HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/20/1990 - Regular AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY , VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE HOLIDAY INN-TANGLEWOOD ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1990 RESOLUTION 12190-1 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Eddy, Robers NAYS: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TE5T: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: File Executive Session File A N ~. F ~ p .~ 18 ,.~ 88 aFSCU1CENTENN~P~ .4 B[AMh,Y1BrRI MIng C~auntg of +_Rnttnnkr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' RETREAT JANUARY 20-21, 1990 HOLIDAY INN-TANGLEWOOD AMENDED ACTION AGENDA SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 199.0 A. MYERS-BRIGGS TEST (8:10 - 11:10 A.M.) B. REVIEW OF PRIORITIES SET AT JULY 1989 RETREAT Dealing With Citizens nu-aM~~ca cmr i ~~9~8~9 - REQUESTED AN AUDIT ON RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS - CONTACT BY LETTER OR PHONE CALL TO 5 OR 6 CITIZENS PER MONTH AS FOLLOWUP - SAM REQUESTED TOUGHER APPROACH TO ZONING COMPLAINTS (JUNKED CARS, ETC) - BLJ SUGGESTED CROSS-TRAINING PLANNING STAFF TO ENFORCE VIOLATIONS Communications - POLICY STATEMENTS SHOULD BE MADE ONLY BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - CONTINUE EFFORTS AT COMMUNICATION WITH CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. ROANOKE COUNTY TODAY: - LBE REQUESTED CITIZEN SURVEY ON READERSHIP - NO CONSENSUS - BOARD CONSENSUS THAT NEWSLETTERS NEEDS TO BE MORE TIMELY, INFORMATIVE AND BETTER DISTRIBUTED. - CONTENT: NEED MORE INFORMATIVE TOPICS - HOW TO APPEAL ASSESSMENTS, HOW TO APPLY FOR FREEZING OF TAXES, ARTICLES ON DEPARTMENTS AND HOW THEY SERVE THE PUBLIC; SPECIAL YEARLY ARTICLES, I.E. BUDGET ARTICLE IN MARCH, PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IN APRIL, ASSESSMENT ARTICLE IN JANUARY, SCHOOLS ARTICLE IN AUGUST - MORE INFORMATION ON UPCOMING BOARD ISSUES AND RECENT BOARD ISSUES - PRESENT BOTH SIDES OF AN ISSUE 3 - DIRECTED ECH TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS ON MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH ALL NEIGHBORING LOCALITIES INCLUDING ADJACENT COUNTIES WITH AUTOMATIC RESPONSE FROM THE CLOSEST STATION. -HCN ASKED FOR REPORT ON HOW MANY TIMES ROANOKE CITY HAS COME INTO ROANOKE COUNTY ON CALLS. Utility Fees - ECH TO SET UP MEETING WITH JOHN HUBBARD, CLIFF CRAIG AND LEE EDDY TO DISCUSS AND REVIEW CONNECTION FEES. Budget - BOARD CONSENSUS THAT REVENUE PROJECTIONS SHOULD BE REALISTIC AND ONLY 1$ TO 2$ VARIANCE IN PROJECTIONS AND BOARD SHOULD MAKE DECISION ON WHERE SURPLUS SHOULD GO. - Capital Improvements: ECH WILL PREPARE A LIST OF CAPITAL NEEDS TO INCLUDE AS PART OF BUDGET PROCESS. - Salaries: SAM, BLJ RECOMMENDED INCREASED SALARIES FOR ALL SCHOOL AND COUNTY EMPLOYEES. - BOARD MEMBERS ASKED FOR TURNOVER/ATTRITION RATE OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS. - RWR RECOMMENDED JOINING A PPO TO SAVE ON HEALTHCARE COSTS. - LBE RECOMMENDED STUDY OF EFFICIENCIES AND ECONOMIES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY. MADE RECOMMENDATIONS ON IMPROVING BUDGET FORMS. Supervisors Meeting Facilities and Procedures - LBE PRESENTED RECOMMENDATION FOR MOVING BOARD MEMBERS TO FLOOR AND CHANGING SEATING ARRANGEMENTS FOR STAFF, PODIUM, ETC. - STAFF TO STUDY AND BRING BACK POSSIBLE DESIGN AT MINIMAL COST. - LBE SUGGESTED ROTATING SEATING AND VOTING - NO CONSENSUS - LBE REQUESTED THAT MINUTES BE BROUGHT UP TO DATE. MHA WILL MAKE EFFORT TO CATCH UP WITHIN NEXT THREE MONTHS. ECH ADVISED ADDITIONAL STAFF WILL BE HIRED IF NECESSARY. - BOARD MEMBERS DIRECTED THAT FOR A 3-MONTH TRIAL PERIOD, ONLY THREE ASSISTANTS, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, CLERK, PIO, AND THOSE PRESENTING REPORTS ATTEND MEETINGS. STAFF FROM OTHER BUILDINGS MAY ATTEND IF NEEDED FOR BACKGROUND INFO, STAFF AT RCAC SHOULD NOT ATTEND BUT BE IN OFFICE ON STANDBY FOR BACKGROUND INFO D. RECESS TO SUNDAY JANUARY 21 1990 5:09 P.M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1990 4 A. RECONVENE AT 1:15 P.M. B. BUDGET DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE BUDGET SESSIONS - BLJ: HOW MUCH ADDITIONAL FUNDS COULD BE RAISED BY INCREASING UTILITY TAX? - RWR: HOW MUCH INCOME HAS BEEN GENERATED BY THE ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE IN TREASURER'S OFFICE AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES IN COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE'S OFFICE - BLJ: HOW MUCH DOES THE SCHOOLS HAVE UNSPENT IN THEIR CAPITAL ACCOUNT. - HCN: HOW MUCH COULD BE SAVED BY ROANORE CITY FUNDING THEIR SHARE OF THE PARRS AND RECREATION THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM? - LBE: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO FUND THE LEAF VACUUM PROGRAM. - LBE AND SAM: INCLUDE BOTH AN ADDBACR AND CUTBACK LIST FROM DEPT. HEADS, I.E. WHAT COULD DEPARTMENT CUT BACK IN ORDER TO ADD PROGRAMS, PEOPLE, EQUIPMENT, ETC. - SAM: INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITIES OF CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR VARIOUS PROGRAMS, PROJECTS, I.E. PARRS AND RECREATION - BOARD: CONTINUED STUDY OF CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES WITH SCHOOLS, I.E. FINANCE, PERSONNEL, FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, ETC. PRIORITIES ESTABLISHED BY BOARD AND STAFF A. ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY 1. Landfill 2. Recycling B. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 1. Spring Hollow Reservoir 2. Major Maintenance 3. Asbestos 4. Drainage 5. Equipment Replacement C. BUDGET 1. Economies 2. Efficiencies 3. Employee Salaries D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5 E. EMERGENCY SERVICES 1. Police Department 2. Fire Department 3. Rescue Executive Session BLJ MOTION AT 3:05 P.M. TO DISCUSS LEGAL, CONSOLIDATION, AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO WEST COUNTY, GLENVAR AND SALEM AYES-BLJ,SAM,LBE,RWR NAYS-HCN Certification of Executive Session SAM MOTION AT 3:35 P.M. - URC Executive Session (Not Held) HCN MOTION TO DISCUSS LEGAL, CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT - DENIED AYES-HCN,BLJ NAYS-SAM,RWR,LBE Consolidation Discussion DISCUSSION ON IMPACT OF TURNING OVER AGREEMENT TO CITIZENS COMMITTEE. DISCUSSION ON CHANGES THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY CAN MARE AND WHAT OPTIONS ROANORE COUNTY WOULD HAVE AT THAT TIME. BOARD MEMBERS WILL SEND IN SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ON AGREEMENT THROUGH THE DICTATION EQUIPMENT. RESPONSES WILL GO TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS. Adjournment at 4:30 P.M. ~Y~,a,~ C.Q,eti.- A G E N D A Board of Supervisors' Retreat January 20-21, 1990 Holiday Inn-Tanglewood JANUARY 20 8 a.m. to noon 1. Discuss results of Myers-Briggs tests -- Diana Trent, Employee Development Coordinator for the City of Lynchburg 1 p.m. 2. Review priorities set at July, 1989 retreat (see Attachment A) 2 p.m. 3. Topics suggested by Supervisors for this retreat: A. Consolidation B. Roanoke County Resource Authority C. Spring Hollow Reservoir D. New regional landfill E. Recycling F. Stormwater management G. Police Department H. Fire and Rescue Department I. Utility fees J. User fee study K. Long-range economic development goals -- 75/25 policy L. Budget process M. Set goals of a 1 per cent variance in total budget and a 2 per cent variance in any one subcategory of the budget N. Capital improvement program O. Economic/budget considerations P. Employee/teacher salaries Q. Supervisors' meeting facilities and procedures JANUARY 21 8 a.m. Continuation of issues remaining from #3 above Noon: lunch - members of the "management team" will join us 1 p.m. 4. Review of 1990-91 revenue projections and major budget expendi- tures -- Elmer Hodge and Diane Hyatt 5. Setting of work priorities for 1990 by Board and staff Board of Supervisors Retreat ~~~~/~~~- July 28, 1989 A G E N D A I. PRIORITIES A. Consolidation/Grayson Commission B. Landfill siting 1. Part A application 2. Acquisition of land 3. Smith Gap access road feasibility study 4. Recycling C. Economic Development 1. Valleypointe 2. Southwest Industrial Park 3. Comprehensive rezoning 4. Tweeds site 5. Joint projects with City, Botetourt 6. Peters Creek Road Extension D. New .Zoning Ordinance 1. Signs 2. Rural development 3. Commercial development 4. Comprehensive rezoning of County (see I.C.3) E. Reservoir F. Budget/Fee Study II. COORDINATION WITH BOARDS/COMMISSIONS A. Planning Commission 1. (see I.D. issues above) B. School Board C. Constitutional Officers D. Board of Zoning Appeals 1. Mahoney and Harrington will conduct "class" in September E. Board of Equalization 1. Appointment by Circuit Court by November/December III. STAFF WORK LOAD IV . CONSENSUS `OR-_=WDRR PLAN V. UPDATE ON 1985 BOND PROJECTS VI. EVALUATION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY ATTORNEY ~~~ ~ ~. Mr. Hodge: Listed below are concerns and direction expressed by the Board of Supervisors at their retreat on Friday, July 27, 1989 _RECOGNITION OF BUSINESSES WHO REFRAIN FROM USING NONBIOGRADABLE CONTAINERS' Requested by Dick Robers DRAINAGE: - Step by step explanation of the way problem will be resolved. - Keep deadlines given to citizens or get back to them with new dates. - Follow up with citizens on whether problem was resolved. - Overall better followup DEALING WITH CITIZENS - Given citizens steps they may take (ex. BZA, Circuit Court) - Give realistic dates on when problem may be solved. - Need better telephone courtesy when dealing with citizens and more willingness to help them solve problems. COMMUNICATIONS - Better comunications with citizens by COunty staff - Keep all Board members informed of actions, problems, upcoming board reports. - Possible Use of ROANOKE COUNTY TODAY to explain how VDOT handles roads into secondary system, rural addition, priority listings, and other programs such as drainage, taxes work. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Followup by telephone or letter with those companies who attended Northern Virginia Day. - Telephone calls to other areas asking for possible interest to locate in Roanoke County. - Requested a monthly or quarterly report from Regional Partnership and Convention Bureau on what specific steps were taken to aid economic development in County (How our money is being spent!) - Overall agreement that marketing and public relations should be the main focus of our economic development effort. MISCELLANEOUS REQUESTS - Update of Cresthill drainage problems (from Lee Garrett) - Report on options for the new Peters Creek Road - Bring them a list of all possible User Fees I~'~~~~us~~.~„f " lTk - Better commuication-with important committees and Constitutional officers: Suggestions: Dinner with each once a year, introduction of new members at a Board meeting. OVERALL PRIORITIES AGREED UPON CONSOLIDATION - Begin formulating information plan COMMUNICATION - Between ECH and board members - Between staff and public - Better telephone courtesy - Better handling of citizen complaints ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - More marketing and public relations efforts - Develop marketing strategy - Marketing Roanoke COunty is more important than sites 8-~- ~-~ ' J ~L A N ,~. F ti 9 2 ~ ~ 2 J a 18 '~ 88 $ESQUICENTEHN~' A Bcauti~u/Bcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE TO: FROM: DATE: January 2, 199 LEE GARRETT CHAIRMAN WINDSOR RILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W ROBERS. VICE~CHAIRMAN GAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON MOLUNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C NICKENS VIN TON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT For the past two years, we have achieved a surplus in our budget for Roanoke County. In fact, in certain categories or subcategories of this year's budget, we were 15°s to the good. On its face, this would appear to be notable; however, it is far better management practice to have a budget that more accurately portrays the expected income and expenditures. With more accurate projections of income and expenses, we, as a board, can better plan for the year ahead. Sound financial planning can only be accomplished when correct data is supplied for our evaluation. I believe that as a board, we should set a goal of having no more than a 1% plus or minus variance in the budget and no more than a 2% plus or minus variance in any one subcategory of the budget. Further, I believe this is the criteria upon which we should judge the performance of those associated with preparing the budget. I welcome any suggestions or comments you might have so that we might resolve this issue prior to working on this coming year's budget. RWR/bjh Lnttnfg of zRnttnnkr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS M E M O RAN D U M Members, Board of Supervisors ~E mer Hodge Y° R. W. Robers P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2004 AN ~. ~. Z a 8 isa $$ aESQU1CENTENN~P~ A Bcauti~ulBcginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE TO: FROM: DATE: C~mmty of ~nttnnl;r BOARD OF SUPERVISORS M E M O RAN D U M Members, Board of Supervisors LEE GARRETT CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W R08ER5. VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ~ ETmer Hodge A. McGraw CC'~~r~'~'~-~-c~/`-~ Steven December 31, 1989 SUBJECT: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RETREAT It is my preference to meet at the Holiday Inn Hotel Tanglewood or as a second choice, Hollins College, for our retreat, the weekend of January 20, and 21, 1990. I see no need for a facilitator and have no objection to the Myers-Briggs testing at the beginning of the meeting. The subject matter that I see it necessary to be discussed will include the following issues: '~colisoTidati~on,~'~.andfi3~ L~eserva~rs, rec Oing't:ount _employee-_and-_teacher salaries; staffing of fire Y sand rescue epartment Vocations and policies in regard to response throughout" the Roanoke Valley, that is existing agreements and potential amendments or adjustments to existing agreements, hiring and staffing of the new county police department by July 1, 1990, and long-range economic development goals of the County in regard to the 75/25 policy. SAM/bjh P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 MEMO - 12/28/89 To: Elmer Hodge ~ /^ From: Lee B. Eddy /~ Subject: Agenda for Supervisor Retreat As discussed on 12/27/89 the following subjects are suggested for the retreat. The order of listing does not necessarily reflect priorities. I recommend that a definite time period be allocated for each major subject. 1. Spring Hollow Reservoir: a. Current Status b. Funding c. Construction Schedule d. Relation to Consolidation 2. Utility Fees: a. Water Connection Fees b. Sewer Connection Fees c. Funding for Future Projects d. Effects on Economic Development 3. Roanoke County Resource Authority: a. Schedule for Landfill Permits and Development b. Funding for Landfill Development c. Access Road d. Relationship with Roanoke, Vinton, Salem e. Impact of Consolidation 4. Recycling: a. Current Status b. Alternatives c. Compliance with State Requirements 5. Storm Water Management: a. Nature and Scope of the Problem b. Current Levels of Improvement c. Stream Flooding d. Alternatives 6. Budget Process: a. Input Information from Departments b. Target Level for Taxes c. Expansion/Contraction of Various County Operations d. Format for Budget Document 7. Economic/Budget Considerations: a. Effects from State Budget Shortfalls b. Biennial Assessments c. Eliminate Position of Public Information Officer d. Reduce Staffing Levels e. Improve Staff Productivity f. Reduce Paperwork g. Reduce/Eliminate Cellular Phones 8. User Fee Study: a. Current Status b. Potential Changes in Existing Fees c. Effect on 1990-91 Budget 9. Capital Improvement Program: a. Current Status b. Need/Desire for Change/Improvement 10. Board Meeting Facilities and Procedures: a. Modify Seating Arrangements b. Alternate Sequence of Seating and Voting c. Bring Minutes Up to Date. 11. Consolidation Charter and Agreement 12. Other Subjects by Supervisors/Administrator Please call with any questions. 1 F s m x m ~ cI ~ i'F _,m __~ m oIo M O O FIm !. mIti ~ d ~ ~ O m~rn Y '_+, a F m .--~ 2 bl v o' I a ~ I i Z OFC .-+ 1 ...1 c rn I IZ-I I \ i IO OOi 1 m Im oe I I F t 1 1 O i+ n I in U 1 b ii N I i I 1 1 1 l4+ 1 im rn 1 C7 1 ~ 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 l li' a 1 i'~ 00 1 ', F \ 1 V m !i W 1 W I F \ I U a~ 1 ;i ao 1 I~ 1 I~ ~ ~ m 1 f-~ \ 1 U b 1 OO 1 1 ~ 00 .F \ 1 U Is+ 1 li m t O V I~ it ]s1 ,y 1~ y I o ~ S Z olo oo!oooloo ~lo oo ooe i to o~0 000 0 0 000 0 .es to 1 +aa ono o io 0 0l o blo I 0,o a o:o a oi.r. o vs~.-. 1 I _ _ 1 _ O O O '.ea O O 1~ -.1 ~..--. ~ i~ r. 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A A A A A A N OD VI "~ 1 O ~ yp-~ V M y~ ~ v y r p, A 0~ -~ D W N P O O N O ~ r W O N ~ m m m m m m W A A A A A A 00 VI ^+ `O T C 1 i m m D C r .. c a r r D m -+ z .. ~ 0 z a y Z v O D 0 y H `/~ V~ d Z Ir 1 COMPARISON OF USER CHARGES, FEES AND PROCEDURES JANUARY 31, 1989 Pzepared by: Robinsoa, Fazmer, Coz Associates 2550 Professional Road Richmond, Virginia 23235 Telephone: 804-323-16b6 .rte ~~~~=,- ~_~ ~~. ~~ ~ , ~~ ~~~ ~~ 4 1=.r. _ ~~~~ - _- _, - . ~;,~ ~~; _- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Letter of Transmittal ........................................................ 1 Summary Sheet - Number of Customers and Service Costs ........................ 2 Comparison of User Charges, Fees and Procedures - Detail ..................... 3-10 GRAPHS: Number of Study Participants - Grouped by Number of Customers .............. 11 Cost of Water & Sewer Service - Grouped by Number of Customers ............ 12 ROBIYSON• FARMER. COQ ASSOCIATES A PROPESliO\AL CORPORATION CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOU~iTA.ITS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To the Users of this Study: We have assembled the enclosed comparative information of user charges, fees and procedures as of January 31, 1989. It has been prepared for use at the Public Works and Utilities Planning, Financing, Management, and Accounting Trends and Issues seminaz sponsored by Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates on February 2, 1989. The format of this report has been based on a design of a similar report issued by the Prince William County Service Authority on September 22, 1987. Information was gathered by written request to towns, cities, and service authorities in the Commonwealth of Virginia as well as out-of•state jurisdictions that responded to the Prince William County study. The information was reviewed for consistency and followup telephone calls were made when deemed appropriate. Not all the data was verified and there may be inaccuracies due an incorrect interpretation of the data requested or the response given. We would appreciate any comments, corrections or suggestions that you might have. Very truly yours, (lvlrrrtfo~t. {-a~mti. ~mc~.:uociatr; January 31, 1989 1 COlO'ARISON OF USER CHARGES, FEES AND PROCEDURES SUMIARY SHEET - / OF CUSZOl~7tS AND SERVICE COSTS AS OF: JANUARY ]1, 1989 COST OF COST OF ACCOUNTS VATER SEWER CO?0)I.`JED 1 ALHENARLE CO SA VA 7,700 200.00 132.00 352.00 2 ALEXANDRIA CITY VA 33,000 133.62 90.36 213.98 3 ALEXANDRIA SAN RUTH VA 21,100 - 111.60 - t ALTAVISTA TOWX VA 1,191 107.72 68.00 173.72 3 AlgLIA COUNTY VA 251 - 162.00 162.00 6 AI~ST COVNTY VA x,683 123.66 113.99 269.63 7 ARLINGTON COUNZY VA ]1,300 83.20 It2.t0 223.60 8 ASHEHORO CITY XC 9,500 92.26 92.26 181.32 9 ASHLAND TOWN 0A 1,563 176.00 176.00 332.00 10 BEDFORD CZTY VA 2,710 •106.10 181.00 287.10 11 HLACTSSURG CITY VA 5,730 127.20 156.00 28].20 12 DRISTOL CITY VA 3,200 128.00 172.00 300.00 13 CAl~HE'a.L CO SA YA 6,100 129.60 120.00 219.60 it CAARLTSVLE CITY VA 11,000 lts.88 125.70 270.58 1S CHESTERFLD COUNTY VA 32,808 130.88 200.31 331.22 16 COL. BEACH TOWN VA 2,980 133.00 135.00 270.00 17 DANVILLE CITY VA 19,000 126.00 131.88 237.88 18 DURHA2S CITY XC 50,000 112.90 113.60 256.30 19 FAZRFAX CO t WA VA 160,000 76.00 187.20 263.20 20 FREDERIC3: CO SA VA 3,300 173.81- 186.18 360.32 21 FREDRCRSHG CITY VA 3,300 123.07 231.x1 337.68 22 GLOUCESTER COUNTY VA 1,500 193.96 231.96 130.92 23 CREENSVLE COUNTY SA VA 1,300 X/A X!A lflA 24 HAI4TON RDS SA VA 370,000 - 91.22 - 23 HANOVER COVNTY VA 6,300 168.80 279.81 118.64 26 HENAICO COUNTY VA 60,000 139.00 213.13 372.00 27 HENRY CO. YSA VA 8,700 160.00 160.00 320.00 28 HOPEWELL CITY VA 7,660 - 93.48 - 29 LOUDOUN CO SA VA 12,300 131.76 180.x8 332.24 30 LYNCHHURG CITY VA 20,000 113.00 138.00 283.00 31 NANASSAS CITY VA 8,110 NIA X!A A/A ]2 NARTZNSVLE CZTY VA 7,250 93.12 67.20 160.32 33 NORFOL& CZTY VA 63,000 134.36 63.72 198.0E 31 PETERSBURG CITY VA 12,000 118.38 129.00 277.]8 33 YHILIPPI CITY WVA 1,100 171.08 177.61 331.72 76 YITTSYL. COUNTY SA VA 1,028 161.61 191.01 335.62 37 YORTSHOUTS CITY VA 30,743 X!A X!A X!A 38 PRINCE WM COUNTY SA VA 34,000 136.68 246.00 382.68 39 RADFORD CITY VA •,239 99.96 231.20 351.16 t0 RAPIDAN SA VA 3,872 N/A X/A X/A 41 ROANORE CZTY VA 33,000 31.78 92.02 113.72 42 ROANOF.E COUNTY VA 11,000 167.32 129.48 296.88 43 ROCICHRIDGS COUNTY PSA VA 1,182 190.00 184.00 371.00 41 ROCRINGHAH COUNTY VA 641 109.36 116.58 226.11 t3 SPOTSYL COUNTY VA 10,000 98.20 98.20 196.10 l6 STAFFORD COUNTY VA 9,308 183.1• 115.32 298.76 47 STAUNTON CITY VA 8,380 138.00 113.36 233.33 48 TAZEWELL TOWN VA 1,800 183.30 183.20 368.70 49 VA BEACB CITY VA 98,000 228.20 201.26 129.16 30 VIENNA SOWN VA 9,000 89.60 ISa.80 271.10 31 VINION TOWN VA 3,870 112.98 110.88 223.86 32 WASHINGTON SUH SAN COt{ !~ ]40,000 128.80 183.60 314.10 33 WAYNESBORO CITY VA 6,773 118.00 130.00 268.00 34 WINCHESTER CITY vA 8,199 73.20 260.80 336.00 S3 WISE TOWN VA 2,000 X!A X!A 11/A S6 WYT8E COUNTY VA 701 23.23 - - 37 WYI'HEIIILLE TOWN VA 7,300 190.00 121.60 311.60 S8 YORx COUNTY VA 6,000 200.00 110.00 310.00 2 COt~wRZSO1f OF USER CHARGES, FEES A•~-D PROCEDURES AS OP: JANUARY 31, 1989 1 2 3 t S 6 JURISOZCTION ....................... ALBEISARLE ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA ALTAVISTA AKELIA A1ffiERST 7 ARLINGTON 8 AS8E30R0 CO SA CIZY SAN A1rT8 20WN COUNTY COUNTY CAUNTY CITY ......... STATE ..................... VA VA --- VA --- VA - VA VA VA 11C 1gTERS, CONNECTIONS, AGCNTS...... 7,700 33,000 21,100 1,191 ------ 231 - t 683 ---- ---- 31 500 --------- - , 9,300 ••• RESIDENTIAL USAGE PER YEAR ••• ----- COSTlYR OF WATER PER 80,000 GAL...S 200.00 133.62 107.72 - 125 66 83 20 COSTlYR OF SEWER PER 80,000 GAL...S 132.00 90.36 It1.60 68.00 162.00 . 113.99 . 112 10 92.26 CO~ZNED COST PER YEAR..........5 752.00 213.98 173.72 162.00 269 65 . 225 60 92.26 -- . . 181.52 LAST D/1iE USER CHARGES CHANGED..... 7/8a 7/83 10/88 7/88 7188 1982 --- t/aa --------- '------ --------- --------- - - 1/86 ... WATF.4 RATE USE CHARGES ... ^ ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- RATES OVER A HIIrIHUH CHARGE: PER 1,000 GAi.LONS ...............5 1.33-1.62 - 1 03 - PER 100 CUBIC FEET ..............5 - - - . - 1.Oa - DOES RATE VARY WITH CONSU!lpTZON?. YES NO - - NO - 1.150 - 0.830 ••• WATER MINIHUH CHARGES ••• - NO NO NO SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE t........ 7ES NO - YES - YES IS IT BASED ON HETER SZ2E !...... YES YES - 110 - NO NO NO ON REBID. UNITS (ERUS) t....... NO NO - NO - NO NO NO HINZHUH CONSUt~TION AHOVNT......... 0 6,000 - 5 000 - 0 NO 110 HINIHUH BILL S DOLLAR AMOIJNT......5 1.00 15.69 - , 7.26 - 3 00 0 100 . 0.00 5.00 '•• SEWER RATE USE CHARGES ••• EASED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE ?...... NO NO NO 110 YES NO NO BASED ON A WATER LQ;TER READING ?... YES YES YES YES NO YES YES NO RATE PER 1,000 GAI.LONS............5 1.90 1.63 1.63 1 00 - YES RAIE PER 100 CUBIC FEET...........5 - - - . - 1.78 - •+• SEWER MINIINH CHARGES ••• - - 1.33 - 0.85 SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE !........ YES YES YES YES NO NO NO RASED ON ?TER SIZE T .............. YES NO NO NO RO NO 110 EASED ON RESIDENTIAL UNITS (ERUS)?. NO NO NO 80 110 NO >!O HINZHUH CONSUHPTZON AMOUNT......... 0 0 0 0 - NO NO NO HINIHUI{ BILL S DOLLAR AMOUNT......5 1.00 2.80 2.38 3.00 13.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 100 5.00 •••BILLING AND HAILING CYCLES ••r (H~lIDNTB), (B~BIMONTS), (Q~QUART) RESIDENTIAL ...................... H Q H Q H B Q B COHl~RCIAL ....................... H H Q H H H H INVOICE CONSZST OF A POSTCARD ?.... YES NO NO YES YES YES H INVOICE IN ENVELOPE WITH RETURIr T.. NO YES YES NO NO YES 7ES - -------- --------- --------- NO NO NO ••• UEW ACCNT APPLIC FEESIDEP. *•+ --------- - -------- --------- --------- NEW ACCOUNT APPLICATION FEE ....... 6.00 NO NO BO 110 p0 DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS..... 0 NO NO NO - 30 00 ~ NO ~ RESIDENTIAL OWNERS...... 0 NO NO NO - . 30.00 NO 30 00 COHtgRCIAL. ••••••• 0 NO NO NO - 100.00 NO 30 ••• COLLECTION CHARGES ••• ASSESS A LATE PAY?~NNT CHARCET...... 1.SZ NO NO lOZ NO 2 CUT OFF FEE FOR NON-PAY?~NT........ 15 S NO 13 NO 6 NO NO AFTER SOURS CUT ON FEE ............. 20 73 NO 1S NO NO 0 10 NSF RETURNED C8EC1< FEE ............. 10 6 NO NO NO NO NO ••• COLLECTION TECSNIQIJES *•• 10 20 10 PAYHENZS lfAII.ED ZO A LOC>< BOX...... BO YES - 7ES NO YfS NO DEPOSITED WITH LOCAL BANLS7........ YES YES - NO NO NO !10 ••• PAST DUE NOTICE/CUT-OFF PROC. ••• YES NO PAST DUE 2ND NOTICE HAILEDT........ NO YES - 7E5 NO YES YES YES CUT-OFF 3RD AND FINAL NOTICET...... YES 7ES - BO NO NO SAND DELIVER A tI$ NOTICE?......... PO YES - 110 NO NO NO NO ~ DAYS FRO!! DATE lIAILED TO CUTOFl.. S7 tS - 60 t YES HO I DAYS FROt1 'DUE DATE' TO CUTOFF... t2 30 - 15 ! 0 2S SS 70 NO S SS S ••• HISCELLANEOUS FEES '•• WATER HETER TESS FEE ..............5 20.00 - - 0.00 0.00 25.00 - 2.50 AVAILABILITY/CONNECTION FEES: WATER ...........................$ 100 678 - 230 - 900 1.500 700 SEWS••••••••.•• ................5 ACT. LOSS 630 HIN - 800 300 2,000 VARIIS 200 N/A - NO2 AVAILABLE 3 cor~wRlsox or vsEA cHARCES, rEEs AND PROCEDURES AS OF: JA.WARY 71, 1989 9 10 11 12 IS 11 IS JL'RISDZCTION ....................... A58I.AND EEDFORD ELACLSDURG ERISTOL CAHPEELL CF.ARLTSVL` CBESTERFLD 16 COL. EEACA IOVN CITY CITY CITY CO SA CITY COITNTY TOVN STATE .............................. VA VA to VA VA VA VA VA HETERS, CONNECTIONS, ACC.YTS...... ----1563 2,710 3,770 5,200 6,100 11,000 S2,i08 2,980 ••• RESIDENTIAL VSACE PER 7FaR ••• -'------- COST/YR OF VATER PER 80,000 GAL...S 176.00 106.10 127.20 128.00 129.60 111.88 1]0 88 COST/YR OF SEVER PER 80,000 CAL...S 176.00 181.00 156.00 172.00 120.00 70 125 . 200 31 1]3.00 COl4I:IED COST PEA YEAR. _~~5 ]32.00 287.10 283.20 500.00 219.60 . 270.38 . 711.22 133.00 270.00 LAST DATE VSER CEARCES CHANGED..... a/ea 1/89 7187 11187 7/88 10/89 - ••• WATER RATE USE CHARGES ••• RATES OVER A HI9ZHUH CHARGE: PER 1,000 CALLONS ...............5 2.20 l.tty 1.39 1 13 - - PER 100 CUBIC FEET ..............5 - - - . 1.100 1.330 l.lOt - 0.720 0.73-0.30 - DOES RATE VARY VI28 CONSUHPT20N7. NO YES NO NO NO NO gp ••• WATER HINIHUH CHARGES ••• _ Y_COMS. SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE 7........ NO YES Iq YES YES 7L5 YES - IS IT EASED ON HETER SIZE i...... NO YES pp YES gO p0 ~ ON RESID. !!NITS (ERUS) 7....... NO NO BO NO - DO Y~ MINI2SI)H CONSUMPTION AMOUNT......... 0 0 1,000 000 2 0 0 MINIMUM FILL S DOLLAR ARlOlJttT......5 0.00 7.30 6.36 , 1.00 3.00 1 23 0 1 17 60,000 . . 133.00 ••• SEVER RATE US-c CHARGES ••• --------- --------- BASED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE T...... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO BASED ON A VATER METER READING 7... YES YES TES YES YES YES YES 812E PER 1,000 CA1•LONS............5 2.20 2.Sa 1.93 1.10 - - _ YES - RATE PER 100 CUBIC FEET...........$ - - - 1.23 1.03 0.91 - ••• SEVER HZNIHIR! CHARGES ••• SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE ?........ NO YES BO YES NO YES YES - SASED OH METER SIZE T .............. NO YES BO NO NO NO g0 - BASED ON RESIDENTIAL UNITS (ERUS)T. NO YES AO NO pO g0 TES HINIHIJH CONSUMPTION AMOUNT......... 0 10,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 MINIMUM BILL S DOLLAR AltOUNT......5 0.00 9.73V 7.80 3.00 3 00 1 23 8 31 60,000 . . . 133.00 •••BILLZNC AND HAILING CYCLES ••• (N~!lONTH) . (E~BL`lONTH) . (Q~QUART) RESIDENTIAL ...................... D H D H E H E COMMERCIAL ....................... B H K H E ANNUAL INVOICE CONSIST OF A POSTCARD ?.... TES YES TES YES YES H NO D ANNUAL INVOICE IN ENVELOPE VITH RETURN T.. NO _ NO EU NO NO NO NO - --------- --------- --- TES YES 7E5 ••• NEV ACCNT APPLIC FEES/DEP. *•• ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- NEV ACCOUNT APPLICATION FEE ....... NO NO 10.00 10.00 20 10.00 13.00 10 00 DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS..... 50.00 33.00 10.00 30.00 NO 10.00 NO . NO RESIDENTIAL OVNERS...... NO NO 10.00 50.00 NO 10.00 NO NO COMl~itCIAL .............. 13.00 ]3.00 VAR 2 MO SL NO 25.00 NO NO ••• COLLECTION CHARGES ••• ASSESS A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE?...... lOZ 1.SZ ~0 SZ lOZ 1Z SZ CUT OFF FEE FOR NON-PAYMENT........ 20 10 10 13 0 Y AFIER HOURS CUT ON FEE ............. NO 10. g0 ZS NO NO 25 23 - - NSP RETSJRNID CHEC>; FEE ............. 10 13 10 5 10 10 20 - ••• COLLECTION TECHNIQUES ••• PAYMENTS HAILED TO A LOCL BOX...... NO NO BO NO YES NO YES DEPOSITID VITH LOCAL DANICS7........ NO NO TES YES - NO NO ••• PAST DUE NOTICE/CUT-OFF PROC. • YES NO PASS DUE 2ND NOTICE ?IAZI.EDt........ YES YES TES YES YES YES YES - CUT-OFF ]RD AND FINAL NOTICE?...... YES YES AO NO YES YES NO - BAND DELIVER A 1T$ NOTICE?......... YES NO pp p0 TES ~ NO - ! DAYS FROM DATE HAILED TO CDTOFF.. t5 60 10 13 - 35 1 / DAYS FRClI 'DUE DATE' TO CUTOFF... 10 10 10 7 2 - - 10 17 - ••• MISCELLANEOUS FEES ••• VATD1 FO;TER TEST FEE ..............5 5.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 - AVAILABILITY/CONNECTION FEES: VATER ...........................5 930 300 300 100 100 625 VARIES 1,000 SEVER..••..........••..•........5 1,730 300 700 200 800 373 VARIES 2,000 NIA - NOT AVAILABLE 4 COlD'ARZSON OF USER CHARGES, FEES AND PROCEDURES AS OF: JANUARY 31, 1989 17 18 19 20 21 22 JURSSDICTION ....................... DANVZLLE DURHAM FAIRFAX FREDERICK FREDRC2CSBG GLOUCESTER 23 2a GREENSVI.E 21AMP20N RDS SI:2E CITY CITY CO t WA CO SA CITY COU1fTY COUNTY SA .............................. A NC VA 0A VA o S, CONNECZZONS, AGC22T3...... 19,000 50,000 160,000 3,300 S,S00 1 300 1 300 -----'- '------------°-------------------- -- ------- --------- --------- --------- ------ , , 370,000 ••• RESIDENTIAL USAGE PER YEAR ••• --- COS2/YR OF PATER PlE;t 80,000 GAL...S 126.00 112.90 76.00 173.Ba 12].07 193.96 N/A 0052/YR OF SEWER PER 80,000 CAL...S 1]1.88 1a3.60 187.20 186.a8 231.81 23a.96 N/A --COMBINED C032 PER YEAR..........5 --- ----------------------- 257.88 --------- 256.50 --------- 263.20 360.32 337.88 a30.92 N/A 91.22 - LAST DATE USER CHARGES CHANGED..... 11/88 7/1/88 111/89-- -- 10/86 --- 6/86 ~------- 7/87 ------~- 11/88 --------- --- --------- --------- --------- ° -- a/82 ••• PATER RATE USE CSARGES ..• . ---- --------- _----__-- ----_-__- -_'------ RATES OVER A NINIIiUM CHARGE: PER 1.000 GALLONS ...............5 - - 0.95 1.80 - 2.62 3 00 PER 100 CUBIC FEET ..............5 0.370 1.17 1.000 - . _ DOES RATE VARY WITH CONSU24TIONt. NO NO NO NO _ ••• WATER MINIMUM CHARGES ••• NO 110 HO - SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE f........ NO NO YES NO NO SS I2 BASED ON METER SIZE t...... TES NO YES YES YES NO li0 NO ON RESID. UNITS (EROS) t....... YES NO NO NO KO NO ISININU![ COHSUt~2I0N AMOUNT......... 300 0 0 7 000 0 lq NO 24INIMUM BILL S DOLLAR AMOUNT......$ 8.50 0.00 a.23 , 20 06 a 03 2,000 a,000 . . 3.85 9.00 - ••• SEWER RATE USE CHARGES +•• EASED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE ?...... 110 NO NO NO NO BASED ON A WATER MESER READING ?... YES YES YES YES TES 110 NO NO RATE PER 1,000 GAI.LONS............$ - - 2 3a 66 2 - YES YES YES RATE PEA 100 CUBIC FEET...........5 0.71 1 28 . - . 3.09 2.00 - ••• SEWER 112NIIiVM CHARGES ••• . - 1.90 - - 0.82 SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE t........ NO NO NO NO 210 EASED ON lOc2ER SIZE 7 .............. YES NO NO YES TES NO NO 210 EASED ON RESIDENTIAL UNI25 (EROS)?. - NO NO NO NO NO XO MINIMUM CONSU!lPTION AMOUNT......... 300 0 0 NO NO NO NO MINIMUM DILL S DOLLAR ANOUNT......5 8.50 0.00 0 00 13,000 33 32 0 2,000 5,000 300 ------------ - -------- - -------- - . ----- . 7.90 7.Sa 17.50 2.73 •••EI ING AND MAILING CYCLES ••• --- - - -------- (Ii~MON2H), (E~BI2iDNTH), (Q~QUART) RESIDEN2L-I ....................... N M Q Q Q N COl4gRCL1L ....................... M M Q a Q Q M N N INVOICE CONSIST OF A POSICARD t.... NO TES NO YES TES B M INVOICE IN ENVELOPE WIIH RETURN t.. TES BO YES NO TES YES NO NO NO NO YES ••• NEW ACC.YT APPLIC FEES/DEP. ••• 1i1;1i ACCOUNT APPLICATION FEE ....... 110 li0 20 NO !b DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS..... TES 20.00 NO •0.00 EST AVC 13.00 10 00 10 3a NO RESIDENTIAL OWNERS...... YES li0 NO 10.00 EST AVC . NO 3a 6 COMMERCIAL .............. 33.00 NO 10.00 EST AVG NO 40 6 6 •• CO CTION CHARGES ••• ASSESS A LATE PAY1gNT CHARGEt...... 1.SZ NO lOZ NO 2 CUS OFF FEE FOR NON-PAY1ff.NT........ TES 10 20 20 2S 10 3 NO AFTER HOURS CUT ON FEE ............. TES 15 20 NO NO 2S iS 10 NSF RETURNID CHECK FEE ............. 110 12 NO 10 25 NO NO NO ••• COLLECTION TECHNIQUES ••• NO 15 30 PAYME27T5 NAILED !0 A LOCK BOX...... NO YES TES NO If0 DEPOSITED WITH LOCAL BAN1(57........ YES lip TES NO NO 210 TES N ••• PAST DUE NOTICE/CUT-OFF YROC. • TES NO YES PAST DUE ZND NOTICE 2iAII.EDt........ YES YES YES TES TES NO CUT-OFF 3RD AND FINAL NOZICE7...... 110 110 YES NO TES YES TES SAND DELIV1Dt A •TH NOZICE7......... 110 RO NO NO 110 NO NO YES DAYS FROM DATE BAILED TO CUTOFF.. - la SS t0 a7 NO NO NO f DAYS FR01K 'DUE DAZE' TO CUSOFl... - a 25 10 18 30 60 26 30 20 60 ••• NISCELL12iEOUS FEES ••• WATER !~I'F.R TEST FEE ..............5 0.00 5.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 - AVAILAEILIZY/CONNECTION FEES: . WATER ........................ ..S 0 810 1.100 SSO 1.800 1.200 0 - --SEWER ...........................5 ---- ----------- --- 300 ------ -- 763 ------- -- 2,300 ------- -- 1.a30 ------- -- 3,900 ------- -- 1.100 ------- -- 0 ------- -- 390 ------- N/A - NOT AVAILAELE 5 CO~F@ARISON OF USER CHARGES, FEES AND PROCEDURZS AS OF: JANUAA7 ]1, 1989 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jl1RISDICTZON ............... •.•...•• HANOVER HEARZCO HENRY HOPEWELL LOUDOVN LYACffiURG MANASSAS 72 MARTINSVL~ COUNTY COUNTY CO. PSA CITY CO SA CITY GZTY CZIY STAZE...... ........................ VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA f METERS, CONNECTIONS, ACCNSS...... ----6-300 60,000 --------- 1,700 --------- 7,660 --------- 12,300 --- 20,000 8,110 7 230 ••. RESIDENTIAL USAGL PER YEAR ... --«__ --------- --------- --------- COSS/YR OF WATEZ PER 80,000 CAL...S 168.80 139.00 160.00 151.76 1x3.00 93.12 COST/YR OF SEVER PER 80,000 GAi....S 279.81 213.x3 160.00 93.18 180.x8 138.00 _ 67.20 COM82NED COST PER YEAR..........5 tta.at 372.00 ]20.00 332.21 283.00 _ 160.12 LAST DATE USER CHARGES CHANGED..... --7188--- 7(88 --------- 7/87 --------- 8/88 -- 3/88 7/89 7/82 6/83 ••• PATER RATE VSE CAGES ••• ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- RATES OVER A MINIMUM CHARGE: PER 1,000 CALLONS ...............5 2.20 - 2.00 - 1.26 - 1.87-1.20 0 98 PER 100 CVEIC FEET ..............5 - 1.180 - - - 1.200 - . DOES RATE VARY WITH CONSVID?2IONT. NO AO NO NO HO NO YES ••• PATER MINIMUM CHARGES ••• NO SERVICE OR STANDEY CSARGc T........ AO YES AO - MO YES YES YES IS IT RASED ON METER SIZE T...... NO yES NO - YES NO ON RESID. UNITS (ERNS) T....... YES NO p0 _ ~ p0 - - YES MINIM111 CONSUMPTION AMOUIIT......... 6,000 0 6.000 - 6,000 300 2,000 ~ 1 000 MINIMIM FILL S DOLLAR A?lOUNT......5 12.00 3.30 12.00 - 17.30 6 63 3 30 , -- --------- --------- -- - . . 1.90 ••• SEWER RATE VSE CEARGES ••• - ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- EASED ON A FLAS DOLLAR RA?E 7...... NO NO NO NO AO AO NO EASED ON A WATER METER READING T... YES YES YES YES YES YES YES AO yE5 RASE PER 1,000 CAL1.ONS............5 2.61 - 2.00 - 1.78 - 2.75 0 80 RwTE PER 100 CUEIC FEES...........5 - 1.35 - 0.89 - 1.20 - . ••• SEWER MINIMUM CHARGES ••• SERVICE OR SSANDBY CHARGE T........ AO YES AO NO AO YES YES AO EASED ON METER SIZE t .............. AO YES AO NO YES AO - NO EASED ON RESIDENTIAL UNITS (ERDS)T. YES AO AO - AO AO MINIMUM CONSUf~TIOH AMOUNT......... 6,000 0 6,000 0 6,000 300 2,000 NO 1 000 MINIMU![ BILL S DOLLAR A2lO17NT......5 27.30 11.30 12.00 11.28 17.23 3.10 3.30 , 3.20 '••DILLZNC AND 21AZLZNG CYCLES •++ --------- --------- --------- (M-MONSH), (E-BZMONTH), cQ-QUART) RESIDENTIAL ...................... E E M Q Q M M COMtgRCZAL ....................... E E Ma M Q M M M M INVOICE CONSIST OF A POSSGRD T.... YES AO YES NO AO YES YES INVOICE IN ENVELOPE WITH RETURN T.. AO YES AO YES YES YES YES -- - -------- - -------- NO AO '•• NEW ACC`iT APPLIC FE_TS/DEP. •+• - -------- - -------- --------- --------- Rat ACCOUNT APPLZGSZON FEE ....... NO AO 5.00 NO 20.00 3.00 13.00 NO DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS..... 60 10 36 NO 75.00 ]0.00 23.00 23.00 RESIDENTIAL OWNERS...... AO 110 AO AO NO ]0.00 - 23.00 COT4~RCZAL .............. 60 10 36 AO 73.00 175 30.00 AV BILL ••• COLLECTION CHARGES ••• ASSESS A LATE PAYMENT CHARCET...... 10 YES lOZ AO 102 SZ 3 CUT OFF FEE FOR NON-PAYl~.ENT........ 23 13 10 3 20 20 15 lOZ AFTER HOURS CVT ON FEE ............. AO AO AO 15 NO 10 10 NSP RETURNED CHEC>< FEE ............. 20 20 10 6 l0 18 _ 20 NO ••• COLLECTION TECHNIQUES ••• 10 PAYMENTS HAILED TO A LOC>< BOX...... HO YES 110 YES NO YES NO AO DEPOSITED WISH LOCAL EANxST........ HO YES YES NO AO YES AO AO ••• PAS2 DUE NOTICE/CUT-OFF YROC. • PAST DUE 2ND NOTICE MAZLEDt........ YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CUT-OFT 3RD AND PZNAL NOTICET...... NO YES AO NO NO YES - NO HAND DELIVER A ars NOTICET......... NO AO AO NO NO AO AO YES t DAYS FROl1 RASE MAILED TO CUTOFF.. 60 a3 70 10 a3 60 32 32 I DAYS FROM 'DUE DATE' TO CUTOFF... 30 13 - 10 13 30 7 12 ••• MISCELLANEOUS FEES ••• WATER METER ZEST FEE ..............5 - 30.00 0.00 0 10.00 20.00 O 23.00 AVAZLAEILITY/CONNECTION PEES: WATER ...........................5 1,soo l,3so eoo - Z,es3 1.380 l.osu 27s SEL-ER••••••••••••••••••••••••.••S 2.730 2.173 600 ]73 7. N 9 1.900 2.200 230 N/A - NOT AVAZLAELE 6 14ARISON OF USER CHARGES, FEES 'D PROCEDURES OF: JANUARY 31, 1989 33 3a ]S 36 37 38 39 t RISDIC:ZON ....................... NORFOLt: PETERSBURG PHILZPPI PITZSYL. PORTSMOUTH PRINCE VM RADFORD 0 RAPIDA 4 CZTY CITY CITY COUNTY SA CZ17 COUNTY SA CITY . SA ATE .............................. YA VA V~: VA VA VA VA VA l~TERS, CONNECTIONS, ACC.`iTS...... -_-63000 12,000 a,a00 1,028 30,7x3 ]x,000 a 239 3,8]2 • RESIDENTIAL USAGE PER YEAR ••• ST/TR OF WATER PER 80,000 GAL...S 13x.]6 1x8.38 17a.0a 161.61 0.00 136.68 99.96 R/A ST/YR OF SEVER PER 80,000 GAL...S 63.72 129.00 177.6a 19x.01 0.00 2x6.00 251.20 N/A COt~ZNED COST PER YEAR..........5 198.08 277.38 351.72 333.62 --- 0.00 382.6a 331.26 R/w ST DATE USER CHARGES CHANGED..... 10/87 7/87 8a ------ 1/87 --------- 7/88 --------- 10/8a 6187 6/88 ••• VATR RATE USE CHARGES ••• fE5 OVER A MINIxIAi CHARGE: { PER 1,000 CALLONS ...............5 1.36 - 2.23 1.10 1.x0 1.37 10.37 1.00-2 50 PER 100 CUBIC FEET ..............5 1.020 1.089 - - I.Oa7 - _ . _ ]OES RATE VARY WITH CONSUISPTSON?. NO RO NO NO RO RO YES ••• WATER NINIMUx CHA.ZGES ••• g0 tVZCE OR STA.WBY CHARGE f........ - NO NO - - YES YES [S 22 aASED ON METER SIZE ?...... - NO YES RO YES RO TES g0 ON RLSID. UNI23 (E,2US) t....... - RO NO YES - YES g0 g0 1IxUx CONSUl~TION AMOUNT......... 0 600 2,000 x,000 0 0 2 000 g0 2 0 1I11IJM FILL S DOLLAR AMOUNT......5 x.26 9.91 3.60 10.00 0.00 2.23 , 3.30 , 00 5.00-8.00 '•• SEVER RATE USE CHARGES ••• >ED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE T...... YES 110 NO NO RO RO YES ~ iED ON A WRIER xETER READING T... RO YES YES YES YES TES YES RO 'E PER 1,000 CALLONS............5 - - 2.91 1.75 0.71 2.70 3.1a YES 1.50-1 72 'E PER 100 CUBIC FEET...........S - 1.0E - - 0.53 - - . _ ••• SEVER xZNIxUM CHARGES ••• :VICE OR STANDBY CHARGE 7........ NO RO NO - - TES ~ED ON METER SIZE T .............. YES g0 NO NO - NO - YES RO '.ED ON RESIDENTIAL UNI23 (ERUS)?, g0 g0 NO YES YES YES RO 'IMUx CONStIMPTZON AMOUNT......... 0 600 2,000 x 000 0 0 RO RO I?tUx aZLL S DOLLAR AMOUNT......5 10.62 8.62 3.68 , 11 30 1 30 2 30 2,000 2,000 . . . 6.28 16.30 •aILLING AND xAILING CYCLES ..• --------- --------- Mogrs), (a-alxoNrs), (Q-~vART) ESIDENTIAL ...................... E a M B a x ora~RCZwL ....................... x a x 'a x x x x DICE CONSIST OF A POSTCARD ?.... RO TES NO YES - x x DICE ZN ENVELOPE WITH REZVRN 7.. YES 110 YES RO RO YES TES - YES RO x0 NEW ACGNT APPLIC FEES/DEP. ••• --------- --------- ACCOUNT APPLICATION FEE ....... 6.00 13 2.3 13.00 10.00 12.00 g0 g0 )SITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS..... NO a0 ZS YES 3 3 00 MIN R RESIDENTIAL OWNERS...... NO a0 23 YES . . TES NO VAR 60.00 COt4gRCZAL. ...... RO VAR 23 YES TES RO 60.00 60.00 ••• COLLECTION CHARGES ••• - -------- --------- --------- ;SS A LATE PAYMENT CHARGEt...... RO lOZ lOZ 3 R/A RO 1.OOa1.SZ IOZ OFF FEE FOR NON-PAY!lE21T........ 3 25 10 30 30 3S R HOURS CDT ON FEE ............. NO 23 30 23 RO 25 RETITRNED CSECX FEE ............. 20 20 10 10 - 20 RO TES RO •• COLLECTION TECHNIQUES ••• :S YES 10 ENTS MAILED TO A LOQC 80X...... YES RO TES NO R/A TES NO SITED WITS LOCAL EAN!<St........ YES NO NO YES g/A TES YES RO NO PAS? DUE NOTICE/CUT-OFP YROC. • DUE 2lID NOTICE xAILED7........ YES TES TES YES RJA NO YES YES 3F! 3RD AND FINAL NOTICET...... RO RO RO RO R/A YES NO TES DELIVER A 4TH NOTICEt......... 110 NO TES HO R/A NO RO i5 FROM DATE MAILED 20 CUTOFF., a9 20 60 30 R/A SS 20 PO f3 FROM "DUE DATE• 1'0 CUTOFF... 28 10 a0 20 R/A 32 S aS 3S '•• xISCELLA11E0U5 FEES ••• - -------- - -------- METER TEST YEE ..............S 15.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 25 00 .ABILITY/CONNECTION FEES: . 'ER•••••••••••••••••••.••••••.S 330 250 150 300 323 2.300 t6S 000 1 tER ...........................5 .______________________________ ___ 250 ______ _ 230 ________ _ _____130 - ---1-000 _ _____400 -- --1=700 _ _-___415 - , ---1-SOO N02 AVAILABLE 7 . ~ -..1 COt~@ARZSON OF USER CHARGES, TEES ` AND PROCEDURES AS OF: JANUARY 31. 1989 41 42 43 44 ~` 4s 46 47 4a JURISDICTION ....................... ROANOKE ROANO[E ROCIDRIDGE ROCLINGHAM SPOTSYL STATFOID 5lAU8T0N TAZEWELZ, CITY COUNTY COUNT? PSA COUNTY COUNTY COONT! CITY TOyN STATE .............................. VA VA VA VA DA VA ~ `, P1 r MESERS, CONNECTIONS. ACCNTS...... 33,000 --°---- ------"~~ 4,000 1,182 641 10,000 9,308 8,580' ---------------------------------- 1,800 - --------- --------- -------- __ '~* RESIDENTIAL USAGH PER YEAR a-* -------~- r-------- COST/YR OF WATER PER 80,000 GAL...S 51.78 167.32 190.00 109.56 98.20 183.44 •138,00 ~ 183 0 COST/YR OF SEWER PER 80,000 GAL...$ 92.02 129.48 184.00 116.58 98.20 113.32 115.56 183.20 CO!®INED COST PER YEAR..........$ 143.72 296.88 374.00 226.14 196.40 298.76 235.55 368.70 ------------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- LAST DATE USER CHARGES CHANGED..... 83/85 7/86 1/89 ----- -------° ---~----- 7 87 3/87 7188 1/83 7 86 --------- ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- aaa MATER HATE USE CSAR;CES ww+ --~- ----°--- °------- RATES OVER A MZNIM(JM CHARGE: PER 1,000 GALLONS ...............$ _ 1.04 2.00 1.25 1.25 2.09 PER 100 CUBIC PEET ..............S 0.380 - _ - 2.30 DOSS RATE VARY WITH CONSUlQ2'IONt. NO NO NO - 1.200 - ati WATER MINIMUM CHARGES *w* ~ ~ ~ NO NO SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE 7........ NO YES NO IS IT BASED ON METER SIZE 7...... YES ~ ~ YES ~ TES ON RESID. UNITS (ERUS) t....... p0 NO YES NO YES YES - NO MINIMI![ CONSUMPTION AMOUNT......... 600 ~ NO ~ ~ 1D NO MINIMUM BILL $ DOLLAR AMOUNT...,.,S 5.04 0 0 3.300 10,000 2,000 500 5,000 21.0! 5.00 S.SO 10.70 5.70 7.50 --------------------------- 13.00 -------- --------- --------- ----- ---- --------- --------- as SEWER RATE USE CHARGES aaa --------- --------- ---~---- BASED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE t...... NO NO NO NO BASED ON A WATER METER READING t... yES ~ ~ - RATE PER 1,000 GAI'LONS............S YHS YSS YES YES YES YES RATE PER 100 CUBIC FEET...........$ 0.86 0.78 2.30 1.45 1.25 1.62 _ _ 2.30 aaa SEWER MINIMUM CHARGES *+* - - SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE t........ p0 YES !10 BASED ON TITER SIZE t .............. NO ~ NO YES ~ YES BASID ON RESIDENTIAL UNI25 (ERUS)?. p0 NO YES ~ ~ Y~ - NO NO pp ~ NO ~ ~ MINIMUM CONSUT~TION AMOUNT...,.,... 0 0 O - MINIMUM BILL $ DOLLAR AMOUN?......S 0.00 0 17,000 2,000 500 6,000 16.77 0.00 0.00 17.80 4.75 5.40 13.00 ------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ***BILLINC AND MAILING CYCLES *** -----"--- ---'-'--- --------- --------- (N~MON?H), (B~BIMONTH), (Q.QUART) RESIDENTIAL ...................... Q Q B CCIO~RCZAL........ M Q M B M ...... N M 8 M Q M B M INVOICE CONSISS OP A POSTCARD ?.... INVOICE IN ENVELOPE WITH RETURN t.. NOS YES NOS YES ~ TES YES YES ----------------------------------- - ~ ~ NO RO -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- aaa wf6 NEW ACCNT APPLIC FEES/DEP. --------- --------- --------- NEW ACCOUNT APPLICA220N FEE 9.00 NO 5.00 DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS..... NO ~ NO 1G 2.00 Np 25 25.00 35 60 40 20 32 RESIDENTIAL OWNERS...... NO 25 NO 35 60 40 COT4p;RCZAL .............. NO 100 NO ~ NO 35 60 40 NO NO --------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- *"* COLLECTION CHARGES *wa '-------- --------- --------- --------- ASSESS A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE?...... NO 10; 10; NO CUT OFF FEE POR HON-PAYMENT........ 1S lOX lOZ S; 1.SZ 2S 15 10 23 30 15 25 AFTER HOURS CUT ON FEE ............. 10 NO NO NSF RETURNED CHECK FEE ............. 2p HO 2S ~ NO NO '•* COLLECTION TECHNIQUES *w+ 20 15 0 20 11D NO 20 PAYMENTS MAILED TO A LOCK BOX...... NO NO NO DEPOSITED WITS LOCAL BANKS?........ yES ~ NO 110 NO NO *** PAST DUE NOTICE/CUT-OPF PROC. * YES YES NO YES YES YES NO PAST DUE 2ND NOTICE MAILED?........ YES YES YES - CUT-OFF 3RD AND FINAL NOTICE?...... NO YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO YES NO YES HAND DELIVER A 4TH NOTICE?......... NO NO NO NO t DAYS FROM DA?E NAILED TO CUTOFF „ 30 ~ ~ ~ NO 60 10 SO •5 40 40 60 / DAYS FROM "DUE DATE" TO CUTOFF... 15 20 10 -------------------- 1S 10 - --------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- **• MISCELLANEOUS FEES *** --------- --------- --------- --------- WATER METER PEST FEE ..............S 22.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 AVAILABILITY/CONNECTION FEES: 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WATER " " " " " ,,,,,,,•,•.•••••,$ 100 770 1,000 500 2,200 2,500 430 300 --SEWER " " " " " •••••••••••••••••$ 300 500 1,200 800 2,800 ------------------------------- 2.000 450 300 --------- --~) 03 (o --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- N/A - NOT AVAILABLE /~'1¢~l, w~FS AN /A+T'EJZ~x+iP~T'~ Fee' wy~, ~.4y wa+l~` v p , 8 CQ'RARISON OF USER CISARCES, FEES AND PROCEDURES AS OF: JANUARY ]1, 19x9 4q 30 JURISDICTION .................... 31 S2 3] .. VA REACH VIENNA VIxTON V STATE ASHINCZON YAYNESBORO YZNCHESTER VISE 36 TOYN TOWx ' C ............................ SUD SAN YYT HE Cpi CITY .. VA VA CITY TOYN COUNTY ___ A __----_-- ~ t L JOLTERS. CONNECTIONS, ACG`rTS.., . _ ____ _________ VA '-------- ---~- ---_ .. 9x 000 -'-~' --- V-, , 9.000 - ----- 3.x70 ---- __- ------------------------- ]40,000 6,773 ---- -°__-__-- °_-_-_-- 4 499 •• ------- , 2.000 • RESIDENTIAL USAGE PER YF~1R ••• 04 -- --------- ____ cost/YR of YATER PER x0 000 cAt _-___ ----__"' -- ---- , ... COST/YR OF SEWER PER 10,000 CAL x9,60 112.9a 128.x0 13x s 00 ... COJ~INED COST PER YEAR...,. . 201.26 73.20 x/A 1x4,80 130.x8 1x3.60 130 23.23 5 4 00 .,,,, ---________- . 29,46 260.x0 x/A 274.10 22].x6 314.40 26x 0.00 00 LAST DATE USER CHARGES CHANGED . ]56.00 00 ---- --------- --------- . ---- .., 10/87 ----- --------- .. 7/x7 a/s4 --------- ----------- 7/aa ------- ------------------------ 7/sa -- ••• YATER RATE VSE CHARGES ••• 7/as 7/x7 ------- --------- 6/e7 --------- --------- --------- RATES OVER A HItJIHUH CHARGE: --------- --------- --------- PER 1,000 GAI.LONS ........... 5 .... 2.18 1.12 1.23 1 PER 200 CUEZC FEET 61 .......... . l,u ..S _ 0.94 2.30 4.13-0.30 DOES RAIE VARY PITH CONStJJiPTZONt - - - . '•• YATER HZNIHUH CHARGES ••• pp NO x0 x0 pp - - SERVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE 7 ~ x0 YES ,,,,,,,, IS IT BASED ON JOTTER SIZE t YES YES x0 ~ XO ...... ON RESID, UNITS (ERUS) 7.... YES YES YES xC x0 YES pp ~ YES .., HINIHUH CONSUJ~TION AJ7DUNT pp ~ ~ - NO - ...... , ~~ HIxIHUH BILL S DOLLAR AJlOUJ1T 0 3,000 x0 ~ 0 ......$ -------------------- °-----° ------ _ 11.30 2.00 6.16 3.000 1.000 0.00 ] 00 3.000 --- ••• SEVER RATE USE CHARGES ••• . ------ 4.70 6.30 --------- --------- --------- •-____ 10.00 __- EASED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE ? --- ---- --_-_ °-- __• --__ ...... EASED ON A WATER 2g7ER READING 7 NO S x0 NO pp ... RATE PER 1,000 GALLONS NO YES XO x0 YES YES ............$ RATE PER 100 CUEIC F~ YES YES - 2.31 1.26 2 32 YES _ •• •S ••• SEWER HINI?NJS CHARGES ••• . O.a2 _ 1.5 X ].26 - - Yates - SfRVICE OR STANDBY CHARGE t _ - ......., BASED ON JOTTER SIZE 7 pp YES x0 NO ......... EASED ON RESIDENTIAL UNITS (FAUS)T YES x0 _ x0 x0 _ NO . JIINZHUH CONSUHPTIOH AJSOUN'P pp NO NO ~ NO x0 - ........ , JQNIHUH FILL S DOLLAR AHOUNT x0 x0 _ 0 0 ].000 0 ...... --------__ ------------------------- _ 18.92 2.00 3.50 0.00 0 1,000 0 - ••rEILLZNG AND !SAILING CYCLES ••• --------- °------- 3.66 °------- ----°___ _- .00 0.00 (M~JiONTg Q-QUART) - °------- RESIDENTIAL ... ................. co~'RCIAL .......... •~ B Q E Q ... INVOICE CONSIST OF A POSTCARD•r , a a Q H• H Q H a ,, , INVOICE ZN ENVELOPE YITH RETURN xo YES YES H Q H a x0 T.. -•-__-__--°_ ------°-----°--- - YES YES YES NO YES Yr _S --- - ••• pEy ACCNT APPLIC ••• FEES/DEP. RO -------- x0 _________ _________ ~G --------- --------- o NEY ACCOUNT APPLZGTION FEE ---- °-- --------- --- --'- ....... DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ~ x0 x0 .,,,, RESIDENTIAL OYNERS,,,,, _ pp xo xc x0 SG u x0 ]0 00 0 , COJSJSERCZAL ....... . x0 200 00 10 NO 0 30.00 ....... -_----___-°-----_--_- ------------- -- pp 10/23 pp x0 NO 10,00 50 00 --- ••• COLLECTION CHARGES ••• . ---- x0 200.00 '------__ •-----°- --------- ASSESS A LATE PAYJIENT C8ARCE7 __ --- --- _________ _________ ...... CUT OF! FEE FOR NON-PAYHENT pp H° lOZ SZ ........ AFTEit FOURS CUT ON FEE _ 20 lOZ 13 10 30 lOZ YES ............. NSF RETVRNEp CHECX FEE pp Is 10 17.23 20 pp x0 NO ............. '•• COLLECTION TECHNIQUES ••• 20 x0 x0 20 13 10 NO x0 xo PAYJgNTS HAILED TO A LOCK BOX xo s s ...... DEPOSITED WZTH Lp~, DAt7Ett x0 x0 xO x0 ........ ••• PAST DUE NOTICE/CUT-0F! PROC • Np YES gp - x0 YES x0 YES x0 . PAST DUE 2ND NOTICE HAILED7 x0 pp x0 ......., CUT-OFT 3RD AND FINAL NOTICE] YES 7E5 YES YES 7E5 ....., HAND DELIVER A 4T8 NOTICEt YES YES pp x0 YES YES x0 ......... I DAYS FROiI DATE BAILED TO CUTOFF pp x0 YES NO YES ~ NO pp NO .. / DAYS FRO!! "DUE DATE' TO CUTOFF 33 41 45 46 YES YES NO ... _ _ ----- -- 41 7 33 30 90 16 2e - ... JQSCELS,ANEOUS FEES --- ------ --------- --- ---- --- ---- ---21°-- 33 1S 60 PATER HETE7t TEST FEE........ $ --------- --------- .. AVAILAEILITY/CONNECTION FEES: 60.00 13.00 0.00 30.00 0 00 YATF]t ....................... S . s.oo a.oo o.oo .... SEVER... ......... I,Sa4 SO 430 SSO ....... ••S -_-_-'-------------------- ... --- 300 1,320 2.300 330 930 073 300 330 1 ------ ---- . 1.000 1.130 ----- '------° --____--- -___°_° ---°---- ---'----- ----° 300 N/A - NOT AVAILABLE _--__-__- 9 COMPARISON OF USER C8ARCE5, FEES AND PROCEDURES AS OF: JANUARY ]1, 1989 S7 38 JURISDICTION. .. ...•• ...............vYSJ1:1/ILLE YORK TOVN COUNTY STATE. ...... VA VA .•••.•..• .............. --° MINIMUM TSAXII!!JM AVERAGE f igTERS. CONNECTIONS, AC.^tTS...... 7 300 _-------- »------- --------- '---'---- . -------------------------- ----- ------- 6.000 --- -- -- 23a 370000 29 .ieo ------- '•' RESIDENTIAL USAGE PER YEAR ••• -__'"'-' --------- _-- COST/YR O! YFTER PER 80 000 GAL , ...S 190.00 200.00 COST/YR OT SEVER PER 80,000 GAL S 23.21 228.20 136 21 .., 121.60 110.00 CONNED COST PER YEAR..,,,,, „ S 311 60 ~ 63.72 279.Da 13a,83 . 310.00 __________________ 8.61 292.99 '? " LAST DATE USER C$ARGES CP A.IGED '---"- --- ---- ---- . .. , 7/88 ---------------- 1981 ----- ••• vAT~ RATE USE CSA.2G_S ••• --------- RATES OVER A MINIMUM C3M2Cs: ~tYES'S t NO'S PER 1,000 CAI'1.ONS ...............5 1.83-0.80 PE,2 100 CUEIC FE:T...,..,. 1.75 ------'-' -----'--- DOES RATE VARY WIT$ CONSUI~TZON?5 YES ••• YAiE•it MINIMUM C$ARG'cS ••• NO 7 YES a8 NO SERVICE OR STA.`1DEY C$ARGE t ........ NO YES IS IT EASED ON lDSTER SI2: i 22 YES 28 NO ...., ON RESID. UNITS (E.ZUS} f,,,,,_. ~ NO 22 Y.S 27 NO NO MINIMUM CONSUMPTION AMOUNT., 3 YES t0 NO ,,,,,,, 10,000 0 MINZMt>t( DILL S DOLLAR AMOUNT ....,,5 29.00 13.00 ••• SEWER RATE USE C$ARGES ••• '-'--- ----- --_ -___ EASED ON A FLAT DOLLAR RATE 7 ...... IIO YES BASED ON A YFTER ME?Eit READING f S YES SO NO ... 5 YES N0 RATE PER 1.000 GALLOHS......... 32 YES a NO ... 1.60 RATE PER 100 CUEIC FEET ,. ••. SEWER MIHZMUM C$ARGES••••~~S SERVICE OR STANDEY C$ARGE l ........ IIp NO EASED ON METER SIZE f ......... 16 YES 36 NO ..... p0 EASED ON RESIDENTIAL UNITS (ERUS)T. IIO NO 12 YES t0 NO MINZMUII CONSUt~TZON AMOUNT... NO 6 YES aS NO ...... MINIMUM DILL S DO 6.000 0 LEAK AtIOIJNT ----------------- ......5 8.00 33.00 •••EILLZNG AND -"------ -- MAZLZNC CYCLES ••• ------- --------- °------- (ll~MONT$), (E~DIll~DNTH), (Q.QUARS) _ RESIDENTIAL ..... .............. Q ... Q COl4gRCIAL.......... Q • tall 17E 16Q LANK Q INVOICE CONSIST OF A POSTCARD t 33?I 12E ipQ lAN .,., INVOICE ZN ENVELOPE vIT$ REIVRN 1.. Ip NO N 38 Y*S 19 NO ------------------------------- --------- 5 19 YES 38 NO ----- --- ••• NEY ACCNT APPLIC FEES/DEP. •+• -- -"--'- --------- NEW ACCOUNT APPLICATION FEE ....... IIO RO DEPOSITS: RESIDENTIAL R~TALS ..,.. 37 NO RESIDENTIAL OvNE25 ,.,,,, ~ NO . ~~~C~ . .......... NO __-_--_-___ ---------------- ---- :•• COLLECTION C$ARGES ••• -'- °---- --------- ASSESS A LATE PAY2gNT CHARGE! ...... l0i 10;/53.00 CUT OFF FEE FOR NON-PAYl~ ~IT . ........ is 20 AFTER HOURS CUT ON FEE ............. 20 20 NSF RETURNED CHECX FEE ............ ••• COLLECTION TECHNIQUES ••• ~ l0 NO PAYMENTS MAILED TO A LOC1: BOX ...... IIO DEPOSITED WISH LOCAL DAN1CSf........ Mp N0 LS YES t0 NO `•• PAST DUE NOTICE/CUT-OFF PROC. • YES 26 YES 70 NO PAS? DUE 2ND NOTICE MAILED7 ........ 7E5 YES CUT-OF! 3RD AND FINAL NOTICE! 30 YES S NO ....., p0 YES SAltD DELIVER A aTH NOTICE!.... 19 YES 33 NO ...., MO 1 DAYS FROM DATE MAILED TO YES CUI'OFP 10 YES as NO .. 30 Var t DAYS FROM "DUE DATE' TO CUTOFF ... LS Var ••• MISCELLANEOUS FEES ••• --'- -'--' --------- YATER METER TEST FEE ..............5 0.00 0.00 MINZlfUM MAXIMUM AVAZLAEILZTY/CONNECTION FEES : ---- .............. 5 E AVERAGE - - --------- ----°--_ .... 323 300 S EWER ......... ....., S 323 0 00 2.833.00 -783.83 ----------------------------------- 1.730 0.00 3.!00.00 1.10.00 N/A - NOT AYAZLAELE 1~ MJMBER OF STUDY PARTICIPANTS GROUPED BY MJMBER OF CUSTOMERS a U F a 0 ~ 11 m z L 0 ~ ~ ~~ 1~ < 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 50,00 > SOOQO COST OF ~~ATER AND SE~~ER SERVICE V Q S Q W U S 0 0 U GROUPED BY NIUMBER OF CUSTOMERS 7rn Ly 15( 1a 50 0 # OF Ci1STCMERS 12 < 1,000 5,000 10,00 20,000 50,000 > 50000 ... LEE Ebo~y WATER SYSTEM COST 1990 UPDATE BUSING CURRENT BOARD DIRECTION 18 MGD FACILITY WITH FULL RESERVOIR TO YEAR 2040 Spring Hollow Reservoir $33,000,000 Ground Water Source $ 250,000 Treatment Plant (24 MGD) $20,000,000 Finish Water & Distribution Storage (36 MGD) $18,000,000 Transmission Lines (25 miles @ $50/ft) $ 6 600 000 Major Distribution Lines (62 miles @ $30 ft Pumping Facilities / ) $ 9,900,000 $ 2.000,000 TOTAL FACILITY COST $89,750,000 (1) The following construction has been completed since 1986: Ground Water Source $ 250 000 Distribution Storage 2.5 MG , $ 1,480 000 Pump Stations , $ 140 000 Transmission Lines , $ 800 000 Distribution Lines , $ 1,200,000 TOTAL COMPLETED $ 3,870,000 First Phase Construction 1990 - 1994 Spring Hollow Reservoir $33,000 000 Treatment Plant - 8 MGD Finished Water Storage , $ 9,000,000 (2) Pumping Facilities $ 1,000,000 $ 1 000 (2) Transmission Line - South Loop- 13 miles , ,000 $ 3,430 000 (2) (2) Distribution Line Interconnection - 36,000 ft. , $ 1,080,000 TOTAL FIRST PHASE COST $48,510,000 Future Phased Construction Balance of Transmission Line with Need $ 2,370 000 Balance of Major Distribution with Development , $ 7,620 000 Balance of Pumping Facilities with Need $ 860 000 Balance of Storage Facilities with Need , $15,520 000 Treatment Plant Expansion , 2005-2010 (Dependent on City Surplus) Upgrade to 16 MGD $ 6,000,000 2025-2030 Upgrade to 24 MGD $ 5,000,000 TOTAL $37,370,000 1/03/90 Page -2- (1) $56,750,000 of this amount is included in the existing fee structure. The reservoir cost was planned to be a General Fund Ex~-ense . (2) The $1,000,000 in finished water storage and pumping facilities as well as $1,000,000 of transmission line was previously included in the treatment plant cost so as to include the Salem Plant update option. Note: The $33,000,000 cost of the reservoir has not changed from previous cost estimates. The original Roanoke County share was $20,000,000. However, when the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem decided not to join with the County to construct the reservoir, the Board directed staff to construct the full size reservoir and now the County's share is the full $33,000,000. ~.~EE Ebp~ r ~~ ~ ~~~i WATER SYSTEM COST 1990 UPDATE (USING CURRENT BOARD DIRECTION) 18 MGD FACILITY WITH FULL RESERVOIR TO YEAR 2040 Spring Hollow Reservoir $33,000,000 Ground Water Source $ 250,000 Treatment Plant (24 MGD) $20,000,000 Finish Water & Distribution Storage (36 MGD) $18,000,000 Transmission Lines (25 miles @ $50/ft) $ 6,600,000 Major Distribution Lines (62 miles @ $30/ft) $ 9,900,000 Pumping Facilities S 2,000.-000 TOTAL FACILITY COST $89,750,000 (1) The following construction has been completed since 1986: Ground Water Source $ 250,000 Distribution Storage 2.5 MG $ 1,480,000 Pump Stations $ 140,000 Transmission Lines $ 800,000 Distribution Lines $ 1.200.000 TOTAL COMPLETED $ 3,870,000 First Phase Construction 1990 - 1994 Spring Hollow Reservoir $33,000,000 Treatment Plant - 8 MGD $ 9,000,000 (2) Finished Water Storage $ 1,000,000 (2) Pumping Facilities $ 1,000,000 (2) Transmission Line - South Loop - 13 miles $ 3,430,000 (2) Distribution Line Interconnection - 36,000 ft. $ 1,080.000 TOTAL FIRST PHASE COST $48,510,000 Future Phased Constructio Balance of Transmission Line with Need $ 2,370,000 Balance of Major Distribution with Development $ 7,620,000 Balance of Pumping Facilities with Need $ 860,000 Balance of Storage Facilities with Need $15,520,000 Treatment Plant Expansion 2005-2010 (Dependent on City Surplus) Upgrade to 16 MGD $ 6,000,000 2025-2030 Upgrade to 24 MGD $ 5.000.000 TOTAL $37,370,000 1/03/90 Page -2- (1) $56,750,000 of this amount is included in the existing fee structure. The reservoir cost was planned to be a General Fund Expense. (2) The $1,000,000 in finished water storage and pumping facilities as well as $1,000,000 of transmission line was previously included in the treatment plant cost so as to include the Salem Plant update option. Note: The $33,000,000 cost of the reservoir has not changed from previous cost estimates. The original Roanoke County share was $20,000,000. However, when the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem decided not to join with the County to construct the reservoir, the Board directed staff to construct the full size reservoir and now the County's share is the full $33,000,000. .; MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: January 16, 1990 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Anne Marie Green, ~. Public Information Officer Consolidation Survey As you requested, I have reviewed the memorandum from Pat Edwards and Jim Bohland and the Consolidation Survey Report. In reviewing it, I tried to keep in mind the questions and concerns I heard from the citizens at the workshops, and tried to predict what opponents of consolidation would say if this were to be released as is. My remarks are set forth below, by page. Overall, I was disappointed in the appearance of the report - there are a variety of typographical errors, and the typeface which was used does not make the report readable. I also expected to see the actual results, but they were not attached. I. MEMO AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The second paragraph of the memo transmitting the material makes conclusions which may or may not be supported by the facts. For example, it states that "the negativism towards consolidation that was found in the workshops was not in evidence with respect to the larger population at the time this survey was taken." However, there is no mention of the fact that when the survey was taken, very few details of consolidation had been released, and in fact, the concept of a tier-city was still being proposed. By the time of the workshops, the citizens had a much more concrete proposal to review. Another sentence particularly concerns me: "Moreover, the plan that has been proposed is in accordance with preferences expressed in the survey." In the report, however, the preference of those surveyed was for two separate school systems, and a consolidation over time, neither of which is included in the proposed plan. That sentence should be deleted. .f y ~ I believe that the memo shows some bias, and should be rewritten if it is to be released. The executive summary should emphasize that a survey is a picture in time. The survey was taken in late September and early October, prior to release of much information about the actual plan, and the responses seem to reflect that. For example, there is concern on the part of County residents about law enforcement, and the November referendum showed this to be true. The questions on law enforcement might receive different answers now. Also, at the time, the issue of the Catawba Magisterial District and the City of Salem had not been fully discussed, and recent events might change some attitudes. I would assume that the survey is accurate for the time and circumstances in which it was taken. I would not support the conclusion that it is equally valid at this time, and I think that something of disclaimer to this effect should be made. Page three of the executive summary states "Strong support exists for consolidation among respondents in the city." This should be qualified to say that strong support exists for "some type" of consolidation - only 26% favored immediate consolidation, which is the current proposal. II. REPORT ON SURVEY Cover page Dated December, 1989, yet survey was taken in September and October - this is an important difference, because respondents were answering questions without knowledge of proposed plan. Page one Third paragraph - seems to make an assumption that there are problems with "fragmented" (these people could work for the newspaper) service delivery in the Valley. Page two Indicates that survey was to provide opportunity for citizen input into the plan; cynical people would certainly say that this did not happen, as plan does not reflect major concerns of citizens from the survey. Page three Any guesses as to why response rate was somewhat lower than expected? .~ Page five States that respondents were able to express any concerns they had about consolidation and request additional information - where are these concerns and requests? While I do not know a great deal about survey techniques, it seems hard to believe that 8 people constitute an adequate pre- test. Page eight As I stated above, I do not know a great deal about survey techniques - but the discussion of weighting better be understand- able and correct, because opponents to consolidation will certainly make sure an expert reviews it. Page thirteen I am somewhat concerned that the City sample includes a disproportionate amount of people with a higher educational level. While I understand that there was not a significant difference in the city responses at different educational levels, the results of each question are analyzed with respect to educational level, and I can't help wondering if we are missing something. Page fifteen The table at the top (1.2) is missing something in the headings. Page eighteen The survey admits a bias towards those who are traditionally more likely to vote. There could be some argument made, however, that due to the emotional nature of this issue, the voter turnout might be different in this case. (This is only speculation on my Part) . Page two (the page numbering is a little odd!) The question on new jobs seems biased - it presumes that a consolidated government will make it easier for new business to locate here, so that the question seems to be whether new business will provide new jobs (the obvious answer is yes). The question could have been more simply stated. Page eight The end of the first paragraph infers that the governments are trying to implement consolidation. I know that the County has maintained its neutrality, and I remember Iioward Musser stating at one of the workshops that the City would not be using tax dollars to support or oppose consolidation. This statement is advice, .~ rather than analysis, and should be deleted. Page eleven The conclusions concerning w_y people responded as they did to the issue of rescue squads throws the whole analysis into doubt. I think it should be removed - why do we need an analysis of this question? For example, the report refers to the County's volunteer rescue squad system, without realizing that we have paid staff during the day. Further, it doesn't realize that the City has a volunteer rescue squad system! There is no analysis of the other responses - let's get rid of this one, too. Page fourteen This is an example of how a survey is a picture in time. What would the responses be now about fire service? Certainly the coverage of Shenandoah Homes would have some effect on this. The second paragraph indicate that only 2% of the City residents receive publicly supplied water. I cannot believe that 98% of the City is on well water - unfortunately, since the actual response were not included, I couldn't check this myself. If only 2% of the respondents are on the City system, I have a problem with the methodology used in choosing them. Page fifteen Report makes a good point about the perception of different service levels - we should probably see if there is an actual difference in service levels that we don!t know about. Page sixteen The last sentence on the page is a highly conclusory statement - one could easily make that statement about all the services. Should be deleted. Page seventeen The chart makes an interesting point - less than half of the people surveyed believed that services would improve with con- solidation. Therefore, there is a problem answering the "What's in it for me" question, which may be one of the most important issues. Page nineteen Another important point - residents are worried about the schools. But in the last paragraph, the report seems to discount the importance of that issue to citizens. Page twenty Timing of consolidation - would be very interesting to see the answer to this question now. At the time it was asked, the tier- city was being considered. Now, the plan proposes immediate consolidation - again, this represents the feelings of the citizens with the knowledge they had at the time. Page twenty-one Emphasizes that the majority of people in the County want a separate school system. What would be overall answer to consolida- tion if school system is merged, as is now proposed? Page twenty-four Indicates that swing group is largest - we have no idea what this group thinks now that they have more information. Page thirty-eight First paragraph indicates what we saw at the workshops - those with strong opinions do not want to be confused with the facts! Report stresses that those in the swing group will be influenced by agreement, and manner in which it is marketed. Since neither the County nor the City are expecting to take an official stand on the proposal, ~we have no control over how it is marketed. -This concerns me a bit, as I worry about promises or statements from either side which are not correct I heard a lot of this at the workshops, and I am concerned about people voting for or against the plan based on incorrect information. As I mentioned above, I felt that the actual numbers (weighted) should have been provided so that I could look at them myself. Percentages can be misleading, and many people will think we are hiding something. I have marked the typographical errors that I found, and I think these should be fixed before this is released. I believe that the report should concentrate only on a presentation of the responses and statistical analyses of the numbers. There should be no editorializing or speculation as to what a particular answer means, because I think people should be free to draw their own conclusions. As it currently stands, I think it reads as a pro-consolidation document - not the results of the survey, but the comments made throughout the report. o~ aonrvo~ F ,~ ti A Z ~ J -} Z •_ a 1838 ` 150 88 S~SQVICENTENN~P~ rl BeautifulBe~ittttitt~ Roanoke Counn ALL~AMERILA CITY tr~rt~ ~~ ~~~n~~ 'I I' ~ .~ I ~ 1979 1989 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES M E M O R A N D U M TO Booard. of //S~~pervisors FROM Elmer C. yHod County Administrator DATE January 17, 1990 RE Status of Chief of Police Selection We have held an initital meeting of the Police Chief Advisory Committee. A deadline date for receipt of applications was established to be March 1, 1990. The position advertisement will appear in The Police Chief magazine, which is the official publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. We will also place newspaper advertisements in the Roanoke Times and World News as well as other advertisements within selected newspapers within the State of Virginia. The Police Chief Advisory Committee has recommended that an assessment center be used to rate finalists for the position. Enclosed is a copy of the advertisement which will appear in the February issue of The Police Chief magazine, as well as a copy of the regular County position vacancy posting for this position. ck Enclosures o~ aOANp~. ttOdIlOK2l,OllI111' ~ ^ ~ ~~ ~ ~ AII~AMf RIU LiTY 1838 150 88 ~ 1s79 s ~-' 1989 FS~UICEN7ENN~P~ DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES A BcautirulBeginnirs EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LISTING January 17, 1990 CHIEF OF POLICE Police Department POSITION AVAILABLE: Chief of Police to develop an organizational structure and manage newly established Police Department of 130 employees with a $3.5 million operating budget. Police Chief responsible to appointed County Administrator. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful applicant must have progressively responsible law enforcement experience, including 5 years' successful command level experience. Batchelor's degree and graduation from a nationally recognized police executive training program preferred. Must hold or be able to obtain certificaticn from Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Finalists will be invited to participate in an assessment center. SALARY RANGE: $43,671 - $64,522 FOR APPLICATION CON'T'ACT: Department of Human Resources Brambleton Corporate Center 3433 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 703/772-2018 DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: March 1, 1990 DOCUMEN'T'S ESTABLISHING IDENTITY AND EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY MUST BE PROVIDED UPON EMPLOYMEE[~tr THE COUl1PY OF ROANOKE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F/H ADVERTISEMENT TO APPEAR IN FEBRUARY ISSUE OF THE POLICE CHIEF Nationwide publication for International Association of Chiefs of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Population: 76,000. The County of Roanoke is seeking a progressive Chief of Police to develop an organizational structure and manage newly established Police Department of 130 employees with a $3.5 million operating budget. Police Chief responsible to appointed County Administrator. 1 Salary range: $43,671 to $64,522 per year plus competitive benefit package. Progressively responsible law enforcement experience, including 5 years' successful command level experience required. Batchelor's degree and graduation from a nationally recognized police executive training program preferred. Must hold or be able to obtain certification from Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Finalists will be invited to participate in an assessment center. EOE/M/F/H For application contact: County of Roanoke Department of Human Resources Brambleton Corporate Center 3433 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 (703)772-2018 Deadline: Marcy I, 1990 i OC1 1--1 pp Z S O t! ~. C ~ so~c.. 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N 1 O t+f O ~va 47 n ! 1s~> O Ia•I~ v1 IiK ^+ l~ n ti Oa N ~ m ml~ _ ~~ N -1 O ~!~ to N ~~ N O. ~ p_~ V Im ~ V ~ ~y O S pJ Ilzi-s Cd mm a6 O 1 ~.. ~ h I /-~ PO "' O ~~ ~ to D. ~ z = O m m fnj m .m C y m 2 00 = tq 1-L .~ G"' O C61 n3 ! ' t V ~ lia J ~ Op O ~ N A G E N D A Board of Supervisors' Retreat January 20-21, 1990 Holiday Inn-Tanglewood JANUARY 20 8 a.m. to noon 1. Discuss results of Myers-Briggs tests -- Diana Trent, Employee Development Coordinator for the City of Lynchburg 1 p.m. 2. Review priorities set at July, 1989 retreat (see Attachment A> 2 p.m. 3. Topics suggested by Supervisors for this retreat: A. Consolidation B. Roanoke County Resource Authority C. Spring Hollow Reservoir D. New regional landfill E. Recycling F. Stormwater management G. Police Department H. Fire and Rescue Department I. Utility fees J. User fee study K. Long-range economic development goals -- 75/25 policy L. Budget process M. Set goals of a 1 per cent variance in total budget and a 2 per cent variance in any one subcategory of the budget N. Capital improvement program 0. Economic/budget considerations P. Employee/teacher salaries Q. Supervisors' meeting facilities and procedures JANUARY 21 8 a.m. Continuation of issues remaining from #3 above Noon: lunch - members of the "management team" will join us 1 p.m. 4. Review of 1990-91 revenue projections and major budget expendi- tures -- Elmer Hodge and Diane Hyatt 5. Setting of work priorities for 1990 by Board and staff A G E N D A Board of Supervisors' Retreat January 20-21, 1990 Holiday Inn-Tanglewood JANUARY 20 8 a.m. to noon 1. Discuss results of Myers-Briggs tests -- Diana Trent, Emp oyee Development Coordinator for the City of Lynchburg l p'm' 1989 retreat (see Attachment A) 2. Review priorities set at July, 2 p.m. 3, Topics suggested by Supervisors for this retreat: A. Consolidation B. Roanoke County Resource Authority C. Spring Hollow Reservoir D. New regional landfill E. Recycling F. Stormwater management G. Police Department H. Fire and Rescue Department I. Utility fees J. User fee study K. Long-range economic development goals -- 75/25 policy L. Budget process M. Set goals of a 1 per cent variance in total budget and a per cent variance in any one subcategory of the budget N. Capital improvement program O. Economic/budget considerations P. Employee/teacher salaries rocedures Q. Supervisors' meeting facilities and p JANUARY 21 8 a.m. Continuation of issues remaining from #3 above Noon: lunch - members of the "management team" will join us 1 p.m. 4. Review of 1990-91 revendeDPaneeHyatts and major budget expendi- tures -- Elmer Hodge a 5. Setting of work priorities for 1990 by Board and staff Roanoke Counn~ ~, AIl~AA1FRIG CITY C~~~Yt~ ~~ ~~~~~~~e 'I I' I I 1979 1989 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES M E M O R A N D U M TO Booar of S pervisors FROM Elmer C.~d County Administrator DATE January 17, 1990 RE Status of Chief of Police Selection We have held an initital meeting of the Police Chief Advisory Committee. A deadline date for receipt of applications was established to be March 1, 1990. The position advertisement will appear in The Police Chief magazine, which is the official publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. We will also place newspaper advertisements in the Roanoke Times and World News as well as other advertisements within selected newspapers within the State of Virginia. The Police Chief Advisory Committee has recommended that an assessment center be used to rate finalists for the position. Enclosed is a copy of the advertisement which will appear in the February issue of The Police Chief magazine, as well as a copy of the regular County position vacancy posting for this position. ck Enclosures A Beauti~ulBeginning tcoanotce ~oun~r ~~~= OF PQAN~~~ AII~AMEXIG CITY ~ ,. ( 9 ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~- _ ~r~~t~~~e ,~ a rte ~~ ~ ~ ~~'~~ 1979 iso /x18 1989 1 18~$ r~a~5; y S~SDV~CENTENN~P~ DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES A Bcauri ful Beginning EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LISTING January 17, 1990 CHIEF OF POLICE Police Department POSITION AVAILABLE: Chief of Police to develop an organizational structure and manage newly established Police Department of 130 employees with a $3.5 million operating budget. Police Chief responsible to appointed County Administrator. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful applicant must have progressively responsible law enforcement experience, including 5 years' successful conxnand level experience. Batchelor's degree and graduation from a nationally recognized police executive training program preferred. Must hold or be able to obtain certification fran Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Finalists will be invited to participate in an assessment center. SALARY RANGE: $43,671 - $64,522 FOR APPLICATION COI~frACT: Department of Human Resources Brambleton Corporate Center 3433 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 703/772-2018 DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: March 1, 1990 DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING IDE[~ITY AND EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY MUST BE PROVIDED UPON EMPIAYMENT THE COiJNPY OF ROANOKE IS AN FQUAL OPPORTUNITY II~LOYER M/F/H ADVERTISEMENT TO APPEAR IN FEBRUARY ISSUE OF THE POLICE CHIEF Nationwide publication for International Association of Chiefs of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Population: 76,000. The County of Roanoke is seeking a progressive Chief of Police to develop an organizational structure and manage newly established Police Department of 130 employees with a $3.5 million operating budget. Police Chief responsible to appointed County Administrator. Salary range: $43,671 to $64,522 per year plus competitive benefit package. Progressively responsible law enforcement experience, including 5 years' successful command level experience required. Batchelor's degree and graduation from a nationally recognized police executive training program preferred. Must hold or be able to obtain certification f rem Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Finalists will be invited to participate in an assessment center. EOE/M/F/H For application contact: County of Roanoke Department of Human Resources Brambleton Corporate Center 3433 Brambleton Avenue, Sti9 Roanoke, V?~ 24018 (703)772-2018 Deadline: Mare 1, 1990 OF POANp~~ P ti 2 ~ ~~ z v a 1838 ~ E50~~~ 88 .~ S~SQWCENTENN~P~' A Beauti~ulBcginning Roanoke Counn~ All-AMERI(JI C7T1' C~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, 1979 1989 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES M E M O R A N D U M TO Boar of S pervisors FROM E~mer C.~ o~~ County Administrator DATE January 17, 1990 RE Status of Chief of Police Selection We have held an initital meeting of the Police Chief Advisory Committee. A deadline date for receipt of applications was established to be March 1, 1990. The position advertisement will appear in The Police Chief magazine, which is the official publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. We will also place newspaper advertisements in the Roanoke Times and World News as well as other advertisements within selected newspapers within the State of Virginia. The Police Chief Advisory Committee has recommended that an assessment center be used to rate finalists for the position. Enclosed is a copy of the advertisement which will appear in the February issue of The Police Chief magazine, as well as a copy of the regular County position vacancy posting for this position. ck Enclosures O~ aOANph.~ (~UdRUKC LUlllllti a r ~ ALLAM~ ti riso ~ 1979 18 •~: 8$ 1989 S~SpV~CENTENN~PL DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES A Btauti ful Beginning EMPLOYN~IT OPPORTUNITY LISTING Janu~17, 19901990 CHIEF OF POLICE PolicePolice De~tment POSITION AVAILABLE: Chief of Police to develop an organizational structure and manage newly established Police Department of 130 employees with a $3.5 million operating budget. Police Chief responsible to appointed County Administrator. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful applicant must have progressively responsible law enforcement experience, including 5 years' successful conmand level experience. Batchelor's degree and graduation from a nationally recognize3 police executive training program preferred. Must hold or be able to obtain cer~ificaticn from Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Finalists will be invite3 to participate in an assessment center. SALARY RANGE: $43,671 - $64,522 FOR APPLICATION CONTACT: Department of Human Resources Brambleton Corporate Center 3433 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 703/772-2018 DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT - OF APPLICATIONS: March 1, 1990 DCCCJNS TPS ESTABLISHING IDENTITY AND EMPIAYMEDIT ELIGIBILITY MUST BE PROVIDED UPON EMPLOYMENT THE COUNPY OF ROANOKE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E[~LOYER I~/F/H • ~~ ~ADVERTISEMENT TO APPEAR IN FEBRUARY ISSUE OF THE POLICE CHIEF Nationwide publication for International Association of Chiefs of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Population: 76,000. The County of Roanoke is seeking a progressive Chief of Police to develop an organizational structure and manage newly established Police Department of 130 employees with a $3.5 million operating budget. Police Chief responsible to appointed County Administrator. Salary range: $43,671 to $64,522 per year plus competitive benefit package. Progressively responsible law enforcement experience, including 5 years' successful command level experience required. Batchelor's degree and graduation from a nationally recognized police executive training program preferred. Must hold or be able to obtain certification from Virginia Depart:ent of Criminal Justice Services. Finalists will be invited to participate in an assessment center. EOE/M/F/H For application contact: County of Roanoke Department of Human Resources Brambleton Corporate Center 3433 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, V?~ 24018 (703)772-2018 Deadline: Mare 1, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Elmer Hodge Tim Gubala ~~ FROM: Paul Mahoney SUBJECT: Public-Private Partnership Policy DATE: 18 January 1990 eived a co y of the Public-Private Partnerslp Policy for this office's review I rec P on Wednesday, January 17, 1990. It is my understan~g that you intend to submit this policy to the Board at its meeting on Tuesday, January 23, 1990. I would like to suggest the following issues be considered in drafting apublic-Private Partnership Policy. The Constitution of Virginia prohibits the expenditure of public funds for private oses. An expenditure of public funds for the general purpose of promoting the PAP Counts industrial and business development is permissible. However, if these enditures benefit the private interests of the individual property owner or the ~P commercial entity, or if these expenditures have the effect of granting credit to or in aid of private persons or corporations, then that expenditure would be unconstitutional. An incidental benefit to private interests do not violate the Constitution, provided that the • ose" is to promote governmental interests. One key factor in this animating pm'P constitutional analysis is the Public character of the expenditure and the public ownership of the property or facilities that are the subject of the expenditure. You may recall that this office consistently urged that any expenditure of public 1 funds for the Valleypoint project be limited to "public infrastructure improvements." The County participation would be limited to those improvements that would be owned by the public, i.e. the industrial access road which is or will be owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia and water and sewer lines to be owned by Roanoke County. Therefore, I would suggest that any County participation in site development costs be limited to those site development projects which will be and remain in public ownership. Your draft policy is based in part upon a calculation of anticipated payback of local taxes. Is this anticipated payback "gross" or "net"? An identification of gross revenues without any consideration of the cost to provide local services from those revenues is misleading. Therefore, I would suggest that any payback calculation include a recognition of the cost of providing local services to the project in question. The calculation of net tax revenues is consistent with the position that the County has taken in the consolidation negotiations with Roanoke City, involving the possibility of merging Glenvar/West County with the City of Salem. During those negotiations, the County has identified the gross revenues derived from this portion of the County, then subtracted from those gross revenues the costs of providing public services to that area, in order to calculate a net revenue loss. I would suggest that a minimum value for "total capital investment" be included in the policy. I would further suggest that the qualifying industry be either manufacturing, processing, or assembling a product, and that a minimum employment requirement be included for these qualifying industries, For example, would a manufacturing industry with ten employees qualify for the application of this policy? Z The drab policy states that "off-site fees of jointly-developed parks shall not be held as a portion of the total cost of the project and thus not a portion of the payback equation." Further clarification of this provision is required. The existing County ordinance provides for a credit allowed against the off-site facilities fee for certain off- site extensions constructed by the developer. Does the language quoted above in your policy restrict the application of the ordinance credit policy? Finally, I would refer you once again to Ordinance 8-12-86-169 which provides that the Board has authority to "authorize the off-site facilities fee to be paid from the General Fund for those commercial or industrial owners (applicants) which the Board of Supervisors determines would be in the best interests of the County's economic development and which would generate significant employment." This ordinance provision does not authorize the waiver of the 'basic connection fee." It merely authorizes the "off-site facilities fee" to be paid from the General Fund in those special circumstances. PMM/sg cc: Board of Supervisors' Reading file Cliff Craig 3 MEMORANDUM TO: F1mer Hodge Tim Gubala FROM: Paul Mahoney `~~ SUBJECT: Public-Private Partnership Policy DATE: 18 January 1990 I received a copy of the Public-Private Partnership Policy for this office's review on Wednesday, January 17, 1990. It is my understanding that you intend to submit this policy to the Board at its meeting on Tuesday, January 23, 1990. I would like to suggest the following issues be considered in drafting aPublic-Private Partnership Policy. The Constitution of Virginia prohibits the expenditure of public funds for private purposes. An expenditure of public funds for the general purpose of promoting the Counts industrial and business development is permissible. However, if these expenditures benefit the private interests of the individual property owner or the commercial entity, or if these expenditures have the effect of granting credit to or in aid of private persons or corporations, then that expenditure would be unconstitutional. An incidental benefit to private interests do not violate the Constitution, provided that the "animating purpose" is to promote governmental interests. One key factor in this constitutional analysis is the public character of the expenditure and the public ownership of the property or facilities that are the subject of the expenditure. You may recall that this office consistently urged that any expenditure of public 1 The drafr policy states that "off-site fees of jointly-developed parks shall not be held as a portion of the total cost of the project and thus not a portion of the payback equation." Further clarification of this provision is required. The existing County ordinance provides for a credit allowed against the off-site facilities fee for certain off- site extensions constructed by the developer. Does the language quoted above in your policy restrict the application of the ordinance credit policy? Finally, I would refer you once again to Ordinance 8-12-86-169 which provides that the Board has authority to "authorize the off-site facilities fee to be paid from the General Fund for those commercial or industrial owners (applicants) which the Board of Supervisors determines would be in the best interests of the County's economic development and which would generate significant employment." This ordinance provision does not authorize the waiver of the "basic connection fee." It merely authorizes the "off-site facilities fee" to be paid from the General Fund in those special circumstances. PMM/sg cc: Board of Supervisors' Reading file Cliff Craig 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Elmer Hodge Tim Gubala w„~ ~~11(1 l FROM: Paul Mahoney SUBJECT: Public-Private Partnership Policy DATE: 18 January 1990 I received a copy of the Public-Private Partnership Policy for this office's review on Wednesday, January 17, 1990. It is my understanding that you intend to submit this policy to the Board at its meeting on Tuesday, January 23, 1990. I would like to suggest the following issues be considered in drafting aPublic-Private Partnership Policy. The Constitution of Virginia prohibits the expenditure of public funds for private purposes. An expenditure of public funds for the general purpose of promoting the Counts industrial and business development is permissible. However, if these expenditures benefit the private interests of the individual property owner or the commercial entity, or if these expenditures have the effect of granting credit to or in aid of private persons or corporations, then that expenditure would be unconstitutional. An incidental benefit to private interests do not violate the Constitution, provided that the "animating purpose" is to promote governmental interests. One key factor in this constitutional analysis is the public character of the expenditure and the public ownership of the property or facilities that are the subject of the expenditure. You may recall that this office consistently urged that any expenditure of public 1 funds for the Valleypoint project be limited to "public infrastructure improvements." The County participation would be limited to those improvements that would be owned by the public, i.e. the industrial access road which is or will be owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia and water and sewer lines to be owned by Roanoke County. Therefore, I would suggest that any County participation in site development costs be limited to those site development projects which will be and remain in public ownership. Your draft policy is based in part upon a calculation of anticipated payback of local taxes. Is this anticipated payback "gross" or "net"? An identification of gross revenues without any consideration of the cost to provide local services from those revenues is misleading. Therefore, I would suggest that any payback calculation include a recognition of the cost of providing local services to the project in question. The calculation of net tax revenues is consistent with the position that the County has taken in the consolidation negotiations with Roanoke City, involving the possibility of merging Glenvar/West County with the City of Salem. During those negotiations, the County has identified the gross revenues derived from this portion of the County, then subtracted from those gross revenues the costs of providing public services to that area, in order to calculate a net revenue loss. I would suggest that a minimum value for "total capital investment" be included in the policy. I would further suggest that the qualifying industry be either manufacturing, processing, or assembling a product, and that a minimum employment requirement be included for these qualifying ,industries. For example, would a manufacturing industry with ten employees qualify for the application of this policy? 2 The drafr policy states that "off-site fees of jointly-developed parks shall not be held as a portion of the total cost of the project and thus not a portion of the payback equation." Further clarification of this provision is required. The existing County ordinance provides for a credit allowed against the off-site facilities fee for certain off- site extensions constructed by the developer. Does the language quoted above in your policy restrict the application of the ordinance credit policy? Finally, I would refer you once again to Ordinance 8-12-86-169 which provides that the Board has authority to "authorize the off-site facilities fee to be paid from the General Fund for those commercial or industrial owners (applicants) which the Board of Supervisors determines would be in the best interests of the County's economic development and which would generate significant employment." This ordinance provision does not authorize the waiver of the 'basic connection fee." It merely authorizes the "off-site facilities fee" to be paid from the General Fund in those special circumstances. PMM/sg cc: Board of Supervisors' Reading file Cliff Craig 3 BOARD RETREAT MENU - SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1990 Lee Eddy r Tomato and Pasta Salad Seafood Crepes Fruited Cheesecake Bob Johnson House Salad Chicken Francaise Harry Nickens House Salad Chicken Almondine Decaffeinated Coffee Steve McGraw House Salad Chicken Almondine Rainbow Sherbet Richard Robers P ~ ~Ilr~o,.N^o r~ House Salad Petite Filet Mignon Midnight Layer Cake Elmer Hodae House Salad Veal Variously Paul Mahoney Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Seafood Crepes Fruited Cheesecake Mary Allen Homestyle Soup du Jour House Salad Chicken Francaise 1/11/90 ~~~ ~3 ~-~ ~o~_ ~ Mary Allen, Don Myers asked that pass this along to you. (1) Diana Trent needs the following equipment for her presentation at the Supervisors retreat: (1) VHS VCR (2) Flip Chart (3) Overhead projector (2 ) She needs to know where the meeting is being held and what time she is to present her part of the program. Don said you could put this in the letter you are sending her. She expects to run about 5 hours (Don suggested from 9:00-2:00 or 10:00-3:00); if the time is less than 4 hours, she would have a concern about doing it properly. (3) Her fee is $350. This includes everything (materials, travel expenses). OF pOANp,I.~ ~.~ Z z J a 18 E~ ' 8$ SIrgQU1CEN7ENN~P~' A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Ms. Diana Trent Personnel Department City of Lynchburg P. O. Box 60 Lynchburg, Va. 24505 Dear Ms. Trent: January 16, 1990 ~d AII~AMERIG dTT '~II~' 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 808 L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERL4L DISTRICT Attached are the Myers-Briggs tests for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and staff who will be attending the retreat the weekend of January 20, 21, 1990. Richard Robers, one of the Supervisors did not take the test. However, he informed me that he is a ENTP and all his test scores indicated he is strong in each category. Harry Nickens, another supervisor is mailing his test to you today. The retreat is being held Saturday January 2,0 and Sunday, January 21 in the Executive Board Room at t'~e Holiday Inn-Tar_glewood, which is located of_f Route 419. If you Ilced further directions, please let me kro;.~. Mr. Hodya ?gas suggested that t.~e Myers-Briggs test results be analyzed on Saturday, January 20 from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. You ~vill have a '~V, VCR, flip chart and overhEad projector available for your presentation. If you need further information, please call me at 772-2003. I have attached a list of who will be attending the retreat. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 20th. Sincerely, C~nixnf~ of ~nttnukr .~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County 3oard of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RETREAT JANUARY 20, 21, 1990 Richard W. Robers, Board Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Board Vice Chairman Lee B. Eddy Bob L. Johnson Harry C. Nickens Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON USE LEAD PENCIL ONLY. MARK ONLY IN RESPONSE BOXES OR CIRCLES. THE OTHER SIDE ON THIS SHEET. MARKS MUST COMPLETELY FILL THE CIRCLE. Print your last name first in these boxes. Skip one box, then ~ U (~ TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS TO THE TYPE INDICATOR QUESTIONS. ~ print as much of your first name, etC., as fits. Below each ~ ~} FIND THE NUMBER OF THE QUESTION BELOW AND BLACKEN THE _ box blacken the circle having the same letter as that box. 0 ~ C) CIRCLE THAT HAS THE SAME LETTER AS THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE. For spaces, blacken a blank circle. ~~~ ERASE COMPLETELY ANY STRAY MARKS OR CHANGED ANSWERS. ~ 'l ~ 0 ~l A B C A B A B C 9E A B C D~ IM IRIH to I NIEIy I IpI~INI~I I I I I I I I I I A • q ;A'. A ~. A ~~~A, ~,~A.`A -. A.n,A,. ~;A~.C,_?,'~ A' s re s :6, e ~s, a ~s~ a fv a (8~;g`(81:81V'~Celi's~~~e_,, .. .: D D D D~. D ~Dj D (D1,D`/D1 D?~ p.~r;p,~~+:pl~~(Di(~~~i~'. E ;~E, E ~'E ; E • ,E ~ E ~ E : ,~Epp1 E! ~E~ E , ~i '`E.~ ~`.l `~~ l`J '. E; l`J (. E' t ~F iF F. `F ~, F~~~i F; ~. F.` ~~F..,OF 'F~'~L~Q~~~'~~ G~~G G ~G` G'~ G ~ G~t~iG;G'G G CJLJJ© J~V H~H•.";H~~H.ti~,H~~N.;U.HO~:"~O~G~OrJ -^o^o oo_ ,J.\~ ~. ~, ~-C.~ O~. J..; `J~\J v~t.~~C~~', +..,J1'~J J/O~'`i''V~~~ K K ~K ~K ~~ K : ~r K l~ ,. K ~ :,K l:J ' Ki l:J '~~K.J O~ K l~:/~ `. Ki f~'~ `:J L. ~L L iL~ L~`~~.. 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IM PO RT ANT: MA RK O NE is; JR. S EX : F Fe male • M ale sl SR. !>_>? Masters Are you a student? v, Yes • No ,Doctorate Which do you like best? fine Math ;19: Post Doct. English ~s_' Science ~~ History ,~ Med. Intern P Practical skills M Music AZ Art ~ R Med. Resident N No Are you working? t Yes If you are, what is your occupation or major? Attorney TODAY'S DATE MO. DAY YR. o ~ i o g o • ~ ~ ~ r ~z Y ;2 ~?, i 3 ` 3 ; 3' ~' ,a -4. 5 5? 5'' ~~ ~~ s e 'e .e ~i ~\ L.% C>~~JCi \._/ \.i OClL~ 000 t~ C` ^; o~~~ '000 1000 i000 >000 >000 >000 X000 ~C\~0~~ ?OOC )GOO )C>0!~ 1 {~ ~„J )C}~~C1 100 ~Ooo ~~. 00 JO00 ~L /OO ?GOO ~o~C~ X000 7QC~t; ~0~i0 a O C> t; X000 X000 ?JOOV ~~00 1000 ~,OOG X000 ~OOG ~00~ JOG '~C700 oooc OOUO 0000' 0000 OC~O OOO 000 ~OC~~J 000 OOC If you PART 2 PART 3 116 a e c ~ .. • skip a 32 ~ s 72 P' • 117 • ..8 ~ question, 33 ;n' • 73 A, • 118 !± ~ ~ skip its 34 ~ `e. 74 a • 119 • .8. ~ circles 35 • ,`s 75 ~ .8' 120 a ~ ~ t00. ~ USE NO. 2 LEAD PENCIL ONLY 36 37 • 38 ~ • 39 U • 40 • (e PART 1 1 •U 41 •;B, 2 ~,~ 42~~~. 3 ~:` 437•;B; 4•~ 44~•:e 5 ~;~. 45 ~fe' 7 ~A ~- • 8 ''J • 9 ~•'e; 10 n • 46 ;-/ ! 47 .. a , ~• 48 •'.e~ 49 J a 50 • e 11 ~ A; • 12• 13 • L 14 ~ ~ {~~ 15 A • 16 • J 18 • '~ 19 • ~~~ 20 • ;B: 21 ~ • z2 • a 23?~• 24 ~ ~,~~~ 25 ~ 's 2s ,A• S PART 2 27 ~~:e; 28 • e, 29 •,e: 30 ~ ~' 31 'A'• 51 , j; ~ 52 • 53 ~",• 54 ~ A' 55 ;A~ • 56 ` • 57 • e' 58 '• ' B: 59'A~ S 6U • ~.e:S s1 •'.e; s2 ~ • 63 • 64 '.A: • 65 A` • ss A 67 'A; ~• s8 ~;A .• 69 +• s 70 0 ;B 71 • s: MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR FORM G 76 • (9! 77 .A • 78 ~p~ • c 79 ~A' • 80 ~ A~. • 81 A' ~ ~ 121 • 6 122 ,A ~ 123 'A, e.` • 124 A e ~ • 125 ;q ~ 126 4 s 82 ~A: • 83 'A. ~ ~ ~, m 84• a. ~ ~ ~ ~ o 85 ? • ~ T Z - 2 i N Bs ,A • 87 • s; 88 ~• :B 89 ~ B~ 90 '"~ • v r m ^a m m _Z Zn m 3y n mo N 91 ~ A;~ j 92 ; • 93 ?;'e; s4 A: • 95 S g 9s • B:: 97 • s` 98 :A' ~ 99 ~ .'e` 100 ^ • 101 A: 3 102 A • 103 ~ • 104 ~ "8 105 A • l os A • 107 A: • 108 , B 109 A; • 110 ;A • 111 y `' 112 • B 113 • 114 e B 115.A'~ 1~ r`, r"~ r'o V ~.., ~.J \..~ ~' tJ ~ ~.~ 00!~C~ RO ~ CODE ~ •J ~ ~ t0 l'~ :~t'JO0® ~®OOG rJO~~J~ 004G5 rJOG~G t~~?JOGv ;s,!'9~n~,~ ~,~ O C' ~ ~~; ~~ ~3cC;~c Cz1~G~~~ ~ 0:70x0 J~U~°,G ..6 ~!+6 6)!6~~ CB~C~rJGOC IC9~~~0nGC !OPTIONAL) Do you like it? • A lot 'a O.K. _ Not Much 1803-PFI-5432 DO NOT MARK BELOW BAR MBTITM-G 6826 DO NOT FOLD ~ PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON MARK ONLY IN RESPONSE BOXES OR CIRCLES. USE LEAD PENCIL ONLY. MARKS MUST COMPLETELY FILL THE CIRCLE. THE OTHER SIDE ON THIS SHEET. Prini your last name first in these boxes. Skip one box, then ~ ~ U Ll TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS TO THE TYPE INDICATOR QUESTIONS. print as much of your first name, etc., as fits. Below each - -~ FIND THE NUMBER OF THE QUESTION BELOW AND BLACKEN THE ~- ~~ CIRCLE THAT HAS THE SAME LETTER AS THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE. box blacken the circle having the same letter as that box. / L~ ERASE COMPLETELY ANY STRAY MARKS OR CHANGED ANSWERS. For spaces, blacken a blank circle. ~-, ; 'l U ~l A B C A B_ A B C iF A B C I A ~A~i A iA1 ~A ~Ai-A, ~,AI~~A.. ~7,A O.A; C;~A;~/.A~. OA ~A. D iD !~'D~ D`~p D'~.D1~D~~D:n'D.`~ D~~;,~(J;~:D~~',D~~ E `Ej E:(E;'~~d.'.JE~.~E,`L E, ~J .E!L~.J `~ V `E'~=/tE,'/ F ~ F~~ F; CF~~ ~: F.' ~ ~ F. O './ lam' , Fi O ~~' O ~~ ~ ~L O ~~ O G ~G, r, ~'~ G, G n;.~ rl'G?~~ GV,G ©'`.Gi~©~Q~J H, H; H H`. H H i ~H. HH' H:IH. ~~ H H H Hi H IH1 H r~"~ ~ r 1. ~ O _. O~ O ., O~ O .,~ O .~ O ..-. 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DAY YR. s 3rd Grade D ~ :. ~ `~ ~ 4 4th ~ 'o 0 0 0 '0 5` 5th i i i' t i e` 6th __ ~ +~j z z z ?j 7th 3 3 3 3. ,:3' `e' 8th y .4 ~ ~ s` 9th 5. ~ 5, :5. '101 10th 6~ 6 -6 6 >>. ~'Ith ~' ~~ ~ ~~' ;i2~ 1 2th a e $ 6 'i3; FR. College g- 9 9~ 9` X14 SOPH. IM PO RT AN T: MA RK O NE is; JR. SEX: F Female nn Male '161 SR. Masters Are you a student? `v` Yes ~ No 'ie; Doctorate Which do you like best? ~!a Math ~e~: Post Doct. e English s. Science ~ History ~~' Med. Intern v Practical skills .M Music `A) Art R Med. Resident Are you working? ~ Yes N No If you are, what is your occup~~ n ~ major? cou~TY ~9~: N; s ~`~. TODAY'S DATE MO. DAY YR. O I 0~ Q O ~' r°, ~ ~, '`t': 2 z z (z 3 3~ 9` 3'. =4; 4 ;~,, ;5 i8 `6~` 7 ?~ `J 8 8 ,8 ,e ~9,' `~ ~ '9'.. ~~ \J ~~ ~~/ n~0 000 t~ ~' :~ t'.J O ,' L~ ~`~ !1 ~~j~~~ 1000 X000 X000 )000 11000 JO00 ~ ~, ~L ~/~- ~Ooc )000 ~O::O ,?OL' J ~r;;~~; /~~ ~J~.. ..~,G~ v '~ X000 ~C`00 ~';JiOO JO00 ~VOO JOL;O ~G~^, 1 ~ Z~QO,:~ J~O~, a ~ ~ ~% LJ X000 X000 ?!:JO~~ "~ /-' r1 J~?~JV -~ • '\ G 'O 9 ' t.l O :~00 OC-~VO 0000 0000 OOO~~' C~OOC .~ vOL 000 000 OCJO OOC1i OuO` ~~0~ coc o0c If you PART 2 PART 3 116 A' s. ~ ~ ~ skip a 32 A` >f 72 ~ e 117 ?,' ~ ~ question, A 33 _. 73~s: 118:g~ skip its 34 ~ ~e 74 ? ! 119 .:A~ ~ ~ circles 35 >~ "e 75 A e a 120 LOO. ~ USE NO. 2 LEAD PENCIL ONLY PART 1 1 ~ ~,~ 2 ~''Bi 3 4 ~ '~ 5 ~ '~, 6 A%~ 7 ~ B 8 ~, :,. 10 11 A 12 ~ ; 13 A: 14~:s c) 15~-\e. 16~"e: 17~~8 18~; 19.8: 20 ~ s' 21 ~~ ~ 4 22 ,? ~ 23 ~ e 24~v', 25 A' 26 ~ e PART 2 27 ~ tg~ 28 ~- e; 29 ';J ~ 30 ~^; 31 ^'~ ~ 36 :a; ~ 76 ~ s g 121 ~ _ ~ 37 ~ ~'~ 77 ~ s~ 122 ,A ~ 38 S ;~i 78 `^ ~ ~~ 123 ~ -"e ~ ~ 39 Ij c e; 79 ~ "s 124 "a_; ~ ~ ~ ao 'A' 80 ~ B 125 t B _ 81 A !~ C 126 ~ 8 ~ 41 ::J ~. ~ 42 , Ai ~ 82 ~ ~`s ~ ~' 43 ~ ~' 83 ~ e'` ~ H m .. 44 ! B` 84 ~ ` I I I I . A 45 _; ~ e 85~~_~ o ~ . Z - N 46 ~ ,`B~ 47 ~ ,,e 48 .A 49~ie 50 ?; ~ 51 52 ?' 53 A'- ~` 54 ~ s; 55 ~ `e,. 86 ® 8. 87 A`, 88 `~ .B: 89 A. 90 ~ B) 91 A, ~: 92A~ 93 ~ `_s; ~;~- 94 ~ B' 95 .A !~ T =m 0 9 m __ Z~ c m N m D N ~ ,~ ~. O~..J~ r-1(-~ r-'~ ;-, ~ -J ~~ .J OOi O 56 :A, ~ 57 ~ 's'. 58 ~ B 59 ~ .s' 60 A s1 p ;B, 62 ~ :e; 63 ~'e 64 ~ B` 65a~ 66 ~ e, 67 ?; !N 68 ~ B 69 ~n ~' 70 A..~ 71 A 'r MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR FORM G 96 ~ e' 97 ~ 'B1 98 ~ a 99? 100 ~ .e 101 ~ "B. 102 ~ B 103 "A ~ 104 ~ B; 105 ~ s~ 106a 107 a ~. l08 a B1 109 110 x'81 111 A 'B,I~ 112 A 113 ~ B 1141: s 115 ~ a. I RO I CODE ~o~~ol~ r~00V0~ C~C?OrJO 0~0~C ©©0~~:' C>OCGC (aI~QQQ ~Z~~C'0`L~0' ~~~~`~QI (a~~a~,U(o~0~a_)~ ~(~~5~)5j~51~1 1J~1E6j;~`6)~;i Cr}OG;~~~~G ~~C~OG~~ RUC>C9:~cc~ (OPTIONAL) ~ O ,~, ~ Do you like it? ~ A lot ;o` O.K. -` Not Much - MBTITM-G 6826 DO NOT FOLD ~ 1803-PFI-5432 DO NOT MARK BELOW BAR PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON MARK ONLY IN RESPONSE BOXES OR CIRCLES. USE LEAD PENCIL ONLY. MARKS MUST COMPLETELY FILL THE CIRCLE. THE OTHF,R SIDE ON THIS SHEET. Print your last name first in these boxes. Skip one box, then ~ ~.J ~~ TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS TO THE TYPE INDICATOR QUESTIONS, ~ print as much of your first name, etC., as fits. Below each FIND THE NUMBER OF THE QUESTION BELOW AND BLACKEN THE _ bOx blacken the circle having the same letter as that box. } ~ ~ 0 CIRCLE THAT HAS THE SAME LETTER AS THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE. For spaces, blacken a blank circle. oOL ERASE COMPLETELY ANY STRAY MARKS OR CHANGED ANSWERS. ~ '~nOO A B C A B A B C iE A B C D~ ~QIL L E AR Y N ~;;A1 A. t+.!.A `~A.. A~~ A:~ A'. aA A'aA ',A ~.._A- A~'A.,®.A a;Bj6~i,.eue,`,e,Ja,a;BC~B,a,.;a,~~Ug ~D iD~.D D! D ~D1 D'C D'iD1 `D~-~! D ~! D, ~!~D!i"7~~.D'. `E.~ E.~ E~!~,E!~"E;~.E~,E!~i~~ E-.i~!Ei~E E, F,~~.F:>~•F\'lJ'~~~l.J'~.F.!~'~~/l:.'~'O'~JOC!OnO~~FJ .,,~> ~,o~;o ~'ooo.~ o'.:or~oaooocl ,~ C,-~~c~~~~J~~ O~C~ ~,L~.~~~~O~~OO``~~~,~~~O~n~CO .. K.S ~!.K: C/K~O ~O.K ' K~..K'~lK~`LJ'K'IJCO~:/O~! :M iMJ~'M ~IJIi~'M;Uer M~~,M';!~J~U'MJIJ~~'LJ`M~C,='. ~NLN1 .N. L~~ J.N'.fry,,~N.. ~ni1 .N~~:N~.~.N)~, N! N~:J LJ '~I ~J ,- .^, Q;;,a~a~ ac!~ac,nc~;aca<~~o~~c~co~n; R fH R ~R`. R ,R~R~.!;R~S!Rf.R~ R `R~"',R; R1rR.n..R;in!.'R~~. s ~s l § ("s~ s //sue~ ; s, `s~ e . ~~ s /~ S raJ s ,~^~' ' S '~~J~ -S % /U~ ' S ' T.. L ! T ~ ~~ ~ L:.' :. `T '. rlT...` T CI . T : L' ! T %~.T..j `./ V lT' l:! ~' l:J `T~. .~~~~,~o~O Jo,~~~~~o~,o~!o,/ w `w• w ` w i~'w' wi `w ~; ~+'~; ` ' .Wi ~'wl ~ w: ~ ;w` `~ 'w: X r~~, x~ x ~ ~~~;~~ X c:~~~~~,X car X, Y,~Y Y, ~, Y;~'~Y,lY,;Y;*~Yi`Y!'~y ~'V`Y'I_'-~:~y ~'J L-~lJ -`~• DATE O F BI RT H HIGHEST GRADE MO. DA Y Y R. COMPLETED 3 3rd Grade Q 7 ~ y y 2 `a 4th p ._ ,p`. .-p ~ {p~ CJ 5th . r~i~ ~i i " i i rig u 6th z 2 ~ z ® ~~,> 7th ;3 3. .3 ,~ (3? (6; 8th a - = ~ 4;. ~~ 9th 5~ i 5 5 6~. ~~~ 1 0th 6 , 6 6 6'. ~>>} 1 lth ~, , > ~~ !`V~i , 2th 'e ~ s a . "'s~ Misr FR. College 9, s 9 -y, SOPH. IM PO RT AN T: MA RK O NE '~ JR. SEX: ~F ~ Female M' Male 16~ SR. (ir Masters Are you a student? v Yes A No s! Doctorate Which do you like best? ~~ Math '„9i Post Doct. E` English s' Science e History - ~' Med. Intern nn. Music `!+; Art P Practical skills ~' Med. Resident Are you working? ~ Yes N No If you are, what is your occupation or major? n `n, rJ ~, ~-+ ~' ; ~• J `~ C~!0 0~_;~` O r; _ '~!~~ looa looo )000 )aaa >000 ~Oaa >ooo Joao )~'Ov )oa~1 )au0 r1 r'~ !~, J U ~.' `/ ,~,!~o ~. . VL~V X000 ~ooa ,!,~~0 J :GOa ~OOa ~UnU ~Ci~O X000 X000 ~~'00 X000 JCia~ X00 ~c0a ~Jaa JaaO ~oaa 1000 ~V00 oa0t~ OC~00 0000 0000 10'O a a. 000.. ooa a0o 000 ;~'~ oao aoo .~ If you PART 2 PART 3 116 !± e ~ ~ skip a 32 ~ "e B 72 ~ _ 117 B ~ question, 33 "A ~ 73 A. ~ 118 n ~ ~ skip its 34 ,q'® 74 • a 119 e ~ circles 35 a ` 75 ` s 120 a a ~ too. ~ USE NO. 2 36 '.A`~ 76 ~ e A 121 `' ~ LEAD 37 ~ ~~ 77 ;-n; ~ 122 • .a ~ PENCIL 38~~`e' 78.^a'~,c~ 123 +6_e ~ ~ ONLY 3g ~n,~ 79 ~A • 124 A; a +f ~ ao ~ :~ ao ,i _e~ 125 0 . e PART 1 81 ;A. ,e + 126 ~ :_e ~ 1 a ~' 41 ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ A,; ~ 42 ~ ;~, 82 ~ 4 ~ A; • 44 ~~ ~ 84 ~ ~B 5• g 45J~ 85~``e" v ° ~ 9 Z - i ~ ~ 71 . 7~• 8 ~;a,,, 9 ~--~ ~` 10 ~A: ~ 11~!+~ 12•ei 13 ~'v 14 ®,e c 15 O e, 16 ~ g' 17 ~ 8 ~' ~ 18®" 19 ~- ~ 20 ~ 21 ®.B. 22 ~ ~i 23 ?i ~ 24 ~ ~"B' 25 `°'%~ 26 ~?`S PART 2 27 'A; ~ 2s f,B 29 ~~ ~ 30 ~?~~ 31 ~~ 46~'e~ 47 • ;a 48 ® e'; 49 it ~- 50 A; 51 ~ Bi 52 ~ A. ~ 53~~8 54 ~ ~` 55 ? ~ 56~ca 57 ~~+~ 58 ~ ~ 59 •'`' so ,A 86 '~?` 87 A e 88 .A # 89 '~?; ! so ,A: 91 ~?~: ~ 92 A;~ 93 ~ 's ,c 94 ~ "_e', 95 'A; ~ 96 •?' 0 97'A;~ 98 ~ "B 99 ~'B 100 ~ B. n m ~ r ~m _ a9 m _z _ ~ ? m _ f/f A a O ~ 9 N ~ (_,~ ~., .~ L..~ ~ ~i O(Jr~!'~~ RO I CODE ~ OO 0® ®® ~} • ~G~i• ~~ G l_J `~ GO u ~} 61 p`~ 62 :A` ~ s3 • sa ~:B 65 ~, s; 66 ~ :e~~ 67 'a': ~ sa ;A 69 A 70 ~ ~ 71A~ MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR FORM G 101 ~.6 102 ';? 103 104 ;A' ~ 105 • B. 106 4:s; 107 ~ ~ B ,08~ 1os 110 ~, 111 ~~~ 112f B' 113 ,A ~ 114 ?; « 115 ~'B c~~~oo~ c~ c~c~oo~~o~ GtGOC>O~ ~~~~'~~' c~ oa~~o~ ~!~•~CQ 5~n~~ pi's>'~ rJ; 6, Ln6,' G'~ ~',~ C'10' ~r'J' Gv~OGC (OPTIONAL) OOh _ UO~QV~' + A lot ~o O.K. "-1 Not Much Do you like it7 _ MBTIT""-G 6826 DO NOT FOLD ~ 1803-PFI-5432 DO NOT MARK BELOW BAR TODAY'S DATE MO. DAY VR. o f X 5 9 0 ~~~ `~; ~' ® '~. J z ' :? ;?; i`3 ~, ` 3 i 3 `. i 3 ~4~. ,4 4> ;5 5~ '6 6i 6; ~ ~ ~~ f8 ~~8 ~8' 8`. s' ~y; s~, PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON USE LEAD PENCIL ONLY THE OTHER SIDE ON THIS SHEET. Print your last name first in these boxes. Skip one box, then print as much of your first name, etc., as fits. Below each box blacken the circle having the same letter as that box. For spaces, blacken a blank circle. C: C' - O :~ C ~-:~ O ~ O ~` O 0 0 ~'~ (Cp ~ ~ C A iA~ A iA1 "q. ~+;A ` A;[~iA%'CA 'Aln~gj A~`A`\-''A'CA .A, ~B~;e~B~e~~~~oi~~6~'G~~~~c~B~o~B~ E ~E E(E; E.'~J.E'~ E;~~ E'~~E~;~~E,~.E CE ~./EF ~).E~ F ` ~.F., F L'J F.~ L~F,J ~ F: O : F' ~ ~~ O ~J O `~~ O ~~:' O ~~ O `~ LH~t/~~,H~OH 'H..~`H',~~U OH OQ`~OH U~~~"OH U ~r~-~c:~~o~.~o ~~,~,~,o~,~o~~;o:~oco ~.;~K~j.K'~.K~..~ R".OKin(K)~.JiK%V~~OUO V•O~J :M ~~ M'v M'V~.M.U~JIJ'~~:.%~~M'\:J~'L^Y~.,\'."J M` M, ,M1 ~N- L~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ry!~;N'~'N~.~-N)~.'Ni CN ~N~ N~.. R~~R. ~R`R R `RIR ~.RlJ~fij\j.R!O~Rt Rj`,R'`/'.R'~a R: s ~s~, s ~'s~'~~s; s `~ s J;s'(Cs~'j~ s;u.s s~~s U's ~ s: T ? ~ ,T ~T i T,. lam! . T. ' .T, ~ \T-~ l~•~ ~~T 1:..~ `~ O'er` O `~T' L:J .Ti'. w`W W v;,,W.w W~W~~W~~ ~~~Wc,W~,w Y, LY ; V. LV ! Y ~^ Y (V 1 V~ ~i~ . V 1 u ''.~ (/0/~~~~~~ `..Yi ~/V[~ ~ l:J ~~~~ \/~L~J ~ DA TE OF BI RT H HIGHEST GRADE M O. DA Y Y R. COMPLETED 3rd Grade ~. I~ ~ t ~ ~' 4th o~ o ;o ;o 'ii'; ~ _s~! 5th s i i i ~ ~ i' ~~ 6th 'z ~ s z "z; t?,? 7th 3 3 3 3~ ; 3: ~` 8th ;4 >~ :~, ~'~ stn 5 6 5`, ~ !~o` 10th ~6 6 '6r ,6~ ;>>; 11th ;- , ;~ ,., "~. 12tH e a s ~s' is; FR. College 5 s. y~. .~9, 'id; SOPH. IM PO RT AN T: MA RK O NE 15 JR. SEX: F' Female ~ Mafe ~ SR. Masters Are you a student? v Yes ~ No y ;ie? Doctorate M~ Math Which do you like best? ,19; Post Doct. E. English s. Science .~~ History C Med. Intern Practical skills 'M: Music 'A) Art _ ?' Med. Resident N No Are you working? ~c_Yes If you are, what is your occupation or major? (OPTIONAL) Do you like it? ~ A lot ;o'; O.K. ; -~` Not Much MARK ONLY IN RESPONSE BOXES OR CIRCLES. MARKS MUST COMPLETELY FILL THE CIRCLE. ~) ~~ ~j C 11 G QQQ TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS TO THE TYPE INDICATOR QUESTIONS. FIND THE NUMBER OF THE QUESTION BELOW AND BLACKEN THE CIRCLE THAT HAS THE SAME LETTER AS THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE. ERASE COMPLETELY ANY STRAY MARKS OR CHANGED ANSWERS. ~ _ ~ C O C A B C A B A B C * A B C D ~ ~ ^,, u '_'`„ 000 If you PART 2 PART 3 - 116 ~~ ;B ~ o ~ C' Q O' skip a 32 ' a ~ 72 .A f0 117 ~ ` ~ -~ ~-, r'~ (~ ~~ ~ question, a' 33 ~' ~' 73 :?,'~ 118 ~ a ~} 0 ~} skip its 34 a; a 74 '~?~ ~ 119 ~ E - f~ ~;;~ circles 35 ~ ,s;. 75 ~ e 120 '.A O ~ ~ QQ0 t00. - 00 '0 USE NO. 2 3s iPJ~' 76 ~'~' 121 ~ a - ~ ~LJ00 LEAD 37 ~ i1 77 ':,a ~ 122 ~ _ ~B ~ 1000 PENCIL 38~~ 78~~~ ~-~~ 123~~~8 ~ - 1000 ONLY 3g ~; J 79 ~-~ 124 ~~~ ~ - )000 40 ~ ~s, 80 ~n,~ 125 ~A;~ ~ ` )000 PART 1 81 a ~;c; 12s Sa - )000 1 ~~8•' 41 ~~ ~ >000 2 ^ # 42ut s2;~~ )000 3 `.A'~ .-, 43 ~~ 83 ~~_g1 ~ ~ y m )0O0 4 ~'`~ 44 ~'J 84 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )000 5 C~ 45 ~~~ 85 ~,a, o >ooQ ~ 1CC0 st~~ 46~!e 8s ~~`e A` _ ;~;;~C J \. • 7`a..~ 47,a ~ 87.A~ i00 L ~ 8 ~ ~ 48,A;~ 88 ~.s: I 9 /''~~ '`~ / lLlOC 9 6; ~ 49~_~ 89 ~ ~A" 3m ~ ;D X000 to ;A,: ~ 5o A, e: _-~ 90 ;~: ` -~ . ZT ~~~~oo - y X000 11 CA ~ 51 ~ ~ 91 A; ~ $ . 1 C o o t 2 it ~, 52 .A : * 92 ~ ~B ~, . X000 14~ s ~' 54 ;A%~' 94 A>~ 00000~~~ X000 15~ g 55~ g 95 ?'~ 00'00 O ~ ~oc0 ooa00o- ~ ~~)OQ 1st-B 56~ ~ 9s~ e` - 00000 ~t~Qt i 17 ®ie ~' 57 /• e; 97 ~•,e RO CODE ~ ~QOO 18 ~A a 58 ~ e, 98 A ~ c~oooo X000 19~~ 59 "~ 99~A.~~ 'O'OV , ~ O t0 11000 20 ~ ~ s0u~ 100 ~~A;~ r ~1 ~`J~~~~:1- ~000 o®~®~®- ~QOO 21 ~;4 sl ~ B lol f~:e; COU@~~J- ~000 22 "' ~ s2 ~A~l~ l02 ^'~ OOOGn'~- ~000 23!Ai~ s3~~% 103 A:~ ~~Q~ 6 ~ ~ 0000 24~ a g4'A'~ 104r g - O' '000'~~~'1 0000 25 ~ e s5 A ~ 105 .A ~ ~~Q~C,~~~ 0000 2s :a;# C~~~J`~~~ 0000 PART 2 66 ~ s;` 10s ^'a # - 0000 27+a~ 67 a;+ 107::/~ ~c~oc~~- 0000 28 a~„s;: s8 ~ ~~ 108 ,;J f Ot t00 t0'.t~1Q- 000 29 ~''e' 69 ;A.. ~ 109 ;J~ GOD®C7d- 000 3oc~;r 7o~A • 11U~:t,~ ~ooo~®- 000 31 ~:~ 71 !* B' ~fl~~~~- 000 111 ~~`B~'~ L ~~~n~- ~OO~O . MYERS-BRIGGS 112 A; ~- ~J~fln~t ~- . `100 TYPE IN DICATOR 113a~"B, 114 ~ ~ GOOC~00- O®®®QO- 000 Coo FOR M G 115:6; aoocco- TODAY'S DATE MO. DAY YR. o. .a o ~, s z• ::s; ?r 3 3 `. v` ~~ ~ ~; f5; 'S1 Jt "8 8~ ~ ~' 1803-PFi-5432 DO NOT MARK BELOW BAR MBTIT^^-G 6826 DO NOT FOLD PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON USE LEAD PENCIL ONLY. MARK ONLY IN RESPONSE BOXES OR CIRCLES. THE OTHER SIDE ON THIS SHEET. MARKS MUST COMPLETELY FILL THE CIRCLE. Print your last name first in these boxes. Skip one box, then G ~ G TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS TO THE TYPE INDICATOR QUESTIONS. print as much of our first name, etc., as fits. Below each ,-~ FIND THE NUMBER OF THE QUESTION BELOW AND BLACKEN THE box blacken the c rcle having the same letter as that box. (J ~ tJ CIRCLE THAT HAS THE SAME LETTER AS THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE., For spaces, blacken a blank circle. ~~~ ERASE COMPLETELY ANY STRAY MARKS OR CHANGED ANSWERS. (~~C A B C A B _ A B C ~E A B C I ~~ Y~ LEE A iA` A ~ A~~, A;.~:.A;~..A' A~'A~:~.A!~,..A~~(A~A :A a ;~ B. `e. B ~,~B,~,B~~ i3 ~J.a C~~C~~0~0 B, !`E~ E"~E; E t~.i~~/l`JLE:G:E ~,E',~ E>GE ~`E;GE !.E. ~j{,!.~.H; H ~H, GH ''H;'~J4 ~H'OH ~H; OH ~'H'C ~~'~'Ll ~i'OH OO ;~~~;_-~ o . oco~o~'o~~~~0~:~000000 ' j !iA '.. J~ (J J ~. JO ice; ~J •~~, ~ (J,' ~ '.. J ~. ,~ ~'~ ~ '/ ~ ~~.J \:J '~~ K;~; K~ KjK~ K !K! K iK; K K•~'K- K K' K ,K1 K K K iV) ~/~ C ~ O"O"~0~.,~..OGO.~GOC~ c~;~_u,_~~~~;~GCOJ~~~c~ o~©oao "N; C•. N:n.N, l'v~'•.~~~'.N~ -.N'O`N~O ~'O~"/~J G" ,~ o;~ a ,o; -o ~,;o,~ta,~ oo ~ct~o~o~°/~ P.. ~P F_`C1 P T1,. P;TI Pl ~olpl/1 p,~© P ©~?©OL:.J '~ :~R ~Ri R`R R ~~R'. ~~,_R ~RJ'.R; `R! R;u'R1 R1 ~,? ~R `.?~~R_, ~~R,' S~s;L,s~s~~s S G:sGs`;~;,s.'~~;GGS`" -:~c ~~~ ~ac;~~~c.~c ~o~o~~~ ~~ ~, ~ ~,. ~ 0_,0,;0:x_ I~:~;c~~. o~_o~ct0~ _W ~w; W'~wj w~`I'W'~'~L'~.W•'~•.W~~Y~}`W! V iWI W~l!~v~':W: x ~~,; X;~ x~CU;X;v';X;C~~Xu~~':X'G~X'~G/~~~0~ DA TE OF BI RT H HIGHEST GRADE M O. DA Y YR . COMPLETED ' ~ 3rd Grade ~ Z S °,' 4th (o ro ~o`: ,'o 0 0'• ,5~. 5th • ~ J i ; ""` 6th z ~ ,? , ? i, 7th '~3 ,3~- J -3 3i .'3! ~1 8th a "a a `a} ~J 9th 5 i 5 ~ ~ 5` ~?1 1 Oth a 5 a~ ~ ?i 11th ~ , ~ ~ v ~ 12th 'e s e. '8! ;~3) FR. College s ,9 y, , y ia; SOPH. IM PO RT AN T: MA RK O NE '~ JR. SEX: F' Female ~ Male ~ SR. !fir Masters Are you a student? vl Yes ~ No ~ Doctorate Which do you like best? ~~ Math ;19i Post Doct. H' History E English ~ Science _ '~' Med. Intern P Practical skills '~- Music ~) Art v Med. Resident Are you working? ~ Yes N No If you are, what is your occupation or major? (OPTIONAL) Do you like it? `A lot ;o; O.K. ~ Not Much `_' ., ~:: t ,, GGG ~~~, ~...• ~ U ~~ r'~, ~ ~..= `/ ~ r• C' (~ ~' ~OG •_~ AGOG 1000 1000 1000 )000 )GGG >000 )GGG )GGG )OGC' ~ooG ?000 )000 ~GC~G iG'JC~ GGG GGG ~~ GG ~t^ G GGG GGG GGG GGG LOGO 1GO0 ~OOG GOO X000 ~oGG X000 X000 1000 :;ooG J000 GGG GGG rJGGO ~JGGG 0000 GGGC, GGOG' 000 GOG GGG t GGO GGG GOC If you skip a question, skip its circles t00. USE NO. 2 LEAD PENCIL ONLY PART 1 2 ~ a, 3 J~ 4~v 5'";~ 6'~~~ 8~~~ g ~ ,V 10 ia; re 11• 12 ~ ~~, 13g 14 ~'e~~ 15 ~% ~ 16~~8' 17 • ~~ • 18 gin; 19.~~ 20 • B 2, '~_ 22 A! • 23 A) ~' 24 ~' 25 +t ~V% 26 ~~' PART 2 27 ~ Q 2s ~~ U 29 ~ ~ 30 ~ ~~ 31 n~ PART 2 32~ 33 ;a; : s", 34 ~ ia; 35 ~ B' 35 ®'~ 37 ~ (/ 38 ~ +~ 39 ~ 40 ~ 41 ~ ' 42 C s 43 L: J 44 ~ ~'e,,'" 45 ~ e 45 'A ~ 47+"B 48 ~?; ~ 49!A~~ 50~ 51 ~~ s 52'A ~ 53 '~ ~ 54~?~~ 55~~ ~ 55 57 {`'e ~- 58 ! ~B; 59 L~ ~ so ! I:B, 61cs sz ~ ~~ 63 J 54 ~A? !~ s5 ~- • 66 ~ ~ 67 r ~ ri ss~~~ 59 '~ t~., 70 ~~ • 71 ~;s` MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR FORM G PART3 116;A.a~o~- 72 ~~'~'' ~ 117 .?' B / 73 ~;~ 118 `A,~ 74 A`%e~ 119 ~ 8 - i 75 ~ B' 120 A ~ - ~ - ; 75®~ 121' ~ - 77 ~ • 122 ,~` ~ / 78~~~;'~ . ~- 123:a;,a c - ~ 79 ~ t 124 ~~- ~ ~ - ; 80 ~ ~ 125 ~~a -~ 81 A ~ ~; 126 '.A- ~ - 82 ,~; ~ - 84f!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 85 t.~ ~ ~ - Z - ~ N - 86 CA, ~ I I I 87 ~.A.J - 88 J ~ n m - _ 89,A;~a .T ^9 - ~' ~ _ N 92 a ~ ~ - 93 ~ s~,~ - 94!1 s; oGOGvG - 95 ~-';g OOGOG - GGOGGO - 96 ~~_a` GOOOG - 97 C; ~ RO CODE ~ 98~~~ oo oooo - 99~'~ ~t`7 ~t t 'O~t - ,oOA-! . ®o ®oo~ - ~O 3 ~~~ - 1o1,A e: ao 4 00~ - 102 ~ ~ ®® ©G~O - ,03 -A:w ©0 6 0~0 - 104'A ~ 0' 'G ' '0~~' - 105 ;A ~ ®O 8 ®GO - 106 .AJ~ # 107 ~;~ ~Q~G° O° 108 J,e, ooooc 109 ~A~ oooo~ 110 ~G OO~C~C ®®~t./~ 111 ~J~c o © ooo ~ ~ 113J~- 00000 114~8~ ~®®® $~.1 115 ~~ ~~~0~ 1803-PFI-5432 DO NOT MARK BELOW BAR MBTITM-G 6826 TODAY'S DATE MO. DAY YR. 0 1 0 9 9 0 °.'' ~ o~ ~~ , z ~-? ~` ~,~ 3 ~~, , 4 ,~, .. . 6' `' 9• ~ ~ ~' DO NOT FOLD - PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON MARK ONLY IN RtsYUrvat a~nta vr+ ..~~~-~~.~ SHEET USE LEAD PENCIL ONLY. MARKS MUST COMPLETELY FILL THE CIRCLE. THE OTHER SIDE ON THIS Print your last name first in these boxes. Skip one box, then print as much of your first name, etc., as fits. Below each box blacken the circle having the same letter as that box. For spaces, blacken a blank circle. ~i_.O _ O~O~G~O~~~.~~~~~~ A'~A1 A ,~in:.AC A;~;A V'A;UIG~U`~~.O~Aa e B; a tai B~ 8 ~ e~:B ~;~'©~.~~~~OLO~ DiDt D~pl D~~D~~~ O~~'~~.~,.~~~(D)aDC'lJ~~ E LE?.E,~Ei...E,V~E'~..y}~_E.....E,'~E1j'LE.'~E ~`E•L`l~~'Ol`J H.~:,H; H~,..H~i'~H '.H~'OO :'BOO '~fi'O H~L.Y L7Q~~-'OH C'L.l OH ', K'~ K;C}!K;~:KiO~'O'K'~`K/IJ ~~OVOOOV ._~~oc_o~~a:~o~a~c~~~oaocoo i'~.M U ~'0~(Mi ~~~ V'~~l~~J M.:J~~~~ ;o_,,J,o:~~o~ ~,u:~o~oo_ o~~o~oooo P G P'G'P O ~'O'~O ~ ©~P'U~U~JOOC)C S ;S).S ;S 5:~,~5;1, Si~.S ~S.t~',,J: S ~0v!O~J' ~ ~0~-0l~;O.~,~.~,O~~C~~UOQUC~O w `w; w `w1 w.S w ,~ w)~ini,,.'w v~ w+ vC3? w;~ J~~~~~ X r, X~~ ~0~~ 0 ~0 X c~~0~io~a~~o ~:;~:,0 ~;O ,~~0 ~;C,~ u, JQ J;O ~COvCOC Z ,, f Z,,C':Z;Q ?;~ J O ZO;,?,O~,;Q.:.?:QQ C}Q DATE OF BIRTH HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED MO. DAY YR. ~1 3rd Grade O F 0 7 50 {~atn ! t p ; _ , ^p _ ~, ,'~. ~'; ''~ ,; ~! 5th ~'~ 6th "i z z' i2 ,2 l~ 7th :3. .3,. ~,3~ ~3~ ;3; ~i 8th a~ a !4; ia: ~ 9th s 5 5~ io 10th ,6, ;6 \6•, ii 11th :y: ~ ,; ~. ~ 12tH -a- $ ~s ,s' ~ FR. College y 9: ~ \9`, is SOPH. IM PO RT ANT: MARK ONE is JR. S EX : F' Fe male .Male ie SR. Masters Are you a student? 'vl Yes ~ No ial Doctorate Which do you like best? ana Math '~9, Post Doct. r'e En lish s, Science t History ~ ' Med. Intern 9 ~P' Practical skills M, Music 'Aj Art ;~ Med. Resident Are you working? ~ !Yes N No IfQ>r ,~ r tS is,yo occ a~ r~ o~ajgr?~ ~i J (OPTIONAL)) ~~ r~ Do you like it? ! A lot t~ O.K. r~ Not Much 00 00 000_ G~L 000 000 ,0000~'. laai~j 1000 )000 >OOO X00[] >OOC >OOC >ooc ~ooc ~ooc )C>OC ~ooc )OOC ~ooc ~oac ~O~:~C ~OGC JOC>C ~OOC ~COC ~ooc ~00~ ~OO< °~OG~ ~00~ JOOc X00: ~aa{ ~ooc HOC}( r~r~ 0 0 ~ ~.JC}O~ ~JOO~ oao~ OC)OR 0001 OC?OI °oo~ oo~ Oo oa 00 00 00 C) O TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS TO THE TYPE INDICATOR QUESTIONS. FIND THE NUMBER OF THE QUESTION BELOW AND BLACKEN THE CIRCLE THAT HAS THE SAME LETTER AS THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE. ERASE COMPLETELY ANY STRAY MARKS OR CHANGED ANSWERS. ~ - - A B C A B A B C ~F A B C D - - If you PART 2 PART 3 116 i e` c; `o; - 8 72 i18 117 ': A,S skip a 32 ~ u ^ - question, 33 ~ i 73 ';~ ~ 118 ~% i - skip its 34 i ;' 74 `~ ~ 119 ~ i - A circles 35 ! : e; 75 < <~~ 120 - t00. - USE NO. 2 LEAD PENCIL ONLY PART 1 1 i '~) 2 ~ i~ 3 ~ :J 4 i ~'~ 5Gi 7• 8 i `~i 9f 10 ! ~- 11 ~;: i 12 i 13 i 14 u~i~ 15 ~'B'. 16 i 17 die' ~ 18 Ji 19 ~ 20 i '~ 21l 22 ~ ~~ 23 ':J i 24 i U 25 ~ ! 26 ~'~ PART 2 27 i ~ 28 ~~ i 2s i 30 31•~~ 36 i V 76 i © 121 ~ ~' - 37 ! 'B 77 ~ ® 122 ~ U - 38i0 78~GC~ 123i~, c - 39i~ 79~J 124~~.~~ - ao ~~ i 8o i n 1251 g: - 81 ui~ 12s ~ ~ - 41 i ,~ - 42c~ s2 Ci - 43~~ aai'~ ~ ~ H m - 44i~ 84! e I I I I - 45 ~ ~ 85 ~ cy, o a _ S T Z ~ ~ ~ Vl - 46 i B' 47 i a8 A.~ 49 ~'~ 50 i~ i 51 i .v~ 52 ~ ~~ 53 ',"~ i 54,E ~ 55 i s~ 5s J ~ 57 ! ~% 58 ~ ~~ 59 i n 60 ,^i ~ s1 ~ i 62 ~ Cs,~ 63 ~' !J s4 ,a,~, 65 A ~1 ss i 67 ~~ sa :~~ ! 69 _~ ! 70 ~ ~ 71 i ,J MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR FORM G 86 '.~ • 87 :~ ~ 88 ~'~B' 89 ~~ 90 J ~ 91 ?~ i 92 . ~'• i 93 ~ '~ 94 ~ ~! 9 5 ~ '' 9s i 97 ~ ,ng, 98~u 99 U~ ~ 100 ~A ! 101 i 102 i G 103 J ! 104 i ~: B 105 i ~; O6 • ~ ,07~~• ,08:J~ 09 ~, ~~; llo io 111 `~~! 112 ='i 113 V', ~ 114 ~ tt5 ~~ ~ a - D m .m - m F .2 - ?m - s9 - N - 0000 - OOC>O - 000GO- I RO I CODE 00 ~~ Oo OO ~~ ~® ~oooo ~oooo goo®o ®o®o n~oo00 0000 ~0~0~ 00000 00000 taps-PFi-5a3z DO NOT MARK BELOW BAR MBTIT"^-G 6826 TODAY'S DATE MO. DAY YR. ~ c ~ • i ~ i ~~~ ~ z, ~21 ',zi ;'1 ~ i 3 r3,' '/ ~~ ~` 5'; (~: ;~~ ~ ~; -~ r; , `;; J 's; `' Via; g` ~, ` DO NOT FOLD M E M O R A N D U M TO: Keith Cook FROM: Mary Allen DATE: January 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat January 20, 21, 1990 Attached are the menus for those attending the Board Retreat. Diana Trent, who will be presenting the Myers-Briggs test results, will need a TV, VHS-VCR, a flip chart and an overhead projector for Saturday. If the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood can not have these for us, please let me know so I can make arrangements to have ours brought over there. Thanks. M E M O RAN D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen ~~~~ DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also at ched are co 'es of th Myers-Bri gs Type Indicator questionna'res. Please mplete and eturn by nuary 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. ~~E~ s ~ c~~2c~~' yo v Q C.No ~c ES ~» h•~. Appetizers and Salads Nl sh Seasonal F uit Homestyle Soup u our - House Salad Colorful See al Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Creamti• Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Bone eed with Capers, Lemons & White Nine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served o~•er Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously Iviild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna La}'ers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a !Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _ Petite Filet Ntignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Taney Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce _ _~ e , ~ Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts ' Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie _ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice ojappetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons _ Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX n~Q..,,-y.~-r ~~,-~ Sunda y ~'D'Cts' ~rf+.~.. Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Homestyle Soup du Jour - House Salad Colorfu onal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, _ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Crearny~ Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served o~~er Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously Iviild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta. Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled ~_ _ Petite Filet Mignon 4 and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce _ ~ O Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts ~ ' Midnight Layer Cake .Chocolate Mousse Strawberry Mousse. Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX ~3 1 M E M O R A N D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen ~~J DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. Sf,1 ru ~ ~ A y ... .~ ~~E~ s ~ c~~ec.~~ yo v ~ GNo ~c ~s ~»h~. ~~~~atJGl Appetizers and Salads S ~,~1 _ - Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Homestyle Soup du Jour - House Salad - Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup ace renc nton ou Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Cream ti~ Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers. Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously I~1ild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Lavers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta. Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled __ Petite Filet Mignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood Chicke 'repes Tender Chun cs o Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped ~ with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce - -~.. - ~ e- Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts Midnight Layer Cake ~ Chocolate Mousse ~ trawberry Mou e Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie - Fruite or Plai heesecake All entrees are served with a choice ojappetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, >/egetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert . Light Luncheons _ Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad - IViixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX St.~.na[a y Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Homestyle Soup du Jour House Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 ~~Q~~ ~S^ Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, _ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Cream}• Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served o~•er Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously Ivlild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _- Petite Filet Mignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce "~/~4Se C~/'C/G yo u..r" c~ p ~ C ~ S • '~ J.+~e.. r ~"' s Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts ~ ' Midnight Layer Cake - .Chocolate Mousse Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie - Fruited or eesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decafffinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit • Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chefs Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX M E M O RAN D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen ~~~~ DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also ttached are copies of the Myers riggs Type Indicator questio aires. Please compl to and return January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. SA rc~ ~ ~ A y . , yo v Q c..y o ~c E-s ~ti~ Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Homestyle Soup du Jour Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 House Salad - " Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots; Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, _ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Crean}' Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Baked Lasagna La}°ers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish Chicken Teriyaki The Freshest Fish of the Season Marinated, Broiled and served done one of four ways - o~•er Fresh Pineapple with Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Stir Fried Vegetables Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled .~ VealmVariously ~ ~ Petite Filet Mignon ~1ild Milk-Fed Veal prepared ,~ Served with Mushroom Cap et ,Marla}a or Francaise ~ and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Taney Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce . e Luncheon Selections (Continued) ' Desserts _ Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert _ ~----L~"g7i "luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Sa d and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold is and Cheeses - ,- Serve with""Kaiser-Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef s Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX su..,~ca y /S4S~ C/~'C~G ~/D u-1"' Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Homestyle Soup du Jour Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 . House Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, - Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served o~•er Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously IViild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled -_ _. ~etite Filet l~iignon x Served with Mushroom Ca P . ar?d Bearnaise Sauce _ .- Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce - ~ e . Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse ~ _ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert . Light Luncheons _ Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with K "Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly a -Croissant filled with Xour-~~oice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit • Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX M E M O R A N D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen m-/2-~~ DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. Appetizers and Salads of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Homestyle Soup u our Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 '- House Salad - Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomat and Cucumb - Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, _ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki 'Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously IVtild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna La}'ers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed wi emon Butter or Gril ~ ~_'~_ '_ Petite Filet Mignon _ Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce i Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy TanQlewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet - Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce ~,~E~ s ~ c~~c~.~ yo v ~ ~No ~c E's ~h~ M E M O R A N D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen '~ ~~' DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. S,q Tug ~ A y ~`~: ~ ~ ~ w ~LE~4 S E ~/~2C~~' yov~ C.Noic~'s i» h•~. Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Homestyle Sou~ur House Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers W' Cheddar Cheese Soup Baked French Onion Soup $1. Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, _ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy' Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine \ Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Baked Lasagna La}'ers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish Z is ten er~yaki The Freshest Fish of the Season Marinated, Broiled and served done one of four ways - over Fresh Pineapple with Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Stir Fried Vegetables Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled Veal Variously - Ivtild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise _ Petite Filet Mignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our TanUy Tanelewood ~L'ine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce _ _~ s. Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts _ ' Mi ~ t,L ear Cak~ ~ Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice ojappetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert _ Light Luncheons _ _ Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef s Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX ~~ ~ Sunc](c~ y ~'~'`~ w An>Detizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - `-"F~omestyle ou~n-wi- Baked French Onion Soup ~ 1.25 - House Salad ~ Provencals Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, complemented with Shredded Carrots, ~ - Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes Tomato Wedges and Cucumbers - Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons $ White Nine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriya~~ Marinated, Broiled and served o~~er Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables ea ar~ou~ IViild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meat~• Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tang}• Tanalewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Fresh Fish Roast Pork Loin Char Su The Freshest Fish of the Season Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet done one of four ways - Soy Glaze topped with Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Julienne Vegetables Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _. Petite Filet Mignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce ~.-- ;s. Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts ' Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawbe Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie - Fruited o Ptain Cheesecak ' All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chefs Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX .T ~ M E M O RAN D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen ~~~~ DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. SA ~/ .r yo v ~e ~No ~c Es .~ti•~. Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Homest le Sou r -~ House Salad - Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges -~ Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine ~ Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously - I~tild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a ?Meaty \ Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread ~ Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _ Petite Filet .Mignon _ _ Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy TanQlewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet - Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce - -.•. .. ~ _ ' O Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie - - Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of a e •zer or ' alad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Te Decaffeinafe Coffee r Milk, and Dessert Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes - Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX Su.~~a y Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Homestyle Soup du Jour / House Salad " lorful Selection of Seasonal Greens nplemented with Shredded Carrots, - Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes ~ and Cucumbers ~~..r ~~ Wi onsin Cheddar Cheese Sou - aked French Onion Soup $1.25 _ - Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread --~ Fresh Fish Chicken Teriyaki The Freshest Fish of the Season ;arinated, Broiled and served done one of four ways - o~•er Fresh Pineapple with Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Stir Fried Vegetables Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled ~- Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet - Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce Veal Variously - ~ ; _ Petite Filet Mignon Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared _ Served with Mushroom Cap either Marsala or Francaise and Bearnaise Sauce ~/~c~s~ C~/~c/~ yo u.r Luncheon Selections (Continued _ -~_• s __-- Desserts - - - ~ y' - Midnight Layer Cake Chocolate Mousse - Strawberry Mousse - - Ice Cream with Cookie ~ - Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert _ Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit • Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nicken Richard Robe Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mary H. Alle.. January 8, 1990 Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test \~ Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. ~~. ~~.. E ~ s ~ G •~2 C ~...iE' y~ v Q ~iyo iC Esr,t,.~, mouse Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shre Toed a aOe ots, Red Cabbage, Cherry and Cucumbers Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Creamti~ Parmesan Pepper Luncheon E_ Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers. Lemons & White Wig ~k ine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served o'er Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously ;~~iild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna La}'ers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and antedt~ Tomato Sauce Accomp with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _ Petite Filet Mignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tan~~}~ Tanglewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinateda withweet Soy Glaze topp Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce Appetizers and Salads Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 .---- - -~.. e Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts Midnight Layer Cake Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert Light Luncheons . Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT' TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX Su-na[a y Aaaetizers and Salads /~ ~- ~ ~~ Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Homestyle Soup du Jour Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 House Salad ~ Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens _ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and complemented with Shredded Carrots, Tomato Wedges Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes - and Cucumbers ~ Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Nine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously ?~1ild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a ?Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _ _ Petite Filet Mignon _ Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanglewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with ~ Julienne Vegetables ~ _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce -~.. s. Luncheon Selections (Continued Desserts _ Midnight Layer Cake - .Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawberry Mousse, Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef s Salad - Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX M E M O RAN D U M J v T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge "\ _ Paul Mahoney FROM:\~ Mary H. Allen ~~~' DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. a ~~ y ~L. E ~4 S ~ ~ ~~2 C .c..~ YD V Q ~No iC E ~~.~. Appetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit omestyle Soup du our - House Salad - Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers _~ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges ~~ Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Crearny~ Parmesan Pepper ~ Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers. Lemons & White Nine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously iviild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francatse Luncheon Entrees Baked Lasagna Seafood or Chicke Crepes nks of Ch La}~ers of Tender Pasta separated Parmesan and Ricotta b u r or Seafood in our Tan~}~ i , y '~4ozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty n Tanglewood Wine Sauce delicate crepes and topped Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Hollandaise Sauce with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _ Petite Filet Mignon _ Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce M Luncheon Selections (Continued Desserts ' e Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse ~ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie rusted r Plain eeseca ce All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Deca, fj'einated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX s~~a y E' c`~y -~/~4se G~~'c/~ Yo `'`-r' c~+ o ~C~ s• Appetizers and Salads Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 Homes y e House Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers / Provencals a Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges ~ Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Creamti~ Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish _ F~ h f the Season m~ Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Chicken Teriyaki The Freshest is o done one of four ways - Marinated, Broiled and served o~~er Fresh Pineapple with Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Stir Fried vegetables Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled Veal Variously _ _ Petite Filet Mignon _ Mild Milk-Fed Veal re ared Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce either Marsala o rancais Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and . served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce i e . Luncheon Selections (Continued) ~ ~ ' Desserts Midnight Layer Cake - .Chocolate Mousse ~ _ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX M E M O RAN D U M T0; Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Richard Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary H. Allen ~-h~~ DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Luncheon Menus Myers-Briggs Test Attached are two copies of the luncheon menu from the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Please circle your selections for the Saturday and Sunday Board Retreat and return the circled menus to me. The Holiday Inn-Tanglewood has requested that they have the selections by Friday, January 12. Also attached are copies of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires. Please complete and return by January 12 also. Thank you for your assistance. .~ .sue T-u,~ z, A y ~» /~,.`. Appetizers and Salads T~06 U's -Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit ~d~y N Homestyle Soup du Jour - House Salad -' ALL -.To/,nson Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens N¢ OC~ktns complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Edd y Tomato and Pasta Salad' Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Creafnti• Parmesan Pepper Ed~d ~/ Ma~l-one. y Luncheon Entrees AI/en Chicken Francaise'TOh/,s/~+ Baked Lasagna Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed Layers of Tender Pasta separated with Capers, Lemons & White Wine by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Chicken Almondine "NiekehSTomato Sauce Accompanied Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Garlic Bread with Sauteed Almonds Fresh Fish Chicken Teriyaki The Freshest Fish of the Seasori Marinated, Broiled and served done one of four wa}'s - over Fresh Pineapple with Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Stir Fried Vegetables Sauteed. with Lemon Butter or Grilled Veal Variously IViild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise T Seafood r Chicken Crepes ender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanglewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Petite Filet Mignon -~?c ~ ~s Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce _ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - MQ'~1On ey Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce Luncheon Selections (Continued) :s~ Desserts Midnight Layer Cake-7~ob¢r's - Chocolate Mousse - awberry Mousse, Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie ~ ruite or Plain Cheesecake /-~ben~ y Eotd All entrees are served with a choice of a etizer or salad, otato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Te Decaffeinated Cof e r Milk, and Dessert Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX .Suon~a y "~/~4ssz G~/~C/E. yo t,~..r ~ o ~c~ s• Aaaetizers and Salads -- ~ - ._ N14heney Eddy -Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit ~~~e ~ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - ' Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 - N' ~ k en s Homestyle Soup du Jour - ~- Eddy - House Salad - aNe~en5 Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens complemented with Shredded Carrots, Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers Provencals Salad- Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, - Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Tomato Wedges Tomato and Pasta Salad - ~i~J"o h n5 c ~ Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing - Cremny~ Parmesan Pepper Eddy Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds /V ick e n Fresh Fish Chicken Teriyaki ' Sfhe Freshest Fish of the Season Marinated, Broiled and served done one of four ways - o~•er Fresh Pineapple with .Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Stir Fried Vegetables Sauteed. with Lemon Butter or Grilled Veal Variously Mild Milk-Fed Veal re ar d either Marsala or rancaise U~dy Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Seafood o Chicken Crepes Tender Chun 's is en or Seafood in our Tangy Tanglewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su -~O ~'^~" Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce AN~oh - ~_ _ Petite Filet Mignon- . _ Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce _e . ~ Luncheon Selections (Continued) ' Ed~-y Desserts Midnight Layer Cake- Ni~gr~ 5 - Chocolate Mousse - Strawberry Mousse' Mal'°~e~ Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie - Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert Light Luncheons _ Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, • Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad - M ~-h n n e y Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX :- .2.0 - y- c~ Aonetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Homestyle Soup du Jour Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 - - House Salad Provencals Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, complemented with Shredded Carrots, - Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes Tomato Wedges and Cucumbers Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy' Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables .Veal Variously ` Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta. Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four wa}'s - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled ~_ _ Petite Filet Mignon - ; - _ Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanelewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables _ Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet - Mushroom Sauce . C _.- ~ S ~ Luncheon Selections (Continued) Desserts - Midnight Layer Cake ~ Chocolate Mousse Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert - Light Luncheons Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad - Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX Scz. t u_..roC cam. y Auoetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - Homestyle Soup du Jour Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 _ House Salad - Provencals Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens . - _ Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, complemented with Shredded Carrots, ~ - Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes Tomato Wedges and Cucumbers Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously - Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared . either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread Seafood or Chicken Crepes Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanglewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce - Fresh Fish Roast Pork Loin Char Su The Freshest Fish of the Season Pork Loin Marinated in a Sweet done one of four ways - Soy Glaze topped with Blackened Stuffed and Baked, Julienne Vegetables Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled _ Petite Filet Mignon . _ . Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce ` Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce _ }~' - Luncheon Selections (Continued) .: - ' ' J ~ - Desserts - - ~_ Midnight Layer Cake - Chocolate Mousse _ Strawberry Mousse Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream with Cookie - Fruited or Plain Cheesecake All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, .Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert Light Luncheons - Shenandoah Valley Deli Platter- Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Served with Kaiser Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads The Parkway Croissant Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Tuna, Seafood or Chicken and Almond Salads garnished with Ripe Olives, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit Roanoke Star Salad Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, Tuna or Seafood Salad garnished with Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh Vegetables and Pineapple Vegetarian Pasta Salad Pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes Chef's Salad _ - Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Aged Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing All light luncheons served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX -' .. _- - ~ ~ 1 - -._,.~ Mr. Hodge: Listed below are concerns and direction expressed by the Board of Supervisors at their retreat on Friday, July 27, 1989 RECOGNITION OF BUSINESSES WHO REFRAIN FROM USING NONBIOGRADABLE CONTAINERS• Requested by Dick Robers DRAINAGE• - Step by step explanation of the way problem will be resolved. - Keep deadlines given to citizens or get back to them with new dates. - Follow up with citizens on whether problem was resolved. - Overall better followup DEALING WITH CITIZENS - Given citizens steps they may take (ex. BZA, Circuit Court) - Give realistic dates on when problem may be solved. - Need better telephone courtesy when dealing with citizens and more willingness to help them solve problems. COMMUNICATIONS - Better comunications with citizens by COunty staff - Keep all Board members informed of actions, problems, upcoming board reports. - Possible Use of ROANOKE COUNTY TODAY to explain how VDOT handles roads into secondary system, rural addition, priority listings, and other programs such as drainage, taxes work. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Followup by telephone or letter with those companies who attended Northern Virginia Day. - Telephone calls to other areas asking for possible interest to locate in Roanoke County. - Requested a monthly or quarterly report from Regional Partnership and Convention Bureau on what specific steps were taken to aid economic development in County (How our money is being spent!) - Overall agreement that marketing and public x'elations should be the main focus of our economic development effort. MISCELLANEOUS REQUESTS - Update of Cresthill drainage problems (from Lee Garrett) - Report on options for the new Peters Creek Road - Bring them a list of all possible User Fees - Better commuication with important committees and Constitutional officers: Suggestions: Dinner with each once a year, introduction of new members at a Board meeting. 9VERALL PRIORITIES A REED UPON CONSOLIDATION - Begin formulating information plan COMMUNICATION - Between ECH and board members - Between staff and public - Better telephone courtesy - Better handling of citizen complaints ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - More marketing and public relations efforts - Develop marketing strategy - Marketing Roanoke COunty is more important than sites `~~- ~~ 8-a_ ~-~ Board of Supervisors Retreat July 28, 1989 A G E N D A I. PRIORITIES A. Consolidation/Grayson Commission B. Landfill siting 1. Part A application 2. Acquisition of land 3. Smith Gap access road feasibility study 4. Recycling C. Economic Development 1. Valleypointe 2. Southwest Industrial Park 3. Comprehensive rezoning 4. Tweeds site 5. Joint projects with City, Botetourt 6. Peters Creek Road Extension D. New_Zoning Ordinance 1. Signs 2. Rural development 3. Commercial development 4. Comprehensive rezoning of County (see I.C.3) E. Reservoir F. Budget/Fee Study II. COORDINATION WITH BOARDS/COMMISSIONS A. Planning Commission 1. (see I.D, issues above) B. School Board C. Constitutional Officers D. Board of Zoning Appeals 1. Mahoney and Harrington will conduct "class" in September E. Board of Equalization 1. Appointment by Circuit Court by November/December III. STAFF WORK LOAD ---_-_ -_ IV. ~ONSE~ISUS' OIL=WORK PLAN V. UPDATE ON 1985 BOND PROJECTS VI. EVALUATION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ a -ts ~ 3 ,~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ `" ~ - OA ~ 3 3 ., 3 O ~ ~ ~ ~ -° ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ o V/ lJ r 3 ~ ~~ ~ L ~ 3 O ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ = o ~ ~ ~ . •nV rte/ ~ ~ ^- ~ V ~ ~ .-. ^ .~ :~ ~ ~ pq ~ aA ~ ~ ~ ~ c 3 p ~ ~ ° ~ 3 ~ u ~c, ~ an , ~ ~, ~ 3 -~ > . ~ ~ blJ O 5.1, v "" ~ O -~ `~ O O s ~ '-~ cts s.» O \~ T ~ .~ L-i 1-.i ~J `~ ~ -i„ ~ ~ J ~ .. V r-" ~ ... a F iy . ~--~ a-' .~ -~ ~ >. >, ~ :~ I 2 ~,... . . ~ 3 0 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ ~` ~ , :~ ~ ~. ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t„ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ :J N ~ -~. ~ ' ~ `~' ~ bl~ w bf~ "~ ~ ~ ~,~ r ~+ cn it ~ 3-. ~ cn :4 J `~ ~ :, O ~- ~ ~ 4J Cd Q.. '~ ~ s _. ~ V ~ f !~ ~, ~ ~ J-' ~ . U ~ U ~ x ~ ^ /'~ ~ V ~ _ O ~+ >, C O ~ ~, J bfi i V +•+ O 0. '•S C ~ "" s, w p L '~ u U i. O O s. ~ O ue +a V. C U ~ n. w s . ~ u c~ c o 3 o v ~' ~ ~ `~ E -o ~ '+ ~ a ro ' O. ~ O ~ O ~ v, •~ ~ c ~ o °-~ c c u i L .a ~ b0 w e d ~, ~ w ,~ `'' ~ G. ~ G ~ ~ c~3 V ~ V~ 3 }' s. 0 0 c ~, v v ~ ~ '~ O ;~ ~ ~ 3 a. 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TM FORM G) MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR out how you like to look at thing~eferenoces make peop iding things. e le different in a lot ~ PURPOSE: This is aortant iQ themselves bu ayo9r preferences are, because these p and succeed in different kinds of ~ questions are not imp ood at different things, and likely to enjoy of valuable ways -interested in different things, g ^ work. ou more ^ with both (or all) its answers, and choose the way Y HOW TO TAKE THE INDICATOR: Read one question at a time, "t tr to be consistent. If you find a question where you cannot choose, don't mark both answers or iP a ^ ~ often feel or act. Don Y ~ coin for it. Skip that question and go on. ~ fill in, on the other side of this sheet: ~ FACTS TO FILL IN: Before starting to answer questionsleting this section. ~ 1. Name: At top left you will find directions for comp rint ~ 01 for Jan., 02 for Feb., etc., print the number for ouevvere bornYln the two boxes belowYRbp ow 2. Date of birth: Using rint the day of the month on which y rinted: le, March 8, 1960, would be p M0. In the two boxes below D earpyou were born. For examp ~ the last two numbers of the y - - MO. DAY YR. - p3086 - Below each box, blacken the circle that is numbered the same as the ox. stem to give today's date. leted in school. For - s Date: Use the same sy rade you have comp 3. Today" - leted: Blacken the numbered circle beside the hig es g - 4. Highest Grade Comp rade, blacken 7. example, if you are now in 8th g ^~ iris blacken F' ;Men and boys blacken nn; - 6. Sex: Women and g .,; for "Yes" and .N for "No" - g. Are You A Student? Blacken ou have liked best, andWllth your handslorbwith a - 7. Best-Liked Subject: Decide which one of the seven subject areas y course where you learn to do something - that one. The "Practical Skills" area includes any - tool or machine. v for "Yes" and N for "'No"'. ~ Blacken ou are doing. If you are in college write your - g. Are You Working. write in the kind of work y _ - g. Occupation or Major: If you are working, _ ust think it is O.K., blacken ~,or . If You tional) If you Ilke it a lot, blacken :+ . If you j - major. - 1 p. Do You Like It? (This section is op really don't like it much, blacken - find the number of the question, - our answers to the Indicator questions, letely. Use a No. 2 - HOW TO MARK YOUR ANSWERS: To mark y find the circle next to it that has the same letter as the answer you chose and blacken that circle com - then lead pencil; do not use pen. Sp,MPLE ANSWER SHEET: SAMPLE QUESTION: A B 167. Would you rather see a movie 167. a ; s (A) at home on TV (B) at a movie theater - ou would rather see the movie at home on TV, you would blacken the circle marked ""A". If In the sample question above, if Y ou would blacken the circle marked ""B"". you would rather see the movie at a movie theater, y black and completely fill the circle. If you make a mistake, erase it; don't cross it out. Be sure that your marks are psychologists Press Consulting olle a Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306 577 C 9 Isabel Briggs Myers. Published by Consulting Psychologistss s Pressclncalo Alto, California 94306. - r., CopYri9ht 1977, by MBTI and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks of Consulting Psycholog ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ N 9 ~ !r ..i ~ ~ O ~ w ;D ~ 60 ~ V ^ ~ O~ ~ ^ v '~ W .-. N .-. ~-+ .-. ' C .~. ~ ~-. N ~ ~ N ^ • p ~ ow^a n <, B ^+ w ~ C. ~ w ~ ~ o CJ ...i ~D ~ as C. ; CC ~ a ~ C ~ ~ p, 77 ~ ~, O ~ ~ ~, ~ C70 ..i ~ ff'"'. y ~ as `~ G7 te? ~ ~ 7 v .~ fD ~ n• ~ ~ ~ ° y O• O Kf ~ ,~ ~ goy O. 1'1 ~- ~ ~ y ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ y '~ n. y ~ ~o ~ H ~ ?'_. ~ ~ -d ~ ~ m ~ ~ ° ~ ~ o ~ aq ° ~ -. ~ ~ `C ~ '" ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ n ~ y -. ~ ~ .. ~ ~ .. ... y ~ ~ C `b ~ . v ~ F ~ c ~ o 0 ~" ~ ~ ... p ~ 0 ~ ~ `'' ~ °, °, ... a` ~ °` tr \p ~ Qo to ~ _ ~ o` _ ~ v, ^ ~ ~ '~ (.!1 W lJl N ~ r+ ~ ~ ~ O ~ is C C G -s .,, O W 7 ~ C R t/ "~ p M O~ ~ W n C H ~ ~ W C ~ ^CS ^ ~ '+ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~• ~ A, n ~ a n ~ O fD ^+ f9 ° C n• '~+-, C O. ?+ O is 0. ~ O~Q O ~' va C d ~ ''' W `~ K, C OQ ~ y C ~D ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ C w ~ `C n• ~ w w ~~ 7' ~O n ~ O C b ~ (ro N ~ n ~ qq i ~ " ~ ~ oo x w w t~ ,-, tv w v~ ... ~. ~ ... ~ ... ~ CA p7 py Cx7 ... G7 ~ .-. ~ C77 .. ~ r ~ O J ~ Des ~y~ ~''~ `< 0 0 ~ C O O ^ ~ ~ ~ C w =- C o a'c. w G. `C rr r' ^'~ O Q U ~ ~ ~ ~ '_' . ~ q r+ ~ y 't C C .~ O O O ~ ~ c ~ O o 0 ~ ~ o w ~ ~ ° ~ 0 Q ~ H b nt' K ° rf ° O. Q' O ~ . ~, V V ,~ ~ :~ w tJ ~ v ~ _ ~ ~ ^ C1 b7 ~ S ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ ~ ~ ~(tC ' ~ ~ ~ ~O ~) ~ O ~~VJf C ~ ~ O ~ ~" O, tD ~`C ... ~ O O Cl. c. ~ a~ M, C ~ c ?. ~ o ~, o- ~ ..z ~ 5• o o w ~ y' v~'c x ~ r, ~ ~ n ~ dQ O C ~ ~, 7- C ~ < e-' S < H O ?dC .~ ..y ~ S' W fD n ~ C O v n O ~ ffq ~ !D C ~D P~ ~~+ t9 dq C ~ ~~'t fD r. ~ ^C3 ry y~.7' C `C n n '~'~ d ~'' rCi ,•~ C [OD ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ,^~ ~ •" A O H O. ~ ~. o ~ ~ o ~ ~ o w o ~ va ~ • , ~ ~ w c ~, ~' ac ~° C o-^ ~ ~ o ~' -°' ~ T C ~ °m O S iD ~ O y ~ pj y O O~ C O ~ n O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p~ ~ Un eK '° ~ UOG ~ •~ O C ~ ~ ~ O ? ° O `G '~ O r W ~' ° ~ C ° r ~ N n O v.' !9 ~f ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~-~-~ ' . l Salads =" . ~ _ - ~_ ~ _ - ,.- p ~ _ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - ~~=~'~~N Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 _ _ -~ ~ ---. ~"~ - - -"Provencals Salad _ - _ Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, __ Black Olives, Parmesadn a Neese and Tomato W g o`~`~m`~ sta Salad - r :ns with Ripe Tomato Wedges - - ~C Parmesan Pepper ~_~' ntrees Seafood or Chicken C'. agna Tender Chunks of Chic Layers of 1 e de asta separated or Seafood in our Tan Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed b Ricott armesan and -I-anglewood Wine Sauc with Capers, Lemons & White sine Mozyzarella ses and a Meaty delicate crepes and top Tomato auce ccompanied wit Hollandaise Sau ~`ic en Al~ndine ed with Garli Bread Boneles`s~r st of hi~ken Grid ~ Roast rk L n Ch; with Sauteed lmonds ; ' Fresh Fish - pork Loin nated in ~~ ~___ 'the Freshest Fish of the Season _._ Soy G topped w \~ tc ._ ~ ~ -- done .one of four ways. -. - - J enne egetable arinated, Broiled and served Slackened, Stuffed and Baked, _ " over Fresh Pineapple with -of'~ ~'- a etables .- " - Sauteed-with Lemon Butter or Grilled ~ J; =Roast-' irl Stir Fned V g _ - _ . ~- - - ~ ~~ Roasted e_rfection - " - Petite Filet _Nlignon . _ - 'Veal Variously -: -- With Mushroom Capi^ serve. tth a 'ch-Cat ,Served ushroo Saua Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared = , __ - and Bearnaise Sauce -, - : -. _ either Marsala or Francaise _ _ _ _ _ _ - -_ _ _ -_ - . - - ~ _... - Luncheon Selections (Continued) =' ~ - _ _ _ . . _ - _. ,- . - - - , - ..,Desserts :,- :- ~ , ~ . _. - ~ ~ _' ~' ` _ . ~ ~ ;~. - ; -Strawberry Mousse Midnight Layer Cake _ - ~ <Chocolate Mousse ~~ _ -Fruited or Plain Cheesecak - inbow Sherbet _ -~ _ Ice Crew with Co°lcie - - ~ Ra _ _ _ _ - _ - •~ ~ served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, Rice or Pasta, Yegetab _ ee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert All entrees are _ _ Rolls and Butter, Coff. _ ~ - _ - - ~ - -- - = ~ Liaht Luncheons _ , . - _ . - . ..- ~ . -- - - Shenandoah Valley D Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surroundedo riate Sauces and Spreads Served wit>Z_ wiser Roll and app p _ -The Parkway Croissant ~- our choice of - Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled amshed with Ripe Olives, Tuna, Seafood or Chic Po atodSalad and Fresh Fruit _ Roanoke Star Sala - arnished with Filled with Chicken Almond SaladhTV getab es and Pineapple Hard Boiled Egg, F - Vegetarian Pasta Salad pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed witri HGarnishesan Dressing - accompanied with Approp _ _ _ - _ _ - Chef sSalad = _. Ham,- Aged Cheddar and _ Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, s Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Eggs_served with our Ranch Dressing _ Swts -- ns served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee Teay~ Decaffeinated Coffee or _ -. ~ _ _, . All light luncheo _ __ _ ,. ~ _ _.;~ - -: ~- _- _ _ - "_ - PRICES-,ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX - _ __- _ ALL ,__ - _ " .. ~. ~- _- - _ ~~~ i ~,._- ~ ~ - _ -- - ~ - ~ ~' AJ etizers and Salads 4 _ _ ' _ _ _ ~ _ - _ _ ~-- - ' _ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - h Onion ~ouP $1.25 _ . n ± - c Baked Fre _ Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit - ,... - ___ Soup du Jour _ _ _ encals Salad l = e _ - Homesty use Salad - H -Prov ~ -. - , ~ - 'Crisp Green Pa mesan Cheese and o - _ Black Olives, . , - Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens _- - __. - _ Tomato Wedges _ ots, ~ - _ _ __ complemented with Shre To a Red Cabbage, Cherry ' ` ` o -- _ _ and Cucumbers -- - _ d Pasta Salad s - d - p ge Tomato We Tomato an n Crisp Greens with Ri e d inated Pasta Mar o Sala -Creamy Parmesan Pepper House Dressing Luncheon Entrees d or Chicken C ken Francaise i Seafoo Baked Lasagna crated Tender Chunks of Chic of Tender Pasta sep or Seafood in our Tat c Ch Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed mons & White Wine L ers Lay parmesan and lewood Wine Sau~ by Ricotta, Tang delicate crepes and tol ty ni s a e with Capers, ed with Hollandaise Sai Accompa ato Sauce Mo~ Tom Chicken Almondine Gnlled Ch with Garlic Bread - . - t Pork ~ Cn Boneless Breast of l~ nd Sauteed A with Roas nated sh Fish -_ ~ Fre pork Loin Man Gl e topped ~ f the Season _: _ Chicken Teriyaki d Soy az The Freshest Fish o Julienne Vegetabl done one of four-ways. =-. - _ _ d and Baked f Marinated, Broiled and serve le with ver Fresh Pineapp e Blackened tu nlled ~ - ~• - utter or Sauteed. with Lemon. _ _ - _ . ~ - . jtpast Sirloin of i .o _ etables . ~ _ - Stir Fried Veg _ _ _ - - - y o - ~~ . '- - - ~ "= erfect -_- : _` _ - _ . ~ Roasted top .• _ Petite Filet Mignon _ ~ - served with a nch C~ ~ - Veal Variously -. y,_ - Mushroom Sau --'SeNed with Mushroom CaP ~ Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared _ _ _ __, and Bearnaise Sauce _ , -- either Marsala or Francaise _ = _ -- - ___' _. ' _ ` . _ _ _ f ; _ , - , _ _ V ter,,., -- - - _ _ ~ - - _ Luncheon Selections Continu - - _ /.; - _- - : _ :~. Desserts , L _, _ _' - - gtrawberry Mousse - ~~ - - ~ = - { _Chocolate Mousse ~- _ ~ - Fniited or Plain Cheesecak Midnight Layer Cake _ = J ice Cream with Cookie - _ _ - - : - - _ Rainbow Sherbet _ ~` _ ~ ' -~ -Rice or. Pasta, Yegetable,_ . - _ - ~ - ~ titer or salad, Potato, - •-All entrees are served with aochoice of appe _ _ Qe, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee a Milk, and Dessert - Rolls and Butter, C ff - _ _ _ - _ _ ~ _ - - - = - ~ LiohY Luncheons _ - - :: _: _ _ - _ - Shenandoah Valley D Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses ~ - Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surroundedo pate Sauces and Spreads Served with Kaiser Roll and app P _ _ -The Parkway Croissant = - our choice of Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled ar hi hed with Ripe Olives, Tuna, Seafood or Chicken todS 1 d and Fresh Fruit - - Pota Roanoke Star Salad - arnished with Filled with Chicken Almond Salad, TVe etab es and Pineapple Hard Boiled Egg, Fresh g Vegetarian Pastath He bed Italian Dressing - pasta and Garden Vegetables tossedow riate Garnishes - - - - accompa~ed with App P - _ - - ~_ _ - -Chefs Salad Ham,. Aged Cheddar and Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, _ . matoes and Hard Boiled Eggsserved with our Ranch Dressing Swiss Cheeses, To - ~ - r Tea,- De_c_affeinared Coffee or ]~ uncheons served with Soup du Jour and Desserts Coffee, - ~ _ _ _- - _ _ _- All light I _ _ '_ ` - .. ' _~- -~ ~ _ - ,-_ ~ -` ~ E SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX _ _ - _ _ - _ ALL PRICES AR _ --•~ - -.y . _ _ - - __ _- _ - = 2 . ' f ~ / - _ - _ _ - - _ - ~ - ~ ~ - • ~r _ l ' ' __ _ ---_------------ ,,---- --^~ 1. ,. .~._~_~- r.4V' s ~ ,,-, ~ _ ~~ i, _ - - - _ ;- _ - _ - - ~ _ _ A" etizers and Salads ~ : _ - .: ~ _ ' - - - ~ ~ ~ _ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup `- J Baked French Onion S_ouP $1.25 _ - Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit - .~ . ~ .-. - Homestyle Soup du Jour _ _~,,provencals Salad _ "_ ~ ~ Greens with Green Pepper, - - - `- _ - Crisp .parmesan Cheese and - House Salad ~. ~ - _- - _ Btack Olives, . _ Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens ~ --. - Tomato Wedges ~ \ complemented with Shre To a oe ots, - _ _. _\ - - _ Red Cabbage, Che ry and Cucumbers ~ -_ - Tomato and Pa snaw h Ripe Tomato Wedges - Marinated Pasta Salad on Cnsp G Parmesan Pepper House Dressing -Creamy Chicken Francaise Boneless Bre Lemons &kWhrteuW ne with Capers, Luncheon Entrees / \%~ Baked Lasagna arated Layers of Tender Pasta sep by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and aaMeaty Tomato Sauce Accomp Garlic Bread S Tend d Chunksco Chi or Seafood in our Ta Tanglewood Wiand toi delicate crep with Hollandaise S~ Chicken Almondme with - _ _ Fish "Roast Pork Loin C Boneless Breauteed Almonds rilled ~ .Fresh - pork Loin Marinated ii with Sa Glaze topped - The Freshest Fish of the Season ~~ goy etat _- - done. one of four ways- - Julienne Veg Chicken Teriyaki Stuffed and Baked, -- : _ ~ - _ - _ Marinated, Broiled a,e w hd Slackened, - - Roast Sirloin`of Fresh Pineapp gau{eed. with Lemon Butter or Grilled J over - -- - - ~ ~ eifecti Stir Fried Vegetables - - _ _ . ~ Roasted to P _ _ _- Filet -Mignon _ ~ -served with a rich ~C __ _.::.,~ - ~ --- Petite `L w~t.,chmom Cap, tutnshroom Sa .. .. -r. - s_ 4 .y ~ % \. _ 1 tires / .'' b i - - ~ ~ Luncheon Selections- Conttnued = /: - - _. - ~. 4 _ ~ ~ - ~ - ..Desserts , ~ _ ~ --Straw6eny Mousse .'f - f'' -. j'- .Chocolate Mousse ~ _ '' ~ ~ -~~ F~ited or Plain Cheesecak Midnight Layer Cake Ice Cream with Cookie __ ._ ; ~ - . - . - Rainbow Sherbet . ~` _ ~. ~ ~ ~ Vegetable, . _, - _ - ~ - oice o appetizer or salad, potatoi R~ ?hod Dessert _, ee, Tea~Decaffeinated Coffee or Mi ~-~- ' ~ All entrees are served with a ch _ _ - Rolls and Butter, Coff, ~~ _ _ : _ ._ - .. ~~ _ _. _ - ._ . =Li -ht Luncheons _ _ _. _ -_ _ - _- _ _ __ _ -. -- . _ ~ __ _ _- - - _ _ - _ _ Shenandoah Val eedy D S i Pd Cold Cuts ana Cheeses Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surroun y _ - ro natie Sauces and Spreads Served with Kaiser Roll and app P _ _ The Parkway Croissant - - _ our choice of Freshly Baked Croissant filled a shed with Ripe Olives, Our Flaky _ Tuna, Seafood or Chickeon to Sal d and Fresh Fruit P Roanoke Star Salad - arnished with ' ed with Chicken Almond Salad, TVe etab es and Pineapple Fill Fresh g Hard Boiled Egg, _ Vegetarian Pastath Herbed Italian Dressing pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed w~ _ accompa~ed with Appropriate Garnishes - _ ~_ _ - Chef's Salad Ham,- Aged Cheddar and Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, - and Hard Boiled Eggsserved with our Ranch Dressing Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes _ ,~_ ee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or ~ du Jour and Dessert, Coff _ _ _ _ : - ht luncheons served with Soup _ _ ~ . ,. =: _ ~ ~ - - ~ UBJECT TO SERVICE~CHARGE=AND TAX _ _ _ ~ - - ALL PRICES-.ARE. S __= - r: ~ _~ - -- - _ _ -~ ,. _ _ ,. _ - ..,. - - ~a • - - - '• --- -. - - - ~ - - .. .. ~ _ -- _. j _ - . _ -- - - -- ~ "~ _.. . _ _ _ . _ --.._, A etizers and Salads` `~ - ~- _ - " ~ _ _ _ _ .- _ ~ - ~ _ ~ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - " ~ - - Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 _ . Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit -'' ~ - f Glad ~ '_ _ - Homestyle Soup du Jour _ _ ~ . ; ' - ~ . provencals S - Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, - House Salad - r election of Seasonal Greens _ - _ - _ - ~_ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and .`/ olorful S .. -_ Tomato Wedges - _ complemented witCherry Tomatoe ots, -- _ _ _ Red Cabbage, _ " and Cucumbers - - - " Tomato and Pasta Salad . Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges Mannated ;HHouse Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Seafood or Chicken Baked Lasagna Tender Chunks of Ch Chicken Francaise ers of Tender Pasta separated or Seafood in our T b Ricotta, Parmesan and Tanglewood Wine Sa Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed Lay with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Mozzarella Cheeses and aaMeaty delicate crepes and t~ Tomato Sauce Accomp with Hollandaise S Chicken Almondine with Garlic Bread - Boneless Breaste aCAlmondGrilled esh Fish _ ~ Roast Pork Loin ~ with -Saul Fr pork Loin Marinated i " The Freshest Fish of the Season -.-Soy Glaze topped ,,~hicken Teriyaki done_one of four ways =- - _Julienne Vegetal Marinated, Broiled and served Slackened, Stuffed and Baked, _ _ - , ~ _, Sati~eed. with Lemon_Butter or Grilled ~ cti " .over Fresh Pineapple with _ _ _ _ _ __ J_.__ jZOaSt S-r]pln 01 Stir Fried Vegetables . __ ~. _-- .. " Roasted to pe e - - l - " ~ . _- ' __-Petite File{ Mignon .. _ _ ~ served with arich -( Veal Various y ._" Served with Mushroom Cap w Mushroom Sa and Bearnaise Sauce - - ~ - . -~ - = -- , Mild Milk-Fed V caFPancaised =' _ _ _ = ~ :. =l- _ - _ -< either Marsala o - -_ _ ~ - ~" - . _ ~ - - •_ - . - - - i ~ y Luncheon Selections Continu - _ i-~' , - - -. - _ - - - - ~ ,Desserts , - - -Strawberry Mousse .' `,' - _ ~ ~ _ =- :Chocolate Mousse ~ ~ ` •- ' Fruited or Plain Cheesecake _,/ vlidnight Layer Cake _ - ~. " Ice Cream with Cookie --- -- - ~_ - - Rainbow Sherbet _ _ - ~- - ~ etizer or salad, Potato. Rice or Pasta, _ Decaffeinated CoffQe or M~~' and Dessert _ - • 11 entrees are served with a choice of aPP _ __ _ - ,q ee, Tea. - _ _ .. _ - Rolls and Butter, Coff _ _ - • _ - .- _ _ -:. .. ~. ,• =I,~-iht Luncheons ~_-_ - _ _ .- _ -, -- _ ~ henandoah Valley Del! Pa C ~a Cuts ana Cheeses S Shc potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded y _ . ' er Roll and approPnatie Sauces and Spreads Served with Kais Croissant ~ our choice of The Parkway - . Baked Croissant filled a n Shed with Ripe Olives, Our Flaky Freshly _ Tuna, Seafood or Chicken ~ ds la and Fre h Fruit - pota Roanoke Star Salad - galad garnished with with Chicken Almond SaladVe ~ abler ana Pineapple Fres Filled Hard Boiled Egg, Vegetarian pasta h He bed Italian Dressing pasta and Garden Vegetab]es tossedow~riate Garnishes _ _ " accompanied with App P . _ _ - - - - Chef s Salad Ham,- Aged Cheddar and ' ed Greens garnished with Julienne TurkeSeNed with our Ranch Dressing _ - Tomatoes and Hard Boiled EKgs Qe' Tea. DeCa ffeinated Coff M'X ee or i Swiss Cheeses, - _ _ _ _ _ du Jour and Dessert, Coff . ~ _ _ _ _ ._ ` _ ___ All light luncheons served with Soup r - VICE CHARGE .AND TAX _ _ , _ - . . l ALL PRICES-.ARE SUBJECT TO SER .'' , ' . ~ _ _ . . _ i -, _. - _. - - - _ - _ l.. ~ _ _ -__ _. .___ r. . - ~ - - _ - . _ ; ~ A etizers and Salads - _. _ . " :- . _ ~ - - _ ` __ - -- ~ Wisconsin Cheddar C~oue $1.25 _ Baked French Onion P Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit _ - Homestyle Soup du Jour _ _ ~` _ _ _ _ _ - Provencals Salad Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, - House Salad - ~ - - , ~ -- Selection of Seasonal Greens _-~" - -__. __ Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Colorful _ Tomato Wedges _ complemented with Shre To a o ots, _ Red Cabbage, Cherry -- - - and Cucumbers ~ - _ ~ - - Tomato and Pasta Salad . _ pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges Marnnated House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Baked Lasagna Seafood r Chicken ~ en er Chunks of Ch Chicken Francaise Layers of Tender Pasta separated or Seafood in our T~ Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed b Ricotta, Parmesan and Tanglewood Wine Say with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty delicate crepes and tc Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Hollandaise Ss Chicken Almondine with Garlic Bread Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled . ~ tsh ~ Roast Pork Loin C with Sauteed Almonds Fresh F - - The Freshest Fish of the Season _ Pork Loin Marinated it -~- Soy Glaze topped Chicken Teriyaki done one of four ways =. - Julienne Vegeta>, Marinated, Broiled and served Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, _- _: _ _ - - _ _ - _ over Fresh Pineapple with - bles . - - Sauteed-with Lemon_Butter or Grilled J_ Roast Sirloin of _ - Stir Fried Vegeta = __ ~- ' - ~- . - _ _ ,_ ~ ; Roasted to perfectt~ _ ~ - -" - - • Petite Filet _Mignon .. _ - served with a rich C Veal Variously -= Seryed with Mushroom Cap' jviushroom Sai Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared _ - and Bearnaise Sauce -~ _ ~ - ~ -- - either Marsala or Francaise __ _ _ - ~ - _ - :' 4~~,_~....------" - ' ' -' _- _ I uncheon Selections Continued -~°: - _ _.- L .. ~ _ - ~ _" ~_. Desserts . " _ - ,~ - `.-Strawberry Mousse .' `, - _ _ = :Chocolate Mousse ~- `_ - ` :- ` F~ited or Plain Cheesecake Midnight Layer Cake _ _ ~ ~ Ice ream with Cookie -_ _ _ :; ~ -' ~ ~ _ Yegetable,_ - _ ..- Rainbow Sherbet - -' _ ~._ . _ - _ _ Potato, Rice or Pasta, _ -- a etizer or salad, ' Tea, DecaffQ1-wted Coffee ~ Milk, and Dessert 1 ` __- All entrees are served with a choice of PP _ _ Rolls and Butter, Coffee. _ - _ . - - - .: _.. - - ~Li --ht Luncheons ~.-, - - - _ _ ~- " - ~ ` . ~_ _ . Shenandoah Valley Del i Pd Cold Cuts ana Cheeses potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by S. Roll and appropriate Sauces and Spreads Served with Kaiser - The Parkway Croissant : - _ our choice of ak Freshly Baked Croissant filled with y Our ~ y arnished with Ripe Olives, Tuna, Seafood or Chicken i ds l d and Fresh Fruit pot Roanoke Star Salad - an,ished with ith Chicken Almond Salad, Tun e ab es and Pineapple Felled w Fresh Veg Hard Boiled Egg, _ Vegetarian Pasta h He bed Italian Dressing pasta and Garden Vegetables tossed wi - - _ accompanied with Appropriate Garnishes _ - ~ - Chefs Salad Ham,-Aged Cheddar and Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, _ _ d Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes an _ " and Dessert, Coffee. Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or 1 du Jour - - ., . ,. - - _ - _ ' -. _- All light luncheons served with Soup ~ - " ~-~ SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX _ _~ - ' _ ~- - _ 1ALL PRICES-ARE SUBJECT TO' ~~ ~ - - ~ - _- _ : .. ~~ .__. -, .. , r - .: _ -` . J -- -- A etizers and Salads - "- _ -- _ , - _ - " ~-~ _ ~ ~ Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup - - - - Baked French Onion S`ouP $1.25 _ - Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit ~ _ _ , ~ .- - : -. _ - Homestyle Soup du Jour ~ - _ _ -_ _.provencals Salad - - - ~ ~ Greens with Green Pepper, - - = --- . - _ ~ - Crisp - HO~e Salad ~ ~ ~- - ~ __ -Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens , - _ "_ - _ _ - Tomato Wedges - \ complemented with Shre To a oes ts, - " _ _ `- - _ _ Red Cabbage, Cherry - _ and Cucumbers - - _ - - Tomato and Pastas h Ripe Tomato Wedges - Greens _ _ _ Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp mesan Pepper House Dressing -Creamy Par Luncheon Entrees Seafood or Chicken Baked Lasagna arated Tender Chunks of CY Chicken Francaise ers of Tender Pasta sep or Seafood in our T Lay lewood Wine S~ by Ricotta, Parmesan and Tang Boneless Breast of Chick~nhSeuw ne ozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty delicate crepes and t with Capers, Lemons & Nl anied Tomato Sauce Accomp with Hollandaise S Chicken Almondine ~ with Garlic Bread ~~ . - Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled . Fish - jtoas op Marinated( with Sauteed Alm _ Fresh pork L The Freshest Fish of the Season -: Soy .Glaze toppeC Chicken Teriyaki done: one of four ways.= ~ - , -Julienne Vegeta Marinated, Broiled and served Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, - - - .; ~ _ , ~ ; _ - .over Fresh Pineapple With $au~eed. with Lemon.Butter or Grilled l _ Roast Sirloin 0 Ve etables . - -~ -~- '- - ' Roastecl.to perfect " - Stir Fried _ g _ - - __ -= - {. _ ~ h -I - -- - ~.-petite File Mignon ~ ~ _ ~ served with a ric = ~_ Veal Variously -. ~ -~SeNed with Mushroom CaP ~ ~ N(ushroom S~ Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared _ _, and Beariiaise Sauce _- `~ _ - _ either Marsala or Francaise ~:~ - __ - - _ ~ _ - - - •_ _ _ - _ -- ~ - --- --~_- ~ -: - _ _r.. _ _ .. _. .- ...:. ._ _. _ ~~_.r.,,_,~-- --~- -~ - -. _ ~?~.i.. - ~ Luncheon Selections Con ~ -- ~ : - _ _ ~_ _ _ - - - .- .~ -. --. -_ - _ _ t ~ - - - ` - -_I Desserts -,- _ _-L,_ - - -Strawberry Mousse. - _ ; ~= :Chocolate Mousse ,. ;, ~ _ ~ : Eroded or Plain Cheeseca Midnight Layer Cake . _ " - .Ice Cream with Cookie _ =" - ~ ~ - ~ = ~ ~ . Rainbow Sherbet _ ~` - ~ . ~ ' -- - -Rice or Pasta, Yegetable,_ . -, - - `'~ ~ a tizer or salad, ~totO111i1k, and Dessert _ - All entrees are served with aoche ~cTea, D affei~fed Cofl , . __ „ -- : ` _ - - Rolls and Butter, C ff. _ _ _ .. _ - . _. ~ - - " Lioht Luncheons - ~ : _ - - " ~ : ~ ~ " _ ~ -- -_ - - Shenandoah Valley De li Pd Cold Cuts and Cheeses . Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surrounded by _ _ ro Hate Sauces and Spreads Served with Kaiser Roll and app P _ _ The Parkway Croissant : - our choice of . Our Flaky Freshly Baked Croissant filled a shed with Ripe Olives, _ Tuna, Seafood or Chicken ands d and Fre h Fruit Potato Roanoke Star Salad - arnished with filled with Chicken Almond Salad, TVe etab es an Pineapple F Fresh g Hard Boiled Egg, _ Vegetarian Pasta Salad and Garden Vegetables tossed with Herbed Italian Dressing pasta anted with Appropriate Garnishes accomp - _ - _ _ - ~ Chef's Salad Ham, Aged Cheddar and Mixed Greens garnished with Julienne Turkey, -_ atoes and Hard Boiled Eggs served with our Ranch Dressing Swiss Cheeses, Tom - ~ - '~ Decaffeinated Coffee or du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea; _ _ ., -~ All light luncheons served with Soup. .-_ ~ - - =~ ~, ..,~ . _ - - -- ~ _ _ \'• ~ ...! - ~ - - .L PRICES_ARE SUBJECT TG SERVICE,CHARGE-AND TAX ~_ - - AL - __ -- ~ - .. -- B~1Qg5~ HOLIDAY INN-TANGLEWOOD BANQUET DEPARTMENT FU~~ Ur ~ULF.i~l`T6U`m~ ~@~~4i'~, C:U1iv'I:Y ~,UAK~ asv.,. ~ _ I LOOM ~()~li~ U~' ~,U1'E~~Z~C)IL2-', BILLING ~a~U~C~ ~,UUNTY U~~ ii LT l ADDRESS ~TT~ Y;~,ZT~~ ~i~l~K. ~IJr'~1~ iiiSC)(~RCES.S 9 RUk~ C: / U i7~P~TNir.~iT U~' 'I ppD N T PNG~EW p~~~`~V SN pEPp'RSMENt ~' N gpNaVEt Gt)~~~'~ ~A ~O j~va~`~^' y;~l'tiC'~ .~U g~~~~N P~~ a5~~ t~l~c~54 ~i~~s it v / ; , ~,~~~ Aaaetizers and Salads Medley of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Soup Homestyle Soup du Jour Baked French Onion Soup $1.25 House Salad Provencals Salad Colorful Selection of Seasonal Greens Crisp Greens with Green Pepper, complemented with Shredded Carrots, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese and Red Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes Tomato Wedges and Cucumbers Tomato and Pasta Salad Marinated Pasta Salad on Crisp Greens with Ripe Tomato Wedges House Dressing -Creamy Parmesan Pepper Luncheon Entrees Chicken Francaise Boneless Breast of Chicken Sauteed with Capers, Lemons & White Wine Chicken Almondine Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled with Sauteed Almonds Chicken Teriyaki Marinated, Broiled and served over Fresh Pineapple with Stir Fried Vegetables Veal Variously Mild Milk-Fed Veal prepared either Marsala or Francaise Baked Lasagna Layers of Tender Pasta separated by Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheeses and a Meaty Tomato Sauce Accompanied with Garlic Bread -Fresh Fish The Freshest Fish of the Season done one of four ways - Blackened, Stuffed and Baked, Sauteed with Lemon Butter or Grilled Petite Filet Mignon Served with Mushroom Cap and Bearnaise Sauce Seafood or Chicken Crepe Tender Chunks of Chicken or Seafood in our Tangy Tanglewood Wine Sauce in delicate crepes and topped with Hollandaise Sauce Roast Pork Loin Char Su Pork Loin Marinated in a Swec Soy Glaze topped with Julienne Vegetables Roast Sirloin of Beef Roasted to perfection and served with a rich Cabernet Mushroom Sauce Luncheon Selections Continued i Desserts Strawberry Mousse , Chocolate Mousse ~ _ Fruited or Plain Cheesed Midnight Layer Cake Ice Cream with Cookie - Rainbow Sherbet - Rice or Pasta, Vegetable, All entrees are served with a choice of appetizer or salad, Potato, and Butter, Coffee, Tea, Decaffeinated Coffee or Milk, and Dessert Rolls Li ht Luncheons - Deli Platter Shenandoah Valley Sliced Cold Cuts and Cheeses Potato Salad and Cole Slaw surroundedobiiate Sauces and Spreads Served with Kaiser Roll and app P The Parkway Croissant Freshl Baked Croissant filled with your choice of Our Flaky y arnished with Ripe Olives, Tuna, Seafood or Chic Po a odSal d and Freah Fruit Roanoke Star Salad arnished with Filled with Chicken Almond Saladh Ve etab esaand Pineapple Hard Boiled Egg, Fre g Vegetarian Pasta Salad to and Garden Vegetables tossed wit aHC,aTnishesan Dressing Pas arced with Appropri accomp Chef's Salad Aged Cheddar and arnished with Julienne Turkey, Ham, Mixed Greens g s served with our Ranch Dressing Swiss Cheeses, Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Egg emoted Coffee or served with Soup du Jour and Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Decaff All light luncheons ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND TAX