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4/28/1987 - Regular
~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA APRIL 28, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each monnth aPubloOC Hearings and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p. will be heard mtthisOspheduletwillobetannounced•of each month. Deviations fro p,, OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2, Invocation: The Reverend Sam Crewes Coopers Cove Baptist Church 3, Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS C, REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PUBLIC H pROCLAMATIONHSA,SRESOLUTIONS~RECOGNITIONSTANDOAWARDS D. 1. Resolution of Congratulation to the Virginia Lancers for winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League Championship. HCN/AHB - URC 2. Presentation of Certificate of Achievement to Reta Busher, Director or Management & Budget forExcellence in Audit Reporting. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Resolution adopting Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities. AHB/SAM MOTION TO APPROVE WITH STAFF TO MONITOR AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD IN SIX MONTHS. URC 2. Request for Approval for Funding A-l location for Utility Capital Projects. ~ (tOANO~~ p ~~ ~~~~~~~e ~~~~~ a 1838 ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA APRIL 28, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulation to the Virginia Lancers for winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League Championship. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Resolution adopting Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities. 2. Request for Approval for Funding Allocation for Utility Capital Projects. 3. Authorization to Execute a Detention Home Contract with the City of Roanoke. -4. Approval to amend Weed and Trash Ordinance. 5. Claim of Robin Renee Iddings. F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for the County Members of the Regional Airport Commission. I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 24, 1987. 2. Approval of a Clean Valley Committee Anti-Litter Grant Application. 3. Acceptance of a deed conveying the sewer lines in Merriman Estates. 4. Acceptance of a deed conveying the water and sewer lines in Plantation Estates. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS 1. Board Contingency Fund. 2. General Operating Fund Income and Expense Analysis for the Month ended March 31, 1987 3. Unappropriated Balance as of April 14, 1987. 4. Development Data Report - First Quarter 1987 2 M, EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending A ticle 2 of Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl~o he Roanoke County Code, requiring the Vaccin tion of Cats to Prevent Rabies. 2. Ordinance accepting Deed of Easement from Urban Development and Investment, Ltd. O. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing acquisition of a drainage easement from the Trustees of Fort Lewis Christian Church. 2. Adoption of an Ordinance repealing Section 20.1-11 (a), (b), and (c) of Chapter 20, "Water", of the ~~1971 Roanoke County Code, which is Chapter 22, --Water~of the 1985 Roanoke County Code. (Held over from March 24, 1987 and April 7, 1987.) P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 487-1 Petition of Appalachian Power Company requesting rezoning from B-1 Office to M-2 General Industrial and from M-2 General Industrial to B-1 Office of a 47 acre parcel located on Loch Haven Road in the Catawba Magisterial District. 487-2 Petition of GERHARD SIGRIST, requesting amendment of conditions of a tract containing 0.76 acres and located on Route 221 in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 487-3 Petition of CHARLES AND ANN OWARD or a Special Exception Permit to~perate a count club at 5400 Ponderosa Drive in the Cataw a Mag sterial District. Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS - 3 f - _:!_1 OF ROANp,~.~ ~ ~ L Z Z v a 18 150 88 SFSQUICEN7ENN~P A Bcauti~ul BcRinnin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE May 3, 1987 Ms. Kelly McDaniel Whitney Executive Director Clean Valley Council p. 0. Box 3320 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 Dear Ms. Whitney: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOD JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 42887-6.a concerning endorsement from Roanoke County for application of an Anti-Litter Program Grant. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on April 28, 1987. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 7y2~~ J~ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Attachment C~nun~~ of ~vttnvk~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2!J04 ~ OANO~ F ~. i /r 2 ~ p C~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ a 1838 ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA APRIL 28, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulation to the Virginia Lancers for winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League Championship. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Resolution adopting Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities. 2. Request for Approval for Funding Allocation for Utility Capital Projects. 3. Authorization to Execute a Detention Home Contract with the City of Roanoke. 4. Approval to amend Weed and Trash Ordinance. 5. Claim of Robin Renee Iddings. F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for the County Members of the Regional Airport Commission. I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 24, 1987. 2. Approval of a Clean Valley Committee Anti-Litter Grant Application. 3. Acceptance of a deed conveying the sewer lines in Merriman Estates. 4. Acceptance of a deed conveying the water and sewer lines in Plantation Estates. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS 1. Board Contingency Fund. 2. General Operating Fund Income and Expense Analysis for the Month ended March 31, 1987 3. Unappropriated Balance as of April 14, 1987. 4. Development Data Report - First Quarter 1987 2 M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) N. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Article 2 of Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl" of the Roanoke County Code, requiring the Vaccination of Cats to Prevent Rabies . 2. Ordinance accepting Deed of Easement from Urban Development and Investment, Ltd. 0. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing acquisition of a drainage easement from the Trustees of Fort Lewis Christian Church. 2. Adoption of an Ordinance repealing Section 20.1-11 (a), (b), and (c) of Chapter 20, "Water", of the 1971 Roanoke County Code, which is Chapter 22, "Water" of the 1985 Roanoke County Code. (Held over from March 24, 1987 and April 7, 1987.) P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 487-1 Petition of Appalachian Power Company requesting rezoning from B-1 Office to M-2 General Industrial and from M-2 General Industrial to B-1 Office of a 47 acre parcel located on Loch Haven Road in the Catawba Magisterial District. 487-2 Petition of GERHARD SIGRIST, requesting amendment of conditions of a tract containing 0.76 acres and located on Route 221 in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 487-3 Petition of CHARLES AND ANN HOWARD for a Special Exception Permit to operate a country club at 5400 Ponderosa Drive in the Catawba Magisterial District. Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 3 1. Ellen Wallace, Zane Altice, Diane Smith, Victoria Holte and Jean Curbow to speak on drainage problems in Roanoke County. R. ADJOURNMENT 4 O~ PpANp~~ ti '^ 9 /M/ a C~~~~~ ~ 8 Eso $g SFSQUICENTENN~P~' .A ficnuti~ul8cginninR BOARD OF SUPERVI~iORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL f715TRICT ELMER C. HODGE ALAN H. EjRiTfLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT May 4 , 19 87 STEVEN A. MI~GRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Reverend Sam Crews Coopers Cove Baptist Church C/0 Roanoke County Administration Center Dear Mr . Crews On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on April 28, 1987 to offer the invocation. we feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. Very truly yours Bob L. Johnson71Chairman Roanoke County oard of Supervisors mha P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703> 772-2004 .~ - / ,. `'t POANpy.~ ~ ,F p Z J -- a 18 E50 $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~' A Bcauti~ul Bc~inninR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nixn~~ of ~uttnnk~e May 3, 1987 Mr. Henry Brabham Lancerlot Arena 1111 Vinyard Road Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Mr . Brabham: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Enclosed is the Resolution of Congratulations to the Virginia Lancers from the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. This resolution was read into the public record at the April 28th meeting. I apologize for the mixup on the time of the Board meeting, and regret that you were unable to stay. My best wishes for a successful future with the Virginia Lancers. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 ~f.2 787 v~ RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE VIRGINIA LANCERS UPON WINNING THE ATLANTIC COAST HOCKEY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, The Virginia Lancers Hockey Team is the only professional team associated with the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the team has been located in the Town of Vinton in Roanoke County since the 1983/84 season; and they have brought a sense of pride to all the citizens of Roanoke County for their oustanding accomplishments, and WHEREAS, attendence at the Virginia Lancers Hockey games"has grown from an average of 1200 spectators in 1984 to a record of 3,560 spectators at the final game; and their win-loss record has improved from 19-45 in 1983/84 to 44-23 in 1986/87, contributing to growth of interest in that sport; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 1987, the Virginia Lancers capped an outstanding season by winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League championship beating the Mohawk Valley Comets 4 to 3 in the championship series. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its pride and appreciation to Henry Brabham, owner; John Tortorella, coach; and the members of the Virginia Lancers Hockey team for an outstanding year; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County offers congratulations to all those associated with the Virginia Lancers upon winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League Championship. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 RESOLUTION 42887-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE VIRGINIA r,ANCERS UPON WINNING THE ATLANTIC COAST HOCKEY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, The Virginia Lancers Hockey Team is the only professional team associated with the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the team has been located in the Town of Vinton in Roanoke County since the 1983/84 season; and they have brought a sense of pride to all the citizens of Roanoke County for their oustanding accomplishments, and WHEREAS, attendence at the Virginia Lancers Hockey games has grown from an average of 1200 spectators in 1984 to a record of 3,560 spectators at the final game; and their win-loss record has improved from 19-45 in 1983/84 to 44-23 in 1986/87, contributing to growth of interest in that sport; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 1987, the Virginia Lancers capped an outstanding season by winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League championship beating the Mohawk Valley Comets 4 to 3 in the championship series. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its pride and appreciation to Henry Brabham, owner; John Tortorella, coach; and the members of the Virginia Lancers Hockey team for an outstanding year; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County offers congratulations to all those associated with the Virginia Lancers upon winning the Atlantic Coast Hockey League Championship. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE ...~f Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5/2/87 CC: File Resolution of Congratulations File ITEM NUMBER ~ '" AT A REGUINRAMHELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRG MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Resolution Adopting Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENT°~A~a ~ ~ tLO' 1- ,~No-~ _ 11 .~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The attached Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities were prepared by the Utility Director with input and review of a committee established by the Department of Development. The committee was comprised of staff members of the County Utility, Engineering, Facilities, Fire, and Development Departments as well as representatives from local engineering and surveying firms, and the construction and building associations. A work session was held with the Board on March 10, 1987, at which time the proposed standards were discussed and public comment was received. Concerns of the Roanoke Valley Home Builders Association have been addressed at four separate meetings with County Staff. In addition, Supervisors Brittle and McGraw met with representatives of the Home Builders Association on April 13, 1987, to hear their concerns directly. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends that these standards be adopted by resolution after the Second Reading of the Water Ordinance. These standards would become effective immediately and would apply to all water utility plans which were not accepted for review by the Department of Development prior to March 25, 1987; provided baidhelCounty w thi nr 601days f they effectiveddate of approval y these standards. It is furthei or Who cudrrentlythasyplanslundertreviews pr orvto final approva ~= - the effective date of these standards, be given the option to fully comply with the new standards in lieu of the existing standards if they so desire. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~.~ Cliffo raig mer C. Hodge Director of Utilities County Administrator --------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE ,.,.. ~,. ~ n t-, Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens C-/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 .~2 7 fj' !- -2-- RESOLUTION ADOPTING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR WATER FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Utility Director and other County staff have developed certain design and construction standards for water facilities; and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards may be adopted by resolution by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 20.1-11 of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22 of the 1985 Roanoke County Code); and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards for water facilities shall take effect as of the date of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the attached design and construction standards for water facilities are incorporated herein by reference; and 2. That these standards are effective immediately and apply to all water utility plans which have not been accepted for re- view by the Department of Development prior to March 25, 1987; provided said plans, in the review process, received final approv- al by the County within 60 days of the effective date of these standards. ,E"- / ~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ,~~S~~i/ ~ ~d~SI~UG/~6~C/ ljJLf S 1.~~~~ ~~C:~~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : ~~[J `S C . ~~/J~. Sp/V ADDRESS : _ ~~~~ Ci ~'e S% /yj ~~~ ~a ~o,~f ~/d~ ~- 1~i9 PHONE : ~ ~~' ' b b d _ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy - Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jjj 4 / PUBLIC HEARING ON ~~~~~~/' I would like the Chairman of the~Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speaker-s-and the audience will exercise courtesy at all - times. 5: Speak~rs_are requested to leave any written statements - and/or- comunen~s with the clerk . 6 . _ -INDI3IIDUAI,S I'~TRgORTING TO SPEAEC FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH-THL CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROliP AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T"E L E G I B L Y ------ ------ ------- _ ,. - _ _ - _- _ _ _ ADDF.CSS PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 RESOLUTION 42887-2 ADOPTING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR WATER FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Utility Director and other County staff have developed certain design and construction standards for water facilities; and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards may be adopted by resolution by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 2G.1-11 of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22 of the 1985 Roanoke County Code); and WHEREAS, these design and construction standards for water facilities shall take effect as of the date of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the attached design and construction standards for water facilities are incorporated herein by reference; and 2. That these standards are effective immediately and apply to all water utility plans which have not been accepted for re- view by the Department of Development prior to March 25, 1987; provided said plans, in the review process, received final approv- al by the County within 60 days of the effective date of these standards. On motion of Supervisor Brittle, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5/2/87 CC: File Director of Utilities Department of Development Fire & Rescue Chief Engineering Department A _ ~v2.~87-..3 ITEM NUMBER ~ ° '~ AT A RDGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF S[7P'ERVISORS OF ROANOKE COiJNTY- VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROADTOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Funding Allocation for Utility Capital Projects COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COrM~TfTS: ~ ~ _h~ ~i~ ~~,~ ..,u~-~f~ ~~ ti's ~- J ~~~'`~,/~ ~ , 7 SUN~iARY OF I RMATION: f,~n~~~ `~'~~ The Utility Department has established a Capital Replacement/Improvement Program for the County's utility system. Each year, funds are allotted from the funded depreciation account to cover costs of the improvements. The following water projects have been previously funded and are in various stages of design and/or construction: Project Burlington Heights Alexander Drive Crestland Drive Big Hill Water System Tanglewood Pump Station Andrew Lewis Place Sugar Lcaf Farnns Clearbrook Water Syst~[t Brambleton (Road Project) Terminal Road (Co. Share) Engineering Design Contingency Total Scheduled Funds Available Project Cost for Project Status $ 35,800 $ 35,800 Under Construction 49,230 49,230 Under Construction 46,700 46,700 Under Construction 27,575 139,512 Ca~leted - EPA 70,000 70,000 Ready for Bid 240,000 240,000 Ready for Bid 114,500 114,500 Under Design 78,900 200,000 Out for Bid 25,000 0 Under Construction 10,550 0 16,749 16,749 Under Contract 42,180 12,730 $757,184 $925,221 The remaining balance of $168,037 is due to the reduction in cost for the Big Hill Water Project and a budget correction for the Clearbrook Project. By adding the current fiscal year funded depreciation (available July 11, 1987) of $200,000, there are $368,037 available for the Capital Replacement/Improvement Program. The staff requests that these funds be allocated to the following 1987/88 Replac~nent/Improvement Projects in the priority listed. Scheduled Project Cost Status Clearbrook Water II $50,000 000 70 Phase Under I Out for Bid Design North Lakes Water System r Project t t W , 10,000 Bid w/Andrew Lewis e a Glen Fores Geiser Road/Grander 26,000 Ready for Design Wendover Drive 52,000 000 48 Ready Ready for Design for Design Western Hills Woodland Drive , 46,000 Ready for Design Engineering 24,000 Ready for Design Contingency 42,037 $368,037 '~ FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the amount of $368,037 in the Utility Depreciation account. RECQNIMENDATION: Staff recotmlends the Board approve the above funding. SUBMITTED BY: \ N Cliffor ig Director of Utilities APPROVED ~~E~2rr% Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: doh /~ son / ~~~- ~ ~'~' `~ Brittleo Yes Denied ( ) -t'p Q J^~ Garrett Received ( ) ~ Referred Johnson v McGraw / To Nickens / __ C C : ~i ~~ S ~irecz~or o-~ Glf,~/~~~ie -~cc b / ~ ~ tea. ~ ~' / ~ ~~'~ e s .~~r~ end r ~ C3 ud9ef i -- -- _ 6S ^ 90~ __ c lib ` c ~~ S Qy o Q., ~s Bite e9~1" .~ ~• ~~ i ~ 0 E _ ,,'~~, NORTH i ~' e i r •~ O V no ~rs•i•a f •oN ``1 `1 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ' v / ,.:~.. • V tl \ y O tl pwr n ~O w sir t ~~ s.~ ~!-' • ~., Y .~ 4 . 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Because no facility is owned or operated by Roanoke County, it is necessary to establish contracts with those localities or detention commissions having detention facilities to use their center when necessary. The County presently has existing contracts with Roanoke City and the New River Valley Detention Commission. The contract with the New River Valley Detention Commission authorizes the use of their facilities at Christiansburg, Virginia on a space available basis only, at a cost of $20.00 per diem. This means that if the County of Roanoke has a juvenile in detention at that facility and a Commission Member Locality needs the space, the County must move the juvenile within 24 hours. There is also no outreach program available. The original contract which existed with the City of Roanoke was established in 1974 and has been self renewing since that time with periodic increases in the per diem charges for detaining juveniles. In June of 1986, the City prepared new contracts and canceled all existing contracts for the use of the facility. It is now necessary for Roanoke County to execute a new contract with the City of Roanoke to ensure adequate detention space for County juveniles. The proposed contract is based on an actual per diem cost of $32.87 for secure detention and $7.44 per day for the outreach program. The cost of this contract is based on actual per diem use, with no guaranteed utilization rate. Michael J. Lazzuri, Director of Court Services will be present at the Board meeting to answer any questions you may have. FISCAL IMPACT:n`U' ~~ The cost is $32.87 per day for detention and $7.44 per day for the outreach program. Funds were allocated in the 1986/87 budget for this expense, but will not be sufficient to meet the cost because of high utilization. The deficit will be approximately $7,740 based of 65 days detention and 40 days outreach per month. It is recommended that funding for this deficit be appropriated from the Board Contingency Fund. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the County execute the proposed contract with Administrator be authorized to the City of Roanoke. ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved (~ Motion by;ACTI'~~5/~~/~f~e. VNoE Yew Abs Denied ( ) ~o Q-~P1"D /c° Brittle Received ( ) 'r Garrett ~ Referred Johnson To McGraw ~/ Nickens ~ c . ~:, /e Michq~/ Lo zzu r~ C'©~.c~'t Serer/C es .~ ii'e ~ t-a ~ o -f ~ L,td9 ~~ ~F POANp,~.~ ti •~ ~ Z Z ~ `a 18 E~ 88 SFSGUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti~u/ Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. W. Robert Herbert City Manager City of Roanoke 215 Church Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Dear Mr. Herbert: BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT C Q ALAN H. BRITTLE May 6 / 19 `+ 7 CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached please find the agreement between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County providing for the boarding of juveniles in the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home. On April 28, 1987, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors authorized the County Administrator to enter into this agreement. It has been signed and attested. Upon execution of this agreement by the City of Roanoke, please mail a copy to us for our files. Thank you. Sincerely, mha ma-u~ ~ _ a~-~, Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk CC: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Michael J. Lazzuri, Director of Court Services C~vun~~ of ~nttnnkr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 J THIS AGKEEMENT made and entered into this day of , 19 by and between the CITY OF H.OANOKE, a municipal corporation, chartered under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia (City of Roa- noke), and ROANOKE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (Roanoke County). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Roanoke County desires to use the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home, located at Route 1, Box 479, Roanoke, Virginia, in the County of Botetourt, Virginia, for the temporary detention and board of juvenile offenders; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke is willing to permit the use of its Juvenile Detention Home by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement have duly authorized its execution; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto contract and agree with each other as follows: 1. The City of Roanoke will detain and board juveniles at the Roanoke Juvenile lletention Home for Roanoke County, provided t}~at the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home has a vacant bed accommodation and provided that a Detention Urder in proper legal form shall be filed with the Superintendent of the lletention Home or his authorized agent as a prerequisite to admittance. f 2. Only juveniles, as defined by the laws of the State of Virginia, who have been charged with a delinquent act shall be detained at the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home. 3. Roanoke County hereby agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke, its officers, agents and employees, from any liability or expense caused by the illegal or unlawful deten- tion of any juvenile placed at the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home by Roanoke County. 4. No juvenile admitted for Roanoke County will be inten- tionally released from the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home except upon receipt of proper authorization from ROANOKE COUNTY or of authoriza- tion or order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 5. Roanoke County covenants and agrees to pay to the City of Roanoke for each day, or fraction thereof, for each juvenile detained, an amount determined as follows: (a) a per diem of $32.00, effective on the first day of July, 1986; (b) for calendar year 1987, and for every calendar year thereafter during which this Agreement is in effect, a per diem equivalent to the actual per diem cost to the City of Roanoke for the prior fiscal year as determined by the City. 6. All payments due to the City of Roanoke hereunder shall be paid by Roanoke County to the City of Roanoke within thirty (3U) days after written billing therefor is made. 7. This Agreement -nay be terminated by either party by ;iv- ing thirty (30) days' written notice of termination to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused their names to be subscribed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, duly attested by their proper officers, respectively, the day and year first above written. ATI~S'I': Mary F. Parker City Clerk ATTt~T: .~ • Q`C.~-~n N(arv H. Allen Deputy Clerk Approved as to form: Assistant City Attorney ~ ~ County Attorney CITY OF ROANOKE By W. Robert Herbert City Manager ITEM NUMBER ~ "` ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Amendments to Code Sections 13-13(a) Unlawful disposal of rubbish or other waste material and 13-14(a) Unlawful accumulations of trash and growth of weeds; and (c) Public nuisances and abatement thereof. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A recent court case brought to Roanoke County General District Court in the Hollins Magisterial District revealed certain weaknesses in the aforementioned sections of the Roanoke County Code. In order to provide General District and Circuit Court Judges with a streamlined, .more enforceable code relating to the aforementioned sections, the Roanoke County Commonwealth's Attorney requested that the following amendments be approved which will provide for a greater likelihood of property cleanup or convictions and fines as judicially determined: Sec. 13-13. Unlawful disposal of rubbish or other waste material. (a) No person shall dump or dispose of or leave or cause to be thrown any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage or other waste substance or material in or upon and along any street, road, highway, park or alley in the county; nor shall any person dispose of, dump or throw any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage or any other waste material or substance upon any *aaeat~t lots or property in the county which have not been selected, approved and designated as a garbage or trash disposal area by the health department of the county. Sec. 13-14. Unlawful accumulation of trash and growth of weeds; public nuisances and abatement thereof. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this subsection: (4) Parcel: Any real estate, or any interest therein, situate, lying and being in the county es Wl~lel~ asy in any areas zoned for residential, business, commercial, or industrial uses e~ t~-s~l~t~~lesal ae~l~rl~p is eesd~e~eel e~ e~- whleh asy *~aeat~~ ~eslele~~lal; ee~tx~e~elals laelt~s~~lal= e~ lss~l~~~lesal bellellt~g e~ s~~~e~~~e is leea~eel or in any subdivision. (6) Subdivision: Any tract or parcel of land divided into ~h~ee f3~ two (2) or more lots or parcels, eea~alalsg ~h~ee-€et~~~ks e€ are ae~e e€ level; for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, as otherwise defined in the Roanoke Count Subdivision or finance. (c) Weeds growing betNeer~ Mep €trst ead 8eteber €trst on and trash lying on any parcel shall constitute a public nuisance. It shall be unlawful to cause or maintain a public nuisance with respect to any parcel. An owner shall abate any public nuisance with respect to this parcel. $etWeea Mey €t€teeett~ end atone €t€teer~th ead between At~gast €t~9t aad 6eptember €t~9t e€ eeeb year Every owner of real estate situate in the county shall cause to be cut therefrom all weeds and to remove therefrom all trash. Any owner who shall violate the provisions of this subsection shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. FISCAL IMPACT: A more efficient expenditure of zoning staff time in court. No additional County funding required now or in the future. RECOMMENDATION: These amendments will clarify definitions for code compliance in future court actions. Staff recommends approval of amendments as outlined above and that a first reading on a draft ordinance be held May 12, 1987. SUBMITTED.BY: Timothy C. Beard Associate Planner Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator ----------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens ITEM NUMBER ~ '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Claim of Robin Renee Iddings COUNT~Y~ ADMINISTRATO~~R~'~S COMMENTS SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Anthony F. Anderson, Esq., attorney for Robin Renee Iddings, has filed a claim on her behalf with the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 15.1-550 and Section 15.1-554 of the State Code. This claim is for aggravation of injuries sustained by Robin Renee Iddings as a result of alleged negligence of a County employee within the scope of his duties. On May 21, 1985, a Roanoke County Animal Control Officer responded to a call concerning a dog bite in Roanoke City. It is alleged in the claim that this County officer failed to kill the dog in order to retrieve the flesh of the claimant to attempt skin grafts. Because of the officer's alleged failure to act reasonably under the circumstances, the claimant's injuries were aggravated and caused her to sustain further permanent injuries. The claimant alleges aggravation of permanent injuries, pain and suffering, permanent disabilities and deformities, and future hospital, doctor and other related expenses. Her claim currently exceed $500,000.00 On April 29, 1985, the claimant filed a Motion for Judgment against Roanoke County and five (5) other defendants for damages arising as a result of this incident. The County's insurance carrier designated counsel to defend this action. Thereafter, on March 9, 1987, the plaintiff took a voluntary non-suit in this action. On February 4, 1987, the claimant's attorney filed this claim with the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Upon agree- ment of counsel this claim is scheduled for presentation to the Board on April 28, 1987. This claim shall satisfy the procedural and administrative prerequisites for filing a legal action against the County. The County Attorney has reviewed this matter and finds that the County and its employees acted reasonably in this matter and without negligence. s i j ~ FISCAL IMPACT: $500,000 n T1/" ~llnwnw T.ln1 T r m rllwl _ .,. Upon review of the County Attorney, it is recommended that this claim be denied. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~,'`'v', ~ tiv~, _ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved ( ) Motion by: ~Co%~.Sdn~~iCk~-js NoTYes Abs Denied (~ ~-p ~~~ Brittle / Received ( ) Garrett c~ Referred Johnson ~ To McGraw / Nickens _~~ ITEM NUMBER /~T `° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 28,1987 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ ~~ ~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the March 24, 1987 Board meeting, Supervisor Brittle suggested that an Ad Hoc Committee be established to advise the Roanoke County members of the Regional Airport Commission. This committee would be comprised of five citizens representing various business interests. Each supervisor would appoint one member to the committee. They would serve on an ad hoc basis, bringing their particular area of expertise to our commission members. Submitted By: mom, .~d Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Approved By: ~~~ ~ ~ Elmer C. H dge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 RESOLUTION N0.~2~T to AppROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 28, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 24, 1987. 2. Approval of a Clean Valley Committee Anti-Litter Grant Application. 3. Acceptance of a deed conveying the sewer lines in Merriman Estates. 4. Acceptance of a deed conveying the water and sewer lines in Plantation Estates. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 RESOLUTION NO. 42887-6 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 28, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 24, 1987. 2. Approval of a Clean Valley Committee Anti-Litter Grant Application. 3. Acceptance of a deed conveying the sewer lines in Merriman Estates. 4. Acceptance of a deed conveying the water and sewer lines in Plantation Estates. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, Item No. J-2 amended to include Botetourt County, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE . PV Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5/2/87 CC: File Department of Finance Engineering Department Department of Public Facilities March 24, 1987 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 24, 1987 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 1987. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Lee Garrett, Supervisors Alan H. Brittle, Steven A. McGraw, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven A. McGraw (arrived at 3:07 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Public Facilities; Timothy W. Gubala, Assistant County Administrator for Economic Development; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk; J. Craddick Council, Director of Procurement; Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities; Alfred Anderson, County Treasurer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. March 24, 1987 ~- / ~-- IIN RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator announced that the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem has been accepted into the Virginia Historic Landmarks Register and a request has been forwarded for inclusion into the National Historic Register. Mr. Hodge also announced that the Virginia Chapter of the American Society of Public Administration has awarded to Ro Stalzer and the Planning Department an award for the Land Us Plan. This was a second place award. Youth Haven II receive honorable mention in the same competition. IN RE : REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER 0 I AGENDA ITEMS ', Chairman Johnson announced that Item J-7 on the Consen Agenda, Authorization to Request the Establishment of a Siste Community Relationship with Hasselt, Belgium has been delete from the Agenda. IN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. A royal to Proclaim A ril 6 1987 as TRIUMPH DAY in the Roanoke Valley: Assistant County Administrator Joh Chambliss announced that the Southwest Virginia Community Foo Bank has requested the County of Roanoke to join with the City o Salem, City of Roanoke and Town of Vinton in declaring Monday April 6, 1987 as Triumph Day. This would be a joint effort o all valley governments to participate in a unified collection o food and personal care items to meet the needs of th disadvantaged of the valley. There will be a joint signin ceremony on March 27th at 1:00 p.m. and staff recommends tha Chairman Johnson be authorized to sign the joint proclamation. March 24, 1987 Supervisor Garrett moved that the Board approve th staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Superviso Brittle and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. Resolutions of Ap reciation: Chairman Brittl presented Resolutions of Appreciation to Ruby Spradling and Alic Crotts of Social Services, and Ruby Testerman of the Healt Department upon their retirement. Ms. Spradling, Ms. Crott an Ms. Testerman were present. RESOLUTION 32487-1 OF APPRECIATION TO ALICE CROTTS FOR 18 1/2 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Alice M. Crotts was first employed in Augus of 1968 as Clerk-Typist in the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, Alice M. Crotts has also served as a Eligibility Worker and as a Senior Eligibility Worker supervisin the medicaid unit; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board o Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciatio and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Alic M. Crotts for 18 1/2 years of capable, loyal and dedicate service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its bes wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Superviso. Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None tJ "" / RESOLUTION 32487-2 OF APPRECIATION TO RUBY SPRADLING FOR 18 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY March 24, 1987 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Ruby S. Spradling was first employed in December of 1968 as Clerk-Typist in the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, Ruby S. Spradling has also served as Clerical Supervisor and as Administrative Manager since 1973; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Ruby S. Spradling for 18 years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best... wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 32487-3 OF APPRECIATION TO RUBY TESTERMAN FOR 33 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, Ruby Testerman was the first Public Health Nurse hired in Roanoke County on July 15, 1954; and WHEREAS, she has been with the State Health Department for a total of 37 years, having served in other localities prior to coming to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, she has held the position of Public Health Nurse Supervisor since February 1, 1956; and WHEREAS, special recognition should be given to her for her dedicated service and contributions provided to the public during the Polio epidemic of the 1950's and toward control of ~a./ "~ , March 24, 1987 Tuberculosis; and for her involvement with service agencies suc as the League of Older Americans, Nursing Home Friends, Menta Health Services and the Coordinating Council; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board o Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciatio and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Rub Testerman for her many years of capable, loyal and dedicate service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its bes wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None Resolution of Appreciation to Members of the Media for their Support of Crime Line• Chairman Johnso presented Resolutions of Appreciation to WDBJ-TV, WSET-TV WSLS-TV, The Roanoke Tribune, The Roanoke Times & World News K-92 Radio, WPVR/WFIR Radio, WROV Radio, and Cox Cable fo devoting a portion of their public service air time to Crime Line Representatives from each of these media were present to receiv their Resoluti;,_._ . RESOLUTION 32487-4 OF APPRECIATION TO WDBJ-TV, WSET-TV, WSLS-TV, THE ROANOKE TRIBUNE, THE ROANOKE TIMES & WORLD NEWS, K-92 RADIO, WPVR/WFIR RADIO, WROV RADZO, AND COX CABLE TV FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF CRIME LINE IN THE ROANOKE VALLEY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, these local media have devoted a portion o their public service air time to Crime Line; and WHEREAS, these local media, through their communit service efforts, have helped to deter local crime; and ~ ""` March 24, 1987 WHEREAS, such supportive efforts have helped to mak the Roanoke Valley a safer place to live, and enhanced th quality of life for all its citizens; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke Count Board of Supervisors does hereby commend the special spirit o cooperation that these local media have exhibited in thei contributions to Crime Line, a special valley-wide endeavor. FURTHER, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisor expresses its appreciation to the local media for their interes and support of this important project. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Superviso. Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 4. Proclamation Declarin the Week of A ril 5 through 11 as the WEER OF THE YOUNG CHILD IN Roanoke County Chairman Johnson presented the Proclamation to Serina Paynter of the Southwest Virginia Association for Early Childhood Education. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Re uest from Roanoke Colle a to Purchase the Old Courthouse: County Administrator Elmer Hodge announced that Roanoke College has expresseu an interest in purchasing the Old Courthouse for educational uses and administrative offices. This gives the County an opportunity to accomplish several things at once. It is an opportunity to preserve a landmark of the valley and at the same time to be of assistance to Roanoke College. They have agreed to maintain the historic nature of the Courthouse. Mr. Hodge stated that the Salem City Council and the Salem Historical Society both support this purchase. Roanoke College has to ability to raise the funds to remodel and maintain March 24, 1987 the facility, while Roanoke County will not be able to do so fo the next five years. Mr. Hodge pointed out that it would cos the County an estimated $1 .5 to 2 million dollars to renovate th Courthouse, and the operating costs are approximately $40,000 pe year. Mr. Hodge introduced Dr. Norman Fintel, President o Roanoke College, who was available for questions. Dr. Finte stated he appreciated the County's willingness to consider thei request. Roanoke College's long range plans include a ne business administration building to be built in the future, th opportunity to purchase the Courthouse would be ideal for thi purpose. -. Mr. Hodge stated that the County Charter requires tha the sale of real estate is accomplished by a first and secon reading of an ordinance. The first reading concerning the sal of the Courti~~,.~~ +ri~i be at 7:00 this evening. He recommende that the County commence with the sale following the prope procedures outlined in the County Charter. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the staff' recommendation and proceed with the first reading. The motio was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the followin recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. Protest of Bid for Ex andin Mason Cove Public Safety Building by Breakell, Inc Mr. Hodge explained tha the 1985 bond referendum appropriated funds for the expansion o the Mason Cove Public Safety Building. In November 198 Procurement forwarded bid packages for this expansion t seventeen firms, and a pre-bid conference was held on Novembe 24, 1986. There were seven firms who responded to the request for proposal, and an evaluation team studied the proposals. Th March 24, 1987 firm protesting the bid, Breakell was the highest bidder, and was $50,000 higher than the low bid. Gene Elliott, an attorney representing Breakell, Inc. presented information concerning the protest of the bid. He stated that their concern was the way the bid was advertised and awarded. This was a "design-build" project in which the contractor does not go by a prepared set of specifications, but rather receives a conceptual drawing. Mr. Elliott felt that the plan as specified contained numerous building code violations. The bid went to the low bidder because the bid price was the only criteria on which the bid was awarded. According to Mr. Elliott, Procurement stated in meetings with Breakell that this was not a design-build project, but a fixed bid project. Breakell feels that if you advertise a project as "design-build" and then evaluate it as a fixed-price and award to the low bidder, it is arbitrary and capricious. Breakell is requesting that the contract be enjoined from going forth if no work has begun, and if the work has begun, that the contract be voided, and thej project be rebid. Supervisor Brittle asked if Breakell was present at the pre-bid conference. Mr. Elliot responded that he was. Supervisor Nickens asked how Breakell knew there was a pre-bid conference. Mr. Breakell, who was also present, responded that this information was included in the invitation to bid. Mr. Hodge stated that the County was looking for a firm that would design and build the project. The other six firms were aware of this. Supervisor Nickens asked County Attorney Paul Mahoney if the County was legally correct in their bid process of awarding the contract to the low bidder. Mr. Mahoney responded that staff has reviewed the state anu cuun~y code provisions, the procedures followed, and the documents submitted to the bidders. He felt March 24, 1987 that the County was within both the spirit and intent of both th Virginia Procurement Act and the County Code. Supervisor McGraw moved to accept the lowest responsibl bidder. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson an carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 3. -Request for Authorization to Acquire Option on Certain Properties in the Vicinity of the Regional Landfill County Administrator Elmer C. Hodge reported that the County has been working with the River Project through community meeting with the residents involved. The River Foundation has redesigne their project to exclude properties with houses on them. Th County has also been meeting with the Regional Landfill Board t study alternatives available other than expansion of the presen landfill. The Board discussed in Executive Session th possibility of acquiring an option on property in the vicinity o the Regional Landfill. Staff from the County Attorney's Offic have met with representatives of that property. Mr. Hodg requested that the Board authorize staff to proceed with th option, and notify the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinto that they are going forward with the process. Supervisor Johnson pointed out that the Board wa securing future economic development efforts in the County b attempting to acquire the option. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the staf recommendation. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittl and carried by the following recorded vote. 4. A royal to transfer Funds for Continuation of Sewer Proiects: Director of Utilities Clifford Craig state that the County is working on four sewer projects which were t be funded by unissued sewer bonds, including the Roanoke Rive `~ March 24, 1987 Phase II, Ore Branch Interceptor and Starkey Pump Station/Force Main, and the Castle rock Submain. The Roanoke River Phase II project has funding from the sale of these bonds, but the other three projects have not been funded yet. Staff is requesting the Board's approval to transfer $191,580 from the Roanoke River Phase II project into the other three projects in order to complete them. When the bonds are sold, the transferred funds will be returned to the Roanoke River Phase II project. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the staff recommendation. THe motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens end carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson SAYS: None 5. Approval of County Share of the Funding of a 5urvev of Airport Property before transferring Property to the 2egional Airport Commission• Supervisor Garrett announced this aas the first step in conveying the property to the Regional airport Commission. Chairman Johnson noted that the $13,244.00 vhich the County's share of the cost to obtain the survey firm gill come from the Supervisors Contingency Fund. He also stated :hat this was in accordance with the Contract. In response to a question from Supervisor McGraw, he also stated that he did not anticipate further expenses related to this. Supervisor Garrett moved that $13,224.00 be ppropriated for the survey and that the City of Roanoke be uthorized to proceed. The motion was seconded by Supervisor rittle and carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisor Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYS: None 6. Request for Approval for Pilot Proiect for Source eparation/Recycle Program• Director of Utilities Clifford raig reported that the Clean Valley Council has requested that ~°`~ .,.~ March 24, 1987 Roanoke County participate in, and partially fund, a pilo recycling project for 100 homes. The participants would b provided with baskets for aluminum, glass and newspaper. Th Northside Hiah School and Glenvar High School Homer Duff with the Roanoke County Schools announced that the School Board County would then collect these recycled materials and take the: Ito a point where they would be sold. The cost to Roanoke count; would be $25,600, with a net cost after sale of the recycle material of $16,193. Mr. Craig felt that if the pilot projec were expanded to 3,000 homes, the County's cost would no increase, but the revenue would be doubled from the item: collected and savings at the landfill, and the project would b~ cost effective. There is presently no money available in this o: lnext year's budget to fund this program. Pam Berg, 2618 Charing Cross Drive was. present tc represent Clean Valley Council and speak in support of the proposed project. She announced that by increasing the number of homes served to 3,000, it would increase the cost of the bins b5 1$40,000, and Clean Valley Council could not secure the additiona] They have received a $12,692 grant from the Virginia (Environmental Endowment, contingent that the Clean Valle} Committee find the other 50 percent funding, and that Roanoke County budget their portion of the project. Owens-Illinois has agreed to fund part of the remaining $12,000. Both Supervisor Johnson and Supervisor Brittle voiced their support for this project and hoped that it could be kept alive through the budget process. Supervisor McGraw moved that this request be tabled for further discussion in the budget process. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by a unanimous voice ~./ / 7. Request from the School Board to apply for tal Literary Loans for William. Byrd High School. March 24, 1987 would like to apply for supplemental literary loans for construction projects on several schools. This is a continuatior of the Capital Improvement Program. The projected costs of these projects is now available, and the School Board is requestinc approval from the Board of Supervisors to submit these supplemental applications in the amount of $222,000.00 Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the School Board's request to apply for supplemental literary loans. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 8. Request from the School Board to apply for Supplemental Literary Loan for addition to Cave Spring Elementary School: Mr. Duff reported this was a similar request as the request that was just approved. The project was submitted in 1982, and has now been bid and awarded by the School Board. The School Board is requesting approval to apply for the supplemental loan in the amount of $175,000.00 through the Virginia Literary Loan Fund. John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for iManagement Services stated reimbursement of this loan will not begin until the 1988-89 fiscal year. Supervisor Johnson moved to table this request until April 7, 1987, and stated he was aware of the possible legal implications. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett. Supervisor McGraw asked Mr. Duff what type of problems could be caused by tabling this issue. Mr. Duff responded that the contract is now in place. If the contract could not be continued, the School Board would have to consult with the County Attorney on the legal options, and would have to face the legal consequences with the contractor. Another problem would be the March 24, 1987 ,r----- negative impact on the educational program of the County schools, particularly Cave Spring Elementary School. Supervisor Johnson stated his reason for tabling the request was not to deny funding for Cave Spring Elementary School but to give the School Board and the Board of Supervisors an opportunity to create a dialogue. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson, NAYS: None 9. Resolution Adopting the Design and Constructions Standards for Water facilities: Clifford Craig, Director o Utilities, reported that these water standards are proposed t apply to all water systems except individual systems. Th standards call for minimum sizes, pressure and flow for fir protection. The staff recommends that these standards be adopte by resolution. Supervisor Brittle moved to table this issue to allo the Homebuilders to meet with Mr. Craig to discuss thei concerns, but the effective date of the resolution and ordinanc when approved would be today. The motion was seconded b Supervisor Nickens and carried by a unanimous voice vote. 10. Ac uisition of an Automated Cashierin S stem for the Treasurer's Office: County Treasurer Alfred Anderso presented this request for a proposal for an automated cashierin system which would increase productivity by allowing faster clos outs by the cashiers, provide an automatic interface through th County's computer system and greatly enhance the interna controls of the County's financial system. $25,000 has bee included in the 1987/88 fiscal year budget to cover the leas purchase for this system. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve this request. Th motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle and carried by th following recorded vote: March 24, 1987 --,r- (AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ',~IN RE: REQUESTS FOR WORR SESSIONS Chairman Johnson requested a work session with the School Board to discuss several matters. SIN RE: APPOINTMENTS Supervisor Garrett asked to move Appointments for discussion under Item J-5 of the Consent Agenda. IIN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Brittle: Proposed the establishment of an advisory ad hoc committee to be composed of one business person from each magisterial district, appointed by the supervisors. This committee would assist the County members of the Regional Airport in their decision-making. Chairman Johnson requested this be placed on the April 14, 1987 agenda for board discussion. IN RE CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Garrett requested that Item 5 be removed for discussion. Supervisor Johnson moved that the Consent Agenda be approved with the deletion of Item 7 and the removal of Item 5 for discussion. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens. RESOLUTION N0. 32487-15 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA ~c.~ '"~ ~. ,., March 24, 1987 FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 24, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 11, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - March 6, 1987, March 10, 1987. 2. Approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation to add Route 1505 (Landview Drive) from Route 689 to a northwest cul-de-sac to the Secondary System. 3. Acceptance of deed from Cave Spring Baptist Church conveying sewer lines to Roanoke County. 4. Authorization to transfer three vehicles from Roanoke County to the County School Board. 5. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board. 6. Establishment of a Flexible benefits Plan for County Employees. 7. RnEhe~#sat}en to Regnesti bhe Estab~}si~ateat e€ a Srster Eexgmnn€ty Re~a6tensh}p ir~th Hasse€t= Be~ginm- 8. Approval of request for State Compensation Board funding of certain positions in the Sheriff's Department. 9. Finalization of the County Holiday Schedule for 1987. 10. Request for Approval to issue Credit against Off-site Facility Fees for Chaparral Forest. 11. Approval to use proceeds from "Cooks Bottom" sale for Improvements to the Public Service Center. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. ~` March 24, 1987 On motion of Supervisor Johnson, after the deletion of Item J-7 and removal of Item J-5 for discussion; seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 32487-15.C REQUESTING THE STATE COMPENSATION BOARD TO AUTHORIZE CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL IN THE SHERIFF' S DEPZK'PM~;N'P OF ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board does hereby request the State Compensation Board to authorize the following additional personnel for the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County, Virginia, to-wit: (a) Five Dispatchers (b) One Secretary (c) One part-time Secretary (d) One Circuit Court of Appeals Bailiff 2. That the County does hereby express its intent to place in its 1987-88 fiscal year budget funds sufficient to fund its portion of the cost and expense of such additional positions; and 3. That the County requests the Compensation Board to fund the entire budget of the Sheriff's Department as presented; and 4. That an attested copy of this resolution be forthwith forwarded to the Sheriff of Roanoke County and to the State Compensation Board. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and the following recorded vote: YES: Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson AYS: None March 24, 1987 Supervisor Garrett requested that James Sanders b confirmed as a member of the Court Service Unit Advisor Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board, representatin the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Supervisor Johnson moved that Item J-5 amended a Supervisor Garrett requested be approved. The motion was seconde by Supervisor Nickens and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE REPORTS: The LV1LUWi11~ reports were received and filed: 1. Board Contingency Fund 2. General Operating Fund Income and Expense Analysi for the Month ended February 28, 1987. IN RE EXECUTIVE SESSION: Chairman Johnson moved to go into Executive Sessio pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (2) an (6) to discuss acquisition of land and a legal matter. Th motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by th following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE OPEN SESSION At 5:15 p.m. Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Ope Session. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett an carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None r March 24, 1987 IN RE DINNER RECESS: At 5:16 p.m. Chairman Johnson declared a dinner recess. ~IN RE EVENING SESSION: At 7:03 p.m., Chairman Johnson called the meeting back Ilto order. II IN RE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Accepting an Offer for and Authorizing the sale of real estate the Old Courthouse in Salem Vir inia: County Administrator Elmer Hodge, announced that the Board of Supervisors approved proceeding with the sale of the Old Courthouse to Roanoke College during the afternoon session. He reviewed the discussion that was held at that time. The second reading of this ordinance will be April 14, 1987. Supervisor Brittle moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. Ordinance authorizin the ac uisition of easements North Lakes Water Line Interconnection ro'ects: County Attorney Paul Mahoney stated that it is necessary to authorize the acquisition of five easements to complete the North Lakes Water Line Interconnection Project. The second reading will be April 14, 1987. March 24, 1987 Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGra~ and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amendin section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke Count Code (1971) b the Re eal of Sub-section (a) (b) and (c) pertaining to certain standards and specifications Supervisor Johnson moved to table this ordinance unti April 7, 1987 so that staff may discuss concerns with th Homebuilders Association. The motion was seconded by Superviso Nickens and carried by a unanimous voice vote. 2. Ordinance authorizin the conve ance of a roximatel 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Su ervisors of Roanoke Count to the Count School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia• County Attorney Paul Mahoney reported that the inten of this ordinance is to authorize the conveyance of 32 acres o real estate in the Glenvar area of the County to the School Boar for their future use for educational purposes. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the second readin of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Brittle. ORDINANCE 32487-16 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 32 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 0 the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the dispositio s/ March 24, 1987 ~ Road: for and e 601 uthorizi d Holli Mr. Mahoney stated that the Highway Department woul like to acquire additional right-or-way on Old Hollins Road, nea the AMP site. The Highway Department has offered $3,450 t acquire the land. This Ordinance will authorize the Count Administrator to execute the necessary documents to go forwar with this conveyance. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the ordinance. Thy motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. ORDINANCE 32487-17 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE ON ROUTE 601 (OLD HOLLINS ROAD) BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roan County, Virginia, as follows: and conveyance of the hereinafter-described real estate was he lc on March 10, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held or March 24, 1987. This real estate is located west of Salem, adjoining Glenvar High School; and 2. That the conveyance of approximately 32 acres of real estate from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the County School Board of Roanoke County is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervis Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None I March 24, 1987 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 0 the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning th sale and disposition of the hereinafter-described real estat was held on March 10, 1987. A second reading was held on Marc 24, 1987. This real estate is located on Route 601 (Old Hollin Road) and consists of 0.093 acre of land in fee, 0.003 acre i permanent easement, 0.153 acre in temporary easement, and an addi tional utility easement; and 2. That offers having been received for this surplu real estate on Route 601 (Old Hollins Road), the offer of th Virginia Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,450.0 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanok County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the Count Attorney. tf `° / On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Superviso McGraw, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson 4. Ordinance amending Section 21-52 (e) of they Code pertaining to Use Value Assessment R Fees• Mr. Mahoney announced this ordinance amends the Coun Code in order to bring it into compliance with the State Cod . It changes the revalidation process from a five-year interval a six-year interval as provided in the State Code. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the second readi g of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Britt e and carried by a unanimous recorded vote. ORDINANCE 32487-18 AMENDING SECTION 21-52(e) OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE PERTAINING TO USE VALUE ASSESSMENT REVALIDATION FEES March 24, 1987 __ --- ~- _._ WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading was held on MarcF 10, 1987, a second reading was held on March 24, 1987, and a public hearing was held on March 24, 1987, concerning an ordinance amending Section 21-52(e) of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to use value assessment revalidation fees; WHEREAS, Section 21-52(a), Article III, Division 2 of Chapter 21 of the Roanoke County Code provides for property owners to submit an application for taxation on the basis of use assessment; and WHEREAS, Section 21-52(e), Article III, Division 2 of Chapter 21 of the Roanoke County Code provides that property owners must revalidate annually with the County Assessor any such application previously approved and imposes a revalidation fee at a five-year (5) interval; and WHEREAS, Section 58.1-3234 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, authorizes the local governing body of a County by ordinance to impose a revalidation fee at a six-year, (6> interval. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-52(e) be amended to read and provide as follows: Section 21-52(e). A property owner must revalidate annually with the County assessor any applications previously approved. A re- validation fee is hereby imposed at a five t5} six (6) year interval, such fee to be in the amount of the original application fee. Revalidation forms may be filed late on or before the effective date of the assessment ~/ ~` 1 March 24, 1987 upon the payment of a late filing fee of double the original application fee. 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall b April 1, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Superviso Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 5. Ordinance amendin Cha ter 7 "Buildin Reculations" of the Roannko r`n„n*., r+,.a,. ....,.__:ae__ r__ be heard b the Buildin Code Board of Adjustments and A eals re uirin owners of unsafe buildin s to clear the lot after demolition and extendin the duration of demolition ermits from thirty to ninety days• Mr. Mahoney stated that there have been severa problems in the enforcement of this portion of the Code. Thes types of appeals will now be heard by the Building Code Board o Adjustments and Appeals rather than the Board of Supervisors The other recommended amendments would require the owner t clear the site of debris from the demolished building and exten the demolition permit from 30 days to 90 days, eliminating th need for the Chief Building Official to grant extensions of th original permit. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the second readin of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens. Supervisor McGraw asked if this ordinance would appl to mobile homes. Mr. Mahoney responded that if the mobile hom was deemed unsafe and called for demolition, the ordinance woul apply. Supervisor Nickens asked how this ordinance woul control situations where there is immediate danger from an unsaf building. Mr. Mahoney stated that are alternatives in th March 24, 1987 existing County Code to handle these in a more expeditious manner ORDINANCE 32487-19 AMENDING CHAPTER 7, "BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE PROVIDING FOR APPEALS TO BE HEARD BY THE BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS, REQUIRING OWNERS OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS TO CLEAR THE LOT AFTER DEMOLITION, AND EXTENDING THE DURATION OF DEMOLITION PERMITS FROM THIRTY TO NINETY DAYS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke lCounty, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the IlRoanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: ARTICLE IV. UNSAFE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ISec. 7-62. Appeals from decisions rendered under article. (a) A decision rendered by the building official in the enforcement of this article may be appealed to the beard e€ sr~pern}sore Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, provided such appeal is made within ten (10) days in a manner and form to be specified by the building official; provided, however, not subject to appeal. Before rendering a decision in favor of the appellant, the beard e£ snperv~sers Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals must serve as a committee of the whole and conduct an on-site investigation of the building or structure in question and clearly determine that the condition of the same poses no threat to the health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the county. (b> The failure of any person to abide by the decision of the board e£ snpere}sera Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals after an appeal pursuant to this section shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor and be subject to legal action by the building official. .... March 24, 1987 Sec. 7-66. Notice to repair or demolish--Generally. (a) If an unsafe condition is found in a building o structure, the building official shall serve on the owner, agen or person in control of the building or structure a writte notice describing the building or structure deemed unsafe any specifying the required repairs or improvements to be made t~ render the building or structure safe and secure, or requiring the unsafe building or structure or portion thereof, to be demolished within a stipulated time. If the person so notified is required to demolish the structure, he shall be further required to clear the demolition site of all debris within five (5) days after the completion of the demolition. Such notic shall require the person thus notified to immediately declare t the building official his acceptance or rejection of the terms o the notice. (b) If the owner, agent or person in control of building or structure cannot be found within the county, afte diligent search, the notice referred to in subsection (a) abov shall be Sent by registered or certified mail to the last know address of such person and a copy of such notice shall be poste in a conspicuous place on the premises. Such procedure shall b deemed the equivalent of personal notice. (c) The cost of any work required by a notice give pursuant to this section shall be the responsibility of th person to whom such notice is given. March 24, 1987 (d) Failure to comply with the requirements of notice given pursuant to this section shall constitute a Class misdemeanor. Sec. 7-67.1. Demolition permit. The owner or his agent shall secure a demolition permit to demolish an unsafe building or structure. Any demolition permit issued under this section shall be valid for th}rty E3A~ ninety (90) days. 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None IN RE PUBLIC HEARINGS 387-1 PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE CITIZEN INPUT ON THE BUDGET FOR 1987/88 The purpose of this Public Hearing was to allow citizens to speak to any issue concerning the proposed budget for 1987/88. 1. Rita Watson, President of the Roanoke County Central Council of PTA's, spoke requesting that the Board approve a four percent increase in funding for the County Schools, instead of the $300,000 proposed increase. 2. Doris Boitnott, 716 Stearling Road, President of the Roanoke County Education Association, spoke requesting that ~# March 24, 1987 ---- _ R----- ---- - - the Budget include funding for an eight percent across-the-boar r a i s e f o r s c h o o l p e r s o n n e l 3. Mary Anderson, 1016 Grove Lane, a member of the Roanoke County Human Services Committee, requesting additiona funds for this committee to appropriate among the various service agencies in the Roanoke Valley. 4. Pam Berg, a member of the Board of the Clean Valle Council, requesting that the budget include funds for the Piloi Recycling Program. 387-2 PETITION OF D.W. DEVELOPERS INC. REQUESTING VACATION OF A 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY ON THE EAST SIDE OF STARMOUNT AVENUE IN DEER RUN ESTATES, SECTION II (Continued from February 24, 1987) Timothy Gubala, Assistant County Administrator fc Economic Development, stated that staff has made a recommendatic to solve the problems that existed between the petitioner and a adjacent property owners when this issue was heard on Februar 24, 1987. Specifically, they were concerned with off-sit drainage and water and sewer. Staff has studied the problem an the Final Order will reflect their recommendation. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the Petition wit the staff's recommendation. The motion was seconded b Supervisor Nickens. FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the 50 foo right-of-way, hereinabove described and as shown on a pla attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned excludin the existing „~~.y.1 easements, but a new 50 foot drainag easement bounded by the limits of the existing right-of-way shal be established. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order b transmitted to the Department of Development and that this orde ~../ "". / March 24, 1987 --- -- -~----- be recorded by the petitioner along with the attached plat among the land records of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor McGraw, Seconded by Supervisor Nickens and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson ~~NAYS: None 387-3 PETITION OF DAVID W. PETERS TO REZONE A 0.44 ACRE PARCEL FROM M-1, INDUSTRIAL TO B-2, BUSINESS TO OPERATE A RETAIL SALES BUSINESS AND REPAIR SHOP LOCATED ON ROUTE 221 IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. Gubala reported this property was formerly known as the Old Bent Mountain Fire Station. The Planning Commission .unanimously recommended approval of this rezoning with the proffer of conditions. No one was present in opposition to this petition. j Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the petition with the proffered conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned, parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 111.00-1-17 and recorded in Deed Book 632, Page 246 and legally described below be rezoned from M-1, Industrial District to B-2, Business with conditions District. BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the west right-of-way line of Route 221, corner to the property now or formerly owned by Mary Powell Baker; thence with the west right-of-way line of Route 221 S. 15 degrees 30'W. 70 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 22 deg. 32' W. 78.3 feet to a point; thence N. 57 deg. 00 E. 104.5 feet to a point; thence, S. 74 deg. 30' E. 79.3 feet to a point on the west boundary of Route 221; thence with the same, S. ~~ March 24, 1987 15 deg. 30' W. 70 feet to the point of the BEGINNING and containing 0.443 acres. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order k transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and he k directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map c Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Garrett, and upon th following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None PROFFER OF CONDITIONS 1. All repair work done on the premises will be inside tt existing enclosed structure. No dismantling of vehicles c equipment will be done on the outside of structure. All loos parts - new or used to be stored on inside of building. 2. Permitted uses will be limited to items 1 - 4 unde Permitted Uses of the B-2 General Commercial District 3. Overnight display will be limited to ten (10 tractors. 4. Any outside display will be twenty (20) feet from th highway pavement. 387-4 PETITION OF JACK L. WALROND JR TO REZONE THE FORMER TRAIL DRIVE-IN THEATER, A 14.29 ACRE PARCEL FROM R-3 RESIDENTIAL ESTATES TO B-2 BUSINESS, B-3 BUSINESS, AND M-1 INDUSTRIAL TO DEVELOP THE WALROND OIL RETAIL OFFICE COMPLEX AND A LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARR, LOCATED ON ROUTE 460 IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. Gubala announced that the Planning Commissio reviewed this petition and did an extensive investigation of thi request. There were citizens speaking in oppositions and i favor of the petition at the Planning Commission hearing. Ther were numerous proffered conditions to the property both prior an ~.+"'~ { March 24, 1987 after the meeting. The Planning Commission voted to deny by a vote of 3 to 2. Chairman Johnson pointed out there were many untrue rumors circulating in the Hollins Magisterial District about this petitioner's plan for the property. Steve Waldrup of L. S. Waldrup Realty Company was present to represent the petitioner. He reiterated that many rumors have been circulating. The plan was developed along the guidelines of the 419 development plan. Road access was limited. It involves three separate rezonings - B-2 Business, B-3 Business, and M-1, Industrial. Mr. Waldrup reviewed the prepared map showing the proposed rezoning with the audience, and described what the petitioner planned to build. They include an office complex for Walrond Oil, development of commercial road frontage and a light industrial park on the rear acreage. The Walrond Oil portion will also contain underground fuel storage facilities. Mr. Waldrup stated that there will be seven separate double-wall storage tanks. They will also be piped individually, with no interlinking or mixing. They will be constructed of buff-hide and are warranted for 30 years. The tanks will consist of 1/4 inch steel overlaid with 1/4 inch fiberglass. The tanks will be set in the ground in a sand pit on top of eight inches of gravel. The gravel would allow an oil leak to leak in the direction of well monitoring sites. The filling sites are in a recessed manhole with a siphon. Mr. Waldrup announced these plans have been reviewed by EPA, the Virginia Water Control Authority, the National Fire Protection Authority and the County Fire Marshal. Attorney Arthur Strickland was present to represent several residents of the area of the proposed rezoning. The residents are concerned about the character of the neighborhood they live in, and specifically about their well water and the March 24, 1987 -_- r acquifer tha*_ °~rves that part of the County. Mr. Stricklan pointed out that after the Planning Commission visited the site they voted to recommend denial. The residents' main concern i the possibility of fuel leaks into the acquifer and their wel water. Their other concern was the proposed convenience store The proposed location is lower than the residents homes, and th shielding would not keep the neighbors from looking right out o it. It could be a magnet for undesirables, especially if it is 24 hour store. Mr. Strickland felt that the residents are no opposed to commercial development, but are concerned with thi particular project. Chairman Johnson acknowledged receipt of a petitio signed by 240 residents opposed to the rezoning which Mr Strickland had previously mailed to the Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Lelia Albrecht, 4775 Lake Back-O-Bryon Road Roanoke, Virginia 24012, also spoke opposing the rezoning. Sh also stated that the primary concern of the residents is th danger to the well water in the area. These storage tanks wil be underground on a site as close as 5/10 of a mile to entrance to residential areas. The Bonsack Acquifer runs from the Starke area to the Montvale area, and is one of the largest flows o water in the valley. In the 1970's there was a leak from a Shel Oil terminal in the Starkey area, and according to the Stat Water Control Board it took nearly ten years to appear in th County's wells. The warranty on the tanks is only 30 years whic~ is a short time in the life of the County's ground water. Mrs Albrecht pointed out that the State Water Control Board state that by the time a monitor warns of a leak, it is already to late. Other citizens speaking in opposition to the rezonin were Mr. W. David Hale, 398 Orchard Lake Drive, Roanoke, Va., wh questioned placing M-1 zoning close to residential areas; Richar H. Lowe, 4017 Challenger Avenue, Roanoke, Va. 24012 who owns 10 March 24, 1987 acres adjacent to the Trail Drive-In which would be affected by view of part of the industrial park; and Richard Foster, 171E Greenwood Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Mr. Waldrup responded to the citizens speaking it opposition. He pointed out that the petitioner had also spoker, to the State Water Control Board and other agencies and there is no consensus on how fast a leak would move. Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning, Zoning and Grants presented a map showing the general geological formations and described the acquifer and its flow. He explained that an acquifer is basically an underground river. This particular acquifer runs from Montgomery County to Bedford County, and the site of the proposed rezoning is about in the middle. There are at least ten gas stations located over this particular acquifer. Chairman Johnson asked Tommy Fuqua, Chief of Fire and Emergency Services to report to the Board, regardless of the outcome of the rezoning, what has to be done and what the legal) constraints are concerning primary and secondary retention on site of any leakage of fuel oil storage tanks. Mr. Fuqua stated the is already working on this by gathering information on what is being done in Roanoke County and in other localities. Chairman Johnson stated he would like this to become an ordinance. Supervisor Garrett and Supervisor Brittle both announced that they had received many telephone calls in opposition to the rezoning, and wished that there had been time for community meetings with the residents. Supervisor McGraw asked if the Proffer of Conditions stated the number of tanks that would be allowed? Mr. Waldrup stated that although it was not proffered, there would be no more than seven tanks or seven trucks on the site. Supervisor McGraw stated that a letter received from the petitioner written on March 12, 1987 was specific as to the number of tanks, and other conditions. He asked Mr. Mahoney if that could be considered March 24, 1987 an additional proffer. Mr. Mahoney stated that the Count Ordinance stated that any proffered conditions must be made prio to the public hearing and must be made in writing. It could b debatable whether this particular letter constitutes a vali proffer, although it was in writing and received prior to th public hearing. Supervisor Nickens stated he had studied this issue very closely and believes the petitioner has taken ever safeguard to protect the water acquifer. Supervisor Nickens moved that the petition be granted with the proffer of conditions Supervisor Brittle seconded the motion, pointing out that the site plan which is part of the Proffer relates to the area where the tanks can be placed. Supervisor McGraw asked that the number of tanks and number of gallons be included in the motion, Supervisor Nickens agreed to amend the motion to include this. FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 50.01-1-2 and recorded in Deed Book, and lega described below, be rezoned from RE-Residential Estate Distric to B-2, B-3 and M-1 per concept plan: Description of 1.867 acre tract being rezoned to B-3 Special Commercial District Starting at a point in the easterly right-of-way of U S. Route 460 East, said point being the southwesterly corner o] a 14.291 acre tract as shown on survey for Fred L. & Virginia H, Davis prepared by T. P. parker & Son dated 4 February 1974; thence with the easterly right-of-way of U. S. Route 460, N. 35~ 20' 19" E. 293.15 feet to a point; thence still with sai~ right-of-way, N. 400 23'27" E. 79.10 feet to the point of BEGINNING, thence north 40° 23' 27" 217.81 feet to a point; thence continuing with said right-of-way, N. 40° 12'49" E.47.35 feet to a point, said point being at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way of U. S. Route 460 and the northerly line of a proposed 50 foot wide access road; thence leaving U. S. Route 460 and with the northerly line of said access road, S. Slo 38' 49" E. 226.32 feet to a point thence leaving said acres road, S.38o 21' 11" W. 265.00 feet to a point; thence N.51o 38' 49" W. 235.60 feet to the Point of BEGINNING, containing 1.86 acres and being the northerly portion of Lot 2 as shown o March 24, 1987 Conceptual Site Plan for Perimeter East Commerce Center as prepared by Jones & Jones Associates dated 9 February 1987. Description of 0.926 acre parcel being rezoned B-2 General-Commercial District BEGINNING at a point in the easterly right-of-way of U. S. Route 460 and being the northwesterly corner of a 14.291 acre tract as shown on survey for Fred L. & Virginia H, Davis by T. P, Parker & Son dated February 4, 1974; thence leaving said right-of-way and with the southerly line of the Virginia H. Davis property, S. 760 57' 55" E. 252.43 feet to a point, thence still with said Davis property, S. 380 17' 08" E. 22.42 feet to a point;thence leaving the Davis property, S. 380 21' 11" W. 204.93 feet to a point in the northerly line of a proposed access road; thence with the northerly line of said access road, N. 51° 38' 49" W. 253.32 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way of U. S. Route 460; thence with said right-of-way, N. 400 12' 49" E. 102.22 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing 0.926 acres and being shown as Lot 1 on a Conceptual Site plan of Perimeter East Commerce Center prepared by Jones & Jones Associates dated 9 February 1987. Description of 10.016 acre tract being rezoned to M-1 Light Industrial Starting at a point in the easterly right-of-way of U. S. Route 460 East, said point being the southwesterly corner of a 14.291 acre tract as shown on survey for Fred L. & Virginia H. Davis prepared by T. P. Parker & Son dated 4 February 1974; thence with the property of Nancy G. Creasey, et al, S. 650 44' 'S3" E. 257.77 feet to the Point of BEGINNING; thence leaving the Creasey property, N. 380 21' 11" E. 224.00 feet to a point; thence N. 510 38' 49" W. 27.00 feet to a point thence N. 380 21' 11" E. 350.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of a proposed 50 foot wide access road; thence with the northerly line of the proposed access road, S. 510 38' 49" E. 27.00 feet to a point; thence leaving said access road, N. 380 21' 11" E. 204.93 feet to a point in the southerly line of the Virginia H. Davis property; thence with the Davis property, S. 380 17' 08" E. 227.05 feet to a point; thence still with the Davis property, N. 79° 42' 48" E. 135.67 feet to a pci~`. ~tioncA leaving the Davis property and with the Dr. Richard H. Lowe, Jr. property, S, l0 55' 48" E. 756.43 feet to a point' thence with the Lowe property, S. 710 38' 05" W. 202.63 feet to a point; thence leaving the Lowe property and with the Creasy property, N. 210 11' 35" W. 125.91 feet to a point; thence still with the Creasy property, N. 650 44'53" W. 597.91 feet to the Point of BEGINNING, containing 10.016 acres and being the westerly part of Lot 2 and all of Lots 5 thru 11 as shown on Conceptual Site plan for Perimeter East Commerce Center as prepared by Jones & Jones Associates dated 9 February 1987. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map Roanoke County. ~.. I ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Nickens and upon the lowing recorded vote: March 24, 1987 AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: Supervisor Johnson ABSENT: None PROFFER OF CONDITIONS (1) All fuel storage within the distribution facilities will be underground, providing bottom loading service only. Thanks are to be buff-hide steel with fiberglass sealer. All corners of the storage areas are to be monitored with seepage detectors. (2) All truck storage areas as relates to Walrond Oil Company are to be screened from view from adjacent property owners, by landscaping, earth berm, fence or combination. (3) Retail facilities to be of similar design to Texaco 2000 Outlet. Landscaping per concept plan. (4) Office design to be in substantial conformity to concep plans and architectural description. (5) Walrond Oil Company, Inc. complex will be contained withi B-2 and B-3 zoned areas as set forth on the concept plan. (6) Development of the entire tract will be within restriction as proposed for Perimeter-East Commerce Park. (7) B-3 zoning to be restricted to permitted uses under Sectio 21-23-3 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, to users defined under Paragraph 1 and 3. (8) B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth unde Section 21-23-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance updat August 4, 1986, public billiard parlor and poolrooms, gol. driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. (9) M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance - update August 4, 1986, automotive repair, overhauling or servicf requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kennels witl exterior runs or yards, flea markets and mini-warehouses. (10) A 35 foot buffer strip shall be maintained between ligh industrial and adjacent Residential and Agricultural Districts. Buffers which abut residential home sites shall be planted wit Evergreen trees, interspersed with deciduous trees as set fort in section 21-92 General standards, Subsection E, F, G of th Screening and Buffering ordinance of the County of Roanoke, a now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. (11) Middle curb cut to Lot 2 will provide for vehicle entrance only from Route 460. (12) Lot #3 and #4 shall provide for shared access to the cut on Route 460. PROPOSED RESTRICTIONS PERIMETER-EAST COMMERCE PARK March 24, 1987 It is the intent of the restrictions as applied to the b-2 General Commercial District and M-1 Light Industrial District to encourage the use of landscape screening, buffered parking areas and signage, such as to produce an attractive commercial district and working environ. All of said tracts of land shown on the development map of Perimeter East Commerce Park shall be subject to the covenants, lconditions and restrictions as follows: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS No obnoxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance to any person or entity owning property within Perimeter-East Commerce Park or adjacent to said Park, by reason of excessive emissions of smoke, odors, dust, nongaseous fumes,) excessive noise, or excessive glare or heat. It is the intent of the performance standards, as set forth, to provide that commercial and light industrial properties shall.. be developed and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties and to provide that each such permitted ,use shall be a good neighbor to adjoining properties. The recipient of a building permit within the Commerce Park should note that these performance standards, like other provisions, are continuing obligations and the property is expected to operate in compliance with these standards. A. Smoke - Measurements shall be at the point of emissions. fissions shall not exceed a 20$ opacity, as determined by nitoring by standards of the Virginia Air Pollution Control 3rd. B. Dust - Reasonable precautions shall be maintained to prevent particulate material from becoming air borne. The precautions may include, but are not limited to standards as set forth under the Regulations for the controlling of air pollution, S / March 24, 1987 Section 120-04-0104 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control (Board (January 1, 1985). C. Odor - No owners or other persons shall cause or permit to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility any emission which cause an odor objectionable to individuals of ordinary sensibility. D. Gases - Fumes or gases shall not be emitted at any point in concentrations or amounts that are obnoxious to individuals of ordinary sensibility or are toxic or corrosive. E. Noise - Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation is located. Noise shall be muffled so as not to become objectionable due to intermittance, beat frequency, shrillness or intensity. At the property line, the sound pressure level of noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the values given in Tables 2 and 3 in any octave band frequency. TABLE 2 Maximum permissible sound-pressure levels at specified points of measurement for noise radiated continuously from a facility. Frequency band Cycles per Second Decibel*Level 20 75 69 75 150 54 150 300 47 300 600 41 600 1,200 37 1,200 2,400 34 2,400 4,800 31 4,800 10,000 28 10,000 20,000 26 ** 20,000 30,000 25 ** 30,000 40,000 24 ** 40,000 50,000 23 ** * According to the following formula: Sound Pressure Le vel in Decibels equals 10 log P1 where P2 equ-'- n _nnn~ dynes/cm2 P2 **To avoid possible interference with animal experiments. If the noise is not smooth and continuous, one or more of ~-1 March 24, 1987 the corrections in Table 3 below shall be added to or subtracted from each of the decibel levels given above in Table 2. TABLE 3 Type of Operation or Character of Noise Correction in Decibels Noise source operates less than 208 of any one hour period Plus 5* Noise source operates less than 58 of any one hour period Plus 10* Noise source operates less than 18 of any one hour period Plus 15* Noise of impulsive character (hammering, etc.) Minus 5 Noise of periodic character (hum, screech, etc.) Minus 5 * Apply one of these corrections only. F. Glare - Whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights, or high temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible at any property line. G. Exterior Lighting - Any lights used for exterior illumination shall direct light away from adjoining properties. H. Vibrations - Vibrations shall not be discernible from any property line to the human sense of feeling for three minutes or more duration in any one hour. I. Radiation - Operations shall cause no dangerous radiation at any property line as specified by the regulations of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. J. Waste - All sewage and industrial wastes shall be treated and disposed of in such a manner as to comply with Virginia water quality standards and Environmental Protection 9cts as applicable. RKI Each user permitted in this park shall provide adequate paved off-street parking for its employees and visitors and exterior lighting requirements, as set forth for off-street parking requirements, as herein adopted or may be adopted by March 24, 1987 Roanoke County. Development plans under the B-2 District shall be set forth such that any building is placed along the frontage of the lot with no less than 808 of the parking requirements being placed at the rear of the property. LANDSCAPING No buildings or structures above ground shall extend beyond the setback lines and is hereby declared that said area between the setback lines and the property lines is to be used for either open landscaping and green areas or offstreet paved parking areas. Within the B-2 zoning, a minimum of a 3 foot wide planted perimeter shall extend along all parking lot areas and between buildings and adjacent property lines. Planting shall be in conformity to Section 21-92 General Standards, Subsection C7 of the Screening and buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended, excepting trees shall not be planted as to obstruct the visibility of buildings within the B-2 zoning from traffic on 460 East. Within the M-1 zoning the road frontage of the parking areas shall be adequately screened to lower the visual impact of the parking areas, specifically recommended screening materials shall include decorative masonry walls, brick walls, a combination of earth berms with landscaping. All landscaping shall be properly ~i maintained therea~~er in a sightly and well kept condition. Landscaping specifically shall be in conformity to Section 21-92, General standards, subsection C7 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended. USE LIMITATIONS Without otherwise limiting the provisions of the performance Standards or any other terms or conditions of these restrictions, the building or premises, except as otherwise provided in these restrictive covenants may be used for any use permitted under March 24, 1987 Section 23-2, B-2 General Commercial District and Section 21-24, M-1 Light Industrial District of the Zoning Ordinance of the 'County of Roanoke, Virginia, updated August 4, 1986, excepting the following uses shall not be allowed: B-2 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-23-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance update August 4, 1986, public billiard parlor and poolrooms, golf driving range, flea markets and public dance halls. M-1 zoning to exclude the following uses as set forth under Section 21-24-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance -update August 4, 1986, automotive repair, overhauling or service requiring outside storage of disabled vehicles, kennels with erior runs or yards, and flea markets. Improvements erected on the property, subject to this eclaration, shall not exceed 30 feet in height provided, owever, that accessory structures or equipment required to perate and maintain the building and provide adequate fire and elated security or structures as specifically related to Section 1-24, Paragraph E under the Zoning Ordinance may exceed this eight with the written approval of Grantor, its successors or ssigns. These covenants shall and do hereby provide that no mprovements as herein defined shall be erected or placed on any uilding site in said development until the plot plans, showing a ocation of such improvements on the particular building site and n architectural sketch or an acceptable rendering showing the xternal design of the building and site improvements have been zbmitted to and approved in writing by the Grantor or assigns as o the conformity to and harmony of design with existing tructures in the development, and as to location of the mprovements on the building site, given due regard to the March 24, 1987 anticipate use thereof as shall may affect adjoining structures uses and operations, such approval not to be unreasonabl withheld. The right to approve or disapprove the proposed pla shall rest with the Grantor or its assigns or successors. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS No part of the structure shall be erected nearer the stree than the setback line as required by the Zoning Ordinance or n less than shown by recorded map of Perimeter-East Commerce Park BUILDING FACADES M-1 DISTRICT All buildings erected on the lots within the M-1 Ligh industrial District overlooking Route 460 East shall be s~ constructed that the portions visible from Route 460 shall b~ faced with brick or an equivalent material or shall be screene~ by use of specifically recommended screening material, such as decorative masonry walls, brick walls or a combination of eartl _ berms and landscaping. Landscaping specifically shall be i~ conformity Section 21-92 of the Screening and Buffering Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as now adopted or as may hereafter be amended to provide adequate screening froc visibility. OUTSIDE STORAGE i The storage of bulk commodities or any other material storey outside of the structure shall be confined to an area so screene as to minimize the visual impact to adjacent property owners an highway view. Acceptable screening materials shall include woo stockade fence, decorative masonry walls, brick walls and eart berms with combination of landscaping. FUEL STORAGE All fuel storage tanks shall be located underground at depth and location in full compliance with rules and regulation with any governmental agency or agencies having jurisdiction ove such matters. Bulk storage of all liquids, shall be permitte only in locations which shall not detract from general appearanc ~~1 `+~.-r-h ~d, 1987 of the property and shall be underground at a depth to comply with the rules and regulations of any governmental agency or agencies having jurisdiction over such matters. UTILITY LINES All utility services, inclusive of electric shall be placed underground between the property line and the structural improvements. T All persons or entities owning property within the Perimeter-East Commerce Park shall have the right to enforce the above conditions and restrictions by a suit in equity to prohibit a violation of such restrictions or by action at law to recover 3amages for such violations. PEMPORARY STRUCTURES No trailer or other outbuildings of temporary character shall be built or used within the industrial park, except as may ~e required during the time of construction. BASEMENTS All lots are subject to easements, as shown on the map of ?erimeter-East Commerce Park as to be recorded and may be amended ~o properly service properties within the Industrial Park and >atisfy the requirements of applicable utility authorities and governmental agencies. S No billboards or advertising signs, other than those dentifyinq the name, business and products of the person or firm ccupying the premises shall be. permitted, excepting such signs ffering the premises for sale or for lease or a sign being of emporary nature. Within the B-2 zoning, signs shall be in onformity to Section 21-93, excepting that freestanding signs hall not exceed a height of 22 feet above the pavement of the treet to which such sign is oriented. Within the M-1 District, igns between the buildings, setback line and the street shall be ~~ March 24, 1987 .cJ ~' restricted to a maximum of 3 feet in height. Signs shall be i conformity to Section 21-93 of the Sign Ordinance of the Count of Roanoke, Virginia, as now adopted or as may be hereafte amended. Sign design and construction are encouraged to be i conformity to the County of Roanoke's 1987 Route 419 Developmen concept plans. JUDICIAL REVIEW Invalidation of any one of these convenants or any par thereof by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any o the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. LETTER DATED 3/12/87 TO ELMER C HODGE Page 3, Item 9: "The use of a total of 7 tanks, 3 of 12,00 gallon capacity for gasoline, 1 of 15,000 gallon capacity fo diesel, 1 of 15,000 gallon capacity for kerosene and 2 of 15,00 gallon capacity for heating oil. It is noted that the compute monitor tracks each of these tanks independently....A11 th safety standards that apply to one tank apply to all seve tanks." 387-5 PETITION OF BOONE, BOONE AND LOEB TO VACATE PORTIONS OF TWO CUL-DE-SACS OUTSIDE OF THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY ON SUMMERSET DRIVE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Assistant County Administrator Tim Gubala stated thi items was heard by the Planning Commission on March 3, 1987 an was unanimously approved. Chairman Johnson moved to approve the petition. m o t i o n w a s s e c o n d e d b y S u p e r v i s o r N i c k e n s FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that a portion of th cul-de-sac outside the 50 foot right-of-way, hereinabov March 24, 1987 described, as more particularly shown on a plat attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Department of Development and that this order be recorded by Petitioner along with the attached plat among the land records of Roanoke County. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Johnson, and upon the Following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson JAYS: None IN: Supervisor Brittle 387-6 PETITION OF BOONE, BOONE & LOEB TO VACATE A 15 FOOT WATER LINE EASEMENT IN SECTION 1, HUNTING HILLS PLACE LOCATED IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. Gubala stated this is a vacation of a water line easement and did not go the Planning Commission. The Director of Engineering and the Director of Utilities determined this proposal was acceptable, and any costs incurred would be paid for by Boone, Boone & Loeb. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the petition. Phe motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens. FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that a 15 foot wide water line easement, hereinabove described as located along the westerly boundary line of Parcel B (.47 acres) as more particularly shown on a plat attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Department of Development and that this order March 24, 1987 -----------.T--- _ _ ---. _. -- ---------- be recorded by Petitioner along with the attached plat among the land records of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Johnson and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Brittle 387-7 PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.1-238 (e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AUTHORIZING CONDEI~lNATION AND RIGHT OF ENTRY FOR EAST 460 WATER LINE PROJECT Mr. Mahoney stated that the proposed resolution woul authorize two courses of action. One would allow immediate entr on the property to commence the work of installing the water line The second purpose is to authorize the condemnation proceedin according to the State Code. Mr. Mahoney announced that after this public hearin has been advertised in the newspaper and notice was given b; certified mail to the two property owners, he received phony contact from Joe Helms and Sons, Inc. indicating they are nog willing to accept the County appraisal, but the executed deep easement form has not been received. He further stated that A. J. and Doris H. Robertson the other property owners, were present to speak to the Boar because there is a discrepancy concerning the area of land in thi c o n d e m n a t i o n p r o c e e d i n g s Mr. Robertson stated he was one of the first property owners to agree to have the sewer line go through his land, an< everyone was compensated but him. He felt his land had damage: consisting of destruction of pine trees and decided not to sigr until he had more knowledge. After meeting with Mr. Robertson, he agreed to take a price equal to one and a half hookups for the March 24, 1987 property. The letter he received from the County stated that the line would cross 141 feet of his land, but the stakes on his property show over 600 feet. This is why he has not agreed to settle, and feels he should receive more money. Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities stated that the ost of one and a half hookups is equal of $1554. Supervisor Johnson moved that the County appropriate 1554 for compensation for sewer easement through A. J. and Doris . Robertson's property. The motion was seconded by Supervisor cGraw, and carried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson YS: None Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the prepared esolution amended by the previous action. The motion was onded by Supervisor Brittle. RESOLUTION 32487-20 PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.1- 238(e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTY AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHT-OF- WAY OR EASEMENT THEREON IN CONNECTION WITH THE EAST 460 WATER LINE PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ty, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the East 460 Water Line Project is necessary o provide more adequate water service to certain properties sit- ate, lying and being in the east portion of Roanoke County, said roject shall constitute an extension of water service capabili- ies from the existing system and for which said extension cer- ain right-of-way or easement is needed and more particularly =scribed as follows: A) It ~A1 permanent easement aeress tt~e property of A- d- and Bor#s H- Robertson property and mere part}ea}ar}y deser}bed as- BE6}NN}N6 at a po#nt }n the sentheast Berner of the I!: d- and Boris Robertson property; ~~" March 24; 198 thence= N- 89° l9j 4~u W- }}.-45 €eet to the aetnal beginning pe#nt e€ said center }lne; thence; N- }~° X81 }8u E_ }g3-69 €eet to a pe}nt; thence; N: 3$° 5~1 $5u E: l4}.-59 €eet to a pelnt en the sentheast benndary e€ the R}chard H- Beale; dr: prepertp as sheWn en the plat dated 4 Beeember }986 by Braper-P~den Itssee}atesj €ne: ~66£~HER w}th a temporary eenstraet}en ease- ment as sheWn en a Berta#n plat prepared by Braper-Peden Pcssee#ates; one- dated 4 Beeember 1986- the €a}r Market valve e€ the a€eresa}d to be aegttlred ss 6588.-89; sneh eempensat#en and damages; }€ any? having been a€€ered the pro- perty eWners- B) A permanent easement across the property of Joe Helms and Sons, Inc. and more particu- larly described as: BEGINNING at a point in the southern boundary of the Joe B. Helms property, said point being at the northwest corner of the Barry St. John property; thence, N. 50° 47' 30" E. 147.32 feet to the actual beginning point of said center line; thence N. 53° 49' 32" W. 179.11 feet to a point; thence, N. 5° 07' 20" W. 232.48 feet to a point; thence, N. 32° 32' 45" E. 819.86 feet to a point on the boundary of the Roanoke County SPCA property which point is N. 37° 57' 23" W. 465.65 feet from the point of intersection of the Roanoke County SPCA property and Norfolk and Western Railway as shown on plat dated 7 October 1986, and revised 11 February 1987 made by Draper-Aden Associates, Znc. TOGETHER with a temporary construction ease- ment as shown on a certain plat prepared by Draper-Aden Associates, Inc. dated 7 October 1986 and revised 11 February 1987. The fair market value of the aforesaid inter- est to be acquired is $1,110.00, such compen- sation and damages, if any, having been offer- ed the property owner. 2. That it is immediately necessary for the County enter upon and take such property and commence construction o said water line extension and any other appurtenances to th water line system in order to more adequately serve the needs o certain properties and to thereafter institute and conduct appro priate condemnation proceedings as to said right-of-way or ease ment; and r..~ / J . March 24, 1987 --,~--- 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1 238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and pursuant t notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Boar does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges an provisions of said Section 15.1-238(e) as to the vesting o powers in the County pursuant to Section 33.1-119 through Sectio 33.1-129 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, all as mad and provided by law. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, amended to delet condemnation proceedings against A. J. and Doris H. Robertson who agreed to a settlement of $1554; seconded by Superviso Brittle, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None IN RE ADJODRNMENT: At 9:35 p.m. Chairman Johnson declared the meetin adjourned until March 30, 1987 at 3:00 p.m, for the purpose of budget work session. .,~~ 1 Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ITEM NUMBER ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE• April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Clean Valley Committee Anti-Litter Grant Application COUNTY ADMINISTRAT'OR'S COMMENTS: ~LGtiEr~7/Y~YL!-G G~.~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As the Board may recall, every year the Clean Valley Committee requests that Roanoke County apply for an anti-litter program grant jointly with Roanoke City, the Town of Vinton, the City of Salem and the County of Botetourt. After the funds are received from the grant they are immediately transferred to the Clean Valley Council, who then coordinates programs and events for the five localities. If the Board concurs with the application for the grant for fiscal year 1987/88, the attached resolution should be adopted, as it must be submitted with the application. The Clean Valley Committee is in the process of obtaining similar resolutions from the other participating localities. ~ %~`~~/ Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens e AT A REGULAR MEETING OF' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE ~~~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA'T'ION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 RESOLUTION '~-2-'TS ~-' ~ Q- AUTHORIZING THE CLEAN VALLEY COMMITTEE Z'0 APPLY FOR AN ANTI-LITTER PROGRAM GRANT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board hereby expresses its intent to combine with the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, and City of Salem in a mutually agreed upon and cooperative program, contingent on approval of the application by the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Litter Control, and contingent on receipt of such funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988; and 2. That the Board hereby authorizes Clean Valley Committee, Inc., to plan and budget for a cooperative anti-litter program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988 which shall represent said program for all localities named in this resolution; and 3. That the Board further authorizes Clean Valley Committee, Inc., to apply on behalf of Roanoke County for a grant, and to be responsible for the administration, implementation, and completion of the program; and 4. That the Board further accepts responsibility jointly with the Clean Valley Committee, Inc., and the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, and City of Salem for all phases of the program; and ~~ 5. That said funds when received will be transferred ~ ~~ immediately to Clean Valley Committee, Inc; all funds will be used in the cooperative program to which the Board gives its endorsement and support; and 6. That the financial records of Clean Valley Committee, Inc., shall be subject to inspection and review by the Assistant County Administrator of Management Services and such data shall be presented to allow proper reporting on a timely basis by the County; and 7. That the Board requests the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Litter Control to consider and approve the application and program, said program being in accord with the regulations governing use and expenditure of said funds. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 RESOLUTION 42887-6.a AUTHORIZING THE CLEAN VALLEY COUNCIL TO APPLY FOR AN ANTI-LITTER PROGRAM GRANT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board hereby expresses its intent to combine with the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, Botetourt County, and City of Salem in a mutually agreed upon and cooperative program, contingent on approval of the application by the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Litter Control, and contingent on receipt of such funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988; and 2. That the Board hereby authorizes Clean Valley Council, Inc., to plan and budget for a cooperative anti-litter program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988 which shall represent said program for all localities named in this resolution; and 3. That the Board further authorizes Clean Valley Council, Inc., to apply on behalf of Roanoke County for a grant, and to be responsible for the administration, implementation, and completion of the program; and 4. That the Board further accepts responsibility jointly with the Clean Valley Council, Inc., and the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, and City of Salem for all phases of the program; and 5. That said funds when received will be transferred immediately to Clean Valley Council, Inc; all funds will be used in the cooperative program to which the Board gives its endorsement and support; and 6. That the financial records of Clean Valley Council, Inc., shall be subject to inspection and review by the Assistant County Administrator of Management Services and such data shall be presented to allow proper reporting on a timely basis by the County; and 7. That the Board requests the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Litter Control to consider and approve the application and program, said program being in accord with the regulations governing use and expenditure of said funds. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS : None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5/3/87 CC: File Director of Finance Clean Valley Council .4-~2~c~ 7 106 ITEM NUMBER ~s~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Merriman Estates COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Merriman Estates, B. Lee Henderson,Jr., has requested that Roanoke County accept the deed conveying the sewer lines servicing the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The sewer lines are installed as shown on engineering plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled, Merriman Estates dated June 1, 1986, which are on file in the Public Facilities Department. The sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. A reimbursement agreement in the maximum amount of $1,500.00 has previously been approved by the Board of Supervisors. FISCAL IMPACT: ~~ The value of the sewer construction is $4,100. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: ;~' ~~~. Phillip Henry Director of Engine ing APPROVED: s2-~.- J Elmer C. od e County Administrator ...~ ~ ~ ~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved (~ Motion by: ~ ~enS /.Q/'/ ~~~G NoTYes Abs Denied ( > Brittle Received ( ) Garrett ~ Referred Johnson v To McGraw / Nickens ,/ ~C .~ ~ /e ~~9, r~~~r/~.9 °....,. NORTH .c '• ~; ~ c g ° ,~: ;~ ~ ~, ;r e NEW /0' N•ATER G/NE EASEMENT - ----~--- EIY/G' SAN/IARY SE/YER EA4'EM I_ I ~ ~ I 5 ¢ I I a I I /~GOGlf !, SECT/ONI ~ ~ I I "IJEGGEMEAlJE " I P.?. 5 ~• 51 I I .______,~___-_-- EX/9T /S_ I PU/JG/G U//G/TY EA1I EMENT _, -- I _ 14t q • S 3Z' J9' 00" ~/Y, -- 43i 4I "/T/rAC)~ ' -- ------------ ------150??' --- ,mss' ~ ~/ ENl Z ~ J ~PR~NGi / coo Ac. ~ 3 ~ 0.51 AG. / ~ ~~~ / ~ fRAME ~J//EO g ~ / ~ ~ ~ - J ~ FRAME q r / ~ / 1 40 AG ~ / ~, / / --, ~ I / CURVE ~ ~ ¢ A . . g 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/• '~ \ ~ /~ ` ` o ~ ~ I / h1 ~` B I ~~~\\ i ~% j/ ? aeo14l h~,e `~~l~~~' Q,OP ~! ~'i~ -A~~,a~~P a+ununKT GOORD I ~ (ORIGIN OF COORDINATE CORNER NORTH 1 976.958 9 2 792.699 12 3 423.827 to 4 535.319 9 5 770.943 9 6 946.882 9 TOTAL REAGE 2 NOTE: IRON PINS HAVE BEEN SET A' STATE OF VIRGIN? CITY/COUNTY OF F I, DIIRLIC._~~ ~__ ~~i ' ~_----. ~~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES MER RIMAN ESTATES 1 VICINITY MAP ,9-yz887-~.~ ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Plantation Estates COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The developer of Plantation Estates, Century Development Corporation, has requested that Roanoke County accept the deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed as shown on engineering plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled, Plantation Estates dated March 17, 1986, which are on file in the Public Facilities Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: p(~ The values of the water and sewer construction are $16,265 and $28,351, respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: Phillip~'T. Henry Director of Engineering APPROVED: ~~ L~2c~c/ Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved (~ Motion by: NT~~S/,Z3/'iC.~~~ NoTYes Abs Denied ( ) Brittle Received ( ) Garrett Referred Johnson ~ To McGraw ~ Nickens ,~ ~G .~ ~~ ~% E"n, y ~ r>~ e ~, r>5 X29 ,7 y M J ~S17r1 ~ ~ 1A1/0.[P ~ S- ~; 8 ty T ~4~ _ ~ e °i i ~ K ~ ~i ~ 141r ~ l~rri J ~ t € « ~~ - r .rccora r 13 eQ« I I $ T~ d ~tt ~« ~ ;g ' ~ ~~rr I ~ ° ei/ ~ ~ -..moons t ~ ,~ _ _ +~ '~~ -- I ' ~r~~!! o k - : I I ~ I~-.~ul.ro s ~~ e I I I ! ` ~ e =e ~ m~aor ~ I i I I e ~ ~ + Iti ~. -a-ouoo.fiS I I ~ 12 I h-- u ---- ~ c~ I I$ Q' I m'C01 ' ~ ~ '~ - I I ~ ~ I .nnoata a- a~ mroor ~ I O I o~ -a aooo,co s U c I I=~ I II " `s ~ ~ I 1 $I i. ---- 8 ag g ~ mroo~ ~ I:Ia: ~mm.caa- !S a ~` I k l '•I I I• ~ a.ooao.ca: I ~ ~ R ~ I ~I ~ ~ >t oc ~ ~~ ~I I O ~ ~ .araol I ~ a ~ ~ ~ k~ I ~ z z ~ I ~.oooo.cP w~ o I 'd~ "°n°`y I ~ I ~j Ida ~ ~ - a mooea s Q I ~ I I ~= g ~ I ---- $ ^ ~ I $ mroo~ I a i l~ I aooo.lP a-" I~ I I I I j m ! I o i F -a.ooao.talsl O ~igi R E c~ I '~ ~ I - $ m-oo! I ~ ~ ~ +~ ~ I - I ~ ~ ~_oooo.ra a - ~ ~~ __` ~. i ~ IY I s + o ~ .siy ~ _ , .- zctt ~ 0 ~__ _.N __~ V S ~- i~vr W ~~~. o- _ ~ 9 0 ~ itivr ~~ i~ ~e~9` a1 . `` ,,~-~q `~~ _ o jk iIM~IFi NORTH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES PLANTATION ESTATES PROPOSED RESOLUTION WHEREAS, providing adequate solid waste disposal has become a critical problem in the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, the capability of Roanoke County to provide for solid waste management affects the quality of life of County residents and the appeal of Roanoke County to tourists and new industry; and WHEREAS, there is a growing awareness that landfills are difficult and expensive to site, operate, close, and replace and, further, that landfills present other hazards, including potential liability to the local governments in the event of ground- water contamination, property damage, or harmful public health consequences; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has recognized the need,for and the public has demonstrated interest in,identifying and promoting safe and efficient solid waste management strategies that will reduce dependence on landfills; and WHEREAS, in other states, waste volume reduction through recycling, source reduction, resource recovery and other methods have proven to be an important element of effective comprehensive waste management strategies by extending the life of exis- ting landfills and reducing the nedd for future landfill capacity; and WHEREAS, the Clean Valley Council and its Valley Recycling Project Committee have developed a pilot project to be conducted in Roanoke County involving the curb- side collection of recyclables, including public education activities, to help assess the relative costs and benefits of a recycling program and the willingness of Virginia's citizens to participate; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Environmental Endowment has pledged its support and given its "Vote of Confidence" for the curbside recycling project in Roanoke County as offer- ing a unique and timely opportunity to initiate a waste management program which may provide a model for other localities throughout Virginia; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke desires to express by this resolution its support, both conceptual and financial, for the pilot project; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that Roanoke County confirms its support for the pilot project of the Clean Valley Council and its Valley Recycling Project Committee and offers its financial and operational support in the implementation of the one-year pilot project by providing the cost of service by the Roanoke County Refuse Collection, with the understanding that the pilot project shall be so designed that the County may reasonably anticipate and project that the cost of collection service will be offset during the course of the pilot project through savings from avoidance of landfill use fees, sale of recyclable materials collected through the project and other sources or means, as determined by the County Administrator and the Roanoke County Department of Public Facilities. EnviViro~ental Endowment 901 EAST CARS' STREET GERALD Y. McCARTHI' N. O. BOX 790, RfCHMOND, VIRGINIA 23206 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR March 23, 1987 804/6445000 Ms. Kelly McDaniel Whitney Executive Director Clean Valley Council P. 0. Box 3320 Roanoke Valley, Virginia 24015-1320 Dear Ms. Whitney: We .are pleased to inform you that Virginia Environmental Endowment is prepared to offer a grant of $12,692 to Clean Valley Council for partial support of the Roanoke Valley Cubrside Recycling Project. This grant award is contingent. upon the Endowment's receipt of a written commitment by Roanoke County to finance the cost of subcontractor collection fees or the cost of service by Roanoke County Refuse Collection for the one-year pilot project. It also requires that Clean Valley Council provide or raise additional funds as needed to purchase the proposed household collection bins. In addition to the written commitment of financial support from Roanoke County, please send us a copy of the County's feasibility study and cost analysis. When we have received these documents, we will send our Terms of Grant contract for your consideration. This contract will specify that $11,000 of the grant be used to purchase household collection bins and $1,692 be used for printing, duplication and postage for educational materials and evaluation surveys. In approving this grant award, the Endowment's Board of Directors have giver. their "vote of confidence" for the pilot curbside recycling project in Roanoke County. Clean Valley Council has devoted a great deal of time and effort to designing the recycling project and public education activities and to encouraging cooperative support from citizens, the business community, environmental organizations, and public agencies. Roanoke County now has a unique opportunity to initiate a waste management program which, if successful, may provide a model for other localities throughout Virginia. The Environmental Defense Fund, Virginia Municipal League, and Department of Waste Management, among others, have indicated an interest to help promote it statewide. We will expect Clean Valley Council to coordinate these efforts and to offer technical assistance and information following the pilot project. DIKE(.TORS: ROSS P. RUL.LAHD•DIXON M. RUTLER•WIl.1.lAM R. CUMMINGS•F'Al'l. F'. F.LRL!\G•~ (RGI~IA R. H(ri.TY)~•HENRY a'. MaclkE:tiltE.1R.•GEORGE L. YOA'Fa.l. Ms. Kelly McDaniel Whitney Page Two March 23, 1987 VEE has previously awarded grants for technical assistance in waste management to localities and for public education and discussion on the need for alternatives to landfill disposal. We believe it is time to assess the relative costs and benefits of a recycling program and the willingness of Virginia's citizens to participate. The Roanoke County pilot project is especially timely in light of the action by the 1987 General Assembly (HJR 292) to establish a joint subcommittee to study alternatives for improving waste volume reduction and recycling efforts. The subcommittee's :ti~ork is tc be completed in r;ovember 1987 for a report to tiie 1988 General Assembly. As part of our grant agreement with Clean Valley Council, we will expect your organization and Roanoke County to provide the subcommittee and Department of Waste Management all available information on the progress of the pilot project. We look forward to hearing from you and from Roanoke County on plans to finance and initiate the curbside recycling project. incerely, ~~~ Gerald P. McCarthy Executive Director GPM:jm ITEM NUMBER D - J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Deed of Easement and Partial Release Fort Lewis Christian Church COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At their November 25, 1986 meeting, the Board accepted the donation of an easement for drainage purposes from the trustees of the Fort Lewis Christian Church. The Church had previously agreed to donate the easement; however, at the trustees meeting, they voted to ask the County for the fair market value of the property to be taken. This drainage easement will resolve a long- standing problem in the Fort Lewis Village Subdivision concerning drainage from subdivision streets to be accepted into the state secondary system. The first reading on this ordinance was held on April 14, 1987; the second reading is scheduled for April 28, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: $120.00 (from subdivision bond) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the previous action by the Board be rescinded and the County Administrator be authorized to execute such documents and take such action as may be necessary to accomp- lish this transaction. Respectfully submitted, ~~ , Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ~ -/ Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs • i O' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 ® `~Z 78 ~' ORDINANCE ACCEPTING A DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE FORT LEWIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the acquisition of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on April 14, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on April 28, 1987. The real estate to be acquired is a drainage easement of variable width across Lots 4 and 5, Section 1 of the Samuel White Farm and is located in the City of Salem; and 2. That the conveyance of the drainage easement from the trustees of the Fort Lewis Christian Church to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for the sum of One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. AT A REGULAR MEE'T'ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CE1V''t'ER, ON `t'UESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 ORDINANCE 42887-7 ACCEPTING A DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE FORT LEWIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH BE I'1' ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the acquisition of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on April 14, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on April 28, 1987. The real estate to be acquired is a drainage easement of variable width across Lots 4 and 5, Section 1 of the Samuel White Farm and is located in the City of Salem; and 2. That the conveyance of the drainage easement from the trustees of the Fort Lewis Christian Church to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for the sum of One Hundred Twenty ($1.20.00) is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McGraw to rescind previous action and approve ordinance, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None J A COPY - TESTE t.i Mary H. A11en, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5/2/87 CC: File Engineering Departrent Department of Public Facilities County Attorney Real Estate Assessor Department of Development AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THiE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 ORDINANCE 42887-8 AMENDING SECTION 20.1-11 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE (1971) BY THE REPEAL OF SUB-SECTION (a), (b) AND (c) PERTAINING TO CERTAIN STANDARDS AND SPECIF"TCAZ'IONS WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on March 10, 1987, a second reading was held on March 24, 1987 and April 28, 1987,and a public hearing was held thereon on March 24, 1987 and April 28, 1987, concerning an ordinance amending and repealing portions of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to the design of water mains, valves and hydrants; and WHEREAS, Section 20.1-11 of Chapter 20, "Water," of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22, "Water," of the 1985 Roanoke County Code) provides for certain standards and specifica- tions for water mains, valves and fire hydrants; and WHEREAS, said standards and specifications conflict with certain proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities"; and WHEREAS, said proposed "Design and Construction Stan- dards for Water Facilities" were adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, contemporaneous- ly with the adoption of this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke County Code (1971) is amended and portions thereof repealed to read and pro- vide as follows: Sec. 20.1-11. Design of mains; valves and hydrants. All mains, valves, hydrants, fittings and accessories shall be designed to withstand a normal working pressure of not less than one hundred and fifty pounds per square inch and shall con- form to the specifications of the American Water Works Associa- tion, state regulations and county specifications and standards adopted by the board by resolution and in effect at the time of approval. fal ~afss- ~alss shall be sly }sehes; lsslde dla~eter; e~- eept is the ease of dead-ead streets er where sled parallel to sly lseb ~alss er lamer galas leeated wlthls the same street of right-et-wap- ~a ao ease shall aap water gala be less Chas fear lsehes; laslde dla~eter- ~e water gala ser~laq eae er mere fire hpdraats shall be less tbaa sly lsehes; laslde dfa~eter- ~astal- latlea of a b~draat es e~lstlag llaes with as laslde dla~eter less tbaa sly lsehes asst be appre~ed by the dlreeter: All dead- ead water galas shall base adegsate blew-eff ~al~es er fire bp- draats at the ead thereof In aeeerdaaee with the speelfleatleas sad standards- Aste~atle air relief ~al~es shall be installed at the hl~h pelats of water galas where aees~slatlea of air map laterfere with the flew.- tbl ~al~es- All ~al~es shall epee to the left.- ~aeh ~al~e shall be aeeesslble €er eperatlea with standard ~al~e yep thresgh a ~al~e bey ewteadlaq to the ~resad ssrfaee- fe} ~}ee Hydeaats : ~ipd~ants sha}} i~a~e twe twe and ene-I~a}~ lnei~ Hassles and sne tet~e aad eae-malt lnei~ pttx~pe~ neggle- Less}e eaps small to p~e~lded with snlta~le gaskets to p~e~lde a t}gist sea} with t3~e nes~les- St~ei~ eaps si~a}} ire seen~ely ehalned is the ba~ee} et ti3e igpd~ants- Eap vats sha}} i~a~re tl~e same dlx~enslens as the epeeating nt~t et the i9ydeant- l`He s}ge e€ the ~aln ~aal~e epe~ing et t)4e igydeant steal} ire net less ti~an tetze and eae-malt lneiges- '~i~e izpdeant small esnneet to a sly lnei4 i~eanel~ P}pe }lee In whlel~ is }seated an lselat}ng gate ~al~e- Hydrants small ire leeated net x~eee than twelve feet €eeat the edge et the pa*aepaent unless a~tige~lged i9y ell~eetee- ~n watee spstex~s se~~ing s~i9d}vlslens; tl~e iZyd~ants shall i9e Installed se ti9at ti9eee wl}} i9e at least ene i9yd~ant wlthln tec~e i~~nd~ed feet et tine eente~ et tine tent p~epeetp line et eaek lot se~~ed i9y stteig systex~- Hpd~ants small ire leeated at steeet late~seetlens; It pessli~le- fe~d: Pie- l~}z~-} 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be April 28, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TES`rE yr?~_.~! Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5/2/87 CC: File Director of Utilities Department of Public Facilities Department of Development Fire & Rescue Chief Conmonwealth's Attorney County Attorney Main Library Sheriff's Department Magistrate Real Estate Assessor L. -~ / COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Original Budget 7-1-86 $129,000 November 26, 1986 Health Insurance Coverage for Retired County Employees (6,300) December 16, 1986 Planning Commission Travel (2,046) December 16, 1986 Board of Equalization (4,000) January 13, 1987 Board of Supervisors and Management Staff Planning/ Goal Setting Work Session (6,500) January 13, 1987 Volunteers Training Seminar (2,500) February 10, 1987 Roanoke Valley Constitution's Bicentennial Commission (500) February 24, 1987 Sesquicentennial (10,000) March 24, 1987 Regional Airport Commission- (13,224) Survey April 7, 1987 Additional Insurance Premiums (45,000) Balance of Board Contingency at April 14, 1987 38 930 Submitted by, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance L_~,, ~ ! I i ( I ~ ~ I ;I~ ~ I I ~ ! i 1 ~ ~ i I I r l ~ i pp{{' ~ ~ ... ~ i , 1 W 41 i N a w~ P S O LMT M ~~ rN-1 n 0 0 1OI1 V b N~~ .tea M m 01 0 0 i m O O l Om ii I VV G M 1 {~ M h ~O M O ~O ~ - m yO~ m V~ M [^l h m C v N OI ~p O N I N 1 I 1 i p~~ W~ ! ~ T ~ •O-1 ~ M ~' ~ N M' N u'1 ~-I ~ ~ N .NO P .Y ~ ~ .~-I N h N 1 N 1 N l I I ~~ ; ~ v I v V' „' 1 1 II O ~ O I it I i ~ ~ ~ i ~ I ~ 1 I 0 H 1 ~ I « w w w ` V 1 1 « + ' 11 ~ i~ O~ i [~ b n S M f~~f N M~ N rl n H O uO'1 rmi~ ~ N~~ .~0 fm~f .Nr a O O 1 [~ ~ O 0 1 eN') i m 01 O M 10 N O C C N .-1 ~0 O O t O VI O ; VI 1 1 i O ® ~ P a N tN~f VNf h H N M M~ h 0 NW N Y'1 N ti~ S~~ n n O 1 M OhO O 1 T ~1 1 a W S 1 .C .n O m .-1 01 .T Mi N .n N N M ...1 h N 1 Vf M O 1 01 I 1$ i T 1 N m ~-I ~l N N ~,,,1 '. ~ 1 . li m ; N M 1 ~ M .-1 1 ~ 11 I 1 1 ~p m I ' I '~ M 1 Vl N 01 ~ CO h N~~ n O OI N~~ h~ N n~~ m VO' 1/N1 O 1 w O O 1 N 1 1 ~ ~ ~ M ~ 1 C i 1 I 11 ~ I 0 1 ' _ m 0 Vf ~ 01 N M VI w O. 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I1 I~.I 1 OOO SOO~OOOiOOOO .h0 O~OS OOOr~-IM eM IrO1C 1 W n~OOS 1 OD 11 W O I; f M(,~~ ; O O v1 O O O .-~ O O O M Vt O h VI O O ut O O O { M~ OD V1 N m I O~ M O i~ i I Q 1 O N .N-I N N n N eh'f N uO1 M O~~ uN1 S. S vt N~ N~ .h0 n m aO'f i a~ b~ N i t~~f ii to.-Iw I ;a 1/lMOa.omin n N 10 V' N H ~M N ~-1 [~ e-~ M M O J N O O V pG 1 m 1 r1 m ti f~J. N I N •--1 C ~ "~ ~: VI r-I m li VW' 11 1 N, I I , ! I 1 i 1 ~ li e ~~ I I I ` I i O ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ f(1/~~ Ipby. I y X ~ ( V W ~ j I 1 y '~ ~ i m D y i I ~ I ( ' W "+I i W~ Wy ~ J ~ I I I 4f ~' g{ G I I ~ ti N O P. Z 1 1 ~ ~nr s~' v F. i W {.~ ~y p Q tI~ p ~I ~i % I ~ a~ W y V~ ~a-I od N I tW+. ~W v~ ~ o O! yy M O 41V-11 O ! F ~~ tyat7f ~ 4mi P O r] W H W [+i ~ I--1 W p>~ v ~ vy] WI {p~~ {W~ H ~ V pig vy~~ i ' t11„~~ pp~~ DDt!! tW/~ WWW ~ 4. W H ~ t~oG ~pW¢, pO~ ~ M ~-r W ~ W Z7 ~ y 'i y I~ w O W ~ (/~ rl y W ~~ H [+Oi W O! V V] H [s1 W !n i i W 'WY W p O¢ m O~ m J 1p/y~ d ri I-i t~,~ 41 t(o~; p=~ y V] 1O~ F r7 ipp~~ PS LK {F.. O P W tiu ta. V ~ W~ d~ M y Q J~ t(4+~.1 2_ i y! b. W~~ S W tV~ ~ O I~ i» m a i H yO p-I y 7 I ~ WS ~ W F' pZ f~~'' ~ ~:. ~ {Oy ~ Z ~ i p4~ ~ Ottl ~LWan1 ~opO3 p~ .p~pi r~-I O fY ~ I W y M O W m ~ 4~i ~ N CPOI~ i+~ y~ V OI ~ V i~A Vi H ~ r1 O i+. K H m V ~ pq. O 6 s V yV m QH Q 0 Z V W N COUNTY OF ROANOKE ~ '" STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE S -- __._-_ __. __..__ _ _ MONTH ENDED MARCH 31, 1987 __ _- _._.-- _ - -_ ____ _ ____ _-__--.BUDGET _. EXPENDED __ X _ _-- GENERAL ADMINISTRATION _-BOARD_OF_SUPERVISORS__ $ ____140,748._$. 70,630__ _7.0__ _____-________-________._. __ __. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 260,616 197,145 76 PERSONNEL 195,143 139,844 72 -COUNTY ATTORNEY _ .____.~_ .~~. ___.--_126.308 -_- __.--81.320 ~ ~,..-_ 64 __-_- ----_ .__ __~__ ~____- _ _ _ _ _ _ ___- _ COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE 439,698 378,174 86 TREASURER 407,739 248,700 61 -.ELECTIONS ._.-._...__...~.--.- -__.._.______.._ ._....120,914..___ ___._..88,463 ___ _-----.---73 .___.._.__.__._.__.------------._.______._.._ ._ __.. ____ SESQUICENTENNIAL 10,000 1,804 FISCAL MANAGEMENT _--_ __._-_ _ _ . _,. -._ - _- _ - ._ _._ - _ _ _ _ _ _ -___ _ _ _ _ SUPERINTENDENT OF FISCAL MANAGEMENT 93,506 40,785 44 COUNTY ASSESSOR 544,559 359,291 66 __ CEN?RAL ACCOUHTIAG _-.__ __ - __._ __.___333,739 _ __233,900 . _._.__.__.90 ___-._-________________ PROCUREMENT 194,778 139,593 ?2 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET 64,883 37,187 57 JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION ___ - CIRCUIT COURT 91,801 9,363 10 _ GENERAL--DISTRICT COURT 21,145 6. 755 32_____ -______-_______.._________._.-______. MAGISTRATES _ 730 395 54 J ~ D DISTRICT COURT ~ 6,546 4,532 69 __._ CLERK_OF CIRCUIT. COURT - ---~------- --- -__- _446,823.._x .__289,311 __._ _ __--65 _ _._.___ _._ __ ___ _ __ __ - COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY 276,952 197,200 71 PROBATION OFFICE 33,825 32,014 95 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICING & INVESTIGATING 3,515,520 2,423,184 69 HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION 960 I19 12 FIRE 1,728,087 1,283,680 74 RESCUE SQUAD 464,988 332,539 72 _ EMERGENCY SERVICES -_ _ _._---.--------.-_.--- 36.358._. ._._._ 29,520 _ -__ _.___ 81 CONFINEMENT/CARE OF PRI50NERS 1,803,059 1,308,147 73 ANIMAL CONTROL 149,759 107,802 72 PUBLIC FACILITIES _ ... - - SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES 221,795 120,374 54 _ STREET LIGNTS - ___.-_ __ _ ___- 110,845___ ---66,570--- -~..__60 -_-_-__-- --_----.__-- _ - ENGINEERING 214,377 107,789 50 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 1,564,497 938,611 60 __ PARKS & RECREATION -_ - _-__-_._-_ -. __- .-__ .992, 701 _.._ -x.610, 681 _ _ _ . _ _ _ DRAINAGE 175,079 56,134 32 REFUSE 1,360,433 842,390 62 PARK DEVELOPMENT __ ___ __ ____ -__ 15,440 __ _ 38,402 _ _ 249 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 169,796 75,553 44 COUNTY OF ROANOKE - "- - STATEMEAT OF EXPENDITURES L -- _ ___ _. _.___._.._ _.MONTH ENDED MARCH 31, 1987 HEALTH fi SOCIAL SERVICES _~ ~- ----- -- - - - POBLIC HEALTH 359,693 269,770 75 .SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION _-_ 1,689,870 1,182,526 7p PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 893,986 496,193 - - _ __ __ ___ 56 INSTITUTIONAL CARE 51,500 6,198 12 _..._ SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS _. ___.__. ~. ____.__.94.984 ._._._._....82,484 ..__.._ ___.._-- .. 87 ...____ DEVELOPMENT _. SUPERINTENDENT OF DEVELOPMENT. ___ .. _ ____ -...._.__..100,096 ___._...74,056 74 PLANNING fi ZONING 240,654 _ 166,747 _-. _.. _ -. _-__._-. 69 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 82,954 63,079 76 _~._ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ___..-,_....._...__~.. ___~,_._._.q____.98,684 _ .._ .___....69,858 . 71 PLANNING COMMISSION 19,581 _ _ _ 14,243 .-_._... _ - -`- ~~- ----- 73 -~-"-~ CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SERVICES 196,911 150,391 76 _.__ FLOOD_DISASTER EYPENSE_ _____~.~___ 0_.... _.x.13,432 __A _.-.___-_ _ NON-DEPARTMENTAL -,____,_LIBRARY Y 009,412_ _7.37782. EXTENSION fi CONTINUING EDUCATION 89,700 42,886 48 _ -T- -"- ~-- EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 121,062 60,266 50 _ INSURANCE _ __ _ ---... . ___ .642,082 . ........_..664,491 103 CONTRIBUTIONS TO SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 24,600 24,600 __.. 100 MISCELLANEOUS 784,176 257,904 33 T _ ~ . __ _ ... --- . --- ---------___ TOTAL -- ------ - 2,794,092 ---- ----- --- 15,274,807 -- ----- - - - ------ ___ ._ _ ..._.. 67 TRANSFERS _ _-- - REIMBURSABLE EXPENDITURES 0 3,605 ___ DEBT SERVICE _--- _ . - -----_-_--._ 2,174.544 - _ _--2.069,108 95 TRANSFER TO INTERNAL SERVICE 656 __,_.._ 0 ____ _--_ .._ __ ___. _. ----------------_-.-.-__ 0 TRANSFER TO SCHOOL OPERATING FUND 24,666,000 10,768,129 44 --TRANSFER -TO UTILITY-CAPITAL _-. _._______315..195._... _.__.._.__._0.- 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS TRANSFER 2,365,734 ---_.__ 375,365 . _ .- ---------- -- --_- _ --- ---- - -- 16 - RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY 83,930 0 0 _____UNAPPROPRIATED_BALANCE 1 484,.637 0 O TRANSFER TO YOUTH HAVEN 96,356 0 - 0 ~ -~ TRANSFER TO GRANT FUND 35 0 0 TAL TRANSFER ITEMS 31,327,087 ------------ - ---- ---- 13,216,207 ----------- ---- -- ----- - _ -- - _. 42 -------- -- - --------- GRAND TOTAL ---- --_- 54,121,179 8 28,491,014 53 `.' ~' COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Original Budget July 1, 1986 February 10, 1987 Interest Expense for Short-Term Borrowing April 7, 1987 West County Water Reservoir April 7, 1987 Transfer to Schools of Unused 1985-86 Budget Unappropriated Balance at April 14, 1987 $1,584,637 (100,000) (310,000) (65,128) 1 109 509 The recodmlended level for fund }aalance for 1986-87 is $1,502,287 which is 3 percent of the total general fund budget. Sut~nitted by, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors ~~ FROM: Brent D. Sheffler, Economic Development Specialist DATE: April 22, 1987 SUBJECT: First Quarter, 1987, Development Data Report A review of the progress of various development projects in Roanoke County during the period of January 1987 - March 1987, shows the following highlights: Please note that comparisons of this quarterly report are made with reference to the same quarter of last year. 1. New Single Family building permits (135) are down 8o from the same quarter last year (146). The total value of these permits also decreased by 20 from $7,903,712 to $7,779,515. However, the average value per permit increased almost 6% from $54,135 to $57,626. 2. New Business permits increased from one to twelve and increased in the total value from $683,100 to $1,640,132. The average value per permit declined 83o from $683,100 to $117,152. 3. Business Alterations and Repair permits issued increased from 17 permits issued in the first quarter of 1986 to 25 in the first quarter of 1987 (a 47% increase). The total value of permits issued increased 19% from $453,338 to $867,630. The average value per permit increased 30o from $26,667 (1986) to $34,705 (1987). 4. Industrial permits issued for the quarter increased from none in 1986 to one in 1987. The value of this permit is $206,240. 5. Office Bank and Professional permits issued increased from one to two. The total value for these permits issued,. however, dropped 81o from $621,331 to $58,368. Summary: When this report is compared with last quarter's report, housing development has taken on a slight decrease while commercial-industrial development is leaning toward an increase. If there are any comments or questions, please advise. Source: Mrs. Gloria Divers of the Construction Building Services, Department of Development, compiled both the monthly reports and the quarterly reports for the period January - March, 1987. O~ ~OANO~F ti ~ '~ i Z ~ u~ ~~~t~~a ~. ~~~~~ a 2 ~ ~.~ 1838 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPEMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS ELECTRICAL PERMITS PWMBINO PER MITE MfiCNANICAI PERMITS M E M O R A N D U M TO: Timothy W. Gubala Assistant County Administrator FROM: Gloria Divers, Permit Clerk Department of Development DATE: April 3, 1987 SUBJECT: Quarterly Report for Business Construction Attached is the quarterly report from Construction Building Services, Department of Development for the quarter of January thru March, 1987 and the monthly reports for January, February and March, 1986. If there are any questions, please contact Department of Development at 772-2065. P. O. BOX 3800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24015 (703) 772-2065 ~ ~ G c~u~i `~ ~ ~ xHt~~~ror~o~ G I-~ r• h-' N G Ul C1 rr G r• rt r• O n ~•~ a•~ O ~c~n b ro b N o~~ ~cn~crtn ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ to N rr n x n ~ I I-' lNC l-~ tNO I--' I ~ c~ ~ ~ w 00, ~I ~ ~I ~ N N ll1 F-' W W lJ7 ~' W N l0 l0 .P .P Ut W F-•' o ~ --~ OD ~ I tO rn lT~ ~P h~ l0 l11 O Ul Ul O I QJ J 01 Ul 00 F-' • i O 0 o W O O O O O W O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 I w I ~ ~ ~ O N N ~1 0 o I coin . I . O O O I I i I I w rn~~J N N ~1 N N a1 ~1 N WF-'W00 W NOUt F-'W ~ I ~l N F-' I-' .P Oo O I I 00 ~l O .P aD 00 . 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N rt lJl N N ()'i \ fD \ \ \ ~ \ 0 0 0 0 0 p Q1 00 H ~1 ~] Ol Ol Ol U1 UI G R+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ ro ro ro ~ ~ w w ~ w ~ ,~- m `'' v w rt c~ H H H H H H (/] C'f ['f f'r Cy' f"f ft' N. ry, ry ~ I'"' F"~ h'tl ~' r* ~ rr rt rr n n n ~ n n rt ~ r~r A* rt' rt °- 0 0 0- o- o- o• ~ u~i m ai u~i N ~ '* ~ C A~ ~ O1 N O N O ~ O 0 o w o 0 o rt, 0 0° o o° o° o b (D ~- ~i ro r d W N (D ~ -y r~ ITEM NUMBER ~ 1~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Ordinance amending Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl" of the Roanoke County Code to require the vaccination of cats to prevent rabies COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On April 14, 1987, Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer, submitted a report to the Board of Supervisors recommend- ing a rabies prevention program and the consideration of an ordin- ance amending Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl" of the Roanoke County Code to provide for the vaccination of cats. The Board authoriz- ed staff to proceed with this proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance requires cats to be vaccinated for rabies, provides for vaccination certificates, requires the im- poundment of unvaccinated cats, and the quarantine of cats in the event of a rabies epidemic. The suggested effective date is June 1, 1987. The first reading on this proposed ordinance is scheduled for April 28, 1987; the second reading is scheduled for May 12, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: At least six additional cat traps at $27.00 per trap. This cost may be partially offset by a small profit from the rabies vaccination clinics, which show a modest profit after 86 shots. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the pro- posed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~(~ I r `. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney /~-/ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs ~ _~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 2 OF CHAPTER 5, "ANIMALS AND FOWL" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, REQUIRING THE VACCINATION OF CATS TO PREVENT RABIES BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 5-66, 5-67, 5-68, 5-69 and 5-70 of Article 2 of Chapter 5 "Animals and Fowl" are hereby amended to read and provide as follows: Section 5-66. Vaccination required. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, hold, or harbor any dog or cat over the age of six (6) months within the county, unless the dog or cat has been vaccinated with a modified live virus (Flury strain) rabies vaccine, approved by the state department of health, within a period of thirty-six (36) months. (b) Any person transporting a dog or cat six (6) months of age or older into the county from some other jurisdic- tion shall be required to comply with this section within thirty (30) days after bringing the dog or cat into the county. Section 5-67. Vaccination certificate. At the time of vaccination of a dog or cat pursuant to Section 5-66, a certificate shall be issued to the owner of the dog or cat, which certificate shall be properly executed and sign- ed by a licensed veterinarian, and shall certify that the dog or cat has been vaccinated as required by Seciton 5-66. The certifi- cate shall show the date of vaccination, a brief description of ~-/ the dog or cat, and its sex and breed, and the name of the owner of the dog or cat. A copy of such certificate shall be sent at once to the county and kept on file where duplicate copies may be obtained by the dog's or cat's owner, upon payment of such fee as is prescribed by the board of supervisors. Section 5-68. Impoundment of unvaccinated dogs or cats. (a) Any dog or cat found in the county which is not vaccinated as required in this division shall be impounded by the animal control officer or other officer and held at the animal shelter for a period of seven (7) days. The dog or cat may be returned to its owner, upon proof of ownership, vaccination of the dog or cat, and payment of the cost of impounding the dog or cat. Such payment shall not relieve the owner from prosecution for violating Section 5-66. (b) At the expiration of the seven-day (7) period, any dog or cat impounded under this section and not claimed by its owner may be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Section 29-213.66 of the Code of Virginia. Section 5-69. Vaccination clinics. The board of supervisors may provide for clinics for the vaccination of dogs and cats under the supervision of the animal control officer and the health director and fix fees to be charged for services rendered at such clinics. Section 5-70. Quarantine in event of rabies epidemic. When, in the judgment of the health director, an emer- gency shall be deemed to exist in the county or any section there- of due to a widespread rabies epidemic, the health director may, for the protection of the public health, declare a quarantine in the county or such section thereof as may be affected and re- strict all dogs and cats to the owners' premises or to the immed- iate custody of a responsible person for the duration of such emergency as it is set forth. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be `"' ITEM NUMBER ~1~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Deed of Easement Urban Development and Investment, Ltd. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Urban Development and Investment, Ltd. had originally dedi- cated a 15' sanitary sewer easement located north of Virginia Route 419 off of McVitty Road. Expanded easements are required due to topographical reasons. Urban Development is conveying an additional 20' water easement and two 5' sanitary sewer easements to the County. FISCAL IMPACT:((" None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the County Administrator be authoriz- ed to execute such documents and take such actions as may be ne- cessary to accomplish this transaction. Respectfully submitted, 1.1~ U - l Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) No Yes Abs Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROA COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING DEED OF EASEMENT FROM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT, LTD. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the disposition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on April 28, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on May 12, 1987. This real estate is located between Virginia Route 419 and McVitty Road; and 2. That the conveyance of a 20' water easement and two 5' sanitary sewer easements from Urban Development and Invest- ment, Ltd. to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is here- by authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of this pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NUMBER ~ - ~Z.., AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 (Continued from March 24, 1987) SUBJECT: Second Readi~ig - Adoption of an Ordinance repealing Section 20.1--11 (a), (b), and (c) of Chapter 20, "Water," of the 1971 Roanoke County Code, which is Chapter 22, "Water," of the 1985 Roanoke County Code COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The current Water Ordinance, Section 20.1-11 (c) contains standards and specifications which conflict) wi(th) the proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities." These parts will be repealed in order to remove this conflict. Affected Section 20.1-11 is attached. e~ FISCAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that this ordinance be adopted after a Second Reading on March 24, 1987, concurrently with the resolu- tion adopting the proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities." SUBMITTED BY: Cliff Craig Director of Utilities APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------- ACTION VOTE - Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( )- No Yes Abs Received ( ) Brittle Referred Garrett To _ Johnson McGraw - _ Nickens AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKEU ~~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 -f278~-g ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20.1-11 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE (1971) BY THE REPEAL OF SUB-SECTION (a), (b) AND (c) PERTAINING TO CERTAIN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on March 10, 1987, a second reading was held on March 24, 1987 and April 28, 1987,and a public hearing was held thereon on March 24, 1987 and April 28, 1987, concerning an ordinance amending and repealing portions of the Roanoke County Code pertaining to the design of water mains, valves and hydrants; and WHEREAS, Section 20.1-11 of Chapter 20, "Water," of the 1971 Roanoke County Code (Chapter 22, "Water," of the 1985 Roanoke County Code) provides for certain standards and specifica- tions for water mains, valves and fire hydrants; and WHEREAS, said standards and specifications conflict with certain proposed "Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities"; and WHEREAS, said proposed "Design and Construction Stan- dards for Water Facilities" were adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, contemporaneous- ly with the adoption of this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: ~-Z 1. That Section 20.1-11 of the Roanoke County Code (1971) is amended and portions thereof repealed to read and pro- vide as follows: Sec. 20.1-11. Design of mains; valves and hydrants. All mains, valves, hydrants, fittings and accessories shall be designed to withstand a normal working pressure of not less than one hundred and fifty pounds per square inch and shall con- form to the specifications of the American Water Works Associa- tion, state regulations and county specifications and standards adopted by the board by resolution and in effect at the time of approval. {a}- A4ai~s-- - Maims- shall- be- sip- i~el~es; - inside- eliamete~; - e~- eept- in-the- ease- a€- eleael-e~d-streets- e~- wl~e~e- rased-parallel- to sip-i~eh-mains-e~-}arger-mains-leeated-~ait~ii~-tl~e-same-street-ef right-e~-wap---~~-ere-ease-s~iall-any-water-maim-He-less-than-fear inel~es;-inside-diameter---Pde-water-maims-ser~i~g-ewe-er-mere-dire l~ydrar~ts-shall-be-less-than-sip-inel~es;-i~siele-eliameter---lnstal- latien- ef- a- l~ydraxt- en- e~isti~g- }ir~es- wit~i- an- inside- diameter less-thaw-sip-inel~es-mast-lie-appreved-bp-tie-direeter:--All-dead- e~d-water- maims- s~iall- i~a~e- adee~r~ate-blew-ef f - ~al~es- e~- f iee- hy_ drar~ts- at- tl~e-end- t~iereef- in- aeeerda~ee- with-the- speeif ieatiens aid-standards:--Ar~tematie-air-relief-valves-shall-be-installed-at the- high- pei~ts- a€- water- mains- w~iere- aeet~mr~latiet~- et- air- may interfere-wit~i-the-flew- fb}- b~alves-- - Al}- valves- small- eper~- te- tl~e-left-- - ~ael~-valve shall-He-aeeessible-fer-eperatien-~aitl~-standard-valve-kep-ti~rer~gl~ a-valve-bey-e~tendi~g-te-the-gret~~d-sr~rfaee- ~- fe}- ~lre- Hpelra~ts-- - H~dra~ts-shat}- l~a~e- twa- tae- a~e7-ene-half }nel~- ne~~les- ar~e1- ewe- fare- and- ene-half- lneh- pr~~per- ~e~~le: Pde~sle-eaps-s~iall-be-pravleleel-~alt~i-sa}table-gasl~ets-te-prey}de-a t}glut-seal-wltl~-tl~e-ne~~les : --Sr~eh-Baps-shall-~e-seet~rel~-eha}peel te- the- barrel- ef- tire- 1~~e7rants : - - Eap- ~r~ts- sl~a}}- lga~e- the- same ellr~er~sle~s-as-tlge-eperat}erg-nr~t-ef-tlge-i~~dra~t---The-sloe-of-tige tea}n-~al~e-epees}erg-ef-tlge-i~~e]ra~t-si3al}-be-met-less-than-fear-arid erne-igalf-}r~elges---~P~ie-}~~d~ant-sl~al}-ee~neet-ta-a-s}~-}~el~-l~~a~el~ p}pe-l}ee-}~-wig}eig-}s-}seated-an-}selat}rig-gate-~al~e---Hpelrants shall-be-leeateel-r~et-there-ti~ar~-twelve-feet-frex~-tlge-ee7ge-ef-the pa~etner~t-ateless-ar~tlger}red-1~~-dlreetar: --lam-water-s~ste~ts-ser~alr~g st~bdl~*lsler~s; -flee-}~pelrants-si~a}l-fie-lamstalled-se-t~iat-tl~e~e-gal}} lie-at-}east-erne-Ig~drar3t-wltlgliq-fear-Igr~t3elred-feet-ef-the-eer~ter-ef tl~e- fret~t- grepertp- lllge- ef- eae:iq- let- served- bar- sr~elg- s~ste~t: Hpelrartts-shall- lie-lee'steel- at-street- ligtersee:tlerrs; - lf-pesslhle: fAre] : -AIe--}5l~-} 2. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be April 28, 1987. PETITIONER: APPALACEIIAN POWER COMPANY CASE N[Y~iBER: 13-4/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: April 6, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: April 28, 1987 1. R~QUFST Petition of Appalachian Power Canpany to rezone 2.10 acres from B-1, Business to M-2, Industrial and 2.10 acres from M-2, Industrial to B-1, Business to construct the General Office Transmission and Distribution Service Center, located on the north side of Loch Haven Road at the intersection of Route 419 and Interstate 81 in the Catawba Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Ccmnission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. None. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. The portion of the land rezoned M-2, General Industrial will not be used for any of the following: manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, perftmned toilet soap, toiletries and food products; manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas; manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties and rubber and metal stamps; seed and feed stores; cabinet, furniture and upholstery shops; veterinary hospital and commercial kennels with exterior runs and yards; commercial laundry and dry cleaning products; flea markets; brick manufacturing plants and sawmills; cotton spinning mills; boat building; stone works. b. In connection with its development of the subject property, APCO will landscape the property substantially in accordance with the concept planting plan attached, and dated March 3, 1987. Those areas labeled "proposed planting" on the planting plan will be landscaped, at the time of initial grading of the site, so as to comply with the Type E planting requirements of the Roanoke County screening and buffering ordinance. c. If APCO has not, by 2/1/91, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of the land rezoned M-2 in accordance with a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request of APCO, APCO will promptly offer the entire 47+ acre parcel for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1 and M-2. (3) If APCO has not, by 2/1/99, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of the land rezoned B-l, Office District, in accordance with a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request on APCO, APCO will pranptly offer the portion of the land rezoned B-1 for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-l. U ~-~ 5. CONY~lISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON J.R. Jones moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Eddy, Jones, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHI~N'I'S / Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other: CI1~,,. Robert Stal r, Planning Cc~mission Secretary STAFF REPORT ~S~ CASE NUMBER: 13-4/87 PETITIONER: APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER DATE: MARCH 30, 1987 Petition of Appalachian Power Company to rezone 2.10 acres from B-l, Business to M-2, Industrial and 2.10 acres from M-2, Industrial to B-1, Business to construct the General Office Transmission and Distribution Service Center, located on the north side of Loch Haven Road at the intersection of Route 419 and Interstate 81 in the Catawba Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Modification of original rezoning request approved January 1986. Planning Commission recommended approval in December 1985. Conditional request that will allow Appalachian Power Company to construct its General Office Transmission and Distribution Service Center on a 47 acre parcel. The Service Center complex will consist of at least two buildings: an office building on the front portion of the property, containing approximately 50,000 sq.ft., and a meter/stores, station shop and transporta- tion garage complex comprising roughly 126,000 sq.ft. (plus 100,000 sq.ft. of outside storage) behind the office building. An estimated 370 people would work at or be headquartered in the Service Center when it is completed. The projected cost of the entire project is in the range of $20 million. During the initial rezoning process, petitioner made it clear that the exact placement of the buildings and improvements could possibly necessitate the movement of the boundary line separating the M-2, Industrial and the B-l, Office Districts. The final order was approved with the understanding that if a modification of the boundary line were necessary, petitioner would be required to submit a new request to both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for their review and approval. Petitioner is requesting that 2.1 acres of land previously rezoned to M-2 be rezoned again to B-l, and that 2.1 acres of land rezoned to B-1 be rezoned to M-2 to accommodate the placement of the structures. The concept plan submitted with the current request shows a point of access onto Route 311. This entrance was. not included in the concept plan submitted in 1985. The petitioner is also requesting that the screening and buffering requirements be modified. At the 1985 Planning Commission meeting, the Director of Planning advised the Commission that it was his interpretation of the zoning ordinance that internal screening between the B-1 and M-2 portions of the property to achieve the intent of Sections 21-92-D-a and 21-92-D-b (3) could not be required and that a proffer of conditions submitted voluntarily by the petitioner would be in order. These proffers guaranteeing internal screening were not offered at the Planning Commission's hearing. ~~~-/ Subsequently at a meeting held on December 26, 1985, the Director of Planning requested and the petitioner agreed to prepare and offer an appropriate proffer specifying Type E screening and buffering to be installed between the B-1 and M-2 zoning districts. The Board of Supervisors accepted the following conditions in January 1986: Section 21-92 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, governing screening and buffering between building sites situated in different zoning districts, will be deemed to apply to the boundary line between the portion of the land rezoned B-1 (Office District) and the portion rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District). The current proposed changes to the B-1 and M-2 configuration lessens the effectiveness of the conditions previously offered by the petitioner and accepted by the governing body (see revised concept plan and zoning vicinity map). The revised landscape proffers will more adequately screen the storage and parking facilities from I-81 traffic than the conditions accepted by the Board of Supervisors in January 1986. Staff recommends however that the Planning Commission negotiate with the petitioner to define more clearly the type of plantings i.e. either type D or Type E that will be installed. Please note that signage has not been specified. A copy of the December 1985 staff report is attached for your reference. Attachment ~~ r VIRGINIA: ~"` BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 47+ acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the north) side of Loch Haven Road at its) intersection with Route 419 ) RECOMMENDATION and 2nterstate 81 within the ) Catawba Magisterial District ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Appalachian Power Company has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to change the location of the division line between the B-1 (Office) and M-2 (General industrial) Districts on the above-referenced parcel of land for the purpose of accommodat- ing the proposed building locations for its General Office Transmission and Distribution Service Center, and to change one of the proffered conditions to which the property is now subject. WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commis- sion which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on Aoril 6 1967; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be aaaroved with aroffered conditions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commis- sion recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned to a-1 (Office) and M-2 (General Industrial) Districts as shown on the plat of survey submitted with the petition, subject to the conditions • proffered by the petitioner. The above action was adopted on motion of _J. R. Jones on second by , and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Eddy, Jones, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None , Respectfully submitted. Rob Stelzer, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission S 1' i . = g `w _ ' :~ t ~.+, ,r d, / t.'>:. i . ~ ~Il~.y ~ ~(~ t I,. S la ~ '~. ', i vir ,, ~ ..~'~c .'! ~,.f Si' r °" r ~~~ ~% . -- i r:~~~ i ~~ 7-/li i " ~~~~4i1 s ~ } ~ ~ ~ i :.~... +ii ~~ ~~'it nth' i ue;:iir. Tf) ~ / ~~ '~' ~+ ..' e ti , 1 ~ ' a ~~ ~ _~1 ?~ ' -- c` ~`~ _, %~ .~ ~ _ ~ ~. , . ,. i NOSE: , I, QM _ IRON PINS MARK ALL CORNERS SHOGM Q~i HEREON UNLESS OTHERFIISE NOTED. 61y F 5 'mac • ?04~ ~~LtS ~ p` o6•I2 s ~4 3p . O A pa 3.4C G<<s WITK GoN f'i~eMilo .r>C ® t8 Qq *4PP~Qe~~ITN c • yl 1 r ~ P°~ j 248 4.1• 8 0 *Q, k/0 ~1 .,\"~. Y 9 -- ^vt 30•• ••c• ~s o• Y. tr ~- ~ bt. E. ~ I N 0' ~ ? r ge~gei~~Tt o -. ~ ~ ~' / ~ i ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ H ~ Q ' r COML. MONU1•t® `\~~ • W ITM GODDlR P • a O ~ F N44°32~23'$S . Q/~ /// •4 207.89' IQO p l Mo0.41S ~UDD. ~ ~~ ~„0 N ~ 5 P. b. 2, P4.IIZ ~ ~~ ~ _~ +/ 0' _ • (~ ~ ~ H~ "' t9 v o~ 4n li !U• A ~ : rp ~ b ? a ~• R, J Q i I s ``, - ~ i Lb.at. MONIJMtf/1T O rrg2 StF ~ I ~'~w ~z ss`z~co ~)•• 2 ,Ir~ faN a. MONVMiMT N '5,57°6G~bt~ W. ~ aR AZ I 10 ev aaxaw• 1 1 "~1'' t s.sa'se` am` w. "~ n p~~•" 300.1 ° 1=1 1 ~ ~ 4a Q ~ COwa.NW<.RneM ~ ~ \ ` ~ ~ ~ I ~ "S.4at4al.so'W. 1 ISG•52. 1 te.lc. MryK•MOJ. / '~ ' w. s.aal ssltl{ •sy Y~ V 6i' « '~ 2 N ~ •~q ' 1 - 22S ." 40 A ES ~ 46 m } v r oti ' ® z o , ;; ~ . ! . Zc ,- Z ^`S ~ ,y.° _ A ~ ~ / CONC. Mw K. MeH 1 ~` _ w ° • Y : r a'~ 1 ~ o o PI-~~rtco , O ; O . i~+ 34o1. e s ~ i c ; te ,1 0 O^rowC IV ~ 11 C °~~ ~ „ 3_ e, L ~ ~~ i~ p 0 a 0 Pa•a~ ~ 'wl O° a r D~ ~ d~ ~ ~ s 2 ~ ' ItN.il~• \~ • S~ ~ a.74t~114A'W. T CoNG. MOH. 4J, ~ "~` y~ 1 ~• ° 0 I ~ ~ Q ....~- ® 1 WITH Go VPl0. `~` I PIN. ' , P.~e I JY ~; `l J .1/1 s~ .'/A. ,.N. «l~lV ![d ~~ C r ti 1~ \` / A+ 19t.tio e s7 V J ~ J \\ \ ~~ R. 71e.a1 s s •"s` "' ~ 8 9 0 s,? ~ ~~ ~ • ° r ~ . ~ ran- w t,/.,l f , u r a i • 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ?. q eAtol•n.,tiw. ? ~P ~ 1 r~ ~~I: ._ I 'MI 1 In , ~'f' ~ o ter a N. o ~ • lol. oG ~ o q 6 v. ~ .r ' ~~ v 1 :~ r Y ® ' N ~ _i~~~ ~, C~ ~ \.~ r r ~ 1 ~~r,,• ~~ 8~~ v ~ t , ,a } 221=0 V .P y~• ~'•r ~j,~vr! r ' ~ ~ _ ,r ~~ ~ N ~Flt.+cc ~t i!li ~IGe.•ac. ~ ti ~ ~~~4=E.~)~l~i~ ~~~NOTE: UAS PtPti~iKEs 1 ~ r` Z I+T `S4• MWT•Men1• ~e 1 ~y~~ qa Glt.wu~ AlA-J'64, NCRT7.1 cOt~C of • • • ~ '~t t1 ~ PAVt'MlNT FiiCM GORNlR ' ~i I~fsa a co..~. c~ NZSt 41'•te W, r ., 11 TO CoSLNFI.R 'S wHElt~4`. 74tS~~1o4.91 o~• ~,, 5 d' S ` r r n•to..l. w~<.•I ~ a 4 t P~ V . mo o w. GO.IL C,AS LINE MARKINC~ STOP. '.•. '~t•~ i Rs l1 S.SI ~ . , I ~ J - ~ t • ll- -•.1 d~ e p [< t /~ V b<°• ~ ~ ~ ~..LNO.e 201.11 ., ,.. ,:. °V ~ T ~i ~ .. o ~~• ~ ~. ~ t ~ J i tcc.le 5.30 ~ T :,.y : ' ~ ~ ,~;;•~ .~ N.7a'I ~.l;~s~" N.GS•ot'i~`w. 9 ' P PdRKtR Yt s la••w. $t~Mro~'r 5.;~ CAC+TIOIJ lEG/-t•. Rtza. i=%'~.: Q t z,.7 ~ AC o. a . 2 0 4 Pdll• 214 ~ •20 ~'' rr?I:~E%- ~ •: ~ N ~ ~ ~E Ke ~ . O IO . . ._ ~ _ . 11.4= ~~• • '° N o . ' s" .'r. ~., °`• ~ SURVEY FOR .. ~ '~~ • S1 ,~ t ~ ~ APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY ? SHOWING 46. 40 ACRE TRACT° Hnarat~~ . PROPERTY OF ,,,, ~ ~~~' _ ~ LEVI A. HUFFMAN ESTATE ~- J R6vlt.9i0 PROPGRT-( LINE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT .,y l.ocltiTtolJ MAP t=ao/•a aeit,. ~ z. c.a. tl ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA To pe~.L~v1 CENTaR of~ B1f: T P PARKFa w cnN • 1'.-V EMi-4'[' ALON y t.oc-- ENGRS. O SU RVETORS LTD. NrwEW OR. ~-4-~a OATE:. DEC.2, 1985 SCALE'1"•20~ J• O. 12504 trt[ ~tti or stnotntua[ i~ tututuT to iteouunw teuot to IYi .r, .tsaosta K . tits suns ... LiCZtIStD „~.,~[. DWG. NO. E- 4150 J. B. S- I:T 1 nvnrn A k ` ROANOKE COUNTY Appalachian Power Company DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT B_1 to M-2 and M-2 to B-1 ~. ^ ^...^.. ^ ^ n~n^ ~~~~~~ G I r C~ UW OFFICES WOODS, ROOERS i NAZLEOgOVE ROANOKE,VA II VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 47± acre parcel of land ) generally located on the north ) side of Loch Haven Road at its ) ORDER intersection of Route 419 and ) Interstate 81 within the ) Catawba Magisterial District. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, by Final Order dated January 29, 1986, the Board of County Supervisors of Roanoke County did rezone the above- referenced parcel of land from RE (Residential Estates) Dis- trict to B-1 (Office) and M-2 (General Industrial) District for the purpose of permitting construction of a general office transmission and distribution service center for Appalachian Power Company; and WHEREAS, on March 9, 1987, your petitioner, Appalachian Power Company, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone portions of said parcel so as to change the division line between the B-1 and M-2 zoning districts to accommodate Appalachian's final construction plans for the service center; and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the petition on April 6, 1987, at which time all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County Supervisors did hold a public hearing on the petition on April 28, 1987, at which time all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and q~c ~~~'~/ UW OFFICES WOODS, ROOERS i NAZLEOROVE ROANOKE,VA WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be approved subject to certain conditions proffered by the petitioner (said conditions having been amended from those originally proffered in con- nection with the January 29, 1986, rezoning). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that portions of the afore- mentioned parcel of land, which is contained in Roanoke County tax maps as parcel 36.10-1-14 be rezoned from B-1 (Office) to M-2 (General Industrial) District and that other portions be rezoned from M-2 (General Industrial) to B-1 (Office) District with the result that the portion of the land zoned B-1 shall be as described in Schedule A attached hereto and the portion of the land zoned M-2 shall be as described on Schedule B attached hereto, all subject to the following conditions: (A) The portion of the land rezoned M-2 (General Indus- trial District) will not be used for any of the following: (1) Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosme- tics, dairy products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, per- fumed toilet soap, toiletries and food products; (2) Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas; (3) Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties and rubber and metal stamps; (4) Seed and feed stores; (5) Cabinet, furniture and upholstery shops; (6) Veterinary hospital and commercial kennels with exterior runs and yards; (7) Commercial laundry and dry cleaning plants; (8) Flea markets; (9) Brick manufacturing plants and sawmills; (10) Cotton spinning mills; 2 UW OFFICES WOODS, ROOERS i MAZLEOROVE ROANOKE, VA. (11) Boat building; (12) Stone works, (B) In connection with its development of the subject property, Appalachian Power Company will landscape the property substantially in accordance with the Conceptual Planting Plan attached hereto, identified by drawing number SKA-4002C PL and dated March 3, 1987. Those areas labeled "proposed planting" on the Planting Plan will be landscaped at the time of initial site. grading so as to comply with the "Type E" requirements of the Roanoke County Screening and Buffering Ordinance (section 21-92,g „ Roanoke County Code). (C) (1) If Appalachian Power Company has not, by Feb- ruary 1, 1991, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of the land rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District) in accordance with a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request of Appalachian Power Company, Appalachian Power Company will promptly offer the entire 47± acre parcel for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1 and M-2, (2) If Appalachian Power Company has not, by Feb- ruary 1, 1993, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of the land rezoned B-1 (Office District) in accordance with a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request of Appalachian Power Company, Appa- lachian Power Company will promptly offer the portion of the land rezoned B-1 for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1. Legal Description of Property: (a) The portion of the land rezoned B-1 (Office District) is described in Schedule A attached. (b) The portion of the land rezoned M-2 (General Indus- trial District) is described in Schedule B attached, 3 ,fig ~ / LAW OFFICES WOODS. XOOERS i NAZLEOXOVE ROANOKE, VA. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be trans- mitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 4 ~'-~ 1 `,`8 ~ ~ i SCHEDULE A Description of Property Rezoned B-1 (Office District) for Appalachian Power Company BEGINNING at a concrete monument with copper pin located in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive, at the southwest corner of the property now or formerly of Donald E. Davis (Deed Book 939, page 18); thence with the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: S. 57° 55' 32" W. 89.97 feet to an iron pin; S. 38° 58' 32" W. 360.69 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 48° 40' 50" W. 156.52 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 63° 55' 18" W. 223.70 feet to a concrete highway monument; thence leaving the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive S. 13° O1' 24" E. 40.00 feet to a p.k, nail in the center of Loch Haven Drive; thence with the center of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: S. 76° 03' W. 176.53 feet to a p.k. nail; S. 76° 37' 48" W. 244.38 feet to a p.k, nail; with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 45.00 feet, a radius of 718.87 feet, and the long chord of said curve being S. 78° 25' W. 44.9 feet to a point; thence leaving Loch Haven Drive and with a new line through the property of Appalachian Power Company, the following courses and distances: N. 07° 55' E. 245.00 feet to a point; N. 52° 05' W. 172.00 feet to a point; N. 18° 45' W. 145.00 feet to a point; N. 71° 15' E. 753.00 feet to a point; N. 44° 32' 23" E. 207.89 feet to a concrete monument wit h copper pin, corner to property of Gratton E. Wells; thence running with the lands of Gratton E, wells rr. 79° 13' 04" E. 335.00 feet to an old pin, common corner with the lands of B. W. Francisco (Deed Book 1203, page 30) and Donald E, Davis (Deed Book 939, page 18); thence with the Davis lands S. 6° 15' E. 282.20 feet (passing a concrete monument with copper pin at 232.20 feet) to a concrete monument with copper pin in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive, the point of BEGINNING, being shown on a plat entitled "Survey for Appalachian Power Company showing 46.40 Acre Tract Property of Levi A. Huffman Estate," dated December 2, 1985, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers & Surveyors, Ltd. (revised March 4, 1986). ~~ ~~~ SCHEDULE B Description of Property Rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District) for Appalachian Power Company BEGINNING at an old planted stone located near a .rock wall, which said old planted stone marks a property corner common to the herein described property, lands of Paul R. Myers, Lot 2 - Morris Subdivision, and lands of Gratton E. Wells; thence, leaving said point of BEGINNING and running with the common boundary line between the said herein described property and said lands of Gratton E, Wells the following two (2) courses and distances: S. 76° 47' 02" E. 163.0 feet to a concrete monu- ment with copper pin; and N. 67° 45' 00" E. 902.0 feet to a concrete monu- ment with copper pin; thence, running partly with the common boundary line between the said herein described property and lands of Ellis L. Wells and running partly with other lands of Gratton E. Wells S. 23° 47' 30" E. 561.60 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; thence leaving the line of Gratton E. Wells and with a new line through the property of Appalachian Power Company the following courses and distances: S. 44° 32' 23" W. 207.89 feet to a point; S. 71° 15' W. 753.00 feet to a point; S. 18° 45' E. 145.00 feet to a point; S. 52° OS' E. 172.00 feet to a point; S. 7° 55' W. 245.00 feet to a point - in the center of Loch Haven Drive; thence, running with the said center of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 147.48 feet, a radius of 718.87 feet, and the long chord of said curve being S. 86° 06' W. 147.22 feet to a p.k, nail; N. 88° O1' 44" W. 107.06 feet to a p.k. nail; N. 87° 11' 30" W. 229.06 feet to a p.k. nail; thence leaving the center of Loch Haven Drive N. 22° 54' E. 39.01 feet to a concrete highway monument in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Dive; thence with the northerly right of way lines of Loch Haven Drive and Virginia Route 419 the following courses and distances: N. 75° 41' 10" W. 109.99 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 74° 39' S0" W. 68.12 feet to a concrete highway monument; with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 207.77 feet, a radius of 798.51 feet, and the long chord of said curve being N. 78° 13' 20" W, for a distance of 207.19 feet to an iron pin; ~. X8'7-/ N, 56° 33' 24" W, 105.30 feet to an iron pin; N, 62° 32' S6" W. 166.18 feet to a concrete highway monument; N, 78° 15' 18" W. 95.33 feet to an iron pin; and N. 65° 02' 56" W, 227.79 feet to a concrete monument with a c opper pin; thence, leaving said northerly right of way line of Virginia Route 419 and running partly with the common boundary line of said herein described property and lands of Raymond D. Hinchee and running partly with the lands of Gary R. Myers the follow- ing two (2) courses and distances: N. 30° 10' E, passing a concrete monument with copper pin at a distance of 30.00 feet and running in all a total distance of 71.62 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; and N, 51° 27' E. 834.00 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; thence, running with the common boundary line of the said herein described property and said lands of Paul R. Myers N. 47° 31' E. 263.00 feet to an old planted stone located near a rock wall, the point of BEGINNING, being shown on a plat entitled "Survey for Appalachian Power Co. Showing 46.40 Acre Tract Property of Levi A, Huffman Estate," dated December 2, 1985, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers & Surveyors, Ltd. (revised March 4, 1986). -?.- ~', i.,°. ~ ~l~~lld~~~,r~~ ~' ~ I Y upl3~ rel,,,E 1~ f~' i'~~ 9 ~ r ~~il~~') ~ ~ ~ x ~~~ ~- s . ~I _, ~ ~_ ~ ek ~ ~, ,,. 1 ' ~r ~~'B ~~ ~' ~ la , ~ s v g° l ,~ ~ ' ~ r ,; .~. -~~ _ _ 4 ~- . ~ , .~ ,' ~~ ! ~ - ~ ' } ~ r r ti ~ Y_f../ a J` ~ j ,~~ ~~. (,~ Q ~ i ', ~, `mot, - ~ ~ i 'i / .~~ it .. ~ L ~~ .~ f ~. `'1 ` ~ ~ 5 r~ S ~"+.,,, / ~d, .. ~/// Sly ._ i .; ASP a ;• D ~_ ~~.: ~). i ~ ~ _ , t ',~\ _ ~ , III/~r'~ i~ ~ ~~ ~\ ~~ r ~, . ; ~-1,~ ,. ~; ~~ e ,.r--- ~' 1 ~ ` , . ~• ' } i ~ ~. + ~ r ; ~: ~~ L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of Appalachian Power Company, requesting rezoning from B-1 Office to M-2 General Industrial and from M-2 General Industrial to B-1 Office of a tract containing 47 acre parcel and located on the north side of Loch Haven Road at its intersection of Route 419 and Interstate 81 in the Catawba Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to construct a general office transmission and distribution service center. The County Planning Commission recommends approval. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request inay be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 10th day of April, 1987. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: April 14, 1987 April 21, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Woods, Rogers and Hazlegrove 105 Franklin Road Roanoke, Virginia 24016 Attn: Dan Layman VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 47+ acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the north ) side of Loch Haven Road at its ) intersection with Route 419 ) PETITION and Interstate 81 within the ) Catawba Magisterial District ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER Appalachian Power Company respectfully files this petition pursuant to Chapter 2.1 of the Code of Roanoke County and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the fallowing: 1) The Petitioner is the owner of the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the ordinances of Roanoke County as B-1 (Office) and M-2 (General Industrial) Districts. (See Final Order dated January 29, 1986.) 3) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned to change the location of the division line between the B-1 and M-2 Districts for the purpose of accommodating the proposed building locations for its General Office Transmission and Distribution Service Center, as shown on Exhibit A attached to this Petition. Your Petitioner also wishes to amend condition (b) set forth in the Final Order of this Board dated January 29, 1986, which rezoned the subject property to its present classifications. A Proffer of Conditions incorporating the new condition is attached to this Petition. 4) Your Petitioner believes the rezoning of this land to be above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in Number 3 above. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY /,r ;. . f-~ ~ ,c Ids ~ ~ --9-~...• ;lt~.. P•3.~- ~„~ Petitioner II VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 47± acre parcel of land ) generally located on the north ) side of Loch Haven Road at its ) ORDER intersection of Route 419 and ) Interstate 81 within the ) Catawba Magisterial District. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, by Final Order dated January 29, 1986, the Board a G D r ~~ ~~ of County Supervisors of Roanoke County did rezone the above- referenced parcel of land from RE (Residential Estates) Dis- trict to B-1 (Office) and M-2. (General Industrial) District for the purpose of permitting construction of a general office transmission and distribution service center for Appalachian Power Company; and WHEREAS, on March 9, 1987, your petitioner, Appalachian Power Company, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone portions of said parcel so as to change the division line between the B-1 and M-2 zoning districts to accommodate Appalachian's final construction plans for the service center; and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the petition on April 6, 1987, at which time all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County Supervisors did hold a public hearing on the petition on April LAW OFFICES ~~ 28, 1987, at which time all parties in interest were given an WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be approved subject to certain conditions proffered by the petitioner (said conditions having been amended from those originally proffered in con- nection with the January 29, 1986, rezoning). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that portions of the afore- mentioned parcel of land, which is contained in Roanoke County tax maps as parcel 36.10-1-14 be rezoned from B-1 (Office) to M-2 (General Industrial) District and that other portions be rezoned from M-2 (General Industrial) to B-1 (Office) District with the result that the portion of the land zoned B-1 shall be as described in Schedule A attached hereto and the portion of the land zoned M-?. shall be as described on Schedule B attached hereto, all subject to the following conditions: (A) The portion of the land rezoned M-2 (General Indus- trial District) will not be used for any of the following: (1) Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosme- tics, dairy products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, per- fumed toilet soap, toiletries and food products; (2) Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas; LAW OFFICES wnnnc onr_coc (3) Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties and rubber and metal stamps; (4) Seed and feed stores; (5) Cabinet, furniture and upholstery shops; (6) Veterinary hospital and commercial kennels with exterior runs and yards; (7) Commercial laundry and dry cleaning plants; (8) Flea markets; LAW OFFICES (11) Boat building; (12) Stone works. (B) In connection with its development of the subject property, Appalachian Power Company will landscape the property substantially in accordance with the Conceptual Planting Plan attached hereto, identified by drawing number SKA-4002.C PL and dated March 3, 1987. Those areas labeled "proposed planting" on the Planting Plan will be landscaped at the time of. initial site grading so as to comply with the "Type E" requirements of the Roanoke County Screening and Buffering Ordinance (section 21-92.g., Roanoke County Code). (C) (1) If Appalachian Power Company has not, by Feb- ruary 1, 1991, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of the land rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District) in accordance with a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request of Appalachian Power Company, Appalachian Power Company will promptly offer the entire 47± acre parcel for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1 and M-2. (2) If Appalachian Power Company has not, by Feb- ruary 1, 1993, commenced construction of improvements on the portion of the land rezoned B-1 (Office District) in accordance with a site plan approved by the appropriate Roanoke County officials, and if no extension of such deadline is granted by Roanoke County on request of Appalachian Power Company, Appa- lachian Power Company will promptly offer the portion of the land rezoned B-1 for sale at its appraised fair market value as zoned B-1. Legal Description of Property: (a) The portion of the land rezoned B-1 (Office District) BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be trans- mitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoninq Map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: Johnson AYES: Brittle, Garrett, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw Deputy rn ~~ ~ Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Department of Development Planning Department Real Estate Assessor LAW OFFICES SCHEDULE A Description of Property Rezoned B-1 (Office District) for Appalachian Power Company BEGINNING at a concrete monument with copper pin located in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive, at the southwest corner of the property now or formerly of Donald E. . Davis (Deed Book 939, page 18); thence with the northerly right of wav line of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: S. 57° 55' 32" W. 89.97 feet to an iron pin; S. 38° 58' 32" W. 360.69 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 48° 40' 50" W. 156.52 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 63° 55' 18" W. 223.70 feet to a concrete highway monument; thence leaving the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive S. 13° Ol' 24" E. 40.00 feet to a p.k. nail in the center of Loch Haven Drive; thence with the center of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: S. 76° 03' W. 176.53 feet to a p.k, nail; S. 76° 37' 48" W. 244.38 feet to a p.k. nail; with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 45.00 feet, a radius of 718.87 feet, and the long chord of said curve being S. 78° 25' W. 44.9 feet to a point; thence leaving Loch Haven Drive property of Appalachian Power and distances: and with a new line through the Company, the following courses N. 07° 55' E. N. 52° 05' W. N. 18° 45' W. N. 71° 15' E. N. 44° 32' 23" E. 245.00 feet to a point; 172.00 feet to a point; 145.00 feet to a point; 753.00 feet to a point; 207.89 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin, corner to property of Gratton E. Wells; thence running with the lands of Gratton E. Wells N. 79° 13' 04" E. 335.00 feet to an old pin, common corner with the lands of B. W. Francisco (Deed Book 1203, page 30) and Donald E. Davis (Deed Book 939, page 18); thence with the Davis lands S. 6° 15' E. 282.20 feet (passing a concrete monument with copper pin at 232.20 feet) to a concrete monument with copper pin in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Drive, the point of BEGINNING, being shown on a plat entitled "Survey for Appalachian Power Company showing 46.40 Acre Tract Property of Levi A. Huffman Estate," dated December 2, 1985, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers & Surveyors, Ltd. (revised March 4, 1986) . SCHEDULE B Description of Property Rezoned M-2 (General Industrial District) for Appalachian Power Company BEGINNING at an old planted stone located near a rock wall, which said old planted stone marks a property corner common to the herein described property, lands of Paul R. Myers, Lot 2 - Morris Subdivision, and lands of Gratton E. Wells; thence, leaving said point of BEGINNING and running with the common boundary line between the said herein described property and said lands of Gratton E. Wells the following two (2) courses and distances: S. 76° 47' 02" E. 163.0 feet to a concrete monu- ment ~~~ith copper pin; and N. 67° 45' 00" E. 902.0 feet to a concrete monu- ment with copper pin; thence, running partly with the common boundary line between the said herein described property and lands of Ellis L. Wells and running partly with other lands of Gratton E. Wells S. 23° 47' 30" E. 561.60 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; thence leaving the line of Gratton E. Wells and with a new line through the propert~r of Appalachian Power Company the following courses and distances: S. 44° 32' 2.3" W. 207.89 feet to a point; S. 71° 15' W. 753.00 feet to a point; S. 18° 45' E. 145.00 feet to a point; S. 52° 05' E. 172.00 feet to a point; S. 7° 55' W. ?.45.00 feet to a point - in the center of Loch Haven Drive; thence, running with the said center of Loch Haven Drive the following courses and distances: with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 147.48 feet, a radius of 718.87 feet, and the long chord of said curve being S. 86° 06' W. 147.22. feet to a p.k. nail; N. 88° O1' 44" W. 107.06 feet to a p.k. nail; N. 87° 11' 30" W. 229.06 feet to a p.k. nail; thence leaving the center of_ Loch Haven Drive N. 22° 54' E. 39.01 feet to a concrete highway monument in the northerly right of way line of Loch Haven Dive; thence with the northerly right of way lines of Loch Haven Drive and Virginia Route 419 the following courses and distances: N. 75° 41' 10" W. 109.99 feet to a concrete highway monument; S. 74° 39' 50" W. 68.1?. feet to a concrete highway monument; with a curve to the right having an arc distance of 207.77 feet, a radius of 798.51 feet, and the long -i____~ _r ___~ _.__. ___ 1,__..~... _.. A7 '700 77t 711 ~~ T.7 ~~r ~ N. 56° 33' 24" W. 105.30 feet to an iron pin; N. 62° 32' 56" W. 166.18 feet to a concrete highway monument; N. 78° 15' 18" W. 95.33 feet to an iron pin; and N. 65° 02' 56" W. 227.79 feet to a concrete monument with a c opper pin; thence, leaving said northerly right of way line of Virginia Route 419 and running partly with the common boundary line of said herein described property and lands of Raymond D. Hinchee and running partly with the lands of Gary R. Myers the follow- ing two (2) courses and distances: N. 30° 10' E, passing a concrete monument with copper pin at a distance of 30.00 feet and running in all a total distance of 71.62 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; and t1. 51° 27' E. 834.00 feet to a concrete monument with copper pin; thence, running with the common boundary line of the said herein described property and said lands of Paul R. Myers N. 47° 31' E. 263.00 feet to an old planted stone located near a rock wall, the point of BEGINNING, being shown on a plat entitled "Survey for Appalachian Power Co. Showing 46.40 Acre Tract Property of Levi A. Huffman Estate," dated December 2, 1985, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers & Surveyors, Ltd. (revised March 4, 1986). PETITIONER: GERHARD SIGRIST CASE NUMBER: 12-4/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: April 6, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: April 28, 1987 1. REQUEST Petition of Gerhard Sigrist to amend the conditions on a 0.76 acre parcel to con- struct a general commercial building including sewing machine sales and service, located on the north side of Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) approximately 800 feet west of its intersection with Pinevale Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Site Layout: Vehicular access points to public street should be kept to a minimum. One point of entrance is more desirable than the two entrances pro- posed by the petitioner. Roanoke County Transportation Coordinator recommends that the petitioner use the existing right-of-way of the un- improved portion of Custis Avenue as an entrance which could eventually be shared by the properties to the east and north. It is recommended that the petitioner align the unimproved portion of Custis Avenue with the paved por- tion located on the south side of US 221 and in addition improve the right-of-way for the full depth of the property (165 feet). Refer to policy C4 for greater detail. b. Circulation: Single entrance point as described in number 5d is more desirable than that which is proposed. c. Signage: Not specified. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. The westerly 100' of the parcel will be used for a sewing machine sales and service facility. b. The building housing the sewing machine sales and service will be consistent with the design of the existing property bounded on the westerly side of the rezoned parcel. c. No portion of the property will be used for any of the following: public billiard parlors and poolrooms, bowling alleys, golf driving ranges and similar forms of public amusement; animal hospitals or clinics and commercial kennels; home for adults; hospital, hospital special care or nursing home; flea markets, undertaker establishment; general advertising billboards. d. Only one entrance of reasonable width will be cut off of Brambleton Avenue to serve the two proposed 100' parcels. 5. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Lee Eddy moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Flippen, Witt, Eddy, Jones, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATrACHMETITS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") / Staff Report Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Other: ~R aP~„ Robert Sta zer, Planning Ccmmission Secretary ~_ W Z a~ Zrn ~' r a ~ J Q >Q a n. Q ~ ~ J O ~ w a cc p , LL' / ~ U N W ~ C3 W ~ w ~ N~ Z ~ ~ J ~ 0 ~ TT i ~ ~ U ~ _ d a m ? ~ m ~ ~- C'3 ~ W Q ~ OZ a W Z a°~c V (/~ - ~~ 0 p W :- 0. W E Z J Lr ~ O v a N ~~ ~ ~f N ~ N hl r ~ of I N ~( ~ I 3Ad SllSfl~ ti N N N N M `OI N ~~ ~ '7"~ w O O O ., ~ M .- ~ Q~~~ W _ O N ~ a p W C7 ~J QZ 00 w a ~O~a p w Qa H J J ~' cOc w O O ~ C7 = F- F- W a 0 W J m c~ I o~ I ~'' I ~'"` r ~:. ~~~~\~ ~ ~ M'a4E A J~E~'ti, `Me~v~ ~ >- i~~ ~ hIE \ fi~~•MAwnv ~.~`} w~~ rwa r~ `E t ;arr.. ~, .h,4'4 `.t ^ ry -~~~ ~VICINITY~MAP Qcar.•i . -..r- ~ti'sa<< Ad ~ ,. ,~ D unoru ~.~~.~ ~~ ,Z x 10 Y a ~. • n ~4 K 37 - ~.aa ,~ u iy a q /! \ ~, . 4 4i ~ d ~ / ~ 4.68 Ac \ 4+~ R 3 ~ ~, 39 ~~22\ ~ / ~~ ~ / fJ 52 43 / I.oiA~ ,o ~ _z \ 44 46 ~ ~ B.~ `~o °o `E (~c I \ / y~ \ ~ ~~\ 47 \ ~ I \ ~ _ i> 4 51 ~ r Z' ' \G\ 5 ' rs JJO \Stt / Z 1Z O O 6 ~ 25. ` o .~ :, Q_z ZZ. . 24. I s e 1.96 AC Qt vo 21' - .p S 10 ~ ~ / do ~ ~ rs \~ 20~ 9 apt ~ ` ti I~• ' a \ \ 19 27b ~b yj\~a of ~~//,~~~ 12 ~' ~ ~ \ \' 2~ ` ~ s 'r~ 1~ \ .G :o A 4 ` ROANOKE COUNTY Gerhard Sigrist d~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Amendment of Conditions STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 12-4/87 REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER ~ ~ PETITIONER: GERHARD SIGRIST DATE: MARCH 26, 1987 Petition of Gerhard Sigrist to amend the conditions on a 0.76 acre parcel to construct a general commercial building including sewing machine sales and service, located on the north side of Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue> approximately 800 feet west of its intersection with Pinevale Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to construct and operate a 3,000 sq.ft. sewing machine sales and repair facility. Sewing machine operation classes will also be offered. Property was previously rezoned in January 1986 to allow for the development of a fast food restaurant. Petitioner requests modification of previous conditions. Note that petitioner intends to construct on only one half of the property; the remaining one half will be sold and used according to conditions of use offered. b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describe purpose more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. Site plan review required to insure compliance with County regulations. b. VDH&T entrance permit required. c. Existing B-2 zoning with conditions limits use of property for a fast food restaurant facility. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Flat in the front with moderate. slope at the rear of the property. b. Ground Cover: Existing trees and scrub growth. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Windsor Hills community planning area, designated as a stable growth area. Commercial infill encouraged. b. General area is characterized with existing commercial strip development and low density residential development. Parcel immediately adjoins US 221 a heavily traveled primary highway. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. ~~i' ~/~- RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Core land use category which encourages the development of shopping centers and general retail facilities with the intent of providing retail centers that serve the suburban population of Roanoke County. 3 b. Surrounding Land: Low density residential as well as existing strip commercial. 2 c. Neighboring Area: Parcel fronts on heavily traveled highway. Neighboring area predominantly mixed strip commercial and existing low density residential. 4 d. Site Layout: Vehicular access points to public street should be kept to a minimum. One point of entrance is more desirable than the two entrances proposed by the petitioner. Roanoke County Transportation Coordinator recommends that the petitioner use the existing right-of-way of the unimproved portion of Custis Avenue as an entrance which could eventually be shared by the properties to the east and north. It is recommended that the petitioner align the unimproved portion of Custis Avenue with the paved portion located on the south side of US 221 and in addition improve the right-of-way for the full depth of the property (165 feet). Refer to policy C4 for greater detail. 3 e. Architecture: Specific architecture style not defined; however, petitioner has noted on the concept plan that the height of the building will not exceed 16 feet and has proffered that the building to be constructed will be consistent with the design of the existing property bounded on the westerly side of the subject property. 2 f. Screening and Landscape: As per ordinance. 2 g. Amenities: Ample parking is provided. 2 h. Natural Features: No negative impact. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: Served by major arterial highway US 221. Current ADT is 21,500 on a two lane highway. Proposed use would generate approximately 100 ADT. 4 j. Circulation: Single entrance point as described in number 5d is more desirable than that which is proposed. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Ample supply, adequate distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Ample treatment, adequate transmission. ~~~z 2 m. N/A n. 2 0. 2 p. N/A q. N/A r. 1 s. 2 2 2 2 4 6. 7. DRAINAGE Basin: Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES Fire Protection: Within established service standard. Rescue: Within established service standard. Parks and Recreation: School: TAX BASE - Land and Improvement Value: $280,000 - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: $170,000 - Total Employees: 3 - Total revenue to the County/Year: Approximately $3,400 ENVIRONMENT t. Air: u. Water: v. Soils: w. Noise: x. Signage: Not specified. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Core land use area category. General commercial and retail convenience is encouraged. Petitioner's proposal is consistent with the land use plan map and is consistent with all policies with the exception of C4. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Proposal is consistent with land use plan map and defined policies with the exception of C4. (2) Proposed use will be served by an existing primary highway that is scheduled to be improved. (3) Proposed use will not significantly increase existing traffic volume. b. Weaknesses: (1) Proposal is not totally consistent with policy C4. (2) Access should be redesigned in accordance with suggestions submittefl by County Transportation Coordinator. (3) Signage not specified. VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 0.74 acre parcel of land, ) generally located Nort~z side o.f Rte. ) Z21 (Brambleton Ave. approx. west of its intersection with Pinevale Road ) within the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel #772, 43 & ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) Page 1 of 2 RECOMMENDATION TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Gerhard Sigrist has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to amend the conditions of ~ the above-referenced parcel of land from B-2 District to B-2 Conditional District for the purpose of General coirmercial including sewing machine sales and service WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on April 6 19 87; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due conside17,on~h~~Gns recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the~~ be Approved • / ~ r/ Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above- arcel of d land be amended to B-2 Conditional p reference District. The above action was adopted on motion of Lee B. Edd oxi._se~n~ by _______________________________________., and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Flippen, -.~litt, Eddy, Jones, !~linstead NAYS : Vone ABSENT: ;'lone Respectfully submitted, ~~ Secretar Roanoke County Planning Commission ~S 7 2 A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~-c~l~n~l S~ " "I 6~c - Zovi .v s~ __ _ _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . - - - - - 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written-statements and/or comments with the clerk. -- - - - 6. IND.LV_ IDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGAN~BH GROUP SEiALL FT.LE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROliP AL.LOVVING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEN4. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ------ ------ ------- ADDxrsL: PHONE: G /N pq~/o ~ ~ ~,~- ~ ~- boo ~ _~__ _.~~ 9~'~ d©o~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 0.74 acre parcel of land, ) generally located North side of Rte. ) 221 (Brambleton Ave. approx. west of its intersection with Pinevale Road ) within the Windsor Hills ) Magisterial District, and ) re~doed as parcel #~~•09-4-42, 43 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) Page 1 of 2 PETITION TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Gerhard Sigrist respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: has a contract to purchase 1) The Petitioner the above-referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as B-2 Conditional District. 3) The property is designated Transition in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. amend the conditions of 4) Your Petitioner now desires to/~~ this property ~'~dx~3k~t zoned B_2 District for the purpose of General commercial including sewing mac in a1Ps n ~ ,-~ri ~P r Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, etit-Toner L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 1987, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of Gerhard Sigrist, requesting amendment of conditions of a tract containing 0.76 acres and located on the north side of Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue), approximately 800 feet west of its intersection with Pinevale Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Amendment of Conditions has been requested to construct a general commercial building including sewing machine sales and service. The County Planning Commission recommends approval. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this Ninth day of April, 1987. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: April 14, 1987 April 21, 1987 Direct the bill for Publication to: Gerhard Sigrist Lee-Hi Shopping Center ?_111 Apperson Drive Salem, Virginia 24153 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 0.74 acre parcel of land, ) ggenerally located North side of Rte. ) Z21 (Brambleton Ave. approx. 0 west of its intersection with Pinevale Road ) within the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, and Lam.....- ~ ~`- r ,/~..a Page 1 of 2 FINAL ORDER recorded as parcel # 77.09-4-42 43 & ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Gerhard Sigrist amend the conditions of did petition the Board of County Supervisors to ~}~~ the above- referenced parcel of land from B-2 District to B-2 Conditional District for the purpose of General commercial including sewing machine sales and service M ~- WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold .S a public hearing of the petition on April 6 19 ~, at which time, ~~ all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and f~"` WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County amendment of conditions Supervisors determined that the ~~ be approved. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 43 d 44 77.09-4-42anc~recorded in Deed Book and legally described amended below, be from B-2 District to B-2 Conditional District. ~8 % ,~ Page 2 of 2 Legal Description of Property: East 50' of Lot 8, all of Lot 9 and 10, D. B. Ferguson clap BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. Garrett ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: None Deputy ,~'p - C~~-e~~ C l e r k Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Department of Development Planning Department Real Estate Assessor VIRGINIA: ~~~' BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY p, 0.74 acre parcel of land, ) generally located North side of Rte. ) 221 (Brambleton Ave.) approx. ~ west of its intersection with Pinevale P,oad ) PROFFER OF within the Windsor Hills ) CONDITIONS Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # ~~ in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E. of the Roanoke County Zoning .~o ' Ge~l?ard Si ist M Ordinance, the Petitioner ~' hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of ~/~ Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: l-~ 1. The westerly 100' of the paxcel will be used for a sewing machine sales and service facility. 2. The building housing the sewing machine sales and service will be consistent with the design of the existing property bounded on the westerly side of the rezoned parcel. 3. No portion of the property will be used for any of the following: (a) Public billiard parlors and poolrooms, bowling alleys, golf driving ranges and similar forms of public amusement. (b) Animal hospitals or clinics and commercial kennels. (c) Home for adults See attached list Respectrf~lly submitted, Petitioner , ~~ 1 ~ (d) Hospital, hospital special care or nursing home (e) Flea markets (f) Undertaker establisY~nent (g) General advertising billboards 4. Only one (1) entrance of reasonable width will be eut off of Brambleton Avenue to serve the two proposed 100' parcels. Item ~,~ ~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: April 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Charles and Ann Howard, Special Exception, Country Club and related facilities COUNTY ADMINIS RATOR'S COMMENTS. ~j~ v SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ~~ ~~~ Petitioner proposes to continue the use of an existing back yard pool, nature trail, horseshoe, handball, soccer and miniature golf facilities on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week for an eight week period including approximately seven hours on each of the two days (9:30 to 4:30 p.m.>, servicing no more than 100 children. Petitioner has operated combined facilities two days per week during the summer months since 1975. A special exception is required to operate a country club and related facilities in R-l. The property is situated in a Neighborhood Conservation land use area that is zoned for single family residential purposes. Neighborhood Conservation policies advocate the development of neighborhood activity centers within a convenient distance to existing housing in conjunction with adequate screening and buffering where land uses differ. The land use plan also calls for the protection of neighborhoods from disruptive impacts of land use changes. The petitioner's proposal is a low to moderate traffic generating activity. Private vehicles transport the children and are parked on petitioner's property. The Virginia Department of Transportation has advised against any parking on Ponderosa Drive. The property borders existing institutional and very low density residential and is partially screened by evergreens. There is neighborhood opposition to the request. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Development recommends that if the petition is approved, a review for building code and safety compliance be completed. In addition, the petitioner should proffer that the facilities will not be expanded nor will the number and .type of activities or number of participants increase. ~~ 7-.3 SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Timothy C. Beard ~ Elmer C. H dge, Jr. Associate Planner County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs Attachment O`~ ROANp ~ ~ /j ....r~ ~ , h ~ ~, ~ a ~~~~~ ~ i s E50 $8 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT A Beautiful Beginning KENNETH R. SHARP FIRE MARSHAL MEIKORANDUIri TO: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors FROM: N. P. Daugherty, Assistant Fire Marshal DATE: April 24, 1987 SOBJECT: Special Exception Permit - Charles and Ann Howard I have reviewed this request and have made an on site survey of this property on April 23, 1987. If this permit is issued, Mr. Howard's driveway will have to be designated 'Fire Lane'. If private or school vehicles are allowed to park in this driveway, emergency apparatus would not have access to this area. This driveway is long and narrow in addition to two curves. The safety and welfare of these children is our greatest concern should an emergency occur. ~s c Liz Bradley, Community Development Specialist 4504 STARKEY ROAD ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24014 (703) 772-7532 X87-3 -0 _ -~ t I • ~- -- • o ; ! "~ •~ ~ i ,.~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ° ~ i ~ o • ~ ( ~ y• a •• ~ i s ~ ; P >. m ~ ; ` ~° •Qd ~ G ~ ~ L N tl • , ~ a . 'f N P : ~ `r • ~.~ a};yM i L a ~ ~~-- • a • ~• C' F N \i ~ J ~ A M.( ~ ~ O ~ z \`_ ~' o z a ~`Iy a 'C • V C k h O r ~~ ° F S • 9n~ c ~ ` a ~-C ~ ~, ~ ,. y c`_ P 8 ry ~. O % .' P ~ ~ UiM[N a ~. °s ~NGR oq OP ~f ~ S ~ ~ ~ O ~/ W000 MAVfJ~ ;®. ~ , 4 i I f'3 ~ 'G y"w+~ ~ .. E°. diw~wrta~ r ~j ~ /~ _._.. _~ui ~ o. y Y9'b gI~RTH LAKE; ~"'"` LOCK _H~~'~/~~r.~ J I .,,.F _~~sG N~`t ~ ~', .. .. '/ J' ~y~g _ i ,' ~ dn,, j M t , uo9rw: Wt f- ~ COVMIV J ~' WtplE~lE ([Ciu ~'I, I ,PLAZA VIEW ~~ ~¢EVn.rww~i *rvi ~ z!, 'k s ~,.' ~, \\Y/~ / N on r~C.'eY 'n M0~ 9 1\ SOM. y ~.. q~ ~ ~~~~. ~. M C k 3 , 6Mtfu ! 111('_ItVITV MAP ~B7 3 0 NORTH -~ .. ROANOKE COUNTY Charles and Ann Howard d' ,= DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Special Exception ( Country Club) (703) 989-3661 {~ Edgewood Oak Grova CHILDCARE CENTERS ~~;~to~rnCf1e General Office: 1940 Braeburn Circle Salem, Virginia 24153 ~ ~..~. ~~~y ~ ~{' ~~ April 28, 1987 Ms. Mary Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Box 3800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 Dear Ms Allen: I wish to inform you that I wish to withdraw my petition for a Special Exception Permit. Thank you for yur assistance in this matter. incerely, .%J ~,~ Charles H. Howard ~8 ~- ~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~ `~~' ,~r~; ~'v, ___ ~__ ~, ~ ~, ~, ,, ,~ '~V~ c ~- ~S ~~~ts ~~~c.e~s ~ ~~~- r.~~.e 1~~ ~ ~k~, s~~~ r,L-~ ;, ,~-- ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~, LEGAL NOTICE OF A RDGOLAR 1~'TING OF THE R(aANOKE COUNTY ~~ OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 P. M. on Tuesday, April 28, 1987, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, in Roanoke, Virginia to hear the following requests: 1. Petition of Charles and Ann Howard for a Special Exception Permit to operate a country club at 5400 Ponderosa Drive in the Catawba Magisterial District. All plans and ordinances are available for inspection in the Department of Development, Roan 600, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services 703/772-2018 if special provisions are needed for attendance. Given under my hand this 9th day of April, 1987. '~Yl.~-~..3~- Mary Allen, puty Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors please publish: Evening Edition Roanoke Times & World News April 14, 1987 April 21, 1987 Please bill: County of Roanoke Department of Planning & Zoning P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 PETITION TO ROANOKE COUNTY SUPERVISORS DATE OF PETITION: Mid April 1987 Whereas, a certain member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Virginia has acknowledged and by a subsequent verification by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, that certain storm sewers, streams, and other waterways are indeed blocked, collapsed by internal and external pressures, underdesigned and otherwise clogged with trash, limbs, trees, leaves, and other foreign objects and matter. Further, there appears to be no concern over the storm sewers, creeks, streams, and other waterways, as the County Board of Supervisors state that there is no monies available for that activity to clean, repair, and otherwise relieve the water problems of its citizens. Further, as citizens, property owners, and taxpayers of the County of Roanoke, we are dissatified with the performance of the Roanoke County Administration to resolve the drainage problems, cleaning the storm sewers, cleaning and restoration of the streams and waterways, and correcting the design problems and repair of certain blocked and collapsed storm sewers. We therefore, as citizens, property owners and taxpayers of Roanoke County Virginia petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to establish funding for the projects listed above immediately. I CE1t'1'TFY 1'c~A'1' I al`rl A ltEGISl'1~itr~U VU1~ir'it A,~D n~IU~.~'r OF ttUAtvUKE CUUdTY. ~WI1t~1~:SS 1'EL%PHUI~E ~u~r, .~ .~ ~~ ~- ~~ ~ p ~ .~c ~- CC • ~-,~ // , , ~ n Cv~n~E J, ~~ n 5~~ ~,--' ~~ inn ., ~~ `-_. .1~-~ ~ .~.~~i ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~`~ 41'~ ~ F~ ~~~. ~ C ~~'~a~~~~ ~ v ~' .~~~ ~ ~ r 1 ~~ti ~j ~ /; , = ~ ~ ti. ~ ~c, } C ~`? ~!. cam, c ~? 5. ,. ~ _ _...-- _._.___w..__. ~-~. ~ ___ r _, - ` ~; ~~. f ` _ i jy~~ 7 1 Y \„~~ ~~~ ~~ `, ..~ ;~ - .L .. ~, -, _~ „t v ~: J ~ __ __ / / ~ ~. ~ ~_ ! ~ - // _ { ! ! ~ rJ ~~l / ~~~ J ~./C~~ '~.~Gt-~ c.-c'C.i / v ~~ ~f ~~'~-'.~~ CCC.r.I ~5~--~! .....__.___. ~ i~ _! r i _ - _ / ~ i .~ ~ fy ',~ " \ / f%{~ ~ s ` ~- (? ~ ;- ~. J%f •'`~~,7~v;.-'~+=a...G"G !/~ ~ 1 -~ _ ~/ ~t'G.t? f ~ -~.~-tJ ` _.._. 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"~ - ~ ~ _ ~~ '~ _ _ w ..- - / / / r _ ...c'. _~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~~ ,,r ~ - .~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ;, J r ~`~ ~-~ ~ - ~v~~ ~~ ~v - :~.1`~ ~~~"~~y~~~=its ~!~", v~j~LL, ~~~~ ado 1 ~: ~ ( - ~~~E ~; _~ i, iii '1 ~i i ~I id~u'IE I CEtt'i'I~'Y 1',iA'1' I AT~I A iti;UlS1'L:rt'r;U VU1'~t a;~D tti'.SIllL,vr OF itUACvUKr~ CUUd'rY. __._. pllllHl',SS 1'ELisPHUNE G r .. r ANN }, . ~o w f.~l ` ' ~,~t< -e'_/fit G'.c~• Lo+s l~~ ~c'~~~ ~:~ ~, .y ,~,(.G~d/ ~ ~ ~G~..uv~..~' ~ ~ t/ Gf~l`r'L ff/t/iJ f~ //G/L l~/ C f iL / a/ t~ r~ S': /{ R /2 vEy~ _.,_ Cam. E • ~ ran ~~ ~gy"1 ~.c,u~ser ~ ~~ ~~ N ~ f~ , ~ /~c.` ~ n ,y ~ /3 ~ c r, / G ~ ,~,< ~~z~-.-¢-~- <~~~~--~ 9_ "`~ ~-~-~~-.~~~ lc.~z .~~ ~-~ 3~ a - ~$~3 ~ to G ~ 7y ~ -'~ ____ ~~2-_~2(~Z _. r _.... ~~ ._5~- .~ __ ~- ___. __ 3 ~ z - ~~~3 Z-.__. __,_ -~~ ~l-P------ -- ._ ____ Aldo (cyla`~__--~' ..__.. j~z y7?~ =~~ i rj r. ' ~ }I; - ~I ~, /''ini 7 ~;',~~„e .~' l i., ~ I,-F~' 1i'C ~ -V /)cd 1 _ ' .. i,~ r J / ~~~~ ~ ~ j "~, _ , ~,,,,~. , w~r-~;~~ ~`~ / ' ~~ ~~/ -~ ~.~ ~ ~~~ V ~~a.J ~~ ;~, ft~~~~a~~ ~~ 0 ~. Q- ~~ 1Jlu'IF I CEtt'PIFY 1'ciA'1' I AI~1 A It~GI51'L;itr:U VUl''~t ~~IYtt~IUt~~~'r OF ctUA1~UK~ CUUiJTY. Alllltt~:SS 1'EL%I'iiUIVE ;: ,r ° ~' ' _ : - ,, , .. ~ 3 - ~ 1 , ~- - - - _ _ . f ~, 11 ~JG x ~'~ ~ J~:~ ;1_- , / ~C~L ,pit r 1/.t00 0 c/, j)r~ j ~ bi l._ .,.' `fC i ~ ~p~ ,~%L / ~,> ,1~~` c:_ - ~f'7-` -~ ~ _ ~ v _ ~ -,. - - - . ~ / ~~ ~ /~ 7 ~ L . rU i ~ ~ ~1 , ~~ ~ , 1 ~ ~~ ~ C h ,f ~_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ j ,_ , 3 ; s 1 ~~,,-~ ~ ~,~~ ~~ ~,~- ~ _ ;-~ ,. d ~ t __ __ - .______ ~. _ , . ~ ~. / / lid. ~ . , r„ ~ . i ,- % . - . ~ . f c"/ G _ p .-__ _ ~ i ~jf /.i. , , ~ ' J._. /, ... ,, j i i ~. . ~- /. -, ~ ~" ~, ~ j -> La ~ ~ .. ~ - _ .__ ~. ._. -. F ~ -, ~ ~ , _. ,,,,, ~~ ~l-.C. .r .. _. - .--. I r fi` ~'~ `tip `=-t- ~ ~GL-~,C.~z L ~--- ' ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ I , Ly 4 ~ . ~ ~ t •, i ,- ~ ~., v.~ - -_ ~ .~.____ ~' i ' `- J ~ ~ _. _ _ - ~ ~r~ ~~ ` /K~' _ ~ _ _ ~~ ~~~ ~ 3 3 G ~~~ vA//~j /2~ ~) , ~ ,~ ~ t ~~ c~G:e--' 1~ ~ :' c~--, PETITION TO ROANOKE COUNTY SUPERVISORS DATE OFETITION: Mid April 1987 Whereas, a certain member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Virginia has acknowledged and by a subsequent verification by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, that certain storm sewers, streams, and other waterways are indeed blocked, collapsed by internal and external pressures, underdesigned and otherwise clogged with trash, limbs, trees, leaves, and other foreign objects and matter. Further, there appears to be no concern over the storm sewers, creeks, streams, and other waterways, as the County Board of Supervisors state that there is no monies available for that activity to clean, repair, and otherwise relieve the water problems of its citizens. Further, as citizens, property owners, and taxpayers of the County of Roanoke, we are dissatified with the performance of the Roanoke County Administration to resolve the drainage problems, cleaning the storm sewers, cleaning and restoration of the streams and waterways, and correcting the design problems and repair of certain blocked and collapsed storm sewers. We therefore, as citizens, property owners and taxpayers of Roanoke County Virginia petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to establish funding for the projects listed above immediately. ±~ ~ I C1at'1'7rY 1'ciA~l' I AI~i A tt~Ul,SI'i;itEh VUli~t ArdD ttf~IUiar uF ttUACaUK~ CUUiJ'rY. ,~ y ~ ~ 1~1V 11J 1: L-i ~e ~/) .~/ Allllt3~:SS 1'EL%PHU1~E ~(f `~~~i~ F, ~=~'~ __ _ /_ ~~~~~ ~~ ~../~~~ _. ~~ E ~ i U ~ ~~j, z ,,: f~ : mot..,`-, .~~ ., r -~ ~ ~ .7~~ ~~~ ~ ,~,~:~.~, .3,~9, ,~ ~~z ~~. _.... ___ ,~,.. { ,; - .~~ __. ~~ ~~ ~' __ - _ _. ~~,~f_} ~' ' ~ / ~_.Ii , Lw=/f{.~/~e / ~ " ~ ~.G" // L./ ~~ is /~ 1~/~~j ..G[S~Ga~C/ '~~ I ,-. - ~ ~~p N Ati'~ ~ > ~ c t'fz 62s / /~'~/ \ / 5. ~. 1 ~ , a~ A11llt~~SS 1'ELis'PHU1aE 1Ja11'IE i ~ `,. ~; ,--- ~ ,~. ~~~~, ~, .~ . ~~ b Y,.r~`I /ll ~T; i ~ ,~c~~ _a ~ ~j , 3 ~~ % X ~~ .. ~1,~ ~r ~r~' l ~~ `>- G S 1 ~ _. _--- . _ ~ --- _ .{' ~J _ ._. f'1 d ,, , jr ~' . ~ 1 ~ /C1w.~ C~ ~- C, ` ~ ~~ 3 coq ~~~ ~~- ~A. R"l~--.-5 ~ s ~~, ~' ~~.%~.ijL~~= i3~'erjGEaJT / t~ ~~ r _,..- -- .1,..._..__ ~ _.~~+C~ -~ '.~- '~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. J~ t lC,~~~,~c~cr C' ~I~~-f-~~ ~c-tt~ ~; ~1 ~ .; ,~, _. I CEIt'i'IFY 1'dA'i' I At~I A KECiISl'i~itr~U VUi"mot A~dD ttt~:SIllr;i~'P uF ttUA1vUKE CUU-J'I'Y. ~` ,-,~, ~ ~ ~,~.f `~-~~~_? 1 ...:..i .Li'~ ,i.~~.l i .rig, !l ~_...~l.~.i ~-.l".~.i uVb,:.... i.,.dii :~,,.a.L......yl vi' _:V~~ev~v~~ ..~vi: Z~~.~ lY,~~l'ilS ~._~_ _ ~- , - ~!~~' ~,~ . ~~~~.~ .~ s'~ ~ C~~ r 1 n Cho ss G' r, 9 ~ ~ -Q .~ ~ 5~ ~~ ~ ; ~~ r .~ ~~ -\_,~ +U:.-- ~~ -.3(J~'-~~'C.~L~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~,`L/,,,,~. ~Gt-,"mac-~ ~~ ~. _ _ `sue. t, i" k: i 0'.'7~ k-=~,~2-"-a"- ~r ~~-YC~yc-z'.--ram--U ;; J / ~ /~ ~/ ~~ ~~ ~, ~_~ X533 ~~J'~ ~ , ~ ~ y - yG ~~f ~. ,- .. ~. r ~ - '~ /~ ~ ~C1_~i7 /\ ~iV~ spy/~'%~ !-J/.'_.. ~Z~% ~;/ -~~ 7~`% ~, ~ ~ %~~ _~ - ~~=~-~~ ,~ r..~ ~ ,~~~.. Nom' ~; ~~ C -~ " ~-C' _rY2c~ -L ty'~~`'Ge- C~L- _ ~ ~ . Q' ~ 3 b5t `~C~~, 1~. S.t~, q~~~ b'1 ~ ~ y A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ,-,,=: - ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the times limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or corr~nents with the clerk. 6. -INDIVID~ ALS PURPORT-ING TD SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GRDUP SHALL FILE WITH-THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROliP AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E -L E G I B L Y ------ ------ ------- ;d r:.''~9 ~ . ADDxr<.s~ PHONE: / L-~ ; _ _, PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) NT BEFORE MEETING OF THE ROAIv'OKE COUNTY STATENiE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, TUESDAY, APRIL 2$, ~9~? I am Zane Altice and my familyYas lived on Kentland Drive for over 22 yearso We were the first family to build a home on Kentland Drive which was originally known as Windsor Woods. At that time there were only two blocks of Kentland Drive and all of the rest of what is now Windsor Wiest was b:r. T. D. Steelets cow pasture. With the present complete development of this area with homes and the large amount of water running down Kentland and ::illcwla~~:n: on rainy days, ~~o are faced with the problem of an improperly maintained drainage situation at the corner of Kentland Drive and Willowlawn. For several months both of the storm drains on either side of the street at the corner of Kentland and tilillowlawn have been completely stopped up with water standing deep at the inter- section and flowing down over the yards of the residents in the South Park Circle area. This matter has been called to the attention of our County Engineer, John Peters, on numerous occasions with nothing being done and remarks that the County does not have money appropriated to take care of our problem and that money for such purposes is being removed from the budget for next year, or that he is waiting for afire truck to come out and attempt to open up the 24" pipe below Willowlawn with high water pressure. I have also discussed the problem with Resident Engineer Altizer. The consensus of both of these engineers is that there is a 4$" drain pipe running down Kentland to ~illowlawn but once it reaches that intersection it runs into a smaller 24tt system which is completely blocked. No one seems to know when this pipe was put in. It is also known that where the 4$" pipe originates in a field on lower Kentland Drive that nothing was placed over the opening to keep large pieces of wood or other debris from xsahing through and blocking the system. I have also discussed our problem with Lee Garrett, our representative on the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. He has indicated to me that he is aware of the problem and is trying to get it resolved. I earnestly solicit the efforts of the members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to see that this drainage problem is corrected. .~ Q A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~:~.I ~~,,, _,Lti-G. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . _ - - - - 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written-statements and/or comanents with the clerk. - - 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FDR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FIZE WITH-THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALL~wING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y :'Jc,9 ~ . i ADDRL:.~S s SJ~, PHONE: .~C~,% . Zell ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) Q-~ 337 t~entl~~..nd ~r, , ;,. ~v. i~oa.noke, Vir:~;ini~~. 24.018 elpril 22, 19x7 Coi.znty of iteanoke soaxd of Supervisors 373 Lr~~r.bleton t~,venu e , S . !~~ , ~to~znokE; , Virznia. 24~01~3 i:7entle yen : It is ~.t rznce st,i_cl~r,~ t'.at t,,e r~ex_t open session o" rze m.oane'.ae County rsoara or :uoervisors ~~~ill be hol.~a a.t '~;00 ~'~~_ at ti,'.~:e i:ounty ~:uil'i,7~; on a1,t7Y'il c%3, 19r~7, T 7~rould ~,.z~preci~3.te tYie opr~orL,anity t~ a~i~3ress ~ he Board of Supervisors in open session for a~~,~roxrca.t,ely 15 minu.t s t'or ';.~e purpose of a nresent~.tion oy' .,rater o:ro}-1er~s it t~-,e '~~ia.d.sor ,,'oods Sec r or af' ~~oanoke ~:outlt; rlease r~lr.~.ce rr_y i.~i:ie orz t'::e aj; enciU.. Sincerely, v(;r:e vu Y' :oW ,. ~ , r~ .a i ~ ~ .. r~ c.. r' .1c,.310'~e vOLll1{.;V , f1r c:~il^i1~3, n -~g,~Ct11T:S n i.r,°.I ~, mil].:' ~-`O'^i f .~~.~ t ~_...lt~_.1 ~~: S.J_ . , ;:~. "c ~ ~ ... -'.`'OrE l`,'1C' .:Oars? 01 .}U.?"`.E',?'V150Y'S, ~pY ~~. %:'-%, 1Cj'~'7• S~;'1 i;C' L ,1;. _.Cll ~'C,i t.._^~' hn0~ w. ti - L;n St..]C' r!E3~'OrC vOU tOn7_ ;''lt t0 ;Cr6St:.l`:1; [,O ~/C7t1 £?. n,, t. t7.0I`i, S1~;neCi c...iiC? n<.i:-'rlrors ~-rho :_LrE~ rr~;is ~erec~ voters ~r~:~ roger-~.?,~ e.re8. ~s Li.O'3.i10''.:E' 'v0'•1?1~.J• aJF: Ct:iC~ YiOt. r'iFd.1.1~'il(?e .`L i7 areas CO'i1S1Cf;red t0 ~F% x'17:1 iii'-u ~-~.r~'. A'ClerO`Jr°, enC'_OrSeCA ~j~r 4~. nU.Y^_ti"~~2'Y' 01~ Our o, ae~°s i'~: ~'`~E~ w~ndsor goods ,, ' ~~'ae ao~ ;eowsie.rs i;1 t~.e tale ~1on,eo~ners listed on } 'P. T~Ot. ~ "-0Y1S L'.l f; t.!'?.OS2 1Yi 111P ~ 1`i.eC11-!.te dre~l , ~;rt^O ~?.x'e i;OY',CPT "?OCi ~l.rl:i '1c!.V2 J. last?,ter ?~rO~LE.YtI. 1!~Y1~- Oj' t~`1F+'S`% "?P.01~7_E; -'re reY`rP.SE?ntec~ i'1E;rB tOi1'S`';~t• ~. . - ~70'ln i>urrou~'.riS, 1Y1 ':;1.5 k'OOK S~.LS 1t ~~0~ c15! ~i,0 . ~i1'i'1~°~ o, ,- , St~li.eS .,'1~7t i b7~?.S horn . ~-t~' c3. Cl"irOn1.C E1Y13i1et?! ~.1~'Ot7.t :,["i8 WP£Lt }leY' • °~ .~. Wb?.S nOt .";Orn = 1t~1Fa. C~'l~^O:^i~ C ~i1X1 ,Lz;' ~~h{~ll'~ ~~'lC' U7e£1.ttiler, ~7U'~ 11.V'~ ~ 7_"P_ tiO~~.YlO~iE; VOL'1'1LV ":-3ireS ji0u G_PV°~_OTJ 8. ~, _ 1 - G ~_dS1C CO:LCE:rn ~'C7L1t ,'Yle lzt,-.t,;'~~r• ,j. ~elic?VC? L':.~tt 7~' 1 .le~?.r C~_"le ~~'7.rr.'r S1:`E,~.~x Of' drOll£"ilt S ltl.-:~.tlOl"1, 1 Li1l_l_ Of'7'P.Y'I1i'!1 I??V SUT?11,. Y''I .:d'1.f'E' '7.Stt~ 1 -1rc :T ~Ct'."15 O~ OI.J-r OZ4n ~Q'J1,1S8 • cve zi,re B.Ir'7. ~':~, t0 'LE:<l.Ve t':?8 1101?.ve ':~ "1°n it r~:.1Y1S , d.~r~?.iC~ J:~' pOLJeS' 01?t,~„"P T1;1C~: L.7.'t~ ~ t~fe C'1 i1 ~~E ~l_SSL.reC1 'i;,i2.s. G :.~le StOr:'1 ?~r,`1.115 8.x'e c70Y'?ii~ ~'.r~ !-`,:i'71iPr 1~, (,1e 11VP, 1n cl C Oi'iS tLl l? t i E3tLr . .~ L+.Yti E!. ~.'.,~~U;: C11S~.'O~.e(i .~L~r'8t"107.11 ~Et;2r~.n• ~Yl ,iar -'IV ;` :2:rS O:f' C!E;+11'1- '-~;'? ',`18 y~~r'•GE;r~i7. .~O'rer."l'~.'nt, 1. '11-+.V E; e:Ve~l~::l:+._L~~,' {'OU21Ct <.. _~'t.10E:j Or ~~?"'~': %~+.i:5 Of OV3rC0'1i1~" ~?11 Cpl^..11 ~.Y1F?;F?S Z.~.~:-' O1J~. ~ ~> G~'l; c'~2rb1.1 ~aOVeY'Y7'_P,.i1'~. iU~(i, t.": c,' ~.7i.'{t; O~ ~~12. '1.Yi1el. FlnE~ a08.nO~;e ;~OUYltZr <:!re C'n.? 1-1BY12'E?S t.'1<LL ~"!=?.V C: k-E~c n '_InSC~?L'1eCj. d1i C7. U'tt}.;O':1C~1BC1.• nr~T v.L~].~r, 2.n OU.+ S ,OKc'vl C?Ft'C?i1i,~8r O~ .,t7e COiS ,.~.tU .;gOYl, BL~Ite:Z 1Yi O:t2 '7 '1~ S S'1GF'C11,?S , ~)'.1(~ .1 ';UOte ~iliOV°'tYl''.n~1t. ~_S ~3. ~,ruSt, ca.;:C~ j,'..'.,e OIi~1C.E?rS O'' i.'lP `',OVer ~.1"tit fJ.I'e l~r?J.>t0?S ~ •~,^r7 }'~0~~'1 t'?e l,rt-lSt ~1.,`!CJ t~"t. P, 1 ~ t:'1E' ~:EilE,'t'1t 01. ";~1E' trUSt~,E'S elI'e CrOJ.Uf:<~ 'Or J~'-0r;~_t`~• ;e -ri,~-'Prs of ta.i.s oard o f ~u'7exv~sors ~+re t;h~ electec', ~?~,<<. I ~Joud lire ;~o unr..er1.;_;lE; ~~^_ ° .'ox°d. eLec red, tr?~stees or o~-r 1oc<+,l ov:-} n. ._,_it. cure fro >> ~~~,~ ._~re so,,„~.„LF, l7 ,~~. a. ;otl ~ 1~{.suers < _... ~1~^el' ~ioC4;-- -t:~ ad.~l ~n, s t~~Y• ~:;h:= a.* f~~~ a:'s o~i ,'r,c <,.y. l:~r d.a'r c o! : ~ • -~ o ~. i .ev 111 ~•rn r~.~c:.a.ae ;11e trust E;s ~r,T ,~'o.. __ ~ ..C ~ e _ ire, ~71re 7".O.J~_ 1~.~~ _~^• :i?J-,%!~~.Lrd i,0 ..' It =1.:.. <'SS18t l;`L CeL't~..'-tl rir3~~S ~ _? C8r:;1ie i~c'. -aar,l;~,ru. fav ~Yi ~~.~rn ;11re ~~c;-cit~_o,;=, ?_ ~ ~1~;i_ .~ers, utl ~,, :e:~sa:.ria ., -~.c oi:~:c~rs „0' _'G11Lg 7I 1~ ...r.'.' OiJ, rit->rll ~ ~, ~l;iJr7~ ~ci.[:°f% l k ~ 1• ;o ~~.ssist }~i-~,, i.n 't.'~e ;:,~; ky- c; ,, ai,~> _z~__~or(s. ~aat d ,~!~.n a. rest 3 ue:_~_1 0~_ _ <~.ct, '1,~~ ~tl^(? t"iLLST;P?2S ^'`~ .-?l. c- '~l`St ~'i2?.t S;? ~~=3VP ~%r,.:'?.~E>C~ d.5 C7..:7`uE=.;.1s, ~,Y'OR:1Q'1"tom/ OLtiT?Eai^S, s)~~la ~'~ ~ ='- ° ,.. .,'P. ~0? :t'' U~~ i~(1F7..1!"}t',a• 1. „O. _,,,.~ ~.6,5 r;Fl.lgVf3 l.~',r.t ~.'i711 S~ ~C,t'_ll,n' 8 TOt. ,l',, - . nr,}:-ey.5 n ~'1? LCE!.1';I ~;'1'?.V8 V(-'.r° _1%':.L` 'O;Cf:rn OVE):i" ?8 L'lC1V1C.U-i~ r 'OY:~%??^t,?:' O'~~,Tnf; C' ._:7Q r"_ ~-~~ CEO .10t ' _ ''l. i,.) :. ~, Y.Ot._.~_ :Ci _, _ v ~" lf,, ').[ 0~' ~ _`.v a~`~ :l.~ ~ V °0'J°1"tl' E-:_it. _~r,..i t~;~ ~; ,_S '7'_. ,r•~,r,rT.a b,0 tir(~iir , 0 .. ^,.~ ~t r'ilt .'._]~_ Z nzlr Oi;.~ 1 !:,1011 u0 .:l~^.- C1tlS;2?1S ~~Or '•r110i1? :S'Oli S~rVB ciS ~~.7`-31i" Y'US~:,-'8S. -' `~ 1„?,, }~ n' 1 a ,~( - ~~~ ?„i:it7 r. YSZ,~, .1 ~~..r~.i t. ('1 (-'.. F3. ?.~(~ `10 t~ -~ 'IC;S .:?.V1`i 'r'c:,+O:C '.-?I'!1. ~~!'"_S, %:L[ll_~ j_ ;1.?"'i :.i.3.!'~-, ..'(juX•`3 cl.re. !U i. ";~.`.' !'lE:r~? t0'i'.'" _t .,..,, , _ tf~ ~I,~,,_U-re: S :a.1$ .~? L~ rJ:'_ .,i12 Sc.' l -,;?:..~• _~;:. _ F3. ?~k.,.!2'S .;O `".' d „T°2.t li.E',cl._ Oi ,.,- ~ _ ... a • ~ i r~ ~ ~ 7 Y, 1l d ~ . ~ ~ t.l ('.ii.l'!.]' 1 i. _.U.a10 `. -. (.Oi11I,V £3.5 L,O r,T.ln 1S Y'OS ~^ac !_~"il_E=7 f'JY 1•d~l~i, i:• J...Z 8. r('C._':a S l_ ~.1 ..L; i)n, i -LS''•TE?C ?''V" Sll`~C,°V~_SOr ~lS •,O „''1(i1 _CLP,1"ltl_t~T (~+' ~,t'!P.. vJL:'L'l,~ :^,tl'1iE,Er. r~0 `'ir-i.VE' _~~T-{ +.i??31U;.. ,r,'OU27~~T Sl1CG ~')>;(1 ,. rP~3.i~.Y til3.V~', ~13.Q i10 zlepd- Cl~, f.':G ~:O?7.1`!t~r' _'~'1'-, -?6'8t"~ i%1?"~_~ rBCC:~Lit~z'. ~. crn.>?r ~~lot: roc~,~,Tr/ a .1~~,ct ~n .zPr „a t:~ae; a~~•~,,. ,,: ~ nf~1 Ti. +':1F;I1 .~n 7~.'~- Lh.~ti .=1'.: L`? _,h,a ' QC~ TIt (, _;~i.Tl ~':: .~7Q tJ-_.?.''> _S~y,.!`t:!1rS ~Z~'.t T+JE: t10 LOhr. n7 _.' S. f?. .. .ri t. i ;" 'l, :i Y`. ';G ~?. 1.0U.P: ~.'. ,Yl "';1fit. Et'i ti?t' 1 ~O.'l0?' .,..!.•T ~ '-i 1i:1;_I,1 :P( ~:! ':1=.3.'^ig .)~' ~. .;l_1'~C',Or O. _. ~ :~( n~ *• ~. .~ t.V ~ .. .U .'i?.. '', ^~'0?7_li? 1~1C'['i' r`, :,:!~?'t1SC'~VE':S r+.S 1:? f„1,?v~,,:~ p' tr•Sr` O" ~?". 10 ;_?l .,_lE:" .n ifi'154'. _. ~E~ '~.i3.1`.:, ,~0'1:'. [ (~ i~S ~3.Y'C-,• _ .., rE;Sr;OJ"1S7.r7_~~~r' ~:1:' .>t3'GC' [t.tC`~. SO ^; G~" .t"t£=;S d.rP ~'aF: r°.SnO:1Si.C?1~.1~~' O~ '12 -:0.x.1 ;~, ,~..~ ,.,~c -,jrg;1 Snr-,, .~~ _!C°s .-t1"F' ,,?E. Y'2:it)OY1S_l'?_.~.:. ~..`' n`~ t;',^...c PO'?`E'r ~' O'.:YlE'r. !'C.Y'~,~iE3r, ?.ye i 7-1(i [;'_F) ~ro;7~' ;)f' Jt~!l,E, i'~i;''lUS, l,0'J.,.:t.~Y i~'at7US, .:d..:1C. L''7e 7_~'.ll'I:1.C;Urj.1S C10. tad. t. SO;"",0 ; ` !; 3s ~_l ~ ._ ..i.:,S '.<"~ rer;:ylr, :(:~~i, Or 1"'2'')Z,~.CEa. ;J4; CLi~!]O I1'Ul?]. ,.> ~'?-`4E~S .~ ~1.t ~ ~. -i t i.TF?S 1, 4.)~r„`-1 tE3 ..).%C'. ., ..v1 :,il.° .~t.~. C,E; :tl_Y1' 0;1~.f:f;. `}.~r, j ~'' ~?OU 1'..VF'U ~-- a C7L ll.~i~, t,l-F;:1 . ., th0 „017:;~~ '-~. ,~ ~, [,:i7°C'~'..~~ 3.2"tCl, l~ V`_. ~.3.VE3Ca 7.71 ~, ~.1t~~~, _'1~~: ~.?E` '? ~.~s _.r3.u.,li;._..iE 7_~. .:,<],C'rl '.'r~Yr:-, ~ -.,lt. E'Yltlt~% ?~~~l,S SE~r,• Y'<3tf~ -_:1':' [..i)?~l_! .;E'VE; .:L GS" 0 ;Y: :~,?"b?.ln t.:7 C;..'l TT7.~lr- ,.~~.1.It.^~?"1.1'1C~~ 1'iL3,5 Y'P'17.71^C;C~ C?Y' EAU. - :('. ')'"~7.i~'rl~'':,7.0;1 ?,~ _':.Y'.JY"`^ 1tS GT :t_if -i+~,,C~_1,7_y_^. _ _ _ ~:• , ~ I ~~tc~~j~o `l.ilFii. ~~9.["''?~1i4 ~ .lS ~1f C'S _. :'!' L. ,_ i.a11S10:' .~': __'_<: 1`-:i?:F, _+'ti?G :10 ~rULL CL. ___ 1 tr:;11 :!V~~ ~r ,'0~ _:=J'm rj ~ ~,Cl~_a 1,7:GC-'. ~~) .. .~ ., < Uf E%tl.P lii1 ~"~-~OT~T~ ri t1}~_l.~ t~ 1~ 1.~<~-( f id.Q;e `t'. , .,,.ecC; -''""^C'7.°.1"~ Z" SUS? ,-t!Y'F•c,C'•'~'- f].Y'e<L 1S 501.1 G. _.,.. _.1 .ll .~t.~YlCe :0.. L._O.O~.t ,P: ` ~ r~ ,~, n y r 'i' T r:i 1 .7 C .~ , _ ,,?le „ ~l-a.:ice ,~ '~~, e..i __-- r5 ~- stT.,..,~. o_ ._~_ ._ -.0.1., ,..,1C1 ,3._:_1 t~ r.. .~~ ii. cil'i'a • _. ....C `~. .,, ,~ +° , ,; O(;~ ~Y'E):~:;U.~'eC' ~.O rECG1Ve L'v'cl.tc'r f'r0'i;' E':'; 1,8Y':;.rL-L `uOl1I'C°,5 :.'111-C (? C(.1L1 +i~. 'L"") ..:~:e C;Yl~rv S' `s.t~i 1~] ~:,0 ?,'lP. ':1C,USe. 'r t'eT,erS ', _.r. ..ienrT,r C 1"iF' t0 ~'"1P, 11'JUSn j.n '"eVl_F`%'j '.,'"'G' ti•T~?.t(~Y' ~~ri)1•,'t_a,:~ ~ . 2' 1-Y'7 '- t.~ E% ~ ::Y' . J ahn5 a-61 ~ ~G- ::.r . itl"~)B.rC~- C~,I~C% "~" ^ '..'1P, ~ ?' ~'~E3 r`,J}`_i r3f1~ ;~: COL'.",_8 J: ~ _''1e t~i<a 1S7 ? ~U2..i-5 1_11 t'"':e .~ ;~ ~,'~8 .F Sp.-~° d~l.Tz t0 tC-'V E' 1` . ~c>use _ r ~`1G ~ nT.t r., rif~i n Fie. "t,c~r r.a cor~1V, A!cc 'r' (,a.L r)~r c,rs;.i~~ ti._es ~z,z1d su~mrJ 1 ~..s ,ro _ ~. ~ ~' tr'"., Ol l ~ d ., y, {`r ~ 1 n l ~ =,'-i-8 t:C OY I_r~l^t `a•T~1S ~i70 i~"OU"a O. ZT~ to COZ1~L ~_r .. O_^: [.~..- f 7 i LdOU..l1 <?.1_50 L1_':E: '.:O St'i.te ':O'i' "Cle ~)l'.r~10Sc' ,:" ~:tF' P,d1b1~ 1 i'l_IT. OYl~'+ O r!r18 OC. i , ~ i'; 7 ? 1.?.v %; ~'}'::u-T~ ~~O Ca_'t0 }-t?,.. :'fie UlOi.15e ~ '1'C?_~?.riiE:C~ tea,:' '',"1 F' WcLS .i.E'~.Vl_Yl ° r,':1F' ~- ,,,~, e_~;t ire .~.oa~.no:<..~ `Jr-L ll~T- is ~~u.ilr, ar . n'.~u. s e , :.1 . ~ ~:. '~ r .re .~.riCS ~,O ~? ~!n x,'10 hFi,S CO t~t;S i,?_VE'. 1uJ,.~,Y°t ? i p}-,, i c ~ St,iz,,F?C~ t7'C reril er'.cpara- -~ p_" ~~', hours : ~-1n__ ~ _ ru _ _ ~, ~..~ ~~r)C~ ; 7.1 , f ,~z~.. ~.,er r~er h(~,?Y' ..: ra:cr 'ais Sll~r~n. at s o_. ~ L,. 1311 ~_Cl J_'! :; : i.0 'l~l'°Ce 50:'~,.~ O.. .`.,,1.@ t'pllO .l ; .i . 51.1.': ;G° C.7.0':"?S ~O ;'1'!.S 1)O~lr(.~ S 1.• licLl.t :1.,'C~. T?Z_c?.CG a, ~'?OY'~l.tOt^_l}'t OYl any, `.li' .her Ci_eVGlO"J :,iit ii1 t':tE' ;Oil't11:,T~r Os i:oa no r_e ; unt,:i1 ''C: 1~1~:.?Te C:e?TE;~._O:)n(~ ~.L C'n.."'1rP.!1~`Y1SIZ,TP. ar i1.f17i.;~P~ :J.iCi,;n 701" ti:1E: 81`1"~.,ix'B 1?8.c;":LQ'.1• ~l • ~ . i,. ,f (' ~'1~?V;' Ci-eV3~.0Y'ieC~. e C_Le£iY' C'O~n'~re''lc'..'iGZVE', ? LT: t1 Of~ reS'^O-lrJ.i }_11 tsJ" Over ~"'-P CY'ge1CS ~ '~?~i er'vJfiLSS ~ S~'?°?P,rS ~ c{i1C Ci1'F3,~Lt'iS. C . ,+p t~??{° ~,, c l_aSe lOO'' L! t G''l.E; rF""ZO:l<L1 1;,?;t.t' Y Sh:'.C) . _~F~ ;1:C? 4'(1Ll.G?,r t1I,;9?t11P,Y'S BLS ~~ .lOC.C.7..0i~S O_ 1~OL;i1t~2aZ X701-C'1-1.FT, ~,a5ins ~'o:° exce~_>sit.Te :.L:~:punts o~' t;~r~,.Le:r. c- '', ~'"~ ~ q~rn 1C' C")tOr'~ tT j a '_ - ='P~~q ;~jr' .,,9x'Sdi:L~~i~ ~ ., I,OT':_. S~:SdE-'Y'S ~ C,~L 0..7115 ~.L'iG. ..-_~.c. ....., ~. -. fI.CCOnt ~.ti=! ~"J ~"!e ~)lit'C7.' '.teC~- i~:~OY'5.~,, SC~'1:1.Y'~_O .'~10L•J. ~ ~, ~ ~ t. r:~ o ? ::'3.i!Cr'S i ~` ,:,r,5e c{.rC flO is JZ t:'00' _ r - ~ 1,:V. -1.00£:, ;{, c.. i.SU .a. i ,e ~~~'a::~ts. ,~lnr ,.;~' ,.evil r'es ! c e:!.ts ~:ro.~ r~Llci:~ 1,~~:'.ves ., nri ~~ 1.-; ei:1 ~_-r~~ ~ ; ~,, „~o {.Y'Y'';it C'• V~.O,.tt. :;C:_^S ~ r. it '<,~ } ,;;j`;', FJ,''P j. ~: ~ , ,,. E, ., r -• 1 ~,; C.'.cV°~07 ~ i,S t;^ S { 1,1.Fi.i'1.~ I',.'", ... ..,1.5 O1 ~'OO_ n ~.,.1 t... • ~ -, ir.~ ~~. '7c ~~.VC'Cl ;'.:1.; i,Y' O. i ... .. ... 1. 7.0 ~ I- OrE' '' ~.Z.O'~ ~~' 'n ,,7„ ~.. t. i •1 ;s ~ ~•~, , ..~ 1 0 .~:, :>VE: cOti ~_ ,, .....~ dos. _F, c._ ~;.1~_ <..C < V .. ,1..,.> > _ ~ _ . _ ~_. 1 _ ~'r . -. . _, ~ , , r ;,,« ~, ~r,~l<> t,~~r~, c . ,, r,, .. ~.. ~. x, ~.,_ ,5 : ) e ... _~.Lz., ,ax 1.._es _ ,c :, ~ ~,, ti, i I .; . ~~ ~ Vic. c) J L.~ lr~, c .(~ .:.~1'. ~,~ -.: _ ._._ _. _ ~ 7 .f i~ ~ ,~ _.O'. 1:~ ~'~Y' ..:12 al~.i:' ~)OSP J:~ GiP I ~ .._ , ._, .. J~ c ~, ~', ~ n-C~ ~ s~ ~) '-i, <' 1U r ~ . O JC ) _ , „ 'Z .,_ - - -' . 1 i. 1 1. O -.. „S S ~<? c O` ai.:Cl a ~ lE' S1~J1:1. ~ 1-., u~'-c.;r~r-~Y1L, i-t'. 1 1 - i ~. ~, ~n• ~~ i _ _ ~ .1, i . _u _ C.. (.~_ ,1 _..," _ ~ ,. 1. ~ 5 ~~ ~~.1 ?^ G y .. ~~ vi!'i ~~.:il ,r~.S l f,.i~~,'~ ... ,~1~)~... _,_ 1- .., .. _.)1lv .. _.,• 4_._., i L LcC, .. - ..-.. ~, ~ ; l il~S ., ~.)_.~_..~ .~.1 .. _: 1~ _ ice. _ ~leor~ _, _ _~ _, , , - it ~ L• ; ;-i;- ~ ors , ~o n'1'1 "`:Ol° O':r .Oll~lt. j' 'OV ._1 .'t, 7_"~u0 ~tl\.1 .~. i i r .l i' hzr '1 1. ' .. J-. _ ._ - .(. ---0-15 .. O .. - _1_ • _,.~ ~. i }+n~~ 1 - ~.• ~ h r° ','^ lrp -.;1' ~ ~-, LV ,t .+ ,i7• fit. • ~., t ~~ `"I `~'1!' ~ :.+ tl Plat. ~ ,_ J_. 1, 1, 1_~ .:17 1L _.~ ~ 4~ ,;,,, 'gout, c•~-',s ~or~us it.i~_ ~ L~.- i.,~ n -, ^, e « r.~ 'plc' r, '~~ v.~, ,1 ~u~li ,:1 -. A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON t~ ~~ ~ (~ ~ ~ :~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2• Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - 5• Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. - - _---- 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN-ORGANIZED GROUP - FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUphALL _ AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y aD~xt::~~ : ~3CvUCo tc C~ i ~ t ~ ~? n<( Q r __.~___..__~-.__~..~ ~Ua~G~~, ~. a4u ~ PHONE: '~~'~ ;~, _ ~ ~ 3 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~,~Qc y~ 44 t~ c~~. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - - 5• Speakers are requested to leave-any written-statements and/or comments with the clerk. - -_-- - -_ _ 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZEII €~OUP SHALT. FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM._ - -P L ~; A- S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y =- ~ ~ ~ ADD~?L;;;S z __._._.__..____._.~~._. PHONE: '~~I~-,F- ....~~.~ ~C PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E~ O E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment . below. I agree to follow the guidelines listed 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at ali times. - 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. _ INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO_SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROliP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ;~l~::''9 ~ . PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,.,..~ PUBLIC HEARING ON ~_~~ .;a"~~~ ~- I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman-will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. -- 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6, INDIVIDUALS-PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH-THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROliP AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P-L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ------ ------ ------- _ ,, ,, _., ~, :. .~, ADDNr.~s ~ - F ' PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~ / /.. PUBLIC HEARING ON 'j .~~ ` ~~ t ~ ~' '~~;/,~;~'; ~'~ ~;~ ~'' ~. _ ~ ~. __ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courte__sy at all times. - 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. - --6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO S-PEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y .~ ADDP.L;av : PHONE: ~~,, ~~`, 0 ~ j r ~,~ ,' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E~ U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON 1 -; I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy"at all times . _ - - - 5. Speakers are requested t-0 leave any written state_m~nts-_ - and/or comments with the clerk. - -- - - -- 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP_~~LL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - - P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y :d A.~9 ~ . - _. ADDRL:SS : ` PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~~~ ~ • // PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below . 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. 5. Soeaicers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AIV ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK LdRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP / ALLOYVING THE INDIVID"JAL TO REPRESENT THEM. E W R I ?~` E L E G I B L Y ,iii ~.~ LJ~ •%~~l" P L E A S _ - _. _ _ - _ .- - ~ ~~ ~~ NAME : ~____ • '~',_ , f <: ,~ ~ ______ ~ ' ~';. / -, lJ i~,° ~ ~d~ ~~ - -- PHONE : ~ - ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) ' A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON wA~~"'~~ ~~~~`'~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, ;speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. (. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING 'TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK W)2ITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ~~L\~ ~• ~~R~ ~ .~_ ADDRESS : _ \\~J y`--~~~~1"1`- -.~ ' ~_-\`==_-- PHONE: ~~~ ^~~~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) Q A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or ly"~.,u-- representative. The chairman will decide the time limit ~'~'""""~ based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and 'G"~'"'.- will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be~directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ --=4:-- Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements _---- --= - and/or comments with the clerk. _ _ - - =~_:__ INDIVIDUALS P-URPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL - - = FILE WITH THE CLERK 46RITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P_L- E A S E PHONE: T=? ~ C' ~ E / PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) W R I T E L E G-I B L Y ~~/]/) ~ / A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T j, - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~` '~~/`,~ ~f ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time-limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ _-__ --4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at ali times. 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements _-__ and/or comments with the clerk. - - _ -___= 6. II~~DIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO -SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL - - = FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP AL.LOwING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _- P L E A S E W R I T E L -E G I B L Y _ ~ -, ~ .., _ , _ _ ;' , . .'d~.:4 ~ . ,. ADDRL=:SS : `~/~~ ~ PHON E : ~ ' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments-must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers=aid the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - 5. Speaker-s-are requested to leave any written statements _ and/or -comments- with the- clerk . 6. _ II~~DIVID{1ALS--P~RPORTING~TO SPEl~K FOR AN ORGANIZED -GROUP SHALL FILE WLTH-TfiE`~~,ERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP AL.LOVVING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I-T E L E G I B L Y ,ZA`n ~ . ADaRr:~S : PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the County Administrator. Thank you.)