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8/25/1987 - Regular
O~ POANO,Y~` ~ ~ p ~ ~ Z _ J a 1 g E50 88 P~' SFgQU1CENTENN` A Beau~i~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE BOA gpg OHNSONRGHAIROMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE 11 , 19 8 7 CAVE SPRY STEVEN A! MCGRAW SE ~ptember CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. Fred Altizer, Resident Engineer Va. Department of Transportation p, O. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Altizer: of Resolution No. 9887-3 concerning Attached is a copy nment of Route 904 andheogoard8of endorsement of ThesrreSOlution was adopted by If you need on September 8, 1987• intersection. me . Supervisors at their meeting ther information, please do not hesitate to contac fur tember 8th meeting, the Board also endorsElmer p,t the $ep for the Brambleton Avenue protect. ening ceremony ~. an oP uested that I coordinate this event wit Yo Hodge has req ro ect should e Your Sep est that the ribbon cutting tember 3rd letter Itsugg that the P ] This will complete by October 15, 198 Mr. Hodge ceremony be either October ensure completion30th. and two to Center allow an extra weekhave a reception at the AdministratiWeek for I will call you sometime next would alsothekCeremony. following hts on a date. your thoug Sincerely, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Attachment CC: (~nuntg of ~.Rnttnnke Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator or,enlC~KE. VIRGINIA 24018-O~gB (7031 X72-2004 O~ POANp~.~` ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~~~~~ ~ a ~~~~~~ ~ 18 E~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~' A Beauti~ulBeginninR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HODGE 1987 STEVEN A. MCGRAW September 11 / CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Honorable Gerald Baliles inia Governor, Commonwealth of Virg Richmond, Virginia 23219 _ Dear Governor Baliles: d is a copy of Resolution No• drou htcdisastergarea Attache be declared a g request that Roanoke County ro rams be made available to and that federal farmer emergency P ted by the Board of the county. This resolution onsSeptember 8, 1987• Supervisors at their meeting further information, please do not hesitate to If you need contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Attachment CC: Lowell Gobble, VPI&SU Extension Office .~ .nc~~INIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 POANpt.~ ~~~~~~ ,~ ..~ ~ ,~~~ Z ov a 18 E~ as sFSOU1CENTENN`P~ A Bu+u~i~IBeginning M E M O R A N D U M T0: Lowell Gobble Extension Agent Mary A 11 en y'Y~-~-~ FROM: Deputy Clerk September 11- 1987 DATE: Resolution on Drought SUBJECT: letter I sent with a coPY °f a I do not Attached is a to Governor Balile~iculture or certified copy of the resolution ies to fling addresses for Tse mailltheseecertifged COP have rna Would you plea Mahlon Rudy• them . Thanks for your assistance. mha -t s; :.. O~ PpANph.~G r ~ . ~' ~ 9 o ~ ~,~~ ~~~ ~e ~ a , E5o sa SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~' A Beauti~ulBcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR September 9 , 1987 ELMER C. HODGE Reverend RengaptEst Church Green Ridg e Road, ~ 5521 Green Ridnia 24019 Roanoke, Virg BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOWNS MA V CERCHAIRMAN LEE GARRETT. WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE GAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW GATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Rev. Eason: I would like to ervisors, reciation for On behalf of thtoBletdyou know of our aPP 1987, to ortunity on Tuesday, September 8, take this opp the meeting your attending offer the invocation. ~ on 't is most important tonas~oGHasswbllsandgfor We feel 1 these meetings so that all is done accor g the good of all citizens. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. Very truly Y~L~ Bob L. Jdson, Chairman ervisors Roanoke C my Board of Sup mha .-.~~r.InKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 ~~03~ 772-2004 • LAW OFFICES NATT, AHERON &AGEE FERGUSON , OSTERHOUDT, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1919 ELECTRIC ROAD, S. W. p. O. BOX 20068 CHARLES H. OSTERHOUDT ON ROANOKE, VIRGINIA MICHAEL 5. FERGUS TT 24018-1699 ED~NARD A. NA MICHAEL J. AHERON G. STEVEN AGEE MARK D. KIDD p 19 O 7 September 2, Ms. Mary Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 OF COUNSEL PHILLIP A. SHORT C. JOHN RENICK 703-774-1197 RE: Certificates of Publication - Nick Munger, Royal Buick, and Jesse Webster Dear Mary: Enclosed please find the Certificates oft he Bloard t i on for the above rezon i ngs wi i s us to ece i v d t hem i n the of Supervisors last Tuesday. 1 mail at the end of last week. Should you have any questions, please advise. With best personal regards, I am Very truly yours, OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON, NATT, AHERON >; AGEE, P.C. ~~ Edward A. Natt /bp Encl. i~.~At~~KE T.I~ES ~ ~L3k,Ln-yE~S PJE3E.IS~~E~r S FEE - ~i15~~~ EC~vA~U Af ~FII; F.J Spa lyi9 ELF„ ~(',ANt~ky VA 241`3 STATE OF VIRGINIA ITY t"lF ~I3ANUiCE AFFIDAVIT ~GF PU3L.IGATIGN t (THE J ~R P~ ~A TAI LEIN , WH 1 C ~~ CC3 ~{~ ~+ F LEGAL NOTICE j 1 ~ ~ S - ~~ ~~^ ~-~ ~ ~ ~,~ Q~~ ~i K ~ Nofia Is MrebY given fo all in- t' K AT i U~ I S P 1~ L E I S t-i tF', G F THE »nsted p.r.on. that tM G A DAILY N E~ S p A P E~ t3oard of supervisors of Roenok~ County, Virginis, T t'~ ES £ ~` ~'~ L D-~ - S • I i'J T H t STATE ~ ~ will hold a Public hesrinp .+ ~ U S l I S H E D 1 ~~ R G AN O K E r roo p.m., at fhe Roanoke Covny Adminlstratiw Csn• ~{ I R G I N I A t D f~ CERTIFY 7 H ~"'' T T ~`~ E A Nr3 E X E ter, et 373! Brambleton Ave• NEriSpApERS S ~'j ~ ~ 1 ~ S ~}, 1 ~ nue, Rosnoke, Virginia, on ~~ ~, T 1 ~ ~ A S August 2S, 19p, on the petition -~ #-{ E F [~ L l 0 r! I ~~ ~ ~ A T E S of RoYsl Bulek CompenY fo re• ~.~ zone wMh Grfsin conditions a certain 12.26 acre parcel of Isnd looted within fhe Hollins ~' ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 7 EV ~~'~ I N ~ Magisterial District, in ~ $ 7 E V ~ ~`~ ~ ~'~ ~ Rosnoke County, pursuant to 8 ~ 1 tM provisions of tM Rosnoke IQ ~~ County Zoning Ordinance, said pergl of land Ming more ;~ I T N E S S ~- THIS 1 9TH DAY `~ F AUGUST psrtieulerlY described as fol• ~ 1.26 sere parcel of land, CrNk Rwd ad adunf fo Atr~ ~'. __ _ _ _ _ ~ -- - - - ~ - port Clear Zone within fhe Cs•. - ~ rz r S S 1 t'i N A T U E' tawba Maglsterisl District, E F F I C E~ sia-f~-s° a•ii:,'d ~ aif~ in the Rosnoke County Tsx Records. A copy of tM Zoning Ordinenu of Roanoke County and amondmenfsrnM~titlon, si • as a copy of plan, and other documents re• laced fo this request may be examined in the oNld of tM pepertment of pevNoptnent, located In Room 600 of Roanoke•Couny Administra- tive Center, ~ 8rambleton Awnw, Rwnolu, Virginia. R Isfanw to handllcaPWd per• spin desiring to attend public rpriy~i ~~ nfaet tM Coun- t' offiq of PersonnN gervius U0.71 772-201 M speclsl provl- slons en necessary for aftta°- danee. Galen under my Mnd this Sth dsy of August. 1917• Mary H. Allen, Deputy CNrk Board of Supervisors of Rosnoke County Of04) -_- ~G~ara~~E TI~±~s ~, ~o~:L~-~~~~s AD PdUMSER - 8~37L~`~I-~ PU'3L ISNF F.' S FC E - $114.~D ED ~tARD A ^~ ATT 119 ELECT RIG ~~ SW R.CANCKE VA ~4t)I.8 STATE CF VIRGINIA ITY i?F R.GANOKE AFFIDAVIT GF pUBLICATIC3N I, {Tt-~ UtvDERSIGNEDI Aid uFFiCER GF C T I~~IES-WGRLD CtIRPflRATIJN, PU~iLiSHE i r~~t3ANGK THE ~ PCP.ATIC'tti IS ~A 1(JRLD-IEWSf ILY f*JEWSPAPEk T I;~IES ~ >r PUBLISHED I~1 Yf THA TTTHcSANf EXED CEkTiF V I~ GINI A, DO PUBLISHED I~~ SAID tVEWSPAPEF:S y0T ICE WAS G*~ T~iE fDLLG~i?'JG DATES [)~/ 11~t37 ~v~NiNG l)81I.I3J87 EVENI"dG W i ttvE SS, THIS 1 9TH DAY CF AUGUS7 19137 -D~FiC L~' S S IG~d++T RE LEGAL NOTICE N terettede pb sonee thsf ilthe Board of Suosrvlsors of Roanoke CounW, Vlroinia, will hold a public hearlno at 7;Op p.m., At fhe Roanoke County Adminlstrative Cen- ter, at 9735 Brambleton Ave- Auousf 35,1957, o the np~tiflon of Jesse Webster Company to rezone with drtaln condltlons i s certain .!tt acn parcel of land loafed within the Cave SDrino Ms0lsterlal District, in ~ Roanoke County, Purswnt to the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoninp Ordlnsnee, A~.p.en cared d Iaa~M. t10~ eraNM 1n51N M~MeMarwsN fWs Mips DHve, wlMia 1M Gw SpNnO Mpiderlal DlstrleL and recorded ss 57.11-03-1, In fhe Roanoke County Tax Re- cords. A eoDY of the Zonino Ordinsnce of Roanoke County. and amendments thereto ss weir as a copy of the petition, }ite Islfed f0 this re4uesf may be examined In tM office of the Department of,pevelopment, located In Room 600 at Roanoke County Adminiatra- five Center, 3735 Brsmblefon Avenue, Roanoke, Vlroinia. Roanoke County will provide ss- sistancs fo handiespped per- sons deslrino to attend public hearinos.5uehindividuelsare requested to contact the Coun- tY offid of Personnel Services (703) 77~-sOtt It speclsl provi- sions are necessary for etten- dance. 'Given under my hand thl} Sfh dsy of Auoust, 1957. Mary M. Allen, Deputy Clerk Iii Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County - (13912) ~JANOKE TI~ICS } +~D~?LG-ivE-`~S AD ~di1M3ER - i3M.~7~°)7~3Z PU~3L ISHER' S FE'S - $121.b1 EDWARD A MATT 1919 ELECTRIC RG SW ~rANGKE VA ?:~ry18 STATE GF VIRGINIA ITY OF ~,CIANUKt AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIC~~1 It {THE UN'JE~:SIGNED) A~J ~:FFiCER tF T I"~1ES-rii~RLD Ct~RpURATICN9 WHILH GCF- PURATiCN iS QU3LISHER [F THE RtJANOKE Ti~ES ~ WD~LD-NEi~Sf A JAIL.Y 'dE~SPAPER. ~UGLISHEJ IN RvANC1KEt IN ;HE STATE DF vI~Gl~siaf roc CERTIFY THAT ~~~ ANN~xE~ Vi3T ICE w'AS PUf1t ISHED iN SAI:~ 'VEt~iSPAPERS GN THE FGLLO~d1~l DATES i)5/11 /87 EVENING ~~I18/S7 EVE"II~'dG ITNESS9 THIS 19TH DAY CAF AUGUST :1.987 -- - - r--_ -,;FFiCEx~4S SIGN:ATU E LEGAL NOTICE otla Is MrobY Oiven fo sll in- terested persons that fhe Boartl of Supervisors of Rosnoke County, Vlrpinla, will Mld a publle Msrlnp st 7:00 p.m., at tM Rosnoke Counfy Administrative Cen- ter, at ~ Bromblefon Avr nue, Rosnoke, VIr0lnla, on Aupust ZS, 19q, on tM petition of Nlcholss Mun0er fo Mw'i fM conditions proffered in Me rozonln0 order of Au0usf 9, 1913, amended In order for the development of a certain 39.647 eero parcel of lend 1o- utad within tM Cave 9prinp ~ Mapisterlsi District, in Rwnalte County. pursuant to tM provisions of fM Roanoke County ZoninO Ordfnanca, ssld parcel oiland Winp more p~rtleularlY d~serlbed ss fol- i lowse A 32.647 aero parcel of lend, generally located South of ShrksY Roed and East of tM Norfolk R SoufMrn Railroad frosts within fM Caw Sprlnp Ma0isbrlsl District, and rr ', corded as Parcel (197.01-5 In ~, the Ronnoke County Tax Rr cords. A apY of fM Zoning Ordinance of Rosnoke County and efMlldmMts tMroto ~f well as s aDY of the petition, site glen, end ofMr doeumants rr laced to this roquest may be examined In fM off[a of the Oeparhmnt of Dewbpment, located In Room 600 et Roanoke County IWminlstrs- Hve Centbr, 9791 Bnmbhfon Avenw, Roanoke, Virginia. Rwnola County will prnvlde er slstana to Mndlapped per- sonsdealrin0 to attend publle bMrMOS• 911Ch individuals sro roquested ro anfaef the Coun- ty office of Personnel8ervlas (709} 772.2015 If spacial provi- sions aro necessary for etten- dana. Given under mY hand this Sth day of Au0usb l~• Mary N. Allen, Deputy Cork Bosrd of Supervlsoro of Roanoke County p922) . o aoarvo,~~ ~ ,A A t Z ~ ~ Yt~pt~.~ ~~ ,~~ ~ ~~~~~ ,~ ~ ~ s .~~ as SFSQUICENTENN~P A Btautifu/ Btginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HODGE ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT August 27, 198'] STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mrs. Sylvia Faw 723 Finney Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear - The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Virginia Western Community College Board. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Very truly yours ,- Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha ,-.., -,~or,r, r~~n-vnNCE. VIRGINIA 2 4016-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 P ~'~ 3 ~~ ~~ .C', 5,. ' 7t t~ _ ~Py ~'• _ ..pray ..i6~6.. ~t r~ii ~~ Y , '';~ ~ ~ ~~~ p~ ~ • ; ~ ` ~ "~ ~{a i~ i ? ~~, ~~ ~ f ~~. _ gt: L~ ~, ~. , t ~ 3' - ,: ~ t' ~ ~i i~' `f p~ Y .er 'Yr y, ~, V.~~ ~~ ~ - :'{ °~ p' a ~'. ~~ btu ~'~ r ~! F(,. f '` ~_ ~ ~ r ~ .. ~~ ~~-, ~. '~ ~ ~. I ~ _ a.~F • ~ ~.~ ~ AAA ~,~ `~ - .:~:, 1 U ~ ~ [~ w a Z N s~,,~ ~ ~ w >u ~ .r" :O ~ ~ E-~ a ww~U ~ w U w ~Z w~ C J Z ~ ~~~ ~~~ z O wO W LO [~' [~ [~ ~--w ~~ ~,, ~ ~~ f'i2 ~ ~ ,~ x Q • O~ POANp~.~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t~~~ o _ ~ ,~~ a (~~~t~t~~ ~ ~ g ~~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bcautiful Beginning ACTION AGENDA AUGUST 25, 1987 Regular Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. m., and meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p. fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 the of each month. Deviations from this p.m on the fourth Tuesday schedule will be announced. AFTERNOON SESSION A. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS TA BUSHER ANNOUNCED THE COUNTY HAD RECEIVED $361,000 REIMBURSEMENT RE FOR FLOOD-RELATED EXPENSES. C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M•) 1, Roll Call. 2, Invocation: The Reverend Bob Alderman Shenandoah Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ADD ITEM E-4 - SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulations to Elizabeth Stokes upon being named National Clerk of the Year. HCN/BLJ AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB 2. Proclamation declaring August 26, 1987 "Magna Carta Day." HCN/BLJ AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB 3. Recognition to Bob Craighead, Norfolk/Southern Corporation, for his economic development efforts on behalf of Roanoke County. E• D1EW BUSINESS 1. Authorization for the Regional Airport Commission to enter into an agreement with the FAA for relocation of the Glide Slope. LG/BLJ AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB 2. Request for approval to purchase four voting machines. HCN/LG AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB 3. Authorization for County Administrator to execute agreement with the State to administer construction of Green Hill Park Access Road. SAM/BLJ AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB 4. Southwest Industrial Park, Industrial Access Funds BLJ/LG AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE 2 H. ApppINTMENTS Board. l• Community Corrections Resources Unit Advisory Council/Youth and 2• Court Service Board Family Services Advisory 3• Grievance Panel e Board 4. Virginia Western Community Colleg ABH REQUESTED JEAN GLONTZ BE NOMINATED MEMBERS I, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD J• CONSENT AGENDA TTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE ALL MA TO BE ROUTINE AORDFORMS LISTED CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD ENACTED BY ONE USSOLUTION IN THE FO WILL BE CONSIDERED SION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE BELOW• IF DISC REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SEPARATELY. BLJ/LG AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB - July 28, 1987 1• Minutes of Meeting royal for a Raffle Permit from the Request for aPP Women's Association, Salem 2. American Bus~e~ss Charter Chap from the royal for a Raffle Permit 3. Request for aPP Women's Club. Cherokee Hills f Water and Sewer Facilities serving 4• Acceptance o Section 2• Branderwood, rievance of Appointment to the G College 5• Confirmatlthe Virginia Western Community Panel and Board. tance of Willow Spring Road into the 6, Accep S stem. Secondary Y ce of a well lot - Penn Forest Section 17. 7• Acceptan 3 8• Request for approval for a Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring High School PTSA. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE L. REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 1. Accounts Paid for the month of July 1987 2. Board Contingency Fund 3. Unappropriated Balance M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a).(1) Personnel, (2) acquisition and disposition of real estate. BLJ/LG AT 3:50PM AYES: LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSENT: AHB EVENING SESSION (7.00 P M ) D1. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate adjacent to Fort Lewis Fire Station on U. S. Route 11-460. (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 11, 1987.) SAM/HCN MOTION TO APPROVE WITH AMENDMENT THAT PROCEEDS IN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND WILL BE EARMARKED FOR BALLFIELDS TO REPLACE THOSE ON PROPERTY. - URC 2ND READING ~ :.- , -a~~ 0. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise the Floodplain Ordinance. (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 11, 1987) HCN/BLJ TO APPROVE - URC 2. Ordinance authorizing, ratifying and confirming the acquisition and execution of leases for the Enhanced Emergency 911 Communication System. 4 BLJ/LG TO APPROVE - URC 3. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate, the remainder of Mountain View Farm Technological Park. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE - URC 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code to adopt a new Article V, "Building Numbers." SAM/AHB TO APPROVE - URC 5. Ordinance authorizing the transfer of Hollins Water System to Hollins Community Development Corporation. BLJ/LG TO APPROVE - URC P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 887-1 Petition of J. F. DAVIS AND W. E. CUNDIFF to rezone an approximate 19.4 acre tract from M-2, Industrial to R-1 Residential to construct single family homes located on the east side of Route 758 in the Hollins Magisterial District. BLJ/HCN TO REFER BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION - UW 887-2 Petition of NICHOLAS MUNGER to amend the proffered conditions on a 32.647 acre tract to develop the property in accordance with a revised site plan, located south of Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. AHB/HCN TO APPROVE - URC 887-3 Petition of ROYAL BUICK COMPANY to rezone with certain conditions a 12.26 acre parcel from A-1 Agricultural and M-1 Industrial to B-2 Business to construct and operate an automobile dealership, located on Peters Creek Road adjacent to the Airport Clear Zone in the Hollins Magisterial District. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 887-4 Petition of JESSE WEBSTER to rezone a 0.89 acre tract from B-l, Business to M-l, Industrial to construct a veterinary clinic with outdoor runs, located on the west side of Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 5 HCN/BLJ TO APPROVE AYES; LG,SAM,HCN,BLJ ABSTAIN:AHB 887-5 Petition of F&W COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION to rezone a 10.5 acre tract from R-3, Residential to B-l, Business to construct an office park located north of Route 781 in the Hollins Magisterial District. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 887_6 Petition of L. L. PEACOCK tguseness to4constructtandt from B-1, Business to B-2, located on the operate a new automobile dealership, Magisterial south side of Route 419 in the Cave Spring District. AHB/LG TO APPROVE - URC Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE R, ADJOURNMENT AT 8:05 P.M• 6 . - ~~ a~aNO,~ F ~~ ti A 2 ~ J z a 18 f~ g8 sFSgUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauti~ulBeginning (~uixn#,~ of ~~ttrinrke ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA AUGUST 25, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. 'Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. AFTERNOON SESSION A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Bob Alderman Shenandoah Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulations to Elizabeth Stokes upon being named National Clerk of the Year. 2. Proclamation declaring August 26, 1987 "Magna Carta Day." 3. Recognition to Bob Craighead, Norfolk/Southern Corporation, for his economic development efforts on behalf of Roanoke County. r E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization for the Regional Airport Commission to enter into an agreement with the FAA for relocation of the Glide Slope. 2. Request for approval to purchase four voting machines. 3. Authorization for County Administrator to execute agreement with the State to administer construction of Green Hill Park Access Road. F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board. 2. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board 3. Grievance Panel 4. Virginia Western Community College Board I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meeting - July 28, 1987 2. Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the American Business Women's Association, Salem Charter Chapter. 2 3. Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the Cherokee Hills Women's Club. 4. Acceptance of Water and Sewer Facilities serving Branderwood, Section 2. 5. Confirmation of Appointment to the Grievance Panel and the Virginia Western Conununity College Board. 6. Acceptance of Willow Spring Road into the Secondary System. 7. Acceptance of a well lot - Penn Forest Section 17. 8. Request for approval for a Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring High School PISA. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS 1. Accounts Paid for the month of July 1987 2. Board Contingency Fund 3, Unappropriated Balance M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a). EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate adjacent to Fort Lewis Fire Station on U. S. Route 11-460. (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 11, 1987.) O. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1, Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise the Floodplain Ordinance. (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 11, 1987) 2. Ordinance authorizing, ratifying and confirming the acquisition and execution of leases for the Enhanced Emergency 911 Communication System. 3 3. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate, the remainder of Mountain View Farm Technological Park. 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code to adopt a new Article V, "Building Numbers." 5. Ordinance authorizing the transfer of Hollins Water System to Hollins Community Development. Corporation. P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 887-1 Petition of J. F.'DAVIS AND W. E. CUNDIFF to rezone an approximate 19.4 acre tract from M-2, Industrial to R-1 Residential to construct single family homes located on the east side of Route 758 in the Hollins Magisterial District.(WILL BE WITHDRAWN) 887-2 Petition of NICHOLAS MUNGER to amend the proffered conditions on a 32.647 acre tract to develop the property in accordance with a revised site plan, located south of Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 887-3 Petition of ROYAL BUICK COMPANY to rezone with certain conditions a 12.26 acre parcel from A-1 Agricultural and M-1 Industrial to B-2 Business to construct and operate an automobile dealership, located on Peters Creek Road adjacent to the Airport Clear Zone in the = Hollins Magisterial District. 887-4 Petition of JESSE WEBSTER to rezone a 0.89 acre tract from B-1, Business to M-1, Industrial to construct a veterinary clinic with outdoor runs, located on the west side of Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 887-5 Petition of F&W COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION to rezone a 10.5 acre tract from R-3, Residential to B-l, Business to construct an office park located north of Route 781 in the Hollins Magisterial District. 887-6 Petition of L. L. PEACOCK to rezone a 4.69 acre tract from B-1, Business to B-2, Business to construct and operate a new automobile dealership, located on the south side of Route 419 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. ADJOURNMENT 4 o~ aoAluo~.~ ti '~ p 2 ~ /~' a ~~ ~~~~t~~~e ~~~~~ 150 0 1 ~ YENS SS SFgQU1CENTENN~P~' A Beauti~u/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE August 26, 1987 The Reverend Bob Alderman Shenandoah Baptist Church 6520 Williamson Road, NW Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Dear Rev. Alderman: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on Tuesday, August 25, 1987, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. Very truly~out!s, Bob L. J son, Chairman Roanoke unty Board of Supervisors mha O~ POANp,~.F ~ •~ ~ Z Z °v a 18 E~ 88 sFSQU1CEN7EN~'II~PV A Beautiful8eginning COUNTY ADMINI~ ~TRATOR ELMER C. HODGE BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN AuRu S t 2 6, 19 8 7 WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 7 ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Ms. Deborah Garrett Route 1, Box 464 Elliston, Virginia 24087 Dear Ms. Garrett: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, August 25, 1987, the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the American Business Women's Association, Salem Charter Chapter, for a permit for a raffle. The fee has been paid. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the Raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis; therefore, the permit will expire December 31, 19871icationpfor11987.onYouvmust reapply dates specified on your app for the raffles you are planning in 1988. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2004. Very truly yours, mha Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer C~n~tn~~ n~ ~vttnv~r BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .-, r... .,~or.~ orleNe'lKF VIRrINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 • (703) 772-2004 O~ QOANp,S.~ ti Z ~ A v Z a 18 ~~ 88 SFgQU1CENTENN~P~' A Bcautifu/Bcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (~n~tn~~ v~ ~n~tnnk~ August 27, 1987 Mr. & Mrs. Joel Schlanger 6115 Saddleridge Circle Roanoke, Virginia 24018 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mr. & Mrs. Schlanger: At their regular meeting on August 25, 1987 the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Cave Spring High School PTSA for a permit for a raffle. The fee has been paid. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the Raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis; therefore, the permit will expire December 31, 1987. This permit, however, is only valid for the dates specified on your application. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2004. Very truly yours, ~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer r. ~.-,,. -~c~c~r~n r~nnfVC7FCE. VIRGINIA 24018-798 (703> 772-2004 0~ POANp,~.~ ~ • ~ ~ 's> z c~ J ~ ~~ ~~~~~ it ~~~~~~~ 150 1 ~ re~M ~~ SFSQUICEN7ENN\P~ A Bcautiful8cginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HODGE August 27, 1987 ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Ms'. Barbara P. Fasnacht 5327 Canoe Circle Salem, Virg inia 24153 ' Dear Ms. Fasnacht: At their regular meeting on August 25, 1987, the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Cherokee Hills Women's Club for a permit for a raffle. The fee has been paid. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the Raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis; therefore, the permit will expire December 31, 1987. This permit, however, is only valid for the dates specified on your application. If I ma y be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Very truly yours, y'Yl~~ ~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Fiscal Management Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer - ~ '~. ' O~ JOAN ~,~ ~ A 9 z Gf Ir r ° a ~4 ~~ i~i~~~~~i~ ~~~ ~s ~~ ss O sFSQU1CEN7ENN~P~ A Beautiful Btginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN ~G WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HKti~JUSt 27, 1987 ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. W. Robert Herbert, Chairman Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 215 Church Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Dear Mr. Herbert: Attached is a copy of Report No. 82587-2 concerning authorization for the Regional Airport Commission to approve funding for relocation of the Glide Slope. This action was approved by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on August 25, 1987. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Ina us. 3-l _C1~-sin Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attachment or, anx ~4ann F?nANC7FCE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 _sh N_ a .. ~ `''off pOANp~~ ••~ ~ Z v a ' ~s E~ $s SFSQUICENTENN\P\' A Beaatiful Beginning .i, C~~~tnt~ of ~~ttnnkr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE August 27, 1987 Mr. Fred Altizer, Resident Engineer Va. Department of Transportation P. 0. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Altizer: BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MC ;ISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. 'JICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MG ~ISTERIAL DISTRICT i-,LAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 82587-6.e concerning request for acceptance of Willow Spring Road in the Secondary System. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on August 25, 1987. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, maw-~t, ~ - GLc,c e->.. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attachment ~,. O~ ROANp~,~ ti 'A 9 2 ~ t ~~ a C~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~.~ ~ s ~~~ ss O SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ A Beautifu/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE August 27, 1987 Mrs . Jean Glont z 5212 Hawkbill Circle Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mrs. Glontz: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on August 25, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Virginia Western Community College Board for a four year term beginning July 1, 1987, and ending June 30, 1991. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, `~'Z~,, 9~- cum-_.~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha Enclosures CC: Dr. Charles Downs, President Virginia Western Community College 3095 Colonial Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24015 O~ ROANp~.~ a A tv ~ p 2 ~ 7 Z v 'ate ~ 8 E50 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P'~ A Beauri~ul8cginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~n~tn~~ v~ ~nttn~ke Mr. Richard Robers 4030 Chaparral Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Robers: August 27, 1987 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Grievance Panel. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on August 25, 1987, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of Grievance Panel for a two-year term. Your term will expire on September 27, 1989. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, mha Enclosures Y~ZLL-t~c~ ~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: D. Keith Cook, Director of Human Resources -.___/ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO ELIZABETH STOKES UPON BEING NAMED NATIONAL CLERK OF THE YEAR BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Elizabeth Stokes was elected Clerk of Circuit Court in 1967, and has served with distinction since that date; and WHEREAS, her activities as Clerk have included membership in such organizations as the Virginia Association of Counties, the National Association of Counties, and the National Association of Clerks and Recorders; and WHEREAS, she has served on the Board of Directors of these organizations, and is presently a member of the Board. of Directors of the National Association of Clerks and Recorders; and served as its president in 1983; and WHEREAS, this is an indication of her dedication to furthering the interests of counties throughout the Commonwealth and the United States of America; and WHEREAS, in recognition of her outstanding career in local government service, the National Association of Clerks and Recorders recently selected her as National Clerk of the Year during their annual conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County extends its congratulations to Elizabeth Stokes for receiving this high honor from her peers; and ~--r FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County fishes to express its deep appreciation for her many years of w service and dedication to our County citizens. "° ,~-i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 PROCLAMATION DECLARING AUGUST 26, 1987 AS MAGNA CARTA DAY IN THE ROANOKE VALLEY WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution and American Express have joined together to provide a special exhibit, Roads to Liberty Magna Carta to the Constitution; and WHEREAS, this exhibit is being held in commemoration of the 200th birthday of the United States Constitution; and WHEREAS, the 722 year old Lincolnshire copy of the Magna Carta, one of only four originals, will be on display, as well as an original draft of the Constitution and other historical documents; and WHEREAS, this historical collection of priceless documents has been made available to all Roanoke Valley residents who wish to view it at the Roanoke Civic Center. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County do hereby proclaim Wednesday, August 26, 1987 as: MAGNA CARTA DAY and urge all the citizens in the Roanoke Valley to visit this exhibit and view these important parts of our history. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 RESOLUTION 82587-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO ELIZABETH STOKES UPON BEING NAMED NATIONAL CLERK OF THE YEAR BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Elizabeth Stokes was elected Clerk of Circuit Court in 1967, and has served with distinction since that date; and WHEREAS, her activities as Clerk have included membership in such organizations as the Virginia Association of Counties, the National Association of Counties, and the National Association of Clerks and Recorders; and WHEREAS, she has served on the Board of Directors of these organizations, and is presently a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Clerks and Recorders; and served as its president in 1983; and WHEREAS, this is an indication of her dedication to furthering the interests of counties throughout the Commonwealth and the United States of America; and WHEREAS, in recognition of her outstanding career in local government service, the National Association of Clerks and Recorders recently selected her as National Clerk of the Year during their annual conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County extends its congratulations to Elizabeth Stokes for receiving this high honor from her peers; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County wishes to express its deep appreciation for her many years of service and dedication to our County citizens. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTS: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 8/26/87 cc: File Resolutions of Congratulation File A-82587-2 _ ITEM NUMBER ~_ `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Authorization for the Regional Airport Commission to enter into agreement with the FAA for relocation of the Glide Slope COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~i~~'`~ ~ ~~ ~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission recently approved relocation of the Glide Slope to clear the field beside the runway for the proposed new Airport Terminal Project. This is part of the Phase I grant project, and the Federal Aviation Administration would provide the work at an estimated cost of $174,821. The Regional Airport contract agreement requires approval of participating local governments for an expenditure in excess of $100,000. Therefore, it is necessary for the Board of Supervisors and Roanoke City Council to authorize the funding for the relocation of the Glide Slope. Attached is additional information from Lee Garrett, Vice Chairman of the Airport Commission, and Robert C. Poole, Airport Manager. FISCAL IMPACT: None. This expenditure is part of the overall airport construction project, and will be funded by grants and revenue bonds sold by the Regional Airport Commission. Approval only authorizes the Commission to go forward with the relocation of the Glide Slope. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission to approve the necessary funding for the relocation of the Glide Slope. ~' l PREPARED BY: m~~, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: Elmer C. odg County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Absent Approved (x) Motion by: Lee Garrett/Bob Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) to ap rove staff recommen anon Brittle x Received ( ) Garrett x Referred Johnson x To McGraw x Nickens x cc: File -/ August 13, 1987 Honorable Chairman and Members Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Dear Members of the Board: The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission would like to relocate the Glide Slope Navigational Aid serving Runway 33 at the Roanoke Regional Airport. This relocation is necessary to clear the field beside the runway for the proposed new Airport Terminal Project. Work would be provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as part of the $2,595,500 Phase I grant project. This Phase I grant project was to provide land acquisition, design and initial site grading and clearing and was funded as follows: Fes, $1,902,806 State 114,500 Local 578,994 $2,595,500 The project in question necessitates the Commission entering into a contract with FAA for an estimated amount of $174,821. The Glide Slope would be out of service for 2 - 3 months and, consequently, work should commence late spring or early fall so as to be completed prior to the majority of inclement weather which would be expected this winter. This matter was approved by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, in accordance with the attached report, on August 13, 1987. In accordance with the Roanoke Regional Airport contract agreement, effective July 1, 1987, any capital improvement requiring an expenditure in excess of $100,000 requires the approval of the participating local govern- ments. Therefore, your approval is requested prior to entering into the contract with FAA for the relocation of the Glide Slope. Sincerely, ~~-._ rGG GUuG~ ~Le Garrett, Vice Chairman Roanoke Regional Airport Commission LG:KBK:csp Attachment cc: Legal Counsel Airport Manager Engineer ~- / Roanoke, Virginia Chairman and Members Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Dear Members of the Commission: Subject: Reimbursable Agreement No. AEA-407 Contract No. DTFA05-87-A-50581 I. Background: A. Construction of the new terminal building will result in the need to relocate the Glide Slope serving Runway 33. B. FAA will perform all design, construction, installation, and flight inspection necessary to relocate and return the Glide Slope facility into service. II. Current situation is that the Airport Commission needs to authorize the execution of the attached agreement between the Commission and Federal .Aviation Administration, subject to the approval of Roanokz City Council and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. III. Issues: A. Funding B. Timin IV. Alternatives: A. Authorize the Chairman of the Ro_a_noke Regional Airport Commission to execute the Agreement in a form acceptable to Legal Counsel and subject to approval of Roanoke City Council and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 1. Fundin for the relocation of the Glide Slope is included in the Phase I 'T'erminal Development Grant, Account Number 004-056-8556-9002. ~Th1S grant included funds for design, land acquisition, site preparation and Glide Slope relocation.) The estimated cost of relocate tion is $174,821.00. 2. Timin is essential to allow the FAA to design and relo- cate the Glide Slope Facility. The Glide Slope will be out of operation for two to three months. This shut down time needs to be in the summer months. ~~. Page 2 B. Do not authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement. 1, Funds would not be spent at this time. 2, Timin would be lost for design and next summer's construction. V. Recommendation is that the Commission approve alternative "A. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ l Robert C. Poole Airport Manager RCP/JGB/mm cc: Legal Counsel ~-~ - / DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION EASTERN REGION - FITZGERALD FEDERAL BUILDING JOHN F. KENNEDY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT JAMAICA, NEW YORK 11430 Contract No. DTFA05-87-A-50581 Agreement No. AEA-407 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration and THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration, hereinafter referred to as the FAA, is in a position to furnish directly or by contract, supplies, equipment and services ~iereinafter described in Article I hereof which the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission requires, has funds available for, and has determined should be obtained from the FAA, and said determination has been concurred in by the FAA; WHEREAS, Section 302(k) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, authorized the furnishing of supplies, equipment and services by the FAA to another Government agency upon a reimbursable basis; NOW THEREFORE, the FAA and the Commission mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I: Title and Description of Project (See Appendix "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.) ARTICLE II: Payment of FAA Costs a. The Commission upon receipt of a statement setting forth summary costs for relocation of the Glide Slope serving Runway 33 at Roanoke Regional Airport will reimburse the FAA quarterly for the actual project costs incurred by FAA in furnishing supplies, equipment and services under this agreement. Upon term- ination of the agreement for any cause, the Commission will reimburse the FAA for all project costs incurred and for all necessary liquidating expenses. In determining the costs to the FAA, there shall be included general administration and overhead costs of 12 percent. AGREE/50581 P-2 ~: - / 2 Contract No. DTFA05-87-A-50581 Agreement No. AEA-407 b. The FAA identifies the billing office as: Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Eastern Region, Fitzgerald Federal Building Accounting Division, AEA-20 John F. Kennedy International Airport Jamaica, New York 11430 c, The Commission hereby identifies the office to which FAA will render bills for the project cost incurred as follows: Mr. Robert C. Poole Airport Manager Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 1635 Aviation Drive, N.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 d. The amounts set forth in this agreement are estimates and may be adjusted to recover the FAA's actual costs. If during the course of this agreement, actual costs are expected to exceed the estimate by more than 10 per- cent, the FAA will notify the Commission as soon as this is known, but not less than 30 days prior to submission of the final billing. e. Payment for billings is due within 30 days of date of invoice. ARTICLE III: Amendment Any change in the supplies, equipment, or services to be furnished under this agreement shall be formalized by an appropriate written amendment to the agreement which shall outline in detail the exact nature of the change. ARTICLE IV: Effective Date This agreement is effective as of the date the agreement is executed by the FAA and will be concluded when the project is completed and all payments have been made. ARTICLE V: Revocation This agreement may be revoked at any time by either party by 60 days' notice in writing. AGREE/50581 P-2 E-/ 3 Contract No. DTFA05-87-A-50581 Agreement No. AEA-407 ARTICLE VI - Liability a. Hold Harmless The Commission agrees to defend any suit brought against the United States, the FAA, or any instrumentality or officer of the United States arising out of work under this Agreement. The Commission further agrees to hold the United States, the FAA, or any instrumentality or officer of the United States harmless against any claim by the Commission, or any agency thereof, or third persons for personal injury, death, or property damage arising out of work under this Agreement. b. Damages Except for damage to or destruction of FAA property caused by the FAA or any FAA personnel, the Commission agrees to reimburse the FAA for any damage to or destruction of FAA property arising out of work under this Agreement. The FAA and the Commission agree to the provisions of this agreement as indi- cated by the signatures of their duly authorized officers. ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BY: TITLE: DATE: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION BY TITLE: DATE AGREE/50581 P-2 ~,-/ Appendix "A" As a result of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission construction of a new Air Carrier Terminal Building at Roanoke Regional Airport, the FAA's Glide Slope serving Runway 33 at that airport must be relocated. The new location will be 350 feet west of runway centerline and 1000 feet from threshold. A 2 to 3 month facility shutdown will be required for this move. The obligations of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in this relocation shall be as follows: The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission shall: 1) Perform all required grade work for the proposed Glide Slope site and critical areas as approved by the FAA. 2) Provide for the installation of commercial power to the vicinity of the new site. 3) Construct a paved access road from the runway to the site in accordance with FAA requirements. 4) Provide the FAA with all applicable construction drawings and specifica- t10nS necessary to complete the design and installation of the relocated Glide Slope. 5) Reimburse the FAA for all costs generated by relocation in accordance with the following: The FAA shall: 1) Perform all necessary design, construction, installation, and flight inspection necessary to relocate and return the Glide Slope facility to service. The estimated cost of the relocation is as follows: Civil Engineering $ 17,600 Electronic Engineering 6,560 Construction 74,630 Installation 30,300 Flight Inspection 27,000 Subtotal $156,090 12% Overhead 18,731 TOTAL $174,821 It is understood and agreed that the estimated costs set forth above are esti- mated only, and are in no way binding upon the parties hereto and are not to be construed as limiting the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission's obligation to pay the FAA for the actual cost of services and materials expended, plus the general administration and overhead costs set forth in Article II of this Memorandum of Agreement, ,~~- ~1 1tESULUT I UN OF THE 1~.0ANOKE REG I UNAL A I RPUKT WNIlViI S S I ON Adopted this ~~ ~ day of August, 1987. No . -00 BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke Kegional Airport Commission that the Commission Chairman and Secretary are authorized to exe- cute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the Commission, an agreement, in form acceptable to legal counsel and subject to the approval of the Roanoke City Council and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, with the Federal Aviation Administration for the design, construction, installation and inspection necessary to relocate and return the Glide Slope facility into service in con- junction wi"th construction of the new terminal btii`lding as see forth in the Airport Manager's report to this Commission dated August 13, 1987. ATTEST: ~~ s ~~~ ~e.;rc~~tary A-82587-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUp ITEM NUMBER~~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATROANORE MEETING DATE: ION CENTER August 25, 1987 SUBSUB--~T_ Request for Approval to Purchase Votin g Machines COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION; State formulas require that localities must have a voting machine for t least one Registrar every 750 registered voters increases because Elizabeth Leah has projected substantial registratit~ referendum in °f voter interest in the state on These November and the presidential lottery budget primary in March 1988, projections were not complete until after the 1987 process. Due to these increases, it will necessar /80 purchase four more voting machines before the November el Y Four used, reconditioned, voting machines will cost ections. will be available from the state after the March g $5980. However, the machines must Funds In addition to the four needed for P hecNovember ~ 1988 primary. more votin prior to that date. g machines may be required in the future ctThese willrbe included in the Registrar's budget for fiscal year 1 FISCAL IMPACT: 988/89. It will be necessar It is anticipated that mostpofophistcost will Registrar receives the additional $5980 from the fund balance. the presidential primary on March 8, 1988, funds from t heostate following RECOMMENDATION; It is recommended that the Board after otheg machines, and that any balance. presidential primary PREPARED BY; Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk authorize the appropriation for funds received from the state be used to reimburse the fund APPROVED ~3y; ~.- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator t APProved (x) Denied ( ) Motion by; ACTION ---------- Harry ~ C ----------- ----------- Received ( ) • Nickens/Lee to urchase ' Voting machine Re i Garrett VOTE Absent Referred T s strar s bud et, rom reimbursed be Brittle No YeS Ab: o ~.~_ Primar y in after Presidential March x Garrett x _. , 1988. Johnson X -- McGraw ~ x ._ Nickens - x -_ cc: File Elizabeth Leah Reta Busher ~`= ~- O~ ROANp,Y~ G A ~ 1 L~ z z °,~ - +'a T$ E50 88 s~SQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning E. ELIZABETH LEAH GENERAL REGISTRAR TO: FROft[ DATE: C~oixn#~ o~ ~n~tnuk~ BOARD OF ELECTIONS Elmer Hodge, County. Administrator Elizabeth Leah, Registrar `~~`'~u August 5, 1987 SUBJECT: Purchase of Voting Machines E LECTORAL BOARD ARMAND L SANDERSON GH AIRMAN MAY W. JOHNSON VICE CHAIRMAN LEONARD M. PICK SECRETARY When I~met with you in July, we discussed the need to purchase eight additional voting machines. We also discussed the fact that Virginia Election Services would freeze the price of these machiTesori~o`^7eovember 1988. agree to purchase four now and four p I am enclosing a contract from Virginia Election Services for these machines. I am also encloe~vgcescopy of a letter received from Virginia Election urchasing advising us of the expected price increases. By P these machines as stated in the contract, we will save a substantial amount of money. As I have discussed with you, I have studied the Registrar's figures and find that we will need four additional machines for tadditionalofourPbyJNovember~l98g.show that we will need the Since I do not have the funds in .my budget for these machines the Board of Supervisors wilurchaset~our appropriate the funds. If they choose to p p ro riate machines now and four next year, they will need to a p P money for only four machines. I will inc5.ude the others in my 1988-89 budget. Will it be possible to have this appear on the Board of Supervisors Agenda-for August 25, 1987? If so, please let me know. If you have any questions, please call me. CC: John Chambliss Rita Busher P.O. BOX 383. SALEM. VIRGINIA 24153-0383 (703) 387-6071 ' -2- EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE or other damages suffered by Buyer. -YEAR WARRANTY STATED ABOVE, VES MAKES NO WARRANT , LIMITED 5 WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT. EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, E NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTIO THERE AR SET FORTH ABOVE. Title to Risk of loss shall be borne by VES until delivery• the Equipment shall pass upon payment in full. on acceptance of all terms reement shall be binding uP 09/01/87 This Ag ted by Buyer on or before by Buyer, If not accep this offer may be revoked by VES of the essence)on such acceptance, this Agreement (time being Up at any time thereafter. overned by d and inure to the benefit Bement shallsberg and assign shall bin arties. This Agr inia. of the respective P and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Virg ,19~• d ay o f Ju__~.y____-- ITNESS the following signatures as of this 26th W INC . VIRG IA ELECTION SERVICEj~~~ VES: By: P esident Buyer: city County of By Title ~'ryini~c ~~ection Services, ~ru, VOTING MACHINES - SALES AND SERVICE 234 BUFORD ROAD BON AIR, VIRGINIA 23235 TELEPHONE 804-320-4721 July 26, 1987 SALES ORDER VIRGINIA ELECTION SERVICE, INC. ("VES") agrees to sell to County of Roanoke, Virginia the followin e ui ment ('Buyer") g q P (the "Equipment"): 8 IES/Shoup, Model 3.2, voting machines, ~~71513, 71514, 71515, 71516, 71517, 71518, 71519 & 71520, wit co umns, rows, persona c oice positions, reconditione wit year warranty, e were . The purchase price for the Equipment shall be $ 11,960.OOA Delivery and billing payable in cash upon delivery, unless other payment terms in 2 installments, are set forth in writing and attached hereto and made a 09/01/87 & 09/01/88 part hereof. If full payment at the time of delivery is specified and is not tendered, VES may, at its option, refuse to deliver the Equipment or deliver the Equipment after agreeing to payment terms. Any sums not paid when due shall bear interest at 18% per annum, and Buyer agrees to pay all costs of collection, including court costs and attorneys fees, incurred by VES in collection of sums due. The Equipment shall be delivered to Buyer at central storage location on 09/01 87 & 09 O1 VES warrants to Buyer (but not subsequent owners of the Equipment) that the Equipment shall be free from all defects in material, mechanism and workmanship under normal use and service, for a period of five (5) years from the date of purchase, provided that Buyer maintains and services the Equipment through the use of VES authorized service technicians and that any and all service parts used shall be only genuine manufacturers replacement parts. During this 5-year period, VES will, at its expense, make all repairs or replacements that may be necessary to cure any such defects and imperfections and will replace any Equipment that cannot be so repaired; provided, however, that the risk of fire, accident and careless or malicious handling is on the Buyer. VES' sole obligation (and Buyer's exclusive remedy) under this limited warranty shall be to make necessary repairs and furnish necessary replacement parts, after reasonable notice of a warranty claim from Buyer. In no event shall VES be liable for any consequential -2- or other damages suffered by Buyer. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE LIMITED 5-YEAR WARRANTY STATED ABOVE, VES MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION SET FORTH ABOVE. Risk of loss shall be borne by VES until delivery. Title to the Equipment shall pass upon payment in full. This Agreement shall be binding upon acceptance of all terms by Buyer. If not accepted by Buyer on or before 09/0 1/87 (time being of the essence) this offer may be revoked by VES at any time thereafter. Upon such acceptance, this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the respective parties. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Virginia. WITNESS the following signatures as of this 26thday of July , 19~. VES: VIRGI~N,IA ELECTION SERVICE, INC. P esident Buyer: City County of By Title ~ ~ . LY~L~2Lcr ~Lc J' G! LClll G1 ~ ) . NOTING V LG~S, ~/ /LCD MACHINES - SALF..S AND SERVICE 231 BUFORD ROAD gON AIR, VIRGINIA 23235 TELEPHONE Q04-320.4721 July 26, 1987 Ms. E. Elizabeth Leah General Registrar County of Roanoke Courthouse, Room 6 P• 0• Box 383 Salem, Virginia, 24153-0383 Re: Voting machine purchase Dear Ms. Leah, In the course of elect the State the next fifteen months Constitutional Senate, State House Virginian' Off'_ Boards s wi.11 vote leers with the ~ °{ Supervisors, on a state lottery, Presidential htion r,f and President. ~%lerk of The importance candidates, ~'ourt, we believe will and fre U•S• Senator and overload push our registration fttency of these elections effort to see our prournt voting systems1guWes to new records to handle that customer these elect' s will. have are making every will be ions and that the sufficient equi with ourthe lowest possible, cost of Pment projections for Your current re this equipment 8 additional votin next year gistration to e g machines for indicate that you will g titer insure their availabilit Novemher, 8 machines in 1988, need Y and firm price we In order to and the tw° Installments, The f• Propose to balance in Se lrst seal you We enclose our f Ptember, 1988, being this Se orm sales ~ at $1,495.00 ptember. order for Y<,ur each, delivered. Should review and execution. you have any questions, please do not ties' Thank you for state your courteaus to call. attention, Very truly yours, ~,1 ~ ,~ , 4 ~ a ~ ~ ~~~ ~-~ ~ ~ r I r, ~ t 7 . ~ ~ ~~ Spooner H. Hull _ - ~ ' ~U~ .i~ President ~ III' ~[~~ ~ I ~~~~~~ IJ ~~~" ~ VL)" ~ -, ~~1z~c~ ~~c~` -~~Ull ~I'mV~ ` vor-NC G~' Sj ~'1ACHINF...S __ ~; 234 nLE' nNU SERVICE RUI'oR1.) RUl1D BUN /11 R, VIRr,;-NI/~ 25235 TELEPHONE 80,.1__32G-4721 August 1, 1987 Ms. E. Elizabeth Leah General Registrar County of Roanoke Courthouse, Room P' 0. Box 383 Salem, Virginia, 24153-0383 Re: Voting machine sales prices Dear Ms. Leah, ~~c. We have been advised machine sales that the IF.S/Show January 1 1988 rice will increase b P' Model 3,2 ' and Jul y $200.00 voting told that fewer y 1' 1988• Additionaller unit on consider units are on the market and y' we are advance or installment that being' proposal of July 26 all the Purchases. This we should You °f any other more important. makes our changes in S'1]es We will advise Thank Prices or availability. you for your courteous attention. Very truly yours, ~ ~ .i ~ 1. 1 ~ ~ , f ~~~ _t F i ~~ ~, j _ SPdoner H. Hu11, III. President Y A-82587-4 ITEM NUMBER ~ ^~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Green Hill Park Access Road, County/State Agreement COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,/~' ~~,~y,.prti SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On September 23, 1986, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors requested $240,500 from the Virginia Department of Transportation to assist in the construction of an access road into the Green Hill Park in Roanoke County. Subsequently, VDOT approved the use of $240,500 with a match of $40,500 from Roanoke County for the project. Due in part to the tremendous backlog of projects created by the Governor's Transportation Initiative, the county staff believes that the construction of this project can be expedited by allowing Roanoke County to administer the project. County staff could insure a spring of 1988 completion, while VDOT would not complete the project until the summer of 1988. Staff has prepared the attached County/State Agreement that will allow Roanoke County to administer the construction of the Green Hill Park Access Road. FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County has previously allocated $40,500 of 1985 Bond Funds to match $240,500 in State Park Access Funds for the construction. The cost for engineering and project management-inspection will be covered by the FY87-88 Engineering Department Budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the County Administrator to execute the attached Agreement. 1 r SUBMITTED BY; Phillip T. Henry, p. Director of Engineering ,d c_ ~~, APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Steven A. McGraw/ Absent Denied ( ) Bob L. Johnson to a rove Brittle No Yes Abs Received ( ) staff recommendation Referred Garrett _~ to Johnson _~ McGraw ~"- Nickens ~" cc: File Phillip Henry John Chambliss Gary Huff -~ y ~>i ~ ~ t c~ h ~ ~ ~3.t ,(,~~; i :-, Act r~~,~m~~nt i s ma~~~'' ~n~l ~~ntr~r~~~, i ~~ 1y~7, by and betwc>en th~~ COMMONWfAt.'1'H (~F ~ ) ,I?AR~fMENT OF ')'RANSPORTA`I'T(1N (hereinafter r,~~~f<~rr_ed ..VII?GIt`IA, (F t;o as the "Commonwealth") and THE FIOARD O(~ SUPERVISORS OF VIP.GINIA, (hereinafter referred to as the I ~;ROANOKE COUNTY, f i ~~ Roanoke"). ~, ~ :WITNESSETH: ~j ~ Resolution ~~ WHEREAS, Roanoke has requested by - -201, that the Commonwealth establish a project fOr ~, y-23 86 ark access road for Green Hill Park 'the construction of a p Route 639, 0.85 miles to a deadend. And that such 'from s for the project be allocated from Roanoke County Park 'fund Development funds in the amount of $40,500 to be suF>plemented by $240, 500 from the Commonwealths in ace<~r:~anc^ ~,aith Section 33.1 - 136.3 of the Code of Virgini:~; ai;d WHEREAS, Roanoke wishes to proceed with this construction as a part of Park Development in Roanoke Count`. i • and >s a part of the 1985 Bond Referendum, WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer has indicated that the ' lement such project within the fiscal !Commonwealth cannot imp year; and WHEREAS, both parties wish to have this project rcomoleted, to determine the manner of performing t}1e work, the timing of the work to be performed and the responsibility of each party; Nt)W, '1'N;f'E;F(_)k~r;, for an~1 in consi,i~~rat_ i.on ~,~ ,ruri u~,l ~~ov~~nant_s h,~~rein spc~~-ifi~~d t_o b<~ kF=~~t anc3 pt~rC<~rmc~?, :! i`~ ~,car~~cd l_~y the parties her.i~to as follows: 1. R.oanokr~ will app ]_y for a Highway Permit which wil] ;,specify the requirements of physical construction and traffic maintenance for this project. The permit application shall contain an accurate sketch and description of work to be performed and estimated quar,titi~~s of items eligible for cost participation by the Commonwealth. 2. In accordance with the said permit. Roanoke will iadminister the project by letting it to contract through Roanoke's competitive bidding procedure, provided, however, that no contractor which has been disqualified from bidding 'on contracts with the Commonwealth because of co llusien or any matter relating to violation of States or F<~deral Anti-trust Laws may construct, either as a Prim4::~ Contractor or subcontractor, any part of tt~lis project which is funded !in whole or in part with State and/or Federal funds. ' I, 3. The Commonwealth will issue the aforementioned I~permit in accordance with the Department. of Transportation's 'current "Land Use Permit Manual.", "Road Desi~~ns ana iStandards Manual", and "Koad and Br_-idge Specifications", ' !which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. 'No fee will be charged for the permit. 4. The Commonwealth will inspect the work contracted ~ by Roanoke. ~, _- •~) 5, Roanoke wi 1 1 k~_~~~r~ ,3c-currrt ~_~ r~~co!-~1~, i n .3 i ~:r,n resat. i sfactory to the Commonwea 1 r_h of a l ] ~,o~ts ran titr' pr~~ ject ~, and make there ava i 1 ahl e for r~~v iew by t h~> Commonwe~~ 1 r_h . An i 'invoice not to exceed $2.40, 700 wily. bc_~ ~>re:~~~ntc'c1 fc~r th~~ .'Commonwealth's share of the eligible costs of this project ~~upon satisfactory completion of the work and acceptam;e by ;the Commonwealth and will be limited to one-half of the j total eligible cots over $200,000 for the project. 6. Roanoke shall bear any eligible costs necessary for i the completion of the project in excess of the 'Commonwealth's participation and the entirety of any 'ineligible costs. ', 7. `Phe Agreement, when properly executed, stall. be binding upon both parties, their successors, heirs, and ,assigns. 8. This Agreement may be modified in writing by mutual agreement of both parties. i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each part hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate in i.ts name or, its behalf by its duly authorized officer as the dav, month, and ,year first hereinabove written. J ~.. I ATTT=;ST; t' 'TIT.LE; ,1 ~. ~' ~' ~, ATTES`r; i i i Tr`rr_,F: --___._ COMMt)NWEA L'I'tI C)F' V I }ZG I PI I A, DF,PAR'1'MFN`1' OF 'I'f~ANSPi~l~'rA't'[ON LY: Deputy Commissioner Fisr_al Division Legal. Division (vnoT) (vDOT) ----_____ Date ; Date; COUNTY OF ROANOKE I3Y: Fiscal_ Division Legal Division (Roanoke County) (Roanoke County) DA'rr; DATE: A-82587-5 ~ ,. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ;~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Southwest Industrial Park, Industrial Access Funds COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~Z ,,..M. / ~~ ~/ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In December 1986, the Board of Supervisors authorized the staff to apply for Industrial Access Funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for the construction of the road serving the Southwest Industrial Park. In order to receive Industrial Access Funds, a "qualifying" industry or industries must be served by the proposed road. "Qualifying" industries are considered to be manufacturing, processing facilities, or other businesses which represent a definite positive impact upon the economy of the Commonwealth of Virginia. If "qualifying" industries do not exist at the time of con- struction, but are anticipated at a later date, the road can be built with Industrial Access Funds if a city, town or county agrees to post an escrow, in the amount of the construction cost, to be used to reimburse the State if "qualifying" industries are not built within a two-year period. Roanoke County's application for Industrial Access Funds has been denied because of the lack of a "qualifying" industry. The County has the option to enter into an Escrow Agreement and post an escrow account to build the access road. The County also has the option to administer the construction to expedite its completion. The estimated cost of the construction is $128,145. The value of the "qualifying" industries must be $1,281,450 (10 times road construction costs) in order to receive full credit for construction costs. The total value is the sum of the land, building, and equipment values of the industry. FISCAL IMPACT: If the County elects to enter into an Escrow Agreement, it must post an escrow in the amount of $128,145 to be used if "qualifying" industries are not build within two years. If only a portion of the required value of "qualifying" industries build, then Roanoke County must pay the balance from the escrow account. Funds in the amount of $63,000 are available in the Economic Development budget to help cover the escrow amount. An addi- tional $65,145 must be appropriated or a like surety provided. The escrow account must be established at the completion of the road construction. If Roanoke County elects to administer the construction, it will be required to "up front" construction payments. Reimburse- ment from the State will be made periodically during construc- tion. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends: 1. The County Administrator be authorized to enter into an Escrow Agreement approved by the County Attorney. 2. A Letter of Credit be secured in the amount of $65,145 for the escrow account. 3. The $63,000 available in the Economic Development fund be earmarked for the escrow account. 4. The County Administrator be authorized to enter into a County/State Agreement, approved by the County Attor- ney, to entitle Roanoke County to administer the con- struction of the road. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ,~ ~' ~ ~ ~ r Phillip e ry, P. E mer C. Ho ge Director of Engine ing County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Absent Approved (X) Motion by: gob L. Johnson/r,Pe No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett to approve staff Brittle x Received ( ) recommendation Garrett -~ Referred to cc: File Brent Sheffler Phillip Henry John Chambliss Johnson -~- McGr aw -~ Nickens -~T 2 t ITEM NUMBER ~f / --- ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE-- COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUB~T? Appointments to Committees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1• Communit Corrections Resources Board The one-year term of Joseph Cronin expires August 13, 1987. Mr. Cronin is relocating in Lynchburg Virginia and will be unable to serve another term. 2. Court Service Unit Advisor Advisory Board Council/Youth and Famil Services Unexpired two-year term of Mr. Joseph D. Cronin. Mr. term will expire on March 22, 1989. See attached letteroofn s resignation. 3. Grievance Panel Three-year term of Charles L. Jennings' term expires SeptembernlOnglgg~lternate member. Mr. 4• Vir inia Western Communit Colle e Board Four-year term of Sylvia Faw. Her term expired June 30, 1987. Mrs. Faw has served two terms and is not eligible for another appointment. Supervisor Brittle is nominatin Mrs. Her nomination will be confirmed under the Consent AgendaGlontz. Please see the attached for further information on these committees . Submitted By; Yn~ ~ ~~_ Mary H, Allen ~ Deputy Clerk APProved by; County Administrator ~~~~ Elmer C. Hodge APProved ( ~ M ACTION -----------_ Denied ( ~ otion by; --------------------- Received ( ~ VOTE Referred Brittle No Yes Ab To Garrett ----- - Johnson - - ._ McGraw - - Nickens - - ,~ , .i %Jt~t .., ~'. . . June 17, 1987 County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors P• 0• Box 3800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 Attn: Mr. Alan H. Brittle Cave Spring District A Dear Alan: 2310 Langhorne Road P.O. Box 877 Lynchburg, Virginia 24505-0877 (804) 528-1901 As you know, I have recently changed m am now working for Wile Y place of em to y & Wilson, Architects P Yment and in Lynchburg, Virginia. I will continue to resideiin Roaand Planners for the immediate future area, but will eventuall noke County With the commuting time between home and worktbein the L I will not be able to continue to serve as an alternate Ynchburg the Communit g substantial, y Corrections Resources Board or Court ServicelUnit Advisor Council/Youth'and Family Services Advisory Board. Y Thank you very much for of Roanoke. I'm particularing me the opportunity to serve the County with and see the excellent workldonedbto have had the o Van Patten. PPortunity to work Both were of immeasurableyhelp tomme•Phipps and Mrs. Kathryn Very,:~truly, --~ ~-~~ Joseph:%~D, Cronin, ~; ~~~ ,% .Senior Vice Pres~.~ent ,' ..• JDC-lg cc: Piike Lazzuri, Director of Court Services Kathryn Van Patten, Court Communit Robert Johnson, Chairman of the Boardoof actions Program Supervisors f _ ~' J~'u . - Wiley & W;;;on Arch~ic~cts Engineers Planners ..~=- . f"~ COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD A' COMPOSITION: To consist of seven membersaad Section 53.1-183) member from Roanoke Count PPointed as follows: one members from the y% one member from Salem Cit from the Dep Judges in the 23rd Judicial DistrictY~ three artment of Corrections. one member determined by the appointin The term of office shall be year.) g authority (Roanoke c:ounty's is one B' DUTIES; Re felony referrals from the Circuit Co Roanoke City, Roanoke County and the.Cit diversion from state Y urts of penal s stem and to alf Salem for possible C. ~ jails. MEETINGS: Third Tuesda A Y of each month at 4:00 p.m. /-~- ~ r COURT SERVICES UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD A. COMPOSITION Board to consist of. two members from each magisterial district, and one youth -nember from each high school. Governing bodies of each county an~i city served by a court service unit may appoint one or more members to a citizen advisory council. B. DUTIES: Advises and cooperates with the court upon all matters affecting the working of this law and other laws relating to children, their care and protection and to domestic relations; Consults and confer with the court and director of the- court service unit relative to the development and extension of the court service program; Encourage the members selected by the council to serve on ..the central advisory council to visit as' often as the member conveniently can, institutions and associations receiving children under this law and to report to the court the conditions and surroundings of the children received by or in charge of any such persons, institutions or associations. ( ~, The Council should make themselves familiar with the work of the court. Makes an annual report to the court and the participating governing bodies on the work of the council. As the Youth and Family Services Advisory Board: Establish goals and priorities for County-wide youth services; assist in coordination and planning for ,comprehensive youth services within the private sector. Serve in an advisory capacity and to otherwise assist the Board of Supervisors to establish goals and objectives in compliance with all "minimum Standards of the Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act of 1979". Assist in conducting an assessment of the needs of youth every five years and to assist in developing an annual Delinquency Prevention Plan, further to participate in evaluating the implementation of the plan and making a report thereon to the Board of Supervisors. Provide a public forum where concerns about youth may be expressed and to receive recommendations and raise concerns of public and private organizations at any regular advisory board meeting upon proper notice. Advocates necessary legislative amendments to improve community conditions for youth development and to support the development of needed services both public and private for youth in the community. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: One a quarter, the third Tuesday, beginning January; time and place determined at meetings. ~~-~ GRIEVANCE PANEL A. COMPOSITION •, To consist of three (3) members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors; for terms of two years. B . DUTIES ' The panel shall adopt such rules and procedures as it deems necessary and desirable. The panel has the responsibility to rule on .the interpretation, application, and meaning of the ,County's personnel policies, rules and regulations. The panel shall select for each hearing a panel chairman, set a time for the hearing which shall be held as soon as practical, but no later than fifteen (15) full working days after the grievant appeal.. C. MEETING SCHEDIILE The County Administrator shall arrange a hearing with the panel members to hear the grievance. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD A. COMPOSITION: To be as follows: minimum of nine (9) persons, not to exceed fifteen (15) includes at least one (1) person from each political subdivision sponsoring the college. County appointees to consist of three (3) persons. g, DUTIES: ~' 1. Shall perform such duties with respect to the operation of a community college.~~ State ,,:. .ti ~~'' 2. Serve as channels of communication betweenbodies of Board for Community College and governing the local political subdivisions., 3.~ Shall participate~~Sis~~ andhtheeStateoBoard of Community Colleg Y Community Colleges in theofethetcommunitYucollegend removal of the president 4. Responsible for eliciting community participation in and development establishing local program planning ro rams citizens' advisory committee~heoappointmentsdof all and curricula and approving" members of these committees. 5. Shall review all new curricular proposals for the community college. 6. Shall oversee the development and evaluations of the community service program for the community college. '7. Shall review and make repo asaltforsthencommungtyhe biennial budget programthe college president. college as prepared by 8. Shall review and approve a for the community college president. 9. Responsible prepared by of revenues enterprises, detailed local funds budget as prepared by the college for the review and approval of a budget the college president for the expenditure from vending commissions and auxfundry including the student activity 10. Responsible for review~eSidentrssresponset reviewing the college p reports of audit. and for to those r 1 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARDANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON AT HELD AT THE RO 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 , p,pPROVING AND RESOLUTION N0. ______- CONCURRING DNOFESUPERVISORS AGENDARTH ON THE BOAR FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That that certain section of the agenda of the - f Su ervisors for August 25, 1987, designated as Item J Board o P enda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to Consent Ag se arately set forth in said section designated Items 1 each item P through 8, inclusive, as follows: - July 28, 1987 1, Minutes of Meeting 2, Request for approval for a Raffle PermiSalem the American Business Women's Association, Charter Chapter. 3, Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the Cherokee Hills Women s Club. tance of Water and Sewer Facilities serving 4, Accep Branderwood, Section 2. 5. Confirmation of Appointment to the Grievance Panel. tance of Willow Spring Road into the 6, Accep Secondary System. 7, Acceptance of a well lot - Penn Forest Section 17. g, Request for approval for a Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring PTSA. 2, That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized ed where required by law to set forth upon any of said and direct ,~/ - ~3 items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. . ; AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 RESOLUTION N0. 82587-6 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for August 25, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - July 28, 1987 2. Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the American Business Women's Association, Salem Charter Chapter. 3. Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the Cherokee Hills Women's Club. 4. Acceptance of Water and Sewer Facilities serving Branderwood, Section 2. 5. Confirmation of Appointment to the Grievance Panel. 6. Acceptance of Willow Spring Road into the Secondary System. 7. Acceptance of a well lot - Penn Forest Section 17. 8~. Request for approval for a Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring PTSA. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 8/26/87 cc: File Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Arnold Covey, Director of Development Review - . ~ July 28, 1987 ~J / ~3 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 July 28, 1987 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of RoanokE County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday, and th second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of July, 1987. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:0 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Lee Garrett, Supervisors Alan H. Brittle, Steven A. McGraw MEMBERS ABSENT; Supervisor Harry C. Nickens STAFF PRESENT: John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Public Facilities; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk; Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning; Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering; Stephen Carpenter, Director of Parks &~ p~3~ July 28, 1987 _. Recreation; Gardner Smith; Director of General Services; Clifford Craig; Director of Utilities; John Willey; Real Estate Assessor RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Bishop Wayne Ayers, Church f Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Pledge of Allegiance ~s recited by all present. T RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS I Chairman Johnson announced that County Administrator lmer Hodge was ill and unable to attend the meeting. RE: NEW BUSINESS II 1. Re ort on Draina a Maintenance Pro'ects: pirector of Engineering Phillip Henry stated this was a followu ~eport from previous meetings to inform the Board members p of the chedule of the ma .ntenance crew and the projects that area planned for the next. few months. ~ The staff feels that the maintenance crew can be utilized by maintenance related projects rather ' ~ than larger I~onstruction projects. Mr. Henr ,; y presented a list of projects ~~ u II -r-• ~..r' _ J~ July 28, 1987 __ __ tl ~'_~ ~ that the maintenance crF~w would be working on. They include the Leisure Arts building, Ro1te 460 West, Jae Valley Road, Vauxhall and Bower Road, 5322 Grindin Road Extension, South Park Circle and Willowlawn, and Palm Valley Drive. Mr. Henry reviewed what the crew will be doing in these areas. The staff requested input from the Board members of specific concerns that they are aware, and the staff will be reviewing their files for specific drainage complaints. On September 8, 1987, these problems will be discussed in a work session. Also, the staff will be schedulin g public meeting during the next several months to request input from residents on drainage problems and concerns. Supervisor Johnson requested that each individual board member be included in public meetings in his district. He pointed out that in some instances these meetings could be held in conjunction with civic league meetings. IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Mr. Mahoney announced he would be bringing a draft ordinance to the board meeting which would establish service cater and sewer deposits. He will discuss this with the individual board members prior to the public hearing. ~0~4 July 28, 1987 --- __- -- ___. IN RE: APPOINTMENTS _/ .. __.,_ i Communit Corrections Resources Board: Supervisor Brittle nominated Bernard Hairston to serve another one-year term. Mr. Hairston's term will expires on August 13, 1988. ~IIN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Johnson directed that a policy be established that all work session and board reports that a re longer than two pages be numbered, and requested the Deputy Clerk to see that this policy is adhered to. I :N RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Supervisor,Garrett, and carried by the following recorded vote: ?AYES: Supervisors Brii~tle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson JAYS: None BSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION NO. 72887-]. APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTA EMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA (~ ` July 28, 1987 __ _ __ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, as folle~as: 1 • That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 28, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as tc each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1• Minutes of Meeting - June 23, 1987 2• Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.22 Miles of Ashton Lane. 3• Request for Acceptance into the Secondary Road System of 0.30 miles of Highfield Farm Trail. 4. Request for Acceptance of Water lines serving Huntridge Section One. 5. Request for County Administrator to execute the necessary documents to acquire easements for th Lock Haven and Bell Haven water system. 6• Request for authorization to accept renewal of the Victim-Witness Assistance Grant. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorizes and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of saic items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant tc this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Barrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson o~~ July 28, 1987 __1~- _ __._____ __ _ __ __ 'jNAYS: None (ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 72887-1.c REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF ASHTON LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Ashton Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Waterfall Lake, Section 2 which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 321 of the records of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 9, 1985 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers nor consent or donation of ri ht-of-wa '~ g y from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said sight-of-way for drainage. 3 • That said road known as Ashton Lane I~ and which is shown II ~n a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the~~ ame is hereby established as public road to become a part of the ; ___- P ._ ---. --~ n .__ El t] July 28, 1987 ~ -/ State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only fro and after notification of official acceptance of said street o highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by S uperviso Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 72887-1.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF HIGHFIELD FARM TRAIL INTO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, as follows: 1• That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Highfield Farr Trail to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System o~ State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2• That it appears to the Board that drainage easement and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofor deed dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as Highfield Far Estate, Sections 1 and 2 Subdivision which maps were reco rded i Plat Book 9, Pages 343 and Plat Book 10, Page 16 of the record of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Count Vir inia y' 9 on, November 21, 1985 and July 16, 1986 and that b reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board o ~ ~3 ~ July 28, 1987 - --------- -- - _. _ _ - __ _ __ ------_- viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the p y butting pro ert owners is necessar Y • The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. ~I 3• That said road known as Highfield Farm Trail and whicr is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be nd the same is hereb established as a , y public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Count only from and after notification of official acceptance of say' street or highway b id y the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by S upervisor Barrett, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson AYS: None I BSENT; Supervisor Nickens RE: REPORTS The following reports were received and filed. 1. Development Data Report - Second Quarter 1987 2. Economic Development Activities, May, June 1987 3. Accouarts Paid for the month of June 1987 _------. N RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION u July 28, 1987 _ At 3:25 p.m. Su ervisor Johnson moved to p go int Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a~ ~ 4 ~ to discuss the locati~~n of a perspective business or industry; and (6) to discuss a legal matter concerning the cabl TV franchise. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle, an carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: OPEN SESSION Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Open Session. Th motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried following recorded vote: by th AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : Non e ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: RECESS At 5:00 p.m. Chairman Johnson declared a dinner recess. . p 4 ~3 IN RE: CALL TO ORDER July 28, 1987 -~ I At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Johnson called the meeting back tc lorder. ~IIN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1• Ordinance and Public Hearin a rovin the a reement between the Cit of Salem and the Count of Roanoke re ardin annexation of certain territories of Roanoke Count : County Attorney Paul Mahoney announced that this item is also a public hearing and had been advertised as such, even though it was not listed on the agenda under Public Hearings. Supervisor McGraw moved that the first reading also serve as the public hearin g. The motion was carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Nickens being absent. Mr. Mahoney advised that the County entered into an agreement with the City of Salem to resolve several petition annexation cases. In May 1987, both localities end orsed thei agreement to resolve the litigation. The Commission on Local Il Government has also approved the agreement. The next ste is i i P the public hearing and adoption of the ordinance. The second readin II g ii of the ordinance is scheduled for August 11, 1987. The next ste i~ will be to take this a P pproved ordinance and Salem's a ~~ pproved L July 28, 1987 -~;-- _ ` ~' II __ - _ --- ----- -------- - -- -- ordinance to the three-judge Panel who will a and resolve the PProve the ordinanc matter. No citizens were present to speak to this ordinance. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading o the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the followin g recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 2• Ordinance authorizin water the ac uisition of certain s stems: Mr. Mahone 14, 1987 Y reminded the Board that at the Jul meeting, the Board a pproved the acquisition of fivE private water systems and the fundin acquisitions, g options for these The Charter requires first and second readin an ordinance to acquire real estate 9 of water s and acquisition of these ystems will include real estate. No citizens were present to speak to this ordinance. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading of this ordinance. The motion was seconded b I and carried b Y Supervisor McGraw, Y the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS ; Non e ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 0 4.2 July 28, 1987 ---- ~ -/ __ _. __ _ _~ _ ------- _ 3. Ordinance Vacatin the Plat of the Rams ate Court Subdivision: Mr. Mahoney advised that this matter wa: I 'discussed at the June 23, 1987 meeting. The staff had I hoped tc ,handle this matter administratively, but could not do so. The petitioner is seeking vacation of an existing subdivision. This matter is also listed under Public Hearing 787-1, but will be discussed at this time. Richard Padgett, attorney for the petitioners was present. Mr, Padgett explained that he represented Jerry W. and Janat L. Bush who have filed a petition asking for vacation of this subdivision which is located at the Franklin County and Roanoke County Line. There is one owner in the subdivision. This lot sits off the state maintained road. The roads have been dedicated to the County but never developed. Mr. Padgett stated that his clients are willing to guarantee the owner access to his property. None of the property has been developed. The owners ~f the property were notified of the public hearing by certified rail. Supervisor Johnson asked Mr. Mahoney how the Board could legally guarantee that the owners of the one lot would have access to their property, Mr. Mahoney responded that the Board's action in the vacation would still guarantee access to the one _ot that had been sold, Supervisor Brittle asked Mr. Padgett I chat action was taken on the property in Franklin County, Mr. I; () July 28, 1987 ~- Padgett responded that this property was vacated ago, several years) No citizens were present to speak to this matter, Supervisor Brittle moved to approve first readin ordinance. 9 of the The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw carried by the following recorded vote: ~ and AYES: Supervisors Brittle Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 4• Ordinance amendin Cha ter 22 of the 1985 Roanoke Count Code "Water" establishin certain re uirements for the constructin and testin of wells for ublic water su lies: Mr. Mahoney stated this P pro osed ordinance allows a more stringent well-testin g methodology to prevent future watery systems with marginal water supplies, No citizens w ere present'~+ to speak to this proposed ordinance, Supervisor Johnson moved ~! the ordinance, tO approve the first readin The motion was seconded b g ofl' and carried b y Supervisor Garrett I y the followin ' ~I g recorded vote: ;~ AYES: Supervisors Brittle ~ Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 5• Ordinance amendin ( and reenactin the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance to revise the Flood lain Ordinance: 044 July 28, 1987 _..' 1 __ _ _ __. Mr. Mahoney stated this ordinance is being proposed as a resu of the drainage work session on June 9, 1987. 1 'optional change which will lessen the dama i This is a g ng effects o ~floodinq in flood prone areas not designated as either flood or flood frin e. wad 9 This matter is also listed as a public hearinc_ under 787-7. The Planning Commission reviewed and held a hearing on this issue on July 7, 1987. Public The second reading will be August 11, 1987. No citizens were present to speak to this ordinance. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw carried by the following recorded vote: ~ and AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 6• Ordinance i I la w D 3' amendin and reenactin the Roanoke ~ount Zonin Ordinance and the Roanoke Count Subdivisio )rdinance to ado t n the Vir inia De artment of Trans ortation )raina a Manual and Road and Brid a Standards and ~pecifications_ Mr. Mahoney advised that this ordinance i lso an outgrowth of the drainage work session. The ordina s ill incorporate the requirements included under the Vir lnce °partment of Highways' Drainage Manual and the Road a g nia _andards Specification, nd Bridge This is also listed as a public hearin I gl t n EI ~~ July 28, 1987 - -__ -- _ - _. ~~ (~ 4 under 787-8, and was heard by the Planning Commission on July 7 1987. The second readin will bc~ g held August 11, 1987. N citizens were present to speak on t~is matter. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading o7 the ordinance. The motion was. seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Co 7~ Ordinance amendin Cha ter 21 of the 1971 Roanoke unt Code Zonin and A endix A of the 1985 Count Code b addin certain rovisions mandated b the Federal Emer enc Mana ement A enc to wit: Definitions of "Lowest Floor" "Manufactured Home ~ " "Manufactured Home Park Subdivision and "Start of Construction"; and Re uirement that the Zonin Administrator obtain information re ardin elevation and other flood-related factors before issuin a Zonin Permit: Mr. Mahoney reported this is also an ordinance arising from the June 9th drainage study and is an amendment to the floodplain regulations. They are modifications that are mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and are imposed upon all Local governments and throu h the local g government to the :itizens. This ordinance is also listed as Public Hearin 787- ,nd was heard by the Planning Commission, g 6 The first reading and ~~ i~ ~~ ~n (~ 4 July 28, 1987 - - -- - __ --- - -- - - ---_ -- - . __ --- _ __ -- --- _-- .. ,r (public hearing is this date, and the second reading will be hel on August 11, 1987. No citizens were present to speak on thi: proposed ordinance. ' Supervisor Johnson asked if this would allow those citizens to continue to receive flood insurance, and would th' allow additional residents out of the 100 is to receive flood insurance. Mr. Henry res ondedyear flood plain p that anyone may buy flood insurance, but the insurance is only good if the fl is a result of a stream, river, etc. that overflows, ood Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded b p y Su ervisor McGraw, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: .Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson JAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens :N RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 87-1 PETITION OF JERRY W. L. BUSH TO VACATE PLATSOF RAMSGATE COURT SUBDIVISION This petition was hear under First Reading of Ordinance, umber 1, and was approved b a Y unanimous recorded vote. The Final Order will be approved following Second Reading on Au 11, 1987. gust 31 ~i 04 July 28, 1987 _. _T- _ ~I '. _._ _.. _.. ____.._._..._...,._______-_---_.-_-___--___.~ .. _____-_ 787-2 PETITION OF FRANK RADFORD TO REZONE A 0.9313 ACRE TRACT FROM R-1, RESIDENTIAL TO B-2, BUSINESS TO CONSTRUCT A CONVENIENCE STORE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST INTERSECTION OF PETERS CREEK ROAD AND WOODHAVEN ROAD IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. DENIED Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning, presented the staff report, and reported that the purpose of this rezoning is to construct a Hop-In convenience store and gasoline sales. The Planning Commission heard this on June 2, 1987 and it was continued until July 7, 1987. Mr. Stalzer stated that the positive aspects of this request were the site layout, the changes that were made between the two public hearings, the screening and landscaping. The negative aspects were plans for the existing pond on the property and drainage. The Plannin Commission recommended a 9 pproval. i' Burton Arnold, attorney for the petitioner, advised thel Board that subsequent to the Planning Commission I~ hearing in June,, i~ the petitioner met with the staff to discuss the issues in thel staff report and try to make changes that would be beneficial. The site plan the architecture of the buildin g, and agreement by Hop-In food stores to build a facility that will be compatible ~vith the surrounding were all proffered. The installation of the gasoline pumps and storage facilities have been proffered as to ~~ p 4 July 28, 1987 the type of storage and monitoring that will be on the site. Mr Arnold stated that Frank Caldwell from T. P, parker was presen~ ~~to answer questions concerning traffic and draina e. II g StevE ~iHawley who represents the company that will install the gasolinE storage facilities, and Peter Supernaut, the real estate manager for Hop-In Food stores, were also present. Mr. Arnold pointed out that the income to the County f rom this rezoning will be over $11,000 per year and that the proposed use of the property is compatible with the transitional designation. Mr. Caldwell described the plans for the traffic and entrances from the site layout. He advised there will be construction of a turn lane on Peters Creek Road which will benefit the site and all traffic on Peters Creek Road. They will attempt to provide additional fire hydrants. According to their investigation the runoff will decrease after construction. The Project should not adversely affect drainage in the area. Supervisor Johnson asked if Mr. Caldwell was aware tha t this is a dangerous intersection and that the Highway Departmenty has plans to take the slope off the hill. Mr. Caldwell responded that he had dis~~ussed this with the Highway Department and there is space on the property to give to the them for this purpose. Supervisor Johnson also stated he was concerned about springs and iquifer with the storage facility and asked if springs fed the .~ ll `~ July 28, 1987 -- -- ~, -- / II pond. Mr. Caldwell answered that he understands springs feed thl pond, and before they proceed with final design they will get soil report. Hop In will al:~;o install "state of the art' monitoring systems for the gasoline facilities. Supervisor Brittle asked if some part of the pond wil remain while part of it will be filled in. Mr. Caldwel responded that was correct. Mr. Caldwell felt the existin drainage structures under Peters Creek road could be expanded t handle the drainage. Supervisor Johnson pointed out tha eventually this drainage would drain into Palm Valley Drive, which already is experiencing drainage problems. Superviso Brittle asked if the pond water level came up during heavy rains Mr. Caldwell responded that without a gauge, they could not tel the extent of the water level raising. According to the owner, the pond did not increase substantially during the 1985 flood. The owner of the property was present to describe the effects o the 1985 flood to the pond. Speaking in opposition to the proposed rezoning wer Mr. Orrie E. Lee and Mr s. Nellie C. Lee, 6616 Wendover Road N. W. Mr. Lee presented a petition from area residents who were oppose to the rezoning. They were also concerned about the trash, bee cans, and traffic that would result from a Hop-In at tha location. t 0 _ July 28, 1987 ___ Supervisor Johnson moved to deny the petition because o his concern over the placement of fuel storage tanks o ~a uifer and his feelin ver a q g that this is not the ~~a convenience store. Proper location fog The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None IIABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 1787-3 PETITION OF REGION PROPERTIES INC. TO REZONE A PORTION OF A 0.68 ACRE TRACT FROM R-1, RESIDENTIAL TO B-2 BUSINESS TO CONSTRUCT A DIRECTIONAL SIGN LOCATED IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 221 AND ROUTE 907 IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS s t la s w Mr. Stalzer advised that this is a conditional request to 'ezone a portion of property for lacement of a si n P 9 advertising he a vaila bility of homes being constructed and sold pplicant. The sign is 10 ft, by the x 5 ft. The proffer of conditions pecifies that the only use is for the directional si n a ill be removed in t'~ree g nd it years . sponsor a rezoning back to R-1. r~roffers attached to this request. At that time, the applicant will Mr. Stalzer reviewed the other fl 11 OJ July 28, 1987' -~ -- Steve Strauss was present to represent Region Properties. He announced they were making two changes. One would Chan e t direction of the arrow, and the si3n will be moved sli htl g he No one was present to s g y. peak to the petition. Supervisor Brittle moved to grant the petition. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and carried b following recorded vote: Y the AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS : None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Ma s as Parcel 86.12-2-13 and recorded in Deed Book 764, Page 179 and legally described below be rezoned from R-1 District to B-2I District with conditions. I BEGINNING at a point, common corner to the present property of Otho Mills and the property of Ellen G. Atkinson where the same joins on the easterly side of U. S. Route 221, thence along and with the present Mills' property, N. 480 30' E. 45.5 ft, to a point; thence 75 0 00' E. 66 ft, to a point; thence S. 730 30' E, thence S, 063 ft . to a point; point; thence S45 0' 70.5 ft, to a to a line on the property reserved by the said Ellen G. Atkinson and shown on the attached map; thence a ,,0~~2 July 28, 1987 ,,,~% °-/ new line N. 670 E. 42.2 ft. to a point on the westerly side of Va. Sec. Rt. No. 907; thence with the line of same N. 21' 00' W. 358 ft. to a point; thence N. 460 45' W. 22 ft. to a point on the confluence of St. Route No. 907 and U. S. Rte. 221;thence with the easterly line of U. S. Rt. 221 the following courses and distances: S. 360 10' W. 120.8 ft to a concrete monument; S. 340 36' W. 36 ft. to a concrete monument; S. 320 15' W. 113 ft, to the point of BEGINNING .AND BEING a portion of the property acquired by Denver L. Atkinson and Ellen G. Atkinson, by deed from Y. R. Bradley, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 436, page 248, this property having been acquired by them as tenants by the entirety, and Denver L. Atkinson having died October 12, 1954. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED That a copy of this order by transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map ~f Roanoke County. PROFFER OF 'CONDITIONS The land we are requesting to be rezoned to B-2 will be used for the purpose of erecting direction signage. This signage ,will be removed within three (3) years from date of rezoning. The size of the sign will be no larger than 5 x 10 ~ ' The land j use will remain as its present use under R-1 zoning with the! ii ~i it it t_~ t_ July 28, 1987 ~_ / _- ----- exception of the B-2 zoning which will allow for the use of th above sign only. There will be no lights on the sign. Shrubber will be placed around the sign poles. The sign and shrubber will be maintained by Region Properties, Inc. The sign will b designed and built according to the submitted art work. At th end of the three (3) year period when the sign is removed, Regio Properties will rezone the tract back to R-1. 787-4 PETITION OF JOHN A. HALL & COMPANY, INC. TO REZONE A 11.72 ACRE TRACT FROM A-1, AGRICULTURAL TO M-2 INDUSTRIAL TO OPERATE A TRUCK REPAIR AND STORAGE BUSINESS, LOCATED SOUTH OF THE TERMINUS OF ROUTE 778 IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. APPROVED WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS Mr. Stalzer reported this was a conditional request t construct and operate a facility for the repair and storage o trucks. The existing structure on the property will probably b expanded for this use. Petitioners have used this property ha. an asphalt processing plant from 1971 to 1983, and the Planning Commission stated this use was not in conformity with the zoning ordinance. Surrounding this property is an explosives plant, former landfill, and an abandoned quarry. There are profferec conditions and the Planning Commission recommended approval. ;.054 July 28, 1987 John Hall was present to request the rezoning. H. outlined his plans for the proposed business. No one was present to speak in opposition. Supervisor McGraw asked Mr. Stalzer why the Plannin5 Commission approved the request when it is not compatible with the land use plan. Mr. Stalzer responded that this area is primarily designated rural village for rural residential uses. However, with .the surrounding businesses in the area now, the Planning Commission felt this would be a good choice for the property. Supervisor McGraw moved to"approve-the petition with 'proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the .aforementioned parcel of land,-which is contained in the Roanoke County tax Maps is Parcel 63.00-1-12 and recorded in Deed .Book 887 page 133 and Legally described below, be rezoned from A-1, Agricultural District to M-2 Industrial District with proffered conditions. BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Virginia Secondary Route 778 at its northern terminus, l 5 July 28, 198 _ -.. approximatel~~ one mile north of Dixie Caverns, at which beginning point is as shown on that certain C a kePrepar~,d by Randolph T. C.L.S., a copy of which is recorded in Dead Book 814, page 64, reference being thereto made; thence from said beginning point followin 9 a wire fence. along the southerly line o~f the E. C. Hill inch t ~ S . 30'0 W• 532 feet to a 15 poplar, the same being corner to the R. C. Brown tract as recorded in Deed Book 474, a t page 205 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia;thence along said Brown tract, N. 51 0 30'W 290.2 feet to a point, thence still with the fence, W. 500 10'W and along the Brown and Motley tract, 635 feet to a wire fence corner, same being common corner to Motley and Atlas Chemical Co. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order b transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission an he be directed to reflect that change on the official d tha of Roanoke County, zoning mad PROFFER OF CONDITIONS This parcel shall only be used for truck repairs an storage, 787-5 PETITION OF STEPHEN M. REZONE A 0.87 ACRE PARCEL FROM R-3O RESIDENTIAL TO B-1, BUSINESS TO OPERATE AN EDITORIAL OFFICE, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST INTERSECTION OF HUNTING HILLS DRIVE .~~6 July 28, 1987 ~~~ / - . ~ --. ---------- _ _ ... _._ .___ - - ---------- ---- AND STARREY ROAD IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. APPROVED WITH PROFFER OF CONDITIONS Supervisor Brittle announced that he would abstainll Erom this vote. Mr. Stalzer reported this was a conditional request to convert an existing vacant single family resident to an editorial office for religious publications. The only weakness was the design of the entrance off Starkey Road as opposed to Hunting Hills Drive, but there is a valid reason for this. The Planning Commission recommended approval with proffered conditions. No one was present to speak in opposition. Attorney Ed Natt represented the petitioner and stated that Mr. Wike was in the religious publishing business and the purpose is to utilize the building as his office. There will be no printing in the office. There are three employees. The petitioner would like to use the entrance on Hunting Hills Drive but must first receive the consent or obtain a perpetual easement to do that. They will put the entrance on Hunting Hills Drive if they are successful. Supervisor Joh,.ison moved to grant the petition. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Johnson NAYS: None 4~ ~ `~ ~" 19 8 7 `~ ~- July 28- _ ABSTAIN: Supervisor Brittle ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens FI DIAL ORDER T ORDERED that the aforementione BE I Map THEREFORE e County Tax NOW- the Roanok which is contained in below, be rezone parcel of land described 1_17 and legally with th parcel #87.01- B-l, as to Business District, from Residential District R-3 proffered conditions. . on Starkey ,87 acre parcel situate S ring within the Cave P Road, S. W• and recorded Magisterial District, 1_17 in the as parcel No. 87.07- Roanoke County Tax Records. Su ervisor Johnson and a unanimou ADOPTED on motion of P recorded vote. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS withou structure will be utilized 1. The existing will work with the adjoinin enlargement. That the Petitioner Hills Drive 2• onto Hunting access sucl in an effort to obtain to obtain landowner roperty• If efforts to the P lan will be i for the entrance and parking P the driveway Marti n unsuccessful, repared by Ronald access are la n P accordance with the site P Architect, submitted herewith. 0.58 July 28, 1987 _. j v,, .. 3• That there will be no the business o Printing in connection wit peration. 4. be larger than twenty four (24) square feet. the property will no 787-6 PETITION OF BOARD OF THE ROANORE COUNTY SUPERVISORS TO AMEND THE ROANORE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. SPECIAL PUBLIC INTE REGULATIONS, FLOODPLAINS E IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANDATED BY THE FEDERAL, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY TO P U B L I C H E A L T H PROTECT THE WELFARE . ~ S A F E T Y A N D This item was heard under First Readin Ordinances. 9 of 787-7 PETITION OF ROANORE COUNTY SUPERVISORS TO AMEND APPENDIX A 0 F THE ROANORE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE BI' REDISING THE DEFINITION OF APPROXIMATED FLOODpLAINS TO INCLUDE DRAINAGE AREAS THAT EXCEED 100 ACRES IN AREA. I Ordinances- This item was heard under First Reading o 787-8 PETITION OF THE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REENACT TgE ~2Oly RON RON g TO AMEND AND ORDINANCE ANr~ COUNTY ZONING SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY ADOPTIN Y THE VA. DEPT- OF TRANSPORTATION DRAINAGE MANUAL AND ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Ordinances, This items was heard under First Reading o That the sign constructed on ._ ~ 5 ~: July 28, 1987 ..~~ IN RE: CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mrs . Gene Curl7ow, 3637 Kentland Drive was present t request an update on the drainage solutions in Windsor West •Director of Engineering Phillip Henry responded with the plan for that area. Chairman Johnson directed that the Deputy Clerk sen~ letters to residents in the Windsor West and Palm Valley area; with updates on the drainage. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 8:40 p.m., Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting. Bob L. Johnson, Chairman .~~ III A-82587-6.a ~, ITEM NUMBER ..J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the American Business Women's Assoc., Salem Charter Chapter COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Salem Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association has requested a Raffle Permit. This application has been reviewed by the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Abse Approved ( ~ Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee No Yes At Denied ( ) Garrett Brittle Received ( ) J Referred To Garrett ~ _ Johnson x _ McGraw ~ _ Nickens ~_ cc: File Bingo File s" ~ ~~ -. ~, COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et, seq. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. ses. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grac:t or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violatinq county or state regulations concernir.q_ these permits shall be guilty or" a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any ,part of the gross receipts from bingo or raff.l_es for any purpose other than the I_awf~,~l religious, charitable, ca:nmunity, or •educ~~tional purr~nses r;~: whi•~~h th? organizati.c>n .s specifi-• cally organized, ?xceE~t F;:r r;,.;sor•:~a;..,.~ op`rat ing ex;.~~~:,s~~s, sha 11 . be guilty of a Class 6 :_e~ c,, THIS APPLICATION IS F~'?R: ( ch~.c}; o;;;~ } RAFFLE PERMIT x BINGO G~'~MES Name of Organization SALEM CHARTER CHAPTER Street Address ~ G'. ~ x ~~ / -s~~.~~~ ~ l !<'4 i n~i ~ ~~~/~.~ --~7~>/ Mailing Address c/o Deborah Garrett Route 1, Box 464 City, State, Zip Code Elliston, Va 24087 Purpose and Type of Organization Promote the Professional, Educational, Cultural, and Social Advancement of All Business Women. When was the organization founded? 1977 Salam Charter Chapter of ABWA 1949 National ABWA 1 _.~ ~ . ~J ~, Roanoke County meeting place? Holiday Inn-Salem Exit 40 I-81 Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES x NO Is the organization non-profit? YES x NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # 54-1180999 Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President: Kathleen Rushing Vice-President Martha Ferrell Address• 4180 West Main St_ Salem, Va. 24153 Address: 6213 NP; ~ r;,-~io Roanoke, Va. 24019 Secretary: Rita Young Treasurer: Janice Lee Address: 5143 Wipledale Ave. Address: 1301 Goodwin Ave. Roanoke, Va. 24019 Salem, Va. 24153 Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name Deborah Garrett Home Address Route 1 Box 464 Elliston Va. 24087 Phone 268-2978 Bus. Phone 342-1034 A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATIOIV~. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. Holiday Inn - Salem - I-81 Exit 40 I i RAFFLES: Date of Drawin g Time of Drawing 7 ; 30 p.m. 12 Drawings 2nd Tue of each Month beginning December 1987-Nov. 1988 BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday From To Monday From To Tuesday From To Wednesday From To Thursday From_ To Friday From To Saturday From To 2 BINGO: Complete the following: ~~'"" Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? Yes 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? Yes 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? Yes 3 -~ 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? Yes 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? Yes 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? Yes 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? Yes 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? Yes 10.•Does your organization understand that this permit is valiG only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, a;,~ to such dates, as are designated in the permit application? Yes 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been ,~ member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, ope:-a- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? Yes J 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? Yes 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? Yes 4 ~ .. ~. 14. Has your ship to this list of its member- our organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this 15. Has y application form? Yes t from property taxa- ~ 16. Has the organization been declared exemp • tion under the Virginia Constitution or statute ersonal property, ~+ If yes, state whether exemption is for real, p or both and identify exempt property. l~. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. Dinner meetings - ----~_.,.,+-,r.n_~r+*' '~ } ° ~ ~ »rint,c nY_Qlects 1LlV ll 1111 ~ `~~- .,,- ~c-holarship fund. 198 s Angeles. ~ 18. Is this organization incorpoStered1Agentginia? No ' If ves, name and address of Reg Oct. ~ 19. Is the organization registeres wursuantVtogtheaCharitable of Agriculture and Consumer Affair p Solicitations Act, Sectionlstra8ion.)he See attach d letter. (If~so, attach copy of reg x Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration b the Virginia Department of Agri exemutionna, ~c,i~~:~,umer Affairs? y No (If so, attach copy of p ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIB D TO NOTARI ATIONlo dE RYFi~~Ei,, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEE tion Fair Market Value Article Descrip $1200 $100 per drawing for 12 months beginning December 1987-Encing November 1988. (Only 300 tickets will ballvdonabionsoindbyathenend ofcNovemberpl987. fund. We plan to have Each donor will be eligible for the drawings.) organization attached a complete application form? Yes 5 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE~f~ NOTARIZATION ~--~-`~ RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. Does your organization understann two calendarodays in hany '~ 20 • uently tha not be conducted more freq calendar week? wired to keep ,~ 21. Does your organization undametaThesearecords based on §18.2- complete records of the bingo g 40.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Co e 3 must include the following: uantity, and card value of instant X a. A record of the date, q and written bingo supplies purchased, as well as the naliesnd address o the supplier of such insta uirednforseach purchase of in- invoice or receipt is also req stant bingo supplies? record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, ~ b' A eo le in attendance on each date, and the the number of p p rizes on each day? amount of receipts and p ears. ) (These records must be retained for three y A record of the Wane and addrisB°ngoagamedprizeaor jackpot '~ c' regular or specia door prize, o is awarded? from the playing of Bing the quarterly and d. A complete and itemized re t a °eeawith Ceipts and dis ursds '~ ort, and tha 9 •ments which suPP aired to be filed, and that these recor annual reports req ermit audit? must be maintained in reasonable order to p o may only k~ 22. Does your organization understand that i amenisBingprogress, be conducted at such time as regular Bingo g 1 at such locations and at such times as are specified in and on y this application? is in Does your organization understand that the gross receip ,~23 orting year from the playing of instant Bingo the course of a rep Toss receipts of an organization s may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the g Bingo operation? es our organization understand it may not sell an instant x•24. po y ears of age? Bingo card to an individual below sixteen y oes our organi nation understaiQnsh that exceedz orl are hexe Y25. D y erat gross receipts from a11000nin any calendar year shall have been pected to exceed $75~ ursuant to Section 501 C of the United granted tax-exempt status p States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 6 .,,g, "~ ~ 2(. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- !.' pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? ' 27~ Drchandiseovaluedainoexcese ofnthehfollow Ingo amounts Dare or me illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. NOTARIZATION: TAE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or aff:~rm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §lare true to theebest of mynknowl dge,a information band statements beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Rt 1 Box 464 Elliston, VA. 24087 Ways & Means Chairman Name Title Home Address 19 Subscribed and sworn before me, this day of My commission expires: 19 RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: Notary Public COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE p.O. Box 3900 Roanoke, VA 24015 7 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED ~ C The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. ~ / Date JCommission r of th even e The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 8 z 0 H H H U O z O (!) W 2 H N a Ca U H a w W H a x U •• a ~ w a H W a ~ x w U ~ W a M ~y N ~ k O N U ~ 3 1O ~~~ ~ ~~~ }.~ N I r~jri~`I ~N ~ p ~ N M 00 . Od' N~ 1 U a N ~ M . °~ ~~ ~ .. ~~ W t~~ s~~U x ~ N ~~ao ~~ O O a U I ~ ~ ~ r...l p .rl o~ x N ~ a ~ ~+•+ ~ °a°aw]°co~w k s~ rd cd a 0 .r{ RS z s~ U .,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N rn~ a N rnM ~ rl o I ~ ~ (a MN •.•~ 1 00 00 Vac^ ~rrnr H Q-n Ooo I G4 •rl .-i r-~I ri r (-~ td d' O a~ N U O A .. ~ ~ .A~ ~~U ~~~~wa~~ aU ~~ N•rIM (,~ M r•~i L1+~+ w ~~cnwxo~ G ~ ~ U ~ Z U O .r., ~+ o ai ~ ao M ~ .,~ ~n I .~~U I r~ A ~ ~ ~p M r d' ~ ~ I Cn rd N '"~ M • M O rd ' W~~ ~~U w Z O 0 a U N W ~ ~+ ~ ~ •r•1 00 o~o~owA ~~,awxoa~ a~ b w O .-. O ~ ~ N ~ d~ w ~ U N ~ .r O H ~ ~ r cr'1 x ,~ N ao 1 ~~~ W ~ ~ I r Ul OM NrnMr O ~~ ~0D r ~ M ~ ~ rl 'd' S-I •• .ONH N a ~, .. a~ vxiu~ ~~wv ~ N ~ oa v i ~W °i a~~rn w w~viwxow ~ ~ U ~ O ~ H ~ ~ r, fd tf1 I ~ •r-I ~t1 r+ lf1N ~ i ~~ •r'I 00 O~ 00 ~ ~ ~ I ~ N M ~w~ ,~ ~ °' ~ O .. ~ N O U a~~..~~ w .-I Ri o a •- w •.~ O .s~ ~ oNoa~;' W.~ $~ ~•rlr ~ O~ ~ OwA ~av,wxoa~ O U .,~ U .,~ U ~+ 3 0 ~ U . ~ N ~r O~ r+ I U~~ O~~ z~NxMl lfl H ~ ~ N O .g w OU 2 .OC N b ~ .. ~~x a~w I U~ ~ ~ ~M ~~aaxww a 0 a~ w N 1~ .,•I OD N ~ ~ ~M~ ,~ O ~D o ~, a ~ I A or • I ao r H 1~ M la r c~ r 3 ~ 41 ~ I ~] f~ r•1 ~i M .. ~ Had' 3 NO ~ ~~ ~~ac~ . ~o, . ~, a a~ I U ~ Hd' N~ ~•rlr-1 ~N~~pwA A~u,wxor~ _~_._ - return on FO oposed file an income tax recant or p tax. You must of your p 513. sub~eot to this whether any Code section Code. If you are we are not determininB defined in In this letter business as no ei~ployeas. 990-T. are unrelated trade or if you have a number activities number even on your application. employer identif~e twas not entered Please use that n~-,nbec on you need an dyised of it• Revanue Service. er identificationo ill be a with the Internal If an employ to you and Y ondence be assigned in all corresp about your exempt status. will file and all returns You resolve any 9uestions this letter could help hone Because ermanent records• whose name and telep keep it in Your P arson you should lease contact the p any Auesti°ns' of this letter. If you have the heading nu-uber arc shown in w t 1 ~ . ,yr . ,~„.... • `/-f'r~~/R. Kern Teddy District Director t,etter 9481~~ ~3-79~ ~~ ~~ v S. MASON CARBAUGH C®~l7'L~N W p' .Li,A ~7^~ o f VIRGINIA sett Dire to~emore QpMMI$$IONER DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES Office of Consumer Affairs P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, Virginia 23209 (804) 786-2042 AUGUST 27, 1986 Ms. Evelyn Cole American Business Women's Association Salem Charter Chapter 5121 Northwood Drive, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 Dear Ms. Cole: Pursuant to your telephone conversation with my secretary on August 26, 1986, enclosed please find information confirming that the i "American Business Women's Association - Salem Charter Chapter" is currently. exempt froma the registration requirements as a "civic organi- zation". This exemption was granted in a group filing for the Associa- tion and 47 chapters (See copy of the January 9, 1980 correspondence enclosed). I hope this provides the information you were seeking Ms. Cole. Should you still requires copies of the Law and registration forms, please feel free to contact me directly at (804) 786-1343. Sincerely, ~~~~ Larry Roberts Investigator Office of Consumer Affairs LR:mIc Enc. ..F , i.,` ~~• ''1 ';~j- ~; ' ~~~, ~~~ ^~k~~Jy::Iy~1/y ~~.::'. ,aaxvV tom?"' MASON CARBAUGH ~/~}\/~1~~ v I~' Q~ I ,..,~.,.~, ~y~~TA A Commissioner (~~d`rlllV'1~~1'~I \~y'~",L ~~~~ ®~ \~ 1'L{,~yll(~ •IL'~ y~(`~' ~1./ DEP AO7 BOX 1 63, RGC MONDRV RGINCA ~3 ~gCE Januan.y 9 - 19 80 Ik. Jamee G. pal,Ley, Bub.~rce,~b Moxa9~ /~~an gub,c,rtebb UlOmen - b AbboC.ta~'.ion Nax.LorutL Neadqualrt~Jce 9100 Gta~td Pcvcltu~t.y - Pob# D~~tce Box a7Yf `-.- . Karbab C~.ty, .,µLbeouh+C~: 641.14:. ~.. - c~ -. .~_.~ r .,. , ~eax Mgt. ~pa,l,Cey: ~ _..._ . - _ ._ . heeetipt, o ~ yours Requebt ~o~. Ezempti.un undex Thie wt,GC'con enta.L Form" Sec.Lton 57-b0 (a), "Civic 0 ~zat,(,o-t,~'- and Fo~un 100-X, "Supl~~?' R ueb~ ion. FxeegaCion u,4de~ec~tion 51-60 (a1 ion Amen Bub,tneeb Women'b ~ oux 41~ ~hapt~cb ,~,dbaciazion and y A~LQJr._tcsu!.t¢.-w.-~g Fonr». 100rX and x~~hom the A.eg~on Jte- zazion and. 47 Chapte~-.6 have been found xo be extmpt ~~-53 0~ .the V,Ltg~ ~''~- qu„~~u¢,nt6 0 ~ Section 51-49 and zhe nequ~i~c.emawte o 6 #,ation o ~ Can~~Cbcct.Lonb Lctw,, , , - - ThLd txean 6fu~tLt '~ '~ t~de~ unti.C such #,cn+e as yoult ' g b~atub rKty r.IsaA9e• 1h xlce e~tnt tom 109-(3 ~ a~bb,ib~t you ~~ ~n9 e conta.et witho~,he e-1.aw. ao ,Lha-t we ma.y your, cowpGlance , The .L~uance o~ .thy ~wnpti,an does no.t car~~,itc,.te an~~~ ox V,i~tg~twi~a on by any os .ite dep~evtitme ~,x does went b y xhe Co,maonwea.Gtk o ~ on eonduating boL~Gco Q,mp~Lo yeeb o ~ .the punnob a on ptxe ~d ne.GLeve you o ~ ,the netpows~i~y eXe+~gst,Lon bhom the State xeg~x~An 1~0 ~ ea py o~ ,~,,~ eXtmp-tcon ahau,Cd o~ compUl~9 Guth ~0~ ~~ ,~~~ ,in, xhe coneaGLdated ~~- a,Cbo be on ~c.te with each hed~- I~ ~,,~ ob~.ice can 6c o~ date ~o contact ub a~ (804) 1E6-1343. ~uhthex aeade.tanee- p~cab a da nox Si,nc~tely, J. A. ~lohano, Jn.. Coo~'-~x Chcv~itabte So.ticita~onb JAM=mtc i. ,DAME OF CHAPTER Shockoe Valley Chapter Richmond , Virginia Virginia Capital Charter Chapter Richmond, Virginia Roanoke Valley Charter Chapter Roanoke, Virginia Shenandoah Chapter Roanoke, Virginia Star City Chapter Roanoke, Virginia ~~ Salem Charter Chapter Salem, Virginia Tri-River Charter Chapter South Bostcn, Virginia Vinton Dogwood Charter Chapter Vinton, Virginia Lighthouse Chapter Virginia Beach, Virginia Queen Neptune Chapter Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Beach Charter Chapter Virginia Beach, Virginia CHAPTER PRESIDENT Mrs. Marcia A, Swenck 8820-F Three Chopt. Road Richmond, Virginia 23229 Mrs, Anne C. Witt 11808 Edinborough Square Richmond, Virginia 23233 Mrs. Marie W. McDaniel 5 02 7 N. Lake Dr. Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Mrs. Anna Lee Meador Someplace Else 3949 Brambleton Ave, , SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Mrs. Inez V. Heinz 2346 Portland Ave, , NW Roanoke, Virginia 24017 Mrs. Alda M. Bower Rt, 2, Box 470 B Troutville, Virginia 24175 Mrs, Julia A, Moss Rt. 2, Box 894 Halifax, Virginia 24558 Mrs. Lucille S. Agner 4227 Tennessee Avenue, NW Roanoke, Virginia 24017 Mrs. Carol A. Temple 800 Little John Ct, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 Miss Frances V, Lawson 3375 Lake Crest Road Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Mrs, Mildred A. Davis 6219 Glenoake Drive Norfolk, Virginia 23513 CHAPTER BYLAWS OF THE AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION NOTE: b} accepting charters from the .Association, all chapters ag=ree w comply with the current National Bylaws. Cicapter Bylaws, and rules and proce- dures of the Association. ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this chapter shall be: CHAPTER _ Salem Charter Cha ter cll.i. Salem STATE Virginia ARTICLE 11. MISSION STATEMENT The miss,un of Lire American Business Women's Association is to bring wgether busi- ness wume:, of divere backgrounds and w protdde opportunities for them w help themsel~~es and others grow personally and professionally through leadersiup. education, networhtng support and national recognition. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS Section 1. Chapter membership is a valued prit~lege. Candidates for membership u: this chapter shall meet the reauuements set forth in the National Bvlaws. Section 2. The monthly dues of this chap*xr shall not exceed ~2AG per month. Nu special asses menu nor chapter initiation fees may be levied. The dues of this chapter shall be ~~ ~ per month, payable in advance (semi-annua y or annually) to the chapter treasurer. Any mem r w o s a! not pay chapter dues within forty-five (~5i davs after such are due and payable shall be auu,maticali~ removed from the chapter s membership roster. Section 3. Only members in good standing locally and nationally shall be eLgible w vote and participate to any other chapter activity. ARTICLE IV. EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The executive board of the chapter shall consist of the chapter officers. The president shall act as chairman of the chapter's executive board. Section ~. The executive board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter between business meetings, set. the time and place of executive board meetings, make recommendations to the chapter membership and perform such other duties as specified in these bylaws. The board shall constitute chapter authority w deciding matters of chapter policy not otherwise decreed. The majority of the executive board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at executive board meetings. 2-1C resident, if any chapter office become=_ tl~~ Section 3. 41'ith the exception of the office of p vacant during the term, it shall be the responsibiht7 of the executive board w pmmP appoint a successor w such office w serve for the remuutdr.r of the uuci.pirQr tc'in' resident become vacant, the vice presidenUUa~a ortthe remai der Should the office of p resident i_ app for any reason, the vice president does not fill the president, and a suca:essor w the office of vice P members of the executive board shall oC the term by the board. If, the remaining resident, until the next re~'iilar chaati'r election. unexpired wrm of the president, appoint a member w serve as p ARTICLE V. OFFICERS ointed by those responsible for the app These officers shall serve througn tit, third monthly meeting, The charter officers of this chapter' shall formation of the chapter. resident. secretary, at which offcers shall be elected. ter shall be president. vice p Section 1. The officers of this chap ter shall deem necessary to achieia~s ~a b treasurer, and any other officers the dorm the duties prescribed b~' these b.' of the chapter. These officers shall pebv the Association. the parliamentary authority adopted an auditing held one month prior w the election, b the Section 2. At the meeting committee shall be elected y committee shall be appohr~d~ and a nominating ate candidates for committee w nomirt meeting. chapter. It shall be the duty of the nominating `eaz or until the offices to be filled at the in at the close of the election Section 3. The officers shall be elected b} secret ballot w serve or one . their successors are elected. Their term of office shall beg meeting. No member =_hal] be eh~ible w serve more than two consecutive terms in the same ofnce. ter shall be its authorized leader. Slte shall otnt the Section 4. Tiie PR.ESIDEI~T of the chap t Lhe nominating committee. which preside at all meetings of the chapter and the executive board. She sha aPP en and all special committees excep resident in committee chairra checks with the chapter treasurer. or vice p is elected. She shall countersign the treasurer's absence. She shall know and coordinatk the duties and acuciue=_ o officers and chairmen. ter shall be the official hostess of the "ICE PP.ESIDEhT of the chap ter president in the Section 5. The chapter chapter. She shall perform the duties and reapon resident. Site shallc ountersign president's absence or when called upon by the p resident or treastrer. of the checks in the absence of either the P record the minute= of each meeting w the Section 6. The SECRETARI- shall rovide one cop> of the annand official chaptzr and the execu~e~ b°ain• a hp rntanent file .alley w the custodnof others. She president. She shall p t those specifically assign avritent of. and give documents of the chapter excep wr, She shall receive p' . shall conduct the correspondence of the chap receipts for, chapter dues or other monies in the absence of the treasurer and sha turn over all payments accompanied by an itemized report to the treasury ASLIRER shall have cuswdy of the funds of the chapter. She collected, for depositing chapter money and for Section 7. The THE roved by the chapter. All shall be responsible for all money or in her absence collecting chapter dues. She shall dis ountermsi fined by the president, disbursements shall be made by check, the vice president. She shall prepare and present a month]}' financial report tot e chapter. She shall remove from the chapter roster an>' member who has not paid chapter dues within forty-five (45) days end shall notify her of this action in writing. 2-2C ARTICLE V!. RIEETINGS Section 1. The regular monthly meetings held tin 1St TUC . of each month shall usually consul ul Gwd. pru~ram ur speaks:, uu a usuuas meeting. Periodical]}•. a meet.ng niay have a special aeenda and, therefore. may be altered. The time and place of each chanter n,e:;t.ng shall be announced at the previous chapter meeting. Section 2. The Guorurn of the chapter shall be nut less than one-third (1!3) of the busmess T eonghtpto voteois hmited,toemembers inrgood standing who are presenP at the tune a vote is Luken at a meeting. ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES Section 1. It shall be the duty of the EDUCATION committee to provide informa- tion and opponunities for the personal and professional development of the member- ship, and the committee shall present recommendations of candidates for scholarships w the memberstup for final selection. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the PROGRAM committee to schedule facilities and educational programs for chapter meetings and other special events. In addition, the committee shall promote and enhance the image of the chapter in the community and within the chapter. Section 3. h shall be the dot. of the A1EDiBERSHIP commitcee ui promote member- ship growth. either in its own chapter or m cite formation of a new chapter, and to orientate the membership of its chapter. Section 4. Other cummitttes shah be appointed by the president as the chapter or the executive beard deem necessan to achieve the goals of the chapter. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS Al] proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be approved by National Headquarters before being put to e chapter vote. Such amendments shat no: conf;ict with the National bylaws of the Association. Before becommc effective, proposed amendments also shall require the ma~onty vote of the entire active membership of record of the chapter. ARTICLE lX. STATUS Section 1. The chapter is organized not-for-profit and no part of the net earnings shall inure w the benent of an> member, and it shill not engage in a regular business of a land ordinarily camel on for profit. Section 2. if deactivation of this chapter should occur by vote of the membership. written ~nouce shall be provided W Nauuni.l Headquarters by the current executive board. sad the chapter's charter returned. All funds remaining in the treasury. after payments of all debts, shall be contributed to the Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund (a tax ezempt organization to which contributions are deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code), or to such tax exempt charitable organizations as shall be specified by the executive board of the chapter. 2.3C 4 asw~. 7/86 1 q ~ ~ - ~~1 U~c~m~~ ~~~ C~~ ~~ .~ > tires 2~ i~3 ~~ ~~ .~c~.~:m , ~c~.. z~i~3 ~~ ~~'33 ~~-~~ ~~ ~~~ , ~~a 2~l 1 ~~ 3 Pa~~ ~~a~ ,C~C~;1~r~ , 1(C~ zy i~3 ~~ ~~_ 5 ~n3 ~~ `ld~~ ~1 ~c,~> , V~~ z~ 153 ~.G~ ~~. 5 z ~ ~ ~~~~stoaC.p.~ ~~~ ~°1 ~~~~ , lea a ~ i ~~3 ~~~~ ~~ ~'~ i2 ~a~..~x-1,c~, pd . ~o.~-~ , eta ~.~ ~5~ ~~~a ~. C~Le~, ~~.~-~ , ~a zit i ~~3 ~~a~~ , rV ~o- ~ti i ~J~ I~.a ~~~~~ ~~ . ..--_ ~-~ f Yl U ~~ -, Constitution and By-Laws of Cherokee Hills Women's Club ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be Cherokee Hills Women's Club. ARTICLE II. OBJECTS Section A. Gardening. The objects of this club shall be: to andscape; beautify and maintain the beauty of our homes. To aid in the protection and conservation of our natural resources and to encourage civic beauty and roadside beautification. To study the art of gardening. Section B. Women's. The objects of this club shall ber ng into closer unity the women of this community in order to promote the civic, cultural, educational and social welfare of the community. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP The membership shall be open to all residents and property owners of Cherokee Hills. The number of members of the club shall be unlimited. Perspective members may attend two meetings before dues are payable. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS Section A. Terms. Officers shall be elected for a term ozone year and shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Section B. Titles. The officers of this club shall be Press ent, First Vice-President, Second Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer. This will be the executive board. Section C. Elections. In April the members shall elect a nominating committee consisting of three members of the club and they shall present a proposed slate of officers at the May meeting. No member who has not given her consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for any office. Election will be in May. A majority vote is necessary for election. Arty member of the nomination committee is not barred from being placed on the slate for any executive position. Section D. Installation of Offiers. Installation of o icers will be held at the regular meeting in June. ~1RTIC?,E V. DUTIES OF OFFICE.~S Section A. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the club. She shall call special meetings whenever the need of the club demands. The President shall appoint special committees and, with the approval of the elected officers, appoint the Chairman of Standing Committees. Section B. First Vice-President. Shall assume the duties o t e Presi ent in her absence or disability and shall assist the President in all matters as required. She shall serve as Program Chairman and shall find hostesses for each meeting. She shall be responsible for the purchase of a gift to be given to outgoing Presidents who have served at least six months in office. Price of the gift not to exceed $10.00. Section C. Second Vice-President shall be Ways and Means Chairman and plan fund raising projects. She shall organize and coordinate those projects voted on. Section D. Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings. She shall maintain the Secretary's notebook and give the President a copy of the minutes of each month's meetings. She shall send cards and notes to members who are ill. She shall conduct correspondence or publicity as may be requested by the President. Section E. Treasurer shall collect all dues and receive all unds of the club and deposit them in a bank approved by the offiers. She shall dis- burse only budgeted funds unless authorized by the officers. She shall serve with the President and Second Vice-President as Budget Chairman. VI. DUTIES OF APPOINTED CHAIRP~N. Section A. Parlimentarian shall be responsible for maintaining order during meetings and ensuring the club's compliance with the rules contained in the Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. Section B. Newsletter Editor shall compile all important 1n ormation, ates and events discussed at meetings into a newsletter. to be distributed . to all residents in Cherokee Hills. She shall be responsible for having the newsletter printed and distributed by other members. Section C. Membershi Chairman shall contact new nelg ors to we come them into the neighbor- hood and invite them to join the club. She shall provide new home owners with a Directory, if available. Section D. Pub- 1-1-~i~t,~Chairman shall be responsible for contacting var-T S information concernPnblic sources with She shall co-ordinategcommudnicationsethrou,h posters, flyers, news media, as desi g by the Fresident and other activit grated ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS Y chairman. Section A. Regular meetin~-s the first Monda of the club will be held on meeting shall be the tae month. The May election of officers. nnual meeting for the Section B. Special meetin s of y the Presl en the club may be called interest groups. at the request of special ARTICLE VIII, DUTIES OF THE HOSTESSES The hostess and her co-hostess shall provide t place and light refreshments for each monthl he meeting ARTICLE IX. DUES Y meeting. Section A. The dues of this club shall be yea-r' • Dues are payable at $5' 00 per meeting in September. the regular' the November meetin Those not paying by "P~iembers Onl ~~ g will be ineligible for Y activities until reinstated. Section B. Perspective members ma before dues are Y attend two meetin join after JanuapaYable. New members whogs Yearly dues. Y 31st, will pay half the Section C. After the November meetin will be sent b g~ °n1Y one notice to previous membersasurer (as a reminder) still in arrears. ARTICLE X. PARLIAb?ENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in Robert's shall be the authorit Rules of Order which the Y for this club in all casesetosed inconsistentrwithptheaBble and in which the y-Laws. Y are not ARTICLE XI. A1~7ENDPl~ENTS These By_Laws may be amended two-thirds vote of those at any regular meeting b a present and voting, Y Cherokee Hills Women's Club - 1978; amend ed 1983; amended 1985. A-82587-6.b ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANO MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT• Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from the Che okee Hills Women's Club COUNTY ADMIN/~ISTRA~rTOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ntiYnn~" G~/'7 ~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: herokee Hills Women' s Club has thegCommiss onerf of R venue The C This application has been reviewroved. and he recommends that it be app The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended approved. SUBMITTED BY: that the application for a Raffle Permit be yYt wt.c~- t ~ - C L-l~-e-ic, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ytv" Elmer C. H dge County Administrator ___ ----- - VOTE Absen ------------------------ACTION--- No Yes Ab x ~) Motion by: Bob z Jo Brittle - p,pproved ( „ ~ - Denied ( ) Garrett Garrett _.~ Received ( ) Johnson ~- - Referred McGraw ~- - To ~_ Nickens - cc: File Bingo File O~ ROANO~ F ~ .w ~ ~ 'A 2 G1 2 VIRGINIA ~ a~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, 1838 .-, COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO which this P o ame or raffle permit. Application is hereby made for a bing g and State laws, e This application is made subject to all County a reed to by the under- rdinances, rules, and regulatiherebyw g force, or that mander 0 enacted hereafter and which are si ned applicant and which shall be deemed a condition u g ermit is issued. uestions. Bingo games All a plicants should exercise ollowingc q e to ensure the accse . P cy of their responses to tregulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. _g inia Code, and by Section and raffles are strictly of the criminal statutes of the VirgCode. These laws authorize 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County County Board of Supervisors to ~onduct a reasonable investlghe raffle permit. The Board has the ranting a bingo o rant or deny t tion prior to g of an application to g sixty days from the filing suspend, or revoke the permit of any The Board may deny, fiance with county and permit. organization found not to be in strict com state law. these county or state regulations concerning p,ny person violating erson who permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any p s any part of the gross receipts from bingo or rafflcommunityy .use ious, charitable, ecifi- purpose other than the lawful relig expenses, shall or educational purposes foreasonablehoperatingation is sp cally organized, except for r be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) BINGO GAMES RAFFLE PERMIT ~/ Name of Organization ~'~~-rbkE~-~~~~' Street Address Mailing Address ~J~7 n _. ~ . r ~ City, State, Zip Code lC Purpose and Type of Organization v ~ ~, .. _ _. When was the organization foun ed? ~~~~ ©~ 1 ,,~.` . -~ 9 ~.s.-/ ""'.~r~ Roanoke County meeting place? ~e`y~~-~- ~~- nization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- Has orga NO_~_ tinuous years? YES~._ h organization non-profit? YES_ NO~_ Is t e Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~~rofi a carp ~ do nC~~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. ~~P Officers of the Organization: _ ~ D ~n President: ~~' Address: ~J3Z`b ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~r Secretary: g ~~ ~ r Address: ~,~~j(~ ~~ Vice-President~^ Address: ~J'J~_ ~U ~ a i-4,13 Treasurer: Address: ~tC~~1 ~-~e`'`Ll~~~Y', ~,. ~ ~ )~ ZL L~3 uthorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- Member a ~~ tions: ? Name ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ Home Address ~~-~ Bus. Phone Phone ~~-al ~9 - LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDpR,TION S OF CURRENT MEMBER- A COMPLETE SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLI Game is to be conducted. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo ~" ~ 1 Time of Drawing ~~-~ RAFFLES: Date of Drawing ~ ~~ BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday From~,_ To__ To____ --Monday From__ To_~_ ----Tuesday Fr om__ To ---Wednesday rom To F r om~_ ~- ~-Thursday From~_ To~_ ~-Friday From_~_ To__ --Saturday 2 ~,, ' ically how the proceeds fromnned ornintendedeuselofbe State speclf used. List in Useaestimatedeamounts ifanecessary. the proceeds. ~~ ~ ~ o~ ~-~ou~ ~.-~,~ ~,-, Pct ~ ~~R~- ~~~ ,~~,~ ~1 ~ p~~~ ~ ~ ~ o c~ a~`~-~ ~ cam- ~- c~-~d-l ~'~- ~t~-~~~ .~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~d ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~- ~ ~~ r /. v:,..E .,~,r BINGO• Complete the following: • r~s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Legal owne Name: Address: County a 591-C non-profit organization?~- Is the building owned by Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: LL RAFFLE AND State -Zip_----- - 19 BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 f A 1, Gross receipts from all SO calendarlqua d e o Bingo games or Instant Bingo by dar year period. INSTANT BINGO BINGO lst Quarter the operation o for prior calen- lst Quarter n, 2nd Quarter 2nd, Quarter ~ ~. '~ 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter Total Total violation of 2, Does your organization understand erson orsfirm, associa- or corporation of any classifica- law to enter into a artnership,th any p managing, or con- tion, organizatioforpthe purpose of organizing, tion whatsoever, ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ~ e5 or anization understand that it muste taining ato 3, Does your g file complete records of reand thatdsuch recordssaP e subject to ames and Raffles, ~~~ _ Bingo g audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? or anization understand that o upon°the premises 4, Does your g nee has the right to g a Bingo game or raffle, the Revenue or his desig on which any organization is conducting unannounced audits, and to oe ames o~r raffles? 11 re- to perform cords required to be maintained for Bi g 3 _~ ~'~ or anization understand that a Financial Report 5, Does your g ' ed with the Commissioner °lendar year forowh ~ h ba Pere must be fil the first day of November of each ca mit has been issued? ~ ross receipts ex- uarter, an addi- 6, Does your organization understandcalendar q ceed fifty thousand dollars during anY uarter no later inancial Report must be f sled for sucuagter? ~l~ tiona 1 F the last day of such q than sixty days following file our organization undersause automaticfrevocation of ~, Does Y Bingo game financial reports when due shall c ro erly filed and a he ermit, and no such °rg such tr Ponta is p n pct any t P or raffle thereafter until new permit is obtained?~ or anization understand that each Financial RePthe g, Does your g a Certificate, verified underameto baffle must be accompanied bthat the proceeds of any Bingo g commu- religious, charitable, Board of Directors, have been used for these lawful, eration of Bingo ducational purposes for wh~hatttheoopanization is spef nity, or a and rovisions o cifically chartered or organized, inia?~ mes or raffles have beeritle 18 2 ofathe Code ofeVirg ga ter 8, Ti Article 1.1 of Chap r anization understand that a one percent audit our o g aid to the County of Roanoke g, Does Y fee of the gross receipts must be p fission of the annual financial report due on or a or upon subm the first of November? ermit is valid 10. Does your organization understand that this P at such locations, and for only in the County of Roanoke and onlYermit application? such dates, as are designated in the P except a erson, 11. Does your organization und~~~Z~~aonhWhonshall hsverbornto o such o..g day P bona f i de memb.-r of any opera- member of such orga ha ation for at least nineeY and no p 11 anticipate in the management, erson such participation, s P bingo game or raffl 'in management, tion, or conduct of any anticipating shall receive any remuneration fora e or raffle? _~ or conduct of any such q ~ operation, ermit our organization attach ble toe the Countyaof Roanoke, 12. Has y fee in a he amount of $25.00 pays Virgins organization found 13. Does your organization understand that any the County Bingo and Raffl thisd permit is subject in violation of inia authorizing shareholder, agent, 340.10 of the Code of Virg erson, 0 to having such permit revoked and any P agent, em loyee of such organizatierson shareholder above ve member or P having such permit revoked and any P r employee of such organization who violates the a o member • uilty of a felony? referenced Codes may be g 4 ...J~. r anization attached a complete list of its member- 14. Has your o g ship to this application form? laws to this anization attached a copy of its by 15. Has your org ~p~ application form. ~~ 16. Has the orgirlinia Constitutionror tion under the V g tion is for If yeSr state whether exemp or both and identify exempt property.- t from property taxa- exemp tZ) >~~ statutes?rson l~pr p ~'~ P real, Pe anizati~~ ecific type and purpose of the org 17 . State the sP ~i?>t ~ i ~~e^~ ~~~~~' is organization incorporated in Virginia? lg, Is th istered Agent: If yeSr name and address of Reg _--- inia Department ' anization registered with the Virg Is the org ursuant to the C- h table • lg• inia Code? ~~ of Agriculture and Sects ne57A48 of the Virg SolicitaattachAcopy of registration.) (If so, tion from registration anization been granted an exemp Has the org De artment of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? by the Virginia P of exemption.) ~~~ (If so, attach copy PLICANTS DESCRIBE THE T~iZ T ON 0 BE RAFFLED, ALL RAFFLE AP AND PROCEED TO NO VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, Fair Market Value Article Description 1~~-~~~~ ~ h, ~.~~ cl. C~r~? "~nC~ ~~'~, ~ v 5 J --~' LICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE ALL BINGO APP NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. r anization understand that the bingo games shall our o g Uently than two calendar days in any 20, Does y not be conducted more freq calendar week? uired to keep 21. Does your organization understaThesearecords based on §l Code complete records of the bingo game. f the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke Coun y 340.6 0 must include the following: quantity, and card value of instant a. p, record of the date, as well as the name andanddwritten bingo supplies purchased, o supplies, the supplier of such insta u rednfor each purchase of in- invoice or receipt is also req stant bingo supplies? of the dates on which Bingo is played, and the b, A record in writing eo le in attendance on each da e, the number of P Ps and prizes on each day? amount of receip ears. ) (These records must be retained for three individual to whom a ecial Bingo game prize or jackpot c, A record of th ulareornsp ddress of eac door prize, reg o is awarded? from the playing of Bing _ is and disburand the quarterly d. A complete and i~emized record of all rece that these records t and that agree with, ments whicho~ PPo equired to be filed, andermit audit?__~ annual rep must be maintained in reasonable order tori tant Bingo may only i rogress, 22. Does your organization unde ulardBtngo game is in ecified in be conducted at such time as reg nd only at such locations and at such times as are sp a this application? is in ross receip 23, Does y la ing of instant Bingo our organi ntiyearnfromtthe pha Y t e g 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's the course of a report g may not exceed Bingo operation? r anization understand it may not sell an instant 24. Does your o g ears of age? Bingo card to an individual below sixteen Y t an organization whose 25, Does your organization understand tha ' is from all bingo operations thaearxshallohaveebeen gross receip 000 in any calendar Y pected to exceedt$st tus pursuant to Section 501 C of the United granted tax exemp States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 6 i° 26. Does your organization unnefilenwhichtauthorizesctbis use cat pancy must be obtained or be o the proposed location? our organization understand that awards or prize money 27, Does y amounts are or merchandise valued in excess of the following illegal? rize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. a, No door p b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. No 'ackpot of any nature whatsoentrofhaackpoteprio es Tawarded c. J Dollars, nor shall the total amou in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWITS OATS MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICAN er ur as set swear or affirm under the penalties of p 7 Y I hereby that all of the above forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginknowledge, information, and statements areuestions havebbeen answered. ~~ beliefs. All q Signed by : ~~ t~C;~~)~~'v~ ~M~ sT Ur ~, ~ ~3.~1. ~~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~2,1~C~ ~~ls ,. ~ _ '~ u~ Home Address Name Title fore me, this ~_.daY of ~~` 19-1-- Subscribed and sworn Le Niy commission expires: ~-~ ,~' „~ ~-- Z~ 19~~ ry Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE p,O, Box 3900 Roanoke, VA 24015 7 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED roved been found in due form, is app The above application, having d to the applicant to have effect until December 31st o and issue ear. this calendar y ,~~~'1 ~ ~ ,,,~ ;~- f., rI mmissio er of the Revenue Date The above application is not approved. Commissioner of the Revenue Date 8 r '~ A-82587-6.c ITEM NUMBER ~ - -~ f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Branderwood, Section 2 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Section 2, Branderwood, Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., has requested that Roanoke County accept the deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed as shown on engineering plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled, Section 2, Branderwood dated March 13, 1986, which are on file in the Public Facilities Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $18,950.00 and $29,889.00. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: /~°~ ~ Phillip Henry, p E. Director of Engineering APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator 1 .. *~ --~~ ~-'` ACTION VOTE Absent Approved (x> Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee Denied ( ~ Barrett No Yes Abs Received ( ) Brittle x Referred Garrett x To Johnson -~ McGraw ~ Nickens ~ cc: File Phillip Henry Clifford Craig John Hubbard DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES BRANDERWOOD, SEC. 2 p,-82587-6.d ~- ITEM NUMBER= --..~ R MEETING OF THE BOARD AT A REGULA THE ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANO ENTER COUNTY ADMINISTRATION DATE August 25, 1987 MEETING UBJECT: Confirmation of Committee Appointments TOR'S COMMENTS: COUNTY ADMINISTRA UM~Ry OF INFORMATION: board meeting S at the previous T he were madeBoard of Supervisors . following nominations The be confirmed by the and must now to serve. nominee has agreed panel ed by Supervisor Alan Brittle to Grievance expire on September 27' has been nominat will Robers term. The term Richard two-Year serve a 1989• Colle e Board unit Alan Brittle to Vir inia Western Comm Supervisor 1891. been nominated ~ 11 expire on June 30, Glontz has The term Jea n four-year term. serve a APPROVED BY= SUBMITTED BY: v ~ C, Hodge ~~ ~_ Elme r Administrator `~~ County ______--- MarY H• Allen -------------------- Absent Deputy Clerk ------ -------------'----___-- VNoE Yes Ab _ x -------------- ACTBob T Johnson/Lee Brittle _- --- L X x~ Motion bY~ - rrett _-- Approved ~ Garrett Denied ~ ~ Received ~ ~ Referred To ~---- - Ga x Johnson -- x McGraw -- x Nickens _-- -- cc: File Committee File GrievanceWestern File Virginia f ITEM NUMBER .~ - ~.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Willow Spring Road into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~'' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: J. Larry Bell and Marilyn Bell, husband and wife, and George L. Young II and Barbara W. Young, husband and wife, and Margaret L. Wilson, widow, request that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation request- ing that they accept Willow Spring Road, as it affects portions of their individual pr_onP_~ies, for inclusion in its secondary system of highways (see attached deeds and plats). The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virgini~Department of Transportation and find the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept Willow Spring Road into the secondary road system. Respectfully submitted, rvl Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WILLOW SPRING ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of J. Larry Bell and Marilyn Bell, husband and wife, and George L. Young II and Barbara W. Young, husband and wife, and Margaret L. Wilson, widow, that Willow Spring Road be accepted and made a part of the secondary system of state highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage ease- ments and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road will be dedicated by virtue of certain maps (see attached) and by reason of the fact that the maps have not been recorded. Consent or donation of right-of-ways from the abutting property owners is necessary, as shown by the attached deeds. The Board hereby guar- antees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Willow Spring Road and which is shown on certain maps accompanying this Resolution be, and the same is hereby, established as public road to become a part of the state secondary system of highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 057ERHDUDT, FERGU51 MATT. AHERDN 6 AGI ATTO R N EY S-AT-LAYi ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-1699 f .. . f ```.~ THIS DEED, made and entered into this 13th day of ~987~ by and between J. LARRY BELL and Mp,RILYN BELL, July, art; THE BOARD OF husband and wife, parties of the first p ERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGNIA, parties of the SUP second part; FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, arty of the third part; and JOHN M. WILSON, JR., Trustee, P party of the fourth part. W I T N E S S E T H THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) cash in hand paid by the party of the second part unto the parties of the first part and other ood and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is g art do hereby hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first p rant, bargain, sell and convey with General Warranty and 9 Modern English Covenants of Title unto the party of the second part, all of that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and being more to-wit: particularly described as follows, BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Va. Sec. hee. ropertyd oft 11-arga ~et hyyest corner of t p Wilson, of record in Deed Book 1209, Page 391; thence S. 38° 43' 49" E. 55.14 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right having ~a chord b 52r 2 ~g fee Banda an arc S• 30° 04 03 E' pint; thence distance of 52.41 feet to a p I eaving said Va. Sec. Rte. 89 Wi I sonthrt~ug h the property of Margaret W• with a following courses and distances: IN curve to the ofgNt 29 °in40 a 02° rE.b38r90g E and distanc feet and an arc distance owi th' a7 curve tto a point; thence continuing the right having a chord bearing and I ~; II ~ ~ ~~~ ` Trustee, which was a the party of the fourth part the aforesaid Clerk's Office wherein deed of trust is of record in the property as to i n Deed Book 1 17 9, a t Page -----' hereinabove conveyed. ce ,s made subject to all easements, This conveyan now 'ctions and reservations of record conditions, restr~ affecting said property. seal: WITNESS the following signature and (SEAI-) J, Larry Beil (SEAL) Ma--- r i ~ y`n-B a-_ (SEAL) John M son, Jr. Trustee FIRST FE~~T I oNV 1 NGS AND LOAN ASS BY~ QSTEAH~UOT. FERGAGEE NpTT, AHER~N & pTTpRNEYS~AT-~-ASH AGANOKE. YIRGINIA 24018-1699 ($EAt-l +-- was acknowledged before The foregoing instrument Larry 1987, by J' day of ,_~ me this --- and wife. Bell and Marilyn Bell, husband STATE OF VIRGINIA ~ to_wit: OF - ~ ex fires: My corm,ission P Notary Public 3 ~" ~i/ S.rA-rE OF VIRGINIA ~ to_wit: OF,~.---' ed before ~---- acknow I ed9 The foregoing instrument was 1 987 , by John M• day °f , me t h i s ~--_ Wilson, Jr., Trustee. I ~o a Yr public l My commission expires STATE OF VIRGINIA ~ to_wit: OF _____---- owledged before ------- wa s a ckn The foregoing instrument 1 9 8 7 , bY --------` day o f r---__------''- o f F i r s t me th i s ~-_- -`------_-~ _-------1'+ ~, Association --~- Loan Federal Savings and I ~ bl~--! _----~-Notary titiy commission exP~res~ __-- ---- a4,e4.c pSTERM000T. FES,OpGEE NATT. AHERON AT70 AN EY S'AT-LA'H ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018'1699 6 1 .~ ,,~c .~ .~~y:~• c \ ~\ ~ \ \\ r \ \ 3 \ \ ~ t \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \` 9~, ~~F \ ~ eJ~e°~9 •~ ~ >> 'S } G <y \ !~ \ ` \ 9'1~ ~ 0. \ \ 9 , \\ \ q \ \ e \ Ji ill I•I _ z \\\ =\ \\\ s fw = ' - - \ " ~~,.~ -~+~ ~ss~:~~~,. \\ ,ads or \ ~f~ ~9~- _ \ aE{y Oo ~~ OK _~4» _ : ~Qn~- P-c~o ~ a Op w V • - ~ 3 ~°=~~~~° °= u ~a e~ e \ ~ .F - ~ - , ~ ° ' ~ ~ -J: c r-ei - - -Ton _ ~ _ e e ~-_ a$c~ C ~ ~'a 1': v! ~ ui ~ ~ e \ £ r ~ ~l `N j Y~ ,A < ~/~ \ -~ •y ~ ~ \ ~. \ 9 P \ O / \ Q.•~~.\ '\ ~9 < \ n.n 111 S v m ~+ •o MEe~n~F~e-\ oC .. "' 9S ki d e .r, - ' : i s ~ m m p '~" d ~ S ~ i U \ ~ _ . ~' c N ~ ~ L y ~ ~' .. y r ~ T6 o t+nm ~ r A ~ ~ ~~1 mT o r. ~, ^ -~ m ~ Q7 r ~ : ~ _ t.. ~ Iti ~ ~ z '^ .. ' m ~ < r r ~' ~' ~, o z C~ m e ... - ' _~ _ A o - o y ` S ~ ~ o4o D o M •n + •~' C ~ a '~ ~ EteinnJ R ,~ ~ e O z, ~ ~ ~ J ; . -! ~ T ~ Z ~ ~ 1R !1 ~ m n T J 1'- ~~ ~ ~ • ~ STR¢KEY t m P .,. t• - THIS DEED, made and entered into this 13th day of ^STERHOUOT, FERGUSGN NATT. AHERON $ AGEE ATTO R N EYS-AT-LA9V ROANGKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 July, 1987. by and between MARGARET L. WILSON, widow, Grantors; and THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGNIA, Grantee. W I T N E S S E T H: THAT FOR AND I N CONS 1 DERAT I ON o f t h e s um o f TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) cash in hand paid by the Grantee unto the Grantor and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey with General tiYarranty and Modern English Covenants of Title unto the Grantee, all of that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Va. Sec. Rte. 897 and at the northwest corner of the property of Margaret W. Wilson, of record in Deed Book 1209, Page 391; thence S. 38° 43' 49" E. 55.14 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a chord bearing and distance of S. 30° 04'. 03" E. 52.21 feet and an arc distance of 52.41 feet to a point; thence leaving said Va. Sec. Rte. 897 and through the property of Margaret W. Wilson, the following courses and distances: with a curve to the right having a chord bearing and distance of N. 29° 40' 02" E. 38.90 feet and an arc distance of 44.57 feet to a point; thence continuing with a curve to the right having a chord bearing and distance of S. 80° 05' 17" E. 56.39 feet and an arc distance of 57.46 feet to a point; thence • from said point, S. 60° 54' S6" E. 342 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a chord bearing and distance of S. 68° 47' S4" E. 69.73 feet and an arc distance of 69.95 feet to ACTUAL POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence with a curve to the left having a chord bearing and distance of S. 86° 18' 22" E. 85.00 feet ~._' ~-~ f and an arc distance of 85.40 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left having a chord bearing and distance of N. 36° 43' 41" E. 106.43 feet and an arc distance of 200.88 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a chord bearing and distance of S. 59° 50' 10" W. 122.90 feet and an arc distance of 133.66 feet to a point; thence N. 79° 51' 30" W. 45.63 feet to a point; thence S. 5° 55' 00" E. 26.26 feet to the ACTUAL POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING; and containing 0.197 acre, as more particularly shown on plat prepared by Buford T. Lumsden ti Associates, P.C., dated June 18, 1986, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. BEING a portion of the same property conveyed to L. H. Wilson and Margaret L. Wilson by deed dated July 14, 1965, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 777, at Page 595; L. H. Wilson having died on the ~~ day of 198 This conveyance is made subject to al{ easements, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record now affecting said property. WITNESS the following signature and seal: _-.. __ ___ ( SEAL) Margaret L Wilson STATE OF VIRGINIA ) to-wit: OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON 6 AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LA'N ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 me this day of Wilson. 1987, by 1~1argaret L. Notary Public My commission expires: a4.e2.c 2 1J ~ Off, ~ ~ c a ~ ~^ Z ~ '~C' a "' ~ y '° m n i ~ ' n ~ + s ~ ° m ~ < o A ~ i e c ..o P1 YA r' m g = ~ ~ .~ T ~, y ~ N o ' t i , Ni m r A 1"' g ~ o ~ ~ m = ~ T~ G .~ ' :.~ _ z m ~'o c o~ ~" f 7 O ~ c+ A Z a a> y T L o s a o ~ J ~ U G K c `. C S m ~ ~ m H a s ~ :,.; 0 p V'WV'U~F i~ g_rrg°_,'a' ~sa~ « i4 ~a t ~ /~ ` oo~o~v'~oPP ~ m 1 ,b,F~e c=vw~ c y \1 --- -i1 \ NNpp a ~ ~NFJb4I~ON'O Y `\ ``~ . - - ~ ~ v ~~ ~~Op o ~1 p~Obu OWUIN O 1 QeyCq '• e ~. a ~ _ ` Q9e c~ ' ~ ~j 1. 6~~~SaW~< ~ ~ 1 ' Z 1 \ f ~ \ << \ a. !iii ! i ! '" '" ~ 9, ~ ~ o ~ .»eR-'~~~e~» ~~ ~- =3~° - ~ J ~pc~ apt ~°_„n^ ~~~°.,.;.TAT S~ ~~ ~~ p 6 \ ~ .-~°° :'"~- : - s' _ 1 i~j //p~~' NNE oT3_R-~ r-c p a n .i~'n-~~~'~ N ,~ use. ~`sa» ~m n R z.. ~_ '" y ~ '" \' e ~ i " '" ~ \ 3 ~ ~~, J 'y ~ 4f o ~ ~ 19 ',y ~ ~ -n v Q ll~ o* P C s m ~ ~ ~ sa c I~, en -d . O m m ~ < ~ 1 N S C i~ o ~n m A f H ~ y 1 r 0 o D Z 3 V D i n P ~ 0 ~~, `` P J Ra 9 f < P J f, ~1 v L ~N V pn o' e ~ .F ~ o ~. 1~ ,~1 1 \ 1 1 ~` 1 1~ /<= ~Mn ~ W QI n N ~'/ t[ J P F 7 R~ m L oL"~9 j'~ z D W j ~ m W 1 a c~i"~ ~ i I n f °~F ZL 0 p L / D • P ~~~ P .[ ~ ~Lw P ~~ i F ~ 0 T f ...~- ov ~ nS MEe~rna~ L ~rA L 1~. i! i I Z .~•- .v ~y A rA/ yTpRKEY .tCF ... ~ .. ~- 13th day of DEED, made and entered into this THIS YOUNG, 11, and BARBARA 1987, by and between GEORGE L• arties of the first part; THE July. wife, P husband and OKE COUNTY. VIRGNIA, parties of yy, YOUNG, OF SUPERVISORS OF ROAN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, BOARD art; FIRST FEDERAL Trustee, the second P and JOHN M. WILSON, JR., party of the third part; fourth part. party of the W I TNESS ETH sum of TEN TION of the THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERA of the b the party IRS ($10.00) cash in. hand pa-d y and other pOL of the first part unto the parties t whereof is second Part the receip and valuable consideration, art do hereby good of the first p the parties and hereby acknowledged with General Warranty sell and convey of the bargain, the party grant, of Title unto English Covenants lot or parcel of land 1'~I~ng Modern that certain more second part, all of inia~ and being Virg nd being in the County of Roanoke, a follows, to-wit: particularly described as side Dint on the northerly and at the northwest BEGINNI Sec t Rte. 897 of tilargaret W• of Va. the property Book 1209, Page corner of in Deed feet to Wilson, of record° 43' 49" E. 55.14 ht 38 to the rig 391; thence S• with a curve of S, a point; thence bearing and distance arc having a chord 52.21 feet and an thence 30° 04~ 03 E~ to a point; of 52.41 feet 897 and through distance SeC, Rte. the leaving said Va' aret W. Wilson, a roperty of Marg with the P courses and distances: bearing following ht having a chord to the ofgN. ° 40' 02" E'feet.90 a curve 29 of 44.57 tO and distance a curve to ^57ERN~UOT, FERfsUS~N w 1 th NATT• ANER~N & AGES feet and an arc distance and A.{~{pRNEYS-AT-u~H point ; thence cunt a u~hord bearing and right having 17„ E, 56.39 feet ROANOKE. VIRGINIA the 05 , to point ; Z4018~1699 $ Q° 4 6 f e e t a ans arcs distance of 57 . .~`' C^ This conveyance is made subject to all easements, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record now affecting said property. WITNESS the following signature and seal: (SEAL) George L. Young, II (SEAL) Barbara W. Young (SEAL) John M. Wilson, Jr. Trustee FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION By STATE OF VIRGINIA ) to-wit: OF ) (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thi s day of _ _M_~_ 1987, by George L. Young, II, and Barbara W. Young, husband and wife. Notary Public OSTERHOIIOT, fERGUSGN NATT, AHERON 6 AGEE ATTO R N EY S-AT-LA N Rl]ANGKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 My commission expires: 3 ~.! ~~ STATE OF VIRGINIA ~ to_wit: OF ~ ___----- instrument was acknowledged 5efore The foregoing 1987, by John M• day of me t h i s __,._ Wilson, Jr., Trustee. -----~-N a r y Pub t i c My commission expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA ~ to_wit: `-- instrument was acknowledged before The foregoing 1987, by ___------ d a y o f ~_-- ----_ me this __r._ of First Fe ed ral Savings and Loan Association. -~--`-Notary Pub I i c ti1y commission expires: a4.e3.c ~STERHOUOT. FERGUSON NATT. AHERON & AGEE ATTO R N EY S-AT-LA'N ROANOKE. ViRGIN1A 24018-1699 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 RESOLUTION 82587-6.e REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WILLOW SPRING ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of J. Larry Bell and Marilyn Bell, husband and wife, and George L. Young II and Barbara W. Young, husband and wife, and Margaret L. Wilson, widow, that Willow Spring Road be accepted and made a part of the secondary system of state highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage ease- ments and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road will be dedicated by virtue of certain maps (see attached) and by reason of the fact that the maps have not been recorded. Consent or donation of right-of-ways from the abutting property owners is necessary, as shown by the attached deeds. The Board hereby guar- antees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Willow Spring Road and which is shown on certain maps accompanying this Resolution be, and the same is hereby, established as public road to become a part of the state secondary system of highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTE: .~- Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 8/26/87 cc: File John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Va. Department of Transportation Arnold Covey, Director of Development Review ~ ; A-82587-6~ ~y ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY .ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of a Well Lot - Penn Forest, Section 17 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ti~ ~~~~~r~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the May 22, 1984 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Region Properties, Inc., the developer of Penn Forest, Section 17, requested that the Board accept a deed conveying the sewer and water lines installed within Section 17 to the County. The Board approved acceptance of the deed by consent. At this time, Region Properties, Inc. is requesting that the Board accept a deed conveying a well lot, designated as Lot 6A., Block WW, within Penn Forest, Section 17, to the County. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 6987-9, adopted on June 9, 1987, the Board authorized the County Administrator to accept donations or dedications of noncontroversial real estate matters. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this acceptance by resolution under the consent agenda. Respectfully submitted, VV~. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Absent Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnsn_n/T,PP No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Barrett Brittle x Received ( ) Garrett _~ Referred Johnson ~ To McGraw ~ Nickens -~ cc: File Clifford Craig Paul Mahoney Phillip Henry 7 ~1 r ~~;,ti F RuoW ETON NIIL ~pRnl ~ / Q w /) ~ bPs 121 ~ ~ cAO~a wa.. t':°<. ',: ~~ ~` do u ~~A~ -~~ f" / ~ ~ FC l'~n`~~ \\ 1 -~y~1~_GIFN G ,•. T~~eyt O O,~w;~,.u, ~`/,n1 W V ~\9 Y p~0' `'M `wCl I1~~~(_Y~ ,~ p£NN ~\ ~ ~y..RJ.fO ~ /(/ ~ IV D. cAUry /~~/ % ~ ~ ' , `TL i F 1~1 ~W ~, ~ ~ ` Q `~ ID h~ S 3 ~ 4P' ~ . ~rnn~s~b) 4~y`~'or ~ ~ ~b/2 ~aa l~S ~~~ r`fS~p^'13o7 ~.1;_.1~-U-NTIND p ~Td ~. ~ .~ f,.;~ A570p AV~11~",.~~«~~, NORTH i~O~S,~F,f,$ ~Y~J•+pRra ~w W' '.~M±+4 f1+' ,,,~?~',~• EDFN AV. "o ~~,,~/i~VICINITY C-~r ~'~ "°~ "'.°a~"" ~ ° ° 2 S CT. 1 , 0 ,Z,a~ P NN FOREST 8 P/0 8705-3-7 0 3 d P/O 87.05-3-8 . 1 a 1"• 100 ae.s. 2 a 4 3 $' s ~ az., w 5 ~r 5 0 __ _ .rye NaT• - aaas 1 iA 'ft~ ' qa.7` ~ w ZZ • © o r = 12 i 1 ~ ` e ~,? r 11 > 4 6 ~ ia.a i'~ ~g 10 ae. z 7 ~~a aa,4a 6 9 ~~i 23 J 2,~ IOI.D6 +`i '~i 13 „8i g 1 ., ~ . « .. - ~ ., 8 '~ = ass = F r o' , ro _ ~' '`~. 14 iao.~ •'~'~~ ~° 24 ~ _~ 22 7A _ ^ o ~ Qr Z u 5''' 15 " x 'is..as ~ Y ~~''~ :~ / "A a .~ / c \ .~.~ 26 O o (~.vJ/ 0 z+ s r ~" 13.1 r 17 ~ ~ 22 ~, ti• i 21 . ~+' IS 9 ~ ~ 18 n ~+~ q .. ~ UU 3 0 ~` ~ it J .. ~-`k Tf0 N7 V Y K~~ ,~~ ~ 14 ~ ~' r 2 8 • DEPARTMENT OF tar.ce of Well Lot PUBLIC FACILITIES Accep -~ A-82587-6.g ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from Cave Spring High School PISA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Cave Spring High School PTSA has requested a Raffle Permit. This application has been reviewed by the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ab ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee No Yes Denied ( ) Garrett Brittle Received ( ) Garrett ~_ Referred Johnson x McGraw x To Nickens x cc: File Bingo File J ° ~~ O~ ~tOANp~~ .~' 7v ~ ~ F ~OANO~F Z _? ~~ ~ ~ VIRGINIA v a z z COUNTY OF ROANOKE, 1s3s J '^ .:z ~~ '~"` COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE 1838 ON FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO APrLICATI raffle permit. made for a bingo game or all County and State laws, Application is isrmade subject to or that may be This application ulations now in force, b the under- rules, and reg hereby agreed to Y ordinances, condition under enacted hereafter and which ar licant and which shall be deemed a signed aPP which this permit is issued. ensure the accura- 0 Bingo games following questions. et. se All applicants shoulS toethese extreme car le 18.2-340.1 ~n cy of their response elated by Tit and by Sectio the Virginia Code, and raffles are strictly re Code. These laws authorize of the crieina ofs theuRoanoke COO conduct a reasonable investiga- 4-86 et. ~ ervisors t ermit. The Board has the County Board of Sup a bingo or raffle P rant or deny the tion prior to granting of an application to g ermit of any sixty days from the filing suspend, or revoke the P The Board may deny, fiance with county and permit. organization found not to be in strict com ese state law. ulations concer erson hwho county or state reg Any P Any person violating of a Class 1 misdemeanooror raffles for anY permits shall be guilty is from bing community, art of the gross receip ious, charitable, ecifi- ~. uses anY P anization is sp shall purpose other 1 a u poseswfor which the erating expenses, or educationa pexcept for reasonable oP cally organized, felony. be guilty of a Class 6 THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) BINGO GAMES RAFFLE PERMIT A i t~ ~ ave Name of Organization ~~~ Street Address ~~ t ~ ~ Mailing Address ~ n ~ © ~' ~ Code j~~bA o(~ Its City, State, Zip 2 cis e e. .~ e of Organization Purpose and TYP F ~ '~~ D .. _,~ cn C ..- r When was the organization founded? 1 r_ _.r-- C ..3 Roanoke County meeting place? ~Gy/Q ~`N ~C~In ~C~o ) Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES ~/ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES__~ NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~~~- ~ ~©~~~~e Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organi(z~at/ion: President: ~ ~- ~d~_~ ~Jc~1~~ (f, ,, Address: Secretary: Address: Vice-President~C~ Y0 ~ d-e~rc~% f~ d Address : ~ ~ ~ /~-,~ ~ ST- ~~~ ~~ s(c~ l~5' Treasurer:l ~ Address: (~(cS ~~~Ce c2 y~Cx~- ~c.~c~~_ ` hoc ~ .-- Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name ~Q,~ d p ~f Home Address l9 (( ~ ~~d(e ~ i ~,(T ~tr~ E Phone _ ~ Bus . Phone .r- A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. 7 -7 ,~.. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing Time of Drawing BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the use of the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. ~ ~ d~ ~ l /~ ~~e~ ~ ` ~~~ ~~ Prs~ as f' f~ ~-` P~~~ G ~ ~~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~' BINGO• Complete the following: Legal•owner(s) of the building where Name: Address: BINGO is to be conducted: State~_Z ip---- County rof it Is the building owned by a 501-C non-p Seating capacity for each location:___~ organization?~- Parking spaces for each location: - 19 BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER 4UESTIONS 1 of ALL RAFFLE AND eration is from all sources relauad ero forep P or calen- l, Gross receip calendar q Bingo games or Instant Bingo by dar year period. INSTANT BINGO BINGO 1st Quarter lst Quarter 2nd Quarter_ 2nd, Quarter 3rd Quarter, 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter Total Total is a violation of anization understand erson or firm, associa- 2, Does your org classifica- enter into a contract with any or corporation of any or con- law to artnership, anizing, managing, tion, organization, P ur ose of org tion whatsoever, for the p P ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? `~ it must maintain ado our organization u ds and disbursements pertaining 3, Does y ect to file complete records of receip d Raffles, and that such records are subs Bingo games an audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue that the Commissioner of on -the premises 4, Does your organization understanht to go up nee has the rig a Bingo game or raff~e- the Revenue or his desig on which any organization is conducting mes or raffles? nced audits, and to secure for audit all to perform unannou cords required to be maintained for Bingo g eS 3 r.1 Report understand that a Financial before Does your organization the Revenue on or 5, for which a per- must be filed with t Vemberlof leach alendar year the first day of No toss receipts ex- mit has been issued? ~ an addi- anization understandcalendar quarter, later 6, Does your org ceed fifty thousand dollars during filed for such quarter no ort must be of such quarter? eS tional Fin aaysafoRioWing the last day the failure to file than sixty of understand that revocation Does your organization Bingo game ~' 1 reports when due shaZa on shalltoo duct anfiled and a financia and no such organ ro erly the permit, report is p P or raffle thereafter until s ~ch new permit is obtained? ~ the ' zation understand tha i acunderaoath bYpore Does your organs verlf naffs 8• anied by a Certificate, Bingo game or must be accomp roceeds of any charitable, commu- Directors, that the P religious, Board of anization is spe- have been used for these lawful- eration of Bingo ur oses for which the °rg rovisions of nity, 11 educations-l P anized, and that the oP cifica y chartered or °been in accordance with theVPrginia?~QS games or raffles ter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Article 1.1 of Chap one percent audit a aid to the County of Roanoke Does your organizaslmustnberptand tha before 9' toss receipt ort due on or fee of the g financial rep upon submission of the annual ~~ the first of November? ~ " ermit and of or our organization understanattsuchtlocaPions, 10. Does Y of Roanoke and onlYermit application? e• only in the asu are designated in the p such dates, erson, except a who shall have been a Does your organization undanizationhat no days prior to 11. such org least ninety opera- bona fide member °f anization for at the management, such org anticipate in and no person member of ation, shall p ement, such particip bingo game or raffle,in manag conduct of any anticipating tion, or remuneration for P raffle? Ups shall receive any such game or or conduct of any ermit operation, check for the annual p 25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, l2. gas your organization attached a fee i n the amosnt o f $ Virginia? anization found Raffle Ordinance or §18'2 s our organization understand that any orermit is subject 13. Doe Y Bingo and this p inia authorizing shareholder, agent, in violatiothefCode ofuVirg erson, 0 340.10 of to having such permit revoked and any P agent, of such organization who shareholder a ove employee erson, member or ermit revoked and any P having such p f such organization who viS ates the a ove member or empl°Y~e ~ uilty of a felony. referenced Codes may be g 4 ~, 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? ~ P_S 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? ~ ~'S 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? ~/'c~S If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. 17. State the specific type and rpose of the o ganization. ~ ~~ ~ Ca.s~ - c. ~~~o~eS ALT, CC--~ '~ 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? N ~ If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? ~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description ~~I ~ ~~, ~~,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~b~ (Vl e~ c~,ac~ Gn.~ ~~~~~ ~; z~Q ~~~~! NC' v e~ C~ ~: ~s ~.~,~. ~ ± ~~ h Fair Market Value 5 ~. ..J ~ ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo the number of people in attendance on each date, amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? understand that instant Bingo may only regular Bingo game is in progress, and at such times as are specified in 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) is played, and the 6 -- ~.~ J 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above • statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: My commiss'on expires: U ,~~_~_ 19`~U i .~ '' ~s~L.~ Not ry Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 3900 Roanoke, VA 24015 7 Subscribed and sworn before me, this ~_day of '~L°• <~~ ~ 19 ~'/ NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED roved in due form, is app found until December 31st of lication, having been The above aPPthe applicant to have effect and issued to ear. ~ ~' this calendar Y ~ ~,, ~- ..,. / ? , ~-' the ~,Reve ue Commis oner of {~ f - ~ ~~ k , ,: Date Bove application is not approved. The a of the Revenue Commissioner Date 8 ~~ ~~ai ~~- ? Jerry and Jean Jamison 5948 Tim and Mary Jo Malloy 1864 Thomas and Joan Nasta 2440 George and Hildy Getz 5396 Austin and Nancy Verity 6026 Don and Brenda Hooker 5391 Roger and Marie Tickle 6624 ; Vernon and Loretta Jolley 3110 F Jesse and Sue Wilson 4901 G Jack and Stella Lindsey 8573 M Henry and Elizabeth Wise 7594 C Harold and B. J. Burritt 4512 W, Ralph and Tanya Burr -- Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Royster 5329 B1 Baskin and Yvonne 8053 Wh Harrison ~~ /I o , ~1 yep s?yg Alton and Jacqueline 5705 Penguin Drive Gwaltney Gerald and Janice Jones 5305 Cromwell Court Tom and Kathy Buback 3916 Gallatin Street Mr. & Mrs. Stuart McGhee 4842 Hunting Hillds Dr. Gene and Callie Bowles 4925 Grape Tree Lane Clark and Jean 3226 Bromley Road Vandergrift Robert and Joyce Tennant 3716 Kentland Drive Bill and Martha Clark 4934 Buckhorn Road Richard and Patricia 5516 Ingleside Stiller Carol and Bob Underwood 3659 Bond Street 774-7811 989-7124 989-5339 774-5999 989-9651 774-4814 989-6334 989-0698 989-4525 774-1984 Page 3 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith 4898 Boxwood Drive 774-5539 Bob and Linda Fisher 5642 Warwood Drive 774-8712 Tom and Elaine Boyd 10427 Fortune Ridge Rd. 929-4400 Jim and Mar Ann 3763 Hummingbird Lane 989-4655 Blackwell Sam and Marty Hodges 3663 Verona Trail 774-6738 Joseph and Carol Masters 5723 Arcturus Drive 774-2201 Bill and Bunny Hancock 4878 Deerfield Road 774-5029 Timothy and Barbara 2937 Woodthrush Drive 989-5375 Galvin Mr. & Mrs. Donald 7645 Wineberry Trail 774-3374 Anderson Dick and Barbara Brown 5656 Penguin Drive 774-7693 --- ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Bruce and Gwen Hauser Mike and Joanne 5333 Fordwick Drive 774-6118 Heffernan Sheldon and Dorothy Davis 5906 Bent Mt. Rd. 774-3556 Gary and Teresa Hoback 4160 Arlington Hills Dr. 774-8311 Frank and Nancy Robbins 5444 Linda Lane --- Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Kelley 5108 Harvest Hill Road 989-8136 Bill and Jane Haddad 6532 Mill Run Circle 774-7258 Dan and Bobbie Oyler 7505 Mt. Chestnut Road 774-9382 33~ Londonderry Circle 989-8125 Tom and Carol Hahn Bill and Elizabeth Martin 2317 Stallion Circle 989-5790 Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Kidwell 5459 Linda Lane 774-9198 Larry and Judy Hodges 3409 Kenwick Trail 989-4700 Craig and Ora Sluss 2203 Pommel Drive 774-8735 Bob and Maxine Alls 5400 Bernard Drive 774-1629 989-4931 Mitchell and Jean 6633 Old Barn Circle Rothschild Larry and Linda Fogarty 5327 Silver Fox Road 772-0193 Page 5 Sandra and Jon Manetta Carl and Helen McCurd y J• D. Hoback Wallace and Carolyn Jamison 5919 Flamingo Drive 5283 Flintlock Road 2316 Stallion Circle 4024 Kentland Drive 774-2729 774-7295 774-6795 774-9071 Michael and Patricia Sisk 5253 Crossbow Cirrcle Carolyn and Gordon Burch 4808 Kildeer Circle James and Betty Jo Crook 5007 Cave Spring Lane Mr. & Mrs. Dickerson 3397 Morning Dove Rd. John and Kay Allen 3520 Canter Circle Kim and Joy Greer 4801 Easthill.Drive Herbert and Alice Smith 5333 Grandin Rd., Ext. Dale and Beck y Sheets 2656 Willowlawn Street Jerry and Barbara Simmons 3418 Fleetwood Avenue Ron and Dottie Beck 3044 Lofton Road Joyce and Tom Noell 3260 Longham Road Anne and Bates Killin er g 4734 Foxhall Circle Linda and Quenton Ratliff 6636 Old Farm Rd., John and Eleanor S e ele Salem P g 6668 Suncrest Drive Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beach Y 3611 Meadowlark Road Pat and George James 4054 Southwick Circle Gene and Myrna Ware 7429 Fernway Drive Gary and Carole Click 4123 Snowbird Circle Claire and T. Larry Moore 4101 Snowbird Circle Sherry and Jim Cr u ~''' S1 ~~ i' u y keY !-~o //~w d ~nley 5141 Hollow Road Odell and Janet Minnex David and Theresa Le Pere 8654 MartinkCreeklRoad Wayne and Pat Goodman ar7R5 ~- ~`` ~ ~~ ~^~ret f /Z~ G~ 3631 Bower Road George and Patricia po a P 5116 Lvnnson nr; ,,.. .. _ , 989-5162 774-0019 774-8241 989-9806 989-8667 774-7189 774-1789 989-7800 774-9407 774-1439 774-2570 774-1930 989-5980 774-3449 989-9470 774-5301 774-6625 774-7633 774-4818 774-9248 & 989-6111 886-0846 777" Z R4r 989-6542 Page 7 Diane Athey 2518 Steele Road Phil Dawson 774-8327 1732 Bridle Lane Carolyn Cundiff 774-7854 Mary Board 2942 Tree Swallow Road 772-0273 4321 Cordell Drive Jan bawling 989-5008 Linda Taney 3126 Garst Cabin Drive 774-9301 4516 Cheshire Lane Betty Marr 774-3663 2121 Bridle Lane Shelby Thomason 774-7657 3938 Vauxhall Road Cynthia Caudill 989-9443 5368 Blackbear Lane N• B• Ladia 989-7625 4704 Foxhall Circle Irma Bond 989-0903 5384 Blackbear Lane Nancy Thomas 989-0031 5271 Falcon Ridge Road 989-3956 v 1lcc:! N1n ~:U1~C1t1;~:; U1~ YEait1:N~1'S ANU '11SACIj1:1tS tiylaw~ ut _':.'.._ .-1' r:'r~.'. ~[~!_~! ~~`:rtuul Yaz~(,rit;- `['t;,~cr~er Stud~:r~t_ A:~.>ociatiori J~ua.rlolte Court ~il,j,iuv~u ~y '^..uc~~ unit ,uuw~uisltljt .iL 1Ct, tuu~:1 tt,;, un. ;7 ~` I ~ (County ur City) (:;.lj;lt~cl) ~r~-~-s~_ y :-C~:I~t~i.2..~~---- (1'r(:r~id~uc) (:iucret:lry) ~Lucu1 Unit liyluwa Catuttll.[uu (:ttultut.ltt) nxhhAKK:ihnkh~;chRAknns.ic..hhh7kkkrckkh~ick~/[k*7kk/(*'tc*ktk*,kff**k**~k~l(****~trc~h,kik~AAi~A*kltk~kit7k*~Mc* ~:~1;uV~.: 1. t:l,_iW ! u:: U:.,l' l,y ~a~r1Ll: 11yluWli CStuirltttill Ur (j (:tJ~.}~lt(.t: U1~LY) :.l,l, i uVu,i ~,u _.~.lt.. l ? ~! t.ltu. ilus ~ ~l ul: hl.iltuk,i:ro by Cllu V:tt.t+++.+ `an~e,+.. .. ,iy.l.~wu ,.:vuuul[Ccu: (U.1(~) SLuR,u byluWa LU11W+11.1~~ SUGGESTED LUGAL UNIT BYLAWS *Axticle I - NAt~.K Parent-Teactters '1't,e u:xwE~ of ttxita 8~`:c~r=1-atiou it' th'~`ln .x ~ ~ . P~-reut.-'~sacher-Students Absoc;l.ation ~, A: t .,c.: ~^ ,,`~ ~ r ~ IC is a local i'TA/ P"1'SA ixutiociution ~PrA) - (county or ~') (N'1'SA), _„__,~.... .~ <.z j.1z`°`-°~----"""°""°""~"~~~~ tt-e Virgizxi;i Cuxxgreau of Parents and Ts~chers cult urgax,i~ed uu~x'~~ran~laaoftx~;ix`t~atiauaJ. Congrest~ of Parents and T~chers (the. ( tt,e State 1.''1'A) . - Nat iunal i''PA) **Article [I - 'Purpo$utx :;ectiuu 1.. 't'hE Uk~,1~=4~ts of tlxc; Associatioxx, is caampn w1Ch Cl-e Ub,jectb of the ~1at iunal Y'1'A, tyre .,. 't'u prowutx~ tta:: u~:li:xsE: of children ,anct youth in itome~ school, cuuuuuQity and }il:,ce ui' wur~aizil>., . N. 1'o rare. the ~tanc?;~rcls of hocat: rife. ~. 'to sec~xt«' a~equ.xte }.:zww for tt,ecure and protectlun of chiidren and youth. ~i. "1'o brim; :s~-c~ ~:9.a~T~F-s relaturixit~it$o~~.na"t'Y ut~xducatignkoftxchilcixEri tandnyouth. tea~:hers :.uay x`a,~,{s~;r:ste :.ntErL b Y , e. '1'o clevelu}.a taa:tw~:c-z~ eciucatorcx :xxxd tixEy };,etxeral publlc such united efforts as ~a~x' ,.,,}.1 r~i,tldre:n auc} youth the ttighex;t advantages .an physical, wii~i sec. c,r-e~ zuuxxtai, ..:uc.t.~,i. .x,xd sK,ix~itxxx.l educatioxx. Smart fur, 2. `t'},E_ t]titu~-ts of tt,i~:: ar;sociarlon are pramuted in cooperation with ,lEx: :;tutx: 1''l'I`~ s.,xxtl ~iEe: td~,tl:.a)E,al l''1L'~, t}-coui;tx an educatiouui pro};rauz Sirc.cte: cuwacd:; purez,Ee~., t~,ta:t,x~s.~ :a,,d t.txe i;c:xx~:s~a!. public; dre: dE:velope~ throu.,+.~tx con- t er.~ucur~, cuu,.azxr r.:,.,.•;, ~,rz~jc:ct,~ anci r,ro~,a~:.~u,s; assd are governed anc} ciu~.? i.f iec~ t,y the busts:: pcs~i ~.e_.it.:~ ~fs~t t«rtts ixi Artic.l.x.= II1_. **Achicle iII - t3uettc Policies 'che Cuilowln}; "xse bab is policiESs of thifs asssuciation: .,. 't'he ~x:,z~oci:xe: Lux, z..hull be nonr_ouuuercial, nuusectarian and nonpartisan. ~ k t,E: :e;;:;ucl.zxCioc, or they uamc:s o.f any meu,bets in their official ~, The nawe u. capaclt 1.e:.: shah. rear bw used i,u any c:oxxneur~ose not appropriately related ur witix :soy pustitxaxx inters:st or for any p l to pruEx-otiuxx uf: tt,e Objectz: of the association. c. The u:;r:eza_.t:,t-t.z>e; :;hail not---directly Ur indir~:etly--participate ur .tntLrvene ir, a,-y `pray !'.ixxx'Luttixxs~ r:t,e publishi,xf; or cii:~trxbuting of statewents) in any },ulltir_a}. <'c;wi~~,.1};_, ~+,x behalf uf, u!' in oppositioxx tu, any cacxdidate tar ~ tzublic• .ariic~a"; L?r. ~.le:~;ute: ,uearr~ than acx insubbtcsntlal parC of. its activities to al,ttwpe ~Ei~ Cxs 1x,l.ltxk:xlCE' ?c:r;lslation by propat;:sndu ur otherwise:, ' ualit education d. The ~.yasocizx! ~.on atrall work with the ~achoola to .provide q y for u' `L ~~.hi'.:~t'~=bt :x['ed yOtsCli~ and aha1J, es~ek to paniZin~,athatnthealegalarespon- utakirr~, F~c~~-t:~:. eyr.,;:ab~.i.srb~.ng school policy, recog - ,u-1~.~: {k.~~.aivna hay been delegated by the people to beards of aibll.tC`~ `- erlucut ~.~~~~> , ~,. `The *aaa~.-'°. is^. i"'~ ~Y cUUt'erLits with other axganlyRtiona and agencies concerned wi.ttt <<tti.R-`• ~~ =i.i:arf=,.. but i;erauna re.prea.en:t the aaeoci.ation in such tnattere ehuil ru~;:~c.e rzsr ^uuwbi"uxeutr~ :.hat bind the a,sgociation. #, In th. euF~ztc ~~~= "'~~~~= ciirtaoiutiorr aX the association,i~asinaSectionaSUlb(c)i(3)iw buted fo= az~4T :?~' ru~;rc. of t~-r~: e;tt,,,,pt puxposes.. specif o:E :he lrtterc's.~~. :~.~;,>t:rzue Uode of J.954, as frouz tiu-e to tiwe anbendod. **Articlu,,,~ - Articles of QrgapiZation The aasoclat-i.,tt j^.xy ~.~i~i. t:ittter are an unincarpoxs.ted or incorporated association of ice uxembt:re. '~'h+: frrc ~cles of +~r~;atrixxtion of an unincorporated association nhal~. cuwpria+~ 1b~a:~~e ~~>y_`_~wu as frc~~~; C~.iura 3_o time ~nencied. 'fhe ~=rticies of an ~o. rto!.-.fur-- ofi's: corporation ctha'1 +_xrc?ude the bylaws Ul'~iJ,xrs-6tlt 9_<'~rb wiry ~:~:i t:Xlblth i1G tt of ct1c: urgall._at~~~.a ~rbrd its Certificate of locorporation or Articla~~ o£ Incor- porzxt iou. *f:sticie V - Yrlambert3hip and Duea +~*S~ctiort 1. hlewl~c:a atbp in tiris PTei/P`rSA sita.1.1 bs made available to any individual whp aubbcrit~~M„ Co !:eb~--• ~j}~,j+~cts arty! the uaaic pol.~.c~.c~a of the t3~tlona~ NTA, wit'nout r4bard tf• t"~a.~:~e, _=«-'..'r, ~,rNed, or nation.sl origin, undex auch rulers and regulaC.ions not in canf ~ i:~"~ ~ ~.r'•_ t rrti: prowls forts oi; these bylaws, the bylaws ow. rhs~ Stat4 PTA ar the byla~.:~: o~ *:hw: x~~;rtional P'i'A. *Sc:ction 2. Urtl~o ;uo::ubb~:~'ta of rare association ahalZ. be eligible to participate in Ch-: buairrer~a ure~~r:.in.;y, or to ;3erve z,n rtrty of iCrt e.I.ective or appoiriti_ve por~itiona. ~*_• •ctiun _:~. Gvb-~r t~xcarv:+.du:r.~ who is a urcwbar of this PTA/PISA is, by virtue of the Su _ Y ,{ - local PTA/P'!'5A ftxcC, a 3rx~:bubt,:r or ttra: 'fur. i.ortetl PTA artd the State pTA by ahictt ti_~.tk itl chaxt-cc-:d, aru.§ :tea t;rtL:i.tie~ to all benefits o,f auch membership. ~*Ser_tion 4, •S`f.r :,bb~t~a~~zzxt.ort a~hall ~.ondrzct d.il annual enrollment of ureurbers, but pGrrturtrs way be •=x~:ublr:?~.a:c~: r»c~ ru+~urberahip at u;ry tiw~t. "~$l:(:riOtl .s. r.:acYr us.:uatar<z c~~ the association shall pay .annual dues of _~ ~ UU toy thr: ad GC, c.~tuz-~~-b~r• '~~_~~h ax~rrtual dose ir'tclude the portion of 5UG per nbeuuber, payable 6~~,~ to tiro t~;.ur:e ~'"~`%L. :zero she portion of 'RUC pex u,,ember payable to the National. P'1`A~ K*Sictiozt ~~. 'i~bw ~t.at.u and Nationaa. I'TA portions of the dues paid l,y each member io~~zs~~ Y'!'~'» aI-~u~-7. be rsec u.r:ide by the Local PT.h and remitted tU the ' treasurer to a of the Stz=t~:: A''~~= <f.s :.tb~ Stet€~ Uffica on or bsfore December 1; by rz "~iarc d 1 of teach onsl d it~ your .to r thos4 ~~=uztxers received after December' 1, and by ,7une 3U for a . -- wezutrartt rec~iveu .~± "er March f. The reutittance to the. State PTA atrall be accom parried by .r .,.c~~Er~ r~.ub~.4.:tarres- Mani: showing thB naarti aetd addream of the president d of th;: ttzc ,smount of tins dues colldctdd +luring ttte azac:z~ ~:.t.:~.~~r. period . covete by thv , rt:.p~nr: zrn~# the nuutber of wewberr~ of ttte association. _z_ Article VI - Ufli..ers and 'rl-cir Ll~ction Sectiuri E., t`~«U},. oft _ceX of: thin I''1'A (or 1'TSA) shall be a u,awber ut the 1''CA (or P'14A?~• Sec.tiura r. J%t: c..~.'~+~ ~ar~d tt-eir e:lec[1,)n. vice- s. The oif ioe~ r` ;'~: tt''= ~'a~'a''iaC Lon akwll be a prer3ident, - (nuwt,ur) praaletMc~t.a, +, .,c:zc:r.ary x--)d ~ ..{reaaurer. b. Officer= ;;}+=~-k F Fse ilectud by b~.,11ot anuuaLly iii the u-o-Ytt- of September' IiAWt;v~:r, Lf +_t-s:ru .t.s Y,uC one r,owine~ for atiy uifice, electio,~ for that; office way_be by vo:-~: vutw. ___ -___ c, uffi~•er•~} shad. assume their official duties on the 1st meeting of ~thr ~~ew schoo~t. year in September, anal s~ial.l serve for a term of 1 yE>,:~~ ;~~• ors+., ~_i -their successors a:re elected. d. A perau-- ;ti,a.}? out bL ul.f.t;lblu to serve wore than ~ coriaecutive terms; in the S~.ctiu+t ~3. ~kuu,i:.~-tin}; t;u-wuitteea __ . a. Ther~r- ~ha_l.~i. be a nominating committee consisting oi' tr:ree members, whicY, r,.t~t~_ be appointed by the executive committee. b. Tk-,: auwl,-a-.1_u~ +~ununlC.t~:c: sh-+11 nominate an eligible persu-) fur eac}- affice to b~: F il_i~:~ ~:r~J rc:F~ur:: lt~ --aminee.a at the regular weetir,~; ! ~._ ~e~ ternber . uC whi~•t~ i:~„e tac.l.~ltiuual. :euu,iu,sr_!.o-Zr) may be wade from thf~ xluur.},n,u,it.lt) c. Uuly tlauai: a,~.:r ;,~~.u:. wtw Iwvk: a~.gnlf led their consent to b~irve it elec.Ced ctt1LL11 }~tz r,i3k"'.It:t_i.,.+:k !_O~ OT' +_'~~~~3:A=Gt 1. C7 `.14Ct1 i)~~iC@. Section ~_. ~. f~~c.~~cy o,:,c•uring in any of_f'ioe shall be F'ilJ_ed. for the unexpired te:•~r~ !>y the p~r~~;sid.ent, of the P`~SA. In cati~F~ ~_ vacar:cy occurs in thF~ oft"i.cF: ~:E' ~l~e p~~: esid~~:r~t, the; first vice-president shall. serve nol;icE. c>:" -k~h~> eJ_e~-~ ion. t~rticle VII - Duties of 0*fic~ra Section 1. 'rhe t~re:;a_cferi~ ;:-t-a.i'•. pr4c~i_de at all me:etiugs of the: a~suciation a,-d of star <x~cut the ,.,_„wuiCa~~:z: at wt,ich t,G u,ay be present; ~hu11 perform Such uthur du C.iu-t ,au c,t.:-i k,~, prou+.•r-ibed Ln ther~c~ Uylawa ur assigned to k,iw try tY,e. aasociatiu-, c:~.r fey ti:t,u execu~l.ve: co-,uulttee; and ah,-i:l. coordinate the murk of tiro afficera ,-,rt _:o„nujCL"uer3 of thcs adsuc:Fatj.un i.ll ux'der CtiaC the Objects may be prUwuted. Suction ;t_ The: vice--t~~x"E~slda--t(d) ,~ha11 act as aicte(s) to the t-resident and dt,all (i-, t.t-Llr ;~c~~;i~,!zut,~d cfrd~.r) pyatiorw thy. dutl.es of tt,u }~tebide-~t in tt-r abac:r-ce ~>r di_~.,aE)i~_I.ry 4f th.,c utlicer to act. Sent ~~„~,,,, '1'l,+u :.<:c- ~.t:;~xy :sha:ll record the minutus of all -neeti-,~;:, ui: the u~;t;oclutiu-,. a-tcl ~1~ r:k,r c:x~:c~;cive coaar-ittee and ethall perform au~:i, other duties aft way !,e s1c:l+:~;at~:cf t::3 i,iui. _3_. 5ur.ti<.s, ~e. 'situ + r~s~+cfur(;r t;--all have cusc.o~y of ;:tll of ttt~.nditure~f and inbaccordance -..-_ ~ tLt?.~ ~.;?C~ iCl:;Lit:7.t>k' iiCC:~-)tlllt („1} TE;CI'.i.!)tk4 tllld E'x[, `~ attail ~ *; _ :~hts:l.l stake di~,buryenl~nt~ as vuthori2ed y raitt- L .. .~~>`~ 7'he trarisurer 5tl~t~' ~,resaestt e~~• , ~,w~fn~Lrr,+,.~, gar the asaociaCion. ~ ion itltd 4r_ ot.Ylcr *~lut~~ we:r;r.: Ls ~j..1).t4I1~,°,'.;',+ ~tF ~"t'~r ?+. 41~~~~ ~1-1:t.Y~.l.t; )[ tiif? $l~lf1UC'L8t u~:wt~:ti r.+,~ltE° .. ~"'~,,~, r , ;+t; ~~,u.tit tug and. 1;1+~1J stake trE:aluzE:ru~halltbuYtr~:apc,uslx~lE~t foxithe ~e~r r~f.~':~_~.~-..~~, a<~ ~.~~ .N ~.?.y ~3.,leulne tl+rir.' czut, L a -wii.Ltt~ta;,s'+ ~.: At. °l,,tr,;~ta l,~,~,k~ ~,t ac~t~ulzt artd record a~ conf.ornl to thc: requ.~reuce:nt~ of Axt~.G1~s Xi. ;G. S+ct;ttor- 3, ut citc:;~t° i,,ylawt}. ltta tt4aa+-~x~=r~+~ ac+~;~untfs ahu1~. k~r: 4xautlned rsnttusxl.ly by yin auditor ux' an ~suditlrt~ cous~~.tCti~ or not l,a.~3~s that) tl+s:t:N luelut,er~+ wlto, ~at113Yikd titat the C1rea~ureY+y iheuaucii.tinKtcou~- t;orxect, =+~~ui:' ~i~s` ~ ~r.~ct:ulent of .fact st this end of the u} or, . ' " ~}r.` :~~• =t + ~: z•+~ i)y ?'}tN. i"y, C!;+~~. ~Yt: +:UUU1t:I.tCee at ~,.eZ3)t CW(1 Wa_:~:ks b~f JY t? titE II's~4'r." Wittk:r- irll~tcR-'.r. ~ ' i.n~ a4 wtll.cks steal ~>i`!~i.c~~re~ ~l:ssunte their duties. 5ectioli 5. All r,rficera aha~i; . a. p~;r~tarlu t1-L glut iee pre~+~ri.t,ed 3.11 the paaCli,aul+~ntaTy authority in addition to thuaG ~,uti 1u+: ~3. An tttr~~E' bylawb and chosie ~tetl 1.~rned is rou, t i1nE: r. t, time. b. lltrlly~ ~` to ~lt+~!-r Luc tt~-a:,c~r;~ aiJ o.Eficial u1aC-:xia1 not later trsau ten dayb #oi~us~Ll.i~ t;t-+: aleetlnf, .,r wltic:lt new officers at~sume their duties. ~.1-txc'L4 ~+I'lT A Exe~utivsr Cowss-ittt;e Sectiu:~: ; , `~'~1~: e~:ecutive committee shall consist of the officers of thf~ :t.s3oci~~tio~=- the c°hair_men of standing commit-tee's: and the oirrted by him, two principa~. of ~~ho -~crloo~- or a representative app ~'aculi;y ~iiernb~z~7, aC~ president and president of eacr. class. The chairmer- of ~~-~,r:~:' stared-a.ng comr~~it~;ees sh~.ll be selECted by _the president. 54CC1011 i. ~~'h~ ''Ft=i. i`3 ;_+i S;ht', t':~'k^i:t=tj.Yk? CQllUn1.~L4'E' 6hi'~~.~, bt' ~il? YO Cral)S11r°t_ nt:'i:k.'b^- ..___ 4 ~ -- +:' 9.tA4' trltE'.YVr+E.g ')errtryE/er- assc,c:.+.at_LOIA I1zt:Elt.ill}y'Ei Find 3uCh Ortlk': f)U`.3 ~liE'-Is"SE aa.ry auailz ~~.~~ r atl -11ely Rte 'n;:it:S.'~'~~s1 F:.G :'1. by t~-E; =AbSt74'!.aGS.011.„ ~b~ 1:0 C'x'Elate St.;ind:il')~; ~~O11t1+11CYt'e2, (t;,) Cc1 a_1~~E3c'uy~.: ' :t+.' f3~~ dt2~. a?!- ~e]~~i~ ~!i` t;1te t,tf1114l~11~ CUllttl-~,CtE F'~, fi+1 ~ Yip 3~7~i. ~~iE:nt ii b'ti3(]l}!°~ 9'r r':Itr, i."*=~~V L$C" i7++:'£'i~ Ltl~'; c)~ iv he t3S6UCi$t~prt~ ~R~ Lf7 Es~~E3t'C ale ~bU(i~11=0~ C, I" audit. }..~+~ ~:., e:az:i_t!: ~:r' 1«c, a++di* 41: rrc:nauxet' G as:count.s; (,f) to l,r,~i)are allti suhluit to the ur;u,-c.iatic,t, for acs.+~C,): t+;,sl a oudg,et for tilt: yeaar; {,~) to api)rnve rc+utinE: bi1.Ls ,~iti+ixt. ths: iiwir~~ od she, budg}:t, St-ctf.ac: 3~ ~{egua:.)' luue[..t.t~tgts .af tht:~ executive Cutwni,tCer shFtll be held during the yt:ar, z-).: r:.-u-+~ +!; +, c- `ixc+l `',y rtlt: c;onlul±.tCer Ott it~3 firc3t lneetini; of the year. A n~u_jos-it,~, ~-, tils.~ ux~•.t st:i.~tt~ r:ouu+-ittee lnccubt~xt3 sltal.J ~gn~ttit~ute ~. ~uoruw, S~,ecial weetile,;: ~; '=.te, ~ :~~.•~:+_~l :ivt~ '~runirr_•t:e arty hr. ca;lRtci ay t.!-t+ l,xu>31d+•nr i~r by v ulti,jor- ity or r.lt;, m+Atu>+:r~3 of: rite r.na,ttlil_`tc'--t?. ldot~: r~ri-icitra a.,rl tl+:th pa~,t~ arE; suggsetyted only and Wray be adapted to the needy and cu~ts,iu:~ of r}+~~ !_u+:al us.i.r. _q_ Arc isle TX - Muet:tnbe _;c:ction '~. ~kC~,U.~-aC' meE'tixi~ '~:f t7re association. shall be held fo;;x~ t :mss pex~ t ~:ar ~ ~~-, -Gss t~therw~_:~~> prov:i.ded by the association or the e~ eeut~_~.~r ~~orn.~rri~~reF ~ Vivo day" : notice having; been given. ~s Sucti.onL. ~p~:+~..~~[1 ~~:ut]-IiB~ u~aY bu tnil~sd by they executive conuuittee, __~_____._,~, (number) _ days notic«: havi.xz~; is+-:~:Ia c~ivurl. Suction 3. _--- Thu k;.l~:.~:tiua [neecing shall be held the first meetir}g M (Month) of the year, in September. Sectiosi k. ~ `~ wc:mbcsrs atlall constitute a quoruu[ for the transaction of budineas _ iIx :.zny usz:~,:cinbr~ of this association.5b(Sea below) Section 5. 'Jut i~z~; ut'~ s outinE ~r,atti:rs ,I[,ay be by Vaice; huwever, vatus on the bylwws or ~~rur..[:uliL:II~..+iy :~doptioz~ <~+~ js bud,get, adaptioa of :a projecC„ or tht el~;ctiorx oc ~,t`1=a:~x°~ may °~z= by a stzuw a<.` sneusbershit~ cards with tt~~e vote being coula[.~;ct ,aztitt x-~:corded .Ln t-~~z dytj.nutezi 5c or SNOW o:f hands t+.cti.clu X - Stranding s.[id Specia]. Coml[Ii.ttc:es Section ,. ~3uly ~uwrott~Lz's of tt-t: association shall be eligible ~.o serve in any ul~.cti,vz., oe: ap;~+: ~.:3!;ivt~ E>ositioix. ................... S~~ctiox~_- ~:. Thy ~~. c~:;i-c~~:!'~t or -the exr~cutive committee may create sect: starldix~~; ^ornirr ~ ftf + ~° 1 ~ '_t. r~~~~.y ceern necessary to promotF thc' objects acid c~~a.ry C>r ~:.r, work o t' the :~.ssociati.on. `1'}le t~ r~m of ~~~~cli chair. mart shall be a ,y [~.r car ur~t:il tie. election of his succe:asor. Sectiorz_s. !'tzc- +~!z~;irra:azz of ~:actz ~CazI+1'ing (;onuuitt[:e shall pre;~unt a plan of work tc> ttlG ::xc:c'u+ i~,+e. ~~ununitt~:w for u.p}>r.oval. No cozuuz:i-ttee wozk shall be under-- tiitcc.n wLttiuz,.ti €~Ezti< ~:an~tuzzt +~z irtte pre~:.idE.nt. `auctiOtti ~. t'tszs E.uw~.:r to l:ur.[z+ upei:.tal coltw[ittees and appoint ChLir meu[ber~ rests wtth~tt,~~ ~a~~~=~t.~r_.~+, t, and ct+~: executive co[rualttee.~7 or the pre~~ident. Sec~Cio,. _`__ ''tit; ;,z~:~idLnt :~t+ali be a uzember ex-officio of ul1 couuuittees except Ct+t: +iuu,~.lut.a.~~~; ~~.,~uuuit_t~u. (r~uaruiu: _!s aict~irat,.Le <{unreel t-hould represent et ].easC 10%-15% of yuur marnbc:rskzip. -5- Article XI - Council Mexuberahip (Applieu or:l~ ~:0 3.u~:;i! !''i'A/t'"!.'SA ttoldin}; urember-xhip in; a council of PTA/P'PSAs axed -uuat cc.~r~_r.~.~pc.~c~d ~;~; ~vaun~il bylaws} . SecCioc- 1. ~~::-c-c 3; ior~. of. De~.x:;;atc;a a» Tl~e a,txac:<:.:~..t.;.:.urn .~h~cll ~~u repxrrter-ted in meetings of the _Roanoke Cousity ('.,uYir.i1. {>; 1:1--~:cxr_•-"'ea.ctx4~r' r:traocit-tionra far Council of Parent-Teed-er-Student Ammocl:xt..~_or-~ isy.:i`at~ pre~idc;srt or his alternate, the principal or his alter- xwte, axu# Fier _ _ _~ _,. -du~.egatea or their alternates. ... ~~rl L'r1Ati R.:r b. D41e~;«rr-es .axrr! ttr.eir mlterrratea shall be electr3d or appointed in September , (urontt-) c, Dclegute:s ro tt-e _Roarioke Courlt~• Council of PTA/PTSAs shall serve !:'or a terw o!' .~ _ 1 year (a) . Suction Z. 1'tzirx association shall pay annual duetx of ~20. UO _ to the Roar`~roTse C`our~ty (.ounCil of P'rA/PTSAs etrx provided in the council bylaws. Sectior- 3. 4iac~uoe~ssibilitit~,a r~r F)E~It~S€~te_a a. Dele6ai..::; :;tra.( ~. repuxt activities of the council to tho local u-xit dnd rflc:xil pr~sLr-?: ao ttr~; council strc:h nr~+.tters axs uuay ba reFerreu to it by ttre local ?.-rcit T b. llelegutx:ti r;l-a-t.i vote as instructed on mdoption of projects or on uwtters of policy, 4au- st4~x:i]. use their own discretion on othar mat*_ers except ms pro- vided by t.oura.~~.ia. bylaws. ~+~Articlk: X1Z - ;telatiorastrip With National. PTA anct the State: PTA Snctiun 1, 'F't+Fb ~asc3oci:atiorr ~.s a constituent organ-ixatlon of the: !National PTA. It is orbaa:ie-:.t:~. sri-1 charter.:c.t Ender the authority crf ttYe State P'i'A, which in turr- for eu~~t•:'~~:c.( ~:r:R tic? sa undur the tsylaws of tt-a Nextional P'.['A. yectior- ~.. it~.~„ Fsy:E_~zw~{ of ~.f-ixr rsr~sociation are subject to the approval of the States k''~'A~~,d,~ ~y ~u~s. ~t~n;f ~a.c~ Frith. tk-e bylaws of the National z~'1'A and the byL~~w:r ~~k. ':tao;.. ~r:~€.c: b°T'A. Axry pru,iieiror>; of the byimwa of this a.sauci~-tion that cue-Ylicta ~x`..~a the uy <aWS of the ?d~atxonal PTA or the bylaws of th-:: State PTA shall be nu?.l :and vua_d. ~, Sect:.iurr 3. `i``rc: a;,su~:iation shall keep such peruraneat books of account and rtc.orda are mlE~rlt. 4,u :;ufficieut tv establish the iteu-s of gross incoute, receipts uxui disbu,:sccuranta~ c>f. r_t~e ssaacivtion, irxcluding, apecificml.2y, the nuwber of its u-uuUecs. >_t-e cluer. t.•oilk;c:r:tad (roux its uic:nrbers and the awount of ducts remitted Go the: Sr;~~c:L "'i'A. '~ucts. hooka of. mccount snd records shall uC all reasonable t!_wea bc: +s~se~~x to inut~ec,tion by an. authori;ced repreae;ntative of tt-c: State PTA or, whurr~ ~.3ira=.~s;~c~ by r:i~,..~ c.ouuuittee on state and nmtional rt:lutionsh±ps, by a duly autt-ux~i_z~d rel,res~:ntative of the National PTA. Section 4, 'Ytre ~Cutus «f this association era m lor:al PTA/1'TSA shall ba subject to terwir-a.t.o:r cxcr~.f i_ta charter as a local PI'A/t'TSA shall be ~rubject to with- drawal, in °_prr.. tu;stznc:r anr.~ unites the cizcuurseuticC:s provided in ti,u by;lawa of th4 State i='.t':~. •-6- Section 5. '1'hib ~Lr,uc;iatiun is ubllk;ate:d upuri withdrawal of. it;; cl[:,rter by the Stag t''t'A (;.s;~ ~:u y:ie:lel. ul, and surrauder all itrs books and records a[[d all of its aartr.C[, ~crk~ ~xup~r-'Yv to tkyr~ Statk: l''~A~ or to sunk[ abunuy as ulay l,e dk:signated by talk. ltiAr urrt ,_ ~ ~ ~1[U7:lil:1 ~'t'~,- ,,,«~,, ,. k ' ~t ~ ~~ ort.,ar[ized ur[der tt,~: authority of r_he 'it:[tk. k'~'<~; '~-r~ ~~ ,. ~;u,., u ,ci ;.ie~4i~t t roru tk[c .furthe:r uue; of any „au,k: that :sarplies ur cur[[a;,tk.r :,~,-rl ~.1a1~ wltk. c:l,k° v:«t;un<[]. Y'lA or the ~t:1tk' k''PA ur status ds ~, k:unett±tutirsA a.=_ xa,±~„~r.tesn •,;,i tl,k. Nst1.u,~u1 P't`A; arrrl o tht; riupe[-v~. 1:aF; sr[~l ~i1r~,c..i.un of ~,hu Lute 1'TA a1l~proce:ed~n~,s rrc:ceb~sarytor under kle:[[irul.,i[- lur ¢ t;;~~. burp<;•°~~ c,f di[,z~ol.viF~~; this asbocic[Cion. Serctian h. ~'1~_e~ az;~uc:iati-u!: shat..i co:ll~:cC. dues froca its u-uwbers and shall remit a portion ck,::rc:ui is tl[r State t''1"A as larov~.ded 1n Article V. *Artlcltn X11I -- Uissolutlon Any dis4uiutic,ex ok u local unit ar[d .t c;ru[inatior[ of its affairs shall takk: place in the followln~ uu[[r[rk;r: SecCic,«r 1. !.'t,,: '~x~cutfve /~.'vuu„lttee x:1[,[11 adopt a rttiso7.ution reconuuendin [.It1r~ 11'A !}c< l;:,avivk~~i thaC subwitC::cl «-A, ,, "nd ~~irua-t:.,[g t1,~e~ t;t,r_ qu~ibtiun of auct, dissolution be ~«,tk: txr. ;, pec~.al 1uc-etl,;~; of ,ueruk,era tl[ivink; vuti::b rigYrts. Writtc:rf ur~ uc ~1~k~;c1 ri,~r;ice ntaC_ln}; tklat the cunsiu~:r ~ka« ::~dvxsvG:alty a per"pus[" of such wee,,_:ing is to k:nticicd .. u# d s::rolvzr:~, this Y'1'/~ shall be. k;lvk:r[ to each member ~" J(. :.. ~i1. :.iiil-ki !111.: 1:t J.rl" ~,{~-: -1 of Much [u ~_ .~[ b .,.k:ar~t thirty (30) days prior' to thk; date ~;- ~ :cl ruk.c;..icY}; s1:41J be t[eld only oat calk:r[da.r. school. days during the acad4,.a~:+-~ ~r~.ar o tlru ~;uhod~l :tnv«alv[:d. Sk:ctiun 1. ~s•-litk:«[ r[otice «~f the adoption of eue;h rk;solutiwr, aeruwpanied b a cok,y of rtzk: F,ut-;tc~~z. ,;,f thc; >;h,..d•:ial ,nee±:inb of members, sha;t_1. be , Pr[:ssc.iunt ~~#~ rk««: V;r~i[iia 1'TA aC i_ta:1F, y tweet y ~ iverr to the for Luc€, t;pc;c ~;~ E :,d~.ut ors ' ,., f. Y X20) da s bc:£cax ~ the data. fixed ur his d • ~ ~ tt[e„ ~ue,ub~rs. 'I'1[o Pres.idenC of the '/irf;inia t'TA, ks 1~;rF~ c ~~k. r-e,s, ~,yc;,;tat l,ve, r~iru:ll be prewltCed to utteur,d thk. rueetin 8ha11 bt. ~;;r~r,a«a a: c' the cor.~rtcn, :~r y ~ Lc-ink; a11ow[~d to speak for ut. lk:ast b and (15) tu1F[urc>a. i_k k:k: xso decrirk:a, saz-i-ur to the vote on dls~ fifteen ~o.iutian. Sect ti,: i ,F , u[Y C1Fk:~dat«: ~ } i:~ t~i~uu pr:rsun~ wl,u wc:rr, wembere~ in , +.u«3t't, fu[, 01 -he rk:uoiut:korz and who continu~atu f_rib of this PTA hood r[t rndk_[~k; ,r, the :la,,te of r.h,f1 :~k,c:ciul meeCin ~k' u,en,pars in tlce qu•_~,ti~:{F, ~,t ',-lisaoluti::,re, b aha11 be enti_tlecl . to vote e7n Sk:eri+,ea «3, t,y,k;,-~~+rir1 of dtysk7tution of this Pi'A shall require the affiru:a VuC~ of :t~ t, ,., t: t[u.a-t~kFirds of aNc.cla? F,~+.:~r ~,~ Che n,euebere resent rive ~~= a +{u~~ru,u heln • A ~[r[cl +:ntitlk:~l to b prk:senC, vote at the :%ctiun_5_. ki dlssulutlu„ is al,proved rill of, It<: b«.,:kG ;;ncl recuxdr, ar[d all thin PTA shall yield u(, snd ~;urrender k'J'a1~ or to sFlctF a};~:ncy a~; ntd bL dedionated bssuts arrd prupert y ~ y to the State Y he State t1A, ur to another local t'T~ urk~j,lized ur[der the authority of Clxe; State t'`t'A• - , dk:aie;t i z uw t l,c: i ~,:'tkle:r Faso. of arty :Fa-ua that .impllt~ss or connutc~s asskr with the, r'~`~zt1o[[a1 ~"t'A and shah ceasE and or the; State t~TA or status us a cor[stituent or ,elation of the NaC:f.l~nai Y'I'!i. k,anixation X*Artik:ie XIV - Parliau1entary Authority ~o~Lr-t~ p`J "t~udk. Ut ~~r~tr ~'~_~kY ft~vir;ed shall guvc;r[a the ar;boclatiu k'llkik., 1rF ,F ic'F~ t 1«1~y' aifc: ~l,1);. -.__ th~:r,k: %.,, 1 , ' l.cat~iJ; {: •,d in ~+hic'h thr:y axe nc,t iu co,[fn all ./~-.:w;~ :,,,,k t9[oae ui «~ho State Y1'A and the Natioua? ,• lict with of xiscorl,«~rat.io,,. k'' A or tho F[r[iclus -7- *Article XV -.Awendraents Se:cCion 1. prc>c:i:rlure .Eor uuraudment of bylaws a. Tit c;r;,~ ~y~.ian,t ~;~,, 'ze awendec3 tit any reSular tiutsetiag of the association by a two F lai,~"' ,•; £. cry the weu,be:x s present and voting, Providi:d that notice of tlac. ~`'Ji ~ ,,t: .su.ettdwa~nt y{uall 4rsve been given at the previous meeting rand t! ~r ~::r,E, u,°erarlwent r,h~,.3~1 be subject Co approval o£ the State PTA. b' A r'"'"'~' ~ r;°`=" `~' `>~= ~+p~y«ir,r_•ed to e~ubmtt a revised set of bylaws as a mubati- tuL~ $rrr #:ire ~;~irx*.i.ng lxy.~aws only E~y ,u rara~jori.ty vote at ~: ureeting of the uuuuri;~ti"~`` 'x• by a twa~--thirds- voce of the executive counnittee. The rucjuix'u=~,c.=~rrs~ ,fur %rdopt:i.un of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as ire taxi. c~u~; ut' ~,,, awendruent. c• Su},u:>yzaiuu of awerrdwent~ wr revised bylaws for approval by the State PTA ratr,:.11 U~ iu accordance with ttrt~ bylaws or rr;gulutions of the State PTA, ~`*Suctiur, 2. ~tt;c}u.trvd ~,rovicrions :rod ~erxdurents 1'bn rrsz~ociatavts etir~;ii 7.nciuct~: in its bylaws provisions correspoudiug to the irruvir~iur?s of tires bylawrr of i~he National PTA thxrt are identified there-in b a doub:l.~: ut:sr, Y fire irciu;,,l~~urr i,v r-iiar National N!'A of an ameaciment to any of the '°dc,uble star provisiurxc, of ~t l,y~:x:~r; shall servo autoaraticall red°' ut ~urr-i'~:r actrt-~~rr i,y tale artsoclatiou to tunand y acrd without the requirement usttoci.ati_urx. ~;~,s:vi}rstandict~, correspondingly the b r • the w:~~,r;,~~i,.~tiu,r st-aiC r. ~, the ~tutor~ttic character of ttxe amezYd~-awc~ of the its by.~.a~rs. -'~~~= action promptly to incorporate such sxnrcndwentoinss~ *Article XV1 -Approval of Bylaws 1'he byt~xw~; ;f ttrir~ asbociatiori bha11 be submitted to tics State Uffice for Un bUhs ~~ `_° ildY !<£)tir(,3 FJI i"it1,1%i'l.rt/ its du,~t ~' by the Viz irria PTA Cowruittee on BylawePPo~vel hArticie ?LVii -- Fiscal Year 3 Tha fir:c.x'. ,r.:.,:.: of t:,i,„ amuc.,c,iation shall begin T : , s ~~y ~`~~ - and end Nutu: ~~~},,. .~~1e~,u.rit 1~ ruyuYrid to include is its bylaws the article usrr'ked «~ittr ;r ,txrr {°+1. :l'lte wordixi rxhuwu l~erti g of those art~iclu.s west be exactly as acre rro °Additic+r,m ~-y be nsade without t}r~s approval of +~ne State bylaws f,:auwauittt4. +$,.. ITEM NUMBER L.. -' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Accounts Paid - July 1987 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $13,742,809.84 Payroll: 07/10/87 Bi-weekly $359,516.08 07/24/87 Bi-weekly 358,037.09 $717,553.17 717,553.17 $14,460.363 Ol A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt'` Director, Department of Finance APPROVED: ~~ rr Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~_ ... ~_ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Original Budget July 1, 1987 $13,942 August 18, 1987 Regional Airport Expenses (Approved Administratively) (3,772) 10 170 Su~cnitted by, ~~.~ n . ;~~,,- Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance - COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNAPPROPRIATID BALANCE Unaudited Amount at July 1, 1987 $951,939 June 23, 1987 Additional Revenues from Septic Tank Fees 29,000 July 14, 1987 Reappropriate Revenues from Sale of Courthouse (25,000) (Memo: An Additional $150,000 for Sale of Land is Budgeted as General Fund Revenues, but will not be Realized by General Fund) (150,000) August 11, 1987 Storm Sewer Construction - Ogden Road (10,200) 795 739 The recommended level for fund balance for 1987-88 is $1,597,756 which is 3 percent of the total General Fund budget. Su~iitted by, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 5 ITEM NUMBER ~ -" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Sale of Tract Along U. S. Route 11-460 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ SUMMARY OF INFO TION:" The County has received an offer to purchase a portion of a 28.48 acre tract of real estate adjacent to the Fort Lewis Fire Station along U. S. Route 11-460, more particularly designated as Roanoke County Tax Map #55.13-1-2. The tract has not yet been surveyed. The County utilizes a portion of this larger tract of real estate for public recreation. Numerous athletic fields are located on this property. Any disposition of this property should reserve these facilities until alternate facilities are available. Section 18.04 of the County Charter requires that any sale or disposition of public property be accomplished by ordinance. The first reading of this proposed ordinance is scheduled for August 25, 1987; the ,second reading and public hearing is sched- uled for September 8, 1987. The Board's policy for the sale of real estate provides that any person may submit an offer in writing for the purchase of property. Any written offer should be received by the County on or before September 7, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: Consideration to be determined from the best offer. RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendations: 1. That the Board of Supervisors reaffirm that this parcel of land is surplus and available for sale by the County. 2. That the Board of Supervisors favorably consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. / y 3. That the net proceeds from the sale of this property be allocated to the Capital Improvements Funds as a reserve for capital improvements. Respectfully submitted, ~ , ~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ----------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE *7.. V .... T 1-. ~ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD r~~~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE ~ HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE .ADJACENT TO FORT LEWIS FIRE STATION ON U. S. ROUTE 11-460 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has Glared to be surplus; and been de- WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concer ' sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real es ing the held on August 25, 1987• tate was A second reading and public hearing was held on September 8, 1987; and WHEREAS, this real estate consists of approximatel J ~_ acres ad'acent to Fort Lewis Fire Station on U. y 11-460; and S. Route WHEREAS, an offer has been received for this propert from y and the consideration is as follows and so hereby accepted. All other offers are hereby rejected; and WHEREAS, all proceeds from sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the capital reserves of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the County Adminis- trator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessar lish the conveyance of said y to accomp- property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ;~ ~ O , W ~ a ~ ~ ~ ' ~ Z n d N n ~ ° w m N M 3 • F ~ o O ta. a io N O • ° ~ - ~ W m o > F- W F- U U D_ . ' I W a F• U `Z 3 ~ Q a ~ - ~ em f-• z a J ~ .' . LL. O f .. ._ .f N 0 O _~ p N N • _ 3~~51,51.91 7 S M/a ,09 £ 19 apr 31 ! • O tL 0 D; U - J a ~ ° z ~ T 9 $ I 03 S ' bn I m a O o- ~ F- ~ ~ c; ,. ? ~` ~ N W W I p cD sr ~ Z Y~> ~ Ja ~ m ~ ~ N O 4 p W ~ I /1 O N H m L.l a W d' N rr W a - ~• Z U' ~ ~ Y w H • ¢° O Z ~ O a O r z 2 m u ~ y U 3 a m a z 3 W N O 3 0 W =~ ¢ o W Y tri a m 0 < 3 ~p a w ~ Y to j ~ O - O a < m ~ v ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ N ~, J ~D fn a U 2 ~ • z 00'062 ~ N1 A r • ~•o b '~ , ~~ ~ ~ ¢ a 8 \ q~ a ° '~ m O O ~ in Y W 1 •. ~~a~ 5~R < ~u+ a z° i o • 3~ f' J u t`~W * ' wOJ ~~' ~ ° _ ~ , .. ~ ' < , ^ u ~ r a n ` Y W~ K c ` r ~ a N o ° I C J O ~ m ~ W < b s i n ~ I N ~~ 1 i o (~ ' ~ ~ O Q II ~ ~ W j ~ ~ S m Y ~ ; Q~ m M A CO ~^ z w a ~ 0 r in . ! t .• ~ ~ 2 ! a1 N h /0j`~~ rNi r 4Q1 .z. pp W - __ ~~r~i~ 4 Q _ ~r W WC W pVj p i ~ q= C W 0. 2< U Jo Se :`" O1"'~'~ °E 01'406 a ~rh~ 6'19b +M 02,LI .LZ N ~ ar..wcr u ~~ o ~ x ., ~H~~ a sb9~x •31a •a3s •bn ., ,.r . ~.-- ~ N .I C7 n~ p • Z 41 n 41 W ~ p ! ~ zHOtW.. •"' g. ~• ...... .....~~. ~.~~ ... ~.. ... .....~ ... .. ... ...... _ ~.Cr`~ j''~-,~ '.._ ~ .~ ~~ Y O~ ROANpf~ a A ~ s_ ~ Z Z v `a 18 E5~ $$ v SFSQUICEN7ENN~A A Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE August 14, 1987 Mr. Douglas E. Brinckman Attorney at Law 21<East Main Street Christiansburg, Virginia 24073 RE: Robert B. Crouse, Intent to Bid Portion of 8.976 Acre Parcel Dear Mr. Brinckman: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Thank you for your letter concerning the above referenced item which we received on August 10, 1987. The request was presented to the Board of Supervisors at their regular meeting on August 11, 1987 under First Reading of Ordinances. Your letter was not received in time to add it the our prepared agenda which is mailed to the media, interested citizens and posted in several prominent places prior to the meeting. The Board members were concerned that the public would not have an opportunity to to be aware of the potential sale since it was not included on the prepared agenda, and continued the item until August 25, 1987. Therefore, Mr. Grouse's intent to bid on this property will be presented for first reading on August 25, 1987. The second reading will be September 8, 1987. If you need further information, please contact either County Attorney Paul Mahoney or County Administrator Elmer Hodge. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha CC: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator (~oun~~ n~ ~nttnvke .-, .-, Orly ~as3nn ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 <703) 772-2004 DOUGLAS E. BRINCKMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 21 EAST MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 237 CHRISTIANSBURG. VIRGINIA 24073 (703) 382-1785 August 10, 1987 M.r. John D. Willey Director of Real Estate Assessments P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 RE: Robert B. Crouse, Intent to Bid Portion of 8.976 acre parcel Dear Mr. Willey: Please accept this letter, on behalf of my client, Mr. Robert B. Crouse, as his statement of intent to bid on the above-referenced property. I have attached hereto and in- corporate by reference a copy of a survey entitled "Survey for Roanoke County Board of Supervisors" dated March 13, 1984, and prepared by T. P. Parker & Son, Land Surveyors. The portion of the 8.976 acre tract in which Mr. Crouse is interested is shown on the attached copy of the survey by crosshatching in red ink. Based upon his conversations with you last week, Mr. Crouse understands that at this point he need only state his interest in purchasing the property and describing his intended use of the same. Upon receipt of this letter, you will then review the contents hereof with the other two (2) members of a three (3) member committee which will ulti- mately make a recommendation to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors regarding whether or not to put the subject property up for sale. Once the Board of Supervisors de- cides to sell the subject property, a public announcement will be made requesting bids on the same. At that point, Mr. Crouse will be given an opportunity, along with other members of the public, to submit a second written bid, specifying not only the intended use of the property, but the actual price at which he is willing to purchase the same. Accordingly, the balance of this letter is limited to ITEM NUMBER ~,~..~ "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BNOKE oOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE,RVA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: August 25, 1987 UBJECT: Ordinance Amending and Reenacting the Roanoke Coun y the Floodplain Regulations 5----- Ordinance to Revise Zoning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: U~ h~/~G~'~r l/V "'7(/ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1987, the Board of Supervisors held a work sthe On June 9, As part of this study lion to consider a drainage study• One of these recommenda_ staff recommended a series of actions to alleviate some of County the drainage problems in Roanoke Coun y. concerns an optional change in thThiscaamendment enlaages b ons the drainage study. ance suggested by lain" to include areas which are not the definition of a "floodp ineer- designated as floodplain by the Corps of Engineers. The eng in staff has found that a drflood area of one hundred acres is damage. By amending the g to experience severe the Coun y likely nate these areas as a floodplain, definition to desig n restrict development therein 'floodlsrone areaslnotldesignated ca in P damaging effects oo floodlfringe. as either floodway Ordin- Since this recommendationoanokerCounty PlanningZCommiss ~ on ance, it was reviewed by the R on this matte The Planning Commission held a public hearing July 7, 1987, and voted to approve this amendment. ublic hearing and first After the rrouosed ordinancetwas~held on July 28, 1987. and reading of this p P 1987. The effec- the second reading is scheduled for August 25' assuming favor- tive date of this ordinance is August 26, 1987, able consideration. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the pro- posed amending ordinance. c-/ Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney- _ --------------------- ------ VOTE --- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO REVISE THE FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordi- nance was held on July 28, 1987, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County require the adoption of standards and regulations to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from the dangers of flooding and the drainage of surface and storm waters; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-292, 15.1-466, 15.1-486, 15.1- 489, and 15.1-490 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorize the county to adopt ordinances and to exercise such general powers to prevent the pollution of water; to make, erect, and construct drains, sewers, and public ducts; to establish reasonable standards for drainage regulations of subdivisions or developments; and to provide safety from flood, flood protection, and to protect against the loss of life, health, or property from flood and other similar dangers; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County and its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer the harmful effects of flooding and inade- quate drainage of surface waters, and from the volume and velo- city of storm water runoff; and ~-/ WHEREAS, these hazards and dangers to public health, safety, and welfare are caused in part by climate, topography and the development of land. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows: 1. Amend Appendix A, the Roanoke County Zoning Ordin- ance, Section 21-61, "Floodplains," by revising sub-section D, "Floodplain Area," and sub-sub-section (c) to read as follows: Section 21-61 D. Flood 1~ ain area. (c) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that flood- plain area for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where a a eae i~ttae~~ee~ f}gg} peas ~}eedp}a}~ bettr~e~- app hes gees agg~e~}xta~ee~ the drainage area is greater than one hundred (100) acres. Such areas aye sheva~ may be on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map. Where the specific 100-year flood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood- plain Information Reports, U.S. Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, devel- opment and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accor- dance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by 2 ~ -/ professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly re- flect currently accepted technical concepts. Calculations for the design flood shall be related to existing land use and poten- tial development under existing zoning. Studies, analyses, compu- tations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough review by the County Engineer. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be August 26, 1987. 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE 82587-7 AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO REVISE THE FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordi- nance was held on July 28, 1987, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County require the adoption of standards and regulations to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from the dangers of flooding and the drainage of surface and storm waters; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-292, 15.1-466, 15.1-486, 15.1- 489, and 15.1-490 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorize the county to adopt ordinances and to exercise such general powers to prevent the pollution of water; to make, erect, and construct drains, sewers, and public ducts; to establish reasonable standards for drainage regulations of subdivisions or developments; and to provide safety from flood, flood protection, and to protect against the loss of life, health, or property from flood and other similar dangers; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County and its citizens have suffered and continue to suffer the harmful effects of flooding and inade- quate drainage of surface waters, and from the volume and velo- city of storm water runoff; and WHEREAS, these hazards and dangers to public health, safety, and welfare are caused in part by climate, topography and the development of land. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows: 1. Amend Appendix A, the Roanoke County Zoning Ordin- ance, Section 21-61, "Floodplains," by revising sub-section D, "Floodplain Area," and sub-sub-section (c) to read as follows: Section 21-61 D. Floodplain area (c) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that flood- plain area for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where a a erne httr~d~ed f}gg} peas ~}eedp}a}~ be~znd- ~~~ has bees app~s~}~a~ed the drainage area is greater than one hundred (100) acres. Such areas awe shewr~ ma_ y be on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map. Where the specific 100-year flood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood- plain Information Reports, U.S. Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, devel- opment and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accor- dance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifica ' who shall certify that the technical methods used Corr ti.ons, flect currentl ectly re- y accepted technical concepts. Calculations for the design flood shall be related to existing land use an teal develo ment under existin zonin d poten- P g g. Studies, analyses, compu- tations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to thorough review b allow a y the County Engineer. 2• The effective date of this ordinance shall be August 26, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS : None A COPY - TESTE: .~ iiary H. 1A1len, De-ut 8/26/87 Roanoke County Boardyof1Supervisors cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Thomas M. Blaylock, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue Roanoke Main Library Roanoke County Code AT A REGULAR ITEM NUMBER ~ _ ,,,;~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD IIVG OF AT THE THE BOARD OF ROANOKE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE IN ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEETIN ' VA'' ON TUESDAY, CENTER G DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT; --__ Ordinance authorizinv acquisition and execution atif Emergency 911 of YIn9 and confirmin Communication leases for the ° the COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS System. enhanced ~r S COMMENTS; _ ~ _,~~y~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION; In order to the acquisition and uccessfully com Tinker Mountain executi Plete the Emer on of leas gencY 911 sarY in order Wthe y Gap Mountain es with proPert project towers for County to and poor Y owners on with equipment buildings and Install, op M Etealn are neces- this pro 'ect, e the Count ~ The Tinker °ther access and maintain leased Y well pay $125 Mountain lease ories in connection alread premises, The 91 Per month in exchan will provide that Y on the site system will ge for use of erty, The Wind and will erect use a tower the lease a .223 Y Gap lease will a small buildin which is be paid acre for a total PrOVide that theg °n the prop_ to Howard and B annual Count Wilford and 0 onnie Williams rent of $2,000; Y will portion pal Divers, and 51,000 to of the leased The Williams and $1'000 to be paid term with an parcel, The the Divers to annual rent automatic lease is for each own a will fluctuate enewal option a ten ~10~ Poor Mountain lease ~+'ith ~ and provides Year exchan gives the consumer that the electr 9e for the ~ the Count Price index. The is bill County s promise to apPrOximatel estimated to avera pay the Y °ne acre in Section ge 200.00 bulk of lessor's 5 per month, 18.04 sition of real °f the Count onl estate or an Y Charter requires y by ordinance, Y interest that therein be accome acqui- The proposed Plished to execute such °rdinance author' sarY to accom documents and take Izes the proposed Plish thes such acti e tr nounty Administrator ordinance ansactions, as Y be inq is scheduled foras held ma neces- on August 11~ 1987 first reading of the August 25, 1987, ~ the second FISCAL IMPACT: read- Pro' The costs for .7ect Contin these acquisitions gency Fund, shall be paid from the 911 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE 82587-8 AUTHORIZING, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE ACQUISITION AND EXECUTION OF LEASES FOR T H E E N H A N C E D E M E R G E N C Y 9 1 1 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. Tha t pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the acquisition of the hereinafter described real estate interests was held on August 11, 1987; a second reading on this matter was held on August 25, 1987. Leasehold interests to be acquired are located on Tinker Mountain, Windy Gap Mountain and Poor Mountain; and 2. That the acquisition and execution of leases between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and property owners on Tinker Mountain, Windy Gap Mountain and Poor Mountain for the enhanced Emergency 911 Communication System is hereby authorized, approved, ratified and confirmed; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this prop- erty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ITEM NUMBER ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD NTYSADMINISTRAT ON RCOEDITOER AT A REG COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE,RVANOKEONCTUESDAY, 1987 MEETING DATE: August 25, ical Park SUBJECT: Sale of Tract in Mountain View Technolog COU DMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: a~~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: urchase the remainder The County has received an offer to p land available for sale in thacMountain View Farm Tec nos t currently includes 16.07 of the The land in the tr ur ose logical Park. a 60 foot wide acres + of which 8 acres is related Marchr22e 1983%iona P pursuant to Resolution 83-47 • and the residue of 7.4 acres + which is the subject is offer. All of the above acreages are subject to a surve right of waY- of th the County. to be provided by sale Section 18.04 of the County Charter requires that any be accomplished by ordinance. The fir1987 e he of public property in of this proposed ordinhearingsisesc heel ledsfor August 25, g and public second reading 1987• rovides that The Board's policy for the sale of real forathep purchase of any person may submit an offer in writing the County on roperty. Any written offer should be received by P or before August 24, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: Sales price to be determined from the best offer. RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendations: ervisors reaffirm that this parcel 1, That the Board of Sup the County. of land is surplus and available for sale by That the Board of Supervisors favorably consider the 2• ro osed ordinance. adoption of the p P MEADEW000 SU8'D. P.B. 6 PQ. 51 . ~ 0 D. C. NALE _ ~ u g ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ C V 0 ~ C p '- ~ ~ a uj _ _ _ N i4° 45' E 7 W 3 483.54' T 473 45' ` _ p ~ 8' WATER LINE ~~~ ~' EASM'T u ~ O N EASEME NT $ 76.42' 30" BAILEY Kj ~ IOO.D V. E. W ~ ~ "~ N 24.45' E a S 76 X53' E z 100 0' 61.90' a ~ a . o t. s° N 25°06'20"E Y 518 37' °; ~ S 15°07'W , 101.15' 03 Ac 8 ; . . , r 3 • 3 r '° ~ t~ o n "' m N , ~ 24.3 .Ac. ~ N 2i• ia' 30` E 0 ~ ti ~ ~'V, P ° 4ra.oa ~ Z ~ ~ 3° ~ ~ ° ' _ ~ W . _ _ ,y °f ~ ~o~T~~/ W m , 8 6 A 7 ± .~ „ m S 21 30' W 3 c. . ~ ~ ; :t _ o IA. C. AlL C.L. NlNINGER N O i ~ <D N « Z 374.80' } ~ ~ 524.02' -.----TO RT. 115 HOLLINS RO s zi° la 30 w 5T. RT. 601 40 R/W AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, THE REMAINDER OF MOUNTAIN VIEW FARM TECHNOLOGICAL PARK WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on August 11, 1987. A second reading and public hearing was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, this real estate consists of ten acres or less and is the residue of the property located in Mountain View Farm Technological Park, excepting approximately 8 acres reserved for recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, an offer has been received for this property from in the amount of , and so hereby accepted. All other offers are hereby rejected; and WHEREAS, all proceeds from sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the capital reserves of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE 82587-9 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING T- E gp,LE OF REAL ESTATE, THE REMAINDER OF MOUNTAIN VIEW FARM TECHNOLOGICAL PARK WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has declared to be surplus; and been WHEREAS, pursuant to the the Charter of Roanoke Count provisions of Section 18.04 of y, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real estate held on August 11, 1987, was A second reading and public hearing was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, this real estate consists of ten acres or less and is the residue of the property located in Mountain View F Technological Park, excepting a arm pproximately 8 acres reserved for recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, an offer has been received for this from Shimchocks Litho Service in the amount of property $15, 900 per acre, and so hereby accepted. All other offers are hereby re 'e and J cted; WHEREAS, all proceeds from sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the capital reserves of the Co NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT unty. ORDAINED that the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents a such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are n nd take ecessary to accomplish the conve yance of said upon form Property, all of which shall be aPProved by the County Attorney, On motion of Supervisor Johnson Nickens, and u , seconded by Supervisor pon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Joh NAYS : None nson A COPY - TESTE: 8/26/87 Mary H• Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Su cc: File Pervisors John Willey, Real Paul Mahone Estate Assessor Y. County Attorney ./'~ '~ ITEM NUMBER A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD CpUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOENTER AT VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY, IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, August 25, 1987 MEETING DATE: Re ulations" An ordinance amending Chapter 7 "Building g SUB_ JECT: Code to adopt a new Article V of the Roanoke County "Building Numbers." COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Communications An essential component of the 911 Emergency ied build- nment of numbers to all occup to in- System has been the assig These numbers are necessary ings within Roanoke County. services and law enforcostal sure identification by emergency agencies and the p personnel, as well as private delivery feted in the fall of service. The numbering assignments were comp 7,500 property owners were notified of 1986, and approximately numbers by means of mass mailing. It should be the need to obtalicandistributedlbyuilding ide Building Code, the attached po y struc- noted that within the Virginia Uniform Sta ew ned must have the Roanoke County, that all existing which has been adopted by osition easily observed and readable from tures to which a street number has been asst ro osed ordinance number displayed in a P ur ose of the p P the public right-of-way. The p P buildings and laced on existing the is to insure that numbers are P In addition, that the numbers are visible from the road. a more visible on the minimum requirements contained within ordinance expands up the BOCA Code and places these requirements in 'on of the County's Code. The enforcement of this ordinance ports of the Chief Building Official. will be the responsibility onent to the suc- Public notification will be a critica com olicy statement that was cess of this ordinance. Besid the folPowing actions will be com- of 1986, ublic service mailed. in the Sprin months: television and radio P ust 25- pleted in the coming announcements, a news re Wethen~thebRoanoke1Times and World 1987), a paid advertisement County 911 staff persons by public News, and an interview of key the publicity activities ublicity strategy, received television station WBRA. In addition ll will include informa- that have been outlined in the 91l P installation of building by the Board of Supervisorlacementucnd tion pertaining to the p numbers. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 "BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO ADOPT A NEW ARTICLE V "BUILDING NUMBERS" WHEREAS, a first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on August 11, 1987; the second reading was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the 911 communications system now being imple- mented by Roanoke County requires that all roads in the County be assigned names and all buildings be numbered; and WHEREAS, building numbers have been assigned to every resi- dential, commercial, institutional, and industrial building within the County; and WHEREAS, these building numbers must be visible for the rapid and proper provision of fire, rescue, and law enforcement ser- vices. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows- 1. Amend Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code to add a new Article V "Building Numbers" to read as follows: Section 7-80. Buildin Numbers - ersons res onsible; time of lacinor numbers on buildings, Each owner of a building, commercial property, indus- trial structure, single family residence, or multi- family residence shall be responsible for affixing to AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIANTERLONATUESDAYOAAOUGUSTO25TY198MINISTRATION CE AN ORDINANCE 82587-10 AMENDING CHAPTER 7 "BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO ADOPT A NEW ARTICLE V "BUILDING NUMBERS" WHEREAS, a first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on August 11, 1987; the second reading was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the 911 communications system now being imple- mented by Roanoke County requires that all roads in the County be assigned names and all buildings be numbered; and WHEREAS, building numbers have been assigned to every resi- dential, commercial, institutional, and industrial building within the County; and WHEREAS, these building numbers must be visible for the rapid and proper provision of fire, rescue, and law enforcement ser- vices . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows: 1. Amend Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code to add a new Article V "Building Numbers" to read as follows: Section 7-80. Buildin Numbers - ersons res onsible; time of placing numbers on buildings. Each owner of a building, commercial property, indus- trial structure, single family residence, or multi- family residence shall be responsible for affixing to ITEM NUMBER -.-~-~ TING OF THE BOARD OF SUDPMIN S RAT ON RCOENTER AT A REGULAR MEE VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKONCTUESDAY, COUNTY, IN ROANOKE, VA., August 25, 1987 MEETING DATE: transfer of Hollins water the oration SUB~T; Ordinance authorizing Development Corp system to Hollins Community COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COJMMENTS: r~..~^-~ ~~'~,yyyLc~ ~i/ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: the 1987 meeting, the Board authstateon in At the May 26, 1 system and Pump Devel- transfer of the existing water supp Y Roanoke County , to the Hollins Commuri iot r d e r t o Hollins, owned by This transfer is necessary Administration (FmHA) for opment Corporation. in the "Old rant funds from Farmers Home stem receive g the sewer and Ovate This proposed ordinance the construction of Fields" area of to a. P°pVedstransferlty. will accomplish th P tion will provide th.e same water agate manages The Corpora Roanoke County. Under a sep lied by will continue to operate this currently supp Roanoke County ment agreement, water system. oration shall be to the Corp of the Hollins Th e transfer from the County rant for development of ective on the date of toratIon loan/g losing eff ment Corp Community Develop stems. water and sewer sY g.~4 of the County Charter requires thaii hedronly Section 1 interest therein be accomp Admin- fer of real estate or any ce. The proposed ordinancanautake uchhact~ ons a na o f by ordlnan The first read _ istrator to execute suchldshuthisstransfer. 1887; the second be necessary to accomp ust 11, the proposed °rduled for Augustd25 n 1987 . reading is sche FISCAL IMPACT: require addition- The fiscal impact of this transfer will not al funds from Roanoke County. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARDANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRP,TOON AT HELD AT THE RO 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 , ORDINANCE BgOLLINS WATERRSYSTEMTTO TRANSFER OF HOLLINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the f Roanoke County, a first reading on the transfer of the Charter o 1987, A ereinafter described real estate was held on August 11. This h 1987. ust 25, second reading on this matter was held on A ug to is located in the "Old Fields" area of the Hollins real esta Community. water supply sys- 2, That the transfer of the existing m station in Hollins from the Board of Supervisors of tem and pu P ment Corporation Roanoke County to the Hollins Community Develop is hereby authorized and approved; and 3, That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke cute such nt as are necessary to accomplish the transfer of this prop Cou y the County erty, all of which shall be upon form approved by Attorney. 4, The effective date of this ordinance shall e August 26, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson A NAYS: None A CCP ~' - TES TE : 8/26/87 cc: File Paul Mahoney, Count John Wille y Attorney Y, Real Estate Assessor Rob Stalzer, Director Sue Palmer of Planning Clifford ~ Project Coordinator Philli Craig, Director of Utilities p Henry, Director of Engineering ~. Mary H. Allen, De Roanoke Count putt' Clerk y Board of Supervisors ~?;' /'_ ~ PETITIONER: J.F. DAMS AND W.E. CUNDIFF CASE NI~IBER: 32-8/87 Planning Cce~tmission Hearing Date: August 4, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 25, 1987 1. REQUEST Petition of J.F. Davis and W.E. Cundiff to rezone an approximate 19.4 acre tract from M-2, Industrial to R-1, Residential to construct single family homes, located on the east side of Route 758 approximately one mile south of its intersection with Route 460 in the Hollins Magisterial District. NOTE: Petitioner has submitted an amended petition for consideration by the Planning C~nmission at its September 1 meeting. The amended petition requests a rezoning to R-E instead of R-1 and includes substantial changes to the concept plan and site layout. Petitioner will request a deferral of action until after the Planning C~nmission review in September. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION There were 9 present in opposition at the Planning Canmission Public Hearing. Concerns are: Route 758 is to small to accommodate the increased traffic; the large number of driveways onto Route 758; overcrowding in the schools; decreased property values; a change in the land may increase flooding; increased population may reduce public services. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 ~nprehensive Development Plan has placed the area petitioned for rezoning primarily within a surface water and flood hazard land use category. A small portion of the property is designated as Development and is not within a flood hazard area. Residential development is encouraged within the Development land use category especially where clustering and open space preservation are included as design elements. Although open space is shown on the concept plan, clustering is not indicated and the concept plan has not been proffered. The Resource Protection Guide of the Roanoke County Land Use Plan discourages unsuitable development of floodplains and natural drainage corridors. Policy D-1 states that the rate, location and amount of new residential growth should be managed according to the capacity and availability of public services and facilities, particularly water, sewer, streets and schools. With respect to street capacity see camaments below, item (c). b. Site Layout: Although permitted by VDOT, individual driveway entrances onto VA Route 758 are not desirable and are in direct conflict with Policy T-la which states that spacing design and location of entrances along public highways must be controlled to maximize public safety to reduce congestion and to minimize travel time and to further land use objectives. Petitioner has left flood hazard area open although precise bounds of flood fringe and floodway have not been identified. ,~ c• Street Capacities: Route 758 is 14 feet wide and ~ k~~ r~ vehicles r- vehicles per day• Development will currentl per day• Street service generate approximately carries _ Transportation Plan states that within the Development y 750 to E guideline contained within Roanoke Coul proposed residential development served b more than land use category 30 trips per net acre. y a lo~l street should not genera approximately 30 trips per net acrehe petitioner s proposal will states that for average Bail VDOT Road and Bridge Standards Manu vehicles per da Y traffic in the ran e states that y' a street with a width of 18 feet is necessa m 4 0 0 to g! where a residential project has a significant increase ' from a surroundin rY• Policy D. a collector or arteriallstreet~rather Project should in densit an adjoining neighborhood. ' than share Provide direct access t the local street network c d• Circulation: Individual driveway access onto Route e- Flood lain: 758 is very undesirable. area and will restrict ~es den Palpurty is within a F se of the property designated floodplaii f• Fire Protection: Outside of established travel time service standard. g• Rescue: Outside of established travel time service Stan 4' P~~~D CONDITIONS dard. a• None. 5 • COrM42SSIONER' S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mrs• Flippen moved to den poor concept plan, no y the Petition because of possibilit Proffers for th e the overcrowded schools, a y of downstream floodin development of the site call vote: g• The motion carried with , and th e the following roll ~~ ~nPPen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead ~~: Jones 5• DISSEf~PI'ING PERSp~IVE a• None. 7. AI'I'AQ-S ~ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") 7 Vicinity Map (8~~~ x 11") ~ Staff Report Other: Robert S zer, Planning C~nission Secretary ~~ ~~' l W Q ~~ h~~ 17N I~,X ,II~Q ~1 ~ -----LI `~ uy TAX NO. \ 50.01-1•~ I 20NEj " ~~I to I ~ ~ a3 _w ~~ 1 ~~mo°~ oC~l z ~. ~ 1 .+ aW-~-p2 IJUI r ~oo'~Z~ 5~~~ ota..~ jl M 1 I 20+.IED QE-1 PEOPERTY OF ~ ~ JOSEPH K• t VA.4. BusHNE~I. ro.s u0.50.~_14 ~4KE• CIT Y~_ 9 LL WJ~ ~~30 ? o £ ~~ms~ Z Of 0 ~ '~ N K ~ IQ- ~, a :~ ., > TAX NO. go. ~~~AI,TN O}• Y ~9 C, Tg LOTS PRO POCKED ~ JO+M L P1IRKER ? iANO WIViTOR ciRT+r+urE Na ~ ~~ an .P '~''~~D LINO SJ4•O PROPERTY \ F A.J.! pORls N. ROBFRTSOF~+" TAX 1.10. 50.01- 1-20 \ ~ZOAIED .` .+ .~ N I 1 w UI ~, 1 e "Z3 ~ MINe ul `N bT al ~ ~- ZONEO ~^-' Zow1E0 PROPERTY OF SZE ~ M-2 ppRSEY Y. ~ WANDA HUFF Z 1 TGy, tJO.5p.01 - I- I S O ZONED R.E~ F PROPERTY OF Z McKNIGNT' _ r- El-IZAEiETH 03_ 1- 3 CONCEPTUAL PLAN FOR J. F pAVlS ~ W E. GUPIDIFF OF A 410.E AG. TRACT HEINGI A pbSLT10AJ OF A 99.45 AC. TRACT .SITUATE OtJ VA. SEC. SITE. -T:~ TAS MO 50.01-1-ICo N s ~- cuc. _-= -- OPAWN DAP CK O _----- y1NTONRO IJOKE COUND`! TRACT VIR6I NIA lCAIE: 's 900 BY: T. P. PARKER & SON oATE: ~u•~~.'.E3 `! -+oeZ ENGINEERS i SURVEYORS , ITD. gT_ 101 0_ ~'°jl'10 _ - w.o. _--1- -- iAIEM VIRGINIA __ -~ -.. - --- -~ ~. yrrtK Mr1~ww M sW^~'• rv~ 1'•" p~\ ~?~ •.\ _ P~ \90 9a \~ •~ 1 l ..\ - I ~.. •~ ~ AIL , PO T4<li .pr ?4E ~?YE ~ ' °'~'t ~ ,E~/ ~ 1 Yaiv~.exarioir ~ 11 +r ~$p~i1NGTREE ~•. _-_l_-_ ` ~. ~ -VICINITY MAP h, Hurt ~ n -~~-,. ~~_+`- ROANOKE COUNTY l ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ', ~~ J.F. Davis and G1.E. Cundiff M-2 to R-1 ~'f/ ~~ !__.~ STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: J.F. DAVIS & W.E• CUNDIFF CASE NUMBER: 32-8/87 DATE: JULY 23, 1987 REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER ~ roximate 19.4 n of J.F. Davis and W.E. Cundiff to rezone an aPP Petitso strial to R-1, Residential 758 approx mately one acre tract from M-2, Indu isterial located on the east side of R ri the Hollins Mag family homes, mile south of its intersection with Route 46 District. roximately 20 acres to R-~o 1, NATURE OF REQUEST uest to rezone app of from 75 a, Unconditional req Submitted single family to allowa f atc le ofo47 ttot is acstructed on the would be con The 80 dwelling units on etition. concept plan indicates that 7 units t lan ss to be kept 20 acre portion included wtohthetconceponPng P roximately remaining acreage accords g of the project is aPP vacant. The overall density of the portion to be developed er acre. The density be 1.6 units P 1 3 units per acre. It should be noted that t e is approximate Y zoned R-E, Resident the rear portion ro osed use without rezoning fronio2edaforsthe p 1 P ady deve p of the parcel to R-1. ro ect nt lan and zoning vicinity map describe p J b. Attached conce,. P more fully. development where public sewe6 2. AppLICABLE REGULAetmits single family of approximately a. R_1 zoning P ortion of the and water are provided at a maximum dornisthe front p ment er acre. Current R-E zoniegof density and develop units P will permit the same tYP property allowed within the R-1 district. liance with County b, Site plan review required to insure comp regulations. and ermit required for srequiredofortdriveways c, VDOT entrance P ermits will be individual°riVVATRoutea758.p fronting roperty is flat. Rear 20 acres 3, SITE CHARACTERISTIFront portion of p lain. a. Topography: slo es towards Glade Creek and is situated in flop er. P Ground Cover• Low growing grass with some tree cov .-_ b. 4, AREA CHARACTERISTICS Situated within the Bonsack CommSueWer nated as a high growth area. a, Future GroareaPrsDesig. rovided when the planning rovided. Water service will be p services are P leted. new US 460 water line is comp 1 b, General area is developed with rural ressdentsa . to the impact of the proposed 5, LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according eable impact, action. Use a scale of 1 through 5• 3 = manag act, 2 = negligible impact, = not applicable. 1 = positive imP 5 = severe impact, and N/A 4 = disruptive impact, COMMENTS RATING FACTOR rehensive Development Plan has LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 19 8 5 Comp r i m a r i l y w i th i n a 4 a, Comprehensive Plan: p, small - placed the area petitioned for rezoning P ment and is not surface water and flooddesignatedaaa Developegoris encourag- portion of the property is ment or especially where within a flood hazar o ment land duselcateg e Y pncluded as design ed within the Deven Apace preservation are 1 clustering and oP ace is shown on the concept plan, en sp lan has not been elements. Although oP clustering is not indicated and the concept p The Resource Protection Guiaevelopmen tofnfloodplains proffered. es unsuitable e corridors. Policy D-1 states that the Land Use Plan discourag rowth should be and natural drainag of public rate, location and amount of a~etyranddavailability to the caP water, sewer, streets and managed according articularly services and facilities, P ith respect to street capacity see comments below, schools. W item (i)• developed rural residentia . 3 Land: Sparsely higher density. b. Sur oseddde elopment is of significantly - Prop hboring Area: See above. 3 c, Neig individual driveway h ermitted by VDOT, out: Althoug P 5 d, Site Lay acing design and s onto VA Route 758 are not datesa hat sp are in direc d - entrance T-la which s ublic highways must be control e conflict with Policy to reduce congestion and to minimize location of entrances along P ectives. Petitioner has to maximize public safety travel time and a afa~eaeropland use obi en although precise bounds of flood 1 of t f lood ha have not been identified. fringe and floodway h letter of application Architecture• Not specified althoug 3 e• t a proximately half of the 75 homes would be of bric - states tha PP units would be some type of construction while tpecified by way of proffer. frame exterior. Not sP 2 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. en space, no_ h shown on the concept plan as oP ar-t-a~_=- Amenities: Althoug ace is being proposed as a p 3 g' designated open sp rovision of activity - officially D_7 encourages the p the plan. Policy as arks and recreational otcir fferedthat benefit centers such P mmunity residents. Concept plan n P is new co ral Features• Proposal indicates that flood hazard area 3 h, Natu not to be developed. TRAFFIC 4 i• Street carries Capacities: Route ~" ,`-,' y'_.: 146 vehicles per 758 is 14 feet wide ~ approximately 750 tO day• Develo and current guideline contained with800 °ehicles Pment will genera states that Roanoke per day' Street residential within the Develo County Trans servi~ develo Pment land Portation ply generate Pment served b use category a more than 30 trips Y a local street PrOP°se Roadosal will produce a Per net The should and PProximatel acre, nc traffic Bridge Standar Y 30 tri Petitioner in the ds Manual statesps per net acre. VDO street with range of from 400 to that for avera that where a width of 18 feet 999 vehicles ge dail densi t a residential Is necessar Per day, , Y from a surroundin~eCt has Y• Policy D-9 state; provide direct access g neighborhoodnlficant increase it t h a n s h a r e t h e tO a collector °r the Project shoulc neighborhood, 1 °ca 1 s tree t arterial street network ° f ~ rather 5 an adjoining J• Circulation: Individual drivewa undesirable. Y access onto Route 758 is very UTILITIES 3 k• Water: New general Route 460 water line area by the earl will be installed within the 2 1• Y part of 1988. Sewer; Glade Creek Adequate treatment and Interceptor transmission adjacent to the DRAINAGE available. Property, 3 m• Basin; 4 n• Floodplain: flood Portion of the propert plain area and will Y is within property, restrict a FEMA desi residential gnated PUBLIC SERVICES use of th e 4 0• Fire Protection: Outside o . standard, f established 4 travel time service P• Rescue: Outside of established travel time service 3 q• Parks and Recreation: standard. No on site amenities indicated. 3 r• School: antici Space' If 80 homes Horn Pated there will be are constr Elementary School 52 school ucted, it can be high schools and William gge residents, Cost: have adequate Yrd ,7r• Herman L• Estimated cost capacity, and William Byrd $3'715• Of this amou~t educating one schoolchild to educate 52 students $1'796 is local between total Is $93,392 funds. Tot_a~ to afar is cost and total Per year. cost- revenue is The d~f`fer~enCe~°` -$3.152. 3 TAX BASE _ s• - Land and Taxable Improvement Value: ~- .. Total Emplo ss Sales/Year: None•4 million, ~ ,,~ Total Yees: None J~ (includes revenue to the Count $16,640 of personal Y/Year: ENVIRONMENT PrOPert Approximately $90,240 ? t• Air: Y tax), ? u• Water: ? v• Soils; ? W• Noise; ? x' Signage; Although not is already limited by ordipanefied, signage i 6• PLAN CONSISTENCY e' n residential areas he area flood to be rezoned is the hazard and partials designated primaril the Property that is Y as Develo Y as surface construction wi not sub' Pment. Petitioners 11 take Ject to rezonin remaining portler and is consiste Proposal that Place is desi g but on which °n of nt with the focuses on the gnated Devel°most of Aol ici e land use Develo as available map but Pment land Pmen t - services D_9 both of which de is not use area flood hazard such as al consistent area is undesirableets• Resi with the with 7• STAFF dential develo dequacY of EVALUATION Pment in a a' Stren gths; (1) Develo for future residential Pment is M_2 is not desirable forland Proposed in most use. (2) Propertan area designated b• Weak types of industrialcurrentl industrial s• (1) develo Y zoned Although not de Pment. zoned M-2 use, the property is lira ble is that is also served bne of a few for most designated a site types of suitable s surface Y rail. (2) Muchs in the County that fut for residential water and flood flood ure residents development, hazard and property hazard area al growth will Commission shouldls not showing open spaCe.bY regUestin not take 758 g the er of Place withinure are (3) Proff a feet very undesirabllndividual driv wide and e• (4) ewa the concept plan traffic, is Route 758 Y openings on unsuited for additi is a local ROUte c, oral street 14 Other observa maJor amounts of future Eas tions: Propert should be t Circumferential Y is located served b given tO the Highway corriad~aCept to ~ Y this Y• type of land use dor. Considera ~ on highwa mos t desirable to be r # r f L E G A L N O T I C E eb given to all interested persons that the ublic hearing at 7:00 Notice is her y ervisors will hold a p Room at the Roanoke Roanoke County Board of Sup 1987, in the Community S.W., Roanoke, p•m• on Tuesday, August 25. requesting 3738 Brambleton AvEnuCundiff, County Administratetitiontof~J. F. Davis and W• tract containing Virginia, on the p 1 Residential of a from M-2, Industrial to R- ~ rezoning s and located on the easW1thdRouteR460ein5the approximately 19.4 acre 1 mile south of its intersection approximately Hollins Magisterial District. homes. s been requested to construct single family Rezoning ha County Planning Commission recommends denia and amendments The Ordinance of Roanokelanunand other A copy of the Zoning etition, site p of -the P be examined in the office of the thereto as well as a copy ent, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke Coun y documents related to this request ~Y Department of Developn- ed persons Administration Center. nested to ke County will provide aSuchtindividualsdare Peq Roano 772-2018) if to attend public hearings• desiring office of Personnel Services ([703 contact the County for attendance. special provisions are necessary ust, 1987. Given under my hand this 6th day of Aug H. Allen, Deputy Clerkervisors Mary Board of Sup Roanoke County ublish in the evening edition Please p of the Roanoke Times and World News on. Tuesday, August 11, 1987 Tuesday, August 18, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: W. g, Cundiff Realty 118 South Pollard Street Vinton, Virginia 24179 Page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 19.4 ± acre parcel of land, ) Off th~ generally located/Easter side of ) Virginia Secondary Rte. a joining Glade Creek 1 mile from ?route 460 ) ) PETITION within the ~~~nl l inc Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 50.01-1-16 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioners, J. F. Davis and W. E. Cundiff respectfully filest this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: have a contract to purchase 1) The Petitioners the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the ter; ~i M-2 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as Ind~~s District. 3) The property is designated Development and Surface Water and Flood Ha'. in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioners now desires to have this property rezoned as R-1 Residential District for the purpose of Construction of homes Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~~ eti~'io° r PETITIONER: NICHOLAS HUNGER CASE N[A~RBER: 12-4/87 Planning Coitanission Hearing Date: August 4, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 21, 1987 1. REQUEST Petition of Nicholas Munger to amend the proffered conditions on a 32.647 acre tract to develop the property in accordance with a revised site plan, located south of Starkey Road at its intersection with Route 613 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. None. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. The site plan to be considered in the development of the R-3 portion of said land shall be the site plan prepared by Balzer & Associates dated 7/2/87. b. Only one access to said property will be constructed. 5. COrM'IISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition to amend the proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACf~iENTS ,~ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") ~ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ,/ Staff Report Other: ~~ ~ - Robert S lzer, Planning Cca~a[ussion Secretary ~~ t ~~ ~-:~-- ~~ ~~ ~~ -~~-Z -~ e • r y yV w N • a • N ~M QIY N w ~ 9 as ~ ~~~ ~~~~~3~ ~~ ~ 8 ~,! 1~ 41 Iii ~l~ •INNItlN 'A11Y%1J ]MON~OH . ~ GNf11NILJO0N0~ b ~ {j~ ~ ? OVOtl A371tlV1G ~ ~ y E d ~~ ,- -_~ ~_ ~_ _. J R ~ -4 ~~ ~ ,, ,~ ~~, ~~ ~, ~s 11 4 \1111\~I,~I~ 1 11 1 \` 1,1 = ~ S 11 111 1 11 a ~ ~ n 1 1 1 11 N v • ~ 11 11 11 1 11 Z N n 1 1 1 1 1 1\ 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 in 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 j `1 II 1 i 1 11111 4 1 111 11 11 111 it 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 111 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11¢ 11 ; 11 11 11 11 J 1 1 1 11 11 i 11111 ~I>~ 1 1111 11 ~ 1 ~ 11 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1~ ; 1 1 11~ 1 11 1; 11 ~ 11 11 1 1 1I I 11 11/111/11 ;11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 11 11 111 ~ 1 1\ 11 1 1 1 1111 1,1 ` \ 1 11 ~ 11 1 1 1 1\ It 1 1 11 11111 1 111 11111 111 1` 11 11 1 11 1 11, 1 1 1\ ~ 11 11 ~~ ` 1 ' 11 ~r r~ _ -~ ~_:__. D NnaTu .~T 4 '~f - ROANOKE COUNTY d~, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ~dicholas P•4unger Amendment of Conditions - ,;,: ' . ~: , STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: NICHOLAS MUNGER CASE NUMBER: 37-5/87 1987 ~S DATE: JULY 23, REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER er to amend the proffered conditio~eV°sed in accordance with a Petition of Nicholas Mung the property 2.647 acre tract to develop Road at its intersection with Route 3 located south of Starkey site plan, ring Magisterial District. 613 in the Cave Sp a roved 1, NATURE OF REQUEST multi- modify the conditions hetconst ructionzofi 120 p a. Request to The 1983 zoning classification. August 1983 that would allow for f the concept plan as well as within an R-3 family units an increase Petitioner is requesting proffers included the submission ° out. Petitioner the total number of roiosing a revised site lay to R-1 single of this property This petition to 144 units and is p p units. made application for rezoning Commission in October family for the construction of thedplanning roved by ervisors for their was submitted and aPP 1986 but was not taken to the Board of Sup review. describe proposal Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map b. more fully. and variety of housing types the 2. AppLICABLE REGULATIONS ,Petitioner has proffered a. R_3 zoning districarelcentersr a s consisting uses such as day that 18 apartment bac~eitgact. concept plan indicating of 8 units each will be constructed on a 32.6 compliance with lan review will be required to insure b, Site P County regulations. T commercial entrance permit will be required. c, VDO to which petition ortion of the property ro erty which 3, SITE CHARACTERISTIC Rear p ortion of the p p a. TopographY~ l sloped• Front p ht manufacturing use is flat. pertains is steep Y will remain zoned for lig Ve etation. b. Ground Cover: Wooded with low growing 5 the Cave Spring • Situated within rea,_,,, 4, AREA CHARACTERISTICS Hated as a stable growth _a a, Future Growth Priarea y. Desig _ Community Planning currently served by urban services. commercial and - dustrial, b. Gesidentialeuses. developed with mixed in 5, LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT to the Rating: Rate each factor according Use a scale of 1 through 5• impact, action. act, 2 = negligible and 1 positive imp act, 5 = severe impact, 4 disruptive imp impact of the proposed = manageable impact, 3 licable. N/A = not apP RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY ~ ~~`j --~=.- ? a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development p placed this area within a Development land use categorYs Development land use category encourages development of middle to high density residential (6-12 units per acre) where clustering of buildings preserves natural amenities and common open space. Direct access to a major street and a sufficiently large tract of land are required (3 acres of more). Proposed density of development is 4.5 units per acre and buildings have been clustered to conform to topographic constraints. Policies D-1 and D-9 require adequate public services specifically with respect to sewer, water and streets. These services are available. ? b. Surrounding Land: Mixed residential and industrial. ? c. Neighboring Area: Mixed residential, industrial and commercial. ? d. Site Layout: Concept plan and provision of open space pnocomplaancerwithlPolicygDc4ustering 3 e. Architecture: No rendering submitted. 3 f. Screening and Landscape: As proximity of existing industrpal andlrailroadwuses because of additional screening should be considered for ~ Perhaps abatement and safety, purposes of noise 3 9. Amenities: P P recreational facilities not indicated ided; however, on-site 3 h. Natural Features: Steep slope construction. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: The anticipated ADT for 144 units of multi- family development will be 748 vehicle trips per da is equivalent to 2.3 units per acre of single family residential development. Current ADT on Starkey Road at the point of development is 3,819, AM peak hour traffic is 319 vehicles per hour. PM peak hour traffic is 347 vehicles per hour. 3 j• Circulation: Sin le 9 entrance, boulevard style, that is in compliance with proposed Roanoke County street standards. Note: Roanoke County is planning on constructing a water tank at the top of the hill on which apartment units are to be constructed. County will use petitioner's access road for tank maintenance and monitoring. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate distribution and source. directly from proposed storage tank referredplto winlibe routed Proposed storage tank will alleviate past water su 1 em (j), described in staff report of October 1986. pP Y Problem ? 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. ` DRAINAGE 3 m• Basin: Engineering De ar ~~~- Starkey Road is a problem and tments states 'yge `,i a stormwater that that draina along detention developer needs to site that will serve his establish N/A n• Floodplain: entire property, 1 PUBLIC SERVICES ? o• Fire Protection: Within established service standard. ? P• Rescue: Within established service standard. 3 q• Parks and Recreation: No on-site r proposed, ecreation facilities 3 shown or r• School: Space: If 144 multifamil can be anticipated that there will Cave S Y units are constructed, it pring ,7r. and Cave S be 30 school a have adequate capacit Pring high schools ge residents. capacit Y• Cave (with new addition) Y• Cost: Estimated Spring Elementary School per year is $3,715 cost of educatin is at funds. Total local postyto edu atethis amountg one schoolchild difference between total cost and total reve $1,796 is local 30 students is $53,880. TAX BASE nue is + The $21,840. s• _ Land and Improvement Value: Taxable Gross Sales/Year: $5'3 million - Total Employees: None - Total revenue 3 which $15,000 is tO the County/year: personal pro e t 2 2 2 3 3 6. 7. ENVIRONMENT t• Air: u• Water: v• Soils; w• Noise: Could be x• and rail uses. Signage; Not residential areas P r Y tax. Approximately $75,720 of adversely affected from ad' joining industrial specified however signage options within are limited. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is deli Petitioner's requestn toed as Develo with modif Pment by the land use plan map, both the land use Y the existing conditions plan map and the stated is consistent STAFF EVALUATION policies. a• Strengths: (1) Residential use at encouraged land use t the policies. YPe and is consistentPosed density is an 1986 (2 ) This proposal unlike with the defined Preserves the existin the one submitted in (3) Unlike previous g M-1 zoning that fronts October resolved. (4) PetitioneP°sal, water Starkey Road. providing access and County canPly Problems have been site plan is far read to future water storashare resources Y in 1983. su erior to concept 9e tank, b (6) Tax revenues far Plan o n (5) Proposed outweigh school eXlnally proffered b• Weaknesses: (1) Modification Penses• of residential develo °f Proffers eventuall Pment adjacent Well permit placement modificationbofdeveloped industriall to PrOPert proffers Y• Note Y that may this possibilit ~ that even without Y exists. a , (` oho Q W z v F- a w 0 A- D5 D5 ^STERHDUDT, FERGU50 N Ni NATT, AHERON ~ AGE ATTDRNEYS-AT-LAW RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24D15-1b99 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE_BOARD OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE_COUNTY ) FINAL ORDER IN RE: ) A 32.647 acre parcel of land, generally) located South of Starkey Road and East ) of the Norfolk S Southern Railroad j tracks with the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as j Parcel #97.01-5 TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Nicholas Munger, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to have the conditions proffered in the rezoning order of August 9, 1983, amended. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on August 4, 1987, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the conditions proffered in the rezoning order of August 9, 1983, be amended. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the conditions proffered in the rezoning order of August 9, 1983, be amended as follows: N ( I ) Tha t the s i to p Ian to be considered i n the development of the R-3 portion of said land shall be the LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., at the Roanoke County Administrative Center, at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, on August 25, 1987, on the petition of Nicholas Munger to have the conditions proffered in the rezoning order of August 9, 1983, amended in order for the development of a certain 32.647 acre parcel of land located within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, in Roanoke County, pursuant to the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning. Ordinance, said parcel of land being more partic- ularly described as follows: A 32.647 acre parcel of land, generally located South of Starkey Road and East of the Norfolk S Southern Railroad tracks within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as Parcel #97.01-5 in the Roanoke County Tax Records. OSTERNGUGT, FERGUSGN NATT, ANERGN 6 AGEE ATTORNEYS-A7-LAW ROANGKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1fi99 A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at Roanoke County Administrative Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. F , r 7 Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services (703) 772-2018 if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this S~ day of ~ u5 1987. .J~- i~c~,r~~ y . y ~/~~ ueputy Clerk Board o ~ Supervisors of Roanoke County ~STERHOUOT, FERGUSOH NATT, AHERGN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW RGANGKE, VIRGINIA Z4G1S-1699 ----------------------------------------------------------- Please publish in the evening edition of The Roanoke Times- World News on Tuesday, August II, 1987, and Tuesday, August 18, 1987. Please bill cost of the publication to Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron >; Agee, P.C., 1919 Electric Road, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia 24018. 2 VIRGINIA: ROANOKE COUNTY OARS OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS 4F--------------- BEFORE THE_B_ - - - -- IN RE: enerally) arcel of land, g East ) PETITION A 32.647 acre P Starkey Road and located South of ) of the Norfolk ~ SouthernrRnglroad tracks within the Cave Sp District, and recorded as ~ Magisterial Parcel #97.01-1-5 BLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: TO THE HONORA respectfully YOUR PETITIONER, NICHOLAS MONGER, ursuant to Section 21-105 of the this petition p with the files in accordance oanoke County Zoning Ordinance and ectfullY R and would resp de of Virginia of 1950, as amended, Co show the following: the owner of the I. The Petitioner is referenced parcel of land. the above- is presently zoned under 2. The property as Zoning Ordinance Roanoke County of and M-1, the provisions •al Estates; R-3, Residential Distric RE, Residents with conditions. ment in the Industrial District is designated Develop 3, The property rehensive Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comp Future Land meat Plan. to have the Develop now desires 4. Your PetitioneY 9, d r of August OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON in the rezoning °r e NATT. AHERON & AGEE conditions proffere ATT ^ R N EY S-AT-LA~N RpANOKE, VIRGINIA aS fo l l pVVS : 24G1G-1699 19 $ 3 ~ amended (I ) Tha t the s i to p Ian to be considered i n development of the R-3 portion of said land shall be the site plan prepared by Balzer 8 Associates under date of July 2, 1987. (2) That only one access to said property will be constructed. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above mentioned conditions to the prior rezoning of August 9, 1983, be incorporated. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke county Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, NICHOLAS MUNGER By f Counsel Edward A. Natt, Esquire Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron E Agee, P.C. 1919 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Counsel for Petitioner ^STERHOUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LA'N RDANOKE, VIRGINIA 24019-1699 2 SUPERVISORS OF ROANOK_E COUN__ VIRGINIA: _ BEFORE THE_B~A~~ OF COUNTY_ _ - _ -- ) ENDATION ) RECONWI_____--- IN RE• generally) acre parcel of land, and East ) A 32.647 of Starkey Road ) located South Southern Railroad ) of the Norfolk 8 S ring tracks with the Cave p District, and recorded as ) Magisteria101-5 Parcel #97• BLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: TO THE HONORA Munger, has Nicholas WHEREAS, your Petitioner, a Planning Commission filed with the Secretary to the onditions proffered in the rez°ning have the c petition to order of August 9, 1983, amended. to the Planning WHEREAS, the petition was referred as required by 'ssion which, after due legal notice of 1950, as Comm of Virginia 15.1_431 of the Code and Section ust 4, 1987; on Aug did hold a public hearing all parties in amended, ublic hearing WHEREAS, at that p and to be heard; an opportunity were afforded Co~nission, after due interest WHEREAS, the Planning recommended to the Board of County consideration has the rezoning rs that the conditions proffered- in Superviso order of August 9, 1983, be amended. ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSDN ~.JATT. AHERON & AGEE A77DRNEYS-AT-LA'N RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24DiB-1699 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the conditions proffered in the rezoning order of August 9, 1983, be amended as follows: (I) That the site plan to be considered in the development of the R-3 portion of said land shall be the site plan prepared by Alzer S Associates under date of July 2, 1987. (2) That only one access to said property will be constructed. The above action was adopted on motion of Mr. Witt and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Winstead, Mr. Gordon, Ms. Flippen, Mr. Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: N1r. Jones ~es~ec+1~.~I~y sUbnnil-~-ed, STERHOUDT, FERGLISON ATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24019-1699 Roanoke33Co. ~lan~__;„911 ~MM ~ SSA 2 PETITIONER: ROYAL BUICK COMPANY - CASE N(A~IBER: 36-8/87 __ Planning Cca~mission Hearing Date: August 4, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 25, 1987 1. RDQUEST Petition of Royal Buick Company to rezone a 12.26 acre tract from A-1, Agricultural and M-1, Industrial to B-2, Business to construct and operate an automobile dealership, located on the north side of Peters Creek Road approximately 50 feet west of its intersection with Centurion Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Carnmission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTaRS a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Ccgnprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Transition land use category. Petitioner's request is consistent with the land use plan map but not with the defined policies; specifically TR-1, TR-2, and TR-3. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. The property will be utilized in substantial conformity with the development plan prepared by T.P. Parker & Son, dated 7/6/87, with the exception that there will only be two entrances to said property. b. The showroom to be constructed will be a two-story structure. c. All lighting will be shielded away from adjoining properties will be directed solely upon the subject property. d. One entrance shall be aligned with a cut in Peters Creek Road, either at the existing location or at a new location, should the present location be moved. e. That all drainage, screening and buffering will be in accordance with the Roanoke County Ordinance. f. There will only be two signs on the property which are not attached to structures. The signs will be in substantial conformity with the design submitted by General Motors Corp. 5. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VO`!'E AND REASON Mrs. Flippen moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT': Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACf~ETTI'S / Concept Plan (8~" x 11") ,/ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ./ Staff Report Other: ~A P~hN, Robert Stalzer, Planning Commission Secretary ~~ ~~ 0 ~8a~~~A ~f AA;B$ ~ p~XVp'~N n~ g~ 8 o~~~Ac~ i ~, Lp*p~~ ~~oa~ ~~A~NN t Q~~MA o m ~uo~~ ~~nLL o~g~~ t.~•-~ 0~~60 w i8o€~ -; g . rF o ;~ Ll,Q~ U x -~ O r~pE Zo tia . ~ H ~ ~ L ~ £ ~F LL I ~ SCREE NOD ,, aT-r-~ T p b~ A Mpp'~ rVrNG ~ ~ (~ gR~.t~ER ~or Fq \ r~ ,, W j~0~ rfo M N 1 p ~.~ ~~ ~ -~ m Itv D ~ m a ~ ~ O O .8 ~o ,V . n ~~ x ,_. ~ O a 0' N ~ ~ f ._ \ ~ A ..\ ~' N-+m ~ ` m ~t Z r• p~N i o ~~ ~ y~~ D~t~ I ~ 1 ~~~ ~ ~ \ a~s i ~ ~ ~< 51~1~ zoo cn ~ 1 R ~. TYOE C xREEU~MG \ ~ ~ `~ ~+ ~ ~.~~ i \~ ~~~ ~~'^ ~D i3~ .. ~ ~ I~ V D \ \ ~~~~~\r~'/~ ~~~ ENO G,,Tet D -~ a~ ~f~ .-t~ ~a~ °oa '~,~ a~~ ~n I ~I' ~" Q~ p _ H ;~ ti 0 a~ ~~ R7s ~~~ ~~ s~ ~8 s „ ~- ]i O~ t - C i ~ °° g o .~ Z~ m m r O rn r Z ~~ A DZ x o A~ ~ ~ ~ a 8 p ~' -~ ~~ o ~ p (~ ~ ~ 3Z u y Nr N L A M z ~N o~ n M ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ^o~ R~ P~ti ~ ~` ~~ \~ 1``` \ ``~ ~ ~ . y. \ A ~ ~• '\ ~ e ~' ~ S _ ~ ~ _ ": _ ~ ~ cR Ek~~`b~~ ~ . O N R ~,~~~ ` ` `~ .~ C N S a O ~- ~3 -. _._ ..... N A a Z~ ~ ~ a ,fit , °, -, m~ ~~~ x~D ~~G r N v Q =.ar ~~c ~;o,.. 'r~ ~~ D~ ~ wy -_~~ ~g~ ~~~_ ~ A N ~ ~x ~~ o~ ~I roi ~p Nn z ~! _ __ ; ` RTE `. '`~"`~ti..,. _, ,~ I -~~_ _ ~ ~ . i ~ ~ n. I_ ~_- -=" ~ ~~ ,w~ (~. ~~~~ ~ v l~ `\ / ` i;': -~, ,F.'t 1 °~ -_ <:~ VICINITY MAP - 3 ~\"t ~~. 4 ,~ n~a DENT ~.{$ } 1.A€..:..Et' 11UR 1 n S1 G~c 13 C Cb-1] ~~ rY\/ 4~ ~a [~-1. ~. °~+ Royal Buick Company ,`. ~_ '\~ ROANOKE COUNTY ~= DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT M-1 t0 B-2 d~ ~ _. / ~ ~ f \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ 1 1 I ~ 1 ~ 1 1 Q' I ~ 1 ~ \ ~ ~\ ~/ \ ~ ~ \~ ~~.. \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ \ '~.~ ~y- e ,_ STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 36-8/87 PETITIONER: ROYAL BUICK COMPANY REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER~ DATE: JULY 23, 1987 Petition of Royal Buick Company to rezone a 12.26 acre tract from A-1, Agricultural and M-l, Industrial to B-2, Business to construct and operate an automobile dealership, located on the north side of Peters Creek Road approximately 50 feet west of its intersection with Centurion Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. 1, NATURE OF REQUEST era to a new car a. Conditional request to construct and and possibly in the dealership, an auxiliary service facility, future a second new car dealership franchise. b. Attached concept plan and zoning facility map describe purpose more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. B-2 zoning district permits a variety °lanfwh ichneffectively uses. Petitioner has proffered concept p limits use of the property for a car dealership and permitted ancillary uses. b. Site plan review required to insure compliance with County regulations. c. City of Roanoke commercial entrance permit must be obtained. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Parcel is relatively flat with a small pond adjacent to VA Route 117 (Peters Creek Road). b. Ground Cover- Low growing vegetation with thick tree cover on the perimeter•of the property. Existing residential structure on the property. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth n r a°eaty Dessgnatedefor highngrowthetcurrently Community Planni g served by urban services. b. General area is developed primarily with office and mixed commercial uses. Parcel immediately abuts clear zone of the Roanoke Regional Airport. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factorthro ~ h 5 g to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 g p = mana eable impact, 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible im act, 3 g licable. 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not app RATING FACTOR COMMENTS t ( ` I~,. LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 4 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Transition land use category. Petitioner's request is consistent with the land use plan map but not with the defined policies; specifically TR-l, TR-2, and TR-3. 2 b. Surrounding Land: Bounded by airport clear zone, VA Route 117 and existing low density residential development. Note that residential development is separated from the site by thick vegetation. 2 c. Neighboring Area: See above. 3 d. Site Layout: Two entrances would be more preferable than three. Southernmost entrance does not conform with corridor policies pertaining to spacing of entrances (i.e. 300 feet or greater>. Petitioner should consider possible access off of proposed road that would run along the eastern boundary of the clear zone and serve designated principal industrial properties. 2 e. Architecture: Petitioner has stated that showroom will be a two story structure located on the existing high spot on the property and that the service area will be constructed to the rear of the showroom and screened from view of travelers on Peters Creek Road. Provisions secured by proffer of concept plan. 2 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. Proffered concept plan shows additional landscaping along Peters Creek Road and planting islands within the automobile display area. 2 g. Amenities: Petitioner has proffered that lighting will be directed onto display vehicles and will not be directed off site. Proffer should perhaps be amended to correspond with the lighting requirements contained within the proposed street standards. 2 h. Natural Features: Existing pond to be filled. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: Current ADT on VA Route 117 is 19,800 vehicles. AM peak hour traffic is 1,324 vehicles. PM peak hour traffic is 1,657 vehicles. Trip generation for the proposed use is estimated to be approximately 570 vehicles per day which is equivalent to 4.6 single family dwellings per acre. This traffic generation is of a moderate amount. 3 _. _ ~. Circulation: Prefer two entrances as opposed to three off of Peters Creek Road. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE `*'" 2 m. Basin: No anticipated problems. ti.. N/A n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service standard. ? p. Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 1 s• - Land and Improvement Value: - Taxable Gross Sales Year: $1'~ million / $22 million - Total Employees: 65 - Total revenue to the County/Year: Approximately $250,000 ENVIRONMENT ? t. Air: ? u. Water: ? v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: 4 x. Signage: Not specified (prior to,8/4 meeting). 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Transition. The petitioner's proposal is consistent with the land use plan map. The petitioner's proposal is not consistent with policies TR-l, TR-2 and TR-3. An intensely populated office park or a planned grouping of commercial structures on this site is possible. Although general retail uses are generally discouraged within a Transition land use category, the location of a car dealership adjacent to the clear zone coupled with effective buffering from nearby residential and office uses is not inappropriate. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Surrounding land use favors proposal. (2) Petitioner has proffered concept plan which defines the use as well as amenities such as additional landscaping. (3) With the exception of entrances, the site layout and architecture are well conceived. (4) Tax base contribution is excellent. b. Weaknesses: (1) Points of access from Peters Creek Road should be reduced from three to two. Ideally petitioner should investigate having access off of proposed road intended to serve principal industrial areas at the intersection of I-581 and I-81. (2) Proposal does not conform with policies TR-l, TR-2 and TR-3. For further explanation see item 6 above. (3) Signage not specified. K--~ k K A --- --~ 245 A 15' 0'h" 15' 0'/z" 15' 0'/z" B 15' 0'/2" 15' 0'/z" 15' 0'h" C 47' 0" 42' 0" 37' 0" D 25' 0" 20' 0" 15' 0" 'Has no stainless steel on columns. DUAL TRIPLE QUAD ~_.. p. r --, a ~1 Z W t- 3p F- 2 2 Q ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSO NATT, AHERON & AGE ATTORNEYS~AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 /IRGINIA: BEFORE THE_BOARD OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE_COUNTY IN RE: ) A 12.26 acre parcel of land, generally ) located on Peters Creek Road adjacent ) FINAL ORDER to Airport Clear Zone, within the ) _______---- Hollins Magisterial District and ~ recorded as Parcel Nos. 37.08-I-5, 37.08-I-6, and 37.08-I-8, in the Roanoke) County Tax Records. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Royal Buick Company, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from A-1, Agricultural District, and M-1, Light Industrial District to B-2, Business District, for the purpose of constructing an automobile dealership thereon. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the petition on August 4, 1987, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be granted, with the proffered conditions. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned N parcel of land, which are contained in the Roanoke County C~ 00 D~ E-- Z H Z 0 V W 0 oc 4 Q OSTERHDUDT, FERGUSGN NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LA'N ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY -------------------------------------------------------- IN RE: A 12.26 acre parcel of land, generally ) located on Peters Creek Road adjacent ) to Airport Clear Zone, within the ) PROFFER OF Hollins Magisterial District and ) CONDITIONS recorded as Parcel Nos. 37.08-I-5 ) -----_---- 37.08-1-6 and 37.08-I-8, in the Roanoke ) County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq, of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner, Royal Buick Company, hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land. I. That the property will be utilized in in substantial conformity with the development plan prepared by T. P. Parker ~ Son, Engineers S Surveyors, under date of July 6, 1987, with the exception that there will only be two entrances to said property. 2. That the showroom to be constructed will be a two-story structure. 3. That all lighting will be shielded away from adjoining properties and will be directed solely upon the subject property. LEGAL NOTICE ersons Notice is hereby given to all interested p Virginia, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, blic hearing at 7:00 p.m., at the Roanoke County will hold a pu Roanoke, Administrative Center, at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, etition of Royal Buick ust 25, 1987, on the p Virginia, on Aug certain a Company to rezone with certain conditions hin the Hollins certain 12.26 acre parcel of land located wit ursuant to the Magisterial District, in Roanoke County, P Ordinance, said Zoning provisions of the Roanoke County arl described as follows: parcel of land being more particul Y arcel of land, generally A 12,26 acre p scent to l ocated on P rteZone rwe thRnad he ICs taw Parce l Airport Clea and recorded as Magisterial Dist37co$_I_6 and 37.08-I-8 in Nos. 37.08-I-5' Tax Records. the Roanoke County A co y of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County p etition, of the p and amendments thereto as well as a cop{ this request may site plan, and other documents related ment, fined in the office of the Department of Develop be exam 'n Room 600 at Roanoke County Administrative Cen er, located ~ 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. County will provide assistance to handicapped Roanoke •n to attend public hearings. Such individuals persons desire 9 ^STERHGUDT. FERGLISON to contact the County office of Personne I Services NATT, AHERON & AGEE are requested for attendancE ATTGRNEYS-AT-LA'N i f spec i a l provisions are necessary RGANOKE, VIRGINIA r 7 O 3 1 7 7 2- 2 U 1 8 24U1B-tb99 l 1 VIRGINIA; BEFORE_THE_BOARD_OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS_OF_ROANOKE COUN IN RE: A 12.26 acre parcel of land, enerall , located on Peters Creek Road adjacenty ) to Airport Clear Zone, within the ~ Hollins Magisterial District and ~ RECOAM~ENDATION recorded as Parcel Nos. 37,Og-I-S, ~ _ _ ----- 37•08-1-6 and 37.08-I-8, in the Roanoke ) County Tax Records. ~ ]STERNOlJ07, FERGLISON NATT, AHERCIN & AGEE ATTO RN EY5-A7-LAN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 2 4 018-16 9 9 Ic S p TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Royal Buick Company, has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land f A-1, Agricultural District and -N- rom 1, Light Industrial District to B-2, Business District for the pur ose constructing an automobile dealershi p of p thereon, WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required Section 15.1-431 by of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on August 4, 1987; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in nterest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due onsideration has recommended to the Board of Count ~pervisors that the rezonin be y 9 granted, with conditions as °offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Business District. The above action was adopted on motion ~omnission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned to B-2, of Ms. Flippen and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Ms. Flippen, Mr• VJitt, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Winstead NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Jones rezon4.n4.c ~e5~ec.}-~"``~ st~bnnil~cc~~ ~l1 V )~~~ ~ ~~C~t~~f~ ~o~.~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~. ^GTERH[IU[IT, FERGUSC NATT, ANERCIN & AGE ATTCI R N EYS-AT-LA'N RUANCIKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 N E 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANUKE COUNTY IN RE: A 12.26 acre parcel of land, generally ) PETITION located on Peters Creek Road adjacent ) to Airport Clear Zone, within the ) Hollins Magisterial District and ) recorded as Parcel Nos. 37.08-I-5 ) 37.08-I-6 and 37.08-I-8, in the Roanoke) County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER, Royal Buick Company, respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: I. The Petitioner is the contract purchaser of ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTD RN EYS-AT-LA'N RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24D18-1699 the above-referenced parcel of land. 2. The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as A-1, Agricultural District, and N1-1, Light Industrial District. 3. The property is designated Transition in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4. Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as B-2, Business District, with proffered conditions, for the purpose of constructing an automobile dealership thereon. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in Number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this jpetition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke county Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, ROYAL BUICK COMPANY Of Counsel Edward A. Natt, Esquire Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron 8 Agee, P.C. 1919 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Counsel for Petitioners ^STERHOUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERGN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 2 PETI`I'IO1~ER: JF~E WEBSTER CASE DER: 35-8/87 planning Omission Hearing Date: Board of Supervisors Hearing Date' 1. August 4, 1987 August 25, 1987 R~UEST g-]., Business to I`h-lr gg acre tract fromruns, located on the Webster to rezone clinic with outdoo of its intersection with Petition of Jesse 500 feet south Industrial to constructROa~ ~pproxinately ' is Drive in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. west side of Starkey Hunting Hil 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ssion Public Hearing. osition at the Planning C~1 ro rty. resent in °pphe outdoor runs and devaluation of p Pe There was one the noise from Concerns are: ~pp,CT FACTORS h not disruptive 3• SIGNIFICA~ s may generate noise that althoug • e; Exterior kennel runes five to adjacent offices and nonconforming a. Nols be dis P ring Animal C1 a d sounld to industrial uses ~Y Precedent set with Cave SP rcial and residential dwellings. laced inside ~Roadlisl orcane ring Road that ke land use o 0 d Cave Spring Cave Sp proofed. Surrounding office. COI~IDITIONS clinic with outside 4, PROFFERED ro erty will be a veterinary a, The only M-1 use on said p P runs. with the site plan t will be developed in substantial conformity b. The proper Y dated 7/2/87. prepared by Hughes Assoc., n on the existing be constructed will be no larger than the sig c, The sign to facility. Vinton Veterinary AND REASON 5, IS,,IONER' S M(7rION, ~1OTE The motion etition with proffered conditions. Mr. Witt moved to approve the p following roll call vote: carried with the Gordon, Winstead AYES Flippen. Witt, NAYS: None ~~; Jones 6, DISSENTING p~p~TIVE a, None. 7. ATTACf~fE~S / Concept Plan (8~" x 11") 7 Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other: A Planning Omission Secretary Robert Sta zer, ~ ~. r'~ i A Fat j a ~ / d o~ 6 0 .n om ,,6 ~ Z ,,~ o ` ° / ;~ 1 ) / ~ i~N 61'40~W - 251.OD~ I / 7a_e„ -- ~ -~. ---- ~ / /_ / 1 ° rr., 8 0 ~. d \~ .\ / / / \, 4 ~ ~ _ ~ r 1 / ~ ~ Q=~ _ / y ~ ' 4 / I v. d- ~ ~ l ~. F ~ t ~ i ~ I \, w - ~ ~ I - ~ --__ - ; ,~ I I ~ ~ - / I -- - a-- _ - I I ~ a, 2"17.11 t- Sal' 4 0' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r tt a z ~ ~ .°~ 6~~ ~ G rn ra Qg ~ I ~ 6 ~,; ~ ~ p ~~~ a ~ ~ ~~~ 6 ~ > ,ag r s n cN a 74 A y ~+ i D .y ~ ~ ~ _ r~ O -~( ~ r- - - 0 ~~ = ~~ Nn 1 c ju : ' 'yy~a° R 0 u ~ i J ~ ~ W~~STErZ VeT e21fJ1~2Y I~OspiTi~l~ ~_ S ~ ~ Q$ ~' ( ~ KOL~NOK~ GOLIN T'Y~ VIRGI N I A n g m ILl ~` .~ `9Y ~ ~ ~Hf -J 41 rL _f1~'l .~}S~ :~ / , . uw. ~\ /o~-'~ MI ~ ~w A..r~uow 419 . /W ; ~~> . . ~, QL~Y ''.. _~ ~~ ~ `G ~o \~ ,_, ~ unRTN y0 ~' Ao e i f•~ 10 , c ~M -w ~ 'K I ay __, \Pwnn K B-~ H I A Q I f \\ ~ R~ I_ ~ h ` `- ROANOKE COUNTY . DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ~- ~, Jesse Webster B-1 to M-1 Z, \ - L S 5.02 •t R-3 , $ 1.26 •c 18 Sl9k S ~ i. ~O H u ~i VICINITY MAP STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 35-8/87 PETITIONER: JESSE WEBSTER REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER DATE: JULY 23, 1987 Petition of to M-1 Industrial tobconstructea one a 0.89 acre tract from B-1 located on the west side of Starkeeterinary clinic with outdoorusrunss its intersection with Huntin y Road approximatel District. g Hills Drive in y 500 feet south of the Cave Spring Magisterial 1 • NATURE OF REQUES'T' a. Conditional request to construct and o hospital consisting of approximatel and an attached outdoor run. Perate a veterinary y 3,900 sq.ft, of floor area b• Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity ma' de more fully. P scribe Purpose 2• APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a• M-1 Light Industrial District uses. Petitioner has Permits a number of industrial with an exterior run wpllfberoperatedoon ythe v arcelnary hospital b. Site p 1• plan review required to insure compliance with Cou regulations. m y c. VDOT commercial entrance permit required. 3• SITE CHARACTERISTICS a• Topography; Gently sloping awa y from Starkey Road (Route 904). b• Ground Cover: Existing house on site. Tree co property, ver at rear of 4• AREA CHARACTERISTICS a• Future Growth Priorit Community Plannin y' Situated within the Cave Spring currentl 9 area. Designated for stable y served by urban services . g r o w t h, b. General area is densel industrial, office and residentialopses.with mixed commercial, 5• LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor accordin action. Use a scale of 1 through S.g to the impact of the proposed 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible im' _ 4 = disruptive im act pact, 3 managea~Ie impact, p - 5 = severe impact, and N A / = not applicable. y~r RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Transition land use category. Although requested use requires an industrial zoning because of exterior kennels, principal activity is that of an office. Office uses are highly encouraged within a Transition land use category. Proposal is in conformity with both the land use plan map and land use policies, specifically Policy TR-7, limiting the frequency of driveway openings and TR-8, building facades prominent from street view, parking lots situated to the rear and side of building, landscaped front yard. 2 b. Surrounding Land: Adjacent to industrially developed area, railroad track, and a heavily traveled major collector highway (Starkey Road>. Existing nonconforming residential development is located immediately north and south of subject property. 3 c. Neighboring Area: Primarily office and industrial with a limited amount of nonconforming residential. 2 d. Site Layout: In conformity with design standards contained within the Transition land use category. 3 e. Architecture: Not specified. Kennel runs are hidden behind the building and are located as close as possible to the adjacent industrial areas. 3 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. 2 g. Amenities: Ample parking. 2 h. Natural Features: No negative effect. TRAFFIC 2 i. Street Capacities: Property abuts the section of Starkey Road scheduled to be widened to five lanes. Current ADT is 7,725. Anticipated trip generation from proposed land use is 64 vehicles per day which is equivalent to 7.2 units of single family residential development per acre. 2 j. Circulation: Single entrance serves property. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. - 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission.-- - -°- --- -- DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: N/A n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES hed service standard. 2 0, Fire Protection: Within establis 2 p, Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 280,000 Land and ImprovementYearUe'$300,000 1 s• - - - Taxable Gross Sales8 ~ 600 - Total Employees: Year: Approximately $ , - Total revenue to the County/ ENVIRONMENT 2 t, Air: 2 u, Water: 2 v, Soils: enerate noise that although Exterior kennel runs may g be disruptive to adjacent 4 w, Noise: not disruptive to industrial uses may s, Precedent set offices and nonconforming residential dwelling ring Road that with Cave Spring Animal Clinic on Old Cave Send soundproofed. kennels would be placed inside th~1bg1Roadgis commercial and Surrounding land use on Old Cave Sp office. 4 x, Signage: Not specified (prior to 8/4 meeting). nated as Transition by the land use plan. 6, PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is desigh requiring an industrial zone is consistent Proposed use althoug lan map and defined policies. with both the land use p lan map and defined '7 . STAFF EVALUATION n o l i c i e s a, Strengths: (1) Consis out consistent wiph desig (3p Logical policies. (2) Site lay to the zoning contained with' soft° Industrial used(acco dingry. location of a g rincipal industrial area and ordinance) adjacent to an existin p ecific use and on the periphery of a tWansof lprofferrea. (4) Sp concept plan defined by Y Interior kennels would be preferable to b, Weaknesses: (1) acent nonconforming residential eliminate noibe•adversely affected by the noise. (3) Signage dwellings may not specified. r ao h Z 2 .°p~ r N Q 0 W 0 a d a QSTERHDUDT, FERGUS NATT, AHERDN & AG ATTORNEYS-AT-~A'H ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE_BOARD OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: ) FINAL ORDER A ,g9 acre parcel of land, generally) located on the west side of Starkey j Road near Hunting Hills Dristerial ) within the Cave Spring Mag District,-a3d'ren°thedRoanokecCounty) No. 87.11 0 ) Tax Records TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Jesse Webster, did etition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the p above-referenced parcel of land from B-1, Office District to with conditions, for the M_~~ Manufacturing District, urpose of operating a veterinary clinic with outdoor runs p theroen. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning etition on Commission did hold a public hearing of the p August 4, 1987, at which time, all parties in interest were ortunity to be heard; and given an opp WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of ranted. County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be g NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned arcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax p ~N Ma s as Parcel No. 87.11-03-I and legally described below, :E p r Do /Y t- Z 0 v H N a A w 0 a n. fY ac ^STERNGIIGT, FERGLISGN NATT, AHERGN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LA'N ROANGKE, VIRGINIA 24 018-16 9 9 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ----------------------------- IN RE: ) A .89 acre parcel of land, enerall ) PROFFER OF 9 y) CONDITIONS located on the west side of Starkey ) ----- -- Road near Hunting Hills Drive, ) within the Cave Spring Magisterial ) District, and recorded as Parcel ) No. 87.11-03-1 in the Roanoke County) Tax Records ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq, of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner, Jesse Webster, hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land. (I) That the only M-1 use on said property will be a veterinary clinic with outside runs. (2) That the property will be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Hughes Associates, Architects, under date of July 2, 1987, and submitted herewith. (3) That the sign to be constructed wi I I be no larger than the sign on the existing Vinton Veterinarian facility. ~- ~ _., ~ /~ ^STERHDIIDT, FERGIJSON NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTD RN EYS-AT-LAN RDANGKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 Edward A, Natt, Esquire Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron E Agee, P.C. 1919 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 r1.e3.c Respectfully submitted, JESSE WEBSTER By --------------------------- Of Counsel 2 LEGAL NOTICE ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTDRNEYS-AT-LAW RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1fi99 Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., at the Roanoke County Administrative Center, at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, on August 25, 1987, on the petition of Jesse ' Webster Company to rezone-with certain conditions a certain a certain .89 acre parcel of land located within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, in Roanoke County, pursuant to the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: A .89acre parcel of land, generally located on the west side of Starkey Road near Hunting Hills Drive, within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as 87.11-03-I, in the Roanoke County Tax Records. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at Roanoke County Administrative Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services (703) 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 5~day of ~~~~St 1987. Ma-~~~ijen --~,-Deputy Clerk Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Please publish in the evening edition of The Roanoke Times- World News on Tuesday, August II, 1987, and Tuesday, August 18, 1987. Please bi I I cost of the puPl•C ati1919 0 Osterhoudt, Ferguson, Natt, Aheron 8 Agee, Electric Road, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia 24018. OSTERHDUDT, FERGUSDN NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATT D R N EY S-AT- LA'N RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 2 VIRGINIA: _ __ - ARD OF COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE COUNT BEFORE THE_BO_______ -- - ) RECONWtENDATION N FtE : ) _ _ - -- arcel of land, generally) A ,gg acre p ) located on th~'nesHiiideDrjVetarkey Magisterial Road near Hun g ring within the Cave Sp District, and recorded as Parcel ) No. 87.11-03-1 in the Roanoke County] Tax Records THE HONORABI-E SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: d TO has file WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Jesse Webster, Commission a petition to with the Secretary to the Planning land from B-~~ arcel of rezone the above-referenced p District for the Office District to M-1, Manufacturing erating a veterinary clinic with outdoor runs purpose of op thereon. REAS, the petition was referred to the Planning WHE required by Commission which, after due legal notice as 1950, as tion 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of Sec ust 4, 1987; and ublic hearing on Aug amended, did hold a p all parties ~n WHEREAS, at that public hearing to be heard; and interest were afforded an opportunity after due WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi°n' of County sideration has recommended to the Board con with the proffered be granted, ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSDN tha t the rezoning NATT, AHERDN & AGEE Supervisor s ATT D R N EY S-AT- LAIN RDANDKE. VIRGINIA conditions . 240t8-1fi99 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned to M-1, Manufacturing District. The above action was adopted on motion of Mr. Witt, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Ms. Flippen, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Witt, Mr. Winstead NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Jones rt.e5.c ~.~„~,ti~ ^STERHDUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTDRNEYG-A7-LA'N RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24018-tfi99 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OFCOUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE_COUNTY i ^STERHOLIDT, FERGIJSDN NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTORNEY5-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 IN RE: A .89 acre parcel of land, generally) located on the west side of Starkey ) Road near Hunting Hills Drive, ) PETITION within the Cave Spring Magisterial ) District, and recorded as Parcel ) No. 87.11-03-1 in the Roanoke County) Tax Records ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER, Jesse Webster, respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: I. The Petitioner is the contract purchaser of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2. The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as Office District, B-1. 3. The property is designated Transition in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4. Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as Manufacturing District, M-1, with P, -^ ..` VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 10.5 acre parcel of land, ) generally located at intersection ) of Va. Sec. Rte 6 an Va. Sec. Rte 781, just north of ) U. S. Route 460, within the Hollins ___ ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 40.01-1-4 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) PETITION TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner F & W Community Development Cor?~oratio respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as emended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioner is the owner of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as R-3, P~ulti-Family Residential District. 3) The roperty is designated as Transition Zone p in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as B-l, Office District for the purpose of Construction of an office nark Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, F & ~9 ~ UPdITY DEVELOPP~IENT CORPOP.ATION C~v / -'~ Petition - James A. Beavers, Vice President ' PETITIONER: F&W CQNY~1ClNITY DEVELOPNIE~r CORP. ~ `:`;', a,~ . • CASE N[~KBER: 31-8/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: August 4, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 25, 1987 1. REQUEST Petition of F&W Community Development Corporation to rezone a 10.5 acre tract from R-3, Residential to B-l, Business to construct an office park located, north of Route 781 at its intersection with Route 604 in the Hollins Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Two concerned residents were present at the Planning C~runission Public Hearing. Concerns are: increased traffic and coi~unercial development in a residential area. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Fire Protection: Exceeds travel time service standard. 1985 Bond monies appropriated for construction of emergency services facility in Bonsack. b. Rescue: Exceeds travel time service standard. 1985 Bond monies appropriated for construction of emergency services facility in Bonsack. c. Signage: Not specified. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. No building will be more than two stories in height. b. The development will be substantially in accordance with the conceptual site plan dated 1/25/87. c. The development will be generally in the same manner as the proffered conditions for the adjoining tract which was rezoned 4/85. 5. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mrs. Flippen moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") ~/ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ,/ Staff Report Other: ~fl ~,.~ Robert lzer, Planning Commission Secretary l~ r t r t r r K 1 1 / \ \ i ~ A f ~ . ~i ~ ~~ . /I. e ~ \_ ~~ ~ ~ \.~ ` ~ /off ~ GLeOf\W ... "W^~osE g i Q i--~. ,~~ ~ ~ ~, `~H~INTRIDGE ~ VICINITY MAP t.' Ap _.. D wnQTN AN ~ t ROANOKE COUNTY `~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT se F & t1 Community Development Corporation R-3 to Q-1 ~. STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 31-8/87 PETITIONER: F&W COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER~~~ DATE: JULY 23, 1987 Petition of F&W Community Development Corporation to rezone a 10.5 acre tract from R-3, Residential i at litsuintersectionswithtRoutef604 i p the located, north of Route 78 Hollins Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST roximately 11 acres for the a. Conditional request to rezone app roximate- construction of four office buildings consistingoximately 8 acres ly 30,300 sq.ft. This property adjoins app situated in Botetourt County that is also intendedaroebelseaepart ed for office use by the petitioner. Subject p the of a comprehensive neighborhood concept developed by petitioner in 1972. This rezoning request modifies the land uses within the original concept but does not destrlocated original intent. Petitioner rezoned a 15.6 acre parcel-from R-3 adjacent to Route 604 on the south side of Route 781, to B-1 Office and Residential and B-2 Business for the construc- tion of offices and related improvementsreviousnuetitionS.Petie current request corresponds with the p p tioner will have the 1972 comprehensive neighborhood concept, as amended for review by the Commission at the public hearing. b. Attached concept plan and vicinity map describe purpose more fully . 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. B-1 zoning district permits two unit and multifamrofessiolnal as well as a wide range of administrative and p offices. Current R-3 zoning permits single family, two-family and multifamily dwellings. b. Commercial development subject to site plan review to insure compliance with County regulations. c. VDOT commercial entrance permit required. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Existing lake at the Boon e o~ t is pgeptly slop ing to Route 604. Remainder of the p p Y towards Route 604. b. Ground Cover: Existing tree cover and low growing bushes. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Hollins Community _ -- Planning area. Designated as``a hgh`growth`are~,-"currently served by urban services. b. General area is predominantly single family residential with most units being located within nearby subdivisions. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT ro osed Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the p p action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. = mana eable impact, 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = not a licable. a = disruptive i-npact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A PP ~, j ~..~ COMMENTS RATING FACTOR LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plwithin9a5Devepopmentllandeuseopategoryan The placed this area petitioner's request is consistent with both term'taedstoaa and the stated policies. Office parks arelanned community limited degree if developed as a part of p development consisting of primarily middle density residential construction located on a tract that is 25 acres or more. 2 b. Surrounding Land: Adjoining land ie asrshown onnconcept plan family development. Proposed usag should have minimal impact. 2 c , Neighboring Area: fMRoutel 6040 w 11 nbeu sepa aatedlf rom p oposed on the north side o development by the eventual four lane widening of this route. Concept is being proposed as a part of an overall community master plan. 2 d. Site Layout: ParkingfromtRoute 604r o Adequatee front lyard facades are prominent remaining for 1 sndscfrom Rout a 781 t nonentranpes offrofuRoute Entrance to office 604. Concept plan has been proffered. 3 e. Architecture: Not selolmena. Petitionerlhabeprofferedrthat with surrounding dev p offices will not exceed two stories in height. 2 f. 3 g. 3 3 2 Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. Amenities: Adequate parking provided. h. Natural Features: Engineering Department Existing lake not to be roblembed. states that drainage is not a p TRAFFIC i. Street Capacities: Total development (175nvehicle B~iptends counties) will generate approximately 1, er 1,000 per day. Traffic generation determined by 17.7 trips p sq.ft. of floor space multiplied by tote acO°e ofesin leofamily 9 traffic is equivalent to 6.5 units p development. Route 604 to be widened to four lanes. This route will connect US 11 with US 460. j. Circulation: Primary access onto existing Route 781 (Roanoke County) and a future road to be constructed within Botetourt County. No direct entrance onto VA_Route 604. UTILITIES an g inch line within a private 2 k, Water: Currently served by the etitioner. Adequate water system owned and operated by P supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. ~~ .~..° DRAINAGE 3 m. Basin: Existing lake on southerfromrlake and smallystream that Buildings will be situated away feeds lake. 3 n, Floodplain: Small floodplain adjacent to Route 604. PUBLIC SERVICES 4 0, Fire Protection: iatedeaor co structilon sof vemergency services Bond monies appropr facility in Bonsack. 4 p, Rescue: Exceeds travel time service standservices5facia ty1en appropriated for construction of emergency Bonsack. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 1 s, - Land and Improvement Value: $2.1 million Taxable Gross Sales/Year: Not available. - Total Employees: 175 roximately $23,000 from Total revenue to the County/Year: APP ross property taxes plus an undetermined amount from taxable g sales. ENVIRONMENT 2 t, Air: 2 u, Water: 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: 4 x. Signage: Not specified. 6, PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designatna aolicieslopment and is consistent with bot the land use plan map a p 7. STAFF EVALUATION lan, policies and map. (2) a. Strengths: (1) Consistent witlaneconcept submitted in 1972. Consistent with overall master p (3) Excellent site layout. (4) Adequate urban services. (5) Concept plan proffered. b, Weaknesses: (1) Specific use not proffered. (2) Signage not specified. (3) Outside of travel time standard for fire and rescue. .. - ~ i ~. Jj {...... ?-s S ~.1 +* Page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: _ BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY p, 10.5 acre parcel of land, ) generally located at intersection ) of Va. Sec. Rte 604 and Va. ) Sec. Rte 781 'ust north of U. S. Route 460 ) FINAL ORDER within the Hollins Magisterial District, and ~ recorded as parcel # 40.01-1-4 ) ~ in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROp,NOKE COUNTY: F & 4I Community Development Corporation ~ WHEREAS, your Petitioner ~ did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above- w ~- R-3, i.ulti-Family Residentia r o referenced parcel of land from District for the purpose ° District to B-1, Office of construction of an office paik 0 w the Planning Commission did hol ~ WHEREAS, after due legal notice, °- etition on August 4 19 87 at which time, Q a public hearing of the p all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and the Board of County WHEREAS, after full consideration, _ Su ervisors determined that the rezoning be approved with proffered P conditions on August 25, 1987. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel ibed rc. 639 and legally descr 40~l-=4 and recorded in Deed Book 962 , Multi-Family Residential District to below, be rezoned from R-3. B-1, Office District. _, ~._ ,J..., r` ._ :~.~ Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: 10.5 acre tract, bounded on the west by Va. Sec. P.te 604, on the north by Va. Sec. Rte 781, on the east by remaining property °and on,'the Community Development Corporation, 7 north by other remaining property of F & ~~~ Community Development Corporation at the Botetourt County line BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be.directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Johnson and upon the following recorded vote: S. Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson . AYE . NAYS: None ABSENT: None ~.yl~~ ~. C l e r k Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC• Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning Arnold Covey, Director of Development Review John Willey, Real Estate Assessor VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A in ~ acre parcel of land, ) generally located at intersection ) of Va. Sec. Rte 604 anc~ Va. Sec. Rte 781, 'ust north of U. S. P~t• ) PROFFER 460 ) OF Hollins ) CONDITIONS within the Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 40.01.1-4 ) ~ in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) a TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~' Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of r Virginia and Sec. 21-105E. of the Roanoke County Zoning f11 f- F & PI Community nevelopment Corporation o Ordinance, the Petitioner ~ hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of ~-- ~ Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: 0 Q 1) No building will be more than two (2) stories in height; 2) The development will be substantially in accordance with the conceptual site plan. dated January 25, 1987; 3) The development will be generally in the same manner as the proffered conditions for the adjoininn tract which was rezoned April, 1985. Res e t ~nlly submitted, ~1"' COP.PORAT 'ON p t ner -James A. eavers, Vice President PETITIONER: L.L. PEACOCK, JR. CASE N~R~4BER: 33-8/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: August 4, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 25, 1987 1. RD~UEST Petition of L.L. Peacock, Jr. to rezone a 4.69 acre tract frcan B-1, Business to B-2, Business to construct and operate a new automobile dealership, located on the south side of Route 419 approximately 600 feet north of its intersection with Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Two concerned property owners were present at the Planning Cottumission Public Hearing. Concerns are: the environmental impact on the area (air quality) and traffic congestion in the area. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Signage: Not specified. 4. PROFFERID CONDITIONS a. The rezoned parcel will be used in conjunction with Route 419 frontage property, presently zoned B-2, for the construction and operation of a new aut~nobile dealership. b. The construction will proceed in two phases; phase I completion of used automobile operations 11/87, phase II completion of new automobile operations 5/88. c. The property will be developed in substantial conformity with the concept plan dated 7/87. 5. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VOr!'E AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: Jones 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHL~S ~ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") ~ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ~ Staff Report Other: ~q ~lCd,,. Robert S lzer, Planning Connnission Secretary 4 ~ / ~ , ~~'~ t F i~ ~~ r~ ~e bey • sj t ~, ~ '~ i ~ a~~ ~ ~a e I' •~ ~ Y ., ~ 5 ~~ . .., j w ~ ~. o li ; r , , .. ~ L r I 1 ' __ ' _ __~ : • O ~ ~ ~: ~~i ~ _ v ,-- -- - - - ~- '' t -1 ~ '.~- ~ vQ~ T ~ Gl~ L~ ~tt, ~1 n°y ~ OL s a~yjs b~' Q ~.,,h~,n v J~ unaru A_ , (~• _ `. '~`- ROANOKE COUNTY ~3~-, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT _~ L.L. Peacock, Jr. B-1 to B-2 ~~ ~~. ~' STAFF REPORT PEACOCK, JR. PETITIONER: L.L. CASE NUMBER: 33-8/87 1987 ROB STALZER~RS DATE: JULY 23, REVIEWED BY: Jr. to rezone a 4.69 acre tract from B- . peacock, erate a new automobile petition of L.L. a roximately 600 Business to B-2, Business to construct an oP dealership, located on the south side of RouRoadl9n the Cave Spring feet north of its tntersection with Starkey Magisterial Distric construct and operate a new car 1, NATURE OF REQUEST u e s t t o s hop . a, Conditional req used car sales and body for with an accessoryls currently zoned properly dealership erty 5 acres Front portion of Prop ertains to approximately proposed use. Petition p ted at the rear of the tota t 7,rasix monthslbeforeeSnewsca° loca eration approxima Y begin used car op dealership is opened. Proffers define time rame. once t plan and zoning vicinity map describe proposal b. Attached c P more fully. nin allows for a variety of commercial and retail service 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS erty will only be a. B-2 zo g roffered that the prop uses. Petitioner has p ermitted ancillary uses. used for a new car dealership and p lan review required to insure compliance with County b, Site p regulations. c, VDOT commercial entrance permit required. Property to be rezoned slopes toward Route 419. 3, SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Frontage property is flat. b, Ground Cover: Low growing scrub vegetation. 4, AREA CHARACTERISTICS Situated within the Cr wthSareag a, Future G Planninrlareay• Designated as a stable g Community g currently served by urban services. area is densely developed with commercial and office b, General uses. ---- -_: - -- --- to the impact of the proposed 5, LAND USE RateCeachS factor according Rating: = manageable impact, action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 2 = negligible impact, 3 licable. 1 = positive impact, = severe impact, and N/A = not app 4 = disruptive impact, 5 c: a ~~ ~ t ~,.. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Core land use category. Petitioner's proposal complies with both the land use plan map and defined policies. 2 b. Surrounding Land: Property surrounded on two sides by intensive commercial development including another new car dealership; on one side by VA Route 419; and on the remaining side by steep slopes. 2 c. Neighboring Area: Intensely developed commercial, office and residential uses. VA Route 419 corridor. 2 d. Site Layout: Access to property will be gained from single entrance off of Route 419. Shared access road to be constructed by petitioner will serve future development that may occur to the rear of petitioner's property and adjoining car dealership. 3 e. Architecture: Not specified. 2 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. 3 g. Amenities: 2 h. Natural Features: No negative effect. TRAFFIC 2 i. Street Capacities: Current ADT on Route 419 is 27,862 vehicles. Anticipated ADT generated by proposed use is 285 vehicles. This traffic generation is equivalent to 6.1 units of single family residential development per acre. 2 j. Circulation: Single entrance via shared access road onto Route 419. Access road will be privately maintained but will be constructed in accordance with VDOT standards so as to allow possible future state acceptance. Westbound traffic on 419 will be able to access the property from an entrance located on the east side of petitioner's parcel. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: No foreseeable problems. _. - - N/A n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service standard. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 1,1 million Land and Improvement Value: 4$million 1 s. - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: - Total Employees: Approximately 40 roximately $56,150 - Total revenue to the County/Year: APP ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u, Water: 2 ~. Soils: Noise• Body shop noise should have little or no impact on 3 w' ~ ro erties. adjoining p P 4 x. Signage: Not specified. etitioner's (, PLAN CONSISTENCY The p This area i s dsis tent withsboth ethe nland Buse eplan map and defined proposal is co policies. ~, STAFF EVALUATION osal is consistent witoubOandtacceass are a, Strengths: (1) Prop olicies. (2) Site lay roffered. plan map and stated p lan p well designed. (3) Specific use and concept p b, Weaknesses: (1) Signage not specified. r ~j Page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 4.69 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the south side ) of Starkey Road ) of Route 419 north FINAL ORDER w i th i n the Cave Spring ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 87.07-1-44 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) J THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~ TO i'~ Peacock Jr. ~'"' WHEREAS, your Petitioner L. L. r-" tition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above- did pe referenced parcel of land from Business B- ~ District for the purpose District to Business B-2 -~ n o f constnictin and o ratin Commission d i d h o l d ~ the Planning ~~ WHEREAS, after due legal notice, 19 ~, at which time, ~'' etition on A„cn,~t 4 ' v a public hearing of the p ,; ortunit to b~ heard; and iven an opp Y ~ all parties in interest: were g Count y ~ the Board of WHEREAS, after full consideration, Su ervisors determined that the rezoning be ranted with conditions P proferred. oii tiuyu~` `~' -- arcel of NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned pcel ~• Tax Maps as Pa land, which is contained in the Roanoke County all described 1177, pg. 617 and leg Y 87.07-1-44and recorded in Deed Book District to be be rezoned from Business B-1 Business B-2 District. .. ~ /M Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: BEGINNING at an iron pipe corner to the lands of The Atalantis Group, Inc. and the lands of Robert C. Bell; thence leaving said beginning point N. 57° 34' 36" E. 330.20 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 45° 45' 50" E. 144.48 feet to an iron plnin; thence S. 1° 33' E. 176.30 feet to an iron p in; thence S. 84° 47' E. 162.47 feet to an iron p thence S. 14° 38' 11" W. 259.28 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 55° 22' 40" W. 192.30 feet to a point; thence N. 47° 28' W. 273.48 feet to a 24 inch red oak; thence N. 13° 42' E. 127.47 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 40° 29' 47" W. 174.57 feet more or less, to the place of BEGINNING, containing 4.70 acres, more or less. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Brittle and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None ~_ Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning Arnold Covey, Director of Development Review John Willey, Reai Estate Assessor ~' ~ ~ ~. l . . VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 4.69 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the South side) PROFFER ~, !lT Rr 41Q Fast of Starkey Road ) ~ ) OF ~-- "' ) CONDITIONS ~ within the ~--T ~orina Magisterial District, and ) `~ ) ~ recorded as parcel #87.07-1-44 in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of nd Sec. 21-105E. of the Roanoke County Zoning Virginia a --~~ ~ Ordinance, the Petitioner L.L. Peacock, r. hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: 1. The rezoned parcel will be used in conjufoYi~he`a~onstruction ~ frontage property, presently zoned B-2, and operation of a new automobile dealership. 2. The construction will proceed in two phases: Phase 1 - completion of used automobile operations (a) November, 1987. erations (b) Phase 2 - completion of new automobile op May, 1988. 3, The property will be developed in substantial conformity with the concept plan dated 7/87. Respectfully sti~bmitted, / ~ g~~ Co nsel Petitioner .•~ , .. . L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 25, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of L. L. Peacock, Jr., requesting rezoning from B-1 Business to B-2 Business of a tract containing 4.69 acres and located on the south side of Route 419, approximately 600 feet north of its intersection of Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to construct and operate a new car dealership. The County Planning Commission recommends approval with proffered conditions. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of .the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 6th day of August, 1987. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, August 11, 1987 Tuesday, August 18, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Bird, Kinder, & Huffman P. O. Box 2795 Roanoke, Virginia 24001-2795 ,~. VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 4.69 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the South ) ~i de of Rt 41 9~ Pry 4't of Starkey ) Road ) PETITION within the r~a~,p ~= ri nq Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 87.07-1-44 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner L.L. Peacock, Jr. respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: contract purchaser 1) The Petitioner is the ~a~~~~ of the above-referenced parcel of land. The owner is The AtaLantics Group, Inc., which has consented to this petition. 2) The property is presently zoned under the pro•~isions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as B-1 Office and Residential District. 3 ) The property is designated ^U(2~ R-v ~ L7C= /EC~f'mEti?' in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as B-2 Business Distri.~t for the purpose of construc-kinc~ and operating a new automobile dealership Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, t ~ ~~% oun el f or ; ' e tioner VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A Q•J° acre parcel of land, ) Page 1 of 2 generally located on the souti~ side ) of Route 4?9 approximately 600 feet ) Wort of its intersection with Starkey Rd within the Cave Sprinn ) RECOMMENDATION Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 87, 07-__q.n. ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner I I PParprl~,~r has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from '~-? , Business District to g-2, !',usiness with c~nc!itinns District for the purpose of construction and operatinc; a new car dealership WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on August 4 19 ;7 and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be approved witi~ proffered conditions Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above- referenced parcel of land be rezoned to !~-?, Business with Conditions District. The above action was adopted on motion of iir. '~+litt ;-won-secrn7d--~y ---------------------------------------;- and upon the following recorded vote: AYES : F1 i ppen , l~li tt , cordon , !~!i nstead NAYS : ~Jone ABSENT: Jones Respectfully submitted, (1 .~i, ~ ,~ . .. /,~ Secretary ~ ' Roanoke County Planning Commission