HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/9/1988 - RegularO~ POANp,~.~ , a ~~~~~~ ~ ~ta ~~ 8s ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISOR SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bu+uti~ulBcginning ACTION AGENDA MARCH 8, 1988 Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular Welcome to the Roanoke County of the month at 3:00 p.m•, and meetings are held on the second TPubla~ Hearings will be heard at 7:00 the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m• .m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this p THE MEETING THIS AFTERNOON WILL CONVENE schedule will be announced. BRIEFLY AND ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY MARCH 9 1988 FOR THE REGULAR BUSINESS OF THE BOARD OF SUrERVISORS. p,. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1, Roll Call. 1988 AT 2 P.M. WITH SCHOOL BUDGET WORK SESSIONS SETANDRMARCHH225~1988 AT 2 P.M. WITH COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY STAFF, STAFF. 2• Adjourn to March 9, 1988 at 3:00 p•m• MARCH 9, 1988 p,. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1• Roll Call 2, Invocation: John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3• Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B• REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA' ITEMS. DDITION OF RESOLUTION FOR D=4, AND AMENDED REPORT AND RESOLUTION FOR A _ ITEM D-5 C• PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1• Recognition of Award for Distinguished Budget presentation from the Government Finance Officers Association. PRESENTED TO RETA BUSHER, DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT 2. Receipt of Proclamation in honor of the Roanoke County Sesquicentennial from "We the People" Committee of Salem, Virginia BILL BOARD, SECRETARY PRESENT AND INTRODUCED OTHER MEMBERS D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ratification of Administrative Reorganization. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE URC 2. Creation of a Development Review Committee. HCN/SAM TO APPROVE URC 3. Approval of HVAC systems and final improvements to the Public Safety Center. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION AMENDED TO LEAVE $8387 IN CAPITAL RESERVE AND ALLOCATE $130,000 TO IMPROVEMENTS URC 4. Award of bid for $8,000,000 Revenue Anticipation Notes. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE RESO URC 5. Industrial Access Funds - Eligibility of Southwest Industrial Park. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE REQUESTING TRANSFER OF INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDS FOR THE VALLEYPOINTE PROJECT URC E. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Ordinance 9887-6 accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate 2 adjacent to Fort Lewis Fire Station on US Route 11-460, and authorizing the lease of the ballfields on said tract. BLJ/ TO APPROVE 1ST READING p,MENDING ORDINANCE TO DELETE THAT FUNDS IN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BE SPENT SPECIFICALLY TOR EPLACE RECREATION FACILITIES 2ND READING - MARCH 22, 1988 - URC H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of surplus real estate to establish road right-of-way for Meadewood Drive and Quail Place. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE ORD URC I. APPOINTMENTS NONE 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 2. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board 3. League of Older Americans J. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS JOHNSON: REQUEST THAT A LETTER AND RESOLUTION BE PREPARED BY THE BOARD FOR PRESENTATION AT THE ROAST FOR JACK SMITH, RV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON 3/22/88. MCGRAW: (1) REPORTED PROGRESS ON THE GREEN HILL EQUESTRIAN COMMITTEE ON OBTAINING CONTRIBUTIONS IN KIND. ASKED THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS APPROVE CHANGING THIS COMMITTEE TO AN OFFICIAL COMMISSION WITH THE MAJORITY OF MEMBERS FROM THE COUNTY. WILL BRING TO NEXT BOARD MEETING. (2) SUGGESTED THAT RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION BE SENT TO AREA LEGISLATORS FOR THEIR WORK ON BEHALF OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S LEGISLATIVE EFFORTS. NICKENS: DIRECTED STAFF TO PRESENT TO BOARD BY 3/15/88 A LIST OF AUTOMOBILE REQUESTS IN THE 1988/89 BUDGET. GARRETT: DIRECTED THAT A LETTER BE SENT TO SHERIFF KAVANAUGH AND THE STATE POLICE REQUESTING STRONGER ENFORCEMENT OF THE SPEED LIMITS ALONG ROUTE 419. 3 K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. LG/SAM TO APPROVE UVV 1. Minutes of Meetings - January 12, 1988 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Grievance Panel and Health Department Board of Directors. 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Oak Grove Elementary School PTA. 4. Acceptance of water and .sewer facilities serving Woodmont Manor Section 3. 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Meadow Creek Section 2. 6. Request for Va. Department of .Transportation Matching Funds for Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). L. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS MARY BUSH SPOKE REQUESTING THAT SPECIAL CONSIDERATION BE GIVEN TO RESTORATION OF THE PORTRAITS AT THE OLD COURTHOUSE M. REPORTS 1. Status Report on Decal .Fee and Personal Property Tax Compliance Efforts WAYNE COMPTON PRESENTED REPORT WITH SUGGESTED WAYS TO ENFORCE COMPLIANCE. GARRETT APPOINTED COMMITTEE OF NICKENS, COMPTON, HODGE, AND OTHERS TO MEET, DISCUSS ALTERNATIVES AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION AT NEXT BOARD MEETING. N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) NONE 0. ADOURNMENT AT 4:30 P.M. 4 ~~:~. I OF gOANpf.~ ~ ,~ 9 ~~ ~ C~~~~~ ~$ ~~ $$ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bwuti(ulBtginning AGENDA MARCH 8, 1988 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Remulaand meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:00 p. the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announWEDNESDAYHEMARCHI9G 1988 FORETHEOREGULARCONVENE BRIEFLY AND ADJOURN TO BUSINESS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Adjourn to March 9, 1988 at 3:00 p.m. MARCH 9, 1988 A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Jp,ssistantbCounty Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Recognition of Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation from the Government Finance Officers Association. 2. Receipt of Proclamation in honor of the Roanoke County Sesquicentennial from "We the People" Committee of Salem, Virginia D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ratification of Administrative Reorganization. 2. Creation of a Development Review Committee. 3. Approval of HVAC systems and final improvements to the Public Safety Center. 4. Award of bid for $8,000,000 Revenue Anticipation Notes. 5. Industrial Access Funds - Eligibility of Southwest Industrial Park. E. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Ordinance 9887-6 accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate adjacent to Fort Lewis Fire Station on U. S. Route 11-460, and authorizing the lease of the ballfields on said tract. H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of surplus real estate to establish road right-of-way for Meadewood Drive and Quail Place. I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 2. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board 3. League of Older Americans J. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS K. CONSENT AGENDA 2 ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meetings - January 12, 1988 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Grievance Panel and Health Department Board of Directors. 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Oak Grove Elementary School PTA. 4. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodmont Manor Section 3. 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Meadow Creek Section 2. 6. Request for Va. Department of Transportation Matching Funds for Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). L. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. Status Report on Decal Fee and Personal Property Tax Compliance Efforts N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) 0. ADJOURNMENT 3 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: RecognitionnofromathefGovernmentuFinanceu0fficers Presentatio Association COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: /~~~~ .7.~+t- '~o~~ ~to~a( .o,~p~..C~l ..~, cow" -~ ~ ~°` ~' ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: been recognized as the recipient of Roanoke County has recently the Award for Distinguished Badgoeri• Presentation from the Government Finance Officers Assoc This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. Budget documents are submitted and reviewed fouideela effectiveness as a policy document, an operations g 200 financial plan and a communication plan. Since 1984, only governmental entities have received this award nationwide. Reta Busher, Director of Manag he boarddmeet'ng to receiverthis budget staff will be present at t award. lmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------- ------------------ VOTE -------- ------ ACTION No Yes Ab: Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( > Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers ITEM NUMBER C'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Receipt of Proclamation in honor Sesquicentennial from the "We The Salem, Virginia COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: the the Roanoke County People" Committee of Board Chairman Lee Garrett has received a Proclamation from the "We The People" Committee of Salem, Virginia in recognition of the Roanoke County Sesquicentennial Celebration. This organization was formed to celebrate the bicentennial signing of the United States Constitution and other historical events. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors gratefully acknowledge receipt of this Proclamation with a letter to the "We The People" Committee, and that the Proclamation be given to the Sesquicentennial Committee for proper recognition during the celebration. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: lmer C. Hod County Administrator ----------------- OTE ------------------------------- Approved ( > Denied ( > Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION V No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~~'e~~ ;~ Chairman Richard H. Fisher, M. D. Salem Educational Foundation Vice Chairman Mac Green Salem City Council Treasurer Dr. Walter Hunt Superintendent, City of Salem Schools Secretary W.S. Board Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce Members: Ray Robrecht Legal Norwood Middleton Publisher & Historian Thomas Blakley Kiwanis Club p,W. Braisted President, Ministerial Association Mc & Mrs. C. D. Harmon Educator, Public Schools Louis Painter, D.D.S. Lions Club Mark Witt Radio Communications Kevin Minix Boy Scouts of America Steve Cromer Corporate Curry & Cromer Pete Petersen Corporate Retired May Duncan Daughters of American Revolution Carey Harveycutter Salem City Government Bob Goodwin Insurance Robert Craighead Corporate, Norfolk & Southern Wilbur Andrews Corporate, Rowe Furniture M. Caldwell Butler Legal L.S. Waldrop Corporate, Realtor Bill Laub Corporate, Graham white George Barrows Banking, Bank of Virginia Dr. Norman Fintel Roanoke College Sidney Nordt Girl Scouts Virginia Newman Salem Woman's Club Dennis Reaser Music, Salem School System William Murdock Minister Reid McClure Corporate, Norfolk & Southern Posie L. Robertson, Jr. American Legion l~~L ~' ~ ~~~ P.O. BOX 2222 Salem, Virginia 24153 '~~ coNSr ~ .. ~q~ 'r~ ~' I~x ~ A >r ,. ~~ ~ ~~ r ~,*eICENTENN~Ay* PROCLAMATION TO ROANOKE COUNTY SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE WHEREAS, The We The People Committee of Virginia was organized to celebrate the bicentennial Salem, signing of the United States Constitution and other historical events; and WHEREAS, The Roanoke County Sesquicentennial Committee as worked diligently and well to prepare a 150th anniversary h celebration for the birth of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, The City of Salem was the first county seat for Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, The 150th anniversary celebration of the oanoke County Sesquicentennial Committee is a historical R event to pay tribute to our forefathers and to note the reat progress made by Roanoke County in building on that g solid foundation; therefore, be it nice PROCLAIMED that the We The People Committee rej ort your efforts in your celebration, and recognize and supp to commemorate a significant event in our common history. A~~ Ri hard H. Fisher, .D., Chairman Adopted February 10, 1988 A-3988-1 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Approval of the Roanoke County Administrative Reorganization COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As the Board may recall, I have been reviewing the present County structure in an attempt to streamline the administrative organization to make it more efficient and responsive to the needs of the citizens. I also felt it was important to coordinate activities between state agencies and the County, and to realign several departments so they no longer report directly to me. During the study of the reorganization, I also wanted to ensure that economic development received a high priority in the structure. As a result of several months of study, I have implemented the attached reorganization which has previously been reviewed with the Board of Supervisors. The new organization became effective March 1, 1988. These changes will provide more efficient service and better responsiveness to the County citizens we serve. No employees will be added to or removed from payroll as a result of these changes pursuant to guidelines set by the Board. Several departments that work closely together such as Planning, Development Review, Engineering and Utilities will be under the direction of the Assistant County Administrator for Community Services, John Hubbard. Several departments who deal primarily in human needs such as Parks and Recreation, Libraries, Youth Haven II and Animal Control will be under the direction of the Assistant County Administrator for Human Services, John Chambliss. Mr. Chambliss will also coordinate activities with the state agencies, assist me with my duties and handle special projects. The financial departments, Management Information Services, Real Estate Assessments and Purchasing will be under the direction of the Assistant for Management Services. This position will be filled internally, in the near future. Several departments will be independent organizations under the direction of the County Administrator. They include Human Resources, Fire and Rescue and Economic Development. ~-/ I met with the Assistants, Constitutional Officers, department heads and other key staff on Thursday, February 25th to outline the new organizational structure. I also plan to keep all County employees informed of these changes through memoranda and articles in the employee newsletter. I sincerely appreciate the support of the Board of Supervisors and the County staff in this change. RECOMMENDATION: Chapter 5, §5.01 of the Roanoke County charter requires the Board of Supervisors to approve administrative reorganizations. Therefore, staff requests that the board ratify the changes on the attached administrative organization chart. e lmer C. Hodg County Administrator ------------ ------------------------------------- ACTION ---------- ---------------- VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Harry No Yes Abs Denied ( ) C. Nickens o approve s a Garrett x Received ( ) recommen a ion Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Keith Cook John Hubbard John Chambliss ~ ~ wd • CC L. 00 C _oLQ V ~~ p ~• • G 3 ~ a W U W ~ O O J _ ~ !- C H ~~~ ~O{{ N ~ 1.. ~ CS~O V1 z o f- z a C7 .r :: < ~ ~ U ~• •fJ a Z C g ~ o ~ 2 W $ O ~ W~ ~ r r&6j O H G Z a z P 6 r a ~ C OD N 00 t ~ w" ~ ~ z w O ^' C p N O U ?~ t~ •~ e u Y Lam. u ~~ . Q • • N >V a •4 H C ~ ~ C ~ _ x~ V V N ~'J X ~ •°° ~# ~ zg v r y C N N C ? VVVIII D (~ ~_ W \ .. U r C O C! .~-• C C G ~ y C ^' L ~~~ W U G• r N •7 VVU 1 I r' A-3988-2 ITEM NUMBER-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE• March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Creation of the Development Review Committee COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,Q~,,,,,.~.„ o/ o yr~u.v*~! ~ .x/lte~ ~„t...~c~ ..t .,s,o~1E. .,cr-u~e, ~ ~, SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A major goal of the administrative reorganization of the County, was to improve responsiveness to the public in Roanoke County. One of the areas that has received criticism in the past is development review and coordination between the divisions involved in this process. To improve this process, I want to establish the Development Review Committee to study all aspects of the planning and development process. The object of this committee will be to review our present procedures, and recommend ways in which we could refine the policies and improve responsiveness to the development community. Improvements to this area will also aid our economic development efforts, a high priority set by the Board. I have asked the following individuals to serve on this committee John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator for Community Services Rob Stalzer, Director of Planning Arnold Covey, Director of Development Review Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering Buford Lumsden, Buford T. Lumsden & Associates Samuel Lionberger, Lionberger Construction Company Dan Horner, Architect Wayne Campbell, Campbell Construction Company Lou Jamison, Heritage Builders, Inc. Wayland Winstead, Chairman of the Planning Commission The above individuals would bring a background of expertise and knowledge to this committee, and would represent the County ~-z Commission. de artments, the local developers and the Planning p ro ress report to the resent a p g encourage more In 60 days, this committee wiliPfy procedures- They will also Board outlining plans to situp olicies. ersonnel response and improve enforcement pif additional p timely of a fee structure, study the possibility oals. are required to meet these g FISCAL IMPACT: is to implement improved procedures will be off se None. Any cos by a fee structure. RECOMMENDATION: nds that the Board ratify and COOintment ofethese Staff recomme the app of a Development Review hemcomm tteend individuals to serve on lmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------- VOTE Yes Abs ------------------- ACTION No Harry C. Nickens/ ~- ppproved (x) Motion by:Mc raw o approve s a Garrett - x - ( Steven A. Johnson x Denied recomme a ion McGraw Received ( ~ Nickens x - Referred Robers - x To ~-- cc: File John Hubbard Rob Stalzer Arnold Covey Phil Henry A-3988-3 ITEM NUMBER ~-3 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARS OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER AT A T THE ROANOK COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, March 9, 1988 MEETING DATE: rovements to p,pproval of the HVAC System and Final ImA SUB~_ Center the Public Safety COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMEN ~~`~ ~~ ~ o , ~~~ ~N~ ~ „~ ..d~. ~"`e~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: uested that the h and Chief Fuqua have and cooling at the Sheriff Kavanaug ui ment for heating County install new HVAC The old heating equipment was suitable for Center. however, it is not adequate Public Safety Bids have been the open space classroom environment; nor efficient tail the office environmen . the new system, and the estimated cost is received to ins $200,000. includes rovements to thi ro a de a y adequate o p A second series of imp of Roanoke's rovided by the City the installationwhi hwcannotnbeeptension The water pressure peters Creek Road. water service which is located along t a cost of $35,000. stem improvements will bet ahe extension of a Coun y water sY roximately 1,150 fee waterline for app k will complete the planned renovations to this This wor reviously discussed with the Boa d emf These improvements include the electrical sY facility which Staff has p the facility Supervisors- and other items required to bring arity with sprinkler system, ro riate codes and is in p liance with the app p Future improvements into comp buildings at a cost of $60,000• range plans for all other County will be consideornd pecialc~equest byithe Sheriff. facilities or up FISCAL IMPACT: ro r iation is needed f Ue tea abhat An additional $295,000 app p and it is req urchase referenced improvements to the facilitya multi-year lease/p ear period. The these improvements be financed using aid from the arrangement~to distributhesee mprovements willYbe p first year s cost o has a balance of $138,387. Capital Reserve fund which currently RECOMMENDATION: ervisors approve this Staff recommeona es and authorizeoenter ing into the appro- appropriation of m -~ priate lease documents to finance the close-out cos facility. Sheriff Kavanaugh and Chief Fuqua will be the Board meeting to address the Board of Supervisors request. APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: ohn M. Chamblis Jr. Assistant County Administrator- Management Services is to this present at with their ~ sl/ lmer C. Hod County Administrator ------------ VOTE -------- ACTION Approved (X) Motion by: Harry C Nickens/Lee Garrett Denied ( ) Garrett to a rove• Bob L• Johnson Received ( ) Johnson/Steven A. McGraw to McGraw Referred amend recommendation allocating Nickens To $130,000 leaving $8,387 in Robers ca ital reserve cc: Sheriff Kavanaugh Chief Fuqua Diane Hyatt John Chambliss File No Yes Abs x X X ITEM NUMBER ~ - '~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMIN1988ATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 STTR.7F('_T: Award of Bid for $8 Million Revenue Anticipation Notes COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County Treasurer's office received bids on Tuesday, March 8, 1988 for $8 million Revenue Anticipation Notes. The responses were as follows: Crestar Bank, 4.625; Central Fidelity Bank, 5.19; Dominion Bank, 4.998; Ehrlich Bober & Co., Inc., 4.8$ Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution as prepared by McGuiwhich would award this Boothe, Bond Counsel for Roanoke County, bid to Crestar Bank. The County will close on this transaction on Monday, March 14 and repay the temporary borrowing on June 13. Closing will be held in Richmond, Virginia. FISCAL IMPACT: The net interest expense for be $91,472.22 and monies have been year budget to cover the total cost. RECOMMENDATION: this short term borrowing will included in the 1987-88 fiscal interest expense and issuance Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution, which would award said bid to Crestar Bank. APPROVED: my Treasurer Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator -------------------------ACTION VOTE Mn Vac AhR Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers JMC/cw SUBMITTED BY: AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 198$ RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID FOR AND APPROVING THE INTEREST RATE AND OTHER DETAILS REGARDING $8,UOU,000 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 1988 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, adopted a Resolution on February 23, 1988, authorizing the issuance and sale of Revenue Anticipation Notes in an amount not to exceed $8,OOO,UUU; and WHEREAS, the County has solicited bids from a limited number of potential investors for the purchase of such notes; and WHEREAS, the Board now desires to set the interest rate on the Notes and to award the Notes to the low bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia: 1. The Notes shall be dated March 14, 1988, shall be issued in denominations of $25,000, shall be numbered N-1 and upward, sequentially, shall bear interest at the rate of 4.625$ per annum payable at maturity and shall mature on June 13, 1988. 2. The distribution and use of the Offering Circular, dated March 9, 1988, in connection with the offering and sale of Notes is ratified and approved. 3. The Board determines that it is in the best interest of the County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to accept the bid of Crestar Bank to purchase the Notes for a purchase price equal to the aggregate principal amount thereof. 4, The appropriate officers and agents of the County are authorized and directed to immediately cauircuiteCourte ofc the of this Resolution to be filed with the C County pursuant to Section 15.i-199 and 15.1-212 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. 5, This Resolution shall take effect immediately. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIROANOKEAVATHONRWEDNESDAYOUNMARCHM9NI1988TION CENTER IN MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for $8.0 Million Revenue Anticipation Notes COUNTY AD/MIN_IST~R~AT/OR' S COMMENTSp: p p~ RCGO-+.n~..4.-d aJ°7"y°'~~ ~ ~ n.""Ge."~i'r., .urILCS~ .ti„t,~.~ -TJ~ ~L~~/ SUMMARY OF ~NFORNIATION Bids will be received by the County of Roanoke on Tuesday, March 8 for the $8.0 million revenue anticipation notes to roved the casual cash deficits for the current fisca1988ameet ipg. The by the Board of Supervisors at the February 23, formal resolution indicating the successful meeti nand ortyour rate will be presented at the Wednesday g consideration. The County anticipates taking receipt of these monies on Monday, March 19, 1988. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of interest expense and issuance costs have been budgeted in the 1987-88 fiscal year budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the resolution which will be presented to you on Wednesday, March 9. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ohn M. Chamblis , Jr. Assistant County Administrator lmer Hodge County Administrator --------------- -------------------------ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred To JMC/cw cc: Fred Anderson Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1988 RESOLUTION 3988-4 ACCEPTING THE BID FOR AND APPROVING THE INTEREST RATE AND OTHER DETAILS REGARDING $$,000,000 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 1988 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, adopted a Resolution on February 23, 1988, authorizing the issuance and sale of Revenue Anticipation Notes in an amount not to exceed $8,000,000; and WHEREAS, the County has solicited bids from a limited number of potential investors for the purchase of such notes; and WHEREAS, the Board now desires to set the interest rate on the Notes and to award the Notes to the low bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia: 1. The Notes shall be dated March 14, 1988, shall be issued in denominations of $25,000, shall be numbered N-1 and upward, sequentially, shall bear interest at the rate of 4.625 per annum payable at maturity and shall mature on June 13, 1988. 2. The distribution and use of the Offering Circular, dated March 9, 1988, in connection with the offering and sale of Notes is ratified and approved. 3. The Board determines that it is in the best interest of the County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to accept the bid of Crestar Bank to purchase the Notes for a purchase price equal to the aggregate principal amount thereof. 4. The appropriate officers and agents of the County are authorized and directed to immediately cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be filed with the Circuit Court of the County pursuant to Section 15.1-199 and 15.1-212 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE: .~. C^~--~-~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3/10/88 cc: File John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Alfred Anderson, County Treasurer Reta Busher, Director of Management and Budget Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance McQuire, Woods, Battle, and Boothe, Bond Counsel ~• Item '~ - S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 8, 1988 SUBJECT: Industrial Access Funds Eligibility for Southwest Industrial Park COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,~,~ ~,~.0 ~2w~!"~c.r., .mod ~ ~l°' °u", SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During the fall of 1986, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors entered into an agreement with Corrugated Container Corporation for joint development of an industrial park on 16+ acres in Southwest Roanoke County. Roanoke County applied for industrial access funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to construct a 1300 foot road into the sitliedTin m d 1987 was disapproved by VDOT and Roanoke County app requesting to bond the road. Industrial access funds in the amount of $128,145 were approved by the VDOT Highway Commission in September 1987. The initial disapproval of access funds was untimely because two industries had purchased sites in the Southwest Industrial Park and needed road access. Roanoke County expended $56,353 for a stone base and rough grading to put a road into the park to serve these businesses. Since this was done prior to industrial access fund bond approval, it was not an eligible, reimbursable cost for industrial access. Actual reimbursable eligibility for VDOT industrial access funds is $71,792 because of this action. The road into Southwest Industrial Park is almost complete and lacks final paving and minor utility adjustments for acceptance. Funds in the amount of $29,318 are available in the economic development fund for this project. Discussions with VDOT Resident Engineer Fred Altizer have confirmed that since no VDOT funds have been expended the road's request for iadsferredltocanotherneligible accesscfuad request eligibility tr by Roanoke County. ~• ~ -5 FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County is allocated access funds. By rescinding Southwest Industrial oaect.the for another eligible p j the $128,145 allocation on the $300,000 annually in industrial entire $300,000 will be available RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Bo aria ~equestrtransfereofi industrial tion 12-16-86-248 by resolution access fund allocation to another eligible project in Roano e County. SUBMITTED BY: ./-- I ~ . n i ,"~ iJ`~ Timothy W. Gubala Director, Economic Development APPROVED: lmer C. H ge County Administrator --------------------- VOTE ------------- ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ~ Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers Attachment -~ ~'""' .....~ ETING OF THE BOARD OF SCPpUNTYSADMINISTRATOION AT A REGULAR ME HELD AT THE ROANOKE 1988 COUNTY, VIRGINIA- TUESDAY, MARCH 8, CENTER ON RESOLUTION RESCINDINGSBOARD OF SUPERVISOR 1987 AND REQUESTING ACTION TAKEN AUGUST 2 ~ THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPA45MpFTINDUSTRIALORTA- TION REALLOCATE $128,1 ACCESS ELIGIBILITY OANOKETCOUNTYIGIBLE ACCESS PROJECT IN R ervisors of Roanoke BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Sup County, Virginia, as follows: authorized t having duly considered and previously Tha on August 25, 1987 for industrial acces an escrow agreement ment of Southwest in the amount of $128,145 for the develop funds and that those funds were to Industrial Park in Roanoke County; ualifying indus- ured by letter of credit to ensure that q be sec ark; and, tries were to be located within the p t -State agreement was approved between That a Coun y ortation on and the Virginia Department of Transp of Roanoke County ective responsibilities October 6, 1987 setting forth the resp to regarding the design and construction both the County and Sta road; and, ortation by that of the of Transp inia Department That the Virg Roanoke County for eligible construction tember 22, 1987 agreement will reimburse ineering items incurred subsequent to Sepand qualifying and eng nif icant locates sig in the event that the County tracts; and, industries on the remaining number of requests from That the County has received a m anies and individuals desirous of local non-qualifying co p improving the remaining tracts; and, L-~ That the County has other projects in need of indus- ccess improvements which have strong potential for attract- trial a in industry; and, ing significant qualify g NOW, THEREFORE, Roanoke County requests that the County- 1987 be voided and the County's State Agreement of October 6- ro ect; and, be transferred to another eligible p j eligibility hat the Clerk of this Board forthwith transmit certi- T and ether with any necessary fied copies of this resolution tog u ort data to the Virginia Department of Transportation. s pp AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1988 RESOLUTION 3988-5 RESCINDING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION TAKEN AUGUST 25, 1987 AND REQUESTING THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA- TION REALLOCATE $128,145 OF INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ELIGIBILITY TO ANOTHER ELIGIBLE ACCESS PROJECT IN ROANOKE COUNTY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That having duly considered and previously authorized an escrow agreement on August 25, 1987 for industrial access funds in the amount of $128,145 for the development of Southwest Industrial Park in Roanoke County; and that those funds were to be secured by letter of credit to ensure that qualifying indus- tries were to be located within the park; and, That a County-State agreement was approved between Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation on October 6, 1987 setting forth the respective responsibilities of both the County and State regarding the design and construction of the road; and, That the Virginia Department of Transportation by that agreement will reimburse Roanoke County for eligible construction and engineering items incurred subsequent to September 22, 1987 in the event that the County locates significant and qualifying industries on the remaining tracts; and, That the County has received a number of requests from local non-qualifying companies and individuals desirous of improving the remaining tracts; and, That the County has other projects in need of indus- trial access improvements which have strong potential for attract- ing significant qualifying industry; and, NOW, THEREFORE, Roanoke County requests that the County- State Agreement of October 6, 1987 be voided and the County's eligibility be transferred to another eligible project; and, That the Clerk of this Board forthwith transmit certi- fied copies of this resolution together with any necessary and support data to the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE: ~~~-L-L-~-,/1 Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3/10/88 cc: File Timothy Gubala, Economic Development Director Va. Department of Transportation John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator ITEM NUMBER _~_- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE IN ROANOKE, VA., ON MEETING DATE: March 8, 1988 OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER TUESDAY, SUBJECT: Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9887-6 accepting an offer for and authorizing the sale of real estate adja- cent to Fort Lewis Fire Station on U.S. 11-460 and authorizing the lease of the ballfields by Roanoke County on said tract COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the September 8, 1987, meeting, the Board of Supervisors accepted an offer (Ordinance No. 9887-6) from the Lewis Gale Building Corporation to purchase 7.3 acres adjacent to the Fort Lewis Fire Station on U.S. Route 11-460. In consideration for this real estate, Lewis Gale Building Corporation offered $70,000 and 6.58 acres of real estate located off of State Route 221 across from Back Creek School (Tax Map No. 95-01-1-4) (less and except that portion of this real estate containing the clinic and septic drainfield) and the lease of existing ballfields at the Fort Lewis site through September 1988 for One Dollar ($1.00). The terms of the real estate transaction have been amended whereby Lewis Gale Building Corporation would purchase 7.057 acres adjacent to the Fort Lewis Fire Station on U. S. Route 11- 460. In consideration for this real estate, Lewis Gale Building Corporation would convey 5.1779 acres off of Route 221 and $60,000. The acreage of real estate off of Route 11-460 at the Fort Lewis Fire Station was changed to reflect the addition of a 50-foot wide strip to the west. This was done to accommodate the future expansion of the structure in 1992. This necessitated changing the terms of the agreement. In addition, the County will be allowed to lease the ball- fields presently located on the 7.057-acre tract from Lewis Gale Building Corporation in the amount of $1.00 per annum through December 31, 1989. Section 18.04 of the County Charter requires that any sale or disposition of public property be accomplished by ordinance. This first reading of this proposed amended ordinance was held on March 9, 1988; the second reading is scheduled for March 22, 1988. -~ FISCAL IMPACT: $60,000 from Lewis r m Roanoke1Countyrt orLewi G leRBuilde County. $1.00 per year f ing Corporation to lease the ballfields through 12/31/89. RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendations: 1. That the Board of Supervisors rescind Ordinance No. 9887-6. 2. That the Board °fnded ord nancefavorably consider the adoption of the proposed ame 3, That the net proceeds from the sale of this property be allocated to the Capital Impallem to srep ace these rrecreatiopal tal improvements, specif Y facilities (ballfields). 4. That the County uch actions on behalfh of1RoanokeeCounty such documents and take s as are necessary to acco°npform approv d by the County APtorneyy~ all of which shall be up Respectfully submitted, ~~~ ~~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney --- ------------------- - _______--- VOTE ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE ~ I CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1988 ORDINANCE RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 9887-6 AND ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE ADJACENT TO FORT LEWIS FIRE STATION ON U.S. 11-460 AND AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF THE BALLFIELDS BY ROANOKE COUNTY ON SAID TRACT WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been de- clared to be surplus; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the real estate was held on August 25, 1987. A second reading and public hearing was held on Septem- ber 8, 1987, whereupon the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 9887-6; and WHEREAS, the terms of the real estate transaction have been amended whereby Lewis Gale Building Corporation would pur- chase 7.057 acres adjacent to the Fort Lewis Fire Station on U.S. Route 11-460; and WHEREAS, in consideration for this real estate, Lewis Gale Building Corporation would convey 5.1779 acres off of Route 221 and $60,000; and WHEREAS, the acreage of real estate off of Route 11-460 at the Fort Lewis Fire Station was changed to reflect the addi- tion of a 50-foot wide strip to the west. This was done to accom- modate the future expansion of the structure in 1992; and 4 ~ ~ i / WHEREAS, in addition, the County will be allowed to lease the ballfields presently located on the 7.057-acre tract from Lewis Gale Building Corporation in the amount of $1.00 per annum through December 31, 1989; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the County Charter requires that any sale or disposition of public property be accomplished by ordinance. The first reading of this proposed amended ordin- ance was held on March 9, 1988; the second reading is scheduled for March 22, 1988• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors hereby rescinds Ordin- ance No. 9887-6 adopted September 8, 1987; and 2. That the Board of Supervisors hereby approves the conveyance of 7.057 acres of real estate adjacent to the Fort Lewis Fire Station on U.S. Route 11-460 to Lewis Gale Building Corporation in exchange $60,000 cash and the conveyance of 5.1799 acres of real estate off of Route 221 to Roanoke County. 3. That the net proceeds from the sale of this property be allocated to the Capital Improvements Fund as a reserve for capital improvements, specifically to replace these recreational facilities (ballfields); and 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NUMBER ~y AT A REGULAR MEELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H MEETING DATE: March 8, 1988 SUBJECT: Ordinance authorizing the conveyance °foruMeadewoodl estate to establish road right-of-way Drive and Quail Place. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has recently compl~toeer~heisalocatedroalong to Shimchock's Litho Service, Inc. Ince. P After the sale of this Hollins Road adjacent to Amp, property, the County still retains 8.8 acres to the west and behind the Shimchock property. The County has covenanted th th e minimum of 8 acres of this property will belneadditaony the County for recreational or park usage. conveyance on the property prohibit the future extension of Meadewood Drive through roi erP y ownerso andl therea has Sbeen hno notified the adjacent p P negative response to the dedication of this land for cul-de-sac right-of-way. The 1985 Road Bond was approved by the Board of Supervisors and one of the priority projects to be completed under that bond was the upgrade of Meadewood Drive and Quail Place tsteml~w The roads to be brought into the State Secondary Road Sy County is responsible to insure that there is ado ects right-of-way and dnaanDeeartmentnof TransportationatakingJover prior to the Virgi P the roads and completing the necessary improvements. In the case of Meadewood Drive, there is a need for a cul-de-sac to allow for turnaround of vehicular traffic at the end of the street. The Meadewood subdivision borders the 8.8 acre tract of County property. Due to the construction of homes on the last rovideta of Meadewood Drive, there is not adequate room to p cul-de-sac within the subdivistur boarkaarea d or ethisrculhdensaa to acquire part of the fu P right-of-way. The right-of-way required for Meadewood Drive would not be in excess of 0.25 acres which would allow the remaining property to meet the minimum of 8 acres remaining for park and recreational use. ~ /- / Section 18.04 of the County charieshedgblrordinanceny The disposal of public property be accomp Y first reading of a proposed ordinance would be held during the February 23, 1988 meeting with the second reading to be held March 8, 1988. AFTER THE FIRST READING, IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THE ORDINANCE SHOULD BE REVISED TO CLARIFY THAT ROANOKE COUNTY WOULD BE DEDICATING A DRAINAGE ECHANGES AREADNITHENLASTRLINE OF PARAGRAPH THE CUL-DE-SAC. THESE 4: "consists of 0.25 acres in right-of-way androadlraght-of-way easement;" AND THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 5: and drainage easement purposes;" WITH THE ADDITIONS UNDERLINED. FISCAL IMPACT: Any-cost assocbetcovered byathen1985dRoadoBondgFundshe right-of way would RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendations: 1. That the Board ofsSuavailable forfothertpublicluses,sand of land is surplu , for roads. would be donated for public right-of-way 2, That the Board of Supervisors conduct the first reading for the proposed ordinance. 3, That the County Administrator be authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as necessary to accomplis~hehBoa~dvofance of said property upon final approval by Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. Hen Director of Engineering APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------- ------------ -- VOTE ---------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers 2 Y ~ ~ 115.w.~w~oa~'ao' L -^ oOZ ~~. ! y yscR+fi~ aro , 4 ~ 1511 iEW ` ,,,~„ s~` '~.:~"' ; Ord', eR~,,,,K,,, S/tQ •4 J! IN _ /.~ O t~+ _ . _ - ~'F ._. ~"~'((((M////-,......ay.`n~~~~~~ SUMMEROEAN ~ ~r~i+~. ~ '- t~ ~_ i ~ f ~ S , 2! , ~~ ~~SIX'NYBROOK rlQy ~. 1 Grow,,, f ~`bv j °~ - A ~ ME~ ~ _. _ S. r r,a+ ~ .,....,,~~°`~+~ s F$~,~ P~'. VICINITY MAP t ~Ad~.. -~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BO ROANOKE S COUNTYSOA M NISTRATOON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE MARCH 8, 1988 }-~-- CENTER ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUSFRWAY FORAMEADOWOODADRIVE ANDD RIGHT O QUAIL PLACE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Virginia, as follows: County, rovisions of Section 16.01 of 1. That pursuant to the p e Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been th laced to be surplus and is being made available for other dec public uses, i.e., a public street; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of concerning the a first reading the Charter of Roanoke County, dis osition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on P 1988; February 23, 1988; a second reading was held on March 8, and 3, That the County is responsible to ensure that there 's adequate right of way and drainage easements along i uail Place to allow these roads to e Meadewood Drive and Q ou ht into the state secondary road system and accepted by the br g Virginia Department of Transportation; and d west of Hollins 4, That this real estate is locate and Road and adjacent to Shimchock's Litho Service, Inc., consists of 0.25 acres in right-of-way easement; and 5, That Roanoke County is donating the subject ert to the Virginia Department of Transportation for public prop y road right-of-way and drainage easement purposes; and 6, That the County Administrator is authorized to ~~~ ecute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke ex County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of sa~ ro erty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the Coun y p p Attorney. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ESCOUNTYS ADMINISTRATOION AT A REGULAR HELD AT THE ROANOK 1988 COUNTY, VIRGINIA- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9- CENTER ON ORDINANCE 398_ ~P'UTHORIZINESTATE TO CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTABLISH ROAD RIGHTS F WAY FOR MEADEWOOD DRIVE AND QUAIL PLAC DAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke gE IT OR County, Virginia, as follows: ursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of 1, That p has been the subject property the Charter of Roanoke County- made available for other declared to be surplus and is being a public street; and public uses, i.e., hat ursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 0 2. T P the of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the Charter the hereinafter described real estate was hel Sn disposition of was held on March 8, 198 , February 23, 1988; a second reading and to ensure that there 3. That the County is responsible ri ht of way and drainage easements along e is adequate g rive and Quail Place to allow these roads to the Meadewood D ted by ou ht into the state secondary road system and accep br g ortation; and Virginia Department of Transp f Hollins is located west o 4, That this real estate and Inc. - and adjacent to Shimchock's Litho Service, Road and consists of 0.25 acres in right-of-way easement; Roanoke County is donating the subject 5 , That ublic artment of Transportation for P to the Virginia Dep property and road right-of-way and drainage easement purposes; to at the County Administrator is authorized 6. Th ments and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke execute such docu lisp the conveyance of said to accomp County as are necessary roved by the County property, all of which shall be upon form app Attorney. ion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor On mot McGraw- and upon the following recorded vote: rvisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYES: Supe NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE: ~' Deputy Clerk Mary H. Allen, ervisors Roanoke County Board of Sup 3/10/88 cc: File County Attorney John Willey, Real Estate Assesineering Phillip Henry, Director of Eng Va. Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER ~l ' .3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals Four-year term of Norman Eugene Jarrett, Hollins Magisterial District. His term expired January 22, 1988. Four-year term of B. J. King, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. His term expires April 13, 1988. Four-year term of Thomas A. Darnall, Vinton Magisterial District. His term expires April 27, 1988. 2. Court Service Unit Advisor Council/Youth and Famil Services Advisory Board• One-year term of youth member Emily Reaser, Northside High School. Her term expired November 13, 1987. Two-year terms of Gerald Curtiss, Catawba District, Roger Smith, Catawba District, Marilyn Morehead, Hollins District, Dr. J. Andrew Archer, Vinton District, Sherry Robison, Windsor Hills District, will expire 3/22/88. One-year term of Tracy Rothschild, youth member from Cave Spring, will expire 3/22/88. 3. League of Older Americans Advisory Board One-year term of Webb Johnson, County Representative, will expire 3/31/88. ..~ - /- .~ SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen l/Elmer C. Hodge Deputy Clerk County Administrator ----------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers .-~-/ BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS A. COMPOSITION; To be comprised of five (5) members; appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members may be reappointed, and terms should be staggered so that less than half of the terms expire in any one year. The Board of Supervisors may appoint alternate members who may sit on the Board in the absence of any regular. members, and shall have the full power and authority of the regular member.. Board members shall be selected on the basis of their ability to render fair and competent .decisions regarding application of the code, and shall to the extent possible, represent different occupational or professional fields. At least one member should be an experienced builder. At least one member should be a licensed professional engineer or architect.. B. DUTIES: Shall act on application for appeals as required by Section. 36-105 of the Code of Virginia; or it shall enter into an agreement with the governing body of another county or municipality or with some other agency, or a State agency approved by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: The Board shall meet upon notice of the chairman or at stated periodic meetings if warranted by the volume of work.. The Board shall meet within ten working days of the filing of an appeal. COURT SERVICES UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND ~_ FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD A. COMPOSITION Board to consist of two members from each magisterial district, and one youth member from each high school. Governing bodies of each county and city served by a court service .unit may appoint one or more members to a citizen advisory council. B. DUTIES: Advises and cooperates with the court upon all matters affecting the working of this law and other laws relating to children, their care and protection and to domestic relations; Consults and confer with the court and director of the court service unit relative to the development and extension of the court service program; Encourage the members selected by the council to serve. on the central advisory council to visit as often as the member. conveniently can, institutions and associations receiving children under this law and to report to the court the conditions and surroundings of the children received by or in charge of any such persons, institutions or associations. The Council should make themselves familiar with the work of the court. Makes an annual report to the court and the participating governing bodies on the work of the council. As the Youth and Family. Services Advisory Board: Establish goals and priorities for County-wide youth services; assist in coordination-and planning for comprehensive youth services within the private sector. Serve in an advisory capacity and to otherwise assist the Board of Supervisors to establish goals and objectives in compliance with all "minimum Standards of the Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act of 1979". Assist in conducting an assessment of the needs of youth every five years and to assist in developing an annual Delinquency Prevention Plan, further to participate in evaluating the implementation of the plan and making a report thereon to the Board of Supervisors. Provide a public forum where concerns about youth may be expressed and to receive recommendations and raise concerns of public and private organizations at any regular advisory board meeting upon proper notice. Advocates necessary legislative amendments to improve community conditions for youth development and to support the development of needed services both public and private for youth in the community. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: One a quarter, the third Tuesday, beginning January; time and place determined at meetings. . ~° LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS: ADVISORY COUNCIL A. COMPOSITION: To consist of nine (9) members on the Board of Director, representing the entire 5th Planning District. ADVISORY COUNCIL:. To consist of twenty-seven (27) members; one (1) Roanoke County appointee; to serve a one (1) year term, and may be re-appointed. B. DUTIES: To assure that a system of services for the aging be developed; To coordinate and evaluate existing services; To identify unmet needs of older persons; To serve as a strong advocate for the aging population; To educate the general public of the conditions of the elderly citizenry; To advise local planning bodies on all aging issues; Act as grantee and the the administering agency for programs and services. Serve as the Area Agency on Aging: Provide elderly persons and handicapped persons with housing facilities, and services specially designed to meet their physical, social and psychological needs. To buy, own, sell, assign, mortgage or lease any interest in real estate and personal property and to construct, maintain and operate improvements thereon necessary or incident to the accomplishments of the purposes set forth in the Articles. The Board of Directors shall: Carry out the policies and instructions of the League in a manner consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Create committees and delegate authority to the committees for carrying out the objectives of this organization. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: Board and Advisory Council meet on alternate months. • 4 _r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1988 RESOLUTION N0. APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM K - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 9, 1988, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meetings - January 12, 1988 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Grievance Panel and Health Department Board of Directors. 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Oak Grove Elementary School PTA. 4. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodmont Manor Section 3. 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Meadow Creek Section 2. 6. Request for Va. Department of Transportation Matching Funds for Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. ., AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1988 RESOLUTION N0. 3988-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM K - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 9, 1988, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meetings - January 12, 1988 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Grievance Panel and Health Department Board of Directors. 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Oak Grove Elementary School PTA. 4. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodmont Manor Section 3. 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Meadow Creek Section 2. 6. Request for Va. Department of Transportation Matching Funds for Farmwood Drive (Route 1385>. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. ' isor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor pn motion of Superv recorded vote: and upon the following Garrett McGraw- McGraw, Nickens, AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, NAYS : None A Copy - TESTE: `~'Yl~---~-s~ ~. Deputy Clerk Mary H. Allen, Board of Supervisors Roanoke County 3/10/88 File Director of Engineering cc: Phillip Henry- Administrator John Hubbard, Assistant County ~, ~, ~ ~~ ~~ x Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 12, 1988 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of January, 1988. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Garrett called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee Garrett, Vice Chairman Richard Robers, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Steven' A. McGraw MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Harry C. Nickens (arrived at~l 3:10 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Public Facilities; Timothy W. Gubala, Assistant County Administrator for 1 .38~~ January 12, 1988 ------------------- _. _. Community Development; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk; Keith Cook, Director of Human Resources; Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance, Reta Busher, Director of the Budget; George Garretson, Library Director; James T. Nininger, Chief Building Official; Stephen Carpenter, Director of Parks & Recreation; Clifford Craig, Director of Utilities; Gardner Smith, Director of General Services. IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Assistant County l' Administrator John Chambliss. The Pledge of Allegiance wasl recited by all present. IIN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Chairman Garrett presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Supervisor Johnson for his work in economic development during his tenure as Chairman in 1987. IIIN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Establishment of the 1988 Holiday Schedule: Director of Human Resources Keith Cook presented the proposed schedule of holidays for 1988. He advised the Board that these holidays had been reviewed by the Employee Advisory Committee and s7. t~;. 3 i January 12, 1988 '~ ~~-___ they recommended following the state schedule with the exception) of substituting Election Day with the day after Thanksgiving. He also announced that the Library Board would like to option to remain open for minor holidays to better serve the citizens. Mr. Cook noted that other departments may also designate slightly different holiday schedules, but that the County is recommending that all employees be paid for only 88 hours or 11 days maximum. Supervisor Nickens requested that the Library Board designate which holiday substitutions they would like to make. Library Director George Garretson was present, and explained that the Libraries would like to remain open five minor holidays and close on Christmas Eve. This would make the libraries more accessibl to the public. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the holiday schedule as recommended by the staff and Employee Advisory Committee. Th motion was seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by th following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None 7 ('n~~nt Rnard memberships of Committees, Commissions and Board for 1988: Chairman Garrett asked if there were and changes to the proposed membership. .~~~4 -. - .--- 12, 1988 January -- -- - - - ___.._ Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the prepared list of mberships. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson and ie n tarried by the following recorded vote: Su ervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYES : P JAYS: None lggg BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Richard Robers -- Western Virginia Development Corporation ear term expires -- Fifth Planning District Commission (2-Y 6/30/89) -- Clean Valley Committee -- Sesquicentennial Committee Lee Garrett -- State Emergency Services Committee (As Chairman) __ Regional Partnership (As Chairman) -- Audit Committee - Social Services Board (4-year term expires 1/1 90 -- Regional Airport Commission Bob L. Johnson -- fifth Planning District Commission 6/30/90.) -- Audit Committee -- Regional Airport Commission Steven A. McGraw -- Cablevision Co ontCommission -- Blue Ridge Reg -- Sesquicentennial Committee (3-year term expires Dr Harry C. Nickens ~&~ January 12, 1988 __ ___ _ .. --- ___ _--- - _ _ ------ --ll___ -- Cablevision Committee -- Transportation and Safety Commission (4-year term expire 4/1/91) -- River Project Committee ~_ Authorization to amend the restrictive covenants for Mountain View Farm Technological Park:_ Assistant Count Administrator Timothy Gubala advised that a rezoning in 1983 le to the location of AMP, Inc. on this property. Roanoke Count retained ownership of the remaining parcel of land. Late las year Shimchock Lithographic Services located on that property. There was a set of restrictive covenants subsequent to the 198 rezoning, and discrepancies have been found between copies of th covenants that were recorded and copies possessed by th neighborhood citizens. It is now necessary to amend thes covenants to emphasize that the remaining land be reserved for public use park. Staff is also negotiating with Ingersoll Ran for the use of an existing ball field on their property. Staf recommends that the restricted covenants be amended and recorded in the Circuit Court. Supervisor Johnson asked Mr. Mayfield, a neighborhood resident, if these amendments were agreeable to the neighborhood. Mr. Mayfield responded that their only concern was whether Shimc'nock agreed to subdivide only one time. Mr. Gubala responded there is a restriction in the deed to this effect. Supervisor Nickens poirvted out that the amended covenants state V (7 January 12, 1988 __ .-- ~. t h a t t h e e i g h t a c r e s will remain as is until the need for park development, while the original 1983 discussion called for a parcel to be set aside for the community without improvements by the County other than .grading. Supervisor Johnson stated the new agreement will save the County approximately $175,000 because no improvements will be de. Supervisor Johnson moved to amend the Protective Covenants. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None 4. Request for a proval to borrow money for County. School Building Renovations: School Superintendent Bayes Wilson announced they need board approval to borrow money from the Virginia School Authority, one of the sources available to 'oorrow money for capital outlay. These funds will be used for the renovation of Back Creek and Bent Mountain Elementary Schools. Population growth will continue in this area of the County, and the project school enrollment will grow. There were many citizen committee studies on this issue, and the citizens wanted to keep their individual schools. The Bent Mountain Elementary School will include a Library, and both schools will have the asbestos removed. The total cost of the renovations are $3,985,000. In 3~8 . : t~. January 12, 1988 could be. Mr. Wilson stated that the loans can be repayed in 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20 years. They suggest a 20 year repayment schedule. Mr. Hodge asked when the debt schedule begins, if the County doesn't draw the bonds all at once. Mr. Wilson stated h was not sure. The resolution was approved by the following recorde vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett N A Y S N o n RESOLUTION 11288-4 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY TO BORROW MONEY FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES WHEREAS, feasibility studies have been conducted a (Back Creek and Bent Mountain Elementary Schools in Roanoke Count Ito determine building needs based on projected population growt in the areas feeding the respective schools and on educationa programs; and WHEREAS, these studies have concluded that renovatio in addition to existing facilities would be most feasible; and. WHEREAS, on December 10, 1987, the County School Board of Roanoke County adopted a resolution authorizing application to the Virginia Public School Authority for these purposes; and WHEREAS, on November 5, 1985, the voters of Roanoke County approved a general obligation bond referendum to, in part, ~~ January 12, 1988 undertake certain capital improvements to the old William Byrdl' Junior High School in order to renovate that structure for school) administration offices; and WHEREAS, further studies now indicate that additional) funds are necessary for this renovation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervi-I sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the application of the County School Board of Roanoke County to borrow money for capital projects for school purposes is hereby approved and supported. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval and support) includes a sum, of money not to exceed $3,985,000 for renovation and additions to the Back Creek and Bent Mountain elementary schools. FURTHER that the Deputy Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the County School Board of Roanoke County and the Virginia Public School Authority. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None 5 Approval of Capital Expenditures for Airport Terminal Development Project: Finance Director Diane Hyatt reported that in October, the Board approved the program concept for the Airport Renovation Project for a total of $25,587,477, i ~ January 12 , 19 88 ____ _ _. ncluding $4,700,000 of an anticipated federal commitment. The irport Commission has received a letter of approval and llocation for $4,885,585. This additional $185,585 will reduce .he amount of revenue bonds needed to sell in the future to fund ;he terminal. The Airport Commission has requested the Board approve a resolution showing the line item expenditures and the financing sources. The total amount of the budget has not changed. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the prepared esolution. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson and arried by the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett AYS : None RESOLUTION 11288-5 APPROVING SPECIFIC i CAPITAL EXPENDITURES BY THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 17.(b) of the contract between the ity of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airport ommission provides that the Commission shall prepare and submit or approval any proposed capital expenditure- exceeding $100,000 .o benefit five or more accounting periods; and WHEREAS, by report dated October 7, 1987, a copy of Which is on file with the Deputy Clerk, the Roanoke Regional Air- port Commission has submitted a request that the County approve a E--- 1 S •. ~ - ` January 12, 1988 capital expenditure by the Commission for the Airport Termina. Development Project in t'ne proposed budget amount of $25,587,47 as set forth in said report; and WHEREAS, by resolution dated October 13, 1987, th Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved autho rization to proceed and a project development budget o $25,587,477; and WHEREAS, by report dated January 6, 1988, a copy o which is on file with the Deputy Clerk, the Roanoke Regional Air- port Commission has submitted a request that the County approve specific capital expenditures by the Commission for the RoanokE Regional Airport Terminal Development Project which will requirE capital expenditures in a total estimated amount of $25,587,477• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervi~ sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following specific capital expenditures by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commissio in connection with the Roanoke Regional Airport Terminal Develop ment project are hereby approved: Engineering Design Through $ 2,045,884 Construction 175,000 FAA Glidescope 25,000 Appalachian Power 890,000 Land Acquisition Site Preparation (cleaning and grading) Parking and Ramps Roads g~687,112 , Terminal Building 9,487,800 990,000 Loading Bridges 440,000 Furnishings $ 22,740,796 t~.~ ~ 12, 1988 __. January '- -- -------- ------- - --- ----- -- ----- ---- I( - N€ IIB $ 1,811,681 onstruction Contingency onstruction Short-Term 760,000 Financing 275,000 and Issue Expenses $ 2,846,681 $ 25,587,477 AND FURTHER, that certain budget modifications and re- a roved, as more particularly Wised funding sources are hereby PP Tonal yet forth in the report to this Board by the Roanoke Reg 6, 1988. Airport Commission dated January AND FURTHER, that the County Administrator and Deputy res ectively, on be- Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, P roved half of the County, any further documentation, in form app to evidence said approval. by the County Attorney, necessary On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and upon the following recorded vote: (AYES' Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett ~~ NAY S : None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Mr. Hodge requested a general public hearing on the budget for January 26, 1988. He also LC~~""~~~"~--- - ublic hearing for allocation of curb and guttering to adjacent P property owners to February 23rd meeting. Supervisor Nickens asked if there was time to advertise Ithe budget public hearing. Mr. Mahoney responded that there i~ January 12, 1988 393 time to advertise twice. The strict legal requirements must met for the public hearing in April.. IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinan~ amending Chapter 7, "Buildinc Regulations", of the Roanoke County Code by the imposition of fees for cross connection inspections: Chief Building Official Skip Nininger reported that this ordinance will provide for a $30.00 fee to enable the'County to pay for the inspection. Supervisor Nickens noted that Mr. Nininger requested ar. additional position that was unfunded a year ago. If this cross connection fee is approved, he would like the funds earmarked for a position in the Building Inspection Department due to the growth in the County. Mr. Nininger stated they sometimes are two days behind on inspections which can be critical to the builders because of their costs. He asks his inspectors to do eight inspections a day and they are currently requested to do 10 to 15 inspections per day . Supervisor Nickens moved to approve first reading of the ordinance, and that a priority be set in the budget process to add an additional position for inspections. The motion was `~~•~ ~ January 12, 1988 - '_..._ r- - - - - ----- seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1 Ordinance amending Cha pter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code by repealing Article III, Section 7-31 "General Contractors' Bond Section 7-32 "Plumbin Contractors' Bond," and Section 7-33 "Electrical Contractors' Bond": Mr. Mahoney noted the first reading was held December 15th. This ordinance repeals certain bonds that had been previously required. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ORDINANCE 11288-6 AMENDING CHAPTER 7, "BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY REPEALING ARTICLE III, SECTION 7-31, "GENERAL CONTRACTORS' BOND," SECTION 7-32, "PLUMBING CONTRACTORS' BOND," AND SECTION 7-33, "ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS' BOND January 12, 1988 _---- -- -- - _ - ----- ------ ------- -- ---------- -~r-- BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 15, 1987; the second reading was held on January 12, 1988; and 2. That Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roa- noke County Code is hereby amended by the repeal of the following sections: ARTICLE III. CONTRACTORS AND TRADESMAN DIVISION 1. GENERALLY See.- ~-3~- 6ene~al eent~aete~s1 benel- fad E~e~p pe~sen engageel In the bt~slness e€ eenst~t~et- ing bttllelings In the eat~ntp shall glue a geeel anel stt€tlelent annual bevel; In the at~ettnt e€ ten thet~sanel elella~s f~19; 986 with app~eeeel ee~pe~ate sc~~etp- ~Phe bend shall ~ex3a~n In tt~ll fe~ee anel e~feet t~ntll 3t~lp 31 €ellew~ng the yeas ~n whleh st~eh bend is w~lttea- tb~ The bevel ~ee~t~l~eel by this sectlen shall be se een-~ elltleneel that all eenst~t~etlen wank peg€e~meel by er r~nele~ the sttpe~~rlslen et the eent~aete~ shall be In aeee~elanee with the p~enlslens et this ehapte~ anel to ~nelex3n~€p the bea~el e€ sttpe~nl- 989 e~ the ewne~ e€ the p~epe~tp against elax~8ges by ~easen e~ anp ele€eet ar~sing at~t e€ st~eh censtrt~etlen anel shall be €t~rthe~ eenelltleneel to ~e€t~nel to the bea~el et st~pern~se~s e~ the p~epe~t~ ~• ~'l 3ar~t~a~p ~~; X988 awnee anp t~eaep e~peaeleel to ea~~eet ar~p week e~ ~epa}~ ar~p elaxiage elene e~ eat~seel by the eoat~aeter }r~ tl~e e~eet~t}ea e€ l~~s we~k- Sttel~ beael ska}} be ~t~~tl~e~ eer~el}~}er~eel to sane l~a~x3}ess sap pe~- sar~ €er wl~ex~ tl~e eeatraete~ er b}s ex~p}epees x3ap ela eanst~t~ct}erg e~ €tt~t~}sb x~ate~}a}s anel that lie w}}} pap a}} fees anel a}} €}nes ar~el peas}t}es p~epe~}p }atpaseel t~pen ~t}xi €e~ n}e}at}oa e€ sap p~e- n}s}ea e~ tl~~s ebapte~- }~ tl~e eent~aeta~ €a}}s: ~e~tzses e~ se- g}eets to rake st~eb wank cen~erxt to tl~}s el~apter; as el}~eeted by tl~e bc~}}el}tag o~~}e}a} }a a w~}tter~ e~ele~; tl~e eat~ntp atte~rsep sba}} net}€p tY~e st~~etp ea tl~e bevel; }r~ w~}~}ag; eael }€ tl~e sttre- tp €a}}s to rake st~el~ ee~~eet}an w}tl~}s a}glut f8~ elaps a~te~ ssel~ net}ee }s x3a}}eel to tine }ast kr~awa aelel~ess e€ t13e st~~etp; tl~e ax~eer~t at tl~e bevel si~a}} be ~e~~e}teel to tl~e bea~el o~ st~pe~n}- se~s- fei ~'l~e beael ~eqe}peel by tl~}s sect}as sl~a}} be ap- p~eneel by tl~e eet~ntp ael~-}a}st~atar artel elepes}ted w}tl3 tl~e eet~ntp 'e}e~k eael si~a}} be ~eaeweel aantta}}p ert e~ be~e~e Ott}p 3}- See- ~-3Z- B}t~~b}ag eeat~aete~sl ber~el- fa} Be€e~e asp persea si~a}} engage }a tl~e bras}Mess e~ e p}t~x~b}ag eeat~aete~ }n tine eet~atp; lie sl~a}} elepas}~ w}tl~ tize eet~r~tp a}e~k a gaeel aael sty€~}e}eat bevel; }n tl~e sttx~ e€ tern tl~et~- sasel ele}}ass {-~}6, 989; app~eneel by tine eet~r~tp aelx~}s}st~ate~ artel easel}t}eneel that st~elz persas w}}} €a}tYt€tt}}p ebse~ne a}} tl~e }aws aar~t~arp }~; }988 3 9 ?' __ __ ___-_ -- ---„-- perta~n~ng to p}u~b}ng; dram }ap}n g % b}ant}ng and e~eatrat~ng that the beard a€ napery}secs sba}} be }adex~n}~}ed and saved barx~~ }ens .trex3 a}} a}a~~s arcs}ng trax~ aee}dents and dax~age a~ any ebaraeter wbatsee~er eaused by the neg}}genee et sueb persen e} by anp ether un~a}tb~u} er }nadeguate wer3e dene by b}~ er b}a agents ar e~tp}epees; and that sueb persen w}}} ~a}nta}n }n a safe eend}teen; ter a per~ed at ene pear; a}} d}tebes and e~eavat~ens wb~eb t~tap be opened ~n anp street }n the per~er~anee o~ anp p}u~b_ }ng werk aad ~urtber that a}} d}rt and ether xgater}a} e~eadated w}}} be rep}aced }n a geed eend}t}en w}tb s}x~}}ar rater}a}s.- Where sueb e~eadat}en }s xtade }n an unpaved street er anp street paved w}tb ebert er x~aeadax~; the wend ustreet; u as here}n used- sba}} app}p to s}dewa}ks; eurbs; gutters; and sheet pad~ng= fb~ `~be bene~ regu}red by tb}s seet~er~ sba}} be ~ta~n- te}ned }n ~u}} ~eree and etteet at a}} t}x~es- See.- ~-33- ~}eetr}ea} eentraeters1 bend- fad ~3s used }n tb}s Beet}an; the teen ue}eetr~ca} cen- `raeteru sba}} mean anp persen wbe }s engaged }n the bus}mess et; >~ wbe represents b}use}~ to the pub}}e as being engaged }s the sus}Hess et; }nsta}}~ng~ ereet~ng er repa~r~ng a}eetr}ea} w~r~ng; ~~tures' app}}anees; apparatus ar dev}ees wb}cb are to be used ar the trans~~ss}en e€ a}eetr}e eurrent €er }}gbt~ beat; pewer ~~ 3 9 8 3eat~e~p ~~; }~s8 e~ ati~e~ a}eet~}ee} pt~~peses w}tip}n tl~e eet~atp; e~ wl~e eeat~aets ~ w~tl~ etl~e~s to de sneb we~k- fb~ Bde~p a}eet~}ea} eent~~aete~ s3~e}} g}de a geed end stt€€}e}eat eases} beset }a the stem e~ ten tl~at~saad de}}ass ffi~e;eee3; w}tl~ epp~e~ed ee~pe~ete st~~etp; st~el~ bead to Tema}a }n €t~}} €e~ee cad effect ttat}} Beeembe~ 3} to}}ew}ag tl~e peas ~n wl~}eY~ }t }s we}tten- Sttel~ bevel sloe}} be se eend~t}eaed that a}} e}eetr}ee} week pcetermed by er t~nde~ the st~pe~d~s~en e~ st~el~ eent~eete~ sloe}} be }n aeee~denee w}tit p~e~}seas e€ tl~}s el~apte~ excel to }ademn}gyp the bee~d et st~perd}semis er tl~e ewne~ e€ p~epe~- tp ega}nst damage by ~easen e€ anp de€eet }n w}~~ng e~ tl~e epee- }ng et streets- St~el~ bevel sl~a}} be tt~~tl~e~ eead~t~eaed to rett~ad to the bead et sc~pe~~}sees e~ tl~e p~epe~tp ewae~ erne meaep e~- pended to ee~~ect asp week er Pepe}~ anp damage deae e~ cet~sed by tine eent~aete~ }n tl~e e~eest}en et b}s week end to sale beam}ass anp pe~sen €er wl~em tl~e eentrecte~ e~ l~~s amp}epees map de a}ec- t~}ea} week ee €r~~a}sly matey}e}s and that ke w}}} pap a}} €ees and a}} €}nes and peas}t}es preper}p }mpesed open b}m €e~ ~}e}a- t}en e€ anp p~o~}s}en e€ tl~}s el~apte~- fe} ~€ a banded a}eetr~ea} eeat~ecter €a}}s; ~e€t~ses~ e~ aeg}eats to make l~~s week een~e~m to tk~s el~apte~; es d}~eeted by tl~e btu}}d}ng a€t}c}a} ~n a w~}tten e~dec; tl~e eet~ntp atte~aep sl~a}} nets€p tl~e st~~etp ea tl~e bend; art w~}t}ag; sad }t tl~e st~~e- tp €e}}s to make st~el~ ce~~eet}ea w}tl~}n a}glut f8~ claps ette~ st~el~ January 12, 1988 399 not}ee-~s-ma~led-to-tire-last-known-address-of-the-snretp;-the- amount- of - tile- i~ond- sizai i- i'e-forfeited- to-the- hoard- of - snpervtsors- (di--ghe-i~ond-required-bp-this-section-shall-be-ap- proved-3~p-tiZe-county-admini~stratvr-and-deposited-with-the-c°nnty cleric-and-renewed-annnaiip-on-or-before-December-31: 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 12, 1988. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Johnson, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None 2. Ordinance authorizin the ac uisition of certain real estate located within the Cit of Roanoke ad'acent to the Roanoke Re Tonal Air ort and the conve ance of said real estate in exchan e for certain real estate for an access road and the approval of a certain agreement with the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission: Mr. Mahoney noted the first reading as held December 15th and would accomplish and implement the various discussions and negotiations that the County has been involved in with the Valleypointe project and the Airport Commission. It deals with several parties and parcels of real estate. He noted that paragraph 3 of the ordinance had been amended to allow that ',, ~~~~ January 12, 1988 any remaining property shall be utilized for economic development or other purposes. Mr. Mahoney updated the board on the action concerning these acquisition and the negotiations. Supervisor Johnson moved to approved the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ORDINANCE 11288-7 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF ROANOKE ADJACENT TO THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT, AND THE CONVEYANCE OF SAID REAL ESTATE IN EXCHANGE FOR CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FOR AN ACCESS ROAD, AND THE APPROVAL OF A CERTAIN AGREEMENT WITH THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors finds that the acquisition of certain real estate adjacent to Thirlane load and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission property in Roanoke City from the Ida Mae Holland estate serves an important public purpose by promoting and benefiting the regional public >urposes of the Airport Commission; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors finds .hat the acquisition of certain real estate in the vicinity of he southeast intersection of Interstate Routes 81 and 581 in oanoke County, Virginia, from the Roanoke Regional Airport Com- ~ o ~. JANUARY 12, 1988 II _ _ _._ mission serves an important public purpose by promoting indus- trial and economic development and by inducing manufacturing, industrial, governmental, or commercial enterprises to locate or remain in Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, said acquisition of this real estate shall be used for industrial access or other road improvements to facili- tate the industrial and economic development of previously unde- veloped lands within the County; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of this property will improve the safety of the intersections of State Route 117 (Peters Creek Road), Thirlane Road, and the interchange of Interstate 581; and WHEREAS, this transaction will be in harmony with and further the fulfillment of the duly-adopted comprehensive plan of the County; will produce increased revenue from property, sales, license, and other taxes or fees to the County; will produce ex- panded employment opportunities for the citizens of the County and surrounding jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, this transaction will aid and promote the goals and purposes of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission by conveying to the Commission certain real estate located within the City of Roanoke adjacent to existing facilities and property. WHEREAS, these properties are deemed "surplus" for the purposes of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, and are being made available for other public uses. ~~ u s• IIE JANUARY 12, 1988 -. -- -- -- - _ -- - _ _ ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervi- ors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the first reading on this ordinance was held n December 15, 1987, and the second reading was held on anuary 12, 1988. 2, That the acquisition of certain real estate not to ;xceed eight (8) acres located within the City of Roanoke known roved. ~s the Ida Mae Holland tract is hereby authorized and app of to 3, That the acquisition of certain real estate n xceed eight (8) acres from the Roanoke Regional Airport Commis- e sion is hereby authorized and approved. This real estate shal - be utilized for industrial access or other road improvement pur ro erty or any portion poses. A subsequent conveyance of this p P thereof to the Virginia Department of Transportation for public authorized and approved. Any road purposes and uses is hereby remaining property shall be utilized for economic development or other public purposes. 4, That the conveyance of the real estate identified in aragraph 2, above, to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission p above, in exchange for the real estate identified in paragraph 3, is hereby authorized and approved. Further, the disposition and h 2, above, is conveyance of the property described in paragrap for other public uses and purposes, namely, the uses and purposes of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. January 12, 1988 -- -- 4 0 ~3 5. That the agreement between the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission and Roanoke County set forth in the actions and documents of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission at its September 25, 1987, meeting is hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved. 6. That the sum of $260,000 is hereby appropriated from the Fund Balance to accomplish-the purposes of this ordin- ance. 7. That the County Administrator is hereby authorizedll to take such actions and to execute such documents as may be ne-II cessary to accomplish these purposes, all upon form approved byll the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Wickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett WAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor McGraw informed the board that the meeting with the Virginia Association of Counties and the Virginia Municipal League concerning the annexation problem ,will Ibe rescheduled because of snow. :,:`t o ~~ January 12, 1988 __ ._ _ ~N RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Consentll resolution. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Garrett. Supervisor Nickens asked whether the discussion in the minutes on Item 1 concerning funds for a trip to China should be amended, since it was later decided no one would go to China. County Attorney Paul Mahoney responded that the minutes reflect the action that took place at the meeting and should not be amended. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett (NAYS: None RESOLUTION N0. 11288-8 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM L - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 12, 1988, designated as Item L - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 t t through 7, inclusive, as follows: 405 __ ,, January 12, 1988 1, Minutes of Meeting - October 27, 1987, Novembers 17, 1987. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Library Board. 3. Request for acceptance of the following roads into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System: a. Snowgoose Circle Mill Pond Drive, and Stone b, Millwheel Drive, Mill Drive. 4, Approval of Resolution of Support for request by the Virginia Department for the Aging for 13.2 million funding. 5, Request for approval of a Bingo Permit for the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 284• 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None RESOLUTION 1lIgR8C- E bINTO E4HES V RGINIATDEPARTMENT 03 SNOWGOOSE C TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 4fls January 12, 1988 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Snowgoose Circle from Penguin Drive to the Cul-de-Sac to to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears. to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road has been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Penn Forest Section #18 which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 331, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke county, Virginia, on July 23, 1985 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said fight-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Snowgoose Circle and which is hown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and he same is hereby established as a public road to become a part f the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only rom and after notification of official acceptance of said street r highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor arrett, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett U 6 , January 12, 1988 NAYS: None RESOLUTION 11288-8.c REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF MILLWHEEL DRIVE, MILL POND DRIVE, AND STONE MILL DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanok County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon th proceedings herein, and upon the application of Millwheel Drive i~iill Pond Drive, and Stone Mill Drive to be accepted and made part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Sectio 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easement and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads has bee dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Woodbridge, Sectior. 6, 7, and 9 Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 175, 249, Book 10, Page 10, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on August 21, 1980, May 11, 1983 and June 11, 1986 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Millwheel Drive, Mill Pond ~iDrive, and Stone Mill Drive and which is shown on a certain . ~ `~` v January 12, 1988 ketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby stablished as public roads to become a part of the State econdary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and fter notification of official acceptance of said streets or Ilhighways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor arrett, and upon the following recorded vote: YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett YS: None RESOLUTION 11288-8.d OF SUPPORT FOR STATE FUNDING OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF AGING BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke unty, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Area Agencies on Aging which provides community-based services to our older citizens have become more roficient in the location and identification of elderly people whose needs remain totally or marginally unmet; and WHEREAS, these stressful problems include, but are not limited to nutrition programs such as Meals-on-Wheels and Diners ~lubs, respite care, home repairs, ombudsman services and Homemaker care; and WHEREAS, the number of the often frail needy elderly brow in consonance with the overall rapid increase of our older January 12, 1988 409 population which continues to increase more rapidly than th general population; and WHEREAS, the mechanism for satisfying unmet need exists and functions through the League of Older Americans i Roanoke and in every area of the state through its remaining 2 Agencies on Aging; and WHEREAS, it has become impossible to stretch furthe the funds currently available to fulfill present schedules o services and programs for the elderly and also to relieve th unmet needs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board o Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby urge th Governor of Virginia to take action requested by the Virgini Department for the Aging to help it to respond fully with a rang of locally determined life sustaining services to needy elderl~ Virginians. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Superviso Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None IN RE: CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 Q January 12, 1988 Dot Eller, 3611 McDaniel Drive, spoke representing the Fort Lewis Civic League. They are requesting that tax rates be lowered since real estate assessments have been raised. They are particularly concerned about young families and senior citizens' ability to pay their real estate taxes. She also requested that the limits for freezing real estate taxes be raised for senior citizens. Supervisor Johnson requested that staff investigate whether a cost-of-living adjustment could be added to the freezing limits. Supervisor McGraw also asked staff to investigate the state mandated limit. Mr. Mahoney responded that the state sets a ceiling which the County cannot go beyond. Chairman Garrett told Mrs. Eller that this will be included in the budget process. II IN RE: Ifiled. REPORTS 1. Accounts Paid for November 1987 was received andll 2. Results of the Healthcare Survey. Keith Cook outlined the results of the survey that was given to County employees, and announced the County would be bidding for new insurance coverage. January 12, 1988 Supervisor Johnson advised that the School Board hac not had a good experience by bidding out every year and switchinc coverage. Mr. Robers requested that the County look at Thirc Party Administrator arrangements (TPA). Supervisor Nicken~ announced he did not want an expansion of the program until the County institutes a Wellness Program. 3. Water and Sewer Bill Relief for Water Consum tion for Flood Cleanup was received and filed. 4. Accounts Paid for December 1987 was received and filed. IN RE: RECESS Chairman Garrett declared a five minute recess to prepare for the work session IN RE: WORK SESSION 1. Secondary Highway Six-Year Plan This work session includes the recommended changes from the preliminary Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan as presented during the public hearing. 4 ~-2 January 12, 1988 Supervisor Johnson requested that Florist Road be left on the plan to be funded with primary money, rather than remove< as staff recommended. Supervisor Robers advised he was concerned that Cottor Hill Road was not on the Six-Year Plan. Mr. Hodge responder there was no money to fund the improvements to Cotton Hill Road. Fred Altizer, Va. Department of Transportation, responded that if it was possible to obtain right-of-way donations they might be able to add guardrails. The alignment is so bad it would require total reconstruction, but they would attempt to improve the site distance. Supervisor Garrett asked if any of the priorities coul be moved higher Supervisor McGraw stated he felt that th staff had worked hard to establish the priorities, and the Boar should not change them. Engineering Director Phillip Henr outlined how-the staff established the priorities. Supervisor Johnson asked if there was anything th County could do to ensure that the estimates more accurately reflect what the improvements will cost. Mr. Altizer responder that these are simple estimates, and that costs changE substantially when the engineering estimates, land values, anc costs are estimated at the time the funds are actually allocated. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the prepares resolutions for the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plar, 4-1 3 January 12, 1988 and and the Priority Listing as amended. The motion was seconde by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None RESOLUTION N0. 11287-9 APPROVING THE SECONDARY HIGHWAY SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE PERIOD OF 1988-94 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board does hereby approve the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan as set out on the attached summary any as amended by the Board on January 12, 1988; and 2. That a public hearing was held on December 15, 1987, to receive comments on the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan for the period of 1988-94; and 3. That a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency office along with a duly attested copy of the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan by the Clerk to the Board. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None 4 ~ ~- :. January 12, 1988 RESOLUTION N0. 11288-10 APPROVING PRIORITIES FOR THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY HIGHWAY SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board does hereby establish for fiscal year 1988-89 those certain construction fund priorities for the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan in Roanoke County as set out on that certain list of priorities as amended by the Board at its meeting on January 12, 1988; and 2. That a public hearing was held on December 15, 1987, to receive comments on the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan for the period of 1988-94; and 3. That a copy of this resolution duly attested be 'forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency office along with a duly attested copy of said priority list of projects on the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan by the Clerk to the Board. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None January 12, 1988 4 IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION Supervisor Nickens moved to go into Executive Sessio pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (1) t consider a personnel matter. The motion was seconded b' Supervisor Robers and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None IN RE: OPEN SESSION Supervisor Garrett moved to return to Open Session. Th motion was seconded by Supervisor Johnson and carried by th following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None IN RE: ADJOURNMENT Chairman Garrett declared the meeting adjourned tc January 19, 1988 at 5:30 p.m..for a joint work session with the Planning Commission, and January 22, 1988 at 9:00 a.m, for the purpose of a retreat at Hollins College from 1/22/88 through 1/24/88 at 5:00 p.m, ,~ ~± " January 12, 1988 Lee Garrett, Chairman A-3988-7.a ITEM NUMBER ~ Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Grievance Panel and The Health Department Board of Directors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nominations were made at the previous board meeting and must now be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. The nominees have agreed to serve. Grievance Panel: Supervisor Robers nominated Kim Owens to his unexpired two-year term. Ms. Owens term will expire September 27, 1989. Health Department Board of Directors: Supervisor Nickens nominated Susan Adcock to serve a two-year term. Her term will expire November 26, 1989. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~ c ~/ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ Mary H Allen Elmer C. Hodge Deputy Clerk County Administrator ------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion b Lee Garrett/Steven A. No Yes Ab; Denied ( ) McGraw y~ Garrett x Johnson x - Received ( ) McGraw x - Referred Nickens x _ TO Robers x cc: File Grievance Panel File Health Dept Board of Directors A-3988-7.b ITEM NUMBER ~) - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Request for approval for a Raffle Permit from Oak Grove Elementary School PTA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Oak Grove Elementary School PTA has requested a Raffle Permit. This application has been reviewed by the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: rn~. ~/. Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: lmer C. Hod County Administrator ---------------- ------------------------ACTION VOTE Motion b T ~ Garrett/Steven A. 1Qo Yes Ab Approved (x) y' Brittle ~Y_ - Denied ( ) *^--~'Y to approve Received ( ) Garrett ~ - Ref erred To Johnson _~ McGraw x Nickens x cc: File Oak Grove PTA Bingo File ~'~ O~ ~y0AN0~~ ~ ROANp'rl >. ~ O F ,A ~, , L Z ~ ~ a? COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA s • i• a~ 18ya COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE I.183B APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sec. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sec. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) RAFFLE PERMIT ~ BINGO GAMES 7 -~ 7 Name of Organization CE..~ C~-~~~` L.~LiY1~/~~c~r~ ~~ft- ~' ,--~ / Street Address <~ ~a~~ ~~r~~ nc~t r~ ~~cl f_- ,C 7~ Mailing Address ~C~r)'~ ~ City, State, Zip Code ~~c~-n~~/~°- ~~~ ~~~~/~ Purpose and Type of Organization °7G~-Y"~~'1~` ` I~i~i'_~~r/~' /~S.Se%v When was the organization founded? J~%~,~-~ ~'- 3 Roanoke County meeting place? C~CL~ ~~'~ ~ ` ~~ ~c%c^ Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES ~-/ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES /' NO_ Indicate Federal Identification Number # ,~/ ~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President:~~~~ ~j~L,.-~~.~s Vice-President ~Cl ~ ~ ~-~' ~ ~ ~ Address : ~=~'~~~;Z ~i~-i7t/~ ~--n . ,/ Address : %~7/~ /mil c K(;~r y. ~~~ ~~ J~r-- ---~ Secretary:_~~t'~~ ~~rn ~~h ~, ~~ Treasurer: Address : _ ~ /~i r~ l,~r) % Address : ~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: ~, .-- Name ~, Home Address ~ ,,~ - ~~ ~l z j-. S - w ~6~, v ~~~ Phone ~~ 9 -/(a / ~ Bus . Phone - A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific ,l~o'ca/Jtion where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing~~_~ /ffs,~ Time of Drawing ~ ; 00 h/r~ BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday From To Monday From_ To- Tuesday From To Wednesday From To Thursday From To Friday From To _ Saturday From To 2 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the use of the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. ail ~,r-~; ~ ~~~~:~ ~~~;,~~ ~ c ~~t ~~1~ ~<.; fl ~~ ~~ ~ i ~ l~ ~~~~' r' --~ ~ (.~ r .'" l'~ Cc S ~ ~ ~ i~~ C cL ~ C ~'1 cti ~ /'n ~~ L~ C1'~v~`~' 3 ~-3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building,where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a SO1-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1 . Gross receipts nt Binlo by calendarlqua r ero forepri or calenf Bingo games or Insta g dar year period. INSTANT BINGO BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter - - Total Total 2, Does your organization understand erson orsfirm,o associaf law to enter into a contract with any p _ tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any cla orfcon- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ~~ S 3, Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? e 4, Does your organization understand that the Commissremises the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the p on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform uednto be maintained fo r Bingoegames o~rrafflesall re- cords requir `~ 4 ~- 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~~•S 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? E=5 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? ~~' 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? ~•.~ 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the f first of November? ~/~;;> 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for - such dates, as are designated in the permit application? ~S 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? ~/~,j 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? ~~. 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~C~S 5 -~ 14. Has your organization attach a complete list of its member- ship to this app icatisn~Qrm? =~' ~L ion attached a copy of its bylaws to this 15. Has your organizat application form? ~/~t~ - 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutesersonal property, If yes, state whether exemption is for real, p or both and identify exempt property. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered wursuantVtogtheaCharit ble of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs p SolicitationChAco, Softregistragion,~he Virginia Code? (If so, atta PY Has the organization been fraAnted ulture and Consumerg Affairs? by the Virginia Department o of exemption.) (If so, attach copy ALL RAFFLE APPLICANT ANpEpROCEED TO NOTARIZATIONTO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, Article Description ~ ~T/ ~ r 1 ~u hr sh ~ !~~ ~ ~~°~l~r~' ~//~J.v ~~~~ ~C(i LT y~~~,~ ~~ y ~t~.t.'~ Fair Market Value "~~-G1 `,.~~ r? _ ~ ~~ ~~ G"~~ 6 „ c+-arP the specific type and purpose of the organization. ~- ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. ion understand that the bingo games shall anizat uently than two calendar days in any 20. Does your org freq not be CO eek~ed more uired to keep calendar 1g,2- our organization undametaThesearecords based on § Code 21. Does Y comp a of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke Coun y lete rther Cod f the bingo g 340.6 of must include the following: and address of uantity, and card value of instant the date, q as well as the name a. p, record of urchased, o supplies, and written bingo supplies p bing urchase of in- the supplier of such instant for each p t is also required invoice oro supppies? stant bing o is Played' of the dates on wheach date, and the b. A record in writing number of PeOQle in atrizesn on each day? the is and p ears.) amount of receip (These records must be retained for three Y ndividual to whom a ame prize or jackpot the name and address of eac 1 c. p, record °f regular or special Bingo g door prize. of Bingo is awarded? from the playing is and disburse- record of all rec the quarterly and d. p, complete and item and that agree with, which suPP°rt' be filed, and that these records ments rep°rts required to ermit audit?_.~ annual only must be maintained in reasonable order to nstant Bingo may i ular Bingo game is in progress, Does your organization understand tha s ecifled in 22. be conducted at such time as reg at such locations and at such times as are and only lication? the gross receipts in this app Bingo our organization understand tlating of instant 23, Does Y orting year from the P is of an organization's the course of a rep ross receip may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the g Bingo °peration? not sell an instant Does your organization understand it ears °f age? 24 below sixteen y Bingo card to an individual anization where organization understand that an or exceed °haVee been 25, Does your o operations thaear shall gross receipts from all bing n any calendar Y of the United ursuant to Section 501• pected to exceed $75,000 granted tax-exempt status p Internal Revenue Service? States be attached.) (Certificate must 7 1~- ~ 2C, Does your organization unnefilenwhichtauthorizescthfs use cat pancy must be obtained or be o the proposed location? our organization understand that awards or prize money 27. Does y amounts are or merchandise valued in excess of the following illegal? rite shall exceed twenty-five dollars. a, No door p No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- b. red dollars. No 'ackpot of any nature whatsoen~rofh~ackpotepaio es Tawarded c' ~ nor shall the total amou Dollars, exceed One Thousand Dollars. in any one calendar day * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: TAE FOLLOWING APPLICANTS OATH MUST BE TAREN BY ALL enalties of perjury as set I hereby swear or affirm under the P that all of the above forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginknowledge, information, and statements areuestions havebbeen answered. beliefs. All q Signed by: a ~vv ~-( Q Title Home Address Subscribed and sworn before me, My commission expires: _' /S' 19 ~u ~ .RETtTR ~THI~ ~, ~ t N f ~ ? ~~1' ~. ~ i t, ~„~ ~ s' '; ~ .... . f day of ~ 19~ this __ ,~~/ Notary ubli 8 3 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date oinmissi ner of th evenu The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 A-3988-7.c ITEM NUMBER ~' - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 1988 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodmont Manor Section 3 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Woodmont Manor Section 3, James H. Buckland and Lloyd G. Lazarus, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water_ and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed as plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Asso Section No. 3 Woodmont Manor dated July 3, file in the Public Facilities Department. line construction meets the specifications by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: shown on engineering ciates entitled, 1986, which are on The water and sewer and the plans approved The values of the water and sewer construction are $5,000 and $11,500, respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. ~' SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. enry, P.E Director of Engineering APPROVED: ,~ Ca~.as~-Ti... lmer C. Hod County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Lee Garrett/Steven No Yes Abs Denied ( ) A. McGraw Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phil Henry Clifford Craig John Hubbard 2 ~., \ ~ .,-' _1 ; >; \ - ~,1N. l.i~{ . Orf 0 4~E~ [pAF ILLS \ ~ . h~cw t fT is ~ % 0.~ ~• WAITRON FARMS. \'~ , •, IITT`E NORM .._ CASTI~OCK FM~u CrN~NI/, Da41 +. rypTTIGTGSAMcv[ svarNC_ Gw[ , ~~.i~ a ~ •~41GT~It}G~~ ~ l VICINITY MAP ~~v ! u. vSPr ~ih / ~ .. :r. ~l ~YC~r, I . (c `~~1 ~ M~ J 5 ~' a19 c -~ ,~'' J `R/`{~f'o ~~ I PBM ~ / ~._ ~~ N • •~I~f TI l Acceptance of water and sewer PUBLIC FACILITIES Woodmont Manor Section 3 3 A-3988-7.d ITEM NUMBER ~_ 5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 1988 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Meadow Creek Section 2 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developer of Meadow Creek Section 2, D and J Developers, has requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed as shown on engineering plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled, Section 2 Meadow Creek dated August 22, 1985, which are on file in the Public Facilities Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $10,000 and $17,000, respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. ~-5 SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. H nry, P.E. Director of Engineering APPROVED: N . ~GC- lmer C. Hodge ~ County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ~ Motion by: Lee Garrett/Steven A. No Yes Abs Denied ( > McGraw Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phil Henry Clifford Craig John Hubbard 2 Tn~~~°~A~RwAV~kp~t'~'a. v,,,~q ~~; ~~ aR;, . '~~~'~Q%aP t~ ti li~ / ~~ YL! EEIIDRD ~,!: Wl HIQ(O~yY \ /' ~ W~ MIL ,. /" \ ~+~ECMFIfID~ ~lv~ ~R ,', Si ~~ 7 °R`n°DD J ` ~ : ~ 1 \ v- ~° ° a ~ 1 b r.c:;, • ~ Site ~ ~ ' c~ HID(~N VA ~ - . - ~. CO ° ... ,r. 7~ 1 ~ ~ SS n[rsC+ (` ~ 7"~ ~WYJ~AK 7 1 < ~ GRANp~N ` iR0. EX~~ P ( K =+" "AND if 3 LAU _ f o ~, tom' .~ N ~ - ----' ~ -. MILL , ao~f 1. • BRiDt[_ __: SCR al~~°"D ~~~~~y.~~~~ ~"'~ ,.. i. ; ---' I` ~i C~6CR~"K~NAOr^~ Y' ,~P ,"~, t 4 ~~'! _~n~~sv A t r~~ I ~i f'li~[[~~}~JJ ~ (P yki~ S ~ gpw,[~~R//_~pyp uu~~,~.QQ jy~ ~ ~/J ~~^ ' •~ P(•C AiirV BROON~i~~D~tO9gf< 1 Y•OT~TWWIM'NDN ~~~~J . . _ _ - ~. ~• ~~/A/ ~,~~ SUGA~COA~EaST. ~o:r=4~r ~G'91~. ~ ~FDDCIARD ,,r:~CP ! i _. ~4\~•!- µ:\' ~°'^~.~ `~, CORDCIf ~, + VICINITY MAP ~`~"".o~4a_ ~4,~" .,.:~~~C~~iiLj <.,,,. ,~ :. ....... ~ fn ITEM NUMBER ~~- Ca AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 8, 1988 SUBJECT: Request for Virginia Department of Transportation Matching Fund for Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) Pavement Improvements COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: R.~' Oo..o.,Ca of P.~,.,,D,,~,y/~ . na- „t,VO,~ ~.G,~:.u ..~G~,y,., .t.~...~.,~ „L,,.l. ..EO„t, ~C. . p ~ ~ ~.~owa~4. Qn,4 .,G~nrKw.~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance to the attached letter, the property owners on Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) are requesting that the Virginia Department of Transportation participate in the upgrade of their street pavement from tar and gravel to bituminous pavement. In accordance to Section 33.1-75.1 of Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Special Funds for Systems in Certain Counties, upgrade of the pavement on Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) could be accomplished by utilization of Virginia Department of Transportation special matching funds with the locality providing a 50$ match. Based on preliminary estimates, the cost of this pavement upgrade along Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) for a distance of approximately 1200 feet is $8,500 with the property owners being responsible for 50~ of actual cost, or an estimated $4,250. The property owners will be requested and will be required to provide to the Treasurer of Roanoke County a check to cover their anticipated cost prior to the Resolution being forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation. After completion of the improvements with a final accounting of cost, then any excess funds or overrun would be worked out between Roanoke County and the property owners. It is anticipated that this estimated cost will be in excess of actual construction which would result in a refund to the property owners. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: ~J The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the attached Resolution which would request that the Virginia Department of Transportation provide a matching fund allocation to upgrade the pavement on Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) from tar and gravel to bituminous pavement. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~LC~ Phillip T. Ienry, P.E %Elmer C. Hodge ~~ Director of Engineeri g County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 2 1 ~ I '.-,vim _ \ , ""W~~CW~F~EEST ! , i. ~ ~ ~ [Wr~.4,T~1 ~£tl~1i1 ~ ~-~,-'" . 1iCK ~ ~ ~ (9t5DAtE AAAt 44q.p` fF' P'I1 ~~ ~,{ -;EOM ! '!.C iM(~SR~; 1 \4~~~ 09E15R~ .~ DOJ __ ~ ^~^'= ~ lA` /I_ tC~1~ , E S~ W clue / i ~ sA°~ ~oR~ . ~ ~W8 I .FOREST.. ~inN1 4~ ~ ~ .>.~ ~ CE IIEEa3F \\\~~~ F 4.t,.uwuY ~~~;~ ~..fARMINGOQ ~ ~., ~ RiUE AD 11~;~5 a° 1~1 4 ~ . Y AD ( G~' d' V - ~ ~ O <OH 0.D y 1 Y t - F ~, -vv.uD.H,oer~ 1 '~ x\ ~- i ,t~.MOd-un_ v~tltr 55 , \ /0 7 ~.J ~ sl~ti~,a~• ~+ ~,,c:w\ E." /oE~ SUNSET t~~ - - - S. ~ ~~ Eta , ~ ' w.. f+, ~ t ~ ,,;001 1 /~ ~ -~,.+m,/"~ `S "~I" ,~ ~. }~~ql(E - WINDSOI~tAKE c cs cm°~. i A 22°: .A~~~RW Y w>,Ia ~/ ppuC~ 33RY~ 50 ~ eElroa° ~Yw~~ Ht0(Og,Y\ ~ -~ ~-~EMFlftD y`i~ ~ !t ~~ ~ VICINITY MAP~a~,~,,g~`-~.°A °~ ~ ¢i - Cfi N NORTH ti 9 • 9 • b° ~ I i 8 ° ° ~ ~ b °3 e t_ r 's ~ 7 ~ M340, 000• ii._ `0 ... ~` •: -'~~" Q3 : .`1~4' e 3 ;P . 10 5 `tio t• J ~6 Y ' ' ~ O ~ bt ,. 1 a 9 z ~ ~ i~ f .c d /O 4 a ~r4 `,° I o ~ ~ ~~\~ h y !! r ; ( ~r } Y 2 4 ~ J; JC ! tt~r 3 . o 0 ~ ~ r° a a 927 J ~9 y ~ 13 ~ I9.0T r ~ 1 i3 "A•~~~ Kays I>S .~~ `Z - /J 158.19 ... ~.~-- \`~ 0 e 0` F .' ~.~,~A: 4 .Yx fr 4 I ~ h~~. 'S Sv.el ...~ ~ ~ J 3 - rt G . _ !!6 , 14 . ~.~ x ' L. ~~h , L 521 113b4 41 CI fet ~ w 429 BOmMIdt (~0M11f ~... ~\ ~ /4 ...~_ 70.97r -'.. 246.99 /P Lakemont Dr. -~' 1Z `• ~_!! 40 12617 ti 16 11 149 _ 16 206.9! 114 94 ~' N ITT.41 ZJ ZZ ~9j~, A 20 - 19 R _ . Sq ~ e J ~9T 9336 114.]! 911.61 179 O, ~S Lokemont X02 ISS.til 140 \ /~J 21 Q 3 26 2.74 Ac 3~~ i s a 22 _ Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) Pavement Improvements PUBLIC FACILITIES 3 ~ 1 - Cfj AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1988 RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING LOCAL FUNDS AND REQUESTING SPECIAL FUNDS ALLOCATION TO IMPROVE FARMWOOD DRIVE (ROUTE 1385) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the application of property owners along Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) to have their road improved by adding bituminous pavement overlay. 2. That in accordance with Section 33.1-75.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, State matching allocation is available to improve, maintain, construct, or reconstruct State highways within the County. 3. The property owners of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) have agreed to provide to the County's general fund the equivalent amount of the local share needed for the State's equivalent matching allocation and have deposited these funds with the Roanoke County Treasurer's Office prior to the official request for pavement upgrade of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) being submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation. 4. That Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation improve Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) for an approximate .distance of 1200 feet, and the funds be appropriated and allocated for the local share of this project and be made available to the Virginia Department of Transportation at the appropriate time. 4 K- ~ 5. That the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby requested to make available an equivalent matching allocation for the improvement of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). 6. That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish this project, upon form as approved b the County Attorney. y 5 _---c- -~ F, ~` ~. ,. ~ , -:~ -'; \ , ~, ~- Mr. Phillip T. Henry, P.E. Director of Engineering County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Va. 24018 Dear Mr. Henry: ~~~oUQ~ ~/~dS rx /~~' ~0 7/3 Pursuant to your letter of September 24, 1987, the undersigned property owners along Farmwood Drive, Roanoke, Va. formally request to participate in the Department of Transportation's revenue sharing program to upgrade our street, at the intersection of Farmwood Drive and Keagy Road, Roanoke County, from a tar and gravel payment to a plant mix/bituminous pavement. We request that this construction take place during the summer/fall 1988 paving schedule. As we understand, the property owners will provide 50~ of the cost of this upgrade, which you have estimated to be $2.00 per linear foot of frontages. Sincerely, //'I , l L'i,~L'; r a- ~ ,~i . ~ J - i y,, ~ ~ ~ 6 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF 'I'HEEBROANOKE COUNTYIADMINOISTRATIONE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TH MARCH 9, 1988 CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, RESOLUTION 3988-7.e APPROPRIATING LOCAL FUNDS AND REQUESTING SPECIAL FUNDS ALLOCATION TO IMPROVE FARMWOOD DRIVE (ROUTE 1385) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the lication of property owners along Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) app to have their road improved by adding bituminous pavement overlay. 2, That in accordance with Section 33.1-75.1 of the de of Virginia, 1950, as amended, State matching allocation is Co available to improve, maintain, construct, or reconstruct State highways within the County. 3. The property owners of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) have a reed to provide to the County's general fund the equivalent g amount of the local share needed for the State's equivalent matching allocation and have deposited these funds with the Roanoke County Treasurer's Office prior to the official request for pavement upgrade of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) being submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation• of 4. That Roanoke County and the Virginia Department Transportation improve Farmwood Drive (Route 1385) for an approximate distance of 1200 feet, and the funds be ro'ect appropriated and allocated for the local share of this p J A ~. and be made available to the Virginia Department of Transportation at the appropriate time. 5. That the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby requested to make available an equivalent matching allocation for the improvement of Farmwood Drive (Route 1385). 6. That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish this project, upon form as approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk 3/10/88 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director of Engineering John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Va. Dept. of Transportation ,~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE MEETING DATE: March 9, 1988 ITEM NUMBER OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER SUBS CTs Status Report on Decal Fee and Personal Propert Tax Compliance Efforts y COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the Board's direction, Commissioner of Revenue Wayne Com and I met last week to discuss compliance of ordinances concernin possible options to ensue and payment of g Purchase of automobile decals personal property taxes. We are exploring several alternative programs to s compliance, none of which would re uire additional any department. q ecure involve minimal costsototthemCounpromisin Personnel in offset by the additional revenue g alternatives would Y~ but these costs would be generated from the project. We plan to study each of these alternatives and make a deci ' on the best option during the budget preparation. slon lmer C. Hod e ---------------------------------------County Administrator --------------- Approved ( ) Motion by:ACTION ---------------- Denied ( ) VOTE Received ( ) No Yes Abs Referred Garrett To Johnson --------- McGraw Nickens Robers O~ ROANp~.~ Z v .:. a? ~$ E50 $8 SFSQUICENTENN~R~ A BeautifulBeginning A C~nixn~~ of ~~rttn~ke COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE R. WAYNE COMPTON T0: All concerned FROM: R. Wayne Compton SUBJECT: Decal Fees and Personal Property compliance DATE: March 9, 1988 One of my major concerns in the area of decal fees and personal property compliance is the problem with the out-of-state residents moving into Roanoke County. Our office tries to work closely with the Assessor's Office in obtaining information concerning new residents. Additionally, we do yearly apartment checks. We have also tried to educate the area car dealers and have provided information in the Division of Motor Vehicle offices. Yet, this is not enough. I propose that the county do more to try to solve this problem. We need to work closely with the Utility Department in gathering information on new accounts and closed accounts. This would give us an advantage of knowing when new residents were moving into the county. Still, this information would only involve 15,000 accounts. I believe we could work with the Utility Department even further by having the three meter readers be aware of our efforts to locate cars without county decals. These employees are in a good position to spot any vehicles parked at county residences which may not have county decals. One other way to t.ry to find these vehicles would be to hire two college students for part-time work during the summer to check county apartment complexes. We have found that often the residents who live in apartments are not aware of personal property taxes as they would have no reason to come to the administration center to sign up for utilities or to pay real estate taxes. The Commissioner of the Revenue's office will be available and willing to do whatever is necessary to remedy this problem. P.O. BOX 20409 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 2 4018-0513 (703) 772-2048 OF ROANp~~ ~ .~ Z ~~ ~ c~ ~ a2 18 E50 88 S~SQU-CENTENN~P'~ A Beauti fulBegiuning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ~IIltttflJ Af ~IIc~ItAkP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT E30B L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATgWgq MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT P L E A S E N O T E On March 8th at 3:00 p,m,, the Board of g meet only briefly, At that time the upervisors will Wednesda Y will adjourn until March 9, 1988 at 3 •m• The re attached a gular business on genda will be discussed at the March 9th me For further information etin , please contact 772-2005, P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798. X703) 772_ 2004 OF ROANp~~ ~ , /• L 2 p 7 ~ ~ a2 18 E50~ 88 SFSOI/ICENTENN\P\' A Beauri fu/Bcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ~IILilt~l~ Ltd ~i1FIYi11~F March 11, 1988 Mr. Parker Foley 3767 Kentland Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Foley: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN70N MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for Department Board of Dircto~sr previous service to the Health for the time you served on thisABoardme to personally thank you the needs of their communit Citizens so responsive to and their time are indeed allatooWSCarce.to give of themselves Very truly. yours Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha cc: Dr. Margaret Hagan Director, Alleghany Health District P.O. BOX 29800. ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24p1g_rj798 X703) 772.2004 OF ROANp~,~ ~ ,A t Z A ~ ~ ~ a2 18 >•E~ 88 SFSQV~CENTENN~P~' A Btauti/ulBtginninp COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nixn~~ of ~nttnnke March 11, 1988 Ms. Susan Adcock 3395 Randall Drive, SE Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Dear Ms. Adcock: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAyygq MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on Wednesda March 9, 1988 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimousl aPPoint you as a member of Y~ Directors for a two_ the Health Department Board of to 26, 1989• year term which will expire on November State law provides that an aPPointed, or re-appointed to an Y person elected, re-elected, Freedom of Information Act• Y body be furnished a co also sendin ~ Your 1987 copy is enclosed, PY of the g you a copy of the 1987 Conflicts of InterestWActre On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and a your willingness to accept this appointment. Ppreciation for Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures Dr. Margaret Hagan Director, Alleghany Health District P.O. BOX 2g8Op F?OANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (7O3) 772-2004 OF PCA/yC~F ~ ,A L 2 A ~ ~ °v a= 18 ,E50 88 S~SQ~/ICENTENN\P~' A Beauti~ulBcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~n~un~,~ of ~uttnuke March 11, 1888 Ms. Kim Owens 3353 Forest Ridge Road Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Ms. Owens: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL D157RIC7 RICHARD W. ROBERS, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGIS7ERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWgq MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on We March 9, 1988, the Board of Su appoint you as a member of the Grievance Panel toafilluslyntOday, unexpired two-year term of Richard W. Robers. expire September 27 the 1989. Your term will State law provides that an appointed, or re-appointed to an Y person elected, re-elected, Freedom of Information Act• Y body be furnished a co also sending you a co Your 1987 copy is enclosed. pY °f the PY of the 1987 Conflicts of InterestWActre On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of R County, please accept our sincere thanks and a your willingness to accept this a oanoke ppointment• ppreciation for Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: D. Keith Cook Director of Human Resources P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp~~ ~ ,A L ~ ~ ~ d= 18 .E~ 88 S~SQU/CENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Richard W. Robers 4030 Chaparral Drive Roanoke, Viginia 24018 Dear Dick: i~tarch 11, 1988 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBq MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express sincere appreciation for Panel. Allow me to Your previous service to the their on this Board, personally thank you for the time Grievance communit Citizens so responsive to the needs of ytheirrved indeed allatoowscarce•to glue of themselves and their time are Very truly yours Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh cc: D. Keith Cook Director of Human Resources (~nunfg of ~nttnnkr f'O. BOX 29800 ROANOItE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 98 ('7031 -772.2004 O~ ROANp~,~ z c_~ J a 2 ,~.{ rtrt ~~ VY~ ~~ ~i~` ~~4~' ~~ 18 ~.~ 88 „~~JJ SFSGUICENTENN~p~ ABcauti(ulBeginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR RICHARD W. BORERS. VICE•CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HODGE BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT March 10, 1988 HARRY C.NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Ms. Iris Dellinger 5625 Orchard Valley Cr.,SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Ms. Dellinger At their regular meeting on Wednesday, March 9, 1988, the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Oak Grove Elementary School PTA for a raffle permit. The fee has been paid. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the Raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis; therefore, the permit will expire December 31, 1988. This permit, however, is only valid for the dates specified on your application. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2004. Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 LIONBERGER 5903 STARKEY RD • P O BOX 20209 • ROANOKE, VA 24018-0507 CONSTRUCTION (703) 989-5301 COMPANY ~,1 ~ '~' .~ ~. ~~~ I ~ _ ~ ~) ~' ~;. February 23, 1988 ~`, Mr. Elmer Hodge, County Administrator ROANOKE COUNTY 3738 Brambleton Ave., S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 REF: SPECIAL STUDY COMMITTEE FOR EFFICIENCY IN OBTAINING PERMIT REVIEW Dear Elmer: Thank you very much for meeting with Buford Lumsden and myself last week. As per your request, we have contacted the following persons who have agreed to serve with us to assist in any way possible... Mr. Dan Horner, Architect HORNER AND ASSOCIATES Mr. Wayne Campbell, President CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION CO. Mr. Lou Jamison, President HERITAGE BUILDERS, INC. We are available at our request. Sincerely y r , NRER C STRUCTION COMPANY Sa,~uel L. I~~~er, Jr. , AIC o!`~ 6EM(RA~~oi • • A R`M/CO iA~ sa Y OF AME0.\t~ Authorized Builder VA. REGISTRATION NO. 6273 Armco Building Systems