HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/9/1987 - Regularo~ PoaN ~F ~. . p ° Cn~r~t~t~ ~~ ~~ar~~~a~~ ,~ ~ 18 ~ 88 sFsQU1CENTENN~P~ ABcauti~ulBcginniag ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JUNE 9, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDOLED FOR THE AFTERNOON SESSION. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (2:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend William P. Warnock Vinton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. WORK SESSION ON DRAINAGE ECH REQUESTED BOARD CONCURRENCE TO PROCEED WITH DRAINAGE PROGRAM, FIIND DRAINAGE CREW AND PROCEED WITH NECESSARY CHANGES TO ORDINANCES. C. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS D. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. E. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Renewal of the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Contract for the 1987/88 Fiscal Year. BLJ/AHB- URC HCN REQUESTED STAFF REPORT ON ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE PLANS IN SIX MONTHS 2. Presentation on Sanitary Sewer Evaluation/Rehabilitation Program (SSE/R) 3. Request for approval to Transfer $4,000 park bond funds for ballfields behind the new William Byrd Junior High School. HCN/ABH - URC 4. Approval of a Resolution Expressing Concern with Senate Bill 538. NO_ACTION. ASKED TWG TO KEEP THE BOARD ADVISED. ON SENATE HOUSE BILL 538. 5. Presentation of the Health Department Six-Year. Plan for Roanoke County. PRESENTED BY DR. MARGARET HAGEN C. Report on Safe and Effective Ways of Controlling Mosquitoes. HCN/SAM TO REFER QUESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS TO THE HEALTH DEPT. URC G. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS SAM REQUESTED WORK SESSION ON STREET LIGHT STUDY FOR JULY 14, 1987 H. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS I. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of a Drainage Easement, Barrens Village HCN/AHB - URC 2ND READING - 6/23/87 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 18, "Sewers and Sewage Disposal" concerning the installation of Septic Tanks, requiring a permit and prescribing fees for the issuance of same. BLJ/HCN - URC 2ND READING - 6/23/87 2 .. J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Section 12-28 of the Roanoke County Code to increase the annual license tax on motor vehicles. HCH/AHB - URC 2. Ordinance authorizing the Acquisition of Easements for the 1987-88 Replacement/Improvement Water Projects. BLJ/LG - URC 3, Ordinance to increase the Salaries of Members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 14.1-46.01:1. AHB/SAM - URC 4. Ordinance authorizing the Vacation and Relocation of a portion of a water line easement, Ozanich Property. AHB/LG - URC 5. Ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to accept the donation or dedication of Utility and Right-of-Way Easements and Improvements therein. BLJ/LG - URC 6. Ordinance authorizing the Purchase of a Water Storage Reservoir Site. LG/AHB - URC R. PUBLIC HEARINGS 687-1 Public Hearing and Resolution pursuant to Section 15.1-238(e) authorizing condemnation and right-of-entry for Hollins Community Development Project road improvements along State Route 648. MR. STUARTS 'S FAIR MARKET VALUE WAS INCREASED TO $300, AND MR. STUART REFUSED SETTLEMENT. MR. BUTLER AGREED TO ACCEPT $6,300. THE HAYNESWORTHS WERE NOT PRESENT. BLJ MOVED TO REMOVE THE BUTLERS FROM CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, AND CONDEMNATION ACTION BE INSTIGATED AGAINST THE STUARTS AND HAYNESWORTH'S. MOTION SECONDED BY HCN AYES - LG, SAM, HCN, BLJ ABSENT - ABH L. APPOINTMENTS 3 1. Fifth Planning District Commission. HCN NOMINATED BOB L. JOHNSON TO ANOTHER THREE-YEAR TERM AS ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE - TERM TO EXPIRE 6/30/90 2. Planning Commission LG NOMINATED MICHAEL J. GORDON TO UNEXPIRED TERM OF LEE EDDY, REPRESENTING THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. TERM TO EXPIRE 12/31/88. 3. Recreation Commission. LG NOMINATED WILLIAM M. SKELTON, JR. TO THREE YEAR TERM, REPRESENTING WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. TERM TO EXPIRE 6/30/90. AHB NOMINATED MICHAEL LAZZURI TO ANOTHER THREE-YEAR TERM, AS AN AT-LARGE MEMBER. TERM TO EXPIRE 6/30/90. 4. Virginia Western Community College Board HCN NOMINATED STEPHEN MUSSELWHITE TO ANOTHER FOUR-YEAR TERM. TERM TO EXPIRE 6/30/91. M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS NICKENS: (1) REQUESTED STAFF TO REDUCE COMP TIME EARNED, AND INVESTIGATE REASONS FOR SICK LEAVE BY EMPLOYEES. (2) SUGGESTED THAT A LETTER BE SENT TO VDOT THANKING THEM FOR INSTALLING "CAUTION" SIGNS ON ROUTE 24 UNTIL A TRAFFIC LIGHT IS INSTALLED. N. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. AHB REQUESTED TO HAVE ITEM N-2 REMOVED FOR A SEPARATE VOTE SO HE MAY ABSTAIN. BLJ/LG TO APPROVE WITH ITEM N-2 REMOVED - UW 1. Minutes of Meetings - April 28, 1987, May 12, 1987 2. Authorization to vacate and relocate a Sanitary Sewer Easement in Branderwood Section #3. 4 {.., ... • y <~, SAM/LG TO APPROVE AYES - LG, SAM, HCN, BLJ ABSTAIN - AHB 3. Notification from the Va. Department of Transportation of the addition of Route 1916 from Route 1832 to a south cul-de-sac and Route 1917 from Route 1916 to a southeast cul-de-sac into the Secondary System. 4. Request for a Fireworks Display Permit from Hills Department Store. 5. Approval of Resolution of Support for the Blue Ridge Parkway "DEDICATION 87" Project. 6. Request for acceptance into the Secondary System for the following Roads: a. 0.15 miles of Beavers Lane and 0.13 miles of Elizabeth Drive. b. 0.17 miles of Wing Commander Drive and 0.14 miles of Grape Tree Lane. c. 0.05 miles of Shadow Lane d. 0.18 miles of Hill Drive e. 0.18 miles of Indian Hill Drive f. 0.26 miles of Airpoint Drive and 0.26 miles of Airpoint Road. g. 0.56 miles of Lakemont Drive h. 0.04 miles of Memory Lane i. Streets of LaBellevue Subdivision including Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road. 7. Acceptance of Sewer Facilities for Allred Chevrolet 8. Approval to Request matching funds from the Va. Department of Transportation for Industrial Access Road Improvements to Bolling Steel. 0. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS P. REPORTS 1. Youth Haven II Status Report RECEIVED AND FILED 5:45 P.M. - 5 MINUTE RECESS 5 Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a). NO EXECUTIVE SESSION WAS HELD R. ADJOURNMENT AT 6:05 P.M. 6 O~ POANp~.~ ~ , ~ A /r ~~ ~s ~~ as SFSQUICENTENN~P~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A Bcauti~ul8cginning AGENDA JUNE 9, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the foubehannounced.f AaPUBLICtHEARDNG1HASoBEENrSCHEDULED FOR schedule will THE AFTERNOON SESSION. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (2:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend William P. Warnock Vinton Baptist Church 3, Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. WORK SESSION ON DRAINAGE C. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS D. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. E. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Renewal of the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Contract for the 1987/88 Fiscal Year. 2, Presentation on Sanitary Sewer Evaluation/Rehabilitation Program (SSE/R) 3. Request for approval to Transfer $4,000 park bond funds for ballfields behind the new William Byrd Junior High School. 4, Approval of a Resolution Expressing Concern with Senate Bill 538. 5, Presentation of the Health Department Six-Year Plan for Roanoke County. g. Report on Safe and Effective Ways of Controlling Mosquitoes. G. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS H. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS I. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of a Drainage Easement, Barrens Village 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 18, "Sewers and Sewage Disposal" concerning the installation of Septic Tanks, requiring a permit and prescribing fees for the issuance of same. J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Section 12-28 of the Roanoke County Code to increase the annual license tax on motor vehicles. 2. Ordinance authorizing the Acquisition of Easements for the 1987-88 Replacement/Improvement Water Projects. 3. Ordinance to increase the Salaries of Members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 14.1-46.01:1. 4. Ordinance authorizing the Vacation and Relocation of a portion of a water line easement, Ozanich Property. 5, Ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to accept the donation or dedication of Utility and Right-of-Way Easements and Improvements therein. 6. Ordinance authorizing the Purchase of a Water Storage Reservoir Site. K. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 687-1 Public Hearing and Resolution pursuant to Section 15.1-238(e) authorizing condemnation and right-of-entry for Hollins Community Development Project road improvements along State Route 648. L. APPOINTMENTS 1. Fifth Planning District Commission. 2. Planning Commission 3. Recreation Commission. 4. Virginia Western Community College Board. bI. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS N. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meetings - April 28, 1987, May 12, 1987 2. Authorization to vacate and relocate a Sanitary Sewer Easement in Branderwood Section #3. 3. Notification from the Va. Department of Transportation of the addition of Route 1916 from Route 1832 to a south cul-de-sac and Route 1917 from Route 1916 to a southeast cul-de-sac into the Secondary System. 4. Request for a Fireworks Display Permit from Hills Department Store. 5. Approval of Resolution of Support for the Blue Ridge Parkway "DEDICATION 87" Project. 6. Request for acceptance into the Secondary System for the following Roads: a. 0.15 miles of Beavers Lane and 0.13 miles of Elizabeth Drive. 3 b. 0.17 miles of Wing Commander Drive and 0.14 miles of Grape Tree Lane. c. 0.05 miles of Shadow Lane d. 0.18 miles of Hill Drive e, 0.18 miles of Indian Hill Drive int Drive and 0.26 miles i f f. 0.26 miles rpo A o of Airpoin t Road. g, 0.56 miles of Lakemont Drive h. i 0.04 miles Streets of of Memory Lane LaBellevue Subdivision including . Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road. '7, Acceptance of Sewer Facilities for Allred Chevrolet. g, Approval to Request matching funds from the Va. Department of Transportation for Industrial Access Road Improvements to Bolling Steel. 0, CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS p. REPORTS 1. Youth Haven II Status Report Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a). R. ADJOURNMENT 4 BOARD WORK SESSION ON DRAINAGE I. BACKGROUND On May 26, staff presented a report to the Board of Supervisors on drainage in Roanoke County. This report outlined maintenance responsibilities, applicable regulations, financial options and possible solutions. In order to consider certain issues in greater detail, the Board requested a work session for the June 9 meeting. II. SHORT TERM SOLUTIONS As outlined in the report, the County should pursue several short term solutions as outlined below: A. Adopt VDOT Drainage Manual 1. Prepare ordinance for first reading on June 23rd. B. Reviselainsdnot1recognizedebyothenFederalvlnsurancein f loodp Administration (F.I.A.) 1. Prepare revision to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance for review by the Planning Commission in July. the Board of 2. Present revision for first reading by Supervisors at the first meeting in August. C. Improve Inspection Process Staff will review inspection process and report to Board in September on recommendations for inspection changes, staffing requirement, and funding needs. D. Develop and adopt Roanoke Count Construction Standards for drainage. Staff has met with oca Home Builders, Engineers and Contractors, a committee is to be established to consider these items in detail to report to the Board of Supervisors in January, 1988. E. Develop an information program to inform citizens of each parties responsibilities, DOs and DON'Ts concern- ing drainage ways and where complaints should be directed. III. LONG TERM SOLUTION In order for Roanoke County to develop and fund Watershed Plans and a Drainage Program, staff will review various options, one of which would be forming a committee, to develop a long term workable drainage program which would include methods of providing a permanent funding source. IV. CURRENT 1986-87 DRAINAGE PROGRAM As with any new program, Roanoke County's first year with the drainage crew has had its start up problems. But it has provided some response and improvements to several signifi- cant drainage problems. During this year, we have completed eight (8) projects with the drainage crew, completed plans for three (3) contract projects and have several other projects, in the planning phase. These items are outlined for your review. A. Completed Projects 1) Cresthill Drive/Kirkwood Drive Improvements to Mudlick Creek to improve stream characteristics. 2 ) Hummingbird Lane Channel improvement to alleviate standing water and eroding banks. 3) Penn Forest Boulevard Replaced collapsed storm sewer that was causing property and residential flooding. 4) Route 116 Sinkhole (Jae Valley Road and Sunnyvale Road). Cleared sinkhole of debris and provided drainage facilities to remove a public nuisance. 5) South Roselawn Road Regraded and stabilize a badly eroding ditchline that had become a safety hazard. 6) Arcturus Drive and White Dove Drive. Cleared a storm sewer of debris that was causing property and residential flooding. In addition, a manhole was installed to facilitate future cleanout efforts. 7) Route 897 (Crystal Creek Road) Relocated a culvert under Route 897 and relocated the receiving channel to combat property and residential flooding. 8) Eastdale Circle In order to alleviate a developing sinkhole, County grouted exposed joints within the storm sewer. B. Contract Projects: Staff has prepared plans for Contract Projects for the following projects. 1) Roanoke County Service Center (Funded) 2) Route 11/460 Sinkhole (Funded) 3) Sierra/Fenwick Sinkhole (Not funded) C. Other Projects Staff had previous plans to complete several additional projec-ts in the near future. 1) Old Pinkard Court School Upgrade existing open-channel through the property. 2) Kentland/Willowlawn/South Park County crew previously cleaned out the storm sewers of debris. The drainage facilities along South Park Circle were proposed for improvements. 3) The attached Appendix A is a summary of major drainage concerns, which the Engineering Department is aware of at the present time. D. Overview While the County Drainage Crew has had its growing pains this year, we can still consider this year a success. Unlike contract work, we are able to be more responsive to emergency conditions. However, the small number of people and limited equipment capabilities tends to lengthen the completion time for each project. V. ORLANDO/PALM VALLEY/VERNDALE As outlined in the May 26 Report, Roanoke County can pursue the following options for improving the drainage situation in the Orlando/Palm Valley area: A. Prepare plans for bidding the reconstruction of the drainage facilities that originate from Williamson Road. (Construction to begin by September). Also pursue the possibility of cost sharing between Roanoke City, Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transpor- tation. B. Begin clearing the streambanks of Carvins Creek with- in late fall and early winter. C. Revise the Roanoke County Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan in September, 1987 to include improvements to the bridge across Orlando Avenue. (Actual construction would begin in four (4) to five (5) years. D. Work in conjunction with VDOT to install a storm sewer to drain the sinkhole between Tampa Drive and Return Road. Since preliminary plans have been developed, this project could begin by early fall. VI. KENTLAND/SOUTH PARK/WILLOWLAWN p,, Work with VDOT on improving the existing storm sewer system in Kentland Drive. These improvements consisting of the following could be completed within six (6) months: 1. Provide a trash rack at the beginning of the storm sewer system. 2. Install manholes on the eighteen (18) inch storm sewer, if the system is needed and functional. 3. Upgrade deficient manholes and inlets. 4. Grout exposed joints within the storm sewer. 5. Upgrade the existing 24 inch storm sewer under Willowlawn. g. Improve the streambanks of Mudlick Creek in late fall or early winter. C. Upgrade the existing storm sewer from South Park Circle to Mudlick Creek by early fall using contract or County forces. VII. SUMMARY During FY87-88 a drainage program can be continued if proposed funding of $200,000 is provided. These funds would be used to: 1) Fund drainage improvements in Palm Va11000and Willowlawn Area for approximately $145, 2) Fund the drainage crew which will provide continu- ing maintenance and minor improvements along drain- age easements and drainage ways. The crew would be available to respond to emergency situations. 3) Proceed with needed ordinances and revisions of County requirements to strengthen review and inspection process on new development. 4) Develop alternatives for a complete drainage program and start discussions with all Valley Governments on the potential for a Regional Water- shed Plan and Drainage Program. 5) Develop five (5) year improvement program to consider other priorities in the County and also address County participation for drainage improve- ments in approved VDOT projects. APPENDIX A MAJOR DRAINAGE CONCERNS Andrew Lewis Place ($100,000) This subdivision includes three (3) sinkfloodingat cause residential, roadway and property Pinkard Court ($75,000) The total lack of drainage facilities in this subdivision results in residential and highway flooding. Sierra/Fenwick Sinkhole ($70,000 erty that A deep sinkhole on county owned p op contributes to flooding in two (2) adjacent residences. County staff has prepared plans for this project. Nelms Lane Sinkhole ($150,000) A sinkhole near Williamson Road within the right of way of Nelms Lane that contributes to residential flooding. This project is in the present Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan. Castle Rock Road ($50,000) Several property owners have filled in a natural watercourse without providing alternate drainage facilities, thereby creating three (3) manmade sinkholes. These sinkholes result in property and roadway flooding. Bowers and Vauxhall ($50,000) The drainage channel downstream of Bowers and Vauxhall in the Windsor West Subdivision has eroded over the last 15 years from a two (2) foot deep ditch to a ten (10) foot deep ravine. This erosion has also exposed several sewer and water lines. Verndale Sinkholes ($125,000) In the vicinity of Verndale Road and Plantation, several natural sinkholes contribute to residential and property flooding. Merriman/Ranchcrest ($100,000) The limited capacities of the main drainage channel and culverts result in property and residential flooding. Meadowlark/Tanglewood/Hummingbird ($50,000) The limited capacities of the drainage channels and culverts result in property and residential flooding. Overbill Trail ($30,000) Poor overlot grading for several residential lots has contributed to residential and property flooding. Embassy Drive ($100,000) The limited capacities in drainage channels and facilities in the Montclair Subdivision have contributed to property, residential and roadway flooding. Winter Park Drive ($40,000) The lack of adequate capacity of the culvert under Winter Park Drive in the North Lakes Subdivision has resulted in property and roadway flooding. Others, Need for Community Meetings Since no one has formally compiled a list of drainage problems, the County staff need to conduct Community Meetings in order to receive citizen imput. A-6987-1 ITEM NUMBER ~~/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMIN198RATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Renewal of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Contract for the 1987-88 fiscal year. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S C/OMMENTS: ~~~ , U~~ ~ ~~~~ G~;~ Cetiv2tiR.c c,~r~. 4 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board °ld Contract wsilla expirel ont Jun et 30 cu1987t. Bllt Cross/Blue Shie should also be noted that our contract contains a renewal option clause which may be exercised by the County. During the past several years, the County has implemented several cost containment features within our insurance program and the projected results for the current fiscal year indicate that the utilization of the plan has stabilized and that the employees are using the health insurance program judiciously. After studying the various funding alternatives available to the County through Blue Cross/Blue Shield, staff recommends that the County Administrator be authorized to sign the renewal option for the 1987-88 fiscal year with two minor amendments, The first changes the funding mechanism from a retrospectiuiredschange program to a 110% aggregate stop loss program (a req in the funding mechanism to protect the financial interest of the County), and the second is the implementation of a managed care program in lieu of the preadmission review provision within our existing contract, The County will continue to explore alternative options which may become available such as HMO programs, consolidating our health insurance program with that of rivatehsectortat~ the consideration of alternatives from the p appropriate time. FISCAL IMPACT: ~/ Staff recommends that the cost to the employee be maintained at the same level as that of the 1986-87 contract, which is $6.00 per month for employee only coverage and $82.66 per month for family coverage. The County pays $42.00 per month towards either of the contracts in addition to this amount. $50,000 has been included in the 1987-88 budget to offset deficits incurred in next year's program. While the fourth quarter results for 1986-87 are not tabulated, it appears that the projected plan costs will be on target with the premium collected. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the County Administrator be authorized to execute the necessary documents to exercise the renewal option on behalf of the County, and to use funds from next year's budget if necessary. SUBMITTED BY: ~j ~ J ohn M. Chamblis Jr. Assistant Administrator Approved (X) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To APPROVED: Elmer C. Ho e County Administrator ACTION Motion by: BLJ/AHB to approve staff recommen atlon VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle X Garrett X Johnson X McGraw X Nickens X cc: File John Chambliss Keith Cook Reta Busher ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF gHROANORE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT T8 MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Presentation on ganitary Sewerram (SSE/R) Evaluation/Rehabilitation Prog COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: See attached report. SUBMITTED BY: ~~;~ Cliff rd Craig Director of Utilities APPROVED: ~, Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator ------ VOTE - ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens REPORT ON SANITARY SEWER EVp,SEARION/REHABILITATION PROGRAM S / Background The Sanitary Sewer Evaluation/Rehabilitatio~o(ram/t)oPreduce was started in October, 1986, as an on-going p g sanitary sewer sys- the infiltration/inflow (I/I) into the County defects in the roblems are partially caused by ro er tem. The I/I p stem and partially the result of imp p County's public sewer sY ortant to correct these problems house connections. It is imp ned to carry storm water. because sanitary sewers are not desig e re- Introduction of storm water sa and higheretreatmentscostsrg , suiting in overflows, backup , s to reduce I/I in The Utility Department is taking step sewer lines, documenting the defects, public sewers by televising and correcting the problems. Most defects can be c thec~od nts base by grouting and sealing ing the televising p they more serious problems must beerscare erehabilitatedep n ran O ublic sew or replaced. Once the p ro er house area, we will be expecting homeowners to correct imp P connections. lementing the SSE/R program in a par- The priorities for imp of recurrence and ticular sewershed are based on the frequency the severity of sewer backups in thataaia~ge Pisolated storm has amount of backup experienced during in which the program will little effect on raising the priority be conducted in a particular area. This is truenormalsrainfall areas that experience problems during for are so many the I/I as well as the large nselthe SSE/R priority rating using I instance, did not cha g and surcharge factors. Scher e rior to The SSE/R program is based on completion of an area P of starting work in the next aretart d ineawnew areas whilevthe reha- the evaluation phase being s revious area. Since bilitation phase is being completed in the p here is no way to know how much rehabilitationlis c and ucteda t until the actual sewer evaluation articular area is relative any time schedule established for a p onl Only estimates can be made toneataaTticularaarearu t 1 suc h Y which the SSE/R will be conducted ime that an accurate time frame can be made for completion of t the SSE/R in the current area. sewershed sub-area priority for the SSE/R pro- The existing gram and a rely Ve time schedule is as follows: Fz 1. Back Creek Sewershed a, Penn Forest area so~iveoandTMeadowlark Road1VStartedn between Chaparral D 1987. October, 1986. Estimated completion is September, 2. Murray Run Sewershed a. Green Valley sub-area--Scheduled1988begin Estimated completion is August, by July, 1987. 3. Mud Lick Sewershed--Anticipated to start ray Estimated completion, 1994. a. Castle Rock Submain b. Colonial Avenue to Brambleton Avenue c, Southwoods Sub-area d, Nottingham Hills to Cresthill e, Sugarloaf Estates to Cresthill f. Sugarloaf Mountain Road to Route 419 g, Other areas as flow monitoring indicates Current Status The first SSE/R work was started in the Back Creek se The shed, Penn Forest sub-area. Tn1Meadowlarkaand Chaparralf This Forest" Subdivision and bhtwand ten inch sewer line. area has eight miles of eig The following work has been accomplished: 1. All sewer lines htvsewernlineaintersectioneto]determine areas 2, Flow monitoring a of excessive I/I. rior to grouting. 3, 7,000 feet of sewer rodded to remove roots p 4. Six miles of sewer line oor conditionehasdbeenTsealed by 5. Four miles of sewer in p pressure grout. sealing and rebuilding 6. Manholes have been repaired by laced. inverts. 7, Nine section of sewer and three laterals have been re leted by SSE/R crew: Work which remains to be comp 1. Sealing of sewer on Chaparral Drive after the school year is finished. 200 linear feet of broken sewer by 2. Replace approximately contract due to excessiliedetohMeadowlark sewer line. 3, Root growth control app 4, Foundation inspection by water injection and dye test of al homes in areas with poor drainage and where I/I has been detected by TV inspection. homeowner and 5, Require repairure repaipsrhaveebeennmadeion(ibe• Disconnect re-test to ins p sewer, disconnect foundation areaway drains from sanitaryrepair/replace leaking laterals, drains from sanitary sewer, um connections in basements disconnect floor drains or sump p P that indicate wall or floor leakage.) June, 1988. 6. Continue monthly flushing schedule for sewer line on ~- =;~'~ Tanglewood Drive. The rehabilitation work within the public sewer of the Penn Forest sub-area is anticipated to be completed by August 1987. The time required for the homeowners to make corrections to their sewers will depend on the nature of the problems discovered. However, it is anticipated that they would be given a maximum of six months to correct their problems. At the time of the last two storms, well over 80~ of the I/I created within the public sewer for the Penn Forest area had been corrected. Therefore, the sewer surcharge and resulting backup experienced by the homeowners was almost certainly caused by the I/I from improper house connections. Video tapes made after the last storm showed individual house laterals flowing one-half to full for an observed five minute period. This is absolute proof of the high magnitude of surface and sub-surface water entering the sanitary sewer from improper house connections. The procedure by which the homeowner is required to correct faulty sewer connections and what penalty will be used for those that do not make timely corrections, will be discussed in a future work session with the Board. Conclusion The Utility Director feels that the SSE/R program is effec- tive in reducing the I/I problems within the sewer system. It is also felt that the County must correct/reduce the I/I within the publicly owned system before steps can be taken to have the home- owner correct their individual problems. However, any obvious individual problems, such as roof drain or sump pump connections to the sanitary sewer, will be required to be corrected immedi- ately after they are observed. There will be a reluctance of homeowners to correct improper sewer connections, but they must realize the impact on their own houses and those of their neigh- bors. The staff will need the full support of the Board members in order to take a firm but fair position in requiring that home- owners make proper and timely repairs. A-6987-2 ITEM NUMBER F- ..~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OFgEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRP,TIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA gELD AT T MEETING. DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT. Transfer of $4,000 park bond fundfund ballnfi eadsark to ~- The School Board budget rd Junior High School. behind the new William By COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~~~~~-~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: lanning to develop ball fields behind the The School Board is p new William Byrd Junior High School. and will bedutWlized by the by the County schools during the day County Parks and Recreation Department in the evening- towards The Town of Vinton has approved the allocation of $4,000 development of these fields. T oke County bast beeno~equestedhto also approved $3,800. Roan for construction of the contribute $4,000. The balancePTAcsssRecreation Clubs and Booster ball fields will be raised by Clubs who will be using the fields. ro riated from the 1985 Park Bond program $150,000 has been app P for Vinyard Park. $4,000 from this fund could be transferred o the County schools for this purpose. FISCAL IMPACT: 5117 None. These monies would be transferred from the 1985 Park Bond earmarked for Vinyard Park. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Roanoke County contribute $4,000 toward the development of ball fields bfunds be transferredlfrom the Junior High School, and that roeect to the appropriate School 1985 Park Bond Vinyard Park p J Board budget item. ~~ /~~;ww/. G Elmer C. Ho 4 County Administrator -------------- ------------------ VOTE ---- ---------- -- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by: HCN/AHB to approve Brittle X Denied O s f r m en a ion Garrett X Received ( ) Johnson X Referred McGraw X To ______ Nickens X cc: File Gary Huff John Hubbard Reta Busher Bayes Wilson, School Superintendent A-6987-3 Item ~-' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE VA., ON TUESDAY, IN ROANOKE, MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Request for Board of Supervisors Resolution expressing -- concerns with Senate Bill 538 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /f~ ~~ ~: ~ .,~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Senate Bill 538 is a bill to implement the recommendations of the Secretary of Labor's Task Force ° osesnomThe Acttitsnsited asrthe T e dislocation and for other purp "Economic Dislocation and Worker bdl.ls asnit relatesetocec'onomic most important area of thls developers is Title II, Advance Notif ication e ndeCWith lflfty or Employers are defined in this section aor(m re employees who in more full time employees, or (b) fifty er week (exclusive of the aggregate work at least 2,000 h orr large layoff means an overtime). The term plant closing to er at any or more employees of an emp Y day employment loss of fifdt Y period. It requires a ninety site during a thirty lant closings involving not fewer period in a case of proposed p loyees, a than fifty or more than one hu~na teclosingstinvolvi` g more than 120-day period in the case of p eriod in the case of a 100 or fewer than 500-500dor more affected employees. plant closing involving Since the major source of Virginia's prospect leads lies in the northern states, this bill is seen by economic development the "prospecting" efforts of local and professionals as limiting new industries into Virginia and state representatives to bring The attached resolution should specifically the Roanoke Valley. ressing the Board of be sent to our Senate members exp Supervisors' concerns. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached resolution and forward to Senator's Warner and Trible. SUBMITTED BY: Timo by W. Guba a Assistant County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To T. W. Gu a a Attachment APPROVED: /"' _ C~~~ Elmer C. Ho ge, Jr. County Administrator ACTION Motion by:No Action - referred to T. W. Gu a a to eep Board a vise . VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens t.{ cc: File Tim Gubala AT A REGULAR MEETIDGAOFTHEEROANOKEOCOUNTYRADMOINISTRATOIONOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HEL 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, /--~-, ~ RESOLUTION CONCERNING SENATE BILL 538 "' WHEREAS, the U.S. Senate is considering action on legislation entitled "Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act" (Senate Bill 538); and, WHEREAS, the passage of this legislation will seriously affect economic development efforts to attract industry and business into the Roanoke Valley of Virginia by limiting current prospecting and marketing efforts. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Senator Paul Trible and Senator John Warner recognize that this legislation in its present form will hamper the efforts of local, regional and state economic developers to attract new industry into the Roanoke Valley of Virginia. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Presentation of the Health Department Six-Year Plan for Roanoke County. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Dr. Margaret L. Hagan, Health Director of the Alleghany District, has requested time on the agenda this afternoon to present an executive summary of the Health Department Six-Year Plan for Roanoke County. She will also update the Board on the activities of the department. ~/I~T Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---- -------------- ------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens f ~ . ,~= 5 `/ M ~ A L L E G H A N Y H F. A i. T H D I S T R I C T S I X YM:AR PLAN FOR THF. FISCAL YEARS 1988 - 1994 Margaret L. Hagan, M.D. Director May 1, 1987 ~, . ALLEGAANY HEALTB DISTEICT SIX YEAR PLAN INTRODUCTION Just as individuals need to plan in order to achieve long and short-term goals, the Alleghany Health District needs a formal, effective planning system if the desired outcomes are to be realized in the communities it serves. Studies show that businesses that do long-range planning show better performance to a significant degree than those companies in the same industry that do no ;$ formal planning. Since little has been done to evaluate strategic planning in the public sector, the success of strategic planning in the buslanninwoind serves as impetus for the need to do strategic, or long-range p g the Alleghany Health District. Through such planning, the activities of the Alleghany Health District can be selected, organized and implemented ose for such a way as to maximize attainment of the District's goals, or p p existence in as economical manner as possible. The Alleghany Health District Six Year Plan(FY 1988 - 1994), was developed by its supervisors, its past director, Nancy M. Welch, M.D., M.H.A., and has been endorsed by its newly appointed director, Margaret L. Hagan, M.D. The plan was written by the district's public information officer, Keitha M. Lackey. Through a series of meetings, analysis of community needs and individual research, goals, objectives and strategies were established for eight core programs in the district. These goals., strategies and objectives were then forwarded to the government officials of each locality and to the individual health department's Board of Directors advisory board comprised of community professionals and leaders. Once the plans were reviewed by these individuals, the staff revised the plan where necessary. The goals, objectives and strategies outlined in the plan will provide a framework for decision making in which proposed services. and their costs can be evaluated. Based on the plan, action steps will be outlined that work to achieve the program goals. The plan is deliberately flexible and incorporates evaluation measures to be performed periodically to determine plan effectiveness and allow for revision if nc~cessdaevaluatedpbyndistric[ supervisors.byAththatlt~menyrevisions, District staff an if necessary, will be made. During the past months, the Alleghany Health District supervisors have come to recognize the significance of a strategic plan. Through community research, the goals and objectives of whichlourlfutureeplans areadevelopednd prioritized and serve as the basis from Any questions or comments about this plan should be directed to Dr. Margaret Hagan, Director or Keitha Lackey, Public Information Officer. .'~ .,~ SUMMARY DEMOGRAPHIC DATA FOR ROANOKE COUNTY DEMOGRAPHICS: Roanoke County, Virginia (includes Town of Vinton) HSA IIZ, Planning District S, Alleghany Health District County Seat: Salem, Virginia GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: 248.3 square miles in the Roanoke Valley region of Southwest Virginia. TOTAL POPULATION: 72,945 people representing 48% of the Alleghany Health District population. POPULATION DENSITY: 294 persons per square mile 134.2 persons per square mile (Virginia) 725 persons per square mile (United States) GENERAL NARRATION: The citizens of Roanoke County represent a relatively young population with 82% being less than 55 years of age, the largest percent of any of the Alleghany Health District localities. Individuals 18 years old and younger comprise the greatest portion, 30% of the county's population. Females comprise 52% of the population, males 48%. Racially, Roanoke County is comprised of 97% whites with all minorities representing only 3% of the total population. Roanoke County has the highest median household income, $20,671 per household and the second lowest unemployment level, 3.2%. Indicative of the high median household income and the low unemployment rate, Roanoke County has the lowest percent of its population at or below 125% of poverty level, 8.2%. SUMMARY: In summary Roanoke County is a relatively young, financially established, semi-urban community with a predominantly white population. The County of Roanoke data includes that from the Town of Vinton which has a population of 8,027 and is 3.2 square miles in size. ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT SIX YEAR PLAN GEOGEAPHIC AND DSNOGRAPHIC SUtiMARY 644 84 The Alleghany Health District is a widely diverse region encompassing 1, . square miles of national forest, mountain ranges, serene valley land and urban development. Located in the southwestern portion of the state, much of the district borders on Wes[ Virginia. Political jurisdictions are charac- terized by: the four counties of Alleghany, Craig, Roanoke and Botetourt; three independenwhose1dataffsoconsolidatedfintoFthat ofdRoanoke Countyhe Town of Vinton, District-wide population figures total 152,563 with the most populated area being Roanoke County, a predominately metropolitan area bordering the cities of Roanoke and Salem, and encompassing the Town of Vinton. Roanoke County has a population oflo2ed4nationallforestopuTheetotalapopulationCofnCraigOoCounty is which is undeve p 3,948. The Alleghany Health District depicts a highly. dissimilar set of geographical, political and cultural regions. A demographic summary of each Alleghany Health District locality will demonstrate the diverse nature of the population served by the local health departments. SIIC YEAR PLAN - E7CECUTIVE SU!!!lARY A. ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT(AHD) D, gpVlitONlIENTAL ]iEALTH C. NEED IN AREA .~ lgg4 Needs Assessment indicates that fran 297.(Roarwlte County~Salem) to 79X(Alleg)rarry county, Covington, Clifton For$ee) of the population smokes, and therefore 8~rates pas- sive smoke in the environment. Currently, there are 436 restaurants in the Aim ardi~ly~e- 26 are knaan to have designated rte-sinking areas to protect customers a~inst pas A food program evaluation perfonred in 1986 showed a difference of 17 points between the local health department inspection and the evaluation perfonrecl by the Southwest Regional Office. This indicates that not alai i~El'adti~~are` bei~~ •. bl~ite of this dis- crepancy, the district has not expe projected population growth for Roarwke~ gel estaurant growth and)thus met County(11.3X for the next 3 yrs.), y for sanitarians' services. Our most effective means of protecting the public from waterborne disease in rural cann,mities is by guarding the grotadwater supply from contamination~itted~lls8and wellserthat~~ to be contaminated. Since this represents only newly pe families requested to be tested, it is an inadequate representation of the total available well supply. Although Allegharry County, Covington, Clifton Forge, and Craig County are not experiencing population growth, Roanoke County has had a 33.7% increase in septic tank applications and Botetourt Canty has experienced a 16.7% increase aver the last 3 years. Roanoke County officials expect to establish more central water systens, rural Botetourt Canty does not plan arty new central systems in the caning years. With their projected population growth previously noted, demand for sanitarians' services is expected to escalate. The incidence of rabies in Virginia is spreading toward the AHD. In 1985, there was 1 case of rabies in Botetourt Canty; in 1986, 4 cases in Allegheny County and 1 case in Bote- tourt Canty were reported. Most rabies cases are confirmed in wild animals which is extrcrmly difficult to control. In domestic animals, the number of rabies infected cats is significantly higher than dogs throughout the state(3 dogs, 29 cats fran 1980-1986), and 1 case of rabies was confirmed in a Botetourt County cat. Currently, only Allegheny County, Covington, and Clifton Forge have an ordinance requiring the vaccinations of cats against rabies. D. PROGRAM GOAL To protect the population of the AHD from food and water borne disease and from errviranrental health hazards. E. PROGRA!! OBJECTIVES 1. By 1989, there will be a l~lo increase in restaurants m~3tai~/ngi~de~~ ~ br~~ ing area, by 1991 a 2fP/ increase, by 1992 a 25% increase, by a 35% increase. 2. the same low level of foodborne disease outbreaks will Conti ~~n11988 1 S~in~1989~ crepancy between the evaluation and actual restaurant scores by 2CP/, in 1990, 2S/ in 1991, 3(r/. in 1992, and 3S/. in 1993. 3. '!he sam low level of waterborne disease outbreaks will continue yet, to assist in econ- omic growth, by 1988 8CP/. of septic tank applications will receive an initial visit within 21 days of application receipt, by 1989 8 ~/, by 1990 9(p/, by 1991 9CP/ will be visited within 15 days and by 1992 9Z'/. will be visited within 15 days. 4. By 1994, the AHD will have 6~/ of its canine and feline population vaccinated against rabies. F. RESOURCES REQUIRED 1. Personnel: 2. Financial Support Total- l6 FTE's Totdl - $x,198,970 ~,,, - 1 FTE New - $ 299,389 SIX YEAR PLAN • - EXECUTIVE SU!!!lARY A. ALLEGNANY HEALTH DISTRICT (AHD) B. !lATERNAL HEALTH C. NEED IN AREA VDH statistics for 1985 illustrate that in the AHD, less than half(45.3%) of health departmeEarlaterenatalacaretaidsiinathe earlytdetectionn treatment, first trimester. y P re nano 41.4% of and even prevention of some of the complications of p g y• AHD maternity patients suffered a complication of pregnancy as compared 1 respectively. to southwest regional and state reventionois2another basis for the advocacy The issue of low birth weight p of early prenatal care. During the first six months of 1986, 17X of health department maternity patients delivered a low birth weight infant, while the comparable state figure was only 7.4%. Adolescent maternity patients are particularly vulnerable to pregnancy complications.. Toxemia and premature or prolonged labor are higher for teenage mothers and their infants are twice as likely to die in the firsC" year of life as other infants. In Virginia in 1985, low birth weight infants born to teenage mothers were 9.8%, while low birth weight infants born to non-teenage mothers were 6.7%. In Alleghany County, Covington and Clifton Forge, there are currently 2 obstetricians who deliver babies. They are seldom able to accomodate medicaid patients. Since our health department will not admit patients beyond 16 weeks gestation there is no doctor available for these clinics), 1 to 2 women per week are turned away from the health department. Of the 65 patients seen in ]986 in the Alleghany~Coving11nthavclledetorRoanokc this clinic includes the Clifton Forge residents), Memorial Hospital for delivery, a distance of 60 to 90 miles. Enrollment in the WIC(Women, Infants and Children) program whould occur simultaneously with maternity clinic admission. In 19A5, first trimester WIC admissions were only 15% of health department first trimester admissions. Data is presently being collected and collated manually for recent figures since state health department data is 1 to 2 years delayed. An improved system of automation and retrieval is needed. D. PROGRAI! GOAL renatal To provide AHD women of childbearing age with early and adequate p care within 40 miles of their homes. E. PROGRA!! OBJECTIVES 1. Reduce the percentage of 2~~. b1r1990e130% byf1992,1ande40%hbye1994ment patients in each locality by y Cov- 2. By 1994, the number ington and Clifton Forge increase to 100%. F. RESOURCES REQUIRED ]. Personnel: Total - ]7 FTE's 4 FTE's f maternity clients in Alleghany County, who have a local provider of prenatal care will 2. Financial Support: Total - $4,990,880 New - $ 391,227 New - RESOLIRCES INCLUDE CHILD HEALTH CORE PROGRAM AS WELL AS MATERNAL HEALTH SIX YEAiI PLAIT - EXECUTIVE SUtltlAiRY , A. ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT~AHD) g. CHILD HEALTH C. NBED IN AREA Kant mortality rate in the AtD for 1985 was 10.1. 6.4'~ of all lrt~t pants inethe Alto were birth weight babies. In 1985, 16X of babies born to health depa low birth weight infants. of acute illnesses, 8Cl/. of which are respiratory. Preschool Children e.~erience a high freq~~y this riod(ref. dental health, health Nutritional and dental h~lth needs are critical during Pe education and inforretian). how well their emotional 'lt~e future mental health as adults of preschoolers is influenced by lest pose a serious thr~t needs are met during this phase of their lives. Child abuse ~ ~g to children's health, both physically and emotionally. 5-19, suffer morbidity primarily from respiratory illness, injuries, Sch~l Children,, ague ~ digestive conditions. infectious and parasitic disease, teens ers, In 1984, 5(T/. of Virginia's deaths in this age group were d~ to accidents. wrong g the 2nd and 3rd most common causes of death were suicide and homicide. rise 3.9'/ of school population. Handicapped students comp and inappropriate diet), and poor and inadequate dental health Nutritional problems overeating continue to plague school children. Carer 5(T/. of Virginia's school age children a[ any aie t~ is in need of dental care' rted by Public Health Nurses screen for and diagnose pediculosis when suspected cases are repo school officials. 27% of reported cases of gonorrhea in Virginia were in school age children. Roanoke County is the only district locality offering a family life education program. Of high school students, 72%. of seniors have used alcoh~i~~c3of bulimi~and a~orexiak'is ~n~reaslnK. a 30 day p<'riod• 10-15% of students arc overweight; there are 2 Roanoke County school nurses, l in Salem and none in Botet~rt County, In the AHD, Craig Camty, Allegheny County Covington and Clifton Forge. Family Planning and teen pregnancy is addressed in Family Planning core program. D , PROGRAlI GOAL All children, including those with chronic handicaps, will function at their optimal level. E, PROGRAlI OBJECTIVES 1, gy 1994, infant death rate will be reduced by 2(r/.• 2, gy 1994, all groups of children will grow according to established norms. 3, By 1994, lOCl/. of children in A4® will be screened to determine the existence of conditions which may require special services. 4, sy 1994, all school children will be screened and referred for necessary diagnosis and treatment for deficient hearing vision according to school guidelines during elementary and on referral. All school children will be screened for scoliosis by age 12. ~• gy 1yy4, incicknce of pediculosis in school age children will be reduced by 5CT'/. g. RESOURCES REQUIRED Personrx~l: INCLUDED IN MATERNAL HEALTH CORE PROGRAM Existing - New - HEA1."[1i (;Ultl PROGKAM Fin.~nc ial Support ~ 1N(-~~~ IN MATF-R~ ~»• SIX YBAR PLAN - EXECUTIVB SU!lMARY A, ALLEGHANY HEALTH DI5TRICT(AHD) B° FAMILY PLANNING C, NEED IN AREA rates among the non- There has been a general decreasing trend in pregnancy Count The ratio teenage population in the AHD with the exception of Craig y° since it is of pregnancies to births is an indicator of unintended pregnancy, estimated that 95~ of the discrepancy is due to inducts nanctitosbirthlratios the highest relative proportion of abortions with a p $ Y of 3.5. Respective figurn~ f2rlthAlleghanynCountyloCovingtonaand Clifton County 2.8, Botetourt Cou y Forge 1.6, and Craig County 1.2. re Wane in the AHD There is need to reduce the rate of unintended teenage p g y due to the increased Weilht babiestbornetogteenagermotherso the high per- centage of how birth g In 1985, 1 in 7 teenage girls age 15-19) in Covington became pregnant. Respective figures for the remaining localities within the AHD aRoanoke County Salem 1 in 11, Clifton Forge 1 in 13, Botetourt County 1 in 17, 1 in 19, Alleghany County 1 in 20, and Craig County 1 in 40. The average delay between a teenager's initiation of sexual intercourse and her first visit to a family planning clinic is 16 months. 14y° of teenagers seek contraception before having intercourse, 36% seek servilesnanter Reasons have already become pregnant or believe that they mo8ras[ination, fear that given for the delay in seeking contraception are p parents will find out, and "it won't happen to me"robBemetoTeenagenfemalesents indicate transportation during school hours is a p who use a contraceptivewhilehnon-contraceptiveeusersthavexae66%nteenage/preg- teenage pregnancy rate nancy rate. Studies indicate that sc'ociatedtwithrpostponementeoflsex.tePolls consistently activity and is also ass reveal that 70-90% of parents favor sex education in the schools. Current y, Roanoke County is the only district locality offering a family life education program. D. PROGRAM GOAL To reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, specifically among the low- income and teenage populations. E. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 30%. By 1994, reduce teenage pregnancy in Salem, Covington and Clifton Forge by By 1994, reduce unintended pregnancy in Roanoke County and Salem by 30~. Maintain the teenage pregnancy rates in the counties of Botetourt, Roanoke, Alleghany and Craig. F. RESOURCES REQUIRED Financial Support: Personnel: Total - $2,513,257 Total - 8 FTE's New - $ 162,999 New - 0 FTE's A. 8. C. SIII YEAR PLAN - g7CECUTIVE SU!!!lARY ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT (AHD) INFECTIOUS DISEASE Nggp IN AREA lobeacter, The AHD boasts a small number of reportedwithe55ireportedccases(inmaydistrict giardiasis, satmonellosis, shigellosis), population of over 150,000. The AHD experienced a decreaseeTe WePet151casesnofchepatitistB(serum)einin 1985 and 10 cases in 1986. Th 1985 and 16 cases in 1986. roblems because of Sexually transmitted diseases are major public health p the serious complications that can result: pelvic inflammatory disease, infant pneumonia, infant death, birth defects and mental retardationhilis.1985, the AHD had 80 reported cases of gonorrhinfpctiousadiseasesyp The incidence AIDS is one of the most alarming of the the end of 1985, the of AIDS has doubled annually from 1979 to 1984. By doubling trend appeared to be leveling off at the national level. In Virginia it is expected that by 1990, 3073 Virginians will have developed AIDS. As of March 7, 1987, the AHD has 4 reported cases of AIDS. The number of new AIDS cases are expected to folAHD nativesldevelopaAlDSrindother partsfofethe increase in our district. As country, they will probably return home to the WeseXiectfan increase feexisting P in addition to new cases diagnosed in the AHD, AIDS patients who return home for care. The incidence of tuberculosis has been decreaslegialtneedlto work1towardsHDhe However, with the increase in AIDS, there is sp prevention of the spread of tuberculosis. 007 cases in Influenza is an under-reported disease. Virginia reported 1, 1985 and 4,481 cases in 1986. ath rateefoorftheanationr tPopulation85atnrisknza season exceeded the expected de for complications due to influenza should be immunized. p, PROGRAM GOAL To protect the AHD population from contracting communicable isease. g, PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Maintain current low level of intestional infections. Maintain same low level of hepatitis B, but reduce level of hepatitis A by 5% by 1994. Maintain same low level of gonorrhea and syphilis. Maintain current low level of AIDS cases in the AHD as a percentage to total Virginia AIDS cases(1.084% of Virginia AIDS cases are in the AHD as of March 7, 1987). Maintain current low level of tuberculosis cases in the AHD. ainst gy 1994, 60% of high risk population will be immunized annually ag influenza. F. RESOURCES REQUIRED fersonncl: ~,~~ ~ .~ ~ _ S FTE' s N~•w - 0 FTE' s Financial Support: Total - $2,106,146 New _ $ 58,300 t, SIX YEAR PLAN - EXECUTIVE SU!!!lA1RY A. ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTBICT~AHD) g. DENTAL HEALTH C. NEED IN AREA In Clifton Forge, a city without a fluoridated central water suttee time 25% of all baby teeth have been attacked by dental cavities by a child is age 5. By age 13, 25% of all permanent teeth are carious. Depending on the age group, Clifton Forge students tithe generallysaccepted DMF decayed, missing, filled) as the Isle of Wight, standard. Roanoke County statistics indicate a higher DNF with lower socioeconomic levels and non-fluoridated water supplies(a range of 1.08-1.83 compared with Isle of Wight's .08-3.66 and the state range of .25-5.66)•e children In Clifton Forge, only 30-409: of therf75ZiB8tisfactory)ch~3x of these are met health professionals considel9°~ have all their care completed. children need dental care, and only ublic health dentist or private dentist volunteer Currently, there is no p in the Clifton Forge health department. 70_90% of dental caries In the Roanoke County and Salem school systems, were missed on the preschool examination, with the health department having the highest rate of detection. idemio- National figures indiildrenhagell°1°-17 havecthedsameagonditionhavEpgin- givitis and 32% of ch iene to a higher inci- logic studies have consistently linkeerpodontalldisease. Bence and severity of gingivitis or p Education is an essential coneribChildrenaare the maanctaorgetfofethelneeded caries and periodontal diseas ro er oral hygiene education and the objectives include instruction on p p and avoidance of cariogenic foods. Edecuestsafromalocaloschooledistricts of smokeless tobacco are prompted by Q due to the increased occurranceeos(refrschnidtheal~h)fold increase of oral cancer in chewers and d pp D, PROGRAM GOAL roach of treat- To reduce and manage oral disease throramsa combined app ment and public health preventive prog E, PROGRA!! OBJECTIVES 1, By 1994, reduce rhthanFthe Islet of Wight.5th grade students to no more than 60°ti greate 2, By 1994, reduce the DMF of Roanoke County 5th grade students to no more than 25% greater than the Isle of Wight. 3. By 1994, evaluate thndex°ofl5thagradefsBudentsrasatheCtool.County students using the DMF F. RESOURCES REQUIRED Financial Support: 1, Personnel: Total - $2,075,519 Total - 6 FTE's 188,381 New - 2 FTE's New - $ SIX YEAR PLAp - EXECUTIVE SUlIlIARY A, ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT (AHD) g, CHRONIC DISEASE C, NEED IN AREA of the ell able adult population and data is twt available The pHp serves a small percentage 8 tients have and what, if airy, impact can be on what risk factors and cht~ivicendiseases ~ ~~ due to chronic disease. made on reducing risks and p n$ ~P 35% of Clifton Forge residents are aver age 65. The respective percentagies for other AHD localities are 317, in Covington, 247. in Salem, 21% in Craig County, 19'~ in Alleghatry Caa~ty, 19% in Roanoke County, std 18% in Botetourt County. 6% of the eligible low income) adult population in Adult In fiscal year 1986, the AHD saw ~• Health 1+6intenance clinics ref. tables 2 and 3, core plan). There has been ~ overall increase lion of Botetourt County which results fran a 6 month period in caseload sianoe 1983 with the excep during which clinics were not held(due to lack of funds). or causes of mortality in Diabetes std hypertension increase the risk of death due to the maj _ the per, cardiovascular disease and cancer. 'Ihe A~ estirtiatesressure,91861with d agnos~edtdia- in the district have a chronic disease, 2932 with high blood p ram). betes, and 161 with undiagnosed diabetes(ref. table 4, core p og Certain behavioral styles contribute to chronic disease. They are smoking, use of alcohol, high blood pressure, overweight, and lack of exercise. The ixmber of health department home health care patients is declining in most localities, largely due to an increased availability of private sectorrcaaCe homer ~ agencies iC dies however, show a continuing gain in admissions since most p district do not serve these rural areas. p, PROGRAM GOAL To promote health and prevent disease in the well adult, and to monitor stable chronic disease. E. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES By 1990, current health andamedforlthetconditionscthatlares~mrtitored inladult healthtclinics. Adult Health Maintenance s Hy 1994, staff will see at least 1~/ of the eligible adult population in Adult Health Main- terk3nce clinics. ressure By 1994, at least 60% of the estimated clinic population having a definite high blood p will have attained successful long term control. By 1994, at least 5(T/. of clinic adults will be able to state the principle risk factors for cardiovascular disease. By 1994, the proportion of clinic adults who smoke should be reduced to 2~/.. By 1994, virtually all routine health contacts in Adult Health Maintenance clinics will include nutrition education and nutrition course ng By 1994, the proportion of clinic adults participating in regular exercise will be SCI/. liy 1994, at least 4ft7 of the clinic population with diabetes will havr attained long term control. By 1994, hone care services necessary to meet client and family needs will continue to be available and accessible to those in need. Pharmacy services will expand to meet the increase in number of patients. F. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Financial Support Personnel: ~ Total - $7,06,100 Tot r+l : 32 FIE s New _ $ 190, 700 New - 0 FIE's ktf:50tJltCF.S 1NC:LUDE til•ALT11 ~l1CATI0N CORE PROGRAM AS DELI' ~' (IIltQVIC DISEASE SIX YEAR PLAN - EXECUTIVE SU!!!lAxY A• ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT (AHD) B, HEALTH EDUCATION AND INFORlIATION C. NEED IN AREA major cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death in the `~ *~~ a rate of 371.4100,000 in 1985. 'lttis is slightly higher than the rate for the state of Virginia which was 359.6 100,000 for the same year. Malignant neoplasms cancer) ranks as the second leading cause of death for the AFm with a rate of 167.7 ~ 100,000 in 1985. 'Itte rate for Virginia ~ i~1985~~'h~e• Accidents are the third leading cause of death in the AID, with 35.2 100, rate for Virginia was 38.2 100,000. In the A ~,•~ rdnw~ slate d~ r od,increased ~ 4,~t from 1982 to 1985 and cancer has increased by The following behaviors contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancer or accidents at+d m the AtD localities: smoking, use of alcohol, high blood pressure, high stress, prevalent thra~tout overweight, lack of exercise, failure to wear seatbelts. .~ 1984 needs assessment indicates both a perceived and actual need for stress rt• High levels of stress and inadequate coping have been shown to increase risks for cardiovas- cular disease, cancer and substar-ce abuse. Substance abuse has been itrQlicated in appraoc- imntely half of all automiobile fatalities. In a needs assessment conchacted in 1984, health department patients as wellra~nhe gay 1 population identified a need to know more about the role of the health depa identified care for the indigent, but were unaware of most of the other services(emrirontiental, eating establishment and septic system regulation, health education, school trursing program. rttttent plays a major role dental health, vital statistics, home health). Since the health ~t that the comuutity is in the health of all members of the corm~utity, it is vitally impo aware of and supportive of its services. p. PROGRAM GOAL Community residents will have the necessary knowledge, skills, capacity and opportunity to improve and maintain individual, family and community health; use preventive health services, practices and facilities appropriately; understand and participate, where feasible, in decision- making concerning their health care; understand and carry out prescribed medical instructions; and participate in community health decision-snaking. E. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES By 1994, death rates from cardiovascular disease will decrease by 5°.G, fry cancer by ~/. and from automobile accidents by 1CP/.. By 1994, at least SCI/ of the adult population will be able to slate the principle risk factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer and accidents. By 1994, the number of people who smoke will be reduced to 25%. By 1994, the nutter of people exercising regularly aerobic) will be 3C1~ of the population. By 1994, 4cr~ of the overweight population Will have adapted weight loss regimins coa~ining an appropriate balance of low fat, law salt, high fiber, diet and aerobic exercise. By 1994, SCI/o of the popwlation will be able to state the synQtoms of Stress and healthy "gays to decrease stress. By 1994, 7~/ of the population will use seatbelts in autrniobiles 8CI/. of the time. By 1994, 85% of thelAHDta~/to~heaservices offeredaby the health bepal~n~ll be able to state correctly at By 1994, ]0(r/ of local governnment officials will be able to state correctly the trends of their localities in terms of causes of death, teenage pregnancy, and law birthweight. F, RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Personnel: INCUIDED IN CHRONIC DISEASE RESOURCE RE.QI~lREMhN15 Financial Support: INCLUDED IN CIiRON1C DISEASE RF;SOURCE REX2UIREI~IENI5 A-6987-4 ITEM NUMBER /- " AT A RIRGINIAMHELDNATOTHEHROANORE COUNTYEADMINISTRP,TIONNCENTER COUNTY, V MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Report on Safe and Effective Control of Mosquitoes COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the May 12, 1987 Board of Supervisors' meeting, I was directed to meet with Dr. Margaret Hagan to investigate ways of controlling mosquitoes. Dr. Hagan requested information from the State Health Department, and found that the State does not have a program for the eradication and control of mosquitoes. Since 1962, the Health Department has collected statistics on the number of diseases caused by mosquitoes. There have been none in southwest Virginia. The State does offer suggestions to individual homeowners on preventative measures that may be taken to eliminate breeding places for mosquitoes. Both Dr. Hagan and I feel that no spraying program should be instituted by the County. In addition to the cost of manpower, equipment and chemicals, there is the danger of potential liability in using hazardous sprays. RECOMMENDATION Dr. Hagen and I recommend that no spraying program be instituted. Rather, we suggest that citizen inquiries and complaints be referred to a staff person who has been trained to respond with the proper recommendations. Dr. Hagan has expressed a willingness to furnish the staff person with the information necessary. /~- C~ SUBMITTED BY: ..G' e neth L. H gan Chief Animal Control Officer APPROVED BY: 2 Elmer C. Ho e County Administrator -- ----- --------- --- -------------- - ----- -- VOTE -------- ACTION No Yes Abs p,pproved (X) Motion by: HC~i/SAM to approve _ mmendation and refer Brittle X X Denied ( ) ceived ( ) R staff reco uestions and com laints to Dr. Garrett Johnson X e Referred Ha an - Health De artment McGraw X To ______ Nickens X cc: File Kenneth Hogan Dr. Margaret Hagan Information Desk ITEM NUMBER Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF EHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT TH VA. ON TUESDAY, IN ROANOKE, , MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Conveyance of a drainage easement Barrens Village COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: L~- ~ ~~~~ Gam` SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: F and B Developers, Inc. has requested the conveyan Roanoke 15-foot drainage easeDeer RunoEstatese in ode ~wtods bccessfully County in Section 1, The easement will complete the construction ofro ert n line o f the well lot and will be located along the south p P Y be dedicated for public use. of real estate orfanyeinterestCtherer requires that the conveyanc ordinance. in be accomplished only by The proposed ordinance d take such actionsnas maylbesnecesr to execute such documents an of the sary to accomplish thes Nelda on June s9, 1987t1the secondgreading proposed ordinance was is scheduled for June 23, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that that Backed ordnance,consider this proposal by the adoption of the Respectfully submitted, Vv~~ VV~. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ,~.- ~ ----------- ---- VOTE ----------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 ,,,_~_ f ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF / A DRAINAGE EASEMENT, BARRENS VILLAGE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the conveyance of a drainage easement for Barrens Village was held on June 9, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on June 23, 1987. 2. That this drainage easement is necessary in order to pipe storm water from Barrens Village to existing facilities in Starmount Avenue. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NUMBER A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAKE OCFOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER AT COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE,ROAN, ON TUESDAY, June 9, 1987 MEETING DATE: e Dis- Cha ter 18, "Sewers and Sewag the installation of Septic Tanks an SUBS- Ordinance amending P posal, concerning rescribing fees for the issu- requiring a permit and p ance of permits COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : a ~h ~ , b ~ ,~,~~~ ~- ~~ ~ d~ cue-~~-~-ncti.,c .,.L?~ _ ~,,, .~-a-~'"~ f G~', ~, r' `a- J SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1950, as amended, ulate the installation of septic Section 15.1 nt0 to reg Code of Virginia'tall a septic tank authorizes any Cou y to ins tanks by requiring any person desiring a ermit and to prescribe reasonable fees fOStems poseua to secure P Defective or failed septic sy ermits. safety, and welfare. There- ance of said p ublic health, uire such a significant threat to P Code should be amended to req ose a fore, the Roanoke County tic tank installation and imp permit as a prerequisite to sep permit fee of $50.00. the budget process. This permit fee was discus oX m teiyg$29,000 in fees could ermit p it is also anticipated that Although it is estimated that app sic tank this p rocess, be generated by estion and the imposition of a fee wlrtmenauconcurs in b his Bugg P 50 Fee. ornery counties impose a requests. The Health Depa advises that both Floyd and Montg rove planning and control of This permit process could imp enerate funds ulated developmental impacts. It also could g defra a portion of the County's costs for sanitarians an unreg to Y inspectors. of an amending ordinance is s sh Scheduled The first reading and public hearing June 9, 1987; a second reading for June 23, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: 50.00 permit fee, estimate of $29,000 General Fund revenues for FY 1987-88 "^' RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Benda o theuCounty Codefavorably consider this proposed ordinance am 9 Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney _________ ------------------- VOTE - ACTION No yes Abs Approved { ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE E ROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TH dUNE 9, 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 , "SEWERS .~ - ,,~',, AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL," AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE INSTALLATI P E RM I TSE AN D TANKS, REQUIRING A PRESCRIBING FEES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAME WHEREAS, Section 15.1-520 of the Code of Virginia, count to regulate the Y 1950, as amended, authorizes any erson installa-tion of septic tanks, to require that any P to install a septic tank secure a permi t to do so, and desiring ermits; to prescribe reasonable fees for the issuance of said p and WHEREAS, defective or failed septic systems pose a sig- nificant threat to public health, safety, and welfare, constitute an environmental and ecological hazard, and threaten the County's precious groundwater resources. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 18, "Sewers and Sewage Disposal," is here- by amended as follows: 1) All buildings in the county in those areas where se tic tanks are permitted shall have septic tanks installed for p the disposing of sewage and other human waste. 2) Before any septic tank systems are constructed or installed, it shall be the duty of the landowner upon whose land the construction or installation is to take place, to secure a ermit from the Health Department. The Health Department shall p .~ ,~ review this permit request based upon the requirements and regula- tions promulgated pursuant to Title 32.1 of the Code of Virginia. Any septic tank permit issued under this section shall be valid for a period of fifty-four (54) months from the date of issuance unless there has been a substantial, intervening change in the soil or site conditions where the septic system is to be located. The availability of a public sewer system shall constitute a sub- stantial intervening change in the site conditions to void a per- mit. 3) There is hereby established a permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each septic tank. This permit fee shall be paid to the Treasurer before permit application is made to the Health Department. 4) Any person, firm or corporation violating any provi- sions of this ordinance shall be subject to a Class 3 misdemeanor for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed commit- ted on each day during or on which a violation occurs or contin- ues. Further any violation or attempted violation of this ordin- ance may be restrained, corrected or abated by injunction or other appropriate proceeding. 5) The effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1987. ITEM NUMBER =__ / AT A REGULAR MEETING OFHEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT T VA. ON TUESDAY, IN ROANOKE, , MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBS- Ordinance amendingheeannualllicense tax onamotorC~ehiy Code to increase cles COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ ~ ,hh'~. ~ ~~~.~ b ~` ~ ~~ ~ L o, p ~ ~ - ,,~..~-c~,w SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On April 28, 1987, the Board indicated its intention to in- crease the County vehicle lice Wse rito the Gene ral Fund,$thetstated Although these funds would flo roblem of drainage purpose for this increase was to address the ro osed increase is in the County. A public hearing on this p P ro osed scheduled for May 26, 1987. The first reading on this A P is ordinance was held on May 26, 1987; and the second reading scheduled for June 9, 1987. This proposed ordinance amends Section 12-28 of the Roanoke County Code. It increases this annuaitlsubstant Tally oincreases $20 for most motor vehicles; hoow edrincrease for trucks is based this tax for trucks. The prop upon the weight of the tr~eklabut in most cases is not the maximum authorized under sta This proposed ordinance also establishes certarecepiceptsoof from the annual license tax for prisoners of war, rovides for a the Medal of Honor, and disabled veterans. It p reduced tax for members of the National Guard. The effective date of this proposed ordinea~e and fory tax 1987, and shall be for revenue8derived sfrom xthis increase will years thereafter. Any not be actually receivedhen C mm assio ner• ofh the rRevenaeorand athe has been reviewed by Treasurer. A comparison of decal fees among the area localities is attached for your review. FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated thai thi200 000 a if taut mobile 1 feese are will generate approximate y $ increased or $260,000 if all fees are increased as shown on the attached schedule. RECOMMENDATION: At the Board's request, Board for its consideration. this ordinance is submitted to the Respectfully submitted, ~, ~~` , V ~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney --------------- - ---------------- ---- VOTE ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANO 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY , JUNE 9 , ~. ~-- ORDINANCE AMENDING DE C TD NINCREASE THE ROANOKE COUNTY CO ANNUAL LICENSE TAX ON MOTOR VEHICLES BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 12-28 of the Roanoke County Code en- titled "Levy and amount of tax; special provisions for antique vehicles." be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-28. Levy and amount of tax; special provisions for antique vehicles; exceptions. (a) There is hereby levied an annual license tax on every motor vehicle, trailer he amountraofesuch gtaxe shallbbelas censed under this article. T set forth in the following subsections of this section. (b) On every motortherec sh 11 beXea tax r of h~l€~eeh sections of this section, 20.00) per annum, except that the_ twent dollars {$}5-ee} ($- er annum. tax on motorc cles shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) (c) On each tollow n schedule :here shall be a tax per annum according to the f g Gross Vehicle Truck Tra---ller Weight in Pounds_ ~5-A8 $20.00 $ 6.50 1,500 or less $}5-88 20.00 15.00 1,501 to 4,000 2g_A8 25.00 20.00 4,001 to 6,500 25_AA 30.00 20.00 6,501 to 10,000 35;A8 40.00 20.00 10,001 to 20,000 45:A8 60.00 20.00 20,001 to 30,000 55_A8 70.00 20.00 30,001 to 40,000 65:AA 80.00 20.00 40,000 and over The tax for a trailer dersgand f f y c nt y($6.50)ansport boats shall not exceed six Jolla (d) The owner of an "antique motor vehicle," as de- fined and licensed in title 46.1 of the Cod on°fil ng anlapplay secure a local license or decal at no charaemept of a five dollar cation far same with ahm rit eof uthe appropriate personal property ($5.00) fee and the p y lication shall remain valid so long as the vehi f taxes . This app licant . `~ ~`' ~ d cle is titled to the app ''- (e) The followin °Wtaxs oanmhonorabllcdischar edrebl- exem t from the annual license soner of war an erson award he hviMednia Nat~onal Guardnshall abled veteran. An member of be entitled to a local license or ax a rescribed in this sectione in the amount of one-half of the These exem tions scklowbedlbmlandel~ ibleonersonSenThe vehicle icku or anel tru commissioner of the revenue he Commissmoner of the De arbment u on the criteria utilized b of Motor Vehicles of the Co~eSnwe The treasurernis herebhe autho- ance of s eeial license la rized to issue a local license or decal to owners eli ible under this sub-section. 2, The effective date 1988tlicensee taxe year a d for July 1, 1987, and shall be for th tax years thereafter. EETING OF THE BOARD OF SC~UNTYSADMINISTRATOION AT A REGVIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE 1987 COUNTY, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, ORDINANCE 6987-5 AMNT DICODE ETOIOINCREASE OF THE ROANOKELICENSE TAX ON MOTOR THE ANNUAL VEHICLES Roanoke IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of BE County, Virginia, as follows: Code en- 1. That Section 12-28 of the Roanoke County amount of tax; special provisions for antique titled "Levy and ' les." be amended to read and provide as follows: vehic special provisions for tax; 12_28, Levy and amountexceptions. Sec. antique vehicles; levied an annual license tax on ~a) There is hereby uired to be li- motor vehicle, trailer and semitrailer regtax shall be as every this article. The amount of such censed under subsections of this section. set forth in the following On every motor vehicle 11 baxed under other su - e a tax of €}f~een (b) there sh exce t that the sections of this section, er annum, }5-88~ ~$2~~ p 15.00) er annum. twent dollars f$ x on motorc cles shall be fifteen dollars ~ all be a tax per to ~c) On each follow ng tschedule:here s to the annum according Trams r Gross Vehicle Truck Wei ht in Pounds $ 6,50 $}5:A8 $2_ 0•~~ 15.00 1,500 or less }5-8A 2_0_0 20.00 1,501 to 4,000 2g_AA 25_00 20.00 4,001 to 6,500 25._88 3000 20.00 6,501 to 10,000 35-AA 40_00 20.00 10,001 to 20,000 45_A8 6~~ 20.00 20,001 to 30,000 55-88 70'~~ 20.00 30,001 to 40,000 65_AA 80,p~ 40,000 and over to transport boats trailer designed exclu Ce t Y ($6.50). The tax for a shall not exceed six dollars and fifty as de- "antique motor vehicle," may ~d) The owner of an of the Code of Virginia, title 46.1 on filing an appli- fined and licensed in a ment of a five dollar secure a local licensethe dr easureroandapgY up cation for same with ($5.00) fee and licataoneshall taxes. This app cle is titled to the applicant. the appropriate personal property remain valid so long as the vehi- (e) The following owners exempt from the annual license tax soner of war, an abled veteran. be entitled to a in the amount of erson awarded the An member of the V local license or de one-half of the tax of motor vehicles are hereby an honorably discharged pri Medal of Honor ana an d1~ it inia National Guard shall cal u on the a ment of a fee prescribed in this section. These exem tions shall be limited to an one assen er vehicle icku or anel nue shall ddeterminel e li i b 1 t n • based commissioner of the reve u on the criteria utilized ommonwealthl ofl V it nia hfoDethetmssu_ of Motor Vehicles of the C autho ance of special license plates The treasurer islheible under rized to issue a local this sub-section. cense or decal to owners e g 2. The effective July 1, 1987, and shall be for thereafter. date of this amendment shall be the 1988 license tax year and for tax years On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE ~sYl~~-eye ,~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File Commissioner of the Revenue County Treasurer Joha Busher1SDirectortoftBudgetyandmManagement Ret , County Attorney Thomas M. Blaylock, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library Main Library County Codes ~_ 2. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGGINRA HELDNATOTHEHROANOKE COUNTY, VIR IN ROANOKE, VA., ON MEETING_ E~ June 9, 1987 OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER TUESDAY , Ac uisitRenlacement/Improvement Water Projects SUB- J--i- 1987/88 P COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S CO,,M_M/ENTS: a~'~''" ~"l. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: fete the following 1987/88 In order to successfully ro mects: Clearbrook Water II, Glen Forest Water Project, Geiser replacement/improvement water p J Water System, North Lakes Western Hills and Woodland Drive, Road/Grander, Wendover Drive, uisition of easements across it is necessary to authorize r h erty owners. acent p P the real estate of adj Administrator The proposed ordinn~se authorizes the Coun first reading of and take such activities as may be to execute such docume The f necessary to accomplish these transacti26s'1987; the second read- the proposeduled1forcJunes9he1987n May ing is sched FISCAL IMPACT: s for these projects shall be paid from the Utility The cost Depreciation Account. RECOMMENDATION: consider this It is recommended tof thehattached ordinabce. proposal by the adoption Respectfully submitted, ~~, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney `-- VOTE ------------------------ ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, ORDINANCE NTST FOR Z1987/88E REPLACEMENT/ OF EASEME IMPROVEMENT WATER PROJECTS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of concerning the the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading North Lakes acquisition of easements for Clearbrook Water II, ad Grander, ater System, Glen Forest Water Project, Geiser Ro / is W ro ec Wendover Drive, Western Hills, and Woodland Drive water p 7 was held on May 26, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on June 9, 1987• to complete the 2, That these easements are necessary rovements Water Projects. above-referenced 1987/88 Replacement/Imp service to the citi- These projects will provide necessary utility tens of Roanoke County. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- e such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke cut t as are necessary to accomplish the acquisitions of said Coun y the County property, all of which shall be upon form approved by Attorney. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 ORDINANCE 69_ 8__7=6 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OMPROVEMENT WATERR PROJECTSB REPLACEMENT/ BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of concerning the the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading North Lakes acquisition of easements for Clearbrook Water II, Water System, Glen Forest Water Project, Geiser Road/Grander, endover Drive, Western Hills, and Woodland Drive water projects W was held on May 26, 1987• A second reading on this matter was held on June 9, 1987• 2, That these easements are necessary to complete the above-referenced 1987/88 Replacement/Improvements Water Projects. These projects will provide necessary utility service to the citi- zens of Roanoke County. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke unt as are necessary to accomplish the acquisitions of said Co Y the County property, all of which shall be upon form approved by Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE .7~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File Director Phillip Henry, Clifford Craig, Director John Hubbard, Assistant County Attorney of Engineering of Utilities County Administrator ITEM NUMBER ~ `~ ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OFOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER AT A REG COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE,ROVANOKEON TUESDAY, June 9, 1987 MEETING DATE: the ECT: Ordinance to increase f eR salaries of members o oanoke County, pursuant to SUBJ ---- Board of Supervisors Section 14.1-46.01:1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: s~ r~2~ ~~ ~' .~i~~~a G~-'+"P ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATIONS ted an ordinance to ear on May 27, 1986, the Board adop Last y ursuant to the provisions of Section 14.1- increase its salaries P inia. This section of theinc cease odn 46.01:1 of the Code of Virg uire that any ublic and Section 3.07 of the Chart fished by ordinance after p supervisor's salariei and J ne 30. Any increase is limited to an hearing between May annual five ( 5 0 ) percent inflation factor . of this proposed ordinance was held ing The first reading includes the evening May 26, 1987. Since this meeting would suggest that this reThe for public hearings on rez~he n Public hearing requirement. ing could also osfti~hi proposed ordinance is scheduled for second reading June 9, 1987• ro osed salary for Board mem Hance establi hes the addom Thep P this ord 1800 $7607 to $7987. In addition, annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board at tlonal and Vice Chairman at $1200. FISCAL IMPACT: Five (5%) percent increase in Board salaries-- ($380 each x 5 = $1900)• RECOMMENDATION: None. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~..._. ~ ~`` ~ `~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney -------------- VOTE --- ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD ATUESDAYOAJOUNE 9OUN987ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF ~~° ~~ MEMBERS OF THE BOAP A ~ ANT PTO I O CT ION ROANOKE COUNTY, 14.1-46.01:1 WHEREAS, Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter for the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the board of supervisors, and the procedure for increasing their salaries, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board has members to be $7607 by Ordinance #5-27-86-124, and further, established the additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board to be $1800, and for the Vice Chairman of the Board to be $1200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an infla- tion factor not to exceed five (50) percent; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on May 26, 1987; the second reading was held on June 9, 1987• NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of five (50) percent pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.1-46.01:1 J. ~ ode of Virginia, as amended. The new annual sal- of the 1950 C In addition, the aries shall be $7987 for members of the Board. the Board will receive an additional annual sum of Chairman of he Vice Chairman of the Board will receive an addition $1800 and t 1200. al annual sum of $ 1 1987. This ordinance shall take effect on July , AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGININTERELONATUESDAROAJONE 9OUN987ADMINISTRATION CE , ORDINANCE 6987-7 TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF MEMBERS OF THE BpURSUANT SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, TO SECTION 14.1-46.01:1 WHEREAS, Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter for the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the board of supervisors, and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members to be $7607 by Ordinance #5-27-86-124, and further, has established the additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board to be $1800, and for the Vice Chairman of the Board to be $1200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an infla- tion factor not to exceed five (50) percent; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on May 26, 1987; the second reading was held on June 9, 1987. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of five (50) percent pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The new annual sal- shall be $7987 for members of the Board. In addition, the arses Chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1800 and the Vice Chairman of the Board will receive an addition- al annual sum of $1200. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Brittle, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE .,~d . cu,e.~e-rte Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Reta Busher, Director of the Budget County Attorney Roanoke Law Library Main Library ITEM NUMBER_ ~ = `- OF THE BOARD OF SUPE ADMINISTRATIONNOENTER AT A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY COUNTY, IN ROANOKE, VA., June 9, 1987 line MEETING DATE: of portion of a water Vacation and Relocatioerty a SUB-`- easement - Ozanich Prop COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ OF INFORMATION: ro erty owners of Lot SUMMARY the p P reloca- and Rebecca A. Ozanich, uested the Wayne E. Penn Forest, have req Section 9, the intersection g~ Block EE- The relocation would allow section of a 10-inch water line nea To accomplish tion °f a o Drive and Oriole Lae on his property. of Flaming arag the present water line Mr. Ozanich to construct a g 100 feet of to be vacated and uest, approximately ro erty needs Section this req. through their p P a new easement. easement runThis will require obtain that the acquisition of real relocated. uires ordinance. of the County Charter req accomplished only by 18'04 interest therein be estate or any the County Administrator actions as may be neces- The proposed ordinance authorizes of the to execute such documents and take such The first reading eld on May 26, 1987% the second reading to accomplish these transactions. sary proposed ordinance was 1987. is scheduled for June 9, FISCAL IMF---'~ the cost of relocation. Property owner is paying for RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended proposal by the adoption Board favorably consider this that the of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, rV~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ---------- ~- = y --------------------- VOTE ------------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion bY: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred T o _--- Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, ~~~/ ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VACATION AND AND RELOC1A~TNON OOZANICHORPROPERTY A WATER LINE EASE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning acation and relocation of a portion of a water line easement on v 26 1987, A second rea ing the Ozanich Property was held on May , on this matter was held on June 9, 1987; and ortion of the present 2, That the vacation of a P ent and the acquisition of another easement is necessary for easem the relocation of a 10-inch water line; and is authorized to That the County Administrator 3. cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke exe County as are necessary to accomplish the vacation an uisition of said property, all of which shall be upon form acq approved by the County Attorney. MEETING OF THE BOARD OFESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATION p,T A REGULAR HELD AT THE ROANOK 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9- CENTER, THE ORDINANCE 698 AUTHORIZING A VACATION AND WATERELONETEASEMENT, PORTION OF A OZANICH PROPERTY RAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke BE IT OR Virginia, as follows: County, t ursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 ° 1, Tha P concerning the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading the water line easement on vacation and relocation of a portion of a t was held on May 26, 1987. A second reading the Ozanich Proper y and 1987; on this matter was held on June 9- f a portion of the present vacation o 2, That the uisition of another easement is necessary for easement and the acq line; and the relocation of a 10-inch water to t the County Administrator is authorized 3, Tha currents and take such actions on behalf of Roano d execute such do f i s h t h e v a c a t i o n a n to accomp County as are necessary on form ' ion of said property, all of which shall be uP acqulslt the County Attorney. approved by seconded by Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Brittle, Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: ervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: Sup NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE ~, L H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Mary Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 6/10/87 CC: File Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard, ineering Phillip Henry, Director of Eng Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities Real Estate Assessor County Attorney ITEM NUMBER ~~~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOTHE ROANOKE COUNTY YDMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDA , DATE: June 9, 1987 to MEETING the County AdminisandtOight- Ordinance authorizing of utility SUBJECT: donation or dedica~o ements therein ----- accept the of-waY road easements and imp COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~,ry~~ ' .i ~~~~~ ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: uires that Charter req accomp- Section 18.04 of the Roanoke COint,erest therein be uires the acquisition of real estate or any ordinance. The adoption of an ordinance req lished only by are two readings. hts-of-way easements and rig the County utility prior to The acquisition of matters. donations or generally non-controve~outinely accepted such Under the the Board on the consent agenda. 1 ing Charter, resolution dedications by delays of at least one month occur comp charter provisions, with the new procedure. to eXpedite the ose of this proposed ordinance is and The pure This ordinance will authorieasement ounty acceptance procedure. of utility of the County to accept dedications ervisors Administrator the review and recommendation staff and the concurreice of the Board °f u but also rights-°f -way upon 'nance is a general authorizing engineering This proposed ord the charter by resolution. the requirements of of this tance process. The first reading ordinance satisfying 26, 1987 the second reading streamlining the accep proposed ordiforcJunes9 h 1987 n May is scheduled FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: consider this that the Board favorably It is recommended osal by the adoption of the attached ordinanc . prop Respectfully submitted, ~ _J -~~~~~- ~ ~ `Y~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney __ ------------------------------------ VOTE ----- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To ____-__ Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TH 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, ~° ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THONAT ON OR ~ ~ ADMINISTRATOR TO ACCEPT THE D DEDICATIOINvIENTS UAND IMPROVEMENTSTTOHEREIN ROAD EAS WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, first and second readings are required to pass all ordinances; and WHEREAS, the County routinely acquires utility and road easements for various County engineering and right-of-way utility projects and for private developments; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this ordinance to provide approve, for an orderly and expeditious procedure to review, authorize, and accept the donation or dedication of such interests in real estate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1, That upon the proposed donation or dedication of a ur oses, and any utility easement or a right-of-way for road p p the County improvements or facilities constructed therein, Administrator is hereby authorized to accept said donation or dedication, upon the review and recommendation of the County en ineer, or his designee, and upon the concurrence of the Board 9 of Supervisors by resolution. 2. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of these easements, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County dministrator may delegate this authority Attorney. The County A as he deems appropriate. The effective date of this amendment shall be 3. June 9, 1987. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, ORDINANCE 6987=9 AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO ACCEPT THE DONATION OR DEDICEASEMENOS AND IMPROVEMENTSHTHEREINY ROAD WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, first and second readings are required to pass all ordinances; and WHEREAS, the County routinely acquires utility and road easements for various County engineering and right-of-waY utility projects and for private developments; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this ordinance to provide rocedure to review, approve, for an orderly and expeditious p authorize, and accept the donation or dedication of such interests in real estate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1, That upon the proposed donation or dedication of a utility easement or a right-of-way for road purposes, and any improvements or facilities constructed therein, the County Administrator is hereby authorized to accept said donation or dedication, upon the review and recommendation of the County engineer, or his designee, and upon the concurrence of the Board of Supervisors by resolution. 2, That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of these easements, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County The County Administrator may delegate this authority Attorney as he deems appropriate. 3, The effective date of this amendment shall be June 9, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File County Attorney John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities ,~ - ~,_,.,_.-r ITEM NUMBER ___ R MEETING OF THE BOARD ONTY A MINISTRATIONRCENOER AT A REGULA COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE,ROA OKONCOUESDAY, 1987 MEETING DATE: June 9, Ordinance authorizing the purchase of a Water Storage Reservoir Site SUBS=- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ,,~gyi~r+~" "_ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: These 'lit Department has determined teereservo~rs~f sites The Uti Y ted at certain required elevations which have been for the construction of future water s o water systems that they sites are loca the pressure zones of the establishedab~ of. will be a p a 100-foot by Staff proposes to purchase one of the wh ch is located off ht-of-waY~ Dou Sawyer. Staff 100-foot parcel with a 25-foo~ore9ty owned by g The Sugar Loaf Mountain Road on P i e of $5,000 for this site. otiated a purchase p the County has neg rice for this site has been reviewe e ac uisition urchase p consider this price to be reasonable. P uires that th q Assessor's Office and they Charter req lisped only by Section 18.04 of the Couiri~ rest therein be accomp of real estate or any ordinance. Administrator The proposed ordinal cared take such actionsnas may be neces- The first reading of the to execute suc 1 sh this transaction. the second reading sary to accomp 2C, 1987; proppSeduled1forcJunes9 h 1987 n May is sche FISCAL IMPACT: com letely rice of $5,000 for this site is poining The purchase P aid by Mr. Sawyer and an adj off-set by the water fees P installed water main. property owner for connection tOUaredCently No appropriation of funds is req RECOMMENDATION: urchase of ro riate staff be Staff recommends that urthe $Othat atheo aPP P e P this pur- this parcel of land and f wired documents to effect authorized to execute the req chase. APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: ~/~ _ J _ Elmer C. Hodge Clifford Cr ig ~ County Administrator Director of Utilities _____ --------------------------------- VOTE ------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw Nickens T o _~ ETING OF THE BOARD OF SCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION AT A REGVIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE 1987 COUNTY, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, RIZING THE PURCHASE OF ORDINANCE AUTHO WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR SITE u ervisors of Roanoke BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of S p County, Virginia, as follows: rsuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of 1, That pu concerning the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading the ht-of- 0-foot by 100-foot parcel with a 25-foot rig purchase of a 10 26, 1987. water storage reservoir site was held on May way for a 1987. d reading on this matter was held on June 9, .s necessary p, secon ro erty 1 2, That the acquisition of said p p and the construction of a water storage reservoir; for uired from Doug Sawyer in 3, That this property be acq 000; and the amount of $5, authorized to exe- 4, That the County Administrator is and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke cute such documents all of are necessary to accomplish this transaction, County as Attorney. which shall be upon form approved by the County .,, . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, ORD IN SECOF 6WA STORAGERRESERVOIR PURCHA SITE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of concerning the the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading urchase of a 100-foot by 100-foot parcel with a 25-foot right-of- p 2g, 1987. way for a water storage reservoir site was held on May A second reading on this matter was held on June 9, 1987• 2. That the acquisition of said property is necessary for the construction of a water storage reservoir; and 3, That this property be acquired from Doug Sawyer in the amount of $5,000; and 4, That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke to accomplish this transaction, all of County as are necessary roved by the County Attorney. which shall be upon form app On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File County Attorney John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities Real Estate Assessor ~~~~{ ITEM NUMBER THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE GULAR MEETING OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER AT A RE HELD AT THE ON TUESDAY, COUNTY, VIRGINIA VA•, IN ROANOKE, MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 ursuant to Section 15for and resolution P and right-of-entry S_ E_ ~T_ public Hearing condemnation ect road improvements 238(e) authorizingDevelopment Proj Ho1linStatemRoute 648• along COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMME M/~~ ~~~~~_ ,.,~,~,,,,ru+ U ~ dr SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ublic hearing rovides for a notice and P entry uthe 1-238(e) P to authorize immediate fete Section 15• ervisors In order to comp along by the Board of Sup thereof. improvements and condemnatiment Project road real estate Develop be condemned: easements must Hollins Community oute 648, four State R E, Stuart -Larry G. Stuart and M147.56 Fair Market Value - $ Haynesworth nesworth and Thelma T. -Mason Hay Value - $128.87 Fair Market two easements) Butler and Margaret Bolden But1565(60 -Leonard - Land $1,883'13' $ $650.00 - Improvements - Fence - 1,800,00 Fair Market Value Well - $ House - $1,150.00 Pump owners in to the property of fair were given final offers Notices by mail also included reports. This These notices by the appraisal condemnation questionValues as indicated step to commence market is a necessary first procedure proceedings~ FISCAL IMPACT: for the condemnation and expenses revenue 1us legal costs Roanoke and Botetourt $6325.16 p fees- for the road right-of-way actions and expert witness used sharing funds are being acquisitions- RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the proposed resolution be the Board after the required public hearing. `_~- ~ 4 adopted by Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ~ ~' ~'._/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGICENTERELONATUESDAROAJONE 9OUN987ADMINISTRATION RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.1- 238(e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHTS OF WAY IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOLLINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Hollins Community Development Project is a multi-phased neighborhood program involving residents in Roanoke and Botetourt counties, said project will include water, sewer, and road improvements and housing rehabilitation; and 2. That in order to complete the road improvement phase of the project, certain rights-of-way are needed and more particularly described as follows: A) A ten (10) foot strip of land across the property of Larry G. Stuart and Mary E. Stuart and more particularly described as running along Route 648 for an estimated 130 feet, containing 0.04 acre as shown on the attached high- way plans which are a part of the appraisal report. Together with a temporary construction easement more particularly described as an approximate eight (8) foot strip of land running an estimated 45 feet along Route 648 and containing 293 square feet as shown on the above-referenced plans. The fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $147.56, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the property owners. B) A small strip of land across the proper- ty of Mason Haynesworth and Thelma T. Haynesworth and more particularly de- scribed as a small strip running along Route 648, being 14-feet wide and 107- feet long, containing 0.03 acre as shown on the above-referenced plans. Together with a temporary construction easement more particularly described as a small strip of land, approximately 10-feet wide, running along Route 648 for an estimated 120 feet, containing 1,121 square feet as shown on the above- referenced plans. The fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $128.87, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the property owner. C) A strip of land across the property of Leonard Butler and Margaret Bolden Butler and more particularly described as approximately 45-feet by 180-feet, containing 0.22 acre as shown on the above-referenced plans. Together with a temporary construction easement more particularly described as a strip, approximately 10-feet by 10- feet, and an irregular-shaped area, approximately 20-feet by 25-feet along Route 648, containing 1,510 square feet as shown on the above-referenced plans. The fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $1,883.12, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the property owners. D) A parcel of land across the property of Leonard Butler and Margaret Bolden Butler and more particularly described as a strip of land, approximately 35 feet wide, running along Route 648 for an estimated 190 feet, containing 0.14 acre as shown on the above-referenced plans. Together with a temporary construction easement more particularly described as a 10-foot strip running along Route 648 for an estimated 130 feet, containing ~ ~~ 1, 350 square feet as shown on the above- ~~ -....~~ .... referenced plans. The fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $565.60, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the property owners. 2. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take such property and commence said road improve- ments to straighten an "S" curve on State Route 648 in order to create better visibility and improve traffic safety and to there- after institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to said rights-of-way; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1- 238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and pursuant to notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges and provisions of said Section 15.1-238(e) as to the vesting of powers in the County pursuant to Section 33.1-119 through Section 33.1-129 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, all as made and provided by law. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THEHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT T JUNE 9, 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 6987-11 PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.1- 238(e OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY 'I'O ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHT S ~ OMMUN ITY DEOVELOPMENT PROJECT H E HOLLINS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That the Hollins Community Development Project is a ti- hased neighborhood program involving residents in Roanoke mul P ro ect will include water, sewer, and Botetourt counties, said p J and road improvements and housing rehabilitation; and rovement 2, That in order to complete the road imp hase of the project, certain rights-of-way are needed and more P particularly described as follows: A) A ten ( 10 ) foot strip of land across the property of Larry G. Stuart and Mary E. Stuart and more particularly described as running along Route 648 for an estimated 130 feet, containing 0.04 ac anss whichoarteeaaparteof lthe way pl appraisal report. Together with a temporary construction easement more particularly described as an approximate eight (8) foot strip of land running an estimated 45 293tsquare Route 648 and containing feet as shown on the above-referenced plans. The fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $14~-56, $300.00, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the property owners. of land across the proper- B) A small strip nesworth and Thelma T• ty of Mason HaY articularly de- Haynesworth and mOStrpp running along scribed as a sma1114_feet wide and 107- Route 648, being 0.03 acre as feet long, containing tans. shown on the above-referenced p truction with a temporary cons Together articularly described as easement more p of land, approximately a small striprunning along Route 648 10-feet wide, feet, containing for an estimated 120 the above- 1~121 square feet as shown on referenced plans. The fair market value of the aforesai fired is $128.87, interest to be acq if any, such compensation and damages, ro erty owner. having been offered the p P aeress tl~e preperty C) A strip e€ }and aret Be}elen of Beenard But}er art~er~}a~}y deser}bed But}er and mere p45-feet by }SA-feet; as apprex}mate}y sere as shevan en tie eentaln}ng A-22 aye~e-refereneed p}ans= tem@erary eenstr~et}en TegetY~er w}tl~ art}erg}ar}y deser}bed as easement m~rerexlmate}y }9-feet b~* }g- a str}p; pp lrregu}ar-shaped area; feet; and an 25-feet a}eng appre~}mate}y 2g-fee }~S~A se~~are feet Route 648; eenta}Wing }ans: as sl~ewn en tl~e abe~ae-refereneed p Tl~e fa}~ market ~a}cue e€ tl~e aferesald };883.-}~-, }merest to be aee~~}red }s $ }f any; sued eempensat}en and damages hamming been e€fered tie preperty ewners= }and aeress the pregerty of B} A payee} of and pgargaret Be}den Beenard But}er artier}ar}y deseribed But}er and mere p rsx}mate}y 35 as a strip of }and; app Retrte 648 fey feet wide; running a}eng 9~}4 an est}mated }9A feet; eenta}Wing sere as sheran en the abe~e-refereneed p}ans- temperary eenstruetien Together with art}es}ar}y deser}bed as easement mere p running a}eng Route 648 a }g-feet strip fer a ~ t~aremfee~ a9 sip®~antenebl~e abe~e~ }358 ~ ~e€e~eneed g}ans- Tl~e fa}r ~+a~l~et ~a}tie e€ tie a€e~e9alel }nte~eat ~e be aee~c~l~eel }s $565:6A; at~e~i eempe~9a~len a~e7 damage9 ~a ~e ~~' l~a~}erg been a€€ereel tl~e p p evanera- 2. That it is immediately necessary for the County to rove- enter upon and take such property and commence said road imp ments to straighten an "S" curve on State Route 648 in order to create better visibility and improve traffic safety and to there- after institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to said rights-of-way; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1- 238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and pursuant to the Board notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, rivileges and does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and p of provisions of said Section 15.1-238(e) as to the vesting powers in the County pursuant to Section 33.1-119 through Section 33.1-129 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, all as made and provided by law. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, resolution amended to remove proceedings against Leonard Butler and Margaret Bolden 300 and changing fair Butler, who agreed to a settlement of $6, , market value of property of Larry G. Stuart and Mary E. Stuart to $300.00, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTE -mil C~.~.~c f~ ~ . C2~u..eil Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File Sue Palmer, Tim Gubala, County Atto Real Estate Engineering Department of Planning, Zoning & Grants Assistant County Administrator rney Assessor Department ITEM NUMBER L' ~ r NTY VIRG NIAMHELD AT THEHROANORE COU OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUB T; Appointments to Committees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Fifth Plannin District Commission: 1987. ear term of Bob L. Johnson expires on June 30, and The three-y Mr. Johnson was filling tteVentoPthis Commissiontheriplease see the is an elected representa attached for further information. ~ planning Commission re resenting the The four-year unexpired term of Lee Eddy. phas resigned Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Mr. E panted. His term effective as soon as a replacement is app expires 12/31/88• Please see the attached for further information. 3. Recreation Commission: representing the Cave Spring The two year terms of Mr. Hugh Key. representing the Windsor Magisterial District; NTr. W. E. Hoge, an at-large Hills Magisterial District; and Michael J. Lazzuri, Bred, but member expire June 30for98hreeOyearsal Please see theaa t ached for new terms shall be further information. 4. Vir inia Western Communit Colle e Board lvia Faw and Mr. Stephen A. The four-year terms of Mrs. SY Musselwhite expire June 30, 1987. Mrs. Faw has served two terms ible for another appointment. Mr. Musselwhite has and is not elig be reappointed. Please see the only served one term and may attached for further information. L~. / - ,~' Submitted By: Approved by: ~~ ~ Elmer C. Hodge Mary H. Allen County Administrator Deputy Clerk --------------- ---------------------- VOTE ------------ ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ~ Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To ~_ Nickens L-~ FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION A. COMPOSITION Commission to consist of five (5) representatives of Roanoke County based on population, three representatives who shall be elected members of the governing bodies, and two members who shall be non-elected citizens. The term of office shall be three years. One of the members shall also serve on the Executive Committee . The Fifth Planning District Commission represents participating local governments included in the geographic area delineated by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The commission is composed of 21 elected and citizen representatives of the participating jurisdictions. B, DUTIES The purpose of the commission as defined by the Virginia Area Development Act is "...to promote orderly and efficient development of the physical, social and economic elements of the District by planning, encouraging and assisting governmental subdivisions to plan for the future." The general management program category provides the basic organization and management of commission activities and routine administrative functions. Because general management supports the entire operation of the commission's work program, costs allocated to the program activity are generally considered as administrative or indirect costs and charged to other program categories in accordance with the Commission's Cost Allocation Plan . C. MEETING SCHEDULE Fourth Thursday of each month; held in Commission Conference Room, at 3:00 p.m. (time subject to change.) I L- ~~ /?,G~i e.l ~~ 145 W. CAMPBELL AVENUE~/% P.O. BOX 2569 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24010 (703) 343-4417 GORDON N. DIXON Executive Director May 15., 1987 Ms. -Mary H . Allen , Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Dear Ms. Allen: According to our record of appointments, the term of Mr. Bob Johnson, elected representative of the County of Roanoke on the Fifth Planning District Commission, expires June 30, 1987. The Commission Bylaws state that all appointments are for three-year terms. Mr. Johnson is, of course, eligible for reappointment. Please notify the Commission of Roanoke County's official action in filling this upcoming vacancy on the Commission. Thank you. Yours truly, y~ Gordon Dixon Secretary to the Commission /jlp cc: Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Charles Hill, 5PDC Chairman ~J- ~~ " ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION A. COMPOSITION (Summarized from State Code 15.1-437) To consist of not less than ra°of(Supe~visors;tall shallebe (15) members, appointed by the Boa knowledge ualified by rowth residents of the county or municipality, q erience to make decisions on questions of community g and exp be a member of the governing and development. One members may body, and one may be a member of the administrative branch. g, DUT_ IES: ulations To exercise general supervision of-prescrgbe rug es for the administration of its affairs; Su ervise its P pertaining to its investigations and hearings; fiscal affairs and responsibilitiesK upder rules and regulations ee a complete record of its prescribed by the governing body; and preservation proceedings and be responsibleMake recommendations and an annual of its papers and documents; concerning the operation of the report to the governing body urisdiction; commission and the status of planning within its j ublish and distribute reports, ordinances and other Prepare, p prepare and submit an annual material relating to its activates%the governing body of the budget in the manner prescribed by committee or county; If deemed advisable, establish an advisory committees . C, MEETING SCHEDULE: Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., Roanoke County istration Center. Adman ,~.. -~ z- June 2, 1987 Mr. Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Dear Chairman Johnson: This letter tenders my resignation from the Roanoke County Planning Commission, effective as soon as a replacement can be appointed. This resignation is directly related to my expected nomination as a Republican candidate for the State Senate. I forsee that the demands of the campaign will prevent my participating in the affairs of the Planning Commission to the extent that the position deserves. I have deeply enjoyed being part of Roanoke County's governmental process these past 2-1/2 years. I regret leaving the Planning Commission when there are important and far-reaching projects under way, such as the new zoning ordinance and the Explore Project. If there is any way in which I can assist Roanoke County in the future I most sincerely hope that you will call on me. As you probably know I have occasionally disagreed with some of the long-range positions taken by the Board, the Commission and the planning staff. I have always felt that differing views, when offered responsibly and constructively, can help lead to the best results. I have the highest regard for the sincerity and dedication of the Commission and the Planning Department personnel. My one parting recommendation is for the closer communication and cooperation of the governing body and administration with critical planning operations. With best wishes for the future of Roanoke County, I am Very truly yours, ~f Lee B. Eddy cc: Other Members, Board of Supervisors Members, Planning Commission /`Elmer Hodge Tim Gubala Rob Stalzer L.-. --~.. ~' RECREATION COMMISSION A. COMPOSITION: (Resolution 85-151.N, September 10, 1985) To be composed of two (2) members from each magisterial district and one (1) member at large from the County. All members to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Original terms shall be staggered. Upon expiration of their original terms, each succeeding term shall be for three (3) years, expiring on June 30th. B. DUTIES: The Commission shall serve as the advisory body to the Director of Parks and Recreation of Roanoke County; the Commission shall suggest policies to the County Administrator and the Board of Supervisors through the Director of Parks and Recreation, within its powers and responsibilities as stated in this resolution. The Commission shall serve as a liaison between the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Board of Supervisors, and the citizens of the community. The Commission will work through the Parks and Recreation staff on all related matters. The Commission shall consult with and advise recreation policies, programs, personnel, finances, and the need for acquiring and disposing of lands and. properties related to the total community recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for recreation. The Commission shall assume duties for the recreation purposes as follows: Make recommendations (1) for the establishment of a system of supervised recreation for the County; (2) to set apart for use as parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation areas and structures, any lands or buildings owned by or leased to the County and for approval by the Board of Supervisors and may suggest improvements of such lands and for the construction and for the equipping and staffing of such buildings and structures as may be necessary to the recreation program within those funds allocated; (3) and advise in the acceptance by the County of any grant, gift, bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made available for recreation purposes and which it judges to k~e of present Or possible future use or recreation. Any gift, bequest of money or other property, any grant, devise of real or personal property so acquired shall be held, by the County, used and finally disposed of in accordance with the terms under which such grant, gift or devise is made and accepted; (4) and advise in the construction, equipping, operation and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and all buildings and structures necessary or useful to the Department function, and will advise in regard to other recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the unit or leased or loaned to the unit. V - / L-~ VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD A. COMPOSITION: To be as follows: minimum of nine (9) persons, not to exceed fifteen (15) includes at least one (1) person from each political subdivision sponsoring the college. County appointees to consist of three (3) persons. B. DUTIES• 1. Shall perform such duties with respect to the operation of a community college. 2. Serve as channels of communication between the State Board for Community College and governing bodies of the local political subdivisions., 3. Shall participate with the Chancellor of the Community College System and the State Board of Community Colleges in the selection, evaluation and removal of the president of the community college. 4. Responsible for eliciting community participation in program planning and development establishing local citizens' advisory committees for specialized programs and curricula and approving the appointments of all members of these committees. 5. Shall review all new curricular proposals for the community college. 6. Shall oversee the development and evaluations of the community service program for the community college. 7. Shall review and make recommendations concerning the biennial budget Program Proposal for the community college as prepared by the college president. 8. Shall review and approve a detailed local funds budget for the community college as prepared by the college president. 9. Responsible for the review and approval of a budget prepared by the college president for the expenditure of revenues from vending commissions and auxiliary enterprises, including the student activity fund. 10. Responsible for reviewing reports of audit and for reviewing the college president's response to those ', reports of audit. • /~(- !- 8 OF SUPERVISORS OF ROATOON R MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY ADMINISTRA AT A REGULA HELD AT THE ROANOK JUNE 9, 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA-CENTER ON TUESDAY- p,ppROVINGF RTH RESOLUTION iN•CERT IN ITEMS SET CONCURRING OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA ON THE BOARD ITEM N - FOR THIS DANpADESIGNATED AS CONSENT AGE of Roanoke RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors BE IT Virginia. as follows: a enda of the County, the g 1, That that certain section of nated as Item N - ervisors for June 9, 1987, desig in as to Board of Sup roved and concurred hereby is- app Items 1 enda be, and section designated Consent Ag forth in said each item separately set through 9- inclusive, as follows: 12, 1987 - April 28, 1987, May 1. Minutes of Meetings relocate a Sanitary vacate and Section #3• 2. AuthorEasementton Branderwood Sewer Va. pepartment of from from the of Route 1916 3. Notification of the addition and Route 1917 Transportation cul_de-sac into the to a south cul-de-sac Route 1832 to a southeast from Route 1916 Secondary System. Hills for a Fireworks Display permit from 4. Request pepartment Store. the Blue Resolution of 87Pp°pro~ect. 5• Approval of „pEpICATION Ridge Parkway econdary System into the S Request for acceptance 6. for the following Roads: Lane and 0.13 miles of 0,15 miles of Beavers 0,14 a• Drive. Drive and Elizabeth of Wing Co~nander b. 0,17 miles Lane. miles of Grape Tree Lane 0,05 miles of Shadow c. of Hill Drive d. O.lg miles of Indian gill Drive 0.26 miles e. p,18 miles Dint Drive and f. 0.26 miles of Airp of Airpoint Road. ,' ~ ~w_-- g. 0.56 miles of Lakemont Drive h. 0.04 miles of Memory Lane i, Streets of LaBellevue Subdivision including Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road. ~. Acceptance of Sewer Facilities for Allred Chevrolet g, Approval to Request matching funds from the Va. DepartmentvementsntooBolling Steelndustrial Access Road Impro 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. AT A REGULAR MEETING OFATHTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, RESOLUTION NO. 6987-12 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CER~-ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM N - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 9, 1987, designated as Item N - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 9, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meetings - April 28, 1987, May 12, 1987 2. Authorization to vacate and relocate a Sanitary Sewer Easement in Branderwood Section #3. 3. Notification from the Va. Department of Transportation of the addition of Route 1916 from Route 1832 to16 touahsoutheastaculndeRsaceinto7the from Route 19 Secondary System. 4, Request for a Fireworks Display Permit from Hills Department Store. 5. Approval of Resolution of Support for the Blue Ridge Parkway "DEDICATION 87" Project. 6. Request for acceptance into the Secondary System for the following Roads: a. 0.15 miles of Beavers Lane and 0.13 miles of Elizabeth Drive. b, p.17 miles of Wing Commander Drive and 0.14 miles of Grape Tree Lane. c, 0.05 miles of Shadow Lane d. 0.18 miles of Hill Drive e. 0.18 miles of Indian Hill Drive f. 0.26 miles of Airpoint Drive and 0.26 miles of Airpoint Road. g. 0.56 miles of Lakemont Drive h, 0.04 miles of Memory Lane i. Streets of LaBellevue Subdivision including Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road. ~. Acceptance of Sewer Facilities for Allred Chevrolet g. Approval to Request matching funds from the Va. Department of Transportation for Industrial Access Road Improvements to Bolling Steel. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. Supervisor Brittle asked that Item N-2 be removed for a separate vote so that he may abstain. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, with Item N-2 deleted for a separate vote, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None Supervisor McGraw moved approval of Item N-2, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTE Mary H. llen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities Tim Gubala, Assistant County Administrator Brent Sheffler, Economic Development Specialist ~- / April 28, 1987 _ ______ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ;; Itoanage~County Administration Center 3738 BrambletoniaVe24018SW Roanoke, Virg' April 28, 1987 "The Roanoke County"Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke Count County, and th this being the second Tuesday, Administration Center, of the month of April, 1987. second regularly scheduled meeting IN RE: CALL TO ORDER _- hairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:04 C p,m, The roll call was taken. Johnson, Vice Chairman Lee Chairman Bob L. H, Brittle, MEMBERS PRESENT: Garrett, Supervisors C1Nickens Steven A. McGraw, Harry None MEMBERS ABSENT: ~' Administrator; John Elmer C. Hodge, County STAFF PRESENT: I„1 , C h a m b l i s s r A s s i s t a n t C° u John Administrator for Management Services; R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Public Facilities; Timothy W. Gubala, Assistant County Administrator for Community Development; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk; Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities; Michael J. Lazzuri, Director o' Court Services; Phillip Henry, Director o. Engineer I IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend Sam Crews, Coopers Cove Baptist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance wa: recited by all present. IN RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS April. 28 ,, 19,87 None - ESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA IN RE : REQU ZTEMS: Chairman Johnson announced that Public Hearing 487-3, petition of Charles and Ann Howard had been withdrawn. :c - IN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS ratulations to the vir inia 1, Resolution of Con the Atlantic Coast Hocke Lea ue Lancers for winnin Brabham Chairman Johnson announced that Henry c'ham ionshiP~ riot commitment and wa owner of the Virginia Lancers had a P Lion of th Supervisor Nickens moved adop unable to be present. by Superviso prepared resolution. The motion was seconded Brittle. RESOLUTION 4281 OF CONGRATUWINNOING TO THETLANTICACOASTRHOCKEY LEAGUE THE A CHAMPIONSHIP Lancers Hockey Team is the onl WHEREAS, The Virginia and with the County of Roanoke; professional team associate the team has been located in the Town ° WHEREAS, 84 season; and they hav Vinton in Roanoke County since the 1983/ ht a sense of pride to all the citizens of Roanoke Count broug lishments, and accomp Hocke for their outstanding inia Lancers WHEREAS, attendance at the Vlrg ectators in 1984 to town from an average of 1200 sP win-lo games has 9 ame; and their ectators at the fin1983/84 to 44-23 in 1986/8 record of 3,560 sP 45 in record has improved from 19- ort; and rowth of interest in that sp inia Lancers cape contributing to g ril 10, 1987, the Virg Leag WHEREAS. on Ap winning the Atlantic Coast Hock3Yin t e season by Valley Comets 4 to an outstanding the Mohawk championship beating championship series. April 28,:1987 ----- _ NOWT THEREFORE BE IT REeXLressesa its pBodedand Supervisors of Roanoke County P coach; and Brabham, owner; John Tortorella, appreciation to Henry team for an the members of the Virginia Lancers Hockey outstanding year; and FURTHER, the Board o,~ _Su,pervisors of Roanoke Coun y ratulations to all those associated with the Virginia offers cong League Lancers upon winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey Championship. seconded by Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Nickens, Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None 2, Presentation of the Certificate or h~..~..------ for Excellence in Audit Reta Busher Director of the Bud et a announced that Reportings County Administrator Elmer Hodg 34 localities in the State of Virginia have received this only Certificate and congratulated Ms. Busher on this honor. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS royal of the Resolution ado tin the Desi n l• A Clifford and Construction Standards fOrreaortedathattthis Proposed Craig, Director of Utilities, P work resolution was previously presented to the Board at a session on March 10, 1987, and has been discussed at three other ervisor Brittle and Supervisor McGraw were ,board meetings. Sup appointed as a subcommittee to meet esehstanda dsmhavenbeen Association to address their concerns. Th reviewed by a committee comprised of staff members of the County and Development Utility, Engineering, Facilities, Fire, Departments, as well as representatives from the Homebuilders Association and engineering .and surveying firms. April 28, 1987 - --- I Supervisor Brittle announced that he and Supervisor McGraw had met with the Homebuilders and County staff members. Their concern was primarily the fire flow requirement. Several as a result of the meeting. The issues were cleared uP and that a subcommittee recommends adoption of the resolution, system of monitoring be established for six months to monitor the (results of the standards. Lewis Jamison, President of the Homebuilders Association was present to speak. The Homebuilders supports a and appreciate the good water system for Roanoke 'County ~nnortunity to monitor this for six month to see if there are any problems. Steve Strauss of"Strauss Construction pointed out that the water' connection fees were Yecentiy raised~to'$1036 and will take affect this year, and asked what the homebuilder was stated it would include fire protection. getting, since the policy fee. Mr. Craig responded that this fee was an off-site facility The County will credit the developer up to half his off-site facility. If his cost exceeds that he may request the other half and the Board may approve this. Mr. Strauss stated the present fees are based of the cost to provide facilities. The fee is to provide domestic service and fire protection. The developer was ;,led to believe this fee would cover full service. John Hubbard stated this fee is for the County to provide the service, and the romise. Mr. Strauss should not expect the fund fee was a comp nine months for the entire system to be collected in only Mr. Straus requested that the resolution be adopted for six-month trial basis and brought back before the board at th end of that period. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the resolutic adopting the design and construction standards for Ovate facilities, and that the staff monitor the results over a perm of six months. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. nl r >d Ild f April 28, 1987 RESOLUTION 42887-2 ADOPTING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ARDS FOR WATER FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Utility Director and other County staff have eveloped certain design and construction standards for water acilities; and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards may be .dopted by resolution by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to section 20.1-11 of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22 of .he 1985 Roanoke County Code); and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards for water facilities shall take effect as of the date of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bey the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the attached design and construction standards for water facilities are incorporated herein by reference; and 2. That these standards are effective immediately and app1Y to all water utility plans which have not been accepted for re- view by the Department of Development prior to March 25, 1987; provided said plans, in the review process, received final approv- al by the County within 60 days of the effective date of these standards. On motion of 'Supervisor Brittle, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None 2, Re uest for A royal of Fundin Allocations for Utility Capital Projects: Clifford Craig reported that th rojects are in various stages of design an current p construction. Two of the items were overbudgeted by $168,031 The staff is requesting that these funds be allocated to tY 1987/88 Replacement/Improvement Projects. This will give total of $368,037 available for this program. Mr. Craig review ~i~ e a 'd April 28, 1987 _ the status of both the current projects and the projects planned for 1987/88. .Supervisor McGraw asked when the North Lakes water system connection toward Cove Road will be completed. Mr. Craig responded that this should be complete before June. He also described the problems that may result when this is complete. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and ~I carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 3, Authorization to Execute a Detention Home (Contract with the City of Roanoke: Michael Lazzuri, Director of Court Services advised the Board that in 1986 the City of Roanoke canceled all existing contracts and submitted a new one for counties and cities, using_the,ir detention facilities. The rate has risen to $32._87 per day for secure detention, and $7.44 per day for the outreach program. Roanoke County also has a contract with the New River Valley Detention Commission at a charge of $20.00 per day, on a space available basis. However, juveniles are frequently moved after one day from that facility to the Roanoke City facility. Mr. Lazzuri requested that the Board authorize the County Administrator to execute the contract with the City of Roanoke. He also estimated that additional ~ifunds in the amount of $7,740 will be needed for 1986/87 detention care. Supervisor Nickens moved that the County Administrator be authorized to execute the contract with the City of Roanoke and that $8,000 from the Board Contingency fund be allocated fog detention. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle an. carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None April 28, 1987 ------ -_---- -- IIA Ic 4. A royal to amend the Weed and Trash Ordinance: ssistant County Administrator Timothy Gubala stated a recent ourt case was brought to General District Court and the case was brown out because of weaknesses in the ordinance. The ommonwealth's Attorney has requested that the ordinance be .mended to make it more enforceable. Supervisor McGraw moved ,to approve the amendments to .he ordinance and schedule the necessary readings. The motion aas seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None Anthony 5 Claim of Robin Renee Iddings: F. Anderson, attorney for Robin Renee Iddings, was present to file a claim on her behalf for aggravation of injuries sustained as a result of alleged negligence of a County employee. This is an exhaustion of administrative remedies and procedural steps required for filing a legal action against the County. Supervisor Johnson moved to deny Miss Iddings claim. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC BEARINGS April 28, 1987 None N RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Ad Hoc Committee for the Count Members of the e Tonal Air ort Commission: Supervisor Brittle asked that ppointments to this committee be postponed until further notice. N RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Garrett announced that he would like to emove the petition of Springwood_Associates from the table to be eard as soon as possible. County Attorney Paul Mahoney ecommended it be heard at the next evening session when other •e zonings are heard, and that a legal notice be published. supervisor Garrett also requested that the Deputy Clerk notify 9r. Freeman of the hearing date. Supervisor Garrett also moved that the staff request the Va. Department of Transportation for "No Parking" signs in he vicinity of the Castle Rock Swim Club. The motion was econded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by a unanimous voice e. Supervisor Nickens announced that the CORTRAN Task ~rce met recently, and established goals such as keeping the rogram going, asking the private sector for funds, and pursuing ^y federal or state funding available. Another meeting is cheduled, and the task force will be expanded. Supervisor Johnson presented a proposed resolutio rom the Clean Valley Council. They are requesting that th ~. April 28, 1987 __. __ _- __- __ --- - - - C C ~ t aunty participate in their recycling project at no cost to the ounty. He requested staff to investigate their request, and ring back an agenda item at the next Board meeting. Supervisor Johnson also wished to state for the record .hat he has visited the Palm Valley area, the Back Creek and Markey Road area, the Green Valley area, and Kentland Drive to issess the flood damage recently. He directed staff to study the irainage and flood problems in Roanoke County and bring a report back to the Board with possible solutions, and the costs a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e s e s o l u t i o n s. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Nickens stated that Resolution on Item 2 should include Botetourt County. With that addition, he moved approval of the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle RESOLUTION NO. 42887-6 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH FOR THISBDATED DESIGNATEDIASRITEMEJDA CONSENT AGENDA gE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 28, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as tc each item separately set forth in said section designated Items through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1, Minutes of Meeting - March 24, 1987. 2, p,pproval of a Clean Valley Committee Anti-Litter Grant Application. 3, Acceptance of a deed conveying the sewer lines in Merriman Estates. 4, Acceptance of a deed conveying the water and sewe. lines in Plantation Estates. April 28, 1987 ai i ~t F F 1 2, That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized ~d directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said :ems the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to its resolution. Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by rittle, and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson .YES: IAYS : None LN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Nickens noted that Item L-1, Board Contingency Fund is now down to $30,930. The following reports were received and filed: 1, Board Contingency Fund 2. General Operating Fund Income and Expense Analysis for the Month ended March 31, 1987. 3. Unappropriated balance as of April 14, 1987 4, Development Data Report - First Quarter 1987 IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4:10 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to go intc Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia Sectio 2.1-344 (a) (1) to consider a personnel matter. The motion wa seconded by Supervisor Garrett. IN RE: OPEN SESSION At 5:00 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return t Open Session. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle an carried by a unanimous vote. April 28, 1987 --- --¶ -- _ - --- it I V RE: DINNER RECESS At 5:01 p.m., Chairman Johnson declared a recess forll dinner. :N RE: CALL TO ORDER _.. At 7:04 p.m., Chairman Johnson called the meeting backll to order. IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1, Ordinance amendin Article 2 of Cha ter 5 "Animals and Fowl" of the Roanoke Count Code re uirin the County Attorney Vaccination of Cats to Prevent Rabies: Paul Mahoney reported that at the April 14, 1987 meeting, Chief Animal Control Officer Kenneth Hogan submitted a report and draft ordinance recommending a Rabies prevention program. Even though the Board members had questions at that time, they recommended that the draft ordinance go through the first and second reading process. Supervisor Nickens stated he was concerned that this ordinance would be difficult to enforce, but was aware it was important to keep Rabies from coming into the County. Supervisor Johnson pointed out that if an ordinance exists, at least the public would be aware of the spread of rabies. Even voluntary compliance would help confine the spread. Supervisor McGraw moved the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Supervisor Nickens asked Mr. Hogan how complaints wil be handled. Mr. Hogan responded that if there is no vaccinatio for an animal, a summons will be issued, and the citizen mus bring the vaccination record to court. April 28, 1987 --- - --- The motion carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson IAYS: None ABSENT: None 2. Ordinance acce tin Deed of Easement from Urban Develo went and Investment Ltd.: Mr. Mahoney reported this was to provide an ordinance authorizing an acceptance of a deed of easement for Urban Development and Investment, Ltd. for water and sanitary sewer easements. He noted a correction on the ordinance. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IIABSENT: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance acce tin a draina a easement from the Trustees of the Fort Lewis Christian Church: Mr. Mahoney stated this ordinance would authorize the Board to accept this easement from the Church. It is necessary to provide drainage from streets in the Fort Lewis Village Subdivision to allow them to be accepted into the Secondary System. The cost will be $120.00 from the subdivision bond. Mr. Mahoney advised that previously the Church had donated the easement. They later rescinded that action and decided to request payment. Supervisor McGraw moved to rescind the previous actioi and approve the second reading of the ordinance. The motion wa: seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following ~~recorded vote: April 28, 1987 __ __.-- -_ IIC EASEMENT FROM8THE7TRUSTEESN OF T EIFORT LEWIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ounty, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of he Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the acquisition .f the hereinafter-described real estate was held on April 14, .987. A second reading on this matter was held on April 28, 1987. Che real estate to be acquired is a drainage easement of variable width across Lots 4 and 5, Section 1 of the Samuel White Farm and is located in the City of Salem; and 2. That the conveyance of the drainage easement from the trustees of the Fort Lewis Christian Church to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for the sum of One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McGraw to rescind previous action and approve ordinance, seconded by Supervisor Nickens. AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None 2. Ordinance amendin Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke Count Code (1971) b the re eal of subsection (a) (b) and (c) ertainin to certain standards and s ecifications: Mr. Mahoney stated this ordinance must be adopted concurrently witl the resolution adopted in the afternoon session concerning the Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities. Th first reading was held on March 10th. The second reading wa continued from March 24, 1987. The effective date of thi s p,pril 28, 1987 ors th ca o' 1987, even though the effective date of finance is April 28, was a o Resolution is March 24, 1987. He also noted there rrection on the ordinance. ~~~ second reading Supervisor Johnson moved to aPPr~~~ the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. ORDINAi COF 4TH--E 7R~ANOKEDCOUNTYCCODE 20.1 1 (1971) BY THE REPEAL OF SUB-SECTIO (TANDARDSAAND(SPECIFICATIONS TO CERTAIN S WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 0 a first reading of this ordinanc the Charter of Roanoke County, reading was held on Marc was held on March 10, 1987, a second ublic hearing was held thereo 24, 1987 and April 28, 1987,and a P an ordinanc ril 28, 1987, concerning on March 24, 1987 and Ap Cod ortions of the Roanoke County amending and repealing P drants; and valves and hY pertaining to the design of water mains, ter 20, "Water," of th WHEREAS, Section 20.1-11 of Chap the 198 22, "Water," of 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter s ecifica Roanoke County Code) provides for certain standards and P fire hydrants; and tions for water mains, valves and ecifications conflic WHEREAS, said standards and sp ertain proposed "Design and Construction Standards fo with c Water Facilities , and ^Design and Construction Sta WHEREAS, said proposed t were adopted y resolution of „• b dards for Water Facilities" contemporaneou ervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, Board of Sup ly with the adoption of this ordinance• the Board of Superv'- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by Virginia, as follows: sors of Roanoke Coun y. 20,1-11 of the Roanoke County Co e 1, That Section to read and Pr (1971) is amended and portions thereof repealed vide as follows: Sec. 20.1-11. Design of mains; valves and hydrants. ~: April 28, 1987 be th fc t: a~ la All mains, valves, hydrants, fittings and accessories shall designed to withstand a normal working pressure of not less an one hundred and fifty pounds per square inch and shall con- rm to the specifications of -the American Water works Associa- .on, state regulations and county specifications and standards iopted by the board by resolution and in effect at the time of ~proval. {a{ Mains: Mains sha}} be six inehesz inside dlameterz ex- eptrn the ease of dead-end streets er Nhere used Para}}e} to ~tx inch Mains or }arger n-alns }coated Nithtn the same street of sight-of-way: }n ne ease aha}} any v-ater main be }ess than fear No water main serving one er mere fire Enehesz Inatde diameter: ~nsta}- hydrants sha}} be }ess than aix tnehesz tnatde diameter: }atten of a hydrant en existing }tees with an inside diameter the director- A}} dead- }ess than six Inches mast be approved by end water mama sha}} have adequate b}eN-e£f va}veeeifieattens drants at the end thereof in aeeerdanevea}tle'hs~ }} be testa}}ed at and standards- Automatic arr re}tef the high points of water mains where aeeumu}atten of air may Interfere with the f}ew: £aeh va}ve {b} va}ves- A}} va}vea sha}~ epee to the }e£t- eratien with standard ve}ve key through sha}} be aeeeaaib}e for op a va}ve box extending to the greand surface.- {e} £ire Hydrants.- Hydrants sha}} have two two and enc-ha}~ Inch nezz}es and one fear and one-ha}f inch pan+per nezz}e revided with snitab}e gaskets to provide nezz}e caps aha}} be p ehalne tight seat Kith the nezz}es- 5ueh caps sha}} be secure}y drants: Eap Hats sha}} have the sae to the Barre} of the by the size of t1 dimensions as the operating nut of the hydrant: main va}ve opening of the hydrant aha}} be net }ess then four a one-ha}f inches: the hydrant sha}} connect to a six Inch bran PIPe }ine to which Ia }coated an Ise}sting gate va}ve: Hydrae aha}} be }Oeated not mere than two}ve feet from the edge of t cu ~e id -h is he Apra} ~$~ }98~ ----- :ve~nent nn}ess anther}aed by direeterc ~n Mater s7ste~ns serving sbdsv4siens= fire hydrants sha}} be testa}}ed so that there wt}} e at }east ene hydrant vr4th4n four hundred feet of the een atemf }sne of each }ot served by such s7 he front property lydrants sha}} be }oeated at street interseet4onsT sf Pesstb}e- -6rd- Ne- }5}~-} 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be pril 28, 1987• Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by cGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson YES: AYS: None N RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS IIg87-1 PETITION OF APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY r REQUESTING REZONING FROM B-1 OFFICE TO M-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL AND FROM M-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL TO B-1 OFFICE OF A 47 THE CATAWBA MAG STERIAL DISTRICTEN ROAD IN APP~D Supervisor McGraw stated he would abstain from a vote n this matter because of ownership of property adjacent to the etitioner. Assistant County Administrator Timothy Gubala announced hat this petition previously came to the Board in 1986. At that ime, there was a questions concerning where the office building ould be. Since then, the site plan has been worked out, and it 's necessary to amend the zoning. The Planning Commissior ecommended unanimous approval of this petition. Mr. Layman anc thers from Appalachian Power were present to answer questions. Supervisor Johnson asked if the screening and bufferin as to begin immediately. Mr. Layman responded that the Proffe ~f Condition includes this. Supervisor Johnson moved to approv ~he petition. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett. 3' r e April 28, 1987 _._~ -- --- -- --- FINAL ORDER ua NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that portions of the forementioned parcel of land, which is contained in Roanoke ounty tax maps as parcel 36.10-1-14 be rezoned from B-1 (Office) .o M-2 (General Industrial) District and that other portions be rezoned from M-2 (General Industrial) to B-1 (Office) District vith the result that the portion of the land zoned B-1 shall be is described in Schedule A attached hereto and the portion of the Land zoned M-2 shall be as described on Schedule B attached hereto, all subject to the following conditions: (p,) The portion of the land rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District) will not be used for any of the following: (1) Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, perfumed toilet soap, toiletries and food products; (2) Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas; (3) Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties and rubber and metal stamps; (9) Seed and feed stores; (5) Cabinet, furniture and upholstery shops; (6) Veterinary hospital and commercial kennels with exterior runs and yards; (7) Commercial laundry and dry cleaning plants; (8) Flea markets; (9) Brick manufacturing plants and sawmills; (10) Cotton spinning mills; (11) Boat building; (12) Stone works April 28, 1987 ----Tf _ - (B) In connection with its development of the subject roperty, Appalachian Power Company will landscape the property ubstantially in accordance with the Conceptual Planting Plan ttached hereto, identified by drawing number SKA-4002C PL and ated March 3, 1987. Those areas labeled "proposed planting" on he Planting Plan will be landscaped at the time of initial site ~~ rading so as to comply with the Type E" requirements of the oanoke County Screening and Buffering Ordinance (section 1-92.g., Roanoke County Code). (C) (1) If Appalachian Power Company has not, by February 1, 991, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of he land rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District) in accordance ith a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County fficials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted y Roanoke County on request of Appalachian Power Company, ppalachian Power Company will promptly offer the entire 47+ acre arcel for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1 j~~nd M-2. (2) If Appalachian Power Company has not, by February. 1993, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of he land rezoned B-1 (Office District) in accordance with a site lan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if o extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request of Appalachian Power Company, Appahachian Power ompany will promptly offer the portion of the land rezoned B-1 for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1. Legal Description of Property: (a) The portion of land rezoned B-1 (Office District) is described in Schedule A attached. (b) The portion of the land rezoned M-2 (Genera: Industrial District) is described in Schedule B attached. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order b transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and tha 4 r Ilh April 28, 1987 e be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map f Roanoke County. on the ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Johnson and up 'ollowing recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, Nickens, Johnson AYES JAYS : None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw HEDUL_E A: Description of Property Rezoned B-1 (Office District) BEGINNING at ri htnof way line ofnLoch1HavenpDrivepat located in the northerly g ro erty now or formerly of Donald E. the southwest corner of the p p ri ht Davis (Deed Book 939, page 18); thence with the nortcourses and of way line of Loch Haven Drive the following distances: S. 570 55' 32" W 89.97 feet to an iron pin S. 38° 58' 32" W• monumenteet to a concrete highway S. 48° 40' S0" W. 156.52 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 63° 55' 18" W. 223.70 feet to a concrete highway „ monument; thence leaving the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive S. 13° O1' 24 E 40.00 feet to a p.k. nail in the center of Loch Haven Drive thence with the center of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: 176,53 feet to a p.k. nail; S, 76° 03' W• 244.38 feet to a p.k. nail; S. 76° 37' 48" W. with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 45.00 feet, a radius of 715:8780 25t'Wan44•ghfeetoto chord of said curve being a point; thence leaving Loch Haven Drive and thehfollowinge courrses and property of Appalachian Power Company, distances: 245.00 feet to a point; o N. 07 55 172,00 feet to a point; o N. 52 05~ 145.00 feet to a point; N. 18° 45 W. 753.00 feet to a point; o " N. 44 32' 23" E. 207.89 feet to a concrete o er in, corner monument with°fcGPatton E. wells; to property thence running with the lands of Gratton E. wells N. 79° 13' 04 E. 335.00 feet to an old pin, commoe 30)nand DonaldhE.lDa ai ~ Dee Bookr939,spageDlBa;Bthence0wi hgthe Davis lands S. 6° 15~ E 282,20 feet (passing a concrete monument with copper Pin a 232.20 feet) to a concrete monument with copper pin in th northerly right of way line of Loch Have Drive, the point c BEGINNING, being shown on a plat entitled "Survey for th Appalachian Power Company showing 46.40 Acre Tract Property < 3 t e f e f f. April 28, 1987 -- -- -- --r- Levi A. Hoffman Estate," dated December 2, 1985, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. (revised March 4, 1986) B: Description of Property Rezoned M-2 BEGINNING at an old planted stone located near a rock all, which said old planted stone mlandsaofrPaultR.cMyers, Lot 2~, o the herein described property, orris Subdivision, in lands of Gratton E. Wells; thence leaving aid point of BEGINNING and running with the common boundary fnGrattoneEn Wellsathehfollowing two (2)pcoursesyandddistancesnds S. 76° 47' 02" E 163.0 feet toin,candrete monument with copper p N. 67° 45' 00" E• w~thOcoppertpin;concrete monument :hence running partly with the common boundary line between the paid herein described property and lands of Ellis L. Wells and running partly with other lands of Gratton E. Wells S.e2r3 p4n; 30: E. 561.60 feet to a concrete monument with cope thence leaving the line °alachiannPowere Companywthe following through the property of App courses and distances: S. 44° 32' 23" W. 207.89 feet t to to a point; oint; a S. 710 15' ' W. 753.00 00 145 fee feet to p a point; S. 18° 52° 45 05' E. E. . 172.00 feet to a point; S. S. 7° 55' W. 245.00 feet to a point - in the Drive; center of Loch Haven thence, running with the said center of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 147.48 feet, a radius of 718.87 feet, and the long II chord of said curve being S. 86° 06' W. 147.22 feet to a p.k. nail; N. 88° Ol' 44" W. 107.06 feet to a p.k.nail; N. 87° 11' 30" w. 229..06 feet to a p.k.nail; thence leaving the center of Loch Haven Drive N. 22° 54' E. 39.01 feet to a concrete highway monument in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive; thence with the northerly right of way lines of Loch Haven Drive and Virginia Route 419 the following courses and distances: N. 75° 41' 10" W. 109.99 feet to a concrete highway monument; g. 74° 39' S0" W. 68.12 feet to a concrete highway monument; with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 207.77 feet, a radius of 798.51 feet, and the lonc chord of said curve being N. 78° 13' 20" w. for a distance of 207.19 feet to an iron pin; N. 56° 33' 24" W. 105.30 feet to an iron pin; N. 62° 32' 56" W. 166.18 feet to a concrete highway monument; N. 78° 15' 18" W. 95.33 feet to an iron pin; and N. 65° 02' S6" W. 227.79 feet to a concrete monument with a copper pin; fence leaving said northerly right of way line of Virginia Route .9 and running partly with the common boundary line of said rein described property and lands of Raymond D. Hinchee and inning partly with the lands of Gary R. Myers the following two 2) courses and distances: N. 300 10' E passing a concrete monument with copper pin at a distance °n all a 30.00 feet and running total distance of 71.62 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; and N, 510 27' E. 834.00 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; :hence, running with the common boundary line of the said herein iescribed property and said lands of Paul R. Myers N. 470 31~the 263.00 feet to an old planted stone located near a rock wally for point of BEGINNING, being shown on a plat entitled "Survey Appalachian Power Co. showing 46.40 Acre Tract Property of Levi A. Huffman Estate," dated December 2, 1985, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. (Revised March 4, 1986.) tl 4: h r 487_2 PETITION OF GERHARD SIGRIST REQUESTING AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONS OF A TRACT CONTAINING 0.76 ACRES AND LOCATED ON ROUTE 221 IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. APPS D Mr. Gubala noted this was previously heard by the Board of Supervisors in January of 1986. At that time a fast food restaurant was proposed and the property was rezoned B-2 with the owners have found proffered conditions. Since that time, lans to put a another client to use the property. Mr. Sigrist p sewing machine sales and service facility on the property, anc wishes to amend the conditions of the original rezonrof.fere~ Planning Commission recommended approval with p conditions. Heywood Fralin was present to represent the petitioner Mr. Fralin stated there had been concern with the number o entrances on Brambleton Avenue. The petom Brambleton Avenue proffer that only one entrance will come fr There may be an additional entrance from the side street. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the petiti~ I with proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervis a in or McGraw. April 28, 1987 _ __ ~_-- _---- _ - FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land which is contained in the Roanoke County tax Maps as Parcel 77,09-4-42,43 and 44 and recorded in Deed Book and legally described below be amended by B-2 District to B-2 Conditional District. East 50' of Lot 8, all of Lot 9 and 10, D. B. Ferguson Map BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1, The westerly 100' of the parcel will be used for a sewing machine sales and service facility. 2, The building housing the sewing machine sales and service will be consistent with the design of the existing property bounded on the westerly side of the rezoned parcel. 3, No portion of the property will be used for any of the following: (a) Public billiard parlors and poolrooms, bowling alleys, golf driving ranges and similar forms o public amusement (b) Animal hospitals or clinics and commercial kennels. (c) Home for adults April 28, 1987 - - ---- -----R - uo (d) Hospitals, hospital special care or nursing home. (e) Flea markets (f) Undertaker establishment (g) General advertising billboards 4, Only one (1} entrance of reasonable width will be cut Ef of Brambleton Avenue to serve the two proposed 100' parcels. 487-3 PETITION OF CHARLES AND ANN HOWARD FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT TO OPERATE A THENCATAWBAUMAGISTERIALODDSTRICTDRIVE IN WITHDRAWN Chairman Johnson announced that the petitioner has withdrawn this request. IN RE: CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Johnson announced that since there were many) citizens present to address the Board, he was imposing a three-minute time limit. The following residents of the Windsor West area of Southwest County spoke on the drainage, flooding, and sewer problems in their neighborhood. 1. Diana L. Smith, 2534 Willowlawn Street S. W• 2. Anita J. Caldwell, 2526 Willowlawn Street S. W• 3. Robert Tennant, 3716 Kentland Drive S. W• 4. Ellen Wallace, 36626 Kentland Drive S. W• 5. Zane Altice, 3617 Kentland Drive S. W• 6. Gene Curbow, 3637 Kentland Drive S. W• 7. Victoria V. Holpe, 3438 South Park Circle S. W• g. Lisa Bennettr 3606 Kentland Drive S. W• The following residents of the Palm Valley/Sun Valle and other areas of Northwest and Northeast County spoke on tk drainage, flooding and sewer problems in their area. Y .e APril 28, 1987 1. R. M. Easley, 1202 Nover Avenue N. W. 2. Jack R. Hurd, 113 Verndale Dr. N. E. 3. Daniel R. Otey, 5346 Palm Valley Rd. N. E. 4. Minnie Reynolds, 30 Orlando Avenue N. E. 5. Janice Mitchell, 30 Orlando Avenue N. E. 6. Palmer Black, 5336 Palm Valley Rd. N. E. Mr. Gene Curbow presented a petition signed by F Supervisors residents in both areas requesting that the boar ~~ establish funding for drainage, cleanup, sewer and flooding prc~c~ic.«~ . Chairman Johnson advised the residents that the Army Corps of Engineers is now studying Mason's Creek, Carvin's Creek nd Tinker Creek. The Board of Supervisors directed County Administrator Elmer Hodge and staff, along with two board members to ascertain the problems, and to prepare a program of action, both short-term and long-term. Chairman Johnson requested that a report be brought back to the board in thirty days. Supervisor Nickens moved to direct the County Attorney to take the appropriate legal steps to increase the vehicle decal fee by the maximum allowed on July 1, 1987, and that $200,000 of G ~Ithese funds be allocated to solve the drainage and flooding roblems. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. Mr. Hodge requested that the Board wait thirty days ntil the report is prepared before taking this action. upervisor Nickens responded that he felt the Board should begir taking some action immediately to correct the problems. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYS: None f: April 28, 1987 MaY 12, 1987 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton1ape24018SW Roanoke, Virg MaY 12, 1987 Board of Supervisors of Roanoke The Roanoke County Roanoke County County, Virginia, met this day at the the first Tuesday, and the Administration Center, this being ,first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of May, 1987. IN RE; CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m, The roll call was taken. Johnson, Vice Chairman Lee Chairman Bob L• H, Brittle, Garrett, Supervisors A1Nickens MEMBERS PRESENT: Harry C• Steven A. McGraw, None John ~ MEMBERS ABSENT: e County Administrator; Elmer C. Hodg , C o u n t y Assistant John STAFr PRESENT: M, C h a m b l i s s~ ement Services; AdministratAssistant County Administrator R. Hubbard, Timothy W. Gubala, Facilities; f or of Public County Administrator Assistant Development; Paul M. Mahoney. Community Mary H, Allen, Deputy County Attorney, Director of Human Clerk; D. Keith Claytor, Department of Resources; Kathy Human Resources IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend Arthur Grant, odlawn United Methodist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was 40 recited by all present. IN RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS May 12 , 19 87 _______ -- _ Administrator, reported that the Elmer C. Hodge, County _ dent Government Day activities were very successful. to REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF N RE: GENDA ITEMS E_3, Request for Chairman Johnson added Item Elementary School and supplemental Literary Loans for Glenvar S c h o o l. M a s o n' s C o v e E l e m e n t a r y E: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS IN R Strickland, a member Chairman Johnson introduced Wayne ter of the American of the Board of Directors of the Virginia Chap Association (VAPA). Mr. Strickland announced that each planning the VAPA honors projects and individuals that demOThis year, year lanning profession. high level of excellence in the p e County entered Lydia Johnson for their 1987 Student/Class Mr. Roanok project Award, and VAPA has chosen her for the state awaMr. Herb to Miss Johnson's father, Strickland presented the award ^ition. Johnson, who thanked the County for this recog IN RE: NEW BUSINESS pa Ste for 1 A royal of Additional orted that staff Classification and Pa Plan: D. Keith Cook rep be added to the Classification is recommending an eighth step of County positions any to maintain the competitive status o Plan to ees who were at the top provide an increase for those emp Y lary scale. The cost would be $49,181, and staf their sa May 12, 1987 ,commends that funds for this be allocated from the 1987/88 yard Contingency Fund. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve an additional pay ;ep in the Classification and Pay Play. The motion was seconded y Supervisor Brittle. Supervisor Nickens was concerned that the Board was pproving an additional pay step when this plan was established o reflect the proper salary scale for each job. He was also ;oncerned that the County has told the public that this was a sight budget year, and now the County is coming up with additional funds for a pay increase. Supervisor Brittle pointed out this was coming from the Board Contingency Fund, and was a very good use of the funds. Mr. Cook advised the Board that a task force has been established to look at the entire salary structure and that this was a one-time additional step. Supervisor Nickens offered a substitute motion that the .Human Resources Department develop a plan for those employees at the top of their salary by which they could be compensated by an amount not to exceed 2-1/2 percent, and that the procedure include a process that this 2-1/2 percent not be added on to future year's salary schedule. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Cook described what the task force will be doing over the next year. Supervisor Johnson asked Mr. Cook to stud the JLARK recommendation that the Roanoke County Sheriff': Department does not meet the requirements for extra hazardous paY He also requested that those employees who are not required t have a degree, but on their own return to college for the degree be recognized in the pay scale. The original motion was carried by the followir re Bc s Ib a recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Johnson AYES: NAYS: Supervisor Nickens May 12, 1987 _._-- _ _ -- -- II ABSENT: None ~ 2, p, royal of an Investment Polic for Roanoke Treasurer Alfred Anderson was present to answer ~ou_ nty: County any questions on the prepared report. This policy establishes guidelines for the efficient management of County funds and applies to investments of the financial assets of the County. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Investment policy. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None .BSENT: None 3, Re uest from the School Board for Su lemental ~iterar Loans for Glenvar Elementar School and Mason's Cove Elementary Schools County Administrator Elmer Hodge announced es Wilson and Homer Duff from the County Schools were that Bay unable to attend to present the report. These supplemental loans are for the Mason's Cove cafeteria addition and a classroom and cafeteria addition for Glenvar Elementary School. ~ Supervisor Johnson advised that these loans are on the debt retirement schedule. Supervisor Garrett moved to authorize the School Board to proceed with these applications. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson YES: NAYS: None BSENT: None RE: REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS Chairman Johnson requested a work session on the Pa nd Classification Plan when the task force has completed it ork and requested that the work session include the issues Y ~I s ei May 12, 1987 ---- - - II If had requested earlier in the meeting regarding the JLARK study and salary increases for those who pursue a college degree. IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Supervisor Brittle stated he had received phone calls on the Cat Rabies Ordinance, and wondered if the seconMd.rMahoney could be postponed until the second meeting in May. explained the process of first and second readings of ordinances. IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1, Ordinance amendin Cha ter 13 "Offenses- Miscellaneous: Section 13 and 14 of the Roanoke Count Code concernin Unlawful Dis osal of Waste Materials and Unlawful Accumulations of Trash and Weeds: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney, reported that as a result of a Court case, it has become necessary to tighten up parts of the ordinance. A draft of the ordinance was brought to the Board at the last meeting. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None ABSENT: None 2. Ordinance authorizin Ac uisition of Easements Mr. Mahoney reported this for Castle Rock Sewer Line: roximately ordinance would authorize the staff to acquire app eight easements for a sewer line project. This project will be funded from the 1974 sewer bond proceeds. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nicken and carried by the following recorded vote: May 12, 1987 ,AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYS: None ABSENT: None 3. Ordinance authorizin Ac uisition of Easement for he Brambleton Avenue Highway Project: Mr. Mahoney advised this ordinance would authorize the staff to acquire easements for the Brambleton Avenue Highway Project. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. Supervisor Brittle wondered if there was anything that could be done to ease the burden of the establishments on (Brambleton Avenue because of the adverse affect on business while the highway project is going on. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None N RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1, Ordinance amendin Article 2 of Cha ter 5 "Animal and Fowl" of the Roanoke Count Code re uirin the Vaccination of Cats to Prevent Rabies: Mr. Mahoney reported this is the second reading of the draft ordinance. The effective date of the ordinance is June 1, 1987. The first reading was or April 28, 1987. The matter has been discussed at length ai previous board meetings. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the second reading lof the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Superviso dBrittle. ORDINANCE 51ANIMALSEANDNFOWL°COF 2T HE CHAPTER 5, " VACCZNATIONOOF CATSODO PREV4NTI RABIES HE May 12, 1987 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke unty, Virginia, as follows: 1, That Section 5-66, 5-67, 5-68, 5-69 and 5-70 of ticle 2 of Chapter 5 "Animals and Fowl" are hereby amended to gad and provide as follows: >.ction 5-66. Vaccination required. keep, (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to own, or cat over the age of six (6) months old, or harbor any dog unless the dog or cat has been vaccinated with ithin the county, 36) months. (b) p,ny person transporting a dog or cat six (6> from some other jurisdic- tonths of age or older into the county :ion shall be required to comply with this section within thirty (30) days after bringing the dog or cat into the county. Section 5-67. Vaccination certificate. At the time of vaccination of a dog or cat pursuant to Section 5-66, a certificate shall be issued to the owner of the dog or cat, which certificate shall be properly executed and sign- a licensed veterinarian, and shall certify that the dog or ed by cat has been vaccinated as required by Section 5-66. The certifi- cate shall show the date of vaccination, a brief description of the dog or cat, and its sex and breed, and the name of the owner of the dog or cat. A copy of such certificate shall be sent at once to the county and kept on file where duplicate copies may be obtained by the dog's or cat's owner, upon payment of such fee as is prescribed by the board of supervisors. Section 5-68. Impoundment of unvaccinated dogs or ca Which is no (a) Any dog or cat found in the county vaccinated as required in this division shall be impounded by th animal control officer or other officer and held at the anima shelter for a period of seven (7) days. The dog or cat may t returned to its owner, upon proof of ownership, vaccination c or cat, and payment of the cost of impounding the dog o~ the dog Co AY rf S~ h F l li e ii f May 12, 1987 at. Such payment shall not relieve the owner from prosecution or violating Section 5-66. (b> At the expiration of the seven-day (7) period, any og or cat impounded under this section and not claimed by its ~wner may be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of ~ection 29-213.66 of the Code of Virginia. Section 5-69. Vaccination clinics. The board of supervisors may provide for clinics for he vaccination of dogs and cats under the supervision of the nimal control officer and the health director and fix fees to be harged for services rendered at such clinics. ection 5-70. Quarantine in event of rabies epidemic. When, in the judgment of the health director, an emer- ency shall be deemed to exist in the county or any section there- f due to a widespread rabies epidemic, the health director may, for the protection of the public health, declare a quarantine in the county or such section thereof as may be affected and re- trict all dogs and ca _ts to the owners' premises or to the immed- ,,iate custody of a responsible person for the duration of such li ~'pmergency as it is set forth. II 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be June 1987. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor rittle and carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson IAYS: None ABSENT: None 2. Ordinance acce tin Deed of easement from Urban ~evelo ment and Investments Ltd.: Mr. Mahoney stated that this development is across from Winterberry Pointe and expander easements are required due to topographical reasons. They are (conveying an additional 20 foot water easement and two five foo May 12, 1987 iitary sewer easements. The first reading of the ordinance was ril 28, 1987• Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the second reading the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle sa Ap of EASEMENT FROM BURBAN CDEVELOPMENTDAND INVESTMENT, LTD. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke aunty, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of he Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the acquisition ~f the hereinafter described real estate was held on April 28, _987, A second reading on this matter was held on May 12, 1987. Phis real estate is located between Virginia Route 419 and ycVitty Road; and 2. That the conveyance of a 20' water easement and two 5' sanitary sewer easements from Urban Development and Invest- ment, Ltd. to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is here- by authorized and approved; and 3, That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IIC BSENT: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Su ervisor McGraw requested approval from the Board of Supervisors to direct staff to do whatever is necessary to May 12, 1987 ----- -- ---- __ II rain the pond at Andrew Lewis Place because it has become a ajor health hazard. Supervisor McGraw also asked if anything could be done .bout the mosquitoes that surround the drainage ponds and sink poles. County Administrator Elmer Hodge directed Chief Animal lontrol Officer Kenneth Hogan and Dr. Margaret Hagen, Health irector, to investigate safe but effective ways to control osquitoes in the County, and bring a report back to the Board. Super r Garrett asked County Administrator Elmer odge if anything has been done yet to solve the drainage roblems at Kentland Road and South Park Circle. Mr. Hodge esponded that the culvert has been cleaned out and the task `orce is studying short and long term solutions for these roblems. Supervisor Garrett also asked County Attorney Paul ahoney what progress he has made on the study of using andicapped citizens to issue citations to those parking in andicapped spaces. Mr. Mahoney responded that a report should e available within a few days. Supervisor Johnson presented a computer printout ith all the financial obligations of the County for the next wenty years. He asked the staff for a permanent backing for the printout to be hung in the Board office. RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the Consent genda. Supervisor Johnson seconded the motion. RESOLUTION NO. 51287_6 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH FOR THISBDATE DESIGNATEDIASRITEMELDA CONSENT AGENDA May 12, 1987 gE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke) unty, Virginia, as follows: 1, That that certain section of the agenda of the >ard of Supervisors for May 12, 1987, designated as Item L - ~nsent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to Bch item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 hrough 2, inclusive, as follows: Cc B~ G e It 1, Minutes of Meetings - March 30, 1987, April 7, 1987. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Human Services Committee and the Recreation Commission. 2, That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. Su ervisor On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by P Johnson and carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: (NAYS: None ABSENT: None II IN RE: CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None IN RE: REPORTS The following reports were received and filed: 1, Economic Development Update 2. Board Contingency Fund 3, Accounts Paid for April 1987 q, Unappropriated Fund Balance 5, Youth Haven II Status Report May 12, 1987 ---- - - - --- --- - __ --- - --- ------------ - - - II Supervisor Brittle congratulated Bev Waldo, Youth Haven I Program Manager and Elmer Hodge for working out a trade-off greement with Roanoke City for placement slots at YOUTH HAVEN II. Supervisor Nickens questioned the accuracy of the fnappropriated Fund Balance. County Administrator Elmer Hodge -esponded that this would be checked and corrected if necessary. :N RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION At 3:10 p.m., Supervisor Brittle moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia, Section 2.1-344 (a) (1) to discuss a personnel matter. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by a unanimous voice ,vote. IN RE: OPEN SESSION Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Open Session at 4:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by a unanimous voice vote. RE: ADJOURNMENT At 4:01 p.m. Chairman Johnson declared the meeting djourned. Bob L. Johnson, Chairman A-6987-12.a ITEM NUMBER T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAKE COUNTYEAD MINISTRATIONN CENTER A COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROAN MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 e in Sanitary Sewer Easement SUB_ J__; Chang Branderwood Section #3 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Boone, & Loeb, Inc., The developer of Branderwood, Boone, sewer easement has presented a plan to revise the sanitary on Lot 17 Block 2, Section #3 of the Brae dt on°of located atio area of Subdivision. This revisedteaselocatedcwithin the1P P n of Lot the existing easement tha the remaining porn o the house on Lot 17. Additionally, which is west of the sewer line is added to the existing 17 easement. vacation of a portion of the inswhech to mainta ntthe The rovide additional area atio to be of easement will p sewer line and at the entmareame will permit t e p located outside the eas FISCAL IMPACT: There are no County funds required for this change. RECOMMENDATION: taff recommends that the Boa in thehhatchedaareaoofothe S portion of this easement as indicate hed lan and accept the additional easement as indicated on attac P the same plan. taff also recommends controls be put into place by the S artment to insure that permits Construction Building Services Dep are not issued for construction within easements. ~, / ~ f v - ~-~ SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Cliff rd Craig Director of Util' ies ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------- ACTION VOTE SAM/LG to a rove No Yes Abstain Approved Q() Motion by: Brittle X Denied ( ) staff recommen ation Garrett X Received ( ) Johnson X Referred McGraw X To Nickens X cc: File Clifford Craig Phillip Henry John Hubbard ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BNOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 UBJECT: Addition of Martha Drive (Route 1916) and Gates Circle S ---- 1917 into the Virginia Lapartment of (Route stem Transportation Secondary Sy BOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ted a resolution g, 1986, the Board of Supervisors adop On July e uesting that the Department of Tands0 09 miles of Route 01917 r q miles of Route 1916 (Martha Dris stem. (Gates Circle) into the Secondary Y ar K. Mabry, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Osc Transportation has now inf ~med us that this addition is approved, effective May 21, 198 APPROVED BY: SUBMITTED BY: ~.~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge Mary H. Allen County Administrator Deputy Clerk ------------------ ---------- ---- VOTE --------------------- ACTION No Yes A] ed ( ) Motion by: Brittle - Approv Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To ~._ Nickens in r•.~< g 4 > , DEPARTMDENA~ BROADSTREORTATION RICHMOND, 23219 RAY D.PETHTEL COMMISSIONER May 21, 1987 /~- '/ OSCAR K. MABRY DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke p, O. Box 3800 Roanoke, VA 24015 Members of the Board: our resolution dated July 8, 1986, the follow- As requested in y stem of Roanoke County are hereby ing additions to the Se21nd1987Sy approved, effective May LENGTH ADDITIONS NORTHGATE SUBDIVISION Route 1916 (Martha Drive) - From Route 1832 to a south cul-de-sac Route 1917 (Gates Circle) - From Route 1916 to a southeast cul-de-sac Sincerely, ~~'~``''rr'f~ Oscar K. Mabry Deputy Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 0.12 Mi. 0.09 Mi. A-6987-12b ITEM NUMBER R MEETING OF THE BOARD OFUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER AT A REGULA COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE C June 9, 1987 MEETING DATE: artment Request for Fireworks Permit from Hills Dep SUBSUB--'JE- Store COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ermit for a fireworks artment Store has requested a P Hills Dep d on July 4, 1987 . Firewnrdk theyl w 1 d agreerto display to be hel Carolina will conduct the display. a following safety precautions: Hills S. Foster's recommendation. one Pursuant to Sheriff O. to ten off-duty officers, starting is required to emp Y in and to extend one hour eg Six of these hour before the fireworks beyond the time that the fireworks en . ned to handle additius d tonfthe officers would be assig and four would be on Route 419 and Route 221. parking lot at Hills Department Store. Store has received approval from the Board for Hills Department ears. this fireworks display for several y APPROVED BY: SUBMITTED BY: yj ~ ~ e ~~G~-~d'` I`o'' Elmer C. Hodg Mary H. Allen County Administrator -- Deputy Clerk --------------------------- __ ------------------ VOTE ----------- -----------ACTIO e with No Yes BLJ/NLG to approv X X Motion by: Brittle --~ Approved ~ ~ safety precautions Garrett --~- Denied ~ ~ Johnson ~- Received ( ~ McGraw -~- Referred Nickens To ~- cc: File Fireworks File Sheriff Foster Tommy Fuqua / `t ~' ~T FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT APPLICATION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2 of the a lies anoke County Code the following organization hereby PP Ro for a display to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County of fireworks within Roanoke County. ~~~ ~ 1, Name of organization - -~ ~-~ r--:~,,,/; ,tax 2, Address of organization - ~.~ / ,;:. 3, Date of fireworks display - ~ q, Location of fireworks display - ualified expert who will conduct such 5, Name and address of q ualification as an expert - display and basis for his q ry rv~ L" ; fr r a ~ , , ,~/ ~ ____~r~ ~. - , The undersigned hereby certifies that the provisions 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code have been read and of Section fireworks that will be complied with by said organization. Any fired after the display shall be immediately disposed remain un of in a safe manner. ts~ G. ~ i. Name and Title PROD' '~=R `_ I W E J Insurance 212 S. Market Wichita, KS 67202 316-2E5-6241 INSURED FIREWORKS , Inc . AUSTIN 4440 5outKSa67210Vd- Wichita, _ ~, ~~± ~ I~~~'~~IT~~ lati #;~fa ~+ z .'~~ ~`'~` I l4i ISSUE DATE (MMIDD/YY ~"'~ _ .~ ~ ~ _ r E ~ 05-29_87 TFIIS CERTIFICAT TIRE CERTIDFAS A MATTER 1 EFDI BYORHE ? ON ONLY AND CONFERS KATE HOLDER. TNIS CERTIFOLIC ES BELOW. AMEND, NO RIGHTS UPON EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORD `, ~/ COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE A~~k, ` "t" A ,ILLINOIS INSURANCE EXCE3ANGE~f? COMPANY - - ~' l LETTER _ _._._ -.---__ COMPANY B AE LETTER COMPANY C TRAVERLES INDEMNITY LETTER COMPANY p LETTER COMPANY E 3a LETZ E R E LISTED BELOW HAVE dtENACSUEDTO THE INSURED NACMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIODINDICATED. ~ TOR OTFIER DOCUMENT WITHO AL PECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY A L THE tERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANC LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY TFIE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJE NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONT BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, ppLICY EFFECTIVE POIICV EXPIFlATION EACH AGGREGATE TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. DATE (MMIDD/YY) DATE (MM/DD/YY) OCCURRENCE POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE BUDILV ~ INJURY GENERAL LIABILITY pROPERTY COMPREHENSIVE FORM DAMAGE ~ $ I PREMISESIOPERATIONS 5-].6-86 5_16-$$ UNDERGROUND D~L_O4-g 3 5 BI d PD $ EXPLOSION b COLLAPSE HAZARD COMBINED 1 ~ 000 1, 000 PRODUCTSICOMPLETED OPERATIONS A CONTRACTUAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS PERSONAL INJURY BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE ----" PERSONAL INJURY B(XIItY INJURY (PER PERSON) eV AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY gODIIY , , ' INJURY ANY AUTO (PERIICpDENT) $ ' ''`' ALL OWNED AUTOS (PRIN. PASS.) X ALL OWNED AUTOS ~ pRIV RPASS ~ 2 - 2 5- $ 7 2 2 5 8 8 DAMAGETM $ L. X HIRED AUTOS 6SBAP56OG$62 BI d PD X NON-OWNED AUTOS COMBINED $ 5, 000 GARAGE LIABILITY BI d PD COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM STATUTORY (EACH ACCIDENT) OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) 7-15-86 7-15-87 $500( WORKERS' COMPENSATION 4C431786 $ 100 (DISEASE-EACHEMPLOYI AND 9 B - EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER '~ • see back of Certificate OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLESISPECIAL ITE L'ADDIo~eONAL INSUREDS • ~ ext Clear Might Roanoke, VA DESCRIPTION Lot ~ gills Dep RAIN DATE : I~t LOCATION: Parking DISPLAY ?SATE: 7-4-87 ~ ` . • ~ ~ ~ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE 5~~ DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR 1 H111 1~ MAIL DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TI g De t . ~tC~re ~f ®~ ,~' PIRATI~~ BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABI ambleton AVe . LEFT, ENTS O REPRESENTATIVES. 3901 Er -~'FT;NY~-KIND UPON T COMP ,~ f~. VA 24018 ~ E oanoke, 7,(THORIZED REPRE ~-~~, j %~~ ~j • ~. `.- .. - . V ~ ~ DEPARTMENT STORES ~ _ L `er~ ~T J TO~ Distribution FROM=~ Janet Odegard, Manager Advertising promotions -DATE= June 2, 1987 . SUBJECT = FIREWO~ INSURANCE Attached is your Certificate of Insurance from Austintown Fireworks who is insuring Fireworks Unlimited, the company Chat will be responsible for your store's fireworks display. 1 for your fireworks permit now that Please. immediately app y The fireworks will be on Saturday, you have your insurance. July 4 at 10.15 pm, except for X124 whose fireworks will be on Friday, .July 3 at IONS pm. Thank you for your cooperation. Distribution: 17-20-22-24-25-32-53-54-72-124 ITEM NUMBER- '"= R MEETING OF THE BOARD OF NTYEADMINISTRATION CENTER AT A REGULA COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE CO MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 royal of Resolution of Support for the Blue Ridge SUB_.J_ ECT_ paPkways's "DEDICATION 87" Celebration COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: After 52 years of ~ 11 beucomplet d $124 million in costs, the on September 11, 1987. Blue Ridge Parkway wi 1 o n g a summer- n i t i o n o f t h i s a c h i e Vlannedtby the Commonwealth I n r e c o g „DEDICATION g7" is being p celebration, North Carolina and the Blue R1 ge of Virginia, the State °fhlight of the celebration will be on The hig the Parkway Association. 11, 1987, with the the neatcGra dfathermMountain- September constructio final segment of Parkway reQuested a "DEDICATION 87" Committee has The Blue Ridge Parkway similar Su ort for this effortsemblyteriactedoae Coun y Resolution °ervisors. The General As Board of Sup 1987. resolution in February RECOMMENDATION roved by the t is recommended that the attached resolution be ap hat a certified copy be sent to the I and t Board of Supervisors, Blue Ridge Parkway "DEDICATION 87" Committee. ~-~~ SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen 1 rk APPROVED BY: ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Deputy C e ____ ----------- _____ -------- ----------------- VOTE -- ACTION No Yes Abs p,pproved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ~ Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To -_ Nickens L ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA - 1987 SESSION ~ ~ GENERA HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 365 rtation and the Division of Tourism to cooperate Requesting the Department of ?'ranspo the State of North Carolina. the National Park Service. and the Governor's to y o the Blue Ridge Parkway in the preparation with Commission on the 1987 Grand DeeBlue Ridge Parkway. of an appropriate dedication of g, 1987 Agreed to by the HouseSenate ~ bruary b 9,a 987 Agreed to by e Blue Ridge Parkway began as a titute tr~ide ~ioi the mountainskl of WHEREAS, th designed to provide much needed employment for des County, Virginia and North Carolina; and ro ect ~~ at Cumberland Knob in Allegheny WHEREAS, construction on ~~ 9 5;1 and has not only North Carolina. on Sep`heb~tervening fifty-two years. the Blue Rrenownedwexyample of how WHEREAS. duringu ose. but has become an internationally be carefully planned and fulfilled its original p rP harmony between man and the natural environment ~~ attributes of this implemented; and natural. cultural. and recreational WHEREAS, the outstanding of the Natloaal Park System have attracted more than 21 million vis e 470-mile-long unit .. ~ not y per year and ularity generated even though the Blue Ridge Parkway WHEREAS. this poP complete; and ilnal section oY Parkway under co last No~~Caroilna,nwil~ b hclomplePt~e WHEREAS, the around the rugged and historic Grand 1987 randountain Virginia and .the State of North Carolina, n apd open to visito a Commonwealthl~ of ~ nned and will implement "Dedication . WHEREAS. th cooperation with the National Park Service, have Pla of the final section; and `87," a summer-long series of events leading to the opening reciation, awareness, and •` edication '87" promises to attracilheadappl and even international WHEREAS, D contributing to thereby ~ well as the two states; and attention and attendance, understanding of the Blue Ridge Parkway dedication program has been sche nsltruction Sof tthebBluel Ridge Parkway; WHERr-AS; a nln of co the Fifty-second Anniversary of the begin ~ S . therefore, be it ~ Thy--the Department of now, the H~ of Delegates. ~ the Senate concurring, ~~A`u~te ~~ RESOLVED by Park Service. and the Governor's Study Transportation and the Drulina °tfhe oNational _$~ ~~ hee Pa ~ ay in the preparation of the State of North Ca of the Blue Ridg Commission on the 1987 Grand Opening re are a copy of appropriate dedica gTHER, That~the Clerklof thlegHou h °~a eleof tttiep Governor's Study 'RESOLVED '~ resentatlon to Jack C. Smith. this resolution for P ening of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Commission on the 1987 Grand Op . ~-' OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE TgE BOARD A AT THE ROANOKE CO U8TY ADMINISTRATI REGULAR MEETING OF 7 AT VIRGINIA, HELD JUNE 9, 19 COUNTY, CENTER ON TUESDAY, LUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE BLUE RIDGE RESO " PROJECT "DEDICATION g7 PARKWAY of Roanoke IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors BE County, Virginia, as follows: began as a Great WHEREAS, the Blue Ridge parkway designed to provide much needed undertaking of Virginia Depression era for destitute residents of the mountains employment and began at and North Carolina; on this project WHEREAS , construction on September Knob in Alleghany County, North Carolina- Cumberland two years, the 11, 1935; and fifty- WHEREAS, during the intervening but final purpose fulfilled it orig e Parkway has not only how harmony Blue Ridg renowned example of internationally carefully planned has become an man and the natural environment can be between lemented; and cultural, and and imp natural, WHEREAS, the outstanding of the long unit tional attributes of this 470-mile- more than 21 million visits recrea National Park System have attracted. per year; and o f parkway under WHEREAS, the final section e-half miles around the rugged and seven and on will be complete construction, Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina, historic 1987; and and open to visitors on September 11, wealth of Virginia and the State of WHEREAS, the CommOri park Service 'na, in cooperation with the National North Carole I 1 a summer-long "DEDICATION 87"- and have planned and will implement to the opening of the final section; or series of events leading edication program has been scheduled WHEREAS, a d second Anniversary of the is the Fifty- September 11, 1987 which e Parkway. of the Blue Ridg of construction t h a t t h e B oar d o f beginning NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED ounty supports the Commonwealth of Roanoke C Supervisors of the National Park Carolina and the State of North occasion Virginia, this important Service in their efforts to celebrate with appropriate ceremonies; and RESOLVED that the Deputy Clerk be BE IT FURTHER resolution for copy of this certified 87„ Committee. to prepare a directed "DEDICATION presentation to the Blue Ridge Parkway o~ ~'O~i Mira p ~~ Z o z a 18 E50 $8 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE CnDltri~~ v~ ~p~tnpkF June 11, 1987 Mr. Jack C. Smith- DEDICATION 87 Blue Ridge Parkway 14 W. Kirk Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24011 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAAGLISAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mr. Smith: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 6987-12.n concerning su ort for the Blue Ridge Parkway Dedication 87 Project. This pp the Board of Supervisors at their resolution was adop1987bY meeting on June 9, If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~~~ ~, wry H. Allen Deputy Clerk Attachment P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 Blue Ridge Parkway DEDICATION ' 8 a zaoll • (703> 34a-5188 or 14 W. Kirk Avenue • Roanoke, 700 Northwestern Plaza • Asheville, N.C. 288U1 • (~~) 259-0351 Committee Gary Everhardt Superintendent Blue Ridge Parkway and Chairman Sen. Harry R Byrd Jr. Winchester, YA Honorary VA Chairman Mrs. Richard G. Dick Winchester, YA Mrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier Jr. Scottsville, YA H.T.N. Graves Luray, yA Mrs. Mary R. Guynn Galax, YA C. W. Hardin Canton, N. C. Jack M. Hennessee Sylva, N. C. Mrs. Robert C. Kinser Asheville, N.C. N. C. Chairman Hugh Morton Linville, N. C. E. Spencer Robbins Blowing Rock, N. C. Jack C. Smith Roanoke, VA YA Chairman May 11 , 1987 Dr. Harry C. Nickens Chairman Roanoke County p.0. Box 510 Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Nickens: will reach an On September 11, 1987 the Blue Ridge Parkway historic milestone. After 52 years of construction and some 124-million in costs, the scenic motor road will be completed. ~ nation of this achievement, a summer-long celebration In reeog is being p the Commonwealth entitled "Dedication '87" Tanned by the nation and of Virginia, the State of North Coa 1 isnto ffi~e he Blue Ridge Parkway Association. Their common g the world more aware and apprecices to be found ontthe Pa kway recreational and cultural resour asses. and in the 29 counties through which it p The highlight of the celebratti n of theefinalos gmentlof to ca mile at Grandfather Mountain, this panoramic, 7.5- Parkway construction. On September 11, ublic. section officially will be opened to the p observe this occasion, we solicit your s a To help us adequately ort for "Dedication t87" in the form of a resolution. supp we are enclosing a copy of example you might wish to eO enacted by the General Assembly House Joint Resolution No. 365 1987 of Virginia in February, and its Thank you for your interest in the B1 ~~e o ~ ~inalwor a copy activities. We will appreciate receiving of any action you might take onto he nta ttus. If we can be of assistance, please don't hesitate Sincerely, "~~~ S o Ya, c~ ~ ~ ~ ~`"~'--fit a.~P Deborah Morgenthal Special Assistant to the Secretary .~~ ~ - a ~' ~. ., ING OF THE BOARD OF SCpUNTYSADMINISTRATOION AT A REGULAR MEET HELD AT THE ROANOKE 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA. JUNE 9- CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 6987-12.n OF SUPPORT FOR THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY "DEDICATION 87 PROJECT LVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke BE IT RESO Virginia, as follows: Grea t County, began as a WHEREAS, the Blue Ridge Parkway taking designed to provide much needed Depression era under the mountains of Virginia employment for destitute residents of and an at and North Carolina; th i s project beg on WHEREAS, construction tember nob in Alleghany County, North Carolina, on Sep Cumberland K 11, 1935; and two years, the Prvening fifty- WHEREAS, during the int_ not only fulfilled it original purpose but Blue Ridge Parkway has renowned example of how harmony has become an internationally Tanned and the natural environment can be carefully P between man lemented; and a n d and imP natural, cultural, WHEREAS, the outstanding the tributes of this 470-mile-long unit of recreational at tem have attracted more than 21 million visits National Park Sys per year ; and u n d e r WHEREAS, the final section of Parkway ed and ion, seven and one-half miles around the ruggom lete construct randfather Mountain in North Carolina, will be historic G 1987; and and open to visitors on September 11, WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of North Carolina, in cooperation with the National Park Service have planned and will implement "DEDICATION 87", a summer-long series of events leading to the opening of the final section; and WHEREAS, a dedication program has been scheduled for September 11, 1987 which is the Fifty-second Anniversary of the beginning of construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County supports the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State of North Carolina and the National Park Service in their efforts to celebrate this important occasion with appropriate ceremonies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Deputy Clerk be directed to prepare a certified copy of this resolution for presentation to the Blue Ridge Parkway "DEDICATION 87" Committee. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File DEDICATION 87 Committee ~ ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ~--' ATYA VIRGINIA HELDNATOTHEHROANORE COUNT , OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 UBJECT: Acceptance of Beavers LaionaSecondaryeSysDemve into the S ortat Vir~ a Department of Transp COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The residents of Fox Fire Subdivision requests that the rove a resolution to the Virginia Board of Supervisors app that they accept 0.15 Department of rsrLane anda0113 m le seof1Elizabeth Drive. miles of Beave w i t h The staff has inspected these roads along inia Department of Transportation and representatives of the Virg find these roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~ ram. The art of the Roanoke County Bond Prog This is p estimated cost will be $25,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to uesting that they accept Beavers Lane and Elizabeth the VDOT req stem. Drive into the Secondary Road Sy p,PPROVED SUBMITTED BY: ~ - ~'~ ~ III, P.E. Elmer C. Hodge h A. Peters, County Administrator sistant Director of gineering -------------- ------------------- VOTE Abs -------------- ACTION No Yes p,pproved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens 2 .~-~- --~-__ - _3 ~ • •~o. p61 D \-m_ VICINITY MAP ~~•,~'-- Cr ~.. ~' NORTH i~ i, 7~ i . •/ ~ ',' . ~; ,; i - /; ~:' ~- ,. /' i r. i.. ~, ,. l` ~~ ~. o 1. ~~~ ~°' Ses Mop 71 ~" . 400 T of .BEAVERS LA. DEPARTMEN PUBLIC FACILITIES & ELIZABETH D • .. .. ~ (rte f .~.. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HCENTER ONETUESDAYE JUNET9,p,1987ISTRP,TION RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BEAVERS LAND AND ELIZABETH DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Beavers Lane and Elizabeth Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Fox Fire Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 90, of the records of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on June 30, 1977, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said roads known as Beaver Lane and Elizabeth Drive and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. M T THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMINISORAOION A 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TH CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, RESOLUTION 6987-lELIZABE~HEDRIVE INTOPTHECVIRGINIA BEAVERS LANE AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: on the 1, That this matter came this day to be heard up Lane and proceedings herein, and upon the application of Beavers lizabeth Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary E stem of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia Sy State Code. 2, That it appears to the Board that drainage easements d a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore an deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Fox Fire was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 90, of Subdivision which map records of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roanoke the 1977, and that by reason of the County, Virginia, on June 30, recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor from the abutting property consent or donation of right-of-way owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said roads known as Beaver Lane and Elizabeth this Drive and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying established as public Resolution, be, and the same are hereby stem of Highways roads to become a part of the State Secondary Sy Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official in . hi hway by the Virginia Department acceptance of said streets or g of Transportation. ervisor motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Sup On arrett and upon the following recorded vote: G McGraw, Nickens, Johnson Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, AYES: NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE ~~~~ ~ ~! -- Clerk Mary H Allen, Deputy Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard, of Engineering John Peters, Assistant Director Arnold Covey, Development Review Coordinator Va. Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER / ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 9, 1986 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Wing Commander Drive and Grape Tree Lane COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The residents of Nichols Estates Subdivision requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.17 miles of Wing Commander Drive and 0.14 miles of Grape Tree Lane. The staff has inspected these roads along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find these roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: N`" This is part of the Roanoke County Bond Project. The estimated cost will be $40,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Wing Commander Drive and Grape Tree Lane into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED B.Y: onn H.-reLers, 111, r.~. ssistant Director of ngineering APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ,~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Brittle Received ( ) Referred to Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens 2 :, '~' NORTH 10 j '~ ~ 9 /' ~ - 9 ~" s 8 7 6 6 ~ i 5 / 4 3 14 \; 2 .5 u~.?oo ~ .~ =~ -~. 6 ~-:. ~ DEPARTMENT OF GRAPE TREE LA. & PUBLIC FACILITIES WING COMMANDER DR. q~ 30\ iJ3j ^c ac 29 0 y90 Lc W Q Pi0 86 12-4-8 i'= i00 28 ~~ ac 27' 26 13 O ,~ o :\ \\\ 2.5 ~~ ~ O ~ ` ," : 2 3 24 Q o ~\ \ i2 ~~' .:< ~ _ \ ~~ 6 '~ ~ \ ''S2 ~ 22 z~' .. ,,I \ ' µ / -.-~ . ' N ~ M1 / ~ - q ~i0 8508-5-II O 9. ~~ '~ ~_ ~ ~~ P°~~ 3 ? ~ 4 z a~ o: o+~c / ea ac .c. Pos¢~ _ ~,3 \ ,, / / ~ ~ /" i "". ~.... AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF TTETHEp'ROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WING COMMANDER DRIVE AND GRTATIONESECONDARYTROADESYSTEM IA DEPARTMENT OF TRP,NSPO BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Wing Commander art of the Drive and Grape Tree Lane to be accepted and made a p Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Nichols Estate Page 86, of Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on, May 20, 1977 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor from the abutting property consent or donation of right-of-way owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Wing Commander Drive and Grape Tree Lane and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as stem of public roads to become a part of the State Secondary Sy Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF TTETHEP'ROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A J~Lr g~ 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 6987-12.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WING COMMANDER DRIVE AND G~ TIONRSECONDARY ROADTS STEM GINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the lication for Wing Commander proceedings herein, and upon the app Drive and Grape Tree Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2, That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Nichols Estate Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 86, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on, May 20, 1977 and that by reason of the nor recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, from the abutting property consent or donation of right-of-way owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, Tha t said roads known as Wing Commander Drive and Grape Tree Lane and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as art of the State Secondary System of public roads to become a p Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of ITEM NUMBER ~~ ~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Shadow Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The residents of Beacon Hills Subdivision requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.05 miles of Shadow Lane. The staff has inspected this road along with Representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~~ This is part of the Roanoke County Bond Program. The estimated cost will be $5,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Shadow Lane into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED BY: J6h A. Peters, III, P.~. Ass~stant Director of E ineer ing APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ,,, f Y .,_ ~ .. . .. . . .. . .... ....... .. ... . . .. ... . . ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Brittle Received ( ) Referred to Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens 2 ~~ ._. ~s "1 ...$ DEPARTMENT OF LAN E PUBLIC FACILITIES S H A D O W ~ / G • ~ , g ~ ~ t• / 'P ,o b 1, / P ~~ ~~ • •~ ~S ~ !f 6 ~., _ .. a~, ~ 29 a ~~r ' ' 4 2 ^• 21 ~ • 12 ~ i u • .+ a ~ s ~ ~ •1 1 \ +\ 14 II N • 1~ ~ . • I. 73a ~• 0~ O $) 23 r t IS ~ • / 26 3 b ,o ;. S j .' .~ . a• ~ / ~~ ~, .+sr ~ p 25 • a• / • ~ ~ '0 6 . ~ ~ } • / 5 r s.ar ~ goo • : a: a •~ 24 ~ ~ N ~ zar T 6 '6 .~ ~ 4 d a,• 2s q .• r, i>A •su `~i ~~ ~ ,o°' y'l 9 O s T s •' 'tier ',r~ 1 U 21 ~ .o°~ a 20 ' ' p•. r• II ~ p p / / ~ ~ g + `' g c s i e y w ~.o as '~ Q ~ ,4 f' 12 ~ •+'' • 9r a 10 I r •',•' ~ ~ ~ 13 ~~ ~ NM _ d p • / v •• l3 ~~ ••r O ~ his G ~ „ 2g , ` ~ r ' ti" 16 « ~ p ~,oR` ~~z s .r 12 h 29 N , Ir ~~~ ~ ` ~ ~. p ~ ~~ a ~ ~ , ~ ~, ~. a ~ ?T ~ t / ~ ai ~ o ^ ~ 51 tJO, ~ 1 = •~ 18 •' ~ IT ~ • ~ t n 30 I>• oe I: e ...... ~` ~=, AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF SHADOW LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Shadow Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain maps known as Beacon Hills Subdivision, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 25, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on January 8, 1969, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Shadow Lane and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAROANOREUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION AT VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R JUNE 9, 1887 COUNTY, CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 6987-12.e REQUMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONHADOW LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPART SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke BE County, Virginia, as follows: to be heard upon the 1, That this matter came this day in s herein, and upon the application for Shadow Lane to proceed g art of the Secondary System of State be accepted and made a p inia State Code. Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virg e easements 2, That it appears to the Board that drainag ift (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore and a f Y ' ated by virtue of a certain maps known as Beacon Hills deed dedic Page 25, of Subdivision, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, ords of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke the rec reason of the County, Virginia, on January 8, 1969, and that by rdation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor reco ro erty onsent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting p P c uarantees said owners is necessary. The Board hereby g right-of-way for drainage- 3, That said road known as Shadow Lane and which is shown and the this Resolution, be, on a certain sketch accompanying art of same is hereby established as a public road to become a P only he State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, t m and after notification of official acceptance of said stree fro or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/10/87 CC: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator John Peters, Assistant Director of Engineering Arnold Covey, Development Review Coordinator Va. Department of Transportation ` • ITEM NUMBER~_ R MEETING OF THE BOARD OF pTyEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER AT A REGULA COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE CO MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT• Acceptance of Hi1lgDstem. o Transportation Secondary Y into the Virginia Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: T ION SUMMARY OF INFORMA nests that the The residents of sine pVelaSubdivision re t x,18 resolution to the Virginia ervisororta pion requesting that they accep Board of SuP Transp Department of miles of Hill Drive. with representatives The staff has inspected this road along artment of Transportation and find the road is of the Virginia Dep acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~ Bond Program. The This is part be $15e000 00oke County estimated cost will RECOMMENDATION: rove a resolution to accept Hill Drive into the The staff recommethatt theyhe Boar aPP the VDOT requesting Secondary Road System. p,pPROVED SUBMITTED ~~ 6 d~ ~~~ P.E. Elmer C. Hodge n A. Peters, County Administrator istant Director of ineering ---------------- ------------------- VOTE yes Abs -------- ACTION No Approved ( ) Motion bY: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett - Received ( ) Johnson - Referred McGraw - - Nickens - to 2 o ~, ~-- ~ - u 60 q .....c...co •• \~ o.+ r0) .o..o-c co..... . d lw.ec. ~~ t ~~ 6)6 0~6)~ \ • o •~~ 22~ o ~ ~ .. 60 VICINITY MAP :~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j. ~~ -~ _, r NORTH I2 ' ' s.oo nc. _ _ \ 2AOAe 13 s .. 16 ...~ r ~ '•. 3.39Aa• ... 17 ~. .• 1.39Kt0 Z,pypclU Ig ~ Gaul ~ ~ 34.1 Ig L43Ac ~ t' ~• M ~ • q2 / /IfpfJfd ~ vM C ' 11 / ~ Zf o ! Bo1Now1 13.S3A~ • 31 ~~ 34.2 ' ~ a ~~7 v ~ 4,47Ae 30~ . u IS • 24 ~ • 14.40Ae ~ r 1 •~ 28 M O ,G~ n _- .o k~ ao+•+a~ 3s ... ~•'~q.47At~) 8.37/WG1 \.. P/0 X02-1-5 ... 1~~~. - ~ 39 `~.4 ...~ .~ DEPARTMENT OF p R I V E ppgLIC FACILITIES H I L L •. '~ I ~. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EU CpUNTYOADMINISTRATION AT THE REGUVIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOK JUNE 9, 1987 COUNTY, CENTER ON TUESDAY, TION REQUESTENT OFCTRANSpORTATIONL RESOLU DRIVE INyOROAD SYSTEMIA DEPART SECONDAR ESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke BE IT R County, Virginia, as follows: on the That this matter came this day to be heard up 1. lication of Hill Drive to e s herein, and upon the apP proceeding g stem of State accepted and made a part of the Secondary Y er Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. Highways and e easements 2. That it appears to the Board that drainag foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore and a fifty (50) b virtue of a certain map known as Pine Hill deed dedicated Y page 54, of division which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Sub the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roano he the records of and that by reason of t County, Virginia, on February 16, 1975, nor ion of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, recordat ro erty r donation of right-of-way from the abutting P P consent o 's necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said owners 1 right-of-way for drainage. t said road known as Hill Drive and which is shown 3, Tha be, and the n a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, o art of hereby established as a public road to become a p same is only Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the State tance of said from and after notification of official accep of Transportation. street or highway by the Virginia Department OF THE .BOARD OF SUPERV I YO ADMIN I SORAO ION AT THE REGUVIRG~ITp,INHELD AT THE ROANOKE JUNET9, 1987 COUNTY, CENTER ON TUESDAY, N 6987-12.f REQUESTINT OF TRANSPOROTATIONL RESOLUTIO VIRGINIA DEPARTME DRIVE INTO THE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM ervisors of Roanoke BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Sup County, Virginia, as follows: ~ on the That this matter came this day to be heard uP 1. lication of Hill Drive to e s herein, and upon the aPP proceeding S stem of State accepted and made a part of the Secondary Y Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. Highways under e easements That it appears to the Board that drainag e heretofore 2. ift (50) foot right-of-way for said road hav and a f Y known as Pine Hill deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map Page 54, of 'vision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Subdi Circuit Court of Roanoke the records of the Clerk's Office of he reason of the Vir inia, on February 16, 1975, and that by County, g Viewers, nor tion of said map no report from a Board of recorda ro erty donation of right-of-way from the abutting p p consent or necessary. The Board hereby guarantees sai owners is right-of-way for drainage. said road known as Hill Drive and which is shown 3, That be, and the a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, on art of established as a public road to become a p same is hereby only econdary System of Highways in Roanoke CountY~ the State S tance of said from and after notification of official accep of Transportation. street or highway by the Virginia Department • seconded by Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Johnson, Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. lien, Deputy Clerk Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 6/10/87 CC: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Adminisineering John Peters, Assistant Director of Eng Arnold Covey, Development Review Coordinator Va. Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER=_ AT A REGGINIA HELDNAT THEHROANORE COUNTY, VIR MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance otationaSecondaDylSYstem~ Dept ent of Transpo OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: the Virginia SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: is of Westward Lake Subdivision requests that the resolution to the Virginia The residen rove a that they accept 0.18 Board of Supervisororta lion requesting Department of Transp miles of Indian Hill Drive. with representatives ected this road along table. The staff has insp of the Virginia Department and find the road is acce FISCAL IMPACT: (1~ gond Program. The This is part be $40e000.00oke County estimated cost will RECOMMENDATION: rove a resolution to The staff recommends that the Board apP tin that they accept Indian Hill Drive into the the VDOT rRoadsSystem. Secondary APPROVED: SUBMITTED ~: o n A. Peters, III, P. As istant Director of Rn ineering ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------- VOTE yes Abs ----------------- ACTION No roved ( ) Motion by: Brittle - - App Garrett - - Denied ( ) Johnson - - -- Received ( ) McGraw - - - Referred Nickens - - - to 2 ~, Ih.'~'• 11)~~ ~ ~ ~.- 1 \ ~ '' G•l ~\ \ 4• 1)1 / ` / O /' i ~ ~+ C'J~ 009 1)6. . .,~ ~,wfl lel / fo J, .O I ~~ 0,110 ~C:. o _ _._._ _ __ ___ ~ INS ~O• O' , .. ~ -/ 0 -__--___-_'~- _~. - ~j1 M~ i 97 ~ a i.0~ o ~ (/ ` t .O ~ ._ ("°~ cry v\ °.~o rS4' •O./ V ,.0: ~j NORTH '. -' _N. -_` --- ,... ` 1 -; VICINITY MAP ;; - . ~j4 •,,, ,; 13 ~ "7 • ~ ~ b~ s - •• a 15 ~S 12 ~~ 9 \ ••py T' ° i ~ • I • l ° r ~ 103At ~. 17 • ~ ~, '~ • .r `' 2.33At •.` ~ u 2477 Y ,s 26- ,. ,- S ! ,- • +~ ,•• .51 t, , ~ --_ i - .. 23 ~ ., i~ ,s- " 2T ~ .~°3! % 2 s9d 6 22 : p. • p ~64Ae OI !!~ .,• .50 .::•,. ":.. .21 a , ~ ~ a 9 o' ~ !`• 1.66 Ac lt1` p i !I ~ rl ... • :! ~ !s 64 r w e X44 • ~ 4q' r4" . ~! >, 0 !! 60 \IAC ~•o • ti - .M +, ~ X04.••. ~T .••' ..sr• .40 39 ~ Lov'° ;~ •°,:` SB s xe ~ ~'_ Rut w ~ 1~ ..~ ~ adz °~ ° •, ~~~ ... W~stwpl~ 38 s! ~ ` 7 A ° ' ~~ !o, v '60 ~ ,~ 4 60.1 - / .~ ,w+• . N rtf1~i ~..' • ~ ' 4 a »° 1.5pAe 3 • r31 4 ~ tY• +'47`x.• 46 1 ~ `y.! ;~ 42 1/~:.• ~ ~ 4 ~b .~• '~~ R.C.B.S 9~ '44 ~' ., 2T ~ 32.42AC ,r. ~i 4~ +'41, tv'•`• 2 0.06Ac 24.1 •• ~. `~`M •40. !s' 26 • ~ ~~ "~ •`,f y. 4 .,, A za ~ ~ ~ '~ °1 J O . 24 '23 • y+~' ~, 8.10 Ac , ! ' !o 20'` •~ . ! ~ 'b`~ 19 ,+ 3 '' 19 • •~ 51 ~ 2 •! 17b~ 1.11 AC Coual StAao/ B°'w0 DEPARTMENT OF ES INDIAN H I ~ ~ R E A D ____--~ PUBLIC FACILITI v REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD NOREUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION AT THE HELD AT THE ROA 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JUNE 9, CENTER ON TUESDAY, SOLUTION REQUESEp~TMENTpOFNCE OF INDIAN RE HILL DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA D TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM E IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke B County, Virginia, as follows: to be heard upon the 1. That this matter came this day in s herein, and upon the application for Indian Hill proceed g S stem of Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Y a s under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. State Highw y e easements 2, That it appears to the Board that drainag • t X50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore and a fif y ' ated by virtue of a certain map known as Westward Lake deed dedlc page 200, of Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 3, s of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Court of Roanoke the record reason of the County- Virginia, on February 23, 1956, and that by dation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor recor ro erty nsent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting P P co owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees sai right-of-way for drainage. That said road known as Indian Hill Drive and which is 3. be, and shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, hereby established as a public road to become a part the same is only he State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, of t tance of said from and after notification of official acceP of Transportation. street or highway by the Virginia Departmen HE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSMINISOTRAOION AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF T JUNE 9, 1987 NTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT TpNETUESDAYE COUNTY AD COU - CENTER 987_12, REQUESTINGT~NTpOFi•]CE OF INDIAN RESOLUTION G HILL DRIVE INNOSECONDARYIROADDSYSTEM TRANSPORTATIO OLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke gE IT RES County, Virginia, as follows: on the That this matter came this day to be heard up 1. and upon the application for Indian Hil proceedings herein, S stem of be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Y Drive to of the Virginia State Code. State Highways under Section 33.1-229 e easements 2, That it appears to the Board that drainag oot right-of-waY for said road have heretofore and a fifty (50~ f irtue of a certain map known as Westward Lake deed dedicated by v page 200, of ' ision which map was recorded in Plat Book 3' t of Roanoke Subdly ecords of the Clerk's Office of he Circuit Courreason of the the r and that by County, Virginia, on February 23, 1956, nor 'on of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, recordati ro erty r donation of right-of-way from the abutting p P consent o rs is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees sai owne right-of-way for drainage- road known as Indian Hill Drive and which is 3, That said be, and a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, shown on established as a public road to become a par the same is hereby only Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, of the State after notification of official acceptance of saltation. from and r hi hway by the Virginia Department of Transpor street o g ` seconded by Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Johnson, ett and upon the following recorded vote: Garr McGraw, Nickens, Johnson Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, AYES NAYS: None A COpy - TESTE J~ ~ Deputy Clerk Mary H. Al1en- Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 6/10/87 File Assistant County Administrator CC: of Engineering John Hubbard, John Peters, Assistant Director oordinator Development Review C Arnold Covey, ortation Va. Department of Transp r AT A REGULAIA HELD ATOTHE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIN ITEM NUMBER.-- OF STyEADMINISTRATION CENTER COON MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 oint Road into the tance of Airpoint Drive and Airp S stem. SUBJECT: Accep ortation Secondary Y Vir-- g-" n a Department of Transp COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: TION: SUMMARY OF INFORMA requests that the oint Subdivision inia The residents of Airpove a resolution to thaccepg0,26 ervisors aPP uesting that they Board of Sup ortation req oint Road. Department of Transp 26 miles of Airp miles of Airpoint Drive and 0. yi i th ected these roads along T h e s t a f f h a s i n s p o f Transportation and representatives of the Virginia Department find these roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~ Bond Program. The This is part °e $150,000 poke County estimated cost will b RECOMMENDATION: rove a resolution to that the Board app oint The staff recommends accept Airpoint Drive and Airp the VDOT requesting that they stem. Road into the Secondary Road Sy pppROVED SUBMITTED BY: - ~~ ~ .~ Elmer C. Hodge eters, III, P.E. County Administrator J ~ istant Director of F ineering r ----------- --------- VOTE --------------------------ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens 2 N 6 7i e ~~ ° ,,. 'Site :~~.~~ ~ ~~' ~ ~ .,r ~/ z ~ c 3 °„ ~ r ~ 1°, ~ rii ~/ ~ 1 ~- ~ wr i ~' i °... ~ o~ .....,. N K L _.. -. `)~ .. ~~ ,a ~ ~~.,~ VICINITY MAP 2.51 AclDl ~ .70 Ac lCl ,18 ~9 88-1z ~' 34.4 7 _ 1V, -, 2? Q. L8 F+~+ i 1` 4~ \\ ; c.a ~ ,~~ c ~ ~ ~1 \ / ' • C` ~ a ~~ ~, q q'; AG _ - DEPARTMENT OF A~Rpp~NT DR• & RD• PUBLIC FACILITIES AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THETHE ROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF AIRPOINT ROAD AND ~''PORTATIONRSECONDARYTROADISYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF TRANS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the roceedings herein, and upon the application for Airpoint Road P and Airpoint Drive to be accepted and made a part of the he Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of t Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Airpoint Page 45 of the Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 6, records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke reason of the County, Virginia, on July 9, 1965, and that by recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor from the abutting property consent or donation of right-of-way owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said roads known as Airpoint Road and Airpoint this Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as public stem of Highways in roads to become part of the State Secondary Sy Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. E REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARDANOKEUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION AT TH HELD AT THE RO 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CENTER ON TUESDAY- JUNE ~ RESOLUTION 6987-12.h REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF AIRPOINT ROAD AND AIRPTATIONRSECONDARYTROADISYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke BE County, Virginia, as follows: to be heard upon the 1, That this matter came this day Dint Road roceedings herein, and upon the application for Airp P art of the and Airpoint Drive to be accepted and made a p r S stem of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Seconda y Y Virginia State Code. a easements 2, That it appears to the Board that drainag fift (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore and a Y Dint dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Airp deed e 45 of the Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 6, Pag of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke records Vir inia, on July 9, 1965, and that by reason of the County, g nor recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, from the abutting property consent or donation of right-of-way The Board hereby guarantees said owners is necessary. right-of-way for drainage. That said roads known as Airpoint Road and Airpoint 3. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Drive ublic Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as p S stem of Highways in roads to become part of the State Secondary Y County, only from and after notification of official Roanoke acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor on the following recorded vote: Garrett and up Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. llen, Deputy Clerk Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 6/10/S7 CC: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Adminisinee~ing John Peters, Assistant Director of Eng Arnold Covey, Development Review Coordinator Va. Department of Transportation .~ ITEM NUMBER ~~ - THE BOARD OF SUPERVMINISTRATIOI`I CENTER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF IRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY COUNTY- V MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 into the Virginia Acceptance of Lakemont Drive S stem. SUB~~ of Transportation Secondary Y Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: requests that SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Sudivision Virginia of Frmingdale South to the t 0.56 The residents rove a resoluion they accep ervisors apP requesting that the Board of Sup ortation Department of Transp with representatives miles of Lakemont Drive. road along the road is has inspected this find The staff of Transportation and Virginia Department of the acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: This is part estimated cost will anoke County Bond Project. The of the Ro be $35,000.00 ~~~ , 1 rove a resolutio the RECOMMENDATION: into recommends that the BtaLakemont Drive The staff that they accep the VDOT requesting Secondary Road System. AppROVED: SUBMITTED Bn ~ ~ III- P. E. n A, eters- of t Director ~G~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~~istan ----------------------------------- gineering __----- VOTE yes Abs ----------------------- ACTION No ~ Motion bY~ Brittle - - Approved ( Garrett - - Denied ( ~ Johnson - Received ( ~ McGraw - - Referred Nickens - to ~~ >~ i~~ /~ ,~~, VICINITY MAF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES ice"-~ ~- ~~ ~AKEMpNT DRIVE ~~-~~~1 GULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OpKEUCOUNTYOADMINISTRP,TION AT THE RE VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROAN JUNE 9r 1987 COUNTY, CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION VIRGINIA DEPARTMENTCOFOF LAKEMONT DRIVE INTO THE TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM ervisors of the Board of Sup BE IT RESOLVED by Virginia, as follows: on the Roanoke County, to be heard up 1. That this matter came this day erein, and upon the application of Lakemont Drive to proceedings h ted and made a part of the Secondary System of State be accep s under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. Highway e easements 2. That it appears to the Board that drainag (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore and a fifty ' ated by virtue of a certain map known as Farmingdale deed dedic page 5, h Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 8, Sout e records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ° son of th and that by rea on August 13, 1974, Roanoke County, Virginia, ecordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, of the r consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting nor uarantees said property owners is necessary. The Board hereby g right-of-way for drainage. That said road known as Lakemont Drive and which is 3. be, and shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, is hereby established as public roads to become a part the same only e State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, of th d after notification of official acceptance of said from an ortation. streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transp AT THE REGULAR MEETINHEOD ATETHEAROANOgEUCOUNTY ADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, RESOLUTION 6987INT01 THE V 4RGINIAGDEPARTMENT OF LAREMONT DRIVE TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: to be heard upon t he 1. That this matter came this day proceedings herein, and upon the application of Lakemont Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Farmingdale South Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 5, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on August 13, 1974, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said road known as Lakemont Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County- only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: 'sors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson Supervi None A Cppy - TESTS ut Clerk Mary H. Allen, Dep Y Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 6/lp/87 CC: File Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard, of Engineering John Peters, Assistant Director ovey, Development Review Coordinator Arnold C tment of Transportation Va. Depar ,., . ~ /' (D r'l ITEM NUMBER / ?_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RO MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Memory Leine into the Virginia Department of- T ansportation Secondary Syst COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The residents of Tinker Kn a11resol ution togthe sVirginia Board of Supervisors approve accept 0.04 Department of Transportation requesting that they miles of Memory Lane. FISCAL IMPACT:~~ ram. The This is part of the Roanoke County Bond Prog estimated cost will be $15,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Memory Lane into the Secondary Road System. ~~ . 1 ~ ~ ,~ APPROVED: SUBMITTED By: • Peters, III, p• E• n A. istant Director of ineering v~ ~'~ ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator __ ------------- --------- VOTE yes Abs ----------- ACTION No Motion bY: Brittle Approved ( ~ Garrett Denied ( ~ Johnson Received ( ~ McGraw Referred Nickens to ~- . _,. Y . le M~ a/ VICINi'r__ 11~ O f ~'~ f ,.~ (~, ~ ~~ NORTH a 1.90 Ac ~ _\ 7796 K d~ ZO ~ r - 5.1 ~#4 / R,C6S RGaS t • I.p6Ae ' ~ ~ , 21 ~ as _ R.C8.5. r ~ / 18 22 ~t ~ i acts. • 6 ~ ' ~• ~ V' 4 r' 23 x~ loo Ac ,E9a O ~ ~ R,GBS~ '. ~ ' .. ~ 24 ty ~ / i y a t r 15 / ~~ ~ 2'3 ra 6 N1 / 9 'ht~ ~. 1 ~2 `i .+ 12 O ~ ti / 2 r ~ cis II / / 1 / a / t r ~ / T ~ 4, T II ~'a O ~ / 2 / ~ooAc ' to / 12 r ~ . 6 rr / e ar ~ a 13 O /p 9 ~' / `O 9 mod' S 3 •• „ " °,. p r~ / ~~ ~ ~ ~ /~ g 0P 4• r:~ 9 F / i 'Q ~ ~~4~ s 3 ~ I6 ti • ~a..y 8 21 3 2 u a ~/ 6 op ~ .~4 ~ ~ \ M r~s « ~y S ~~~ ~ ~ \ r 2 ' ! ~ IB co~~ ~ O $ $ 19 5 • ~ ~ n • / . - 1 ~ ~•i ~~ 15 i~ r • K t~ ,\ .,. ~ ~, / 16 , / I ., ~c IT a i O ~ d ` N '• ~` ,v ~ IS 9 6,~ ~ ~ ~ 4 t ~c~ 7 ~. n / i~aa • ~' ~ •~ 18 ~ ' ~~,,w AI / p ~~4 r ~ ~ OAS C~ 1 /~,. 'f~~ = -- - DEPARTMFACILITIES MEMORY ~ A N E PUBLIC 4 5.4:1 O _ 1~ r s , p ~.._.. AT THE REGULAR MEETINHELD ATETHEP'ROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMOINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF MEMORY LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Memory Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Tinker Knoll Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 10, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on October 23, 1961, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said road known as Memory Lane shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. T THE REGULAR MEETINHELD ATETHEAROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMOINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA. JUNE g~ 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 6987-12.j REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF MEMORY LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Memory Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2, That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty ( 50 ) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore deed dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Tinker Knoll Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 10, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on October 23, 1961, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said road known as Memory Lane shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor On motion Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: isors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYES: Superv NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE /'~ v Deputy Clerk Mary H. llen- ervisors Board of Sup Roanoke County 6/10/87 CC: File Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard, En ineering John Peters, AssistanmeD~rReV°ew Coordinator Arnold Covey, Develop Va. Department of Transportation ~~ ~ ITEM NUMBER ~W~ `~ AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOTHEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUB_ J_ ECT; Acceptance of Streets in the LaBellevue Subdivision COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: the Board of Supervisors approved a report to Previously, accept the remaining streets in Sections 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 °f rove LaBellevue Subdivision. At this time, the Board needs to app the attached resolution requesting Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to accept these streets. FISCAL IMPACT: The Board previously appropriated $43,003 of for improvements to these roads. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the VDOT requesting that the LaBellevue Subdivision Road Bond Funds that the Board approve a resolution to they accept the remaininstemreets in into the Secondary Road Sy SUBMITTED BY: ~ /~ / i / _~ ~ - -~_ .~ J p,, eters, III, P. E. ssistant Director of Fh ineering APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator _ ----- ________ --------------- -- VOTE -- ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN WHITi DESCRIPTION: COACHMAN DRIVE LENGTH: 0.35 MILES R/W WIDTH: 50' ROADWAY WIDTH: 29' SURFACE WIDTH: 20' SERVICE: 38 IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: NONE r RESIDENT ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION: ROANOKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION STREETS DATE OF RESOLUTION: DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: PROPOSED ADDITIONS SHOWN IN WHITE DESCRIPTION: COACHMAN CIR. LENGTH: 0.19 MILES R/W WIDTH: 60' ROADWAY ~TIDTH: 29' SURFACE WIDTH: 20' SERVICE: 25 IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: NONE RESIDENT ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION: ROANOKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION STREETS DATE OF RESOLUTION: naTF nF ACCEPTANCE: F ~ ~ A R ROANOKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION STREETS DATE OF RESOLUTION: DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: ~_~ COACHMAN CIR. PROPOSED ADDITIONS SHOWN IN WHITE DESCRIPTION: FOREST OAK DRIVE LENGTH: 0.22 MILES R/W WIDTH: 60' ROADWAY WIDTH: 29' SURFACE WIDTH: 20' SERVICE: 16 IM~'ROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: NONE RESIDENT ENGINEERS RECOMMANDATION: ROANOKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION STREETS DATE OF RESOLUTION: DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: ~nAD } N I PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN WHITE DESCRIPTION: SUMMIT RIDGE ROAD TO :,UL-DE-SAC LENGTH: 0.79 MILES R/W WIDTH: 60' ROADWAY WIDTH: 20' SURFACE WIDTH: 20' SERVICE: 54 IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: NONE RESIDENT ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION: r AT THE REGULAR MEETINELDFATTHEBROANORE COUNTYIADMINOISTRATIONE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF FOREST OAK DRIVE, COACHMAN CIRCLE, COACHMAN DRIVE AND SUMMIT TATIONRSECONDARYTROADISYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road to be be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as LaBellevue Sections 4,5,6,7,8 and 9, which maps was recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 35 and Plat Book 9, Pages 8, 78, 150, 260 and 261 of records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on January 11, 1973; October 4, 1974; November 15, 1876; November 13, 1979 and October 12, 1983 and that by reason of the recordation of said maps no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. ~~-~ ~° 3. That said roads known as Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. h AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1987 RESOLUTION 6987-12.k REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF FOREST OAK DRIVE, COACHMAN CIRCLE, COACHMAN DRIVE AND SUMMIT RIDGE ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road to be be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as LaBellevue Sections 4,5,6,7,8 and 9, which maps was recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 35 and Plat Book 9, Pages 8, 78, 150, 260 and 261 of records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on January 11, 1973; October 4, 1974; November 15, 1976; November 13, 1979 and October 12, 1983 and that by reason of the recordation of said maps no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Forest Oak Drive, Coachman Circle, Coachman Drive and Summit Ridge Road are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State only from and ar System of HighwaYs.in Roanoke County, Second Y tance of said streets or after notification of official act of Transportation. inia Departmen highway by the Virg Supervisor motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by On arrett and upon the following recorded vote: G McGraw, Nickens, Johnson Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, AYES: NAYS: None A Copy - TESTE Clerk Mary H. Allen, Deputy Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 6/10/87 CC: File Assistant County Administrator Engineering John Hubbard, John Peters, Assistant Director of Development Review Coordinator Arnold Covey, ortation Va. Department of Transp A-6987-12M ITEM NUMBER T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARS COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER A COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANO MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Sewer Facilities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: for Allred Chevrolet SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ALCO Properties, has The developer of Allred Chevrolet, the sewer requested that Roanoke County accept the deed conveying easements. lines serving the project along with all necessary ineering plans The sewer linerker & Son ent t ledsh Allred eChevrolet dated prepared by T. P. Pa er 6, 1985, which are on file in the Publiecifications Septemb Department. The sewer bin~heoCountytion meets t e sp and the plans approved Y FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the sewer construction is $7,600.00. RECOMMENDATION: ervisors accept The staff recommends that ttheBprojectS al ong with all the sewer facilitieSand authorize the County Administrator to necessary easements execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. ~ ~ SUBMITTED By: ppPROVED Phillip Henry Director of Engineering ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------- ------------------- VOTE yes Abs --------- ACTION No Approved QC ) Motion by: BLJ/LGG t=pnrov.~ Brittle ~.- Denied ~ ) Garrett .~- Received ( ) Johnson ~- Referred McGraw ~- Nickens ~- to cc: File Phillip Henry Clifford Craig / r ~~ NORTH ,, 1 ~, t _.~ , _ p ~~ N ~• ~- .~ ,, _/ 115 I i4 \Q n~ I16 i \ ~ ,. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES I `~ °~/ I IB ~~ i 19 ,i , 2C ~I~ ~ ~ I ~ , ~ <f r' y_ 1 ~s ~~ ' .,~_41 rq ~,. 1~-i p. tl 9 ~~ 47 .~ 46 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ACCRED CHEVROLET A-6987-12L Item 0~"" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: VDOT Matching Fund Request for Industrial Access Road Improvement to Bolling Steel COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS/: (~; urv~l SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board of Supervisors previously approved a request for indus- trial access funds for Bolling Steel Corporation in the Glenvar area. The Code of Virginia provides that counties may request matching funds from VDOT to upgrade or maintain roads in the Secondary Highway System. Since part of the road leading to Bolling Steel is part of an old subdivision, matching funds can be used to upgrade the road to state standards. The owners of Bolling Steel have expressed an interest in providing $15,000 toward a match. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board request VDOT for a matching allocation of $15,000 to upgrade portions of the road to Bolling Steel. SUBMITTED BY: '~~ G~1. Timothy W. ubala, Assistant County Ad n~i' nistrator APPROVED: ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator n A. 'Peters, III, P.E., Assistant ector of Engineering ,,.. ' . Approved (K) Motion by: BLJ/LG to a VOTE Denied ( ) staff recommendation pprove No Yes Abs Received ( ) Brittle X Referred Garrett X To Johnson ~' McGraw X Nickens X Attachment cc: File Tim Gubula John Peters, Engr. _~°,~!~! ..v ~; `, ,; f ~~ (3OllING STEEL COMf'~NY, INC. STEEL FABRICATORS • (703) 389-1822 P O BOX 1082 5933 GARMAN ROAD SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 May 28, 1987 Department of Development County of Roanoke P. 0. BoxVA9804018 Roanoke, Attn: Mr. Timothy W. Gubala ~- ~ Dear Tim: This is to confirm that we will provide funds up to $15,000.00 to be used for developing Garman Road as shown on Plat Book 3, Page 51, from where the aspha0rnerrofcLot 25endFortoLeweseEstates. joins the southeastern most c Very truly yours, BOLLING STEEL CO., INC. Jarnes C. B lling, Sr. JCB/as r.~~r~,E,E:IZ ~° T'I'E:M __ (~F OU}~E(ZV1 ,rDK;; iJF KOANt';':•: 'I'H[: f1c)A[?D ISTRh'T'ION t:i~.N'It;lt 'OI.h(Z i-,.,r~.`I'iNG OF COUNTY ADMIN V L ki(~ I CJ 111 EiI~:I,D AT June 9, 1987 SUI~,II',~''_I'__ YOUTH HAVEI~ I I Project S+a}us Report t,r_;t;~;'l'Y ~11)M T N 1 ;;'1 ttn'Ct)IZ ~.~' ~'OMMI N'I"_~ __ ;;i)r•Er•E~~IiY _(~t--I NE_t)[<M!~'I'1i)[~+_ -__.. _ = the amoun-' of ~39,78r~.6(~ P,uiding~ a U.S.D. A. check in 785.10 w't I I be 1~r ~ hcorr,t ng that We t-rave been ina°~"`~dtother check. for $22' in9 our i<.;tcr,en. nn its ~~~av 1o us L, we have '~'~ basement renova~~or:'~ These are reimhur-jemenf` iO~guyredaU~S`~D~Ad equo $3,608.22. `"Je have submitted a~ i ng thc. new y th ~ s project t rGVa I i S ob1- J i nE,d, we ~,v i l l i2eg '-~ cost of When aPP been ab I r; to r-educe th:' rova I . ~.L),A, for aPP the new f i y~rP ~° l,. proceed to ~,onstruction. Progran'~ D~ ~.o- P=~~en--------.dm i n i str~ t ° n' ~;~ve current 1 y -~ been operating very smoothly P several a I "t cants, and n<-~ our program has be ma'r.i n9 y far, ~ nave interviewed f°Our Pesidents appear ~" . .- ~i~r, par; ;c., ;t, have tht .~' res s dent , terml ~ -ro be interviewed. , Y,cul+> '-hat- they all attend schoo i regu l a ; rr a ~i , adj~tir,n,~j t-~ ~„- ~ , an, , sic=rr~i f i~'~,,t progrt ,_, in ~ roc ram ,y~,tnout ~' l ~]C1-iviti`%5 and p ~ c:.~,? r i r thc~ rr y rii~VE,~ I Mr, Trent src, r~ ~~gn'i,cor,T - ~ .- oc1: 'th P~lr. Ritchie, ~ try 7E ~ ~ ' >c-; rar, , ', a~ c°nt;nutny meetings °'~` ~~ for placement sl°' u_, h _ ~ t cr t c~mcr~f a1 ion procedur,~ ~ I meeting or; this i s r~"~rdin~ 'irf,ii r, iOna Oil ~-= r_~ti h; ~c_ ry re i ona being n~,adc Corrections 9 t~ t ;, I I r~~~ 1 pro re's ~ s ~ n-t of g ~t3 7 at +he .Departm N1s . N ~a ~~ ~ ! ac ~i ~ V i r ~ n : a July ~ ~„ ~-I ion c°n1 t nuFS . - 1~ , ..I~, ~,~, ~,~ I ic,._ Dun'nam, ~ack ~ r~'n~ -~~ count t ng forms. ~~ ~". + b~;~:;r 4< ot, the ~ ~ , June 3, 1987 to me~=± h short) ~ ~-~~ ~~~ rho ~uc~h th'U rt HAVEN I I _on ~, r~ I i cc.,n~,.~ t~ ~ 1 ~ if`T r ~a n r ~ ~~` ` ,tle ' r i, tion. the R.oanok.e ~ r,,,,1 :>ropc-r- io trr com 1e developer ~,v'tth _ r,at ~r-,;cedureS. c]nci I aJ ~' ~ fUat t On p I an Was trained 1 n a,Jpl O~ F,,-Pntat l Ciii A hostage s'~ staff ' r,, _ 'wren t hood and part i c i pafi`'d ~~ n a Pr-.,_, Team .`his month and a I I ~nnedt imF C?ur staff also toured ~,',' the'; r staff . ~, {'r~bl+~c; r<elatlon~>: s p'~!;~Iisheci _ _ _.-- - I he "Cor~~mun i c. ator +- f our newsle.t-ter, , Fifth eul ~ ~°f' v r;s~';r~~ ~ic,r'. ab°~'~~~ Our ~ thts; rrr~nth' ;tar ~tcur-ed and received ~~Oi'~UJ ntrir'Ution ,_~:1d 111 c. 1 12~ ~h~~ F=aster-tl ~ C i P, ~ ~ E;n~1 =~ ~ ~r of ted 1-O re VE'. a ~, <~,:I- r E'~~f ~J The Jrdc, ii for ~, ~ `'~' -~~ I ~ We erc~ most ar v~'r_ITH HAVt~~. ~• a~. 1 h i> n ,nc,y w i l l he I p pay re;!t them the same ~ - , ~ : s summer . -~- The staffi ofi the Roanoke City Court Se~~J~devt,thtoarsfac4lity a~ndTouHAVEN II this month. I believe they were very lrnpr program. Personnel: full time night counselor, Ms. Tanya 4ti'illiams came on board ~°lay Ms. Stacy Williams began 15, 1987, and our regular night relief counselor, eo le as work May 8, 1987. Additionally, we have hired the following p P back-up night relief counselors, fior occasional work: Ms. Antoinette Tucker and Ms. Gay Mofifiitt. Gn N1ay 17, 1987, we advertised for additional day reliefi workers. Ue ~.~ill be needing these people as staff staja87o use vacation time this summer. Closing date for applications is May 27, SUBMITTED BY. APPROVED BY: ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator - VOTE ------------------------ ACTSON No Xes E. p,pproved ( ) Motion by: ~.--. Brittle - Denied ( > Ga.rrett - Received ( ) - __ Johnson _ - Referred _____--- McGraw T o ~- - _ ----_ N i c k e n s