HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/28/1989 - Regularof a°ANO~"F .~ ~ - .~ ~~ 18 t50 .~~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ ABeautifulBeginning ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA MARCH 28, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:OC p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. HCN ABSENT 2. Invocation: The Reverend Rudy Holland Berean Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. ECH - WITHDREW ITEM D-3, REQUEST FROM TREASURER TO EXPAND NCR CASHING SYSTEM C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS NONE D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Status of the 75/25 Economic Development Policy BLJ/RR TO DELAY FOR 60 DAYS FOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF POLICY URC WITH HCN ABSENT 2. Authorization to extend water lines on Williamson Road. A-32889-1 LG.SAM TO APPROVE ALT. ~l AYES-RR,SAM,LG ABSTAIN-BLJ ABSENT-HCN 3. Request from Treasurer to expand NCR Cashing System WITHDRAWN 4. Authorization to amend Chapter 8 of the Roanoke County Code "Erosion and Sediment Control" A-32889-2 SAM/BLJ TO APPROVE ALT. ~1 URC - HCN ABSENT 5. Request for appropriation for construction of Back Creek Fire Department building. A-32889-3 LG/SAM TO APPROVE ALT. #1 WITH CAP ESTABLISHED OF $307,000 URC - HCN ABSENT 6. Acceptance of a donated vehicle to the Mount Pleasant Fire Company. A-32889-4 BLJ/RR TO APPROVE ALT. ~1 URC - HCN ABSENT LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO WDBJ FOR DONATION E. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for a Work Session on April 11, 1989 and Public Hearing on April 25, 1989 on the Funding Priorities for the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan. WORK SESSION SET FOR 4/11/89 F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARING ON 6-YEAR PLAN $ET FOR 4/25/89 G. APPOINTMENTS NONE 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 2 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 3. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board H. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS JOHNSON ASKED WHO ENFORCES THE REQUIREMENTS THAT TRUCKS HAULING DIRT, ETC. MUST HAVE COVERS. PMM ADVISED ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER MAY ENFORCE THAT LAW, BUT THERE ARE EXEMPTIONS TO THE LAW. BLJ ASKED COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO INVESTIGATE THE LEGISLATION AND CONTACT THE SHERIFF. ROBERS ADVISED HE HAD RECEIVED A LETTER FROM WILLIAMSBURG REGARDING HIGHWAY FUNDS THAT ARE BEING USED IN THAT AREA. WOULD LIKE TO SEE IF IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE TO DIVERT SOME FUNDS TO ROANOKE COUNTY. ASKED COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO INVESTIGATE. MCGRAW ADVISED HE FELT THAT A REFUSE FEE SHOULD BE REINSTITUTED TO FUND AN EXPANDED RECYCLING PROGRAM. ASKED FOR CITIZENS INPUT ON THIS ISSUE. GARRETT ASKED THAT VDOT AND CLEAN VALLEY COUNCIL BE CONTACTED ABOUT POSSIBILITY OF REMOVING TRASH ALONG ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-32889-5 BLJ/LG TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT 1. Approval of Raffle Permit - Mason Cove Fire Department A-32889-5.a 2. Adoption of resolution amending resolution 83-43 establishing a policy for use of Community Room. R-32889-5.b 3. Resolution of Appreciation to recognizing school food service employees. 3 R-32889-5.c 4. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodbridge Section 10. A-32889-5.d 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving the Forest Condominiums A-32889-5.e 6. Resolution supporting the certification of a judicial vacancy in the General District Court of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit. R-32889-5.f 7. Request for support that the Virginia Employment Commission be named substate Grantee for the Dislocated Workers Program. A-32889-5.a J. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Lee Linkous to address budget concerns. ASKED BOARD TO WORK ON RAISING LEVEL OF COUNTY SALARIES AND THAT ALL COUNTY SALARIES BE TREATED EQUALLY. K. REPORTS SAM/LG TO RECEIVE AND FILE URC - HCN ABSENT 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures as of February 28, 1989. L. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (7) TO DISCUSS A LEGAL MATTER; (1) TO DISCUSS A PERSONNEL MATTER. LG/BLJ AT 4:00 P.M. 4 URC - HCN ABSENT OPEN SESSION SAM/RR AT 5:00 P.M. URC - HCN ABSENT EVENING SESSION (7:00 P M ) M. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Ida and Ernest H. Arthur. R-32889-6 BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE UW - HCN ABSENT N. PUBLIC HEARINGS (389-1 AND 389-2 WERE HEARD ON MARCH 14, 1989) 389-3 Petition of J. L. Woltz and R N Bradlev to rezone a 2.92 acre tract from R-1, Residential to R-3, Residential to construct multifamily residences, located at 3464 Chaparral Drive in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 28, 1989.) RR/BLJ TO CONTINUE TO 4/25/89 URC - HCN ABSENT 389-4 Petition of William and Eugenia Ball requesting rezoning from R-1 Residential to B-1 Business to operate medical offices in an existing structure, and to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Development to Transition of a tract containing 1.23 acres and located at 3511 Ogden Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. REZONING: RR/BLJ TO APPROVE WITH PROFFERS URC - HCN ABSENT LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT : RR/SAM TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT 389-5 Petition of Jack Bess requesting rezoning from R-3 Residential to B-1 Business to operate an office in an existing structure on a tract containing 2.16 acres and 5 r located at 5422 Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. RR/SAM TO APPROVE WITH PROFFERS URC - HCN ABSENT 389-6 Petition of Stebhen and Michelle Wike requesting rezoning from R-1 Residential to B-1 Business of a tract containing 1,13 acres to operate an office in an existing structure located at 5681 Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. RR/SAM TO APPROVE WITH PROFFERS URC - HCN ABSENT 0. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 389-7 Petition of The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors requesting amendments to the Roanoke County subd~ivisior. ordinance by adopting the Roanoke County on-site sewage disposal systems and/or wells procedures and adoption of a resolution adopting a new section of the Design and Construction Manual, LG/BLJ TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/11/89 URC - HCN ABSENT P. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES Q. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" of the Roanoke County Code by amending Article II, "Building Code", Section 7-16, "Adopted". 0-32889-7 BLJ/RR TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT R. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1, The following citizens have requested to speak concerning parks: a. Wayland Winstead, 5353 Cherokee Hills Drive was concerned about whether the Catawba area will have same number of fields available next year, 6 b. Chuck Johnson, 1655 Mill Pond Drive, representing the Catawba Little League, spoke concerning lack of fields at Green Hill Park. c. Bill Allen, 1702 Kings Mill Drive, representing the Glenvar Youth booster who support football, basketball and soccer spoke of the need of additional soccer fields. SAM REQUESTED THAT PLANS TO REPLACE THE FIELDS BE INCLUDED IN THE BUDGET PROCESS AND THAT AT LEAST A YEAR'S NOTICE BE GIVEN BEFORE THE COUNTY MUST GIVE UP THE PRESENT FIELDS, SO THAT GREEN HILL PARK FIELD; WILL BE READY. S . ADJOURNMENT BLJ/RR AT 8:40 - UVV HCN - ABSENT 7 a o~ aoaNO,~~ ~~ Z A a? ~~r~~~ ~f ~~r~ ~ ,~ ~ ~t~ .~ 18 ,~~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ ABeautifuBeginning ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA MARCH 28, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:OC p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Rudy Holland Berean Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Status of the 75/25 Economic Development Policy 2. Authorization to extend water lines on Williamson Road. 3. Request from Treasurer to expand NCR Cashing System 4• Authorization to amend Chapter 8 of the Roanoke County Code "Erosion and Sediment Control" 5• Request for appropriation for construction of Back Creek Fire Department building, 6• Acceptance of a donated vehicle to the Mount Pleasant Fire Company. E• REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS 1• Request for a Work Session on April 11, 1989 and Public Hearing on April 25, 1989 on the Funding Priorities for the Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan. F• REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G - APPOINTMENTS 1• Community Corrections Resources Board 2• League of Older Americans Advisory Board 3• Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board H• REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS I- CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1• Approval of Raffle Permit - Mason Cove Fire Department 2• Adoption of resolution amending resolution 83-43 establishing a policy for use of Community Room. 2 3• Resolution of Appreciation to recognizing school food service employees. 4• Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodbridge Section 10. 5• Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving the Forest Condominiums 6• Resolution supporting the certification of a judicial vacancy in the General District Court of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit. ~. Request for support that the Virginia Employment Commission be named substate Grantee for the Dislocated Workers Program. J- CITIZENS' COMNRENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1• Lee Linkous to address budget concerns. R• REPORTS 1• Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2• General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3• Board Contingency Fund 4• Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures as of February 28, 1989. L• EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 EVENING SESSION (7.00 p M 3 M. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS AND AWARDS 1• Resolution of Appreciation to Ida and Ernest H. Arthur. N- PUBLIC HEARINGS (389-1 AND 389-2 WERE NF.ARiI ON MARCH 14, 1989) 389-3 Petition of J L. Woltz and R. N. Bradle to rezone a 2.92 acre tract from R-1, Residential to R-3, Residential to construct multifamily residences, located at 3464 Chaparral Drive in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 28~ 1989.) 389-4 Petition of William and Eu enia Ball requesting rezoning from R-1 Residential to B-1 Business to operate medical offices in an existing structure, and to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Development to Transition of a tract containing 1.23 acres and located at 3511 Ogden Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 389-5 Petition of Jack Bess requesting rezoning from R-3 Residential to B-1 Business to operate an office in an existing structure on a tract containing 2.16 acres and located at 5422 Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 389-6 Petition of Stephen and Michelle Wike requesting rezoning from R 1 Residential to B-1 Business of a tract containing 1.13 acres to operate an office in an existing structure located at 5681 Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. O- PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST RFAnING OF ORDINANCES 389-7 Petition of The Roanoke Count Board of Su ervisors requesting amendments to the Roanoke County subdivision ordinance by adopting the Roanoke County on-site sewage disposal systems and/or wells procedures and adoption of a resolution adopting a new section of the Design and Construction Manual. L'• FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES Q. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 4 1- Ordinance amending Chapter 7, "Building Regulations" the Roanoke County Code by amending Article II, "Building Code", Section 7-16, "Adopted". R- CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1- The following citizens have requested to speak concerning parks: a- Wayland Winstead b- Chuck Johnson c- Bill Allen S- ADJOURNMENT 5 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD O.F SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: March 28, .1989 Status of Economic Development 75/25 Policy COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors updated the Economic Development Strategy in October 1987. A policy was developed to create a balance between the residential and commercial/industrial sections of the County's tax base. The County is specifically seeking to raise the proportion of the real estate tax base which is derived from the commercial/industrial sector from 14 percent (1983) to 25 percent. The fiscal year 1988-89 level is 15.7 percent. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds exist in the proposed Economic Development budget to implement the Economic Development Policy. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Readopt the Economic Development Policy as presented. 2. Take no action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the existing Economic Development Policy for FY 89-90. SUBMITTED BY: Timothy W. ubala, Director Economic D elopment APPROVED BY: t Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Attachment ~-/ Economic Development Highlights • Valleypointe Project - Roanoke County contributed $2 million for land acquisition and water, sewer and road improvements to develop the initial Phase I of a mixed use business park in northern Roanoke County adjacent to I-581 and the Roanoke Regional .Airport. Recent announcements of locations include: Digital Equipment Corporation - 50 employees Stop-In Food Stores/Petroleum Marketers - 50 employees • Tweeds, Inc., an upscale mail order catalog fulfillment center located on a 25 acre site in the Botetourt-Roanoke County Industrial Park. • Southwest Industrial Park - Two small businesses purchased land to locate their buildings for their operations. • Small Business Assistance Center - County economic development staff assisted Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce to obtain a competitive grant for $75,000 from the Virginia Department of Economic Development to locate a Small Business Assistance Center. • Regional Partnership - Full-time staff assistance for ten (10) weeks to manage the office until an Executive Director was selected. • Regional Airport - County annual contribution of $264,640 to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission for operations for the next eight (8) years. • Coordination of "Economic Bridges" between Northern Virginia and the Roanoke Valley to develop mutual economic opportunities between the two regions. • Marketing efforts to promote Roanoke County economic development in Piedmont Airlines Pace Magazine and Virginia RuSi nr~ca _ • Joint marketing and prospecting efforts with Roanoke City and the New River Valley in Northern Virginia. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICY I. Introduction The creation of wealth is the goal of any economic develop- ment program. Since Roanoke County is a local government within the "community" of the Roanoke Valley, its economic development efforts affect the entire Valley. The development activities of all local governments and the private sector contribute to the creation of wealth which can be translated into jobs, payroll and tax revenue. Roanoke County has carried out an economic development program since 1983. Initial program direction was outlined in an Economic Development Strate y adopted by the Board of Supervisors in January 1985. Emphasis by the Board on the residential commercial/indus- trial composition of the County tax base led to a readoption of the strategy in October 1987. At that time, a goal of obtaining a 75-25 ratio proportion in the tax base between residential and commercial/industrial was adopted and implemented. II. The 75/25 Policy The 75/25 policy seeks to create a balance between the residential and commercial/industrial sections of the real estate tax base. This balance in the local economy is needed to help pay for the increasing demand for public resources that results from rapid growth of the residential population. Specifically, the goal is to raise the proportion of the real estate tax base which comes from the commercial/industrial sector from 14 percent (1983) to 25 percent. The Fiscal Year 1989 level is 15.71 percent. (Figure 1.) This increase in the percentage of commercial/industrial is due to a $175,000,000 increase in the value of land and improvements over the six year period as shown in Table 1 below. The increase in assessed value is a heavy indicator of the growth of the County's commercial/industrial sector. Other indi- cators include job growth, new business start-ups, site/land development, building permits, retention activities and transient (hotel) tax receipts. Table 3 shows the economic indicators that reflect Roanoke County's economic growth since the 75/25 policy was announced. Table 1 Total taxable Total commercial/ Commercial/industrial Assessed Value industrial as $ of total taxable 1983 1,640,277,101 209,267,500 12.75 1984 1,669,389,451 236,265,400 14.2 1985 2,019,708,890 307,421,640 15.2 1986 2,070,897,590 318,271,840 15.3 1987 2,261,037,800 348,810,400 15.4 1988 2,447,167,800 385,199,400 15.7 1 ~-/ Level 1 Basic-Reactive HOOPIOMIC DEVE[APMEIJP PROGRAM I,EVF3,S Program Areas 1. Sites Buildings 2, Retention 3, Location of new bus Hess Advetsising_ Inventory of sites and parks Inventory of buildings TABLE 2 Level 2 Participatory Joint participation with public or private partner Leasing/sale of buildings Level 3 Proactive Publically awned and developed industrial sites Shell building and incubators Visitation Problem solving International trade Recognition (Training, financing assistance liaison with other Targeting suppliers departments ) Rely on others for leads, walk-ins Local and state name awareness Join organizations that develop leads Promote canrunity regionally and nationally Marketing unity profile Quality brochure Strategy and Advertorials Marketing book tools Press releases Selective Adver- Newsletter tising Regional Prospec~ Gifts 4. Travel and Information Membership in Tourism. dissemenation local and regional Sell tourism travel and tourism locally organizations Regional events 2 Solicit targeted out-of-state business Attend Trade Shows Coordinate targeted advertising with marketing strategy Video presentations Extensive prospecting Hiring a.marketing firm ping Participation fn MOP & IDRC Direct mail Welcane center Planning Event scheduling Destination development ~-/ Table 3 Roanoke County Economic Indicators 1987 1988 Net Change $ Chance Total jobs 24,235 25,816 1,577 6.5 New business starts 3,000 3 300 300 , 9.0 Total acres in industrial parks 25 77 52 70.0 Economic Development Program There are four have an effective e (4> primary conomic de areas that velopment are needed r in order to defined as: p ogram. These are 1. Sites and buildings: Having an updated inventory of buildings as well as developed sites. 2. Retention of existing business: Assistance to the companies in the community. 3. Location of new business: Attracting new business from outside the community. 4. Tourism and travel: Encouragement of a major destination site. The staff_ effort will concentrate on these four (4) program areas within three (3) activity levels; titled basic-reactive, participatory and proactive. Work elements are identified (See Table 2) within each program area which become progressively more staff intensive and require financial commitments. Currently, Roanoke County is at a participatory level in all four economic development program. nuring Fiscal Year 1989-90, the staff's goal is to move into Level 3 proactive measures with a concentration on the program area for the location of new business. A direct mail campaign supported by selected advertising will be used in two (2) out of state regions to target selected companies for expansion and/or relocation into the Roanoke County area. 3 1983 ~ -/ RESI~ENiI ~ COhiMlIN~O ~flGRI. 81.1 4,9I 14.01 1989 RESIDENIL ~ COMM/INDUS ~flCRI, 80.6 3 . ?l 1S, ?/, 4 FIGURE 1 32889-1 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ - ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to extend water lines on Williamson Road COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The development plans for the proposed Hollins Court development indicated that water would be provided by bulk water service from the City of Roanoke with the associated bulk meter placed on the east side of Williamson Road. Plans were approved in January, 1988. When the request to install this service was received by the Utility Department, it was discovered that a bulk water service was not required and that the connection to the city line would be made on the west side of Williamson Road. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Under the provisions of the Water Ordinance, this installation is a public water system and would require the developer to provide the entire cost o.f the extension including the permit to cross Williamson Road. Between the time the plan was approved in January, 1988, and the request of the connection in January, 1989, the developer had already developed the costs of the Hollins Court project and established the sale price of the lots contingent upon improvements on the approved plan. The developer has requested that the County extend the line to the east side of Williamson Road so that water service can be available under the same general conditions as previously approved on the plans in 1988. 1 ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: p~~ 1. The Board of Supervisors would authorize the Utility Department to extend the water line across Williamson Road as indicated on the January, 1988 approved plan. This alternative will cost approximately $8,000.00 to $12,000.00 depending on costs placed upon this work by the Department of Transportation permit conditions. Funds are available within the Utility Enterprise Fund for this extension. 2. The Board of Supervisors would not authorize the Utility Department to extend the water line across Williamson Road. The developer would then be required to make the extension at his cost under the provisions of the Ordinance. This alternative would be at no cost to the County. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve alternative number one so that the developer will not have to absorb additional costs that were discovered after plan approval. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ,~~~, Cliffo Craig, Elmer C. Hodge Utility Director County Administrator Approved ( ~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to cc: ACTION VOTE Motion by: Lee Garrett/ Steven A. McGraw to approve Alternative #1 No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson Abstain McGraw x Nickens Absent Robers x File Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator 2 ~:~ ----< 'n v ~ ~ "G ~ \ ~.NIXIiNF ti ~Lt/LW( Y ~y ~~ coL~E~E a"~' o Npf1iN5 cocKf ~;~ ~ /. T B T C£M. eOntrlFG rn \ `w PLI NT ~NONApD JOHNSON'S 'd uB[E ~~y/~' ..Dray co06E a ~ tt ,ENVEL v ~ p0" ~ FSIAURANf ~ CbNP,aY f M t 1 ~. • 20 F~y~fV~ONAIMAN ~1~ ~ ~ ,V Few '~µ 4 ~ ~• ~~ HO[UNS \~KfY' ~ ~ ~ SrAr1QA( .b' aCIN1F _ --- ~, - ~ ------ - f - `..VIC'INITY ~ AP ~_.,__~:- NORTH EXISTING 8" WATER LINE ,,.J , ,,,Fa,. 2Tao o• a U IIF 101 • >0 ~ /p .----~ ---, . , ,, ~.; ~;; ,, ~ ~ ~.. .~ ,' ~-~ `~ . 1 »~s t ~~ PROPOSED 8" WATER LINE r.~ zs f.w ~ ~ Is naa ze ~. ,••' ` zs ~ ' *af .9 -' :\~ , ~~ ~ %~ 11 fats . `•° ~ ~ ~ >~ ~ is ~ 4. ~~ ~ ~i r - !~ ~o ' i .. III AUTHORIZATION TO E%TEND WATER LINES ON COMMUNITY SERVICES {IIILLIAMSON ROAD AND DEVELOPMENT i 2~, I ~ ACTION ~k ITEM NUMBER Z~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Request for funds to expand the NCR Cashing System in the Treasurer's~Office. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Implemented in January 1988, the NCR Cashing System has been in continious operation since that time. Used for Collection of Taxes and other Revenue due the County and interfacing with the Accounts Receivable System. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: According to the Commissioner of the Revenue, we should anticipate over 100,000 assessments in 1989. This represents an increase of 20% over 1988. NCR representatives have informed us that the amount of free disc storage space will be inadequate to accomodate the increased requirements. (resulting from new assessments). Our local information system personnel concur with the NCR assessments. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS:~~ Purchase an additional disc drive for the NCR system. Estimated cost will be $10,000. The only other alternative would be reverting to a manual system, which is totally impractical. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors appropriate $10,000 from the Board Contingency Fund-for this project. Respec f hly sub~ritted,; Approv d by, Al re C. Anderson Elmer C. Hodge Treasurer County Administrator i ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers ACTION # A-32889-2 ITEM NUMBER ~ '-" /~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to amend Chapter 8 of the Roanoke County Code entitled "Erosion and Sediment Control". COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: On November 3, 1988, a meeting was held with representatives from the Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Soil and Water Conservation and County staff concerning the need to update our present Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The amendments presented either mandated by state law, or government. as a part of this report were left as an option for the local In updating the County's present ordinance, the County Staff recommends title changes due to reorganizational changes within the various departments, the addition of new state amendments which enhance Roanoke County's enforcement capabilities and the increasing of the filing fees in order to compensate the County's cost of enforcing this ordinance, which is mandated by state law. The amendments that are being considered for adoption are as follows: 1. Title changes due to reorganizational changes. a. Change Superintendent to Director of Development and Inspections. b. Superintendent of Public Facilities to Director of Engineering. c. Department of Development to Department of Development and Inspections. d. Department of Public Facilities to Department of Engineering. ~- y 2. Amend Section 8-2 - Definitions. Adopt definitions as outlined under Section 10.1-560 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law. 3. Repeal Section 8-3. Exemptions from Chapter. This will be addressed under Definition Criteria. 4. Amend Section 8-7 - Penalties for violation of Chapter. To include additional civil action for damages under Section 10.1-569 C, Code of Virginia and civil penalties not to exceed $2,000.00 for each violation under Section 10.1-569 D, of the Code of Virginia. 5. Amend Section 8-18 (b) - Failure to Comply with approved plans. To incorporate the language of 10.1-566 A, of the Code of Virginia regarding monitoring, reports and inspections. This changes the fifteen day compliance period to "a reasonable time to comply", which provides the County staff more flexibility in determining whether an emergency situation exists and the period of time in which the violation is to be corrected. 6. Adopt Section 8-18 (c) - Stop-Work Order. Adopt Section 10.1-566 C, Code of Virginia, authorizing Roanoke County upon receipt of a sworn complaint of a substantial violation to issue a.n order requiring that all or part of the land disturbing activities permitted on the site be stopped until the specified corrective measures have been taken. 7. Amend Section 8-32 - Filing Fees. To increase the maximum fee limits from $300.00 to $1,000.00 per project as permitted under Section 10.1-562 E, Code of Virginia. Amend Roanoke County's filing fee from $50.00 plus $5.00 per acre or a portion thereof, to $50.00 plus $50.00 per acre or a portion thereof. The first reading of the Ordinance is scheduled for April 11, 1989 and the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for April 25, 1989. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: ~~ 1. Approve the amendments as submitted and authorize the County Attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinance, legal ads and schedule the public hearing. The date of this Ordinance will be April 26, 1989. The anticipated revenue generated from this fee increase is between $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 annually. 2. Deny the recommendation. The present service will continue to be subsidized by the General Fund. ~-y STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. S MITTED BY: t ~'1 Arnold Cove Development eview nd Inspections Director APPROVED: ~~.~_ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------- ------------------------------- ACTION ------------------- VOTE ------- Approved (x) Motion by: Steven A. McGraw/ No Yes Ab~nt Denied ( ) Lee Garrett to approve Garrett x Received ( ) Alternative #1 Johnson x Referred McGraw x x to Nickens x Robers cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator ACTION # A-32889-3 ITEM NUMBER ~ - -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIOid CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJECT: Back Creek Fire Department Building COUNTY ADM NISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: y SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Funding in the amount of $300,000 was included in the 1985 Bond Referendum to construct a sub-station in the Back Creek area of Roanoke County. Originally, this station was intended to be a satellite operation of Company 3 - Cave Spring. The facility plan included a single fire engine bay, office, restrooms, and storage area. Since that time a 35 member volunteer fire company has been formed and trained. With this inception, the scope of the project has changed drastically. The volunteers became involved in the designing of the facility. Changes were made to include two fire engine bays, offices for fire and rescue, kitchen, lounge, bathrooms, storage, meeting, and sleeping areas. Because of this change, staff has been faced with trying to fund this additional cost from the original amount budgeted. After site preparation, well drilling and architect/engineer fees, we have $253,000 left in the project funds. The project was bid based upon the design and desires of the volunteer company. Bids exceeded the amount budgeted by approximately $150,000. The architect was directed to redesign the project using a pre-fab metal and brick building. The base bid was to only include the two drive thru bays, offices, kitchen, and day room. Alternative bids were to be one additional bay and a 3500 square foot second floor shell with no stairs that could be finished at a future date. The project was rebid with the low base bid being $267,990. The additional bay cost is $22,250 and the second story shell cost is $38,900. c ~~ At the direction of the County Administrator, staff and a representative of the volunteer company met with the architect/engineer and low bidder to see if cost cuts could be made. There have been two such meetings with no significant areas found to cut costs without infringing upon the integrity and appearance of the facility. Also, if the second floor is not included, it cannot be added later. The additional space would have to be added by going out instead of up at the approximate cost of $225,000. Staff feels that if we can include the second floor shell, the volunteer company may ask the community's help and complete the construction of the second floor. Understanding the budget constraints and realizing there is $253,000 available for construction, we must also recognize the need to provide a sufficient facility in order to keep the volunteers active. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1. Approve the base bid of $267,990 with the addition of $38,900 for the second story at a total cost of $306,890 and appropriate an additional $53,890 from the bond reserve to cover the costs. 2. Approve the base bid of $267,990 and appropriate an additional $14,990 from the bond reserve to cover costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. Respectfully submitted, Tho a C. uqua Chi f of ire & e cue Department Approved ( X) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Approved by, ~ ~,~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Motion by: Lee Garrett/Steven McGraw to approve erna ive # an amen e with cap es a is e o 307,000 VOTE A• No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens Absent Robers x cc: File Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Jack Council, Director, Procurement ACTION # A-32889-4 ITEM NUMBER ~' - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJECT: Vehicle Donation to Mt. Pleasant Fire Company COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMEN/TS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: WDBJ-TV wishes to donate a 1979 Hi-Cube Van, serial number CGL3490188291, to the Mt. Pleasant Fire Company. This vehicle will be used to carry Level II hazardous materials equipment such as absorbents, diking materials, pads, booms, fencing, etc. The Mt. Pleasant Fire Company originally planned to use their current personnel transporting vehicle, a ten-passenger van for this purpose. In order to do this, the company has requested a car to replace this unit. However, funding is not available in the proposed FY 1989-90 budget. Volunteer Fire Captain Jack Gee of Mt. Pleasant works for WDBJ- TV and has worked out the details of the donation. Also, Captain Gee has advised that the vehicle is in good mechanical condition. Historically, Roanoke County has provided insurance coverage and repair costs on vehicles bought by or donated to a volunteer fire company. Staff has reviewed this proposal and concurs with the donation with the understanding that the unit is used for its intended purposes and the Roanoke County Haz-Mat Response Policy is followed. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS:Q~ 1. Accept the donation of the 1979 van, provide insurance coverage and repairs, assign unit to Mt. Pleasant Fire Department with the understanding the Roanoke County Haz-Mat Policy will be followed. The additional insurance coverage will cost the County approximately $750.00 per year. 2. Do not accept donation. `.,. .. .~ - ~U STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1 with the understanding that this will be a temporary addition to the fleet and will not be included in a future replacement request. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~u~...% Thom s C. F qua Elmer C. Hodge Chi f of F re & e cue Department County Administrator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ACTION - - - - - - VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Jonson/Richard No Yes Abs Denied ( ) W. Robers to approve AlternativeGarrett x Received ( ) #1 Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens Absent Robers x cc: File Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Manager, Risk Management Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance ITEM NUMBER E _ / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJECT: Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan Establish Work Session and Public Hearing Dates COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan for 1988-94 was approved by the Board of Supervisors in January, 1987. Each year the Board of Supervisors has the opportunity to review the priority of the projects. VDOT and County Staff would request that a work Session and Public Hearing be scheduled. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors set the Work Session for April 11, 1989, and the Public Hearing for April 25, 1989, for FY89-90 Funding Priorities for Secondary Highway Six Year Construction Plan. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ Phillip T. enry, P. E. Director of Engineerin APPROVED• ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator E -/ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~ -~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANgKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Communit Corrections Resources Board One-year term of Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate. His term expired August 13, 1988. 2 League of Older Americans Advisory Board One-year term of Webb Johnson will expire March 31, 1989. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~G( ~~ Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Deputy Clerk County Administrator --------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To• Nickens Robers ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ~ AT A IRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKER COUNTY ADMINIOTRATO ON ROENOER COUNTY, V MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 Ar,ENDA ITEM: Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On December 13, 1988, the Board of Supervisors voted to continue this Board and appoint new members. Michael Lazzuri, Director of Court Services has contacted the present members of the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board to determine whether they wished to continue serving. The following terms expired in 1988 or will expire in 1989. Appointments to this committee are not made by magisterial district; however, the magisterial district is listed for each member. Two-year term of Jam 1989. TNIoutTroutn has notlsrespondedl to 1Mr~ will expire March 22, Lazzuri's letter. Two-year term of Ted R. Powell, Cave Spring Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Powell would like to be reappointed. Two-year term of Hoyt C. Rath, Vinton Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Rath does not wish to serve another term. Two-year term of Dr. Andrew Archer, Vinton Magisterial District expired March 22, 1988. Dr. Archer does not wish to be reappointed. In addition to the appointments listed above, it is necessary to appoint four youth members, one each from Cave Spring High School, Northside High School, Glenvar High School, William Byrd High School. Mr. Lazzuri recommends that these o PP ment emade rin from September through September. Therefore, app G-3 1989 will expire September 1, 1989. Thereafter all terms will expire September 1, coinciding with the school year. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Deputy Clerk County Administrator ------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw Nickens To• Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION N0. 32889-5 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 28, 1989, designated as Item I - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 7, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Raffle Permit - Mason Cove Fire Department 2. Adoption of resolution amending resolution 83-43 establishing a policy for use of Community Room. 3. Resolution of Appreciation to recognizing school food service employees. 4. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodbridge Section 10. 5. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving the Forest Condominiums 6. Resolution supporting the certification of a judicial vacancy in the General District Court of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit. 7. Request for support that the Virginia Employment Commission be named substate Grantee for the Dislocated Workers Program. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3-30-89 CC: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Bayes Wilson, School Superintendent Clifford Craig, Utility Director Phillip Henry, Engineering Director Virginia Employment Commission, Roanoke Office Andrew B. Fogarty, Chief of Staff, Governor's Office E ACTION N0. A-32889-5.a ITEM NUMBER"'-f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Request for a Raffle Permit from the Mason Cove Fire Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Mason Cove Fire Department has requested a Permit for a raffle to be held on July 30, 1989. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The application has been reviewed by Commissioner of the Revenue R. Wayne Compton, and he recommends approval. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: c'.` Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To: Nickens Ab Robers x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File -/ COUNTY OE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sue. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sec. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) RAFFLE PERMIT ~ BINGO GAMES Name of Organization ~%Sd ~ ~d~/~ `%~~ Street Address ,~~.9/~,~/~y-uJ ~,1~. f~LS,y ~~ ~ ylS~ Mailing Address ,~/f ~ p,~<~.gl,~ ~J ~ ~~~~f~`'/ li.~- ~y~~3 --~ City, State, Zip Code ~~9-~~,•~ ~/,1 , ..2 y~~S~-~ ~- . Purpose and Type of Organization /~'i /E'£' When was the organization founded? ~,.-. 1 ~~l Roanoke County meeting place? ~/~£ ~7U1~~ Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES i/' NO Is the organization non-profit? YES ~ NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~ -/.--~~'~ ~ -~~ ~~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President: ff- % r.• ~.. f .. , o ~ .~ -.: /,~;/}. ~`,.d~=~ Vice-President . ; , <y , - Address: ~'~~'l-~ (`..~~s~',,~ ~.:~~ ~_',~, Address: ~°~/ (;.f~„~.,~~ /f.%~y ,~~~~ Secretary: /t,,-,• 1!~7Ly Treasurer: ~~;~-,,•,~,~ ~.fr.~ Address: -~ ~- - ;~ `~ 7 /~;/ "' ,~~. ~;~. ~:,;~ Address: S="s,,r,,." Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name /'1~~'/" ~ f = d ~ ~,~~.> , ~ : ~ >-a ,~~ Home Address ~'.1~ f; ~ ~~- , {~ ; ~ ~-.1~- ~ • Phone ~ ~-~ - ~-~`t:; ~ Bus . Phone A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific locat/ion where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing ;'~; i.," ~; Time of Drawing -';GGG ~<" - ~ ~~~-~"t~t' BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 .z-/ State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. ~/ /7~ o ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~;. 3 .~- / BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter Total Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? y; 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~>> 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~~~ s 4 ~- / 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~~•~ 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? /~,5 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? 'r<-s 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically cl5artered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia?;rps 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? t~~ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application?BPS 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? /f=~ 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? !ro la~,t~'c:N.~~~ - N~~ err,. ;,f~- ;; ,;=,j 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? yN; 5 _~~ .~-/ 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? y~~: 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? y'~S 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? %~s If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. ,~'f>` 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? ~(.•';.~ If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? /I/ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? ;~r3 (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value ~~,, ~,- 6 ~- ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and X4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3~ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) understand that instant Bingo may only regular Bingo game is in progress, and at such times as are specified in 7 ~7r"- / 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shalt exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in X18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Name Title Subscribed and sworn before me, My commission expires: RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: ir, - ! (..~ ~,~ f,~ : LCi (..~~r.~~ ~'..~ ~ ~!~ VV C;7~-"~ Lek;-~1 r. ,-~°, 6, / ~/ otary Public COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 Home Address ~ ~~; ~,= ; , , v : ~ y~ this /~ day of ~/~;') ~ 19 ;~``~' 8 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. 3• ~ ~~ s- w Date Commiss over of the e enue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGICENTEREON TUESDAYROMARCH 2gUN1g89DMINISTRATION RESOLUTION 32889-5.b AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 83-43 AND ADOPTING A POLICY FOR USE OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COMMUNITY ROOM, AND AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS AND A FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, on March 8, 1983, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Resolution No. 83-43 establish- ing a policy for the use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room; and WHEREAS, occasions over the past years have arisen which indicate a need for a more detailed policy to assist the County Administrator and staff to address questions relating to the use of this facility. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 83-43 is hereby rescinded. 2. That the following rules and regulations governing the use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room are hereby adopted: Rule 1. Permitted Use (in order of priority) and Fee Schedule A. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County - No Fee B. Roanoke County: Departments, Employees, Agencies, Committees, and Commissions - No Fee C. State and Federal Government: Officials and Agen- cies - No Fee D. Non-governmental: Civic, Cultural, Political, Religious, and Educational Groups (Application Necessary) - $50/Day Rule 2. Permitted Uses As Approved by the Board of Supervisors A. Social Gatherings (Application Necessary) - $50/Day Rule 3. Prohibited Uses A. Commercial uses B. Fund-raising uses Rule 4. No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed Rule 5. Groups are not to charge admission or ask for donations at any meeting. Rule 6. An "Application for Use of the Roanoke County Community Room" must be completed as soon as possible prior to the date of the event for use by 1D and 2A only. Approval will be by letter. Rule 7. Applications can be obtained from the following: Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Phone: 772-2005 Rule 8. Organizations holding meetings assume responsibility for any damage to room or contents. The room must be left in a neat and orderly condition. If additional cleanup is required, the organization will be notified and charged for this service. The organization will 2 °~"" indemnify and hold harmless Roanoke County from any and all claims for damages or injuries arising out of the use of the Community Room. Rule 9. Neither the name nor the address of the Roanoke County Administration Center may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization. Rule 10. No additional furniture or equipment other than that situated in the Community Room is to be used without approval. Rule 11. Use of other equipment is a "Special Request" and per- mission must be granted in advance. Rule 12. If the Non-Governmental event (1D or 2A) is held before or after normal working hours (8 a.m. until 5 p.m.) of the Administration Center, custodial services will be arranged for and paid to Roanoke .County General Ser- vices Department at the rate of $10/hour. Rule 13. The person requesting the permit for use of the Commun- ity Room assumes the responsibility for adherence to ~~ "Regulations and Rules for Use of the Community Room, and either that person or a person especially desig- nated will be present during the time requested. Rule 14. These rules are subject to change by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. The County Administrator is auth- orized by the Board to develop additional rules and regulations concerning the use, scheduling, and opera- tion of the Community Room, which are not inconsistent herewith. 3 1-~- Special Note: Rule 15. The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to alter or amend any previously approved or scheduled use of the Community Room for governmental purposes. 3. That the effective date of this Resolution is April 1, 1989. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~, ~t~~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Mary Hicks, Policy Manual Constitutional Officers Assistant County Administrators Department Heads 4 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER S~'~'~ AT A VIRGINIAMHELDNATOTHEHROANOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution amending Resolution No. 83-43, and adopting a policy for use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room, and autho- rizing the establishment of rules and regulations and a fee schedule COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: . ~t~.-z,~,~a..r.~ ~f~w+~1..G+.4~ti Gf..-f'i ~/ ~/ ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On March 8, 1983, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Resolution No. 83-43 which established a policy for the use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room. Over the past several years, several occasions have arisen which indicate that a more detailed written policy for the use of the Community Room would have been beneficial. This would assist the County staff in responding to inquiries concerning the use of this facility. Last month the County Administrator submitted to the Board proposed rules and regulations concerning the use of the Commu- nity Room. This proposal includes permitted uses, uses requiring Board approval, a fee schedule, prohibited uses, an application procedure, liability provisions, fee for custodial services, and authorization for the County Administrator to develop additional rules and regulations not inconsistent with this proposal. The attached resolution rescinds Resolution No. 83-43, adopts as Board policy rules and regulations concerning the use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room and establishes an effective date of April 1, 1989. FISCAL IMPACTS: (~- schedule and fee for making this facility activities. It is anticipated that the proposed fee custodial services would defray the cost of available to the public for non-governmental STAFF RECOMMENDATION: .,c~, It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adop- tion of the proposed resolution. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ , ~~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney _____ ------------VOTE-- ACTION Nn Yes AbS Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers .~. .~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGICENTEREON TUESDAYf,OMARCH 28UN1989DMINISTRATION RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-43 AND ADOPTING A POLICY FOR USE OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COMMUNITY ROOM, AND AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS AND A FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, on March 8, 1983, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Resolution No. 83-43 establish- ing a policy for the use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room; and WHEREAS, occasions over the past years have arisen which indicate a need for a more detailed policy to assist the County Administrator and staff to address questions relating to the use of this facility. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 83-43 is hereby rescinded. 2. That the following rules and regulations governing the use of the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room are hereby adopted: Rule 1. Permitted Use (in order of priority) and Fee Schedule A. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County - No Fee B. Roanoke County: Departments, Employees, Agencies, Committees, and Commissions - No Fee C. State and Federal Government: Officials and Agen- cies - No Fee y - .i~ D. Non-governmental: Civic, Cultural, Political, Religious, and Educational Groups (Application Necessary) - $50/Day Rule 2. Permitted Uses As Approved by the Board of Supervisors A. Social Gatherings (Application Necessary) - $50/Day Rule 3. Prohibited Uses A. Commercial uses B. Fund-raising uses Rule 4. No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed Rule 5. Groups are not to charge admission or ask for donations at any meeting. Rule 6. An "Application for Use of the Roanoke County Community Room" must be completed as soon as possible prior to the date of the event for use by 1D and 2A only. Approval will be by letter. Rule 7. Applications can be obtained from the following: Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Phone: 772-2005 Rule 8. Organizations holding meetings assume responsibility for any damage to room or contents. The room must be left in a neat and orderly condition. If additional cleanup is required, the organization will be notified and charged for this service. The organization will ~" - .2. indemnify and hold harmless Roanoke County from any and all claims for damages or injuries arising out of the use of the Community Room. Rule 9. Neither the name nor the address of the Roanoke County Administration Center may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization. Rule 10. No additional furniture or equipment other than that situated in the Community Room is to be used without approval. Rule 11. Use of other equipment is a "Special Request" and per- mission must be granted in advance. R„1P 12. If the Non-Governmental event (1D or 2A) is held before or after normal working hours (8 a.m. until 5 p.m.) of the Administration Center, custodial services will be arranged for and paid to Roanoke County General Ser- vices Department at the rate of $10/hour. Rule 13. The person requesting the permit for use of the Commun- ity Room assumes the responsibility for adherence to "Regulations and Rules for Use of the Community Room," and either that person or a person especially desig- nated will be present during the time requested. Rule 14. These rules are subject to change by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. The County Administrator is auth- orized by the Board to develop additional rules and regulations concerning the use, scheduling, and opera- tion of the Community Room, which are not inconsistent herewith. Special Note: _-.Z Rule 15. The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to alter or amend any previously approved or scheduled use of the Community Room for governmental purposes. 3. That the effective date of this Resolution is April 1, 1989. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINCENTERLONp,TUESDAROAMARCHC08NT1989MINISTRATION RESOLUTION 32889-5.c EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM WHEREAS, the school children of Roanoke County require nourishing and appetizing food during the course of the school day in order to maintain their energy at a level sufficient to promote learning and physical activity; WHEREAS, the school food service employees of the Roanoke County Public Schools provide healthy, nutritious meals and efficient, dedicated service to the students in the County schools and; WHEREAS, April 3, 1989, is National Food Service Employee Recognition Day; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to the school food service employees of the Roanoke County Public Schools for their outstanding contributions to the quality of education in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Dr. Bayer Wilson Polly Holloway, Supervisor, Food Services ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of Appreciation recognizing school food service employees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: April 3rd has been declared School Food Service Employees Recognition Day throughout the nation. As an expression of our support, Supervisor Nickens suggested that an appropriate resolution of appreciation be adopted by the Board of Supervisors. He has also suggested that copies of this resolution be presented to Roanoke County cafeteria workers on April 3rd. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the attached resolution be adopted by the Board of Supervisors and that copies of the resolution be presented to each cafeteria worker on April 3, 1989, School Food Service Employees Recognition Day. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. odge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To• Nickens Robers ` a- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM WHEREAS, the school children of Roanoke County require nourishing and appetizing food during the course of the school day in order to maintain their energy at a level sufficient to promote learning and physical activity; WHEREAS, the school food service employees of the Roanoke County Public Schools provide healthy, nutritious meals and efficient, dedicated service to the students in the County schools and; WHEREAS, April 3, 1989, is National Food Service Employee Recognition Day; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to the school food service employees of the Roanoke County Public Schools for their outstanding contributions to the quality of education in Roanoke County . ~,, A-32889-5.d ITEM NUMBER -~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Woodbridge Section 10 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Woodbridge Section 10 have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed, as shown on plans prepared by T. P. Parker and Son entitled Woodbridge Section No. 10, dated February 7, 1989 which are file in the Engineering Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $17,000.00 and $20,000.00 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~~ Phillip T. Henry, P. Director of Engineering Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator .~- ti Approved ( ~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee Garrett V V'1'~ No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens sent Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 2 .~" NORTH g Sewer ~~~~~ Acceptance of Water and Sewer Serving COMMUNITY SERVICES Woodbridge Section 10 AND DEVELOPMENT 3 A-32889-5.e ITEM NUMBER '~~ `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving the Forest Condominiums COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Dillon and Jackson, Inc. and The Forest Condominium Associates, the Developers of the Forest Condominiums, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the development along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed, as shown on three sets of plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden and Associates entitled Development Plans for the Forest Condominiums dated February 24, 1984, Development Plans for the Forest Condominiums, Building 4 dated March 18, 1986 and Development Plans for the Forest Condominiums, Phase VI dated June 12, 1986, which are on file in the Engineering Department. The water and sewrov dl be construction meets the specifications and the plans app y the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $18,000 and $22,500 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the development along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. Z-5 SUBMITTED BY: /~~i~~%c~ 1~~~ '`~ Phillip T. H nry, P. . Director of Engineering APPROVED: G t' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------ ---------------- VOTE ACTION Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee Garrett Garrett Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Paul Mahoney, County Attorney No Yes Abs x x x Absent x ~ \ s ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ _'" .~ "'`s NORTH ~,. ~i s~ ~ 3 ~ W 2 -~ O S ~ o °°°` ~_ w D ~~- a 1 ~~w~ J 0 ~~ M,, rya ,.. ~. COMMUNITY SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Water and Sewer Serving The Forest Condominiums 3 ~ ~~ (D AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION 32889-5.f SUPPORTING THE CERTIFICATION OF A JUDICIAL VACANCY IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE TWENTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Committee on District Courts has considered certifying a judicial vacancy in the General District Court of the Twenty-Third Judicial District, upon the election of the Honorable Diane McQ. Strickland as a Circuit Court Judge of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit; and WHEREAS, the Honorable Diane McQ. Strickland, one of the five General District Court judges of the Twenty-Third Judicial District, has been elected as a Circuit Court Judge of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit by the 1989 Session of the General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has heretofore seen fit to elect five General District Court judges to serve the Twenty-Third Judicial District which is composed of the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the Town of Vinton and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, failure to certify the vacancy created by the election of Judge Strickland to the Circuit Court judiciary will create a backlog of cases and impose an undue hardship upon the public, Bar and judiciary; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors believes that it is very important that the Twenty-Third Judicial District continue to be served by five General District Court judges. r , ...L' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That the Board support certifying the need for five General District Court judges for the Twenty-Third Judicial District in order that a successor can be elected to the Honorable Diane McQ. Strickland. 2. That the Deputy Clerk is directed to forward attested copies of this resolution to the members of the Committee on District Court, to the Circuit Court Judges of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit, to the General District Court Judges of the Twenty-Third Judicial District, to the President of the Roanoke County/City of Salem Bar Association and to the members of the General Assembly representing jurisdictions in the Twenty-Third Judicial District. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: . Q.C.,C,C.Iv Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: F'il_e Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Members, Committee on District Court Circuit Court Judges of Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit General District Judges of Twenty-Third Judicial District President of Roanoke County/City of Salem Bar Association Mary F. Parker, Roanoke City Clerk The Honorable J. Granger Macfarlane The Honorable Dudley J. Emick, Jr. The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell The Honorable G. Steven Agee The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum The Honorable A. Victor Thomas 2 ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution supporting certification of a judicial vacancy in the Twenty-third Judicial District COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At their March 13th meeting, the Roanoke City Council adopted a resolution urging the Committee on District Courts to certify the need for five General District Court judges for the 23rd Judicial Circuit, which includes the County of Roanoke. County Attorney Paul Mahoney received a request that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors take similar action. The Committee on District Courts did certify a judicial vacancy in the General District Court on March 17, 1989. The attached resolution expresses support for this decision. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the attached resolution of support be adopted and that copies be sent to the appropriate persons. SUBMITTED BY: m~~~. Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: ACTION Motion by: _ APPROVED BY: ~' ~-' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE Yes No Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Abs ITEM N0. -~' ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CERTIFICATION OF A JUDICIAL VACANCY IN .THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE TWENTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Committee on District Courts has considered certifying a judicial vacancy in the General District Court of the Twenty-Third Judicial District, upon the election of the Honorable Diane McQ. Strickland as a Circuit Court Judge of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit; and WHEREAS, the Honorable Diane McQ. Strickland, one of the five General District Court judges of the Twenty-Third Judicial District, has been elected as a Circuit Court Judge of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit by the 1989 Session of the General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has heretofore seen fit to elect five General District Court judges to serve the Twenty-Third Judicial District which is composed of the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the Town of Vinton and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, failure to certify the vacancy created by the election of Judge Strickland to the Circuit Court judiciary will create a backlog of cases and impose an undue hardship upon the public, Bar and judiciary; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors believes that it is very important that the Twenty-Third Judicial District .~ - continue to be served by five General District Court judges. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That the Board support certifying the need for five General District Court judges for the Twenty-Third Judicial District in order that a successor can be elected to the Honorable Diane McQ. Strickland. 2. That the Deputy Clerk is directed to forward attested copies of this resolution to the members of the Committee on District Court, to the Circuit Court Judges of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit, to the General District Court Judges of the Twenty-Third Judicial District, to the President of the Roanoke County/City of Salem Bar Association and to the members of the General Assembly representing jurisdictions in the Twenty-Third Judicial District. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE ON DISTRICT COURTS C/o Mr. Robert N. Baldwin Executive Secretary Supreme Court of Virginia 100 North Ninth Street Richmond, VA 23219 Hon. John D. Gray, Chairman Judge of Eighth Judicial Circuit P . 0. Box 40 Hampton, Va 23669-0040 Hon. Lawrence Janow Judge of Twenth-Fourth Judicial District P. 0. Box 513 Amherst, VA 24521 Hon. Thomas L. Hutton, Jr. Judge of Twenty-Eighth Judicial District East Main & Court Streets Abingdon, VA 24210 Hon. Howard P. Anderson State Senator and Member of Halifax County Bar P. 0. Box 847 Halifax, VA 24558 Hon. C. Hardaway Marks Member of House of Delegates and City of Hopewell Bar P. 0. Box 170 Hopewell, VA 23860 Hon. A. L Philpott Speaker of House of Delegates P. 0. Box 864 Bassett, VA 24055 Hon. Donald A. McGlothlin, Sr. Member of House of Delegates and Buchanan County Bar Box 909 Grundy, VA 24614 Hon. Hunter B. Andrews State Senator and Member of the City of Hampton Bar 16 S. .King Street P. 0. Box B Hampton, VA 23669 Hon. Edward M. Holland State Senator and Member of Arlington County Bar P. 0. Box 5622 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 ACTION N0. A-32889-5.g ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: Request for Support that the Virginia Employment Commission be named substate grantee for the Dislocated Workers Program. AGENDA ITEM: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The United State Congress has rewritten Title III, Employment and Training Assistance for Dislocated Workers, of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) As a result, the Government has has reconstituted the state Job Training Coordination Council and has designated the current fourteen service delivery areas as substate areas for the state. Roanoke County is part of the Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium. Another provision of this legislation requires the designation of substate grantees. The Governor is requesting recommendations for the area substate grantee from local elected officials, policy boards and Private Industry Councils. Attached is a letter from the Governor's Chief of Staff with further information. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Virginia Employment Commission be named the substate grantee for the 5th District Employment and Training area, and that this recommendation be forwarded to Andrew B. Fogarty, Chief of Staff for the Governor's Office ~'G9 ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ...L-"` Approved (~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To: cc: File ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson/Lee Garrett VOTE Yes Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens Robers x No Abs Absent i ~J~' . ~pP.1 ~ ~~:, ~,~~ ~ 7 ~. -~.~`~ 4~ ~z t /~ `F'..,~. Gerald L.Baliles Governor The Honorable Lee Garrett Chairman Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Chairman Garrett: Office of the Governor Richmond 23219 March 10, 1989 You may be aware that Congress has rewritten Title III, Employment and Training Assistance For Dislocated Workers, of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) in the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. As required by the Act, the Governor reconstituted the state Job Training Coordinating Council. The Governor also received and took the recommendation from the Council designating the current fourteen service delivery areas as substate areas for the state. The Governor, by executive order, will establish a structure at the state level which is consistent with the manner in which the dislocated workers program has been administered under Title III of the JTPA. The Governor's Employment and Training Department will be responsible for communication and coordination with the United States Department of Labor. The Virginia Employment Commission will be designated as the state dislocated worker unit, with administrative responsibility for the dislocated worker program. Another provision of this legislation requires the designation of substate grantees. The designation will be made after the Governor consults with the local elected official(s) of the area, policy boards, and Private Industry Councils. If agreement cannot be reached wi~h the local elected officials and Private Industry Councils through this ~nsultation process, the Act requires the Governor to select the substate grantee<, S- 7 March 10, 1989 Page 2 Under the new federal law, the following entities are eligible for designation as substate grantees: (1) service delivery area grant recipients or administrative entities; ~, (2) local offices of state agencies; (3) other public agencies, such as community colleges and area vocational schools; (4) units of general local government in the substate area, or agencies of local government; (5) private nonprofit organizations; and (6) Private Industry Councils in the substate area. The federal law also requires substate grantees to use funds to: ° provide basic readjustment services to workers; ° provide training services to workers (including classroom, on-the-fob, basic and remedial education and literacy); and ° provide needs-related payments (payments made to a worker who does not qualify for unemployment compensation or who has ceased to qualify for unemployment compensation and who is in training). A substate grantee may provide these services directly or through contract, grant or agreement with service providers. Please provide your recommendation to the Governor by Marcleaseokeepein attached sheet for the substate grantee for your area. Also, p mind that any recort~nendlatersthaneJulyula b989b1e to provide services and be ready for operation no If you have any questions, feel free to call either Valorie P. Watkins or Richard A. Arenstein in the Governor's Office at 786-2211. Please accept my sincere appreciation for your assistance concerning this matter. Very truly yours, ~• ndrew B. Fog y Chief of Staf ABF/dpb Attachment cc: Richard Arenstein Valorie Watkins -l- The Honorable Andrew B. Fogarty Chief of Staff Governor's Office State Capitol Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Dr. Fogarty: The recommendation to the Governor for the substate grantee for the operation of the Title III+ EmartnershipnActrinnthe substatecareariDislocated Workers, of the Job Training P substate area Name of the recommended substate grantee Address Type of entity Name of contact person for recommended substate grantee Telephone number of contact person Signature Title K-/ COUN'T'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND - UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1988 $12,644 Additional Amount from 1988-89 Budget 50,000 November 22, 1988 Improvements at Administrative Center (6,450) Balance as of March 28, 1989 56 194 Submitted by ~, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance /~' ~ ,~., COUN'T'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE - GE~RAL FTJND Balance at July 1, 1988 $3,037,141 August 9, 1988 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup (400,000) September 13, 1988 Transfer to Board Contingency (50,000) September 26, 1988 Design Phase of Spring Hollow (175,000) Reservoir October 25, 1988 Funding for Public Information (46,500) Officer November 9, 1988 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup (260,000) November 22, 1988 Lease Additional Office Space (34,783) February 28, 1989 Primary Election Expenses (23,855) Balance as of March 28, 1989 52,047,003 Submitted by /,~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~'..~ COUNTY OF ROp,NOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONPING'h~1CY Original Budget at July 1, 1988 $50,000 1988 Tune 28 Funding of Length of Service Benefit and e , , , for Volunteer Fire, Rescu 000) (9 Auxiliary Sheriff's Deputies , (39,405) July 26, 1988 Tweed's Access Road September 13, 1988 Add to Board Contingency from 50,000 Unappropriated Balance September 26, 1988 Beautification of Brambleton Avenue (3,500) September 28, 1988 Economic Development Trip to Northern roved Administratively) (A i i (1,000) pp a n Virg October 6, 1988 Typewriter for Clerk of Courts (Approved Administratively) (966) October 6, 1988 Economic Development Promotion istratively) i d (1,025) n m (Approved A October 11, 1988 Safekeeping of Securities (2,000) October 20, 1988 Informational Brochure for November roved Administratively) (A ti (6,500) pp on Elec October 25, 1988 Additional Allocation to Total Action (TAP) t (10,000) y Against Pover November 3, 1988 Survey Fees - Safety Cen~eoV~ d Lab Site (App i cs Forens (2,473) Administratively) (1,000) November 9, 1988 Bushdale Road (365) December 13, 1988 C. L. & O. Investors December 20, 1988 Stonebridge Park Parking Lot (Approved Administratively) (5,000) 1989 10 uar J Salaries for Board of Zoning Appeals (625) , y an 000) (1 January 24, 1989 Contribution to Arts Festival , 1989 24 ar Sesquicentennial History Books (300) , y Janu X15.841 Balance as of Ma rch 28, 1989 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ._ -- ~- D 'Z ~ h+ O I--1 V' .2 y "~ H {1~ ! iCd Ow 6 0~. O OO O Z V ! V 1--1 Z V 1 O o .--1 N N 00 tO O N~~ ~~~ sD N 0~ C I 10 1 ~' 1 M O N M 0 ~ F 1[N'f tND ~ m 1["' f w '~' s0 1 t0 1 U O F I Isa O N e~f 1[a afa M "'~ Y! 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V i H U vi N 1 COUNTY OF ROANOg6 STATBMBNT OF BgPBNDITUABS BIGRT MONTHS BNDBD FEBRUARY 28, 1989 BUDGBT B%PBNDBD ------------ ------------ --- z --------- GBNBRAL ADMINISTRATION = 042 S 180 119,783 6q BOARD OF SUPBRVISOAS , 961 186 87,532 4T COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR , 206,067 135,735 66 PERSONNBL 554 173 123,755 71 COUNTY ATTORNBY CONMISSIONBR OF RBVBNUB , 499,629 321,367 64 61 TRBASUABR 461,441 168,374 280,592 117,572 40 ELBCTIONS 116 86 61,664 T2 SBSQUICENTBNNIAL , FISCAL MANAGBMBNT ASST. CO ADM. MANAGBMBNT SBAVICBS 58,204 37,562 65 58 COUNTY ASSBSSOR 607,691 376 338 354,317 214,517 63 CENTRAL ACCOllNTING , 212,881 135,713 64 PkOCUABMBNT 052 91 56,535 58 MANAGBMBNT ~ BUDGBT , 155,600 1 981,767 85 RISE MANAGBMBNT , JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION 149,366 15,340 10 CIRCUIT COURT 740 18 6,571 35 GBNBRAL DISTRICT COURT , 730 311 43 MAGISTRATBS 621 8 3,849 45 J 6. D DISTRICT COURT , 618 495 305,632 62 CLBRg OF CIRCUIT COURT ' , T89 Z88 183,830 64 S ATTORNBY COMNONilBALTfl , 175 39 9,836 25 PROBATION OFFICB , 330 3 1,790 54 VICTIM i4ITNBSS , PUBLIC SAFETY POLICING A INYBSTIGATING 3,983,060 2,461,096 62 11 HIGfl14AY SAFBTY COMMISSION 960 2,228,639 110 1,364,855 61 FIRS ABSCU6 SQUAD 478,671 282,064 59 BMBRGBNCY SBAVICBS l flAZ MAT RBSPONSB 1 966 880 1,307,781 10 CONFINBMBNT/GARB OF PAISONBRS , , 145,638 93,360 64 ANIMAL CONTROL 0 (262 flAZ-MAT RBSPONSB PUBLIC FACILITIBS SUPBAINTBNDBNT OF PUBLIC FACILITIBS 104,309 64,648 62 57 STRBBT LIGHTS 1Z5,T88 877 538 91,704 394,035 T3 BNGINBBRING , 312 190 120,096 63 GBNBRAL SBRYICBS , 0 586 0 DRAINAGE BUILDINGS ~ GROUNDS 790,582 454,324 51 59 PARgS l ABCRBATION 953,294 1,658,312 560,532 1,120,862 68 R6FU56 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 60,000 37,219 62 61 GROUNDS MAINTBNANCB 857,679 519,518 + :FINANCIAL STATBMBNTS: PAGB 2 OF 3_,~__ ~~ COUNTY OF ROANO~B STATEMENT OF BgPBNDITURBS BIGHT MONTHS BNDBD FBBAUARY 28, 1989 HEALTH ASOCIAL SBRYICBS 310 397 287,068 72 PUBLIC HBALTH SOCIAL SBRYICBS ADMINISTRATION , 1,T91,157 1,218,122 68 61 PUBLIC ASSISTANCB 802,285 000 36 491,037 12,698 35 INSTITUTIONAL CARE SOCIAL SBRYICB ORGANIZATIONS , 104,984 64,988 62 DBYBLOPMBNT 0 0 0 SUPBBINTBNDBNT OF DBVBLOPMBNT 679 307 174,571 57 PLANNING ~ ZONING , 208 226 160,452 71 BCONOMIC DBVELOPMBNT , 438 113 ?4,125 65 DBVBLOPMBNT RBYIEY , 933 17 11,194 62 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SBRYICBS , 206,195 131,917 64 NON-DBPARTNBNTAL ASST. CO. ADM. HUNAN SBRYICBS LIBRARY BITBNSION A CONTINUING EDUCATION BMPLOYBB BBNHFITS CONTRIBDTIONS TO SBRYICB ORGANIZATIONS MISCBLLANBOUS TOTAL TRANSFERS AND BBSBRVBS RBIMBURSABLB BgPBNDITURBS TRANSFBR TO DBBT SBRYICB TRANSFBR TO INTBRNAL SBRYICB TRANSFBR TO SCHOOL OPBRATING FUND TRANSFBR TO DTILITY CAPITAL TRANSFBR TO CAPITAL PROJBCTS iRANSGBR TO YOUTH HAVBN ONAPPROPRIATBD BALANCB RBSBRYB FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY TOTAL TRANSFBR ITBMS GRAND TOTAL 99,286 60,476 61 1,145,612 704,767 62 96,326 46,934 49 741,392 126,507 17 20,000 18,252 91 797,708 78,163 ------- --- 10 --------- ------------ 26,384,209 ------------ ----- 16,102,313 ------------ --- 61 --------- 0 (382 0 4,806,542 2,642,559 55 334,876 180,421 54 26,666-,000 12,056,501 45 215,000 143,333 6T 1,643,714 1,095,809 67 75,768 44,198 58 2,105,341 0 0 16,142 0 0 35,863,383 16,162,439 346 ----------- ------------ ----------- ~ 62,24T,592 S 32,264,752 52 Financial State~ents: Page 3 of 3 ~.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION 32889-6 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO IDA AND ERNEST ARTHUR FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Roanoke County is indebted to its citizens who offer assistance and support during a disaster situation; and WHEREAS, such a situation occurred on March 3, 1989, when a small plane crashed in the Farmington Lakes area, necessitating many hours of investigation and debris removal by the Virginia State Police and Roanoke County Fire and Rescue personnel; and WHEREAS, Ida and Ernest Arthur opened their home to the rescue and police personnel, generously offering the use of their house as a command post and shelter for workers and neighbors who were unable to use their own homes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the personnel involved in the incident and all the citizens of Roanoke County, expresses deep appreciation and gratitude to Ida and Ernest Arthur for their generosity and compassion towards rescue personnel and the residents of the area. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~_~~ ~ ~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 ITEM N0. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO IDA AND ERNEST ARTHUR FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO ROANOKE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Roanoke County is indebted to its citizens who offer assistance and support during a disaster situation; and WHEREAS, such a situation occurred on March 3, 1989, when a small plane crashed in the Farmington Lakes area, necessitating many hours of investigation and debris removal by the Virginia State Police and Roanoke County Fire and Rescue personnel; and WHEREAS, Ida and Ernest Arthur opened their home to the rescue and police personnel, generously offering the use of their house as a command post and shelter for workers and neighbors who were unable to use their own homes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the personnel involved in the incident and all the citizens of Roanoke County, expresses deep appreciation and gratitude to Ida and Ernest Arthur for their generosity and compassion towards rescue personnel and the residents of the area. ~~'_ ~7 PETITIONER: WILLIAM AND EUGENIA BALL CASE NCA~IBER: 13-3/89 Planning Carmission Hearing Date: March 7, 1989 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 28,_1989 A. RD~UEST Petition of William and Eugenia Ball to amend the future land use map designation of a 1.23 acre tract from Development to Transition and to rezone said property from R-1, Residential to B-1, Business to operate medical offices in an existing structure at 3511 Ogden Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION There was no opposition to the request. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS 1. Street Capacities: Using ITE trip generation rates for general office uses, staff estimates this proposal would generate approximately 102 vehicle trip-ends per day. This figure is based on trip generation estimates per 1,000 sq.ft. of gross building area. Recent traffic counts on Colonial Avenue revealed an ADT of approximately 11,344 north of its intersection with Ogden Road and 11,637 south of the intersection. In 1986, ADT on Ogden Road, between Colonial Avenue and Roanoke City corporate limits, was approximately 7,832. VDOT advises that plan to improve the eastern end of Ogden Road, fran Route 419 to the city corporate limits, are underway at this time. 2. Circulation: Proffered concept plan denoted only one point of access to Colonial Avenue. The proposed access drive is located as far as possible from the existing intersection. Turning movements resulting from ingress and egress to the site could pose a problem for vehicles traveling on Colonial Avenue. Internal circulation is adequate. 3. signage: Petitioners have not proffered any conditions which restrict the type or amount of signage permitted on site. Staff suggests the petitioners proffer conditions restricting signage to one monwnent sign, not to exceed 40 sq.ft. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. The rezoned parcel will be used for the construction and operation of medical offices for the practice of family medicine. The current building on subject property will be retained and an addition built in the same style will be adder to the rear of said existing building. 2. The medical practice will be limited to no more than three physicians. 3. The development of the property will be in substantial compliance with the concept plan submitted with the application for rezoning. 4. The small evergreen trees shown as a part of type C buffer will be at least five feet in height at planting and will be placed in a staggered manner of each side of the fence. The fence shown as a part of the type C buffer will be constructed of wood and will be at least six feet in height and will be i~ place prior to the commencement of construction of the site. 5. All trees and natural vegetation will be saved as possible. 6. Outside lighting at the building will be residential in appearance, and the lights and poles will not exceed 10 feet in height. Parking lot lighting wil: not exceed five feet in height. 7. Total signage shall not exceed 50 sq.ft. E. ~ISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the amendment to the Land Use Plan map. carried with the following roll call vote: py~; Robinson, Massey, Winstead, Gordon, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None The motion Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: py~; Robinson, Massey, Winstead, Gordon, Witt ~yS; None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G . ATI~1CHNIEET1r.CS ~/ Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other Attachment A ..~,,,u~.,~,-., r~ Terrance Harrington cretary Roanoke County Pla ing Commission - 2 - ~~'~: ~ ~~ ::88 F~7 S~ 1 e Si! =ili~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ? ~ 9 u !`! ~.~ ; ~ 'i` :'- ~ ~ ~' j ~ ~ Yil~ !!~~! ii~ 9 ~~ ~~ ~~ 3 ~~ . ~' ~ ~]Z e 9 ~~ :fig ~ ~~ ~ 3~ t ``~ ~' ~ ; i ~ ;~ z ~. e~ :. i' , r~ei`'~ xa J ~ i <~ ~~ t mr ~` F: v ~~ ;qq ~ . j~~g~:g h ~~'~1 3 ~ jq~ ~ `~`~~~ ~ 9 u ao ;;~ ~- :~ ,~ 3 ~~ r ~ ~ N ~- s CO r~~` ,~ ~ ~ ~ i ~` 3 ~ +r 1 ~~~ ' ~ 1 ,1 y~, ~ + ~~,~_ .SW' UE Cp~pN~p'U AvEN~s° YA- SEC• A~ VApAl~ ,~ ,~ ,~ iJ P J - 3 - ~~ ~~ STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: William F. Ball .,ASE NUMBER: 13-3/89 DATE: March 7, 1989 REVIEWED BY: Dale Castellow Petition of William and Euacreatract frommDevelopmentuto Land Use map designation of a 1.23 ro erty from R-1, Residential to Transition and to rezone said p p structure B-1, Business to operate medical offices in an existing at 3511 Ogden Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to rezone a 1.23 acre parcel from R-1, Residential to B-1, Business. Petitioner proposes to expand an existi256tsquarerfeetntoeoperate aefamilye by approximately 2, medical practice. b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describe the project more fully. 2, APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Residential. a. The proposed site is currently zoned R-1, The petitioner is requesting that the site be rezoned to B-1, Office District. The B-1, Office District permits a variety of office uses including professional offices, financial offices, including banks and real estate agencies, dental and medical offices and clinics, and various other general office uses. Restaurants, pharmacies and retail sales to serve occupants and patrons are permitted as long as they do not exceed 10~ of the gross floor area. In addition, two-family and multifamily dwellings are permitted within the B-1, Office District. b. Petitioners have proffered conditions ensuring ti) that the property will be used as a professional medical office; (2) that not more than 3 physicians will conduct business on the site; and (3) that the property will be developed in substantial conformity with the attached concept plan dated January 26, 1989. c. If approved, site plan review will be required to ensure compliance with County regulations. d, A commercial entrance permit will be required from VDOT. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Moderately sloping to the north toward Colonial Avenue and Ogden Road. b. Ground Cover: An existing single-family dwelling. - 5 - .~ S~ ~~ 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Pin°rArea. SThistareaihasnbeen designatedgfor Community Plann g stable growth. Urban services are available. b. General area indduses~peA multisbuildingdofficefcomplex was residential la recently approved for the adjoining parcel on Ogden Road immediately wesex hash beentapprovedsfortthenvacant4parcel apartment compl north of this site on the opposite side of Colonial Avenue. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each USetarscalerdi~hroughh5,lmpact of the proposed action. ne ligible impact, 3 manageable 1 = positive impact, 2 g = severe impact, and N/A not impact, 4 disruptive impact, 5 applicable. COMMENTS RATING FACTOR LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 3 a. Comprehensive slarea withinoapDevelopmentelandpuset Plan has placed thi category. Although the land use compatibility matrix identifies office uses as moderately compatible within areas designated as Development, the plan does not differentiate office uses as a desirable land use type except when developed as part of a "Planned Community " Development. To satisfy the "Flanned Community Development" provision a minimum of 25 acres is generally required. As part of this request, the petitioners are requesting an amendment to the Land Use Map designation from Development to Transition. The Transition land use category differen- tiates planned office parks as a desirable land use type. The Pain ptosthebfollowingcfactorsf Transition areas accor g * Hi hwa fro~e~ As prescribed by the plan, this site maintains direct frontage and access to an arterial street. * Land Use Pat_ tern: The plan prescribes locations where a strip pattern of development has occurred or where future development pressures may cause such patterns to occur. This site is situated on the corner of Ogden Road and Colonial Avenue. A single family subdivision abuts the site to the east and a multi-building office complex has been approved for the parcel immediately south of the site on Ogden Road. oBtsthisnrequestcation, this factor would appear to supp - 6 - ~~~- ~ * Exi_s_ting Zonin s wherelstri pecommercialezoningihasof transition area occurred. Although this site is currently zoned R , Residential, a simecentlyszonedeB-latoeaccommodatelanwest of this site was r office proposal. Surrounding Land Use: As previously stated, this site is situated on the family reso dencesoto the eastnand thenue. It abuts single proposed office complex to the wesroved for thetparcel apartment complex was recently app north of the site across Colonial Avenue. Tooogra hY: As prescribed by the physically oriented toward Ogden from the rear towards Ogden Road. * Ur_ ban Sector: And the urban service plan, this site is Road. The site slopes finally, this site is situated within area. c. Neighboring Area: Thelireresidentialpecommercialgandfinsti- residential, multifam Y tutional land uses. d. Site Layout: Attscandaddition ofaapproximatelyo2f256dsquare Proposal include feet of officeonPcompletioneXtheicomplexlwouldibe structure. Up approximately 4,180 square feet in size. Access is available from Colo~ionervhasenotlprofferedianylconditions adequate. The pets Since the site abuts three pertaining to on-site lighting. single family rensdlimitingt the heighttandhintensitynof any proffer conditlo outdoor lighting erected on the site. cept plan, the 3 3 2 e. Architecture: Based on the proffered con height and sadvise thatptheoproposedcexpansiontwould be of Petitioners materials similar to the existing structure. g f. Screening and Landscaping: As per the zoning ordinance, - „Type C" screening and buffering is required when office uses abut single fforleitherdanbuffersyard ofelSTfeetCwith requirement calls b foot screen and smealeeofrsmall evergreenatreeseandaoneo 25 feet and with a h g row of evergreen shrubs. 3 g. Amenities: Proffered concept plan includes 20 parking19 - stalls. Baseduiredhbysordinancee pTheoproposedllocation of stalls are req trash dumpsters Laffnsuggestsdthegpetitionersedesignate the concept plan. S location of any dunpsters on the concept plan. - 7 - 3 h. Natural features: Tsebsiseveralatreeslandclowngrowing the adjoining residence Y underbrush. Where feasible, staff recommends the petitioner prOndenaturaltvegetationion siteervation of the trees a TRAFFIC 4 i. Street Capacities: sUsstaffTestimatesnthislproposal would general office use _ generate approximately 102 veheneration estimatesdper This figure is based on trip g 1,000 square feet Colonial Avenuen revealed ancADT of traffic counts on approximately 11,344 north of its intersection with OADTn Road and 11,637be~WeenoColonialtAvenueiand the Roanoke on Ogden Road, City corporate limits, was approximately 7,832. VDOT advises that plan9 to therRoanoke Cityecorporate Olimits, Road, from Rt. 41 are underway at this time. Circulation: Proffered concept plan denotes only one point 4 7- of access to Colonial Avenue. The proposed access dr ve is located as far as possible from the existing intersection• thersite couldeposerasproblemffor vehicles and egress to traveling on Colonial Avenue. Internal circulation s adequate. ~JTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: No problems noted. 3 n. Floodplain: PrOpOnatedlby thenFederaltEmergency Management hazard area desig Association. PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protections Within established service standard. 2 p. Rescue: Within established service standard. p/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. School: - 8 - ~-~ TAX BASE 1 s. - Land and Improvement Values 5325,000 - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: - Total Employees: 10 - Total revenue to the County/Year'NewpRevenueelS3$740 ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u. Waters 2 v. Soils: 2 w. Noise: 4 x. signage: Petitioners have _ which restrict thestspther site. Staff sugg restricting signage to one square feet. not proffered any conditions amount of signage permitted on petitioners proffer conditions monument sign, not to exceed 40 6, PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designathe Developmentelandnuseecategorys Future Land Use Plan map. T differentiates variousdesienatedeasoDevelopmental Theelopment as desirable in areas g petitioners areomrDevelopment toaTransition.la0ffice designation fr developments, such as this proposal, are encouraged in areas designated as Transition. (See item "a" above.) 7, STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: i1) Petitioner has proffered conditions ensuring that the developmeconcept planrdatedu Januarya26COl9ggmity with the attached lan denotes only one point of access t2) Proffered concept p to Colonial Avenue. b, Weaknesses: (1) The petition is not consistent with the land policies setou?dtpose problemsrforavehiclesltraveling Proposed access c on Colonial Avenue. ested Proffers: (1) Staff suggests the petitioners c. Sugg proffer conditieed 40ssquarenfeetgna(2)tStaff suggests thee sign not to exc petitioners prerected atlaiheightsandnintensity that will lighting will not impact adjoining residences. (3) Staff suggests the petitioners designate the locWhere feasibleumstaffs on the proffered concept plan. (4) recommends theofpthettrees andf naturaldvegetationuonnsite. preservation - 9 - -~ AMENDMENT OF THE ROANOKE COTJNTY LAND USE PLAN Before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; A 1.231 acre parcel of land, generally located on the North side of Ogden Road at 3511 Ogden Road within the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel #77.11-1-57 in the Roanoke County Tax Records. PETITION To the Honorable Supervisors of Roanoke County: WHEREAS, your Petitioners, William F. Ball and Eugenia H. Ball, respectfully file this petition in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioners own the above referenced property. 2) The property is designated Development in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 3) Your Petitioners now desire to redesignate this property as Transition. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM F. BALL and EUGENIA H. BALL By (.~1 ~L~~•~ .Counsel for Petitioners RECOMMENDATION WHEREAS, the Petitioners were referred to the Planning Commission, which after proper legal notice required by section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, held a public hearing on March 7, 1989. Whereas all interested persons were afforded an opportunity to be heard. The Planning Commission recommends to the County Board of Supervisors that the above referenced parcel of land be redesignated from Development to Transition in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan on the following recorded vote: Motion of Don Witt AYES: Robinson, Massey, Winstead, Gordon, Witt NAYS : None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, By: Secr tary, Roanoke unty Planning Commission FINAL ORDER ,.38~j_ y WHEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing held on March 2 8 19 89 , the Board of County Supervisors determined that the amendment to the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan be Granted on 3/28/89 NOW, THEREE'ORE, BE IT ORDERID that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 77.11-1-57 and recorded in Deed Book 1297 page 1639 and legally described below, be redesignated rn 00 from Development ~ Transition ~ Legal Description of Property: M BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Ogden Road, S. W., corner to the land of the Knights of •• Pythias of Roanoke, Va.; thence with the north side W of Ogden Road, S. W., N. 74° 09' 07" W. 83..86 feet. E, to a point; thence continuing with the north side of o Ogden Road, S. W.~, N. 63° 39' 95" W. 153.52 feet to v a point; thence N. 16° 15' S0" W. 67.92 feet to a o point on the east side of Colonia]. Avenue, S. W.; H thence with the east .side of Colonia] Avenue, S. W., ~ N. 29° 43' 19" E. 174.08 feet to a point on the east side of Colonial Avenue, S. W., corner to Lot 5, w Ogden Hills; thence S. 51° 27' E. 294.05 feet to a ~ point; thence S. 32° 28' W. 147.37 feet to the PLACE o OF BEGINNING, containing 1.231 acres according to a a plat of survey by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers & ~ Surveyors, Ltd., dated October 12, 1988, • BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that the Land Use Plan: Future Land Use Map be changed accordingly. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor ____ Robers and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson,'Robers, McGraw, Garrett ~yS; None ~E~' Supervisor Nickens - 10 ~}'j~~- ~ , C ~.f-~-~-h Deputy Clerk cc : File ~_r~,r, Arnold Covey, Director,RQ~~~~c ~a~~~sti~sors Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wi]1ey, Director, Real Estate Assessment VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 1.231 acre parcel of land, ) generally located on the north j side of Ogden Road at FINAL ORDER 3511 Ogden Road within the ) Cave Spring Magisterial District, ) ~ and recorded as parcel 77.11-1-57 ) ~ in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) 0 M TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioners, William F. Ball and ~~` Eugenia H. Ball, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel from R-l, w Single Family Residential District to B-l, Office with H 2 Conditions District, for the purpose of constructing an 0 U p operating medical offices. N cn WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Board of ~ County Supervisors did hold a public hearing of the petition w ~ on March 28, 1989, at which time, all parties in interest a a, ~ were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing held on March 28, 1989, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be granted with conditions proffered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 77.11-1-57 and recorded in Deed Book 1297, Page 1639, and legally described below, be rezoned from R-l, Single Family Residential District to B-l, Office with Conditions District. - 11 - Legal Description of Property: 3&~ - `~ BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Ogden Road, S. W., corner to the land of the Knights of Pythias of Roanoke, Va.; thence with the north side of Ogden Road, S. W., N. 74° 09' 07" W. 83.86 feet to a point; thence continuing with the north side of Ogden Road, S. W., N. 63° 34' 45" W. 153.52 feet to a point; thence N. 16° 15' S0" W. 67.92 feet to a point on the east side of Colonial Avenue, S. W.; thence with the east side of Colonial Avenue, S. W., N. 29° 93' 19" E. 174.08 feet to a point on the east side of Colonial Avenue. S. W., corner to Lot 5, Ogden Hills; thence S. 51° 27' E. 294.05 feet to a point; thence S. 32° 28' W. 147.37 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1.231 acres according to a plat of survey by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers & Surveyors, Ltd., dated October 12, 1988. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. Robers and upon the ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor following recorded vote: AYFS: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett ~'YS' None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Deputy Clerk cc : File Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wi]Jey, Director, Real' Estate Assessment - 12 - ~`.,` .~ rn w 0 M N z w H 2 0 U O H Q W 0 a a w BIRD, KINDER & HUFFMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW R OANOK E. VIRGINIA VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 1.231 acre parcel of land, ) AMENDED generally located on the North ~ PRO FERFFERF side of Ogden Road a'c ) ~F 3511 Ogden Road within the CONDITIONS Cave Spring Magisterial District, ) and recorded as parcel 77.11-1-57 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Section 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Section 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioners, William F. Ball and Eugenia H. Ball, hereby voluntarily proffer 'co the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of -the above-referenced parcel of land: 1. The rezoned parcel will be used for the construction and operation of medical offices for the practice of family medicine. The current building on subject property will be retained and an addition built in the same style will be added to the rear of said existing building. 2. The medical practice will be limited to no more than three (3) physicians. 3. The development of -the property will be in substantial compliance with the concept plan submitted with the application for rezoning. - 13 - ,,. 4. The '°srnall evergreen trees°' shown as a part of "Type 'C' Buffer" will be at least five (5) feet in height at planting. pe C 5 . The '° fence" shown as a part of the "°Ty Buffer" will be constructed of wood and will be at least six (6) feet in height, and will. be in place prior to the commencement of construction of the site. 6. The "small evergreen trees" will be placed in a staggered manner on each side of the °'fence". 7. All trees and natu_~al vegetation will be saved as possible. 8. Outside lighting at the building will be residential in appearance, and the lights and poles will not exceed ten (10) feet in height. 9. Parking lot lighting will not exceed five (5) feet in height. 10. Signage will be limited to fifty (50) square feet and will be substantially as shown on Exhibi'~ "A" attached. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM F. BALL EUGENIA H. BALL By: Counsel for Pe ition Carr L. Kinder, Jr., Esquire BIRD, K-~°I}JER & HUFFMAN P. O. Box 2795 Roanoke VA 24001 s/G162 - 14 - .~8y_ y -~ ~~ 0 C?~> D ~i ~J ~~ __-_---~ .~_-- - ;~ ~_-~ ~! _, --, ~~ n o .C'J I '--' I ~i /~/ p r~~,J ~ ~l ~-,. ~r a ~ ~°_' i '~o ~~~ 1 ~i o Ll~_. ~ C~ ~ ~ __..~~ ~___I ~ - n I~ I I I~ t_-~Iu r=-I I ,~_~_~I ~-~--~ --~ ~-- . iIl -~ ~~ C1;1 ~ .~ i ~ I Z ~, S C~ d J iI - 15 - jV~t~t~ytii~~~`~~iyfYil~~iir~~~~i'~i~~11~if~ri`r'ti~rtlii~l~i~1Yi~~fii~rli'~i~u~l~~i'it1i~~~il~iiii~~r~lit~~rl~~Tlu~~~~~iilitt~r~li'Irlirr~lu~11~~ _ ..~ _ - - - - - - APPEARANCE RE QUE S - _ - - _ - - - ~, _ - ~. - _ ~ . u.. h-~~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 ~ -' (d - - 6~~ _ e Zu ,NG- ~ ~ 2 - _ -_ SUBJECT I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to _ - recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter = WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, -- so that I may comment. _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FORTH - RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINE __ LISTED BELOW. h s Baker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment • Eac p g -_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, '- and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. : • S Bakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- _ p Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized _ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • are re uested to leave any written statements and/or comments Speakers q with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED '- GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION _ FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT =_ THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK __ c NAM -_ = ADDRESS G ~ ~'~ 21S S~ ~ ~ ~ `~c~ ~ '" PHONE ~ Z ` / ~ S~ miillllliiillllllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilillllllllllillllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllll PETITIONER: iP,CK/8BESS CASE NCRRBER: Planning Cormtission Hearing Date:. March 7, 1989 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 28, 1989 A. Rff,~UEST Petition of Jack BessofficeeZnnan existing structure,~located ate54221Stakey Business to operate an Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Clark Crowley inquired about the present zoning of the property and the maximum parking allowed. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS 1. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Deve op!nnenct Pusesaa peaof moderate within a Development land use category. compatibility when incorporated in a planned residential development, but are not encouraged as freestanding land uses. On this basis, this site os de of inconsistent with the land use plan map and policies. On the oppo Starkey Road, the area is within a Transition land use category, where office uses are encouraged, although Policy TR-5 discourages conversion of detached residences to offices unless part of a unified developmSn~re Theere off c s fifty feet south of this property, the land use category are encouraged, subject to certain policies related to site design. Should this petition be approved, a staff initiated land use plan amendment will be submitted. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. Professional offices only with only one entrance on Starkey Road. 2. Property shall be used for professional offices only. 3. Type C screening and buffering shall be provided. 4. Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 sq.ft. No freestanding signage shall be allowed on the property. 5. All parking shall be located behind the front line of the house. 6. Total building floor area shall not exceed 6,000 sq.ft. and height shall be limited to 2-~ stories. E. COr'A'IISSIONER' S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following rWinstead, Gordon, Witt py~; Robinson, Massey, NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATr CHMENTS Concept Plan (8~" x 11") Vicinity Map (8~" x 11") Staff Report Other a Terrance Harrington, cretary Roanoke County Plann' g Ca~nission i BINDING EDGE ~ A..c~ L! of`~ ~ 8Q. ~S9 Lal /0 1~... _ //O.00 now stow //0.00 we col Z Lof 3 ~ L'_ol ¢ Lvl 5 1 /.05 I~cRE /. // QcRE SECr,o~/ Z • W 3 MAP of Li ~n ~ 4 ~ $odJ//E.Qn/ ~/.1/E5 O v~ h ~ p ~ +1j ~ o ~gECORofo /~/ ~ `~ ~ ~ 4 ~ P.9. z PG. /38 ~ V. ~ ~1 Ro.I~/orfE cov./j/ ~ i I Cn/v~~t /Jaot.~ (,~,q.~ce PoRiN to O./f 5/oR / rar c.,/ocrT D[acK ~ ie, ~ .vOi/56 ~--- ~ 5412 ~(AC AMT 119.2 iC' i,y 40. a GO.! !I I a Y M u6.1 ~~ ~1 L• ~' I/fLL~ ~Q IIIII ~ y \ ~ v a ~i; b ,~,,,T, Piece ~~~ t~rpi v I ~ ~ ~ ` --= 149.IO~ ` ` s[ccor eP~ o: \ M. 77. Go NBo•59• t~~a y -- N. 3i•/o.E i/olE % CAPlio,/ PROPER// /5 A/o, Lot.IT~o /•~ '~ SPEC/AL FLDOo SE R l'4~y O~ /~O~s NG A o~ !/R9-INE QEVEL oPti1E~/r /~.f w ~- aG•E- ~~~~,.. r3S. /o Tl~[ ~aT. sl'4~~`SEy ,p Fo R o•4,p ~ ~4 R~/.r PLAT RAYMOND C. WEEKS '~' ~',~„T,.,...E e . ~..~'~ CERT. N0. 54.173(a)802 0 ~/~~E V LAND 9J~ ~` _J' of SURV[Y M/10E FoR .) OHtJ M. PEDIGO , AZIORNEY SHOWING PROPERTY OF M I CHAE1..J. NEAZON E,~ PINA S. HEAYON /3E~NG Lojs 3& ~~ SEcT/o./ ? , ti1~~ of SouJ-.4cgN P/1•ES ~`'54Z2 Slvrs~ftE~' F~o,~o - 2 - DATt~ O cT• 9 , 19 60 w wAYMOHQ G. W[tK• .T~TI CI.Tl/Il0 •I~NO IYNYlTO~ YIR6lNIA ~GAL.SI 1" a /v 4' to ~~ ` `1 "` / ~ 4 s~• • woer Gawy cow. Q , ° e ~•• i ~~ SN MoP p.19 o ~ .. ~ ~ Ywr/ A 17 / ~~ 1'•so' gg % RE ~ • ' N 0 3 Q s \ ~ RE ~ / \~~ •~~ ' ~ ~ ~ `. `\ ~ , I I O~~\ ~ •' ~ a b, \ • 4 .~ /. K • R~t rte' z~ / `389-5 NORTH ~ ~- ~. ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ i ~w A~ d O N 12 t.i° ~c -. / \ I ~ ~ R.C/S ' R1 v / ~~` ~ , 1 •/ ¢ ~ ' O \ R1 aoo A~ ~ '~ w .~ ~ _, 39 ~.n Ac ~~~ .!3 x / z2 4~ ~ - - ~- JAG!< n~~5 F3 i'o ~~ COMMUNITY SERVICES - 3 - AND DEVELOPMENT Ate Q~~ i ~- Zg*~~ R 3 8.19 - 2 - ~ ~ 5 X89 s STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: Jack G. Bess CASE NUMBER: 12-3/89 DATE: March 3, 1989 REVIEWED BY: Jon Hartley Residential Petition of Jack Bess to rezone a 2.16 acre tract frostructure, located to B-1, BusinessRoadoinrthe CavefSpring Magisterial District. at 5422 Starkey 1, NATURE OF REQUEST residence to a, Petitioner offices. No cha ges aret anticipated to the structure professional or layout of the site at thi nursery Aand lgreenh useheoperations a non-conforming retail Petitioner has proffered asfficesdition that the parcel will be used only for professional o b, Attached concept plan (survey) and zoning vicinity map describe project more fully. 2, APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a, The B-1, Business distri mtinpStrative fficesariety of medical, financial, business and ad b, Site plan review will be required to insure compliance with County regulations. c, Commercial entrance permit will be required from VDOT. a. b. SITE CHARACTERISTICS Topography: Property natural drainage Swale property. Ground Cover: rear portion slopes downward from Starkey Road to a and then rises toward the rear of the Front portion of lot is primarily lawn, while the is wooded. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a, Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Cave Spring Commun ty Planning Area. The growth initiative for this area is to stabilize growth. b. General Starkey Road areanasindustrial usesinand openmspacefamily residential, commercial a 5, LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through negligible impact, 3 manageable impact, 4 = 1 = positive impact, 2 not applicable. disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 4 a, Comprehensive Plan=within5 a o Development Dlandouse tcategorys placed this area when incorporated Office uses are of moderate compatibility in a planned residential SeveOnpthis~basisarthistproposalgis as free standing land use inconsistent with the land ~se plan map and policies. On the ~~-~ 3 2 3 2 3 opposite side of Starkey Road, the area is within a Transition land use category, where office uses are encouraged, although, Policy TR-5 discourages conversion of detached residences to offices unless part of a unified development. Three hundred and fifty feet south of this property the land use category is Core, where offices are encouraShould uthist petition abe policies related to site design. approved, a staff initiated land use plan amendment will be submitted. b. Surrounding Laes.and open spaceunding land is single family residential us c. Neighboring Arces and open hspaceg area is single and multi- family residen , d, Site Layouts See attached concept plan (survey). Existing house contains approximately 1200 square feet with an additional 525 square feet in the garage located north of the the layout would remain house. According to the petitioner, unchanged a areass for eemployeesoorrcustomers ndicated location of parking e. Architecture with vertical siding n a ranchfdesigner block construction f, Screening and Landscaping: As per ordinance, which requires Type C screening and buffering, particularly along the northern property line. 2 g, Amenities: 2 ~,, natural Amenities: ~'RAFFIC 2 i, Street Capacities: According to Trip Generation by t e Institute of Transportation Engineers, this proposal would generate 42 ADT, based on the number of employee508•InThere the ADT adjacent to the site on Starkey Road 4, were 3 reported accidents between Penn Forest Boulevard and Buck Mountain Road in 1987. 3 j, Circulation: Concept plan (survey) does n buts has verbally of parking area for customers or employees, indicated parking will be provided behind the garage where the greednasuaeconditionr only one entra ce onpStarkeyeRoadas proffere UTILITIES 2 k, Water: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: Located within an unnamed tributary basin of Bac Creek. Minor flooding problems have occurred in the lower reaches of this tributary in the vicinity of Penn Forest Elementary School and Merriman Road. N/A n. Floodplain: Not applicab5e_ `38~ .~ PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0. Fire Protection: Within established service standar . 2 p, Rescue: Within established service standard. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: N/A r. Schools: TAX BASE 2 s, - Land and RevenuemYearValu$500,000(newjexisting - Taxable Gross - Total Employees: 9 - Total Revenue to the County/Year: Approximately 52,500(new) ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u, Water: 2 v. Soils: 2 w, Noise: 3 x, Signage: Signage has not been specified. Currently ordinance would permit 285 square feet of signage. 6, PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Development. The proposed professional Should is i.nt..onsistent~ witroved, Ca st affe initiatednland use plandar~endment will ~,~ ~ _ ~ ~tition b.. aPP Le ^~,~:, .:~~~ztted. ~, STAFF EVALUATION a, Strengths: (1) Proposal would eliminate a non-conforming retai nursery operation. (2) Petitioner has proffered as conditions professional offices only and only one entrance on Starkey Road. b, Weaknesses: (1) Proposed professional office is i No nproffer with the Comprehensive Plan policies and map. (2) prohibiting the construe No proffer donlthellocat on orn designiof space on the site. {3} proposed parking. (4) No proffer restricting signage. c, Proffers Suggested: {1) Property shall be used for professional offices only. (2) Only one access point along Starkey Road shall be permitted. (3) Type C screening and buffering shall be provided. (4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed 30 square feet. {5) No freestanding signage shall be allowed on the property. (6) All par additional bprofessionalhofficeespacetshall of the house. {7) No be allowed. - 6 - VIRGINIA: BEFC)RE THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS OE ROANOKE COUNTY p, 2.16 acre parcel of land, ) generally located ~ ~~ etarkP~r R~_ ~_w? R n nlr within the ) ~ Magisterial District, and > ~ recorded as parcel # ~_,_,,~a 2_~,~fis ) o ) `~' in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) FINAL ORDER TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: W WHEREAS, your Petitioner Jack G. Bess, C. L. S. F' did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel 2 District ~ f rom R-3 District to B-1 o for the purpose of Professional Offices Ca W WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public O March 7 19 89, at which time, all parties w 'nearing of the petition on - -- ~ in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and March 28, WHEREAS, after full consideration at the public hearing held on 19 89 the Board of County Supervisors determined t'nat the rezoning be approved with proffers on 3/28/89• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the aforanentioned parcel of land, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Maps as Parcel 87.19-2-4&5 and recorded in Deed Book 2 Page 138 and legally described below. be rezoned from R-3 District to B-1 District. - 7 - Legal Description of Property (Metes and Bounds): Description of Lots 3 and 4, Section 2, Map of Southern Pines Subdivision on Starkey Road in Roanoke County, Virginia: Beginning at a point in the east line of Starkey Road, said point being 249.20 Feet south of the intersection of the south line of Sleepy Hollow Drive and the east line of Starkey Road S. W.; thence leaving Starkey Road and with the division line between Lots 2 and 3, Section 2 of Southern Pines S 650 55' E 412.00 Feet to an old iron pipe in the9 and west line of Lot 10; thence with common lines between Lots 3, 4, , 10, S 240 05' W 220.00 Feet to an old o on~pipe; thence with the common line between Lots 4 and 5, N 65 55 W 451.90 Feet to an old iron pin in the east line of Starkey Road; thence with the east line of Starkey Road N 350 56' E 135.10 Feet to an angle goint; thence N 310 10' E 10.9 Feet to an angle point; thence N 30 59' E 77.60 Feet to the point of beginning, and containing 2.16 Acres and being Lots 3 and 4, Section 2, Map of Southern Pines Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 138 of the Roanoke County Clerk's Office. BE IT FURTHER ORDERID that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the official zoning map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor Robers and upon the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSEN'T': Supervisor Nickens ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Deputy Clerk cc: File f rvisors Arnold Covey, Director, De6~~'~yl~~l~~ Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wi]1ey, Director, Real Esta8e_ Assessment . `38c7-.5 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY p, 2.16 acre parcel of land, generally located 5422 Starkey Rd. Roanoke, Virginia 24014 PROFFER within the Cave Spring ) OF Magisterial District, and ) CONDITIONS rn 00 recorded as parcel # 87.19-2-4&5 ) o ) M in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE CO[JN`I'Y ~ Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. H 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner Jack G. Bess, C. L. S. o hereby voluntarily proffers to the U o Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the H ~ rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: L1 (1) Professional offices only with only one entrance on Starkey Road W ~ (2) Property shall be used for professional offices only. (3) Type C screening and w buffering shall be provided. (4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed ~ 100 sq.ft. No freestanding signage shall be allowed on the property. (5) All parking shall be located behind the front line of the house. (6) Total building floor area shall not exceed 6,000 sq.ft. and height shall be limited to 2~ stories. Respectfully submitted, Petitioner - 9 S.Wj. 8 ~'- ~, PETITIONER: SI~PHEN & MICHELLE WIKE CASE ; 14-3/89 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 7, 1989 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 28, 1989 p,, ~TJEST Petition of Stephen and Michelle Wikn off cezin an ex~.sting structurefrlocated Residential to B-1, Business to operate a at 5681 Starkey Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPA`T'ION rehensive Paul Smith expressed opposition to a business in a residential area. Mr. Witt informed Mr. ~nith that the area is designated for office uses in the Carp Plan. C. SIGDTIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS ses. 1. Circulation• Existing southern entrance to bes dential parcelssshod be Northern entrance providing access to adjoining closed to business traffic. D, PROFFERID CONDITIONS for the office use with no additions 1. The existing residence will behes~rking on the property. with the exception of improving ration. 2, No printing will occur on premises in connection with the business ope 3, The existing structure will be utf~izeda no portableror~t~Porary signs shall be 4. Signage shall not exceed 24 ~I- installed. will be used only 5, The cinder block g he ge to the rear of the existing dwelling o ration of the business on the property and will not in connection with t pe be leased to outside businesses. 6. All onsite parking shall occur to the rear of the front line of the existing dwelling. E. ~vIISSIONER' S MOTION, WTE AND RF,ASON tition Ivlr, Winstead stated that he will abstassibleconflictlof inaerest.on this Pe ;n order to avoid any appearance of a po Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition carried with the following rGordon,lWitte- Ay~; Robinson, Massey, NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Winstead ABSENT: None with proffered conditions. The motion F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G . ATI'A S ncept Plan (8~" x 11") ~cinity Map (8~" x 11") ~taff Report Other G Terrance Harrington, retary Roanoke County Plann ng C~nission -1. r ' ..- •- . ~. /7G•7s ~\ .o ~3 ,gC,QE V, 0 1 ('(1 ~1 ,~ V ~ Z a Q ~` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h 'Q ~v ~~ Q ~ ~~ y2 0 ~~ ~~rl "~ b ~~ I V «i v ~~ \ ti ~ v '. hV~ ~ j.:'~~0 P o ~~ ~ .. ~ w - /1•~ • 70.3 ~ f/DUSE OETi~/L M ~ `~A~,,,l ~0 st.~Lt~ / X30 ` ~ co,G+~E ~ ~~ -.- - Kl ~ ~ - _ ~ O~c ~/°T~~ T~~s ~°T ~s~ oT ~4 asap ~ ~ ~ ~~ A~~ F ~ ZAQ ECf~RE'9' I ~ ~ h ~ FAD DU /~A ~ Na a o h IQ~ ~ 0 3~ ~ ~ ~~,LTH Op pl ~ O Q ~O~ ~G 3~ 1 , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o T, p PARKER M O \ 4 ~I V LAND SURVEYOR ~~ ~~I ~ ~ V ~Q ~ CERTIFICATE NO. ~ ~ I ~ I c~-,p 420 ~~O ~ -` i /390 ~ P~/! OiPF ~ 4 ~-~- S". 2¢ =/G ~/l/ /S¢-~ ~ / lA~~'D LAND Svc srA~~E>' 'QD~~' /,9- sEC• ,QT _ - --- SIJR-V EY--FOR=- -- SM/Ti`s ¢ - - . - ---- -- - -- - - --- ~,q,C'•~CSO~ DA~t//~ ~ A6L~~~ ~~,~/c~.9 sv.E S,Tv.4~'E o,J .STAQ~~y~°,o~ C vA sEC. ,Ql - VIRGINIA SGALE; L ~ GO ~ AT7Mis KER & SON PATE: 'C~'?~ ~ HEREdY CERTIfYS RRECT• 6Y -~, P. PAR SURVEYORS t'u-TOt*suR ~'/.Zl~'~ ENGINEERS ~• N.s.L-Z3 p• 20¢76 SALEM VIRGINIA tsY• - No suwvcYOw cE~rrtt*tEC u- _ 2 - • ' i / / 1 S •/ r. ~-J/ ,~ ~ ~ i , u -, `e ~ 1 ;1 Y u` ~ / t~ . ' ~ ~ w O / ` 41 37 / q.2T Ac s / i 1 a~ ` ~ ~, -~ R~ , '~ s3 h R~ 1] , ~ 39 , ~ \ ~.co .• ~ St y.~ 3e / ~ ~t w ~ 3 ~.n ~ -aok 1 ~ M 1 R1 , ~1 / ~ ~ , _ / ` ~~ w, ~ / ~ , ~ `. , 49 11 \\a.. tl LoO~c _ / ~ ~ ~ ~ , l00 K -- _:un~_ u ~ ~ -- ~~` ~~~ M1 • ~ • 43 ~. •a ~Z3 , ~,Z 844 / ~1.6T9 OutL MowNM~ M~~ . ~~ ~~ ` ~ ~ BZ ~ .+ ,7 ~ ~ 1 ,•• ~„ J ''" NQ's i - 3 - #Z-1 ~o g -1 COMMUNITY SERVICES 87 ~~ _ ~ _ ~{o AND DEVELOPMENT v -~~ ~ ~~°'~'~, ~°-~v 38~ ~ STAFF REPORT NUMBER: 14-3/89 PETITIONER: STEPHEN & MICHELLE WIRE CASE DATE: MARCH 7, 1989 REVIEWED BY: TIM BEARD ition of Stephen and Michelle Wioeeratezane office inran ex sting Pet R-1, Residential to a-1, Business ° Road (VA 904) in the Cave Spring structure, located at 5681 Starkey Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST s i n l e f am i ly a, Conditional req itori 1 officezfor the purpose of publishing residence as an ed religious materials. b, Attached concept plan and vicinity map describe project more fully. 2. AppL ICABLE REGULATI O r m i t s a v a r i e t y o f o f f i c e u s e s i n c l u d i n g a. B_1 zoning p rofessional offices. administrative, executive, editorial aroffers: (1) Development Petitioner has made the following P with the site plan. (2) shall occur in substantial conformity as an office. (3) No The existing residence will be used only printing will occur on premises in connection with the business. (4) The existing building will not be enlarged. b. VDOT commercial entrance permit required. c, Site plan review required to ensure compliance with County regulations. 3, SITE CHARArCa ERISTI~lat; site slopes very gently south toward a dry a, Topog P Y' branch. b, Ground Cover: Grass, scattered deciduous trees, existing dwelling and detached garage. 4, AREA CHARACTERISTICS gituated within the Cave Spring a. Future Growth Priority: rowth area; Community Planning Area. Designated as a stable g currently receiving urban services. General area is developed witimitedlgeneral retadilmuses family b. residential, institutional and 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT to the impact of the proposed Rating: Rate each factor according action. Use a scale of 1 thioug bl impact, 3 = manageable impact, 1 = positive impact, 2 = neg g = not applicable. 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A - 4 - ~U7-'~ RATING FACTOR 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive DevelopmeoffPcenuses placed this area witronosed arelencouragedtwgthin the land use such as the one p p designation. Proposal conforms with policy C-1 (encourage mixed use development in core areas), policy C-4 (coordinate commer- cial site design with regard to minimum number of vehicular access points to public streets and banddpolicyZC-5ndprovide should complement adjacent buildings), screening and buffering in order to reduce nuisances with less intensive, single family residential development) through ordinance enforcement. Proposal does not conform to policy C-2 (serve each core area by an arterial or higher grade street). Land: Single family residential; heavily traveled b. Surrounding secondary highway. c. Neighboring Area: Single family reneral r t ilinstitutional; heavily traveled secondary highway; q Property features two gravel entrances (one of d, Site Layout: arcels north of petitioner's which provides access to adjoining p site). Petitionenearsthedsouthdsidetofsexisting structure spaces will be provided e, Architecture: One story brick structure to be utilized as office. Detachedces odrersboloag g nr the future f brick structure may be used as a Y and Landscape: Per ordinance (type C, option 1 or f. Screening option 2 required). g, Amenities:•Petitionerlansindicates no specific parking layoutark- ing spaces, concept p h. Natural Featuresin relulationsl(seeodrainageocomments)be subject to local floodpla g 4 2 2 2 TRAFFIC i. Street Capacities: 1986 ADT on this segment of Starkey Roa was 3,764. Five accidS~reetc(VAr717)ntoh$uck MountaineRoadf(VA 679)y Road from Arthur Use will generate fewer than 25 vehicle trip ends per day. j. Circulation: Existing southern ovidingtaccesseto oadjoining purposes. Northern entrance p residential parcels should be closed to. business traffic. UTILITIES k, Water: Adequate source and distribution. 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. DRAINAGE m. Basin: Back Creek subbasin. - 5 - `339 -- Cn • n: Proposed site is not located wEnhineering D Party n, Floodplal Hated by FEMA. However, County 9 lain of area so desig a ct property may lie in the floodp ment reports that subj e area exceeding 100 acres. If the specific 100 year a drainag flood elevation cannot beneers orlthe Ussnq standard data re Geological Surveya the U.S. Army Corps of Engl e a certlfi licant for the proposed use shall engag the app ineer to determine this a rinattechniques [see oral ance S eng inee g roximated hydrologic and hydraulic eng 21-61D(c) ] . If the site is found tl icantlwill the required to 100 year floodplain, the app floodproof structures and/or acquire flood insurance. 3 2 0. 2 P• N/A Q• N/A r. 2 s. 2 2 2 2 9 6. 7. PUBLIC SERVICES Within established service standard. Fire Protection: Rescue: Within established service standard. Parks and Recreation: School: TAX BASE $56,500 - Land and Improvement Value: - Taxable Gross Sales/Year: Estimated $1.3 million Total Employees: 4 year: Approximately $5,800 - Total revenue to the County/ New revenue: $700 t. u. v. w. x. t proposal does not arterial or higher he land use p ENVIRONMENT Air: Water: Soils: Noise: Signage: Not specified. conform PLAN CONSISTENCY Hated as Core . Office This area is desig and with policies lan map See requested proffer (1). to grade street policy C-2 serving the uses are consistent with C-1, C-4, and C-5. The due to the absence of an site. STAFF EVALUATION ~l) Consistent with policies C-1, C-4, and C-5. (2) a. Strengths: residence will be Petitioner has proffered that the existing used only as an office and wiin nOwill eoccur don` premises nit has proffered that no print g connection with the business. t la~ p any ested: (1) Sign square footages should not excee c. Proffers Sugg ortable or temporary signs shall be installed 24 sq.ft• and no p and buffering shall be implemented pe (2) Type C screening ordinance. ( 3) No use of the norroheosedsbusinesstr (4 ) The cinde made in connection with the p p not f block garage to the rear of the exconnectedetol themeditoria] used for any purpose not directly arking shall occur east c publishing business. (5) All onsite p the front line of the existing dwelling. - 6 - b, Weaknesses: provides no landscaping. (1) Inconsistent with policy C-2. (2) Concep information regarding signage, parking ~~ ! - rn 0 M H z w H z 0 U 0 H Q w 0 x a a ^STERHOIJDT, FERGl1SD NATT, ANERON & AGEI ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW RDANDKE, VIRGINIA 24018-tfi99 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE_BOARD OF_COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE_COUNTY IN RE: ) FINAL ORDER A 1.13 acre parcel of land, generally ) located on the westerly side of Starkey) Road, near its intersection with ) Buck Mountain Road within the Cave j Spring Magisterial District and recorded as Parcel ) #g7,18-1-40, in the Roanoke County j Tax Records. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioners, STEPHEN and MICHELLE WIKE, did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above-referenced parcel of land from R-1 District to B-1 District, for the purpose of office use. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing of the petition on March 7, 1989, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the rezoning be approved with the proffered conditions.. on 3/28/89. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned parcel of land, which is contained in the a Roanoke County Tax Maps as 87.18-1-40 and legally described below, be rezoned from R-1 District to B-1 District. ii -~ ,,..3 ~`- ^STERHOUOT, FERGUSO NATT, AHERON & AGE ATTORNEY5-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Starkey Road, Virginia Secondary Rt. 904 at the Southeasterly corner of the property now or formerly known as the Baptist Parsonage; thence with the westerly side of Starkey Road South 240 16' West 154 feet to a point in the center of a dry branch; thence leaving Starkey Road North 73° 30' West 310.6 feet to a point; thence North 21° 37' East 191.75 feet to a point; thenocen~°and place'ofast 316.6 feet to the p beginning. with the following conditions: 1, That the existing residence on the property would be used for the office use with no additions with the exception of improving the parking on the property. 2, That there will be no printing in connection with the business operation. 3, That existing structure will be utilized without enlargement. 4. The square footage of signs shall not exceed 24 square feet. No portable or temporary signs shall be installed. 5, The cinder block garage to the rear of the existing dwelling will be used only in connection with the operation of the business on the property and will not be leased to outside businesses. 6, All on-site parking shall occur to the rear of N the front line of the existing dwelling. 8 38~-~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this order be transmitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and that he be directed to reflect that change on the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. Robers ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor _________-~ McGraw _-___~ and upon the seconded by Supervisor ____________ following recorded vote: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett AYES: NAYES: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Deputy Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors R4.n9.e cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning John Wi]Jey, Director, Real Estate Assessment ^5TERH0UDT, FERGUSON NATT, AHERON & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA _ ~ _ 24018-1699 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER `3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Amendments to Articles II and III of the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance and adoption of the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems And/Or Wells" as part of the Construction Standards and Specifications Manual. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Roanoke County has been faced in recent years with rapid development of subdivisions in the rural parts of the County where public facilities are unavailable. This type of development has created an increasing number of complaints from the citizens, realtors and developers from the fear of contamination to existing wells, failing septic systems or the denial of lots for on-lot septic systems after the lots have been sold. Because of the public concerns the County staff and the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department have developed policies for subdivision approval for On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems And/Or Wells which will help insure the proper development of future rural subdivisions. The proposed subdivision amendments and policy have been reviewed by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department, County Staff and the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders. Therefore, the County Staff recommends the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and, the adoption of the attached policy. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of Roanoke `3~~ County held on the 7th of March, 1989, the Planning Commission, after careful consideration of the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and after consideration of the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells, moved that the following revisions suggested by the Roanoke Valley Homebuilder's Association be incorporated into this policy. 1. Section 301.01 - Subtitle (A) - Topographic Map: All preliminary Plats shall be drafted with five foot contour intervals. This shall not be derived from U.S.C. & G.S. quadrangle maps or other sources where distortion may occur from a change in scale. AMEND THIS SECTION TO READ: All preliminary Plats shall be drafted with five foot contour intervals. Move and incorporate the remaining portions into Section 305.00 - Final Plan - under Subtitle (A). 2. Section 301.01 - Subtitle (C). Each proposed lot shall have a drainfield site which shall conform to the following: 1. contain sufficient area for one drainfield and it must be contained on the same lot or parcel on which it serves. A 50$ reserve area shall be designated, if required, by the Health Department and, 2. shall have been field located and only the reserve areas shall be shown on the Plat. AMEND THIS SECTION TO READ: Preliminary location of Soil Studies shall be shown as provided by a consulting engineer or soil scientist. The remaining requirements of this section are incorporated in Section 305.00 - FINAL PLAN - under Subtitle (B). The Roanoke Valley Homebuilder's only suggestion not incorporated into this policy was the request to permit the location of drainfields on adjacent lots. The County staff and the Planning Commission strongly feel that all newly created lots should contain their own sewage disposal systems. Being no further changes, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended the approval of the following amendment to 2 ~~~> -~ the Subdivision Ordinance and the adoption of the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells." SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE a• Section 17-6 (F) - The subdivider shall present to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department a preliminary Plat of the subdivision as required under the Construction Standards Manual entitled "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems And/Or Wells". b• Section 17-10.(K) - A statement of certification by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department to the effect that all lots shown on the subdivision Plat have been reviewed by the personnel of the Roanoke Count Health Department and have met the criteria asysetnton forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations entitled "32.1 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and each lot or parcel is eligible for a septic permit." The first reading of the Ordinance is scheduled for March 28, 1989 and the second reading is scheduled for April 11, 1989. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells, as amended by the Roanoke County Planning Commission be approved. S~MITTED BY: Arnold Covey Develpment Review and Inspections Director APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------- -------------------- Approved( ) Motion by: ACTION VOTE Denied ( ) No Yes Abs Received( ) Garrett Referred Johnson to McGraw -- Nickens Robers 300.00 301.00 301.01 .~: ~ l SCR ®ISCI~SSION ®S ~Y ,3 ~~,~ SUBJECT F®R RE 3 8 ~g~~ RR~~~~ ''OO POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVALSW~TH~ON~~ITEDSEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS. Developer must submit to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department a preliminary Plat showing all items as outlined below: PRELIMINARY SUBMISSIONS: PRELIMINARY PLAT: A. Topographic Map - all preliminary Plats submitted shall be drafted with five foot contour intervals. B. An overall scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet, or 1 inch equals 50 feet shall be required in preparation of the preliminary plat. C. Preliminary location of Soil Studies shall be shown as provided by consulting engineer or soil scientist. D. All proposed and existing structures, well tclass), septic systems and underground utilities within the subdivision shall be shown. All existing wells and septic tank systems outside of the subdivision located within 100 feet of any boundary of the proposed subdivision shall be shown. NOTE: For existing developed springs, the distance shall be increased to 200 feet of any boundary. E. All existing and proposed easements and right-of-ways shall be shown. 301.02 DRAINFIELD SITE PREPARATION: A. All lot corners staked and flagged. Lots with depths greater than 100 feet, the lot lines shall be clearly flagged every 100 feet. B. Corners of the proposed drainfield site shall be clearly staked and identified by lot numbers. (Stakes identifying the upper and lower limits of the drainfield site shall be set on corresponding contours) 4 C. Each lot will be evaluated for a minimum three bedroom dwelling. Dwellings with four bedrooms, or more, the developers must submit in writing to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department identifying those lots prior to the site evaluation. 301.03 SOILS EVALUATION PROCEDURE: The following information shall be provided by a Consulting Engineer and/or Soil Scientist, recorded on the State's "Soil Evaluation Report" (form #CHS-201A and 2018, latest edition). Each individual site evaluation sheet shall include, but not limited to, the following: A. Subdivision name, Lot, Block and Section. B. Position in the landscape. C. Degree of slope. D. A soil description derived from three test borings in the drainfield area and one (1) test boring in the reserve area. Two (2) borings will be required in the reserve area if it's not close proximity to the drainfield site. Soil Descriptions to include: 1. Color 2. Texture 3. Soil type 4. Presence of drainage mottles 5. Depth to hard rock, if applicable 6. Recommended installation depths 7. Estimated percolation rate 8. Whether percolation tests are required E. Soil study locations are to be triangulated to fixed referenced points. F. Use of a backhoe to evaluate individual drainfield sites shall be restricted to lots where use of a backhoe is deemed necessary, authorization must be obtained from a Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department Sanitarian. NOTE: Front end loaders will not be ermitted to evaluate individual drainfield sites. 302.00 FIELD APPOINTMENT: 302.01 Appointments with the Health Department can be 5 ~~"- '~ 302.02 302.03 303.00 scheduled after rough grading of streets, submission of approved preliminary plan and required soils evaluation data. Work will be scheduled on a "first come, first serve" basis. Scheduled field appointments are subject to cancellation or rescheduling as influenced by inclement weather conditions as follows: 1. Rain, snow or sleet 2. Extreme cold and/or freezing conditions PERCOLATION TESTS: Percolation tests shall be conducted only after evaluation of the site by the Health Department when soil conditions indicate a marginal rate of absorption. All percolation tests shall be conducted under supervision of the Health Department in accordance with procedures outlined in the Virginia Department of Health Regulations, Title 32.1, Code of Va., latest edition. All percolation test data shall be submitted to the Health Department regardless of test results. 304.00 WORK SESSIONS: After all field evaluations have been completed and pertinent data has been submitted to the Health Department a work session may be scheduled with the project consultants. 305.00 FINAL PLAN - (for well and drainfield) Submit three copies of the well and drainfield map and five copies of the record Plat. The well and drainfield map shall show the following: A. Topography - this shall not be derived from USC & GS quadrangle maps or other sources where distortion may occur from a change in scale. B. Field approved drainfield sites and a 50$ reserve area shall be designated, if required, by the Health Department. C. Location of all percolation test holes regardless of rates. D. Preliminary and final drainfield site numbers. E. Proposed house location. 6 ~~' ~?' F. Proposed well location and Class No.. G. Drainfield pump systems. H. Locate percolation test holes and approved drainfields and reserve areas shall be tied down with distances from lot lines. roved I. Each lot shown on the final Plat shall have an app drainfield site on the same lot or parcel on which it serves. 305.01 FINAL APPROVAL When the on-site sewage disposal and/or well map has been approved, three copies will be stamped and signed approved by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department. One copy will be kept on file at the Health Department, one at the Roanoke County Administration Building (Division of Engineering) and one will be given to the Developer. The final Plat, prior to recordation, must designate reserve areas (if necessary) as private easements. Final approval of the subdivision will be given only after signed approved by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department Director/or designee with the following statement on the Plat: "I hereby certify that all lots in this subdivision, (as shown on the stamped approved drainfield and/or well map and shall be kept on file at the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department and the Roanoke County Division of Engineering) have met the criteria in the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, Title 32.1, Code of Virginia, as amended, latest edition and each lot or parcel is eligble for a septic tank permit. 7 . ~ .3~9-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 17, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF ON- SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO AUTHO- RIZE THE ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF A NEW SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED "POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS" WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by Chapter 11 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, notice of the County's intention to adopt amendments to its Subdivision Ordinance was duly advertised in the Roanoke Times and World News on February 21, 1989, and Feb- ruary 28, 1989; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on March 7, 1989, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended approval of the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and the adop- tion of a new section of the Design and Construction Standards Manual entitled "Policy for subdivision approval with on-site wewage disposal systems and/or wells"; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on March 28, 1989; and the second reading of this ordinance was held on April 11, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 17, Subdivision of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted by the adoption of Sections 17-6(F) and 17-10(K) to read and provide as follows: Article II. Preliminary Plats Section 17-6. Contents; approval. (F) The subdivider shall resent to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department a preliminary plat of the subdivi- sion as re uired under the Desi n and Construction Standards Man- ual entitled "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells." Article III. Final Plats Section 17-10. Contents; monuments. In addition to the requirements for the preliminary plat, the final plat shall show: (K) A statement of certification by the Roanoke Count /Vinton Health De artment to the effect that all lots shown on the subdivision lat have been reviewed by the personnel of the Roanoke Count /Vinton Health De artment and have met the cri- teria as set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewage Hand- ling and Dis osal Regulations entitled "32.1 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and each lot or parcel is eligible for a septic permit." 2. That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect from and after April 11, 1989. ~ ~~7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEW SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/ OR WELLS" WHEREAS, the Department of Development is in the pro- cess of preparing a manual to assist the public, and especially the development community, for clarification of rules, regula- tions, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Design and Construction Standards Committee composed of area engineers, surveyors, members of the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders Association, and County staff was assembled to develop the content of the manual and the design standards; and WHEREAS, it was the consensus of the committee to address the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and drain- age in the manual; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on February 14, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by resolution, adopted a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" to assist the public in the clarification and interpretation of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County, and in particular, the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and drainage which shall have the force of law effective February 15, 1989; and ~~_ WHEREAS, the water design standards and the Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications of the manual have been previously completed and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby adopt the third component of the Design and Construction Standards Manual en- titled "Policy for subdivision approval with on-site sewage dis- posal and/or wells." FURTHER, this section of the manual shall be in full force and effect from and after April 11, 1989. t~1i~iy~i~tt~iti1~'i'~~t`Ii'r~~~~i~11'i~~~f~`i11'il~il~~Iiif~~liliil'1ii~1~1i1~tYl~ilt(r~ii7t~li~ii1~11~(I~ii~fi~iii~ilf`t1f11~'1'illliflilt~(f~lllf~lil~lllhilj~ w ~ ~ ~ RE VEST APPEARANCE Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ AGENDA ITEM NO. O - _ = S~QDr~~sio~c! p2D~~~~c~- = SUBJECT ' = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter • so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, _ = I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FORTH _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES __ LISTED BELOW. . • Each s Baker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = p whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will _ decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, _ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. • S Bakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- _ p tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT =_ THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK NAME ~ t, i=/~g D h o u.~ g G ~ ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ ~l21~~/~ C ~ nJ 5 t PHONE 3$ ~ ' ~ ~ a m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j,~7riIr1111i~fYl'flYiirllrlfriii`i1i1~rI1111'11111tir'ir1'1iti~lilil'ilYlittiillfil~'it'i'tii'111ri1`I'iii11i111ii111Iii111111i111~y1111i1111111i,u ' .. ~~~ ~. CE RE UEST APPEARAN Q _ _ - ~~`~- _ AGENDA ITEM NO. _ - _ ~,s ~~. SUBJECT I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to = __ = recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter • so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE = RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ . __ LISTED BELOW. . • Each s Baker will be given between three to five minutes to comment p .- whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. • S Bakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- ',, = p __ Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized _' speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments =_ with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK ~ -~ NAME ~ t .~'~ ~ ~„ 5 -_ "' ADDRESS a ~~ PHONE [5 ~ '" O OCR mllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllilllllllilllllillillllllililllilllllllllllllllll C,~-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGICENTEREON TUESDAYROMARCH 2gi,N1989DMINISTRATION ORDINANCE 32889-7 AMENDING CHAPTER 7. "BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE II. "BUILDING CODE,"SECTION 7-16, "ADOPTED" WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vinton has requested that Roanoke County assume the responsibility of enforcing the Virginia Statewide Building Code within the corporate limits of said Town; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County shall collect all fees and make all appropriate inspections as required to implement code enforcement within the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 14, 1989; the second reading was held on March 28, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 7. "Building Regulations," Article II. "Building Code," Section 7-16 of the Roanoke County Code is here- by amended and reenacted as follows: Article II. Building Code Sec. 7-16. Adopted. There is hereby adopted by the board of supervisors, insofar as not inconsistent with the laws of the state, this Code and the ordinances of the county, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use, occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain code known as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Build- c~-r ing Code, as the same may, from time to time, be amended. Such code is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the county and within the Town of Vinton. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on July 1, 1989. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Robers and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Garrett NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator James T. Nininger, Jr., Development & Inspections Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County J&D Court, Intake Counsellor 2 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending Chapter 7. "Building Regula- ~~ tions of the Roanoke County Code by amending Article II. "Building Code," Section 7-16. "Adopted" COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Item El of today's agenda is a request from the Town of Vin- ton for the County to enforce the Virginia Statewide Building Code within the corporate limits of the Town of Vinton. That Board report addresses the fiscal impact and alternatives of this request. That Board report recommends that the County enter into appropriate agreements with the Town of Vinton to implement build- ing code enforcement within the Town of Vinton effective July 1, 1989. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: If the Board accepts the staff recommendation for Item El to authorize the enforcement of the Virginia Statewide Building Code in the Town of Vinton by Roanoke County, it will be necessary to amend Chapter 7 of the Roanoke County Code. This amendment must be accomplished by the adoption of an ordinance. This proposed ordinance would amend Section 7-16 by the addition of language including the Town of Vinton within the enforcement power. It is proposed that the first reading of this be held on March 14, 1989, assuming that the Board takes favorable action on Agenda Item El. The second reading is scheduled for March 28, 1989; the effective date is July 1, 1989. FISCAL IMPACTS: See Agenda Item El. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Q-~ It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors favorably consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance, assuming that the Board has favorably acted upon Agenda Item El. Respectfully submitted, \-~q~v..` i t 1. ~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney -------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7. "BUILDING ~ _/ REGULATIONS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE II. "BUILDING CODE," SECTION 7-16, "ADOPTED" WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vinton has requested that Roanoke County assume the responsibility of enforcing the Virginia Statewide Building Code within the corporate limits of said Town; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County shall collect all fees and make all appropriate inspections as required to implement code enforcement within the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 14, 1989; the second reading was held on March 28, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 7. "Building Regulations," Article II. "Building Code," Section 7-16 of the Roanoke County Code is here- by amended and reenacted as follows: Article II. Building Code Sec. 7-16. Adopted. There is hereby adopted by the board of supervisors, insofar as not inconsistent with the laws of the state, this Code and the ordinances of the county, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use, occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain code known as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Build- ~-/ ing Code, as the same may, from time to time, be amended. Such code is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the county and within the Town of Vinton. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on July 1, 1989. ~~ i ~: :,, u• .~ LAW OFFICES OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON, NATT, AHERON A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1919 ELECi'RIC ROAD. S. W. p. O. BOX 20068 CHARLES H. OSTERHOUDT Rpp,NpKE, VIRGINIA MICHAEL 5. FERGUSON 24018- 16~J9 EDWARD A. NATT MICHAEL J. AHERON G~STEVEN AGEE MARK D. KIDD April 4, 1989 Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Re: Stephen and Michelle Wike ~ AGEE TELEPHONE 703-774-1197 FAX NO. 703-774-09 61 Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find the Cer t ficate of Publication on t e he mail. I am forwarding this above rezoning which I received in to you for your records. Very truly yours, OSTERHOUDT, FERGU50N, NATT, p,HERON & AGEE, P.C. Edward A. Natt EAN/dle Enclosure Roanoke County Board of SUperVISOrS ($566) .....~.. ~~ V ' E m~ a n ~~, ~L~EG ~ ~~` ~~, 2 ~~ C P Z ~N PEPSI{D ~ II o ~ 5 cocxE ~` r I N ~ cfM. goruNGCO. w /.TAT ~ ~ ~ ~~~ p[ATJT NC.NAPDJONNSONS ~ '°L~~ 3! ~~1 ~MOIOR :ODGE 4 Tj ~ ELBLE ~ ~ ~ i Ff S1A'RANT ~.~ z ENVEL~~'c' ~ ~ ~. J coH~., u ;, s i ~` w' Wyn~ aV" p A ~~~ ~erw"° cNAPMAN 2p yE HOWNS T'-. N Sr.r y,MANO ~~~1_ ~ 7A91yW,',' ~ DR STATION U 1 " ~ Cam! S OAKEY'S ~ ~~ t ~,ERD(gM „~,P,N„ ~, ~ ~, i NORT \~ ~ENrE - --VICINITY ~ AP EXISTING 8" WATER LINE p.J ~ 1 rrNrpi 27.00 0' 4 s l~i+.lol 6 90kICI ice' ~. ~ ~ . \ / ~ / ~ ~ ~/ ~ ~~/ / W / / / •~ / ~ l~Y ~e ~ ~ I /~ PROPOSED 8" WATER LINE - - ~/~ 26 Hlt / i 16 / 27 '~ ~~ T~o~ 28 ~~~ 1 29 / u f. *,t 49 ~ 4 ~~ t~~o ~ 30 'I j1» ~• 1t ag _I d I '~'' 1- ,. ~~ 40 ~~ 19 ~/I .~~ 'T/'T--- -- ~ ' ~-'nu ' zl \ I ~ ~ N •r AUTHORIZATION TO ERTEND WATER LINES ON COMMUNITY SERVICES WILLIAMSON ROAD 2~,~~ ROANOKE LAND & AUCTION COMPANY, INC. 5249 CLEARBROOK LANE, ROANOKE, VA. 24014 • 703-774-LAND RT. 4, BOX 12B, FLOYD, VA. 24091 • 703-745-3925 February 28, 1989 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Lee Garrett, Chairman Rcanake Co. Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 214018 Dear Mr. Garrett: Due to the recent fire that did extensive damage to Bob Bradley's office, located at 306 McClanahan St., SW in Roanoke, Mr. Bradley and I would like to request a continuance of our rezoning petition. Same of the necessary papers will need to be redrawn and, as you can image, everything is pre- sently in a state of turmoil. The petiticn was far the rezoning of 2.92 acres located on Chaparral Drive. The request far the rezoning was made by J. L. Waltz and R. N. Bradley. We would greatly appreciate ycur understanding and your granting an extension due to these circumstances. Respectfully submitted, ~-~+ o~GcJo~ ~~ ~ James L. Waltz JLW/mlh copy: R. N. Bradley Land Brokers Farm Dispersals Commercial Properties Timber Sales Residential REALTOR' _~ ,.~ O~ G ~t~. ~~ a ~~~ ~ 18 ~~ 88 SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ A Rrmrti~ulBtRinninR M E M O R A N D U M T0: ~in~e Marie Fedde~ n ~ FROM: Harry C. Nickens / DATE: March 17, 1989 SUBJECT: NEWS RELEASE - SCHOOL LUNCH WORKER RECOGNITION I have on two occasions in two different local newspapers, Roanoke Times and the Vinton Messenger, seen reference made to the Glenvar Community Meeting beinoft~hellocalegovernmentsal with this question of the restructuring Would you please send out a news. release to all the T•V' ais print media indicating that our six1989nd ati Mo to pleasant scheduled for 7 p.m. on March ~. Elementary School. Also, a second thought, April 3rd has been declared School Food Service Employee Recognition Day throughout the nation. It would Board seem to me to be appropriate if at our next Roanoke County of Supervisors Meeting, we develop a resolution thanking the contribution that these workers make to the quality of our ro rams within the county and a copy of this be educational p g forwarded to the schools tkee athe agendaritemou der consent particular day. If we could, p ublicity and therefore, agenda so that we might not giveasomecconsideration to that and surprise the workers. Please g see what you think. HCN/bjh --:1`~F' ,~ --~ , ` . ,~ [' ~ S - {i ,. _ i - - -. ~ ..- __ - - _ -~ -- ._t ~..: - v .~ '':ti i lls_,. -. .. S - (( { ,t}i .~ ~ :? -. i+ ( :. :- ~ _.... 1. _ :: ~ !e! :: --~.. .:~r: ~= a ;t ~ v { .. Y - t ~~i ~~ - A f 1~ ,~. 47 ~.. , f` i a, ,r ,~~..A,~n aid d~:~ir~es ~,f clue Tt-t~ ~y. ~, ,.,. ,- ~,-,~F~~' ',, a~: roximately _ ,. _ _ .... ;v; i .: ice. f; ~. -- -_,' ,-__.. F - ~- -_; 5' _- ~`-- -- - - --_ _ - - ! ( 1 ~~;i~°_'+-TC~la1+~7.~,~; L-i1.r± 1±U,jN;±?L. - -...__r±1.tM..,. 1 3 ~:t~.~ b ~'`~,.1~,(,C11 s:. l" C_:i!_' ttte'S'.1 _ Y - 34 t A .J ~ 1 r ~ Y S.L ~. } L' ; 3 s ~ a'_s_ fi l'. ~. a „f ~ •S 47 \7 t = L. L.i tip _, v •}'.. _ - .- ~C 4~~i -- :- ~r~,: -. - . r _ ., r' i -~-ro m ~1~-he. ~o nd ~e~Ye''~ur~l ~ush~' ~~-tls -~ F' w ~~ W he-~-h~ ~h~r~ ~s ~~u9h _ ~, ~~ ~, .,R. ~~~.... , F~ ~._. ,--.y '~~`~ ~~ ¢s7 f 6 ~ t ~:, ~i .., i.. O~ POANO~-F ti , ~ A /b' a ~~~~ ~~ 18 E5~ $a SFSOUICEN7ENN~P~ ~ Krauii~ul8e~innin~ M E M O R A_N D U M T0: Elmer Hodge FROM : R . Int. Robe r s DATE: March 22, 1989 Elmer, as we discussed this morning, on my examination of the school budget, I believe that there are refunds on workman's compensation and on property liability insurance that accrue to the school system and possibly, also the county system. In the school system's budget, I do not believe that these refunds were reflected. A ref~ondeo~ alwabilityscanmbensubstantialcY as well as any rebates on p p Y In your discussions with Dr. Wilson, please find out exactly how much rebate they get on the workman's compensation and on the property liability. I would also like to know what that figure is for county insurance. Bob Jernigan might be able to give us that answer. RWR/bjh cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Dr. Baynes Wilson 3/22/89 @ noon Bob Jernigan says Roanoke County's workers comp is self insured. Any dividend goes into a reserve fund for future losses. He will put together requested info on dividend from property liability. M H Bob also said he was in a meeting with school people when the possibility of a dividend was discussed and heard a ballpark figure of $40,000 for school refund. u ~,R 17 1G83 AT A REGULAR t•1EETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, ~;~)iiN l r ~~J'~11fvISTR~~TU~l VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIOtJ CENTER ~r..N~~KE ~;;~;!INi'i, tai„",.,:. MARCH 8, 1983 ,,; RESOLUTION NO. 83-43 ESTABLISHI(JG A POLICY AND AUTHORIZING AtiD D I RECT I NG TAE~6URTY ADh1I N I STRATOR TO ESTABLISH AND COLLECT RENTAL FEE AND CHAP,GES FOR OUTSIDE USE OF THE RCAC COMMUNITY ROOM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the policy of the Board relating to use of the RCAC 7J .. Community P.oom shall be to permit such use limited to the following groups, to--~it: ~- _'~``~ u ~ ~~~ ~.~ ` ~ tf-,v ' C vote: ~: ~'`~'''~~ ~ 2. That the County Administrator be, and he hereby is, authorized to establish and collect rental fees and charges for outside use of the RCAC Community Room taking into consideration personnel costs, utility cost and set-up cost using generally a base charge and hourly rate criteria; and 3. That the County Administrator shall, on behalf of Roanoke County, execute a written lease agreement with each such outside user upon forrn approved by the County Attorney. On motion by Supervisor Minter and adopted by the following recorded AYES: NAYS: (a) Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County (b) County agencies, departments, committees, and commissions (c) State aiiu federal government agencies, providing informational programs for area citizens Supervisors Minter, Burton, Johnson None ABSTAIN: Supervisor(Nickens ABSENT: Supervisor Myers „ " A Copy - Teste: - D~nat~1 R. lan~lPr~_ f.1Pr4 _ ~ ~~ ~~~ ,~.~-~ ~ ~ _ ~. ~ POANpf.F (.. Z ~ ~ r -~ ~~~ ~.~~ ~e o = a _~ ~ 18 ~~ 88 s ~P~ M E M O R A N D U M FSOUICENtENN A Bcauti(ulBr~inning Me b s, Bq d of Supervisors TO FROM: Elm r g~ DATE: February 9, 1989 SUBJECT: COMMUNITY ROOM RULES AND REGULATIONS several occasions arose when a more During the past year, room than the detailed written policy for use of the community solution we are currently using would have been beneficial. re on March 14, I would like the Board's approval at tY:e meeting to revise the approved resolution to incorporat Roome 1989' ulations for use of the RCAC Community attached Rules & Reg eration would still remain The details of the scheduling and op under my direction. In summary, I suggest the community room be used as follows: Board of Su ervisors, Roanoke Count State and Federal 1. Governments p,, No Fee B• No Application 2. Non Governmental GrouQs County Administrator A. Requires approval by B, Application required C, pay $50/day Rental Fee D, pay $10/hr Custodial 8er5ipem•Fee after normal working hours G8 a.m. 3• Social ~atherinas A. Requires approval by Board of Supervisors (by consent agenda as per raffle) B. Application required C. pay $50/day Rental Fee. D. pay $10/hr Custodial Services Fee after normal working hours (S a•m• - 5 p.m') 4. Not Permitted - Commercial or Fund Raising• n and board will be drafting an appropriate resolutlease let me Paul Mahoney uestions or comments, p report. If you have any q know. ECH/bjh Attachments cc: Paul Mahoney « u7J^A~ ,' For ®~sc~{~~~o~ ~{~~;~ ~ Ry ~ ~ o ~r~USE oI'~Ct ~o t~f:V{S{or{ ROANO 1989 January 1• Permitted 0Se (in order of riorit ) and Fee Schedule: - No F~ A. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke OountY t Departments, g~loyees, Agencies, _ No Fee B. Roanoke Ooun Y~ CoRmittees, and Carmissions encies - No Fee C, State and Federal Gwer~ent: Officials and Ag rnmental: Civic. Cultural, Political, Religious,- $50/Day D• d Educational Groups (Application Necessary) the Board of Su rvisors 2• Permitted Uses As roved _ $50/Day lication Necessary) A, Social Gatherings (App 3• Prohibited Uses: p• ~nercial uses 'B, Fund Raising uses 4• ~ groking or Alcoholic Beverages Al,lawed. meeting. 5. Groups are not to charge admission or ask for donations at anY~ must be 6, An "Application for Use of the Roanoke County Ocmnunlty R as soon as possible prior to the date of the event for use by ~~leted royal will be by letter. 1D and 2A on~• AP'P 7, Applications can be obtained from the following: Board of S~.ipervisors Office Box 29800 3738 Brambleton Avenue, P. O• 772_2005 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Phone= ~ nsibility for any damage g, Organizations holding meetings assume respo orderly condition. room or intents. The room must be left in a neat and is reQuired, the organization will be notified and If additional cleanup and hold charged for this services mha organization will inderntii Y n --and all claims for damages or injuries harmless Roanoke County f unity Room. arising out of the use of the Cc~nm Administration 9• Neither the name nor the address of the Roanoke C~untY ter ma be used as the official address or headquarters of an Cen Y organization. in the ui ment other than that situated. 10 . No additional lsu~ it~u useodrw ho P approval ~amunity Room other equipment is a "Special Request" and permission must be 11. Use of granted in advance. Non-Governmental event (1D or 2A) 1 e hAdm bni Stration~Cen e~l 12, If the m•) of th working hours (8 a.m. until 5 p• aid to Roanoke County custodial services ~~n batathe nraetde ofo$10 00/hour. General Services Depa ~ ~;m~~' For [~~cu~~ior~ ®I~iy ~~~,~~~~ ~~ ~eVIS1~J11 ~nunity Room assumes 13. The person requesting the permitnfor use of the R ations and Rules for Udes ° nated the responsibility for adherence ~ r~~n or a person especially g Community Room", and either than Pe steel. will ~e present during the time ~~ Board of ect to change by the Roanoke Couthy Board to 14. These rules are sub} scheduling, and Supervisors. The bounty A~ionstconcerningutheruseG, by develop rules and regulat operation of the Ccxtmur-ity Room. Sp ht too alter or Board of Supervisors reserves the rig Room for 15. The Roanokre v ously approved or scheduled use of the Community amend any P governmental purposes. ~~-~,~ ~=~~ ~isc~ssi~~ ®nly ~~t ~~ Re~isi®n APPISCATION FOR USE OF ROANOKE Name of Organization purpose of Meeting pate (s) of Meeting Probable length of Meeting Time of Meeting Estimated Attendance tered with ~lpment. Special Requests: Please report diffi any culty encoun (1) Will anya served? (Yes) (Yes) (No) (No) (2) Kitchen (Yes) (No) (3) Sound ~uipment (Yes) (l`10) (4) Stage (5) Overhead Projector (Yes) (Yes) (No) (I`~o) (6> Carrousel Projector (Yes) (No) (7) Screen (Yes) (No) (8) Easels (Yes) (No) (9) Blackboard Additional or special requests normal working hours, it is agreed that cust°di~nt. If reservation is for othefoth~d paid to Roanoke County General Services ~Pa services will be arranged Person (s) in C9~arge of Meeting Telephone Num~r Address f of the above named organization: The undersigned hereby agrees on behal ke p~unty (1) ~ be responsible for any damage sustained. to Roano . property while being used by the organization; wise during (2) ~ be present or have someone present who will supe .the requested use' lations as set forth in the (3) ~ conform the Roanoke Oounty Board of Supervisors. attached by Signature of Person Applying Date Address 'Delep one Nlunber Approval Date Rental Fee Received Ctiistodial Services Fee 0~ ROAN ,~,~ L ~. .~ Z z v a ' E5~ SS SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ A Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Rev. Rudy Holland Berean Baptist Church 447 Dalewood Avenue Salem, Virginia 24153 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW March 29 , 19 8 9 CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Reverend Holland: On behalf of the Board of Supfrou~oas'reciationlfor yourake this opportunity to let you know o March 28, 1989 to offer the attending the meeting on Tuesday, invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. bjh C~nun~~ of ~nttnnke BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .:Very truly yours, ~e r ett, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 O~ AOAN ~.~ ~. ~~ o, a 18 ~~ $8 aFSQU1CEN7ENN~P~ A Bcautiful Beginning (~nixn~~ of ~n~tnuke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE March 30, 1989 The Honorable Andrew Fogarty Chief of Staff Office of the Governor Richmond, Virginia 23219 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD WEROBING MAGtSTER AL{DISTR CrT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mr. Fogarty: Board of At their meeting on March 28, 1989, the Roanoke County Su ervisors adopted by Resolution 32889-5 a recommendatio rantee p ment Commission serve as the substate g the Virginia Employ Em to ment and Training for the operation of the Title III, of the Job Training Assistance for Actlointi the o 5ths~Planning District . Partnership Attached is our recommendation and the name of the contact person for the recommended substate grantee. If you need further information, please let me know. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Marjorie SkidmoBoardlof1Supervpsorsent Commission Roanoke County P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 The Honorable Andrew B. Fogarty Chief of Staf f Governor's Office State Capitol Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Or. Fogarty: The recommendation to the lovmentrandrTrainingsAssistanceeForoDislocated operation of the Title III, Emp Y Workers, of the Job Training Partnership Act in the substate area is: Fifth Plannin District substate area Name of the Vir inia Em to ment Commi recommended substate grantee g 1202 Franklin Road Address Roanoke, Va. Local Office of State A Type of entity Name of contact person for Marjorie Skidmore recommended substate grantee Telephone number of contact 9g2-7249 person Signature Chairman Roanoke pervi Title O~ AOANprF ti A Z Z v `; a 18 ~~ 88 sFSQU1CENTENp~P~' A Beauti~ulBeginning C~nun~~ of ~n~tnnke BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Apri 1 3 , 1989 ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Norman Darnall c/o Mr. Willie Bryant Mason Cove Fire Department 3810 Bradshaw Road Salem, Virginia 24153 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mr. Darnall: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 1989, the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Mason Cove Fire Department for a permit for a raffle to be held on July 30, 1989. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the Raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year bThis~ ermitfohowevere is only valid fo r the December 31, 1989. P dates specified on your application. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2004. Very truly yours, -~2G~.-~ .~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to_all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a publi~cCHe28ing989' evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, Brantbleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of J. WOLTZ AND R. N. BRADLEY requesting rezoning from R-1 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL of a tract containing 2.92 ACRES and located AT 3464 CHAPARRAL DRIVE in the CAVE SPRING Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to CONSTRUCT The County Planning Commission recommends DENIAL. their 1989 3738 L. to R-3 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this requent mlocatedXin1Room1600hof thecRoanokee Department of Planning and Zo g, County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public heaPersonneluServicesl([703]a772r2018)tif to contact the County office of special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 8TH day of MARCH, 1989. `-~~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World. News on: TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1989 TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: J. L. WOLTZ 5249 CLEARBROOK LANE S. W. ROANOKE, VA. 24014 774-5263 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold.a publ~CHe28~ng989~t1989 evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 3738 in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of WILLIAM AND EUGENIA BALL requesting rezoning from R-1 RESIDENTIAL to B-1 BUSINESS AND TO ~ENDTION ofTaRtractDcontariningElI23Aand located AT 3511 DEVELOPMENT TO TRANS OGDEN ROAD in the CAVE SPRING Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to OPERATE MEDICAL OFFICES IN AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. The County Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documents related to this rZonint,mlocatedXin1Room1600hofothecRoanokee Department of Planning and g County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hfaPersonneluServicesl([7031a772r2018)tif to contact the County office o special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 8TH day of MARCH, 1989. .~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1989 TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: CARR L. KINDER, JR. BIRD, KINDER & HOFFMAN 126 CHURCH AVENUE, SUITE 200 ROANOKE, VA. 24011 982-1755 L E G A L N O T I C E iven to all interested persons that the _ Notice is hereby g ublic hearing at their Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a p MARCH 28, 1989, 1989 evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Administration Center, 3738 in the Community Room of the RoanoVirginiay on the petition of JACK Brambleton Avenue, S.W., l~oanoke, BESS requesting rezoning from R-3 RES5422TSTARKEYBR~ADUinNthe CAVE trac containing 2.16 ACRES and located A SPRING Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to ~Pn~'ecommendslAPPR~ ~ WITHTING STRUCTURE. The County Planning Commissio CONDITIONS. Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments A copy of the Zoning lan, and other thereto as well as a copy of the petition, site p be examined in the office of the documents related to this request mlocated in Room 600 of the Roanoke Department of Planning and Zoning, County Administration Center. rovide assistance to handicapped persons Roanoke County will p Such individuals are requeste o desiring to attend public hearings. 772-2018) if contact the County office of Persfo~eattendance.([703] special provisions are necessary Given under my hand this 8TH day of MARCH 1989. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, MARCH 14,1989 TUESDAY, MARCH ;_2.1.1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: JACK BESS 3801 ELECTRIC ROAD S. W• SUITE A-108 ROANOKE, VA. 24018 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested ublicnhearingtat their Roanoke County Board of Supervisors milonhTuesday, MARCH 28, 1989, 1989 evening session beginning at 7:00 P• Administration Center, 3738 in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Etoanoke, Virginia, on the petition of STEPHEN Brambleton Avenue, S.W., AND MICHELLE WIKE requesting r1z131ACRESoand located ATI 681oSTA,RKEY BUSINESS of a tract containing ROAD in the CAVE SPRING Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to ~on~'ecommendslAPPRO ~ WITHTING STRUCTURE. The County Planning Commiss CONDITIONS. of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments A copy of the petition, site plan, and other thereto as well as a copy be examined in the office of the documents related to this request mlocated in Room 600 of the Roanoke Department of Planning and Zoning, County Administration Center. will provide assistance to handicapped persons Roanoke County Such individuals are requested to desiring to attend public hearings. 703J 772-2018) if contact the County office of Persforeattendance.t[ special provisions are necessary Given under my hand this 8TH day of MARCH, 1989. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke. County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1989 TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: ED NATT 1919 ELECTRIC ROAD S. W• ROA,NOKE, VA . 2 4 018 774-1197 L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a publi~cCHe28;ng989~tinir evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 the Community Vir inia, on the petition of THE Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, g esting AMENDMENT OF THE ROANOKE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS requ COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY ~~STpROCEDURES~O~ COUNTY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WE The County Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL. A copy of the Subdivision and amendments thereto as well as documents related to this request Department of Planning and Zoning, County Administration Center. and Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County a copy of the petition, and other may atedXin1Room1600hofothecRoanokee loc will provide assistance to handicapped persons Roanoke County desiring to attend public hearersonneluServiaesl([703]a772r2018)tif o contact the County office of P for attendance. special provisions are necessary Given under my hand this 8TH day of MARCH, 1989. ~- Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1989 TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P. 0. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VA. 24018 772-2003 LDGAL NOTICE OF A RDCULAR NlEETII~ OF TIC FtIQANORE COUNTY PLANNING OQrl~~IISSION Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Planning lic hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 7, 1989, in the Commission will hold a pub Community Room of the Roanoke County Ar~ninistration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, in Roanoke, Virginia to hear the following requests: Meadows vel.opers to vacate a portion of State Route 116 1. Petiti of Pa kway ~ n ~e~ou i o o directly east of the right of- Y isterial oa d er i in the Vinton Mag intersection of Jae Va ley District. 2. Petition of Jack Bess to rezone a 2.16 acre tract frame -31o~t de atta5422 ' -1, Business to operate an office in an existing structu , r~ rim Magisterial District. 'tarkey Road in the Cave Sp g _ 3. Petition of William and Eugenia Ball to amendZransition andntourezone v designation of a 1.23 acre tract from Development ~ rate medical j said property from R-1, Residential to B-1, Business to ope offices in an existing structure at 3511 Ogden Road in the Cave Spring . Magisterial District. 4. Petition of Stephen and Michelle Wike to rezone a 1.13 acre tract from R-1, ' Residential to B~-1, Business to operate an office in an existing structure, ~ . ri Magisterial District. located at 5681 Starkey Road in the Cave Sp ng 5. Petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to ~eOn-SiteRSewage County Subdivision Ordinance by adopting the Roanoke Coun y Disposal Systems and/or Wells Procedurees• All plans and ordinances are available for inspection in the Depaa tme~ntn ke Planning and Zoning, Room 600, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Vi g t will rovide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public Coun y P hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact they tend ~fice of Personn Services 703/772-2018 if special provisions are needs •for Given under my hand this 16th day of February, please publish evening edition Terrance Harrington, cretary Roanoke Times & World-News February 21, 1989 February 28, 1989 Please bill: Roanoke County Planning & Zoning P.O. Box 29800, Roanoke, VA 24018 ., / JACK G. BESS VIRGINIA CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR 9801 ELECTRIC ROAD, 8•W. SUITE A-IOB ROANOKE, VA. 24018 February 6, 1989 To The Honorable Supervisors of Roanoke County: This letter of application is a request that the County of Roanokfrom rezone the property at 5422 Starkey Road S. W. in Roanoke County R-3 to B-l. The effects of changes on the surroendinwillebe going opinion, will bBup°nessvwithnretail sabescto aoProfessional Office. from a Nursery I am requesting the rezoning to allow me to use the present structure for a Professional Office and feel that this use is consistent with Roanoke County's Land Use Plan. If further data on this matter is needed I will be glad to furnish it. Si cerely yours, ~' ~ri~ Jack G. Bess, C. L. S. EVERY MAN IS A DEBTOR TO HIS PROFESSION .__-__ ---~1 W FFICES OSTERHOUDT, FERG , NATT, AIXERON £~ AGEE APR FESSI CORPORATION 1919 ELECTR P. O. BOX 20068 CHARLES H. OSTERHOUDT MICHAEL 5. FERGUSON ROANOKE, VIRGINIA EDWARD A. NATT 24018- 169~J MICHAEL J. AHERON G~STEVEN AGEE MARK D. KIDD January 30, 1989 TO ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RE: STEPHEN and MICHELLE WIKE Dear Chairman and Members: TELEPHONE 703-774-1197 FqX NO. 703-774-0961 The Petitioners, STEPHEN and MICHELLE WIKE, respectfully request that the above-mentioned tract of land be rezoned from R-1 District, to B-1 District, for the purpose of office use. The property will be utilized by placing the office business in the existing structure on the property. The property utilization would be in accordance with the Future Land Use Plan of the County in that the property is designated as Core on said Plan and the proposed use fits into said category. This Plan would be consistent with the existing properties in the immediate area of the property which is the subject of this rezoning petition. Therefore, the impact on the surrounding area would be negligible. It would appear that this rezoning would be in the best interest of the County in that an existing residential property would be converted to an office use in an area which is developing as a mix for commercial and residential. The proposed office is moving from its present location at the intersection of Hunting Hills Drive and Starkey Road. There have been no problems or objections with the present site. It is therefore respectfully requested that the rezoning petition be approved. If we should be able to provide any further information, please let us know. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN a nd M I CH(E~LLfEA WIKE BY_ Cn~~~t~ ~1J?~L__------ Edward A. Natt, Of Counsel EANIdle JENNINGS T. BIRD CARR L. KINDER, JR. DONALD W.HUFFMAN ROBERT W.GOODLATTE LEA L.LAUTENSCHLAGER MALCOLM M. DOUBLES KENNETH J. LASKY ' _.__.~~ IR KINDER & UFFMAN NEY T LAW SUITE 200 126 CHURCH AVENUE, S. W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24011 February 6, 1989 Mr. Terry Harrington Director of Planning Roanoke Department of Planning and Zoning P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 TELEPHONE C703>982-1755 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 2795 ROANOKE, VA 24001-2795 In Re: Petition for Rezoning 1.231 acres on the North side of Ogden Road at 3511 Ogden Road Applicants: William F. Ball and Eugenia H. Ball Current Zoning: R-1 Requested Zoning: B-1 Dear Mr. Harrington: William F. Ball and Eugenia H. Ball are the owners of the 1.231 acre tract located at 3511 Ogden Road. This property lies on the north side of Ogden Road at its intersection with Colonial Avenue. William F. Ball is a physician currently practicing in Roanoke County at 4102 Electric Road. His practice has the name Roanoke Family Medicine, Inc., a professional corporation, and he is the sole owner of the professional corporation. The property is currently zoned R-1, Single Family Residential District and is being used as a residence. Dr. and Mrs. Ball desire a rezoning to B-1 Office With Conditions District in order to relocate his medical office, which is a family practice to the site on Ogden Road. He and Mrs. Ball are willing to limit the use to practice by no more than three (3) physicians. The rezoning will not have any detrimental effect an the surrounding area. The property adjoining the subject site is zoned B-1 Office District, and it is bounded on the south by Ogden Road and on the west by Colonial Avenue. The building on the site will be retained as it now is, and an addition constructed in the same style will be added to the rear of the current building. More than adequate buffering is being provided to protect the three residential lots to the north of the site. Based on the limitation in the number of physicians, the increased traffic will be minimal and the majority of such travel will be at times other than peak hours. L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at their evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, FEBRUARY 28, 1989 in the Community Room of the. Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of J. L. WOLTZ AND R. N. BRADLEY requesting rezoning from R-1 RESIDENTIAL to R-3 RESIDENTIAL of a tract containing 2.92 ACRES and located AT 3464 CHAPARRAL DRIVE in the CAVE SPRING Magisterial District. Rezoning has been requested to CONSTRUCT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES. The County Planning Commission recommends DENIAL. A copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and amendments thereto~as well as a copy of the petition, site plan, and other documAnts related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located in Room 600 of the Roanoke County Administration Center. Roanoke County will provide assistance to handicapped persons desiring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested to contact the County office of Personnel Services ([703 772-2018) if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 9TH day of FEBRUARY, 1989. ~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times and World News on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1989 Direct the bill for Publication to: J. L. WOLTZ 5249 CLEARBROOK LANE S.W. ROANOKE, VA. 24014 774-5263 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS MASONS COVE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ARTICLE I-NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Masons Cove Volunteer Fire Department. Section 2. Its objective shall be the preservation and protection of life and property from and during such fires and emergencies as may occur in Masons Cove, Rortnolce Co~ntt'y, Vtrgina and to lend assistance to neighboring towns and communities when requested, under contract, or mutual aid agreemeuC. ARTICLE bL-MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The active membership shall consist of not less than fifteen nor more than twenty-five members. Section 2. Every active member must be a resident of Roanoke County, unless otherwise approved by the department and 18 years of age or older. He must be a citizen of the United States of America, of sober and good moral character, and in good physical health. Section 3. Applications for membership must be recommended in writing by a member in good standing. A membership committee shall be appointed to investigate. At the next regular business meeting the applicants will be voted to active membership for a three month probationary period. The applicant must then serve this probationary period proving himself a suitable member by taking active part in all departmental work. This departmental work shall consist of 1.- attending all business meetings. 2.- attending all training sessions. 3.- aiding in the general upkeep of equipment and building. 4.- attending all fires. Valid excuses for absence d>>ring probationary period shall include sickness, accidents, emergencies, or other reasons approved by tJ~e ~li~par.tnu~ne. The iuumber.:, shall. rtcc~~pt or di.suriss upon c.uny~ I c~ l Ion u f l It f v p roh,t C i unary pc~r i.ud , acc•u rcl i n}; Lu the secret ~alloti vote of the utajority ul tt-e: members pr~scnt at a regular business meeting. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE III-OFFICERS Section 1. The operating officers of the department shall consist of Chief, Assistant Chief, 1st Lieutenant and 2nd Lieutenant. The administrative officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary- Treasurer. Section 2. The department shall elect the Chief, and Assistanteariand Such elections can be held at any time during the y shall require a majority vote of the members present to elect. The Chief shall appoint such additional officers as deemed necessary. The Chief and Assistant Chief shall remain in office permanently unless removed for violations of rules and regulations as stated in the Constitution and By-Laws. Section 3. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of five members. Three of the Directors shall be the President, Chief, and Secretary-Treasurer. The other two Directors shall be elected from the Active membership. ARTICLE IV-ELECTION OF OFFICERS tion 1 S The election of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, 2nd . ec Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Captain, 1st Lieutenant, shall be held at the Lieutenant and two additional Directors, ularly scheduled meeting in June. Vacancies are to t re fi g rs be filled as necessary by vote of majority members present. Section 2. A majority vote of all members present shall be required to elect a member to office. Section 3. The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30 inclusive. Section 4. The election of Chief and Assistant Chief shall be defined in Article 3, and Section 2. Section 5. Elected President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant hall be elected Secretary-Treasurer and two additional Directors s for one term. 1st Lieutenant and 2nd Lieutenant shall be elected tain d Ca t l Section 6. , p e ec E for two consecutive terms. ARTICLE V-DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all He order . regular and special meetings and to preserve shall appoint all committees. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in the discharge of his duties and to officiate in his adsence. CONS'iITUTION AND BY-LAWS Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect all moneys due the department and safely keep same for the use and benefit of the department. He shall deposit all moneys in the name of the Masons Cove Volunteer Fire Department in a depository named by the department. He shall sign all checks, notes, and drafts upon order by the department or majority of the Directors. It shall be his duty to keep a correct roll of membership of the department and shall note and keep strict account of all absentees. He shall write in a minute book full account nswerlallocordrespondencleeforethegdepartmentll rECeive and a Section 4. The Assistant-Treasurer shall assist the Secretary-Treasurer at his direction and in the event of the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, act in his capacity as covered in Article 5, Section 3 and 5. Section 5• shallesignaallTchecksebeforeytheyaaresvalid~ry-Treasurer Section 6. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be as follows: a. To determine the financial policy of the organization. b. To safeguard and invest organization funds. c. To act in the absence of the department on all matters concerning organization welfare. ARTICLE VI-MONEY AND EQUIPMENT Section 1. All money on deposit or hereafter deposited under the name of the department, of the department is the exclusive property rer only as and may be disbursed by the Secretary-Treasu tive members present directed. by the majority vote of the ac or the Board of Directors. Section 2. Tlie equipment, including pumper, tank truck, nozzles, masks, cellaneous equipment is i s auxiliary pumps, hose and other m of the department regardless of changing t y the sole proper personnel. Section 3. Any person leaving the department, either voluntarilandrall uity in any his e i q ts by request, automatically forfe equipment owned by the department. l~ llon S ~n m~~ml~c~r wil1~ 'I'hr~•c~ yt~.ir:; srrvt~•c wlio Icavc•s Clio dc~~nrLnx~nC Y to , cc . in good standing, play retain his badge as a momen C .CONS'1't'iU'lION MID BY-LAWS ARTICLE VII-MEETINGS Section 1• deemedsnemessarysbyntherActive membershipl~all be held as Section 2. The President may call a specialmbiiioTSpublicing by notifying all active members by announcement. Section 3. The presence of at least ten members shall be required to constitute a quorum. Section 4. The presence of at least three directors shall be required to constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VIII-DISMISSALS Section 1. Any member missing all business meetings and all departmental subject to ll b e sessions during a two month period sha nless the member obtains dismissal from the department, u ress permission of the President or Chief to miss the x h p e e t meetings. Long periods of sickness, accidents, and other emergencies will be accepted as valid excuses. Section 2. hallcbeadismisseds u c l t y e department s the to discredit o bring Section 3. Any member missing two continuous meetings shall be sent a letter of intent. Section 4. Any member missing two consecutive calls, shall be subject dismissal by vote of to a letter of intent; and subject to the Department. ARTICLE IX-AMENDMENTS Section 1. No alterations or amendments shall be made to the Constitution t a regular meeting. i ng a or By-Laws unless proposed in writ rred to the Board of f e The proposed amendment shall be re for study and then be voted upon at the next regular t ors direc the active and shall require the majority vote of i . ng, meet member;; present Ior adoption., CUNSfl'1'U'1'lUN ANll liY-LAWS ARTICLE X-LIMITATIONS Section 1. No rules or regulations shall be made which shall conflict with the laws of Virginia, the Ordinances, or~the Resolutions of the Masons Cove Fire Department. ARTICLE XI-OATH OF ALLEGIANCE "I pledge myself to fulfill, to the best of my ability, the duties of the good fireman and to abide by the Constitution of The United States, the State of Virginia, and the Masons Cove Volunteer Fire Department. Further, to keep all Departmental business CUllfideiltial." ARTICLE XII-ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Roll Ca11. 2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting. 3. Secretary-Treasurer's report and reading of bills. 4. Report of Committees. 5. Reading of communications and action on same. 6. Unfinished business. 7. New business. 8. Report on fires. 9, Nomination of candidate for membership. 10. Nomination of officers. 11. Good of the Department. I'%. Adjournment. Approved and accepted this day of 19 President Chief Secretary-Treasurer Masons Cove Fire Department Officers and the Board of Directors met January 9, 1980, and approved the duties of the officers listed below. 1. Chief - Head Supervisor over all actions in the Fire Dept. 2. Asst. Chief - In charge of all activities and the up-keep of the building. 3. Captain - In charge over all Dept. Vehicles, keeping up the maintenance: Captain is also in charge of_ holding training meetings once a month. 4. 1st Lieutenant -Assists Captain holding training meetings, plus Captain assigns any other duties. 5. 2nd Lieutenant -Assists 1st Lieutenant and Capta:i.n in training meetings, plus Captain assigns any other duties. Recommended and Agreed on by the Officers and the Board of Directors. y„., t a~*~ ~i. f'~ ~. ,'krs'. ~''`a. ~~: ~`?~~ ,~4p~, K„ ~r.. •„ r.,~`~s ,~,,or z ~.:i -., s1 `:, v i t,~' ~~'~ -~ ,,~. ~'R ,~ ,t7~1, 4•~ ~ ~;r'.~~ ~~ ~ ., j f b I F ~p ~ ~1 •yw + r~i. `.Y Et 3 t ~`.. 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We have applied all or part of your refund to an obligation of past due child and spousal support. Any remaining refund due you will be issued within weeks. If you feel this obligation is in error, contact the state agency at the address and/or telephone number listed below: ^ 2. Your refund or part of it has been applied to other taxes that you owe. Any remaining refund due you was (or will be) issued ^ 3. We have applied $ of your refund to your unpaid account(s) for 4. Some items on your return are being reviewed; therefore, a portion of your ^ refund is being withheld. If no change is required to these items you will receive the additional refund. If a change is required, you will be notified within weeks. ^ 5. Your refund is different than expected because you made an error on your tax return. The error was If you disagree with this correction, you may appeal by writing to the Internal Revenue Service Center, within the next 60 days. You must state the reason why you disagree. If your reason is acceptable, the remainder of your overpayment will be refunded to you. If your reason is unacceptable, the Service Center will notify you. ^ 6. Your return is being considered for examination. You will be advised by the Examination Division if any additional information is required. ^ 7. Our initial research indicates that you are involved in bankruptcy proceedings and that your refund has been temporarily delayed. Your case will be researched to determine the proper disposition of the refund. You should receive your refund or be c~rtacted within weeks. ' ^ 8. Your amended return has been received. Please allow weeks for processing. If you have not been contacted within that time, please call our office. Department of the Treasury-Internal Revenue Service Form 8034 (Rev. 7-84) ^ g. Our records indicate the estimated tax payments credited to your account for - are Date Amount Overpayment From Tax Year ISat e Amount . Payments ^ 10. The amount of interest paid to IRS during 19 was $ interest. are applied in the following order: taxes owed, penalties, lied to Therefore, it is possible to make payments but have nothing app interest. was ~ ^ 11. The amount of interest received by you during Interest in any amount on a tax refund is income to you during the year of receipt and must be reported on your return. ^ 12. The balance due on your 19 Tax Payments and credits Penalties Interest Total Balance Due tax account as of is: If the balance due is not paid by the above date, additional penalties and interest will be charged. ~ 13. The employer identification number is ~ . ^ 14. We are unable to locate an employer identification number for In order to have an employer identification number assigned to you, please complete the enclosed Form SS-4 and mail to the Internal Revenue Service Center, You will receive your employer identification number within 6 weeks. Form 8034 (Rev. 7-84) {, U.S. Government Printing Offloe: tftt--Ott-50S/20232 VIRGINIA: B¢O~ THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY acre parcel of land, ) A~_ generally located ~~,~~ st~,°~T Rc1 S.Wl Tir inia 7401/ ) ~~~7~ R ~ P CATION within the Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 89.19-2-4&5 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUpEEtVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Jack G. Bess, C. L. S. WHEREAS, your Petitioner has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezDistrict above-referenced parcel of land from R-3 District for the purpose of Professional Offices to B-1 WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after das legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, March 7 , 19 89 and amended, did hold a public hearing on WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and nded to WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due~considPpaoved withrpr~~red the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning C~nisflland~b~~ e oned the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel o from R-3 to B-1 and upon the The above action was adopted on motion of Don Witt following recorded vote: Witt Robinson, Massey, Winstead, Gordon, AYES: ~yS; None Respectfully submitted, ABSENT: None ~L~ ~ ~- . Terrance Harrington SecCommission Roanoke County Planning VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 1.231 acre parcel of land, ~ generally located on the North ) side of Ogden Road at ) RECOMMENDATION 3511 Ogden Road within the ) Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel 77.11-1-57 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY•and WHEREAS, your Petitioners, William F. Ball have filed with the Secretary to the Eugenia H. Ball, Planning Commission a Petition to rezone the Single Family above-referenced parcel of land from R-1, 'dential District to B-1, Office With Conditions District Resi for the purpose of constructing and operating medical offices. WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the PlanriinC3 al notice as required by Commission which, after due leg inia of 1950, as Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virg 1989 and ublic hearing on March 7, amended, did hold a p WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in and interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of Countyered Su ervisors that the rezoning be approved with proff P conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors that the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned to B-l, Office with conditions. The above action was adopted on motion of OON WITT and upon the following recorded vote: Robinson, Massey, Winstead, Gordon, Witt AYES: NAYS: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Secretary y Commission Roanoke ount Panning sd/G221 _2_ JIRGINIA: EFORE THE_BOARD OF COUNTY_SUPERVISORS OF_ROANOKE_COUNTY B ----- ^STERHOUDT. FERGU: NATT. AHERON & A[ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAH RGANOKE, VIRGIN II 24G1H-tfi99 ) ENDATION IN RE: ) RECOMM_-- __-- q 1.13 acre parcel of land, generally ) located on the westerly side of Starkey] Road, near its intersection with Buck Mountain Road within the Cave j Spring Magisterial ) District and recorded as Parcel #87.18-1-40, in the Roanoke County ~ Tax Records. TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioners, STEPHEN and MICHELLE WIKE, have filed with the Secretary of the Planning arcel Commission a petition to rezone the above-referenced p d from R-1 District to B-1 District for the purpose of of lan office use. WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning al notice as required by Commission which, after due leg Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as 1989; and amended, did hold a public hearing on March 7, WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County ranted. °N Supervisors that the rezoning be g EE THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha t the P I ann i ng NOW, Commission recommends to the Board of County Supervisors the above-referenced parcel of land be rezoned to B-1 that The above District, subject to the proferred conditions. 'on was adopted on motion of Mr. Witt, and upon the acts following recorded vote: Mr. Massie AYES: Mr. Witt, Mr• Gordon, Mr. Robinson, NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mr. Winstead R4.n8.e Respectfully submitted, .~ Secretary planning Commission Roanoke County ^GTERHOUDT, FERGUSDN NATT, AHERQN & AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-1699 Z ~w ~ / VIRGINIA. CHARTERED 1882 March 14, 1989 File #306-62-214 Mr. Paul M. Prtahoney County Attorney County of Roanoke p, O. Box 29800 24018-0798 Roanoke, Virginia pffice of the City Clerk Dear n~1r. 1!-iahoney: I am enclosing Counci l 119ember David A. Bowers, At the request °f ur in.g the Committee on District 29493, g in the General District copy of Resolution NO~udicial vacancy a ] u on the election of Courts to certify Third Judicial District, p Court of the Twenty- Strickland as a Circuit Court Judge of which Resolution No. 29493 was the Honorable Diane Mc~• Roanoke at a regular the Twenty-Third Judicial Ctrthet'City °f adopted by the Council °f 1989. meeting held on 67onday, h?arch 13, an questions, please do not hesitate to call me at If you have y 981-2541. S incere l,y, CMC Mary F. Parker, City Clerk T~1FP: ra Enc. Room 456 Municipal building 215 Church Avenue, 5 W. Roanoke. Virginia 24011 C703) 981-2541 0. ' CIL44F THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, I N THE COI's The 13th day of~`~arch~ 1,989, .,\ ,No. 29493. A the Committee on District Courts ~- w li~''~'~ ~" `= in the General District Court of a judicial vacancy Judicial District, upon the election of the the Twenty-Third 0• Strickland as a Circuit Court Judge of gonorable Diane Mc. the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuity ~~~ McQ • one of the Diane Strickland, WHEREAS, the Honorable Third Judi- ud es of the Tweaty- five General District Court j g been elected as a Circuit Court Judge of District, has cial the 1989 Session of the the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit by General Assembly; and General Assembly has heretofore seen fit to - WHEREAS, the Twenty ud es to serve the elect five General District Court j B istrict which is composed of the City of Third Judicial D Vinton and Roanoke Roanoke, the City of Salem, the Town of County; created by the WHEREAS, failure to certify the vacancy udiciary f Judge Strickland to the Circuit Court j election o cklog of cases and impose an undue hardship will create a ba and Bar and judi~~Y~ upon the public, ~ that WHEREAS, Judicial District Twenty-Third it is very important that the ud es; served by five General District Court j g continue to be °`~ ~ ~ o f THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the- Roanoke as 'follows: ~, G ~~- 1. T ~~ the need for five General District • n+ f n>> rj~ t Court judges for the Twenty-Third Judicial District in order that a successsor can be elected to the Honorable Diane McQ• Strick~la~nrd. ~ 2 ~~''~he C~t9` Clerk is directed to forward attested copies of this resolution to the members of the Committee on District Courts, to the Circuit Court Judges of the Twenty- Third Judicial Circuit, to the General District Court Judges Third Judicial District, to the President of of the Twenty- / ~ ~ S the Roanoke Association and to the members of the General ~ urisdictions in the Twenty-Third Assembly representing j Judicial District. ATTEST: City Clerk. Office of the Governor Gerald L.Baliles Richmond 23219 Governor March 10, 1989 The Honorable Lee Garrett Chairman Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Chairman Garrett: ~ -~ ~. -~ ~~ ~? w '~ l,~` ~"` ~~ Employment and You may be aware that Congress has rewritten Title ITI, Training Assistance For Dislocated Workers, of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) in the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. As required by the Act, the Governor reconstituted the state Job Training Coordinating Council. The Governor also received and took the recommendation from the Council designating the current fourteen service delivery areas as substate areas for the state. The Governor, by executive order, will establish a structure at the state level which is consistent with the manner in which the dislocated workers program has been administered under Title III of the JTPA. The Governor's Employment and Training Department will be responsible for communication and coordination with the United States Department of Labor. The Virginia Employment Commission will be designated as the state dislocated worker unit, with administrative responsibility for the dislocated worker program. Another provision of this legislation requires the designation of substate grantees. The designation will be made after the Governor consults with the local elected official(s) of the area, policy boards, and Private -Industry Councils. If agreement cannot be reached wi~~th the local elected officials and Private Industry Councils through this consultation process, the Act requires the Governor to select the substate grantee... Marrh 10, 1989 Page 2 Under the new federal law, the following entities are eligible for designation as substate grantees: (1) service delivery area grant recipients or administrative entities; `v (2) local offices of state agencies; (3) other public agencies, such as community colleges and area vocational schools; (4) units of general local government in the substate area, or agencies of local government; (5) private nonprofit organizations; and (6) Private Industry Councils in the substate area. The federal law also requires substate grantees to use funds to: ° provide basic readjustment services to workers; ° provide training services to workers (including classroom, on-the-job, basic and remedial education and literacy); and ° provide needs-related payments (payments made to a worker who does not qualify for unemployment compensation or who has ceased to qualify for unemployment compensation and who is in training). A substate grantee may provide these services directly or through contract, grant or agreement with service providers. Please provide your recommendation to the Governor by Marcleaseokeepein attached sheet for the substate grantee for your area. Also, p mind that any recommended desth~nedulyul~ b9$9ble to provide services and be ready for operation no later If you have any questions, feel free to call either Valorie P. Watkins or Richard A. Arenstein in the Governor's Office at 786-2211. Please accept my sincere appreciation for your assistance concerning this matter. Very truly yours, ~• ndrew B. Fog Y Chief of Staf ABF/dpb Attachment cc: Richard Arenstein Valorie Watkins The Honorable Andrew B. Fogarty Chief of Staff Governor's Office State Capitol Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Dr. Fogarty: The recommendation to the Governor for the substate grantee for the operation of the Title III, Employment and Training Assistance For Dislocated Workers, of the Job Training Partnership Act in the substate area is: substate area ~~~ ~lo~-rte n r i'1 c~ ~~ ~- Name of the ~! r,~ ~ h ~ ~ ~-~-y~ ~ ~D y m-2~ ~ ~~"~'l ~ recommended substate grantee ~ Address /a D a ~/`G~ i`-~' l~ Type of entity Name of contact person for S~~d /'Y)b/'~. recommended substate grantee ~ ~ Orle Telephone number of contact ~ F ~ _ ~ a ,,~ person d Signature Title