HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/24/1987 - RegularROA~~J'3KE Ti'4ES 1•; WO~?LO-r1c.WS AU NUMgCR - 32313117 PUgI ISHERf S FEE - $115,52 RG'ANOKE Cf)UNTY BCaAF D OF SUP ER VISORS 3738 IIRA'~1BLETC3N Sv P D 3i.3X 29 8U0 kGANOKE VA 24(118 STHTf. ~F VIRGINIA ITY OF ROANi)KE AFFIDAVIT t7F PE18!_iCATION I, (THE UNDERSIGNEDI AN OFFICER OF TIMES-WORLiI CtiRPORA TI ON, WHICH COR- ~'ORATION iS PUBLISHER'. CF THE ROANOKE TIMES ~ WGRID-NE~aS, A i~AIi.Y NEWSPAPER 'UBLISHE[) IN RCANOKE, IN THE STATE OF J IR;iNIA, Di) CERTIFY THAT THE ANNEXED Vt7T ICE WAS PURL IS+iED :IN SAID NE~vSPAPERS 7N THE FO LLO~JI'VG C3ATES +:1.3124187 MORNING i)313i/87 ,MORNING 17324/87 EVE~'diN 03/31/#37 EVENING iTNESS, THIS ST C?AY , ~~F APF.IL 1987 OFF ICEF~SS SIG -____ URE Please be BadvisedTlthat the Board of Supervisors o' Roanoke County, et Its meet lafl on the 7th day of April, 1987 at the Roanoke County Ad. ministration Center In Roanoke, Virginia at 7:00 p,m, or as soon thereafter as the maTer msy be heard, will hold a public hearing on the following matter, }o-wit: TO SET A REAL ESTATE TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN f1.15 PER 5100 ASSESSEDi VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. TO SET q PERSONAL PROP- ERTY TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN 13.50 PER f100 ASSESSED VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. TO .SET A MACHINERY AND TOOLS TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN 53.00 DER 5100 ASSESSED VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator (13117) PC~ANO!(E TI DES £ WO~'L(".)-"iE~iS Aid NUMBED - 3t)9i)iIIEi3 P11~3L ISHE R' S FEE - $133e 7b kuAt~~KE COUNTY BOAPD i~F SUPEiZVISORS 3138 BP.AMBLETJN S-~ P U BOX 29 B( t PPANOKE VA ~~+U18 STATE OF ViRGIrdIA ITV ~JF F OANOKE Af FID.~IVIT L?F PUBLiCATIOtV I, (THE UNi~EFSIGNED? Aid G1=FILEk CF TIMES-~Jt'RLD COf~.POFATi0N9 WHICH COF_ ~UPAfiI~'N IS PUBLISHEDr. OF TH'i F~ANOKE TIMES E Y~`ORLJ-NEWS, A DAILY NE~SPAPE~' PUBLISHED I`V ROANOKE, iN THE STATE OF JIRGi!~iIA, DO CEPTIEY THAT Tt-iE eNNEXED VUT ICE JAS PUBLISHED IN SAID PJEWSPAPEPS ON THE FO LLO,VING DATtS t)3/1iI/87 .MGPNiNG t~31171c37 ,'~OPNING ~33/1t~187 EVENING ~p3/17/F37 ,EVENING ''` ITNESS, THIS 1 NTH DAY C r '- ~ F MArtCN yi37 OFF IC ER f S S I~ATUPcE ---- Please take` ~ NceTifhdt"the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, yIrD~61a rf the County Adminlsfeago+ Confer, Community Room, 3738 Bramblefon Aven~} ,Ili on Mareh 21, 19p, of 7:07p'm_ or as soon fhersstter.as the matter may bo hoard, ~ Dubllc hsarinp on the hold a of the adopflon of s ri da+tio'n ofthal9SDO3octionl3.l0 amended, Cho of Virplals,~as fion b concernln0acpufN: cerfaln •assmeny Inow'h`~~ i Install a csr}aln publle,yflh o i fo frev a water Ilns, the saw' ~ located in }he Easf j60 Perfles i o/ the County of R sectlofl In0-owned by A. J.a~9'~ M~ F1• Robertson and ~ b"QoClt and Sons, Incorpora~ Helms member of the ~' Any Dear at fho tlms land a~cptie aforesaid and address }he Board on the matter sfore- sald. Elmer C. Hodpo, Clerk Board of Supsrvlsors of RoanoksCounfy, V,U'ylnla (1863) O~ BOA ~~F _ ~• ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ az ~ _ ~e 1838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA MARCH 24, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2;00 p.m., and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS 1. ANNOUNCED OLD COURTHOUSE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED AS A VIRGINIA HISTORIC LANDMARK AND ENDORSED AS A NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK 2. ANNOUNCED THAT YOUTH HAVEN II AND THE ROANOKE COUNTY LAND USE PLAN RECEIVED AWARDS FROM THE SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS. C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ITEM J-7 TO BE DELETED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1• Approval to Proclaim April 6, 1987 as TRIUMPH DAY in the Roanoke Valley. LG/AHB - URC 2. Resolutions of Appreciation Upon the Retirement of: (a) Ruby Spradling - Social Services (b) Alice Crotts - Social Services (c) Ruby Testerman - Health Department - HCN/AHB - URC 3• Resolution of Appreciation to WDBJ-TV, WSET-TV, WS LS-TV, Roanoke Tribune, Roanoke Times & World News, K-92 Radio, WPVR/WFIR Radio, WROV Radio, and Cox Cable TV for their support of Crime Line. HCN/AHB - URC 4. Proclamation Declaring the Week of April 5 through 11 as the WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD in Roanoke County. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from Roanoke College to Purchase the Old Courthouse. AHB/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 2. Protest of Bid for Expanding Mason Cove Public Safety Building by Breakell, Inc. SAM/BLJ TO ACCEPT LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER - URC 3• Request for Authorization to Acquire Option on Certain Properties in the Vicinity of the Regional Landfill. HCN/AHB - TO APPROVE - URC 4• Approval to transfer funds for continuation of sewer projects. SAM/HCN TO APPROVE - URC 5• Approval of County Share of the Funding of a Survey of Airport Property before transferring Property to the Regional Airport Commission. LG/AHB TO APPROVE - URC 6. Request from Clean Valley Council to participate in a Pilot Recycle Project. SAM/HCN TO TABLE REQUEST TO DISCUSS IN BUDGET PROCESS - URC 7. Request from the School Board to apply for supplemental literary loans for William Byrd High School, Northside High School and Glenvar High School. HCB/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 2 g, Request from the School Board to apply for supplemental literary loans for the S°hooluction of an addition to Cave Spring Elementary BLJ LG TO TABLE UNTIL 4/7/87 AFTER WORK SESSION WITH SCHOOL BOARD - / URC 9. Resolution Adopting FaciDities_and Construction Standards for Wate AHB/HCN TO TABLE UNTIL 4/7/87 TO ALLOW STAFF TO MEET WITH HOMEBUILDERS - URC stem for the 10. Acquisition of an Automated Cashiering SY Treasurer s Office. BLJ/AHB TO APPROVE - URC F, REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. MOVED TO J-5 CONSENT AGENDA I, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS BRITTLE: PROPOSED AN ADVISORY AD HOMPOSEDIOFEONE BUSINESS PERSON REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION TO BE C FROM EACH DISTRICT. BLJ DIRECTED THIS BE ADDED TO THE AGENDA FOR APRIL 14, 1987. J CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTEDBOARDRTOHBECROUTINE ANDDWILLEBE CONSIDERED BY TH ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE E,TH~ATOITEMRWILLIBEE BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. BLJ/HCN WITH ITEM 7 DELETED AND ITEM 5 - URC REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION 3 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 6, 1987, March 10, 1987. 2. Approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation to add Route 1505 (Landview Drive) from Route 689 to a northwest cul-de-sac to the Secondary System. 3. Acceptance of deed from Cave Spring Baptist Church conveying sewer lines to Roanoke County. 4. Authorization to transfer three vehicles from Roanoke County to the County School Board. 5. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION - LG NOMINATED JAMES SANDERS TO THE COURT SERVICE UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE - URC 6. Establishment of a Flexible benefits Plan for County Employees. 7. A~~he~~ga~~e~ to Request the Establ~sh~e~~ e€ a 6~ste~ Ee~xt~aity Relatie~sh~p with Hasselt; Belg~~m- 8. Approval of request for State Compensation Board funding of certain positions in the Sheriff's Department. 9. Finalization of the County Holiday Schedule for 1987. 10. Request for Approval to issue Credit against Off-site Facility Fees for Chaparral Forest. 11. Approval to use proceeds from "Cooks Bottom" sale for Improvements to the Public Service Center. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 1. Board Contingency Fund. 2. General Operating Fund Income and Expense Analysis for the Month ended February 28, 1987. 4 M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (2) acquisition of land and (6) to discuss a legal matter. BLJ/LG - URC EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate, the Old Courthouse in Salem, Virginia AHB/LG TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING - 4/14/87 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of easements, North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Projects. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING - 4/14/87 O. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke County Code (1971) by the Repeal of Sub-section (a), (b), and (c) pertaining to certain standards and specifications. BLJ/HCN TO TABLE UNTIL 4/7/87 - UVV 2. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of approximately 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia. SAM/AHB TO ADOPT - URC 3. Ordinance accepting ail offer for and authorizing the conveyance of surplus real estate on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road). BLJ/SAM TO ADOPT - URC 4, Ordinance amending Section 21-52 (e) of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to Use Value - Assessment Revalidation Fees. 5 ., 5. Ordinance amending Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code providing for appeals to be heard by the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, requiring owners of unsafe buildings to clear the lot after demolition and extending the duration of demolition permits from thirty to ninety days. LG/HCN TO ADOPT - URC P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 387-1 Public Hearing to receive citizen input on the BUDGET FOR 1987/88. 1. RITA WATSON - CENTRAL COUNCIL OF PTAS 2. DORIS BOITNOTT - ROANOKE COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 3. MARY ANDERSON - HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 4. PAM BERG - CLEAN VALLEY COMMITTEE 387-2 Petition of D. W. DEVELOPERS INC., requesting vacation of a 50 foot right of way on the east side of Starmount Avenue in Deer Run Estates Section II. (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 24, 1987.) SAM/HCN TO APPROVE WITH FINAL ORDER AMENDED BASED ON STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS - URC 387-3 Petition of DAVID W. PETERS to rezone a 0.44 acre parcel from M-l, Industrial to B-2, Business to operate a retail sales business and repair shop located on Route 221 in the WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. LG/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 387-4 Petition of JACK L. WALROND, JR. to rezone the former Trail Drive-In Theater, a 14.29 acre parcel from R-3 Residential Estates to B-2, Business, B-3 Business, and M-1, Industrial to develop the Walrond Oil Retail Office complex, and a light industrial park, located on Route 460 in the HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. HCN/AHB TO APPROVE WITH PREPARED PROFFER OF CONDITIONS AND ADDITION OF MARCH 12, 1987 LETTER FROM L. S. WALDRUP AS SUPPLEMENTAL PROFFER OF CONDITIONS AYES: AHB, LG, SAM, HCN NAYS : - BLJ 6 387-5 Petition of BOONE, BOONE AND LOEB to vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs outside of the 50 foot right of way on Summerset Drive in the CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE AYES: LG, SAM, HCN, BLJ NAYS: NONE ABSTAIN: AHB 387-6 Petition of BOONE, BOONE & LOEB to vacate a 15 foot water line easement in Section 1, Hunting Hills Place located in the CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE AYES: LG, SAM, HCN, BLJ NAYS: NONE ABSTAIN: AHB 387-7 Public Hearing and resolution pursuant to Section 15.1-238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, authorizing condemnation and right of entry for East 460 Water Line Project. BLJ/SAM TO APPROPRIATE $1554 TO A. J. AND DORIS ROBERTSON FOR SEWER EASEMENTS - URC BLJ/AHB TO APPROVE RESOLUTION AMENDED TO DELETE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST ROBERTSONS - URC 4. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. ADJOURNMENT to March 30, 1987 at 3:00 p.m. for a budget work session. 7 O~ ROANO~~ Imo' _ Z ~~ ~~t~ ~~ v a 183a ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA MARCH 24, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each monnth apublic Hearings and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p. will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS 1. ANNOUNCED OLD COURTHOUSE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED AS A VIRGINIA HISTORIC LANDMARK AND ENDORSED AS A NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK 2. ANNOUNCED THATOMOTHE OUTHWEST VDIRGINIA CHP,PTEROOFTTHE AMERICAN~N RECEIVED AWARDS FR SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS. C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ITEM J-7 TO BE DELETED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Approval to Proclaim April 6, 1987 as TRIUMPH DAY in the Roanoke Valley. LG/AHB - URC 2. Resolutions of Appreciation Upon the Retirement of: (a) Ruby Spradling - Social Services (b) Alice Crotts - Social Services (c) Ruby Testerman - Health Department HCN/AHB - URC 3. Resolution of Appreciation to WDBJ-TV, WSET-TV, WSLS-TV, Roanoke Tribune, Roanoke Times & World News, K-92 Radio, WPVR/WFIR Radio, WROV Radio, and Cox Cable TV for their support of Crime Line. HCN/AHB - URC 4. Proche WEEKnOFeTHErYOUNGhCHILDkinfRoanokeSCountygh 11 as t E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from Roanoke College to Purchase the Old Courthouse. AHB/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 2. Protest of Bid for Expanding Mason Cove Public Safety Building by Breakell, Inc. SAM/BLJ TO ACCEPT LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER - URC 3. Request for Authorization to Acquire Option on Certain Properties in the Vicinity of the Regional Landfill. HCN/AHB - TO APPROVE - URC 4. Approval to transfer funds for continuation of sewer projects. SAM/HCN TO APPROVE - URC 5. Approval of County Share of the Funding of a Survey of Airport Property before transferring Property to the Regional Airport Commission. LG/AHB TO APPROVE - URC 6. Request from Clean Valley Council to participate in a Pilot Recycle Project. SAM/HCN TO TABLE REQUEST TO DISCUSS IN BUDGET PROCESS - URC 7. Request from the School Board to apply for supplemental literary loans for William Byrd High School, Northside High School and Glenvar High School. HCB/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 2 8. Request from the School Board to apply for supplemental literary loans for the construction of an addition to Cave Spring Elementary School. BLJ/LG TO TABLE UNTIL 4/7/87 AFTER WORK SESSION WITH SCHOOL BOARD - URC 9. Resolution Adopting the Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities. AHB/HCN TO TABLE UNTIL 4/7/87 TO ALLOW STAFF TO MEET WITH HOMEBUILDERS - URC 10. Acquisition of an Automated Cashiering System for the Treasurer's Office. BLJ/AHB TO APPROVE - URC F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. MOVED TO J-5 CONSENT AGENDA I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS BRITTLE: PROPOSED AN ADVISORY AD HOC COMMITTEE TO SUPPORT THE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION TO BE COMPOSED OF ONE BUSINESS PERSON FROM EACH DISTRICT. BLJ DIRECTED THIS BE ADDED TO THE AGENDA FOR APRIL 14, 1987. J CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. BLJ/HCN WITH ITEM 7 DELETED AND ITEM 5 REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION - URC 3 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 6, 1987, March 10, 1987. 2• Approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation to add Route 1505 (Landview Drive) from Route 689 to a northwest cul-de-sac to the Secondary System. 3. Acceptance of deed from Cave Spring Baptist Church conveying sewer lines to Roanoke County. 4. Authorization to transfer three vehicles from Roanoke County to the County School Board. 5. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION - LG NOMINATED JAMES SANDERS TO THE COURT SERVICE UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE - URC 6. Establishment of a Flexible benefits Plan for County Employees. 7. A~~he~}ga~~e~ ~e Regaes~ the Es~abl~sh~e~~ of a 8~ste~ Eex~t~a~~p Re~atteash~p W~~h Hassell; Belgls~- 8• Approval of request for State Compensation Board funding of certain positions in the Sheriff's Department. 9. Finalization of the County Holiday Schedule for 1987. 10. Request for Approval to issue Credit against Off-site Facility Fees for Chaparral Forest. 11. Approval to use proceeds from "Cooks Bottom" sale for Improvements to the Public Service Center. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 1. Board Contingency Fund. 2. General Operating Fund Income and Expense Analysis for the Month ended February 28, 1987. 4 M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (2) acquisition of land and (6) to discuss a legal matter. BLJ/LG - URC EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate, the Old Courthouse in Salem, Virginia AHB/LG TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING - 4/14/87 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of easements, North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Projects. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING - 4/14/87 0. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke County Code (1971) by the Repeal of Sub-section (a), (b), and (c) pertaining to certain standards and specifications. BLJ/HCN TO TABLE UNTIL 4/7/87 - UW 2. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of approximately 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia. SAM/AHB TO ADOPT - URC 3. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the conveyance of surplus real estate on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road). BLJ/SAM TO ADOPT - URC 4, Ordinance amending Section 21-52 (e) of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to Use Value Assessment Revalidation Fees. 5 LG/HCN TO ADOPT - URC P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 387-1 Public Hearing to receive citizen input on the BUDGET FOR 1987/88. 1. RITA WATSON - CENTRAL COUNCIL OF PTAS 2. DORIS BOITNOTT - ROANOKE COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 3. MARY ANDERSON - HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 4. PAM BERG - CLEAN VALLEY COMMITTEE 387-2 Petition of D. W. DEVELOPERS INC., requesting vacation of a 50 foot right of way on the east side of Starmount Avenue in Deer Run Estates Section II. (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 24, 1987.) SAM/HCN TO APPROVE WITH FINAL ORDER AMENDED BASED ON STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS - URC 387-3 Petition of DAVID W. PETERS to rezone a 0.44 acre parcel from M-l, Industrial to B-2, Business to operate a retail sales business and repair shop located on Route 221 in the WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. LG/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 387-4 Petition of JACK L. WALROND, JR. to rezone the former Trail Drive-In Theater, a 14.29 acre parcel from R-3 Residential Estates to B-2, Business, B-3 Business, and M-1, Industrial to develop the Walrond Oil Retail Office complex, and a light industrial park, located on Route 460 in the HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. HCN/AHB TO APPROVE WITH PREPARED PROFFER OF CONDITIONS AND ADDITION OF MARCH 12, 1987 LETTER FROM L. S. WALDRUP AS SUPPLEMENTAL PROFFER OF CONDITIONS AYES: AHB, LG, SAM, HCN NAYS: BLJ 6 387-5 Petition of BOONE, BOONE AND LOEB to vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs outside of the 50 foot right of way on Summerset Drive in the CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE AYES: LG, SAM, HCN, BLJ NAYS: NONE ABSTAIN: AHB 387-6 Petition of BOONE, BOONE & LOEB to vacate a 15 foot water line easement in Section 1, Hunting Hills Place located in the CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE AYES: LG, SAM, HCN, BLJ NAYS: NONE ABSTAIN: AHB 387-7 Public Hearing and resolution pursuant to Section 15.1-238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, authorizing condemnation and right of entry for East 460 Water Line Project. BLJ/SAM TO APPROPRIATE $1554 TO A. J. AND DORIS ROBERTSON FOR SEWER EASEMENTS - URC BLJ/AHB TO APPROVE RESOLUTION AMENDED TO DELETE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST ROBERTSONS - URC Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. ADJOURNMENT to March 30, 1987 at 3:00 p.m. for a budget work session. 7 ITEM NUMBER ~~ ~I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Proclamation declaring April 6, 1987 as Triumph Day in the Roanoke Valley. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~~~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Southwest Virginia Community Food Bank provides food and personal care items to over 200 agencies currently registered as food distribution sites for unemployed and disadvantaged persons within the greater Roanoke Valley. In an effort to allow citizens, business, religious and civic organizations to participate in a unified effort to collect food and personal care items to meet the needs of these disadvantaged persons, the food bank has requested the County of Roanoke to join with the City of Salem, City of Roanoke and Town of Vinton in declaring Monday, April 6, 1987 as Triumph Day (tying Roanoke into united movement preventing hunger). To assist in this matter, all Valley fire stations and libraries will serve as collection sites to receive contributions of food and personal care items. Once collected, these items will be distributed through the Southwest Virginia Community Food Bank, which will make the items available to the selected food programs as needed in the Roanoke Valley. A joint signing ceremony to initiate this collection project is being scheduled for Friday, March 27, at 1:00 p.m.. The citizens of Roanoke County are urged to support Triumph Day and share with those in greater need than our own. 9(/ FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Chairman Johnson be authorized the joint proclamation with the City of Roanoke, City of and Town of Vinton, establishing Monday, April 6, 1987 as Day. to sign Salem, Triumph SUBMITTED BY: ~ . n M. Chambli , Jr. ssistant County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION APPROVED: ~~~ Elmer C. Ho e County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens f SAMPLE PROCLAMATION ' / WHEREAS, the Southwest Virginia Community Food Bank provides food and personal care items to over two hundred agencies currently registered as food distribution sites within the Greater Roanoke Valley and the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, even though the unemployment rate has decreased and local business growth has accelerated, many new unemployed or chronically disadvantaged persons have found that current times continue to be difficult; and T~REAS, TRIUMPH (Tying Roanoke Into United Movement Preventing Hunger), in a Valley-wide Joint Resolution, has declared April 6, 1987 as a day of TRIUMPH; and WHEREAS, in conjunction with this day, all Valley Fire Stations and Libraries will serve as collection sites to receive food and personal care items; and WHEREAS, once gathered, these items will be distributed through the Southwest Virginia Community Food Bank, which will make the items available to selected food programs in the Roanoke Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned Chief Elected Officials of the Roanoke Valley, do hereby proclaim Monday, April 6, 1987 as: TRIIIMPH DAY in the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, City of Salem, and Town of Vinton and urge our citizens, business, religious, and civic organizations to participate in this unified effort to collect food and personal care items to meet the needs of the disadvantaged. Given under our hands and the Seals of our respective governing bodies this day of ~_ in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty seven. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF TITS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION 32487-2 OF APPRECIATION TO RUBY SPRADLING FOR 18 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Ruby S. Spradling was first employed in December of 1968 as Clerk-Typist in the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, Ruby S. Spradling has also served as Clerical Supervisor and as Administrative Manager since 1973.; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Ruby S. Spradling for 18 years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTE ~~:;R ;: AT A REGULAR MEE'T'ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADNIINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION 32487-1 OF APPRECIATION TO ALICE CROTTS FOR 18 1/2 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Alice M. Crotts was first employed in August of 1968 as Clerk-Typist in the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, Alice M. Crotts has also served as an Eligibility Worker and as a Senior Eligibility Worker supervising the medicaid unit; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Alice M. Crotts for 18 1/2 years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION 32487-3 OF APPRECIATION TO RUBY TESTERMAN FOR 33 YEARS OF SERVICE I'O ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Ruby Testerman was the first Public Health Nurse hired in Roanoke County on July 15, 1954; and WHEREAS, she has been with the State Health Department for a total of 37 years, having served in other localities prior to coming to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, she has held the position of Public Health Nurse Supervisor since February 1, 1956; and WHEREAS, special recognition should be given to her for her dedicated service and contributions provided to the public during the Polio epidemic of the 1950's and toward control of Tuberculosis; and for her involvement with service agencies such as the League of Older Americans, Nursing Home Friends, Mental Health Services and the Coordinating Council; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Ruby Testerman for her many years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION 32487-4 OF APPRECIATION TO WDBJ-TV, WSET-TV, WSLS-TV, THE ROANOKE TRIBUNE, THE ROANOKE TIMES & WORLD NEWS, K-92 RADIO, WPVR/WFIR RADIO, WROV RADIO, AND COX CABLE TV FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF CRIME LINE IN THE ROANOKE VALLEY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, these local media have devoted a portion of their public service air time to Crime Line; and WHEREAS, these local media, through their community service efforts, have helped to deter local crime; and WHEREAS, such supportive efforts have helped to make the Roanoke Valley a safer place to live, and enhanced the quality of life for all its citizens; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does hereby commend the special spirit of cooperation that these local media have exhibited in their contributions to Crime Line, a special valley-wide endeavor. FURTHER, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors expresses its appreciation to the local media for their interest and support of this important project. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTE l`~' . Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY,MARCH 24, 1987 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEEK OF APRIL 5 THOUGH APRIL 11, 1987, AS THE WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD WHEREAS, the Southwest Virginia Association for Early Childhood Education and other local organizations, in conjunction with the National Association for the Education of Young Children is sponsoring the Week of the Young Child; and WHEREAS, by calling attention to the education and service programs presently available to our young children, these voluntary professional groups hope to improve the quality of these programs as well as initiate new offerings; and WHEREAS, these improved efforts will serve to ensure that our young children, regardless of social or economic status will reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, public cooperation from home, school and community is need to fulfill our responsibilities to young children; NOW, THEREFORE WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County do hereby proclaim the week of April 5 through 11, 1987 as THE WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD in Roanoke County, and urge all citizens to support and encourage all agencies working for the well being of young children in Roanoke County. ~ - 3 2.s~8 ~- S ITEM NUMBER ~ "` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request from Roanoke College to Purchase the Old Courthouse COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~rc:c~,..-~e,~ you-re~~ iFl-C~ .,G[iL4I ~~- ./Ltl'.C4[lCd !.~ .~+~[- ..G.2C.Cr-~ ~?L~sf SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ~ ~~ t~~ Roanoke College has expressed an interest in purchasing the Old Courthouse located in Salem, Virginia. They would use the facility for college purposes such as administrative offices and the School of Business. As the Board may recall, Roanoke County recently requested that the Old Courthouse be included in the Virginia Landmarks Register and be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places for the Courthouse. Roanoke College has agreed to maintain its historic nature. This would only enhance their own campus, which was established over 100 years ago, and is of historic interest also. In addition, both Roanoke College and the Old Courthouse are a unique part of the history of Salem, and the merging of these two facilities seems an ideal "marriage". Roanoke College feels it has the access to the funds that will be necessary to remodel and maintain the beauty of the facility, whereas the County will not be able to do so for the next five years. Both the Salem City Council and the Salem Historical Society support the purchase of the Old Courthouse by Roanoke College. This has been discussed with the judges also, and they are in agreement that this would be beneficial, both to the County and to Salem. County staff presently housed in the Old Courthouse can be moved to other locations without detriment. The Sheriff's Department would be moved to Southview Elementary School which is more suitable due to ample parking and adequate room for expansion. Renovations to accommodate the Sheriff's Department would be less costly at Southview than at the Old Courthouse. In addition to the cost of upgrading electricity, heating and air conditioning at the Old Courthouse, there may be restrictions in the remodeling because of its historical designation. C -- Other staff presently using the Old Courthouse could be relocated within a reasonable amount of time. Roanoke College is also willing to negotiate lease space until appropriate offices are found. The Roanoke County Charter requires that the sale of real estate can be accomplished only by first and second reading of an ordinance. Should the Board wish to consider the lease versus the purchase of this facility further, they will have the opportunity at the first reading this evening, and at the second reading on April 14, 1987. Representatives from Roanoke College will also be present at the meeting to answer any questions the Board members may have. FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County will save an estimated $1 .5 to 2 million dollars that would be necessary to renovate the Old Courthouse. This expense would have to be funded by the issuance of bonds or by borrowing the necessary funds. Additional savings would include the operating costs of approximately $40,000 per year and fees paid to the City of Salem of approximately $10,000 per year. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that Roanoke County commence with the sale of the Old Courthouse following the proper competitive sale procedure, and first and second reading of an ordinance. PREPARED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Elmer C. Hod County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ( /~ Motion by: ~3r`~'ft/~/M~Gr~t c.u No Yes Abs Denied ( ) 't© GLpprO ~ Brittle / Received ( ) Garrett ~/ Referred Johnson To McGraw ,~ Nickens / ~ c :r, Vie. ~ecc,/ E`Stcz tE? ~LSSess o ~ ~ _,32 ~8 ~7- to ITEM NUMBER E- Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Protest of Bid for Expanding Mason Cove Public Safety Building by Breakell, Inc. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~~~~ ~f~ i~~~ ~~'~„- SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 1985 bond referendum appropriated funds for the purchase of land and expansion of the Mason Cove Public Safety Building. In November, 1986 the Procurement Services Department forwarded bid packages for this expansion to seventeen (17) firms. A pre-bid conference to explain the County's requirements was conducted on November 24, 1986. Breakell's representative, Rav Craighead, attended this informational meeting and did not take issue with the County's intent. On January 9, 1987 bids were received by Procurement Services as listed below: Martin Bros. Contractors $274,376.00 Thor, Inc. 286,900.00 Gardner-Smith 287,700.00 J.M. Turner 303,029.00 Building Specialists 313,025.00 Boxlev Construction Co. 320,240.00 Breakell, Inc. 320,748.00 (The above prices reflect base bid and selected alternates) After several staff meetings, the contract was awarded to the lowest, responsible bidder. On February 26, 1987 a protest of award was received .from Breakell, Inc. Zn accordance with the Roanoke County Procurement Code, this protest is hereby submitted to the Board of Supervisors for disposition. RECOMMENDATION: This protest is without merit. Roanoke County has complied with all applicable laws governing the award of contract to the lowest, responsible bidder. Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors confirm the award of contract to the lowest, responsible bidder. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: G,~ r Jac G. Council Elmer C. Hod e Dir_ctor of Procurement Services County Administrator ~- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred To ACTION Motion by: /yI~C,,r~u~/Toh~so ~ to cze.e. ~.r~ f /o~ye~ t ~~pons.~/~ ~bic~a/Pr VOTE No Ye~ Abs Brittle Garrett ,/ Johnson ~-~ McGraw / Nickens ~ c ~ : ~'. ~~ ~~o e~.~~m ~nf` .r-~,, - . , ,. P. O. BOX 8414 • County of Roanoke Procurement Service s PO Box 3800 Roanoke, VA 24015 Attn: Ms. Bonnie Preas Contract Supervisor February 26, 1987 •~. Re: Bid RC86-42 Improvements to Mason Cove Public Safety Building Dear Ms. Preas: DIAL 345.7309 C - ~, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24017.0414 We are in receipt of your notice of award for the above referenced project dated February 18, 1987, and we feel compelled to file a protest. The reasons for the protest are as follows: 1. The County has awarded the contract to a non-responsive bidder as sufficient detailed information was not submitted with the bid to determine a true value of the work represented. 2. The method of selection apparently completely ignores the design component of this request for design-build proposals. 4. The design scheme selected is in apparent violation of your own local building codes (reference item 2 above). We respectfully request a meeting with your department so that to agree upon the procedure to be followed under this protest. Please indicate your receipt of this protest by initialing and dating where indicated. Sincerel Ms. Bonnie Press Contract Supervisor rea e general contractors 2314 PATTERSON AVENUE, S. W. • y v. Di.e Vice President cc: Eugene M. Elliott - Attorney Raymond L. Craighead - Architect ~_ EUGENE M. ELLIO'T7'. JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 910 DOMINION BANK BUILDING ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24011 (703) 987-Oi64 March 19, 1987 Board of Supervisors Roanoke County P. 0. Box 3800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 Re: Bid RC86-42 Improvements to Mason Cove Public Service Building Dear Roanoke County Supervisors: On behalf of my client, Breakell, Inc., I am writing you this letter concerning the protest of the award of a contract on the improvements to the Mason Cove Public Service Building. This bid was advertised as a "design-build contract." Bids were submitted on January 9, 1987. On February 18, 1987, the bid was awarded to Martin Bros. Contractors. It is important to note that the bid was not made on a set of architectural or engineering specifications. Only general plans described by the County Staff as "conceptual" were supplied to qualified bidders. Such plans were not detailed to the extent to be able to build a building from the conceptual plans. On February 18, 1987, Breakell, Inc., contends that the bid was awarded on the basis of a low bid only. Martin Bros. submitted a bid of Two Hundred Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty and No/100 ($246,450.00) Dollars. With their bid form, supplied by Roanoke County, there was no additional specifications set forth by Martin Bros. as to what the County would get for their Two Hundred Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and No/100 ($246,450.00) Dollars. Accordingly, Breakell, Inc., protests the bid for the following reasons: 1. The County had awarded the contract to a nonresponsive bidder who did not supply sufficient detailed information to indicate the true value of the work and product that would be delivered for the sum of Two Hundred Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and No/100 ($246,450.00) Dollars. 2. The method of selection ignored the design component of the "design-build contract" proposal and, therefore, was arbitrary and capricious. Board of Supervisors March 19, 1987 Page 2 3. Inasmuch as no additional specifications were submitted by Martin Bros. Contractors, and only Roanoke County conceptual plans were made part of the bid, building code violations exists in the proposed design. Breakell, Inc. contends that the award of this bid is not in the best public interest of the citizens of Roanoke County, Virginia inasmuch as it is impossible to determine in a "design-build contract" bid what is being purchased fora given bid amount when no specifications of design accompany such a bid. That i n such a s i tuati on the award of a bi d i s arbitrary and capricious. Breakell, Inc., therefore, seeks the remedy that the contract awarded be enjoined if performance has not begun on said contract, and in the event that such performance has begun, that said contract be declared void, the Contractor compensated for the cost of performance up to the time of such declaration, and that the project be, again, opened to bid giving equal opportunity to all bidders to provide design specifications and a bid amount and to have both the design specifications and bid amounts evaluated as to the most desirable "design-build" alternative for the County. Breakell, Inc. looks forward to further explaining its position at your meeting of March 24, 1987. Re~.~.ectf~l ly subm t ~ug~jite M. E~il~btt, Jr. ~ At rney for Breakell, Inc. EMEjr./lc ~: o ~~ N n. Y .~ N ~ N N "~ l~ ~ ~ _ N -' -' +` ~. ~~ W p ~ ~ 0 N N r ~ cc1 J d Q~~ N~ -~ r _ ~ k ~ ~ - ~ ~~~~NN~ z ~ - p w ~ ;~ o Q4- ~ p ~p ~ d~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ Wa_ N ~m o ~r ~ u. E.• - -- Q cU N t ; V_ 11-- - ,~ U- O O~ a~ o ~ V ~ w ~g m ~ dp 1 1~ w- N N N N ~+ N 1 p U g Q o~~ o~ Q ~ O ~ - O - ~ lip S r z p S N ~ ~ N~ U'; p Q dJ ~ r N N -d' ~; d= ~ sd"N Nd- ~ ~, '~ ~_ !~ ~ ooo~o~N U1 W ~ .~9 p ~ ~ d- d- N N N N N~ N OL m til N Q ~ F- ~ -w In ~ ~ ~ ~ Z w J ,~ F~ C] J ~ p ~" ~ ~ Y I p m ~ o-~ Q I i Q ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ I .~ _ ~ 111 (4 7 2 ~~ I fl PUANUK E T I'iE S 6 WUF.LD-NEWS AD NU"1BER - 11313648 PUBLISFIER~S FEE - C~IUNTY OF P.OAPJOKE PROCURE~1ENT SERVICES P C f1UX 38OU RC`A~JOKE VA 24015 ATE OF VIRGINIA TY OF ROANUKE ~8U.5b AFFIDAVIT nF PUBLICATIOtJ I, (THE UNDEP,SI GNEDI AfJ OFFICER OF "1ES-W['FlU COFPl1RATi0fJ, WHI CH CUR- :ATICtd IS PU!3L[SHER QF= THE ROAl~JOKE HCS f; ~iURLO-fdEWS, A UAI LY NEWSPAPER ~LISfIFD IPJ ROAfJUKE, IN THE STATE OF tGINIA, UD CERTLFY THAT TH E AN^lEXED DICE WAS PUEIIISHED IN S AID fJEI-JSPAPEP.S THE FOLLOWING DATCS 11/16/f)b SUNDAY NESS, THIS 17TH DAY OF fJOVEMCiER 198b. COUNTY OFROANOKE, PROCUREMENT SERVICES Advsrflasmsnt for Bld The County of Rosnoks, Vlr- ~ /A pink la rs4usafln0 asslsd bldt ---- ~..1, .J`---' for a dsalpmbulid confnet to ~^~^ii--....«i - _-___-.~_-- mek• ImProvam.nt~ fo }h• 0 FF I C EF.' S ~ ~ Msaon coos Public serery J A T ll R E Bulldlnp. Th• Improvsmsnta wlil conalsf of sitsrstlona and sn sddlflon fo th• pr.Nnf bulldlnq. A pre-bld eonfsr.~ •nes will b• eonductsd, on alto, at 4:00 p,m, on November 4I, 19.6. Sealed bldg will be ec. csDesd unfll 3:00 p.m, on os- cember 19, 1406 st which tlms they will ba Publlely opened end reed aloud. Any bidder elsiml~q fhs rlphf fo withdrew hla bid shell plus notice In wrlflnp of this claim of rlphf fo withdraw hla bid within two bvalneaa days after the conclualon of the bid open- ' Inp procedure. For further In- ~ formstlon end Dld apseltles- tlon9, plsea• confect f Procurement •f the sddrsaa 1 listed below. Roanoke County aolltlta per- flclpeflon from . minority 1 owned bualnesaea. Bonnie B. Prase PPB . i Contrset5upsrvlwr RoenokeCounty ~ AdminlafrstlonCSnfer ) 3I3s Bramblalon Avenue, SW , Rosnoke,Vlrplnls4601>) , .y p03)7T4.4063 ~ (1364p 'e, A P P E A R ,A• N E E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~~6 ~~ v ~ ~~"L°Gc.~~~/ ~. yfiC- . _/ 1 G7 Sah l..o~ t/~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~/ -~-°i~ E~ ~~/ /0~ •" ~'~l~l1L' ADDRESS: ~~ ~ D' PHONE : ~ ~~ d~C~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.-) ~-.~ 2.y87- ~ ITEM NUMBER ~ "` 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Acquire Option on Certain Properties in the Vicinity of the Regional Landfill COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: -~. ~x ~-~- n~~ . SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Because of the limited remaining life of the existing landfill, the regional landfill board authorized a consultant study to be made of other disposal alternatives, including recycling, transfer stations, and relocation of the landfill. The landfill board also recently expressed a desire to acquire an option on certain parcels of land adjacent to the existing landfill for its possible expansion. However, for more than a year, The River Foundation has been working with the County Planning Commission and staff to determine a suitable location for the EXPLORE Project. The County is therefore obligated to complete the planning process for this project. After many meetings with area citizens, The River Foundation has redesigned their project to exclude properties with houses on them. The properties being considered by the landfill board for expansion of the landfill are now vital to The River Foundation in order to develop the EXPLORE Project without impacting any citizens' homes. The Board of Supervisors has expressed several reservations about expansion of the landfill: [1] the community has always opposed this location for a landfill and is strongly opposed to any expansion; [2] such expansion could have an adverse effect upon the Roanoke River; [3] the County believes the property adjacent to the River is more suitable for other purposes; [4] the Supervisors have indicated they would expand the existing landfill into this area only as a last resort. The County supports economic development efforts such as the EXPLORE Project and believes it to have tremendous potential f or the entire Valley. Obviously, the County also su the regional landfill board. As an independenpo thirde efforts of party, the C _~ -2- use of the property and feels that both projects are attainable -- a suitable landfill site and the EXPLORE Project. RECOMMENDATION: [1] The Board should officially notify other member localities of its intent to get an option on the adjacent property. [3] The Board should instruct the staff to get an option on the property. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: Subject to Board approval. SUBMITTED BY: t Elmer C. od e, County Administrator RESOLUTION REQUIRED: Yes ~ No A C T I O N V O T E Yes No Abs Approved (a/' Motion by: ~/C.~ens Brittle ~ Denied ( ) ,Q~•; ~t/~ Received ( ) Garrett ~ Referred Johnson ,~ to McGraw ri Nickens `~ C'o c..~n ty A~to~l, ey ITEM NUMBER LAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OOUNTYE ADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER AT A REGU COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request to Transfer Sewer Projects funds for Continuation of COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMEN S: ~ ~ ~~ ~~- ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~- MATION: ~~~~~ ~~,'~ SUMMARY OF INFOR sewer roceeding with several sanitary County Staff is currenty p services for cheduled for construction t des engineeringch are to 0 To projects s t funds. HOW Station/ funded with 1974 sewer bonds. the Starkey Pump these projects have banchfInaer ceptor;ility funds are ects, continue the Ore B ortion Force Main, and the Castle Rocs andmalso po oconstruct a p needed to purchase right-of-way available from of the Ore Branch Interceptor prior to funds being the bond sale anticipated within 90 days. rrently available in the a that °is$schednled for Funds are cu ro sect Roanoke River Phase II se`^ier p ortion of these funds wil ro ects so they can continue constructioedi~Otthe three abo98e •p jp the transferred be transfer At that time, until the sewer bonds are sold. ill be returned to the Roanoke River Phase II sewe funds w project account. The following transfer of funds will be required $191,580) From: 96-6-60156-0-00000 $191,580) Roanoke River Phase II Total To: 85,000 96-6-60189-0-00000 $ 10,000 Ore Branch Interceptor 96,580 Starkey Pump Sta/Force Main 96_6_80001-0-00000 $ __- Castle Rock Submain Total $191, 580 V FISCAL IMPACT: 9 No fiscal impact to transfer funds between projects. ~_ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the appropriate resolution be adopted to transfer funds from the Roanoke River Phase II sewer project to the Ore Branch Intercepter, Starkey Pump Station/Force Main, and the Castle Rock Submain sewer projects so that timely project completion can be achieved. SUBMITTED BY: Cliffo raig Utility Director APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~' Motion by: rne~, ~ ~ ~je~fen5 No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Brittle /~ Referred Garrett ,~--~ To Johnson ,~ McGraw ,,~ Nickens ,~r- ~ir,~ ego,-. ~~Q ~~ a -~ ~i ~GU~ ~ ~ -~ ITEM NUMBER G-,5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 , SUBJECT: County share of the fee to survey the property at the Roanoke Regional Airport before being transferred to the Airport Commission. COUNTYlADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with Section 6 of the contract to establish the Roanoke Airport Commission, a survey of the property is to be made before the transfer is enacted. In accordance with this paragraph, the City of Roanoke is to obtain the survey firm through its normal procurement practices and the County will share in this project at the rate of 42.2 ~. The City of Roanoke has obtained the services of a licensed surveyor in the amount of $31,336.25 and the County's proportionate share is $13,224.00. ~~FISCAL The $13,224.00 required for this project must be appropriated from the Board of Supervisors contingent balance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the $13,224.00 be appropriated and that the City of Roanoke be authorized to proceed with the survey work as expeditiously as possible. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: M,/ John M. Chamb ss, Jr. Elmer C. H ge Assistant County Administrator County Administrator IMPACT: r ~ ~~ cc: Diane Hyatt Kit Kaiser, City of Roanoke APProved (,X' ACTION -------------------------------- Motion by: GL~''~-• ~t~~r~~ ~ f~ VOTE Denied ( ~ No Yes Abs Received ( ~ Brittle ~ Referred Garrett To Johnson ,~ McGraw - C Nickens ~,~ ~ ' ~ ~~ ~ e ~~~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE /-~-32-y87-id ITEM NUMBER L~ CL.) OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request for Approval for Pilot Project for Source Separation/Recycle Program COUNTY ADMIN~IST~RATOR'S COMMENTS: //9 ~~ C9-t/ .gin D~~~titi~v~iv d~-~;~uc~ ~ r~~... SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ~ ~~~ """""'~' ' The Clean Valley Council has requested that Roanoke County participate in a pilot project for source separation of recyclable refuse. Clean Valley has requested a grant from the Virginia Environmental Endowment in an amount of $23,692 to fund a portion of this project. Roanoke County is being requested to fund the remaining costs and administer the program. The pilot project would collect recyclable glass, aluminum and newspaper from a 1000 home area during a one year period. The cost to Roanoke County would be $25,600. Revenue from sale of material and reduction in landfill costs will make the net cost $16,193. (See attached for cost analysis) FISCAL IMPACT: This pilot project will require additional funds in the amount of $16,193. Funds are not available in the current year or the proposed FY 87-88 Refuse budget. If the pilot project were expanded to a 3,000 home area, the project would be cost effective and additional funding would not be required. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board consider participating in this pilot project contingent upon Clean Valley Council's receipt of the state grant and for a pilot project area of 3,000 homes instead of 1,000 homes. If the Board decides to participate in this project at the 1,000 home level, Staff recommends the participation be contingent upon Clean Valley Council's receipt of the state grant. Additional funding in the amount of $16,193 would have to be made available to the Refuse budget. -~ In addition, all proceeds from the sale of recycled material would be returned to the Refuse budget to fund the project. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: L Cliffo aig Elmer C. Hodge Director of Utilities County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: rnC /~? Gc> /C~fe/15 No Yes Abs Denied ( ) ~p ~GL / I^ ~ ~ittle Received ( ) GC /'OC Garrett ,~ Referred Johnson To McGraw •~ a-6 /tea/ Nickens ~ G iii ~e ~ /.'~'~~,~d ~~Q ;9 ~e t~ ~ ush~~ Lo M E M O R A N D U M T0: John Hubbard FROIvi; Clifford Craig ~~C~~.~ ~'C~'''~ DATE: February 18, 1987 RE: Pilot Project for Source Separation/Recycle Program The funds requidedstand atargetoamount of $5COOOthas alreadly beene~ will be $24,000. assigned by the Management and Budget Department. My program analysis indicates that we can expect revenue of $7,401 fran the sale of the recylcable material. However, it is diff iatlt to estimate the actual market price which the material will bring since there is no stable prioe. Since this revenue will not come into the Refuse Budget, it has not been deducted from the Budget Target. The reduction in landfill fees in the amount of $2,006 will reflect within the Refuse Budget and was subtracted from the total County program cost. The net cost to the County will be $16,]9 3. The attached data will support the above Budget request for this program. Please note that we intend to use only one man to collect the iod of recyclable material once a week from a 1,000 home project area for a per' one year. With the proposed personnel reductions in the Department, this man will have to be hired. Even though only one day will be spent on the project, this man would not be on staff due to funding shortages, and therefore, his full cost must be attributed to the project. There are no costs included for management or overhead. We exist to administer programs and evaluate new programs, so I feel these costs are covered in the normal operation budget. The proposed project is obviously not cost effective from a budget point of view. When you consider the funds to be provided by Clean Valley (by the proposed grant), the project will indicate a loss of about $40,000. If the Board decides to participate, the Refuse Department will use the best management practices possible to keep the actual cost to a minimum. However, in a budget year when the Refuse Department is required to drop Brush and Bulk Collection and lay off three employees in order to meet the ever reducing Budget Target, I cannot reco~unend participating in a pilot program that is not cost effective. Let me add several thoughts: 1. There have been many pilot projects of this type completed over the last 20 years. 2. Many areas of the country have existing recycle programs. 3 ~- Jahn Hubbard Page 2 February 18, 1987 3. The data is available for Roanoke County to determine if they want to initiate a full scale program. 4. I am 100$ in favor of cost effective full scale recycle program for Roanoke County. 5. Since there is nothing unique about the proposed pilot recycle program, I do not think Clean Valley will get a grant to fund their portion of this program. khb Attachments 4 E - ~, Estimated Quantity from a 1,000 Home project Area 1 Year Project Period Total Refuse Produced- 1, 000 x 44 lb/'wk . x 52 wk . 30~ Considered Recyclabl _ 1.144 ton e - 1,144 ton x 30$ = Newspaper is 77.4$ of recyclable - 343 x 0 774 Glas i 343 ton , = s s 21.4 of recyclable - 343 x 0.214 = Aluminum is 1 2$ f 265 ton 73 t . o recyclable - 343 x 0.012 = on 4 ton Assuming a 60~ participation rate, the total quantity of recyclable materials collected will be = Bales at the landfill are 2,700 lb. Therefore landfill a 206 ton , space savings of 152 bales or 412 cubic yards will be saved Thi i . s s almost equal to the refuse collected during two days of operation by our ten trucks. The cost savings in direct landfill fee is: 206 ton x $9 74/t . on = $2,006 Revenue Expected from Sale of Material Glassa~r _- 265 ton x 60$ participation x $30/ton 73 ton $4 770 x 60$ participation x $25 ton `~~-n~ - 4 ton x 60~ participati , 1,095 on x $640 ton T~~- Revenue / 1, 536 $7,401 Total Savings and Revenue $407 5 Estimated Cost to Collect and Deliver for Sale ~ - Recyclable Material from 1,000 Home Project Area 1,000 home project area can be collected and delivered for sale by one man working one day per week. 1-M.E.O. I at base wage + 21~ benefits = $15, 600. A vehicle equipped with three bins or ccxnpartments and ca hauling one day collection (4 ton) will be r gable of existing refuse vehicle from equired• It is proposed that an of modification is estimated tpo beb$8 OOOfi~ to serve this purpose, The cyst The operating and maintenance of this vehicle is estimated to be 1/5 our normal experience for aged vehicles or $2,000. Total direct costs from above $25,600. Actual cost to conduct program Less revenue from recyclables $7,401 $25,600 Less landfill fees saved 2,006 Total Deductions -9,407 Cost to Roanoke County for Program 16 193 Funds in the amount of $23,594, (say $24,000), will be required unless the revenue is returned to the Refuse budget. The estimates of quantities and I~rticipation was taken from the Curbside Recycling Report for San Jose dated July 31, 1986. khb 6 A P P E A j2 ,A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ,~, /~G~ ~ ~(p ~~~cl ~, ~.-~- ~,.-~~ ~~~,` I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~Q m ADDRESS : ~C.a I ~' ~Ck„~ ~ P7 Y PHONE : 3~{-Z -rj'~ ~~ C W ~ 7 4 - ~8 Iz~ C ~+) PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) - . R-.32.~c~ ~7-// ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request from the School Board to apply for supplemental literary loans for William Byrd High School, Northside High School and Glenvar High School. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~J /~ ~ ,,,I-~ ~' ~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATI N: The Roanoke County School Board at its meeting on Thursday, March 12, 1987 adopted a resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors to authorize supplemental applications to the Commonwealth of Virginia for the following literary fund loan projects. Approved Literary Supplemental Project Loan Amount Loan Amount William Byrd High Multipurpose Room $531,000.00 $30,000.00 Northside High Multipurpose Room $488,000.00 $71,000.00 Glenvar High Lighting Project $113,136.00 $22,000.00 Northside High Air Conditioning Project $500,000.00 $99,000.00 $222,000.00 The attached schedule shows the current status of the various projects for which literary fund loan applications have been approved, the anticipated completion date for the project, and the projected result (deficiency). The four projects marked with an asterisk (*) are ones discussed in this report. Literary loans are reimbursement programs and the County must first obtain preliminary approval from the State for the program, have the plan documents approved by the state, spend the monies (local) and then seek reimbursement. The reimbursement process may take up to 24 months depending upon the demand in f ~~ 7 Richmond for these monies and how high the project is on the reimbursement schedule. The Board of Supervisors has previously authorized the County to advance the literary loan monies as required and to seek reimbursement as quickly as possible to minimize the impact on cash flow. The construction on these four projects are nearing completion and this loan request is required to reimburse the County for the total construction costs which will already have been incurred within these various projects. ~v FISCAL IMPACT: Reimbursement for these loans will not begin until the 1988-89 fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors authorize the school board to proceed with the four applications referenced above so that the County may receive the reimbursement as expediently as possible. Representatives from the school administration will be available to answer questions of the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: h~ .,cam John M. Cham iss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator APPROVED: ~n / Elmer C. odge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ~.Y Motion by: ~~Ick e.n S/ me ~x~ ~ NoTYe~s Abs Denied ( ) Brittle Received ( ) Garrett ~ Referred Johnson J/ To McGraw ~- Nickens CC; ~~~e ~ l recto r' o -,~ CnGt~G'~ ~Jo h n wham 6 /i S S `~IR,GINIA MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION ON MARCH 12, 1987 AT 7 P.M. I;V THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA, -~ RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL LITERARY FUND LOANS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AT WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL, NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL, AND GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS, construction costs for the William Byrd High School multipurpose room addition, the Northside High School multipurpose room addition, the lighting project at Glenvar High School, and the air conditioning project at Northside High School will exceed the approved Literary Loan Fund amounts; BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County, on motion of Charlsie S. Pafford and duly seconded, requests the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to authorize said school board to submit applications to the Commonwealth of Virginia for the following supplemental Literary Fund loans: Approved Literary Supplemental Project Loan Amount Loan Amount William Byrd High Multipurpose Room $531,000.00 $30,000.00 Northside High Multipurpose Room $488,000.00 $71,000.00 Glenvar High Lighting Project $113,136.00 $22,000.00 Northside High Air Conditioning Project $500,000.00 $99,000.00 Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Paul G. Black, Richard E. Cullinan, Charlsie S. Pafford, Barbara B. Chewning, Frank E. Thomas NAYS: None ~ 0 0 0 O O r•-I •--1 O ri rl N N N 00 00 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dl d1 O~ dl Ol 01 ~ ~ tfla.lltll I I ~~ ~~ ~ it r•11 it rl l ~ I ~ ~,~w ~~~ oloalo ~~o rnrn aorn~o~~o ~ M M M M M M M d' M M d• M M M M }~~ a~1 000 00 00 00 00000 O ~ (~ O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O H C~j' ~ '~ O N O O O O I U? f.' OOr~rl MO Md' 00 t~OOOO O d' N ~ lONO ~~ MN ~O apt11OO0 I ~ ~O~M . . •~ • • • ~ - ~ - 00 N tf'1 O tf1 ~ (~4-I O NlOO ~M r--IN N~ ~~r~-1Nv 00 (~ ~ v ..i v H ~ n~i, aD O O O O O ~ Q •~ +~ O~r'•I MO ~O 00 NOOOO O O U] (J) ~(~1 UQl ~0~ t11M 01M 1.f1O rltflOOO O M ~-ln ~ Sy+ V - - - • • - r-•I N t11 O O O d' a~j" A .,U.~ f\~ lfl t11 tIl t11 d' r~ rl M M r-i M M OM l0 O M (7~ -l-I C1 ~ N 00 ~~ ~ ~',TI p~ ~p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O lfl ((~~ O O O O O O O O O O O d' ~ ~ 000 OO ~ ~ OO OOOOO O d' 0 O O O O O - ~ - . - - - . . ~ ` - ` 00 tf1O OOOOIl1 O M ~ M~ 00 O O rl ~-i M O N~ N r-I N O to a ~ lC1 Lf1 d' tf1 lf1 N ri M N ` . ~ N 1~ f~ t` t` t` !` O O ~ O O ~ ~ ~ •O ~ O~ O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ ~ I 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~.1 r~ r~i r-I r-~ rl rl ri ~ A ~I~ ~I 1 I lpl0 rnrn olorn~Gd~d' ri to ~ ~ w ao O .~ O ~+ ~ to ~ ~ bU~ rd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ •~~m uQi~cn~U 0 0 ~ ~~ oo ~oo r~ c~ rti a ~3~z >'a2~ ~~~ w~~7~ .~UC~7V~a1 a C7 _~ ~ ~ a ~ s ,~ ~': ~:. r FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION ON MAP.CH 12, 1987 AT 7 P.M. IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA. RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL LITERARY FUND LOANS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AT WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL, NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL, AND GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS, construction costs for the William Byrd High School multipurpose room addition, the Northside High School multipurpose room addition, the lighting project at Glenvar High School, and the air conditioning project at Northside High School will exceed the approved Literary Loan Fund amounts; BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County, on motion of Charlsie S. Pafford and duly seconded, requests the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to authorize said school board to submit applications to the Commonwealth of Virginia for the following SUUD1Pman~~~ T:L__-- - R-328'7- ~~_ ITEM NUMBER ;,:'~ """ ~N~+ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request from the Roanoke County School Board to authorize the application for a supplemental literary fund loan for construction of the addition to the Cave Spring Elementary School. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the meeting of the Roanoke County School Board on Thursday, March 12, 1987, a resolution was adopted requesting the Board of Supervisors to authorize the School Board to apply for a supplementary literary fund loan to fund the construction of the addition to the Cave Spring Elementary School. The supplementary loan request is in the amount of $175,000.00. The Commonwealth of Virginia has previously approved a loan in the amount of $200,000.00 for this project. The amount of this request is based upon the bids received by the School Administration during March of 1987 and includes the appropriate costs and fees which are eligible for reimbursement through the literary fund loan program. The attached schedule shows the current status of the various projects for which literary fund loan applications have been approved, the anticipated completion date for the project, and the projected result (deficiency). The project marked with an asterisk is the one discussed in this report. Literary loans-are reimbursement programs and the County must first obtain preliminary approval from the State for the program, have the plan documents approved by the State, spend the monies (local) and then seek reimbursement. The reimbursement process may take up to 24 months depending upon the demand in Richmond for these monies and how high the project is on the reimbursement schedule. The Board of Supervisors has previously authorized the County to advance the literary loan monies as required and to seek reimbursement as quickly as possible to minimize the impact on cash flow. A representative from the School Administration will be available to discuss this project with you. FISCAL IMPACT: Reimbursement of this loan will not begin until the 1988-89 fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: The staff suggests concurrence in the school's request, which will enable the school administration to apply for said supplemental loan. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: John M. Cham iss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator yr/ Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator ---------- ACTION Approved ( ) Motion by: ~Tohnson/G r ---------------------- VOTE f Q ~P Denied ( ) .~~ ~-~~ ~~ c G No Yes Abs ' ~.z _ n e~. ~ Received ( ) Brittle ~' r+ ~ p •~ Referred p ~ Garrett ~' To Johnson ~ -~-- ~ McGraw ~ Nickens ~ G i /~ _ cc: Diane Hyatt Reta Busher Homer Duff ~Tohr~ Chczm b/isS Attachments (2) FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION ON MARCH 12, 1987 AT 7 P.M. IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA, RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL LITERARY FUND LOAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADDITION TO CAVE SPRING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, projected construction costs for the addition to Cave Spring Elementary School will exceed the approved Literary Loan Fund amount of $200,000.00 by $175,000.00; BE IT RESOLVED, that the County School Board of Roanoke County, on motion of Barbara B. Chewning and duly seconded, requests the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to authorize said school board to submit an application to the Commonwealth of Virginia for a supplemental Literary Fund loan in the amount of $175,000.00 for the Cave Spring Elementary School project. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Paul G. Black, Richard E. Cullinan, Charlsie S. Pafford, Barbara B. Chewning, Frank E. Thomas NAYS: None ~ ro r w r• ro c ro c ~° cn ro rt ro n ~* ro n~ n ro ~c ro O ~roro~ro Oro ~rtr• ~rt rt~~r• n y ~ ~ C ~ C ri C ~'~ C ~~ ~C r•rt O p (7 (!1 A~ U~ In A~ r• A~ fA ~ A~ W !Z N fv ~ 'C rt O n C'z~ n b n~ n r• n r• r• r• n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cn cn w cn x cn w ~ ro ~ Ana ~ Q., ~ ~ a ~' ~ n o• o• ~ ~ n N ~~rn~ao ~~ rn~ 0oao rnrnrn I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N IJ I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I rt ro w aD ao ao ao ao ao ao 0o ao ao aD ao ao 0o ro rt ~p ~p ~p Qp Q0 J 00 00 J J J J J J J r0• J N I"J U7 O NI-'N WN NW F-~N ~~ ~~~ w o rnooou~ ow N~ 00 ooww J o tnoooo otn wJ o0 aoao~ ~'~ . ..... .. .. .. ... ,A o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o r w o 0 0 0 o O ,p o 00000 0o wo 00 000 u, 0 00000 00 0,~ 00 000 O N N W O Ol W W W E•-' W W F-' N .A lT1 Ul Ul lJ7 ~ r• 00 O O O J W lfl O W W O dl lfl U1 W 0~ Cl ~p O O O lT~ N F-' F-' N ~ O 00 00 O f'"' O ~ ~- . ~ ~ ~ ~ `p' W O 0001171-' OU7 W l0 W U1 WOE 00 O OOOON 00 lC• W U'I W OJ01 Ul rt In o 000000 00 orn ow ~~ao rto• ,Op W OJ WU7 O Nr' WHO J N O rn~ 01 U7 O Ul N 00 I-' N 1-' Ol I--' 00 O a> ~ ft7 ~• ~ ~ . . . ~ l0 I 00011700 OUl N W C'1U"I W ~~ ~ r'ro ~p O OOOOJ 00 UlJ U7 W ONCI ro N O I O O O O N O O ~P W O W I-' 1"'' 00 ~~ H O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 ~ rt 0 00000 00 00 00 00o rt~° w www~w w~ ww ww www ro~ rt 1..., rnrnrn~ao ~~ rnrn aoao JJJ ro ~J I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 11 P7 r• F~ F~ F-' I--' F-' I--' F•~ I•~ F-' N r' F•~ I--' 1--~ I-•' rt I I I I I I I I I I I 1 117 l17 lt7 U1 10 lD 10 lC' l0 l0 l0 10 1G 10 ~ \O I I I rt N NNh~I-'O 1-'I--' 00 00 ~~~ rt ~rr F~ O x m ~~ ~~ 8 C FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION ON MARCH 12, 1987 AT 7 P.M. IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA. RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL LITERARY FUND LOAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADDITION TO CAVE SPRING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, projected construction costs for the addition to Cave Spring Elementary School will exceed the approved Literary Loan Fund amount of $200,000.00 by $175,000.00; BE IT RESOLVED, that the County School Board of Roanoke County, on motion of Barbara B. Chewning and duly seconded, requests the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to authorize said school board to submit an application to the Commonwealth of Virginia for a supplemental Literary Fund loan in the amount of $175,000.00 for the Cave Spring Elementary School project. Adopted by the followincr recorded vote: A- 3287- ~3 ITEM NUMBER ~~ `"" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Resolution Adopting Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The attached Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities were prepared by the Utility Director with input and review of a committee established by the Department of Development. The committee was comprised of staff members of the County Utility, Engineering, Facilities, Fire, and Development Departments, as well as, representatives from local engineering and surveying firms, and the construction and building associations. A work session was held with the Board on March 10, 1987, at which time the proposed standards were discussed and public comment was received. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends that these standards be adopted by resolution. These standards would become effective immediately and would apply to all water utility plans which have not been accepted for review by the Department of Development prior to this time; provided said plans, in the review process, receive final approval by the County within 60 days of the effective date of these standards. It is further recommended that any developer that has received final approval or who currently has plans under review prior to the effective date of these standards, be given the option to fully comply with the new standards in lieu of the existing standards, if they so desire. SUBMITTED BY: Cliffor raig Director of Utiliti APPROVED: C~ ~~~ Elmer C. Ho e County Administrator -----' --------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion b ,~/'/~~~~~/ ~/IS No Yes Abs Denied ( ) ~'p ~~ G G[ ~~ ~/-7'-8 Brittle ~~ Received ( ) /1 / • (~ i t Garrett Referred /~ Johnson To McGraw ,~~~_ Nickens ~ G /Ci ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUN'PY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLU'I'TOD1 ADOPTING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR WATER FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Utility Director and other County staff have developed certain design and construction standards for water facilities; and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards may be adopted by resolution by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 20.1-11 of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22 of the 1985 Roanoke County Code); and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards for water facilities shall take effect as of the date of this resolu- tion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the attached design and construction standards for water facilities are incorporated herein by reference; and 2. That these standards are effective immediately and apply to all water utility plans which have not been accepted for review by the Department of Development prior to this time; pro- vided said plans, in the review process, received final approval by the County within 60 days of the effective date of these stan- dards. • ~'~~ DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR WATER FACILITIES 100.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: All water supply systems, other than individual, in- cluding mains, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances shall be planned and constructed according to the specifications and standards set forth herein as minimum requirements. Before con- struction is commenced, plans, profiles, details, ar_d specifica- tions shall be reviewed and approved by the Utility Director as being in accord with these requirements and all construction shall be in accord with approved plans. Water mains shall be located within p?rbli•^ rights-of- way or easements and shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from the ecge of the easement or right-of-way lir.> unless E~~iicrVviS~ cauthCrized Ly the Utillty Director. %ia~eiitEi7`S S hall provide sufficient space for both installation and maintenance with a r ~nim~~m ~nidth o{ 20 fe._t. Additional easement 4vidth may be required by the Utility Director when it is deemed necessary for proper maintenance of the facilities. No ether utilit line shall be laid within a vertical area which is parallel ~o and rii!~hin i2° of a waterline. DESIGN: Water supply systems as described at•o~-e shall be de- signed by a Professional Engineer, licensed by the Commonwealth cf Virginia whose seal ar~d signature shall be placed on each plan shut. A Land Surveyor licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia may design such portions of a water supply system as provided by the Code of Virginia, Title 54, Section 54-17.1, 3(b). Systems shall be designed to provide adequate flow and pressure both for domestic supply and fire flow, based on sound hydraulic analysis and good engineering practice. Domestic and fire flows shall be analyzed and presented separately and pipes shall be sized to meet the calculated requirements of simultane- ous peak domestic and fire flow. 100.01 T he Design and Construction Standards Manual of Roanoke County, Virginia, of which these specifications are a part, approved by the Board of Supervisors shall be followed unless specified deviation therefore is authorized, in writing, by the Utility Director. When such deviations effect fire protection concurrent authorization by the Fire Marshal shall also be 1 obtained. All standards referenced in this Section shall refer to the latest revision or revised edition of the referenced manual. 101.02 The minimum size of water line shall be as follows: A. In residential districts, eight inch (8"); six inch (6") may be used only when it completes a good gridiron, and only, in blocks six hundred feet (600') or less in length. B. In other areas, twelve inch (12") and eight inch (8"); eight inch may be used only when it completes a good gridiron and twelve inch for long lines not interconnected. C. Fire hydrants shall not be installed on lines less than eight inches (8") in diameter, except that fire hydrants may be installed on a six inch (6") line that is part of good gridiron. Unless specifically approved otherwise by the Fire Marshal, no plantings or erection of other obstructions shall be made within a four feet (4') radius of any fire hydrant. The surface shall be level within this same radius. D. For the last 450 feet of pipe located beyond the last fire hydrant on cul-de-sacs or streets on which the water line cannot be extended, six inch (6") pipe may c:e used, when approved by Utility Director. E. In lieu of the above, and for residential districts only, detailed design calculations may be submitted for review and concurrence by the Utility Director to substantiate line sizes other thar, these specified above. In any case, the minimum line size acceptable shall be six inch (6°'). For all design, the published "C" factor shall be re- duced to "new pipe "C" factor minus 10" . This reduced "C" factor shall be used so as to reflect more accurately the future flow in aged pipe. 101.03 In general, fire hydrants shall be located as follows: A. In residential areas, at street intersections and at intermediate locations where necessary, as determined by the Fire Marshal's Office. In no case shall the distance between fire hydrants, measured along the center line of accessible streets, be greater than one thousand feet (1000'). 2 B. Within one hundred feet (100') of any standpipe or sprinkler system fire department connections, where those systems are required in buildings. C. As required by the following schedule as given by use group, the distance shall be measured to the most remote part of the structure the hydrant will serve. Industrial buildings 250 feet School buildings 300 feet Commercial, Churches and Office buildings 350 feet Apartments, Multi-family, Townhouses 250 feet Single family detached dwellings 500 feet* *Measured along center line of street to the center of front property line for single family detached dwellings only. D . All hydrants shall be a minimum of fifty feet ( 50' ) away from buildings other than single family detached dwellings. The location of all new and existing hydr~~nts that are to serve the property shall be shown on the plans. 101.04 Water systems shall be so designed to adequately supply the normal and peak demands of all customers, maintaining a pres- sure of not less than twenty-five (25) pounds per square inch at all points of delivery, without reducing the service to existing customers below the foregoing requirement, and shall have ade- ~~tuate capacity to be capable of delivering not less than the :elow fire flows, with a residual pressure of not less than twenty (20) pounds per square inch to at least one (1) point with- in two hundred fifty feet (250' ) of each building to be served or proposed to be served by an extension. In those cases where the existing source of supply cannot deliver fire flows at adequate pressures, the developer shall design his water system based on achieving the required fire flows with an assumed residual pressure of 30 psi at point of connection to the supplying system. I. Fire flow Requirements for Various Land Uses 1. Residential Areas as follows: A. Normal residential property with over I00' between buildings--500 GPM. B. Normal residential property with 31'-100' between buildings--750 GPM. C. Normal residential property with 11'-30' 3 between buildings--1,000 GPM D. Story and one-half residential--1000 GPM. E. Two-story residential, congested area--1500 gallons per minute (GPM). F. Normal residential property with 10' or less between buildings--1,500 GPM 2. High Value Areas: A. Apartments, townhouses up to 2~ stories--1500 GPM. B. Minor mercantile and congested apartments, 2~ to 3 stories--2000 GPM. C. High value industrial, shopping centers, and mercantile districts--2500 GPM. In areas of mixed use development, the higher fire flew shall govern. The fire flows indicated above are for new develop- ment. Where the size and scope of the development exceeds these requirements, additional flow shall be provided in accordance with ISO (Insurance Services Organization) requirements as reviewed by the Fire Marshal. 101.5 Valves shall be so set and adjusted that the covers shall be exposed and flush with the street surface. If street surfaces are renewed or replaced by the developer or owner after the water system has been approved and accepted by the County but while such streets are s'_.ill the obligation of the developer or owner, the valve vaults ~~herein shall be readjusted to proper location relative to the new street surfacing. Valve vaults located in sodded or other off-street areas shall be so set ar.d adjusted that the covers shall be exposed and flush with the finished surface elevation. 101.06 Where a water main that can be extended is terminated beyond a gate valve in that main, the minimum length of pipe line between valve and end of the line shall be thirty-six feet (36'). Additional length shall be required to insure future extension with minimum surface destruction. In no case shall the end of a pipe line terminate in a paved area. No water line shall terminate under a concrete valley gutter. Whenever possible to avoid, no gate valve shall be located under a concrete valley gutter. No services or fire hydrant shall be installed between the gate valve and end of line that can be extended. 4 101.07 All pipe shall be laid to a minimum depth of thirty-six inches (36") from established final grade to the top of the pipe. Water pipe shall not be laid at depths exceeding ten (10') feet unless specifically approved by the Utility Director. 101.08 Valves shall be installed at the intersection of water lines. Generally, three (3) valves w-ill be used at crosses and two (2) valves at tees. A valve shall also be installed at least every one thousand feet (1000') on distribution mains. A valve shall be installed between the last service and the terminus of any water main that can be extended in the future. 101.09 A means to provide a blow off at dead-end lines shall be provided as indicated in the standard details. 101.10 Automatic air release valves and/or hydrants shall be placed at strategic high points in the system to provide for the release of trapped air. 101.11 All transmission mains will be provided with blow off valves at strategic low points in the line. Fire hydrants shall not be used at low points in place of blowoffs. 101.12 Crass connections and backflow prevention connections shall be designed and reviewed to insure compliance with the adopted cross-connection and backflow ordinance. i0I.13 Water mains may be installed on private property if an easement of a minimum of twenty feet (20') in width is duly re- corded. The easement width may be seduced in certain areas with written approval of the Utility Director when the 20 foot ease- ment would constitute a significant hardship for the development. Increased easement widths may be required by the Utility Director when determined necessary due to large mains ar excessive depths which will require special trench excavation in order to comply with applicable State and Federal safety regulations. Easement instruments denoting water line easements shall include a note giving the water purveyor the right of access to the water service connection and the water meter for the purpose of mainte- nance and operation. No permanent structure, including fences, trees or shrubbery, shall be placed or constructed within an easement. Additional easements shall be provided across property under the owners/developers control that may be required to extend water facilities in the future or to provide convenient access to easements for construction and maintenance purposes. lO1.I4 AWWA STANDARDS The following AWWA Standards (latest revision) are here- by incorporated by reference. Where a conflict exists between these written standards, and the standards incorporated by reference, the Utility Director will determine which standard shall apply. In general, the Utility Director will select the 5 Standard that gives a final product that is in the best interest to the County. The applicant shall provide the County with manufacturer's certification that materials meet these standards. A100 Standard for water wells. C104 Standard for cement-mortar lined for ductile-iron and gray-iron pipe and fittings. C110 Standard for ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings. C111 Standard for rubber gasket joints for ductile-iron and gray-iron pipe and fittings. C115 Standard for flanged ductile-iron and gray-iron )ipe with threaded flanges. 0150 Standard for thickness design of ductile-iron pipe (Class 52 minimum to be considered for I2" diameter or less) C151 Standard for ductile-iron pipe C502 Standard for dry-barrel fire hydrants C504 Standard for rubber-seated butterfly valves (approved for 14-inch or larger) C506 Standard for backflow prevention devices C508 Standard for swing-check valves C509 Standard for resiliant-seated gate valves C550 Standard for protective interior coatings for naves and hydrants C6u0 Standard for installation and testing of ductile- iron water mains and their appurtenances C651 Standard for disinfecting water mains C602 Standard for cement-mortar lining of water pipe lines C652 Standards for disinfection of water storage facilities C900 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe, for water (DR-14 minimum class to be considered). C950 Glass-fiber-reinforced-resin pressure pipe D100 Standard for welded steel tanks for water storage D102 Standard for painting steel water storage tanks DI03 Standard for factory-coated bolted water storage tanks 102.00 Water Line Construction 102.01 General: Except as specifically modified below, water line construction shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-600 latest edition Standards. Pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and accessories shall be loadFd and unloaded by lifting with hoists or skidding so as to avoid shock or damage. Under no circum- stances shall such materials be dropped. Pipe shall be so handled that any coating or lining is not damaged. The water main shall be laid and maintained to the re- quired lines and grades with fittings, valves, hydrants and acces- sories set at the required locations as indicated on the approved plans for the project. All valve and hydrant stems shall be set plumb. Whenever obstructions not shown on the plans are encountered during progress of the work and interfere to such an 6 extent that alteration in plans is required, the Utility Director or his authorized representative shall be advised and the Utility Director's approval given before such alterations are put into effect. Any such alternative design shall be designed or approved by the Engineer of record for the original design. 102.02 Excavation and Bedding and Backfill. The trench shall be dug so that the pipe can be laid to the alignment and depth required and it shall be excavated not more than five hundred feet (500') in advance of the completed pipe laying operation. The width of the trench shall be ample to permit the pipe to be placed, Backfill and thoroughly compacted in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. Trenches shall be of such extra widths as will permit the convenient placing of timber sup- ports, sheeting and bracing and handling of special fittings or appurtenances when required. The trench shall be excavated to the depth required so as to provide a uniform and continuous bearing and support for the pipe on solid and undisturbed ground at every point between bell holes; except that it will be permissible to disturb and otherwise damage the finished surface over a maximum length of eighteen inches (18") near the middle of each length of pipe by the withdrawal of pipe slings or other lifting tackle. The damaged area shall be refinished as near as possible. Any part of the bottom of the trench excavated below the specified grade, shall be backfilled with approved materials, and be thoroughly compacted. The finished subgrade shall be prepared accurately by means of hand tools. Bedding shall be placed as required by the pipe manufacturer's written installation instructions. Where excavation is made in fractured rock, boulders, ar other unsuitable material, the subgrade shall be made by backfill- ing with a minimum four inch (4") compacted depth of gravel or clean selected soil which shall be thoroughly compacted. Bell holes shall be provided at each joint to permit the jointing to be made properly and to permit maximum bedding length. Ledge rocks, boulders, and large stones shall be removed to provide a clearance of at least six inches (6") below and on each side of. the pipe and appurtenances being laid and any part, pro- jection or joint of such rock, or stone. No pipe shall be laid in water or when, in the opinion of the utility Director, trench conditions are unsuitable. Backfill shall be placed in two (2) equal depth layers to the top of the pipe and each layer shall be thoroughly tamped to ninety-five percent (95$) of the maximum theoretical density as determined by a standard proctor test, the remainder of th e b ack- 7 fill shall be placed in a maximum of two foot (2') layers mechani- cally tamped. Backfill material shall be free of perishable material, frozen clods, sticky masses of clay and other unsuit- able matter. Rock pieces larger than two inches (2") shall not be used in the backfill which is within two feet (2') of the pipe. Backfill within existing or proposed roads shall meet the require- ments established and required by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 1.02.03 Installation of Pipe and Fittings. When installing pipe in the trench, proper implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to the Utility Director and as recommended by the material manufacturer shall be provided and used by the contrac- tor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. All pipe, valves, fittings, hydrants and accessories shall be care- fully lowered into the trench, piece by piece, by means of a derrick, ropes, slings or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to the water main material and any protective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall water m~_in materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. The pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects, and while suspended above grade, be rung with a light hammer to detect cracks. All lumps, blisters and excess coal tar coatings shall be removed from the ends of ductile iron pipe, and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wiped clean and dry and free from oil and greases before the pipe is laid. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material including nonpotable water from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe-laying crew cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place without getting earth into it, a heavy tightly woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made to the adjacent pipe. During laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing, or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. At the end of each day a watertight plug shall be placed in the end of all pipe opening. After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the open bell of the pipe line and the pipe pushed home so that the face of the spigot is in close contact with the shoulder of the bell. Water pipe shall be laid with the bell facing the direction of the laying. No stub of any water main shall terminate with a capped or plugged valve. Where a valve is required to be installed near a stub end, not less than 36 feet of pipe shall be installed between the valve and the plugged stub end of pipe for adequate anchoring. The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner 8 without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. When machine cutting is not available for cutting metal pipe twenty inches (20") in diameter or larger, the electric-arc cut- ting method will be permitted using a carbon or steel rod. Only qualified and experienced workmen shall be used for this work. The flame cutting of metal pipe by means of oxyacetylene torch will not be allowed. Whenever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid obstructions or plumb stems, or where long-radius curves are approved, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed the minimum required, for satisfactory joining of the pipes, as specified in this manual. The maximum deflection permitted per joint shall be in accordance AWWA C-600 Table 4 fcr push-o:, joint and Table 5 for mechanical joint pipe. C-600: Table 4 may be used for C-900 pipe also). All tees, bends, plugs, caps, and fire hydrants shall be substantially braced, blocked and/or strapped to prevent any move- ments by providing adequate reaction backing and/or tie rods. Reaction backing shall be designed and installed as indicated in the standard details. Hydrants shall be set to established finished grade as follows A. The bottom of the four and one-half inch (4~"} nozzle shall be beteen eighteen inches (18") and twenty-four inches (24") above the finish elevation of the edge of the shoulder on streets without curb and gutter between eighteen and twenty-four inches (18")-(24") above the elevation of the curb on streets with curb and gutter as indicated on the standard details. B. The two and one-half inch (2~") hose connections shall have a minimum of four feet zero inches (4'0") clearance on all sides. C. Surface shall be approximately level within a four foot (4') radius of the hydrant. 102.04 Testing. All new water mains shall be tested, after backfilling to a hydrostatic pressure of not less than 100 psi above the design water pressure for the system or I50 psi, which- ever is greater. The allowable leakage is calculated by the following formula: L= S P Where: L= allowable leakage in gallons per hour 133,200 S= length of pipe tested in feet 9 D= nominal diameter of pipe in inches P= average test pressure during leakage test in psig Allowable leakage is calculated in columnar form in the following Table 6. No water line shall be placed in service until the leakage is less than the allowable leakage as indicated above. Testing of water mains shall only be done after installation of all valves, taps and service laterals are complete. All portions of the water system including hydrants and service lines shall be subject to the hydrostatic pressure during the leakage test. Testing of water mains shall be observed and documented by a County Utility Inspector/Engineer. All high points and service lines in the portion of the system under test shall be vented and all air shall be expelled from the system prior to beginning the test. All fittings and hydrants shall be prcperly braced or blocked before applying pressure. Where concrete thrust blacks are used, they shall have attained their final set prior to testing. After the portion of the system under the test has reached the required pressure as stated herein, said pressure shall be maintained for two (2) hours. At the conclusion of the pressure test, the volume of makeup water required to refill the pipeline shall be determined by measurement with a displacement meter or by pumping from a vessel of known volume. All joints or fittings at which leakage occurs shall be re- worked to insure tightness. All visible leaks shall be repaired regardless of amount of leakage. If the measured amount of leak~~e exceeds the values for the appropriate size as found in AWWA Specification C600, Hydrostatic Testing (Table 6), the pipe- line shall be repaired and retested until leakage is within the limit set by the referenced specification. Methods of repair prior to retesting will be done with the Utility Director's approval and inspection. Repairs of new construction will be by adjustment or replacement of material only. The use of repair clamps or bell clamps will not be acceptable. 10 INSTALLATION OF DUCTILE-IRON [n~1TER MAINS TABIE 4 Maximum Joint Deflection~* Full-Length Pipe-Push~n Type Joint Maximum Offset-St in. (m) Approx. Radius of Produced by Succession ft. (m) Curve-Rt of Joints Nominal Deflection 18 ft. 2 0 ft. 18 ft (5.5 m) 20 ft (6.1 m) Pipe Size Angle - 0 ( 5. 5 m ) ( 6 .1 m ) Lt Lt in d L L 3 5 19 (0.48) 21 (0.53) 205 (62) 230 (70) 4 5 19 (0.48) 21 (0.53) 205 (62) 230 (70) 6 5 19 (0.48) 21 (0.53) 205 (62) 230 (70) 8 5 19 (0.48) 21 (0.53) 205 (62) 230 (70) 10 5 19 (0.48) 21 (0.53) 205 (62) 230 (70) 12 5 19 (0.48) 21 (0.53) 205 (62) 230 (70) 14 3* 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 (115) 16 3* 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 (115) I8 3* II (0.28) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 (115) 20 3* 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 (115) 24 3* 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 (115) 30 3* 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 f115) 36 3* 11 (0.~8) 12 (0.30) 340 (104) 380 (115) 42 2* 7~ (0.19) 8 (0.20) 510 (155) 570 (174) 48 2* 7~ (0.19) 8 (0.20) 510 (155) 570 (174) 54 1~* 5~ (0.14) ~ (0.15) 680 (207) 760 (232) *For 14-in. and larger push~n joints, maximum deflection angle may be larger than shown above. Consult manufacturer. tSee Figure 4. 11 TABLE 5 Maximum Joint Deflection Full-Length Pipe - Mechanical-Joint Pipe in (m) -S Approx. Radius of Curve-R* Produced by Succession of Joints ft (m) 18 ft. (5.5 m) 20 ft. (6.1 m) L* L* 125 (38) 140 (43) 125 (38) 140 (43) 145 (44) 160 (49) 195 (59) 220 (67) 195 (591 220 (67) 195 (59) 220 (67) 285 (87) 320 (981 285 (87) 320 (98) 340 (104) 380 (116) 34G (104) 380 (116) 450 (137) 500 (152) 450 (137) 500 (152) 500 (152) 550 (167) 510 (155) 570 (174) 510 (155) 570 (174) Naninal Pipe Size in. Deflection Angle- 0 d 18 ft. (5.5 m) L* 20 ft. (6.1 m) L* 3 8-18 31 (0.79) 31 (0.89) 4 8-18 31 (0.79) 35 (0.89) 6 7-07 27 (0.69) 30 (0.76) 8 5-21 20 (0.51) 22 (0.56) 10 5-21 20 (0.51) 22 (0.56) 12 5-21 20 (0.51) 22 (0.56) I4 3-35 13(0.34) 15 (0.38) 16 3-35 13(0.34) 15 (0.38) 18 3-00 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 20 3-00 11 (0.28) 12 (0.30) 24 2-23 9 (0..23) 10 (0.25) 30 2-23 9 (0.23) 10 (0.25) 36 2-05 8 (0.20) 9 (0.23) 42 2-00 7(0.19) 8 (0.20) 48 2-00 7(0.19) 8 (0.20) *See Figure 4. 12 TWO H •1- O C .,.1 W a O to O M 4•a O O O r--1 ~N n1 r01 d' Ori~pN Ne-iMMICrM tIl ~O~-11110 r~'OrM 11 1f1 01L 0 . O 00 r r ~G l0 tG ~n to er ~' ~ N 'Q d'r•ierd'000r-I01r~MO ~ \O N r N Q• r~ O r ~V' O lD r••1 . . r--I r r lC \O lfl tf1 t11 to e1' d' V' M • C1r-100 M01M~Or ~GMt11 3 3 tOM01e!'NQ~r~~•-f OOtf1r-1 v • ei' 10~Clf11n111d'~t'd'~'MMM M r-1 \O OO OD r 111 N pppp r-I N O reMO~O~ C1 0 ~ N 00~ MOr r-1 M tf)tnt11~'cT"~!'~f'MMMMN N rl OO r-~O Ml0ODQ100 SON 111 rtf1N01rtf1Mr-{QZ rlf1N O 0 M cry ~'M MMMMN NN N r 1 00 r ~ f NOrN0llflOLC500ririO Q M • OO~Mr--i 0100 r ~1MN000 v N MMMMNNNNNNN,--1 I 0 ODOr1001r 111N00 X000 fA r -I ~ O OD ~G ~ M N r-I 01 00 ~ tf) y..i O O '~ .IJ N M M N N N N N N r-1 r-•1 r-1 r-1 ~ ~1 N rOMV'~t'd'Mr-~01~pr~t(1 OOr tf)MNr-1061 r ~Dlf1M Q 00 r~ N N N N N N N r-1 r-i .-~ r--1 r-~ ~ • N rl l!l O l!1 00 61 0 0 0 01 r ~r O O ~ CL! V1d'NO01OladrUl~'MN •.t N y.~ ~ ~ r-{ ~ N N N r-{ r-i r--I r-i ~ r-1 ~ ,-i ~ r~ -1 ~ 0100 r10 N' cT~SNr•~G O v ~ . r-~ N N r-I r-1 r-I r-1 rl rl ri r-i rl r-{ U~ ~ ~orn~calN~na~rno~-1o • ~ 01001DIlld'CMNr-Ir~001 1.3 Q? (]a N e-I r-i ri r'1 r-1 r1 e--r _~ r--1 r{ r•~ rl O C•, .-1 . J N ~ ~ ~ O ~ MNr ~ ~' ir-100101COr O ( j r-I r-! ~ rl r•! r--I r-1 rf ~ O O G O ~ ~ ~ rON~'Ol1~OLf10d'r0 N c~ o o rn rn ao ao r~ ~o ~ O~ a6 ice ~~ io0 w r- .- .- 00000 ~ ~ v ' ~ o v~ ao ~n r•-1 aD v~ rn ~ o in N ~ .~ rnrn0orrr~c~o-n~.n~nv~ ~ •,~ ~c ~ ,~ 000000000000 N ~ro~cNOr~nMOr~ro ~•~ \D l0 U1 lf1 tf1 ~!' 'a' ~' ~ M M M ~ 0000 00000 000 ~ .~J ~ 001f1NOlr~Dd'NOaDtf1M • ~~ M e},~~MMMMMMNNN O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ CT ~ f•~I di r-1 00 ~ r-1 01 r 10 ~M N O 01 r v ~ ~ N ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-•~ .-a r-1 r--I ~-°I v v v v v v ~ O E-1 ~ ~•~ O~ppl1.lOLflQl.l1Ql11Q y.~ ~~ w d'~M~NNNNr-Ir~~~ * M .-a 103.00 WATERLINE PIPE, FITTINGS, AND ACCESSORIES All pipe for water main construction shall be either ductile cast iron pressure pipe of the push-on joint or "mechanical joint" variety, conforming to AWWA C151, latest revision. Thick- ness class shall be Class 52 for all pipe twelve inches (12") in diameter or less. Water mains larger than 12" diameter in size, shall have thickness class as determined by thickness design of ductile-iron pipe AWWA C150; or; Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conforming to AWWA C900 with DI O.D. Dimension ratio (DR)14 shall be minimum for PVC pipe. (SDR-PVC pipe shall not be used as part of any water system.) Water mains larger than 12" diameter in size, shall meet requirements, Uni-Bell-B-11 for (DR-18), PR 235 and have intergal bell with bonded in ring and spigot joint. On specific authorization of the Utility Director, transmission lines may be PVC meeting Uni-Bell-B-11 with (DR-25) PR-165 rating. 103.01 Ductile Cast Iron Standard Mechanical Joint Pipe. All ductile cast iron standard mechanical joint water pipe shall con- form to ANSI Specification A21.51 and shall be lined with cement mortar and have a protective exterior coating. The linings and protective coatings equal to "Emmeline" with tar coating in the exterior will be considered as a satisfactory lining for the water pipe, however, any substitution in pipe lining and/or coat- ing from the ANSI A21.4 shall be specifically approved by the Utility Director. Joints of standard mechanical joint pipe shall conform to ANSI Specifications A21.11. High strength cast iron tee head bolts, hex nuts, cast or ductile iron glands and rubber gaskets shall be as furnished by the pipe manufacturer. All tie bolts and nuts shall be con- structed of the same size and type material as head baits and hex nuts. In making connections of ductile cast iron pipe using the standard mechanical joint, the gland followed by the rubber gasket shall be placed over the plain end of the pipe, which shall be carefully inserted and aligned into the socket end of the pipe line. The gasket shall then be pushed into position so that it is evenly seated in the socket. The gland shall then be moved into position against the face of the gasket, bolts inserted and made finger tight. The bolts shall then be tightened up in accordance with AWWA C-600 Table 3 (75-90 FT-LB Torgue for pipe size 4-12"). All other requirements concerning bedding, alignment, and cleaning of the pipe before making the joint shall be followed. 103.02 Ductile Cast Iron Pipe - "Push-On Joint " All "push-on" or "slip" point pipe shal conform to the requirements of standard mechanical joint pipe in regard to strength, class, protective coating, etc. 14 103.03 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC1 pressure pipe for water. PVC pipe meeting the AWWA specification C900 for dimension ratio (DR) 14, pressure Class 200, may be used for water lines. DR-18 or DR-25 may be used as noted above for pressure pipe larger than 12" in diameter. a. PVC pipe shall be installed, embedded and backfilled according to the manufacturer's written instructions. To facilitate future locating of PVC water pipe, a metalic wire shall be laid with the pipe and in contact with all fittings and valves. b. All service line connections to PVC pipe shall be made using a service saddle and corporation stop. The service saddle shall be of a type specifically manufactured for PVC pipe and shall be of the extra wide or double-band type. Nc direct tap to PVC pipe will be permitted. c. Only bell and spigot with elastomeric gasket joints shall be used. Solvent-cement joints or pipe requiring use of couplings shall not be used. 103.04 Cast Iron Fipe Fittings. Fittings for all water pipes s:~all be ductile iron or gray cast iron in accordance with AWWA Specifications C110, latest revision, with a minimum Ares-- sure rating of 250 psi. 103.05 Gate Valve. Ali gate valves shall be of superior quality iron body with resilent seat and with full bronze mount. All gate valves shall withstand a working pressure of 200 psi and shall be in strict conformance to applicable AWWA Standards. The wrench nut shall turn to the left (counter clock-wise) to open valve. The valves shall be so arranged to fit into pipe lines having standardized mechanical joints or slip joints. All gate valves shall be resilent seat type valves meeting AWWA 0--509 latest revision Standards. On valves fourteen inches (14") or larger, butterfly valves conforming to AWWA C-504 may be used. 103.06 Fire Hydrants. All hydrants shall be traffic model, Dry-Barrel type, meeting AWWA C-502 latest revision Standard; either Mueller Centurion, Dresser 500 Traffic Model, Darling Model B-50-B, Quick Fix Kennedy K-81-A or approved equal. Hydrants shall be of the compression type with main valve openings not less than four and one-half inches {4 1i~2") in diameter. Hydrants shall have a cast or ductile iron body with full bronze trim and shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 300 psi. Hydrants shall have a six inch (6") connection base far setting with a minimum of thirty-six inch (36") cover on connection pipe. Hydrants shall be equipped with hose connections as follows: Two each 2~", N.S.T. hose connections 15 One each 4}', N.S.T. pumper connections Hydrant shall be operated by a National Standard 1 1/2 inch pentagon shaped, operating nut, opeing counter-clockwise. The direction of opening shall be clearly marked by an arrow cast on the outside of the hydrant. Hydrants shall be connected to the main with a six inch (6") pipe and shall be controlled by an inde- pendent six inch (6") gate valve. The six inch (6") gate valve shall be located as near to the service main as practical, and connected to the tee with tie rods.. All hydrant barrels shall be painted chrome, and all 2~ and 4~ irch caps of the hydrant painted with red reflective paint. (The county Fire Marshal will color code caps after flow testing). 103.07 Valve vaults: Valve vaults shall be used for all main line valves unless otherwise approved in writing by the Utility Director. All vaults shall be precast manhole cone sections with water manhole covers as shown on the standard detail sheet. 103.08 Valve boxes: All valve boxes, base extensions, head and cover shall be of cast or ductile iron. Valve boxes shall be of the Mueller sliding type, round head marked "Water." The shaft diameter shall not be less than five inches (5"). The valve boxes shall have a minimum range of extension to fit two inch (2") to twelve inch (12") valves inclusive, placed on mains at depths of three feet , ( 3' ) to five feet ( 5' ) of cover in order that the to cover of the valve box is set to finished grade. Valve boxes shall be Mueller Company 10364, or approved equal. Valve boxes shall be centered over the valve screw and set plumb. Valve boxes shall only be allowed on fire hydrant valves or on other installations approved in writing by the Utility Director. 103.09 Water Service Connections. The water meter box and accessories therein necessary for meter installation shall be furnished and installed by the developer just within the right-of-way/easement at the property line as shown on the approved subdivision or other property plat. Water meter box and meter setter shall be furnished and installed as shown on the Standard Details. All meter setters shall be equipped with intergal lockable valves on both sides of the meter connections. All water services pipe from main connections to the meter box assembly shall be "K" type copper. All connections shall use flared fittings. The minimum size service connection shall be "K" type copper, 3/4" I.D. for a single setter, and 1-inch I.D. for double setter. Fittings for service lines shall meet AWWA specification C800. Solder connection shall not be used for underground service. 103.10 Wet Taps. All taps to the County water system shall be made by the County Utility Department. 16 103.11 ~~cial Conditions. The Director may require special material and/or construction be used where normal water pressure exceeds the pressure rating used in these standards and where the design will not permit reducing these pressures to acceptable levels. 104.00 METER INSTALLATIONS. All water meters shall be in- stalled by the County Utility Department. 105.00 DISINFECTION WATER irIAINS After testing ar,d before final inspection of the com- pleted systems, water mains and service laterals shall be flushed and disinfected in accordance with AWWA Specification C651 latest revision. Flushing shall be accomplished at a flow velocity of not less than 2.5 feet per second. Disinfection as described in AWWA C65i - "Placing of calcium hypochlorite tablets" shall be used. 5 gram calcium hypochlorite tablets with 3.25 g available chlorine per tablet shall be attached at the inside top of the pipe by an adhesive such as Permatex No. 1 or equal. The following number of tablets for the giver. pipe size shall be used for sn initial dose of 25 mg/I (ppm) chlorine: Pi e Diameter 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" Number Tablets Per 18-20 Ft. Pipe Section 1 2 3 4 7 or the number of tablets equal to 0.0012d2L rounded to the next higher integer, where d is the inside diameter, in inches and L iS the length of the pipe section, ire feet. Use of the continuous feed or slug method of disinfecting may only be used to re-chlorinate a water pipe after the initial disinfection or in other specific cases approved by the Utility Director. The disinfection solution shall remain in the pipe line for not less than twenty-four (24) hours, after which time a chlorine residual of 10 ppm at all parts of the line shall be required. Following chlorination, the piping shall be thoroughly flushed. The water in the new main shall be proven comparable in quality, by testing, to the existing public water supply. The Virginia Waterworks Regulations require at least two consecutive satisfactory bacteriological samples from the distribution system before the system can be placed in service. The County will pay the cost of lab testing for the first set of bacteriological samples. The Developer/Contractor shall pay all costs associated 17 with disinfection and testing of installed facilities and any additional bacteriological samples required after the first set. 106.00 SEPARATION OF WATER LINES AND SANITARY SEWERS General - the following factors shall be considered in providing adequate separation: A. Materials and types of joints for water and sewer pipe; B. Soil conditions; C. Service branch connections into the water line and sewer lines; D. Compensating variations in the horizontal and vertical separations; E. Offsetting of pipes around manholes. 106.01 Parallel Installation A. Normal conditions - water lines shall be laid at least ten feet (ZO') horizontally from a sewer line whenever possible, the distance shall be measured edge-to- edge unless determined by the Director to be unusual conditions. B. Unusual conditions - When local conditions prevent a horizontal separation described above, the following construction ~~all be used: 1. The bottom (invert) of the water main shall be at least eighteen inches (18") above the top of the (crown) of the sewer. 2. Where this vertical separation cannot be obtained, the sewer shall be constructed of AWWA approved water pipe, pressure tested in place without leakage prior to backfilling. Pressure test shall be 30 psi. 3. The sewer manhole shall be made 100$ water-tight construction and tested in place by filling with water to top of manhole cover frame. 106.02 Crossing A. Normal conditions - water lines crossing over sewers shall be laid to provide a separation of at least eighteen inches (18") between the bottom of the water line and the top of the sewer whenever possible. 18 B. Unusual conditions - when loca]_ conditions prevent a vertical separation as described above, the following construction shall be used: 1. Sewers passing over or under water lines shall be constructed of AWWA approved water pipe, pressure tested in plce without leakage prior to backfill. Pressure test shall 30 psi. 2. Water lines passing under addition, be protected by (a) A vertical separation of (18") between the bottom of the water line. Sewe encased along its length the water line. sewers shall, in providing: at least eighteen inches of the sewer and the top r shall be concrete where it is within 10' of (b) Adequate structural support for the sewers to pre- vent excessive deflection of the joints and the settling on and breaking of the water line. (c) The length of the water line be centered at the point of the crossing so that joints shall be equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer. 106.03 Sewers or Sewer Manholes. No water pipes shall pass through or come in contact with any part of a sewer manhole. 107.00 VALVE, AIR RELIEF, AND BLGW-OFF CHAMBER During construction, air and sediment accumulations may be removed through a standard fire hydrant; compressed air and pumping may be used for dewatering mains through hydrants. Chambers or pits containing valves, blow-offs, meters, or other such appurtenances to a distribution system shall not be connected directly to any storm drain or sanitary sewer, nor shall blow-offs or air relief valves be connected directly to any sewer. Such chambers or pits shall be drained to the surface of the ground where they are not subject to flooding by surface water, or to absorption pits underground in areas with sufficiently deep water table. The design engineer shall indicate the size of air re- lief discharge required on the plan sheet. 108.00 SURFACE WATER CROSSING Surface water crossings, both over and under water, present special problems and should be discussed with the Utility Director before final plans are prepared . 19 A. Above Water Crossings - The pipe above water crossings shall be: 1. Adequately supported; 2. Protected from damage from freezing; 3. Accessible for repair or replacement; and 4. Above 100 year flood level. B. Under Water Crossing: 1. The pipe shall be of special construction, having flexible watertight joints; i.e. ball and socket, lock-joint, and shall be Class 54 or 55. In lieu of the above, Class 52 DI pipe may be used with a minimum of one foot all sides being concrete en- cased withir, the 100 year flood way limits; 2. Valves shall be provided at both ends of the water crossing so that the section can be isolated for tests or repair; the valves shall be easily accessible and not subject to flooding by the 100 year storm flood level; 3. Sample taps shall be available at each end of the crossing and at reasonable distance from each side of the crossing. 109.00 WATER STORAGE FACILITIES: Water storage facilities sriall be designed and con- structed to meet the requirements of AWWA D100 for "Welded Steel Tanks" or AWWA D103 for "Factory Coated Bolted Steel Tanks" for water storage, latest edition Standard except as hereafter speci- fied otherwise. Precast concrete water storage reservoirs may be required by the Director under specific conditions that require below ground reservoirs. All precast concrete water storage reservoirs will be designed by Roanoke County using applicable standards. A. Steel Standpipe, reservoirs and accessories. 1. Supplemental Information to both AWWA D100 and AWWA D103. a. Earthquake Design: Seismic Zone 2 using fixed percentage method of 5$. b. Electric Power: Developer/Contractor's responsiblity. 20 c. Compressed Air: Developer/Contractor's responsibility. 2. d. Concrete Work: Comply with all requirements of ACI 301. Supplemental Information to AWWA D100. a. Corrosion Allowances: 1/16 inch to parts in contact with water. b. Submit written report certifying work was inspected as set forth in AWWA D100, Sec 11.2.1. Mill and shop inspection by commercial inspection agency is required. c. Submit details of all welded joints referenced on design drawings in accordance with AWWA D100, Sec. 1.4. d. Mill Scale: Completely remove by blast cleaning or pickling. (SSPC-SP10 or SSPC-SP8) e. Butt-joint welds subject to secondary stress where thickness is greater than 3/8 inch shall have complete joint penetration welds. f. Radiographic tests will be required and the film shall become property of the County. g. Protective Coatings: 1. Surface preparation for both inside ar-~3 outside shall be in accordance with SSPC-SP10. (Steel Structures Painting Council - Surface Preparation 10) 2. First anniversary inspection in compliance with AWWA D102 will be required. 3. Outside Paint System: Aliphatic Polyurethane 5.5 to 8.0 total dry mils. The outside paint shall be either Tnemec 70/71-3, Pennsbury Coatings, Water Tank System No. 10 or equal as approved by the Utility Director. 4. Inside Paint System: Polyamide, 7.0 to 11. inside paint shall be (Poto-Pox), Pennsbury build Epoxy System or the Director. Two Coat Epoxy 0 total dry mils. The either Tnemec 20-1 Coatings, 2 coat high equal as approved by 21 5. Paint Color shall be as selected by the Utility Director from the manufacturers available colors. 3. Supplemental Information to AWWA D103. a. Tank Bottom: Concrete slab and steel base setting ring is required. b. Full 5 year manufacturers warranty on factory coating is required. 4. The following accessories, in addition to those required by either AWWA D100 or AWWA D103, shall be provided and installed. 1. Exterior safety cage, rest platform and roof ladder, handrails to accessories in conformance with OSHA. A fall prevention system which complies with applicable OSHA regulations is acceptable as a substitute for the cage and rest platform. 2. Overflow to ground, 1000 GPM minimum, located near roof opening. Provide coarse screen and concrete splash pad and erosion protected channel from overflow to drainage system or natural channel. 3. Screen vent against insects, provide special vent to insure fail-safe operation in event insect screens frost over. 4. Removable silt stop. 5. Separate drain line to drainage system or natural channel with erosion protection. B. Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities. All water storage facilities shall be disinfected in accordance AWWA C652 latest edition, using the method selected by the Design Engineer. 110.00 WATER PUMP STATIONS: Water pump stations shall be designed and constructed to meet the Standards of the Virginia Department of Health, and in addition to meet the following: A. All pump stations shall be designed with three pumps, each capable of pumping 50$ of the peak day design flow. 22 B. Pump stations shall be controlled by pressure devices installed on a separate sensing line at the point of storage. For pump stations not located at the storage facilities, pump control information shall be transmitted to the pump station via telephone lines or radio transmission. C. Pump controllers shall include provisions for alternating plus backup control of pumps. D. Electrical Requirements: 1. Pumps 5 horsepower and above shall be 3j~. Where 3~ is available, pumps larger than 3 horsepower shall be 3~! . 2. Three phase pumps shall have phase protection on individual phases which also protect when running, as manufactured by Square D, Al1en- Bradley or equal as approved by the iJtility Director. 3. Three phase pumps shall each have an individual poly-phase starter. 4. All pumps shall be controlled by starters and shall have individual HOA switches. 5. Starters shall be sized one size larger than horsepower required. Heaters shall be sized for actual current load. 6. All control circuits shall be 120 volt. 7. Electrical service shall be provided with lightening arrestors. 8. Electrical panel shall have a minimum of 20 circuits. 9. All electrical wiring shall be placed in conduit . 10. Water pump stations shall be considered a wet location for interpretation of the National Electric Code requirements. 11. All receptacles and switches shall have a minimum 20 amp rating. 12. At least two 20 amp GFI circuits shall be provided. 23 13. All electrical equipment and panels shall be manufactured units with UL listing and shall include the manufacturers warranty. E. Hour run meters shall be required for each pump motor. F. Master Water Meter. G. All pump stations installed above ground shall be of masonary canstruction with masonary or frame roof. Exterior shall be brick faced or washed pebble and shall have prefinished facia, soffit and trim. Pre-hung insulated steel doors with minimum size 3-0 x 6-c: shall be used. H. Pump houses shall have adequate insulation to pro- tect equipment and reduce heating cost. I. Adequate lighting, heating, ventilation, and drainage shall be provided for pump stations. J. Below or in-ground ~~mp stations may be approved by the Utility Director for special application on an individual basis. Such approval will only be given when such design meets all the above requirements and adequate provisions are provided for the prevention of flooding, safe working conditions, efficient access system and adequate area for maintenance and operatior. of the pump station. K. The minimum size structures to house a pump station shall be 8 foot by ZO foot by 8 foot high. L. All pump stations shall comply with applicable BOCA Codes and applicable county permits shall be secured. 24 VAULT & WATER STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. Vaults, manhole bases, risers, tapers and grade rings shall be precast reinforced concrete manufactured in accordance to Virginia Department of Transportation, Road and Bridge Specifications, Section 503. 2. Manhole base and riser sections construction shall be vertical with maximum 1" in 4' tilt. 3. A maximum of 2 construction grade rings or maximum of 1' of grade rings and .frame and cover adjustment are allowable. 4. Final adjustment of frame and cover shall be in accordance to Frame and Cover Adjustment De-tail using non shrink concrete with maximum of 4 bricks or concrete blocks for grade control. Frame and cover a~'e to be set at finish grade or 1/4" above finish grade in pavement and yard areas and minimum 6" above finish grade-in other areas. Manhole frames and covers are not to be set in drainage swale, valley gutter, etc. 5. Joints and openings in manhole units shall be made watertight by using butyl sealants, "O" ring gaskets or mastic. The concrete surface shall be cleaned prior to use sealant. 6. Frame and Covers a) Richards Foundary Co. No. B-1444 b) Dewey Brothers Inc. MH - RCR - 56. c> Approved equal. 7. All lift holes, openings around pipe, etc. shall be filled from inside and outside to thickness of structure. 8. All units used in manhole and vault construction shall be securely connected by interlocking between units, concrete collars or other approved methods. APPROVED ~ I DATE= i 3/qu CORPORATION STOP COMPACTED GRAVEL 3=0u BEDDING su . aoUs- use 4pv aap°a o., °oo aaa°°g~- ~00~40 a N 2~ Ou 30°- 45° 3/4~~ COPPER SERVICE 6" ROANOKE COUNTY OEPARTM ENT OF PU6LIC FACILITIES APPROVED: 51NGLE .RESIDENTIAL DATE~_ DIRECTOR OF EN(iIdEERINO _ WATER SfiRVICE GRASS TO BE SET ON FINAL SLOPE .vim. ~.., .,._ OF SITE ---1 a 3/4' I" CORPORATION STO P z a ~ I" ~ U- BRANCH W Q 3 GRASS, 3'- 011 MIN. -I" CORPORATION STOP COMPACTED GRAVE BEDDING v sa u IO p ~a, 6 i'~g°o a' v sav 30°- 45° I"COPPER SERVICE RIGHT OF WAY OR EASEMENT LINE 2 0/1 PRIVATE PROPERTY u - 13/4 3~ " 1.4 1/ 712 I ~ 211 ~ 11 13/4 MEtER SETTER B~ BOX TO BE ON FINAL SLOPE OF SITE N_ ~~ A 1- OII 17' D Q d~~ a e~ bo4D~~~ 611 s ¢, .o~D ROANOK E COUNTY OEPARTM ENT OF PUBLIC 'FACILITIES APPROVED: DOUBLE RESIDENTIAL DIRECTOR OF EN(iINEERINO WATER SERVICE GATE:~~ RIGHT OF WAY OR I PRIVATE EASEMENT LINE iTf PROPERTY VARIES i -3/4~~ I~~ CORPORATION ' STOP I~~ COPPER SERVICE 20~~ I-3/4~~ M I o ~- METER SETTER 8~ BOX TO BE SET ON FINAL SLOPE OF SITE O M ~_ (V _ ~ N COMPACTED GRAVEL BEDDI N G I~~ CORPORATION - "v'v°v• •a° ~ > < ° e• p•va STOP ~ a o > a • • v•a ~•~ ~ o a • _ a~v• o vo' n • • • a • ° p-~a t0 p O a - . O 1 30°-4 ~~COPPER SERVICE ROANQKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT APPROVED= I" WATER SERVICE OATEj RIGHT OF WAY OR PRIVATE EASEMENT LINE PROPERTY 1 5/8~~x3/4° ~ Meter Freezeless Yord Hydrant Tandem Setter O Bockflow Preventer I I / ~l/ % `f//~` \ \\ `` `\\ ~ /\/ J' - Sfd. Meter Box ~V•o ~A$~ p~4 nP4P p~' _ ~ 0~ ~A'~ 6 4 tea 44 An °D I) Setter fo be Ford TV-72 or approved equal. 2) Bockflow preventer to be Watts No.7or approved equal. 3) Customer is responsible for operation and maintenance of backflow Drevenfer. 4) Meter box must be Ford lroncrete box or Southeastern Dist, Model MB-5, plastic bout with Ford or Charlotte, Model C- 32 , castiron base !3 cover or approved equlvalenf. • ROANOKE COUNTY , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES TYPICAL APPROVED SPRINKLERj6ERVICE ~ATE_ FLANGED GLE VALVE (2) LIGHT DUTY FRAME AND HINGED COVER WITH HASP LOCK (26"MIN. SOUARE OPENING) CAST IN TOP _ c,es. a ,~ °. •~: °'• a . °• -FLAT TOP _ • p.e•n e.e..,~p ..~.e.•°;e MANHOLE - a n ' - .a' e; 4' ° ' .. _ e• ~e - 12~~-15~~ •~ ~• e ~: . o. :a •• :• .e •d - p ~'• ••; 4 DIA.MANHOLE :e • ro e : ! 4. SECTION. _ - •' w - 'a ..• _ • e .s ra ... u . _ e; - a, e s e 's:: .j MINA - - e - e . - `~ a: ~• . n o• '• •° 6 MIN • ~ '- ~ 4 a `~~a~.~~~o •~a o~~~~~-~~:w i• oir <°i :°c a~7 aD GRAVEL ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT ~ApPROVEO= I-1/2 A 2" METER VAULT pA~=_ DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING WITH BYPASS Z O =Y h W a - ---- a -- --- W ~ d V ~ ac ~ a= ~ 3x J J 3 a ~ .- a ~ O a W QJ C~ ~ W ~W ~~ fA Q N] ~~ a \ W~ ~~ w as ~~ UN ~ W ~W QJ Z Q• ~ J ; ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES APPROVED= TYPICAL ~ WATER GATE= DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING PRESSURE TEST RI(3 NOTES: (I) MAIN BOGY OF HYDRANT MUST 8E SILVER AND HAVE RED CAPS AND BONNET. (2) DISTANCE ~~A~~ WITH CURB AND GUTTERs 2~ MIN., 4~ MAX. FROM BACK OF CURB. (3) DISTANCE ~~A~~ WITHOUT CURB AND GUTTER, 6~ MIN., 12~ MAX. FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT. (4) AREA AROUND HYDRANT AT A RADIUS OF 4~, T08E APPROXIMATELY LEVEL AND UNOBSTRUCTED EXCEPT FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. VARIES 2-2 %2~~ NOZZLES. MUELLER-A-421 DARLING - B - 50-B KENNEDY-K- II DT UT SLOPE } m z MI ILL SLOPE 7 CU. FT. GRAVEL-~ i ~ Q;O I . A.~.'0 t L~a'-~ .oo. Q `~ `~ CONCRETE BASE AND THRUST BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBEt SOIL, CONCRETE SHALL NOT COVER HYDRANT DRAIN: NOTE: COMPLETE FIRE HYDRANT ~~ ASSEMBLY INCLUDES BRANCH I-41/2 PUMPER PIPE. FITTINGS, GATE VALVE / NOZZLE AND BOX. CONCRETE BASE, [ AND THRUST BLOCKS. z a cs~ m ° ~o N U O W F- ~ 0 io > w -~ o - m~ ao~ VALVE BOX CONCRETE . THRUST BLOCK 3j4 DIA. THREADED RO~ (GALV.) 2 REQO. (NOT READ. HYDRANT TEE) M.J. FITTINGS ARE - NOT TO MEET CONCRETE ~pd .p, /~'j: ..'c.•oD ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES APPROVED: ~ FIRE HYDRANT DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING 3ETTIN(3 DATE STANOARO M, H. FRAME I~ COVER PRECAST WATER VALVE VAULT . _ IZ MAIN LINE COMPACTED GRAVEL BEDDING ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES APPROVED WATER LINE DATE~_ DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING VALVE INSTALLATIOM AVEMENT STANDARD M. H. FRAME -& COVER COMPACTED .:~ SOIL ~ ~ ~ ~~~~- PAVEMENT ' .•s'; ` ' PRECAST WATER ~. . v• .'D• D ~D• . ~, d' AUTOMATIC AIR : 'p~ RELEASE APCO =• N0. 143-C OR fib' EQUIVALENT. v •' R' ,~, ~,p' ~•, E -9 ~ ' ,Q 6" MIN. ~ • p• v• pdD4 •D.;'spp606ppb6bQD pp4p ..~ o p p DD a D bi'O Db ya °ov~~'D pp~d°eP ~~ v bG'd°Da DoD P nba~Apfl ~ap4 D DDD6D d D DD pD p~oAO'o o bo a D a ApbA WATER MAIN 6" MIN. BEDDING ~NO. 8 STONE ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ~•~'A~~I~.IfiIES APPROVED AUTOMATIC AIR DATE: DIRECTOR OF ENQINEERIN(i RELEASE ASSEMBLY p•'9'. VALVE VAULT c•p: •V~; D•: .0, PROVIDE •~~ SCREEN =°' D; • '• 1/2" GALVANIZED ~ STEEL OR COPPER • . . PIPING. •~ :. :P ~' I" CORPORATION •-d STOP MUELLER D," H- IS000 OR •~•~ EQUIVALENT. - ' o•-, .•: o Ippddv000oDI'voDDDp>Dd •'•: Cb~D ~e4e4d~g4dQdeQapaQdDDD ~.:Dp D~ 4°O o0 4aa4e4~ °~°dd D D•o D ~ ~4d4d~oc~ a 4Voa~ ° a v D D o D D D ~~Qe~ a 4° v o d pPD D DpD~D ~ddv4Cdo~o°o v bp'o0 ~~ DODA OppD Ode a va°ac, °.o d°s d ~ ~ pDpo p0 OD o O eoov~d4~adao~o pDd ppo p STANDARD M. H. FRAME a COVER PAVEMENT :•o•d •„e •~: ` h - - - - - - o PRECAST WATER •b' ~ 2 - 0 ~ ~' N VALVE .VAULT '~ ~ ~ .D•• ~- 2" NIPPLE o ~p• AND CAP '_o. v. .. .~ o ..o. Q. o~: - v .o• - ~ 6" D' ~ d MIN. GRAVEL BEDDING 2"GATE VALVE t3 - p.. 2~~ SGUARE HEAD .d- .v v v ~ - •~ a~ v v a 7 D Y o v v 4~ b4 .` ~.~o ag°r~°. ° ~rgQao~ p°. ~• . D a d ~ p4~QoQaQ ~4~ c 1 d d 4.a ..... o <~ D ~p~ ~ • d d g~ ~ •~ ~ °goa a~ a.~g, . aQ ~ X '~:~• ~~QO.aovQa d i l ~;~ ..; s •D. + ~--J-- ----------- ~ ~lQ~04~! ~ "~• '4• ' ';a; ~-M. J. PLUG DRILL AND TAP IN LINE TEE MAIN LINE ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES APPROVEO~ BIAW-OFF ASSEMBLY DATE= DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING NOTE~(I) STANDARD FRAME 81 RICHARD FOUNDRY N0. 8 -1444, DEWEY INC. MH-RCR-56 OR EQUIVALENT. L 2~- 13/ g ~~ 7/8 ~ I'- 115/g~~ 7~~~ --- 3/4 ~ I I/ ~~ 2' - 2 J ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES I COVER CO. DESIGN BROTHERS APPROVED I APPROVED I MANHOLE FRAME I DATE: I DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND COVER SET TOP OF FRAME Ud PROPOSED GRADE AND ON SLOPE. D AGGREGRATE l3ACKFlLL ' COMPACTED TO 95% DENS ,~::. 4:..bi P'.6~:'Q`Y . t. ;,`c MIN. 4~~ 6~~ MIN. .o~ e. VAULT OR RISER SECTION _- ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ J~~ • '4 f d' ='~, .~ ~ ". '~ , ;4~• .•~` ;9 ; .~ ,. MAX.12~= HAND FINISH TO CONTOUR OF VAULT _ NOTE- -- I. USE MODERATELY STIFF MIX OF NON SHRINK CEMENT, _ SAND ANO I/2 ~~, AND-LESS DIAMETER GRAVEL WITH 28 DAYS STRENGTH AT 3,000 P.S.I. 2 MIX IS TO BE FORCED INTO ALL GROOVES AND UNDER FLANGE OF FRAME AND LEFT AT OR ABOVE TOP OF FLANGE 3. MAX. OF 4 BRICK OR CONCRETE BLOCKS TO BE USED FOR GRADE CONTROL. _ 4. BACKFILL AROUND FRAME AND COVER, ONLY AFTER Mq( HARD TO THE TOUCH. USE OF HKiH EARLY STRENGTH CEMENT WOULD REDUCE THIS DELAY SUBSTANTIALLY. 5. RESTRICT TRAFFIC LOAD FOR MIN. 24 HOURS MANHOLE FRAME 8~ APPROVED= COVER ADJUSTMENT DATE= DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DETAIL W _ _ O Q _ ~ C9 iM 1 ~•a 'Q o• N Q m d' O Z `,fit d~• ° a•.,~o• N ' ••' .°. ' ~ ~4'• ~ , 4• WN mN Q ~NGW. jNO. ~ W m ~J ~ _ I- O NN D 2 r ~•a ' :o: •.a.~c. q• .~: ~• •a .~ d .a. •4 ~.,'a .Q 0 • , ~' 'p •• :4. 4 .4a'v~' v.. .Q n ~, .4 P 0 •O 'Q .O.' . .~. L 12" _i ~ '_n"u~~ I ~' _ Qu ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF. PU6LIC FACILITIES APPROVED: ANCHOR DATE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING BLOCK .. . .~~.r • ;:• •I: ~ ai ~` ~. SECTION A -A J Pi a Tee or Dead End 90° Bend 45° Bend 22.5°Less Bend Size A B C A B C A B C- A B C 6" 1.2' 3.0' i.0' 1:5' 3.3' 2.0' 1.2' 2.3' 1.0' 1.2' 2:a' l.U' 8" 1.7' 3.8' 1.5' 2.0' 4.5' 2.0' 1.3 3.6' 1.5 1.3' 2.~ 1.0' 10" 2.0' 4.9' 2.0' 3.0' 4.7' 2.0' -1.7' 4.5' 2.0' 1.5-' 2.6' 1.5' 12" 2.5' S.7' 2.0' 3.5' S.8' 2.5' 2.2' 5.0' 2.5' 1.7' 3.3' 1.5' " 3.5' 7. 3.0' 4.5' 8.0' 3.5' 3. .5 3.0' 2.5'- 4.0' 2.0' N U'1' 1;5 1. The above noted dimensions are minimum based on concrete anchor extending to undisturbed soil, water pressure not to exceed 150 psi and, minimum soil bearing capacity of 2,500 psf=unsatisfactory soil bearing or excess pressure will require additional design. 2. Concrete shall not be poured on joints or bolts. - 3. Concrete to be minimum 3,000 psi - 28 day compressive strength. ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES APPROVED THRUST BLOCKR HORRONA DATE DIRECTOR OF ENf31NEERIN3 LOWER VERTICAL BENDS \ _ \~ ,.~•~~ ~_ 3 Zy~'~-~y ITEM NUMBER ~ ~D AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THEONOTUESDAYOUMARCHD24N11987TI0N CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Acquisition of an Automated Cashiering System for the Treasurer's Office. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~ ~~~, .-~~' _~~ r . .~~o ~ ~~ ~~ ~`, ~,~ ~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County of Roanoke recently issued a request for proposal for an automated cashiering system to be used within the treasurer's office. Tmanuale of fortetogen tere thee revenue require significant collections into the County's financial systeallowingtfaster system proposed will increase productivity by will provide an close outs by the cashiers at the end of the day, automatic interface to update the payment of taxes automatically through the County's computer system and will greatly enhance the internal controls of the County's financial system. This type of system will also reduce the future manpower requirements during peak collection periods throughout the financial operation. The only response that the County received for our request for proposal was from NCR at an installed price for hardware, software and interfacing of $138,499.05. This proposal is a turnkey operation to provide the hardware required within the treasurer's office, the necessary financial software to make the system functional and the appropriate interface equipment to tie the cashiering system into the County's computer system. Of this amount,$35,863.00 has been included in the budget for the 1986-87 (current) fiscal year and would be used as a down payment for the system. The amount included in the 1987-88 fiscal year budget is $25,000. This would support the lease purchase payments, which will be extended over 60 months. FISCAL IMPACT: $25,000 has been included in the 1987-88 fiscal year budget to cover the lease purchase payments for this system. r ~/© RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the County Administrator be authorized to execute the appropriate documents so that this system may be installed and purchased under a lease purchase arrangement. Installation of this system is scheduled to occur in late June 1987. SUBMITTED BY: f~~ ~ .~ John M. Cham iss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator Approved (~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To APPROVED: C~ i~.~/ Elmer C. Ho ge Administrator ACTION VOTE Motion by:Tc~hnSon/13/'i~~~e No Yes Abs ~o ap~~Ore Brittle ~" Garrett .~ Johnson ~.~- McGraw r- Nickens ~/ ~i~ ~~ cc: Fred Anderson Diane Hyatt Jack Council Reta Busher Harry Franks ITEM NUMBER~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMb1ARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Court Service Unit Advisory Council-Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. One-year term of Rick Robers, Youth Member, Cave Spring Magisterial District. His term expires 3/22/87 See attached for information concerning this committee. Submitted By: yYZI-t-~--~-, .~ - ~.,C..v~ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Approved By: ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion bv: _ No Yes Ab: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~- l c:vURT SERVICES UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD A• COMPOSITION Board to consist of two members from each magisterial district, and one bodies of each coc:ntytandecitr served bh high school. Y a court service unit may aPPoint one or more members to a citizen advisor cou .Governing B _ Y nc.il . DUT-- IES_. Advises and cooperates with the court upon all matters affecting the working of this law and other laws relatin to children, their care and protection and to domestic relatio Consults and confer with the court and director of these court service unit relative to the development and extension of the court service program; Encourage the members selected by the council to serve on the central advisory council to visit as often as the member conveniently can, institutions and associations receiving children under this law and to report to the court the Condit' and surroundings of the children received by or in char a of a such ~ ions persons institutions or associations. g ny The Council should make themselves familiar with the work of the court. Makes an annual report to the court and the participating governing bodies on the work of the council. As the Youth and Famil Services Advisor Board: Establish goals and _ ~' services; assist in coordinationtand planningtforlcomyrehe youth services within the private sector. P nsive capacity and to otherwise assist the Board of rSupervisorsvtoory establish goals and objectives in compliance with all "minimum standards of the Delinquency Prevention and Youth Develo meet of 1979". Assist in conducting an assessment of the needs o Act youth every five years and to assist in developing an annualf Delinquency Prevention Plan, further to the implementation of the plan and makingaatreportethereonltoting Board of Supervisors. about Provide a public forum where concerns the raise concerns of a expressed and to receive recommendations and advisory board meetinllu and private organizations at any regular legislative amendments to ~ mprove community conditionsnforssary both youth development and to support the development of needed servic public and private for youth in the community, es C• MEETING SCHEDULE: One a quarter, the third Tuesda and place determined at meetings. y' beginning January; time ,.~ ~ - ~/ AT A REGULAR MEETHELD AT THE ROANOKEF COUNTYIADMINISTRATIOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, RESOLUTION N0. 32487-15 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CON5ENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 24, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 11, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 6, 1987, March 10, 1987. 2. Approval from the Virginia Department of Tran~spR ute1689t to a northwesOt5culadeVSac Dolthe fro Secondary System. 3. Acceptance of deed from Cave Spring Baptist Church conveying sewer lines to Roanoke County. 4. Authorization to transfer three vehicles from Roanoke County to the County School Board. 5. Confirmation of Committee ACouncil/Youth and Court Service Unit A dvisory Family Services Advisory Board. 6. Establishment of a Flexible benefits Plan for County Employees. 7. P:e~the~~sat~er~ to Ree~~est ~i~e Es~ai~~}sh~es~ of a S~s~e~ Ee~tt~ttzg~~y Re}~~~eash~p va~tl~ g~sse~~; Be}g~~~- g, Approval of request for State Compensation Board funding of certain positions in the Sheriff's Department. 9. Finalization of the County Holiday Schedule for 1987. 10. Request for Approval to issue Credit against Off-site Facility Fees for Chaparral Forest. 11. Approval to use proceeds from "Cooks Bottom" sale for Improvements to the Public Service Center. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. Supervisor Johnson requested that Item J-7 be deleted from the Consent Agenda. Supervisor Garrett requested that Item J-5 be removed for discussion and amendment to the report. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, after the deletion of Item J-7 and amendment to Item J-5; seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTS ~/ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File John A. Peters, Coordinator of Roads Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Keith Cook, Director of Human Resources John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Sheriff O. S. Foster Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities Gary Robertson, Assistant Director of Utilities ,. --_----__--March 6, 1987 "']"" / Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 6, 1987 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke Count Administration Center, this being a special joint meeting wit the City of Salem on March 6, 1987 for the purpose of considerin the settlement of certain pending litigation, Akers, at al. v. County of Roanoke and City of Salem. The proper request an waiver for a special meeting are on file with the Deputy Clerk. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:0~ a.m. He welcomed the Salem City Council and their staff to thJ Administration Center. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Le Garrett, Supervisors Alan H. Brittle Steven A. McGraw, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None Mayor James Taliaferro called the Salem City Council order. All members were present and the roll call was disgens with . ,_ PRESENT FROM THE CITY OF SALEM Mayor James Taliaferro, Vice Mayor W. Ma Green, Councilmen Howard Packett, Carl E Tarpley, Alexander M. Brown, Randolp Smith, Assistant City Manager, Stephe Yost, City Attorney STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Pau M. Mahoney, County Attorney, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION March 6, 1987 IIE At 9:07 a.m., Supervisor Brittle moved to go into xecutive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a) 6) to discuss settlement of litigation. The motion was seconded y Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson IAYS: None The Salem City Council also approved a motiion to go into Executive Session. IN RE: OPEN SESSION At 9:25, Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Open Session. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None The Salem City Council also made motion to return to IlOpen Session. II IN RE: SETTLEMENT OF LITIGATION Supervisor Johnson moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors go on record in support of the Memorandum of Agreement by and between the City of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated the 3rd day of March, 1987, concerning the settlement of annexation litigation, Akers, et al; v. County of Roanoke and City of Salem, and approve the prepared resolution. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. ~~ March 6, 1987 Chairman Johnson stated that it was difficult to agree .o adjust the boundaries, but included in this agreement is a time period of six and a half years to work on the annexation problem, and hopefully it will be settled in the future by the Virginia General Assembly. RESOLUTION 3687-1 AUTHORIZING THE SETTLEMENT OF CERTAIN ANNEXATION LITIGATION WITH THE CITY OF SALEM, CONFIRMING A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY, AND DIRECTING THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGREEMENT TO THE COMMISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, a Petition for annexation has been filed pur- suant to Section 15.1-1034 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, in the style of Akers, et al v County of Roanoke and City of Salem; and WHEREAS, a separate Petition for annexation has been .filed pursuant to Section 15.1-1034, Code of Virginia, as amend- ed, on January 9, 1987, in the style of Hufford et al. v. Count of Roanoke and City of Salem; and WHEREAS, these Petitions are currently under review by the Commission on Local Government; and WHEREAS, representatives of the City and the County have reached an Agreement concerning the pending annexation actions and further defining the City's responsibilities regard- ing annexations in the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Sup~r- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That the Memorandum of Agreement dated the 3rd day of March, 1987, and signed by the Mayor of the City of Salem and the Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. 2. That this Memorandum of Agreement is presented to the Commission on Local Government for its report and recommenda- tion. s~ March 6, 1987 -----------~i- - Ilt IIP 3. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized ~ take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the pur- ose and intent of this Agreement. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor rittle, and upon the following recorded vote: .YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens IAYS: None Salem City Council also approved adoption of the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the litigation by resolution. Mayor Taliaferro thanked Chairman Johnson for his candid remarks, and noted that annexation proceeding such as these are expensive for both localities, and that the settlement agreemment will save a significant sum of money. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 9:35 a.m., Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Mayor Taliferro adjourned the meeting for the Salem City Council. ~/ -/~ Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervise s March 10, 1987 --- --- -- ---- -- Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 10, 1987 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the first Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 1987. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 2:05I' p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Garr tt, Supervisorss Alanc HChBrittlee Steven A. McGraw MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens (Arrived at 2:20 p.tn•~ STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Public Facilities; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Janet Holt-Johnstone, Public Information Officer; Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk; Tommy Fuqua, Fire„anc Emergency Services Chief, James T Nininger, Jr., Chief Building Official Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities; Rol Stalzer, Director of Plan Directonr no Grants; Arnold Covey, Development Review; Phillip Henry, Directo of Engineering; Linda Lehe, Assistan County Attorney ~~/ IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES r March 10, 1987 --- - -- ---- The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss Assistant County Attorney. The Pledge of Allegiance was recite by all present. II IN RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS County Administrator Elmer C. Hodge recognized Economic Development Specialist Brent Sheffler for completion of a Dale Carnegie Course. IIIN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Johnson requested that Item 0-4, a work session on the new Zoning Ordinance be added. County Administrator Elmer C. Hodge requested that Item 0-1, a work session on Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities be moved prior to First Reading of Ordinances. CN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Chairman Johnson presented a Resolution of Appreciation ~ Dr. Nancy M. Welch i„~ iiar directorship of the Alleghany aalth District from 1976 to 1987. Dr. Welch was present. Supervisor Johnson moved the prepared resolution. The solution was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. RESOLUTION 31087-1 OF APPRECIATION TO NANCY M. WELCH, M.D., FOR HER DIRECTORSHIP OF THE ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT FROM 1976 TO 1987 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ounty, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby express is sincere appreciation to Nancy M. Welch, M.D, for devotion, ~- March 10, 1987 - - -- ------ innovation, productivity and excellence during her responsive administration as Director of the Alleghany Health District from 1976 to 1987; and WHEREAS, Dr, Nancy M. Welch has served with notabl distinction on numerous community service projects. She helpe to establish the district's first ATLV-ZII (AIDS) Virus Testing Site, and a Community Advisory Board of Directors to improve relations between area health departments and their constituents Dr. Welch was a volunteer camp physician for Camp Easter Seal, for ten years, donated her time to the Free Clinic of the RoanokE Valley and was a Major in the U. S. Army Reserves, performing duties as a pediatrician attached to Fort Meade, Maryland. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on the behalf of the citizenry of Roanoke County and on its own part, expresses heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Nancy N. Welch for her outstanding contributions to Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: WORK SESSIONS 1. Desi n and Construction Standards for Water Facilities: Director of Utilities Clifford Craig presented the work session which will establish standards for water facilities. The standards were reviewed with a committee comprised of staff members from Engineering, Department of development, the Utility Department, and Fire and Emergency services. They were also reviewed with representatives from .ocal engineering and surveying firms, and the construction and March 10, 1987 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amendin Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke e (1971) by the repeal of sub section (a), (b) and (~i ertainin to certain standards and s ecifications. County Attorney Paul M. Mahoney stated this ordinance as to amend the portions of the code which would conflict with he proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water acilities". The Second Reading of the Ordinance will be March 4, 1987. At that time, there will also be a resolution adopting he proposed Design and Construction Standards for Water acilities. Lewis Jamison and John Garland of the Homebuilders ssociation spoke concerning this proposed ordinance. Mr. amison stated that one of their concerns is the the fire flow equirements in the standards. They felt that upgrading existing ystems would create problems, and there could also be problems n outlying areas with private water systems. Some of the equirements would be difficult for small developers and they fight use individual lot wells. John Garland explained the technical points of their concerns. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading .f the ordinance after a correction to Sec. 20.1-11. The motion 'as seconded and carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson wilding associations. Most items brought up from the committee rere incorporated into the document. Mr. Craig stated that the main purpose of the new esign standards was to upgrade the current standards based on he State water standards of providing minimum size lines and torage facilities. They are adequate for drinking and backup ster, but do not provide minimum fire flow. March 10, 1987 ----- _-. -. ----- ___ ! --- -- ----- _ _ _ _ _ --' ~. urainance authorizin the conve ance of approximately 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia• Mr. Mahoney stated this ordinance would authorize the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents to convey surplus real estate to the School Board for future educational purposes. The second reading will be March 24, 1987. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 3. Ordinance acce tin an offer for and authorizin the conveyance of surplus real estate on Route 601 (Old Hollins in to Use Value Assessment ~~ Mr. Mahoney announced this ordinance would convey tc the Virginia Department of Transportation 0.093 acre for a right of way in the widening of State Route 601. It would also convey 0.003 acres in permanent easement, 0.153 in temporary easement, an additional utility easement and the need to reset two iron pins. The state has offered $3,450 to cover this transaction. The second reading will be on March 24, 1987. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None Koanoxe Count Code ertain Revalidation Fees: March 10, 1987 Mr. Mahoney stated the purpose of this ordinance is t~ amend the County Code to comply with the state statute whic: provides for a use value assessment revalidation fee every si: years. The second reading is scheduled for March 24, 1987. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first readin< of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 5. Ordinance amendin Cha ter 7 "Buildin Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code providing for appeals to be heard b the Buildin Code Board of Adjustments and A eals requiring owners of unsafe buildings to clear the lot after demolition and extendin the duration of demolition ermits from thirty to ninety days• Mr. Mahoney reported that this ordinance would amend the County Code in three ways. The first removes the Board of Supervisors from hearing appeals and transfers that authority to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. The second amendment requires the owner to clean the site of a demolition. The final change provides ninety days for a demolition permit rather than thirty days. James T. Nininger, Chief Building Official was present to answer questions. He stated that the Building Appeals Board could have more time to investigate appeals than the Board of supervisors. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the first reading >f the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens, nd carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYS: Nine ~~ SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES March 10, 1987 1. vrainance acce tin an offer for and authorizin the conveyance of an easement to Appalachian Power Company_ Mr. Mahoney announced that this ordinance woul authorize the County Administrator to execute the necessar documents to grant to Appalachian Power Company an easemen across Stonebridge Park for installation and maintenance o. utility lines. The first reading was held on February 24, 1987. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the prepares ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. ORDINANCE 31087-2 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the disposition of the hereinafter-described easement was held on February 24, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on March 10, 1987. This' easement is located on the northeasterly side of Tulip Lane, near Virginia Route 24, across Stonebridge Park property; and 2. That the conveyance of the easement from the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to Appalachian Power Company is accomplished by deed dated January 19, 1987, and is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to+exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said ease- ment, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson 311 `w / ~. NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Court Service Unit Advisor Council Youth and Family Services Advisory Board Supervisor Brittle nominate Tracy Rothschild to serve a one-year term as a youth member representing Cave Spring High School. He also nominated Josept Cronin to serve a two-year term, and Ted R. Powell to serve a second two-year term representing the Cave Spring Magisterial District. IIZN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Brittle: Announced that Saturday, April 11, 1987 from 9:00 a.m, to 3:00 p,m. will be Clean Valley Day. He hoped that Roanoke County would support this project as strongly as they did last year. Supervisor Johnson• Requested information from the staff on an eight acre site contiguous to the AMP property on Old Hollins Road. Supervisor Johnson stated that during the rezoning process, there were certain agreements made regarding the development of a park, and he would like more information :oncerning this rezoning, CN ~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Garrett moved to a pprove the Consent Agenda. He motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett. RESOLUTION NO. 31087-3 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM L - CONSENT AGENDA March 10, 1987 ti.~ "'~~ March 10, 1987 _____ -- _-- BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok, County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of thi Board of Supervisors for March 10, 1987, designated as Item L Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as t< each item separately set forth in said section designated Items ] through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - February 10, 1987, February 18, 1987, February 24, 1987. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the League of Older Americans Advisory Board and the Transportation and Safety Commission. 3. Abandonment of Portions of the Old Chaparral Drive (Route 800 ) in Roanoke County. 4. Request for approval of a Raffle Permit for the Botetourt Jaycees. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 31087-3.B REQUESTING THE ABANDONMENT OF 0.02 MILES OF PUBLIC ROADWAY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Secondary Route 800, from the intersection of Route 687 to 0.619 miles south of the intersection of Route 687, a distance of 0.619 has been altered, and a new road has been constructed and approved by the State Highway Commissioner, which new road serves the same citizens as the road so altered; and March 10, 1987 WHEREAS, certain section of this new road follows ne location, this being shown on the attached sketch titled, "Chang in Secondary System Due i:o kelocation and Construction on Rout 800, Project 0800-080-142,C501 dated at Salem, Virginia Februar~ 6, 1987. And further, that the section of old locations, i, e„ Section No. 1, shown in red on the aforementioned sketch, a total 3istance of 0.02 miles, be, and the same hereby is, abandoned as s public road pursuant to Section 33.1-155 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor ohnson, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle . Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYS: None IN RE: REPORTS The following reports were received and filed: 1. Contingency Fund Balance 2. Statement of Expenditures for the Month ended January 31, 1987. 3. General Operating Fund Income Analysis 4. Youth Haven II Status Report 5. Economic Development Update 6• Accounts Paid - February 1987 RE: WORK SESSIONS Status Re ort on the S rin Hollow Reservoir John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator for Public cilities, reported that the County had recently received word al March 10, 1987 _.- from the Army Corps of Enngeers that the latest proposal was "biologically unacceptable", although official written notice ha not yet been received. Mr. Hubbard stated that they will b meeting with Federal and State representatives to discuss thes developments, and will then meet with Colonel Boyd, the Norfol District Engineer to determine if the economic, social an. general welfare benefits of the project outweigh any biologica: concerns. No dates have been scheduled for these meetings yet. Discussion of the ro osed tax rate for 1987 and the budget process John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services presented an update of the 1987-88 budget calendar which establishes the dates for the budget work sessions and public hearings to set the tax rates. Supervisor Johnson and Supervisor Nickens both felt that there should be a public hearing for citizen comments prior to establishing the tax rates. The other supervisors agreed with this. Mr. Chambliss responded that a public hearing for citizen comment on the proposed budget would be scheduled for March 24, 1987, and there will be a budget work session on March 30, 1987 at 3:00 p.m. Supervisor Nickens moved that the advertised real estate tax rate not exceed $1.15 for 1987/88. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by a unanimous voice vote. Supervisor Brittle moved that the advertised personAl property tax rate not exceed $3.50 and the machinery and tools :ax rate not exceed $3.00 for 1987/88. The motion was seconded ~y Supervisor Nickens and carried by a unanimous voice vote. s e e { 3 J Development of the new Zoning orA;n~ March 10, 1987 Director of Planning, Zoning and Grants Rob Stalzer stated the purpose of this work session was to receive direction from the Board regarding the options available for preparing the new zoning ordinances, and the alternatives to develop the text and map. Planner Jim Lehe presented details concerning each of the options and alternatives available. He also listed the project activities necessary for the zoning ordinance development, and reviewed the policies which were previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Johnson pointed out that new resources must) e found to develop the zoning ordinance, and the Board must give he staff direction on how to proceed. County Administrator lmer Hodge stated there are no additional funds for this project ext year, and there may not be available funds in the following r. Mr. Stalzer emphasized that some options offer imely completion, full citizen participation and a high cost,' bile other options at a lower cost will take longer to complete nd allow for limited citizen participation. Mr. Lehe felt that ithout adequate funding and resources, the project should not Chairman Johnson responded that the Board would be epared to give them direction at the next meeting. RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4:27 p.m., Chairman Johnson announced that the Board ld go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia, tion 2.1-344 (a) (2) to discuss three real estate matters. V RE: OPEN SESSION March 10, 1987 c~/ "~~ ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETIDNGATOTgEHROANORE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HEL MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUB_T; Addition of Landview Drive (Route 1515) into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On August 12, 1986, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution requesting that tiveDePrommRoutef689atoparnorthwest cc ul-de--sac 1515 (Landvlew Dr into the Secondary System. Oscar K . Mabry, Deputy informed use that t i s addit ion os Transportation has now approved, effective February 27, 1987. SUBMIT'T'ED BY Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------- --------------------------- - VOTE ACTION No yes Ab: p,pproved ( ) Motion by: Brittle - Denied ( ) Garrett - Received ( ) Johnson - Referred McGraw - To Nickens -- • +" ~, ~~~ . ;1 1~.,1 ~ ~, ~' ~s -- t~~an °, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 7401 EAST BROAD STREET RAY D. PETHTEL RICHMOND, 23219 COMMISSIONER February 27, 1987 d -~ OSCAR K. MABRY DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Secondary System Addition Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P. O. Box 3800 Roanoke, VA 24015 Members of the Board: As requested in your resolution dated August 12, 1986, the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County is hereby approved, effective February 27, 1987. T TITI T T T (ITT HOMEWOOD SUBDIVISION - SECTION 2 Route 1515 - (Landview Drive) - From Route 689 to a northwest cul-de-sac Sincerely, C~`~' ~'~~ d' Oscar K. Mabry Deputy Commissioner LENGTH 0.24 Mi. TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY / 5 . Ck~ S ~ -' ~q_ ~2~ ITEM NUMBER ~'/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER SUBJECT: Cave Spring Baptist Church Sanitary Sewer Line Acceptance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Cave Spring Baptist Church accept the deed conveying the located on Rt. 221. has requested that Roanoke County sewer lines serving their property Tans The sewer lines areLumsdenl& As ociatesnentitledneCavegSpring prepared by Buford T. which are Baptist Church Sabi acyFacilities Depart ent 30/TheB sewer line on file in the Pu lans approved by construction meets the specifications and the p the County. In exchange for an easement and partial payment for cost incurred during design, the Board of Supervisors approved reimbursement of availability fees (Resoeuof the sewerlline s6 $15,642 00 aling $2,500. The estimated valu v FISCAL IMPACT: No funding is necessary. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supewithoallanecessary sewer facilities serving this property along easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: Phillip Henry Director of Engin ring ~~, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 1 ~rJ -` ACTION ~ VOTE Approved (y''~Motion by: ~.JOfj/~SOn/N/~~5 No Yes Abs nenied ( ) Brittle ~-- Received ( ) Garrett ~- Referred Johnson ,,,~ To McGraw ~-~- Nickens ~C ~ i ~"'e Gto r c~ ~' Lc-~9 ~~~r~~ G ITEM NUMBER ,.Jr- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Approval to transfer three (3) County Vehicles to the School Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County has declared three vehicles surplus after they were replaced with newer vehicles. The Vehicle Maintenance Advisory Committee has recommended that these surplus vehicles be transferred to the School Board for their use to replace older models they are currently using. Attached is a detailed listing of the vehicles being transferred. F'T~C`A i. TMPA('T v The School Board will reimburse Roanoke County with the proceeds from the three vehicles being replaced when they are sold at the next County/School Board auction. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the transfer of County surplus vehicles to the School Board. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: 6'G /~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~~ Motion by: oTdh n Sa~~/Y/C~~.S No Yes Ab: Denied ( ) Brittle `` _ Received ( > Garrett `.-- _ Referred Johnson .~ _ To McGraw ~ _ Nickens ~ vy /l~c s ~ er- `f~D berms Gvoolu~~ne - S~ov/s ~~~/~ r w . ~,.. FaAN~ F ,~ z 70 c~ i a OFFICE OF DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS 526 SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 RECOMMENDATION T0: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Homer Duff, Director of Facilities and Operations 7~'1J-•~' Robert Woalwine, Asst. Supervisor of Transportation,(~.~? Roy Nester., Director of Building and Grounds ~~ Transfer of three (3) vehicles March 12, 1987 The Vehicle Maintenance Advisory Committee recommends the transfer of the three (3) surplus County vehicles listec9 below to the Schoal Board: AS152 - 1978 Plymouth Sedan, VIN FtL41G8A222655, to replace M1.?_.5, 1.975 AMC Hornet used to transport bus drivers AS158 - 1979 Chrysler Sedan, VIN TN42L9A203468, to replace M61, 1974 Ford Maverick used to transport bus drivers BG972 - 1976 Ford Pickup Truck, VIN F10BNA51281, to replace M2, 1965 Dodge Pickl.lp Truck used on school property at Nort.hside High School The School Board will reimburse Roanoke County with the proceeds from the three (3) vehicles beings replaced when they are sold at the next County/School Baard auction, bb O~ POANp,`.~ ti ~ p Z Z a 18 '~° 88 sFSQU1CENTENN~P A Beautiful8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C HODGE Mrs. Jane Renick Route 2, Box 22 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mrs. Renick: BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW March 2/, 1 9 0 7 CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Very truly your mha Cnn~tn~~ of ~nttnnk~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Bob L. Joh ~n, Chairman Roanoke Co ty Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROAN OK E. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 n 0 c z ~ O, M C~ , ~ ,; - - . ... ,~ ~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~..~ . . d ~ ~ ~;~~x .n.. x ~~ n'n M ~ • z ~.. ~ Ch Jv ~ t H Vk~~ ~ d cry da . ,,:; ~' ~ ~ N C~ ~ ~ ~~'~~,'~!-sue{~ C'rl ~- _ z ~,-, .~ ~ ~~ ~ ~- OZ-~O .. d ~h n ~ C z x~xrn ~ rh -~ cn d a • 0 _ Off' ROANp'rt~ ~ p z ~ a2 ~$ e~ $$ SFS~UICENTENN\P\' A Beauti~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT p ALAN H. BRITTLE March 2 7, 1 9 0 7 CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Reverend H. Fleet Powell 3622 Cedar Lane Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Powell: The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Very truly yours Bob L. Joh n, Chairman Roanoke Co ty Board of Supervisors mha C~uunt~ of ~uttnuk~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004 (~ O ~ d n v v z ~ n `"~ M O~Ocn ~. ~,~`~Z _~M~' n ,, cZn~n.~' Or'M~'~ ~ ~ cn M ~' ~ '-~ -~x~cZn(~ ~ M W .~ ~ y N J d ~ ~ C '' _ ~.' ~ cn OC~~O d ,~..~ d O,z x ~ ~ cn ,.~ ~' O ~ C~ Z. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;1 ,...r N M, ~ o ~t~ ~ `x ~ ~ o ~ tTJ o ~ C11 C --3 C. _, ,..~ ~ '~ ~ ~,,' ~--~ ~ ~ Z ~ a d ~ M C ~ ~.-~ ~ ~ _ ~ M O ~ a 0 . , ~.v . pF R~~F f. ~ ~ .p z ~ i a~ 18 E~ 88 S~SQVICENTENN~P A BeautifulBeginnrn~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Rick Robers 4030 Chaparral Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Robers; M~-rch 27, 1987 ~~ >?~.. ~~~ '~ ~ , BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Very truly mha C~uixnt~ nt ~vttnu~P Bob L. J son, Chairman Roanoke unty Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 n 0 c K O M O, zs.,~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ; d ~ ~ ~' x ~ n . ~ ~ z y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ _ ~~ Z ~ ~ Z M ~ ~cnn` ~., N' , ' ~' '~ ~ O -~ zOd'''0 d _n z z~-: ~ ,~_p~~M .r -..~ x M~~.MC M (~ ~.,. O ~~,M ~` O C rte.. t7d ~ U)~ Y O o z ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ M _ ~ x Cri O C11 d i m~ ~ ~ ~,r-T . _~. ,h ~ .,~_ - ,. t M ~ . f~1 ~ lY-. id ~ ~ , ~ r +~/r CZ'j M . .C7 _~ ,.. '- - -,o ~ _ , ~, :: 4n y 0 o~ aoaroa,~~ ti 9 Z Z a ,~- 1$ E50 $a SFSQUICEN7ENN~P A Beauti~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Ted R. Powell 5831 Penquin Drive S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Powell: March 27, 1987 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on Dint you 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reapp as a member of the CourtrSeBoardUforP'anotherCtwolyeartterm Family Services Adviso y beginning March 23, 1987, and expiring March 22, 1989. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rp for to your participation on this Committee. Please phone ndsarranzebtohhaveStheeoathladministeged6208 as soon as possible a g On behalf of the Supervisors and the citiz reciationnfor County, please accept our sincere thanks and app your willingness to accept this appointment. Very tru~ypurs, mha Enclosures Bob L`''' ohnson, Chairman Roano County Board of Supervisors CC: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes Michael J. Lazzuri, Director of Court Services Cnnixn~~ of ~v~tnvke P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 O~ µOANp~~ ' ti •A L 2 p ,~ a ~~~~~ ~~ ~ 1~ ~~~~~~ 18 YEARS 88 :1 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauri~ulBeginning March 2 7, 1 9 8 7 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Ja~eph Cronin 6619 OLd Barn Circle Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Cronin: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS B08 JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on March 24, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board for a two year term beginning March 23, 1987, and expiring March 22, 1989. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rior to your participation on this Committee. Please phone Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk at 387-6208 as soon as possible and arrange to have the oath administered. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very trunly t4._`s , l/~ Bob L. J son, Chairman Roanoke my Board of Supervisors mha Enclosures CC: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes Michael J. Lazzuri, Director of Court Services P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ POANp,~.~ ti •~ ~ ~ Z Z a 18 E~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beauri~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (~vixn~~ of ~vttnuk~e March 27, 1987 Mr. James K. Sanders 5419 Warwood Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Sanders: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on March 24, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board for a two year term beginning March 23, 1987, and expiring March 22, 1989. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest A ct. Both of these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rp for to your participation on this Committee. Please phone Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk at 387-6208 as-soon as possible and arrange to have the oath administered. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very trul~yglirs , Bob L. `" hnson, Chairman Roanok County Board of Supervisors mha Enclosures CC: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes Michael J. Lazzuri, Director of Court Services P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 o~ aonnro~.~ ~• • A Z ~, z a~ 18 ~~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~p~ A Beauti~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~n~trt~~ n~ ~~~nnhe March 27, 1987 Miss Tracy Rothschild 6633 Old Barn Circle Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Miss Rothschild: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on March 24, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a youth member representating Cave Spring High School to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board for a one-year term beginning March 23, 1987, and expiring March 22, 1988. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rp for to your participation on this Committee. Please phone Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk at 387-6208 as soon as possible and arrange to have the oath administered. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly y~xr , Bob L. son, Chairman Roanoke unty Board of Supervisors mha Enclosures CC: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes Michael J. Lazzuri, Director of Court Services P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Committee Appointments COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nominations have been made and must now be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board: Supervisor Brittle has nominated Tracy Rothschild as youth member from Cave Spring High School to a one-year term. Her term will expire on on 3/23/88. Supervisor Brittle also nominated Joseph Cronin to replace the Reverend H. Fleet Powell, Cave Spring Magisterial District and 'I`ed R. Powell, Cave Spring Magisterial District to another two-year term. Their terms will expire 3/23/89. Supervisor Garrett nominated James Sanders to replace Jane Renick from the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. His term will expire SUBMITTED BY: 3/23/89. APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Deputy Clerk County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (/~ Motion by: ~-J~nSon~NIC~°~S No Yes Ak Brittle `"'"~ Denied ( > Q-~~'-r` f~- ~;r.~D r~t Gti» end ~~ - Received ( ) b ~ ~ GZ /'i"'e ~ C _ Garrett r- - Referred ~ Johnson ,..-- - To McGraw Nickens ~- c c . ~;~le mom rr) ~~~~ ee •~ /e s ~ !. ITEM NUMBER ,~ - CO AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Establishment of a Flexible Benefits Plan for County employees. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• ~ ~~ ~;t~~v .~ C.uti~ t ,,,ce2 !~ - <J ~ ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County staff has worked with our insurance consultant (Industrial Insurance Management Corporation) to develop a Flexible Benefits Plan for County employees, titled Beneflex. This plan is developed under the guidelines of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended. A copy of the proposed plan is attached for your consideration. Under this program an employee may elect to pay his share of insurance premiums, dependent care expenses and other health related expenses with pre-tax dollars rather than after tax dollars. The first plan year would run from April 1 through June 30, 1987 and employees were advised to sign up for participation in the program on or before March 16, 1987 in order to pariticpate in the first policy year. Thereafter, the policy year will run from July 1 through June 30 of each fiscal year. This program is voluntary and is set up under two basic components. Under the insurance premium component, payroll deduction health related insurances may be paid in pre-tax dollars with the financial benefit accruing to the individual employee. Under the second component (reimbursement account), an employee may accumulate monies to pay for other health related expenses such as vision care, dental care, deductibles for other insurance programs, etc. for which they may be reimbursed from accumulated savings in the reimbursement account. If however, all monies have not been utilized at the end of the program year from the reimbursement account, the individual employee forfeits the balance remaining in the account until such time as the accumulated balance from all employees is sufficient to make an across the board reimbursement. This is the element of risk required under the Internal Revenue Code in order to make this program available to the employees. Under the provisions of the program, a program administrator must be designated and staff recommends that Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance, be designated as such. Mrs. Hyatt's department will be responsible for the payroll activities as well as the reimbursement items through our accounting system. ~. FISCAL IMPACT: ~-- Crv The benefit to the individual employee will be determined by the tax bracket of that employee and they will save on the amount of state and federal income taxes and social security normally ~ paid for the insurance premiums or medical expenses. The benefit to the County will be a savings on the amount of deferred dollars multiplied by the percentage for normal contributions to VSRS Retirement, VSRS Life Insurance and Social Security. Annualized, these savings to the County could approach $30,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that become effective April 1, Finance, be designated as the attached plan be approved to 1987 and that Diane Hyatt, Director of Program Administrator. SUBMITTED BY: J~ '~ John M. Chambl' s, Jr. Assistant County Administrator APPROVED: ~~~~''/ Elmer C. odg County Administrator ------------------- ACTION - VOTE Approved (/) Motion by: eToh/~So~/~/C~enS No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Brittle -~ Received ( ) Garrett Referred Johnson ~ To McGraw ~-- Nickens ~~ /Gt-n c° /~-~ ~j/CL ~~ ~~; ~~, C'oo~ ~'"- ~/ THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN Effective as of April 1, 1987 Article 1. The Plan Section 1.1 Establishment. The County of Roanoke (hereinafter the County), hereby establishes, effective as of April 1, 1987, a plan of flexible compensation for the benefit of eligible Employees of the County, which shall be known as - BENEFLEX-COUNTY OF ROANOKE FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN (the "Plan"). Section 1.2 Purpose. The purpose of the Plan is to increase the social insurance protection of eligible Employees by providing such Employees the choice, within amounts of money to be provided as specified herein, among different combinations of insurance coverage, medical care benefit coverage, dependent care coverage, and direct cash compensation. The Plan is intended to comply with the provisions of Sections 105, 106, 125, and 129 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Article 2. Definitions Section 2.1 Definitions. Whenever used in the Plan, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context plainly requires a different meaning, and when the defined meaning is intended, the term is capitalized: - 1 - t.. Section 2.1 Definitions...continued (a) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. References to a Code section shall be deemed to be to that section as it now exists and to any successor provision. (b) "The County" means County of Roanoke (c) "Compensation" of a Participant means the total salary, wages, bonuses, pay for overtime, vacation pay, sick pay, pay for shift differentials, and other cash compensation paid by the County to a Participant (without regard to any salary reduction under this Plan), but excluding reimbursed expenses, credits or benefits under any plan of deferred compensation to which the County contributes, and any additional compensation payable in a form other than cash. (d) "Dependent" means an individual who qualifies as a dependent under the terms of Section 152 of the Code. (e) "Effective Date" means the date on which the Plan became effective, i.e., April 1, 1987. (f) "Employee" means an employee of the County who is a full time employee as defined in the County of Roanoke Group Insurance programs. - 2 - ~,. ~~=, ~;; ~J Section 2.1 Definitions...continued (g) "Employment Related Dependent Care Expense" means the amount paid for expenses of a Participant for household services or for the care of a Qualifying Individual, to the extent that such expenses are incurred to enable the Participant to be gainfully employed for any period for which there are one (1) or more Qualifying Individuals with respect to such Participant; provided, however that (1) if such amounts are paid for expenses incurred outside the Participant's house- hold, they shall constitute Employment Related Dependent Care Expenses only if incurred for a Qualifying Individual who is a Dependent under the age of fifteen (15) for whom the Participant is entitled to an exemption under Section 151(e) of the Code or for a Qualifying Individual who regularly spends at least eight (8) hours per day in the Participant's household; and (2) if the expense is incurred outside the Participant's home at a facility that provides care for more than six (6) individuals who do not regularly reside at the facility, the facility must comply with all applicable state and local laws and regulations, including licensing requirements, if any; and (3) that Employment Related Dependent Care Expenses of a Participant shall not include expenses paid or incurred for services provided by (i) a child of such Participant who is under the age of nineteen (19) or (ii) an individual who is a Dependent of such Participant or such Participant's spouse. - 3 - Section 2.1 Definitions...continued y./ """' (h) "Exempted Injury or Sickness" means any injury or sickness: Exceptions: (i) incurred when a Participant was engaged in, or resulting from a Participant having engaged in, a criminal enterprise; or (ii) resulting from an intentionally self-inflicted injury of a Participant. (i) "Injury" means an externally caused sudden hurt or damage to the body brought about by an identifiable event. (j) "Medical Care" includes the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of sickness, injury, or defect. Expenses for Medical Care shall consist of expenses for medical care as defined in Sections 213(d)(1) and (e) of the Code, and shall include, but not be limited to, payments for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of the body, for any hospital or nursing charges, optometrical, ophthalmological, or auditory care, dental care, psychiatric care, prescription drugs, insulin, eyeglasses, hearing aid appliances, and similar prosthetic devices, medical related transportation expense, and medical insurance premiums. (k) "Participant" means a person who is an Employee on or after the Effective Date and who satisfies the participation conditions of Article 3. A person who becomes a Participant shall remain a Participant until all benefits due him under the provisions of the Plan have been paid to him or other- wise have been satisfied. - 4 - Section 2.1 Definitions...continued (1) "Period of Coverage", with respect to any Plan Year, means that Plan Year; provided that, for any Employee who becomes a Participant after the start of a Plan Year, the Period of Coverage shall mean the period commencing on the effective date of such Participant's participation and extending through the remainder of the Plan Year. (m) "Plan" means "BENEFLEX - COUNTY OF ROANOKE FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN" as set forth herein and as amended or restated from time to time. (n) "Plan Administrator" means person(s) appointed by The County of Roanoke as the Flexible Benefits Plan Administrator. (o) "Plan Year" means April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987 and from July 1st to July 1st thereafter. (p) "Qualifying Individual" means (i) a Dependent of a Participant who is under the age of fifteen (15), with respect to whom the Participant is entitled to an exemption under Section 151(e) of the Code, and (ii) a Dependent or spouse of a Participant who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself. (q) "Sickness" means all bodily infirmities, diseases, mental illness, and other disorders other than an injury. - 5 - ~" W Section 2.2 Gender and Number. Except as otherwise indicated by context, masculine terminology used herein also includes feminine and neuter, and terms used in the singular may also include the plural. Article 3. Participation Conditions Section 3.1 Participation Conditions. As a condition of participation and receipt of benefits under this Plan, the Participant agrees to: a. Furnish to the Beneflex Plan Administrator the Application to Participate provided for in Section 3.2 below; b. Observe all Plan rules and regulations; c. Consent to inquiries by the Plan Administrator with respect to any physician, hospital, or other provider of Medical Care or other services involved in a claim under this Plan; d. Submit to the Plan Administrator all reports, bills, and other information which the Plan Administrator may reasonably require; and e. Designate a portion of his Compensation as Pay Conversion Contributions in accordance with the provisions of Article 4. - 6 - ~..+r ... Section 3.2 Application to Participate. As a condition of participation, each Employee who is eligible to be a Participant shall execute and deliver to the Beneflex Plan Administrator prior to his first day of participation, a written application signed by him in which he applies to participate in the Plan, designates the required portion of his Compensation for the Plan Year in question as Pay conversion Contributions as described in Article 4, makes a benefit election and supplies any other pertinent information that the Plan Administrator reasonably requires. Section 3.3 Commencement of Participation. Eligible Employees may become Participants only on the first day of a Plan Year; provided that persons becoming eligible Employees on or after the first day of a Plan Year may become participants on the first day of the month following eligibility. Article 4. Pay Conversion and Benefit Elections Section 4.1 Pay Conversion. Each Participant shall designate a portion of his Compensation for each Plan Year as Pay Conversion Contributions at any rate except for contributions to the Medical Care Conversion account which must be in increments of five (5) dollars. Except as otherwise provided by the Plan Administrator, Pay Conversion Contributions shall reduce the Participant's Compensation equally on each pay day during the Plan Year following the effective date of the Participant's participation. - 7 - `„~ '.. Section 4.2 Benefit Elections. Each Participant shall make a benefit election, in the manner provided herein, to apply his Pay Conversion Contributions during each Plan Year, in such proportions as he chooses, to the following: (a) to pay the Participant's premiums for County sponsored insurance as set forth in Article 5; (b) to increase the Participant's Medical Care Reimbursement Account for that Plan Year in accordance with Article 6; (c) to increase the Participant's Dependent Care Reimburse- ment Account for that Plan Year in accordance with Article 7. A Participant's initial benefit election shall be made as part of his Application to Participate. Thereafter, a Participant may change his benefit election for a subsequent Plan Year by providing written notice thereof to the Plan Administrator in a form acceptable to the Plan Administrator at least ten (10) days prior to the first day of the Plan Year for which such change is to be effective. A Participant's benefit election for any Plan Year shall be irrevocable during the Plan Year, except for the automatic adjustment provided in Article 5 and except that in the event that there is a change in a Participant's marital status or number of Dependents or there is a change in the employment status of the Participant's spouse, a Participant shall be entitled to change his benefit election in a manner that- is consistent with such change in marital, Dependent, or - 8 - SQCtion 4.2 Benefit Elections...continued ~ `~' spouse's employment status, by providing written notice thereof to the Plan Administrator, in a form acceptable to the Plan Administrator. Any such change shall be effective on the first calendar month in which such change occurs. Article 5. Insurance Benefits Section 5.1 Insurance Benefits. To the extent a Participant so elects, a portion of the Participant's Pay Conversion Contribu- tions shall be used to pay the Participant's share of the cost of coverage under any existing County sponsored Health, Medical, Dental, or Hospitalization insurance or other similar health and accident plan for Employees. If there is a change in the cost of a particular type of coverage selected by a Participant, the Participant's election shall automatically be adjusted to reflect such change. A Participant, however, will not be permitted to change coverages during a Plan Year because of a change in the cost of coverages. Article 6. Medical Reimbursement Plan Section 6.1 Medical Care Reimbursement Accounts. The Plan Administrator shall establish for each Participant a Medical Care Reimbursement Account for each Plan Year. Each Medical Care Reimbursement Account shall initially contain Zero Dollars ($0.00). Section 6.2 Increases in Medical Care Reimbursement Accounts. A Participant's Medical Care Reimbursement Account for a Plan Year shall be increased by the portion of the Participant's Pay Conversion Contributions for that Plan Year that he has elected to apply toward his Medical Care Reimbursement Account pursuant to Section 4.2. - 9 - Section 6.3 Decreases in Medical Care Reimbursement Accounts. A Participant's Medical Care Reimbursement Account for a Plan Year shall be reduced by the amount of any benefits paid to or on behalf of a Participant pursuant to Section 6.4. Section 6.4 Medical Care Benefits. Subject to limitations contained in other provisions of this Plan, a Participant who incurs expenses for Medical Care attributable to himself, his spouse, or his Dependents during his Period of Coverage for a Plan Year shall be entitled to receive from the Plan Administra- for full reimbursement for the entire amount of such expenses to the extent of the amount contained in the Participant's Medical Care Reimbursement Account for that Plan Year. The Plan Administrator shall pay all such expenses to-the Participant upon the presentation to the Plan Administrator of Documentation of such expenses in a form satisfactory to the County. In its discretion, the Plan Administrator may pay any of such expenses directly, in which event the County shall be relieved of all further responsibility with respect to that particular expense. Participants shall be reimbursed for such expenses on a monthly or other more frequent basis determined by the Plan Administra- tor; provided that the final payment of benefits for any Plan Year shall be made by the first of the 2nd month following the close of the Plan Year (June 30) based on accepted claims filed with the Plan Administrator by the last day of the preceding month. - 10 - Section 6.4 Medical Care Benefits...continued If a Participant ceases to be an Employee, such be entitled to continue receiving benefits F Article to the extent of the amount remaining in pants's Medical Care Reimbursement Account for the termination of his employment. Participant shall pursuant to this the Partici- the Plan Year of Upon presentation of a claim, a Participant shall expressly represent that the item for which a claim is made is not subject to reimbursement under any policy described in Section 6.5 or from any other source. Section 6.5 Limitations on Medical Care Benefits. Anything here- in to the contrary not withstanding, no benefits shall be paid under this Article 6: (a) In the event and to the extent that such reimbursement or payment is covered under any insurance policy or policies, whether paid for by the County or the Participant, or under any other health and accident plan by whomever maintained. In the event that there is such a policy or plan in effect providing for such reimb urse- ment or payment, in whole or in part, then to the extent of the coverage under such policy or plan, the County shall be relieved of any liability hereunder. (b) to the extent that an expense has been submitted for reimbursement from a Participant's Dependent Care Reimbursement Account. (c) Due to Exempted Injury or Sickness. - 11 - Section 6.6 Forfeiture of Unused Benefits. If, following the final payment of reimbursement benefits for eligible expenses incurred during the Period of Coverage for any Plan Year, any amount remains in a Participant's Medical Care Reimbursement Account for that Plan Year, the Participant shall forfeit such amount to the County and shall have no further claim thereto. Section 6.7 Se arate Written Plan. For purpose of the Co:ie, this Article 6 shall constitute a separate written plan providing for the reimbursement of Medical Care expenses. To the extent necessary, other provisions of the Plan are incorporated by reference in this Article 6. Article 7 Dependent Care Assistance Plan Section 7.1 De endent Care Reimbursement Accounts. The Plan Administrator shall establish for each Participant a Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for each Plan Year. Each Dependent Care Reimbursement Account shall initially contain Zero Dollars ($0.00). Section 7.2 Increases in Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts. A Participant's Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for a Plan Year shall be increased by the portion of the Participant's Pay Conversion Contributions for that Plan Year that he has elected to apply toward his Dependent Care Reimbursement Account pursuant to Section 4.2. Section 7.3 Decreases in Dependent Care Reimbursement Account. A Participant's Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for a Plan Year shall be reduced by the amount of any benefits paid to or on behalf of a Participant pursuant to Section 7.4. - 12 - (!.' Section 7.4 Dependent Care Benefits. Subject to limitations contained in other provisions of this Plan, a Participant who incurs Employment Related Dependent Care Expenses during his Period of Coverage for a Plan Year shall be entitled to receive from the Plan Administrator full reimbursement for the entire amount of such expenses to the extent of the amount contained in the Participant's Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for that Plan Year; provided that no reimbursement shall be paid pure>uant to this Article 7 to the extent an expense has been submitted for reimbursement from a Participant's Medical Care Reimbursement Account. The Plan Administrator shall pay all such expenses to the Participant upon the presentation to the Plan Administrator of documentation of such expenses in a form satisfactory to the Plan Administrator. However, in its discretion, the Plan Administrator may pay any of such expenses directly, in which event the County shall be relieved of all further responsibility with respect to that particular expense. Participants shall be reimbursed for such expenses on a monthly or other more frequent basis determined by the Plan Administrator provided that the final payment of benefits for any Plan Year shall be made by the 1st of the 2nd month following the close of the Plan Year based on accepted claims filed with the Plan Administrator by the last day of the preceding month. If a Participant ceases to be an Employee, such Participant shall be entitled to continue receiving benefits pursuant to this Article to the extent of the amount remaining in the Partici- pant's Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for the Plan_ Year of the termination of his employment. - 13 - V - Section 7.5 Forfeiture of Unused Benefits. If, following the final payment of reimbursement benefits for eligible expenses incurred during the Period of Coverage for any Plan Year, any amount remains in a Participant's Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for that Plan Year, the Participant shall forfeit such amount to the County, and shall have no further claiii thereto. Section 7.6 Annual Statement of Benefits. On or before the end of the 3rd month following the plan year, the Plan Administrator shall furnish to each individual who was a Participant that received benefits under Section 7.4 during the prior plan year, a statement of all such benefits paid to or on behalf of such Participant during the prior plan year. Section 7.7 Se arate Written Plan. For purposes of the Code, this Article 7 shall constitute a separate written plan providing a program of dependent care assistance. To the extent necessary, other provisions of the Plan are deemed incorporated by reference in this Article 7. Article 8. Claim and Appeal Procedure Section 8.1 Claim and Appeal Procedure. The Plan Administrator shall notify a Participant in writing within ninety (90) days of his written application for benefits of his eligibility or non-eligibility for benefits under the Plan. If the Plan Administrator determines that a Participant is not eligible for benefits or full benefits, the notice shall set forth (1) the specific reasons for such denial, (2) a specific reference to the provision of the Plan on which the denial is based,_(3) a description of any additional information or material necessary - 14 - Cartinn R_i ~ia;m anc3 Appeal Procedure...continued '~+'' -~ LO for the claimant to perfect his claim, and a description of why it is needed, and (4) an explanation of the Plan's claims review procedure and other appropriate information as to the steps to be taken if the Participant wishes to have his claim reviewed. If the Plan Administrator determines that there are special_ circum- stances requiring additional time to make a decision, th~~ Plan Administrator shall notify the Participant of the special circum- stances and the date by which a decision is expected to be made, and may extend the time for up to an additional ninety-day period. If a Participant is determined by the Plan Administrator to be not eligible for benefits, or if the Participant believes that he is entitled to greater or different benefits, he shall have the opportunity to have his claim reviewed by the County by filing a petition for review with the County within sixty (60) days after receipt by him of the notice issued by the Plan Administrator. Said petition shall state the specific reasons the Participant believes he is entitled to benefits or greater or different benefits. Within sixty (60) days after receipt by the County of said petition, the County shall afford the Participant (and his counsel, if any) an opportunity to present his position to the County orally or in writing, and said Participant (or his counsel) shall have the right to review the pertinent documents. The County shall notify the Participant of its decision in writing within said sixty-day period, stating specifically the basis of said decision written in a manner calculated to be understood by the Participant and the specific provisions of the Plan on which the decision is based. If, because of the need for a hearing, the sixty-day period is not sufficient, the decision - 15 - Section 8.1 Claim and Appeal Procedure...continued may be deferred for up to another sixty-day period at the election of the County but notice of this deferral shall be given to the Participant. In the event of the death of a Participant, the same procedure shall be applicable to his beneficiaries. Article 9. Administration and Finances Section 9.1 Administration. The Plan shall be administer~:d by the County. The County shall bear all administrative costs of the Plan . Section 9.2 Powers of the County. The County shall have all powers necessary to administer the Plan, including, without limitation, powers: (a) to interpret the provisions of the Plan; (b) to establish and revise the method of accounting for the Plan and to maintain the accounts; and (c) to establish rules for the administration of the Plan and to prescribe any forms required to administer the Plan. Section 9.3 Actions of the County. All determinations, interpretations, rules, and decisions of the County shall be conclusive and binding upon all persons having or claiming to have any interest or right under the Plan. Section 9.4 Delegation. The County shall have the power to delegate specific duties and responsibilities to officers or other employees of the County or other individuals or entities. Any delegation by the County may allow further delegations by the - 16 - ~n Section 9.4 Delegation...continued individual or entity to whom the delegation is made. Any delegation may be rescinded by the County at any time. Each person or entity to whom a duty or responsibility has been delegated shall be responsible for the exercise of such duty or responsibility and shall not be responsible for any act or failure to act of any other person or entity. Section 9.5 Reports and Records. The County and those to whom the County has delegated duties under the Plan shall keep records of all their proceedings and actions and shall maintain books of account, records, and other data as shall be necessary for the proper administration of the Plan and for compliance with applicable law. Section 9.6 Finances. The cost of the Plan shall be borne as provided herein. For purposes of this Plan, Pay Conversion Contributions shall be deemed contributions by the County. Article 10. Amendments and Termination Section 10.1 Amendments. The County may amend the Plan, in full or in part, at any time and from time to time. Any such amendment shall be filed with the Plan documents. - 17 - ,~Pw_ ~,° Section 10.2 Benefits Provided through Third Parties. In the case of any benefit provided pursuant to an insurance policy or other contract with a third party, the County may amend the Plan by changing insurers, policies, or contracts without chang- ing the language of this Plan document, provided that copies of the contracts or policies are filed with the Plan documents and the Participants are informed as to the effects of any such changes. Section 10.3 Termination. The County expects the Plan to be permanent, but necessarily must, and hereby does, reserve the right to terminate the Plan at any time. In the event of a Plan termination, Pay Conversion Contributions will cease. There- after, neither the County nor any of its employees shall have any further financial obligations hereunder except such that have accrued up to the date of termination and have not been satisfied. Article 11. Miscellaneous Section 11.1 No Guarantee of Employment. The adoption and maintenance of the Plan shall not be deemed to be a contract of employment between the County and any Employee. Nothing contained herein shall give any Employee the right to be retained in the employ of the County or to interfere with the right of the County to discharge any Employee at any time, nor shall it give the County the right to require any Employee to remain in its employ or to interfere with the Employee's right to terminate his employment at any time. - 18 - ~..! Article 11. Miscellaneous...continued Section 11.2 Limitation on Liability. The County does not guarantee benefits payable under any policy or contract of insurance described herein, and any benefits payable thereunder shall be the exclusive responsibility of the insurer that issued such contract or policy. Section 11.3 Non-Alienation. No benefit payable at any time under this Plan shall be subject in any manner to alienation sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, attachment, or encumbrance of any kind. Section 11.4 Applicable Law. The Plan and all rights hereunder shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Virginia, except to the extent such laws are pre-empted by the laws of the United States of America. Section 11.5 Benefits Provided Through Third Parties. In the case of any benefit provided through a third party, such as an insurance company, pursuant to a contract or policy with such third party, if there is any conflict or inconsistency between the description of benefits contained in this Plan and such contract or policy, the terms of such contract or policy shall control. THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE By: - 19 - ~~~ BENEFLEX may not appeal to or fit everybody's needs, but perhaps the following questions and answers may help you decide: 1. Q. What is the Plan? BENEFLEX allows you to pay your share of insurance premiums other health related and dependent care expenses with money that is not taxed. Because you will no longer pay taxes on these moneys, your take home pay will be increased. 2. Q. Who is eligible to participate? A. All full-time and part-time employees of Roanoke County, may participate on the first day of the month following employment. A full-time employee shall be the same as defined in the participant's Group Insurance Plans. 3. Q. What is the effective date of the new Plan? A. The effective date of the Plan is April 1, 1987. 4. Q. What is the Plan Year? A. The Plan Year will run from April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987 and July 1st to July 1st thereafter. 5. Q. When can you enroll? A. Now - or prior to April 1, 1987. After April 1st, all employees or employees returning from disability or leave without pay will be eligible to enroll on the first day of the month following employment or return to work. 6. Q. Is the Plan mandatory or voluntary? A. Voluntary - you and you alone have the option to decide what you want to do. 7. Q. What insured benefits can I pay for with pre-tax dollars from the Premium Only Account? A. Through payroll deduction, you may pay for policies for which the County offers payroll deductions including the County group health program. 8. Q. How does this affect my pay? A. Once you make your selection to pay for the insured benefits in the Premium Only Account with pre-tax dollars, your taxable income is reduced by this amount. This would increase your take-home pay. 9. Q. Could this voluntary reduction affect any retirement benefits? A. It will have a minimal affect on your future Social Security benefits. It will not affect VSRS retirement benefits unless salary is reduced during your three high earnings years. It will, however, affect .the amount of life insurance provided by VSRS in most cases. L0. Q. Would the voluntary reduction in salary affect my annual gross salary? A. No, any voluntary salary reduction authorized in this plan will be included as part of your gross salary. 11. Q. What other way can I pay for expenses through pre-tax dollars? A. By enrolling in the Reimbursement Account you may also pay for uninsured benefits with pre-tax dollars. 12. Q. What is the Reimbursement Account? A. The Reimbursement Account is an Account where you may designate how much you want to deposit every payday, in $5 increments, to pay for certain uninsured benefits. This money will be automatically deducted from your salary each payday BEFORE TAXES ARE TAKEN OUT. 13. Q. What eligible uninsured benefits can I pay for with pre-tax dollars in the Reimbursement Account? A. 1. Certain health related benefits such as: j Deductibles and coinsurance for your insured medical plan. Uninsured Dental Expenses. Uninsured Vision Expenses. Other health related items which are not covered under your insured medical program. 2. Dependent Care Expenses 14. Q. How would I benefit from the Reimbursement Account? A. The Reimbursement Account enables you to pay for an assortment of health related expenses with dollars deducted from your pay check before THE TAXES ARE TAKEN OUT. This should increase your take home pay. What this really means is that your taxable income is reduced, so _ your tax bill is lower. ~.lJ 15. Q. Can I change my deposit in the Reimbursement Account any time? A. No - there are only two ways to change your deposit. 1. At the beginning of any Plan Year. 2. If there is a change in your family status (example: marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or child, birth or ado~~tion of a child, and changes of employment status of a spouse). 16. Q. What happens to any excess funds I might have in my reimbursement account at the end of any Plan Year? A. Under the current IRS guidelines, any excess funds remaining in the Reimbursement Account at the end of the Plan Year must be forfeited. Therefore, careful thought and planning should be used in determining how much you want to deposit in this account. 17. Q. How can I withdraw funds from my Reimbursement Account? A. Funds can be withdrawn by submitting to Accounts Payable copies of your Claims Activity Summary from the Insurance Company for medical related expenses or a Reimbursement Request for uninsured Dental, Vision, Medical and/or Dependent Care expenses along with copies of your bills or receipts. 18. Q. When can I withdraw funds? I A. You are requested to file claims by the 10th of the month. Reimbursement of claims received by Tuesday each week will take place on Friday of that week. 19. Q. What if I request withdrawal of funds for eligible expenses, but I do not have enough funds in my account? A. If your paid expenses exceed the amount in your account, you will be reimbursed for the amount in your account. However, in the next month(s) of the Plan Year if you have sufficient funds in your account you can request withdrawal for the balance of your expenses. 20. Q. The Plan is effective April lst. Can I submit a claim for withdrawal of funds for eligible expenses incurred prior to the effective date of the Plan? A. No, IRS Ruling states that expenses incurred before either the date the Plan is effective or the employee is enrolled in the Plan will not be covered by the Plan. CIJ 21. Q. What happens if I terminate my employment? A. After termination, claims can be submi'~ted until the end of the Plan Year for eligible expenses incurred prior to the end of the Plan Year. 22. 4. What happens upon the death of an employee participating in this Plan? A. Should an employee participating in BENEFLEX die, the estate of the deceased employee may submit claims until the end of the Plan Year for eligible expenses incurred prior to the end of the Plan Year. P CQ COUNTY OF ROANOKE RFAT T.'P.7 LTV SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION PLAN NAME: EMPLOYER: EFFECTIVE DATE: PLAN YEAR: PARTICIPANTS: SALARY REDUCTION: BENEFIT ELECTIONS: BENEFLEX, COUNTY OF ROANOKE FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN COUNTY OF ROANOKE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA APRIL 1, 1987 April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987 and July 1 to July 1 thereafter. All full-time employees of The County of Roanoke may participate. A full-time employee shall be the same as defined in the participant's Group Insurance Plan. Each participant may elect to reduce his/her salary for the benefits listed below. The reduction will be made in each participant's pay. Participants may elect The County of Roanoke to reduce their salary for the contributions to the following: f A. Premium Account - County Sponsored Insurance Plans: 1. Accident Insurance 2. Cancer Insurance 3. Intensive Care Insurance 4. Disability Insurance 5. Employee Group Medical Insurance 6. Dependent Group Medical Insurance B. Reimbursement Accounts: 1. Dependent care account 2. Unreimbursed medical expense account -~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE..BENEFLEX..SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION..continued An employee who elects to reduce their salary at the beginning of the plan year, or when the employee is eligible for the plan, cannot change their deduction unless there is a change in dependent status. The amount of the deduction can only be changed at the beginning of the next year. The employee's compensation for any purposes besides Federal and State taxes, Social Security and VS RS will include the salary reduction authorized in the plan as part of gross pay. The County of Roanoke will continue to make its contribution to the Group Insurance Benefit Plans on a non-taxable basis. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT: Upon the participant's termination of employment for any reason whatsoever or upon the partici- pant's failure to meet the definition of full- time employment, all amounts deducted from the ' BENEFLEX Program will be forfeited. The County of Roanoke establishes this plan pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. The County of Roanoke reserves the right to amend or terminate this plan for any reason whatsoever. The County of Roanoke denies any liability for present and future taxes that may apply. .~ ROANOKE COUNTY BENEFLEX ENROLLMENT FOR - PREMIUM ONLY FOR PLAN YEAR APRIL 1, 1987 to JULY 1, 1987 Name Department: Social Security Number: PREMIUM ONLY ACCOUNT: A• I want my contribution for Employer Sponsored Group Insurance to be made with pre-tax dollars. B. I do not wish to participate. I I have been briefed on the BENEFLEX Program and understand the impact it may have on Social Security and VSRS benefits. Signature llate ROANOKE COUNTY ~-- ~Q NAME: BENEFLEX ENROLLMENT FORM - OTHER DEDUCTIONS FOR PLAN YEAR APRIL 1, 1987 to JULY 1, 1987 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: Please list below the estimated amount you will spend in dental care, vision care, non-reimbursed medical, child care, and elderly dependent care for the period from April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987. The total amount estimated will be prorated over the number of checks you are receiving from Roanoke County. Your monthly gross salary will be reduced by this amount for tax purposes. If your insurance deductions are currently being deferred from your monthly gross, this amount will be in addition to the amount being deferred for insurances. I understand this is a voluntary pay reduction plan and any funds remaining in this reimbursement account at the end of any plan year must be forfeited due to current IRS interpretations. DENTAL CARE $ VISION CARE $ NON-REIMBURSED MEDICAL $ SUBTOTAL A - MEDICAL CHILD CARE ELDERLY DEPENDENT CARE $ SUBTOTAL B - DEPENDENT CARE (Limit $5,000) TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES for 4/1/87 - 6/30/87 I have been briefed on the BENEFLEX Program and understand the impact it may have on Social Security and VSRS Benefits. Signature Date ~- LD t3ENEFLEX may not appeal to or fit everybody's needs, but perhaps the following questions and answers may help you decide: 1. Q. What is the Plan? BENEFLEX allows you to pay your share of insurance premiums other health related and dependent care expenses with money that is not taxed. Because you will no longer pay taxes on these moneys, your take home pay will be increased. 2. Q. Who is eligible to participate? A. All full-time and part-time employees of Roanoke County, may participate on the first day of the month following employment. A full-time employee shall be the same as defined in the participant's Group Insurance Plans. 3. Q. What is the effective date of the new Plan? A. The effective date of the Plan is April 1, 1987. 4. Q. What is the Plan Year? A. The Plan Year will run from April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987 and July 1st to July 1st thereafter. 5. Q. When can you enroll? A. Now - or prior to April 1, 1987. After April 1st, all employees or employees returning from disability or leave without pay will be eligible to enroll on the first day of the month following employment or return to work. f 6. Q. Is the Plan mandatory or voluntary? A. Voluntary - you and you alone have the option to decide what you want to do. 7. Q. What insured benefits can I pay for with pre-tax dollars from the Premium Only Account? A. Through payroll deduction, you may pay for policies for which the County offers payroll deductions including the County group health program. 8. Q. How does this affect my pay? A. Once you make your selection to pay for the insured benefits in the Premium Only Account with pre-tax dollars, your taxable income is reduced by this amount. This would increase your take-home pay. ~,f,.~ C_!J 9. Q. Could this voluntary reduction affect any retirement benefits? A. It will have a minimal affect on your future Social Security benefits. It will not affect VSRS retirement benefits unless salary is reduced during your three high earnings years. It will, however, affect .the amount of life insurance provided by VSRS in most cases. L0. Q. Would the voluntary reduction in salary affect my annual gross salary? A. No, any voluntary salary reduction authorized in this plan will be included as part of your gross salary. 11. Q. What other way can I pay for expenses through pre-tax dollars? A. By enrolling in the Reimbursement Account you may also pay for uninsured benefits with pre-tax dollars. 12. Q. What is the Reimbursement Account? A. The Reimbursement Account is an Account where you may designate how much you want to deposit every payday, in $5 increments, to pay for certain uninsured benefits. This money will be automatically deducted from your salary each payday BEFORE TAXES ARE TAKEN OUT. 13. Q. What eligible uninsured benefits can I pay for with pre-tax dollars in the Reimbursement Account? A. 1. Certain health related benefits such as: f Deductibles and coinsurance for your insured medical plan. Uninsured Dental Expenses. Uninsured Vision Expenses. Other health related items which are not covered under your insured medical program. 2. Dependent Care Expenses 14. Q. How would I benefit from the Reimbursement Account? A. The Reimbursement Account enables you to pay for an assortment of health related expenses with dollars deducted from your pay check before THE TAXES ARE TAKEN OUT. This should increase your take home pay. What this really means is that your taxable income is reduced, so _ your tax bill is lower. 15. Q. Can I change my deposit in the Reimbursement Account any time? A. No - there are only two ways to change your deposit. 1. At the beginning of any Plan Year. 2. If there is a change in your family status (example: marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or child, birth or adoption of a child, and changes of employment status of a spouse). 16. Q. What happens to any excess funds I might have in my reimbursement account at the end of any Plan Year? A. Under the current IRS guidelines, any excess funds remaining in the Reimbursement Account at the end of the Plan Year must be forfeited. Therefore, careful thought and planning should be used in determining how much you want to deposit in this account. 17. Q. How can I withdraw funds from my Reimbursement Account? A. Funds can be withdrawn by submitting to Accounts Payable copies of your Claims Activity Summary from the Insurance Company for medical related expenses or a Reimbursement Request for uninsured Dental, Vision, Medical and/or Dependent Care expenses along with copies of your bills or receipts. 18. Q. When can I withdraw funds? A. You are requested to file claims by the 10th of the month. Reimbursement of claims received by Tuesday each week will take place on Friday of that week. 19. Q. What if I request withdrawal of funds for eligible expenses, but I do not have enough funds in my account? A. If your paid expenses exceed the amount in your account, you will be reimbursed for the amount in your account. However, in the next month(s) of the Plan Year if you have sufficient funds in your account you can request withdrawal for the balance of your expenses. 20. Q. The Plan is effective April 1st. Can I submit a claim for withdrawal of funds for eligible expenses incurred prior to the effective date of the Plan? A. No, IRS Ruling states that expenses incurred before either the date the Plan is effective or the employee is enrolled in the Plan will not be covered by the Plan. - 21. Q, What happens if I terminate my employment? A. After termination, claims can be submi`ted until the end of the Plan Year for eligible expenses incurred prior to the end of the Plan Year. 22. Q. What happens upon the death of an employee participating in this Plan? A. Should an employee participating in BENEFLEX die, the estate of the deceased employee may submit claims until the end of the Plan Year for eligible expenses incurred prior to the end of the Plan Year. CIJ COUNTY OF ROANOKE BENEFLEX SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION PLAN NAME: BENEFLEX, COUNTY OF ROANOKE FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN EMPLOYER: COUNTY OF ROANOKE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1987 DATE: PLAN YEAR: April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987 and July 1 to July 1 thereafter. PARTICIPANTS: All full-time employees of The County of Roanoke may participate. A full-time employee shall be the same as defined in the participant's Group Insurance Plan. SALARY REDUCTION: Each participant may elect to reduce his/her salary for the benefits listed below. The reduction will be made in each participant's pay. BENEFIT Fr.F~mrnN~ - f Participants may elect The County of Roanoke to reduce their salary for the contributions to the following: A. Premium Account - County Sponsored Insurance Plans: 1. Accident Insurance 2. Cancer Insurance 3. Intensive Care Insurance 4. Disability Insurance 5. Employee Group Medical Insurance 6. Dependent Group Medical Insurance B. Reimbursement Accounts: 1. Dependent care account 2. Unreimbursed medical expense account COUNTY OF ROANOKE..BENEFLEX..SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION..continued An employee who elects to reduce their salary at the beginning of the plan year, or when the employee is eligible for the plan, cannot change their deduction unless there is a change in dependent status. The amount of the deduction can only be changed at the beginning of the next year . The employee's compensation for any purposes besides Federal and State taxes, Social Security and VS RS will include the salary reduction authorized in the plan as part of gross pay, The County of Roanoke will continue to make its contribution to the Group Insurance Benefit Plans on a non-taxable basis. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT: Upon the participant's termination of employment for any reason whatsoever or upon the partici- pant's failure to meet the definition of full- time employment, all amounts deducted from the ` BENEFLEX Program will be forfeited. The County of Roanoke establishes this plan pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. The County of Roanoke reserves the right to amend or terminate this plan for any reason whatsoever. The County of Roanoke denies any liability for present and future taxes that may apply. - ~-o ROANOKE COUNTY BENEFLEX ENROLLMENT FOR - PREMIUM ONLY FOR PLAN YEAR APRIL 1, 1987 to JULY 1, 1987 Name: Department: Social Security Number: PREMIUM ONLY ACCOUNT: A• I want my contribution for Employer Sponsored Group Insurance to be made with pre-tax dollars. B• I do not wish to participate. r I have been briefed on the BENEFLEX Program and understand the impact it may have on Social Security and VSRS benefits. Signature Date ROANOKE COUNTY BENEFLEX ENROLLMENT FORM - OTHER DEDUCTIONS FOR PLAN YEAR APRIL 1, 1987 to JULY 1, 1987 NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: ~/ Please list below the estimated a mount you will spend in dental care, vision care, non-reimbursed medical, child care, and elderly dependent care for the period from April 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987. The total amount estimated will be prorated over the number of checks you are receiving from Roanoke County. Your monthly gross salary will be reduced by this amount for tax purposes. If your insurance deductions are currently being deferred from your monthly gross, this amount will be in addition to the amount being deferred for insurances. I understand this is a voluntary pay reduction plan and any funds remaining in this reimbursement account at the end of any plan year must be forfeited due to current IRS interpretations. DENTAL CARE $ VISION CARE $ NON-REIMBURSED MEDICAL $ SUBTOTAL A - MEDICAL CHILD CARE ELDERLY DEPENDENT CARE $ SUBTOTAL B - DEPENDENT CARE (Limit $5,000) TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES for 4/1/87 - 6/30/87 S $ S I have been briefed on the BENEFLEX Program and understand the impact it may have on Social Security and VSRS Benefits. Signature Date ~ G-L C j ~D /= ~ O.NI ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Authorization to Request a Sister Community Relationship with Hasselt, Belgium COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As the Board may recall, on April 8, 1986, the Board of Supervisors agreed to support the development of Sister relations through the Economic Development Division of the Department of Development. Roanoke County now has an opportunity to extend an invitation to Hasselt, Belgium to join Roanoke County in a sister relationship. This invitation can be made personal through a visit by Bob Bowman, Executive Director of the Regional Partnership, during his visit to the Hanover Trade Fair in early April. This invitation is a follow-up to materials forwarded to the Mayor of Hasselt, Belgium on December 16, 1986. It is also intended to generate a decisive response from Hasselt to either participate or not participate in a Sister relationship with the County. FISCAL IMPACT: (jApproximately $50.00 for token gifts such as the Jefferson Cups with the sesquicentennial logo will be given to Hasselt representatives. No appropriation of funds is necessary. J= 7 RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends that Roanoke County pursue a sister relationship with Hasselt, Belgium, and adopt the prepared resolution requesting that both communities declare that a relationship be established. The staff further recommends that a certified copy of the resolution be hand delivered to representatives in Hasselt, Belgium. SUBMITTED BY: ~~,ls~ Brent D . Shef f ler 'QAS Economic Development Specialist APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer H dge County Administrator --------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Ab: Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ES TA BLISHMENT OF A SISTER COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF HASSELT, BELGIUM AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, U. S. A. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors has the authority to foster and promote friendly relations and better understanding between the people and communities of the United States and the people and communities of foreign nations; and WHEREAS, one of the goals of our economic development strategy is to establish international partnerships which create friendship, trust, cultural cooperation and economic co-development; and WHEREAS, one of the methods used in promoting such mutual understanding and goodwill is the formation of Sister Community relationships; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors at its meeting of April 8, 1986, has supported the development of sister relations through the Economic Development Division of the Department of Development; and WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Hasselt, Belgium, has been forwarded information on Roanoke County expressing interest in a sister relationship; and WHEREAS, a number of local representatives believe there are many compatible characteristics between our communities which can positively influence the economic activity for both Hasselt and Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County request that both communities declare that a sister relationship be established between the City of Hasselt, Belgium and the County of Roanoke Virginia. ITEM NUMBER yr' c AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Request from the Sheriff's Department for funding from the State Compensation Board for Certain Positions COUNTY ADMINIS'T'RATOR' S COMMENTS SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the present time, the Sheriff's Department has 110 employees funded by the State Compensation Board and 67 employees funded by the County. The Sheriff's Department feels that the State Compensation Board should fund the addition of five dispatchers, one secretary and additional hours for one part-time secretary. The County has approved the addition of four dispatchers and one Secretary. With these additions, the Department would now have a total of 21 dispatchers with seven funded by the State, and eleven secretaries, with five funded by the state. The Sheriff's Department presently has a part-time secretarial position who works two hours per day. We are requesting that this position be increased to four hours per day and the salary increased accordingly. In addition to the positions listed above, it is also necesarsy to request funding for one Circuit Court of Appeals Bailiff. Funding was approved for a part-time position by the State Compensation Board for fiscal year 1986/87. However, no funding has been approved by any state agency after July 1, 1987. RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends that the Board adopt the prepared resolution requesting that the Compensation Board approve the budget as presented, including the positions listed above. Further, staff requests that a certified copy of the resolution be forwarded to the State Compensation Board for inclusion with the 1987/88 budget requests. SUBMITTED BY: .~`~ - Q,~.2 ti Mary H. Allen t Clerk APPROVED BY: ,~'n~ lmer C. od County Administrator Depu y _______ _ -- ----- ----------- -- VOTE ------------------------ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To ___- Nickens Td ~ .D..U ~:.9 -- c"''a ~a ~ AT A REGULAR MEETINELDFATHTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H MARCH 24, 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE STATE COMPENSATION BOARD TO AUTHORIZE CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board does hereby request the State Compensation Board to authorize the following additional personnel for the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County, Virginia, to-wit: (a) Five Dispatchers (b) One Secretary (c) One part-time Secretary (d) One Circuit Court of Appeals Bailiff 2. That the County does hereby express its intent to place in its 1987-88 fiscal year budget funds sufficient to fund its portion of the cost and expense of such additional positions; and 3. Tha t the County requests the Compensation Board to fund the entire budget of the Sheriff's Department as presented; and 4. That an attested copy of this resolution be forthwith forwarded to the Sheriff of Roanoke County and to the State Compensation Board. On motion of Supervisor 1ffi, seconded by Supervisor 1ffi and the following recorded vote: AYES: ~ e.~ C~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNT1987MINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, RESOLUTION 32487-15.C REQUESTING THE STATE COMPENSATION BOARD TO AUTHORIZE CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board does hereby request the State Compensation Board to authorize the following additional personnel for the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County, Virginia, to-wit: (a) Five Dispatchers (b) One Secretary (c) One part-time Secretary (d) One Circuit Court of Appeals Bailiff 2, That the County does hereby express its intent to place in its 1987-88 fiscal year budget funds sufficient to fund its portion of the cost and expense of such additional positions; and 3. That the County requests the Compensation Board to fund the entire budget of the Sheriff's Department as presented; and 4, That an attested copy of this resolution be forthwith forwarded to the Sheriff of Roanoke County and to the State Compensation Board. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and the following recorded vote: AYES• Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson ~ - 3 ~- y~ ~ ~~' ~~ ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELDE TVTAHE ~NATOUESDAOUNMARCHM24IS1987ION CENTER IN ROANOK , , MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Report on the County holidays for calendar year 1987. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the January 13, 1987 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the holiday schedule for calendar year 1987 was established. The holidays included with those authorized by the Code of Virginia, Section 2 • 1-2the h liday of VeteransrDay for requests to consider exchangingf all constitutional officers the Friday after Thanksgiving agreed to do so. A onse1fromoJudgeuTrabue (attached)areports contacted and the resp the difficulty in exchanging holidays on the office of the Cler of the Circuit Court. The code of Virginia, Section 17-41 establishes the days which the Clerk's office must be open. Sethe codel_2Se ct on 17t41 the eleven legal holidays established by further authorizes the judge of the Circuit to clWhechh thellocal office on certain other days, such as any day government establishes as a general holiday for local employees or when it is determined by the Chief Judge of the Circuit that the operation would constffice aersonneltortto t ea genera 1 publicc safety of the Clerk's o P It is Judge Trabue's butlcoulda noth exchange holidaysuas had been additional holiday, requested. It should also be noted that the computerized system of records within the C ouldsfurther compaicate It e operation of that wide system which c office. ~~ Since the Clerk's offictheaholidayrsch dulenestablishedfby 1987, the County will followroved on January 13, 1987. Those the State, which was app holidays are as follows: New Year's Day Lee-Jackson-King Day George Washington Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Election Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day January 1 3rd Monday 3rd Monday Last Monday July 4 1st Monday 2 d Monday in January in February ~ in May In September n In October Tuesday following 1st Monday November 11 4th Thursday in November December 25 the Board of Supervisors or the a legal holiday or for State or and any day appointed by Governor of Virginia as County offices to close. Since the Board of Supervisors adopted pursuant to the January 13, 1987 report, no this time. Staff will however, inform County of this schedule. V FISCAL IMPACT: None. this holdiay schedule action is required at the employees of the RECOMMENDATION: Follow the listing of holidays as approved at the January 13, 1987 meeting. APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: V Elmer C. K g ohn M. Chamb ss, Jr. Administrator Assistant County Administrator --- ------- -----AC----- - -------------------- ION VOTE Approved (Motion by: ~h ~sU />~N/Cke/~' Brittle Denied ( ~ Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens ~lt° cc: Keith Cook 5 Constitutional Officers No Ye~bs v /~ Attachment KENNETH E. TRABUE. IUDGE ROAN OKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 305 EAST MAIN STREET SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 17031 387-6061 ~~ I TWENTY-THIRD .IUDICIAL CIRCUIT 4~~, O F V I RG I N I A ~.~-.r'. ~J,,~„ I ,~ _~~ . ~ CIRCVIT COURT OF THE COUNT' OF RO/~NO -./~ ~ CIRCVIT COURT OF THE CITY OF RO.'~N OKE ~`J '/ OF SALEM *(H1fN~ CIRCVIT COVRT OF THE Cill' COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA f `J iV~ . ' ~ I .i~r C.~ r,;~ ~E.~`,', ~~p. .~ t. ~: J REGE Coy°~' . ~ `, ^ Roar SeN~c~• ~' ~; . . ;; ,L~ -!. February 23, 1987 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge, Administrator County of Roanoke P. O. Boxvp2,98024018-0798 Roanoke, Dear Mr. Hodge: Thank you for your letter of February 6, 1987. I would have answered earlier, but I did not receive the letter until February 19. P. O. Box 1126ee~ MSalemtoVAs24153rk's Office. MY address is 305 East Main Str , The days that the Clerk'sTheflegalaholidays arenfixede fixed by Va. Code § 17-41 (1982). by Va. Code § 2.1-21 (1979), and both Election Day (Tuesday following the firsteSOnnatednasolegalrholidaystforntheDay but I (November 11) are d g Commonwealth. IthatleitherathehCircuit CourtaJudgestor~the seriously doubt Clerks have the authority to eliminate legal holidays whic are established by the state. Under Va. Code § 17-41 (1982), the Judges of the Circuit may order the Clerk's Office closed on certain other days such as 1. Any day which the local government establishes as a general holiday for local employees (i.e., the Friday after Thanksgiving). 2. Christmas Eve. The Chief Judge of the Circuit is authorized to close the Clerk's Office upon a deteithnand safety ofetheeClerknswould constitute a threat to the hea Office personnel or to the general public. At toramreelthatathey wouldlnotdpressoforra• Mr. Blaylock g Stokes and Christmas Mr. Elmer C. Hodge, Administrator ~ _ Page 2 February 23, 1987 Eve closing if the county added Friday after Thanksgiving as a I holiday in additirmanoJohnsonehasavoicedysome concernnwith~there realize that Cha being a disparity of holidays among county employees. The answer of course is not a simple one. The Clerk's Office and the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office serve both the state and chavey governments. These offices, as well as the Circuit Court, more than one master. RoanoWedaoSntbu~aallethreeyCircuit Court general offices on three sno Y . Clerk's Offices and the officetprovideslbailiffsland MrsalStokes' open. Sheriff Foster s office provides clerkiessdofowhetheroother county officesware we are in session regard open or closed. This routinely involves evening and nighttime court sessions and °considerationslrequirenatsforraagiven case. scheduling or other In summary, I do not believe that the Circuit Court Judges have the authority to either authorize or noWeaatohorize the deletion of Veterans Day as a legal holiday. encourage the closing of,vin CifrtheaBoardeof'Supervisorsndecides Friday following Thanksgi g to declare that day as a legal holiday as they hliesldirectpyst. I hasten to add that Va. Code § 17-41 (1982) aPP only to the Clerk's OffiseOfficelandrthelcourtebailiffscof the Commonwealth's Attorney Sheriff's Office. I will be most happy to discuss this matter with you further or to present any recommendations for change to all of the Judges of the Twenty-third Circuit. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ~~~' Kenneth E. Trabue rrs cc• Thomas M. Blaylock, Esq. • Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes Sheriff O. S. Foster Mr. Alfred C. Anderson Mr. R. Wayne Compton .~~~ ITEM NUMBER':=- AT AN REGULAR AMEEHELD AT THE ROANOKEFCOUNTYIADMINISTRATIOON COUNTY, VIRGINI , CENTER. MEETING DATE: January 13, 1987 SUBJECT: Establishment of County Holidays for Calendar Year 1987 COUNTY ADMINISTRATORp' S COMMENTS : /~~~ ~~~ i/ ~~ .~ ./ u ~ ~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ~ ~~ Each year at this time, the County establishes the holiday schedule for the upcoming year. In previous years, there have been some conflicts with holidays in some County offices. In some instances, constitutional officers followed the State holiday schedule and granted employees in their offices an additional holiday. In order to establish a fair and equitable holiday schedule for all employees, a meeting was held with the constitutional officers, Judge Kenneth Trabue, and other County officials. It was the consensus of the constitutional officers in attendance that the State of Virginia's schedule of holida~hesgoard of followed along with any other days designated by Supervisors as County holidays. In following the State's schedule of holidays,dtbe observedrashestablishedwbylthe Stat eted and Veterans Day woul At a meeting of the Employee Advisory Committee, the consenand was that most County employees prefer to delete Veterans Day observe the day after Thanksgiving as County holidays. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the following holiday schedule be adopted for calendar year 1987: New Year's Day Lee-Jackson-King George Washington Memorial Day Independence _Day- Labor Day January 1 Day 3rd Monday Day 3rd Monday Last Monday July 4 1st Monday in January in February in May in September .. :~ . /~~ 2nd Monday in October Columbus Day Tuesday following 1st Monday Election Day in November November 11 in November Veterans Day 4th Thursday Thanksgiving Day December 25 Christmas Day and any day appointed by the Board of Supervisors or the Governor of Virginia as a legal holiday or for State or County offices to close. after Thanksgiving is Ire the above recommendation, the day is added. However, and deleted as a County holiday and Veterans Day it is recommended that the option to delete Veterans Day close the day after Thanksgiving remain open. It is also recom- mended that any other holiday or authorized office closing the Governor of Virginia be observed by the County, designated by as the constitutional offices will follow the State's closing schedule. The Employee Handbook will be revised accordingly if the recom- schedule for calendar year 1987 is approved. mended holiday SUBMITTED BY: D. K. ook Director of Human Resources APPROVED: ~~~ Elmer C. odge, Jr. County Administrator RESOLUTION: YES NO ---------------------- VOTE ACTION, No yes Abs Approved ('Motion by:~/' Nic/fens / ~~rittle `/ Denied ( ) /'~~~E -mo t.~o n t a t u i E Sf'~ tl / ~;anGarrett / Received ( ) o /ioL~ lj Johnson / Referred Q. rm~ Q. han McGraw M d ~ ~ b ~d r' / To ~n fir,/aCe~~~t Nickens ~-~- ~7 y w,~th O ~ ~2 t P/'G~ 5 ~a ~~/~n ~a y q~cQ~ Than ifs 9 9 ITEM NUMBER ~ f AT A VIRGINIA HELDNATOTHEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Credit for Oversized Water Main/Chaparral Forest COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: J ~` `'tab J ./~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Chaparral Forest is a proposed 8 lot residential subdivision located along the west side of Chaparral Drive. The Staff has required the developer to install a 10" waterline along Chaparral Drive in order to extend the existing 10 waterline. In accordance with Chapter 22 of the County Code, (Water), the County will issue a credit against the off site facility fees for the cost to install oversized mains. The cost to install the 10" waterline will be $5,043 more than the cost to install the minimum size required for Chaparral Forest. The Utility Director is only authorized to credit an amount equal to one-half the off-site fees which in this cause is $3,000. Approval by the Board of Supervisors is required in order for the Utility Director to credit the additional $2,043 required to cover the cost of the oversize waterline. FISCAL IMPACT: The County cannot require the developer to instal an 4v oversized main unless the credit against the off-site facilities fee is issued. The staff has determined the current and future need to extend to a l0" distribution main along Chaparral Drive. By issuing a $5,043 credit to the developer for oversize main installation, the County will realize a cost savings of $9,327 over the cost to install the 10" main as separate project. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Utility Director be authorized to issue an additional credit against the off-site facility fees for Chaparral Forest in an amount not to exceed $2,043. The total credit will be less than the full amount of the off-site facility fee charged for this subdivision. 1 ~' = /C> SUBMITTED BY: Clifford Craig Utility Director APPROVED: ~~~9 Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (~~ Motion by. ~c~hnso~//~icfser~B ittle Denied ( ) Garrett ~ Received ( ) Johnson ~-'~ Referred McGraw / to Nickens '~ ~ c l= ~ ~ ~- a ~- - 3 2 y8 ~ - ~S' -~' ITEM NUMBER ~_~~ AT A REGULAR MEELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: To request an appropriation of "Cooks Bottom" property to be Service Center. funds, from the sale of used at the Public COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ,lr"/j //~ pl//~,,,~x min ~~ .~ ...177 .~/l'' L~ ~•(,~.`Q'N.9 6~'l~"`1'U~~.~ a~ f C '~~ -i`d""-~,~i ~',`.V`'v~~ GtrL"~~tJ-~' C~' f ~,w ~f SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ~~ ,'L`.~"'ul . On February 10, 1987, the Board agreed to sell the Bottom" property. Since this property was included in the Assets of the Utilities Fund, the proceeds from the sale, closing and selling ti ated to be approx mately $160,OOOis These proceeds are es "Cooks Fixed minus fund. Despite the recent improvements to the Public Service Center, there are many remaining items to be completed before is completely functional. It is proposed that this facility these funds be used to code rstoragerlareasp spmprove drainage offices, grade outs earance of the building facilities, and to enhance the outsidoevedp on the Public Service and surrounding grounds, as app Center Master Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: ~' An appropriation is required to authorize expenditures of these monies from the Utilities Enterprise Fund. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board appropriate these funds for improving the facilities at the Public Service Center. SUBMITTED BY:~ ~, ~' -! Gary L~ Robertson, P.E. Assistant Director of Utilities APPROVED: ~~: Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator 1 ~/ ------------- --------------------- ACTION VOTE ~~ /,nson /N~~~ys No Yes Abs Approved (~ Motion by. Brittle '~~ Denied ( > Garrett ~/ Received ( ) Johnson ~ Referred McGraw To Nickens ~' ~,~y ~nbe~z`-sor~ ~ ~a-~~ ~~/Q ~-~ ~e~-~.z. ~~s~er 2 AT A REGULAR MEETIHELDFATHTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRP,TOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MARCH 24, 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 24, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 11, inclusive, as follows: 1, Minutes of Meeting - March 6, 1987, March 10, 1987. 2. Approval from the Virginia Department of Transportat689 to adnoRthwest50CUlCdensacetoDthee) from Route Secondary System. 3. Acceptance of deed from Cave Spring Baptist Church conveying sewer lines to Roanoke County. 4. Authorization ttotthesCountyrSchool1Boardfrom Roanoke County 5. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. 6. Establishment of a Flexible benefits Plan for County Employees. 7. Authorization to Request the Establishment of a Sister Community Relationship with Hasselt, Belgium. g, Approval of request for State Compensation Board funding of certain positions in the Sheriff's Department. ,. ~ - J /` g, Finalization of the County Holiday Schedule for 1987. 10. Request for Approval to issue Credit against Off-site Facility Fees for Chaparral Forest. 11. Approval to use proceeds from "Cooks Bottom" sale for Improvements to the Public Service Center. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. L-/ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGEN('Y Original Budget 7-1-86 $129,000 November 26, 1986 f~ etired Count~vE-nployees ( 6, 300 ) December 16, 1986 Planning Commission Travel (2,046) December 16, 1986 Board of ~rnial ization ( 4, 000 ) January 13, 1987 Board of Supervisors and Manag~nent Staf f Planning/ Goal Setting Work Session (6,500) January 13, 1987 Volunteers Training Seminar (2,500) February 10, 1987 Roanoke Valley Constitution's (500) Bicentennial Commission February 24, 1987 Sesquicentennial (10,000) Balance of Board Contingency at March 10, 1987 9~ 7 Submitted by, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance "` c o m M1 ° M1 ~ O O I ~ II ; u c ^. i1 . o `-: t O o [mi1m ^'. o r°~.°o- Na .~D+1° mm ^ M1 ~ m m + i M1 ao . p . n 1 i v o r f ice. r M~ ti~ f~41 N~~ .O 1(Y ti N O r N I f'l 1 2 z w `~O' N `~ ~ v N -l i i r I f 1 m~ . 16~ C -~ 1 ~ ti I 11 ~ 1 ~ W~ v v I 1 O 11 t 11 ~ 1 1 N y[ Mt fK M' I 11 m O o I 1 m O N O ~O e] aN0 [M1+` O W N ~~ O O m ~ ~~ Q N " I c 4 B O r C tJ c I n M t M1 M1 ~ H I F~~ r 4 I N ; r~i M N N ~ m M O I~ 11 ~ N N -i ~ N~ ti . N~V' N f•1 M .r 1 6 A O I ~ Um'9 O I~ .M-t ~ L,~ - i 11 ~' I o w s r -+ i~ S to m .-+ eh fU N 1 ~~ 1 1 ii I 1 N 6 1 M M 1 1 11 ~y °7 ~~~ r M1 eG O I ~ n~ m M1 O O 1 ~ II i "' "1. Y 1I! G N M1 N 4 I k I li 1 N T YN'/ ~~ YM'~ K .~a'1 . I 1' 1 M 1 1 O O O ~ 11 1 O ' "y N O ~ m m e m I 1 ~ 11 !~. C '> ^ .u ~ CI 11~ C ll ' ~ O ~ N OA m 1~ 40"1 O ~N M ~ ~ C ^ 1 O S 1 O 11 _ 11 1 1 J I~ 1 ~ ~I Z I M1 m ep N .r ap O N .O 0 m~ .O m~~ ti~ m~ p r~.1 v0p m ~-1 ~ m .r N ^ .-~ I~ It .y N ~.y ~ 1 ~, N 1 U Cmtl S i O .~-1 < fh ~O 47 ~D O N ~ ~ ; [tl t 11 N I I 1 I m ; ¢ ~ .-t N a0 I 1 M I ~ I ti I M I j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0$ e0 0 `O 0 0 0 1 '< 0 0 0 0 0 1~ O m O O 1 ~" O O O O 1 M1 0 0 0 O ' W O O I N 11 L,P ~ j N II ~. ~ 1 1 O O O O O O N O 0 I O O O O O O N O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 47 O O O li O O 1 •O i o r Ifi ^'a ~~ r; o '"~ ° '~' Ir' v' ° $ i w ~ .. I~ O 1 +Y 11 i w ii l o 0 o v O M N 1 ~ N (oil ~ tim~+ [0++ .Ni N-I ~ /"f N 0 N O .-t M j O ` m I ~ I ~ ~ O T r N j .? M ^ 1 li 1 11 1 I I N M M O f~ aD 61 sp I+1 I!'1 m 1~ O O Ow O 1 ~ I 11 O O O I t`7 I 1 m N m m .fl M1 +Y ~D O W N ~O j K I w m w ep N M .O sD ti .C ~ N ~O I~ Y7 N M1 1+ v ~O e0 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 ap m O m N Y? 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O+ O W A O O• ~ y f~~l C ' II O ~ I~ 1 ~ O+ V m C!I O O A i 1 1 p m N II 11 ~ I 1 1 +~ 1 O N 1 41 1 ~ O~ T L~+ A T a A O A A W +! O~ O .O a0 V m N 1 1 V ~ T y. ~ y 1 y? All ~ N CJI W~ N N O~ V + Qa 11 I1 J 11 O 1 1 Clt 1 yA ~ ~ W + , ! 1 gal 1 Sn LI+ CA .il N W ~+ ~ ~ y m W m~ tNll O A Lp V N N V 11 ~ r ~ W Y m W V W 1 ~ 1 N O~ N N Y 1 .O 1 N O N Oo N T O [11 r N W 1 0 II 1 1 ; ~+ ~ ' ~ O O O O O O 1 I 1 1 1 ~' ii j 1 i i 1 ' 1 1 V ~ W ~ O+ 0` O+ 0' r ~" VI L~ W fo Oe ~,/1 ~ A ~ 6 W N ~C N 11 A 1 N; O O O O N O d O O JI [ j ~ i ~. l O m / ii w ~ 1 ITEM NUMBER ~ Y "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Sale of Old County Courthouse, Salem COUNTY ADMINISTRAT ~j .. ~-tai-C7l-cv~-~y OR'S COMMENTS: ~j f SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County Administrator has commenced negotiations with Roanoke College to sell the old Courthouse in Salem. Any con- tract for the sale of the old Courthouse would require that the purchasers would undertake to renovate and maintain this struc- ture consistent with the rules and regulations for the preserva- tion of historic buildings. Section 18.04 of the County Charter requires that any sale of public property be accomplished by ordinance. The first read- ing of this proposed ordinance is scheduled for March 24, 1987; the second reading and public hearing is scheduled f or April 14, 1987. The Board's policy for the sale of real estate provides that any person may submit an offer in writing for the purchase of property. Any written offer should be received by the County on or before April 13, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: ~v Sales price to be determined from the best offer. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors favorably consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ~\, / T _" -------------------------------- VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens No Yes Abs ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA'T'ION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, THE OLD COURTHOUSE IN SALEM, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on March 24, 1987. A second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on April 14, 1987. This real estate con- sists of approximately 1.265 acre located on College Avenue and East Main Streets in the City of Salem, Virginia, and is known as the old County Courthouse; and 2. That an offer has been received for this property, said offer from in the amount of and is hereby accepted. All other offers are hereby rejected. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NUMBER """ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Acquisition of Easements North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Project COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: o.~ ~~ ~~~ '~ Q~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In order to successfully complete the North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Project, it is necessary to authorize the acquisi- tion of easements across the real estate of approximately five property owners. Section 18.04 of the County Charter requires that the acquisition of real estate or any interest therein be accomplished only by ordinance. The proposed ordinance authorizes the County Administrator to execute such documents and take such actions as may be neces- sary to accomplish these transactions. The first reading of the proposed ordinance was held on March 24, 1987; the second reading is scheduled for April 7, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: ~v The costs for this project shall be paid by capital improve- ments money from the public utility fund. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this proposal by the adoption of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney / Y - .~ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved ( ) nenied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ~! ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION ' 7 i OF EASEMENTS, NORTH LAKES WATER LINE INTERCONNECTION PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the acquisition of five easements for the North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Project was held on March 24, 1987. A second reading was held on April 7, 1987. 2. That these easements are for underground water lines for North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Project. This project will replace existing poor quality well water and will provide a necessary utility service to the citizens of Roanoke County. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOTHEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Second Reading - Adoption of an Ordinance repealing Section 20.1-11 (a), (b), and (c) of Chapter 20, "Water," of the 1971 Roanoke County Code, which is Chapter 22, "Water," of the 1985 Roanoke County Code COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: -ry~n~ ~~~E' ~~ ~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The current Water Ordinance, Section 20.1-11, parts (a), (b) and (c) contains standards and sption1Standardshfor Water1Fac litieshe proposed "Design and Constru These parts will be repealed in order to remove this conflict. Affected Section 20.1-11 is attached. ,FISCAL IMPACT: N/A 9 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends 24 a1987~sconcurrentlyewithpthe resolua Second Reading on March , tion adopting the proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities." APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Cliff~~$ Craig ~T County Administrator Director of Utilities ------------ ------------------- --------------- VOTE ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens AT A REGULAR NIEErING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUN].'Y, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUI~TI'Y ADMINIS'T'RATION CF~TI'ER, ON 'TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20.1-11 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE (1971) BY THE REPEAL OF SUB-SECTION (a), (b) AND (c) PERTAINING TO CERTAIN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on March 10, 1987, a second reading was held on March 24, 1987, and a public hearing was held thereon on March 24, 1987, concerning an ordinance amending and repealing portions of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to the design of water mains, valves and hydrants; and WHEREAS, Section 20.1-11 of Chapter 20, "Water," of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22, "Water," of the 1985 Roanoke County Code) provides for certain standards and specifica- tions for water mains, valves and fire hydrants; and WHEREAS, said standards and specifications conflict with certain proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities"; and WHEREAS, said proposed "Design and Construction Stan- dards for Water Facilities" were adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, contemporaneous- ly with the adoption of this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke County Code (1971) is amended and portions thereof repealed to read and pro- vide as follows: Sec. 20.1-11. Design of mains; valves and hydrants. All mains, valves, hydrants, fittings and accessories shall be designed to withstand a normal working pressure of not less than one hundred and fifty pounds per square inch and shall con- form to the specifications of the American Water Works Associa- tion, state regulations and county specifications and standards adopted by the board by resolution and in effect at the time of approval. {a}- A4al~s-- - A4alns- shall- be- sip- l~ehes; - lr~slde- ellame~e~; - e~- eep~- ~~- ~l~e- ease- a€- eleae7-e~e7- s~~ee~s- e~- ~al~e~e- easel- parallel- ~e sip-lnel~-~+ales-e~-la~ge~-maims-leea~eel-wl~hls-eke-same-s~~ee~-e€ ~igl~~-a€-wap---fin-roe-ease-shall-ar~y-~aa~e~-maims-be-less-~l~ar~-€er~r ir~el~es; -insiele-diame~e~ : --Pie-wa~e~-maim-se~~*ir~g-ens-e~-mere-€i~e hyel~ar~~s-shall-be-less-~har~-sip-ir~el~es; -ir~siele-eliame~e~ : --~r~stal- la~ien- a€- a- l~yel~ar~~- erg- e~is~ing- 1ir~es- ~ai~l~- are- ir~siele- diame~e~ }mss-~l~an-sip-ir~el~es-mt~s€-lie-app~e~eel-ley-~l~e-eli~ee~®~---All-eleael- eel- baa~e~- maims-shall- l~a~e- ae7eele~a~e- l~leva-e€€- ~al~es- er- €i~e- hy- e7~ae~s- a~- ~l~e- eee7- ~l~e~ee€- }n- aeee~elanee- wi~l~- ~l~e- speei€ieatier~s aril-s~ane7a~e7s:--Ae~ema~le-air-Belie€-~aal~es-shall-be-installed-at the- }sigh- pele~s- a€- wa~e~- mains- bahe~e- aeeamt~la~ien- a€- air- may ire€e~€e~e-~ai~l~-€l~e-€lew- {b}- ~dal~es : - -All- ~al~es-shall- span- fie- ~l~e- le€~-- - ~ael~-~al~e shall-be-aeeessible-€e~-epe~a~ier~-wi~l~-s~ar~da~el-~al~e-key-~l~reagl~ a-xal~e-bey-e~~er~elir~g-~e-~l~e-g~eand-ss~€aee fe}- ~'~~e- Hpel~ants : - - H~d~ants- sl~a~~- l~a~*e- twe- tae- anel- ene-hal€ ~nel~- ne~~les- anel- ene- €er~~- anel- ene-had€- ~nel~- pt~mpe~- nea~~e: pde~~~e-eaps-sl~a~~-lie-p~e~~eleel-~a~tl~-se~~tab~e-gaskets-te-p~e~~e7e-a ~}gl~€-seal-w~tl~-tl~e-ne~~~es : --Sc~eh-eats-sY~a~~-lie-seer~~e~~-el~a~nee7 te- tl~e- ba~~e~- a€- tl~e- l~pd~ants : - - Eat- nr~ts- sl~a~~- l~a~e- tY~e- same el~mens~ens-as-tl~e-epe~at~ng-nr~t-a€-tl~e-l~pd~ant: --The-s~~e-a€-tl~e main-~ra~~e-epen~ng-e€-the-l~~el~ant-sl~a~~-lie-net-}ess-t~ian-€es~-ane7 ene-lqa~€-~nelges---~'iqe-lq~el~ant-siga~~-eenneet-te-a-s~~-~nelg-h~anelg pipe-}ene-~~-wl3~e)g-~s-}eeated-an-~se~at~ng-gate-~a~~e---Hpel~an~s s13a~~- lie- }eeateel-net- mere- t)3an- twe~~e- €eet- €~em- tige- eelge- a€- tige pa~aement-an~ess-at~tige~~seel-Hp-d~~eete~:--fin-water-spstems-se~~}ng s~bel~~~s~ens; -f ~~e-)3pel~ants-siga~~-lie-~nsta~~eel-se-that-tlgere-w~}} lie-at-feast-ene-l3pel~ant-w~tlq~n-€er~~-l~~nel~eel-€eet-a€-tlge-eente~-e€ tl°-e- €~ent- p~e~e~t~- }ene- a€- eaelg- let- se~~ee7- gyp- se~elg- spstem: Hpd~ants- sl~a~~- be- }eeateel- at- street- ~nte~seet~ens; - ~€-~ess~~le: {e~e7:-Ne--~5~2-} 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be March 24, 1987. ITEM NUMBER [~ -- .~.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Authorizing conveyance of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMEN/TS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board of Supervisors is conveying surplus County real estate to the School Board for future educational purposes. FISCAL IMPACT: Qv None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the County Administrator be autho- rized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this transaction. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney -------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 32 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the disposition and conveyance of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on March 10, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on March 24, 1987. This real estate is located west of Salem, ad- joining Glenvar High School; and 2. That the conveyance of approximately 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. _ u.. .-' , AT A REGULAR MEETING OF T THE ROANOKE COUNTYIADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGCENTER,H ONDTUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE 32487-16 AUTHORTZING THE CONVEYANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 32 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE FROM THE BOARD OF SUPN~YIS~HOOOLFBOARDOOF ROANOKE COUNTYE COU VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the disposition and conveyance of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on March 10, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on March 24, 1987. This real estate is located west of Salem, ad- joining Glenvar High School; and 2, That the conveyance of approximately 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TES`rE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File Real Estate Assessor County Attorney Commonwealth's Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library ITEM NUMBER ~ " AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIAANOKE p'VATHEONOTUESDAYOUMARCHD24,II19$7TION CENTER IN RO MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Second reading of an ordinance to convey to the Virginia Department of Transportation 0.093 acres for right of way on Rt. 601 (Old Hollins Road). COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ ~~13'~wr~ti~ D~ ~~.~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Transportation is in the process of acquiring the right of way needed for the widening of State Route 601 (Old Hollins Rthe)CountysneardthesAmp sitehe Eastern side of property owned by The right of way needed includes 0.093 acres of land, 0.003 acres in permanent easement, 0.153 acres in temporary easement, an additional utility easement and the need to reset two iron pins. The offer to cover this transaction and all related damages is $3,450.00, which the County Assessor has agreed is the fair market value. Staff also feels that all improvements to this roadway will have a positive impact on the marketing of this tract. The first reading of this proposed ordinance washeld on March 10, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT The state has offered $3,450.00 for the acquisition of land ~~ easements and allowance to reset two iron pins and any and all damages. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the second that the County Administrator be necessary documents to consummate reading be held on March 24 and authorized to execute the this transaction. SUBMITTED BY: ohn M. Chambl~'ss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator APPROVED: u.~/ Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator D -,~ -------------- VOTE ------------------------------- Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 /~} ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND `"" AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE ON ROUTE 601 (OLD HOLLINS ROAD) BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on March 10, 1987. A second reading was held on March 24, 1987. This real estate is located on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road) and consists of 0.093 acre of land in fee, 0.003 acre in permanent easement, 0.153 acre in temporary easement, and an addi- tional utility easement; and 2. That offers having been received for this surplus real estate on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road), the offer of the Virginia Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,450.00 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ,,.,r"1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE 32487-17 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE ON ROUTE b01 (OLD HOLLINS ROAD) BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on March 10, 1987. A second reading was held on March 24, 1987. This real estate is located on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road) and consists of 0.093 acre of land in fee, 0.003 acre in permanent easement, 0.153 acre in temporary easement, and an addi- tional utility easement; and 2. That offers having been received for this surplus real estate on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road), the offer of the Virginia Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,450.00 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN : None A COPY - TESTE ~ • Q~L~-O~y~~- Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File John A. Peters, Coordinator of Roads Real Estate Assessor County Attorney Commonwealth's Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library t ITEM NUMBER C~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJEC'T': Amending Section 21-52(e) of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to use value assessment revalidation fees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Section 21-52(e) of the Roanoke County Code provides for a use value assessment revalidation fee every five years. Section 58.1-3234 of the Code of Virginia provides for a use value assessment revalidation fee every six years. This ordinance amends Section 21-52(e) of the County Code to comply with the state statute. The first reading for this proposed ordinance was held on March 10, 1987; the second reading is scheduled for March 24, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: 9 ~ None . RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors favorably consider the adoption of this ordinance amendment. Respectfully submitted, ~~.~ tilrt ~ ~~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney --------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion bv: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~} "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIR CENTE~R,HONDTUESDAYE MARCHOK24 CO 987Y ADMINISTRATION ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-52(e) OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE PERTAINING TO USE VALUE ASSESSMENT REVALIDATION FEES WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading was held on March 10, 1987, a second reading was held on March 24, 1987, and a public hearing was held on March 24, 1987, concerning an ordinance amending Section 21-52(e) of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to use value assessment revalidation fees; WHEREAS, Section 21-52(a), Article III, Division 2 of Chapter 21 of the Roanoke County Code provides for property owners to submit an application for taxation on the basis of use assessment; and WHEREAS, Section 21-52(e), Article III, Division 2 of Chapter 21 of the Roanoke County Code provides that property owners must revalidate annually with the County Assessor any such application previously approved and imposes a revalidation fee at a five-year (5) interval; and WHEREAS, Section 58.1-3234 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, authorizes the local governing body of a County by ordinance to impose a revalidation fee at a six-year (6) interval. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-52(e) be amended to read and provide as follows: Section 21-52(e). A property owner must revalidate annually with the County assessor any applications previously approved. A re- ~/ ~' validation fee is hereby imposed at a ~~~e f5} six (6) year interval, such fee to be in the amount of the original application fee. Revalidation forms may be filed late on or before the effective date of the assessment upon the payment of a late filing fee of double the original application fee. 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be April 1, 1987. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE 32487-18 AMENDING SECTION 21-52(e) OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE PERTAINING TO USE VALUE ASSESSMENT REVALIDATION FEES WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading was held on March 10, 1987, a second reading was held on March 24, 1987, and a public hearing was held on March 24, 1987, concerning an ordinance amending Section 21-52(e) of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to use value assessment revalidation fees; WHEREAS, Section 21-52(a), Article III, Division 2 of Chapter 21 of the Roanoke County Code provides for property owners to submit an application for taxation on the basis of use assessment; and WHEREAS, Section 21-52(e), Article III, Division 2 of Chapter 21 of the Roanoke County Code provides that property owners must revalidate annually with the County Assessor any such application previously approved and imposes a revalidation fee at a five-year (5) interval; and WHEREAS, Section 58.1-3234 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, authorizes the local governing body of a County by ordinance to impose a revalidation fee at a six-year (6) interval. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-52(e) be amended to read and provide as follows: Section 21-52(e) A property owner must revalidate annually with the County assessor any applications previously approved. A re- validation fee is hereby imposed at a €~*ae f5} six (6) year interval, such fee to be in the amount of the original application fee. Revalidation forms may be filed late on or before the effective date of the assessment upon the payment of a late filing fee of double the original application fee. 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be April 1, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTS /~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File Real Estate Assessor County Attorney Comonwealth's Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library Sheriff's Lepartment ' ~ ~ ITEM NUMBER 3 d ~T -"'' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRINNROANOKE,AVATHONROTUESDAYCOMARCHAD4IN198RATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Public hearing to receive citizen input into the 1987-88 budget process. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S,/COMMENTS: ,.(~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board of Supervisors has requested that a public hearing be scheduled prior to the County Administration presenting its budget document to the Board for study so that the citizens may offer input as to items which they would like to have considered or included in the 1987-88 budget process. This mubsessionlof has been duly advertised to be held at the 7:00 p. the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 24, 1987. After considering the citizen's input at this public hearing, staff will assimilate all data and present the formal budget document to the Board of Supervisors at a special meeting on Monday, March 30, 1987. The formal public hearing on the budget and on the tax rates for 1987 will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. At that time citizens may offer further comment on items actually recommended to the Board of Supervisorosfb~hehbuddetncannot1occurauntilFatmleasttsevenndays adoption g after this formal public hearing. All department heads and constitutional officers have been invited s ooftthedcitizenskandsalso to be available to as saver comment questions of the Board of Supervisors. ~V FISCAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION: SUBMITTED BY: John M. Cham iss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator APPROVED: ~~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 387 --1 Approved Denied Received Ref erred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~"`~ ..'" COUNTY OF ROANOKE PUBLIC HEARING CITIZEN INPUT FOR THE 1987-88 BUDGET The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County invites citizens of Roanoke County to offer written or oral comment for items to be included in the budget for the 1987-88 fiscal year. An informational public hearing, to receive citizen input will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Ave., S•W•- Roanoke, Virginia. The formal public hearing required before the adoption of the budget will be held on April 7. All interested citizens are invited to attend each of these meetings. Please publish as a block ad on Tuesday, March 17, 1987 in the morning and evening editions. Bill cost of publication to: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 .3 8 ~- 3/24/87 TO: Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County FROM: Rita Watson, President Roanoke County Council PTA RE: Permission To Speak On Budget On 3/2/87, at roll call of the Roanoke County Council PTA meeting, all schools present gave their permission for Rita Watson, President, to speak before the Board Of Supervisors of Roanoke County on the budget. Out of 26 schools belonging to the council, 22 gave their permission. Those absent at roll call, thus abstaining, were Cave Spring High; Hidden Valley Junior High; Northside Jr. High, and Herman L. Horn elem. School. Because I did not know this budget hearing was going to occur in March, those who failed to sign the form were to be asked at the 4/6/87 meeting. This will be sent for file after our monthly meeting in April. Attached are those that did remember to sign. In summary, 22 our of 26 schools gig their permission, with the 4 others not being present to vote. Rit Watson President, Rke. Co. Copuncil PTA ROANOKE COUNTY COUNCIL PARENT-TEACHER ASgpC1AT10NS 526 COLLEGE AVENUE SALEM. VIRGINIA 241 53 March 2, 1987 Each of the local units listed below give their permission for a representa- tive of Roanoke County Council PTA to speak to the Board of Supervisors regarding the school budget. ~~~~~ ~/. L- // / ~ ~ ti ~ r` ~ :> ,. - c, f f ~.. ~ ~. ,_, ~. ~~` ` y~ ` i ,~ I' ~~ ~°~ ti,-. ~~-I•-t~K ~~ a c.k CrC= ~ ~. _ ~=~ I ~~ - I~ ~_ r~r ~ ! ~~ c ,~ ~, X38 ~-/ ~ - CO ,¢~ ~A ~.~ ~J ~~ ~ U Y A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ..3~ ~- ~ ~ ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ~~ ~ NAME : ~ \ ~ ~ \ ~a~ , _> .~ ADDRESS : ~, `~r~ ~~~ ~.~ ~-~_) r yy C~ o.Yl_ n ~~ ~. 1 R ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 PHONE : ~ ~~ ~ - ~~~ ~ ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy _ Clerk. Thank you.) A p P E A.'R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~.~ " ,~`' I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the thebrulefunlesseinstPuctedgbynthe majoritynof will enforc the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ~~~~~~~IA~~~,y ~~~~n~~( ~L ~:r-' r ~-I~ Y- r SC'in ~ i ~ ADDRESS : 1 ~ ~. ~~ r - v-t: Cites s c :~ ~- `~ ~ Qr,-, ~ P~ ~ .l~ ~ ~ e t ~ PHONE : '`~ C 3 1 7 y S~ ~ Z ~/ 1 ~ ,.~ ~ ~ - J `~ =~ ~ ~~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy - Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A- N"C E~ R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~'' ~l%~f'.,~~'1~' I t~ ~l~Id-~ ~,' ~ (.t.6~~l~k ~~k'.1,~i~c.c v~ V / I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECOiZD . 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : //~ g ~ y ~ ~ Aiv r, -~ ADDRESS: ~(;~~: ~lrr~Vt ~_~~~,,.° PHONE: ~C~- ~,~5 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) - A p P E A R A`I+I`C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON '`"~ °°_ ~ / 1 I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED `I~.~ THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the thebrulefunlesseinstructedgbynthe majoritynof will enforce the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. (. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITHTHEEINDIVIDUALTTONREPRESENTATHEM.FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y _-~'. ~ NAME : ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'" 1 :.> ~C~3 t ~~ Y~ C>-~. y t `~_ ~. _,. ADDRESS : ~ ~ ~ ~", ~' ~.Y" t 1 V'~ ~f ~.,,%~_ PHONE: ~- (' 1 4 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ITEM NUMBER ~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code Providing for Appeals to be heard by the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, requiring owners of unsafe buildings to clear the lot after demolition, and extending the duration of demolition permits from thirty to ninety days COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S/COMMENTS: ~.c.i 'Y Q-C4'a ~Ltl~-. ~- lt~'r'I..L~, ~~e~,uf'~ f~ ~ >"~'u~ ?~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Section 7-62 of the Roanoke County Code provides that appeals from decisions of the Chief Building Official will be heard by the Board of Supervisors. The proposed amendment will channel all appeals relative to unsafe buildings to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. This amendment would therefore relieve the Board of Supervisors from having to inspect the site of the alleged violation. In addition, the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals will be able to bring their professional expertise to the appeal process. Section 7-66, Notice to repair or demolish, requires the owner of an unsafe building to repair or demolish the structure, but does not presently require the owner to clear the site of debris from the demolished building. This amendment would add that requirement, thus eliminating the need for the County to proceed by the public nuisance procedure to have the site clear- ed. Section 7-67.1, Demolition permit, stipulates that demoli- tion permits shall be valid for thirty days. The Chief Building Official has found that thirty days does not allow the permittee sufficient time to engage a contractor and complete the demoli- tion. Extending the duration of the permit to ninety days will remedy this deficiency and eliminate the need for the Chief Build- ing Official to grant extensions of the original permit. FISCAL IMPACT: n(i' None. RECOMMENDATION: ~-~,~ It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt these ordinance amendments. Respectfully submitted, mes N' i ger, Jr. hief Buil i g Official Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE *i.. voc nhc Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, "BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE PROVIDING FOR APPEALS TO BE HEARD BY THE BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS, REQUIRING OWNERS OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS TO CLEAR THE LOT AFTER DEMOLI- TION, AND EXTENDING THE DURATION OF DEMOLITION PERMITS FROM THIRTY TO NINETY DAYS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: ARTICLE IV. UNSAFE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Sec. 7-62. Appeals from decisions rendered under article. (a) A decision rendered by the building official in the enforcement of this article may be appealed to the bea~el-ef 9t1~9E~`b*~9e~S Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, provided such appeal is made within ten (10) days in a manner and form to be specified by the building official; provided, however, not subject to appeal. Before rendering a decision in favor of the appellant, the bea~el- ef- se~pe~~~se~a Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals must serve as a committee of the whole and conduct an on-site investigation of the building or structure in question and clearly determine that the condition of the same poses no threat to the health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the county. (b) The failure of any person to abide by the decision of the bea~e7- ef- 9ape~~~9e~a Building Code Board of A~ust- ments and Appeals after an appeal pursuant to this section shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor and be subject to legal action by the building official. Sec. 7-66. Notice to repair or demolish--Generally. (a) If an unsafe condition is found in a building or structure, the building official shall serve on the owner, agent or person in control of the building or structure a written notice describing the building or structure deemed unsafe and ~~~ specifying the required repairs or improvements to be made to render the building or structure safe and secure, or requiring the unsafe building or structure or portion thereof, to be demo- lished within a stipulated time. If the person so notified is required to demolish the structure, he shall be further required to clear the demolition site of all debris within five (5) da s after the completion of the demolition. Such notice shall re- quire the person thus notified to immediately declare to the building official his acceptance or rejection of the terms of the notice. (b) If the owner, agent or person in control of a building or structure cannot be found within the county, after diligent search, the notice referred to in subsection (a) above shall be sent by registered or certified mail to the last known address of such person and a copy of such. notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Such procedure shall be deemed the equivalent of personal notice. (c) The cost of any work required by a notice given pursuant to this section shall be the responsibility of the per- son to whom such notice is given. (d) Failure to comply with the requirements of a notice given pursuant to this section shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor. Sec. 7-67.1. Demolition permit. The owner or his agent shall secure a demolition permit to demolish an unsafe building or structure. Any demolition per- mit issued under this section shall be valid for ~h~~~y-f38} ninety (90) days. 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1987. `" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 ORDINANCE 32487-19 AMENDING CHAPTER 7, "BUILDING REGULATIONS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE PROVIDING ,FOR APPEALS TO BE HEARD BY THE BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUST1yENTS AND APPEALS, REQUIRING OWNERS OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS TO CLEAR THE LOT A F'PER DEMOLITION, AND EXTENDING THE DURATION OF DEMOLITION PERMITS FROM THIRTY TO NINETY DAYS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: ARTICLE IV. UNSAFE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Sec. 7-62. Appeals from decisions rendered under article. (a) A decision rendered by the building official in the enforcement of this article may be appealed to the bea~el e€ s~tpe~~~se~s Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, provided such appeal is made within ten (10) days in a manner and form to be specified by the building official; provided, however, not subject to appeal. Before rendering a decision in favor of the appellant, the bea~el e~ s~pe~~~se~s Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals must serve as a committee of the whole and conduct an on-site investigation of the building or structure in question and clearly determine that the condition of the same poses no threat to the health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the county. (b) The failure of any person to abide by the decision of the bea~el of s~pe~*a}sees Building Code Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals after an appeal pursuant to this section shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor and be subject to legal action by the building official. Sec. 7-66. Notice to repair or demolish--Generally. (a) If an unsafe condition is found in a building or structure, the building official shall serve on the owner, agent or person in control of the building or structure a written notice describing the building or structure deemed unsafe and specifying the required repairs or improvements to be made to render the building or structure safe and secure, or requiring the unsafe building or structure or portion thereof, to be demo- lished within a stipulated time. If the person so notified is_ required to demolish the structure, he shall be further required to clear the demolition site of all debris within five (5) days after the completion of the demolition. Such notice shall re quire the person thus notified to immediately declare to the building official his acceptance or rejection of the terms of the notice. (b) If the owner, agent or person in control of a building or structure cannot be found within the county, after diligent search, the notice referred to in subsection (a) above shall be sent by registered or certified mail to the last known address of such person and a copy of such notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Such procedure shall be deemed the equivalent of personal notice. (c) The cost of any work required by a notice given pursuant to this section shall be the responsibility of the per- son to whom such notice is given. (d) Failure to comply with the requirements of a notice given pursuant to this section shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor. Sec. 7-67.1. Demolition permit. The owner or his agent shall secure a demolition permit to demolish an unsafe building or structure. Any demolition per- mit issued under this section shall be valid for ~hl~~p f39~ ninety (90) days. 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTE -~Yc~~ ~1.cz-c-c~-ri- Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File Building & Construction Services County Attorney Commonwealth's Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Library Sheriff's Department 38`7- ~.. PETITIONER: D.W. DE~7EIIOPERS, INC• CASE NUMBER: 6-2/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: 2/3/87 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: 2/24/87 1. REQUEST Petition of D•W i ht-of- arsonlthe west~sl'de ofYSta mounalAvenue shown o~sthe fifty (50) foot g Y plat of Deer Run Estates, Section II. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. None. 4. PROFFERID pUNDITIONS a. None. 5, CODM4ISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Carolyn Flippen moved to approve the petition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Eddy, Jones, Flippen, Witt, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACf-3NIENTS Concept Plan (82" x 11") ~/ Vicinity Map (82" x 11") Staff Report Other: Robert S alzer, Planning Commission Secretary ~o 0 ~` t t W Q J l () J W ~ ~ W •• 'r m .:J ~ S O ~ i h W C W 3 ~• W ' h 1' N s ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~/ ~/ .~-yry, <.~ ii~_ .;~• _ ~ ~ ,. `. ~ v' ~ ~ a W _ _ ~ 1 ~ ` \~ aC , ~ N vl ~ V `' ~~ ~ 0 I !~, ~ . ~ W .~ < • Z N 7 W ~ \~ \ ~ ~ V~ ~~ Q 22W yt `1 1 Ct ~.~ v - -. ' ril I ~, I. ~ ml '.iS~16I ~ ' ~.OO:a9 •. y 1 C~ 1 N ~~ O ^i• OI; m ~ w7 t 1 ti 1 .o c• w ~ I ~ r tY O~ W W n~ i W• ~.~ ` `xe ' I ,~ rr z z W < ac '. .FF'LOl O~OOW NW { 1L2 N p ~ ~ sr Z v IWD ~ 00 8 OOS ~. ~ ` 3. l .S -~ . ~ "z'ICm i x .Zi s I ~ v'm~ .'~ -~d~Nt/m 'off ` (vl• I ' ~ 't gl y Q N W ~ ti` '~ I \~ pp~N ~ ~~~'1 I. ~ i ~ ~I ' r Q40 ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~~ I I IO ~ i ~ t ~~ •~ ~ I I oOCZ ~~. tl:~i W I 'yr ~ ! rFf 70L' , n O w .e i .v ` .. ~ ~ r. I ~ 3 ~y1~QGidO'N ~~ Bozo Wd °Vp. ~GOhV I ~ I ~ ~ ti, ~I ~W= . W° Paz ~m ~~~ I ~ i ~ I. =W ~~.Q ~O ~pW NW ~~ I , II V . Z ~ O { ~ G aC6rNm W4• ~Vj~ W~ ~ ~ . r W _ _ OC V .. ~ Y W ~' p w h 1 ~ .. 1~ ' N d~~ ~ Y L Z ~ Z~ O - OC Z W K 1- _ ~ N O~ W f N y'~~ W ~ W ~' j joYCN1-OC l~ NW W,~ W H r OG a Vl W ~- Z Z W Y I W ~ J W U d d O W W W NQ !- r! OG m N I W ~ , Z O t Z O p d G O N S=~ ap N 0 Q Z ~_' z ~ .°.rv ~.i °;o ' ~yy a~_.N.r .~ic oc~~o~s-z- ~~ v ~ d r W W V W U N W d W L U 1- W /j :~ /. O~ Z- W Y J W Z Z. ~ ~ ~` O 7 W= W W 4 O Z J I , W S O Z O O ~ O a H J F- S/ r ~' Z~ r S Q O J O N O F- O ~' O 4 ~ F- ~^ W ~ ~ !. V _ a=U O ~J.O ~ :' __~ ~d Q .OG N~=I.i ~ W ' H ~ 22 _ N O ... G ~ I ON WQ'~JN OSQ~~. KJV~Nm~Z~UF=-V~.NO D:: I u _ = O ~ ~ OC 1 QjjW Wtl1L NVO' 7W~O t'. ~...WWU'ZZH'yJN~<4I Q. , A j Y V NJ' W 1 h.~H ~ =O. Y-l='•Z ~O~7p ~'•I IY ~OC. I ~, li ~ 4 UN ZQ Z J < H' ~ i~~ .. O NY !V Z WT.krP.OC { I I 11 n.J N ~ W V I. K{ ~I NJZW7 V Q, JY, ~ _ m o W Y o pJ m 4' - W ° rTlf~ c~ s ~A1 ~ o{'I ,. . W~ zVONO.:.nZ N~~ fG4K y.. +'W 1L-NS<ZWW WW'•I~'.Q 1~ .1 - AuZ Q ~^~ W W GZO ~ 1 ~ ONOW Y +r = 4~. _ '~ _ 11 ~. $:' ;:~.. - - :. :j. '.. ~E. .F 3 ~. • •~:: f 5. i~C `'- .:~C_. .. ~s~- _ ?~ ' ;k 1 Xg~ .' ,y`.. ' 1, .. ; : . ::1i {?; .}:; :;f;;: ~:: .- r ~ ~ ~ __. i ' A~„ ._ ". ~p..mi ~ . eOUga~trgaw .. rcy~ - <~ Pa ', `P~N~~.. ,. , a*'",Q4 ~ifQ .may, - 'WAY o i~ _ ~,Sdip ~Q'q~.S~fq 4~+.P ~`~ py+ ~9N ~ --.'511E Y~ ~ • NORTH BURLIN(~+"~N Z wH9'Ci. t`. SNE alit ~"y HEIGHT$ or `rPP 9Ef~~,~ c~YgO Qp . ~ • ~p9 ~ •9G `P~ ~ „~..... o.~.~o i ~.o+ ~' ~ t'" nNOww[~D ~'f ~[j.>' IISYDIIMiNM9~,00MINIOV. ~i. U PO '~lp~ / `~. ~ 1 ,~ O CT. l O ~~a ~ : RD$~TA~RM~~ ~yoaici.~y(INK~i° [~1'~l r°PO .. ^~ Lo .w - '[' ¢ ~N d'9 ?.u~ii Vic. ~ ~ .._ .. ~ '.. ~Q9~"~'paPO' P ~ .. ,- _ d,/ S _' t N Po wq°'1 '3%~.en \. ' ~ ~ S ? a ~ 1 ~ fy' C s C . ®1LPINE N4yS~C-f" ~~ ~~L ~.~ WRM ..~- S`1f„~ 09 ~p ~. ~ 54 v~ TNC 2. p,- ~`?t'y~~~'~e!~N~ ~, ~~ y~ ~9 i[~ Q.~ C '~G,~ w'OOpNOS S~ Syr .'.. ~ Df[~t~, -yr f.~ -y . u, '~1WIGHI>, _-.........- y 9 f c 1 ~p`CY 1111_INITV MAD .......... ...... D a YADTIJ A- k _ ROANOKE COUNTY D.4J. Developers, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Right-of-way Vacation Ie ~` CASE N0. 6-2-87 STAFF REPORT FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DATE: January 28, 1987 PETITIONER: D. W. Developers, Inc. PREPARED BY: Arnold Covey Petition of D. W. Developers, Inc. to permanently vacate, discontinue and close a fifty-foot (50) right-of-way on the west side of Starmount Avenue shown on the Plat of Deer Run Estates, Section II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The petitioner wants to vacate the existing right-of-way, in order that a larger home may be placed on Lot 5, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 5. (Refer to attached site plan for right-of-way to be vacated) The 50 foot right-of-way on the east side of Starmount Avenue was vacated in April of 1983. The cross street was initially created in 1978 to allow a good connection with Deer Branch Road, located to the west of Deer Run Estates, in the Otterview Gardens Subdivision. Since that date, Roanoke County has received a preliminary subdivision from F & B Development, Inc. to subdivide the A. J. Bennett property into 68 lots. Access to the proposed subdivision will be provided from Barrens Road and Deer Branch Drive and the street connection to Starmount Avenue was not proposed. STAFF ANALYSIS• The County staff has no problem with the vacation because the adjoining property has access from four other streets but that all easements within this right-of-way be reserved (sewer line, water line and drainage easements). ~` ~ /' "" BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN RE: ) RECOMMENDATION VACATE A 50 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY ) ON THE EAST SIDE OF ) STARMOUNT AVENUE, SHOWN ON THE ) PLAT OF DEER RUN ESTATES j SECTION II TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your petitioner, D.W. Developers, Inc. did petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, requesting that a 50 foot right-of-way on the east side of Starmount Avenue as shown on the plat of Deer Run Estates, Section II recorded in plat book 9, page 113, be permanently closed and vacated; and WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 453, Title 15.1, Chapter 11, Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended) did hold a public hearing on~February 3, 1987; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the petition to permanently close and vacate the 50 foot right-of- way as shown on the plat prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, Certified Land Surveyors in Roanoke, Virginia, be approved. The above action-was adopted on motion of Carolyn Flippen, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Eddy, Jones, Flippen, Witt, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None Roanoke ounty Planning Commission ~_ W -o<> i' c W ~ J c] ~i ~ - ~~-~, ~r ~/ ~'-v'y' ~~- }. 'a`f. C~ J W W '~ m ~ J J ~ O d n W ~ ~ ni III ~s~d~ W~~ G" a=1 `~-Im !~ I Z ~ W ~ C 3 ~~ W n Z ~~. 0 r - ,, \ A ~ ~ Q1 V y W_.---f~~ a ~„' O c ~ a `L 00 \ " N C• ~ ~ W /, W .~ z . :r• ~ti " ~ W ~ ~ m~ fir' ~ o . Q K - .o • xo,~ W = ~ ~ W W O tD O N N Z W K J h ~ K'L Z W a X 0 0 ~ 0 W h W O V V ~c O W W; Y O W Z fYm Z R 4 S a a N W ~ W ~pa0 O V Z N ~ i. . aZ~ •o 'a H V Z /: 1 .WC. O V~Vf > 1 n+ I ~'n~ycOVrZ . tiY ~4ti O~~-4'~ ~ Q 1 JWZ WO =ZW WW ' W~~ V~ W3P I ~., i O ' 1. Q h wr~cn O), r- O noW h~ ~ 4p K Ov ~~~ `D I o ~f ~m a oCal-Nm Wa a ' ~W~r Wv w • W ~_ZV C[ 2 ~' WaZ N .». ~... .. ~.... . O Z N ~ ~ ~. • O W y ii .. Z • O N 4', F.. Z W N N E W /) ~ ~ - Z Zt W W a ~ i ~ ? NOY. G V NNt'J K K Z O i F- ON =Q Wes.:. = = '. O~ Vg m r G a Q __ .: > W Z J O O G N F• O L= h~ W 7 W 1' r I~ m ~ W Z~ WN OC ; DGOm...,: NWK C W O ~ ~ p , Z I Z Z. H= yYH - O N O H :: y -• QY= N O Op oZ v Z s m G N Z; Tr.~ W u Z . y 1 1 = N O V a~ Q F~ O 1~ Y Z~ i F- aK O'. Q W V ` W ..~( V O O W OG U ~ u. ~ .I H I i W fD ~ r O G) L W W W 4~ Z J SW J N Y J a O Z ~ Z Y. ~ = NC 3 Z = O O 01- F O ) .. r+ 0 W , -~ 1I s w • ~~ a JO 20. Z ~ I ~ QQ ~ NON~~O S7TO NO. .i 0;1~ ~. ~ ' O~ ~ "7 7 F- N O Z K ~ =.J V pgoC Z W ~„ V F-V ~ N ~,i ~ Z.i 1 - Ov)W W Y w NV~ ) _ 1 iWP~..1+xZ1'32N~yJN 7a~~(,I J `JG O[ Op ~ I I O ' ~ ~ S1-JNHV J' a V N Z Q Z J V I ~ NZ Q_ Z I .,I W )LH Yr.. 7 pq O1J +t' i i a0, I t ° y r} Z~~7 Z Z w~ Y ~~. a I. •. ~. j ~ ~ ~I~ G S ~1 ~ ~~.4. ~~ '~rJ ~ Y y Z OD O lr s W VOyO .G'1 Z O ~ZQN , • W ,4 •n ^ = 7 D I ~ tpp: .~ O „ YP~W •WrV)Z 4Z WWW~.~ 6 ~ tL 7C , ) G N WN _ AuZ 14 +t oC i n -+ ~ ZO.- 'r OW W W n G : .. ,~ .yam _ .~. . ~ ~ ~ - 5 ~. _- . ~ ~ - _•.. _.. -:~. ~ -. - W. H. JOLLY (1927-1986) JACK V. PLACE W. HEYWOOD FRALIN A LTON B. PRILLAMAN DAVID C. HELSCHER STEPHEN M. YOST WILLIAM C. MAXWELL B. PURNELL EGGLESTON OF COUNSEL Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke Roanoke, Virginia Gentlemen: February 20, 1987 3~ 7- 2 SALEM, VA. 24153 105 N. COLORADO STREET P. O. BOX 279 (703)389-2349 ROANOKE, VA. 24001 209 FIRST STREET. S. W. P. O. BOX 2865 (703)342-3185 Re: Proposed Street Closing Section 2, Deer Run Estates It has been called to my attention by F & B Developers, Inc. the owners of the adjoining property of the proposed street closing, that the effects of this closing have been misunderstood. It's understanding was that drainage and sewerage facilities would be allowed to be installed subsequent to the street closing. I have pointed out to them that unless proper easements are reserved, this would not be the case. It appears that the proper development of the adjoining property would require storm sewer and storm water drainage easements through the road. Therefore, F & B Developers, Inc., as adjoining owners request that the street not be closed until such time as appropriate storm water and storm sewer facilities have been installed into the street. Thank you for your cooperation. Y ur v r ly, ~ ~ . Fralin WHF/mu LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRALIN &PRILLAMAN, P. C• 3912 ELECTRIC ROA D,S. W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 (703) 989-0000 cc: F & B Developers, Inc. _•-, _ ~ ~. - - ~~ ~ .~~~ L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 24, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of D. W. Developers, Inc., requesting vacation of a 50 foot right of way on the east side of Starmount Avenue as shown on the plat of Deer Run Estates Section II recorded in plat book 9, page 113. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this fifth day of February, 1987. -rv2~~, ~d Q~l o ~ Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: February 10, 1987 February 17, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: D. W. Developers, Inc. Suite 108 3214 Electric Road Roanoke, Virginia 24018 r,,,/ . 7J~~, ~ ~. ~, ' ~. -~. ~>~. VIRGINIA: BEFORE TIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF :?.nANOKE COUNTY RE : Abandoning of Right of Way (ROW ) of a northerly portion of ROW on Starmount Avenue, Deer Run Estates TO TIIL' HONORABLE SLIPI;RV ISORS OF ROANOKF COU*1TY YOUR PETITIONER(S) , n W nevelopers; Inc. respectfully file this petition pursuant to Section t5.1- ~I82(b) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and respect fu 11 y sho~~m the following 1) The Petitioner(s) are the owners of Lot 5 Block ~ anc3 Lot 1 Block 5 of Deer Run Estates Sec II of record in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia in Deer Run Mates as shown on attached Exhibit "A." 2) The Petitioner(s) desires that the ROW on the northerly side of Starmount Avenue shown o n the p 1 a t o f Deer Run Estates Sec . ] s o ~•. ~~ J ~ `e-' ,~. ~ c.'~ n '"°a ;.;~ ~G rr VET ',:5 .t~~> `~f > t"> l "„> ,. x ,e u,y A. ,Y C,i,~~ ~_, ~~~•s '~z> ~2' rye permanently vacated, discontinued, and closed. 3) All of the ROW which the petitioner(s) seek to vacate, discontinue, and close is shown in red ( and cross hatched ) on a copy of the map of Deer Run Estates Ste. II ~ attached as .in Exhibit , "A 4) The petitioner(s) desire to use these portions of the aforementioned road for improvement to their properties anc? tc~ divide the Row equally between Lot 5 Block 3 and Lot 1 Block 5 5) The closing of the ROW 6) The aforementioned road, your petitioner(s) are seeking to have closed has never been improved and/or opened for public use. THEREFORE, your petitioner(s) respectfully request that the above .described RoW vacated, discontinued and closed. ' be permanently Respectfully submitted, D W Developers, Inc. (Petitioner) by Maurice Desseyn ySec/Treas e~i t i o n e r~~~, f ~G~d ~~, ~, ~, i I a~~- ~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLI C HEARING ON ~• "V , ~i/~! e/ZS ~"'" c • - ~'~C~' ' °i~ ®~ '~~~¢ °~ ~~rt G~ ~~ ~5 ~5 I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I understa nd that the Chairman may set a limit on the length of time I may speak. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : ~l ,(//17~ ' ~~/7l /, ADDRESS : ~/~~- ~/cc~`~i ~' J~- ©!~ PHONE : ~ d ~-''~ ~O O PLEASE NOTE: After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) 3g ~~- ~ M E M O f2 A N i) ~) n1 TO: Arnold Covey ~ ~ r '''~ ~' RCM : John Peters ~ '-t ~ - THRU: Phillip Hen~r ~(T~ DATE: March 16, 1987 SUBJEC'P: D&W Associates, Petition to Vacate 50 foot R/W We gave reviewed the Petitioner's Request to vacate the 50 foot right of way adjacent to Starmount Drive, and we offer the following comments: 1. The Petitioner shall provide the County Engineering Department with an Overlot Grading Plan* and Drainage Computations for review and approval to verify that any new structures on the adjoining lots will not be inundated during a 100 year storm frequency storm. 2. The instrument vacating the 50 foot right of way shall establish a new 50 foot drainage easement bounded by the limits of the existing right of way. * Scale: 1" = 30' and 2 foot contour interval ~~ ~ ~.> ~~.~ BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN RE: RECOMMENDATION VACATE A 50 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY j ON THE WEST SIDE OF STARMOUNT AVENUE, SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF DEER RUN ESTATES ) SECTION II TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANDO eve lOo p e r•s , I n c . d i d our petitioner, D.W. WHEREAS, y y Vir inia, ervisors of Roanoke Count g petition the Board of Sup on the west side of requesting that a 50 foot right-of-way Starmount Avenue as shown on the plat of Deer Run Estates, Section II recorded in plat book 9, page 113, be permanently closed and vacated; and WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning after due legal notice as required by Commission which, Code of Virginia, 1950 Section 453, Title 15.1, Chapter 11, as amended) did hold a public hearing on February 3, 1987; and arties in interest WHEREAS, at that public hearing all p ortunity to be heard; were afforded an opp Commission NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Supervisors that the recommends to the BO close fa d vacate the 50 foot right-of- petition to permanently lat prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & way as shown on the p Virginia, be Associates, Certified Land Surveyors in Roanoke, approved. The above action was adopted on motion of Carolyn Flippen, and upon the following recorded vote: Winstead AYES: Eddy, Jones, Flippen, Witt, NAYS: None ABSENT: None Roanoke ount Planning Commission t x~, ~~a r; ~~ C:y ~~ `',~` `'" ~ ~ -~.• :;.a ~~._ _~ .~.. ~ . r~, ~, ~-~ .. r ~, ~' I ROANOk%: COUNTY, VIRGINIA c,EFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, ~, I?~I xL: ) ~,' FINAL ORDER i VACATE A 50 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY ; ON THE WEST SIDE OF S`I'ARMOUNT AVENUE, SHOWN ON THE ) ' PLAT OF DEER RUN ESTATES j 'I SECTION II TC:t TiE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY : i ,• r our etitioner, D.W. Developers, Inc., did ~P.ErtEAS, y P Fe"~z t~~•on the Board of County Supervisors to abandon and vacate ', =; oc~rt:ion of the 50 foot right-of-way located on the west side ~-±f Star~r,ount .Avenue between lot 5, block 3 and lot 1, block 5; ' I and ~x-iFREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County '' S~,`;~~•;:,•sors did hold a public hearing on the petition on ~~,:_,;~::_ ;, ~ ;_ y 24 , 1987, at which time, all parties in interest were j --~i-~a~r:, an opportunity to be heard; and j I~iW; TiiEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the 50 foot right-of- j y~~~;y, ilereinabove described and as shown on a plat attached hc:r~er_a,, be permanently vacated and abandoned excluding the ' a new 50 foot drainage eaisti~~g utility easements, but -~~. ~, ~ ed b the limits of the existing right-of-way ea:.e~,,en~t boand Y :hall be established. BFI IT FURTfiER ORDERED that a copy of this order be ~ t?_,ans~r~'~ tted 'to the Department of Development and that this ~' oLdel }ae recorded by petitioner along with the attached plat f a_~o~.i~, the land records of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor McGraw !~ and upon the following recorded vote: AYESr Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw,Nickens,Johnso 'SAYS: None '. ~.BSIuNT: ~i r Mary Allen, ~ Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors t;~:..; h,r;:~„•t~ Covey, Development Review r~~-~;,~~.,-~iz,exlt of Development ''c>a? F.~si~ai~e Assessor PETITIONER: DAVID W. PETERS ~ ~-~ ,,, CASE N[]MBER: 10-3/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 3, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 24, 1987 1. RDQCTEST Petition of David W. Peters to rezone a 0.44 acre parcel from M-1, Industrial to B-2, Business to operate a retail sales business and a repair shop located on the west side of Route 221 approximately 600 feet south of its intersection with Route 690, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Sight distance termed "questionable" by VDH&T. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. All repair work done on the premises will be inside the existing enclosed structure. b. No dismantling of vehicles or equipment will be done on the outside of structure c. All loose parts--new or used--to be stored on inside of building. (4) d. Property to be rezoned B-2 will only be used for any use permitted in the B-1 District, except residential; commercial uses serving the needs of a community such as banks, retail drug stores, food sales, wearing apparel shops, home appliance sales and services, barber and beauty shops, office, hotels, motels, theaters, assembly halls, coin-operated laundries and small dry cleaning and laundry establishments, new car dealerships (which may include service facilities and used car lots), and personal and professional.. services. Only merchandise intended to be sold at retail on the premises shall be stocked. Restaurants, all types except restaurants/on-premises consumption/dancing, in shopping centers, and restaurants/on-premises consumption dancing, when accessory to a hotel and motel operation, pursuant to Article II, Chapter 4 of the Roanoke County Code; public and private off - street parking lots; public and nonprofit organization uses such as churches, libraries, schools, playgrounds and parks. e. Overnight outside display will be limited to ten tractors f. .Any outside display will be 20 feet from the highway pavement. 5. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Lee Eddy moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Jones, Flippen, Witt, Eddy, Winstead NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") a/ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other: 1 Robert Stalzer, Planning Commission Secretary 9A 7-,~ ~•~~ z T Q ~ J 0 1 ~- N f N i oo~ ~~~~ D ~unRTu ROANOKE COUNTY David W. Peters DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT M-1 t0 B-2 3~7- 3 TO: M E M O R A N D U M Roanoke County Planning Commission FROM: Rob Stalzer ,~~~/~- DATE: February 23, 1987 SUBJECT: Rezoning Petition of David W. Peters Petitioner requests rezoning of the former, now vacant, Bent Mountain Fire Station to be used for the retr i aira of hisa equipmentda d largea garden equipment as well as the p farming apparatus. Most of the abelsome woutsbdecdisplaydofnfaam and structure; however, there may ermitted garden equipment. No repair work or storage will be p outside of the structure. Petitioner proffers that all repair worNoddismantlingpofmvehicles or done inside existing enclosed building. equipment will be done on thwill bel sto~ed tinsiderthe build ngl loose equipment parts, new or used, arcel was originally considered for rezoning by the Planning This p Commission in January of 19 ed.the tropertyeastsurplusoandCwere seeki ng of Supervisors had declar P rezoning to increase the ch ert s fthesCommissionudeniedpthefreque t and not proposed for the prop Y the Board took no action. The arcel is located in the midst of the. BeTn~e M 985tCo~prehensive P within the Windsor Hills MagisterialorDionresf Bent Mountain as a Village Development Plan designates this-p Center. The proposed use is uralmandcforestalYactivit esrand is an supports surrounding agricult encouraged activity. Further definition is contained in Policy VC-3 and VC-4. Surrounding properties include an automobile repair facility, community store"and post office. _ Staff anticipates that traffic generation will be fewer than 50 The etitioner must provide for at least 11 parking vehicles per day. P spaces on site. VDH&T states that site ermitnrequ gredemeEng nee ring questionable and commercial entrance p states that there are no problems with water, septic or drainage. Proposed annual gross revenue will be betweeroximate0ly $30,OOOO~OThe The value of the land and building is app number of people to be employed will be 2 or 3. The total revenue to the County will be $2,100 per year. ajb ~~ '~~ -~- L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of David W. Peters, requesting rezoning from M-1 Industrial to B-2 Business of a tract containing .44 acre and located on the west side of Route 221 approximately 600 feet south of its intersection with Route 690 in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to operate a repair shop and for retail sales. The County Planning Commission recommends approval with proffered conditions. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other docurtmentrofaDevelopment,rlocated in Roomx600nat thetRoanokecCountyhe Depa Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons dentactgthe County office ofaPersonneluServicesla[703]a772r2018~ted to co special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this Sixth day of March,-1987. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, March 10, 1987 Tuesday, March 17, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Mr. David Peters Route 1, Box 165 Copper Hill, Virginia 24079 VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY p, .44 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the west side of ) Rt. 221 approximately 600 feet south of ) its intersection with Route 690 ) RECOMMENDATION within the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 111.00-1-17 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner David W. Peters has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from M-i Industrial District to B-2 Commercial District for the purpose of operating a repair shop and for retail sales - hardware, lawn and garden equipment. WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on March 3 19 87 and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be approved with proffered conditions ~~ Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above- referenced parcel of land be rezoned to B-2 Commercial with conditions District. The above action was adopted on motion o f M r L e e B E d d y , x~nc xscacaarxvt x~ ~t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Jones, Flippen, l~Jitt, Eddy, I~Jinstead NAYS: None ABSENT: "Jone Respectfully submitted, Secretar Roanoke County Planning Commission r~ t VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A •44 acre parcel. of land, ) generally located on the West side ) of Rt. 221, Approx. 600 Feet South of ) its intersection with Rt. 690 within the Windsor Hills ) PETITION Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 111.00-1-17 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner David W. Peters respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioner is the owner of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned un-ier the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as M-1 Industrial District. 3 ) The property is designated Uiillage Center in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as B-2 Commercial District for the purpose of Operatin a Repair Shop & Retail Sales - Hardware, Lawn & Garden Equipment Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, David W. Peters Petitioner ~~~~ Page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 44 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the west side ~' of Route 221 approximately 600 feet south of its intersection with Route 690 ) FINAL ORDE R ~ within the Windsor Hills d- ) M Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 111.00-1-17 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) ~` TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: CZ CGC: WHEREAS, y David W. Peters our Petitioner w did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above- ~- o arcel of land from M-1 Industrial ~ referenced p District for the purpose ° District to B-2, Commercial ~-- of operating a repair shop and for retail sales - hardware lawn & arden e ui ment. the Planning Commission did hold ~ WHEREAS, after due legal notice, ~ 19 87, at which time, ° etition on March 3, ~ a public hearing of the p ci °- iven an opportunity to be heard; an all parties in interest were g WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be aPProved NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 111.00-1-17and recorded in Deed Book 632 Page 246 and legally described District to below, be rezoned from M-1 Industrial B 2, Business w/conditions District. 38 ~- 3 Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the west right-of-way line of Route 221, corner to the property now or formerly owned by Mary Powell Baker; thence, with the west right-of-way line of Route 221 S. 15 deg. 30' W. 70 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 74 deg. 30' W. 100 feet to a iron pin; thence, N. 22 deg. 32' W. 78.3 feet to a point; thence, N. 57 deg. 00' E. 104.5 feet to a point; thence, S. 74 deg. 30' E. 79.3 feet to a point on the west boundary of Route 221; thence, with the same, S. 15 deg. 30' W. 70 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.443 acres. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Garre~ct and upon the following recorded vote: 'AYES: Hu~oervisors !;rit,tle, Garrett, ilcGra~~v, I3ickenc, voznsoir NAYS: None ABSENT: More Deputy `~~, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Departrient of 7evelopment Real Estate Assessor 3 ~ ~- ~ VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A .44 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the west side of) co M ~r~ c7 F-- u~ <_ 0 0 Q 0 w 0 a a Q Rt. 221 Approximately 600 feet south of ) its intersection with Route 690 ) within the Windsor Hills PROFFER OF CONDITIONS Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 111.00-1-17 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E. of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner David W. Peters hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: All repair work done on the premises will be inside the exsisting enclosed structure. No dismantling of vehicles or equipment will be done on the outside of structure. All loose parts - new or used to be stored on inside of building. Permitted uses will be limited to items 1-4 listed under Permitted Uses of the B-2 General Commercial District as attached. Overni.aht display1wi11 be 1:imited to ten;(10) tractors. Any outside display will be twenty (20) feet from the highway pavement. Respectfully submitted, Petitioner ~j ~~ /"/ 21-23-2 B-2 GENERAL COft^,ti~iERCIAL DISTRICT A. Permitted uses. In the B-2 General Commercial District, any buildings to be erected or land to be used shall be for one or more of the following uses: (1? Any use perrnitted in the B-1 District, except residential; (2) Commercial uses serving the needs of a community such as banks, retail drug stores, food sales, wearing apparel shops, home appliance sales and services, barber and beauty shops, offices, hotels, motels, theaters, assembly halls, coin-operated laundries and small dry cleaning and laundry establishments, new car dealerships (which may include service facilities and used car lots) , and personal and professional services. Only merchandise intended to be sold at retail on the premises shall be stocked. Restaurants, all types except restaurants/on-premises consumption/dancing; a`'"in~"~ shopping centers, and restaurants/on-premises consumption/dancing, when accessory to a hotel and motel operation, pursuant to Article I I , Chapter 4 of the P.oanoke County Code; (3) Public and private off-street parking lots; (4) Public and nonprofit organization uses such as churches, libraries, schools, playgrounds and parks; 387-y- PETITIONER: JACK F. V~,LROND, JR. CASE N[A~iBIIt: 11-3/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 3, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 24, 1987 1. REQUEST Petition of Jack L. Walrond, Jr. to rezone the fornler Trail Drive- In Theater, a 14.29 acre parcel, from R-E, Residential Estates, to B-2, Business, B-3, Business and M-l, Industrial to develop commercial road frontage, the Walrond Oil Retail Office complex, and a light industrial park, located on the southeast side of Route 460 approximately 400 feet northeast from the border of Roanoke City and Roanoke County in the Hollins Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION There were 11 present in opposition to the petition and 10 present in support of the petition. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Fire Protection: Area is outside of reco~unended travel time standard. b. Rescue: Area is outside of recannended travel time standard. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. All fuel storage within the distribution facilities. will be underground, providing bottom loading service only. Tanks are to be buff hide-steel with fiberglass sealer. All corners of the storage areas are to be monitored with seepage detectors. b. All truck storage areas as related to Walrond Oil Company are to be screened fran view from adjacent property owners, by landscaping, earth berm, fence or combination. c. Retail facilities to be of similar design to Texaco 2000 Outlet. Landscaping per concept plan. d. Office design to be in substantial conformity to concept plans and architectural description. e. Walrond Oil Company complex will be contained within B-2 and B-3 zoned areas as set forth on the concept plan. f. Development of the commercial properties and light industrial park will be within restrictions as proposed for Perimeter-East Commerce Park. g. B-3 zoning to be restricted to permitted uses under Section 21-23-3 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance-updated August 4, 1986, to users defined under paragraphs 1 and 3. h. B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-23-2 of the zoning ordinance--public billiard parlor and poolrooms, golf driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. i. M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the zoning ordinance--automotive repair, overhauling or service requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kennels with exterior runs or yards, flea markets and mini warehouses. ~~ ~- j. A 35 foot buffer strip shall be maintained between light industrial an adjacent residential and agricultural districts. Buffers which abutd residential home sites shall be planted with evergreen trees, inters with deciduous trees as set forth in Section 21-92 persed subsection E, F, G of the screening and buffering ord Hance a as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. k. The middle entrance on the concept plan will be used as an entrance onl exit will be at the crossover. y; the 1. Property will be developed in substantial conformity with SK-2, Jones & Jones Associates. 5• CQNA~lISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Carolyn Flippen moved to deny the petition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Ate: Jones, Flippen, Eddy NAYS: Witt, Winstead ~S~': None 6. DISSENTING PERSpECTI~ a. Messrs. Winstead and Witt stated that the 75/25 tax base; the proposal is a hi h petition is consistent with the conditions for noise levels; suffic~enqubuffer betweenm resident ale and industrial use. 7. ATI'ACHNIENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~'~ x 11") ~ Staff Report Other: ~A- Robert Sulzer, Planning Commission Secretary Y ~O t V 0 3 S C w W t0 = ~ .~a ;~ ~ ~. ~~~ - _ Y R ~ ~~ _ - :_- . _ - ~I ~ .. , - z~ .,.: ~, .~_ !n ~I _~!T ;; _ _ ~~ y - _y'1 r Y P o Yi_ . ~ _ Y ~ - • ~ ao , : ' ~. .... •• 8 4 , Y j~ Y - ~g~~~ 0 ~y i ~~ • I a J Q W H J Q H W U Z 0 a 0 a F u r Y 7 a i ~ :, ~..~ ----- `: o c ao ~ !'. _ O 0 .. :~~ ~ N =~~ ~ ~~ t ~s _ ~::.. ~ 7J-` ~ , Q ~~ ~._ 5. O~'~~B Dr~r A"0 Y~ _ nor ~inoea .~ ._ ..f-- C ~ ~ t ~V a]] \5 •f ~• r t z; > ~~ e °y1 u ~ i i ~ i ~ r• :. qOa o = ~ ~ Y Y • ~~ ~ o ~~~ O Y I = Y ~y • j p i :=.3• '~ a u~v3~' < • o o • m ~~~ ~~~ 1-Wg N~"'o Qza W W '> ~ F ~v~ W~~ ~Ww ~~0 ~~Z W a aDQ V ~1 U I'~ I Q M:_ ~ a 7 0 i ~i ~~ a n~ 3• ^ C^C ^• ~, o ~© Y Y 0 ~ M ~ !> ~ ~~ N 0 ~ ~ i 1 i ~^ Q r ~~ ~ - r o~ ~ « r~ Q u W ,~ • Y ~ to s ~~ ~ Q ~1 a ~~ z_ of ~Wa NF.z aZ° WW> ~ } WWI i- V o W~u ~Y ~. Z W_~ o a_: o a _v -- ~ _.~- ~--- --- w~~~ i' 4 ~' • ~~ v s S ; C '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~.» ^ r r ~~ ~~ 3s~-4~ D ~nuru 1\ V 1\ ~ ^1 A ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Jack F. Wal rond, Jr. RE to B-3 & M-1 ^ ^v^^~^ ^ ^ 111 l11 ` _ ~ ~ .! ~ ,. 3~ 7-~ STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 11-3/87 REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER'~S PETITIONER: JACK L. WALROND, JR DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 1987 Petition of Jack L. Walrond, Jr. to rezone the former Trail D o vBe_2n Theater, a 14.29 acre parcel, from R-E, Residential Estates, Business, B-3, Business and M-1, Industrial to develop commercial road frontage, the Walrond Oil Retail Office complex, and a light industrial park, located on the southeast side of Route 460 approximately 400 feet northeast from the border of Roanoke City and Roanoke County in th e Hollins Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to develop a retail gasoline facility; a convenience store consisting of 1,000 sq.ft. of floor area; a one bay, tunnel car wash facility; 7,500 sq.ft. of office space to be used as the headquarters for the Walrond Oil Company; and a storage/loading area for the keeping and filling of fuel oil trucks. The storage facility will be underground and constructed in accordance with State Water Control Board standards. An auxiliary lubrication facility may be b uilt next to the car wash in the future. The remaining frontage property will be reserved for future office or commercial service development. (Note that the letter dated 2/6/87 from the petitioner indicates that the entire frontage will be rezoned to B-3. This portion of the request was subsequently changed from B-3 to B-2.) The remaining 10 acres at the rear of the property will be reserved for lighter industrial uses. b. Attached concept plan and .vicinity map describe proposal more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS - - a. Petitioner is offering numerous conditions that apply to the_use and design of the propertie-s to be rezoned to B-2, B-3 and M-1. These conditions pertain primarily to specific activities, building improvements, setback, building materials, open space and landscaping, parking,- storage, signage, fuel storage tanks, underground utility services, and accessory uses. These conditions are described in detail and are attached. Note that many of the restrictions that pertain to the future development of the lighter industrial uses are similar or identical to those currently in place at the Southwest County Industrial Park and the Research Park Triangle in Durham County, NC. b. Site plan review will be required to insure compliance with County regulations. c. VDH&T entrance permit required. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Knoll on front of property screens much of pentll from view of travelers on US Route 460. Property slopes g Y away from US 460 toward Glade Creek. b. Ground Cover: Grass and gravel. 3 8'7-'~ 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Bonsack Community Planning area; designated as a high growth area. At the present time, partially served by urban services. b. General area is primarily large lot residential with some subdivision activity towards Botetourt County. US Route 460, a major arterial, divides this section of the county. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 3 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed the 250 feet immediately adjacent to US Route 460 within the Transition land use category; the remaining rear portion of the property has been designated as Development. (1) Frontage property: The Transition land use category encourages retail uses if clustered or in a planned shopping center. The petitioner is proposing a clustered commercial development which will prevent haphazard commercial sprawl along a major highway. The petitioner's request is the first major commercial development along the 460 corridor within Roanoke County and will set an example for other office and commercial proposals. (2) Remaining rear portion of property: The Development land use category encourages residential-development consisting of conventional, cluster, zero lot line, attached and detached residential units. Industrial use is not a permitted activity. Petitioner's request for a light industrial/commercial park is not consistent with the current land use plan designation. Staff recommends that the the future land uses within the US 460 corridor be evaluated and determined according to the policies contained within the recently adopted 419 Frontage Development Plan. Light industrial parks are permitted within the Transition land use category to a very limited extent provided exceptional design methods are used to insure compatibility with adjacent properties. The petitioner has used good design practices in designing the light industrial portion of the tract. A future amendment designating this portion of the property as Transition should be considered. Please refer to policy TR-6 and the Transition land use determinants described on page 45 of the Land Use Plan. 3 b. Surrounding Land: Topography acts as an effective screen. Property is visible from approximately 12 homes. 2 c. Neighboring Area: US Route 460 corridor with abutting detached dwelling units located along hgighway. Subdivision activity initiated towards Botetourt County line. ~ ,~ ~~ _ I" design and layout of~ the 1Perimete~h E sat bommercee Ce-oter1e Concept plan labeled SK-2 is the one submitted for your review. This plan evolved from concept SK-1 which is also attached as a reference. Both plans have their strengths and weaknesses. The highlights of SK-2 are as follows: de-sacs provide access to rear portion sr f roads with cul- indicated, northernmost access road is intendedptopbetextended to serve adjoining 40 acre parcel (3) extensive deceleration and acceleration lanes are indicated thereby enhancing safe access to the property (4) commercial units are clustered and may be moved even closer to the highway in conformance with policy TR-8 (5) ample screening and buffering included (6) entrance servin lots 3 and 4 will be an access for frontage road intended to serve properties to the south that abut US Route 460. Staff would prefer fewer entrance as indicated by SK-1 but not shown on concept SK-2. 2 e. Architecture: Building. height not to exceed 30 feet. Buildi size approaches a residential scale. Building facades visible from US 460 will be faced with brick or equivalent material. 2 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. ? g. Amenities: Adequate parking indicated. Parking lot design is consistent with 419 Frontage Development to landscaping, location of Policies with respect shared parking. parking to the rear, lighting and 2 3 3 3 h. Natural Features: No negative impact. TRAFFIC i. Street Capacities: US Route 460 has a capacity of 40,000 ADT with a current volume of 17,000 ADT. wi 11 have to be u Entrance and turn tapers pgraded to VDH&T standards. Required improvements shown on concept SK-2. Estimated ADT from convenience/gas/car wash/office complex estimated ~ o be 50-0 vehicles. Traffic generation resulting from other parcels cannot be determined at this time. j. Circulation: Desirable interior access roads with cul-de-sac have been provided. However, driveway openings exceed desired frequency of 1 per 300 feet of lot fronta e. S driveways shown on concept SK-2 is 200 feetaand b50wfeet respectively. Petitioner does utilize shared access to lots 3 and 4 as well as lot s l, 5, 6, 7 g proposed by concept SK-2 does allow forlbuildings to be moved closer to highway in accordance with policy TR-8. UTILITIES k• Water: The proposed Route 460-Vinton water line (16 inches diameter) is scheduled to be completed by January, 1988. There is an existing well on the site if water needs occur prior to water line installation. Recommend that water system and fire hydrants meet design requirements of proposed water construction standards. 3 3 2 4 4 1. Sewer: ~ ~ .l L'> / °~.~' _ Adequate lines sewer lines and treatment plant. responsible are adjacent to the site. However no interceptor under theWer line extension fromveloper will be current County extension ordinance,de Creek DRAINAGE m• Basin: n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES o• Fire Protection: Area is outside of recommended standard. travel time P• Rescue: Area is outside of recommended travel time st Parks and Recreation: andard. q• N/A r. 1 s. ? t. 2 2 School: TAX BASE - Land and Improvement Value: - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: $1 million - Total Employees: 37 $3.4 million - Total revenue to the Count (proposed office/convenience Y/Year` APProximatel /gas uses only) Y $50,000 ENVIRONMENT Air: See conditions. u• Water: See conditions with res pect to groundwater protection. ~• Soils: ? w. Noise: See conditions. 2 6. 7. x• Signage: See conditions. are more stringent than sign ordinanceer proposed standards that PLAN CONSISTENCY - This area is designated as Transition on the fr property and Development on the- uses as presented and condition d a ~etconsis entont portion of the policies and ma Proposed B-2/B-3 consistent with either t hepland use g with the land use li ht industrial area is in section 5-1 that pertain to Policies or map. See comments amendment. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Proposed commercial consistent with land use office development is very good. (3) ConditionSOlicies and map. (2) Site design is Project set a p as Proffered are ver alon g°Od exam le for future Y adequate. (4) g the 460 corridor. (5) Positive effect on taxtbase~his type b• Weaknesses: (1) Drivewa Emergency services deliveroPenings exceed desired fre industrial Y will be substandard. quency. (2) designation. park not consistent with future land urseomad P 0 s 2 ~/ r. of ..- ~,. st _ - Y c o -- JI _ ~I FI _ ]]Qr O~ ~f - 3i .r. - ry~ _ ~i ___ F~ Y '~ __ _ ~ _ A OI a __ I ~I yl 0 _ ri io LL ^Q ~ r~ ~~~ ~` ~iR ^~ ? ~~" ;, ro s ~~ nI 1-- Y/ '\ ~ 1 i m ~' ~`1~~ 0 ? : _ ~~ = _ ~~ ~ ~~~`-~ F:: _ - -.4 ~ _ _ ._-~__r-- rE _~` p ~^ F . -~~ 'sue -. v ._ J a = W ^ "~ _ N ~~ ~ == = - J Q -_ ___ -_ ] ' F- ~ =; ~ u __- ~ ~ :' ~ u \~ ~~ ~~ `\ Q ~., o _ jp~ ~~ .~ p ~~~tJ~t~y [~~~~ • • N ~ ~.,,~, © , ~ ~ 'n ri ~~ ~ O - _ ~ - - r 1 _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ' _ ._-. ~ r a S 0 2 11 F 1` ~__ l ~ Q v ` Z ~ t ~ O @ ~~ ~ 2 ~a ~ ` r` K ~ Y~ ~ t F ~ ~ 3 v °o ~, ~i u r ~ w <_ .. J ~~ ~ -- - i 1_= N aar ainoe~ s n s 0 ^ a ~~ ~ ~ ~ M F o r ~ u '~ ' v ~ a v ~ r o • ~ u sYI=~ ~ ~ i a , u ~ ; ~ i r c ~ ~ a~~,r a. l rm t 4 I i W~ Wl ~r t ~a °? C >~ ~I Z ! C \, r~l Z I ~~~ OF~ uu; rr YYw q o.- ztu OOo ct.+ N r~ Y LW _r I U a a ..no. YI ri Oi ~. ti •6C t ~~ '~ z x 0 ~~ i~ r< O_ ;t ~~ x: I i e /~, 'Q ~"'~ , ~, a ~~ J Ok :: a h_ ~, rye. '~ J Q 0 ci m °r ~~ r i F o ~~ III e ~ Q1 ~8 ~ ,~ -__. _.-- f '------_.__.. .. _._ ....~__. __s-s..._-~------- ---- --- ~ ~-- _-- -- -- .. __ ~._ -- 1}I J ~~ ~w ~ ~ g ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ _ s °~ > - Ii~ ~ rr» ~3 ~€~ ~°~y. ~ ~` r t Y g1 rr o~~~, W 1a O U 1>I • B~~~C ..~e. LAV-~ OFFIC;YS STRICKLAND & ROGERS 131 KIRK AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 2886 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24001-2886 ARTHUR P. STRICKLAND JONATHAN M.ROGERS• DIANE MCQ STRICKLAND AREA CODE 703 982-7787 March 20, 1987 MAR 2 ~~ 197 Bob L. Johnson P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 Re: Rezoning request by Waldron Oil Company Dear Mr. Johnson: ~~ •Member of the Virgin Islands Bar I have been retained to represent various property owners who stand to suffer certain adverse consequences if certain property on the southeast side of Route 460 in Roanoke County is rezoned so as to permit the construction of an oil storage depot by Waldron Oil Company. I am enclosing a Petition which has been signed by 240 of the residents of that section of the County in opposition to this rezoning request. As you are aware, the Planning Commission voted to deny the request and the matter is scheduled to be heard on Tuesday evening, March 24th. I plan to be present at that hearing and will address the Board of Supervisors further regarding the concerns of the residents. As noted in the Petition, the concerns are the potential adverse effects on the water supply to this area from underground oil storage tanks, as well as the noise and traffic dangers caused by the enormous increase in tractor trailer traffic which will accompany an oil storage depot. The staff report prepared for the Planning Commission has certain erroneous conclusions in it which I will address at the hearing on March 24, 1987. However, I certainly think it would be helpful and I would urge you if at all possible, to view the area prior to the hearing and perhaps, more importantly, view the Waldron Oil facility on Kimball Avenue which should give you some idea of what the residents can expect if such a rezoning is permitted. My clients do not necessarily oppose any commercial development along Route 460. However, what is being proposed by Waldron Oil Company is totally out of character with the surrounding neighborhood. I appreciate your consideration of this Petition and the concerns of my clients and the residents of this section of the County and look forward to addressing you further on this matter on March 24, 1987. Sincerely yours, STRICKLAND & ROGERS i A u Strickland APS:mlh Encls. i~ i~.~r 1 ~l~ i ~r~~ ,~ G~'e, homeo~:Tners residing in the aroa of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the nei~,hborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such re~oiiinb, if permitted, will endzirV~r the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 ~!+ hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ,~- ~ , ~ S~U/ -, ~ ~ ~~s~ ~~~~~.~- ~~ yiz ~~~,~' ~u ~ ~b ~ ~,~ n ~, 1 ~ C,~~~' .~ / ~ ~ " ~, ~ ``rr ., ~ ~,~ -' - -------- ~ '~ ' --- ~, .~~ . .--, _ . ~'-=-~~~ ------ ~ ~ `~ ~_~~_?~~~ G~'.~ ~, ~ Jam. c -- n ~ , y i~ -- -- ~ 1 3 , -- -. - - --- - ~ ~ - -- '''"-~t 1~ w -2 s~ a i s-- / ~ ~%~ -- - .._ __ ~~~~_ ~-~ Y~ ~Y . ~.~ __ ~~~,~. ~. ~ moo, Z - . ~: -. - -- -- -- _ _-_-- __ _ _ . p ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ - _ _.. _ -- - ----- --- - --------- ----- ~~~~ _ -~ ~Z, ~ ., ~ - __ ~~ . __- _ . .~ ~ ~ .~ ,, .. - _ Ga ~ _ ,-_ - ors ~.~~.~~ - - v - __ -~ _ ~ .~ ~. _ ~1~------- ~~ ~~-~_-_~~ ~ ~~ _~n ill'/ - - ~ -------- --_-_`f - ~o_ .~ ~~a/z~ --- - ---- ~~d~~, _ , _ ----------- __ _ _~~,- ------1- ~~- 1~ YI_TI'I'1~N We, homeowners residing in the. aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ,~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ j /. ~,~ ~' ,, _. ~l/ % ti~ ~! iC,,~''r CL:~C-~~l~L o? ~ y'G~'-~•~ftl'z4-r~r~ ~ ~' ~~ ~ ~~ J (~ -- I~ 73 ~,~ ~. , j ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ o _ ..----------1 -- ~-.~ -`-- _ ~,% ~~ D ~ -- ~ - ~-- - ----- v - --- l~. ~ i , - - - __----- -- -- _ _---- .C~t~~ , - -- --- ~ .~ ~__ __---- ~~S _. ~ - - --- •_ -, _~_y ~:~ , ~ ~ _ ~ - 1~ -- _ - - l` ---- ~ - -- -- - r .~ ~~.:~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~/ ~` o G~ ~ (~' -- -, ~ -- ~, _ ~ _. ----------------~- ~f 1 ~~_ _ __ ~--i _~-~.~~_ _~_r~ ~1,~ 11 1r ~, ~~ G ~~~~~ z~~Z ~ ,, I' i:a_l'1_:LUN We, homeowners residing in tree aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endan~,er the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~' ~ 'l ~- ~~C,~ s~L~S~ ~~f' ~7L~~~1~ T / •.-„_/ ~. ~~ i~ (~' ~ ,~' ~.~-,wc~ %-t.-mil j-~-~ ~/~ ~~ fC~~•,- ('~G-CC ~'~l ~~ t ` ~~ - / ----- - --------~``~ ~~G - . ~ - -- /~C ~ -~-_~. ~ Gtr ~ ~ _ `~ _ ~ ~ z. .ems , ~~a x. ,~c1 ~ ,~, r ////, `7 ~/ f"~ ~-- 't------------- - r. _ ~~ ~ J ~.~a~--~ ~ 7S Gil. a~ -~~ ~ ~ _ __ _ - L ,_. ( _ ~~~.. ~.~.'~ _ f ~ "l T, ~.~..~1 / ~Ll.!I~~CYs~f ---~~L~~r]~C~~ (_~~ ~"~ ~' j~/y _. L n ~ ' __._. _ ~ ! ~~ I/ ~ ~ ~i/1.---- -- ~--- -~,'d~/.t'_E'~--~--mil=L- ~~7 C / v ~~ ~ r T ,_ _ _ ''G~ d 1 , ~ -~ ----------- -------- -- - __ . , - ,~ r /~ _1'-- ~. .-_ . ~ __ __ -- -- - -- - - _> .~ ~~~ ---__ -_--- ---- - , `c' ~.~--- G c~ 4 -% , r __~__. ~' ~ `y .7 - ~.-1-1r / .a..`,_ L / 7 /y--~. ~ ~- is ---- - ~ - ~ ~J C ,. PETITION We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will advers/ely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~ 5 ~' ~ ~~s ,-~ ~, ..~ ~ ~` ~ ~ -~ " ~~ ~ ~-- -------- ~-!% ~" ; ~~~,Y~ <<- - ~ 5: L} ~.~ ~:~ ~ ~~ ~' ..~ ~ _ rs ~% o~---,ti.~-~ -f ' i ^ -_ (~ ,. r ---- ---- r ._ ,, -- - -- _--- -- ~`' C . 1~ ~,~ ~~~ 4, _.. _..-_.____. We, homeowners residing in the area of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre),her~by petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanber the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect "~~he scenic quality of the area.- /, We, homeowners residing in the ~ar~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone f~i_led by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endzin~er the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 46U 2!t hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic duality of the area. -~ ~~ ~, ~~ ~ s~-O~L~ ~ ~ !` ) ~_i_~.C-r GC ~ ~ ~ / l ~ ~~ ./rte ~'2-t~.+C G ! ~~ c.~ ~ y ;: ~ ~~~~ ,, ~- - 1 ~` _ -- n ~- --- -- ___ _... .................. . 1'1~:7'.I'i' LUId We, homeowners residing in tct~ ~ar~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone riled by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanber tl-+e well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-frailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic duality of the area. ~-~dr, i D-~-~, . ; ~c~s ~ ~~s~~~~ c ~_L-f~.~ --~~15 ti~~~yTR r~ ~~023 ~~c~.-t-'~G G G ----- S'~3 / _ _ ------llg3 l - -- _9_ - _ _ -- - `~~3/ _ P. ~~P. y~ a~o~~ _ =~_a ~l ~ ~,Y 0 /~~ ---- U~-_ a yo ~ Z ,, ~, - --~--~-_-=-==--- ~L «. -.._ _.. -~ - - - ... -_ ._ _ __ -r -- = --~--------- ._ ~ ~--~- __ _. _`' -- ____ -- _-.---- l ~ , i ~ ~ + . --- _ _ _ -- __ -- . _._ _. ---~. ------------- ._.. + r+ _.__ .._._ _. z ----- - - _ of - J - ~ -- ---- _. _ _ _ . _ __ . _._.--- ~ - - - -------- - -- _ ~ _ _ .. _. - -- ~ ~~^.y1c.~ ___~ fz____L_~c ~z. ~~l.Trrlo~ We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. a~di~. ,, ~L_.~~.i..~G,..~~~..~ __ - Sa s a ~ ,1 ~ _ L, ~ ~.~__ -~~~ V ~ . ~ ~ Via' ~, ~ ~ )~ ~. ~ ~ - < ~~ - -- _..:_. ti ~~~ -- _ J~ PETITION ,~ ~_ We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanber the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~ ~~ ,. ~~ -~'~=U_~- t ~.y:--~.e....1 ~~ -~ ~ ~1 A .,mac ~~' ~ r C '% , L G' 1 ttiTe, homeowners residing in the area of P~oanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic e,uality of the area. ./~ ~~~~~ C J ~. ~ .3~ C~ ~G•/fG(f~; t'L~' ~` / ~~~ f G~iLL tai%i~,'f ~~ f^'~ i ~// 1 - 'Y-~ r< . ~ r-`r~-.-K-, i ~y~c/Z / ,, i~' r i .-~ ~, '' f~ ,.. - ~`~ - ==~+-~-=~--~- ' e 1 ~'^-~ ~_"? 1 ,..mac-,'7 ~ t'it`, ~7 ~, ~ , ~.. ~ _ r; r _._ i `. . l f -_____ ~7~~-~-~ ..s<'t r~T z--~_ -- ~~C ~l !~~U l_' _c ~ <~- ---~--~~JE'C ~~ elC<~ C 1C~. 'G. (';( c_- ~J . - ` ~ ` --T- . ; ~ .~- ~-~- ~- r"`-~ f.- ~~ ~ _ .__._._ ,.- ..~, _ -~ < ~ . ._ ..., G/ ~,'. I~ C __ __ i _____ ~, ____._ ` _ i' ~ . (j _ _-_ ._ _.__ =`~1-.__~` _~_`-- -~~~ (' (~C a~-_.~f~'"s~ ~~7 /l~L~~ L1 Y Lt/~ CTY /l~ ' ~- i f ~ /T /G~ , / • ` ---- yy f; _ ~` ..~.; ~, -,~ .. ~ ~ _. _ . ~ _-..__ -tom . __ JT_-` !r C ~ _ r _ __.._ _~= , L r' / ~ ~ ~ -- ---- --- --- -_~ _ i s/ _ ---` ~ ` ~..r~~_r~ ~,~=-- ~z~ z~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-- =~'~~~, ~t~ Get _ "J ~~ , ~ m ,- ---- ~- .. _ 1 . j ~ ; .-_ , ,, _ --~--- -------- t~- ~ Pl?TITION __ _ We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and -will, adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~, / , / ,....~ ~,~ ~ ~~-~ ~~~ ^~~~ ~-f ~~ ~ 1~-cam.:-1 ~ :/'i. iii tL,Gt.~.~; ~ lr~~' Z.__~ ' ~- -----'J' F , ± l C ..~~~i -- r,~ '~'C y ^, ,"? (l. ~ _ _. „k' J. ~_. _ ~'Ll? , .. ~ ..r ~~ l` ,~'. ~/ ~} I c~:~ f`,~, - ~ _ // ~c~ /tom ~ . ~'i ; t ~ ` f~.a ~~ti ~. '-~ ~ - ~_~ ,~~~-V .J ~G t.-. /,{ i~ ~~ LA L .. :~ .. Pl~~'1'1'1'IUN We, homeowners residing in the area of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~~- ~lac~S ,~- ! / ~ ~' ~ (.7 ilk si-' . ,~ '~'" ' ((~ - ~ ' r C T ~ C / -`^-"-`-L'-it'd- _____-___..___~a.. ~J C~ ~ _~ L . , ~L,-r--t i> ~ ~ . --~_ F.% ! % ' cam-'/ ~, --- - / ._ _ __ _ ~.! ~~~ ,~ ~:_._ ~, Lam. =.,-'~ ~ 1 _ ~ ~~r~ ~ __` --- \ o` 1~ .. 1 ~, i ---~ ; -- r ,< .. _ ._ ~ ~ i ~-~-'.i ~~ ~,_ i l y-.. __._ _ .. __ ____ ~ ~- % i ~/' . ' ,~ _ _ _ __. _ ...i.-tom ~:a,_,4 ,~ 4 ~ -~' --~ . ~ _ _. ~~ ~ ' ;r -- - ~ ~ ~~ .,~_ _ ._ _ ' ,i / l - '~_,.. , <nt~ --- ~ c+'~..tir.~=-Ems.-~.._.. _._. `~_ / ~ ~ j (1-- `` _ ` '-~. .._.__ 11 .. L _.__.L 1 -L ~: 'X G t ~,., , ` i i:f «~ ~ . ~ ~~` / c -,~-v ,,nr ~ _ ~~,t JZ ~~ 1 ~~ .,~ ~~ iza t~,T_- --------------- -----~------~~_ l 1 Wis. ~ ~~~~ K ~. U.J -~.f..~%,~. --- - - -- -, ~ ----- ~ k =_- ~'-- _ Lit . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ., - -- ... L -- - .....- Y --- r,,_ ~ .- ,~ ~i.TrrlaN ---- We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. p° _ ~. ~.~ ` ~ ~f ~~ n ' ~ /.~ ! ~ i mot-: i ~: z--*- v ) C • ;,~ c , ~. r -,~ _, ~ J `, ---- - `~,1 - _ -, ~ - C/~/~~' ,~ _ i ~'' ,n , ~_ f ~ ~-~ J~~'1 ~ /i"r+ -~----~ ~~ ~ .i /~ '~ ;f ~~..J/ , ~ J 1 .~ c~ ~ ~' PL'TITlOiy We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. _.. , ~. -~ ~-- - vL !~ t. f ~ t!'` `~ •~~; _ ,~ ~~ ----- `;..f~~--~C ~ -LAS /~/ ~ ~ ~,~_w'.-r>.!~`, / i. / ~ --=-_-_ ~,~ , ~ ~~, i. ,, _~ ~ ~ ~ ,, , ~ 4 .f\~ ,- _ I 1 -< -- - ,,: _. n _ ~. ~' I ~ ~ ---- `~ ~ _ } ~ ' ~ ~ ----- - ---~ Jam'-~C^"-~-~--_l~ (` ~! _ ----- -- ~ ~~ ~. -- ._ _ _ ~ ; __ ~ ~ - -- --y1~ r _ n -~ - - '~ ~ -- ~ ~. ~ ---- `` (% r ~ / /~ -_.___ / l -. r ~.~ ~~~, ~) t~ ~~ r . ~= F ~ %`, - / / / ~ ~~ I~r.Z~l~r~ ura We, homeowners residing in the area of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanber the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area, /-~ `' ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~, - ~~~ .'~C:(~ i~dU~i 1C ~, r,, ' ~` , ,, Cam, ,'v ~~ _,, ---____ _ -._.. - i ,-- ~ ~- ~ ---- - - --- -------- _ r -- .__.. 1 _~~. LL. I i __ --.-..w ~ I~__-' ~ I _.:. .._ .___.. _._ _.... _.. .._ __. _. j _ _ __ -------- ~~ - - J - --- - ~, __ ~ r~ - -~---------------- -- - - --- - ----- ---- _. --- ___ .. ~ ~ . ~a . , E.:ii ~ ., _ 1 L _ th '1'r >r~ ; i, :r , - .. _ .., .! . ~ I~ is ~: d .- ~ ~, o: r , (f~rme _~ :.. of SuPcrv~::-r~; t~, ~,.r-,. ~- ~. ~ =~ 1; :-t« J , r Lo~~:~o}~:e County Fi oard l as ,?-u}-c,~ed ~i,, ~ 1, _ ~ t i„ , "r t i:c reason that such r , ~ nei~~,borh l r 3 _~.. . ~ r- .:E iy ~: fact . the cha.-~~ c ezoni:~F:; ,, ~ oo~ er of - . F ~u~:ir,r j I 1 _. F' J l l - 1 tP.tS. ~~,[~1r2 ~ S~ wi J' ~~ ~ .., r. :c ~.~F 1 1 wF~r~~ ~~ ~ h~ ._ l V I ~ ~ '1 s ~" . a _ ~ ,~ .. _.. ... . ~- ,. ~~ . ~ f } _ ~ ~ ~ _.. .lF-'y~~w...--. _ ... _ _ _ ._ ~_i f~ ._.--.-. ~ V - ~ ~. - ' -_ _. F : ~ i :- _ - - - ". _ ~..~'~ `fir .~.... / ~./_~ / -'- f . . y~: .. - f i , . ~~ - /~ _: --' ._. : : •__ `:. - " i., .-; '4 i~ i~.~r i ~i~ ~ u~~~ -- - --.----- ~ 8 ~_ ,~ We, homeowners residing in thy. ar.~a of Roanoke County presently Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly subject to a petition to rezone i:il.ed by the 'Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason tharacter ofztheng as proposed will substantially acivi-~rsely affect the c neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endaz~g~=r the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor.-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~~ ,, d~ .__~ .-----~'~-~- ..___._ ._--~- ------------- _.._..---.-- -----~-------.__ ~~-~' ~-- - --------.------~-J-~ h ~ .~ - -- ~, ~, ~ ~, ~. _ _ +-c- ,1- .< _ ., ;~ n ' -- ,, ~, 1 _ / PLTI'TION ~We, homeowners residing in the aria of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~. ~ - j -7 ~ y''-~~_ L., ~rf -t - _ ~ ~ ~ -- ~ . - 1 ~ ~' ~ / ~cLJ~ C.f Gc~-~. ~ ~'( ~ ~ . _: ` ~_ ~~ -Ci ~,/ /~ ~~~_ - , - - j ,...~f___.__. - .- .. 1- _ "\ ~!, J , -7---- . --~---- z ,~~.,~~ ~ . ~.. / ,_ r =__ (? i.-- r: ` ~ ~- _~ ~ / ~ ~_ ;~ - (~ -l ~ Tyr / i =„' ~- - --=_= 1_ y ~., _ F' i .r.. ~~ ~ - :~ !, - ~ . ~ ~~ ~' ~ , J, ; 3 ~ ~~~~ `_ -l/ -z- ,~ --- - - / ~ . _~ . ~_ .L _ Y~ -~? _.1 - ~. -- .t----- ,~ ~ f -CY__..w~ ~ ~ i ~ -~-~-- T .~ , . _ ,. - - - _.... _ -- - - .- I (~ r ._'_'_-- ._. `' ; `- Y1.1 111V!'v • . We ,. homeowners residing in the al-~~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone filed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the Trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. t ~~~r~ ~- ~~s~ r~ f ~i'~ ,. ., ., ,. ,, `~ ~~~ ~ ,, n ~r ~~ '~ ~' ~± l; ~i ~' ~ r, i_ ~~ ~~ `t 5 S' •, ~~ ti ~i -~ l~~l~~ -~ ; 1 _ ~ ~1~ .:-_.~- /fin ~ ~ /~ ~ _ - - ----__ Z Ct __ ~ ~ ~, ~:~.. = __T -- - ,, .,. ~ T __ ~ '- ' ~ r ~ ~ ------- -_-_._._~ . -- -- ~ ---- _. -. _. J ,_____ - ~ ..t.,-~ ; , - - -- -{ _-~ (~~ ------- d ----- r+ -- _ ~ -------~ - 3 -1----- ' __. ~ _ _ ---- --- - .~: J~~1-- -- -- - --- ---- --- /, ~... - __._~ r ., ~r ~ ,~ , -- ---- ___ ------- ,,~. ==~- ~~ - i / ~~ l ~/ ~ ~ %i 1' 'i'. 1 I 1 1- U :`~ We, homeowners residing in thy. ar.~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone i~il.ed by Jack F. WaldronCount (Boardrly the 'trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke y of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reashe character ofZtheng as proposed will subs tantiantyofciitssresidentst tSpecifically, such neighborhood to the detrime rezoning, if permitted, will endanbor the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor.-trailer traffic on Route 460 2~F hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. r~~t~ - ~< < ~ i . _ ;. •• / :; 1 ,; , . I ! - ~, ~..- i. G ./ ~-(:.,1_. 1. ~ ~.:~ ~ GI ~'. / ,.. -x.- t r _ ..<_ ......._~ ~" , ~ ,~ ~ ~1~ . ~.~ ,-> oX ~'t f!; `7~ ,~1 ----°/ 1~~ /~ / V ~ ~.f' /l ~} l 2 ~4 (~CS~ . ~9,~~~ - r!) ~1~ .1 r - . yr ~. ~ ~ r-[~ _!.~'~vr_!,-~v~-~-_ - / I.c1CT.?ilc7f?v ~ ~1f1! Z ~[.t...~= G~ ~ ~ ~. ---------- ~® 11 ~ c ~i ~j // . - i ~ __.__ ~ ~ ~~~ ----- - i~ 'ti l~ - " ' . ~.. ,~L/' °' I ~'-!'~L ...... ........ ~ ~T (s=....... _ . ~'S 0r ~~1~{ /TrT~V _ _~. __ . y'~~~4ac,LC t+_._~~ ..~ c~ >-Z .._-. } 4 ~ _.- - f ,i `•- ~ . !' j "" ~ ~ ~ I I ~ l~( _~1~~'~LLLLc ~CE.tf(1LL ~7 ~~~ ! ~~~~.~~j ) ,~ ~--...----,~...----~------------• -----.. .. ... ..: :~- ,~ 7 . /,' ' I';'1' l '1' 1. U fV We, homeowners residing in tl~~. ar.~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone f~il.ed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the 'trail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanger the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor.-trailer traffic on Route 460 24 hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and ~j will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. -. f_-a ~-i~,L-. ~s ~ L k' { -~lz_~'• l.. l ,._ ~ ~1 1, ~ I Ir ' ` - `~' / ~ i _- - ~./ ~ s ~..t `~U l f6~-- _ ~N~_~~ ~~ ~., ? , 1-/ %.. -E' ~~ _~ . ~ - --...--- ~-~ I1 ._ . _._ . j, / - -- y~ ~ ---- , . - PI•:~J~.! l l.Uly We; homeowners residing in thy. ar.~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone S~il.ed by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the 'frail Drive-In Theatre), hereby petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for. the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborl-~ood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoninb, if permitted, will end<<nber the well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor.-trailer traffic on Route 460 2~E hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. ~~ ~- ~~UC ~UC~ ~ «= , f~-- _ ~~_ 1'I~~~I' 1 11.UI~l We; homeowners residing in thi:~ar.~a of Roanoke County presently subject to a petition to rezone ~~il.ecl by Jack F. Waldron, Jr. (formerly the 'I rail Drive-In Theatre), here by petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to deny such petition for the reason that such rezoning as proposed will substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood to the detriment of its residents. Specifically, such rezoning, if permitted, will endanb~r c:he well water of this area, will substantially increase the tractor.-trailer traffic on Route 460 2~E hours per day with the attendant noise and traffic dangers, and will adversely affect the scenic quality of the area. .-- ~ ~~ _ ~ (}/tom/`\ J(~fj. /([` .., ~ ~ ! ! 1~ V. y r. ice' i I I S~ w, ~l~/fj N.a 3~~-~" - -• ~ OIL COMPAPIY, INC. WALROND OIL COMPANY, INC. 907 Kimball Avenue, N.E. P. O. Box 13928 Roanoke, Virginia 24038 Phone: (703) 342-8951 March 18, 1987 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Re: Zoning Request Perimeter East Commerce Center 14.29+ Acres Roanoke County Tax Map No. 50.01-1-2 Gentlemen: Yesterday I received copies of my realtor's letters to Mr. Hodge and you. While I appreciate his intentions and the information in the letters, I regret any inferences. As a valley native, Roanoke County property owner, and local businessman, I only ask that my proposal be evaluated on its merits and any concerns resulting from the recent "groundwater" articles in the newspaper be offset by the facts. I am confident that you will evaluate my proposal based on 1) its relationship with the surrounding properties, 2) its safety, 3) its compatibility with the environment, and 4) its economic value to the county. Uur position on each area follows: 1) Relationship with the Surrounding Properties As Planning Commission Chairman Wayland Winstead stated, "Development on East 460 is going to occur. If we're going to open the dance, this is the kind of development I'd like to see us do it with." I want a "first class" project; that's why we have followed the county's lead (Southwest Industrial Park) in developing Perimeter East Commerce Center and used their 419 guidelines to develop our commercial frontage-. While I can understand the concern of the Trail Drive residents, if the Southwest Industrial Park can interface with Penn Forest and Hunting Hills, surely Perimeter East can do the same with Trail Drive and La Bellevue. -~•- Perimeter East offers natural screening ~vith the topography of the hills shielding both sides from view. Also the proffers being offered insure that viewing from the front will be attractive and tasteful. 2) Safety My proposed development of ldalrond Oil's retail and distribution complex will meet or exceed all requirements of the National Fire Code, the Environmental Protection Agency and the American Petroleum Institute. County Fire Marshal Tommy Fuqua has reviewed and approved our proposal. 3) Compatibilit with the Environment My realtor's letter covers this area in detail, but I wish to highlight a few issues. I have been involved in the petroleum industry for over 20 years, and am greatly concerned about the negative public relations sur- rounding cur industry because of grcand vrater pol?.ution. "s an outdoors- man and environrnentalist, and as an active member of state, national and supplier organizations, I want my new retail and distribution complex to set new standards for the industry. By combining my retail and distribution at one site, it affords me the economic flexibility to use top quality materials and "state of the art" monitoring devices to insure against any impact on the environment. I know of no other installation in the valley using the fiberglass coated steel tanks or the Tidal 24 hour monitoring device on every tank. As for the location of the retail and distribution complex as it relates to the acquifer, there is no place in Roanoke County that a petroleum faci- lity can locate and not have a potential impact on ground water. Incidents of pollution which have occurred in the state were caused by long term undetected leaks resulting from improper materials and installation, no monitoring devices and poor inventory control, all of which we have addressed. In the unlikely event of a leak or spill, The Federal Government has clean up monies (Superfund), the State will have cleanup monies (House Bill 1022) and my corporation has pollution insurance totaling two million dollars to prevent any long term damage to ground water. 4) Economic Value to the Count Having atzendea a meeting where it was statea that it is koanoke County's goal to have a mix of 75% residential and 25% commercial, and having read of the substantial residential growth projected for the Bonsack area, it is clear to me that commercial development is needed to properly balance the area's growth. I believe that the Phase 1 development of Perimeter East Commerce Park can properly initiate that controlled gro~vth. If Phase 1 rneets our expectations, we would initiate a Phase 2 development that would encompass 40 acres behind our present site and then possibly a Phase 3 development along Belle Ave. and the railroad tracks. However, I want to make it clear that I am a petroleum marketer, not a developer, and this project's lending commitments are tied to 6Jalrond Oil's retail and distri- bution complex being located in Perimeter East. ' a -3- I am unable to attend next -uesday night's meeting because of my leader- ship role at a National Petroleum meeting. ~iowever, I wish to thank you in advance for a fair and factual evaluation of my proposal. Sincerely, ~%~ J. F. t~(alrond, Jr. President JFW/ss cc: Nir. Elmer C. Hodge f~1r. L. Steve 4Jaldrop .38 -~_ ~ COUNTY OF ROANORE MEMORANDUM TO: Rob A. Stalzer, irector of Planning and Toning ,~ FROM: L. A. Lo an ~~Te hnical Services Officer DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Underground Storage Tanks I contacted Mary Gorman, Virginia State Water Control Office, who is in charge of underground storage tanks for Virginia. I asked her about secondary containment systems involving underground storage. She advised that there were no codes pertaining to this. The only requirements were the ones that I've already passed out. I contacted Daniel Barolo, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and asked him the same questions. He advised that the State of Pdew York did require secondary containment. The requirements are: 1. Buff hide tanks-these are what Jack L. Walrond, Jr. is offering. They are considered secondary containment because they are doubled tanks. 2. A liner under and around the tanks. Listed are a few of the companies that sell this product. A. (Fueltane) Seaman Corp - 615-691-9476 B. (Hytrel) Dupont Corp - 800-621-0146 ~. (HDE) Schlegel Lining Co. - 201-287-6656 D. (Herclor) Carlisle Sentex System, P.O. Box 7000, Carlisle, PA E. Eviromat International Mineral & Chemical Corp 312-556-2600 These run in a price range of $2.65 per square foot to $3 per square foot and are custom made. Mr. Barolo advised there was a problem with these liners because they hold water and have to be pumped regularly. New York has no regulations on sites built over aquifers. Rob A, Stalzer 2 Memorandum March 24, 1987 I contacted John McCook, Deputy Chief in charge of underground tanks for the City of New York Fire Department, He advised that for over 50 years they required that the underground tanks be imbedded in 12" of concrete all the way around, That was only to protect the tank and not secondary containment, In 1983, they passed a code requiring secondary containment, There are three basic ways approved: 1. Buff hide tanks 2. Concrete vaults consisting of 12" of concrete all around with 12" x 16" concrete blocks for load bearing walls with 8" of concrete on top and a foam system with 12" of space all around with a gasket at the bottom that is compatible with the material stored, 3• 6" Corrocem concrete 10,000 psi with water stops around the base and reinforcement with 8" concrete tops, 4. Underground liners. Out of these choices, the buff hide tank is the most widely used. In conclusion, it seems that the buff hide tanks are the best way to go when installing underground tanks. If this is not enough safety for the Board of Supervisors, then maybe they could have Jack L. Walrond, Jr, install the liners with detection on the inside and outside of the liner in addition to the buff hide tank. Keep in mind there is no code to back up this request. I have attached E.P.A,'s underground storage tank secondary containment system information. ~s L.S.WALDROP REALTY CO. REA~T~Rs 500 EAST FOURTH STREET, SALEM, VIRGINIA 2415:3 P.C March 12, 1987 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Administrator County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 RE: Perimeter-East Commerce Park Dear Mr. Hodge: I was somewhat setback on your appr ac~h to our presentation for the above-referenced property. It seemed evident that you had made up your mind prior to any discussion we offered, which I think is exceedingly unfair, especially from a person in your capacity. I do not fault your concern over the acquifer and any potential pollution. However, you did not even stay long enough to have Mr. Stalzer bring forward the Acquifer Map for Roanoke County, which set forth that the whole County is a water shed and there simply is not outside of locating on top of a mountain a location within Roanoke County in which a petroleum installation would not be near a water source. I think it best, given your point of view, to simply strike from the Zoning Ordinance all petroleum related facilities or for that matter, any operation that has any type of underground storage or waste disposal requirements. In reality, termination of the existance of petroleum facilities is not a realistic objective. In most cases you will find that problems with products and facilities resulted from inadequate information or the failure to provide any safeguards whatsoever. In 100 of the cases you mentioned in our discussion regarding petroleum products, I dare say that you will not find even one of the safeguards incorporated on Mr. Walrond's project. To restate the safeguards they are as follows: 1. Heavy guage steel tanks wrapped in corrosion proof fiberglass wrapping placed in nonabrasive beds of sand. The buff hide tanks are warranted for a full 30 years. h4EM[iER NATIONAL ASti(u;lt~ i i(lf.! C)f {iF-AL ESTATE BOA(iDS - HOANOKE VALLEY BOAH[) OF REAt_TOf2S ~ VI(2GINIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Administrator March 12, 1987 Page 2 Further, of more note is that in the 20 years these tanks have existed there has not been a single report of a leak or failure of the tank . 2. Fiberglass pipes from the tank to the pump with no corrosive joints or intersections. All tanks are independently piped. 3. A gravel bed below the sand pit, graded such that any type of seepage readily flows in the direction of well monitoring sites. 4. The placement of four (4) toresence,of eoilmseepage with sensors which would detect the p at the perimeter of the tanks. 5. Computer controlled volume sensors which constantly measure the difference between the amount pumped and the volume in the tank noting any discrepancy which may occur. This is the same system the Federal Government uses in its underground fuel depositories. 6. Federal requirements call for a daily accounting between the amount pumped and the volume in the tank, which must show no more than one-half of one percent differential. If it exceeds this amount based on current law, which has not been in effect for a very long period of time, the owner of the tanks would be responsible for a fine of $10,000 per day, per tank, if this seepage is not reported. Given the tanksofdr hlande remove lthem fromm the esoilmthan to Y u~po the Y sidestep the fine. As to coupability, these recordings are required to be retained both by State and Federal Laws; thereby, you can go back to the computer readings and establish who is To aadd for any damage, if that remote situation occurs. additional security, rather than saying no tanks whatsoever shall be put in the ground, it may make sense for the County to require that the daily record volume or the computer readings be supplied on an ongoing regular intervals to a department within Roanoke County. Especially in the case of computer printouts, which can not be falsified, it is easy to verify the integrity of the system. Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Administrator March 12, 1987 Page 3 7. Safeguards at loading include both a coupling device between the tank connection point and the hose along with a recessed manhole from which any spillage, (which is remote based on the type of coupling) would be siphoned directly from the manhole into the fuel container tank. 8. Safeguards at loading include a bottom loading system which is operated by dual couplers between the truck and the nozzle, which will allow pressure feeding of the fuel into the truck only if properly installed. If the remote case of a spill does occur, a french drain is built around the loading area, which drains directly into a recessed manhole where a pump is available to siphon any of the fuel directly back into the fuel tank; 9. The use of a total of 7 tanks, 3 of 12,000 gallon capacity for gasoline, 1 of 15,000 gallon capacity for diesel, 1 of 15,000 gallon capacity for kerosene and 2 of 15,000 gallon capacity for heating oil. It is noted that the computer monitor tracks each of these tanks independently. It is further noted that the typical capacity of a retailer at this time is 36,000 to 60,000 gallons for gasoline alone. The additional storage required for a private distribution system is not excessive. There is simply no valid reason to suggest that additional 30,000 gallons of fuel storage or the addition of two tanks in anyway jeopardize the safety standards. All the safety standards that apply to one tank apply to all seven tanks. We're in a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. we're damned if we don't do anything to protect the tanks and we're condemned for putting extra safeguards on the basis that the safeguards wouldn't be required, if the installation was safe. The arguments do not make good sense. There is more safety in this system than there is from the septic tanks in the area as regards to health hazard at least to individual well sites. If anything, you should use this Park as a standard to upgrade every other facility in Roanoke County, not condemn us for being conscientious. I dare say you won't find half of these safety standards on the two stations approved on Route 419 or Hollins. I'll also bet you'll find the capacity of Happy and Hot Z to be 50,000 plus gallons. It was pointed out, that the County has had some bad experiences. If the County wants to take the position that Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Administrator March 12, 1987 Page 4 all new projects must be based upon past bad experiences, then I think it best that the County shut its doors and d:..vide it half and half between Roanoke City and the City o Salem. We've given, what is r roffe d eve re pre entedt through set of restrictions and P ro osed Federal We've developed a safety system exceeding all p p standards. Read what you've been given. I certainly wouldn't judge you on what Don Flanders did I don't expect you to judge Mr. Walrond or to the County, myself on what others have done to Roanoke County or you. Lastly, it has been stated the County wants a 25g commercial base. Where is it suppose to be: Route 221 (not enough land), Route 220 (not enough land), Route 11 West (not enough housing), Peters Creek (ok), Route 460 (available for growth). The idea that 460 East should be retained as an office corridor does not make good sense in view of demographics. At this time, there are no industrial sites and no retail sites in East County. You should consider that fact. You have enough information to make a fair and impartial decision. If you care to discuss any of the items I have outlined, I will be free to meet you at any time. Respectfully, L. S. WALDROP REALTY CO. 'L . S . in~~oP - Jr . , SRA , MAI Vice President/Commercial LSW,JR/lgb A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T 3 ~~- PUBLIC HEARING ON ~-~ ~ Y~ ~~ Z ~-' ~`~ ~ ~- I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE M`' NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~ 1l L~~ ~-~ ~ ~-C~~~C~-. ADDRESS : ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~'~~.-~ k~r. ")r~~~r' E~~~ PHONE: L() - 3`~~ '_ `~~(C.J~ (-{ r~ ~~.`~'`{(~,`~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) _. '7 A p p E A R A N C E. R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~~ ~ ~1~Z~ ~~ C~ ~\ V Ls I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. (. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~ ~. ~ . ~~~ ~? ~ --~- ADDRESS : ~~C%~~ ~ ~~'~'` ~`~~ ~- 4~~.. PHONE: e~ _v, ~ '' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N. C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON _ , ,~' ~~''~..~ LPL I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : I~1 i' ~. ~t .d ~' ~~ ~~ L~ O ~°^~-~ ~.-.-. -r ADDRESS . ~ J_ / 7 '`~~.,%~`~. ~ '°'!~•~ ~x .:.. :~`` /~~ ~~` `~" h PHONE: ~~i'''~ ®, .r,• ~~ ":x PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A LA C E R E Q U E S T ~,-, ~.. ~. PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I 6~ILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: - G~ ADDRESS: PHONE: 2 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out,_give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ,, , >, -_ A P P E A R A N,C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~ ~"".G~, ~~~~-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: ADDRESS : "X ~ ~~ ~- ~2_ ~~ PHONE : ~ ~ ~ ~" ~%' ~ ~ 1 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~. { PUBLIC HEARING ON ~Zn/~(/~l6- (~~ L.,f~/~(~ ~.Q~ ~ou~£ ~~ ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : ~_I I~7c~/Q /T'~ ~I~ ADDRESS : / ~ ~I ~ ,~~/~ o~o~~ PHONE : ~~~~7 fY~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.> VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 14.29± acre parcel of land, ) generally located Former Trail Drive-In Theater ) Route 460 East ) PETITION within the ~in17;nG ) Magisterial District, and > recorded as parcel # 50.01-1-2 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER JACIt F. Wt'~iLROiBD JR. respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the followsng: 1) The Petitioner is the owner of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as RE - Resident;al :state District. 3 ) The property is designated ~i'ransi ti nn/~~P-~ in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned Per concept as B-3 & M-1 plan District for the purpose of Development of (1) V+lalrond Oil Retail - Office -Fuel Storage Complex; (2) Development of commercial road frontage and (3) Development of Light Industrial Park on the rear acreage. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above- referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in Number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning ,..~' ~~' •~ w L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m, on Tuesday, March 24, 1987, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of Jack F. Walrond Jr., requesting rezoning from R-E to B-2, B-3 and M-1 of a tract containing 14.29 acres and is the former Trail Drive-In Theater on Route 460 East in the H,~llins Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested for the purpose of development of Walrond Oil Retail Office and fuel storage complex; development of commercial road frontage; and development of light industrial park on the rear acreage. The County Planning Commission recommends denial. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703) 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this Sixth day of March, 1987. ~-~-, ~ . ~-e,e.e~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: March 10, 1987 March 17, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Waldrop Realty Company 500 East Fourth Street Salem, Virginia VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 14.29± acre parcel of land, ) generally located Former Trail Drive-In Theater ) Route 460 East within the Hollins Magisterial District, and RECOMMENDATION recorded as parcel # 50.01-1-2 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner JACK F. WALROND, JR. has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from B-2, Per concept R-E District to 3-3 & M-1 plan District for the purpose of Development of (1) Walrond Oil Retail - Office -Fuel Storage Complex; (2) Development of commercial road frontage and (3) Development of Light Industrial Park on the rear acrea~P_ WHEREAS., the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on P-1arch 3. ~ 19 ~; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be denied NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above- referenced parcel of land not be rezoned to B-2, Business, B-3, Business, & M-l, Industrial District. The above action was .__ M ~' r ~_ w 0 U O I- 0 w 0 a a page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 14.29± acre parcel of land, ) generally located ~ ) Former Trail Drive-In Theater ) ) FINAL ORDER Route 460 Eas within the Hollins ) Magisterial District, and > recorded as parcel # 50.01-1-2 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner JACf. F WALROND JR did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above- referenced parcel of land from RE - Residential Estate B-2, District to i3-3 & M-1 per concept plan District for the purpose Development of (1) Walrond Oil Retail - Office -Fuel Storage Complex; of (2) Development of commercial road frontage and (3) Development of Light Industrial Park on the rear acreage_ WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on Plarch 3 , 19 87, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 50.01-1-end recorded in Deed Book and legally described below, be rezoned from RE - Residential Estate District to District. a Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors .~ v VIRGINIA: ~~~-y page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 14.29± acre parcel of land, ) generally located Former Trail Drive-In Theater ) RnutP 460 East ) within the Hollins > Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 50.01-1-2 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) FINAL ORDER TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: r 9 ~- ~_ w 0 U 0 N w 0 a a a WHEREAS, your Petitioner JACK F WALROun TR did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above- referenced parcel of land from RE - Residential Estate B-2, District to B-3 & M-1 per concept plan District for the purpose Development of (1) Walrond Oil Retail - Office -Fuel Storage Complex; of (2) Development of commercial road frontage and_(3) Development of Light Industrial Park on the rear acreage. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on March 3 , 19 87, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be APPROVED L^1ITH PROFERRED CONDITIONS AND MARCH 12, 1987 LETTER FRO1~ L. S. WALDRUP AS SUPPLEMENTAL PROFFER OF CONDITIONS. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 50.01-1-end recorded in Deed Book and legally described below, be rezoned from RE - Residential Estate District to P71 Industrial B-2 B-3 Business District. Page 2 of 2 3~~-~- Legal Description of Property: See attached BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Nickens and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None CC: Department of Development _ Arnold Covey ~~~~ ~ ~ Deputy Real Esatate Assessor Mary H. Allen , Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors TULLY P. PARKER. P.E. A~ L.S. JOHN T. PARKER. P.E. & L.S. FRANK B. CALDWELL. IIi. P.E. & L.S. T. P .PARKER & SON Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. 818 BOULEVARD SALEM. VIRGINIA 24133 18 March 1987 TELEPHONE 387-1 133 AREA GODE 703 P.O. BOX 39 Description of 1.867 acre tract being Rezoned to B-3 - Special Commercial District situate on U.S. Route 460 East Roanoke County, Virginia Starting at a point in the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460 East, said point being the southwesterly corner of a 14.291 acre tract as shown on survey for Fred L. & Virginia H. Davis prepared by T. P. Parker & Son dated 4 February 1974; thence with the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460, N. 35° 20' 19" E. 293.15 feet to a point; thence still with said right-of-way, N. 40° 23' 27" E. 79.10 feet to the Point of BEGINNING; thence N. 40° 23' 27" E. 217.81 feet to a point; thence continuing with said right-of-ways N. 40° 12' 49" E. 47.35 feet to a pointy said point being at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460 and the northerly line of a proposed 50 foot wide access road; thence leaving U.S. Route 460 and with the northerly line of said access road, S. 51° 38' 49" E. 226.32 feet to a point; thence leaving said access road, S. 38° 21' 11" W. 265.00 feet to a point; thence N. 51° 38' 49" W. 235.60 feet to the Point of BEGINNING, containing 1.867 acres and being the northerly portion of Lot 2 as shown on Conceptual Site Plan for Perimeter East Commerce Center as prepared by Jones & Jones Associates dated 9 February 1987. .~ ~ T. P .PARKER & SON Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. TELEPHONE 387-1 133 gig 90ULEVARD AREA CODE TULLV P. PARKER. P.E. & L.S. SALEM. VIRGINIA 703 JOHN T. PARKER. P.E. 9e L.S. 241 33 FRANK 8. GALDWELL. 111. P.E. 8i L.S. p. 0. BOX 39 18 March 1987 Description of 0.926 acre parcel being Rezoned B-2 - General Commercial District situate on U.S. Route 460 East Roanoke County Virginia BEGINNING at a point in the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460 and being the northwesterly corner of a 14.291 acre tract as shown on survey for Fred L. & Virginia H. Davis by T. P. Parker & Son dated February 4, 1974; thence leaving said right-of-way and with the southerly line of the Virginia H. Davis property S. 76° 57' 55" E. 252.43 feet to a point; thence still with said Davis property. S. 38° 17' 08" E. 22.42 feet to a point; thence leaving the Davis property S. 38° 21' 11" W- 204.93 feet to a point in the northerly line of a proposed access road; thence with the northerly line of said access road, N. 51° 38' 49" W. 253.32 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460; thence with said right-of-ways N. 40° 12' 49" E. 102.22 feet to the Point of BEGINNING and containing 0.926 acres and being shown as Got 1 on a Conceptual Site Plan of Perimeter East Commerce Center prepared by Jones & Jones Associates dated 9 February 1987. TULLY P. PARKER. P.E. & L5. JOHN T. PARKER. P.E. & L5. FRANK B. CALDWELL. III. P.E. 8i L.S. T. P .PARKER & SON Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. 816 BOULEVARD SALEM. VIRGINIA 24133 18 March 1987 ~~r TELEPHONE 387-1 153 AREA CODE 703 P.O. BOX 39 Description of 10.016 acre tract being Rezoned to M-1 - Light Industrial District situate on U.S. Route 460 East Roanoke County, Virginia Starting at a point in the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460 East, said point being the southwesterly corner of a 14.291 acre tract as shown on survey for Fred G. & Virginia H. Davis prepared by T. P. Parker & Son dated 4 rr^ebruary 1974; thence with the property of Nancy G. Creasey, et al, S. 65° 44' 53" E. 257.77 feet to the Point of BEGINNING; thence leaving the Creasey property, N. 38° 21' 11" E. 224.00 feet to a point; thence N. 51° 38' 49" W. 27.00 feet to a point; thence N. 38° 21' 11" E. 350.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of a proposed 50 foot wide access road; thence with the northerly line of the the proposed access road, S. 51° 38' 49" E. 27.00 feet to a point; thence leaving said access roads N. 38° 21' 11" E. 204.93 feet to a point in the southerly line of the Virginia H. Davis property; thence with the Davis property. S. 38° 17' 08" E. 227.05 feet to a point; thence still with the Davis property, N. 79° 42' 48" E. 135.67 feet to a point; thence leaving the Davis property and with the Dr. Richard H. Lowe, Jr. property S. 1° 55' 48" E. 756.43 feet to a point; thence with the Lowe property, 38~-~{ Description of 10.016 acre tract being Rezoned to M-1 - Light Industrial District situate on U.S. Route 460 East Roanoke County Virginia 18 March 1987 S. 71° 38' 05" W. 202.63 feet to a point; thence leaving the Lowe property and with the Creasy property N. 21° 11' 35" W. 125.91 feet to a point; thence still with the Creasy property N. 65° 44' 53" W. 597.91 feet to the Point of BEGINNING, containing 10.016 acres and being the westerly part of Lot 2 and all of Lots 5 thru 11 as shown on Conceptual Site Plan for Perimeter East Commerce Center as prepared by Jones & Jones Associates dated 9 February 1987. .~ ~~ ~ ; .. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS - (1) All fuel storage within the distribution facilities will be underground, providing bottom loading service only. Tanks are to be buff hide-steel with fiberglass sealer. All corners of the storage areas are to be monitored with seepage detectors. (2) All truck storage areas as relates to Walrono e ~1 ownersy are to be screened from view from adjacent p p Y by landscaping, earth berm, fence or combination. (3) Retail facilities to be of similar design to Texaco 2000 Outlet. Landscaping per concept plan. (4) Office design to be in substantial conformity to concept plans and architectural description. (5) Walrond Oi_1 Company, Inc. complex will be contained within B-2 and 8--3 zoned areas as set forth on the concept plan. (6) Development of the entire tract will be within restrictions as proposed for Perimeter-East Commerce Park. {~} B-3 zoning to be restricted to .permitted uses under Section 21-23-3 of the Roanoke County.Zoning~. Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, to users defined under Paragraph 1 and 3. {g} B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 2]_-23-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance update August 4, 1986, public billiard parlor and poolrooms, gol~ driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. (g} M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, automotive repair, overhauling or service requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kennels with exterior runs or yards, flea markets and mini-warehouses. (1Q) A 35 foot buffer strip shall be maintained between light industrial and adjacent Residential and Agricultural Distlanted Buffers which abut residential home sites shall be p with Evergreen trees, interspersed with deciduous trees as set forth in Section 21-92 General standards, Subsection E, F, G of the Screening and Buffering ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. (11) Middle curb cut to Lot 2 will provide for vehicle entrance only from Route 460. (12) Lot #3 and #4 shall provide for shared access to the curb cut on Route 460. 3~~-~ PROPOSED RESTRICTIONS PERIMETER-EAST COMMERCE PARK It is the intent of the restrictions as applied to the B-2 General Commercial District and M-1 Light Industrial District to encourage the use of landscape screening, buffered parking areas and signage, such as to produce an attractive commercial district and working environ. All of said tracts of land shown on the development map of Perimeter East Commerce Park shall be subject to the covenants, conditions and restrictions as follows: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS No obnoxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance to any person or entity owning property within Perimeter-East Commerce Park or adjacent to said Park, by reason of excessive emissions of smoke, odors, dust, nongaseous fumes, excessive noise, or excessive glare or heat. It is the intent of the performance standards, as set forth, to provide that commercial and light industrial properties shall be developed and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties and to provide that each such permitted use shall be a good neighbor to adjoining properties. The recipient of a building permit within the Commerce Park should note that these performance standards, like other provisions, are continuing obligations and the property is expected to operate in compliance with these standards. A. Smoke - Measurements shall be at the point of emissions. Emissions shall not exceed a 20% opacity, as determined by monitoring by standards of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board. -z- 3F'7-~ B. Dust - Reasonable precautions shall be maintained to prevent particulate material from becoming air borne. The precautions may include, but are not limited to standards as set forth under the Regulations for the controlling of air pollution, Section 120-04-0104 of the'` Virginia Air Pollution Control Board (January 1, 1985). ermit C. Odor - No owner or other persons shall cause or p to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility any emission which cause an odor objectionable to individuals of ordinary sensibility. oint D. Gases - Fumes or gases shall not be emitted at any p in concentrations or amounts that are obnoxious to individuals of ordinary sensibility, or are toxic or corrosive. E. Noise - Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation is located. Noise shall be muffled so as not to become objectionable due to intermittance, beat frequency, shrillness or intensity. At the property line, the sound pressure level of noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the values given in Tables 2 and 3 in any octave band frequency. TABLE 2 ressure levels at specified points Maximum permissible sound-p of measurement for noise radiated continuously from a facility. Frequency Band Cycles Per Second 20 - 75 - 150 - 300 - 600 - 1,200 - 2,400 - 4,800 - 10,000 - 20,000 - 30,000 - 40,000 - 75 ................... 150 ................... 300 ................... 600 ................... 1,200 ................... 2,400 ................... 4,800 ................... 10,000 ................... 20,000 ................... 30.000 ................... 40,000 ................... 50,000 ................... Decibel*Level 69 54 47 41 37 34 31 28 26) 25) (to avoid possible 24) interference with 23) animal experiments) -3- qq ry j,~ C~ / ~` ! *According to the following formula: Sound Pressure Level in Decibels equals 10 log P2 where P2 equals 0.0002 dynes/cm2 If the noise is not smooth and continuous, one or more of the corrections in Table 3 below shall be added to or subtracted from each of the decibel levels given above in Table 2. TABLE 3 Type of Operation or Character of Noise Correction in Decibels Noise source operates less than 20% of plus 5* any one hour period Noise source operates less than 5% of plus 10* any one hour period Noise source operates less than 1% of plus 15* any one hour period Noise of impulsive character Minus 5 (hammering, etc.) Noise of periodic character Minus 5 (hum, screech, etc.) *Apply one of these corrections only. F. Glare - Whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights, or high temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible at any property line. G, Exterior Lighting - Any lights used for exterior illumination shall direct light away from adjoining properties. H. Vibrations - Vibrations shall not be discernible from any property line to the human sense of feeling for three minutes or more duration in any one hour. I. Radiation - Operations shall cause no dangerous radiation at any property line as specified by the regulations of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. J. Waste - All sewage and industrial wastes shall be treated and disposed of in such a manner as to comply with Virginia water quality standards and Environmental Protection Acts as applicable. -4- 3~ ~- PARKING Each user permitted in this Park shall provide adequate paved off-street parking for its employees and visitors and exterior lighting requirements, as set forth for off-street parking requirements, as herein adopted or may be adopted by Roanoke County. Development plans under the B-2 District shall be set forth such that any building is placed along the frontage of the lot with no less than 80% of the parking requirements being placed at the rear of the property. LANDSCAPING No buildings or structures above ground shall extend beyond the setback lines and is hereby declared that said area between the setback lines and the property lines is to be used for either open landscaping and green areas or offstreet paved parking areas. Within the B-2 zoning, a minimum of a 3 foot wide planted perimeter shall extend along all parking lot areas and between buildings and adjacent property lines. Planting shall be in conformity to Section 21-92 General Standards, Subsection C7 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended, excepting trees shall not be planted as to obstruct the visibility of buildings within the B-2 zoning from traffic on 460 East. Within the M-1 zoning the road frontage of the parking areas shall be adequately screened to lower the visual impact of the parking areas, specifically recommended screening materials shall include decorative masonry walls, brick walls, a combination of earth berms with landscaping. All landscaping shall be properly maintained thereafter in a sightly and well kept condition. Landscaping specifically shall be in conformity to Section 21-92, General standards, subsection C7 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. -5- 38~- ~ USE LIMITATIONS Without otherwise limiting the provisions of The Performance Standards or any other terms or conditions of these restrictions, the building or premises, except as otherwise provided in these restrictive covenants may be used for any use permitted under Section 23-2, B-2 General Commercial District and Section 21-24, M-1 Light Industrial District of the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, updated August 4, 1986, excepting the following uses shall not be allowed: B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-23-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance update August 4, 1986, public billiard parlor and poolrooms, golf driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, automotive repair, overhauling or service requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kennels with exterior runs or yards, and flea markets. HEIGHT LIMITATIONS Improvements erected on the property, subject to this declaration, shall not exceed 30 feet in height provided, however, that accessory structures or equipment required to operate and maintain the building and provide adequate fire and related security or structures as specifically related to Section 21-24, Paragraph E under the Zoning Ordinance may exceed this height with the written approval of Grantor, its successors or assigns. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW These covenants shall and do hereby provide that no improvements as herein defined shall be erected or placed on any building - 6 ,. Y ' -- site in said development until the plot plans, showing a location of such improvements on the particular building site and an architectural sketch or an acceptable rendering showing the external design of the building and site improvements have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Grantor or assigns as to the conformity and harmony of design with existing structures in the development, and as to location of the improvements on the building site, given due regard to the anticipate use thereof uses and operations, as shall may affect adjoining structures, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. The right to approve or disapprove the proposed plan shall rest with the Grantor or its assigns or successors. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS No part of the structure shall be erected nearer the street than the setback line as required by the Zoning Ordinance or no less than shown by recorded map of Perimeter-East Commerce Park. BUILDING FACADES M-1 DISTRICT All buildings erected on the lots within the M-1 Light Industrial District overlooking Route 460 East shall be so constructed that the portion visible from Route 460 shall be faced with brick or an equivalent material or shall be screened by use of such as, decorative specifically recommended screening material, masonry walls, brick walls or a combination of earth berms and landscaping. Landscaping specifically shall be in conformity to Section 21-92 of the Screening and, Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended to provide adequate screening from visibility. OUTSIDE STORAGE The storage of bulk commodities or any other material stored outside of the structure shall be confined to an area so screened as to minimize the visual impact to adjacent property owners -~- 3s ~-y and highway view. Acceptable screening materialbrickalwalls land wood stockade fence, decorative masonry walls, earth berms with combination of landscaping. FUEL STORAGE All fuel storage tanks shall be located underground at a depth and location in full compliance with rules and regulations with encies having jurisdiction over any governmental agency or ag ermitted such matters. Bulk storage of all liquids, shall be p only in locations which shall not detract from general appearance of the property and shall be underground at a depth to comply with the rules and regulations of any governmental agency or agencies having jurisdiction over such matters. UTILITY LINES laced All utility services, inclusive of electric shall be p underground between the property line and the structural improvements. ENFORCEMENT RIGHTS All persons or entities owning property within the Perimeter-East Commerce Park shall have the right to enforce the above conditions and restrictions by a suit in equity to prohibit a violation of such restrictions or by action at law to recover damages for such violations. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES No trailer or other outbuildings of temporary character shall be built or used within the industrial park, except as may be required during the time of construction. EASEMENTS All lots are subject to easements, as shown on the map of Perimeter-East Commerce Park as to be recorded and may be amended -8- to properly service properties within satisfy the requirements of applicable governmental agencies. ~~~~~ the Industrial Park and utility authorities and SIGNS No billboards or advertising signs, other than those identifying the name, business and products of the person or firm occupying the premises shall be permitted, excepting such signs offering the premises for sale or for lease or a sign being of temporary nature. Within the B-2 zoning, signs shall be in conformity to Section 21-93, excepting that freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 22 feet above the pavement of the street to Within the M-1 District, signs which such sign is oriented. between the buildings, setback line and the street shall be restricted to a maximum of 3 feet in height. Signs shall be in conformity to Section 21-93 of the Sign Ordinance of the County be hereafter of Roanoke, Virginia, as now adopted or as may amended. Sign design and construction are encou419eDevel pment conformity to the County of Roanoke s 1987 Route concept plans. ,~, JUDICIAL REVIEW art therof Invalidation of any one of these covenants or any p by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and affect. PROFFER OF CONDITIONS o' (1) All fuel storage within the distribution facilities will be underground, providing bottom loading service only. Tanks are to b o au efareas areeto be mon bt red with seepage dete~torss of the st g (2) A1.1 truck storage areas as relates to Walrand Oil Company are to be screened from view from adjacent property owners, by landscaping, earth berm, fence or combination. (;) Retail facilities to be of similar design to Texaco 2000 Outlet. Landscaping per concept plan. Office design to be in substantial conformity to concept plans (4) and architectural description. (5) Walrond Oil Company, Inc. complex will be contained within B-2 and B-3 zoned areas as set forth on the concept plan. (6) Development of the entire tract will be within restrictions as proposed for Perimeter-East Commerce Park. ('7) B-3 zoning to be restricted to permitted uses under Section 21-23-3 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, to users defined under Paragraph 1 and 3. (g) B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-23-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance update August 4, 1986, public billiard parlor and poolrooms, golf driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. (g) M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, automotive repair, overhauling or service requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kernels with exterior runs or yards, flea markets and mini-warehouses. (10) A 3~ foot. buffer strip shall be maintained between light irdustrial and adjacent Residential and Agricultural Distlanted Buffers which abut residential home sites shall be p with Evergreen trees, interspersed with deciduous trees as set forth in Section 21-92 General standards, Subsection E, F, G of the Screening and Buffering ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. (11) Middle curb cut to Lot 2 will provide for vehicle entrance only from Route 460. (12) Lot #3 and #4 shal provide for shared access to the curb cut on Route 460. RESTRICTIONS PROPOSED PERIMETER-EAST COMMERCE PARK It is the intent of the restrictions as applied to the B-2 General Commercial District and M-1 Light Industrial District to encourage the use of landscape screening, buffered parking areas and signage, such as to produce an attractive commercial district and working environ. All of said tracts of land shown on the development map of Perimeter East Commerce Park shall be subject to the covenants, conditions and restrictions as follows: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS No obnoxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on nor shal]_ anything be done thereon which may be or become erson or entit ownin property within Y g an annoyance to any p Perimeter-East Commerce Park or adjacent to said Park, by reason of excessive emissions of smoke, odors, dust, nongaseous fumes, excessive noise, or excessive glare or heat. It is the intent of the performance standards, as set forth, to provide that commercial and light industrial properties shall be developed and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties and to provide that each such permitted use shall be a good neighbor to adjoining properties. The recipient of a building permit within the Commerce Park should note that these performance standards, like other provisions, are continuing obligations and the property is expected to operate in compliance with these standards. A. Smoke - Measurements shall be at the point of emissions. Emissions shall not exceed a 20% opacity, as determined by monitoring by standards of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board. -2- B. Dust - Reasonable precautions,, shall be maintained to air borne. The prevent particulate material from becoming precautions may include, but are not limited to standards as set forth under the Regulations for the controlling of air pollution, Section 120-04-0104 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board (January 1, 1985). ermit C. Odor - No owner or other persons shall cause or p to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility any emission which cause an odor objectionable to individuals of ordinary sensibility. oint D. Gases - Fumes or gases shall not be emitted at any p in concentrations or amounts that are obnoxious to individuals of ordinary sensibility, or are toxic or corrosive. E. Noise - Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation is located. Noise shall be muffled so as not to become objectionable due to intermittance, At the property line, beat frequency, shrillness or intensity. the sound pressure level of noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the values given in Tables 2 and 3 in any octave band frequency. TABLE 2 ressure levels at specified points Maximum permissible sound-p of measurement for noise radiated continuously from a facility. Frequency Band Cycles Per Second 20 - 75 - 150 - 300 - 600 - 1,200 - 2,400 - 4,800 - 1.0, 000 - 20,000 - 30,000 - 40,000 - 75 ................... 150 ................... 300 ................... 600 ................... 1,200 ................... 2,400 ................... 4,800 ................... 10,000 ................... 20,000 ................... 30,000 ................... 40,000 ................... 50,000 ................... Decibel*Level 69 54 47 41 37 34 31 28 26) 25) (to avoid possible 24) interference with 23) animal experiments) -3- win f ormula *According to the folio g Sound Pressure Level in Decibels equals 10 log P2 where P2 equals 0.0002 dynes/cm2 If the noise is not smooth and continuous, one or more of the corrections in Table 3 below shall be added to or subtracted from each of the decibel levels given above in Table 2. TABLE 3 eration or Character of Noise f O Correction in Decibels p Type o Noise source operates less than 200 of plus 5* any one hour period Noise source operates less than 5% of plus 10* any one hour period Noise source operates less than to of plus 15* any one hour period Noise of impulsive character Minus 5 (hammering, etc.) Noise of periodic character Minus 5 (hum, screech, etc.) *Apply one of these corrections only. F. Glare - Whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights, or high temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible at any property line. G. Exterior Lighting - Any lights used for exterior illumination shall direct light away from adjoining properties. H. Vibrations - Vibrations shall not be discernible from any property line to the human sense of feeling for three minutes o.r more duration in any one hour. I. Radiation - Operations shall cause no dangerous radiation at any property line as specified by the regulations of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. J. Waste - All sewage and industrial wastes shall be treated and disposed of in such a manner as to comply with Virginia water quality standards and Environmental Protection Acts as applicable. -4- :~ PARKING Each user permitted in this Park shall provide adequate paved off-street parking for its employees and visitors and exterior lighting requirements, as set forth for off-street parking requirements, as herein adopted or may be adopted by Roanoke County. Development plans under the B-2 District shall be set forth such that any building is placed along the frontage of the lot with no less than 80% of the parking requirements being placed at the rear of the property. LANDSCAPING No buildings or structures above ground shall extend beyond the setback lines and is hereby declared that said area between the setback lines and the property lines is to be used for either open landscaping and green areas or offstreet paved parking areas. Within the B-2 zoning, a minimum of a 3 foot wide planted perimeter shall extend along all parking lot areas and between buildings and adjacent property lines. Planting shall be in conformity to Section 21-92 General Standards, Subsection C7 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended, excepting trees shall not be planted as to obstruct the visibility of buildings within the B-2 zoning from traffic on 460 East. ,,, Within the M-1 zoning the road frontage of the parking areas shall be adequately screened to lower the visual impact of the parking areas, specifically recommended screening materials shall include decorative masonry walls, brick walls, a combination of earth berms with landscaping. All landscaping shall be properly maintained thereafter in a sightly and well kept condition. Landscaping specifically shall be in conformity to Section 21-92, General standards, subsection C7 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. -5- ~8 7- ~I USE LIMITATIONS Without otherwise 111i11t1.17g the provisions of 'i'he Performance Standards or any other terms or conditions of these restrictions, the building or premises, except as otherwise provided in these restrictive covenants may be used for any use permitted under Section 23-2, B-2 General Commercial District and Section 21-24, M-1 Light Industrial District of the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, updated August 4, 1986, excepting the following uses shall not be allowed: B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-23-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance update August 4, 1986, public billiard parlor and poolrooms, golf driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, automotive repair, overhauling or service requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kennels with exterior runs or yards, and flea markets. HEIGHT LIMITATIONS Improvements erected on the property, subject to this declaration, shall not exceed 30 feet in height provided, however, that accessory structures or equipment required to operate and maintain the building and provide adequate fire and related security or structures as specifically related to Section 21-24, Paragraph E under the Zoning Ordinance may exceed this height with the written approval of Grantor, its successors or assigns. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW These covenants shall and do hereby provide that no improvements as herein defined shall be erected or placed on any building -6- site in said development until the plot plans, showing a location of such improvements on the particular building site and an architectural sketch or an acceptable rendering showing the external design of the building and side improvements have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Grantor or assigns as to the conformity and harmony of design with existing structures in the development, and as to location of the improvements on the building site, given due regard to the anticipate use thereof uses and operations, as shall may affect adjoining structures, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. The right to approve or disapprove the proposed plan shall rest with the Grantor or its assigns or successors. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS No part of the structure shall be erected nearer the street than the setback line as required by the Zoning Ordinance or no less than shown by recorded map of Perimeter-East Commerce Park. BUILDING FACADES M-1 DISTRICT All buildings erected on the lots within the M-1 Light Industrial District overlooking Route 460 East shall be so constructed that the portion visible from Route 460 shall be faced with brick o.r an equivalent material or shall be screened by use of specifically recommended screening material, such as, decorative masonry walls, brick walls or a combination of earth berms and landscaping. Landscaping specifically shall be in conformity to Section 21-92 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended to provide adequate screening from visibility. OUTSIDE STORAGE The storage of bulk commodities or any other material stored outside of the structure shall be confined to an area so screened as to minimize the visual impact to adjacent property owners -~- ~B~-~ and highway view. Acceptable screening materialbri kalwalls laad wood stockade fence, decorative masonry walls, earth berms with combination of landscaping. FUEL STORAGE All fuel storage tanks shall be located underground at a depth and location in full compliance with rules and regulations with or agencies having jurisdiction over any governmental agency ermitted such matters. Bulk storage of all liquids, shall be p earance only in locations which shall not detract from general app of the property and shall be underground at a depth to comply with the rules and regulations of any governmental agency or agencies having jurisdiction over such matters. UTILITY LINES laced All utility services, inclusive of electric shall be p underground between the property line and the structural improvements. ENFORCEMENT RIGHTS All persons or entities owning property within the Perimeter-East Commerce Park shall have the right to enforce the above conditions to prohibit a violation and restrictions by a suit in equity of such restrictions or by action at law to recover damages for such violations. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES No trailer or other outbuildings of temporary character shall be built or used within the industrial park, except as may be required during the time of construction. EASEMENTS All lots are subject to easements, as shown on the map of Perimeter-East Commerce Park as to be recorded and may be amended -8- ~~~°~ to properly service properties within the Industrial Park and satisfy the requirements of applicable utility authorities and governmental agencies. SIGNS No billboards or advertising signs, other than those identifying the name, business and products of the person or firm occupying the premises shall be permitted, excepting such signs offering the premises for sale or for lease or a sign being of temporary nature. Within the B-2 zoning, signs shall be in conformity to Section 21-93, excepting that freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 22 feet above the pavement of the street to which such sign is oriented. Within the M-1 District, signs between the buildings, setback line and the street shall be restricted to a maximum of 3 feet in height. Signs shall be in conformity to Section 21-93 of the Sign Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as now adopted or as may be hereafter amended. Sign design and construction are encourage to be in ronf.ormity to the County of Roanoke's 1987 Route 419 Development concept plans. JUDICIAL REVIEW Invalidation of any one of these covenants or any part therof by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and affect. r• ., L.S.WALDROP REALTY CO. REALTORS 500 EAST FOURTH STREET, SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 P.O. BOX 1479 (703) 389-8101 March 12, 1987 RE: Perimeter-East Commerce Center The rezoning of the above-referenced property is becoming more a heresy trial then an evaluation of what is actually going on. I am supplying information which you can readily verify by either reviewing the restrictions and proffers by zoning or by calling one of the following numbers: Virginia Water Control Board - 804/257-6350 Environmental Protection Agency - 215/597-7354 County Fire Department (Tommy Fuqua) - 772-7530 The area of concern centers around a Texaco 2,000 retail and convenience operation along with a privately owned distributorship. This is by no means a truck stop, it consists of a retail operation very similar to the Exxon on Hershberger Road or Route 419. A typical gas station contains 36 to 60,000 gallons of storage divided between three (3) to six (6) tanks. This operation provides for a total of seven (7) tanks, five (5) of which directly are connected to the retail operation and two (2) which are independently connected to the distributor operation. Total volume in the distributor operation, counting diesel to fuel the trucks is 40,000 gallons. Additional fuel for the retail operation is 55,000 gallons. The truck fleet consists of five (5) short bed trucks. That is three (3) more vehicles than typically maintained in a household driveway. The only semi-tractor trailers serving the distributorship are there merely for unloading of product. As to appearance, the most visually evident structures are the office building and the canopy over the retail section. MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS - ROANOKE VALLEY BOARD OF REALTORS -VIRGINIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION March 12, 1987 Page 2 All other facilities and equipment are below ground, there are no overhead structures whatsoever. As to the loading area, it is at the rear of the site behind a planted area, making it very difficult to see from the road or from any other location. As to fumes, more is likely generated from the 17,000 vehicles per day in front of the site than from the tanks. The tanks are self contained; the only venting that is present is required to meet safety codes, and that basically is to relieve. pressure on the tanks, if such ever occurs. Being that the tanks are underground there is very little change of pressure in the tanks due to temperature variation, since the tanks are not exposed to the sun. To restate the safeguards in the tanks they are as follows: 1. Heavy guage steel tanks wrapped in corrosion proof fiberglass wrapping placed in nonabrasive beds of sand. The buff hide tanks are warranted for a full 30 years. Further, of more note is that in the ~20 years these tanks have existed there has not been a single report of a leak or failure of the tank . 2. Fiberglass pipes from the tank to the pump with no corrosive joints or intersections. All tanks are independently piped. 3. A gravel bed below the sand pit, graded such that any type of seepage readily flows in the direction of well monitoring sites. 4. The placement of four (4) to six (6) well monitors with sensors which would detect the presence of oil seepage at the perimeter of the tanks. 5. Computer controlled volume sensors which constantly measure the difference between the amount pumped and the volume in the tank noting any discrepancy which may occur. This is the same system the Federal Government uses in its underground fuel depositories. 6. Federal requirements call for a daily accounting between the amount pumped and the volume in the tank, which must show no more than one-half of one percent differential. If it exceeds this amount based on current law, which has not been in effect for a very long period of time, the owner of the tanks would be responsible for a fine of $10,000 per day, per tank, if this seepage is not reported. Given the size of this penalty, it is far more economical to pump the tanks dry and remove them from the soil than try to sidestep the fine. March 12, 1987 Page 3 As to coupability, these recordings are required to be retained both by State and Federal Laws; thereby, you can go back to the computer readings and establish who is liable for any damage, if that remote situation occurs. To add additional security, rather than saying no tanks whatsoever shall be put in the ground, it may make sense for the County to require that the daily record volume or the computer readings be supplied on an ongoing regular intervals to a department within Roanoke County. Especially in the case of computer printouts, which can not be falsified, it is easy to verify the integrity of the system. 7. Safeguards at loading include both a coupling device between the tank connection point and the hose along with (which is remote a recessed manhole from which any spillage, based on the type of coupling) would be siphoned directly from the manhole into the fuel container tank. 8. Safeguards at loading include a bottom loading system which is operated by dual couplers between the truck and the nozzle, which will allow pressure feeding of the fuel into the truck only if properly installed. If the remote case of a spill does occur, a french drain is built around the loading area, which drains directly into a recessed manhole where a pump is available to siphon any of the fuel directly back into the fuel tank; 9. The use of a total of 7 tanks, 3 of 12,000 gallon capacity for gasoline, 1 of 15,000 gallon capacity for diesel, 1 of 15,000 gallon capacity for kerosene and 2 of 15,000 gallon capacity for heating oil. It is noted that the computer monitor tracks each of these tanks independently. It is further noted that the typical capacity of a retailer at this time is 36,000 to 60,000 gallons for gasoline alone. The additional storage required for a private distribution system is not excessive. There is simply no valid reason to suggest that additional 30,000 gallons of fuel storage or the addition of two tanks in anyway jeopardize the safety standards. All the safety standards that apply to one tank apply to all seven tanks. Lastly, I am enclosing a copy of the Proffered Conditions, a copy of the Restrictions of the Subdivision, a reduced site plan and a copy of the Staff Report. You can readily verify that the County Fire Department has ruled on the safety of the facility, the Water Control Board March 12, 1987 Page 4 will state that we far exceed any existing or proposed guideline, and the EPA will state that we exceed any existing or proposed guideline. In fact, the comment was made that this system is safer to individual well sites in lace. arIf than the septic systems that are currently in p anything, this development sets standardroductshe I t tshould of the water supply from petroleum p be used as a model to ensure the water supply throughout Roanoke County. Is there a safety burn unless it is tanks can not burn to the gas is at to smoke and fuel burn because there risk? Fuel oil and kerosene will not pressurized and sprayed as a mist, the (distribution system). The fire potential the pump. If someone is foolish enough a vehicle. The tanks however will not isn't enough air to support a flame. Thank you for your attention. If you desire to discuss any of these items, I will be glad to make time available. Respectfully, L. S. WALDROP REALTY CO. / ~4/ V ~ / L. S. Waldrop, Jr., SRA; MAI Vice President/Commercial LSW,JR/lgb Enclosures PETITIONER: BOONE, BOONE, & IAEB CASE N[~1BER: 12-3/87 Planning Coymission Hearing Date: March 3, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 24, 1987 1. REQUEST ,~ ~;, ~ .~,. Petition of Boone, Boone & Loeb to vacate portions of two cul-de- sacs outside of the 50 foot right-of-way on Summerset Drive and recorded in plat book 9, page 351, section 1, Branderwood and plat book 10, page 10, section 2, Branderwood, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning CcamiSSlon Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. None. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. None. 5. CONN~iISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Don Witt moved to approve the petition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Jones, Flippen, Witt, Eddy, Winstead NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") ,/ Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ,/' Staff Report Other: ~~ Robert Sta zer, Planning Cortimission Secretary ,~ ~~. ~. . % ~ ' • ~ ry? ~s~. 8 1 ~ p~ U ti i ~~ `' eQ~~~~~~N ti • ~ U BGOGK []f 4 ~A 5 f m J ~ ~ 9 30 30A ;~~~ ~~ o r' 74, 5f9 ~ /2/, 3i5 d ti h cP ti ~~ } `,p. 3f ~~ `~ O ` o •• \ S4, 457 f ~ 1 ' \ti "3` ~/'~~ 24 •'~ ~, _ J` ~ ~ ~ ~ k• ~/~ /ry /00, 467 ,~ s ~6' Js ,y 32 ~~ ~ cat ~~ ,,`f ~~ ~ ',rte s `•0~~ o~,, 30, i34f ~,3~ ~ /8, sia ~ i Ceti Ca e ~0 ~~ / ,~' ~r~ 26 ``~ ~ ~, r.u.~ sss. E~ ~R_ lVF ~ D~ 1 ~ ~ czo- ~~ ,h / ~~ ~S `` S\ ~, g ?f, 6951 lj7' ~ `` O 4 lO~,,T f ~~+` - 1 -_Cfp ' ~ S ZaS, c'17 r`e r ' 28 ~ ~`' ~'yi ~~' j • ~ .~ ~~~ x ;~ .f,d ~ sr. zi, cif ~~ ~~ i 33 a ~d°~E ~~I~""' ""/ `'~ N ~ ~ est. 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IS EXTENDED. 10 3205.55 3458.39 24 3814.93 4106.39 II 3281.08 25 3855.77 4135.24 ~ S.S.E. 12 4131.42 3354.43 26 -~°4087:14 4286.80 13 3347.75 ?7 `4014.04 D. E. 14 4182.56 3485.00 28 4363.77 4106,25 3523.65 3917.96, 4397.60 M.B.L. 15 3976.42 3626.31 29 -392µ.94f- 4541.43 ' 30 _3920.55 4591,60 P.U.E. TOTAL ACREAGE = y1.8µ - ,. , x too . so 0 1~2~ ..1 r GRAPHIC - ! CMIMFMRL Sf_. _ _2 ~`~ ` V. ___. O_.__ u Y ~~~` Tt rrj : ~. 51tYl AND W \ >'. ~, ,~ .p~~,,,~, ~, ~. ~ ` ~` ~' i ~ HUNT '~' r1~iH r SIEEQ ... ~ e' 2 ,~vFww u i C A•4AVnyN _~.. ~r~'y~ ~~ _ 10•~ ~ ~~ ~ = N~d ~ !" . ~ ' Apr. C'fKk~--' ~' -__.~.® '-BUCK ~ MW{rA~^. VICINITY MAD 3 87- 5 O unoru a49 ~ .~~ ~~ ~• RL 8T9~guek Mountain Rood~• I 30 ~ ~ ~ 10 923Ae ' 4 ~1 ' z2 , ~ is ~ b ~ • a ~ " s9 7 .f~ .*~ • ~ ~ „ s .,. . - • .ff 2 Z N ~ .» 7 y ~ • OO N Y •• Is M ~ ~ - 41 ' ~ x; - n ~ ,r ¢ s • ~ ~ 11 •43 w ~" - • • t• 9 8 i 80 - 8 M ~. ~ 'a. s es ._ 4 J01 - ~ w ,. ~ 11.29110 - _ n 74 "'• ~ _ M M ~ - _ T9 p T3 t ~ T2 n t _ N y A 4 ~A 8 8.99 Ae use. A ROANOKE COUNTY Boone, Boone, & Loeb DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Right-of-way Vacation ~'"" ~.. CASE N0. 12-3-87 STAFF REPORT FOR VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DATE: February 27, 1987 PETITIONER: Boone, Boone and Loeb PREPARED BY: Arnold Covey ~~ Petition of Boone, Boone and Loeb, Inc., to permanently vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs outside of the 50-foot right-of-way on Sommerset Drive, recorded in Section 1 and 2, Branderwood. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The overall development plan for Branderwood Subdivision shows a street system consisting of Whipplewood Drive and Sommerset Drive which loops through the development providing a double connection to Branderwood Drive. The recordation of Sections 1 and 2, Branderwood, Summerset Drive, terminated with temporary cul-de-sacs. The plan was to link the two sections together later with the plat of Section 3. As of this date, all three sections of Branderwood have been put to record providing the necessary right-of-way to construct the loop road. - Boone, Boone, and Loeb are advertising to vacate portions of the temporary cul-de-sacs in Section land 2 because the standard revisionary language, which reverts portions of the_~ul-de-sac to the adjoining property owners, was omitted. - Since the plats of Section 1 and 2, Branderwood, did not contain this reversionary language, the title to the segments of lots which are affected by these cul-de-sacs, Lots 14, 18, Black 2, and Lots 28, 29, 33 and 34, Block 1, Section 3, Branderwood, is still vested in Roanoke County by virtue of the dedi-cation of those plats. STAFF ANALYSIS: The closing of the portions of the cul-de-sacs shown on the attached map (cross hatched) will not affect the access of any property owner in Branderwood or the acceptance of Summerset Drive into the State's Secondary Road system. Therefore, County staff recommends approval of the petition as presented. ~~~ VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY RE: Vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs ) outside of the 50 foot right-of-way) on Summerset Drive and recorded in ) PETITION Plat Book 9, Page 351, Section 1, ) Branderwood and Plat Book 10, Page ) 5, Section 2, Branderwood ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER, Boone, Boone, and Loeb, Inc. respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 15.1-482(b) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and respectfully shows the following: 1) The Petitioner is the developer of a subdivision known as Branderwood and as such has caused plats of Section 1 (Plat Book 9, page 351) and Section 2 (Plat Book 10, page 5) to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, as shown on attached Exhibit "A".. 2) By virtue. of the recordation of said plats and acceptance thereof by the duly authorized agent, Roanoke County is now the owner of all land embraced within the streets and cul-de-sacs depicted on the aforesaid plats. 3) Summerset Drive has been extended into Section 3 LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, lALIN a PRILLAMAN, P.C. of Branderwood (Plat Book/O page /9 ) thereby eliminating the need for those portions of the cul-de-sacs depicted on the plats of Section 1 and Section 2, which lie outside the 50 foot right-of- way. * , ~~ ~-~ 4) Portions of the said cul-de-sacs are shown on the aforesaid plat of Section 3 as parts of Lots 14 and 18, Block 2, and Lots 28, 29, 33, and 34, Block 1, and in order for the petitioner to pass fee simple title to purchasers of these lots it will be necessary for Roanoke County to vacate, discontinue, and close those portions of the cul-de-sacs shown in red (and cross hatched) attached as Exhibit "A". 5) The closing of those portions of the cul-de-sacs referenced in Paragraph 4 will not affect the access of any other property owner in Brander- wood or any adjoining properties and will be in the best interests of all parties. 6) The portions of the cul-de-sacs which petitioner is asking to have closed have never been im- proved and/or opened for public use. WHEREFORE, your petitioner respectfully requests that those portions of Summerset Drive shown as cul-de-sacs and identified in Exhibit "A" as red cross hatched areas be permanently vacated, discontinued, and closed. Respectfully submitted, BOONE, BOONE AND LOEB, INC. By:~ --~ ~ ~ -.~-~-. Of Counsel David C. Helscher, Esq. LAW OFFICESJ]OLLY, PLACE, FRALIN & PRILLAMAN, P . C . JOLLY, F'LACE, 3912 Electric Road, S. W. \LIN aPRILLAMA N, P.C Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Counsel for Petitioner t' ~, y" VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY RE: Vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs ) outside of the 50 foot right-of- ) way on Summerset Drive and recorded) in Plat Book 9, Page 351, Section 1) RECOMMENDATION Branderwood and Plat Book 10, Page ) 5, Section 2, Branderwood ) WHEREAS, Roanoke County did petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, requesting that portions of cul-de-sacs outside of the 50 foot right-of-way of Summerset Drive for Sections 1 and 2 of Branderwood be permanently closed and vacated; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has given careful consideration to said petition and to said referral of the Board of Supervisors and has heard evidence touching the merits of said permanent closing and vacation of portions of cul-de-sac right-of-way as shown on the attached maps for Section 1 and Section 2, Branderwood, which plat is attached to the petition filed herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ordered that at the LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, =RALIN a PRILLAMAN, P. C. regular meeting of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 3rd of March, 1987, that the petition to permanently close and vacate portions of cul-de-sac right-of-way as shown on the plat, hereinabove set forth, is hereby approved and this Planning Commission accordingly hereby recommends in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia to the Bo.a~d o.f Supervisors of Roanoke ~ounty, Virginia that portions of cul-de-sac right-of-way, ~~ ~;:.:,< as shown on the plat prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, Certified Land Surveyors in Roanoke, Virginia, and be it further RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forthwith certified and delivered by the Secretary of this Planning Commission to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above action was adopted on motion of Don Witt and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Jones, Flippin, Witt, Eddy and Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None ~~ Roanoke unty Planning Commission LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRALIN & PRILLAMAN, P.C. <~ ~~ .:. s ~,. ~~ L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold two public hearings at 7:00 p.m. on 'T'uesday, March 24, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia on the following petitions: 1. Petition of Boone, Boone and Loeb, Inc. to vacate a certain 15 foot wide water line easement as shown on Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place, Plat Book 9, Page 309 running along the westerly boundary line of Parcel B in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. Petition of Boone, Boone, and Loeb, Inc., to vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs outside of the 50 foot right-of-way on Summerset Drive recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 351, Section 1, Branderwood and Plat Book 10, Page 5, Section 2, Branderwood in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. The Planning Commission recommends approval. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this Fifth day of March, 1987. ~-a~1 ~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, March 10, 1987 Tuesday, March 17, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Mr. David Helscher 3912 Electric Road Roanoke, Virginia 24018 ` ~ ax 4 iy~n' LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRALIN & PRILLAMAN, P.C. VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY RE• Vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs ) outside of the 50 foot right-of-way) PETITION on Summerset Drive and Sectiondl,n ) Plat Book 9, Page 351, Branderwood and Plat Book 10, Page j 5, Section 2, Branderwood TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER, Boone, Boone, and Loeb, Inc. respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 15.1-482(b) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and respectfully shows the following: 1) The Petitioner is the developer of a subdivision known as Branderwood and as such has caused plats of Section 1 (Plat Book 9, page 351) and Section 2 `. (Plat Book 10, page 5) to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, as shown on attached Exhibit "A". 2) By virtue of the recordation of said plats and ~ acceptance thereof by the duly authorized agent, Roanoke County is now the owner of all land `{ ~4 embraced within the streets and cul-de-sacs i ~' depicted on the aforesaid plats. ;. ~ 3) Summerset Drive has been extended into Section 3 { ~,I of Branderwood (Plat Book l O page / 9 ) thereby ~~ eliminating the need for those portions of the ?, li icted on the plats of Section 1 and ~. I~ cul-de-sacs dep l~ Section 2, which lie outside the 50 foot right-of- ~ 1 way. :__.. J l.~ / ~` VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY RE: Vacate portions of two cul-de-sacs ) outside of the 50 foot right-of- ) way on Summerset Drive and recorded) in Plat Book 9, Page 351, Section 1) FINAL ORDER Branderwood and Plat Book 10, Page ) 5, Section 2, Branderwood ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Roanoke County, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to abandon and vacate a portion of the cul-de-sac outside of the 50 foot right-of- way located on Summerset Drive in Section 1 and Section 2 Branderwood; and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County .I M Supervisors did hold a public hearing on said request on March 24 1987, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at which time all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration the Board of Roanoke County Supervisors is of the opinion that the request should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that a portion of the LAW OFf IC ES JOLLY, PLACE, .LIN a PRILLAMAN, P.C cul-de-sac outside the 50 foot right-of-way, hereinabove described, as more particularly shown on a plat attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Department of Development and that this .33'7- order be recorded by Petitioner along with the attached plat among the land records of Roanoke County. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Johnson upon the following recorded vote: ' Ayes Supervisors Garrett, P~~cGraw, Nickens, Johnson Nays None Absent None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Brittle ~ / -~~~' A ~-- fi`b` ~_~ / ~ r~..~ Deputy Clerk --- Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Arnold Covey, Development Review Department of Development LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, ALINePRILLAMAN, P.C. r . ~, ITEM NUMBER J ~ ~' y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Vacate waterline easement COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Boone, Boone, and Loeb has submitted a petition to vacate a 15 foot water line easement as shown on Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place, Plat Book 9, Page 309, running along the westerly boundary line of Parcel B. See attached map. The petitioner plans to sell Parcel B, along with other acreage adjoining Parcel B, and the 15 foot wide water line easement, as it is currently located, will greatly impair the purchasers ability to effectively develop Parcel B and adjoining acreage. The Director of Engineering and Director of Utilities has commented that the easement and utilities located within this easement (4" water line and two water services) has been accepted by Roanoke County. FISCAL IMPACT: AV Yes, but those costs incurred by the Division of Utilities for D removing the existing water line, will be Boone, Boone, and Loeb, Inc. expense. (see atttach letter) RECOMMENDATION: The Director of Utilities and Director of Engineering has recommended approval of the petition on the condition that Boone, Boone, and Loeb incur all costs. SU ITTED BY: APPROVED: Arn ld Cove Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. Development Review irector County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs Roanokes 1~Iumber One Real Estate Company March 9, 1987 Mr. Arnold Covey Roanoke County P.O. Bax 3800 Roanoke, VA 24015 Dear Arnold: :;~.. ,~. ..~ ~~ ~~ `# _~ '~~_. i': , ,. , t ~ "; ;' - l~j„ As you requested in our phone conversation this morning, please let this letter confirm that we now understand that the County will do the actual capping of the water line in Hunting Hills Place that we wish to vacate and in turn that Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., will pay the County for the expense that they incurred in doing so. ^ours ve y truly, ~0 E & 0 PANY, REALTORS L o Presiden GLB/nms cc: Mr. Jack Loeb ^ Main Office / Rt. 419 ^ 460 East Office 3922 Electric Road, S. W. (Rt. 419), Roanoke, VA 24018 3548 Orange Ave., N.E. (Rt. 460), Roanoke, VA 24012 P.O. Box 8614, Roanoke, VA 24014 P.O. Box 11963, Roanoke, VA 24022 (703) 989-0863 (703) 343-5800 c-n ,~¢ . 79 C-50 ~: ]1 C-7e ~ - __ -- xos ------ _ _xc_c._ _~~ O "- z4,, . d . i5.55:E_o 't` t^. -~~_ _ ^ ~_ -- ~°=~C ~ ia.r 3.Gi' y S~ • ~~•_S.M~ ~7 ~, 13 fl It Il ro R 9 r ~ to \"~ ~` 7Y'~oh ~ ,~ ;~~ W f m m BLOCK ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~ . ti ~ ,~` ~ •; ~~_ ~ Q o '`~ ~ N N ~ ryl S W h 1 n ~` I ,"1 ~1 ti ¢ tW ~~ u c_e= c-se ties r1.9 /2~.Op ~ "' n a 1~ ; NU~JrING N/LLy fC~DU~TN.fM• °'?'JO ~°-"'S9po ~.,, y j ~~ +g ~. s'~ C r~ r : I ~' : R 0.09 Ac. `5/ ~ ~; , ~ M ~ ,.~ ~ s C y~•o „ 1 5/<4' `~ ~~'_ a iZ ew d~,,• (~ N(p'Zl'00'E ~~i' ~'~ 1 N,~;w ~ '`~"•~~,~ t ` r s \V ~` OS• 5 h•T ``~ C-. .~ P 1i 3p Qp oQ. C..E. `~ ~ •~v ~~ l~ J.a1`~,~ r'~ W rE EsM•r.'1!nrl Id's )'!s '°o ~~~ ~' c • 5~ •,9.ts' r rs.-• ZI i ~ , ~ ,~ ,yy'M .1• ~ 10 ,~.e ~ a ° N N ; 541 3 9~'~E ~~ ~ ~, `ti ~~i , vr° ' S6~ ``~S e~ f PARCEL .g ~ < ~ °~' -~, ~.~ 9t o Z ~ • p.4y A6. ~ . ~ ~~ ~_, ~ AJE,sifNlq ~ .n ••°w"' `~.} • a.,s g w j ` ~ f4' IYA/ER LINE EASEMEN/ m ° a ~ _ ~ ~ 2 0.35 AO. ~ ° ~`^ ~\ ~ \ A `. f` ~ ~ 1o v ~ ~ b ~ Q \ N6 ~9 c,~ i ti 3 Y~ y~e. •Pp ' ~e.8o' o ~~ .ro' 400' Z!' 00'W. 99.00' < "' ~ . ~;: ~~ T'KR7'lrornc -- ~ ;c ' vE, ~ ~ . +~ O ,,y ~ 4e-~e ~~ ~ !~~. . NOG' Zl'00' , Z 0' 7 iS.GG' S . ~v~ ~ Sf;j \ \ \ N ti '~ ^ O ~l M mss'; .~~~ ~B ~~• ~ ~ ~ ~O z '3e:~'~ ~'~ ~ ~~' Z SANlraRY SEWER EA4EMEN/ ht>~* ~~~ ' s~OG`c \~\~v\s h~ m~h~ /e r' cp. ~---~~ REAIA/NINIU F~?PfR/Y OF Fs,~%'~`/ t00/IE, .3COA'E, >k. ICPQ, INC. ~~~~ 0.3.IZ/t fG.73t3 ''JNDA~Y COORCiNAtES ~-YORTH EAST n~7-uo1' 753o.1e4' ~ PLAT 794s.501' 7435.492' OF 8063.533' 7532.778' 80°0.664' 7553.033' 8123.919' 7473.653' SECTION No. 1 8159.467' 7013.421' 822`.°"' Tj°'•809' HUNTING HILLS PL~CI 8472.072' 7089.336' 8471.450' 7509.336' 844).46i' 7509.452' 843).301' 7495.706' CAVE SPRItlG !.!: 31STERIAL DIST :.CT 8.34.7:,7' 7460.630' ROANUKE COUNTY, ViFG11lIA C5~5.31'0' 7374.664' 8714.58' 7532.97x' 800'4.109' 7766.339' OtlNER 8131.820' 7705.265' C025.C~0' 7.'55.977' 005).459' 7004.651' BOONE, BOOhJE ~ LOEB, INC. 022.159' 7570.28' 7C:9.C~4' 7623.013' r5 .0:,5' 7620.TC9' SCALE : t" = 50' DATE : t9 CcT. 7057.0:0' 7003.054' 703:.001' 7553.072' 78T5.Cr9' TE:0.927' TOTf.L AREA aL'FO:.D T. l.t^ ^^4 L• _"^_"'"~. P.t. S0 t00 t50 iAPHIC SCALE 1"~50' ^-~~- "" III II ':VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY !RE: Vacate a certain 15 foot wide water line easement as more particularly shown on Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place, Plat Book 9, Page 309, running ',~ along the westerly boundary !,j line of Parcel B (.47 acres) as more particularly shown on the said plat PETITION TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER, Boone, Boone, and Loeb, Inc. respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 15.1-482 (b) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and respectfully represents the following: 1) Petitioner is the developer of a subdivision known as Hunting Hills Place and as such has caused a plat of Section 1, (Plat Book 9, Page 309) to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A". 2) By virtue of the recordation of said plat and acceptance LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRALIN & PRILLAMAN, P.C jthereof by the duly authorized agent, Roanoke County has accepted 'on behalf of the public said 15 foot wide water line easement as more particularly shown on Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place,'. Plat Book 9, Page 309, running along the westerly boundary line of Parcel B (.47 acres) as more particularly shown on the said plat by the red, cross-hatched area, and is, in fact, operating said water system on behalf of the public. 3) Within said water line easement there is currently ;located a water distribution line and two 1 1/2" water meters ;which the Petitioner will cap and remove under the supervision of the appropriate officials from Roanoke County when the vacation is approved. 4) The Petitioner has sold said Parcel B, along with e ad'oinin same, and the aforesaid 15 foot wide er acrea g oth g J !',water line easement, as it is currently located, will greatly _mpair the purchasers ability to effectively develop said Parcel B and adjoining acreage. 5) The water line easement is not now, nor will it in the future, be necessary to effectively serve the needs of the Hunting Hills Place community and the closing of this 15 foot wide water line easement will not affect owners in Hunting Hills Place or any adjoining properties and will be Alin the best interest of all parties concerned. 6) Any future development of Parcel B, or the adjoining acreage, by the purchaser of this property will be subject to the review of the Roanoke County Planning Department and any !future needs for this parcel can be adequately protected as a part of the planning review process as development of those tracts takes place in the future. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the LAW OFFICES 415 foot wide water line easement as shown on the aforesaid JOLLY, PLACE, ~ FRALIN & PRILLAMAN, P.CI > G~' ,Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place and identified in (;Exhibit "A" as shown by the red, cross-hatched area, be '!permanently vacated, discontinued, and closed. Respectfully submitted, i BOONE, BOONE & LOEB, INC. ~! ii ~ ii By = ti Of ounsel f~David C. Helscher JOLLY, PLACE, FRALIN & PRILLAMAN, P.C. !3912 Electric Road, S.W. jRoanoke, Virginia 24018 ;((703) 989-0000 +iCounsel for Petitioner ;~ ~i LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRALfN & PRILLAMAN, BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be (transmitted to the Department of Development and that this order be recorded by Petitioner along with the attached plat among the land records of Roanoke County. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Johnson , upon the following recorded vot:.e: Ayes Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson Nays None Absent None Abstain: Supervisor Brittle Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Arnold Covey, Development Review Department of Development LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRA LIN a PRILLAMAN. P.C 3g~_C~ VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY 00 ~~ ~9 M~ J Q' O ~!J 4-- z ~' .u 0 N ~-- RE: Vacate a certain 15 foot wide water line easement as more particularly shown on Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place, Plat Book 9, Page 309, running along the westerly boundary line of Parcel B (.47 acres) as more particularly shown on the said plat FINAL ORDER TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WF~EREAS, your Petitioner, Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., did petition the Board of County Supervisors to abandon and vacate a certain 15 foot wide water line easement located on Parcel B (.47 acres) as more particularly shown on Plat of Section 1, Hunting Hills Place; and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County Supervisors did hold a public hearing on said request on March 24, 1987, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at which time all ,parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration the Board of Roanoke County Supervisors is of the opinion that the request should be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the 15 foot wide LAW OFFICES JOLLY, PLACE, FRA LIN a PRILLAMAN, P.C. water line easement, hereinabove described as located along the westerly boundary line of Parcel B (.47 acres) as more particularly shown on a plat attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned. ITEM NUMBER "' AT A VIRGINI A HELDIAT TORE ROANOKE COUONTY ADMINISTRATOIONROCENOTER COUNTY, IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 24, 1987 SUBJECT: Public Hearing and resolution pursuant to Section 15.1- 238(e) authorizing condemnation and right of entry for East 460 Water Line Project. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Section 15.1-238(e) provides for a notice and public hearing by the Board of Supervisors to authorize immediate entry upon real estate erdLinedProaectn ath leas t• twoneasements mustlbeecone East 460 Wat J demned: -A. J. and Doris H. Robertson Fair Market Value - $588 -Joe Helms and Sons, Inc. Fair Market Value - $1,110 Notice by mail was given to both of the property owners in ques- tion. This notice also included a final offer of fair market value as indicated by the appraisal report. This procedure is a necessary first step to commence condemnation proceedings. FISCAL IMPACT: 9u $1,698 plus legal costs and expenses for the condemnation actions and expert witness fees. A portion of these expenses are recoverable from the 1985 bond referendum proceeds. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the proposed resolution be adopted by the Board after the required public hearing. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ~ ss~-'~ ---------------------------- VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens ~~~"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.1- 238(e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTY AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF- WAY OR EASEMENTS THEREON IN CONNECTION WITH THE EAST 460 WATER LINE PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the East 460 Water Line Project is necessary to provide more adequate water service to certain properties sit- uate, lying and being in the east portion of Roanoke County, said project shall constitute an extension of water service capabili- ties from the existing system and for which said extension cer- tain rights-of-way or easements are needed and more particularly described as follows: A) A 20' permanent easement across the pro- perty of A. J. and Doris H. Robertson proper- ty and more particularly described as: BEGINNING at a point in the southeast corner of the A. J. and Doris Robertson property; thence, N. 87° 10' 47" W. 11.45 feet to the actual beginning point of said center line; thence, N. 12° 28' 10" E. 103.69 feet to a point; thence, N. 32° 52' 25" E. 141.59 feet to a point on the southeast boundary of the Richard H. Lowe, Jr. property as shown on the plat dated 4 December 1986 by Draper-Aden Associates, Inc. TOGETHER with a temporary construction ease- ment as shown on a certain plat prepared by Draper-Aden Associates, Inc. dated 4 December 1986. The fair market value of the aforesaid to be acquired is $588.00, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the pro- perty owners. ~~ ~ ~:. B) A permanent easement across the property of Joe Helms and Sons, Inc. and more particu- larly described as: BEGINNING at a point in the southern boundoan~ of the Joe B. Helms property, said p being at the northwest corner of the Barry St. Jorn property; thence, N. 50° 47' 30" E. 147.32 feet to the actual beginning point of said center line; thence N. 53° 49' 32" W. 179.11 feet to a point; thence, N. 5° 07' 20" W. 232.48 feet to a point; thence, N. 32° 32' 45" E. 819.86 feet to a point on the boundary of the Roanoke County SPCA property which point is N. 37° 57' 23" W. 465.65 feet from the point of intersection of the Roanoke County SPCA property and Norfolk and Western Railway as shown on plat dated 7 October 1986, and revised 11 February 1987 made by Draper-Aden Associates, Inc. TOGETHER with a temporary construction ease- ment as shown on a certain plat prepared by Draper-Aden Associates, Inc. dated 7 October 1986 and revised 11 February 1987. The fair market value of the aforesaid inter- est to be acquired is $1,110.00, such compen- sation and damages, if any, having been offer- ed the property owner. 2. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take such property and commence construction of said water line extension and any other appurtenances to the water line system in order to more adequately serve the needs of certain properties and to thereafter institute and conduct appro- priate condemnation proceedings as to said rights-of-way or ease- meets; and 3, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1- 238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and pursuant to notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges and """ ~Y^~ provisions of said Section 15.1-238(e) as to the vesting of powers in the County pursuant to Section 33.1-119 through Section 33.1-129 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, all as made and provided by law. .. _ _. ~k ~ ~ ~' ,. AZ' A REGULAR MEE'T'ING OF THE B ROANOKE COUNTYI ADMINISTRATOON COUNTY, VIRGICEN"T"TER ONDTUESDAYE MARCH 24, 1987 RESOLUTION 3 e4 87O FO T H ES 1 9 5 OT C O D ETIO F 1 5. 1 2 3$( SETTING FORTH THE VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTY AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHT-OF- WITHOTHE EASTE460TWATER LINE CONNEC'T'ION PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That the East 460 Water Line Project is necessary rovide more adequate water service to certain properties sit- to p said uate, lying and being in the east portion of Roanoke County, abili- project shall constitute an extension of water service cap ties from the existing system and for which said extension cer- in ri ht-of-way or easement is needed and more particularly to g described as follows: A ) A X91 peratasest easement aRebertses prepertp e~ A ~ d ~ and Eer}sdeser}bed as- prepert~ and Mere part}e~~ar}p $E6~PdAT~A16 at a pe}st }~ the se~thea~e ert~r e€ the A: d: and Ber}s Rebertsas p p thesee; P3- $~° }81 ~}~~ W- }} .-45 feet to the aett~er} beg}ss}set pe}st et sa}d eester }}se; thesee; Al- }~° 88i }gu E- }83-69 €eet to & pe}st; theses; N: 3~° 581 85u H= }4}=59 feet to a pe}st es the se~theast be~sdarp et the R}ehard H : Bevae; dr : prepertp as sh®vas es the p}at elated 4 Beeember }98b by Braper-Ades Assee}aces; use: ~66E`~HEg ~'}th & te~perarp eesstr~et}es ease- ment as shev~s es a Berta}s p}at prepared by Braper-Ades Assee}aces; one- dated 4 Beeember }986.- the to}r market ~a}~es~ehteemape~s~~~en and aeeTs}red }s $588:99 ; ela~tae~es; ~~ a~-p; l~a~a~~e3 beep ef~e~ed ~l~e g~e- pe~~p ew~e~s- B) A permanent easement across the property of Joe Helms and Sons, Inc. and more particu- larly described as: BEGINNING at a point in the southern bounodan~ of the Joe B. Helms property, said p being at the northwest corner of the Barry St. John property; thence, N. 50° 47' o3int E. 147.32 feet to the actual beginning p of said center line; thence N. 53° 49' 32" W. 179.11 feet to a point; thence, N. 5° 07' 20" W.~~232.48 feet to a point; thence, N. 32° 32' 45 E . 819.86 feet to a point on the bo wh ach of the Roanoke County SPCA property point is N. 37° 57' 23" W. 465.65 feet from the point of interseand Norfolk andRWe tern County SPCA property Railway as shown on plat dated 7 October 1986, and revised 11 February 1987 made by Draper-Aden Associates, Inc. TOGETHER with a temporary construcreioa edsby ment as shown on a certa In pldated P October Draper-Aden Associates, 1987. 1986 and revised 11 February The fair market value of the aforesaid inter- est to be acquired lif$anylOha0ving ubeen offer- sation and damages, ed the property owner. 2. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take such property and commence construction of said water line extension and any other appurtenances to the water line system in order to more adequately serve the needs of certain properties and to thereafter institute and conduct appro- priate condemnation proceedings as to said right-of-way or ease- ment; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1- 238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and pursuant to notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges and provisions of said Section 15.1-238(e) as to the vesting of powers in the County pursuant to Section 33.1-119 through Section 33.1-129 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, all as made and provided by law. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, amended to delete condemnation proceedings against A. J. and Doris H. Robertson, who agreed to a settlement of $1554; seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/25/87 CC: File County Attorney Director of Utilities ~' PUBLIC NICE Please take notice that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the County Administration Center, Community Roam, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, will on March 24, 1987, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, hold a public hearing on the question of the adoption of a resolution pursuant to Section 15.1-238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, concerning acquisition by Roanoke County of certain easements in which to install a certain public utility, to-wit, a water line, the same to traverse certain properties located in the East 460 section of the County of Roanoke being owned by A. J. and Doris H. Robertson and Joe Helms and Sons, Incorporated. Any member of the public may appear at the time and place afore- said and address the Board on the matter aforesaid. G~~~ E]mer C. Hodge, C erk Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia Please publish in the morning and evening editions on: March 10, 1987 March 17, 1987 Please send bill to: Ms. Mary Allen Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 240180-0798 ~ ~ ~ OIL COMPANY, INC. WALROND OIL COMPANY, INC. 907 Kimball Avenue, N.E. P. O. Box 13928 Roanoke, Virginia 24038 Phone: (703) 342-8951 March 18, 1987 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue S~:W: Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Re: Zoning Request Perimeter East 14:29+ Acres Roanoke County Gentlemen: Commerce Center Tax Map No: 50.01-1-2 Yesterday I received copies of my realtor.'s letters to Mr:. Hodge and you: While I appreciate his intentions and the information in the letters, I regret any inferences: As a v~~ley native. noano~e ,t~~~nty pr~orn?±y r~.;ner, and lcc;.~l busis;a~-r,an, I only ask that my proposal be evaluated on its merits and any concerns resulting from the recent "groundwater" articles in the newspaper be offset by the facts: I am confident that you will evaluate my proposal based on 1) its relationship with the surrounding properties, 2) its safety, 3) its compatibility with the environment, and 4) its economic. value to the county,• Our position on each area follows: 1) Relationshi with the Surroundin Pro erties As Planning Commission C airman Way an Winstead stated, "Development on East 460 is going to occur. If we're going to open the dance, this is the kind of development I'd like to see us do it with:" I want a "first class" project; that's why we have followed the county's lead (Southwest Industrial Park) in developing Perimeter East Commerce Center and used their 419 guidelines to develop our commercial frontage-: While I can understand the concern of the Trail Drive residents, if the Southwest Industrial Park can interface with Penn Forest .and Hunting Hills, surely Perimeter East can do the same with Trail Drive and La Bellevue: -2- Perimeter East offers natural screening with the topography of the hills shielding both sides from view. Also the proffers being offered insure that viewing from the front will be attractive and tasteful. 2) Safety My proposed development of Walrond Oil's retail and distribution complex will meet or exceed all requirements of the National Fire Code, the Environmental Protection Agency and the American Petroleum Institute. County Fire Marshal Tommy Fuqua has reviewed and approved our proposal. 3) Compatibility with the Environment My realtor's letter covers this area in detail, but I wish to highlight a few issues. I have been involved in the petroleum industry for over 20 years, and am greatly concerned about the negative public relations sur- rounding our industry because of ground water pollution: As an outdoors- man and environmentalist, and as an active member of state, national and supplier organizations, I want my new retail and distribution complex to set new standards for the industry. By combining my retail and distribution at one site, it affords me the economic flexibility to use top quality materials and "state of the art" monitoring devices to insure against any impact on the environment. I know of no other installation in the valley using the fiberglass coated steel tanks or the Tidal 24 hour monitoring device on every tank. As for the location of tl~e retail and distribution complex as it relates to the acquifer, there is no place in Roanoke County that a petroleum faci- lity can locate and not have a potential impact on ground water. Incidents of pollution which have occurred in the state were caused by long term undetected leaks resulting from improper materials and installation, no monitoring devices and poor inventory control, all of which we have addressed. In the unlikely event of a leak or spill, The Federal Government has clean up monies (Superfund), the State will have cleanup monies (House Bill 1022) and my corporation has pollution insurance totaling two million dollars to prevent any long term damage to ground water. 4) Economic Value to the Count Having attended a meeting where it was stated that it is Roanoke County's goal to have a mix of 75% residential and 25% commercial, and having read of the substantial residential growth projected for the Bonsack area, it is clear to me that commercial development is needed to properly balance the area's growth. I believe that the Phase 1 development of Perimeter East Commerce Park can properly initiate that controlled growth. If Phase 1 meets our expectations, we would initiate a Phase 2 development that would encompass 40 acres behind our present site and then possibly a Phase 3 development along Belle Ave. and the railroad tracks. However, I want to make it clear that I am a petroleum marketer, not a developer, and this project's lending commitments are tied to ~Jalrond Oil's retail and distri- bution complex being located in Perimeter East. -3- I am unable to attend next Tuesday night's meeting because of my leader- ship role at a National Petroleum meeting. However, I wish to thank you in advance for a fair and factual evaluation of my orooosal_ Sincerely, J. F. Walrond, Jr. President ~~ JFW/ss cc: Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Mr. L. Steve Waldrop .., a~ -• i OIL COMPANY INC. WALROND OIL COMPANY, INC. 907 Kimball Avenue, N.E. P. O. Box 13928 Roanoke, Virginia 24038 Phone: (703) 342-8951 February 6, 1987 Roanoke County Planning Commission 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 RE: 14.29+ Acres Roanoke County Tax Map No. 50.01-1-2 Ladies and Gentlemen: I am contracting to purchase the above-referenced property formerly. known as The Trail Drive-In on Route 460 East for the purpose of developing a multiple use commercial-industrial park. At present,-the property which fronts 740 feet on Route 460 East and contains a total of 14.29 acres, currently zoned RE - Residential Estate, is being .used for an open air flea market and formerly as a drive-in theater.. This is also the site previously conditionally rezoned for development of a psychiatric hospital. The pro~o;al to develop can be viewed as consisting of three (3) parts. Part one (1) would consist of 2 acres to a maximum of 4 acres, as set forth on 'the concept plan, to be located on the northwest corner of the parcel, extending a maximum of 300 front feet on Route 460 East. Walrond Oil Company, Inc. would be relocated to this site. Develop- ment would place on the road frontage a Texaco retail outlet. Directly beside the retail outlet would be placed the general offices of Walrond Oil Company, Inc. Directly behind the office would be distribution facilities for petroleum related products (excluding gasoline). All petroleum products being stored are low volatility, being subject to burning only if vaporized under a pressure system.. The storage struc- ture will consist of a maximum of >•iit7underground "buff-hide" steel and fiberglass sealed tanks having a storage capacity of approximately X0,000 gallons.. The corners of the property containing the tanks will have monitors to detect any underground seepage.. The facilities will -2- meet or exceed all current standards. All loading of trucks is by bottom loading; whereby, no overhead fueling structures are required, only a small operating .booth for the truck loading is required. Traffic to the distribution facility .is fairly low consisting at present of five (5) home delivery trucks. Part Two (2) would consist of the rezoning of the balance of the frontage, being approximately 3~0 feet to B-3, to a depth of 250 feet to allow development of commercial retail and/or office sites. The rezoning, by extension of utilities to the site, would actually pro- vide over 1,400 front feet of available commercial frontage in Roanoke County. Further, rezoning would provide the best fully serviced commercial sites available on the east-end of Roanoke County. Part Three (3) would consist of the rezoning of the rear approximately 8 to 10 acres to M-1, Light Industrial to provide for the development of a light industrial park. The park would be developed within the guidelines of Roanoke County's Southwest County Park. The park would provide the County's only industrial tracts in East County adjacent to a major highway. Further, it will satisfy a demand for 5 acres and under sites, serviced by utilities and out of the influence of the flood plans. Further specifics, as to roads, screening, etc. are best set forth on the site plan and proffer agreement. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, G~~/ J. F. Walrond, Jr. President JFW/ss Standards of Appearance Overall Image An attractive appearance, one that makes potential customers give your place of business a second look, doesn't just happen. It takes effort from everyone involved and requires proper attention to detail. It's often the "little things" that make the difference in a customer choosing your facility over another, so make sure your place looks a "little bit" better in every way than your competition. ~= „r ~:.. ~~' ~. ~ _ . ,~; r. .., . .a ~-, ~- 3 Composite~~~ervi~ Submersible Pump Application M H ~®~ ~\ _~ ~ `~ II ~~ r: © ~ , ~ ~, /i / ~~ %/ ! ~ i/ ~ 'ii %/ Vapor Vent Lines ~- . r ~, ~V ~~-- \, , ,- ~ i~`~ ~ ~~ ~ ,, ~ ~ ~~ o A `` 1 ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ D \\ 2 ~\ \ ~ ~ .~ 1 1~ ~ N ~ 1 3 ~/.~ ~~ ~~ \ / ~ i ; ; Fuel Lines ~ ~ i~~ i i i ~,_v ~ ~ ~ ~ `\~ / ~ ~ Stage II Vapor Submersible ~\ ~~ ~-~ I Return Llne, if Pump ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ equlPP~ ~~ ~I i~ ~ I _ ~ ~ ~ NOTES: \ • The products shown in this sketch are ( ~..~ LIDUID LINES not all used in the same installation. s VAPOR LINES This drawing shows general locations Underground only of the OPW products described Fuel Storage Tank in this catalog. • For more detail on various Vapor Recovery Systems, see pages 7-8. 7~ To make it easier for customers to visualize the use and together within the same service station layout, and location of the OPW products described in this catalog, are shown together here for reasons of simplicity, and this COMPOSITE SERVICE STATION INSTALLA- for general use and location only. Consult OPW for TION calls out many of the OPW products listed. Bear actual compatible products for use in your particular in mind that many of these products may not be used installation. A. Emergency Shut-off Valve OPW \\ 10-R Series. p. 14-15 r. ~ ~:;: ~. { a ~~ 1.. ~ n ~ ~ . i F .. '~ B. Float Vent Valve -Extractor ~+• Tight Fill Adaptors and Caps, Assemblies. OPW 233 Series and OPW Series 61-AS, 62, 62 TT 633, 53 Series. p. 16-17 634-TT. p. 20-21 ~ ~ •`V i .vJ h'~5~ ~ S '~a l ~ k~^'~1 r_J. r ~ SIDE SEAL TOP SEAL ~. Vapor Recovery Components E. Fill Accessories; Fill Boxes; F. Observation/Monitoring Adaptors and Caps; OPW 1611 Fill Caps; Manholes, Cast Iron and Manhole OPW 104GW0 or 104A-16" Series, 1711-T Series. p. 23 Fabricated. p. 26-28 p, 28 ~k f i~ ~ :. ~. t ~ sY~1~It .l ,'~ ~; FL A `~ } N ~ i ~ . ~ ° ~_ .~r._ '~.` .. rraiiriVY J a~. Submerged Fill Drop Tubes ~(. Lift Air Control Valve L. Compressor Check Valve, OPW 61-T Series. p. 22 OPW 234 Series. p. 32 OPW 1206 Series: p. 31 e..,Q, r .z __.«. ~~a-. r~ ± F rfl M. Sanitary Hatch OPW 269. p. 32 - zi~ ~~-, i N r NOTES: • Photos are not shown in actual size or in proportion to other products. • Please see index for other products not shown or listed above. 5 G. Spill Container, OPW 84 H. Vapor Vents, Poppeted and ~. Tank Gage for Series. p. 29-30 Unpoppeted OPW 23, 523, 523S.p. 22 Fuel Monitoring (Select Per Local Codes) OPW 114SW. p. 33 ~r THE 30-YEAK WAI;KANTY ~~ ggOW ,~0~0 ATLANTIC SCREEN & MANUFACTURING, INC.- (TANK INSPECTOR)TM R .DRAWING The (Tank Inspector) R has been designed for 3' tank Gover or (cover back-fill -'12" .off end tank screen pipe) ends 2' deeper than tank plus pavement. Any less casing can be cut with hacksaw. Any deeper back-fill, a coupling and additional 4" pipe can be attached or order longer casing section. Underlayment Screen Available. WATER -CROWN WATER CROWN AROUND F(LL NOT RECOMMENDED ~ GRADE LEVEL FLUSH TOP CAP \ CONCRETE CONCRETE ~~ ° ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ' ~ • ' • • J O • e •°• O 0 O ~ Opoo°°°~00 D O p •~0 4OO eon •o ~~ o° 0 e O e BLANK SECTION o ° ° ~ ~ ° ° ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ° 0 : o°o o ~ o o ° ° M•, ooe0 0 ° ••~ ~ .o °DO °O ° 0 p °O o Op •,°Op coops o O °•• O p Oee°o O~ °° o e°°°° v° o°o° °°pa o° a coD o o° -~ c0° Q U O G~0 0 ~~ ~ 0 c Q 40 O°0 SEC 40 PVC PIPE O fl C>o0 ° °o~~ p~ °o~° °'°.oooo°° 0 0 000 0°p o°o a~ea4~ O°ov o °~ ~°oQ° Q o°o °p v ~Do°•°oD~ 00 d0 0 0 o °oOOpooO °0 D Q" ~o Q o4~voopD° o°. pe~ o o e CO o s 0 0° p e ~0 v 0 o O D oq o ~~ oo ~~ Do°O ° ~ A oA ~ °°p o o e pap °o° o ; e o o°0ao0 °° 00 0 C ~ O °Op °p~ 0 SLOTTED o ~ ° ° ° o ~ 000 ° o O' o0e0 o ep v° o e° pOO • 0 e ~. 0 0 Qaa o ~. a ov oo °° ~ •. D0 p p o 0000 pDOOC D0 o O Do 0000 ° ~°° ~ O pp~V D o D0~ ~Op O ~Q Owe 000 0 ° po vAo° pp~oo °°0^ PQ v 00 ° °° o00 0 oo°op p o° pao ° • O o p o00 G oeo• ea oo ° .o~p°oo 00 Co OOOOQ o•v~•00 2FEETOR24"BELOW opo o ° °°O D o0 o°~Qaoaocooa ~o.op BOTTOM OF TANK p ° c oD o 0 0 op a o 00 •d°o o ° o~ ono o ° o~ ~o° p° o°ep 0040 ~~ a e~40 o~09op0y °°p p oDp~o00obp °opoO poo Do co ~C/e pe OaD paoO~O~dd pppo0~ pO o A~opae o d0 _ 0 ~ Qd o ~ P!J • •°o~i ppp~oDdpOOdOo~j o°o°O O~~~qd POOPS p` END VIEW OF TANK sM The tank inspector is our trade name for the observation pipe used in monitoring underground storage tanks. ~~~ MEMBER ~+e~ona) 118 BROADKILL ROAD • MILTON, DE 19968 • 302-684-3197_, P~~ ~_ µrr/r 5 1-800-322'240 '~[W E(-O-Yt AI MSC ATLANTIC SCREEN & MANUFACTURING, INC. (TANK INSPECTOR)TM R DRAWING The (Tank Inspector) R has been designed for 3' tank cover or (cover back-fill - 12" off end tank screen pipe) ends 2' deeper than tank plus pavement. Any less casing can be cut with hacksaw. Any deeper back-fill, a coupling and additional 4" pipe can be attached or order InnnPr casino section. Underlayment Screen Available. .~:~Q. •q• ~••" ~ oat' ~~.~_.~;. ~~~ ~~~ %`~ ~ ~V~~"\ - j\~\ ~~ Factory Slots /~~ / ~ . \ PVC Pinned Plug i~~ Point Bottom ~~\~_/~_ ~ i.1_~~ Surface Water Seal ~: .•.p...a.: .'.~ ~:a • :p•:' , ~ • 'I • .. N, •..~ . Water-Tight Cap ' • ~' • '':. ;.V` ;~ ~•' ;•. •, ~~ \~ \\ ..~' . . . • Tightly packed = clay, surface :. . • • • ' water seal •.,~••.: Q~ ~ .•• -' ~ /~ • ••.: ~~ • :.•. \~% "• ~ ~ ~~ . .... ~~ - . '. ~1S ~ MEMBER x_118 BROADKILL ROAD • MILTON, DE 19968 • 302-684-3197_x_ P~t ~_,~~~/_ 4 1-800-322-2740 ~fUM EQ~PMf NT IIf~C V ------~ ~. ~~ ~ E{6 A Sealing Cover Strong, lightweight corrosion resistant cover is easy to remove and replace. Has integral handle and seal. 8 Pop-Up Handle Lays flat when not in use. When needed, handle pops up so cover can be lifted off easily. C Body Ring Strong cast iron, reinforced design, locks into surrounding concrete. Internal surtace is specially coated to achieve long seal life. D Cover Seal Surface water is prevented from entering container by a unique, large cross-section o-ring seal. Made of an abrasion-resistant, low swell compound, the seal is lubricated for continuous easy sealing. When needed, seal is easily replaced. E Container Seal Consistent seal between container and body ring is achieved with a large cross-section o-ring seal. F Container Catches petroleum spills. Replaceable container is corrosion-resistant and flexible to accommodate tank shift and installation misalignment. This unique design allows field replacement in the event of damage. Concrete Form All 84 Series Spill Containers are furnished with a fiber board concrete and backfill form. This makes installation easy and allows for simple replacement of the container. Riser Seal This soft, large cross-section seal achieves a liquid tight joint between container and riser. The seal is clamped in place, is easy to install and replace as required. Prevent Groundwater Pollution The OPW 84 Series Spill Container is designed to prevent petroleum products from entering the soil near the fill or vapor connections on underground storage tanks, thereby helping to prevent groundwater pollution. Often, through normal tank filling operations, or in the event of tank overfill, small amounts of petroleum product can be spilled upon disconnect of the delivery fitting. The OPW 84 Spill Container will catch this spillage and prevent it from entering the backfill surrounding the tank. The OPW 84 Spill Container is the first-line of defense against groundwater pollution and also assists the modern petroleum marketer in meeting his objectives of: - preventing product loss - preventing costly cleanup procedures - meeting environmental requirements. OPW 84 D with Drain Valve The OPW 84-D is furnished complete with an integral drain valve. This valve can be used to quickly and conveniently drain captured liquid back into the storage tank. The valve is a high flow design for rapid draining, and includes a flexible extender that will not intertere with delivery fittings. The screen, and the entire valve assembly can be removed for cleaning and maintenance. The OPW 84-D is furnished with a drain hose and riser pipe section to adapt to various installation conditions. (Refer to Installation Instructions H-10511-PA for recommended arrangement). Float Vent Valves The OPW 53-V Series Float Vent Valves are designed to be installed in OPW 233-V Series extractor fittings to form a system to help prevent under- groundtank overfill, and reduce prod- uct mixing. The OPW 53-V Series Float Vent Valves have a stainless steel ball which seats tightly against a specially designed valve seat, cutting off the flow of vapors to the Stage I vapor recovery system, or the tank vent. These valves are superior to other valves because of the stainless steel ball float and specially designed Duragard'" coated seat which helps eliminate valve hang up due to corrosion. Dimensions in Inches A Overall Length B Max. Width (Two Places) C Hole Size D Nipple Length E Hole Center To End OPW®Float Vent Valves are Covered Under Patent No.3,736,950 Dimensions ~~ ~~- 2~ ~~ -11 2" Di_...__-- Ball Product No. A B C D E Weight and Suffix Lbs. 53-VM Used as an integral part of the OPW overfill system to slow down the flow of liquid into 53-VM-0060 1013/,s 3 '/,s 6'/a 1'/2 2.16 the storage tank, and provide (Calibrated) an overfill warning to the operator. 53-VML Same as 53-VM but 12" D 53-VML-0120 16"/,s 3 '/,s 12 1'/2 3.99 dimension, for double wall tanks. (Calibrated) 53-VSS Used to minimize product mixing when vent lines 53-VSS-0065 913/,s 3 '/e 5 Ya 1'/z 1.80 are manifolded underground. 53-VTS Similarto 53-VSS Except vent bleed hole is 53-VSS-0070 913/,s 3 '/,e 5'/e 1'/z 1.90 only'/,s". 53-FC Used only on vapor return line has no bleed hole. 53-FC-0046 727/32 3 NONE 35/32 N/A 1.23 17 ,003- o 9n AIDT_ 0 ENGINEERING REPORT THE PLD PISTON LEAK DETECTOR ;~,~' RED JACKET PUMPS A Marley Pump Company October, 1986 This report covers the performance of the PLD, Red Jacket's Piston Leak Detector, model 116-030. The new style piston leak detector can be easily identi- fied by the vent port on the top of the casting. Model 116-017, adiaphragm-operated leak detector, has no vent port. The PLD is a pressure sensing, piston operated valve de- signed to indicate a leak in the piping between the leak de- tector and the dispenser. NOTE: Remove the PLD previous to testing discharge lines. See Section VIII. I. HOW THE PLD WORKS Each time the pressure in the piping system drops to approximately 1 psi or less', the PLD moves to its most downward or relaxed position (Position 1). The next time the pump is turned on, the PLD will perform a line test as il- lustrated below. (Figure #1) •(fhe PLD does not perform a line test unless line pressure drops to this point.) II. OPENING OF THE NOZZLE As stated previously, each time the pressure drops to approximately 1 psi or less, the PLD poppet moves to its most downward or relaxed position, the next time the pump is turned on, the PLD will perform a line test. For this reason it is important that the nozzle not be opened prior to turning on the pump or before the three step leak test is completed. If the nozzle is opened before the PLD has com- pleted its test, the flow will be restricted to 1'/z to 3 gallons per minute. If line pressure does not fall to approximately 1 psi or less, the PLD will not perform a line test and the time of opening of the nozzle is not critical. The majority of problems encountered in connection with the PLD operation can be traced to the opening of the THE PLD 3-STEP LEAK TEST L~ pnuun F VaM ~lntaE b Tank Fua Prafsura Appro. 25 PSI ~.~.Irom Pump 1. The Trlp or Relaxed Posltlon. Under nor- mal operating conditions, It is assumed that the lines are filled with gasoline. When the system pressure Is less than 1 psi, the piston and poppet are In their "down" or "tripped" position. The position of the valve poppet is such as to allow approxi- mately 1'/i to 3 GPM flow into the delivery line through a bypass opening in the PLD valve poppet when the submersible pump starts. Since the system Is full, pressure builds rapidly and the poppet moves to the leak sensing position assuming there Is no leak present. The pressure relief valve pre' vents any build up o1 pressure under piston when In trip position Dy allowing relief Of trapped product. vsmea b Tank 2. Lsak Sensing Position. As the pressure builds to approximately 20 to 22 psi, (ra• pidly), the piston has moved the poppet to such a positign as to almost stop the flow into the piping through the PLD valve poppet. In this position, all the flow must then travel around the meter' ing pin which limits it to approximately 3 GPH rate. If a simultaneous loss from the system equals or exceeds this amount, the line pressure will not build beyond this point and the valve will re• main in the leak sensing position with the main Ilow blocked. If there Is an at• tempt to dispense while the valve Is in this position, the line pressure will drop, the piston will respond, and the poppet will return to Position 1 where the 1'/, to 3 GPM will 11ow to the dispensers. Leaks smaller than 3 GPH will be indicated by l+i _ I, -'-' q Lnk i f' I I i Fun Pnasun App~m zs vsl ~ ~- Irpm Pump the PLD taking longer than two seconds to open completely. II there is.no leak- age in the system, the small Ilow around the metering pin increases the line pres• sure to 22 psi in approximately two sec' Onds at which point the piston will snap the poppet to Position 3, allowing lull flow. Any product relieved through pres• sure reliel valve during trip position will be vented through vent tube to tank. This allows piston to move freely with rw back pressure to hamper Its move' ment. S. Non-Leak Posltlon. lhw~lptemaln ~nl this full flow. The poppe position as long as the system pressure remains above t psi. At less than 1 psi, the poppet will return to Position 1 end the next time the pump Is activated, the PLO will perform a line test. FIGURE 1 RJ•33 1086 1~ ~~.~: ~,ne lb a~,.~: ~k» This stick is ,~ robbing you blind. TECHNICAL MARKINGS AND CUSTOM DECALS THESE ITEMS SHIP UPS ~1 FILLER PIPE IDENTIFICATION For underground fuel storage tanks. 51.25-Does not include strap 3'/z" x 1'/z" x 1" Rustproof metal- Baked enamel-Colors conform to standard color coding Copies in stock: #TI-1 UNLEADED (black on white) #TI-2 PREMIUM OR ETHYL (white on red) #TI-3 REGULAR (white on blue) #TI-4 DIESEL (black on yellow) #TI-5 GASOHOL white on black) #TI-SB UNLEADED GASOHOL (white on black) #TI-6 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE (red on white with diagonal lines) #TI-7 KEROSENE )black on white) #TI-8 K-1 KEROSENE )Black on white) #PS-9 Strap S 1.40 )Stainless steel-see pg. 27) T~RaU~ CK PLACARDING 103/4" X I ~/4" Decal or Aluminum Sign - S 1.75 New identification numbers ... complying with D.O.T. regulations. Specify placard number and whether decal or aluminum on order. v ~ ~ ~ 1993 1223 3 #TP-6 GASOLINE #TP-1 FUEL OIL #TP-9 KEROSENE #TP-H 53.95 ALUMINUM PLACARD HOLDER White-Baked Enamel Fnish 1075 #TP-10 LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS ..!- ~~~ CAUTION THIS TRUCK MAKES WIDE TURNS #D-CAU f4.25 THESE ITEMS 10" x 16" Decal SHIP UPS C CUSTOM DECALS Durable vinyl or mylar available in standard or special shapes, write for quotation-Please specify size, number of colors, shape and quantity. ,8,. G ~~II~~ pE Page S 1 P .~~- why use Kamvaloks? OPW Kamvaloks are used at liquid transfer points where you want a minimum of product loss. They are in use by manu- facturers of paint, lacquers, inks, adhesives, fatty acids, pharmaceuticals, liquid soap products, and scores of other liquid products. Kamvaloks are also used in the handling of petroleum products, solvents, agricultural chemicals, vege- table oils, detergents, lacquers and many acids and caustics. If your product has a high vapor pressure and tends to evaporate quickly, let Kamvaloks keep it in the line, out of the air. If your product is of a corrosive, toxic, caustic, or other- wise harmful nature, Kamvaloks will reduce the hazards involved in the processing of your product. materials: OPW Kamvalok couplings are available in aluminum and bronze combinations; aluminum with stainless steel com- ponents; bronze and stainless steel; or all stainless steel. Flow guide fins are plastic or stainless steel. Seals are available in buns-N, viton and Teflon®. See the "How to Order" chart on page 5 for the proper designation of different materials. The Chemical Resistance chart on pages 16 and 17 will help you select the materials required for your particular Kamvalok application. sizes: 2. ORDINARY QUICK DISCONNECT COUPLER PLUS BALL VALVE Excessive amount of liquid spills out when coupling and ball valve are disconnected. ~/.", 1'/z", 2", and 3" depending upon style and material. See pages 6, 7, 8 and 9 for styles and sizes. features: OPW Kamvalokdrydisconnectcouplingsaremanufactured in compliance with the highest standards of design, materials and construction. The ease and simplicity of connecting and disconnecting, plus rugged construction and lohg life, make these dry disconnect couplings some of the most versatile and useful couplings available for transferring liquids. COUPLING EASE: F"rQon. TRUCK -~ Only 45 pounds of force at the ends of the cam arms lock the largest couplers and adaptors together. Smaller models require less force. Open/Close lever action is accomplished with ease. TEMPERATURE: OPW Kamvalok dry disconnect couplings are available in a variety of material combinations for use under different con- ditions. See the Pressure-Temperature Rating chart on page 13 for complete information. PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE RATINGS: OPW Kamvalok couplings are designed to pass certain pressure/temperature ratings depending on size. Please refer to Pressure/Temperature Ratings chart on page 10. 3 1. ORDINARY QUICK DISCONNECT COUPLER Excessive amount of liquid spills out when coupling is disconnected. 3. OPW KAMVALOK DRY DISCONNECT COUPLER Only a drop or two of liquid leaks out when Kamvalok is disconnected. operation: ONLY TAKES 4 SECONDS TO START FLOW. 0 ~ product warranty: 2. CAM ARMS LOCK COUPLER AND ADAPTOR TOGETHER 4 All OPW parts and products are thoroughly inspected and tested from the time that raw material is received at our plant until the product is completed. We fully guarantee that all materials and workmanship are free of defects. Any product that might prove to be defective will be promptly repaired or replaced at OPW's option. This warranty does not apply when failures are the result of the method or conditions of use, or when the use exceeds recommended operating conditions. This warranty is null and void if the product is altered in any way. We are not liable for labor, special or consequential damages and under no circumstances any charges in excess of invoice amount of defective products. applications: OPW Kamvalok dry disconnect couplings are used around the world in a wide variety of industries for thousands of purposes where products are transferred by pipe or hose. Seldom a day passes that some new use is not found for these rugged, quick, simple to use couplings -from the petroleum industry, through plastics, agriculture, mining, brewing, inks, dyes, chemicals, and hundreds of others. For further information regarding OPW Kamvalok dry disconnect couplings, contact your local OPW distributor or write or call our Marketing Services department at 9393 Princeton-Glendale Road, P.O. Box 40240, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240. Telephone (513) 870-3219. .-,. 3. LEVER OPENS VALVE 4. FULL FLOW STARTS 1. COUPLE IN ANY POSITION OIL MARKETING INDUSTRY Above photo shows Kamvaloks being used fordispens- ing product from tank truck. TIGHT FILL EGIUIPMENT A~~. vrw Section V TIGHT FILL EQUIPMENT (Side Seal) OPW Tight Fill Equipment helps reduce the time your tank trucks spend unloading at service stations. By providing a tight, unbroken line from the tank truck to the storage tank, this equipment increases the flow of product, reduces fill time to a minimum. In addition, OPW Tight Fill Equipment helps eliminate possible hazards caused by overflows or escaping vapors ac- cumulating at ground level. Elbow (Side Seal) OPW 60 The OPW 60 Elbow is used to connect the transport truck delivery hose to the OPW 61-AS fillpipe adaptor described on page 21. Several features distinguish the OPW 60 Elbow: 1) Attaching the OPW 60 to the fillpipe adaptor is quick and easy. Arms on the elbow open automatically to engage the locking flange of the adaptor when down- ward pressure is applied. 2) Removal is easy, too. Just press the arms inward and lift. 3) Prevents kinking. After the connection is made, the elbow can be turned to the best position to prevent kinking of the hose and allow free flow. 4) Built-in windows, (3 on 3" size, 2 on 4" size), re- cessed to prevent breakage, enable the operator to check the flow of gasoline during the filling operation- warnshim against disconnecting the elbow while gaso- line remains in the line. 5) Lightweight for easy handling. 6) Cast-in handle is convenient for lifting. Materials Body: aluminum Arms: manganese bronze Seal: buna-N O-ring SIZES: 3", 4" LOCK R I N G OPW 60-L The OPW 60-L Lock Ring fits around the body of OPW 60 Elbow to hold the locking arms in place and prevent it from being accidentally unlocked dur- ing the filling operation. This lock ring is easily lifted to permit the elbow to be removed. ~` r >.. . ~~ _• k ~;: ~-- ,,,,,, ~~ ~~~, . OPW 60-L Materials Lock ring: aluminum SIZES: 3" (for 3" OPW 60 Elbow) 4" (for 4" OPW 60 Elbow) 20 ~ 1 W1LL Nv-r ;, o: QE ~vaA--•+G 7R ~'nl s ~ o ~t'-^r 5 , o.~ try S ~ ~-c c '1 /2vckS ,gacK `'~' s,,r„Tnr-t= a~-~~ccs ~rl.cr~C-+J7 O 1K,2 l...o~? D ~ N 6 OPW BOTTOM LOADING .; elr~. ~, ~ ~,,.'~~' ,~. v~+a~2G~ovN~ TgNK ~' 7'N2v~GH i3p~~ ~~Ra~NG kA/ht/ALVIC ~2n-y f Y~PQa 2~c,n~.r~y 5~~.,,.'_ ~5 P v~~o7is 1's LOAL~C~ty ~ N Ta T~QdCk~ f~ WHAT IS BOTTOM LOADING? ~ ~~ Pis ~-+b ~`~` ~NTc ~'~~~~ Bottom Loading is a method for loading liquid into a tank truck from ground level with a dry disconnect type fitting, and usually. incorporates a system designed to provide overflow protection. This type of loading opera- tion eliminates the need for visual inspection of the inside of the tank during loading. WHY USE BOTTOM LOADING? 1. Eliminates need for overhead rack. 2. Submerged loading reduces vapor loss. 3. Submerged loading reduces danger from static electricity. 4. Reduces spillage. Sensor designed to shut off system in case of overloading or pre-set meter failure. 5. Driver does not have to climb on top of truck. The vents open automatically for loading or unloading. b. Several products can be loaded simultaneously. 7. One product can be loaded into several com- partments at the same time. 8• Reduction of spillage increases profit. 9. Driver does not have to monitor liquid levels. WHY USE AN AIR OPERATED SYSTEM? 1. Air is available on trucks. 2. Air is relatively inexpensive to compress and large amounts of energy can be stored by com- pressing air into a small reservoir. 3. By using air rather than fluid as a sensing medium, the loading valves do not have to be throttled to cause the necessary loading line pressure drop required to hold the valves open. In systems where fluid is used as a sensing medium, throttling is necessary in order to pump fluid to a sensor to hold open the internal valves. 4. With a completely air operated system, valuing can be arranged to automatically start and stop loading with a single control. This eliminates the necessity for having to operate a lever and cable mechanisms to open the vent and valve and allows automatic closure of vent and valve. 5. Air leaks cannot spill product, or short circuit. 6. Air is easy to maintain. Air lines can be easily dis- connected and readily checked for presence of pressure. WHY USE OPW BOTTOM LOADING EQUIPMENT? 1. Construction is rugged, lightweight, and easy to operate. 2. OPW provides a complete system. One supply source-world wide distribution network. 3. Low pressure drop ...high flow rate ...lower cost. 4. The OPW sensor is designed to automatics Ily shut down the system if compartment pressure rises above a pre-set level while loading-an important feature when bottom loading. 5. The entire system is self-contained on the trailer-not dependent on special equipment on the loading rack. REMEMBER: Whether you need liquid loading assemblies for bottom loading, tank truck fittings, dry disconnect couplings, or a complete bottom loading system for your transports or terminals -consult OPW. 3 BOTTOM LOADING ARMS Many variations are possible with both Type G and Type M bottom loaders to solve several loading or unload- ing problems. For example, an OPW 870-4" API Coupler might be mounted on the outlet of the G-32-F and the loader used for loading or unloading tank trucks. Ora single point nozzle might be mounted on the outlet for loading of transports equipped with underwing type adaptors. The OPW G-32-F and M-32-FB ore designed to provide flexible long-range operation without use of hose. The balanced arm makes handling the loaders easy. The M-32-FB bottom loader can be supplied with an OPW 870-4" API Coupler. The M-32-FB, due to the "A" frame design, provides greater flexibility for cross-over loading and requires less turning rodius. Modifications of either of these bottom loaders are available. We invite you to let us know your requirements. TYPE M-32-FB LOADER COMPON ENTS KEY N0. (See Drg.) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NO. 1 Swivel Joint 3858-FO 2 Swivel Joint 3659-FTO Link Collar 1000-H 3 Coupler Balance 781 4 Discharge Tube (Aluminum 710-A 5 Swivel Joint 3650 6 Primary Arm (Aluminum) 710-A Torsion Spring Balance 789-8 ~ Link Collar 1000-T DIMENSIONS G-32-F -~- D -- 8 A TYPE G-32•F LOADER COMPONENTS KEY NO. ~Se~ Drg.) pRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NO. 1 Swivel Joint 3670 2 Discharge Arm (Aluminum) 710-A 3 Torsion Spring Balance 788 Link Collar 1000-T 4 Swivel Joint 3878-FO 5 Discharge Arm (Steel) 710-F 6 Swivel Joint 3430-F SIZE A D M R Y W IN. MM IN. MM IN. MM IN. MM IN. MM IN. MM 4" 8-1 /8 206 54 1372 60 1524 17-3/4 451 9-1/4 235 10 254 DIMENSIONS SIZE A D U W I N. MM f N MM I N. MM I N. MM 3" 7 5/8 194 66 1676 10 1/2 267 4 5/8 118 4" 9 1 4 235 66 1676 11 3/4 298 5 127 Zs ~~,5 ' F~~-~,.,~~~ ~~,~ , ~ ' S y sr~-?, ~,~. s~~r~ ~ti~a 7/b~^' ~o/~,Zj,~n.G /~-~d lJNL o~,a ivG /~'2F~ S To ~:9T,~/ ~= f/C~N ~i %~'~ .S/Y>!~Z L ~' Z.~ ' ~~ 5" ~'/r` ~= ~= TiPOLE!/ M ~/~ DC>~/GTS . butted connection - _--- - ~ removable galvanized ""-~+~ ,-4j/'/- C ~ "tae" connection ` -_" ~ half-length ~ steel uash buckets neutral channel .niter connection ~"* ~ neutral channels %~~~ elbow connection ~i~~i~i~~~ (no slope) ' ~5 ~.~.~... "` ,. ~~~~~~~~~ ^~^ ~~-' ~ ~~ multiple ~2 ~~~~~i~i/„'i P ~ ~) ~1 '~°' + t ~~~~~~~ _ positioning _ • MdeaP- ~~+'~~ ~~~~%~,, ~t knock•outpanels ~ ~+ ~- medium ~~ ~~~ ~ ' .. - ' mortifed "tee" ~~ - // i ..a arch basin ce/ ,:,[ a COnnet:tlOn ~ O' ~' s ~ ~ i ~~//// neutral ~~ ~ /~/ v/ Channalf I /// °~ '~/ / ~ (no slope) ~ QQ Q romovable galvanized steel '~ ~ cast iron grate truck traffic Q Q trash buckets Q Q ~® CHANNEL SLOPE with .6% slope •' " round knock out '~ 4 ~~ grate locking devices {vertical evacuaction) ,• ~ large. deep etch basin . - ~ steel pate -light duty heavy duty ' ;, ;,~, ®®~, ductile iron grams ~ ~ ~ Z ~'r 6"' knock-out ~ i °~~~ CHANNEL BRUTE \ ~ 9 ©~ ~ ~~ ~Q /f ' ` S~ gratt locking devices 4" knock-out ` ® ~ C S~~ ~~ ~ ~ \ ~ J ~ small ~ \\ catch basin - N" .~ (1 foul air trap ,1 4" pipe inlet Distributed by: o ACO Polymer Products, Inc. 57 Eost Washington Street ~ • Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Telephone (216) 247-2033 Inquire about ACO Drain applications for: • Water $ sewage treatment • Driveways 8 parking lots • Maintenance & storage garages • Chemical containment • Parks 8 landscaping • Residential uses • Sports fields ACO Drain products are available from: t7 1184-6.5 M NEWS MARCH 1987 LETTER GENERAL ASSEMBLY~ACTS TO PUT LIMITS ON FRANCHISE FEES The Virginia General Assembly agreed to put limits as to when major oil refiners could impose franchise fees on service station lessees when it passed HB 1165. It is a compromise from the original bill sought by the VGARA (along with the Virginia Service Station Dealers Association) which would have prohibited any so-called franchise fees. The new language of HB 1165 now restricts a franchise fee to either newly built or renovated stations in which the renovation cost $350,000 or more. In the case of a new station, a franchise fee may be required only within the first three years of the initial lease based on a predetermined formula. Such a fee would not be permissible on leases in the case of retirement or transfers family members as covered by the state's existing survivor- ship law. Now it goes to the Governor for his signature. Here is the status of other bills of interest: HB 682 - PASSED. This bill will provide regulations regarding underground storage tanks. HB 868 - PASSED. Under this legislation, no vehicle could be towed when the owner is present and removes it. VGARA was successful in having it amended to include $25 fee payable to the tower. Despite our objection, the bill gave Norfolk the autho- rity to set towing charges. HB 1022 ~- PASSED. This bill establishes a state under- ground storage tank cleanup fund which would be created by a 1/5 of one cent/gallon levy on gas and diesel fuels u n t i l a b a l a n c e o f $ 1 5 million is raised. This levy would be re-instituted when the cleanup fund falls below $7.5 million. Tank owners- /operators would be respon- sible for the first $100,000 of a cleanup. VGARA supported this bill. HB 1177 - REJECTED. This piece of legislation would require the identification on repair invoices of any foreign parts not specifically made or manufactured to be used in the customer's vehicle. VGARA opposed this bill. HB 1208 - PASSED. While we intially had concerns about this legislation, VGARA supported it after further research. This bill puts violators of the Automobile Repair Facilities Act under the enforcement provisions of the Virginia Consumer Protec- tion Act. ~,.,.,.HB 1284 - WITHDRAWN. If the sponsor"'had°io t' withdrawn it, this bill would permit gas stations within 2 miles of any interstate interchange to advertise on those blue travel signs. Thomas Rutherfoord, Inc. Insurance Agents, Brokers and Consultants Corporate Office and Roanoke Division One South Jefferson Street P. O. Box 12748, Roanoke, Va. 24028 Telephone (703) 982-3511 Telex: 82-9419 FAX: (703)342-9747 March 17, 1987 Mr. Jack F. Walrond, Jr. President Walrond Oil Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 13928 Roanoke, VA 24038 Dear Mr. Walrond: I understand your corporation is interested in purchasing a piece of property formerly known as the Trail Drive-In on Route 460, Roanoke County, Virginia. Since one of the main concerns of the public is pollution, the purpose of this letter is to outline your pollution liability coverages. You have full pollution liability coverage up to a limit of $1 million per occurrence, $2 million annual aggregate, subject to the terms and conditions of your specific pollution policy. Pollution liability coverage will pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as compensatory damages because of bodily injury or property damage to which this insurance applies provided that such bodily injury or property damage is caused by a pollution incident. Also, the coverage for the bodily injury, property damage, or environmental damage must not be expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. A specimen form is attached for your review. I trust this information will be helpful to you in your endeavors to purchase the above property. Very truly yours, ~.,~ a tic v~'~ x ~ ~~~1 Claudia K. Simpson, CPIW Account Executive CKS/gcp ATTACHMENT PETROLEUM MARKETERS POLLUTION LIABILITY INSURANCE INTERNATIONAL SURPLUS LINES INSURANCE COMPANY THIS IS A CLAIMS MADE POLICY -PLEASE RF,~D CAREFULLY In consideration of the payment of the premium, in g;liance hereof, and subject to all terms of this policy, the co I. POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE „~ ., A. The company will pay on behal u I sums which the insured shall becom obligated to pay as compensatory damages use of bodily injury or property damage to which this insurance applies, provided that: (1) such bodily injury or property damage is caused by a pollution incident ywhich commences sub- sequent to the retroactive date shown in the declara- tions of this policy; and (2) the claim for such damages is first made against the insured during the policy period and reported to the company during the policy period or within fifteen days after its termination. A claim shall be deemed to have been made only when suit is brought or written notice of such claim is received by the insured. All claims for damages because of bodily injury or property damage sustained by any one person or organization as a result of any one pollution incident shall be deemed to have been made at the time the first of those claims is made. The company shall have the right and duty to defend any suit against the insured seeking damages on account of such bodily injury or property damage, even if any of the allegations of the suit are groundless, false, or fraudulent. The company may make such investigation and settlement of any claim or suit as it deems expedient. The company shall not be obligated to pay any claim orjudgment or to defend any suit after the applicable limit of the company's liability has been exhausted by payment of judgments or settlements. ~s in the declarations made a part named insured as follows: i~'j5ollution incident which commences subsequent to the retroactive date shown in the declarations of this policy. , The company shall have the right, but not the duty, to participate at its expense in any proceeding seeking to impose legal obligations because of such environ- mental damage. The company will also reimburse the insured for other clean-up costs which the insured incurs, provided that: (1) the clean-up costs are reasonable and neces- sary; and (2) during the policy period, the company grants the insured prior written consent to undertake the clean- up. The company will grant its consent when, in its sole discretion, a pollution incident which com- mences subsequent to the retroactive date shown in the declarations of this policy or the threat of a pollution incident presents an imminent and sub- stantial danger of bodily injury, property damage, or environmental damage to which this insurance applies. B. The company will reimburse the insured for reason- able and necessary clean-up costs incurred by the insured in the discharge of a legal obligation validly imposed through governmental action which is initiated during the policy period, provided that: (1) such clean-up costs are incurred because of environmental damage to which this insurance applies; and (2) the environmental damage is caused by a Copyright, Insurance Services Office, 1982