIRSTON FOR ANOTHER TERM I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS JOHNSON: DIRECTED THAT POLICY BE ESTABLISHED THAT ALL BOARD REPORTS OVER TWO PAGES BE NUMBERED AND THAT DEPUTY CLERR INFORM STAFF OF THIS POLICY. J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. BLJ/LG TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT 1. Minutes of Meeting - June 23, 1987 2. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.22 Miles of Ashton Lane. 3. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. 2 4. Request for Acceptance of Water lines serving Huntridge Section One. 5. Request for County Administrator to execute the necessary documents to acquire easements for the Lock Haven and Bell Haven water system. 6. Request for authorization to accept renewal of the Victim-Witness Assistance Grant. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE L. REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 1. Development Data Report - Second Quarter 1987. 2. Economic Development Activities - May, June 1987 3. Accounts Paid for the month of June 1987. M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a) (4) TO DISCUSS LOCATION OF A PERSPECTIVE BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY: AND (6) TO DISCUSS LEGAL MATTER CONCERNING CABLE TV FRANCHISE. BLJ/AHB - URC WITH HCN ABSENT EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance and Public Hearing approving Agreement between the City of Salem and the County of Roanoke regarding Annexation of Certain territories of Roanoke County. SAM MOVED TO INCLUDE AS PUBLIC HEARING -UW AHB/LG - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2ND READING - 8/11/87 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain Water Systems. AHB/SAM - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 3 2ND READING - 8/11/87 3, Ordinance Vacating the Plat of the Ramsgate Court Subdivision. AHB/SAM - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2ND READING - 8/11/87 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 22 of the 1985 Roanoke County Code "Water" establishing certain Requirements for the Constructing and Testing of Wells for Public Water Supplies. BLJ/LG - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2ND READING - 8/11/87 5, Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise the Floodplain Ordinance. LG/SAM - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2ND READING - 8/11/87 (. Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance to adopt the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. BLJ/AHB - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2ND READING - 8/11/87 7. Ordinance amending Chapter 21 of the 1971 .Roanoke County Code, Zoning, and Appendix A of the 1985 County Code by adding"certain provisions mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to wit: Definitions of "Lowest Floor", "Manufactured Home," "Manufactured Home Park Subdivision," and "Start of Construction"; and Requirement that the Zoning Administrator obtain information regarding elevation and other flood-related factors before issuing a Zoning Permit. BLJ/SAM - URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2ND READING - 8/11/87 O. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES NONE p. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4 787-1 Petition of JERRY W. BUSH AND JANAT L. BUSH to vacate plat of Ramsgate Court Subdivision. (ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 23, 1987) HEARD UNDER N-3 - 2ND READING - 8/11/87 7g7-2 Petition of FRANK RADFORD to rezone a 0.9313 acre tract from R-l, Residential to B-2, Business to construct a convenience store located at the northeast intersection of Peters Creek Road and Woodhaven Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. BLJ/AHB TO DENY URC - HCN ABSENT 7g7-3 Petition of REGION PROPERTIES, INC. to rezone a portion of a 0.68 acre tract from R-1, Residential to B-2 Business to construct a directional sign located immediately south of therinteMaeisterial Districtl and Route 907 in the Cave Sp g g AHB/LG TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT 7g7-4 Petition of JOHN A. HALL & COMPANY, INC. to rezone a 11.72 acre tract from A-l, Agricultural to M-2, Industrial to operate a truck repair and storage business, located south of the terminus of Route 778 in the Catawba Magisterial District. SAM/BLJ TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT 7g7-5 Petition of STEPHEN M. WIKE to rezone a 0.87 acre parcel from R-3, Residential to B-1 Business to operate an editorial office, located at the northeast intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE AYES - LG, SAM, BLJ ABSTAIN - AHB ABSENT - HCN 7g7-6 Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, Special Public Interest Regulations, Floodplains, in accordance witg the changes mand~otectytheepubdecal Emergency Mana ement Agency to p health, safety and welfare. APPROVED 1ST READING UNDER N-5 5 787-7 Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to amend Appendix A of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance by revising the definition of approximated floodplains to include drainage areas that exceed 100 acres in area . APPROVED 1ST READING UNDER N-7 787-8 Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to amend and reenact the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance by adopting the Va. Dept. of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. APPROVED 1ST READING UNDER N-6 Q. CITIZENS' C( 1. MRS. GENE CURBOW, ON DRAINAGE SOLUTIONS UPDATE. BLJ DIRECTED WINDSOR WEST AND PALM SOLUTIONS. )MMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 3637 RENTLAND DRIVE S. W. REQUESTED UPDATE IN WINDSOR WEST. PHIL HENRY PRESENTED DEPUTY CLERK TO SEND LETTER TO RESIDENTS IN VALLEY WITH UPDATES ON DRAINAGE R. ADJOURNMENT AT 8:40 P.M. O~ AOANp~~ ~ •~ ~ ° . a ~ ~~~u~~e ~ ~~ ,~ ~~~~ ~8 ~~° ss O SESCIUICENTENN\p`\' A Beauti~ulBeginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR LEE GARRETT, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HODGE July 28, 1987 ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Bishop Wayne M. Ayers Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 332 Daladier Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Bishop Ayers On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on Tuesday, July 28, 1987, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. bjh Bob L. J Roanoke son, Chairman my Board of Supervisors P-O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24 018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 E' ~.~lUi~.E' tiv Z A v a 8 u~ $8 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauti~ul8cginning C~uixn~~ of ~ottnn~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JULY 28, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: Bishop Wayne M. Ayers Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Vinton, Virginia 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report of Drainage Maintenance Projects by Drainage Crew. F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board. I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meeting - June 23, 1987 2. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.22 Miles of Ashton Lane. 3. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. 4. Request for Acceptance of Water lines serving Huntridge Section One. 5. Request for County Administrator to execute the necessary documents to acquire easements for the Lock Haven and Bell Haven water system. 6. Request for authorization to accept renewal of the Victim-Witness Assistance Grant. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 2 L. REPORTS 1. Development Data Report - Second Quarter 1987. 2. Economic Development Activities - May, June 1987 3. Accounts Paid for the month of June 1987. M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a). EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance approving Agreement between the City of Salem and the County of Roanoke regarding Annexation of Certain territories of Roanoke County. 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain Water Systems. 3. Ordinance Vacating the Plat of the Ramsgate Court Subdivision. 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 22 of the 1985 Roanoke County Code "Water" establishing certain Requirements for the Constructing and Testing of Wells for Public Water Supplies. 5. Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise the Floodplain Ordinance. 6. Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance to adopt the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. 7. Ordinance amending Chapter 21 of the 1971 Roanoke County Code, "Zoning," and Appendix A of the 1985 County Code by adding certain provisions mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to wit: Definitions of "Lowest Floor", "Manufactured Home," "Manufactured Home Park Subdivision," and "Start of Construction"; and Requirement that the Zoning Administrator obtain information regarding elevation and other flood-related factors before issuing a Zoning Permit. 0. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES p. PUBLIC HEARINGS 787_1 petition of JERRY W. BUSH AND JANAT L. BUSH to vORIGINALLY SCHEDULEDtFOR JUNES23a11987)n• 787-2 Petition of FRANK RADFORD to rBusinessOto3constructract from R-l, Residential to B-2, convenience store located at the northeast intersection of Peters Creek Road and Woodhaven Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. Petition of REGION PROPERTIES, INC. to rezone a portion 787-3 of a 0.68 acre tract from R-1, Residential to B- Business to construct a directional sign located immediately south of the intersection of Route 221 and Route 907 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 787_4 petition of JOHN A. HALL & COMPANY, INC. to rezone a 11.72 acre tract from A-1, Agricultural to M-2, Industrial to operate a truck repair and storage business, located south of the terminus of Route 778 in the Catawba Magisterial District. 787_5 petition of STEPHEN M. WIKE to rezone a 0.87 acre parcel from R-3, Residential to B-1 Business to operate an editorial office, located at the northeast intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 787_6 Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPEReciaRS to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, Sp Public Interest Regulations, Floodplains, in accordance with the changes mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 7g7-7 Petition of tXeARofNOhe RoanokeBOountyFZoningVOrdRnan~e amend Appends roximated floodplains by revising the definition of app to include drainage areas that exceed 100 acres in area. 787_g Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OoningEOrdinanceo amend and reenact the Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance by adopting thRoad.andpBridgeTStandardstand Drainage Manual and Specifications. Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. ADJOURNMENT ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ~ AT A RIRGINIAMHELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, V MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Report of Drainage Maintenance Projects by Drainage Crew COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During the month of May 1987, staff presented to the Board of Supervisors a drainage study. In response to public the cBoardaof information presented in the drainage study, Supervisors approved funding to allow the drainage program to continue forion of t e drainagec~rewndation within the report was the continuat Staff believes the drainage complete drainage maintenance drainage construction projects. crew can best be utilized to work rather than be involved in During the preparation of the drainage report, staff became familiar with many drainage concerns, some of which are primarily maintenance problems. During the next several months, staff will hold public meetings in all areas of the County to request public input on drainage problems and concerns. In preparation of the public meetings it would be very helpful if staff could receive information from members of the Board of Supervisors on the drainage concerns of which they are aware. Based on information from current file is tforddrainagesmaintenan euandcconstruction prepare a priority 1 projects for Board of Supervisors approval. Until the priority listing of drainage problems are compiled and approved staff will be working on the followingobleme areas Thare projects meet the criteria ofro ertgowners have agreed to maintenance related, the adjoining p p Y the improvements and problems concerning access have been resolved. Project Description Leisure Arts Grading and rip rap ditch through County facility located in Pinkard Court area - 3 weeks. Construction of ditches, pipelines Route 460 West and drop inlets to drain the Andrew Lewis sinkhole. County drainage crew is 90~ complete with remainder of work to be completed by VDOT. 1 Jae Valley Road Sinkhole to be filled - schedule will be based on availability of fill material - 1 week. Vauxhall & Bower Road Backfill and rip rap of eroded channel - 2 weeks. 5322 Grandin Rd. Ext. Grade outlet channel from street storm drain - 1 week. South Park Circle Remove debris from creek banks 2 Willowlawn weeks. Palm Valley Drive Remove debris from creek banks 2 weeks. FISCAL IMPACT: D~ ~-/ Funding for these maintenance projects is in the approved drainage budget for F.Y. 87-88. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the board forward any comments to the Engineering Department within (30) thirty days and the board schedule a work session for the first board meeting in September. SUB TTED BY: ~~ /~~ ~ C~ ~ Phill' T. Henry Direc or of Engin ring APPROVED: .// lmer C. Hodge Coun y Administrator --------------------- ----------------- ACTION VOTE T.Tn Vac AhS Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Brittle Johnson McGraw Nickens 2 ITEM NUMBER ~- AT A VIRGINIAMHELDNATOTHEHROANORE COUNTYEADMINISTRP,TIONNCENTER COUNTY, MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~-C.c'~rY.cr~--r-,cam P~PPc~CTIAt--- SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Communit Corrections Resources Board: The one-year term of Mr. Bernard Hairston will expire August 13, 1987. Mr. Hariston was elected January 27, 1987, to complete the unexpired term of Michael J. Lazzuri, who resigned. The one-year term of Alternate Joseph Cronin will expire August 13, 1987. Mr. Cronin is relocating to Lynchburg and will be unable to serve on the Board. See attached for information on the Community Corrections Resources Board. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: r~ E mer Hodge County Administrator ----------------- VOTE -------------- ACTION No Yes Ab: Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle ____ Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens ,y-/ COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD A. COMPOSITION: (From Bylaws and Section 53.1-183) To consist of seven members appointed as follows: one membE~r from Roanoke County; one member from Salem City; three members from the judges in the 23rd Judicial District; one member from the Department of Corrections. The term of office shall be determined by the appointing authority (Roanoke County's is one year.) B, DUTIES: Review felony referrals from the Circuit Courts of Roanoke City, Roanoke County and the City of Salem for possible diversion from state penal system and local jails. C, MEETINGS: Third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. ~/-lo AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1987 RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 28, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - June 23, 1987 2. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.22 Miles of Ashton Lane. 3. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. 4. Request for Acceptance of Water lines serving Huntridge Section One. 5. Request for County Administrator to execute the necessary documents to acquire easements for the Lock Haven and Bell Haven water system. 6. Request for authorization to accept renewal of the Victim-Witness Assistance Grant. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINICENTER ONATUESDAYOJUOY 28,019$7 p,DMINISTRATION RESOLUTION N0. 72887-1 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 28, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - June 23, 1987 2. Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.22 Miles of Ashton Lane. 3 Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road . System of 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. 4. Request for Acceptance of Water lines serving Huntridge Section One. 5. Request for County Administrator to execute the r the f o necessary documents to acquire easements Lock Haven and Bell Haven water system. 6. Request for authorization to accept renewal of the Victim-Witness Assistance Grant. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY - TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 7/29/87 cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance Crystal Markham, Victim-Witness Coordinator Thomas Blaylock, Commonwealth's Attorney June 23, 1987 55? Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 June 23, 1987 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke Count Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and th second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of June, 1987. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman Garrett called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Vice Chairman Lee Garrett, Supervisors Alan H. Brittle, Steven A. McGraw, Harry C Nickens Chairman Bob L. Johnson Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant Count Administrator for Management Services; Joh R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrato of Public Facilities; Timothy W. Gubala Assistant County Administrator fob; Community Development; Paul M. Mahoney" County Attorney, Mary H. Allen, Deput Clerk; Clifford Craig, Director o Utilities; Phillip Henry, Director o Engineering; Rob Stalzer, Director o Planning, Zoning and Grants; Caro Giallanza, Sesquicentennial Director; Joh Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Jack Council, Director of Procurement; Ro Nester, Assistant Director of Genera Services. IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES ~_~ ~~: 5 5 g June 23, 1987 The invocation was given by the Reverend Tom Jones, Fort Lewis Baptist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS Elmer Hodge, County Administrator announced that Chairman Bob Johnson was out of town and unable to attend the ',meeting. Mr. Hodge also announced that John Lambert & Associates had recently received a Virginia Public Relations Award for their !work on the Roanoke County bond referendum. Linda Lovingood, a member of the Lambert staff who worked on the campaign was (present and thanked the Board for this recognition. ', IN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS i Sesquicentennial Director Carol Giallanza introduced) Ogretta Bayer who has hooked a wall hanging of the Roanoke County ~~Seal to be used in the Sesquicentennial activities. Mrs. Bayer idescribed how the wall hanging of the seal was made of recycled materials. Vice Chairman Garrett presented a Resolution of Appreciation to Mrs. Bayer. Supervisor Garrett moved to adopt the resolution. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. RESOLUTION 62387-1 OF APPRECIATION TO OGRETTA BAYER FOR DONATION OF A HOOKED WALL HANGING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY SEAL BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Roanoke County will be celebrating its 150th birthday in 1988; and -! June 23, 1987 5 - -- - -- _ WHEREAS, the Sesquicentennial will offer an opportunity for all the residents of the Roanoke Valley to take part in activities honoring this important event; and WHEREAS, Ogretta Bayer has chosen an imaginative and colorful way to show her love for the County by her gift of a hand-made County Seal to be used in the Sesquicentennial activities in 1988; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Bayer, a resident of Roanoke County for I fifty four years, invested six months of her life creating this) seal from used, recycled strips of wool. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors 'of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation to Ogretta Bayer for expending her time, materials, and talent; and donating such a unique contribution to the Sesquicentennial Celebration. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors hereby designates that this seal be used during the Sesquicentennial year whenever it is deemed appropriate, and that at the conclusion of the celebration, it be permanently displayed at one of the County's public buildings. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisorll i Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: ,I AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens j ~~ NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1 Request for a propriation of funding for the _ removal and installation of the Hidden Valley ballfield lights: Mr. Hodge reported that over a year ago the County removed the lights from the Hidden Valley ballfields. The staff has located another field to install the lights at Clearbrook Park. The staff is requesting a transfer from the Board Contingency Fund of ,~: 4^. ~.. . ~ ~ ~ O June 23, 1987 ($22,897 to cover the cost of removal and reinstallation of the flights. Supervisor Brittle moved to transfer $22,897 from the Board Contingency Fund for the purpose of removal and reinstallation of the lights. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 2. Request from Pete Eanes for approval to install an Individual Wastewater Treatment Plant: Director of Utilities Clifford Craig advised that Mr. Eanes has applied to the State Water Control Board for a permit to install an individual wastewater treatment plan to serve an existing lot located at 1723 Wygal Drive in Mountain Heights. Part of the approval process requires a letter from the County stating that on-lot treatment plants are part of our sewer plan and would be. approved for use. This method of sewage treatment is not part ofd the County sewage plan and staff is concerned about this type of plant. This plant would not require a licensed operator or state monitoring,and there would be no checking of maintenance: The staff recommends that this request not be approved because it is not part of the sewage plan and there is a lack of required maintenance supervision. Supervisor McGraw moved to deny the request. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson Supervisor Garrett requested Mr. Craiq to prepare a written policy to cover these types of situations and bring it back to the Board for approval in 90 days. ~-J June 23, 1987 3. Status Re ort on the 1985 Bond Pro ram Road Improvements: John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering presented to the Board an update on the 1985 bond referendu money which included $600,000 for road improvements. Sinc approval of the bond referendum, the County has received $500,00 from the Virginia Department of Transportation in matching fund for a total of $1.1 million dollars to improve variou subdivision street throughout the County. The staff has outline 48 roads of which 11 were approved by the Board of Supervisor ii for request into the Secondary System on June 9, 1987. 4. Re uest for a royal for inclusion of additional roads into the Rural Addition Program: Mr. Peters advised this is a annual process to include additional roads to the rural additio program in Roanoke County. About $86,000 a year is available o secondary construction for upgrading streets for acceptance b the Highway Department. At the present time, three roads are o the priority list, Airpoint Drive, Washington Street and Rout 603 Extension. Airport Drive has been shifted to the 1985 Bon Program, Route 603 Extension is under construction. Due t problems such as access, Washington Street has not been pursued The staff recommends that Sagewood Circle, Byers Road, Bushdal~ Road, Penwood Drive, Chester Drive and a connecting road frog Route 1890 and 1905 be add to the Priority List for 1987-88. i Mr. Forest Poff, 3643 Bushdale Road was present t pinpoint the ending of Bushdale Road which is 168 feet from the Blue Ridge Parkway border to the north of the parkway. He stated there has been some confusion as to where the road ends. Dr. Nickens asked how much of Bushdale Road would b taken into the system. Mr. Peters responded that it woul include the portion to Mr. Poff's driveway. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the staf recommendation. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw an carried by the following recorded vote: ~~ ~ b ~ June 23, 1987 ----- _ __ ~ _--- 'AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 5. Request from George Peoples for approval to use water from a County-owned standby well Mr. Craig announced that Mr. Peoples owns the acreage that surrounds the Schurmann well and has requested use of the well for the purpose of supplying water for their livestock. This well is on standby status because of the high fluoride level. This will not harm our well and the Peoples will provide their own pumping system and would use it only for the purposes of watering livestock. The well will be posted stating it is not for human consumption. The County can continue to check on the fluoride content of the well. Staff recommends that the property owners be allowed to use the property and that all costs associated with obtaining and ,maintenance of the water be borne by the Peoples. The County Administrator should be authorized to execute an agreement which would give the property owners 60 days notice prior to canceling the contract. Supervisor Nickens moved to authorize the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: REQUESTS FOR WORIC SESSIONS Supervisor McGraw announced he had received an ordinance on septic tanks from Botetourt County and requested a vork session on the possibility of such an ordinance for Roanoke :ounty. County Attorney. Paul Mahoney suggested that he be ~/ ', ~fi-. ;d June 23, 1987 ~ ~ 'allowed to review the ordinance and write a draft for staff review, and then bring back to the Board for first and second reading. IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering requested that a public hearing be set for July 14, 1987 for condemnation proceedings to receive easement acquisitions for the North Lakes Interconnection Project. Negotiations are continuing with the property owners, but it is necessary to begin this process. Mr. Mahoney stated there are two issues involved in this matter. One is that the County has committed to the residents in North Lakes to begin construction by July 1, 1987. The second issue is the difference in what the County wishes to pay and what the property owners feel the property is worth. Supervisor Brittle pointed out that settlement of these condemnations can occur at any part of the proceedings up to the final disposition at the courts. Supervisor Brittle moved to set the public hearing for July 13, 1987. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson SIN RE: APPOINTMENTS There were no nominations for the Recreation Commissio- and the Virginia Western Community College Board. -/ IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS R~ J ~ `~ June 23, 1987 Supervisor Nickens requested an Executive Session on a personnel matter. He also requested the Board to lend it: support behind the possibility of location of a Farmer's Market in Roanoke County. Mr. Hodge suggested that this be brought back to the Board for their support at the next meeting. Supervisor Nickens also announced there will be nc disruption of the CORTRAN transportation services. Effective July 1, 1987, the contact person for this system will be Debbie Pitts of the Department of Parks and Recreation. The Task Force is still meeting to pursue future funding for CORTRAN. Supervisor Brittle asked staff to clean up a washed out bridge on Back Creek which is causing obstruction of the flow of the creek. Supervisor Brittle also pointed out that the Roanoke County Jail has received certification of 100$ compliance from the Department of Corrections. He requested that a letter of congratulations be sent to the jail staff. Supervisor Brittle also requested a work session on the automated refuse collection for July 13, 1987 which would include a study of privatization. Supervisor Garrett appointed County Attorney Paul Mahoney to the Sesquicentennial Committee's celebration of County Government Day. He also thanked Supervisor Nickens for his contributions toward continuation of CORTRAN. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the Consent Agenda.l The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. RESOLUTION N0. 62387-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke :ounty, Virginia, as follows: -/ June 23, 1987 ~_ / 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 23, 1987, designated as Item J - ..Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 '~, through 8, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - May 26, 1987. 2. Acceptance of water and sewer lines serving C. M. Davis Apartments. 3. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodbridge Subdivision, Section 8. 4. Confirmation of appointments to the Fifth Planning District Commission, the Planning Commission, the Recreation Commission, and Virginia western, Community College Board. 5. Request for acceptance into the Secondary System for 0.25 miles of Hollyberry Road. 5. Request to amend the Minutes of 12/16/86 and Final Order of JELCO Construction Co., Inc., to delete proffers that do not apply to rezoned property. 7. Request for approval of a Raffle Permit for the Catawba Little League. 8. Request for approval of a Fireworks Display Permit for the town of Vinton. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ' ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson RESOLUTION 62387-7.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF', HOLLYBERRY ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: ::< 5 .~ f, June 23, 1987 1. That this matter came this date to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Hollyberry Road to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road has heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Higginbotham Farms Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Pages 103 and 314, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on December 8, 1977 and January 31, 1985 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Hollyberry Road and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens JAYS : None 1BSENT: Supervisor Johnson RE: CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMM[JNICATIONS Mr. Walter Tunstall, 5313 Grandin Road Extension spoke n sewage and drainage problems on his property and requested ssistance from Roanoke County. Supervisor Garrett asked John ubbard and Clifford Craig to investigate Mr. Tunstall's problem. II .., Jr ~ i. June 23, 1987 ) _/ IN RE: REPORTS The following reports were received and filed: 1. Accounts Paid for May 1987. 2. Board Contingency Fund 3. Unappropriated Balance of Budget 4. Revenue and Expense Analysis for the 11 months ended May 31, 1987. IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4:15 p.m. Supervisor Garrett moved to go int Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a (1) to discuss a personnel matter concerning the Sheriff' Department and (6) to discuss a legal matter concernir. development of water systems. The motion was seconded t Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: OPEN SESSION At 4:50 p.m. Supervisor Garrett moved to return to ope session. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle an carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisor Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson ZN RE: DINNER RECESS At 4:55 p.m., Vice Chairman Garrett declared a dinne (recess. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER r 5 6' ~ June 23, 1987 At 7:05 p.m., Vice Chairman called the meeting back to Ilorder . IIN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the convevance of a Drainage Easement, Barrens Village County Attorney Paul Mahoney advised that F & B Developers has requested the conveyance of a 15-foot drainage easement across a well lot owned by Roanoke County in Section 1, Deer Run Estates to complete construction of Barrens Village. The first reading of the ordinance was held on June 9, 1987 and there was no public comment. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the second reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. ORDINANCE 62.387-8 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF A DRAINAGE EASEMENT, BARRENS VILLAGE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the conveyance of a drainage easement for Barrens Village was held on June 9, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on June 23, 1987. 2. That this drainage easement is necessary in order to pipe storm water from Barrens Village to existing facilities in Starmount Avenue. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. R y~ ~".7. C~ c ; June 23, 1987 ~ v On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 2. Ordinance amenAina Chantor 1R_ •Cncucrc ~~a ce...~,.e Disposal" concerning the installation of Septic Tanks, requiring a permit and prescribing fees for the issuance of same• Mr Mahoney reported the first reading of this ordinance was held o June 9, 1987 and there will be a public hearing this evenin because there is an imposition of a fee. He suggested that th public hearing be incorporated as part of this reading, and th Board concurred. Mr. Mahoney advised that this would establish a permi fee of $50.00 as a prerequisite to septic tank installation. Th effective date is proposed as July 1, 1987. No citizens were present to speak on this issue. Supervisor McGraw asked if the permit is rejected, i the fee still paid, and Mr. Mahoney responded affirmatively. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the second readin of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. ORDINANCE 62387-9 AMENDING CHAPTER 18, "SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL," AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANKS, REQUIRING A PERMIT AND PRESCRIBING FEES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAME WHEREAS, Section 15.1-520 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, authorizes any county to regulate the installa- tion of septic tanks, to require that any person desiring to in- stall a septic tank secure a permit to do so, and to prescribe' reasonable fees for the issuance of said permits; and WHEREAS, defective or failed septic systems pose a sig- nificant threat to public health, safety, and welfare, constitute t.<? `< 57u June 23, 1987 ----- ~.---- -_ ---_ ~~ ---,r---- _ _ _ --- an environmental and ecological hazard, and threaten the County's precious groundwater resources. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 18, "Sewers and Sewage Disposal," is here- by amended as follows: 1) All buildings in the county in those areas where septic tanks are permitted shall have septic tanks installed for the disposing of sewage and other human waste. 2) Before any septic tank systems are constructed or installed, it shall be the duty of the landowner upon whose land the construction or installation is to take place, to secure a .permit from the Health Department. The Health Department shall review this permit request based upon the requirements and regula- tions promulgated pursuant to Title 32.1 of the Code of Virginia. ny septic tank permit issued under this section shall be valid for a period of fifty-four (54) months from the date of issuance unless there has been a substantial, intervening change in the soil or site conditions where the septic system is to be located. The availability of a public sewer system shall constitute a sub- stantial intervening change in the site conditions to void a per- nit. 3) There is hereby established a permit fee of fifty iollars ($50.00) for each septic tank. This permit fee shall be paid to the Treasurer before permit application is made to the iealth Department. 4) Any person, firm or corporation violating any provi- ~ions of this ordinance shall be subject to a Class 3 misdemeanor or each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed commit- ed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or contin- es. Further any violation or attempted violation of this ordin- nce may be restrained, corrected or abated by injunction or ther appropriate proceeding. :;; r: ~; June 23, 1987 5) The effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1987. i On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisorsi McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson SIN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 687-2 PETITION OF RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT TO OPERATE A HOME FOR ADULTS ON A 0.6 ACRE TRACT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 112 IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. i APPROVED Mr. Mahoney advised the Board that the acreage of this property is actually 28.19 acres, not 0.6 as listed on the agenda. Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning, Zoning and Grants reported this was a request for a home for adults in a parcel already, developed in a similar fashion. The petitioner is requesting construction of 11 units which would consist of 22 diving units. Michael Smeltzer, attorney for the petitioners, described Richfield Retirement Community as a full service adult community. Present with Mr. Smeltzer were Dr. H. E. Bolling, President and Administrator of Richfield and Robert E. Moore, Vice Prsident to answer questions. The special exception permit would allow Richfield to operate a continuation of one level of service to the elderly. I, This would provide shelter and services which may include meals," housekeeping and personal care. They would be duplexes on a 7.7 acre tract. The land is presently zoned B-2, and a special 5 ,'~ 2 June 23, 1987 ---- --- ___~ -- exception permit is necessary. The petitioners will proffer the petition for drainage, detention and road circulation. Supervisor Nickens moved that the Special Exception Permit be granted. The motion was seconded by SUpervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1. The Petitioner agrees to maintain an on-site surface water detention facility in accordance with the applicable ordinances of Roanoke County. 2. The Petitioner operates a full service retirement community on its approximately 45.8 acres in Roanoke County. Within this community are the following level of services: (a) The nursing center which provides skilled and intermediate care designed to meet all medical needs except surgery; (b) A convalescent center providing residents of this facility with sheltered care; and (c) Housing units which provide retirement housing for the elderly and medical services. 687-3 PETITION OF T. D. STEELE TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 8.77 ACRE FROM RE, RESIDENTIAL ESTATES, TO B-2 BUSINESS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY IN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS Maryellen Goodlatte, attorney for the petitioners was present to request the rezoning. The purpose of the request is to construct and operate a nursing home and physical therapy center. The nursing home is in competition with others in the d -/ fa: +, .: . ~ 5~ June 23, 1987 _ _ -- - ~~ Fifth Planning District, and a Certificate of Need is necessary. The project has received support from area doctors, hospitals, individuals and businesses. There is a need for this type of facility in the southwestern part of the County. Ms. Goodlatte described the plans for the proposed facility. Supervisor Brittle inquired if the petitioners at any time anticipate a new car dealership, or a service facility or used car lot for the property. Ms. Goodlatte responded that the do not plan to utilize the property that way. i Supervisor McGraw asked Mr. Stalzer to outline what uses would be complementary to the property. Mr. Stalzer answered that any type of services designed for use by the residents of either the nursing facility or the physical therapy center, such as medical facilities or restaurant use for those on site. Supervisor McGraw also asked Ms. Goodlatte whether or not:. ~~ r the developer will use Turkey Hollow Road for access to the property. Ms. Goodlatte responded the intent of the proffer was that they would not use that road and they are willing to tighten up that proffer. Mr. Mahoney stated that the proffer reflects the intent and it is not necessary to amend it. Supervisor Nickens asked what will happen if the Certificate of Need is not issued. Ms. Goodlatte stated that the physical therapy center will still be developed. This does not require a Certificate of Need. Mr. Steele also stated that will probably build adult housing. They have not yet established a time frame for development of the property. Supervisor Brittle pointed out that if the Certificate of Need is not issued, the petitioner will have to come back to the Board. for approval of their other plans. Attorney Mike Pace spoke represented landowners living on Turkey Hollow Road and Crossbow Circle who are concerned about' the possibility of Turkey Hollow Road being opened up as a public thruway to Buck Mountain Road and the increased traffic load on r.* X74 June 23, 1987 ---__ Hunting Hills Drive. They are also concerned about the fact that this is a phasing development that will take place on both this property and property owned by Lynn Brae Farms. The Planning Commission recommended that all parties involved meet to try and reach agreement. This has been unsuccessful. Mr. Pace presented a petition from area property owners opposing Turkey Hollow Road becoming a public thruway as a result of the rezoning. Supervisor Brittle asked if Turkey Hollow Road was a public Road. Ms. Goodlatte responded that the road is owned by Old Heritage Corporation and not a public road. Mr. Mahoney stated that his concern was what role the Board would have to restrict the use of a private road. The applicant's proffer would provide authority for the County staff, during the review (process, to restrict utilization of that road. Mr. Mahoney outlined the ways in which Turkey Hollow Road could become a public road, even if it is not part of the Secondary System. Supervisor Nickens asked why the parties could not agree at the meeting. Ms. Goodlatte responded that neither T. D. Steele or Lynn Brae Farms owns the road in question and have only an easement. The road is owned by Old Heritage Corporation and, all the petitioner can do is proffer the use of the road. Mr. Steele again pointed out that he did not own the road and could not anticipate any road improvements in the future. Other citizens speaking on this issue were: 1. Thomas R. Henretta, 5024 Crossbow Circle, Roanoke Ja. 24014, who was concerned with possible traffic problems and Lowered property values. 2. Gordon Willis, President of Old Heritage :orporation, stated that an agreement was signed 17 years ago allowing Mr. Steele to use the Starkey Drag Strip and use of 'urkey Hollow Road if it were open and dedicated to the public. old Heritage had the right to put up a gate. They can not sign n agreement with the residents now because this agreement would Jr ! J June 23, 1987 ~/ / go on forever. They requested a petition to put it in public hands. Old Heritage is not willing to sign anything that says they could not get to their own land. Supervisor Brittle asked John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering if a traffic count for Hunting Hills Drive and Crossbow Circle was available? Mr. Peters responded the traffic count is between 3500 and 4000 cars a day. The road 1, was brought into the system under the rural addition program and was not intended for that amount of traffic. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson Supervisor Brittle asked that a letter of support for the Certificate of Need be sent to the appropriate people. FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED that the following) parcels of land be rezoned from R-E District to B-2 District: Roanoke County tax Map No. Deed Book/Page Portion of 87.20-1-10 1262-1080 97.08-1-1 1223-1958 97.08-1-2 1223-1958 97.08-1-3 1223-1958 The legal descriptions for said properties are as follows: Beginning at a point on the north side of Buck Mountain Road, Virginia secondary Route 679, which point is the southwest corner of a 29.52 acre tract conveyed to Lynn Brae Farms, Inc. by deed recorded in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 906, page 629, thence leaving said road N 240 - 34'E 758'+ to a point thence with a new line through the property of Lynn Brae Farms, Inc. S 650 26'E 676.0 + to a corner #3 on the line of the Blue Ridge Parkway right-of-way thence with same the following 5~'~ June 23, 1987 - -- courses and distances 5270 -56'E -30E 170.59', S61o -37' 10' W49.65, S73°-08'-30'W 119.69', S83°-36'-30"W 295.0, N86°-14'-30"W 99.84', thence leaving the Blue Ridge Parkway property and with north lines of Lots 23 and 22 as shown on the map of Thomas H.Beasley property N72o-20'30"W 200.0 to common corner between Lots 21 and 22 of the said "Beasley" property; thence with the line between lots 21 and 22 S17o-31'30" 301.20' to a point on the north right-of-way line of Buck Mountain Road, Virginia secondary Route 679, thence with same the following two courses and distances N73°-15'-30"W a chord distance of 27.32'-arc distance 27.32' a radius of 542.96' thence N71o-49'W 148.91' to the place of BEGINNING and containing 7.47 acres more or less and being a part of the same property conveyed to Lynn Brae Farms, Inc. by Old Heritage Corp. by deed of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Va. in Deed Book 908, page 629. Lots 22 and 23 and that portion of Lot 24 between Blue Ridge Parkway and Lot 23 on the north side of Secondary Route 679, as shown on deed recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in State Highway Plat Book 8, page 65; and being the same property conveyed to Belva E. Hall by Eugene C. Hall and Belva E. Hall, husband and wife, by deed dated July 29, 1985 of record in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1223, page 1958. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a copy of this order be Transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that ~e be directed~to reflect that change on the official Zoning maps ~f Roanoke County, PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. The uses on the property will be as follows: la) Nursing home and; (b) Physical therapy center or related clinic/hospital special care; and (c) Commercial uses complementary to the principal es, which commercial uses are more fully described in Section -23-2 (A) (2) of the Roanoke County Code. 2. The height of the structures on the property will not 3 35 feet. '; .... 5 '~ 7 June 23, 1987 3. Surface water detention facilities will be established on site which will handle a ten-year storm with a two-year predevelopment release. 4. The developer does not intend to use Turkey Hollow Road to provide access to the above-reference property. X687-4 PETITION OF SCOTT AND SNYDER SERVICE BUREAU TO REZONE A 0.574 ACRE TRACT FROM A-1, AGRICULTURAL AND M-1 INDUSTRIAL TO B-2 BUSINESS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PETERS CREER ROAD IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS II Mr. Stalzer advised that this rezoning is for the ',construction and operation of a retail store for computer data processing sales and service. There was no one in opposition at the Planning Commission hearing. The most important impact factor was circulation on Peters Creek Road. There are no lefthand turns on this piece of property. This condition will] i apply to any development on this property. There are proffered conditions. The concept plan proffer is significant because the land use plan calls for transition land use which emphasizes placement of the building close to the roadway, screening and buffering from adjacent uses, and parking to the rear and side. The concept plans shows those policies have been adhered to. The 'Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve with proffered conditions. Ray Snyder, President of Scott and Snyder, was present to speak for the petition. They intend to adhere to the concept plan . Dr. Nickens requested that the petitioner check with 'the neighbors before he installs a six-foot fence. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the petition with', proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: i~ AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett ~~ • 5. "7 8 June 23, 1987 NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson FINAL ORDER NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 37.08-1-2 and recorded in Deed Book 1249, page 1066 and legally described below be rezoned from Al Agricultural and M-1 Industrial to B-2 Business District: BEGINNING at a point on the north side of new State Highway #117, 110.60 feet east of a concrete highway monument; thence N. 330 56' 30"W 247.32 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 550 30' 10"E 100.01 feet to an iron pin, thence S. 330 56' 30"E. 248.29 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 560 03' 30"W. 100 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and as shown by a plat made by David Dick and Harry A. Wall, S.C.E.'s dated March 11, 1966; and BEING the same property conveyed to Douglas M. Gimbert, Debbra G. Bennett, Bejamin I. Gimbert, Jr, and Mark A. Gimbert by deed dated July 15, 1986, from Gimbert Associates, Inc., a Virginia Corporation and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, is Deed Book 1249, page 1066. BE IT FURTHER ordered that a copy of this order bel =ransmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that ~e be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map ~f Roanoke County. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1. Any use permitted in Office and Residential B-1 except esidential. 2. Commercial uses serving the needs of a community, such as banks, retail drug stores, food sales, wearing apparel shops, home appaliance sales and service, barber and beauty shops, offices, hotels, motels, theaters, assembly halls, coin-operated laundries and small dry cleaning and laundry establishments, new l 5~'~ June 23, 1987 car dealerships which may include service facilities and used car lots, restaurants of a type which do not offer food or beverages for consumption outside the building; provided that they are located within the continuous shopping building complexes or as part of the operation of a motel and personal and professional services. Only merchandise intended to be sold at retail on the ,premises shall be stocked. j 2. Development will occur in substantial accord with the concept plan. 687-5 PETITION OF T&B REALTY FOR SOUTHEASTERN OPTICAL, INC. TO REZONE A 0.73 ACRE TRACT FROM B-1, BUSINESS TO M-1, INDUSTRIAL LOCATED AT 4607 OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD IN ~ THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS Assistant County Administrator Tim Gubala reported that (several citizens were present at the Planning Commission hearing (who were opposed to the petition because of traffic, property', values and erosion on the bank behind the property. The property was originally occupied by the petitioner in the early 1980's.' Whey have outgrown the building and wish to expand. The Planning '~iCommission had concerns regarding screening, buffering and ',parking. The Planning Commission voted 4 to 1 to approve the petition with proffered conditions. Supervisor McGraw asked about what the rezoning would do to future erosion of the bank. Mr. Gubala responded that a retaining wall would probably have to be built. Attorney will Lindsey represented the petitioners. The business is used exclusively for the manufacture of optical products. There are 35 people employed at the business and it is very light manufacturing use. The erosion problem belongs to the property next door to the petitioner. There is no erosion on the petitioner's property. They will not be parking in the front, but will establish parking behind the building. /~ ~J ~~ 580 June 23, 1987 --- ---. n Mr. J. W. Earls, Jr., 4701 Brambleton Avenue, spoke concerning the petition. His property is behind the property. He was concerned about the grading being done and this effect this will have on his property. He submitted photographs which were taken looking up at his property. Supervisor Garrett asked the staff to monitor the situation of the grading being done behind the property. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens,-Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land., which is contained in the Roanoke County tax Maps as Parcel 76.20-3-1 and recorded in Deed Book 1214, page 1455 and legally described below, be rezoned from B-1 District to M-1 District. BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Old Cave Spring Road formerly Route 221, S. 73 deg. 15'W. 7.82 ft. from an old iron pin corner to the property of David M. Garst; thence N. 73 deg. 15' W. 173.37 feet passing the old iron pin at 7.82 ft. to a old pipe in concrete; thence N. 9 deg. 07' 21" W 139.03 feet to an old iron pin; thence S. 89 deg. 56' E. 218.78 feet to an old pipe thence S. 6 deg. 30' W. 136.70 feet; thence S. 16 deg. 36'w. 53.39 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 0.733 acre, according to plat of survey by Jack G. Bess, C.L.S., dated July 2, 1984. BE IF FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that x 581 June 23, 1987 he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map', of Roanoke County. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1. The property will be used only for the manufacture ofI optical products and related support operations. ~ 2. No substantial changes will be made in the existing ',signage on the property. 3. The conceptual plan submitted with this application is proffered insofar as it shows the entrance drive and parking area, and insofar as it exhibits screening and buffering along. the north and east sides of this property. 687-6 PETITION OF R. WILLIAM REID BUILDERS TO REZONE A 0.25 ACRE TRACT FROM B-1 BUSINESS TO B-2 BUSINESS WITH CONDITIONS LOCATED AT 4530 OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS Mr. Gubala presented the staff report. This purpose of. the rezoning is to operate an office and a school of the arts.'', The Planning Commission recommended approval with proffered condition and one citizen was present at that hearing to insure (that would be no overflow parking on her property. Mr. Reid was present to answer any questions. No one spoke in opposition to the petition. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the petition with, proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisors' Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson FINAL ORDER 'Fi . .q•. . 5g2 June 23, 1987 ~- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel and recorded in Deed Book 1241 Page 01477 and legally described below be rezoned from B-1 Business to B-2 Business with conditions. ~~ ,i i Beginning at an iron pin of the east of Old Cave Spring Road (50' right of way) at the southwest corner of 1.245 acre tract conveyed to James Buck Plumbing and Heating and R. William Reid, Builder, Inc. by Wanda Jewel Grisse Condon;thence north 0.3° 48' 10" east 164.64 along the east side of Old Cave Spring Road to an iron pin; thence north i 740 12' 00" east 39.80 leaving Old Cave Spring Road to a found iron pipe; thence north 860 02' 35" east 70.00' to a point; thence south 160 24' S0" east 104.5' (a proposed new division line) thru the 1.245 acre tract to a .point in the northern line of a 0.076 acre tract conveyed to James Buck Plumbing and Heating and R. William Reid, Builder, Znc. by William M. Rosolowsky; thence north 84° 18' 40" east 20' with the northern line of the 0.076 acre tract to a found iron pipe; thence north 080 31' 10" west with the eastern line of the 0.076 acre tract to a point 56.12'; thence south 810 05'10" west 166.45 along the southern boundary of the 0.076 acre tract and the 1.245 acre tract crossing a creek to the BEGINNING and being all of ~ the 0.076 acre tract and 0.197 acre of the 1.245 acre tract. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1. Uses of the land will be restricted to Section 21-23-2 Paragraph A, subsections 1-4 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 2. No billboards will be erected on property. 687-7 PETITION OF LARRY D. FISHER TO REZONE A 0.93 ACRE TRACT FROM B-1 BUSINESS TO B-3 BUSINESS LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 460 AND SHAWNEE DRIVE IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT June 23, 1987 583 Mr. Gubala presented the staff report and noted that the Board will also need to issue a Special Exception Permit if the rezoning is approved. The Petitioner plans to operate a used automobile dealership on the property. The Planning Commission recommended approval with proffered conditions by a vote of 4 to 1. Mr. Fisher was present to answer any questions. Supervisor Nickens asked if there would be any major lautomobile repairs done on the property. Mr. Fisher responded that he did not yet know the extent of repairs. No one was present to speak in opposition. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions and to grant the Special Exception Permit. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned] parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps' as Parcel 55.02-2-14 and recorded in Deed Book 1201 page 264 and legally described below be rezoned from B-1 Business District to B-3 Business District. Tract containing 0.93 acres according to the Plat of the Fort Lewis Industrial Park made by T. P. Parker & Son dated July 1, 1981, and recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 202 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Va.; and BEING a portion of the same property conveyed to Salem Ready Mix Concrete, Inc. by deed dated December 29, 1983, from Joseph C. Thomas and Susan L. Thomas, his wife and Lewis P. Thomas and Minnie B. Thomas, his wife, of record in -~ ~;> 9 • 584 June 23, 1987 ~ - / the Office of the Clerk aforesaid in Deed Book 1201, page 264. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1. Use of property will be limited to the sale of used automobiles. 2. No outside storage of inoperable vehicles or junk vehicles. 3. Development will be in general accord with submitted concept plan 5/11/87, including the landscaping. 4. An additional point of access from Shawnee Drive will be constructed. 5. No billboards will be constructed on the property. 6. Only signage will be single letters on building frontage. 687-8 PETITION OF JERRY W. BUSH AND JANAT L. BUSH TO VACATE PLAT OF RAMSGATE COURT SUBDIVISION. WITHDRAWN BY PETITIONER 687-9 PUBLIC HEARING ON ESTABLISHMENT OF CONSTRUCTION FUND PRIORITY FOR THE SECONDARY SYSTEM OF THE STATE HIGHWAYS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987/88. Assistant Director of Engineering John Peters announced that this public hearing is a requirement of the Virginia Department of Transportation policy, and allows for citizen comment on the proposed funding priorities. Following the hearing, the Board must officially adopt a resolution approving the funding priority. The Board gave preliminary approval to the Priority List on May 26, 1987. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the prepared resolution establishing the construction prio,..~ie~ for fiscal year 1987/88. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett. RESOLUTION N0.62387-11 APPROVING CONSTRUCTION PRIORITIES FOR THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 ~„ ; ~w; { ~•. r.~585 June 23, 1987 s - _ - - +-a• _ II - _ ..._ _ - --- _ - __ ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board does hereby establish for fiscal year 1987-88 those certain construction fund priorities for the Virginia (!Department of Transportation Secondary System of Highways in 'Roanoke County as set out on that certain list of priorities with recommended amendments as presented to the Board at its meeting on June 23, 1987; and ~ 2. That a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency office along with a duly attested copy of said priority list with amendments by the Clerk to the Board. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson d '687-10 PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18, "SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL", CONCERNING THE INSTALLING OF SEPTIC TANKS AND REQUIRING A PERMIT AND PRESCRIBING FEES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS This issue was heard under Second Reading Of Ordinances concerning the same subject. IN RE: CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Cleve Curbow, 3637 Kentland Drive requested an update on the drainage problems in his neighborhood. John Peters res onded that the staff p had m et with Fred Altizer of the Virginia Department of Transportation and they are continuing to try and resolve the problem. ~ °/ IN RE: ADJOURNMENT 5g6 _ June 23, 1987 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Ashton Lane COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Waterfall Lake, Section 2 Subdivision requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept-0.22 miles of Ashton Lane. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find this road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Ashton Lane into the Secondary Road System SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Phillip Henry, E. lmer Hodge Director of Engineering County Administrator 1 ITEM NUMBER ~~=--3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Highfield Farm Trail COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: R~romn,~-~ r~pptzc~.,~. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Highfield Farm Estates Subdivision requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find this road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~~ None. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Highfield Farm Trail. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: w~ Phillip Henry, E. lmer Hodge Director of Engineering County Administrator 1 C ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Ashton Lane COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~r~~rnc-~~ P~'~'Qczcv~~... SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Waterfall Lake, Section 2 Subdivision requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.22 miles of Ashton Lane. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find this road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Ashton Lane into the Secondary Road System SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ;~~ ~/~`~ Phillip Henry, E. lmer Hodge Director of Engineering County Administrator 1 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1987 RESOLUTION 72887-1.c REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF ASHTON LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Ashton Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a f i f ty ( 50 > foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Waterfall Lake, S ection 2 which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 321, of the records of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 9, 1985 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Ashton Lane and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY - TESTE: ._j.~ ~ G2~ ~_ Mary H. A len, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 7/29/87 cc: File John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator ITEM NUMBER .~ --3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Highfield Farm Trail COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: R~prrrnt-„'(~ P~~RGutl~. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Highfield Farm Estates Subdivision requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find this road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~a None. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Highfield Farm Trail. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: w~ Phillip Henry, E. lmer Hodge Director of Engineering County Administrator 1 •cJ ACTION Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~ -~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, July 28, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF HIGHFIELD FARM TRAIL INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Highfield Farm Trail to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Highfield Farm Estate, Section 1 and 2 Subdivision which maps were recorded in Plat Book 9, Pages 343 and Plat Book 10, Page 16, of the records of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on November 21, 1985 and July 16, 1986, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Highfield Farm Trail and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 3 _~ ~-~ KNp fir,'%-~~ ESTATES ~ .. '. \ ~ •\ 694 Y ~ ' ~ l !N4R(pp 745 k ~~~ * -- w .q ti, A ,5 J. \ sus i e~~i o {~S HEIGHTS .a2. \\~~`! ' ~ ~''~/ ~ -I NOD ~'-' 9ff ~ # Ln~`.[]\!/®/.~1_. 690.--'__ K GS~~ ";b~~ ! \ b fLEM SdI H(11 I~ ~~~. t. ------_- ----------' VICINITY MAP -_...__._.__. _---`,~`---------- ~ - / ~~ NORTH DEPARTMENT OF = PUBLIC FACILITIES HIGHFIELDS FARM TRAIL *.~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, July 28, 1987 RESOLUTION 72887-1.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF HIGHFIELD FARM TRAIL INTO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Highfield Farm Trail to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty ( 50 ) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as Highfield Farm Estate, Sections 1 and 2 Subdivision which maps were recordled in Plat Book 9, Pages 343 and Plat Book 10, Page 16 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on, November 21, 1985 and July 16, 1986 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Highfield Farm Trail and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of offical acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. . , On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY - TESTE: ~G;e!.h'c~' Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 7/29/87 cc: File John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator A-72887y1.c ITEM NUMBER ~_ AT A REGUINIAMHELDNATOTHE~ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRG OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER July 28, 1987 MEETING DATE: Acceptance of water lines in Huntridge, Section 1. SUB~CT: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Land er of Huntridge- Section One, accept the deed The develop with all Venture, has requested that Roan the Subdivision along conveying the water lines serving ro erty. necessary easements and associated real p p Tans ineering p e, dated May The water lines aparker~&a SondentitlednHuntriDe artment. The prepared by T• P• 1980, which are on ficlonstruct ion lmeetsc he pecif ications and water and sewroved by the County. the plans app FISCAL IMPACT: ~a The value of the water construction is $132,000. RECOMMENDATION: t the ervisors accep with The staff recommends that the Board °f rp and authorize the d facilities serving the subdivision along water and relate all necessary easements and real prope Y Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these County facilities. p,PPROVED SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. Henry Director of Engineering '~~ ~,~' ~ lmer Hod County Administrator p,-72887-1.e ITEM NUMBER ~ pF THE BOARD OF SUPERDMINISTRATIONNCENTER A REGULAR MEETING AT NIA HELD AT THE ROANOKONCOUESDAY- COUNTY V.RGI IN ROANOKE- VA., July 28, 1987 IN~TE' to Accept the Renewal of the MEET Authorization Grant for the Commonwealth ~ Request for Assistance SU~~ Victim Wls pffice Attorney' ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: CO .'2~ Z G~r~r'~r~cl~7 INFORMATI~' ,vIMARY OF ~ s Office has bhat thel g ant for nwealth Attorney Services t amount of The Commo riminal Justice roved in the The grant artment of C been apP l~ 1987• State DeP Assistance has inning July State General Witnessfiscal year beg l 953 to V ictim the DCJS Block Grant and $ ~ .s budget $7,810 for State fiscal year ~ in the current includ Fun s/ are included Fund. roject. Administrator cover this P the CountYtance of this requested to authorfor the accep The Board is riate documents to execute the approp grant. IMPACT: D'~ at $8, 500, and FISCAL Were budgeted should be ss revenues Both line items Victim Wltne eted at $10,000• roved. expenditures were budg ted to reflect the amount actually ap adjus APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: L /;~ Elmer C• Bodge X,a.C~-~- ~' '~` Coun y Administrator Diane D• Bya Director of Finance cc: Tom Blaylock m ________________ Crystal Markha ------------------ VOTE ------- - No Yes Absent ----------------- ACTION Lee Bob L. Johnson/ Brittle - -X - -- ( ~ Motion bY= staff Garrett - x- -- ppproved ( ~ Garrett to a rove - - Den1ed recommendation Johnson McGraw X- Received ( ~ - Referred Nickens To ~/ -- Z'1:~; '•C~' vµ~ ,;~~~. Tu ~f V~~Z~INIA RD N. HARRIS C® ~~ 1 ~ Olrector pepartment of Criminal Justice Services STREET RICHMO-`1D• ~~RGINIA 23219 IIMINAL JUSTICE SEP~I~ES SOARU 805 EAST BROAD ~g04)786.4000 June 10, 1987 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Roanoke County Adminstration Center Post Of f i VA B ~4018UJ Roanoke, Dear Mr. Hodge: MS ASSISTANCE Title: CRIME VICTI ASSISTANCE RE; Program VICTIM/WITwESS Program Category: 87_A6531 Grant Numuer: 1987, the above-referglock; ou that as of June 5~ g57.U0 DCJSra~n. This is t0nahassbeen approved in the an~u~~~810 UO Total Prog grant aaplicat~o _U_ Local Matc-'; a Stag ent General Fund; ~ Acceptance, ~1,953.OU Statement of Grant Awar . u will find a General Grant tandeta°ds Attached yo and Attachment A, Accep f Grant Award/Special Conditions, Statement of Grant Aaatment of Criminal o The original of the and Assurances. ned and returned to the Dep nt A should be s~`J i ned forms are our oheretol notice that you the Attachme pCJS). These s 9, ertainin9 t Justice Services ( rant, complete accept the grant award and the conditions p ursuant to this 9 find ich you will ou wish to request funds awarded p soon as When y VEST FUR FUNfundOSRdi bursed as and forward tost~ey office the RE uest will be processed and enclosed. Tn a reciated. possible. and interest in this matter are greatly pP Your cooperation truly Ver ,you ~ ~/ ~ ~ ~'` a, ~/ Richard N. Harris O1/vn Attachments stal Markham cc: Ms. Cry H att Ms. Diane C• Patterson, DCJS Ms . Ma ndi e M . ~- = a~s'~~ se -'L-5~5 COMtAOP~WEALTH OF VIRGINIA e artment of Crimin~l Justice Services U p tree 805 East BVoadl ni a 23219 Richmond, GRAN E' RUANOY~E COUNTY ~J "` STATEMENT OF GRANT AWARD/ ACCEPTANCE VICTIM WITNESS ASSISTANCE G4ZANT NU.: 87-A6531 DATE: 06/05/87 --- ----- JCEUURE : LAP 5u~~~ - 1 Payment @ g7 ,810.00 GR r pERIUU: THROUGH: 06/88 FIN NCE Urt11'"~ FK~,,1: 07/B7 PR JECT ADMI~~. DIR C OR plane C. H att PROJE Hod e Elmer C. Roanoke Co. Cr stal Markham pirector, NAME: Administrator Adm. Center County Adm. Center P. O• Box 3800 V/W Coordinator Roanoke Co. TITLE: Courthouse P. 0. Box 3800 VA 241)15 Roanoke Co. Roanoke, 305 E. Main Street 24015 703 772-2'J20 ADDRESS: Roanoke, VA ~ Salem, VA 24153 7U3 722-2004 - _--- __ _____ ____ 703 3137-6174 - ====3 =°_ =I PHONE NU: DE AIL t3U0GET AWARD __ - TOTALS _ _ __ OTHE`.~ MATi,H _ ___ _ ____= i ~CJS=.==-1= -CASK MATCH ~_. s >~ AMOUNT 81,810 BUDGET CATEGORY A. PERSJNNEL g 453 B . CUi~SUL AN S ~1, 357 C, TRAVEL 6,000 D. ~U PMEN ON E. RL.N VA 1,500 I 97,810 F. SUPPLIES ~ 4,500 OTHER EXPENSES -~1,g53 $5,857 TOTALS ANU CRITERIA INCLUDED IN THE GRAN IS SUBJECT TO ALL RULES, REGULATIONS, T ANU SPECIAL CONDITIONS ATTACHED HERET ' THIS GRAN APPLICNTION AND THE GENERAL SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZE`) OFFICIAL ~/ c i~i~~ /~ HARRIS, DIRECTOR RICHARD N• tance and the conditions Accep ertaininy eceived the Statement of Grant Award t and agree to the conditions p ned, having r accept this gran ~ 19 !_. Tne undersig does hereby attached thereto, day of thereto, this Signature Title ~--~' DCJS-3-585 MENT OF CKIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES DEPART STREET 805 EAST B~~KGINIA 23219 RICHMOND, ROANUKE COUNTY STATEMENT OF GRANT AWARD/SPECIAL CONDITIONS FUR GRANT PROGRAM: JAA ~1I JJDP ~~I V/W ~ ~~ ~~ pIC ~~.~ OTHER 87-A6531 GRANT NUMBER: ,DATE: 06/05/87 ND MADE A PArtT OF THIS GRANT AWARD: OWING CONDITIONS ARE ATTACHE) TO A THE FOLL of the grant application will comply with the teens rantee nd or amendments thereto. 1, The suby and any attachments a / rocedures use their own purchasing P under when purchasing Local units of government may 2• as they meet the federal standards as long this grant. if they established travel dOeSSnot have follow their own If a sub grantee olicy. 3, Subyrantees may olicy. state travel p then ne must adhere to expenses. have an established trave P ortat~on costs, olicy, for actual reaTransPe an established P for mileage• The state al i ows ~e 21 Pe re me 1 e The stat air and rail fares, are at coach rates. sucn as ~~ Cl~ Page = f A ATTACHMENT DITIpNS AND ASSURANCES GENERA- GRANT CON th respect to the grant rti f i es w~ assur owe ny requirements' as tee gives l reyulat~0n victims The sub9ranly with the fo all rules and JAA~ ~ the 1 that it will come will comPlti~e Assistance artment of Cr~m~na tee 1• The s~bated under the J 198q and theP oGedures• Pr~rime Act.~e~C(pCJS) APPl~cat~on monitorin9~ °f Serv~c audit~ny, such Justice ntin9~ scary to keep fund accou be nece ices shah es res as mad Justice Serv ol~ Proper assur that subgrantee Lion Procedu Crimina al contrCeived under 2• and such a v theaDepar rovided to a se~ent fc funds re recordibe shall be P disbu In the Justice Press nt~ and efficient is are manayeme s Procedures under this yrant• system requ d APP~ication t accounting Guide an hl. Subyran Act Program ara9raP the DCJS Assistanlll, page 12, P such reports ~e submitted $ect~on 11 submit h quarter' is shall - tee sha or - S• Each sub eQuest. F~ollowa n9 t e tl;ned ~ n the Statement 3• REp~ seasonably 12th day f ted as ou to the DCJS opts shall be submit ress reP h PrOy t Award. s to comply 28~ Gran A-1 of The subyrante Ofa OMB C~rc superseded ANp AUDIT ~t ee Audi A~ s which has INSPECTION ton and 4' the or9a ntiny th ~ircu l A-1D21• for examina- "Impleme lar to arrange with are conformance Attachment P of their contras dent audits in Sub9rantees °form of indepen in the A-128• d to the DCJS• Lions be forwarde OMB Circular of all audits shall A copy VOCA 06g6 ~~ Page ?- °f _- 5. The subyrantee will comply, National a. where applicable, policy with the following' Act (28 MFR 61) Environmental b. Flood Plain Procedures Management (28 MFR 63) National 4listoric and Wetland ation Act Protection Preserv property istance and (28 GFR 52) c. 6. Polices Act of 1y70 Uniform Relocation • s d• uisitions Act, pub. Acq tc Ha trictions of theconcern~ny tee to The res amended)+ licabl ACTIVITY. III (as employees arlo~aP government pULITICAL 6 USC Enapter with L, y3-433, of government state and ction activity other is in tonne Under a political staff members a employment by grants.l rn- rantee rincipal or in part' loca gove ruby whose P whole state andical management employees ct, such in polit activities financed he Hatch A office. ly7y amendmens may take anm yt not bercandidates for meet employee except they aiyns the grounds of and camp 11, °n icap be No person sha or hand be TEO. i in, sex, fits or PRUN18I 1 or ~en1ed the bene log- - TION nationa be ~e~oe~h~~ustice ~• DISCRIMINA color, tion in, under or race, re ~gion, articipadiscrimination ursuan 2g CFR from P ded P• ions excluded subjected to rants awar tiny regulat ram, with,a d the implemen roject, pr o9 rant. otherwise or any P frog, the 9 ment in connectofnly84, ~ and G, f~t~ ons and re;luirz<nents arts ~, ~~ E bene 64 and its implementing Assistant Subp supported the proviso part 42, subgrant with t further activity, or must cpi°Ply • hts Act The subyrantee ofs1973, as The subgrant of the Civil R~9 nation of Title V S 28 CFK 41.101 et se bilitation Act e Oiscrim of the Re u~ations; the Ag ulations and regulation Section 504 ntiny•reg. ent~ny re9 with comply its imPleme 1y 72. amended, and its ~mP amended, and as ation Amendments of 1es, Act °f 19 of the Educ certif • Title IX Each subyrantee 0 or- PROGRAM; an Equal ESP of 28 GFK Section T OPPORTUNIT~f~ pYMEN has on rovi Sion 8. EQUAL•tMnas executed conforms wit at ;~ponform~r un~Y Program that ~ Proyrd1° which no Equal EmplOYment GpPo tun~ty se ., subpart 42.3~1~ et regulation, foregoing is required. 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Thate the Purta~t~sf agreements, or con eveloPed is effectu consul is 9r ant' loyment, arises rider th emP ntion to pCJS. inve erformed u If any discovery °r f work P erg or i nve o~10 fights to NT S• a result ° disco ion or PAT~_.-- e of or as refer the determinat b the DCJS the 15• ~n tours tee shad reel tnt shad be Bade o shall havehere the subgrantee hereby a9 is yra tativ wh not and w ition Tne subyran made under ticial represen whe determ the dispos to determine ine ntions d off its duly authorize rs to and exclusion should be fled and sole t applicat~ paten VUCA U6g6 -- C!> ~' Page ~ of f issue title which tho ized inc~ud~o9 its duly au ntions+ pCJS+ addit10n the pCJs inve such of the al. 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UNDS THIS REQUEST ~ ,wu~~~• ~ AWARD ~A) TOTAL PROGRAM UESTEDIRECEIVED y REQ B) PAYMENTS PREVIOUSL ~ ILAgLE AMOUNT OF AWARD lC~ AVA TURFS FOR ESTIMATED EXPENDI ~p~ ADVANCE PERIOD ~ AMOUNT NOW REQUESTED ~E~ T BALANCE CF ~ REMAINING GRAN ON m kna~l edge C ERT IF IC AT I t to the best °f y ,~i th the I certify tha made in accord a ce will be shy regUeste .v XXXxx~.n~,.._. x. 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CpTIDN all draw C ERT IF I _2- L..- i DEVELOPMENT DATA REPORj OANO co~NT y ~F~ RO ANDKE . ~ ~ MENT OF Z ., ~ DEPART 8~8 `DpMENT pEV E 19g~ 1~Dhy ~- / MEM~Rp,NDUM visors f the Board of Super veloPment Specialist 0 T0: Members $fbEconomle e of f ler - ent D' Sh t FROM Br 1 28- 198 eveloPment Data Repor is In s DATE = Ju Y nd Quarter - 198 D geVelopment P Ju ec 19g7 , show SUBJECT• SecO rogress of e lod of April 198 made of the P the P t are view during or A re oke County i hlights~ uarterlY rep Rhe following h ~ sons of thl of last Year • ° from t ari ter gown 280 come oar e n°te tha to the she q ~ 1~ 3 ) are ue of these with reference building PermThe total va t° ~9-642,89from F~nilY X240)• 2-123'gp3 aim°st 10~ 1. New e quarter eased by 20 erf permit increased permi~ athe a~ rage v2 ue P to tw° and Howe~er'g5 to $55-~39• from fire 250,644. 54,515• rmits geCe road$1-3p3o4fr m $260-695 to 2• New Buss the P otal ermit declined 52° ed from two decreased 1 value Per P ter decreas issued The average issued for tee aloe 439 P°r~138'SpO. 125-322- ~ ermits averag 241- om 3 • Ingus or orie P n 19 ecreased 42 ° f rom ~ issued gecre n~ eased by during the quarter d of ess Tonal e e per it - h°wever - t - Bank and Pr e value P .s rep°r Off ice e averag 09• t quarter o meat Vel P two to °n~g6 062 t° ~120- omPared wl legustrlal de ermits 1 40°o f r°m n this rep nt and c°~e ever ge ~ co~er~ al" lndustria e arY: W gevelopme e T e t new b h°usi ag slight dec aevelopmen en bu has eased for owss m Xed imPr°Vem t ons- Please advise• incr t s geveloPmen any comments or goes 1 If there are Building S reports-and structl°n montt'119 Source = s ° f the Coned both the June ~ 8~ Mrs, GlorlDev 1 pmen~-the P ri°d APrll 0 Depar uarterlY rep°rts f o the q ~ -1 ~~ Npk ~ ~~~~ F ,~~ `~ ~~~~ G~ V ~ ME,NT 'EgMITe LOP E tN0 TMEN'f OF DE`/N pIVI510N c•EO pICAL CRMITB ~ BUA PING 1NSPE'GTlO MgINd P MEG ~,NiCAL rEPM1TB Ia3a M E M O R A N D U M ssistant County Administrat°r Timothy Gubala, A T0: permit Clerk Gloria Dive of'De~elopment FROM: Department 19$7 truction July 7, Hess Cons DATE: Report for Busi Quarterly Building 87e and the SUBJECT: Construction rterly rep°rt teor of April thru Jurie 19 d is the qua the quay 1987• of Development Attach of Development for and June, DePartme sports for April, May ontact the Department monthly uestions, Please c if there are any q at 772-2065• INIp` 2A015 ~~p31 ~~2_2p65 ~ttF. VIRG p ~-l op pppooopoo ~ op°oo°o°• .oNd,co . N O p p o O o p p p o p p~ o p M~~ °oo~~~~pNp~°o~p°oo°~-~~ ~~ a' ooo~,°p°oo~oar,or~M~~p~~~~NM N ~~NN~~~~~~~N~~~ ~~~~ N. 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N N ~ O a ~ ~ ~, o U ~ U G '~ • ~ G `~ U ~ ~ O' ~ a N W W G O '' o c u L- ~~° the following June, 1987 e: e months of ac i~ dies took Plac ship included the Regional Par and meeting with During th development strategy c with Roanokes eting economi f°r mark addition, ctiv sties • c n ins prosper ank pr o ~ ties meeting • tonm lze 1, A o inim ticiPati t is ectives p arketing commi toe goa acrd advertise eg expo aer was designe n as a follow d strategy f and maximiz there is a a coordinate of responses noted that to go site duplication sion has ers dive , decision mak ear . In economic dev oraP ee reloc alf of the ca the f of °wing ads have 2• The e durl g Phe latte ea ed activity' increas incr e edition Pr P ration of this the May/Jun on ection been P ad was P ifeaturin9 The compa- laced: laced a 1/6 Page B/W parks magazine enerated' informati~n~ second sites, and have been g ropriate edition of A• A plants, responses warded app the June ecial a sP of a• Eight have bee as Was PlaOed in ed in aced tO VirgiresPonding B/W which apPeit is anticiP e B• An initiagacil pies m Atla tic states- 1987 Business The the S°uth in the August section ° 15 responses•been reserve on gandbook•of various to e asp generatage B/W ad,hof si Seloftlif ects C• A 1/3 pfe Edition ualitY - Come grow Iles anti Li will discuss q "150 Years riri al 1 g aPpeThe in co~%h pages B/ 1 yingathe reofu~ommerceo use wot • a one to D • wi eh 1987 d irginha~eh ernatiOnal exP th ectorY Well expand therr life • e der ear shelf a need to /0p0 squat square two Y es expressed inim~ of 100i~m o f 50 - 000 remaining compani m a minim local One required a wires een shown in 3• operate°ns• the other req serest has b al park- feet of spacer Contin sa southwest Industr i t ted: feet of space- Coun Y the vise Parcels of companies were he following oodsal .red Executives (SCORE) 4' A• seaboard F of Reti Cores eived a B• service Hancock Steel victuals sec John W• and ends C• 1 companies certificate o f appreci planning The following loca ation 5' tion Core°ra Engineering an erican Balance Architectures B : ~ itheY'B ttnana Ass°c sates c tens se advise the Economi C• Larry sco pe D. Lewis C• or comments, Plea e are questions If then Divisi°n' Development ~~ NUMBER L ' ~.3 ITEM ISORS OF ROANOKE 0~' THE BOARD OF SUpERV TION CENTER COUNTY ADMINISTRA MEETINAT THE ROANOK ON TUESDAY, AT A VZRC A HINDROANOKE- VA• . COV~TY - July 28- 1987 ,: _ June 1987 ~EE~~ccounts Paid SV~ 'S COMMENTS' ~MINISTRATOR C0~ $2,520,152.49 INFORMATION ARY OF ~ Payments to Vendors: $362,066.00 Bi-weekly 345,813.13 707,879.13 Payroll 06/26/87 Bi-Weekly $707,879.13 $~~_- is on file with the Clerk o f the Payment A detailed listing o the Board of Supervisors• APPROVED: t SUBMITTED BY: G~ liner Hodge //;;~~ Administrator ~~ t,U ~ Count _______-- Diane D' Hyat artment of ___------~ Director, DeP ____-------- VOTE s Abs Finance -------------- No Ye _-______--- ACTION Brittle ~ -- _ _ - ~ ---- ~ Motion by' Garrett roved ~ Johnson -- .~ APP McGraw Denied ~ ~ -- Received ( ~ Nickens -_- --- Ref erred To BER ~ ~' ITEM NUM ROANpKE ISORS OF N CENTER -~ BOARD OF S Ty ADMINISTRATIO MEETING O TILE ROANOR ON T ESDAy - AT p' BEG GINIA HELD gOANOIGE r VA • - e Ci Y ° CpvNTY- VIR IN t 198 ent BetWeAnne ation of July 28- the Agree Regarding MEETING DATE' finance App County ff goan° e County SvBJECT: pad em an Territories o -~- Certain S COMMENTS: IST~'TOR' ~ IN _ CpvNTy ADM ,~~' G'ar c',~~tN~''~''~' erVis°rs ~~ ,w~`~ ° f Sup ed to ~~c,c="~`~ N ; of the B°ar Salem aguf ford' Og INFOR~'TIO e Chairma the City et al' a y the C~es SUM~gy h 3 - 19 S~ -the MaY°cases ' Ak and appr°~ea ~ 4) re erasing On MarCountY ana nexatiOn reviewed 15 •1-116 ring cone agree- g°anoke ending has been Section ublic heating thiSfinallY oe5°lVe Tres agree ~overnmenotice fOO~a q an fod°an order al• Local of a apps urt mi~sS ones Publica ann°rdinaec~ircult C° and July Sea f th 19 ° . do the as efore petattering on July 14ng for 'SeCOnar°eading ze of bng this m s were Publisd P b2$ c 198~r and the an 1 The n°ti rSt readin for Ju Y 198 ri ee isi s rhAdgus d 11 - 198 City °f taha o Sd5eheduled f ° m° o from thhis a un 5 - ~0 T ACT, DN five $1~ Venues . IMP FISCAL untY w 111 loss In g7 / 8a budget The C° nts the the 19 ider th adOp- wh i CY1 rep eri e nCluded in Cons e already be rd faVOrabic hearing. gECOMMENDATION: ded that gee after the publ ally Submitted- is rec°mm sed ordinan gespectf tion of the pr°po ~' Mah°neY Coup Y' Attorney ~= f ___--- V~TYes Abs _---' ?~~ Brittle .. -'-~ ACT nett . .~ ,, --'-~ tiori bY~ Joh raw ~ ~ ~- ~ M° MSG kens . ~ ,~' ~ ~ Nic ~ovec~ ~ AB's • ed Oer~ lvea Re ~e~ z ea e To~ OF ROANOKE VISORS NISTRATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPER ADMI / ,~ r.- R MEETING AT THE ROAN~LY 28UN1987 ~/ ' A REGULA HELD 7 AT TY - VIRGINIA- ON TUESDAY - EEMENT COUN CENTER- VING THE AG~NLI THE DINANCE A CITO OF SALEM ANNEXATION OR EN THE REGiESING ROANO~CE gETWE ROANOKE R OF COU CERTAIN TERRITO of OF Y Board of SupervisOrsted COUNT Chairman of the n Agreement da WHEREAS- the inia- has executed aem and the County of Virg the City of Sal CountY- ved Roanoke lgg7- by and between appro March 3- s been reviewed and ha Roanokei and EAS- the Agreement t; and s inten- WHER it • sion on Local Governmen has advertised b the Commis County °f R°anoke 1987' and July 21- Y 14- the A reement on July ral WHEREAS- this g a newspaper of gene tion to approve es Worl News' & d Roanoke Tim nd on this the ion; a and Public hearing 1987' in dict this ;ur is circulation in e first reading the second reading on WHEREAS - th 19 87 - and s July 28- Hance wa held °n August 11- 1987; and desirous of re- held on ordi are e was ective localities this ordinanc the resP WHEREAS- d of Super- the Boar issues' RE- it ordained by ree- these Ag solving THERgFO be hat the Men'orandum °f hereto NOW - t ed Virginia, attach Hoke County' e of which is visors °f Roa ch 3, 1g87- a tru cop o ted and aPprOped• ion the ment dated Mar herein' is hereby ad P directed to Petit and incorporated ttorneY is hereby rights of the respec- The County A blishin9 the ree- an order esta r the terms °f this Ag Circuit COUrt for as set forth unde necessary to accomp- ive local governments other action as may be t such ment- and t° take lisp these purposes• ~'-1 AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF o f March - 19 87 ' 3rg day red this e and ente ted copy ENT mad execu an AGREEM finals (each SALEM, THIS in duplicate orig CITY OF 1) by and between the and the and executed inia (City) origina of Virg inia n an the th Virg conStitrate city of the Co ofn Commonwealth of incorPo a county ROANOKE- COUNTY OF filed pursuant (County)' been style tion has in the for annexa as amended, EAS- a Petition Virginia' of Salem- and WHER _1034 of the Code of Cit - filed to § 15'1 Count of Roanoke and tion has been annexa the A)ters el al ~• petition for S amended- in of Separate of Virginia- a of Salem- WHEREAS- a e and Cit e t to § 15 •1-10 34 , C of Roanok purSUan Count al ~• style of Hufford et under review by the s are currently and petition reement WHEREAS- these and this Ag ion on Local Go~ernment- have reached iss City and the County further defining Comm actions and in the future- AS- the Lion WHERE annexa tions the pending arding annexa enning of the mutual covenants an cone ities reg other as resP°nSibil ideration each the City s in cons with THEREFORE- the parties agree the term reements herein contained' ent- n on ag A not CommisSio this g ice to the follows: ores of For the Pure of 1• initial act tion• "initiated" means th any Proposed annexa to exation by nhe of the ann of consent petitio Government rees to tion LOCal The County ag ending annexa of Roanoke 2, in the P el al ~• Count of the area described Akers ed Y the metes and style of b City under the deSCrib tive 95.225 acres The effec em as Specifically petition' 1987- that 31- and Cit of Sal contained in ht on pecember description midnig bounds annexation shall be date °f this gate as set by the C°urt• or such later ,~-i roposed 1 reject any P o § 15.1-1034 it wil nt The City agreesi ory initiated P sss consent °f th tion 3, tart t the exPre anY annexa of County withou to annexat Co e of Virginia, reject will apply 1- 1988' January °f the This Agreement to 1987, and until 1988, ending July 1 County, after January 1,inning January 1- anY citizen beg encourage ficallY - initiated a Period t suPp°rt or Speci 4• FOr no tO this period' directly tees 3 the City ag tiated during utelY ref ra a n ro tion 199 - exations ini 1 absol exa petition ann that City wil °f citizen survey fees, the anY it is agreed ancing the cost rney, fee The •ndirectlY fin and all attO s an effort. i any tad to such way citizen a 1ud petitions inc es nor other cos ll riot encourage e- ory agree to t it wi engineering fe 1 not reimburs efforts r agrees tha wil vexation furthe Lion and such an City exa old sition e any itY further ant and anY nexatio groups seeking expenses incurred 9° ees to take nO a ° n reimburs - The C Governm successful, on L°cal ent• of b afore the COmmiss object tO this A of the PrOVisiO to seek an b Dort in anY the City violates ~ 1 have the r u tY and the Citis 5• If the C°untY Roanoke CO Should th hs 3 °r 4- t Court °f t C°urt• that aragraP Circus °f tha f ind P Lion in the urisdiction ictio 3- of s injunc sents to the ~ °f competent 7urisdraph or 4 th ing rt of parag enjoin hereby o°n any °ther coo prder isiOns tO an Court, the PrOV titled costs ated 1 en fe and 1 1 e s es the City has hen the County W1 of all attorney ch action. Agreement, t and an award ecuting su unty is such violation, and pros the CO after ating that rs tee ea incurred in iTlve ty and the C°unt re enue for the five p00 , payable The C s net tax loss is $175, of 6• to the 1OS °f reed that such the effective date entitled It is ag following the annexation, X30) days vet cessarY ° sum thirty steps ne in a lump re tO take whate e annexation, ties ag 7• The par s Agreement. approval of thi obtain 2 / y i F shall be this Agreement and obligations °f artier hereto and The rights benefit of the p future g• the including any and inure to assigns upon binding successors an respective of the their regiment bodies. is an aq tion by the governing ndum represen to confirms This memora subject the proper legal is below and urisdiction in representatives verninq bodies of each 7 go documents- ~ ~ ~, pate: ~ _ ~,~ ^` :'l~'~ - L ~~ ~ C itY o'f S :em ATTEST 3 8~ ,,q D _ pater -, - - - Supervisors ~~oard of CHAIRMAN ' Roanoke County ,_ i! - _- ,f _.. __ _. ATTES 3 ITEM NUMBER /V "~ T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARS OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER A VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOK COUNTY, IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, v 28, 1987 MEETING DATE: Jull BJECT: Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Water SU --- Systems COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: j~'~c.L~~rr~relc--~r-~c~7 ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On July 14, 1987, the Board held a WOT toeconside~ cseveral the acquisition of certain water systems, din alternatives and to revie ffetoaproceed with the arecom- fun g The Board voted to authorize sta nded course of action. See the work session materials for a me more detailed discussion. d within the The following water amounts indicated utilizing Water System Cherokee Hills Forest Edge Carriage Hills/Parker Crescent Heights t systems shall be acquire the described funding sources: F,,,,dinq Source Cost 1986 Bonds $ 67,000 1986 Bonds 131,000 1986 Bonds 35,000 1985 Bonds 60,000 Utility Fund 6,300 Sherry Cour Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter requires that e ac uisition of real estate or any interest therein" be "th q The first reading on this proposed lished by ordinance. 28, 1987; the second reading is accomp ordinance is scheduled. fO19871y scheduled for August 11, FISCAL IMPACT: ~~ 1986 Bonds - 1985 Bonds - $233,000 funds will be initially made available with a loan from the Utility Fund 97-6-87003-0- 00000 to the 1986 Bond account for the purchase of private water systems. When the bonds are sold, these funds will be repaid to the Utility Fund. $6Q~Opp Bonds have been issued and funds are currently available. -8~ 000. 00'0-00 an addltis ' p in ~U`nd 97-6 oa d thPns e of acq° d - $630 a the Bt foraeXp es n d ~ t o .~ Utility Fu o~e~de ency acco etc . ~ . also ~ ~~ °ont~'SUrveYln~~ ider the pr°- Zt e~ce~t t io eet inq' cons d £a~o~ab1Y ~l te~le9al~ en9 bmlttedi ti°~' ~DATZ~N; ed that the Boar ~~llv sv RECO~R ~ eoomn`end Respect It is ~ce• nnl~ Q~~?V~A' / osed ordlna ~ nn~~ V `+ ~ p ~ `t `+ honey Paten Y. ~ttoxney -----' - _ -- ~o ,--- VOT ~ s phs ,- - - No e - .i -- '- - tittle i ~ i --- _'--'' ACTION B nett ~~ ~ ~ _ - ~ G ohnson i ~ i _-- '''' - tion bY~ MC~raw ~ ~ ~ C ~ Nio Nickens i a ~ nled (` ~ Recel~ed Re.~er ~ ed To ....~ °~ is hereby authOriZed County Administrator all upon a form That the dOCUments~ 3~ nd execute such to accomP_ actions a as may be necessary to take such AttOrney~ rO~ed by the County tent °f this ordinance' app h the pure°ses and in lis AT A COUNTY r ~- ITEM NUMBER ROANOKE SUPERVISORS OF CENTER E BOARD 0 ~UNTy ADMINISTRATION R MEETING O THE ROANOK ON TUESDAY r REGULA AT HELD OANOKEr VA.r VIRGINIA Ij.1 R July 28- 198 Plat of the Ramsgate e MEETING DATE •dinance Vacating t SUBS dlalslon NISTRATOR~S COMMENTS• ADMI ~~ ~ ~r~n ~~ `~ UNTy Court Sub- CO ~~ ~ --~,cr~ _-,-~~, ~~ Ramsgate '.~~~..~` lat of the of Jer rY OF INFOR1,,p,TION• e to vacat on the Petltltnwas befbee SUMMAgy d ordinan the Board ur ettr Esq•Since it tlvely• This Prof on is before Richard PaW9thdra`a d administr ~ sche- Subdlvlsl Bush ~L• but Was resolve the Boar Court d Janette e 23 r lgg~ r on cou7-d be14, 198'1 r a 19g~ . W. an on Jun licatl On July r JuIY 2 r lvi- the earahat ro~edaep onri this request fo ulres tha l~i~lon han Thesa a Pu Pc hearlnQ o f the Statn Clot i ~ eeing °dt ted bYtthe dole tion 15'1 vacated. of tein trumentorainance Board adoPuntY Sec be itten an the in Co lion P old ea ther the lot ow ee re~Iuestl ~1 at atTh oatlonkof the sub- segued bYThel aPPl lc this subdlthe Plat f °r the P Board' vacating vacated ntY• legal note llcati n induce ervisors lin Cou Board ~ located in Frank hed the To save f u ~ in9r spheduledJulY divlslo is Publls 195 blic hed eduled for noti- The aping f ° Jun ted3 that t drawn r be res has direct d mall • Public h5 it is sugghereafterDevel°PTnenow eery by uestedlordi~ui~d eXpen23r 19SThe Dlrecvision Proeadi g °f ~ lrseadana is sche Ju 28 ea the• of hearingd a 2 rf 198 r the secon The Public f°r July etition. is s AuquStea 1- 1g8~ • ed P for ease note the attach P1 FISCAL IMPACT: None. ~,/~ 3 N~ATI~N~ RECOMNiE ended that the Boar is recOmm It nsider this ordinance. c° ectfullY submitted Resp ~~ ~ . ~~ M. Mah°neY County Attorney tice ___ Legal No _ - --~ -VOTE bs Attachments - petition --_----_ __- No Yes A __---- ACTIN Brittle -~ . ~ ___ _- '- - Barrett ~~ f _ -- Motion bY; Johnson ~ .~ _ raw ~' . _ APPrp°ed ( ) McG s Denied 1 Nicker Received Ref erred To LEGAL NOTICE pg A PUBLIC HEARING IN RELATION TO A PROPOSED ORDINANCSGATE COURTTHE PLAT OF THE RAM SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN IPAGE 3R RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, ~_ ~ ~-3 _ 482 of the 1950 Code Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1 Vir inia, as amended to date, The Board of Supervisors of the County of S ~ ular meeting of the of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby gives notice that at a reg to be held on Tuesda June 23 1987 at 7:00 o'cloa~ X738. in said board Board of Su erviaors the Communit Room of the B,oanoke Count ublic hearing on the motion Brambleton Ave , g,oanoke, the Board will hold a P ate Court of Jerry W. Bush and Janet L. Bush, that the plat of the Ramsg the streets shown thereon (as Yet undeveloped), and the restric- Subdivision, tions also shown thereon, be vacated. _ 482 is of The plat sought to be vacated pursuant to Section 15.1 the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke record in at Plat Book', 8, Page 38 . At said hearing, Parties in interest and citizens shall have the oppoutunity to be heard relative to this matter. Jerry W. Bush and Janet L. Bush B ~~ ~ z~ Y~ Of Counsel L. Rj.chazd Padgett, Jr: 300 Second Street Salem, VA 24153 Counsel for Petitioners ~- V ~_, /°~r~ I R G I N I A BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE CN RE : VACATION OF PLAT (Dated September * P E T I T I O N 5~ 1972) OF THE RAMSGATE COURT SUB- DIVISION AS SHOWN IN PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 38 ', COME NOW the petitioners, JERRY W. BUSH and JANAT L. BUSH, husband and wife, and hereby represent that they are the owners in fee simple of the property described in the copy of the deed of conveyance dated April 21, 1987, (attached hereto 'as Exhibit "A" and by reference incorporated herein). ~° resent that the property aforesaid is Petitioners further rep subject to the dedication in fee simple of the streets and roadways of Roanoke, Virginia, (Ramsgate Circle and Wycombe Road) to the County and to certain restrictions as shown on the plat of the Ramsgate Court ~ a e 38, in the ~ , in Plat Book 8, P g Subdivision recorded on of Roanoke, Virginia. (See Circuit Court, County Office of the Clerk, co of Plat attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference incorporated Py been developed; and, that furthermore, the land referred to hereinabove been developed in the first paragraph of this petition has never actually by petitioners or their predecessors in title to be sold off as lots. Petitioners moreover assert that the streets and roadways as herein.) Petitioners assert that said streets and roadways have never L ~ ' LARD PADGETT. J DRNEY AT LAW $ALCM. VIRGINIA 2415 • , c F S N-3 edicated and restrictions serve no purpose or benefit to the County of .oanoke, Virginia, or to any of the other present owners of lots in the ;amsgate Subdivision either in the present or in the future, and that vacation of the same shall not cause any adverse effect on any citizen if .the County of Roanoke, Virginia. On the oLne1_ lla•=u, '--•~ ------ existence of the dedication of the streets and roadways and restrictions aforesaid shall affect adversely the usefulness and marketability of the realty aforesaid for the petitioners. ~. WHEREFORE, petitioners respectfully request that the plat dated q ~ ,~ and recorded in Plat Book 8, page 38, including the streets and roadways and restrictions b~ abandoned, vacated and discontinued by ordinance duly adopted by this Board. Respectfully, ~',, JERRY W. BUSH and JANAT L. BUSH ~~ a ~. By: 0 Counsel L. Richard Padgett, Jr. 300 Second Street Salem, VA 24153 Counsel for petitioners L, i• 'ARD PADGEI•T. JR. II 2 ~RNEY AT LAW SALEM. VIRGINIA 24153 ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAOANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R JULY 28, 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE VACATING THE PLAT OF RAMSGATE COURT SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, Jerry W. and Janette L. Bush have petitioned e Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to vacate th the plat of the Ramsgate Court Subdivision; and erty WHEREAS, the petitioners are the owners of the prop nstituting this subdivision, except for three (3) lots therein; co and WHEREAS, a public hearing and first reading on this finance was held. on July 28, 1987, and the second reading on ord 1987. this ordinance was held on August 11, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Super- Virginia, as follows: visors of Roanoke County, 1, That the plat of the Ramsgate Court Subdivision corded on March 3, 1973, and found in Plat Book 8, pace 38, re among the records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for t e County of Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby vacated. 2, That the Clerk of the Circuit Court is authorized to take such action as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose and intent of this ordinance. ~~ M NUMBER ~' ... ITE pF Rp~pRE TER OF SvpERV MINI TRp,TIpR CEN NG pF TILE o~~ E CpUNTY AD R A REGU~ 2AE ELD AT TgE CpU TY~ VIRGI 28, 198 ce G DATE: July ater prdinan MEETIN Rev is on 2~ 1 9 ~ Wells SUB Sects ENTS~ S CpNiM ADMINISTRATpR ~~~~--~~~ CpUNTy C~c. ,~-~cx~ ~~ ~~ Acqulsltlonr on Water S stems wer lY ebut at OF FpRMATIpN • ~ ~ S ern on t w t er s water su Ovate d when RY IN 198 W° ~onc th emen f °r ntitY °f meth° be SUVA e July 14 exPresseState req fficient qea that a snag water At d mesc'ebersmeet th5upplY a sWas suggrat had mar9 t ons rust d ee i w u n dec ea e watert systems t of the estl 9 the Weil produ r event f utur 2 J • 1-9 ~ W t Well Pump of lest 11 developed to P to Sects o e str in ee accurat ~e~ision w Wells Supply • hed rev is to requi airs that The Pr °p r s system . determine ht The at lsc Prof° lve test res a well• size watt meth°d The forty eig dinance ~ twill 9 ditions ° s for any wdown teumping • agent in Or tha con well dra us P ulv ma mormal °peml m n` d e ing t3~ day eon minute herd ate will re r it 1 be tes f o u aP Pe the ~ '' ga tY r qu lr ed by safe yield test and ti°n quantl e h°u~ en Pal tonne It °f th will d the rasa r systems well re changed • ~ n be made future were when the un CAL IMPACT , f lscal imp ~ 11 SuPPl tidal Tonal war S r ov i e FI No talc isa °ne Abu esr t° P d the v d Prof°sean less eases , mendment t that the result ion deer ve the am commended t the roduct rd aPpr° urther re ~ - and th 198'1 P ENDATIpN ' that the S°a It i ~u1Y 28 ~ 1 August 11 RECpNiMtaff rec°~endernd na celbec dreading on ~ prdi"anc of the After the s farst reedbe adopted Ordlnanc w SUBMITTED By; APPROVED By; Cliffor UtilitiesC aig, p.E ~, -~ ~z __---_--__Director lmer Hodge ----_-_--_-ACTION --------County-Administrator_-_ Denied ed ~ ~ Motion by; VOTE Received ( ~ NO yes Abs Referred Brittle _ To Garrett - Johnson - - McGraw - --- - Nickens -' - RcANCK N vYERVIS MZ~I T~ATZc OARD ~F CcvE~Y A _ ,~7 ZNG ~F 2 TgE g vLY 2a - 19a~ Ap~ER LAR MEET HELD tA1ESDAY - J E~DI~G ~ Wp'TEgn AT A RE~'~ RGZCE~TER ON T rpl~l.CO9 ~-5 FD~ v E c~UtyT`1 - END ' pA~"cEE .gE40IREMLT,S FDR 4 ion DRDiFAT E 1~NG C RTF~STIEG ~F ~E o er const~nct Ces K ESTAT vC ZE vY LZES that the lmpz watez zeso~~ se LZ S WATER S goat finds s as ~ ound pro ct the c~ 9 t e WxERAS - the fect aoiulf e~ the duty to lc welf az e - ad~e.~selY of stent With rd the P°b1 of Roanoke of wells can ntY. Consi to safequa the Policy of wells in Roanoke co eso`~zces and declared to be and location roundwatex ~ ealth- It is e constzUCt1°n ementc. aye gsafetY - and h wire that th. ements ~ and these req°lz d Sections County t° r eq sonable req~lx bl i shment of on 15 '11299 an ed ; and to red he ester Secti amend Pld conf°zm WKEREAS' t n 15,1-292'2-of vl~ainia- as finance was h was ed by Sectlo e 195Q Code on this ora is ordinance author 12 et seq. of th fl~st reading ding on th 15.1,.341 r ERE,~S - t'~e 5eC°,~d red of Roanoke WK 1987 - and the of guPervlsozs ulY 2a - 19g'i , e goazd Code - on J on Aua~st 11r RDAINSD by th oanoke county ez ebY held, gE ZT O f°llows. of the lga5 R tY c°del is h inia as Pr 22 e coon r g t - ok coUntY - V1 1. ghat chap the 19'11 Roan code is heze. haPte~ 2~.1 of follows. Roanoke county ~~Water" ~C enacted as the 191 ~ erg e~ ~~~ mended and re tlon 2p,1'9 °f }~~~e~s e~~gt }} WP}}sue a Sec ~ e~~ ,~ a~ ed. } meek s~a~e sha}} ~e a}ass by repeal We}}s g~a} ~}} we}}s ee~g~~~e~}ems: e~ the d$~e / Y - '~ a~}es e~ a}} we}}s ska}} be spews en a p}aa e€ Abe s~s~em- ~ee el~ we}} sl~a}} have xq}s}t~sat ene-~et~~~~ }sel~ a}~ }}se set ~e ~ e ~a ~e~~eled . e~ep~Y~ e~ the ptt~p : A }ew wa~e~ }e*ae} eer~~~e} she}} be p ~e~~ -e}~h~ hec~~ pump ~es~ sha}} lie ~egtt}~ee~ en a}} we}}s- A y fA~el : ATe : }5}~-} and amended and reenacted: Section 20.1-9. Wells. Wells shall meet state and American Waterworks Associa- ion (AWWA A-100-84) re ulations/standards existin as of the t date of well construction. In addition to the State re ulations, he following shall also be re uired: Location of all wells t shall be shown on a plan of the water s stem. A minimum of two ells must be constructed and. laced in service for all ublic w water su 1 s stems. Performance testin of wells shall be in Section accordance with A.WWA A-100-84 Standard for water wells' sed to 10. The ste -drawdown and constant-rate test shall be u use. determine the maximum safe field for 30 da s of continuous formed The 48 hour um test re uired b the state shall be e ermine after the AWWA test. The actual well ca acit used to det the the maximum e uivalent residential connections shall be nt the AWWA ste -drawdown/consta lesser of uantit determined b rate test or the 48 hour state re uirement test' led with and ob- All well um tests shall be schedu ed b the Utilit Director or his desi nated re resentative. sere 2, This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption. ITEM NUMBER r'`~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 -- SUBJECT: Ordinance Amending and Reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to Revise the Floodplain Regulations COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On June 9, 1987, the Board of Supervisors held a work ses- sion to consider a drainage study. As part of this study the County staff recommended a series of actions to alleviate some of the drainage problems in Roanoke County. One of these recommenda- tions concerns an optional change in the local floodplain ordin- ance suggested by the drainage study. This change will lessen the damaging effects of flooding in flood prone areas not desig- nated as either floodway or flood fringe. Since this recommendation required amending the Zoning Ordin- ance, it was reviewed by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 7, 1987. After the required public notice, a public hearing and first reading of this proposed ordinance is scheduled for July 28, 1987, and the second reading is scheduled for August 11, 1987. The effective date of this ordinance is August 12, 1987, assuming favorable consideration. The proposed ordinance and other supplementary materials can be found at Agenda Item 787-7. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the pro- posed amending ordinance. Respectfully submitted, /~/- J Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney -------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Brittle Referred Garrett To Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION ~''y'~ ~" CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA, ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1987 `'~ ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO REVISE THE FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County require the adoption of standards and regulations to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from the dangers of flooding and the drainage of surface and storm waters; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-292, 15.1-466, 15.1-486, 15.1- 489, and 15.1-490 of the of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorize the county to adopt ordinances and to exercise such general powers to prevent the pollution of water; to make, erect, and construct drains, sewers, and public ducts; to establish reason- able standards for drainage regulations of subdivisions or devel- opments; and to provide safety from flood, flood protection, and to protect against the loss of life, health, or property from flood and other similar dangers; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County and its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer the harmful effects of flooding and inade- quate drainage of surface waters, and from the volume and velo- city of storm water runoff; and WHEREAS, these hazards and dangers to public health, safety, and welfare are caused in part by climate, topography and the development of land. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Super-~ visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows: 1. Amend Appendix A, the Roanoke County Zoning Ordin- ance, Section 21-61, "Floodplains," by revising sub-section D, "Floodplain Area," and sub-sub-section (c) to read as follows: Section 21-61 D. Floodplain area (c) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that flood- plain area for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where a a ese h~sd~ed f}gg} ~ea~ ~}eadp}e}~ besad- a~p has been app~ex}mated the draina a area is g greater than one hundred (100) acres. Such areas aye shewa m-ate on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map. Where the specific 100-year flood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood- plain Information Reports, U.S. Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, devel- opment and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accor- dance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly re- flect currently accepted technical concepts. Calculations for the design flood shall be related to existing land use and poten- tial development under existing zoning. Studies, analyses, compu- ~~. s ~~'' tations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough review by the County Engineer. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be August 12, 1987. NUMBER ITEM OF ROANO ENTER BOARD OF SUpE ADMINISTRATION THE COUNTY MEETING OTHE ROANOKEON TUESDAY, AT A REGULAR .HELD AT pp,. - COUNTY, VIRGINIA IN ROANOKE, 1987 the Roanoke County July 28- ting Subdivision MEETING DATE' and Reenac County of Amendin and the Roanoke a r tme nt Ordinance Virginia Dep and Bridge SUBS Zoning Ordin~oc~dopt thManual and Road Ordin ortation prainage Transp and Specifications Standards ~S COMMENTS: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ~ f~.L~ ~"`,,~ .~ p~~' M ~~ ~~_~~~ work ses- TION: held astudy the SUMMARY OF INFORMA of Supervisorof this the Boa udY• As Par to alleviate some of 1957, recommenda- Ot June der mmended agseries of actione of these to the re- cons a CountY• incorp°ra nd sion staff reco Roanoke Code to of Highways a CountY roblems in CountY the drainagesp ed amendithetVerginia oaaaand Bridge Standards an s Bugg fined in Manual and R tion is conta quiremen tion Drainage nding both the Transporta tions• required a Were reviewe sion Specif ica ndat ions they Commis rec°mn1e Ordinance, planning ce these Subdivision The Sin Commission July 7- 1987• Zoning OrdinaCountY Planning matter on and first a Public July 28 - the Roanoke ring °n this hearing ublic hea notice, August 11- 1987• held a P ublic is scheduled the required P ordinance ed assuming is schedul for 1987 - ead ng of this PrndoreadordinanCe is August 12- r and the sec of this 1987, date tart materials The effect COnsideration• SuPPlemen favorable ordinance and other roPosed Item 787-8• T h e P p, enda can be found at g ION: favorably consider the pro- RECOMMENDAT that the Board recommended It is ordinance• posed amending ,~_ c~ Respectfully submitted, ~~~~, ~ Paul M' Mahoney County Attorney _-__ ---"- VOTE bs -____ ___----' No yes A _ -- CTION _- -------- -----~ A Brittle ~ -_ - Garrett _-- --- '~ ~ ~ Motion bY' _- Approved Johnson ~" Denied ~ ~ McGraw ~ ~' Received ~ ) Nicltens -- Referred To NG OF THE BOARD OF SUPUNTYSADMINISTRATOION p,T p, REGULAR MEETI AT THE ROANOKE CO VIRGINIA, HELD JULY 28, 1987 ~ /~ COUNTY, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, (... THE ORDINANCE AMENDINING ORDINANCETAND T TO ROANOKE COUNTY ZO TRANS- ROANOKE COUNTY SA DEPARTMENT OF ANCE ADOPT THE VIRGINI PORTATION DRAINAGE SpECIFICATIONSD AN BRIDGE STANDARDS AND health, safety, and general welfare of the WHEREAS, the of standards and tion citizens of Roanoke County require the adop ize adverse environmental impacts resulting regulations to minim e of surface and om the dangers of flooding and the drainag fr storm waters; and 15.1_466, and 15.1-489 of WHEREAS, Section 15.1-292, the county to authorize the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, owers to prevent such general p adopt ordinances and to exercise and construct drains, to make, erect, the pollution of water; cts; to establish reasonable standards for sewers, and public du and to pro ments; ina e regulations of subdivisions or develop to rotect against dra g and P vide safety from flood, flood protection, h or property from flood and other simi- the loss of lifer healt . lar dangers; and Roanoke County and its citizens have suffere WHEREAS, and inade- ' ue to suffer the harmful effects of flooding e and velo- and contln rainage of surface waters, and from the vo um quate d and city of storm water runoff; ers to public health, WHEREAS, these hazards and dang o raphy and nd welfare are caused in part by climate, top g safety, a the development of land. f.... Mfr r., t,. {. t "~ a d o£ SuPez~ o ~ de ~E~ by ty,e B ke conntY Co IT pR~AZ the Roano ~RRRgFpRE BE ginla~ that oning pzay~'n ~ tl 13pW ' e Co~,ntY ~ V 1 £o lows : ok CoUntY ~b,SeC o o~ Roano~ acted as 1 th Roan e eVising s d as £ 01~ lsors and teen enaiX A' ReV lew ,~~ by s v~ to ~ ea amended end APP e plan tion ~ is 1• ~ ~~git ~,~.sec ea in n ?1~1p4 r ~~ to s des 1 n o~ nce ~ Sectlo prePa'~atlon, age system ra ~e a~tment a ylan dz ayn ~ inL C. ~~gite ~e stozm , on o£ the V1 pxdin~ ~,~~ ~ eaiti Zoning lows ' ~ v ~ cur s ent e County new s vb a nce wlth the na e Man~al• ~ the Roanok ° da a acco~aa tlon oral PenalX A Rea 1 eW ~ ~~ t e V lr, s orta Amend AP plan of tb. 2zan 2. o~~ "Site t eaiti°n aras and. ectlon 21,1 as Follows; the curzen is e stand r ance~ 9 `Z, to ~eaa fiance with n Roca and B di°isyon ecti°n C°m 1 ortatlo ntY Sub and s ~ 2~ ~,~ans ke CoU a,plans e aztment °f the Roan° ction 18. al as fo1~ a U 8• .+ S e t lni l~ications• end APPenalX ~ovements~ s~h,secti°n S ec Am ~~1mP ing 3 • ZV ~ r ea i s rticle r„ by pact pzalnance~ A ns gene~allY cl~aing on,t sarY sPecl£lcatlo ~` * * * acilitlea 1 Ctuzes neces and ws. a~ainage ~ Wage stz° high~aYsr to to A11 storm other azai es' streets designed X11 ynaQe and a e o£ slop , shall be Pezsons and £,tzact dra e and drain g~11c sa~etY ut damage to bnildings and of er °s the Pv w itho £~ om ~oz the P~oPa s and for ace waters ~aLnage away eaesttian w Y ow o~ serf 1 insure d p the f1 steal n~eY system co The eztY Prof ~ ~r ly ` ~' With yes ~acllyt re a c ta'~k ~ eg°i 5 a~,d SeQti °a~°ke Will °°d5 and a °Sal Slte c°~ritY °~ R ~~eq°e~t ~l ~~egve~'t `~a`5te di5pldS' the cC°mm°date r~3ez le~~ 1 ~e~y°~al ite £le o a la ca a °~'~ ce d15Q°5al rid 5Y5tem t cc°mm°date tent Wlth 1°ith the c~~', bSaz£a des9~°u m t° a c°~SiS ice W ~~ain ~ az ilY ari ace SYSte Shall be ~ accozda S °'~tati°~' e di5, ~~im arY 5~z~ e pla~,5 51 ned i t °f Sian event th Sec°~d ~rairiag °i be de ~e artme~ wed t° P~ ~l°°d5. ~nage QlariS Viz iriia 1 he deSig ~oQeztie5• 5 i~cl~dyrg 5t°~m dza i°~ °£ the.litie5 5hal ad~ace~t p °1 meaSU~e edit £acl the Utz V ir, rent an°al, TY,e zUri°~f °°t° Sediment c° i°~ °f the and a e M e °~ eXCe55 r®51°ri and zze,pt edit Stardara.5 a~ g E cu e cY' X21 Wlth the d and 8xid 11 ore orrice R°a 5ha lantl~~ • 1 C°m ly 5 °ztatl°n o~d~~a~'ce Q l3 merit °~ TYa~ e °~ th i5 apt dat inia ~ecaty°n5' e£~ective S eci~i the ~• 5t 12 ~ 198 . Auq°' ITEM NUMBER /~~4`J° ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE IN ROANOKE, VA., ON MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER TUESDAY, SUBJECT: Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, Special Public Interest Regulations, Floodplains, in accordance with the changes mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has mandated that all local governments participating within the federal flood insurance program make modifications to the floodplain regula- tions contained within the zoning ordinance. These required changes pertain to the following: definitions of "lowest floor, manufactured home, manufactured home park or subdivision, and start of construction"; description of "required information, zone A, service facilities, manufactured homes, area below lowest floor" within all floodplain districts; other minor wording changes such as "manufactured homes" in lieu of mobile homes. Since these recommendations required amending the Zoning Ordinance, they were reviewed by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 7, 1987. After the required public notice, a public hearing and first reading of this proposed ordinance is scheduled for July 28, 1987, and the second reading is scheduled for August 11, 1987. The effective date of this ordinance is August 12, 1987, assuming favorable consideration. The proposed ordinance and other supplementary materials can be found at Agenda Item 787-6. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the proposed amending ordinance. SUBMITTED BY: APPROV D: ~~ Rob Sta zer `B'iz lmer Hodg , Jr. Director of Planning Count Administrator ------------------------------------------- Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs !V- ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1987 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1971 ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, "ZONING," AND APPENDIX A OF THE 1985 ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY ADDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS MANDATED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY TO WIT: DEFINITIONS OF "LOWEST FLOOR," "MANUFACTURED HOME," "MANUFACTURED HOME PARK SUBDIVISION," AND "START OF CONSTRUCTION"; AND REQUIREMENT THAT THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OBTAIN INFORMATION REGARDING ELEVATION AND OTHER FLOOD-RELATED FACTORS BEFORE ISSUING A ZONING PERMIT WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning this amendment was held on July 28, 1987; a public hearing and second reading was held on August 11, 1987; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has numerous streams and rivers that periodically flood, thereby endangering human life and property; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has mandated that the County follow the procedures contained within these amendments in order to insure continusation of federal flood insurance for certain residents of Roanoke County; It is hereby ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 21 of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (now Appendix A of the 1985 Roanoke County Code) is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE V. SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST REGULATIONS ~ - r~7 § 21-61. Floodplains. The purpose of these provisions is to prevent the following hazards: the loss of life and property, the creation of health and safety hazards, the disruption of commerce and governmental services, the extraordinary and unnecessary expenditure of public funds for flood protection and relief, and the impairment of the tax base by the means provided here: (a) regulating uses, activities, and development which, acting alone or in combination with other existing or future uses, activities, and development, will cause unacceptable increases in flood heights, velocities, and frequencies. (b) restricting or prohibiting certain uses, activities, and development from locating within areas subject to flooding. (c> requiring all those uses, activities, and developments that do occur in flood-prone areas to be protected and/or flood-rpoofed against flooding and flood damange. (d) protecting individuals from buying lands and structures which are unsuited for intended purposes because of flood hazards. A. Applicability. These provisions shall apply to of Roanoke County and identified lated in this section. all lands within the jurisdiction as being flood-prone as stipu- B. Compliance. (a) No land shall hereafter be developed and no structure shall be located, relocated, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, or structurally altered except in full compliance with the terms and provisions of this section and any other applicable ordinances and regulations which apply to uses within the jurisdiction of this section. (b) This ordinance supersedes any regulations currently in effect in flood-prone areas. However, any underlying regu- lations shall remain in full force and effect to the ex- tent that those provisions are more restrictive. C. Definitions. For the purpose of the Floodplain Section of this ordinance, these terms are defined as follows: (a) Development - any man-made change to improved or unim- proved real estate including but not limited to buildings r or other structures, the placement of mobile homes, /~/- streets and other paving, utilities, filling, grading, excavation, mining, dredging, or drilling operations. (b) Flood - a general and temporary inundation of normally dry land areas. (c) Floodplain - (1) a relatively flat or low land area adjoin- ing a river, stream, or watercourse which is subject to partial or complete inundation; (2) an area subject to the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. (d) Floodway - the designated area of the floodplain required to carry and discharge flood waters of a given magnitude. (e) Lowest floor - the lowest floor includes the lowest en- closed area including basement of any structure. An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage, in an area other than a basement area, is not consi eyed a buildin 's lowest floor, provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this ordinance. (f) Manufactured home - a structure, transportable in one or more sections, w ich is built on a permanent chassis and is desi ned for use with or without a ermanent foundation when connected to t e required utilities. The term "manufactured home" also inclu es par trai ers, travel trailers, an other similar vehicles placed on a site for greater than 180 consecutive ays. (g) Manufactured home park or subdivision - a parcel (or contiguous parcels of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. (h) One Hundred Year Flood - a flood that, on the average, is likely to occur once every 100 years (i.e., that has a one percent chance of occurring each year, although the flood may occur in any year). (i) Start of construction - "start of construction" includes su stantia im rovement an means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start o construction, repair, reconstruction, placement, or other improvement was within 180 da s of the ermit date. T e "actual start means eit er the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, suc as t e ouring of s ab or ootings, t e installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond t e stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land reparation, such as clearing, grading and fi ling; nor oes i inc u e a ins a and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers, or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation o_n the property o accessory buildings, such as garages or ,~ - sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. D. Floodplain area. The various floodplain areas shall include areas subject to inundation by waters of the one hundred (100) year flood. The primary basis for the delineation of these areas shall be the Flood Insurance Study for Roanoke County prepared by the H-S- Hepe~t~ea1: e€ Heas€~g aad 8~ban Be~eleg~e~lr;Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, dated Ae~ebe~ ~~; ~9~SDecember 4, 1985 and subsequent amendments. (a) The Floodway is delineated for purposes of this section using the criteria that a certain area within the floodplain must be capable of carrying the waters of the one hundred (100) year flood without increasing the water surface elevation of that flood more than one (1) foot at any point. These Floodways are specifically defined in Table 2 of the above referenced Flood Insurance Study and shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map accompanying that study. (b) The Flood-Fringe shall be that area of the 100-year floodplain not included in the Floodway. The basis for the outermost boundary of the Flood-Fringe shall be the one hundred (100) year flood elevations contained in the flood profiles of the above referenced Flood Insurance Study and as shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map accompanying the study. (c) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that floodplain area for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where a one hundred (100) year floodplain boundary has been approximated. Such areas are shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map and Flood Insurance Rate Map. Where the specific 100-year f ood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Floodplain Information Reports, U.S. Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, development and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accordance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly reflect currently accepted technical concepts.' Calculations for the design flood shall be related to existing land use and potential development under existing zoning. Studies, analyses, computations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough review by the County Engineer. E. Overlay concept. / ~ - (a) The Floodplain Areas described above shall be overlays to the existing underlying Zoning Districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, and as such, the provisions for the floodplain areas shall serve as a supplement to the underlying Zoning District provisions. (b) Where there happens to be any conflict between the provisions or requirements of any of the Floodplain Areas and those of any underlying Zoning District, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. (c) In the event any provision concerning a Floodplain Area is declared inapplicable as a result of any legislative or administrative actions or judicial discretion, the basic underlying Zoning District provisions shall remain applicable. F. Flood boundary and floodway map. The boundaries of the Floodplain Areas are established as shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map and Flood Insurance Rate MaP which are declared to be a part o t is c apter an w is shall be kept on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator. G. Floodplain boundary changes and interpretation. (a) The delineation of any of the floodplain areas may be revised by the Board of Supervisors where natural or man- made changes have occurred and/or made detailed studies conducted or undertaken by the U . S . oAra Y indiv dual Engineers or other qualified agency, rior to an documents the need o °al smustcben obtaHnedvfrompthe Federaly such change, app Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration. (b) Initial interpretations of the boundaries of the Floodplain Areas shall be made by the Zoning Administrator. Should a dispute arise concerning the boundaries of any of the floodplain areas, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall make the necessary determination. The person questioning or contesting the location of the floodplain area boundary shall be given an opportunity to present his case to the Board of Zoning Appeals and to submit technical evidence. H. Floodplain area provisions. ~- ~~ All uses, activities, and development occurring within any floodplain area shall be undertaken only upon the issuance of a zoning permit. Such development shall be undertaken only in strict compliance with the provisions of this section and with all other applicable codes and ordinances such as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. Prior to the issuance of ani cationrs lto the Zoning Administrator shalicableustateaand federal laws. include compliance with all app Under no circumstances shall any use, activity, and/or developmentofdanrswatercoursehedrag nage ditche oraany other floodways Y drainage facility or system. Prior to any proposed alteration or relocation of any channels or floodways of any watercourse, stream, etc., within Roanoke County, approval shall be obtained from the State Water Control Board. Further notification of the proposal shall be given to all affected adjacent jurisdictions. Copies of such notification shall be forwarded to the State Water Control Board, the State Department naf ement Agency,nFederal Insurance Admanistrat odneral Emergency Ma g 9 (a) All FloodDistricts (1) Required Information For all permits the Zoning Administrator shall (i) obtain t e elevation in re an on to mean sea level of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new or substantia 1 improve structures, and i heobta on ,not s~ce structures contain a basement, structure has been flood roofed, the elevation (in relation to mean sea level to which t e structure was 0o roo e , an iii maintain a record of all such information. Where a non-residential structure is intende to be made waterti ht below the base flood level, (i a re istered rofessional engineer or arc itect s a 1 develop and or review structural desi n, specifications, and plans for the construction, an s a certi t at t e esign an met o s o construction are in accor ance with acce ted standards of practice for meetin the ap icab e provisions o the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, and ii a record o such certi icates w is inclu es the specific elevation (in relation to mean sea level to w is such structures are loo -proofed s a be maintained by_the Zoning A ministrator. (2 ) Zone A ~y" j~ (3) (4) The Zoning Administrator shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway data available from a Federal, State, or other source, as criteria for re uiring that new construction, substantial improvements, or other eve opment in Zone A meets a standards noted in the Floodplain section of this ordinance. Service Facilities Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air- conditionin a uipment and other service facilities shall be designe an or ocate so as to prevent water rom entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding: Manufactured Homes All manufactured homes to be placed or substantiall improve wit in any oo p in district s all be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is at or above the base flood elevation and shall a securely anchored to an a equate y anchored foundation s stem in accordance with the provisions of t e Virginia Uniform Statewi a Building Code. This provision shall apply to existing manufactured home parks, subdivisions and lots where an existing_ manufactured home is replaced, an expansion to an existing park or su ivision, an o new par s, subdivisions and installations constructed after the e ective ate o t is or finance. (5) Area Below Lowest Floor For all new construction and substantial improvements, full enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to 0o ing s a e esigne to automatica _~ equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by al- lowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engrineer or arc itect or must meet or exceed the following minimum criteria. a minimum of two o enings awing a tota net area o not ess t an one square inch or every square foot of enclosed area subject to floodin shall be provided. The bottom of all o enings may be no igher t an one oot above grade. Openings maw be a ui ped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices rovided that the ermit the automatic entr and exist o f oo waters. (b) Floodway (1) .f ~v-. In the Floodway no development shall be permitted except where the effect of such development on flood heights is fully offset by accompanying improvements which have been approved by all appropriate authorities as required above. The placement of any ~eH~}emanufactured home, except in an existing x~ei~~}emanu acture ome park or subdivision, within the Floodway is specifically prohibited. Permitted Uses In the Floodway the following uses and activities are permitted provided that they are in compliance with the provisions of the underlying Zoning District and are not prohibited by any other ordinance and provided that they do not require structures, fill, or storage of materials and equipment: (i) Agricultural uses such as general farming, pasture, grazing, outdoor plant nurseries, horticulture, truck farming, forestry, sod farming, and wild crop harvesting. (ii) Public and private recreational uses and activities such as parks, day camps, picnic grounds, golf courses, boat launching and swimming areas, hiking, and horseback riding trails, wildlife and nature preserves, game farms, fish hatcheries, trap and skeet game ranges, and hunting and fishing areas. (iii) Accessory residential uses such as yard areas, gardens, play areas, and loading areas. (iv) Accessory industrial and commercial uses such as yard areas, parking and loading areas, airport landing strips, etc. (2) Uses Permitted by Special Exception The following uses and activities may be ,permitted by Special Exception of the governing body following a public hearing provided that they are in compliance with the provisions of the underlying Zoning District and are not prohibited by this or any other ordinance: (i) Structures (except for ~teb~}emanufactured homes) accessory to the uses and activities in (1) above. (ii) Certain utilities and public facilities and improvements such as pipe lines, water and sewage treatment plants, and other similar or related uses. (iii) Water-related uses and activities such as marinas, docks, wharves, piers, etc. /~ - (iv) Extraction of sand, gravel, and other materials (where no increase in level of flooding or velocity is caused thereby). (v) Storage of materials and equipment provided that they are not flammable or explosive, and are not subject to major damage by flooding, or provided that such material and equipment is firmly anchored to prevent flotation or movement, and/or can be readily removed from the area within the time available after flood warning. (vi) Other similar uses and activities provided they cause no increase in flood heights and/or velocities. All uses, activities, and structural development, shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the flood-proofing provisions contained in all applicable codes and ordinances. (c) Flood-fringe and approximated floodplain In the Flood-Fringe and Approximated Floodplain the development and/or use of land shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations of the underlying Zoning District provided that all such uses, activities, and/or development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the floodproofing and related provisions contained in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and all other applicable codes and ordinances. However, in Approximated Floodplain areas the applicant and/or developer shall evaluate the effects of the proposed development and/or use of land on the floodplain with current hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. The applicant and/or developer shall submit studies, analysis, computations, etc. to show the delineation of a floodway based on the requirement that all existing and future development not increase the 100- year flood elevation more than one (1) foot at any point. The engineering principle, equal reduction of conveyance, shall be used to make the determination of increased flood height. I. Procedures for special exception in floodways. (a) Any use listed as permitted with a Special Exception in a floodway shall be allowed only after application to the County Board of Supervisors. Such application shall include the following: (1) Plans in triplicate drawn to scale not less than 1" to 100' horizontally showing the location, dimensions, and contours (at 5 foot intervals) of the lot, existing and proposed structures, fill, storage areas, water supply, sanitary facilities, and relationship of the floodway to the proposal. yr~ (2) A typical valley cross-section as necessary to adequately show the channel of the stream, elevation of land areas adjoining each side of the channel, cross-sectional areas to be occupied by the proposed development, and 100-year flood elevation. (3) A profile showing the slope of the bottom of the channel or flow line of the stream. (4) A summary report, prepared by professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, evaluating the proposed project in relation to flood heights and velocities; the seriousness of flood damage to the use; and other pertinent technical matters. (5) A list of names and addresses of adjoining property owners. (b) The Board shall refer the complete application including technical evaluation to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall conduct such investigations as it deems necessary and shall conduct a public hearing under Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. (c) In acting upon such applications, the Planning Commission and the County Board of Supervisors shall consider all relevant factors specified in other sections of this chapter and: (1) The danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by encroachments. No special exception shall be granted for any proposed use, development, or activity within the Floodway that will cause any increase in flood levels during the one hundred (100) year flood. (2) The danger that materials may be swept on to other lands or downstream to the injury of others. (3) The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to prevent disease, contamination, and unsanitary conditions. (4) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owners. (5) The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the County. (6) The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location. (7) The availability of alternative locations not subject to flooding for the proposed use. (8) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and development anticipated in the foreseeable future . (9) The relationship of the proposed use to the Co `,~ r~~ Plan and floodplain management program for the Copntyensive (10) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. (11) Such other factors which are relevant to the purpose of this section. (d) The Board shall conduct a a recommendation from the Planning Commissiontandrrenderoa decision. J. Variances. Variances may be granted for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic Places without regard to the procedures se t, forth in this section. Variances may not be considered within any Floodway if any increase in flood levels during the 100-year flood would result. Variances may be considered for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the 100-year flood level using the. guidelines set forth in Part I (c) of this section above. The Board of Zoning Appeals may refer an a accompanying documentation pertaining to any pre quest of orna variance to any engineer or other technical assistance in evaluatingatheed person or agency for relation to flood heights and velocities, and thesadequacy eof the plans for protection and other related matters. Variances shall only be issued after the Board of Zonin A has determined that the granting of such will not result Pri eals unacceptable or prohibited increases in flood heights, (bj additional threats to public safety, expense, (d) creation of nuisances (c) extraordinary public the public, or (f) conflict with localelawsaor ordinances?ation of Variances shall only be issued after the Board of Zoning Appeals has determined that the variance will be the minimum relief to any hardship. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall notify the applicant for a variance, in writing, that the issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the one hundred (100) year flood elevation (a) increases the risks to life and property, and b will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance. ( ) l~l nCe 1 varla be al all well a an°e - s~oted In Cati°n their a hall Mana ement otlf 1 f°r issue en° of the ab'ust nC atwhe h decal Emer es Fe ~ r d inClud ing v ar is d to th atlon . and anYubmitte dministr aiual rep 1 insurance P' areas • hiCh laiCri is ~' Federa s in fl°oaPlaln or Prem sl ns t n edhsub~ect n structure struct t ese prmaY be con h EXistl g e o r us e~°actme eSe°provisl°r,s in the f fecaw of ;tr ucbur°re itY wit ions' ~ locatedss the heights is ~sted enf°r~' condlt uses (unle flood t in cil°wing uctures anon oene lar9e~'mer,tsl • Lion, or e fo th Ling stn eX'Aandeion or rove strut sated ~1) EX all not bed eXpa~omPanYing imP e air ~ rd/°r us le s th ed she proP° et by ac Lion - r Pure an unt °f evaluat is th11Y offs altera a strut or amo all be virgin fu f ication - kind tan eXten value r with the 2) Any ove ent odPlay of its ,mac e°rdance cti°n' ° e ~ imPran l50) °Perc rno°f ed ding ~°de • rec°nsand / ° r to an fifty flo°dpde Bull rePai uCture istrict its and/ ° ~ gtatewl teratl° o' a st odplaln d more °liance ~nif°r f ication ariY kit on in a peo centir° full Sta ewlde i f a C3) The ~ denies o£ itso o flftaertaj{e inla uniform r gar dl or amo Shall b of hhe Virg eXten value i°ns market e Pr ov is this with th C°de~ si°ns °fnd is Building the Pr° urP°ses floods ed sought bulat°ry P Larger s by is lity. r tech°n for reg of studybe incr opening s .L• L bl flood Peas°nabing meth ea ghts maand bred that are ch e degr s consid ale eng ns er FlCl° as i° oeSmnot limp ea within su sectionon acts are occa~auses - sSectio na uses Pages . anoke baseoccur on naturals. Tho that la flood dam art of Rama9es may made °r by debt areas - ooding °r on the P flo°d. d native restr lct f °°d'A ~a ee from f 1 to llabi e f for any adminls outsld will be not crea ee thernance or eas- hall employ ordi ar ce s or this This ordlna Y off1 reliance sunder - er Co at Yr e s ula f 11Y made th a ~isl°n 1 1 ~~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" ~y .~ _ ~~ ~ f t TtIIS DLE), r:lade and er,terec': into this the 21st ~?~,}' of April f: ~i 1957, by and betw::~en BEI`CE{l~'~RK LN'II'RPRI ]~S, INCORPORATED, a V_i_r;ini.a ~~ Corp~_>rat_ion, party of the first part and tler_E~inafter referred to as the "{grantor"; and, JIItiI?Y %J, BL~SII and JhNAT L, L'USIi, husband and wife as a ~( tenants by th;:~ entire.ty w~_i.th right ot: survivor_ship as at common law and ~~ as pl:o~,~ide~d fct*_' irl Section 55-21 of the Code: of Virginia 1.950 as amended ?'.o date, part.i.es of the second part ar_d hereinafter referred to as the "Grantees", I~J I T N E S S 1; T lI THAT, I'Oi? ~~`~ ' N C:U~ISIDEt?<~TION of the sum of TEN ($1.Cj.00) .., , i.1tJI M_.AI~ Cc?S11 i`1 111nd j>al_d ASV t(11' ?-aI1tE'~ tllt0 tll=_: graa~tor, and Other good and valua~le consideration, re~eeipt o - Tahich ~: herr'by acknowledged, tltf~ grantor rio y hereby BA<.~:~~ __~', SELL, C;I;~'~yT and C'ON'JEY unto the grantees, \~-it1 GEN::RAL WAI?IL'~\fY' of TITLE and INGL? SH COV1?NAvTS of TITLr, the toll.owing described property, lying and uei_ng in the County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, to--wit: BEING Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 arld 9, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, and 3, ::clack -?; I.,ots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'b, 7, 8, 9, r.;ajor part of Lot 10, sma:€1 part of Lot 11, a major part of Lot 18, Block. 3 aecord7_ng to Plat of Ramsgate Court, prapert~~ Of ,?OSeph R. Bandy and Ruth M. Bandy, situate in Cooper's Cove, Roanoke County, which plat was prepared by Jack. G, Bess, C.L.S., dated September 5, 1972, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia in Plat IiOOk 8, page 38; and, Bi?:IidG the same property conveyr:~ci to the grantor Herein by df=ed dated March 8, 1973 from[ Joseph R. Bandy and ?~uth M. Sandy, of rer_ord i.n Deed P,ook 9b8, page 560, ir, ttl~ C1~_~rk's Of rice. aforesaid. _.a.RD PACGF_.T. JR. -~ VftNEV AT LAN fC:`A, VIRGINIA 24153 C:rarltors by this deg d intend to convey to Grantees all of t'~e property obtained by deed dated rlarcil 8, 1973, rec~rd~~d in Peed Hook 968, page 5vC1 i_n the C1e.rk's Office, ++C' s ~ I;" ~~ Circuit Cot~:rt f+ar Roanok(_ County , ies ~ ~,,<' except the Well Lot which fronts ~*r~ Winci~>mEic Iv' iy .:~r;~F lies t.o the ~-auth of jj i:Ot i~, Ij1C;CF< ~, F~~3: oL Ft3T'~,~i3t(` ~,Cll'~~. I, + ~ ~ , ti~thout rei:upo,ing r.y of tile: rt~sert=ut.ion5, re:~trctions, easements a.EU conditions of record a~-fectic,g ttie iier_ein.above described j property this conveyance is made subject to a11_ of them. ialT'L'~i:SS the follo+ai~.g signature: and. seal: SENCHNu1RK ENTERPRISES, INCOi:.PORATED, ~'~ a ~Jirginia Corporation T t le ~ ' ~-_ _ _-- CITY/£fHr'~~~' ~:)r ___-__.___ _ To-twit: The foregoing ins± r;.,ment was <.ci;riowledged before me this the ~ / f.'l _~~~__ da5' of ._.____.__-. -___.-' 198i by "___- ~ _ c?f I>ENCH~?~~RK ~?i~'I1:~ZPKISLS, I?vCOi?P(~Ft~~TED, a Virginia Corp. on behalf of the corporation. ~Iy Commission e..~>ir'es: < f. i ' i . .- 7 Notary Pi~blic~ v---- - ::HARD PADGETT. :R .E+.9. VIRGINIA 24':53 Aa o t~ ~ ~Id ~~ n.o~~~+aAUO it~iw~3 hQtN~iQ~vO tii''S~e a. -_~ h~ ~ yy qT 'd, 1~Nv<Rg~iO MZTO<"'S nx 'ny",2t r ~!•i ~t\~:~ ~ I ~ i gw r V'hL-~ ~I'jS ~ ~~ h~her2~t ,a t ~~ ~h ~, s 22 ~`t w ~ y y^ u Q t`t ~R ~'~ RQ ~ i ~mZl~ <y~ii" <~ni, ~~~R+~~~. n,R~~ Z fi ~I a i~., z s d~ tig° that°~~~~~° ~~~Q° ~° °°>,o~RRi ~' 9~ R~~~~ ~ iT ~Ar~~tg~~~ ~$y'~^2~ A~Q,*,a~i~,'",gR~ -c ae t o ~ I ~,R ooa 4~vt~~~~ Yoy a •,ia~iN~ Q~e~• ^t 0 ~. .~ io~ ,~ ~aRT• o"~ u~3 o~N e`~n•'^v4y m~i^e ~h e!t/ ~fie7f° a t e^~Z~~n,Re~~p12Q^h o~~ o~~t Q~cAiy fn =~d sO"; i i QA ewe r yeti" t y,~g n>;.,ae ~ v< ,, ~ a e (e~ ~. ~ yA " ~M26 1 ~ Y ~ ~i"c~T~ 2~ maom~"p?Ru'•~~~t~k =^~>~?n Ci~gm y n,0~' •4v`y,~ q-v. ~oia~ i 3 ;~ AYm C uLQ;'^Q< ti ~r ~oR Gov y •. , rs. niQ$ m-~a~v~ A. ~~R No~R~.NO k~eT O ~ ~',.' ~~. ~a<4n ~ o ~i$"`A`o~2Ne~~~~~ RR2~ti~ ~ e ~ ~a :._© ° 8"i`ooi ~~ ? ~~s~ooa~o~ "~ga ~^^~ol^ot ~A~~~ 0 •P.q ~~. ,-.~^+n~,2 L o ntTg~c 2tyy~~iR$ ~°A~a~~w ZhOT V" / U" SC4~. c~~ipO ~ a on ~"c,ou~i~nvti< ?{~: T 2~ ~2^p ~ ?•~ _ F ~ ~ L~amui ~~aSNt~.~ n=~~a~~C1a i~~ ~ / 0~ ~~~' ~ t ~ i~ ~v ¢ °i~+O ,g~$ ~AA4\y0'~S~Z So. r ~n ~"~ ~ ~~ ~ ~v o~~~ AAh\In yAA \~ ^~ v,e q Z ^ :~ ~ i~v ,~~A QOOq~I\Alla~ Q\/ rs \2 ~ h Rao y ti^~~} p~tiy ng A / r oie iy R~ ; i~ ,,'^ t F~n~ oia A ~gAi~iiy~a t\~ ~a ie~ ~s ~~ ~ Ti tr~ ^ 02^ ~oZuwi (A l}~.A° ~0 p~'p~ 70\,4 °<~Id "n ~~ c1 °y 2s ~ °vR '"~~n N'S h'~A~ZCA ~ ~,'/'~40^~, r ~~ ~i ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ °T~ ,~~~ y ~ Too`' a ~ r'. ~~~ ~N ~~ q TO ?~ n OLD t" ~ ~ ~l + V - 4 o i ~ t n T A yi .~ ~~ .. ° O T ~. 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O m= 9r 4~ 0) C) A ]. w O p~ 4 " ~~ ~ 'Cm p~i~ ~ A ~ Q U , ~ l 7? ~j.D o, .~ ~, ~ ~ 1'~~ 5 3O'~ `r m Ya ~ .'y~, ,o;; Nrr~ ~ y " O , g ~ ~?7/ 1~ i L ~ Me0•~l p0~~r~ ~LN ~33i)1 `'i ~~R~n ~~ ao-~ a i k' 1nR`a S~ m ., c. u ( O ~. t s U C ~ R „ 1' u ~ a ~ ~. v o. ~~ ~' ~ ~ ° ~ } a 4 a~ , 4 ~ ~ v om ~ ~ so~° ^ ~ S <A .JO/N T ~ GL'?~~ .ft5 3•~~-~N6 lA'Y ~d ~b 0 YJ13W N' ~ p , ~i 7 M 0 0 ~;N h~ 6p G ~~ d+ .~: ~ .b5.; 4' a >titia• ~I n 40 r ti ~ S ~o ' ' ~ ~* - ~ si/•em E. rt/oo• ,, ,~ /E.~s/s ~ u~cncr~• ,v, R~ E,Q/D/,.},Y Of /O Yf I y OF ROAN0ICE - = :~ OF TDE COUNTY V I R G I N I A. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BEFORE Tt1E ~ ~ FINAL ORDER IN RE' Tt1E LAND EM-R TIlE ~ TlON OF ALL OF ROADWAYS ACOURT V ACA STREETS AND E RAMSGATE RECO~ED 38 ~ W1TgIN S OF TK ON PLAT p AGE STR1CTlON AS SgOWN AT BppK 8' Board ~BD1V Cpl 3 19j3~ 1N PL sh Pet1tloned this ON MAR J anat L . Bu Virginia b e Bush and Roanoke e ~EREAS, Jerry W• tion °f the C°unty o always located in th sted that a resole the streets and r° rictions aPPllcable to and reque °rder t° Vacat rid t° Vacate the rest in adopted e art SubdiVlslon a he of Roanoke~to C° C°unty Ramsgat ands sons of t is Board Bald subdiVision~ he Board °f Su4erVl ect the Clerk °f th meeting of ~EREAS+ er, by lts Order der t e 28~ 198TH th July Virglnla dld, forth or a Public hearing a ar meeting set the same down f rd did set the regal OO °1 c1°ck~ a this $Oard~ ands the Clerk °f this Bday of July 1987 ~ at °resaid Profosed WREREAS be held on the 28th is hearing on the of °f this Board toe and time f °r a Publ on the said P•t"'' as the dat was this date had tO all cation• Resol and' said Public hearing r due notice was given WxEREAS,on by this Board afte tion to said ed Pr°P°sed Resoluti and, .Virg careful cOnside~d Pr°Pos interested Parties, this Board after gi the merits of sal ~EREAS~ Vidence concerning R. etition and hearing e L• RICHARD FY ATEL W, P 5AL M. ~ R~'1N~A Zap 53 ~~;~/ ~~=- M°tl°~ of SupeTUlsot on the adopted McGraw s 1 Resolution Wa de by SupE,zvis°r s ted as The fore~p1nE' and secon d the St'pez°iso~ vo Brittle and °n tecpz° McGraw ~ J°hns°n Brittle. GarrEtt- Wit ~ v i pr s foil°WS ~ t° Super%- p,YES ~ ~`~ 1 EAYg' Non upervis°r Nickens ABSENT S ~~, /'~' Deputy f S perils°rs `~ Allen, and o Mary K' County Bo Seen' goan°ke AttOxney ordinator County gev iew C° e7-opn`ent planning CC. D Dlrec ES at Assessor Beal packet _ 3 R~GHAR~ PAPA ELAW,R~ `9A EM vNRGIN1A 2a~g3 ~ ! ~ ~ ~ v i l r~ ;,-. roadways d al tlon °f the streets ash 1 serve dica ons finding that the de d the land restrlcti ture~ and that en ResOlutlon~ and f t subdlvlslon an sent or in the fu any cltlz of the Ramsgate Courtt either In the Pr n adverse effect o 1 the marketablllty n° Pure°se or benef e shall n°t cause a ymay affect adverse yetofore filed vacation °f the sa oan°ke Virglnla b1ut, of the Petltl°n her of the COUnty of R Abed in E~'ibit A t at this regular of the realty desc 1NED AND p~ERED thaanoke~ Vlrglnla~ th d. A Ro with is B°ar HEREFpRE~ BE lT pRD of the County °f merly dedicated T r NpW, oard of SuPervis°rs eels an roadways °lcti s s shown d on a meeting of the B 19g7~ that the str and the land restr on March 3~ 19j3' 1 28~ inia, orded held on Ju yty of Roanoke Virg urt Subd1vlslon rec rlc> Clrcult Court t° the Cou t of the Ramsgate C he pffice °f the Cl re hereby ABANDpNED~ on the Pla 8~ Page 38' In t and the same a B°ok be, in plat e Virginia and shall County °f Roanok 'pNTlNUED~ ands the Clerk °f this $O e Cl ~ erk s d DISC that r t° th VACATED' an T 1S FURTHER ORDERED s prdlnance and prd ok,e, Virglnla~ for e I of thl Roan on th lth certify a copy t for the County of o date notations uP at page forthw t Cour the aPPr P p1 Book 8~ pffice of the Clrcul,rections to make recorded in at land restrictions recordati°n' with d e Court Subdlvlsl°n~ nd roadways and the Ice County e of Plat of the Ramsgattlon of the streets a th ROano of both e Clerk 8 as to the vaca der under the names d J anat ti• Bush' Tin ce and 3 dex this pr W Bush an is prd an ands t° in lsOrs and 3erry certify a copy °f th L• Richard Y adgett~ v Board of SuPerrther is directed tO orney' and a copy tO this Board fu e ~ C°unty Att Mat,on y prder t° Paul for petitioners' - 2 - tt°rney 3r., A l RICNA RNEYDA E~ WJR. 5A EM ~~RGIN~A2gt53 ~~ ~- ~. ~~~ ~T"IONF~= . 2~0-~8~ July ~ ~ 198'1 SSE DER' date: July 2g, 198 tract H~reng Date: acre ssion ring a 0.9313 located Wing Co~ni rd to rezone ence store d in the Ord of Supervisors Hea petition of toaconstauo Roadoa d Woodhaven Roa 1. ~ntSn ed froaenti 1 to B CtiB°ns f Peters Creek Res CO i terse public Beareng~ fry h lnortheasi 1 District. C~,ission listing the at ester the planning resentedo the misting gollins Nag sition at residents Was Prelated business in PART folur Poesen 3'1 s~gn~atucefical1Y that e is es a 24-hour CITIZEN of 2' taming e, spe trash; of f There • wer n con inag A Petitio concerns: dra loitering and is area following estion; has Placed ~ t is pond; traffic Gong neighborhood. sire ~aelol~'e Pe ition aefined~p°licies; reeen the FACT FAC`~~ Come category ' Th with the 1985 use but not petitioner 3. SIGT7IFICP~ ensi°e Plan: land map nd• a. Come in a Transit the land use plan nel with existibY wP°ay of de facility with with 2 and e than ted for tion rd of consistent ,~ 1~ TR- drainag accoun as a reten goes lly~ tural will ~ tha acts to to the inage specificaFea Na re drainage e pond t l indices e dra l futu larg wil the fat is ca how tares . • l]. addr detae b. Naturd indi to currently has a Peteteonefilled and h~a ess the B osin: pro drai~`g~o~the ~nd it 1Pan Pr°cess wi c. develO e s fora ors genera handy-~' Superves will ~ s• r~uer image 'ence store W the gas ~ s' pre~red of dra as a convene ~ used one- nviroY"'~`ental measures or CONDITIONS l logo will 4, PROFFERF~ ropertY will sal fore e traditions a• ~'e attached PrO~'O buildeng; th b. The Tech. lan. e canopy or Petro- concept p on th ent sign' ~e proposed not apP~r t ad~ertis~ ~ used. c' Signage willon the stoee rd will not The motion d. bee t~diti°~1 green manses REASON with Proffered c°nditions• e. ~ VOTE AND teteOn 'S ved to aPPrp°e t~all~~Ote: SSIONF~ 5 • F1 ~ ~ theme foll~ing rdo ~ Winstead carried Witt, OO F1ipPen- AYE = None ~~: Jones pgtSP~IVE 6. DISSE~I~' None. a. ~ • ATTAC~~S ~~ x 11" ~ Map ~8~ x ~~ ~ / Concept P ~~ 11 Vicinity Staff Report Other' cretarY C~¢nission Se A sta zer, Planning a.- 20 OAK ~ 2~ 20~ R V./AYNE LP•Fp~°NEO 0.-1 ~-~ -tY of \ _1 \ / . •RE AI-~ GAP ~ ARp 5M J , / w1 ~ 7 =`v p % ~a~G p ~4 ZT l.,_fxls?~uOTA~p~Ep 0.- aEw 1 ~~ PONO "1-r LINES E,\ ~ ~, ~~ N \ O ~.yf(e :~ . ING ~ ~Jl~ t\ ~p ~ ~ ~ rnS ~ •, ,. oaYN Eo pA-1 ~ ~ ~ O O ~ ~ zat, ,<.f. 1 NZ P 1 1 ~,;~• ~ E~~~N i. y~ ~:. ~ •~ ~ 421 LARGE ~ 'Y ,.. gEb ~(Y~ 1 D 0 f~ ,, - Q ~ i.'~ ea ' eXOQ~s,s) 1 1 ti eve e ,'. p) g\-1[U6°~ ~TM 1 I 1 1 ~ ;Fl ^ \1 ~~'-~ ~Rp,E OELIa~> ~'t . \ --- ~ypNED4 M~-1 I I TKEE3 \ t . ~ ~ ~ ~::~- r _ \ ~ -~ \~~~ Lp.lJE ~~ _ ~EP- Rpp.D __ _ CREEK PETERS SIT ~ON~NC' : R- - T EN 2 PRES p~~N~ : g- 6PA~4S PRpP05ED ~ ,,,ago - \~ C,T:°+ 4 e,~pA \ pA KKV GPRpV\O~'-O REV ppR T ALAN N~~P co FpRO RAp pp00 `TORE FRANK O NOp IN \1"T 1 X28 ROPO RTES 1N~+ P' P gHO~ of ptSTR1GT ~TUp.TEC> s N~LL1t..1`~ ~~ KE ~pUP1TY o' ~N lCAIE: E 25 tYlL ° 10 c>Q RD VII\OINIA ~ 7 KER & SON pATE: T" 09T1 O- --- iD AP gT . w.o• ~ SURYEYORS ,L • P• p A, _ Z7 6YEN NEERS ~ NIA ~ 'L6 TAX NO. S .Z0 lA~EV V11101 ~~~~ ~ .yp GA\.C• N.l. ~ CKO• -_ K1_P pNAWN - N•,.,w • W,sM ~wMM M ~ x% ~ O s1iy. ,...~ ~-fin ~ j~..K ~~'~o~~. {~~~ / ~ ~ciN11Y Map " Frank Radford R-1 to g-2 T NT OF DES E~DPMENT ' "` ~ ROANDKE ., _..--- ,~ nFPARTME ~~ ~, f~, ORT DFORD STAFF REp gRANR RA TIONER• PETI y 26, 198 t from R-lt 20-6~8~ DATE' ~ acre trac located a n SSE NvMBER ~ ROB STALZER ~ o r e z one a 0 0 genie and Woodhaven R°ad EVIEWED By. k Radf °rdto cpe~erSCCreek Road of Fran Business of In ~esiaentialast B uteri 1 ~ strict' and oPerB~p sq f p the the n°rth s Ma9ister ruct 2- e on the fI°llin BEST oral to o~nappr eX aria accessory us NATURE OF Rt4°nal p eop°nsisti es would b ro7ect l• a• Condi fence stOr s°line sal describe P c°n°en area. Ga vicinity map floor d z°nin9 Property. t plan an ed c°ncep of retail Sr°££er ch t WaY of P b• mope fullY• wide varieed by LE REGULAT soNr ict pe tionerahase Property • equired. pLICAB ing di pets on th mit r 2, a a d offics Wlllsbe conducted entrance Per th County which use oan°ke commercial ure compliance wi VDOT and City of R r equi r ed to ins b, n review c• Site t ions. requla e p°nd. CT,FRISTICS t with lar9 TE CKp,RA hY : Fla ter s `'reels 3_ SI Topograp t he 9 r W th a r e a a• Cleared• ated Within Ground Covers ed hi9 to a b• RISTICS ioritys esi~nat as to ll~ 4• AREAFutureTGr° la n n9 urban se Vices. • l travel ad vApR°per2Oned a• cOrrentlY erved by urinated bs zo ed r e~sdCreek roads ar cu ea i s do rOpertY i n and pet General arAdjoinin9op Woodhave ed b. corridor. her Side ct °f the propos the of on siness• the impa e impact. for bu AC ASSESS~toT accordi5 9 tO = n`ana9ea placable. LAND pSE IM~e each f of 1 throu9 Sle impac and3N/A = not P 5• Rating Use a scale 2 = negliere impact tion'. impact' S = sev i d sr ptave impact' COMMENTS ment plan Th e elop orY• 4 R hensave De uSe catege plan and TING FACTO TIBILITy 985 CoR'pretiOn lanthe land us TR 2 RA E COMpA lan; l a Trans t with ~ TR-l' Co prehenlsvarea w Soh is conslese Specifically 4 a• pia i s Duey' s thegaef fined polic but not with TR-3. ~~ existing howev dha°en Road• . ar i lY r e s eek Road sand Woo u riding I'ac oss b°th Peters Cr residential uses• ose to the b. businesses are a MlXed commercials avers Roadfi~hel t°P°gslgn 1 hboring Area. ce onto Woa Y becausthat a traf oicYears . c. Nelg t; Entrent is necessindlcated within t° mini that d • S i ters ct°on : Roan k t C~he i rite ns such° tl nala s hasebeen shown t o f the sllnstalle ena or i enter and • Ad ordinance ll be has be umP zoning ted Bu 1• bil Y °f equlg emeP and WO dha°en R°ad • titiOner the wand ca eX~eeds to S Creek Road ed- however ~ 1 not ha the bulldln ur e . along Pe t speclfl s pumps wlaesign °f archlteces f°r cture; N Ver the qa that the ending al styl Archlte can°PYow mansard hdthe o f ra ochltectur has ? e• that thand Y ell t i b l e w l amPl e s ti°ner e gbe madeonerpto hors ~/fix rdinance' abe placedla atuse t i t i eview er ° would itiOn Commission r scape' AsnascaPing h the Trans d Land °nal la be wl re Screening that additi in accord en PrOffe d• 2 f' indicated the Pr°Per1 n has riot ponce. front of Concept P indicated• th eXistingounted P°7-icier. e uate Parking ainage chainage will be acc ~enitiess Ad q Naturaho r future dra 3 ate ica e g• l Fe res'ind to or is d e st 4 h • petit °ner o f° design • from c°n~ 111 be °Qen20 ~ ~ 0 - for by way AnticiPa esd AThe atoseapproXlmatelY TR rFeet CaPa 11 t 3~ ~ 4 ~o Pe err Creek Roa oad and P ede by 3 1. appr sXlm Cur r nt ADT n °f Wood ca se g n l . onsof l3 ~vep0 vehicles' The inae~oehave aearsf f 1Tma ageabl nY potential Clrculatdo~ schedelWlthin two ht Wou lessen a rse ld 3 ~~ the CR~y .°f o °near ahtrafflc llg °m line 1 e r ailabl e flow. vehicllacement o av fir er haza d• for d°me ever ~ f °r la ement a~i7a-itYh° S f th UTILITIES Water need en Road consider tralPExPr °nnected t° fire Water • along WpOdilling t° of the F de that ishas adequate 2 k. located Drier is e entrance ting hydra RXpress hydrant n R° d Thr°tects Federal W° nehand c11i~YtlY P d transmission. flow capab to treatment an Sewer; Adequa 2 1. a arts as d at iti ner e P°n th pet ° and ' a larg basin • w the p ently has drainage nerallY h°ts will be DRAINAGE property fo ra deVingpC° misnage g equ s the details °f m• Batenti°n1Caa~e no h wpt Pn£ur°cesdrwill addres will bed i11The ndlte plan P handled • dralnage• e standard' ~A n• 2 °. 2 p' N= ~• F1pOdPla1"• ES .n established ser~1 rd• pUBI,I PrOte~tlOn• W1thl.shed ser~l~e standa F1re Within establl Rescue: d ReCreatlOn• Parks an t Value SchpO7. TAX BASE nd ImprO° ales/Year• N. r• $2~~'~~~ $5~~'0~~ atelY $11r1~~ 1 s• _ Tax bl E pl°yees' the C°untY~Year• _ To a revenue to 2 t• 2 u• 2 v. ENVIRONMENT Air' Water• tank ne st°rage con~alnment• APprOX1m will be Buf f tilde material ~OndarY teen se 1 goP_In g t tradltlOna 11ne C net ph s S°ils• s° oise' r has indlc bedusede°r m°~ed' ss sign w111 be N Wage' p sign 9e °nlprope tthelge eral bull°e and Ye ng b111bthed ~anopY °Or 1 is °sa E tated thaw th bunnies • °ner' s prop full Y e Pet1t1 u h n° red a aec°rated itiOn, Th Al th° 9 has °f f e the Y as Trans lan map • etitiOneti~es tha hblic CpNSISTENgesignatea and use ipies ~ theuptY, °p7ec the June th all AN i s e of C° at w 1 PL 1s area with th stated P s with re~lew ian~e Th sistent ith the ~Omplie mmissi°n t ~°mpl tiOn. °°nsls that more t subcni t oted t~ati°n and °Onf lgura (2) pre gl us °I~ sh° n by property 1° use plan R1 P mizes hearines is limite t with la3 d Site Plmlted by stile _ ila po11~1 ~N C°nsiste highway n( °ptlOns s are a~ nt• (5) 2 w. 2 x 6• STAFF EVALUAths ; ( 1)°f attar `other deep ral optlOae~el°pme ~ • a• A~~essgble b°f q s• pn q S and arthl sur r°unding er bi11tY 4) S1g t w1 Ears' tiOn has ~1s1 hY) • ( atibill Y °f Prof d• pei anning t°p°gnspre e aepined by way erns n°t ade~eaetOla~eindi°aasno t° SPeoif 1C us (1) Draineg ail will b (2) ~C°ouldtbe ° ~ f er ed b• Weaknateasthat the d/"1 manallaY°ut sh ind missi°n ~ buFfering Page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: OF ROANOKE COUNTY BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS arcel of land, ) acre p A q~- at the nort'~_P~~ ) generally located ) Road an FINAL ORDER corner of Woodhaven ) Creek Road gollins within the ) Magisterial District, and 26 20 4-27 - ) recorded as parcel # the Roanoke County Tax Records ) in OF ROANOKE COUNTY: TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS FRANK RADFORD to rezone the above® WHEREAS, your Petitioner ~ County Supervisors `'' the Board of °' did petition R_1~ Residental from for the purpose ~ land arcel of District referenced p B_2~ Business District to ,+/~. store. did hold convenience the planning Commission ~ of erection of a legal notice, 87 at which time, ~ after due 19 _~ ;;; WHEREAS , May 19 , ~ of the petition on be heard; and ° a public hearing an Opportunity to were given of County in interest th e Boar d ~ all parties at ion, N full consider 28, 1987 Q after denied on July o WHEREAS , rezoning be w that the ~ determined Supervisors of arcel aforementioned P that the BE IT ORDERED Tax Maps as Parcel NOW, THEREFORE County in the Roanoke described is contained 7~6 ~ Page 359 and legally land, which in Deed Book District to 26.2~?~and recorded R_~~ Residential NOT from below, be rezoned District. B_2~ Business ~. ~ Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: transmitted to this order be directed to FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of BE IT that he be and the Planning Commission County• zoning map of Roanoke the Secretary °f e on the official r that Chang ,Johnson refle DENIED Su motion of pervisor A~~~ on recorded vote: following Garrett, ~vicGraw, Johnson and upon the Brittie- Supervisors AYES: None NAYS: -Supervisor Nic}cens ABSENT: Clerk rn~-¢' .,Board of Supervisors Roanoke County CC: Real Estate Assessor Review Coordinator Development Director of Planning d-20 SAX ~ 2.fo.2G_ R.~AYNE ~p,FO~ONEp R-1 OF .R n ~~a PRO ARp 5M T / ~N p.B~T4~ Zp~4 27 ~\ ar 2~• ~ , TAX Ep R.- FA~ ~1 ~o ~ ~~ ~ . O y~ 1. oaYN ~ \ .. ~pIJEp M-1 ~ < \ ~ 'p p r 204 f,.F. NZ ~:~~ .. ~a.;• 1 ~. 1 ~~.N t9 p ~ ~.1~ t ~ Q ~. 42 LA(tGE E1~ -0, , ,~~~ ~ .'L FEOeRµ- ~ ~ ( .l L~~' EVE EEN EXPRESS ; t ajF1KV~ `~P) F ~gRGE ~~IWGUcs 1 I / ~ ~ a • • ~ ~_ _~ _~~' ~~`~ ~~ r 1/~/ EST~~ ,~. ~. --- -~ _ -___- CREEK READ PET ER ~ ~~~ ~oN~N~ : R-1 PRESENT ~o~~N~ : g-2 PROpp~jED _ ,a sPA~4s RK\A1G Rg0.V~R~o 1.} SPAC-6S ppA,RK~~' PRpV10E0 R PT p1-p`t~ FAR coNCEK RApFoRp FRp,N POOD STORE G A PROpOSF- E; ~OP~ ~ Co28 SNOwIN A"~ RT S g1TUAT6'p 16TER1A~- D1STR~GT HO S M~ ~ 'C y ~1..1N ~oUt~1 T 5o Rpp,N©K !GALE: ~-~~ Zg we- p 10 2S VIP4INIA SON DATE 1V 4 - 27 By : '~ • P• PAS SURVEYORS , l1D• w.o.eTO_~' 26,20- ENC,INEERS VIP6INIA T~xNO. SALEM ~~ 50 CALC• ~-- N~e~ ~ CK'D• ~-_ pq AW N ~n s~-_~ wwmsu ~..m } ~~__ ~,~ ~.?~ • SOBS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA. COUNTY SUpERVI BEFORE THE BOARD OF of land- ) .931 acre Para ethe northwest ) P' pRO generally located Road and Peters ) corner of Woodhaven ) OF IONS CONDIT Creek Road ) Rollins Within th al District' and _ 7 ) Mag 1 stet ~ 26.20-[, 2 recorded as Parcel # Tax ReCOrds. ) COUNTY in the Roanoke COUntY OF ROANOKE of the Code of SUpgRVISORS 1 et seq. TO THE HONORABLE 15.1_491. With Sec. Zoning cro in accord ° f the R°anoke ~°unty rn Being r inia and Sec. 21-105E' Frank Radford Vi g of e- the petitioner the B°a of SuPer~lsors rd e reZOning oG Ordinanc roffers tO itiOns to th tarily P is the following coed hereby volun In o Roanoke C°untY' Vir need Parcel of land' umPs• o e above-ref ere Store with gas penviromm~etal ~- th con~enlence the attached of only as a With t plan. used in accordance concep will be Q erty will be the attached 1 lo., ° 1. The Prop will be developed dance with traditiona o0 o The property ed in accor bafi:)d~rljthe ~ 2' measures. develop canopy or o- roperty will pP on the n• not ear ~sement 5~9 5ed• Q a. Sh qn only on street advert rd will not be u used een manna 5, The trad~t~onal nr ResPectf ally ~, bm~ e (h, i~-one r ` t _ PETRO -TECH P.O. BOX 12467 . Roanoke, Va. Hop-In Food Stores P. 0. Box 260 Roanoke, Virginia 24002 Attn: Mr. Peter Surprenant Dear Peter, 24025 .703-563-5705 July 7, 1987 ~~~ .~ Re: Hop-In Woodhaven Road & Peters Creek Roanoke, Virginia 4 - ~ We propose for your consideration the following enviromental measures at the above location to meet or exceed PJFPA 30 Standards, (1) Tanks to be fiberglass clad (Buffhide Type) tivith 30 tested before installation. Backfill will be 78M stoner warranty, air *(2) Product lines to be fiberglass, air tested until completion of job. *(3) Spill-containment manholes will be used at all fills. *(4) Red-Jacket leak detectors vrill be installed on submerged pumps. *(5) Stage I vapor recovery devices will be installed at site. *(6) :'1e will install observation ~vells around the tank farm. Observation well to consist of: (1) 8" x 12' PVC slotted pipe ~rrrapped with filter cloth (1) 8" plug (1) 12" manhole (1) tube water finder paste (7) Remote dispensers wi 11 be fitted Zvi th OPIJ h1odel 10 RU emergency shut off valves. The above facility exceeds standards of general practice required by law at this time. * Additional measures not required by law. Sincerely, J. teven Hawley JSH/jb President Petro-Tech PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY An Equal Opportunity Employer L N O T Z C R ns that tat ~ '~~ L E G A rested pe 1 ~ hearin Roan°ke l irate d a Pub at the an°}~e r ~ iven to al Will ho unity RpOm rJ•W.r R° from R- rebY 9 visors C°~ Avenuer re2°ninq d located e is he f Super in the letOn estln9 acre an in the County Bo~~iY 2g, 198 338 BRaafordr iegng 0 •93C~eek goad Roan°on Tuesa strati ~itlontof f an traoRoaa and Peters store CoantY adm ~° th g Ze bus in ofs WOOdhav en °°nv en ie f f er ed Res Gent ortheast aCDi trict, ed to con Ppr° al With Pr° en e n ter est ds dm is Boll ns Magls has bee is ion recOmmen C°untY a o he en the gtez Piannin9 C°~ ance °f R salte pea ~r the of ke Cou tY T and tl n the Zonln ~ 0 h 1 pealtbe eX 6~~ as the R°an° s c p, copy ° as a c°QY ~ equest d i R°°m ed Pers d to Well to thitr locate h ndicaPP ueste thereto Ss related el°Qmen race to a s are r e4 l$ ~ i f doc a~tment oo D Center • rovide a Suer and Sid(,a'1p31 ~~2-20 DeP, istrat Will P n s ervlc Admen Roan°ke nd Pu l lc ° f Per s f ore at endance • l9 8 ~- to atte office ssarY °f July' desiring the County are nece day con ci l p °vlslOns mY hind this 9th ~- spe Given under De~Cl.5 pervis°rs leer Board °f R ano e County edition . sh in the and W~ ~ a NeWS °n • able Times llcatlon tO' ofe the R°an°ke 4 ~ 19 g'1 July l the bill for Pab Taesdayr 19~~ D1reCt ~uesdaY July 21 ~ Frank Ra ono as Avena 24p14 23o n ke Virginia Roa .~' page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: FORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY BE ) A .931 acre parcel of land, located at the northeast ) generally corner of Woodhaven Road and Peters ) pET-- witefii Rte Hollins ) Magisterial District, and ) 26.20-4-27 ) recorded as parcel # in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: FRANK RADFORD WHEREAS, your Petitioner 105 of th e ursuant to Section 21- files this petition p Code of respectfully with the Ordinance and in accordance Roanoke County Zoning show the 1950, as amended, and would respectfully Virginia of following: tion from arcel of has anthe owner of the above-referenced p 1) The Petitioner ~}s land. rovisions of the 2) The property is presently zoned under the p R-1, Residential Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as District. na ted transitional 3) The property is desig C o u n t y the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke in Comprehensive Development Plan. ro erty rezoned as 4 Your Petitioner now desires to have this p P ) District for the purpose of g_2 Business constructing a convenience store . , ,. page 2 of 2 requests that the Zoning ectfully WHEREFORE, your Petitioner resp oke County be amended and that the above-referenced Ordinance of Roan parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. etition be referred FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this p to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its by the Secretary consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, Petiti~bner Page 1 °f 2 S pF ROANpRE CpUNTY lIRGINIA~ BpARD pF SUPERVISpR d. ) BEFpRE THE re parcel °f lan ) ac orth~~`~~ .931 the n p' 11Y located at eters ) RECpMMENDATION genera Road and P °orner of Woodhaven ) Hollins ) W~et~~no~~e and 1 District' ) Magisteria # 26.20-~-27 TY~ recorded as Parcel Tax Records.) E CpUN e R°an°Ke County pERVISpRS OF ROAi`IpIC ltlOn t° In tYi Tp THE HONp~'BLE SU loner FRANK RADF~RD Commission a Petial WHEREAS, Y°ur petit tart t° the planning from R-1~ gesid~ ose of ,led With the $ecre ced Parcel of land istrict for the pure has f i the ab°Ve_re feren D rezone B-2 Business ct tO C°mmissi°n Distrin~ a °Onvenience Store the planning °£ the ereCt~ s referred t° ion 15.1_431 on the Petition Wa required by Sect ublic Y'earing WHEREAS e legal notice as ended, did .h°ld a P Which after d nia of 1950 as am s in interest Were Code of Virgi ~ 198' and ing all Partie ar Ma 1 at that Public hrd~ and consideration has WHEREAS' PortunitY t° be hmmission~ after duethat the rezoning be afforded an oP planning CO gaper°ls°rs WHEREAS. the d of County B°ar recommended to the r_tn V`P ' page 2 of 2 ESOLVED that the Planning Commission BE IT R above NOW. THEREFORE, that the County Supervisors Board of recommends to the containing .931 acres and located in the Hollins of land was adopted on referenced parcel action District. The above _-~--~ca~rrd-~Y Ma is lids . F1 i peen recorded vote motion of __-__ and upon the following ----------------- en, I~Jitt, Gordon, '~Jinsltead AYES: Flipp NAYS : "lone ABSENT: J•R• ,)ones Respectfully submitted, Commission SecretarCounty Planning Roanoke RiJAi~UKE TRIES is WGRLI?-~3Ek`S ~ ~~'"~ '~'__ .~ ._ AD NUMBER - 713232) Pt38L ISHERa S FEE - ~1?1.84 BURT~`d L ALBERT ESQ P C BOX 2(~OD9 R.CIANGKE VA 24D18 5t~1 STATE (3F VIRGINIA CITY GF R DAN~IKE AFFIDAVIT i3F ~UBLiCATIC?N Is (THE UNDERSiGP~ED) AN ©FFiCER DF TIMES-'y7~RLD G{3RPCJRATiGN, ?~H:ICH C>~R- PDRAT ICN IS PUSL.ISHER C!F THE RG~APdflKE TINES ~ WDR.LD-NE1JS, A DAILY NE~ISPAPER PUBLISHED IN ROANDKE, IN THE STATE ~]F GINIA9 DO CERTIFY THAT THE ANNEXED VIR . VC3TICE »AS PU6LiSHED IN SAIi~ NE WS PA~FRS LEGAL NOTICE Noflcelshereby0lventoallin- G N THE 1= O LL OW I N G DATES Roanoke county Board of Su Dervlsors will hold a Dublle hearing st 7:00 p.m. on Tues- D7l14/$7 EVENING day,Julr2e,19B7,infheCom- munity Room at the Roanoke /g ~ EV EN I N G 7 / 2 ] County Administration Cen- , ter, 3738 Bramblston Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Vir0lnia, on Vi 1 T N E S ~ , TH i S 2 2ND DAY L~ F JULY 1 ~ $ ~ the petltlon of Frank Radford, requesting rezonin0 from R-) Residential to B-2 Business of a tract contelnin0 0.931 acre _ i and located at the northeast ~' ~ ~ corner of Woodhaven Road _ _' ~,__~/ _______ __ __ _ - Y and Peters Creek Roed In the Hollins Ma0isferial Dtatrict. 0 FF I C ER ~ $ S ~ G N A'~U R E Rezonm0 has been requested to construct a convenetence store: The County Plsnnln0 Commission recommends ap- proval with proffered condl- tlons. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance sf Roanoke County and ~amendmenfa thereto as well as a copy of the petltlon, site plan, and other documents re- laced to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at The Roanoke County Adminisfra- tlon Center. Roanoke County will provide as- Elstance to handicapped per- sona desiring to attend public heariaOa.Suchindlvldualsare requested to contact the Coun- ty c,flce of Personnel Services (703) 772-2018 if spacial provl- siona ere neeeaaery for atten- dance. Given under my hand this 9th dey of July,. 1987. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Bpard of Supervisors ~'~ ~_ /J' ~ ....._ We, the undersigned, are concerned over the request before the Roanoke County Planning Commission regarding rezari.ng of .9313 acre tract from R-1 to B-2 at the Northeast intersection of Peters Creek Rd. and Woodhaven Rd. for a convenience store. Because of the proximity of the property to the backyards of homes in Brooklawn subdivision; underground springs feeding the pond; congestion of traffic already at that intersection; and segmentally reza~ng the property; we would appreciate the Commission consider several things: 1 If rezoning is determined to be proper--that the whole property be rezoned for amore suitable type business than a convenience store, as it is so close to the subdivision. 2. The situation of the state having 50 foot right-of-way and accessibility to the pond area to be studied more closely. 3. At the last hearing, a resident who had been shown 3 springs previously at the pond was questioned by someone there that this was not the case. Some- should investigate the spring situation. 4. Segmentally rezoning this will lead to more concerns for the residents living in Brooklawn, to try to keep the integrity of "neighborhood" setting. NAME rj ~ , ~// r} , L~ ~~-., 7 ~~~ f _ _ , ~ 9 ~~ ~ y l°C~ ~' ~ ~. ~- ~--~- ADDRESS punntF ntn DATE // , P ~_~ ~~l' ~~ ~ s~~~ ,,~; 'u~Ca ~'' ~3 ''Jaa/ r G- 3 .~ C ~(-rte-_ cA ~- ~ ~ 1 / ~ ,. r ((` ~~1~ C~C1~ ~' r ~ ~ ~ r-- ~~:e,ii~lLG t y i f~' `rye. ,/ t'.`; . 'G ~ 7 _, f .~ L4 ~ . ~ / S" S ~, ~ ~ ~ ( ~~ ~~~ ~~a~~ ~; 6G ~7~ 3 Y ,,`y `i w~ ~ ~, --, a~-r -~ ,n y' `` ~ _,~,~ -,- Ll~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ll' __ ~~..~~r-y ~-~- '~ ,~ f~. 1 ~ ~~' ~' ~ \v ~ f/l :~: L~ ) % '~ `7 - r~~ ~ ~_ ti,. We, the undersigned, are concerned over the request before the Roanoke County Planning Commission regarding rezanng of .9313 acre tract from R-1 to B-2 at ,the Northeast intersection Qf Peters Creek Rd. and Woodhaven Rd. for a convenience store. Because of the proximity of the property to the backyards of homes in Brooklawn subdivision; underground springs feeding the pond; congestion of traffic already at that intersection; and segmentally rezanng the property; we would appreciate the Commission consider several things: 1 If rezoning is determined to be proper--that the whole property be rezoned for amore suitable type business than a convenience store, as it is so close to the subdivision. 2. The situation of the state having 50 foot right-of-way and accessibility to the pond area to be studied more closely. 3. At the last hearing, a resident who had been shown 3 springs previously at the pond was questioned by someone there that this was not the case. Some- should investigate the spring situation. 4. Segmentally rezoning this will lead to more concerns for the residents living in Brooklawn, to try to keep the integrity of "neighborhood" setting. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO. DATE '°~ ~~3-~~C~ ~ C,~ K ~~ ~~ r %~'~~ ., J G t; , ~. n ;/ ~- i ~.- -~ ~-" _S 7E~ZG ~~~~ lC,~;c.-_ "~?~. __ .,.7 ,~,~:..~. ~-~f c ~ f ~ ~ -~ ~~ 1-~_ ~~ t~_ ~.~, ~ ~ w C -~ ~-~ -:~1 ~ ~ ~~~~i over the request before thm Roin~oeBC2unty the undersigned, are concerned •9313 acre tract fro Commission regarding reza~-ng of ' tersection of Peters Creek Rd. and Woodhaven Rd• °r a n ing he Northeast in Lenience store. of the property to the backyardondf congestion of roximity rings feeding the p ro erty; ruse of the P underground sP mentally rez~ng the p P ~klawn subdivision; and seg ffic already at that intersection; uld appreciate the Commission consider several things= ro erty be wo ro er--that the whole P as it If rezoning is determined to be p P amore suitable type business than a convenience store, oned for so close to the subdivision. ht_of-way and accessibility The situation of the state having 50 foot rig the pond area to be studied more closely. s rings previously At the last hearing, a resident who had been shown 3 P Toned by someone there that this was not the case. Some- the pond was quest ring situation. ould investigate the sp oning this will lead to moretconcerns for the residen s of "neighborhood" setting. Segmentally rez to try to keep the integr Y .ving in Brooklawn, PHONE NO• D/ ADDRESS ~ /~ l ~,. D •~~ (~,/ 2. Z/r~ 7 MME ~~ ~.~~ 1t~ ~) (:'V~- {., -'y "4'1• /~ r~~ C• ~ ~ _ _ >, -' ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~,~r' ~ ~~<; f.~ ~ l J I I ~~ ~~ ~~ /~ ~ ~Z r ~ `j~ti'' (, ~~, ~- 4> \ ~ h ~ -- y ~- ~s5 `~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ./.ti "= ~ ~ ~~ ~=' ~~ j~~~~~ .- ,~ ,..ur~G~" ~t,~,cd1 '' ~'' %^ ~ ~ V J ~/t T'-~-l..l~// `-~~ °.,? . r f f ` y`, r~ ~ }~ ~.r ' 7 JF7 ~ r / ; ,,,, Z ~./ I- ~/.. ~ ...:.~. . ~'~`~ ~~ v _ R E Q,U E S T i A p p E P-' RAN C E _ u~ .~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~,~ Yr l ~' IC HEARING ON ! 0 PUBL ',_. __._ .. Board of Supervisors the like the Chairman of matter so I would ublic hearing on the above me during the P listed recognize to follow the guidelines I agree that I may comment. I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND elow. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, b ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. five minutes will have between thindividual or limit Each speaker s eakinq as an time and 1. whether P will decide the issue, available The chairman s eakinq on an majority of representativ number of citizens P based on the the rule unless instructed by the will enfornn do otherwise. Dint of the Board of their P to a presentation be entertained by 2. Speakers will be limited Questions of clarification may view only- Debate between the Chairman. to the Board- allowed. must be direaudience members is not 3 , All comn1ents at all a recognized speaker and courtesy ers and the audience will exercise 4. Both speak times. leave any written statements requested tOClerk. 5• Speakers arents with the GROUP SHALL and/or COmm K FOR AN ORGANIZED TO SPEA FROM THE GROUP INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING THEM. 6• THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATIO FILE WITH INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT ALLOWING THE E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y p L _ _ d~ ~~~~~ NAME : ~'? n . ~~.V ~i i ADDRESS : . d r Fy" ,_ PHONE: ive to the Deputy (After filling out, g PLEASE NOTE: Clerk. Thank you. A P P E A R A N C E ~_ PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~. l ~_ R+E Q,U E S T I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : , % .i i,- ADDRESS: PHONE: ,, F ,~ l i --~ -r' '~ ...f~' :, 1j ~~'~. PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) PETITIONER: RDGION PROPERTIES, INC. /~ ~.%~ CASE : 22-6/87 Planning C~rnission Hearing Date: July 7, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 28, 1987 1 • R~~ST rtion Continued from June 2 : Petition of Region PropertiesBu iness toz con tr~ui and of a 0.68 acre tract from R-l, Residential to B-2, directional sign located immediately south gf thes~e~ealeDistrict.ROUte 2 Route 907 (Ranchcrest Drive) in the Cave Sprin Mag 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION osition at the Planning C~r¢nission Public Hearing. There were two present in opp The concerns are as follows: traffic congestion and dangerous intersection. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Signage: Size and design of signistract pass ng motorists e aesthetically disruptive to passersby. Sign may d 4, PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. The land to be rezoned to B-2 will only be used for the purpose of erecting directional Signage. b. The Signage will be removed ow larger tthan 5y x l0~from the date of rezoning. c. The size of the sign will be g d, There will be no lights on the sign. les. e. Shrubbery will be placed around the sign po the petitioner. f. The sign and shrubbery will be maintained by g. The sign will be designed and ear t er iod wheno the signs ise removed,k Region h. At the end of the three y P Properties, Inc. will rezone the tract back to R-l. 5. CONAZISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON rove the petition with proffered conditions. The motion Mr. Witt moved to appp carried with the following roll call vote: pyES; Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None p,BSENT: Jones (, DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7, ATTACHMENTS ~~hz~x,~rl ~~~.~ k~i i'c. N ~.~'~ilrJ i~ ~,~~> Concept Plan (8~" x 11" ) +~~ ~'°~K '~ ~`" ,i Vicinity Map (8'~" x 11") ,/ Staf f Report Other: Robert S lzer, Planning Commission Secretary ~y`~ ,~ ' f ~ ~~j F~r _ s ui ~~KfV `[ ~ ~ i`P~ u.~/~srM / 61~ B~ 3 lp~' ~~ S .L' ~ ~ ~_' yP0 ~p7>. Nlfy/(IF(OS.N Cp..-01 ~ J 7/ 'Jl~~` 1 ~ J~~ ~ H ~~N~u~~9lAK-._~~N[vNK ~~- ~ ~.ROSt~ / ` $P{tIN~AM/N1 iawa~°'_•\ RbSECIZ~Tc. ~ ~ NG Q C.rf 9iMiW.A~ j Q~~ ~ y~ ~C~ ~ Q ~S ~l~'37 rur gym' ~ }• M. ~ K~ ~ vf'~ V r. c IOIE~N ~~~ o?' !6~ '• ~aJ~\gN+..rf`'~a.PENNFOREST pp07 a 9 F /1111 1' ` CCI~. ~',..~ '~".'"Ni~!,'49*4A Fi I ~ VICINITY MAP / 1 /~ ~-1 x.10 At / ~, R - ~ ~ titi` a 1 ti `\• 08-5-11 ~ ~ / 51 r h1' ~ 100 / Q'Z ~ - ~, I / 50 ~- a7 / r ~' ~ 2.60 At / ~ \ ~ 4 / ` 49 / ` zr`~ $ ~- 45 r 44 -., 3 s 43 ~~~~~ 42 ='~L a 41 N/sI CAUrcA - ' 14 ` uses < 2 2 ,t ~ ~.29At Ranc,hc.res~ D~Ire .~ 1 .u I? 1 l / S ~ ~ ~ r2.~T ; ALT y y/ dye e ` o i Q II - •- ~ ~ .w~ ~ - ,~ `- ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Region Properties R-1 to B-2 r~`~__~ STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: REGION PROPERTIES, INC. CASE NUMBER: 22-6/87 1987 DATE: MAY 26, ROB STALZER~S 0,68 acre REVIEWED BY: ortion of a erties, Inc. to rezone a P directional of Region Prof 2 Business to construct a and Petition intersection of Route 221 tract from R-1, Residential to B- ' the Magisterial District. sign located immediately south of ring Route 907 (Ranchcrest Drive) in the Cave Sp ro erty adjacent to NATURE OF REQUEST rezone a portion of P P n advertising 1, uest to lacement of a directiona si a, Conditional req the US Route 221 for the p constructed and sold by the availability of homes being applicant. •n vicinity map describes project more ful y. b. Attached zone g lacement of a directional to permit the P three years from 2. AppLICABLE REGULconditioned for a period of a. g_2 zoning 20 feet in size limit the use of sign 15 feet by Conditions effectiv All other future the date of rezoning. ose only. erty for stated pure ect to review by the theide pal or commercial uses wouldrbeso s] res planning Commission and Board of Sup ermit the type of classification does allows the following' b. Current R-1 zoning R_1 zoning Districts only n roposed by petitioner . and R-2 on which sig P ns are permitted in the premises uP (2) (1) Business sig rent of the sale or care feet in total area. to advertise up to six sq to two square feet in total erected, and only ermitted up height of ten Directional signs are p Sign shall exceed a area. (3) No free-sralnping art of a building. feet unless an integ An existing redominantly residential. of the subject 3, AREA CHARACTERIreaCSs P is immediately north a, General a commercial establishment property. act of the proposed LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT according to the imp 4' Rate each factor eable impact, Rating: through 5• act, 3 = manag action. Use a scale 2f_lnegligible imp and N/A not applicable. 1 positive impact, = severe impact, 4 disruptive impact, 5 COMMENTS RATING FACTOR ment Plan has 1985 Comprehensive Dlandop se category . LAND USE COMPATIBILITY me nt of 3 a. Comprehensive PlanWithin a Develop - laced this area advertising the sale and construction p in any land use category. Directional signs ecified residential units are not sP ~~ ~-~ 3 4 ordinance and applying reviewing the zoning n is compatible However, after the placement of a directioia~ies 9 The crux of the common sense, lan map and stated Pro osed sign. The zoning with the land use p n larger than two compatibility issue is the size of the p P ordinance does not permit a directional sig ea in any of the residentiae donallsign as one square feet in ar be B_l district. The ordinance defines a f which may be pointed, to whi h at entionr~s cal ed) (one end o the direction the name only of the painted, indicating iving two square feet or less in area, g business responsible fs riritendedeforoa dl ferent e 1 firm , o r ermitted by petitioner's request for signawhich is currently etitioner's ur ose than that the p information p P oint of reference, ermitted in ordinance. As a p n area p the zoning ercent of the total sig proposed sign is 37 p one man's small sign is an unconditioned B-2 district. However, another man s billboard. l however, existing b. Surrounding commercial us 221. Size o compatibility c. Land: Primarily residentla Route osite side of US ect to e is in existence on the opP f proposed sign should be evaluatedlandhusesp with scale of existing surrounding a be Signage: Size and tivegto aesthetically disrup passing motorists. 5, PLAN CONSISTENCY nest Petition oliciesq defined p of sign in that nomayi di tract passersby. Sig is consistent with the land use plan map and conditioned proposal to 6, STAFF EVALU~hSON (1) petitioner has strictly of a, Streng they residential and commssionl and Boaraout n is consistent eliminate all o the Planning Comm prior review by Supervisors. (2) Placement of diroliciesl sig with land use plan map and defined p roposed sign may not be consistent (1) Size of P land uses or be aesthetically b, Weaknesses: existing with scale of surrounding appropriate. ,~ ~~ 8~ of 2 Page ~ ~ CC~~~Y \ ~~ OR5 Cp RCA~C~ NTY SveBRVSS 1 ZGINZA~ BOARD OF CCV °~ lanar 1 FORE ~gE cze Pazcel c°rner ORDER 6~ a area BoUtheast 1 FZ~AL c enez ally 1° e ~ 5 W •> g nchcrest pr~~ ~ a d R°Uie 90, l` ~a~e 5 rin an na t1~e Ct r a 1 witryn ezial Distzl ~ 86 _~2-2'~3 zas • ~ E COU~yTY t~ag15t ea a5 Pazcel my TaX Rec° ORS OF ROAWOR ro ert~es ~ Znc the ab°ve. ,\ d zec°z R°an°Ke C°U LE S~pER~ZS Re ion t° zee°ne in the O ~xg L3CNCRAB petiti°nez SuPezvls°zs he PUZP°se T EREAS~ y°uz aza °£ C°~nty R ,~ tzlct ~°z t ra WR iti°n the $° ~ land fz°m Dls scion ala a,,a Be ncea pazcel ° g_2 fanning. C° duly ~ 19 $1-' ~n zefeze to ion S,r °er the p dune 2 & ztunitY d ~istzict o~~rr a direo~t e legal n°t1 1°n °n Ven an °QQo °£ er EAS ~ a ftez au °£ the Petltez est w ez e g l C°untY ~ WgER heazing in int °aza °~ °ffez `o h°la a Public all Qazties ati°n' the ovea w1th pz ~- timer i a e z app at whlcheaza~ ana z full c°nsze2°ning be a Pazcel e h fte e ti ne o t° b WREREAS r a mined that t8 ~ 198 of°zemen ° aPs as zvis°zs detezns °n 3uly 2 RgD that the C°nntY Tax M SuPe °f C°~aytl° RE BE ZT ORDR the R°an°ke ~~~Qa9e ~~9 NOW r TRRREFO c°ntainea Ln Deea B°°k 1 m R.l ,~h cond~~t;o~s nar Whlch is na zec°zaea i e zee°nea fzo Dlstzlct ~ °f lael 86 12'213 a ibea bel°W ~ b pazc legally aescz ana t° DistYlct ~ ~_~ IT EvRTgER ORpERgv rY °£ the Plarinin e O£flClal Z°ning v~ar BE ed to the Seoreta that change on th tra°smltt ected to r elect rlttle dlr B he be f Roano}ce C°untY~ tl°~ of SuPer~lso e. son o cno ~Ot J ohn ApoPTEp o~ rec°rded NiCGraw uPp° the ~°ll°wlgglt e- Garrett- tl and Super~lsors AYEg NAYS' Noneupervis°r Nlckens k S Cler ABSENT. ~~~~ ~ °£ Super~is°rs oke Cou~tY Board Roan \ Sor ses to Real Esta of plan ew Co°rdina r CC, D eV lopment Reel D IA: RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGIN THE BOARD OF CQU.NTY'SUPE BEFORE cel of land' ) / ~'f-~ 68 acre par ~ REVISED A Southeast corner PROS generally located --~ ) Avenue, S' W'~ OF Route 221 ~grambleton S,W.) ) Drive CONDITIONS and Route 907 (Ranchcrest ) . Cave S ran within the ) and Magisterial District, ) ded as Parcel # 86.12-2-13 reCOr ~ oanoke County Tax Records. COUNTY: in the R VISORS OF ROANOKE the Code of TO THE HONORABLE SUPER 1 et seq• of 15.1-491. with Sec. Zoning accord of the Roanoke County Being In SeC. _105E. ~ inia and 21 ion Properties, Inc. of o Virg Reg ~ e petitioner Supervisors ~ th rd of ping ~ Ordinance- to the $Oa the reZO ~ tarily proffers ~" volun the following conditions to hereby inia ~ Virg w Roanoke County- 1and~ E, arcel °f for the c above-referenced P _2 will be used ~ of the be rezoned t0 gThis signage will be are requesting Wage. The size H The land we directional sag date of reThelland use will cn ose of erecting 3 years from 5, x 10'. Lion of ~ purp within three ( ~ er than with the excep Q removed be no larg R_1 zonin9 sign only of the sign w~lresent uSe unde the use of the aboWill be placed as will allow for sign Shrubberywill be maintained a, the B 2 zon n9 no lights 9n the n and shrubber designed and built 3) 'd There will be g poles. The s 9 w At the end of the three ( n Inc. The sign Inc. by R pion Properties , art work. ion Properties, the submitted according t0 si n is removed, Reg eriod when the back to R-1. year p the tract will rezone submitted- Respectfully REGION PROPERTIES., INC. /~l ~;.~ B .~~~~~~n.. petitioner L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Jul~.~ 28, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administratioi Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of Region Properties Inc., requesting rezoning from R-1 Residential to B-2 Business of a tract containing 0.68 acres and located immediately south of the intersection of Route 221 and Route 907 (Ranchcrest Drive) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to erect a directional sign. The County Planning Commission recommends approval with proffered conditions. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 9th day of July, 1987. ~+' - Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, July 14, 1987 Tuesday, July 21, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Region Properties Inc. P. 0. Box 20287 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 VIRrINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A •68 acre parcel of land, ) generally located Southeast corner ) Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue S ~ ) ) anti Route 907 (Ranh t Dri P S ~,~ 1 ) PET_ ITION within the ova Snrinn Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 86.12-2-13 in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER Re ion Pro erties Inc. respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke Count y Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioner is the Lessee ~~ of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as R-1 District. 3 ) The property is designated Development in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as B-2 District for the purpose of erecting directional signage WHEREFORE, your Petitioner res ectfull p y requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke Count y be amended and that the above- referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in Number 4. nit ,-. .,, ____ VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A .68 acre parcel of land, ) generally located Southeast corner ) Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue, S. W.) > and Route 907 (Ranchcrest Drive, S.W.) ) RECOMMENDATION within the Cave Spring ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 86.12-2-13 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Region Properties, Inc. has filed With the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition tc~ rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from R-1 District to B-2 District for the purpose of erecti ng directional si gnage WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on lllnP ~ a tl~l;~ ~ - 19 ~; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning b e approved with proffered conditions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above- Page l of 2 VIRGINIA: BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNT BEFORE THE .68 acre parcel of land, ~ A located Southeast corner ~ generally ~Pnue S G~ 1 ~ nnl 1~ ~rtih~PtOn A~ R(ll1TP ~~~ ~ FINAL ORDER and Route 907 (Ranchcrest Drive, S• ~•> > within the Cave S ring Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 86.12'2-13 ~ in the Roanoke County Tax Records. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY Inc. our Petitioner Re ion Pro ert~es, c^a WHEREAS. Y ervisors to rezone the above- Sup did petition the Board of County '~ R-1 `~ referenced parcel of land from ur ose t7 District for the p p B-2 District to of erecting a directional sin Commission did ~- al notice, the Planning o WHEREAS, after due leg _ July 7 etition on dune 2 & l9 {~- hold a public hearing of the p Q ll arties in interest were given an opportunity at which time, a P 0 o to be heard; and the Board of County `~ after full consideration, Q- WHEREAS, Supervisors determined that the rezoning be arcel THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned p NOW, Tax Maps as of land, .which is contained in the Roanoke Count e 179 Parcel 86.1 -13 and recorded in Deed Book 764, Pag and legally described below, be rezoned from R-1 District~ith conditions. District to - Page 2 =f 2 BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be ed to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that transmitt directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map he be of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Legal Description of Property: F TAX 'a` 20.20 - 4-- 2E3 R.WAYNE L•gF0~.1 ~OIJED Ft-~ / REMAI -v ~ ^~G ~i°ARp SM 1T IN ~ g PG 35°~ `\ ~ ~ lcq\ O t N G ° `\ _EAs~ ~ \ O \ ~ O 1 ~O gX~2~.ZO-6-z.11 \ to ~ \ z4.ONED M ~ 1 ~~ 1 p•B.T4lo TAX sr 2.20-'}-27 _EXIST~NG .~O~Ep R-1 • POND •~ '. ~ ~ 1 1~ `NEW LINES / m NZ ~ Bpi ~ o~ ~FEOERAI. ~ EXPRESS) 1 ~ ~w ~E.asi~~ ~ 1 TAX ~2~•20-b-j ZOI..IED M-j j ~_ _ / -~ Q I ~ O O ~'T__ • f 2814 S.P. 1 ~ ~. ~ 9 ::0 0 ,• 42 ~,~, ~~ LARGE EVE1~CiQEEN co .4 ~!` ~.~:~ THEE ~ ~ ~, ~ ~, ~ ; ~~~.; EVE QEEN ~ Ev~~C4K,~,_E~, ' gHKU~ CnP) .; R r• ~ ,,, • r ~'~'''; LARGE I~ECIDUOVS ~~:'"° TREES LT Y P•~ ... , . .al~"'I~~i.4N~j ~.. ... • ---_ y, `~- - WEST BOU 1.J D LANE _ _ ------- tic.-"-- - - - .~-- _ E.P. - PETERS CREEK ROAD RTE 117 PRES_ P OPOSED ~ONING~ ~Ot~]1NG R-1 -2 PARKK GGFROVIDEDE~ 14 SPA ~SGES REV 1 S ED ~,. VIRGINIA: r c~ ~, ~~ o--- ~= c~ U Q ~- v~ 0 W G C d 4. Q ~j'~--~' ~ -~ Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A ? ?.. 72 acre parcel of land, ) generally located immedi atel y sout+~ ) of the terminus of Route 772, ) within the Catawba ) FINAL ORDER Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 63. Jg-1-i? ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS your Petitioner John F,. ~~all and Cor^pany Inc. , did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above- referenced parcel of land from A-? , Agri cultural District to ~'i-2, Industrial District for the purpose of operating a truck repair and storage business WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on July 7 19 ~7. at which time, all p~.rties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be of Conditions on July 28, 1987 approved with Proffer NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 63.J0-1-Z2 and recorded in Deed Book 2U7 page Z3J and legally described below, be rezoned from A-1, Agricultural District to ~i-2, Industrial District.wit~i proffered conditions ~~ Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: sECINl1111G at a point is the aeatatlieM of VitBials 8upsdarr Route 07~1et iAOStb of Dixiet~ ~ ~ ~ approciaateiy oae ~,t is ae shova oa that oesu at Mhicb ~f~~R,ad olph T. Clarke C.L.B.. a aopr_ plat psepared by 814, pate 64, of nhiab is recos'dsd is Deed ~• lrov ~Ld releraue beinf thereto cads; begiewias point lolio~inf • wire leeu• al ~~ ~• C. pill trot. 8. southeri7 ilew of the E. S32 lest to a 1S l~ah poP~r• the sme ~~ a am tract se rseotded is~ Deed ,. ooseur to the A. C. ~ cook 47~ at pale 20S oft of ~~ Camty~,a. 0lllai of the Circait said srova tract, N. Sl Virfiaia: thecae aloof fit; t6eoce still with 30' M. 290.2 lees 10 Y~and aloof tha SroMa ~ ~~ grant, i3S lNt to a ~l ~a a~ tieiat ao~i0a O0°cOas to liotlay BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the'Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect 'that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. NcGraw ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, NcGraw, Johnson Nane NAYS: ABSENT: Supervisor Nickena ~,~/1 ~C~ ~_ Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Real Estate Assessor Director of Pla~zning Development Review Coordinator c:~ rn f~' ~- w H 0 U 0 0 0 a a VIRGINIA: ~~ rte` '~ BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY p, 11.72 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on Rt. 778. 1.1 ) Miles from Exit 39 (I81) ) PROFFER OF within the Salem ) CONDITIONS Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 8718409 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E. of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner John A. Hall 8 Company, Inc. hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: This parcel shall only be used for truck repairs and storage. D Resp~u~ly s ~ itted;r f r' r ~,` 1 Pet ' loner "'- ~ John A. Hall, res~dent ~~ r- y~ PETITIONER: JOHr1 A• HALL & COMPANY, INC. CASE NUMBER: 27-7/87 Plardiof SupervisorsHHearing Date: July 28,11987 Boa 1. REQUEST Petition of John A. Hall & to ~aoy rate attruck repair•and storagetbu s Hess, Agricultural to M-2, Industria Pe located immediately south of the terminus of Route 778 in the Catawba Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION There were two present at the scr~nin Cadlbuffe runglthat~w 1 be requ~irede following concerns. the type of g 1 additional traffic chemical dumping on the property could get into water supp y; on the road. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS rehensive Development Plan has placed this area a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Camp within a Rural Preserve land use designation. Truck repair and sP 1 a~ Il8 prohibited witiri ° ndusPriabluses t locate outsideedesignalted principal allows for certa I- 8 as industrial areas. These industrceal researchlfaclitiesowith special agricultural, mi-ning and extraction, spe locational requirements, excep scalelindustry~with uniqueclo ational industrial parks, and smal requirements. Propot~ uua lotey Indic testthat~f nalaconcept has not been b. Site Layout: S q developed. c. Fire Protection: Outside of established service standard. d. Rescue: Outside of established service standard. e. Signage: Not specified. 4, PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. The parcel shall only be used for truck repairs and storage. 5, ISSIONER' S MprrION, rV0`I'E AND R~t~ion with the proffered condition. The motion Mr, Witt moved to aPp roll call vote• carried with the following pyES; Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHME~'S ~ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") ~/ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ~/ Staff Report Other: Robert Sta zer, Planning Connnission Secretary ~ f _._ ____..._..._ • , N Z 6 ~~ L~ `i `.= ~ '7w ~~~ ~ d _It. - ~ .~ _.Z N~ V V _.~ . ,6, r +~ v 1 ~. ~ . M ., :, ~ ,~ ~ ~~ V i ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~ - ~ i ; ~ LJ p'~-~ ~~ • Y N ... w ~ ,~ ~, \ ~. 'S~ , ~~~ ~ V ~- ~~' 1:.-> 1^~' ~ fin' }~' _' ~, .~, ~. ti ., ,~, - , .. .,~.,..,,,.,...t,.,..,~,~,~,., , ~~'~ .' MF ---..... T ROANOKE COUNTY Jahn A. Hall & Company Inc. .~: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT A-1 t0 M-2 ~ ~~ini ~ r MAP 7~~-~- -~ STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 27-7/87 PETITIONER: JOHN A. HALL & CO., INC. REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER ~S DATE: JUNE 29, 1987 Petition of John A. Hall & Company Inc. to rezone a 11.72 acre tract from A-1, Agricultural to M-2, Industrial to operate a truck repair and storage business, located immediately south of the terminus of Route 778 in the Catawba Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to construct and operate a facility for the repair and storage of trucks. Existing structure on the proper- ty will .possibly be expanded. Petitioner used the property as an asphalt processing plant from 1971 to 1983. This use was not in conformity with the zoning ordinance and was not a legal use. b. Attached zoning vicinity map and sketch describe proposal more fully. Applicant's sketch does not meet County's requirements for concept plan. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. M-2 zoning allows for extensive, heavy and light industrial activities. Petitioner has proffered that only truck repair and storage will be conducted on the property. b. VDOT commercial entrance permit required. c. Site plan review required to insure compliance with County's regulations. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Flat. b. Ground Cover: Cleared with existing building and gravel. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Glenvar Community Planning area. Designated for future high growth; not currently served by urban services. b. General area is developed with very heavy industrial uses such as an abandoned quarry, a wire harness manufacturing firm, an explosives plant, and an abandoned landfill. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 5 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Rural Preserve land use designation. Truck repair and storage is prohibited with no compatibility within this land use category. Policy I-8 allows for certain industrial uses to locate outside designated principal industrial areas. These industries are defined in Policy I-8 as agricultural, mining and extraction, special research facilities with special locational requirements, exceptionally designed office research, and light industrial parks, and small scale industry with unique locational requirements. Proposed use does not fit within these categories. 2 b. Surrounding Land: Proposal will have minimal or no effect on surrounding land uses. 3 c. Neighboring Area: Access to parcel is gained through rural residential area. Truck traffic will pass through this area. 4 d. Site Layout: Sketch quality indicates that final concept has not been developed. 3 e. Architecture: Not specified. Building dimensions are shown as 9,000 sq.ft. floor area with 3 garage bays. 2 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. Site is not visible from I-81. 2 g. Amenities: 2 h. Natural Features: No effect. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: Current ADT is approximately 500 vehicles. Proposed use could generate as many as 250 vehicle trip ends per day. Current road width of 24 feet should be adequate for truck traffic. 3 j. Circulation: Good access from interstate. Traffic will be routed through sparsely developed residential area. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Private well. 2 1. Sewer: Private septic. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: N/A n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES 4 0. Fire Protection: Outside of established service standard. 4 p. Rescue: Outside of established service standard. ~~ `~ Recreati°~: Parks and pp0 Scb°°1' ent V alue'$5 m~ll total imatelY $54~ppp X BASE d Impr°ve ies/Year'sitei 6p APpr°x TA Land an ~r°ss ga lp °n ntY/Year- ct n i° _ Total E eP en ee t° the C°u vir°nmenta I P th t lh v r en a _ T°tal cement and age Ya d litiesea t° t na ENVI~pNMENT z°n1ng repair a al s1R'i j.d be d1 taltef fects a 4ulteseffr°m tde It wl questefuture°envlr°nmen Pocble tre Count s hasSp t COL p°sslble Years d probl h resPec create er wl Petltl°appearance• visual t• A1r- Water' u• 2 2 v- 3 w' S°lls °ner~ s re~I Stated N°lse' ecifled Yet1t1 °r th e N°t sp serve. n map Signage' Rural Pre use pl a ~ x• pNSZSTENaeslgnateaher the land . sting lanares°f 6• PLAN area lent with e ed by eXOns thatuse. C2) Th is c°nslst s surrOUnd operate r°p°sed ropertY no7-ycies. use i illinq the P s °f p an e p ATIpN prop°seand landensitY t ecif is us F EVALV s; ll) rrYing five lnt t3) Sp °r p°llc e ~ . a~A~ Straband°nedeater dlsrusecludea, e plan mle nega a be. equal °r 9s relate andY pr°f fer to land 3) p° d ype f ~re and proPe been d`ef Lned s not c°nncept pia cats°n a nge f °r have ~l) ~°e uate c° Wage l Service ra sses: Inadeq ~4) Siglished b• Weatem ts• ~ 1) mPac e °f estab envlr°~ d ~ ~5) ~utsld specifle rescue. L E G A L N O T I C E iven to all interested persons that the Notice is hereby g ublic hearing at 7:00 Board of Supervisors will hold a pRoom at the Roanoke Roanoke County July 28, 1987, in the Community S.W.- Roanoke, p.m, on Tuesday, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, requesting County Administratetitiontof~John A. Hall & Company, Inc.- Virginia, on the p m A-1 Agricultural to M-2 Indusfr~he terminuscofcRouten778 rezoning fro south o 11.72 acres and loisterialmDastrect. in the Catawba Mag air and uested to operate a truck rep royal Rezoning has been req planning Commission recommends app storage business. The County with proferred conditions. and amendments A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Rsa tek planunand other thereto as well as a copy of the petition, lated to this request may be exaoonaa thetRoanokecCountyhe documents re ment, located in Room 6 Department of Develop Administration Center. ed ersons Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapp P ublic hearings. Such indeSla~703~a~~2r2018~tif to desiring to attend p contact the County office of Personnel Serv special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 9th day of July, 1987. rn ~~ Mary H. llen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and world News on: ~ruesday, July 14. 1987 Tuesday, July 21, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: John A. Hall and Company, Inc. 4925 Starkey Road S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24014 VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 11.72 acre parcel of land, ) generally located o n R t_ 77F~ ~ 1 1) Miles from Exit 39 (I81) ) within the Salem ) PETITION Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 8718409 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner John A. Hall & Com an Inc respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioner is the owner of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as A-1 Anri ctrl tttral District. 3) The property is designated Rural Villa e in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as M-2 Truck Repair & Storage District for the purpose of Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, ~ s-~' /`~ Petitione John A. H 1, ,resident - -~ VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 11_,72 acre parcel of land, ) generally located immediately south ) of the terminus of P,oute 778 ) within the Catawba ) RECOMMENDATION Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 68.OC-I-12 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Join A, '!all ~: Company Inc has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from A-1 , p,gri cul tural District to P1-2, Industrial with conditions District for the purpose of operate a truck repair and storacre business WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due ingal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on Ju1Y 7, 19 ~; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be ~,~prnvar! ~•~i t' n~ page 2 of 2 mission tom planning a~o~e. at the hat the D th ~ s t BE IT RESOLVE tY guPe~vlso v~>t'~~ c°t~d~t~ons ted on ARE , Coon ~US~nes as adoP NSW ~ TgEREF the Board ~£re70~ed t° n,'2' bo°e a~tlon w n_.Sec~a-~sY commends to l 0£ land be ist~l~t• The a r ecorded rote. .e fe~enCed Pare D he £olloWin9 ~ re on t t and aP t ,; f _ ~~ Ste motion ° '------,-- ''"-~ 't ~ G°rd0n ~ `~~ ~a~t .--'" - F~iPPe~' AYES ~;~o'ne NAYS ~ ~ ,P,. ~°nes ABSENT su~mltted, ResPe~tfnllY mmissl~n ~ ~ annin9 Co Se yet er CoUntY pl Roan~k ~.~ ~~ STEPL~1 M• ~~ PETITIONER= 26_787 CASE ~~~ July 7, 1987 fission Hearing ate' July 28- 1987 Planning C~rvisors Hearing Date' Board of Supe rcel from R-3- Residential to 1, RFX2~T 87 acre pa at the northeast hen M. alike to rezone a ~ • located ring editorial office, Road in the Cave Sp Petition of Step erate an and Starkey g_1~ Business of Hunting Hills Drive intersection ict. Magisterial Distr ' her 2, CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ssion Public Hearing resent at the Plan go omn-i There was one p to the Pe in support nor opposition SIGD]IFICANT IMPACT FAC'T'ORS states that ortation coordina or 3' the proposed out: Transp lanes and that d who was nest Starkey Road is entrance should a. Site LaY widened to five Sed to Starkey Roa - scheduled to be be onto Hunting Hills D e should b repositioned off of Hunting b, Circulation: Entra instead of Starkey Road' c, Signage: Not specified. Hills Drive 4 . PROFF'~D CpI.~pITIONS gnent . er in an effort to obtain utilized without enlarg f its b. a. structure will be the adjoining landown ro rty. If of o The existing e entrance to the P Peking plan will be The petitioner wil H1 is Drive for th the driveway and pa access onto Hunting to obtain such access are unsuccess u lan. with the business operation. in accordance with the site P rinting in connection mere will be no P care feet. Sign will not exceed 24 ~ SSIONER' S M~ION, VOTE p~ gRp,SON 5' OO~I the petition ~, Witt moved to approve the following roll call vote: carried with Witt, Gordon, Winstead AYES: Flippen- ~E~ ; ones ~. DISSENTING P~SPECTIVE a. None. 7. A'ITACI~NTS ,~ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other: with proffered conditions. The motion ~~ Planning mission Secretary Robert S lzer, ~~ •~ ~~ ~ ~~ a ~agemen` G~ ~o~ ma `~o cons~~' +,< J • '"` ~ ~ ' 16 5 5 r\<ec~~~e ~ , J • arc ~ .:,...~.~~± r CURRENT OWNER HAZEL L. CAMPBELL APPLICANT STEPHEN M. WIKE GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50. 50 a C STARKEY ROAD TITLE: ...~i^ 47 3 6 STARKEY RO P.o. Box 2oo3a 5007 Carriage Drive, S.W Roanoke, Virgi (~a03j 989 97~~ c,vi.~...... --- . CURRENT R-3~ PROPOSED EXIST. GARAGE 'W >. .~ ~~ O 1~ ,J .~ '_ Z F-- Z S ~~ y ~a ~;~~ ~.y a:''. ~} 1 ~~~~~r~~ ~ a~ 3 ~ S• 1 1 ` 1 ~ 12~~3' ~ 1 I ' i 1 , , ~ 1 ~ ,. t~s.o :.............~,. APPROX:.,,,, , ~C............ ~C e , SHT~OF---- S 16 19(17 ;JUNE , ~: 0 \ s~ ~~. % : ,~~ .~''~ ~ 419. _ \ ~. . q~e.. c~~u 410 \y`yt"caa+7' ~. ~ b~,,. i0~ .'~4iiijR P~~' ~C~rT~.`i~,a; SS ~4r" ~ ~;+'" s PH' W[N NL~~•'iM4lM~ ME ~1,F~W ~ Q~ G ;f ,;/. l vD i 1 ~ g; MC--- ' •~l ~ \ NUN EINC I•~YgpN~ t_P~~ `F..:'A%~4 ~~4 l _u_' .~ `_ .. 4~ 4EMLL~ ('~ b`'M~ d S'i o I `!Ra«a ~ / ` ~'. Q ~~ AST ~fRf1~D qp .~ ~. o? ,,,,,a 2r V? _~ VICINITY MAP 0 ~~ „~., .~ ~- _ 6 / ~ I ~ '~,Z r a.. t? x ~ so ~ N q 3 ji5 _ ui wpb iN • ~ b 8 'r O 6 /// ~oZ ~. ~ • I ~~ it ~ 4~. X00 O~ s° ~ zx° ° I 1 a i O O ~+p' 2 ~• iT • ' ~p u~ 1 O s 4 -z - 16 '°'.: ,~ ~ 6•' 13 o I ~oo.y `2'~ \ \ Aso n ~ .m a! I 17 \ ' 14 \ _ N \ Oq R 1)° ~ „z " 015• bsrsi I 16 1.09 Ac lD) 1.28 Ac lU °.~-- - B-2 z7 5.02 Ac ~ •- \ 22 19 1.26 Ac R3 18 ,~ 3.39 Ac e~ ., 12 ~S \, o RCBS ~ 13 A_ , Stephen M. L•li ke ,`. ~ ROANOKE COUNTY _ -~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT R-3 t0 B-1 d~ e 'yB ~- STAFF REPORT WIKE PETITIONER: STEPHEN M- CASE NUMBER: 26-x/87 1987 DATE: JUNE 29, ROB STALZER~ 87 acre parcel from R-3, REVIEWED BY: a ~' office, located at Wike to rezone goad in of Stephen M• o erate an editorial to P Hills Drive and Starkey petition to B_1, Business of Hunting Residential intersection istrict. the northeast Magisterial D the Cave Spring le family existing vacant, sing NATURE OF REQUEST to convert an ious publications. 1, request for relig a. Condition t an editorial office ro osal residence vicinity map describe p P concept plan and zoning b, Attached more fully. of higher density REGULATIONS the placement i o na f u s e s. 2. AppLICABLE district permits and institut a. B_1 zoning assorted off ice will not be used the residential androffered that the buildhas not proffered has p has offered other petitioner of printing. Petitioner that the the purpose Petitioner n and of the buildinand entrance desig specifics ecifying parking prose ng b P lding will not be enlarged. ex required. ermit with County b, VDOT commercial entrance P compliance review required to insure c. Site plan regulations. 3, SITE CHARACTERISTFlat. small shrubs and a. TopographY~ aving- Ground Cover: Existing building- P b. trees. Cave Spring within the Situated as a stable growth area 4, AREA CHARACTGroWthSprioritY~ Designated infill. a, Future area .• residential Community Planning high density for commercial and Starkey Road. intended developed w ad'oinslpropertya ong b, General area is Entrance to major subdivision J the proposed to the impact of 5, LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT according each factor = manageable impact, Rate h 3 Rating: throug impact, licable. Use a scale of _l negligible not aPP action. impact, 2 act, and N/A 1 positive act, 5 severe imp 4 disruptive imp r~ -~ . COMMENTS RATING 3 a. 2 b. FACTOR plan has rehensive Development Comp categorY• Office LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 1985 land use this land Comprehensive Plan: Transition ed within within roposed are encourag TR_3 (reserving placed this area one p policy TR-8 such as the osal conforms with Policy uses prop facilities). and policy use designation. s for major °ff ice ment quality) P strip e develop measures abutting frontag- highway frontag buffering housing and detached 7.an) (enhancing screening TR_5 (limiting development p TR-9 (providing policy a unified sites) are ro erties)• without adjacent residential P n o office uses conversion coordinating traffic among and policy TR-7 ( roposal. the p not reflected by usage. Existing office ment. Land: develop Surrounding and residential 3 c. 4 d. Existing office Starkey hboring Area: that th e Ne19 coordinator statesand that ortation to five lanes osed Layout: TransP be widened Hills Drive as °PP Site scheduled to onto Hunting Road is should be proposed entrance to Starkey Road. to existing structure. roposed No Chang ement will be done. 2 e• Architeind Cates no enlarg proffer As per ordinance. 2 f• Screening and Landscape Amenities: Ample Parking. ? g• No impact. 2 h, Natural Features: Road is approximately ADT on Starkey trip ends per TRAFFIC Currenfewer than 50 vehicle Street Capacities~erierate 2 i• Use will g 4,500. off of Hunting day. be repositioned Entrance should of Starkey Road. 4 ~• Circulation: - Hills Drive instead UTILITIESp,dequate source and distribution. 2 k• Water: transmission. Sewer: Adequate treatment and 2 1. DRAINAGE 2 m, Basin: No effect. N~ n. Floodplain• 'thin established service standard. PUBLIC SERVICES Wi 2 0, Fire Protection: standard. Rescue: Within established service 2 P• parks and Recreation: N/A q• _, . W. ~,~....,, ~.:~ Value: $118,000 TAX BASE rovementYear, 1 million $11 400 _ Land and Imp $ 1 S. dross Sales/ tely Taxable 3 Year; ApPrOxima _ Total EmplOYees: County/ _ Total revenue to the ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u. Water: 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: e; Not specified. with 4 x. Signag osal is consis land use tion. Prop t with the TR-8 and CONSISTENCY Hated as Transi consisten TR_3~ 6. PLAN is desig is partially with policies TR_7. thesland useeSlan Pr posal 1 stentswithnpolicies TR-5 and plan police not consi TR-9. Proposal is the Transition encOimpa d woahin nding land ATION usage is Surrou ~, STAFF EVALU (1) Office or no a. Strengths: ory. (2) Little use categ Hills Drive lSea and existing infrastructure• off of Hunting u Should be should be proffered. should be defined and (1) Entran(2) SpeClflc use b. Weaknesses'tarkey Road• e and location of Slgnage ~3)e Ypf S proffered. ~.. w VIRGINIA: BEFORE_THE_BOARD OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS_OF_ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: A .87 acre parcel of land ) Located at 4736 Starkey RoadenSrWlly ) within the Cave Spring Magisterial ) FINAL ORDER District, and recorded as Parcel ) #87.07-I-17 in the Roanoke County Tax ) Records. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Stephen M. Wike did ~II f , petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from Residential District, R-3 to Business District, B-1, for the purpose of operating an editorial office. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission-did hold a public hearing of the petition on July 7, 1987, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHERr=AS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be granted. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel #87.01-I-17 and legally described below, be ^STERHOl1DT, FERGLISON rezoned from Residential District, R-3 to Business District, NATT, AHERON & AGEE AT70RNEY5-AT-LA'N B-~ i wl th the proffered conditions. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24 018-16 9 9 .87 acre parcel situate on Starkey Road, S•W•, within the Cave Spring Magisterial ~~ as Parcel N°' Hoke County Tax Records. and recorded trio, the R°a of this order $~sU7_I-17, ~n ESOLVED that a copy fission gE IT FURTHER R °f the Planning COmm itt Secretary change on the the be transm ed t°.rected to reflect that and that he be d, °ke COUnty. son ____--- of Roan John - Zoning Map of Supervisor ----_-- Official motion OPTED °n rote; the following recorded and upon Garrett, McGraw, Johnson Supervisor Ay ES None NAPES: Nickens Superv1sor ABSENTIN. Supervisor Brittle ~~ ~ -County-Board ABSTA ~_ _ Roanok CI ofkSuPer~~sors 1 Estate Assessor CC: Director nt Rwew Coordinator reZOn4.e6.cDevelopTn Q5TERH000T, FERGUS~N MATT, AHERON & AGEE AT7URNEY5'AT~IAW ROANOKE. VIRGINIA z4G16-tfi99 2 FA } pKE Gp~N"~, RS % RpPN ~' ~ SupERV \ Sp '' ER pF GpVN'C '''/ ~ pR~~ ~ C \ DNS \F~G\N\ P • ~ BoPRD pF ,,, \ \y j GONp `~~ v BEFOREiN'~' gerer w. , ~ ~~ o{ \arR°ad,teC~\a\ ~ N RE : acre ~~ 36 `'t ~r n9 a5g p Go~rty -{ax GpvN.{.~ P orated the G d ee oe R~ r°ke pF ~pPNpKE t seq. °{ w `ts r c ~ , \ ~ \ r th vpERV \SpRS 5 . \ , q9 \ ' \ e oke G°urty D Sec° ds • HONp~g~~ S \ th Sec . \ o{ the R°an e , hereby R .{p ENE r accord W c• 2\,\~`'E her M. wok °{ R°aroke Be\rg ~ and Se erg Step V\sors z°r~r9 o{ v\rg`r~a e pet\t`or rd o{ Supers t° the re the G°de d\rarce, th t° the Boa c°rd`t,or \\\Zed ~°r\rg pr \ pro{{ers a {°\\°W\r9 0{ \ard. ,\\ be ut ~°\urtar, yrg`r`a, th ed parce\ tructUre W the ~ c s G°urty, ove,re{erer eX\st\rg W°rk With °rto the ab That r W~\\ access \{ ~~ °{ `\, emert' a pet~t~ore t° °bta`r property. .~eWay ~` er\ar9 at th {{ort o the e dr. vT' W\thoUt `2, ~h er \r ar e ertrarce t cess{u\~ th the s\te and°Wr r the ~rsuc e With ed ~~ \r9 \ \~e {o ss are rdarc b~\tt o\r Or cce cco sv adl t`rg N\\\s ta`r such a ,\\ be \r a Prch`tect, t\or r Nu {orts to ob \ar p\an W\d Martyr, c°rrec \r e{ d park\r9 p d by Rora r° pr\rt\rg ar\ar prepare ere W,\\ be p ereW\th' 31 -{hat th at\°r. h ~ oiler NOVpS. F~& p~ E the b~'s~ress OS.~ER pNER~N j KPH \ th NpjP~j~RN~E V a~\N~P W ROpN24~~g~~699 ~~ (4) That the sign constructed on the property will not be larger than twenty-four (24) square feet. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN M. WIKE C7 By-------?a'-t'~-~ ~c'~ --- Of Counsel Edward A. Natt, Esquire Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron ~ Agee, P.C. 1919 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 rezon4.e2.c ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTD RN EYS-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-ifi99 2 LEGAL NOTICE OSTERHOUGT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERGN 6 AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., at the Roanoke County Administrative Center, at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, on July 28, 1987, on the petition of Stephen M. Wike to rezone with certain conditions a certain .87 acre parcel of land located within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, in Roanoke .County, from R-3, Residential District to B-1, Business District pursuant to the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the operation of an editorial office thereon, said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: A .87 acre parcel of land, generally located on Starkey Road, SW, within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as Parcel No. 87.07-I-17 in the Roanoke County Tax Records. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at Roanoke County Administrative Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services (703) 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance Given under my hand this -8th day of July 1987. - ----------' ------ v_ Mary H. Allen ---------- -- ---------- - Board of Supervisors of~Roanoke County Please publish in ---------------- ------------------ the evening edition of The Roanoke Times- World News on Tuesday, July 14, 1987, and Tuesday; Jul 21 1987• Please bill cost of the publication to Osterhoudt Ferguson, Natt, Aheron 8 Agee P,C, S•W•, Roanoke, Virginia 2g018~ 1919 Electric Road, ^STERHOUGT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON 6 AGEE AT7GRNEYS-A7-LAW RaANGKE, VIRGINIA 24 01 8-16 9 9 2 NpK~ C~uN~~ _15pR5 OF RpP,, N~, SupERV ''' _ cps _,_ V 1RG1N1 P . _~ BOP~O pF , ~ E~1~1pN 6EF~RE fH ' 1y P ,, eral 1 and ~ gen 5 •w ' ~ ~ o{ 1 Road~erlal ~ E~ k 1N R acre ~~36 St rring aSgPa ounty fax ~ UN~Y P ca t ed tah,e Gov r e ° r Ro n°ke G pp-NpKE Gp 1111 w~• Str ct ,1~ do the V1SpRS pF Rey respectfU e D~ p~~1 SupE wok °{ th Records• NpNpRp.B1-E tepher M' 21,105 ,th the E 5 ion w '(O TH pET1~1pNER~ nt to Sect accordance ect~U1111 YpuR t`on PUrsUa once and in nd woU1d resp . es th,s pet,Zon`ng prd,n s amended a chaser °{ {~1 Hoke c°Unty a °{ 1950, a °ntract pUr ~°a { V1r9`n 1s the the Gode o he {o11°wing'Pet,ti°ner { land, Zoned Under as show t 1. -the ced parcel ° s present111 prdlnance oV e' r e f er en pr °per ty , oUnt`I z°n `ng the e ab -the e C t on 1 n t~- 2, the R°anok ated transit rehensl~e °~ R,3• sign Comp s Pr°vlslon~al a~strlct'operty 1s d oanoke G°Unty 1s Resident the pr de of the R to hate th ose 3 ~ GU ~ es Ur'P 1,and use n°w des`r ,1 {°r the p FUtUre meat Plan. r Pet1t`°ner Q1strlct' B Ue~elop ~, ~ oU 6USlness 1 °{f1ce. re2°ned as an ed,torla r°perty tlon °f uS~N p e r a FEAR th op OSjERN pHERQ~ & ` N E ® { e NP p-Cj~RNEEBV\00\N\P R PN~K 09 ~ Zap10.16 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in Number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke county Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN M. WIKE By_~~~ ~ ~ ______ Of Counsel Edward A. Natt, Esquire Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron 8 Agee, P.C. !1919 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Counsel for Petitioner Irezon4.el.c ^STERHOUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE_BOARD OF COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE COUNTY ^STERHOUDT, FERGUSD NATT, AHERDN & AGEI AT70RNEYS-AT-LAW ROANDKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 IN RE: ) A .87 acre parcel of land, generally ) RECONWIENDATION ---- located at 4736 Starkey Road, S.W., ________-- within the Cave Spring Magisterial ) District, and recorded as Parcel ) #87,07-I-17 in the Roanoke County Tax ) Records. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Stephen M. Wike, has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from Residential District, R-3 to Business District, B-1 for the purpose of operating an editorial office. WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on July 7, 1987; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning a Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned to Business District, B-1, subject to the proffered conditions. The above action was adopted on motion of Mr. Witt and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Ms. Flippen, Mr. Witt, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Winstead NAYS: No ABSENT: ti1r. Jones '\~. ~~,~, -~ _~~s"~' ^STERHOUDT, FERGUSD NATT, AHERDN & AGE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 rezon4.e4.c V I 2 ~~ OF S~~~SORS I~ ~~ ~ETITID~s . 2~ 87 e • July 7 ~ 11987 „p,SE ring Dat July 28, t ring Date; Public Interes fission Hea 1 Plaid o S ~rvisors Hea ecial the Federa ~a finance - 5 mandated by and welfare' [JEST County Zo nce W Oh ~eub~~ghealth ion ofyFederal f lOOd 1• RFC amend the ~P1a1 s, ncycto PrOteto ins Pe cOntlnuat Re9olaencYsMan gemuS~ beeimplemented ~nerg ~ changes ring. R~oir Poblic Ilea insorance. ssion ICIPATION at the Planning `-°mmr 2• CITIZEN PART d cltiaen Was Present One intereste ~ e park or FAQ ing = hc~ or rnanuf actured hcxn 3 • SIGNIFICAN`r ~pACT Will change the folly amen~ent factored ~n~ted est floor; mane Def ini t~O n•° Start of construction; a• lvisio ' subd~ lain arm' rovislOns • F1oodP area P b • Fl~plaln in attach ~n~ents c. ranges noted CONDITIONS 4• PROEF~D SON otlon carried With the one • E ~p REA The m a• c~IOL`~' S ~ION~ ~ a prove the Petltlon. 5 • CONIMI en moved to P Mrs • F 11 Pro11 call vote • d £olloWing n` Witt, Gord°n, Winstea F1iPPe AYES' one NAYS' Jones ~E~ • ING P~p~IVE 6 • DIS5E~ None. a. 7 • p,ZTA~~S ~~ x ll.. ~ No MaP ~ x 11~~ V° crept P „ Order ~ p~nded Ordl~nce inity Staff Repertltion~ Final Offer • C~ission Secretary ~h ~ zer , Planning Robert Sta r~~~_ ~.RGINTA: ARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RO~~ ~~~ BORE THE BO IN RE: TO ~tTICLE V - SPF~IA~-' ) ~ I~~~BST REGULF'TIONS r ~ PETS FLOODPLAENSpPPENDIX A ~~E CODE ) ~~~ COCTNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINLA) EE COUNT`S ~SO~ OF ROAD fission ~ TKE ~NORp,BLE SUPER Planning Comm noke County 105 of the ~- your petitioner the Roa ursuant to Section 21- of files this petition P with the Code respectfully in accordance show the Zoning Ordinance an and would respectfully Roanoke County Virginia of 1950, as amended, rivers that streams and followirxl: County has numerous ers human life and l) Roanoke flooding endang periodically flood and that such ro erty, the creation of propertY• loss of life and P P overnmental 2 ) To prevent the tion of cccanerce and g ublic srup and safety hazards, the ~ expenditure o P health and unnecessary tax extraordinary and the improvement of the services, the relief, funds for flood Protection and nd the Roanoke County base. therefore desires tO ame Floodplains in 3) Your petitioner ations, ency cial Public Interest Requl the Federal Emerq Zoning Ordinance, Spe changes mandated by and welfare. with the health, safety accordance lic, that the Zoning rotect the P~ ests ~nag~nt Agency tO P ctfully r~ ~~~~- your Petitioner respe acnended• ref erred nce of Roan°ke County ~ ests that ~ls Petition be Ordina ssion for its ~TB- your petitioner r~ planning Com~-i to the Roanoke County to the Secretary enaction. consideration and recce Respectfully s~ltted, ~. ~` Rob Stalzer, $ecretarY mission Roanoke County Planning ARTICLE V. SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST REGULATIONS Sec. 21-61 Floodplains The purpose of these provisions is to prevent the following hazards: the loss of life and property, the creation of health and safety hazards, the disruption of commerce and governmental services, the extraordinary and unnecessary expenditure of public funds for flood protection and relief, and the impairment of the tax base by the means provided here: (a) regulating uses, activities, and development which, acting alone or in combination with other existing or future uses, activities, and development, will cause unacceptable increases in flood heights, velocities, and frequencies. (b) restricting or prohibiting certain uses, activities, and development from locating within areas subject to flooding. (c) requiring a,ll those uses, activities, and developments that do occur in flood-prone areas to be protected and/or flood-proofed against flooding and flood damage. (d) protecting individuals from buying lands and structures which are unsuited for intended purposes because of flood hazards. A. Applicability. These provisions shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of Roanoke County and identified as being flood-prone as stipulated in this section . B. Compliance. (a) No land shall hereafter be developed and no structure shall be located, relocated, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, or structurally altered except in full compliance with the terms and provisions of this section and any other applicable ordinances and regulations which apply to uses within the jurisdiction of this section. (b) This ordinance supercedes any regulations currently in effect in flood-prone areas. However, any underlying regulations shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that those provisions are more restrictive. C. Definitions. For the purpose of the Floodplain section of this ordinance, these terms are a ine as o ows: (a) Development - any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate including but not limited to buildings or other structures, the placement of mobile homes, streets and other paving, utilities, filling, grading, excavation, mining, dredging, or drilling operations. ,7 ~ r~- ~' rary inundation of normally drY b) Flood - a general and tempo ( low land area adomple e a relatively flat °r to partial or land areas. _ (1) subje~ap lation or runoff FloodPlain which is id accumu (c) watercou to the unusual and or river, strea a~n area subject lain reAuired to a (2) source. floodp inundation : from anY area of the of surface waters _ the designated FloodwaY iven magnitude. (d) of a 9 lowest enclosed e flood waters includes the food resistant discharg _ the lowest flour un Inlshed or in carry and floor or stora joor , (e) )_owest structure. buildin access. any buildin slowest in 'basement ° arkin of vehicles, the structure area (includin solely for p is not cons-asr to render ordinance. usable area, built so this enclosure than a basement is not n reQuirements ° an area other enclosure desi in one or that none evation ortab1e use suc transp or provi ed the applicable is esi Wed reQuired home _ a structure ~ an e violation ° chassis to t travel (f) Manufactured ermanent connected trailers, bui t °n a p when ark Mich -s oundation includes P reater than 180 sections, a permanent a alsoon a site °r more hom with or withouterm 'manu actured aced he -Simi ar vehicles P - a Parcel (°r utilities. and other Dyne ots or trai ers, s. or subdivisactured consecut+Ve day home Par or more manu Manufactured into tWO is (~- +v + e arcels) o an on the average. Conti uous p flood that, chance of sale. d - a a one percent rent or One Hundred Year Floc that has ear) cur(once every 1h~ hee flood +maY occur in anY Y ction" includes likely to °c althoug o f constru issued , each year, ~~start ermit was ent, or occurring construction bui d-n P. P acem Start of s the date the t-on , 1 start' () mean reconstruc a actuare on a an repair, ate. im rovement construction , +t a o P+ es e ~-substantial I start ~ in 180 days ° t e ermtruct+on o strut u t actua Went cons at+on or t e pr°vided the Was w- erma t e +nsta rovement +rst p acement ° or oot+n s~ sta e o excavat+on: ction other imP o on t e ermanent constru nor e+terte sa means t e pour+n or any work bey oun at+on • and illin , suc as a on a radin it inc ude site, co umns ~ hom clearin nor does o construction ° acture suc as ways; erection manu oration , or wa s or t e erty ° ° a oun ation placement inclu a and Pr apron o streets an or on the Prop s , P lation dwe in units or does not e t e insta iers, ent, ootin a +nsta as Des +t +nc u basem include t occupie or a nor does it sheds not excavat1On orms: suc as ara es or temporary accessory bu+Id+n s ~ structure. art o the main not p to include areas subject lain area_ bafor p, Floodp lain areas shall flood. The pr+ StudY various floodp 100) Yea Flood Insurance The of the one hundred (be the waters o f these areas shall lnundatio del+neation for the Roanoke County prepared by the l;1-;~,---per ~~ 'r ~ ar~etrt--ef --Neas+t~g--afld--H~{~n ~P~'flt, Federal Emer ency Mana ement Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, dated e#~er-_-},~~__.}g3$ ecember 4, 1985 and subsequent amendments . (a) The Floodway is delineated for purposes of this section using the criteria that a certain area within the floodplain must be capable of carrying the waters of the one hundred (100) year flood without increasing the water surface elevation of that flood more than one (1) foot at any point. These Floodways are specifically defined in Table 2 of the above referenced Flood Insurance Study and shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map accompanying that study. (b) The Flood-Fringe floodplain not included in the Floodway shall Th be that b area of the 100-year . of the Flood-Fringe shall be the one contain d i e asis for hundred the outermost boundary e n the flood profiles of the a and as shown on the Flood Boundar bove a d referenced F I od InlsudranclevStudy y study, n loodway Map accompanying the (c) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that floodplain area for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where a one hundred (100) year floodplain boundary has been approximated. Such areas are shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map and Flood Insurance Rate Map. Where the specific 100-year flood elevation cannot be determined or this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Floodplain Information Reports, U.S. Quadrangles, etc. , then the applicant for the prop'sed user development and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accordance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly reflect currently accepted technical concepts. Calculations for the design flood shall be related to existing land use and potential development under existing zoning, Studies, analyses, computations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough review by the County Engineer. E. Overlay concept (a) The Floodplain Areas described above shall be overlays to the existing underlying Zoning Districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, and as such, the provisions for the floodplain areas shall serve as a supplement to the underlying Zoning District provisions. (b) Where there happens to be any conflict between the provisions or requirements of any of the Floodplain Areas and those of any underlying Zoning District, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. (c) In the event any provision concerning a Floodplain Area is declared inapplicable as a result of any legislative or administrative actions or judicial discretion, the basic underlying Zoning District provisions shall remain applicable. F. Flood boundary and floodway map. ~''~ S ~°-- ti°' The boundaries of the Floodplain Areas are established as shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map and -Flood Insurance Rate Map which is are declared to be a part of this chapter and whit shall be kept on file in the-o~`fice of the Zoning Administrator. G. .Floodplain boundary changes and interpretation. (a) The delineation of any of the floodplain areas may be revised by the Board of Supervisors where natural or man-made changes have occurred and/or made detailed studies conducted or undertaken by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or other qualified agency, or an individual documents the -need for such change. However, prior to any such change, approval must be obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration. (b) Initial interpretations of the boundaries of the Floodplain Areas shall be made by the Zoning Administrator. Should a dispute arise concerning the boundaries of any of the floodplain areas, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall make the necessary determination. The person questioning or contesting the location of the floodplain area boundary shall be given an opportunity to present his case to the Board of Zoning Appeals and to submit technical ev idence. H. Floodplain area provisions. All uses, activities, and development occurring within any floodplain area shall be undertaken only upon the issuance of a zoning permit. Such development shall be undertaken only in strict- compliance with the provisions of this section and with all other applicable codes and ordinances such as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. Prior to the issuance of any such permit, the Zoning Administrator shall require all applications to include compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. Under no circumstances shall any use, activity, and/or development adversely affect the capacity of the channels or floodways of any watercourse, drainage ditch, or any other drainage facility or system. Prior to any proposed alteration or relocation of any channels or floodways of any watercourse, stream, etc. , within Roanoke County, approval shall be obtained from the State Water Control Board. Further, notification of the proposal shall be given to all affected adjacent jurisdictions. Copies of such notification shall be forwarded to the State Water Control Board, the State Department of Intergovernmental Affairs, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration. (a) All Floodplain Districts (1) Required Information For all permits the Zonin Administrator shall (i) obtain the elevation (in relation to mean sea level o the lowest floor ~.~.. plans for the construction, and sha certify that the desi n and methods o construction are in accordance with accepted standards o practice or meetin the app icable provisions o the irg . , _ - inia ni orm tatewi a ui ding ode, and relation to mean sea level) to w is suc structures are ood-proo ed s all be maintained by the oning dministrator. (2) Zone A The Zoning Administrator shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base lood elevation and loodway data available rom a Federal, tats, or other source, as criteria or requiring that new construction, substantial improvements, or other development in Zone meets all standards noted in the loodplain section o t is ordinance. (3) Service Facilities Electrical, heatin ventilation, ~lumbin and air-conditioning equipment and other service aci ities shall be designed and or located so as to prevent water rom enterin or accumulatin within the components during con itions o 0o ing. (4) Manufactured Homes All manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved within an floodp ain district s a e e evate on a permanent oun ation such t at t e owest oor o t e manu acture ome Is at or above the ass oo a evation an a secure y anchors to an a equate y anc ored oundation system in accor ance with t e provisions o t e it inia ni orm tatewide ui in o e. is rovision s a appl to existin manu actured home par s, su ivisions an ots w ere an existin manu actured home is rep aced, an expansion to an existin par or su ivision, an to new par s, sub ivisions and insta ations constructs a ter t e e ective date o t is ordinance. (5) ful I nnrlnecri Area Below Lowest Floor For all new construction and substantial improvements, below t e owest oor t at are su ject to 0o inq shall be -••----••• •~• ~••~ ~.~~~~ y a..., cn~~ vi iivvuwa~ers. ue51 n5 TOr meetin th15 requirement must sit er a certi led by a registers pro essiona en ineer or architect or must meet or exceed t e o owin minimum criteria: a minimum o two openings having a total net area o not less tan one square inc or (includin basement) of all new or substantially improved structures, and whether or not suc structures contain a asement, ii obtain, i the structure has been floodproo ed, the elevation (in relation to mean sea level to which the structure was oo proo ed, an iii maintain a record o all such in ormation. Where a non-residentia .structure is intended to be made ------~••• ~• ~•• ..r~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ay U~ .w ~~~ ~~Cr ~nan one root above race. upenin s may a equippe wit screens, ouvers, or of er coverings or evices N~ ~~~ue~ ihdL tney permit t e automatic entry an exit o '~' oodwaters (b) Floodway 78~. ~ In the Floodway no development shall be permitted except where the effect of such development on flood heights is fully offset by accompanying improvements which have been approved by all appropriate authorities as required above. The placement of any frtok3i-le manufactured home, except in an existing rr-o~3i~e manufactured home park or subdivision, within the Floodway is specifically prohibited. (1) Permitted Uses In the Floodway the following uses and activities are. permitted provided that they are in compliance with the provisions of the underlying Zoning District and are not prohibited by any other ordinance and provided that they do not require structures, fill, or storage of materials and equipment: (i) Agricultural uses such as general farming, pasture, grazing, outdoor plant nurseries, horticulture, truck farming, forestry, sod farming, and wild crop harvesting. (ii) Public and private recreational uses and activities such as parks, day camps, picnic grounds, golf courses, boat launching and swimming areas, hiking, and horseback riding trails, wildlife and nature preserves, game farms, fish hatcheries, trap and skeet game ranges, and hunting and fishing areas. (iii)Accessory residential uses such as yard areas, gardens, play areas, and loading areas. yard areas, parking and loadings aereasryairport landing t PS r etc, uses such as (2) Uses Permitted by Special Exception Special Exception of theTgove~n ngn body sfollowinct~ cities may be permitted by that they are in compliance with the provisions of thel~cunderlnn prZo and District and are not prohibited by this or any other ordinance: y g g homes) accessory to the uses anduactivities in ae (1) bove ~~~ manufactured (ii) Certain utilities and public facilities and improvements such as pipe lines, water and sewage treatment plants, and other similar or related uses. (iii)Water-related uses and activities such as marinas, docks, wharves, piers, etc. (where no increase in levelvof flooding oroveloc y i scausled therebh) r materials Y ~~ ~~~ , they are not buoyant, fl mmable aor exp oasivealsand dare unot esub ect ido dmthat damage by flooding, or provided that such material and equipment is firmly anchored to prevent flotation or movement, and/or can be readily removed from the area within the time available after flood warning. cause no increase in flood 'heightsr and/orr velocities ~ All' ulses, activitdies they structural development, shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the flood-proofing provisions contained in all other applicable codes and ordinances. (c) Flood-Fringe and Approximated Floodplain In the Flood-Fringe and Approximated Floodplain the development and/or use of land shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations of the underlying- Zoning District provided that all such uses, activities, and/or development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the floodproofing and related provisions contained in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and all other applicable codes and ordinances. However, in Approximated Floodplain areas the applicant and/or developer shall evaluate the effects of the proposed development and/or use of land on the floodplain with current hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. The applicant and/or developer shall submit studies, analysis, computations, etc. to show the delineation of a floodway based on the requirement that all existing and future development not increase the 100-year flood elevation more than one (1) foot at any point. The engineering princi le equal reduction of conveyance, shall be used to make the determinationp of increased flood height. I. Procedures for special exception uses in floodwa s. (a) Any use listed as permitted with a Special Exception in a floodway shall be allowed only after application to the County Board of Supervisors. Such application shall include the following: (1) Plans in triplicate drawn to scale not less than 1" to 100' horizontally showing the location, dimensions, and contours (at 5 foot intervals) of the lot, existing and proposed structures, fill, storage areas, water supply, sanitary facilities, and relationship of the floodway to the proposal . adequately show the(Zchannelt opI the stream, elevation tof land are cessary to each side of the channel, cross-sectional areas to be occupied by the proposed development, and 100-year flood elevation. (3) A profile showing the slope of the bottom of the channel or flow line of the stream. (4) A summary report, prepared by professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, evaluating the pro osed relation to flood heights and velocities; the seriousness of flood damage J tot the use; and other pertinent technical matters. ~~ _ ~ ,. :j' ~;' ,, c::.=• (5) A list of names and addresses of adjoining property owners. (b) The Board shall refer the complete application including technical evaluation to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall conduct such investigations as it deems necessary and shall conduct a public hearing under Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and thereafter shalt transmit its recommendation to the Board. (c) In acting upon such applications, the Planning Commission and the County Board of Supervisors shall consider all relevant factors specified in other sections of this chapter and: (1) The danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by encroachments. No special exception shall be granted for any proposed use, development, or activity within the Floodway that will cause any increase in flood levels during the one hundred (100) year flood. (2) The danger that materials may be swept on to other lands or downstream to the injury of others. (3) The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to prevent disease, contamination, and unsanitary conditions. (4) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owners. (5) The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the County. (6) The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location . (7) The availability of alternative locations not subject to flooding for the proposed use. development and deve8opment a t cppate'd t n the tforeseeab~eefuture, with existing (9) The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan and floodplain management program for the county. (10) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. (11) Such other factors which are relevant to the purpose of this section. (d) The Board shall conduct a public hearing after receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Commission and render a decision. purposes of this chapter, cthef County Board conditions to the granting of special exception further the purposes of this section, J. Variances. ~~ e factors listed above and the of Supervisors may attach such permits as it deems necessary to Variances may be granted for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic Places without regard to the procedures set forth in this section. Variances may not be considered within any Floodway if any increase in flood levels during the 100 year flood would result. Variances may be considered for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the 100 year flood level using the guidelines set forth in part I (c) of this section above, The Board of Zoning Appeals may refer any application and accompanying documentation pertaining to any request for a variance to any engineer or other qualified person or agency for technical assistance in evaluating the proposed project in relation to flood heights and velocities, and the adequacy of the plans for protection and other related matters. Variances shall only be issued after the Board of Zoning Appeals has determined that the granting of such will not result in (a) unacceptable or prohibited increases in flood heights, (b) additional threats to (c) extraordinary public expense, (d) creation of nuisances public safety, victimization of the public, or (f) conflict with local laws or ordinances fraud or g ppeals has determined that thesvariance Iwilb besthe m nimumhrel of to an Zonin A y hardship. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall notify the applicant for a variance, in writing, that the issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the one hundred (100) year flood elevation (a) increases the risks to life and property, and (b) will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance. A record of the above notification as well as all variance actions, including justification for their issuance, shall be maintained and any variances which are issued shall be noted in the annual report submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Insurance Administration. K. Existing structures in floodplain areas A structure or use of a structure or premises which lawfully existed before the enactment of these provisions, but which is not in conformity with these provisions may be continued subject to the following conditions: rfi fA ~..` ~ . ~, r° (1) Existing structures and/or uses located inJ the Floodway shall not be expanded or enlarged (unless the effect of the proposed expansion or enlargement on flood heights is fully offset by accompanying improvements) . (2) Any modification, alteration, repair, reconstruction, or improvement of any kind to a structure and/or use located in any floodplain to an extent or amount of less than fifty (50) percent of its market value, shall be evaluated and/or floodproofed in accordance with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. (3) The modification, alteration, repair, reconstruction, or improvement of any kind to a structure and/or use regardless of its location in a floodplain district to an extent or amount of fifty (50) percent or more of its market value shall be undertaken only in full compliance with the provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. L. Liability. The degree of flood protection sought by the provisions of this section is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on acceptable engineering methods of study. Larger floods may occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes, such as ice jams and bridge openings restricted by debris. This section does not imply that areas outside floodplain areas, or that land uses permitted within such areas, will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance shall not create liability on the part of Roanoke County or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. VIRGINIA: °~° ' f : , .. ' -;, BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: P~LAIC 'IIVP TO ARTICLE V, SPECIAL ) F'LOODPLAINNT ~GULATIONS, ) THE ZONING ) FINAL ORDER ORDINANCE, APPENDIX A OF THE CODE ) OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA) ~ THE ~NO~LE SUPERVISORS OF R WHEREAS ' OANOKE COUNTY: ,~ your Petitioner Roanoke Count o petition the Board of County g Y Planning Commission did ~ Ordinance g uPervisors to amend the Roanoke Count ~ - Pecial Public Interest R Y Zoning egulations, Floodplain. 3EREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did 4 public hearing on July 7, 1987, at which time hold a Fk given an opportunity to be heard; and all parties in interest were WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of Coun Z determined that the ~ndment be tY Supervisors 0 ~ NOW, THEREFORE o - BE IT RESOLVED that the Zoning Ordinance A F, the Cale of Roanoke County, Vir inia ~ PPendix A of ~ g be amended as shown in Exhibit "A.'~ ~ ~PTID on motion of Supervisor following recorded vote: and upon the ~ AYES; a NAYS: ABSENT: Roanoke Count ~ Deputy Clerk cc: File Y Board of Supervisors Department of Planning and Zoning County Attorney Co~Omn7ealth Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library .~,~ ~•,. PETITIONER: R(aANOKE C;OUN'I'Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CASE N[~48ER: 29-7/87 Planning Cann-ission Hearing Date: July 7, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 28, 1987 1. REQUEST ~~~-' To amend Appendix A of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance by revising the definition of approximated floodplains to include drainage areas that exceed 100 acres in area. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION One interested citizen was present at the Planning Canmission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS An optional change not mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency but recommended by the recent drainage study authorized and approved by the Board of Supervisors. This change will lessen the damaging effects of flooding in those flood prone areas that are not designated as either floodway or flood fringe. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. None. 5• Ca"Il"IISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition. roll call vote: The motion carried with the following AYES: Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ~E~: Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSP.DCTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS No Concept Plan (8~" x 11") No Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") No Staff Report X Other: Petition, Final Order, Proposed Amendment ~ A ~.,~,. Robert Sta zer, Planning Ccnunission Secretary ~ ~ ' rte, VIRGINIA: ~e---°` ~~.~ "~~' BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: ANIENDMEN`I' TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ) APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF THE ) COUNTY OF ROAIVOKE, VIRGINIA, TO ) PETITION REVISE THE FIAODPLAIN ORDINANCE ) `I~0 THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, your Petitioner the Roanoke County Planning Commission respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) Roanoke County and its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer the harmful effects of flooding and inadequate drainage of storm waters. 2) These hazards and dangers to public health, safety, and welfare are caused in part by climate, topography and development of land. 3) Your petitioner therefore desires to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise the floodplain ordinance to protect the public from additional flooding problems. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred to the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and reccxrenendation. Respectfully submitted, --., ~~~ ~~~ Rob Stalzer, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Catunission VIRGINIA: ~~'~` ~~' , .~ ~~~ THE ~~ OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: ~PENDIX A p TfiE ZONING ORDINANCE ~ THE CODE OF THE '~ CREVISE THERDAIVOICE' VIRGINIA, TO FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE ~ FIB' ORDER TO THE HONp~Br,E SU!'ERVISO RS OF ROANOKE ~LTNTY: ,~ WHERF,AS, your Petitioner, Roanoke ~ petition the Board of County Plannin Count g Commission did Ordinance to revise the fl Y Supervisors to amend the Roanoke Co r. oodplain ordinance, unty Zoning S, after due legal notice the Plannin ~ public hearin 9 Commission did hold a g on July 7, 1987, at which time given an oPportunit all parties in interest were z Y to be heard; and ca ~EREAS, after full consideration, the Board of Cou o determined that the ~ndment be ntY Supervisors c NOW, THEREF1pRE, BE IT ~'' the Code of Roanoke Count RESOLVm that the Zoning Ordinance ~ Y. Virginia, be amended as shown in ~ APAendix A of '`~ ADOPTEp on motion of Supervisor ~hibit A. following recorded vote: and upon the w AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: cc: File Roanoke Count ' Deputy Clerk Y Board of Supervisors Department of Planning and Zoning County Attorney C~o~'~-th Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library PETITIONER: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CASE NI~IBER: 30-7/87 Planning Conxnission Hearing Date: July 7, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 28, 1987 1. RD~UEST To amend the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance to adopt the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION One interested citizen was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS Amendment will insure that future storm drainage systems installed within Roanoke County adhere to requirements contained with the VA Department of Transportation Drainage Manual. Amendment will insure compliance with current VA Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. Amendment recommended as a part of the drainage study authorized and approved by the Board of Supervisors. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. None. 5. CON~IISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mrs. Flippen moved to approve the petition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYFS: Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS No Concept Plan (8~" x 11") No Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") No Staff Report X Other: Petition, Final Order, Proposed Amendment __ ~A `. Robert Sta zer, Planning Ccnnnission Secretary r~ - ,,. ,. %`~ ,~ .. VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE,) APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF THE ) COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO ) ADOPT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ) PETITION TRANSPORTATION DRAINAGE MANUAI, AND) ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS AND ) SPECIFICATIONS ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, your Petitioner the Roanoke County Planning Commission respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) Roanoke County and its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer the harmful effects of flooding and inadequate drainage of storm waters. 2) These hazards and dangers to public health, safety, and welfare are caused in part by climate, topography, and the development of land. 3) Your petitioner therefore desires to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to adopt the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred to the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recaamendation. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Rob Stalzer, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Catunission VIRGIL~TIA: OF ROANOKE C'OUN~ BEFORE THE BQARD OF SLJpgZVISORS IN RE: TO THE SUBDI~SION ORDI-) A~!~ ZONING ORDINATE ~ ) NEE AND THE DE OF THE ) APPENDIX A OF THE CO RGI~A~ TO ) P COUNTY OF ROANOKE, p,DppT THE VIRGIiQIA ~G~ ~~) TRANS~~E ~RDS AND ) ROAD ) SPECIFICATIONS AUNTY ~SORS OF ROAi~~ fission TO THE HONORABZE S[JP~ Planning Comm .your Petitioner the Roanoke County of the ~ is petition pursuant to Section 21-105 files th the Code of respectfully in accordance with Zoning Ordinance and respectfully show the Roanoke County as amended, and Would Virginia of 1950, and continue to following: oanoke County and its citizens end 1 ade~iuate drainage of 1) R flooding a suffer the harmful effects of safety, and storm waters. ers to public health, ment These hazards and dang top°graphY- and the develop 2 ) climate, welfare are caused in part by nd the Roanoke County of land. .~erefore desires to ame t the V i r g i ni a 3 ) Your petitioner Ordinance tO ado Road and Bridge Subdivision Ordinance atation1Drainage Manual and Department of Transpor cifications. tfullY rests that the Zoning Standards and SPe WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respec nded. referred t this petition be Ordinance of Roanoke County ~ ame Petitioner rests tha ssion for its ~THF~.t, Y°~ Planning Co~- to the Roanoke County to the Secretary ndation. consideration and recomt~ Respectfully s~ltted- ~___. ~, ra ,;~ _ Rob4St~lzer, Secretary C~nission Roanoke County Planning i..~y/ i>' .R. O"" , ~I r VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDI-) NANCE AND THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ) APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF THE ) FINAL ORDER COUN`T'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO ) ADAPT THE VIRGINIA DEPAR`IlHENT OF ) TRANSPORTATION DRAINAGE MANUAL AND) ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS AND ) SPECIFICATIONS ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Roanoke County Planning Commission did petition the Board of County Supervisors to adopt the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. ,~ WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on July 7, 1987, at which time, all parties in interes were ~ given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the amendment be NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Subdivison Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, Appendix A of the Code of Roanoke County, Virginia, be ~~ amended as shown in Exhibit "A." F,DOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: ~ NAYS: Up ABSENT: H Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors w cc: File Department of Planning and Zoning County Attorney Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library r 4 ~12RGINIA: BARE THE BO ~.~''~, _~' ~ '"__ ;~ ; ARD OF SUPERVI IN RE: SORS OF ROANOKE Cp~~, APPE~IX A p THE ZONING ORDINANCE,) COUNTY OF R0~ E CODE OF THE ~~ ~~ ) `~~' 'IfiE VIRGINIA DEPAR'Il-g~, O ) FINAL, ORDER TRANSPORTATION DRAINAGE MAN[, ) ROAD AND BRIDGE STANLI~RDS AND ~~ \ SPECIFICATIONS o ) ~ THE HONG RABLE SUPERVISORS OF RpANOKE COUNTY: v~ WHEREAS your Petitioner petition the ~ Roanoke County planning Co N~ Board of Comity Su mmission did Transportation pervisors to ado t 2 Draina P the Vir inia H Specifications. 9e Manual and Road and g ~I~rtment of 2 Bridge Standards and ~EREAS, after o Public h due legal notice Baring on Jul • the Planning Commission E-' Y 7, 1987, at which ti did hold a ~ given an oPAortunit ~. all ~ Y to }Je heard Parties i.n interest were WHEREAS and Q after full consideration w Bete ~OeWd TH t the amendment be ' the Board of County Supervisors a,, EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a the Code °f Roanoke Count the Zoning Ordinance Y, Virginia, be amended ' APPendi-x A of ~OpTED on .motion of as shOj'''n in Exhibit ~~A. ~~ followi Supervisor ~ r°°Orded vote: ASS. and upon the NAYS: ABSEIV'I': cc: File Roanoke County Board of S 'Deputy Clerk ~Partrnent of uPervi sors Count planning and Zoning Y Attorney CO~Om"'eal th Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library LF]GAL NOTICE OF A RDGULAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE CO(JN'I'Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 28, 1987, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, in Roanoke, Virginia to hear the following requests: 1. Petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to amend the floodplain regulations to control flooding along streams not studied by the U.S. Corp of Engineers. 2. Petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to amend the floodplain regulations to comply with federal standards. 3. Petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to amend and reenact the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance by adopting the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual and Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications. All plans and ordinances are available for inspection in the Department of Development, Room 600, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services 703/772-2018 if special provisions are needed for attendance. Given under my hand this 9th day of July, 1987. ~a~.~ ~. Mary Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish: Evening Edition Roanoke Times & World-News July 14, 1987 July 21, 1987 Please bill: County of Roanoke Department of Planning & Zoning P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 O~ POANp,1.~ a w ~ ti • ~ Z Z v ~ a ,., 1$ E5~ $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE August 14, 1987 Mr. Douglas E. Brinckman Attorney at Law 21~East Main Street Christiansburg, Virginia 24073 RE: Robert B. Crouse, Intent to Bid Portion of 8.976 Acre Parcel Dear Mr. Brinckman: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Thank you for your letter concerning the above referenced item which we received on August 10, 1987. The request was presented to the Board of Supervisors at their regular meeting on August 11, 1987 under First Reading of Ordinances. Your letter was not received in time to add it the our prepared agenda which is mailed tQ the media, interested citizens and posted in several prominent places prior to the meeting. The Board members were concerned that the public would not have an opportunity to to be aware of the potential sale since it was not included on the prepared agenda, and continued the item until August 25, 1987. Therefore, Mr. Grouse's intent to bid on this property will be presented for first reading on August 25, 1987. The second reading will be September 8, 1987. If you need further information, please contact either County Attorney Paul Mahoney or County Administrator Elmer Hodge. Sincerely, ~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha CC: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator C~u~tn~~ of ~ottno~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 A 1.. LAW OFFICES OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON, NATT, AHERON &AGEE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1919 ELECTRIC ROAD, S. W. CHARLES H. OSTERHOUDT P. O. BOX 20068 MICHAEL 5. FERGUSON EDWARD A. NATT ROANOKE, VIRGINIA MIC HAEL J. AHERON 24018-1699 G. STEVEN AGEE MARK D. KIDD July 30, 1987 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Re: Wike Associates Dear Mary: OF COUNSEL PHILLIP A. SHORT C. JOHN RENICK 703-774-1197 Enclosed please find the certificate of publication for the Wike rezoning which was held before the Board of Supervisors on July 28th. With best personal regards, I am Very truly yours, OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON, NATT, AHERON 8 AGEE, P.C, Edward A. Natt EAN/pc Enclosure AD NUMBER _ PURL IS1-IERa S FEE , EDWARD A NATT I4iS+ FLFCTRIp ~'D Spy RpANpKE VA 2~.pI S TA TE pF VIRGINIA C ITY GF RpA-~,ipKE ~I I7'sD4 AFFIpAyI7 t3F PtIBLICATIpN r I"~ES ~r~pR ~ UNDERSI GNED~ PpRAT CpRPpRA TIp,'V A'y pFFIC FR OF I IMFS ICN IS PUBLISHER ~ WHiCH ~? F ~ W'C~ilp- CpR- PUBIISHE NE~+/S, A THE RI3ANGKE ~iRGINjAfl ~~ ROANC1t(E, INILY NE~-SP AP rR V OT' ICE CFRT IF Y THAT THE STATE JF ~~AS PUSS ISHED IN ANNEXED UN THE FpLLpt~I,~yG DA TFS SAI~3 NEWSPAPERS D 7! 14 !8 T 07!21/87 EVENING EVENING .~ I I1'vE $S ~ TH ,' ,L.~--~ ~A Y pF ~ U~ Y //,,rrte I ~ $ 7 FF IC ER , S _"",,~,~_ _---- SIJN'~f uRF RpAN~iKE TI"~F.S ~ a~'P,Lt?_NFi~+S 7~,~D~X72 Noflce la heGebL NOTICE tereafed Y Olven to allln- Board Persons that the Roanoke t Supervisors of will hold aCountY, Vlr0inia, 7p~ P•m•• atbfhehearln0 at 'County Adminlstra}Roanoke ter, at 3738 Brembleton Can- ' nue, Roanoke, VirpinlaAve1 JuIY 48, 1987, on the Petition of Stephen M. Wlke fo rezone with certain conditions a cer- faln .87 acre Parcel of land lo- cated within the Cave Sprin0 Magisterial Distrlcf, In Roanoke County, from R-3, Residential Dlatrlct to B-l, the prowls oinsrottfhe Roanoke County ZonlnO Ordinance in order to Permit the operation of sn editorial office thereon, sa)d Parcelotland being more Particularly described as fol- lows: A .8i acrepareel of land, Pen- erally located on Starkey Road, SW, within the Cave SPrInO Ma0lsteriel Distrlcf, and recorded as Parcel No. 87.07-).)7 In the Roanoke County Tax Records. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County .and amendments thereto ea well as a copy. of the petition, aite Plan, and other documents re- lated to this request may be examined (n the office of the DeParfinent~of OeveloPmen}, located In Room 600 at Roanoke County Adminisfra- tlve Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Vir0lnia. Roanoke County will provide as- sistance fo handicapped per- sons deslrln0 to attend public hesrinpa, Such individuals are requested fo contact the Coun- ty office of Personnel Services (7~t) 771-4018 UsPSNaI provb stone are necessary for atten- dan~e, Given under my hand this 8th day of JuIY, ~ 1987, Mary N. Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County (8471) ------------------------------------- ~- -7` APProved ( ~ Motion b ACTION ----------------------------- Denied ~ ~ Y= Bob L. Johnson/Lee VOTE Received ~ ~ Garrett to accep aci 1 No Yes ies Brittle Absent Referred _ x To Garrett x - Johnson - x - McGraw - x - Nickens _ _x cc: File John Hubbard Clifford Craig Phillip Henry I'. m p~4 \ ~ .\ \ \ ~\ ~\ DEPARTMENT OF ~ PUBLIC FACILITIES W A 1" ER LINES ACCEPT ONCE _-/ A-72887-1.d ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT .THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Easement Acquisition for Lock Haven/Belle Haven Interconnection COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~EZOrv,m-~-,t7'-~ AG4~.:.~~T ~-) ~'"F t~.~ ~~-'t~i-n ~'~rr~~ l SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Lock Haven and Belle Haven water systems are presently two independent and adjacent water systems with storage facilities at matching elevations. The interconnection of these two systems would continue the County's efforts to provide more reliable water service throughout the County. The pipe line interconnecting these two systems would require the acquisition of several easements. FISCAL IMPACT• D~ Monies are available in the Utility fund for the acquisition of the easements. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends that the County Administrator be authorized to take the necessary actions to acquire these easements. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED ~~~~ ~ ~~ Cliffo D Craig Elmer Hodge Utilities Director County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee Denied ( ) Garrett to approve staff Brittle x Received ( ) recommendation Garrett ~_ Referred Johnson x To McGraw x Nickens x cc: File John Hubbard Clifford Craig