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1/24/1989 - Regular
o~ POANp~~ a ~ Z ~ ~ 1~.~ a ~~~r~~ u~ ~~~t~~ ,~ ~ 18 .E,.S 88 S~SQUrCEN7ENN~P~ ~~ rt.•.,.„~~~,rH~,;~~,~~r.,,; ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 24, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL MEMBERS PRESENT 2. Invocation: JOHN CHAMBLISS ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. NONE C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS JOHN HUBBARD INTRODUCED TERRY HARRINGTON, NEW DIRECTOR OF PLANNING ECH PRESENTED ROANOKE COUNTY HISTORY BOOK TO BOARD MEMBERS D. WORK SESSION 1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report PRESENTED BY DIANE HYATT E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request of CBL Management for County participation in extension of water lines. (Continued from January 10, 1989). A-12489-1 HCN/LG TO APPROVE ALT.$1 URC 2. Authorization to appropriate funds to the Arts Festival sponsored by the Arts Council of Roanoke Valley. A-12489-2 BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE ALT. #1 URC 3. Authorization to settle pending litigation with John Hall & Company for outstanding utility bills. HCN/BLJ TO TABLE FOR STAFF TO COMPARE FOR CONSISTENCY WITH OTHER SIMILAR SETTLEMENTS AYES-BLJ, RR, HCN, LG NAYS-SAM 4. Claim of Leonard Butler A-12489-3 BLJ/SAM TO DENY CLAIM URC F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS WORK SESSION SET FOR 2/14/89 ON LANDFILL AND RECYCLING G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Request for Public Hearing on February 14, 1989 to borrow short-term in anticipation of taxes. HCN/RR TO APPROVE URC H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 2. Library Board BLJ NOMINATED DR. NORMA JEAN PETERS 3. Transportation and Safety Commission 9. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board LG NOMINATED SHERRY ROBINSON AND JAMES K_ SANDERS 2 I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR JOHNSON: (1) MOTION, SECONDED BY ROBERS TO DIRECT PAUL MAHONEY TO BRING BACK TO THE BOARD A DRAFT ANTI-CRUISE ORDINANCE - UNANIMOUS ROLL CALL VOTE (2) ASKED THE CHAIRMAN TO APPOINT TIM GUBALA TO THE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU; (3) ASK FOR A REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE 75/25 PROGRAM. ECH WILL BRING BACK TO BOARD ON 3/14/88; (4) REQUESTED RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO ART WHITAKER WHO HAS BEEN WITH PIEDMONT AIRLINES FOR 41 YEARS AND INVITE HIM TO MEETING TO RECEIVE RESO; (5) REQUESTED THAT COPIES OF THE HISTORY BOOK AND SESQUICENTENNIAL COIN BE GIVEN TO THE STATE LEGISLATORS, GOV., LT. GOV, ATTORNEY GENERAL, SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN. FUNDING TO COME FROM BOARD CONTINGENCY FUND. SUPERVISOR ROBERS: (1) REPORTED THAT THE VALLEY COOPERATION COMMITTEE IS WORKING WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO INVITE PEOPLE FROM NORTHERN VA. TO THE ROANOKE VALLEY; (2) REQUESTED THAT STAFF INVESTIGATE WITH NORTHCROSS SCHOOL THE POSSIBILITY OF A HIGHWAY MARKER ACKNOWLEDGING THEIR STATE CHAMPIONSHIP BASKETBALL TEAM. SUPERVISOR MCGRAW: EXPRESSED APPRECIATION TO ROANOKE CITY COUNCILMAN DAVID BOWERS FOR HIS ACTIONS DONE IN THE THE INTEREST OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY. SUPERVISOR GARRETT: DIRECTED ECH TO CHECK OUT THE HANDICAPPED RAMP ENTRANCE AT THE HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY TO SEE IF IT IS A WORKABLE ENTRANCE FOR THE HANDICAPPED. J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-12489-4 BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE - UW 1. Confirmation of appointment to the Community Corrections Policy Board. A-12489-4.a 2. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 3. 3 A-12489-4.b 3. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 4. A-12489-4.c 4. Request for acceptance of Westbriar Court into the Va. Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-12489-4.d 5. Request for acceptance of a portion of Cavalier Drive and Cavalier Court into the Va. Dept. of Transportation Secondary System. R-12489-4.e 6. Acceptance of sewer facilities serving-Penn Forest Wesleyan Church. A-12489-4.f K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Richard Evans to speak concerning the Utility Billing Ordinance. LG DIRECTED STAFF TO BRING BACK A REPORT ON 2/14/89 ON WHY DEPOSIT WAS INSTITUTED, CHECK INTO THE EVANS PROGRAM, AND REPORT TO INCLUDE POSSIBLE METHODS FOR PAYMENT MORE THAN EVERY 3 MONTHS. L. REPORTS RECEIVED AND FILED AFTER DISCUSSION OF K-5 HCN REQUESTED CHANGES TO LANDFILL SITING SCHEDULE 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid - December 1988 5. Landfill Siting Schedule 6. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures as of December 31, 1988. 4 M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (7) to discuss a legal matter: School Board, Consolidation LG/BLJ AT 5:10 URC WITH SAM ABSENT EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS .WERE ADVERTISED BUT WILL NOT BE HEARD. THEY HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION. Petition of Joe Bander and Son, Inc. for a Special Use Permit to operate a private construction debris landfill. Petition of Samual R. Carter III for a Special Use Permit to operate a private construction debris landfill. N. PUBLIC HEARINGS 189-1 Public Hearing to receive written or oral comments for items to be included in the budget for 1989-90 fiscal vear. 5 CITIZENS SPOKE 189-2 Petition of Robert and Patricia Crouse to rezone a 4.82 acre tract from B-1 Business to M-2, Industrial to operate a trucking terminal, located approximately 0.5 mile east of I-81 exit 39 (Dixie Caverns on the south side of West Main Street (Route 460) in the Catawba Magisterial District.(CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 13, 1988) SAM/HCN TO DENY PETITION URC 189-3 Petition of Jollv Time, Inc. for a Special Exception Permit to operate an amusement and video arcade located at 4394 Electric Road in Tanglewood Mall in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. HCN/SAM TO APPROVE WITH ONE CONDITION 189-4 Petition of Klas and Eva Guertler requesting a Use Not Provided For Permit to operate a dental laboratory on a tract containing .875 acre and 5 located at 1280 Longview Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. LG/RR TO APPROVE WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS URC 189-5 Petition of Wayne Boitnott and Ralph Mabes requesting to ameand the future land use map designation from Development to Transition and requesting rezoning from R-2 Residential to B-1 Business to construct an office park on a tract containing 3.20 acres and located on the north side of Ogden Road approximately 300 feet east of its intersection with Colonial Avenue in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. RR/BLJ TO CHANGE LAND USE DESIGNATION AYES=BLJ, RR, HCN, LG ABSTAIN-SAM RR/BLJ TO APPROVE WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS AYES-BLJ, RR, HCN, LG ABSTAIN-SAM 189-6 Petition of George Marshall requesting vacation of a 15 foot portion of a sanitary sewer easement in Stonebridge Court Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. HCN/RR TO APPROVE URC O. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 189-7 Petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to amend the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance by adopting the Roanoke County Street and Off-Street Design Standards and Specifications. SAM/LG TO APPROVE 1ST READING STAFF TO ADDRESS CITIZENS QUESTIONS AND HIGHLIGHT MANUAL FOR SECOND READING - 2/14/89 URC 189-8 Petition of Fralin and Waldron requesting vacation of a portion of the previously platted subdivision Th mas H Beasley property on the referred to as o south side of Va. Secondary Road 679 (Buck Mountain Road) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. HCN/SAM TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 2/14/89 - URC P. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and reenacting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code, Precious Metals and Gems. BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE 1ST READING URC HCN ASKED FOR FEE FOR RENEWAL OF PERMIT Q. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the conveyance of surplus property near the intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road. 0-12489-5 HCN/RR TO APPROVE ORD. URC 2. Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Code to provide for a prohibition upon the location of certain types of signs. 0-12489-6 BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE ORD. URC R. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Melvin T. Patrick to speak on behalf of residents f Winterberry Pointe. NOT PRESENT S. ADJOURNMENT at 9:33 7 OF POAN0,5-F a ~ ~ ~ a ~~~rt~ ~~ ~~~trtu~~e ,~ oo ~ 1 ~ TEENS SS SFSQVICENTENN~Q'~ Af3canfi~ulBeKinnin~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JANUARY 24, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS D. WORK SESSION 1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request of CBL Management for County participation in extension of water lines. (Continued from January 10, 1989). 2. Authorization to appropriate funds to the Arts Festival sponsored by the Arts Council of Roanoke Valley. 3. Authorization to settle pending litigation with John Hall & Company for outstanding utility bills. 4. Claim of Leonard Butler F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Request for Public Hearing on February 14, 1989 to borrow short-term in anticipation of taxes. H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 2. Library Board 3. Transportation and Safety Commission 4. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of appointment to the Community Corrections Policy Board. 2 2. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 3. 3. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 4. 4. Request for acceptance of Westbriar Court into the Va. Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Request for acceptance of a portion of Cavalier Drive and Cavalier Court into the Va. Dept. of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of sewer facilities serving Penn Forest Wesleyan Church. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Richard Evans to speak concerning the Utility Billing Ordinance. L. REPORTS 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid - December 1988 5. Landfill Siting Schedule 6. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures as of December 31, 1988. M. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (7) to discuss a legal matter: School Board, Consolidation EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS WERE ADVERTISED BUT WILL NOT BE HEARD. THEY HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION. Petition of Joe Bandy and Son, Inc. for a Special Use Permit to operate a private construction debris landfill. 3 Petition of Samual R. Carter III for a Special Use Permit to operate a private construction debris landfill. N. PUBLIC HEARINGS 189-1 Public Hearing to receive written or oral comments for items to be included in the budget for 1989-90 fiscal year. 189-2 Petition of Robert and Patricia Crouse to rezone a 4.82 acre tract from B-1 Business to M-2, Industrial to operate a trucking terminal, located approximately 0.5 mile east of I-81 exit 39 (Dixie Caverns on the south side of West Main Street (Route 460) in the Catawba Magisterial District.(CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 13, 1988) 189-3 Petition of Jollv Time, Inc. for a Special Exception Permit to operate an amusement and video arcade located at 4394 Electric Road in Tanglewood Mall in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 189-4 Petition of Klas and Eva Guertler requesting a Use Not Provided For Permit to operate a dental laboratory on a tract containing .875 acre and located at 1280 Longview Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 189-5 Petition of Wayne Boitnott and Ralph Mabes requesting rezoning from R-2 Residential to B-1 Business to construct an office park on a tract containing 3.20 acres and located on the north side of Ogden Road approximately 300 feet east of its intersection with Colonial Avenue in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 189-6 Petition of George Marshall requesting vacation of a 15 foot portion of a sanitary sewer easement in Stonebridge Court Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 189-7 Petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to amend the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance by adopting the Roanoke County Str et and Off-Street Design Standards and Specifications. 4 189-8 Petition of Fralin and Waldron requesting vacation of a portion of the previously platted subdivision referred to as Thomas H. Beasley property on the south side of Va. Secondary Road 679 (Buck Mountain Road) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. P. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and reenacting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code, Precious Metals and Gems. Q. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the conveyance of surplus property near the intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road. 2. Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Code to provide for a prohibition upon the location of certain types of signs. R. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Melvin T. Patrick to speak on behalf of residents of Winterberry Pointe. S . ADJOURNMENT 5 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on the County's Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 1988 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the Board of Supervisors request, there will be a work session at this time related to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the County of Roanoke for the Year Ended June 30, 1988. A brief presentation will be made along with written responses to any questions directed to the Finance Office from the Board of Supervisors. A handout will be provided at the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Diane D. Hyat. Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator -------------------------ACTION ----- VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~-1 PRESIIVrATION OF CCIyPRHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESORT FC)R THE YEAR ENDED JiJI~ 30, 1988 AND ACCOMPANYING FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended June 30, 1988 And Accompanying Financial Analysis Page Letter to Board of Supervisors 2 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in 4 Financial Reporting Results of Operations - General Fund 5 Comparison of Revenues - Budget to Actual 6 Actual Revenues - All Funds (Graph) 7 Comparison of Expenditures - Budget to Actual 8 Actual Expenditures - All Funds (Graph) 9 Comparisons of Valley Governments Debt Ratio 10 Long-Term Debt Requirements 11 Undesignated Fund Balances 12 Analysis of Certain Line Items (Based on 13 Inquiries from Board Members) 1 O~ ROANp~.~ Mme. Z ` A J Z a ~$ ~ ESQ; $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Btaunru! BeQrnninQ DIANE D. HYATT. CPA DIRECTOR January 10, 1989 Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke Gentlemen: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE The audit firm of Peat Marwick Main & Co., has recently canpleted the annual audit for the year ended June 30, 1988; the auditors have issued an unqualified opinion on these financial statements, and at this time, the staff would like to provide you with our financial report and an analysis of the current financial position of the County. Roanoke County received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the year ended June 30, 1987. This award is reproduced in our current report. This is the fourth consecutive year in which the County has received this recognition. We are extremely proud of the award because it shows that.we have made a continuing commitment to professionalism in financial reporting and have complied with all generally accepted accounting principles. We plan to again sulsnit our Ccx~rehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 1988 for consideration for this award. As a net result of the operations for the 1987-88 fiscal year, the County was able to add $1,656,795 to its fund balance, which will replenish the fund. balance to its recommended level. The majority of this excess can be attributed to additional revenues collected from the proration of personal property taxes. This was the first year that proration was in effect for the full year. A smaller portion is the result of savings within the County departments. An analysis of the County revenues for the year shows that 37.6 percent of County monies ccme from the State of Virginia. The majority of this money is specifically designated for education. Real estate taxes account for 29.4 percent of County revenues, and personal property taxes account for 12.2 percent. These are the two areas where the County has the most flexibility in setting rates that would generate significant inccme. Revenues 2 (~IIliriflJ II~ ~IIc~riD~iP P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2023 Letter to Board of Supervisors Page 2 January 10, 1989 from the Federal Government have decreased to only 3.3 percent. The majority of this money was specifically designated for the Hollins Community Development Project. An analysis of the actual expenditures of the County shawl where the citizens tax dollars are going. A look at the County's expenditures for the year indicate that 58.5 percent of all County expenditures went toward education. This is indicative of the strong importance that the County places on education. Capital outlay for the year amounted to 12.1 percent. This represents the continuing expenditures of the 1986 bond issue proceeds. Public safety for the County which includes police and fire protection amounts to 8.5 percent of the County budget; while general government administration is only 5.7 percent of the total budget. The County can continue to be proud of its debt to equity ratios. The County still maintains the lowest bonded debt to assessed value ratio and the lowest net bonded debt per capita ratio in the Valley. At the same time, the County can claim the highest assessed value amount in the Valley. While we still have low debt ratios, there are a few cautionary notes. These ratios do not include lease/purchases which have increased $2,208,441 during the 1987-88 fiscal year with more lease/purchases approved for 1988-89. Annual debt payments will increase until they reach a peak in the 1989-90 fiscal year and then begin to decline. However, we still have not issued the $15 million for Spring Hollow Reservoir, and we are continuing to make lease/purchase ccmnitments. At June 30, 1988, the County of Roanoke was successful in reaching its goal of replenishing fund balance. At June 30, 1988, the fund balance was 5.32 percent of the General Fund budget. However, it is important to keep in mind that during the current year, this fund balance has now been depleted to $2,070,858, which is 3.55 percent of the General Fund. Sincerely yours, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance DDH/smu 3 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to County of Roanoke, Virginia For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1987 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. C~.~~~ President ~~~ ~/ ~~~ Executive Director 4 COUI~Tt'Y OF ROANOKE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS OE[JERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDID JUNE 30, 1988 Revenues E~enditures Transfers and Reserves Beginning Balances Fund Balance Reserved for Rollovers and Other Designations Undesignated Fund Balance Per CAFR Appropriations from Fund Balance Approved July 1, 1988 through Dec~nber 13, 1988 Budget $ 54,045,134 (30,533,014) (27,922,617) 4,410,497 -0- Unappropriated Balance as of December 13, 1988 Actual $ 55,410,658 (27,900,634) (28,019,522) 5,058,261 4,548,763 (1,511,622) 3,037,141 (966,283) $ 2,070,858 5 C~OtJ[JI'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMPARISON OF REV~IUES - BUDGET TO ACT[JAL FISCAL YEAR ENDID JUNE 30, 1988 General Fund: General Property Taxes Other local taxes Permits, privilege fees and regulatory licenses Fines and forfeitures Revenues from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs From the Commonthwealth Fran the Federal Government Total General Fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable ) $34,735,359 $37,070,672 $2,335,313 10,162,750 9,719,581 (443,169) 393,139 162,000 382,673 166,353 270,632 453,512 6,103,285 1,215,431 $54,045,134 403,828 187,698 131,030 174,199 332,107 308,845 5,881,625 1,201,073 $55,410,658 10,689 25,698 (251,643) 7,846 61,475 (144,667) (221,660) (14,358) $1, 3 NOTE: Actual revenues were 2.53 percent higher than budgeted revenues. SOURCE: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, County of Roanoke, Virginia, Year Ended June 30, 1988 6 7 CC7UIII'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMPARISON OF EXPENDIZLIRES - BUDGET TO ACTUAL FISCAL, YEAR ENDID JUNE 30, 1988 Budget Actual General Fund: General Government Administration $ 4,129,460 Judicial Administration 966,506 Public Safety 8,821,210 Public Works 4,382,711 Health and Welfare 3,350,879 Parks, Recreation and Cultural 2,256,344 Community Development 766,160 Nondepartmental 1,447,395 Debt Service 2,962,514 County Departmental Savings $29,083,179 Contingency Balance 1,449,835 Total General Fund 530,533.014 $ 4,035,058 887,695 8,463,109 4,227,736 3,098,681 2,150,693 724,883 1,675,576 2.637.203 $27,900,634 -0- 527.900,634 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable ) $ 94,402 78,811 358,101 154,975 252,198 105,651 41,277 (228,181) 325,311 $ 1,182,545 1,449,835 S 2.632.380 Source: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, County of Roanoke, Virginia Year Ended June 30, 1988 8 ~ ~ ti N ~ .- ~ N J J N ~ Q ~ ~ ~ } Z ~ W ~ q `~ ~ J ~ 1 ~ z °' o~ ~ o ~ v w o W QW ~ Q ~ ~ Y ~~ _ Q ~~ z~ z ,~ ow ~~ •^ vJ J~ Qm . ~ W W ~ Z W ~ _ Q ~ ..... } ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Z ,!' iL (~ ~ W Jp~ Z O --! Q ~ U J w U a ~ -~ m~ o W W ° ~ ~ o V U ~' W Z 2 ~ . Z lL J J Q 9 COMPARISON OF VALLEY G~C~I~Y~SE~TPS DEBT RATIOS AS OF JUNE 30, 1988 Ratio of Net Bonded Debt to Assessed Value Net Bonded Debt Per Capita Bond Rating Assessed Value County of City of City of Roanokea Roanoke Salem 1.09 1.72 1.31 $390 $441 $421 AA AA AA $2,658,114,626 $2,614,940,685 $791,617,597 aDoes Not Include 1986 Roanoke County Reservoir Bonds 10 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Notes to Financial Statements The annual requirements to amortize long-term debt and related interest are as follows: GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTERPRISE FUND PRINCIPAL INTEREST PRINCIPAL INTEREST PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL TOTAL 1988-89 162 635 $ 1 281.821 $ 1 $ 756.063 $ 783,003 $ 979,144 $ 1,006.,187 $ 3,370.369 $ 3,071,011 $ 6.441,380 1989-90 , , 825.925 1 , 1,148.503 803.276 690,675 1,046,449 942,468 3,675,650 2,781,646 6,457,296 1990-91 , 942 365 1 1,009.843 811.256 641.274 1,121,188 876,067 3.874.809 2,527.184 6.401.993 1991-92 , , 2,133.596 859.977 947 98 774.691 742 408 590,101 699 539 1,181.059 864 1 260 802.047 655 722 4,089.346 327.518 4 2,252.125 1,961.301 6,341,471 6,288.819 1992-93 1993.94 2,324,246 600 052 2 6 , 536,810 . 733.313 . 492,867 , , 1,335,733 . 638,557 , 4,121,646 1,668.234 5.789,880 1994.95 , , 295 833 440,737 772,813 451.279 842.205 570.602 2,448,313 1,462,618 3,910.931 1995.96 . 425 860 384,802 782.950 406.971 858,741 518,356 2,502,116 1,310,129 3,812,245 1996-97 , 901 120 325.867 807,450 361,324 906,880 463.187 2,615,450 1,150,378 3,765.828 1897-98 . 941 815 263,018 831,950 313.509 656,685 404,691 2,430,450 981,217 3,411,667 1998.99 , 075 996 196,666 854,617 264,007 709,758 356,678 2;560,450 817,351 3,377,801 1999-2000 , 1,036,770 127,808 879,117 116 928 212,215 161 363 759,563 840 800 306,487 596 256 2,675,450 116 847 2 646,510 480,344 3;321,960 3,327,460 2000-01 2001-02 1,118,160 - 62,385 - , 410,450 , 107,274 , 313.333 , 213,447 , , 723,783 320,721 1,044,504 2002-03 - - 385,450 86,547 336,667 191,301 722,117 277,848 999,965 2003-04 - - 335,450 68,426 361,667 167,166 697,117 235,592 932.709 2004-05 - - 395.450 49,957 386,667 140,881 782,117 190,838 972,955 2005-06 - - 316,450 30,967 415,000 112,523 731,450 143,490 874,940 2006-07 - - 241,450 17,167 448,333 81,878 689,783 99,045 788,828 2007-08 - - 203,050 6,495 483,333 48,548 686,383 55,044 741,427 2008-09 - - - - 165.000 12.375 165,000 12,375 177,375 TOTALS 554 601 $ 18 184 337 $ 7 765.770 $ $ 12 6,275.120 $ 15,369.109 $ 8,832,697 $ 46,736,433 $22,445.001 $ 69.181,434 , . , , , (Continued) 11 COi1l~TI'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNDF~SIGNATED FUND BALANCE Undesignat~d Fund Balance at June 30, 1986 Undesignated Fund Balance at June 30, 1987 Undesignated Fund Balance at June 30, 1988 Adjusted Fund Balance at December 13, 1988 aCounty objective is a minimum of 3$ to 5$ Percent of Amount General Panda $1,584,637 3.16 $2,093 3.87 $3,037.141 5.32$ $2,070,858 3.55 12 H O O~ O M 00~ r~ O rn O M N N h b O rn .~ O M ~~ ~7 ~ ~ ~NV~ b~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ rtS U ~ ~ ctl N v ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~o ~~ ~.~ ~ a~ '~ ~~~~~ ro ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~b~~~ ~ ~~ Db ~a~~so,~ Sa y U ~ ~ ro ~ v ~~~~~ M ~~ ~~ ~ w "~ v M b ~i ~ ~ N ~ N ~ yob U.C w ~ +1"7 g+ rn ~ .ro ~ ~~~N~ ~~~~o~xQ~ av, ~o~ ~~~ +~a ~~ ~w.~~ ~ ~ a~~w~~ r ~ O lfl M r r o r+l N '-~ O O 00 ~ O O O O ~O O lf1 O ~ M (r1 N ~ ~ N O M N •"~ ~ eM ~ ~O O ~ ~ ~ N rl ~ ~ M ~ O N ~--~ t+1 N '"~ 00 r O d' O O r o o ~o 0 O N M N O N ~ (Yl ~ N ~ S~ ~ ~ y C ~ 3~i a ~ b ~ N ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ w 0 ~ w N ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ a°~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13 W ~ N •.a ~ N ~ ~ a ~ `~ W ~ ~ N ~ r-I ~j u S.i C sC+ N +~ N +~ +r C7 ~ ~ ~ f-i +~ N ~ '-~ UvJ ~ N ~ L~Ci N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 NO Cl+ , N~ ~ C•~~ >rUIrC uEI•W.1 ~.C U yN~ sO~1 .~s~^WW N C -a +1 ~ ~~~y Q '+•~ .~RR~"+ ~ O in ~ ~ ~ N E+ ~ i0 N ~ N ~ ~ W ,~ ~ i.i 0 •O N ~y.~ ~U a~~ nM 'C7 ~ ~ N O ~ N rt1 O+~o' N Ra,~ ~•N .~W ~~_b W ~ tg5 ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ pC~ rN~ UNl ~ W C 1a C U ~ ~ fa ~ ?i !a ~ l+ S7 ~ N I~ 1a 9 N ttl N N N G1 N W ~~-I C M~~ p ~ : N r~-1 0~0 N O O r r r ~ t[1 N M V' O ~ ~ }1 f~ t0 r--~ 10 ~ M ri (R[]i M O M ~ O O '~!' 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O x N O~ r-i O rn N ,C N ss.~~ p U ~iu•fcOCCj c NU .uW ~~ W O~N~>~+~N U~NNON C) S.a N o ~ C U N •• yJ N t1 gg N bUr-I~ ~`b'^a+~ tC••-~ yW y01 ~~r0-t O ~ N ~ W ~~ .iW NC+~ •~ 33'O~CppC~~ao O~p ° NNN'~ ~ ~~~jN~ 1.~ ~ r-1 •-+ ~ O tT U ~I ~ N C N N w ~ O ~tl = ~ p C ~1 ~f vro~ U ~ ~ p Q,~ b C ~~~ ^~ 1Na~ rt~ So-i O,~ Orn ~3 ~ W ~N~ O ~q tr+ Cro of a0i ~ ~ d, w er ao 0o p, N ~ .~ ri ~ N U ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ N 1~ N N t-7 ~ '~gg i i ~ o ° ° 0 ~ o ' Oro ~! r-1 N rn RUC .-I O qq ~ ~ a N o N o 0 ~ M N O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O M ~ ~ ODD ~ (V N r ~ ~ '" ~ ~ O ~ ~ N O ~ p 1~ N ~ M M ~ ~ ~ r-I N a ~ ~ v o N N O o ~ -~ ~ ~ ~' `" w ~~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ 15 r~ 01 r-I O M N O1 fJ O~ O M [v r7 N ~~N ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ f~a ~ N~ N --~i .vC cbtl ~ C +~ rl .~ N C •roC~~`~u.u~ro a~i w ~ i° ~~ ~~' w ~ o~~~'~ U ~'~ ~~a ~~8 M l0 r-I O O O N N .-i M N l0 r-I O 0 0 N N U .~ ~I a W N r-I N +~ ~ b~ ~ o~~ro~s ~ ~'~~ mt ~ 7 UbCNw~ ~ [ N ~ ~ ~ @E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 88w~~ ~ r ri W r1 t!1 N d' r-I .-I N N r 0 O~ O~ O~ r-i 10 N er 0 N N N ro QN U N q V ld W W N W j~N }}~~~ O H O t0 16 A12489-1 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM• Request of CBL Management for County participation in extension of water line COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• This is the same board report that was presented at the January 10, 1989 meeting. The additional information requested by the Board will be presented. CBL Management, Inc. , is the developer for the Penn Forest Plaza Shopping Center on Merriman Road. As part of the development of the site, CBL is required to install approximately 2500 lineal feet of 12- inch water line along Starkey Road which includes boring under the railroad and highway right-of-ways. The total construction cost of the water line is estimated to be $126,795.00. In addition, the water off-site facility fee will be $29,704.60 making the total project cost $156,499.60. The construction of this 12-inch water line will benefit other areas of Starkey Road. It will provide service and supply to the Crescent Heights water system thus reducing their upgrading cost as well as provide a portion of a supply line to a proposed water storage reservoir in Starkey. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CBL Management, Inc., has requested that the Board of Supervisors authorize the credit of the second half of the off-site fee against the off-site water construction cost. If this credit is approved, the remaining off-site construction cost to CBL will be $97,090.40. Of this amount, they are responsible for the full cost of the first 300 feet or $15,213.00, leaving an eligible participation cost of $81,877.40. CBL has requested that the Board of Supervisors authorize participation by paying one-half this eligible cost or $40,938.70. In tabular form, the off-site costs look like this: Cost of CBL Cost of Roanoke County 213.00 $15 first 300 feet $14,852.30 one-half OSF's ' , 40,938.70 participation 14,852.30 s second half OSF 29,704.60 construction in lieu of OSF's 40,938.70 participation $85,856.30 Total CBL Management, Inc. $70,643.30 Total County Total Project Cost: $156,499.60 1 ~~~ The $15,213.00 higher cost indicated for CBL is the cost of the first 300 feet which is not eligible for credit or participation. CBL will also pay $7,801.00 as a basic connection fee for the cost of the meter vault, valves, and meters for a 5-inch fire service and a 2-inch domestic service. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACT: There are four alternatives to consider: Alternative #1 The Board of Supervisors would authorize the credit of the second half of the off-site fees and County participation in the project of up to $41,000.00. This alternative would result in the County sharing equally in the excess cost to the developer for this project. Impact of Alternative #1 The actual utility fund would decrease $55,852.30 as a result of the credit and participation. In return, the County would receive 2500 lineal feet of 12-inch water line that we would have installed eventually without the CBL project. Funds are available in the utility enterprise fund for this alternative. Alternative #2 The Board of Supervisors would authorize the credit of the second half of the off-site fees and deny any additional County participation in this project. This alternative would result in an off-site water construction cost to the developer of $126,795.00. Impact of Alternative #2 The actual utility fund would decrease $14,852.30. Additional funds are not required for this alternative. Alternative #3 The Board of Supervisors would not authorize the credit of the second half of the off-site fees and deny any County participation in the project. This alternative would result in an off-site water construction cost to the developer of $141,647.30. Impact of Alternative #3 The actual utility fund would not decrease. Additional County funds are not required for this alternative. Alternative #4 The last alternative involves the Board of Supervisors giving CBL a reimbursement contract whereby they can recover the eligible cost from future connection fees collected for connection to this water 2 ~-i line during the next five years. CBL has stated that a reimbursement agreement would not benefit them because they need the financial assistance at this time, rather than in the future. This alternative is not viable and, therefore, has no impact. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 with County participation of one-half the excess cost up to an amount of $41,000.00. This participation would be in the form of a lump sum reimbursement agreement payable after acceptance of the water line and verification of the excess cost by Roanoke County. Additionally, staff recommends the Board of Supervisors authorize the County Adminstrator to execute a reimbursement agreement with CBL Management, Inc., to effect this alternative. SUBMITTED BY: Cliffor C ig, P.E Utility Director APPROVED BY: .~i i~J 1.,-. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by• Harry C. Nickens/ Lee Garre ern cc: File Cliff Craig Phil Henry John Hubbard Reta Busher Diane Hyatt Don Myers VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson -~. McGraw -~ Nickens ~- Robers _~ 3 E-/ -~- ~~s VICINITY MAP NORTH ~'"'°"°' .Crescent r. no ---~' He i~ght s ,i~~ ~ r'-~ ~~ Water Syste ""' `` ~, ,IZ WL.. V s.. w sra ' ; is. r 1, , ~• / ~.~ 11 Future ' • ~,, Proposed Penn 'f ya• Reservoir /1, ~ 1 Forest Shoppi 1 ~, •"•~ / ~. Center ~ +«:. I >, ; o ~ e ~, O.04 C ;; i iI ~~ I 11 _ _ ~10~ / \~ ~' ~ °!~ ~ ~ " O \\\ ..yr. \ b I ~ ~ ~~wr ~ It 1 ~ L • \ M i0D• l0 •f~Ip ~ + , fOl4 KI 1~ 1 ~ ~ ~ •~r • ' ~ ~ '' \ I~ f ~rM Y I i \ • C / ! r y ~ \ I ~ 17 `\ ~ ~ .orrsl \\ ~' i , h ~ l ,O.O t•~01 \\ _ A ~110Y1C1 ~ ~ / „•14 . 'l~f~ ~ i ~ ~~ \ / i N /~ ~\ iM k ,\`~ /~~ \ y e '/ ~~ COMMUNITY SERVICES 12" WL ~ Proposed Penn Forest AND DEVELOPMENT :Shopping .Center A12489-2 ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER ~~ '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Request from the Arts Council of Roanoke Valley to appropriate funds for an Arts Festival. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: r ~ ~~ 9 ,.r ~ ~~tvF~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Arts Council of Roanoke Valley is planning a major arts festival to be held in October 1991. The festival will span ten days and will celebrate the arts of America. Among other activities, they hope to include the opening of the new Henry Street Music Center and the Explore Visitors Center as part of the project. Such an arts festival would bring additional tourists and highlight the cultural resources in the community. If the Explore Project Visitors Center is included, this would be of particular benefit to Roanoke County. Approximately $75,000 will be needed to fund an Administrator to handle organization and implementation of the festival for the first year. The Arts Council is requesting financial support from the Roanoke Valley governments as well as local Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Agencies. They also plan to undertake fund raising on a national level. Attached is a copy of the festival proposal, outlining their objectives. The Vinton Chamber o City of Roanoke has similar contribution is ALTERNATIVES f Commerce has committed to being requested contributed $50.00 and the a $2,000 contribution. A from Roanoke County. Alternative #1: Allocate $1,000 from the Board Contingency Fund to the Arts Council of Roanoke Valley for seed money for an Arts Festival to be held in 1991. If this money is allocated, Roanoke County may be asked for future contributions to help fund this project. Alternative #2: Deny the request of the Arts Council of Roanoke Valley for financial support of the Arts Festival. ~,. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative #1, and that the Board of Supervisors appropriate 51,000 from the Board Contingency Fund for the 1991 arts festival sponsored by the Arts Council of Roanoke Valley. r•` °. ~ vtu.~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Steven Yes No Abs Denied ( ) A. McGraw, Alternative #1 Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To• Nickens x Robers x cc: File Susan Cole, The Arts Council of Roanoke Valley Reta Busher Diane Hyatt FESTIVAL PROPOSAL A major arts festival will encompass all major groups from the F.oanoke Valley, Approximately $75,000 will be needed to fund an Administrator to organize and implement the Festival for the first year. A anonymous challenge has been issued by two friends of The Arts Council that they will see to it that the money to begin the Festival is found if the Festival Committee can secure support and the intent to back the Festival by the Local Governments, Chambers of Commerce, and Economic Development Agencies. The Festival would span a period of ten days in October of 1991 to take advantage of the scenic beauty our valley offers tourists. A high level of artistic quality must be the goal of this festival to bring potential audience in from surrounding areas, the rest of the state, and from across the country. A Festival of this scope will require extensive fund-raising and a national spokesperson who will lend their name and act as our host. The Committee feels that fund-raising of this nature must be undertaken on a national level. The Hearst Corporation for instance, was the sponsor of the First New York International Festival for the Arts. Roanoke has a healthy, vibrant arts community. Festival will highlight the cultural resources which our community has worked hard to develop. The objectives of this Festival are: - To celebrate the original arts of America. - To permanently strengthen the arts movement of the Blue Ridge Region. - To introduce to the Roanoke Valley and surrounding region, major national artists and art forms. - To provide educational access to guest artists through master classes and workshops in the schools. - To demonstrate and further the importance of the arts to the economy of the region. - To attract new audiences for the arts from this region and beyond. - To have a significant, positive and on-going effect upon the region's "quality of life." r,.a, o,~ ~.y,-., '~ These objectives were unanimously agreed to by the spokespersons of the Roanoke Symphony, Roanoke Museum of Fine Arts, Mill Mountain Theatre, The Arts Council of Roanoke Valley, City of Roanoke and Roanoke Special Events Committee, the Southwest Virginia Opera Society, Hollins College, Roanoke Valley Chamber Music Society, Harrison Heritage and Cultural Center, Roanoke Valley and Vinton Chambers of Commerce, Center in the Square, Blue Ridge Writers Conference, Blue Ridge Film Society, Roanoke Ballet Theatre, and Roanoke Festival in the Fark. The Festival hopes to include the opening of the new Henry Street Music Center and the Explore Visitors Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. - 2 - ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER ~ `-' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to settle pending litigation with John Hall & Company for outstanding utility bills OR' S COUNTY ADMINISTRAT COMMENTS: ~ 9 ~L~~~~~~ f SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In 1967, Fabricated Metals Industries, Inc, Steel Service, Inc., and John Hall and Company donated easements to a private sewer company with the understanding that they would receive free sewer connection and use of the sewer lines without charge. Roanoke County later purchased the sewer lines from Sanitary Disposal Corporation and began charging these companies for useage. They refused to pay and began legal proceedings against the County. This matter has been under litigation for almost a decade. The outstanding balance for John Hall and Company totals $3,857.90 as of December 30, 1988 and the County holds liens against their property for nonpayment. They have now indicated a willingness to settle out of court for the amount of $500.00 and the installation of a meter on their well system. They have also agreed to pay all future sewer bills if Roanoke County releases all liens placed against their property. Attached is a copy of the agreement signed by John Hall. This is similar to an settlement previously agreed to by Steel Service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Board of Supervisors authorize the County Administrator to execute the attached agreement signed by John Hall and that the payment of $500.00 be accepted as settlement of the outstanding utility bill. ~`/, 1 Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: ACTION Motion by: _ VOTE Yes No Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers •o~ ROAiep~cc ,~ ; ti p Z Z a E5~ a$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti fuf Brginnin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ~ 3 C~v~tnt~ of ~vttnuke BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 13, 1989 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. John Hall John Hall & Company, Inc. 4925 Starkey Road, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24014 Dear Mr. Hall: Per our discussion of today, we have reached an agreement to settle all outstanding Roanoke County utility bills ($3,847.90) for the amount of $500.00 and the installation of a meter on your well system in order to have accurate computed sewer readings in the future. You also agree to pay all future computed sewer bills and Roanoke County will release all liens placed against your property for non-payment. Consideration was given to the fact that based on estimates of your neighbor's sewer bills as of this date, Roanoke County during the past ten years should have charged you approximately on-third of the amount billed. Also, since your operation is smaller and the amount billed you might have been even less, I am willing to accept the $500.00 negotiated settlement. This settlement is also based on your donating easements in 1967 for the installation of sewer lines and for which, you understood that you would have free use of the sewer system. If this letter accurately reflects our .agreement, please sign one copy and return to me. Once the signed letter and check have been received, I will take this matter to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on J anuary 24, 1989, for their approval. Sincer ly, ~% ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge ECH/bjh County Administrator ~ ~ j / ~, ~~~~~~ lr/- ~~'~,( ~ ~,r~i Date ~~-~/ /~;-~ /~~,`~ ohn Hall / ~ ~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004 ACTION # A12489-3 ITEM NUMBER C - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Claim of Leonard Butler COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: c: c-K- SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: H. Morgan Griffith, Esquire, attorney for Leonard Butler, has filed a claim on his behalf with the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 15.1-550, et se of the 1950 Code of Virgin- ia, as amended. The basis of Mr. Butler's claim is that some of his personal affects (see attached list) were destroyed in the demolition of a dilapidated house acquired by Roanoke County from Butler for $6,300. The house was acquired by Roanoke County to facilitate the completion of the road improvements phase of the Hollins Community Development Project. Mr. Butler claims that Roanoke County destroyed the house without notifying him in time to allow for the removal of his personal affects. However, notices were mailed on December 4, 1987, to all residents of the Hollins Community indicating that construction of the sewer/water system and road improvements would begin shortly after January 1, 1988. The demolition of the house did not occur until January 26, 1988. Therefore, Mr. Butler was on notice for approximately eight (8) weeks prior to the commencement of road construction and the demolition of the house. Mr. Butler has retained an attorney and legal action is con- templated. A determination by the Board of Supervisors is a necessary legal step in his efforts to be reimbursed for the claimed damage due to the destruction of his personal affects. FISCAL IMPACTS: $3,750 ~~ / STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the claim be denied. Respectfully submitted, ~Ot~tAq~-+ u~ Sarah A. Rice Assistant County Attorney ------------- ---------------------------- ACTION ---------- VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/ No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw to approve staffGarrett x Received ( ) recommendation to deny claim Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney ~'x~~c~~.~ cz~ a~~.~m C~ ~ ~ C2~~LG~i Cl/ %(~/ . ~Aa~ x,250 • ,2 ~2 ~i ~22~ ~~Kee~ 70~ X89 ~//<98 ~~z~~.a~ ~k~~ December 14, 1988 ~~~ ~~ ~a"'~~ Susan Rice, Esq. Roanoke County Attorney Office 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Ms. Rice, Please find enclosed an appraisal of some of the furniture that was in Mr. Butler's home, which was the furniture which was destroyed at Mr. Butler's house when the County burned the house without notice to Mr. Butler. The total of this appraisal is Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,750.00). Please have your secretary contact my secretary so that we can set up an appropriate date to bring this matter to the attention of the Board of Supervisors. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter, and remain Sincerely, H. Morgan iffith Attorney at Law HMG:bp Enclosure ~` / November 21, 1988 RE: Leonard Butler Items examined by me (all items listed are antique or collectible) Round Oak Table w/claw feet Set of 6 Oak Dining Room Chairs w/`claw feet Matching Oak Buffet w/claw feet - high back with mirror Parlor set consisting of loveseat, rocker, and chair Oak Hall Tree with mirror Oak ladies writing desk Box glassware, etc. Box Wedgwood Jasperware, Carnival Glass, misc. sterling Brass bed w/large posts Oak Wardrobe $ 450.00 7Sn,On 400.00 250.00 400.00 125.00 250.00 250.00 600.00 275.00 At the time I examined the contents of the boxes, I commented on the odd pieces of sterling flatware. Mr. Butler told me that other boxes in the house contained over 100 sterling spoons and forks which had been used by his mother in a tea room she ran at one time. I did see other pieces of furniture in the house on my vists there, but did not take special notice of them. A bedroom on the second floor of the house was locked and said to contain furniture which had been in commercial storage. I have collected antiques, sold them, and done appraisals for insurance purposes for over 15 years. The prices expressed are my opinion of the current market value of_ the items based on my experience. Replacement cost could be substantially higher. .. ~ a ~/ Joe G. Kirby, II .~ A P P E A R A N C E - >> PUBLIC HEARING Old' R E Q U E S T j ~\~ ' _ ~! I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: -• ~; PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ` A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to ~T recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. NAME: ADDRESS: ""~ ..5 c PHONE : ,'~~ ~ __ ~/` ' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ' A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~-~--t-l ,e''-- ~-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E. W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : `-~~ ,L,,,7' ~' 1 /Y ~" ADDRESS : ~ ~~ ~ /y~/,y,~. ,~~A Z ~.~- !~-~t~ ~~.~~ ..~ ?, /.a .~ PHONE : J~~ `" ~ o PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~.~ /s~ ~'""" - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : /~~ ~~~~ ADDRESS: PHONE: ~~ i/U 2 ~ ~-~~ ..' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ACTION # ITEM NUMBER .C~-_~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS'T'RATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: January 24, 1989 Request to Borrow Short-Term in Anticipation of Taxes COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County will experience shortages periodically during the year based on the due dates of various taxes. For example, personal property taxes are due May 31 and real estate taxes are due June 5. Localities are experiencing sharp declines in interest rates on short-term investments which also affect cash flow. The problem does not lie with revenue projections, but rather the timing of tax collection, which does not correspond with our cash needs. Federal tax laws prohibit the use of bond proceeds in a manner which could generate interest income. As a result of these changes, it will be necessary to borrow in anticipation of taxes to relieve the current situation. Before adopting a resolution authorizing the Treasurer to proceed with the loan process, the Board of Supervisors must first hold a public hearing on the matter. This public hearing will cover any revenue anticipation notes we would like to issue during the calendar year. For that reason, we would like to hold a public hearing on the issuance of $17 million to meet casual operating deficits, even though we anticipate borrowing only $10 million at this time. If the County should need to borrow additional monies to meet casual operating deficits later in the year, the form and detail of each note issue would still need to be approved by the Board of Supervisors, but we would not need an additional public hearing. The following schedule is suggested which will allow the necessary legal steps to be accomplished and also allow the county to take receipt of the monies on a timely basis. January 24, 1989 - Authorize the scheduling of a public hearing on February 14, 1989 to consider borrowing in anticipation of tax revenues to cover projected cash deficits in the operating funds. G -~ February 14, 1989 - Hold the public hearing and adopt the resolution authorizing the Treasurer to borrow the cash. February 28, 1989 - Receive bids for the loaning of money to the County; award the bid at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. March 8, 1989 - Close on the transaction and take possession of the monies. FISCAL IMPACT: Money has been included in the 1988-89 budget to cover the net interest cost for this borrowing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Board of roar r 14,01989smeet' ngs todconsiderdautho ri bing hearing for the Feb y the Treasurer to 'oorrow said monies. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, -, ,, a ~ ~ .rrr.~>.- ~ l:%,,,:;/ Elmer C. Hodge "`' Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance County Administrator --------------------- VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To _ Robers ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER f ~ ~ -_-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Communit Corrections Resources Board One-year term of Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate. His term expired August 13, 1988. 2 Library Board Four-year unexpired term of Richard Kirkwood, Hollins Magisterial District. Mr. Kirkwood's term expires December 31, 1989. 3 Transportation and Safety Commission 0. S. Foster has resigned as an advisory member of the Transportation and Safety Commission. On July 28, 1988, the Board of Supervisors voted that he continue in this capacity following his retirement as Sheriff. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. lien Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: f~ c ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers /~/ - / COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD A, COMPOSITION: (From Bylaws and Section 53.1-183) To consist of seven members appointed as follows: one member from Roanoke County; one member from Salem City; three members from thm ntdofsCorrectionsa JThectermDoftofficeoshallmber from the Depart e determined by the appointing authority (Roanoke County's is one year . ) g, DUTIES: Review felony referrals from the Circuit Courts of Roanoke City, Roanoke County and the City of Salem for possible diversion from state penal system and local jails. C, MEETINGS: Third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m- '~.~ ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER/~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On December 13, 1988, the Board of Supervisors voted to continue this Board and appoint new members. Michael Lazzuri, Director of Court Services has contacted the present members of the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board to determine whether they wished to continue serving. The following terms expired in 1988 or will expire in 1989. Appointments to this committee are not made by magisterial district; however, the magisterial district is listed for each member. Two-year term of James L. Trout, Vinton Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Trout has not responded to Mr. Lazzuri's letter. Two-year term of Ted R. Powell, Cave Spring Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Powell would like to be reappointed. Two-year term of Marilyn Morehead, Hollins Magisterial District, expired March 22, 1988. Mr. Lazzuri has been unable to contact Ms. Morehead. Two-year term of Hoyt C. Rath, Vinton Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Rath does not wish to serve another term. Two-year term of Dr. Andrew Archer, Vinton Magisterial District expired March 22, 1988. Dr. Archer does not wish to be reappointed. /~- - / Two-year term of James K. Sanders, Windsor Hills Magisterial District will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Sanders would like to be reappointed. Two-year term of Sherry Robinson, Windsor Hills Magisterial District expired March 22, 1988. Ms. Robinson would like to be reappointed. In addition to the appointments listed above, it is necessary to appoint four youth members, one each from Cave Spring High School, Northside High School, Glenvar High School, William Byrd High School. SUBMITTED BY: 7Y)ac./Z.C~...~ Lam-C-C.t--~ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: L ~ `~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers COURT SERVICES UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND / /'~~~ FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (Resolution 3046 - 1/26/82 Amended 11/13/85 to include Youth Members) A. COMPOSITION Board to consist of ten members, and one youth member from each high school. Governing bodies of each county and city served by a court service unit may appoint one or more members to a citizen advisory council. Judges may appoint the tenth member at their discretion. B. DUTIES: Advises and cooperates with the court upon all matters affecting the working of this law and other laws relating to children, their care and protection and to domestic relations. Consults and confer with the court and director of the court service unit relative to the development and extension of the court service program. Encourage the members selected by the council to serve on the central advisory council to visit as often as the member conveniently can, institutions and associations receiving children under this law and to report to the court the conditions and surroundings of the children received by or in charge of any such persons, institutions or associations. The Council should make themselves familiar with the work of the court. Makes an annual report to the court and the participating governing bodies on the work of the council. As the Youth and Family Services Advisory Board: Establish goals and priorities for County-wide youth services; assist in coordination and planning for comprehensive youth services within the private sector. Serve in an advisory capacity-and to otherwise assist the Board of Supervisors to establish goals and objectives in .compliance with all "minimum Standards of the Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act of 1979". Assist in conducting an assessment of the needs of youth every five years and to assist in developing an annual Delinquency Prevention Plan, further to participate in evaluating the implementation of the plan and making a report thereon to the Board of Supervisors. Provide a public forum where concerns about youth may be expressed and to receive recommendations and raise concerns of public and private organizations at any regular advisory board meeting upon proper notice. Advocates necessary legislative amendments to improve community conditions for youth development and to support the development of needed services both public and private for youth in the community. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: One a quarter, the third Tuesday, beginning January; time and place determined at meetings. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 RESOLUTION N0. 12489-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 24, 1989, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Confirmation of appointment to the Community Corrections Policy Board. 2. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 3. 3. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 4. 4. Request for acceptance of Westbriar Court into the Va. Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Request for acceptance of a portion of Cavalier Drive and Cavalier Court into the Va. Dept. of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of sewer facilities serving Penn Forest Wesleyan Church. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 1/26/89 CC: Clifford Craig, Utility Director Phillip Henry, Engineering Director John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator File ACTION #12489-4.a ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Committee Appointments COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nominations were made at the previous board meeting and must now be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. The nominee has agreed to serve. Community Corrections Policv Board Dr. Harry C. Nickens has been nominated by Supervisor Garrett to serve a three-year. The term will expire on December 21, 1991. SUBMITTED BY: ~. ~ {.C.C-~---~ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Rnh T 7nhn~nn/u~ Yes No Abs Denied ( ) ~ N;rkPnc Garrett _~ Received ( ) Johnson _.~ Referred McGraw _~_ Nickens To• Robers x cc: File Community Corrections Policy Board ACTION #12489-4.b ITEM NUMBER ~ %~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 3 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Canterbury Park Section 3, Boone, Boone, & Loeb, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled Section No. 3 Canterbury Park, dated October 17, 1986, which are on file in the Engineering Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $99,350 and $35,640 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: Z~ ~~~~. Phillip T. Henry, P.E. Director of Engineering APPROVED: ~.+~,'' ~~ Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Harry No Yes Abs Denied ( ) C. Nickens Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry Cliff Craig Reta Busher Diane Hyatt 2 ,~=z ~- NORTH acceptance vi Wd.l.ei' d,ilU ~CWC1~ 1G1G1111+1C.~ COMMUNITY SERVICES Cantex~ury Pax, Sect ion 3 AND DEVELOPMENT - 3 -J ., ACTION #12489-4.c ITEM NUMBER 4/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Canterbury Park Section 4 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Canterbury Park 4, Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled Section No. 4 Canterbury Park, dated October 22, 1986, which are on file in the Engineering Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $14,075 and $22,575 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Phillip T. Henry, P. Director of Engineering ~~~~ Elmer C. od County Administrator ~'~ Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Harry C. Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry Cliff Craig Reta Busher Diane Hyatt 2 ~~~ -_ .~r ~ f ~~ \ ,ter ~~ `,, ., d~ .. - _ -- --~~C~- - VICINITY MAP w~ -- ~_ u / ~ "._.! NORTH ~~ ~. - ,~ u "~ ~' ~ ~ , ~ J $ ~~ ~. Cq• 14 'y' b ~r s~ ' r. ~ ~~s' , ~ I C v 6 ~ ° , f 19 • 4 4 S y /~r. ~ . ~ ~~ ~ •'' aft! a.i1 O ,~ ` . i~ ~{' • 4 • r ~ I7 3 ~ ' 2~ t u u , •, ;~ g 41 I /~ ~ 3 it 9 r~ ~ / . t •~ ''4. 19 ~ ' s °~i, ~ •fr . ' t ~ ~ • b N !may lr~ f~^ ~ • c Mw V M ~~ r ~f.i ~i _ ~ rs rr 23 `G~ C` ~ 34 21 ~ 24 a '} ~ `' • ' t Y , .rat. r ' ~ ~ J e~I r. sstr . J+ ~ ~ S!~ ..~ ~ •, ~, .~ 31 33 ~ ,„ • 6 ~ , 'a. ~ ~ r~ ~. ~ . :.1 ys• ~ .~r ¢+ ' ~r + ~ . 32 ~ ss,, t ,~~~ r. 1 32 2S N , ~ rs e rr ~ ~ ~~ s~23 ~ 24 . ~ ss~s 2B ~ r 22 f ~ "" .•y P3 •. n ~, v asst " , •,o r. •• 31 eau - 26 esf~ '~, , 26 •=,, " ysa ~ 'z 27 ,• I . 30 as.o ~ , ' 7~` - 27 y s ' I . a•,~ 29 ~ ~~ ~,~~ 0 86.01 . .. Saar, ss~ <' \ ~ - -- . ~- \ ,~ 28 ~,°• ~ O s r 4 ' / Acceptance of water and sewer facilities COMMUNITY SERVICES Canterbury Park, Section 4 AND DEVELOPMENT • 3 ITEM NUMBER ~ '`-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Westbriar Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., the developer of Canterbury Park Section 4, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.16 miles of Westbriar Court, from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road to be acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept Westbriar Court, from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the cul-de-sac into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~ ~'~~ ~, ,,~,r' Phillip T Henry, ~E. Elmer C. Hodge Director of Engineering County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 2 / "~ ~ / AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WESTBRIAR COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Westbriar Court from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the terminus at the cul-de-sac for a distance of 0.16 miles, to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road has been decicated by virtue of a certain map known as Section No. 4 Canterbury Park Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 44, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on February 5, 1987, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Westbriar Court and which is on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 3 .T- -~ ~~ NORTH PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1) Westbriar Court from intersection with Cavalier Drive to cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) .16 Miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 30 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 20 Feet SERVICE: (1) 14 Homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RECOMMENDATION: ti ~ ~, 6 /~ rq .6 / ~" Z" .e j~ e~'~ ~~/ ~~ ~~ I COMMUNITY SERVICES Acceptance of Westbriar Court AND DEVELOPMENT 4 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 RESOLUTION 12489-4.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WESTBRIAR COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Westbriar Court from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the terminus at the cul-de-sac for a distance of 0.16 miles, to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road has been decicated by virtue of a certain map known as Section No. 4 Canterbury Park Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 44, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on February 5, 1987, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Westbriar Court and which is on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only r from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: `-y?'~ ~~ ...~1. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation 2 ITEM NUMBER ~ S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of a portion of Cavalier Drive, and Cavalier Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., the developer of Canterbury Park Section 3, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.19 miles of Cavalier Drive from a point 120' west of its intersection with Gloucester Court to the intersection with Salisbury Drive, and 0.05 miles of Cavalier Court from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road to be acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.19 miles of Cavalier Drive from a point 120' west of its intersection with Gloucester Court to the intersection with Salisbury Drive and 0.05 miles of Cavalier Court from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the cul-de-sac into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. Henry, P. . Director of Engineering Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION APPROVED: ~%~2` Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 2 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION OF CAVALIER DRIVE AND CAVALIER COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Cavalier Drive from a point 120' west of its intersection with Gloucester Court to the intersection with Salisbury Drive and 0.05 miles of Cavalier Court from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the terminus at the cul-de-sac, to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Section No. 3 Canterbury Park Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 33, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on December 17, 1986, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Cavalier Drive and Cavalier Court and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this 3 Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 4 Ifs" Imp ~~ ~ ~ t ~ / ~/ ` ~~~.J~,'~1' ~ '~~.. ~ NKMfi1E/05` ~/ d1 6.s+'aR~' ROSE $PRI .ter {lgFA sNa' _ Rolf ' ~ ' .o.csrooo ssi.w.a....+,.a &r `'~ 'k K r '~! ~i ~ ~F E4 ~K+t~ C ~ p./~ ~~~~ G~~`d~ 0~ n~ ' __. __ _._ - ' I CWf aPWU6~~ - r ~0.~MT_:-...:.n'~" ._ .. Ii 1. '4>~!, \ ~~f}~r~~S~ '~}HC+rsnoa ` \ ~ y~l ~ ~' x~fI VICINITY MAP TT,~~~\,•~,P_..wNf/4FOREST ~~' ~. .~ -5 Q NORTH PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1) Cavalier Drive from 120' west of intersection with Gloucester Cour t (Route 1795) to Salisbury Drive. ' 2) Cavalier Court from intersection with Cavalier i Drive to cul-de-sac. I LENGTH: (1) .19 Miles (2) .05 Miles ' RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet (2) 50 Feet ~ ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 36 Feet (2) 30 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 22 Feet (2) 20 Feet SERVICE: (1) 14 Homes (2) 6 Homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RECOMMENDATION: ~, ~ ~ 2 / } " 16 8 .. Sa Mao 86.01 + 8 17 ~ ~ 4 a „ s'/ I I' • 200 ' r 4 x t' O 'h, - , ~ ' , ; IS 9 ~ ) . 7 ` S ; ~ ,~~, 4 \ 3 •,. ~ ' 12 artt \ 10 ;~ {< J " / ~ 4 ~~ >. '~+. aria B 0 .. ~ Ji a / ~ ~ ~ S ~ s5 ti ~ uyJ 14 f~. N ~ ~~~,%- J- ar~2 ' 10',.. , `~ . 6 n 4 i9 arra aria4J w . >~ ~O ~ ~ ~ ~2 y s IS ~ ... v r,' S {6 11 a- . 16 ' -~ 4 I „ s m au. arao N 20 k o4 ~ n '• ' IT O c ~ - ~ P 21 •I aaff _ 18 ' ' y ~. _ _ r Y .,. .. .22 ,~ ,.. _ _ ,~ 19 " _ . • ~~• Ca X ~ ' ' ~ ~ ,. O 34 21 +I. ~ 24 1~ qq . °~ SB A '~ ' c aaN . 5 ' ~' ~ tea/ A ~ ' a)a) f .s 2 25 q , Y•Y . t 32 • ° S,• 31 sssa sss~ 2. _ C y , was 2B ~... 6 23 22 ~ ~^4 i r, zp \ ~` .f Rb ~ ~~ a'aO I COMMUNITY SERVICES Acceptance of a portion of Cavalier Drive AND DEVELOPMENT :and Cavalier Court 5 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 RESOLUTION 12489-4.e REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION OF CAVALIER DRIVE AND CAVALIER COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Cavalier Drive from a point 120' west of its intersection with Gloucester Court to the intersection with Salisbury Drive and 0.05 miles of Cavalier Court from its intersection with Cavalier Drive to the terminus at the cul-de-sac, to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty ( 50 ) foot right-of-way for said roads have been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Section No. 3 Canterbury Park Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 33, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on December 17, 1986, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Cavalier Drive and Cavalier Court and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Robers, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: '~'Y)~:ch cam. ~• CL'l~tJ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation 2 ACTION #12489-4.f ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: JANUARY 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of sewer facilities serving Penn Forest Wesleyan Church COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Penn Forest Wesleyan Church have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the sewer lines serving the building along with all necessary easements. The sewer lines are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden and Associates entitled Penn Forest Wesleyan Church, dated March 23, 1988, which are on file in the Engineering Department. The sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the sewer construction is $4844.00 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the sewer facilities serving the development along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: i ' Philip T. ~ienry, P.F~, Director of Engineerfing APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator CL/ Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Harry C. Nickens cc: File Phillip Henry Cliff Craig Reta Busher Diane Hyatt VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x 2 ~'=~ NORTH Acceptance of Sewer facilities serving COMMUNITY SERVICES Penn Forest Wesleyan Church AND DEVELOPMENT 3 L- / COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND - UNAPPROPRIATID BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1988 $12,644 Additional Amount from 1988-89 Budget 50,000 November 22, 1988 Improvements at Administrative Center (6,450) Balance as of January 24, 1989 56 194 Submitted by -_~~_ r - `r~ - Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance L--~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNAPPROPRIATID BALANCE - GEN~2AL FUND Balance at July 1, 1988 $3,037,141 August 9, 1988 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup (400,000) September 13, 1988 Transfer to Board Contingency (50,000) September 26, 1988 Design Phase of Spring Hollow (175,000) Reservoir October 25, 1988 Funding for Public Information (46,500) Officer November 9, 1988 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup (260,000) November 22, 1988 Lease Additional Office Space (34,783) Balance as of January 24, 1989 $2,070,858 The recommended level for fund balance for 1988-89 is a minimum of $1,748,124, which is 3 percent of the total General Fund budget. Submitted by y _ I ~ : I~l Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance L--~ COUNTY OF ROAI~IOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD COrTI'INGF~ICY Original Budget at July 1, 1988 $50,000 June 28, 1988 Funding of Length of Service Benefit for Volunteer Fire, Rescue, and Auxiliary Sheriff's Deputies (9,000) July 26, 1988 Tweed's Access Road (39,405) September 13, 1988 Add to Board Contingency from 50 000 Unappropriated Balance September 26, 1988 Beautification of Brambleton Avenue (3,500) September 28, 1988 Economic Development Trip to Northern roved Administratively) ia (A i i (1,000) pp n rg V October 6, 1988 Typewriter for Clerk of Courts (Approved Administratively) (966) October 6, 1988 Economic Development Promotion (1 025) (Approved Administratively) , October 11, 1988 Safekeeping of Securities (2,000) October 20, 1988 Informational Brochure for November roved Administratively) (A ti l (6,500) pp on ec E October 25, 1988 Additional Allocation to Total Action (10 000) Against Poverty (TAP) , 1988 November 3 Survey Fees - Safety Center and , Forensics Lab Site (Approved (2 473) Administratively) , November 9, 1988 Bushdale Road (1,000) December 13, 1988 C. L. & 0. Investors (365) December 20, 1988 Stonebridge Park Parking Lot (Approved Administratively) (5,000) January 10, 1989 Salaries for Board of Zoning Appeals (625) Balance as of January 24, 1989 17 141 Submitted by ~~. `, i_.'i r i. ~~ ~~. Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ITEM NUMBER L -- L~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF 'rHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 SUBJECT: Accounts Paid - December 1989 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $2,758,433.51 Payroll: 12/09/88 $367,538.64 12/23/88 382,356.70 749,895.34 53.508.328.85 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt" Director of Finance APPROVED: C Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---- - -------------- ----- _ ACTION VOTE AT.. Voc nhc Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER L AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Landfill Siting Schedule January - April 1989 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S COMMENTS: ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a preliminary calendar of events scheduled for the landfill site process through April 1989. Additional meetings are planned by the Planning Commission to hear community input and additional joint meetings of the Planning Commission and Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee are planned. These, as well, as other meetings, will be added to the calendar as they are scheduled. ~~`~ -~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To• Nickens Robers ~0 H a~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ L y '~+ I m 0 V o a~ ` S ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ "- ' ~ ~ ~ ; .~ ~~ ~~ >~ ~ b ~, •~+ G v >,+ w a~ x a ~ m O~ ~ ~ "! tw ~ U ~ oo U !r ~ x ~ ~rl fA 1.1 •ri DO ~ ~ G b O G ~ b ~, N l • GL~ T +~ ~ O !A N H r l.i ~ U ~ ~ N a ~ O U ~ x `~ U -I r U U ~ ~ +-~ ~ U U G. U O ~+ cd 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ o ~ .~+ a. ~v a cn ~ ~~ ~ 3 a v a. z ~ U tU b O ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .r., .r., ~ s~ ~ x o ~ ~ a i U I ~ 4-+ O tl~ O 1.~ OO ~ K ~ I N~ ~0 H Aa W H w~ V ~ ~ `~ ~° H O ~ I i ~ b 1 ro ~ ~ m I ~ I ~ f'+ I I ~' j 3 ~ 3 ~' w • l>•+ i I ~ O ro i o o~ i o f.i. ~ ~ ~ ~ G 6 i ~ a i ~ u , ~ ~ ~x ~ a •~+ aa~+lro °'~ ~'" ~' i zo a.naaoiw I ~ ~ I i ~, ~ i a~i i ~ •~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ U I 6 I~ I ~, ~ I U I U U >`+ I U I I I I I ~ j O ~ I O t ca a I ~° I ~ ~ G I r-1 3 ~ ro C I w 1 3 a J i ~ ~ b ~ ~ I ~ I % ~ W H 7 ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V I O b ~~ F-- ~ ~ •~ 1 ~+ .., O I ' N N x O I I I I I I ~~~ I ' U ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b H H o~ ~ ~ . moo ~ rl a as ~ n u i .c x x ° ~ ~ . • v v N a 3 a~ v t/~ ~ ~ ~ ~` y ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~~ ~ V ~ ~~~~ .~.~ ~ ~ •~ ~~ -~ o~ o ~ 4-i U O AA V_ Q ` ~ .l GO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •rl ~ y,~ •rl 1.~ ~ N ~ 41 41 41 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti U U V 6 U U U ~ °p ~ `~ W ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ 1~ ~ U NA 3 ~~.~~ a~a+~~ H w ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~ b v a ~ ~w~ V ~ ~ ~ C~ r . ~ y ~ ~ I~ ~' I~ I~ I~ y C~ ~ ~ \ ~o !~I ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J a ~ A a ,~ 3 W w~ V ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .r., ~ ~ o a ~ O .~ '--i ~ W U ~ O ~ ~ N 3~ v a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' v ~ o a ~ o a k , a i pa U F+ Vi W O W 0 ~ ~/ ~ ~ O G ~ ~ V eJ N O Y ~~-Ji ..] F Z a C 41 d W O L i a .r W W c~'.a Z Z 6 a a ~ W y 7 O Gi E~ A ~~' N O F ~°~ Z ~ K J m O ~~ a O ; f' I 4 N CU I ~ i ~ IF I~ III I N i !; J m 4 I ~ ~ OM 4 N m o m ' H O v M h ~ 6 m !I 1 1.\ rJ t] I ~f il, ~ M q--~ ~ ~ ~ O C 1 C m 1 ~k O N L o O~ m n I ~ I N C M G p0 ~ _ N ' ~ f C i( C ~ i I j ` ~ o I ~ ~I I ~ n m ,o M V N J O ~ O M aY t~ a0p' N o .M-~ o .-1 C ' a rr h n h ~ I Q+ M I O m IS O a N I ~ .c ~ .n o. ~ .-i m ~ N O O O iS ~ N ~ O 00 N I [~ O O O ~ I N ~ ~ r-I O .-i st' N .~ C M CT C Y, O M i vOi (~~l ~O~ t~ ~. 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H~ O ti A PS VI V] W W W V D P. eb O l O Z P5 T ~/J 4 6 i 6 to W u] Of v W Z 7c N O O. y :,~ .L S M J 6 V V Z W L W m tl ~ r 2 Z i F O [G C7 W V L W G O O ~ N m F 6 O W u] x W o7 V 06 4 O S O V [n V [ F~ J O Z F m F T %1 N tN~ N ~ N N W N _.. _. A N N .._.__ M m~ _.--_ M m ~ "._ ~ ~ ~ ~ N 4 d d M yy N d d d _ I _ J_ W t~ d d • G~ T W O • ~ yNj n _r ~ n ~ i • /1 L -- -- -- COUNT1~bF ROANOKE __ STATEMENT OF EXPE.'iDITL'RES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1988 BUDGET EXPENDED ' GENERAL ADMINISTRATICN ------------ -- 742 S S 174 ---------- --- 100,166 --------- 56 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , 34 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 186,961 63,370 PERSONNEL 206,067 94,723 46 COUNTY ATTORNEY 173,554 93,595 54 ~ c ~ ~ r r ' CC,.ML.S'.C'~ER t,F RE].,NU.. 490 5Lo - _- ~^A ? s,7 "V"" -- - cF '- __ - TREASURER 461,441 202,703 44 • ELECTIONS 168,374 02,324 55 _ ____ SESAUICENTENNIAL 86,116 55,988_ 65 FISCAL MANAGEMENT - SUPERINTENDENT OF FISCAL MANAGEMENT 58,204 28,003 48 _ COUNTY ASSESSOR 609,855 256,905 42 -~ CENTRAL ACCOUNTING 357,939 160,458 45 - PROCUREMENT 212,881 103,603 49 -- MANAGEMENT & BUDGET 97,052 43,593 45 a' RISK MANAGEMENT 1,136,037 708,967 62 -- = JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION 7 -~: CIRCUIT COURT 149,366 11,189 -• GENERAL DISTRICT. COURT 18,740 5,055 27 X31 MAGISTRATES 730 277 38 z~~ J & D DISTRICT COURT 8,621 3,251 3B =°' CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 495,618 235,531 48 " COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY 288,589 139,063 48 .~.. PROBATION OFFICE 39,175 7,545 19 ~3' CTIM WITNESS V 3,330 1,608 48 I ~~ 33' ~~ PUBLIC SAFETY POLICING & INVESTIGATING 3,960,396 1,854,465 47 -' HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION 960 110 11 48 'A' FIRE 2,222,889 1,069,496 99 RESCUE SQUAD 484,421 189,265 39 ~ EMERGENCY SERVICES & HAZ MAT RESPONSE 47,192 18,280 39 ~" CONFINEMENT/CARE OF PRISONERS 1,882,680 969,690 52 ° AL CONTROL 145,638 69,914 48 - ANIM `"' °= PUBLIC FACILITIES tT ~UPE~IRTE?LDENT OF PUBLIC rACIL.,IES _ 112,309 48,261 __ 43 "~' ~ STREET LIGHTS 125,798 39,255 31 "' ENGINEERING 536,714 298,631 56 ' "" S V C 190,312 89,957 47 - E I GENERAL SER 0 _ •~ DRAINAGE 0 586 43 -'- BUILDINGS ~ GROUNDS 793,582 342,111 PARK~~ RECREATION 951,400 435,621 46 '~ __ REFUSE 1,663,312 904,848 54 s~. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 60,000 26,577 44 '~ GROUNDS "!AiNTENANCE 857,679 379,773 44 - :FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: PAGE 2 OF 3 L- (~ ~x~ STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES z SIX (lONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1988 s HEALTH ~ SOCIAL SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH 397,370 191,379 ~ SOCIAL SERVICES ADIIIHISTxATION 1,791,15? -- -~2~,650 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 802,285 357,999 3 INSTITUTIONAL CARE 6,000 3 8,766 - SOCIAL _ SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS _ 94,984 47,492 48 45 24 50 DEVELOPMENT SUPERINTENDENT OF DEVELOPMENT _ ___ _ 0 _ ____ __ 20 _ __ 0 - PLANNING & ZONING 307,054 132,947 43 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ' 226,208 _ 138,481 bi _ _ DEVELOPMENT REVIER 113,438 55,705 49 PLANNING COMMISSION 17,933 8,301 46 ~~ CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SERVICES 206,195 103,631 50 •~ NON-DEPARTMENTAL ~~ ASST. CO. ADM. HUMAN SERVICES 99,286 46,053 46 •~ LIBRARY 1,145,612 531,442 46 '~' EXTENSION & CONTINUING EDUCATION 96,326 24,270 25 ~~31 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 741,392 113,837 15 •~ CONTRIBUTIONS TO SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 20,000 18,252 91 a MISCELLANEOUS 796,343 .63,557 8 TOTAL 26,364,876 12,138,101 46 "' TRANSFERS AND RESERVES S2 REI)lBURSABLE EXPENDITURES 0 (456) 0 '3' TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 4,806,542 2,120,524 44 '4i TRANSFER TO INTERNAL SERVICE 332,905 135,316 41 "' TRANSFER TO SCHOOL OPERATING FUND 26,666,000 6,577,465 25 's' TRANSFER TO UTILITY CAPITAL 215,000 20,000 9 ~' TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECTS _ 1,637,214 903,607 55 :e TRANSGER TO YOUTH HAVEN 75,768 31,570 42 =~ UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE. 448,846 0 0 "'' RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTING"cNCY 28,132 0 0 ------------ ------------ ------------ TOTAL TRANSFER ITEMS 34,210,407 9,788,026 216 ------------ ------------ ------------ GRAND TOTAL 3 60,575,283 s 21,926,127 36 r:nar,c~al State®ents: ?ace 3 of 3 ~~ ~- / COUDfl'Y OF ROANOKE PUBLIC HEARING CITIZEN INPUT FOR THE 1989-90 BUDGET The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County invites citizens of Roanoke County to offer written or oral cam-ent for items to be included in the budget for the 1989-90 fiscal year. An informational public hearing, to receive citizen cotmient, will be held on Tuesday, January 24, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. All interested citizens are invited to attend this meeting. please publish as a block ad on Tuesday, January 17, 1989 in the morning and evening editions. Bill cost of publication to: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ' A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~~~ _ / PUBLIC HEARING ON =-1-QyY15 'tb ~j,~ ~ rig, (~~ i ,1 ;.~.~~ hi G~i:~~ tz~v 1 `2 ~~tl ' ~L~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: l.C.lLCLb~ V ~.~.~ ,.GG ~1 ~ o ~vVX- 3 Z U OCL-~u U' c~ ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ~ ~~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~~~'-~ PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking onthe masoritanof will enforce the rule unless instructed by J y the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ~~7- ~ ADDRESS: ~, PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: ~~ (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~9- ~ -- _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE : 7 ~ ~' -~- O~5 ~.v o-~. PLEASE NOTE: y ~~U~~ le-~ ~ wa"~c~C~C ~'`~~°~- ~ ~ ~~ , . ~~ 1 ~1d~1 U/ /,P A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~ ~~ ~~ PUBLIC HEARING ON ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: //l/~-~ ~t'r ~~~s ~~ ADDRESS : ~~ ~ t y;- ,;, o,,. T i ~r PHONE: _ ~~~/~5 - ~~.. ~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.> /8~' -~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~ C ~ I I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I.T E L E G I B L Y NAME : \\ '~ ~ -~ ADDRESS : S `I ~ J~ ~ Y'.t ~ ~ (~ i. G ~ c- PHONE : ~~ ~~`1j S -] 3 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ~ 8 ~ - .z~ PETITIONER: ROBERT AND PATRICIA GROUSE CASE N[]MBER: 50-12/88 Planning Cc~rnnission Hearing Date: Dec~nber 6, 1988 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: December 13, 1988 A. RDQUEST Petition of Robert and Patricia Crouse to rezone a 4.82 acre tract from B-l, Business to N~-2, Industrial to operate a trucking terminal, located approximately 0.5 mile east of I-81 exit 39 (Dixie Caverns) on the south side of West Main Street (Route 460) in the Car._awba Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION L. G. Maxwell, Harold Horn and L. S. Statzer voiced the following concerns: decreased property values; traffic hazard; noise from tractor trailer trucks; not a proper location for a truck terminal. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS 1. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Core land use category. Industrial land uses such as those permitted in the M-2, General Industrial District are incanpatible with the land use guidelines set forth in the Core land use category. In the event this petition is approved by the Board of Supervisors, staff will initiate a land use amendment to ensure compatibility between the Future Land Use Plan and the zoning ordinance. 2. Circulation: Attached concept plan does not provide any detail regarding on-site circulation. Petitioner has informed the staff that access will be gained along the western end of the site and that the modular office building will be located towards the eastern property line. Petitioner has proffered conditions which ensure that access will be gained from US 460. Also, this particular location lacks a median cut to allow vehicles exiting the site to turn westbound onto US 460, or allow vehicles traveling westbound on US 460 to turn into the site. This is particularly important since Exit 39 on I-81 is located approximately ~ mile west of this site. In addition, this location is hampered by the fact that it is situated on the crest of hill along US 460 where site distances are reduced. Since the speed limit for this section of US 460 is 55 mph, a high volume of vehicle mov~nents entering and existing this site could present a traffic hazard. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. Entry and exit to 2. Commercial access 3. No more than 300 and portable sign 4. Materials such a on the site. the property shall be from the new US 11 & 460 highway only. will not be gained from Route 796. sq.f t. of signage will be erected. Billboards, temporary s will not be permitted. s fuel, waste oil, and used vehicle parts will not be stored /~-.~' E. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Winstead moved to deny the request stating that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that he hoped that Roanoke County's recommendation for economic development would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Witt concurred and also expressed concern that there is no guaranteed crossover. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT': None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G . A'I'I'ACHMENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other : ~~ ~ (~~~~~ (/`' Dale Castellow, Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Cc~rnission - 2 - V~ Glry~~ ~.. /~_~. ~~ 'w..,; ~ , COMwiONWEALTH of V~RGINYA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 714 SOUTH BROAD STREET F. C. ALTIZER, JR. RAY D. PETHTEL SALEM, 24153 January 10, 1989 RESIDENT ENGINEER COMIiMSS10NER Post Office Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Mr. Robert Crouse Houston Motor Express Post Office Box 1095 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Crouse: ~~I have again visited the site you and I previously looked at in the "Big Hill section of Roanoke County. The site lays next to the Dixie Caverns Auto Parts store adjacent to the eastbound lane of Route 11. By this cursory review, it appears that an adequate commercial entrance with the appropriate deceleration lane could be constructed to serve the truck terminal operations you and I discussed at our prior meeting. Sight distance, as roughly measured by the odomE~ter on my vehicle, was borderline according to our standard of 550' for this roadway and would have to be verified as adequate on any subsequent submittals for an entrance permit. However, it is my opinion that this particular site cannot qualify for a median crossover at ar~y point along its frontage. First of all, the minimum crossover spacing for this roadway (800') could not be met, since a crossover already exists directly across from Dixie Caverns Auto Parts. Secondly, there is no apparent means (due to variable width and type of median that exists) to physically construct tine 12' wide by 400' long left turn deceleration lane that would be required should a crossover be allowed. Should you wish t:o pursue the permit to construct an entrance into this property, please provi,ie this office with a site plan showing the dimensional layout, sight distance. and relative drainage items so a more in-depth review can be made prior to y~:ur permit application. If you have any questions or need further information, please call. Sincerely, i~ -- L . C . Whi tenack., Highway Permits and Subdivision `.specialist Senior for: F. C. Altizer, Jr. Resident Engineer LCW:kg cc: Mr. 0. A. Covey Mr. L. C. Taylor, II ~~~ ~~ ~'"~~NSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY \~ ~ ~ ly ~ -3 ~~ ~-~~ -~ I _ ~ ~ ,,~ ~~,~ ~ ~ ~~ ,. ~~ `\ /' ~ `\ `,` ~ `~\~ ~. I ;' i ~{ ~~ z j ~ ~' ' ~ ~ -~ ~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~, c \ ~~ ~ ; ~ ~a ,~ o 1 `~ i ~~~ o ~ ~ , ~ ~~~ _ (~ ~ ~ J ( r i '~ _ 1~ ~ ~~ , ~~ , I 0 i C I V J ~ '~ 1- \ W I \ 1 ~,\ ; ~ I ' \\ ~ \~\ ~ \, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -, -! I ` ~ ~~ ~~ \ ! ~ ~ - 3 - STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBERS 50-12/88 PETITIONER: Robert Crouse ~,~~~,~ REVIEWED BYs Dale Castellow DATE: December 6, 1988 Petition of Robert and Patricia Crouse to rezone a 4.82 acre tract from B-1, Business to M-2, Industrial to operate a trucking terminal, located approximately 0.5 mile east of I-81 Exit 39 (Dixie Caverns) on the south side of West Main Street (Route 460) in the Catawba Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. This petition is a conditional request to construct and operate an independant trucking terminal. The petitioner proposes to relocate his existing trucking operation, which is located in west Salem on West Main Street across from Glenvar 1lbrary, to this site. b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map provide more information about the proposal. 2. APPLICABLE RvGULATIONS a. The M-2, General Industrial District permits a variety of industrial uses including automobile assembly, machine shops, laboratories, manufacturing, trucking terminals and heavy equipment storage yards. Petitioner has proffered that commercial access will be restricted to US 460. b. Site plan review will be required to ensure compliance with county regulations. c. Commercial entrance permit will be required from VDOT. d. In the event the petitioner chooses to store waste oil or other flamable substances on site, appropriate permits will be required from the Roanoke County Fire Department. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Moderately Main Street. b. Ground Cover: Wooded. sloping to the east from West 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Glenvar Community Planning Area. The development framework guide calls for stimulating growth in this portion of the County. b. General area is sparsley developed with single family residential, retail, a vacant industrial building and a four lane divided highway. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Ratings Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale 1 through 5. 1 positive impact, 2 negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 - severe impact, and N/A not applicable. - 5 - . \ ~~ \, - ~ GLEN v .~ ~ ~ ~,`. I,,~ E I l 116 Nl~j,., .~ i \ .fl, „~ i ~ t` I "''~ ~' v~ ~. IN~. ~ ,~ VICINITY MAP ,~ ~,.~~- i~'% - ~.. 0 un~ru --- - - 4 itAC O ..,~~ 3 / / M~ s 1 3 / K! 1.21 K sA L4tAo pP' / B1 ~ / I.NII~ 11 ~~O ~ X g1. v t / ~~ 81 ,• ~ 1 /~~ ~ 9 ~~ 0\ ~I . w •S', ~ ~1 ' R1 2.O6Ac ~d' 2JS Ac ( • ~ / ~ 13 ~ I.f~At ' a.N k 0~" O ~ 31 R1 . ~ Qr ~ R~ ,, I O\ / .a '~ 2E '~ 30 / E ~~ .„ • .~ 33 •~ yl u ' N C ~\ ~ Bl R1 ~~~ y~,.cM',. ~ 4 I.a k. r ~~,~ 7 ,~ ~1 I ;M ' 1 ~ / 10 • ~ 81 27 ~i / 11 OAC101 Q 2E1 ~ / I.afAC. µ , ~ 1.22Ae. Z'MKKI 1 112 AC ~ ~ u 9p Mdl BapM / LOAt. ~+~~ 13 IS ~ •21 ~ ~ 2 I.NAC tt 3 'gt ~ ~ ~ CONTAMINATED LA ~' le I .. / SEE LTR•MAR S, 88 ly I.o'snt. ATTORNEY toint COUNTY ~ _ _~ - 4 - 6t4.o1-3-~ • ,~ (tp~£R'C i~f~fAlL1p~ GROVhE > ~ ROANOKE COUNTY $1 to M2 ~, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT RATZN~ FACTOR COMMENTS -.~Z'~' LAND USE COMPATIBILITY l 8 4 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Core land use category. Industrial land uses such as those permitted in the M-2, General Industrial District are incompatible with the land use guidelines set forth in the Core land use category. In the event this petition is approved by the Board of Supervisors, staff will initiate a land use amendment to ensure compatibility between the Future Land Use Plan and the zoning ordinance. 3 b. Surrounding Land: The site is bordered by a four lane divided highway, a wooded lot, a vacant industrial building and single family residences. 3 c. Neighboring Area: Single family residences and assorted commercial uses. 4 d. Site Layout: In addition to constructing a modular building on the site to serve as an office building, petitioner has proffered conditions ensuring that access will be maintained onto West Main Street (US 460). Petitioner has stated that no commercial traffic will access the site from Rt. 796. Additional information is necessary to determine how interior circulation will be accommodated. 2 e. Architecture: Petitioner proposes to erect a modular building on the site to serve as an office building. 3 f. Screening and Landscaping: Petitioner will be required to providQ screening and buffering per county regulations. 3 g. Amenities: The attached concept plan does not illustrate the quantity of on-site parking facilities. Petitioner has advised the staff that 3 to 10 vehicles will be regularly parked on the site. 2 h. Natural features: Petitioner advises that existing vegetation along the rear of the site will be preserved. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: In 1986, ADT along US 460, between the west Salem City limits and Rt. 647, was 7,595. The petitioner states that this operation will generate approximately 10 trip ends per day. Using ITE trip generation data, which states that truck terminals generate approximately 7 vehicle trips per employee, this site would generate approximately 28 vehicle trips per day. This rate is based on a limited sample and should be used cautiously. 4 ~. Circulation: Attached concept plan does not provide any - 6 - irculation. Petitioner has detail regarding on-site c informed the staff that access will be gained along the western end of the site and that the modular office building will located towards the eastern property line. Petitioner has proffered conditions which ensure that access will be gained from US 460. Staff recommends the petitioner proffer conditions prohibiting commercial access onto Rt. 796. Also, this particular location lacks a median cut to allow vehicles exiting the site to turn westbound onto US 460, or allow vehicles traveling westbound on US 460 to turn into the site. This is particularly important since Exit 39 on I-81 is located approximately one-half mile west of this site. In addition, this location is hampered by the fact that it is situated on the crest of hill along US 460 where site distances are reduced. Since the speed limit for this section of US 460 is 55 mph, a high volume of vehicle movements entering and exiting this site could present a traffic hazard. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate water facilities are available along Rt. 796. 2 1. Sewer: Public sanitary sewer is not available. No known septic problems. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: No known problems. N/A n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES 3 0. Fire Protection: In reviewing this petition the County's Deptartment of Fire and Emergency Services expressed several concerns regarding the storage of'fuel, waste oil, or used vehicle parts on the site. The petitioner has stated that no such materials would be stored on the site; although conditions ensuring such have not been proffered. Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer conditions ensuring that such activities do not occur. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 1 s. - Land and Improvement Values 584,800 - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: N/A - Total Employees: 4 - Total revenue to the County/Year: Approximately $$905 New Revenue: - 7 - ENVIRONMENT N/A t. Air: +~'c~'' i 89- z. N/A u. Water: v. Soils: N/A w. Noise: 4 x. signage: The petitioner has not proffered any conditions which restrict the amount of signage permitted on the site. Under existing zoning regulations, approximately 1560 square feet of signage could be placed on the site. Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer conditions which not only restrict the amount of permitted signage but prohibit billboards, portable and temporary signs on the site as well. Specifically, staff suggests that no more than 300 square feet of signage be erected on the site and that no portable or temporary signs be permitted. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Core on the County's future land use map. The proposed trucking terminal is inconsistent with the land use policies and guidelines set forth in the Core land use category. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Site is situated within close proximity to Exit eredrthaticommercialcaccessowi111be maintainedoonrtoas proff US 460. b. Weaknesses: (1) The proposed use is inconsistent with land use guidelines set forth in the Core land use category. (2) At this time the site lacks a median cut to allow exiting traffic to access the westbound lane or to allow westbound traffic to access the site. (3) The proposed access point is situated near the apex of a hill on US 460 where site distances are reduced. (4) The petitioner has not proffered any conditions which restrict the amount of signage permitted on the site. (5) Petitioner has not provided any information regarding parking arrangements for the vehicles to be stored on site. c. Suggested Proffers: (1) Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer that commercial access will not be gained from Rt. 796. (2) Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer conditions which not only restrict the amount of permitted signage but prohibit billboards, temporary and portable signs on the site as well. Staff suggests that the petitioner restrict signage to 300 square feet. (3) Staff recommends that the petitioner proffer conditions ensuring that materials such fuel, waste oil, and used vehicle parts are not stored en the site. - 8 - ~'p ~ VIRGINIA: ao rn N r1 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A ~ ~ 8 2 acre parcel of land, ) generally located oN US X60 (Z ) ~~lC easf of S 8l ~x,f 39 ) within the (?G~'Q.,,J(Op~ ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # to ~. 0~ - 3 - G ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. FTUnr. nuns ~ THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: z ' '~ ~ WHEREAS, your Petitioner ~ ~ ~o ~ Gv f ~ (~afri era ~o a S e H p did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel o from ~- h Sus; ~~s s District to /"~ - Z ~.,`~_. ivd~.s fr<'Q I District ~ for the ~ purpose of _ CoNStru.~f~Na 4c..~d opeX~-f~'.~q a.._ f~rtc~~-;,~/q Q Ga a WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public ~' hearin of the ~ 19 8$ at which time all ~ g petition on e ~. ~ , , , parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing held on ~ee• !3 19 88 , the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be on 1/24/89 ~~ .W denied NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 6~F o/- 3 - 6 and recorded i n Deek Book ~ 2 ''~ 8 Page S l O and legally described below, be rezoned from ~" /~ 3-~1~a'S' District to (M -/ ~yc~~.c5-~lj'a ( District. ,~ - 9 - Legal Description of Property: "bEGINNIIIG at asr iron ppin on the northerl •ide of old U. 8. Highway Route Number 11 corner to Gallimore propaYtrr and being the •outheaaterly corner of G. T. Martin propert~r t thence with the northerly line of old U.S. Hishway Route Number 11 3. SO dega. 27 ^,inutee W. , croeein a highrra monuwaat at 359.80 fact, a total of 384.4 feet to a pointy thence with the line of propartr new ar torserlr oinn~d br J. N. p N. 39 daf;a 33 minutes W. 591.30 feat co as iron pier oa the •outherl •id• of U.B. Rocca 11 ~reraat lotatioa); t~e vith the 1lM ~ It . ,rte 11 a1e~ tllgt ast et a ,: etsa~- Rr ~~ lio Mwe iaiiw is )739.72 tese eat Mreila c ra la M. i3 daga 06 ainuta• )4 aecanda f. 386.3 leet as arc diatanc• o! 386.4! Coat t.o an iroa p~rt thence leaving Route 11 and with the easterly line o! Pargaa pproperty sad ~rlao Gallimore property S. 40 doge 23 mii-ute• 4S seconds E. 506.64 feat is the sEGItO~I CNC; and containing 4.82 acres t and. BEING that certain 4.82 acra~ accordingg to the certain Paat of Survey made by T. P. Parker 6 Son, en`ineer~ sad eurvavora. dated October 16. 1973. BEING the sarr~._~ property conveyed to 1?o1x rt B. Crouse and Patricia H. Crouse, by decd dated December 28, 1987, from Harry W. Webb, Jr. and Shirley J. WE~i_~b, recorded in Deed Book 1278, page 510, ClE::::k's Office, Circuit Court, County of Roanoke, :;Mate of Virginia. ~~,~ /-- BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. McGraw and upon the ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors, Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT. None ~: ~~-De ut - Clerk cc: File ~~]~~ qty&B~rslp~fciSmP~'isots Arnold Covey, Director, Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wiley, Director, Real Estate Assessment - 10 - w rn N VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE OOUN'i'Y A 4.82 acre parcel of land, ) generally located f~lenvar ) Big Hill Area ) within the Catawba ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel ~ 6 4,.01.6 ) in the Roanoke County_Tax Records. 70 THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: PROFFER OF m~mrmrn~~e i~ /~~ . w Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. z 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner O ROBERT B.CROUSE hereby voluntarily proffers to the o Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the ~ rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: 'q Entry and Exit to the property sgall be from the new U.S 11 & 460 (~ highway only. a (2) Commercial access will not be gained from Route 796. w(3) No more thin 300 sq.ft. of signage will be erected. Billboards, ~ temporary and portable signs will not be permitted. (4) Materials such as fuel, waste oil, and used vehicle parts will not be stored on the site. - 11 - Respectfully submitted, /8~ r2 A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~~ PUBLIC HEARING ON ~~~~.~:~ ~~~~ f• ~'~~ ~" ~ ~ ~c~~f ~~~~~ ~.ftSC`'t I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E. L E G I B L Y NAME : ~-- ~~Y i ~ i i ADDRESS : ~ ~ ~j'~ (~ Vi C t~za ~~c~i ~~ ~~~ ~,'° ~~' ,-r7 PHONE : ~ r~L~ "- ~ L~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T ~~~ PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~ ~- ~ ~i i-~ ~ ~ ~~~~'~~~ ~ ~~s--~ ~ `C"~~`~' ~~``~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E. W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~ ~ ck.~ ~~ ~~ z-~w ADDRESS : ~ ~ ~S ~ V ~ e-:,~%'~' ~ ti "~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~J 4~, , ~ ti ~ ~ ~ PHONE : ~ D ~ o1a-~, PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ~ B q _ a2 A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) - Q ~8%- z A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~'~ ~ ~ ~-'" I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: ADDRESS : ~ ~~ V ~ (,.e>~~ ~~ ~"°~--' PHONE : ~~~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~'"~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ~ ~~` z A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~~/~~ ~~/j~,~~~u.~ ~~ ~~~(~ L C~ zr-+~/~'n2 I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : ~`Y .....,~ ~ .E" ~.. ~;_ ADDRESS : S __ ~ ~ 6J ~' „~i~ ~.~r~-r~ ~d f PHONE : 3 ~ ~ - .~ ~ ~ Z PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) /8~1- ~ .. A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me durinq the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) ~~~~~t~~ ACTION # A12489-7 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Petition of Jolly Time, Inc. for a Special Exception Permit to operate an amusement and video arcade located at 4394 Electric Road in Tanglewood Mall in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS ..C, SUMMARY OF INFORMATION See attached Staff Report. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request for a Special Exception Permit with the condition cited at the end of the staff report. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~~ ~~~ Dale Castellow Acting Director of Planning Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens/ No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw with Garrett _ x - Received { ) condition (1) Hours of Johnson _,. x. _ Referred operation for the arcade McGraw ___. x _ To should not exceed the _ Nickens - x _ operating hours of the mal~obers _ x _ cc: File Dale Castellow Terry Harrington STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: SE 1 - 1/89 PETITIONER: Jolly Time, Inc. REVIEWED BY: Dale Castellow ~ DATE: January 24, 1989 Petition of Jolly Time Inc. for a Special Exception Permit to operate an amusement and video arcade located at 4394 Electric Road in Tanglewood Mall in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Petitioner proposes to lease approximately 1,790 square feet of space in Tanglewood Mall for the purpose of operating an amusement and video arcade. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. The proposed site, Tanglewood Mall, is currently zoned B-2, General Commercial. Under the provisions of the B-2, General Commercial District, public amusements such as billiard parlors, bowling alleys, golf driving ranges and other uses similar to this request, are permitted provided a special exception permit is granted by the governing body. The purpose of the special exception permit is to provide the governing body with an opportunity to attach special requirements or conditions to such uses to protect adjacent properties and the public welfare. b. Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors, the petitioner must obtain a final building inspection and a certificate of occupancy. If a sign is to be erected, a sign permit also will be required. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Not applicable, situated in Tanglewood Mall. b. Ground Cover: Not applicable. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Cave Spring Community Planning Area. This area has been designated for stable grocath. Urban services are available. b. General area is developed with commercial, office and retail uses. S. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMASENTS / ~ ~°''~ LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Core land use category. Land uses such as general retail, personal service, office and institutional uses are encouraged in areas designated as Core. This proposal is compatible with the applicable land use guidelines set forth in the plan. 2 b. Surrounding Land: The proposed site is located within the food court of Tanglewood Mall. The site is surrounded by restaurants and general retail uses. 2 c. Neighboring Area: The area is developed with various office, commercial and retail uses. 2 d. Site Layout: The proposed site consists of 1,790 square feet of retail space in Tanglewood Mall. It is located in the food court on the second floor. N/A e. Architecture: N/A f. Screening and Landscaping: 2 g. Amenities: Sufficient parking is available to accommodate this proposal. N/A h. Natural features: TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: The site is situated on Electric Road. In 1986, traffic counts along this section of Electric Road (Rt. 419) revealed an ADT of 42,110. Using ITE trip generation rates based on one study of video arcades, staff estimates this proposal should generate approximately 17 vehicle trips per day. The increased traffic generated by this proposal would not have a significant impact on existing traffic patterns. 3 j. Circulation: Tanglewood Mall is accessible from both Ogden and Electric Roads. Interior circulation on the mall property is adequate. This proposal will not affect existing circulation patterns. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate source and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE N/A m. Basin: N/A n. Floodplain: ~' PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service standard. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: TAX BASE 1 s. - Land and Improvement Value: No change - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: $225,000 - Total Employees: 5 - Total new revenue to the County/Year: 52,250 ENVIRONMENT N/A t. Air: N/A u. Water: N/A v. Soils: 3 w. Noise: Petitioner should make every effort to reduce the noise emanating from the arcade into the mall. 3 x. Signage: Signage should be of comparable size to neighboring merchants. A sign permit is required. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Core on the Future Land Use Plan. General retail, personal service, office and institutional land uses are compatible the policies set forth in the Core land use designation. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) The proposal is consistent with the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. (2} The proposed use is identical to the current use of this property. (3) The proposed use is situated in the food court where its impact on neighboring merchants may be reduced. b. Weaknesses: None identified by staff. c. Suggested Conditions: {1) Hours of operation for the arcade should not exceed the operating hours of the mall. • '~ PETITIONER: KLAS AND EVA GUERTLER CASE N(7N1BER: 3-1/89 /~~ ~ / Planning CoRmission Hearing Date: January 3, 1989 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: January 24, 1989 A. REQUEST Petition of Klas and Eva Guertler fo.r a Use Not Provided For permit to operate a dental laboratory on a 0.875 acre tract, located at 1280 Longview Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Al Carroll, a neighbor, spoke in favor of the request. There was no opposition. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS 1. None. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. The number of employees will be limited to the petitioner and one additional employee. 2. The business will not be open to the public. 3. One employee parking space will be provided. (Attachment #3) 4. The dental lab operation will be limited to the proposed 24' x 24' building only. E. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Gordon moved to approved the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Winstead, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G . ATTACHMENTS / Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") ~ Staff Report Other: ~~- Dale Castellow, Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Ccarnnission ~ ~ ? _Y...a--. ~(' KLAUS A. GUERTLER, C.D.T. ~~ ,~,.. GNATHO DENTAL STUDIOS, INC. 1260 LONGVIEW ROAO SALEM, VIRGINIA 24!53 ~-.-`_ gg90474 .~ `' ct~ ~ ~~ ~n 1 ~~ h iD. $~ rn C hl n ~,` `l J ~ -~ r "' ~~ y ~ a- ~ Y - - `-,. ry t #~p ~ '`c. a k0~ /\ s` ,~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~, , .~, ~ `•, rra . ` ~'~~ , , , ~c \ _ ,~ ~J ~ , ~~ \ -Q r , - ,~_! I _ __ ~~ ~~ Y! ~ , i.. i~~~ ,;~xCY . ~, i ~~~ ~ ~` ~; - 2 - STAFF REPORT ~~~~ CASE NUMBERS 3-1/89 PETITIONERS Klas & Eva Guertler REVIEWED BY: Jon Hartley DATE: December 29, 1988 Petition of Klas and Eva Guertler for a Use Not Provided For permit to operate a dental laboratory on a 0.875 acre tract, located at 1280 Longview Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Petitioner is requesting a Use Not Provided For permit in order to construct an accessory building on his property for use as a dental laboratory. Mr. Guertler makes crowns and other precision dental parts as ordered by dentists. He normally works alone, but sometimes hires part-time help. Delivery and pickup of goods and materials is handled by petitioner or by mail. He claims to have been in operation in his existing residence for the past sixteen years. Staff was unable to locate any record of County approval for this use. He now intends to sell his residence and relocate on an adjacent parcel and operate the dental lab in a separate building. Petitioner has proffered no change in his operation, agreed to no access by public and proffered a basic site layout. b. Petitioner has obtained a building permit to construct a 24' x 24' accessory building which would be converted to the dental lab if this petition is approved. He has been advised of the consequences should this petition be denied. c. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describe the proposal more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. Medical labs, under the zoning ordinance, are only permitted in the M-2, General Industrial District. Sufficient similarities exist between this use and a ceramics studio or photographer's lab to also classify this use as a home occupation. Home occupations are permitted as an incidental use of a dwelling unit, but are not permitted in accessory structures in residential areas. It should also be noted that the Standard Industrial Classification Manual prepared by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, a dental lab of this nature is classified as a health service rather than manufacturing. b. A Use Not Provided For permit can be requested by a property owner when, in any district, a use is not specifically permitted. Staff has determined that given the scale and location of the proposed use, the Use Not Provided For permit is the most appropriate administrative vehicle for this proposal. c. Site plan review will not be required unless necessary to ensure compliance with proffered conditions. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Property is located on a knoll sloping slightly to the front and rear. b. Ground Cover: Site is heavily wooded with predominantly large coniferous trees , - 4 - . ` .,° 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority Situated within the Windsor Hills Community Planning Area which is designated for stabilized growth. b. General area is comprised of residential development and open space. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Rural Village land use category. Petitioner's request is consistent with the comprehensive plan map ar:d policies and in particular Policy RV-6, permit very limited office and personal service establishments with the intent to allow home employment. 3 b. Surrounding Land: Surrounding area consists of single family residences and open space. A new subdivision containing as many as 70 new homes is under construction at the end of Longview Road. 3 c. Neighboring Area, Neighboring area consists of single family residences and open space. 3 d. Site Layout: Proposed dental lab would be located in a 24' x 24' accessory building located behind the residence towards the rear of the property. Petitioner proposes a circular drive to avoid backing onto Longview Road. 2 e. Architecture: Not specified, although accessory building currently under construction is composed of natural wood. 3 f. Screening and Landscaping: No screening and buffering has been proposed and would not normally be required for a home occupation. N/A g. Amenities: N/A h. Natural Amenities: TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities Proposed use would have a minimal impact on traffic volumes on Longview Road on the basis that petitioner handles most delivery and pickup of goods and materials. Longview Road had an ADT of 81 in 1986, but should increase significantly with the new subdivision under construction at the end of Longview Road. 3 j. Circulation: Petitioner proposes to construct a circular driveway but does not intend to provide any parking on the site except for his own vehicles. If one employee is permitted, at least one pa~king space should be provided. . /~ ~~ UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Private well 2 1. Sewer: Private septic system. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: Located in the Mud Lick Creek drainage basin. N/A n. Floodplain: PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service area. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service area. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. Schools: i'AX BASE s. - Land and Improvement Value: Not Available - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: Not Available - Total Employees: No more than two. - Total Revenue to the County/Year: Not Available ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u. Water: 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: 3 x. signage: Petitioner has not proffered any conditions on signage. As a home occupation, 2 square feet is permitted. Petitioner has verbally indicated that there will be no signage in connection with this dental lab. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Rural Village. Petitioner's request is consistent with the Land Use Plan map and policies. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Petitioner's request is consistent with the comprehensive plan map and policies. (2) Petitioner has proffered as conditions no change in his operation, agreed to no access by public and proffered a basic site layout. b. Weaknesses: (1) Proffered conditions, particularly # 1, are phrased in such a manner to make enforcement difficult and should be revised as indicated below. c. Proffers Suggested: (1) Number of employees should be limited to the petitioner and one additional employee. (2) Site design should be modified to provide at least one employee parking space. (3) Dental lab operation should be limited to proposed 24'x24' building only. _~ 6 _~ VIRGINIA: rn ~V / ~1 H 2 W E-{ z 0 U 0 H Q w 0 x a w BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 0 , g 7 _5 acre parcel of land, ) generally located a t 12 6 0 L o n g v i e~ Road, Roanoke, Va. 24018 ) within the Windsor Hills ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 86.01-3-15 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ~TUnr. nRnFtt TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUDTI'Y: ~~~~ ~~ WHEREAS, your Petitioner _ _ K l a u s A. G u e r t l e r did petition the Board of County Supervisors for a "Use Not Provided For" permit for the above-referenced parcel for the purpose of operating d nta ~ laboratory WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on 19 at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the "Use Not Provided For" permit be approved on 1/24/89 with proferred con itions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel and recorded in Deek Book Page and legally described below, be issued a "Use Not Provided For" permit for the purpose of - 7 - / `~' ~- 7 Legal Description of Property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 0.85 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SHOWN AS TRACT A ON SUBDIVISION PLAT MADE FOR KLAUS A. AND EVA I. GUERTLER BY T. P. PARKER & SONS, BY PLAT DATED JULY 20, 1987 BEGINNING at a set iron pin shown as Point (7) on that certain subdivision for Klaus A. and Eva I. Guertler'prepared by T. P. Parker & Son, dated July 20, 1987; thence proceeding 66° 59' 00" E. 100.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence, S. 38° 54' 25° W. 178.79 feet to a set iron pin; thence, S. 43° 54' 00" W. 216.95 feet to a found iron pin; thence, N. 18° 06' 30" W. 132.88 feet to a found iron pin; thence, N. 45° 30' 30" E. 297.17 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 0.875 acre and shown as Tract A on that certain subdivision previously identified dated July 20, 1987. BE IT FURTHER QRDERID that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: Aye. Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett I~iYS: None ABSE[~: None ~^Z,GCl/! Deputy , Clerk Roanoke unty Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wiley, Director, Real Estate Assessment - 8 - VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY rn w n~ `~ H z w H z 0 U O E~ Q w 0 x w w A 0.875 acre parcel of land, ) generally located 1260 Longview Road, ) Roanoke, Va. 24018, within the ) Windsor Hills Magisterial District, ) and recorded as parcel # 86.01-3-15 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: MODIFIED PROFFER OF MNTITTT(1NC / c~ ~ - `~ Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner, Klaus Guertler,hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the "Use Not Provided For" permit of the above-referenced parcel of land: (1) The number of employees will be limited to the petitioner and one additional employee. (2) The business will not be open to the public. (3) One employee parking space will be provided. (Attachment #3) (4) The dental lab operation will be limited to the proposed 24' X 24' building only. Respectfully submitted, ~-r. _~, i i C~~~~ ~- Petitioner - 9 - ~~~ -~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON ~G~f ~~ U S ~ ~~` ~ ~ ~r ~~ T ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE : 3 6 y ° / L/~ ~~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y ~; ~ ~ q _ ~~-- PETITIONER: WAYNE BOITNO'iT AND RALPH MABES CASE N[A~IBER: 2-1/89 Planning Ccnanission Hearing Date: January 3, 1989 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: January 24, 1989 A. RDQUEST Petition of Wayne Boitnott and Ralph Mabes to amend the future land use map designation of a 3.20 acre tract from Development to Transition and to rezone said property f rcgn R-2, Residential to B-l, Business to construct an office park, located on the north side of Ogden Road approximately 300 feet east of its intersection with Colonial Avenue in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Mark Seiler and David Courey stated their opposition to the request: not compatible with surrounding land; increased traffic; potential for increased traffic accidents; affect on property values; too much development in southwest county. Wayne Moore spoke in favor of the request. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS 1. Street Capacities: Using ITE trip generation rates for general office uses, staff estimates this proposal would generate approximately 544 vehicle trip ends per day. This figure is based on trip generation estimates per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross building area. Using similar estimates based on employee density, the traffic generated would be a~roximately 461 vehicle trip ends per day. In 1986, ADT along Ogden Road, between Colonial Avenue and t:ze Roanoke City corporate limits, was 7,832. VDOT advises that plans to improve the eastern end of Ogden Road from Route 419 to the city corporate limits are underway at this time. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. The property will be developed in substantial conformity with the concept plan dated 11/21/88. 2. Development will contain a maximum of five 1-story buildings with a maximum of 27,050 sq.ft. of building area. 3. One free-standing sign shall be erected on Ogden Road, not to exceed 50 sq.ft., no more than 15 feet in height. Additional signs erected on the lot shall be integral with the buildings. No billboards will be permitted on the property. 4. Building heights will not exceed 25 feet. 5. Landscaping shall include type C screening on west, north and east property boundaries, and landscaping within parking areas. 6. Dumpsters will be screened by enclosures constructed of materials compatible with the buildings. 7. Stormwater detention facility designed to acca~unodate a 10-year storm with a 2-year release rate. 8. Ground disturbed during phased development will be reseeded. i89-..~' E. CONY~IISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the amendment to the Land Use Plan map. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Winstead, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Winstead, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None r. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G . ATI'AC~IlKENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other: ~',~~ ~~~~~~,~ Dale Castellow, Al'-t~de„vUr-`\'nate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission - 2 - y ~. •~~~ drmoyi~ ;wvr~cv ~~ravroy .. ~ ! ~~ ~ 1~/i/!S/O 16~1S~31S/9b'W ~ ~ 2 s i~~ i~'i ~JN/Sly ~~V~ s s s ~ 'h ~~ .III ii~~~ ~Jb'C 3J/~~0 Ob't~f/ N30f~0 ~ ~ ~ $. ~ ~ 2 M rq ~ ~i 2~ s W SO Q 0 ~,O OOa Z Y ,~ v ~ ~Q eW ~ ~. Z WQ~ O~ U zet n ~~~ eR i ~ Z~~~ N. ~0~1Q ~ $O ~~ ZOO W~ O ^~or.t22 ~t~• ~P. 2 Z t.. ~~y,a gr~ ~~ $ °0 2W ~ ~~~ g~~ O J• p W~ ?Z~y~d' ~~ 0 3 Ot 4~~44 u~~ ~O ~ V , •_ •~Z= ~- ~~ +~ :~ r~ \y ~~ ~ ~ 1~ 7~Sj .w~ I * ;~ +T3 ~~'~ D ~\ ' '~ ~ ~c., -., y , ~,y t ~' •~ -- ~•. +~ . . ~' . a ' i ~ ~;~~_. ~1~~`t ~,3~:, ;.•.~e i; w ? ti I~ I ~ r Vj V • .~ i s~ . . , -- ---- i I• ~ ~ y ~ ~ II ~ , ~, ~ r w J ~ it ~ ~ l ~I : z~ ;~ 3 ;~ I I I I+ ~~j~ a ~ al. ~, ~ /,~ ~l~ f~f ~ ~i I ~ 3 ;~ e ~i I ~i ~~ I Y.. ~~+ j :~ ~ ~.~ , ~ ~ ~ •~' ~ ~• : ~~ t ;. yam? . :~~. ~% -, .~ 3;4 ~n ~~i +• w ire ~;~ :w~ /8 9 -S !v ~p ~ _ ~; ~~ ~; =N mil ~g 0 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT y.IAYtJE ~ +~-~O~" t yZALPt~ MI~~S ~Z 2 Tv $1 / 81-~ STAFF REPORT CASE 1tUMBER~ 2-1/89 PETITIONERS Wayne Boitnott Ralph Mabea REVIEWED BYs Dale Castellow DATE: January 3, 1989 Petition of Wayne Boitnott and Ralph Mabes to amend the future land use map designation of a 3.20 acre tract froResidentialntoto Transition and to rezone said property from R-2, located on the north g-1, Business to construct an office park, _ side of Ogdolonial Avenueiintthe CaOvefSpringsMagisterialtDistc tion with C rict. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to rezone a 3.2 acre parcel from R-2, Residential to B-1, Business to construct ar_ office complex consisting of 5 buildings t^taling X3,200 square feet. An additional 3,850 square feet of building area is denoted on th27a050csquarenfeet ofabuildingpareabwouldebe~ If utilized, , .•~nGtructed on the site. b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describe the project more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. The B-1, Business district permits a variety of office uses. Permitted within the B-1 district are professional offices, financial offices, including banks and real estate agencies, dental and medical offices and clinics, and various other general office uses. Restaurants, pharmacies and retail sales to serve complex occupants and patrons are permitted as long as they do not exceed 10$ of the gross floor area. In addition, two-family and multifamily dwellings are permitted within the B-1, Office District. Petitioners have not limited uses especially high traffic generating uses such as banks. b. Petitioners have proffered conditions (1) ensuring that the property will be developed in substantial conformity with the attached concept plan dated November 21, 1988; (2) that the development will contain a maximum of 5 one-story buildings containing a maximum of 27,050 square feet; (3) that one freestanding sign, not to exceed 35 feet in height and 50 square feet in area, will be erected on the site, and that any additional signs will be integral with the buildings; (4) that building heights will not exceed 25 feet; (5) and that "Type C" landscaping will be included on the east, west, and north property boundaries and that the parking lot will include interior landscaping. - 5 - / 89- 5 c. If approved, site plan review will be required to ensure compliance with county regulations. d. A commercial entrance permit will be required from VDOT. 3. SITS CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: The rear of site gently slopes toward Ogden Road. b. Ground Cover: Mature grass, low growing vegetation, and several mature trees. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future ~roplanningrArea; deslgnatedifornstabilizedsgrowth. Communi y b. Generentiala singlesfamily`Iresidential,mcommercial and resid institutional land uses. 5. LARD USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale 1 through 5• 3 manageable 1 positive impact, 2 ~ negligible impact, impact, 4 - disruptive impact, 5 - severe impact, and N/A not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 3 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Development land use category. Although the land use compatibility matrix identifies office uses as moderately compatible with areas designated as Development, the plan does not differentiate office uses as a desirable land use type in the development category, except when developed as part of a "Planned Communitenteverovision, aTminimumfoft25 acresnis generally Developm P required. As part of this request, the petitioners are requesting an amendment to the Land Use Map designation from Development to Transition. The Transition land use category encourages planned officeasaaccording toatherfollowingtfactorstion of Transition ar * Highway frontage: As prescribed by the plan, this site maintains direct frontage and access to an arterial street. * Land Use Pattern: The plan prescribes locations where a strip pattern of development has occurred or where future development pressures may cause such patterns to occur. - 6 - /~39-~' This site is situated between Ogden Road and the Ogden Hills subdivision. The aetritehaspnear1yt700sfeetiof approximately 215 feet, y road frontage. The rectangular shape of the site is appropriate for strip commercial development. Any development of single or multifamily residential land uses on this site may be constrained by the lack of depth and the need for multiple access points. * Existina Zonin The site is currently zoned R-2, Residential. This factor does not support the petitioners request. Strip commercial zoning has not been instituted for this site. * Surrounding Land Use: As previously stated, this site is situated between Ogden Road and the Ogden Hills subdivi- sion. Development of this site would serve as a buffer between Ogden Road and the Ogden Hills subdivision. The proposed officE complex is comparable, in terms of land use intensity, to any R-2, multifamily land use presently permitted on the site. * Topoaraphy: As prescribed by the plan, this site is physically oriented toward Ogden Road. The site slopes from the rear towards Ogden Road. * Urban Sector: This site is situated within the urban service area. If the land use designation is amended, the proposed development would be compatible with TR-3 (reserve frontage strips for major office facilities), TR-7 (lisit the frequency of driveway openings), TR-9 (provide screening and buffering along rear residential property lines), and portions of TR-8 (keep signage to a minimum). The proposed development is not compatible with the portion of TR-8 which states front yards should be landscaped and maintained and building facades should be prominent from street view, rather than signs, parking lots, and driveways. 3 b. Surrounding Land: Single family residential, a vacant tract situated in the City of Roanoke, and multifamily residen- tial land uses surround this site. 3 c. Neighboring Area: The area is developed with single family residential, multifamily residential, commercial and insti- tutional land uses. 3 d. Site Layout: Attached concept plan has been proffered. Proposal includes 5 structures containing 23,200 square feet. Concept plan denotes a potential expansion of Building "E" by approximately 2,350 square feet and an additional 1,500 square feet between buildings "C" and "D." With these additions, gross building area could expand to 27,050 square feet. As per the concept plan, petitioners - 7 - /8~- ~ have profferedo ~hdennAoadre than one access drive sill be constructed t g ? e. Architecture: The petitioners have proffered conditions restricting building heights to one story or 25 feet in height. PrO50eseuarenfeetoandaprohibittmoreathani5ding area to 27,0 q structures on the site. 3 f. Screening and Landscaping: Petitioners have proffered that on site screening and buffering along the east, west and north property lines will adhere to "Type C" as identified in Section 21-92 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. This regulation requires either a buffer yard of 15 feet with 6 foot screen and small evergreen trees or a bufferreesdand onefrow ofdevergreeneshrubs,small evergreen t 3 q. Amenities: Parking facility has been designed to accommodate up to 27,000 square feet of office space. The proposed location of trash dumpsters has not been designatedonershdesignateetheolocationaof theadumpsterston the petiti the proffered concept plan. N/A h. Natural features: TRAFFIC 4 i. Street Capacities: Using ITE trip generation rates for general office uses, staff estimates this proposal would generate approximately 544 vehicle trip-ends per day. This figure is based on trip generation estimates per 1,000 square feet of gross building athe~traffic generated estimates based on employee density, would be approximately 461 vehicle trip-ends per day. In 1986, ADT along Ogden Road, between Colonial Avenue and the Roanoke City corporate limits, was 7,832. VDOT advisefromaRtpl419 to therRoanoke Cityecorporate Olimits, Road, are underway at this time. 3 j, Circulation: Proffered concept plan denotes only one access drive to Ogortionaof thetsitelawaycfromladjacentstricted to the front p residential uses. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE 2 ^. Basin: No problems noted. - 8 - ~~ 9 3 n. Floodplains Proposed site is not located witbin a flood hazard area designated by the Federal E®ergeacy Hanagement Association. Staff suggests the petitioners proffer construction of a stormwater detention facility designed to accommodate a 10-year storm with a 2-year release rate. PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service standard. Fire and Rescue notes that since access is limited, fire lanes and cul-de-sacs will be required. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: r. School: TA% BASE 1 s. - Land and Improvement Value: 51,350,000 - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: - Total Employees: - Total revenue to the County/Year: Approximately 51,725 New Revenue 515,525 ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u. Water: 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noises 4 x. Signage: Petitioners have proffered conditions which prohibit more than one freestanding sign, not to exceed thirty-five feet in height and 50 square feet in area on the site. Staff suggests the petitioners proffer conditions restricting signage to one freestanding monument sign. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Development on the County's Future Land Use Plan map. The development land use category differentiates various intensities of residential development as desirable in areas designated as development. The petitioners are requesting a change in the land use designation from Development to Transition. Office parks, such as this proposal, are encouraged in areas designated as Transition. (See item "a" above.) 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (i) Petitioner has proffered conditions ensuring that the development will occur in substantial conformity - 9 - ~~~-~ Ogden Road. b. 8eaknessess (1) Parking lot is prominent froe street view and not buildings. (2) Uses have not been limited to exclude high traffic generating uses. c. Suggested Proffers (1) Staff suggests the petitioners proffer conditions restricting signage to one freestanding monument sign. (2) Staff suggests the petitioners proffer construction of a stormwater detention facility designed to accommodate a 10-year storm with a 2-year release rate. (3) Staff suggests the petitioners designate the location of the dumpsters on the proffered concept plan. (4) Staff suggests the petitioners proffer conditions that high traffic generating uses will be eliminated. - 10 - ~8 9' - S VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 3.20-acre parcel of land, generally ) located on the north side of Ogden ) Road approximatel;~ 300 feet east of ) its intersection with Colonial Avenue, ) AMENDED PROFFER within the Cave Spring Magesterial ) OF CONDITIONS District, and recorded as parcel ) ~~77.11-01-58 in the Roanoke County j January 3, 1989 Tax Records. C. Wayne Boitnott Ralph D. Mabes rn ~ TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: In accordance with Section 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and Section 21.105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioners, C. Ldayne z Boitnott and Ralph D. Mabes, hereby voluntarily proffer to the w o Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following U conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of o N This Amended Proffer of Conditions restates and amends land ~ . w Petitioners' prior Proffers of Condition and supersedes all a prior Proffers. a ~ 1. Development of the land will be in substantial confor- mity with the concept plan entitled "Ogden Road Office Park" dated November 21, 1988 prepared by Balzer & Associates, Inc., a copy of which plan has been submitted with Petitioners' appli- cation and petition. 2. The development will contain no more than five buildings of one story each and no more than 27,050 square feet of finished &~~ .floor area. ~n~~~ ~ ~~,EU~ - 13 - /89'- .~ 3. The height of no building will exceed twenty-five feet. 4. Only one free-standing sign will be erected adjacent to Ogden Road. The sign will not exceed fifteen feet in height and will not exceed a surface area of more than fifty square feet nn either of two faces. Other signs that identify build- ings, regulate traffic, designate parking areas and the like that are either not visible or not conspicuous from Ogden Road may be utilized within the project. No billboards will be erected on any part of the land. 5. The development will include screening, buffer yard and plantings of the type described in Section 21-92 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance either as "Type C-Option 1" or "Type C-Option 2." Landscaping will also be incorporated within parking areas. 6. Dumpsters will be screened by structures made of materials compatible in composition and color with the materials on the exterior of the buildings. 7. Petitioners will include within the development a storm- water detention pond sufficient to detain increased surface-water runoff from the development following a "ten-year storm" with a release rate of the increased water no greater than would follow a "two-year storm." 8. During the anticipated phased construction, areas of the land that have been disturbed by cutting, grading or other site preparation activity and on which construction of improve- ~~ meets will be deferred until a later phase of development will .ATRT2l'F}S AfJ~ C(xMSLt(a25 - 14 - ~8R- S be reasonably restored to a presentable appearance by seeding with grass or other appropriate groundcover. 9. Upon the request of the Director of Public Utilities nor Roanoke County within two years from the date as of which the land is rezoned, Petitioners will grant Roanoke County a sewer easement not to exceed twenty feet in width and situated adjacent to the eastern boundary line of the land and extending the entire depth of the land between the northern and southern boundary lines. Installation of pipe and related appliances within the easement will be at no expense to the Petitioners. Any installation will be coordinated in such manner as will not disrupt Petitioners' intended construction, and any improvements that are damaged or displaced during the initial construction or subsequent maintenance or replacement activity will be re- stored to their former condition at no expense to Petitioners. The easement will be otherwise in customary form. Respectfully submitted, C. Wayne Boitnott Ralph D. Mabes By: ounsel or Petitioners Wethetington sr Mekhianna An MN(Yti A,NI)[(%~T~.tiELCl2ti - 15 - ~~_ VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 3.20 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the north side ) of Olden Rd. near Colonial Avenue ) within the Cave S p r i n gy ) RDCONi~lVDATION Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 7 7.11- 01- 5 8 > in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Wayne Boi tnott and Ralph Mabes has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from R-2 , Duplex Residential District to B-1 , Office District for the purpose of cons tructinQ an Office Park WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on January 3, 19 89; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has rec-ccnrended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be changed f rom R - 2 to B - 1 with proffered conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Ccx~mission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced tercel of land be designated as B-1 with proffered conditions. The above action was adopted on motion of Don Witt and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Winstead, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt NAYS: None spectful s~ed, ABSENT: None Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commissic ANIENDN~ OF THE RQANOKE COUNTY LAND USE PLAN ~ ~ ~' _`~"~ Before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: A 3.20 acre parcel of land, generally located on the north side of 0 den Road near Colonial Avenue within the Cave Spring in the Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 77.11-01-58 Roanoke County Tax Records. PETITION To the Honorable Supervisors of Roanoke County: WHEREAS, your Petitioner Wayne Boitnott and Ralph Mabes respectfully files this petition in accordance with the Code of VA of 1950, as amended and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioner owns the above referenced property. (Con tract Owner) 2) The property is designated Development Category in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Ca~rehensive Develognent Plan. 3) Your Petitioner now desires to redesignate this property as Transition Cate or Res tfully sy '~ ~ ~ Petitioner ~_ ___~ ~l~~`~rr ,;~T,:~r; ~. ~> RECOr~NnATION WHEREAS, the petitioner was referred to the Planning Catnnission, which after proper legal notice r~uired by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, January 3, 19 89 Whereas all as amended, held a public hearing on interested persons were afforded an opportunity to be heard. The Planning Co~rnnission recoirnnends to the County Board of Supervisors that the above referenced .Development to parcel of land be redesignated from Transition in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Cc~rnprehensive peveloptient Plan on the following recorded vote: Motion of Witt AYES: Winstead, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt NAYS: None ~~' None Respectful ubmitted, Secretary, Roanoke County Planning Con4nission i8~- S VIRQNIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUN'T'Y a, N H z w H z 0 U 0 H Q w ~. 0 x w a A 3.20 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the north side of) 0 den Road near Colonial Avenue ~ within the Cave Springy ) Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel # 7 7 .11- 01- 5 8 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) FILL ORDER TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: y,~EREpg, your Petitioner Wa ne Boi tnott and Ral h Mabes did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel District to B-1 Office District from R 2 Diin1 ex Resicl t~ a for the purpose of constructin an Office Park WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public January 3, ~ 19 89, at which time, all parties hearing of the petition on in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and January 24 WHEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing held on 19 89 , the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be approved on 1/24/89 with pro.ferred conditions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the aforane77 1edo r58 of and recorded contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel in Deek Book 101 1 page 116 and legally described below, be rezoned from R - 2 District to B -1 w/proffered cond. District. and upon the following recorded vc Adopted by motion of Supervisor Roberts, AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, Nickens, Garrett NAYS : None ~/ Qj,/, ~y/ Deputy Clf ABSENT: None - 11 - ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw Roanoke County Board of Supervisors /B9'- FIr~L ORDER January 24, WHEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing held on 19 89 , the Board of County Supervisors determined that the amenc~nent to the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan be approved on 1/24/89 NOW, Z~EE'ORE, BE IT ORDERID that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 77.11-01-58 and recorded in Deed Bocak 1011 Page 116 and legally described below, be redesignated fran Development Land Use to Transition Land Use ~ Tagil Description of Property: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Ogden Road (Virginia Route 681) said point being the southwest corner of the Region Properties, Inc. property; THENCE with the north line of Ogden Road a curved line to the left, whose radius is 597.96', whose chord bearing and distance are N H 82°52'30" W, 61.02 feet, an arc of 61.05 feet. z THENCE continuing with the north line of Ogden Road the " ' ° following N o courses (see Virginia She W, 251.23 00 48 et 3): N 85 N 72° " ' ° feet; 03'25" W c~ 85°00'00" W, 145.97 feet; N W, 145.26 feet; 47 39 80 , 0 65.17 feet; ~ THENCE leaving ogden Road and with the eastern line of the James W. and Peggy A. Wilson property N 33°52'15" E, 143.44 feet to a point on w the line of the Ogden Hills Subdivision property; w Ogden hills THENCE with the Subdivision property N 84°14'15" E, 697.17 a., . feet to a point, THENCE leaving the Ogden Hills Subdivision property and° S 22 wi~th~~the 22 30 W western line of the Region Properties, Inc. property , 293.53 feet to the Point of BEGINNING, containing 3.20 acres . BE IT FURTHER ORDERID that a copy of-this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that the Land Use Plan: Future Land Use Map be changed accordingly. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Robers and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, Nickens, Garrett ~S' None `~~None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw - 12 - cc: File ~ ~~~ De ut Arnold Covey, Dir. Dev & Insp p Y , Clerk Terry Harrington, Dir PlanningRoanoke County Board of Supervisors John Wiley, Dir., Real Est Assess VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 3.20-acre parcel of land, generally ) located on the north side of Ogden ) gECOND Road approximately 300 feet east of ~ AMENDED PROFFER its intersection with Colonial Avenue, OF CONDITIONS within the Cave Spring Magesterial ) District, and recorded as parcel ) Januar 23, 1989 ~~77.11-01-58 in the Roanoke County ~ y Tax Records. C. Wayne Boitnott Ralph D. Mabes TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: In accordance with Section 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and Section 21.105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioners, C. Wayne Boitnott and Ralph D. Mabes, hereby voluntarily proffer to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land. The purpose of this Second Amended Proffer of Conditions is to readopt and repro_ffer conditions numbered one through nine as contained in Amended Proffer of Conditions dated January 3, 1989 and to add additional conditions number ten and eleven, all of which are as follows: 1. Development of the land will be in substantial confor- mity with the concept plan entitled "Ogden Road Office Park" dated November 21, 1988 prepared by Balzer & Associates, Inc., a copy of which plan has been submitted with Petitioners' appli- cation and petition. 2. The development will contain no more than five buildings of one story each and no more than 27,050 square feet of finished floor area. 3. The height of no building will exceed twenty-five feet. 4. Only one free-standing sign will be erected adjacent to Ogden Road. The sign will not exceed fifteen feet in height and will not exceed a surface area of more than fifty square feet on either of two faces. Other signs that identify build- ings, regulate traffic, designate parking areas and the like that are either not visible or not conspicuous from Ogden Road may be utilized within the project. No billboards will be erected on any part of the land. 5. The development will include screening, buffer yard and plantings of the type described in Section 21-92 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance either as "Type C-Option 1" or "Type C-Option 2." Landscaping will also be incorporated within parking areas. 6. Dumpsters will be screened by structures made of materials compatible in composition and color with the materials on the exterior of the buildings. 7. Petitioners will include within the development a storm- water detention pond sufficient to detain increased surface-water runoff from the development following a "ten-year storm" with a release rate of the increased water no greater than would follow a "two-year storm." 2 g, During the anticipated phased construction, areas of the land that have been disturbed by cutting, grading or other site preparation activity and on which construction of improve- ments will be deferred until a later phase of development will be reasonably restored to a presentable appearance by seeding with grass or other appropriate groundcover. 9. Upon the request of the Director of Public Utilities for Roanoke County within two years from the date as of which the land is rezoned, Petitioners will grant Roanoke County a sewer easement not to exceed twenty feet in width and situated adjacent to the eastern boundary line of the land and extending the entire depth of the land between the northern and southern boundary lines. Installation of pipe and related appliances within the easement will be at no expense to the Petitioners. Any installation will be coordinated in such manner as will not disrupt Petitioners' intended construction, and any improvements that are damaged°or displaced during the initial construction or subsequent maintenance or replacement activity will be re- stored to their former condition at no expense to Petitioners. The easement will be otherwise in customary form. 10. Freestanding light poles will be no higher than sixteen feet, and the intensity of area lighting will not exceed one foot candle on the ground beneath the lamp. Area lighting will not incorporate metal-halide or halogen lamps. 3 11. The development will include no commercial banking facility which incorporates teller service for drive-through vehicle traffic. Respectfully submitted, C. Wayne Boitnott Ralph D. Mabes By: ounsel or Petitioner 4 / ~'~% S A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON j ~~-.~ vl/A yv -~' ~ o; f .r~']~` ~- ~~ 1 ~~ /yI ~ ~~ S I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: ,.~~~/~ ~c7cJ -\ F ~/ ADDRESS : ~ ~ICf ~ S H %yl-C~ ~ ~ ~-~? 1~~~ . ~ - L`'' t) /~v c? PHONE : 7 7 ~'~ ~ Z 8 ! ~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) X89-5 A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON .. L/ ~ J ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E"A S E W R. I T E L E G I B L Y NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: .~ .~ ~`~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) /~q- 5 A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME : -"1~ ~ ~ i t~Q. si ADDRESS : ~~~ Q ~~:~ ~.o ~~ ~~ 1~_-~~~ t~~ --7 //--~~ P PHONE : ~ ! ,~ ' ~~r711 PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) 1. VIRGINIA: /89-l0 BEFORE THE BOARD Of SUPERVISORS OF ROAVOKE COUNTY vacating approximately 90 feet of Sanity ; _; ~ :•'\~ Sewer Easement on Lot it and approximately .'- ,~ 100 feet of Sanitary Sewer Easement of Lots ~,~~` FINAL ORDER ~ v ' .-~ 2 b 3 of Stonebridge Court Subdivision as ~ ^~., ~~~` ~ ~~- recorded it °lat Book 9; page 304, Roanoke a ~ ~ , •: County, Virginia. ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~? TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS Of ~ROANOKE COUNTY: `=~~ ~t~G'~'R WHEREAS, your Petitioner, __Stonebridge Estates Inc / "~ ~~ ,~ ~, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to abandon and vacate a portion ` of the 15 foot Sanitarv Sewer easement(s) located on Lots 2, 3 h 11 of Stonebridge Court as recorded in Deed Book 9; pg 304, and WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County Supervisors did hold a public hearing on said request on _ _January 24 1 89 at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3138 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at which time all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, after full consideration the Board of Roanoke County Supervisors is of the opinion that the request should be grantedpn 1/24/89. NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the sanitary sewer e~~€~~t~~a ~a~~~~na¢~ef~esfxi¢~~~~s 15 feet wide approx. 90 feet in length on through Lot 2 b ;, Stonebridge Court Subd. on a plat attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the De pariment of Development and that this order be recorded by Petitioner along with the attached plat among the land records of Roanoke County. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Ni c-kgnS_ and upon this following recorded vote: , Ayes _ Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett Ydys T~TnnA Absent Clerk Deputy Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wiley, Director, Real Estate Assessment ---- . ., ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~~ q- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Vacate sanitary sewer easement in Stonebridge Court Subdivision. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: George Marshall, the developer of Stonebridge Court Subdivision, has filed a petition to vacate a portion of an existing sanitary sewer easement. The petition requests that a 15 foot sanitary sewer easement approximately 90 foot in length on Lot 11 and approximately 100 feet in length thru Lots 2 and 3 be permanently vacated and closed. (Refer to attached map) The Town of Vinton, the Department of Engineering and the Department of Public Utilities have concurred that they have no objections to vacating the easements. The public hearing and First reading of the proposed ordinance is scheduled for January 24, 1989, and the Second reading is scheduled for February 14, 1989. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the final order to vacate the sanitary sewer easement. MITTED BY: APPROVED: Arnold Covey Elmer C. Hodge Development Review an County Administrator Inspections Director ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Ref erred McGraw to Nickens Robers /P9-lv ~- NORTH 14 ~,jt• `,~ / ~. 3t c 15 s9. y Gr N ~~ ?~P ,, ? '~~ ~ ?~ 1 i6SAt ,_~ 17 ~/Q 18 ~° Q?~ • 9 O ~ f ?mot j ~ ! .~ t h 'ti i '~d 2~ ~ • 4D ~i 6 a ~ ~ s ,~ r 3 2 ~. ,t~ ~ 7 d ~9 6 ? 9~ o ~ ,~ ~ 4 2s ass • ! ~ T ' 4 •20 iL. ; ? ~ o s VACATE ~ 2s e9 2 96* 291 ~ ~ ?976 9B? . ?9e 21 8 Y v to ~ o b. ~ ~ • ~"~ A 297 r~r•v..r ` ~ Stonebrid9e Circle s3 9 ~ ~ ~ s'e. ~ s, ~9,?.~ ~ X3'9 297/ 2977 14?,983 ,,~9 ,~ 10 s p ,$ 13 M1 ~s ^~ • • a ,' ~ ~ ,D N 15~S.S.E. ~ TO BE ~ I' ~~ Z~ r. ~ VACATED ~ • b~ ~t ~ ,t~ f96! o ~ ~ P/0 61.11- I•II " 'ens I " = 100' ~ ~ , 2 5 ~b°~ Wil~~ am Byrd Ni~n S~nao~ 26 .2 COMMUNITY SERVICES Vacate 15 feet Sanitary Sewer Easements AND DEVELOPMENT on Lots 2, 3 & 11 of Stonebridge Court Subdivision ~ _- - J /~'- ~o VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY vacating approximately 90 feet of Sanity RE: Sewer Easement on Lot 11 and approximately) 100 feet of Sanitary Sewer Easement of ) Lots 2 & 3 of Stonebridge Court Subdivi- ) PETITION sion as recorded in Plat Book 9; page 304,) Roanoke County, Virginia. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: YOUR PETITIONER(S), Stonebridge Estates, Inc. respectfully files this Petition in accordance with Section 15.1 - 432 (b) of the Code of Virginla~ 1950, as amended, and respectfully shows the following: 1. The subject property on record in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia in Deed Book 9; pg. 304 Stonebridge Ct. is as shown on the attached Exhibit "A." 2. The Petitioner desires that the 15 foot Sanitary Sewer easement shown on the survey plat of Lots 2, 3, & 11 of Stonebridge Court be permanently vacated, discontinued, and closed. 3. The easement(s) which the petitioner seeks to vacate is shown in red on the attached copy of the plat. 4. Petitioner desires to vacate file encroaching portions of the 15 foot Sanitary Sewer easement in order to Construct t,vo residential dwellings thereon and does not believe such vacation would in any way be to the detriment of the interest of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. THEREFORE, your Petitioner(s) respectfully requests that the above described sanitary Sewer easement be abandoned and vacated. Respectfully submitted, STONEBRIDGE ESTATES, INC. Q y(Petfti n r George H. Marshall, President Via. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ,'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment to the Roanoke County's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances to adopt the street and parking portion of the Roanoke County Design and Construction Standards Manual. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ f / ?' ~,.~~ (lint-~T'w=y'~'~"~•~. ~~,c;-?~Ci~G?Z'/YZ,~ vac' l,~ ~y'-w--~fv- ~'/t ~'~ )`''t',j. v / `J BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors assigned the Department of Development with the task to develop a manual to assist the public, and especially the development community, for clarification of rules, regulations and policies which apply to land development in Roanoke County. A committee composed of area engineers, surveyors, members of the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders, and county staff was assembled to develop the content of the manual and the design standards. It was the consensus of the committee to address the following major components: water, sewer, street and parking, and drainage. As of this date, the only component of the manual which has been completed and adopted is the water design standards. The second component of the manual, which is being presented for your approval, is entitled "Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications." The Design and Construction Standards Committee in developing these standards tried to address these areas which needed to be further regulated such as pavement design, curb and gutter, street connections, parking and loading requirements. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County held on the 3rd of January, 1989, the Planning Commission after careful consideration of the proposed amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and, after consideration of the Street and Parking Design and Specifications, moved that - r /~ ~~.. ~ the following changes to the Parking Standards should be recommended: 1. Section 201.01 B. - To include "and that such spaces do not require pedestrian traffic to cross a minor arterial or greater highway." 2. Section 201.13 (4) C. - To be revised from one space per 3 seats to "one space per 4 seats." Being no further changes, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended the approval of the following amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the adoption of the Street and Parking Standards and Specifications. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: a. Section 17-3 (A) 22 - All streets shall conform to the duly adopted standards relating to the street design and construction, established in the Design and Construction Standard Manual. b. Section 17-19 - Repeal (B)(C) and (D) and adopt item (G) which will read, "All streets shall conform to the duly adopted standards relating to the street design and construction, established in the Design and Construction Standards Manual. c. Section 17-24 - Adoption, effect, contents, review and amendment of Design and Construction Standard Manual. - (a) - In order to achieve the provisions of this chapter, the Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, adopt a manual of regulations and policies, entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" which shall have the force of law. This manual shall include, inter alia, standards for the implementation of the various sections of this chapter, and may include other policies, criteria, standards and regulations to implement the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (b) - Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Board from considering and adopting amendments to such manual at any time it is deemed appropriate. ZONING ORDINANCE a. Repeal Section 21-91 (A),(a),(d),(e),(f),(g),(h),(i), (j),(k),(1),(m),(n),and (o) and adopt the following: Section 21-91 (a) - Generally. There shall be provided at the time of erection of any main buildings, or at the time any main building is enlarged, mimimum off-street parking and off-street ~~,~ loading requirements shall conform to the duly adopted standards established in the Design and Construction Standards Manual. Please note that the Private Street Standards are not a part of the proposed (Street and Parking Design and Specifications) but will be presented at a later date. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the proposed amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the adoption of the Street and Parking Standards and Specifications as amended by the Roanoke County Planning Commission be approved. The effective date of the standards will apply to development plans which have not been accepted for review by the Department of Development and Inspections prior to February 1, 1989; provided said plans, in the review process, receive final approval, by the County, within sixty days of the effective date of these standards. STdBMITTED Ai'fiold Covey \ Development Rev Director APPROVED: ~ ,~I ~, ,. Elmer C. Hodge ew/Insp ctions County Administrator ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE NO YES ABS AT A REGULAR MEE'T'ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RF;ENACTING CHAPTER 17, SUBDIVISIONS, AND CHAPTER 21, ZONING, / ~'~-° OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF STREET AND OFF-S`T'REET PARKING STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO AUTHORIZE TIDE ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF A "DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL" AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by Chapter 11 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, notice of the County's intention to adopt amendments to its Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances was duly advertised in the Roanoke Times and World News on January 10, 1989, and January 17, 1989; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on January 24, 1989, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on February 14, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 17, Subdivisions, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted by amend- ing Sections 17-3 and 17-19 to read and provide as follows: Sec 17-3 Design requirements generally. (A) The owner or the proprietor of a subdivision shall observe and comply with the following general- requirements and principles of land subdivision in preparing the preliminary and final subdivision p1_ats: 1 ~ ' j~"~.- (22) - All streets shall conform to the duly adopted standards relating the street design and construction, established in the Design and Construction Standards Manual. Sec. 17-19. Streets and roads generally. The following improvements shall be required in subdivisions lying in whole or in part within the County which include or involve any public street or any right-of-way connecting two public streets or any easements for the foregoing: {B}- -Streets- s~iaii- be- grae7ed- te- tl~e- wieltl~- speeifieel by-tl~e-blirgir~ia-Beparttne~t-ef-Transpertatier~; -a-minitnt~t~-wieltl~-ef thirty- {3A}- €eet;- arid- graded- te- areas- seetiens- and- prefi~e appre~ed-by-the-agent- ----------{E}--Base-far-pavex~er3t-sl~aii-be-at-}east-twenty-{28} feet- in- widtk~- arid- fire- {5}- ir3el~es- ir3- elepti~- ar3e1- lie- et- sterje; gra~*ei- er- ether- satisfaetery- stabiii~irig- r~ateriai- r~eetir3g ~irgiriia-Bepartmer3t-a€-Tra~ispertatieri- ----------{B}--Ba~e~terit-width-sl~aii-be-a-r~iriir~t~r~-ef-twenty-{28} feet- with- a- bitar~irieus- ailed- sc~rfaee- er- its- eq-~l~alent-- - ~,}}- r~tiiities- sl~aii; - where- pessibie; - be- ir3- aiieys- er- iri- easet~ents pre~iele~l- far- that- pc~rpese- at- tke- rear- ef- tie- sets- iri- tie sr~bdi~aisiens- (G) All streets shall conform to the duly adopted standards relating to the street design and construction 2 established in the Design and Construction Standards Manual. Sec. 17-24. Adoption, effect, contents, review and amendment of Design and Construction Standards Manual. (A) In order to effectuate the provisions of this chapter, the Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, adopt a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" which shall have the force of law. This manual shall include, inter alia, standards for the implementation of the various sections of this chapter and may include other policies, criteria, standards and regulations to implement the provisions of the subdivision ordinance and zonina ordinance. (B) Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Board from considering and adopting amendments to such manual at anv time it is deemed appropriate. 2. Chapter 21, Zoning, of the Roanoke County Code be, and hereby is, amended and reenacted by amending Section 21-91 to read and provide as follows: Sec. 21-91. Off-Street Parking and Loadin . A. There shall be provided at the time of erection of any main building, or at the time any main building is enlarged, minimum off-street parking spaee- with- adegaate- pre~isiens- €er entrar~ee- and- emit- Hy- star~elard-sired- ar~temel~iies-- as- €efie~a9:- and off-street loading requirements shall conform to the duly adopted standards established in the Design and Construction Stan- dards Manual. 3 / ~_ ~° {a}- - fin-all- res}dentlal- dlstrlets- there- shall- be- pre- molded- ene- aatemeblle- parking- spaee-fer- eael~- single-~am~-1y- ~r~l~ and- eael~- dwelllr~g- anlt- ln- a- tare-famllp- dwelling-- - ~l~e-ree~alred par}~ing- s~iall- be-pre~lded- en- tl~e-same- let- as- tire-dwelling- e~nlt der- all- mr~ltl-famllp- dwe~lings;- lnelading- iglgi3-rise- apartments and-iglgi3-rise-eendeminlr~ms; -tigere-slgal~-lie-pre~lded-ene-and-ene- ti3lyd-parlting-spaees-fer-eael~-dc~elling-anl~- -- - - - - - - - - f'er-all- tewni~er~ses- ln- an- R-2 ; - R-3 ; -and- R-S- Blstr}et tigere- shall- be- pre~lded- a- minlmr~m- ef- ene- and- ene-half- parking spaees-fer- eaelg- dwelling- anlt: - - 3'ige- ree~alred- pariting- sigall- lie pre~lded-as-set-Earth-ln-tige-respeetl~e-sabseetlens-Igereln- B. In all residential districts, all boats, boat trailers, camping trailers, utility trailers, camping cars, vacation trailers, recreation vehicles, etc., shall be parked behind the front line of the main building, unless space is provided in a completely enclosed garage or carport. No vehicle exceeding seventy-five hundred pounds gross weight shall be parked overnight in any residential district. C. In all districts, any inoperative motor vehicle, as defined in Chapter 12, Section 12-122 of the Roanoke County Code, must be kept within a fully enclosed building or structure or be kept completely screened or shielded from public view in accordance with Chapter 12. {d}- - ~er~rlst- igemes- and- metals- shall- pre~lde- en- tl3e let;-parking-spaee-fer-ene-at~temeblle-fer-eaelg-separately-rented aeeemmedatien- 4 i ~~- ,~ - ---------{e}--~'e~-e~ir~~el~;-~}~l~-sel~ee};-ee}~e~e-and-an~~e~s~~~ ar~d~-~e~~-ergs; -and-~e~-~~ea~e~s; -~ene~a~-ae~d~~e~~sr~e; -s~ae7~t~r~s-and e~l~e~-s}~+~~a~-p~aees-a€-asset~nb~~;-a~-}eea~-ene-pa~k~ng-spaee-fey e~e~~-~}tee-€}wed-seas-p~e~~ded-~n-~l~e-~e~~d~ng: ----------{€}--Fey-~esp~~a~s-and-t~e~s}ng-~iemes;-a~-~eas~-ene-pa~}~- Ong-spaee- ~e~- eae~i- ~~ae- beds'-- eapae~~~; - ~ne~c~d~ng- ~n~an~s1- e~~~s and-e~i~ ~d~en'-s-~eds- _---------{g}--~e~-med~ea~-and-den~a~-e~~n}es;-a~-}easy-den-pa~l~- ~n~- spaees : - - 3'l~~ee- ae7d~~~ena~- pa~k~ng- spaees- sl~a~~- be- ~e~n~sl~ed ~e~- eae~- dee~e~- e~- den~~s~- i~a~~ng- e~~~ees- gin- seed- e~}nee- ~n e~eess-e€-~~i~ee-dee~e~s-e~-den~~s~s: ----------{~}--Fey-~ee~~s~-eee~~s;-x~e~e~s;-apa~~~ten~s-and-apa~~- ~en~-r~a~e~s;-a~-}easy-ene-pa~~~np-spaee-~e~-eae~-~nd~~~dea~-s~eep- }n~- e~- }}~~n~- en~~-- - Fey- l~e~e~s-and- apa~~~en~- ~ie~e~s ; - a~- }easy ene-pa~l~~ng-spaee-~e~-eael~-tae-s~eep~ng-~e®ms;-ep-fie-and-~ne~ed- ~n~- ~Y~e- ~~~s~- ~wen~~- s~eep~ng- seems; - and- ene- pa~lt~ng-spaee- ~e~ eae~--~l~~ee-seep}ng-seems-e~e~-~wen~~- ----------{}}--Fey-me~~ea~~es-and-~~e~ee~-s~e~es;-a~-~eas~-~~~~~~ pa~1~~-ng-spaees- ----------{~}--~e~-~e~a~~-s~e~es-se~~~n~-d~~ee~~p-~e-~l~e-pe~~~e; ene- pa~}~~ng- spaee- €e~- eael~- ~~ae- l~end~ed- se~ea~e- ~ee~- e~- ~e~a~~ ~~ee~-spaee-~n-~l~e-~e~~d~n~- __--------{k}--pa~}~~n~-spaee-as-~ege~~ed-~n-~l~e-~e~e~e~n~-s~ia}} ~e-en-~l~e-sane-}s~-~a~~l~-~~e-main-be~~d~n~---~n-~l~e-ease-e~-~e}~d- }ngs- e~~e~- ~~ian- d~ae~~~n~s ; -spaee- mad- fie- }eea~ed- ~a~~l~~n- s~~- l~en- died-€ee~: 5 r~~~ - ---------{}}--~~e~p-payee}-e€-}sad-l~e~ea€€e~-ased-as-a-dab}}e park}~~-area-s~ia}}-be-sa~€seed-w}~l~-e~ashee7-peek;-~~a~e};-aspl~e}~ e~- eeae~e~e-- - ~~- sl~a}}- ~ia~e- a~g~eg~}ale- l~r~~ge~- gaa~~s- wl~e~e seeded- as- de€e~xt}aed- ~~- €ke- ~dx~~a}s€~a€e~ : - - dap- }}~~€s-aced- €e }}}ate}aa~e- €l~e- park}ag- areas- s~ia}}- be- se- aa~aaged- as- €e- ~e€}ee€ ~l~e- }}~~i~- swap- €~erx- adze}~}ag- p~e~}ses- }~- asp- yes}dead}a}- d}s- ~~}e~- -- - - - - - - - - {~}- - Aap- e~l~e~- eemr~e~e}a}- ba}}d}~~- ae€- }}s€ee1- abase l~e~ea€~e~-e~ee~ed;-eea~e~~ed;-ea-s~~ae~a~a}}p-a}~e~ed-sl~a}}-p~e- ~~de-eae-pa~k~a~-spaee-€e~-eae~i-€we-l~aael~ed-se~aaae-€ee~-a€-bas}- mess- €}ee~- spaee- }~- ~~ie- ba}}d}~~-- - dap- es€ab}~sb~ea~- l~e~ea€~e~ e~ee~ed- ~l~a~- se~*aes- x~ea}s ; - }aaebes- e~- d~~aks- €e- pa~~eas ; - e}~l~e~ }a-~~ie}~-ears-e~-}a-~l~e-ba}}d}ag;-sl~a}}-p~e~}de-eae-park}ag-spaee €e~- eael~-eae- l~aad~ed- sgaa~e- €ee~- a€-bas}aess- €}ee~- spaee- }a- ~l~e ba}}d}a~; - p~e~}ded; - ~l~a~- ~l~e~e- s~ia}}- be- a~- }easy- eae- park}~~ spaee-€e~-eael~-se~~}ag-as}€---}~-yes€aaaaa€s-a-se~~}ag-as}€-sl~a}} be- €we- see}s; - eae- bee~k- e~- eae- €ab}e : - - lea- daaee- pia}}s- sad ~ee~ea~}eaa}-areas;-eae-park}ag-spaee-€ea-eaeb-eae-baad~ed-se~aa~e €eel-e€-€}eae-area---~'we-e~-x~e~e-es~ab}}sbmea~s-reap-p~e~a}de-aeees- sap-park}a~-s~aee-ea-a-s}ag}e-payee}-a€-}aad: -- - - - - - - - - {a}- - Rega}aed- park}a~- spaees- sba}}- be- xta}a€a}aed- }a eeaaee€}ea-w}€k-~l~e-ba}}d}ags-wk}ek-~l~ep-sae-~e-se~~e-sad-}a-~be r~aaae~-}ad}eased-bp-€lie-~}a}r~a~t-~epa}~extea~s-e€-s€€-s~~ee€-pa~k- }ag-aad-spaee-Mega}a~}eas---5abs~}~a~}ea-a€-ee~a}tea}eat-spaees-}a eea€e~r~}€p-w}~~i-~l~e-e€€-s~~ee€-~a~}~}a~-Mega}a~}eas-reap-be-a}}ewed bp-a-~a~}aaee-~~aa~ed-by-~l~e-Beard-e€-lea}ae~-~ppea}s- 6 i .~ - ---------fe}--5paee-shall-be-prev~deel-~e~-the-}ead~t~g-and-un~eae7- l~-g-ef-~raeks-ar~el-eetnr~erelal-~el~leles-se~~ing-msl~l-~a~t}lp; -eer~- r~e~elal-anel-lnelus~~lal-br~lldings- 3. That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect from and after February 15, 1989, and that this effective date for the Design and Construction Standards Manual shall apply to development plans which have not been accepted for review by the Department of Development and Inspections prior to February 1, 1989; provided said plans in the review process receive final approval by the County within sixty (60) days of February 15, 1989. 7 r ~~~~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ST~-~ ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L°Y NAME: ~oIJ~O~h°-CC "~~ ~~~T O~ ~ V '~ l' ~~ . ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) i8~- ~ •~ A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ ~ g ~ ' 7 ~ 1 1t~. i. I ~ l ~-~ ~ -412 ~S I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME : ~ L F/Z ~. ~ W ~ O W `c..L-L ~ ~~ ADDRESS: ~j~~Q FI~~~1JlCLl~ S ~t~/knJoK,`~ .ICo V~7~` PHONE: ~p?` 3~-t D~f' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.> i-'~ STREET AND OFF STREET PARKING DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 200 00 Street Design Standards Page 200.01 Street Requirements 1 200.02 Streets to property lines 1 200.03 Subdivision Blocks 1 200.04 Street construction 1 200.05 Frontage major arterials 1 200.06 Connections divided highways 2 200.07 Driveway connections 2 200.08 Urban section streets 2 200.09 Standard landing 3 200.10 Minimum crossover spacing 3 200.11 Proposed street construction 3 200.12 Traffic projections 5 200.13 Subdivision street design 5 200.14 Spacing streets, intersecting major highway 6 SECTION 201 00 Off-Street Parking Requirements 201.01 General provisions 7 201.02 Handicapped parking 7 201.03 Permitted locations 8 201.04 Access 8 201.05 Parking lot construction 8 201.06 Design standards 8 201.06.1 Compact Parking 8 201.06.2 Vehicle Overhang 9 201.07 Stacking spaces 9 201.08 Lighting 9 201.09 Combination of uses 9 201.10 Undefined uses 9 201.11 Gross Leasable area 9 201.12 Emergency access aisle 9 201.13 Minimum parking requirements 1. Residential/loding 9 2. Commercial 11 3. Industrial 13 4. Other uses 14 SECTION 202 00 Off-Street Loading Requirements 202.01 General Provisions 18 202.02 Minimum loading spaces 19 SECTION 203.00 Miscellaneous Construction 203.01 General Provisions 24 SECTION 204.00 General Notes 25 SECTION 205.00 Waiver Procedures 26 SECTION 206.00 (for future amendments) SECTION 207 00 Road Design - List of Typical Details 200.00 STREET DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS All the provisions of this Section shall be enforced unless specifically waived by the Director of Development Review and Inspections. 200.01 Street Requirements Unless otherwise provided by this section all develop- ments shall have frontage on existing state maintained public streets or street approved and bonded to be con- structed to a standard acceptable for addition to the State Highway System. The amount of frontage shall be in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. 200.02 All streets eligible to be accepted into the Virginia Department of Transportation's System of Highways shall be constructed to the property line and shall provide access to adjoining parcels of land unless unnecessary due to topography or previous development of the adjoining property. 200.03 Subdivision blocks should be placed so as to provide traffic circulation within and between existing or anti- cipated subdivisions. 200.04 All streets shall be constructed and surfaced in accordance with Table I as set forth in this section. EXEMPTION TO THIS STANDARD AND TABLE IA WILL APPLY WHEN ALL ITEMS BELOW ARE MET: 1. Subdivision is located outside the Urban Service Boundary. 2. All lots in the subdivision are 2 acres, or greater, and have minimum road frontage of 200 feet. 3. Street grades are less than 12$ and; 4. Street is not an extension of a previously plant mix subdivision street. 200.05 Whenever a subdivision (residential/commercial) abuts a road which is included in the State System of Primary Highways or a road designated as "Arterial" in the adopted Roanoke County Transportation Plan, or the 1 latest Statewide Highway Plan, the following conditions shall be met. A. A reverse frontage and/or combined access concept shall be utilized such that no lot has exclusive access to the arterial or primary highway; and in addition, all developments shall provide sufficient building, parking and travelway setbacks to permit the construction of the ultimate highway section. B. If reverse frontage or combined access cannot be provided, the site shall be limited to one exclu- sive access point. 200.06 Subdivision street and commercial entrance connections made to existing or future divided highways shall, wherever possible, be located at existing crossovers or approved locations that meet all design criteria for crossover locations. (Refer Page , Table 1) 200.07 It is the intent of this Manual to provide access to individual residential lots only from streets classified as local and collector, (Table R-1 and U-1 I-V, in new development) wherever possible. The Director shall require a reverse frontage or service drive concept for streets which: A. Carry in excess of five thousand five hundred vehicles per day (5,500 vpd) and/or categorized as arterial highway; or B. Or for streets which the Roanoke County Trans o~tation Plan indicates will carry in excess of five thousand five hundred vehicles per day (5,500 vpd). If the Director finds that a street carries in excess of three thousand vehicles per day (3,000 vpd), he may require a traffic impact study by a licensed engineer to evaluate potential problems and to recommend corrective measures. 200.08 Urban section streets including curb and gutter shall be required in all subdivisions within the Urban Service Boundary as defined by the latest Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. EXEMPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED WHEN ALL OF THE ITEMS BELOW HAVE BEEN MET: 1. Street grades must be less than 12$. 2 200.09 200.10 2. Streets are not an extension of, or intersects with an existing curb and gutter street. 3. Street cul-de-sacs are in a cut section with a positive grade and; 4. All lots are greater than 15,000 sq. feet and have a minimum road frontage of 100 feet. Wherever a minor street intersects a major street, a minimum 25' pavement edge radius and standard landing will be required on the minor street. In addition, the Director may require that the standard landing extend to the ultimate right-of-way for the major road. Minimum crossover spacing requirements shall be designed as established in the following table: TABLE 1 Crossover Spacing for Arterial Roadways Design Speed (mph) Minimum Distance Between Crossovers (ft) Desirable Distance Between Crossovers (ft) 30 40 50 55 60 70 500 600 700 800 900 1000 600 700 900 1000 1100 1250 200.11 The following procedures and use of the Tables 4 and 5 should be followed in the design of all roadway and street connections, including commercial entrances. A. Determine the speed of the roadway. On new roadways the design speed for sight distance consideration is based on the projected A.D.T. as shown in the following table: A.D.T. (vpd) Design Speed (mph) TABLE 2 0-250 251-400 401-750 751-3000 3001-5500 5500+ 20 25 30 35 40 55 B. On existing roadways the design speed can be deter- mined by the use of the following table: TABLE 3 Posted Speed 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Design Speed 30 35 40 45 55 65 70 C. Design each new roadway so that all horizontal and vertical curves meet the minimum stopping distance outlined in Table 4, and the minimum passing sight distance outlined in Table 5. The alignment of all new roadways shall meet these minimum stan- dards with the exception that vertical sag cure sight distances shall be calculated for all ranges of algebraic difference in grade based on a head- light height of two feet (2') and one (1) degree upward divergence of the headlight beams. D. After each street has been designed to meet the criteria in Tables 4 and 5, then each intersection shall comply with Table 5 and shall provide other items such as standard landings, channelization, etc. It is also necessary to check each connec- tion to existing roads to insure that the minimum sight distances are achieved. The sight distances for new intersections on existing roads shall be certified by a licensed engineer or surveyor. TABLE 4* Stopping Sight Distance Height of Eye: 3.75' Height of Object: 0.50' Design Speed (mph) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Minimum Sight Distance (ft) 120 160 200 240 275 325 400 450 525 550 625 Desirable Sight Distance (ft) 120 160 200 250 300 400 475 550 650 725 850 *Use desirable values as the minimum values on all roads which carry in excess of 5,500 vpd. TABLE 5 Sight Distance Along Major Road at Intersection with Minor Road, Crossovers, and Commercial Entrances Height of Eye: 3.5' .Height of Objects: 4.25' Design Speed (mph) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 2-Lane Major Road 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 4-Lane Major Road 300 350 400 475 525 600 650 700 750 750 825 E. For the purpose of Tables 4 and 5: 1. The term "Major Road" refers to the road with the higher traffic count of the two intersecting roads. All existing State maintained roads are considered as "Major Roads". 2. Median widths greater than sixty feet t60'), each roadway can be considered separately. 3. When a major road has more than four (4) lanes or if large trucks constitute more than 20$ of the total traffic volume on the minor road, use A POLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS, 1984, AASHTO'", American Association of State Highway and Transporta- tion Officials, to design crossover and commercial entrances. 200.12 The 24-hour volume trip generation for all land uses shall comply with Trip Generation-Information Report, I.T.E., latest edition. 200.13 All residential developments generating more than 2,150 vehicles per day shall provide through access and connect to an existing State road(s) in two locations. Internal roads shall be designed to incorporate good traffic design, and provide ease of access for domestic services and emergency vehicular traffic. In situations where two (2) connections cannot physically be made, due to restrictive topography, limited sight distance or limited State road frontage, one (1) connection may be allowed by the Director. The connecting roadway shall be a four lane divided road section extending a minimum of three hundred feet (300') for the first 2,150 vehicle trips per day generated, and one hundred feet (100') additional for each 500 vehicle trips per day generated over 2,150. No other internal street shall connect to this four lane divided roadway except at crossovers. 200.14 Subdivision streets intersecting an existing or future street, shall have the centerlines directly opposite one another or have a minimum of two hundred feet t200') between their centerline . 201.00 201.01 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS General Provisions All required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use, except under the following conditions: A. All required parking spaces are on a contiguous lot under the same ownership or under agreement satis- factory to the Zoning Administrator, B. Such required spaces are within 500 feet walking distance of a building entrance or use and that such spaces do not require pedestrians to cross a minor arterial or greater highway. C. Contiguous lots providing off-street parking for more than one (1) use shall provide sufficient spaces to comply with the parking requirements for all usages. 201.02 All uses that require twenty (20) or more parking spaces by this section, shall provide parking spaces for the handicapped. Such parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following: A. The number of parking spaces reserved for the handicapped shall comply with the following table: Total Off-Street Parking Parking For Handicapped Required Required up to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100 4 101 to 150 5 151 to 200 6 201 to 300 ~ 301 to 400 8 401 to 500 9 501 to 1000 2$ of total. over 1000 20 plus 1$ of total over 1000. B. All spaces shall comply with the geometric design standards presented in appendix H-1 and 2. C. Such spaces shall be the closest to a building entrance for which they are provided, and shall be connected thereto by a paved surface with no less than five feet (5') of unobstructed width. At no 7 point shall the gradient exceed one foot (1') rise or fall in twenty feet (20'), except in the case of ramps which shall comply with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. 201.03 Off-street parking spaces that are located on the ground and open to the sky may be located in any required yard unless otherwise provided for by screen- ing, buffering, landscaping or other provisions in the County Code. Parking structures and carports shall be subject to the minimum yard and setback requirements applicable in the zoning district in which the structure is located. 201.04 All off-street parking spaces shall provide safe convenient access to a street. If any such spaces are contiguous to a public street, the public street side of such space shall be curbed. 201.05 All off-street parking areas, with twenty (20) or more parking spaces including aisles and driveways, except for those required for single family detached dwellings, shall be constructed and maintained with a Category I surface in accordance with construction standards presented in this Section. Off-street parking areas including aisles and driveways may, upon approval of the Zoning Administrator, be exempted from this provision if such facility is for a temporary purpose. However, such areas shall be graveled and maintained in accordance with standards approved by the Zoning Administrator. 201.06 All off-street parking spaces and areas shall comply with the geometric design standards in Appendix P-1. 201.06.1 Compact parking will be permitted under the following criteria: 1. Compact spaces shall be located in groups of five or more contiguous spaces, be appropriately identified by markings and be located in a manner affording the same convenience as standard stalls. 2. Dimensions for compact space are set forth in Appendix P-1. 3. If the total parking requirement is twenty (20) to hundred (100) stalls, twenty-five percent (25$) of the stalls may be designated for small/compact car use. 4. If the total parking requirement is more than one R hundred (100) stalls, thirty percent (30$) of the stalls may be designated for small/compact car use. 201.06.2 Vehicle Overhan Where parking stalls lie adjacent to landscaped areas, the paved depth of all stalls may be decreased by two feet to provide for a vehicular overhang area. The vehiclar overhang area may not encroach into a required landscaped area or public sidewalk. 201.07 Stacking spaces, where provided, shall be ten (l0) feet by twenty (20) feet and be separated from parking areas and through movement aisles or driveways. 201.08 All lighting fixtures used to illuminate off-street ~~arking areas shall not direct glare on adjoining Streets or residential properties. The maximum intensity on adjoining streets or residential usage shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. Parking areas shall not be lighted at any time other than the hours that the appurtenant use is open, except for necessary security lighting. For the purpose of this Section, security lighting is considered an average intensity of one (1) foot candles measured at the base of the lighting structure. All light intensity calculations shall be certified by a licensed engineer and submitted for review. 201.09 When a building includes a combination of uses as set forth in this Section, the required parking will be the sum of the required parking for each use. 201.10 Where the parking requirement for a particular use is not defined in this Section, and where no similar use is listed, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided. 201.11 For the purpose of this Section, Gross Leasable Area (GLA) shall be the total floor area designed for both tenant occupancy and exclusive use. This includes both owned and leased areas. 201.12 Whenever parking is proposed adjacent to a structure, a wide emergency access aisle shall be properly marked in accordance with Chapter 9, Code of the County of Roanoke, Titled Fire Prevention and Protection. 201.13 Minimum Parking Required 1. Residential and Lodging Uses 9 A. Dormitory or Residence. Hall located off campus: One (1) space per two (2) sleeping accommodations based on the occupancy of the building, plus one (1) additional space per housemother, manager or employee. B. Dwelling, Single Family Detached, Duplex or Mobile Home outside a Mobile Home Park: Two (2) spaces per unit, one (1> space must have convenient access to a street. C. Dwelling, Multiple Family or Townhouses: One (1) Bedroom Units: One and one-half (1.50) spaces per unit. Two (2) and three (3) Bedroom Units: Two (2) spaces per unit. Four (4) or more Bedroom Units: Two and one-half (2.50) spaces per unit. D. Hotel, Motel One (1) space per rental unit, plus four (4) spaces per fifty (50) rental units; plus addi- tional spaces required for eating establishments, assembly rooms, etc. E. Multi-Family Housing for the Elderly (Public or Non-profit, Assisted): One (1) space per two (2) dwelling units, plus One (1) space per employee or staff member on major shift. Conversion of the apartment complex to non-assisted housing shall require sufficient parking for a multi-family dwelling (see II. A.3.). F. Mobile Home within a Mobile Home Park: One and one-half (1.50) spaces per unit. G. Nursing or Convalescent Facility: One space per three (3) residents, plus one (1) additional space for each employee on major shift. H. Tourist House, Boarding House, Rooming House: One (1) space per guest accommodation 10 2. Commercial Uses A. Bowling Alley: Four (4) spaces per alley, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, plus additional spaces for eating establishments, assembly rooms, etc. B. Mercantile establishment: One (1) space per 300 square feet of GLA. C. Car Wash: Four (4) spaces per bay/stall plus one (1) space per employee on major shift for a self-service establishment, or one (1) space per employee, plus sufficient area for five (5) stacking spaces per bay/stall for an automated establishment. D. Drive-In Bank: One (1) space per 250 square feet of GLA, plus sufficient area for eight (8) stacking spaces for the first drive-in window and two (2) stacking spaces for each additional window. E. Eating Establishment or Fast Food Restaurant: One (1) space per four (4) seats plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift, plus sufficient area for ten (10) stacking spaces per drive-in window with a minimum of ten (10) spaces. F. Fast Food Restaurant With No Seating Facilities: One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of GLA G. Financial Institution: One (1) space per 250 square feet of GLA. H. Furniture or Carpet Store: One (1) space per 500 square feet of GLA, plus one (1) space for each employee on major shift. I. Medical or Dental Clinic: Three (3) spaces per examination or treatment room, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. J. Medical or Dental Practitioner's Office: ii Six (6) spaces per practitioner, or four and one-half (4.5) spaces per 1,000 sq. feet of GLA, whichever is greater. K. Office (Unless otherwise provided for in this section): One (1) spaces per 250 square feet of GLA. L. Outdoor Sales/Display Area other than Vehicle Sales, Rental and Ancillary Service: One (1) space per 100 square feet of open sales/display area. M. Personal Service Establishment: One (l) space per 200 square feet of GLA. N. Recreational Facility other than Theatre, Audito- rium, Stadium, Bowling Alley or Swimming Pool: One (1) space per three (3) persons based on occupancy load plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. 0. Repair Service Establishment: One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA. P. Retail Sales Establishment unless otherwise specified: One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA for the first 1,000 square feet, plus one (1) spaces per each additional 175 square feet. Q. Service Station: Two (2> spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) spaces. R. Shopping Center: Less than 400,000 square feet of GLA; one (1) space per 250 square feet of GLA. 400,000 to 600,000 square feet of GLA, seven (7) spaces per 1,000 square feet GLA and reduce the total number of required spaces by 1,200. ,~ Over 601,000 square feet of GLA, one (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA. S. Swimming Pool (Regional or Community) One (1) space per four (4) persons lawfully permit- ted in the pool at one time, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. T. Theatre, Auditorium or Stadium: One (1) space per four (4) seats or similar accom- modation provided, plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift. U. Vehicle, Light Service Establishment: One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. V. Vehicle, Major Service Establishment: Two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) per employee on major shift. W. Vehicle Sale, Rental and Ancillary Service Esta- blishment: One (1) space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales/rental floor area, plus one (1) space per 2,500 square feet of open sales/rental display lot area, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) total spaces. X. Wholesale Trade Establishment: One (1) space per one and one-half (1.5) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, but with a minimum of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of GLA. 3. Industrial Uses A. Manufacturing Establishment or Establishment for Production, Processing, Assembly, Compounding, Preparation, Cleaning, Servicing, Testing, Repair or Storage of Materials, Goods or Products, and Business Offices Accessory thereto: 13 One (1) space per employee on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle and piece of mobile equipment. B. Heavy Equipment Sale, Rental and Service Establish- ment: One (1) space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales/rental floor area, plus one (1) space per 2500 square feet of open sales/rental display lot area, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) total spaces. C. Scientific Research and Development Establishment: One (1) space per 1.5 employees based on the occupancy load, plus one (1) space per company vehicle. D. Warehousing, Storage Yard, Lumber and Building Material Yard, Motor Freight Terminal or Junk Yard: One (l) space per 1.5 employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, plus one (1) space per 10,000 square feet of GLA. 4. Other Uses A. Airport: One (1) space per employee on major shift, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the facility, plus one (1) space per 2,000 square feet of terminal area or one (1) space per 200 square feet of lobby area, whichever is greater. B. Ambulance Service or Rescue Squad: Adequate space to accommodate all motor vehicles operated in connection with such use and two (2) additional spaces per each such vehicle. C. Church, Chapel, Temple, Synagogue or Other Such Place of Worship: One (1) space per four (4) seats in the principal place of worship. D. College or University: ~4 Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums, the availability of mass transportation; and the availability of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Cultural Center, Museum or Similar Facility: One (1) space per 300 square feet of GLA. Country Club: One (1) space per four (4) members based on maximum anticipated membership. Funeral Chapel, Funeral Home: One (1) space per four (4) seats in the main chapel or parlor, plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the business. Family Day Care Home, Child Care Center, Nursery School: One (1) space per each employee on major shift, plus a sufficient number of stacking spaces to provide one (1) stacking space for each eight (8) children, students, etc. Hospital: One (1) space per two (2) beds, plus one and one-half (1.5) spaces per each emergency room examination table or bed, plus one (1) space per employee on the major shift including doctors. Institution providing Intensive Special Medical/Mental Care or Welfare Institution: One (1) space per two (2) occupancy load, plus one major shift. patients, based on the (1) space per employee on Library: One (1) space per two and one-half (2.5) patrons based on the occupancy load, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. Private, Civic, Fraternal Club or Lodge: 15 One tl) space per three (3) persons based on maximum allowable occupancy. M. Public Utility Establishment: One (1) space per one and one-half (1.5) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle. N. School, Elementary or Intermediate: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, audito- riums and stadiums; proposed special education programs and student-teacher ratios; and the avail- ability of areas on site that c-n be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. But in no instance less than one (1) space per faculty, staff member and other full-time employee, four (4) spaces for visitors, eight (8) stacking spaces; and sufficient stacking spaces for school buses. 0. School, Secondary: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, audito- riums and stadiums; proposed special education programs and student-teacher ratios; and the avail- ability of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. But in no instance less than one (1) space per faculty, staff members and full-time employee, one (1) space per eight (8> students, based on the maxi- mum number of students attending classes at any one time, eight (8) stacking spaces, plus sufficient stacking spaces for school buses. P. Swimming Pool, (Neighborhood): One (1) space for every six (6) persons lawfully permitted in the pool at one time, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift; subject to a lesser number as approved by the Zoning Administrator based on the number of members who live within a reasonable walking distance of the pool. Q. Tennis Club: i~ Four (4) spaces per court, spaces as may be required as eating establishments. plus such additional for affiliated uses such 17 202.00 OFF-STREET LOADING REQUIREMENTS 202.01 General Provisions 1. All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use. 2. All off-street loading spaces and their appurtenant aisles and driveways shall not be reduced in any manner except upon approval by the Zoning Administrator when a change in land use or building size reduces the total number of loading spaces required. 3. No loading space or berth shall be located within forty (40) feet of the nearest point of intersection of the edge of adjoining travelway or the ultimate right of way of adjoining streets. 4. No loading space or berth shall be located within the front setback applicable in the zoning district that the structure is located. 5. No required off-street loading area shall be used to meet the space requirement for off-street parking, and no loading area shall interfere with the free circulation within the off-street parking area. 6. All off-street loading space shall have safe and convenient access to a street. If any such spaces are contiguous to a street, the street side of such space shall be curbed. 7. All off-street loading areas, including aisles and driveways, shall be constructed and maintained with a dustless surface in accordance with construction standards presented in this Section. S. All off-street loading spaces shall comply with the geometric standards in this Section. 9. When a building includes a combination of uses as set forth in this section, the required number of loading spaces will be the sum of the required loading spaces for each use. But in no case shall the development be required to provide in excess of five (5) loading spaces. 10. Where the loading requirement for a particular use is not defined in this Section, and where no similar use is listed, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided. tR 11. For the purpose of this Section, Gross Leasable Area (GLA) shall be the total floor area designed for both tenant occupancy and exclusive use. This includes both owned and leased areas. 202.02 Minimum Loading Spaces Required Minimum off-street loading spaces accessory to the use designated herein shall be provided in accordance with the following: 1. One (1) space for the first 5,000 square feet of GLA, plus one (1) space for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Heavy Equipment Sale, Rental and Service Establishment B, Manufacturing Establishment or Establishment of Production, Processing, Assembly, Storage EtC. C. Vehicle Major Service Establishment D. Vehicle Sale, Rental, and Ancillary Service Establishment E. Warehousing Establishment 2. One (1) space for the first 10,000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 15,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Personal Service Establishment B. Retail Sales Establishment C. Vehicle, Light Service Establishment 3. One (1) space for the first 10,000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 20,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Business Service and Supply Service Establishment B. Financial Institution or Drive-in Bank C. Office D. Repair Service Establishment 19 E. Scientific Research and Development Establishment 4. One (1) space for the first 10,000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 25,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. 1. Eating Establishment of Fast Food Restaurant 5. One (1) space for the first 10,000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. 1. Wholesale Trade Establishment 6. One (1) space for the first 10,000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 100,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Bowling Alley and other Similar Commercial Recreational Establishment B. College or University C. Funeral Chapel, Funeral Home D. Hospital E. Hotel, Motel F. Nursing or Convalescent Facility or Housing for the Elderly G. School 20 203.00 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 203.01 General Provisions 1. The construction materials and methods used for this Section shall conform to the current Virginia Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications unless otherwise modified within these standards. 2. Required thicknesses of sub-base, base course and surface course are shown in Table I and Table IA in the Appendix in this Section. 3, Final pavement design shall be based on a sufficient number of certified CBR tests to determine the support value of the subgrade. A licensed professional engineer shall certify the location and the results of the CBR tests. The engineer shall submit a pavement redesign using the Vaswani Method whenever the actual CBR value is less than ten (10). When the CBR value is greater than ten (10), the engineer may redesign the pavement using the Vaswani Method. 4. All grading and utility construction within the right-of-way must be completed and approved by the County prior to installing the bituminous surface on the street. 5. The developer will be responsible for installing all driveway entrances to the right-of-way line prior to acceptance by Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation. ~i 204.00 GENERAL NOTES The methods and materials used in the construction of all streets shall conform to the current Virginia Department of_ Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications unless herein Required thicknesses of subbase, base course, and top or surface course are shown in the street standards. Subbase thickness is based on a subgrade CBR valve of 10 and may be increased as required by the standards. All base and subbase material and subgrade for all sidewalks and curb and gutter shall be compacted Virginia Department of_ Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications. Dust control shall be maintained on those sections of the project as may be required by the inspector. All driveway entrances across a paved ditch shall consist of a standard concrete driveway slab. ~~ 205.00 205.01 205.02 WAIVER PROCEDURES When compliance with a particular subdivision or site plan requirement unduly burdens the applicant, or causes harm to an adjacent property the applicant may request a waiver of the requirement. The applicant shall examine alternative methods to attempt to comply with the intent of that ordinance. Waivers of requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance are considered by the Planning Commission, while waivers of site plan requirements are considered by the Director of Development Review and Inspections. A waiver of a requirement is made by the applicant to the Director. The request must be in writing stating what relief is requested, the reasons the request should be granted and application fee of $50.00 per item included. Any supportive plans, profiles, or drawings necessary to review the request must accompany the submission. The waiver request must be made and acted upon prior to the submittal of any subdivision or site plan. The County has five (5) days within which to accept or reject a waiver application. The Developers should make every effort to make the necessary waiver request prior to submittal for review of either the subdivision or site plans. If rejected, the application will be returned to the applicant with ~z reason for the rejection outlined in writing. Upon acceptance, the waiver application will be transmitted to the appropriate agencies for review. Action on a waiver request, or an alternative method provided in lieu of strict compliance, will be made within thirty (30) calendar days of acceptance. Any person aggrieved by a decision on a waiver may appeal such in writing to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. This appeal must be made within fourteen (14) calendar days of the decision. If a waiver is not approved, that requirement must be incorporated into the subdivision or site plans prior to its acceptance. 205.03 In the event of subdivision and/or site plan review, a violation or error, which is not in accordance with the approved standards is noted, the applicant will be notified through the normal review procedure. If the applicant requests a waiver at this time, the review will cease until the above waiver requirements in Section 200.01 and 200.02 are met. 24 2 07.03. 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''i ''~ b N ~ oob m b= o> O d _ ~ ~+ a~ ~ o o~ a o v~ N N <L "~ a ~ V ai a b u m ,-I a av~ ~ a H ~ a~b~, a moo a,~x _ i v O ~ 3 - a « -1 00 ~ Z O b F , - o . U : ~ ~ v ~ oo a NO ~ ~~ ~, U o ~ ~ o m ~ `~ b ~ x ~ o u~ a~ r o ' . N ~ ~ + G o a~ b ro a~ ro H~zov v > ~v ~ •~+ o a ~ H ~ ,~ N ~, ~ ~„~ ~ ~ U -2 URBAN TYPICAL SECTION, 'DATE= APPROVED' CATE60RY ~ DIE o 207.08 GENERAL PARKING DIMENSIONS A g ~ *D E F G Parking Stall Stall Aisle Curb Half Full le Width th Width ~ ~ ~ 8.p~ 8,p' 12.0' 22.0' 20.0' 40.0' SM 8.0' 8.0' 12.0' 20.0 20.0 40.0' 3 ST 9.0' 16.8' 12.0' 18.0' 28.8' 45.60' 30 SM 8.0' 14.92' 12.0' 16.0' 26.92' 41.84' 45 ST 9.0' 19.1' 13.0' 12.7' 22.1' 41.20' 45 SM 8.0' 17.0' 13.0' 11.33' 30.0' 47.0' 6 ~ 9,0~ 20.1' 18.0' 10.4' 38.1' 58.2' 6 ~ 8,0' 17.83' 18.0' 9.25' 35.83' 53.66' g ~ 9,p' 20.0' 24.0' 9.0' 44.0 64.0' g ~ 8,0' 16.0' 24.0' 8.0' 40.0' 56.0' Ni0-I~S ST is standard, SM is small *Dimensions are for one-way direction movement. 'IWo--way direction cmovement requires a minimum of 24 feet wide regardless of parking angle and dimensions given in Table I of the above. -I A P-1 STANDARD PARKING LOT DATE= APPROVED ' pl E o ~ DIMENSIONS PROPERIY LIME 2 07.09 9 N ~ l 0 ~ W ~ ~ Z W ~ J L' Z W ~ t7 N O N _ ~ m ~ W W M ~ _ 3m ~ a6 m _ 3 Z t9 N 4 ~d Z O Q U O ,Z Z W ~Q ,vv ~ W J ~ ZG W ~ a U~U O O J Z ~ J m ~ O Z ~ N p Z a ~ ~ ~ ~ W J m I ~Q£ ~ H-I STANOARO HANDICAP DATE=--- APPROVED ~ o PARKING SPACE 207. 10 I~ N~ ~ 24' 7' _, I ~ t_ 6' ~ I ~ L~ 7. (,~~E~ ~~ TWO HANDICAPPED SYMBOLS REQUIRED IF APPROACHED FROM BOTH ENDS PAINT: DURO KOTE ACRYLIC LATEX WHITE YELLOW BLUE No. 108A D-32 E-II Y16 ID BLUE WHITE 6" YELLOW BORDER ~ WHITE OUTLINE AND STRIPES AT 45°, 2~ APART H-2 ALTERNATE MANOICAP DATE= APPROVED ~ D~ o PARKING SPACE 20T. I 1 ryb 2' ^ R/W Q o b ti~ ,s ~ ~ ~ '-~ a c ' ~ ~ \ a a~ ~ i -}- ) EP/FACE OF CURB p o Z ~ \ ~ ~ a- a O J \~ ~/ ~ N /~ .O v F R/W tii a° ~ ~ ' ~i o -- o a c~ X Q R/W W EP/FACE OF CURB m '~i a in ~ ~ / I I + ~ R/W a I ~ t ~ d 'yi - o ~-~ '` ~ + a i~, ' O~ J N . . . ~i~ ' ~/ STATE/PRIVATE MAINTAINED CUL-DE-SAC T-1 PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROAD DATE APPROVED ~ cup-DE-sac o ~ - 20T. 12 30~ 20~ ~ + o ,LO M (MAX. LENGTH OF ROAD = 400) 3 3 F---ADJACENT PARKING--I z 0 _z Y Q a 0 20~ z (MAX. LENGTH OF ROAD = 400 ) 0 ~ 3 3 ADJACENT PARKING ~~- ~O~ .Q NOTE TURN-AROUND TO BE MARKED WITH YELLOW LINES 4 INCHES WIDE AND I FOOT O.C. (AN ALTERNATE PAVEMENT DESIGN USING "GRASS BLOCK" IS ACCEPTABLE.) MAX. GRADE OF 7~0 PRIVATE MAINTAINED TURN-AROUNDS T-Z ALTERNATE PRIVATE ROAD DATE= APPROVED ~ D TURN-AROUND 20T. 13 o ~ ~ O o ~ w ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ro a~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ G A % C ' ~ r 1 .C G c E ro a ~•+ •~ •~ 0 3 .~ oo a~ u I G ~ ~ n. , -~ • • i o ~ oo .-~ b I ~ c ~ •o N 0 ~ ,.~ ~ u . C I ~ ~+ LJ O ~ i ~ b N O 3> pf ~ I ~.+ c U O O v N t t ~ F+ O1 u ~ a a G ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ d n c v~~ ~ o ~ a , ~ ,~ .-~ ro a +°~~«~ N .~ ° ° aa~i N ~ 0 x ~ d N_ ~ O ~ ., t~ ~ ~ a.i ~ _ ~ corn W O v p ~ a ~~ w W H ~ G -~ o v~ ~ 3 ~ p., ~ ~ ~ • ro H ro d ~ ~ " ~' i o ~ a b ro c d v ° a '~ ~ ~ ~ i u a~ - a a o ~ v ~ ~o ro ai ~ ~ • ~ 3 aUi ~ w o cbo ~ b ~ m n ~ A - = Nb ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 3 .. = ~ p v v' oo ro ro v ~ U1W + a n t o 0o a ~ .~ . •~ °1 ~ ~ OI i ~ a a a~ ~ ~ • „ o ~+ o w ,~ •v ~ m v, u, o • uca ° c a ~ ~ a E ~ b •,~ v ae m o a~ ,--i a a ~ v ~+ ~+ a~ ~ ro ro ro >, a v ~+ I 3 ~ ~ 3 m ~ ~ o 0 +~ b ro '-I w~ m~ ro •~ x w v I u ~ H l dOr ~ q•b w }+ tnb c ~ Y+ O 41 ~, a.i ..O .~ O C y •rl i.+ ro m rl w a b ~ o ~ I c u ° ° ~ o > m . ~ ~ ~' v o ~ ~ b ~ •v ~ ~ ~ ~ `o ~ } I C ~ ~ 'n ~ o a ~ N a i a ~+ v c d G c ~ H O ~ ~ ~ G c • [.' ro ~ ~ ~ .~ O ~ N C ~ n ~ ~ p -a ~ G c ~ c ~ ~ ro a o ~ 3 ~ ~ a' u - ~ i • a i a • m I ~ o ~ ~ ~ a~ v ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T N h o ~ b ~ u ro ~ 0 3~ ~ ~ A ~ ~x"~ o~H ~ sA ~ ENTR-I DRIVEWAY CULVERT DATE= APPR©VE~ ~ PIPE INSTALLATION p o 0 207. 14 a ~~ 0 z_- z_ i ~~ I I ~ I a I ~~ I ~~ o z I a: a~ ~ w I~ N Z_ ~A~d I ~ ~ ~ w a a a a ~Q a~ g ~ 0 ~o o' ~+ ~~ N Z j Z _ J ~ ~ ~ ~ O >o ~ ~Ald \ Z Q Z Q ~ ~ / Q Q 'J~ / ~~1 nn ~4~ v ~ Q / ~~ O~ d~ \ W ~ W ~ w ~ \ //v <v~' p ~ ~~ ~~ ~ O ~ OO > / /oQ v `~ w w d?~~ ~ ~ Q' '' a ~ ~ d~ '~ '~' '~ / / P,r• ~ ~ fd\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0 ~A ld + i' - N L-I APPROVED ~ INTERSECTION LANDING DATE= REQUIREMENT 207. I S Averap• Ml~lmum Oeelpn Runnlnp Maximum Curve Speed Sped Curve Redlut (mphl (mph) (depreet) (ftJ 20 20 2.40' 2,140 30 28 1.21' 4,220 40 36 0°49' 7.000 50 44 0°33' 10,480 60 ' S2 0°Z3' 14,710 65 55 0°21' 16,520 70 58 0°19' 18,440 Maximum curvature for normal crown section. •~.. - e.a •.~.. - o.a •~., - e.a •~,., • e.a v.7o~M v-7o~ v.7o~.,1, v. 7D w.eA llhl lthi IIRI Llhl O ~ R.• Ihl • l•.. T.w Tw• Tw •. • {,,.,»• • l~n•• • 1,•n•• 1 rolr 2roo~ ' s. »o NC o 2.5a1t NC o NC NC o NC o NC o NC o NC o o 7.00 .•ar ~ i.ea NC o i.att Nc so NC ~t so NC so wt 5o NC so 111 !0 so sroo e~oo~ ' i.i.t 11C !0 56s .e7o to Aa0 .ea7 50 .021 so A7s 50 .OQ2 so .at f0 so 7`00 eis A72 !o .oae so ~ ~o Q ~ ~Q 1'00' e''~' 711 Alf 50 ~ Aw 70 92!_ .toi _~SQ .Oil w .aos , SO 335 so alt ~ so t7 1oroo~ itroo• - ' s77 .Q2S so .n A27 !o .o~p .acr7 so A77 eo .ou a - .olo eD .o.t a 70 i~ 00 ie`00' ' q ~ S7 761 A70 SO Ale .0•i p .O.7 e0 .061 >b .062 A .037 A p 10`00 7D`00' ' 7te Aft SO L6 A72 !0 .0•I A•t A .OS+ A .067 e0 .Ott f0 .061 50 100 2<'00 b"00' ' 270 A7S O 7106 A76 e0 Ad A62 A .Ott p .Op 100 AT7 100 .07! tW 110 72'00 75.00' ' ' 17! .Oft e0 160 Aft eo .066 As7 e0 .070 b A7• 110 .OM 1 q Aee 170 1.0 X0 00 M•00' W A10 b 171'1 ~•0 e0 A60 .000 !0 Ale e0 A7t qp Ae2 tlb .OM6 1.0 150 12'00' 110 O^r` ' •S`00' 060 !0 A75 ' 17D .Dee 1S0 56'00' 10'1 • ' ~e 1S .060 170 .are • •57`70' t4Q _ 150 I~p .• - it-00' ~,,,•, 0.04, 0.06. 0.08, 0.10 O • Mpe•••teVM A . ~•6w •f ewr• ~ 10 ^'~ V . .ww+rOiNgn.o•M • ~ 1.1•dur0•nMaten l • ~~~elAdiw+elf NC • ~anrtaewnweiM 11C • Mr«w •Or«w avwi. wp•nMr•N •f ea++ritrown.bp NOTES: sok•r•.+ao.wr..a.ew.n..h,e~.., Md.•1•grao.vid.e•iar,w°7•~• .O.Oi.t~a/N0•te-r1bNw0•neaditioh. SE-1 APPROVED ~ I OATE1 .. 207. ~ 6 V .)O mpn y , ~Orwph _ V - 60m•h V ~ eaTpA llhl l_Ih) _ l_ In _I _ Uhl R Tw• fow Ihl . lanes l•n« Two four . t.~ l•n•o Tw• fow t l ~ ~ ~ • l•n« Vno• . 1 n • i 0.15' ' ' 22.lte NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 0 30 • ' 11,159 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 NC 0 0 tS 0 7,679 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 NC 175 265 t•07 ' 5,730 NC 0 0 NC 125 190 RC 1S0 Za RC 175 266 1.30 ' ],e1o NC 100 ISO RC to 190 021 ISO 22S .025 1>S 266 2.00 2,e66 MC 100 150 .022 125 190 . ISO 225 " 2'70' ' 2.292 RC 100 150 .025 125 190 ~S ]•00 ' ' t,lt0 .020 100 150 .077 la 190 pap .~ i?S ~ ]0 ] 1.6]7 .012 100 150 021 in 190 . 150 2a .039 175 266 x•00' 1,132 .O2t 100 150 _ ~ .035 150 2a ''~- 175 265 _ S•00' . ' t,1~6 .026 100 150 .0]] 1~ i 9 p 039 t54 ~ ~- ~'^~~ ' ~ 6 00 966 ._Q26 lO0 ~ .035 125 190 . 7`00' et! Cb - 1~- ~" .0.0 150 ~ e'OC ' 716 . .001 100 1 150 .037 .0]9 1~ 175 190 190 M• !•00 ' ' 677 .037 100 1S0 .Ob 175 190 10 00 ' S73 .03t 100 ISO .0~0 125 190 11'00 uro7 521 m .075 o3e 100 too 150 ~~ .10`00' u•o7 ttt . .037 top 150 15O 11w7 .as .am too tso t6ro7 35e .m! too t50 te•o7 ]te .o.o too tso 19`07 ]02 .OtO 100 15O ! ^~^ 0.04 nyi - 19.00' O - tlo0rw o(cwti• R - r•e;n o1 cwv • - ntoof wpor•1•vtion l - nrrirrtwrn bnplh d nwwM NC - tamrl C1Own trGien RC - nrrwr• dvorr• ao.w4 ou0«o4vto •t egrnut txown abp• NOTES: Sp'raYwldornvwQ.DOv~M•vy1'r». lorgth. nwrW0 e~ multipto. of a or 50 h permit «mp+« ukuV tioM. In noognition of calory condttontion0, uw of •~i .0.01 r-wula Oo Gnitd to w0•n tondGorr. V - 70mph V . tOmpA V - 60moh V - eOmpA lthl llhi llhl llhl ~ Two four Two fow Twe feu Two few O Ih) • l~no• lance • l•noo l•noo • L+n« L•no. • (.•n« L•n•o 0.15' .tt,fte NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 0'37 ' ' 11,~Si NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 175 175 s5 0 ' 7,09 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 .021 175 175 1.00 6,730 NC 0 0 NC 1a to OpD 150 150 O27 t75 t75 1'30' ' 3,620 NC 100 100 .,020 to 1a ~ ISO 150 .037 175 f75 2.00 Z.eeS RC 100 100 fl25 175 ~ .036 150 150 .OtS 175 100 2'37 ?.242 A2D t00 100 .000 125 125 .0~0 150 150 .Obt t75 200 3.07 ' 1.9to .023 100 100 mt la 1a .ots 150 t6o .066 175 210 3.30 1.637 A26 100 100 .006 to to .o1i 150 170 .oss 175 2x 400' t,t31 ,029 100 100 A/1 1a 130 .052 1S4 160 000 175 2~0 6.00' ' 1.116 ,Opt 100 100 ,010 la ib .056 ISO 200 . m•a - ~ 1 6000 156 ,O3i 100 100 .060 1a 160 .OSi 1S0 710 7007 iti .011 100 110 .063 125 170 . 1'00' ~1i Al7 100 110 .060 /a 160 ~a !•00' 177 ,010 100 120 .061 125 160 10000' 173 Ali 100 130 ,064 115 190 11''00' 121 .060 100 1t0 0 130 190 uro7 m .ait 100 la ,t,., - 11 1 13007 M1 A61 tO0 it0 it•00' poi .056 100 150 16007 351 .056 100 100 near 3u .oss 110 leo 2A007 ~ 266 ,oeo 110 1ao a ' 0.06 zl o7 m 110 t ~. m.. - 1.07 S E-1 APPROVEO~ o~ ~ GATE 1 207. it V . )OTOe V •OmoA V • OOmpA V . pmpA llhl llhl llhl llh) R Twe fwr Twe few Twe few Twe few 1h1 • Un•• (,In•• • t.•n•• iJnN • Vn•• 1.•wN • t.•M• IJ n•• 0.15' 22.ft0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 0'70' t1,a50 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 1)S 175 0•aS' 7,179 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 RC 150 ISO .012 17S 175 1.00' S.7]0 NC 0 0 NC 125 125 ,Qjl tSe t5e •Q29 175 t>S 1.30' ~.~ Nc too too .021 125 t25 .a7o 1S0 t50 .al In 1)5 2.00' :.es6 Rc too ~o ,Qn 125 t7s .07/ 150 150 .oSt t7S ?lo :~ :.242 .aQl too too .033 125 125 .Oa6 ISO 1)0 .oat in ?ao 3.00' 1.lto .o2s 100 lao .o7e us us .a63 tso t!o .ose 100 :70 3.30' t.6J7 _020 tee x~0 .ou t25 Ia A66 tso 710 .o). 200 300• /•07 t.u? .oat Ioo too .a) 12s tso .063 150 230 .0)6 1 t s•o7 l,la6 .o3e 100 too .o5b 125 t7o .0)1 170 260 ,,,.a . a•s• 6.00' 956 .OV too 110 .062 t7D t90 .on t60 2!0 7.00' a! .oat too t7o .067 Is0 2w .0eo too 200 0.00' )16 .063 100 ib .071 150 220 nva • )•30' !•00' 677 .066 100 150 .075 lh! 2a0 to•o7 sn .oeo 110 160 .o>s teo 2/0 tt•oo' set .063 no t7o .0>9 t7o 250 u•ar an .066 t2o lp .060 t70 750 t7.07 sat .066 120 100 m•a .12.15' ts•00' sp0 ,070 130 190 16.00' ]50 .0)1 130 200 u•o7 3t0 .on lao 2to 10'07 286 .079 ts0 210 12.00' 260 .080 110 220 ~ m•. ` Q.~ m•a . •aS' 0 - OprNOltwv R - r•Cius of cwr• V • •rswnd tt••ipn ap•• C . rn•ot wp«•t•vation ~ - min:nw„ t•rgeA of nmoN NC - rgrm•I Crown NCtion RC - remove •Cvra• crown. ruperskvte •t normN uown dope NoTes: so+.ka.wom usw .eor•A.awtiM. l•nptA1 roun0•E in rrrdtiDt•a C+ 25 or 50 h permit s+np4r ukub lion.. V ~ 30mpA V • aOmoA V . SOmoA V - pmeA tfhl 11ft1 llhl tlhl R Twe fear Two fow Two fow Two fow Q 1h • 1.eflM {,Met • 1.~M• 1.•n•• • 1.In•• l.•n•• • IJM• 1.•M• 0.15' 22,!10 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 0'70' 11,a5! NC 0 0 kC 0 0 NC 0 0 NC t7S 175 0•a5 7,679 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 RC 150 ISO ,Q~ t t 1.00' L,730 NC 0 0 NC 125 12S .021 150 t50 t t 1.30' 3,020 NC 100 100 ;OQt 125 125 A31 150 150 .04 175 1!0 2'00' 2.605 RC 100 100 .0~ 125 125 .010 i50 150 .056 175 270 2.37 2.291 .021 100 100 A3a 125 125 AI! 150 100 .067 190 280 3.00' 1,110 ,.025 100 100 Aa0 125 125 .067 150 210 .077 210 320 3.70' 1.637 -Qji 100 100 :016 125 110 066 160 2a0 .086 230 350 1.00' t,s32 .073 100 100 .OSI 125 160 A72 160 260 .043 250 300 i•'00' 1,ta6 .010 100 110 .061 170 190 .083 200 700 .098 270 s00 b•00' f56 Asb 100 120 A70 150 720 .082 220 330 ma• - t ' 7.00' 01! .067 100 fa0 A70 100 210 .090 2a0 750 0.07 716 .066 110 160 .OS/ 180 260 .100 ?a0 760 f•00' OT7 .063 120 1)0 .009 190 200 m•a • IS' 10.00' tm .086 120 100 .09s 200 290 11'00' !21 A72 170 200 A97 200 310 17•'00' an .0)e 1s0 210 A99 2t0 310 13'00' ta•o7 K1 .010 a09 A13 1s0 150 230 720 COD 210 320 '"3r,,,R ~ 1 1 t~•00' 35~ .019 100 210 10.00' 31t .093 170 250 20"00' 281 A17 i70 260 ?2.00' 760 A89 110 270 2x•00' 27! 100 1 ~ m•. ^ ~.10 m•a ~ 2a•IS' APPROVED ~ o~ I ~ OATEr _-- ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Vacation of a portion of Plat Book 3, Page 61, showing lots 1 through 11 inclusive, and a 50 foot right-of-way, according to Plat showing subdivision portion of property of Thomas H. Beasley. COUNTY ADMIN/ISTRATOR' S COMMENTS ~: ~L. ,/~ 9 l BACKGROUND• Fralin & Waldron is requesting the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, by ordinance, to vacate a portion of the previously platted subdivision referred to as Thomas H. Beasley property, recorded on September 29, 1949. The portion of the Plat being vacated is located on the south side of Va. Secondary Rd. 679 (Buck Mountain Rd.) and involves lots 1 through 11 inclusive, and a 50 foot right-of-way. The vacation is necessary to abolish any encumbrance such as right-of-ways, easements, and lot lines that may effect the development of their property. Fralin & Waldron's present plan is to develop the property with the adjoining 23 acres as a single family subdivision. The public hearing and first reading of the proposed ordinance is scheduled for January 24, 1989, the second reading is scheduled for February 14, 1989. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County is requesting prior to final approval of the subdivision's plans that the Thomas H. Beasley Plat be vacated in accordance with Chapter 11, Title 15.1-482 (b), Code of Virgina, 1950 (as amended), by the adoption of the attached ordinance. ~e~'~- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed ordinance to vacate a portion of the referenced Plat. SUBMITTED BY: Arndld Coved Development Review and Inspections Director APPROVED: ~~~~~ Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens Robers r •~•. NIN(TINQ ~ ~ ~ ~,'° ~ / d N,~a,,,,,,,,, ~ ~ 4 KNM t'yM '.OR ~ [LAI ~i I eud( M ~ '•, STARKEY •o.o, 000 `, K NTAIN \• . VICINITY MAP /8~1-8 I NORTH COMMUNITY SERVICES VACATION OF LOTS 1-11 ~ 50' RIGHT OF WAY AND DEVELOPMENT THOMAS H. BEASLEY PLAT AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF A SUBDIVI- / *',~'~..e.~' SION PLAT, SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY OF THOMAS H . BEASLEY , PLAT BOOK 3 , PAGE 61; VACATING LOTS 1 THROUGH 11, INCLUSIVE, AND A 50-FOOT ROAD LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF STATE ROUTE 679 WHEREAS, Fralin & Waldron Inc. has petitioned the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to vacate a portion of a previously platted subdivision identified as a portion of the property of Thomas H. Beasley; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-482(b) of the 1950 Code of Virgin- ia, as amended, requires that such a request be accomplished by ordinance of the governing body; and WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by Section 15.1-431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and a public hearing and first reading of this ordinance was held on January 24, 1989, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on February 14, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a portion of a plat (being subdivision portion of property of Thomas H. Beasley) showing Lots 1 through 11, in- clusive, and a 50 foot road on the south side of Virginia Second- ary Route 679 as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 61 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to Section 15.1-482(b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. /8q- 8 2. That upon vacation of Lots 1 through 11, inclusive, and the 50 foot road, all located on the south side of Virginia Secondary Route No. 679 as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 61 in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, title to same shall be vested in Fralin & Waldron Inc. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. 4. That Fralin & Waldron Inc. shall record a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and shall pay all fees required to accomplish this transaction. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ -- j AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: January 24, 1989 Ordinance amending and reenacting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code, Precious Metals and Gems COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~u-~-yt,~'L~lr.-zX ~ daM4-~c--~ G~ 0;.~/'l.~c~r~'..rru,.~ BACKGROUND: Roanoke County first undertook to regulate persons in the business of purchasing precious metals and gems by the passage of Ordinance 3099 on April 13, 1982. Subsequent enforcement efforts by the Sheriff's Department have revealed some deficiencies in the current county ordinance contained in Chapter 16 of the Roa- noke County Code. Furthermore, amendments by the General Assembly to the enabling legislation contained in Chapter 23.2 of Title 54 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, necessitates certain changes to the County ordinance. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Virginia law now requires that a dealer obtain a statement of ownership for any precious metals or gems being offered for sale to him. Sections 16-28 and 16-29 have been amended to add this requirement. While not a part of this ordinance, the County Attorney's office has worked with the Sheriff's Department to review the application form and to develop form letters for pro- cessing these applications to insure that the bonding require- ments as well as Roanoke County business license ordinance has been complied with. Sections 16-30 and 16-41 have been amended to insure that dealers will only conduct business at their place of business and after their permit is issued and posted. Section 16-44 will now make explicit that providing false or misleading information on an application may be grounds for denial of a per- mit. Finally, Section 16-43 has been amended to require re- inspection of a dealer's weighing devices prior to any permit renewal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ~'- / The prepared amendments to Chapter 16 are necessary to close certain loop-holes in the County's present ordinance and to bring it into compliance with Virginia law. The County Attorney's office recommends approval of the amended ordinance. Respectfully submitted, j Jos ph benshain Srf Ass' County Attorney ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 16 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS WHEREAS, by Ordinance 3099, adopted on Tuesday, April 13, 1982, Roanoke County initially undertook to regulate persons who are in the business of purchasing or dealing in precious metals or gems; and WHEREAS, subsequent amendments to the enabling legisla- tion contained in Chapter 23.2 of Title 54 of the Code of Virgin- ia, 1950, as amended, and the experience of the Sheriff's Depart- ment of Roanoke County in administering this Chapter has necessi- tated certain additions and amendments to the County's ordinance regulating this area; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on January 24, 1989; the second reading on this ordinance was held on February 14, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. Chapter 16, Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roa- noke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted by amending Sections 16-21, 16-25, 16-28, 16-29, 16-30, 16-32, 16- 41, 16-42, 16-43 and 16-44 to read and provide as follows: Sec. 16-21. Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: ~/ -/ "Coin" means any piece of gold, silver, or other metal fashioned into a prescribed shape, weight, and degree of fineness, stamped by authority of a government with certain marks and devices, and having a certain fixed value as money. "Dealer" means any person, firm, partnership, or corporation engaged in the business of purchasing secondhand precious metals or gems, removing in any manner precious metals or gems from manufactured articles not then owned by such person, firm, partnership, or corporation buying, acquiring, or selling precious metals or gems removed from such manufactured articles. "Dealer" shall mean any employer or principal on whose behalf a purchase is made and any employee or agent who makes any such purchase for or on behalf of his employer or principal. This definition shall not be construed so as to include persons en- gaged in the following: (1) Purchases of precious metals or gems directly from other dealers, manufacturers or wholesalers for retail or wholesale inventories, provided the sell- ing dealer has complied with the provisions of this chapter. (2) Purchases of precious metals or gems from a duly qualified fiduciary who is disposing of the assets of the estate being administered by such fiduciary in the administration of an estate. (3) Acceptance by a retail merchant of trade-in mer- chandise previously sold by such retail merchant to the person presenting that merchandise for trade-in. (4) Repairing, restoring, or designing jewelry by a retail merchant, if such activities are within his normal course of business. (5) Purchases of precious metals or gems by industrial refiners and manufacturers, insofar as such pur- chases are made directly from retail merchants, wholesalers, or dealers or by mail originating outside the Commonwealth of Virginia. (6) Persons regularly engaged in the business of pur- chasing and processing nonprecious scrap metals which incidentally may contain traces of precious metals recoverable as a by-product. "Gems" means precious or semiprecious stones customarily used in jewelry whether loose or in a setting. "Precious metals" means any item, except coins, composed in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum or platinum alloys. ~'- I Sec. 16-25. Inspection of records required by article and of articles listed in such records. Every dealer shall admit to his premises, during regu- lar business hours, the sheriff or his sworn deputies and any law-enforcement official of the state or federal governments, and shall permit such a~tiele law-enforcement officer to examine all records required by this article, and to examine any article listed in such a record which is believed by the officer to be missing or stolen. Sec. 16-28. Identification of persons from whom purchases made. No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems, with- out first ascertaining the identity of the seller, by requiring an identification car or document issued by a governmental agency, with a photograph of the seller thereon, and at least one other corroborating means of identification, and obtaining a statement of ownership from the seller. Sec. 16-29. Record of Purchases. (a) Every dealer shall keep, at his place of business, an accurate and legible record of each purchase of precious metals or gems. The record of each such purchase shall be re- tained by the dealer for not less than twenty-four (24) months. These records shall set forth the following: (1) A complete description of all precious metals or gems purchased from each seller. The description shall include all names, initials, serial numbers or other identifying marks or monograms on each item purchased, the true weight or carat of any gem and the price paid for each item. (2) The date and time fey of receiving the items purchased. (3) The name, address, age, sex, race, driver's license number or social security number and signa- ture of the seller. (4) A statement of ownership from the seller. (b) The information required by sr~bseetien- {a} subdivisions 1 through 3 of subsection (a) above shall appear on each bill of sale for all precious metals and gems purchased by a dealer and a copy shall be mailed or delivered, within twenty- four (24) hours of the time of purchase, to the sheriff. Sec. 16-30. Prohibited purchases. j--~_ (a) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who is under the age of eighteen (18) years. (b) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who the dealer believes, or has reason to be- lieve, is not the owner of such items, unless such person has written and duly authenticated authorization from the owner per- mitting and directing such sale. (c) No dealer shall purchase or sell any precious metals or gems except at the place of business as identified in the application required by Section 16-42. DIVISION 2. PERMIT Sec. 16-41. Required; posting. No person shall engage in the activities of a dealer in the county as defined by Section 16.21, unless he has a current permit so to do issued by the sheriff pursuant to this division. No purchase or sale permitted by this chapter shall be lawful unless and until such permit is prominently posted at the_ dealer's place of business. Sec. 16-42. Application fee. Any person desiring a permit required by this division shall file with the sheriff an application form, which shall in- clude the dealer's full name and any aliases and his address, date of birth, age, social security number, sex, and finger- prints; the name, address, and telephone number of the appli- cant's employer, if any; and the location of the applicant's place of business. Such application shall be accompanied by an application fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00), payable to "Treasurer, Roanoke County." Sec. 16-43. Applicant's weighing devices to be inspected and approved. Before a permit required by this division may be issued, the applicant must have all weighing devices used in his business inspected and approved by county or state weights and measures officials and present written evidence of such approval to the sheriff. As a condition for renewal of any permit, as permitted under Section 16-46, each dealer shall provide written evidence of an inspection and approval within thirty (30) days brior to such renewal date. Sec. 16-44. Issuance or denial. /~ _ Upon the filing of a proper application for a permit under this division and compliance with the provisions of this division and of Section 16-26, the applicant shall be issued a permit by the sheriff, provided the applicant has not been con- victed of a felony or crime or moral turpitude within seven (7) years prior to the date of the application. The permit shall be denied, if the applicant has been denied a permit or has had a permit revoked under this article or any ordinance of this county or another jurisdiction similar in substance to the provisions of this article. Any false or misleading information provided on the application form required by Section 16-42, may be grounds for denial of a permit. 2. Chapter 16, Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roa- noke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted by adding Division 3. Severability, Section 26-48, to read and pro- vide as follows: Sec. 16-48. Severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause sentence, paragraph or section of this chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent -jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this chapter shall remain valid. 3. That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after } AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE 12489-5 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF HUNTING HILLS DRIVE AND STARKEY ROAD BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been de- Glared to be surplus and is being made available for other public uses, i.e. road improvements; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described property was held on January 10, 1989; a second reading was held on Jan- uary 24, 1989; and 3. That this property is an abandoned pumping and valve station located on property owned or formerly owned by the Hunting Hills Land Corporation near the intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Drive; and 4. That the offer of the Virginia Department of High- ways in the amount of $1,634.00 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 5. That all proceeds from the sale of this property are to be allocated to the capital reserves of the County; and 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- r perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Robers and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Robers, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A len, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER _~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A`1'~I'I3E ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: January 24, 1989 Ordinance accepting an offer for and author.iz.ing the conveyance of surplus property near the inter- section of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Transportation is in the process of acquir- ing fee simple title to that certain land which is owned or was formerly owned by Hunting Hi.ll.s Land Corporation and is needed for the construction, operation, and maintenance of Route 904 (mor.e particularly described as State Highway Project 0904-080- 21.5, C501). This property is located near the intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road. A building located on the hereinabove-described property is an abandoned pumping and valve station owned by Roanoke County. The building needs to be removed in order to allow for the suc- cess:Eul completion of the State Highway Project, Route 904. 7'he State has offered $1,634.00 to cover this transaction with the stipulation that Roanoke County dispose of the building within sixty (60) days from the date of the final agreement on or before I'ebruary 7, 1989. Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County requires that the subject property be declared to be surplus and be made avail- able for other public uses, i.e. road improvements. Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County requires that any sa e of public property be accomplished by ordinance. 'Phe first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on January 10, 1989; the second reading was held on January 24, 1989. FISCAL IMPACTS: The State has offered $1,634.00 for the acquisition of the building. ~ -/ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendations: 1. That the Board of Supervisors reaffirm that this build- ing is surplus, available for other public uses, and for sale to VDOT by the County. 2. That the Board of Supervisors favorably consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. 3. That the net proceeds from the sale of this property be allocated to the Capital Improvements Fund as a reserve for capi- tal improvements. 4. That the County Administrator be authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property. Respectfully submitted, ~~ L~~ Sarah A. Rice Assistant County Attorney -------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) M t' b No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To o lon y. Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING TE3E CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS ~ 1 PROPERTY NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF HUNTING HILLS DRIVE AND STARKEY ROAD BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been de- clared to be surplus and is being made available for other public uses, i.e. road improvements; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described property was held on January 10, 1989; a second reading was held on Jan- uary 24, 1989; and 3. That this property is an abandoned pumping and valve station located on property owned or formerly owned by the Hunting Hills band Corporation near the intersection of Hunting fiill.s Drive and Starkey Drive; and 4. That the offer of the Virginia Department of High- ways in the amount of $1,634.00 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 5. That all proceeds from the sale of this property are to be allocated to the capital reserves of the County; and 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said p perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. 1 i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE 12489-6 AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR A PROHIBITION UPON THE LOCATION OF CERTAIN TYPES OF SIGNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, recognizes that "general advertising" signs (bill- boards) are becoming a blight upon the County, and that this is the functional equivalent of a public nuisance, adversely affect- ing the appearance of the community, aesthetics, vitality, the enhancement of property values, as well as the value of the County's commercial and residential areas, and that such signs constitute a traffic hazard adversely affecting the traffic safe- ty in the County; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-510 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, authorizes any county to adopt such measures as it may deem expedient to secure and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the county, and further that the provisions of Chapter 18 of Title 15.1 (Section 15.1-837 et seq.), and that Section 2.01 of the Roanoke County Charter (1986 Acts of Assembly, Chapter 617) authorize the adoption of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 10, 1989, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on January 24, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Sec. 1. Definitions. Sign. Any display of any letters, words, numerals, figures, devices, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof, by any means whereby the same are made visible for the purpose of making anything known, whether such display be made on, attached to, or as a part of a structure, surface, or any other thing, including but not limited to the ground, any rock, tree, or other natural object which display is visible beyond the boundaries of the parcel of land on which the same is made. This definition includes the supports, uprights, bracing, and frame- work of any structure, be it single-faced, double-faced, v-type or otherwise, exhibiting a sign. General advertising sign. A sign which directs atten- tion to a product, commodity, or service not conducted, sold, or offered upon the same lot or parcel where such sign is located. Sec. 2. Prohibited signs. No general advertising sign shall be located within the county. Sec. 3. Vested rights. Nothing in this ordinance shall be con- strued to authorize the impairment of any vested right to an existing general advertising sign and that those signs in use at the effective date of this ordinance may be continued. If any change in title or possession or renewal of a lease of any sign or sign structure that is the subject of this ordinance or any lot or parcel upon which a sign or sign struc- ture is located occurs, then the use of that sign or sign struc- ture may be continued. If any sign or sign structure is discon- tinued for a period exceeding two years after the effective date 2 of this ordinance, then it shall conform to the provisions of this ordinance. The construction of a sign or sign structure for which a permit was legally issued according to the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance prior to the effective date of this ordinance may proceed and continue; provided, that the con- struction of said sign and sign structure is completed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Any sign or sign structure which would otherwise be prohibited by the provisions of this ordinance may not be ex- tended or enlarged. Any sign or sign structure wh ich is destroyed or damaged in any mann er to the extent of the cost of restoration to its condition befor e the occurrence shall exceed fifty (50) percent of the cost of reconstruction may not be repaired or restored unless it is in compliance with the provi- sions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Violations. Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor and be punished as provided in Section 1-10 of this Code. In addition, the County Administrator on behalf of the Board of Supervisors shall have all necessary authority to admin- ister and enforce the provisions of this ordinance, including the bringing of legal action to insure compliance with the ordinance, including injunction, abatement or other appropriate action or proceeding. 3 Sec. 5. Severability. In the event that any portion of this ordinance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other valid portions of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Effective date. The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 25, 1989. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Robers, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTS: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning Claude Lee, Zoning Administrator Michael Kavanaugh, Sheriff Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Roa 24016 Main Library Resolution/Ordinance File Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County J&D Court, Intake Counsellor 4 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER t~_ -•- .~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE.COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 24, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending and reenacting the Roanoke County Code to provide for a prohibition upon the location of certain types of signs COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /~~J ~ ,~~ s~~~~r~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Billboard advertising is becoming a blight in Roanoke County. Billboards are a form of visual pollution intruding upon and dis- tracting from the surrounding environment. Billboards are the most intrusive form of advertising, providing few, if any, compen- sating benefits, and they devalue the public's intensive invest- ment in its commercial and residential areas. Fina]_ly, bill- boards constitute a traffic hazard adversely affecting traffic safety. Billboards are the functional equivalent of a public nuisance and as such justify strict control and regulation by the public. In April of 1988, the City of Salem adopted an ordinance prohibiting the location of general advertising signs (bill- boards) within the corporate limits of the city. Roanoke City i.s currently undertaking a study to review its local ordinances per- taining to signs. The proposed ordinance, which is attached to this report, prohibits the location of general advertising signs within the County. A general advertising sign is a sign which directs atten- tion to a product, commodity, or service not conducted, sold, or offered upon the same lot or parcel where such sign is located. This ordinance does not impair any vested rights to existing gen- eral. advertising signs. The construction of a sign for which a permit was legally issued under the provisions of the zoning ordinance prior to the effective date of this ordinance (the effective date is January 25, 1989) may proceed and continue; however, the construction of such a sign must be completed w.ithi.n thirty (30) days after the effective date. Any violation of this ordinance shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. In addition, the County Administrator is authorized to administ-er and enforce the provisions of this ordinance, including the authorization to bring appropriate legal actions to secure compliance with this ordinance. ~~ This ordinance is not part of the County's Zoning Ordinance, rather, it is authorized under the general police powers of the County pursuant to Section 15.1-510 of the State Code. The first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on January 10, 1989; the second reading was held on January 24, 1989. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adop- tion of this proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~ Paul M. Mahoney ~:; County Attorney ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR A PROIiIBITION UPON THE LOCATION OF CERTAIN TYPES OF SIGNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, recognizes that "general advertising" signs (bill- boards) are becoming a blight upon the County, and that this is the functional equivalent of a public nuisance, adversely affect- ing the appearance of the community, aesthetics, vitality, the enhancement of property values, as well as the value of the County's commercial and residential areas, and that such signs constitute a traffic hazard adversely affecting the traffic safe- ty i.n the County; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-510 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, authorizes any county to adopt such measures as it may deem expedient to secure and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the county, and further that the provisions of Chapter 18 of Title 15.1 (Section 15.1-837 et seq.), and that Section 2.01 of the Roanoke County Charter (1986 Acts of Assembly, Chapter 617) authorize the adoption of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January ]_0, 1989, and the second reading of this ordinance was he]_d on January 24, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Sec. 1. Definitions. ~ -° Sign. Any display of any letters, words, numerals, figures, devices, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof , by any means whereby the same are made visible for the purpose of making anything known, whether such display be made on, attached to, or as a part of a structure, surface, or any other thing, including but not limited to the ground, any rock, tree, or other natural object which display is visible beyond the boundaries of the parcel of land on which the same is made. This definition includes the supports, uprights, bracing, and frame- work of any structure, be it single-faced, double-faced, v-type or otherwise, exhibiting a sign. General advertising sign. A sign which directs atten- tion to a product, commodity, or service not conducted, sold, or offered upon the same lot or parcel where such sign is located. Sec. 2. Prohibited signs. No general advertising sign shall be located within the county. Sec. 3. Vested rights. Nothing in this ordinance shall be con- strued to authorize the impairment of any vested right to an existing general advertising sign and that those signs in use at the effective date of this ordinance may be continued. If any change in title or possession or renewal of a lease of any sign or sign structure that is the subject of this ordinance or any lot or parcel upon which a sign or sign struc- ture is located occurs, then the use of that sign or sign struc- ture may be continued. If any sign or sign structure is discon- tinued for a period exceeding two years after the effective date of this ordinance, then it shall conform to the provisions of this ordinance. The construction of a~ sign or sign structure for which a permit was legally issued according to the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance prior to the effective date of this ordinance may proceed and continue; provided, that the con- struction of said sign and sign structure is completed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Any sign or sign structure which would otherwise be prohibited by the provisions of this ordinance may not be ex- tended or enlarged. Any sign or sign structure which is destroyed or damaged in any manner to the extent of the cost of restoration to its condition before the occurrence shall exceed fifty (50) percent of the cost of reconstruction may not be repaired or restored unless it is in compliance with the provi- sions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Violations. Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor and be punished as provided in Section 1-10 of this Code. In addition, the County Administrator on behalf of the Board of Supervisors shall have all necessary authority to admin- ister and enforce the provisions of this ordinance, including the bringing of legal action to insure compliance with the ordinance, including injunction, abatement or other appropriate action or proceeding. _ - C~_ Sec. 5. Severability. In the event that any portion of this ordinance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other valid portions of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Effective date. The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 25, 1989. A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T PUBLIC HEARING ON C'~ ~- ~ ~ ~-~c1S ~ ~ ~ ~rT ~ C- I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WZTH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAME: / 11. ~~ ~t-T~ f'd (.~/~ LL ADDRESS : ~ ~-t ~ D T`^~r~AII«- ( ~ ~~ ~a~} ~p<C~ fir) J~"~`f PHONE: ~~~- 3 7 Q~ PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) A P P E A R A N C E R E Q U E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ON ~. 9 -z I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment. I agree to follow the guidelines listed below. WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. 1. Each speaker will have between three and five minutes available whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. 2. Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. 3. All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. 4. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times . 5. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. 6. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. P L E A S E W R I T E L E G I B L Y NAME . "~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~' r~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~,~°r~`t =~~ tl~~ :..~ ~ ,. ADDRESS : ~`~ ~~ ; ~ ..... ,,, !~'~ ~,I~~ ~~`~'~ ~ ~. ; ., r p,_ PHONE : ~~] ~ -- ~ ~' PLEASE NOTE: (After filling out, give to the Deputy Clerk. Thank you.) nl `'Jist_Li. - I Ii14~.: X27.3:: .: i5r<`''•C:~~ i i.:~ ~S^, t'' L ~'. ~ X L `>:'. l.i U J T!+.T C it 1rltivL'arl ra += t- i .: ;.; U I i ~ r= '=' ; <~ L I ~, r; i I ~ r I f (T ? 7 - iu ~ e i~ ~ h :~ ~r a C ~/ } t l`ti r~ li i f i i. , . [_ ~ 1, ~~_i'r~s:_;aT,TIv~ "t- T~t_ TIC-~:~-:~u;<Lu C.;~n- ~ui~~ } iu~Y• vrti.l.~t 1, -..'~r',~^,,, ~ i;..v 1:~r':J_;L 1 J}"_r: Ur 1 r+r r. 'v~~ `vt;Ki. 1 I '"~:, t ... ;v i..r~~L ~~b~S t r+ :~ .+d I L ~' ~`~ L ~Y J I~ LN Y' ~ i'. t ` ~J ~: L 1 J i i (:_ ~J i ~'v Pt ~~.i n . ~ l.: ~\~. 1 I i i L J } rl ~ ~ ~.} t' V i i~'.7 j iY 1 •i t :i L i. ':: ~\ T I t" .Y, i. ~ ) r• _i.. Tt;t ., ...; .. ... ri i 'ti : 3 C~: /\ L :J ~ i 1J ~ 1 L,. (_ : Y l-.:.3 f 'v ~ i_ 1 ) r7 i~ v 1 ~.. i J !'. I IVY r:~t~F<.t'C_t'K:) v('v i t--_ t"~.i_L'•~t 1~sv ~.+ri i•L.i WI T~i_,>;~~ iii1J 1i5Tt1 .JrtY :i~ J~ rJr,Y;.~ 1.j C: '1 _~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE PUBLIC HEARING CITIZEN INPUT FOR THE 1989-90 BUDGET The .Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ` County invites citizens of Roanoke Coun -'. ty to offer written or oral comment for , items to be included in the budget for the 1969-90 fiscal ~ year. An informational public hearing, to receive citizen com-- ment, will be held on Tuesday, Januarryy 24, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. qr as soon thereaf- ter as may be heard, at the Roanoke County Admirnstration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Vir- ginia. All interested citizens are invited tq . attend this meeting. ° (14381) ~/a ~ Q-~.c~ ~J `~ o~ aoarvo,~~ ,~ ~ L ti A Z a E50 $$ S~SQV~CENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ulBeginninA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~A1tntL~ II~ ~A~itt~~2F Dr. Harry C. Nickens 4179 Toddsbury Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Dr. Nickens: January 27, 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWDA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Court-Community Corrections Policy Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on January 24, 1989, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of Court-Community Corrections Policy Board for a three-year term. Your term will expire on December 31, 1991. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, ~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures P.O BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 OF ~oANC'YF ~ ,A G Z A ~_ °v 2 a ~B E5~ $$ SFSQ~IICENTENN~P~ A Beauu~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ~Allntl,~ Af ~i1ttltLt~P January 26, 1989 Ms. Susan Cole, Executive Director The Arts Council of the Roanoke Valley One Market Square Roanoke, Va. 24011 Dear Ms. Cole: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W, ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Report # 12489-2 concernin request for funds for the proposed Arts Festival in 1991your January 24, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors On authorized a contribution of $1,000 toward this project. At tha time, they also expressed their strong support of the conce t pt. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, `~'~~ f.. ~~ . Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke .County Board of Supervisors Attachment P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (7p3~ 772.2004 ~ POANO~, p F a ~• ~ ~ ~ a C~~~trt~ ~~ ~~~t~~~~ 18 150 tt.a 88 s~SQU1CEN7ENN~P~ A Btauti~u/BtRinnin~ M E M O R A N D U M T0: Members, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Steven A. McGraw ~/ ~,a~!-ltir DATE: January 9, 1989 There will be a rezoning request made by Ralph Mabes and Wayne Boitnott, both agents at Hall Associates, Inc. in regard to property on Ogden Road to be used for an office complex they have planned there. I will be abstaining on this vote because of my involvement with the process and with the sale of the property to these two individuals. I will be receiving a commission on this particular transaction if the rezoning occurs and want to make sure that all board members are aware of that prior to any consideration or a final vote. SAM/bjh ~ U 1_, I J I N ~ Hollins College Roanoke, Virginia 24020 703-362-6000 DEC 1 ~ 198g Mr. Bob Johnson Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S W Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Johnson; .~ 3 December 13, 1988 It is with considerable regret that I submit my resignation from the Board of Trustees of the Roanoke County Public Library, to be effective immediately. I have, for the past several months, been experiencing an increasing problem with my vision which makes night driving hazardous, and attendance at Board meetings, at least during the winter months, highly uncertain. I have enjoyed working with Mr. Garretson and other Board members, and wish them continued success in their administration of the library system. .., i~~~ SincerelY~,( // Richard E. Kirkwood V \`\ ~~ ~~ ~~~ r~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~, 3~ D R A F T L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at their evening session beginning at 7:00 p,m, on Tuesday, _~,~u.a.f~ Z~ 198, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W,, Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of - ~ ~ Guer~~er requesting a- G(se ~(lof ~roya~e~f f=or ,c~r,~,'f ~F of a tract containing ,875 Q~re and located Qf lZ~p ~oNq/;e~..J ~(®QQ' in the (.cJiNQlSor h~~/ls Magisterial District. Rezoning has been .requested to ~Derafe Q C7~e~/7~a/ ~a.(orQ ~o/q The County Planning Commission recommends QD~fI/o/a./ cJi~ ~' ~/o~~/~q~ Cpt/drfoN~• A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of thc~ petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located in Room 600 of the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ((703) 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this ~ day of c.~~c/uQi' 19~. .~_ . Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times amd World News on: Tuesday, ~~tJ rtQ~'G~ l0 /9c~j~ Tuesday, ~,JccG4 i'y r7 ~ /9f9 Direct the bill for Publication to: ~as Q~~ ~,/a G aerfle~ lZ(vU ~otigdC~u/ ~aQC~ -- /CO4.c%~~ ~ Z ~O /g ~7~ 083 D R A F T L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at their evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, _S,u~av 2 ~- 198q, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. v Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of (~a Ne Boy fN o-t1- Q gal (2Q I ~ ~t.t Q.he s rezonin from 2-2 requesting g IZes~c{e~.1-~~QI to -3- ~, i3~~~~JPSs of a tract containing 3. 20 ~.res located onl -t1~e and 1Vo,rt{1 Sale o~ ~ ,.~ !?oad rox; safe l 3oa pct easf of i-f~ iN~erse~f'ioN ~~ f~i. ~o lo,,~ral in the ~a.y2 S'pr; N ~ A.veNUe Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to CONS+rrti~f- QN ~'ee ctr k- The County Planning Commission recommends ~~roYa.l i,J~t~, 1~ro~eren( ~, A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located in Room 600 of the County Administration Center. Roanoke Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this ~ ~" day of ~Nuctr y 198. Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesda ~ ~taf ~~ (989 Tuesday, ~a,~1~~y ~~~ i9~ Direct the bill for Publication to: /007 ~~<:~,ov ~~~ ~K.'1~;~ ~Q~o~~ U~ Z~o« Q~ Z - O~GI ~!' ~ t- P a~ ~~ d'" ~~ ~ ,• ` i 1 A~ o~ POANO'rF ti ~ A (~ ~~R~ 0 150 ~8 runs $$ SFSQV~CENTENN~P~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A Renuti~ul BeRinnin~ ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 10, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00- p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL MEMBERS PRESENT 2. Invocation: John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH ADDED ITEM D-7, RESOLUTION ENDORSING A SINGLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP ITEM E-1, REQUEST FOR WORK SESSION ON SOLID WASTE COLLECTION PLAN FOR 1989-90 - DEFERRED TO THE BUDGET PROCESS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. ANNOUNCEMENT THAT BONNIE PREAS HAS RECEIVED CERTIFICATION AS PROFESSIONAL PROCUREMENT OFFICER. 2. APPOINTMENT OF ANNE MARIE FEDDER AS INFORMATION OFFICER EFFECTIVE 2/1/89 3. INTRODUCTION OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PARKS, JIM JONES D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request of CBL Management for County participation in extension of water lines. RR/SAM TO POSTPONE TO 1/24/89 URC STAFF TO REVISE CALCULATIONS ON REVENUE PROJECTIONS TO INCLUDE COUNTY PARTICIPATION IN WATER LINE 2. Request for Planning Commission review of Special Exception Permits for Demolition and Sanitary Landfills. A11089-1 HCN/RR TO APPROVE ALT. ~l URC 3. Establishment of a Reimbursement Policy for Committees, Commission and Boards. A-11089-2 BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE ALT #1 LETTER AND COPY OF REPORT TO BE SENT TO BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS URC 4. Request for amendment to the Employee Handbook to allow overtime leave or overtime pay for nonexempt employees. A-11089-3 HCN/RR TO DENY STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND CONTINUE PRESENT OVERTIME PAY POLICY AYES-LG, HCN, RR NO - SAM, BLJ 5. New Regional Landfill Sites. A-11089-4 SAM/HCN TO ADD RED HILL SITE TO LANDFILL SITES AYES-BLJ, SAM, HCN, LG NAYS-RR 6. Approval to apply for grant to purchase CORTRAN bus. A11089-5 HCN/SAM TO APPROVE URC 7. Adoption of Resolution endorsing a single economic development effort under the direction of the Regional Partnership. R-11089-6 HCN/SAM TO APPROVE RESO URC 2 ;~-, ~ ~., THE ~~~~~ ~~.RTS COUNCIL ~ ~ ~ ~.~ O F R O A N O K E V A L L E Y January 11. 1988 Elmer Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke. VA 24018-0798 Dear Elmer, I am writing to request your support of the truly exciting opportunity for the Valley to mount. a major arts festival in 1991. As you are well aware, such an event will generate not only tourist dollars but an increased a~%areness of the Roanoke Region as a culturally rich environment. We are raising send money at this time to corer initial planning costs. Two local volunteers have agreed to help us raise the first two ,years administative costs once we have enlisted the support of local goy%erments, chambers of commerce and economic development groups. A letter and check from the County of Roanoke would most certainly express your support of festival. The Vinton Chamber of Commerce has contributed $50 and the City of Roanoke has committed to donating $2,000 this year. We are looking for support within that range at this time. If you have questions or would like for me to make a presentation to you about the festival, please don't hesitate to call. I have enclosed the initial proposal for your review. Most Sincerely, ri-/+-- Susan J. Cole ExecuT.ive Director One Market Square• Roanoke, Va. 24011 • (703) 342-5790 GEORGE W. NESTER Town Manager I i I 1 fOANOKF VAllE1 TOWN O F V I N T O N All- AMERICAN ro~rw I I P.O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 (703) 983-0607 December 14, 1988 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Elmer: This letter is written as a follow up to our telephone conversation of Friday, December 9th, about the possibility of Vinton turning over building inspec- tions to the Roanoke County Building Department. This possibility has been reviewed earlier; however, the Town Council finally opted to continue to main- tain building inspections with the Town staff. The County Board did agree to this arrangement and, in fact, adopted the attached resolution. A proposed agreement drafted at that time is also enclosed for your informa- tion. I would envision a possible agreement along similar lines, whereby Roan- oke County will handle the inspections and collect the fees for these building and building related permits. The Town would issue a zoning permit which would serve as the authority for the County to issue building permits and conduct the inspections. The zoning permit review by the Town would be our opportunity to assure zoning compliance and authorize our Town Treasurer to check to assure that contractors and sub- contractors are properly licensed to perform work in the Town limits. I would appreciate your review of this matter and welcome the opportunity to discuss the possiblity of such an agreement between the Town and County. Let me conclude by wishing you and happy holiday season. If I might be of assis- tance to you in any way, do not hesitate to let me know. !!V%~. ~/~ ~~~~. cerely, rge Nester n Manager Q . /-~ -~~ O n ~ ~ ~ C ~ d w O ~ ., n tv b N ~~n~y~ ~ WORK SESSIONS om H ~ ~ y ~ t for a Work Session on January 24, 1989 on the t ,, z ~ K yca Waste Collection Plan for 1989-90. ° roo ~ T PROCESS x y n~ x~~o ~ z r~ocno ~Ha,r~z ~. %~ z H R PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ oy~ x ro ~ H ~ ~ ~~ ° ~'~ GET HAS BEEN SET FOR 1/24/89 t.., ~ G~Hy~ '~ ~ ( D ~z°r° m o `* ~ ~ ~ ~ 'c b o JG OF ORDINANCES z ~' ~ ~ '~ ~' ~' ice accepting an offer for and authorizing ~ ~ n o ~ ~ ~ iveyance of surplus property near the ° ~ ~ ~'O ~ ~ action of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey H 'C G7OH rte ~ ~ ~'~ m READING ~~ o ~ + z ~C C7 '~ ~ zce amending and reenacting the Roanoke H O 'Z3 Code to provide for a prohibition upon the ~ C ~ o ~n of certain types of signs . H[~ hj~ H H ~ ~ READING ~ ~ o o C ~+ a CSSION TO MEET WITH MEMBERS OF THE Z ro o ~ a SO REPRESENTATIVES MAY BE INCLUDED ON y ~ ~ o SEE H ro ~~o ~n o n x ~ ~ ~ o CNG OF ORDINANCES o ~ ~ nce authorizing the acquisition of an interest in ht acre tract known as the North Clear Zone ty in exchange for the conveyance to the City of :e of a reversionary clause in the eight acre known as the Ida Mae Holland tract. AYES-BLJ,RR,HCN,LG ABSTAIN-SAM D I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Appointment of Board members to various Commissions, Committees and Board 3 ~,~~~ I i~ LDG~, NOTICE OF A RDGUTAR MEETING OF THE ROAIVpKE OOUI~TI'y Bp~p OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke Count Supervisors will hold a public heari Y Board of ng at 7 p,m, on Tuesday, January 24, 1989, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Aclninistration Center, 3738 Brambleton Av ~, in Roanoke, Vir inia to hear the followin r enue, g 9 ecluests: 1• Petition of Jolly Time Inc, for a Special Exception Permit too rat amusement and video arcade located at 4394 Electric Road in ~ e an the Cave Spring Ma isterial District. Tanglewood Mall in 2. Petit;.,., ,.a ~__ `-"' "` "`~'° oa~uiy ~ Son Inc, for a S ~~ constructs pedal Use Perini to operate a private debris landfill on a SO acre tract ~~ Deyerle Road ( to 684) , 800 feet f r its intersection with ~r i~ e of n ~,~ Road iN" ~, (Route 613) in the Cave ing 'sterial District. ~~,~ 3• Petition of Samuel R. Ca r 3`~I, for a Special Use Permit to operate a private ~~ construction debri ndfill on a 2.0 re tract located on the south side of West Main S t (Route 11 & 460) a with P PPr~imat 0.3 mile from its intersection ~~`~' sant Run Drive in the Catawba NIa isterial D tric ~~,~`r ~ A11 plans and ordinances are av t~ Planning and Zonin ailable for inspection in the Department of g, Room 600, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke County will provide assistance~to handicapped persons desiring to attend ~ hearin s, g Such=individuals are r public equested to contact the County office of Personnel ~~ices 703/772-2018 if special provisions are needed for attenda Given under n~• my hand this 5th day of January, 1989. Please publish: Mary Alle , Deputy Clerk - Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Evening Edition _ -- - Roanoke Times & World-News January 10, 1989 January 17, 1989 Please bill: County of Roanoke Department of Planning & Zoning P,O, Bax 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ~ . ,,_. G LDGAL NOTICE OF A RDQJLAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE 00(JI~TPY BOiARD OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 1989, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, in Roanoke, Virginia to hear the following r~uests: 1. Petition of Jolly Time Inc. for a Special Exception Permit to operate an amusement and video arcade located at 4394 Electric Road in Tanglewood Mall in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. Petition of Joe Bandy & Son Inc. for a Special Use Permit to operate a private construction debris landfill on a 50 acre tract located on the east side of Deyerle Road (Route 684), 800 feet from its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 3. Petition of Samuel R. Carter III for a Special Use Pernut to operate a private construction debris landfill on a 2.03 acre tract located on the south side of West Main Street (Route 11 & 460) approximately 0.3 mile from its intersection with Pleasant Run Drive in the Catawba Magisterial District. All plans and ordinances are available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, Room 600, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services 703/772-2018 if special provisions are needed for attendance. Given under my hand this 5th day of January, 1989. 1~- Mary Alle , Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish: Evening Edition Roanoke Times & World-News January 10, 1989 January 17, 1989 Please bill: County of Roanoke Department of Planning & Zoning P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at their evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, JANUARY 24, 1989 in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., FZoanoke, Virginia, on the petition of KLAS ANAD EVA GUERTLER requesting A USE NOT PROVIDED FOR PERMIT on a tract containing .875 and located AT 1280 LONGVIEW ROAD in the WINDSOR HILLS Magisterial District. The Use Not Provided For Permit has been requested to OPERATE A DENTAL LABORATORY. The County Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located in Room 600 of the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 5TH day of JANUARY, 1989. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition _ of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1989 TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: KLAS AND EVA GUERTLER 1260 LONGVIEW ROAD ROANOKE, VA. 24018 774-0883 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at their evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, JANUARY 24, 1989 in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of WAYNE BOITNOTT AND RALPH MABES requesting rezoning from R-2 RESIDENTIAL to B- 1 BUSINESS of a tract containing 3.20 ACRES and located ON THE NORTH SIDE OF OGDEN ROAD APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET EAST OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH COLONIAL AVENUE in the CAVE SPRING Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE PARK. The County Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL WITH PROFFERED CONDITIONS. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located in Room 600 of the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 4TH day of JANUARY, 1989. `/1'~ mot-, ,~ , Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1989 TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: WAYNE BOITNOTT & RALPH MABES 1007 DOMINION BANK BUILDING ROANOKE, VA. 24011 982--0011 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 1989, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Ave., S. W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to amend the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance by adopting the Roanoke County Street and Off-Street Design Standards and Specifications. A copy of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, Street Standards and Specifications, and other documents related to this request may 'be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Human Resources (703) 772-2018 if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 5th day of January, 1989. ~./ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, January 10, 1989 Tuesday, January 17, 1989 Direct the bill Publication to: Roanoke County P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Va. for Planning & Zoning 24018 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 1989, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of Fralin and Waldron, requesting vacation of a portion of the previously platted subdivision referred to as Thomas H. Besley property on the south side of Va. Secondary Road 679 (Buck Mountain Road) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Human Resources ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 3rd day of January, 1989. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, January 10, 1989 Tuesday, January 17, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: Mr. Haywood Fralin Jolly, Place, Fralin & Prillaman 3912 Electric Road S. W. Roanoke, Va. 24018 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 1989, in the Community Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of George Marshall, requesting vacation of a 15 foot portion of a sanitary sewer easement in Stonebridge Court Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Development, located in Room 600 at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Human Resources ([703] 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 3rd day of January, 1989. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: Tuesday, January 10, 1989 Tuesday, January 17, 199 Direct the-bill for publication to: George Marshall 501 Darwin Road Roanoke, Va. 24014 ~p ~ ~ ~=T ~ ~. ~~ January 13, 1989 Mr. John Hall John Hall & Company, Inc. 4925 Starkey Road, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24014 Dear Mr. Hall: Per our discussion of today, we have reached an agreement to settle all outstanding Roanoke County utility bills ($3,847.90) for the amount of $500.00 and~the installation of a meter on your well system in order to have accurate computed sewer readings in the future. You also agree to pay all future computed sewer bills and Roanoke County will release all liens placed against your property for non-payment. Consideration was given to the fact that based on estimates of your neighbor's sewer bills as of this date, Roanoke County during the past ten years should have charged you approximately on-third of the amount billed. Also, since your operation is smaller and the amount billed you might have been even less, I am willing to accept the $500.00 negotiated settlement. This settlement is also based on your donating easements-#.~e ,E~i~ in 1967 for the installation of sewer-lines and for which, you understood that you would have free use of the sewer system. If this letter accurately reflects our agreement, please sign one copy and return to me. Once the signed letter and check have been received, I will take this matter to the Board~of Supervisors at their meeting onTSnugry 24;'1989, for: their approval ~ - - ~. Sincerely, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ECH/bjh Accepted: Date John Hall ~ .-~__ -- ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY ACCT. NO. NAME 996G81 JONN HALL $ C011PANr, INC. PER I O D R E A D I N G FROM TO PRESENT PREVIOUS BILLING BILL DATE _ O1/U9/R9 - CONSUMPTIONAMOUNT IN 1000 GALLONS ~ '-` WATER SEWER 1/30/88 12/30/88 REFUSE PREVIOUS BALANCE MAY BE SUBJECT TO PENALTY OR DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE TO AVOID LATE PENALTY ON CURRENT CHARGES, PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED IN OUR OFFICE BY: 0 2 / 10 / 89 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ~~ ~ ?~' ~-, ' % ~i /~~~Cl~lLc~ ~` 51.35 TREASURER OF ROANOKE COUNTY P.O. BOX 21009 ~~. /.J'~ ~ ~~~,~'y? ROANOKE, VA 24018-0533 PREVIOUS BAL. 3 i 806.5 S PLEASE RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS PAYMENT . OU NOTE: PLEASE SEE BACK OF FORM FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. BALANCE DUE 3,857.90 PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY BILLING ACCT. N0.996681 I BALANCE DUE 3.857.90 JONN HAIL & COMPANY. INC.. 4925 STARKEY RD SW ROANOKE VA 24014 BILL DAT@1 /U9/89 09966815 0000000 03857901 3 ~ s'~ ~~ ,3~`'~ ;o ~ o c~ . G c~ BIRD. KINDER 8c HUFFMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW JENNINOS T. 81RD SUITE 200 CARR L KIN DER, JR. 126 CHURCH AVENUE, $. W. TELEPHONE DONALD W. HUFFMAN ~ AREA CODE 703 LEA L LAUTENSCHLAfiER ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24011 October 30, 1979 tr92~17" ,~. W.L. Rossie, Jr. ~~=uLrc~~ Roanoke County Public Service Authority /-~ „~~:; P.O. Box 1094 rv ^ ~ , - . , Salem, Virginia 24153 ~ ~ ~~~~~-' . Re: Sewer Charges: Fabricated Metals Industries, Inc. Steel Service, Inc. John A. Hall Co., Inc. Dear Mr. Rossie: Our firm represents the three above-named businesses, which the Public Service Authority has billed recently for sewer charges. It is our understanding ghat the charges are for sewer service through sewer lines recent- ly acquired by the PSA from Sanitary Disposal Corporation. We have discussed this matter with our clients, and we have reviewed the easements granted to Old Heritage Corporation, apparently the predecessor of Sanitary Disposal, by our clients. The easements indicate that the consideration paid by Old Heritage was "ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other benefits to the Grantor ...". Your letter of October 5, 1979, to J.W. Langhammer of Fabricated Metals, indicates that the total considera- tion by Sanitary Disposal (Old Heritage) was a free connec-. tion -- not permanent .free use-of the sewer. You state that .this is based upon a reading of the easement and a discussion with the Grantee o£ the easement. You do not indicate with whom you spoke at Sanitary Disposal con- cerning this matter. All of our clients have advised that at the time these easements were granted, all three businesses were promised not only free connections, but perpetual use of the sewer lines without charge. So far as our clients are concerned, this agreement has been honored since the installation of the sewer lines -- the first billings for use of the lines having been received only after the PSA purchased the lines. These easements were granted in 1967, with the sewer installation being made not long after. Our clients w.L. Rossie, Jr. October 29, 1979 .. Page Itvo have not been charged for the use of the sewer service since installation ten or more years ago. It appears to us that if there had been no agreement for free use of the sewer, a charge would have been made sometime in the past ten years. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter with you and the county attorney at a mutually convenient time. Very truly yours, BIRD, RIND R ~ HUFFMAN '~--~ Carr L'. Kinder, r, CLK/sr 12/13/88 People to be contacted about Crouse rezoning: ~ /~ !/~ 3 /~,~ Mr. Curtis Helmandollar 380-3059 Ledia Roberts 344-6203 (work) Mr. L. S. Statzer, Jr. - 380-2261 (Home-retired ) ~~ ~, ~ ~~~,,~ (Home ) C'~-(J ,~` ~~'~ ~,-~~ . /v~~~,c~~ ~ ~~ OF ~oANC~F ~ A L 2 A ~ _~ _ a ~~~~~ ~ 18 .E.ps 88 .:J ~~ S~SCUICENTEN\'\\P\' A l3rnurr~rdRc~inrrin~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mary Allen FROM; Steven A. McGraw DATE: December 13, 1988 I have received a call from Mr. Stan Statzer at telephone number 380-2661. He lives in the community where Mr. Crouse is requesting rezoning from B1 to M2. If that is going to be tabled or withdrawn by Mr. Crouse and held over for thirty days, then he would like to be notified prior to the 7 p.m. Public Hearin time. g Thank you. SAM/bjh ~~~ ~ ~_. i,,, 1 ~l j , `~`' , 4. VIRiGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 0. 8 7 5 acre parcel of land, generally located a t 12 6 0 L o n v i e w) Road, Roanoke, Va 24018 ) within the Wi n d s o r H i 11 s ) RDCOM~IDATION Magisterial District, and ~ recorded as parcel # 8 6.01- 3 -1 S ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONQRABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~~EAS, your Petitioner K l a u s A. G u e r t l e r has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition tq request a "Use Not Provided For" permit for the above referenced parcel of land for the purpose of Operating dental laboratory out of new home Selling old home next door - where operatored dental laborator for ast 16 years. WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the planning Ca~mission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on January 3, 19 89 ; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the request be approved with proffered conditions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recamtiends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel of land be granted a Use Not Provided For Permit with conditions. The above action was adopted on motion of Mike Gordon following recorded vote: and upon the AYES: Winstead, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Witt ~yg; None ABSENT: None Re ,~,t~~f""ull uLY)ni~t~te~d, Secretary, Roanoke County Planning Commission VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A ~_ acre parcel of land, generally ylocat/~ed 0~ G(s ~/(, D p~Z ~ K'1~ ~C Q~.ST 6T ~- ~ ~Yi 1'- 37 within the ~ta~loQ Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # ~ `~ 0 / - 3 - G, in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ~ ~1DATION ~ THE HONORABLE S~ERVISORS OF R OANOKE COUNTY: (~ < WHEREAS, your petitioner ~v~P~-~ ~ ~~ C? t~-~r ~C~r~. ~o~cSe has filed with the Secretary to the planning Commission a petition to rezone above-referenced parcel of land from ~ the to /tA - ~ .LNC(~sE~~ ~ ~ ~ ~S~n/eS5 District District for the purpose of ee,v G~Gt'~. n! Q- fir~.~.C ~ ~'nl ~E' 1'M.e~l7li ~ S f~ ttiL'F~ N a~,v~ WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning C~nission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 19~ amended, did hold a public hearing on .~0, as ~e c ' ~ . 19 8$ ; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has r the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be eca-unended to denied with proffered conditions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced ~e be rezoned Marcel of land not The above action was adopted on motion of Wayland Winstead following recorded vote: and upon the AYES' Gordon Robinson, Massey, Witt, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: iv'one Re~s-ppe^ctfully submitted, ~-~'~ Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY Vacating approximately 90 feet of Sanity RE: Sewer Easement on Lot 11 and approximately) 100 feet of Sanitary Sewer Easement of ) Lots 2 & 3 of Stonebridge Court Subdivi- ) PETITION sion as recorded in Plat Book 9; page 304,) Roanoke County, Virginia. ) TO THE HONORA9LE SUPERViSGRa OF ROl~~(OKE COUi~iTY: /~j'- C~ YOUR PETITIONER(S), Stonebridge Estates, Inc. respectfully files this Petition in accordance with Section 15.1 - 432 (b) of the Code of Virglnia~ 1950, as amended, and respectfully shows the ., following: 1. The subject property on record in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia in Deed Book 9; pg. 304 Stonebridge Ct. is as shown on the attached Exhibit "A." 2. The Petitioner desires that the 15 foot Sanitary Sewer easement shown on the survey plat of Lots 2, 3, & 11 of Stonebridge Court be permanently vacated, discontinued, and closed. s. The easement(s) which the petitioner seeks to vacate is shown in red on the attached copy of the plat. 4. Petitioner desires to vacate tine encroaching portions of the 15 foot Sanitary Sewer easement in order to Construct two residential dwellings thereon -- __~ and does not believe such vacation would in any way be to the detriment of the ante rest of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. THEREFORE, your Petitioner(s) respectfully requests that the above described Sanitary Sewer easement be abdndoned and vacated. Respectfully submitted, STONEBRIDGE ESTATES, INC. ~ ._.. VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY Vacating approximately 90 feet of Sanity Sewer Easement on Lot 11 and approximately ) 100 feet of Sanitary Sewer Easement of Lots ) 2 & 3 of Stonebridge Court Subdivision as ~ FINAL ORDER recorded in plat Book 9; page 304, Roanoke County, Virginia. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROi-~ivOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Stonebrid e Estates Inc. did petition the Board of County Supervisors to abandon and vacate a portion of the 15 foot Sanitary Sewer easement(s) located on Lots 2 3 & 11 of Stonebrid e Court as recorded in Deed Book 9• and , Pg. 304, WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of County Supervisors did hold a public hearing on said request on Januar 24 1989 at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at which time all parties i interest were given an opportunity to be heard, and n WHEREAS, after full consideration the Board of Roanoke Cout;ty Supervisors is of the opinion that the request should be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the sanitary sewer e~°~'r~'t~n~'appr~xnd~8~ef~esc~i~~~gr~15 feet wide approx through Lot 2 ~ 3, Stonebridge Court nuad,l `-----90 feet in length on ~ ~t attached hereto, be permanently vacated and abandoned. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted the Department of Development and that this order be recorded b to along with the attached plat among the land records of Roan y Petitioner Adopted on motion of Supervisor oke County. and upon this following recorded vote: Aye s "days --___ Absent