HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/4/1989 - Regularo~ gOANpy-F z ~ ~ ~R~~~~~a~~e a ~~~~ u~ 18 E~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P A $ea uli~ul ~~~innin~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISOR ACTION AGENDA ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 - 9:00 A.M. A, OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Call to Order (9:05 A.M.) 2. Invocation: RoanokerCountylBoard of Supervisors 3, Pledge of Allegiance B, ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD 1, Election of Officers a. Chairman RR/BLJ NOMINATED LEE GARRETT - URC b, Vice Chairman SAM/LG NOMINATED RICHARD ROBERS - URC 2. Length of term for Chairman and Vice Chairman BLJ/HCN-TERM FROM 1/4/89 THROUGH 1/3/90 - URC 3. Resolution of Appreciation to L ee Garrett HCN/SAM TO APPROVE - URC Resolution Establishing Bylaws, Rules of Order and q. Schedule of Board meetings for 1988. (R-1489-2) RR/BLJ TO APPROVE MESO - URC JOHNSON AND DR.NICKENS TO SERVE ON COMMITTEE TO LG NAMED BOB FORMULATE CONSOLIDATION PLAN. C . ADJOURNMENT BLJ/RR AT 9:20 A.M. N ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARANOKE COUNTYIADMINOISTRATIONE AT A HELD AT THE RO 1989 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JANUARY 4- CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, RESOLUTION lT~BOARDAOFISUPERVI ORSIOF SCHEDULE FOR ROANOKE COUNLES OOFCPROCEDUREARFORB SUCH ADOPTING RU MEETINGS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That for calendar year 1989 the regular meetings of rd of Supervisors of Roanoke County shall be held on the the Boa nd and fourth Tuesdays of each month at the Roanoke County seco S,W., Roanoke Coun y- Administration Center on Brambleton Avenue shall commence at 3:00 Virginia. The meetings of each month that all public hearings shall be o'clock p.m•; provided however, led for the second meeting of the month and that said pub- schedu lic hearings shall commence at 7:00 o'clock p.m•; and tin sche- the mee g 2, That during the month of November, on 1989, shall be held, instead, November 14, duled for Tuesday, November 15, 1989, at 3:00 o'clock p.m• at the Roanoke Wednesday, t Administration Center. That during the month of December, Coun y shall be only one meeting, which shall be held on Tuesday, there cember 19, 1989, at the Roanoke County Administration Center. De ublic This meeting shall commence at 3:00 o'clock p.m. and any p s shall commence at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The organizational hearing 1990, at 9:00 meeting shall be held on Wednesday, January 3, o'clock a.m• 3, That the rules of parliamentary procedure for the conduct of all Board meetings shall be Robert's Rules of Order; provided however, these rules are amended as follows: (a) that a second to a motion shall be required in order to consider that motion; and (b) that the chairman may make motions, second motions, participate in debate, and vote on all matters con- sidered by the Board. On motion of Supervisor Robers, seconded by Supervisor Johnson and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Assistant County Administrators ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT ~ HELD AT THE ROp,NOKE COUNTY ADP'IINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1989 CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, RESOLUTION 14~ 1A RMANSHIPCOFTTHE ROANOKE GARRETT FOR HIS CH COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR THE YEAR 1988 E IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke B County, Virginia, as follows: does WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ex ress its profound and most sincere appreciation to Lee hereby P for his dedication, creativity and excellence in the Garret his tenure erformance of his many vital responsibilities during p ervisors during as Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Sup 1988; and eriod of time, Lee Garrett has WHEREAS, during this p and proper served with distinction and it is altogether fitting hours of that his enlightened concern, meaningful initiative and to the needs of the citizens of Roanoke County be duly devotion recognized and honored. W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of NO , visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of the Super eXpresses and on its own part, citizens of Roanoke County, significant heartfelt appreciation to Lee Garrett for his many contributions to Roanoke County during his term as Chairman. n motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor 0 recorded vote: McGraw, and upon the following YES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett A NAYS: None A Copy Teste: ~~Z---~-~'-~ ~-/'Y7~ f~ ~ Clerk Mary H. Allen, Deputy Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 1/4/89 CC: File reciation File Resolution of App o~ POANO,ti-F ~ ,~ A ~~~~ ~~ ~$ ~~ ss S~SQUICENTENN~P~' A Benuti~ul Beginning ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISOR ACTION AGENDA ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 - 9:00 A.M. p,. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Call to Order (9:05 A.M.) 2. Invocation: RoanokerCountylBoard of Supervisors 3, Pledge of Allegiance B. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD 1. Election of Officers a. Chairman RR/BLJ NOMINATED LEE GARRETT - URC b. Vice Chairman SAM/LG NOMINATED RICHARD ROBERS - URC 2. Length of term for Chairman and Vice Chairman BLJ/HCN TERM FROM 1/4/89 THROUGH 1/3/90 - URC 3. Resolution of Appreciation to Lee Garrett (R-1489-1L HCN/SAM TO APPROVE - URC 4. ResoluieoofEBoabdlmeetgngslfor~1988es of Order and Schedu (R-1489-2~ RR/BLJ TO APPROVE RESO - URC LG NAMED BOB JOHNSOTIANJ?PD~N ICKENS TO SERVE ON COMMITTEE TO FORMULATE CONSOLIDA C . ADJOURNMENT BLJ/RR AT 9:20 A.M. gOANp,~~ G ~.~~ ~~ o~ a 18 E50 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~' A Beauti~i+IBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nunt~ of +~uttnn~r BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN COPR~NTS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ~+7~7~~~!TT, CHAIN BOB L. JOHNSON LEE Vr~+~+"-' HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD 098 gUPERVISOR CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JANUARY 4 / HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 1988 was a very good year, one to be remembered from the perspectives of both history and progress. A, very successful Roanoke County celebration has just ended. Under the leadership of a sterling Sesquicentennial committee we commemorated the 150th anniversary of our County's founding. From March through December, from an opening gala to the ceremonial burying of a time capsule, citizens participated in a myriad of special events to honor the occasion....A Beautiful Beginning. History will record that Roanoke County stood tall at the end of its first century and a half. On June 30, 1986, the undesignated fund balance for Roanoke at this time, we County stood at $1,585,000. One year ago, rown to $2,064,000. stated that the fund balance on June 30 had g I am very pleased to report today, as of June 30, 1988, the undesignated fund balance reached $3,03'7,000. A jump from 3.2 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 . 2 percent in 1987 to 5.3 percent in 1988. Our objective is to maintain a minimum of 3 to 5 percent of the general fund as fund balance. One problem converging on 1988 was, and to some extent still is, the cleanup of the defunct Dixie Caverns landfill, a problem that has existed since the closing of the dump site in the '70s. So f ar $879,000 has gone into this project, with an additional $295,000 budgeted but not yet spent, to complete the task. We hope this will close the book on the Dixie Caverns situation. The need to site a new Regional Landfill occupied the members of this board in 1988. Later in the year the County assumed the leadership role in locating a new landfill site. We are moving expeditiously toward that end, determined to hold any negative impact to a minimum in the face of changing landfill regulations. We fully expect closure on the siting and preliminary permitting process early this year. For many years our citizens have been told that Roanoke County vitally needs a water supply, free from contamination and free from the threat of inadequacy. That need has not lessened. The Spring Hollow Reservoir, spawned from that need, has been delayed far too long. The City of Roanoke has backed away from its earlier commitment to join this regional project. The City of Salem is still considering participating. But Roanoke County has expressed its determination to move ahead with the reservoir. 3 ut to proceed, for ample water is one of the We have no choice b The elements in the economic development of our countY~1985. key olls, in decision was made, and ratified at the p r construction plans are in the making at this very Prelimina y moment. 1989 may augur well for this project. news that Mountain View Elementary School has been The again ' nall recognized for its excellence in education, poke nano Y to the exceptional quality of instruction in Roa attests this chools. It was news that was met with elation by t County S and will no , body. The Board's commitment to education has not, will return to the 1989 session of the General waver . We uality seeking funds to meet state imposed mandates for q Assembly At the same time, cooperating with school officia s, education. continue to explore initiatives which lead to cos we will effective operation. to the question of the hour: What will be Roanoke And now, County's role in the governmental consolidation efforts? is no doubt in our collective minds that a sufficient There of signatures has been collected to compel both Roano e number reement. it and Roanoke COunty to negotiate a consolidation ag C Y etitions to the The Jaycees will formally present their p odies of both localities very soon, after which governing b negotiations will commence. 4 Choosing those who will lead the effort on behalf of Roanoke County is a responsibility not lightly taken. My fellow supervisors, seated on this stage are caring, capable and educated public servants, any one of whom would accept this formidable task without hesitation. I believe any one of them would serve with distinction. However, I will ask only two elected officials to serve, Bob Johnson...who will lead the team effort....and Dr. Harry Nickens, both excellent negotiators. Soon I will announce an additional member, or members to the committee. Without delay I will seek a private sector female to represent the interests of Roanoke County women on the committee. A constituency of this magnitude should not be disenfranchised in matters of such urgency. Roanoke County has been around for 150 years. It is a growing, thriving, predominantly urbanized county that continues to plan for the future. Those plans do not provide for standing still. The business of government goes on. We must be undaunted by what may happen, and be guided by what is happening. Today is a Beautiful Beginning!