HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/11/1989 - Regularof aoa-uo~.~ •" Z Z v ~ a~ 18 ~~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~' A Beauu~ul8eginning C~nixn#~ of ~n~tn~~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA APRIL 11, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE AN EVENING SESSION TONIGHT FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS (page 4) A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call: ALL MEMBERS PRESENT 2. Invocation: The Reverend Tom Jones Fort Lewis Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS BLJ REQUESTED THAT ITEM C-1 BE CONTINUED UNTIL AFTER NEW BUSINESS BLJ ADDED ITEM K-8, REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RAFFLE PERMIT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS FOOD SERVICE CHAPTER C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to County dispatchers in observance of Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 10 - 16) . R-41189-2 SHERIFF KAVANAUGH, CHIEF FUQUA AND DISPATCHERS PRESENT LG/SAM TO ADOPT RESO URC D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for VDOT Revenue Sharing Funds for road construction and drainage improvements. A-41189-1 RR/SAM TO APPROVE CONTINGENT UPON PARTICIPATION OF DEVELOPERS OR HOMEOWNERS - URC E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Article II, "Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code," of Chapter 9, "Fire Prevention and Protection," of the Roanoke County Code by the addition of Section F-318.1, "Cooking Devices on Balconies." BLJ/RR TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING - 4/25/89 URC 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control" of the Roanoke County Code by amending Article I, "In General," Section 8-2, "Definitions;" Section 8-7, "Penalty for Violation of Chapter;" Section 8-18, "Failure to Comply with Approved Plans;" and Article II, "Control Plan for Land-Disturbing Activities," Section 8-32, "Filing Fee," by repealing Article I, "In General," Section 8-3, "Exemptions from Chapter," and by adopting a new Section 8-18 (C) under Article I, "In General," Section 8-18, "Failure to Comply with Approved Plans," entitled "Stop-Work Order" SAM/HCN TO APPROVE 1ST READING URC 2ND - 4/25/89 1 CITIZEN SPOKE IN OPPOSITION 3. Ordinance amending and re-enacting Chapter 15, "Parks and Recreation," of the Roanoke County Code to provide for the regulation of conduct in public parks. 2 BLJ/RR TO APPROVE 1ST READING URC 2ND READING - 4/25/89 VDOT SHOULD BE INFORMED BECAUSE OF PARK ACCESS ROADS 4. Ordinance authorizing acquisition of real estate for a pump station, water storage tank, and water line ease- ments for the Old Hollins Road Water Line Project. BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE 1ST READING URC 2ND - 4/25/89 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and re-enacting Chapter 17, "Subdivisions," of the Roanoke County Code to provide for adoption of standards and specifications for on- site sewage disposal systems and/or wells and to authorize the adoption, by resolution, of a new section of the Design and Construction Standards Manual. 0-41189-3 SAM/HCN TO APPROVE ORD URC R-41189-4 BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE RESO URC 1 CITIZEN SPOKE BLJ/SAM TO GO FORWARD WITH DISCUSSION WITH ORCHARDS HOMEOWNERS TO EXTEND SEWER LINE, CONTINGENT UPON PARTICIPATION BY HOMEOWNERS AS CALLED FOR IN ORD. - URC I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Board RR NOMINATED WEBB JOHNSON TO ANOTHER ONE-YEAR TERM 3. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board 3 J. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS ROBERS: (1) ASKED COUNTY ATTORNEY T0: (A) RESEARCH POSSIBILITY OF ORDINANCE TO BAN SALE OF NON-BIO-DEGRABLE REFUSE BECAUSE IT DOES NOT DECOMPOSE IN LANDFILL; (B) POSSIBILITY OF TAXING THE CONTAINERS SUCH AS PLASTIC BAGS, FAST FOOD CONTAINERS; (C) INVESTIGATE STEPS THAT ROANOKE COUNTY CAN TAKE TO ADDRESS THE DRUG PROBLEM. (2) ADVISED HE HAD RECEIVED PETITION FROM CAVE SPRING AREA ASKING THAT REFUSE FEE BE PLACED ON GARBAGE COLLECTION TO FUND RECYCLING. (3) ANNOUNCED CLEAN VALLEY DAY WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 15, (4) HEARD FROM ECH THAT REPRESENTATIVES FROM GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY WILL VISIT ROANOKE CO. ON JUNE 1, 2 MCGRAW: AGREED WITH ROBERS ON RECYCLING. SUGGESTED TALKING WITH LEGISLATORS IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF STATE ORDINANCES CONCERNING PLASTICS, STYROFOAM, ETC. GARRETT: ADVISED THAT ONLY 12 PEOPLE HAD SIGNED PETITION OUT OF 7500 IN CAVE SPRING AREA AND THAT THE BOARD WAIT TO IMPLEMENT FULL-SCALE RECYCLING EFFORT UNTIL NEW LANDFILL IS READY. JOHNSON: ADVISED HE FELT RECYCLING SHOULD BE ATTACKED REGIONALLY BY THE LANDFILL BOARD. K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-41189-5 HCN/SAM WITH ITEM K-8 ADDED URC 1. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving The Falls, section 4. A-41189-5.a 2. Request acceptance of Fox Ridge Road into the VDOT Secondary System. R-41189-5.b 3. Confirmation of committee appointment to the League of Older Americans Advisory Board. A-41189-5.c 4 4. Acknowledge acceptance of Cavalier Drive, Westbriar Court, and Cavalier Court (Canterbury Park, sections 3 and 4) into the VDOT Secondary System. A-41189-5.d 5. Authorize temporary use of the former Bent Mountain Fire Station building by the Bent Mountain Woman's Club. A-41189-5.e 6. Acceptance from David M. and Pamela B. Mangrum of a drainage easement across lot 13, block 2, section 2 of Forest Edge. A-41189-5.f 7. Acceptance from Roanoke Regional Airport Commission of a water line easement. A-41189-5.g 8. Approval of Raffle Permit for the Roanoke County Schools Food Service Chapter A-41189-5.h L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 LAURA HUBSCH. 1710 MILL POND DR. IN SUPPORT OF RECYCLING BUT OPPOSED TO FEE FOR REFUSE COLLECTION. 2 JUDITH BURTON, 8440 BRADSHAW ROAD REQUESTED THAT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUY HER HOUSE BECAUSE SHE IS UNABLE TO SELL BECAUSE OF THE PROPOSED LANDFILL SITE AT SMITH GAP. 3 MIKEY WINNER. 3878 HARBORWOOD ROAD, ROANOKE VALLEY LANDFILL BOARD SPOKE IN SUPPORT OF RECYCLING. ADVISED SHE WILL REQUEST THAT LANDFILL BOARD INCREASE TIPPING FEE TO $30.00 AND REQUESTED SUPPORT. SAM/RR TO SUPPORT INCREASED TIPPING FEE BY LANDFILL BOARD - MOTION TABLED. BLJ/HCN TO TABLE UNTIL STAFF CAN PRESENT A COST ANALYSIS OF THE AFFECT OF THE INCREASED TIPPING FEE. AYES: BLJ,HCN,LG NAYS: RR, SAM M. REPORTS 5 HCN/LG TO RECEIVE AND FILE UVV 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 5 MINUTE RECESS AT 5:05 P.M. 5:15 PM - RECONVENE N. WORK SESSIONS 1. Funding Priorities, Secondary Highway Six-Year Construction Plan HCN/BLJ AMENDED MOTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR 4/25/89 URC 2. 1989-90 Budget 0. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A. (7) CONSULTATION ON A LEGAL MATTER CONCERNING LANDFILL AND SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR LG/BLJ AT 6:15 P.M. URC BLJ/SAM OUT AT 6:50 P.M. URC EVENING SESSION (7:10 P.M. P. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulations to the Cave Spring High School Girls Basketball Team. R-41189-6 BLJ/HCN TO APPROVE RESO URC 6 2. Presentation by Larry Desper of $82,016.90 check from Virginia Water Project for Hollins Community Development Project. Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 489-1. Public Hearing on the County's proposed 1989-90 budget. 21 CITIZENS SPOKE CONCERNING THE BUDGET 489-2. Public Hearing to set a real estate tax rate of not more that $3.50 per $100 of assessed valuation in Roanoke County and adoption of tax rate. 3 CITIZENS SPOKE R-41189-7 BLJ/LG TO SET REAL ESTATE TAX RATE AT $1.15 PER $100 ASSESSED VALUATION URC 489-3. Public Hearing to set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 of assessed valuation in Roanoke County and adoption of tax rate. 489-4. Public Hearing to set a machinery and tools tax rate of not more than $3.00 per $100 of assessed valuation in Roanoke County and adoption of tax rate. R-41189-8 HCN/BLJ TO SET PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RATE AT $3.50 PER $100 AND MACHINERY AND TOOLS TAX RATE AT $3.00 PER $100 OF ASSESSED VALUATION URC R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 489-5. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance concerning issuance of not to exceed $174,432.13 general obligation school bonds to finance the purchase of equipment through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procure ment and Financing Program for school purposes. 0-41189-9 BLJ/SAM TO APPROVE ORD AND DISPENSE WITH 2ND READING URC 489-6. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance concerning issuance of not to exceed $464,126.74 7 w -' general obligation school bonds to finance the purchase of equipment for school purposes. 0-41189-10 HCN/RR TO APPROVE ORD AND DISPENSE WITH 2ND READING URC S. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. SHARON SESSIONS, 2809 12 O'CLOCK KNOB ROAD, REPRESENTATIVE OF CATAWBA LITTLE LEAGUE. CONCERNED ABOUT EXPIRATION DATE OF 12/89 FOR USE OF FIELDS AT MCVITTY AND SHAMROCK PARK. 2 KEITH FRAZIER, 1910 QUEENSMILL DR. WAS CONCERNED ABOUT THE CONTINUED AVAILABILITY OF FIELDS IN GLENVAR BEFORE GREEN HILL FIELDS ARE READY FOR USE. HE REQUESTED THAT $100,000 BE ALLOCATED IN THE BUDGET FOR UPGRADING OF FIELDS. BLJ DIRECTED COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO MEET WITH RESIDENTS OF GLENVAR TO FIND A SOLUTION AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD MEMBERS IN 30 DAYS (MAY 9TH MTG. ) T . ADJOURNMENT BLJ/LG AT 9:15 P.M. - UW 8 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA APRIL 11, 1989 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE AN EVENING SESSION TONIGHT FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS (page 4) A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Tom Jones Fort Lewis Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD T0, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to County dispatchers in observance of Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 10 - 16). D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for VDOT Revenue Sharing Funds for road construction and drainage improvements. E. REQUESTS FOR WORR SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Article II, "Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code," of Chapter 9, "Fire Prevention and Protection," of the Roanoke County Code by the addition of Section F-318.1, "Cooking Devices on Balconies." 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control" of the Roanoke County Code by amending Article I, "In General," Section 8-2, "Definitions;" Section 8-7,"Penalty for Violation of Chapter;" Section 8-18, "Failure to Com 1 with Approved Plans;" and Article II, "Control Plan for Land-Disturbing Activities," Section 8-32, "Filing Fee," by repealing Article I, "In General," Section 8-3, "Exemptions from Chapter," and by adopting a new Section 8-18(C) under Article I, "In General," Section 8-18, "Failure to Comply with Approved Plans," entitled "Stop-Work Order" 3. Ordinance amending and re-enacting Chapter 15, "Parks and Recreation," of the Roanoke County Code to provide for the regulation of conduct in public parks. 4. Ordinance authorizing acquisition of real estate for a pump station, water storage tank, and water line ease- ments for the Old Hollins Road Water Line Project. H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and re-enacting Chapter 17, "Subdivisions," of the Roanoke County Code to provide for adoption of standards and specifications for on- site sewage disposal systems and/or wells and to authorize the adoption, by resolution, of a new section of the Design and Construction Standards Manual. I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 2 3. Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board J. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving The Falls, section 4. 2. Request acceptance of Fox Ridge Road into the VDOT Secondary System. 3. Confirmation of committee appointment to the League of Older Americans Advisory Board. 4. Acknowledge acceptance of Cavalier Drive, Westbriar Court, and Cavalier Court (Canterbury Park, sections 3 and 4) into the VDOT Seco ndary System. 5. Authorize temporary use o f the former Bent Mountain Fire Station building by the Bent Mountain Woman's Club. 6. Acceptance from David M, and Pamela B. Mangrum of a drainage easement across lot 13, block 2, section 2 of Forest Edge. 7. Acceptance from Roanoke Regional Airport Commission of a water line easement. L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund N. WORK SESSIONS 1. Funding Priorities, Secondary Highway Six-Year Construction Plan 2. 1989-90 Budget O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A.7 EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) P. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulations to the Cave Spring High School Girls Basketball Team. Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 489-1. Public Hearing on the County's proposed 1989-90 budget. 489-2. Public Hearing to set a real estate tax rate of not more than $1.15 per $100 of assessed valuation in Roanoke County and adoption of tax rate. 489-3. Public Hearing to set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 of assessed valuation in Roanoke County and adoption of tax rate. 489-4. Public Hearing to set a machinery and tools tax rate of not more than $3.00 per $100 of assessed valuation in Roanoke County and adoption of tax rate. R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 4 489-5. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance concerning issuance of not to exceed $174,432.13 general obligation school bonds to finance the purchase of equipment through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procure- ment and Financing Program for school purposes. 489-6. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance concerning issuance of not to exceed $464,126.74 general obligation school bonds to finance the purchase of equipment for school purposes. S. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS T. ADJOURNMENT 5 ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION 41189-2 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Public Safety Dispatchers of Roanoke County serve our citizens in a dedicated and professional manner; and WHEREAS, through their swift and accurate response to emergency calls these dispatchers save countless lives; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Safety telecommunicators work to improve the emergency response capabilities of our communication system through their hard work and participation in on-going training and other programs; and WHEREAS, these telecommunicators provide a critical service needed by all citizens; and WHEREAS, the State of Virginia has designated the second week of April as a time to honor and recognize the telecommunicators of the State and the vital contributions they make to the safety and well-being of our citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of Roanoke County, do hereby express deepest appreciation for the service provided by the public safety dispatchers of Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does hereby declare the week of April 10 through 16 as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Roanoke County. a On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ,.r..c%~ Elmer C. Hodge, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Sheriff Michael Kavanaugh Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 G .1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Public Safety Dispatchers of Roanoke County serve our citizens in a dedicated and professional manner; and WHEREAS, through their swift and accurate response to emergency calls these dispatchers save countless lives; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Safety telecommunicators work to improve the emergency response capabilities of our communication system through their hard work and participation in on-going training and other programs; and WHEREAS, these telecommunicators provide a critical service needed by all citizens; and WHEREAS, the State of Virginia has designated the second week of April as a time to honor and recognize the telecommunicators of the State and the vital contributions they make to the safety and well-being of our citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of Roanoke County, do hereby express deepest appreciation for the service provided by the public safety dispatchers of Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does hereby declare the week of April 10 through 16 as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Roanoke County. a W HFi. ~i:T.~ F,'RG~1. ,/jam/ .~ T.• ~f ;Y._a-1L~'c: t~lEldF'~.~RT NEt~I'~ Ei~EF,'~~EPJ~~Y C.~~t9t~iLftJIt.hTI~~N_~ I?EfiRRTt~iENT ~~~r 5'EF,'Nf -F` EHL I LE_~ Htl_~ FEr= l~(.~NI~EC~ THE tJEEh ~~F aPRI L :t43-:ice RE F'! DEL I r ~= F?FE T T` TEL E+= +?hihll.~tJl L'H T-_~R_~ t~lEEf~; -A TI t1E T~~ N~~N±~R TH~~EE EhifiL±7'r'EF_' ± t~JH+? FE>'FC-F.'h1 FUBLI~: _~AFET'r' G~I'-~FATCHItd~+ G~L~TIE_-~. THE F~~LLZ~tJINt* fiR!~-+='LHhil-7TI±~tJ FR~~hi THE ~*l.7 ~;'EfiN~~F' t~ll L L BE F'RE_~EPv TE0 A T THE T I [?EtdATER TEL E~,-?t~ihiCrtll ~•R T I +?N' ti BHtJt?LSE T ~+tJ r~FR I L 1~ r~ T THE R I F.'fic"~R T H I L Tc.~N I lJ tJC7RF~"~L I;'. I N RC?D I T I +?tJ.~ T•ELE+_ +~hihi! rt~Jl+~ HT~~R_==. Fi Chi AR~~1L-tJC~ THE +_ +Jhihl~~Nt~1Er^iL TH b1ILL BE RECO~.~tJIEEC~ F~~R' THE I F,' GEG} I r='N T I ~ +id HNL~ ~~(~1C~FRr fE I t~f FERFr -F'hi I N~~ ~~tJE ~7F THE h i~~'~ T I hiF'F,'l~ THtd T _Tr~E~_, IN E~~C.IET~r'. t~1HE~REAE: G~EG~ICRTEG~ FC~BLI~, EAFET~r' TELEr_t~U1h1L.HdIC.AT~~R4: G' I '~FH T CHEF,"~ ANL? CALL TAk; ER_~ CHI L `r' EER"s~'E THE -~I T I ~ Ei~! ~ ~ iF S: I F! t I tJI H E `r` 1-3NEbJEF.' I PJG THEIR ~'AL L E F~~R F~~L I CE.~ FIRE.. AtJG~ Eh1ERC~ENi~. `r' h1Et`~ I CF~L '~ER's'I!:E~ AtJG} E'r' CiI_~FATCHING THE HF'F'1~'(]FRIATE A'~_~I'~TAtJCE A_~ !~?C-Ir=k:L'r A_~ Fi~EE I EL E; AtJD t~JHEREA~+: fiR~~FEEEI~~NAL TELE~'~.?t1hfL~NIi:RT~~RE t~J~~F,`F; T~~ Ih1FF,'1.~~;'E THE EhiEF! TENC'r' RE_~F'~ rN'~E C.Hfit~BIL I T I E~+ r?F CrC~F' [~~~h11'1UtJIl•F~T I ~~N_~_~'r''~ TEI'i THR~~L~I.~H THEIR G~Et?ICATI~~N.~ HARG~ tJORk; ANC FAF'TICIFATIL~td IFJ +?N-~~-?Iti~T TRAI PJI tJC: ANL~ t~ THER F'F,'Crt*F.'>•7h1E; RtJC~ tdHERER_~, THESE TELE+=+1h1h1L~NICAT+?RE OFTEPJ t~l~~Rk: L-?N~~ HRRC~ H~~t ~R^~ WI TN~~UT F.'Et~'Cr~~tJl T I ~+tJ E"r' THE CI T I ~EtJ'~ l7F l~C~R _-+Tt~TE.~ t~tdL? t~JHEREAE: THE'~E TELEC.~~hN~1UNICATL~R~ FR~~t'IG~E A CRITICHL _~ERti`I-_~E NEEC?ECy 8'r' AL. L r_ I T I ~. El! ~ ~ ANC l~1HEREA_-~: THESE F'F.'~~F•E~+EI-_~MAL ~ NEEG~ AND C%E_~ER~:'E THE ItJF~~Rh1EG~ =~L1F'F't~rF,'T ! -F ! ~C~F,' Ci rhfhi! ~NI TIE'S Tl~ C:~~tJTItJL~t~L.L T' hiHltJTt~ItJ HIJC~ IhiF'F..'t~-~:'E 7~HE t!E SAL I T4' C+F PL~BL I C. ERFET ~r` G~ I EFR T~~H I NG _~ER ~:'I (~.E'~ ~ RtJG~ tah'EFEA=~: THE '~ TATS ! -F 5~'I F..'~ ~ IIJI H HH'~ G~E'~ I GtJF~TEC~ THE _~E~:r +tVi l~1EEk; ~~F RfiRIL A~+ A 7Ih1E TO H~~PJ±~R Atvt".~ REC.Z~~~NI~E ~~Ltl*' TELEr= r7t~lhiLltJIC.RT4~+~:"~ HNGi THE ~~ I TRL -= C-tJTF,'IBC~TI ~~tJ_~ THE'r' hit=fk;E T~? THE AF•ET~` APJC~ tJELL-BEIM~~ ~~F ~~L~R CI TI~EtJE. Nr 1t-1., T HEREFr~F'E., I : C*ERHL C~ L . FILL I L E_-+ : ~~+?'v'EF'N~-F' ~ G~~- HEF'Efi'r' F.'E~~0+_;NI~F THE t~JEE•k: t~F t~fiRIL jF~-jc~: ~t?~=_?: A~ FL~ELIC. '~HFETT' TELEC~+hlhlt~tdlCATOR'~ tJE~Ek; HtJC? URr_ E ALL CI TI~EtJ_~ TC- h1Ak;E N~~TE -?F TNI_~ ~FEGIAL t~1EEF: AtJG~ i~I~;'E CLUE H~~Ni.~R Ti? ~~UR ~,TATE~ ~ FCrE'LI~~ L~hFET'r` TELEC.~~h1hiL~IJI ~:AT~-R_~. FZ1i' FLIRTNER It1F~~Rh1AT!-?N C~~MCERNIPJ~.~ THE Bt~Nt?t~ET.. Ct7LL _~E~~-4~f1-~'~~'? AUTH IJEt-JFL~RT NEtd_~ Eh1ER'L*EIJC~'r' ~L~(.~hlhil~lJIGATION'~ t~l. R. 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WHE.KE=AS ; ULU 1 LA T EU F'UEiL 1 L' UHF L I Y ~( ELtCUMMUN 1 L:A I UKS, U I UF'A TL:HI~KS ANU I~ALL I HKEKS UA 1 LY ULKV1= I HE L' 1 (1 LLNS OF V 1 KL; 1 N 1 H NY ANUWE.K 1 Nv T HE. 1 K I:HLLS F UK F'UL 1 l:E , F 1 KL , ANU E MF.KVL NLY ME L) i L;AL 3hhIM UFKV I (~E'S APJU BY U 15F'A T L:H 1 Nl~ T HL AI-'NKUF'k 1 A 1 lA AUU 1 U I ANL;E H5 ICU 1 CKLY AS PlJUS I CiLL : ANU WHLf-?E_A5, F'KUF tSS I UNAL TF LE:C:UMMUN I t/R I UKU WUKK (0 I MNKUVE THE EMEKGENCY Kk=SPUNSE L:APAB I L I I I EU OF UUK L:UMfiUN I l:A T~ 1 UNS SYS I EM ~IHkUUVH TFiEIK DEDICATION, HAkD WUKK ANU F'AKf1C1PATIUN 1N ON-UUIN(~ I~KA I N I NG AND UT HER PRC1taRAMU : ANU WHEREAS, THESE TELEC:UMMUN 1 LA"I CJKU OFTEN WUkK LUNU HAkU HUUKS A#MhhlrF WITHOUT RELOC~N 1 I 1 UN BY THE. C 1 1 11_LNS LJ(- UUK S I A f E.: ANU WHEREAS , 1 HESS 1 E.LEC:UMMUN I L:A I UKU F'KUV 1 L)(_ A L:K 1 1 1 L:AL SE.KV 1 L:E N>=EU(;U BY ALL C 1 T I Z1=N5; ANU WFII=kEAS, THESE. PkUFESSIUNALS NEED ANU UtSEKVE THt INFORMED SUF'PUR1' OF UUK I:UMMUN I f 1 ES 10 I:UN T 1 NUAL.LY MH I N I A 1 N ANU 1 MPKUVE 'THE: G1UAL i 1 Y Uh PUE1L 1 C SAFETY U 1 SPA T CH I Nv SEkV 1 CES ; ANU WHEKEHS, IHE: SIAfE OF V1KVINIA HA!~ UES1t;NAIEU IHE SECUND { ~[ h h it WEEK OF ANklL A5 A 1IME 7U HUNUK ANU REI;UvN1LE UUK T E LECLIMMUN I CA I UKS HND I HE V 1 I AL L:UN TR 1 l~U l• 1 UN5 1 HEY MAKE 1 U THE SAFETY HNU WELL-NE 1 N(~ Ut- UUK C 1 (1 LLNS . NUW, i HEKEF UKE , [ , VEKALI) L . EfHL 1 LE.S , t;UVkKNUK , UU HEKEEIY kEL:(JU'N1ZE THE. WELK OF HF'KiL 1U-1b, 1y>3y,. A5 NUEILIL: SHt-ETY fELECUMMiJN I l:Al URS WEEK: ANU IJKI.;E ALL Ir I T 1 LENS I U MAKE NU I E OF I H [' SNEC:1 AL WEEK ANU G 1 VE UUE H(.1NUk 1~U UUK 5 i HTL' S F'IJE{L 1 C: SAF E~T Y Uhh'R I k~LECUMMUN 1 l:A I UkS . ,, A-41189-1 ITEM NUMBER ~ ° ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: Request for Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Funds to construct Road and Drainage Improvements for roads in Hunting Hills Subdivision, Chaucer's Court in Canterbury Park Subdivision, and on Givens Avenue, located in West Roanoke County. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~~~~~~`~ L ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ~~ In accordance to Section 33.1-75.-1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Special Funds (Revenue Sharing) for Systems in Certain Counties; Roanoke County can request up to $500,000 in matching funds. These funds can be used for: (a) Maintaining, improving or constructing the Primary and Secondary Highways Systems within such County. (b) Bringing subdivision streets, used as such prior to July 1, 1978, up to standards sufficient to qualify them for inclusion in the State Primary and Secondary System of Highways. (Rural Addition Policy) Staff has developed a list of projects that will require no additional County Funds and qualify under the Revenue Sharing Program. Hunting Hills The 1985 Bond Referendum included $600,000 to be used primarily as matching funds to upgrade private roads, so that those roads can be taken into the State Secondary System. Within the priority list were 15 roadways within Hunting Hills Subdivision. Based on preliminary estimates $200,000 was allocated toward the improvements of these roads. Staff has recently been working on the roadways in Hunting Hills and based on detail calculations that have been prepared by VDOT Staff or estimates based on initial review of the other streets it appears that the anticipated cost of these road improvements is at $390,000. Matching funds will be needed as noted below. - ~ ~- $390,000 - Estimated Cost -200,000 - Funding for Hunting Hills 1985 Road Bond 190,000 Remaining Cost of Road Improvements - 15,000 Estimated Developer Contribution 175,000 Unfunded Improvements 50$ of the $175,000 equal $87,500 = Revenue Sharing Request Old Heritage Corporation, developers of Hunting Hills Subdivision has offered to provide the 50~ local match, if state matching funds can be secured to complete the reconstruction of the remaining private roadways within Hunting Hills. Chaucer's Court The property owners on Chaucer's Court (Rt. 1794), Canterbury Park Subdivision request that this road be upgraded to include curb and gutter and bituminous pavement. In accordance to their attached letter, the property owners are willing to fund the 50~ locality share. Matching funds will be needed as noted below. $45,000 - Estimated Cost -22,500 - Estimated local share $22,500 - Revenue Sharing Request Givens Avenue Roanoke County has approved as a drainage priority project, storm drain improvements to address the flooding in the area of Givens Avenue (Rt. 1109). Staff has discussed the proposed improvements with VDOT since flooding involves both private property and road right-of-way. Matching funds can be requested for project cost that apply to improving drainage along Givens Avenue. Oversizing of facilities for drainage originating beyond the right-of-way is Roanoke County's responsibility. $75,000 - Estimated Project Cost -10,000 - Oversizing Cost $65,000 - Project cost eligible for Matching Fund 50$ _ $32,500 of Revenue Sharing Request 50$ _ $32,500 funded through Drainage Budget. A summary of proposed Revenue Sharing is as follows: Eligible Project Cost a) 175,000 b) 45,000 c) 65,000 $285,000 50~ of $; - Hunting Hills Roads - Chaucer's Court - Givens Avenue ?85,000 = $142,500 = State Revenue Sharing ~' FISCAL IMPACT: With the exception of approved funding for a drainage project, no County funding would be required for the reconstruction of the roadways. Funding from the yearly Roadway budget would be utilized for engineering and survey work and preparation of the roadway package for submittal to VDOT. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors request the Virginia Department of Transportation to provide matching fund (Revenue Sharing) allocation for road and drainage improvements in the Hunting Hills Subdivision, on Chaucer's Court and Givens Avenue in accordance to Section 33.1-75.1 of the Code of Virginia. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~ ~~ Phillip Henry, .E. Elmer C. Hodge Director of Engin Bring County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION Approved (x) Motion by: Richard W. Robers/ Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw to approve Received ( ) contingent upon participation Referred of developers or homeowners To cc: File VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance 3 ,~ v~ `WESTWARD l ESTATES \\~I ~~- ^ ._ . 1 ^„~ ~ 1 ..,. VICINITY MAP 0.~. NORTH ~-~ i ~ ~ ~ ----~--w--- w----- __. -- PROPOSED 24" ~/ _ _ STORM SEWER / __ -- 1 / -- / -__ I ~~ _ I ~ ' L ~---~ PROPOSED 20' ' DRAINAGE ESTM.'T D ~ ~ _ ' / / ~ : +~ • ~ ~ ~4 ~ My ~ d ~ .~ ~'' ' ~ MBDECO SECURITY '- t LOCKS ~i'. ~`i ~, I 1 - ~ .,k. 1 (~' ' E%IST. 30" STORM SEWER I V~ ~"~~ W. MAIN ST. RT. 460 ,~ _. -- _ _ COMMUNITY SERVICES GIVEN AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 4 AND DEVELCIPMENT ~ ~ J ~~~i .- i - ~ ! F `,~ •lT00 /\• .1300 VICINITY MAP ~~ N ~, •~ SAD[ V NORTH ,;. - ~ is °4 ~ e M n I F ~. ~ ~, x ~s • ~ ~ s, a ~ s 5 ~ ~~ ¢ ~ ~ a ~ 43 O ~ ' '. ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ t , 4 // 4 N 1• ~ ~ 3 4~ ~ l 21 ` ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ 10 O N ,~ ~ ~ ,,~a 2 22 w ~r ~ a 49 b a ~ M M 2; , ~ `,~ N ~ 24 ~ ~ ~ •b ti ~ N ;I ~ I7 S' N .,, ~ a ~ 52 32 yy •i • ~~' ~ f 25 r 'b -~ °" ~ zs ~ ~ ~ N ~i 4S • ,~ , • O d's ~ 7 ~ 3 N n ~ ~ COMMUNITY SERVICES CHAUCEB' S COTTRT ROAD AND DRAINAGB II~ROVEI~NTS . - ' . - AND DEVELOPMENT 5 ~ _ J ~~ A is ~ as 8Ea0U1CENTENN~P~ A Brauti~ulBcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR EIMER C. HODGE April 12, 1989 u Fiscal Year 1989-90 County of Roanoke LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE•CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT County Primary and Secondary VINTON AG STERIAN DISTRIC•f F nd (Revenue Sharing Program) Mr. Gerald E. Fisher State Secondary Roads Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Mr. Fisher: The County of Roanoke, Virginia, indicates by this letter its official intent to participate ursuant"tovtheeprovisions of Program" for Fiscal Year 1989-90, p The County will provide 33.1-75.1 of the Code of Virginia. $142,500 ($500,OOObasismfromffunds1ofptherStateoofeVmrginia,on a dollar for dolls The County will work with our VDOT Resident Engineer to develop and submit by May 15, 1989, a list of the improvement projects to be undertaken with these funds. The County also understands that the ppoofastatelfundseiscrequestedrstatewidesis if more than $5,000,00 Your assistance in having Roanoke County's request considered will be appreciated. Sincerely, Mr. Lee Garrett Chairman, Board of Supervisors pc: Mr. Fred Altizer Resident Engineer C~uunf~ of ~Rnttnakr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 6 1.. a Ay~dr9sy Mr. f~~ llcp ~ (J~~e~t r of ~n ~r~ IZ~~ ~^~}y, VA 'Gear Fir. }{e~,~ y t n~ ~Ct'f 14"Y~~ ~'p O l~- '[1'1 l5 ~wP.P~k- ~ U1 f' I CX1, l~0(,t, ~c~ 5 'PG `~ -15' ~~" o~ ~ rv -~ o wn~r~ ~. s r vrY~ ~ ~~ ~ p ~~ ~ ~ ~Ica~ w~c1u~~ our y~~'~~'~~t. o,~. -f!~ a~e,~. r -L~ic h~e~c~' l3oa,~d ~ Su~rvisors' w~e~~~ vr+ Ytante of `~l~bors o~ G~au~ev~ fovr~. P~'~~~ar~s hw ei5~~' of k~ ~uie~t~ pro~er~ ownr~rs ow ~lau~en''s ~:ovr~ a~~ c~'acl~ed~ Z hors-I'o ha,~~ a~' leash' o,~~ w~or~ ord~tila~tc~. Z ~il~ cL~ ptoml icl~ ~1C~.W~i~'~ ~ ~,vrLw~e~wre~~+~~ar~ ~cn~a~ ~'ronv Lee ~ o a.n~ ~I,ua~~~j aMd a, wtoutt~'ed rv~ of -1~ area.- }~,~,,~ 1~ a~ 11a~e any q~.~cs-~tav~s, pl~s~ call a.n~~~~~. ~;,~ ~kl~. d~ at ss~~3zz~ . s-t~`-~~ -~. ~1ek~~ors o~~'jouccr'S Cr~r~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF OA OKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Enact an ordinance to control the use of certain cooking devices on apartments, condominiums and similar occupancies (balconies or patios). COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS • ,~~/G~. ~ ~-c~~~~/~.t ~,~j~ e~ " c,~~~-~-~r.,~ eL BACKGROUND: When the Virginia State Fire Prevention Code was adopted on May 24, 1988, Section 9-39 of Article III of the old fire prevention code was repealed. This section prohibits the use of certain grills and cookers on balconies of multi-family occupancies. The proposed ordinance is identical to the previous code. The use of certain cooking devices on combustible balconies endangers the lives and property of everyone in the structure. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Action Required Amend the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code by adding Section F-318 "Cooking Devices on Balconies." F-318.1 shall read: "No charcoal cooker, brazier, hibachi or grill, or any gasoline or other flammable liquid or liquified petroleum gas-fired stove or similar device shall be ignited or used on the balconies of any apartment building or similar occupancy which are constructed of combustible materials. The management of such occupancies shall notify its tenants in writing of this code requirement at the time the tenant initially occupies the apartment and from time to time as necessary to ensure compliance." ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Fiscal Impact• None .STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of this code section. This issue was addressed under the old code because of several fires that occurred as a result of using open fire grills on combustible balconies. f ~~ SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: K. R. Sharp Elmer C.~Hodge;f Jr. Fire Marshal County Administrator ------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: ____ ____ _ No Yes Abs Denied ( ) _ ___ _ ____~_ _!- Garrett ___ Received ( ) ~ -_________ _ ~ Johnson Referred -_,__-.~~._+ ~_--_______ plcGraw --- __- To __~ _ _ ~_i~__~_. Nickens _.~ _-- ----- --~_______ ,r_~___ ----____-- Robers _-- _~ G - .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD A~1"1'HE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II, "VIRGINIA STATEWIDE FIRE PREVENTION CODE" OF CHAP- TER 9, "FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDI- TION OF SECTION F-318.1, "COOKING DEVICES ON BALCONIES" WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 52488-13 adopted on May 24, 1988, repealed the old fire prevention code and adopted the Vir- ginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code; and WHEREAS, Section 27-98 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, authorizes local governments to enforce the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code; and WHEREAS, Section 27-97 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, authorizes local governments to adopt fire prevention regulations that are more restrictive or more extensive in scope than the Statewide Fire Prevention Code; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Fire Marshal recommends the adoption of this ordinance to alleviate a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 11, 1989; the second reading of this ordinance was held on April 25, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Article II, "Virginia Statewide Fire Preven- tion Code" of Chapter 9 of the Roanoke County Code is hereby ~•~ amended and reenacted and changed pursuant to Section 27-97 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, as follows: F-318.1 Cooking Devices on Balconies No charcoal cooker, brazier, hibachi or rill, or any gasoline or other flammable liquid of liquified petroleum as- fired stove or similar device shall be i nited or used on the balconies of any apartment buildin or similar occupancy which are constructed of combustible materials. The mana ement of such occupancies shall notify its tenants in writing of this code requirement at the time the tenant initially occupies the apart- ment and from time to time as necessary to ensure compliance 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall be effective from and after May 1, 1989. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~.7 "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Amend Chapter 8 of the Roanoke County Code entitled "Erosion and Sediment Control". COUNTYyADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• G~~ BACKGROUND: On November 3, 1988, a meeting was held with representatives from the Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Soil and Water Conservation and County staff concerning the need to update our present Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The amendments presented as a part of this report were either mandated by state law, or left as an option for the local government. In updating the County's present ordinance, the County Staff recommends title changes due to reorganizational changes within the various departments, the addition of new state amendments which enhance Roanoke County's enforcement capabilities and the increasing of the filing fees in order to compensate the County's cost of enforcing this Ordinance. The amendments that are being considered for adoption are as follows: 1. Title chances due to reorganizational chancres. a. Change Superintendent to Director of Development and Inspections. b. Superintendent of Public Facilities to Director of Engineering. c. Department of Development to Department of Development and Inspections. d. Department of Public Facilities to Department of Engineering. G - ~. 2. Amend Section 8-2 - Definitions. Adopt definitions as outlined under Section 10.1-560 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law. 3. Repeal Section 8-3. Exemptions from Chapter This will be addressed under Definition Criteria. 4. Amend Section 8-7 - Penalties for violation of Chapter To include additional civil action for damages under Section 10.1-569 C, Code of Virginia and civil penalties not to exceed $2,000.00 for each violation under Section 10.1-569 D, of the Code of Virginia. 5. Amend Section 8-18 (b) - Failure to Comply with approved plans. To incorporate the language of 10.1-566 A, of the Code of Virginia regarding monitoring, reports and inspections. This changes the fifteen day compliance period to "a reasonable time to comply", which provides the County staff more flexibility in determining whether an emergency situation exists and the period of time in which the violation is to be corrected. 6. Adopt Section 8-18 (c) - Stop-Work Order Adopt Section 10.1-566 C, Code of Virginia, authorizing Roanoke County upon receipt of a sworn complaint of a substantial violation to issue an order requiring that all or part of the land disturbing activities permitted on the site be stopped until the specified corrective measures have been taken. 7. Amend Section 8-32 - Filing Fees To increase the maximum fee limits from $300.00 to $1,000.00 per project as permitted under Section 10.1-562 E, Code of Virginia. Amend Roanoke County's filing fee from $50.00 plus $5.00 per acre or a portion thereof, to $50.00 plus $50.00 per acre or a portion thereof. The first reading of the Ordinance is scheduled for April 11, 1989 and the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for April 25, 1989. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1. Approve the amendments as submitted and authorize the County Attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinance, legal ads and schedule the public hearing. The effective date of this Ordinance will be April 26, 1989. The anticipated revenue generated from this fee increase is between $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 annually. 2. Deny the recommendation. The present service will continue to be subsidized by the General Fund. "' STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. MITTED BY: ~ ~ f ~~ Arnold Covey Development Review a d Inspections Directo APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8. "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE I. "IN GENERAL," SECTION 8-2. "DEFINITIONS," SECTION 8-7. "PENALTY FOR VIOLATION CHAP- TER," SECTION 8-18. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH APPROVED PLANS," AND ARTICLE II. "CONTROL PLAN FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVI- TY, " SECTION 8-32, "FILING FEES, " BY RE- PEALING ARTICLE I. "IN GENERAL," SECTION 8-3, "EXEMPTIONS FROM CHAPTER"; AND BY ADOPTING A NEW SECTION 8-18(C) UNDER ARTI- CLE I. "IN GENERAL," SECTION 8-18. "FAIL- URE TO COMPLY WITH APPROVED PLANS" ENTITLED "STOP-WORK ORDER" WHEREAS, effective July 1, 1988, Title 21, Chapter 1, Article 6 of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended entitled "Vir- ginia Erosion and Sediment Control law" was recodified as Title 10.1, Chapter 5, Article 4; and WHEREAS, amendments to Title 10.1, ,Chapter 5, Article 4 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, "Erosion and Sediment Control Law" were enacted during the 1988 legislative session of the Virginia General Assembly; and WHEREAS, these amendments to the state erosion and sedi- ment control law provide greater enforcement capabilities to lo- calities in order to more efficiently and effectively enforce local erosion soil and sediment control laws; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on March 28, 1989, the Board of Supervisors authorized amending Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control" of the Roanoke County Code to incorporate the state amendments into the Roanoke County Code; and 1 ~: WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing amending Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control" of the Roanoke County Code was published in the Roanoke Times and World news on April 4, 1989; and April 11, 1989; and WHEREAS, a first reading of the proposed ordinance was held on April 11, 1989; the second reading was held on April 25, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi- sors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control" be amended and reenacted as follows: Chapter 8. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Article I. In General Sec. 8-l. Purpose of chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to safeguard life, limb and property and to provide a means for the control of erosion and sediment in order to promote the public health and welfare of the citizens of the county and to establish procedures for the administration and enforcement of such controls. Sec. 8-2. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them by this section, unless otherwise clearly indicated: "Applicant" means any person submittin an erosion and sediment control plan for approval or requesting the issuance of a permit, when required, authorizin land-disturbin activi- ties to commence. "Clearing" means any activity which removes the vege- tative ground cover, including but not limited to, root mat remov- al and topsoil removal. 2 " ,~,. "Conservation plan," "erosion and sediment control plan," or "plan," means_ a_document containing material for the conservation of soil and water resources of a unit or roue of units of land. It may include appropriate maps, an appropriate soil and water plan inventory and mana ement information when needed interpretations, and a record of decisions contributin to conversation treatment. The plan shall contain all ma'or conser- vation decisions to assure that-the entire unit or units of land will be so treated to achieve the conservation ob'ectives "Director" means the director of development inspec- tions. "District" or "soil and water conversation district" means a political subdivision of this Commonwealth organized in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1 (~ 21-1 et seq ) of "Erosion and sediment control plan or plan" means a document containing material for the conservation of soil and water resources of a unit or a group of units of land, as re- quired by this chapter. "Erosion impact area" means an area of land not asso- ciated with current land disturbing activity but sub'ect to per- sistent soil erosion resultin in the delivery of sediment onto neighboring properties or into state waters This definition shall not apply to any lot or parcel of land of one acre or less used for residential purposes or to shorelines where the erosion results from wave action or other coastal processes "Excavating" means any digging, scooping or other method of removing earth materials. "Filling" means any depositing or stockpiling of earth materials. "Grading" means any excavating or filling of earth materials or any combination thereof, including the land in its excavated or filled condition. "Land-disturbing activity" means any land change which may result in soil erosion from water or wind and the move- ment of sediments into state waters or onto lands in the Common- 3 s wealth, including but not limited to, clearing, grading, excavat- ing, transporting and filling of land, except that the term shall not include: 1. Minor land-disturbin activities such as home gardens and individual home landscappin repairs and maintenance work; 2. Individual service connections; 3. Installation, maintenance, or repair of any un- derground public utility lines when such activity occurs on an existing hard surfaced road, street, or sidewalk provided the land-disturbin activity is confined to the area of the road, street or sidewalk which is hard surfaced. 4. Septic tank lines or draina e fields unless in- cluded in an overall plan for land-disturbing activity relating to construction of the buildin to be served by the septic tank system; 5. Surface or deep mining; 6. Exploration or drillin for oil and as includ- ing the well site, roads, feeder lines and off-site disposal areas; 7. Tilling, plantin or harvestin of agricultur- al, horticultural, or forest crops, or livestock feedlot opera- tions; including en ineering o erations as follows• construction of terraces, terrace outlets, check dams, desiltin basins, dikes, ponds, ditches, strip cropping, lister furrowin contour cultivating, contour furrowin land drainage and land irriga- tion; 8. Repair or rebuildin of the tracks, ri ht-of- way, bridges, communication facilities and other related struc- tures and facilities of a railroad company; 9. Agricultural engineerin operations including but not limited to the construction of terraces, terrace outlets. check dams, desiltin basins, dikes, ponds not required to comply with the provisions of the Dam Safety Act, Chapter 8 1 (~ 62 1- 115.1 et seq.), ditches, strip croppin lister furrowin con tour cultivating, contour furrowing, land drainage and land irri- gation; 4 10. Preparation for sin le-family residences sepa- rately built, unless in conjunction with multiple construction in subdivision development; provided that the overnin body of any county which has adopted the urban county executive form of ov- ernment may regulate land disturbin activities related to sin le- family residences separately built whether or not they are devel- oped in conjunction with multiple construction in subdivision development; 11. Disturbed land areas of less than 10,000 square feet in size; however, the governing body of the county, city, town or district may reduce this exception to a smaller area of^ disturbed land or qualify the conditions under which this excep- tion shall ap ly; 12. Installation of fence and sign posts or tele- phone and electric poles and other kinds of posts or poles; 13. Shore erosion control projects on tidal waters when the projects are ap roved by local wetlands boards, the Marine Resources Commission or the United States Army Corps of Engineers: 14. Emergency work to protect fife, limb or proper- ty, and emergency repairs; however, if the land-disturbin activi- ty would have required an approved erosion and sediment control plan, if the activity were not an emer ency, then the land area disturbed shall be shaped and stabilized in accordance with the requirements of the plan-approving authority "Land disturbing permit" means a permit issued by the sr~pe~~nter~dent director for clearing, filling, excavat- ing, grading or transporting, or any combination thereof, on land, except as excluded elsewhere in this chapter. "Local erosion and sediment control pro ram" or "lo- cal control program" means an outline of the various methods em- ployed by a district or locality to re ulate land-disturbin ac- tivities and thereby minimize erosion and sedimentation in compli- ance with the state program and may include such items as local ordinances, policies and uidelines, technical materials, inspec- tion, enforcement and evaluation. 5 "Owner" means the owner or owners of the freehold of the premises or lesser estate therein, a mort agee or vendee in possession, assi nee of rents, receiver, executor, trustee, les- see or other person, firm or corporation in control of a proper- ty. "Permittee" means the person to whom the permit auth- orizing the land disturbing activities is issued or the person who certifies that the approved erosion and sediment control plan will be followed. "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private corporation, trust, estate, commission, board, public or private institution, utili- ty, cooperative, county, city, town, or other political subdivi- sion of the Commonwealth, any interstate body, or any other legal entity. "Plan-approving authority" means the Board, the dis- trict or a county, city, or town, or a department of a county, city, or town, responsible for determinin the adequacy of a con- servation plan submitted for land-disturbing activities on a unit or units of lands and for approvin plans "Sediment" means all loose material, including boul- ders, cobbles, pebbles, sand, silt, clay and soil, which may be borne by water, wind, gravity or by any artificial means. "Site plan" means a survey plot of a parcel of land, with contours accurately shown and on which the location of pro- posed structures and of all appurtenant connecting facilities are shown. "Soil removal" means the removal of soil and other surface material, but only as follows: 1. Removing of such materials, including sod, to a maximum depth of eighteen (18) inches; or 2. Moving or redistributing such material for use exclusively on the land from which the material is removed; or 3. Excavating such material in connection with the construction or alteration of a building for which a building permit has or is to be obtained; or 6 ~7 "" L''~ 4. Grading in accordance with an approved grading plan of a subdivision for. which a final plat has been recorded among the land records of the county; or 5. Removal of soil, gravel, or sand for purposes of sale or resale. "State erosion and sediment control pro ram" or "state pro ram" means the pro ram administered by the Board pur suant to this article, includin re ulations desi ned to minimize erosion and sedimentation. "State waters" means all waters on the surface and under the round wholly or partially within or bordering the Com monwealth or within its 'urisdiction "Subdivision1" unless otherwise defined in a local ordinance adopted pursuant to Section 15 1-465, means the divi Sion of a parcel of land into three or more lots or parcels of less than five acres each for the purpose of transfer of owner- ship or buildin development, or, if a new street is involved in such division, any division of a parcel of land The term in cludes resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividin or to the land subdivided Se~pe~i~tende~t- r~eane-the- sape~ir~te~ele~t- of - e7e~aelep- r~er~t-e€-the-eeur~ty- "Town" means an incorporated town "Transporting" means any moving of earth materials from one place to another, other than such movement incidental to grading, when such movement results in destroying the vegetative ground cover either by tracking or the buildup of earth materials to the extent that erosion and sediment will result from the soil or earth materials over which such transporting occurs. "Unstable ground" means all land the surface of which is shifting laterally or vertically as the result of natu- ral causes. Examples: Naturally ingressing seepage areas, sink- hole depressions and terrain within which downslope movement of loose rocks and soil is taking place. 7 Sec. 8-2.1. Applicability of chapter in Town of Vinton. The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable within the corporate limits of the Town of Vinton. Administra- tive procedures and review fee may be established to accommodate the review of plans for developments located within the town. See.--S-3-----~~er~pt}ens-€rem-el~apter- -------------Tl~e-prey}s}ens-e€-tl~}s-ehapter;-e~eept-tl~ese-e€-See- t}ens-8-}~-and-8-}9-s~ia}}-net-be-eer~straed-te-app}~-te-tl~e-€e}}ec~- }ng (1) Sael~- miner- }anal-e]}start}ng- ae€}~}~}es- as- ~ieme gardens- anal- }nd}~}daa}- l~eme- }ane7seap}ng ; reps}rs-anal-ma}ntenanee-~aerk: (2 ) }nel}~}else}-sere}ee-eer~neet}ens (3) Eenstraet}en-- }nsta}}at}en;- er- ma}ntenanee- e€ e}eetr}e-anal-to}epl~er~e-at}}}ty-}}nes- (4) }nsta}}at}en;- ma}nter~anee- er- reps}~- e€- any anelergreane7- pat}}e- at}}}ty- }}Wes;- dal~er~- saeh set}~}ty- eeears- en- are- e~}st}erg- Lard-sar€aeed reae7; - street- er- s}dews}}~; = prey}elect- saeh- }and el}start}ng-set}v}ty-~s-ee~€}Wed-to-tl~e-area-e€ tt~e- reael-- street- er- s}de~aa}1~- rah}el~- }s- ~iard- sar€aeed- (5 ) Sept}e- tanl~- }}Wes- er- dra}Wage- €}e}els ; - aei}ass }rye}aeleel-}r~-are-avers}}-p}aei-€er-}anal-el}start}ng yet}~}ty-re}at}rig-te-esristraet}era-a€-tie-lea}}d- }ng-te-be-serveel-ley-tk~e-Sept}e-tanl~-system- (6) Sar€aee-er-deep-m}ri}ng; 8 G-Z (7) ~x~}era€}en-e~-d~}}}}ng- €e~- s}}-and-qas;-}n- e}trel}ng-~l~e-sae}}-s}fie; -reads-and-a€€-s}fie-d}s- pesa}-aiceas- (8 ) ~}}}}nq; -~}and}nq- e~- l~a~~*es€}nq- a€- aq~}etr}~tr~- a}; -l~e~~}eer}€tr~a}-e~-€erces~-erce~s- (9) Eens~~tre~}en;- ~epa}~- rcel~tr}}d}ng- a€- €~ie €~ael~s; - ~}ql~~s-s€-wad; - arc}dges; - ee~tr~trn}ea€}en €ae}}}€}es- and- a€~rerc- ~e}a€ed- s€rctre€tr~es- and €ae}}}~}es-a€-a-~a}}read-ee~rpanp: (10) B~e~a~a~}en- €e~- s}ng}e-€arr~}}p- yes}denees-sep- a~a~e}~-btr}}~; -trn}ess-}n-een~rrne€}en-w}€i~-mr~}€}- p}e-eens€retre€}an-}n-strl~d}~}s}®n-de~e}e~men€: (11) B}s€tr~~ed- }and- areas- €e~- es~txre~e}a}-e~-neneer~- r~e~e}a}-uses-a€-}ess-€l~an-den-€l~etrsand-{}6; 969} sgtra~e-€ee€-}n-s}~e- (12) }ns€a}}a€}en-a€-€enee- and-s}gn-des€s- e~- €e}e- ~~rene- and- a}ee~ia}e- pe}es- and- a€~re~- k}nds- e€ des€s-e~-~e}es-- (13 ) ~mercgene~- we~}~- €a- p~a~ee€- }}€e; - }}orb- e~- ~i=e- ~e~€~-and- e~reregene~- r=e~a}~~ ; -p~e~}ded- €~ia€; - }€ €l~e- }and-d}s€~~~}ng- ae€}~}€p- weir}d- ~ia~e- ~e- qtr}red-an-ap~~e~ed-erces}en-and-sed}r~en€-een€r<e} p}an; - }€- ~l~e- ae~}~}€~- were- ne€- an- exreregene~; €~ren- Abe- }and- area- d}s€tr~bed- sera}}- be- sl~a~ed and- s€ab}}}red- }n- aeee~danee-w}€~r- ~~re- ~egr~}~e- xren~s- a€- €l~e- str~erc}n€enden€- er<- Akre- s€a€e- se}} and-wa~e~-eense~~a~}en-eexrr~}ss}en- 9 G-2 Sec. 8-4. Administration of chapter in conjunction with subdivision and zoning ordinances. This chapter shall be administered, where appli- cable, in conjunction with the county's subdivision and zoning ordinances wherein such apply to the development and subdivision of land within the county or where such apply to development on previously subdivided land within the county. Sec. 8-5. Enforcement of chapter generally. Enforcement of this chapter shall rest with the sape~}n~enelent- a€- e7eve}epr~en~ director of development inspec- tions. Sec. 8-6. Legal action to enforce chapter. The county attorney shall, upon request of the sap- er}n~enelen~ director of development inspections, take legal action to enforce the civil provisions of this chapter. Sec. 8-7. Penalty for violation of chapter. A violation of this chapter shal'1 be deemed a misde- meanor punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand ($1,000) dollars or thirty (30) days imprisonment, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The- }miles}t}en- e€- sr~el~- pens}gyp- sha}}- net ~e}}eve- anp- pe~sen- frar~- h}e- a}~}}- drat}es- ane7- ~espen9}b}}}t}es render- th}s- eHap~e~- In addition to any criminal penalties under this section, any person who violates any provision of this chapter may be liable to the county in a civil action for dams es Without limitin the remedies which may be obtained in this sec- tion, any person violatin or failin ne lectinq or refusin to obi any injunction, mandamus or other remedy obtained pursuant to this section shall be sub'ect, in the discretion of the court, to a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand ($2,000) dollars for each violation. 10 C-2. Sec. 8-8. Injunctive relief for violation of chapter. The et~pe~inte~dent director of development in- spections may apply to the circuit court of the county for injunc- tive relief to enjoin a violation or a threatened violation of this chapter, without the necessity of showing that there does not exist an adequate remedy at law. Sec. 8-9. Effect of chapter on liability and proceedings for damage. Neither the approval of an erosion and sediment con- trol plan under the provisions of this chapter, nor compliance with the conditions of such plan, shall be deemed to relieve any person from responsibility of damage to other persons or property in cases where negligence is shown, nor shall such approval im- pose any liability on the county for damage to other persons or property; provided, however, that compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be prima facie evidence in any legal or equitable proceeding for damages caused by erosion, siltation, or sedimentation that all requirements of law have been met and the complaining party must show negligence in order to recover any damages. Sec. 8-10. Appeals from actions or decision under chapter. Any person jointly or severally aggrieved by any final decision of the sr~per~nte~dent director under this chap- ter may appeal to the circuit court of the county, by filing a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is il- legal, in whole or in part, and specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition shall be presented to the court within thirty (30) days after the final decision of the saperinter~- dent director of development inspections. Sec. 8-11. Control measures generally. (a) Practices for erosion and sediment control in the county shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications contained in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, 11 ~° ,tiw~~p Part III, as published and amended through March 8, 1983, in haec verba and the Code of Virginia, as amended through such date. (b) Practices for erosion and sediment control for which standards and specifications are not contained in this chap- ter may be approved by the sc~perintenele~~ director of develop- ment inspections, based on the merits of the practice, as pro- posed for use in individual circumstances. (c) Practices for erosion and sediment control may include: (1) Establishment of a temporary vegetative or other protective cover on exposed earth surfaces. Such cover shall be appropriate for soil conditions, season and antici- pated duration of exposure, and may in- clude plastic, fiber mats, netting, gravel or crushed stone, mulch, grasses and other vegetation. If used, temporary protective cover shall be provided within thirty (30) days, or such other time as may be pre- scribed by the sap'e~~nter~elent direc- tor, from completion of the soil distur- bance. (2) Temporary diversion ditches, earth berms or other similar facilities to divert run- off away from slopes or other areas stripped or limited of vegetative cover and to divert runoff to vegetated or other protective areas prior to entering adja- cent property. (3) Construction of temporary desilting basins or devices. The location of such measures shall be as indicated by the location of areas of probable erosion. Volumes of basins for silt storage shall be in propor- tion to the erodible area drained and to the period of expected use. 12 ~°'~ rv "; ~,.. (d) Periodic maintenance of control measures shall be the responsibility of the developer and additional measures shall be provided, if indicated by field conditions during con- struction. When these temporary measures have fulfilled their purpose, the area shall be modified to its intended permanent appearance. (e) For permanent construction, desiltation devices or basins will not be considered as acceptable alternatives to measures for the limitation of erosion. Permanent desiltation devices or basins will be allowed only with the permission of the sr~pe~~~tende~t director of development inspections, in which event a proposed plan for their perpetual maintenance, with par- ticular attention to periodic removal and disposal of accumulated silt, shall be provided. (f) The sr~per~ntene7ent director of development inspections may require additional information when cuts or fills exceed ten (10) feet in vertical height and the slopes are steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical (2:1). Sec. 8-12. Responsibility of owner then land-disturbing activities do not require control plan. For land-disturbing activities for which a control plan is not required by this chapter, the owner of the land shall have the responsibility of seeking to achieve the objectives stated in section 8-33, using whatever measures are appropriate, as suggested in section 8-11, and shall be liable for erosion, siltation or water damages resulting directly from alteration of the terrain. Sec. 8-13. Site plan for cases of permanent construction. (a) A site plan is required for all parcels of land upon which permanent construction is to be placed. (b) A site plan shall be detailed as follows: (1) A vicinity drawing showing all data accu- rately indicating the site location and 13 showing highways, municipalities, major streams and other identifiable landmarks. A north arrow shall be shown. (2) Bounds of the property on which the work is to be performed, with adjacent property owners indicated. (3) Location of any buildings or structures on the property where the work is to be per- formed, and the location of any building or structure on land of adjacent property owners which are within fifteen (15) feet of the property. (4) Accurate contours, at a minimum of five- foot intervals, showing the topography of the existing ground, with all established floodplains indicated. All streams, ponds, lakes and wetland areas shall be shown. The nature and extent of existing vegetation shall be shown. (5) Elevations, dimension's, location, extent and slopes of all proposed grading, shown by contours at a minimum of five-foot intervals drawn to a scale. (6) Location of all drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams or other protective devices to be constructed in connection with or as part of the proposed work. (7) Any additional plans, drawings, or calcula- tions required by the s~perir~tene7ent director; and it shall comply with the 14 ~~ following requirements: (a) Details for the proper construction of control measures which will be constructed shall be indicated on the plans. (b) Provisions for the removal of tempo- rary control measures shall be noted on the plans. (c) Plans for the control of soil erosion and sedimentation shall adequately consider coordinating seeding and mulching with construction practices and the scheduling of the various stages of construction. (d) Plans for the control of soil erosion and sedimentation shall take into consideration the condition of the land proposed for development and surrounding areas. If such land has previously been 'stripped and/or par- tially graded, thus creating erosion hazards, the plans shall provide as the initial step in construction such measures as will be immediately effec- tive in controlling erosion and silta- tion. (e) Account for the staging of major land- disturbing activities and include the timing and sequence of installing the conservation practices and facili- ties, including the removal and stor- age of topsoil. 15 (£3) Run-off calculations for the property in order to provide for proper storm water management. (c) For land development to which the requirements of this chapter are applicable, and which propose the clearing of trees, the removal of any vegetative land cover or the grading of earth, the plan required by this section shall be incorporated in and be a part of any subdivision or site plan for such develop- ment. (d) The sr~per}ntendent director of development inspections shall be responsible for the review of, and making recommendations as to, site plans submitted under this section. (e) The se~pe~}ntendent director of development inspections shall approve or disapprove a site plan submitted under this section within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed forty-five (45) days, consistent with the size of the pro- posed project. Sec. 8-14. Permit for land-disturbing activities generally. (a) No person shall engage in' any land-disturbing activity within the county until he has acquired a land-disturb- ing permit from the super}ntendent director of development inspections. (b) The department- a€- deve}eprnet~t division of development and inspections will receive applications for permits under this section, coordinate their review with the department ef- pt~b}tee- €ae}}}t}es division of en ineerinq and issue such permits. (c) A land-disturbing permit shall specify the com- pletion date for the land-disturbing activities, consistent with the date indicated on the approved plan. If such activities are not completed by the stated date, the permit shall expire. Exten- sions may be requested. A special permit for the removal of soil, gravel or sand for the purposes of sale or resale may be issued which does not require a completion date. For this type 16 of permit, all other requirements of this chapter shall be com- plied with. Sec. 8-15. Prerequisites to issuance of permits for work involving land-disturbing activities--Generally. No officer, employee or agency of the county autho- rized to issue grading, land-disturbing, building or other per- mits for work involving land-disturbing activities shall issue any such permit, unless the applicant therefor submits with his application an erosion and sediment control plan approved pursu- ant to article II of this chapter, or certification of such ap- proved plan from the departxte~t- a€- de~elep~ne~t division of development and inspections as well as certification that such plan will be followed. Sec. 8-16. Same--Bond or other security. (a) Prior to the issuance of any permit referred to in section 8-15, the department- a€- de~elepr~ent division of development and inspections shall require from the applicant a reasonable performance bond, cash escrow, litter of credit, any combination thereof, or such other legal arrangement as is accept- able to the s~perlntendent director, to ensure that measures could be taken by the county, at the applicant's expense, should he fail, after proper notice, within the time specified to initi- ate or maintain appropriate conservation action which may be re- quired of him as a result of his land-disturbing activity. (b) Within sixty (60) days of the completion of the land-disturbing activity, such bond, cash escrow, letter of credit or other legal arrangement, or the unexpended or unobli- gated portion thereof, shall be refunded to the applicant or ter- minated, as the case may be. (c) The requirements of this section are in addi- tion to all other provisions of law relating to the issuance of such permits and are not intended to otherwise affect the require- ments for such permits. 17 '*_~' Sec. 8-17. Inspection of land-disturbing activities. The sc~pe~~ntendent director of development in- spections shall periodically inspect land-disturbing activities to ensure compliance with the approved plan and to determine whether the measures required in the plan are effective in con- trolling erosion and sediment resulting from the land-disturbing activity. The right of entry to conduct such inspections shall be expressly reserved in the permit issued pursuant to this chap- ter and the landowner shall notify the sr~pe~~~tendent direc- tor of development inspections, upon completion of the work ccv- ered under the permit, that such work is ready for final inspec- tion. Sec. 8-18. Failure to comply with approved plans. (a) Failure to comply with the provisions of a con- trol plan or site plan approved under this chapter, as evidenced by failure to properly construct, at the proper time, all control measures required by such plans, shall be sufficient grounds for revocation of all permits issued for the work covered by such plans. (b) Upon failure to comply with the requirements of an approved control plan or site plan the st~pe~~ntendeat di- rector of development inspections shall give notice of such fail- ure to comply, in writing, by registered mail, addressed to the person to whom the permit for the work was issued, at his last known address, and stating that such person shall have ten-{}g} daps- ba~tl~~n- rah}ei~- te- eer~plp- w~tH- sued- rega~~er~ents : - - Hpen- tie e~p~ratlen-ef-tie-tee-flA}-daps;-and-r~pe~-a-farther-dete~m~nat~er~ t~iat-tie-regr~~rer~ents-Dave-net-been-eex~plled-~a~th; -the-sr~per~nten- dent- s~iall- give- st~e~i- person- f eve- f 5}-daps- w~~tten- net~ee- of - ~i~s ~ntent~en- to-Dave- tl~e- eee~~tp-preeeed- to-Dave- tl~e- r~eeessarp- ~aerk dene-te-eexjp}p-w}tl~-tl~e-p}an_ a reasonable time to comply with such requirements as determined by the director of development inspections. Upon the expiration of such five- {5}- daps rea- sonable time and upon a further determination that the require- ments have not been complied with, the saper~ntendent direc- tor of development inspec-lions shall call in the bond, letter of 18 ""'7 ~'~ f credit or escrow account posted pursuant to section 8-16 and shall forthwith institute all necessary measures and procedures to ensure completion of the work. The cost to the county of such work shall constitute a lien on the land upon which such work is done and shall be recovered from the owner or other person in possession, charge or control of such property. (c) Upon receipt of a sworn complaint of subst~n- tial violation of this section the director of develo ment in- spections may, in con 'unction with or subsequent to a notice to comply as specified in subsection B above, issue an order requir- ing that all or part of the land-disturbin activities permitted on the site be stopped until the specified corrective measures have been taken. Where the alle ed noncom liance is causin or is in imminent danger of causin harmful erosion of lands or sedi- ment deposition in waters within the waters of the Commonwealth, such an order may be issued whether or not the alle ed violator has been issued a notice to com 1 as s ecified in subsection B above. Otherwise such an order ma be issued onl after the alleged violator has failed to comply with a notice to comply The order shall be served in the same manner as notice to com 1 and shall remain in effect for seven (7) da s from the date of service pending application by the director of development inspe~.- tions or alleged violator for appropriate relief to the circuit court of the jurisdiction where the violation was alle ed to have occurred. Upon completion of the corrective action, the order shall be immediately lifted. Nothin in this section shall pre- vent the director of develo ment ins ections from takin an other action specified in section 8-7. Sec. 8-19. Elimination of existing hazardous sediment conditions. (a) Whenever the super}ntenden~ director of development inspections determines that any existing sediment condition has become a hazard to life or limb, endangers property or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public or private way or drainage channel, the owner of the property from 19 .. which the sediment condition emanates, or other person or agent in control of such property, upon receipt of notice in writing from the sr~perintendent director of development inspections, shall, within the period specified therein, abate the condition so as to eliminate the hazard and be in conformance with the re- quirements of this chapter. (b) If the person notified pursuant to subsection (a) above fails to eliminate the sediment condition within the specified time, the sr~per~ntexdent director shall cause the necessary work to be done to eliminate the condition. The cost to the county of such work shall constitute a lien on the land upon which such work is done and shall be recovered from the owner or other person in possession, charge or control of such property. The supe~~~te~e7er~t director of development inspec- tions shall give the applicant five (5) days written notice of his intention to have the county proceed pursuant to this subsec- tion. Article II. Control Plan for Land-Disturbing Activities Sec. 8-31. Submission and approval required. No person shall engage in any land-disturbing activi- ty, until such person has submitted to the sc~per~r~tenelent director of development inspections, an erosion and sediment con- trol plan for such land-disturbing activity and until such plan has been reviewed and approved by the ssper~r~tenelent directoN_ of development inspections. Sec. 8-32. Filing fee. An applicant submitting a plan pursuant to this arti- cle shall pay a filing fee, as-regt~}red-by-bearel-a€-st~pe~~}sees and- set- fe~t~i- by- separate- reselr~t}en; of fifty ($50) dollars plus fifty ($50) dollars for each acre or a portion thereof not to exceed one thousand ($1 000) dollars to cover the administra- tive expense of review and inspection and approval of such plan. 20 G-2 Sec. 8-33. Contents and objectives. (a) An erosion and sediment control plan submitted under this article shall detail those methods and techniques to be utilized in the control of erosion and sediment in accordance with chapters 3 and 6 of the Virginia State Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. (b) The objectives of an erosion and sediment con- trol plan shall be as follows: (1) To ensure that significant volumes of waterborne sediment are not deposited on property, public or private, or in public waterways, natural or manmade, as a result of development. (2) To ensure that downstream storm drainage facilities are not unduly diverted or reduced in capacity by siltation or over- taxed by increased storm runoff. (3) To ensure that the capacity of any down- stream water impoundment is not reduced by siltation. (4) To ensure that permanent facilities and features of the proposed development are not harmfully affected by erosion and sedi- mentation. (5) To ensure the appropriate restriction or remedial treatment for land-disturbing activity on unstable ground. (c) The expected date of completion of the land- disturbing activities shall be indicated on the plan. 21 Sec. 8-34. Responsibility of owner as to plan for land-disturbing activity by contractor. When land-disturbing activity will be required of a contractor performing construction work pursuant to a construc- tion contract, the preparation, submission and approval of an erosion and sediment control plan shall be the responsibility of the owner. Sec. 8-34.1. Review by superintendent of public facilities. The sape~~~tender~t director of en ineerin shall review plans submitted under this article and make recommenda- tions relative thereto the se~pe~~ntender~t director of devel~~- ment inspections. Sec. 8-35. Approval or disapproval. (a ) The sr~pe~~nter~der~t director of develo ment inspections shall act on a plan submitted under this article, within forty-five (45)days from receipt thereof, by either approv- ing the plan in writing or by disapproving the plan in writing and giving the specific reasons for the disapproval. The super- ~ntendent director of develo ment inspections sha.11 approve such plan, if he determines that the plan meets the conservation standards of the county control program and if the person respon- sible for carrying out the plan certifies that he will properly perform the erosion and sediment control measures included in the plan and will conform to the provisions of this chapter. (b) When a plan submitted for approval under this article is found, upon review by the sr~pe~~ntendent director_ of development inspections, to be inadequate, the se~per~nten- dent director shall specify such modifications, terms and condi- tions as will permit approval of the plan and communicate these requirements to the applicant. (c) If no action is taken by the sr~per~ntendent director of development inspections within the time specified in subsection (a) of this section, the plan shall be deemed approved and the person submitting it shall be authorized to proceed with the proposed activity. 22 L.'~ °" Sec. 8-36. Amendment to approved plan. Any plan which has been approved under this article may be amended by the super~nte~-dent director of development inspections where: (1) Inspection has revealed the inadequacy of the plan to accomplish the erosion and sediment control objectives of the plan, and appropriate modifications to correct the deficiencies of the plan are agreed to by the 9t~per~nten- dent director of development inspections and the person responsible for carrying out the plan; or (2) Where the person responsible for carrying out the approved plan finds that, because of changed circumstances or for other reasons, the approved plan cannot be effectively carried out and proposed amendments to the plan, consistent with the requirements of this chapter, are agreed to by the sr~pe~~nt'eneler~~ director o~- development inspections and the person responsi- ble for carrying out the plan. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after April 26, 1989. 23 ~~~tlit~~~~.~yii~l~lrl'f~~~l~i~~~~~l~~til~i~iill`liifil~iili(1171iri~1~lliltii~~t~ilY~iifl'1Y`i1'ryillii~~1~~~i111f~'itl~fitf1111ti~111~Ii1~11it1~11111jjf -' _' APPEARANCE RE UEST - Q - _ _ _ - _ _ ~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. - Z _ _ _ _ SUBJECT ~~a~roa~ '~ ~~~~~~~ ~ Coil i ~.oL PRaPds~~.= __ _ = I would like fhe Chairman of fhe Board of Supervisors fo recognize me during fhe public hearin on fhe above maffer _- so fhaf I may commenf.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = LISTED BELOW. o c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- _ tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c = := • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized = speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments ,= with the clerk. c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT = THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK 1'i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~tYi ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~-,~ °- .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting Chapter 15 of the Roanoke County Code, Parks and Recreation to provide for the regulation of conduct in public parks COUNTY ADMIT/N~/f(If-S TRATOR' S COMMEy)N{/`~/TpS : //J~ ~ ?e~"~ c~J~ 1~v...". ./..<~ Cr vL' ./T^.. f C4i'1./t~C~4L~~,, ar.~c-~. ~ ~~~~ V~.1.. mow- //-'-r..'~Lt! i~iL~l~ r „Z~t~~~,:2~L'C~~~~~"~e'"~-„'Z. //iG'1~2 /~~.~iyih-ti' f..'NJ~'1'''.Q ~i~'t "_' .mot ~`f CY~t.~GYJ~L~i~'F BACKGROUND• Roanoke County does not currently have a definitive set of policies and regulations governing public conduct within County parks and recreational areas. The County Attorney's office has worked with the Commonwealth's Attorney, Schools, Sheriff's Department, and the Department of Parks and Recreation to develop the attached proposed ordinance for consideration by the Board of Supervisors. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission voted to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance at its meeting on March 16, 1989. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Sections 15-2 and 3 reenact the current County Code provisions establishing a department of parks and recreation and the position of director to conduct the County's recreation program. Section 15-5 prohibits damage or destruction of park property, plants, and animals. Section 15-6 controls littering and pollution. Traffic regulations are established by Section 15-7. Section 15-8 defines prohibited uses of the parks including regulation of swimming, boating, and fishing as well as use of picnic areas, camping, and horseback riding. Prohib- ited behavior in the parks is established by Section 15-10. Sec- tions 15-9 and 15-11 set forth operating hours and policies for meetings and concessions. Times and penalties as set forth in Section 15-12. t~~ t STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This proposed ordinance governing "conduct in public parks" completes an important missing link for the administration, opera- tions, and public security of the Roanoke County public park sys- tem and for the welfare of park patrons. Staff recommends approval of the first reading of this ordinance with the second reading to be held on April 25, 1989. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ohn M. Chamblis 'Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Asst. County Administrator County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 15, PARKS AND RECREATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF CONDUCT IN PUBLIC PARKS WHEREAS, Virginia Code Section 15.1-271 confers on local government the authority to establish and conduct a system of public recreation and playgrounds, to acquire real property, and to equip the same for conducting such progress, and to employ a director and other assistants and employees for such system; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke has acquired real property and equipped such property for the purposes of conducting a system of public recreation and playgrounds and has hired a director of parks and recreation and other employees of a division of parks and recreation; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke wishes to establish rules of conduct for all individuals or groups using the County's parks and recreation facilities including those located on Roanoke County School Board property by the regulation of traffic and behavior and the establishment of hours of operation of such facilities to be enforced by appropriate fines and penalties. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 15, Parks and Recreation of the Code of Roanoke County be, and hereby is, amended and reenacted by the addition of the following provisions regulating conduct in public parks to read and provide as follows: G-3 Sec. 15-1. Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Ordinance Regulating Conduct in Public Parks of Roanoke County." Sec. 15-2. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivation shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. County is the County of Roanoke. Director means the Director of Parks and Recreation and includes any person whom the Director designates to act for the Director hereunder. Park and other areas, now or in the future operated and maintained by the County of Roanoke Department of Parks and Recreation, are defined to mean parks, public lands, playgrounds, recreation fields, museums, buildings, lakes, streams, lagoons, water areas, and submerged lands, and all public service facilities located on or in grounds, waters, buildings and structures in Roanoke County which are under the control of or assigned for upkeep, maintenance or operation by the County of Roanoke, Department of Parks and Recreation; including property of the Roanoke County School Board. Person is any person, firm, partnership, associations, corporation, company, or organization of any kind. Vehicle means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property may be transported upon a highway, except devices moved by power collected from overhead electric trolley wires, or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, and except devices other than bicycles moved by human power. Permit is any written license issued by or under the authority of the Director of Parks and Recreation permitting the performance of a specified act or acts. Parkincx means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. Closed Hours means the hours from 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. the following day. Department when used hereinafter is defined as the Department of Parks and Recreation for the County of Roanoke. Sheriff's deputies means all properly-trained and deputized law enforcement officers of the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department and any law enforcement officer legally empowered to issue warrants of arrest or summons within the County of Roanoke. Park attendants means all full-time employees of the department of parks and recreation and any part-time or temporary employees of the department specifically authorized by the director to enforce the requirements of this chapter. Sec. 15-3. Division of parks and recreation established• Position of director thereof created. "" A department of parks and recreation is hereby established and the position of director of such department is hereby created. Sec. 15-4. Conduct of county recreation programs. The department of parks and recreation shall conduct the recreation programs of the county, as directed by the board of supervisors or the county administrator. Sec. 15-5. Park property. No person in a park shall: 1. Propertv: A. Disfiguration and removal. Willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with or displace or remove any building, bridges, tables, benches, fireplace, railings, tree guards, paving or paving material, public utilities or parts or appurtenances thereof, signs, notices or placards (whether temporary or permanent), monuments, stakes, posts or other boundary markers, or other structures or equipment, facilities or park property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal. B. Restrooms and washrooms. Fail to maintain restrooms and washrooms in an neat and sanitary a condition as prior to such persons use, nor shall any person over the age of five (5) years use the restrooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex. C. Removal of natural resources. Dig or remove any sand, soil, rock, stones, water, trees, shrubs or plants, downed timber "` or other wood or materials, or make any excavation by tool, equipment, blasting or other means or agency. D. Erection of structures. Construct or erect any building structure or utility service of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary in character in any park except by special written permit issued hereunder. 2. Trees, shrubbery, lawns A. Injury and removal. Damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any tree or plant or injure the bark, or pick the flowers or seeds of any tree or plant; nor attach any rope, wire, or other contrivance to any tree or plant; or dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area. B. Climbing trees etc. Climb any tree or walk, stand, sit or attach any rope or cable or other contrivance upon monuments, vases, fountains, railings, fences or upon any other property not designated or customarily used for such purposes. 3. Wild animals, birds etc A. Hunting. Hunt, molest, frighten, kill, trap, chase, tease, shoot, or throw missiles at any animal, reptile or bird; nor shall any person remove or have in his possession the young of any wild animal, or the eggs or nest, or young of any reptile or bird. B. Feeding. Give or offer, or attempt to give to any animal or bird any tobacco, alcohol or other known noxious substance. G-.3 Sec. 15-6. Sanitation. No person in a park shall: 1. Pollution of waters. Throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream, bay or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into such waters, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution or littering of said waters. 2. Rubbish and refuse matter. Bring in or shall dump, lay, cast drop, discharge, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, cinders, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or refuse, or any other trash. No such refuse or trash shall be placed in any water in or contiguous to any park, or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the property receptacles where these are provided; where receptacles are not so provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere. Sec. 15-7. Traffic. No person in a park shall: 1. Motor vehicle laws apply. Fail to comply with all applicable provisions of the State and County motor vehicle traffic laws in regard to equipment and operation of vehicles together with such regulations as are contained in this and other ordinances. 2. Enforcement of traffic regulations. Fail to obey all Sheriff's deputies and park attendants who are hereby authorized and instructed to direct traffic whenever and wherever needed in the parks and on the highways, streets or roads immediately adjacent thereto in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and such supplementary regulations as may be issued subsequently by the Director. 3. Obey traffic signs. Fail to observe all traffic signs indicating speed, direction, caution, stopping or parking and all others posted for property control and to safeguard life and property. 4. Speed of vehicles. Ride or drive a vehicle at a rate of speed exceeding 15 miles per hour, except upon such park roads as the County may designate, by posted signs, for other speed limits. 5. Operation confined to roads. Drive any vehicle on any area except the paved park roads or parking areas, or such other areas as may on occasion be specifically designated as temporary parking areas by the Director. 6. Snowmobiles, etc. Operate in any park or recreation area snowmobiles, hovercraft, minibikes, motorcycles, go-carts, ATVs, mopeds, or any other vehicles except in areas specifically designated by the Director for such use. 7. Trucks and commercial vehicles. Shall operate in or through any park, any trucks or commercial vehicles with a gross weight in excess of five (5) tons, except for the delivery of the load thereon for use in such parks as expressly approved by the Director. 8 . Parkinct . G-3 A. Designated areas. Park a vehicle in other than an established or designated area, and such use shall be in accordance with the instructions of any park attendant or Sheriff's deputy who may be present. B. Prohibited activities. Park a vehicle in a park for the expressed purpose of washing, repairing or maintaining the same. C. Double parkin,.g. Double park any vehicle on any road or parkway unless directed by a park attendant or Sheriff's deputies. 9. Bicycles. A. Confined to roads. Ride a bicycle on other than a vehicular road or path designated for that purpose. A bicyclist shall be permitted to wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy or wooded trail or any paved area reserved for pedestrian use. B. Ride prohibited. Ride any other person on a bicycle. C. Designated racks. Leave a bicycle in a place other than a bicycle rack when such is provided and there is a space available. Sec. 15-8. Prohibited uses of parks. No person in a park shall: 1. Distribution or display. Post, paint, affix, distribute, handout, deliver, place, cast, or leave about any bill, billboard, placard, ticket, handbill, circular, or advertisement; display any flag, banner, transparency, target, sign, placard or any other matter for advertising purposes; operate any musical instrument for advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting attention to any exhibit, show, performance, or other display unless expressly authorized through permit by the Director pursuant to Section 15-11. 2. Contributions. Solicit contributions for any purpose. 3. Bathing and swimming. A. Designated areas. Swim, bathe, wade in any waters or waterways in any park, except in such waters and in such places as are provided therefore, and in compliance with such regulations as are herein set forth or may be hereinafter adopted. Nor shall any person frequent any waters or places customarily designated for the purpose of swimming or bathing, or congregate thereat when such activity is prohibited by the Director upon a finding that such use of the water would be dangerous to public health or welfare. B. Erection of tent shelter or structure. Erect or cause to be erected any tent, shelter or structure on, or in any beach, bathing or wading area in such a manner that a guy wire, rope, extension, brace or support connected or fastened from any such structure to any other such structure, stake, rock or other object is necessary, nor shall any other such structure, tent or shelter lack an unobstructed view of the interior from at least two sides. C. Certain hours. Frequent any waters or places designated for the purpose of swimming or bathing, or congregate thereat, except between such hours of the day as shall be designated by the Director for such purposes for each individual area. V - D. Bath houses. Dress or undress in any vehicle, toilet or other place, except in such bathing houses or structures as may be provided for that purpose. 4. Boatina. A. Designated areas. Bring into or operate any boat, raft, or other watercraft, whether motor powered or not, upon any waters except at places designated for boating by the Director. Such activity shall be in accordance with applicable regulations as are now or may hereinafter be adopted. B. Operation of boats. Navigate, operate, direct or handle any boat in violation of federal, state or local laws pertaining to the operation of boats. C. Prohibition during closing hours. Launch, dock or operated any boat of any kind on any waters during the closed hour, nor shall any person be on or remain on or in any boat during said closed hours of the park. 5. Fishina. A. Commercial fishina. Commercial fishing, buying or selling of fish caught in any park waters is forbidden. B. Designated areas. Fish in any park waters, whether by the use of hook-and-line, net trap, spear, gig, or other device, except in such waters thereof as are or may be designated by the Director for that use and under such regulations and restrictions as have been or may be prescribed by said Department. 6. Hunting and firearms. Hunt, trap or pursue wildlife at any time. Trapping may be authorized, by permit, when it is deemed by the Director that said activity is in the best interest of "~ public health, safety and/or welfare. No person shall within a park use, carry or possess firearms of any description, or air rifles, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially dangerous to wildlife and to human safety or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device. Shooting into park areas from beyond park property boundaries is forbidden. 7. Picnic areas and use. A. Regulated. Picnic in a place other than those designated for that purpose. Park attendants shall have the authority to regulate the activities in such areas when necessary to prevent congestion and to secure the maximum use for the comfort and convenience of all. Visitors shall comply with any directions given by park attendants to achieve this end. B. Availability. Fail to observe the policy that use of the individual fireplaces together with tables and benches shall follow the rule of "first come, first served." C. Duty of picnicker. Leave a picnic area before the fire is completely extinguished and before all trash in the nature of boxes, papers, cans, bottles, garbage and other refuse is placed in the disposal receptacles where provided. If no such trash receptacles are available, then refuse and trash shall be carried away from the park area by the picnicker to be properly disposed of elsewhere. D. Non-exclusive. Use any portion of the park areas or of any of the buildings or structures therein without a permit issued by the Director, for the purpose of holding activities to "~ the exclusion of other persons, nor shall any person use such area and facilities for an unreasonable time if the facilities are crowded. E. Reservations. Reservations for shelters only may be obtained by paying a fee, as determined by the Department of Parks and Recreation for exclusive use during said time period. Permits will be issued upon payment of fee and must be in the possession of users to be valid. 8. Camping. Set up tents, shacks, or any other temporary shelter for the purpose of camping without a permit from the Director, nor shall any person leave during closed hours any equipment, structure or vehicle to be used or that could be used for such purposes, such as house trailer, camp trailer, camp wagon or the like. 9. Games. Take part in or organize any recreational activity or the playing of any games except in areas set apart therefor. 10. Horseback riding. Ride, drive, or lead a horse except on park drives or trails, as designated by the Director. Where permitted, horses shall be thoroughly broken and properly restrained, and ridden with due care, and shall not be allowed to graze or go unattended, nor be hitched to any rock, tree and shrub. No hoofed animals will be allowed on turf areas. 11. Missiles and fireworks. Carry, shoot, fire, explode or throw any fireworks, firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes or missiles of any kind in any park without a permit from the Director. 12. Photography. Without prior written authorization by the Director, make still or moving pictures that involve the use of special settings, structures, lighting or apparatus, or the performance of a cast of persons, either amateur or professional, or the posting of professional models; said written permission may be issued only when such activities will permit normal use of park facilities by other visitors. However, the provisions of this section do not in any way restrict the use of cameras by amateur photographers. Sec. 15-9. Meetings and concessions. No person shall: 1. Hold or take part in any public meeting or event, religious, political, charitable or otherwise, including picnic parties and entertainment for charitable or religious purposes, in any public park without first obtaining permission from the Director. Such assemblages shall be conducted in a lawful and orderly manner; and shall occupy such grounds and facilities as may be assigned to or reserved for them. 2. Sell or offer for sale any food, beverage, refreshment or any article or service whatsoever in any park or recreation facility except by concessionaires under contract with the County or by non-profit, charitable or religious groups, authorized by permit from the Director. Sec. 15-10. Behavior. No person in any park shall: 1. Intoxication. Enter upon or be in or remain in a park or recreation facility while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance as defined by the Drug Control Act of the Code of Virginia. l.~ " 2. Takina a drink or tendering same Take a drink of any alcoholic beverage or tender a drink thereof to any other person, whether accepted or not, except as permitted by Section 4-78C. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 3. Domestic animals. Be responsible for the entry of a dog or other domestic animal into a park or recreation area unless carried, led by a chain, strap or rope, or kept in a wagon, automobile or other vehicle by chain, rope, or strap. Dogs, cats or other domestic animals shall not be permitted to enter any lake, pond, fountain, swimming pool, stream or food and beverage concession area within any park or recreation area. Seeing-eye dogs shall be excluded from the provisions of this regulation. 4. Fires. Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as may be designated by the Director. No person shall drop or throw or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper or other inflammable material within any park area or on any highway, road or street abutting or contiguous thereto. 5. Closed areas. Enter an area posted as "Closed to the Public" or "No Trespassing," nor shall any person use or abet the use of any area in violation of posted notices. 6. Going onto ice. Go onto ice on any of the waters except such areas designated as skating areas and posted as such. 7. Disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. Recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another by doing any of the following: ~~ A. Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property, or in violent or turbulent behavior; B. Making unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display, or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person; C. Insulting, taunting, or challenging another under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to provoke a violent response; D. Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road or right-of-way, or to, from, within or upon public property, so as to interfere with the rights of others, and by any act which serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender. E. Creating a condition which is physically offensive to persons or which presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act which serves no lawful or reasonable purpose of the offender. 8. Exhibit permits. Fail to produce and exhibit any permits from the Director upon request of any Sheriff's deputy or park attendant who shall request to inspect the same. 9. Interference with permittees. Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area, or participating in any activity, under the authority of a permit. Sec. 15-11. Park Operating Policv. 1. Hours. Parks shall be open to the public every day of the year from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., except park facilities with ~!~ special hours of operation which shall be posted thereon. Special permission from the Director is required for any persons to remain in any park area outside regular open hours. 2. Closed areas. Any section of any part of any park may be declared closed to the public by the Director at any time or for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular and started intervals and either entirely or merely to certain uses, as the Director shall find reasonably necessary. 3. Permit. A permit shall be obtained from the Director before participating in a park activity prohibited by these rules: A. Application. A person seeking issuance of a permit hereunder shall file an application with the Director. The application shall state: the name and address of the applicant; the name and address of the person, persons, corporation or association sponsoring the activity, if any; the day and hours for which the permit is desired; an estimate of the anticipated attendance; any other information which the Director shall find reasonably necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued hereunder. B. Standards of Issuance. The Director may issue a permit hereunder when he finds: that the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park; that the proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety or recreation; that the proposed activity or use is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct; that the proposed 1,,,7 activity will not entail unusual, extra-ordinary or burdensome expense or allocation of manpower resources by the Sheriff's Department or other operation by the County; that the facilities desired have not been reserved for other use at the day and hour required in the application. C. Appeal. Within seven (7) days after receipt of an application, the Director shall either issue a permit or apprise an applicant in writing of his reasons for refusing a permit, and any aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal in writing within five (5) days to the Assistant County Administrator for Human Services, which shall consider the application under the standards set forth in sub-section (B) hereof and sustain or overrule the Director's decision within 15 days. The decision of the Assistant County Administrator shall be final. D. Effect of permit. A permittee shall be bound by all park rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances fully as though the same were inserted in said permits. E. Liabilitv of Permittee. The person or persons to whom a permit is issued shall be liable for any loss, damage or injuries sustained by any person whatsoever, by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permits shall have been issued. F. Revocation. The Director shall have the authority to revoke a permit upon finding a violation of any rule or ordinance, or upon good cause shown. Sec. 15-12. Fines and penalties. l7 Unless a more severe punishment is specifically provided for under State law which shall then be applicable to a violation of this article, a violation of any provision of this article shall constitute a Class 4 misdemeanor; provided that nothing herein contained shall limit the authority of the court to order restitution for the benefit of the county as a result of any damage or abuse to property subject to this article. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after ITEM NUMBER G-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to acquire necessary easements and property to construct the Old Hollins Road Water Line Project COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~, ,.c.~ ~~~-~`~'~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The Board of Supervisors has given tentative approval to the proposed Old Hollins Road Water Line Project. Final approval will be subject to completing the contracts between the property owners and Roanoke County to fund the project. Staff is requesting that an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of easements and other properties be authorized with the first reading on April 11, 1989, to allow for the second reading of the ordinance at the April 25, 1989 meeting. It is assumed that final contracts between Roanoke County and property owners will be available and forwarded for Board action on the April 25, 1989 meeting. The project will involve acquisition of several water line easements and also properties for a pump station and water storage tank. The following is a list of properties involved: Tax Map 28.13-1-23 28.13-1-23.7 28.13-1-2-3 28.13-2-3.1 28.13-2-3.2 28.03.1-2 28.03-1-1 28.03-2-10 28.00-1-6 28.04-2.9 28.04-2-10 28.04-2-11 Property Owner Myrtle Garman Reginald Garman Stephen Davidson Stephen Davidson Winter Properties Ingersoll-Rand Co. Kathryn Taylor Paul Henson Bradshaw-Trustee William Sapp Mark Vinson Robert Runyon Acquisition Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement & Property & Property ~' 1 Staff would recommend that cost of acquisition for easements and property be based on the following: 1. Acquisition of property for the pump station and water storage tank be based on the assessed value of the property. 2. Acquisition of easements not to exceed 40$ of the assessed value of the property. FISCAL IMPACTS The cost of easement and property acquisition is estimated to exceed $10,000 and will be part of the project cost for the Old Hollins Road Water Line Project. These funds will be available upon final approval of the project by the Board of Supervisors. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board conduct the first reading of an ordinance authorizing acquisition of easements at a cost not to exceed 40g of the assessed value; and property at a cost not to exceed the assessed value as needed for the Old Hollins Road Water Line Project. SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T.He ry, P.E. Director of Engineering APPROVED BY: ~1 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To 2 Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Q..~: .,.v. Iwo 5 C~ .ice ~~ rtw~hG rJwh :Jh S + , ~:..,. ~ ~R,orw .uou . ~ g ~.. ~~~ j Rf.Sl~yl4hT f/ P" r ~~ "~F ~" Site ~~ w ~ ~ «... VICINITY MAP p _ _ ~- - ,. ,. . .. iyl 1 ~A r ~ ~• v~~y~ ~ ; , ~,, • . ~~<< ~~~ ._ . , .. ~•~ .. , ,.~~ _ ., , ," SPECIAL SERVICE AREA ~ ; i i • _ • C' F ~ • ~ ~~. ~ T )! r= (. S ,~ ~!. . l (ob 1 -J ~ ~ .._ a i~~ PROPOSED TANK MATER SYSTEM PETITION' ~. ~\ :~ ~) ` j ~. ,/ ,~ r J J WATER PROJECT OLD HOLLINS COMMUNITYSERVICBS ROAD AREA AND DEVELOPMENT 3 '~~ NORTB • ,~ __ xiri ' . -> v 1 Z '/ ` i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 198 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL ESTATE FOR A PUMP STATION AND WATER STORAGE TANK AND WATER LINE EASEMENTS, OLD HOLLINS ROAD WATER LINE PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the acquisition of real estate for a pump station and a water storage tank and twelve (12) easements for the Old Hollins Road Water Line Project was held on April 11, 1989. A second reading on this matter was held on April 25, 1989. 2. That these real estate and easement acquisitions are for a water line project in the Hollins area of the County. This project will provide necessary utility service to the citi- zens of Roanoke County. 3. That the properties to be acquired are identified as follows: Tax Map Property Owner Acquisition 28.13-1-23 28.13-1-23.7 28.13-1-2-3 28.13-2-3.1 28.13-2-3.2 28.03.1-2 28.03-1-1 28.03-2-10 28.00-1-6 28.04-2.9 28.04-2-10 28.04-2-11 Myrtle Garman Reginald Garman Stephen Davidson Stephen Davidson Winter Properties Ingersoll-Rand Co. Kathryn Taylor Paul Henson Bradshaw-Trustee William Sapp Mark Vinson Robert Runyon Easement Easement Easement Easement & Property Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement & Property Easement Easement Easement 4. That the consideration for the acquisition of proper- ty for the pump station and water storage tank shall not exceed the assessed value of the property; and that the consideration for the acquisition of the easements shall not exceed forty (400) percent of the assessed value of the property. That the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars is hereby appropriated for these real estate acquisitions. 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ... ~~ .~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 ORDINANCE 41189-3 AMENDING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 17, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF ON- SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF A NEW SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED "POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS" WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by Chapter 11 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, notice of the County's intention to adopt amendments to its Subdivision Ordinance was duly advertised in the Roanoke Times and World News on February 21, 1989, and Feb- ruary 28, 1989; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on March 7, 1989, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended approval of the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and the adop- tion of a new section of the Design and Construction Standards Manual entitled "Policy for subdivision approval with on-site wewage disposal systems and/or wells"; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on March 28, 1989; and the second reading of this ordinance was held on April 11, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: r. 1. That Chapter 17, Subdivision of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted by the adoption of Sections 17-6(F) and 17-10(K) to read and provide as follows: Article II. Preliminary Plats Section 17-6. Contents; approval. (F) The subdivider shall present to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department a preliminary plat of the subdivi- sion as required under the Desi n and Construction Standards Man- ual entitled "Policy for Subdivision A royal with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells." Article III. Final Plats Section 17-10. Contents; monuments. In addition to the requirements for the preliminary plat, the final plat shall show: (K) A statement of certification by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department to the effect that all lots shown on the subdivision plat have been reviewed by the personnel of the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department and have met the cri- teria as set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewage Hand- ling and Disposal Regulations entitled "32 1 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and each lot_or parcel is eligible for a septic permit." 2. That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect from and after April 11, 1989. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Elmer C. Hodge, lerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Dr. Margaret Hagan, Director, Health Department Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Terry Harrington, Director, Planning Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County J&D Court, Intake Counsellor John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION 41189-4 ADOPTING A NEW SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED "POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/ OR WELLS" WHEREAS, the Department of Development is in the pro- cess of preparing a manual to assist the public, and especially the development community, for clarification of rules, regula- tions, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Design and Construction Standards Committee composed of area engineers, surveyors, members of the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders Association, and County staff was assembled to develop the content of the manual and the design standards; and WHEREAS, it was the consensus of the committee to address the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and drain- age in the manual; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on February 14, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by resolution, adopted a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" to assist the public in the clarification and interpretation of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County, and in particular, the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and drainage which shall have the force of law effective February 15, 1989; and WHEREAS, the water design standards and the Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications of the manual have been previously completed and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby adopt the third component of the Design and Construction Standards Manual en- titled "Policy for subdivision approval with on-site sewage dis- posal and/or wells." FURTHER, this section of the manual shall be in full force and effect from and after April 11, 1989. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None. A COPY TESTS: Elmer C. Hodg , Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Dr. Margaret Hagan, Director, Health Department 2 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ "` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: "Amendments to Articles II and III of the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance and adoption of the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems And/Or Wells" as part of the Construction Standards and Specifications Manual. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: ~~~~~ ~~ Roanoke County has been faced in recent years with rapid development of subdivisions in the rural parts of the County where public facilities are unavailable. This type of development has created an increasing number of complaints from the citizens, realtors and developers from the fear of contamination to existing wells, failing septic systems or the denial of lots for on-lot septic systems after the lots have been sold. Because of the public concerns the County staff and the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department have developed policies for subdivision approval for On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems And/Or Wells which will help insure the proper development of future rural subdivisions. The proposed subdivision amendments and policy have been reviewed by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department, County Staff and the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders. Therefore, the County Staff recommends the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and, the adoption of the attached policy. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of Roanoke ~~~ County held on the 7th of March, 1989, the Planning Commission, after careful consideration of the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and after consideration of the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells, moved that the following revisions suggested by the Roanoke Valley Homebuilder's Association be incorporated into this policy. 1. Section 301.01 - Subtitle (A) - Topographic Map: All preliminary Plats shall be drafted with five foot contour intervals. This shall not be derived from U.S.C. & G.S. quadrangle maps or other sources where distortion may occur from a change in scale. AMEND THIS SECTION TO READ: All preliminary Plats shall be drafted with five foot contour intervals. Move and incorporate the remaining portions into Section 305.00 - Final Plan - under Subtitle (A). 2. Section 301.01 - Subtitle (C). Each proposed lot shall have a drainfield site which shall conform to the following: 1. contain sufficient area for one drainfield and it must be contained on the same lot or parcel on which it serves. A 50~ reserve area shall be designated, if required, by the Health Department and, 2. shall have been field located and only the reserve areas shall be shown on the Plat. AMEND THIS SECTION TO READ: Preliminary location of Soil Studies shall be shown as provided by a consulting engineer or soil scientist. The remaining requirements of this section are incorporated in Section 305.00 - FINAL PLAN - under Subtitle (B). The Roanoke Valley Homebuilder's only suggestion not incorporated into this policy was the request to permit the location of drainfields on adjacent lots. The County staff and the Planning Commission strongly feel that all newly created lots should contain their own sewage disposal systems. Being no further changes, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended the approval of the following amendment to ~"f the Subdivision Ordinance and the adoption of the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or wells." SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE a. Section 17-6 (F) - The subdivider shall present to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department a preliminary Plat of the subdivision as required under the Construction Standards Manual entitled "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems And/Or Wells". b. Section 17-10.(K) - A statement of certification by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department to the effect that all lots shown on the subdivision Plat have been reviewed by the personnel of the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department and have met the criteria as set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations entitled "32.1 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and each lot or parcel is eligible for a septic permit." The first reading of the Ordinance was held on March 28, 1989; staff recommends approval of Ordinance after second reading to be held on April 11, 1989. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and the "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells, as amended by the Roanoke County Planning Commission be approved. TTED BY: Arnold Covey Develpment Review an Inspections Director Approved( ) Denied ( ) Received( ) Referred to Motion by: APPROVED: -~'~ti2~..~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes Abs ~-i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEW SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED "POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/ OR WELLS" WHEREAS, the Department of Development is in the pro- cess of preparing a manual to assist the public, and especially the development community, for clarification of rules, regula- tions, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Design and Construction Standards Committee composed of area engineers, surveyors, members of the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders Association, and County staff was assembled to develop the content of the manual and the design standards; and WHEREAS, it was the consensus of the committee to address the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and drain- age in the manual; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on February 14, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by resolution, adopted a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" to assist the public in the clarification and interpretation of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County, and in particular, the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and drainage which shall have the force of law effective February 15, 1989; and • "~ WHEREAS, the water design standards and the Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications of the manual have been previously completed and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby adopt the third component of the Design and Construction Standards Manual en- titled "Policy for subdivision approval with on-site sewage dis- posal and/or wells." FURTHER, this section of the manual shall be in full force and effect from and after April 11, 1989. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 17, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF ON- SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO AUTHO- RIZE THE ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF A NEW SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED "POLICY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND/OR WELLS" WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by Chapter 11 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, notice of the County's intention to adopt amendments to its Subdivision Ordinance was duly advertised in the Roanoke Times and World News on February 21, 1989, and Feb- ruary 28, 1989; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on March 7, 1989, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended approval of the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and the adop- tion of a new section of the Design and Construction Standards Manual entitled "Policy for subdivision approval with on-site wewage disposal systems and/or wells"; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on March 28, 1989; and the second reading of this ordinance was held on April 11, 1989. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: ~'T "~ 1. That Chapter 17, Subdivision of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted by the adoption of Sections 17-6(F) and 17-10(K) to read and provide as follows: Article II. Preliminary Plats Section 17-6. Contents; approval. (F) The subdivider shall present to the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department a preliminary plat of the subdivi- sion as required under the Design and Construction Standards Man- ual entitled "Policy for Subdivision Approval with On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and/or Wells." Article III. Final Plats Section 17-10. Contents; monuments. In addition to the requirements for the preliminary plat, the final plat shall show: (K) A statement of certification by the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department to the effect that all lots shown on the subdivision plat have been reviewed by the personnel of the Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department and have met the cri- teria as set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewage Hand- ling and Disposal Regulations entitled "32.1 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and each lot or parcel is eligible for a septic permit." 2. That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect from and after April 11, 1989. ~`ry rt~rx~~i ti~~ ~ ~~~ 1yr ~~~~r ~ ~ ~ r°Ii~(i i 1°~~~ i~~ ~ iil i~ 1 ~ i~t~ ~ i t ~ ri i~tr~i`~~i~~ii~~ff`~f~i~'r11~~~~ili ~1iil~r~i it ~ i~rf i u~r r u ~ r ~ ~r1 ~~~ ii`1 tltlt~ ~ 11 u u ~~ ~~_ s:1 /~ ~ ~~ APPEARAI~TCE RE UEST - Q - AGENDA ITEM NO. -- I ... __ - ~c~, P~opaS~~ _ _ - - SUBJECT ~ U ~~~ ~ ~Sra~~ Dll S~_I ~JA = _ - - _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _- so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, -= I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ _ - • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to -' do otherwise. - __ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- = Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized =_ = speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments =_ = with the clerk. _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT ._. THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m { Peesentation and Petition to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors April 11, 1989 My name is Alfred Powell. I reside at 3440 Franklin Street, in Roanoke County. At your March 28th meeting I made three requests of you, relative to the provisions of the proposed amendments to Articles II and III of the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. I repeat those requests at this time. Additionally, I'd like to address certain comments made in response to questions by Mr. McGraw. First is the matter of the development staff's and Health Department's not actually requiring the proposed percolation tests in some instances when small lot commercial subdivisions are not involved. I don't believe that they could or would do that, even though they might want to. I believe that Mr. Mahoney would tell them it would be illegal. Please don't make law that is bad to begin with. Please put a reasonable lot size limitation on this requirement. The staff is on record before this board and the Planning Commission that the intent of the proposal is aimed at small lot commercial subdivisions. Second, the reason given for requiring five foot contour interval maps in all instances is to be consistent with the subdivision ordinance. My request that five foot contour interval maps be required only when such maps are available from public agencies would not be inconsistent with the subdivision ordinance. Five foot contour interval maps are not required now, when they are not readily available, except in commercial subdivision situations. Also, I do not take much solace from the observation that this condition of non-availability should work itself out before too long. It has not in the past. Third, I wish to reiterate that physical surveys are not necessary in most partitions of land. They may be required by government, but they are not necessary in many instances in which previous surveys exist and when accurately identifiable markers or terrain features such as public roads and utilities easements constitute new boundaries. The flagging requirement is reasonable in small lot commercial subdivisions, but not in all circumstances. Please exempt larger parcels from the flagging requirement. My final appeal is for the utilization of ideas and opinions from others than just the Home Builders in formulating and reviewing proposed changes such as this and street standards. The Home Builders are fine folks, but are commercially oriented only, understandably concentrate on their own interests, and represent a very narrow segment of our society. Thank you for considering my requests. ACTION NUMBER .{ ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ~" } AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 Community Corrections Resources Board One-year term of Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate. His term expired August 13, 1988. 2 League of Older Americans Advisorv Board One-year term of Webb Johnson will expire March 31, 1989. Supervisor Robers will expire March the Consent Agenda. SUBMITTED BY: is nominating Mr. Johnson to another term which 31, 1990. His confirmation will be included in -mom--~-~- ~~ ~-~-- Mary H Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To• Nickens Robers r ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER ~ `" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On December 13, 1988, the Board of Supervisors voted to continue this Board and appoint new members. Michael Lazzuri, Director of Court Services has contacted the present members of the Court Service Unit Advisory Council/Youth and Family Services Advisory Board to determine whether they wished to continue serving. The following terms expired in 1988 or will expire in 1989. Appointments to this committee are not made by magisterial district; however, the magisterial district is listed for each member. Two-year term of James L. Trout, Vinton Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Trout has not responded to Mr. Lazzuri's letter. Two-year term of Ted R. Powell, Cave Spring Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Powell would like to be reappointed. Two-year term of Hoyt C. Rath, Vinton Magisterial District, will expire March 22, 1989. Mr. Rath does not wish to serve another term. Two-year term of Dr. Andrew Archer, Vinton Magisterial District expired March 22, 1988. Dr. Archer does not wish to be reappointed. In addition to the appointments listed above, it is necessary to appoint four youth members, one each from Cave Spring High School, Northside High School, Glenvar High School, William Byrd High School. Mr. Lazzuri recommends that these appointments run from September through September. Therefore, appointment made in .~ "' 1989 will expire September 1, 1989. Thereafter all terms will expire September 1, coinciding with the school year. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~' c ~~-- Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Deputy Clerk County Administrator ----------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To• Nickens Robers l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION N0. 41189-5 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM K - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 11, 1989, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8, inclusive, as follows: 1. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving The Falls, section 4. 2. Request acceptance of Fox Ridge Road into the VDOT Secondary System. 3. Confirmation of committee appointment to the League of Older Americans Advisory Board. 4. Acknowledge acceptance of Cavalier Drive, Westbriar Court, and Cavalier Court (Canterbury Park, sections 3 and 4) into the VDOT Secondary System. 5. Authorize temporary use of the former Bent Mountain Fire Station building by the Bent Mountain Woman's Club. 6. Acceptance from David M. and Pamela B. Mangrum of a drainage easement across lot 13, block 2, section 2 of Forest Edge. 7. Acceptance from Roanoke Regional Airport Commission of a water line easement. 8. Approval of Raffle Permit for the Roanoke County Schools Food Service Chapter a 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens with Item 8 added, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 7"~' ~ ~f Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 4/12/89 CC: Phillip Henry, Engineering Director Clifford Craig, Utility Director Paul Mahoney, County Attorney File Roanoke Regional Airport Commission A-41189-5.a ITEM NUMBER +~ ~ "" . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving The Falls Section 4 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~,7 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of The Falls Section 4, Strauss Construction Company have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sewer lines serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer lines are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled Section No. 4, The Falls, dated December 27, 1988, which are on file in the Engineering Department. The water and sewer line construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The values of the water and sewer construction are $8350.00 and $9414.00 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: %~?~(Li Phillip Henry, P Director of Engineering APPROVE (. ~c6 Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ._ /-(- ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens/ No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Steven A. c raw Garrett x Received ( > Johnson x Referred McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 2 ~ a'ue ~r ' . I ~ ~ b ,~~„, o ~(, \~•~ ~ ~~~ • '. wizen " ~ sw~rroo ~ ~ni(SnsW f! ~i'i:_^~Vr _ rW001A10S _ " N ~l~ i LAKE Nt (FAi[NOSM~P ~l E IX/T ~- w M~~,~~ ~~ ~ VICINITY MAP ~~ 1~ NORTH COMMUNI"L7 JCKY!(.CJ THE FALLS SECTION 4 AND DEVELOPMENT 3 ,~. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION 41189-5.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF FOX RIDGE ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Fox Ridge Road a section of road extending from Fox Ridge Road and Peregrine Crest Circle intersection (these roads recently submitted to VDOT) extending in a southwesterly direction 0.28 miles to the second intersection of Peregrine Crest Circle and Fox Ridge Road pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1, Paragraph D and funded pursuant to Section 33.1-75.1, Paragraph A of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. 2. That this Board does guarantee the Commonwealth of Virginia an unrestricted right-of-way of 50 feet as recorded in Plat Book , Page , dated , with necessary easements for drainage and other documents of record in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office. 3. That said Board certify that this road was open to public use prior to July 1, 1978, at which time it was opened to and used by motor vehicles. ,, 4. That said roads known as Fox Ridge Road, which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the state secondary systems of highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor McGraw and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~ ~..~~ 1~-~~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy lerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation r ITEM NUMBER ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Fox Ridge Road into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADM I NISTRATO R' S CO M M E NTS //~J rJ'r ~ ~/ // ~y ` ~.\J SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Old Heritage Corporation, the developer of Hunting Hills, and the property owners along Fox Ridge Road request that the Board of Supervisors accept the donation of right-of-way and drainage easement along the road and approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.28 miles of Fox Ridge Road. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road to be acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the road improvements is by the 1985 Road Bond and by the developer. The estimated cost is $59,000.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board accept the donation of right-of-way and drainage easements pursuant to Ordinance #102787-4 and approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept Fox Ridge Road into the Secondary Road System. K-2 SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. enry, P.E Director of Engineering APPROVED: /,yc~ ~~ `th-t/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens Robers 2 K-2 1 ,Q. NORTH PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY ~ - - -~ .e ~ x ~ DESCRIPTION: ,~ (1) Fox Ridge Road between "'p ~ Peregrine Crest Circle •,. R1 ~ ~ LENGTH: (1) 0.28 Miles b ~•„ RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet ~ O Z x~o ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 30 Feet ' SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 18-20 Feet I ~ ~ ~ . SERVICE: (1) 10+ Homes _ R~ ~ O, IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RESIDENT ENGINEERS ~ i ~ RECOMMENDATION: ~ ~ ~. _ _ _ ' ~ ~ 1 R1 ~ 1 140 rR~-1-1 .. ~ 1'• q/ 1 ~ • R1 ~ ~ 1 p3 i i i M ~ » Ri Rt ' t` j ~ R1 ~~ R~ ~~ R7 ~ O • ~~ "." O ~ Ri 2 O, ~~ z R1 R3 - ~ 4 . ~ ~ L1.b O • ~ M ~:> • N » ~ uir N MI ~ ~ O ~ • O O • ~~ ~~ ~~ N n sir R3 ! .». r ., UOy ui».. n 4YY w u-.. ACCEPTANCE OF FOX RIDGE ROAD INTO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~' AND DEVELOPMENT SECONDARY SYSTEM 3 _ J K- 2. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SOPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF FOX RIDGE ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Fox Ridge Road a section of road extending from Fox Ridge Road and Peregrine Crest Circle intersection (these roads recently submitted to VDOT) extending in a southwesterly direction 0.28 miles to the second intersection of Peregrine Crest Circle and Fox Ridge Road pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1, Paragraph D and funded pursuant to Section 33.1-75.1, Paragraph A of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. 2. That this Board does guarantee the Commonwealth of Virginia an unrestricted right-of-way of 50 feet as recorded in Plat Book , Page , dated , with necessary easements for drainage and other documents of record in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office. 3. That said Board certify that this road was open to public use prior to July 1, 1978, at which time it was opened to and used by motor vehicles. 4 K - 2.. 4. That said roads known as Fox Ridge Road, which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the state secondary systems of highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5 A-41189-5.c ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the League of Older Americans Advisory Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Supervisor Robers has nominated Webb Johnson to serve another one-year term on the League of Older Americans Advisory Board. The nominee has agreed to serve. It is recommended that Mr. Johnson be confirmed as a member of the League Of Older Americans Advisory Board. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: { / •o-e.(` Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens/ Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To• Nickens x Robers x cc: File League of Older Americans File ACTION N0. A-41189-5.d ITEM NUMBER ~"\ ` `i° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Cavalier Drive, Westbriar Court and Cavalier Court to the Va. Department of Transportation Secondary System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following roads in Canterbury Park, Sections 3 & 4, have been accepted into the Va. Department of Transportation, effective March 27, 1989. 0.19 miles of Cavalier Drive 0.16 miles of Westbriar Court 0.05 miles of Cavalier Court SUBMITTED BY: ~G~~ ~_ C~.ue~.-- Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: ~; ~ ~~- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. NickenG/Steven Yes No Abs Denied ( ) A. McGraw Garrett _~ Received ( ) Johnson ~ Referred McGraw x To• Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering -. ~ ~ . ,~ ®- , >~ ~% ~ ~ r ~4~~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RAY D. PETHTEL RICHMOND, 23219 COMMISSIONER March 2 7 , 19 8 9 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: K- 4 OSCAR K. MABRY DEPUTY COMMISSIONER As requested in your resolution dated January 24, 1989, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective March 27, 1989. ADDITIONS LENGTH CANTERBURY PARK - SECTIONS 3 & 4 Route 1799 (Cavalier Drive) - From 0.02 mile West Route 1795 to Salisbury Drive. 0.19 Mi. Route 2000 (Westbriar Court) - From Route 1799 to Southwe st cul-de-sac. 0.16 Mi. Route 2001 (Cavalier Court) - From Route 1799 to Northeast cul-de-sac. 0.05 Mi. Sincerely, Oscar K. Mabr~ Y Deputy Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR 7HE 21ST CENTURY ACTION # A-41189-5.e ITEM NUMBER "` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: April 11, 1989 Authorization to allow the Bent Mountain Fire Sta- tion to be used by a civic organization COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Bent Mountain Woman's Club has requested permission to utilize the old Bent Mountain Fire Station for the purpose of conducting a yard sale and bake sale from May 17 to May 22, 1989. The organization has agreed to be responsible for any damage to the property as a result of these activities. In addition, the organization has agreed to execute a waiver releasing Roanoke County from any injuries or damages to persons and property as a result of these stated activities. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff makes the following recommendation: 1. That the Board authorize the County Administrator to execute such documents to accomplish this transaction on forms approved by the County Attorney. 2. That the Board favorably consider this authorization by resolution under the consent agenda. Respectfully submitted, ~CZ-t~~ ~ '~-. Sarah A. Rice Assistant County Attorney r \ °_ Approved Denied Received Referred To ACTION ( x) Motion by: Harry c' N; c~kPn~, c+oven ( ) A. McGraw Garrett ( ) Johnson McGraw cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Thomas Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes Abs _ x _ x _ x _ x x ACTION # A-41189-5.f ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of a drainage easement being donated by David M. Mangrum and Pamela B. Mangrum across Lot 13, Block 2, Section 2, Forest Edge COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: David M. Mangrum and Pamela B. Mangrum have agreed to donate to the County an easement for the location and construction of a drainage facility. The easement shall be variable in width and is more particularly shown on a plat dated March 1, 1988, pre- pared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, P.C., Engineers and Sur- veyors, a copy of which is attached to this report. The easement is located in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District across Lot 13, Block 2, Section 2, Forest Edge on the property of David M. Mangrum and Pamela B. Mangrum. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 102787-4 adopted on October 27, 1987, the Board authorized the County Administrator to accept donations or dedications of noncontroversial real estate matters. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this acceptance by resolution under the consent agenda. Respectfully submitted, Sarah A. Rice Assistant County Attorney "' Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: Harry C. Nickens/ Steven A. McGraw VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities ' WM K - ~ rl V o+; m V N ~ •~'~ ' .~y , ' ` ,, ~ h a'~ ea v6 1 V~. ~. .T ~ 3000K Z. SEGfroN •1 ' ~ I " f•OGESI EOGE ~ R 9. to rG ?9 ~^ ' nor 13 ~ 1 rZ ~ ~ ~ ~ c r2 ~ t ~ `f cl I 1 N of O ~V \[~ `i; ~ $' T . s vT N 1 'i I' ~ ! 2 o ~ b. , 0 ~ ° ~ NEw QRA/NAGc s:raa~K 5 ~ ~ ~° ~ Z ~- EASEMENT . ~E~•a:.a • Sp ~` ~ ~SErIEN. NF5•jG' ' ?s ~y 00 'py, CG. ZB' _ _ _ 15' PugplG + ` i ~(IWi{ E fxl5f ~• 1~ ~ cvavF A ; A= r6x65' liOIAL) cE A~ iAf h . , ~q~{ E~IGE Ro , ~ - _ GuRVE 'A" d 36'58'70" •~\\619?021, T - 16.63' R - 275.00' ,~'~J ~ `~J~ A 167 B5' r ~~' r c GN. _ 165. ?6' r' 93~p i ~ PLAT SlIOWING ' GN.9 - NB1 36'53' : ~~'•'~"~-~~•~'~~ %~ NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT /'.~/~ s ~~ BEINC GRANTED TO ~ Q - 5°49'x3" ' '~!, Z~~ ~ THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ~ 13'19 `1U~ eY a 25.00' • A m 27.96' DAVID M, MANGRUM 6 GH = 2795' PAMELA B. MANGRUM ' ~ti'9.= 584°14'r2"E ACROSS LOT 13, BLOCK 2, SECTION M2, FOREST EDGE (P.B. 10, PG. 69) WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 50' DATE: 1 MARCH 1988 BUFORD T. LUMSDEN Es ASSOCIATES, P. C. ' ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA •.,, D7' V/! ~~ ' u c v `" ~N~ n. n~ ~~ o: ., ~ ~ ~~ .' nd '~ ~h ', ~~ gGOGK Z, SEGTtON ~`! ~~~ ~~ FoaESr EnGE .,, p g. !o ~U. Z9 ~, ~~ nor 13 ~ I ~:,, ,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ -~ ~ o~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~ ~~ o ., .z N ~ ~~ °~~ ` r ,~ Q "~ ~: ~ 4 "~- F~ '_ ~ ~ NEw gRA~NAGc , ~~ h~T~ACw ~x sal°~' .. ~`r~. ' ty Ek~s;~ 30' M g.L, 1---..-~' SE __EN• ~ ~ __lN,4oZ8 ___- Jt _/~ ~5~9, --/-~.r~5t ICJ' PUg~IG ~ ti'~~•- ~ 1) ~~~ l ~vav~ -a -- v: r~7 R5 ' K-~ rl ACTION # A°41189--5. g ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of a water line easement being donated by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: r~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has agreed to donate to the County an easement for the location and construction of a water line across its property more particularly described as Roanoke County Tax Map No. 37.07-1-5. The easement is located in the Catawba Magisterial District across property acquired by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commis- sion by deed dated June 30, 1987, and of record in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 1267 at page 124. The twenty (20) foot water line easement. is more particularly shown on a plat dated November 22, 1988, prepared by T. P Parker & Son, Engineers and Surveyors Ltd., a copy of which is attached to this report. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 102787-4, adopted on October 27, 1987, the Board authorized the County Administrator to accept donations or dedications of noncontroversial real estate matters. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this acceptance by resolution under the consent agenda. °" Respectfully submitted, ;CMG%~~ ~~~ Sarah A. Rice Assistant County Attorney -------------------- ------------------ ---- VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harr~~ C NickPns/ Garrett x Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x To Robers x cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Roanoke Regional Airport Commission K- "T ~P tr~~ Q` ~vJ FC,.3(o2 D.9. Ei~3 ,QQ-~~ PnER~DIAN OF 0~~ ~' Q a~ P~v~y~~ ' 1 ~ 5 SS ~ ' 30' W~ 35~ 3 E,o,SEMENT ,~ Boa _ ~ ~ ootiti~t` ~ ~,~ ~/ P~~'~DD1p 1 1 ~~~AA~/ Q u•~oa69 \%~\~ ~~ 6~~ /S ~ ~ 1 ~~~ ,,,~~ti 1 PROPERTY OF ~~~~~~'~`~Q ROAh10KE REGIONAL AIRPORT -J28'OI'Od' W J'Q0' ~11 ~ COMMISSIOA~ 7.00' D.B. 12Co-1 ~ PG, 124 1 ` TAx NO, 3T. 01- I - 5 6~. ? 1 1 v ~~ 6 lS ~• 1 ¢, NEW 20' WATERLII.IE EASEMEAfT ~~ 9• 1 5 82° 20' 30" w, ISO.oO' A 9 1S 1 1 !/ /~-- "L ~ 1 ~l~bPs' EXISTING d0' ACCESS 7 ~ / EASEMENT TO PRIVATE ~ / ~~ 6 a~~`/f-/ ROAD. SEE MAP FOR C.L. .( WILSON BY C.B. MALCOLM .P / p~ ~( ~ ~ / ' ~~ ~~- ~~\\ ~ NEW 20' WATERLINE EASEMEf.1T ~~LTb OrD Dom` \ \ 9 CoT° 20' SO' WT 300.00' O} ~C ~O ~ ~ \ + ~/ FRANK B. CALDYVE1l. III ~ Q ~ \ ~~ No. ~\ -Ae 1335 'v~~\ ~o~ ~''V'' PROPERTY OF ~'~'DBQµvt<°$ ROYAL BLIIGK CO. D.B. 12~6~ PG. 1`t0 ~6 ~ TAX A10. 37.08- I - lc ,,~ SURVEY FOR COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHOWING A NEW 20' WATERLINE EASEMENT BEING DEDICATED BY ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA TAA NO. ~,~~~-1-rJ N ~ ~w_I, ~AL~_ oA P. sY: T. P. PARKER & SON ENGINEERS 6 SURVEYORS ,LTD. DRAWN D'A'P' CR~D SALEM VIRGINIA W.O 9 C111E: 1~- 100' DATE- LIOV. ZZ ~oe$ 88-IIBS o- 3545 a~ • ..~..w.. ~ti . . .~ .. CLOSURE. ~B`( D.P.R ~Q ~~ Q~ !, - ~~ '` ~ ,P~'' 0` ~ Q ~\ t D.B. 8~3 ~'~ 3!~'Z MERIDIAN OF ~- V~ ~ 1 ~ NEWo20' WAT>ERLIhlE EA,SEMEIVT P~, , .>J ' s 85 20' 30" W, 353.3`1' J ~~ ~ . 1- o phi ~A47 ,y~2 Qj ^,• ~ 1 1 a'~ _ ~~ X02 ~,. ~: ~ O~ ,'L A ~,~ ~'< c4`~ 6 ~~~ Q~1 1 / O~% 9' .~~~ GP'rL' PRO PE2TY OF ~ ~ ~~~A ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT N 28°OI' 04" w ~ 4~'~ ~ ~ COM M 15SIOIy -1.00' 1 1 D.B. 12Cv-I ~ PG, 124 ~ 1 ' TAx NO. 37.0 - I - 5 ~o `~ ~ 1 1 .. ~/09~ ,~ ~ 11 S ~ • 1 ~ NEW 20' WATERLl1.lE EASEMENT ~''- 5 82 ° 20' 30" vV , 150. oo' L ~ ~ 1~~ ~9'As ~~ 'P ` ~ ~r' EXISTING 40' ACCESS ~ _ ~ - 1 ~ ,6p~~ / EASEMEt~IT TO PRIVATE ACTION N0. A-41189-5.h ITEM NUMBER~~° O AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Request for a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke County Schools Food Service Chapter COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Schools Food Service Chapter has requested a permit for a raffle to be held on May 6, 1989. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The application has been reviewed by Commissioner of the Revenue R. Wayne Compton, and he recommends approval. SUBMITTED BY: yY) ~~ ~. C~_ P_ Q~JL_ Mary H. Allen Deputy Clerk APPROVED- BY Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X} Motion by: _ Harry C. Nickens/ Yes No Abs Denied ( ) Steven A. McGraw Garrett x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x To• Nickens x Robers x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File O~ ~pANp~~ O~ ~OANp~F L ~, ,I~ L a .~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ Z ~ Z a2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA v d 1838 COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE 1838 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sec. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg,. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) RAFFLE PERMIT ~ BINGO GAMES Name of Organization Street Address Mailing Address v City , State , Z i p Cod e -Qi~,-,-~ ~/a a ~/S`.~ Purpose and Type of Organization V;it~~~~~ !ice-ate ~ ~2y~c-~/L~-G ov / ~-~ hen was the organization founded? ~ 9 `~~_ 1 Roanoke County meeting place? p~,c,Q~ ~~~L.a-G~ /~~~~/ Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES y NO Is the organization non-profit? YES_J~ NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~"~~ (o ~~~`~/~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President• ~wc ,J y Vice-President T ~~. _ Address : ~ /_ ~ ~~-~, / ,n ddress : 0~.~7a2 ~~~~ Secretary: ~ Treasurer: y~ Address : .~~3 ~ o~--~-u~ao~~~ddress : ~~d ~au-~ ~/~~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name i~//CI/4~~i~~ ~.~.-.~h~J ~ / - ~f q Home Ad d r e s s [~ v2 / `j ~~GQ.C ~~ti~J /C~~-'¢' ~ '2 ~ ~/ one .3~~-/~/~ Bus. Phone ,~~T ~ S7'~ A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing ,S/9 Time of Drawing ,` /7'~, BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday From To Monday From To Tuesday From To Wednesday From To Thursday From To Friday From To Saturday From To 2 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Ra~flerwill be used. List in detail the use of the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. ~=a~-Q.Le /a -L ~ ~~ oa ~- -_ ------ ---~ ._~ 3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ~ 5 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such reco1r/ds are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? Yr__S 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords equired to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~~'_ S 4 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of Novembe~ of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~ S 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? c 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until su h report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? c 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions Vof Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? lG,S 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the an ual financial report due on or before the first of November? ~~-~ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, a d for - such dates, as are designated in the permit application? 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? ,~~ 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the a punt of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or X18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? es 5 14. Has your organization attached av complete list of its member- ship to this application form? /~5 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? ~ 5 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization understand that instant Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular Bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3~ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501-C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or aff: forth in §18.2 of the statements are true to beliefs. All questions Signed by: Name irm under the penalties of perjury as set Code of Virginia, that all of the above the best of my knowledge, information, and have been answered. . ,~ .~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Title Home Address Subscribed and sworn before me, this 3rd day of Apr;j 19 8g My commission expires: ~ 19 90 /~ ~ a. 07°. /.~tc.~ Notar Public PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of the Revenue P. 0. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar vear. ~- ~- ~ ~ Date The above application is not appro Date 9 Commissioner of the Revenue BYLAWS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHAPTER OF THE VIRGINIA SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I -- - ------ NAME The name of this organization shall be the Roanoke County chapter of the Virginia School Food Service Association and is an affiliate of the American School Food Service Association. ARTICLE II PURPOSES Section A - Promote the optimal health, nutrition and education of all children by supporting nutritionally adequate and educationally sound, financially accountable, nonprofit child nutrition and school community nutrition programs. Section B - Promote high standards for child nutrition and school community nutrition programs with emphasis on nutritionally-adequate meals which are appealing to children. Section C - Promote united efforts between school personnel, allied organizations, industry and the public to assure every child an opportunity to receive the benefits of the child nutrition and nutrition education programs. Section D - Promote high standards, provide appropriate education program incentives and recognition for professional development of child nutrition personnel. Section E - Promote research and development in child nutrition programs. Section F - Promote the establishment of national nutrition policy and legislation which provides optimal nutrition and nutrition education for children. Section G - Promote the involvement of students and the school community in child nutrition programs. Section H - Promote membership and provide services to members. ARTT('T R TTT MEMBERSHIP Section A. Members Active and Retired: Membership of the organization shall consist of any person engaged in nutritionally adequate, educationally sound and nonprofit school food service work or related activities upon payment of national, state, and local dues. A person once qualified as a member, but who ceases to be actively engaged in non-profit school food service work may continue as a member, provided he or she does not accept employment in a noneligible field. - - Section B. Rights and Privileges of Members. 1. All active and retired members whose dues, if any, are curr currently paid, shall be entitled to cast one vote, by mail, for the election of officers for the coming year and to cast one vote, by mail, upon any matter submitted to a vote of the voting membership of the organization. 2. Retired members shall have all the rights and privileges of active members except they shall not be a candidate for elective office. Periodic employment of less than six (6) months within ~.,,.h cnhnnl vonr dill not a~1"Pr retired Status. -2- ARTICLE IV ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Section A. The Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers, who are the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The immediate Past President shall serve as ex-officio member without vote on the Executive Board. Duties: The duties of the Executive Board shall be to determine administrative policies, to manage the business of the chapter, and to correlate the program with that of the Virginia School Food Service Association. Section B. The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Executive Board, Chairman of Standing Committees, Special Committee Chairman as appointed by the President. The Executive Committee shall assist in carrying out the business and policies of the association and shall meet before each meeting. 1. Adopts the annual budget for the organization. 2. Approves Presidents Plan of Work for the year. Section C. Committees. The Chapter shall have the following standing commitees (1) Budget - This committee shall consist of the Treasurer as chairman, President, President-Elect, Secretary, and immediate Past President. This committee shall each year draft a budget for the following fiscal year which the chairman shall submit in writing to the Executive Committee; and the membership be responsible for analyzing reports and making recommendations to the Executive Committee. (2) Public Communications - This committee shall consist of at least three members and shall be responsible for all publications and publicity concerning the chapter. (3) Bylaws - This committee shall consist of Past-Presidents of the Chapter. It's duties shall be to receive and make proposed amendments to the Bylaws, to receive the proposed amendments, prepare copies to be submitted for approval to the members of the Executive Committee. The copy of said changes shall be given to all members at a regular business meeting. After explanation by chairman of the committee, a vote must be taken for approval. (4) Legislative - This committee shall consist of a member of the Chapter, appointed by the President and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. She shall keep the membership informed of State and National legislation. (5) Program - This committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President. It shall be responsible for devotions at each meeting and the program for each banquet. (6) Certification and Affiliation - This committee shall consist of three members of the Chapter and shall be responsible for processing applications for the affiliation of the Chapter with the State Association. (7) Membership - Promote membership and work with Treasurer to keep members informed of due dates. (8) Nominating - the committee shall consist of (4) four members, one from each section of the county, who will prepare a slate of candidates for the offices to be filled. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section A. Elected Officers. The officers of the chapter shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President may, after serving one successful year, be considered for the _ .- _. _ ...._ _ .~_____,_~~ rt.-L -L~71 .. .. v.a. -3- Section B. Appointed Officers. (1) Parliamentarian - The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President to serve during her term of office. The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be: Attend all meetings of the Chapter and all Executive Board and Executive Committee meetings. She shall advise the President on parliamentary procedures, giving rulings when requested by the President to do so. (2) Advisor - the advisor shall be a member of the Chapter and hold the position of Supervisor of Food Services for the School Division. ELECTIONS The election of the office of President shall be conducted annually and for Secretary and Treasurer, biennially, as provided. The nominating committee shall consist of (4) four members, one from each section of the county, appointed by the President. This committee must present a slate containing two names for each office. This slate shall be approved by the Executive Committee before it is presented to the membership to vote by ballot. a. The slate shall be prepared by the nominating committee and contain two names for each office to be filled. Space shall be provided on the ballot for write-in candidates. b. Ballots shall be sent to the membership. c. Returned ballots shall contain the membership number and signature. d. Three Tellers shall be appointed by the president of which one shall be head Teller. e. In order 'co be counted, ballots must be returned individually to the Chairman of the Tellers by the designated time. Three Tellers shall be present when vote is counted. f. Ballots shall be counted by the Tellers. A write-in candidate's eligibility shall be documented by the Tellers. The head Teller shall be responsible to report the results to the membership at the next chapter meeting. VACANCIES In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the President Elect will assume the presidency and serve until the end of that year. A special election will be held to elect a new President-Elect according to the election procedures. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of Secretary, Treasurer, or President-Elect, a special election will be held according to election procedures. TERMS AND RESPONSIBILITIES President a. To preside at all meetings of the Chapter, Executive Board and Executive Committee. b. To study the local, state, and national constitutions. c. To appoint all standing and special committees except those provided for in the constitution. To appoint a parlimentarian (if desired). d. To set a time schedule for the completion of work and reports. e. To advise with all committees iri the planning of their work. f. To appoint tellers and conduct the election of officers in accordance with the Bylaws. g. To keep members informed on all organizational work at all three levels. h. To see that meetings open and close on time. i. To represent the chapter at meetings of other organizations. j. To prepare the annual report to be submitted to the state -4- President-Elect. a. To perform the duties of the President when President is absent. b. To perform additional duties as directed by the President. c. To learn the duties of the officers and committees and be familiar with the bylaws of the chapter. d. To attend the state convention if at all possible. e. To succeed to the office of President in the case of a vacancy in that office - to serve until the end of that year. f. To learn about local, state, and national organizations. g. To assume the Presidency upon the completion of the President's term of office. h. Plan program of work for the coming year. Secretary - The Secretary shall serve for two years. Responsibilities: a. To preserve the records. b. To keep an accurate record of all meetings. c. To conduct the correspondence of the chapter. d. To keep a file of letters received and sent. e. To furnish the President with a copy of the minutes. f. To report to state and national organizations when reports are requested. All reports should be approved by the chapter President. g. To submit secretary's record to the new secretary within 30 days after term of office . Treasurer - The Treasurer shall serve for two years. Responsibilities: a. To receive all funds and to deposit these funds in a local bank or credit union to the credit of the local chapter. b. To issue receipts for money collected. c. To keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements. d. To act as Chairman of the budget committee. e. To provide members of the Executive Committee, and such committees as require it, with a list of paid members. f. To make a financial report at all regular meetings. g. To collect dues of all members and send them to the State Treasurer. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section A. The Chapter shall hold at least four (4) business meetings during the year. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS Section A. The bylaws may be amended by a vote of a two-thrids affirmative vote of the members present at any business meeting. A copy of the amendments must be given to the membership twenty to thirty days prior to taking the vote. ARTICT:E SIIII PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Section A. Roberts Rules of Order, revised shall constitute the parliamentary authority for the conduct of the meetings of the Chapter. ARTICLE IX ~ ~ C~ rk I n G ~.' OP~~ ~E- ~ ~ ~ ~" ' 1989 MEMBE SHI ECORDS -- mc~ nc~c~ e,~- . NAME PHONE MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATION 7 - Adams, She_by J. 989-0077 11-88 05-08-88 16 -- Arthur, Georyie S. 362-5590 10-8~ 10-2i-89 12 - Atkinson, Doris D.(retired) 380-4793 06-88 03-25-89 ~4 - Bandy, Na^cy ~ 989-0649 05-8g 06-14-88 ~~ Barnes, L;,ttie Annabelle 774-0159 11-88 09-06-89 ~0 - Barnett, Barbara J. 989-6375 03-88 ~2 - Beason, Faye 380-2723 02-88 03-25-89 ~- B2Ckr.er, Margaret R. 774-1708 05-88 04-10-88 '_ 7 - Bell, E:r,a ?. 890-5437 2'_ - ~is'_^.op, ..~ttie ?. 366-9244 I1-88 10-21-89 l3 - Blankensh;~, Doris G. 380-2991 10-88 03-25-88 1' - Blar_ke^.sh;~. Fredia W. 380-3175 - Boitnott, Nail H. 989-8431 01-88 28 - Booth, Karen F. 344-1682 24 - Boris, Cidy L. 989-3718 04-88 04-10-88 5 - Bowles, Lillie G.(retired) 366-0278 04-gg 11-05-88 i 3 - Brattor,, Lin~;a Lou 387-2518 Brogan, J~sn i9 - Bryant, ,"irginia P. 362-8561 09-83 IO-05-9G 7 - Bueckert, :aye E. 362-3606 11-88 01-05-89 _7 - Burton, Ka~hy t3U~-}Pr~,~;or-t#-> , C'ynt~t ~ i~, 344-5335 .3~I5j 0510 O?~~ 13 - Byrd, Minnie J. 380-4679 17 - Caldwell, i;at~,erine E. 774-3878 08-8g 05-16-90 13 - Carroll, ~"argaret A. 380-2421 05-8g 05-16-90 27 - Carrell, Florence - 2 - NAME 8 - Chapman, Wanda Eulena "~ ' PHONE 989-3402 28 - Chockley, Edna Marie(retired)890-5294 ME`4BERSHIP 04-88 Conner, Monica ~7 - Cook, Judv 890-3475 14 - Corell, Lois 4~-1~~5 3 `'~'- ll - Craft, Bonny :~. 360-9436 22 - Craig, JoAnne 352-944 24 - Craighead, Mildred L. 774-4573 _, - Creasy, :Verna ?.(retired) 355-3607 ?0 - Cronk, Patricia B. 345-0508 23 - Cruf~, Norma 342-3639 __ - Day, Mary 366-5322 16 - Dodd, Lillie L.(ratired) 890-3148 26 - Draper, Mary M. 342-5097 2 - Dudley, Baraara 352-0470 24 - Dunahoo, Goldie S. 774-6121 17 - Edwards, Edna M.(retired) 774-8930 23 - Euba:~k, Marian S. 344-0373 7 - Farmer, Lucille 774-5300 1 - *Ferrell, Martaa S. 362-1410 15 - Fizer, Eliza~eth ... 342-3038 _~ i eencr, ~~~ Fisher SCri- x,155 14 - Franklin, Edna 774-5378 0 ! -~~ 11-83 03-88 o5-aa 09-88 02-8 8 10-88 04-83 10-83 09-88 OI-88 03-88 09-88 05-88 O I -8~1 o5-s8 CERTIFICATION 08-05-90 09-22-89 G5-24-90 02-08-88 05-16-90 04-v4-89 10-0~-90 03-25-33 10-05-90 04-10-88 02-08-88 3 ~ NAME PHONE yIE~!BERSHIP CER:'IFICA~ION 23 - Flowers, Linda 977-0817 03-,~~%~ 11 - Galbraith, Gladys (retired) 362-8909 04-88 16 - Gillaspie, Lucy E. 344-4905 02-88 22 - Goodman, Reba E. 343-1097 l2 - Goodwin, Helen 380-2641 OZ-83 05-19-38 .r 1J ... - vL 1 r / Lit • ~• 2~ - Gra-rely, Hazel 362-3773 ~? - Graf, Patricia A. 360-8506 i0-88 04-J4-89 - ~~~-, - - ~ - agee, Alma M. (retired) 'r' 380-4586 G6-88 03-25-89 _ _ 5 - Hamersley, Maria 563-2599 O1-88 uannabass, Ella 890-3696 05-88 C%--3-88 23 - arrell, Kathy Harrison, Lillian 389-7317 01-88 15 - Hartsocc, Rebecca G. 343-9179 10-88 C3-~5-89 l3 - riaw'{s, Boyce Faye 330-4539 ,3 _ Hic;{,on, Angela 380-3404 13 - Hill, Mae C. 380-2302 C4-88 Oo-.3-38 9 - Hoback, Geneva M.(retired) 774-6370 ~ _ "rollandsworth, Gloria L. 362-5338 25 - Holliday, Cherilee 986-0319 11-88 1 - Holloway, Pauline 890-2686 05-88 06-2~'-89 13 Shirley B. - Horn 380-2004 10-83 01-.0-90 , 11 Hazel C. - Hor^e 986-0555 05-88 04-10-83 , 22 - Hubbard, Mildred W. 362-5043 09-88 05-08-88 - 4 - ~ ~ `4B`4BERSHI? ~~`~1E ECNE 27 - Huddleston, Agnes S.(retir ed;3z3-7611 d~'?~stcn, Brenda K. 343-320 11-88 ? - Huffman, Rhonda 384-6389 03-88 .2 - Hum~rey, Gloria F. 303-4334 09-88 y~ - Hsr^. Pauline H. ..-'.-0339 03-33 - _ - Jch scn, Doroth~~ Edw _za 3c3-397.3 03-8 3 30 - Jones, 3everly L. 3µm-3406 08-35 _ - Keen, Alice B.(retir=_d) 09-80" 2= La'Te.1e, lrl~ - Lester, Betty L. 0=-33i3 1u-83 v ,~ ~ L 989-2052 10-Sa . - - - ~~art_:1 M2:.':,a . 30'-?l53 03-8 8 7 - McCo:lnell, Cammie P. 774-0303 l9 - MCCCr:n1C~{, ^(_'r .1 t3 (retired) / __-2519 P ,,_a, ~3 - Mc~i:erry, Maryarete L. 3z: 10 r - ~L'rr3V, `I'3iltna K. ~ie1~.1COr~, Patrl~la 24 - :~ielyf?I~OrS, t'i032 Mar12 1_^, - ~'ichols, ShciV (retired) Ol1V°~, VanCV 17 - Feters, Laura Lti. 28 - ?hilii^S, Cleo C. 7 - Picnarel, Mildred V. 7 - Poff, Frances M. 10-88 10- 53 -24OZ 3~-~ i0~ CL~T~r LC~T~C~, 04-v4-89 10-29-89 06--~-89 O3-1o-90 Q ~ -.1-~Q '-f - On-_1-90 1'~-29-89 4, 0 :-8 8 Oµ_18-90 7 ~ --o 390-4072 Oµ-88 77-~-263e 1i-88 03-Oo-aa 959-9002 03-83 03-08-58 - 5 - V~~?~ HuOtiE ,,rE~rESRSHIP CE'HTI" IC~I'IC~ 23 - ?rieto, i.ecnor 939-9022 C1-88 ..6 - ?riilaman, Ruby ~.(retire~') 342-9941 Gi-83 i0-0~-90 3 - Rad~ord, `^.ar_r 7 ~ 2-0? 9~ Oi-~ ~Cf - ?a 'and, ~~Te:.yn C. y ; ; ~-3398 09-8 8 ^' 9 ~4-30-3 ~. __ - 3e_rncl-,~, 3etty Ja ne 339-02; 0<-04-39 y3 - Rev .ol''.s, Sv:Via (re~ire~') 36a-IC03 03- 33 ~; - 3,..:,arsc::, Loris E. 34~-383 06-o~-a9 9 - '"3..CeS S 3c ;errs, _ _ -~3-'-90 ~ - , 09-88 ~ 0_:x-_90 - ~vwan, J~.; ie ~i4-2=99 IO-88 - - :er~ l ~d~m0!? , DCrOt by ~'~. ~ "~~ ~ _ '1___~0 9~-~~-9G ._ ~ ~- .._.~_ Juc_.h ~. 939-3460 04-33 04-30-39 ~/ ~~ Saunders, .;ere`-~ ~?-' ~~'1 v~-38 i~- ~-33 CC OOnO'ie. , Je.:Cr3 _V - ^ ~ ~CrUC~S, .,Cr_5 ~' `'-179 ~ -- - T / / -i-.7J~3 o li-8 8 6 - Sheets, Vcrma G. 989-4482 08-8g 0°-j`?-QO _ ~ - Sheets, . ~me_a 981-1566 01-5-~~~1 8 - Shed^er" ?e7yv 'N• 7i4-380 12-88 08-0~-90 , _9 - ..,.eoreru, '~ ir~~ nia S. ~ retired'~6o-%09 04-32 09-I9-83 c-- iorenz 339-0140 02-33 C9-28-83 6 - th an _e ~ . ~mi 980-033 C '-3 g _~ ^-?~-89 =; - smith, De_ores ~. 34~-4891 01-~-3~~ 06-02-89 22 - Sowers, Jaye Bever 352-104 09-8g ? - S~radlin, Dreama H. 34~-1209 0~:-88 06-02-39 ~- Stackpole, E:,ima 'v"". 366-4'_~1 04-8g I1-0~-33 .. "• puQVLT', :1u'ti(R ."Tr iZ .~..~~~~ - r.'..~m i"1C~i TlJ -V ~i ~~ = l3 - Stephens, Elizabeth S. 300-941 I1-38 992-4240 09-33 Sty^~e, Mary ii4-6040 07-88 10-10-89 8 - T i ~ayior, Eula~ar S. 3 - iaV?Cr, GiOria ~. %%~-~~~~ l - T:~.omas Sarah G. (retired) ii4-0323 09-38 - Anne ~. Totten 939-010' 11-33 C3-03-90 , i _ Trent Elsie (retired) 9i-i?'_o 0~-33 03-_~'-33 _ ~' .v - Tyree r Q2 bV 3~~ ~ ,,~ J ---`}~' 09-88 .;:nber,er, ~Iaryaret 384-o i ~0 i%4-3333 04-33 03-08-83 7 - Lest, Corrine .:. 3 - 'Yvade, ~.lizabet:~ (retired) i i4-1.19 _~ - 'riad~, rN~_lena S. (ret~red) 933-18v6 0~ 19-33 - ~- _,, V. ,val gin, Cher_r1 gig-''' - -=' G1-~-3'~~I I1-30-33 ~- Weaaer r .C.1'iir ley i~. 34~-~1i~ _„ - ",vee{s, ??;yl_is Jean 390-3 i l3 389-~%OJ C9-38 0'-30-39 - `rV;11te, G2neV12Ve E. 8 - '~v;iite~ead, Ruby ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 %4-_ 0_g8 1 5vhitloc'.t, Linda l Josephine (re~ire V ll3.uS, ^)3=~3-4333 03-38 - ~vimmer, parbara Jean 989-643 03-88 ~ - '+vizore{, Jayne ~. 97-i063 10-8g 03-28-89 l3 - wood, Lois Connie 330-3049 11-3 8 C9-30-3'3 .., i ~- -' `~aryr Carol (retired) - IV~04 / 989-0983 l Charlotte - iVCOliJlne, 300-4393 ;_, ~ 983-03c3 03-88 10-10-90 niyr.~~c, Ja:.e., C. 3 - Wyrick r~'~3rV G. 302-0200 03-38 09-1i-33 l0 - Yo~.~, Brenda D. 380-3304 03-88 04-18-90 ~~ ~fi1~i~~'~ri~illli~~iti~'~i'~~i~t1~'iii~~l~~i~lijl~illi~i~ll~iii(ii~il~~i~#i~t~rl~i~it~l~~`l~itillit'i~f~l~~`I~fii'lid'i~i~1~1~i~1~llii~1~1~1ii11litY~llflifllllrltj~ w '~ '~ ~_ / /~ ~ `-~° ; APPEARANCE RE UEST Q - ~_ ~ ~ - ~ - _ - _ = AGENDA IT NO. ~- - "~'~° _ _ _ = SUBJECT ~_ ~ ~s r ,~ ~~ ~ ~ o~ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter =• so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ = LISTED BELOW. • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ _ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized _ = speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ _ __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = _ _ __ with the clerk. __ _ ~ _ c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LE IB G LY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ _ _ _ m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m jh~irl~~(~l~iii~~"it1'11i1~i~1~1i~(ii"11i~l~iii~~i111ii1Iti11~1itil(irilfl'1~111`111°I1'lilli111~-1~11~'1~1111~11'il"tli1f11i111i1111i~1y~~1`11(i1111f1i11111jjj~ - .. _ _ PPEARANCE RE ,(JEST A Q _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ` ~ ' -°` ~ ~ - _ - _ - _ ~, ~ _ _ ~ - - SUBJECT ./ ~1 ~<~J ~~ '~~ ~: ~, - _ _ - - = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to __ - recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _ • so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, _ - I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES __ LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to ... - = do otherwise. -_ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- __ Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ __ with the clerk. c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED - .= GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION __ FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. =_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - _ - = NAME "C~\~' ~: ~- ' , ~~-~ ~~~ - - - - _ _ - ADDRESS ~~ ~ ~ ~;S ~~~~- ~~> ,- w ~~~~~ ~, ~~ _ - - - - - - - - = PHONE .j ~ ~ - .~ ~ 2 C~ - - - - - _ - - - _ - m l l l l l l l l l l l i i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 _.. ~~~'~~11r~~i~~'rlt1`~i~Yi~y~i'i~~~liif~ ,~~~ ~ ~~ lifilti'11"1`~i1Yl11fi~'Ii~lilltiflililil~if~1~I'~TIi1~li~~l~i~illllll~rt'r~li~1~1'ilylti~Itf~111u~Ir111y~ii"Ijjj .' APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. l- ~ `'° ~ __ _ -_ ~. ~ ,~ SUBJECT R ~ ~ ~ - - _- - - - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to -_ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ - _ -_ c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to c do otherwise. c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- ,= Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ c c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. __ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED -_ GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ _ ityiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ~~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND - UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1988 $12,644 Additional Amount from 1988-89 Budget 50,000 November 22, 1988 Improvements at .Administrative Center (6,450) Balance as of April 11, 1989 56 194 Submitted by ~,C~¢~ U • 1~~ J Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance COUNTY OE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCF~ - GENERAL FUND Balance at July 1, 1988 $3,037,141 August 9, 1988 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup (400,000) September 13, 1988 Transfer to Board Contingency (50,000) Sept~_mber 26, 1988 Design Phase of Spring Hollow Reservoir (175,000) October 25, 1988 Funding for Public Information Officer (46,500) November 9, 1988 Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup (260,000) November 22, 1988 Lease Additional Office Space (34,783) February 28, 1989 Primary Election Expenses (23,855) Balance as of April 11, 1989 52,047,003 Submitted by~} Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance """' COU[~Ti'Y OE' ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Original Budget at July 1, 1988 $50,000 June 28, 1988 Funding of Length of Service Benefit for Volunteer Fire, Rescue, and Auxiliary Sheriff's Deputies (9,000) July 26, 1988 Tweed's Access Road (39,405) September 13, 1988 Add to Board Contingency from Unappropriated Balance 50,000 September 26, 1988 Beautification of Brambleton Avenue (3,500) September 28, 1988 Economic Development Trip to Northern Virginia (Approved Administratively) (1,000) October 6, 1988 Typewriter for Clerk of Courts (Approved Administratively) (966) October 6, 1988 Economic Development Prynotion (Approved Administratively) (1,025) October 11, 1988 Safekeeping of Securities (2,000) October 20, 1988 Informational Brochure for November Election (Approved Administratively) (6,500) October 25, 1988 Additional Allocation to Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) (10,000) November 3, 1988 Survey Fees - Safety Center and Forensics Lab Site (Approved Administratively) (2,473) November 9, 1988 Bushdale Road (1,000) December 13, 1988 C. L. & O. Investors (365) December 20, 1988 Stonebridge Park Parking Lot (Approved Administratively) (5,000) January 10, 1989 Salaries for Board of Zoning Appeals (625) January 24, 1989 Contribution to Arts Festival (1,000) January 24, 1989 Sesquicentennial History Books (300) Balance as of April 11, 1989 15 841 Submitted by ~J.can-tsJ ~ ' ~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance N- 2 THE MATERIAL FD ~ THE W D R K SESSIdN oN Tt~tE I ~ 8 q - 9D 13U DG ET WA5 NoT 1~EADy FoIZ DIsTRiBuTie1~I WITH THE AGEIVI~A IPAckETS. ~- i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION 41189-6 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO THE CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' BASKETBALL TEAM WHEREAS, organized athletic teams are an important part of an educational system; WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Schools recognize this importance and provide opportunities for the students to participate in sports; and WHEREAS, the members of the Cave Spring High School Girls' Basketball Team have demonstrated their superior athletic ability by winning the district and regional championship titles and by attending the state championship for the second year in a row; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring High School Girls' Basketball Team has represented Roanoke County in an outstanding manner and has contributed to the spirit and morale of that High School in particular and to the athletic programs of the County Schools in general. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors extends its congratulations and appreciation to the Cave Spring High School Girls' Basketball Team for their spirit, skill and persistence, and wishes them continued success in the future. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: J ,~,/ Elmer C. Ho ge, erk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 ?-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO THE CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' BASKETBALL TEAM WHEREAS, organized athletic teams are an important part of an educational system; WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Schools recognize this importance and provide opportunities for the students to participate in sports; and WHEREAS, the members of the Cave Spring High School Girls' Basketball Team have demonstrated their superior athletic ability by winning the district and regional championship titles and by attending the state championship for the second year in a row; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring High School Girls' Basketball Team has represented Roanoke County in an outstanding manner and has contributed to the spirit and morale of that High School in particular and to the athletic programs of the County Schools in general. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors extends its congratulations and appreciation to the Cave Spring High School Girls' Basketball Team for their spirit, skill and persistence, and wishes them continued success in the future. i ~ ~ ~ e R TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Reta B. Busher DATE: April 6, 1989 SUB,TECT: Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget Attached is the summary of the Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget that was advertised in the Roanoke Times and World News on April 4, 19$9. Staff is completing the budget document for the work session on April 11, 1989 and will forward a copy to each Board member on Monday, April 10, 1989. ~~-y~~-! CO[J[~I'Y OF ROANOKE PUBLIC HF~ARING ON THE 1989-90 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET The County of Roanoke will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on Tuesday, April 11, 1989, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. The purpose of this hearing is to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 1989-90 summarized below. All interested citizens, groups, senior citizens, and organizations representing the interest of senior citizens are encouraged to attend and to su~nit comments. SUNY~IARY OF PROPOSID 1989-90 BUDGET COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Source Amount General Fund: General Property Taxes $ 41,596,770 Other Local Taxes 11,875,220 Permits, Fees, and Licenses 378,250 Fines and Forfeitures 165,000 Charges for Services 160,400 Miscellaneous 279,500 Recovered Costs 250,000 Commonwealth 7,083,000 Federal -0 $ 61,788,140 Debt Service Fund 6,607,879 Youth Haven II Fund 308,743 Internal Service Fund 1,050,534 Capital Projects Fund 951,443 Utility Fund 8,136,003 Offsite Facilities Fund 284,673 Garage II Fund 278,700 Recreation Fee Class Fund 235,413 School Operating Fund 58,048,697 School Bus Fund 1,200,000 Cafeteria Fund 2,702,000 Federal Programs Fluid 1, 486, 214 School Capital Improvements Fund 2,426,723 Literary Loan Fund 2,500,000 Textbook Fund 479,033 Regional Special Education Fund 825,000 Gross Budget $149,309,195 Less: Interfund Transfers (37,304,534) Net Budget $112,004,661 :~-~~~-~ Source Amount General Fund: General Government .ministration $ 1,082,856 Constitutional Officers 8,043,881 Judicial Ac~ninistration 175,745 Management Services 2,613,600 Public Safety 2,355,030 Community Services 3,975,609 Human Services 6,878,979 Transfer to Schools 28,637,950 Transfer to Capital Outlay 421,663 Transfer to Debt Service 5,392,696 Transfer to Other Funds 554,490 Miscellaneous 1,605,641 Contingent Balance 50,000 $ 61,788,140 Debt Service Fund 6,607,879 Youth Haven II Fund 308,743 Internal Service Fund 1,050,534 Capital Projects Fund 951,443 Utility Fund 8,136,003 Offsite Facilities Fund 284,673 Garage II Fund 278,700 Recreation Fee Class Fund 235,413 School Operating Fund 58,048,697 School Bus Fund 1,200,000 Cafeteria Fund 2,702,000 Federal Programs Fund 1,486,214 School Capital Improvements Fund 2,426,723 Literary Loan Fund 2,500,000 Textbook Fund 479,033 Regional Special Education Fund 825,000 Gross Budget $149,309,195 Less: Interfund Transfers (37,304,534) Net Budget 5112,004,661 ITEM NUMBER ~ -' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: Work Session - Funding Priority, Secondary Highways Si- x~ear Construction Plan COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ /~ ,.~,. - ~~r~ 4~ ~s..,r~~,a ..~/u~'v''u~ -~' ~~ t/ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As a requirement of VDOT Policy the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors must prioritize the funding allocation to each project within the Six Year Secondary Road Construction Plan. Attached for the Board's Review is a copy of the suggested priority list from VDOT and County Staff. The tabulation provides data from the 1988-94 Secondary Road Construction Plan through the projected 1989-90 Funding and also includes recommended funding and priority for 1989-90. The proposed shifting of funds is to meet VDOT requirements on financing projects and to fund projects that are ready for construction. The Board of Supervisors has established the April 25, 1988 meeting to receive comments from the public on the proposed funding priorities. At the conclusion of the Public Hearing the Board should approve a final funding priority for Secondary Highway Construction in Roanoke County for 1989-90. VDOT staff will be present at the work session to respond to questions or concerns. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funds are involved. STAFF RECOMMENDATION N- ~. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ Phillip T. enry, P.E. Director Engineering APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred To McGraw Nickens Robers 2 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM RECOMMENDED FUNDING AND PRIORITY FOR FY 89-90 The detailed recommendations for funding and priority for FY 89-90 are shown on the attached tabulation. The 1988-1994 Secondary Road Construction Program can be broken down into several broad categories: 1. Countywide requirements; this category include the various functions that are generally performed by State forces in maintaining existing secondary roads and include the following: a). Traffic services includes signing and/or pavement markings to address traffic or safety concerns that are found during the fiscal year. b). Rural Addition: each year funds are made available for bringing private roads into the State Secondary System. As previously discussed with the Board the funds are being increased from the previous year, based on criteria approved by VDOT. Funds in the amount of $106,000 will be available in coming years verse $84,067. c). Pipe insulation at private entrances; VDOT works with property owners to install entrance culverts for newly constructed homes to provide access to the roadway. Generally this is in the form of the property owner acquiring the culvert and installation by VDOT. d). Survey and preliminary engineering; these funds allow VDOT staff to start the engineering on a project that has been discussed and is considered for inclusion into the Secondary Construction Program next year. e). Fertilization and seeding; these funds would normally be used by VDOT to correct insufficient vegetation on slopes or to seed areas that have to be regraded. The recommended funding level for Countywide construction is $158,500 which is a decrease from the projected Six Year Plan expenditure of $198,067. 2. Incidental Construction; each year several projects are included under Incidental Construction and generally involve plant mix of existing roads to address traffic and/or safety problems. The recommendation for this coming year include plant mix on Roselawn Road, Wildwood Road, Hollowdale Drive, and Clearview Drive. The recommended total of $86,460 is a slight increase over the Six Year Plan Projection of $80,000. 2A ~'1 3. Major Projects; the majority of the funds for the Secondary Road Construction Plan are allocated to numbered projects. Generally speaking these projects will involve the preparation of plans, acquisition of right-of-way, and final construction, and may extend for a 3 to 6 year period. Funding for these projects in the coming year are within several broad categoeies as follows: a). Once the construction on a project has been completed VDOT is required to fully fund any outstanding deficits so the project can be finalized. b). As projects are completed for engineering and right-of- way acquisition VDOT prepares a final project cost. Seventy (70$) percent of the project has to be available before the project can be advertised for construction. c). Projects that are ready for construction may require additional funding. This supplemental funding will try to address deficits over a several year period so that at completion of the project there is no substantial funding requirements. 2B ~- SUMMARY ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM RECOMMENDED FUNDING AND PRIORITY PROGRAM FOR FY 89-90 Recommended Six Year Plan Project Construction by FY 89-90 Projected Description Contractor or Priority No. State Force Amount Countywide Construction SF lA Traffic Services SF 1B Rural Addition Contr. 1C Pipe Installation- Private Entrances SF 1D Survey & Engineering SF lE Fertilization & Seeding SF Total Countywide Constr. Incidental Contt. 1F lA Plant Mix Roselawn Road Contr. 1G Plant Mix Wildwood Contr. Road 1H Plant Mix Hollowdale Contr. Road lI Plant Mix Clearview Contr. Drive Total Incidental Const. Numbered Projects 2 Bradshaw Road 3 Bradshaw Road Contr. Contr. 2C N - ~. SUMMARY ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM RECOMMENDED FUNDING AND PRIORITY PROGRAM FOR FY 89-90 Recommended Six Year Plan Project Construction by Amount FY 89-90 Projected Description Contractor or Priority No. State Force 4 Boones Chapel Road Contr. $ 39,587 5 2 Starkey Road Contr. $500,000 6 4 Barrens Road Contr. $336,330 7 12 West River Road Contr. $500,000 8 12A West River Road Contr. $360,553 g Starlight Lane Contr. $ 23,740 10 Old Hollins Road Contr. $134,562 11 Brookridge Road Contr. $ 23,519 12 Brookridge Road Contt. $210,648 13 Nelms Lane Drainage Improvements Contr. $ 39,000 TOTAL $2,462,237 2D ~° o v ya 'G ~7 L N L 'O Vl U N N •.+ C 'O O C £ y, O •.+ d E.• to N G T u a .. E .-. v w u O O ~L u ~ 'D 4. a~-+ a •~+3 3~ cu a s a o o ~n o y ~ a, v .~ u c z w v v o v o ~-O w a v» d ucnU E..+ Z H C~ O ~ O q~ ~ U T T T T u v w WcFp ~~ ~ F u v C b u v C'O u y C'D C't7 Y Z W N 6 7 •~+ 7 ••+ 7 7 •~+ ZOU O°~ S O U3 U 3 U 3 U3 d W w ,..] O Y~ C] a a Z 6 W r ~ ~ i p O U U ~ ~ o+ cn a ~ - d C7 U » • a c0 cr a - ~ U O O O O O i H ~ ~ O O O ~ z . w rn oo ~ co ~ o ~ N = - - --gg-- -~--gg-- -~--gg-- -1------ 8 8 -' '_' :St ' g!4 ~ ~~ ~ 8'~8 ~ ~~ ei ~dz: :~ ~ 8t 8t i StS~ i ~3 ~ 3S :WO~o ~ ~. ; w ~ e e wvUi °- O ~ 1 ig~ ( ~S = ~ss 3a ~S - -- -- ------ s - ------ ~ - ------ - ------ - - ?seas ;ages =sass eases e ~~~ ;oos~ ~oooo ~evoo oooo _~~ ~~ i o >~ g e __ e e e e _ e e e . ...... ? ....... e g . ~ _ ..... e 8 ........ i g .... _ g .. e . ; ~ i : o ~ O o e o e ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ? ~" e e ~ ~ e ~ w r .. _ - .. ei ~ _ .. g g - _ ~ e N N t - ; _ .. - . ~ g e O _ - _ . ; - _ - ~ g e O _ ~ - . . - _ . ~ s ~ O - . e ~ a e ss e e ; o a ~ ~~ e e e w ~ e e e r O ~ 05~ ~ $~i = W Z~o Wc~~so W~2Yo - a W?$o e U a a . in ~ s ec .- ~ s ~ ~ s ec i~ ii ~- ~ a oc ~ ~ e W N 2 ]L Z F ~ _ W __~ • ~ ____ __ ~ _~~___ ~ 1 e e e O O ~ W ~ w ~ e ~ ~ e _ ~ N e e Q O r rn ~ ~ ' = tS N i~ ~ ~ ~ t ¢ e a Z - ~ i ~ _ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ t~ii _ e ' S ' g' A s w r = !+$ i ~ ~ e ~ ~ . . ~ i .. w __ __-_ _ __ _.__ _ _~ _ __~~~ ___~____ __ . ~ ~ ~ ~ = s e Z ~ s e: r••• w w• w w w• w w r•• w r r w• w• w w• w w r ~ ~ • r•. r w r r• ~ • 3 N-~ Oar~O U F Z ~ W to O ~ ae z w o0 z ~ o ~ oa~o a.xz ¢ W a ~, O O W [Usl N f~ x Z H d OU ~ ~ d ~ A O U W N d .~ b~ C y ro .~ u y u •.~ 'O }+ b '~ .-i 7 tC W • N E y u •.~ ; O ~ u G U ••~ N N •~p a y ,~ 41 O1 y p O Y+ V1 P. .~ '*i u N ~ C vN N •~ O w ..+ •.+ u C O e; O ~ ~ 3 03 `~ v u vai ,° c ,,, > a H ~~ O ~ I n ~ ~ ~ H Ci 00 S ~ ~ O O O O ~O f~ I G ~ ~ a Q, O ~ '_' u-~ • a d v O I o I r. -- --~~--- --4~--- s --4~--- ----j--- • :~ ~~ . s~ a wo:Q ---------- ''H: N` ss --.------ ss ------- sass --------- sass ~`ba' a ~ ~ :i ""~ i ''"Kt~ : ~ ~ w¢• a --- ____---- - ------ Q ~ -sass--- dddd -ss:s--- dddd sadss ~8~~L sass ~~$~ ~ ., .. -- ---- ---- -y-Q---- a ~ ----g--- d ----g-- d ---8- ~ 8 d _ ~~ --- __ - ---- ------ ---- --- d ----g--- d 84888 ~a~~ 88d¢8aa8d 888 ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~r d d ~ w a c~ = ~ ay ~~ ~a ~ ~ ~~_ •~ _ G li ~ ~ - • ~ f ~ w 8 ~~ F H r c~ a ao C1. 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Busher, CPA Director of Management and Budget A Beauti(ulBeginning TABLE OF CODTI'ENPS Page Budget Message 1 Budget Calendar 6 Fund Balance and Revenue Totals 7 Fund Balance and Expenditure Totals 8 Analysis of General Fund Revenue Changes 9 General Fund Expenditure Comparisons 10 Major Items Funded 11 Proposed Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget. 12 New Positions Requested. 16 Vehicles Requested 18 All Other Capital Outlay 20 Dues and Contributions 30 Htunan Service Agencies 31 County Addbac?c List. 32 ~ EtOANp,~. ~ O J i a 2 v~r•-~ 18 '~° 88 SFS~UICENTENN~P ABeauriful8eginning BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WWDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ELMER C. HODGE BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS M4GISTE RIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAW BA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT April 11, 1989 Mr. Chairman, Members of the Board, and Residents of Roanoke County: Attached for your review is the proposed 1989-90 Roanoke County budget and supporting schedules. The budget has been balanced within existing tax rates and addresses many of the priorities established by the Board of_ Supervisors at the beginning of the 'budget process. A number of these objectives will be met due to the cooperative efforts of both the County and school staff. Specifically the Board's priorities wire as follows: BOARD OE SUPERVISORS BUDGET PRIORITIES Education Public Safety Employee Benefits Water Supply Economic Development Solid Waste Disposal Some of the major accomplishments of the 1989-90 budget include: Maintenance of existing tax rates. Meeting the State mandate for teacher salary increases. An average 5~ salary increase for County employees and non-instructional school employees. Six new deputies for the Sheriff's Department. Five new paramedic/firefighters. Establishment of an Economic Development Fund in the amount of $100,000. Funding for the design of the new reservoir. Continued funding of regional cooperative efforts. 1 PO. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 1703) 772-2004 THE BUDGET The gross operating budget for fiscal year 1989-90 is $149,874,703. This represents an increase of 6.2 percent over the 1988-89 fiscal year budget of $141,064,889. The General Fund budget for 1989-90 of $62,353,648 is an increase of $4,509,408 over 1988-89 or approximately 7.8 percent. This budget is balanced within the existing tax rate for real property ($1.15), personal property ($3.50), and machinery and tools ($3.00); however, it is dependent on a $200,000 increase in the meals tax revenue over fiscal year 1988-89. This increase reflects the change by this year's General Assembly to allow the County to tax carry-out foods. The budget also includes the fund- ing of a Comprehensive User Fee Study in 1989-90 which could generate additional revenue for su'oseq_uent years' budgets. The greatest increase in revenues has been in real estate and personal propexty taxes. An analysis shows that almost 84 percent of the real estate tax revenue generated still comes from residential properties. This indicates that we need to continue our emphasis on improving the ratio of residential to commercial/industrial properties. The reduction by almost $500,000 in sales tax and business license tax revenue must be monitored closely this year; and a new position has been included in the Treasurer's Office to provide increased efforts in the area of delinquent tax collection. While increasing service demands and reduced Federal and State funding presented fiscal challenges, resources were allocated as judiciously as possible among competing priorities. Funding was provided for two on-going economic development projects, the teacher salary mandate, new moire equipment for Bonsack, the County's contribution to the Regional Airport Commission, contributions to various cultural organizations such as Center in the Square, the Arts Council and the Roanoke Symphony and, for the second year, the County proposes to contribute to the Roanoke Valley Con~~ention and Visitors Bureau. Increased tipping fees at the Regional Landfill will cost Roanoke County an additional $165,000 next year. Fourteen new staff positions are proposed: Six for Sheriff Kavanaugh, five for Fire and Rescue, one building inspector, one permit clerk and one delinquent tax collector. An additional thirty positions were requested but were not funded. Twenty vehicles are proposed to replace those with excessively high mileage. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Education: This budget provided $1,971,950 in new local funding for the County School system. Dr. Wilson will be able to meet the State mandate for teacher salaries by providing an average 6.6 percent increase without using the VSRS employer contribution. He will also absorb the school portion of debt service, begin asbestos removal at several school. and make needed building 2 repairs. Pay equity for County staff and school non-teaching staff will be achieved by our proposal to combine these groups into a consolidated pay plan. Economic Development: The proposed budget includes funds for the County's share of the the Tweeds and Valleypointe projects. As well, $100,000 has been included in the Utility Fund for a new economic development project to be identified and approved by the Board at a later date. Fire and Rescue: Funds have been included to add five paid paramedic/firefighters at various stations throughout the County and to finance the purchase of equipment and to operate the new Bonsack fire station. The Bonsack fire station will be built in fiscal year 1989-90 using bond funds already appropriated for this purpose. Sheriff: The proposed budget includes funding for six additional deputies. The Sheriff has chosen to add two dispatchers, two road officers, one drug enforcement officer and one youth an3 family services officer. In addition, the debt service on Phase II of the Radio Communication System has been included in the 1989-90 budget. Regional Projects: Funds are included for the County's $265,000 contribution to the Regional Airport, our pro-rata share of the Regional Partnership, and $25,000 for the arts. Virginia Western Community College plans to construct a new science building and has requested local government participation. The County has funded S21,000 of the requested $63,000 and would propose to fund the balance in fiscal year 1990-91. The budget also includes a $25,000 contribution to the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. Recycling: Funds have been included to continue the recycling program now in operation. Additional funds have not been included because t'ne County plans to participate in a regional program that is coordinated by the Landfill Board. The Landfill Board has $250,000 set aside for this purpose and further imple- mentation of the recycling program, on a regional basis, can be funded by increasing tipping fees. Landfill: The proposed budget does not include funds for the new regional landfill. As a regional project we believe it should be funded by those who will use the landfill. Acquisition of land, engineering and some construction costs will be incurred during fiscal year 1989-90. Staff plans to cover these costs by issuing bond anticipation notes. Revenue bonds will then be sold and the County will, in turn, be reimbursed for any up front expenditures we may have incurred. 3 Reservoir: The final design for the Spring Hollow Reservoir will be completed in Fiscal Year 1989-90 at the cost of $525,000. The proposed budget includes funds for this purpose, to be taken from anticipated year-end departmental expenditure savings in the General Fund. Staff Salaries: Funds have been included to provide the staff with an average 5 percent salary increase on their anniversary. Because the County has adopted a pay for performance system, some employees may earn more or less. Also included is an increase in the County contri'ution for the employee health care program from $42 to $45, which represents 38$ of the single health care premium. This contribution should be raised to 85~ of the single health care premium over the next several years in order to maintain a good cross-section for experience purposes. The proposed budget restricts the $45 benefit to employees partici- pating in the County Blue Cross/Blue Shield health care program. This restriction is necessary in order to comply with the new Section 89 regulations, and to standardize County and school 'benefits. Staff also recommends any savings generated from the current year health cares plan be used to offset the increase in next year's health care premiums. Human Service Agency Contributions: The Board of Supervisors has expressed an interest in increasing the funding to non-profit organizations. As can be semen on page 3~ , staff recommends increasing from $20,000 to $30,000 the funding to those agencies currently being funded. The Board may wish to allocate addi- tional funds to these or other agencies. Unfunded Requests: There ara a number of unfunded school and County requests. Many of these will have to be considered in future years. The greatest impact will be on Parks and Recrea- tion and General Services. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This is one of the County's better budget proposals. There are many things that remain to be done, but we will move forward with programs such as the reservoir the landfill, and Phase II of the Communication System. While I would like to further improve our employee 'oenefits program, we have been able to begin the stan- dardization of County and school pay plans and to increase the County and school's contribution to employee health care costs. In the future, user fees should lessen the burden of the cost of many programs in the General Fund and several large commercial developments such as Hobart, Valleypointe, and Tweeds should improve our residential/commercial ratio. 4 I am pleased to present this balanced 'oudget for your con- sideration. I believe that it accurately reflects the priorities and requests of the Board of Supervisors. The staff and I would be glad to answer any questions. If possible, I would like to make any changes the Board may have and adopt the budget on April 25, 1989. Finally, I want to thank the school and County staff, and in particular Reta Busher and Bayes Wilson, for their help in preparing this budget. Respectfully submitted, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 5 County of Roanoke, Virginia Budget Work Session Remaining Budget Calendar FY 1989-90 April 11, 1989 Date Activity April 11, 1989 Budget 'v~Tork Session. County Administrator to present balanced budget to Board of Supervisors. April 11, 1989 Public hearing to allow citizen discussion on the overall budget. April 11, 1989 Public hearing to allow citizen discussion on real ' estate, personal property, machinery and~tools tax rates April 11, 1989 Adoption of real estate, personal property, machinery and tools tax rates. April 25, 1989 Budget inlork Session. April 25, 1989 Adoption of Budget. First reading of Budget Appropriation Ordinance. May 9, 1989 Second reading of Budget Appropriation Ordinance. Adoption of Budget Appropriation Ordinance. June 2, 1989 Adopted budget printed and distributed to Department Heads. June 5, 1989 - July 28, 1989 Preparation of budget book for printing. ,7uly 31, 1989 - August 11, 1989 Budget book sent to printers. August 14, 1989 Budget book submitted to Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). 6 COLII~I'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGIN?A F'tJDID ~ AMID REVEN[JE TOTALS FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 Beginning Available Fund Balance Revenues Funds Governmental Funds - General: General Fund $ 525,000 $ 61,828,648 Debt Service Fund 6,607,879 Youth Haven II Fund 308,743 Recreation Fee Class Fund 235,413 Capital Fund 951,443 Garage II Fund 278,700 525,000 70,210,826 Internal Service Fund 1,050,534 Utility Fund 8,136,003 Offsite Facilities Fund - Water 89,529 Offsite Facilities Fund - Sewer Governmental Funds - School: School Operating Fund School Bus r^und School Cafeteria Fund School Federal Programs Fund School Capital Improvements Fund School Literary Loan Fund School Textbook Fund Regional Special Education Eland $ 62,353,648 6,607,879 308,743 235,413 951,443 278,700 70,735,826 1,050,534 8,136,003 89,529 195,144 195,144 525,000 79,682,036 80,207,036 69,667,667 69,667,667 58,048,697 1,200,000 2,702,000 1,486,214 2,426,723 2,500,000 479,033 825,000 58,048,697 1,200,000 2,702,000 1,486,214 2,426,723 2,500,000 479,033 825,000 Less: Interfund Transfers TOTAL $ 525,000 $149,349,703 $149,874,703 (37,304,534) (37,304,534) S 525.000 $112,045,169 $112,570,169 7 OOUIJI'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA FUND BALANCE AND EXPENDITURE TOTALS FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 Fund E~ enditures Ending Balance Total Governmental Funds -.General: General Fund $ 62,303,648 $ 50,000 $ 62,353,648 Debt Service Fund 6,607,879 6,607,879 Youth Haven II Fund 308,743 308,743 413 235 Recreation Fee Class Fund 235,413 , 443 951 Capital Fund 951,443 700 278 , 278,700 Garage II Fund , 70,685,826 50,000 70,735,826 Internal Service Fund 1,050,534 1,050,534 Utility Fund 8,136,003 8,136,003 Off site Facilities Fund - Water 89.529 89+529 Offsite Facilities Fund - Sewer 195,144 195,144 80,157,036 50,000 80,207,036 Governmental Funds - School: School Operating Fund 58,048,697 58,048,697 School Bus Fund 1,200,000 1,200,000 School Cafeteria Fund 2,702,000 2,702,000 School Federal. Programs Fund 1,486,214 1,486,214 723 426 2 School Capital Improvements Fund 2,426,723 , , 000 500 2 School Literary Loan Fund 2,500,000 , , School Textbook Fund 479,033 479,033 000 825 Regional Special Education Fund 825,000 , 667 667 69 69,667,667 , , $149,824,703 $ 50,000 $149,874,703 Less: Interfund Transfers (37,304,534) (37,304,534) ~~ $112,520,169 $ 50.000 $112,570,169 8 m W z a x U a ., w Z a ~-. z ~w a> I-+ W Cn > 0: 00 rn _A~ W Z X A O w .+ z r+ oaa a a 1--1 w ce wzw C w O .~^ Fw = O U I-I ,.' a a z I Z :z. 1 W C~ I U z I C 4 I W 2 I aUl 1 W W I a~n~n 1 a a a l awwl aacc I O U U i A Z W I--1 A AO W C1 F I U m W 00 ti T ~ •..~ a a ~- w F z w z F O ti A a ww R: W N aww aax O U U A Z W I--I A X ~ ~ 2f 2f 2f ~ I cD N "" tL) c^ ,Q N ~t I Oa' Ne'~ ~[! - 1 ...tiQ.--~.+p.~ c~ I ..~ ~. I I I ..r ONO 0 0 0 1A I c00000 000 I c O e O O O N I . I .~ 0 0 0 0 ~~ I e~1n0~00 ~~ I ~Q.-~c7N ~N I ~.. 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W OwZ ~ I O U v1a I W W Z rr Z U a a a 2 w a OA ~ w Z .+ a a ~ z¢a F O .~ z< F O w~ O .-.U x x 1 ;s: c. a s ~n a W O F C>;::zl F" ^ Z I > V;aFV:F~•>~a I >3a W Z a I G Z~ W Z G F I W W Z W F I C V~ZU7r.C'.Y m CC = >Z C 1 UC~v]_5...~0 w Z I ~ ~' Z 9 COtJN'I'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA REVEN[JE AND EXPENDITURE CCINSPARISONS GENERAL FUND - EXPENDIT[JRE.S April 11, 1989 1989 1990 Budget Proposed Estimated Expenditures: General Administration $ 1,002,850 $ 1,092,856 Constitutional Officers 7,570,297 8,065,998 Judicial Administration 166,905 175,745 Management Services 2,489,411 2,613,594 Public Safety 2,170,505 2,355,030 Community Services 3,665,312 4,039,220 Himian Services 6,580,466 6,878,979 Non-Departmental 1,511,735 1,605,547 Transfers to Other Funds: 542 676 4 5,392,696 Debt Ser-Dice , , 214 921 901,443 Capital School Operating , 26,666,000 28,537,950 Garage II -0- 768 75 120,000 78,658 Youth Haven II Internal Service , 270,631 305,832 Utility 40,000 40,000 Sub-Total 57,807,636 62,303,648 Fund Balance - Ending 36,604 50,000 ~~, ~p~pITURES AND FUND BAL ANCE $57,844,240 562,353,648 10 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA BUDGET WORK SESSION MAJOR ITEMS FUNDED WITHIN THE FY 1989-90 BUDGET APRIL 11, 1989 PUBLIC SAFETY: SHERIFF 5100,000 SIX NEW POSITIONS AND FOUR NEW VEHICLES FIRE AND RESCUE 68,000 FIVE NEW POSITIONS 39,065 LEASE/PURCHASE BONSACK EQUIPMENT 30,000 OPERATING COSTS NEW BONSACK STATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: 34,130 TWEEDS 82,000 VALLEYPOINTE SOLID WASTE: 165,000 LANDFILL TIPPING FEES 150,000 DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL CLEAN-UP DEVELOPMENT AND INSPECTIONS: 18,000 PERMIT CLERK 23,951 BUILDING INSPECTOR ~ ~ 21,660 RELATED EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE TREASURER: 18,447 DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTIONS CLERK BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: 25,000 ROOFING PROJECTS 20,000 MOTOROLA CONTRACT COMMUNICATION: 101,851 PHASE II COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (LEASE/PURCHASE) FINANCE: 25,718 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE PACKAGE (LEASE/PURCHASE) MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: ~ 25,000 USER FEE STUDY MANAGEMEIv'T INFORMATION SYSTEMS: 20,000 MULTIPLEXOR 7,000 HIGH SPEED PRINTER 31,800 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: 5,400 CORTRAN BUS VPI EXTENSION: UTILITIES 12,000 OTHER: CONSOLIDATION 200,000 GARAGE II 120,000 SPRING HOLLOW 525,000 5X SALARY INCREASE 725,000 VIRGINIA WESTERN BLDG FUND 21,000 52,615,022 11 1ls ~ e~ ass .._. 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I _ cr, a. < 19 COUNTY OF ROANOLB CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHBR THAN VBHICLBS FISCAL MBAR 1989-90 BUDGBT APRIL I1, 1989 DBPARTKBNT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------- FUNDBD QUANTITY NBY REPLACE COST QUANTITY --------------------------------------- UNFUNDED NBN REPLACB COSY BOARD OF SUPBRYISOAS dICROFILK RBADBR 1 1 500 HUKAN RBSOURCBS 2-DOOR STORAGE CABINBT 1 1 150 SECRETARIAL CHAIR 1 1 200 EXBCUTIYB CHAIR 1 1 415 COSTUNERIGOAT RACE 1 1 200 • ~ 1,025 COUNTY ATTORNEY PC PAINTER, LASER PAINTER AND BOOKCASES X 4,200 TREASURER PBRSONAL COHPUTER AND PRINTER 1 1 5,680 3 3 6,900 OCR EflUIPKBNT 3 3 600 CALCULATORS 1 1 5,000 UPGRADE 5300 1 1 2,000 PHOTOCOPIER 2 2 1,500 CRT (PAINTBR~ 1 1 ~, ; 0 VAULT --- - ------ 5,680 19,000 COKKONWEALTH ATTORNEY • ~ 1 1 100 IBM YHBELNRITBA 6 CONNISSIONBR OF ABYBHUE TYPEWRITER 1 1 B00 COHPUTER TBRKINALS-DIAL UP 2 2 2,300 OFFICE FURNITURE X 2,500 5,600 CLERg OF CIRCUIT COURT KICAOFILK BODAB IHT-150 HICRO-IKAGE 2 2 21,400 TBRHINAL K/0 LENS 2 2 940 BODAB CONSOLE 2 2 510 gODAg LENSES 2 2 50 gODAE SCREEN HOOD PUBLIC RBCORDS iBH WHEELWP.ITEP, 30 2 2 1612 SECRETARIAL DESK tlITH 'L' 1 1 1,460 ------------ ------------ 3,132 ~ 22,900 SHERIFF ADKINISTRATION 20 X 1C,000 ADDITIONS TO BUILDING DEPARTflBNT FUNDED UNFU6DED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY NBY RBPLACB COST GUANTITY NEW ~.FPLACE COST --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 SBCflETAflY CHAIfl 1 100 1YPBYFITBfl IB@ YHEBLYflITBfl 1 1 696 2 2 '.500 P.C. 1 1 100 DESI 1 1 215 CBAIfl - BIBCUTIVB 2 2 35Z CHAIRS 1 1 FILE CABINBT --------1--- 19,119 CIVIL DIVISION g 4,500 COKPUTBR YORD PROCESSING 1 HETNORLINC g 3,100 COURTHOUSE SECURITY BQUIPKENT 1,60D UNIPORK DIVISION 1,182 35NK CAKERA 9 9 8 8 1,000 YEIGHING SCALES 20 20 4,000 LOLLING FILE CABINETS TABLES YI CHAIR,'DESLS 20 20 2,000 1 1 200 TABLB 1 1 150 CNAIR 2 2 6,417 RADIOS ------------ ------------ 14,549 12,000 CRIKINAL INVESTIGATIONS DIV IBK YBEELYAITBR VI 1 696 1 VCR CAKCORDER 1 1 1,254 l 1 2,309 KURATA F-30 FACSIKILE NACAINE 1 I 4,000 HOODED VACUUK CHAKBER 3,209 1 1 RADIO 5,159 6,309 SERVICES DIVISION 650 TAPE P.ECORDEP.S 3 3 1 I 3,2D8 RADIO 3,858 JAIL 1 1 1,501 OUTSIDE CANEP.A 1 1 2,954 INSIDE CAKERA 4 4 473 KONITORS 1 1 5D0 COKPRESSOfl 4 4 1,000 THERKOSTATS 1 1 800 GUNSAFE 1 1 2,500 DESL ",OP COPY KACP.INB 2 2 000 SHOTGUNS ;,000 3 J RADIO - SOOKHZ 1 1 1 2,000 P.ADIO - LOY BAND " 4.400 BALIDE LIGHTING FIeTUP,ES "3~ 6 6 RCA CAKEP.AS ., 1 .,CBi RCA CAKERA OPDATE 3 ~ 1".,250 6ASE S",A",IONS SC,ao4 21 DEPARTtiBMT FUHDBD aDA}iTITY NBY REPLACE COST CUAN'.ITY UNFDIiDBD HBM icEP;,ACE COS' DESCRIPTIOIi ----------------------- ---------------------------- ------------- GBHERAL DISTRICT COURT OPBH SBBLF FILING CABINETS 4 4 ;.080 JUYBNILB AKD DOKBSTIC RBLATIONS DISTRICT COURT 1 625 IBM ,"YPBMRITBR 625 I 1 1 FILE CABINET 2 2 1,290 ------------ -- ---------- 1,915 625 PROBATION 1 1 395 EXECUTIVE SYIYBL CBAIR 2 ~ 356 SIDE CBAIR iIIARKS 151 COUNTY ASSESSOR 1 ~ 175 ' FILING CABINET 1 350 1 3 X 4,650 RADIO COKKUNICATION SYSTBK , 1 1 4 , 000 PC iIIWORD PERFECT i, LOTUS 6 6 4,550 DESLS 20 20 1,400 CONFERENCE ROOK CHAIRS 3,525 14,600 FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRAL ACCOUNTING 1 1 1,~"5 FILE CABINET 1 1 636 TYPEWP.ITER 1 1 660 HP TERKINAL 1 1 4 , 000 PC i. PP,INTER FINANCIAL SOFTYARE PACLAGB 1 1 15,431 (PULL COST 5197,500~~ 15,431 6,741 PAYROLL 1 1 175 CALCULATOR 1 1 000 4 PC, PP.INTER, i LOTUS - ~ ------ 175 4,000 KANAGEKBNT AND BUDGET 1 1 ',500 LASBR PINTER 1 1 1.000 GP.APEICS PACLAGE 1 1 500 PILE CABINBT 1 1 1.325 DESL AND CBAIR 1 1 000 PC i PP.INTER - ------~= 10,'2~ V ~ PP.GCUP.EKENT 1 19" FILE CABINET 1 ? 1,500 TEP.KINALS FI P.E SUnooESSION PROTECTIVE CLC",°ING 90 90 4S,5D0 SELP-CONTAiNEt :,rEATI?ING ,4 ~4 " " ~6,@00 - APPAP.P.TUS 22 FUNDED UNFUNDBD DEPARTKBNT QUANTITI NBY RBPLACB COST Q~AH ":".? NEY REPLACE COST DESCRIPTION ------ ---------------- --- --------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- 36 36 1,800 AIR BOTTLBS-BRBATHING APPARATUS 24 24 3,600 PBRSONAL ALBRT DBYICBS 34 34 `,IOG FACE PIBCBS-BRBATHIAG APPARATUS FUNDING Tb CONVERT FIRE PUHPBR I g 1:,000 To FOAd TRUCI .~ 1 000 1 I t 1,000 COHHERCIAL RANGE-CAYE SPRING 1 1 1 , 1 000 1 1 1,000 CONMBRCIAL RBFAIGBRATOR- , CAVE SPRING VARIOUS FURNISHINGS IN I 100 4 g g 1,900 SEVBRAL.FACILITIBS 1 , 24 24 1,200 RADIO RBADSETS FOR PUMP PANBLS 15 15 5,500 800-NHZ PORTABLE RADIOS 65 65 35,750 PAGERS TO REPLACE OLD ONES X I 12,500 UPGRADE FIRE HOSES X X ;,500 NISCELLANBOUS FITTINGS d ADAPTERS RADIOS (BONSACg LIP) 4 4 1,823 PAGERS (BONSACB L/P) 30 30 2,149 FURNISHINGS FOR BONSACg (L/P~ Y I 2,604 ------------ ------------ 62,116 176,650 PREVHNTION 1 1 1,400 RED LIGHTS d SIRENS 1 300 SCANNER FOR OFFICE 1 1 1 900 ADDITIONAL DESE-FIRE INSPECTOR 1 1 250 ADDITIONAL CHAIR-FIRB INSPECTOR 1 1 3,000 COHPUTBR 1 1 2,000 HP LASBRJET PRINTER 1 1 1,000 ADDITIONAL SOFTYARB 1 1 3,300 1 HOBILE RADIO 1 1 3,500 1 PORTABLE RADIO ______ _ ____________ 3,300 12 ,50 PLANNING AND RESEARCR 20 20 32,000 NBY FIRE HIDRAhTS 1 1 15,000 APPARATUS TEST PIT 1 1 150 CAHBRA ------------ 101,150 TECHNICAL SERVICES 2 2 28,380 ENCLOSURE FOR TILLEP.-LADDERS 33.5 ~ 5 10,000 REPOYER "JAYS OF LIFE' 4 4 ID,DOD REPLACE YORF-OUT GENEAATOES 154 CALCULATOR 1 1 1,000 DESE AND CHAIR 316 PILE CABINETS 2 2 300 CAD TERKINAL TAELB 2 2 e g 1,000 DATA PROCESSING ------------ _______ ----- 1~~10 49,380 TRAINING g i 15 C, g g 250 CONFUTER FUP.NITUP.B 000 3 X X 1.000 AUDIO VISUAL AIDS X X ' 500 X I 500 YDi c ~; CGS CO...ITEA ,.0. "Y,,,.., g 1; 23 FUNDBD ONFUADBD DEPAR?MEN? QUAA'I?T NBY RBPLACB COST QUAN TITY NEY 1<?PLACn CCS", DESCEIPTION ------ ------------ ---- ---- ----------------------- ----------------------------- j i :.OOG INCIDBN" SIMULA?OR BQUIP. a o 0 1 1 1 1.a00 BREATfiING APPARATUS 1 1 ' 3 3 1,200 CP1; MANNBQUINS 500 VISUAL SIMULATOR j I 1 600 1 1 900 SLIDE PROJECTO@ 1 1 750 1 1 950 OVBRHBAC P&OJBCtOR 1 I j 4,000 SOD-MH;, RADIO 1 300 1 1 200 SCANNERS 1 ------------ ------------ 8,200 l~,aoo RESCUE OPERATIONS 2 2 6,000 SETS OF AIR BAGS 2 2 ',500 SETS OF HURST RAMS 1 1 x,900 AUTOMATIC DEFIBRILLATOR 70 70 35,T00 PAGERS ~ 60 60 180.000 PORTABLE RADIOS 1 1 3,000 11 11 3=,000 MOBILE RADIOS - ----_ 3,000 270,100 GENERAL SERVICES ],500 1 1 LETTEP. QUALITY PRINTER 1 900 TYPEWP.ITER 1 4 4 400 OPFICE CHAIRS 2,fi00 SOLID HASTE 8 900 9,900 693,000 ROLL - OUT CARTS , ENGINEERING ' ENGINEBRING ~ 170 1 1 CP.T TABLE 1 1 1B0 HUTCH FOR CRT TABLE 1 1 110 PRINTEP. STAND 460 DRAPTING AND P,ECOP.DS 500 1 DRAPTING HACHINE 1 DRAINAGE 000 1 1 16 BOBCAT-TYPE LOADBR , 000 100 Y 7:.000 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS , ____ _ ____________ 110,000 7:,000 CONS":P.UC".ION!INSPEC":ION 1 1 1,200 LEVEL BUiLDINv MAINTENANCE I E,"75 g 9iC BQUIPMBNT FOR SHOPS 7a5 MOBILE PHONE 1 1 CAPITAL PRCJBCTS: g @,~00 P.CAC PAP.TIAL F.GOFING 24 DEPAflTMBWT FUNDED DBSCflIPTIOW QUAWTITI NBY REPLACB COST ------------------------------------------------------ BeTBRIiAL YORI - SOOTBYIBY YASB BAYS - 2 ANHUAL COUNTY ROOPING PflOGRAM ASBESTOS PROGRAM INSPBCTION COUHTT PAAgING LOT PROGRAtl BVAC - RCAC SOUTH YINC SECURITY ADD-OH JAIL L COURTHOUSB SBCURITY PACKAGE I SROYBRS - SOUTBVIBY 25,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDED PLANNING AND ZONING PC PRINTBR 3 PC SYSTEMS HARD DRIVE - LAHIBR 1 1 1 1 32,060 1,500 400 1,900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEY IBM TYPBWRITER CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SERVICES FAX MACEINES ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMIN-RUNAN SVGS PC i. PRINTER GROUNDS MAINTENANCE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE LAWNMOWERS OUTDOOR GRILLS OUTDOOP. GRILLS PICNIC TABLES PICNIC TABLES LITTBR RECEPTACLES LITTBF. RECEPTACLES BLEACHERS SOCCBF. GOALS BASFBTBALL COALS i STANDARDS TRAC",OR GANG MOWER PLAYER BENCHES NEW RADIOS GBHERATOR SPACE HEATER DRILLS CIF.CULAF. SAWS SIDEYALL EDGERS SNOW BLOYEP.S LEAF ~LOYERS TILLER 16' CRAINSAWS 2 2 1 1 25 5,000 UNFDNDBD -iEPLACE-- NBY QUAW-ITI --COST---- - -- I 45,000 2 2 90,000 I 11,000 I 2E,OOO I 26.000 j 1,000 I 18,000 j 36,000 X2:,000) 241,91C 13,000 950 3 3 5,100 1 1 2,000 7,100 1 1 1,200 1 1 4,100 1• 1 45,000 10 10 150 10 10 150 20 2D 3,000 to l0 1,500 20 20 1,800 ID 10 900 4,400 4 4 2,000 2 2 900 1 1 10,000 1 1 1,800 10 10 3,500 3 3 2,850 1 1 450 1 1 250 4 4 400 ~ 2 400 4 4 BOG 4 4 4,400 4 4 B00 1 1 1,QOO 4oD FUKDBD DEPARTNBKT DBSCRIPTIOK QDAKTITI KBY REPLACB INDUSTRIAL YBBDBATBaS LIKBMARgERS LIKE PAIKTBgS 1 1 BUSHflOG PORTABLE GBKBRATOIi FIELD DflAGS YBBD BATBRS PYE NOYBR SIDE NOYBR T' DISb NCIHTOSfl PC CAD-40 MEGABYTE HARD DRIVE SOFTYARB KONITOR FLOTTBA SOFTYARE TBN ~PC 1 1 NEY BUILDING-GREEN HILL PARK LEAF COLLECTION LEAF VACUUMS PARKS AND ABCRBATION ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT TABLE TRIPOD PORT. ELEC. SEYING HACHINE PERKINS BRAILLBR ROPBS COUP.SB KAYAKS INCENTIVE FUND DISITYASHER DRY MOUNT PRESS I I NODULAR PUBLIC DISPLAY 1 REFRIGERATOR KILNS PROJECTION STAND ON CASTBP.S DISITYASHER CANOES 4 4 OFFICE PARTITIONS 4-DRAMBR FILE CABINBT DESK 2 IBM TYPEYRITEP.S SECAETAP.Y CHAIRS POP.TABLB CONCESSI01; TP.AILBR PORTABLE TAG-ALONG GAS GP.ILL 4 { NODBNS LIS", PROCESSING SOFTYARE-YANG SOFTWARE FOR YANG i. OTBEF. PC SOCIAL SEP.VICES AD!'INISTRATION UKFDI+DBG COST QUAKTITI KBY £BPLACB ---- COST ---- ---------------------{- 4 2D 2a 000 , 4 4 ;,600 1,000 1 1 700 2 2 800 2 2 200 2 2 1,000 1 1 1,000 1 1 i,00D 1 1 3,000 1 1 1,500 1 1 1,000 1 1 2,000 1 1 4,000 1 1 1,600 1 1 4,500 9,500 -----24,450 125,670 2 2 17,000 500 1 750 48T 2 1,300 1,400 4,431 26 1 5 5 1 1 1 1. 2 2 z 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 174 150 1,350 350 5,200 1,2D0 5,000 600 600 2,ODD 115 1,200 2,400 1,513 115 1,500 36G 2",000 ,,,000 1,400 1,200 6D0 52,147 FDNDBD OAFDNDBD ....... DEPARTMENT QUAATITY NBY REPLACB COST QUANTI~ NEY ~;.:~ACE COS DESCRIPTION ------------------------------ ------------------------------------6---- 1,050 ---- 6 FILING CABINETS I 1 2,500 POSTAGE AMCHINB 3 3 210 RECORDERS 2 2 280 CALCULATORS _----------- 4,040 LIBRARY i 125 ~ 00 FURNITURE-JOINT LIBRARY X 1~,0 000 635 FURNITURE-BBNT MOUNTAIN , X 000 30 ENLARGE HOLLINS LIBRARY , - FURNITURE FOP. HOLLINS BXPANSION ---- ------ ________i?~_ 6flC,000 1 500 ELECTIONS 1 COMPUTBR TABLE . 4 4 2,400 ANIMAL CONTROL 6 180 MOBILE TELEPHONES 6 3 420 CAT TRAPS 3 1 DOG TRAPS 1 TRANAUILIZING GUN 3,450 2,715,501 -_-- 332,042 GENERAL FUND SUBTOTAL - __________-- YOUTN HAVBN II X 1,000 NBN FURNITURE-gGUIPMENT NANAGBNBNT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 1 500 ADMINISTRATION 1 1 i15 PNOTOCOPIER ADAPTOP. A COLOP. MONITOR 2 2 600 flp VGA ADAPTOR 2 2 330 Hp YGA MONY DISPLAY 1 1 310 ------------ MEMORY UPGP.ADE - ----------- 1,215 1,30D 1 10,000 OPERATIONS 1 1 3C,000 PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS 1 21,`00 X.25 COMMUNICATIONS NETYORg 1 1 1 11:,000 MAIAFRAME FACILITY 1 1 1,400 UPGRADE VP NETYOR[ 1 1 100 1 MEDIA STORAGE CABINETS 1 1 125 TAHLH 2 2 13,000 2563E PF.INTER I 1 20,000 MUL",IPLEXOP. 1 1 4,500 flP EDIT 1 1 615 ":NEP.MGBOND i BUP.STER A".TACNMENT 27 FUNDBD DNFD1iDBD DEPARTMBKT QUAlfTITY NBY ABPLACB casT QUANTI'T NBY QBPLACB COS DBSC&IPTION _ ---------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------- ---- ----- I 1 200 PAPER OUT SBNSO4 1 1 ;,200 DATA LIMB -_--~{~-100 39,200 " " DBYELOPMBNT 1 1 700 MANUAL STORAGE CABINBT 8 g S92 SAI;LYBS FOR CUBICLBS 8 8 624 LIGHTING UNDER SBELYBS ~ 8 400 SIDE CHAIRS __ - "'-"'---"- 100 1,616 COKKUNICATIONS 1 2,000 1 INSTALL ANTENNA TOYBR 3 3 1,500 YORE BENCHES 2 2 2,600 POYEP. SUPPLIBS 2 2 1,800 DESOLDEP.ING STATION 1 1 1,000 HOT AI): BDNDBA 1 1 30,000 SPARE PAP.TS - 800MHZ RADIOS ~ 2 1,200 DUMMY LOADS 2 2 4,000 RF MILLIVOLT KETBR 1 1 1,500 SYNTOR A TEST SET-UP 2 2 2,400 AC VOLTKETBR 1 1 150 BATTERY POYERED DRILL 3 3 10,500 KOBILE RADIOS 1 1 3,500 COVER FOR PROPANE TANG - POOR KTN 1 1 30,000 SCREEN ROOK 1 1 15,000 IMPROVE ACCBSS ROAD - FT LEYIS 1 1 4,500 FENCE - TIN6ER MTN 1 1 2,000 100 MBZ OSCILLOSCOPE 1 1 115 SOLDER STATION 2 2 1,900 TEST AND ADAPTBR CABLES• 8 g 600 POYEP. FILTERS 2 2 200 STEP LADDBR 1 1 1,000 METAL CUTTING BAND SAY ~ 2 800 DOT MATRIg PRINTER ------------ ------'"'-'" 2,000 122,325 RECREATION FEE CLASS FUND Z I I 13,400 NBY AND REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT UTILITY BILLING COLLBCTIONS 1 1 2,000 PC SOFTYAP.B METEP. P.EADING 3 3 8,100 KOBILE TRUCE RADIOS 1 1 ',000 OFFICE DESL RADIO ____________ 11,100 U",ILI":Y DEPA"r.TMENT ADMINIS"P.~".ION 3 3 6,000 PRINTERS , , 000 CALCULATOP.S-YATER OPEP.. " " 28 DBPARTKBNT FUNDBD DBSCRIPTION QUANTITY NEV RBPLACE CAST QUANTITY ------------------------------------------------------------- COKPUTBRS-YATBRISBYBR 2 2 BZBCUTIVE DBSgS AND CHAIRS 15 15 2-DRAYBR FILB CABINBTS 2 2 NATBR SISTBK KAINTBNANCB RBPLACBIRBBUILD iiBLL BOUSBS 4 RBSHRYOIA CLIKBING DBVTCB 2 2 RBSBRYOIR GUARDS (LADDBRS) 2 2 CHLORINATORS 6 6 flOMBLITE PUKPS ~ 2 2 12-VOLT COMPRESSORS 2 2 SLOiI-CLOSING CHBCB VALVES 4 4 GRBBN LEE CABINET 1 1 NULTIKETBR SBT 1 1 RESERVOIR ALARK SYSTBK 2 2 OIL-LESS AIR COKPRESSOR 1 1 CONDUIT BENDBR 1 1 PUKPIMOTOR 1 1 AUTOKATIC CONTROLS 1 1 GENERATOR (VEHICLE MOUNT) 1 1 RESERVOIR CONTROLS 1 1 DEHUMIDIFIER 1 1 100-GALLON PRESSURE TANB 1 BACgHOE 1 UNFUNDBD NBK RBPLACB COST 8,800 T,750 260 23,410 4 35,000 3,000 900 3,000 1,300 120 2,000 650 550 . s,ooa 400 1,200 700 50,000 1,200 3,200 510 1 2,500 1 55,000 167,230 SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ll4-TON HOIST ELECTRIC 1 1 SENSOR 60' 1 1 SAFETY STEP LADDBR 1 1 300-MATT GENERATOR 1 1 TOPPING HACHINE 1 1,000 1,000 250 1,200 . 1 1,500 4,950 SANITARY SEVER BVALUATIONIREHABILATION 3,000-MATT GENERATOR 1 1 SKID STBBR LOADER 1 1 12 VDC 8,000 LB, BLBC. NIHCH 1 1 NETIDRY PICgUP VACUUK 1 1 OIL FIRED STEAK CLEANER 1 1 4-SHBLF INDUSTRIAL CABINBT 1 1 LIGHTBBAD TV CAKBRA 1 1 KANHOLE BOZ 1 1 SBflBR L BASIN CLBANING JBT TRUCg 1 PIPE SAf1, CIRCULAR SAft, GRINDER 3 2 SUBTOTAL OTBER FUNDS GRAND TOTAL 1,200 25,000 1,000 275 1,100 210 600 3,800 1 120,000 1 1,060 154,845 ------------ ------------ 421,135 370,316 ------------ ----------- ?53,177 3,085,817 29 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA FY 1989-90 BUDGET WORK SESSION DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS APRIL 11, 1989 FUNDED REQUESTED BUDGETED 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 DEPARTMENT --------- --------- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS $1,000 $1,032 $1,032 NACO VINTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 150 5 000 150 6,000 150 6,000 SALEM-RKE CO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , 000 7 7,000 7,000 VACO MUNICIPAL CLERKS ASSOCIATION , 115 833 10 125 11,483 125 10,833 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE , 3 000 3,000 3,000 BLUE RIDGE REGION OF VIRGINIA COMMERCE , 1,000 1,000 1,000 ROANOKE VALLEY CHAMBER OF 100 .100 100 BRAMBLETON AVENUE ASSOCIATION COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 800 800 800 ICMA PLANNING AND ZONING PLANNING DISTRICT COMMITTEE 16,392 16,566 16,566 FIFTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT gg,181 68,182 68,182 REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP 000 25 25,000 25,000 CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU , HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES 2p 000 137,338 30,000 HUMAN SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS , 25,000 39,717 25,000 TAP 69,984 87,768 69,984 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS CULTURAL ENRICHMENT 5 000 5,000 2,500 ROANOKE SYMPHONY , 000 15 110,000 15,000 , CENTER IN THE SQUARE THE ARTS COUNCIL OF ROANOKE VALLEY 5,000 5,625 500 7 2,500 * 0 ARTS COUNCIL CULTURE JAM TRANSPORTATION 0 , 15,000 0 VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3 453 3,434 3,434 SCHOLARSHIP FUND SITE DEVELOPMENT - NEW SCIENCE BL , 0 DG 63,187 275 21,000 275 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 250 0 0 0 SPCA VIRGINIA AMATEUR SPORTS, INC 0 29,400 _ _ _________ $282,258 5644,682 $309,481 * ROANOKE COUNTY HAS FILED FOR A GRANT OF $5,000 FROM THE VIRGINIA COMMISSION FORFOREAATOTALOCONTRIBUTIONEOFA55YOOOTEACH,THESE TWO ORGANIZATIONS 30 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA FY 1989-90 BUDGET WORK SESSION HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES APRIL 11, 1989 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 ORGANIZATION ALLOCATION REQUEST RECOMMENDED ----------------- ----------------------------------- 86,750 ---------------- 3 252 $17,538 LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS FREE CLINIC OF ROANOKE VALLEY ADULT CARE CENTER OF RKE VALLEY TRUST FAMILY SERVICE OF ROANOKE VALLEY CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT COORDINATING COUNCIL ROANOKE AREA MINISTRIES R. A. M. HOUSE PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS TINKER MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIES BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS ROANOKE VALLEY SPEECH & HEARING CENTER COUNCIL OF COMMUNITY SERVICES INFORMATION & REFERRAL CENTER ,_cnLVATION ARMY - VARIOUS PROGRAMS RETHANY HALL FIFTH DISTRICT EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM $ ~ 065 4 6,000 6,000 , 626 1 3,960 2,700 , 463 1 4,000 2,500 , 813 11,000 1,250 626 1 2,720 2,250 , 813 1,333 1,300 0 800 0 407 2,500 500 3,496 33,942 3,875 875 2 2,439 33,082 , 0 0 1,600 p 1,000 0 0 4,057 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,800 0 0 3,006 0 ----------- -- X20,000 X137,338 $30,000 31 oooocoooo~cooo~~°~, °p ~o N ao Och00 OONCAppc00 OCOCOO~~~O C~0~70 ~ ca0 0 _ _ I 00000 O I OpNO~ ~ ~ O O O N O ~n00 ~N~c+~Q W Ou;N0 .. ~ r+Cc+>...inC:O~~c'~^' ." ~ '7 ' c~< , ~r,ce~~ co ~ _ tA ~ ~ - ~c'~tnt~in t-tD~p ~~~~~~~P CD NCO r. c^. C' N CO COQ c N N ~ I ~ , c~ N ,y tAt-t00 ,., ... c~ c'~ ^i ~ ..: I ^~ cD ¢ I F I ~ I F I H , ~ i W I ^ I ~ I O V1 !Y 1 F I p Z ~ Ew-' t/~ c o O F. , F ~ ~ ~ I ~ N H H _ ¢ .7 ¢ a ~ F I ~ -~' ~~~ w H a z ~ ~ ~ ¢ww ~ a ~x ~~ z ~ a I ~ way ~ ~ z¢ wx ~ > z ~ o w Cn o ,, w ~ z¢a. Ua~ a o w • ~ Ll+ ~ a O ~„~ Z ~ [!1 ¢ d ~rn % w ° ~~ o~zw c x~ a w3o~HZw a ~~ ~~rn I ~' ~+ Z Oz UzHCa.Hx¢ -~ H <rO C¢jUEw--~¢ w ¢`" _ O ~ I O WHW O W H ~d W 0. I .]c/~0..x ¢C7 W a ~•rr-~ZW W U 3wH „Z ~ z a ~° O.]c ' a ,~ Z W a r-iHda!L'ZZ I ¢ U ~ ' ~ x ~wcnG~d ' 0 ¢U~r' i a ~ y, d p .. v~jcnzOp~ a,aE¢jln ~ ZOwQa C0. F -' ¢=~o'~Q' E .. ~ ~ u] H z ~ r+ ¢ E- ~C ~ ~Z a ~ ~m H ; p ~ z ~ ¢~H Q ~¢zw `w¢p Ww I `~a. ^~a¢aw x u.~~c~ ~ ~ o ~, HE-~,.a wwaw acnwzwaa~~¢~.,czz/ x~'r ¢ a o¢ ~ x ~o~cZZ~w w~a¢~ "¢ ~ w z ~ ~ z~ ~- '"H E ~c~nz ~~ a~a. zzN a¢w ~~z _ W Cs. E- O ~ ~ H ~ , r-i O H H I ¢ ~ tY ¢ r-+ a ~ O a> I a. 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Public Safety 3. F~nployee Benefits 4. Water Supply 5, Economic Develo~nent 6. Solid Waste Disposal Pro sed General Fund Revenues: DOLi,AR ~ OF BUDGET PROJ[X.'I'Ei) INCREASE TO'CAI, FY 1988-89 FY 1989-90 (UECRF~II.SE) 1989-9U IpC11L REVENUE SOURCES ' 009 780 $25 $28,511,770 $ 2,731,761 45.7$ PATE TAX REAL FS PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES , , 10,200,000 11,650,000 1,450,000 492) (190 18.7$ 6.7$ SALTS 'TAX x ' 4,390,492 000 400 2 4,200,000 2,100,000 , (300,000) 3.4~ rA BUSINESS LICENSE , , 500,000 1 1,700,000 200,000 2.7~s MEALS TAX UTILITY CONSUMER TAx , 1,400,000 1,400,000 -0- 000 175 2.3~ 2. l~s MOt['OR VEEiICLE LICENSE 'TAX 1,150, 000 923 575 3 1, 325, 000 3, 855, 208 , 279, 285 6.24 (7CHEFt L{X:AL REVENUES I`K=E , , 0 00 50 0 525, 000 25, 000 _0_.8~ BEG INNING FUN[.) B11LA _ _ , 78 554 370 $ 4 88.6$ SUB-'TO'TAL LOCAL $50,896,424 $55,266,9 , , O~rfiER REVN'NUE SOUR(~JS: 816 947 $ 6 $ 7, 086, 670 $ 138, 854 11.4F4 Ca„p„~L~ .' , , -0- -0- _ -0- 0.0~ FEDFTZAL 2~'rAL GENERAL FUND X57,844.240 $62,353.648 $ 4,509,408 REAL ESTATE A Bcauti~ulBcginning V b Gl E T '7~E~ UE'S T /~',t~ pN,J ~'~~/' - ~ T!~ /a' ~ROANOKE COI~'dTY MR. CHAIRMAN, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD AND MR. HODGE, MY NAME IS LYNDA HAGEE. I AM MANAGER OF TAP'S HOUSING REHAB PROGRAM. Ohl BEHALF OF THE TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS, I AM ASKING THAT YOU APPROVE OUR REQUEST FOR X39,717. TAP CONTINUES ITS COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE LESS FORTUNATE IN SPITE OF FURTHER CUTS AT THE FEDERAL AND STATE LEVEL. IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A QUALITY SERVICE DELIVERY TO THE NEEDY, THE STATE, LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONPROFIT AGENCIES MUST WORK TOGETHER TO ENSURE THAT ALL WHO ARE IN NEED HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE THEIR NEEDS MET. WE HAVE BEEN VERY SUCCESSFUL IN COORDINATING OUR EFFORTS WITH OTHER AGENCIES. IN THE PAST YEAR TAP HAS PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: 0 36 ROANOKE COUNTY CHILDREN AGED 3 TO 5 PARTICIPATED IN THE HOME START PROGRAM ALONG WITH THEIR PARENTS. o CHILDREN RECEIVED PHYSICAL EXAMS, IMMUNIZATIONS AND SCREENING FOR HEARING, VISION, LEAD POISONING, SPECIAL NEEDS, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROBLEMS AND DENTAL CARE. 0 1 ROANOKE COUNTY RESIDENT PARTICIPATED IN THE OJT PROGRAM TAP'S ON-THE-JOB TRAINING PROGRAM ENCOURAGES LOCAL AGENCIES AND COMPANIES TO HIRE PEOPLE WHO ARE CERTIFIED AS ELIGIBLE FOR THE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT (JTPA) MATCHING SKILLS TO THE JOB. 0 3 ROANOKE COUNTY RESIDENT PARTICIPATED IN TAP'S ADULT BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM, IN WHICH THEY RECEIVED PRE-GED PREPARATION, JOB COUNSELING, JOB PLACEMENT AND REFERRAL SERVICES. AN EXCELLENT RAPPORT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BETWEEN OUR STAFF AND THAT OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY DEPART- MENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. 3 ROANOKE COUNTY PARTICIPANTS WERE ENROLLED IN TAP'S CLERICAL SKILLS PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES INSTRUCTION IN; TYPING, SHORTHAND, BUSINESS MATH, WORD PROCESSING, OFFICE PROCEDURES, BUSINESS ENGLISH, AND MACHINE TRANSCRIPTION. PARTICIPANTS ALSO RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING AND TRAINING IN JOB-SEEKING AND RETENTION SKILLS. o THE HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM COORDINATED HOUSING RENOVATIONS FOR THE HOLLINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPONSORED BY ROANOKE COUNTY. THE COMPONENT WAS SUCCESS- FUL ON B BIDS TO COMPLETE HOMES IN ROANOKE COUNTY. THIS RESULTED IN NEW ROOFING, WINDOWS AND INSULATION, PAINTING, AND IMPROVEMENTS SUCH AS BATHROOM ADDITIONS WITH APPROPRIATE PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK, KITCHEN IMPROVEMENTS SUCH AS NEW SINKS, CABINETRY, AND FLOORING. SOME RENOVATIONS WILL ENABLE HOLLINS RESIDENTS TO ENJOY INDOOR PLUt1BING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES. THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE AWARDS FOR THE ENTIRE HOLLINS PROJECT EXCEEDS $68,708. o TAP WAS RECENTLY AWARDED A GRANT TO PERFORM RURAL REHAB EMERGENCY REPAIRS IN ITS SERVICE AREA. TO DATE, TWO ROANOKE COUNTY LOW-INCOME HOMEOWNERS WERE ASSISTED WITH EMERGENCY REPAIRS. A MAXIMUM OF X500 PER HOME FOR EMERGENCY REPAIR IS PROVIDED IN THIS GRANT. EMERGENCY REPAIRS CAN CONSIST OF ROOF REPAIR, PLUMBING OR HEATING REPAIRS, ELECTRICAL AND VARIOUS OTHER REPAIRS. o IN ROANOKE COUNTY, 24 TUNE/CLEANS, 3 BURNER RETROFITS, AND 3 REPAIRS WERE PERFORMED ON OIL FURNACES. o DURING THIS PERIOD, 183 ROANOKE COUNTY RESIDENTS IN 59 HOUSEHOLDS WERE HELPED BY TAP HOUSING COUNSELING. THIS INCLUDES LOCATING ~ REFERRING PEOPLE TO APART- MENTS, WORKING WITH MORTGAGE COMPANIES TO PREVENT FORECLOSURE, BUDGET COUNSELLING AND MUCH MORE. 0 30 ROANOKE COUNTY HOMES WERE WEATHERIZED BY TAP WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM, RENDERING THEM MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT AND SAVING AN AVERAGE OF 31% PER HOUSE IN HEATING COSTS. MATERIALS, LABOR AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AVERAGES $1800 PER HOUSE OF X54,000 TOTAL COST. o INTERVENTION SERVICES PROVIDED BY OUR HUMAN RESOURCES STAFF TO ROANOKE COUNTY PARTICIPANTS INCLUDES 338 SUBSTANCE ABUSE EDUCATION AND COUNSELING, PLACEMENT OF 11 RESIDENTS IN JOBS, COUNSELED AND ASSISTED 54 BATTERED WOMEN. o IN ROANOKE COUNTY THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMPONENT WORKED CLOSELY WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, JWENILE COURT SERVICES, VASAP, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, AND CHURCHES. 0 96 ROANOKE COUNTY FAMILES WERE SERVED BY TAP'S COMMUNITY OUTREACH WITH FOOD, CLOTHING, FUEL, UTILITIES, PRESCRIPTIONS GASOLINE, RENT AND OTHER EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. o THE FOODBANK DISTRIBUTED TO OVER 25 MEMBER AGENCIES THAT ARE N~1-PROFIT, 501(C)3, TAX EXEMPT. THESE AGENCIES OFFER SOME TYPE OF FEEDING SERVICE TO QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS. 0 65 ROANOKE COUNTY YOUTH AGES 14 TO 21 GAINED VALUABLE EX- PERIENCE IN THE 'WORLD OF WORK', PLUS NEEDED INCOME, IN TAP'S SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. 0 4 ROANOKE COUNTY YOUTH PARTICIPATED IN PROJECT REAP (ROANOKE EDUCATIONAL ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM) WHICH PROVIDES COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES TO YOUTH AGES 16 TO 21. THIS INCLUDES REMEDIAL EDUCATION AND PREPARATION FOR GED, PRE-EMPLOYMENT WORK MATURITY SKILLS TRAINING, JOB DEVELOPMENT AND DIRECT PLACEMENT. o IN ROANOKE COUNTY, THE YOUTH SERVICES COMPONENT WORKED IN CONJUNGTION WITH THE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS, ROANOKE COUNTY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT, THE ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION, AND THE ROANOKE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL SCHOOL WHICH PROVIDES TREMENDOUS SUPPORT FOR SUNNIER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED TO ACCOMPLISH OUR GOALS. WE APPRECIATE YOUR CONSIDERATION OF OUR FUNDING REQUEST. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND COOPERATION. ~~~ ~ --'-i1-11"~. ~tt~a~-~~r~ri---~~~ri~~~ir~~--rrr--~rrir--~~~ -----r-ir-r--~-~-1~i-ti~rri~-~-ir--~r~-rr-~-r~-~--'1~I~it-Yi1-'-~--~r--~'-~ril~~li1~-nu1-u1--,~ APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ ~'~ ~~ / _ _ _ SUBJECT ~r„ ~ ~ ~ t~~, e ~s ~sc~ ~ __ _ _, I would like fhe Chairman of fhe Board of Supervisors fo recognize me during fhe public hearing on fhe above maffer -_ so fhaf I may commenf.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. __ __ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment .. _= whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will _ = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ _ .. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. -. -- _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED -. GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION =. FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT _ THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK i'i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'11 jjjt'il~i~'lu ~it~~lilfllii~ll~i"111"~iY1111ffi'1(Ifiliiilitlil'i~illlliit~iilffillli1117tiii'ITlrlllli111ii~11llifilltlii~`f(IIIIIIilf~iljjJ = _ .': - -~ = .- = APPEAT~.ANCE I~.EQU^EST _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. '~~ __ - - SUBJECT ~~C`fC.L~nIG- ~Cy~~S1~~: (~/CIC-UP _ - I would like fhe Chairman of the Board of Supervisors fo recognize me during fhe public hearing on fhe above maffer -_ so fhaf I may commenf.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ - RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the .number of .citizens speaking on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to - do otherwise. - • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. =_ c - • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized = =- = speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = with the clerk. - _ _ ~ - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION = -' FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT _ THEM. _ _ - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m ~~ ~'1`1f11~~~i~~~ui`r~1~iY~~1~1ti11~~~'iili~il'~'i~~iltl~l1(~ii7i~lr~`~tt~iiUi~~iifi~iriill~i~i~'il'i~~11'~`i~~'~~1~11~trfItllltlfi111~1~1~1i1~1~~fil~flY~lf1171~1yj~~ '_ ~ _ ..... _ "- APPEARANCE REQUEST = AGENDA ITEM NO. ~/~,~° / SUBJECT. }~~~.~,~,:~se~~' I ~~~ -y~ b~d~~t' ~ _ I would like the Chairman of fhe Board of Supervisors to recognize me during fhe public hearing on the above matter • so That I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c _ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _- do otherwise. "' _ c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- bons of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized = speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ - _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments :- with the clerk. _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT _ THEM. .~ -- PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK __ - mllllllllillllliillll1111111111111111111111111illlllllllllllllllllillilllllllillllillllllllllllllillllllillllilllllllllllllllilllm ~rrry~r~r~~~i~~~r~~it~~~r~~r~Y~i~tr~~~iri~i~~111~~~i~~1~~~i'~rriri~~ii~~fi~~~~~i~~~ri~~rr~r~r~rr~rir~i~r~ir~ir~~~~~~r~r~ri~rrrr~~~~~~~~y~~~~irruru~r~~~~ APPEARANCE n.EQI.JEST _ -_ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~` ~ `~ - J - ~ t "~ SUBJECT ' ~J' ~`1 "!~=' /~L~c~ ~ e i -_ s - - _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES -_- LISTED BELOW. __ __ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, =- and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- =_ Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized =. speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED _. GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111 ~~ jjj~~l~l~~'yiliil~i'ill~ii~il`i~1~i~~lil~~~i1"~illlltf~~i'Itfi~~ll~fi111fi'ilfif~ll~lh~~~~i`~ti~111i'~'11~1~f111111iiiliiii~111~11i11111`I'11i111'i1~~l~lilillljj~ APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ = AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ .~'~~~_, ~~~ ~' _ _ ~/ _ __ SUBJECT .~~'~r~~` _ _ _ = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter =• so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ _ = LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. __ _ .- • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ._ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. _. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = -= GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION = _ _ - FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT = = THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m jj~~t~f~t~~iii~il~i~~fY~1'~~i'r1~~1`~'t~i1'i(~I~~~ilf`fi~lil~ill~~Iliiltliltt'(off-l~~iliytit1~11i~iitY~iii1~'~i'iiy1~1~1~1`~11iri1111111i11~f~iftll'Iii111111~~11j~J APPEARANCE RE VEST Q = _ _ _ = NDA ITEM NO. ~~~-~'~~ ~ ~~', `~ L ( ~l _ AGE `~ - __ _ _ SUB ECT ~ ~ ~ ~ G~y?,su ~ ~~. J 4 ~ -~ ~ ~e ~ ~-~.. - _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to -_ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter =_ • so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. __ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment - = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, __ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to - - do otherwise. _ __ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of vie~v only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ._ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = with the clerk. - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED - GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -_ FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c -' THEM. __ __ _ PT.F,ASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK 11~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiil'11 ~~~~~~ri~r~~~~~~i`riY~~~i~i~~~~r»~~i~ii~i~'~~~i~~°~~i~~~trrt~«~~r~i~~irl~r~~~~~~r~~tiri~=~~~r~i~~~~~~~~tirt~rryrirr~~rr~r~~~r~t~~Y~nu~r~~n~r~,~ -_ y __ APPEARAI~TCE REQUEST _ _ ~ - - - AGENDA ITEM NO. _ _ - - SUBJECT ~ j ~ ~~-~~ _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to - - - recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter • so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to c do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ _ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized =_ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. c _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED - = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT __ THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllillllllllllm ~1r~r~l~lii~r~iirrrii~tiil~lririi~il'~~i~r~r'rrri~rirr~riirlrirlrriii'Irrr`tririiilttrfli(ii'(tliltirrtill~i urlri~rl~frllrrlr a irrlr n r - - _ _ .. APPEARANCE RE UEST _ Q - _ ~ _ ~. - AGENDA ITEM NO. y ~~ _ - - SUBJECT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ _ _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter .=w so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will i decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. _ __ __ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- = tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c ._. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments .= with the clerk. =_ _. - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT = THEM. c _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK 11'~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiim Y,(~~~i~l i I~~~ril ilk ~ ~l ili(~`f t~ i~~'i'rl~illf ~ii1~1~11'1 i ~1 i~l~'1 i~t~'ill'11111~~'r~i~~i`fil~~tifiiiilti'il~`f111111i ~Ilif~i(`C11111111i1 tll(i'tl i11711111~111,~J _ _ _ _ APPEARAliTCE IZ.EQUEST -_ ~ -_ • ~~ g~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~,~ - - SUBJECT %/~::' ~~1.~~~~ ,~ J~ ~` ~-' r - _ -^ _ - =_ I would like fhe Chairman of fhe Board of Supervisors fo -_ reco nize me durin fhe ublic hearin on fhe above maffer _ } so That I ma comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES __ - LISTED BELOW. - _ - __ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment __ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will - decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _ - do otherwise. _ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ c _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments __ with the clerk. - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = .= GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PT.FASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK mllllllilllllllillllllllllillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllliilllllllliililllllllllllllllim ~j,~lt~itl"Iiil~~l~~l~~j"~`1i~11'li~illliltirfl~`iUltll~fliilflilill~iliil~ifi1{iitii~~~it'1i~1~f1`liii'iiliii1111t11~111f~lll~ll'ihl~il~'i111111111ri1 _ __ -_ ..... APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _C __ AGENDA ITEM NO. G,_~` ~ V SUB ECTSo ~ as~ ~~. ~~; U~~,~~:~ - ~.a~~ C~'~ I Q~ ~i o d J ~ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _ • so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, = I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. __ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. -= __ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c _. GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. = D GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK -- PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AN miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ~~~~1iy11~1r~'t'ilYyt~~"i~11f'tl~1i"~li~~iti111ii'1~'~I~i1~1'~t~~li'~IIi1li~f~ii~ili~t~tl~i1'1~i1~~~t~1`till'fiilil~ihll~i~iillilill'111i~t~1ii1~111111111f11'lj _ ~ ._. _ APPEARAl\TCE REQUEST _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ 1 =_ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~` ~' _ __ SUBJECT 1~3 J ~ ~ ~'`i " I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _- so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, c _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = = LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _ =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, __ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- w lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not a1lovred. __ - • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. =_ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. __ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AN GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - - _ _ - - =_ NAME ..-~~=~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~~ ~' GCi ADDRESS ,~! ~ ~ ~! - ~~.~ -,, -~_ - ~~ _ .~ _ ~ y ~. _ = PHONE _ m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jj~iiiriti~iit~til~7~i1"ifiliillit'i~iliillilililtiiiirfiliit~tiiiil'itl~tilliiliitlilt~tii'ii1~1~1~itliliyi1111i1i11111'lllil'11rliiiliiililijj, - _' - _. ,_,,, _. _,,, "" - PPEARANCE ~ZE UEST A Q _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~`~~°~` ~ _ - SUBJECT - __ _ _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to -" recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter =_- so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, = I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES __ LISTED BELOW. __ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ - whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c -' decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ __ - • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- = tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. __ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ =_ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments __ with the clerk. -= • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ SE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ PLEA _ _ _ - - _ NAME ~~~ ~c~~^^- ... - - - - - - - - '" ADDRESS 2 3~``1 ~'~'- ~-- _ - - - - _ _ PHONE ~S~t' `J3`x' ~ u~ 38°x- ~ 3Z3 (a~ _ ... - - m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Lj~~r~~~~ti~ll~ii~1~1'i~fliiy"ii111'i~~l~iiififll~i~lt~tt`I1'~y~i'11i~~il~iiliiYY`~~~tf~t~li~ii~liit~i'1~~~1`i"r~I1~1~111~11ii~fi11~'Ii~li~iil'[1'11111111iiiilljjj _ ~ _ EARANCE RE VEST APP Q _ _ _ _ - _ _ AGENDA ITEM N0. ~.-~~4~t .~< <~~~~L~~ ~~ _ - _ - - _ SUBJECT ~` _ -= I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to __ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES =_ LISTED BELOW. __ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will =" decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _ do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _' .- • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = with the clerk. -_ -= _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - - _ - NAME Tit/~~,/~T,~ 1~ ~:~ l~' _ _ _ _ c ADDRESS l/S ~' ~ i ,1/>= ~//~ 1 n ~ D ~° ~ ~~~~ ~' '~ _ _ = PHONE ~3 ~3~-/n `~ c m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'rrtriririliiiiri'~l~i~rrlii~l~iili~til'i1r1'~11i1'Iitl~~iiir~f'tiitilttlliifltiiti~'t~~iTlir~t'~Ir1t1i°~~rtrr-~rur'~r~rr~~~uuuiu~~~ - _ _ ~ _ _ PPEARANCE IZ.E VEST A Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~/ _ 1 - _ SUBJECT _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to __ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE = RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES =_ __ - LISTED BELOW. =_ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will -' decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to =_ do otherwise. c = c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ _ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c = • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments -_ with the clerk. -_ - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED o GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c _ THEM. __ - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - _ - _ - _ - NAME Q-~ "' _ -_ _ _ t.~ _ ADDRESS '?~2- S/~e,J~~oA~~/ ~ -' _ _ _ _ PHONE ~ S- ~ 78~ L~x7~ Z7 ~ _ _ _ mllllllliilllllllllllilllllllllllilllllililllllllllillllllllllliiliilllllllllllllillillillillllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllll ~~f~~~'iliiii~~ili~'I~~IIY'ii1~i~~~ilfiiiil'11111'1'Ii11I1111i1~Iiif~ti~ri'tiill'ti~~l~itiilyl~~~~1~t11ti~f~~t"fi~illt~~l~ffil~i~i1~11~1(1Tllilfiilli1111~ APPEARANCE RE UEST _ Q AGENDA ITEM NO. - ~ ~ _ A-~ _ - SUBJECT -v~d rK ~ e ~ - __ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _- so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = LISTED BELOW. c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. -_ __ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- _, tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - _ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. =- -_ - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT = THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK = NAME l~ SS c _ __ ADDRESS l I U ~ 1"~Nk-~+ n~ _. - __ - - - PHONE 3 ~3 ~ ~~ ~ _ - _ - __ m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m ~~1~~1~1Y1"i~1i~`i~~yi~ri'~~~i-~l`~~i~~il~iliiliill~i~tirl'Ii9ii~If'i~11'iilliil~i`ifi~1'rlliii-lii117~~'Ii~Yilllli~liit~ll~~~~~1iil~iYflilylliltilfl~~l~ljjj tl! --- - _ - . ._ APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _ - - AGENDA ITEM NO.. ~' ` - ~ _ _ - _ - = SUBJECT / _ _ _ = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to = recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, _ _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FORTH -_ = RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _. - __ LISTED BELOW. • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _ = do otherwise. Bakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- • Sp = tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized = speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = c with the clerk. =_ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION - FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c = = THEM. '" _ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - _ - _ - _ - - ~ Via,-~,.~ .:~~ ~~-~~ /~.%r1~~ - - - - NAME ~E - - ~ - = ADDRESS l~'cr~ ~ 1 e ,~~ L'/~ ~ ~~' ~,~ - - - - .... _" PHONE ~1? ~ / ~ 7 ~ /~'- tL.S` ~, ~ ~~ ~=~ - ~- CS - - - - - - _ "' mlillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllllllillllillllilllllllllilllllllllllllllillllll ~~. ~~11 ~L 111E CV.1.~ ~o ~~®~L 111E 11d~~i ~l ll~~i ~l ll lli(UL11 lOQ2 R,UDnELL ROAD VINTON~ VIRGINIA 24179 ,._ ~ ~ ,r . - ~ ~. ~ rt'-v-rr rr'-~-r-r~ rr r-r r~r . rx ~ i r ~ ~ ri t 9t -t:fi.,, -, ,. - V OFFICE OF THE: PRYNCIPAL TO: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors FROM: Herman L. Horn Elementary School Executive PTA Board DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: School Budget for 1989 - 1990 By a unanimous proclamation passed on April 4, 1989, the Executive Board of Herman L. Horn Elementary School PTA supports the school budget for 1989 - 1990 as proposed by the Roanoke County School Board. This proclamation specifically endorses the request for approximately $1.2 million in financing for capital improvement projects. The Executive Board's opinion is that both the planned salary ad- justments and the building maintenance items included in the capital improvements funding are critical to the ongoing success of Roanoke County's educational system. Failing to provide the capital funding as requested by the School Board jeopardizes the future of our physical facilities. The Executive Board authorizes Debra J. Holdren to speak for the Board at the Board of Supervisors Public Hearing on April 11, 1989. John Rakes, President Herman L. Horn Elementary. School PTA ~li~i'~l~~~i~ill"iit~`'It~llr~i~l~tlt~11i1~1ftil~ilillliil~ifli~'tlif~i1"f(111`ili~iU'i`f1'f~r~i~f'iiiili~liit~t~ltltili~itl1111i1ill~~illf'lllllllll~lllj~ = ~ ~. _ _ _. - _. APPEAIZAN CE REQUEST _ - = AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~ ~'- /~ - ~ - = SUBJECT - _ _ _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to °_ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ = RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to - do otherwise. _ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. __ - • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized = speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ __ - • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = - with the clerk. _' =_ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED - GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION = FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c = THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ ~~/ ~~2 ~_ Ltd ~ ,% ~/~.v ~~ ~ _ = NAME % /~ - _. - - - _ _ - ~ - _ - ADDRESS /~ ~ ~ l~ i~ r ~ . /~ (/(-~ ) ~ ~~ ~~~/ - ._ - - _ - - 'T - .:. -- = PHONE ~~'-~ ~ ~'~ ~~ _ - - - - miillllliillllllllillilllllilllllllllllllililllllllllllllillllllililllllllllilllilllllllllllllllllilllliiillllilllllilillllllllll jjjrlitil'llr'lil~ilr~rlt~~1'i~~i~l"itiyi'~~~flrii~'I~fii~iiii'11"I~I~i`fi~~ii~ti'tilf~lltt~fritrlili't~i1~l~~f~ili~1'ltlfiii~lfll~lifiliill~~'1~1ii111if~111,~j _ ', _ .. _ APPEARAl\T CE RE QU~E ST _ ~ jYGt~~I ~ L _ - ~ ~G _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~- _ _ SUBJECT = _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to _ - recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _- so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ _ _ __ LISTED BELOW. =_ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, -_ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = __ = with the clerk. -~ _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - ,4 c. rye ~ ~ ~o w ~ c, ~ - NAME - - - = KLI~J ~ _ ADDRESS 3 ~ ~ a ~~ ~ ~ _ - = PHONE ~7~'~ - _ mlilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll IIIIIIIIIIIiillillllllllllllillllllllllililllllllllilillllillllliliilllllllliiilllll jai'iY'i~i1111iI1i11i1lt~ilrfllllliillillilii~'1`iliililiillli~l~ri1ii11fllitili111~11i11Tl~iif~iliilil(1fI1i111f1I11t~(Ili1I11i1iiifljjJ _ ~ _ E UEST ~~~-~ _ .APPEARANCE IZ. Q _ - AGENDA ITEM NO. ^ -~ - _ _ SUBJEC ~ ~` c = - e - °_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _- so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, = I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ -= _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES - - - - LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. °_ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- = tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _, =_ __ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ._. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. _. _ ~ _ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = _. GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION _, FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m j~~t'~~~r~uY ~ ~ i ~~~ i i~~~1~~ 11(1 ~~i 1'f l'i ii~i`I t i l l i~i'l l'I f l i l i t~l l r i l i i il~i ~11'i ~~`t l l'i ~i li i~l y~"i 11 ~1 i~11~ 1'i i i 111r ~'l 11 l 11 ly~r~i 11~f1111~1 i'f ~ t rl (1i 111 i1111~ir~li j jj _ ~~~~~ -' APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _ - _ ~ ~ ~ - AGENDA ITEM NO. 7,, . _ ~,,~.~. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ = SUBJECT ~ _ = _ _ _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to =_ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _ - so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, - I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ _ _ LISTED BELOW. c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _ =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, =_ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. .. _ -_ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = .- with the clerk. _ -_ _ =_ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT =. THEM. c _ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ _ _ _. _ _ _ NAME _ _ ~ - _ _ '- ADDRE c =- PHONE ~ S(~1~ _ mlillllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i"iir~li1~i~~~-~`--'i-~-'-~i~"r`-'ui~r~~~~i--i'i1~"-1-~~~~t~1~--1-'rtlil~~~if~~t~~r~-"tt~~~f~~~-~~1-i-~i~l~-~~it~f~1`rrilitil~i~~t-1~~f~1-~1~~~~~-yYtrlu----~f~u1~ lU -_ _. _ " "" _ "" VEST - APPEARANCE RE Q _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ ~~ ~ _, - = AGENDA ITEM NO. - _ = SUBJECT - - _ __ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter - WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, -- so that I may comment. _ _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FORTH _ _ - RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINE _ - _ _ = LISTED BELOW. • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment -_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, _ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ • S eakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- =_ p - ! -_ tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. :- • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized -' speaker and audience members is not allowed. =_ _ • Both s eakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. p - f eakers are re uested to leave any written statements and/or comments - • Sp q =_ with the clerk. .- __ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION - FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT = THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - _ _ -' 6 l~tnis-Ea~n . NAME ~oanok~ o • oc. _ ~- ... -_ - ADDRESS ~oar+okd ~ • Schools = _ PHONE ----- - m ~8 9' -- ~ on A ing for the Fifth Planning and Service Area Area Agency g 1988 ANNUAL R~pORT RICANS INC THE LEAGUE OF g~F ~p S THE 706 CAMPBELL AVENUE24 16 • ROANOKE, ~IR'GIN~ LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS, INC. A MESSAGE FROM THE B~A~D P~SIDENT n.e..frea d Webb er more than 13 years' association with Dosing the first half of the past year, ~ roles for me to play in the operation of amut of all logl the remainder of the year proved I,pA, I felt that I had sun th The turn of events during this Area Agency oa Aging. my assumption is error. evious year. We began the fiscal year with a tighter financial situation than the pr cially in- hasis on Long 'rem Care for the elderly, espe This is the face of continued~~ and implemented organizational and ~t ~C~~ a home services. Previously p articulaslY is the congr S were revoked to avoid a decrease is services, p gs~• se in tioa of the LOA Ezecutive Director is July, I found my ~ Due to the resigaa Executive Director. During three the latter half of the year playing a new role as Act;ng he very able pemonael Committee of c ~ ~ Ezecutive Director months of this time t the best qualified person available t B, Williams, e,,~'ective its efforts to recruiting oved the appointment of Susan airs the pmt. As a result, the Board apps' fortunate to acq November 1, 1988. The Board felt that the LOA was highl uaiifications. She is eztre:nely ~~ mss, Williams' outstanding Q istant Ezecutive services of as individual Served the previous eight years as Ass ~tsnent of the well known in our area, having Council of Community gervices. After appo ear to assist in D~~tpr of the Roanoke Valley Ezecutive_Director . I remained as a scoolnes~ p~residea tof the Board on January 1• new her orientation. I reverted to my re ~ 1989. I contin- the siz months that I was on leave from the Board chairmanship, During ans by Virginia's rt of programs for Older Virgisd due to my repre- ued to advocate for additional suppo roved fruitful p~~y General Assembly. Some of these efforts have p LOA as a member of the Virginia Coalition for the Aging, of which I am cur- senting the rently the Chairman. din in- orts that may have helps I must emphasize that any of my advocate ~ ui without the coop- would not have been success' st At the or aging prog~'~ Inning with the competent IAA ~f'f creased funding f many puns beg' ~d c~peration of Governor eration and assistance Rf orded the utmost courtesy Eva Teig, Secretary of Humes State level, I have member ~ his stc~, Particularly Gerald Baliles and ~sioner for Aging and the Goverrwrs Adv~~ $O~d Resources; Wilda Ferguson, Comm Senators Emick and Maw d our on Aging. Our reptesentation in the General Ass~biy have suppo lane and Delegates Agee, Cranwell. Thomas, Wilson and Woodrum - e,~'orts. page 1 COMII~ENT9 OF THE COUNCIL CHAIIZM~ vocates for the elderly in our com- Those of us who have been asked tO Se ~° ~~ ° just completed a sec°IIe tit ~ e eat pride in the l~nowiedg the opportunity to obtain ~~ What the munity should tak Sr ° Council. Ha~B and being able also to share ~ Chairm~ ~ the I.OA ~~ ~ our elderly a of progress and services has hand lcaowiedge of problems affectia8 its broad rang I,pA is doing to Provide solutions through bra very gratifying to me• eased I feel uently during t11e Yeas just P ezcelleat teacher. Conse4 its role of advising end assisting +~perieace is ~ the Council perform And during this year ~ a better position to help d take Positions. ear, the Council that I was tors to reach decisions as ~ into a minor crisis Y or the the LOA Board of DireC cted developments. turn president Pren~s Webb Which. due to some uaezpe ¢ ueatly by Board and its of silent Matthew Banlrs• ~ ~t~g Pre when it is r essional organ~ation tike the IAA ~ and std' rise to the occa Being ~~iated with a vital. P °f d to see the leade un~ticipated situations an roblems~ a ~~ P~ol~~ it corlf+'°nted b1J I know that in spite of the many P urinD. ulatioa of elderly a ual to the need. sion is most rearsWays be more than 4 ~~ its mandated ~~ spirooav~d is ~~~~ ~ vill District. the ~°~~ to be. whatever it happe e o all members °f the ociation and the asststanc .f Boa~,d °.f Direo- I am Ue~ 9r'at~ful. for the a~ the L~ who, as premiss Webb and the other memo °f the IAA stc~'f Advisor ~uncil and °.f atulate and thank the mein °er mt1 cong~'atutations 1 An,d most espe~ialiy. I want to °.,ff i~right contribu- tors. In addition I want to con9r ' LpA~s new Eacecutive Director, a very always. have been most hevivpi,~ ems and, best wishes to Susan tion to our }dear. page 3 D~ECTOR'S REPORT (CONT.) ~'as I complete my first few months ~ ahead. The staff here at 3'om' ezecutive former job at the LOA is wniformly eZCelieat aad has erector I see a bri e Council of Commuai made m ~t future ~~ to work as a to ~' ~rvlces to be remar>cabl e Y move here from my am and to see ourselves as a family, Y asy and pleasaat. We are Prentiss Webb has helped to g+iide a suc 'relessly as as advocate eessfui transition erted to both for the LOA and the elderl and, as al~vays~ is R-orkin his former position as r Yin general. He has now, of coursegre- edication of our Board p esldeat of the LOA Bo~.d of D 7eite, we have comet and our Advisory Council, under the abi le hrs. With the support and rward. The t h1pUgh this year of ch ai-manshi ,fu ure is upon ~ as ~e stronger than ever. ipe P Rl Mundy ~r seniors and toe ~ look for new and improved ways to enrich he Iives o Bch di ni nsure that alI may live with as g a~8d .• z;uoo$~ipooJ uaiag nagt~ •~ IIODUSiiS ~aiooQ 'yli ~it0 aa'Ja~1t aiiiids s[ia'3 ai~~oQ :a;;sur;;ia~g aiouaZ pa~ai,~ siei~8 =auras •m smsZ su:a~m •g ussng (iaa;unioN dnaigiZ suisr~o~ 8u~ ;III;sisSd aausui,d so;aa~Q aausu~ (awi,L mod) ;us;sissy aausua;upay~ ;eiuo~daaag ~si~L/$jai~ ;us;sissy aei;tar;eiIIiwi~ ;us;siss~r ae~noaz~ so;aaiiQ aei;naaz~ ,a,aeJ.s ~nls~I,tsll~ia~ •alq}ssod sn R~~uBip yanw sn y;Zm stinrnin pun aauapuadaput yanw sn y;irn an?j Rnw 11v ;vy; alnsua o; pun sioiuas 1no ,~o san11 ay; ya~uua o; sRnrn pano.~dwi pun rnau loj~ool am sn sn uodn si am;nf ays •pmcruo•~' avow o; Rpnal am am •.~ana uny; .~aBuoys a8unya,~b .maR siy; yBnoiy; awoa army am 'a;~y~ Runyq,~o d}ysvnw.i}nyo alga ay; lapun '1~uno~ R.~osic~p~ mo pun pmog 1no fo uo~;na~pap pun ~oddns ay; y;tom •s:o;aa.~Q 3o p~eo81~0'i aR~ 30 ;IIapisaid se Qopisod :awso; sFq o; pa}~ae -as 'asmoa;o 'esou ssq ag •isiauaa ui ~i:apia aq~ pus ~p-i aq; so; q;oq a;saosps us ss ~tssaia.~ $upI=oes si `sisesis sa `pus IIopisasr; ~ssaaans s apin,~ o; padiaq ssq ggam ss~uaid •S~m~B; s se sasiasmo aas o; pus uzea; s se ~soes o; $uiuisai asa am •;ussgaid pus sea ~iigs~rauia= aq o; sao~ag ~i~ww~;o tia~~ aq; ;s qo~':atuio; ~Sui roao~ aiaq asou: ~u: apaw ssq pus ;uagaoza .iiuuoHu~t si ~rpZ ;s asaq ~a;s aqs •peags am;n; ;q~isq s aas I io;aa~p aei;noaza mod s8 sq;uoux ma; ;s:g pia a;aiducoa I s~ (•sHO~) sxoa~ s.xos~~a L aid ~~~~a's uvuuivy~ unuuiny~ aa~ ~3i0 a~oIIeog ~i0 a~ouvog ~~ a~ouaog as;uiodd`r a~=o,~ uo~0 ~IInoO a~omaog aS:o,~ IIo~O as;IIiodd~ 'oJ ~~ as;aiodd~ ~i0 a~omtog as;IIioddd 'o'J ~o~~oS as;uiodd~ •00 ~IIagBa~ as;aiodd~ •00 a~oIIeog as;uioddd tuaieg ozaiss ~aPrg ~m-o'J ~o~a~o8 ~yi0 a~onaog ~~o'J ~o~a3oS ~aaisg ~ano0 a~ouaog ~uno0 a~ouvog ~IInoO a~oIISOg ~~ a~omeog ~IInoO a~o~og ~i0 a~ousog ~m-o'J ~o~a~oS ~~ a~ouaog ~uno0 a~omaog spoof ~q~a~ay~ ~~ZI g=P~s IIo;aipuad puuiaa:,~ ~[~a Pater pIIO~uisg 'g ~iiliM ;au~g esaq;;aye q}~oesq;nog Pa=PiiAt ai~ia~i?I sir :a8ai~ad BPinO ~ido'I 'TH '2I IIosIIgor gQaM ~ais=a~au~ •y~ sai.~g0 esoi~i~ids ~H sap;dtuoZ a~~ Pia2I ~nH saIIOr ~aiigS 'O IIo;iog ~asad sesaapQV auk a~iyM ~At s=agag B~y~ ~d ~iRUls IIostax R~~zii~ gaIIa=,d aPIIi'I amp ugor anos~ paaa ~38IIiHaIR ~I~RO =aaIIiH 1i~'J ss-LS6 t ~'II~llttloo axosina~ ~O'I ~Z ,ao .calnsnar,L Rm;a.~ag ~uapisa.~ aa~ ;uapisard a&o,~ IIo~O ~~ a~omrog ~m-o'J ~o3a~oS IIo~aiso0 ~~~ ~~ zuaP~s ~~o'J ~~~IIN ~3m-aJ a~omaog ~~ a~o~og `~i~S 'S iiassng `pmanog ozaogd~r `si~~ •?I gib=~`J `sa~o0 sittaogs `s=a~+ ss~noQ `saso=J aiiaPO `SAS esaR~~~ `QQads •H 8si}IIa=d s~os~~a ,ao ax~os ~oz NHS ,ao sit~srnt~rH 6 a88d •suoAn;psui is;ua o; paq asaq LBU: ataos ;aq; g8noua ~toi - a;nos 6saenap s uo papnioui aq o; sq;uoia o; s;acres uiog vises o; p8q aidoad pio punogaucoq '~ $ZT 888i III ';aui aq;ou Pinoo sPIISUiap its 'iii38 '9 IS'E i ~q :saL aq; io; uoi;oa~'oid o aq; papaaaza ;i •aoiesas;o dio;siq saa~ L i ~i IIi dOZ Lq pasaegap rasa sl~gdd-uo-siaay~;o =aqumu;sa&tai aq; saes shy •saaieap ueso iiaq; q~~ia isau: s up~go o; aigsun sui-;nqs ~i=aPta 9ZL o; sisaui snoi3 -WWII 90L' IO I paias~ap s=aa;unios 000' I =aso s,dpZ taa~ ;sari aigisis;sow a 'aigaziuaoaai pus q~ si 3i ~Tuia~a~ •sta,~o ;i saapuas ;us~oduti ;soul aq; ;o auo aq o; via; si u~iuBold siaayy-uo-ivajq paiaenap-autoq s,dpZ ;sq; paisaea= dSd g33id atA IIi aIIieil suazivia;o ~aems•d0'I II V S'I~~H~ll-11t0- SZ~~~'It •sau~; ~aPAoq ;s *adi~ PIIS ~a~sq Pool iittipisoid s[BRPieiPIIi Pus suoi;8ziua&o q;im ~TjaPia ~paau do q~sui padiaq uo; -BU~ooa 'uoi;aauuoa siq; ui 's~aua;ai;o a~tagoza aq; Pus saamosai ;o ~IIiisgs aq; Bui;otiaoid saaio; Asa; pus saa;;ia~oo ~auaFaia;IIi ~usui uo paetas sio;suipxooa Taal aq; ~mQ •sam;uap ~ssga -md ui diaq uaea so aausmssaai auogdaia; 'aIIi~isie ~ipua~ sa gans saaieaas Waads apiso=d o; gigs aq o; sdno~ S;iunuc~uoa so ssaa;unios ;iniaa= o; sso;suipiooa so; Lasssaaau au:aaaq ;i suopaoao uO •apau: a=aes spaau;o s;uauzssassa isuuo; pus s;isle tiosa~no PZ8'£ Poijsd ~[~ ~IIin-Q •sauti; 000`9 IIsq~ a=ou: T~t~a;~i pus uoi;auuo~ papieoid a=cres sa~aa; ~aq; pus stoptag 'saamos -ai pasaq ~iunuciuoo =aq;o pus saai~~ VO'I o~ ~ijapia ~paau aIIi~IIii smog ;cads '(sand aoiesag pmt Buiuus[d) V8d ga3id aq; aso:oe saa~o a;tea;as;o;no Tiu~ioes 's;us;sissa gasa~no auk acrd =ia~ Pus aso;auiP=oo'J aa=V ~aiPnioui ~s dS~ *ss~~~~ a~s~aizosxo~ •saomosu ;o ;uau:doiasap pus un~o~ pooesasi,g ;tno;a;og aq; 'suopoa.~Q =aPi~ ~iitIIS,d ~=odA pagsa uissHo=d esau s '~i:api~ aq; so; ~IIiTi~ -uno0 say •uoi;a~odsusty 'sgni0 uauiQ a;sTiasliuo-J `s[~gds uo -sisayq '.saopuag ssaoad pa;sp~osuop sapisosd d8~ s~VO~ •saopuas so; pusu:ap aq; ga;aui o; aigaun aiaes ;aq; spun; q;ies auiuutu sutsi8oid daa~ o; tai;ado; pa~ioes s;uadiapsad uca~oid pus ,ga;s gaiges ui =saL a osia saes ;i •pado -iasap asam saamosai sacra goiges ui isa~ a saes ;i •=aa~ ~tiauai isga a saes 8861 sia~soes (tutuBotd ao}cuss !t;}unwwo~j dS0 so3 •saa~esas passq-~;Fu nunuoa ~~ sao~uas ~paau aup~o~'smot; 000`Oi iaeo quads saps t;osax;np pus sso~su~pioo~ saw •a;nos s uo papnio -u~ aq o~ s~uo~a o~ s$aam uzo.~ ~~am o; p~ OOZ sou: _~, •~Tiapja punoq -auzo~ o~ st8auz 000`ZOI ~sou~Ta paiae}~ap ssaa~unToe fT0'I 000' I ~noq~ srn~ooxa s~~inx~s ~s~xnrnu~o~ I t t aid •;aaes sad Lap auo ;nq ng ~utLiddns VO'I ~Tm `aapi= 99 pa~autpzooo ~ataog saaus~ usoKau~ aq3 pue VO'I '~gi~oso aunts mat aq;ou pinoo oges a;tes apt~s 'Fogg sFq so; toet~ arao 6ssu~d aq~ saes aFt •Ldaiaq;oucago astaoa= o~ uatu a so; a~ousog o; sLsp gZ so; uot; -atsodsua=~ $utpteosd saes;aa~oid;inott3ip Lttatoadsa auO •s;uapisai uo~utsop io; dti; puno= atiroa OZ s saes is;idsoq teaot aq~ uas~ •puou:gatg pus atttefa~3ot~t~ 'a;ousog o; aatesas assn;;o-;no papaau sauq;amos LusgBatiV sit s=otuas 'suopdo arao tptaoq Pus not;e~od -soar; =aq;o;o ;ast aq;;o asnsaag 'soma 9'Ei s8es dt=3 a~BSasB aqy •q;onus sad samII 60L't paT~aes Laq,L '886i sit sdtq Lees-auo Zi9`t papteo=d oges siaet=p iaa;untoe LZ paetosut uss,:~o=d Lusq~a~ aq ryg~ gaiTat oq;;o =aputsuiai aq~ so; uast$ saes Lss't-$ isuopippa us pus LuagBatiV sit 000'Z$ aesll Lam t~a~tuII 'Lads po~tIIII Lq papm-; sQta~o=d VO'I ~ Io oIIO st sigt, •uop -a~odsusr;;o s~aso; satpo o~ ssaooa;noq;tes a=a oges;nq s~ua~aa~s$ua its sag;o pua s~uauputodda t8atpo~ assq oges atdoad q;tes s=asisp =aaauntoe 8utgo;aut;o poq;a~ 8 ~uopa~odsusu, saotesag ~t A •~uia~o=d assn .~taip;o mad 8 sa uopa~odsust; iguot;ippa autos papteoxd oa:o,~ uo~tt~ pus uo~uteo~ •:o;oa~uoa aq~ o; passat a:yes satatgas vpZ sassy a~aos sit •~odsusq popteo=d L;uno~ Luaq~otlV '~jto' L~ota[V oq3 uI '2IVQV?I dim ;osi;uoo Lq papteoid saes LotlsA a;ousog aq; ~ aotesas •sdt~ Lees-auo 8LS `Si- paR *~~Wt~ PiZ isaL siq~ - sgnip ssautQ o; not;a~odsust~ apteo=d o; spun; ;ow sateauoutV japt0 sasn VO'I Ltaupnog •;ua~m a=o~ own s sotpo aq~ ~am~su aupnoi s;o auo - uopsasodsuat~;o sodL; oes; sapteotd VpZ Lttauuo~ uois~sxoasx~is •a=out Lpgatis usi steau: atgs;s ~ags'a~t sa~uoZ •steaui uazog so;oq io; 9i'Z$ 03 OP'i$ ~o$ pa~~ s;soo steay~ •ia~ums sit sauioq ~utsmu pus s;usms~sax Lq pus stoogas sit pa~ooo aiaes sisauc sass LusgTfotiV sq~uout to;sites autmQ •L~uno~ ;mo;agog Pus LatisA a$ousog to; sat=au~ aots:ag Lq pattt3in3 aiaes sgnt~ siautQ a;e~a=Fuoa so; sisaui;o not;stsdasd to; s;as:~uo^ •Ltin; pa~siadooa pa3aa~s sa;is uasas aq; ;s s~usdtapisd ~ •sq~uoui aeg io; ~aam sad step mo; oa paonpa,t saes 'ssa;ua~ ara~ ~inpd a$ousog pus u:atgS aq~ 8utpniora `sgnia ~aaes-e-Lap-aeg ~a aapsa~r •sgnt~ stoutQ ~a saateias mots o~ paau s o~ pat s~noum; L;tosdaa autanpoid to;sites pttuc Lttansnun us snid s;uatta *~t;o asp ia~aatTi aR~ Pus;sti But~t~ sa~uot s;o asnaaoq staagm-uo -sisay~ o; sputa is;suss; o; paau aq; Tt~pntaut ~sso;as; snotseA •pua s,sBaL Lq satnpagas tee~ou o; paum;as sa;is tte pue spunf ;ua~o -tins awes a=aqs •iso8 pas~eai aq~ so; ;aSia; uo ~tastaaid sees ~~ .pa;aaE -oid Lnsu~µo ueq; =aesa; puesnoq; iBia -eas saes siq~ g8noq;~ •siaqutau: qnt~ ssautQ 99L o; paeaas aiaes sNa~ 809'6L 3o TB~o~ £ I aid aulpusisino o =eat s d8~ .to; aaletas 3 888i ~~w poddel saotttosat ~Ianatatoa assn pas padotasap s=aes satssAoid assn •aolllppB III •atss~osd =ettt~u s lg loa PIP ;sq; spans ;asst padtaq Pas sttuo; zsl ataoaal paisdatd •slaalta pa~odsas~ 's~Batu Pa=aegap oges uaalantos ppg'i aegl a=oat pus slasdlapxad ate~oad 'gels auoata aollatadooa to; pas ~aI$altti aelleata so; salllan~toddo ~asat papleotd aatoaiaso aq of papaaa IBKI salltna~P atli 'asap ~al~aattet{o a saes 886i aIIRm •saaleaas pas snzea~ -oad `rpZ;o ssaaasllaaga lsoa ao; assn ~aos;s s satteat slgZ '~IIIo -~ ~alsma s aI s~aaes tsaasas sa sates at(; lnoga lsoo saaleaas aslltod -dns pas steata gloq paslaaaa otter aaoaatos ao; saaleaas;o asap aapaa tt8 in8 'Qni~ ua~Q P~ s[~gds-ao-stsay~ - satea~oad aolllalna oesl aq; ao lands asses spats; 30 ~[inq at6L '~mllpaadza telol s,dp~t 30 3i~ stag; snots so; palttno~as d6~ `i~odpttels tslattettg s a:oi •taaat Laasod aRl esolaq sataoaal nests of pasaltaq asses laaaaad 08 P~ Pia teloos oast; of Pa1~Rsa asses laaasad 99 •tlea; laaaaad ~~ '~Ilko~at telosa asses slttsdlallasd;o laaaaad iZ •atdtttsza ao; 'sgnt~ saaalQ aql aI pagottaa saol;alndod la~isl attl 30 :raQtuaw qnt~ s~aulQ uolBulnaJ P1o-1naR-~01 n stxn 1ssPlo at11 - SL nano seam aXufld -~I71nd wtuBoud aitl lb Rutijq •sal;Iatttamoa ptte satnoq slag; aI alsataa of uollazllsaollnllls~ 30 ~[sia le P~ IIs$ uses oges slaalto padtaq lag; aollaae.talal attl papleoad saolesas passq 6llantttatoo s,dp~ 'atg8at~asad ss Snot ss so; autoq ;s ~puapIIad -apul atsutaa dgut tan -P~tP~ ~iaapia us ~s~ os saatesas aptsoad pus spaau sultana;ap o~ s:o;sulpaoo~ sand d0'I ~q paesotto; ssa -goad aqZ :Sb`~'J~d a~darlosxoo . s~Z~O~d ~0 ZH~~~~~~~ st a88d •uotssas xaessus pus uopsanb s ut pa;8dtapsad siotuas;o aauatpns rte uiadiosd stn FtgsnQ „•attlnt~IH,~ s.9i Ia~uiO saes stusaaoid aepseouut ~sotu stn;o att0 •886i P~ L88i ~ImP *motls ~tis3 A.L isaot Istasas ut a;adtopasd o3 Pa;teat aiaes tattuouad saatesag not;sttuojut pus ;uautdotdta8 aotua8 VOT P~ Ads 'V'd'.L'f 'ua;ioes iapto o; uop -uaus ~uttiga so; too; asp°aga Lass s saes •paanpotd VO'I aR~ ttatttes •°apte a}nom GIs V 'V'd'Z'rIo ~ao>! uttu~oid stn;o auo st ua~ioes taplo ~R;o anise stn;o ssauataess °tignd aupouioid '~ulmq ~atise tatno ~;tes s~usdtat~ tuaeas fittosid ut aigsntse saes osta sttl~s aa~ndutoa pus auogdata3 ~ llututs~t, •suopisod 6eostesadns uI paosid uses Pa;daaas asoq~;o aaagt, •pasitt a:am sasag o~ sisuaja= s,VO'I;o ~uao=ad 08 ~I~ a=o~ ;sq~ >lut~~ull saes 3I •sgo~'s.taag stn so; „s=olua8.. OOZ aaso pauaaias pus paesateia;ut VOT stn `sqo~' •uopsatuttuttuooatay so; s;usdtaptsd 'V'd'Z'r Futisdasd 03 uopIPPB uI 'smaS R;tes >lutesatesa;ut o; ,toted =a~ndutoa o; uop -onpoi~ut atf8q pus sttAts auotidata~ ut tuts=~ utoons a ~usdtapisd 'V'd'.L'1' uaa3~rt8 '>lut>Iua a tt8 a ~ pastaaai IIsR P 3aTidosdds tnoq asses RoIRm sqo~' io; ~IddB o; sia;:om saPIO =o; ~tun~.toddo stn paptsotd 886i ut ia~ua0 .~ote~saataZ sx8a8 stn;o 11utuado aq~ •isa~ snoteaid stn t~8•S$ t{~Im pusdzaoa moq iad gZ•;,$ -- ;ua~ -aasid iad awes aasaasa aq~ ut ~uataaso=drat paesot;s pus (saauttuta3 ;o ~uaazad 89) a;ai 3uautaosid 6eo;a~spss s Pa~3utsut tuss~o=d 'V'd'.L't aR,L 'pa~eutttua~ asses auto pits asaL Isasg ~zau stn o;ut =aso patusa aiaes pits pattotua pattistaat zis ';uauu<otdma pazipisgnsun ut paosid asses pZ •aagttmu ;sq;;O '88-L86i ~~ Isosg 1lutmp ttt8s~oid 'V'd'.L'r stn tit pattoaua asses atdoad atgtTttta aeg-~~~ I~IHHZIJO2Id ?I~I2IOds ~i~a•IO-.Ia~- aiHSx~~-a o~u~IS sor stusa~o=d tt;oq so xaaL ~~ air °; I ~Int uto$ st:n.: l Iso*Q aR,L 'saa$iom saPiO so; stxtas~oJd ;ttst0 tuapad oes; sa;aiado tttat~osd ;uamdotdtu~ =otua8 VO'I auZ '~1~5 ~II~AI `aPIV tea _Kai~ asap ~d p~ st=usy~eZ aulpis~a~ '.toy -aa~p s;t;o do apstu s~ 3388 ;uaut~ioldut~ ioluag s,`rpZ R~n2I old y~At 1~yo1At •.eQ P~IIoX lY sirtvQ uuR? suilinS P.mmoH sui~pd yl1a~uog •s~to,~a pits s;saia~ul .~atn sa;slaatdds t~sat8 C'O'I aQZ 'uopatndod ia~ioes saplo stn ;o ~et;aq uo stela~o Ie~i ~Tm Pa;Ba -oeps asst; pt=a sad -Iutt~oddo ssauaisess apgnd '~Imtuttuoa stn ultnles saamos ae •aupasr~uoo uo paslsps aesq siaq -utatu p~sog •tttstl3 -oad ~uattt~otdta~ stn o~ ;sass algsntse -ut us uaaq set; pieog ~oslep~. ~uattt~old -tttZ aoluag dOZ aqZ ss-L86 i ZIO,d Q?I~OS axosina~ su~aoz~~ xou~~s ~oz ~ooxa sx~oza~~ xo~t~s L i a~8d •s;uauiu~ssa sal;unTos uo ages s;gauaq q;aaP i~ -uap~aas pus 6;~qa~ a~gouzo;ns '~~qaR `;uap~aas ~uauiaTddns pap;sosd asa ssaqucaui dAS2I '~II~oI~iPPV 'ova 's[8a~ `sacs; snq 'sea; 8up[:sd 'aasa~ atop~ae Isuossad to; sasuadza ;a~aod-;o-;no ~aR3 jo3 ~d ~ pasmqu~ai a:8 siaa;untoe au~oauj esorj •pauBlsss ais s=a;toes ~Sg a:ages saga -uaas uio~ aiuoo aosds Tiul~=sd pus s~saut;o suopauoQ •uopnq -~.quoa a a;8ui pun,g P~iufl spus[~H ~u~aIIV sa;sai0 aq; pus ~ansA a;ousog;o ~sds Pa3PzII aq; '~~ogiPPil 'sP~3 ~Ro~~ sap~eoid pus iosuoda-oa s~ ~OZ 'Laua~s NOI,LOd Isiapa,d aq;;o ;usiTi uol;Bnul;uoo s ~q papun; ~tsnoKse s~ u:siT~oid atl~i •~asui 6~yuaa aq; uo uI ~soio s~ gg taeo ;s auo pus spg .~a~ uI autos 'a=out so pg as8 ~usut t;uauca~tbai alas umui -per aq; ssadms .~ uaa;unioe Is=asaS •~gg u~ d~siaquzauc io; s;uautas~nba= Isuo~Banpa so autoou~ ou ais aia~ T 'saiV aa;esaS Pus 8u~uusid ~3kI aR~ of s;sjza ;uau;aatas egg asl;os us uioges q;Ies sa~auaas ;uatuutaso8 P~ ;Boid-uou gq ;Hoge jo auo ;a paos~d ~~uanbasgns asB ~a~Z •pa;pupa= ats seas a;8sjsd pus ssaulst~q'Isuolssa;oid;o s~ses n8 cos; s=aa;unloA •aoleaas sea;unToe ~notq; ato= ols~o aspas us ~a~d o; anupuoa o; iaplo so pg pads aTdoad patga= so; 6;Iun;toddo us spua~a (unuT~o.~ :aa;unloA tolttaS Pa.~3a2U dAS~ rn~ooxa x~~sunzon xou~t~s a~~ unuunys vwlays uvuunys Rog suana;S ~Ai ~lla6 n~Ai laRog uic~.mp~ .~aRog aulpnulag ~niusvdaz.~ Pa~'PIrAi xniusvdaz.~ lanyoly~ unwcnaN p~nnQ uosuyor woy sawvr Ra1RoAi Raing uo~y6}a7 uunw~aalQ aaua.~ol~ uapwn~ aua~ .ral;ng Rog /~S `~w~N ~111nP •uwy~ aalA 'QQn,L P~y~12I 'uwy~ '~o~IoH a~ol~y~ :a.is ~ouno~ ~osT~P~ dnS?I saiy ~anaA a$ousog ate;o ssaquzauc pus ssaa~~ •tusr,~oid n8aaeo a~ as~sidds pus ~uauzaid -uz~ 'usjd o; ~s egg a~ pus (~p-j) sosuods ate ~s~ss8 pus as~-ps ~a~es s~auno~ dzos -~ep~ oes~ ss~ iaa~'osd dAS2i isooi aRZ 6T a~8d •suoT~daaai saa~unioe pus s8ui;eau: isnuus ~aKa ;8 sd;~ Vp-I Pam -aoaai is;idsog isitoiuay~ a;ousog pus sioogas ~i~ a;ousog 'dnoi~ uoi;~ 6giunu~o0 ~mggau~Z 'ioogag 6xasmH aissuaai~ •suopa;s =aa~unioe ss pappa aiaes ia~urJ aas~ p~~ s.~idsoH ~iotuay~ a;ousog pus ~siaoid a=a~ LsQ ;~I ~ousu~aid ~uaasaioPV .st~RoB ~1i0 a;oQaog 'ia; -uaJ;uautdoiasaQ PiiR~ ~~d ~H 'Ioo~{o8 ~iH Qo~lttiso~ . :uo;uiA 3o IIesoy o;ui PaPIIa~a arses saaieiaS . dpZ ~q pa~a=aua~ aiaes smo as ~~~ R puss iaa~unios Z80'69 . saa~as asi; -ioddns ~o8uo pasiaaai spaau wads dim IIatp~go qgZ . :passes arses sai;was; atBO PBga pagis=asip 6Z . :ms=8oid ui pagotua aiaes - 98 P~ 09 3o saes uaaes;aq -- sd`J,d iL 88-L86i 2iO,d S.LHrJI'II3rJIH •~uiuiss~ oopuas -ui snonupuoa pus uopsupusza isais~gd isnuus 'aousmsui ~uap -iaos 'aa~as ui ages s~aaIIt Doti 'aousesogs uoi;~odsas=; •puadps aa~ ~ ;sapoiu a asiaoai sdJ,d 'patapuat saa~as so; um;as u I s~~aIIag •asaa Lap pus aoi;sanpa p~oads '~idsoti `;sa;8 P~H `isi;espies= ss gone sfiRlaas ;o ~aptsn a tR =aa;m-ioe sta;tom •spaaa wads aesq ones ua=pt~ga o~ (dap sad smog mo;) aa~as asi~oddns ~o~ao apieoid Laq,~ sieges sap~as; a=aa PiPio ;Ho=d-uoII o~ ~iasisniaza pau~sse ass sd~3 :snao,~ •satuooui Pa~~ii 8uisiaaai ais oges pio ssaa~ 08 ;ssai ~a s;inps o~ uado si u:si~osd a~ :~T~q~I~ •sisa~ ~uauza~;as siag~ IIi Sai~pmIInuoo tiag; o~ ~~asn a3nq~uoo o; anupIIOO o~ sapio so aa?s;o sasa~ 08 aautoes so uatu soT 6giun~oddo us sapiso=d d~p3 :asodit-d •(tsss~ r~~essg put bu~aasTd) *Y8d ggasestg Pas ggi~d t~~ ggoq a~ ss~t=sdo pus J~asbs NOIZ~1t tsSePed tR3 P~ 1fOZ ~Q pssotaod* s~ (mssbosg ~usstdpats~ ssgtod tqy) dJ~ :esa~esaep uis~8osd •~tsbosd d9d aq~ ~o asn~sa~ anb~un e - sasuadza saa3untoa so; pagtootTs saes ~uaosad 08 '8T6'STZ$ 30 ~abpnq TB~o~ s ~ dtJd ~TOZ 30 •so~eu~psooo ~~ ~asd 'ZZ~~sTg daT=snag pub zoo -oas~p 'sayer s=sq~sg ';~e~s uoszad-oee~ a dq pasa~siu~ape si ~esb -osd dJd s,KOZ ua~.1L PMnQ ~otsnds a6soa~ saauads assns Topso~ arteso~ aa? ~aQT tM sadoog w~To.zeJ puomurgS eLT~eAT aTeg iiw~es .~ 'ueas~ •s saTsaq~ :apniaui s:aq~aa~ s~I •~oano~ ~i.~osTdPt, dJ,d aq; tao~ }~oddns Bantu sasiaoai utssBoJd ;ua -sBdpaBi~ =a;so,~ s,~p~ IAi~2iJO2Id Zl~I?2I~dQl~i~2IJ 2I~ZSO,d i Z a~8d ~ ~ ~: ~°, 3 o. c ~P 0 0 0 n .~ o aro' ~~ n ~ o ~ c ~ 1 V rt _~ Q' --~ _. O ~ -+, Cl''~ C~ (.~ ~-+ o ~ o ~p o ~.,~ o ~ ~~ c~ -~ o~ ~ O Q .. "~'1 ~ -~, -~ S ~ N~ D ~ .. ~• H CD M...~ Q ~ ® ® -~ - _ ~ _ n ~ ~. . n -+ ~ o va ~' o ~ ~ va ~9 ~ •,_. EZ a88d 'd8I ati3 0; In3diaR oq iiim sda~s osatiy •si}}a8 IIeso s;i iapIIn ~Raa~p sP~3 osier oI esoII a~8~apan iiTm VO'I oq.L 'dSI ~iPnioIIi 'II~s atR ;o oIItos;o pa=}nbot ;toes B~za;o ~IInotIIa o!lsai aR; ;IIairaes o~ siouop ~IIO~a ~suo~IIi ;IIaiO~ASIIi saes ~idtais aiogy •om;~ oigsaaw:o; aT~ io; IIoRaIIn; ;oII ilTm ~i 3nQ Pa~~~ aQ iiTm =a~aga s~I ';IISIIUOp esoII si (IIOi~apm~O,d VO'I) ,dVO'I IIa~satapIIn ~igoII aq; ~aq; IIopao~gnd siR~ IIi io~aaiiQ aspnoaz~ aq;;o }sodas aq; II} p8at ~BZII no~ 'IIORIIa~~1 ~IIiesoi~ ~08I}~8 o; TIIaas ;aq~ sRatII 8II}ddogs :o~'aIIt ;a s;IIasa IIi d0'I PasiosIIi d8I aioIIZ pIIa a=oroa PIIV '688T IIi Po3gP do aq des a8~asd silty •sdno:8 i~a3~3 P~ a}s}o snoKas pIIS ~s oq~ ~q paeso}eatd saes ;aq~ wogs ap}}s 8 ioq;ado; ;nd osis dSI •saaiesos ssae~ap pIIa sIIald VO'I esoq pIIS IIopa~ndod gII}~s aq~ ;noga saRgnd ogioods pIIa ~aIIaB aq~ urso3IIi o; toga s,IIia,rTtosd oR~ 30 3md s ~iIIO o; s;IIIIOtua silty •eso~ °~ IIi pauuo~ad d6I saRidRo$ pa~oodza aIIRno= oq; oII~o~op ttaa nod 'aoT~aS 3o s3iIIII =aP~ `~iodai s}q~;o ~aad tats;oIIS III '~Ifitiptoaas sia~ns Roi~im szIISS~otd iaq;o aq;;o aIIO so; amgaoiq garus s ~q papoaatd saes;i matt;~ •IIZO;sus aq;;o Ino aIIZOa o; 'awes iosa;aiies ti3im 'IIORaoiignd IIesolq IIn3 ;sjB aii3 si ~odag ianIIUV sFq,L •aIIOp saes ;I •LIIa;sag aIIit[sFi~d do•L ~saQ „;=a oR~;o a;ads„ 8 so; spiq II~go 03 Pio3 s$es ioTtausy~ saaissaS IIoi~aIIZto~ aqy •sPIIOPisiP ~o3oa;si;ae dad •aIIip iaao 'Pino~ 3a~ a~~ Plnoo ~i ;IIaIIgsasIIi IIs saes a=aq; PoPi~P u~~=iQ Jo P~oS VOT aq~ '~iua3IIOa pus IIoRa;insuoa '~pn~s gantII ta~ '~IIiiP~P IIoi~saiignd o=o;aq slap pg sa ssa~acII gaps a;aui~ta Plnoa 3~~ Io=3 -IIOa ' ;iaT saes os[a Tot;IIOa „osnoq-IIi„;o ;osi oqy •sadadsesaII aR;;o IIoi~ao~gnd ~ Po~B[ai 's;soa ~IIR~asad~ ~ia~m( 'asIIOdzo ;IIaagitc~s s saes aiaR3 IIi38 'anIIOSOt ~sptospa q;ies so; Pied IIaaq s8q 'IIORiW puoaas s;i IIi esoII •~isapig aii~ so; oPin'J s,iazIInsuo~ s,VO'I '~~~~I aq; 'asima~[i'I •sesaN VO'I ~Iq~IIOiII aq; ~Rngi~siP P~ 8II}gs~gnd ;o s;soa aq; 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atgissod saes ;I 'saa~p~taoa ~,I,Z P~ IloIIno'J 6sosisp~ oR~ 's=o;~=IQ Jo P~oH dOT aq3 Io ~soddns atp q;im '8861 III ~a,~osd ia~u -auioH s,VO'I 3o uopusdza pa~pasad 9881 Io 3o'V suea~au~ jaPiO a~ 03 IIIatupuauia L86i aq~ ui r~uautauga~ „ -si3as ;sa,~ s '~~ aq~ o; uoi;as; ~q asi;os uopisod atp asaq o3 ~~[ ~oI ~s aig8 ~IaH 'Paziu~oaat ~IisoBioads uaaq paq a;aoosps us gaps to; paau aK; s=sa~;o =aqumu s =og •;uatuasap~as to~'suz a 'u:a.:Tt -oid usu=spnqutp ~,I,Z s.VO'I3o uopsiado us8ag . :sat;m-o•J ~ssp Pm 3mo~a~og '~usq~~,'~3IIno`J Pus L1I~ a~ousog ui slupaau~ O.L'I ~ija;xattb ati; pa~sulPtoo^ . 8861 11II 5'3IZIAIZ~~ y~~,L ~Hp-I •+~asai iN ~s ~IsapIa aR~ 30 ~aq-Haas Pus tI3I~q aR~ ~.toddns o; P~ ~3luniumoa aq; u~~ uopaanpa a~outo=d o; s~toes pi,Z 'aioauaq~ •uopaz68uopn3i3*ui 6isssaaauun;o ao~ aaua -puadaPni panupuoa siatp ~oddns o; 6zessaoau saaµ:as pasaq ~Iunurmoa a~ u~qo o~ =apTo io 08 Palls asoq; ;sissy o; suds u=sslioid aqi, •suiaonoa io~aui a.~ a=aa uua; ~uoi;o uopau -ipsooa pus lluinusid '~asaosps ss gans s~uitp 'sLUSt~oid uoi3 -Banal Pus ~iuaa=os RIIsaR o; IIoI3IPPs uI •(~~ aoieaag pus ~IISid) V9d R~Tid aq~ III ~I=opia aq; :o; saoissas 3aailPIIi Pn8 ;aaaip sasiosui tusi}Joid (a:a~ uuas buoy ~,I,Z s,VO~ •a}a 'aa}~~atuo~ a.re~ saw '~u~ uo ~auno~ ao~as~ pus uo~8anp~ a~p~ anjg `8u~8tz~pioo~ ais~ au:og ~g~g sa fans sdnos,~ pas8q-~~~ununuoo uo ~pZ a~} ~uasaidai o; panu~uoa ~,LZ '8861 ~ KSd ~;3~,ti a~ u~ suo~a~ps~sn~' a~} ;o ~souz u~ s~u~aauz ~i=a~8ttb pa~su~p -iooa ~Z'I S~~O'I LZ a88d •taax~Ioad uautspnqutp s,VO'I 30 woes pua paau ate o; ~uou~sa; pros aq o; uzaas plnoes sFgy •u~=~ app a ~q pap~o -za aq Iifm S=oda= sp[; IIf pa;jai samaQ aq; ~i~io aaq; `IITm ~aR;;aq; a=a suopaalpul Iia P~ 'anupuoa spua.~ g98i A awes uopauuo~i so s sambas ';ate ~ 3~t~a-~R~~ •a~tatuoo Ib ~~~q oges s;aalia 9Z o3 sasiastaaq; so; a;saoapH o; eso~{ IIo }~arnnoo PaPlsoid uataspngmp s,d0'I '~o~aso; aq; o; uol;Ippa tcI PaBAm~' ;ou aiaes gp P~ pauluua;apun ataes gp pagKas ~Iisopoaid atom 90 paglsae awes i i sauTaidtuoa 8Z a~tl 30 38Ri ~saia;ul sI ;I •s;ua~ia 8i =03 pasoio uaaq Pali suol;8~psasul SZ Pua s,=aa~ ~H •s;uana LE =o; pauado aiaes suo B~ -saeui 88 aio;aiaq.L •uopaBl;saeui o; =oltd uesaiPq;Tes a=aes s~ulaia -u:oa ;gaia '~ua~o pg ~ao~ paelaaat s;tclsidtuoa ~g aq; 30 suois~oiss~n~u sx~~o~ ~886i '0£ =aqua;dog P~ ZO Lransga,~ pound aq; liuµnp paPlsoid a=aes saoletas FuTesono; ate, •a;aqa ;ou ITIes spy ;8~ aaa suouao -iPuI '~Isl;aa;o as~aaq a uaaq saq aa~o s,uauispnquip aqs =ati;o ~ i~ P TTajauaF olignd aR; pun :a n ~TiaoBlaads s;IIan;psuoo s,~pZ ~°~ °3 ~diaR Pus s;uauia.~nbai a;a;s T~,~aI ate; =aq Io gone: ;cads uatuspngiup aq; ~Il~iiuI 'u~aosd uaruspnquip esau pusiq s;I uaFaq pun uosiad pagiianb ~iti~i $ pa8s~ua 'Iseoidda pains;qo vpZ gg8i ~ P~ PaP~u ~IPgq saes t~rax~oid aq; ;aq; suopaolpui nines a=aq•L y1tK~JO2Id ~sQllSyliO ~~ rnrx~i ouoz s ~~oz •tassbo~g aoue~sis -fit TYba'I aK~ ~o abssq~ uF osTE ours 'meg6vrv -vn~ vazsg sT _ segabTq -saduT oqe- Ta'FoT33o us suaaa: eiTUbnos psoee euq - usarspngasp s , YO'I ,~ 'PavF~a~aPtm„ alas xFs P~ PaF3F~sn~ aq o~ pvr~o3 asses an F3 ~nq TTg 'a-T~F3 Tg3o~ sFQq 30 ~s~varTo 6T so3 PasoT~ asaK oraq~ 30 8Z 'Pavado asaM svoF~abF~saevT 6S - sres6osg vssrspngmrp s, KOT so3 voF~ssado 3o sea6 ~ssF3 - 886t vS 6Z aid 98-ZT- EOL~SEZ - _ £8T- - ~i. ~ i I~i~E -SpZ - - E85~5 - Z9E`OE Z9£`Of - - _ 0 6 8 6 9 T 0+~ Z 9 B S~ C L Z 8*7-TT Z Z -T- ots Zs -~--~- Z69 88£ I OoT Z56`8ZL`I Z09`99 8S9`£LZ 8~7T`iZZ OIS`ZS Z69`88E`T OOS`I S E~$+j Oi8`+~ SES`ZOi 6 8-I 9 OI8`~7 - 9£ ~ T - - ~- 056 Z _ T 980 Zi OIZ L-- - _ - *~6E`58T 56~i`88 6SE`Z~i *~Z6`95Z`T - ST 885`SE - iEZ`9C - iLL`9 OZ9`STZ LOZ`ZE _ _ I66`58T _ 9Z0`*~ - ILL`9 6Z9`6Z S£S`ZOi E9T`67i 08~i`88 - *~OE`I*~0`i - - - _ 005`I spunk NOIZOE~ luaas pusa~ iaalun o TEloZ I e ialso3 soiuaS pastlag (( °--- n0 pnn3 spun3 NOIZOt' nnpueiomay~) Ta.aua0 ~uaB~ IEIoZ spung sae uzg-- IIisiZ IEIOZ spung ui y aql io3 lua¢31e aQ i E a~ O~i- Z,-9 E S~Z i 8£L 6iT`I OIE 8*~i ii 8*~E`Z *~£ i 8I T00`T 6*~8` L i~iL `8 89£`I SSL£LZ BLS Ti S£8 6~i Z SZE`I 80S`i Z58 8£L 6SZ`i '7LZ 956`£L T£Z `9£' S£Z`Z OZ8`I 8*~L`9i OSO`+7EI Sri-I,-IZZ 5~7 T 6h Z h£8 S£6 ZSS ZL7 SZ8 *7LZ h0*~` 9E LOZ`ZE SEZ`Z Oi-S ZS EhI SE8 i67 £LS 99Z IE9 ZSS`L£ ~7ZO `+~ 999`i 6ZL`9 *~S £ 6I0`OI OSO`*~£i spun3 NOIyOd 7uasa puss0 iaa~unioA TE~oZ za~so,~ soiuag pait~ag Z6Z6 8~ £iS 998`£ S~iB`Z 600`£I h60`ST SZE`6 668`8 T6i`8 69L`Zi £i£ `+7 £L9`L Z*18`Ii 06I`9i 668` L 9£9`8L+~ E9T `6~ii 6£S OS£ 6T8`£I 000`I OT*~` TE 009`£ 87~i `8 000`5 000`SZ L68` 89 £OI`86 66Z`Z8£ spun3 dQA IE~oZ OOT OOS`i uiuisaZ pun3- sPan3 NOi,lOd isiaua0 spung ui d ay, io3 ~uamase aQ ~ep/o ~o pg peDe s/ oyM uo/~lps/~n! /o /uaP1se~ red Sl'ls uo peseq s/ ~oddns Du/punk io{ /senbe~ /snuus s, d07 00'Gi~9`Zi~$ :6u}Pu*tid tn~o.L 00'9Z8`8 wales 00'ZSZ`E R;uno~ axouvog 00'OOS` i Z R;~ a~ou»og 00'OOZ R;uno~ 6}nt~ 00'OS9`Z uo;6ulno~ 00'OS£ a6~od uo~l~ 00'OLG`fi R;uno~ Arno;a;og 00'OOZ'E $ R;uno~ Ruvy6all~+' pa~Bao~ ~II~p~,d ~IIa~avzaeo~ ieaoZ '~I~II `SI~I~~I?I~L1i~' 2I~Q'IO 30 ~l1Jd~'I BIZ OZ s~x~~ z~oz .~o sxois~ozz~t ~Hi~.~ ~', ~/ Presentation-and Petition to tAprRlailke1989nty Board of Supervisors My name is Alfred Powell. I reside at 3440 Franklin Street, in Roanoke County. Using figures from Roanoke Counfollowin CinformationefornyourFinancial Reports, I wish to present the g consideration. Roanoke County's population has grown from 72,000 in 1977 to 74,500 in 1989. Its school enrollment That is a compound growth rate of 0.31. has declined from 1977 to 1989 at a compound negaTotalgbuildingtpermits 5.56• Since 1984 that negative rate is 1.07%. in the county were 1,398 in 1977, and 1,530 in 1988, a compound growth rate of 0.82f. The highest number of building permits were issued in 1986, at 1,599. In six of the eleven years the number of building permits were fewer than in 1977. Those data would be a fair basis for concluding that Roanoke County's population and economy are rather stagnant. I admit that those are not the only measurements available, but they are significant. Since 1977 operating revenues per resident have increased from X564 ~6~. $1,185, a compound growth rate of 6.98. Since 1980 that rate is 8. General property taxes have risen at a compound growth rate of 11.13J, reaching $498 per resident in 1988. Operating expenditures Perowth resident rose from $546 to $1,172 in that period, a compound g rate of 7.19. Please remember that those figures per resident include the very young and the very old. Education costs per pupil increased~by a compo 8d andwlh89ate of 12.08 in the 1977-88 Period, and 10.27,0 between 19 3 9 No expenditure category has decreased since 1980• Some starublic compound growth rates are: general administration, 20.65; P safety, 16.48; public works, 35.83• Despite Mr. Hodge's recent assertion that the number of county employees has increased by more than 100 during his tenure, the number of full time county workers has risen from 535 in 1985 to 565 in 1988. I have not yet been able to obtain from county sources any information on the number of part time workers and how many full time workers have been replacethem. private contractors' now doing tasks previously performed by Neither have I beenuntccvehiclesnineuseleachfyearertotalcfloor~space as the number of co y utilized, average floor space per employee, and so on. Numerical data are boring, sv to keep from lulling you to sleep I won't present any more now. I do have considerably more available if you are interested. What I have enumerated here are illustrative of my points made a year ago, Population is stable; revenues arers; and major burden on taxpayers, especially general property taxpay burgeoning expenditures justify my label of this board as "spendthrift". Please do not increase the yoke of taxes and fees on the citizenry. Pull in the reins on spending. Keep down borrowing. Debt service grew 38.4J in 1987, and 17.2i~ on top of that in 1988• The recent borrowing authorization presages fiscal trouble ahead. I don'tbut°I doaknowlthataa,tubnaroundshasytoostartlsometimean T1one other, is better than right now. Please do it! ~~ ~~ ~ ROANOKE COUNT'`r C4R . GHAI RC9AN, MECIBERS OF THE BOARD AND MR . HODGE , h1'Y CdAME I S L'`(NQA HAGEE. I AM MACdAGER OF TAP'S HOUSICdG REHAB PROGRAM. OCd BEHALF OF THE TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS, I AM ASKICdG THAT 'YOU APPRO'JE OUR REQUEST FOR "~39,?1~. TAP COCdTINUES ITS GOMC9ITMENT TO PROVIDE ~ED~.~STATETLEIEL.LEIN ORDERNTOE ICJ SPITE OF FURTHER CUTS AT THE FEDER~ C'IAINTAICd A QUALITY SERVICE DELI'JER'Y TO THE NEEDY, THE STATE, LOCAL GOVERCdMECJTS AND CJONPROFIT AGEp~PEO~TUNIT`f~JTOKHAVEETHEIRTNEEDSUMETTHAT ALL 4JH0 ARE ICJ NEED HAVE THE WE HAVE BEECd 'JER''f SUCCESSFUL ICJ CODRDICdATING GUR EFFORTS 4JITH OTHER AGEhdC I ES . IN THE PAST 'T`EAR TAP HAS PROVIDED THE FOLLO~.JING SER~.IICES: a 3S ROANOKRT PRUGRAMCALODGE~JITHETHEIRDPARENTSICIPATED IN THE HOME ST o CHILDREN RECEIVED PHYSICAL E3CAMS, IMh1UCdI~ATIONS AND SCREEtdICJG FOR NEARING, 'JISION, LEAD POISGCdICJG, SPECIAL NEEDS, SPEECH ACdD LAPJGUAGE PROBLEMS AND DEhdTAL CARE. 0 1 ROACdOKE GOUCJTY RESIGECdT FAP.TICIPATEG ICd THE GJT PROGRAM TAPS Ohd-THE-JOB TRAINICJG PROGRAM ECdCOURAGES LOCAL ~~EELIGIBLEDFORMTHEIJOBTTRAIJINGEPARTNEP,SHIFEACTRTJTPA7G AS CgATGHING SKILLS TO THE JOB. 0 3 ROACdOKE COUCdT`f RESIDENT PARTICIPATED ICd TAP'S ADULT BASIC EDUCATIDCd PROGRAM, IN WHICH THEY REGEIVEQ PRE-GED FREPARATIOCd, JOB COUCJSELING, JDB PLACEMENT ACdD REFERRAL SERVICES , AN E:.<CELLECdT RAPPORT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BETWEEN OUR STAFF ACd4 THAT OF THE RGACdOKE COUNTY QEPART- MENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. 0 3 RDANOKE COUNTY PARTICIPANTS I.JERE ENROLLEE IN TAP'S CLERICAL SKILLS PROGRAM ~JHICH PRO'JWORD PROCESSINGh, ICd, T'YFICJG, SHORTHAND, BUSINESS MATH, OFFICE PRGCEDURES, BUSICESS ECdGLISH, AND MACHICJE TRACJSCRIPTION. Pr~RTICIPANTS ALSO REGEI~~E IPdDIVIDUAL COUPJSELICJG ACdG TRAINICJG ICd JDB-SEEKING AND RETENTION SKILLS. o THE HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM COORDINATED HDUSICdG REPdO'JATIONS FOR THE HOLLINS COMMUNITY DE'JELOPMECdT PROJECT SPOh1SORED B'Y ROANOKE COUNTY . THE GOMPOCJENT WAS SUCCESS- FUL OCd B BIDS TO COMPLETE HOMES IN P.GANOKE COUNTY. THIS RESULTED ICd NEI.J ROOFING, lJIhdDOGJS AND ICdSULATIOCd, PAINTICJG, ACdD IMPP,OVEMENTS SUGN AS BATHROOM ADDITIOPlS WITH APPROPRIATE PLUCIBING AND ELECTRICAL ~,JORK, KITCHEN IMPRG'JEP4ENTS SUCH AS CdEW SINKS, CABINETRY, AND FLOORICdG. SOC1E REPdOVATIOCJS .JILL ENABLE HOLLIhdS RESIDENTS TO EhdJO`t INDOOR PLUh1BIhdG FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LI'JES. THE TOTAL AMOUhdT OF THE AWARDS FOR THE EhdTIRE HOLLIPJS PROJECT EXCEEDS X68,?08. o TAP WAS REGEhdTLY A6JARDED A GRAPdT TO PERFORM RURAL REHAB EMERGENC't REPAIRS IN ITS SERVICE AREA. TO DATE, TWO ROANOKE COUNTY LOIJ-INCOME HOMEOWNERS I;JERE ASSISTED WITH EMERGENCY REPAIRS. A MA~Ih1UM OF ~50a PER HOME FOR EMERGENCY REPAIR IS PROVIDED IhJ THIS GRAhJT. EMERGENCY REPAIRS CAN CONSIST OF ROOF REPAIR, PLUh1BIhdG OR HEATING REPAIRS, ELECTRICAL AhJG VARIOUS OTHER REPAIRS. o IhJ ROANOKE COUhdTY, ~4 TUhdE.'CLEANS, 3 BURhdER RETROFITS, AhdG 3 REPAI RS LJERE PERFORMED OhJ OIL FURhJACES . o GORING THIS PERIOD, 183 ROANOKE COUhJTY RESIGENTS IN 5~ HOUSEHOLDS ~JERE HELPED BY TAP HOUSIhJG COUhdSELING. THIS INCLUDES LOGATIhJG ~ REFERRING PEOPLE TO APART- h1ENTS, WORKIhJG WITH MORTGAGE GOMFAhJIES TO PREVENT FORECLOSURE, BUDGET COUhdSELLiNG ANG MUCH MORE. 0 3a ROANOKE COUNT`t HOMES WERE ~.JEATHERI~EG B`t TAP` ~.JEATHERIZATIOhJ PROGRAM, REhdDERING THEh1 MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT AND SAVIhJG Ahd AVERAGE OF 31': PER HOUSE IN HEATING COSTS. MATERIALS, LABOR AhJD ADh1IhJISTRATI'.JE COSTS AVERAGES ~18a0 FER HOUSE OF ~54,aaG TOTAL COST. o INTERVEPdTION SER'JIGES PRO~:IGEG B'Y OUR HUMAN RESOURCES STAFF TO ROAPdOKE COUNT''t PARTIGIFAhdTS IhdGLUDES 338 SUBSTAhJCE ABUSE EGUCATIOhJ AND COUhdSELIhJG, PLACEMEhJT OF 11 RESIGENTS Ihd JGBS, GOUtJSELED ANG ASSISTED 5~ BATTERED WOMEPJ. o IhJ ROAhJOKE C:OUNT'Y THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMPONENT WORKED CLOSELY WITH THE DEPARTh9ENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, JUVEhJILE COURT SERVICES, VASAP, THE BOARD OF SUFER'.JISORS, AND CHURCHES. o ~'~+ ROANOKE COUNTY FAh1I LES GJERE SERVED BY TAP'S COMMUhJIT`t OUTREACH WITH FOOD, CLOTHIPJG, FUEL, UTILITIES, PRESCRIPTIOhJS GASGLINE, RENT AhdG OTHER EMERGEhJC'`( ASSISTAhJCE. a THE FOODBANK DISTRIBUTED TO OVER 25 h1Eh'1BER AGENCIES THAT ARE NON-PROFIT, 5G1=:C73, TA:X E<Eh'1FT. THESE AGENCIES OFFER SOME TYPE OF FEELING SERVICE TO QUALIFIED INGIVIGUALS. o ~5 ROANOKE COUNTY "YOUTH AGES 1 ~ TO 31 GAINED '~JALUABLE Ef'{- FERIENCE IN THE 'IJORLG OF WORK`, PLUS NEEDED INCOh1E, IN TAF~ S SUMMER `LOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAh~1. 0 4 ROANOKE COUNT`( 'fOUTH PARTICIPATED IN PROJECT REAP =:ROANOKE EDUCATIONAL ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMi WHICH PROVIDES GOMPREHEtdSIVE EMPLOYMEhJT AND TRAIhJING SER'.1ICES TO YOUTH AGES ld TO 21. THIS INCLUDES REMEDIAL EDUCATION AND PREPARATIOhd FOR GED, PRE-Eh'IPLO`fMENT WORK MATURIT'( SKILLS TRAIhdING, JGB DEVELOPMEtdT AhJG DIRECT PLACEMENT. o IN RDANOKE COUhJT`f , THE `(OUTH 5ER~JI CE5 COMPONENT ~.JORKEG IPd CONJUNCTION WITH THE ROAhJOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS, ROANOKE COUhJT'Y PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT, THE ROANOKE COUNT'f GEPARTMEhJT OF PARKS ArJG RECREATION, AND THE ROANOKE COUhJTY OCCUPATIONAL SCHGOL ~.JHICH PROt1IDES TREh1EhdG0U5 SUPPORT FOR SUMMER YOUTH Eh1PLOYMEhdT. 'YOUR HELP IS NEEGEG TO ACCOMPLISH OUR GOALS. WE APPRECIATE YOUR GOhdSIDERATION OF OUR FUhdDING REQUEST. I ~,JOULD LIKE TO THANK '(OU FOR YOUR TIh'IE ANG `~QUR CONTINUED SUPPORT ANG GOOPERATIOhJ. ~L ~~]r°IYY~lIl~1.ll`]1 ~v ~~®IC°R1L ~llc~Il1Y]1~IrIl~~1,IC°~'" 1002 RunDELL R.oAD VINTON, VIRGIDTIA 24179 ,: ~ ,, - ~ ~ B t .F. _ _ - ~- -- OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL TO: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~..~, FROM: Herman L. Horn Elementary School Executive PTA Board DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJECT: School Budget for 1989 - 1990 By a unanimous proclamation passed on April 4, 1989, the Executive Board of Herman L. Horn Elementary School PTA supports the school budget for 1989 - 1990 as proposed by the Roanoke County School Board. This proclamation specifically endorses the request for approximately $1.2 million in financing for capital improvement projects . The Executive Board's opinion is that both the planned salary ad- justments and the building maintenance items included in the capital improvements funding are critical to the ongoing success of Roanoke County's educational system. Failing to provide the capital funding as requested by the School Board jeopardizes the future of our physical facilities. The Executive Board authorizes Debra J. Holdren to speak for the Board at the Board of Supervisors Public Hearing on April 11, 1989. ;~~ 1j! ', '-~ ' ,', John Rakes, President Herman L. Horn Elementary School PTA X89-/ v. ~. z, :~~. Cycle Systems ~~¢ Your ~~Cya~~a~~~ ~Vl~~~ri~is • Refuse Collection • Ecr~~ 6~etal processing • Paper Recycling . Reusak~ie Equipment Sales • Industrial Landfilling • Collection & Hauling Services c~~/~Ic~ ~~J~~~ D~C~ P.O. Box 611 Roanoke, Va. 24004 703-981-1211 April 11, 1989 Dear Mr. Hodge and Members of the Board of Supervisors: On behalf of Cycle Systems, as it's President, I appreciate the opportunity to share our thoughts with you on urging the County expansion of its Recycling Program using the "One-Arm Bandits." Two important principles that are helping to strengthen our general economy are illustrated by Mr. McGraw's and Mr. Robers' leadership proposal. I will address them both in this brief letter/presentation. The first principle relates to the expansion of the concept of "Government and Business Working Together." Most of the current studies show that the "mechanical one-arm bandit" is the most progressive way to collect Residential Refuse. We compliment you on your 5 year program of implementing this system. Studies are also showing that co-mingled household recycling programs are attracting high participation rates. With the use of a second 60 or 90 gallon container for recyclables, the county could have a highly productive trash collection and recycling system in place. Several years ago our company successfully processed a trailer- load of co-mingled recyclables from Islip, New York through our "Material Recycling Facility." In fact, last summer I visited their facility. This fall their consultant came to Cycle Systems and together we designed their new co-mingled mechanical recycling faciltiy. This facility which is norocess. under construction, duplicates segments of our existing p I feel confident our company can process and market your co- mingled recyclables. I would be negligent if I did not encourage Roanoke County to implement a "Garbage Collection Fee" to cover tro rams.ofThis collection, landfill operations and recycling p g "User Type Tax" is the second enhancing principle illustrated by the proposal. Toll Free in Va. 1-800-542-7000 FAX 703-981-0044 Board of Supervisors Page 2 Our company, Cycle Systems, services many of the bulk containers of the businesses in Roanoke County. We also currently service the County's schools and administration buildings. A great deal of the waste from these containers is being taken to our "Material Recycling Facility." We reduce the charges when the customer's containers contain recyclable material. Conversely we must add additional charges when the landfill fees are increased. By funding your proposal through a change in one of the tax basises, the Business Community wouldour PGarbageor the garbage service twice. The utilization of y Collection Fee places on the end user an economic cost and value for the collection and landfill operations, as well as a value for recycling. My letter is over one page, but there should always be room for a compliment. The government leaders and elected supervisors of Roanoke County have shown leadership in their approach to this issue•1990 thekproposal of Mre McGraw,andmMremRober~.for the 1989 Sincerely, C YST , INC. ~,~..~. Bruce Brenner, President BB/bwm ;` L~~.' TM ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~o Roanoke 703-981-1211 Lynchburg 804-237-6666 TOLL FREE IN VA. 1-800-542-7000 OUR COMPANY PURPOSE AND VISION Recycling is coming into its own as a fundamental increment of solid waste management. Cycle Systems is proud to be among the leaders in making recycling a reality. Our concept is based on three principles. An understanding of each product's potential and market is the first step. Today, with 70 years of experience, we have devel- oped long-term markets for over 100 recycled products; from glass and waste paper to special "Electric Furnace" scrap and reuseable locomotive diesel engines. This year we will recycle over 100,000 tons of material. An understanding of the collection and processing system is essential. Each of our facilities has a variety of service trucks and containers. In addition, we operate and maintain a wide as- sortment of shredders, shears, balers, conveyors, and cranes. This experience gives us a special edge to help our customer with recycling problems and opportunites. The contribution of our fellow associates at Cycle Systems gives us our unique recycling ability. Throughout our facilities we strive to encourage the development of each individual's strengths and then combine their effort together in teamwork. It's people, our fellow workers, our customers and our associ- ates,that really can spark recycling. The understanding of this concept has led to our company theme "People.... Making Recycling Work." We look forward to leading the way of "Recycling" in the decade of the 1990's. ~~c~~c~ ~~~~c~~~ 0~~0 Roanoke 703-981-1211 Lynchburg 804-237-6666 TOLL FREE IN VA. 1-800-542-7000 CYCLE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS OVERVIEW OVER 70 YEARS' EXPERIENCE COLLECTING AND PROCESSING RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REFUSE In 1970 we entered the refuse collection business with the purchase of a $440 Navy COLLECTION: surplus dumpster truck from Bronx, NY. We now have over 30 operating units with thousands of customers serviced from our locations in Roanoke, Lynchburg, and Christiansburg. SCRAP IRON With the construction of 581 in Roanoke in 1976, we relocated and expanded our PROCESSING: scrap processing facilities. All utilities were planned underground and a new Harris 1,000-ton hydraulic shear was added. In 1980 we developed a similar complex in Lynchburg, Virginia with a Harris 550-ton hydraulic shear. RAILCAR AND In 1984 our Roanoke plant was awarded a contract to strip and prepare 1,000 box LOCOMOTIVE cars toconverttotrailerflatsforNorfolkSouthern. Sincethattimewehaveexpanded DISMANTLING: both our facilites with several miles of track and underground gas and oxygen lines to handle this type of worts. During 1987 we dismantled for scrap and parts over 100 locomotives. ALUMINUM AND The processing of non-ferrous metals such as copper, brass, aluminum and COPPER BALING stainless steel has always been a central part of our business. In addition to opening a large aluminum baling plant in Roanoke in 1986, we added an aluminum shredding SHREDDING: facility to our Lynchburg plant. Today, we have over 100,000 sq. ft. of building and concrete slabs dedicated to non-ferrous processing. WASTE PAPER Our expansion of the refuse collection business led to our construction of a new RECYCLING: 22,000 sq. ft. waste paper recycling plant in 1981 at our Roanoke plant. This plant and its equipment have been continuously modified each year. As the recycling of waste comes into the limelight, this plant will serve as a prototype for future expansion. DEBRISIINDUSTRIAL In 1985, we began operation of a debris landfill at our Lynchburg site. The area was originally used forwaste railroad roadbed material delivered in railcars. Ourfirst cells LANDFILLING: are filled and we are currently in the process of permitting an additional 20 acres on newly acquired property adjacent to the old fill site. DISMANTLING, LOADING In 1987 and 1988 we expanded our ability to go to the customer's job site to perform AND HAULING OF dismantling, loading, and hauling services of recyclable materials. Today, we have RECYCLABLE MATERIALS: 3 hydraulic cranes with back-up equipment to provide this type of service. C NE SCLWG ~ c~~~ ~~~~c~~~ ~~~o ~I Roanoke 703-981-1211 Lynchburg 804-237-6666 FREE IN VA. -542-7000 OVER 70 YEARS ~F ALITY R C CLED PRODUCTS AND MARKETING QU q { q , ,,,. ~~~~ .. ~ ..'tff/t/l'fh3 f Zi`(f.~l'~'~~~f~F7 Z. at~ccc.. .•. ieizrvr: qr~:,`r°~ixt.~r~.F~/'nryl~i_f~gn~fr,~ ~/lz~~'~/,~ ,~`~l>Ai^Yll,~i` ~` ~ , . ~ 4 ,~ ,~ ~ ~. _. ..... 3 f ,.~ ~ . ,,~ ~ ~ N j ~ ~ ~ _ ~~ r~ ~a ~ r- -~,~ ~ __ Post World War 11920 itchforks and a strong back. Mack trucks wwasl ba~ed in t e warehouse to the left. Waster pape ~y= .. ` _ . a `~ ~ . _. - ~ RECYCLED PRODUCTS ARE USED AS "RAW MATERIAL" FOR THE STEEL FUR- NACES ALUMINUM SMELTERS, AND PAPER MILLS. THE SCRAP PROCESSOR PREPARES PRINCIPALLY BY SHEARING, SHREDDING OR BALING THE PRODUCTS TO THE CONSUMER SPECIFICATION. THE CHEMISTRY COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL IN THE FINISHED PACKAGE AND ITS PHYSICAL FORM ARE KEY CONSIDERATIONS TO THE CONSUMER IN THEIR SELECTION OF LONG TERM SUPPLIERS. AS THE PICTURES ILLUSTRATE, TECH- NOLOGY, SERVICE AND PROCESSING METHODS, HAVE CHANGED IN THE INDUSTRY. HOWEVER, THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A CONCERN FOR G1UAL- ITY.THIS IS ESPECIALLYTRUETODAY AS AMERICA PLANS ITS STRATEGY TO COMPETE WITH FOREIGN PRODUCERS. THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE NEED TO PRODUCE QUALITY PRODUCTS HAS BEEN A PHILOSPHY OF OUR COMPANY FOR FOUR GENERATIONS. THE GRAPH ON THE BACK DEPICTS OUR CORPORATE 19890BJECTIVE.WEHOPE TO RECYCLE OVER 100,000 TONS OF MATERIAL. THIS CALLS FOR HANDLING MORE MATERIALS THAN A GREAT MANY OF THE LANDFILLS IN VIRGINIA. OUR EXP ERIENCE HAS TAUGHT US THATTHI S TYPE OF OBJECTIVE CAN ONLY BE OB- TAINED BYPRODUCING, DAY IN AND DAY OUT, QUALITY PRODUCTS. Post Depression 1935 The alligator shear and locom temerailcars aae pict red innprearrof picture. scrap industry. Norfolk & W Cycle Systems Inc. PEOPLE... MAKING RECYCLING WORK L nchbur Plant New River Valley Depot Roanoke Plant y g 300 North Franklin St. 2580 Broadway S.W. Lawyers Rd. L nchbur Va. 24506 Christiansburg, Va. 24073 Roanoke, Va. 24004 y g04-237-6666 703-382-3900 703-981-1211 Toll Free in Va. 1-800-542-7000 ~~ ~ ~, f -~' ~, ~ ~- t ~ ~~ ~~~ f _ S John F _ Robert E ,~ _ .__ - Terry Br. RECYCLING NEWS TOLL FREE fN VA. 1-800-542-7000 ~ ~0~ ~~~~ ° ~~ ~~~o Roanoke 703-981-1211 Lynchburg 804-237-6666 CYCLE SYSTEMS INTRODUCES .. LE AND ATTRACTIVE DROP-OFF „ A SIMP WITH TWO "RECYCLING BOXES CENTER T 1 NOMINAL SITE PREPARATION Can be located on existing asphalt • surfaces. ATTRACTIVES hemesNd'-fferDentiate from • Bright color trash containers. ILLUSTRATED COMPARoT eacNtype of • Clearly identified sectfo material. EASILY ACCESSIBLE OP oNmater al in Helps encourage placeme • correct compartment/boxes. AMPLE STORAGE SPACE 30 cubic yard storage -large capacity • reduces possibility of overflow. DEPENDABLE PICK-UP SERVICES • Boxes can be serviced by over 20 radio- dispatched trucks in Western Virginia. EPARATE A ue fOrom each site allows for • Matenal reven accounting evaluation. SECURE FROM PILFERAGE Once material is deposited, it is there to • stay. RECOVERY INFORMATION. CALL FOR COMPLETE PRICING AND 2580 Broadway S.W• Roanoke, VA 24004 703-981-1211 FAX 703-981-0044 RECYCLING CENTERS 300 North Franklin Street Christiansburg, VA 703-382-3900 Lawyers Road Lynchburg, VA 24506 804-237-6666 FAX 804-237-0001 BOX #2 -NEWSPAPERS & CANS Rnu ft1 -GLASS • -~° ""~" u ~ ~: March 30, 1989 - ~~ Messrs. Lee Garrett, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 4501 Steele. Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Bob Johnson 6628 Northway Drive, NE Roanoke, VA 24019 Harry Nickens 3084 Woodway Road, SE Roanoke, VA 24014 Steve McGraw 3883 Shawnee Trail Salem, VA 24153 Richard Robers 4030 Chaparral Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Sirs: • As residents of Roanoke County, we are writing to urge all County .residents to you to establish a fce to be paid. by• fund curbside pick-up of trash that can be recycled. Most of us are parents who are worried that our childreWeandLerworki g rto are going to be buried in our garbage. our by recycling our trash. Unfortunately, prevent this tragedy and we look to you for leadership in efforts are not enough: ro ram. establishing a recycling p g It must be realized that the solid re yrling btrash5 the just a problem of locating landfills. BY life of a landfill is not only extended, but our dwindling natural resources ace conserved. am h1e,Vpaperlmadelfromowaste Litter Control explains that, for ex p papers instead of virgin woodtantsU1rFur hermores lessertrash results in 70% fewer air pollu put in •landfills reduces lthe amount of dangerous substances seeping into our water supp Y -2- With all the worrisome environmental problems facing we must all the world, some which appear almost insurmountablAnd the beauty do whatever is possible to help alleviate them. already exists to reuse our is that the technoiog~le effort on the part of of recycling uires very opportunity to trash and it req to take this e chance individuals. We urg cooperative efforts there is a demonstrate that through to save our environment. _ Sincerely, ~(~ ~~-~ )sp~l0o3U) '1 ~y ~ ~~D ~QC,tk<< l-~it~ ~- ~ ~C~ ~~~ r ~~ . ~~ a-~ ~~ 5~ ~(o (lUes~ n~ i ,, _ __ _,_ ~ ~ ~ ya~~ ~~~, ~ d1 Z z " ~~~--~ P~"~ ~ 1 r i iL~v ,. .~~~~ ~~ ~,,~ ;~, u~ ~a~~ ~E ~ ,~-J ~~~ 3 ~ :~ 7 ~i~~!~~~' C.r.,~-~ ~w ;~-'~ZG~'Lc~ ~~~~C=~iL ~ ~.r-ti~,.~ ~~1'1''1~~~~,~~-~ ~. "~~ ~ ~~ ~9 ,~ r~ ~~ J~,~~~. _, r1 ~ l,?~..~ r ,~ ' L,?.N~r,.~ ll `- _ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ,_ h (rt,' -~- ~------ ~.:~ -'~" ~ ` -~ 1/`!fix ~/ ~,// ~ ~ L~~ ~~ l~),~s~~~~~ ~. v ~l~ ~~ ~^ `~ r. ~~~1 ate- ~, /~ / ~/~ ~~~ O ~ ~~~~ e . ~' .r ~~lol ~ . ~~ ~~ y3~~,.-h~,~ ~Y/ ice/ . ,-- ~- ~ , ~~~ ~ .~ ~~ ~~~~ / _ ,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~1 ~~~- ~_s~~, ~~ r U~~i C~,. -~~__ -s-~ ~ ~ ~~gg ~.. ~ ~ 7~, Y~a.~.-~s~ ~50 g ~,w~~~ . / r~ j ~ ~~~~~ ~r, ve ~i S ~ ~i,~ ~ (SY t '~/ ~~ /J_ lA ~~2 ~ ~ ~C~ y~ s~ ,d(J..t/ ~~~ y ~'~~ ~'/ ~ ~ ~ S' ~w~-%~ C~~~ ~~~ 3't~~ ~y~ e ~~~ ~. ~l ~..__- z;~-~---~ ~ ; d ~, ~ j rum l ~ • 02 ~r f,y~ ~"J i 1. 7~~ ~~r~~~ ~ ,~ -~-~~ l g ~~.~ f~l ~____ ~~, ~ ~~ --} r ~~ ~ ~~ - iK- dz~-.- CU2!~t- :~- ,~~~. ~~=~== ~ Q~ ~°~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ . ~~ 3 ~ n$ ~.oF-~-o,ti ~.~ ~ `~-$ ~ ~~~ ~~~ y ~~ ~ ~~ .~ ~~ ~~-~~ ~ f ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ y~~ ~ ~~~~ ~.. ,,,,,~'1til;i'z.~ G~~ n a-. °`~c 3 0 ~~ ~ , S W 1~~ , ___ _ - _ __. _ _ --- _ - 1 _ __-- -- -- __ _ ___ _ jr~,f•1 ~j ~~,~C~ - _. o?~l~ ~'~:~ -.~Z ~~C1Lr~,- ,- l.~l.a-------- ' ~ ~ lfV~ - ~+" __ _ __ _ ,:. ~s ~ ~ ~ __ _ _ __ _. - - --. --- - ~ __ C c. ,-~ - _. - - __ - - __ ~.-. _" - U -_. - - - --- -- - J __ ~ - ~ / ,; ~ - _ -- - _ _ _ _~ _ ' ~ ~~ ~ i~ . . / --- - - - ---- - __ --- - --- - U~''` `'-~ ---------- _ __ _ ~4 ~ _ ~ __ -_._ -- f ____ ~~7 _-- __ / _ _ _. __ __ _ ; ~n~ ___ __. ~- - - __-- _ -- _-- --- n ,,~ ; ___ --- --____ c-~~ -~ - ~~. r ~ - - - _- -- _____ - -- --- __ _. - - ___ _ _- -- _ __ ___ ,,_ - ___ ___ __ - - ~- . --- --- --- _ ~Ya/ -- ~Sa r 1~-~~~-d-n ~ S GJ _~ --- ---- -- -__ _ - ~_ -- ____ , _ - ---- ~. -- ..~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ u ____ - _ -. ~~~ ~ _ _ ___ _ -- --- ~.. ----- ., - -- ~~~~~ - --- `~; 1 ,~, - -- __ _ __-- . --- __ -- - r ,.~ ~ ------- -- n , ~ ~ _ __ ~___ _~~ 3 ~___~___ __~__ __ ___ ____.___ ____ --~- .. ~~.~---- _ -- ---~ --l~-- _~''~'_ _ _ ---- i f ------37.117-- - - __ ___. ---- ---- ~e~vJV 6 =--1=` - = - li~ _-_-_--- ---_~"--~` - ~'_ _ _ _ -- ------- - - '~`~__~ o~61Q~ __ ------- - -_ _--- --- __ __ ---_ - -- (off- - - . 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Z'~c9 L - ~ _ k ,~~ _ ~, _ _~. ----- ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ 2~'GGrz~1 _ (' /I ~' U`-'P /~~ ~~ ~~ .N ~~~~ a~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ . ~~~~ ~~ Bey ~,~~ ~~ ~ r :~.~~OIy v r i ~~D ~j 0( rl (~~~ ~ U Q ~. ~ ~~ U ~ ~1 U ~.u O ~~a~ ~~ ilk i l ~.~. ~ ~- <-- ~ ~f~ l ~ ~ '~~ yy /~ /Lc~ ~ ,~ /(~ . ~ ~ ,~~ P ' ~ ~ o~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE OO[TL~FTY, VIRGINIA, FIELD AT THE ROANOKE OOUNTY ADMINISTRATION OTTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION 41189-7 SETTING '.THE 'TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE QOUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve month period beginning January 1, 1989, and ending December 31, 1989, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of $1.15 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all classes of taxable real estate and mobile homes as classified by Sections 58.1-3200, 58.2-3201, and 58.1-3506 B. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A DOPY TESTE: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge, Cle Roanoke County Board of S~.ipervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessor Alf red C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Ccm<nissioner of Revenue ACTION # ITEM NUMBER C~' ~ ~~"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA'T'ION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for Citizen Comment on the Real Estate Tax Rate COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ ~~ BACKGROUND SUMMARY OF INFORMATION As directed by the Board of Supervisors at the March 14, 1989 BudgeR Werf r thelcalendar yeaav1989sas followsoposed Real Estate Tax a Real Estate Taxes at a rate of not more than $1.15 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS The Real Estate Tax is assessed on a calendar year basis and collected semiannually. The following alternatives are available to the Board of Supervisors. 1. The Real Estate Tax Rate could be adopted at the existing rate of $1.15 per one hundred dollars of assessed value. 2. The Real state Tax Rate could be increased. An increase in this tax rate would benefit both fiscal year 1988-89 and 1989-90. Each $.Ol increase would generate approximately $240,000 in additional revenues in calendar year 1989 or $248,000 in fiscal year 1989-90 based upon a growth in assessments of 5 percent. An increase in the tax rate will require a new advertisement and a new public hearing for citizen input on the proposed change. 3. The Real Estate Tax Rate could be decreased. A decrease would adversely affect both fiscal year 1988-89 and 1989-90. Each $.Ol decrease would result in the loss of approximately $240,000 in revenues for calendar year 1989 or $248,000 in fiscal year 1989-90. -~ d~~ - ~. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since the fiscal year 1989-90 budget has been presented to the Board anticipating the continuation of the current Real Estate Tax Rate, staff recommends that the Real Estate Tax Rate be established at the rate of $1.15 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. SUBMITTED BY: %Ce~c._ ~ ~ B ti~.e.~.~t Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION .APPROVED BY: ~~c.- Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator V V'1' No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers -~~~® `~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY P,DMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1989, and ending December 31, 1989, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all classes of taxable real estate and mobile homes as classified by Sections 58.1-3200, 58.2-3201, and 58.1-3506 B. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. ~ir~i~il~il7~~i~fi(I~~i~~hi~llif~ti~uil'i~~iYYflti~iir'i111~lfili~il~~~f~if~i~ti~ty~"ir~~Itriliil~l~l`ll~llit"11111i1~~~1ti11~1lliil~il~~l~1i111111111~1Ijjj APPEARANCE R _ EQUEST _ - = AGENDA ITEM NO. CA--w- ~' ,..,. _ _ _ _ _ _ = SUBJECT _ _ _ - _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during fhe public hearin on the abo _ g ve matter _ _ _ so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ LISTED BELOW. - • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to c = do otherwise. c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view onl ues- _ yQ Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c c • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. -" • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. - _= _° • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED '- GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK =_ NAME ~, ,~.. ~ ~ = a~ .. y ~~ ADDRESS '"',x ~s: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~P°'~ '~' ,~ ,~ ,~_ . ,. .,_ ~ ~_ r° ~ .~ i, ~ ;,~ . € ~~. PHONE ~~~ ~.~:~ ... t ~_ ~Illlllllililllllliillllllllllllillllllllliilllllllillillillillllllllllllllllllilllillllillllllilll Illllililiillilllilililllllllim j(j'tiy'~'if'~ii~~l'1i~1i~iYri'r~i'~~til~~tli'~I11~ii1111~INl~1if(11i~1ii~itlil~~i~1'Ii~1~i~11t"I~i"~yli~1~111~i~~ii~f~t1~~~`l~i~lil'~11~1~t~1~~1~~f1III~il~lili~ijjj L~ ~~ , --~ - PEARANCE RE UEST - AP Q _ - - - - _ _ - - _ ~ _ __ AGENDA ITEM NO. - _ SUBJECT _ =_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to = recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _• so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ = LISTED BELOW. -_ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _ =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. =_ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- = tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. -' _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments -_ with the clerk. -_ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ _ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - - NAME ADDRESS ;,7 c 1 .~~~~ PHONE / ~ ~ ~ °~ --• c = mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllillill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllllllllilllllilllllllllllllliiilllilliilllllll ~rf1t111'll~i~'i'rliii~'Ii6i~7~~illl:ifliiiliii1i11i11i111i11i~itll~li~iirLli~fiiit~i~~~1~'fl-yi'Ili'llliilliiil'illilf(1~it1tiTi111i11i~llijj~ .. APPEARAI\TCE REQ~CJEST _ _ AGENDA IT NO. `~~'~- ~' - ,-- - - - SUBJECT ~~' _ - _ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter =• so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. c c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- = tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. .. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ __ with the clerk. _' • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ° FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c c = THEM. _ _ PT .F. A SF PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK c fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111 AT A REGULAR MEEPING THE ROANOKE O~tJ[~FI'YPADNIINIRSI'RA'I'ION CEL~TrER OUN~ ~ VIRGINIA, HELD AT TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOD I~ PR~PF9R-'18'Y SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE OF P CALENDAR YEAR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1989, and ending December 31, 1989, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of $3.50 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property, excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in Sections 58.1-3504 and 58.1-3505 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, but including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3503, and 58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, located in this County on January 1, 1989, and tangible personal property including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3503, and 58.1-350& in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. 2. That there be, and there hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in Sections 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 3. That the levy for the twelve-~cmnth period beginning January 1, 1989, and ending December 31, 1989, be and hereby is, set for a tax rate of $3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by Sections 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Johnson and carried by the following recorded wte: AYES: S~.ipervisors Johnson, Robers, Mc~raw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None A DOPY TESTE: Elmer C. Hodge, Clerk Roanoke C7ounty Board of S~.ipervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget R. Wayne Gcxnpton, Ccmnissioner of Revenue Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer 2 ACTION # ITEM NUMBERQ'y$~'3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for Citizen Comment on the Personal Property Tax Rate COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~0 BACKGROUND SUMMARY OF INFORMATION ,et vUck.rm.°~G4 -~ As directed by the Board of Supervisors at the March 14, 1989 Budget Work Session, staff advertised the proposed Personal Property Tax Rate as follows: Personal Property Taxes at a rate of not more than $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS The Personal Property Tax is assessed on a calendar year basis and is collected annually on May 31. The following alternatives are available to the Board of Supervisors. 1. The Personal Property Tax Rate could be adopted at the existing tax rate of $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed value. 2. The Personal Property Tax Rate could be increased. An increase in this tax rate would benefit both fiscal year 1988-89 and fiscal year 1989-90. A proposed increase in the tax rate will require a new advertisement and a new public hearing for citizen input. 3. The Personal Property Tax Rate could be decreased. A decrease would adversely affect both fiscal year 1988-89 and fiscal year 1989-90. (~-~~~'~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since the current budget is predicated on the current Personal Property Tax Rate, staff recommends that the Personal Property Tax Rate again be established at the rate of $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the tax year 1989. SUBMITTED BY: Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: ~'~' Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by• _ No Yes Abs Denied Received Referred To Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers r i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS'T'RATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989 RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON ALL CLASSES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SI'T'UATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR 'T'HE CALENDAR YEAR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1989, and ending December 31, 1989, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate o.f per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property, excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in Sections 58.1-3504 and 58.1-3505 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, but including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3503, and 58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, located in this County on January 1, 1989, and tangible personal property including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3503, and 58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. 2. That there be, and there hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in Sections 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 3. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1989, and ending December 31, 1989, be and hereby is, set for a tax rate of per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by Sections 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER Q"y~~"'f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPEItVISO:RS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE .ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for Citizen Comment on the Machinery and Tools Tax Rate COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: i~ BACKGROUND SUMMARY OF INFORMATION As directed by the Board of Supervisors at the March 14, 1989 Budget Work Session, staff advertised the proposed Machinery and Tools Tax Rate for the calendar year 1989 as follows: Machinery and Tools Tax at a rate of not more than $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS The Machinery and Tools Tax is assessed on a calendar llowing f year basis and is collected on May o 31. The alternatives are available to the Board of Supervisors. 1. The Machinery and Tools Tax could be adopted at the existing tax rate of $3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed value. 2. The Machinery and Tools Tax could be increased. An increase in this tax rate would benefit both fiscal year 1988-89 and fiscal year 1989-90. An increase in a tax rate will require a new advertisement and a new public hearing for citizen input on the proposed change. 3, The Machinery and Tools Tax could be decreased. A decrease would adversely affect both .Fiscal year 1988-89 and fiscal year 1989-90. v ~-~~~-~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since the current budget is predicated on the current Machinery and Tools Tax Rate, staff recommends that the Machinery and Tools Tax Rate again be established at the rate of $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the tax year 1989. SUBMITTED BY: Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers ~~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETIN6~OE ROANOKE OOUN`i'Y~ADMINISl'RA'1'ION ~rER 0 ~' ~RGINIA, HELD AT 11 1989 TUESDAY, APRIL, ORDINANCE 41189-9 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NUT TO EXCEID EDUCATIONAL $174,432.13 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS, TECHNOLOGY SEEtIES, OF THE OOUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, Ta BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY AND SETTING FORTH THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING PARTI- QPATION IN THE STATE NON-p,RBITRAGE PROGRAM• The Board of County Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $174,432.13 and to issue its general obliga- tion school bonds for the financing of the purchase of equipment for school purposes through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. The Countyfined below)linhaccordance~withl the98 equirements of of the Bonds (as de Sections 15.1-171.1 and 15.1-504, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF THE ODUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board of County Supervisors hereby deternnines that it is advisable to contract a debt and issue and sell bonds in the amount of not to exceed $174,432.13 (the "Bonds ) for the purpose of financing the purchase of equipment for school purposes through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. The issuance and sale of the Bonds in the form and upon the terms established pursuant to this ordinance is hereby authorized. 2. Sale of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to sell the Bonds to the Virginia Public School Authority ( VPSA ) at par, upon the terms estabeiherebpuauthorizedtand ordinance. The appropriate officers of the County Y directed to sell the Bonds to VPSA. 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in fully registered form; shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds; shall be designated "County of Roanoke General Obligation School Bonds, Educational 'I~chnology Series"; shall bear interest payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning December 15, 1989, at the rates established in accordance with parag able ~ n semi-annual dinance; and the principal amount of the Bonds shn~lDbe~yand in the amounts installments on the dates (each a "Principal Payme established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this ordinance. The Bonds shall be issued as a single, typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. 4. Interest Ratbs a thor z d andncltrected to .accept t eeint~erest strator of the County is here y rate or rates on the Bonds established by VPSA, provided that no such interest rate or rates shall be more than sixty-five one hundredths of one percent (65/100 of 1$) over the annual rate to be paid by VPSA for the corresponding maturity on the bonds to be issued by VPSA, the Proceeds of which will be used to purchase the Bonds (the "VPSA Bonds"), and provided further-rtannum, interest rate or rates of the Bonds shall exceed nine percent (9~) Pe and the execution and delivery of the Bonds as descrTbeddiand authorized by shall conclusively evidence the same as having been app this ordinance. able in nine (9) (b) The principal amount of the Bonds shall be pay semi-annual installments then~srst~lofannuallysthereafterUe The Ad[ninistrato 8of and the remaining installme rincinal amount the County is hereby authorized and directed to establish the p of the Bonds not to exceed $17S4A,43~ vlded that debttservice onitheiBonds~from on the Bonds established by VP - P their dated date until the end of the first fiscal Yefrom the1L90terary Fund exceed the amount appropriated by the General Assembly therefor, and provided further, that debt service X ~~1~ levels bjectoto fiscal year to the fifth fiscal year shall be app the actual rate or rates of interest on the VPSA Bonds, and the execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in Section 6 hereof shall conclusively evidence the same as having been approved and authorized by this ordinance. 5. Payment; Paying Agent and Registrar. The Treasurer of the County is hereby designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds and the following provisions shall apply: (a) all payments of principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds to VPSA at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date and Principal Payment Date, or if such date is not a business date for Virginia banks or for thereCmmnonnw~ea~ h Interests Pays then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day P ment Date and Principal Payment Date; and (b ) all ovele interest r to or pates on therBonds.rest shall bear interest at the applicab (. Execution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Bo sedate principalzamoun tnotrto exceed execute and deliver the Bonds in an agg g $174,432.13 and to affix the seal of the County hereto. 7. Use of Available Mone s; Pled a of Full Faith and Credit. (a) The Board hereby appropriates and directs that all income realized from the investment and reinvestment of the proceeds of the Bonds and not required to be rebated to the United States pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Investment Inoame"), shall be credited to a sinking fund for the Bonds. The Board hereby further directs that, as directed by a designatedlraprisentortcausefto be~appliedh suchrI vestment Date, the Treasur nt ofainterest due on the Bonds. Incrome to the payme 2 (b) The Board further appropriates and directs that immediately after the application of the Investment Income as providea,iso m~uc~h,agfaany~(of above, the Treasurer shall apply, or cause to be app the funds appropriated by the General Assembly from the Literary Fund or otherwise for such purpose to, or for the benefit of, the County to the payment of principal and interest due on the Bonds on the next Principal payment Date and Interest Payment Date. (c) The full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same become due and payable. There shall be levied and collected annually on all locally taxable property in the County an ad valorem tax sufficient to able such principal and interest as the same respectively become due and pay unless other fun as andl (b)ngabovehoarellawfullynavailableuand appropriated for subparagrap'ns ( ) the timely payment thereof. 8. School Board Approval. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be pre- sented to the School Board of the County. The Bonds hereby authorized shall not be issued by the Board until the School Board of the County shall have adopted an appropriate resolution consenting to the issuance of the Bonds. 9. Non-arbitra a Certificate and Tax Covenants. The appropriate officers and agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Hance with containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show o`~P the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds or on the VPSA Bonds. The Board covenants on behalf of the County that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be invested and expended as set forth in such Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants and that the County shall comply with the other covenants and repre- sentations contained therein. Furthermore, the Board covenants on behalf of the County that the County shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross incoire for Federal income tax purposes. 10. State Non-Arbitrage Program. The Board hereby finds and determines that (a) the Board has received and reviewed (i) a draft of the Information Statement date February 17, 1989 (the "Information Statement ), describing the State Non-Arbitrage Program of the Commonwealth of Virginia ( SNAP )~~and (ii) a draft of the Contract dated January 16, 1989 (the Contract ), creating the State Non-Arbitrage Program Pool I ("SNAP Pool I"), and (b) the County has been afforded the opportunity to discuss SNAP with the investment manager of and special counsel to SNAP, and the Board hereby further determines that it is in the best interests of the County to authorize the Treasurer of the County to participate in SNAP. The Contract is hereby approved, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Contract on behalf of the County. The Board acknowledges that its decision to authorize the participation in SNAP is based solely on the information set forth in the Information Statement and in the Contract, and the Board hereby acknowledges that the Treasury Board of the Ccgnrnonwealth of Virginia is not, 3 and shall not be, in any way liable to the County in connection with SNAP, except as otherwise provided in the Contract. 11. Filin of Ordinance and Publication of Notice. The appro- priate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be filed with the Circuit Court of the County and, within ten (10) days thereafter, to cause to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the County a notice setting setting forth (a) in brief and general terms the purposes for which the Bonds are to be issued and (b) the amount of the Bonds. 12. Further Actions. Each member of the Board and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 13. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect imme- diately. The requirement of reading the title of this ordinance at two regular meetings is hereby dispensed with as permitted by Section 18.04 of the County Charter. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor McGraw to approve ordinance and dispense with second reading, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES; Supervisors Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens, Garrett NAYS: None The undersigned Clerk of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of County Supervisors held on April 11, 1989, and of the whole thereof so far as appli- cable to the matters referred to in such extract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the con- sideration of the foregoing ordinance, a quorum was present. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Dated: April 11, 1989 -1Yl ~ . _ Mary H. All n, Deputy Clerk Roanoke Oounty Board of Supevisors cc: File Bond Counsel Circuit Court Judge School Board Clerk County Treasurer Don Myers, Assistant County .Achninistrator Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance 4 EXHIBIT A (FORM OF BOND) $174,432.13 NO. R-1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANORE General Obli ation School Bonds Educational Technology Series The COUNTY OF ROp,NORE, VIRGINIA (the "County"), for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY the principal amount of DOLLARS, in installments, commencing December 15, 1989, and semi-annually thereafter on June 15 and December 15 ent Date"), as shown on of each year (each a Principal Paym Schedule 1 attached hereto, together with interest on the unpaid installments at the annual rates set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto, from the date of this Bond until payment of the principal sum hereof, such interest to be payable commencing on December 15, 1989, and semi-annually thereafter on June 15 and December 15 of each year (each an "Interest Payment Date"; together with any Principal Payment Date, a "Payment Date"), as shown on Schedule 1 attached hereto. Both principal of and interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. ~- '?~' The Treasurer of the County shall make all payments of principal of and interest on this Bond, without the presentation or surrender hereof, to the registered owner hereof, in imme- diately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable payment Date. If a Payment Date is not a business day for banks in the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then the payment of principal of or interest on this Bond shall be made in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day preceding the scheduled Payment Date. Upon receipt by the registered owner of this Bond of said payments of principal and interest, written acknowledgment of the receipt thereof shall be given promptly to the Treasurer of the County, and the County shall be fully discharged of its obligation on this Bond to the extent of the payment so made. Upon final payment, this Bond shall be surrendered to the Treasurer of the County for cancellation. The full faith and credit of the County are irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on this Bond. This Bond is duly authorized and issued in compliance with and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Cha ter 5, Title 15.1, P Virginia, including the Public Finance Ac , ~~ `~ ~~u,,c. ~ duly adopted by Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, and the Board of County Supervisors of the County and the School Board of the County to provide funds to finance the purchase of A-2 equipment for school purposes through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. This Bond is registered in the name of Virginia Public School Authority as to both principal and interest on books of the County kept by the Treasurer of the County. The principal installments on this Bond are not subject to redemption prior to their respective payment dates. All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have hap- pened, exist and have been performed in due time, form and manner as so required, and this Bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and provision has been made for the levy and collection of an annual tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest on this Bond as the same shall become due. A-3 - `1 f3 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has caused this Bond to be issued in the name of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to be signed by its Chairman or Vice-Chairman, its seal to be affixed hereto and attested by the signature of its Clerk or any of its Deputy Clerks, and this Bond to be dated May _, 1989. (SEAL) ATTEST: -yy~~,~ . f.~d Clerk, Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA By Chairman, Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia A-4 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Ordinance No. 41189-9 April 11, 1989 At a regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, held on April 11, 1989, the following persons were present or absent as shown: PRESENT: Chairman Garrett ~ presiding, and Members Johnson, Robers, McGraw, Nickens ABSENT: None Upon motion by Johnson seconded by McGraw , the following ordinance was adopted by a majority of the members of the Board of County Supervisors by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of the meeting: MEMBER Supervisor Johnson Robers McGraw Nickens Garrett Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes VOTE 5. 1't " `'# ~ 4 "~ SCHEDULE 1 Payment Dates December June 15, December June 15, December June 15, December June 15, December Interest Rate 15, 1989 1990 15, 1990 1991 15, 1991 1992 15, 1992 1993 15, 1993 Principal Interest Installment Due Due $ $ Total Due ACTION # ITEM NUMBER 6~.` y g ~i " S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Concerning the Issuance of not to Exceed $174,432.13 General Obligations School Bonds to Finance the Purchase of Equipment Through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program for School Purposes. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ..,tip ~-,~~rn.~.-~- {,~ ~, ~4-~--'~R`~~ ,~// BACKGROUND: On October 11, 1988, the Board adopted a resolution authorizing the School Board to enter into an agreement to participate in the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. Roanoke County Schools will be using this money to purchase computer equipment to be used within the school system. This program consists of a subsidized portion and a non-subsidized portion. Payment for the subsidized portion of this program will be reimbursed to the County by the Commonwealth and has been included in the current biennium budget. It is anticipated that future payoff of this debt will be included in future budgets of the Commonwealth. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The subsidized and non-subsidized portions of this program are being sold as separate bond issues, therefore, it is necessary to have two public hearings, two first readings, and two ordinances adopted for this program. Because of timing limitations placed upon us by the VPSA, it is necessary to dispense with the second reading of the ordinances. This public hearing authorizes the issuance of not to exceed $174,432.13 of general obligation school bonds which relates to the subsidized portion of this program. FISCAL IMPACT: The County will receive revenues from the Commonwealth to make debt payments as they become due over the next two years. The debt payments for the remainder of the life of the debt are anticipated to be included in future budgets of the Commonwealth. -~ ~ '° STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After the public hearing and first reading of the ordinance, staff recommends dispensing with the second reading and adoption of the attached ordinance authorizing the borrowing of not to exceed $174,432.13 and the issuance of general obligation school 'c~onds in the form attached. .C.Gt.rYze,~ ~ ~. GZ.cT' Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION C,/~~" Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 4.' _. ~ AT A REGCJI~AR MEITTING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CE[1TET2 ON TUESDAY, APRIL, 11, 1989 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $174,432.13 GENF~AL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS, EDUCATIONAL TECE3NOLOGY SERIES, OF THE CUU[~TTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUl'HORITY AND SETTING FORTH THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING PARTI- CIPATION IN THE STATE NUN-ARBITRAGE PROGRAM. The Board of County Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $174,432.13 and to issue its general obliga- tion school bonds for the financing of the purchase of equipment for school purposes through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. The County held a public hearing on April 11, 1989 on the issuance of the Bonds (as defined below) in accordance with the requirements of Sections 15.1-171.1 and 15.1-504, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended. ~~ ~, BE IT ORDAlI~D BY THE BOARD OF COL~TI'Y SUPERVISORS OF THE COLJIII'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board of County Supervisors hereby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt and issue and sell bonds in the amount of not to exceed $174,432.13 (the Bonds) for the purpose of financing the purchase of equipment for school purposes through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. The issuance and sale of the Bonds in the form and upon the terms established pursuant to this ordinance is hereby authorized. 2. Sale of the Bonds. interest of the County to sell the Authority ("VPSA") at par, upon the ordinance. The appropriate officers o directed to sell the Bonds to VPSA. It is determined to be in the best Bonds to the Virginia Public School terms established pursuant to this E the County are hereby authorized and 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in fully registered form; shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds; shall be designated "County of Roanoke General Obligation School Bonds, Educational Technology Series"; shall bear interest payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning December 15, 1989, at the rates established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this or- dinance; and the principal amount of the Bonds shall be payable in semi-annual installments on the dates (each a "Principal Payment Date") and in the amounts established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this ordinance. -The Bonds shall R-~~~~- be issued as a single, typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as F~hibit A. 4. Interest Rates; Principal Installments. (a) The Admini- strator of the County is hereby authorized and directed to accept the interest rate or rates on the Bonds established by VPSA, provided that no such interest rate or rates shall be more than sixty-five one hundredths of one percent (65/100 of 1%) over the annual rate to be paid by VPSA for the corresponding maturity on the bonds to be issued by VPSA, the proceeds of which will be used to purchase the Bonds (the "VPSA Bonds"), and provided further, that no interest rate or rates of the Bonds shall exceed nine percent (9%) per annum, and the execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in Section 6 hereof shall conclusively evidence the same as having been approved and authorized by this ordinance. (b) The principal amount of the Bonds shall be payable in nine (9) semi-annual instalments the first of which shall be due December 15, 1989, and the remaining instal]_rnents semi-annually thereafter. The Administrator of the County is hereby authorized and directed to establish the principal amount of the Bonds not to exceed $174,432.13 and to accept the amortization schedule on the Bonds established by VPSA, provided that debt service on the Bonds from their dated date until the end of the first fiscal year (1989-1990) shall not exceed the amount appropriated by the General Assembly from the Literary Fund therefor, and provided further, that debt service on the Bonds from the second fiscal year to the fifth fiscal year shall be approximately level, subject to the actual rate or rates of interest on the VPSA Bonds, and the execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in Section 6 hereof shall conclusively evidence the same as having been approved and authorized by this ordinance. 5. Payment; Paying Agent and Registrar. The Treasurer of the County is hereby designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds and the following provisions shall apply: (a) all payments of principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds to VPSA at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date and Principal Payment Date, or if such date is not a business date for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day preceding such Interest Pay- ment Date and Principal Payment Date; and (b) all overdue payments of principal or interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Bonds. 6. Execution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $174,432.13 and to affix the seal of the County hereto. 7. Use of Available Moneys; Pledge of Full Faith and Credit. (a) The Board hereby appropriates and directs that all income realized from the investment and reinvestment of the proceeds of the Bonds and not required to be rebated to the United States pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Investment Income"), shall be credited to a sinking fund for the Bonds. The Board hereby further directs that, as ~~-~~~- directed by a designated representative of VPSA, on each Interest Payment Date, the Treasurer shall apply, or cause to be applied, such Investment Income to the payment of interest due on the Bonds. (b) The Board further appropriates and directs that immediately after the application of the Investment Income as provided in subparagraph (a) above, the Treasurer shall apply, or cause to be applied, so much, if any, of the funds appropriated by the General Assembly from the Literary Fund or otherwise for such purpose to, or for the benefit of, the County to the payment of principal and interest due on the Bonds on the next Principal Payment Date and Interest Payment Date. (c) The full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same become due and payable. There shall be levied and collected annually on all locally taxable property in the County an ad valorem tax sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same respectively become due and payable unlessaoraerhsfuadsand (b)d above,l a ~e tlawfully available anddappropriated for subpar g p the timely payment thereof. 8. School Board royal. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be pre- sented to the School Board of the County. The Bonds hereby authorized shall not be issued by the Board until the School Board of the County shall have adopted an appropriate resolution consenting to the issuance of the Bonds. 9. Non-arbitra e Certificate and Tax Covenants. The appropriate officers and agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds or on the VPSA Bonds. The Board covenants on behalf of the County that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be invested and expended as set forth in such Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants and that the County shall comply with the other covenants and repre- sentations contained therein. Furthermore, the Board covenants on behalf of the County that the County shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. 10. State Non-Arbitrage Program. The Board hereby finds and determines that (a) the Board has received and reviewed (i) a draft of the Information Statement date February 17, 1989 (the "Information Statement"), describing the State Non-Arbitrage Program of the Comtr~onwealth of Virginia ("SNAP") and (ii) a draft of the Contract dated January 16, 1989 (the "Contract"), creating the State Non-Arbitrage Program Pool I ("SNAP Pool I")- and (b) the County has been afforded the opportunity to discuss SNAP with the investment manager of and special counsel to SNAP, and the Board hereby further determines that it is in the best interests of the County to authorize the Treasurer of the County to participate in SNAP. The Contract is hereby approved, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the R-4-~~- Contract on behalf of the County. The Board acknowledges that its decision to authorize the participation in SNAP is based solely on the information set forth in the Information Statement and in the Contract, and the Board hereby acknowledges that the Treasury Board of the Cormionwealth of Virginia is not, and shall not be, in any way liable to the County in connection with SNAP, except as otherwise provided in the Contract. 11. Filing of Ordinance and Publication of Notice. The appro- priate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be filed with the Circuit Court of the County and, within ten (10) days thereafter, to cause to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the County a notice setting setting forth (a) in brief and general terms the purposes for which the Bonds are to be issued and (b) the amount of the Bonds. 12. Further Actions. Each member of the Board and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 13. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect imme- diately. The requirement of reading the title of this ordinance at two regular meetings is hereby dispensed with as permitted by Section 18.04 of the County Charter. The undersigned Clerk of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of County Supervisors held on April 11, 1989, and of the whole thereof so far as appli- cable to the matters referred to in such extract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the con- sideration of the foregoing ordinance, a quorum was present. WITNESS MY HAi~ID and the seal of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Dated: April 11, 1989 Deputy Clerk, Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia i ACTION # ITEM NUMBER 11' 4 ~ ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 11, 1989 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Concerning the Issuance of not to Exceed $464,126.74 General Obligations School Bonds to Finance the Purchase of Equipment for School Purposes. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENT/S//f• ~~~+L`y'~" ~,,.,j` ~d~. BACKGROUND: On Octo'Qer 11, 1988, the Board adopted a resolution authorizing the School Board to enter into an agreement to participate in the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program. Roanoke County Schools will be using this money to purchase computer equipment to be used within the school system. This program consists of a subsidized portion and a non-subsidized portion. Payment for the subsidized portion of this program will be reimbursed to the County by the Commonwealth and has been included in the current biennium budget. It is anticipated that future payoff of this debt will be included in future budgets of the Commonwealth. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The subsidized and non-subsidized portions of this program are being sold as separate bond issues, therefore, it is necessary to have two public hearings, two first readings, and two ordinances adopted for this program. Because of timing limitations placed upon us by the VPSA, it is necessary to dispense with the second reading of the ordinances. This public hearing authorizes the issuance of not to exceed $464,126.74 of general obligation school bonds which relates to the non-subsidized portion of this program. FISCAL IMPACT: The debt will be financed over the next five years. Monies are included in the 1989-90 budget to cover the estimated debt service for the year of $116,243. ~- ~ ~ i A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After the public hearing and first reading of the ordinance, staff recommends dispensing with the second reading and adoption of the attached ordinance authorizing the borrowing of not to exceed $464,126.74 and the issuance of general obligation school bonds in the form attached. ~.~ry~, ~ ~ Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ,~-~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY 'T'UESDAY, APRIL, SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ADMINISTRATION CF,~T1~2 ON 11, 1989 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $ GQ~EtAL OBLIGATION EQUIPMENT FINANCING BONDS, ROANOKE COUNTY SERIES 1989, OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY AND SETTING FORTH THE FIRM AND DETAILS 'I'EiEREOF. The Board of County Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $ and to issue its general obligation equipment financing bonds for the financing of the purchase of equipment for school purposes. The County held a public hearing on April 11, 1989 on the issuance of the Bonds (as defined below) in accordance with the requirements of Sections 15.1-171.1 and 15.1-504, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED'BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF THE COLI[JT'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board of County Supervisors hereby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt and issue and sell bonds in the amount of not to exceed $ (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing the purchase of certain microcomputer, printer and peripheral equipment for school purposes (the "Equipment"). The issuance and sale of the Bonds in the form and upon the terms established pursuant to this ordinance is hereby authorized. 2. Sale of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to sell the Bonds to the Virginia Public School Authority ("VPSA") at par, upon the terms established pursuant to this ordinance. The appropriate officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to sell the Bonds to VPSA. 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in fully registered form; shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds; shall be designated "County of Roanoke General Obligation Equipment Financin Bonds Roanoke County Series 1989"; shall bear interest payable 9 semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning December 1, 1989, at the rates established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this ordinance; and the principal amount of the Bonds shall be payable in annual installments on the dates (each a "Principal Payment Date") and in the amounts established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this ordinance. The Bonds shall be issued as a single, typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. ~, -- 4. Interest Rates; Principal Installments. (a) The Admini- strator of the County is hereby authorized and directed to accept the interest rate or rates on the Bonds determined by VPSA by competitive bid, provided that no such interest rate or rates shall exceed nine percent (90) per annum, and the execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in Section 6 hereof shall conclusively evidence the same as having been approved and authorized by this ordinance. (b) The principal amount of the Bonds shall be payable in five (5) annual installments of $ the first of which. shall be due December 1, 1989, and the remaining instalments annually thereafter. 5. Payment; Paying Agent and Registrar. The Treasurer of the County is hereby designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds and the following provisions shall apply: (a) all payments of principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds to VPSA at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date and Principal Payment Date, or if such date is not a business date for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day preceding such Interest Pay- ment Date and Principal Payment Date; and (b) all overdue payments of principal or interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Bonds. 6. F~ecution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of $ and to affix the seal of the County hereto. 7. Full Faith and Credit. The full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same become due and payable. There shall be levied and collected annually on all locally taxable property in the County an ad valorem tax sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same respectively become due and payable. 8. School Board Approval. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be presented to the School Board of the County. The Bonds hereby authorized shall not be issued by the Board until the School Board of the County shall have adopted an appropriate resolution consenting to the issuance of the Bonds. 9. Non-arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants. The appropriate officers and agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds or on the VPSA Bonds. The Board covenants on behalf of the County that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be ~,`~~ ~~ invested and expended as set forth in such Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants and that the County shall comply with the other covenants and repre- sentations contained therein. Furthermore, the Board covenants on behalf of the County that the County shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. 10. Use of Bond Proceeds. The Board hereby appropriates and directs that, simultaneously with the sale of the Bonds to VPSA, the Treasurer shall apply, or cause to be applied, (a) the difference between the principal amount of the Bonds and the cost of the Equipment to VPSA to defray the cost of issuing the Bonds and (b) the remainder of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds, representing the cost of the Equipment, to VPSA for the purchase of the Equipment. 11. Filing of Ordinance and Publication of Notice. The appro- priate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be filed with the Circuit Court of the County and, within ten (10) days thereafter, to cause to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the County a notice setting setting forth (a) in brief and general terms the purposes for which the Bonds are to be issued and (b) the amount of the Bonds. 12. Further Actions. Each member of the Board and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 13. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect imme- diately. The requirement of reading the title of this ordinance at two regular meetings is hereby dispensed with as permitted by Section 18.04 of the County Charter. The undersigned Clerk of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of County Supervisors held on April 11, 1989, and of the whole thereof so far as appli- cable to the matters referred to in such extract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the con- sideration of the foregoing ordinance, a quorum was present. WITNESS MY RANI) and the seal of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Dated: April 11, 1989 Deputy Clerk, Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia 1'~"'~"` EXHIBIT A (FORM OF BOND) O. R-1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANORE [$440,000] General Obligation Equipment Financing Bond Roanoke County Series 1989 The COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA (the "County"), for value re- ceived, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY the principal amount of FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, in installments, commencing December 1, 1989, and annually thereafter on December 1 of each year (each a "Principal Payment Date"), as shown on Schedule 1 attached hereto, together with interest on the unpaid installments at the annual rates set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto, from the date of this Bond until payment of the principal sum hereof, such interest to be payable commencing on December 1, 1989, and semi-annually thereafter on June 1 and December 1 of each year (each an "Interest Payment Date"; together with any Principal Pay- ment Date, a "Payment Date"), as shown on Schedule 1 attached hereto. Both principal of and interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. I1'~ C) The Treasurer of the County shall make all payments of prin- cipal of and interest on this Bond, without the presentation or surrender hereof, to the registered owner hereof, in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Payment Date. If a Payment Date is not a business day for banks in the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then the payment of principal of or interest on this Bond shall be made in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding the scheduled Payment Date. Upon rec- eipt by the registered owner of this Bond of said payments of principal and interest, written acknowledgment of the receipt thereof shall be given promptly to the Treasurer of the County, and the County shall be fully discharged of its obligation on this Bond to the extent of the payment so made. Upon final payment, this Bond shall be surrendered to the Treasurer of the County for cancellation. The full faith and credit of the County are irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on this Bond. This Bond is duly authorized and issued in compliance with and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Public Finance Act, Chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, and an ordinance and a resolution duly adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of the County and the School Board of the. County, respectively, to A-2 `~ .~ provide funds to finance the purchase of equipment for school purposes. This Bond is registered in the name of Virginia Public School Authority as to both principal and interest on books of the County kept by the Treasurer of the County. The principal installments on this Bond are not subject to redemption prior to their respective payment dates. All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws- of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have hap- pened, exist and have been performed in due time, form and manner as so required, and this Bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and provision has been made for the levy and collection of an annual tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest on this Bond as the same shall become due. A-3 ~,_ ~ ~~ ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has caused this Bond to be issued in the name of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to be signed by its Chairman or Vice-Chairman, its seal to be affixed hereto and .attested by the signature of its Clerk or any of its Deputy Clerks, and this Bond to be dated June _, 1989. COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA (SEAL) ATTEST: By Clerk, Board of County Chairman, Board of County Supervisors of the County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia of Roanoke, Virginia A-4 1 ~- _ ~f ~ µ SCHEDULE 1 Payment Dates December 15, 1989 June 15, 1990 December 15, 1990 June 15, 1991 December 15, 1991 June 15, 1992 December 15, 1992 June 15, 1993 December 15, 1993 Interest Interest Rate Due $ $ Principal Installment Due Total Due .. L~~rrirriilrr~ririri~~rii~rir~~~~riiriiirir`rrrifrrrir~rrirrrurrrirrrryrtrrrirrrrir~rrirrririrryrruirrrrrrrrrrrirlrrrrrlir~irrrrrrrr; _~, APPEARANCE RE UEST Q _ _ _ _ _ _ - - AGENDA ITEM NO. - ~ _ = SUB ECT = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Su ervisors to = recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter =• so that I may comment. - WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = LISTED BELOW. c -_ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will __ _ decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _= do otherwise. _ _ Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized _ speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ with the clerk. _° _= c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED __ GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ LEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK NAME_L,a,~~ ~J 7~s ~, ~e~ _ ADDRESS_ 7'002 ~5'~~~ ~e.~. ,( /~v ~ ,~ ty = _ _ PHONE _- ~3~~ - G 7~ i ~ ~C t' a 7 ~ '" "' - _ _ m~ii~iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~~ii~iiiiiiii~ii~i~iii~~i~iiii~iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiim Ya . Wq t~.r- -~rci ~''~~ 1~_ ~. ,,~ ~ c~- ROANOKE COUNTY MR. CHAIRMAN, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD AND MR. HODGE. MY NAME IS LARRY DESPER, I AM THE WX COORDINATOR FOR TAP. I AM HERE ON BEHALF OF THE VA WATER PROJECT TONIGHT TO PRESENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY A CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $82,0]6.90. THIS CHECK REPRESENTS PAYMEPJT OF INVOICES TO DATE FOR THE HOLLINS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRDJEGT THROUGH A GENERAL ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATION OF $90,000 AND AN ADDITIONAL GRANT OF X40,000 FROM VA HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. THROUGH THIS PROJECT THE VA WATER PROJECT PROVIDED WATER SERVICE AND SEWER SERVICE TO HOLLINS RESIDENTS TOTALING X1,819,100 WITH FUNDS PROVIDED BY FMHA LOANS AND GRANTS, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATION AND THE GRANT FROM VA HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. IT IS MY PLEASURE TO PRESENT THIS GHEGK FOR THIS VERY SUCCESSFUL PROJECT AND ON BEHALF OF VA WATER PROJECT AND TAP TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMITMENT TO THE LOW INCOME RESIDENTS OF THE HOLLINS AREA. ~lt"rFliiltliiiiltil'11~1ii1`tl'I~Il~ill~illi1111fi1i~1ii11~iililt~liirltiiitill~'t11ti1tiltltiillllii(1~i11i1It11(lilllfllllliilllllilj~j APPEARANCE REQUEST - - - - _ ~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - SUBJECT _ - - - - _ _ _ _ I would like the Chairman of fhe Board of Supervisors to recognize me during fhe public hearing on fhe above matter _- _ so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE ~ _- RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ c _ LISTED BELOW. - _ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _= whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to c do ofherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques-~ c Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. __ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized _ ,' =- c speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. "' • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. _ c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED '- GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ _ _ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ _ _ NAME ~~~ ADDRESS c _ _ = PHONE _ ~ , ~, 5 - _ _ __ ~illllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll f Illlillllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllim ~~~~ri1~y~~~i~~i~iir~ti~~l~~~~'~~~'~~`I`ii~l~iif~~~irii~lf~llYt~tr~lilli~~yftiilii~t~~liili~~~~11"iilt~'tff~t11I1f1iY~ili~~ff~~lt~il~1i~11~11111iii1,~j _ APPEARANCE REQU~E~T _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ - ~-~~~~ ~Ga __ _ _ _ SUBJECT ~ ~ ~'-'~',~ ~~,,. := I would like the Chairman of fhe Board of Supervisors fo recognize me during fhe public hearing on fhe above matter so fhaf I may commenf.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, - I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ __ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will __ c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c _ speaker and audience members is not allowed. -- _- - • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ .,_, _ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _= with the clerk. c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED __ c _ GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c c FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT _= THEM. _- PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK __ = NAME ~r`~. r' _~% s t ::Zl~l~y-yt ~ j ~ ~ N'Yli~ .~ ~. - / r t ~' l l I ~ ~ ,- .~ PHONE "' U ~ - ~ ~ `7 - «~ l~ ~ ~- ~Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllillllilllllllllillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm HL' f~U~~;utk - 42520411 PUiiLIShtk'S FEc - ~134.4b COUNTY OF ~Uµ,yvnE rINArJCc J~P~KTME~VT ~73d ~kkloLLTON AVt J+v H C dOX L~bGJ kOHNuKt Vr~ 2401 79Js E iJF VIk~I,`JIM LF RUHNOK~ aFFIuAVIT cF PU:~LIi,ATIUN I • 1 The UNJck;iIuOVtL') H;'v iUThURILEi: ESENTHTIVE CF THE TIMES-wURLD CU~t- TIOIv, kHICH CGRPOhHTIUrv IS PUuL1Sr,Ek '7t kONNOKE T1ML=S L WCkLU-f~Eh$, Y NEhSPHPEri Pl1i~LIStiEG Irv ROHrvUKr=, IN STATE U~= VIKi;IrvIK, OQ CERTIFY TH;~T aNNEXCC 'vUTICE v~AS PU~LISHEU IN SNIii '%~~Er:J l'v ThF f•t,)I. Li)i~ I.-~(; +)HTE=S :4/2b/b9 r~IiJKNIrvU :4/~ti/i39 Ev>=NINA .~Sr ThiS 27Th OAY OF ANkIL ly3S ` - ,~IThOk"72t0 SICNATUkE f~ G.~ NOTICE OF SORROWING couNTV of RoANOICe a171,a:.u On April 11, lfal, tM loattl of County Supervlson of ~fhe County of Rwnoka, VlrWnla, (tM •~County") adopted an or- dlnanea (tM +`Ordlnanu") authorizing fIN County to bor- row f171,pL 13 for'fha purRoN of financing fha purcMp of e4ulpmenf for school pur- poses through tM Gowrt(or's Educational TeMnolopy.lnl- tlafiw Proqunmanf end FI- naneinp Propnm and fo li"wa I Its t17{,g4.13 General Obnpa- tlon School Sonde, Eduatlon• ~ - - al` TachnolooY Series (fM "SOnds'7, for Sala fo tM Vir- t Olnia Pubilc School Authority. This Ordlnanp was adopted Ourswnt to authority praMed by tM Code of VlrOinla, 1f50, as amended. On April 40, 1f~M, fM SoaM of County Superviwn of ,fM County caused a cartliad copy of tM Ordinanq to ba fitad with fM circuit Coin of the County. For a period of thirty (~0) days after tM date of such filing wIM tM Clrcult Court of fM County, any par- son in Interest sMll Mve'tM right t0 contest tM wlidlfy of Me Sonde er the faxes fo b• levied for tM wym.nf of'tM prindpal M and fha Interest on tM.sonds. under Section -- 15.1•l13, Code of Virginia flSO, If such contest aM11 not haw bean begun wlMin fM f~,irty (~o) ay perloa, tM aut~ty to taw tM bonds, and thfva- Itdlty of iMtexas MbMarr to aY tM prlnelpai of and'tha Interest on t!N bonds,~and~fM validity of any OfhK provi- sions contained In iM Ordl- nanp and aU ptroCNdinps In connection wiM the avfhorla- tlon and fM issuanp of.-tM Bonds shall W eoncluslwly presumed to Mw bean Npj,lly taken and no court atoll Mve aufhoriM W Inauln info sVeh matters and no such contest sMB tharwfNr e. inatltutad. ~br.r th>tlpe Ctark fo tM Board of Su arvlwrsofROanoka Co ty, Virolnla (40111) ~-// ,,~ .viJ ~..C t~ - .S ._ I.J ~~c~~ 1 ..~ r. v ' , -.. .. ~ ., ~ ~ ~~.r-~-,_ ~ ~ .. ~ _. ~ 1 ~~_.-.J T 7 ~r ,.~, ,.~. i r l Tr!._ ~.~r,~..r'.;_v~.~J) .,:v ~iuTrt.~nI~~J N.~:_~~:vi~.ll~ti_- .r T!rc II"'c:~-r,.~hLv l„~r~- ,~~.,1 :~ ',~ ,~ii~:tT~.~~-.~ ~r.n( iJ~: iJ a'";J':~Stif_r. - r ~ 1 1_ I s•.. ~ .. ~ ~ t. 1 1 _ J ,. i r l.: ~ L:l - ', V ~ f~ J 1 'i ,_ _: I •. T :_ _., t- d i "•. ;; 1., I ,-. , I ~ ~ i, t r`: T 1 F Y T n .~ T ,~ ;+.~v~/l[., v_Jfi~~ ,r-,.~ Yi.,_:LIJr7C~% i!v JHi~ -'nJi'rE'~K,, ,f J I rr_ rv~LJrr i:~U i~~ I :_J 4/O~r/.;~~ ~V~ .1!.,., T;,l_,~_1 lni~ ,-I ter. .,r .;i-,.iL 1y:.~7 1i ~ 1 i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ,PROPOSEC BOND FINANCING BY THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Notice Is hereby plvM that fM eosrd of County Supervlsorl of the County of Roanoke, Vir pinta (tM "County") will hold • public hearing In aecor- i dance with Sections 15.1-171.1 •nd 15.1-Sob Code of Virginia 1930, as amended, on the Issu- ance of not to exceed i f464,124.74 general obligation school bands (the "Bonds") 01 the County fo flnanee the pur- thaw of equlprtlent for school purpowt. A rewluflon autho- rizing the Issuance of the Bonds will be considered by the Board of County Supervi- sors at Ifs mNtlnp on April 11, 19M. A copy of such rewlutlon Is on file in the offla of tMr County Administrator In tM County of Roanoke, Virginia. TM Dublic Marlnp, which msY be continued or adjourned, will be Mid at 7:00 o'clock p.m: i on APrll 11, 14'19, before fM Bwrd of County Superviwrs, in the Board of County Super- ~ vlsori Maefinp Room, at the Roanoke County Adminlstra- flon Center, »i BramblNon ~-~n' bee Roanoke. Vlrplnls. -~/ - ~~ _ ;~ i ~~~ l'r~., 1 ~ - ~~ 1 i l. I'. ~ . L. Y. i , . J ~ ~ _, j Jai ~_ I J/. f ~ .. _, \ ~. 7 ,. ' 1 ~ .l 1 • ~ ~ 1- v ~ a , I Y ~r .., ,,,,,._ I. i ~, ct'!.~.;r_'~l :, i i ~~ _ ..i- T,t~_ 1 i ~~ ~~-.~,.r<Lu :,~~: ;~i~n .,',.. ~I IIL.J i~ ~- 11~ ~ ~ ~E' rU~::LI,~r't. 11\ h~, n.'i ~f~C, I~~ ,•iLl .,t ,. _~ - TIrY Tr~rT n~ ~l .i i c= - ~ JN ~.. „~,;~~~r-,. -~- - '' ~ uri ~~ ,i ~ / L ZJ / '_ 'i ~ b ~_ ~ I I': l7 ,~~ ~ 'v' i ..~ nll,,t_.,5, ll~a_. ,~ ' G~ l y ~'I NOTICE OF pROp~SED I; HEARING ON ~ BOND FINANCING BY THE 1 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA `Notice Is hereby given trv~~rs Beard of CounfY Supe { of the County of Rosn?NIII holld; ~, el public M arlnp„In • sccor- ~ dente with Mctlons 15.1-171.1 ~1 and 15.1-501, Code of Vlrglnis l 1950, as amended, on t exceed I once °( not to 5174,134.13 genersl obligstlonI uhool bonds (the "Bonds") of i the County to Ansnce tM Pur- t chase of e4ulOment through 'the Governor's Educstlonal Technolo9Y Initlatfve Pro- curement and F'naurposesr A gram for Khoo P Is-. resolution authoriiing tM nuance of the Bonds will be consideres p, visorBO std Its County lye,. A i meeting on ADrli 11, coDY of such resolution Is on Adminifitratolr/nffha County of Roanoke, Virglnls. The Public hearing, which msY be continued or sdlourned, will W Mld at ~ o'p~fore ttie on,Aprll 11, Supervisors, Board of County In tM Board of County Super- vlson Meeting ROO lmninistra• Roanoke County b ambleton tlon Canter, >730 Avenue, l1+Roanoka, Virginia. ~ (51901 ~_ - -_- I:U,~~v~r""~~: ~,i~v~`,Tr rr-i=ii::.;'vIT .. t- r't:.;LI~,;~1~iui`v 1r tT ~: - r , i_ v , v _ ..: r;, J I ~ ,'` i_. v ) •: ~ d -i U 1 tl u ;~ f i ~ l: r<, r'i~~;i yT-Ti Ji-. ~F I i-iL f li i-v l~r~Lu LIiK- ;~~ tl,ril;.i-t U~+ir'~;-z.~~T 1uti i5 i-U'-Ll~r~t~: t' iy i., 7 i , ~ ~~ ~., (~ i r 1 '~ 'K, l~ t i ; y i ~ f \ '` I 1 ~ ~ r. _ J ..r * V ~.: ". ~ :J - , V :. tl Y J ! ~'1 ii l-,1 LY .v Lv`i Ji~r^.. r't. i\ t"UL 1Jr'1 t-~, itY i~tJ r+ItiuS~i-1 f~v i ~ 1 :~ ~ ri 1 :_ _ f Y'~ : .:, : v 1. r-. f ..' i., 1, t ;t ~ I t' Y 1 t1 t! 1 1i{~ ,;'~i_ht-'~ visTli..; lr+.1.~ t"UL;LIJI-1CU 1i`~ JriILJ { v ~. J t' ~~°• t3 L -~ J iJ iV T I ~ ~ i' .. l_ L ~- rS I i•v V U ti 1 '~ .~ ~1 .i~LJ/ i.. `j i.. ~Yr i ,... . 1 (-vtS~t T'I~ :T;- „.,Y l; t- rir'KL i ~~` if -~i ~ r + "tY~ PUBLIC NOTICE IPlease ba advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at Its meet- 1 In0 on the 11th day of April, 1989 at the Roanoke County Adminlslration Center In Roanoke, Vlr0lnla, at 7:00 p.m, or a5 soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, will hold a public heerln0 on the followlnp matter, to-wit: TO.SET A REAL ESTATE TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN 51.15 PER 5100 ASSESSED VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. )TO SET A PERSONAL PROP- i ERTY TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN f3.50 PER f100 ' ASSESSED VALUATION IN I ROANOKE COUNTY. ;TO SET A MACHINERY AND TOOLS TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN f3.00 PER f100 f, ASSESSED VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. Elmer C. Hod0e ( CountyAdminlstrator i (7352) i F<.u.~,`titJK~ Tit'.; 2. rvl.i{L ~vt_~iS ~~ ~tiUh1EEK - 4~32i~i ('ULLISHE~'S FEE - ~1u~.44 ~, m ~ - ~.~ " " ~ .., ~~ kIJNiJi.i~'~ ;'lvTY" uu,tihJ uF S"Ut'c~{VIJ~t<S ~73~ :sKN~9;'LETU~ Sri P rJ ~~X 2yiiDU K~A;"vuK~ VK 24C1 STHTt ~H `Jir~~I."I i:ITY Li= ~Zarrf~uKE uFFI~-iViT Lr 'ilr:LIC,HTICi+a i , (Tt;~ UtvtKS I ~ivEi~) ~~ ;~liTt-~~k IZ~u rcc~~it~E'~1,~;)Iv'~ t;r Tt-tc 3I~"tS-vrL~hLu LLx- r'Uti~iTlui~, yf~ICtt l,tittt'llti~TilJiv IS t3tJ~LiSHct<, OF THL k~1.=~'vuKc T~iLS >r v~t~KLL-~~L~S• n J~ILY ;\,E_',ySP~.N~K r'~~LIS~1E~ I~ti ~u~ryutit, Irv THE STr+T~ ~-= VZK~I~VI;a, UG CEKTIFY THHT THE ~'~;~ExLS i1uTIl,rn vrHS ~'U~iLIStiEu Itv Sr±IrJ .`'vEwSYM~'L~S U~y trrE t~uLL~wl~~a~ u~Tt:i l1 4 / ~i `t / ~ {1 i'i L n i v 1 iv v PUBLIC NOTICE 0 4/ i l l ~ 5 ~'~ : x z~ I I~`~ U Plea(e be advised that the• Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at Its meet- 1919, at the rll 25 A w I T t`d c i S, T ri I S 12TH ~ r Y a "r ~ i' R I i.. I `i o 9 , D In0 on Roanoke County Administra- 373! Brambleton fer A .._~,/,l ~ ~I/IS' L / _ fr I J / , n J ~ , tion Cen Avenue, Roanoke, VlrOinls, et fheevsnin0sesslonbeOlnnin0 7:00 D•m. will hold a Dublle ii ~ C{ V / / G IJ ~ /_r/•,C arln0 on the followln0 mat- h ---------- ----------------- i1 r,j T H i.J K L C U S I l~ ~ ~ ?i T U~ L' e ter, to-wit: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 0, "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING ARTI- " CLE 1. "IN GENERAL, SECTION 1-Z. "DEFINI- TIONS;' SECTION fl-7. "PENALTY FOR VIOLATION CHAPTER," SECTION R-1!. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH APPROVED PLANS," D ISTURB- PLAN FOR LAND D ING ACTIVITY", SECTION 5.~, "FILING FEES," BY " IN REPEALING ARTICLE I. GENERAL," SECTION a-3, "EXCEPTIONS FROM CHAP- TER"; AND BY ADOPTING A NEW SECTION 9.18(C) UN- DERARTICLE 1. "IN GENER- "FAIL- AL" SECTION fhld. URE 70 COMPLY WITH ' gpPROVED PLANS" ENTI- ' I TLEO "STOP-WORK OR- DER" All msmbers of fhe Dublle Infer- sfd In the matter set forth e n p D~ ce me snd heard st the t afsressid. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney of Roanoke County, VlrOinla (41516) ~' ~ ~. O~ QOAN ,~'co ~. ~~ o, aZ 18 ~~ 88 gFSQU1CENTENN~P~ A Beautifu/8cginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE April 24, 1989 Mr. Webb Johnson 3829 gummingbird Lane, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Johnson: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have askedu~e tro vious sservicert a the their sincere appreciation for yo p Lea ue of Older Americans. Citizeivesof themselveso and thedir g and willing to g of their community time are indeed all too scarce. 1989, This is to advise that at their meeting held on April 11, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of League of Older pme990Cans for a one-year term. Your term will expire on March 31, 1 re-elected, appointed State law provides that any person elected, body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of ou fa copyl of to any We are also sending y Act; your copy is enclosed. the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors an kshand tappreciationkforo your please accept our sincere tointment. willingness to accept this app Very truly yours, Mary De ut Clerk Roanoke County Boardyof Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Executive Director League of Older Americans 706 Campbell AVenue Roanoke, Virginia 24009 (~D1trifIJ Of RRIIMIl0~2P P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ ROAN ,~.~` ~.~ . A Z o Z a ~w 18 ~~ 88 SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ A Bcauti(ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE April 13, 1989 Rev. Tom Jones Fort Lewis Baptist Church Route 1 Salem, Virginia 24153 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Reverend Jones: I would like to take this On behalf of the Board of Supervisors~reciation for your opportunity to let you know of ourAaPPl 11, 1989, to offer the attending the meeting on Tuesday, P invocation. these We feel it is most important meetings so that all is done good of all citizens. Thank you again for to ask God's blessing on according to His will and for the sharing your time with us. Very truly yours, Q Le arrett, Chairman Ro noke County Board of Supervisors bjh (~n~tn~~ of ~vttnnk~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 F~ AN,~.~ ~. ~~ Z z a 18 ~.~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauti~ulBcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nunfg of ~Rnttnnke BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ms. Martha Ferrell 6213 Nell Circle Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Ferrell: April 13, 1989 24019 LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 1989, the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Roanoke County Schools Food Service Chapter for a raffle permit for May 5, 1989. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premiseh t r ffle andfbingo permits be issued The State Code provides t on a calendar-year basis; ermitf ohowevere Ps only valid fo r the December 31, 1989. Thl`s lication. dates specified on your app If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2004. Very truly yours, ~• Mary H. Allen, Roanoke County bjh Enclosures CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer Deputy Clerk Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 O~ POANpy-F a P ti p Z G7 ~ 2 v a 8 E50 $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ 1 Btauti~ul8t~imm~~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C HODGE .~:ND ~:Ja ~a I'~LS MAv~S`F RIAL DISTRACT RICHARD W ROBERS VICE-CHAIRMAN C:AVr ~~'RIN , MAG~STE RIAL D15T RfCT Ap r i 1 12 , 19 8 9 BoB L JOHNSON ~-~JL~I~'v5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAw ~-AT 4lY E3A MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT County Primary and Secondary HARRVc.NICKENs -,^~ i()N MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Fund (Revenue Sharing Program) Fiscal Year 1989-90 County of Roanoke Mr. Gerald E. Fisher State Secondary Roads Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Mr. Fisher: The County of Roanoke, Virginia, indicates by this letter its official intent to participate in the "Revenue Sharing Program" for Fiscal Year 1989-90, pursuant to the provisions of 33.1-75.1 of the Code of Virginia. The County will provide dol1ar00for$doOla00basismfromffunds1ofptherStateoobeVirginia,on a The County will work with our VDOT Resident Engineer to develop and submit by May 15, 1989, a list of the improvement projects to be undertaken with these funds. The County also understands that the program will be reduced on a pro-rata basis if more than $5,000,000 of state funds is requested statewide. Your assistance in having Roanoke County's request considered will be appreciated. G2~C.~,(/D~ Mr. rrett Chairman, Board of Supervisors pc: Mr. Fred Altizer Resident Engineer C~n~znt~ of ~nttnnke BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN Since ,ly, -~-~--~ ee Ga F'C> E3OX 2yE300 ~ f1C)AfV<>KL_ VIF~GINIA ~~401F3 079E3 (7<)~;> 772 200-7 ~ POANpf. O F .> « L ti p Z ~ 2 ~ ~ `a 18 .E50 88 s~SpV~CENTENN~P~' 1 R~au~i~u18<~Lmin~ C~nixnt~ of ~uttnnke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER c "°DGE April 12, 1989 Ms. Ann E. Weaver Executive Director Clean Valley Council P. 0. Box 3320 Roanoke, Va. 24015 Dear Ms. Weaver: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN _ai~°.~ Corr i n~L, r.,...~,~, ~,.~..~ ~ ~_.'...~. ; RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVF SPRING MAGISTERIAL DIST RiCT Boe L JOHNSON ~i~)L LINS MAGIS TE.R IA ~. L'~ -RIC.T STEVEN A MCGRAW C.A Tq WfiA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN T~JN MAGIti TL RIA~ D',S TRI(~T I have discussed with Mr. Robers the possibility of his continuing to serve on the Clean Valley Council in an inactive capacity so that the Board of Supervisors may continue to be informed of your activities. He is agreeable to serving another term as a representative of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. I also discussed with him your suggestion that the Board of Supervisors appoint another county resident to serve as an active member representing Roanoke County. He agreed to that suggestion also. Therefore, on the May agenda for the Board of Supervisors, I will request that the Board of Supervisors appoint Mr. Robers to serve another term as an inactive member of the Clean Valley Council and will request that the Board appoint another Roanoke County resident to serve as an active member. Both terms will begirt July 1, 1989. I will contact you when these appointments are made. Sincerely, ,Y~?(:~ , ~ ~, ~, ~ ~. Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Supervisor Richard Robers F'<) f3OX ~'~3f300 flO!~N(~KE- VIf~GINIA ~4C>lf-1 <)7~3f3 ~ (70;x) 772. 2004 -~-~"; -~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BOND FINANCING BY THE COUNTY O.F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sections 15.1-17.1.1 and 15.1-504, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, on the issuance of not to exceed $464,126.74 general obligation school bonds (the "Bonds") of the County to finance the purchase of equipment for school purposes. A resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds will be considered by the Board of County Supervisors at its meeting on April 11, 1989. A copy of such resolution is on file in the office of the County Administrator in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The public hearing, which may be continued or adjourned, will be held at 3:00 o'clock p.m. on April 11, 1989, before the Board of County Supervisors, in the Board of County Supervisors Meeting Room, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, in Roanoke, Virginia. Publish on the Following Dates: March 28, 1989 _ April 4, 1989 Morning and Evening Editions Bill Cost of Publication: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. .Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 t _~ i ~ ~ .r PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised. that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at its meeting on the 11th day of April, 1989 at the Roanoke County Administration Center in Roanoke, Virginia, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be 'neard, will hold a public hearing on the following matter, to-wit: TO SET A REAL ESTATE TAX RAIL OF -.~1O'I' MORE THAN $1.15 PER $100 ASSESSID VALUATION IN ROANOKE (~UN'I'Y. TO SET A PERSONAL PROPER`T'Y TAX RATE OF [~dr MORE THAN $3.50 PER $100 ASSESSID VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUbTI'Y. TO SET A Mp,CHINERY AND TOOTS TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN $3.00 PER $100 .ASSESSID VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUN'T'Y. ~ ~~ ~` ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Publish on the Following Dates: March 28, 1989 April 4, 1989 _ Morning and Evening Editions Bill Cost of Publication: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The County of Roanoke proposes to increase property tax levies. 1. Assessment Increase: Total assessed value of real property, excluding additional assessments due to new construction or improvements to property by 5.0 percent. ~• Lowered Rate Necessary to Offset Increased Assessment: The tax rate which would levy the same amount of real estate tax as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of real estate with the exclusions mentioned above, would be $1.09 per $100 of assessed value. This rate will be known as the "lowered tax rate." 3. Effective Rate Increase: The County of Roanoke proposes to adopt a tax rate of $1.15 per $100 of assessed value. The difference between the lowered tax rate and the proposed rate would be $0.06 per $100, or 5.0 percent. This difference will be known as the effective tax rate increase." Individual property taxes may, however, increase at a percentage greater than or less than the above percentage. A public hearing on the increase will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Such notice shall be at least the size of one-eighth page of a standard size or a tabloid size newspaper, and the headline in the advertisement shall be in a type no smaller than lg-point. The notice shall not be placed in that portion, if any, of the newspaper reserved for legal notices and classified advertisements. To be published on April 4, 1989, morning and evening editions. Bill cost of publication to: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 ~ ~ ~__ ~' /_ - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BOND FINANCIIS BY THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sections 15.1-171.1 and 15.1-504, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, on the issuance of not to exceed $174,432.13 general obligation school bonds (the "Bonds") of the County to finance the purchase of equipment through the Governor's Educational Technology Initiative Procurement and Financing Program for school purposes. A resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds will be considered by the Board of County Supervisors at its meeting on April 11, 1989. A copy of such resolution is on file in the office of the County Administrator in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The public hearing, which may be continued or adjourned, will be held at 3:00 o'clock p.m. on April 11, 1989, before the Board of County Supervisors, in the Board of County Supervisors Meeting Roam, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, in Roanoke, Virginia. Publish on the Following Dates: March 28. 1989 April 4, 1989 Nbrning and Evening Edition Bill Cost of Publication: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 .~ ,~! ~ --°G~"''~ ~ ~ ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OTHEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT MEETING DATE: March 28, 1989 ' SUBJECT: Funding Priority, Secondary Highways Six Year Construction Plan ~~! ~ td~' ~f "'~r ~ ~ ' /~ ~ ~,. ~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: °,,,~ . OF INFORMATION : ~~~% SUMMARY ~3~ As a requirement of VDOT Policy theallocation~to ea..-- of Supervisors must prioritize the funding project within the Six Year Secondary Road Construction Plan. Attached for the Board's Review is a copy of the suggested priority list from VDOT and County Staff. The tabulation f provides data from the 1988-94 Secondary Road Construction Plan ~_ through the projected 1989-90 ;;Funding and also includes recommended funding and priority for 1989-90. The proposed shifting of funds is to meet VDOT requirementfornconstructgon. projects and to fund projects that are ready After due noticeommentsafromethe publicdontthePproposed Hearing to receive the c funding priorities. At the conclusion of the foblSecondaryg the Board should approve a final funding priority Highway Construction in Roanoke County for 1989-90. Staff would request the Board of Suchanlesrthat the suggested priority list, recommend any g be addressed and schedule the public hearing. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funds are involved. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board a Public Hearing Date of April 25, 1989 priorities for the Secondary Highway Six for 1989-90. review need to of Supervisors establish to recommend funding Year Construction Plan SUBMITTED BY: ~~~J~C Phillip T. Henry, P.E. Director Engineering APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To 2 Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers O~ (iOANp~.~ ~ ,A Z A J a 18 '~°~~ 88 S~SaV~CENTENN~P~ A Btauti~u/Btginnirtg DIANE D. HYATT. CPA DIRECTOR March 23, 1989 Ms. Martha Plank Roanoke Times and World-. 201-209 Campbell Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Dear Ms. Plank: -~ t <-? r~ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Please publish the enclosed notice, March 28, 1989 and April 4, 1989 in both the morning and evening editions. Bill the cost of publication to: County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors n- 0. Box 29800 '' -~*~ pia 24018-0798 Sincerely, ~j~~ ~•G~~` ~~ ~. ~ U~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Fi DDH:=' Enclc ~~~ cam, .~~ ;a,, °~--yLJ '~// ~~ ,~. ~r~~.~_ ~i11i2ifLJ L1~ ~II~tYiII~P IYlc,~r~~ AI~aR ~~~ '~ -~ s,~-hc,•,'. ~ an o r rl ~ ..c,,~ ~~~?.. r.v. ov.. ~.~,~..._ .. _ 72-2023 O~ ROANO~ / F ~! ~ ~ ~ ~' Z C~~~trt~ ~~ ~~~~~~.~ a~ - ~ rasa RETA R. BU9HER. CPA DIRECTOR March 23, 1989 Ms. Martha Plank Roanoke Times and World News 201-209 CamLobell Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Dear Ms. Plank: MANAGEMENT Es BUDGET Please publish the enclosed public notice, March 28, 1989 and April 4, 1989 in both the morning and evening editions. Bill the cost of publication to: County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors P. ~. BOX 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Sincerely, ® ~. Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget RRB:jls Enclosure P. O. BOX 3800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24015 (703) 772-2021 o~ aon/vo~.~ .« ; Z ~~ v a ;Y 1$ u~ 8$ sFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautifu/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nixn~~ ~f ~vttnnke Mr. B. W. Sumpter District Engineer Virginia Department P. 0. Box 3071 March 27, 1989 of Transportation Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Sumpter: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT On March 9, 1989, I wrote to you confirming that you would make a presentation on the connection road between Virginia Tech and the Roanoke Valley to the Board of Supervisors at their April 11th meeting. Several budget work sessions have been scheduled for that meeting date, and Board Chairman Lee Garrett has requested that this presentation be postponed until after the Board of Supervisors completes the budget process. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I appreciate your willingness to meet with them, and will contact you after the budget process is complete so we can reschedule a mutually agreeable date in the future. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Lee Garrett, Chairman, Board of Supervisors Board Reading File P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2004 O~ F1DAN0~ F ~ ~ L ~~ A Z o v a 1$ ~~~ $$ SFSCUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauti ful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELM ER C. HODGE ~II~n~L,~j II~ ~~~iYiD~2P Mr. B. W. Sumpter District Engineering Virginia Department P. 0. Box 3071 March 9, 1989 of Transportation Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Sumpter: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. R08ERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT B08 L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT In your letter of February 14, 1989 to Mr. Garrett you stated that you would be willing to make a presentation to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors regarding the possibility of a connecting road between VPI&SU and the Roanoke Valley. During our telephone conversation on March 7th, we tentatively agreed that you would make that presentation on April 11, 1989. This date is agreeable with Board Chairman Lee Garrett. Therefore, we look forward to your presentation at the Board of Supervisors meeting on April 11, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. I will contact you the week prior to that date to confirm and establish the amount of time you will need to make your presentation. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Lee Garrett, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Board Reading File P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 ~`'~ d~.~~r~~ 7~ , '~~ ~~ ~{ *m~~`~~r ,.< CI®M1~®1lT~VEALTI~ of VgR~IN~A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAY D. PETHTEL P• O. BOX 3071 3B~ S37 COMMISSIONER SALEM, 24153 B. W. SUMPTER February 14, 1989 DISTgICT ENGINEER Request. for Public Information Meeting Project. 6460-060-118,PE-100 Montgomery County Mr. Lee Garrett., Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P- n. Rox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Garrett: I enjoyed my telephone conversation with you yesterday concerning your letter of February 7, 1989, requesting a public information meeting t.o be held in the Roanoke Valley regarding the Route 460 Corridor Study, I understand the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors' interest. in-this project and its interest. in a direct connection between Va. Tech and the Roanoke Valley. I believe you understood my explanation of the difficulties which we would have in providing an additional public information meeting in this area on a project, the limits of which are basically confined to Montgomery County. As T ~~-ni.~ined to you, I would b' most harpy t_o meet. ;•?ith you and the Board mer - ,-~ .~..;:;,-~ short prE t~ attend t.o go over a you so de Q / ~ ~ ~ ry County if and the - ~~~~ e consultants available ~tion meeting not. only uld probably a presen ~ much time in you with - t can provide let me kr you ~~i11 dust ~ Alsc a simile our pub: them the bodies the Boa: the publ in doing C l~~~-~zr~ i:~z~z~ s~~--tee msultant .make sors prior t.o 1989 and give ious governing desirable and attend one of ~~.~ ~-)were interested `~,.~av~,~~ boX~o-~,~- ~~ TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Mr. Lee Garrett. February 14, 1989 Page 2 Thank you very much for calling this to our attention and we will certainly be happy to work with you in any way that we can. Sincerely, r/~~~-l B. W. Sumpter " District Engineer Bv~rci : ~itr~ - c: Honorable Steve Musselwhite Mr. J. S. Hodge, Chief Engineer Mr. Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Members, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mr. Mike Todd Mr. J. D. Brugh Mr. F. C. Altizer, Jr. P'p# ~~ yd JOHN LAMBERT ASSOCIATES 1010 DOMINION BANK BUILDING, 213 S JEFFERSON STREET ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24011-1714 John Lambert T0: Lee Garrett DATE: February 2, 1989 Lee Garrett, It would be to our advantage if the Transportation Department would have a public information meeting about the road connecting Virginia Tech and the Roanoke Valley here in the Roanoke Valley. I have enclosed a draft of a letter requesting such a meeting: Please feel free to make any changes and have it typed on your letterhead. Call me if you have any questions. A copy should be mailed to Steve Musselwhite at: Musselwhite and Associates 4246 Starkey Road Suite #1 Tanglewood Professional Center Roanoke, Virginia 24014 Thank you. ~ ~ r- ~ ~' 9~c ~~ ~3 Su •~- 0' T G ~ RE Fv~ I'~~~vQ' Y~`Le. s/s8 ~, o~ POAIVp~~ ~ ,~ P Z Z J a 18 E50~ 88 SFSQUICEN7ENN~P A Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE February 7, 1989 Mr. B. W. Sumpter District Engineer Department of Transportation p, 0:~ Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Sumpter: I am writing to request that a public held in the Roanoke Valley for the Route LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON NOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT information meeting be 460 Corridor Study. As you know, the Roanoke Count oB betweenSVirginiasTech andcthe as supporting a direct connec Roanoke Valley . Since this project i s so import f i tforha people of the Roanoke Valley, it would be most help meeting to be held here. . Thank you for your consideration. Since ely, - _' Lee Garrett, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LG/bjh cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Steve Musselwhite C~oixn~~ of ~o~tnnk~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX ?_9800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703) X72-2004 February 3, 1989 Mr. B. W. Sumpter District Engineer Department of Transportation Post Office Box 3071 Salem,Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Sumpter: I am writing to request that a public information meeting be held in the Roanoke Valley for the Route 460 Corridor Study. As you know, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is on record as supporting a direct connection between Virginia Tech and the Roanoke Valley. Since this pro~ecitiwould be important to the people of the Roanoke Valle , most helpful for a meeting to be held here. Thank you for your consideration. Lee Garrett Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors c: Steve Musselwhite ~ r t .i , o~ POANp,S-F a ~ ti 9 2 G~ ~ 2 J a 18 E50 88 SFSQVICENTENN~P~ A Bcnuri~ull3e~inning C~n~tnt~ of ~vttnvk~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE February 7, 1989 Mr. B. W. Sumpter District Engineer Department of Transportation P. O. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Sumpter: LEE GARRETT. CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C.NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT I am writing to request that a public information meeting be held in the Roanoke Valley for the Route 460 Corridor Study. As you know, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is on record as supporting a direct connection between Virginia Tech and the Roanoke Valley. Since this project is so important to the people of the Roanoke Valley, it would be most helpful for a meeting to be held here. Thank you for your consideration. Since ely, Lee Garrett, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LG/bjh cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Steve Musselwhite P.O BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004