HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/14/1988 - RegularPOANO,Y~ /~+ ~~~ ,~~~~.~ o a ~ F SUPERVISORS J COUNTY BOARD 0 1$ 1~ $$ ROANOKE N ~P`' ACT ION AGENDA SFSQUICENTE N A g~uti(u113cginning JOE 14 ~ 1988 Regular meeting- m.~ and Board of Supervisors 3:00 P-at 7;00 County of the month at heard the Roanoke second Tuesday s will be this Welcome to held on the public Hearing from m. meetings are 3;00 P• month. Deviations the fourth Tuesday Tau sday of each p.m on the fourth THE PURPOSE OF TWO schedule will be announced. P•M• FOR SESSION AT 7:00 WILL BE AN EpENING THERE INGS PUBLIC HEAR OPENING CEREMONIES (3 = 00 P .M. A. 1. Roll Call Gordon Grimes The ReverendBaptist Church 2. Invocation: Cave Spring Flag Allegiance to the United States 3, pledge of ESSION WITH THE ~DFILL BOARD B. JOINT WORX S OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA C• REQUESTS TO POSTPONE. ~D' ITEMS. TO ROANOKE CITY OF CONGRATU~TIONS ADDITION OF: OF THE CLASSIFICATISITIN~PROCESS D_3 RESOLUTIOT TION LANDFILL E-8 IMpI.,EME TO PROCEED WITH E_g APPROVAL AWARD S RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS, the Planning D. received by planning Process of awards unity 1. Announcement the EXPLORE Comm Department for Charlotte Dunston and of Appreciati Sta ° for contributions to 2. Certificate Eastern the Order of the Youth Haven II. Lions to Roanoke City for bei~ Resolution of Congratula 3• n All-America City named a R-61488-1 BLJ/HCN - UW E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Establishment of a Joint Risk Management Section for the School and County operations. A-61488-2 HCN/BLJ TO APPROVEpOSITIONEVALUATED ATRTHp,TI~TIMEETOWSEE IF SARVINGSOR ONE YEAR ONLY AND JUSTIFY CONTINUATION - URC 2. Request fromlDhAeBondssforaHollinsoCollegeuthority for issuance of R-61488-3 BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION URC 3. Allocation of Human Services Funding for fiscal year 1988/89. A-61488-4 HCN/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 4. Allocation of Cultural Enrichment funding for fiscal year 1988/89. A-61488-5 RR/BLJ TO APPROVE NAYS-HCN AYES-BLJ, RR, SAM, LG 5. Awarding of bids for employee health insurance. A-61488-6 BLJ/SAM TO REJECT STAFF RECOMMENDATION - RR - N0, OTHERS - YES HCN/SAM TO AWARD BID TO BLUE-CROSS BLUE SHIELD LOWER PAYMENT PLAN AND THAT ALTERNATE INSURANCE CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE TO THOSE EMPLOYEES NOT PARTICIPATING, AND THAT PREMIUMS PAID BY EMPLOYEES BE REVISED TO REFLECT THE INCEEEMPLOYEESNOTLENROLLEDTINUHEALTHTINSURACENSURANCE OPTIONS TO THOS NAYS - RR AYES - BLJ, SAM, HCN, LG 6. Approval of funding to convert County Street Lights to High Pressure Sodium. A-61488-7 HCN/SAM TO APPROVE ALTERNATE #1 URC 7. Approval of bid for cleanup of Dixie Caverns Landfill A-61488-8 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHASE I AND II AND HCN/BLJ TO APPROVE CONTINUE NEGOTIATION FOR PHASE III URC ementation of the Classification Plan for Fisca 8. Impl Year 1988-89 A-61488-15 IZE THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO WORK OUT THOSE BLJ/~ TO AUTHORHE PLAN SUCH THAT IT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT DIFFERENCES IN T EMPLOYEES - URC Authorization to Proceed with Landfill Siting d 9. ntil recycling report received from Landfill oar HCN/RR table u AYES - RR~ SAME HCN NAY S - LG, BLJ F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G, REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ING ON 7/26 FOR CITIZEN COMMENT ON SAM/BLJ TO SET PMEL11/8H%$$ ON CHANGING THE METHOD OF APPOINTMENT REFERENDUM VOTE ON OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS. H, FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES Chapter 2, Article II, 1, Ordinance amending Concerning the Purchasing procurement Practurchases. Agent and small p BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE 1ST READING - 6/28 - URC 2ND READING Collection Ordinance establishing Premium Refuse 2. fees. and establishing LG/~ TO APPR06%28ST RCDING 2ND READING finance accepting an offer and authorizing the 3_ Ord ht-of way and easement to conveyance of a rig Appalachian Power Company. HCN/SAM TO APP6~28 1SURCEADING 2ND READING 3 an offer and au lot loca din accepting _ well 4. Ordinance lus real estate sale of surf Scenic Hills- TION 6/28 FOR FURTHER INFORMA TO CONTINUE TO HCN/SAM the lease purchase URC authorizing 5. Ordinance ipment• of certain equ WITH 2ND READING 0_61488-9 DISPENSE LG/HCN TO - URC ante of certain AND pppROVE ORD' the c°nVeY oSes 6. Ordinance auforreCO °mic development pure real estate (Valleyp°inte) TO APPROVE 1ST READING gLJ/LG ING _ 6/28 2ND READ SAM _ABSTAIN _ AYES BLJ,RRrHCN,LG ORDINANCES of the members SECOND READING OF se the salaries of ursuant to I• increa County P and Section of Roans untY Charter ~, 1. Ordinances pervisors inia. as amended- Board of of the RoanokCode of Virg Section 3'01 of the 1950 ''~ 14.1-46.0-1' 0-61488-10 TO APPROVE SAM/BLJBLJ,RR~SAM-HCN Code to AYES Roanoke County NAYS - LG Library fee to ce amending the of the Law 2. Ordinan the imposit Cs my/Salem Law Library' increasethe Roanoke support 0-61488 TO APPROVE the residue of BLJ/SAM urchase of URC the P Reservoir. aut e~ ty ~ gpg ing Hollow 3. OrdinanceProP Reynolds gAMfHCN TO APPROVE the 1988/89 funds for inia. URC ropriating the CountY~ Virg Ordinance apbudget for Roanoke 4. fiscal Year 4 0-61488-13 BLJ/SAM - URC J. AppOINTMENTS eals. 1, Building Code Board of Adjustments and App Court Service Unit Advisory-Council/Youth and 2' Services Advisory Board Family 3, Fifth Planning District Commission 4, Industrial Development Authority RR NOMINATED CHARLES SAUL TO ANOTHER TERM Commission 5, Parks and Recreation Advisory 6, Planning Commission p,, pOWELL ROBINSON TO A FOUR-YEAR TERM FROM THE HCN NOMINATED VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 7, Social Services Board NATED BETTY JO ANTHONY TO ANOTHER FOUR-YEAR TERM LG NOMI g, Regional Solid Waste Management Board MEMBERS K, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD Schools have Polly Holloway from County ROB~_ (1) Dr, Hardy, erated by an outside vendor near St. visited a school cafeteria op cafeteria services by outside contractors.for)a Louis to study Tonal Partnership Asked Tim GuealDay°inoooathern Virginia Roanoke Vall y will have a 1 Blue Ridge Region has announ2edTri eRoanoke Valley MCGRA~^? : ( ) a map and a video . ( ) regional data base, June 17 in Botetourt Cooperation Committee will meet on Friday, September 1st. The VML-VACO Task Force onrenortabY°n in coming to a Tans a County (3) conclusion on the issues and p Su ervisor McGraw that the whether it NIC~_ Moved and seconded by p resentative. Attorney study the Landfave a°otdherorepact and County would allow Roanokunanimoust~oll call vote. Motion carried by L, CONSENT AGENDA 5 ALL MATTERS LITHEDBONARDRTOHBECROUTINEAANDDWI~BE CONSIDERED BY ENACTED BY ONE RESO~NTIONDESIRED,F~Hp,TOITEMWILLIBEE BELOW. IF DISCUS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-61488-14 BLJ/HCN AFTER DISCUSSION AND CHANGE TO URC 1. ITEM 1-8 Minutes of Meetings - March 9, 1988, March 29, 1988 2, Request for acceptance of Beaver Lane, Horn Circle, and Elizabeth Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. R-61488-14.a 3_ Request for acceptance of Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane into the VDOT Secondary System. R-61488-14.b 4. Acknowledgment from Va. Departmentroads have been Transportation that the following taken into the Secondary System: a. 0.20 miles of Indian Lane Drive b. 0.04 miles of Memory c, 0.06 miles of Shadow Lane A-61488-14.c 5, Request for acceptance of Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle and Shadow Lane into the VDOT Secondary System. R-61488-14.d 6, Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. A-61488-14.e ~. Ratification of charter agreement for the operation of the Cardinal Academy and authorization to execute the charter. A-61488-14.f g, Request for a Fireworks Permit from Hills Department Store. 6 A-61488-14.g LE TRAFFIC AMENDED THAT ON-DUTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS WILL HAND AND pARKING LOT g. Request for a Fireworks Permit from the Town of Vinton. A-61488-14.h 10. Acceptance of a drainage easement donated by Charles W. Houghton across~Lot 6, Cave Spring Professional Center. A-61488-14.i 11. Acceptance of a wateLazaruseasWoodmontnMano ry Lloyd G. and Lee W. Section 3. A-61488-14.j 12. Acceptance of a sanitary sewer lotion ofeLoty6A, Carter M. Coffey - Lot 2 and a p Queens Court Subdivision. A-61488-14.k 13. Resolution requesting authorization from the Va. Department of TranspR ute1220to erect a speed enforcement sign on R-61488-14.1 M, REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED 1. Accounts Paid - May 1988 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3_ General Fund Unappropriated Balance q, Board Contingency Fund N. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS est to 1. The following citizens have made wriroeosed speak to the Board concerning the p P landfill slid WeaShelor Lewis Mountain: a. Mr. Dav f p, EXECUTIVE SESSIONa u~2)sto consideroaereal estates Section 2.1-344 ( ) matter, litigation and personnel 2, Curtis Beach, ExecutiCh tuber ofeC mmercef the Salem-Roanoke County Sam/ MOTION TO BRING PREPAREDO UNLTHROUGHOROANOKEOVALLEY AND EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR p,MTRACK REQUESTING SUPPORT FROM OTHER LOCALITIES - URC LG/HCN AT 6:10 URC EVENING SESSION P. LG/RR AYES: NAYS; PUBLIC HEARINGS 688-1 b. Mr. Charles L. Landis Petition of Inland ProR-1rResidentialsto B 1oBusinessstf 1.70 acre tract from lex located on the east side o construct an office comp Route 419 immediately south of its intersection with Cordell Drive in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 22, 1988 AND MAY 24, 1988) TO DENY BLJ, RR, HCN, LG SAM 688-2 Petition of Occidental DevelntialttotB-1tBusiness to .0 acre parcel from R-1, Reside and a 22.87 acre parcel from R-1, Residential to R-3, Residential to construct officewest ofuthef intersection dwellings, located immediately of Colonial Avenue and ~NTINUEDaFROM MAY 24Ve1988)ng Magisterial District (C RR/LG TO DENY AYES; RRr BLJ, LG NAYS; SAM, HCN Q, ADJOURNMENT BLJ/SAM AT 9:50 P.M. URC 8 . ~ AOANpr~ z°~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~~~ z ,~~~ ~~ J $$ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~$ ' t5o rc-ns AGENDA SFSQUICENTENN`P~ A Beauti~ttlBegianing 19 8 8 JUNE 14, Regular Board of Supervisors meeting- m-~ and of the month at 3:00 P- .7.00 Welcome to the Roanoke County ublic Hearings will be heard at - meetings are held oatt3e00eP m Tuesday Deviations from this the fourth Tuesday - of each month. p-m on the fourth Tuesday schedule will be announced. OSE OE TWO ____ wm ~.nn P_M. FOR THE PURP 1"`~+ INGS PUBLIC HEAR p,- OPENING CEREMONIES (3 :00 P .M- 1• Roll Call 2• Invocation: The ReverendBap~dst Church Cave Spring Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag 3. g, JOINT WORK SESSION WITH THE LANDFILL BOARD TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA C- REQUESTS ITEMS. NS RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS D - pROCI,p,MATIO , the Planning 1, Announcement of awards received Y for the EXPLORE Community Planning Process Department 'ficate of Appreciation tofo~a~ontribDtionsntond 2, Certi the Order of the Eastern Star Youth Haven II. E- NEW BUSINESS blishment of a Joint RiskoMsnagement Section for 1• Esta o erat~ the School and County p ment Authority for 2, Request fromlDAeBondssforaHollinsopollege• issuance of llocation of Human Services Funding for fiscal year 3. A 1988/89• for fiscal q, Allocation of Cultural Enrichment funding year 1988/89• Awarding of bids of employees health insurance. 5• Street 6. Approval of funding to convert County Lights to High Pressure Sodium. 1 of bid for cleanup of Dixie Caverns Landfill ~• Approva F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR P gLIC HEARINGS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES g• Chapter 2, Article II, the Purchasing amending i 1, ng Ordinance Concern Procurement Practur chases. Agent and small p Collection establishing Premium Refuse 2• rdinance 0 fees. and establishing offer and authorizing the 3' rdinance accepting an right-of-way and easement to 0 ance of a convey alachian Power Company. App aWellulotrlocaged in ce accepting an offer 4• - Ordinan lus real esta sale of surp Scenic Hills. authorizing the lease purchase 5, Ordinance of certain equipment. rdinance authorizing the conveyment purposesln deve op O 6. r economic real esto inte) (Valleyp 2 and Adding Section 21-165 of the Roanoke County Code, Severability SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES dinance to increase the snoaries of members °f t eon ke County pursuant to 1• Or ervisors of Roa Board of Sup Charter and Secti Section 3.0'7 of the Roanoke Coun y _ -1:1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 14.1 46.0 Code to the Roanoke County fee to 2, Ordinance amending increase the imposition of the Law Library support the Roanoke County/Salem Law Librarysidue of Ordinance authorizing the purchase of the re 3• erty/Spring Hollow Reservoir. Reynolds Prop ro riating the funds for the 19n8a89 4, Ordinancearpbudget for Roanoke County, Virg fiscal y I. J• APPOINTMENTS. eals. 1, Building Code Board of Adjustments and App Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and 2' Services Advisory Board Family 3, Fifth Planning District Commission 4, Industrial Development Authority 5. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 6, Planning Commission ~, Social Services Board g, Regional Solid Waste Management Board K, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS I, , CONSENT AGENDA p,I,I, MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDWI~EBE TO BE ROUTINE AND ED BY ONE gESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD D THAT ITEM WILL BE ENACT BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESI 3 SENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED REMOVED FROM THE CON SEPARATELY. 1988, March 29, Minutes of Meetings - March 9- 1. 1988 Lane, Horn for acceptance of Beaver Request Drive into the VDOT 2• and Elizabeth Circle, S stem. Secondary Y Lane, Sunflower for acceptance of Tulip 3• Request Iv Lane into the VDOT Secondary Drive, and Y System. from Va• Department eo ds have been 4• Acknowledgment following Transportation that the S stem: into the Secondary H ll Drive taken miles of Indian a• 0.20 Memory Lane b• 0.04 miles of Lane c• 0.06 miles of Shadow tance of Lantern Street, VDOT accep Shadow Lane into the 5• Request for Candlelight Circle and Secondary System. ion of Committee Appointme and Appeals. 6• ConfirmatCode Board of Adjustments Building reement for the Ratification of charter ag ~, Cardinal Acadria tern operation of tto execute the authorization from Hills Fireworks Permit 8• Request for a Department Store. Town of est for a Fireworks Permit from the g• Requ Vinton. e easement donated Y 10. Acceptance Houghtonlacross Lot 6, Cave Spring Charles W Center. professional of a water line eas~mo dAOntnManorby 11. Acceptance Lazarus Lloyd G• and Lee W- Section 3• donated by a sanitary sewer lortion of Lot 6A, 12. Acceptance of _ Lot 2 and a P Carter M. Coffey Queens Court Subdivision. authorization from the Va. requesting to erect a speed 13. Resolution of Transportati220. Department sign on Route enforcement 4 M• REPORTS - May 1988 1, Accounts Paid 2• Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3, General Fund Unappropriated Balance 4, Board Contingency Fund NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N, CITIZEN COMN~ uest to 1. The following citizens have made wriroeosed speak to the Board concerning the p P landfill site neaghelor Lewis Mountain: a. Mr• David W• Landis b. Mr, Charles L• Curtis Beach, Executivh tuber ofe~ommercef the 2. Salem-Roanoke County ursuant to the Code of Virginia p, EXECUTIVE SESSION p 2 to consider a real estate Section 2.1-344 (a) ( ) matter . E® SESSION P. PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ n to rezone a 688-1 688-2 Petition of Inland Pro erties Cor ora io he east side of from R-1 Residential to B-1 Business to 1.70 acre tract lex located on t construct an office comp isterial District e 419 immediately south of its intersection wit Rout 1988) Cordell DriveRO~ MARCH 22ds19881AND MAY 24, (CONTINUED F n of Occidental Develo ment Ltd. to rezone a 2.0 Petitlo 1 Residential to B-1 Business to acre parcel from R- ~ Residential to R-3, anad a 22.87 acre parcel from R-1, Residential to constrmed offices and multifami Y rl g iately west of the intersection dwellings, located im of Colonial Avenue and Ogden Road in the Cave1988) Magisterial District (CONTINUED FROM MAY 24, Q, ADJOURNMENT 5 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THROANORE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA GELD AT THE MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Work Session with Landfill Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A Work Session is scheduled Board, Olver Incorporated, and discuss the various alternative; refuse . At this Work Session, (1) (2) for 3:00 p.m. with the Landfill the Board of Supervisors to available for the disposal of the Board will receive information on: The status of the Solid Waste Management Plan; Description and schedule of the second phase of the plan; (3) The status of landfill siting; (4) Permitting process and schedule. SUBMITTED BY: J hn R. Hu bard, P.E. Assistant County Administrator Community Services & Development APPROVED: ,iL~u~c/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------- VOTE ACTION No yeS Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied t Received ( ) Referred to Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers /~ C 7 _T d 3 V •LJ O 'c •~ ro Z O ~R d ~' G. ~~T o^ y T iC O1 DO ~ O ~ ~ i CC ~ O 4 C ~ ¢ _ ~ ~ .~' f ~ r .v' rG, L ,G C G 'T3 fl. ~ F ~ CJ ,~ 6~ . 'G v ~ r ~ ^, R v G ~ ~, ~, v v. >, L C a R O R v~ + G ~, _ v ~! d ~ ~ L r _ ' ~ ~ G 'v ~ :r '~ G `~ .~-. ~'.. cXu G G :, s N C ~ G. G N u L y G R~ G1 y G C G [. ~ G-~ G L L ^` '~ G ° r,D G Cy. C' G ~ ~ ~ G ~ 'J yC Gi G ~ G >, A- - u x ~ G v ~ _ _ ; ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ 6J t .G L ~ • N C '~ G ~ '~ CC r c r ~ :.r..:..'' v ~ =•- vi ~ ~ .~ y $ ~ .L. O ,S CAD C1? ~ T G ~ `G ~ t t ~++ J v L Q~ Vl CS O- J y =% ~ t G . ~ O y N ~~ ~'' ~' ~ . R R i ~ G r $ R ~ G ~ ~ J ~ ., C v d R ~ ~ ? ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~' } ~ R ^~ ~ cu y `' +. . .. L v R 'f G [ O ~ G J: rS ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ L ? R J G- ~ ~ ~ L L y y R G ~. ~ ~ OJ L G ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ '' 'J, ~ fi-. ^d ~ y :J Y ~' RS ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ ,y 0) • ~ ~ ~ G r ~ ~ v ~ v ~ a J d v. R ~ N !;L` N G Y 'J >. G L _ .. _ c J R Ci ^ ^J C '- G R `~ 'i. G _y =~ y R ~ ~ bD G Tr^- d "a v: ~ t'3 '~ 'D .~ .~' 'r U L.- ~ ~ G ~ - G J ~ G _ . .... ..... ... F ~ y _, c. G _ ~ y ^r y R ~ v G ~, t'., G c~ O ~ G G w ~ . _ , „, 3 .- _" y •'~ O O '~ V` _ x ~ G _. ;, '~ ~~ y Ci E G A •r G R '~- G a s ;r; s u a' v T ,R ~ '' ~ 3 ~ L c ~. c °' a ~ G. .~ ~ ~'~c-a ~'J G~ ~ v y ocf ,, v ~ ~ ~, ~ v ~ cs ~ 3 a s ~'oc~ °s•c ~~ +} ~ i~ j ~ J" J R~~ G~ ~+ G G c0 L G OD "S v.. u s ~ .L `~ r G . .'L. y ~ $ R p ._ G v •~ .v '~ ~ `~ `~ '' G cs J y G .- L t L a ~ S ~' ~ G J R~ _ L V. R r ^ G ~ 3 >,,U v ~~ G •: i7 ~ :.; w '~ ~ Cx.G •V ,~ .~ G ',^J _ ;n .i G ~ ~ s OG .r G G J Ofi G J `~' ~'" ^~ ~, R ~ G 6 G ~ p~ O `~ ~ v E v J ~ r L r G G' R "' a.= .L. ~' r C ~... .. ~ .... G v; L v ~y ~ ~ ~ .. b x z J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ G `c ~ c G `J r ~ ~ u > r, z r G s u~ C ~' L •~ ~ G Z rs L +~ ;f ^ ~ . CJ r $ v Z J~~ -~ _ ~ L L L G i . v-. _ 'C ~ .~ G ~ R ~ G C/ ~ ~ . T- r = 'S3 .G ... J G , . G rs ~~ v .~ v ~ G U L ~ ~ - rf. J. ~ U ~ ~ ^ L G ~ G ^~ ~-x~`J J "'r~~ J '> y ..J .. G r G R ~ ~ ~ v L c y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~, ~ G i; R ~ r L ^ ~ L CJ ... ~ W y r G ..- r CJ fJ. U T "~' (V G C ~_ y ~ L ~ Y ~ ~ V v ~EG~;:, R _. ~, R cc Y T 3 O ~ ~ R 3 ,~ T ~ ~ r r s= ~ .. ~ L ' L r.. "' ~ .y ~ ~ ~+. ~ ~ ~ r G ~ i :~ c! L C G r ~ ~'- r c ~ r s '- .'' J ~ J CJ ~ L T V. ~J CS r ~ r G G /' r J~ "' 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ s '~~., ~ ;f. . _ GG vim.. ;! ~ '^ 1. `-' l R ~~ ~ R r G U. ~~ L J R 1. -r' v.. S 3 "'~ ~a ~ O ,V.i ~ L G G G G '_' '- '. R i. ~i C C v; '~ 4: ' ~ G G ~.•~ ~' ~ ~ _ T ~ L L QI ,~ ~ J L G '' r G '6 r ~ ~ G G y~ W L~ Y G G O ~ ~' to :r „~ r 'v ~ ~ ~ >, R ~ r i J QvJ r W~ f Pr L T T L G '~ ~ r y J. _ J ~ G r r CJ ~ ~'r.. .rr J: r ^.C L' J ~ J G J f G ^' r .. _. ~ :s J 0 ~, _ r. .~ r s y„ L ".. f.-. GS r i. T ~ ~ ~ ,~, r- . _ ..- ... ~+ . ~~ s m ~ =' %c ~s ~ G ~ ~ c R x (O L ~ .~ .L-. u s. r r r /. ~ - J J ~ J j r J ~ J .- Y ___~ ~ :l ~ ~ I ~ i r June 14, 1988 Chairman and Members Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mayor and Members Vinton Town Council Dear Elected Officials: ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ V~4L.;LEY zonal solid she ma t rd POST OFFICE BOX 12312 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24024 Mayor and Members 703 981-9331 Roanoke City Council Subject: Host Corr~nunity Consideration for Landfill Site(s) 'rhe Roanoke Valley Regional Solid W~stc nisideration~asdan dfill Board) offers the following host commun y acceptable prerequisite to obtaining a local government permit to establish and operate a landfill: 1, The Landfill Board is committed to developing necessary information, to the extent of attempting to secure energy markets and de~~Pionment of performance specifications for the siting an~a construction of waste-to-energy facilities. 2. The Landfi~l Board recommends the responsible operating agency be responsible for developing on-situbliceoffrsite oadsnin necessary improvements to existing p order to meet Virginia ~faserviceof Transportation standards for an acceptable level 3, The Landfill Board recommends the responsible operating agency will assume all respoe likely evenththeenewol andfill contaminates water supplies in th water. adjacent public or private drinking The Landfill Board recommends the responsiblei netotoffseteloss ofl 4 res onsible compensat give the host community p tax revenue from the acquired landfill site. 5. The Landfill Board is commi~fertstation sl gng Plan asD"appropriate a recycling program and to the affected local governments. 6. The Landfill Board is open aosatecb ssiteebasisloncec~nformation is from the host community on ermit to the Connnonwealth. available to submit a Part "A" p the Landfill Board on June 14, 1988• This letter was approved by Roanoke Comity Board of Supervisors Chairman and Members, Council Mayor and Members, Roanoke City Mayor and Members, Vinton Town Council page 2 Respectfully, John H. Parrott, Chairman Landfill Board JHP:dmh cc:.Members, Landfill Board Roanoke City Manager Roanoke Cowlty Administrator Vinton Town Manager Salem City Manage~r~istrator Bedford County Administrator Botetourt CO~tYAdministrator Franklin County Landfill Manager Olver Services, Inc. • ~~i ~~i R0IANOKE ~a~~ ~onai June 14, 1988 ~~ ma emenf Mayor and Members Chairman and McBoard of Supervisors Roanoke. City. Council pOST OFFICE BOX 12312 Roanoke County - ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24024 Mayor .and Members ~ 703 981-9331 Vinton Town Council Dear Elected Officials: Sub'ect: Host Community Consideration for Landfill .Site (s) ~ Landfill Re iona.l Solid Waste Management Board The Roanoke Valley ghost community considerations as an .Board) offers the .following a local.governn-ent permit to .` r acceptable prerequisite„to obtaining establish and operate a landfill: necessary 1, The .Landfill Board is committed to d~~g Po Se~,e energy information, to the extent oe~ trmapnce specifications for markets and development of p the siting and construction of..waste-to-energy facilities . 2. The Landfill Board recommends the responsible operating agency res onsible for developing-on-site access roads and"any be P ublic off-site roads in necessary improvements to existing P ortation standards order to meet Virginia Department, of 'I`ransp for an acceptable level of service. ' - erating agency 3, .The Landfill B°aresronsibilityy forrthe development,ll contaminates will asstune all P water supplies in the. unlikely event the new lan i adjacent public or private drinking water.. Board recommends the responsible operating agency :will 4, The Landfill res onsible compensation. to offset ;loss of give the host community P tax revenue from the acquired landfill site. and recommending 5, The Landfill BooaTd~ and transfertstation siting Plan as appropriate a recycling P g overnments. to the affected local g The Landfill Board is open to discusssiteebasisloncec~nfoxmation is 6• on a site by from the host community ermit to the Co~nonwealth. available to submit a Part "A" p ,. This letter was approved by the Landfill Board on June 14, 1988. Chairman and Members, Roanoke County Board of S~zpervisors Mayor and Members, Roanoke City Council Mayor and .Members, Vinton Town Council Page 2 JHP:dmh cc: Members, Landfill Board Roanoke City Manager - Roanoke County Administrator Vinton Town Manager Salem,City Manager Bedford County Administrator Botetourt County Administrator Franklin County: Administrator Landfill Manager Olver Services, Inc. ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER - L AT A RIRGINIA HELDNATOTHEHROANOKE oOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOENTER COUNTY, V MEETING DATE: May 10, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: forotheeExplo~e Community PlanningnProcespartment COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received an Award of Merit from the Southwest Virginia Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration for work on the Explore Park Community Planning Process. They have also received a 1988 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties for the same project. This process involved resolving conflicts between citizens and the River Foundation concerning the location and potential community impacts from the Explore Project. Director of Planning Rob Stalzer Purcell who were involved in this present at the meeting. and Associate Planner Liz community process will be ~~ ~° Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------ pTE Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: ACTION Motion by: - V Yes No Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ~ _ ~ o~ COUNTIES 440 FirstSt..NtC; Wrrsbinston,DC2000/ 201/;)3-G21G _.. ,. ~ ~...: J June 1 , 1988 _. ...., :.... . Mr. Rob Stalzer Director Of Planning P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Stalzer: We are pleased to announce that your application has been selected for a 1988 tJACo Achievement Award for The Explore Community Planning Process. We felt that your proposal provided an innovative solution and T would like to commend you on your ingenuity and creativity in establishing this useful program. In order for other county governments to benefit from programs like yoursr we keep the files as a resource for any inquiries we may receive. During the next year yoc~ may receive calls from other counties interested in implerrrentinq a program similar to yours. I hope you will join us in Orange County (Anaheim), California, August 6-9, to receive your Achievement Award Certificate. In addition to a special recognition of this year's Achievement Award Winnersr the conference will provide you with the opportunity to discuss critical issues with other county officials during this important Presidential election year. I have enclosed a registration form for your convenience. Again we congratulate yoci and thank you for participating in the 1988 Achievement Award Program. We look forward to hearing about other projects you may develop in the future. 'e Sincerely, John P. Thomas Executive Director 1988 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES ~-/ ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND ENTRY FORM - NACo's Achievement Award program, now in its 16th year, gives national recognition to significant, innovative activities that improve the organization, management or services of member counties. In addition, the program applications become a data resource for Association mem- bers who need information on new and innovative pro- grams, as to how they were established. All entries are judged on their own merits, not in compe- in response to a federal or state mandate, it must do more than merely meet the mandate's requirements to be deemed innovative. • Operational. The_ r~og_r_am must have been in Dlace and operational. long enough fort ie-d~artme~ttlo_h~ahle_ta evaluate results. Programs are not acceptable if they ace.in the planning stages_ tition with other applicants. ELIGIBILITY: Only members of the National Asso- ciation of Counties may submit applications for this award and all applications must be authorized b the Chief 1 ted-'~ fficial of the member county. Programs which have pre- viously received Achievement Awards are not eligible. LIMITATIONS: A county may submit multiple en- tries, but only one application per de artment within the county may be su mate . epartmental multiple entries will be returned by NACo to the Chief Elected Official. CRITERIA: Programs submitted must conform to the following criteria: • County Role. The county must play a decisive role in the program's development and implementation. County sup- portmay take the form of funding, staff support, donations, or providing rules and regulations for the program. • Innovation. The program should have been developed in response to a particular problem or concern within the county, and must go beyond normal means or use extraor- dinary effort to address that concern. The program should make an improvement in the management, services or organization of the county. If the program was developed • Tangible Results. The program must have proven, tan- gible results. The results may include how the program achieved its objectives by saving money, time, manpower, etc., or how the program is meeting a new need or improving the delivery of service to meet an old need. The results should be stated in specific terms. Other results docu- mented should be the program's impact on the community, or the community's response to the program. • Ongoing Activities. The county should have plans for continued commitment to the program through staffing, funding, or some other means of support. These plans are a bellwether indicating the county's satisfaction with the program, and perhaps the community's satisfaction, as well. APPLICATION: Please complete the attached 5-page application form and program summary, giving a brief but detailed overview of the program. This format provides an easy reference for other counties requesting information on winning programs. All applications without the signature of the Chief Elected Official or key word descriptors will be returned for convection. DEADLINE: All entries must be received by the Na- tional Association of Counties, 440 First Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001, by March 1. 1988. FEE: There is a charge of S25 for each entry submitted. ITEM NUMBER ~!-~ - -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE : June 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Certificate of Appreciation to Charlotte Dunston and the Order of the Eastern Star for their generous contributions to YOUTH HAVEN II. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Certificate is to be presented to Ms. Charlotte Dunston, Grand Worthy Matron, Order of the Eastern Star of Virginia, PHA for all her effort and hard work to obtain contributions from local and state chapters in the amount of $1,772.57 for Y~UTH HAVEN II. Ms. Dunston will be present to accept this certificate. These funds will be used to provide special trips for the young ladies of Y~UTH HAVEN II. SUBMITTED BY: J APPROVED BY: ~ c~+-'' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by- No Yes Abp Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens .•^ ~°"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, RESOLUTION OFBEONGRSELECTEDNANTALLHAMERICA CITY ROANOKE UPON FOR 1988 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, Virginia has consistently shown outstanding leadership qualities in its many outstanding endeavors; and WHEREAS, in recognition of this outstanding leadership, the City of Roanoke was named an All America City in 1953 and 1982 by the National Civic League, and received the same award in 1979 with the other Roanoke Valley localities; and WHEREAS, in recognition of their creative community projects including the Harrison Heritage and Cultural Center, their Comprehensive Plan and a Self Help Program for single mothers, the City of Roanoke has again been selected as an All-America City, one of only ten cities in the United States to receive this honor. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia expresses its congratulations to the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and the employees and citizens of Roanoke City on being selected again as an All America City for 1988, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors or Roanoke County wishes continued success to all those involved in this outstanding accomplishment. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 RESOLUTION 61488-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CITY OF ROANOKE UPON BEING SELECTED AN ALL- AMERICA CITY FOR 1988 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, Virginia has consistently shown outstanding leadership qualities in its many outstanding endeavors; and WHEREAS, in recognition of this outstanding leadership, the City of Roanoke was named an All America City in 1953 and 1982 by the National Civic League, and received the same award in 1979 with the other Roanoke Valley localities; and WHEREAS, in recognition of their creative community projects including the Harrison Heritage and Cultural Center, their Comprehensive Plan and a Self Help Program for single mothers, the City of Roanoke has again been selected as an All-America City, one of only ten cities in the United States to receive this honor. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia expresses its congratulations to the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and the employees and citizens of Roanoke City on being selected again as an All America City for 1988, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors or Roanoke ,.,- County wishes continued success to all those involved in this outstanding accomplishment. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 CC: Mary Parker, Clerk, City of Roanoke File Resolutions of Congratulations File ACTION # A61488-2 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Establishment of a Joint Riserationsmand Creation for the School and County Op of a Risk Manager Position COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~ ~,~/'~p e~ - `~ BACKGROUND: On April 20, 1988, the County Board of Supervisors and the County School Board held a join wa ud hetconsol dationnof services the discussion at this meeting between the County and t cWaslident f ied . fora consol idationwof one of the areas tha services, and the staff was directed to look into the feasibility of a consolidated Risk Management area. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County staff had a eake We believe h is costlsavings consolidated Risk Managemen could be generated by merging the Risk Management programs of t e County and the County Schools. A separate Risk Management area should be established as a new section under toe e~~yst casualtyy Administrator for Management Services. All p p liability, and fidelity insurance policies of the County and the County Schools will be bid and monitored throthe Risk Managerme but Workers' Compensation will be monitored by Human Resources for the records will continue to be maintained by County employees and thncecwill continueDtoabembid separately employees. Health insura by Human Resources fem louees.e heoRisk Managementh d partment Department for School p Y ro ram. will be responsible for establishing a Countthy wabilityet P ombine Significant savings should be realized bnformed of changes in the these areas where needed by keeping insurance market and by actively researching claims filed against the County's insurance policies. The 1988-89 budget contains $1,108,380 in the County insurance budget and $491,151 in the School insurance budget. BY combining the administration of these areas and creatca asave position of Risk Manager, staff estimates the County approximately $100,000. ~. - / with the been discussed repaying roposed consolida ement area will begin by P T h e e The Risk Manag e and review for County Schools. sis of all insurance coverag on the current a consolidated synop merging or re-bidding this initial possible cost savings Any changes recommende S per v i s o r s f o r insurance coverage•sented to the Board of review will be p approval. ement outlines olicy statemfo~fthislnew Risk Management The attached P rocedures the practices and P section. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: erations for the County and ement oP new Risk Management 1, Combine Risk Manag Establish a monitor Schools. er to the County new position of Risk Manag ement Schools Risk Manag section and a both the County and the County p'dministratorthe programs, and authorize the Couni n to inclOS tion. amend the 198Risk Managercaslan adhouldnbe realized. position of roximately $100,000 s Savings of app funded with these savings• The new position can be to establish an savings should be used higher Remaining for self-insurance or insurance reserve deductibles. osition new Risk Management section anew nt program 2, Establish a Risk Manag for the of Risk Manager to monitor the funding only. In this situation, h savings in for the County new position could still be realized t you County premiums and claims recovery. Do not establish a new Risk Management section. 3. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The cost savings from the ro rams in addition to tha Staff recommends Alternatipe l• s due to having the cost of merging of thentso a d ~laimserecoverygsaving premium save g er will ore than offset ideal osition. This is anSchool full-time Risk Manag and the County establishing this new section and p area to begin the merger of the County operations. Approved by, Respectfully submitted, n ~ Elmer C. Hodge "~''~'r'`'"~'' ~ Administrator Diane D. Hyatt County Director of Finance ~-1 ACTION Approved ( ~ Motion by: Harry C. Nickens/Bob Denied ( ) L. Johnson - Alternative 1 Garrett Received ( ) amended that Risk Manager hired Johnson Referred one year only and then evaluate McGraw To savings and position Nickens Robers cc: File Diane Hyatt Keith Cook John Chambliss Bayes Wilson Reta Busher VOTE No Yes Abs _ x _ x _ x _ x x COUI~I'Y OF ROANOKE, VIl2GINIA POLICY STATII~Nr FOR RISK MANAGIIKEI~Tr - PRACTICES AND PROCURES .. ___ _ - I. Practices and Procedures p,, Purpose This policy statement establishes uniform procedures for handling liability, property, and fidelity exposures of the County of Roanok SchoolgSnstemincHereafterpoallereferencestt ttheRCounty County Y include the County School System. B. Director of Risk ~nagenent The Director of Risk Managesrent has the responsibility for risk and insurance management- He shall identify and treat all exposures which could result in financial loss to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. C. Budget The Department of Risk Management budget shall be established to allow payment for property, casualty, and fidelity insu~eS e premiums, personnel costs, equipment purchases, and other expe Damage to County property which is not covered by insurance or which falls within a deductible amount shall be financed through a non-recurring budget item for repairs and replacement for each department. D. Insurance Coverages The following policies shall be observed in determining amounts of insurance and bonds . 1. Fire Insurance -- Public Building and Contents. - It shall be the County's policy to insure fire losses on public buildings with outside carriers on a blanket basis. Insurance values shall be determined by requesting from department heads information relating to questions of ,insurable values of_ _ property under their jurisdiction. - It shall be the County's policy to insure the contents of public buildings with outside carriers under the same conditions as real property. 2. Public Liabilit and Pro ert Dama a Insurance on Motor Vehicles. -- Public liability and property damage insurance -/ shall be carried on all motor vehicles. The policy limits of liability on such motor vehicles shall be as recocm~ended by the Director of Risk Management. 3. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. - The County shall provide general< 11ability coverage for bodily injury,~a property damage for all County properties. The policy - ~ - --~ ~ ~ of liability for the above coverage shall be as recommended by ~~ ~- _ ~ the Director of Risk Management. . 4. Other Insurance. -- Other insurance, such as catastrophic, burglary, hold-up, flood, Workers' Compensation, or any other type of coverage deemed necessary by the County, shall be placed into effect. The policy limits of such coverages shall be determined by the Director of Risk Management. 5, Employee Fidelity Bond. -- An employee fidelity bond shall be secured for all County employees as required by the laws of the State of Virginia, the Charter, ordinances or regulations of the County of Roanoke, or as recommended by the County Administrator or the County Attorney's Office. E. Responsibility County and School Department heads shall report to the Director of Risk Management the following changes in property under their supervision. 1. Changes in Building Use. - All changes in the use or occupancy of buildings shall be reported. Strict observance of this requirement is necessary since building use bears directly on insurance rates and public liability status. 2. Razed or Sold Buildings. -- All razed or sold buildings shall be reported immediately to the Director of Risk Management so that insurance on such buildings can be cancelled. 3. Changes in Equipment. -- To provide a complete record for the insurance of equlgrient, department heads shall file a report with the Director of Risk Management covering the disposal and procurement of all insurable equipment. 4. Property Losses. -- Property losses occurring from fire or other causes which may be recovered from the insurance company shall be reported immediately, in writing, to the Director of Risk Management. _ _ ._.__. __ _ _..._.-- -_ .. . 5. Duties of the Director of Risk Management. - Changes and adjustments in insurance policies necessitated by reports from department heads shall be made by the Director of Risk Management. The Director of Risk Management shall be authorized to make changes on fleet insurance covering County equipment and to cancel insurance on razed or sold buildings with approval of the County Administrator. 2 ,-, E- / II. .Res onsibilit and Authorit for Loss Control, Loss Prevention, and Insurance Programming . A. Purpose The purpose of this-procedural statement is to make explicit the responsibilities and authority of the Director of Risk Management and other departments of the County and its agencies with respect to implementing the County's program on property and liability loss control. B. Responsibilities of the Director of Risk Management The Director of Risk Management is expected to: 1. Identify risk exposure areas and make recannendations to the County Administrator as to whether to insure, self-insure or budget for this risks, or to use some combination of these ~~~, It is also his responsibility to recommend changes in current County policy with respect to loss prevention, self-insurance and insurance coverages, when appropriate. 2. Maintain perpetual inventories on the insurable values of all property, including buildings, contents, equipment, vehicles and supplies. Changes to these inventories must be Provided by County and School department heads. 3, Be informed of proposed changes in the liability status of municipalities in the State of Virginia and provide loss controls necessary to avoid any large liability losses. 4. Review municipal and state ordinances and appropriate federal manuals to determine when insurance and bonds are required, permitted, or desirable, at the discretion of the ccc~anunity. 5, Make periodic reports to the County Administrator with respect to the current status of the insurance and loss prevention programs. C. Responsibilities of Other Personnel 1. County and School department heads shall cooperate with the Director of Risk Management in his investigation of loss exposures and claims, and in the operation of an effective safety and loss prevention program. They shall also review all contract forms with the Director of Risk Management before signing them so that any increase or decrease in the County's contractual liability can be properly identified and controlled. 2. The County Attorney's Office shall review with the Director of Risk Management all contract forms entered into by the County to identify and reduce any contractual liability being assumed by the County, and attempt to transfer such liabilities. 3 ~- 3. The County Attorney's Office, further, shall notify the Director of Risk Management of changes in the State statutes ' and camm~ law which affect municipal liability. 4. He also shall provide assistance to the insurer in the investigation andaettlement of claims against the County from both employees and the public. 5. He also shall provide legal assistance in the examination of insurance and bond contracts entered into by the County. III. Safety and Loss Prevention Procedures The Director of Risk Management shall design and manage a workable safety and loss prevention program with the cooperation of all County and School department heads and their designated safety directors. The purpose of this program is to reduce accidents causing injuries to County employees and the public, and to reduce the frequency and severity of all property losses. The program will consist of (1) making periodic inspections of facilities, (2) investigating the causes of accidents and property losses, (3) developing training programs for employees, and (4) communicating safety literature to all departrrents. County and School department heads will be expected to have such literature posted. The Director of Risk Management shall make maximnan use of .the expert services of insurers, brokers, and departmental safety directors whenever possible to develop better safety and loss prevention procedures. Each department head shall be responsible to see that his operations conform to Federal, State, and County safety standards . IV. Accident and Claims Reporting Prompt reporting of losses helps expedite claims handling, reduces loss of time for personnel, and results in cost savings through settlement of justifiable claims. Therefore, all accidents resulting in bodily injury to any person, whether or not employed by the County, and all incidents resulting in property damage, destruction or illegal taking of County property shall be reported immediately to the Director of Risk Management. Claims against insurance companies or persons damaging County property will be filed by the .Director of Risk Management and the County Attorney's Office. __ . . V. Procedures for Reporting Accidents and Losses A. It is important that accidents and losses in accordance with prescribed procedures. favorable public image, the protection o the reduction in time lost for personnel savings realized through prompt settlement 4 be reported pr~tly and The maintenance of a f the County's interests, and equipment, and the are significant benefits ~ -/ be realized. Supervisory personnel at all levels should which may rinciples. require adherence to these p eneral liability and automobile occurrences should be Reports of g event on a report reported Promptly to .the Director of Risk Manag form made available :by the Risk Management Depart~rent. occurrence reports. special attention should be given In preparing . to the following areas: 1, Tom, date, and place of accident or event. 2, Description of vehicle, equipment, or property involved. 3, Name of injured. 4, Nature of damage or loss and estimated cost. 5, Description of circ~unstances. 6. Name and addresses of witnesses. ~. Diagram of events. when feasible. g, Appropriate signatures. C. The Director of Risk Management will process all accident and loss notices, except Workers' Coa pe Wo kers' Compensation acc dent insurance company concerne reports should be filed directly with the Department of Human Resources for County employees, or the School Finance Department for School ~loyees• VI. Contract and Lease ReQUirements 1 contracts entered into by the County must meet the minimum Al irements of the County. Short-form insurance and indemnification requ contracts, professional agreements and leases should be discussed ° ate individual basis with the D~ added int lthesea agre~n s o app P insurance requirements may Insurance ~I, procedures for Securing The County of Roanoke, Virginia shall maintain an an ~maanke h onges specifically designed to meet the needs of the County, as needed. __ .. -. - _ _ _ ndations '- A. All County and School department heads are to make reca~~e ation. as to coverage which would best protect their partic~an oiler B. All reports and records received from the different departments and School Administration will be reviewed and the insurance program will be revised to meet the changing requirements. 5 ~-/ C. The Director of for recommendationslconcerningithe Countyts Attorney's Office liabilities. D, The Director of Risk Management will make recotnnendations to the County Administrator as~to the proper and adequate insurance coverages. the County Administrator of the acquisition of E, After approval by gists for Proposals will be taken insurance, competitive bids or Requ for all County insurance coverages. VIII. Allocation of Insurance Costs A. Where County operations or divisions have their awn revenue sources or are a legal entity to themselves, insurance costs should be -attributed to such operations or divisions and will be charged specifically to those operations or divisions. B• When premium breakdown is not determinsura~ncea costs sha111 be Workers' Compensation, and p Wised o payroll and loss experience. allocated to each departure Blanket fidelity bond premiums shall be allocatedsurance costsr are employees in each department. Property allocated according to the specific properties used and operated by each of the divisions or departments. IX. Reports to be Filed with Director of Risk Management A. All claims reports. B. Copies of authorizations for the acquisition or disposal of property. C. Minutes of all legislative meetings, safety meetings, and all other board meetings in which insurance or loss prevention is discussed. ection re orts when the the building inspector or Fire D. Insp P Department inspects County premises. E. All other reports. Proceedings, and memoranda which have to do with the County's Risk Manag~nent program. X, Recrords to be Kept by the Director of Risk Manage~t A• An inventory of current ~ or leased by thepCounty. and insurable values of all property awn B. An insurance register outlining all coverages in force, including premiums, policy numbers, servicing agents, terms of coverages, and expiration dates. 6 ~-/ C. pr~um payment and allocation records. D. Claims filed and pending. _ __ ~ ~ ro erty, liability, and other E. Loss records subdividedthe insurer under existing insurance liability claims paid by ..policies. 1. _ -:.. - _ ~~~- - J F. Claim recoveries received from third pt t~ es ~ hdave damaged County property or are reimbursing for Co y g G. Maintenance of historic insurance policy file. _, 7 ACTION # AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 ITEM NUMBER~i OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER AGENDA ITEM• Request for approval of $3,000,000 in Industrial Development Authority Bond financing for renovation of the existing gymnasium at Hollins College COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~1p' ~ tics ~'1,~,•r~-t~,-~2~~-c G ``"' ~, ~~ BACKGROUND Hollins College requested $3,500,000 from the Industrial Developo ment Authority in August 1987 for revenue bon havenreevaluated construct a new gymnasium. Since that time they the project and have decided thamnasiumcfo.rc$3SOOO,OOO~th the new facility and renovate the old gy A resolution is attached for Board of Supervisors approval. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS This financing request does not have any fiscal impact on Roanoke County. Since the passage of the Tax Rat°on for ~ eve nue bondse C Bond does not have a separate alloc artment of Housing and requests are submitted to the Virginia Dep Community Development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION p, prove the Industrial Development Authority's request for P $3,000,000 in Industrial Development Bon s. SUBMITTED BY: ~Uvud W. Timothy W. Gubala, Secretary Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority APPROVED BY: i Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator C -..Z ----------- ------------------------- -------- VOTE --- ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ~ Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To __ Robers Attachment FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT Date: May 26, 1988 Applicant: Hollins College Corporation Two gymnasiums on the Applicant's campus in Facility: Vir inia. Roanoke County, g $3,000,000 1, Maximum amount of financing sought 2 Estimated taxable value of the facility's the i . n real property to be constructed $ - municipality 3, Estimated real property tax per year using $ - present tax rates 4. Estimated personal property tax per year $ - using present tax rates 5, Estimated merchants' capital tax per year $ - using present tax rates g, Estimated dollar value per year of goods ill be purchased locally - $ and services that w ~. Estimated number of regular employees on No additional year round basis er em to ee $ g, Average annual salary p P Y Signature: ,, ;. _ .__. --L_ Authority Chairman Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia If one or more of the above questions do not apply_ to the facili- ty, indicate by writing "N/A" on the appropriate line. ~- R.F,PORT OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was conducteVlbyinia (theGAuthority)lap ment Authority of Roanoke County,. g 9:00 a.m. on May 26, 1988 on the application of Hollins College Corporation (the College) requesting the Authority to issue up to $3,000,000 of itinrthenconstructionnandsrenovationsofttwo assist the College the Project). Notice of such hearing gymnasiums (collectively, was published on May 12e progectdwill be~locatednonhtheoC Times & World-News. Th ~ Vir inia. The public hearing lege's campus in Roanoke County-Roanoke County Administration was held in the Community Room, Roanoke, Virginia. At Building, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., the meeting those persons interested in the issuance °ivenethe Bonds or the location and nature of the Project were g opportunit~~ to present their views. The public comments, if any, received at the meeting are summarized in Exhibit A attached hereto. After such hearing, the Authority voted to recommend the approval of the Bonds to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Board). Accordingly, the Authority hereby recomme~esuioe~hb1,Board that it approve the issuance of the Bonds, q Section 147 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Dated May 26, 1988. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA <_ By - - _. chairman ~~.r~ Exhibit A to Report of Public Hearing The following public comrlents were received: None ~! RESOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROArIOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ment WHEREAS, on August 26, 1987, the Industrial Develop assed a Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Authority) P esolution (the Initial Resolution) to assist Ho]_lins College r the construction o a Corporation (the College) in financing nasium (the New Gymnasium) in Roanoke County, Virginia (the gym County); and WHEREAS, the College has now requested the Authority to also assist the College in financing the renovation of the ollege's existing gymnasium (the Existing Gymnasium) in the C _ County; WHEREAS, the College has described the benefits to the the Existing Gymnasium; County to be derived from renovating FVELOPNIENT AUTHORITY OF BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL D ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: amended by defining 1. The Initial Resolution is hereby e ~~pro~ect" to include both the New Gymnasium and the Exist- th in G mnasium; provided that, insofar as the Initial Resolution g Y ertains to the Existing Gymnasium, references to construction P in the Initial Resolution, shall be deemed to be references o renovation. 2, The $3,500,000 amount set forth in the Initial Resolution is changed to $3,000,000, as requested by the College. ~°""~~'" 3, The Authority hereby recommends that the Board of Su ervisors of the County (the Board) approve the financing of. P the Project (as herein defined) and the issuance of the Bonds (as defined in the Initial Resolution). The officers of the Authority are hereby authorized 4. and directed to deliver to the Board (a) a reasonably detailed ublic hearing held summary of the comments e:~pr_PSSed at the p with respect to the issuance of the Bonds for the Project (as herein defined), (b) a fiscal impact statement concerning the Project (as herein defined) in the form specified in Section 15.1-137.2 of the Code of Virginia, and (c) copies of the Initial Resolution and thi_~ resolution, which constitute the that the Board approve the recommendation of the Authority financing of the Project (as herein defined) and the issuance of the Bonds. 5, This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Authority) has considered the application of Hollins College Corporation (the College) requesting the issuance of one or more of the Authority's revenue bonds or notes in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 (the Bonds) to assist in the financing of (1) the construction of a gymnasium of approximately 19,000 square feet (which will be located on the College's campus, adjacent to and connecting with the College's present indoor swimming facility, in Roanoke County, Virginia) and (2) renovating the College's existing gymnasium (which is located on such campus), both of which gymnasiums (collectively, the Project) will be owned and operated by the College, and has held a public hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, it has been requested that the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Board) approve the financing of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds, and such approval is required for compliance with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; BE IT RESOLVED COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board the issuance of the the College, as req~ Authority to assist BY THE BOARD approves the Bonds by the aired by said in the finan~ OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE financing of the Project and Authority for the benefit of Section 147(f), to permit the ping of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by said Section 147(f), does not constitute an en- dorsement of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the College or otherwise indicate that the Project possesses any economic viability. The Bonds shall provide that neither the Common- wealth of Virginia (the Commonwealth) nor any political subdi- vision thereof, including Roanoke County (the County) and the Authority, shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and receipts pledged therefor and that neither the faith or credit nor the taxing power of the Common- wealth or any political subdivision thereof, including the County and the Authority, shall be pledged thereto. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF 'rHANOKERCOONTYUADMINISTRATIONOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 IN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BONDS FOR gOLLINS COLLEGE ment Authority of WHEREAS, the Industrial Develop Roanoke County, Virginia (the Authority) has considered the a lication of Hollins College Corporation (the College) PP 's revenue requesting the issuance of one or more of the Authority bonds or notes in the financing of (1) the construction of a mnasium of approximately 19,000 square feet (which will be gy with located on the College's campus, adjacent to and connecting the College's present indoor swimming facility, in Roanoke County Virginia) and (2) renovating the College's existing gymnasiums the Project) will be owned and operated by the (collectively, College and has held a public hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, it has been requested that the Board of rove the Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Board) aPP financing of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds, and such approval is required for compliance with Section 147 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board approves the financing of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the College, as required by said Section 147(f), to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. -~ as 2, The approval of the issuance of the Bon s, uired by said Section 147(f) does not constitute an req rsement of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the Col ege endo economic or otherwise indicate that the Project possesses any The Bonds shall provide that neither the Commonwealth viability. inia (the Commonwealth) nor any political subdivision of Virg f including Roanoke County (the County) and the Authority, thereo , 1 be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on t e shal nds or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues Bo receipts pledged therefor and that neither the faith or and olitical credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth or any P ivision thereof, including the County and the Authority, subd shall be pledged thereto. 3, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VINGROA OKELDVIRGINIAROONOTUESDAYTYJUNEI14ST19880N CENTER I RESOLUTION 61488-3 OF APPROVAL FOR ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BONDS FOR HOLLINS COLLEGE WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Authority) has considered the application of Hollins College Corporation (the College) requesting the issuance of one or more of the Authority's revenue bonds or notes in the financing of (1) the construction of a gymnasium of approximately 19,000 square feet (which will be located on the College's campus, adjacent to and connecting with the College's present indoor swimming facility, in Roanoke County Virginia) and (2) renovating the College's existing gymnasiums (collectively, the Project) will be owned and operated by the College and has held a public hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, it has been requested that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the Board) approve the financing of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds, and such approval is required for compliance with Section 147 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board approves the financing of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the College, as required by said Section 147(f), to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. royal of the issuance of the Bonds, as 2, The aPP required by said Section 147tf), does not constitute an ndorsement of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the College e ect possesses any economic or otherwise indicate that the Proj iability. The Bonds shall provide that neither the Commonwealth v of Virginia (the Commonwealth) nor any political subdivision thereof, including Roanoke County (the County) and the Authority. shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and receipts pledged therefor and that neither the faith or olitical credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth or any p subdivision thereof, including the County and the Authority, shall be pledged thereto. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Supervisor On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS : None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/15/88 cc: File Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance ACTION # A61488-4 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Recommendation for Funding of Human Service Agencies COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On May 24, 1988, the Board of Supervisors approved the 1988-89 fiscal year budget which included $116,484 to fund various community service organizations throughout the Roanoke Valley. This included $25,000 for Total Action Against Poverty (TAP>, $69,984 for Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley, $1,500 for the Information and Referral Center of Southwest Virginia, and $20,000 yet to be allocated. Attached is a schedule showing last year's allocation of the $20,000 mentioned above, the 1988-89 budget requests from the various community service agencies and the staff's recommendation of the distribution of next year's $20,000 lump sum appropria- tion. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that munity service agencies for was allocated in 1987-88 per Respectfully submitted, the $20,000 appropriation for com- 1988-89 be allocated exactly as it the attached schedule. Approved by, i Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodg Director of Management and Budget County Administrator ~ ~~ ------------- ----------- ------------ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C Nickens/ Garrett x Denied ( ) Steven A McGraw to approve Johnson x Received ( ) staff recommendation McGraw x Referred Nickens x To Robers x cc: File Reta Busher '" COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 1988-89 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 Recommended Allocation Request Or anization $ 16,962 $ 3,252 $ 3'252 7 000 4,065 League of Older Americans of Roanoke Val i 4,065 626 1 , 2,000 1,626 1,463 c Free Clin Valley Adult Care Center of Rke. , 1,463 4,000 8,450 813 TRUST Family Service of Rke. Valley 813 720 2 1,626 Neglect Child Abuse and Council 1,626 813 ' 1,333 813 407 Coordinating Ministries 407 2,500 3,496 Roanoke Area Planned Parenthood rded Citizens t 3,496 39 36,866 13 170 2,439 -0 a Association for Re Industries i 2,4 _0_ 1,448 n Tinker Mounta Brothers/Big Sisters Bi d 000 1 -0- g S eech an Roanoke Valley P _0_ , 3,882 _0_ Hearing Center uncil of Community Services en's C _0_ 000 5 _0_ o - Abused Wom Salvation Army -0_ , 3,627 _0_ program Information and Referral CValley -0- -0_ 5,400 000 5 -0_ _ -0 Legal Aid Society of Rke. Army - Homeless Program _0- , 2 00 DO Salvation 2 0 ~ 125 TOTALS ACTION # A61488-5 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETDNGATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HEL MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Recommendation for Funding of Cultural Enrichment Organizations COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~ ~~ a,~~'~/d/Giu r- BACKGROUND: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On May 24, 1988, the Board of Supervisors 1988-89 fiscal year budget which included $20,000 for of Roanoke Valley Cultural Enrichment Organizations. approved the the funding In addition to the $20,000, the County has applied for and received a Local Government Challenge Grant fro tot$S,OOO,nmonies for the Arts. The Commission will match, uovernments to arts given by independent town, city, and county g organizations in their jurisdictions. Th ra °~ eng by paakss and include school arts budgets be grantedoeither by a local arts recreation departments, may commission/council or directly by the governing board. A local government that has not approved its budget appropriation by the grant deadline (March 1, 1988) may aPP1Y conditionally and confirm the application by July 1. The total contrrefore bet$25u000 ral Organizations in fiscal year 1988 89 will the ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1. The grant application was completed conditionally with the Administration's recommendation that the County allocate itsallen ue a rantrashfollowsnding of $20,000 and the $5,000 ch g g Arts Council of Roanoke Valley Center in the Square Roanoke Symphony VCA Local Share Share - Total ----- $2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 -0- 15,000 15,000 2,500 2,500 5,000 $5 000 20~OOOs 25 000 ~~ This is the same allocation as in fiscal year 1987-88 with the exception of the grant monies. 2. Do not accept the Comm20s000 loc 1 contributionnas Grant and allocate the $ follows: $ 2,500 Arts Council of Roanoke Valley 15,000 Center in the Square 2,500 Roanoke Symphony 2~ 3. Allocate the local contribution of $20,000 in a manner other than in Alternative STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ervisors accept the Staff recommends that the Board of Sup fission for the Arts Challenge Gaa in the$19880 89nais ale year Comm include with the $20,000 currently budget allocate the $25,000 as specified in Alternative 1. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~ ~ ~ti2 - Reta R. Busher for of Management and Budget Approved by, Elmer C. H dg County Administrator Direc __-- --~--- -------------------- ----------- VOTE ---- - - ACTION No Yes Abs a ra RnhP_Y'S~ Approved ( ~ Motion by: Richaru ~~ Garrett x a rove staff Johnson x Denied ( ) Bob L. Johnson t Received ( ) recommendation McGraw x Referred Nickens ~_ To Robers x cc: File Reta Busher Diane Hyatt COMMISSION MEMBERS DAVID R. GOODE CHAIR ROANOKE. VIRGINIA SUSAN S HOFFMAN RICE-CHAIR 4LEXAN DRIA. VIRGINIA FAME Y gENTON EICHMONp. VVRGRJIA AN'~1 W BUFRUS VTICHPAGN D. VIRGINIA TO'{LACY COBBE MARTINSVILLE. VIRGINIA DINGWALL FLEARY McLEAN. VIRGINIA MARY TPENT JONES ABINGDON. VIRGINIA MRS. ANDREW P. MILLER ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA COL ARTHUR W. RITCHINGS PETERSBURG. VIRGINIA JACQUELINE J. SEGALOFF NE`NPORT NEWS. VIFGINIA HUNTER J. SMITH CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA MARGARETTE M.SMITH WINCHESTER. VIRGINIA TRACY A SPERO NORFOLK. VIRGINIA ~1~~~ \ ~,-; : , _ ~`N ~, ' ,.,.J ~? ~~~~~ ~ ~®~~~~~y~A~.~~1 ~f ~~~~~~~~ Commission for the Arts JAMES MONROE BUILDING 101 N. 14th ST. -17th FLOOR RICHMOND, V%RGINIA 23214-3641 ELEPHONE (80d) 2i 9 $$S2 June 3, ~... - ~I PEGGY J. BAGGETT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Roanoke County p, 0. BOX 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Reference I.D.~~ 89-241 -' Local Government Challenge Grant - $5,000.00 Dear Mr. Hodge: Leasure to inform you that the Virginia Commission for the It is a p rant of $5,000.00 in the Local Arts has awarded your organization a g Government Challenge Grant category. lication indicated your agreement to the Your signature on the app lication form. Any changes grant terms which were attached to the aPPour application must be in the activities or budget described in y eX ect payment approved in advansebbytheedatesllistedsbelow. You may P of the grant fund y $4,250.00 $750.00 August 15, 1988 Upon receipt of final report ~- y June 3, 1988 Page Two our contribution in making quality rateful for y inia. Please accept The Commission is g arts activities availaou~econtinuedlsuccess f ~ rg our best wishes for y Sincerely, p~~ 9 ~ '~° Peggy J• Baggett Executive Director Enclosure our local p,g, Please send us writTOPr ationcfor 1988a89yhas been government arts aPP board. Payment on the approved by your governing rant cannot be released without this information g ust 1. by Aug ACTION NUMBER A61488-6 ITEM NUMBER ~-~ AT A REGULAR HELDIAT OTHETROANOKEDCOUNTYPADMINOISTRATIONANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CENTER. MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Contract for Employee Health Insurance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMEpN,~TS : ,/ ~~,~ ~~,~ G~ ~ ~t~ ~,vcd bG G~~ ~Q-c~ ~i`~i ~~~ .~-~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ BACKGROUND The County Staff annually reviews employee health insurance coverage and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the level of benefits and premium amounts paid by employees and the County. The County's current contract with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Virginia expires June 30, 1988, and proposals have been received for coverage beginning July 1, 1988. In the development of alternative funding and benefit levels, proposals were solicited for minimum premium and fully insured options with full service, comprehensive major medical, high option and low option alternatives. The County also requested proposal alternatives for a dental and prescription drug program as separate benefits. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The County received four proposals for health insurance coverage and two separate proposals for dental coverage. A committee composed of D. K. Cook (Human Resources), Diane Hyatt (Finance), Bonnie Preas (Procurement), John Chambliss ~~ to ee Advisory Committee) and Lee Linkous (EmP Y ro osal (Human Services)'the County Administrator to develop P P s and make recommendatiinsl;n1g881th care coverag was appointed by The committee specification eriod beginning Ju y for the contract p endent health insurasis of also used tie services of an in ep o assist with specificaWhich wouldhbeamost cost consultant the company proposals in selecting employees. The committee seleinea and offered by Blue Cross aCo~ luy Shield of Virg effective for the County an as the best proposals proposals Insurance P American Generanformal meetings were held with these two firms received, and In meeting with the two final regarding their proposals. contract coming s an initial recommendash~eldaforathetupt covera award of proposer , remain with Blue Cross and Bluethe committee recommende In period. After further review, Insurance Company. Group the committee, the current level of the contract to American General d with the exception of an both proposals cenwouldebebmaintaine ro ram employee coverag card benefit and tresdription drug card added prescription drug The p urchase funding constraints. to ees to P deleted due to employees would a11oWi~hPpayment in full after benefit for counts including insulin, prescription drug - rescription for brand name aid for each P eneric drugs. Under this e 0 a $6 deductible is P aid for g drugs and $4 deductible is p all employees would rece~ionaf identification car s filled. The committee is of program a rescrip presented when having P valued addition toloheesoto Purchase the opinion this would be a health insurance program which wouldeduc d raPeSywithout meeting prescription drugs at considerably the insurance plan deductible. contributes $42 Per month toward health The County currently to ees and the committee further ible emP Y to ees be restricted to insurance costs for e142 benefit for emp Y e only. Employees recommended that the $ Insurance coverag the American General Group roved by the county if rently allowed to use th~ion2appnefit for anot er• There are cur a roll deduc the employee medically related P Y e is not desired by to ees utilizing this benefit for health insurance c100rcounty emP Y roved by the are approximately a roll deduction aPP related P Y 100 employees not utilizing the another medically roximately county. For the app e funds in the amount o county's primary hospitalization cover000 per year could be roximately $50- remium costs. $4200 per month or app ro ram to reduce p utilized in the health insurance P g orated in the osts savings have been in~~uhas beenhencorprnates These c 46,0 as it is proposed presented and an estimated $ to ee cost; laced into rate reductions to °fbenefiterestriction wouldloeees notice of that the $42 monthly1988~ in order to give emp Y effect on August 1, 42 er month contributionyear Funds for the $ P Fiscal this change. li ible employees are included in the 1988_8 e g Budget. 2 There could be additional cost sreness and participation inethe county by increased employee awa lan, employees are county sponsored Beneflex Plan. Under thisthe payment of allowed to increase their take home Pay enses with pre-tax insurance premiums and other medical exp dollars under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. The roved by the County in 1987. Beneflex Plan was app A comparison of alternatives based on proposals received Insurance Company and Blue Cross and from American General Group resented as follows• t3lue Shield of Virginia is p ted Increase Estima End Employee County SuQ~1 Cost To Employee ~----- Emp~loYee Year Deficit $ 5 0, 0 0 0 Rate _ CUR- RENT $ 48.00 $42.00 $ 6.00 $ Single 124,66 42.00 82.66 Family BLUE CROSS FULLY FUNDED $ 42.00 $ 26.30 $ 20.30 $ 0 $ 68.30 Single 170.76 42.00 128,76 46.10 Family $219,000 BLUE CROSS LOWER PAYMENT $ 42.00 $ 15.07 $ 9.07 $ 57.07 Single 142.68 42.00 100.68 18.02 Family AMERICAN $ 0 GENERAL FULLY FUNDED $ 26.96 $ $ 20.96 $ 68.96 Single 172.40 42.00 130.40 47.74 Family AMERICAN $103,909 GENERAL LOWER PAYMENT $ 42.00 $ 15.07 $ 9.07 57.07 Single $ 142.68 42.00 100.68 18.02 Family The committee appointed to review health insurance coverage mmended that an award of contrac~dbofmcontractmtolAmericanral reco In the awa Group Insurance Company. employees will be eligible for the General, all Roanoke County e at the initial enrollment to American Genera~henmonthcofcJuneaf or a July 1, 1988, effective be held during eriod. Those employees eeriodsg date, will not serve a waiting P to enroll after July 1, 1988 will be subject to waiting P The following information is presented with regard to ro osals of American General Group Insurance comparing the p P Company and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Virginia. 3 ~' _ J ~,merican General Grou Insurance Com an ~ arty ro osal, a third p Insurance p P third party In the American General Grou The utilization °f Insurance proposal General Grou administrator is utilized. to ees administrator under the Americanfor county st ' idual and personal seraffe fClaims will be will provide more indly orting local in addition to better repuestions will be answered by paid locally and claims q representatives. orting ro osal also provides better r~laims The American General P pclaims reports and monthly services, such as weekly analysis on plan utilization. resents third party administraBlueaCross and Blue The utilization of a employees. County certain disadvantages over the traditiona offered to county Shield of ue Shield plan currently rocedures. With American General em loyees are familiar claimslpe Cross and de claims forms to P es and rove Blue Virginia coverag uired to p coverage, employees `''gill be req In most instances wltrovide roviders. uired to p physicians and medical Phe employ0e is not req an does Cross and Blue Shield, Insuranceai~hPough usual, The American GeneratingophYsicians, claim forms. articip aid. not have c andrreasonablepcharges will be p customary Insurance Company offers and it's employees, as the The proposal of AmeSi~onthenCountyroup ear is less than the considerable saving at the end of the contrac total liability ro osal of Blue Cross/an financial liability presented in the p P Blue Shield of Virginia. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vir inia: ro osal, the inia P P osed to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Virg as oPP In the arrangement is continued, traditional funding American General Gu°rpes third party administrator utilized by Blue Cross om any. The payment ofecareasbynd claims inq Insurance C P Roanok will be handled outside the Virginia. representatives in Richmond, inia plan offers the Blue Shield of Virg roviders The Blue Cross and orting physicians in which medical p advantage of particip customary and reasonable charThe Blue t the usual, inia. agree to accep e in the claims tablished by Blue Crossnaaasolofferseaa advantaAdditionally es roviders. Cross and Blue Shield Pmost medical p glue Shield forms acceptance among co y to ees are familiar with Blue Cross a rocedures. unt emp Y change to another carrier es and claims procedures. Any coverag to ee to become familiar with new P will require the emp Y 4 inia is ro osal of Blue Cnsss and Blue Shield of Virg the end of the The p P ive than the proposal of American General considerably more expe Insurance Company, as the total liability a resented in Group contract year is more thaGeneraliGroupalnsurancetCompany. the proposal of American STAFF RECOMMENDATION: t lan Staf f of American for county follows: Employee Ra_ t~ County S $ 42.00 42.00 Cost To Emp~loy_ee $ 15.07 100.68 Increase To Emyoyee $ 9.07 18.02 Single $ 57.07 Family 142.68 It is further paid by the County Insurance Coverage the $42 benefit for employees the American General Group August 1, 1988. recommended that be restricted to only, effective Staff also recommends authorized to execute the award to American General the county. SUBMITTED BY: that the County Administrator be necessary documents to eonebehalfs Group Insurance Company p, F(. Cook f Human Resources of APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Director o ________________ ______ -------------- ---- - VOTE FOR BOTH MOTIONS --- ACTION No yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/ x Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw to re'ect Garrett x Johnson Received ( ) staff recommendation. McGraw x Referred Harr C. Nickens/Steven p'• Nickens x To__ McGraw a rove BCBS lower pa ment and that alternate Robers x ---- insurance plans continue for employees not in BCBS. cc: File Keith Cook Assistant County Administra5ors Diane Hyatt Bonnie Preas Lee Linkous recommends changing to the lower paymen P Insurance Company. The rate structure General Group lan will be as employees under the American General p ACTION # A61488-7 ITEM NUMBER C _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OTHEHROANOKE oOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Street Lights COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND the past year, Roanoke County staff has reviewed During rading existing street lights. with APCO the possibility of upg from Robert Glenn, Jr., The attached letter dated April 27, 1988, is a broad outline of tressure sodiumnversion of mercury vapor street lighting to high p Staff concurs in theiercuromvaportwithw9t500hlumen phigh of replacement of 3,500 lumen m Y pressure sodium. Our reasons include: 1. 3,500 lumen mercury vapor are generally located in residential neighborhoods. a, They may not meet present day warrants. b, Three fold increase in lighting may be offensive to residents. 2. 3,500 lumen mercury vapor is largest category of street light and recommended replacement program would result in 30 - 35~ increase in monthly charge. (See tabulation on next page.) The significant reduction in the monthly rental rates for for the period from July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1990 street lighting was achieved during the negotiations of the electric powe contracts between VML, VACO and APCO. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION High Pressure sodium street lighting provides the best lighting for the cost. In addition, uniformity in lighting is desirable. Therefore, high pressure sodium has been established as the direction for lighting in Roanoke County. C.!~ ears is less The monthly rate structure for tthise is toot always the for each light size and type; but, ion for the replacement light size and type as shown below: situat REPLACEMENT EXI-- S-~G Rate Rate Light Light 4,g(/mo 4.05/mo 5,800 HPS 5,47/mo 3,500 MV 9,500 HPS 9,500 HPS 5.47/mo 7,000 MV 5.71/mo 22,000 HPS 7.20/mo 21,000 MV 8.19/mo rental rate for a street light includes the The monthly cost. lectric power cost plus the amortization of h hressurelsodium is e vapor to hig p cost at each The conversion cost from mercury facility the payment to APCO for the remaining each street location. Therefore, the actual cost of converting om mercury vapor to high pressure sodium is based on the light fr facility. remaining life cost of the existing the 3,500 lumen mercury vapor street lights Presently, or re laced when they fail or a demonstrated need for incrVape are p there is no lighting can be shown. ilabletfor3replacementmercur fixtures are no longer ava conversion cost for these changes. FISCAL IMPACT hts, Due to reduction of monthly billing for street lig FY 87-88 hts, and "aid to construction" durinht budget on new street lig approximately $20,000 will remain in the Street Lig 1988. It is anticipated thatefo$ FY 88-89 and FY 89-9 n 12,000 and $15,000 would June 30, et amount) betwe (assuming same budg ear. The total of these funds remain at the end of each fiscal y h ressure 000 to $50,000) could be utrcuredvaPoruto hig ePtimate ($44, $38,694.47h~snversion cost from me sodium lig ALTERNATIVES Alternative l: lacing 3,500 lumen Continue the present practice of rep 8000 lumen/ a0nd 21,000 lumen mercury vapor lights with lace the57-0 pressure sodium lights. Rep va or lights with 9,500 lumecnt awath2APC0 for nthese mercury P hts . Contra riority for pressure sodium lig hest p replacements within available funds with the hig 2 ~r ~" along high traffic volume roads. 21,000 lumen lights and lighting ht Funds to be encumbered Authorize remaining FY 87-88 Street Lig ro ram. for paying a portion of the change-out p g Alternative 2: ht change-out program of all Proceed with a street lig FY 87_88 Street Light mercury vapor lights. Authorize remaining be encumbered for paying a portion of the change-out Funds to program. Alternative 3: h t p r o g r a m w i t h the present street lig or Continue at the time of fixture failure, replacement of fixture only need. STAFF RECOMMENDATION ervisors Administrator to Staf f would recom uthori Bathe Co B tyrd °f up monthly approve Alternative 1, and a execute a contract with beCOSealin thelmostoefficient street street light savings to light replacement program. p,pPROVED BY SUBMITTED BY: er C. Hodge k~~~ Elm ator Phillip Henry, •E• County Administr Director of Engineering ------------------------ VOTE ------------------------ACTION ------ No Yes Abs Harry C. Nickens ven x Approved (x) Motion by: Garrett x - Denied ( ) A. McGraw to a rove Alterna 1 Johnson x - Received ( ) #1 McGraw - Referred Nickens -~L_ Robers _~ To cc: File Phillip Henry John Hubbard Diane Hyatt Reta Busher Paul Mahoney Appalachian Power Company PO Box 2021 Roanoke, VA 24022-2121 703 985 2300 April 27, 1988 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P. O. Box 3800 Roanoke, VA 24015 Dear Elmer, n.~~~n ApppLACH1AN POWER This letter follows our March 23, 1988 meeting regarding the new Public Authority Rates, the new Street Lighting Rates and, in particular, the conversion of the County's mercury vapor street lighting system to high pressure sodium. As you requested, we have developed the savings and the cost figures relative to the conversion. The total cost to the County for the conversion is $38,694.47, calculated for an effective date of December 1, 1988. As we discussed, you could cover this cost from the savings realized during the recent rate reductions -- approximately $236,000 in annual savings on your Public Authority accounts and approxi- mately $12,000 in annual savings on your Street Lighting account. Attached is a listing of the number and size of existing mercury vapor lights along with our recommendations for conversion to high pressure sodium. Also, attached are our new Street Lighting Rates. It appears the time is right to move into a street lighting conversion project in the County. You will be very pleased with the improved lighting level and costs per lumen. Please call me at your earliest convenience and let's complete the contract. Sincerely, r' Rob t Glenn, Jr. Marke ing & Customer Services Manager bbe Attachments ~-- (P~ County of Roanoke Street Lighting Conversion TltimhPY of Lights Mercury Vapor to High Pressure Sodium Present Size - Mercury Vapor (lumens) Proposed Size - HPS (lumens) 535 420 155 3,500 7,000 21,000 9,500 9,500 22,000 4/27/88 APPALACHIAN POWER CO:~:PANY Page 1 0_` 2 L.., Virginia - Street Lighting Rates AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Available for lighting service sold for the lighting of public streets, public highways and other public outdoor areas in municipalities and political subdivisions where such service can be supplied from the existing general distribution system. MONTHLY RATE A. Overhead Service on Existin Secondary Distribution Facilities From 07/01/87 From 01/01/88 Cost of Facilities To 12/31/87 To 06/30/90 Included in Rate amp amp ~ ~ 1. Mercury Vapor 3,500 Lumen 4.05 4.05 ---' 500 lumen The 3 luminaire is no longer available for , replacement or for additional installations. 2. Mercury_ Vapor 21 6 5.71 234.00 7,000 Lumen . 7 03 6.46 263.00 11,000 Lumen 8 92 8 19 274.00 21,000 Lumen 41 15 14.17 414.00 58,000 Lumen . . 3. High Pressure Sodium 5,800 Lumen 9,500 Lumen 16,000 Lumen 22,000 Lumen 50,000 Lumen . 5.41 5 95 6.49 7 84 10 27 4.96 5 47 5.97 7 20 9 44 262.00 235.00 236.00 285.00 319.00 B. Service on Special COmDanV ores, or Woo ores erve Owned Standard Metal, Concrete, from n ererouna istri5ut~on or Ornamental 1. Mercury Vapor 7,000 Lumen 11,000 Lumen 21,000 Lumen 58,000 Lumen . 13.24 15.13 17.02 24.33 12.17 13.92 15.65 22.36 647.00 733.00 744.00 932.00 2. Mercury Vapor Post Top 7,000 Lumen . 5.95 5.46 311.00 iffh Pressure Sodium 3. H _ 5,800 Lumen 9,500 Lumen 16,000 Lumen 22,000 Lumen 50,000 Lumen . 12.44 12.97 14.60 15.94 19.19 11.44 11.93 13.43 14.66 17.63 675.00 648.00 706.00 755.00 837.00 4. Hi h Pressure Sodium Post op 9,500 Lumen . 5.68 5.22 303.00 Effective: July 1, 1987 Issued: January 26, 1988 Issued By John W. Vaughan, President Roanoke, Virginia Page 2 of 2 APPALACHIAN PO:v~R COMPANY Virginia - Street Lighting Rates ~' c„~./ SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS P 's making an The above rates under Sections A and B are based on the om an acent to the rfrom investment in new standard facilities in the amount as shown adJ including costs for seaidcto the When the investment in new standard facilities, redescribed amount, the difference will be p underground, exceeds the p Company by the Customer as a Contribution in Aid of Construction. oles are not included in the Decorative and other non-standard fixtures and or p rate but may be installed at the Company's option. For standard street lighting the Company will install and maintain the new installations of more than 50 decorative or nonstanda ad sta dardsstreetelight facilities by a single customer, nonstandard facilities subject to the monthly charges fo of equivalent wattage in etween the inst aB1 d costaof theJnonstanda_de facilities recovering the dif~erence b and the Cost of Facilities included in the rates in Sections A and B above. e o1es, fixtures and lamps which customer agrees to maintain a stock of replacemen i P h replacements. Charges and fixtures the Company will acquire, as needed to accomp provisions of servic sub ectetolind vidual negotiationshan 50 nonstandard and/or poles will be J the Company Customers may request Vaaorelightsg M Where such ralreque b Cest bleepschedule afor by High Pressure Sodium P Va or street and the customer will identify an orderly and mutual y such changes will be accomplishin o be replac d with vSodium Vapor rstree5001ights, Mercury P lights are rees to pay to the made, pursuant to an ag Va or cstreet~ lightsch the custormerusag mer. For conversion of all other Mercury P an amount equal *o the remo orl fac lities4being Company, prior to such conversion, removed have street light plus. the remaining unused life of the _4rcury Vap removed. lied for Zp Y nces where the Mercury Vauor facilities being ears or longer, there will be no charge for the remaining been insta unused life of the facilities being remove . Existing street lighting facilities served on special Company owned metal, concrete, or ornamental poles, and wood poles served from underground distribution will be billed under the rates contained in Section B• etc., will be Service to Customer owned facilities, such as bridge lighting, billed under the rates contained in Section A. Effective: July 1, 1987 Issued: January 26, 1988 Issued By John W. Vaughan, President Roanoke, Virginia MATION FOR BOARD REPORT ITEM NUMBER 8 7 ADDITIONAL INFOR A61488 ACTION # { ~.. ~~ /~ ~ ITEM NUMBER ~ !`-- G OF THE BOARD OF SUPEKADMINISTRp,TION oENTER AT A REGULAR MEETIN NTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNT COU June 14, 1988 osal MEETING DATE: for the Cleanup of Disp Appropriation of Funds Caverns Landfill AGENDA ITEM; Areas Adjacent to the Dixie COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: INFORMATION : b i d s from SUMMARY OF Olver, Inc., received and Contractor, Staff reviewed The Engineer/ at 12:00 noon. esterda the Engineer and negotiated the Phase II subcontractors Y with evaluated the bids Inc. contract price with Olver, The total project costs are as follows: Phase I and II - Sludge, Drums, Fly Ash $ 65,000 lan, testing, design 35,000 Engineering, work p al counsel 5,000 Professional services for leg ntation facilities 15,000 Land purchase Building roads, erosion/sedime phase III Sludge & Drum Area Only $ 100,000 e disposal area 120,000 Cleanup of sludg osal area 12,000 Cleanup of drum disp cleanup 5,000 Security at site during cleanup 100,000 Photographic serviemena/testing Construction manag $ 457,000 letion of Sludge & Drums Subtotal for Comp phase III Slag/F1Y Ash (Dust) Area Only $ 175,000 70,000 Cleanup of dust area 200 000 Treatment 175,000 Chemicals 25,000 Monofill construcandngrading 20,000 Purchase of clay ement/testing Construction manag $ h65,000 Subtotal for Slag/F1Y Ash Only $1,122.000 TOTAL REMOVAL PROJECT COST uired by The total project cost is fEnvironmental Protection Agency the Consent Order with the U. S• laced on the National (EPA). If the Dixie Caverns site is P or if EPA requires a as a Superfund site, be done at the Priority List (NPL) Feasibility Study (RI/FSuired for that Remedial Investigation/ site, significant additional funds will be req inia ' Tonal project. The above totble requiaedsbyothe V arg any addit funds to accomplish work which may Waste Division or the State sa~Pr~~Control Board to effec Solid an eventual "closure of the landfil ro ects. The roject cost is divided ana°umwareatland the other is P of the sludge an ash (dust) area. The two sub-projects are One is the cleanup for the slag/fl because one major party has been identifi e and listed separately the material in the sludg the owner of the dust; whereas, m areas may have many owners which to date have not een dru identified . ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Alternative 1: roceed with Appropriate funds in the amount of $45ac00onaforp the sludge the project to complete the removal/continue to negotiate with the and drum area. At the same time, work will continue to r of the slag/fly ash (dust) ddition, to obtain funds to owne complete its removal action. n a ' entif other responsible parties for the sludge and drum area id Y to obtain repayment for the removal action. Alternative 2: Appropriate funds in the with the project to complete areas. amount of $1,122,000 and proceed the removal action for all three STAFF RECOMMENDATION: otiate with the To provide further opportunities to neg royal fl ash (dust), staff recommends aPP generator of the slag/ Y ro riation of $457,000 is recommended of Alternative 1. The apP P funds• by the transfer of the following $214,539 In the 1988-89 budget for Dixie Caverns Remaining funds from 1987-88 Potential Litigation 125,000 Savings within the 1987 88 Lease/Purchase Fund 78,872 Balance from the 1987-88 Bond Contingency $45_._------ SUBMITTED BY: C 1 r D, Craig p,ppROVED E mer C. Ho e County Administrator Uti ity Director -------------_---------- ______ ___------~--___ VOTE ------------____---- p,CTION No Yes Abs Motion by: HaYY~~ ~' r~;~kPnslBob - x Garrett x Approved (x) Johnson Denied ( ) L. Johnson to acc x Phase I & I con ~ McGraw _ x Received ( ) Nickens Referred ne otiations on - - x Robers to cc: File Cliff Craig John Hubbard Reta Busher Diane Hyatt ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ / AT A REGULAR MHELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Appropriation of funds for the cleanup of dump areas adjacent to the Dixie Caverns Landfill COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: In November, 1987, the Board of Supervisors authorized a contract with Olver, Inc., to be the consultant (contractor) for the Dixie Caverns Landfill project. The contract was awarded to Olver, Inc, with three phases. The contract price for Phase III, the actual removal work, was to be established after Olver, Inc., received competitive bids from sub-contractors that would do the removal action. Olver, Inc.- wil8 at 12100 noopeteStaff willoevaluate othe action on June 13, 198 - bids and inform the board members of their recommendations prior to the June 14th board meeting. Staff has negotiated the Phase III contract amount with Olver, Inc., and has established the project budget. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The budget amounts for the Olver, Inc., contract are as follows: Phase I: Testing and work plan approval $20,000 Phase II: Detailed testing and contract documents $55,000 Phase III: The actual amount of the Phase III contract work will be determined afteandewilltbefpresentedratlthe~BoardcMeeting bids on June 13, 1988, Other Project Items: Purchase of adjoining land $5,000 Professional services for legal counsel $35,000 Professional services for RI/FS Engineering $25,000 ~~ n a propriation of funds isro eed with Phasemlll of the A P project budget amount in ordere~o well be presented at the Board contract. The project budg Meeting. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: resented at the Alternatives and a recommendation will be Pstaff of th e after receipt and review by Board Meeting and proposals from other sub-contract bids, acquisition of land, potentially responsible parties. SUBMITTED BY: Cliffo Craig, Utility Director APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------- VOTE ----------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens to - Robers 2 ACTION NUMBER A-61488-15 ITEM NUMBER ~ AT A REGULAR MEELDNATOTHEHROANO E OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATION OCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H rtF'ETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of an Implementation Policy for the Classification Plan for fiscal year 1988-89 UNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On May 10, 1988, the Board of Supervisors approved the Employee Classification Plan for 1988/89, which also included changes as a result of the market survey conducted by the Department of Human Resources. This plan becomes effective July 1, 1988. During implementation it was pointed out that the market survey moved some job classifications into a higher grade and approximately 45 employees would be negatively impacted by the movement. Shorter service employees would move to a higher step with a higher salary than those who have been employed with the County for several years. The County recognized that it would be unfair to move shorter service employees to a salary step beyond that of longer service employees in the same grade. Therefore, staff recommends that the Classification Plan be implemented as follows: 1. The Pay Plan previously presented to the Board of Supervisors for fiscal year 1988-89 will be effective on July 1, 1988 as adopted on May 10, 1988. 2, Those employees who will receive an increase as a result of the 1988/89 pay plan changes will receive this increase on their regular anniversary date. 4. Employees hired after July 1, 1988 will be hired one step below the A step of the 1988-89 Classification Plan unless specifically requested by the department head based on experience and qualification for the job. ymh~c RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that treviouslyoadopted ClassificationePlan as implementation of the p outlined above. Elmer C. odge County Administrator ___ ---------------------- VOTE ACTION Richard Yes No Abs Approved (~ Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/ x Denied ( ) Robers to authorize the County Garrett x Received ( ) Administrator to work out those Johnson x Referred differences in the lan such that itMcGraw x does not adversely affect employeesNickens x To: Robers cc: File Keith Cook Assistant County Administrators ACTION NUMBER TABLED ITEM NUMBER L=- `" AT A REGULAR MEELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRp,TIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Proceed with Landfill Siting COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND The need for a new landfill for Roanoke County, Vinton and Roanoke City is well established. In recent months, potential sites have been identified, ranked, and meetingsroach boesolidd with the neighborhoods involved. A regional app waste disposal is encouraged by the state and makes the project more feasible for all participating localities. Roanoke City provides the County with water and is the site of the present sewage treatment plant. In turn, the County is the location of the present landfill, and is logically the location for the new one. A landfill is a necessity, with or without recycling and waste- to-energy. There are items that cannot be disposed of by either of these methods, and there must be a place for theermitaingoand the incineration process. The process of siting, p constructing a landfill is a lengthy one. This process began almost two years ago and will require anothroval processsthe make the landfill operational. Early in the app County Planning Commission will conduct a 456 review on the one or two most likely sites. The final decision on any site will be made by the Board of Supervisors. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Right of Entrv: There are presently four sites in Roanoke County under consideration: Mt. Pleasant, Clearbrook, Fort Lewis/Glenvar area, and Fort Lewis/Bradshaw Road area. The owners of the Clearbrook site have given permissionwithhsoiltsamplesfand onard take the next step - that of testing site reviews. The owners of the other three sites have declined requests to have the property tested and have instead asked that ou~uuoo°~ o~ TT?3PuET Mau auk ~I • o?33EZ~ PasEaz~u? a~EEUZ as TT?M s~uauzanozdui? pEO~3 - 3o uo?~EZado o~ zo?zd aP . ~~ZTTC(TSSOd aM ~O LIOT~ELLTLUE~uOO snap?suoo ~uauzabEUEy1 o s z uo?~onz~suoo o~ zo?zd ~ as ~ua~~zEdaa a~E~S eq~ 3. zM za~EM o?Tana - a~sEM 30 ~ auzuz? aq~ o~ papua~xa as TT . sEazE a~E?P aM 3? ~ as o~ ATaxzT azE ~~zadozd zo sTT •pa~oa33 uE saxE~ u? suo?~onpaz ubnozu~ sasEu~znd ~ubTZ~no u? P pa~ESUaduzoo as TT?M pa~oEduz? Tan?~Ebau azE ~Eu zozn a~E?Palutu? auk u? asou~ PuE sa?~zadozd ~uaoECp~i - ~~?u. az apnTou? •sasuadxa uo?~EOOTaz pa~ET z uET auk zO3 pasEuoznd sa?~zadozd AEUZ s?uy 'TT,3P a~ESUaduzoo as TT?M szauMOpuEZ - zo3 ao?zd z?E3 ~ ~~ P •a~?s auk 3o uo?~oaTas 'LE a o?3?Dads • aut?~ s?q~ ~~ butMOTTo3 ono paxzoM as pTnoM sT. ~ P zsuoa TEZauab bu?MOTTo3 auk ~ a~dopE as pTnous suo?~,EZap, au?uzza~aP pzEOg auk a P o azn~EU TEnp?n?pu? auk ~a P auk ~pa~oaTas aQ?s auk 3 a~EZado puE pa~onz~suoo TM suo?Q?puO° autos ubnou~T~Z pnb 3o abE~(oEd ~ doTanap aq TT, ~ oTuM zapun sau?TaP. ~sEu pzEOS as TT?M TT?3PuET u a sE 'suo?sEOOO TEZanas uo o~ pzEOg TT?3PuE~ auk P x as aq~ o~ zo?zd bu?puE~szapun toads ~ 3o uo?~oaT oa~ozd auy •aQis °?3. oo zoaub?au aqQ a.na Quauzuoz?nua au~ ~ b?sun o za3azd sP u oo~szapun s? ~I 'ssau?T~ti uE anEu. Q TM sda~s ~Eu~ P ~ Ez~ pasEazou? oQ uaxE~ as TT . isaz O~ 1~~?uzTXOZd o?33 buTpzEbaz TEZauab puE sEazE TE?~uaP. ~ En ~~,~adozd pazaMOT zunuzuzoo au~ buTZna suia~s~Is za~EM oQ an~u suzaouo nT sbu?~aaui ~~ . a ~Izana puE passazdxa uaaa uassaT o~ apEUZ aq ~.snui ~zo33 • EazE auk uo ~,°Edui? auk E o uo?~EOOT auy an?~dnzstp ~Izan s? poouzoc{~ib?au 1~uE u? TT?3puET 3 :suo?~EZap?suo Poouzoau ?aN .znooo saop zM zEOg TT?3puEZ aLt~ Qnq pa~Ed?o?puE z szaureo a~ESUaduroo TT . P sa duzES T?os auk a}[E~ ~ zadozd T s?tT~ 3. bu?znp abEUZEp ~ o uo?~oaTas auk u? ~.ou s? bu?~sa~ Eozuuoa~oab pa?3?TEnb E 3 ~szauMOpuET o~ uiz?3 auk) ~.zadxa T uaunuoaaz zau~zn3 I E sad?s aQEdzoi~zEd o~ PaxsE as 1~au~ ~Eu~ P aounouuE ~pEazT E~daooE azoui s~u~ axn~ouoo a PuE 1~Tnr 30 ~sz?3 auk auk o~ aTa o pua auk a P P T oo ~q a~.?s auk zo3 ~Tnr 3 •sbu?zOa Ttos bu?~oaTT ~a u?baq pTnous ssaoozd u~uynsuoo auk san?b ~Eu~ ssaoozd TEbaT o ACTT?C(E auk ~ ~T o dub?z u~TM paaoozd uoEa ~sa~ ~ zau~o auk o~ ~z~ua 3 buT~sanbaz E s? s?uy • sad?s aaztj~ o zEOS auk ~Eu~ a Eu-ruiiTa o~ 33E~s auk azTZOu~nE szos?nzadns 3 P -rsuoo uzoz3 P ~ ~suosEaz asau~ zo3 'u°?~EZap, zonE uzE I o aauEazn~s?p ~zESSaoauun p, as uEO ~Eu~ sa?~?unuzuroo asoTS 3oEa uo apEUi aq pTnous suo?s?Dap issod sE ~Txo?nb sE a~. u zEaTo auiooaa osTE sEu ~I o~ aTa. ,sbu?~aauz A~?uniuuzoo aun us?sap?s TTE 'spoouzoqub?au TTE ~Eu~ a En Ena as PT noM sad?s TTE • tIEM al1IES auk P •~zauuEUZ aUIES aiZ~ u? par,ia?na.z aC{ PT Eoaz o~ ssauzTE3 uIt uEZ u~ u~TM apEUi sEM ~uauzaazbE ~EZadozdTz?auk ~Eu~ pzeoS TT . 3P a anouzaz aq ~ ~IEUi pzEOg auy • uo?~EZap?suoo uioz3 P auz TTa '~~unoo ~au~ou~ o an~u TT?N' dzus~aquI oo~saapun aq TT~M ~I •pa~~T~obaua~ aq zs ~n~o~ auk ~z ~~u~ P n o~ Pa~~anuoo aq ut sz uasouo a~ . uz pze o~ dzus~aquuauu TT ~ u~ ~~T~ oa as auk uo~uzn ~o ucnoS, aus P •ssaoo.zd uoz~ T uasa~d auk ~~u~ ( a gut Mou uo?~?sod ozo?~~o-xa ~ o ~sanba~ szu~ xa~nss~ saz~zT~ooT buz~~d~o~~~~d auk .~ a~{oueoZi) ~ aq PTnoM su.zaouO°sseoo.zd~uoz ~o?Tdd~ noes p~toS aus 'Passa~pP oou.zoqubzau aus ~o auo auk pT a~ouz aq uau~ pTnoM sP oo ~oqubzau oM~ buaT auk ~o~ uasouo sP u z u~T Mau ~ buz~zs ~zuz,zad Auk Woo s~aqu~au~ rnau aus ' TT . 3P • ~sanba.z uzo~~ pa~uzodd~ aq PT n dTau aq pTnoM ~aquzaut P~zu~ ~ T u2Z o~ T ~ ou saop ~z ~~u~ p~~og TT.~P ~o ssaoo~d auk n~ au=k an~u ~ •.zaqu¢aua ~I~uno~ p~Tu~ sTu~ ~u~ab o~ 1~~T~ou~ ~ uno~ aus z~oS aus auk ~q pasinp~ uaaq Mou sett ~ o a~sanba~ sEu P ~ ~o~ uoz~~z-r~ou~na p.z~oS TT~.~pu~7 auk ~ P ,zsoS TTz~Pus2 Tsuoz~TpP`~ ~aquzaYl P T u~T auk uMOp Mots ~~M ou ui pTnous •ssaoozd TT.~P zM TaTT~~~d ut paaoo~d o ~uauzdo T anap auk ua~ . iM T T z 3pu~ T ~ ~nq TTT3PuET Mau E .~ a.zznba~ aq TTT~~ Tett~ ~.noubno~u~ pTnous buzTol~aa~ pug uo~~asa23 P~ ~uz~bK • AaTT A ua~s,zapun o~ ~u~~~oduzz s? ~. ~auzt~.u~auz auk uI ~2u~ P Woos aToAoa~ o~ s~~°.~~a uoTTTtuI pas~az°uz aq PT a~znba~ pug ~on~~suoo o~ uE ~iuzzad off. s,z~a~I g - 5 ons suozgE~adO •pTtnq P soo oq ATaxzT a~~ uoz~~.zauzouz sa unous suoisT°ap 05$ ~o sp~~Mdn ~ °z~asaa ~a~~~ ~Tuo ap~uz aq PT s~ auiz~ auz2s •pa~aTdu~oo uaaq s~ti u o ~uau~doTanap auk -~~u-c3 ' TTT~Pu~T Mau auk ~ z s sz ~I~uno~ aus ~~M~o~ buTOb o~ pa~~T~O° TT.~ u~ 'p~aoS auk ~a asau~ u~il''' P butx~orn uaaq an~u ~u2~Tnsuo~ aus Pa sL'M put •TEOb gEuq p~~MO~ •suoT~~~ado 1~b~aua o~ ~ 2~s ~i~uno~assa.zdxa sou s~osTn~adns ~o p~~oS aus TTz3Pu2'I auk uaui~zuuuzoo ~ P buzTo~Ioa~ o~ ~ ~au~ o~ a~s~M a os s~IEp 0£ uiu~tM ~~uno~ auk z ~ ~ouu~a ~~u~ sai~TTaooZ •uMO sit uo paaoo~d u~o ~~uno~ u~ o a~a no s sauTTapTnb asau~ Aq aMeu ~Iu~ ~o ~~~d ~ aq ~ tl~t~ou PT u TM saz~-rTaooZ •1~~.uno~ axoueo~ uz uot~~~ado TTz~pu~T a~inba~ aq TT. uoo asau~ ~q aPzc{~ o~ P un a~E~ado TTTM 1~au~ 3? suotgtp ou asoou° 1~au~ ~t uana ~aP a~a asau~ .a~~dt°i~~~d o~ ~suoz~~~apisuoo poou~oqubtau auk 1~quno~ axou~o~ ~~u~ •aouazuanuoouT no s,s~uauzu~anob buz~~dT°t~~2dM ~ pu2 TTT3Pu~T ~~u~ pasTnp2 aq PT u ounuoo°~ o~ ssaubuTTT . .~ ,~au~a2i auk ~o~ aTdoad a~~P un u2 sa~.a~~suou~aP ~. ~ aooT ~ 30 ~°aduzt auk ~o buzpua~s.zap sate . T E ~Iauouz ax~uz o~ ~o but~~dzEi~~Ea ua~uT you sT ~I •asuadxa ~iau~ ~ asn aq sautTaP?nb asau~ ~ u~ P P ~au~o ~uana~d o~ P •anuana~ x~~ so auk auzooaq Aau~ pTnous ~o ssoT auk ~o~ (~~,tTtooT ~ a ou~o2i o~ ~uau~as~nquuta~I - ~~-rT2ooT ~au~oua o~ moo) 1~~uno~ x ~z~uapzsa~ ubno~u~ buzTan2~~ •spoou~oqubzau T ~~~ssaoau aq ~~~ pzon~ o~ spEOa ssaooE Mau ~on,z~suoo o~ STAFF REC MMENDATION: In summary, the search for d At this time, the a new landfilervisorsuis bequested Board of Sup forwar . to: for testing of the Mount 1. Authorize right of entry pleasant, Fort Lewidssi~eSVar and the Fort Lewis/Bradshaw Roa if Roanoke City and the rewuired forothef newe 2~ Neighborhood Considerations q site. cling. and recy 3, Continue researching waste to energy and Town of Vinton the 4. Request of Roanoke City conversion of the ex-officio member to full me er status. 1 Elmer C. odge _=-_----- County Administrator-------------- ____-- VOTE ----------------------- ON Yes No Abs Approved ~) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To:_- ACTT Motion by: .~= W. Robers to ta] re ort received Board ~ C Nickens/Richard ale until rec clln Garrett Johnson from Landfill McGraw Nickens Robers X - =- _ - X_ - - cc: ITEM NUMBER _~~- / ~ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF NTYE ADMINISTRATIONNCENTER AT A RED COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE,RVANOKONCOUESDAY, DATE: June 14, 1988 MEETING III procurement Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article SUB-- Jam- ctices, concerning the Purchasing Agent and Small pra purchases . ~1~ ~- ' COMMENTS : ~ ~w-~.~~`~~ ~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S ~~ •~ _~, ~'Y ,,,tie ervisors pursuant to the Boardstemsuunder the SUMMARY OF INFORMATION and School Purchasing SY the County the consolidating rvision of the DIRECTOR OmentOPractNices Section of the supe following amendment to the Procu Code is hereby requested. County 2-11. Establishment, appointment and bond of Purchasing Section read: Agent change to S stern there is hereby created one Perate~u der the a, For the County stem to op to include th~he°DIRECTOR OFePROCUREMENT SERVICES. direction of Agent for the County of Roanoke shall be the Agent may b, The Purchasing responsibility to a DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMEN ratRveCpurchasi purchasing delegate the administ responsible subordinate as necessary. for the County of The Purchasing Agent, or his designee, c~ 1 be bonded. The form and amount of the bond shall Roanoke steal the governing body. be determined by reduction in County operational FISCAL IMPACT: Possible cost h standardization ° ontractsuandivolumefpurphase expenses throug shipment annual blanket-drop discounts. RECOMMENDATION: ordinance following SUBMITTED BY r Staff recommends approval of the attached second reading on June 28, 1988. J c Councilt D rector, Procurement Services APPROVED ~~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~--1- ~ _______ ------------------------------- VOTE --------- ACTION No Yes Abs Motion by: _____ - Garrett Approved ( ~ --` Johnson __ -- Denied ( ~ McGraW Received ( ~ _---- ----- Niskens Referred - Robers To AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THEHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT `I' 1988 t CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, / }~ t ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE II, PROCUREMENT PRACTICES, AND CHAPTER SECTION 4, PROCUREMENT 17, ARTICLE I, CODE CONCERNING THE OPERATION OF A CENTRAL UNDER COTHEETDIRECTION R OFASTHE SYSTEM DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES WHEREAS, Section 15.1-117 (12) of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, provides that the County Administrator shall I ent for the County; and pct as purchasing ag WHEREAS, Section 15.1-127 of the Code of Virginia, overning body of any county 1950, as amended, directs that the g a count administrator is authorized to provide for the having Y of all supplies, equipment, etitive purchasing centralized comp and officers, materials, and commodities for all departments, em loyees of the county, including the County School Board; and - p WHEREAS, Chapter 17, Article I, Section 4, of the Roa stem created; purchasing poke County Code entitled Purchasin sV a ent enerall and Chapter 2, Article II, Section 11 entitled Establishment a ointment and bond of urchasin a ent provides erate urchasing system for the County to op for the creation of a p under the direction and supervision of the County Administrator, who shall be the purchasing agent for the County. The purchasing a ent may delegate the administrative purchasing responsibility 9 to a responsible subordinate upon approval of the Board of Super visors. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir inia, on March 12, 1985, enacted Ordinance #85-33 amending g 1 Procurement Practices, concerning the pur- Chapter 2, Article II, urchases; and chasing agent and small p WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, inia on September 24, 1985, enacted Ordinance #85-161 amend- Virg ~ procurement ing and revising the Roanoke County Code Chapter 17' .stration, and Chapter 2, Or anizational structure of count admini 'n the Department of Procurement under the supervision of place g the County Administrator, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, 'r inia, hereby amends the above-referenced ordinances upon the Vi g passage of these amendments; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on June 14, 1988, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 28, 1988. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- Virginia, as follows: sors of Roanoke County, 1, That Chapter 2, Administration of the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: Establishment, appointment, and bond of purchasing Sec. 2-11. agent. there is hereby created a purchasing a) For the county ervision of the system to operate under the direction and sup county administrator. b) The purchasing agent for the county shall be the urchasing agent may delegate the county administrator. The p administrative purchasing reep°ovebning lbody ~ a responsible su - ordinate upon approval of th g c) The purchasing agent, or his designee, for the unt shall be bonded. The form and amount of the bond shall be co Y overning body. determined by the g _ d) The urchasin a entincludind the o erathonaoflthe trative urchasin res onsibilit 2 e ui ment ma`r- of all su lies and em to - urchasin s stem officers to the centralized all de artments school board ials and commodities ri ludin the count ~_,,,, / ees of the count / director of rocurement services. of the Roanoke That Chapter 17, Procurement Code, 2. County Code be amended as follows urchasing agent general- Purchasing system created; p Sec. 17-4' ly. urchasing system for the created a p and supervision of a) There is pert e direction a ent for the to operate under the purchasing g county who shall be delegate the administrative county administrator, a ent maY subordinate, upon county. The purchasing g responsible a ent and responsibility s pervisors. The P thehform and amount purchasing approval of the board of ervisors. h designated subordinate th~lboard of dsup suc determined y of bond to be a ent hereb dele ates the adminis- b) The urchasin includin the o eration °matee- urchasin res onsibilit lies e ui ment ees of trative system of all su and employ urchasin~l officers centralized p and commodities for de artments ials the count school board to the director o the count includin rocurement services. on this ordinance was held 3, That the first reading econd reading on this ordinance was held on June 14, 1988; the s on June 28, 1988• full force and 4. That this ordinance shall be in effect from and after July 1, 1988• 3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER NG OF THE BOARD OF SUYEADMINISTRATRO~OENTER AT A REGULAR MEETI COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUN MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 dment to Premium Refuse Collection Service AGENDA ITEM: Amen ~~.u RATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~,p-rwr-uti , `~ COUNTY ADMINIST BACKGROUND: the fact that when has been raised over will only take Citizen concern the refuse collectors of our current remium service, Further, in review also receive performing P arbage , and handicapped residents the household g arbage only. The resolutions procedures, elderly 85-183 85_147 and Premium Octobere22, 1985' backdoor servsidefServiceehold g 3, 1985 and ores and defining Curb September the proced were passed by the Board, established for These resolutions "Collection respectively. established backyard who qualify charges for premium service, olicy that residents ements to Disabled and established .thenp st make their own arrang art of their regular househol 11 two services for these ~~ This proposed redefi- have any materials that arefootcollection• who fall in these laced at the curb refuse P to 351 residents nition will increase service two categories. TION: SUMMARY OF INFORMA f Premium Service: Item 1 - Redefinition o art of the trash that is not P and will include rass, leaves, Premium service ,this would include g lbs. arbage• be containerized and weigh 50 normal household g that can collected with the normal any other materials will be These materials containerized the or less. Bulk items that cannot oe be collected at household garbage- etc.) will continue (white goods, sofas, schedule. curb under the published monthly Premium Service: Item 1.A - Cost of Redefined the citizen $1.25 Per t. Premium service presently costs er month for those resieefor eachiaddooonal 5.00 p 4.00 charg Cost of the collection or $ for a total of the curb and an additional $ 75 er collection r fraction thereof overbth$•iniPial 100 ft. 100 ft• ° is increased Y redefined ere month and $5.00 per additional 100 ft. 00 of $8. P e Per Month: !~ Item 1.B - Redefined Premium Refuse Service Charg osed Distance From Curb Current Rate 100 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 5.00 ft. or less 9.00 - 200 ft• 13.00 - 300 ft• 19.00 - 400 ft• 21.00 - 500 ft• 25.00 - 600 ft• 29.00 - 700 ft• 33.00 - 800 ft• 37.00 - 900 ft• 41.00 ft Prop Month Char a Per $ 8.00 13.00 18.00 23.00 28.00 33.00 38.00 43.00 48.00 53.00 - 1000 - Redefinition of Backyard Service for Disabled Residents: Item 2 isabled residents receiving backyard service will receive D remium service without a fee. the same redefined p ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: on May and approved this action fo rstlreading•Second reading BO ort is for fi 10, 1988. This rep RECOMMENDATION: recommended approval to am sn w 11 ~equirec first rand Staff Th premium refuse collection service• ro osed Ordinanclt hlshfurther second readings of 11988 tande Junep28 , 1988 - scheduled June 14'ublic hearing be held on June 28, 1988 for requested that a p public comment on the increase in fees. SUBMITTED BY: ~ q~~~~ ._~..,. C IS~ . ner W. Smith Director of General Services p,PPROVED: K l~"•~ ~~ ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Department ------------------------- ---------------- ------------ VOTE Yes Abs -------- ACTION No Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20, "SOLID ~, WASTE, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, BY THE REPEAL AND REENACTMENT OF SECTION 20-24, "RATES AND CHARGES" BY PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CERTAIN REGULA- TIONS CONCERNING CURBSIDE REFUSE COLLEC- TION, PREMIUM REFUSE COLLECTION, AND INCREASING CERTAIN CHARGES FOR PREMIUM REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE WHEREAS, upon due notice and advertisement the citizens of Roanoke County were given an opportunity to appear at a public hearing on this amendment on June 28, 1988; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 14, 1988, and the second reading was held on June 28, 1988; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 85-147 adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on September 3, 1985, said Board established certain policies for curbside collection of refuse; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 85-183.E. adopted on October 22, 1985, the Board established a premium refuse collection service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 20-24 be repealed as follows: See--28-24---Rates-and-e~iarges- ----------T~ie-~ates-and-e~iarges-fer-seliel-waste-eelleetien-ser- ~~ee- ~ene7ered- lip- tl~e- eee~nty- 91~a11- be- st~el~- as- aye- p~eeeribed- by tl~e-l~ea~d-a€-sr~pe~~isers- a new section numbered 20-24 and entitled 2, That har es" be, and hereby is, adopted to read and pro- "Rates and C 9 ~ `w vide as follows: Sec. 20-24• Rates and charges. 1, Definitions sin le-family, "RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS" shall include g duplexes, and single lot mobile homes. pARKS, APARTMENT, MOBILE HOME "COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS, a lication only. AND INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE" shall be by assable street or roadway "ROAD shall be defined as a P 11 arate residences or businesses. serving three or more sep ~~ IDE" shall be defined as the point at which a lot CURBS adjoins a road. ualifying dis- "BACKYARD SERVICE" will be provided to q abled, handicapped, or elderly citizens. in the structure must be "DISABLED" Everyone residing refuse to the curb- ed and unable to carry a h sician. disabled or handicapp s must be certiflemebts to have any side. Disabilities or handicap ular household refuse ualified applicants must make their own arrang Q art of their reg materials that are not p placed at the curb for collection. shall include col- arbage, "PREMIUM REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE t can be container- of trash or refuse that materi lsrtha household g lection leaves, and other such as grass, or less at the residents' backyar . ized and weigh 50 lbs. S ecific collection categories shall be as follows: 2• P curbside shall provide once per week Roanoke County service to all residential customers in Roanoke Coun E TS, MOBILE COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS CUSTOMERS, APARTM HOME PARKS, AND INSTITUTIONAL: rovide once per week service to Roanoke County shall p enerating not more thbe Ten bags may all licensed allonsc Bache fab efusee per week. more than this l0 cans, 30 g All establishments generating e as shown substituted.) tion to pay a collection charg amount will have the op below, or secure a private collection service: •• . , „$ 5.00 11-15 cans per week ......................... 10.00 16-20 cans per week..... .. 15.00 15 cans per week .................••'•,... 20.00 ~..f ,~ 21- er week. ................• 25.00 / 26-30 cans p ••~ ..................... 31-35 cans per week..•• enerators of over 35 cans per week are notreVage All g uired to secure p ible for County collection and will be req collection. NON-COUNTY RESIDENTS: to non- shall provide weekly service collec- Roanoke County reement to pay a residents upon application and ag county er month. tion fee of $10.00 p CONDOMINIUMS AND TOWNHOUSES (FOR SALE): k curbside or Roanoke County shall provide once per wee n service to all condominium and townhouse develop- single locatio ments. rovided e p 3• lication basis. Premium Refuse on an individual apPill inimum of to all residential households and service up to he charge for premium refuse collection will be a m T er month and will include backy $5:8A $g_DO P ickup location; and 100 feet from the curbside p 4. For each additional d O lonet or fraction thereas al $4-AA $5•~0 charge an ad e er month is over the initial 100 feet, will be made. Premium Refuse Collection charg P follows for the distance indicated: - .99 $-- ~/month $ 5 100 feet or less -_9:69 13.00/month 101 - 201 feet _}3:AA 18 00/month 201 - 300 feet _}g;AA 23:00/month 301 - 400 feet _2};0A 28.00/month 401 - 500 feet -25:88 33 0: 00/month 501 - 600 feet -29.99 38;00/month 601 - 700 feet -33.96 43; 0000 /month 701 - 800 feet -37.99 48;00/month 801 - 900 feet _4}-88 53_00/month 901 - 1000 feet ($4-AA $5.00 for each additional 100 feet) of $20 00 lication charge in the amOlication upon 5, That an aPP ether with proper aPP shall be made in advance tog the County; and forms approved by es shall be 6, That Premium Refuse Collection charg paid in advance on a quarterly basis; and disabled, or hand- !~/' '~, residents who are elderltrash, or garbage to 7. County refuse, and policies the County regulations charge• icapped and who are unable to carrremium service at no the curbside and who sa ible for p concerning same are elig designee is autho- Administrator. °lations as may be neces- g, The County and implement such reg ordinance. rized to develipsh the purposes of this sary to accomp this ordinance shall be g, That the effective date of July 1, 1988• ACTION # ---- ITEM NUMBER _~~~ T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAKE OpUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER A VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANO COUNTY, MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 an offer and authorizing the conveyance Acce ting and easement to Appalachian AGENDA ITEM: of a right-of-waY Power Company COUNTY ADMINISTRA+~TOR'S COMMENTS: vim' ft~ _ /*n,5.~'~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: APCo) has requested that the Appalachian Power Company of Roanoke convey a right-of-way and easement on the west- County rl side of Northside High Schnstallation of ele R ri ca le se~arme e y f or the h Public Safety Bui1dAP9o will indemnify and save the County oles. e from its negligence in operating lines and p loss or damag less against any ht-of-way and easement. its facilities installed in the rig barter of Roanoke County, Pursuant to Section 18.04 of the C a second read- 'rst reading concerning the dispose t14n 1988the hereinafter a fi descWibidbeaheldnonwJuneb28 he1988 n ing ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: aid to Roanoke County from APCo $1.00 p STAFF RECOMMENDATION: taff recommends that the CountychdactionsaonrbehalftofrRoaa S to execute such documents andtoaaccomplish the conveyance of said noke County as are necessary on form approved by the County property, all of which shall be up Attorney. Respectfully submitted, . ~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney %-- __ ------------------------ VOTE ---- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) -- McGraw Referred Nickens Robers To _- ETING OI' THE BOARD OF SCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION A'I' A REGULAR ME HELD AT THE ROA JUNE 14 , 19 8 8 COUNTY, VIRGINIA' ON TUESDAY, 1 f CENTER , ~'T ORDINANCE ACCEPTYANCENOFF~''ERIGHD-OgTWOY RIZING THE CONVE AND EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COM- PANY of Roanoke BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisor Virginia, as follows County, t ursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 °- 1, Tha P has been de the subject property the Charter of Roanoke County made available for other pubic clared to be surplus and is being uses, i.e. utility easement; and ursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of 2, That p the concerning e Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading th 1988; a of the subject property was held on June 14, disposition and second reading was held on June 28, 1988; at the right-of-way and easement are located on 3• Th isterial Dis ert owned by Roanoke County in the Catawba Mag School Road, prop Y ocated on the westerly side of Northside High trict 1 and Public Safety Building; near the Roanoke County alachian Power Company in the 4, That the offer of App .00 is hereby accepted and all other offers are re- amount of $1 jected; and ht-of-way 5, That the proceeds from the sale of the rig re to be allocated to the capitol reserves of Roa- and easement a poke County; and That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- 6. menu and take such actions on behalf of Roano e cute such docu ance of said pro County as are necessary to accomplish the convey ich shall be upon form approved by the County perty, all of wh Attorney. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OTHEHROAONOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 Acce tin an offer for and authorizing the sale of AGENDA ITEM: surplus real estate - Well Lot located in Scenic Hills COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S,/'COMMEN~TS;: / /,~~ BACKGROUND: urchasing property designated as Lot 9, Scenic A citizen is p ro ert Hills . There is an abeS donned r teasel f romoRoanoke Countyp P Y which the citizen desir P SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On April 15, 1988, the County received an offer from the citizen to purchase the abandoned well lot located in Scenic Hills and more particular~ecommendsea to wouldnbeeino the Co ntyas #86.19-1-4. Cliff Craig best interest to dispose of the surplus abandoned well lot. Section 18.04 of the Choae~~r be Raccomplishedy by ~ordinancet the conveyance of real pr P Y The first reading of this proposed ordinance will be he1988n June 14, 1988; the second reading is scheduled for June 28, ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Roanoke County retains has beeno received by the ndo~eden e~lo lot. An offer of $100.00 purchase the well lot from Roanoke County. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendations: 1. That the Board of Supervisors consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. 2. That the net procee eservemofhthe County .the real estate be allocated to the capital y- That the r 3 County Admini~i behalfhof1Roan t okeeCounty . such documents and on on take such ac acc b p ro erty, Attorney: as are necessary t hich shall o y the County form approved on be up all of w Respectfully submitted, ~~ '~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney __ ------ VOTE ______ -- ACTION No yes Abs p,pproved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOI''OANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATION AT HELD AT THE R COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1988 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, / / ORDINANCE AALEPOFNSURPLUSFREALN ESTATOE, RIZING THE S WELL LOT LOCATED IN SCENIC HILLS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the ~e and disposition of the hereinafter-described surplus tea sal on this mat- estate was held on June 14, 1988. A second reading held on June 28, 1988. The real estate consists of a ter was Tax Map No. well lot located in Scenic Hills, Roanoke County 86.19-1-4; and 2. That offers having been received for the well lot ted in Scenic Hills, the offer of R. Lowell Yeatts and Donna loca 100) is hereby U. Yeatts in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($ accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to e oke cute such documents and take such action on behalf of Roanro- t as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said p Coun y the County petty, all of which shall be upon form approved by Attorney: ACTION # ITEM NUMBER <~ -- AT A REGULAR MEELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and Lease/Purchase of Certain Equipment COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ,~ ~~( off.""''-~-nv d. ~ ;, ~2~ o~,~.~-' BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors has previously authorized the lease/purchase of several items which were approved for purchase during the current year or at an earlier time. The following schedule shows tBoard to be financed throughwlease/pur base approved by the arrangements: Total Purchase Amount to Price Lease/Purchase Item Motorola Units $2,402,625.00 $1,090;066.06 Refuse Truck 97,566.76 Building Renovations - 295,000.00 295,000.00 Southview 745.00 359 160,000.00 Fire Training Center , $1.552.566.76 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County staff has planned the purchasing and financing of these assets to take advantage of the most cost effective method of financing. Bond Council and our financial advisors have helped us develop a package which is the right size to attract considerable attention from lending institutions, as well as mini- mizing the costs of the financing. In order to accomplish this, we have consolidated all of the lease/purchases into a single issue and pledged the largest asset as collate000 denominations, In order to keep the lease/purchase in $25, which further reduces our costs, the amount of the borrowing has been rounded down to $1,550,000. RFPs were issued and reviewed in order to obtain the least cost of financingrchase issueChed Ordinance approves the acceptance of this lease/p ~' in the 1988-89 budget for FISCAL IMPACT: that Year' already been included due during for the Funds have which will comauring 1987-88 urchase payments budgeted of the Dixie the lease/P $125,000 was of the cost 125.000 for Approximately In anticipation the $ ear. a ment. recommends reservinguntil next Y initial P Y, staff now initial payment Caverns project. ostponing the that purpose and P ce STAFF RECOMMENDATION: hat we approve Staf f recommends t dispense the lease/Purchase and awarding The Ordinan afterlabl of the Ordinance 1988 meeting at the June 14, analyzed. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ ~ , at ttached Ordlnan the a reading with the second form handed out in final bee n of the bids have Approved bY- .ivww Elmer C. Hodge. County Administrator Diane D• Hy ance __--------- Director of Fin __________________ ___ VOTE -------------------------ACTION No Yes Abs Garrett - -- Approved ( ) Motion bY= Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To _----- Johnson - - - McGraw - - -- Nickens ~ - - Robers ~ -- Attachment ~'TING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISO~INISTRATION L„/ AT A REGULAR AT THE ROp,NOKE COUNTY < ~ -' COUN'T'Y, VIRGINIA, HELD NNE 14, 1988 CEN'PER ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE AU'I'EiORIZING THE SALE AND LEp,SE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT. of Roanoke, The Board of Supervisors ("Board") of the County that it is desirable to enter into a lease Virginia ("County") has determined ortion of the cost in the amuinment purchase transaction to finance a p radio system eq P approximately $1,550,000 of certain public safeti nt to the Lessor whose ~~ The Board Proposes to sell the ~ s~uant to a Bill of Sale ("Equipment )• this Ordinance ( Lessor > p proposal is accepted by to the Lessor and to lease the Equ1lxnent reement ("Lease Purchase ("Bill of Sale") from the County from the Lessor pursuant to a Lease Purchase Ag Agreement") from the Lessor to the County. BY THE ~~ OF SUPERVISORS OF THE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED COUNTY OF ROANOKE. VIRGINL?~: ted as an emergency measure, and 1, This Ordinance shall be adop dispensed with in accordance the second reading of this Ordinance is hCharter. with Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County that it is in the best interest of 2, The Board hereby determines to serve as the County to accept the proposal of rticipations in the reement [and to sell Pa The sale of the Lessor under the Lease Purchase Ag ro sal]. Lease Purchase Agreement as set forth in such p P° o the Lessor pursuant to the Bil purchaseeAgreementlare hereby Equipment t ursuant to the Lease Equipment from the Lessor p approved. nt are hereby 3, The Bill of Sale and the Lease Purchase Agreeme with such the forms submitte withoutllimitation, changes of approved in substantially changes, insertions, or ~ app ns (including, reof) as may roved by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the dates the royal shall be evidence conclusively by the execution and the Board, whose app nts. delivery of such docume The appropriate officers and agents of the COdel very e and [4 re aration, ect to the sale of authorized ap ofl a placementsMemorandum wre~ntsp substantially the distributio participation interests in random submitted to this meeting, with such changes form of the Placement 1"I~ ents may consider necessary or or supplements as such officers and ag 'rable in connection therewith. The distribution of the Placemen des i authorized. ] Niesnorandtnn is hereby authorized and 5, The Chairman and Treasurer are each hereby to execute and deliver the Bill ok of lie Boardi s authorizes and directed if required the Deputy Cle Agreement and, cted to affix or cause to be off Each officer o agent ofo the County is dire documents and to attest such seal. ~,_,/ ecute and deliver on behalf of the County such instruments, authorized to ex documents or certificates, and to dooa~daper~o~a~ry outlthe transactions they shall deem necessary or app P the transactions authorize authorized by this Ordinance or contemplated by Lease Purchase by this Ordinance or contemplated by the Bill of Sale, reviously Agreement [or Placement Memorandum], and all of the foregoing- are in all such officers or agents of the County, done or performed by respects approved, ratified, and confirmed. The Board determines that sale of the Equipment to the Lessor g, i ent to the County in pursuant to the Bill of Sale and the lease of the ~.~ent and all actions of accordance with the terms of the Lease Purchase Ag e County contemplated thereunder, will ~ ide facilities which areeessential th the citizens of the Co gtiyonsn ofwthe County• and necessary to the ope ~, Nothing in this Ordinance or the Lease Purchase Agreement or t e any documents in connection with t~e~ ransactions contemplated by P ent shall constitute a pledge of the Ordinance or the Lease Purchase Agbeyond the constitutionally permitted full faith and credit of the County annual appropriations. ro riate officers and agents of the County are hereby g. The app p authorized and directed to execute use of the pr a~eedsefronn thetsale of the Covenants setting forth the expected ~ necessary in order to show Equipment and containing such covenants as may com liance with the provisions of Section 148 of the I~toer a bRtrage bo~ndsof p licable regulations relating ~~ that 1986, as amended, and app ~venants as behalf of the County The Board of Supervisors of the County such proceeds will be invested and nts ande hat the CountYtshall ccxnply Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covens with the other covenants and representations contained therein. uthorized g, The officers and agents of the County are hereeYarding the and directed to take such further action as they deem necessary g .transactions contemplated by the Lease Purchase Agreement and al ratified taken by such officers and agents in connection therewith are hereby and confirmed. lately. 10. This Ordinance shall take effect ingned' The undersigned Clerk o t tthhe foregoing constitutes of truenand Cpanty, Virginia, hereby certifies tha rvisors of correct extract from the heldeon theml4thnday of June,d 1988uand of the Roanoke County, Virginia, whole thereof so far as applicable to the matters referred to in suc extract. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of1988•Board of Supervisors of the day of County of Roanoke, this Deputy Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors [SEAL] AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CSR ON TUESDAY, JiJNE 14, 1988 ORDINANCE 61488_.9 AUTHORIZING THE SALE AND LEASE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN F~2UIPNIINI' ervisors ("Board") of the County of Roanoke, The Board of Sup Vir inia ("County") has determined that ortio a of theecost nin rthetamountaof g stem equipment purchase transaction to finance a p radio sy i nt to the Lessor whose approximate~y)$1,550,000 of ro rses to sellcthe ~ nt to a Bill of Sale ("Equipmen The Board p P° proposal is accepted by this Ordinance ("Lessor ) pur' „ e~~) from the County to the Lessor and to lease the Equipment ( B111 of Sal regiment ("Lease Purchase from the Lessor pursuant to a Lease Purchase Ag Agreement )from the Lessor to the County. " THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ~Jp~VISORS OF THE NOW, COUNTY OF ROp,NOKE, VIRGINIA: 1, This Ordinance shall be adopted as an emergency measure, and of this Ordinance is hereby dispensed with in accordance the second reading with Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. 2 , The Board hereby determines ~aof1GE1CaPital Fleets Serv cesf the County to accept the proposal (Proposal ) nt. The sale of the Inc . , to serve as Lessor rlsuantht ~ e B111 0~ Sale ae A regiment upon the ~ipment to the Lessor p Equipment from the Lep~OOr s 1 are hereby app or ~ ~cha g terms set forth in the Po 3, The Bill of Sale and the Lease Purchase Agreement are hereby with such approved in substantially the forms submitted to this meeting, es of insertions, or omissions (including, without limitation, Chang changes, }~ approved by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the dates thereof) as may the execution and the Board, whose approval shall be evidence conclusively by delivery of such documents. 4, The Chairman and Treasurer are each hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the $1Clerk of the soa d i s authorized and Agreement and, if required the Deputy directed to affix or cause to balaff Each off cer o agent of° the Countntss documents and to attest such se such instrume authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of rf ormosuch things and acts, as documents or certificates, and too °iate to carry out the transactions they shall deem necessary or aPP P sated by the transactions authorized authorized by this Ordinance or contemp the Bill of Sale, Lease Purchase by this Ordinance or contemplated by reviously done or Agreement or the Prfp°Cers ordagentsf ofhthe°Countyg-are in all respects performed by such o approved, ratified, and confirmed. oard determines that sale of the ~l~nent to the Lessor 5, The B i ent to the County in ursuant to regiment and the Proposal the Bill of ~ s of dthe L ase Pur haseAg will be in furtherance P accordance with the term ~nt~nplated thereunder, rovide facilities and will p and all actions of the County rations of the County• of the welfare of th d necessary to the ~ my which are essential an Lease purchase Agreement or Nothing in this Ordinance or the fated by the 6. ledge of the documents in connection wiehA reementsshall const tut nalP permitted any Ordinance or the Lease Purchas g and the constituteo full faith anriations•of the County bey annual, approp ents of the County are hereby ~• The appropriate officers and ag e Certificate and Tax the expected use of the proceeds from the sale of the authorized and directed to execute a Non-Arbitra essary in order to show Covenants setting forth ~ nec such covenants as may Revenue Code of ~ifxnent and containing to ~~arbitrage bonds." om fiance with the Provisions of Section 148 of the Inter c P and applicable regulations relating lgg(, as amended, •sors of the County covenants as behalf of the County that The Board of Supervl be invested and expended as set forts all comp Y such proceeds will itra e Certificate and Tax C~tionsscontained here~n•ty Non-Arb g resen with the other covenants and rep my are hereby authorized 8. and directed t transactions taken by such and confirmed 9. The officers and agents of the Cou necessary regarding the o take such furthe~hecLeasesP~chase Agre~nt and all actions contemplated by ratified officers and agents in connection therewith are hereby This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. of Roanoke The undersigned Deputy Clerk County, Virginia, hereby certifies that correct extract from the heldeon the Roanoke County, Virginia, licable h reof so far as aPP of the Board of Supervisors the foregoing constitutes arviso S o meeting of the Board of Supe 14th day of June, 1988, and of the to the matters referred to in such whole t e extract. ervisors of the WITNESS MY HAND and thf Jae 1988he Board of Sup County of Roanoke, this 16th day o /~ ~ Deputy Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors [SEAT'] rove ordinance On motion of Supervisor Garrett to app ervisor and dispense with second reading, seconded by Sup Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: 2 pygS; Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTS: ~~, H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Budget Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER !~l'_ AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOTHEHROAONOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance au fhoor 1 econ omhc developmentof pu poses real estate (Valleypointe) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ BACKGROUND: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County staf f and repea cant o t on agreementf ae part 1o pmthe Corporation have negotiat P on agreement will provide an Valleypointe Project. This op opportunity for Lingerfelf Devl spmreal es ate tfrom theaCounty approximately 2.7 acres o P for the sum of Thirty-two to ° onsists vof HseaeralD~esadual$parce0ls per acre. This real esta the of land which are a portion of the land to be acquired by County from the Roanoke Reg$ acresloforrea~mestatenfromhtheoAiry is acquiring approximately ointe Phase I Indus port Commission for the purpose of the Valleyp trial access road. These residual surplus parcels will not be required for any other County or public uses. In accordance with thandoeconompcl development,l it t~sprecome and encourage industrial rove the mended that th tratord's execu~t on f ofmthast proposed optpon agree- County Adminis 1991. This ment. This option agreement extends until June 5, option agreement is subject to the approval and authorization by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by ordinance. Section 18.04 of the County Charte e n beraccompli hed only by or dinancel estate or any interest the. The first reading of thisf this aordinancechsdscheduled fo e June 1988; the second reading o 28, 1988. 1 ~--~ - lt/ IMPS The net proceeds from the sale of this real estate shaoinbe credited to the capital r trieiturpaccount for the Val eypother ose of acquisition, construc Project to be expenordre°laceme pt of capital facilities The pro- tion, maintenance, P ointe. public infrastructure improvements for Valleyp eds shall be credited to the Two M his Projectars ($2,000,000) ce previously allocated by the Boar ° STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that: 1, The Board find that thi ofr the Roanoke1CountylCharter estate pursuant to Section 16.01 ortant and that this real estate the industrial and economicldevelop- public purpose, to promote ment of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley. 2. The Board adopt the proposed ordinance. confirm, approve, and authorize the 3, The Boardtionlagreement. execution of the op 4, The County Administratoras maa be necessary to accompli actions and e uses ofuthedagreement and ordinance, all upon form lish the purp approved by the County Attorney. roceeds from the sale of any real estate under this 5, The p ordinance be credited to the cthe t Boardcfurtherc a~ thori~e the 0 Valleypointe Project and that expenditure of these fundon fconstruction~tal facility accoun maintenance, or replace the purpose of acquisiti ~ ublic infrastructure improve- of the capital facilities or other p menu for the Valleypointe Project. Respectfully submitted, ~ - Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney 2 ~- ___ ----------------------------------- VOTE ------ ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by:_________ ---- Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) -----~---------- McGraw Referred Nickens Robers To _- 3 ROANOKE ~~ _ ~/ OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF p, REGULAR MEETING D AT THE ROANOKE COUN1988DMINISTRATION AT VIRGINIA, HEL JUNE 14, COUNTY, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONY ECON OMOC REAL ESTATE FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES (VALLEYPOINTE) DEVELOPMENT Development and Lingerfelt WHEREAS, Roanoke County ' to a series of agreements with respect oration have entered in in the vicinity Corp development of a mixed-use business par and 581 in to the Routes 81 the southeast intersection of Interstate Valleypointe Project; of oke County, Virginia, identified as the Roan and has approved a project document WHEREAS, the County 198.7, and roject at its meeting on December 1. this p on May 1p, 1988' concerning ded said project document at its meeting has amen uested the Virginia Depart- and WHEREAS, the County has req to to construct an industrial access road ment of Transportation serve Valleypointe; and ted on Jan- adop WHEREAS, by Ordinance NO- and con- authorized the acquisition 12, 1988, the Board has the development of uary to assist in veyance of certain real estate ro ect; and the County serve this p 7 the part of WHEREAS, these actions on benefiting the by promoting and ublic purpose an important p ort Commis- of the Roanoke Regional Airp regional public purposes romoting serving an important public purpose by p sion as well as and in the d economic development in Roanoke County industrial an Roanoke Valley; and 1 /-7 -` WHEREAS, the real estate that is the subject of this finance is deemed surplus L-or the purposes of Section 16.01 of ord the Roanoke County Charter and is being made available to serveona valid public purpose, namely, to promote the industrial and ec omic development of Roanoke County and of the Roanoke Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the first reading on this ordin- ance was held on June 14, 1988, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 28, 1988. 2, That the offer of Lingerfelt Development Corpora- tion to acquire approximately 2.7 acres of real estate for the sum of Thirty-two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($32,500) per acre is hereby accepted. All other offers are rejected• ion of 3. That said 2..7 acres of real estate is a port that real estate acquired by Roanoke County from the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission pursuant to Ordinance No. adopted on January 12, 1988. 4, That the net proceeds from the sale of said real estate shall be allocated to the capital facility account for the Valleypointe Project. Any proceeds from this capital facility ur ose of acquisition, con account shall be expended for the p P struction, maintenance, or replacement of capital facilities and ublic infrastructure improvements to serve the Valleypointe Pro- P ject. 2 ~~ e execution of the option agreement dated 5, That th e 1988, executed by the County Administrator the 5th day of Jun roved. confirmed, and apP authorized, ratified, is hereby hereby authorized 6, That the County Administrator is be actions and to execute such documents as may to take such all upon to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance, necessary ~. form approved by the County Attorney- 3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER __~ -/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAOKDE OCOUNTYEADMIONISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROAN MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 ITEM: Ordinance to increase the salaries of membeu~sof AGENDA ervisors of Roanoke County p the Board of Sup ant to Section 3_46.01: 1 of the Code ofnVirghniaer and Section 14.1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: ear on May 6, 1987, the Board adopted an ordinance to Last y 'ncrease its salaries pursuant to Thisrsection soffthecStatelCode i 46.01:1 of the Code of Virglnla Charter require that any increase and Section 3.07 of the County ordinance after pub- 1 and June 30. Any increase is limited in supervisoretweena May be accomplished y lic hearing b ercent inflation factor. to an annual five (50) p SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: of this proposed ordinance was he 988n The first reading was held on June 14, for May 24, 19881 the second reading The required public hearing on this matter is scheduled for May 24, 1988. The proposed salary for Boardtnesb ordinance est blashesfthe $7,987 to $8,386. In addition, dditional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board a a 200. $1,800 and Vice Chairman at $1, ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Five (50) per5ent$in995~Se in Board salaries: ($399 each x STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. -/ Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney --- ---------- -----"----- VOTE ---------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION ~ / COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT ZHE JUNE 14, 1988 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROAl 04 E O i OUNOF T E R CODE AOD SECTION VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter for the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the board of su ervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries, and- P WHEREAS, Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Vir inia as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of 9 boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir inia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board g has members to be $7,987 by Ordinance No. 6987-7, and further, established the additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board to be $1,800 and for the Vice Chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an infla- tion factor not to exceed five (50) percent; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the establishment of these salaries was held on May 24, 1988; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on May 24, 1988; the second reading was held on June 14, 1988. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Su ervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries P .~ - / Virgin- of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, er- P is are hereby increased by an inflation factor of five 5% rovisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke cent pursuant to the p Charter and Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Vir- County 38( for inia, as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $8' rd g members of the Board. In addition, the Chairman of the oa ' 1 receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the Vice wil 200. Chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1, This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1988. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THTHE ROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT 1988 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, ORDINANCE 61488-10 TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTIAND3 SECT ON 14E 1R 46N01 1 OOFU THE CHARTER CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter for the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the board of supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and - WHEREAS, Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Vlr inia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of g boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir inia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board g has members to be $7,987 by Ordinance No. 6987-7, and further, established the additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board to be $1,800 and for the Vice Chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an infla- tion factor not to exceed five (5~) percent; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the establishment of these salaries was held on May 24, 1988; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held 1988. on May 24, 1988; the second reading was held on June 14, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries Virgin- of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ~, er- are hereby increased by an inflation factor of five (5 P ia, ursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roano e cent p Charter and Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Vir- County as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $8,386 or ginla, the Chairman of the Board members of the Board. In addition, eive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the Vice will rec 200. airman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1- Ch 1988. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1- On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Johnson and carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens AYES NAYS: Supervisor Garrett A COPY TESTS: ~~,--} tit , • '}~ ~~ .~ ~ ~ti ~ De ut Clerk Mary H. Allen, P y Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/15/88 cc: File Board of Supervisors Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Reta Busher, Director, Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OFHEHROAONOKE OCOUNTYEADMIONISTRATIOeOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT T MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amendlasetof then law Clibrary ofeettoasup- orize the lucre port the Roanoke County/Salem Law Library COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: a.n,cs ,%~ ~~,.'' ~rt,2,~rr~ti~a~~ ~"/1~ BACKGROUND: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: By ordinance adopted on March 12, 1985, the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County assessed as part of the costs inciden2.00 each civil action filed in etandcsurports he nest blishment,$use, fee. This fee is a user fe A and maintenance of the law heraublic. t Thi ofee owas~au horized library is open for use by p by Section 42.1-70 of the State Code. For the past several years, one goal of the County's legisla- tive program was to increase the authorithe localsbartassochas goal was supported by the local judiciary, tion, the Clerk of the Circuit Court, mend d Secti nh4219870sand Sion of the Virginia General Assembly 4.00. (Acts of increased the aria ter d ljmount from $2.00 to $ Assembly 1988, C P The Treasurer reports turtose~r For aFiscalr Yea9861987-88 received $9,118.30 for thl p P (through March) he received v8i2act9ons wereC fi led finh1987rcand Court reports that 3,648 cl the Code of the General District Court reports that 2,626 civl cases were filed in 1987. The Salem-Roanoke Cou stu eBat Atsomeeting and May 6,a 198go1u- tion in support of this mea ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: It is estimated that the e °Ptf°om $2.001 too $4100 would increase the law library a...sessm result in total revenues of $20,000--$24,000. ~ , .?/ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adop- tion of the proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ` ---,. c.~~ Frty 4 r r 1. Paul M. Mahoney County A ttorney ~~ - -- - - ---~' ____ - ___ --- -------------- -- VOTE ______ - ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON A HELD AT THE RO 1988 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JUNE 14, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE 61 T_ ~~T ORIDENTHE IN GREASE COUNTY CODE OF 'rHE LAW LyBSALEM LAW LOIBRARY ORT THE ROANOKE COUNT / WHEREAS, by Ordinance adopted March 12, 1985, the Board rvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, imposed an assessment of Supe w libraries as part of the costs incident to each civil for la filed in the courts within its boundaries in the amount of action $2.00; and inia WHEREAS, Section 42.1-70 of the 1950 Code of Virg inia General was amended during the 1988 session of the Virg er civil Assembly authorizing an increase of this fee to $4.00 p filed with the clerks of the various courts to pay the costs case and of maintenance, upkeep, and improvements of the law library; ainst parties WHEREAS, the $4.00 filing fee assessed ag civil cases is equitable and just in that it places the filing recipitate cost of maintaining the law library upon those who p litigation; and on this WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing ance was held on May 24, 1988; the second reading of this ordin 1988. ordinance was held on June 14, ervi- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Sup sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this ordinance amends and reenacts the ordin- ado ted on March 12, 1985, and pursuant to the authority ance P inia, as found in Section 42.1-70 of the 1950 Code of Virg amended, increases the assessment as part of the costs incident to each civil action filed in the courts serving Roanoke County from the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) to the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00). This assessment and these funds shall be expended for ecifically, for the the purposes as provided in said statute, sp uisition of law books, law periodicals, and computer legal acq research services and equipment for the establishment, use, and maintenance of the law library which shall be open for the use of the ublic. In addition, disbursements may include compensation P to be paid to librarians and other necessary staff for the main- tenance of such library. This assessment shall be in addition to other costs rescribed by law, but shall not apply to any action in which the p overn- Commonwealth, any political subdivision, or the federal g ment is a party, and in which costs are assessed against the County, any political subdivision, or the federal government. 2, That the Treasurer of Roanoke County is authorized to receive the funds for the maintenance, upkeep, and improve- ments of the law library from the clerks of the various courts, and from the Treasurer of the City of Salem, and disburse said funds for the maintenance, upkeep, and improvement of said law the library on a regular basis to those persons designated by chief judge of the circuit court responsible for the administra- tion of said law library. 3, That the provisions of this ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1988. 4, That a certified copy of this ordinance be for- warded to the chief judges and clerks of the courts serving Roanoke County, the Treasurer of Roanoke County, the Treasurer of the City of Salem, and the Roanoke County/Salem Bar Association. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 Certified Copies: K, E. Trabue, Chief Judge, Circuit Court E. S. Kidd, Jr., Chief Judge, General District Court J, W, Flippen, Chief Judge, J & D Relations District Court L. L. Koontz, Chief Judge, Court of Appeals of Virginia Clerk, Circuit Court Clerk, General District Court Clerk, J & D Relations District Court Clerk, Courts of Appeals of Virginia Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer, Roanoke ofugalem Josephine Blankenship, Treasurer, City Roanoke County/Salem Bar Association cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Ave., SW, Rke 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book GULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION ~~~ AT A RE HELD AT THE ROANO 1988 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JUNE 14, CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE P'HORI E THEE INCREASE OFpUTHE CODE TO AUT LAW LIBRARY FLA T~ BRAR ORT THE ROANOKE COUNTY/SALEM the Board WHEREAS, by Ordinance adopted March 12, 1985, f Roanoke County, Virginia, imposed an assessment of Supervisors o 'braries as part of the costs incident to each civil for law li ' ed in the courts within its boundaries in the amount of action fil $2.00; and inia WHEREAS, Section 42.1-70 of the 1950 Code of Virg the 1988 session of the Virginia General was amended during 4.00 per civil Assembly authorizing an increase of this fee to $ a the costs case filed with the clerks of the various courts to pibrary; and of maintenance, upkeep, and improvements of the law 1 ainst parties WHEREAS, the $4.00 filing fee assessed ag ust in that it places the filing civil cases is equitable and j maintaining the law library upon those who precipitate cost of litigation; and on this WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing e was held on May 24, 19881 the second reading of this ordinanc 1988. ordinance was held on June 14, the Board of Supervi- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this ordinance amends and reenacts the ordin- ted on March 12, 1985, and pursuant to the authority ance adop inia, as found in Section 42.1-70 of the 1950 Code of Virg amended, increases the assessment as part of the costs incident Roanoke County to each civil action filed in the courts serving from the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) to the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00). ended for This assessment and these funds shall be exp the purposes as provided in said statute, specifically, for the acquisition of law books, law periodicals, and computer legal use and research services and equipment for the establishment, , maintenance of the law library which shall be open for the use of the public. In addition, disbursements may include compensation to be paid to librarians and other necessary staff for the main- tenance of such library. This assessment shall be in addition to other costs prescribed by law, but shall not apply to any action in which the or the federal govern Commonwealth, any political subdivision, ment is a party, and in which costs are assessed against the County, any political subdivision, or the federal government. 2. That the Treasurer of Roanoke County is authorized to receive the funds for the maintenance, upkeep, and improve- ments of the law library from the clerks of the various courts, and from the Treasurer of the City of Salem, and disburse said funds for the maintenance, upkeep, and improvement of said law ersons designated by the library on a regular basis to those p chief judge of the circuit court responsible for the administra- tion of said law library. 3. That the provisions of this ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1988. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEELDNAT THEHROAONOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HE MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: OrdinanceeaRehnoldsnproperty/SprSngoHollowrReser- der of th y voir COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: z,~-c~~u ~ '''~~``~~~~~ -~-~•»ti~.,-.-t/~ BACKGROUND: Roanoke Count v. Re nolds et al., concerns the proposed condemnation of 157.89 acres of real estate for the Spring Hollow Reservoir and was authorized by Resolution No. 84-229 dThe adopted on December 18, 1984, after a public hearing. parties continued to negotiate the issues and several offers and counter-offers were made. On September 22, 1987, the Board approved an offer from the owners/defendants to resolve the pending litigation. This offer consisted of theiatemaccess to Othe gremaidnderethe owners'oproperty. able and appropr SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As previously stated in addition to the monetary settlement the County agreed to provide a permanent access to the remainder of the property retained by the owners/defendants. The County agreed to provide the owners/defendants with essen ossess the•eama type and quality of access that they currently p right-of-way 40 feet wide or less; however, the owners/defendants insisted upon a better means of access to the remainder property. Upon further consideration and negotiations, staff has deter- mined it would be more economically feasible to purchase the re- mainder property from the owners/defendants than to provide the type of access which they are demanyinossessrtherenthre practaon will allow the County to exclusivel p which the dam would be situated. On May 10, 1988, the Board in executive session considered an offer to purchase the remainder consisting of 83 acres from the owners/defendants fo urchase00he 157a 891 acre t ~a t,, ~ $105 , 000 iously agreed on to p prey Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter requires that the acquisition of real estate or any interest therein be aocosed lished onlW sb helddonaMay• 24 T 19881r herseaond ~eading paspheld ordinance on June 14, 1988. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Upon the commencement of Roanoke County vs. Reynolds, et al . , the County deposited wit 000 e The b lancee of $19 , OOOonecesf Roanoke County the sum of $86, sary to resolve the litigation was to be obtained from the funds reserved and carried over for this purpose from Fiscal Year 1986- 87. The remaining ba ntc N9 f 964 6' 60196 Oavailable in the Spring Hollow Reservoir Acco STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the County Administrator to execute such docu- ments and take suction fo m a proved by thecCounty AttorneyTnplish this transaction, up P 2, Do not authorize the such documents and take such accomplish this transaction. County Administrator to execute actions as may be necessary to Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney -------------------------------------------- VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers r ^AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THTHE ROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE REMAINDER OF THE REYNOLDS PROPERTY/ SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to provisions of Section 18.04 of the concerning the acquisi- Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading tion of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on May 24, 1988. A second reading on this matter was held on June 14, 1988. This real estate consists of 83 acres, more particularly des- cribed as Roanoke County Tax Map No. 72.00-1-1, west of Salem adjacent to the property owned by Roanoke County as the future location of Spring Hollow Reservoir; and 2. That the acquisition of 83 acres of real estate from Harold D. Reynolds, et al., to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for $40,000 is hereby authorized and approved, and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGICENTERELONATUESDAYOAJONE 14UN19$gDMINISTRATION ORDINANCE 61488-12 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE REMAINDER OF THE REYNOLDS PROPERTY/ SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the acquisi- tion of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on May 24, 1888. A second reading on this matter was held on June 14, 1988. This real estate consists of 83 acres, more particularly des- cribed as Roanoke County Tax Map No. 72.00-1-1, west of Salem adjacent to the property owned by Roanoke County as the future location of Spring Hollow Reservoir; and 2. That the acquisition of 83 acres of real estate from Harold D. Reynolds, et al., to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for $40,000 is hereby authorized and approved; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: y~ ~~ , L~~ ,~ ~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Budget ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF EHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT TH MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Fiscal Year 1988-89 Budget Appropriation Ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: i~ Nro ~%~ti~w* BACKGROUND: The 1988-89 fiscal year budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors by the County Administrator on Apr26~1i9889a8d Budget public hearings were held on January April 26, 1988 to receive drannual budgetral comment from the public concering the propose SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached for your approval is the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Budget Appropriation Ordinance. The d ttransfersbudgThel budget978et4of This includes all interfu interfund transfers is $105,590,644. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The first reading °ommends adoption of thea1988W89hFiscal May 24, 1988. Staff rec Year Budget Appropriation Ordinance after the second reading on June 14, 1988. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~ JG~.d~W ~- Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator . ~ ~ ~~ ------------------------------ VOTE ---------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ~- Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON ,~ AT A HELD AT THE RO COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JUNE 14, 1988 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE APgCALRYEARNBUDGEDSFORR THE 1988 1989 F ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ublished in the newspaper, a WHEREAS, upon notice duly p ril 26, 1988, concerning the public hearing was held on Ap tion of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year adop 1988-1989; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ' is a proved said budget on May 10, 1988, pursuant to the Virgin p 'sions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and prove 4 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amende ; Chapter and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation nce was held on May 10, 1988, and the second reading of ordina this ordinance was held on May 24, 1988, pursuant to the rovisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County CharteRoanoke p BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of County, Virginia, as follows: a ro riations are hereby made 1. That the following PP p 1988, eriod beginning July 1, from the respective funds for the p and ending June 30, 1989, for the functions and purposes indicated: 2, That the County Administrator may authorize the nsfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one tra classification of expenditure to another within the same COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 BUDGET MAY 24, 1988 Z ~- y_ ------------------------- PERSONNEL OPERATING -------------------------- -------------- CAPITAL TRANSFERS ------------ TOTAL EXPENDITURES: GENERAL FUND ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 93,472 70,898 875 165,245 CO ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATION 126,306- 14,155 140,461 INFORMATION & REFERRAL HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION 146,G54 28,807 1,455 176,916 899 26 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 26;899 , TRAINING COUNTY ATTORNEY 179,958 25,679 5,060 (37,1431, 156 542 SESQUICENTENNIAL 31,542 25,000 , 208 226 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 117,582 887 250 108,626 167,006 585 40,963 , 2885 9 TREASURER ~ COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY , 270,389 17,400 800 000 5 VICTIM/WITNESS 5,000 , COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE 967 83 3,125 87,092 ADMINISTRATION , 413 65 12,379 77,792 REAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY , 140,640 70,333 210,973 856 110 BUSINESS LICENSE 69,684 41,172 , CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 202 324 82,915 925 408,042 PUBLIC RECORDS , 818 39 38,442 78,260 MICROFILM , POLICING AND INVESTIGATING 675 144 ~ 38,700 183,375 ADMINISTPATION , 059 569 53,150 1,355 623,564 CIVIL DIVISION UNIFORM DIVISION , 1,269,347 247,162 162,131 1,676,640 008 595 CRIMINAL INVEST DIVISION 513,970 79,088 1,950 650 , 876,585 SERVICES DIVISION 772,470 103,465 860 TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION 960 884,824 1 CARE ~ CONFINEMENT OF PRISONERS 1,565,062 319,762 , 98,639 CIRCUIT COURT 7,125 150 92,514 560 14 4,030 18,740 GENERAL DISTRICT COURT , 730 MAGISTRATE 730 8,621 J & D RELATIONS COURT 8,621 37,730 1,445 39,175 PROBATION ASST COUNTY ADMIN-MGT SERVICES COUNTY ASSESSOR 532 183 37,567 175 221,274 ADMINISTRATION , 047 310 45,122 31;230 386,399 REASSESSMENT , 10,949 BOARD OF EQUILIZATION 10,949 FINANCIAL PLANNING \. PERSONNEL. .OPERATING CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL ---- ---- - 352 '~ 89 CENTRAL ACCOUNTING 198,856 90,496 570 14 1,570 , 2 66,787 PAYROLL 50,647 , 60,000 60,000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 613 71 16,640 86,253 MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET , 108,360 1 1,108,380 RISK MANAGEMENT , 690 167 40,091 100 207,881 PROCUREMENT SERVICES , FIRE ADMINISTRATION 66,397 39,225 578 253 333,500 104,781 105,622 1~1 9 FIRE SUPPRESSION 726,203 435 90 , 6,800 : ' 11,800 0 ~035 FIRE PREVENTION , 29,692 38,105 9,700 77,497 386 206 TRAINING TECHNICAL SERVICES 55,532 148,356 2,500 , 35,543 PLANNING AND RESEARCH 33,088 2,455 RESCUE SQUAD 638 235 49,010 284,648 OPERATIONS 698 190 , 9,075 199,773 EMS SERVICES . , EMERGENCY SERVICES 272 22 4,500 26,772 PLANNING AND OPERATIONS . , 17,420 1,000 18,420 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , ASST CO ADMIN-COMMUNITY SVCS 602 101 ) ( MANAGEMENT , 746 793 482,854 288,741 97,971 1,663,312 SOLID BASTE , 96,116 96,116 STREET LIGHTING ENGINEERING 785 202 IB,732~ 12,750 ~37 1 ENGINEERING , 828 68 8,064 ~864) 39,028 DRAFTING & RECORDS ~ , 796 104 11,124 15,000 (54,980) 0, 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION , 431 46 30,650 122,919. 000 0 DRAINAGE , 40,025 4,700 44,725 ROADYAY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 271 410 528,926 24,075 963,272 BUILDING MAINTENANCE , PLANNING & ZONING ADMINISTRATION 89,225 36,503 175 125,903 98,114 CURRENT PLANNING AHD OPER 94,864 4 3,250 500 1 ~ 35,254 SPECIAL PROJECTS 33,75 , 23,000 ZONING ORDINANCE 23,000 DEVELOPMENT REVIEV 016 62 2,085 64,101 PERMITS DEVELOPMENT REVIEB , 43,927 1,400 45,327 17,933 PLANNING COMMISSION 15,233 2,700 CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SERVICES 763 37 7,000 44,763 ADMINISTRATION , 189 141 21,753 162,942 INSPECTIONS , 625 80 22,055 102,880 ASST CO ADMIN-HUMAN SERVICES , GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 565 574 233,764 19,000 827,329 GROUNDS MAINTEHA~HCE , 150 26 26,150 LEAF COLLECTION , 4,200 4,200 STREET SIGNS PARKS AND RECREATION 796 54 1,500 56,296 COMMUNITY EDUCATION , 660 91 1,000 92,660 LEISURE ACTIVITIES , 549 26 3,500 30,099 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE , 292 78 3,350 82,142 SENIOR CITIZENS , • PERSONNEL OPERATItiG CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS 54,544 5,193 59,737 THERAPEUTICS 97,454 19,100 116,554 ADULT ATHLETICS ! 56,892 4,000 60,892 948 147 YOUTH ATHLETICS 137,948 842 197 10,000 409 14,660 81 , 293,911 ADMINISTRATION , , 370 ~ 397 397,370 PUBLIC HEALTH SOCIAL SEVICES ADMINISTRATION 1,522,569 , 251,143 17,445 1,791,157 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 802,285 802,265 000 36 INSTITUTIONAL CARE 36,000 , 984 94 SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 94,984 - , 000 20 RIBUTIONS SVC ORGANIZATIONS 20,000 , r ~~ CONT LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION 101,349 595 ~ 850 102,794 RESEARCH AND CIRCULATION 628,000 282,737 - 450 911,187 400 70 GENERAL MAINTENANCE JOINT BOTETOURT/RKE CNTY LIB 23,833 70,400 24,225 500 , 48,558 EXTENSION & CONTINUING EDUCATION 83,356 5,170 7,800 96,326 ELECTIONS REGISTRATION 88,472 23,049 8,100 119,621 ELECTIONS 27,066 13,925 6,000 46,991 ANIMAL CONTROL 102,283 43,355 145,638 677,392 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 677,392 343 790 MISCELLANEOUS . ~ 790,343 3,029,967 , 3,029,967 TRANS TO DEBT-GENERAL 646,575 1 1,646,575 TRANS TO DEBT SERVICE-SCHOOL , 816,699 816,699 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL 26,666,000 26,666,000 TRANSFER TO SCHOOLS 75,768 75,768 TRANSFER TO YOUTH HAVEN II 325,942 325,942 TRANSFER TO INTERNAL SERVICE 40,000 40,000 TRANSFER TO UTILITY CAPITAL 000 50 CONTINGENT BALANCE 50,000 - , ---- 58,270,796 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - DEBT SERVICE FUND 5,384,542 5,384,542 CAPITAL FUND 866,699 _ 666,699 UTILITY CAPITAL FUND 40,000 40,000 YOUTH HAVEN II 227,301 90,415 1,000 318,716 RECREATION FEE CLASS FUND COMMUNITY EDUCATION 12,000 4,688 1,464 18,152 LEISURE ACTIVITIES 16,127 12,870 4,000 32,997 680 26 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE 4,344 20,586 1,750 , 092 21 SENIOR CITIZENS 6,827 12,265 2,000 , 176 21 SPECIAL EVENTS 5,376 12,800 3,000 , 800 6 THERAPEUTICS 3,600 2,700 500 , 768 44 ADULT ATHLETICS 34,786 8,982 1,000 , 000 3 YOUTH ATHLETICS 3,000 , ADMINISTRATION INTERNAL SERVICES FUND DATA PROCESSING ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS DEVELOPMENT VEHICLE POOL COMMUNICATIONS UTILITY FUND UTILITY BILLING COLLECTIONS METER READING UTILITY MAINT & OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION- WATER OPERATIONS WATER MAINTENANCE SEWER OPERATIONS °' .SEWER MAINTENANCE ; SANITARY SEVER EVALUATION NON-DEPARTMENTAL-WATER HON-DEPARTMENTAL-SEWER OFFSITE FACILITIES FUND-HATER OFFSITE FACILITIES FUND=SEWER GARAGE FUND SCHOOL OPERATING FUND SCHOOL BUS FUND SCHOOL CAFETERIA FUND SCHOOL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND SCHOOL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND SCHOOL LITERARY LOAN FUND SCHOOL TEXTBOOK FUND REGIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND -----=------------------------------------ PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL =., ------2,419------ 5,075 1,000 8,494 ~-- 094 152 9,470 1,828 163,392 , 137,947 108,546 112,200 12,116 199,473' 7,850 700 208,023 188,038 72,067 :- 6,745 266,850 89,243 96,395 4,750 190,388 515 71 50,906 _ .9,509 11,100 , 302 174 42,768 16,000 ~ 235,070 , 298 337 1,471,797 50,400 ~ 1,859,495 , 824 250 373,182 112,440 736,446 , 128 132 916,781 1,048,909 , 435 207 158,027 44,300 409,762 , 228,141 122,536 66,660 417,337 1,288,235 120,553 1,408,786 1,274,120 120,552 1,394,672 92,353 92,353 197,956 197,956 226,826 226,826 55,155,722 1,125,000 2,564,812 1,151,011 535,000 2,981,000 425,633 678,159 64,616,337 TOTAL SCHOOL FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS 138,978,840 z~_ .~ REVENUES: 58,270,796 GENERAL FUND 5,384,542 DEBT FUND 866,699 CAPITAL FUND ~ 40,000 UTILITY CAPITAL FUND ~ ~- 318,716 YOUTH HAVEN II 183,159 RECREATION FEE CLASS FUND 1,009,074 INTERNAL SERVICES FUND 7,772,382 UTILITY FUND ~ 92,353 OFFSITE FACILITY FUND-KATER 197,956 OFFSITE FACILITY FUND-SEQER 226,826 GARAGE FUND - 55,155,722 SCHOOL OPERATING FUND 1,125,000 SCHOOL BUS FUND 2,564,812 SCHOOL CAFETERIA FUND 1,151,011 SCHOOL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND 535,000 SCHOOL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 2,981,000 SCHOOL LITERARY FUND 425,633 SCHOOL TEXTBOOK FUND 678,159 REGIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 138,978,840 TOTAL REVENUES.-ALL FUNDS ________~___ ~-y department or agency. That the County Administrator may transfer ro riation up to $10,000 from the unencumbered balance of the app p of one department or agency to another department or agency, including the contingency account encompassed in the Non-Departmental appropriation. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both at June 30, 1988, are reappropriated to operating and capital, the 1988-1989 fiscal year to the same department and account for revious year. which they are encumbered in the p q, That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 1988, and appropriations in the 1988-1989 budget. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE B ROANOKE COUNTYIADMINISTRATIOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, May 24- ORDINANCE 8 1898FISCALp YEARRBUDGET OR DS FOR THE 19 ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA a WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, the public hearing was held on April 26, 1988, concerning adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 1988-1989; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, 24, 1988, pursuant to the Virginia, approved said budget on May rovisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and P Cha ter 4 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; P and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation of ordinance was held on May 24, 1988, and the second reading this ordinance was held on June 14, 1988, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That the following appropriations are hereby made eriod beginning July 1, 1988, from the respective funds for the p and ending June 30, 1989, for the functions and purposes indicated: 2. That the County Administrator may authorize the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one classification of expenditure to another within the same department or agency. That the County Administrator may transfer up to $10,000 from the unencumbered balance of the appropriation artment or agency, of one department or agency to another dep including the contingency account encompassed in the Non-Departmental appropriation. 3, That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both ro riated to operating and capital, at June 30, 1988, are reapp P the 1988-89 fiscal year to the same department and account for are encumbered in the previous year. which they 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or letion of a capital eliminates the appropriation. Upon comp project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 1988, and appropriations in the 1988-89 budget. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~ ~ Mary H. Al en, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 cc: File Bud et Reta Busher, Director, g Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 BUDGET MAY 24, :988 EXPENDITURES: GENERAL FUND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CO ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION ~ REFERRAL INMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE RELATIONS TRAINING COUNTY ATTORNEY SESQUICENTENNIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TREASURER COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY VICTIMfWITNESS COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ADMINISTRATION F.EAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY BUSINESS LICENSE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT PUBLIC RECORDS MICROFILM POLICING AND INVESTIGATING ADMINISTRATION CIVIL DIVISION UNIFORM DIVISION CRIMINAL INVEST DIVISION SERVICES DIVISION TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION CARE ~ CONFINEMENT OF PRISONEP,S CIRCUIT COURT GENERAL DISTRICT COURT MAGISTRATE J & D RELATIONS COURT PROBATION ASST COUNTY ADMIN-MGT SERVICES COUNTY ASSESSOR ADMINISTRATION P.EASSESSMENT BOARD OF EQUILIZATION FINANCIAL PLANNING PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL--__ ---------------------------- 155,245 93,472 70,898 675 140,461 126,306 1,155 146,654 28,807 1,455 176,916 26,899 26,899 179,958 25,679 5,060 (37,143) 156,542 31,542 25,000 226,206 117,582 887 250 108,626 167,006 585 40,963 459,441 , 270,389 17,400 800 288,589 5,000 5,000 87,092 83,967 3,125 77,792 65,413 12,379 210,973 140,640 70,333 110,856 69,684 41,172 324,202 82,915 925 408,042 78,260 39,818 38,442 183,375 144,675 38,700 355 1 623,564 569,059 53,150 162 247 , 162,131 .,E,76,64C 1,269,347 513,970 , 79,088 1 595,008 585 876 772,470 103,465 650 , 960 960 1,884,824 1,565,062 319,762 99,639 7,125 92,514 560 14 4,030 18,740 150 , 730 730 8,621 8,621 37,730 1,445 39,175 37,567 175 221,274 183,532 386,399 310,047 45,122 31,230 10,949 IC,949 -- ---------------------------------- PERSONt~EL OPERATING CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL -- --- -------------- --- 289,352 CENTRAL ACCOUNTING 198,856 647 50 90,496 14,570 1,570 66,787 PAYROLL , 60,000 60,000 253 88 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION D BUDGET 71,613 16,640 , 1,108,380 MANAGEMENT AN 1,108,380 881 207 RISK MANAGEMENT 167,b90 40,091 100 , PROCUREMENT SERVICES 105,622 FIRE ADMINISTRATION 66,397 39,225 578 333,500 253 104,781 1' FIRE SUPPRESSION 726,203 90,435 , 6,800 11,800 109,035 497 77 FIRE PREVENTION 29,692 38,105 9,700 , 388 206 TRAINING 55,532 148,356 2,500 , 543 35 TECHNICAL SERVICES 088 33 2,455 , PLANNING AND RESEARCH , RESCUE SQUAD 235,638 49,010 284,648 773 199 OPERATIONS 190,698 9,075 , EMS SERVICES EMERGENCY SERVICES PLANNING AND OPERATIONS 22,272 4,500 000 1 26,772 18,420 17,420 , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ASST CO ADMIN-COMMUNITY SVCS 602 101 20,604 200 (18,200) 104,206 MANAGEMENT , 793,746 482,854 288,741 97,971 1,663,312 116 96 SOLID WASTE 96,116 , STREET LIGHTING ENGINEERING 202,785 18,732 12,750 (92,918) 141,349 028 39 ENGINEERING DRAFTING & RECORDS 68,828 8,064 124 000 15 (37,864) (54,980) , 0 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 104,796 431 46 11, 30,650 , 122,919 ,000 2 DRAINAGE , 40,025 4,700 44,725 ROADWAY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 271 410 528,926 24,075 963,272 BUILDING MAINTENANCE , PLANNING & ZONING 89,225 36,503 175 125,903 gg 114 ADMINISTRATION CURRENT PLANNING AND OPER 94,864 3,250 , 35,254 SPECIAL PROJECTS 33,754 1,500 23,000 ZONING ORDINANCE 23,000 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 62,016 2,085 64,101 327 45 PERMITS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 43,927 1,400 700 2 , 17,x33 PLANNING COMMISSION 15,233 , CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SERVICES 763 37 7,000 44,763 ADMINISTRATION , 141,189 21,753 162,942 880 X02 INSPECTIONS 825 80 22,055 , ASST CO ADMIN-HUMAN SERVICES , GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 574,565 233,764 19,000 827,329 150 26 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 150 26 , LEAF COLLECTION , 4,200 4,200 STREET SIGNS PARKS AND RECREATION 54,796 1,500 56,296 92 660 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 91,660 1,000 , 049 30 LEISURE ACTIVITIES 26,549 3,500 , 82 142 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE 78,292 3,850 , SENIOR CITIZENS PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TRANSFERS --- TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS 54,544 ----- 5,193 100 19 59,737 116,554 THERAPEUTICS 97,454 892 56 , 4,000 60,892 ADULT ATHLETICS , 948 137 10,000 147,948 YOUTH ATHLETICS , 197,842 81,909 14,660 293,911 ADMINISTRATION 397,370 397,370 PUBLIC HEALTH 50CIAL SEVICES ADMINISTRATION 1,522,569 802 285 17,445 1,791,157 802,285 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 36,000 36,000 INSTITUTIONAL CARE 984 94 94'984 SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS , 000 20 20,000 CONTRIBUTIONS SVC ORGANIZATIONS , LIBRARY 349 101 595 850 102,794 ADMINISTRATION , 000 628 282,737 450 911,187 RESEARCH AND CIRCULATION , 70,400 70,400 GENERAL MAINTENANCE 833 23 24,225 500 48,558 JOINT 80TETOURT/RKE CNTY LIB , 356 83 5,170 7,800 96,326 EXTENSION & CONTINUING EDUCATION , ELECTIONS 472 88 23,049 8,100 119,621 REGISTRATION , 066 27 13,925 6,000 46,991 ELECTIONS , 283 102 43,355 145,638 ANIMAL CONTROL , 392 677 677,392 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ' 790,343 790,343 MISCELLANEOUS 3,029,967 3,029,967 TRANS TO DEBT-GENERAL 1,646,575 1,646,575 TRANS TO DEBT SERVICE-SCHOOL 816,699 816,699 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL 26,666,000 26,666,000 TRANSFER TO SCHOOLS 75,768 75,768 TRANSFER TO YOUTH HAVEN II 325,842 325,942 TRANSFER TO INTERNAL SERVICE 40,000 40,000 TRANSFER TO UTILITY CAPITAL 54,000 50,000 CONTINGENT BALANCE ------------ 58,270,796 TOTAL GENERAL FUND ------------ 5,384,542 5,384,542 DEBT SERVICE FUND 866,699 866,699 CAPITAL FUND 40,000 40,000 UTILITY CAPITAL FUND 227,301 90,415 1,000 318,716 YOUTH HAVEN II RECREATION FEE CLASS FUND 000 12 4,688 1,464 18,152 COMMUNITY EDUCATION , 127 16 12,870 4,000 321997 LEISURE ACTIVITIES , 344 4 20,586 1,750 26,680 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE , 827 6 12,265 2,000 21,092 SENIOR CITIZENS , 376 5 12,800 3,000 21,176 SPECIAL EVENTS , 600 3 2,700 500 6,800 THERAPEUTICS , 786 34 8,982 1,000 44,768 ADULT ATHLETICS , 3,000 3,000 YOUTH ATHLETICS REVENUES: 5B, 270,796 GENERAL FUND 5,384,542 DEBT FUND 866,699 CAPITAL FUND 40,000 UTILITY CAPITAL FUND 318,716 YOUTH HAVEN II 183,159 RECREATION FEE CLASS FUND 1,009,074 INTERNAL SERVICES FUND 7,772,382 UTILITY FUND 92,353 OFFSITE FACILITY FUND-WATER 197,955 OFFSITE FACILITY FUND-SEWER 226,826 GARAGE FUND 55,155,722 SCHOOL OPERATING FUND 1,125,000 SCHOOL BU5 FUND 2,564,812 SCHOOL CAFETERIA FUND 1,151,011 SCHOOL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND 535,000 SCHOOL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 2,961,000 SCHOOL LITERARY FUND 425,633 SCHOOL TEXTBOOK FUND 678,159 REGIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 136,978,840 TOTAL REVENUES ALL FUNDS =___________ ------------ PERSONNEL ------------- OPERATING ----------- CAPITAL ------------- TRANSFERS ----------- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 2,419 5,075 1,000 8,494 INTERNAL SERVICES FUND DATA PROCESSING ADMINISTRATION 152,094 9,470 1,826 163,392 OPERATIONS 137,947 108,546 112,200 12,116 370,809 DEVELOPMENT 199,473- 7,850 700 208,023 VEHICLE POOL COMMUNICATIONS 188,038 72,067 6,745 266,850 UTILITY FUND UTILITY BILLING COLLECTIONS 89,243 96,395 4,750 190,388 METER READING SC,906 9,509 11,100 71,515 UTILITY MAINT & OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION 174,302 42,768 18,000 235,070 WATER OPERATIONS 337,298 1,471,797 50,400 1,859,495 WATER MAINTENANCE 250,824 373,182 112,440 736,446 SEWER OPERATIONS 132,128 916,781 1,048,909 SEWER MAINTENANCE 207,435 158,027 44,300 409,762 SANITARY SEWER EVALUATION 228,141 122,536 66,660 417,337 NON-DEPARTMENTAL-RATER 1,288,235 120,553 1,408,786 NON-DEPARTMENTAL-SEWER 1,274,120 120,552 1,394,672 Orr"FSITE FACILITIES FUND-WATER 92,353 92,353 OFFSITE FACILITIES FUND-SEWER 197,956 197,956 GARAGE FUND 226,826 226,826 SCHOOL OPEFATING FUND 55,155,722 SCHOOL BUS FUND 1,125,000 SCHOOL CAFETERIA FUND 2,564,812 SCHOOL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND 1,151,011 SCHOOL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 535,000 SCHOOL LITERARY LOAN FUND 2,981,000 SCHOOL TEXTBOOK FUND 425,633 REGIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 678,159 TOTAL SCHOOL FUNDS 64,616,337 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS 138,978,840 ITEM NUMBER~~s~ AT A REGULAR MEELIDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HE MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Buildin Code Board of Ad'ustments and A eals Four-year term of Norman Eugene Jarrett, Hollins Magisterial District. His term expired January 22, 1988. ear term of Thomas A. Darnall, Vinton Magisterial District. Four-y His term expires April 27, 1988. Supervisor Nickens has nominated Mr. Darnell to anotherointmentar term, expiring April 27, 1992. Confirmation of his app is listed on the Consent Agenda. Advisorv Board• One- ear term of youth member Emily Reaser, Northside High School. Y Her term expired November 13, 1987. Two-year terms of Marilyn Morehead, Hollins District; Dr. J. Andrew Archer, Vinton District; and Sherry Robison, Windsor Hills District expired 3/22/88. One-year term of Tracy Rothschild, youth member from Cave Spring, expired 3/22/88. APPOINTMENTS TO THIS COMMITTEE HAVE BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL IT IS REACTIVATED. 3. Fifth Plannin District Commission Three-year term of Citizen Representative Lee Eddy. Mr. Eddy's term expires June 30, 1988. 4 Industrial Development Authority ...Ji - 8 This Committee is also inactive, but does haThef attorney fodr the legal obligations on behalf of threcommends that new members be Industrial Development Authority ointed even though it is not appointed or the old members reapp active at this time. Four-year term of Charles R. Saul, Cave Spring Magisterial District. His term expired September 26, 1987. Mr. Saul has indicated his willingness to continue to serve in this capacity. 5 Parks and Recreation Advisor Commission Three-year term of Paul Bailey, Windsor Hills Magisterial District; His term will expire June 30, 1988. 6 Planning Commission Unexpired four-year term of J. R. Jones, Vinton Magisterial District. His term will expire on 12/31/90. Attached is a copy of Mr. Jones' letter of resignation. Unexpired four-year term of Carolyn J. Flippen, Hollins Magisterial District. Her term expires on 12/31/91. Attached is a copy of Ms. Flippen s letter of resignation. 7. Social Services Board: Four-year term of Ms. Betty Jo Anthony. Ms. Anthony was an unexpired term and her term expires July 19, 1988. g. Roanoke Valle Re Tonal Solid Waste Mana ement Board: Four-year term of Howard R. 31, 1988, and does not wish letter. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk filling Keister, Jr. His term expires July to be reappointed. See attached APPROVED BY: ~ ~ G~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------- ------------ -------- VOTE ACTION Yes No Ab: Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett - Denied ( ) Johnson - Received ( ) McGraw - Referred Nickens - To:_- Robers - .J~- _~ BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS p,, COMPOSITION: To be comprised of five (5) members; :appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members may be reappointed, and terms should be staggered so that less than half of aheointmaltePnatelmembersnwho year. The Board of Supervisors may PA ular members, and may sit on the Board OWerhandbauthorit aof the regular member. shall have the full p y Board members shall be selected on the basis of tlecationl fythe render fair and competent decisions regardiresepp different code, and shall to the extent possible, rep occupational or professional fieast.onetmember shouldmberashould be an experienced builder. At 1 licensed professional engineer or architect. g, DUTIES: Shall act on application for appeals as required by Section 36-105 of the Code of Virginia; oroftanotherecountyno~ an agreement with the governing body or a State agency municipality or with some other agency, and Community approved by the Virginia Department of Housing Development. C, MEETING SCHEDULE: The Board shall meet upon notice oftheevolume of workt The stated periodic meetings if warranted by Board shall meet within ten working days of the filing of an appeal. ~'-2 COURT SERVICES UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD A, COMPOSITION Board to consist of two members from each magisterial district, and one youth member from each high school. Governing bodies of each county and city served by a court service unit may appoint one or more members to a citizen advisory council. g, DUTIES: Advises and cooperates with the court upon all matters affecting the working of this law and other laws relating to children, their care and protection and to domestic relations; Consults and confer with the court and director of the court service unit relative to the development and extension of the court service program; Encourage the members selected by the council to serve on the central advisory council to visit as often as the member conveniently can, institutions and associations receiving children under thof the chald~enepeceivedtby o~uin chargenoftanys and surroundings such persons, institutions or associations. The Council should make themselves familiar with the work of the court. Makes an annual report to the court and the participating governing bodies on the work of the council. As the Youth and Family Services Advisory Board: Establish goals and priorities for County-wide youth services; assist in coordination and planning for comprehensive youth services within the private sector. Serve in an advisory capacity and to otherwise assist the Board of Supervisors to establish goals and objectives in compliance with all "minimum Standards of the Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act of 1979". Assist in conducting an assessment of the needs of youth every five years and to assist in da~~iCPlageainaevaluating Delinquency Prevention Plan, further to p P the implementation of the plan and making a report thereon to the Board of Supervisors. Provide a public forum where concerns about youth may be expressed and to receive recommendations and raise concerns of public and private organizations at any regular advisory board meeting upon proper notice. Advocates necessary legislative amendments to improve community conditions for youth development and toivapeofortyouthvinophencommunityed services both public and p C, MEETING SCHEDULE: One a quarter, the third Tuesday, beginning January; time and place determined at meetings. ~=3. FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION p,, COMPOSITION Commission to consist of five (5) representatives of Roanoke County based on P°Puthe1OOVerning bodieseriandltwo members shall be elected members o 9 who shall be non-elected citizens. The term of office shall be three years. One of the members shall also serve on the Executive Committee. The Fifth Planning District Commission represents participating local governments included in the geographic area the Commonwealth of Virginia. The commission is delineated by composed of 21 elecaedtaonnscitizen representatives of t e participating ~uris B, DUTIES The purpose of the commission as defined by the Virginia Area Development Act is "...to promote orderly and efficient development of the physical, social and economic overnmental the District by planning, encouraging and assisting g subdivisions to plan for the future. The general management program category provides the basic organization and manageomnnt Becauselgeneralcmanagementnd routine administrative funct ro ram, supports the entire operation of the commission's workconsidered costs allocated to the program activity are generally ro ram as administrative rdancelwith thetCommassiongsdCostoAllocation categories in acco Plan . C, MEETING SCHEDULE Fourth Thursday of each month; held in Commission Conference Room, at 3:00 p.m. (time subject to change.) ~ c~ ~-.3 ~~ 145 W. CAMPBELL AVENUE P. O. BOX 2569 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24010 (703)343-4417 May 16, 1988 Ms. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Dear Ms. Allen: According to our record of Roanoke eCountyh ont the Fifthr Planning ~ D str ct non-elected representative Commission and Executive C mentseareeforirthree-year0 terms8. MrheEddymissi f Bylaws state that all appoint course, eligible for reappointment. Please notify the Commission of Roanoke County's official action in filling this upcoming vacancy on the Commission and Executive Committee. Thank you. Yours truly, W ,~ • s.-~ `~ ~ Wayne G. Strickland Secretary to the Commission WGS/pdp cc: Mr. Lee B. Eddy Mr. Harry A. Walton, Jr. , 5PDC Chairman Alleghany County - Botetourt County -Craig County -Roanoke County City of Clifton Forge -City of Covington -City of Roanoke -City of Salem -Town of Vinton INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY A. COMPOSITION: (Summarized from State Code 15.1.1377) To be composed of seven (7) directors, appointed by the Board of Supervisors; for terms of four (4) years, except appointments to fill vacancies which shall be for the unexpired terms. B, DUTIES: Has authority to sue or be sued and to prosecute and defend at law or in equity in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties. Adopted and use a corporate seal; Contract and be contracted with; Acquire, improve and maintain and equip and furnish one or more authority facilities including all real and personal properties which the board of directors of the authority may deem necessary in connection therewith and regardless of whether or not any such facilities shall then be in existence; To lease to others any or all of its facilities and to charge and collect rent therefore; To issue its bonds for the purpose of carrying out any of its powers including specifically any power conferred. To appoint an industrial advisory committee to advise the authority; To borrow money and to accept contributions, grants, and other financial assistance from the United States of America and agencies or instrumentalities thereof, the Commonwealth or any political subdivision, agency or public instrumentality of the Commonwealth for or in aid of the construction, acquisition, ownership, maintenance or repair of the authority facilities. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: Called meetings. -~ ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION A. COMPOSITION: (Summarized from State Code 15.1-437) To consist of not less than five (5)'e°visors;tall shallebe (15) members, appointed by the Board of Sup knowledge residents of the county or municipality, qualified by rowth erience to make decisions on questions of community g and exp be a member of the governing and development. One members may body, and one may be a member of the administrative branch. g, DUTIES: To exercise general supervision of, and make regulations Prescribe rules for the administration of its affairs; Supervise its pertaining to its investigations and hearings; fiscal affairs and responsibilitiesKeendarcompletenrecordloflits prescribed by the governing body; p and preservation proceedings and be responsibleMake recommendations and an annual of its papers and documents; the operation of the report to the governing body concerning urisdiction; commission and the staistributeareports,tordinances and other Prepare, publish and material relating to its activites; Prepare and submit an annua budget in the manner prescribed by the governing body of the county; If deemed advisable, establish an advisory committee or committees . C, MEETING SCHEDULE: Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., Roanoke County Administration Center. ~~~ ~ 'A ~ ~ t fii ,~~._~ ~ ~~`~~' May 17, 1988 „~~^ 5 Mr. Waylon Winstead, ChaC~mmission +~"`"'`' Roanoke County Planning S.W. ~ -" 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia ~- Dear Waylon: ou that as of June 6, 1988, I will be a resident This is formal notice to y I must tender my registration to the of the Town of Vinton; therefore, Roanoke County Planning Commission effective the 1st of June. I have enjoyed my time on the Commission and feel that the County has made great progress and is moving in the right direction for all its citizens. I wish to thank the County Planning Staff for all its hard work and long hours and to the other Commissioners my heartfelt thanks for then con- sideration and cooperation on planning decisions for my district of Hollins. Sincerely, Mrs. Carolyn`' J. F1iPPen Hollins District Representative ~J ` ~O PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION p,, COMPOSITION: (Resolution 85-151.N, September 10, 1985) To be composed of two (2) members from each magisterial district and one (1) member at large from the County. All members to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Original terms shall be staggared. Upon expiration of their original terms, each succeeding term shall be for three (3) years, expiring on June 30th. B, DUTIES: The Commission shall serve as the advisory body to the Director of Parks and Recreation of Roanoke County; the Commission shall suggest policies to the County Administrator and the Board of Supervisors through the Director of Parks and Recreation, within its powers and responsibilities as stated in this resolution. The Commission shall serve as a liaison between the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Board of Supervisors, and the citizens of the community. The Commission will work through the Parks and Recreation staff on all related matters. The Commission shall consult with and advise recreation policies, programs, personnel, finances, and the need for acquiring and disposing of lands and properties related to the total community recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for ~ recreation. The Commission shall assume duties for the recreation purposes as follows: Make recommendations (1) for the establishment of a system of supervised recreatioounds~the County; (2) to set apart for use as parks, playg recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation areas and structures, any lands or buildings owned by or leased to the County and for approval by the Board of Supervisors and may suggest improvements of such lands and for the construction and for the equipping and staffing of such buildings and structures as may be necessary to the recreation program within those funds allocated; (3) and advise in the acceptance by the County of any grant, gift, bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made available for recreation purposes and which it judges to be of present or possible future use or rrantatdevise Any gift, bequest of money or other property, any g of real or personal property so acquired shall be held, by the County, used and finally disposed of in accordance with the terms under which such grant, gift or devise is made and accepted; (4) and advise in the construction, equipping, operation and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and all buildings and structures necessary or useful to the Department function, and will advise in regard to other recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the unit or leased or loaned to the unit. -! ~~ SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (WELFARE) p,, COMPOSITION• (Section 63.1-36 through Section 63.1-58 of the Code of Virginia) To consist of three (3) members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve terms of four (4) years, except that an appointment to fill an unexpiisdeleribleato serverifhoverm thedage of that term; that no member g seventy (70); that no member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms, not counting an appointment to fill an unexpired vacancy. One member shall also be a member of the Board of Supervisors. B, DUTIES: The Board is authorized to receive and disburse funds derived from public grant or private sources in theu~oOSeoof gifts, contributions bequests or legacies for the p P aiding needy persons within their respective counties. The Board shall submit annually to the Board of Supervisors, councils and other governing bodies of their respective counties, a budget containing an estimaneeded to carry supporting data setting forth the amount of tonthe Commissioner. out the provisions of this title and a copy Authorized to employ legal counsel in civil matters to give advise to or represent the local board or any of its membcourtr the employeeheofincidental expensesdinvolvedtinntheoconduct of costs and of rovide either directly or such civil matters. Authorized to P or all child welfare through the purchase of services, any services. Authorized to provide adult foster home services, which may include recruitment, approval and supervisors in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the State Board of Welfare. C, MEETING SCHEDULE: Second Monday of each month, Agency Office at 2:30 P.M. ..~ ~! ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD p,, COMPOSITION (Summarized from Contract of July 29, 1975) two The Board makeup shall consist of six (6) members; (2)members from the County; three (3) members from Roanoke City and one (1) member from the Town of Vinton; to serve four year terms; appointed or elected by the respective governing bodies, none of whom shall be elected officials of the political subdivision. The local governing body within whose jurisdiction the facilities are located shall be authorized to appoint one additional ex-offacionormshallwbe entitledatonatvotea member of such governing bo y, At intervals of five years the composition and size shall be redetermined and there shall be one member from each political subdivision owning an interest in the real estate used as a landfill,lbumembers excludingltheeex~officiosmember,more than eleven (1 ) B, DUTIES The Board shall administer the operation of a regional landfill and make policy. The Board shall hire or employ all persons necessary to operate the landfill; all employees shall be under direct control of the Board for all matters except for the payment of wages, salaries, workmen's compensation benefits and other fringe benefits which shall be contracted. The Board shall have the responsibility of purchasing all supplies, materials and equipment necessary for the proper operation of the landfill. C. MEETING SCHEDULE Second Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.;held at the Sewage Treatment Plant Conference Room. d~I Howard R. KeiSter, ,Ir. 4425 tFontaine I~r. S. w. Roanoke, Vir~inia 24018 ,~,~ ,-y, Pn. ~ ~ ~ /~~~ ~ p ~ ~6 ~ ~4 L~~n~~_v~y~ ,7 ~- d ~~ /~ N ~ c~ / J ~J ~~ 6 / ~2.~ry~tQ,K- Y ~~ ~ / U Ct~/L~~ ~, ~ /'y g . ~ ~~ ~ ~`c~ ~ o ~ ~~> ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ p ~., ~ ~~` G~ZSCVU ~~ 1 ~~ ~ ~, ~ y~ S~JM ~ ~,~-~.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THTHEOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTgATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, APPROVING AND RESOLUTION N0. CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH OORTTHISODADEODESIGNATEDOAS ITEM L - F CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 14, 1988, designated as Item L - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 13, inclusive, as follows: 1, Minutes of Meetings - March 9, 1988, March 29, 1988 2, Request for acceptance of Beaver Lane, Horn Circle, and Elizabeth Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. 3, Request for acceptance of Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane into the VDOT Secondary System. 4, Acknowledgment from Va. Department of Transportation that the following roads have been taken into the Secondary System: a, 0.20 miles of Indian Lane Drive b. 0.04 miles of Memory c, 0.06 miles of Shadow Lane 5, Request for acceptance of Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle and Shadow Lane into the VDOT Secondary System. 6, Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. ~, Ratification of charter agreement for the operation of the Cardinal Academy and authorization to execute the charter. L/-/~ g• Request for a Fireworks Permit from Hills Department Store. Town of 9. Request for a Fireworks Permit from the Vinton. tance of a drainage easement dCavet Sp b ng 10. Accep Boughton across Lot 6, Charles W• Professional Center. Acceptance of a water line easWoodmontnManorby 11. ~, and Lee W. Lazarus Lloyd Section 3. Acceptance of a sanitary sewer lortionnofeao y6A, 12. Coffey - Lot 2 and a p Carter M. Queens Court Subdivision. Resolution requesting authorization from the Va. 13. Department of Tran pRoutel220to erect a spee enforcement sign o That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized 2• of said on any and directed where required by law to set forth up ate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to items the separ this resolution. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 RESOLUTION N0. 61488-14 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM L - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 14, 1988, designated as Item L - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 13, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meetings - March 9, 1988, March 29, 1988 2. Request for acceptance of Beaver Lane, Horn Circle, and Elizabeth Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. 3. Request for acceptance of Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane into the VDOT Secondary System. 4. Acknowledgment Transportation taken into the a. 0.20 miles b. 0.04 miles c. 0.06 miles from Va. Department of that the following roads have been Secondary System: of Indian Hill Drive of Memory Lane of Shadow Lane 5. Request for acceptance of Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle and Shadow Lane into the VDOT Secondary System. 6. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 7. Ratification of charter agreement for the operation of the Cardinal Academy and authorization to execute the charter. 8. Request for a Fireworks Permit from Hills Department Store. 9. Request for a Fireworks Permit from the Town of Vinton. 10. Acceptance of a drainage easement donated by Charles W. Houghton across Lot 6, Cave Spring Professional Center. 11. Acceptance of a water line easement donated by Lloyd G. and Lee W. Lazarus - Woodmont Manor, Section 3. 12. Acceptance of a sanitary sewer line donated by Carter M. Coffey - Lot 2 and a portion of Lot 6A, Queens Court Subdivision. 13. Resolution requesting authorization from the Va. Department of Transportation to erect a speed enforcement sign on Route 220. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, after discussion and the amendment to Item L-8, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 CC: Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Michael Kavanaugh, Sheriff Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities File L-~ 588 March 9, 1988 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 9, 1988. The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ounty, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County dministration Center, this being the continuation of the first 'e ularly scheduled meeting of the month of March on March 8, g 988. RE, CALL TO ORDER Chairman Garrett called the meeting to order at 3:00 ,m, The roll call was taken. Chairman Lee Garrett, Vice Chairman Richard ERS PRESENT: Robers, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Steven A. McGraw, Harry C. Nickens EMBERS p,BSENT• Supervisor McGraw (arrived at 3:05 p:m•) e County Administrator, John TAE'F PRESENT : Elmer C . Hodg ., M. Chambliss, Assistant County John R. Administrator for Human SerA~inistrator of Hubbard, Assistant County ment; Timothy Community Services and Devemept Director j W. Gubala, Economic Develop 5 ~ (~ March 9, 1988 Attorney, Mary Sara Rice, Assistant County H. Allen, Deputy Clerk; IN RE' OPENING CEREMONIES Assist The invocation was given by John Chambliss, r, The Pledge of Allegiance was recited County Administrato all present. TO POSTPONE, ADD- OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF IN RE: gE4~STS AGENDA advised there were several amended repor s. Mr. Hodge CT ANLATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS A~ IN RE; PRO Presentation from ~il° "~ - - rrett recognized Reta Busher, Director of Chairman Lee Ga receiving this ent and Budget and members of her staff for Managem award for the 1987-88 budget presentation. _~ ;., t,nnor of the Roanok ~, r Count ~~° ~~-- of the Vir inia• Bill Board, Secretary Salem 5g0 March 9, 1988 _ _ ,, rganization, presented the proclamation to Chairman Lee Garrett nd introduced members of the Committee. RE: NEW BUSINESS 1 Approval of the Roanoke County Administrative ~tion: County Administrator Elmer Hodge advised that his reorganization is to improve coordination among the epartments, improve responsiveness to the citizens, and to make .he County more efficient. The County Charter requires board approval of any reorganization. Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the reorganization. motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the ollowing recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett yS; None 2. Creation of the Develo ment Review Committee: r. Hodge reported that this committee will be made up of County taff and members of the development community to review the rocedures for construction permits, the planning review process nd other applications to make them more responsive to citizens nd developers. The committee will report back to the board ithin 60 days with a report on progress. Supervisor ickens moved to approve creation of the committee. The motion 59 1 1988 March 9, -- - - - --_ -- n _ Supervisor McGraw and carried by the follow g was seconded by recorded vote: McGraw, Nickens, Gar tt Supervisors Johnson, Robers, AYES: NAYS: None 1 _ __ ,..~ Final ments to the Public Safet Center: Sheriff Kavanaugi Im rove that the Public Safety Center needs new heating a announced I,,Ir, Hodge .advised t is e ui ment as soon as possible. cooling q p final step necessary to complete this building as is the uirements for e originally planned and will also meet the req future He hopes to include any I Certificate of Occupancy. ~~ art of a capital modifications to county buildings as p s lan. The equipment would be handled through improvement p hase arrangement. The first year's cost for the lease-purc ich is will be paid from the Capital Reserve Account improvemen 387 . currently has a balance of $138, rovem is Supervisor Nickens moved to complete the imp Public Safety Center. The motion was seconded by to the t1Ori r Garrett. Supervisor Johnson moved to amend the Superviso 0 be used from the Capital Reserve Account hic that only $130,00 ed ve a balance of $8387. The amended motion was seco will lea by Supervisor McGraw. enditu Supervisor Nickens asked what the total exps betty n ' 1 be for this building. Mr. Hodge responded it wa wil 5~~ March 9, 1988 450,000 and $500,000, but he would find out the exact figure. outlined to the board the changes and improvements that were de to the building. The amended motion passed by the following recorded e: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYS : None 4 Award of bid for $8,000,000 Revenue Anticipation otes: County Treasurer Alfred Anderson advised that the ounty has received bids for the revenue anticipation notes, and restar Bank was the low bid. Supervisor Johnson asked if this was the best way to orrow. Mr. Anderson responded that since the County could no onger use bond money due to changes in the law, this was the ost advantageous way. For twenty years, until the law changed, he County used this bond money to balance the budget between tax ollection periods. Supervisor Nickens pointed out that the original equest was for $10 million and this had been reduced by $2 illion. He expressed hope that we could reduce this further in he future. Mr. Hodge advised that many localities in Virginia ave to borrow this money. This will continue as long as there re two peak revenue times per year while expenses continue all .ear. 5 9.3 March 9, 1988 rove the prepared Supervisor Johnson moved to app resolution. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw a the following recorded vote: carried by Gar tt Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, AYES: NAYS: None RESOLUTION 3988-4 ACCEPTING DETAILD REGARDDNGPPRO NG i, THE INTEREST RATE AND OTHER VIRGINIA REVENUE $8,000,000 COUNTY OF SERIEOSK1988 ANTICIPATION NOTES, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the C23nt198 Roanoke, Virginia, adopted a Resolution on February thorizing the issuance and sale of Revenue Anticipation N es au in an amount not to exceed $8,000,000; and WHEREAS, the County has solicited bids from a lim' ed otential investors for the purchase of such note and number of p WHEREAS, the Board now desires to set the interes rate on the Notes and to award the Notes to the low bidder. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of NOW, THEREFORE, Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia: 1988, sha be 1, The Notes shall be dathallabehnumbered N-1 a issued in denominations of $25,000, s 50 u ward, sequentially, shall bear interest at the rate of 4' 88. P and shall mature on June 13, per annum payable at maturity 2, The distribution and use of the Offering Cir lar, and sa of dated March 9, 1988, in connection with the offering Notes is ratified and approved. March 9, 1988 3. The Board determines that it is in the best nterest of the County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to accept he bid of Crestar Bank to purchase the Notes for a purchase rice equal to the aggregate principal amount thereof. 4. The appropriate officers and agents of the County re authorized and directed to immediately cause a certified copy f this Resolution to be filed with the Circuit Court of the ounty pursuant to Section 15.1-199 and 15.1-212 of the Code of irginia of 1950, as amended. 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor i cGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett S: None 5 Industrial Access Funds Eligibility for Southwest Park: Economic Development Director Tim Gubala wised that Southwest Industrial Park was begun in 1986 and .ere have been attempts to get qualifying industries located here. Several parcels have been sold. Roanoke County applied or industrial access funds from the Va. Department of ransportation and the application was denied. In 1987, Roanoke ounty requested bend approval to construct that road and in eptember 1987, industrial access funds were approved. The road 5 9 >J March 9, 1988 into Southwest Industrial Park is almost complete and there re- funds available in the economic development fund for comple on The County feels that the eligibility for access funds woul be that the better spent on Valleypointe. Staff is requesting anon of access funds for Southwest Industrial Park be alloc rescinded and transferred to another project. Supervisor Nickens asked what will happen if the does not get qualifying industry in Southwest Industrial Pa Mr. Gubala responded that the funds have been expended but are still 9 acres remaining to sell to get the funds back. action will mean that Roanoke County will not be reimbursed the road with industrial access funds. Supervisor Nickens moved denial of the request to Supe transfer the access funds. The motion was seconded by ,vel Robers. Supervisor Johnson felt that denial could negate impact the Valleypointe project, and that it is critical to transfer the funds to Valleypointe. Mr. Hodge explained th< this action only puts all access funds into one project and not add additional funds. There were two requests for non- qualifying industries to locate in Southwest Industrial Par they were turned down. He would like to accept their reque for relocation. This action will reallocate all funds to unty .ere 'his :or isor es and s Valleypointe. 59s March 9, 1988 - _ _. ~~ Supervisor Nickens pointed out this will cost the ounty money because if there are no qualifying industries in outhwest Industrial Park the County will pay for the road. He ithdrew his motion for denial. Supervisor Johnson asked how much money the County will 3ke when the parcels are sold at Southwest Industrial Park. Mr. ubala advised that there are nine acres at $10,000 per acre, lus the tax benefits when the building are built and the value ppreciates. He pointed out that the County must get qualifying ndustries in Valleypointe. In response to a question by upervisor Nickens, Mr. Gubala explained that a qualifying ndustry relocates here from outside Virginia and exports its roducts outside the state. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the resolution. motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the ollowing recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYS: None RESOLUTION 3988-5 RESCINDING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION TAKEN AUGUST 25, 1987 AND REQUESTING THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA- TION REALLOCATE $128,145 OF INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ELIGIBILITY TO ANOTHER ELIGIBLE ACCESS PROJECT IN ROANOKE COUNTY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke nty, Virginia, as follows: 5 g ~ March 9, 1988 reviously author' ed That having duly considered and p row agreement on August 25, 1987 for industrial acces an esc ment of Sout est funds in the amount of $128,145 for the develop funds wer to Industrial Park in Roanoke County; and that those ualifying in s be secured by letter of credit to ensure that q tries were to be located within the park; and, hat a County-State agreement was approved betwee T on unt and the Virginia Department of Transportatio Roanoke Co Y onsibiliti of forth the respective resp October 6, 1987 setting and State regarding the design and construc 'on both the County of the road; and, hat Vir inia Department of Transportation by That the g ible constr tion a reement will reimburse Roanoke County for elig g tember 22, 87 and engineering items incurred subsequent to Sep hat the County locates significant and qualif 'ng in the event t industries on the remaining tracts; and, That the County has received a number of requests rom - ualifying companies and individuals desirous of local non q improving the remaining tracts; and, - That the County has other projects in need of ind otential for a ract- trial access improvements which have strong p ing significant qualifying industry; and, -- ,~ March 9, 1988 598 NOW, THEREFORE, Roanoke County requests that the County- tate Agreement of October 6, 1987 be voided and the County's :ligibility be transferred to another eligible project; and, That the Clerk of this Board forthwith transmit certi- ~ied copies of this resolution together with any necessary and ~upport data to the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor ickens, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYS: None RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1 Ordinance amendincr Ordinance 9887-6 accepting an _ ,_ _ __i ._ ..F ~..~.-,l oci-af"P a~~ar_ent tO he lease of the ballfields on said tract: Assistant County ttorney Sarah Rice reported that the Board had previously pproved the real estate transaction on September 8, 1987. This rdinance amends the acreage amount and the dollar amount to eflect and allow for the future expansion of the Fort Lewis Fire tation. In addition, Roanoke County would lease the ballfields rom Lewis Gale through December 31, 1989 for $1.00 per year. he second reading will be held on March 22nd. 599 t March 9, 1988 Supervisor McGraw moved first reading of the ordi The motion was seconded by Supervisor Robers. Supervisor McGraw reiterated the commitment made t community in 1983 to replace the ballfields on the north si Route 460 and place them on the south side in Green Hill Pa He pointed out it is going to cost more than anticipated and ring of 1990. lete by the sp commitment was to comp Supervisor Johnson requested the deletion of the portion of the ordinance specifying that the funds in the C< Improvements be spent for recreation facilities. Superviso: McGraw withdrew his motion so that Supervisor Johnson could his request. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the 1st read it to delete that funds in Capital the ordinance, amending Improvements be spent specifically to replace recreation facilities. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: IN RE: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Gar None SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES ice . the of the vital of tt March 9, 1988 ~ V 0 _- _ - _ _ _ _ .-- _ - -- -li----- _ Ms. Rice advised that the County is sponsible for adequate right-of-way and easements along adewood Drive and Quail Place in order for them to be brought nto the Secondary System of the Virginia Department of ransportation. Roanoke County is willing to donate .25 acres to DOT for this purpose. Supervisor Johnson moved approval of second reading. 'he motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the ollowing recorded vote: S; Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett ,yS; None ORDINANCE 3988-6 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE TO ESTABLISH ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR MEADEWOOD DRIVE AND QUAIL PLACE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ty, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been ared to be surplus and is being made available for other lic uses, i.e., a public street; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the ~osition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on 0 ~ March 9, 1988 __ ---- _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ _ __ ll 23, 1988; a second reading was held on March 8, 198 February and 3, That the County is responsible to ensure that here is adequate right of way and drainage easements along Meadewood Drive and Quail Place to allow these roads to be brought into the state secondary road system and accepted by the Virginia Department of Transportation; and 4, That this real estate is located west of Holli s Road and adjacent to Shimchock's Litho Service, Inc., and consists of 0.25 acres in right-of-way easement; and 5. That Roanoke County is donating the subject lic property to the Virginia Department of Transportation for p road right-of-way and drainage easement purposes; and g, That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Ro noke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of sai property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the Co my Attorney. McGraw, AYES: NAYS: On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Super isor and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett None sot March 9, 1988 ................ . N RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Johnson requested that a letter and solution be prepared for presentation at a "roast" on March 22, 988 for Jack Smith, retiring Executive Vice President of the anoke Valley Chamber of Commerce. Supervisor McGraw reported on the progress of the reen Equestrian Committee in obtaining contributions in-kind uch as railroad ties, gravel and grading. He asked that the oard of Supervisors approve changing this committee to an fficial commission with the majority of the members from the ounty. This will be brought to the next board meeting for pproval. Supervisor McGraw also suggested that letters of ppreciation be sent to the area legislators for their work on half of Roanoke County's legislative effort. Other board ers agreed that an expression of appreciation should be sent. Supervisor Nickens asked a list of automobiles that ve been requested for the 1988/89 budget. He requested that he list be available by March 15, 1988. Supervisor Garrett directed that a letter be sent ~o Sheriff Kavanaugh and the State Police requesting stronger enforcement of the speed limits along Route 419. so3 March 9, 1988 -- - - -n- IN RE: COST OF IMPROVEMENTS TO PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER In response to an earlier request, Mr. Hodge advi d that expenditures for the Public Safety Center to date are 00 337,706. The action taken earlier this date will add $295, $ oint out to that, for a total of $632,706. Supervisor Johnson p t new construction or renovation of the old Courthouse w ld tha cost double or triple that amount. IN RE; CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the Consent A The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Gar NAYS: None RESOLUTION NO. 398-=- pppROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON T HISOD TE DESIGNATEDOAS ITEM K - FOR CONSENT AGENDA ervisors of Roa ke BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Sup County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That that certain section of the agenda of th Board of Supervisors for March 9, 1988, designated as Item - onsent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in s to C soy March 9, 1988 _. ach item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 hrough 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meetings - January 12, 1988 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Grievance Panel and Health Department Board of Directors. 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Oak Grove Elementary School PTA. 4. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodmont Manor Section 3. 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Meadow Creek Section 2. 6. Request for Va. Department of Transportation Matching Funds for Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized nd directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said terns the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to his resolution. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor cGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYS: None RESOLUTION 3988-7.e _APPROPRIATING LOCAL FUNDS AND REQUESTING SPECIAL FUNDS ALLOCATION TO IMPROVE FARMWOOD DRIVE (ROUTE 1385) v March 9, 1988 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon t a lication of property owners along Farmwood Drive (Route 1 85) PP to have their road improved by adding bituminous pavement overlay. 2. That in accordance with Section 33.1-75.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, State matching allocati is available to improve, maintain, construct, or reconstruct State highways within the County. 3, The property owners of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) have 's eneral fund the equivale agreed to provide to the County g amount of the local share needed for the State's equivalent matching allocation and have deposited these funds with the Roanoke County Treasurer's Office prior to the official re st for pavement upgrade of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) being submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation. 4, That Roanoke County and the Virginia Department o Transportation improve Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) for an approximate distance of 1200 feet, and the funds be appropriated and allocated for the local share of this prof t and be made available to the Virginia Department of Transportation at the appropriate time. sos March 9, 1988 5. That the Virginia Department of Transportation and the ommonwealth Transportation Board is hereby requested to make vailable an equivalent matching allocation for the improvement f Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). 6. That the County Administrator or his designee be uthorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may necessary to accomplish this project, upon form as approved by he County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor cGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett None RE; CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mary Bush from Salem, Virginia spoke. She gave some istory of Roanoke County and the part that her great grandfather ohn McCauley played in the founding of the County. She quested that special consideration be given to restoration of he portraits at the Old Courthouse. Mr. Hodge advised her that the Board of Supervisors has llocated additional funds to finish restoration of the ortraits. IN RE: REPORTS Tax Com liance Efforts: Commissioner of the Revenue Wayne ested efforts to enforce compliance. eY Compton outlined sugg lan to continue door-to-door canvassing at apartment compl es p hir' g and at homes for improper decals. They are considering college students to handle this and they could also look fo abandoned vehicles. Chairman Garrett appointed a committee of Supervi r Nickens, Mr. Compton and Mr. Hodge to discuss alternatives d make recommendations at the next board meeting. IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no Executive Session. IN ~; ADJOURNMENT At 4:30 P.M., Supervisor Johnson moved to adjourr March 15, 1988 for the purpose of a budget work session wit School Board and County staff. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw. The motion carried by the following re• vote: to the ~-1 March 29, 1988 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 29, 1988 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke unty, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County ministration Center, this being a special meeting for the rpose of a joint work session with the School Board and a }~udget work session with the County staff. RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Garrett called the meeting to order at 2:05 .m. The roll call was taken. RS PRESENT: Chairman Lee Garrett, Vice Chairman Richard Robers, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Steven A. McGraw, Harry C. Nickens RS ABSENT: None HERS PRESENT: Members of the Roanoke County School Board; Elmer- C. Hodge, County Administrator; Bayes Wilson, Superintendent of Schools; Reta Busher, Director of Management and Budget ; Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk March 29, 1988 i - IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION Supervisor Nickens moved to go into Executive Sess on pursuant to the Code of Virginia, 2.1-344 (a) (2) to consider a real estate matter. The motion was seconded by Supervisor R be and carried by a unanimous voice vote. IN RE; OPEN SESSION At 2:45 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to return t Open Session. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Robers carried by a unanimous voice vote. IN RE; REPORT BY BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION rs Mr. Jospeh P. Handerhan, a member of Blue Ribbon Commission, was present to review their report. This commiss on was established by the Board of Supervisors to study all ser ces offered by the County to avoid duplications by the various departments. The findings of the commission included the following: 1 Duplication of Services: These included procurement, finance and budget, payroll, insurance, grounds Ind March 29, 1988 aintenance, and human resources. They recommend an rganizational vehicle to implement the consolidation of these Aerations. 2. Administrative Staffing: There has been an ncrease of 89 in staffing over the past four years in the County dministration. They recommended the study of contract services, r part-time personnel for functional needs. 3. Public Service Center: They recommend that a long- ange facilities plan be developed with a view towards onsolidation of facilities to reduce the operational costs nherent in multiple buildings. 4 Cafeteria, Grounds Maintenance, Architectural,. engineering, and Janitorial Services: Both the Adminisitration nd School System provide these services internally. They kecommend a study of the feasibility of contracting these ~ervices to an outside vendor. 5. School Instructional Personnel: School enrollment nas declined annually since 1978, yet there has been an increase n the number of instructional personnel. The school system mploys 77.8 instruction personnel per 1,000 students. The ommission recommended ongoing analysis of the extra cost of aintaining instructional personnel in excess of the state pupported mandate and the state average. March 29, 1988 ___. _ _ _-- -- - ____ __ __ - --- _ II -- --- 6. Consolidation of All Count Facilities: The Commission noted the number of separate operational faciliti s throughout the County which resulted in inefficiencies, duplications and wasted manpower. They recommended that the in the n Board seek to build a central Administration facility future, possibly on the 26 acres of county-owned land behind Public Service Center. Supervisor Johnson moved that the Board of Supervi receive the Blue Ribbon Commission recommendations for study a report back to the Board in sixty days. The motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by a unanimous voi ear the ors and e vote. Mr. Hodge advised that he felt this would get the Y e out to the citizens that the Count is working towar s messag streamlining County government. Chairman Garrett directed C unty Administrator Elmer Hodge to meet with the school administra ion to work on these recommendations together. IN RE; JOINT BUDGET WORK SESSION Mr. Hodge responded to a list of questions concern ng the budget from board members. He presented a list of perso nel by department. There have been 58 new positions since 1985, and he explained that these additions were due to the 911 system March 29, 1988 ublic safety positions, additional assessors because of yearly ssessments, and positions due to the drainage program. In esponse to an inquiry from Supervisor Johnson, Mr. Hodge resented a list of the funded and unfunded positions for 1988/89. leven new positions have been added, but only three are funded y the General Fund. One new person will-also be hired to handle he meals tax. In response to other questions, Mr. Hodge presented a ist of lease-purchase agreements and a list of the requested ehicles. He has requested that 33 be funded and 73 be unfunded. will also present a vehicle utilization policy for board roval. RE; SCHOOLS Superintendent of Schools Bayes Wilson reported to the oard that the state mandates strongly affected the school . It will be necessary to reduce personnel by 114 ositions, including 49 teaching positions, 3 administrative ositions, 10 cafeteria workers and 52 teachers aides. The rograms over the state mandated programs are funded 1000 by the ounty. He reviewed other changes necessary to balance the udget. The school system's budget still needs $1.3 million ollars. The County staff has recommended an additional $1 March 29, 1988 _ _ __ million be transferred to schools which still leaves the sc of 000. administration out of balance by $300, Supervisors Robers and McGraw requested that the pool board study the additional cost savings recommended by the ue Ribbon Commission. Supervisor Nickens expressed concern that the elementary art program was being abolished and that 114 pos' ions were being eliminated. He was concerned that teachers and rograms were being reduced to allow teachers to receive a •3 p ercent salary increase. He pointed out that the meals tax ad P not yet passed and the funds were not yet available. The s ools should not plan on them unless substantial savings are real' ed in non-instructional areas. He suggested that the school administration look at the capacity of each school and poss' lY study the redistricting of school lines. Supervisor Robers pointed out that salaries in th school system and County exceed those of many businesses in he Roanoke Valley. Frank Thomas, Chairman of the School Board review the nonsalary items that had been reduced. IN RE: COUNTY BUDGET WORK SESSION March 29, 1988 In response to an inquiry from Supervisor Nickens, irector of General Services Gardner Smith reviewed the savings s a result of the auatomated refuse collection vehicle. The avings since February is $31,000, and will continue until 1990. t that time there will be enough money saved to purchase another ehicle and the containers. Mr. Hodge advised that he was using he money saved for other needs of Mr. Smith's department and had equested the lease-purchase of the vehicle. Mr. Smith explained he spread sheets he presented to the board. Supervisors Johnson and Nickens expressed concern at he large number of County vehicles. Both felt that this was an .rea that could be cut. Supervisor Robers requested dates and timetables to be .resented to the Board concerning the consolidation of services tween the schools and county. Mr. Hodge responded that nsolidation of buildings and grounds and procurement would gin with this year's budget. He will also bring back a report vehicle use which would begin to eliminate the number of hicles. Supervisor Robers asked for an analysis of the true ost of a 5% or 7.3% salary increase. The true cost would nclude benefits, social security, etc. Mr. Hodge advised he ould bring that information back to the board. Supervisor ickens requested a cost analysis of the departments such as March 29, 1988 Social Services and Youth Haven II that are shared by other localities. IN RE; AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION ADDRESSING REALLOCATION INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDS Mr. Hodge advised that this resolution had previo sly been passed, but the Virginia Department of Transportation as requested different wording in the resolution. The resolut on reallocates industrial access funds from the Southwest Indu rial Park to the Valleypointe project. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the prepared resolution. The motion was seconded by Supervioor Nickens d carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, Nickens, Garrett AYES: NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw RESOLUTION 3291 RESCINDING BOARD 01987 SUPERVISORS' ACTION TAKEN AUGUST 21988 AND AMENDING ACTION TAKEN ON MARCH 9, REQUESTING THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DEALLOCATE $128,145 OF INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ELIGIBILITY AND REALLOCAITY$T08THE5VALLEYPOINTEAPHASEEIS ELIGIBIL PROJECT IN ROp,NOKE COUNTY. March 29, 1988 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ounty, Virginia, as follows: That having duly considered and previously authorized n escrow agreement on August 25, 1987 for industrial access unds in the amount of $128,145 for the development of Southwest ndustrial Park in Roanoke County; and tYiat those funds were to e secured by letter of credit to ensure that qualifying indus- ries were to be located within the park; and, That a County-State agreement was approved between .oanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation on October 6, 1987 setting forth the respective responsibilities of Both the County and State regarding the design and construction ~f the road; and, That the Virginia Department of Transportation by that 'greement will reimburse Roanoke County for eligible construction nd engineering items incurred subsequent to September 22, 1987 n the event that the County locates significant and qualifying ndustries on the remaining tracts; and, That the County has received a number of requests from ocal non-qualifying companies and individuals desirous of improv- 'ng the remaining tracts; and, That the County has other projects in need of indus- rial access improvements which have strong potential for attract- ng significant qualifying industry; and, March 29, 1988 _ ___(( -- -- ---- - - I~ _ __. That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County h e taken action on March 9, 1988 also recinding action taken o August 25, 1987; and, NOW, THEREFORE, Roanoke County requests that the ounty- State Agreement of October 6, 1987 be voided and the County f deallocate the use of industrial access funds in the amount o and $128,145 for the Southwest Industrial Park in Roanoke Count r reallocate industrial access funds in the amount of $128,14 fo industrial access improvements to the Valleypointe Phase I project in Roanoke County making the total industrial acces allocation of State funding to Valleypointe to be $449,645 ($128,145 reallocation, plus $171,500 requested remaining industrial access funds and $150,000 matching State funds a 1988) . described in resolution 2988-4 dated February 9, That the Clerk of this Board forthwith transmit c rti- necessary d fied copies of this resolution together with any support data to the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supe isor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garret NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw March 29, 1988 N RE; EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5:10 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to go into xecutive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a) 2) to discuss a real estate matter. The motion was seconded by upervisor Garrett and carried by unanimous voice vote. RE; OPEN SESSION At 5:23 p.m., Supervisor Garrett moved to return to Session. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson and rried by a unanimous voice vote. RE; ADJOURNMENT At 5:25 p.m., Chairman Garrett adjourned the meeting. Lee Garrett, Chairman ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: JUNE 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Bea~einianDepa~tmentrofeTransportationh Drive into the V q Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: F. W, Finney, the developer of Foxfire Subdivision, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.25 miles of Beaver Lane, 0.05 miles of Horn Circle, and 0.10 miles of Elizabeth Drive. with The staff has inspected these streetsort tion and representatives of the Virginia Department of Transp finds these streets are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Beaver Lane, Horn Circle, and Elizabeth Drive into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~~~4' d e Elmer C. Ho g Phillip Henry, •E• County Administrator Director of Engineering - ..~.• ---"''--- VOTE ------------ ACTION No YeS Abs p,pproved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens to Robers 2 PF ~1V itx +o' ~ ~1O 'l` VINTON HE H TS '--- - If'/ " „~ ..a ''~~ ~S`.~R// eWa.,c 4 Av. ..~ >~ . Aux 1 fl \ RY A~' 8uN ~ , '1f ~- ~-~ VICINITY MAP ~ 634 v,~ c~ `~. i '~ I N ICh, ~" /~ IN • F`I.~ tl r ~ ~ ~PQ ••'' wwrrcc ~~ 1.~+~ ~~ `_ ~ ~ ~ ..'.^, F R D\~, _'~ NORTH ~ I Yk t 3 b {I ~r ~ '~ vio 7i.io-~-i ~- ~ I~ ~\ J,- /~ ~$ ~~ /~ ... ]r uao 7100 i•. •00' Acceptance of Beaver Lane, norm ..~~..~.., ..,,___ COMMUNITY SERVICES Elizabeth Drive & DEVELOPMENT 3 ,. ,- r ~ ~ ]T ~ 66 ~ r 7 Fx 62 ~ - ~ ,. T] i , ~ a w i~ W ~ r i. ^ ' n 7s TZ - I w/ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ dP~ ~ 67 C9 A u 10 71 ^ / / ~~ M' ~] Co~MNW -~ ~ ~6 I I a ~ •7 s . ] S f, t ~u~ 'A ~ t a9 "! f 2 \ s az 14~ ~$ J -~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF TTETHEAROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMONISTRp,TION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A JUNE 14, 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BEAVER LANE, HORN TIOFLTRANSPORTATIONTSECONDARYNROADHE VIRGINIA DEPARTMEN SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the lication of Beaver Lane, Horn proceedings herein, and upon the app Circle, and Elizabeth Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said streets have been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Foxfire Subdivision which is recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 90, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on June 30, 1977; and that by reason of the recordation of said map, no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said streets known as Beaver Lane, Horn Circle, and Elizabeth Drive and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public streets to become a part of the State 4 L -~ Secondary System of gighways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets by the Virginia nepartment of Transportation. 5 AMENDED JUNE 22, 1988 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF TTETHE ROANOKEUCOUNTYOADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, RESOLUTION 61HORNICIRCLE4UANDI ELIZCABETHNDRIVE INTO THE BEAVER LANE, VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROA SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Beaver Lane, Horn art of the Circle, and Elizabeth Drive to be accepted and made a p Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2, That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said streets have been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Foxfire Subdivision and Montgomery Village, Section 7, which is recorded respectively in Plat Book 9, Page 90, and Plat Book 8, Page 62, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on June 30, 1977 and February 13, 1974; and that by reason of the recordation of said map, no report from from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage.' 3, That said streets known as Beaver Lane, Horn Circle, and Elizabeth Drive and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public streets to become a part of the State only from and Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, after notification of official acceptance of said streets by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: wit .~.~ ~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/15/88 cc: File John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip T. Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections ITEM NUMBER ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: JUNE 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: C & S Development Corporatrenuestsa hatothe Boardlof Grove Subdivision, Sections 5 and 7, q Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting tr DriveeyandcOp05 m~.lesmofeIvy Lanelip Lane, 0.08 miles of Sunflowe with The staff has inspected these streets along representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds these streets are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that ondaracRoad SystemLane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane into the Sec Y SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~ c ~- /~~~~~~ Hod e .E. Elmer C. g Phillip Henry, ineerin County Administrator Director of Eng g ~~ _ ------- __ --------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens to Robers 2 ~- 3 ,Q. N0R3H y'J~~ ~/6 r. ~~/s 30 ~ 29 ~o /4 o e° ~ 28 v, ./3 iP. °, x'31 ~, 27 .+ 2~ ° • 6 J? ~ 6e~ o"/ ~ ,P ~ 0 25 ~'°o '34 ' a O e 3 '" ' e'3 24 ti~ -.~ z 6 a/.e7 36 e~ p 23, a ~ •/ •- e~ 0 9 ~ .~ ~ R ,e~~ 52.1 ~ ~a? 507 Ac / » ~e~ 6 . J , 5~ ~ s a s 20N~ 21 ~ County Schoo/ Boord 17 g Ig ;, ~~ ;, ~ - of Roonoke Co. v / ti^ • n o • ~ q6 J/ OJ 0 g ~Z• 6~ O~ , rl `fir' ~~° 2SunflowerAar 4 ~3• 2 ~' ~ ~ 54 J sd'16'''Jb ~5,.>6 5 I R.C. B. S. ~ / 13a N ~ ~ 6, .aW a- 0 3.53 Ac X15 m C <e°7~ y ''e 2 ~ / ~ ` /f~ i '~ Q 7 : PJ s '(~ CAI 72.67 ^ 1 14 JB OO v 4 ? ''a 6 6b~ ' w ~ 8. ~ bt .../1V/` S /a 9ry. ,~ ~°~~ ~ P2 7 g ~ a, 9 n „• ,P a /.3 qs °j/J jAa 10 °~° 9b0 • 47T n 4~p I I '% /o •' r I2 ~ P ~3ZZ, .76 r 52.2 /z ~ ~.:1° as ' p~ 8.41 Ac u County Schoo/ ~ ... "•' Board of Roonoke Co. s 49 463 `~ H a ~n 46.1 ~ 462 dd ~ v „^ ~ ~ D OO ~• D d ~ 4S S9 •n ~- ~ 44 +. ~ . n 4 x a I 36 ~ n M 41 42 Q N ~~ ' n•' COMMUNITY SERVICES a. nGVF~ C)PMFNT Lane, Sunflower Drive, Acceptance of Tulip and Ivy Lane ~~~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THETHEAROANOKEUCOUNTY ADMONISTRp,TION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF TULIP LANE, SUNFENTEOFDTRANSPORTAT ONLSECONDARYTROAD VIRGINIA DEPARTM SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the lication of Tulip Lane, proceedings herein, and upon the app art of Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane to be accepted and made a p the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said streets have been s known as Spring Grove dedicated by virtue of certain map Subdivision, Sections 5 and 7, which maps were recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 225, and Plat Book 9, Page 281, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, respectively; and Virginia, on June 28, 1982, and April 12, 1984, that by reason of the recordation of said maps, no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby for drainage. guarantees said right-of-way 3, That said streets known as Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public streets to become a part of the State Secondary System of 4 G~ -~~ Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINCENTERLONATUESDAYOAJUNE 14UN1988DMINISTRATION RESOLUTION 61488-14.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF TULIP LANErPARTMENTEOFDTRANSPORTAT ON SECONDARY ROAD VIRGINIA DE SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said streets have been dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as Spring Grove Subdivision, Sections 5 and 7, which maps were recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 225, and Plat Book 9, Page 281, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on June 28, 1982, and April 12, 1984, respectively; and that by reason of the recordation of said maps, no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3, That said streets known as Tulip Lane, Sunflower Drive, and Ivy Lane and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public streets to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS : None A COPY TESTE: ~~~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy C1erx Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/15/88 cc: File John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip T. Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections ACTION N0. p,-61488-14.c ITEM NUMBER' AT A REGULAR MEELDNATOTHEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRP,TIONOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Acknowledgment from Va. Department of Transportation of additions to the Secondary System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following additions to the Secondary System have been approved by the Va. Department of Transportation effective May 17, 1988: a. 0.20 miles of Indian Hill Drive b. 0.04 Miles of Memory Lane c. 0.06 miles of Shadow Lane. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: C ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ___ ----- --------------------ACTION---------- VOTE Yes No Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Rah T 7c~hnGC~n/Harry Garrett x Denied ( ) C. Nickens Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x To• Robers x cc: File Phil Henry John Hubbard Arnold Covey -,{°~~; ~, . sr,~ ~a~.: ee . Q-~~J h~^~"~ 'r/ - - RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATlOIV 1401 EAST 9ROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 May I7, 1988 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Revenue Sharing Projects: 1158-080-244, N501 0843-080-245, N50I 1527-080-246, N50I Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: OSCAR K. MARRY DEPUTY COMMISSIONER As requested in your resolutions dated February 9, 1988, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective May 17, 1988. LENGTH ADDITIONS Route 1158 (Indian Hi11 Drive) - From Route 1146 to 0.20 Mi. Route 1157. Route 843 (Memory Lane) - From Route 0.02 mile 0,04 Mi. Northwest of Route 841 to Route 842. Route 1527 (Shadow Lane) - From Route 1583 to 0.06 mile 0,06 Mi. East of Route 1583. Sincerely, Oscar K. Mabry Deputy Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR T'HE 21ST CENTURY ITEM NUMBER 'C` _ AT A REGULAR MHELDNATOTHEHROANOKE oOUNTYEADMINISTRP,TIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: JUNE 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle, and Shadow Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Fralin & Waldron, Inc., the developer of Beacon Ridge, Section 1 and Section 2, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportao110 requesting that they accept 0.09 miles of Lantern Street, miles of Candlelight Circle, and 0.15 miles of Shadow Lane. The staff representatives of th finds these streets a FISCAL IMPACT: has inspected these streets along with e Virginia Department of Transportation and re acceptable. No County funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesdowgLanetintoythecSecondaryrRo d SystemCandlelight Circle, and Sha SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: C ~~~~ Phillip Henry, P E. Elmer C. Hodge Director of Engineering County Administrator ~~ ----- -------- ------ -------- --------------- VOTE ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens to Robers 2 ~~ ri11-? C i{. ~ . \~ ~/ vV ~ ~ ~~ L-~ ~,° ~ ~ ~`~ ~ ~ `fin ~`l ~ 4 g ~ r~:r. ~'~~.-- --~~ ;x:'>;..:.:. " rya:. NORTH "'` ~ VICINITY MAP s ~\ a 16 ~ 2 4 ~ IB ~°?• 32 S ~ ~ ~~ ~ 4 a r 4 • ~ ` 2 ~ s ' 24 ~ •tr°~ ~t / ~ ~ t~ ac 3 o s 4 S~ sync d/ ~ S~ 23 ~ '; I ~ ~ t~ 8 ~• ~ ~ 6 • 4 d 9 ~ P t ' ~~ • trt 3 + ` ~ e L _ ~` 2 \ 26 „~ • ~.•' t'L °• ~ (off O • ~ ~ ~t`~ ~ J ~°°° e . 11 ~ ~ M ~ ~ • 29 r, ~ : ,~ = tT a 1 ~y 9 1 • sl c • ~ wo 4 5' 'r a 3o r+ s ~, w• ~ ~ ~ . 7J[ I f .-ter ~ 31 ~ Y t~ a ~_ J ~ r• 3 • $y a S2 $ ~ ,~ I 4n S.99At ~ ~ 2 e 4 `'}~ ~I • Y ~; S i r d •'~ r 49 ; ~ • 23 a ~. '~ S • µ \.. ' Oti /O ' 21 4 6 ~ ~ O w 20 ° ' i w ~'/~ 46 o r 3T '~ R ctr {~~ 43 Rt. IS98 i ••°~ sai n i • ~ ~ t9 ~ 43 42 41 - ~ l: ' • I ` Y ~ 1, tO l• f! f l• TM q~• O 18 R • 8 d ',a4 • 11 Q r ~~, q r ~ ~ o Acceptance of Lantern ,~.'treet, LdilUlGll~ii ~+ COMMUNITY SERVICES Circle, and Shadow Lane & DEVELOPMENT 3 L -~ AT THE REGULAR MEETINGEOD ATETHEP'ROANOREUCOUNTYOADMOINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF LANTERN STREET,IAp'DEPARTMENTCOFCTRANSPORTATDON LANE INTO THE VIRGIN SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle, and Shadow Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2, That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said streets have been dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as Beacon Ridge Subdivision, Section 1 and Section 2, which maps were recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 303, and Plat Book 9, Page 323, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on November 14, 1983, and May 14, 1985, respectively; and that by reason of the recordation of said maps, no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said streets known as Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle, and Shadow Lane and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby 4 ~-5 established as public streets to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets by the Virginia pepartment of Transportation. 5 x 1 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 RESOLUTION 61488-14.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF LANTERN STREET, CANDLELIGHT CIRCLE, AND SHADOW LANE INTO TAE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle, and Shadow Lane to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said streets have been dedicated by virtue of certain maps known as Beacon Ridge Subdivision, Section 1 and Section 2, which maps were recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 303, and Plat Book 9, Page 323, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on November 14, 1983, and May 14, 1985, respectively; and that by reason of the recordation of said maps, no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said streets known as Lantern Street, Candlelight Circle, and Shadow Lane and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public streets to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: '~~ Gtr--c~~ ,.._.~ [~~%f~Cz.sc.-' Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/15/88 cc: File John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip T. Henry,Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections A-61488-14.e ITEM NUMBER L r AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOT~HR0~ ~ Cp~TyEADMINISTRATIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE June 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeal COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nomina~a of SuperbisorsadeThednomineeohaseagreed to confirmed by the Bo serve. B ildin Code Board of Adjustments and A eals: Supervisor Nickens tatonanotherdfou~myear termnalHisVtermnwill Magisterial Distric expire January 22, 1992. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~1 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------- VOTE ACTION Yes No Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L Johnson/Harr~~ C'Garrett x Denied ( ) i Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x - Referred Nickens x - To: Robers x - cc: File eals Building Code Board of Adjustments and App ACTION N0. p,-61488-14.f ITEM NUMBER L ~ AT A REGULAR MEETINGTOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Ratification of the Charter Agreement for the operation of the Cardinal Academy under the new auspices of the Commonwealth of Virginia COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: For several years there has been an effor~ot°debfornfunding from recognition for the Cardinal Academy to P roved by Cardinal the Commonwealth. A charter has nowroeriated by the 1988 General Academy, and $81,730.00 has been app p Assembly for the academy. Attached is additional information on the charter from Sheriff Michael Kavanaugh, and Harry T. Haskins, Chairman of the Governing Council for the Cardinal Academy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board of agreement and authorize the Board necessary documents. Supervisors ratify the charter Chairman to execute the ~Y~-ti,./ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------- VOTE ACTION Yes Approved (~) Motion by : Bob T Tc~hn inn / Ha rrv C' , x Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x To• Robers x No Abs cc: File Sheriff Kavanaugh Agreement File 3568 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, Virginia 24019 561-8065 1C~ ~~ O S~~R I~~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA MICHAEL F. KAVANAUGH, SHERIFF May 'R 1988 P~-C,~-e-7- Mr. Lee Garrett Chairman Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Va. 24018 L-7 P.O. Box 510 Salem, Virginia 24153 38?-6139 Dear Lee: Jr. , Chairman Please find enclosed a letter from Harry T. Haskins, of the Governing Council, Cardinal Criminal Justice Academy, transmitting to us a copy of the charter agreement for the operation of the Cardinal Academy under the new auspices of the Commonwealth of Virginia. As you know there has been an effort over the la rov de for fundi g obtain state recognition for this leasedmt advise thadtothg ~ was accomplished from the Commonwealth. I am p during the recent General Assembly Session. I would appreciate your bringing this to the attention of the Board of Supervisors and ask that yen borward it to me soethat Ihmay e ecute thehalf of Roanoke County. Please th charter on behalf of the Office of the Sheriff. If you desire to have eiti ase Chief Haskins or myself meet with the Board in regard to this matter, p advise. As you will note wee ma ismove forwa d tol'obta n the state'fu ding. the charter in order that Y Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely yours Michael F. Kavanaugh Sheriff / lav ~: 13 pF THE * R R ## f « \A L/~~ * f~C[M ~vIIG~N CARDINAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY C W MAYO 917 CENTRAL AVENUE Dll'CCfO~ SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 TELEPHONE 703-375-3095 May 6, 1988 Sheriff MichaelSherKffasaOffice Roanoke County 3568 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Dear Sheriff Kavanaugh: The Governing Council of the Cardinc~edran1interimtBoard Academy met on March 24,-1985 and re-ele to serve until a new Charter couldnborderPfor us togreceaveythe Virginia law. This is necessa y appropriation of $81,730.00 from the 1988 General Assembly. Enclosed is the Charter approved by the Board of Directors on May 4, 1988. It is very similalttOalsoeincorporates someother state funded regional academies. features from our current Charter~emTCityhAttorneysSteve Yostse with the assistance of .City of Sa body ratify .the Charter and Please have your governing return the signed document to me at 917 C5OtthatAwenmay meet, Salem, Virginia 24153, by June 1, 1988- 1st. elect a new board and be operational-on July The present board approved the"enclosed budget for FY 1988-89. I will submit it o° theiDepeviewnt of Criminal Justice Services on May 16th f The board authorized the purchase of entepl.ane~ Thisto exceed $12,500.00, cost on a 48 fundhofaapproximately allows us to have a contingency ear as $9,242.00 to cover unanticipated expenses of our first y a regional, state-funded academy. An assistant direchos wersontatrthedbeginningrof the year July 1, 1988. Hiring t P will help keep the average high for personnel expense this an next year which will determine our state appropriation the third year from now. L.- / Finally, we are excited about our new building. Ground was broken yesterday and the contractor expects to be finished with the shell in thirty days. Our academy is experiencing a new birth and I believe with your help it will be recognized as the best in Virginia. If you have questions please call Bill Mayo at 375-3095 or me at 375-3010. With warmest regards, I am Most sincerely, HARRY T. HASKINS, J airman Governing Council HTH,JR:g c: C. W. Mayo, Academy Director enclosures CHARTER AGREEMENT ~ ~/ FOR THE CARDINAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY SECTION 1. Creation There is hereby created by the undersigned Counties, Cities, and Towns, the Cardinal Criminal Justice Academy (hereinafter called the "Academy") which shall exist under and be subject to the terms and conditions of this charter, which shall be deemed to constitute the agreement required by Section 15.1-21, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, for the joint exercise of powers of participating political sub-divisions. SECTION 2. Purpose The purpose of the Academy shall be to provide participating jurisdictions with the highest achievable quality of criminal jus- tice training. This shall be accomplished through the development and operation of criminal justice training °~programs, both as man- dated by the Commonwealth of Virginia and as authorized by the Governing Council of the Academy. ., SECTION 3. Duration The Academy and this charter shall exist in perpetuity, subject however, to dissolution under one of the following conditions: 1 .L -- 7 A. At- any time, by agreement of the governing bodies .of all of of the participants herein. B. On June 30 of any year, in the event the governing body of any participant desiring to withdraw shall have notified each of the governing bodies of other participants of its intent to withdraw, on or before the preceding -March 1. The notice provided for herein shall be in writing. SECTION 4. .Governing Council There is hereby created the Academy's Governing Council (hereinafter called the "Council") which shall be composed of the Chief Executive Officers or the Chiefs of Police or Sheriffs of the participating jurisdictions or entities. A. Organization - The Council shall conduct its annual meeting each March, at which meeting it shall elect its Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and such other officers as it may deem ap- propriate. It shall, at each annual meeting, adopt a proposed operating budget for the Academy for the ensuing fiscal year, and appoint. an Executive Board. The Governing Council shall fix such other meeting times as it deems necessary. It shall keep written minutes of the meetings at which actions are taken. . SECTION 5. Executive Board 2 L- There is hereby created the Cardinal Criminal Justices Academy Executive. Board. The Executive Board shall be composed of seven representatives, consisting of five Criminal Justice System representatives, and the chairman and vice-chairman of the Council. Said Executive Board members shall be elected for a term of one year by the Council during the March meeting. A. Organization - The Executive Board shall fix such meetings as it deems necessary. It shall keep written minutes of all meetings at which actions are taken. B. Powers of the Board - The Board shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To develop and approve the Academy curriculum in coopera- tion and subject to review by the Department of Criminal Justice Services, and the operating policy in connection with which it may expend such funds as may be available in any year's appropriation, in such manner as it deems most appropriate. 2. To oversee and be responsible for the operation of the Academy, giving due consideration~~~to the needs of the participating jurisdictions for Basic and In-Service training and to the maximum benefits of instruction available, in fixing length and frequency of training, and to service demand in fixing operation and staffing levels of the Academy, in connection with which it shall have the power to expend funds appropriated to it. 3 L-7 3. To appoint a Director of the Academy, fix his compen- sation and prescribe his powers and responsibilities. 4. To contract with participating jurisdictions for neces- sary administrative and maintenance services. 5. To promulgate a schedule in each year of fixed costs for maintenance of the Academy, equipment, and basic staff, and of variable costs of operation depending on student population; and to promulgate a fee or schedule of fees per student if necessary. 6. To provide for the admission of trainees not employed by a participating jurisdiction and to, fix fees that will be necessary. 7. To appoint a Curriculum Committee to assist in develop- ing plans for Academy training programs and projects. SECTION 6. Financing and Budget The Board shall designate the chief financial officer of one of the participants to act as its fiscal agent. The Board shall provide for the manner in which and by whom disbursements may be authorized, provided that it shall ensure that the disbursement authorization system of the. fiscal agent is employed. A. Capital Assets and Expenditures 4 L - 7 . 1. Real Estate - The Board may own or lease necessary real property, or may contract for its location needs. In the event an Academy plant is furnished by a jurisdiction, the Board shall determine the method by which payment and/or credit for the furnishing of the physical facilities shall be given; provided, however, that such and the proposed amount of such payment and/or credit; be subject to the approval of the governing bodies of each the participants. Improvements becoming a part of the real estate shall be provided for in the same manner. 2. Equipment - The Board shall, from time to time as it deems necessary, approve a schedule of equipment providing for non-expendable equipment costs and a method apportioning such costs among the participants ,' and submit costs among the participants and submit it to the governing bodies or the participants with the approved operating budget. B. Operating Expenses - The Board shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual operating budget,. and shall submit its approved proposal to the governing bodies of the par- ticipants not later than February 1 of each year. Upon receipt of notice of appropriation by the participants, the Board shall .make adjustments in the proposed budget as may be necessary. 5 L - The operating budget and the implementing appropriations shall take into account and give credit for goods and ser- vices furnished in kind by a participant, at such fair value to the Academy as may be mutually agreed upon. The operat- ing budget shall be approved, or adjusted and approved, by the governing bodies of the participants; each such govern- ing body agrees that for any year in which a participant receives services ~of the Academy, it shall appropriate to the Academy 100 of the net total costs minus federal or state grants which shall be determined by the percentage of law enforcement officers that the jurisdiction is authorized. Payments of the operational appropriation to the fiscal agent shall be made at such intervals as the Governing Council may provide for. SECTION 7. Waiver of Liability Each participating jurisdiction herein and all students of the Academy agree to sign a waiver of liability and hold harmless agree- ment against the Council, its employees and agents when using the firing range, engaged in defensive tactics, driver training, or other training, as designated by the Council. SECTION 8. Instructors Each participating jurisdiction agrees to provide necessary in- structors, when possible, with due consideration given to the man- ning levels of the agency receiving said request. 6 L-~ SECTION 9. Miscellaneous 1. Each participating jurisdiction, herein, agrees to bear all expenses incurred with the transportation to and from the Academy and provide its members with meals and lodging, if necessary. 2. Each participating jurisdiction, herein, agrees to provide its students attending the Academy with all personal or departmental equipment required for such class, other than normal school supplies, including motor vehicles, riot batons, gas masks, shotguns, sidearms and related equip- ment. The Council shall not be held responsible for loss of or damage to said equipment. 3. All parties herein agree to direct the personnel attending the Academy to follow rules established by the governing Council, Department of Criminal Justice Services, and safety regulations required by the Council. The Academy Director will notify the department or agency head of in- fractions of Academy rules committed by their personnel. The Academy Director shall have the authority to ex ep 1 a student for violations in keeping with the standards set by the Governing Council. 4. The Academy Director will provide each participating agency with grades of its students and file the necessary cer- tifications with the Department of Criminal Justice Services . 7 L - '~ 5. Each participating agency shall provide workmen's compensation coverage for its students of the Academy as required by law. SECTION 10. Termination Termination of this cooperative endeavor shall occur only as provided for in Section 3. In the event this agreement and charter is terminated, payment and/or credit for the furnishing and use of ' real property owned by a participant shall be scheduled and valued by or at the direction of the Board and distributed in kind to the participants as nearly as is feasible in the same proportion as they contributed to acquiring it; provided, however, that one or more ,~ participants may purchase the interests of one or more others in the property. SECTION 11. Amendments The Board may make recommended amendments to this Charter. Such amendments require approval by three-fourths of the participat- ing jurisdictional governing bodies and will take effect on July 1 of any year following concurrence in the proposed amendment or amendments. This charter shall take effect upon approval of the participat- ing jurisdictions by resolution of their respective governing bodies, and by the attesting of the authorized signatures. L-7 SECTION 12. Governing Body Approval Roanoke County Governing Body Department U Auth z Signature Chairman, Board of Supervisors Authorized Signature Date BUDGET 1988/89 CARDINAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 66-0800- ACCOUNT TITLE NUMBER 607. 407. TOTAL DCJS LOCAL Salaries of Personnel 1003 $45,041 $30,027 $75,068 Fringe Benefits 2025 12,648 8,432 21,080 Repair & Maint. Bldg. & Grounds 3002 1,200 800 2,000 Maintenance of Equipment 3003 900 - 600 1,500 Printing/Copying/Binding 3004 600 ~ 400 1,000 Janitorial- Services 3010 . 720 480 1,200 Maintenance of Auto Equipment 4001 600 400 1,000 Telephone Service 5101 600 400 1,000 Gas, Electric, Water, Sewer 5102 3,450 2,300 5,750 Rental of Property 5105 6,112 4,074. 10,186. Postage 5201 270 180 450 Insurance & Bond 530 7 3,540 2,360 5,900 Office Supplies 5401 600 400 1,000 Janitorial Supplies 5403 210 140 ~ 350 Academy Supplies 5404 6,000 4,000 10,000 Uniforms 5405 150 100 250 Travel & Training (staff) 5502 600 400 1,000 Travel (Students) 5503 600 400 1,000 Dues & Memberships 5801 90 60 150 Miscellaneous ~ 5899 ._ ..60 40 100 Accounting Fees 6390 " 1;200 ~ '800 2,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND OPERAT ION $85,191 $56,793 $141,984 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures 9001 1,200 800 2,000 Chairs, tables & Office Equipment Motor Vehicles & Equipment 900 3 2,340 1,560 3,900 12 payments @ $325 Other Equipment 9006 900 600 1,500 Projector TV TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 4,440 $ 2,960 $ 7,400 TOTAL ACADEMY $89,631 59 753 149 384 1988/89 REVENUES: Funded Agencies (407.) 584 Students @ $94 $ 54,896 (607) State-DCJS 81,730 Total State & Local Revenues $136,626 Non-funded Agencies 22,000 (178 Students @ $125) Total Revenues $158,626 Less Total Expense 149,384 Non-designated Contingency Fund $ 9,242 SALARIES: Director $ 35,693 .Assistant Director 23,005 Secretary/Admin.Assistant 16,370 $ 75,068 407. _ $54 , 436.66 17 = 1,362.17 ~-7 Fringe Benefits ~ 21,080 Total Salaries $ 96,148 A-61488-14.g ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEEHELD AT THE ROANOKEFCOUNTYVADMINISTRATIONRCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Request for Fireworks Permit from Hills Department Store COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Hills Department Store has requested a permit for a fireworks display to be held on July 4, 1988. Fireworks Unlimited of North Carolina will conduct the display, and they will agree to the following safety precautions: on duty Pursuant to Sheriff Michael Kavanau s recommendation, officers, Hills is required to employee-ten starting one hour before the fireworks begin and to extend one hour beyond the time that the fireworks end. Six of these officers would be assigned to handle additional traffic on Route 419 and Route 221, and four would be used on the parking lot at Hills Department Store . Hills Department Store has received approval from the Board for this fireworks display for several years. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: t~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator - ----------------------------------- VOTE ACTION Johnson/Harry Bob L No Yes A Approved (x) . Motion by: Nickens - amen e that on-duty C Garrett x - x Denied ( ) eived ( ) R . aw en orcement o icers wi an le Johnson _ x ec Referred tra is an par ing of McGraw Nickens _ _ x To Robers x _ cc: File Fireworks Permit File Sheriff Kavanaugh Chief Fuqua FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT APPLICATION Pursuant to the provision of Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code the following organization hereby applies to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a display of fireworks within Roanoke County. 1. Name of Organization 2. Address: ~ ~ ~ z s ~c~~ ~~~~T C, 7~ ~3i4'.~~'1 [~'LEIc~r~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ i!' ~/,n "~lld ~, ~~~~~~~T _ ~ ~. F ~ ~ 3. Date of Fireworks Display: 4. Location of Fireworks Display: ~'~ ~ ~ L s ~~~ "`;' ~ 5. Name and address of qualified expert who will conduct such display and basis for his qualification as an - expert: l~' ~ /.'/~= LJd,<"t~-s /~NL fir/ //.t" ~ O~ ,Nom/~ ~~~~'~.~/.~~ r 6. Attach copy of Certificate of Insurance. 7. Attach a safety plan outlining precautions that will be implemented for the duration of the fireworks display. The undersigned hereby certifies that the provisions of Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code have been read and will be complied with by said organization. Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display shall be immediately disposed of in a safe manner. Name ~' - ,. .~ ~' Title S '` GJ ALLIED 5pECIAL.TY INSURANCE, ~ ''i'F:E.AS1•1RE I5l.,Ai~4I~, i~l..CIF::CT~A ;~3 ~0~? 1Q~a:1. GUi".~ ~Si...tlT~* ., >_.,~776 F lar• i da To i. l Fti°ee ~~~4U-•• i~'3;r_.:~3~,~; Nat i ana Cei••fiificate glad 208 F o l i c Y N a 4 8Lt322091 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE is •ta c.er•tifY that palicies in 'the name a,° t. Store #54 '~'t~ i ~ Hill's Dep Inc 4 Ad d i. fi i a na i. property O~'ners Fireworks Unlimited, ~.itit;~l7••ed Named $ox 257A Municipalities Insured Y~ ~~~yv i l l e, NC 2?3?9 ~ Hill' s Stores Co And ~ Address het"eaf : a~ f a {. laws: _ _"...... ..." _._...... a~"e i n f as°ce.._a t the •d~ate _ .~._.....~_..".. ~.........~;~•I. i c:Y~p''~'~~•!'ad ._"~............"..~"~ rii i t~~..__w._.. hTnrlM~f~~ri~'>~it••~n ---u....."..._....._...._ .............w. T 8 i tIt1.000-000 C5L ~' I ~'iEWC)FK5 U 7 Si~'L.AY L.:IAT~IL-~,TY iNBUTiANCE CpMi"'ANY ; ~'.N.F.. Ins':u~-anc:r~ C: a m~~ a nY "".".""._"_."........._.._____ EXCESS !"':Ci~:k.WOf.KS li:GSF'I..AY L~xA~II.,ITY Ii~lSURANCf~ Cq~ff-'At~Y. Ci7i~fl~'ANY 8Lt322091 C f •r ; 05/01/8 ExFY : 0~/O1/89 E"f'F E:xp E•f •~ Ex~+ .......... _".....M ........_. ..._._..._...._.."...L._..~.........._._....... •• ~ 5IN t~L..i: 1..~:i~IT ay cancel lat i an of s material r.:h<•~n~l~' ing ive wr•ittEan notrce to ]:n the event of anY d ui. an th~~ campanY+ p am this cer•tificatcr is t<>~>~Aecis but 't'ai~ui••e ka ~7~v~ a l i ~. i es, the under°~.~ i ~ n~~d will. en eava~- t a ~ the party "ta wh na ab l i 9at i an a.' l ~ ab i i. i tY 4, 1058 such nn t ~ c.e sha I. l i mp ase I:~ATE t~R•: ~:i~:~iF'l"AY July i"tATi~! I~A-i•E i3ext Clear Night GERTIF'IG~A 11' s Stoles Co* NA~SE ANO 1~ Dan Read l:-~:51^'L.AY Ai~pt•)NT AI~I~~.ESS Canton , i~F,a,ss • 02021 r, 3901 3raznbleton Ave . !_.OC`.AT7:C~N Uf~ L'1•?F'l"AY rpanoke, VA 24015 ~., e x t t- nrt s nai•• , ne~~escv:~ i be~mhan+~c i n. any palicY di<~: lays This ~ei"s ~ then c av~~~9eeaf F o~ ~~~•.d~~tiyvr Y ~ y~'th~ I.d > ati" alt uen•( date an wh ic-h d asp l'3Y a • vent i a i n ar i nc ls~~nt w~!ather p~"ah~b ~ ~ L icki n~ afi N13~lE• xn a an a sub an p cavei;age wi i.l aF~p lY tips c:antra~~•~'thel~pavisars. w i th ~ n the terms of f a r ~- ar exp as i t i a n: d i sp lay a+"e the i-espans i b i L i tY AnY the awner ai" aj- any public 't'he fa 1 lowi Yt~ a~"e add i t i ana L i nsu}"e `-"' but anlY as at i an: spansar• i Yt~ ar~ani x~h~aanainedaaslsui ceder a f ~' assay.. i ~ em i see': usFtd by i.essee , of any ~' : i nd~,pE'nclent ~: arc idents ar i s ~ rti~7 au'k afi the bits i nes~> aP~'~"at i ans authar ~ tY 9~"ant t nC,~ a peg"tn~ t to the ~ Lmnamedsunsured any 1"~'raP A l'aa g r. 1 an 'ttl~' a~:'i~lA'C'E?d. E?Ct..> c3a add i't assured. treha if of th~~ d i~xP lay a pr imarY ~'>i~ntatuti°e a• ca%~i°s c.antrac::tay- wha fires 5 ~• Can a~°i"~i ~ 1. sate is not valid unl~.s•~ .~~. "___._. __ 'This, ce~•• t i f i t valid) + ~~¢~~I~::~..'-~•~~-`~~ w'~. belaw cap ies ai••e na "~~~~~ ~ x.ed ~ir~n%~tr ~iate afi' 4.er•t~f~cate~~•~•~uanc:e ,L-- '~ :.,~~•~r . _ ~ h ~~ 1• ~•/ • ~ ~ r , ~ ~. ~~ ~ Q \~~ Iii ~ i I ` ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ • + ,1 • ~I I • ~ . . ~ ~I I ~~ ~; ~ .y •,; ~;,~• T ~o~t~t Ca~o~~rta ~~ewo~~Cs -Urtl~m~ted o~ ~l ~ll plc 27379 ~ox 257_ ~ ~anceyv~ e, ~,t. 1, ~ele~~1°ne i -gig-6g4-949° ~,y 24, 1988 Hills Department Store 3901 Brambleton Ave. Rr~anoke, VA 24018 Deal Store I~'Ianager sed is your copy of the insurance certificate for the fireworks Enclo 4, The show will consist of the following: display on July ~} 3" Shells 25 4" Shells 20 5" Shells 5 6" Shells 80 2~" Finale This is the official shell count. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, /'"'--"'r~- Bennie T. Cox President A-61488-14.h ITEM NUMBER~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROAEOKE COUNTYVADMINISTRATIONKCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT TH MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Request for Fireworks Permit from the Town of Vinton COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMA uI ~ ~ 19 8 8 The Town of Vinton has requested a permit for a fireworks display --rggg, George Nester, Town Manager, has to be held on T~n~-r~. outlined the safety plan to be followed in the attached let er. The Town of Vinton has received approval from the Board for this fireworks display for several years. APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Mary H. Allen County Administrator Deputy Clerk --------------- --------------------- VOTE ----------------- ACTION No Yes A Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L Johnson/Harry_ ~• Garrett x - Denied ( ) Nickens Johnson x - Received ( ) McGraw x - Referred Nickens x - To ___ Robers x - cc: File Fireworks Permit File Sheriff Kavanaugh Chief Fuqua ~` FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT APPLICATION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-Z of the or anization hereb applies Y Roanoke County Code the following g to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a display of fireworks within Roanoke County. 1. Name of organization - 311 S. Pollard Street 2. Address of organization - ' Vinton, Virginia 24179 July 4, 1988, 9:30 p.m. 3. Date of fireworks display - 814 Washington Ave. 4. Location of fireworks display - Vinton, Virginia 24179 ualified expert who will conduct such 5, Name and address of q ualification as an expert - display and basis-for his q er N1~norial Church, Lynchburg. Vir'gi~-a 3ernard Bangley, Qum 16 years experience in. conducting and shooting fireworks displays certifies that the provisions The undersigned hereby f Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code have been read and 0 will be complied with by said organization. Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display shall be immediately disposed of in a safe manner. Name a~~ Ti le GEORGE W. NESTER Town Manager TOWN OF VINTON P.O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 (703) 983-0607 June 6, 1988 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24015 ~- - 9 All- AMftICAN tOANOKE VALIEY wit-w Dear Board Member: la permit for The Town of Vinton is applying for a Fireworks Disp Y Virginia. July 4, 1988 at 9.30 p.m., 814 Washington Ave., Vinton, ollowing safety plan will be implemented for the duration of The f the display: p,) The Vinton Police DnPatrafficwcontroleprior tofandtafteWille policeman supervise g fireworks. During the fireworks exhibit two policeman be stationed at the perimeter of the restricted fallout zone and two policeman will be snalltown staffawillsbeeassisting Washington Avenue. Additio at the fallout zone. B) The Vinton Volunteer Fatetheplocationwoflthevfireworks fighting crew on duty display. C) The Vinton First Aid Crew will ersonnelltoaassist wgthdfirst vehicle, ambulance, and ample p aid and to assist with crowd control at the restricted fallout zone. res onsible for the display will be Fireworks The company p North Carolina with $1,000,000. Unlimited of Yanceyville, rovided by the Allied combined single limit insuTaHcE.cInsurance Company, of Treasure Specialty Insurance Inc., Island, Florida. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerly, Geor W. es r Town Manager GN/ml encl. L - ~' ~ ~i ~••- IrJrr /~ _ ~ ...~ // I ~ • ~ ~ ~' ~ ~~~J~ s ~ r1~~ •~~~+~ ~irrtited o~ ~J ~OrltYl Ca~o~ina ~~~lewo~l~S n Ile J ~~ 2 73 79 ~x 257-~ • ~anCeyvc , ~t. r, ~elen~ione r -g r g-6g4-949a Ma,y 26, 1988 Town of Vinton P.O. Box 338 Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Ms. Layman: Enclosed is your copy of the insurance certificate for the fireROrks display on July 4. The insurance is for the specified amount of ~1 million. Last year's shooter, Rev. Bangley, will be doing the shoeS~gons,this year. Please feel free to contact us if there are anY ~ Sincerely, i ~ ~- ~~ , ~ ~~,~ , . ~ ~~ ~,%~. •_/! Bennie T. Cox President L - ~' INC • I 3370~~ ALLIED 8#ET~1.'EA5_Uk~NIB~ANLE~FLORILA 10451 OUIrF LiLVLI. Wig?-67?6 F lorpda l 'f o t l Free ~~800-- Cert if Irate Na. 215 PaIIcY No: 8L022091 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE olicies in the name af: to cent ifY that P This i > 1 Town of VA 2179 1 reworks Unlimited, Inc IAdd,•1ln~uned Vinton, Named Fi Box 257A YanceYville, NC 273? 1 1 Andu~^ed Rt. 1, Address , as follows: """"~' e a t the date hereof - ^- _.. c --~ ;-~'oc~°__--_---C i m i ts~ are i n f arc __ ~ -' ~"5e1=s~ r~'o 1. i~Y ct~l _M. _--_..__._......__.._____~. ind~of~~n~urancew_. ~~ollcY_~um~_"__ i___-:--~_.."" 88~-I`~1,0Q0,0o0 CSI.* ~_____ _--_ ___--__ s~oii FIREILITY II~SUFANCE COIF ANY : T.H.E. Insurance CamPanY _ ~~_____ _ EXCE~AYFLIA~~LITY~ DISP INSURANCE COMPANY • COMPANY: SLG22o91 Eff. o ExP: os~oiie9 Ef f : ExP: Ef f : ExP: ___~.__..____..__..__~_-- I SINGLE LIMIT .~________---_____ a,CSL - COMDINEL sa i d in, or can~ellatipn nafiiceive material chan~e to 9 ivbut~^f~ i lureth° CamPanY• In the event of anY l i ab i l i tY upon policies, the unde~'s i fined w i l L en eava~. 1938 this cent iflrate is Issued, the Pal-tY, to wham impale na ab L i9at i an °I OF LISPLAY J'11y 4' such notice shall LIATE 1 ISSUET.1 T0: RAIN LIF1Tl'--= ,text Clear Night CERTIFICATE AHLE ;vl~.ry Beth Laymen LixSF'LAY AMCIUNT X3500.00 ve. ALILIF'tESS Town of Vinton p.0, Box 338 LOCATION OF DISPLAY 814 ~~1asY'~VA 24179 VA 24179 Vinton, 3inton, amends, eXtFands nar.ne~ativelY he}°ein• neither affirmativanY pallcY described di~plaY~ afforded by ~ ahibits•thl`> is held, This cent i theacave~°a~~' _ wh I ch d ~ sla laY or alters inclement weather P - o l 1 ~ 1 n~ ai the NOTE: I n event I-a I n a~ sub se•~.I>.ent C lea nuP and P caves-age will aPPIY an•a term~'> of th i ~; caYltl°a ~f • the SPansors• within the the I"esPanslbilltY fai~° al_ exF,usitian, d i sP laY al_e AnY ttl~:~ owner ur additional insul"eds; al_ 4~ny publ.lc al"e a1-gani zat I an ar ccymmi ttr-.:~e~ The f a l lawf n95pansor i n~ rlamecl assured, but , anlYu~sthe assac i at i an, I em i ses lased by the a p1 at 1 ans lessee of any P :• a pe1-cni fi to thethembus~i rsi~sse P - - i ndePc'ndent I antln9 al_isin9 uut,af insured anY authai"icYaccidents additional reamed the assured• respect-> Also. as • ~ > I.aY an beha if of assured • the d I .aF ~ earn pr imarY f Tres sic~nu7turr .fir P Conti actor who i s nut valid un LHS~'. tan ar i g i na ... . _. This. certlf irate valid). /,~'~ ~?•~~~~;'~jr ~._..xi ~._... (c:oP ies dl-e nut 1~. ~~A ~iar 1 xe .. .__._ .__. be l uw Q$flLY~ ..___._ G;iia ricer V late n~` i.;ert I Irate ~~ _ 9-69.4-6200 Warehouse 1 91 Fireworks Unlimited o/ North Carolina Bennie Cox -President Rt. 1, Box 257•A. Yanceyuille, N. C. 27379 Telephone 1-919-694-9490 nd CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT for the sale of Fireworks mbetween Fi eworkseUnlhmst North Carolina, THIS y June , A.D. 19 88 ---~ b and ,_ day of _r iii nton V_~ r~ a -- Party of the First Part, and "~ - Party of the Second Part. in consideration of the sum of One Dollf~erementionede theh partiesato thisdcontralptand WITNESSETH: For and which is hereby acknowledged, and of the terms. and conditions herema severally agree to perform their several and respective covenants and to guarantee terms, conditions, ~- mutually and art Fireworks to be payments of this contract. art of the first part agreemset sell and furnish and deliver unto the party of the secon Thep Y forth and agreed upon at the time of the signing of the agreement, said Fireworks exhibited in accordance with programs July 4, x988 to be furnished for display on the following dates Feather permits a display, it being mutually understood and agreed that should in 0ement wea er pr - of the parties will be held to discuss .the Put andnset up before provided the v on said dates, a meeting vent the giving of said display the parties hereto that in the event the Fireworks have been to en It is agreed and understood by and with good weather prevailing. then. s hereinafter'namedicompensations, be carried out in t e the inclement weather best possible manner without any deductions whatever tromarte of the second part one a~tmand act~undePenstructions The party of the first part agrees to furnish unto the P yof the party of the second p present the sao dhePpafty lof thehsecondnpartto be the agent(s) citable place to display the said fireworks, and directions rees to procure and furnish a s lace to store the fire- art ag and convenient p olice pro- 7he said party of the second p and to secure all Police. Local and State permits, and also turnis a re ared for display by the experts and agrees to turnishandealsocfurnish the services works, where same may be p P be necessary for the erection of the set pieces, and such lumber and etc. as may the trained .personnel. tection, of two laborers to assist in the erection and assembling of the disp ay y the party of the seco Ihepdangeralarea ande1behind thebsafety Prior to, during and immediately following the display, g P out of kee ing all persons (except the trained personnel and their desi Hated hel) u and policing of the P zone lines. art shall be solely responsible for ALL clean p Following the display the party of. the second p removal of frames, sets and lumber, display area including, but not limited to, the removal of all unexploded fireworks, and the refilling of holes. art of the first part, the sum of DOLLARS, for the said fireworks. Payment to be The said party of the second part agrees to pay unto the p y to be given. Display S 3 500.00 ade as follows, 50 per cent before Noon. Balance of contract before Noon of the last ay m _ • ,...,.„ nit (~f ,_ _...~ .,,. Tn~ira.l'1C be made by Draft or Certified Check payable to the order of Fireworks Unlimited of North Carolina, ecified and authorized in writing, and NO CAS Wshall be paid to agent without written authoflirs All payments shall een the parties or persons mentioned herein. t unless otherwise sp of the This contract shall not be construed to create a partnership e vent of fire, accident, strikes, delay, flood, act of GOhereto release ea h other from any and ahl performances of In the e part, which prevent the delivery of said materials, the par ies the covenants herein contained a o rfha damages resulting from the breach th eworks nds and seals to this agreement in duplicate the da unl m~tedfof Nor~h Carol na IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we set ~ Fir ~ ~ ~ .~ ACTION # A-61488-14.i ITEM NUMBER ~ - ,f~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of a drainage easement being donated by Charles W. Houghton across Lot 6,Cave Spring Professional Center COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ BACKGROUND: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Charles W. Houghton has agreed to donate to the County of Roanoke a fifteen (15) foot wide easement for the location of a drainage facility. Also during the construction period, but not thereafter, the County is granted an additional five (5) foot temporary construction easement. This easement is located in the Cave Spring Magisterial District across Lot 6, Cave Spring Professional Center. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1027874, adopted on October 27, 1987, the Board authorized the County Administrator to accept donations or dedications of non-controversial real estate matters. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this acceptance by resolution under the consent agenda. Respectfully submitted, -, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ^." ~ C./ VOTE Approved (X) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Jo'nnson/Harr C. Nickens cc: File Paul Mahoney Cliff Craig John Hubbard No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson McGraw x Nickens x Robers _ x ACTION # n F,1 4 88-1 "~ ~-, -~--1 ~,-~/ ITEM NUMBER _._ _---- OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOENTER OF THE BOARD ADMINISTRATION AT A REGULAR MEETING THE ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA HELD AT COUNTY, DATE: June 14, 1988 donated by MEETING line easement being _ Woodmont tance of water Lee W. Lazarus ITEM: Accep Lazarus and AGENDA Lloyd G. Manor, Section 3 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ ~.~ BACKGR~UI`?D INFORMATION: have agreed to donatethe SUMMARY OF Lazarus easement for Lazarus and Lee W• (20) foot wide eriod Lloyd G• a twenty during the constructionfpfteen the County of Roanok line, Also an additional of a water the County is granted location easement. but not thereafter, Magisterial (15) foot temporary construction Hills is located in the Windsor This easement Section 3• 27, Woodmont Manor, adopted on October District in to accept to Ordinance No. 1027874 the County AdministreState matters. pursuant authorized 1987, the Board of noncontroversial rea donations or dedications ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: None• ENDATION: favorably consider STAFF RECOMM the Board that the consent agenda. It is recommeeS lution under this acceptance by Respectfully submitted, J ~ ~ '~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ~~~ ------------------------ VOTE ------------------------ ACTION No Yes Abs Bob L. Johnson/ roved (X) Motion by•Nickens APp Harr C- Denied Received ( ) Referred ---" cc: File Paul Mahoney Cliff Craig John Hubbard Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers Y ACTION # A-61488-14.k ITEM NUMBER ~___~'2' AT A REGULAR MEETINGAT THEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of a sanitary sewer line o t t dofaLotd by Carter M. Coffey - Lot 2 and a p 6A, Queens Court Subdivision COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Carter M. Coffey has agreed to donate to the County of Roa- noke a f fifteen (15 ) foot wide tnemconstrouction lpe aiodn theaCounty tary sewer line. Also during is granted an additional five (5) foot temporary construction easement. This easement is located in the Windsor H ueensMCourteSubl District across Lot 2 and a portion of Lot 6A, Q division. Pursuant to Ordinan Count Adm 8n stra oredto ac~ ept donat9ons the Board authorized the Y or dedications of non-controversial real estate matters. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that acceptance by resolution under the Board favorably consider this the consent agenda. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney L -- /.2. Approved ( ~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION VOTE Motion by:_~~h r ;nMr,~~n/ No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw Nickens x Robers ~ cc: File Paul Mahoney Cliff Craig John Hubbard ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER 'L'-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 14, 1988 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution requesting authorization from the Dept. of Transportation to erect a speed enforcement sign on Route 220. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• ~~~~rn~~,-~.~ oy,~~~c~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The Sheriff's Department has received a funding grant from the federal government through the Division of Motor Vehicles for a special patrol project on Route 220. The project is being coordinated with the Clearbrook Civic League. Sanford and Inge Outdoor Advertising and LaMarre Outdoor Advertising are donating the space for a sign advising the public of the enforcement. Attached is additional information from Sheriff Kavanaugh concerning this grant. The proposed sign does not meet the Va. Department of Transportation outdoor regulations for billboards. Therefore, it is necessary that the Board of Supervisors request by resolution a special permit from the Va. Department of Transportation. The resolution will designate the sign as an official County sign and the County will accept responsibility for the sign. Following adoption of the resolution, the Va. Department of Transportation will inspect the proposed location and make a decision on whether to grant a permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the prepared resolution requesting permission from the Va. Department of Transportation to erect a billboard sign advising the public of the special enforcement project on Route 220. .~. - /,.1 ~%'~- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: ACTION Motion by: _ VOTE Yes No Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1988 .L-/ ~ RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ERECT A BILLBOARD SIGN ON ROUTE 220 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADVISING THE PUBLIC OF A COUNTY ENFORCEMENT PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department has received a federal grant through the Department of Motor Vehicles for a special patrol project on U. S. Route 220, and WHEREAS, this grant will provide funding for off-duty deputies to work special patrol schedules to reduce the incidents of vehicle crashes through strict enforcement, and WHEREAS, billboard space located at the end of Route 581 as it becomes Route 220 in the vicinity of Tanglewood Mall has been donated by Advertising companies to advise the general public of this special enforcement project, and WHEREAS, the proposed billboard signs do not meet the criteria and regulations established by the Virginia Department of Transportation for outdoor signs, and WHEREAS, Roanoke County will apply for a ninety-day waiver through the Roanoke County Department of Planning and Zoning and will accept responsibility for the sign during this period. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby requests that the Virginia Department of Transportation inspect the location for the proposed sign, and following said inspection, allow erection of the sign which shall not be used for advertising purposes but shall be an official Roanoke County sign limited to the uses and duration established in this resolution. 3568 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, Virginia 24019 561-8065 ~~C~ O~ S~~ ~1~ P.O. Box 510 Salem, Virginia 24153 387-6139 L. -" /~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA MICHAEL F. KAVANAUGH, SHERIFF. April ZS, 1988 Mr. Lee Garrett Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Va. 24018 Dear Lee: As you have been told at the budget session and at the presentation before the Back Creek Civic League, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office has received a grant of federal funds through the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles for the special patrol project on U.S. 220, from the Roanoke City limits to the Franklin County line. These funds will be paying off-duty deputies to work in special patrol schedules in order to reduce the incident of vehicle crashes through strict enforcement. The Virginia Department of State Police will be cooperating with us in this project, hoping to provide some manpower during those periods in which our personnel will not be available. The project is also being cooperated in by the Clearbrook Civic League. Part of the civic league's participation is to provide the channel for funds to provide public information in regard to the project. Stanford and Inge Outdoor Advertising and LaMarre Outdoor Advertising are donating the space on billboards on U.S. 220 to advise the general public that this area of~220 will be under strict enforcement. The cost for that part of the project that cannot be donated will be covered through the grant to the Clearbrook Civic League. ' Part of that phase of-the project involves the installation of a bill- board at the end of 581, as it goes down the ramp and becomes 220 in the vicinity of Tanglewood Mall. Stanford and Inge has volunteered the construction and main- tenance of a billboard just to the north of the Mountainview Market. This land is in Roanoke County, while the roadway is still within the City of Roanoke. Use of the land has been donated by dir. Joel Krisch. The sign will be placed next to an existing southbound sign for the Franklin Motel. In order to erect this sign, authorization must be received from the Va. .pF THE ~ - i3 Page: 2 88/04/21 Federal Funding Department of Transportation. This may be arranged inasmuch as it is a sign for a public need and will not be used for general outdoor advertising. In order to attest to this public need, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors needs to send a letter to the Virginia Department of Transportation attesting to their involvement in the project and the need for the sign installation and maintenance. The sign would only remain in place during our period of need. I therefore request that the Board authorize you to submit the attached letter to the Virginia Department of Transportation in order to accomplish this purpose and get this project into full motion. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely yours, Michael F. Kavanaugh Sherif f /lav c: 13 ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTgATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE JUNE 14, 1988 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 61488-14.1 REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ERECT A BILLBOARD SIGN ON ROUTE 220 FOR THE pURPOSEENFORCEMENTGPROJECTBLIC OF A COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department has ived a federal grant through the Department of Motor Vehicles rece for a special patrol project on U. S. Route 220, and WHEREAS, this grant will provide funding for off-duty ies to work special patrol schedules to reduce the incidents deput of vehicle crashes through strict enforcement, and WHEREAS, billboard space located at the end of Route as it becomes Route 220 in the vicinity of Tanglewood Mall 581 eneral has been donated by Advertising companies to advise the g public of this special enforcement project, and WHEREAS, the proposed billboard signs do not meet the riteria and regulations established by the Virginia Department c and of Transportation for outdoor signs, WHEREAS, Roanoke County will app1Y for a ninety-day waiver through the Roanoke County Department of Planning and Zoning and will accept responsibility for the sign during this period. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of rvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby requests that the Supe Virginia Department of Transportation inspect the location for the proposed sign, and following said inspection, allow erection of the sign which shall not be used for advertising purposes but shall be an official Roanoke County sign limited to the uses and duration established in this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6/16/88 CC• R. M. Lester, Va. Department of Transportation • Sheriff Michael Kavanaugh File L - ~3 April 25, 1988 Mr. R. M. Lester ortation Virginia Department of Transp PO Box 3071 2153 Salem, Va. Dear Mr. Lester: e County Board of Supervisors is pleased that the Virginia The Roanok ranted the Roanoke County Sheriff s Department of Motor Vehicles has g 220 from the Roanoke City Office a project to increase enforcement on Uo ect is needed to increase the limits to the Franklin County line. This P ~ efull revent motor vehicle safety factor of this str Sts of life'g personaa inj P ies and property damage. crashes that result in to ublic, the Clear- ro ect known to the general p In order to make this eratin with the Department of Motor Vehicles eration of the special enforcement. brook Civic League is coop g ublic, who provide billboards announcing the op 220 in er to provide this announcement t e erectedt adjacen tt tovU ~! Sg P caned In ord ested that a billboard b a billboard o it has been Bugg resently the vicinity of the t~iouOntainview Market. There is p utdoor Advertising , advertising th f thisn projecttea for the use by Stanford and Inge art of Stanford and Inge has volunteered to erec ,_ nt to the existing board. This board is neede ervi ors there- billboard adjace The Roanoke County Board of Sup eriod this Public Safety Project. ~ ortation to grant a variance for the p fore asks the Department of Tran..p lace. It would be built on land owned by r. ro ect. that this board would be in p isch; he has agreed to donate the use of this land for this p Joel Kr the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office in Vir inia Department of State Police ind the Clearbrook Civic This billboard will be used by f ou have any questions cooperation with g ublic use and public good• y at, PO League. It is for the p documen- ect, lease contact Sheriff Michael F. Kavanaug regarding the pr Va. ~ 2p153, or by telephone at 7031387-6139. Any The Box 510, Salem, be sent directly to Sheriff Kavanaugh. Board of Supervisors thanks you for your assistance in this tation of authorization may Roanoke County matter. ours, Sincerely y Lee Garrett Chairman Board of Roanoke County Supervisors -. / ~ APPLICATION FOR HIGHW/~-Y SAFETY PROa~E OTR RAN; ~/ Virginia pepartment of Motor Vehicles ' P.O Box 27412 Richmond, Va. 23269-0001 •,' PROJECT TITLE Roanoke County Community Based Target Hardening of Police Traffic Service on Route 220 YEAR OF PROJECT TO BE FUNDED DURATION OF PROJECT tMONTH b YEAR) TOE July 1S ~ 1985 ^ 'RD FROMs April 15, 1955 • ® 1ST ^ 2ND .POLITICAL SUBDIVISION/STATE AGENCY REfiUESTiNG GRANT 1 ADDRESS APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENT UNIT ^ CITY ^ OTHER Roanoke ^ STATE ® COUNTY NAME OF GOVERNMENT UNIT IF DIFFERENT FROM AGENCY ADDRESS CERTIFICATION undersi ed agree to comply with regulations governing grants (Form TSA-12J and with guidelines for submitting Highway Safety Project Wt the gn Grants Applications for funding in tht fiscal year indicated on this application. TITLE PROJECT DIRECTOR Ca tain Uniform Patro TELEPHONE L. J.-Wade 703 561-8068 ADDRESS DATE 3568 Peters Creek Road Roanoke VA 24019 v~, ' sICNA RE / .- ~ 1 w .//~ TITLE ' AU O IZ NG OFF L F G V' UNIT •F TELEPHONE t~I h 703/561-8065 ADDRESS 24019 DATE 3568 Peters Cree Road Roanoke VA / SIGNA U DATE REVIEWED DATE RECEIVED COORDINATOR TSA REVIEW DATE COMMENTS ~:~:~~~:~~~~:~:~~:~ ~:~::~:::: •.,•. • •PROJECT FUNDED TOE ~. ^ AGENCY ^ LOCALITY ^ DMV DISTRICT M PROJECT NUMBER • -' PSP NUMBER ' ' FED. AREA CODE DMV APPROVAL SIGNATURE pope 2 of ~ ;~ .. • APPLICATION FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECT GRANT ,' ~ ~~ Tsw ~o IRSV ~:/i~1 #._„ ~ o~~~a~+d« BUDGET PROJECTIONS • n'~`reo.s.i2w~~a-rz3~c9'°°°1 STATE/LOCAL FEDERAL $ ~ .. .. 1,500 This project requirestohenforcecstate trafficelawswand enforcement deputies Z local traffic ordinances. ~ } Q z Q O H N a • W d s IS "J ~ ~„ V W W LL Q '••' Z 0 V s s Vf W ~.~ ~ • ~ V H N V ~ - ~a N F- .• N 0 ~ V ' U W ~ _ O S : N r .N ~ N O O U '• ~ ~ U V W • ~ D Z ... . ., .. , FUNDING 9ATA " ~~ .'~ . 'age 3 of 4 ~~my APPLICATION FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY PROs E CT GRANT ~~0~~~! )ESCRIBE THE SOURCE OF INCOME THAT WILL PROVIDE THE REVENUE NOT FUNDED BY p- ~rs~-~~ ~ «~• ' """- 3UDGET APPROVED BY COUNTY, CITY BUDGET ETC.) ~ . Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will supply all equipa~na nrojected costtofs:: project: police cars, uniforms, and pearineuoffrdutytdeputiesP salaries.. $3,000. The grant monies will.be for p y S DMV USE ONLY APPLICATION FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECT GRANT • Roanoke County Sheriff's Office .- ' 1. Problem Definition Roanoke County has 6.1 miles of Route 220 from the Roanoke City limits to the Franklin County line. This is a four-lane highway that was built in the 1950's and is under-designed for 1988 traffic conditions. Due to growth of commerical institutions and private residences on this section of highway, the number of highway crashes has grown to an unacceptable number. The number of vehicular crashes is higher on this section•of highway than any other comparable section of high- way in Roanoke County. The following baseline data demonstates the need for this program. 1985 1986 1987 Total Vehicle Crashes 99 100 101 Fatalities 3 1 0 Personal Injuries 37 48 _ 43 2. Project Objective To reduce the number of fatalities, personal injuries, and property damage by having higher visibility of police patrol We project a reduction of 107 to 207 for the duration of this grant project from April 15, 1988, through July 15, 1988. 3. Problem Solution Off-duty deputies will be assigned to work radar and patrol this section of highway during the hours of heavy usage by motorists. • 4. Project Tasks , A total of 100 man hours will be assigned to this project at $15.00 per hour. No training is needed, as the personnel are already qual- ified. -• • Wages: 100 hours at $15.00 per hour $1,500 State funding $1,500 ~..~ ~~ . _ ~ Application for Highway Safety Project Grant ,.Roanoke County Sheriff's Office Page 2 5. Performance Indicator Task ~ Performance Indicator Selective enforcement Enforcement index and 7 reduction of vehicle crashes 6. Milestones April 15, 1988 7. Administrative Evaluations . Enforcement data Vehicle crashes data ~. Fatalities data Personal injury data This data will be used to compare with data for the same time frame of the year previously in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. mm SCHEDULE OF RADAR ACTIVITY FOR SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT DAY ~' DATE HOURS ' Friday April 15, 1988 1100 - 1400 Saturday April 16, 1988 1100 - 1400 Monday April 18, 1988 ~ 1400 - 1700 Monday ~ April 25, 1988 1400 - 1700 'Friday April 29, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday April 30, 1988 1400 - 1700 Monday May 2, 1988 1100 - 1400 Friday May 6, 1988 1100 - 1400 Saturday May 7, 1988 1100 - 1400 Monday May 9, 1988 1400 - 1700 Friday May 13, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday May 14, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday May 14, 1988 2200 - 0100 Monday May 16, 1988 - 1100 - 1400 Friday May 20, 1988 1100 - 1400 Saturday _ May 21, 1988 1100 - 1400 Monday May 23, 1988 1400 - 1700 Friday May 27, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday May 28, 1988 1400 - 1700 Monday May 30, 1988 1100 - 1400 Friday June 3, 1988 1100 - 1400 Saturday June 4, 1988 1100 - 1400 Monday June 6, 1988 1400 - 1700 Friday June 10, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday •June 11, 1988 1400 - 1700 Monday June 13, 1988 1100 - 1400 Friday June 17, 1988 1100 - 1400 Saturday June 18, 1988 1100 - 1400 Monday June 20, 1988 1400 - 1700 Friday June 24, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday June 25, 1988 1400 - 1700 Saturday June 25, 1988 2200 - 0100 Monday July 4, 1988 1400 - 1800 ITEM NUMBER ~~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: May 24, 1988 SUBJECT_ Accounts Paid - May 1988 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $3,660,606.90 Payroll: 05/13/88 $368,561.01 05/27/88 363,850.58 _ 732,411.59 4,393,018.49 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~~ ~. Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~ ~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------VOTE------- A roved ACTION PP ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) No Yes Abs Received ( ) Referred To Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers "" COUI11'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND - UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1987 July 14, 1987 Sale of Courthouse Revenues Reclassified from General Fund to Capital Fund August 25, 1987 Sale of Mountain View Technological Park Tract October 13, 1987 Net Proceeds from VDOT for Easement in Front of Vinton Library March 8, 1988 Renovations to Public Safety Building May 18, 1988 Survey Work Related to Old Courthouse (Approved Administratively) May 18, 1988 Screening for Mountain View Technological Park (Approved Administratively) Balance as of June 14, 1988 Submitted by ~~, r~ ~ . ~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance $ -0- 25,000 107,207 6,180 (130,000) (4,350) (2,400) 1,637 / "` COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE - GHNg2AL FUND Unaudited Amount at July 1, 1987 $1,010,687 June 23, 1987 Additional Revenues from Septic Tank Fees 29,000 July 14, 1987 Reappropriate Revenues from Sale of (25,000) Courthouse (Memo: An Additional $150,000 for Sale of Land is budgeted as General Fund Revenues, but will not be Realized by General Fund) (42,793)* July 28, 1987 Revise Budget for Victirri/'Witness Grant (1,000) August 11, 1987 Storm Sewer Construction - Ogden Road (10,200) *August 25, 1987 Sale of Mountain View Technological Park Tract Reclassified to Capital Fund (107,207) October 27, 1987 Completion of Starkey Park (67,010) December 1, 1987 Valleypointe (198,937) December 15, 1987 Excess Revenues over Expenditures as Presented in the Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1987 1,052,806 January 12, 1988 Acquisition of Ida Mae Holland Estate (260,000) Balance as of June 14, 1988 1.380,346 The recommended level for fund balance for 1987-88 is $1,597,756, which is 3 percent of the total General Fund budget. Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance "~•.. COUN7.'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CON'T'INGENCY Original Budget at July 1, 1987 $13,942 August 18, 1 987 Regional Airport Expenses (Approved Administratively) (3,772) October 13, 1987 Valleypointe Project - Binder for Land Purchase (1,000) November 17, 1987 Land Acquisition Monies No Longer Needed to be Appropriated 49,390 November 17, 1987 Purchase of 2 Vehicles (19,2.33) December 9, 1987 Purchase of Microwave (Approved Administratively) (244) February 9, 1988 Restoration of Courthouse Portraits (8,350) May 10, 1988 Wellness Program (3,400) May 10, 1988 Meals Tax Expenses (11,500) May 24, 1988 Appraisal for Palmer Property (4,250) May 24, 1988 Vinton Rescue Squad - 50th Anniversary (3,000) May 24, 1988 Information and Referral - Council of Community Services (1,500) Balance as of June 14, 1988 7 083 Su//bmitted by ~-~,/ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance -. ' O~ ROANp~~ ~ ,~ Z Z ,~j a .~ ~ s E5o 88 ~ A Beauti~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE June 1, 1988 Mr. Charles Landis Mr. David W. Shelor 5268 Glenvar Heights Boulevard Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Landis and Mr. Shelor: LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Pursuant to your request to Elmer Hodge, your names have been placed on the agenda for June 14, 1988. You will be given the opportunity to address the Board of Supervisors under "Citizens Comments and Communications" during the afternoon session at 3:00 p.m. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors C~vixn~~ of ~v~tn~~r ! ...- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800 - ROAN OK E. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 - (703> 772-2004 ,-~ Elmer C. Hodge+A~inistrator Roanoke County p . 0 . ;dox 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018'0798 f 5268 Glenvar Heights oulevard inia 241 5 Salem, x1988 l~ flay 25 , / .s "" ~r D1;'1'J2 ~4' ~~~~~ ~~~ 1, Dear Elmer uest that 1) David W- ur ose of this letter is t0 land being consldeagendar Thep P one of the tracts of ervisors' his Shelor, owner of laced on the Board of Sup use of his opposition to tha,nd 2 ) that I a landfill s1~8S to discuss for a landfill, Shelor to on June 14, Lewis mountain after David from west property on Fort enda immediately the ag ervisors with Petitions landfill be placed on the location of a present the Board of Sup opposed to County resident8 ~ °ofr Fort Lewis Mountain. in writing, that on the ~lenvar letting me know, the June 14th recut-been placed on the agenda for I would aPP have fi'r' Shof Supervisors meeting. this Board our cooperation and consideration 1.n Thank you for Y matter. Yours truly, ~;)~~~' Gharles L. Landis ~.J David W• Shelor ~ _,' ~~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~. ~~` ~~ PUBLIC HEARING ON / Y ~ ~ ~ yt.2,,-)Zo I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: ADDRESS : ~Cp J~ ~~ PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) •~ Y - :.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TH SALED4/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HELD ON THE E 6th DAY OF JUNE 1988 WHEREAS, the Salem/Roanoke Count is vitall Y Chamber of Commerce y interested in the transportation system servin th Roanoke Valle g e y and Western Virginia; and WHEREAS, we believe that passenger train service is a necessary element of any first class transportation ne and twork; 6VHEREAS, there is a possibility that AMTRAY. may change the route of one of its passenger trains servin New York g the Chicago - areas to include a train through the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valle medical and transportation center Y is the financial, cultural, for a large portion of Western Virginia and Southern West Vir ginia, including the Appalachia Region; N06J, THEREFORE, RF TT RFCrlr.v~r~ ~w,L ~,_ _ ,. PETITION T 0 THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS ~--/ 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T:ountain: Name (Legal Signature) 2 4 5. 7 0 9 1( l; 1[ 1~ Address and Zip Code --,--~, ~~ 15.`~ ry ~ ~ - ~IL~,~~~//1s3~ - -[~ (~ i 16. ~. ~~~~r~ 17 . ~~ J, ~J 19. 2 0 ~~, ~~/~ ~~ LC 1 ~ \ r' 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ~,° 27. " ~ J ~~ ~, ~- ~~• "~L ~ ~ ".?'7 ~ ~ ! ' it r ~ ~i r 53 3 2 ~ ~.. ~ _ , /~~ n A r ! ~ l~~ b ~' / ~.n=~ ~~ ~~ 1 ~ hf'/V r/~ ~' ~/ / ~~ _ l /'~/ / Ic.K(,'~',( '~C2~~iLr,~ lei ~`~ 5~ ~ ~ ~ '~~ /(.~ ~~ / C /~//~ ~l/,f YI , ~ ~ ~r'~h-, ; SPY i ~/ l,/ /~ '/ ~/; / ~`~~ JIl X .rte/ 1/"D~-,.r .r/77;[ .t JCS ~ /~~sf ~~ ~, _ S3 ~~ .~ ~~~ r i .. T'--7-7 1. L-LZ:~,,.,J~,,__ .~ . .~,,.,.~~~ V PETITI0IT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 47e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis ~°ountain: Name (Leral Signature) 1 2 3. 4, 6. 7. b. 9. 10 11 Address and Zip Code ~Sz9, ~ ~ ~ ~l /s ~~ ~1~ Sf ~L~/~ S~1~r5~ l ~~ryarli~ / ~j~L~~~ S ,~ ~J.~i~ , _~ ~kS (°r~Er~y ~t ~^ ifs ,~~~~ cY • 1 a ~~ L~~ ~o~~ G~e~va ~ ~-~~~-~ 31~d ~ . ~~ ~~m 1~/~- ~~ s7 '~ 11 >~ / ~~ ~ ~ --~ BL ~1 D (J ~~~ c' ~~_ ~~Q ~ l1~ , ~ ~, 12. ~/ ~ 13. ~ 14. ' . ~ , 15 . ~~ /~ ~ ~ t ~ . , ~z. --~..~-~-~... .~_..~..Q_ 16 . ~ ~ ,. ~ 1 ~ i ~ ~ ~ . V'1'~ if 1~ 2C 21 22 23 24 25 2 7 . /~ j'/'/~z-~.c. 23 ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~!~ ~,% ~~ ~ ~ L , /~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~- r.,~~~.~ - o i , , i/z ~T ~s ~/~ 9/ ~ ~~ /4 ~ .Ce ~(s'~-~~/I l 1/7 ~ ~~,~ ~ ~' ~~'ti ~ qi F' /~~o ~~Ue~ Szz G~~-- ~ / ~~ Sz.. ~- JZ3 ~~~'e. ~ f~~ ~ ~~ wc~~ ~f~ ~ k ~ c< c c ~~ c ~ ~ ~~~ ~- f~ ~ l ~f- ~ ~ (~~ti~c~~ ~ ~~`~S ~J ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ w~ U~~ . ,..~J9~.,f~ .5/3~, ~le~ ~;r r ~.~ ~~~ .~,.~,j 5 . ~,~ K V , PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISORS Ode, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis Mountain; Name (Legal Signature 1. Address and Zip Code ~. a~ 9. 10 14. 15 16 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2 4 . 25. 26 27 23 ~- ~ d .7, ~. ~L ~~i~ ~~-~YLa ~J.-~(. c~, a-2~(... ~~f /. ~, ~ ~ ~ ,,-o Div' O ~l~ -__ / ~ ~ ~,., z ~ ~ ~ ~ -- L C.. D ~~ S/ 7S ~ s 2'~.S 7 ~i~~ei.U v~~.~ S~l~r~? ~l~F- `~ ~-~ ~ 111 ~p,~rw ~~. i1r ~F... V~- ~- --~ . Spa g ~~~~ ~~ q i~ .5" D eN y~~ E/~ fs~c~~ ~. U~ ~U 8'0 ~ ~ V Gt ~ 9 i! c/ 13 . }~ -y rn ~ h n ~ n1 ~ v ~ ~~. PETITIO\T TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISORS kTe= the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Address and Zip rode 23. 24. 25. Lb. (~; 27, t 23. ~r~~< r ~~~a ~°~,.~-~ ~ ~3 ~ ~ ~~~~ ®!~~~~tp ~/ o ~ 7 - ~~_ T Spa l~ , . /Q ~~~ 3~0 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ 0 33 2~- ~T. Lam, iS Gc 2c~ 3330 ~ ~~ls ~ .333 ~~ ~,,,s ~~, ~~~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF,D OF SUPERVISORS Gde; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis I~:ountain; 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. o R. 10 ,~ _ ~. ~ - x ~ ~~ -, 11. ~' ~~~ U~ ~ -(~q -R ~~__._ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ .; 1 ~.. ~~-~ , G~ ~-~~ ~ % ,~ t . ~~ - 23. ~~~ ~. Address and Zip rode F ,~ ~~% ~~ /r ~~ r' ~~ ~ ~ / ~ Ec sr~ Vl '<, ~_5 y~ ~ ~`.~~ js`-~ . ~~- ~-, ~~ ~'~ 5 ` . /~ ~3 ~~ 7 L ~ ,~t~!'a, ,, ~ ~ ` ~, /' ~ i I I x Y1 i} (-9 '`l~ `(~ ~ F~ _~ ~~ ~ ~ Ira ~.L 1j ~~ ~ ~ ~. 1 ~ ~~ ~ - ,~~ t __ uy~_ ~,~ _ ~~ _v ~ r-r- { ~/ ~< ~[ / ~ ~ 'c l ~ ~ ~ ~ .~~ , ~ ~ ~ > > _,~~ij, r-`f ,~ - ~~~~ ~~`~ 1 ---y-v ~ ' L `~~/ -f /) .. ~ .~ ,. ~L~ i 2L `~Ll~,- f ~ ' ~ , } ~ { ~ l ~ i' ~ 1 ~ r~ ~'~ ~- .L ~ =~~ ~ 4 ,? ,~ ,: ,r ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ J., ~ / ,~ f `J / , . ~Z ~ ~i, 1y )) _~ 1 ~~ ' ~ ~~ ~ , _. Name (Legal Signature) ~. --_-.. PETITIONT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BO AP,D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereb declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the y Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain; l; if 1~ J 2C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27, 23. Name (Le~~~al Signature) ~ J _ - J ~ ~,6'~' k~ l l ~~'(l ~ ~ c ~~~ ~~,~~ s /~ol~o~~~~~ ts~~~r~, ~~ ~~ ] /y~J ~~17 ~~`~ ~~,tS Ili ~O~!/ /~`/^/ / ° i vv,r 7 ,~ ~~ i ~'~ ~ - ~~~ ~i ,- ,-~ J ~.~-- ~ l/1 ~s~ ~ ~ ~. Address and Zip Code PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF,D OF SUPERVISORS Ode, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united imposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side o~Fort Lewis 1`~ountain; Name (Legal Signature} ..~-a a .p 1. :~ 5 6 7 O 9, ~,.~C } 12 ~ a r ,,~ `;~,,;~ l~ ~'-' E • ~ ~. ~-'` d ~ F 15.~~ x M <~ , ~ ,~ ;. 16 . ~" ~„ I/ ~~ - . ~. ~ ~, 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code tJ r ~ ;~ ~~''~ ~'~`~~ ~ 2 jyt ,t L~, ~~~:. ~. ,` ~ yiS .,r. .5:.~' ~-~~~ -~D~ ~~,~~.~'~ Z ~, ~+ ~ ~ 6 4. + t 1~:1 ~CG~I'dt ~ '$ ~ _ ~¢ 5 j) T 4J, i~ ~ ~N S ~"'~ ~ ,~ i „, x ~. ,• °~ ~, ' /~'7 a ~, ,. /r ~~ is7 ~ ( i ..r"~~~~ ~ ,. ~ . ~ .)• ifs „ • ~ /~~ F y , x .. _ :,. f k ~ .~~ ~ -_ .. - , } ~ % ,: PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS ~~'e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby d•aclare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar aide of Fort Lewis mountain: i Name ~~, ~a 5i n ure} Address and Zip Code 2 • - ~ _) 4. ~ 'j ~~~ ~ _ . '~~ ' - 7 ~ 3 'V ~~txcwT~,~'I ~ ~~ Lec ~et Z Y ~ 1 3 5 _ <~ ~ 6. 7. O. 10 -~,\ 11. - ~ 13 14 15 16 17. ls. 19. 20 21 22 23 24. i~r L~ ~~-`_.~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,`_` ~ il= Q ~ , ---~--- ~ `~ ~' % / /~{ra ~. /~ ; l/met; S ~~,yt ~. ~/~ . ,zr-0y ,~' ~, ~'~ s.,_~_ 5~ u'R ~ ~~~~~ ..`~71 `T~~-,~~1 ~~.~ 2- ~ ~ ~.~ ---~ } . m3t~/ c~ i ~C %~ ~~ ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISORS ti~'e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: 2 3. 4. 5. 6. ~. b. 9 to p~~~ ~ ~~ 1~ ~~~~ 11. ~ 12. ~ s~, 13. ~ ` / 14 ? 15 ~ ~/ 16 . ~ ~~ e ~ . c . ~~ 17 . /G~ ,~~ '~~ ~/ ~ ~a 18 . ~" 19. ~ ~!12-- ~. 20 ~/,T i~,~~ ~%~.~~ 2 2 2. Address and Zip Code ~t ~..y, ~, .. 3 z ~~, ~ . - ~ ~, y ~ -) ~ "~ ~' e ~- ~~ir e d ~', X ~ 9 ~ ~i7e I < ~-9~.~ ~.~~.~ S~/~~ ~ ~y15~7 '.3 f-rn.2 Sl `~~ 1/rl ~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~ } is ~21-~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ -~ o'n g ~ ~ ~ ; ~~~ ~ ,- i i / ~ S/,i~~ ~ //~~ ~~ ~~ CX/~.j t~ ~~, ~' l.(1. yY~.t~x 1 ~ ~t ~ ~~/ 7 ~ !7 ~m1~ . ~ !C./x ~,G~~~t . ~ / e~ : c T )~~ ~ . ~`-" ~2 ~ ~~ ~/ l~ ~' ~/%G~ Name (Le Jal Signature) 1. - ~ -~.. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF,D OF SUPERVISORS ~~'e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke Count declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the hereby Glenvar side of Fort Lewis 1`~ountain: 1. 2. 3. 4 ~ S ~tR,, 5 ~ . _~ - ., 6 . ~~ ~ ; !l 14 . ~~r '- ~_--~.. 15. 16. 17 . -~ f 1 s .~ ~.. l1 r~-- ~r . ~~ ~- ~ ~~ 19 . ~/vl ~~T ~~ 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.E 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code -~~ ~,~ ~ `~~ ~ ~ ~! s--, f y' L . ', t ~ a , Z~-i-~3 :., . ~r ~ --:~ vv ~' /~ ~.-~ ~y;~ ~, . . ~~~.~ ~~, ~~~~~ ~j --°~f ~'' i~t ~"--'"!~- ` /,lam ~ ~ ~~ - !h .~ `1 ~'; ^>~~ , r, G- ~ ~~ ,~ .; ~ SJ _ sus ~ r~ I~ ~~.~ on ~~:1~~ ~~, ~ I u ~ s, r ~t ~l ~ , ~ %' ~~/ Name (Le al Si natur .~ , r~.~ -2,.5 i ,.. ~ i ~~~' c ~i1 ~E (~~ :- , ~~- PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COLNTY BOAP.D OF SL'PER~'ISORS 4;ej the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountai:l: :Jame (Legal Signature} Address and Zip Code 1 5~, ,; y ~.,~,~,. ~, ~.~,.- L ~- ~~ f ~~ I / // / I //J~. / /,,t , '1 / ri ~~ ST1(z Clxlr~~~__C-i 12~L,e- ~d,p,/p~l V/`} 4. ~~~~ iw~2121. 2 ~~Z_ ~~~Lr~ V~ ~~~,,~ 0 j (~ ~~ ~ f r 6 . _~~C3-~--`-111-, i,~ ft n~ jA , , r' ~'' ~ ~~.~ 7. a. g. 10. 11. 12. 13. _ 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 2C. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ------_ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF,D OF SUPERVISORS Ode; the undersigned residents of i~'est Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T~ountain: Name (Legal Si~na~t~re) 2. 3. 4. 5 ", ' E 7 a g 1 1 1 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2C. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. t Address and Zip Code /~/ ~ ~~ G ~-~s~ ~ ,;~~ ~~p~ ,/'d ~ - ' ,sue 7~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ > ~~ T .~~ ~~, . ,~ ~ 9 ~~ .~4~~ G-~r~~,~~~~ ~~, s~~~y_ • PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 47e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T~ountain: Name~(Legal Signature) Address and Zips Code ~ ~, .~ ~ 4- C . ; ---~ ~~ ,~ , ,, 2 ~1 ~J»D ~~ '" `. 10 .,. ,~. 13. ~~, k `.~ .•~. •.I ~' la. '(.r~ (~~. -~~ ~~~ 15. I~ 16. c 17. ~ 19 ~ ~~~ r ~ 20. 21. ~ ;~ -- ~ ~ 2 2 ` ~~~. 7 2 4 ~ ~-- A `Y' 1 ~ O f ~ J9./~ (f / ~~l ` rF ~. - ~~t /~l 4 I~.~ ~.. f l~ ~' ~ ~`LZ. < ~.~ ~j 4"C~~ r~\\ C ~`1\\\ ~/ (~ J~\~1 Lam. ./~ ~ ~~• ,1 \~`- / ~ ../ ~~ 7 -~~ Q ~~ _p:- ~. ~f ~Sj 'Y~3~ 1 J ~ ~ ,/, ; /~ ` ~~ ~~~ /. ~' '~ ~~ 23. ~ f ., ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS We; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united o~~position to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name) (Le ~~aql, Si nature} 1. =/ (% /~.~ ' -~=-~~ Address and Zip Code ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 6. ~~v~'CQa.. '~~ju'c°~..._ n /'~ ~ ~ i~ ~ 10 . ~'~ j / ..----~ lZ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ ~, ., „ ~fl~.l.vt n. ,~i,~. ~ r ~~ r s ,~ ~-- -, > ~ r,_ (~/ 7 ~ (,` ry ~. /... i .r'1 ~ ~ f ~ . /~~-ter- ~ I ~ ~ .. ~' .A~'-'~'~~i. ~~ i~ r a~~ ~ `~S:.~j~2 \~~~'. l.l.. ,~( ' "1 ./.,,~-et-yr^-"ao-~ y`:.'tl~,- `l ?> ~. ~- PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COt1NTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS GJe; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke Countyt hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Le -al Signature} 1. r w.~r' ~ ~ ~ C-~i' 2 ;. ~~ 4. 5. 6. ~. a. ~. 10 13 i4 lE 19 23~ 24. 25. G' ~;G 27. 23. Address and Zip Code ~ yi k ~`t1j ~ ~~c ~S 5 (i / _ ~ ly~z ~ tit ~ti= Y : iL,~~, ~,.2~•~ ~ ~ eta-r,..~l . ..- r " d ~ . U.69 . ...~ ~a ~ ~~~~ra~) Fait , /~/~ F w w ~ ~ ~ i ~.. ~-`7 `~~- l ~ CrCE~~d d ,~l' ~ ~~ ~ ~~ `f 3 9G ~ract~s ~+~.w ~d t ~a~e~n {~a - - ,~ ~l~ C,f ' - _, , - /~j PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS GJe, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: 4. 5 6 9 . ®~o 10 11 12 13 14 15 if l~ 2~ 2 2. 2 2 2 L 2 2 ~~v-'~ ~ ~~- _ T ~ ,9 i ar+ ~~/] ~U ~ ~: ~ ~-~ i , cJ~ ~~ ~ ~ 3 ~~6 S Lev Su,~.. l/Q. ~~ (~ ~~'"- 'iL'i ~~ - .__~6L'~ /lam Name (Leal Sid a~ tune) Address and Zip Code i ~- l . ~" ?~'~,c~`,c, ~ i% .,mac ~, ~- j/~.;.L~ ~~.s ~~'t~-r - -~% LS~ 17 . Gam- ` -' ~' w ~•k~' ,• l f~ /r` di l~ V PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 47e, the undersigned residents of West F.oanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature} Address and Zip Code 2 . ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ °' ~. ~~ ~~~ Get ~yis~ 10.,E-~ r ~~ ~ 5 ~ ,., 4~ ~~ 12 ^~ ~ ~~~~ -„ 13 . ~~~~ ~t ~~ 14. a~ /~1' ~,~- ~. 15. 16. i 2 0 . ~ Q ~ ~`~., 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 7 . ~' ~ ~, ~ ~ , .~ ~ ~ (.~ _ (~ / _, ~ ~~ ~r~i' l~% ~~ - _.~ ~ r ~ f" ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal _Signature} CL- 1. ~~ 5. 6 7. Address and Zi Code ~~ Cs~' r C~ ~~` s l ~CtC'-h---- ~ Y~ 5 7 ~ G,l ~ ~ v~1 ~L ~ T- 1 1 t _°~ ~l r ~° 2 ,..5-~~~ %l ?a7~~ ~/~o ~rz G~ r/ati~~~~ Circ%v~ // , h _' ~Til/VL ~ ~ ~~¢ t ~ a l ~ ~~~7.-~ ~ t ~ t (I ~ ( C t ~ ~ v :..~ ,~ ,~ $ ~as /~.. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4JeS the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Le ~~al Si nat e,} -r- ,__+ ~ ~ ,i ' ~~ 1. ~~~:~~~ 2~ 3. 4. 5. 6. s . 10. 11 ~ ' '/// q ~~~~ /, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 2 3 . : ~' 2 4 . ~ ~ '~ ,. ----~ 2 5 . ~_ ~~ ~-~- 26. 27 ~'r„~ ;'fit ~' ,!' ~~'•~~' i ~ ,~ '~ ~ , Address and Zip Code ,. , i. - r, ," ~' ~ ~f s ~.' ~~_,~~ ~ ,_ ~-.f~ ~ .rte ~~~Z ,~~-1 ~ ~,J~fli~r~1 ,~©:~~ ~~.~ ~~ ~A . ~ ~ ~, ~ tr i ~ ~•' 1 ~---7 ~~ _. ~ .. ~ / /~l-" ~ '~; :cam: ~ jT ,((~f,~~ f~ " ~ /fit-t`~- ~'/~~ "~-"i"' L i ~ ~ ~/ ~ / / ``/ ~ 7 ~~.~,~ -~~. ~'-~ ~~-~.~~.~-~~ yet Gz= ~ ~d- ~ ~~~ y~~~ ~~~p ~ ~~. y~ ,, S l ~ ~ ~~w-rub ~ ~ • 5~1.~ rv~ U/~ ~ yCS. a 33~ ~G~Lrnl~CJ~'~ ~,P. ~C~~l.-~~-' f r' °' / s~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4;e, the undersigned residents °roWosed~landfilloontthehereby declare our united opposition to a p p Glenvar side of Fort Lewis t:ountain: Name (Le Jal Si nature} 1. ~+ `I 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 11 12 13 Address and Zip Code 1~.1 ~~'ja n ii/rd~c ~ /~ f ,~ , ' ,,,~ V1~- 3C~ 1 ~~~~ ~ ~~ a ~y~ ~ ~s zs ~ ~(~ ~~ .1~r~ J~ ~ r`c ~ P~~~r,~ ~~ I ~. r~ ,1.1-4 . ~~. t c (~ N ~ c ~ ~T (~c~t r' i~ ~''?- I ` •~ l JAler, i~~c t 1 (~ , ` ~ ~ x1 ~ `31 ~ ~~~~~~ n ~~P ~~ ~'~ ~~ ~ :_ a rA / t: / l" .fir ( :,~ f ,l~/ ~`~ :I ~ L ; t,: -d ~_~ ' C ~ z .~ ~ !~' ~~~ ~ 15. 16. 1 Pi I ~ /~ (" ra~sn v~ nw 2 0 ? .; ,, , 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 23 ,,r„ , ., - ! 3 /' ~~y/ '~///~ ]/ /7 . -- - /~ yy~ ~!(.~ "~ l / ~ /'-~L \ d//~f~/1~ J ~.~~ ~ ~. J (( 7 c{ Il~i7'2 ~ GAT . G~f /~ J 7~!'~ ~ ~ ~ - i ~ -; r ~., j , ~ f~ ' ~ - .~ '~ `~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~/ l> i/ l l ~C'~~ ~%1 /[ Iyi ~~Il ~ /%~(?5 A r s ~~ ,~ ~~ r ~alF~ „ ~ z~ i~ 3 , - e ~ ~, J 3 y7 ~lrmt ~ . , ~,~al ~ ~ ~rn //.~ ~yi5..~ X336 Cher~'~ ~~ee ~'1, ~ ~ ~ 1 J~ `~.~~rv~ /~. -v< .2 y Y /~1` / ] y -o- -- - PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode; the undersigned residents of West ?oanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature) \ ! ' y j, '~ 2 ~t- 1~,/ +~_ ~ .c ~ r ~ ~ ~ q 3 . ~ z vl. .~. at ~ .,=' 5. 6. 7. a. 9. ~ ~ 10 . ~,~_ ,: . , ~. v ~,., t J ~~' ) i ' ~~ ,~, 12 ,~' ~ r r ~~ 13 , ,~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~, , . ~ ~ ~ ,f ~ ~ ~ 14 . ,f .. ~~,~ ~,_ r,~~ ~ ~ ~' ~,.:_ t ,~ 16. ~ ~ ~ ~.~-,~ 17 . ~ '!. ~ ~ . . 18 ._, 1 . , t. 19 ~~'- ~~ -~ -' ~ ~- '~~ - 21.,h ;.'`~f ~,~~~~ `mil', f`~~~ l~ 22 i ~ ~~ i Y .•~ 1~~ 23 - ~ , , , ~~' ~ ~~ 24. r ~ ~; r~~ ~~~ ~- -r 25. /~~~Z~'~~~lr// ~~~-f_ ~/ ;~ 26. `,% , ,,~ ; ,- 2 7 - , i~" ,i Address and Zip Code / -;~~~ '> ~i ~ ~/ / ~- t.,(; %~ ~/ fir. l r~ >>~ -/ / ,i } . j _ ~? i t ~/ ~ ~ r / ,,, / r f "? iy, - ~, i' ~~ , ~~ i ~ ~~ '-~ - %' t ''` ~ ~~ ,.. ,;. '"~ .. ".~ rl. J iii,, c. ~. ,. °~ ~ ~ . ~ : ~ L.. ~, , ~ ~ ~ „~ ~ i 'I / F . r - ' l 1 r. ~, _. ? ~~ ~ /~' _ -; / j ~,, PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 41e; the undersigned residents of T~'est ~:oanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort. Lewis r:ountain: Address and Zip Code 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1E. 2 0 . !~t~,~ ~.Lz.-~.- ~~~ ,, ~; 21. ~ r-- ti~ ,~2~ ~ ~ ,~ 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 ~5' 1 ~~t ~ ,z~a~ c~ ~ D: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _~~i-~E..~~ GC' ~ cr 17c :~ /~;,n.~n,~ ~ - - -z J 7 ~. i ~ C'-rS?~~Y't ~.t. ~` ~J? ~~ T ~~ S `~~f ~i~Jr~'~`i i~ ~.f` i~~G ~ ~ ~~~~~.~ .~~ // / =, /~ ~ , ~i` :-;~ i c.~ e c~ r ~' =~~G~_ If iii 11. ~~ 12. ~ ~~ ~~~ C~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ,s ,~ -~~ y ,:: .~~~,~~ c c PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVI~OR~ kTe; the undersigned residents of west Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis riountain: Name (Legal Signature) Address and Zip Code 1 ~ s~ ~-~ ~ /~ ~ or. --' 2 . ~ ! ' 3 . ^ ~~ ' ~ i \~ r ~' ~L'~t.~ ~' # ~t ~~3.1.3 1l. ~~ ~ } Q'etS n„ ~-~~l S 4. 5 . ~rL~,-lLs.,~~ ~' , X~' ,~ j ~ ~_. L/. 6 . ~ ~_ ~ . _ i , i~ ,_ ~ ~ , .~_ i 7. n d . g. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ~Z ~ ~+ ~... / t ~~ ~~3 1~ ~-- yd r ~ o ~-- ~ 4s ~~ ~ j ~1 C~ F~TITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS k~e; the undersigned residents of Vest ioanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenv<~r side of Fort Lt.~ais T~ounta~i.: Name (Leal Signature 1 3. __...~ 4 . v~~.t~ ~ ~. 5. ~~ 7. -- ~. r _ 1' 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 2 23. Address and Zip Code .~~~U`'~'"~ U I~ ~~ 3 ... ~ a~ a ~- ~` C ~e -x!'14 ~1L, ~ C_ U~ , .5 ~7 ~..~-~~~ ~ ~~-~ ,~ ~5"~l~ ,din a.~_~___-~~./ j~', PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS ~/ 41e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature) Address and Zip Code 2 ~1;?.~ ~~- ~ ~~ Y k. a rti.'t ~"~~r w<:~ -, ~. 4. ~s lo. 11. 12. 13. 14. i5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ~ i1 ~ ~} r' _ ~~7j1 z ~1(~' ter' ~ =%~(L~.._._.._~ ~~- ~ ~ 'r ~ . , i, c%~, ; 4.L, ~t-/~a~+-~r'.~J ~-s /mod ! 1 f~Y.~t `iU ~-~.t~' I ;J~C.; ~, ~} , 23. ,`. ~/ ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r;ountain: Name (Legal Signature} .. 1. ,, , i .'~z ~- ~~~ ~,G' /C~-e~ '~/-~-~-~--- 4 . .L. ~- ~ 5. 7 . ~ ~_ ~1 ~,c~.yc-y a. t 9. lo. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ~~ Address and Zip Code ~.3s, ~ ~ ~ a~- /~ ~U/J. ~ ~ -t-' ~~ ~`~`~ ~`-'~f ° ~ ~ .~ s~~ ~ Wi=n c~~ s~~=.~>, c~a.~~ f 50 ~9 Ca..~,o-~ ~ ~ ~ Q . sal-~.~ . Vq , ~ 7/k ~-~.Lc~z ~~~ ~~-~+ G~ LYE ~~~ ~,f 1 - i11c ~I~ ~~' ~~~ ~1~. ~~~ ~i y ~ I ~ C~-n~ ~ ~~a ~~~? .~ r~.~~ ~~ z ~ ~ ~~i ~/~~~ ~ Gt~~t~ ~~`^ ,_ ~~~ ~ ~~~,.~~ 1~ ~ ~, .~ f~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS We; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature) l . 4 _ ~. ~.~~~ T 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ~,~ 16. - ~- lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23_ Address and Zip Co/~dye-~ ~ i~~ ~1"L ~~'i( ~2~~f ~~ ~-~ a 4 U. la5a l~ ~ ~; vac- w?c1 '~f `7/ ~ ~ /# PAN ~/~,~ ~ ~A.~E~ ~.~~ ~ ~ ~~ s~.~ ~9. D • ~ ~ ~. ~ s ~- y/~,S ~i~r~orwoy~ ~~- SA-1e-~t ~~- J~ PETITI0IT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4,~e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T~ountain: Name (Legal Signature} 2 3 4 5 6 7 li 1 1. 1: 1~ 1' l~ 1' 1. 1' 2! 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code J/ .~ 7 ` , rr.J ~ l~ ~ ~d ~'No ~7 G9~1 ~GI VIZ')'' /'/i/ ~~~ ,~ ~, ~~ . ~- - _._ s ,~,~- , ~ ~~'~ -~~~o ~a~~~i~ . PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COU~'1'1 i30AP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4.Te, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T:ountain: Address and Zip Code r 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. 9. _~ '`~ s..~ " r' PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISORS 47e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united o~~.position to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis riountain: ~V J V ~- ~t ~'`.~ 6 . 7. O. g. Address and ZipC-o~de ~ _~ ~ l l ~ ~ ~ (.~ , ~, ?.Z_T~~i •~~ }-. ~1 . r.~ ~ ~ J~ ~' 1, ~~ -, °-~ 4z - 12. 13. 14. 15. i6. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ~, ~' NTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS P.~TITION TO THE ROANOI~.E COU 4,~e, the undersigned residents of West F.oanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis N:ountain: Name (Le ~~al Signature} 1. .~~~ ~' c Address and Zip Code 5'~ ~ 1 5~.~ //~ ~ l.~.v~ 2 . Ica ~~a l~ R. Ste, %~ S ~~'` 4 . ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~f~ 7. v. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 3 9 ~ y ~/~/ ~ S t- ~l/I a , '~~ ~- ~~ `~~~ 5 c:,i i ~ ~ c~~~., i ~ ~ 23. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 41e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r;ountain: . D ~~ ~~( /~ ~ ~; ~~ , ~- ~ ~ ~~1 t ~ 7 . ~~ ~ ~ ~~ L ,_ f ~r 10 ./~L1. , ~: - t~ ~: ~~~ . - _~ ~,~_-lam _~_ . 12. 13. 14. i~ 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. J 'i /, ~~~ ,, ~ `, t ~'` ~ ,, w ~, ' f a / ,. 'l _ ~ Address and Zip Code `~ , C/d • ~ !~" PETITIOtiT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS kTe, the undersigned residents of West roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis Mountain; Address and Zip Code ~. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal Signature) Address and Zip Code 3 a 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 11 . ~ .hum c4- _~ct:c,~ ~~ ....y~. -.T'~1 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. 24. 19. 20. 25. 26. 27. 23. `/ i23 C h enl~~ ~ ~ ~ I- ~ ~« I,~,~,~ ~ Its. 'X..µ( ~~ J ~ ~ Z J `~ .~ e. o ~T, a-~-cei,._ ~- ~ ,.~ ~~ (,.~.1 ~y - .° _ ` R; ~~ 651 _' ~'~ ~. ~~~~_ `.....~f ~Y~1~~ if_ f ~ ~~~`'1 '~l ~~.. ~ ~~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ i t3 ~ Y\~.. ~\~ a : v ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~,~, ~ '`',YQ ;1, ~ t ! f ~.~ ~ 4 ~ ~- jj~~ ii ll I~5 ~( ,1 y ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~7 ) t. ,~ / / / ~ ~1I'.~,w ~z //2,: .YJ ~~4_ ~ ' V PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature) Address and Zip Code 4 5 6 7 O 1 y~, ' ~ ;, ~"" ~ .r ~~~. ~- ~; . """ 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21r; 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. - `- ~ /r i : ~ `~~ , _' ~ 5y ~* :~ TvM/~n/~u.~r_ _C /Y -___.Sf~?<L1M ~i9 - ~ y%~ ~S~;r~ ~~~ti' Cam=' ~ ~~! . ~ .~/r~f~ ~~~~ . l 5 `~ ~ ." ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ '~ ~ 7, ..~ / - -fit `~c.- ( ~~ .F:~.. :~ ~. f ,z r .; '' c /, .,~/ ~ -~~_ ~~~2.c~4~.J(r^ ;',%/ ~ ~) iii L % 7- ~~fl a~ l/ '% ~i~/i ~fY .'-.-k.4r ~~~IJC~ (~~~ .~ 1'ls'._.yLy~ f~ 4 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ~_2 ~~ l_ l r. G_~~. ~ _ ~i~~ ~i 1,Lr. 'j. ~~ ~;~~ ~ ~,. ~, i ~~/ S:tS~ ~ C12a~te.~c~ % ~ ~,. /J ~ ~S' o.~i . (/~L z y~ F3 C ~ --~ ~~ ~ 1-~ 1 l ~-~ ~~ rn ~! ~. ~ ~ r a. PETITIO\T TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF,D OF SUPERVISORS 4.Te; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain; Name (Legal Signature) ~~~ ~. 4. ~ - 6. 7. n 6 . g. 10 . ,~.,., , ~, ~~ 11 ~ '~3YCi ~ ~ ~~v-~ Ql r:' l7. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address andpZ''ip Code ( ~ /J~ 2 7 ~ ~i ~~e~~J~tu.ti~_ 7~d . ~p ~,~ ~,~ ~, ~ rl(~. ~. •. Z{~~i 1 ~.JicC ~~,,-- ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~;~~~ - ~°~ = f ~ 23. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je= the undersigned residents of L~'est Roanoke County= hereby / declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the ~/ Glenvar side of Fort Lewis I~~ountain: dame (Legal Signature) 1. 2. J . 4. 6 . . SAN/~~~ ~,~c.,~ . a. ,~~t~rc~S~'c~z ~ c' i 11. ' 12 . ~," 13 . -~~ , ~ ~ 1 J~-t._~sc~ ati 14 . ~ 6! -~-1~- /~ i 5 . lip /1Y1,~~/.~/ Ilr ~ ,,~~~~~~vr~- f 6 17. 1E ~ ~~.~~t.~ 19 . ~rim~~ ~ ~~1~~~ 2 0 . ___- ,, ~ , 21 22r~ 2 3 . J~ a~..u.rJ.~ ~ S_~.;c 2 4 . C~~ ~' ~ ~~ 26. ` 2 7 . ~, ,~> Address and Zip Code 9,~a ~A~N ~c~ - l ~ S~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~P~-/'sue ~~ ~j<`~ ivc~ ~. ~,, `t 2 ~S' I i C (2 .o cry ~ ~ l< ~~ ~~ ~ b ~ dt ~~9-~z~ ~ ~ ~~) / ~J ,34//1 r~'A~m l~vti ,' PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS LJe; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis 1`~:ountain: Name •~;(Lega1 Signature} r 1. C ~ 1; , ~ ..~z,~,~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 l.1 r..t _l~i Ci U` 7 ll~ iP ~ -'~ 1/ 4 ~ ^ ~~ r a . /;~ -2!-JY.~--tom / ~"~,~-ram-.rte:-c....~ Y 10 . ~ ! '~ rp ,~ ". ,rte 11. ' • '~ r if' p 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 . 19. 2C. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code r-•, 1 1 ~ it / `~; ii - i / ,., ~ -,~., r ~"~ , , ~~ ~ ~ C r'' i~% ~, f%%, a ~ ~ ~7 !" sI~C ~!/~ p~- J/ K //`` 4 '.~ 4'~~~ .~ tJ Y Y ~ ~_\l /t '. f ~ '~} ~ F X LF `' ~ ~/ " `i '+ t -I i ~ ~.~. J ! ,, ~ t.r f ., ' ~.[_.(%' ~ ~ ~- )" 1' ~ (' j `_ Y ~,,, z t ~l / ,~~~= C ins ~: .. ~ ro r ~ / ~~ f ~ ~ L' , ~~ '~ " s ~~ r ~, __ r .. < l ~ n.. yrA- C. M •...i (. ~ ~ //) /~ ~ / y l / hhh%% /~/ j ~ ~ ~ ~ r l'R ~ - J~J ,~ ~~~-.~- . r/ ' .~i -%Z !~/~ ,G~ ,! .~'~~~ _/ .~ ~ F-, / ~ /+/;J_,.~/i_~ .+~.J` ~'''~i.-.--i "•~':-tom --'~ ~-' f-- . ~ f' ,. /;~ ;~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 41e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis riountain: Name (Legal Signature 1. 2 ii 4. ~ ~~ 5. g. 10 11 1 `' 1~ 1~ 15. 16. 17 .l 18. 19. 20z 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zi p Code Zy t ~~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ 1~ 1` 1~ ~~ ~,.,( 5' "~ 5° ~ ~~ ~~ C' )~~ ~ ~II~~ I~%Ll j~IZ -~o . -~ ~I C 1 ~i, .~~ ~~d'2 a~~' ~g~s~'-? ~~~ v J ~ '~ S S ~~~ wf V~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~(i~ y ~ ~~ 3 ~ ~i~, 5 ~,~ I~~ ~cr3 ~~~ r~~s ~~ ,.~ ~ ~.- ' ~ ~ az~. ~ 'u% h~ ~ . . _ , ~0~ ~ i~ r'~,L ~ iy'E' Q~-~-~3c~,~Ir~. ~~ ~~~.~, ~~~~ ~~~-~ f-a~ m ~ ~~ ~~ /r PETITI0IT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4;e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T~ountain: Name (Legal Signature} ~ ~ r ~ _.. 3. 4. 5. ~- 7. Address and Zip Code ,, _ 4- \ / I r L c^ a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 47ej the undersigned residents of West Roanoke Countyf hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r;ountain: Address and Zip Code 5c~~ Cf~~.-a~~~ J~~ /~s ~~ z ~/S 3 ~q~~ ~ ~~ r ~~~ a ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~U~~ ~~ ,C ~ / d ~ ~~~ l~ /1~~ ~~~ ~~~ 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS GJe, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis Mountain: (Legal Si Name gnature} , 1 ~ l c~,c_ Kx , ~ ~G~.~~~~Z-- 2 . ~ ~~.~- i~ ,, ~ -Y ¢z-Y ~.~~ 3 ~ ~ . ~Z~c~. -~~ ~ ~ J r y , ~ ~~,2 r ~ 6 /~~ ~~ . r r ~~ ;~ n ~ o. ~ k r U,, u ~1_ ~ t a ~L{-~- -~ ~ ~ ~ ( - ~~ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code ~%~~ ~ o~ w~ o n S i S fI c,~r~ ~~1~=.3 ~G~~~7 ~~~r~ ~-~i'' ~1"~'-~ . ~C~_'2r~~~ ~''f~.a ~ ti .S s- ,~ ~- ~~ , ,~~~, ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ,, _5 ~~ ~ ~ r ~ 1~ ~~ '~ / I ~ ~ U~i~% ~~-L~ , . ~/~-fi r ~ ~i ~i << 23. .~~ ~, r PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 'v7e= the undersigned residents of West P.oanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis Mountain: Name (LeF,al Signature} 2, a 3. ~ ~ a- ,. r 4 ~ ,; 5 . ~ _ ,~'" 6. ~~ ~ r 1. ~r,;•~ O 1 16. 17, lE. 19. 20. 22 23 24 25. 26. 27. 23 Address and Zip Code ~ i t~ ,,~ , r ~l?", ~,~.., ,q ~ ~~~ ~.,~ ~ ~J -i / n r ~ A ~ ~ ~Q1Ri ~IO ~ T ~ y ^ .-( / ~ m ~- ~~~ ~ ~f~~% vw---- ~~ y ~~ ~4,-~ ~ ~ ~ f/r S w t~ L ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ - s-~ v~ ~ , ttirM,~ii _ ~ . ,_ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS We; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united oppositior. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Leal Signature} 6. 7. f ~ 12. r ~ ~', . 13 _. ,~ ~: `~~ ~~, i 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code . J%~~ (1CC~ s / ~ 0 2Y' ~oC 'may / s 5 3 5 2 w. ~; v ~cz ~ d ~9.~ S/ ~ ~( LcJ {~ ~ ~ C R ~~ ~ S f~ ~~~ I {r. I/ , _ // II 'r~~.l 1. `i 7 `.f~ r ~~ G, , ~~.~ t~l , «~~~~ Cam. /<~,- ~~~ ~ R~,~ Rte . ~ _ (~ ~ ~ // i ~ l0 6 ~52.~~ ~Gv~ ~ -- .6{~a~+-. .~~ ~f/ LC,~1lQ.~~i ~.u.c~~ 1 ~0~ ~GI~i~-- p 3~SS~~ ~~Gt.d~~f ~. . S~ ~ ,~5~5-~ l~~%~-dam %~ /I ~~ ~5~~.~1' ----~ j,~.G 4 ,Qr..,i ~~-e GLow ~ c~ S,~e~ 5~G G a 0 fI~ 1-ro ~--~a~v /~P. Sn 4 L-p7 r ,, ._ ) ~, j 1 '~ , ~€ U ~~- 2. GGlZ,. r i 7 1 L- - a•~-~-- -, ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4.Te= the undersigned residents of L~'est Roanoke Countyf hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis riountain: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 'i 1 ~ r ~ ~~~ - , r / ~ ~ __ i~ , ~;, ~,... J ~.•r" , ~r ~- ~~ ~ v~~~. _~ y ~ ~, -, 1,. _~ Y ~ ~' Address and Zi Code, , ~ ~' d U~~-~,~ ~ ~lS S ~-~ s~ ~~~f ~ s~~ 3 7 `{~ ~~E e..c~~a~~` tx~r~ ~ C?~ Sr~-~ 1,~ ~C9 Cc1 ~ '/G~ry O ~ ~~~ S ct ~~-i'~ r~llavU,~ vv ~'~ " ~ , ~l~ ~ ~ ~~~~ _~ d~DcH~ `~~ - `~~~ 9 ~e2«.c ~~z~ ~.~.~ -. • ~~s.~~ ~ 1 ~~ ,, ~ - ~ 1, ., u ~~ ~( ." l~ t ~ ' l ~~k~= `~ ~ ~ t _~,7 ~~~ ()J~ 4.G1~ .ICY.,.-'<r~ ~'a Name (Le al Si nature} 1. M;., c PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISOR 47e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T:ountain: Name (Legal Signature) 2 . t~ - 3. ~ ~ ~'! 4. 5. 6.~ 7. o. 9., 10 11 12 13 14 . ~ ~~~ 16 : ~ ~~ ~~ `~c~~-, °--e s ~,-~ 17 ~~-_ ~ . ~. ~ 1 E . ,~ --z--2-/~~ 19 . (~ , 1 ~ ~ ~-- 20 . ~~ e.~ . 21. ~~ I --~1 ~, 24. `', Address and Zip Code r-- . ; - ~(~' i ~~ L o ~f /~~.4 ~ ~~~, ~aa ~ S,4/vim C/,.L ~~ ..~ 4 ~~~ `, {~~ ~I "'~ > ~ ~ ~l I ~ _~.~~ f ~°.h~~~e ~ f 15 ~~ _ .~ , . ; - _ ~~s~~ ~ , - ~ ~ .a h ~ ,~- ~~ ,~ . ~ ~ ~ //// , J` c 25. 26. 27. 2~. `~~ 5 ~ ,~~./~/~Q2 ~~ ~1~,~, L~i,~--- PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4,~e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Address and Zip Code 1 2 3 4 9 ~~ - - - 10. r 12 ~ ~_ , ~y 13:'. 14 . ~~ ~~ ~,-., 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. r' 7 ~~. ,.~ - ~, ~, 2 3 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' ~~ ~- -~ , ~ ~r~-+ 24. F~ 25. 26. 27. 23. ~~~ ~ . r r ~~~~ ~ C,,,-~- ~~k:~ i ~-. - L~. `~~4~ C~-~-~-~---, ~ ~L~-~,j ~ ~x,C~--rid ~~° - ~~ ~~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~~ o~~ ' ~~ //S ~ N¢.CI~ ~t~~ ~b,~Q,m G~, a ~~ 53 -- _.~ F , .~_ .- ~ ~ ~,,,~.~ ,,, .~.~z ~,~_ ~ ~•~ _, ; _, ~_,_ > / ~~ (( fir/, ~ ~ ~''']\j~ [•`L (~~ ~ (~/~ 7 ~ / ~ ~~Z-~•°~e~~ ,~~ ~~c.~=tea 05'-~~~5 L~~)s ~in~~ irn~ l~ , c~rrx ,,, ~ ~,,, ~ ~~-,` ~ ~ ~ ~ , > ~ ti s ~~ ~r y ~,~ , ~ ~ ~ r~ _~ .G ' / / I , f. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~t L ~f Y ~ ~ 7.7 ~~~ ~ ~ f _ ~=~ ~f~? ~ ~~~~ ~~y C ~\./ ~ ~ Ill :'~..~ n n ~ .i+, I/ ~,~ i ~(e ~-_.. A A ~~"1 .. n ii ,off ~,~ ,~ ,~ Name (Legal Signature) ~/. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Gdet the undersigned residents of i~'est koanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain; Name (Le ~-a1 Si nature} ~, 4. ,. 'J..'~~ .,. ~, ~,. , :~~-., Address and Zip Code ~,~,,Ci ~~ ~., if-';j _til r.,'l jn'~L / ~,~`~ .,~ t.t/4 ") ,, .~~ 1 ~~ ~ j f / c -_ ~ ., a s ~ - - ~_= -~--V~. 10. ~ `~ -~~:s_:z 11. ...J~~e-.-. 12 ~ ~r ~ t 13 . ' ,j ,/G.. ~~~'~/~~ ~'~~' ~S~/~~ 7 !fir , vy~ ~ .- ~/, you a- ,~ ~~~-~ _~ ~ ~. r ~~ ; ~zf~~ /I / _ ~( -X7 ice: L. ~ 71.~'~`-~~. C~ ~ ~.-1. L l~ 14. t ,,.4.. ~~, Gam,<. a~..<. ~,, g1 r ~> ,~ -~j ~~~~~ ~ :~, 15 . .. 16 J, l ~~ e 17 . ~~ ,,~: ,..~ , /y~ 1 V • 's^ ~~ ~ ~~ '; 19 . <- zz ; 21 22 23 2 L 2 `~ ...~ ,~ ` ~. fj P fy , ~~ n!R ~ tl~ `, /~ ~~.~t ~ Q,~~r ~'T ~ C~ . .. . .- .._, .. -• .~~. ~~ f 7 24 ~.x r, ~ r "~ -~ PETITION TO THE ROANOP.E COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS We, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis Fountain: __ V r' 10 . '~ °~ 11 i ~- ?- ~- 12 ~,~' 13. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. .1l-c~ 26 27 . ~ r~ ~, /~7~I.c~ ,, Addre©ss and Zip Code ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r~ ~ ? Q~ L i C/~u C ~ vr~j ,-, _. ~, ~" E-` ~: `' ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ~~ ~. ~, ~ A"/ ,. ~C' ~ ~ ~)-'=T•~ T!.r ~~ lid ,~~^d%, ~~~i -~'-fs'~t w i'O ~ /~~r-~ /~~ 1~~~/ ~~ .,ice,-P~ ._ ~ ~yil ~ ~~~ . //pp i ~- ,~ / j !' ~ ~ S c y 7 r~.~-1 ~'~~7 /~/? _~ t~~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS GJe, the undersigned residents of West P,oanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: -~f, Name (Legal Signature) Address and Zip Code ,•~ r n • -, 1/~ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9 . ~ - ~ - ~- - ~ .~-, ~ 10 ~ i _Lti~; ~ ,. 11. ~ ~~- ~ 1'~ ~..~~--.~-'-- ---~ 1: 1: 1~ 1' li 1' 1~ 1' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ~; ., 2 7 . ~' ~~. v,.: 2 c`3 ~'~i ' c ~n~ ~ ~ ~f1~-Zx.~t-' _ ~~ .~ i ,r ,~- ~, - , G' ---~ ,,- ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -~,.~ cam,-~~' ~,~- , ~ ~~> ~~ ~ ~ 1 ' ~~ ~~ _c L ~i .J ,.~ "~ •~ ,~ S ' ~ ~ `~' Ali! ~ u~bC rf ~ -~~ ~ i~I ~ U~ . .~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4,'e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name ~Le~al Si~n~ture} 2 ~ i ~ti G" ' }k ,~ 'i ,, 3 . . ~ ~,~ ~. ~ ~'~' L~'7 / < ~_ '_._ . ,%~ ; 9 ~ ~~ _/ , ~; ,~ ~.~ ~ _ _ ~ -, 11 ' -~z- ~~.~4.z.r ~ /a .z~ ul~ --- ~ ~ ,.~ ~ ~ 5 12 . ' ~ -- ~.. '~ L ~:;..'°v c~ rte. ~ ~ ~ ,t ~ :~ 13 14 15 16 . '` , ~~ x -..~' ~ ~~c t~ ; 17 ,,~ , F %^ ~ _ ;~ ,, ,. r 19 . G7, 21. - ~ ~.-- ~t-ru ~- ~.~ ;,.- ~ D ? ??// ~ ,~ J Address and Zip Code ~~ ~ "1. `~ ~'r' ~" ~ . ~ . } 7 1 t _~ t f ~ / '~'~ /~~ f, ~ l'~~ / i 1 / r `r ~ i ~- ~~ l~! .~ /~'/'.'• ~ , ~ ~. ~'~, L.~. _ l 4 i-1 ~~y y ~~~~~ ~ . ~S a~~ ,, , ~. ,~.,~r r~~~ r ~' r" 1 J !!'!( ~~ ' r J ,~f y ( s't ~' '~ T " PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Gde, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Forf Lewis r:ountain: 2 3 ., 24. 25. 2 6 . ~M(~`1.. 27. r 2 3 . ~~ ~c1d1°~ ~~ Address and Zip. Code ,~ _ 1 , ~ .- , Gr ~ ,%~_) % ,1: ~~. z./ r '~~+~J~r..f-_x C ~~--rte°~. fit ~_..~_ ( ~ `~re~~ f ~~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ / ~-c'' ~ ` ~~ ~ //~-/~ ~ V / " ~~l Y ~' ~~~~,~ ~a ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~e G-A a~i` ~ ~~ S ~ ~ ~~:~ ~- l~ ?us. !4 i- - .5 ~ G j ~~='~ ~ n TM 2~~ '~~5v l3~~~1- y7 ~7 ~ . ~'."~~, r _ ~ .~, ~ n L~ f_ ~ •~ 15 ~~~ P ~, i' r~ ~,~. 16 . ~ ~' t .~~, c_ ~~~.- ~' ,, 2 2 , y ..~-, ~.100GL ~ G'U 'YYt~-'+' PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS / --/ We; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature) 1.~ 2._ 3. 4.~ 5. 6. 7.~ o. gG lo. 11. 1~ 13. 14 15. 16. 17. lE. 19 20. 21L 22. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code . /'i ~ 1 r .- ~~` ~~' w t ~ ~ -~-t ~.1~ C~~ . ~` ~ ~ off/ ~Cr- C ,~~~ ~ ~ s 1 1 ~ ~ ~ r ~--, ,, -f' e ~ Lam! l1 - . 1 ) 'y ~ ~' /' ~ J ,`/~ ~~/ t~ ~ ~~ _ ~i2~~h~fir~ .. ,,, ~ 4'~f` ~i y Sy~~ ~.. _T 2 3 . ~ ~~u~,a-at~J 2 4 . -,.-.~. ~ --~~~ 4' ~y cy ~ 2 ~ /~.e'-c. i ~ ~i~ ~ ~~n~j~~ ~rtr,~.Y-, Y ~TITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS P.. 4.Te, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Le~~~al Signature) 2~ c 3 . G/ 4 . ~,e~ 7. o. 9. lo. 11. 12. 13 . d~ ~ y ~-w.~CJ 14. 15. 16. 17. 1.~ 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code ~~. ~I ~ ~zg ~ ~~ ~~l_ ~.~ ~~. ~~ y ~ SG~.~ ~ ~~-c?~a r.~ ~-~i r-~- s Die SA-G-r v~- 2 v ~ ~~~. ~e~ /~f/ ~r ~~ .J/~/~z-. L~9 L ~i~, 5 3 3 ~ Jo are ' ~ 2~1~~ ~~~~ ~~ 5 . ~f~f- cT~2 a~ (~ft;~~ c~ ~ v~ F``! - PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4;e; the undersigned residents of Lr'est Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal S' nature~)% Address and Zip Code 1. ~,r~w~ ~Gf' S~ 7 ~t/e t~ ~ ~,e - ~=sr Crew, z ~r s ~ --,-- 4. 5 6. 7 O . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23 PETITIO\T TO THE ROANOKE COi~NTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 47e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis l~~ountain: :Jame (Leal Signature) ,- ~. 4. ~ ~. ~.i ~ ' ~~ ~_ t ~ ;! ~ ~ . ~~.._. ~~ ~ ~ln !~ , _ ___- . . 7~ -~ ~. ~ y ~{„ 11 i - !' _ / ~ 13 . ~ ~ ~% ' ~~ ~. 14 . \`~'~ 15 . ;~: 16. 17 ~,i' f~ ~~ ,'~h.~.~v1~-~ 18 . ~ •~ s~~ ° _ ~ ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code ~: ,~; ~-,_ ~.,., - ,~ . r. . .i , ~,j r ~. . _. ,, ~ ~% fry .7 ,... =~ _~. .{ /(. [[ / ~~~~,~- % 3 _(_ ~! PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode, the undersigned residents of West P.oanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature) 3. 4 ~; 5% 6. 7 a. 9 >Lzzr~ ~. `-~~ 10 . _~~~.2~~..GZ. ~/1~C.C C-~c._~-Q-Q ~~-Q~-wf~ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code _S'' ~' -~ Gld 'LGG1. - ZLC `' ° C '~G5 ~ ~ ~t s i ~ ~ ~,- . _, _. -~ 23. // V PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS We, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Name (Legal Signature} 2 {~ C_'' ..-~- 3 .U,iv~. ~ (~ 4 . ~r .r ~ ~ ~~~ - ~~-~ ~ ,~ ,, v 5 ~ 20~~ tC`~t~%Ji 6. 7. a. ~. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 Address and Zip Code is- a ~ ~ s~ 23 PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 41e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis 1`~ountain: Address and Zip Code /dam ~~~~~~~ ~~ i~4, ~~ 5. 6. 7. a. 9. _ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ~~ 23. 24. ~- 2 5 . '~`~ 2 7 . ~-- 23. ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: n , 5. 6. 7. a. S. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code PETITIONT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS G,Te, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: 4. 5. 6. 7. a. g. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code ~ .., ,, ~~ ~ / v PETITIOi~T TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS G,Te; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis l~~ountain: Name (Legal Signature) 1 . G/ e ~3 r ~, - 3. ,~ 7 . ~,~ ~ 4-i_ w.. ry , ~Cx-. i~c.4 a. s . ~ ~~. ~ -~-~ 12 . y~b~- r:-y.~ct_-mot .~ ~ =Z.4~ °~ 14. 15~ 16. 17. 18. 19. 2C. 22 ° I 24. ~~ , Address and Zip Code . ~`_ ~/~-- V~~ L1 ~ ,l~Cc,~-~crl~ ~, OE'c~- Sc~e ~ %5/0.7' ~~K~~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~/ =-~:, i~ 25 26 27 23 / ~ _ ~ ~ ~. ,~ c c PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVI.,OR~ 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain: Address and Zip Code 5. 6. 7. ~. 9. lc 1] 1~ 1: _ _ 14 . ~ ~~~ ,~ ,~ ~-. . ~~~ ~ ~. ~ 15 . Gt/ ~' _ , ~ f 16. -~--- 1• 1' 2i 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. /~~302 .~~< d~~~ floc , .~ ...,, C~, ~~ ~ ~/ ~ r'v~ ~ Per V /~/~. ~) ~ 6 r~ ~~ ~~~1' Ire ~~~ ~ ~> ~- ~~ s o ~ p ~1 ~ c~ ~~~~~ ~~,~~~~'r ~)o~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ l~ ~ C ~, _/ !" ~~T` i ~c.~~ ~ 9 ~~"" _ //'' -~ i •r ~ i.~ ._ i QT`S C .,. ~ i f ,, _ ~~ ~/ y_ C ~. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4;e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T:ountain: Name (Legal Signature} . ! ~ ~ ~~ •~ 1. ~ ~ 2 .,~,~LC.~C ~~. ~ tst ~,L~ ~ ~~c ~~~C~r~; i 4 . ' ~ c '~ ~'< < ~ ~ i ~~~ c ~ , ~~~<~ i~ 7` 5. 6. ~. 9 1 1 15 Address and Zip Code 5~~~ C ~ ~~ l~ ~~ ~ l ~ >> ~Y ~2~~ ~~~~ f ~.111 ..~ X~ ~Jc e rn 11 ~} ~~l ~~~ ,~ ~ ~~~ -~ ~~ t~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~. . ~ ~,~ .t._ ~ f ~n ' ~,?_ , ,_ _. ~,~.~ ,~ ~ •~ ~, f,` e ~ ~ ;~; ~ .~ u~ ~/ ~r 1 u rn l f~ Z 3 `7; 7 ~~U c ~ r s---~ `, t, ~ ~ ~~° ,. ~- ~r ~. ~. `~ ~ _ Zee f - 1 i 1 r r 1 1 '" , .~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ _ ~~ ~. ~... , . o , ,~a , -~, k ;~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~-, ~-- ~11..5~o~n l~v ~ ~RiP m Uu o"7 Sf'!~3 ~ ;, 17 ~ i r ~ '~'"~~ ~ ° ', 18. '~' / ~ 22 • ~~ fv e 23 . ~~~ls m-v~~ , 24. ~2 5 26. 2 3 . ~ D orf o~ j~,c.~ c~~~~ .r 9 ~77~~~' ~ ~ / j { /~ n i A // , e 1 , ~/l ~ /~ /l ~1~ // . , ~ /1 /I ~n .,~_ // Lf 14L4 o . ~ t ~ ,u h,~.e r~ ~ ~ n~ tJ --~ %l ~_ ~, , 13 . / `. ~ i 14 . ~, ~ , l /-t~ L ~.. r~ .~~_ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis 1`~ountain: Name (Legal Signature} 1.' ~L ~.. 0. „ ~., Q, a a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. o. 9. 10. 11. ~ ~ ~~~~ = w 13. .~-- 14. 1.5 . 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code SOo? ~ ,Z3 C.c.~c~c,L ,c~~ ~ 0~-9 ~ 510 ~ ~ C-~~e.- So.Q~, v Q. oll~ I "~. ~l /~~LU~:t~b7t'~~~1. ~;.scs~~,~`-r vim-. ~~~ `~ 1 ~~~~`~~~~ -~ ~m~ ~a c PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISOR I~ Oder the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby " declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis 1`:ountain: Address and Zip Code ~~ --~ e ~ Name (Legal Signature) 1 ~ ~ r' 2 ,r--; C 3 ~~` c,.~Jo,.~sz.. ~~~~ c~ti~ 6 7 . y ~'t'~l~ `~`~'' ~I~T l l''Yf'='K~ , 9. ~ ~ 11. .r ~ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1s, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25 27. ``` ,`~- ;,. ~~ ~~~ ,~',~" ~~ ''. ~ ~C, 23. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4.Te, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition. to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Address and Zip Code 7 . ~ ~ ~ C=~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~ao~~ 9 . t rnc~lc~ ~~a ~ IQ('+t ~+ . F . ~~ 15 r, '~ 4%~ 'i: i /~~ ~; ~ f !' 16 ~ ,. ~ ,~ ;_.,~_ ~ ~~~ • . t ~ ~ . 17 . ,~ r ~ „~~' bt~l,~, 21 c] ~, rn~'yt i Y~ 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 ~,~ ~_ _ ~-sue- /z~a ~s ~~ ~~ ~ s . G /~ d ~j ~ ~ _S~, ,~Q~ ~ Y1~.i,r~L~O ~,( 1/. ~~JCQ~YlL ~/. ~ V (i`D~r B!®L~i ~ X11 ~,~~~~_t S_~"/~'YlT (J / / t ~ '' ,~ C~ a '' ~ a n s~-- /~ r J/' {" / ~ ~G9 ~ "`'~% ~~~ ,. ~ z~. ~s ~~, SC. ~Y) ~/z`t-~~C~ ~~ c~ ~""dam ~ ,°~~-F~%~ L PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4.Te; the undersigned residents of West P,oanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis P~ountain: Name (Leal Signature} 1 Ctiv'~~ 2 ,C. '' J. 4. 5. ;~ ~i n c7 . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Address and Zip Code ` f ~ ~._ ~ ~} ~ i ~ ~ `+ :°:i ~-.ter }AU f - rf'L - , ~ .. 26 27 `` PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal Signature} ~. 5 -- - _.. ~. g. _ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Address and Zip Code ~-v ~o~ ~l ,,.~/~ ~S ;~2~a ~ ,~~~ yes _~~~./ ~/v~. ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Z ~5a 7 ~~!~ ~ ~ _ 15. 16 ' 17 C ,U~> ..~., c~~... 1 E . ,Quz`~.1~ o //i n!S 19 `~l~~i('1 ~ ~ Q Q~ 2( 2: 2~ 2: 2~ 2' 2E 2~ 2f . ,~,~ G 3 ~~ C C /t Si9~ ~.~_ _ ~~~ ~~_--'~ GG~J ~~ uC~J ~4 Sze ,g- ~ ~~ ~; ~, ~<. Il 1 ~ 1 ~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal Signature) Address and Zip Code /~.. ~~ G.,. z Y l~ 1 2 _ !/ <T 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF,D OF SUPERVISORS 4;e, the undersigned residents of West~F,oanoke County, hereby declare our united o~~position to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain:. Name~r(Lega/l~ Signature} 1. ~ ?~~„ e ~f' i.~o~-t o~ ~i~a 2 ~i •, ~; ,^ 3 ~ ~%' 4. ~ 5 _ ~ 7. Address and Zip Code ~Z ~~ s i 1~+~, ~ z ~3 ~ ' o. S. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ,/ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4,~e; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County; hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal Signature) u .f ~_~ ~ i ~~ 3 .~~.!f e ~.. 4. ~~ a ~ .~ 5 ''~ ~ r 6. 17. ls. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. Address and Zip Code l.~ ~f, ~~ ~~:..~~ ~/~.~t..ca-t, .cQ~ , ~~~~ G ms`s ~~ ~ ~ ~a~vu-o-~. d2-, . ~~,~~~. , v=im ,,~~~ g~ ~. v~. . `~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS 4.TeJ the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Na,t,o rT o~~~~~ ~; onafi„rPl 1. 2. 4 . ~ I~rr~t i? ~.~~~ ~-~ 5 ~~~ ~ ~ . ~-'~ mac, ~_ .~ 6 7 a g 1 17 ~' 1 E 19 21. fie" `~G-" - "v 2 2 ~ ,,~; ,~~,: l` 23. ~ ~ +- E: ~ ~:-~ 1 2 4 i- ; -~ t j G ~ / ~ 2 6 . ~ V , r~ir'~~~ ~ / e,'' ~I '1, A ~ s 2 7 . ~' ' , Address and Zip Code 7 t ~ <~,1 u ~~t~ ~~ ~ f1.,:r,-~ y~~- -' vc-~ A r r:~ -s- ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ i~ ~_ ~ ~ ",~ ~ ~ 9 i^'6 i. ~ i ' ~~ ' ff f f 1 ~~ ~ ~ 4-c^- // r 5~~ ~., , 1~ , " PETITION Z'0 THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS Ode; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County] hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal Signature) ' 7 i1 J~^ ~-- 2 . /"~~/I ` ~ it ~ , ~y~ ~~ 5. ~4 ~ 6 . ~.~ a ~ ~ j~~~ -~..~ J 7. O. 9. Address and Zip Code ~~'~~~ ~~(' NYC a~ ~~/~ '/_~'/' ~i'~ _>~~ ~ /~ 'C / ~ q /, --,- 6' ~;~~U l ~~i ~~'r~~ ~'_ ~~1. ~i ~ ;~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ m+ ~~{ r.~~~c~ f -~ ~/ - ~ q , .. _ ,i / ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~, i, ~T ~ 21. ~~7i~ ~ ;'_ - ~ -~ A/ ~ , ,, ~ , ; ~ mac. 23.` `i i i ,. 2 6 . ,/ ,~~,~,r - /~ ~~ ~-r~ ' ~ l~r ~, ~, ~ ~ a a ~ ~.,~ s ~~ ~ ~- ~ ~ i ~~ f Vii. ,,r ~ ';7~: ~ f _ y ~~ ~ A ('y f ~, ~ r; PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke Countys hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis mountain:. Name (Legal Signature} Address and Zip Code z ~~ . 2 2 2 L z 2 ~ ~ ~~ C c U 't,fi ~ ~ Ci2 , P ~J+~ ~~1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~~z- ~~~ ~~~~/~ ~~. ~~~~M ~~~3~ S~ 3 Z' ~ -~~, ~~~ ~~~~% ~/,~ ~G'~.C~ / ~ ,~'v / , 4-~'~'-~-j:~ ~"~ ~ yis ~3 .~ ~ \ ~t ,rt r: ~ r `~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~.~~~~ jt ~ ~~ L:- ~{ ~i ;~ '2 ~.~a C~.C ~C~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ,, ~ -. ._. f ,,~ ~ ~/ U -G~~ n .-=.~(~ c~Cft~~-lea-t~~zz.~~~/ . ~~7_~ 21. ~ ,~, ,.-~, ~.~~ ~~~-~-_ 22 ~,~~~Ll~ ~P~' PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAF.D OF SUPERVISORS Oder the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united oppositiora to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis riountain: N~ajm`e (/Legal S,i/~gnat/~ure} 2 . ~ ~~'v Y _/' i r~~~ ~L~ 5. 7. o. 12.~ ~ _ ~~~ ~.~~ _~ ~ 13 . ~ , __ tliiLt~~ %~~ 14.,/x; ~_;~.~~ ;. L-~.~G~~ 15. 16. 1E. 19. 20. 21. 2 4 . ,r , ; }~-r; f ,~, =~l,, 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code /~ ~1 ~~ -~~~n.~'p ~~ /~~J.J~it,(.C_~, ;,`~ ~" fit. /1 mad ~~~ ~~ .~1.~~.. r/~' .-~~~~ 3 ,, f .~~ ' `,~ 1 j r ~, /'~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS V We, the undersigned residents of West ?oanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r:ountain: Name (Legal Signature} 2. ~~ 4. a 9 1 1 1 13 "~ 14. ~~ 15 L~~..u~c ~ ~~ 16 . f~~/1,Yrrn,,.~ ~ - ~ ~~.~c 1- -- lE. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Address and Zip Code ~ ~ Lj15:3 ~.. ~-l~ ~ C (~~ r w ~ sJil i7~.~.e~~ ~~ CJ r. Xe~77v ~~~ ~~ 4 yap ~, )1~~~z~:c2~~K` ,~ ,t :~~ .~.~..~ ~~ i i ~a it ~ i X. ..~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 5 . ,iii/L'Jii.~:-7_ .%/~o v ,-~.~~ - ~/ c PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP,D OF SUPERVISOR Ode, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis Mountain: Name (Legal Signature) 1 J,: .'/% 2 ~ Address and Zip Code ~. ~, y ~ ~? ~~ ~. ~~ s ~~~ ,~~1 ~~ ~~ ` ~ ~ ~~ l~~ ~i ~d ~ ~ ~~~ ~ 3 ~. 77 ~ ~ c+C ~ l 1.~4~.44~/ d Ki`t' C~L~~ ~~~ c~CJ` ~L,liy~i. 2 3 . ~c~ ~~~ „„ /~ ~~ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS kTe, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T:ountain; Address and Zip Code ~`11~1 ~ c~~-~ `~ r~~ ~~~~~~ -`~l~ix~,y~~ ~ `~.~1~3 7. O. 10 11 /r . ~ , 1 ~ . (~ ~ h , ~ ~ ~ ~, 13 . - a~ y' 14 i ~ P~'~ 4 i~ 15. ~"~m1~..% ~ L ~' - .~, - -- / A ~ 17 . ~~' .,, _, O~ L _,' i i ~, ti 18 . ~ ~ ~ r i ~ ,i ~~ '; `. 20 ,~ -r----- -- ~'~ ~~ ~~'Q~~ ~7i'~ti~~ir/!~ Incl. ...~~_ ~~r,l .., . ~ _ err ,l ~ .~~' ~ _ -~ 3-~ t~' •~~ / ~~ aJ Y.rC ,~• ~--'t~ ~~ ~ \f.- ~ (mot` ~ /J / y t f~ ~ ~, c'j ~'~ ~ 1 9 . _~~. _ ;,~ ~ ~< _ ~ _ , ~ ~ ~ ,f ~ _~ ~~ r' sr7 ..~ G / ~ ~ ..~ ~ . ,. ~' Ti, f ~ f ~ ;~'4 _ C, /_ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~/ r ~ L c~(.,°~~t. !7( l~ , :, , ,~ ; -- ~ . ,- n _~ 2 ~~ ~ -3 [ k~ `~ 1~3 ~~ ~ s . ~ _-, a „ n PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4Je, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T~ountain: Name (L ral Signat r } 1. 2. ~~ ~--~- ~, r ~ / / ~-~ ~, 1 ,~ _ ; .. 4 , 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 . ~ n ~T~.-.- J 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~---- --. ,_~ '/ v r f ~ j~U'l C "~ 25 . X ~~~-'~~ ~..~~ ~' ~~ ~ =, ~ , `, ~ i, ;~ 2 7 . ~' ~_ ~~ ~ ; , . ~ - i ti ~ ~,~ ~. i ~ _ ,,~ ~, 2II. ~, -- ~~ ~~,- t-'.,` - Address and Zi Code r ~ ~ ~-- ~ c __ , :J / / e {~ ~ _ i/L %//!~ ~' i ! ~i/Ct / ~ /' ~ s~ l .. 1 r~ `~ ~k 1 ~ ~ ~: ,~ ~ _ y ~ ' ~ i ~~; ..~ ~- ~ 1 ,~ 1~ ! ` , x ~ ~ ~ ' ' -' t ~ - ~~~, i.~~ rri : ~- ~ - - } ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~:~ ~~ ~~,~~ ~1~ . ~~~~ _~ f ~ , - ~;, ~~ 4. . - . ; ~~ ~ a'. '.> 7/ PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 47e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T~ountain: Name (Legal Signature) / 1. 2 ~ i \~~ `4 .~ ~.. ~ ~~f, fh.r1 ~~~ a ~"y ~_~_ ~~--- r / ' ... , ~ , ..~ ~ ~~~ ,~ " ~ ~ 6 ~- ~ ~ - ~ ,i ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ n 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 20, v 21. t 22. 23 24 25 26 Address and Zip Code ~ >> ~ i -'' / 5lt_, / +:x! ~_f1" jai ~~.'f~7 _i(~~ 7 Jl / ~~ .. _~ ~ ~. , i -~ ~ / ~ ~_~ ~ I(1 i -r ~. ~~ yet, ` .~ ~1 - 1~C..tiry.. ~32v (gl I~ SAN ~ l~^~C('~Y~s~nse~~~~ zYo~ 9.' .~ 10. ~ ~ 1 . ~, ~~ PETITIO~~ TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 41e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis T:ountain: Name Address and Zi Code ,~; --' //, 7 ~.~1/ /- //~~ J C C A 4 ~ ~ ~ ~>~-z___. :a 11. ~ ),` ' , , r 1, !; ~ 1 , l ,, L r ~ ~-~ i 7 ~] ~ V . - __ C ~,. 9 d~~ 13 ~~ -~~-~ ~ ~;1 ~ ~ - ;~ A,_ 14. ~ ~~ ~'~- ~~-' '- - 15 Ii ~~- ~ y / 19; i~ ~ ' ~ 20. ,~,~ ~~~~"~ y' 0' ~ 7 21. "~ ~ ~ ~"~ i- 22 ' .. s 1~ .t s 2 4 T~~ ~l / `~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 2 5 `~ ;: ~ ~ 't ~ ,_ ~ ',-~ -- ~~ ` 1 ~ 2 3 . - ~„ ~ ~ . ~~~ L ~ ;, t ~ ~.~.~ a ~. 1 ~' ~ ~ ~, ~` ~,_~`, n ~~ Al { ~. r f L j - ~+ i ~ ~ r' / /lam ~ , F r y ._ - ,. - ~ ~_ ~ . _. '~~ > s { J y ' ~rLu,~'. c~e~ :~- f- ~~ t. / ~a J > =~ i; ' ~ t';~ - ~ l '~ ~ "~ ' t f ~~( i~ c. ;~~ r ~ ~ y1 ~ ; ~ 7` CJ~ ~G~~l e'r ~ / ~G1 / PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 47e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r;ountain: Address and Zip Code o. 9. lc 1'. l: ~. 1 1 1 1 ~`~/ ~ lea. y1 ~ct~;~~,~ ~~~ ~ ~~a.l~r~rt l i~ • ~~~~ ,5~ ~f 3 r ~~~~ /~') ~ N ~~ ~ ~7 LE /Yl , v'A 5 ~ r ,- .-~ ~ /p !' ~ L S~~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ .~ t-~--~-- <_ ,- ~ . Ci.a ~• ~ ` ~ ~ ~~- ~_~~~ ~~ l ~' ~ .ate /~ ~ ~ ~ s ~~~~ ~~ s~ ~~y, ~ 19. 20. 21. 22. 2 3 . -- - . 2 5 . ~~ ~ t ~ ~ ~'/tltt 26 i ~~~i, _ ,_ ._~_ ; ' L~ /,~ dry I ~ "'~ \ ~•7` ~~•C~ ~ juy~ ~ z~f~ ~U a << j' i r .~ .; ~ j ~}i ~` l ~~,'C~ l °( 7 't ( ~,i ~ ~__.~ }. a III~~~ ~ ~ .' ~ ~, . ~ G ,, / % ,~ , - -~- -- ~ ~. 18 . ~ Q ~34~L~ ~ - ~~~•~ ,. PETITION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS 4;e, the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side o Fort Lewis T:ountain: Name (Legal. Signature ~~ / ~ ~ 2 ~~~c t 5 ~2 ~~ i~i`yrr~'~~ 6. ~,~~~ ' ~% C a . - 9 ~-~ ~ ~ ~~ .,~G; G~ ~^, 0 . ' 10 . '/;- ~ If; r' t l ~~ r'~ 11. ~-~ •2'2- ~ .. _~.Cs ~} r 1`' ~€ L . 14 . - ~ ~~ . ~~ ~~ ~ ~-~- 15 . ~ - ~'~ Address (amend Zip Code ~ ? ,r ,/ ~` ,r ,,.53a '~ C.~~/Z.~i~-» nom, i ~- i~'~. ~f9'~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ .~~ / r ~`~/E- ~~~ tie cy s C~~,~~ h ~~~~~~ Si~~r~l~,~' V c~1(~, ~, J~ m e/- a r ~. ~ . ~ r ~~ _~ ~'1/~~ <_, ~,, c3 ~~ a~ . ~. , i4' 1 / , ~ ~ ' ~ V~v~ i car 1~~ - ~.~..; ~~ . ~I ,----- 17 lE 19 20 21 22 2 5 . GZ' ~.~ ~~~i~ /z~,~~ 26 27 23 ,i,~ cX ,J ~ ~ ~~~ iJ L, , n~c_ ~' `= _ ~r ` l c r~ ~~,Li ~ -' ~ ~- ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i r <.. .~ _ 'l n ~ ~ / '` '~cl ?' ~ l ~~, ;; ~~ f c:~! it ~ =~~ j~--,`~ pfd ~~ ~~u~~e~ ~-~ ~~ S~-~F,-~ ~~ ~~/i~ / ,~ y ~~,, /--~- ,,, ~~ n _ ~ ~ C ~ _~1 l ~-Z~ ti ~ 1 L~i a~J PE"T IT ION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS We; the undersigned residents of West Roanoke County, hereby declare our united opposition to a proposed landfill on the Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r.ountain: "Jame/(,Legal Sign atur~e,},~ 2~\ . 3 . G' Address and Zip Codne V V 0'L Jp Z 4. S. 6. 7. o. 9. 1G. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lE. 19. 2G. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ~~ E ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS PETITION 'IO TH si ned residents of west Roanoke County; hereby ~,e, the under $ ro osed landfill on the declare our un_ d opPositiori to a P P Glenvar side of Fort Lewis r;ountain. Address and Zip Code 1 S i nature } I1:~J ~~ r/f~ ' Name (Le a ~ ~ l~ 7 1. ~.S ~ ~~ Y ~ r 3 . ~'~~ ~ ~ ~- ~~ 4. 6. __ 7. a. 9. 10. 11. l~._ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 . 18. 19 . 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ~~~ SUPERVISORS F TION TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAP.D OF p„TI hereby West Roanoke County: T the undersigned residents of ~•e: ositiorL to a proposed landfill on the declare our un_ i~Fart~'Le is Tountain. side of Glenvar N_ 23. 24. 25 26 27 Code Address and Zi ~~) ~~ to b ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ L ~~ d / ~ (-1 /i 1 / ~' ~ ~ i ~~ ~~~ ~ ~3/S ~~~~~' ~ 3 3 t 5 ~-- Lam- S C-`''~' ~ ~ 5~ i ! ~ ~ / 1 V~ ~~ ` 66 ~ /, C ~ ~~~~ ~3~a ~ ~s % ~ ~~ -x ~~~~ - }~-~ -- ~- w~' ~-~ ~S ~~' -~ S r // .~ `3 ~~~~ ~~~-- `lam n%~ _~ ~~w 3a ~~ ~ U~~ ~~`'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. 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A~~ - ~ r- ~ _ , ~ .. ,,, - ~~ CI *.f 'li:ll o- ., ..-~ - - i' '% ' l~ i, j~•I, ~. ~ ~ ~~--- ~`"~ M H 2 w H 2 O U O H Q w 0 a a a OSTERHDUDT, FERGDSON NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 VIRGINIA: I BEFORE THE BOARD _OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE_COUNTY IN RE: ) FINAL ORDER A 1.70 acre parcel of land, ) generally located at the Intersection ) of Route 419, Cordell Drive and ) McVitty Road, within the Windsor Hills ) Magisterial District, and recorded as ) Parcel No. 76.11-2-21 and Parcel ) No. 76.11-2-22, in the Roanoke County ) Tax Records ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, INLAND PROPERTIES CORPORATION, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from R-1, Single Family Residential District to B-1, Office District, for the purpose of permitting construction of an office complex. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on March 1, 1988, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and byHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of denied County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be ~ with the proffered conditions, on June 14, 1988. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel No. 76.11-2-21 and Parcel No. 76.11-2-22 and legally described below, be rezoned from - 16 - R-1, Single Family Residential District to B-1, Office District. A 1.70 acre parcel of land, generally located at the Intersection of Route 419, Cordell Drive and McVitty Road, within the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, and recorded as Parcel No. 76.11-2-21 and Parcel No. 76.11-2-22, in the Roanoke County with the following conditions: (1) Property to be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Buford T. Lumsden S Associates, Engineers ~ Surveyors, and Dickson Associates, Architects, submitted herewith. (2) Signage is limited to 48 square feet and to be located in one of the two locations identified on the site plan. (3) The property will be utilized for office use only. No financial institution use in the form of tellers, drive-up windows or automatic tellers will be permitted on the property. (4) The property will be constructed with frame construction, masonry and wood trim. The structures will not be more than two (2) stories in height and will have a sloped roof. OSTERHOLIDT, FERGLISON ( 5 ) Tha t the berm existing on McVitty Road w i I I NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTGRNEYS-AT-LAW be retained with the except ion of the entrances to the ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 „ property. - 17 - 683 - l (6) That all outside utilities constructed by developer will be underground. (7) The radius for access entrances, and if approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation, will be widened. (8) All site and parking area lighting to be directed away from residential area and from 419. Lighting standards will not be more than fourteen feet in height and power will not exceed one foot candle. (9) The dumpster will be screened from 419 and Cresthill Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this order OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSGN NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTGRNEYS-AT-LAW RGANOKE, VIRGINIA 24019-1699 be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. DENIED A991k'T€B on motion of Supervisor __ Garrett seconded by Supervisor __ Robers ________, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, Nickens, Garrett NAYES: Supervisor McGraw ABSENT:None Deputy Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Rob Stalzer, Director, Planning Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections - 18 - 6~~7 ~3 -~ PETITIONER: iNLAI~IDBPROPERTIFS CORPORATION CASE N(~RBIIt: Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 1, 1988 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 22, 1988 1. RF]QUEST Petition of Inland Properties Corporation to rezone a 1.70 acre tract from R-1, Residential to B-1, Business to construct an office complex located on the east side of Route 419 immediately south of its intersection with Cordell Drive in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Approximately 200 concerned cinsz w s P e La P ere Frank Saunders11Ra1Ph Moore Lorden, Paul Bell, Kendrick Steve , and Thomas Leggette voiced the following concerns: storm water runoff from t e office complex; potential flooding fran Mud Lick Creek; increased traffic; access through residential streets; compo tdt C econtainingws gnaturesoof~thosetin area; decreased property values. Ape opposition to the request was presented to the Ccxnmission. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. Circulation: Immediate accesstiallheservices asla~frontagetro d to the this proposal. McVitty Road essen Y site. Access to Route 419 c orthe wheredMcV b ty intersects wi h Cordell ends of McVitty Road. To the n Drive, it is the staff's opinion that the Cordell/Route 419 intersection is strained. (Staff of the Fifth Planevel ofsservice~'swith a level of aservice section of Route 419 maintains a 1 "D" during the peak hour.) As a result, during the morning thasaareana~e hours of peak tt lizin thismiritersect oneand choose lternative routes. discouraged fran u g The two alternative routes c Cresthill~Driveeto GarsteMi111. s Thee proposed McVitty Road at Route 419 or increasin peak-hour development will most likely exacerbate this problgn by g traffic volumes at this inter Ctential forf future~signalizationcof this analysis to determine the p intersection. b. Floodplain• The site is partially located in the 100-year flood hazard area on the Flood Insurance Rate Map published by the Federal Emergency Management rior to any issuance of a building permit, Agency. Consequently, p designation of the existing floodplain will be required. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS LJ w`' ~ '°'~~ a. Property to be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Buford Lumsden and Dickson Associates. b. Signage is limited to 48 sq.ft. and to be located in one of the two locations identified on the site plan. c. The property will be utilized for office use only. No financial institution use in the form of tellers, drive-up windows or automatic tellers will be permitted on the property. d. The property will be constructed with frame construction, masonry and wood trim. The structures will not be more than two stories in height and will have a sloped roof. e. That the berm existing on McVitty Road will be retained with the exception of the entrances to the property. f. That all outside utilities constructed by developer will be underground. g. The radius for access entrances, and if approved by VDOT, will be widened. h. All site and parking area lighting to be directed away f ran residential area and fran Route 419. Lighting standards will not be more than 14 feet in height and pacer will not exceed one foot candle. i. The d~npster will be screened fran Route 419 and Cresthill Drive. 5. CONA4ISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Gordon moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call: pyES: Flippen, Gordon, Winstead NAYS: Jones ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Witt (because of a contractual relationship with the petitioner) 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. Mr. Jones stated his concern with regard to flooding. 7. ATTACf~'IENTS ~/ oncept Plan (8~" x 11") [o Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") =Staff Report Other: Jona n Hartley, Planning CaY¢nission Alternate Secretary - 2 - •v. ~aTOrno7J S~I~Z1= '~'^'eJ QMr'"~NI Z_.p $ C 1 ~"=' DS 1 C v~~. ~ x~:- ltl t ~r ~2 :4 3 - Ux:- i r ~rL~s rt~.Ld~~ a<.: r ' A i ~'~_-,l t ~- 9 d _~ - 3 - ~~ ,., a„Q,.,,~ •~rvi 'S~i! ~do~ arrtt~N~ ~~z~tiF a ~ Y~Y- _~ Q ~4 3~c ~ 1 M ~- b ~. Z ,~ I RV V ~ ii ~ iI~ {{ I . ~ ~ ~ i `~ ~i~\' t `s.W-aO- rA ~ p x _I v Id d IC '~ 0 '~.~-~-~ • ~ ~ ~~~L ~ r- g ~ tl ~I i I ~ i ~~ i 'i~ i i ,~ .. a 0 r t- s ~~ i ~a ~~ F- , ~_ _...___._ _ _ 4 - .+ fit" .-- 1 , l ~ a ~,.'~"`'~..y-'.'"'"_. jFo+~ J!~ . ~~~`j tf/ ^'~4I~.L.f~~~ ~Lt~Kw.u.. ." r ~ .1'.-',c~~nD __. -~` ~.n ~y~ 9"_' J Y' : pfr Y~I' ~ ' ~ + '`~ . ~~w ...yam ~ ~ ~. _ ~ ,•~ . _~~/ '!mod `~Y.~ ~,l 11D 1~ .-~'. B: LN" -.-Nµ}y.w :11.10 ~I,EYe•aa.- l a ~~~L ~4,icf~C7T~~~(+k~Tb~'~'~fv.,<'S D~--~i~oL l~ "° -N1.~1- 5l)('In~(COq~ESL~~i~\ -~„r! ~66',~ %4~. pM~/t4 - ~ ,~/~ g ` ~ :\q7 j~f' ,_4 rL ~ ~,. ptp~ls,.ui„~ `_ 98 "`~'-4~-1. ~,t,~ak> $~F e.D V( ' ~ ~~ 8 '\ Y~/`=""+~.~ r. ICRE~Tn~t °"`le+ro.' ®'$1~~ j~ 'Oip+• ? ~ ~~. __~, OPT '17<e~ 1 g, Llntrww i io J ~ ~ ~ D awr. ~ S~` ~rY ~ uppS5TT~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1~,1 ~. J ~.egRbCkgp~ F ~~~ J~2r• ~ ~µ _ 1 `~'~/~ X44 g~ • .a19 '° •.~ ,, 1,;,, `-"~Ly, , :dam , d hs .. ~ CA ~s \~~o-~'~~ nrw1N(~ffx1 IAKEE ~~.1i ' . `t ~ 1`U ... / STiff"" ~~~~ - - VICINITY MAP ~ J '' l D ~noru 1 ALL PROPERTIES SHOWN ~ ~ \ \ 2•' S „• ~ '~ ~- ~ ~ p - .2 • « ARE ZONED R-1 ~ ~ 2 W.Y IDI 2."""' ~ ~ '•' 2 m , c M , \ \ . • • to ~T b .6 a3 'A 03 4 tSl .t ~ \ ~ ~ _ 31 I9 ~ I . 62 • \ \ \ t • 1 4 3z ~~~ w. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~, 1~~ \ n/ / d 13 ~ t d \ ~ r1 ` ~ \ /\/ d ~ , ~ f 1 f \. • 39 3 ~ ~ ~ 1 M 6 a ~ le ~ ~ D f 4 3 - se w • 3O \ 23 w..~. C..rs Om~ 'D r w . f! 1 ~ p f S e .e./ ` _ ~ J >b ~ II ~ 3 6 ~ - _ ~' ~ \ f I - ~ I h LM N Aw1e. 0 1~ S/ ` ~ 2 ` ~ \ f 1 4 f/ie ` `Np i d `+. ; \ ~~ -~ \ ~ « s_ + f 3 a . .. ~ ~ ~~- d ~ ~ • ~ ~ t + S2 F Y , a 37 / 24 S 1 ' ~ 36 b Y1 ; 3S _ \ ~..f..~1O A ~ s " ~ N 41 j \ xi 1 ^~ e x w . n ze is 30 31 e g \ 2 ~• 2e 1 31 d 11 d , ~ ? 4 f ~ \ O ~ 20 , ~ , d 23 od ie ~ J d 11 n .. 1 ~ O w ,2 r 1 e 11 p e \ ].D.1 d Id r .3 ` 2 ~/ 1 y ~ _ _ • J' \ In.e e ~ ~ o O` 23 B•.. ~ ~ ^ 3 1.~ H / ~~ ~i. 22 .. i no'..roi - 5 - ROANOKE COUNTY Inland Properties Corporation DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT R- 1 to B- 1 e,e STAFF REPORT ~`° ., CASE NUMBER: 13-3/88 PETITIONER: Inland Properties Corp. REVIEWED BY: Dale Castellow DATE: March 1, 1988 Petition of Inland Properties Corporation to rezone a 1.70 acre tract from R-1, Residential to B-1, Business to construct an office complex located on the east side of Route 419 immediately south of its intersection with Cordell Drive in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to develop an office complex consisting of four (4) buildings ranging in size from 3,-300 square feet to 4,555 square feet. All total, the project would consist of 16,470 square feet of office space. b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describe the project more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. The B-1, Office District, permits a wide range of office uses. Permitted within the B-1 district are professional offices, financial offices, including banks and real estate agencies, dental and medical offices and clinics, and various other general office uses. In addition, two- family and multi-family dwellings are also permitted within the B-1, Office District. Petitioner is proffering the attached concept plan indicating the proposed development scheme. Conditions prohibiting residential development have not been proffered. Petitioner has proffered conditions which limit the size of any sign erected on either Route 419 or McVitty Road. A final condition ensuring that all site and parking area lighting will be directed away from the adjoining residential areas has also been proffered. b. Site plan review will be required to ensure compliance with County regulations. As part of the site plan review process, petitioner will be required to delineate any portion of the Mudlick Creek floodway which may be situated on the petitioner's site (see attached Ordinance 82587-7 revising "Floodplain Regulations.") c. The Virginia Water Control Board may require the petitioner to make application for a 401 Certification if it is determined that a section of Mudlick Creek must be relocated to accommodate the proposal (see attached correspondence and regulation.) The 401 Certification is to ensure that appropriate steps are taken in relocating the creek bed. d. A commercial entrance permit will be required from VDOT. - 6 - 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS ~~,,~` a. Topography: Site gently slopes from McVitty Road toward Route 419. The slope is more pronounced at the southern end of the property. b. Ground Cover: Mature trees with sparse low growing grass and underbrush. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Windsor Hills Community Planning Area; designated for stable growth. Commercial infill is encouraged, urban services are available. b. General area is densely developed with single family residential, commercial, office and institutional uses. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Transition land use category. Petition is in conformance with both the land use plan map and policies. Specifically, Policies TR-3 (reserve frontage for major office facilities) and TR-7 (coordination of movement among adjacent sites) support this proposal. The proposal is also consistent with the adopted 419 Frontage Development Plan and the suggested _ development concept which recommends office/institutional or planned commercial development in areas designated as Transition. 3 b. Surrounding Land: Single family residential, institutional, and four lane major arterial highway. Petitioner has proffered conditions which ensure that site and parking area lighting do not impact neighboring-residences. The lighting should be located in such a manner that it does impact motorists traveling on Route 419 as well. 3 c. Neighboring Area: Single family residential, institutional, and heavily traveled major arterial highway. 3 d. Site Layout: Access to the site would be limited to McVitty Road. Buildings would be placed in a unified grouping which would include shared access and parking. Proposed interior circulation is adequate. A majority of the parking would be located to the rear of the property. - 7 - "` 0 Despite the fact the proposal conforms with frontage development policies, the access location of this proposal may negatively impact the adjacent residential subdivision. Petitioner should specify the location of trash dumpsters. ~.:._. 2 e. Architecture: Petitioner advises that the four structures would be constructed of common materials in a similar style. The buildings would be of traditional motif with brick facades. The structures would include roof dormers which would be adjusted to accommodate existing parking restrictions. 3 f. Screening and Landscaping: Proffered concept plan includes screening and buffering. In accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance, petitioner should proffer additional screening and landscaping on-the concept plan. 2 g. Amenities: Adequate parking available. 3 h. Natural features: An existing tree line is located along the rear property line partially shielding the site from Rt. 419. A branch of Mudlick Creek is also located along the rear of the site. It appears that portions of the creek may have to be relocated to accommodate the proposed parking lot along the rear of the site. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: Estimated traffic generation for the proposal is 292 vehicle trip ends per day. In 1986, ADT along McVitty Road, between Cordell and Cresthill, was 914. Along Cresthill Drive, an alternative route to the site from the East, the ADT was 1063. And although the design capacity of Cresthill is significantly higher than the recorded ADT of 1063, the area is primarily single family residential where such volumes should be discouraged. 4~ j. Circulation: Immediate access to the site is limited to McVitty Road. In this proposal, McVitty Road essentially serves as a frontage road to the site. Access to Rt. 419 can be gained at both the northern and southern ends of McVitty Road. To the north, where McVitty intersects with Cordell, it is the staff's opinion that the Cordell/Rt. 419 intersection is strained. (Staff of the 5th Planning District Commission advises that this section of Rt. 419 maintains a level-of-service "C" with a level-of-service "D" during the peak hour.) As a result, during the morning and afternoon hours of peak traffic volumes, many vehicles exiting this area are discouraged from utilizing this intersection and choose alternative routes. The two alternative routes currently available are either the southern end of McVitty Road at Rt. 419 or Cresthill Drive to Garst Mill. The proposed development will most likely exacerbate this problem by increasing peak-hour traffic volumes at this intersection. Staff recommends a critical - 8 - ~' ~'~ .~ / ~.. ;~, lane analysis to determine the potential for future signalization of this intersection. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE 3 m. Basin: Mudlick Creek, which serves a drainage area significantly larger than 100 acres is located along the rear property line of the site. It appears that at least a portion of the creek may need to be relocated to accommodate the rear parking facility. 4 n. Floodplain: The site is partially located in the 100-year flood hazard area on the Flood Insurance Rate Map published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Consequently, prior to any issuance of a building permit, designation of the existing floodplain will be required. PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service standard. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 1 s. - Land and Improvement Value: $1,300,000 - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: Unknown - Total Employees: Unknown - Total revenue to the County/Year: Approximately $13,512 ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u. Water: 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: 3 x. Signage: Petitioner is proffering conditions that limit the size of any sign erected along Rt. 419 or McVitty Road. The actual size limitation as well as the style of the sign should be defined. - 9 - ~~' -1 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as a Transition land use category. The petitioner's request is consistent with the land use plan map and policies contained within the Roanoke County Land Use Plan and the 419 Frontage Development Plan. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Consistent with plan policies. (2) Site layout offers interior circulation with shared access and parking. (3) Concept plan is proffered. (4) Petitioner has proffered size limitations for signs erected at the site. (5) Petitioner has also proffered conditions which ensure that all site and parking area lighting will be directed away from neighboring residences. b. Weaknesses: (1) Proposal appears to encroach upon an existing flood hazard area. (2) Proposal is likely to increase congestion at the Rt. 419/Cordell Drive intersection as well as traffic volumes along Cresthill Drive in the Cresthill subdivision. (3) At this time, the specific nature of the office use is undetermined. (4) Dempster location should be specified. (5) Architectural compatibility should be proffered. (6) Additional screening and landscaping should be proffered with the concept plan. - 10 - A'r A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A'r THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKL•', VA., ON 'TUESDAY, A UGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE 82587-7 AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO REVISE THE E'LOODPLAIN R EGULATIONS WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordi- nance was held on July 28, 1987, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on August 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County require the adoption of standards and regulations to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from the dangers of flooding and the drainage of surface and storm waters; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-292, 15.1-466; 15.1-486, 15.1- 489, and 15.1-490 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorize the county to adopt ordinances and to exercise such general powers to prevent the pollution of water; to make, erect, and construct drains, sewers, and public ducts; to establish reasonable standards for drainage regulations of subdivisions or developments; and to provide safety From flood, flood protection, and to protect against the loss of life, health, or property from ~1ood and other similar dangers; and ~~({EIZEAS, Roanoke County and its citizens have suffered and continue to_ suffer the harmful effects of Flooding and inade- quate drainage of surface waters, and Erom tf~e volume and velo- city of storm water runoff; and - 11 - 68s- i ~~ , «'~{L•:REAS, these ha-r,ards and dangers to public health, safety, and; welfare are caused in part by climate, topography and the developr~en t o E land . NOW, THL•'REFORG BE I'I' ORDAINL'D by the Board of Super- vi::ors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows: 1. Amend Appendix A, the Roanoke County Zoning Ordin- ance, Section 21-61, "Floodplains," by revising sub-section p; "Floodplain Area," and sub-sub-section (c) to read as follows: Section 21-61 D. Floodplain area. (c) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that Flood- plain area for which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where ~ e ape hundred FIAA} peer €leadplatn beand- arp has been approximated the drainage area is greater than one_ hundred (100) acres. Such areas are 9heHn may be on the Flood Boundary and Floodway tap. where the specific 100-year ELood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. F,rmy Corps of Engineers, Flood- plain Information Reports, U.S. Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, devel- opment and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accor- _ dance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. tydrologic and hydraulic analyses st~a11 be undertaken only by - 12 - .. professional engineers or others of demonstrated qualifications, who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly re- flect currently accepted technical concepts. Calculations For tt~e design flood shall be related to existing land use and poten- tial development u~~der existing zoning. Studies, analyses, compu- tations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough review by the County Engineer. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be - August 26, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS : None A COPY - TESTE: ,~1. ~ ' Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 8/26/87 cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Thomas M. Blaylock, Commonwe;~lth Attorney magistrate l Sheriff's- Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue Roanoke Main Library Roanoke County Code - 13 - ~``] t Y~~'''~ Richard N. Burton Executive Director Post OI/ice Oox 11143 Richmond, Virginia 23230-1143 (604(367-OOSG February 23, 1988 STf]l~1; f~t~~l"I'l:lZ CON7~IZOL 130i11Z1) ?111 1lrrrnihon Slrccl Ploeso reply to: West Control Regional Oltice Executivo Perk 5312 Peters Croak Roed P. O. Box 7017 Roanoke. Virginia 24019 (703 982-7432 Mr. Dale Castellow Roanoke County Planning Dept. County of Roanoke P. O. Box 3800 -.Roanoke, VA 24015 Dear Dale, V "` Please find attached general information on 401/404 permits. I do not have on-hand a copy of the permit application. It is our view that the Inland Properties project to be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting on March 1, 1988, would fall under the purview of 401/404 requirements. Sincerely, /` f'~ W. S. Estes Water Resources Development Supervisor WSE/wlb Enclosure - 14 - ~; t~'~~' ~- There are three (3) categories of Corps Section 404 Permits k•hich could apply to activities neediT~g a 404 Permit in the Iti'CRO area. They are: (1) Individual Permits, (2) Regional General Permits and (3) Nationwide Permits. 1. Individual Permits - The Corps District may use it discretionary authorit;~ to require an individual 404 permit for any activity ti.hich may result in a discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. The requirement of an individual 404 permit is generally reserved for projects which could cause environmental damage if special conditions were not im- posed in addition to the standard conditions found in General Permi*_s. 2. Regional General Permits - The Corps Districts were directed by the Chief of Engineers (in accordance with Reagan Administration policy) to reduce papert.~ork by the issuance of Regional Permits. GP-13 is issued for activi- ties of minimal environmental consequence (a copy of GP-13 is attached). GP-14 covers VDHF,T projects. A condition of GP-14 is that the projects be coordinated at regularly scheduled permit coordination meetings. t1'e have direct participation in those meetings. (GP-14 is also attached.) 3. '~'ation~:ide General Permits - These are General Permits issued by the Corps i.•hich authorize certain activities throughout the nation. These activities are specified in the attached copy from the July 22, 1932 Federal Register. 401 CERTIFICATION The State liater Control Board position is that a•e ma~~ require a 401 Certification for any activity covered by any of the Permits above.' - 15 - ~~," M E M O R A N D U M T0: Lee Garrett FROM: Rob Stalzer ~~' DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: 419 Frontage Development Plan Public Participation Component Community participation was critical to the success of the 419 Corridor Study. Residents were asked their opinions, reactions, and concerns and given the opportunity to express these in the planning process through one to one discussions with members of the staff, a community meeting, a questionnaire, and public hearings by both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. Media coverage during the preparation of the 419 Corridor Study was extensive. Stations WSLS-TV 10, WDBJ-TV 7, WSET-TV 13, and WFIR-radio 96 as well as the Roanoke Times & World-News continuously maintained the public interest through their comprehensive coverage of the planning process. On July 9, 1986, at 7 p.m., the planning staff of Roanoke County publicly presented the to-date findings of the 419 Corridor Study. Prior to this date, 339 letters announcing the meeting and inviting residents to come into the planning office to discuss the study with staff were mailed to citizens, businesses,- and area civic leagues. In addition, another 750 letters were distributed within neighborhoods along Route 419 and another 250 copies-were taken to Route 419 area businesses. Public service announcements advertising the community meeting were carried by radio stations WROV, WFIR-WPVR, WSLC-WSLQ, WXLK, and television station WDBJ, as well as the Roanoke Times & World-News. Announcements were also displayed on the marquees at Springwood Park and Tanglewood Mall. A record number, 121 residents, turned out at the community meeting to voice their concerns on the future plans for Route 419 development. Everyone in attendance at the community meeting was given a further opportunity to express his thoughts on development in general and in relation to specific sites along the 419 corridor in the form of a questionnaire. This questionnaire was designed to address the topics of land use, urban design, environmental quality, transportation, and public facilities. Fifty-one questionnaires were returned to the Planning Department. - 15A - ~~ ~~' ~~ The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the 419 Frontage Development Plan on July 15. At this time, comments were received on the future land use guide map for 419 and on rezoning policies. Citizen comments were generally supportive. Special concerns were the need to stick to the guidelines and to follow through with strong zoning enforcement actions. The Board of Supervisors subsequently, on July 22, adopted the recommended map to serve as a guide for future rezonings along the corridor. The 419 Frontage Development Plan document was adopted in February 1987 by the Planning Commission. This public hearing was advertised by legal notice and by a mailout sent to all those who participated at the community meeting and to those who spoke at the July public hearings. The mailout notified residents of the date of the public hearing and stated that copies of the plan document were available at the libraries or for sale at cost at the Roanoke County Administration Center. In addition, the 419 maps that were prepared for the July public hearings were on display at the Headquarters library for several weeks. Subsequent to the unanimous adoption of the 419 Frontage Development Plan by the Planning Commission on February 3, 1987, the planning document was referred to the Board of Supervisors for its consideration at the February 24 meeting. The Board adopted the planning document unanimously. If you have any questions about any of this information, please contact me prior to the March 23 public hearing. Thank you. ajb cc: Inland Properties file - 15B - ~~~~ "1 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY -------------------------------------------------------- M H z w H z 0 U 0 N 0 w 0 a a a IN RE: A 1.70 acre parcel of land, generally located at the Intersection of Route 419, Cordell Drive and McVitty Road, within the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, and recorded as Parcel No. 76.11-2-21 and Parcel No. 76.11-2-22, in the Roanoke County Tax Records FINAL ORDER TO TtiE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~NHEREAS, your Petitioner, INLAND PROPERTIES CORPORATION, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from R-1, Single Family Residential District to B-1, Office District, for the purpose of permitting construction of an office complex. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on March 1, 1988, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of denied County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be c~ with the proffered conditions, on June 14, 1988. NUW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the OSTERHDUDT. FERGUSDN NATT, AHERDN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANDKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel No. 76.11-2-21 and Parcel No. 76.11-2-22 and legally described below, be rezoned from - 16 - ~c~ ~- / OSTERHDUDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON S AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24010-1699 R-1, Single Family Residential District to B-1, Office District. A 1.70 acre parcel of land, generally located at the Intersection of Route 419, Cordell Drive and McVitty Road, within the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, and recorded as Parcel No. 76.11-2-21 and Parcel No. 76.11-2-22, in the Roanoke County with the following conditions: (1) Properfiy to be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Buford T. Lumsden 5 Associates, Engineers & Surveyors, and Dickson Associates, Architects, submitted herewith. (Z) Signage is limited to 48 square feet and to be located in one of the two locations identified on the site plan. (3) The property will be utilized for office use only. No financial institution use in the form of tellers, drive-up ,windows or automatic tellers will be permitted on the property. (4) The property will be constructed with frame construction, masonry and wood trim. The structures will not be more than two (2) stories in height and will have a sloped roof. (5) That the berm existing on McVitty Road will be retained with the exception of the entrances to the property. - 17 - I ~~~ - ~ (6) That all outside utilities constructed by developer will be underground. (7) The radius for access entrances, and if approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation, will be widened. (8) All site and parking area lighting to be directed away from residential area and from 419. Lighting standards will not be more than fourteen feet in height and power will not exceed one foot candle. (9) The dumpster will be screened from 419 and Cresthill Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. DENIED A99~~€B on motion of Supervisor __ Garrett _______. seconded by Supervisor __ Robers ________. and upon the following .recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, Nickens, Garrett NAYES: Supervisor McGraw ABSENT:None OSTERHOUOT. FERGUSON Depu~ Clerk, Roanoke COUnty NATT. AHERON & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Board o f Supervisors ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24G1B-1699 C C: F i l e John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Rob Stalzer, Director, Planning Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections - 18 - (0 ~ 8 - / p, p p E A R A N C E UBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~ L- ~ ~ R E Q U E S T ~~~~~T~ ~ ~~~ uc ~sg~rz P p ~,`L ~- r T K~ ~ io __ Cv7 ov~.t7 L_L }CfL., ~ I would like the Chai~man~'of~~e ~oa`rd of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2, Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3, All comments must b~ andeaudaencetmembersdis Dotaallowedeen a recognized speake 4, Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, Speakers are regWethedheoclerke any written statements and/or comments 6, INDIVIDUALS PURPORTINGI ~ ENPAUTHORIZATIONGFROMETHERGROUPHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WR ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~-- ADDRESS : ~3 ~~ s~'r'rZ~~O'1.) ~~1V r PHONE : 7 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you. pc_,r~~. ~irb~"R~18~~z w~-+r~ ~'iL>>U7~ p, p P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~, ~ , ~ .~- PUBLIC HEARING ON k? a ~'" ~ `~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking onthe masoritynof will enforce the rule unless instructed by 7 the Board to do otherwise. 2, Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3, All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6, INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH TEEINDIVIDUALTTONREPRESENTATHEM.FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING TH P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: t ^~ - PHONE :~~ ~-~'z--- PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the numb~ulefunlesseinstPuctedgbynthe majoritynof will enforce the the Board to do otherwise. 2, Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3, All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6, INDIVIDUALS PURPORKIWRITOTENPAUTHORIZATIONGFROMETHERGROUPHALL FILE WITH THE CLE ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y r- ~ ~ NAME : ,/ /,~! !~ ,~ ADDRESS : ~ ~ %~! j ~- '=~-~- rr,~~ „"t ~~ "i!r a' PHONE: 3" PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R_ A N C E R E Q U E S T ~, F~ ~- ~. ~ " '~ PUBLIC HEARING ON s I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1, Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman willeakindeonhantissue,mand based on the number of citizens sP g the majority of will enforce the rule unless instructed by the Board to do otherwise. resentation of their point of 2, Speakers will be limited to a P be entertained by view only. Questions of clarification may the Chairman. 3, All comments must be dndeaudaencetmembersdis notaallowedeen a recognized speaker a 4, Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. (, INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPAUTHORIZATIONGFROMETHERGROUPHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON 6 ~E-L= f " ~7~! idN I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1, Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman willeakindeonhantissue,mand based on the number of citizens sp g orit of will enforce the rule unless instructed by the maj Y the Board to do otherwise. 2, Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3, All comments must~b~ andeaudaen~etmembersdis nobaallowedeen a recognized spea,ce 4, Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, Speakers are reque~hedheoclerke any written statements and/or comments wi 6, INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TOTENPAUTHORIZATIONGFROMETHERGROUPHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRI ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : / i ohs '`~` ~"~ ADDRESS: PHONE : ~ ~~ ~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) - d ICY ,~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' sue'"`"'' ~~-~-~ PETITION We, the undersigned, qualified voter(s), freeholder(s), and/or person(s) affected who are residents of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, do hereby strongly express our opinion that we do not want the property located at the corner of Cordell Route 419 (Electric Road), and McVitty Road rezoned from Drive, R-1 (Residential) to B-1 (Office District). Reasons• A. The intersection cannot tolerate inchtaSe~ordell • traffic at anytime of the day or nig Drive is already overloaded as a major ingress and an egress road to the and1SugarloafsEast. Cresthill, Windsor West, B. Cordell hildrens aSixteenbbusrloadsfof children school c pass through that intersection. THINK OF TH CHILDREN. C, Sewage and flooding problems already exist on Cresthill Drive. values in adjoining subdivisions will D, Property be lowered. Name /~i i / ~ t r j:,'. ~; ~(1 ~ ~(„ ~~ }.c ~~ .,,.. , Phone Address _ ~ , ,~ , / ~ / ~' '' - ~ v..: 'r-- t ~ r~ /r ~1 ~ ,, #r r , ~. ~ J r~ ~_ ~•_> ~: --r' • L..e.'. ~., .. 3 yz. ~~ ~. ,~. r, ~' r ~~~~.. ... ~_ ~f. -t ~, r' Name ----- c.~< ,' 1, ~~~ j ,~ ,. ---1= Address ~~ , ~ , -;~ - ~ . ~ 7 ~ ~ 3 , ,, fit, !'~ ,~~. ~ ~ - ~ J Phone ~-- ~ ~ - .~~ i ~ ~°~i __ . '.. i, . 'f ~: ., ~. - ~. , < < _ ~ ~ ~~ (i, ~ ~' . ,. ; .. ,. , ~, ~~ ~ ,j _, t'~ . _ ~ ~~ ~~ ~,0 ~ ~ ~ `~~~ 4 (/ _ , a ... - ~f y ~~ ~ ! ~ t,~. - %/ ~ / ~ ^tr ~ ~;y~~~ j / , r ~ ~; 1 ~> u , -1 - - t r /~ ._. ~ y ~ /Z c- C ~°~'~' ~ 1 f / Ali ~.. / ~rf fit' ' _ -6 ~~ i ~ Y / tJ - ~,lt ~ J ~ !, . ~ s`~ ,~ , r ~ ~ . _ 11 a ~ ~.~ t_ ~ ;~ ~~ ~~l ~ h LS ti-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~:. Address Phone Name -~ ' a . , ~ , -~ ~~ / ,~ , r.;,/ ~;; ~~~. .___ ~; ~ // // - i . ~C - ~ . 1 / ~(/f : r ` ~~ !s~~ ~ ~;_~, ~. v, ; ~ ~ . -~ ~ 1. ~, , .~( ~ - l -~ y . _~ %~, ,, ~ -~ P-~ .rr .~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ f.l ;~,,_, ~ ~ 2i ~ ` ~ ~ - / i'~',) x . ~ 1 ~.. ~ ( , j-= - .- .-. ,~ ', _ .~ . = ~ < < , , a ~ ~ ~ -~-~~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ` ,/ / j,t~~-~r> ;r~;~...~~ ~~r~ - , _ l~t_ C~s~f~ - ?~7 , y/ . i ~1 , ~~ , ~,~~~ ti~,3 ~~ l~,~k~-A„~I !ar 77y~ ~~3y Name ,. i> ~-'. _, %. -~:~/ - ,~ ,, - C _.. ~. 1_. _/~ 1 ice/`/ ,LL:'' ;' ,~~ , _' -r Address ---- Phone ---- 7 ?~ ~~! ,~~ ~_ i >/ ~~~` ~,, , ~ , t i ~ ~ ,_ ~.~ ,,..~1~,.~C~. L~ - ,T-~ q -g 1 >-5 ~~ .._ __'r_- ~- ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ / y' ~ - ~ ~ ~~ ,L / , J ~~ r , ~ `~ .C%'~ ~~i ~' ~ ~ _ 1 ~~ ~---- l~~? Y.at - _.; i~~~~. •.: ~.~ J ~ // -/7 ~' ~ ~ 7.1 Name ~.~j .1,4 y .z~7 ~~ ~. o ~ ~„ C-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ti~ f, r ~~ ~~ ~~ Phone 7 7~ ~ 1 .~~:~1J ~ ~ `_ --- h ~ 5 ~9't `t ' iJ,~~s ~ ~ ~ y~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~, _ _ c~ ~ ;~- ~ ~ ~,; ~ ~% ~~ ~~~~ -" L.l. .. \ ~ ~ I d` .--.c~ ~ L. ~ ! ~- ~, ~ /~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ F r t~...~ r;_ .~ ~+,A~ 7 ~ ` / r' ~` ~ ~ ~ L ~ 4.~ t~ ~ ~ - 4. - ..> - ., ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~~ ~ <_ 1 ~ ~ ~. ,~ ~~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ Cif' / ~, ~ ••- 1 ~ ~ / T ' ~ y 1 ' ~ ---r _ r '~_.,_ _ } ___ ~~ ' . > ~' ~ ~ ,', ,C,. G" 7 ~~ !~ Address ---- !.~ PETITION We, the undersigned, qualified voter(s), freeholder(s), and/or person(s) affected who are residents of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, do hereby strongly express our opinion that we do not want the property located at the corner of Cordell Route 419 (Electric Road), and McVitty Road rezoned from Drive, R-1 (Residential) to B-1 (Office District). Reasons: A. The intersection cannot tolerator nightaseCordell traffic at anytime of the day or ingress Drive is already overloaded as a maj and an egresindsor Westheand1SugarloafsEast. Cresthill, W B, Cordellchildrens aSixteenbbusrloadsfof children school pass through that intersection. THINK OF TH CHILDREN. C, Sewage and flooding problems already exist on Cresthill Drive. values in adjoining subdivisions will D. Property be lowered. Phone Address ~ ~,~ Name r , L ... r~ /.~ ~. ' „ ~ ., .. ~~ -~ ~ i ,~'3' /-~,~' ~- ~c_ z~ ~ ; , - -~~ ~ :~~~~ Cc~ ~ ~~~ `_._ v ,~~(. ~gc r C~ / _~~~ Address Name Phone ~ '""~ r, GAG. ~t~ I F.J .F'._l ~ /'. ;, . ~> ~~ .., j n I _=--- / ' r l r~ ~-3 rl.~~ ~` `~- / -./ /~ -G` ``. ~:n l ~ ., L .~; , ~ J , ~.~ / r- ,~ ' ~ ,, ,J i ,~ - x 1 J "y f n Name Phone Address ,~ ~~ W ~ `~ ~~ C~~ ~~x~,~.c,v~-e-t '~ ~~ ~~ D~ ~~ f'g j.. ~,~ ~b~ 9J~~'`~o7~c ~~~~c ,~~_~~ a~ (~/,~~.. ~ /6~-~'~ ~ ~-' PETITION We, the undersigned, qualified voter(s), freeholder(s), and/or person(s) affected who are residents of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, do hereby strongly express our opinion that we do not want the property located at the corner of Cordell Route 419 (Electric Road), and McVitty Road rezoned from Drive, R-1 (Residential) to B-1 (Office District). Reasons: A• The intersection cannot tolerate inchtaseCordell traffic at anytime of the day or nigor ingress Drive is already overloaded as a maj and an egreWindsor Westheand1SugarloafsEast. Cresthill, g, Cordeilchildrens aSixteenbbusrloadsfof children schoo pass through that intersection. THINK OF TH CHILDREN. C, Sewage and flooding problems already exist on Cresthill Drive. erty values in adjoining subdivisions will D, Prop be lowered. Phone Address Name ~ `~ ~< 77 w ~ ,_ ~, y~ ~ ~ d~ . r a h/a,3 Gc' ' I/ ~ ~t ~/ ~r; Z ~ ~ ~ 6 a ~~ 2,( ~~ PETITION We, the undersigned, qualified voter(s), freeholder(s), and/or person(s) affected who are residents of the County of inion that Roanoke, Virginia, do hereby strongly express our op we do not want the property located at the corner of Cordell Route 419 (Electric Road), and McVitty Road rezoned from Drive, R-1 (Residential) to B-1 (Office District). Reasons: A. The intersection cannot tolerate inchtaSe~ordell traffic at anytime of the day or nig Drive is already overloaded as a major ingress and an egressndsor Westheand1SugarloafsEast. Cresthill, Wl B, Cordeilchildrens aSixteenbbusrloadsfof children schoo pass through that intersection. THINK OF TH CHILDREN. C, Sewage and flooding problems already exist on Cresthill Drive. values in adjoining subdivisions will D, Property be lowered. Name Phone . ~ ~ u ~.. .; 6 L~ C" `. Address Phone Name , .-, ~ - - - ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ;' ~ .` _ _ I ' ~~ z' ~` ~ i ~ t ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~~ .~.- . ; ~ r///~~~ ~ E \_ _ 1 f/ ~j/,/t), ~ / _ fy /~ r / ~ f / / ~ ~ ~ ~` ~ ~ ~ / / ~ l ~y / I C~~ ,.L.(-t.~1 j .: ~-t. ~G~ [ICJ ~..J ~ ~ _ + ~ ~ ~., 4 ~ tt ~ ~~ t . ; ~ r ~.~ /- ., C,~. r ~ r V~ ~'~' `-`7 ~-~ / ' 7.'7 •. !.9 // '~/ n f~ .~ "{.Ci ill f1.~'f ~~~L'c i /{ ~~ C ' ~ LAW OFFICES WETHEgIN(}TON EC MELCHIONNA 1100 CRESTAR BANK BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX g0 ROANOHE~~7IRpINIA 24002 TELEPHONE 7O3_ggZ-3800 DONALD L. WETHERINGTON OLIN R. MELCHIONNA, JR. TELECOPIER WILLIAM W•TERRY, III 703-342-4480 F. B. WEB STER DAY DAVID G. HARRIS ON N. A.AMMAR, JR. Q May 24, 1988 RICHARD R. SAYERS Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia c/o Ms. Mary Allen, Clerk 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Re: Occidental Development, Ltd. Petition to Rezone 22.87 Acre Parcel of Land and Two One-Acre Parcels of Land Generally Located on the Western Side of Colonial Avenue, S.W. Opposite the Intersection of Ogden Road, S.W. Gentlemen: Occidental Development, Ltd. requests that the hearing on its petition to rezone be continued to the June 14, 1988 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The purpose of this continuance is to enable Occidental Development, Ltd. to engage in further discussions with certain of the residents in the surrounding neighborhoods in order to address their concerns about the proposed development. In an effort to avoid any inconvenience, yesterday we advised Bruce Mayer, who represents some of the citizens, that we would be making this request. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, / ~~ ~~ Gr/~~~-~ ,~ Donald L. Wetherington WWT:abh:621.01 cc: Bruce E. Mayer, Esq. Occidental Development, Ltd. Mr. Buford T. Lumsden ~G...-~6 PETITIONIIt: OOCIDENTAL DEVELOPMEL~FP CASE ~BER: 28-5/88 Planning Commission Hearing Date: May 3, 1988 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: May 24, 19$8 A. Rr72UEST Petition of Occidental Development Ltd. to rezone a 2.0 acre parcel from R-l, Residential to B-1, Business and a 22.87 acre parcel from R-1, Residential to R-3, Residential to construct offices and multifamily dwellings, located immediately west of the intersection of Colonial Avenue and Ogden Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Deborah Robbins, Ken Lynch, Cletus Broyles, Bill Schwonke, David Courey, Howard Ward, Craig McClellan, Neil Angle and Ruth Mosley voiced the following o n rti s; additional traffic; delay in public services; devalue surrounding P ~ bad noise; overloaded sewage lines; poor drainage with potential for flooding; road conditions; potential impact on school system; screening and buffering; water pressure; apartments not needed in the area. A petition conotas~n~e g 125 signatures of opposed residents was presented. There were app Y present in opposition and three in support. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS (1) Street Capacities: Estimated traffiThgisnfiaurendoes not pncploudelany approximately 1,400 vehicle trips per day. g estimated generation result ogle family residen d alflas permitted under tthe site were to be developed ass g R-1 district regulations (7,200 sq.f Thisofi )ure assumes that 20$eofrthe approximately 1,200 vehicle trips per day. g site would serve as utility easements and street right-of-way. In 1986, ADT along Colonial Avenue, between Ogden Road and Georgetown Road (Route 1626) was 9,707. Traffic counts along Colonial Avenue north of the site between Ogden Road and Crystal Creek Dr1986(Route hour trafficdvolumes forlthisOsectionh of section of the roadway. In ~ P~ m. At this Colonial Avenue were 874 vehicles (a.m.) and 1,135 vehicles (p. )• time, VDOT advises there are no improvement plans for Colonial Avenue. Improv~nents for the eastern end of Ogden Road, from Route 419 to the Roanoke City line, are underway at this time. The merchants of Tanglewood Mall have requested that this section of Ogden Road be closed to through traffic during construction. VDOT advises that would significantly reduce the construction time necessary for these improvements. (2) Circulation: Immediate access to the site is limited to Colonial Avenue. Petitioner has proffered condi ~ ss Ue t Y paccess to theaproposed office sites access along Colonial Avenue. ~ ~ ensure that vehicles exiting the will be limited to the ccmplex entranceway. complex have adequate stacking space, staff recc~nmends that the office entrances be constructed as far f rim Colonial Avenue as possible. Construction of the complex lonial Avenue and Ogden Roadat This psignal c urrently existing traffic signal at Co operates as three phase signal. The additional lanes of traffic will require a four phase signal. The new signal will increase delay at this intersection. Between January 1987 and February 1988, one accident was reported~at~ ee intersection of Cos Were repo tednon~Colonal•Avenueginhthe v cpnity of the additional acciden proposed site. ` ~ ~~ ~` - p, PROFFERED (~pNDITIONS (1) Old Towne Road, Ashmeade Dr t the boundary fof t he referenced parcel dor beyond their present terminuses reel. (2) No more than 10 otherwise used for vehicular access to or from the pa lies dwelling units per acre W rCe~ forswhi hdB-1 ~zoni gdis sought n as well as the to the two 1.00-acre pa remainder of the property for which R-3 zon Cel willobe by •a single entrance petitioner's intended develognent within the pa on Colonial Avenue at its intersecis sought w~illnhavedno separate v ehicula ~ access acre each for which B 1 zoning g to the private roadway serving petitioner's project. Vehicle access between the roadway and the two 1.00 an e. p(4)epetitionerawill inclu0deewithin its right-of-way of Colonial Ave u development a stormwater det n~tfollowi g aulOlyear torm w th arr~elease rate water runoff from the developtne ear storm. (5) For the of the increased water no greater than would follow a 2-y 30 days following approval of rezoning, members of the Roanoke Archaeological Society will have permission.tnificance,and keeepi.ng withlpetitioner's desire other it~ns of archaeological sig ranee of the land insofar as possible to preserve the greenery and natural appea in connection with its develo~nenxce t w~th peteigtionern s writtenhconsent t of e may be used for exploration, e p contrary. In its discretion petitioner may request that personsharmless from land agree to hold the petitioner and the owner of the prope y claims arising fran injury or damage to such persons and their property. In addition, the petitioner theeland The present~owner,dCatheri e V.oRonk e i wa older cabins situated on contract with the petitioner hesland to d emove the t or cab n s.s I f snd h 90--day the sale and purchase of t period expires without Mrs. Ronk's having camienced removal of one or both cabins or if Mrs. Ronk notifies petitthncabins,d hen Roanoke Archaeological~Society she will not remove either or bo will have the right to ranoeS rives therrightn however s toadesigna~e then pe~iod not to remove. Petitioner r of time in which the society must conclude removal, based upon sac considerations as whether the rerrtoval activities beyond a particular date wThe hinder petitioner's site preparation or other construction activity. petitioner also reserves the r er its di~rectionao rwitheitsc oensentcente cinto or other persons acting and agre~nents with petitioner in reasonable form to protect the petitioner against liability or cost that mightlafo~eJri ch R eis~ ghtact(6~t~Velopmentolof the conditions pertain to the parce land in this parcel will b ac esarcelsaareospecifically e eluded Promcthis March 4, 1988. The two 1.00 p la ues, or sane combination thereof, condition. (7) An entrance marker sign r n e P q The entrance marker sign, if may be placed at the entrance of the p p Y• ft. of used, will have no o eefthan t~ ~resthad t olplaqu.es will~be u.sed?5ea h will surface area on any ft. of surface area on a face. have a single face containing no more than 9 sq. For purposes of pranotion and lease-up during construction and for the one year following construction, petitioner may maintain a sign within the interior of the property situated no closer than 50of ore° hannl28 sgefte to commungicateisuch face with a surface area of information as the name of the community, office hours, a telephone number or numbers, rental rates and other from the ompletioniofs on tract on n Other property no longer than one year ate traffic, designate parking areas and the signs that identify buildings, regal like that are not visible or conspicuous from Colonial Avenue may be utilized - 2 - ~~ ~.~ within the project without restric~~oe will beefocusedltowardtthelinterior vicinity of adjacent residential prope lare and distraction to neighboring of the project to avoid unnecessary g residents. Freestanding light ~l not exceed 2fooa canes-eston the ground beneath intensity of the lighting wil the lamp. The following conditions pertain to the parcelr~nr arm o ne ther sought: (9) No structure will exceed two stories. (10) No pa g tract will be closer to Colonial t wad hea interior ofd eachotract t Freestanding Area lighting will be focused light poles will be no higher than 14 feet, and the intensity of area lighting will be no greater than 10 foot candles on the ground beneath the 1~P eking Parking area perimeters will be landscaped, and to the extent feasible, p areas will incorporate interior planting islands. (13) AnY freestanding sign on either of the 1.00 acre parcels will have no more than two faces and will contain no more than 50 sq.ft. of surface area on any one face. E. CON~RISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Don Witt moved to approve the carried with the following roll Aye; Witt, Gordon, Flippen, NAYS: None ABSENT: Jones request with proffered conditions. The motion call vote: Winstead F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATI'ACI~IENTS ~/ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") 'Staff Report Other: ~Q~ ~Qi<~~G~~ Dale Castellow, Alernate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission - 3 - ~~ -~ !~, ~.-, /T 1 :' _ >Ar ..a err • • t a ~ ( . .f :' .,, *~"ti :w :~ : ~ '' ~,. r - :.. - ~-=r ~ ~ ; - r ~~.~•- .::~ o,...Rao ro..s ~ r` 4 sa. `;; c \~,~ vr••~r I • ~ 2 .~ V • ~----- s •~_.. SRE DATA n• v.rs Rax TN.+q hnwy (N.f 4. ( e.~y RE%O~EII frou( R-I Iv II-I k R-:S 5~1„Rr•a uo..q COLOMUI aVCNVC ROaNOx( CDUNtr, vIRGINIa o.~•a es CRrn••:n• a.~equ•.•• Rows uaRCN s, 196E SC~LC: ~' • SO'- 0' aaoRn t. «tisoe r usonsra r.c. no-tns - suhnas mss. r+u•~ •vewE\ s.w. ~', ~' .... ~ - 4 - ~~ D - 5 - NORTH ,~ t Occidental. Development 1;1'll l.i_ ROANOKE COUNTY R-1 to I:-3 S f3-1 ~aZ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Tax clap !,~ 77.11-1-55 ~~ ^ tvt[~t t t t[tni 6 g ~- ~- STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 28-5/88 PETITIONER: Occidental Development REVIEWED BY: Dale Castellow DATE: May 3, 1988 Petition of Occidental Development Ltd. to rezone a 2.0 acre parcel from R-1, Residential to B-1, Business and a 22.87 acre parcel from R-1, Residential to R-3, Residential to construct offices and multi-family dwellings, located immediately west of the intersection of Colonial Avenue and Ogden Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to apartment complex with sites. develop a 216 unit rental two adjoining commercial office b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describe the project more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. The R-3, Multi-family Residential District, permits a variety of residential uses including multi-family dwellings, duplexes, townhouses and high-rise apartments. Churches, day care centers and nursery schools are also permitted within the R-3 district. The B-1, Office District, permits a wide range of office uses.. Permitted within the B-1 district are professional offices, financial offices, including banks and real estate agencies, dental and medical offices and clinics, and various-other general office uses. Restaurants, pharmacies and retail sales to serve occupants and patrons are permitted as accessory uses provided that they do not exceed 10°s of the gross floor area. In addition, two-family and multi-family dwellings are also permitted in the B-1, Office District. Petitioner has proffered the attached concept plan indi- cating the proposed development scheme for the residen- tial complex. To date, the petitioner has not submitted any plans for the adjoining commercial sites. At such time that the petitioner initiates development of the one acre commercial sites, the petitioner will be required to amend the existing set of proffers and submit a revised concept plan. b. Site plan review will be required to ensure compliance with County development regulations. As part of the site plan review process, petitioner may be required to delineate any floodway that may be situated on the site (see attached Ordinance 82587-7 revising "Floodplain Regulations"). c. A commercial entrance permit will be required from the - 6 - ~~.~ .~ Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). VDOT reserves the right to require a traffic impact study upon application for an entrance permit. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Moderately sloping toward Colonial Avenue. b. Ground Cover: Mature trees, low growing under brush, grass, and a family cemetery plot. Two single family structures (one abandoned, one occupied) with two accompanying storage cabins are also located on the site. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Cave Spring Community Planning Area; designated for stabilized growth. Urban services are available. b. General area is densely developed with single family residential, commercial, office and institutional uses. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale 1 through 5. 1 positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Development land use cate- gory. Moderate to high density residential uses (6-12 units per acre) are permitted with moderate compatibility in Development areas. Petitioner has proffered that no more than ten units per acre would be constructed on the site. Significantly higher densities are permitted under the R-3 district regulations. Since multi-family residential units are also permitted in the B-1, Office District, petitioner should proffer that no more than 10 dwelling units per acre would be constructed on the adjoining commercial sites as well. The petition is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan map and applicable policies. Specifically, the following policies support the petitioners request: D-1 (manage new residential growth according to public service capacity); D-4 (promote clustering of multi-family housing units}; and D-8 (permit multi-family development if exceptional design and site planning techniques achieve compatibili- ty). Policy D-9, which encourages direct access onto a collector or arterial street where a residential develop- ment increases density significantly, is also consistent with the petitioner's request. - 7 - <~ ~- Z 3 b. Surrounding Land: Single family residential, institutional and a minor arterial highway. 3 c. Neighboring Area: Commercial, single and multi-family residential, institutional, community service and a minor arterial highway. 3 d. Site Layout: Attached concept plan has been proffered. Proposal includes six structures containing 216 rental apartments. Four structures would each contain 36 units, while the two remaining structures would be 24 and 48 units in size. The complex would be comprised of 120 one bedroom units and 96 two bedroom units. The concept plan includes ample open space. Petitioner advises that every effort will be made to preserve as much of the existing ground cover as possible. Site layout inc~.udes one point of access from Colonial Avenue. Existing local streets in the Georgetown Park subdivision will not be extended beyond the present terminuses. Petitioner has proffered conditions which prohibit any additional points of access along Colonial Avenue. Consequently, both commercial sites will be served by the entranceway proposed for the residential complex. 3 e. Architecture: Traditional design with brick veneer and vinyl siding. Each structure would be 2 1/2 stories in height with simulated roof dormers. The scale of the proposed structures far exceeds the scale of the neigh- boring single family units. At such time when the developer amends the existing proffers to begin develop- ment of the commercial office sites, the staff recommends that the petitioner proffer additional conditions ensuring that adjoining office sites would be developed at a scale and style which is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2 f. Screening and Landscaping: Extensive landscaping has been proposed along the western border of the property between the site and the Georgetown Park subdivision. As part of the site plan review process, petitioner will be required to comply with the screening and buffering provisions of the County's Zoning Ordinance. Proffered site plan will not supersede County regulations. 3 g. Amenities: Adequate parking has been proposed for the apartment complex (ordinance requires 287 stalls; 402 stalls have been proposed). Upon review of this petition, staff has determined that this parcel has been identified as a potentially signifi- cant archaeological site. Pursuant to the policy guide- lines set forth in the Resource Protection Guide of the County's Future Land Use Plan, the staff has informed both the petitioner and the site survey chairman of ThoeeRou~eke Archaeological Society (RAS) of this finding. - 8 - 4.`'r' that the RAS has adequate time to survey the site and unearth any relic that may be contained on the site, the petitioner has agreed to proffer conditions which would permit members of the RAS to search the site for a period of 30 days upon approval of the petition. This proffer should be secured in writing from the petitioner. 3 h. Natural features: Petitioner advises that appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that existing ground cover and foliage will be preserved. Two springs are also located on the site. TRAFFIC 4 i. Street Capacities: Estimated traffic generation for the proposal is approximately 1,400 vehicle trips per day. This figure does not include any estimated generation resulting from the proposed office sites. If the entire site were to be developed as single family residential, as permitted under the R-1 district regulations (7,200 square foot lots), the site would generate approximately 1,200 vehicle trips per day. This figure assumes that 20% of the site would serve as utility easements and street right-of-way. In 1986, ADT along Colonial Avenue, between Ogden Road and Georgetown Road (Rt. 1626) was 9,707. Traffic counts along Colonial Avenue north of the site between Ogden Road and Crystal Creek Drive (Rt. 897) revealed an ADT of 10,680 for this section of the roadway. In 1986, peak hour traffic volumes for this section of Colonial Avenue were 874 vehicles (A.M.) and 1,135 vehicles (P.M.). At this time, VDOT advises there are no improvement plans for Colonial Avenue. Improvements for the eastern end of Ogden Road, from Rt. 419 to the .Roanoke city line, are underway at this time. The merchants of Tanglewood Mall have requested that this section of Ogden Road be closed to through traffic during construction. VDOT advises that would significantly reduce the construction time necessary for these improvements. 4 j. Circulation: Immediate access to the site is limited to Colonial Avenue. Petitioner has proffered conditions which prohibit any additional points of access along Colonial Avenue. Consequently, access to the proposed office sites will be limited to the complex entranceway. To ensure that vehicles exiting the complex have adequate stacking space, staff recommends that the office entrances be constructed as far from Colonial Avenue as possible. Construction of the complex entranceway will necessitate rephasing of the existing traffic signal at Colonial Avenue and Ogden Road. This signal currently operates as three phase signal. The additional lanes of traffic will require a four phase signal. The new signal will increase delay at this intersection. - 9 - -, c.i Between January 1987 and February 1988 one accident was reported at the intersection of Colonial Avenue and Ogden Road. During this same period three additional accidents were reported on Colonial Avenue in the vicinity of the proposed site. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: No problems noted. 3 n. Floodplain: Site is not located in a flood hazard area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. As part of the site plan review process, the petitioner may be required to delineate any floodway situated on the site {see attached Ordinance 82587-7 revising "Floodplain Regulations}. Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer the construction of a 10 year storm water detention facility with a 2 year release rate. PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service area. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service area. 2 q. Parks and Recreation: On site recreation facilities are proposed (see attached site plan). 3 r. School: Petitioner has advised the County staff that the proposed complex would be marketed as an adult community, i.e., specifically for childless young professionals and "empty nesters." Assuming the petitioner is successful in his efforts, this proposal should have minimal impact on the County school system. However, should the petitioner resort to families as potential tenants for the proposed 96 two bedroom units, the complex could generate approxi- mately 15 new students for the County school system. (This figure is based on regional demographic multipliers for two bedroom garden apartments.) The estimated cost of ed- ucating one child in Roanoke County is approximately 53,715, of which $1,796 is locally funded. Using this figure, staff estimates that this project could require an additional $26,940 of county educational services. It should also be noted that public schools in Southwest Roanoke County are already at peak capacity. - 10 - ~, "_ TAX BASE 1 s. - Land and Improvement Value: 53.8 - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: - Total Employees: Unknown - Total revenue to the County/Year: ENVIRONMENT million Approximately S43,700 NEW REVENUE: 536,500 2 t. Air: 2 u. Water: Two springs are located on the site. The proposed project will have no known adverse affect on the springs. 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: 3 x. Signage: Petitioner has proffered conditions which limit the amount of Signage permitted on either of the two commercial sites. This proffer currently refers to the size of any permitted sign face. Staff recommends that the petitioner amend this proffer to include a maximum of two sign faces, 50 square feet in size, or a maximum of 100 square feet of Signage on each site. Staff also recommends that the petitioner proffer a limitation on the amount of signage to be erected on the apartment complex site. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as a Development land use category. The petitioner's request is consistent with the land use plan map and applicable policies. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Consistent with Future Land Use Plan map and applicable policies. (2) Site layout includes ample open space. (3) Petitioner has proffered conditions which limit the amount of signage permitted on either of the adjoining commercial sites. (4) Petitioner has agreed to proffer conditions allowing the Roanoke Archaeological Society to survey the site for potentially significant relics. (5) Petitioner has also proffered that no addi- tional points of access will be constructed along Colonial Avenue or into the Georgetown Park subdivision. b. Weaknesses: (1) Proposal will increase traffic congestion along Colonial Avenue. (2) At this time the specific nature of the proposed office uses are undetermined. (3) Dumpster location within the apartment complex is unspecified. (4) In the event the petitioner is unsucces- sful in his marketing efforts for an adult community, the proposal may have an adverse impact the County's govern- mental infrastructure. (5) Scale of the proposed residen- tial structures far exceeds the scale of surrounding - 11 - ~~ t`? residential structures. c. Suggested Proffers: (1) Petitioner should proffer condi- tions limiting the amount of signage that will be erected on the residential complex. (2) Petitioner should amend submitted proffers to include a maximum of 100 square feet for any signage erected on either of the two office sites. (3) Petitioner should proffer the construction of a 10 year storm water detention facility with a 2 year releases rate. (4} Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer conditions which ensure that site and parking area light- ing does not adversely impact neighboring residences. (5) Petitioner's agreement to permit members of the Roanoke Archaeological Society to survey the site for a period of 30 days upon approval of the petition should be secured in writing. (6) Petitioner should proffer than no more than 10 residential units per acre will be constructed on the proposed commercial office sites. - 12 - . { , ~ ~~-~-.-z., AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY,'VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1987 ORDINANCE 82587-7 AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO REVISE THE FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordi- nance was held on July 28, 1987, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on August 25, 1987; and fi'ftEREAS, the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County require the adoption of standards and regulations to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from the dangers of flooding and the drainage of surface and storm waters; and WfiEREAS, Section 15.1-292, 15.1-466, 15.1-486, 15.1- 489, and 15.1-49'0 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorize the county_ to adopt ordinances and to exercise such~- general powers to prevent the pollution of water; to make, erect, and construct drains, sewers, and public ducts; to establish reasonable standards for drainage regulations of subdivisions or developments; and to provide safety from flood, flood protection, and to protect against the loss oC life, health, or property from flood and other similar dangers; and 'WHEREAS, Roanoke County and its citizens have suFFered and continue to suffer the harmful effects of Flooding and inade- quate drainage of surface waters, and From the volume and velo- city of storm water runoff; and - 13 - A ~ T} "l f WHEREAS, these hazards and dangers to public health, safety, and welfare are caused in part by climate, topography and the development of land. NOW, THEREFORE QE IT ORDAINED by the Soard of Super- visors of RoanoY.e County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Code is amended and reenacted as follows: . 1. Amend Appendix A, the Roanoke County Zoning Ordin- ance, Section 21-61, "Floodplains," by revising sub-section D, "Floodplain Area," and sub-sub-section (c) to read as follows: Section 21-61 D. Floodplain area * * * ~ (~) The Approximated Floodplain shall be that flood- plain area For which no detailed flood profiles or elevations are provided, but where ~ e ane hundred F18A} pear €loadplatn boand- amp his. beec~ $PprextmaEed the drainage area is greater than one huh dyed (100) acres. Such areas sre 9hewn may be on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map. Where the specific 100-year flood elevation cannot be determined for this area using other sources of data such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood- plain Information Reports, U.S. Geological Survey Flood Prone Quadrangles, etc., then the applicant for the proposed use, devel- opment and/or activity shall determine this elevation in accor- dance with hydrologic and hydraulic engineering techniques. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by - 14 - 638 --~~- professional engineers or. others of demonstrated qualifications, who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly re- flect currently accepted technical concepts. Calculations for the design flood shall be related to existing land use and poten- tial development under existing zoning. Studies, analyses, compu- tations, etc., stall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough review by the County Engineer. 2• The effective date of this ordinance shall -be August 26, 1987. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor 3'ohnson, and upon the following .recorded vote: A3CES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, {ylcGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE: ~- Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 8/26/87 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant Phillip Henry Direct County Administrator , or Rob Stalzer, Director of of Engineering Planning Paul Mahoney, County Att orney Thomas M. Blaylock, Comm Magistrate onwealth Attorney Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Main Library Ro Church Avenue Roanoke '~~~,~3~,., ` ~~~~ ~~ anoke Count y Cod e • ~ ~ ~-\\.l. G~,~ .:,, ~,_ 0 _~ . 9, C ~~ ice'' _ (h ~~~?-, v,' '~ ,p f ~! /~ 7 ,`r y~~ ~~ ~~ v ..~ ~~ ~ "` ~. ~~ b WETHERINGTON S~ MELCHIONNA VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 22.87 acre parcel of land and two ) ]_. 00-acre parcels of land generally ) located on the western side. of ) Colonial Avenue, S.W. opposite the ) intersection of Ogden Road within ) the Cave Spring Magisterial District,) and together recorded as parcel ~~ ) ?7.11-]-55) in the Roanoke County ) Tax Records. ) AMETIDED SECOND PROFFER OF CONDITIONS May 3, 1988 Occidental Development Limited TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et set. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner Occidental Development, Ltd. hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of. Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning o.f the above-referenced parcel of land. This proffer of conditions supersedes the proffer of conditions tendered with the Petitioner's petition and appli- cation. CONDITIONS 1 THROUGH 5 RELATE TO THE ENTT_RE PARCEL 1. Old Towne Road, Ashmeade Drive and Greencliff Road wi]_1 not be extended beyond their present terminuses at the boundary of the referenced parcel or otherwise used for vehicular access to or from the parcel. 2. No more than ten dwelling units per acre will be constructed on the land. This condition applies to the two - 21 - ~'. r. 1.00-acre parcels for which B-1 zoning is sought, as well as the remainder of the property for. which R-3 zoning is sought. 3. Access to Petitioner's intended development within the parcel wa_11 be by a single entrance on Colonial Avenue at its intersection with Ogden Road, S.W. The two parcels o.f 1.00 acre each for which B-1 zoning is sought will have no separate vehicular access to Colonial Avenue, S.W., but instead will have vehicular access to the private roadway serving Petitioner's project. Vehicle access between the roadway and the two said 1.00-acre parcels will be at least 150 feet from the right-of-way of Colonial Avenue. 4. Petitioner will include within its development a storm-water detention pond sufficient to detain increased surface-water runoff from the development following a "10-year storm" with a release rate of the increased water no greater than would follow a "2-year storm". 5. For the 30 days following approval of rezoning, members of the Roanoke Archaeological Society will have per- mission to survey and examine the land for artifacts and other items of archaeological significance. In keeping with Petitioner's desire to preserve the greenery and natural appearance of the ]_and insofar as possible in connection with its development, no tools or equipment other than hand tools may be used for exploration, except with Petitioner's written consent to the contrary. In its discretion Petitioner may request that persons coming onto the land agree to hold the Petitioner and the owner of the property harmless from claims arising from injury or damage to such persons and their property. In addition, the Petitioner agrees to make the following disposition of. the two older cabins situated on the land. Catherine V. Ronk, the present owner of the land, in a contract with the Petitioner has reserved the right for 90 dates beyond closing the sale and purchase of the land to remove the two cabins. If such 90-day period expires without Mrs. WETHERINGTON &MELCHIONNA Ronk's having commenced removal of one or both cabins or i Mrs. Ronk notifies Petitioner in advance of the expiration of 90 days - 22 - ~. ,2 that she will not remove either or both cabins, then Roanoke Archaeological society will have the right to remove whichever cabin or cabins that Mrs. Ronk has chosen not to remove. Petitioner reserves the right, however, to designate the period of time in which the Society must conclude removal, based upon such considerations as whether the removal activities beyond a particuJ.ar date will hinder Petitioner's site preparation or other construction activity. The Petitioner also reserves the right to require that Roanoke Archaeological Society or other persons acting under its direction or with its consent enter into agreements with Petitioner in reasonable form to protect the Petitioner against liability or cost that might arise from the removal activities. COI~TDITIONS 6 THROUGH 8 RELATE ONLY TO THE LARGER PARCEL FOR WHIC~i R-3 ZONING IS SOUGHT. 6. Development of the land in this parcel will be in substantial conformity to the concept plan dated March 4, 1988 by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, P.C., a copy of which plan has been submitted with Petitioner's application and petition. The two 1.00-acre parcels are specifically excluded from this condition. 7. An entrance marker sign and plaques, or some combi- nation thereof, may be placed at the entrance of the property. The entrance marker sign, if used, will have no more than two races and will contain no more than 75 square feet of surface area on any one face. AIo more than two plaques will. be used; each will have a single face containing no more than nine square feet of surface area on a face. For purposes of promotion and lease-up during construction and for the one ~~ear following construction, Petitioner may maintain a sign within the interior of the property situated no closer than 50 feet to Colonial Avenue and having a single face with a surface area of no mare than 128 square feet to communicate WETHERINGTON ~ MELCHIONNA such information as the name of the community, office hours, a telephone number or numbers, rental rates and other such infor- - 23 - ~~~~~ ~~ mation. This sign will remain on the property no longer than one year from the completion of construction. Other signs that identify buildings, regulate traffic, designate parking areas and the like that are not visible or conspicuous from Colonial Avenue may be utilized within the project without restriction. $. Area lighting in the immediate vicinity of adjacent residential properties will be focused toward the interior of the project to avoid unnecessary glare and distraction to neighboring residents. Freestand~_n.g light poles will not exceed 20 .feet in height, and the intensity of the lighting will not exceed 2-foot candles on the ground beneath the lamp. COI~TDT_TIONS 9 THROUGH 13 RELATE ONLY TO THE TWO 1.OO~~ACRE PARCELS FOR WHICH B-1 ZONING IS SOUGHT 9. No structure will exceed two stories. 10. No parking area on either tract will be closer to Colonial Avenue than the building on that tract. 11. Area lighting will be focused toward the interior of each tract. Freestanding light poles will be no higher than 14 feet, and the intensity of area lighting will be no greater than 10-foot candles on the ground beneath the lamp. 12. Parking area perimeters will be landscaped, and to the extent feasible, parking areas will incorporate interior planting islands. 13. Any freestanding sign on either of the 1.00-acre parcels will have no more than two faces and will contain no more than 50 square feet of. surface area on any one face. Respectfully submitted, Occide tal Develo ent,Ltd. w By. Counse or Petitioner WETHERINGTON $ MELCHIONNA - 24 - ~/ VIRGII`1IA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 22.87 acre parcel of land and two ) 1.00-acre parcels of land generally ) located on the western side of ) Colonial Avenue, S.W. opposite the ) intersection of Ogden Road within ) the Cave Spring Magisterial District,) and together recorded as parcel ~~ ) 77.11-1-55) in the Roanoke County ) Tax Records. ) FINAL ORDER TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Occidental Development, Ltd. ~ did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced 22.87-acre parcel from R-1 Single Family M Residential District to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District for the purpose of multi-family housing and to rezone both of the above-referenced 1.00-acre parcels from R-1 Single Family y Residential District to B-1 Office District, all subject to . ~ ~ certain conditions proferred by the Petitioner. ~ WHERAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on May 3, 1988, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity ~ to be heard; and ~ ~n_~iEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing on May 24, 1988, the Board of County Supervisors determined cy, subject to the conditions that the rezoning be -~.~, ~ proferred by the Petitioner., on June 14, 1988. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT OF.DEF.ED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 77.11-1-55 and recorded in Deed Book 959 WETHERINGTON & MELCHIONNA page 593 and legally described below, be rezoned in the case of the 22.87-acre portion thereof from P.-1 Single Family - 15 - .6~3~- Residential District to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District and in the case of both 1.00-acre portions thereof from R-1 Single Family Residential District to B-1 Office District. The property so rezoned is more particularly described as follows: A11 that tract of land in Roanoke County Virginia more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1 (22.87 acres to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3) BEGINNING at Corner 1, an iron pin set on the western line of Colonial Avenue (having a right of way of varying width) at the northeast corner of property now or formerly belonging to Charles A. Bushnell and Nellie E. Bushnell; thence N. 44° 58' 00" W. 519.26 feet to a marked 12" hickory; thence N. 31° 33' 00" E. 352..10 feet to a set iron pin; thence N. 53° 34' 00" W. 652.50 feet to a set iron pin designated Corner 4; thence N. 23° 13' 07" E. 446.16 feet to a set iron pin; thence N. 23° 45' 07" E. 370.00 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence S. 50° 43' 51" E. 1,237.80 feet along the line of property now or formerly owned by the City of Roanoke to a set iron pin designated Corner 7 on the western side of Colonial Avenue; thence (and with all remaining courses along the western side of Colonial Avenue) S. 31° 30' 35" W. 205.68 feet to a point; thence N. 58° 29' 25" W. 9.00 feet to a point; thence S. 31° 30' 35" W. 10.00 feet to a point; thence S. 58° 29' 25" E. 9.00 feet to a point; thence S. 31° 30' 35" W. 81.00 feet to a point; thence N. 58° 29' 25" W. 9.00 feet to a point; thence S. 31° 30' 35" W. 10.00 feet to a point; thence S. 58° 29' 25" E. 9.00 feet to a point; thence S. 31° 30' 35" W. 370.32 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left, whose radius is 2,316.83 feet and whose WpETHERINGTON q MELCHIONNA chord bearing and distance are S. 27° 35' 35" W. 316.5 feet, the arc distance of 316.75 feet to a point; thence S. - 17 - ~,.~.2. 23° 40' 35" W. 37.69 feet to a point designated Corner 18; thence with a curve to the left whose radius is 2,839.79 feet and whose chord bearing and distance are S. 25° 06' 08" W. 141.30 feet, the arc distance of 141.32 feet to Corner 1 and the point of beginning, containing in the aggregate 24.87 acres and being designated as Tract ~~1, all according to that certain plat of survey entitled "Plat Showing Property of Catherine Aicaguerre Ronk", dated February 16, 1988 by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, P.C., the details of which plat are incorporated herein by this reference; less and. excepting therefrom, however, those two certain parcels containing 1.00 acres each and designated parcel 1 and parcel 2 on that certain plat showing property being rezoned from R-1 to B-1 and owned by Catherine Aicaguerre Ronk, dated April 1, 1988 by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, more complete descriptions of which are hereinafter set forth. veRrF7. 1 (1.00 acre to be rezoned from R-1 to B-1) BEGINNING at Corner 7, a point on the western side of Colonial Avenue, S.W., at the eastern corner of property now or formerly belonging to the City of Roanoke; thence S. 31° 30' 35" W. along the western side of Colonial Avenue, S.W. 205.68 feet to a point; thence N. 58° 29' 25" W. 9.00 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right, whose radius is 154.41 feet and whose chord bearing and distance are N. 45° 50' 15" W. 67.64 feet, the arc distance of 68.20 feet to a point; thence rI. 33° 11' 06" W. 96.78 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left whose radius is 230.50 feet and whose chord bearing and distance are N. 43° 52' 55" W. 85.57 feet, the arc distance of 86.07 feet to a WETHERINGTON thence N . 39 ° 16' 09" E ~ MELCHIONNA point designated Corner 9C; 159.86 feet to a point on the boundary of property now - 18 - or formerly belonging to the City of Roanoke; thence S. 50° 43' 51" E. 225.78 feet to Corner 7 and the point of beginning, containing 1.00 acre, all according to that certain plat showing property being rezoned from R-1 to B-1 and owned by Catherine Aicaguerre Ronk, dated April 1, 1988 by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, P.C. neurFT ~ (1.00 acre to be rezoned from R-1 to B-1) TO FIrTD THE TRUE POIrTT OF BEGINNING, commence at Corner 7, a point on the western side of Colonial Avenue, S.W. at the eastern corner of property now or formerly belonging to the City of. Roanoke and run thence S. 31° 30' 35" W. 306.68 feet to Corner 15, a point on the western side of Colonial Avenue, S.W. and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; from the true point of beginning thus established, run S. 31° 30' 35" W. along the western line of Colonial Avenue, S.W. 150.00 feet to a point; thence N. 58° 29' 25" W. 175.00 feet to a point; thence N. 12° 30' 00" W. 121.12 feet to a point designated Corner 15C; thence N. 34° O1' 59" E. 141.08 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right, whose radius is 129.50 feet and whose chord bearing and distance are S. 44° 02_' 57" E. 48.82 feet, the arc distance of 49.11 feet to a point; thence S. 33° 11' 06' E. 96.78 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left, whose radius is 255.41 feet and whose chord bearing and distance are S. 45° 50' 15" E. 111.89 feet, the arc distance of 11?_.80 feet to a point designated Corner I4; thence S. 58° 29' 25" E. 9.00 feet to Corner 15 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.00 acre, all according to that certain plat showing property being rezoned from R-1 to B-1 and owned. by Catherine Aicaguerre Ronk, dated WETHERINGTON m &MELCHIONNA April 1, 1988 by Buford 1. Lumsden & Associates, P. - 19 - BF, IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning~ENIpED f Roanoke County. A~~PT~.,.II- on motion of Supervisor Rob rs - and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Garrett NAYS: Supervisors McGraw, Nickens ABSENT: None ~• Deputv~Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Rob Stalzer, Director, Planning Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections WETHERINGTON Si MELCHIONNA - 20 - VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 22.87 acre parcel of land and two ) 1.00-acre parcels of land generally ) located on the western side of ) Colonial Avenue, S.W. opposite the ) intersection of Ogden Road within ) the Cave Spring Magisterial District,) and together recorded as parcel ~~ ) 77.11-1-55) in the Roanoke County ~ Tax Records. THIRD PROFFER OF CONDITIONS June 14, 1988 Occidental Development, Ltd. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord wth Sec. 15.1-491.1 et set. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner Occidental Development, Ltd. hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land. 1. Conditions 1 through 13 contained in amended second proffer of conditions dated May 3, 1988 are incorporated herein by this reference and reproffered. 2. Pdo building will be constructed closer than 100 feet to the Georgetown Park subdivision. 3. Buffering of the type described as "Type C-Option 2" in Section 21-92(G) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance will be provided along the boundary of Georgetown Park and Greenwood Forest where existing natural growth does not provide reasonably similar buffering. "Type C-Option 2" buffering specifies a 25-foot buffer yard with small evergreen trees (having an ultimate height of 15 feet or greater and planted each 15 linear feet) and evergreen shrubs (having an ultimate height of 6 feet or greater, at least 18 inches at WETHERINGTON bMELCHIONNA time of planting and planted each five feet). Planting will occur as soon as feasible in the course of construction. 4. All dumpsters will be screened by solid wooden fencing and landscaping. No dumpster will be closer than 75 feet to Georgetown Park or Greenwood Forest. 5. Any building on either of the 1.00-acre parcels for which B-1 zoning is sought will be traditionally styled with brick exterior. Such buildings may be used for one or more of the following uses, but no others: a. Administrative, executive and editorial offices; b. Professional offices; c. Real estate offices, financial offices, insurance and other general business offices but no retail operation o.f a commercial bank or savings and loan association; d. Medical and dental offices and clinics. No incidental services, such as restaurants, pharmacies and retail sales to serve occupants and patrons of the permitted use, will be permitted, except that any office may incorporate a "break room" or other such area where coffee makers, vending machines and the like are situated for use by occupants of the office. Respectfully submitted, Occidental Development, Ltd. ~- By: Counsel o Petitione WETHERINGTON H. MELCHIONNA 2 ' A P P E~ R A N C E ~~~ R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~:t' ~ • I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervi recognize me durin sors to g the public hearin that I ma g on the above matter so y comment, I a ree to follow the g below, guidelines listed WHEN CALLED TO THE POpIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME A ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. ND 1• Each speaker will have between three and available whether s five minutes representative, peaking as an individual or based on the numbere chairman will decide the time will enforce the rulef citizens speakin limit the Board to do unless instructedgbon an issue, and otherwise. Y the majority of 2• Speakers will be limited to a prese view only. Questions of ntation of their the Chairman, clarification ma Point of y be entertained by 3• All comments must be directed to the Boar a recognized speaker and audience membersdis Dobaallbetween 4• Both speakers and owed. times, the audience will exercise courtes y at all 5• Speakers are requested to and/or comments with leave any written statements the clerk. 6• INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN OR FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATIONGFROMET GROUP SHALL ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. HE GROUP P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME; ~~ ~~~~` ADDRESS; ~ c.~ PHONE : ~ --~ PLEASE NOTE: (After fillip Clerk, g °Ut~ 9ive to the Deputy Thank you.) aCC ~ D~"~~~~ `~ P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ U ~,,,~~. ~ ~ ~ ,+' ~ ~y I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines lis ted below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a view only. Questions of claripicationtmay be entertained by the Chairman. 3• All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4• Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5• Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6• INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~ ~~ ~"..~`~ .~. ADDRESS : ~ ~,~, ~ ~' ~~ ~,.~~ ,, .- ~ ~ PHONE: G ~ ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out Clerk. ~ give to the Deputy Thank you.) C> C' C ~ t A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ///' ,'~ , / NAME : ~'~=UG(~ %~V ~ ~G~/VK ~~ ADDRESS : - `~ T ~ ~ ~c~y~/C/f ~ ~J ~~-- ~~c~ v • ~, PHONE: ~ ~~ -~ ~~ SG6 ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give•to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) `~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE : `~ ~~ ~ g 6 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) _ / A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE : _-~~ ~=~~ ~~ ~/l O .T/d~- ~ /~T-ro~i~- it ~o . ~ ~~~~ ~ PLEASE NOTE: ( fter fillin out i g , g ve to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON J~'~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : NI A r.~ ,i ~. ADDRESS : _ ~~'~ 0 ~ '`~- ~ PHONE : `~ "~ ~ - (' ,-~ , PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~°'~ Q, ZCi f1i I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: _~ ~ r~ 11 ADDRESS : 3 y~ ~ (`~-r s ('~ r ~ . ~` ~ ~N I~oo.~c~kc, Vtc~. ~ ~I d 1 ~ PHONE : ( 7n zl 1 ~'l PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON cs~-C. p.:_,~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t, y ~(,.~~~Y ~'~~ ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : _~!'~' v 1, C~ ADDRESS : ~ ~ C% ,; ~' ,. , ~ C' i~i, PHONE : ~ 7 Ll', ~L. L~ ~z y G~ c. . .2. PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.? A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ,~~ 1 ~ ~ // PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~/(~~t/~~a L- ~ ~`[ ~' ~ ~3 I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~ ,~ x~,4 L t ~ ~ c'/V f~, ADDRESS. ~ ,~~'/~ ~i('IG ~I ~~~~ ~-, PHONE : %i ~ - G/ ~~ ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P_ ., r .T D n' n rT F c T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~, ~~ ADDRESS : ,G/L,J .~ ~' eL ~"' PHONE : / ~,~' ~~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) l~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.y ~-, _. PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ -'=~_~, ~--- '~1 ~' ~-~?f~f,r d~.y Ct / ~j I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide t he time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members i s not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercis e courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : _~.~--~C~ ~°~ ~i ! .~ , ADDRESS : ~~~~~ tr;~~ ~(~ f.,C~~ ~ ~C.(~ i ~ ~J' PHONE: ~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) >/ / ~--_ A p p E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ o I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL"GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1, Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the numberl°funlesseinstpuctedgbynthe majoritynof will enforce the ru the Board to do otherwise. 2, Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3, All comments mueaker andeaudaencetmembersdis notaallowedeen a recognized sp 4, Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5, Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. (, INDIVIDUALS PURPORKIWRI ~ ENPAUTHORIZATIONG FROMETHERGROUPHALL FILE WITH THE CLER ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : _ ~~~~ ~-~.~C~~~ C;~ ~ ~i`~"~C ADDRESS: v d PHONE: /z' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.> (U t~ ~~ Mr. and Mrs. E• R• Biggs 3501 GreeVAli~~OR$ad Roanoke, June 3, 1988 Mr. Lee Garrett, Chairman Mr. Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Mr. Steven A. McGraw Dr. Harry C. Nickens Mr. Bob L. Johnson Dear Sirs: We are residents of the Georgetown Park subdivision near lonial Avenue property for which Occidental Development the Co has applied for rezoning. others in of the arguments raised by ree with We have -heard manyro ect. However, we do not ag the area against this p ~ ose the development. In the arguments, and we do not oPP ro osed development. fact, we are comfortable with the P P uested that a We understand that some neighbors have re between Georgetown solid fence be constructed on the boun ary We would appre- o ert to be rezoned. We believe that such a Park and the Pr P htl and is unnecessary. fence would be unsig Y ciate your not requiring such a fence. Please take our views into consideration as you reach a decision on this issue. Sincerely, ~~~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Swank, Jr. 3434 Ashmeade Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 June 3, 1988 Mr. Lee Garrett, Chairman Mr. Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Mr. Steven A. McGraw Dr. Harry C. Nickens Mr. Bob L. Johnson Dear Sirs: We are residents of the Georgetown Park subdivision near the Colonial Avenue property for which Occidental Development has applied for rezoning. We have heard many of the arguments raised by others in the area against this project. However, we do not agree with the arguments, and we do not opposerohosedvdevelopmentln fact, we are comfortable with the p p We understand that some neighbors have requested that a solid fence be constructed on the boundary between Georgetown Park and the property to be rezoned. We believe that such a fence would be unsightly and is unnecessary. We would appre- ciate your not requiring such a fence. Please take our views into consideration as you reach a decision on this issue. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Knott 3548 Georgetown Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 June 3, 1988 Mr. Lee Garrett, Chairman Mr. Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Mr. Steven A. McGraw Dr. Harry C. Nickens Mr. Bob L. Johnson Dear Sirs: We are residents of the Georgetown Park subdivision near the Colonial Avenue property for which Occidental Development has applied for rezoning. We have heard many of the arguments raised by others in the area against this project. However, we do not agree with the argumarescomfortable with thesproposed developmentln fact, we We understand that some neighbors have requested that a solid fence be constructed on the boundary between Georgetown Park and the property to be rezoned. We believe that such a fence would be unsightly and is unnecessary. We would appre- ciate your not requiring such a fence. Please take our views into consideration as you reach a decision on this issue. Sincerely, ~ ~', Mrs. A. G. Artrip 3540 Georgetown Road Roanoke, VA 24018 June 3, 1988 Mr. Lee Garrett, Chairman Mr. Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Mr. Steven A. McGraw Dr. Harry C. Nickens Mr. Bob L. Johnson Dear Sirs: We are residents of the Georgetown Park subdivision near the Colonial Avenue property for which Occidental Development has applied for rezoning. We have heard many of the arguments raised by others in the area againstndhwe doonottopposeethe~developmentagrln with the arguments, a fact, we are comfortable with the proposed development. We understand that some neighbors have requested that a solid fence be constructed on the boundary between Georgetown Park and the property to be rezoned. We believe that such a fence would be unsightly and is unnecessary. We would appre- ciate your not requiring such a fence. Please take our views into consideration as you reach a decision on this issue. Sincerely, ;,, `f Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Glenn 3448 Ashmeade Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 June 3, 1988 Mr. Lee Garrett, Chairman Mr. Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Mr. Steven A. McGraw Dr. Harry C. Nickens Mr. Bob L. Johnson Dear Sirs: We are residents of the Georgetown Park subdivision near the Colonial Avenue property for which Occidental Development has applied for rezoning. We have heard many of the arguments raised by others in the area against this project. However, we do not agree with the arguments, and we do not opposerohosedvdevelopmentln fact, we are comfortable with the p p We understand that some neighbors have requested that a solid fence be constructed on the boundary between Georgetown Park and the property to be rezoned. We believe that such a fence would be unsightly and is unnecessary. We would appre- ciate your not requiring such a fence. Please take our views into consideration as you reach a decision on this issue. Sincerely, O~ POANp~~ ~.~ . Z ~ 2 v ;a 1$ ~ E50 $8 sFSQU1CENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE July 7, 1988 Mr. R. M. Lester Virginia Department of Transportation P. 0. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Lester: LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 61488-14.1 concerning a request to erect a billboard sign on Route 220 for a Roanoke County speed enforcement project. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Jun 14, 1988. If you need further information on this project, please contact Sheriff Michael Kavanaugh. Sincerely, Attachment Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Sheriff Michael Kavanaugh C~nixn~~ v~ ~n~tnnk~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 O~ POANp~~ ~ ,F p Z ~? 7 Z j' a 1$ 8 E50 8$ SFSQUICEN7ENN~P A Beauti~ul8cginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (~n~tn~~ of ~v~tnv~~e BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON _ HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW June 15 / 19 v " CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rev. Jim Pritchett Minister of Education Cave Spring Baptist Church 5133 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Reverend Pritchett: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to to let you know of our appreciation for take this opportunity June 14, 1988, to offer your attending the meeting on Tuesday/ the invocation. We feel it is most important to as~oGHdsswbiisandgfor these meetings so that all is done according the good of all citizens. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. Very r yours, Le Garrett, Chairman ervisors Roanoke County Board of Sup bjh P.O. BOX 29800 ~ ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 ~ (703) 772-2004 O~ p,OANO,YF ti •~ ~ Z ~~ \°a a/ 18 ~~~ $$ SFSQVICEN7ENN~P~ A Bcautiful8cginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Thomas A. Darnall 1010 Halliahurst Avenue Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Mr. Darnall: June 21, 1988 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 14, 1988, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals for a four-year term. Your term will expire on January 22, 1992. The Board appreciates your service to this committee in the past years. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your 1987 copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the 1987 Conflicts of Interest Act. It is necessary that you take an oath of off lcsubeeS~e the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. May gg that you phone Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk, at 387-6208, and arrange to have the oath administered. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes (~v~tn~~ of ~n~~tnn~k~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-07Q8 (703> 772-2004 O~ ROANO,YFG ~. ~~ Z o Z J a 18 :~° 88 v SFSQUICEN7ENN~P A BcautifulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Norman Eugene Jarrett 1324 Crutchfield Drive Hollins, Virginia 24019 June 21, 1988 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW GATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mr. Jarrett: The Board of Supervisors have servaceetoothepBuildingir sincere appreciation for your previous ersonally Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Allow me to p ou served on this Board. Citiz~nosg1Ve of thank you for the time y and willing responsive to ttheiretimefareeindeed allttoo scarce. themselves and Very truly yours bjh (~nunty of ~attnn~r Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 OF ROANp,S.~ ti ~~ ~ z ~ ~ z o a rt fi ~Y ~~~i ~~ ~R %~-~~ ~~~~~ 1$ E50 $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P'~ A Beauti/u/Beginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR RICHARD W. BORERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN ELMER C. HODGE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT June 17 19 8 8 - ~ BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW ' CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Ms. Mary Beth Layman Town of Vinton 311 South Pollard Street Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Ms. Layman: At their meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 1988, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved your application for a Fireworks Display Permit for July 4, 1988, at 814 Washington Avenue, Vinton, Virginia. This approval is contingent upon following the safety plan outlined in George Nester's letter of June 6, 1988. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very rul yours, Le Garrett, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LG/bjh cc: Mr. George Nester Town Manager Town of Vinton P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 - (703) 772-2004 OF ROANp,S,F ~ A ~. .~ °~ a 1$ E5~ 8$ SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ A BcautifulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Charles M. Wilson Operations Manager Hills Department Store #54 3971 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Wilson: June 17, 1988 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At their meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 1988, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved your application for a Fireworks Display Permit for July 4, 1988. You may consider this letter to be your Permit. Please note that this Permit is being issued on the following condition, which was recommended by Sheriff M. F. Kavanaugh: C~n~tn~~ n~ ~nttnnkr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS That Hills be required to employ ten ON-DUTY officers, starting one hour before the fireworks begin and to extend one hour beyond the time that the fireworks end. Six of these officers would be assigned to handle additional traffic on Route 419 and Route 221, and four would be used on the parking lot at Hills Department Store . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, ~• cJ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk MHA/bjh cc: Sheriff M. F. Kavanaugh Fire Marshall Alton G. Miller Zoning Administrator Claude Lee Hills Department Stores, 15 Dan Road, Canton, Mass. 02021 Fireworks Unlimited, Rt 1, Box 257-A, Yanceyville, NC 27379 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004 OF EtOANp~~ ~ p L 2 ~ J 2 a 18 '~° 88 SFSQlIICENTENN~P~ A Beauti fu/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nun~~ of ~uttnnkr June 17, 1988 Mr. John Gregory, Jr., President Roanoke County/Salem Bar Association 301 South College Avenue Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Gregory: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 61488-11 concerning amending the Roanoke County code to authorize the increase of the Law Library fee to support the Roanoke County/Salem Law Library. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on June 14, 1988. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, irYLQ..u-~, ~L. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 ~F (~OANp~.~ ~ ~~ ~ Z A J = a ~B f5~ $8 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~uixn~,~ n~ ~nttnnkr June 17, 1988 Ms. Joseph Blankenship, Treasurer City of Salem 114 North Broad Street Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Ms. Blankenship: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 61488-11 concerning amending the Roanoke County code to authorize the increase of the Law Library fee to support the Roanoke County/Salem Law Library. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on June 14, 1988. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, `~~ ~~. ~~ bjh Attachment Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 - ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004 OF ROANp~~ ~ •~ Z ~~ o a 1$ E50 $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti~u/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Ms. Mary F. Parker, Clerk City of Roanoke 215 Church AVenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Dear Ms. Parker: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS June 17, 1988 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 61488-1 congratulating the City of Roanoke upon being selected as All-America City for 1988. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on June 14, 1988. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, bjh Attachment C~~a~tnt~ of ~nttnvke ~ ~-~ ~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004