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2/20/1990 - Regular
~~ ~vlyv ~_ v i ~ L ~,..~- Page 1 of 1.2 pages We, the urui~r~~iyned residents of Lti~~'.~~~~.;~-rid ta;x3ivision in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the cur r.c~rrt; proposed agreemcnl.; i~or con~~olidatirig t}ie governments of Roanoke County and lire City oC Ro~no~:e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lndenwcrod will become a part o[ the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the 'I'owa of Vinton. `i'bis should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consolidat.inci k.he governments of RoZnok~ County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have fire opix~r.l,uni_ty 1-ater to vote on drat issue; however, we are taking this means to register our posit;ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. S ~~ Regist ered homeo wner vote r - N~me nddress Yes No Yes No ,-• ,~ . -, ~- v ~ ~ _. ~% _/ y ~~ (/~j~~~r:<~1~~ ~ r J !~Y1. - j; r' ~. L~i^- ,L?," /1 r"• CGf7ZL-'T`t`~Z-~~~i"; ~ f ~" ~ ~_ _.._ -. _ ' ' s ~_~ r ' / ' ~ c V ~,/ >.~ !~ _~_ ~_ ~; . ~ , - _ ., ~ i~ ~~ ~-- -- (r z_. ~t ~_~-- - f• //n j Ci CY„~"l-~ /_~~"•.~L-~.; CL.~`~~ lam'' / ~ / / / ~ /~ ~ ~ / / Y ~. - ~ ,, ,(~ i /, , i ~~•l;~.~ 'lS,_.</~l'l`._ "y.=~~ p~C~' (_C(~/y~•lG~ ~/z.<;TF_ V //`` f ~_ ~ ~/- ri9 ~ ~1..:'1 • ~ ~ G~2~.'~,.. L _~~ ~ .~~ ~ ~ l~ i..' ~- -- ~~ cnn ~n ~ ~ ~.~,J- ~ We, the unders i ~ and residents of T.i r-~c'ec~wood Page 2 of l2 Pages q suhdi_vision in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the c~.rrrcrnt r?roposed agreerrrent f-:ar- r"c*:r«~i+:~~rtinq the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Rca-ioke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, T.,inclenwc~od wil_1 become a part of the 's'own of Vinton. We are opposed to bocoming a part of the Tocan of Vinton. 'i't~is shou}_d not be construed to rrrean that we are or are not in favor of consolid;~ting the governments of Ro•~rnoke County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have the ot~tx'r.l:rmity Later. to vote on that issue; however., we are taking this means to register our o~~osi_i.i.on to Lindenwood becoming a part of- tie 't'own of Vinton. Regis tered Homeo wner Vote r Name 1ldclress Yes No Yes No ` ~ i _ n ~~ ~~ ~ p _~i~ .... - '' . yea: L/.'C„~A ~ ___.~~.~.~~~~ !/ ~" C~~GV ~~f~-5+~~'t-'~ l..il~~C./ / (/ 4, / \ J ~~ ~ ~=~L~rvc~c~~ti.+~/ ,~ ~~ ------k'- - ti / p j7~ ' , ~> ,' !/ v'' ~~ %) (~ -,~~~,:-.-.,din r•- ._~~,~.t'~;t. / ~ ..- r 1i'i ~/". ,, - , //~~ ~~ ~- /~~%l3.'' ~i c C.~ .~ ~ ~ `+~~ - -c.-.mil ' l~~ ~~ ~ / ( C ~J ~~.{?~"'~ \~ ~ ~ / V '~ ~ Y - - -~ % /~ ~ ,,// J V Lf- ~ ~'~•'~ f + {~~ ~_ ~i / ~ ~ ~ , V / ~~ LI.~ /~ -L ~/ ~ ~ A- ~ I~1 ~ ' f ~ "~~ ~ _ ., . ~ ,\ t, <_ Page 3 of t.?.. Pages We, the undersigned residents of ?-~ ~ rr-1e~ ~wUC:>~l ;-3u}7~l ivi ,ion i.n east Roano~:e County, under- stand that the currant ~~roposed agreement, [c~e~ consoli4lat-,ing tlx., governments of Roanoke County and the City of P.canor:e provides that, upon approved by the q~_ralified voters of both localities, Li.nclenwc~od wil.i become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are ~~Pose~3 to becoming a part of the `s'own n[ Vinton. 'T'his should not ha ronstrued to mean that we are or are not in Cavor of consoli~lal;i.nq t;lre governments of Roinolce County and L-he City of Roano'ce, since we will have t-he oppcrt.unity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our oj~~osil-.ion to Linc3enwood becoming a part of the 'T'own of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter ~i) Narrre ` n,~dd/ress ,Yes/ No Yes No Q. i7 J ~~ ~r-~ /' / / / ~tX '/ _= ., ~ ~. ___ ~~_ ~. ..~~.,~ ~..c ~~ 1, \ ~ / ~ / 1 ' ! i t ` jJZtL.: i~?' :.`t . jJZC.c;~ ~~ ~ ~i ~' Li /~ „;~ ~ ,--~ . ~ . _~ i 7 Cuvo ,. ~ - , n / ~-~ . _ ____. _ .r% 000 1~. ~ _.,f. ~~. 1 •~ ~, /' - '~ c _ ~~'~ -; ~- r ~. ~ r `~ ; ~_ r _ ~ r~ L_ ) ~ / ~€ - ~ -- ~.1 / l' ~ ~//"t~~t_. ~I (~?-r_~ l,/l. ~. ~~ t_ _ V J / ~tJ~~} , 11.E /~l/r i ~,~ e ~ L,,,- ~;'~- Page 4 ofvl2 Pages We, the under.~~igried resident;s of l,inden~vcx.~d 5~~h,-3;vision in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the cnrrcrnl. ~~rotx~sed agreement for consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Rcarioke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lirxteuwood will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. 'T'his should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consoli~lai;ing the governments o[ Roanoke County and the City of Roano'ce, since we wi l.t have t;rre ot~~x;rl.uni t;y later to vote on Lhat issue; }rowever, we are taking this means to register our o~~it,ion t;o L,indenwood becoming a part of the '['own of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No -~ ~~ .~ ~~,, AA~ -_ -- ~ ,'.- . ~ ~ - - -- ,. ~~y e ~~'~,f~(~•,< 1 -' / COD- .i e//~/L'/G~CY?N ~/'/ b~ .. ,/ ,.~- ~ =~ ~ ;~ ,/~r~, Q .,.~t~r ~ ~^ ~ - / - ~ /..r_ ~ ~ ~~.~f_~ / ~ ~ l~C.s~~ -7 ~~ ~t~ ~. ~ ~' ~ ~-`~ a ~ / /" 4?~}~, ~ -~ } :;~ AL.! ?r ~c`Y` ~>'-'r' .i/a ~~~ /ire ~ -~ l ~ ! k ~~ ~, ~, 1~-- .,n , /f c _ _ ,r / ~~~, ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ l ~' .I ~~~{{ _e~..- -- ~ r rr -- Jf f l ~ f S , _ h ,//; ~ ~ ~ r~ // - ~ -~- { _ / 1 r. (~ / / ~ 1 ~ , / Page 5 of l2 Pages we, the un-lersigned residents of Lirrac:~itwocxl susxiivisi.on in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the cur: r~ ant rn-~posed agreement f.c~r c<msolidati.ng the governments of Roanoke County and the City o[ Roai~ot:e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwood will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. 'Pf~is strould not- be r_onstrued to mean that we are or are not in favor of consol.i.~3atinq tl~e governments of Roanoke County anri the City of Roanoke, since we will have the oppor.t.unity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our op~x~sii.ion to Lindenwood lxmcoming a part of the 's'own of Vinton. ~~ Registered homeowner voter Name _ Address Yes No Yes No i _, (/ / ~~ ~ '_ ~ i _ / / / ~ ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ jr ~/ i ~ G~Tl ~ ~ C ~~ ! ~y . ~ _ /' ~ - «~, ..~-~-- i _~__.. _ L __.__... _.__ z ~_-_ l K \' ? ,~ =a C C ~~1 rX,-Z r~ r- ~ ~^ ' '13 `j ~r.r ~~ntylt.~.n f.. ~/~ ' ~ ~ ~~...~~.~.~.,~._- ~ ~~ ,~ , _~,2..x.~ ~ t ~'~ ~ ,• ,, , ,~ ' ~' 1' ~ ~ ~ - - -- - ~ ~ ~~ ~ \\ ;~ y ,~ .~ ~ ~: ~ ,~ , . , i ~ ~ ~ ~; ~>>- ~ ~ amt. r- ~ ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~i:1..?~ ~,~ / ~. .. ~ i~U~ _>-- l 7 c/ _ ~~ r ~ ) f v ~ 1 ' /•.1 11 i . / / q U" t ry/ 4L i:~ ~ ~J _ ] // 1p ~ , ~ L' ALllll1 1 l.liJ- L Page 6 of l2 Pages We, the undersigned residents of Litul~=n~~o~x3 ~;uhrii.vision in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the cur.r.crnt proposed agreement For consolidating the government~r of Roanoke County and the CiL-y of Roarior:e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, T_,in~lcrrwc~od will become a part o[ the Town o` Vinton. We are opposed. to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. 'T'his should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consoliclatiny tTte governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have the ohlx~rtunity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our ~i~osit,ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Homeowner Registered Voter Name _ ~ Address Yes No Yes No ~ %~:+- `_ _ /1.~ ix~~' r!~/r~i'7:~f~ ~~~ Jf'~7 i//,Ce=L1G-G~ir~t°i>~_ij"/l/ ~ ' /.~~~Z-~1-f~ t-f-/.' 00 // /~ e/ ~~ 'f - C-~~ j° fx~tarr~ Q~1 y~ ~ /Yl~k.~c ~ / I/ n ~~ 1.q~N,sly r i~ cl~/_k?~t~~ . /} cam. (~ ~ ~~ i-fll~ ~ ~ eU~ ~i'1. __ ~C ~/'{/ / -- ` ~.~1 ~~ ~-~ V4 ~ / ~ ~~'~/VLL./LN V.J 7 C~ ~ l ~ ,~ ~_ UU n ~ l `/ ,~ + 1 v/ (1~ \ ~- ~ ~ll~zz ~ ~/ ~ ^/ / / V __. //~~ ,/ ~JyCO~ ~ ` ' ~ // V I V ~1Q-nc~ C. ~ ~ ` i ~ ~ ~ _ ~~ ,,~. ~_ Via/-~c-~z. ~ ~~v.~_~~-e~~~~.~~~.~~~.t.._... y _....~ ~ 4 S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i! ~ - ~ n A ,C G Page 7 of 12 Pages We, the undf~rsigned res.idertts o~ iii?r7t~;?ttic.KUl surr.~i.vi.sion i.n east Roanoke County, under- stand that the c~?r.rc~nt ~~roEx~sed agreernF~nt Ec~t ccroso).i.dating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roar;o?:e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Linrlenwuod will become a part of the '['own of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the Town cf Vinl-.on. 't`his should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in Cavor of consolidat~,i.ng thn governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roano'ce, since we wilt have the op~;x~r.l:uni.t.y )ater to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our op~osiLi_on to Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Regist ered TIomeo wner Vote r Narne _ 1lddress Yes No Yes No _ ~' ~ L ~~s 1, ~ ~ ~~ ~-~? ~ l.~ ,a~~. ~~ ;,~ ,~~~ d~~M - ~ - r~ ~ fit: ~~ (`-~ - '~`~ z- ~~-r~ r~ ~ .~~ZJ ~ Lam' _ ~ ~~s~ / -%2_•__ ~ 1r - ~ ~ J // / / / V '~ ' , -fir-~ ~' _ ...~G_~.~-mot _~ ~ _ '2~~ /~~-~-.~./~.-~, Q;,~. ~ v __ Q -, ~ ~, •~ / ~ .,.. ,.., L~F~ is ~",(, Q_, -1 ~- ~ - ~ 2 i3o ~~.~ r ~-t~~iz_ 4~; ~~ _ ,. I_) /~ ` ,, // . ~. i1l_ C ~_ ~~ "'~~~1/ ~f ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~~~. r " -~ - s i - ~~~. EE, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,-- _ v a 1 ~__ ~ ~~~ . r ,-, S r . Q-,-` h7 ,,/ *-~-~. ~~c~-~K-~ ~_- ~ ~ G o .t" Z i ~y D ~ ~~, c.J o d r~ ~~ 2 ~ "'~ r, .. n _.~- C,11t1 L tS L L I;GJ- ~ Page 8 of ?.2 Pages We, the unc~r~rsigned re,idents of I~indenwood suhdivi.~;ion in east Roanorce County, under- stand drat the crrrrcrnt proposed agreemF~n1- For cucrsolidai-.ing the governments of Roanoke County and the City oC Roanoke t,rovides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, T.~indenwr,od wi_11 become a part of the 'Ibwn of Vinton. We are o~ose~3 to becoming a part of the 't'own of Vinton. '[his should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consolid~rtinq t;1ie governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, since we will brave the oE~Ex~rt;uni ty later. to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our op~~osit;ion t;o Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No -, / ~~ Q.C / r / ~~v ~ J ~ / ~- ~ ~ r > >'~"Cl ~fl lc ~1StlXr,r~b~a ,. ~ \ ~ .C . V r r~~or~ ,/ / . `.l~ ~ ~ / J ~ r. \ ~~ ~G . _ ~ ~ S~ .~~~~~-~ V v v - ~ t/ . ,,°~~ U ~~ - / -- - 0 ~ZP ~~ -N - l?I //~~ D ~ 92~ZG~ ~~ ,~ may, ~d7.~.~ D ~2~~ ' l~tt.~•~ ~ t/ ,~~ ~~ _ ~ h v 04 ~ ~ ~ "~ i ~ __ -~- ~ o~ ` ~ ~~ ~ c./ , ~ art/ "mac-2.-is-E'-a./ ~ ~ 3 ~Y , ~ '~ '~ / ' ; ~ , ,/~ ~ ~~ ` ~ ~7 / ~~~= L ~' . EXHIBI`T' CES-~ Page 9 of 1.2 Pages We, the unc}c~r.siyned reSlde[ltS of T.,in~}E.,nwc>~~} ,;~~i-;r}i.v;sion in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the ciTr_rrrnt. I~roposed agreement ror Ci3r15gtld~ltlrlg the governments of Roanoke County and the City of R~~anoke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both Localities, Ling}enwuod will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opp sed to becoming a part of the 't'own of Vinton. 'I'F~is shoo}d not be construed to mean that e are or are not in favor of consolidating t:he governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanorce, since we will have the opportunity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our oppo~ii;ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the Tocm of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter Name Address 4 Yes_ No Yes No ~~ ~ , ~/ A ~ _...~'~ / d[ Y tJ ~-+~-I L__ L_ ~ _~'~ ~ ~ v - c .~_ _ j~;'LL~~1 C. ~ _ f = r ~ ~ , ~' , ,r i ~~ l~ .~ ~;" ~~~ -!-~>~ ~ ~.tiIL~L~~ ii'L ~1<-~l ~ ~- ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-{,yL~ , o~ ~ ill ~ ~ y' ~'l >~ > > r..~~ . `~~ ~~ _ __.~_s~~r1__ -- ,rU - fir. _ ~- ~-- .lhi _ ~v G O `~ ~ _.~~ ~ ~"" 1 .~ Q,-tit ~ ~' ~ f "'~ ~~ o.~ y'~fa ~ ~.~~- n , ~ = Y---- y / ~ ~ //~ ,/' ~~~~=' ~-u /lam J ~~!Qss..~.,,._,4.~~ -~~ / ECI,•~~/r c~,•'~ •.a i9 ~- Ci'.'~ C...__.. 1 ~r,~ ~ Lt~~ `~' ~ ~_~-rz. ~ ~ / / „"Vv ,_ ~/ cLc~ ; r . car ,~ ~'"~~ L~ ~ ,_ ~ 7Z,~G-~~7--~ ~ ~ L ~ ~G' ~ ~ ~ L' C. i~ Y7'u ~..~ / //^ ~ off, / .1 ' ~fi2t-v ~ t/ G~ / i ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ __ y~ ~ / / ' ~ ~-==- ~ _., ~ ~~ f r> .~ o ~q~' c.. V~ ~ ~)~ _I -- ~4.A Cf ~~t ~~~'.c,cCC.~Lv ~.,C.ln.~ s ~_ ~1~-~ ___ t ~- ~~,I'~, _I~ t~ }<b Iwo ~~ I_I Q ~ 1~ ~ ~/ . _ / ~ i ~ {j II ~ ~ '~--1. -_ > ,~ ~~a ~~Z - annini t ~.,w- We, the undor.si ned residents of T,indenwood ~ Page 1.0 ~f 12 Pages g suhdivi.sion -~n east Roanoke Count under- stand that the cur. r.crnt t~roix~sed agreement Eor conGOlidrtrt-ina the governments of Roanoke County and tare City of Rc»rrokr~ provides that, upon approved by the gr.talified voters of both localities, Lindenwcrcxl will t~corne a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. 'Ibis should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in Favor of consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanorte, since we will have the or~ix~rt;rrni.t:y later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our o~i~osit:ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of t:he Town of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter Narne Address Yes No Yes No ~ ~ ~~-,~~G'C. t~ z ' / ~;! / ' Gi 1-~ ~ LJ GU/.~w ~ j/~ti i i7, tl ~.~ ~/ 7~ <'-//G'<.} ~ C~ ~ ~/~ - -- ~ ' 7, -~ i L c i r > ~, ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ 9 c D--~.-. to l ~ /Yl ? J c: r, J~ V -~ ~ ~ . _ ~ ~1 ' ' ~/7 ~__._--- ~ _ __~.._. r ~ •--~ / /~, ~% //~ ~ ~ V"'.. U~'+ Ji / ' J ~ /) ~ ( ~ ` / - - -~-~-- ., ~~~-..~ ,~x~~ ~~ ,'~• G-- t..~- ~' _~_. rl ~ P l t~~ ~-- l '~ ~~ ~ ~ ` / ~ /` ~ .--._ // ~~7 ~ ~ { / li ` / v ~ _..._.__._ ` ~... v / 1/ ~ - -- --~ - ~ , ~..: ,__ .. ~~~Qx~~,.. 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~- ~, n tom/ ~ r_ L C r,Rtllbl t I.,GJ- ~. Page ll of l2 Pages We, the undc~rs fined residentG of T,ineif~nwood srttxii.vision in east Roanoke County, under- ~stand that the crtrrent proposed agreement for. consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanc~t;e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both tocali.ties, Li n<l~nwood wi l.l. become a part of tT~e 'lbwn of Vinton. We are o s to becoming a p:~rt of the `f'awn ref Vint;c~n. `t'his shorald not; tx~ constr.u~d t;o mean that we are or are not in favor of con~ol i~l~l;incl thr_ yover.nmenL-s oC R<nnc~ke County and the City of Roano'ce, since we will. have the opport.nnity Later to voto on drat issue; however, we are taking this means to register our oppc~sit.icm t,o T~indertwood becoming a part of tho `t'own of Vinton. Regist ered Tiomeo wner vote r _ Name nddress Yes No Yes No ~ ;~~ ~-,~ ~G~.s .,~.ze~ ~-ex~-- ~ . r/ , , ~ ~ t ~ tom- - ~~'Z~ ~' O ~,-,~ ~ . ~ __y____~__ ~. -~_ _ ~'~ ~ / ___ f _ __ 7 ~ ~ ~ _ / ~~ ~ ~ ~~` _~~~~ .~`-~~:/C_~L`_~~ t i ~;' ~ ~ ,~, r ire f1C-~.'-tLc~~ ~'_ ~-~ ~ / _ ~, o /~~ ~ (~' C1~~ GSL~~ ~.~t'~L~-~-t-- n _0~ ~~ ~3 ~ ~Q~ ~ ri v _ /~ l' ~;, ~_ ~, ~~~-t' .Li1~L'' .~ l , - - - ~ -- - ----- t---- ~ ) \ ~ ~ R ~ ` - - ' l ~ / ~ _~ .. , ._~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~` - ~ _. _. _. - ~4 643 _ ~~er+~j,Pr ~ __. -- ---- - - r ~` 1 ~ / 1 EXHIBIT CES-1 We, tare under.sigrred residents of T~indenwood sul-x}ivision in east Roano-~~$POU~t~f u~~ta~es stand that the r_ur.rant; protx~sed agreement For consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke provides that, upon. approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwc~od wi.tl become a part o[ the Town of Vinton. We are o~ osed to becoming a part of the `t'own of Vinton. T`tris should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of con,^>otidatinc} the governments oC Roanoke County and the City of. Roanoke, since we will have the opport.un}.ty l.ater_ to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our o~posit:ion t:o Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of. Vinton. Homeowner Registered Voter Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No ~, i _ ~~ ~ --~~ i'- ~1 r ~ ~L~L~ J _ G ~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~..~ ~ ~~ ' ... ~ ( / y ~L .-tf~ n Y1~. J U ~ !).Y_.. ~.~l~.nC.(.C. ~~ n(_.Q k. ~}~ /' ` ti.~~ [5"~ 7 7 ~ gyn. k_~. y.,[ ..F.t l~ ~~ \h~._ [ l~.Q I V Y r / ~ 1 / ~~ ~~ `~ J -_ ' 1 We, the unders g:~ed residents ~~ I~t~"~ ~~(, i~~'cl ~k~;,i~ ision .in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the curr.c~~it proposed ay~f~•N;"!~+''h, #f`t~~l*~~~'~, ~~-i;y tt,e governments of Roanoke County and the City of P,c:~a~io~:e F>rovi_dc~s that, i[ al~E~roved by tyre goal i.fied voters of both localities, T,i nder~wood w.i.ll become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are nwot o sed to Lindenwood becc»nirrq a part of the Town of Vinton. 'T'his should riot be construed to mean that we are or are not, iri favor. of consolidating the governments oC Roanoke County and the'City of Roanoke, since we rri.ll have opportunity later on to register our approval or disapproval concerning that rn:rtt;er.; however, this is merely to regisL-er our su rt for hindenwood becom- ing apart of t;lre Toton of Vinton. homeowner Registered Voter Na!ne 1ldflress Ye=: No Yes No ! _ ~. _,- ~' ~ _ / ~ ) ~~~.~ Y', ~ ~` C.l'c~~ ~ L~ Co a s 4.°, ~ ,~ ~ ., ~ (^ _ - <' .; ---- - - s A t ' ~~ - .. __ _. .~.*..~..._..~.~.` ~ ~~ I 462 Carr.~~ron Drive Vinton, Va. 24179 - March 5, 1.990 - Ms. Mary ,r111en, Roanoke ('aunty Clerk, 3738 Rran~bleton 11ve., S. W., Roanoke , ~~a . 240 ~ 5 . Dear Ms. ~~llen: 'I'hi~ has reference to my address to the Roanoke County Board of Superviscrs on Tuesday night, February 20, 1990, at the Roanoke County ~ldministr-rtive Center relative the crzrrent plan for combining the govern- ments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke. ~1t the above-mentioned meeting, T spoke to the Board and presented a peti.ticn signed by 375 residents of Lindenwood subdivision (which is located in east Roanoke County) expr~-sing opposition to becoming a part of the `Ibwri of Vinton; also, in an a~-,tempt to be fair, I also presented a petition signed by 6 residents of Lindenwood who are in favor of becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Both petitions were circulated at the same time. In a prepared statement which T read to the Board, I said "..... I could bri~rg before you and submit petitions from most of the other sub- divisions in the eastern part of Roanoke County expressing precisely the same sent;;ment." To prove the accuracy of that statement, T am enclosing herewith I;wo (2) petitions circulated at the same time in the Crofton suhdivisi~m (which is also located in east Roanoke County), which very definit;el_' express "precisely the same sentiment" as those circulated in Lindenwool. Tt should be noted that 234 residents of Crofton signed the petition '.n opposition to Crofton becoming a part of the Town of Vinton, while onl.;~ 8 individuals expressed support for Crofton becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. It i~ my present intention to present other petitions to the Board of Supervisors in this connection. Tn the meantime, will you kindly see that a copy of this letter and attachments are properly filed with the F3oard and entered into the official records of Roanoke County? 'i'tta~rlc you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Yours very truly, a~ ' ' ( `, v ~ } i. l ./ . _.. /~ y i (~ ~ «_ C,~ ,~ ~ C. E. Stewart, Jr. v Encl. (2) ~„ ~'i i r~ 1 i L i~,:i- i 3/?/`~C Page 1. of 7 Pages ` We; the un~lers~ .icred residents of Crc~CLcirr r~l~-.K~iv~ior~ in east Roanoke Couty, understan~9 ttrat; t.lre crarr:ent prc~ Wised agreemenb fc~T• r~~c7~rso~.i~l~zt.iny tt~e goV~rnme~lt>~"~i'~["R'onaolce County and the City o[ Roy;c,tCe' provides that, upon aCapr•ov~.rl by tlie' qual~ified~,drsto~ both loc~Yi~~ie~r Crofton }i~.i lriecome a part of the Town of VinL-on.` 'We ~fe."bpposed~~tc3.~•ti~COming a pa>rL'' C1~ i~R~ 'Cocan nP -T°imt;on.. '191iS Ghould n_ot _be constrr.red to mean that: wa* al"G~! oYk' V?BY not i n faVC~]S' oL" consolicl<tt' ~~g+ rtt~ governments of Roanok<'~ Coin and tare City' oP-'- ~bariOa~,~ since we Will Y~ve- the oi~tx~rl, rni.ty ]-stet to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our c~i~i~oi_} _.on t:o Crofton tier-omirxl a per ~ t of the Town of Vinton. N~uu~, _/~ j ~ L ._1_l /~ L ,~ --~ `.._~ ~~ ~ rr ~ • t ,~ _~~ ~ '' ? ~ 1~ I(/ ~~ - J ~ ; j /~ ~ i ~ ~ /./- 7 i i ~ - ~ - -r.~, [1~ - - ~- ~ ------- ~IIF(~GC ~{ , -~ ~ ' y - ---- - ~_ ncldrer, ~~ Y ~ _ f /• „i \I /- -, ~ 7 , '%' /) ~~ ~ i ~C.,~.~-~.~~.' l ~ ~f,'711~ i/~aJl1L U7 ~ 1 I ~ a%~::>,~~.,~,-rte, ~~sL-( U ~~ i~1 X55 / ~ r~- Ll ~ . 11 i ~~~ /l)/)i;-YJ'71,~, r~ c ,. (., (, ~f t.-> _, /' 1 1 ;' JI .. ;- y~_.yT .,- ~L G-, j-~7; .5:1 %/-ry c r ~ C~i/~__ `~ .iC~ 4,z _ _. ,k'.l(~~~ __~/ ~~/-~,i.,~~r,.,~~ /~1~t'y ,.~ 1t~L~,d-trf._e-.:1~~ ..~ ~~~rtX Z~= Y ,~ - ~• '~~~~~-----~- ------- ~7 - ~ "~------- ----. -~ ' r • ~, ~ ~ ~ f7 ~ ~ _ "~~f- -~ 1 ~ ~ , . ~ ~. y T ~ __ ~ ,_ ~ , .ru ~ meowner Tlo Registered Voter _ Yes No Yes No r% / __ ~ / - -- ~ ' _ L ~ .- L - _ ' y ~r `/ ~ i r ~ ~--- _. r~ ./ i=. " ~. - !i' l~ ~' L~ y ./_ +~~ V U~ ~-.- r~ r/ ~ _. 1 :.._ 3~2~90 Fage 2 of 7 Pages We, the unciersS~irled residents a[ Crc~f.l-.on suhdi.visi.crn in east Roanoke Couty, understand that t11e current i3r"cis>bsed agreements ''far"r_oris~lidating tYrc~ go~tE?rnmeri~°#c3~~4.R~raoke County and the City raf Rotik:~`~~t~" ~t'avides that, upon. appt`oval gay t~;ti~' gU~l:~i'giett~ Vb~°ez'F~1 oP: both locaili~i~~,+ Crofttilt" `, °~.1 t 'lxacome a part of. t,YrP Town of Vinton .` .'''We ~i~ 'csppos~!d=~$t9}Doming a paXL' c~ t#1~~ 'Cowry c~F' Yr'irtt;c~n~.~. 'T'his shoui.c? not_r7e construed to mean that: wen a~.-etbn~•''~ane) not in faVCS~` 6t."` e~onsolidati_vr~the governments of Roario-ce County and the City' of Rbanalcerr=~since we wilt Y-~~ the optx~rl.~rni.ty ]_ater to vote on that issrae; however, tae are taking t~ris means to register our ~>>osii_~:~n to Crofton becoming a part of the 'Town o[ Vinton. -~; ` ~= wCXC < Liz.. ~• ~ ^~ ~~ 3 Cv ~~ ~~ .., . ~ _ G !< ,,/~ :.L ----_ ._.__ ~ ---_---- .. ~~ 5 ' .Q i _...__ .. _ 2.._ _- - - -- -- ---- ~--~ j' ,.G.,~ , / _ ~~ ~} ,- ~ ~~- , 1 - ~_ , __ , = ~ - ., ~ - / `~ /, ~ ~ ,`L~ l I / J~r~' rrl ~ J ''t- ~~. /3 /'~ __ _. _ _ _ ____ . __ ____ ~ _„l Y/__ I ~ ~.~ _ ~ -~_~ t;I ~ ~~<<7 , "~~. Li. i lorneowne r Ye~~ No ~~ Registered Voter _ Yes No b~- 1~ L__--~ ~~ -~- '~ '~ ~_._ L-- -.___ l/ ~'-/~ _ Y ` V --iii= v C r / ~ / `~ T , / ~~ i ~. 1--- - ~--- .__._~~._- ._ ~ _.-.---. ___ _, - /~ ---- 3 ,~ ~ss~ y~~? .. - , __. -____.__---- ^~~ ~ '-A.`-'.--~~I ~~ _ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,-. G~ ;~~- d71_` ~,~ Ti ~~. ~/ 3i2i90 Page 3 of_ 7 Pages 14c~, i,1u~ rrn~icr:.^,icrr~d rc~~;i~i~nl;~; cif Cr~crfl.c~u ~;r~1>~iivi~;irm in c~~~~L- 12oa[roke Cotity, undorSt:an~ t;lrat hh~ cm-r-r'nh. 1~rc~,~osed agreement for cc~nsol id;~h.ing the go~'ernment;s ~o~F'Ronao'ce County and the City crf Roar ~_1re provides th:~t, upon at:~pr'oval. ~~y t1re qual-i~fi.~edl vraters' Of txrth localities, Crofton ~ i`i1 lxx~orne n 1~ar.t of harm 'fc-,wn crf" Vinton. We are opposed ta'Yiecomi-ng a i,nrL of t1ic~~ "1'nwn ~~F ~ i-rrf;~~n. 'I Irt S _should_nol;- ~>E' _con,>trrrc~~i_-to moan that we' are• on~ are not i n fnvoY of corr~:c~l ici~ti;i r ri_I;IZr__govF~crun~nl s ~f_Rr~rrnor e ('rnmly_.rncl t-ro Cat;y oi' Roanoke,. since wo wi 11 have Llre r~{'I~<rri r ni 1-y lnh.rr I;o vcrLe on I;Irnf: is>ne; hrrwevc'r, we are taicin.g this means to r~c~gi.^tcr on r. c~hixi^i_1 ?orr I_c~ Crofl,cm Ix~corrring a E~nrt of h,1r~~ 'I'owa cif Vinh.on. f.l,rnr~. 7 ~ _ -.. _fi7 , _ _ _ f 1 ~_ ~--~ _ '~ > ~~ . rte, ~ - ~~~~,~ir j.. _ ~ ~ C~L~ .p ~~ ~~ Ca~<-~~1-- / - /) ~\y; . ~ - q, ~1L~C __ 1~ , ~.~ ~'~lf Q~ /' / ; .. / ./' __-~-~.~~.~.~ _ _ (- C.~~E,~~ -----__.. ,, ~ '' J ~,. -- _ v i - v'~ ~/^1 __ -- / ~ Z ~~~~_. ~ R ~ ~' ,,, l- ,~,1 /' ,' 'QQ ~~?~ ~ cvtit~ ~ _. __ __ . '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---~ ~ ~'lj,~ -~~- - i c'1~ ~ L. ~~~ J - ------- -- ' ~ _ s /~ , _ , ~~ ,; . J v ~~s~, ,. -_ _ _ __ 1lcrrn~owner Yes __(- Nv ---- - - - 3pS ~15S11Y1G/l LN. - ------ -------- -- - J /~ /Y~) ~ ~ .D ~3 ice. ~aLt+1~t.;,~,c{, .~ ~1 ~~ Rc•-:1 i ~I,,,r-ed Voter. _ Yr''- ~_tJcr- >// ~ l/~ / _ 1/ L~ .~->,~-- _ ` J ' ~ c3 y~ /ni S~S./r!~'~.l' ~r~iV (~ r -~ -'C-.-_----_._.._ _.._ _ _~_-_.__._ .. _ . __. ~. L ',, 7 - ~ 'i n ~ -~ e' , 113 .--- // ~ ~ / ~,,, ~ •~ ~ /~. tv ~,~ ~./~ v / . c i __ ~-- -. --~ V V~ ~. - ~/ V _ ~~ ~_ v c/ ~ ~ -- ./ ~ _ Y ~-- v' ~iV - L~ ~ ---- ___._ _ - ~~ __. -r 3/2/90 Page 4 of 7 Pages Ode, tTie irndor~:~' Anr~d residents of ('1'r.aftcni e>~x'r:livis:ic,n in east-Roanoke Cauty, understan~9 that the ciarreiit p~~~'~~sed agreement~for'COnsolidati.ng the goVeChttleriC3"~+~'~I~naoke County and the City of Ro~tit _~}~~ ~irovides that, upon approval. by tlie' qugi~if~ie~vtti~rs~0~: both 1_oca~littia8ri Croftc~i~` ;~ti~I T~come a part of tTic~ ToTm of Vir~iton.` ~'We ~f'~'bpposed~~i1'~oming a park n~' ~~t't~ Town o~' ~'i:nFan.. This should__not he :'Uilstrr.aed to mean that: we* arm O~"dL~'". not in faVt~t" t3L"~ ~onsolidat;_ ng_7^he goverrrments~of T2oano`~.~~r Count and the City' OA." Rbartcjite'- since we wilt" t4ave' the oT~Tx~'~. ~, .Wily later to vote on that .issue; however, we are taking this means to register our ~x~si~_on to Crofton becoming a pari; of tTie Town of Vinton. N~mi~~ /.///~~ vV _ ~,~,,t:~,.. ~~~,. ~ l ~`~'~- - - l tea., ~C ~_ ~~ ;. ~__~~C:. ~~~~ ~ - -f N~~ti~ ~. ~llz~_ ~,..~~ __ _ _,. Registere~T Tlomeowrier Voter n~.lci rer,s Yes No Yes No i/, v ~ ~_ ~ ~ _ - - - ;, ~~ ~' ~ ' _ ~ ~ / ~~, _ _ 33v ~~~~~~~ _ ~ .,- -- -- ~~~L%5 ±~t~r ~ r~ ~ _ ~~ -- - . , ... - . Z~ ~ v a ___ _ ~XI~ 1. rsl`1' CtsS-3 3/2/90 -Page 5 of 7 Pages We, t;h~ nrrdcrs yned ros.i~lrnl,s oi' Croftcxr :;u-~~~li_vi_si.c~n in e<~sh, Roanoke Couty, undr~rstand t:hat F,he r_.urrc~nl. i~r +~xised agreement for. r_onsol_ idati.ncd tl;e gr~Vernmeritff'resfi~'Rcmaoke County and the City of Roa ,~~e provides that, upon approval. by the quali~fi.~di irote~^&r of both locali ties, Crof trm w~L'11 k~.~cornr' a part of t:he 't'own of Vinton . We af-e opposed °'tct"• b~omi.ng a Dart cif Ghe~ '1'otait of` Vi.rii;c~rl. `l'ids shoutd_nol; b+~_ co__nr;tr_uc~ei to mc_~an that wee area or- area not i n fav0~ of Consol. i dal; n 1;t1e_government;s of P,c~~anoke C<xrn~ ari_d the City of Rbanolte,. since we wi 1 t have the ol,l~r~ -!.~rni ty later. i;o vot;e on that; i.ssnc~; lrriwnvr~r, tae are taking this means to rc~gi_ster orar o~~ix~sr °'~on to Crofton hecomiuq a E-~ar.t ref i;hr' Town rat Vinton. T`j, l+nr. ~,~~~ ~ ~ /. fir' ~~~ -- +_ ,~, ---r~~'S"_d„~`_ ."'"`". Imo.-' i'r~ - - - _~_ _~f ~-- -- ~/,, ~ ) ~ ~ .~ --~ -~~~ . J ~ ...1~c5 r ~~ ~U~-_ + _ ____ _-- f f ~ ;' G ~ f '' ~J ~ .,Y ~, t) ~. , . .. Zc c~i c ` l __ ____ G ~ I T~ Y __._.__ ._..__. _ ~" ~ __<<~Y~f ~cr~~~~ - d r~!22nrL ICJ ! .P-)li: ~(.yr _. . . ., _. 111+1trr.;t; 3,3 ~ - `~,~ - _.,3 ~~ _C~'' d ~'__ ~ a v1- --~ r- ~- ----- 'G ~~6_. ~~~ ~~- ~ . G _c~ r~...Z~1_Go_~ ..__ /J~, ._ ~__. __C_1 _~ - ~xyC~ ~ ~ ~.- ------ -y`~7- --J~~!v --- ~!Z--- -S-G'- ,~ -~-~-- ----- (l _ v-'~-- --- --`~ ~(f- ---~-I- ~ °~ ~--- -- ~__ I lorn~~owne r Yes/__ No ~~ v~ _ t!1 r~ T?ecl i s I;cr. rid _ Vr~tr'r _ Yrs.; No L / -- ~ --- ~ _. '= ~= - ~/ '-I J ~ ~ - ~' d' - - ~~ L/ ~_ _ _/~ /~ Y _~~ -----~ ~- ~~ -----. -- - `--~ ~ -- _'~ _~. ,_ ._L ~'~_ I ~ ----,--- ~ ~- 3/2/90 Page 6 of 7 Pages We, the uit<ier_:3; ~xrted residents of i`.rc~[te~n rulx]ivi.sion in east Roanoke Couty, understand that the current- pr_r _X1sed agreement for' c?ansolidating tYte governtttstli~`tcifs'~Ronaoice County and the City of NOyt .~ttP` pt~bvides that, ut~on ap}1rc~val by the' c~ual'i~Si'edt'writ~'9to~ both loc~ili~i~~~ CroftO+'t' sa~i~. Lbecome a part of ttte 't`own of Vinton .' `'We ~ft~ 'opposed'~'ta~ t.oming a pa~4" e~ ttR~ Town o~ ~~r~t:C-m.. `T'his should not. tx~ construed to mean that. w~• arm om atcea not i.n faVO>t" Ot' bonso_lidat;~ ~~q: t'-lid .governments of Ro_artoke_Coun~ and the City' bg' RbanOlt~„ since we will` l~~e the n}~}x~rt ,rni.t;y later to vote on that; issrte; however, we are taking this means to register our c~~sit°~>ott to Crofton becoming a mart of ttte Town of Vinton. N,ini~, . ~ ~~ -~1~~1~~ ~~ ~~ ,~,~ . ~1____Ei _L' ~ __ l%~'~=~'~~ ~1 A /~1. /~~,,,~~~. r `~~~q, Rey i strrer} liomeowner Voter 1111dre~ss _ Yes Nc~ Yes No _ __ _ -,ti n~ ~~-~.~rz _ . ~; ~ ~ ~~~~-~~- z / ~ _ V n ~ [ V C t~~-~ ~n'OG99Lt-7 /C-.v!l.Lf (l'~~ :/ cn E _ _ ~ / ,~ -- ~ S-r 7 li ss~~n ~ ~~~__ _--- ~ `~ - __ -. - ~ .~ Z J` ~..- ~_ ~--- _ /' 1 0 ~ t 7 ~~y. Y' ;w ~ v 5" ~ ~ ¢~ _ . ~i ~/ _7~r~:~i~ ~Di~(cLU .~ ~ __ , ~ ~ ~ti ~ ~ ~ l L ~ .Q_.L~~~ ~ L~ ~ ~ r ' ~ !~ .ll~. ~ ~ -. 1 ; ~ , ~ i _ , ~ i f ~ . ~~~ i ~ ~~7~J l ~ , f f7~1/ ~~ ~ ~ ~ C / a Gig _ ~. -- -- -~ --._- ! ~ ~ ~. " ~./ ~ f ~ // . _ ~ 3/2/90 Page 7 of 7 Wages We, the un~lerr;' died residenta of Crofton sr ~ division in east• Roanoke Couty, understan~9 ghat the current pz i :k~t#sed agreement t'tfr `c?orlsolic~r:,tinct the go~ternmr?ri~c-~RRohaoke County and the City of Roar c~k~!`. pY`"c~vicles that, upon approval. by the° qual~i~f~i'~3~ vt5t~xe+of both toca'~:i:~i2s~i Crof_ tt~tt 'r'LYI 'tic3come a part; of the 'Ibwn of Vinton .' °`'We ai~e 'bpTx~sed`~ttt~~ Doming a paz•L' ts~'~t~~* Town oi'~ ;1YY£c5n., This should nc~t be r_.onstrued to mean that.w~~aroro~~z~`anot i.n faV~Oft cif' ~onsol dat;_;, .7~governments of Roano':e Count-y__ and the City' of'`" Rtzarnolte~,r Since we will' v~' t1.re ~pT?or +.~.rnity later to vote orr tYrat~i.ssue; however, we are taking t?~is means to register our ~~osi.l.;=,on to Crofton becoming a ~~~~rt of the 't'own of Vinton. N~llll~' ____ ~ Q~b~~ ~~«Y~~~.~ ~' ~~, _ / ~ /l L M^ ~' ~ ,i ~ - ~- .x~, " ,. ~ L ~ / A ~~1 ~,iCh.i_ 1~ ~~.,.sti .~.. -~-K>~-3--1 \ ~~ `. ~ _/--~! -- _ -_ Reg i s tired Tlorneowner Voter _ ncidcc~;s Yes No Yes Ne _ ~ ~ ---- l~- --- s ---- 053 ~ _`Y~~ ~.~!~ ~-~~ ~ ~ V c ~ ~i~, ~ / V ~ ,/ ~l _~ i Q ////// ,~II ~ ~ ~+ _ ~ - r 7 i / ~~ i LQ ~ J !Z9 I ~ s ~ i y L l / ~ ~ ~ ~' V __ ~_~_~ / l , / J,j /~ ~_C_P~ - _ -1. ., _ ~~ ~ _~~~,.r~ntl.t ~ ~~~~ _ _ .~;~ t _____ ~ ' / . , -~_~~--____ ,~~ - Sd3 ~'~,~~ - ~/'~~ ~~ .. _ _ .ti/• _... j a}~./ ~~ ~1~~ Y~ . / fi1kS~ ;7 - -- ~, ~1/.`/` ~/ N 3/2/90 Page 'l of 1 Page - ' W~, t;lie ttnd~~r ,i i~~.~:•' rosic3eni.r ~ i't~of!-.c>rr e,~.ri~~li~~~iri.on i.n oast Roanoke County, understand i;ltat tite current prc ;x :;~~~~' ~zgreomert- For c•~?~t.^«1:i `~~tt i itcy fire yovorntne~nts of Roanoke County anc] the City pf Roanotc~~ j~~'c~trides that, if approv^d by the qualified v~bter~-of both localities, K • >` ~ of the 'I'owa of V i.nton. We are riot bP~e~ tE~'' {Crof_ ton becoming a Crofton Mill t~ccntu? ,pa'• _ ~ . ~~ ~ .., ~~ part- ~~i~hA 7bwn iifi Vintart. 't'his sttoul.cl not >>e .construed to m?an tTia~rt~e^'aTe~ or are nOt iri n ~.. , ... fay~Y cif: ~onsol.idat rtc~ the yoverrtments of Roahr~"+~ Cbtxrt~Y and the ~~it~ b~''f2o~oke, since we wilt' ~iaVe opporttnt ~t ~~ 7ator on to regtst~e'out` ~'.iprcit~tl•'c3r'~'di.sappro~'al' i~rning that matter; however, t,,l~lr; is merely to register our su1port for Crofton becoming a part of. the Town of Virttort. ^~ - Registered Homeowner Voter Nam_e_ nddress Yes No Yes No /` ~/ r/-- ~~_ ~ ~~ ~ r ~ ~~ . - ~~.5~s•_. ~ _____ ~ ___ _ , ~ ~ 1/ ~°'~_ r 9 18 'x.50. 88 SESaI/ICENTEMN~~~ A BtAMfi~/Btgimnriw8 ~D1tUt1J Uf 1~D~IlOEtP ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 ~u. an 1 1 ~•9~8~9 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. This is a special meeting for the purpose of a public hearing on the proposed consolidation agreement between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke. Anyone wishing to present comments are requested to fill out an Appearance Request Form and give it to the Clerk to the. Board. Written comments and petitions should be presented to the Clerk to be included in the official records. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (7:00 P.K.) 1. Roll Call ALL Mffi~BERS PRESENT AT 7:03 P.K. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. PUBLIC HEARING 290-1 Public Hearing to elicit public comments with respect to the proposed Consolidation Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke. PMM PRESENTED HISTORY AND BACKGROUND. 12 CITIZENS SPORE IN OPPOSITION THOM ROBINSON PRESENTED RESOLiJTION IN SUPPORT FROM ROANOKE REGIONAL OF COM[~;RCE AND 1 LETTER IN OPPOSITION READ INTO RECORD BLJ ANNOUNCED A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING CONSOLIDATION TRANSITION COSTS HAD BEEN SIGNED BY ROANOKE CITY Negotiators. LBE PRESENTED WRITTEN COI~II~I~iTB ]IONISING ~ CANNOT VOTE IN SIIPPORT OF THE AGRSffirlBN'P AND RSOO~II~iDING THAT THS PLiIN GO TO A CITIZENS PANEL BLJ ADVISED H$ WOIILD BE OPPOSED TO A CITIZENS CO1~II~iITTEE. RTCOPII~NDED GOING FORWARD WITH AGREEI~NT. C . ADJO~IRN~NT HCN IrIOTION AT 8:50 P.K. - UW llJllllillilllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilll Illllilillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll~j _ _ _ -~ -- = 0 = - - APPEARANCE RE UEST _ _ _ _ _ _ ..~ AGENDA ITEM NO. - - SUBJECT C~-~2~-c~--~oQ --~ ~ ~c.a.~t.~.r, _ ~ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. c • Each speaker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment g whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = _ c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. _ = c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- c bons of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments = with the clerk. _ c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. . ~ i PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - mlllllllllllllllillllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l Illlllllllllllllllllilllllllll Illllllilillllllllllllillilllllllllllillllllllllllllilm .~ STATEME?~T OF C . E . S'I'E44ART , JR . I am C. E. Stewart, Jr. My family and i reside at 462 Cameron Drive, Vinton, Va., which is located in Lindenwood subdivision in east Roanoke County. I would first like to express my appreciation to you for providing the citizens of Roanoke County this forum to utilize in expressing our opinions re- garding the currently proposed plan for unifying the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, which, if approved by the majority of the eligible voters of both localities, will result in the creation of a new metropolitan government within the Roanoke Valley and, conversely, result in the eliminatiort of the governing bodies of both Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke. Secondly, I want to thank you for permitting me this time to address you collectively concerning the proposed plan. I have previously discussed the plan individually with most of you, as well as with office of County Administrator Hodge, and I again want to express my appreciation for your time and patience at that time. My comments tonight are based upon my present understanding as a result of those conversations. I understand that the necessity for tonight's meeting is due to at least 15% of the eligible voters of both Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke having petitioned for preparation of a plan to consolidate the two respective govern- menu , copies of which petitions were presented to the governing bodies of both localities, as well as to the Circuit Courts in Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke; also, that the finalized plan must have the approval of both governing bodies and be filed with the Circuit Courts by no later than February 28, X990. I further understand that, in event both governing bodies fail to agree upon a unified plan for presentation to the Circuit Courts by no later than February 28, 1990, it will then become the duty of the Circuit Courts to appoint an entirely different group of individuals to attempt to do so. When a properly agreed-upon plan is finalized and meets with all governmental regulations, it will then be submitted to the eligible voters of both localities for approval or disapproval. - 2 - As to my understanding of the currently proposed plan, which has been pre- pared and published in a local newspaper: Completely disregarding how T may feel regarding the consolidation of the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, the plan is, in my humble opinion, not fair in some respects to me nor to my friends and neighbors in Lindenwood. I think the best way to express precisely what 1 mean is by use of an illustration. Let us assume for a minute that each of you resides in the eastern portion of Roanoke County; further, let us also assume that you are in favor of consolidation. By voting "Yes" at the polls, you would, as stipulated in the currently proposed plan, also be voting to become a resident of the Town of Vinton, which, again, let us assume you do not desire to become. Therefore, in spite of the fact that you may desire to vote affirmatively for con- solidation of the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, you would nevertheless then have to vote contrary to your own inclinations and cast a negative vote, simply because you do not wish to become a resident of the Town of Vinton. Now let us assume for a minute that each of you resides in the Cave Spring or Oak Grove sections of Roanoke County; further, let us also assume that you favor consolidation of the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke. In that case, you would simply and unhesitatingly vote "Yes," because the plan does not provide that residents in those areas would, upon consolidation, become a part of the Town of Vinton, or any other town within the scope of the resultant newly-created metropolitan government. Finally, let us assume (1.) that each of you resides in the western part of Roanoke County - say, for instance, in the Glenvar and Catawba areas - and (?_) that each of you are not in favor of consolidation. In that case, the best possible thing that you could do is to vote "Yes" relative the matter of consoli- dation and also earnestly encourage alt of your eligible friends and neighbors to do likewise because, if the vote on consolidation is affirmative and results in a - 3 - government, newly-created metropolitan/ the currently proposed plan provides that residents in the western part of Roanoke County will have another and entirely separate election in which to later decide whether they wish to remain a part of the newly-created metropolitan government or become a part of the City of Salem. Thus, an affirmative vote by the eligible voters residing in the Glenvar and Catawba areas, made solely in order to assure another election in which they may then decide to become a part of the City of Salem, could conceivably result in me and other residents of Lindenwood having to become a part of_ the Town of Vinton, which we may oppose. It is my personal conviction that, when 1.5% of the eligible voters of both localities petitioned for preparation of_ a plan for consolidating Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke governments, they did not intend to have formulated a vehicle for the Town of Vinton to utilize in order to expand its boundaries, nor do I believe that they intended to request formulation of a plan to assure a second and entirely separate election for only a particular group of Roanoke County citizens to employ to their advantage in order to become citizens of the City of Salem. Rather, I am convinced they simply had in mind to have formulated a plan for consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke - PERIOD. I hope that someone here tonight will clearify the original intent of the said petitions and petitioners, which resulted in the preparation of the currently proposed plan. Now, if I may, I would like to address the matter of permitting the extension of the present boundaries of the Town of Vinton in an eastward direc- lion - that is, from its utmost eastern boundaries to the Bedford County line - which I understand is contemplated in the currently proposed consolidation plan and which provision; according to a local newspaper article, you gentlemen have agreed to support. Just recently I measured the distance from the Town of Vinton's most eastern limits to the Bedford County line via Route 24; and my - 4 - automobile mileage indicator revealed that the distance is l.5 miles. This, of course, is east of Lindenwood subdivision, which, as I have previously indicated, is where I reside. I assume that the main objective of Town of Vinton officials is to expand the Town's tax base; and if this is indeed the case, it would certainly be much more advantageous if they would consider expanding Town boundaries in the opposite direction - that is, westwardly -for I also drove my automobile westward via circuitous Route 24 and discovered that from the present Town of Vinton limits to So. Jefferson St. in the City of Roanoke the distance is only 1.7 miles, or a mere .2 mile farther than the distance Vinton seeks to annex in the opposite direction. Now I don't know whether present law permits such a thing; however, if Roanoke City officials could be persuaded to agree to permit Vinton to expand its present boundaries westward as far as Vinton desires to expand eastward and, at the same time, grant them an additional .2 mile, the Town could then conceivably absorb all of southeast Roanoke, plus half of downtown Roanoke. And consider this: If that were accomplished and Roanoke City could be further duped into granting Vinton an additional .2 mile extending westward from So. Jefferson St. on Elm Ave., S. W. to Franklin Road, S. W., Town of Vinton westward limits could conceivably absorb all of downtown Roanoke, including the Roanoke Civic Center. Just imagine, if you will, what a tax base the Town of Vinton would then possess! Gentlemen, as I am sure you know, residents living in the Town of Vinton are likewise residents of Roanoke County. They are, however, assessed an additional Town tax, which I had rather not have levied upon my family and me. Apparently many of my friends and neighbors who reside in the Lindenwood subdivision agree with me in that respect, because I have with me tonight a petition, copies of which have previously been distributed to you, marked EXHIBIT CES-1, which consists of l2 pages and which also contains the signatures of 375 Lindenwood residents who oppose being annexed or having to become a part of the Town of - 5 - Vinton. I likewise have with me a petition (copies of which have also been previously distributed to you) marked EXHIBIT CES-2, which consists of 1 page and zahich bears the signatures of 6 Lindenwood residents who presently desire to be annexed and become a part of the Town of Vinton. In an attempt to be fair, both petitions were circulated at the same time. Please note that these petitions do not indicate how Lindenwood residents feel about consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, but merely indicate their attitude concerning becoming an addition to the Town of Vinton. Please note, too, that these two petitions conclusively reveal that 98.4% of the citizens of Roanoke County who reside in Lindenwood and who signed these petitions are definitely opposed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. As information, copies of these petitions were filed with the Clerk of Roanoke County on Friday, February 1.6, 1990. Finally, it is evident that the framers of the currently proposed plan for consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke did not act in good faith nor comply with the spirit of the petitioners in the preparation of the subject plan. Therefore, should the presently proposed plan be submitted "as is" to the respective Circuit Courts, it is my intention to request the Circuit Courts to declare the plan void and, at the same time, appoint another and entirely different group of qualified individuals with perhaps an entirely different approach to attempt to prepare a more realistic and equitable plan for consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke for ultimate presentation to the electorate. I would like to thank you for your attention and the privilege of addressing you tonight. ~ ~ (Signature) ,(,~ a.... ~, (Date) February 20, 1 90 Attachments J L,_ Page 1. ,of l2 pages We, the rmderGiyned residents of Li. ur'~~;;,,;:•o,) yt:i~)!ii.vision in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the, cur.rE~nt; proposed agreement ~?~r conaolidati.ng tyre governments of Roanoke County and the ('ity of P.o~nor:e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwcrod will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the 'T'own of Vinton. This should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consotirt.rtinq t;Yr~ governments of Roano-ce County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have t-he oppor.i:unity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our opposition t;o Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter Name Address Yes_ No Yes No ~~,,~ ~~ ~ cif. ~//.~,~/ ~ ,C~-~ ye L ~ 1~r~-~,~~~i, ~~ !/! L/ ~ ~ " ~ X 7 ~~ ~~ y ~~ r-<(.. ~ ~~2r ~~-7~-~ ~,~y,... ~ /~/J ~Tn ~ ~ ~:2~7~7G~'~r~79/ !X-~l'Y`i ~, _~~~ ,, - ~ ~. ;. -~- ~~z' ~'C°~/ ~ 7~' C~~c~~ ~Y~ ',i - --- ' ~ 1mP ~~ f ~ / . = ~ . . c. < ~2, ~ ~ _ ~ -- ,~ ~- `_ ~ti~_~,.~~_~, 1, I - .: , r~ _ ~~ ~ I~~Lr'/i ~~Gf 1~~~ ~ ~ C ^ _ i y ~4,a.~fL ,~~ ~~: c~~~ ~- / / ~ -, ~r ~~ . ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~,~ C~` ' f .~'" O ~ t a 3 ry ~- ,, ~ / ~ Y__..-__ _..~- ~~ ~~~` s-_- ~ O C~ Cash-~-- .~~~ z, ~ ~- /71 ~_ , ~~ ~ ~~~~ G D (~ ~,.,~cGtoy. f / ., _ ~ ~ ' ~ ,,~ r/-,--/,,~~- /-J<------ ls_q: uY~ ~ ~F v't ~, ;~ Z~~ i`~Y.'/- _._ /V~.t ~~~Z l./ ~ t/ ~__ y, -, u ~(/,cal/,aa ~ --~ ~~„E:,L~~~.~a--'--~!'°~---- ~. d nnrl Lrs ~ i ~:r.J- i Page 2 of l2 Pages We, the undersigned residents of Lirr~c~t?wond sulyiivi.sion in east Roanoke County, under- stand that the currr.~nt F~roposed agreement i'or` r_c~nsr~ii~a~~ting the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Rcar~oke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Linclenwc~od will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are op~ose~3 to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Tiris should not be construed to mean thatt we are or are not in favor of consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of.- Roanoke, since we wilt have the oE~~,x~r.t.unity later. to vote on that issue; however., we are taking this means to register our ~~ii.ion to Lindenwood becoming a part o[` Y,he ~f'own of Vinton. _ Regist ered Ilomeo wner Vote r Name 11dc9ress Yes No Yes No 4 ~~~ l J -e--~ AGE s~ ~-~ l/ y . ~x _~ . I~ ,, f V l~.r ~ t.__~_~.r ~ ,3 t ~, »-. 1_ ,/ ,~- _ ~ ~ I ~ ~~, 2 / ~ / l~ ' ~y ~ ,~' ,~~ "z,~-,mil ~~~ ~~ -~ /,!, ~~ ~'v~-,-~~-~-~~,.,, ~~- t/ P~ _ ~`,, ~ /~ ~L ~ ~. , . ~, L. / , ~ V ~~~ ~ ~-. / ~ ~ ~-L ~ l / ~ / ,. 1 / ~~ ~- .___ ~ ~- ~~j / r 1 (~i~l.,f._~~ 1/t~ T,C~I y'L ~ ~ S'~`~-~.1~/~~C~`1•f~ 1~y~:er~ ~~~ ~ - ~ Y V _ . . . _.. __ . ..__ ~ Jr ~/~ 1 r t -t- P Afl 1 D 1 L ~. Li.7- ~ Page 3 of_ l2. Pages We, the undersigned residents of. -.,+.n~l<~+1~Jt?Cul ,~3utkl~wi~;ion :n east Roanoke County, under- stand th:~t the'. currant proposed agreenler;t for consoli•:~atin~g the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Rcarioke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwc,od will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are op~sed to becoming a part of the '}'own of Vinton. '}hi.s should not 1>e construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of- consolir}atinq };he governments of Roanoke County and t-he City oC Roano'ce, since we will have the oppor.t.unity later to vote on that issue; hocrevc~r, we are taking this means to register our opposi}.ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the 'Town of Vinton. Registered Tlomeowner Voter Name nddress Yes No Yes No ~ ~ J ~r Yz~~ ~`-~~ ~ ~ ~~ fti ~~z-~~ ~~ii.~"~ ~ir~ I~ _ ,cam / r k (~ ' ~' r--- ~~ ll ~ ---- - -,. - / %~ t~1,'~'~~~Z v ~O o~ ~v y F ~%~~r~s h i sr .~- ~ y , r/ r ~ > ~~ ~ V ~ - /~ ~ -~ ..L. ~ ~.~~. /. _ ~~ ~ '~~ ' ~ ~ _l % ! Z ! /~1 L2 = C" , .y1 a-~= ~`- ~/ < / r' v ~" ,, - ~ 1 . ~~L~ L `~' -~'C. ~L.Ji~YGL ~' ~CSd.6-Y~I~.~C~'__ , I ~' . ~.~-.~ ~ ,.may ~((f'~~.(//~/~ J _ (///~~ / ' / ~ ~ y 1 ~ ~ ./'' ' ?~ ~, , `.._ -i- -- - ~ 1 ~ ~. -- '~ -- 1 I ` ---..----- - - _._, _ J ._ .. _._-_ _._ --- - - - _ L. ._ ~ ~ ~^ Y r _ ~ ~~ / ~ ~ J / 4~ 1 n f i Page 4 of l2 Pages We, the undor_nigned residenL-s of Lindentacx~d sr~tr3ivision in east Roanorce County, under- stand that the .cur. r.F~nt proposed agreement for consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Rcariolce provides that, upon approved by the dualified voters of both localities, Lindeuwood will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the `i'o~~~n of Vinton. 't`his should not be construed to moan that we are or are not in favor of consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roano'ce, since we will have the ot~Ex~r. tuni t;y ].a ter to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our ~~Sit.ion to T_,indenwood becoming a part of the `Down of. Vinton. Registered homeowner Voter Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No / /', / t' ~ 7 / _ v - ~ I ~ ~ l u~ t e ~ .~~ 1- ~ Z~~-- , G ~ ~~ d~x~~~-~zt~-~-~~ ~~~~ ,, ~.~ 4--- --... 7 .r ., - L..~__ _ / ''T~~, ~ ~~/ ('L)~ z r f.;~ ~t-Z" Z~~l~1 z (~_.P~,_.1,/ ~ i ~-Y1t.-~~Q~ ~ ~, ,~ `/~~ _ / - _ ' / Cis ~ ~ 1 ~. y ~ n (~ ~ ~,~~ .2-~c~ _~_~_~" ~"~~ cam';' ~_._._.____ -~.:N:r ~_<-~ n-~- i ~ /,~7 .~ I ? ~ 1/ ./ ~ f _ ~ ~~ / ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IJ'~ `/ `` // 11 ~c, ~ ;q l {j'r.l.r!~. 1L=L11_ .'7`f:_`'7 / / /L~ _~,C, (/l~~ ~ ~ 1 '-i/`~ / L~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _. _ . _ ._...J • Page 5 of/12 Pages We, the undersigned residents o{' i,.inr_i~=nwoc~d sui~xjivisi.on in east Roanoke County, under- stand drat the curr.c~nt rn~~F~osed agreement for conso?_idati.ng the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke F~rovides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwc:~od will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are pposed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. 'I'fiis should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of con~olidatinq the governments of Roanoke County and tho City of Roanoke, since we will have the oi~por.t.unity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our op~~osit.ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. _ .- Registered YYomeowner Voter Name Address Yes No Yes No _ / L= ~ r - ~ ~.~ ,-- C~ ~ ~ .- -. J ~ ~ ~ ~. ~(~_~ _~~~ ~ is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ • ~ l 1 n / / ~-}~~~ ~ -~ /~ p I ~ 4. ~ 'z,~. 1 ! _~ ~ _~_ v' I ._ _ ~ ' \ 1 ~ / ~ / ,~ i ~ ~~ 'T~' '.T~ , ~ - l ~' ~ _` .~ ~~- r _ f;%'.,z ~~:~~ ,~ % _~! ~=%' E '~ - •-Yz-:-r- __ __ ;, 1 ~ - j,, ~'~ ~ ~..~,,~, ~" sj ~ f~ ~ y Lam` /tom ,~ >, / I V • ~,; ,/ l - ~ ~,.. - a ~ ' C ~ _~.~c~.-r.~n-~ ~ ~ G ~ '~ - .., ~, ' ~ _~ ca f l1 ~ :.~~~ ~_~:,1~-~'-LCD-.' '~ ~ I ~;~_~~?- . _ / i ~-, ,=- ~ _ ~ ~ t.. - ~- _~ ~.~ ~ c~ ~ ~~ r; ~ ~ _ r, ~~ ~ s ,_ ~ .. GAnIrJLL VliJ-l ' Page 6 of l2 Pages We, the undE~rsigned residents of Lincl~~i~iocx9 ~;nl7riivision in east Roanoke County, under- stand tent the cur.rfrnt proposed agreenr~ant for consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Ro.r~ior;e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of botfi localities, T_,indc~nwcrod will become a part of the Town o[ Vinton. We are ~Pose~3 to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. `I'bis should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have the oi~f~rt.unity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our o~~osit.ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the 'd'own of Vinton. Regis tered Homeo wner Vote r Nam e Address Yes No Yes No / / 1~ _ ~ ~~i ~ r ~ ~ ~ 4-~t~~-~'~ _.~~~.~ ~ r_- ; - --._~ -~ ~~~ .~.~.~ d 6 s-z~ ~,~ L ~,~~ ~Y ri ~ l~J ' {/ o~G ~ ~ ~ .~ /~ l/ -~` -'t ~~~~/ r ~ ~ ~ n ~u'~Y~ ~ C/ V ~ "~~ ~~~~C~~'~~~CCC'"~Y-{/Z,trY~ O~~OC ~GL~.L~.Va1J~iC.. ~~ ~ ~! " ---- ~~ ,~ ~ i ~ ~ /^/ ~~ ~^~J / e ~., ~ ~ ~ _ Page 7 of 12 Pages We, the rrndersigr3eci resider3ts o{ i~irr•°iF5,3:,;c~,,1 llr~ivi.siorl i_n east Roanoke County, under- stated that the c~ur.rE~nt ~~ropused agreement, ~or~ ccrr3sol.idat.i.ng the governments of Roanoke County and the City o>- Roanoke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, T in~ienwc~od will become a part of- the Town ot. Vi.nton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the 'T'own cf Vinton. This should not be construed t;o mean that we are or are not in favor of consulic~atinq the government;s of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, since We W7.11 slave t}1P_ O~)~~CI;Unity ].atr?r t0 VOtP_ On tilat 1SSUe~ However, We are taking this means to register our o~~osi l:i.un t;o Linc~enwood becoming a part of the `s'own of Vinton. Regist ered Homeo wner Vote r Name Address Yes No Yes No '( / / ~s r ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~-GrG~~ /, j~ __ ~/~ _ ~~ _~_. _ ~~~ -~.n~.h.~>, per. ~` _.- ~~i : ~,- ~ ~--- ~ ~, .~ ~ 1 ;~ tit, % ,-~) C~~' 4 /3 rQL~ ~, l~=z~~4-v /~ /~~ ~~s ~ / V _ ~. . -- _ . ,~ ,,..... r . , (< ~' flu ~~-.~_. _ -_ 2 i ~3 c~ ~i=.n, r , -~ t-~ iz 4 / >/ y ~ yE>~. ,/ ~/ ~ r : -~ ,~ ~~ /~,y ,~ ~' ~ ~ ,-; ~~ r ~- /~ _ _ / ~ ' / ,~ /i~ . _ ~ - ./ / ~ ~ , L~~_ ~- ~~~ , -, ' .~~ ~ I ~~ <-~ ~ ,l 4 ~,, - _____- / . n r- _.._-- GAt1 L f3 L L LC,J-' We, the rnx~ers i ned residents of i,i ndenwuod Pa e 8 of i.2 Pages g subdivision in east Roanoke ~ounty, under- stand that the crirr_c~nt ~~rotx~sed agreeir~eni: for corrsol.idai-,ing the governments of Roanoke County and the City ot" Rc~auoke i~rovides that, upon approved by file riualified voters of both localities, Lindenwc~od will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are opposed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. 'I9iis should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consol ida 1, i nci k.hc~ governments of T2oanoke County and t:he City of Roano'ce, since we will have the optx>r.t;unit:y later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our opposition t;o Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. Regist ered TTomeo wner Vote r Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No >>/ CL?,~ ~/ ~ ~ . Liar e9S/~J~ .. I~ (ti~ ~CvL 1/ •{/~7L .~~5 ~C~~re ~~ Q~/J ~ ~/ . _ , c~ \ l ~~-'~~{ ~~ 'yam. J~.A..LL~_ `~ ~.L~.`_~1__ L~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~r ~ - w . ~ 1~-~- ~-- 3 ~ 3~ ~~ ~/ ~- f L ;- , s - ~~ ~~ N ~ . ,.~-~Fi Ct ~c.~ ~v~-~~ji~ttr~~~.eJ ~i', ~1~.r4~~ l~ ~1 ~P ~~ '~c; ,,_ Il ~' Y-~ ~' ~ C' ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ IAA ~ U~nJ~ou / / j ' L _ ~ ~ ~=~~-- - ~ 3 i ~ ~~~~ v ~ - / rl . / / ~~ _ f . __.__.__~..._._.._. _ . .. ' ,~ rxHlt3i.~i~ ~~5-~ Page 9 of 1.2 Pages We, the undersigned residents of Lindenwoo~3 ~,~zi-~aivi.sion in east Roanoke County, under- stand that thc~, crrrr_f~nt. proposed agreement: for consoL.id;~ting the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both Localities, Lincienwood will become a part of_ the Town of Vinton. We are opgosed to becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. This should not be construed to mean that e are or are not in favor of consoTid~~tiny the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have the oppert,unity later to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our o~~osii;ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of the `t'own of Vinton. Registered Homeowner Voter Name nddress Yes No Yes No ~ 7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ l~~~ ~ - ' 1~ ~ ~l , - L-~ _ _ ~~~--~ r~ - _ fir-, ` ._._ 1 ~ L , ... / ^ U ~i~ ~.. ----- r Jh~ __ ~- G O `~ _ ~ _ -a-~~i~ . ~' ~ ( •~~ _ ~ . .;~ , - ~ //~, ~ / \• l ~. ' 7 ~ ~ O / lR ~ lei -`7' ~'"G? z_.t .C: ._ Jr/ c:L.G' ~ t t ~ i C G6 `~~ 1./ ~ ~ ' ~- ~~ / L'7'~-^!! ~ .~ / 6 l,D' mitt-C> (,~ r/ _ lJ Y.~_ ~ R_Fj~. --~- r- L-u- ~ ~~,,~.__ ~ -~i ~~ . ~_ ~ E - -- -~~ ~~~>-'~3 I~ t~ tab ~ev~ l:~r I i - • -~ -. ~~ - t ~ •~ ~ ,. - ; ~ ,-. EXHlt31'C C;~:S- ~ We, the undersi ned residents of Lindonwcx~d ~ Page l0 ~f 12 Pages g suhc-3ivi.sion ~n east Roanoke Count under- stand that; the•,cur.rrrnt proE~osee] agreement for con^olid,7tina tl~e governments of Roanoke County and the City of T2oa~~o~:o provides that, rrE~on approvod by tYie qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwuod will lx~come a part of the Town of Vinton. Wo are opposed to becoming a part of the `Ibwn of Vinton. This should not be construed to mean that we are or are not in favor of consolidating fihe governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke, since we will have the ot~~rt.uni.ty later t;o vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our oi~posi~t.ion to Lindenwood becoming a part of t;he 't'own of Vinton. Registered 1Tomeowner Voter Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No -Y/ / (1 ~, -' G~~ z. ~ ~~ , 0 ~~.~, ~ ~_~ ~-.~~~.t~. ~z ~Q /,~ / ~ ~ C ~ / ~yS- o~~t cuGc't~ ! . ~ ~~ 6, c ~ -~-- V te ~4 ,~~ 1 , ~ ~ \ ' ' r~r= .r /'l~~J / ~1 ~_.lj/U~'f'~ ~/ _ ~~ 1/ `'' . ~ _ -- .--_ -/`r 1 ( ~ir. (~ ~ [~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ l ~. y' 1 _ 1 ( _ / 1_Sc.-!t ~I_ ~ ~- - !} ~ ,~t~ _ ~k'y2f VI.G ~' f ~ /_ ~i L, ~ ~ ~'~ _a_ I -'t. < .. l/7 . 1' y '~ 1~ ~ (( i ~.~ ..-,g --~ ~ ~ ~7 . ~. Page 11 of 1.2 Pages We, the unclersigrred residents of T.,irrcienwood su}xlivision in east Roanoke County, under- ,. stand that. the t~urrent t~ropose<1 agreement for. consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoi:e provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, T,in~hr-wcxxl will become a part of tTre Town of Vinl;on. We are o s to becoming a part of thr' 't'~nan ~~~ Vint.rm. `i9ri~ s,holai~l not; }~ construed 1;o mr'an that we are or are not in favor oC cons;ol idal.iny I;hn yov~r.nments oC Roanoke County and the City of Roanotce, since we W111_ haVP_ the oppnrt~lnity later to vote on that-, issue; however, we are taking this means to register our opi~osi_t.i_on }.o r,indonwood tx~cominq a part o~ t}ro `t'own of Vinton. Regist ered }iomeo wner Vote r Name nddress Yes No Yes No G'.~ ~ r/ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ ,_ - 1/~ ~ 1 ~- ~ .-~ _. -~ ;~ f (_ /7 ~ ~T-~ ~~~~~~G' ~%i~ ,f__l; `,~~ ~.>Z fit<- ~ F-,_ - - ~~ ~ ~ -~~'~'z ---- (,~ - !1 i. ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ - -- - ---- ' I /~ ~ ~ ,; ~ ~ ~ c'G - - -- - --- ~ / ~`f2 -~Q~ ` - -- l~ 64~ ~ ~ o ~ J- ~ _ _ _ .~~ . ~~Y_U.~-~ --- _ _ - ~4 ~~ ~~D a ~C~~-~..~.P2 ~ ~c.~ Y _ ~" _ ~ ~- '~ ~ - _-~~~~~ _ A l f-~ I EXT-IIBIT CES-1 We, the undersigned residents of Lindenwood suYx3ivision in east Roanok}~~ou~t~f u~t3~~-des stand that the.currr~nt; prolx~sed agreement for consolidatf.ng the governments of Roanoke County and the City of t2oZr~oke provides that, upon approved by the qualified voters of both localities, Lindenwc:od will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are o~ o~se~_to becoming a part of. the Town of Vi_nl-.on. This should not }x' construed to mean thatt we are or are not in favor of con^oli<}atinq t;he governments of Roanoke County and the City of Roanorce, since we Wlll haVP_ the oppor_t:unity later. to vote on that issue; however, we are taking this means to register our opi~osit.ion to L,indenwood becoming a part of the Town of. Vinton. Ilomeowner Registered Voter Name 1lddress Yes No Yes No vi ,, ,- y.2~c_ _t ~. ~ -~, e u r/ n.k , ~..~.,lti<.,_ ~. ~+(~ t ~ ~ .ZG, cs. "7 ~~',.C1. ~K Y ~ ~e.t ~_> ~X j.,k. e ~~.~? ~ ~ \ V _ i '' . - !~ ~ • ~ ~ - J -_ ._` _ I -------- ...__.~._.____~_....____ ~__--- w We, the unc3er.s~gned residents ~~ j,ait'~~t~~,~i'~ ~lxk~r~i4m~sion in east Roanoke County, under- s t;and that -the cur. rc ~n t proposed act ~ Est^!'t~"~'~; ~'iT(~'; ~,~ t t :i ng t;t ~e governments of Roanoke County and t}~e City of Roar io~:e ter. avi.des t.ha t, i. E at_~L~roved by the qua 1 i. f ied voters of both localities, T~indenwc,od will become a part of the Town of Vinton. We are not opposed to Lindenwood becoming a part of the Town of Vinton. T}iis should not be construed to mean that we are or are not-, iri favor of consolidating the governments of Roanoke County and the'City of Roanoke, since we ~ri11 have opportunity lai;er. on to regisl-.er our approval or disapproval concerning that matter; however, this is merely to register our support for Lindenwood becom- ing apart of the 'I'cnan of Vinton. Flomeowner Registered Voter Nam~_ nddre~s Yep No Yes No _ __ ,~ -~.~~ '~ _ _ _ .,.._..x __._ __. -~ .. _ ...,_ ~ ~ V .~ ~ B I ~ ~iiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ " APPEARANCE RE UEST Q . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ • AGENDA ITEM NO. % ~~~~~ -- ~ __ " J CT `'' ~ • _- = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE _ - PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE = RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = LISTED BELOW. = Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. - _ c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = c _ GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT ,, _ THEM. ... _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK c NAME ~~~ ~r~; (. .",;, ;;~ ~~ ADDRESS ,~. ~' ' ~ ~~ P ,,~ -; ~ it ~.: ~~ r' ,., .~ ,;` ~ = c ~ r~ i`~ ~ = PHONE ~' / ~ ' .~ ,_ < -~ -~ fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiltl ~Jllllilllllllllllllllliilllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllillillllililllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllli~jj _ .~~..n~.. - _ - s „ ~ ~,...,~, ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ - 'rs«maws+~ ~1 APPEARANCE RE UEST _ Q _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT ~~v.,;~:,b. - - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supe~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I ma comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODI I WILL GIV ~~ _ E MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES c LISTED BELOW. c _ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _= do otherwise. c • S Bakers will be limited to a resentation of their in - _ P p po t of view only. Ques - bons of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _- __ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. - __ c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c - - = FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - - - - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK mllllllllillillilillllllllllllilllllllilillllllilllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllilillllillllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllm ~. ~~~-~~ °~" i'~'n- T~ ,~ l'G , ! ~ ~,,,,, 7V ~ ~ ~_ ~~ ~ ~- ~ ~Y~~ ~Cs1r"`v'' ~ ' ~~"~- .~ ~- ~ ~~~_ ~ ~-~-~~ U-~'~"~j ~ '~ ! ~~~~~ ~~ ~,~ _~,~~-fit V -~~ ~'.'~" ~ ~ ~a~ Z i. - , K~ fad-L•..si'-k~~~t'' ~l ,~-°', ~ _.l-!3 .. \~~-'d'`~°''~~~ i t-f ~ Its, ~~~ , f ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ff 7 ~ ~. rya ~~L''~ -'~~' ~~ s - ! dp .~i~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~T! ~7 .~_ ,~ " ~ ~,r ~-~ ~~~ f _ i.F " y ' '``' .. ',(,~ ,,,Gy •} P ~, --r.-/~.~ i....C ~,~ ..~ (~ ' ~/ /~,~ k2~~ ,%~ ~~ Gam. :ro.~ _~_ ~.~,~~ ~ ii11"t..u _ .~~.~: 6 ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ n~ ~- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ _ ~~ .Gfi /~°" c ~ ~,~~, tit ~~ ~~ j~~ ~ _. -~, ~ ~- ~'~ ~,.n.~-~~ ~ c -~-~~ ~r ~,~-G-' ~~~ ,, L -~. ~.-~- ~-~. J Y , e~ ~~~ ~ ~_ ~~~, 1~ ~~: ~ ~~~~~_ ,~ ji t1 ~ >y~ ' L,~-•~" " P ~ ~ ~ ~~`_ _ I ~ ~V~ 4 ~ , ~~ 1 ~ r~-~ ,~~1 ,~ ~ . ~~ .---- ~..,~~~ ,,'~ :~ /~ ~~~ / ,/~~~`.QJ~w"^ ~ 444 V y Jam: '~,~",~ .~ ~ti:_ ~ c ~~, ~- ,a ~- r~., ~s Cy 1~..,~-~~ .~ ~~~~- ~ ~~ .~..; ;max: ..~ ~~~~ Gam' ,~c(%. ~L~-tc~ ~ ~~_"-~ '~C`'r ~. .,~.~. ~~ ~~:~ ~.~~ ~-u., .~~~ ~~ f° ~~ WIIIIilllllllillillllllllllllliilllllllllllillillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllilll~ - ,~ - _ - APPEARANCE RE UEST _ Q - _ - _ - _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 0 - ~ __ _ - _ SUBJECT C GNSG~ - ~ T/L)/l~ _ - _ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter hat I ma comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM _ sot Y D ADDRESS FOR THE _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AN _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES - LISTED BELOW. _ - _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Boazd to do otherwise. __ c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- bons of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. _ = • All comments must be directed to the Boazd. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED "c c GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK I IIIIIIIIililllllllllilllllillllllllllllllllillillllllllllilllllliilllillllllllllilllllllllllllilllllllilli~ mlllllllllillllllllll I WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIjjJ _ ~. _ _ - _ - _ ,s - _ m. _ °~ .,.~ - APPEARANCE REQUEST ~~ _ i _ ~ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~% ~~~ / R U ~ _ z ~v _ - SUBJECT ~ ~~' ~ ~ r -_ c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter __ nt.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, so that I may comme I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES c LISTED BELOW. __ c • Each s Baker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to __ do otherwise. c • S Bakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- p bons of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all tunes. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments -_ with the clerk. = • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - E PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ PLEAS _ - _ - - NAME r~ ~ = ~ , ~~ - __ - ADDRESS ~~~ ~ S ~ ~' ~ r Ica ~r. S. ~ - _ • • PHONE ~ ~ `~ ` ~-~ ~ ~- ' filillillllllllilllillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilliillilliilllllllillllllllllllllllillllllllllllliilllllllllillllll~ WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIj1I _ - _ - _ .~ _ _ _ Q APPEARANCE RE VEST _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _. AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ ~ - l __ = SUBJECT ~_~~ ~~~~~ c~~s~~-~~~t~~~~ c,~j~- ~~~s«~( __ - _ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter = WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, = so that I ma comment. I WILL GI E MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/oY comments _ c with the clerk. c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED _ GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - _ _ - _ - _ - - NAME K e ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ,! ~{ ~ ~/ ADDRESS - ._ PHONE ~ `~ L I - ~l I ~~ ~ ~ _ filllllllllllililllllilllillilllllllilllllllllllllllllillilllilllillllilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllillliillllllllllllllllll~ _ - .:~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - RE VEST APPEARANCE Q _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. 1=~. ~~ ~~' ~ ~~ _ -= ~. ~ ~ - __ SUBJECT '_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~tisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter __ WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, - so that I may comment. I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES __ - LISTED BELOW. '_ • ker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment Each spea g whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to _= do otherwise. c • S eakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- p __ tions of clarification maybe entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ • S eakers are re nested to leave an written statements and/or comments p q y - = with the clerk. = • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK 1. NAME ,~; ~ ~~ rr ~~. ~~F'Gi __ } ADDRES ~ / ' ~' ,~°' • • • PHONE ~ ,~' fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiriiiii~iiiirriiiiiiiiinlii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~' ~IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIiIIIIIiIIIIIII~.~~:~:~~IIIiIIIIiIjIJ _ _ - :,~.,-° APPEARANCE REQUEST _ . ~.~ ~~ _ ; - - AGENDA ITEM NO. _ - - ~~_ - '_ SUBJECT ~ r~r~o +~1~-~~ __ _ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~tisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter _ .WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, so that I may comment I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES -_ _ LISTED BELOW. - • ker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment Each spea g whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to __ do otherwise. • S Bakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- P tions of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. c • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments __ with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT __ THEM. E PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ PLEAS _ ~ - NAME ~-~;,~1, ~- '~~~~;<;x.~~~ ~~' ADDRESS ~ ~ ~L,~; (,~.~ ^~ ~~ ~ri C~ ~.~ tl_~l PHONE ~ =~-~'~' ~ . ~ ~ mlillillilllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllilliiililllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll _ - _ - _ ~~ - - _ tW~~ fi~ - _ ,.p~~ - APPEARANCE REQUEST _ - _ - _ - _ __ _ - _ - AGENDA ITEM NO. '`~ =_ SUBJECT C~~z ~~ ~.~-~- =_ i - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter = n .WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, so that I ma comme t I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES -_ LISTED BELOW. '_ c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. __ c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- =_ bons of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all tunes. _ • kers are re uested to leave an written statements and/or comments Spea q y _ c with the clerk. = s ~ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK = PLEASE _ NAME ~`.~' „~~- ,~ f ~~_.,~ ~..s.- _ - _ - _ - __ - ADDRESS ~.S`~-~ ~ ~. ~ ~--; A ~~ ~ - ~ a;S~,.,.~._ 'l,~ ~~. ~~ PHONE .~ ~~~~ .._~_~ l ~ s s miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l ~~~~~~ ~~~ ` ~~ ~~~~ ~ V ~~~~~~` ~~~~ ~~. ~ ~ p ~~ ~ v x ~~:~ p~ ~` ~ ~~ ~ ` ' w~ ti5 e~ 1~ ;, ~~` .~ t ~, e ~ ~~, p ~ .~ ~ ,~,~ - p~~ pt~o~S' ~ ,~~~ ~0 ~~ ~ p~~~ ~e ~,~ ~C~S ~~ a vz'~ss.~e ~ 11~ a' Q~ ~' ee set` 1~ a1 . ~ //~ ~' 1~1 e~i`e cps ~.~ et~'~ e'4t to'~c,~be~ o~.~e ~~/~~0~` ,,~1~' ~~~.~~ ~~ e,~c~e dot ,~be ~b`1 o~~ ~. ~ p~~'~'~' ~ ~ ~, be~°1fi1fi ~-°fi ss~~ t..o~"~ e~ ebe'~' ~~~ O~ ~~ ~ • 1 ~g base o'~1e ~~o b~ ~ eba~ i ~~G~~~ a~e'~ ,~1t`4?.~tit, ~1e esefi,~e~ ~.'~ i~ y~5 c~,54 is4 •'~`ec t~`e ~o a efi~e~~ ego ovse~. '~~ • ~~~`e~ ~eti~~ t`~oe. '1'~e ~~be ~~°~'t~o'~~ c1ye ~ ii' ~-e~~~'~1, be11o ,~ ~ec~ee~1s e~et ~~ at` orb ~11 • ca'~ be ~` e~`b eve' i'' ~o e e ~c1 ~~~ efice,~ ~~1e,~c ~~< '~i • ~~o so ~`e~~,a~al ~~~ea o1ea~e ii 1~ .~ t~t~ e,~a~ S~e~`~ iii • s4ea 54ea~ ease t > ~~i ~°~~ is atet~ ,~~~~' ~ ~, ii' ~ea~~~e c1 ~ti~4 ~y4 ~titi ~~ ~' ,~~~ iii ti~'~ ~~, ~' ~ ~ ~~^ -~ ~~.~ III 4 ~Qs S _ ~ Vii, <,4~s ~'~ ~ _..~~~~~~~ -"~ ij°~' THE 310 Firsf Street, SW .: FO. Box 0700 Y~~ Roanoke, VA 24004-0700 REG/ONAL ~ ~o i, 9g:3_o700 CHAMBER ROANOKE REGIONAL CHAMBER Of COMMERCE R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS the Roanolte Regional Chamber of Commerce is a business association involved in the economic and community development of the Roanoke, Virginia metropolitan area; and WHEREAS the issue of consolidation of area governments is one that has been suggested many times by business leaders and others over the years; and WHEREAS a team of government leaders from the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke have presented a draft agreement for consolidation of their governments; and WIiEREAS this agreement has been negotiated over the course of a one-year period of time; and WHEREAS this agreement has been reviewed by a special committee and the Board of Directors of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS the membership of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce overwhelmingly supports the concept of consolidation as represented by a ninety-five percent favorable vote response to a survey taken during the fall quarter, 1989; and WHEREAS the consolidation agreement, as presented, represents the best efforts of the negotiating team and, while not perfect, represents an equitable agreement to merge the two governments; Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce does hereby endorse and support the draft consolidation agreement and respectfully requests those government leaders involved to move its passage so that the citizens of the affected areas may be able to vote on the agreement during November, 1990; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be presented to the governing bodies of both municipalities and to other interested persons, including members of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce and area citizens. ;_ C. Thom Robinson Corporate Secretary Richard M. Lynn President February 19, 1990 WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IjJ _ - - i~ - APPEARANCE RE VEST _ Q _ ., - ~=-~ - AGENDA ITEM NO. - _ - _ -_ _ : -~ ~ -_ g / t - ~ ~G~ ,~ i_. 1 iC ~~~~ ~ Ll ~ l CL - __ SUBJECT t ' ~ ~~ 1 - - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter = WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, - so that I may comment. I vNILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ - __ LISTED BELOW. -_ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. - - -_ -_ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • r re re uested to leave an written statements and/or comments - Speake s a q y _ with the clerk. -_ - - • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - = NAME ~.,~~~:. ~`_' , `' = - ., - - - - __ _ _ -_ - ADDRESS N (.r L ,, ~ -_ ~ - i ~ = PHONE ~' ~'~; ~ - - mlllllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllll I I IIIIIIiIlillllllllllllllllllllliilillllilllilllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllli>T ~IIIlilllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllliillllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllliillllllllll'IiIIIIIiIII~jjJ -_ -_ ~ ~ _ -_ = APPEARANCE RE VEST ~~ ~~ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. _ ,, - _ ,~, v N SUBJECT ~.c~-~'~ - s- ~ r _~ ~= ~ ~ ~-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearing on-the above matter WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, = so that I may comment. _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES _ - LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. __ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- Lions of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave. any written statements and/or comments __ with the clerk. __ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT -- THEM. _ _ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ -= NAME ~~Gl' ~-- ~ ~~ C_~--11~ C ~~ - ~ - -_ ~ _ - r - ADDRESS 1 c PHONE .3`~S _` ~` ~" ~ `~ m l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii.~tu~u~iiiiiiiiii~u - ~ _ {~~ ~ ~~ APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. = c = SUBJECT ~~~ sb1 ~ ~ ~--~~~~ _ c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~tisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, so that I may comment. _ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE _ _ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to =_ do otherwise. ~_ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ c • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ c with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ PLEASE PRINT - _ __ - _ - _. - _ - NAME > _ - _ - _ - _ -_ ADDRESS ~~ ~~n (~ ~- ~-` . - PHONE ~S~ ~ - ~~ ~ " fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l i~'~~t~ru,~r'y lf~, lyyU ~~oanoke ~:;ount,y Supervisors Roanoke, '~a. 24018 Dear Sirs I had intenjed fo!- sever~]_ weFks ~o attend the public meeting; on Feb. 20th rc~;ardin~ mer.~-~_ r . However, because of conflicts in my scheulc~ i vaill be un~~.ble to attend. I attended the workshop at Cave `prim; and ~r,as very disappointed in the ~~ray that meetinFf was h:ir~:dle ~ . I !~:op~~.i the public meetinc; would allow the citizens to give their input, .rather than be "facilitated" into sayin~Y what th.e of icials ~h~~nte~-~ us to say, as ~.ve were at Cave Springy, . That`s why i v,~ante~? to come . I do not know if this is appropiate, but if possible I would like this letter read at the meetin:~ on `T'uesday. I understan~~ that the start up costs for RP.`=,:~ will be about X24 f+Iillion dollars! Ar.d this is supposed to save us money? l~lso our utlity tax will be doublets an~i be ~~~lded to our water bill as well. v~Je will have 3 new taxes adder: to help feed this monstrosity of ~ government. I. surest that ?IViG does not stan.l for i:oanoke 14ietropolitan Goverr:ment, but instead Raise P°:oney uovernment. '~Ihat do we het for X11 our additional taxes? We ^et to let the current city control our schools. ~l'hey will have a votin? majority (5-4) over the current ccur~ty. I thought we had more kids in our system. irdhy Rio they have The majority? That means they have the voting majority on future attendance zones,the choice of administrators anci, most importantly, the school superintendent. This is not a me.r~er. It i~ a takeover of our school system. I hope you ~:~4i11 not set back and let this happen. I realize you ~~~ere ebli~ate~+ by law to work up this agreement. You have c~~rrie.z out your obli~Ta.tinn. I hope r.ot^~ you will educate the citizens of the county th~~t this is not in their best interest, ~..~,-~ .Terry H~ ~(?rSCn ~~207 Sharolyn I~r, Sri 9?y-~~402 f ~ STATEMENT BY LEE B. EDDY ON THE PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION PLAN FOR ROANOKE METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT - FEBRUARY 20, 1990 I have previously made several public statements about the details of the proposed consolidation plan, and so far I have heard no reasons to change them. Tonight, I would like to comment on several aspects of the plan that have not received much public discussion to date. Many people will vote for or against consolidation because of preconceived general opinions on the merits of merging Roanoke City and Roanoke County into one government. On the other hand, those citizens with question about the potential advantages and disadvantages of consolidation will look closely at the plan details to evaluate whether the merged government is likely to bring a significant improvement to them and their families. For those undecided citizens, the perceived advantages of consolidation will most likely include a reduction in intergovernmental bickering, improved economic development and growth for the Valley, and an improved level of public services. Whether a reduction in the number of Valley governments from four to three will enhance the area's economy is open to conjecture. However, I am very concerned and very doubtful regarding any improvement in public services for the residents of the existing County. The plan states that County residents will be in a "suburban" service district and will continue to receive the same level of services they do now. No service levels will be improved except for the schools, where the County already has an advantage. To adjust for the different level of non-school services, the plan calls for a differential real estate tax rate of five cents per $100 of assessed valuation between the "urban" and "suburban" service districts, that will continue for at least five years after the date of consolidation. Z believe that this provision of the plan will place residents of the "old County" suburbs in the status of "second-class citizens" for many years to come ._ The five-cent tax rate differential will not begin to pay the cost of a higher level of police and fire protection, public transportation, street lights, etc. Because the election district boundaries are drawn basically along the old City-County lines, the new governing body will always have a majority of representatives who are aligned with the "old City". That majority will be very reluctant to add "old County" areas to the "urban" service district because the associated costs will far exceed the revenues. On the basis of this argument, residents of the County can expect to see no improvements in service levels as a result of consolidation. Their representives on the governing body will be consistently out-voted on matters of service levels. The result will be worse than an annexation, because an annexation court will usually require service levels to be equalized within five years. That will not happen under this consolidation plan. Because of the way in which the service districts and voting districts are arranged, I see no direct advantages for County residents if the curent consolidation plan is approved. As much as I would like the consolidation question to be settled as soon as possible, I can not vote to submit the present plan to the court and to a referendum. This plan has serious flaws for County residents, and it is reasonable to hope that a court-appointed citizen committee will rectify those flaws. Ap ~ ~ ~ p 2 18 '.DSO. 88 sE8~U1CENTEMN~'~ A Brawri~w/Brginning (~auntg of ~Ruttnuke ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 ~u-u cm 1 ~~9~8~9 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. This is a special meeting for the purpose of a public hearing on the proposed consolidation agreement between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke. Anyone wishing to present comments are requested to fill out an Appearance Request Form and give it to the Clerk to the Board. Written comments and petitions should be presented to the Clerk to be included in the official records. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (7:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. PUBLIC HEARING 290-1 Public Hearing to elicit public comments with respect to the proposed Consolidation Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke. C. ADJOURNMENT ~.. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ 9D ° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 20, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing on the proposed consolidation agreement between the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION This time has been established for a public hearing on the proposed Consolidation Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke. The Consolidation Agreement has been forwarded to you previously. County Attorney Paul Mahoney will make a presentation on the contents of the proposed agreement and update the board on any changes. The two negotiators from Roanoke County may also wish to make comments. We are still trying to finalize an agreement regarding the new RMG retirement plan. As currently proposed, County employees will have the option of remaining in VSRS or converting to the City's present retirement system. There would be no loss of benefit to County employees but it would perpetuate a benefit differential between former City and County employees. I have requested changes that would provide County employees the same level of benefit as City employees upon retirement. At this time we have not received the Memorandum of Understanding Re: Payment of Transitional Costs for RMG. Also attached is a draft of the proposed resolution authorizing execution of the proposed agreement that the Board of Supervisors will be asked to adopt on February 27, 1990. ~~~ _ -~ ` Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator r . Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes Abs AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE AND THE CITY OF ROANOKE DIRECTING THE FILING OF SAID AGREEMENT AND OTHER PAPERS WITH THE CIRCUIT COURTS FOR THE CITY AND THE COUNTY, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF VINTON, AND AUTHORIZING FURTHER PROCEEDINGS IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH WHEREAS, in February, 1989 pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-1132, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, certain petitions were filed with the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke and with the Circuit Courts thereof and certain Orders were entered by said courts directing the governing bodies of the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke to initiate consolidation proceedings pursuant to said section, and, WHEREAS, over the past twelve months Consolidation Negotiating Teams have held more than twenty-five negotiating sessions on behalf of the County and City and have developed a consolidation agreement in accordance with said Orders and the provisions of Article 4, Chapter 26, of Title 15.1, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and, WHEREAS, numerous citizens have participated in a series of workshops to develop and comment upon the proposed consolidation agreement, and, WHEREAS, after legal notice provided as required by Section 15.1-1137, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, public hearings were held by the City Council for the City of Roanoke and the Board of Supervisors for the County of Roanoke on February 20. 1990, and all citizens desiring to speak on this agreement and the adoption of this resolution have been provided an opportunity to do so, and; WHEREAS, the County Consolidation Negotiating Team of Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens, and Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, have recommended to the Board of Supervisors that such Consolidation Agreement be accepted by the Board, executed on behalf of the County and filed with the Circuit Courts for the City and the County on or before February 28, 1990. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Chairman and the members of the County's Consolidation Negotiating Team are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the County to execute and the Clerk to the Board to attest, a Consolidation Agreement between the City and the County, dated February 28, 1990, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Clerk to the Board. 2. That the Chairman and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized to execute a petition on behalf of the Board of Supervisors praying that the Circuit Courts for the City and the County order that a referendum be held with respect to the Consolidation Agreement pursuant to Section 9 of such Agreement. 3. That the Chairman and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the County, to execute and attest, respectively, an Agreement between the City, the County and the Town of Vinton (hereinafter "Town"), such Agreement being attached to the Consolidation Agreement as Exhibit D and incorporated by reference therein and providing for expansion of the boundaries of the Town and the respective powers, rights, and authorities of the Town and the consolidated government (Roanoke Metropolitan Government) vis-a-vis each other. 4. That the Chairman and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City, to execute and attest, respectively, such ancillary petition, pleadings, applications, certificates and other legal papers as shall be necessary to permit the question of consolidation to be placed on the ballot at referendum to be held on November 6, 1990. 5. That all agreements, contracts, and other legal documents authorized by this ordinance shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 6. That the County Attorney shall be authorized to file, for and on behalf of the County, any petitions, pleadings, applications, certificates and other legal papers with Federal and State courts and administrative agencies as are deemed necessary and proper by him to permit the question of consolidation to be considered at referendum on November 6, 1990. 7. That the Clerk to the Board is directed to forward an attested copy of this ordinance to the Clerk of the Council of the City of Roanoke, the Clerk of the Vinton Town Council, the Clerk of the City of Salem Council, and the Judges of the Circuit Courts for the City and the County. r .• SECTION INDEX 1990 CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT 1. NAMES OF THE COUNTY AND CITY PROPOSING TO CONSOLIDATE.......1 2. NAME OF CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT .............................1 3. DEFINITIONS .................................................1 4. PURPOSE AND INTENT; GOALS AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES........3 5. INITIAL CORPORATE BOUNDARIES ................................4 6. GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION ...................................4 ?. CHARTER .....................................................5 8. EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONSOLIDATION .............................5 9. REFERENDUM ..................................................6 10. COMPOSITION OF GOVERNING BODY OF RMG ..................... ...8 11. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS .................................. ...11 12. EDUCATION ................................................ ...12 13. TOWN OF VINTON ........................................... ...15 ' 14. CITY OF SALEM; GLENVAR ................................... ...16 15. DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES .................... ...17 16. PROPERTY VALUES .......................................... ...1? 17. INDEBTEDNESS ............................................. ...19 18. SERVICE DISTRICTS ........................................ ...19 19. DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL OR MORE COMPLETE GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED WITHIN URBAN SERVICE DISTRICT.... ...21 20. RATE OF SPECIAL TAX IN SERVICE DISTAICTS ................. ...22 21. SPECIAL TAX DISTRICTS .................................... ...22 22. EXISTING LIABILITIES OF COUNTY AND CITY .................. ...25 23. RATE OF SPECIAL TAX IN SPECIAL TAR DISTRICTS ............. ...25 i 24. INITIAL TAX RATES ...........................................26 25. WATER AND SEWER RATES AND FEES ..............................26 26. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS ISSUED BETWEEN DATE OF REFERENDUM AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONSOLIDATION .........................28 27. SERVICE LEVELS ..............................................28 28. PRO FORMA BUDGET FOR RMG ....................................29 29. DISPOSITION OF ASSETS .......................................29 30. RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS .......................................29 31. SERVICES OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION...........29 32. CONSOLIDATION TRANSITION TEAM ...............................30 33. PERSONNEL ...................................................31 34. RETIREMENT ..................................................33 35. PENDING LITIGATION AND CAUSES OF ACTION AGAINST COUNTY AND CITY ....................................................34 36. ADOPTION OF NEW ORDINANCES; ENFORCEMENT POWERS ..............35 37. PROSECUTIONS AND INDICTMENTS; CIVIL ACTIONS .................35 38. INCORPORATION OF NEW CITIES AND TOWNS; ANNEXATION IMMUNITY; NO POWER OF ANNE%ATION ......................................37 39. CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES .....................................37 40. SEVERABILITY ................................................38 41. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ............................................39 42. SURVIVAL OF TERMS ...........................................39 43. GENDER ......................................................39 ii THIS CONSOLIDATION AGRB$YENT is made and entered into this day of February, 1990, by and between the COIINTY OF ROANOgE, a county of the Commonwealth of Virginia, by its duly elected Board of Super- visors, and the CITY OF ROANOgE, a municipal corporation of the Com- monwealth of Virginia, by its duly elected City Council: ~ I T A$ s s s T H: The County of Roanoke and City of Roanoke agree as follows: 1. Names of the County and City Proposing to Consolidate. The names of the County and City proposing to consolidate into one regional unit of general local government pursuant to Article VII, S1, Constitution of Virginia, are the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and the City of Roanoke, Virginia. 2. Name of Consolidated Government. The name of the regional unit of general local government into which the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and the City of J Roanoke, Virginia, propose to consolidate shall be Roanoke Metropolitan Government, a regional government pursuant to Article VII, $1, Constitution of Virginia. 3. Definitions. As used in this Consolidation Agreement the following terms shall have the definitions set forth herein: (a) "City" shall mean the City of Roanoke, Virginia, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth, prior to any consolidation. (b) "County" shall mean the County of Roanoke, Virginia, a county of the Commonwealth of Virginia, prior to any consolidation. (c) "RMG" shall mean the Roanoke Metropolitan Government, a regional government pursuant to Article VII, S1, Constitution of Virginia, which shall result from the consolidation of the City and the County. (d) "Existing liabilities" shall mean all valid and lawful charges and liabilities, except for indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, existing as of the effective date of con- solidation or which thereafter may come due as the result of a claim or cause of action which arose or accrued prior to the effec- tive date of consolidation together with all costs of defense. To the extent that any pro rata share is a valid and lawful charge as of the effective date of consoli- dation, it shall be an "existing liability." (e) "Indebtedness" shall mean indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, Which has been for- mally approved and incurred pursuant to the Public Finance Act of the Commonwealth of Virginia as set forth in Chapter 5 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, or pursuant to the County or City Charter or any indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, incurred through the State Literary Fund or in antici- pation of a loan from the State Literary Fund. The term "indebtedness" shall also _ include lease purchase commitments. The term shall not include bonds issued for Water or sewer improvements and chargeable to Water and sewer customers pursuant to Section 25 of this Agreement. (f) "Service district" shall mean a defined geographical area of RMG initially established by this Agreement, but subject to amendment by the governing body of RMG to meet changing demand or need for governmental services. In each service district, there shall be established a real property tax rate bearing a reasonable relationship to the applicable level of govern- mental services provided in such district. Initially, there shall be two service districts within RMG which shall be known as the IIrban Service District and the Suburban Service District. The territory of the former City prior to consoli- dation shall constitute the IIrban Service District, and the territory of the former County prior to consolidation, including the Town of Vinton, shall constitute the Suburban Service District. - 2 - (g) "3pecial tax district" shall mean a defined geogra- phical area of RAG established by this Agreement for the purpose of repaying existing indebtedness charge- able to such area prior to consolidation by levy of a special tax on real property in such area which is in addition to the base real property tax rate applicable throughout the entire RMG. There shall be two (2) special tax districts; one shall be the terri- tory of the former City prior to the consolidation, and the second shall be the territory of the former County, including the Town of Vinton, prior to con- solidation. 4. Purpose and Intent; Goals and Fundamental Principles. (a) The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the duties, responsibilities and conditions for a consolidation of the governments of the County and the City. It is intended to be responsive to the citizen petitions filed February 28, 1989, with the Circuit Courts pursuant to $15.1-1132, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. (b) It is agreed by the parties hereto that the goal of this Consolidation Agreement is to create the best governmental structure to meet the economic and social needs o~ the people of the County and the City and to position the Roanoke Valley to successfully compete in an international economy in the 21st Century. This Consolidation Agreement is predicated upon certain fundamental principles which are independent of change. These principles are as follows: 1. A consolidated quality school system, orga- nized on the basis of neighborhood school. attendance zones, shall be maintained to prepare its students to assume responsibility for productive citizenship in our democratic society and to enable them to successfully pursue their academic and vocational interests. 2. Government shall be politically accountable with citizens having the right to participate in those - 3 - governmental decisions that affect their vital interests. 3. Citizens should pay no more than their faiovern- equitable share of the cost of providing g meat and governmental services. 4. Government shall make the most effective use of human limited resources (financial, political, and environmental) and ro°riatecserviceelevels quality services at app p funded by affordable tax rates. 5. Government shall promote diversified development and growth combining the advantages of the County and the City. 5. Initial Corporate Boundaries. The initial corporate boundaries of RMG shall encompass the entire area, at the time this consolidation shall become effective, of both the County and the City. The area of the Town of Vinton within the County shall continue as the Town of Vinton within RMG. The initial corporate boundaries of RMG shall be more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. g. Governmental Organization. RMG shall be a regional unit of general local government pursuant to Article VII, 51, Constitution of Virginia, and an incorporated political subdivision of the Commonwealth. RMG shall exist and be operated pursuant to a Charter granted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and it shall perform such governmental functions aad have such powers, rights and responsibilities as are granted to it by this Agreement, its Charter, any applicable special legislation enacted by the General Assembly and general law of the - 4 - Commonwealth. The governmental structure of RMG shall include as elected constitutional ofYicers a clerk of circuit court, Common- wealth's attorney, sheriYY, treasurer and commissioner oY revenue. ?. Charter. (a) The proposed Charter Yor RMG is attached hereto as Eahibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference. It is the intent oY the parties to this Agreement that such Charter shall become eYYective at 12:01 A.M. on July 1, 1993, subject to the provisions oY Section 8, infra. (b) The governing bodies of the County and the City, acting jointly, shall submit the attached Charter bill to the 1990 Session oY the General Assembly of Virginia Yor enactment as the Charter oY RMG. The governing bodies agree to jointly advocate and work for the enactment of the attached Charter bill, including its eYYective date, by the 1990 Session of the General Assembly. The governing bodies, acting jointly, shall have the authority to agree upon any necessary or required provisions or revisions that may be required by the General Assembly. 8. Effective Date of Consolidation. Subject to (a) the enactment of any required legislation, in- cluding any special legislation and the proposed Charter attached hereto as Eahibit "B", by the General Assembly oY the Commonwealth of Virginia; (b) favorable conclusion oY proceedings pursuant to SS15.I-1130.2 through 15.1-1130.10, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, if required; (c) favorable conclusion of proceedings beYore - 5 - •----c --.c-~ the State Commission on Local Government, if required; (d) an order for referendum to determine the desires and wishes of the qualified voters of the County and the City relative to consolidation; (e) approval by referendum of a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question in each consolidating government; and (f) no objec- tion by the Attorney General of the IInited States as to voting rights or procedures; consolidation shall become effective upon the date prescribed in the Court order or orders effecting the Consoli- dation Agreement. The County and the City agree to~support before the Circuit Courts 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 1993, as the time and date upon which consolidation shall be effective. 9. Referendum. (a) The governing bodies of the County and City, after execu- tion of this Agreement, shall file with the Circuit Court for Roanoke County and the Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke, the original of this Agreement, together with a petition on behalf of such governing bodies executed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke and the Mayor of the City of Roanoke and attested by the respective Clerks of the two governing bodies, asking that a referendum on the question of consolidation be ordered to be held within the County only for the eligible voters residing within the boundaries of the County and within the City only for the eligible voters residing within the boundaries of the City pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 26, Title 15.1,(S15.1-1130.1 et seq.), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, on a date fixed by the Court. Subject to the conditions enumerated in Section 8 of this - 6 - Agreement, the County and the City agree to support before the Courts the date of November 6, 1990, as the date of the required referendum. (b) Prior to such filing, the governing bodies shall cause a copy of this Consolidation Agreement to be printed at least once a Week for four (4) consecutive Weeks in the Roanoke Times & World News, a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the County and the City. The cost of such publication shall be shared by the County and the City on a per capita basis. (c) IIpon approval by referendum in the County and the City as set forth above, and certification by fudges of the Circuit Courts of the results of the referendum to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, consolidation shall become effective at 12:01 a.m. on the date prescribed in the Court order or orders for such consolidation to become effective, unless objection to such changes affecting electoral procedures be expressed by the Attor- ney General of the IInited States and not be removed as provided by laW. ' (d) IIpon approval by referendum in the County and City as set forth herein, the current term of office of the members of the Board of Supervisors of the County, the members of the City Council of the City and all appointees of each governing body shall terminate upon the effective time and date of con- solidation. Terms of constitutional officers of the County and the City shall be addressed by Section~ll of this Agreement. (e) This Agreement shall be null and void in its entirety if not approved by referendum in the County and the City as set forth above. - ? - 10. Composition of Governing Body of RMG. (a) RMG shall contain nine (9) election districts. These nine (9) election districts are shown on the map identified as Exhibit "C", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The geographical boundaries of these election districts shall be defined as marked on the map, and each district shall be identified by the number set forth on the map. (b) The governing body of RMG, which shall be known as the Board of Commissioners, shall consist of eleven (11)•~members: one member from each election district; one (1) member elected at large as the Mayor of RMG; and one (1) member elected at large as the Vice- Mayor of RMG. Each member elected from an election district shall be a qualified voter of that district, shall reside therein and shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof. No person may be a candidate for an at-large office at the same time he or she is a candidate for membership on the governing body from any elec- • tion district. (c) The Mayor shall preside over the meetings of the governing body, shall represent RMG at official functions and ceremonial events; except as hereinabove stated, the Mayor shall have the same rights, privileges and duties as other members of the governing body. The other member elected at Large shall be the Vice-Mayor who shall preside in the absence of the Mayor; ex- cept as hereinabove stated, the Vice-Mayor shall have the same rights, privileges and duties as other members of the governing body. - 8 - (d) The governing body of RMG shall be selected at a special election as ordered by the circuit court (pursuant to 515.1-1141 and 524.1-88 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as a.mended), which the parties intend shall be on November 5, 1991, and shall take office for certain limited purposes specified in subsection (f ), of this section upon their qualification, but not earlier than January 1, 1992, and for all purposes as of the effective date of consolidation for the terms herein specified. (e) The terms of the Vice-Mayor of the governing body and four (4) members from even-numbered election districts (the num- bered election districts being set forth on the map identified as Exhibit "C" and attached hereto and incorporated by reference) shall commence July 1, 1993, and expire June 30, 1995. The terms of the Mayor and the five (5) members from odd-numbered election districts shall commence July 1, 1993, and expire June 30, 1997. Thereafter, the members of the governing body shall be elected biennially in May of odd-numbered years for four (4) pear terms commencing on the first day of July. (f) The members of the governing body shall serve for an initial term commencing upon their qualification, but not earlier than January 1, 1992, for certain limited purposes until the effec- tive date of consolidation, July 1, 1993. These limited purposes are as follows: (1) Appointment of the chief administrative official of RMG and such other officers of RMG as are to be appointed by such governing body pursuant to its Charter; - 9 - (2) Appointment of the limited purpose school board pursuant to $12 of this Agreement; (3) Preparation and approval of a budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1993, and ending June 30, 1994; (4) Adoption of ordinances to be effective upon the date of consolidation; (5) Negotiation, preparation and approval of contracts, leases, franchises or other documents required by this Agree- ment or otherwise deemed advisable; (6) Review of the consolidation plan recom- mended by the Consolidation Transition' Team pursuant to Section 32 of this Agreement; and (7) Completion of the orderly transition into a new regional unit of local government. (g) Reasonable expenses of the limited purpose governing body in connection with hiring a chief administrative official of RMG, and compensating such officer and providing office space and cleri- cal assistance for a period not to exceed one (1) year, shall be shared equally by the County and the City. The limited purpose governing body shall be authorized to expend such additional funds as may be appropriated to it by the governing bodies of the County and the City for the orderly transition into one regional govern- ment. (h) Any vacancy in the limited purpose governing body estab- lished pursuant to subsection (f) of this section shall be filled within thirty (30) days by a majority vote of the remaining members of the governing body. Any person appointed by the governing body to fill a vacancy shall serve a term expiring June 30, 1993. Prior to July 1, 1993, or as soon thereafter as possible, a special elec- - 10 - tion shall be held to fill the complete term, commencing July 1, 1993, of the member vacating his or her seat on the governing body. (i) The compensation for members of the governing body of RMG shall be established pursuant to the Charter for the new regional unit of local government. 11. Constitutional Officers. (a) On the effective date of consolidation (July 1, 1993), the constitutional officers of the City and the County shall con- tinue in office pursuant to subsection (b) of this section at not less than their salaries in effect at the effective date of such consolidation. (b) Selection of such constitutional officers for RMG shall be made by agreement between those persons holding the respective constitutional offices in the County and City on the effective date of consolidation, and the other person shall become the assistant or chief deputy. The agreement certifying the selec- tion of each constitutional officer shall be filed with the circuit court and approved by the court, at least sia (6) months prior to the effective date of consolidation. In the event that no agreement is reached or no certification is filed within the specified time limit, the circuit court shall designate one officer as principal and the other as assistant or chief deputy. The princi- pal shall designate the titles of the assistant or chief deputy and other personnel of the office. In the event of a vacancy in the office of assistant or chief deputy created during such term, the position shall be abolished. Each officer, whether principal, chief - 11 - deputy or assistant, shall continue in office until December 31, 1995 (December 31, 1999, in the case of the Clerks of Circuit Court), whether or not the term to which that officer was elected may have expired prior to that date; provided, however, any chief deputy or assistant may be retained by the appropriate constitutional officer after December 31, 1995 (December 31, 1999, in the case of the Clerks of Circuit Court). (c) Constitutional officers for RMG shall be elected on November 7, 1995, to take office January 1, 1996, except for the Clerk of the Circuit Court, who shall be elected November 2, 1999, to take office January 1, 2000. (d) The constitutional offices of Sheriff, Treasurer, Commis- sinner of Revenue and Commonwealth's Attorney for the City shall be eliminated upon the conclusion of their terms of office on December 31, 1993; provided, however, the incumbent constitutional officers of the City may continue to serve as constitutional officer, assis- tant or chief deputy until December 31, 1995, pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. The constitutional office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City shall be eliminated upon the conclusion of its term of office on December 31, 1995; provided, however, the incumbent Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City may continue to serve as clerk, assistant or chief deputy until December 31, 1999, pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. 12. Education. (a) IIpon the effective date of consolidation, the territory of RMG shall constitute one consolidated school division, and • - 12 - there shall be a consolidated school board and a division super- intendent of schools. Except as otherwise provided in this Agree- went and in the Charter of RMG, the school board and the division superintendent of schools shall exercise all the powers conferred and perform all the duties imposed upon them by general law and the State Board of Education to assure quality education for RMG. (b) On the effective date of consolidation, the existing County school board and City school board shall cease to exist. The consolidated school board of RMG shall consist of nine (9) members who shall be duly qualified voters, appointed by the governing body of RMG. One (1) member of the RMG school board shall be selected from each of the nine election districts of RMG. Five (5) members of the school board shall initially serve four (4) year terms from July 1, 1993. Four (4) members of the school board shall initially serve two year terms from July 1, 1993. The four (4) members to serve two-year terms from July 1, 1993, shall represent the same election districts as the initial two-year term members of RMG. Thereafter, members of the school board shall be appointed biennially for four-year terms in July of odd-numbered years. Any vacancy on the school board shall be filled by the governing body of RMG for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. (c) The members of the school board of RMG shall be appointed and shall serve for an initial term commencing upon their qualifica- tion, but not earlier than July 1, 1992, for certain limited pur- poses until the effective date of consolidation, July 1, 1993. These limited purposes are as follops: - 13 -- (1) Appointment of a division superintendent; (2) Preparation and approval of a budget for the school division for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1993, and ending June 30, 1994; (3) Adoption of policies to be effective upon the effective date of consolidation; (4) Negotiation, preparation and approval of contracts, leases or other documents deemed advisable; and (5) Completion of the orderly transition of the County school division and the City school division into one consoli- dated school division. (d) Reasonable expenses of the limited purpose school board in connection with hiring a superintendent, and compensation for such officer and providing office space and clerical assistance for a period not to exceed one (1) year, shall be shared equally by the County School Board and the City School Board. (e) The consolidated school board and the division superinten-. dent shall merge the County school division and the City school division into a single school division utilizing initially all existing facilities and personnel, professional and nonprofessional, in the most efficient and effective manner in order to establish and develop a school system with comprehensive and high quality programs for all students in RMG. There shall be no diminishment of existing standards of quality or programs offered by the consoli- dated school division as a result of consolidation. Schools in a consolidated school division shall be organized on current atten- dance zones based on school neighborhoods. - 14 - (f) The governing body of RMG shall seek legislative authority from the General Assembly for a referendum at which the qualified voters of RMG shall be offered the opportunity to decide whether the school board of RMG shall be elected by the voters, appointed by the governing body of RMG or appointed by a school board selection com- mission. The decision of the voters shall be implemented as quickly as lawfully possible. 13. Town of Vinton. (a) The Town of Vinton (hereinafter the "Town") is not a party to this Agreement and shall continue as a town, pursuant to $15.1-1133(5), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. Existing boundaries of the Town shall not be reduced. The Town shall con- tinue to exercise all of the rights, powers and duties provided to towns under the general laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and as authorized by its Charter and any special legislation enacted by the General Assembly.- The Town shall retain all rights of taxation currently generally available to towns in Dirginia, and RMG shall be authorized to levy and collect such taxes within the Town as shall be authorized by law. (b) RMG shall exercise such powers in the Town as were exercised by the County prior to consolidation. RMG shall con- tinue to provide such services in the Town as were provided by the County prior to consolidation and such services as are pro- vided generally by counties to towns in Virginia. (c) The residents of the Town of Vinton shall be entitled to all voting rights as citizens of RMG, including the right to vote - 15 - For constitutional officers and members of the governing body of RAG. The Town shall be located within the boundaries of one of the election districts established pursuant to Section 10 of this Agreement. Subject to the various State and Federal requirements concerning the boundaries and composition of such districts, the Town shall remain intact within a single election district, and any changes to the boundaries of this district shall insure that the Town shall lie wholly within one district. (d) RMG shall be successor to any agreements between the Town of Vinton and the County or between the Town and the City. RMG shall assume and honor all obligations of such agreements. All assets or facilities jointly owned by the Town and the County shall continue to be jointly owned by the Town and RMG as suc- cessor to the County. The Town shall be permitted to participate in any regional capital Facility projects. (e) The parties to this Agreement shall, in cooperation with the Town, seek any legislation from the General Assembly required to implement the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Town. (f) Although the Town is not a party to this Agreement, the County and the City have negotiated a separate agreement with the Town which is set Forth as an attachment and labeled as Exhibit "D". In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement aad the separate agreement labeled Exhibit "D", the separate agree- ment shall prevail. 14. City of Salem; Glenvar. It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that the citi- zens of a certain area of the County contiguous to the City of Salem -~ - 16 - shall, if consolidation is approved at the referendum on this issue, have a second referendum prior to the effective date of consolida- tion to determine whether the qualified voters of this area voting on the issue desire such area to be divided from the territory of RMG and combined with the City of Salem, and to this end authorizing legislation has been introduced at the 1990 Session of the General Assembly. The territory in which a second referendum would be held is set forth on the map attached hereto labeled Eahibit "E" and incorporated by reference herein. If such second referendum is authorized by the General Assembly, the terms aad conditions under which the territory set out in Eahibit "E" would be combined with the City of Salem shall be agreed upon by separate agreement between the City of Salem, the County and the City. 15. Designation of Administrative Offices. .The administrative offices of RMG shall be maintained at the former County Administrative Center at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S. W., and at the former Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., and at such other places as the governing body of RMG may designate. 16. Property values. (a) The fair value in current money of the IInited States of the real and personal property belonging to the County and the City and the accounts receivable by each as of June 30, 1989, are as follows: • - 17 - Property County of Roanoke City of Roanoke Real Estate $ 22,233,045 $ 154,853,412 Personal Property Accounts Receivable Total 16,764,736 6,039,416 $ 45,037,19? 46,793,360 12,513,996 $ 214,160,768 (b) The above property values are exclusive of real and personal property holdings of the County School Board and the City of Roanoke School Board as of June 30, 1989, which are valued as follows: Property Real Estate County of Roanoke School Board $ 48,275,949 City of Roanoke School Board $ 45,988,521 Personal Property Accounts Receivable Total 12,919,194 2,242,748 $ 63,437,891 8,454,767 556,477 $ 54,999,765 _ (c) The property values set forth in subsection (a) do not in-~ clude real and personal property holdings of any authorities, commis- sions, corporations, stock or non-stock, created by, incorporated by or sponsored by the City or County or in which the City and County have any interest, direct or indirect. Information on the property holdings of authorities, commissions and corporations appears on the records of these entities. (d) The source of property valuation data contained in this Con- solidation Agreement can be found in the audited statements of the consolidating governments as of June 30, 1989. Such valuations are agreed upon to be correct by the parties to this Consolidation Agree- ment solely for the purposes of this Agreement. - 18 - 17. Indebtedness. (a) The indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, of the County and the City as of June 30, 1989, including indebtedness issued for water and sewer improvements and chargeable to water and sewer cus- tomers pursuant to $25, is as follows: Indebtedness County of Roanoke General Obligation Bonds $ 37,399,432 State Literary Fund 8,205,353 Revenue Bonds 923,333 Note Payable 80,000 Section 108 Loans - 0 - Lease Purchase Commitments 3,767,704 Total $ 50,375,822 City of Roanoke $58,495,000 1,444,000 - 0 - - 0 - 2,816,550 - 0 - $ 62,755,550 (b) Commitments to lease purchases not covered by encumbered funds are set forth on Exhibit "F" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. (c) The source of the indebtedness data contained in this Con- solidation Agreement is set forth in the audited statements of the consolidating governments as of June 30, 1989. Such indebted- ness data is agreed upon to be correct by the parties to this Conso- lidation Agreement solely for the purposes of this Agreement. 18. Service Districts. (a) Prior to the effective date of consolidation, there existed within the City a higher level of certain governmental - 19 - services than existed With respect to the corollary services pro- vided in the County. Therefore, in order to maintain and provide two levels of governmental services Within RMG and to insure that the cost of providing such additional or more complete services of government is borne directly by the recipients of such services, there are hereby created two (2) service districts for RMG: the IIrban Service District and the Suburban Service District. The territory of the former City prior to consolidation shall consti- tute the IIrban Service District, and the territory of~the former County prior to consolidation, including the Town of Vinton, shall constitute the Suburban Service District. (b) The governing body of RMG shall levy a special ser- vices tax on real property within the IIrban Service District, and the proceeds from such tax shall be accounted for separately and expended by RMG solely in the IIrban Service District. The rate of the special services tax to be imposed within the IIrban -- Service District shall be added to the base real estate tax rate and levied on residents in such District. (c) The special services tax provided for by this section shall be in addition to any other lawfully imposed taxation. The special services tax shall not be levied for schools or other general governmental services, but only for those governmental services which are not offered on a uniform basis throughout the consolidated territory of RMG. (d) The boundaries of the Service Districts created by this Consolidation Agreement may be altered by the governing body of RMG - 20 - after public hearing and appropriate notice thereof in order to meet the need for additional or more complete services of government than are desired in the consolidated territory of RMG as a whole. (e) Any costs to RMG in connection with the service districts and the levying and collecting of taxes therefrom and the use of revenues shall be a general expenditure of RGM, and no charges shall be made to any service district for such costs. (f) The provisions of this section shall not prejudice the authority of the governing body of RMG to impose assessments for local improvements pursuant to the provisions of general law. 19. Designation of Additional or More Complete Governmental Services to be Provided within IIrban Service District. There may be provided within the IIrban Service District of RMG all the governmental services provided in the Suburban Service District and the following governmental serviies which may be pro- vided on an additional or more complete basis than provided in the Suburban Service District of RMG. These'services may include, but shall not be limited to, additional or more complete services in the area of (1) Additional law enforcement services; (2) Additional fire fighting equipment and services; (3) Additional garbage removal services; (4) Additional public transportation and transporta- tion services; (5) Additional street lighting; (6) Public parking; (?) Public market; and - 21 - (8) Such other goveremerovidedroncan additionalmortmorey general law to b p complete basis in service districts. 20. Rate of Special Services Taa in Service Districts. (a) IIpon consolidation, the rate of such special services tax to be added to the base real estate tax and levied only Within the IIrban Service District shall be that rate Which Will produce an amount sufficient to pay for the additional or more complete ser- vices of government provided to such district. Based on current figures, the initial rate of special services tax per~$100.00 of valuation for each service district of RMG shall be as follows: 0.05 and IIrban Service District $ - 0 -. Suburban Service District $ (b) The five (5) cent difference between the IIrban Service District tax and the Suburban Service District tax shall be main- tained by the governing body of RMG for not less than five (5) years from the effective date of consolidation.- 21. Special Taa Districts. (a) IIpon the effective date of consolidation, there Will exist Within the County and the City certain existing liabilities and in- debtedness, bonded and otherwise, chargeable to the citizens of each such jurisdiction. In order to repay such existing liabili- ties and indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, on an equitable basis, and to ensure that the cost of such repayment is borne directly by the recipients of such benefits and to protect the creditors of such debt, there shall be created special tax districts~in each - 22 - jurisdiction for the purpose of levying a special tax on the real property in each special tax district for a period not exceeding thirty (30) years from the effective date of consolidation. (b) The territories formerly constituting the County, including the Town of Vinton, and the City shall remain as special tax districts from Which special tax districts there shall be levied and collected special taxes for the payment of all existing liabi- lities and all indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, except for reve- nue bonds, of the County and the School Board of the,County and the City and School Board of the City as of the effective date of con- solidation. (c) There shall be levied by the governing body of RMG Within each such special tax district a special tax on the real property in each such district for a period not exceeding thirty (30) years to repay such existing liabilities and indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, except revenue bonds, chargeable to the citizens of each such special tax district. - - (d) -The receipts of any such levy of a special tax shall be collected by RMG and shall be accounted for separately and expended by R~dG solely for the repayment of such existing liabilities and indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, except revenue bonds, attri- butable to each such special tax district. (e) RMG shall establish and maintain an accounting system which Will identify, separately account for and record all finan- cial information and transactions on existing liabilities and - 23 - indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, except revenue bonds, of the County and City, being funded by special tax districts. (f) Any interest earned on revenues from the special tax levied in any special tax district shall be allocated to the benefit of the separate accounts upon Which the interest is earned. These revenues shall be expended only for repayment of the existing liabilities or indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, except for revenue bonds, of the County and City. The parties recognize that in levying the taxes for the special tax districts, an attempt Will be made to raise only the revenue necessary for purpose of the special tax district, and there is no intent to have any undesignated balance in the separate accounts established for each special tax district. If, however, there is any unde- signated balance in the special accounts for paying the existing. liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except revenue bflnds, of the County or City, then such undesignated balance may at the direction of the governing body of.RMG be used for some governmental purpose primarily benefiting the area of the special tax district. (g) Any costs to RMG in connection With the special tax districts and the levying and collection of taxes therefrom and use of the revenues shall be a general expenditure of RMG, and no charges shall be made to the special tax district for such costs. (h) IIpon consolidation, RMG shall be the successor to the County and City as to any revenue bonds of the County and City, respec- tively . - 24 - (i) IIpon consolidation, RMG shall not be the successor to the j, County and the City as to any general obligation bonds authorized by referendum prior to the effective date of consolidation, but not , issued as of such date. Any bonds issued by RMG pursuant to its own , powers and authorities with respect to the creation of debt shall not constitute "indebtedness" chargeable to either of the special tax districts required by this section. 22. Existing Liabilities of County and City. Existing liabilities of the County or City which, but for such consolidation would have been valid and lawful charges or liabili- ties against the County or City, shall be deemed and taken to be like charges against or liabilities of the special tax districts for the areas formerly comprising the County and City and shall accordingly be paid and satisfied by the special tax districts to the same extent, and no further, as the County and City would have been bound if no consolidation had taken place. All such existing charges and .liabilities which become due within thirty (30) pears from the effective date of consolidation shall be paid _ by the special tax districts. 23. Bate of Special Taa in Special Taa Districts. IIpon consolidation, the rate of such special tax to be added to the base real estate tax and levied only within the special tax districts of the County and City as they existed prior to con- solidation shall be those rates which will produce an amount suffi- cient to pay the existing liabilities and the indebtedness, bonded - 25 - _ _ until such time as principal and interest on the respective debt shall be paid in its entirety. Principal and interest on debt issued by the County or the City for water or sealer improvements, which will be paid by consumers of water and sewer service in the respective- territories of the former County or the former City• ebtedness" ly, shall not be included within the definition of "ind or chargeable to anp special tax district created to address "indebtedness." A description of such debt existing as of June 30, 1989, is set forth as Exhibit "G"• .. b) Between the date of the consolidation referendum and the ( there ma.y be a need to issue effective date of consolidation, In the case of additional bonds for water or sewer improvements. RMG and its revenue bonds, such bonds shall be a liability of citizens if approved by the governing bodies of the County and the City; if approved by the governing body of the issuing overnment only, then such bonds shall be a liability of con- g sumers of water and sewer service of the._issuing government only, s +~ez' and included in t e base rat charged to its water or sewer cIn above. sumers only until retired pursuant to subsection (a) the case of general obligation bonds issued to support water or sewer improvements, such bonds shall be a liability of RMG and its citizens if approved by a ma,~oritp of qualified voters voting on the question in the County and a ma,~ority of qualified voters each referendum presenting voting on the question in the City, the same question. General obligation bonds may be issued to , support water or sewer improvements after approval by referendum - 2? - in either the County or City only, but such bonds shall be a lia- bility of water and sealer consume`~~f~the issuing government only, and included in t base rate harged to its water and sewer consumers only unt 1 ret red pursuant to subsection (a) above. 26. General Obligation Bonds Issued between Date of Referendum and fgective Date of onsolidation. Between the date of the consolidation referendum and the effective date of consolidation, the need may arise to issue general obligation bonds for general government purposes. Such bonds shall be a liability of RMG and its citizens and not chargeable to either special taa district if approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question in the County and a ma3ority of the qualified voters voting on the question in the City, each referendum presenting the same question. If such general obligation bonds are not issued pursuant to point referendum as described. above, such bonds shall be included in the definition of "indebtedness" and shall be a. charge against the appropriate special taa district pursuant to Section 21 of this Agreement. 27. Service Levels. It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that RMG shall improve the quality of life of the citizens of the County and the City. Therefore, the services of government shall not be diminished in quantity or quality by virtue of consolidation. - 28 - 2g. Pro Forma Budget for RMG. Attached to this Consolidation Agreement as Exhibit "H" and incorporated by reference herein is a pro forma budget for RMG. This pro forma budget reflects the estimated revenues and expen- ditures of RMG based upon the initial allocation and level .of ser- vices contemplated in the consolidation based on budgeted service costs for Fiscal Year 1989-90 of the County and the City, respec- tively, where applicable after taking into account savings or additional costs resulting from consolidation. 29. Disposition of Assets. All property, real and personal (tangible and intangible), of the County and the City, including debts owed to each, shall become the property of, and shall be vested in, RMG upon the effective date of consolidation. _ 30. Records and Documents. IIpon the effective date of consolidation, all records and docu- ments of the County and the City shall pass to and be held by RMG which shall be responsible for the preservation, maintenance and custody of these records and documents. 31. Services of Virginia Department of Transportation. (a) The provisions of 515.1-1131.1, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, shall apply to that portion of RMG constituting the former territory of the County, mutatis mutandis, as if RMG were a consolidated city. The provisions of paragraph A of 515.1-1131.1 shall apply to the former territory of the County within RMG for - 29 - a minimum of ten (10) years; however, the parties Yiereto agree that they shall jointly seek General Assembly enactment of legislation extending such ten (10) year time period to fifteen (15) years, as well as any other legislation required to allow RMG to avail itself of the benefits of S15.1-1131.1. (b) Construction of streets and roads and maintenance thereof within that portion of RMG constituting the former territory of the City shall be financed, administered and implemented by RMG in the same manner as was applicable in the City prior to the effective date of consolidation. 32. Consolidation Transition Team. (a) IIpon ratification of this Consolidation Agreement by the the voters of the County and the City, there shall immediately be created a team which shall be known as the "Consolidation Transi- tion Team", consisting of the Roanoke County Administrator and the _ City Manager of the City of Roanoke. The County Administrator and the City Manager may designate such officers and employees of the County and City as they deem appropriate to perform staff work for such Team. It shall be the general responsibility of the Con- solidation Transition Team to prepare a plan which will permit the orderly transition of the two governments into one consolidated regional unit of local government. Such plan, which shall be ad- visory only, shall contain, but not be limited, to the following: (1) Job descriptions and pay ranges and general qualifications for each position in RMG; (2) The allocation of office space and equipment among the agencies and de- partments of RMG; -30- (3) The designation, in consultation with the County Attorney and the City Attor- ney, of legal counsel to seek an opinion and approval from the Attorney General of the IInited States or any appropriate court relating to the proposed consolidation and its con- f ormity with federal election laws; and (5) A description of the duties and respon- sibilities of each agency and department of the RMG along with a chain of command for the operation of RMG. (b) The Consolidation Transition Team shall forthwith, upon qualification of the governing body of RMG for the limited purposes set forth in Section 10(f) of this Agreement, present its consoli- dation plan to such governing body. The governing body shall review such plan and resolve any disagreements which may exist with respect to such plan. The governing body shall make such amendments or modifications to the plan as it shall deem appropriate and shall thereafter adopt the plan to be effective upon the date of consoli-. dation. In reviewing the plan and making amendments or modifications, the governing body may seek recommendations from its chief administra- tive offical and such other officials as it may have appointed. 33. Personnel. (a) It is recognized by the parties to this Agreement that the efficient operation of RMG will necessarily require the experience and skills of the dedicated and loyal officers and employees of the County and the City, employees oY constitutional offices of the County and the City and employees of the County School Division and the City School Division. Therefore, it is the intent of the . - 31 - parties to this Agreement that no current officer or employee of the County or City, employee of any constitutional office oY the County or City or employee of the County School Division or City School Division shall lose his or her fob or have his or her salary or Wages or benefits diminished by virtue of consolidation. All such officers and employes shall be retained by RMG and compensated at no lower rate of pay than they received at the effective date of consolidation. To the extent possible, such officers and employees shall be placed in positions as comparable as practic- able to those occupied at the time of consolidation. Reductions in force in RMG shall be accomplished through normal attrition resulting from retirement, resignation, death or other termination. (b) Except with respect to positions to be filled direct- ly by the governing body of .,RMG, positions to be filled by governing body-appointed officers of RMG and positions to be filled by consti- tutional officers, all positions required to perform the governien-~ tal functions of RMG shall be filled from._the pool of current County and City employees performing such functions. Each such position shall be open for application from all officers and employees of the County and City. The chief administrative official of RMG shall cause to be posted in the administrative buildings of the County and the City a listing of all positions to be filled by the chief administrative official along with fob descriptions and pay ranges for each position. Such posting shall specify the dates during which applications shall be received and the places where applica- tions shall be accepted. Applications for all positions shall be - 32 - evaluated using the following criteria as guidelines: (1) pre- vious work experience in similar position; (2) technical or academic preparation of applicants for a given position; (3) performance evaluation contained in each applicant's personnel file in the existing government; (4) results of interviews; and (5) results of quantitative tests which may be required to measure technical ability, aptitude, human relation skills and leadership ability of applicants. 34. Retirement. (a) It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that current employees of the County and City shall not have retirement or pension benefits reduced or otherwise prejudiced by virtue of consolidation. (b) The City of Roanoke Pension Plan shall be continued and maintained by RMG. The Plan shall be renamed "Roanoke Metropolitan Government Pension Plan" upon the effective date of consolidation. Assets, indebtedness and obligations of the City under the City of Roanoke Pension Plan shall be transferred and vested in RMG upon the effective date of consolidation. RMG shall amend such Plan to provide for five year vesting. On and after the effective date of consolidation, all new officers and employees of RMG shall be members of the RMG Pension Plan (formerly City of Roanoke Pension Plan). (c) Officers and employees of the County and constitutional officers of the County and City, who are members of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System ("VSRS") on the effective date of - 33 - consolidation, shall be permitted an election to continue as members of VSRS or to transfer to the RMG Pension Plan. Any officer or employee of the County or any constitutional officer of the County or the City electing to transfer to the RMG Pension Plan shall retain any accrued membership credit and benefits in VSRS and shall begin to accrue membership credit and benefits prospectively in the RMG Pension Plan. Obligations and indebtedness of the County under VSRS shall become obligations and indebtedness of RMG. (d) Officers and employees of the City on the effective date of consolidation, Who are members of the City of Roanoke Pension Plan, shall automatically become members of the RMG Pension Plan Without loss of credit for prior service. (e) RMG shall be the successor to the County With respect to the assets and liabilities of the retirement system being maintained by the County for emergency service volunteers on the effective date of consolidation. 35. Pending Litigation and Causes of-Action Against County and City. ~ ' With respect to any pending legal actions or proceedings by or against the County or City upon the effective date of consolidation, RMG shall be substituted in place of the County or City, and the proceeding may be perfected to judgment or other resolution. If, after the effective date of consolidation, any legal action or pro- ceeding arises out of a cause of action Which but for consolida- tion Would have been brought against the County or City, AMG shall - 34 - be substituted in place of the County or City, and the proceeding may be perfected to judgment or other resolution. 36. Adoption of New Ordinances; Enforcement Polders. (a) Prior to the effective date of consolidation, the governing body of RMG shall compile, conform and adopt a codifi- cation oY all ordinances of a general and permanent nature to be effective in the territory of RMG upon the effective date of con- solidation. (b) IIpon and after the effective date of consolidation, all appointed police officers, deputy sheriffs and other lald enforce- ment officers and officials possessing police polders under the law or ordinance pursuant to which they were appointed and all appointed fire, building and health officers and officials shall continue to have and possess all police powers and authority and be charged with the same duties and responsibilities as such officers or officials possessed immediately prior to the effective date of consolidation. The territorial ~urisdict~ion of all such officers and officials shall be that territory for which they were appointed. 37. Prosecutions and Indictments; Civil Actions. (a) From and after the effective date of consolidation, all prosecutions and indictments for crimes committed or ordinances violated and all suits or causes of action arising within the territory of RMG may be instituted in RMG with the same force and effect as if consolidation had always been effective. - 35 - ter-- -.,-: _ - -------~'- - - -- - ----~-r_ - --- -- 4 (b) All criminal prosecutions pending on the effective date oY consolidation, whether by indictment, warrant or other complaint, and all suits, actions, motions, warrants and other proceedings of a civil nature at law or in chancery, with all the records of the courts of the City oY Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, shall stand ipso facto removed to the court or courts of concurrent or like jurisdiction of R~dG. The Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke and other courts having courthouses and records in and ~urisidiction over the City of Roanoke and the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke and other courts having records in and jurisdiction over the County of Roanoke shall, at some convenient time, as closely preceding the period of removal as practicable by formal orders entered of record, direct the removal of all such causes and proceedings, civil and criminal, at law and in chancery, to the court or courts of concurrent or like ~uris- dictions of RMG, and, when there are two or more such courts, shall apportion such matters fairly and equally between them. The clerk or clerks of the court or courts to which the same have been removed shall thereupon proceed as in other cases of removal or changes in venue, and such matter shall be docketed and pro- ceeded in with the same force and effect as they might have been in the court or courts from which removed. At the same time, the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke and the clerks of other courts having courthouses and records in and jurisdiction over the City of Roanoke and the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke and the clerks of other courts - 36 - ..~.. a` , ~ . -- having courthouses and records in and jurisdiction over the County of Roanoke shall deliver to the clerks of RMG wherein the like records are required by law to be kept all deed books, order or minute books, execution dockets, judgment dockets and other records of such offices of whatsoever kind and nature; and the clerks of courts to which the same are removed shall forthwith take charge of and preserve the same for reference and use in the same manner and with the same effect as though they were original records of such courts. 38. Incorporation of New Cities or Towns; Annexation mmunity; o over o nneaat on. (a) IIpon the effective date of the consolidation no unin- corporated area within the limits of RMG shall be incorporated as a separate town or city within the limits of RMG whether by judicial proceedings or otherwise. _ (b) The County having been granted total immunity from " city-initiated annexation pursuant to the"provisions of Chapter 21.2 of Title 15.1 ($15.1-977.19:1, et seq.), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, said grant of immunity shall be retained by RMG. (c) RMG shall no power of annexation pursuant to Chapter 25 of Title 15.1 (S15.1-1032, et seq.), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. 39. Change of Circumstances. It is understood that some of the financial calculations and governmental service level assumptions set forth herein are sub- ~ect to change by either oY the participating parties or as a result - 37 - --~~:- . of changes in economic conditions, changes in funding from State and Federal governments, changes in assessments and changes in State or Federal legislation. Any changes occurring after the adoption of this Consolidation Agreement, but prior to its effec- tive date, which impact upon the financial calculations and governmental service levels as set out herein, shall not affect the validity or terms of this Agreement, but any such changes may be reviewed and acted upon by the governing body of RMG after consolidation. The parties hereto do agree, however,.that any ad3ustment or changes in the financial calculations and service level determinations as set out herein made subsequent to the adoption of this Consolidation Agreement shall be consistent with the formulas and principles established and stipulated in this Agreement and applicable sections of the Code of Virginia. 40. Severability. - In the event that any section, paragraph or provision of this Consolidation Agreement shall be declared illegal or invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment of invalidity shall not invalidate any other section, paragraph or provision hereof, and all parts of this Consolidation Agreement not expressly held invalid shall remain in full force and effect, and it is agreed and understood that this Consolidation Agreement would have been entered into by the parties without such invalid provision. - 38 - 41. Entire Agreement. This document, With the agreements attached hereto, constitutes the entire binding agreement between the parties. 42. Survival of terms. The terms and provisions of this Consolidation Agreement shall survive consolidation, unless amended by written agreement approved by a duly adopted ordinances of the governing bodies of the County and City. 43. Gender. Any word used in this Agreement imparting the masculine gender shall extend and be applied to females as well as to males. -39- :ITY QF RORNOKE. VA. TEL No.703-981-2940 EXHIBITS Jan 22 , 90 12 30 No .002 P .04 Identity o~ Exhibit Page ... .........4 p. Boundaries .......................... Corporate B. .......................................... Charter .........5 C. Election Districts..........••••--••••••••••••-•• •••••••8,9 D. with Town of Vinton.••••••••••-•••••••• Agreement ____ ~ - - ••••••••16 E. ...... Territory of Second Referendum••••••••••••' ........17 g. Lease Purchase Agreements.•.••••••••••••'••••••••••••••••19 G. Water and Sewer Debt..•...••:..•• Description o~ .i •..••••..27 _ H. . ........... - BuBget......... ...~...,.... Pro Forma .........2 9 ;. O y~ T • O O y~ T 0 a .. c 0 U O w~ W ... C O EXHIBIT A M ~1 r y A ~ ~ ~ C C d 1 ~°~E u d O M C q _N r_ Q Q Q C N y p ~ A F ^ ~ W H Z _^^ O U 'a ~• O LL ~' r 1990 SESSION ` LD0832598 1 HOUSE BILL NO. 91 2 Offered January 10, 1990 ~~ 3 A BILL to effectuate the consolidation of the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke 4 into Roanoke Metropolitan Government, a unit of general government organr~.ed as 5 provided herein acrd deemed a regional government; and to this end to validate, ratify, 6 and confirm the consolidation between the County of Roanoke and the ciry of 7 Roanoke; to provide a charter for the new Roanoke Metropolitan Government and to 8 repeal Chapter 617, as amended, of the Acts of Assembly of 1986 which provided a 9 charter for the County of Roanoke and to repeal Chapter 216, as severally amended, of 10 the Acts of Assembly of 1952, which incorporated and provided a charter for the City 11 of Roanoke. 12 13 Patrons-Woodrum, Cranwell, Thomas (By Request) and Agee (By Request); Senator. 14 Macfarlane (By Request) 15 16 Referred to the Committee on Counties, Cities and ~ Towns 17 18 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 19 1. 20 CHARTER 21 OF THE 22 ROANOKE METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT 23 _ Chapter L ~ - 24 ~ ~ Incorporation. ~ - 25 - ~ 1.1. Incorporation. The inhabitants of the territory comprised within the limits of the 26 County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke are hereby granted a charter with powers, 27 duties, privileges, and immunities as set forth herein. From and after the adoption of this 28 charter, the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke shall become a regional 29 government and shall be identified as Roanoke Metropolitan Government, hereinafter called 30 the regional government, a unit of general government and a body corporate and politic. 31 - - ~ 1.2. Ratification.-The consolidation of the County of Roanoke and the City of 32 Roanoke into the Roanoke Metropolitan Government, a regional government which rs a 33 unit of general government as provided in the consolidation agreement to which reference 34 is hereby made and which rs made a part hereof, zs hereby ratified, validated, and 35 confirmed in all respects and such consolidation shall be effective on and after July 1, 36 1993, the effective date of this charter. 37 ~ ~ ~ Chapter 2. 38 ~ ~ ~ Powers. 39 ,~ Z.1. Powers.-Except as expressly restricted by this charter, the regional government 40 shall have and may exercise aU powers which are now or may hereafter be conferred 41 upon or delegated to counties and cities under the Constitution of Virginia or by the laws 42 of the Commonwealth and all such other powers pertinent to the conduct of a county or 43 city government which, in the opinion of the governing body, are necessary or expedient 44 to promote or maintain the general welfare, safety, health, peace, good will, convenience. 45 trade, commerce, and industry of the regional government or its inhabitants. No ' 46 enumeration of particular powers in this charter shall be held to be exclusive but shall be 47 held in addition to this genera! grant of powers. There rs hereby specifically conferred 48 upon Roanoke Metropolitan Government without further act all of the powers and 49 authorities contained in ~~ 15.1,837 through 15.1907 of the Code of Virginia, as now and 50 hereinafter may be amended not inconsistent with this charter. All such powers and 51 authorities shall be exercised insofar as is consistent with the provrsrons of thrs charter_ 52 ~ 2.2. Taxing powers. In addition to the powers granted by other sections of this 53 charter and general law, the regional government shall have the power to raise annually 54 by taxes and assessments, as permitted and limited by general law, in the regional House Bill No. 91 2 1 government such sums of money as the governing body shall deem necessary to pay the 2 debts and defray the expenses of the regional government in such manner as the 3 governing body shall deem expedient. In addition to, but not as a limitation upon this 4 genera! grant of power, the regional government shall have power: 5 1. To levy and collect ad valorem taxes on real estate and tangible personal property 6 and machinery and tools; 7 Z. To tevy and collect taxes for admission to or other charge for any public 8 amusement, entertainment, performance, exhibition, sport, or athletic event within the 9 regional government, which taxes may be added to and collected with the price of such 10 admission or other charge; 11 3. To levy and collect taxes on hotel and mote! rooms; 12 4. To levy and collect taxes on the sale of tobacco products; 13 5. To levy and collect taxes on the sale of meals and beverages; 14 6. To levy and collect privilege taxes and local general retail sales and use taxes as 15 provided by law; 16 7. Unless prohibited by law, to require licenses; prohibit the conduct of any business, 17 public service corporation, profession, vocation, or calling without such license; require 18 taxes to be paid on such licenses in respect of all businesses, professions, vocations, and 19 callings not exempted by prohibition of general law; 20 8. To require licenses of all owners of vehicles of all kinds for the privilege of using 21 the streets, and other public places in the regional government, require taxes to be paid 22 on such licenses and prohibit the use of streets, alleys, and other public places in the 23 regional government without such license; and - - 24 9. To impose, levy, and collect, in such manner as its governing body may deem 25 expedient, a consumer or subscriber tax upon the amount paid for the use of gas, 26 electricity, telephone, water, cable television, and any other public utility service within 27 the regional government, or upon the amount paid for any one or more of such public - 28 utility services, and may provide that such tax shall be added to and collected with bills 29 rendered consumers and subscribers for such services. - - ~ - 30 Any exemption or exception from a limitation or restriction upon the rate or amount - 31 of any tax authorized for the City of Roanoke shall apply in like manner to the Roanoke 32 Metropolitan Government. _ - . 33 § 2.3. Additional powers.-In addition to the powers granted by other sections of this 34 charter, the regional government, upon a showing of public necessity, may acquire 35 property within or without its boundaries for any of its facilities or functions, in fee 36 simple, or lesser interest or estate, by purchase, gift, devise, bequest, lease, lease/purchase, 37 or eminent domain, and may sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, hold, manage, and control such 38 property as the regional government's interest may require. No judicial process need 39 precede the exercise of these powers except for acquisition of property by eminent 40 domain. 41 ~ 2.4. Service districts and special tax districts.-The regional government may create 42 special service districts or areas within the regional government if those areas desire 43 additional or more complete governmental services than are desired in the "regional 44 government as a whole. The governing body shall have the power to levy a higher real 45 property tax ut such areas, and the proceeds therefrom shall be so segregated as to 46 enable the same to be expended in the areas in which riaised. Such higher real property 4? tax rate shall not be levied for education, police, or general governmental services. . 48 The regional government may levy a tax on real property in any special tax district - r 49 for a period not exceeding thirty years which may be different from and in addition to 50 the general tax rate throughout the Roanoke Metropolitan Government for the purpose of -. 51 repaying indebtedness existing on July 1, 1993, and chargeable to such special tax district. 52 ~ Z.S. Exercise of powers of former political subdivisions.-To the extent that it is not - , 53 inconsistent with this charter, any special act applicable to the County of Roanoke and 54 the City of Roanoke prior to July 1, 1993, shall be applicable to the Roanoke Metropolitan -- 3 House Bill No. 91 ~~ 1 Government as successor to the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke_ 2 ~ 2.6. Franchises.-The regional government may grant franchises to public utilities and 3 charge fees therefor, subject to the provisions of the Constitution of Virginia. 4 ~ 2.7. Transportation district.-Roanoke Metropolitan Government is authorized to 5 create a transportation district with the powers, functions, and duties as provided in 6 Chapter 32 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia and by general law and rs authorized to 7 levy a tax therefor pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 (~ 58.1-1719 et seq.) of Chapter 8 !7 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia. 9 Chapter 3. 10 Governing Body. 11 ,~ 3.1. Powers.-The powers of the regional government as a body politic and corporate 12 shall be vested in its governing body, which shall be known as the board of 13 commissioners. 14 ,~ 3.2. Addtional powers.-The board shall be the policy-determining body of the regional 15 government and shall be vested with all rights and powers conferred on_ governing bodies 16 of cities and counties by general law not inconsistent with this charter. 17 ~ The board shall provide for the performance of all governmentat functions of the 18 regional government and to that end shall provide for and establish all departments of 19 government that it deems necessary, not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter. 20 The board shall have the power to raise annually by excise and ad valorem taxes and 21 assessments on property, persons, and other subjects of taxation, which are not prohibited 22 by law, such sums of money as in the judgment of the board are necessary to pay the 23 debts, defray the expenses, accomplish the purposes, and perform the functions of the 24 regional government. _ 25 ,¢' 3.3. Composition.-The board shall consist of eleven members. Two members, a mayor 26 and vice mayor, shall be elected by and from the regional government at large. Of the ; 27 remaining nine members, one member shall be elected from each election district of the 28 regional government. The board may redistrict or change the number or manner of . 29 electing members of its board in accordance 'with geneal law without the necessity of _ 30 amending this charter. 31 ~ 3.4. Qualifications.-Members of the board shall be qualified voters of that election 32 district, reside therein, and be elected by the qualified voters thereof. The mayor and vice 33 mayor shall be elected from the regional government at large, shall be qualified voters of 34 that regional government, reside therein, and shall be elected by the qualified voters 35 thereof. - ~. 36 ~ 3.5. Election of the board; limited powers.-The board of the Roanoke Metropolitan 3? Government shall be elected at a special election as ordered by the circuit court (pursuant 38 to ,~~ 15.1-1141 and 24.1-88 of the Code of Virginia), which the parties intend shall be on 39 November 5, 1991, and shall take office for certain limited purposes specified in ~ 3.11 of 40 this charter upon their qualification, but not earlier than January 1, 1992, and for all 41 purposes as of the effective date of consolidation for the terms herein specified. 42 The terms of the vice mayor of the board and four members from even-numbered 43 election districts shag commence July 1, 1993, and expire June 30, 1995. The terms of the _ 44 .mayor and the other five members from odd-numbered election districts shall commence 45 July 1, 1993, and expire June 30, 1997. Thereafter, the members of the board shall be 46 elected biennially in May of odd-numbered years for fouryear terms corrzmencing July 1. 47 g 3.6. Vacancy.-In the event a vacancy occurs on the board, it shag be filled by the 48 remaining members of the board within thirty days of such vacancy, and if as much as 49 two years of any unexpired term of a member of the board or the mayor or the vice 50 mayor remains at the time of the next regular board election, aboard member shall be _ 51 elected at such election for the remaining portion of such unexpired term. The person 52 appointed to fill the vacancy shall be a qualified voter of the election district in which the 53 vacancy occurred and shall hold office until the qualified voters shall fill the same by 54 electors. and the nancnn ~~+ o~o..ro.a ~t,,,n ~--..~ -..-,-°~- , _~ . 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 . :: ,House Bill No. 91 4 ~' members cannot agree or do not act, then the judges of the circuit court of the Roanoke Metropolitan Government shall make the appointment in accordance with the Code of Virginia. g 3.7. Procedural powers.-The board shall have the power, subject to the provisions of this charter, to adopt its own rules of procedure. Such rules shag provide for the time and place of holding regular meetings of the board, which shall not be less frequent than once a month. The rules of the board shall provide for the calling of special meetings by the mayor, two or more members of the board, or the chief executive officer and shall prescribe the methods of giving notice thereof. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. g 3.8. Office of the mayor.-The mayor shall have the power to administer an oath to any person concerning any matter submitted to the board or connected with its powers or duties. The mayor shall preside over the meetings of the board and shall represent the Roanoke Metropolitan Government at official functions and ceremonial events; except as hereinabove stated, the mayor shall have the same rights, privileges, and duties as other members of the board. The mayor shall be recognized by the courts for the purpose of serving civil process and by the Governor for military or other emergency purposes. The mayor shall perform all other functions or requirements arising from federal or state law. The vice mayor shall preside in the absence of the mayor,• except as hereinabove stated, the vice mayor shall have the same rights, privileges, and duties as other members of the board. ~' 3.9. Investigations by board.-The board shall have the right to make such investigations relating to the financial affairs and internal operations of the regional government as they may deem necessary. The provisions of ~ 15.1-801 of the Code of Virginia shall apply, mutatrs mutandrs. ' ~ 3.10. Compensation.-The board shall establish the salary, not to exceed the limits established by ~ 14.1-47.2 of the Code of Virginia, and allowances of its members provided that no increase in such salary shall be effective until ~ - 1. A public hearing shall be held on the salaries to be established. ~ ' ' Z. The adoption of an ordinance establishing the Salary of its members for the ensuing fiscal year not to exceed the limits established by general taw. This maximum annual salary may be adjusted by ordinance in any year or years by an inflation factor not to exceed five percent. 3. The establishment of such salary shall occur not earlier than May !nor later than June 30 of each year. In addition, the board may fix annually by ordinance an additional sum to be paid to the mayor and vice mayor in an amount not to exceed $1,800 and $1,200, respectively, without regard to the maximum salary limits. ~ 3.11. Limited purposes.-The members of the board shall serve for an initial term commencing upon their qualification, but not earlier than January 1, 1992, for certain limited purposes until the effective date of consolidation, July 1, 1993. These limited purposes are as fo!lows• 1. Appointment of the chief executive officer of Roanoke Metropolitan Government and such other officers, boards and commissions of Roanoke Metropolitan Government as are to be appointed by the board pursuant to this charter; 2. Preparation and approval of a budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1993, and ending June 30, 1994; 3. Adoption of ordinances to be effective upon the date of consolidation; J _ ~. _ 4. Negotiation, preparation, and approval of contracts, leases, franchises, or other documents required by this charter or otherwise deemed advisable; _ S. Review of the consolidation plan recommended by the Consolidation Transition Team,- ~ .. 6. Preparation and approval of a budget for these limited purposes, to be funded by - ~ ~:~: 5 House Bill No. 91 1 the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke,- and authorization to expend such funds 2 as may be appropriated to it,- and 3 7. Completion of the orderly transition into a new regional unit of local government. 4 ~' 3.12. Officers appointed by board.-The board shall appoint a chief executive officer, 5 a cterh, a director of finance, an attorney, an internal auditor, and a real estate assessor. 6 The board shall establish the powers, duties, and responsibilities of these officers_ The 7 board shall fix the compensation for these officers. The chief executive officer shall serve 8 at the pleasure of the board,- each other officer appointed pursuant to this section may 9 serve for terms established by the board. These officers need not be residents of the 10 regional government at the time of their appointment but must become an actual resident 11 and in due course a bona fide resident of the regional government. In the case of the 12 vacancy or long-term disability of any of these officers, the board may designate some 13 responsible person without regard to residence on an interim basis to perform the duties 14 of the office and fiz the compensation, if any, for the person so designated. The board 15 shall also appoint the members of such boards and commissions us are hereafter provided 16 for. 17 ¢ 3.13. Limitations on board actions. Neither the board nor any of its members shall 18 , direct the appointment or removal of any person from any office or employment by the 19 manager or by that officer's subordinates, nor interfere with the manager in the exercise 20 of his judgment. 21 Except for the purpose of inquiry, the members of the board shall deal with the 22 administrative service solely through the manager, and no member of the board shalt give ~ 23 - _. orders to or direct any of the subordinates of the manager. ' 24 No member of the board of commissioners shall, during the term for which elected and ~ 25 _ for one year following the expiration of such term, be appointed manager. ~~ 26 _ Chapter 4. -- - .. ,. 27 , ~ - Metropolitan Manager. 28 § 4.1. Appointment,- qualifications.-The board shall appoint a manager who shall be the 29 chief executive officer and chief administrative officer of the regional government. The 30 manager shall be chosen solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications 31 and without regard to political beliefs and shall serve at the pleasure of the board, and 32 removal of the manager shall require an affirmative vote of the majority of all of the 33 members of the board. The board shall fix the compensation of the manager. The manager 34 shall devote his full time to the work and service of the regional government under the 35 direction of the board of commissioners to whom he shall be accountable. 36 ~ 4.2. Powers and duties.-The manager shall have the following powers and duties.- 37 1. To designate an officer or employee of the regional government to exercise the , 38 powers and perform the duties of the metropolitan manager during the manager's 39 temporary absence or disability; the board may revoke such designation at any time and • 40 appoint another officer of the regional government to serve until the manager returns; 41 2. To appoint department heads, deputies, and assistant managers within funds 42 appropriated by the board for each department of the regional government, except for the 43 superintendent or department heads for the departments of education, public health, and - 44 the officers appointed by the board as provided in ~ 3.8 of this charter, with each 45 department head to serve at the pleasure of the manager,- 46 3. To appoint and, when necessary for the good of service, suspend or remove a1! . 47 officials and employees appointed by the manager except as otherwise provided for by 48 law, this charter, or personnel rules adopted pursuant to -this charter,- ~ " ~ ~ _ - 49 4. To direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies .~ ~ 50 of the regional government, except as otherwise provided by this charter or by genera! 51 law; - 52 5. To attend all meetings of the board of commissioners with the right to take part in ;Y 53 the discussion but shall not vote; ~- 54 6. To see that all laws, provisions of this charter, and ordinances of the board of -. ~ -. ;:tia.r-. ---~J: r~l'7"AV. House Bill No. 91 6 1 commissioners. subject to enforcement by the manager or by officers subject to the 2 manager's direction and supervision, are faithfully executed; • 3 7. To prepare and submit the annual budget and capital program to the board of 4 commissioners; 5 8. To submit to the board of commissioners and make available to the public a yearly 6 complete report of the administrative activities of the regional government at the end of 7 each fiscal year; $ 9. To make such other reports as the board of commissioners may require concerning 9 the operations of the regional government's departments, offices, and agencies subject to 10 the manager's direction and supervision; 11 10. To make recommendations to the board of commissioners concerning the operations 12 of the regional government; and 13 11. To perform such other duties and to exercise such other powers as may be 14 imposed or conferred by the board of commissioners. 15 Chapter 5. 16 Department of Finance. 17 ~ 5.1. Composition and functions.-The department of finance shall consist of the 18 director of finance, who shall be the head of the department of finance, and such deputies 19 and other employees as may be authorized by the board and appointed by the director of 20 finance. 21 § 5.2. Appointment; qualifications.-The board shall appoint the director of finance w o 22 shall be a person skilled in governmental financial management, accounting, and financial 23 controls and shall have charge of the financial affairs of the regional government. The 24 compensation of the director of finance shall be fixed by the board. 25 ~ 5.3. General powers and duties.-The director of finance shall.' _ 26 1. Have charge and shall maintain control of the keeping of all accounts and financial • 27 records of the regional government, in accordance with generally accepted accounting 28 principles. . 29 2. Be charged with and shall exercise general fiscal supervision over all the officers, 30 departments, offices, agencies, and employees of the regional government charged in any 31 manner with the assessment, receipt, collection, or disbursement of metropolitan revenues, 32 and with the collection and return of such revenues into the metropolitan treasury; and he 33 shall prescribe such systems and regulations as are necessary for the proper reporting and 34 accounting for all metropolitan revenue and receipts. 35 3. Examine and audit all accounts, claims, and demands for or against the regional 36 government, and, unless otherwise provided by law or by this charter, noemooneunlessl the 3? drawn from the treasury or be paid by the regional government to any p 38 balance due and payable be certified by the director of finance. 39 4. Draw the proper financiat instrument on the treasury for such money as rs 40 determined by him to be due and payable to any person, stating the particular fund or 41 appropriation to which the same is chargeable and the person to whom payable, and no 42 money shall be drawn from the treasury except by proper financial instrument o Hance 43 director of finance, countersigned by the metropolitan manager; the director of fi 44 shall not issue payment of any money in excess of the appropriation on account of which 45 such money is drawn. 46 5. Be authorized to require all officers in receipt of regional government funds to 47 submit reports with required support documents on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, or 48 at such times as may be otherwise provided by ordinance; and if any such officer shall 49 neglect to make adjustment of his acounts when required and to pay over such moneys .ls • 50 required, to issue notice in writing, directed to such officer, and take other appropriate 51 actions to ensure all regional government moneys are properly accounted for. 52 6. Prepare an annual report, at the end of each fiscal year, giving full and detailed 53 statement of all receipts and expenditures during the year. 54 7. Perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be imposed or 7 House Bill No. 91 1 conferred by the board of commissioners. 2 § 5.4. Certification of funding.-No contract, agreement, or other obligation involving 3 the expenditure of money shall be entered into nor shall any ordinance of the board or 4 order of any officer of the regional government authorizing the government's obligation for 5 expenditure of money be effective unfit and unless the director of finance or his designee 6 has certified that such moneys required for such contract, agreement, obligation, or 7 expenditure are available for such purpose. 8 Chapter 6. 9 Constitutional Officers. 10 ~ 6.1. Constitutional officers designated.-Beginning July 1, 1993, the attorneys for the 11 Commonwealth, clerks of circuit court, sheriffs, treasurers, and commissioners of the 12 revenue of the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke shall continue in office 13 pursuant to § 6.2 at not less than their salaries in effect at the effective date of such 14 consolidation. 15 ,¢ 6.2. Selection.-Selection of the constitutional officers for tke Roanoke Metropolitan 16 Government shall be made by agreement between those persons holding the respective 17 constitutional offices in the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke, and the other 18 person shall become the assistant or chief deputy. The agreement certifying the selection 19 of each constitutional officer shall be filed with the circuit court and approved by the 20 court at least six months prior to the effective date of consolidation. In the event that no 21 agreement zs reached or no certification is filed within the specified time limit, the circuit 22 court shall designate one officer as principal and the other as assistant or chief deputy. In 23 the event of a vacancy in the office of assistant or chief deputy created during such term, 24 the position shall be abolished. Each officer, whether principal, chief deputy or assistant, 25 shall continue in office until December 31, 1995, whether or not the term to which that 2g officer was elected may have expired prior to that date. ~: ~~ 27 ~ 6.3. Election.-Constitutional officers for the Roanoke Metropolitan Government shall 28 be elected on November 7, 1995, to take office January 1, 1996, except for the clerk of 29 the circuit court, who shall be elected November Z, 1999, to take office January 1, ZO00. 30 g 6.4. Elimination.-The constitutional offices of sheriff, treasurer, commissioner of 31 revenue, and the attorney for the Commonwealth for the City of Roanoke shall be 32 eliminated upon the conclusion of their terms of office on December 31, 1993; provided the 33 incumbent constitutional officers of the city may continue to serve as constitutional 34 officers, assistants or chief deputies until December 31, 1995, pursuant to ~ 6.2. The 35 constitutional office of the clerk of the circuit court of the City of Roanoke shall be 36 eliminated upon conclusion of his term on December 31, 1995. 37 There shall be no merger nor abolishment of any of the constitutional offices in 38 existence on July 1, 1993, except upon an affirmative vote of the qualified voters of the 39 regional government at a referendum upon such question as provided by genera! law. 40 g 6.5. Attorney for the Commonwealth to prosecute violations.-The attorney for the 41 Commonwealth shall prosecute the violations of all ordinances of Roanoke Metropolitan 42 Government, both in the genera! district court and upon appeal, and shall notify the 43 metropolitan attorney in all such prosecutions in which the validity of an ordinance of the 44 regional government rs attacked. - 45 ._ Chapter 7. 46 Personnel Rules and Regulations. 47 g 7.1. Personnel system.-A personnel system shall be established by the board of 48 commissioners for administrative officials and employees. Such a system shall provide that x 49 appointment and promotion shall be based on merit and fitness alone without regard for • ~ 50 race, national origin, religion, handicap, sex, or political affiliation. 51 ~ 7.2. System includes.-The personnel system shall include a classification plan for • 52 service, a staff development plan, a uniform pay plan and a procedure for resolving i 53 grievances for employees of the regional government. Employees of constitutional officers i 54 and other agencies may participate in the personnel system at the discretion of the board t House Bill No. 91 $ 1 and upon the concurrence of the constitutional officer. 2 § 7.3. Personnel director.-There shall be a personnel director appointed by the manager 3 as provided in § 4.2 who shall administer the personnel system of the regional government 4 under the general direction of the manager. The department of personnel shall be 5 responsible to the manager for the formulation and administration of the personnel policies 6 of the regional government. __ 7 Chapter 8. g Administration. 9 § 8.1. Administrative departments.-The board of commissioners may establish and 10 create departments, offices, or agencies in addition to those created by this charter and 11 may prescribe the functions of all departments, offices, and agencies, except that no 12 function assigned by this charter to a particular department, office, or agency may be 13 discontinued or, unless this charter specifically so provides, assigned to any other. The 14 board may combine or abolish existing departments and distribute the functions thereof or 15 establish temporary departments for special worh to the extent not inconsistent with this 16 charter. 17 § 8.2. Department heads.-There shall be a department head who shall administer each 18 department. Each department head of each department shall be appointed by the manager 19 and shall be subject to the general supervision of the manager. 20 § 8.3. Police department.-The police department shall be composed of a chief of police 21 and of such officers and other employees as the board may determine. The chief of police 22 shall have the immediate direction and control of the department, subject to the 23 supervision of the manager and to such rules, regulations, and orders as the manager may 24 prescribe. .. _ < .... - ,- 25 The officers constituting this department shall be, and hereby are, invested with all of 26 the power and authority which pertains to the office of constable at common law in 27 taking cognisance of and enforcing the criminal laws of the Commonwealth and the 28 ordinances and regulations of the regional government. Each member of this department 29 shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an oath before the 30 clerk of the regional government that he will faithfully perform the duties of this office. 31 - Chapter 9. 32 Other Appointed Offzcers. ~ - 33 § 9.1. Officers appointed by board.-Pursuant to the provisions of § 3.12 of this charter, 34 the board shall appoint a clerk, an internal auditor, and a real estate assessor. The 35 powers, duties, and responsibilities of these officers shall be as provided for herein, and 36 such other powers and duties as shall be required by ordinance adopted by the board. 3? § 9.2. Clerk.-The clerk shall have the following powers and duties.~ 38 1. To function as clerk to the board of commissioners; 39 Z. To keep a record of the proceedings of the board and to keep al! books and papers 40 as required by this charter or as directed by the board,- _. 41 3. To attend all meetings of the board,- . 42 4. To keep the sea! of the regional government and to affix and attest the same as so 43 directed by the board,- . 44 5. To transmit copies of all resolutions or ordinances to the parties affected thereby 45 and to inform parties of the board's final actions on communications, requests, or 46 petitions,- 4? 6. To publish or cause to be published reports, ordinances. or documents as required 48 by this charter or as directed by the board,- and _., _ _ , _. _, _ . 49 7. To perform such other duties as shall be required by ordinance adopted by tt e 50 board. . ~ - - 51 In the performance of the foregoing duties, the clerk may appoint a deputy and such 52 assistants and other employees as may be authorized by the board. 53 § 9.3. Internal auditor.-The internal auditor shall be appointed by the board. The 54 Internal auditor shall have such qualifications as the board shall from time to time (~ m 9 House Bill No. 91 1 establish. He shall appoint such assistant auditors and other employees as may be 2 authorized by the board. The powers and duties of the internal auditor shag be as follow. 3 1. To examine and audit al! accounts, books, and records of the regional government 4 involving its financial transitions; 5 Z. To work closely with the director of finance to promulgate systems and procedures 6 in accounting for revenues and expenditures; 7 3. To report immediately in writing to the manager and to the board of commissioners 8 any unauthorized, illegal, or irregular act or practice he discovers affecting or involving 9 public funds or the financial affairs of the regional government; and 10 4. To perform such other duties as shall be required by ordinance adopted by the 11 board. 12 In the performance of the foregoing duties, the internal auditor shall have access at any 13 and all tmes to all books, records, and accounts of each department, office, agency, officer, 14 or employee of the regional government subject to examination or audit by him. 15 ~ 9.4. Rea! estate assessor.-The board shall appoint an assessor to assess or reassess 16 for taxation the real estate within the regional government and shall prescribe the duties 17 of such assessor. The assessor shall appoint such assistant assessors and other employees 18 as may be authorized by the board. Such assessor shall make assessments and 19 reassessments on the same basis as real estate cs required to be assessed under the 20 provisions of general law. He shall have the same authority as the assessors appointed 21 under the provisions of general law and shall be charged with duties imposed upon such 22 assessors, except that such assessments or reassessments may be made annually, if j 23 required by ordinance adopted by the board, and the assessment and reassessments so _ 24 made shall have the same effect as if they had been made by assessors appointed under 25 the provisions of general law. The assessor or an assistant assessor may be required to 26 T attend meetings of the board of equalization. _ _ - . • . _. - .. ..._ Chapter 10. 28 ~ 'Department of Law. _. _ _. 29 ~ 10.1. Composition and functions.-The department of law 'shall consist of the 30 metropolitan attorney, who shall be the head of the department of law, and such deputies 31 and assistant metropolitan attorneys and such other employees as may be authorized by ; 32 the board and appointed by the metropolitan attorney. 33 ~ 10.2. Appointment; term; qualifications.-The board shall appoint the metropolitan 34 attorney, who shall be an attorney at law licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth 35 of Virginia. The compensation of the metropolitan attorney shall be fixed by the board_ ~ 36 g 10.3. General powers and duties.-The metropolitan attorney shall.' . ~ 37 1. Be the chief legal advisor of and attorney and counsel for the board, the 38 metropolitan manager, and all departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the 39 regional government in all matters affecting the interests of the regional government; - 40 2. Upon request of the board, the metropolitan manager, or any officer, board, or ~ t 41 commission, furnish his opinion on any question of law involving their respective official 42 powers and duties: 43 3. Prepare or review all ordinances and resolutions presented to the board, and, at the 44 request of the board or any member thereof, examine ordinances after introduction and 45 offer an opinion as to the form and legality thereof; 46 4. Draw or approve as to form deeds, leases, contracts, franchises, or other 47 instruments to which the regional government is a party or in which it has an interest; 48 5. Institute and prosecute all legal proceedings that he shall deem necessary to protect 49 the interests of the regional government and defend all suits, actions, and legal • ~ 50 ~ proceedings against the regional government,- ' l i ` 51 ona 6. Control and direct legal services performed by special counsel for the reg 52 government who may be employed from time to time to assist the metropolitan attorney , 53 in the provision of legal services to the government; ~ 54 7. Have the management and control of all law business of the regional government House Bill No. 91 10 1 and the departments thereof or in which the regional government has an interest; and 2 8. Perform such other duties as may be required of him by ordinance. $ ~ 10.4. Authority as to deputies and other employees.-The metropolitan attorney may 4 appoint and remove deputies and assistant metropolitan attorneys and other employees. 5 He may authorize duputies and assistant metropolitan attorneys or special counsel to 6 perform any of the duties imposed upon the metropolitan attorney by this charter. 7 Chapter 11. 8 Planning and Zoning. g ~ l1.1. Planning commission.-There shall be a regional government planning 10 commission which shall consist of not less than seven nor more than eleven members and 11 shall be appointed and organized as provided by general law. All members of the 12 commission shall be qualified voters of the regional government and shall be appointed by 13 the board for terms of four years. 14 § 11.2. Functions of planning commission.-The planning commission shalt be 15 responsible for making recommendations to the board of commissioners•~on all phases of 16 regional government planning, including a comprehensive plan, zoning, and subdivision 17 control. It shall have the powers and duties provided by genera! law and such other 18 powers and duties as may be assigned by the board of commissioners. 19 ~ 11.3. Board of zoning appeals.-There shall be a board of zoning appeals appointed 20 by the board of commissioners. The board of zoning appeals shall consist of five members, 21 each to be appointed for a term of four years. Members shall have the qualifications and 22 exercise the powers and perform the duties as provided by general law. Initially, two 23 members shall be appointed for four-year terms, two members for three-year terms, and 24 one member for a two-year term. . 25 Chapter I2. 26 Department of Public Health. 27 ~ 12.1. Composition.-The department of public health shall consist of the director of 28 public health and such other officers and employees organized into such units as may be 29 provided by the orders of the director consistent therewith. - 30 § 12.2. Functions.-The department of public health shall be responsible for the exercise 31 of all health functions imposed on counties and cities by general law and such other 32 powers and duties as may be assigned by the board of commissioners. _., 33 § 12.3. Director of public health.-The head of the department of public health shall be 34 the director of public health, who shall be a physican licensed to practice medicine in the 35 Commonwealth. The director shall have general management and control of the several 36 units of the department and shalt have all the powers and duties with respect to the 37 preservation of the public health which are conferred or imposed on health officers by the 38 laws of the Commonwealth. 39 Chapter 13. 40 Department of Social Services. 41 ~ 13.1. Composition -The department of social services shall consist of the director of 42 social services, a social services board, and such ofj5rcers and employees organized in such 43 units as may be provided by the order of the director consistent therewith. 44 ~ 13.2. Functions.-The department of social services shall be responsible for the duties 45 imposed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia relating to public assistance and 46 relief of the poor and such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the board of 47 commissioners or the social services board. •. 48 ~ 13.3. Director of social services.-The head of the department shall be the director of 49 social services, who shalt be appointed by the manager and who shall be the loco! board 50 of social services. The director shalt have genera! management and control of the divisions 51 of the department, subject to the supervision of the manager and to such rules. 52 regulations and orders as the manager may prescribe. 53 Chapter 14. - 54 Department of Education. G 11 House Bill No. 91 1 ~ 14.1. Composition.-The department of education shall consist of a school board for 2 the regional government, a superintendent of schools, and the officers and employees ~~' 3 thereof. The school board and the superintendent of schools shall exercise all the powers ' ~ 4 conferred and perform al! the duties imposed upon them by general law in a manner 5 consistent with this charter. 6 ~ 14.2. School board.-The school board for the regional government shall be composed 7 of nine members, one from each election district of the regional government, who shall be 8 appointed by the board of commissioners of the regional government for four-year terms. 9 The school board shall elect annually its own chairman and vice chairman. Five members 10 of the school board shall initially serve four-year terms from July 1, 1993. Four members 11 of the school board shall initially serve two-year terms from July 1, 1993. The four 12 members to serve two-year terms from July 1, 1993, shall represent the same election 13 districts as the initial two-year term members of the regional government. Thereafter. 14 members of the school board shall be appointed biennially for four-year terms in July of 15 odd-numbered years. Any vacancy on the school board shall be filled by the governing 16 body of the regional government for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. 17 ,~ 14.3. Superintendent.-The superintendent shall have al! the powers and duties as 18 may be fixed for superintendents by the State Board of Education and by general law. 19 ~ 14.4. Management of schools.-The administration of the public school system shall 20 remain the responsibility of the school .board in accordance with the Constitution and 21 general laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia_ _ 22 Chapter 15. -- 23 •. Financial Administration. ' 24 ~ 15.1. Treasurer.-The treasurer shall perform such duties as required by the laws of 25 the Commonwealth in relation to the collection and receipt of all regional government 26 taxes and other revenues or moneys accruing to the regional government, except such as (tip ~ 27 the board may by ordinance make it the duty of some other person to collect and shall \~~. 28 have such other powers and duties as _shal! be required by ordinance adopted by the 29 board. .. ..: - - -. - _ . ; . - , . ~ - . - ~ ... _ _ _ ., ,. 30 g _15.2. Commissioner of revenue.-The commissioner of revenue shall perform such 31 duties as required by the laws of the Commonwealth in relation to the assessment of 32 property and licenses and such other duties as shall be required by ordinance adopted by 33 the board. -- _.. ~ - 34 ~ 15.3. Annual assessment of real estate.-A. The board may, in lieu of the methods 35 prescribed by general law, provide by ordinance for the annual assessment and 36 reassessment and equalization of assessments of real estate for local taxation. 37 B. The circuit court shall appoint a board of equalization of real estate assessments to 38 be composed of not less than three nor more than five members who shall be freeholders 39 of the regional government. The terms of such members shall commence on the date of 40 their appointment as provided by court order. The court may extend the terms of the 41 members of the board and shall fill any vacancy therein for the unexpired term. Such 42 board of equalization shall have and may exercise the powers to revise, correct, and 43 amend any assessment of real estate and to that end shall have all powers conferred upon 44 boards of equalization by genera! law. The provisions of general law notwithstanding, 45 however, the board of equalization may adopt any regulations providing for the oral 46 presentation, with forma! petitions or -other pleadings or request for review, and looking to 47 the further facilitation and simplification of proceedings before the board. This section 48 shall not apply to assessment of any real estate assessable by the State Corporation 49 Commission. _ _ - '....- - , . . 50 ~ 15.4. Annual audit.-The board shall cause to be made an independent audit of the ••~ 51 regional government's finances at the end of each fiscal year by the auditor of public 52 accounts of the Commonealth or by a firm of independent certified public accountants to 53 be selected by the board. One copy of the report of such audit shall always be available 54 for public inspection in the office of the clerk during regular business hours. House Bill No. 91 12 1 Chapter 16. 2 Budget. 3 ~ 16.1. Fiscal year.-The fiscal year of the regional government shall begin on July 1 4 and shall end on June 30 of each calendar year. Such fiscal year shall also constitute the 5 budget and accounting year. 6 g 16.2. Submission of operating budget.-The manager shall submit to the board an 7 operating budget and a budget message on or before April 30 of each fiscal year. 8 g 16.3. Operating budget message.-The manager's message shall explain the budget in 9 fiscal terms. It shall contain the recommendations of the manager concerning the fiscal 10 policy of the regional government for the ensuing fiscal year, describe the important 11 features of the budget, indicate any major changes from the current year in financial 12 policies, expenditures, and revenues, together with the reasons for such changes, and 13 include such other materials as the manager deems desirable. 14 ~ 16.4. Operating budget preparation.-The budget shall provide a financial plan for the 15 ensuing fiscal year and shall be in such form as the manager deems • advisable or the 16 board may require. In organizing the budget, the manager shall utilize the most feasible 17 combination of expenditure classification by fund, organizational unit, program, purpose or 18 activity, and object. It shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted principles 19 of governmental accounting and budgeting procedures and techniques. It shall be the duty 20 of the head of each department, the judges of the courts of record and courts not of 21 record, each constitutional officer, each board or commission, including the school board, 22 and each other office or agency supported in whole or in part by the regional 23 government, to file at such time as the manager may prescribe estimates of revenue and - 24 expenditure for that department, court, board, commission, office, or agency for the 25 ensuing fiscal year. The manager shall hold such hearings as deemed advisable and shall Y 2R review the estimates and other data pertinent to the preparation of the budget and make 27 such revisions in such estimates as deemed proper, subject to the laws of the 28 Commonwealth relating to the obligatory expenditures for any purpose, except that in the 29 case of the school board, he may recommend a revision only in its major classifications 30 established by law. In no event shall the expenditures • recommended by the manager in 31 -the budget exceed the revenues estimated, unless the manager shall recommend an 32 increase in the rate of ad valorem taxes on real estate and tangible personal property or 33 other new or increased fees, charges, or taxes or licenses within the power of the regional 34 government to levy and collect in the ensuing year, the revenue from which, estimated on 35 the average experience with the same or similar taxes during the three tax years past 36 will make up the difference. If estimated expenditures exceed estimated revenues, the . 37 manager may recommend revisions in the tax and license ordinances of the regional 38 government in order to bring the budget into balance. 39 The manager shall introduce and recommend to the board an appropriation ordinance 40 which shall be based on the approved budget before the end of the fiscal year. The 41 manager shall also introduce at the same time any ordinances levying a new tax or 42 altering the rate on any existing tax necessary to balance the budget as provided in this 43 section. ~ _ 44 ' g 16.5. Board action on the operating budget.-A. Notice and hearing. -The board shall 45 publish in one or more newspapers of general circulation to the regional government a 46 genera! summary of the proposed budget and a notice stating: 47 ~ 1. The times and places where copies of the message and budget are available for 48 inspection by the public,- and ~ ~ , _ .., 49 Z. The time and place, not less than fourteen days after such publication, for a public ~ 50 hearing on the budget. ~ ~ - 51 ~ 'B. Amendment before adoption. -After the public hearing, the board may adopt the 52 budget with or without amendment. In amending the budget, it may add or increase 53 programs or amounts, except expenditures required by law or for debt service, and except 54 further that in the case of the school board, the board may only revise the major 13 House Bill No. 91 1 classifications. In no case shall the board increase the authori: ed expenditures to an 2 amount greater than the total of estimated revenues. r 3 C. Adoption. -The board shall adopt the budget by the vote of at least a majority of © 4 all members of the board not later than May 15 of the current fiscal year. In no event 5 shall the board adopt a budget in which the estimated total of expenditures exceeds 6 revenues. unless at the same time it adopts measures to provide additional revenues 7 estimated to be sufficient to make up the difference. The board shall adopt an ordinance $ appropriating the amounts specified in the adopted budget from the funds indicated and 9 an ordinance levying the taxes therein proposed on or before the end of the fiscallemental 10 g 16.6. Amendments after adoption of operating budget.-A. Supp 11 appropriations. - If during the fiscal year the director of finance certifies that there are 12 funds available in excess of those estimated in the budget, the board by ordinance may 13 make supplemental appropriations for the year up to the amount of such excess. 14 B. Reduction of appropriations. - If at any time during the fiscal year it appears 15 probable to the director of finance that the revenues available will be insufficient to meet 16 the amount appropriated, the director shall report such opinion ~o the board without 17 delay, indicating the estimated amount of shortfall. The manager shall thereafter report to 18 the board as to any remedial action or other steps recommended to be taken. The board 19 shall then take such further action as it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any 20 shortfall and it may by ordinance reduce one or more appropriations. 21 § 16.T. Lapse of appropriations.-Every appropriation. -Every appropriation, except an 22 appropriation for a project in the capttal improvement program, shall lapse at the close of 23 the fiscal year to the extent that it has not been expended or encumbered. An 24 appropriation fora project in the capital improvement program shall continue in force 25 until the purpose for which it was made has been accomplished or abandoned. - 26 ~ 16.8. Capital improvement program.-A. Submission to board. -The manager shall \Q 27 prepare and submit to the board afive-year capital improvement program as required byJ 28 the board. _. -, ~: 29 ~B. Contents. -The capital improvement program shall include: - _ 30 . - 1. A general summary of its contents; -- 31 ~ 2. A list of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the 32 five fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity 33 for such improvements; - 34 3. Cost estimates, methods of financing, and recommended time schedules for each 35 such improvement,- and 36 4. The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the 'facilities to be 3? constructed or acquired_ 38 The above information shall be revised and extended each year with regard to capita! 39 projects still pending. 40 ~ 16.9. Board action on capital improvement program.-A. Notice and hearing. -The 41 board shall publish in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the regional 42 government a general summary of the capital improvement program and a notice stating.• 43 1. The times and places where copies of the capital improvement program are 44 available for inspection by the public; and ' 45 Z. The time and place. not less than fourteen days after such publication. for a public 46 hearing on the capita! improvement program. - ~ ~ ' 47 B. Adoption. -The board shall adopt a capital improvement program with or without 48 amendment after the public hearing on or before the end of each fiscal year. The capital 48 improvement program, after adoption, shall be deemed a plan only, with the right being 1 50 reserved to the board to change the same at any time. '•' " - "~ _ . ~ Chapter 17. _ 51 52 - ~ ~ Borrowing. 53 ~ 17.1. Power. - The board may, in the name of and for the use of the regional 54 government, incur indebtedness by issuing its negotiable bonds or note for the purpose, in House Bill No. 91 14 1 the manner and to the extent provided in this charter. 2 g 17.2. Purposes for which bonds or notes may be issued.-Bonds, and notes in 3 anticipation of bonds when the issuance of bonds has been authorized as hereinafter 4 provided, may be issued for any purpose for which cities, counties, or regional 5 governments are authorized to issue bonds by the Constitution or general law. Notes may 6 be issued, when authorized by the board, at any time during the current fiscal year for ? the purpose of meeting appropriations made for such fiscal year, in anticipation of the 8 collection of the taxes and revenues of such fiscal year, and within the amount of such 9 appropriations. 10 ~ 17.3. Limitations on indebtedness.-In the issuance of bonds and notes, the regional 11 government shall be subject to the limitations as to amounts contained in Article YII, 12 Section 10 (a) of the Constitution of Virginia. 13 ~ 17.4. Form of bonds and notes.-Bonds and notes of the regional government shall be 14 issued in the manner provided by general law. 15 ~' 17.5. Authority for issuance of bonds.-A. The board may issue' bonds and notes 16 pursuant to the Public Finance Act (Chapter 5 (~ 15.1-170 et seq.) of Title 15.1 of the Code 17 of Virginia) or pursuant to the terms of this charter. No bonds or notes of the regional 18 government shall be issued under this charter until their issuance shall have been 19 authorized by a majority of the qualified voters of the regional government voting on the 20 question at an election held for the purpose in the manner provided by general law, 21 except as follows.• 22 1. The board may authorize the issuance of refunding bonds or notes by an ordinance 23 adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the board. _ 24 2. The board may authorize the issuance of bonds and other obligations of a type 25 excluded from the computation of indebtedness of cities under Section 10 (a) of Article VII 26 of the Constitution by complying with the conditions for exclusion set forth therein. 27 B. The board may authorize the issuance of bonds or notes in any calendar year 28 provided that the amount of such bonds or notes together with existing indebtedness of 29 the regional government, as determined in the manner set forth in Section IGYa) of Article 30 VII of the Constitution of Virginia, shall not exceed ten percent of the assessed valuation 31 of real estate in the regional government subject to taxation, as shown by the last 32 preceding assessment for taxes. Such bonds or notes issued without authorization of a 33 majority of the qualified voters shall be authorized by an ordinance adopted by the 34 affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members of the board. 35 C. For the purpose of this section, the terms "bonds," "notes," "other obligations," and 36 "indebtedness" shall not include contractual obligations of the regional government, 37 lease/purchase agreements subject to annual appropriations, and revenue bonds payable 38 solely from revenue-producing properties. 39 ~ 17.6. Payment of bonds and notes.-The power and obligations of the regional 40 government to pay any and all bonds and notes issued pursuant to this charter, except 41 revenue bonds made payable solely from revenue-producing properties, shall be unlimited 42 and the board shall levy ad valorem taxes upon all taxable property within the regional 43 government for the payment of such bonds or notes and the interest thereon, without 44 limitations as to rate or amount. The fuQ faith and credit of the regional government are 45 hereby pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on all bonds and notes of 46 the former City of Roanoke and of the former County of Roanoke, and of the regional 47 government hereafter issued pursuant to this charter, except revenue bonds made payable 48 solely from revenue-producing properties, whether such pledge be stated in the bonds or 49 notes or in the bond ordinance authorising their issuance. 50 ,~ Chapter I8. 51 Intergovernmental Relationships. 52 ~ 18.1. Towns.-Effective .7uly 1, 1993, the Town of Vinton, in existence in the County 53 of Roanoke, shall continue to exist and be recognized as a town and shall have and may 54 continue to exercise as provided by law any and all powers tivhich such town ma~~ have D 15 House Bill No. 91 1 had prior to the effective date of this charter, be they conferred by charter, genera! law, 2 or any other law. $ It is the declared purpose of this section that no chap ~ in thmutuale agoeement of nthe 4 Vinton shall result from the grant of this charter, exce t by 5 Town of Vinton and Roanoke Metropolitan Government. 6 Chapter 19. 7 Power of Eminent Domain. eneral $ g 19.1. Powers.-The powers of eminent domain as authorized and limited by g 9 law as to counties and cities and all acts hereafter amendatory thereof and supplemental 10 thereto, mutatis mutandis, are hereby conferred upon the Roanoke Metropolitan 11 Government. 12 § 19.2. Procedure.-In any case in which petition for condemnation is filed by or on 13 behalf of the regional government, a true copy of a resolution or ordinance duly adopted 14 by the board declaring the necessity for any taking or damaging of any property for the 15 public purposes of the regional government, shall be filed with the petition and shall 16 constitute sufficient n ~ d avernmente The regional government may employ the procedurest 17 domain by the regro g 18 conferred by the foregoing laws, mutatis mutandis. 19 Chapter 20. 20 Ordinances. 21 ~ 20.1. Ordinances of the regional government.-Ezcept in dealing with questions of 22 parliamentary procedure, the board shall act only by ordinance or resolution, and all 23 ordinances, except ordinances mahing appropriations or authorizing the contracting of 24 indebtedness or issuance of bonds or other evidence of debt, shall be co Ton at'ons or 25 subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title. Ordinances mahing app p 26 authorizing the contracting of indebtedness or the issuance of bonds or other obligations C 27 and appropriating the money to be raised thereby shall be confined to those subjects, '~ 28 res ectively. P 29 The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the board shall be: "Be it ordained y 30 the board of commissioners of the Roanoke Metroplitan Government." No ordinance, 31 unless ii be an emergency measure, shall be passed until it has been read by title at two 32 regular meetings, or the requirement of such reading has been dispensed with by the 33 affirmative vote of eight of the members of the board. Any ordinance introduced and 34 adopted on its first reading at one meeting of the board ma rov ded tha the amendments 35 amended at the next such meeting or subsequent meeting, p 36 does not materially change the purpose and character of the proposed ordinance. No 3? ordinance or section thereof shall be revised or amended by its title or section number 38 only, but the new ordinance shall contain the entire ordinance, or section or subsection as 39 revised or amended. The ayes and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances 40 or resolutions and entered upon the journal of the proceedings of the board, and every 41 ordinance or resolution shall require, on final passage, the affirmative vote of a majority 42 of all of the board members. No member shall be excused from voting except on matters 43 involving the consideration of his own official conduct, or where his financial or personal 44 interests are involved. The effective date of any ordinance passed by the board, except an 45 emergency ordinance, shall be ten days after the second reading. ublic 46 The board shall act only by ordinance (i) in authorizing the mahing of anY P 47 improvements; (ii) ir: the acquisition of real estate or any interest therein; (iii) irr 48 authorizing the contracting of indebtedness or the issuance of bonds or other evidences of 49 indebtedness (except temporary loans in anticipation of taxes or revenue ~ °or hngh a u: ~ 50 bonds lawfully authorized); (iv) irr authorizing the sale of any P P~ Y v in granting any public utility franchise, ~~JJ" 51 property of the regional government; or ( ) 52 privilege, lease, or right of any kind to use public property or easement of any description 53 or any renewal, amendment, or extension thereof,- provided that after any such ordinance 54 shall have taken effect, all subsequent proceedings incidental thereto and providing for the House Bill No. 91 16 1 carrying out of the purposes of such ordinances may, except as otherwise provide in this 2 charter, be taken by resolution of the board. ' 3 Chapter 21. ~ 4 Miscellaneous. $ § 21.1. Courts of record.-The regional government shall continue to be in and a part 6 of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit or any successor circuit established by the General 7 Assembly. The Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke and the Circuit Court of the County 8 of Roanoke shall hereafter be known as the Circuit Court of the Roanoke Metropolitan 9 Government and shall have the same jurisdiction in the Roanoke Metropolitan Government 10 as is conferred by general law upon circuit courts. All actions of every kind, criminal as 11 well as civil, pending in the circuit courts of the City of Roanoke and the County of 12 Roanoke on July 1, 1993, shall automatically be transferred to and shall proceed to final 13 judgement in the Circuit Court of the Roanoke Metropolitan Government. The Circr~it 14 Court of the Roanoke Metropolitan Government shall have full authority to issue writs, 15 enforce judgments and decrees, and exercise every manner of judicial function in relation 16 to former actions in the circuit courts of the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke 17 as though no change had been made in their status. 18 In like manner shall these provisions apply to the general district courts and juvenile 19 and domestic relations district courts of the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, 20 mutatis mutandis. 21 ~ 21.2. Notaries.-Notaries public for the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke 22 shall have full power and authority in the Roanoke Metropolitan Government until their 23 commissions expire. 24 ~ 21.3. Amendments to charter.-This charter may be amended upon approval of any 25 amendments by the Virginia General Assembly in accordance with the Constitution of ~ 26 Virginia and genera! laws of the Commonwealth. `.:4 27 §' 21.4. Immunity from liability.-The regional government and all its officers, employees, 28 and agents shall retain all immunities from liability available to counties and officers, 29 agents, and employees thereof in the Commonwealth of Virginia. No actions or claims 30 shall be instituted against the regional government unless the claimant shall have complied 31 with all procedural prerequisites to such actions or claims as are contained in the 32 Constitution and ~ 8.01-222 of the Code of Virginia. 33 ~ 21.5. Severability.~'hould any part of this charter be declared unconstitutional by a 34 court of competent jurisdiction, such shall have no effect on the constitutionality or 35 validity of any other part of this charter. 36 ~ 21.6. Assets and liabilities.-All assets and liabilities of the City of Roanoke and the 37 County of Roanoke existing as of July 1, 1993, shall continue to be assets and liabilities of 38 the Roanoke Metropolitan Government from and after the effective date of this charter, 39 except as provided expressly herein. 40 ~ 21.7. Incorporation of new cities or towns; annexation immunity.-Effective July 1, 41 1993, no unincorporated area within the limits of the regional government shall be 42 incorporated as a separate town or city whether by judicial proceedings or otherwise. The 43 regional government shall enjoy total immunity from city-initiated annexation. 44 2. That Chapter 617, as amended, of the Acts of Assembly of 1986 is repealed as of 45 midnight, June 30, 1993. 46 3. That Chapter 216, as severally amended, of the Acts of Assembly of 1952 is repealed as 47 of midnight, June 30, 1993. 48 -- . ~ - 49 50 _ 51 _ ~ - 52 ~ ~' 53 54 T O ^ y ^~ • Q O O O O O a .. c 0 U L 7 ~~ V C EXHIBIT C _~ C Q EXHIBIT D ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, THE CITY OF ROANORE AND THE TOWN OF VINTON This annexation agreement between the County of Roanoke ("the County"), the City of Roanoke ("the City"), and the T own of Vinton ("the Town") is made and entered into this day of , 19 WHEREAS, the County and the City have entered into negotiations to develop a consolidation agreement for the creation of one regional unit of local government to be named Roanoke Metropolitan Government; and, WHEREAS, the City and the County be-lieve that the continued existence of Vinton as a town and that adjustment of the Town's boundary as set forth herein are consistent with the creation of the Roanoke Metropolitan Government and promote the economic and social needs of Roanoke Valley; and, WHEREAS, expanding the Town's boundary as set forth below is both necessary and expedient considering the best interests of the people in the Town, the people in the area proposed for inclusion within the Town, and the people in the remaining portion of the County and City, and considering the best interests of the State in promoting strong and viable units of government; W I T N E S S E T H: The County of Roanoke, the 'City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton agree as follows: 1. The City, the County and the Town (collectively, "the Parties") agree that, subject to the provisions of Section 2 below, the boundary of the Town shall be expanded effective immediately preceding the time at which consolidation shall be effective, that is, 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 1993 to include that area (hereinafter, the "New Area") identified by the metes and bounds description marked D-1 attached to this agreement and shown on the map marked D-2 attached to this agreement as the lightly shaded area identified, "Area Proposed to be Annexed". The Parties shall support, as the effective time and date of the Town's boundary adjustment, the time and date set forth herein, shall timely take such steps as are required to cause this agreement to be binding on future governments of the Town, the County and the City in accordance with S 15.1-1167.1, of the Code of Virginia, and direct each of their respective administrative staffs to work together harmoniously to implement this agreement by sharing information and assistance to effect this agreement in a professional and timely manner. 2 2. This agreement is subject to the favorable conclusion of those proceedings required to effect the consolidation of the County and the City into the Roanoke Metropolitan Government ("the RMG"). The boundary adjustment set forth herein is subject to the favorable conclusion of proceedings pursuant to § 15.1-1167.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, if required, and the enactment of any required legislation by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 3. The County and the City specifically empower the limited purpose governing body of the RMG, for which the County and the City intend to hold a special election on November 5, 1991, to enter into such agreements and take such action as may be necessary or expedient to effect this annexation agreement. 4. The Town shall extend to residents of the New Area within five years of the effective date of the boundary adjustment set forth herein services it currently provides to its residents. The RMG shall provide to Town residents, without additional cost or expense, the services and benefits it provides to residents in other suburban districts and shall continue to provide such services in the Town as were provided by the County prior to consolidation in addition to those services as are provided generally by counties to towns in Virginia. 5. The T own shall continue to exist and be recognized as a town upon and after the consolidation of the City and the County and shall have and may continue to exercise as provided by law any and all powers which such town may have had prior to the effective date of consolidation, be they conferred by charter, general law or any other law. Residents of the Town shall be entitled to all voting rights as citizens of the RMG, including the right to vote for constitutional officers and members of the governing body. The Town shall be located within the boundaries of one of the election districts. 6. The Town shall continue to exercise all powers, rights and privileges granted by its charter or conferred upon towns by the general and special legislation enacted by the General Assembly, including all powers of taxation. T he RMG shall exercise such powers in the Town as were exercised by the County prior to the creation of the RMG. The RMG shall be authorized to levy and collect such taxes as may be authorized by law; provided, however, no duplicate tax shall be levied upon Town residents or property owned or services provided by them unless such duplicate tax provision existed prior to December 31, 1989. The Parties agree that the County and its successor shall, as to the Town's present territory, allocate to the Town its share of the local sales tax revenues based on the ratio of the general population within the current boundary of the Town to the general population of the RMG and shall, as to the New Area, allocate to the Town an additional share of such revenues in 3 accordance with such ratio as established by general law as applies to towns with populations greater than 3,500. 7. The Parties agree that all existing agreements survive consolidation of the City and the County and the boundary adjustment of the Town as set forth herein and that the RMG shall be the successor to the County and the City in all agreements between the County and the Town or the City and the Town. All assets or facilities jointly owned by the T own and the County shall continue to be jointly owned by the Town and RMG, the later as successor to the County. The Town shall be permitted to participate on an equitable basis in any capital facility projects. All territorial references to the Town of Vinton in any agreement between the Parties shall, as of the effective date of the boundary change, mean the Town of Vinton as expanded as a result of this voluntary boundary adjustment agreement, except as specifically provided herein. 8. During the 25 year period following the effective date of the expansion of the Town as provided in paragraph number 1 of this agreement, the Town shall not seek independent city status or initiate an annexation proceeding against the RMG; nor take any position in such an annexation proceeding; nor shall the Town support or encourage any citizens of the RMG petitioning or seeking to petition for annexation to the Town; nor shall the Town directly or indirectly pay any costs of such citizen- initiated annexation petitions, including attorneys, surveying or engineering fees. 9. The Town and RMG agree that from and after the boundary adjustment to be effected by this agreement the following revenue and expense allocation shall apply to that portion of the New Area south of the Roanoke River (hereinafter, "Explore Park-South"): ' A. The RMG and the Town shall equally share the expense of providing public service from the Town water system into Explore Park-South. B. The RMG and the Town shall equally share the expense of providing sanitary sewer service into the site of Explore Park-South. C. The RMG and the Town shall equally share the revenues from the operation of the water and sewer service into the site of Explore Park- South. D. The RMG and the Town shall equally share general fund expenses and general fund revenues attributable to Explore Park-South. For purposes of this paragraph number 9, 4 "Revenue" means all taxes,., user fees and other. revenues either currently collected or subsequently collected, which are generated from, or collected with respect to, Explore Park-South, including without limitation admission taxes, prepared food taxes, transient occupancy taxes, cigarette taxes, real estate taxes, personal property taxes, machinery tool taxes, business license taxes, franchise taxes, utility taxes, zoning permit fees, building inspection and related fees, state sales taxes, profits from the state sale of alcoholic beverages, water sales, sewerage charges, and utility connection and extension fees. "Expenses" means the amount of funds required to provide urban services to the south side of the Roanoke River referred to as Explore Park-South including administration, operation, maintenance, debt and capital depreciation as identified within the currently approved budget for the Town of Vinton, and as may be verified by annual audit as performed under regulations required by the State Auditor of Public Accounbs for municipal corporations. COUNTY OF ROANORE: By Date CITY OF ROANORE: By Date TOWN OF VINTON: By Date E%HIBIT D-1 HETES AHD BOUNDS DgSCAIP?ION OF ANNEgATION AREA UNDER CONSOLIDATION Beginning at a point on the Corporate boundary of the Town of Vinton said point being the intersection of Glade Creek and the north west right of way of the Norfolk and Western Railway, said point also being approximately 1100 feet (measured in a north east direction) from the intersection of the Norfolk and Western Railway and Washington Avenue, thence in a north easterly direction along the north west right of way of the Norfolk and Western Railway to its intersection with the Roanoke City - Roanoke County boundary, thence from said point in a northerly direction to a point being the intersection of the northern boundary of the Vinton Magisterial District with the Roanoke City -Roanoke County boundary, thence in an easterly direction along the Vinton Magisterial District line to its intersection with the western right of way of the Blue Ridge Parkway boundary thence following the Blue Ridge Parkway Boundary in a north easterly direction to its intersection with the Roanoke County line; thence from said point in a south easterly and southerly direction following the Roanoke County line to its intersection with the center line of the Roanoke River, thence following the Roanoke County line in a south easterly direction along the center of the Roanoke River to its intersection with an easterly projection of the center line of Back Creek, then following said projection and the center line of Back Creek in a westerly direction to its intersection with a southeasterly of parcel 71.03-1-15, then in a north westerly direction following the south western boundary of parcel 71.03-1-15 to its intersection with the south eastern boundary of parcel 71.03-1-17, then in a north easterly direction following the north western boundary of parcel 71.03-1-15 to its intersection with the south western boundary of parcel 71.03-1-8 then in a north westerly direction along the southern boundary of parcel 71.03-1-8 to the south west corner of parcel 71.03-1-8. Then following the western boundary of parcel 71.03-1-8 in a north easterly, easterly and then north easterly direction to the northern most corner of parcel 71.03-1-8, said point being also the north east corner of parcel 71.03-1-7; thence in a northerly direction to a point, said point being the point of intersection between the centerline of the Roanoke River and a southerly projection of the center line of Wolf Creek, said point also being on the corporate limits of the Town of Vinton. Then in a northerly direction following the corporate limits of the Town of Vinton to the point of beginning. 1/19/90 ~ _ 1 / ~ ' i }~ . ~ ~ i~ °*t~ 1. ~ __ .. • °•'~• ` " fir- ;~:::~`~ '~ ~iir._.'...t::icci:cii.iii::i: ~. t ~ f /. ~~~`~. 1 ji` ::::7.._~:-_~ 2~ t ~~ r l• :i L4 ~ ~ _' - '~~ rl ~~~ Iwna .r 1( ~ ~ ~ ' 1 - - ~'-' ~` _-. '~ ~ - , vim' _,. / : ~' T .~~' -~-V ~~ fi't' 11 r,. t ~ ~ \t i~ 1- ~ ~ .. r ~T .,cam i ~ ~ I ~ • 'ii1.-. ~ i,~ , , r _ _ __ __. _.__ lit I ~ ~'. ca r 1 - t ~, (. ~ ~- ~,} ~~ i i '~ (~ ~~ _A,/' ~_._...__ ..~-,t,+., - -t ~ ~~ "~ f: F~ It J ~':" Lv /'_ GENERAL LEGEND ra- of rNE ._,_ To.N O.Y1NT0« CON.OII,Ty INNT/ TOWN OF VINTONy VA. ~ Ll2~J.QL1, aM0 CMYINOMy _ 1 ~~~~~ -ROWyCD CGIOOIWTDN n~r~rao it lEGQO: yO11N0aNY © R. yTDaNT yOYCN ~ •fy OCIaT[y. IMC. M1 '..,., i, ....~ NICMYONO •. VIIIa. MIa ~ E7OyTNO 1O~1N 0/ VyfTOM /`~p`•'p_~~'Y • DECEMBER i9E9• ~~ ~N7POSED CONSOIDATgM aKA CNIIRT 0.i 7~ i W ^' J W Q N '"~ ~ 3 a. z O~ Q ~~ } cQ ~~ •~ o ~ a ~. ~ ~ z W L ~' w~ O N W ~ Z W N W a W O Q ~a 0 n W Q N v 7 ~~ a w C Q U O M~. V/ r C cQ i E)(HIBIt E Y M .~ .Y ~ w` °' ~ '~ C C y y ~t E Y Or O O ~ M ~ C ^ M 3 ~I O O C + Y Q y A 1~ A 9 W 0 s a C 0 v Q Exhibit F LEABS PQRCHASE AGREEME~i'TS AB OF JIINE 30, 1989 County of Roanoke :neral Government Lease Purchase Agreements: wlett Packard Upgrade - Model 58 shierinq System 11 Equipment fuse Truck wlett Packard Upgrade - 950 Series nton Fire Apparatus erce Arrow Fire Trucks unty Schools Lease Purchase Agreements: sting Systems (Various Schools) bile Classrooms 3se I Energy Conservation Program 3se II Energy Conservation Program 3se III Energy Conservation Program tool Buses tal County Lease Purchase Agreements City of Roanoke origiaal Amount $ 41,360 125,000 1,550,000 286,522 409,119 272.612 $2,684,613 $ 506,934 64,434 160,385 106,923 ~~ 106, 924 1,000,000 $1,945,600 $4,630,213 Amount Outstandinct $ 7,846 104,865 '1,280,794 228,759 356,476 22,639 272,612 $2,273,991 $ 206,299 29,379 105,728 89,233 106,924 956,150 $1,493,713 $3,767,704 None Exhibit H • '~ ROANORE METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT PRO-FORMA BIIDGET February 28, 2990 IIndesiQnated General Fund Revenues General Property Taxes: Revenues Ap~roDriations Real Estate Taxes $ 56,893,770 Personal Property Taxes 27,705,000 Public Service Taxes 3,498,000 Penalties and Interest 693,447 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 75,000 Total General Property Taxes $ 88,865,217 Other Local Taxes: Sales Tax $ 16,031,437 Utility Consumer Tax 11,320,578 Cigarette Tax 850,000 Business License Tax 9,214,000 Motor Vehicle License Tax 2,844,683 Meals Tax 6,198,540 Transient Occupancy Tax 1,100,000 Recordation Tax 1,160,000 Franchise Taxes 1,366,214 Admissions Tax 175,000 Total Other Local Taxes $ 50,260,452 Other Categories of Revenue: Revenue from the Use of Money $ 790,000 Intergovernmental 1,109,500 Charges for Current Services 519,653 Non-Revenue Receipts 525,000 Total Other Revenue $ 2,944,153 Total Undesignated General Fund Revenues 0 0 0 S 142,069,822 $ 0 Designated Revenues and Appropriations General Government: Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board Metropolitan Manager Management & Budget Metropolitan Attorney 296,005 327,543 664,606 409,180 747,987 Revenues Appropriations Finance Commissioner of Revenue Treasurer Real Estate Assessor Procurement Services Risk Management Audit Human Resources/Personnel Elections Assistants to the Manager Judicial Administration: Circuit Court Clerk of the Circuit Court General District Court Court Services Unit J & D Relations Court Sheriff-Civil Division Commonwealth's Attorney Public Safety: Police-Law Enforcement Animal Control Fire Department Emergency Services Rescue Squads Jail Juvenile Detention Home Outreach Program Crisis Intervention Center Youth Residential Services Public Works: 480,000 2,435,722 393,287 1,304,715 432,084 1,081,950 1,297,223 398,236 2,061,406 426,791 827,420 72,500 335,628 709,580 229,482 736,500 1,319,594 460,000 51,944 • 111,925 18,000 35,051 1,434,952 1,840,498 704,493 947,594 4,353,978 12,374,392 42,400 394,919 420,000 10,624,357 32,000 239,749 249,353 1,202,007 4,597,555 5,722,156 473,403 596,328 121,219 146,843 203,138 363,873 ' 428,226 614,340 Development Review/ Building Inspections Engineering Street Lighting State Highway Maintenance Drainage Signals and Alarms Dispatching/Communications Solid Waste/Refuse Building Maintenance Custodial Services Grounds Maintenance General Services Health and Welfare: Public Health Mental Health Total Action Against Poverty 817,861 952,510 131,000 6,113,907 40,000 866,080 49,000 298,000 79,500 75,400 1,418,768 357,365 161,348 1,411,472 997,541 3,036,064 200,000 663 , 914 2,311,727 5,148,403 3,869,929 869,187 3,657,185 208,870 f Human Service Agencies Social Services Programs Nursing Home Parks, Recreation i~ Cultural: Parks and Recreation Libraries Contributions-Cultural Community Development: Planning and Zoning Grants Compliance Economic Development Municipal Parking Garage Public Transportation Community Education VPI Extension Education: RMG Public Schools Non-Departmental: Employee Benefits Debt Service Transfer to Civic Center Transfer to Water and Sewer Fund Capital Internal Service Garage II Regional Airport Contingent Balance Miscellaneous Consolidation Transitional Costs Total Designated General Fund Revenues and Appropriations Total General Fund Revenues and Appropriations Enterprise Funds Water and Sewer Civic Center Total Enterprise Funds Total All Funds Revenues Appropriations 304,100 9,626,098 11,872,705 900,000 1,164,372 354,946 2,476,624 510,500 2,949,443 129,500 679,499 25,500 633,878 49,555 598,669 425,000 122,534 •• 348,847 35,360 22,000 174,830 73,677,183 130,054,858 1,061,298 1,289,050 17,539,631 655,650 40,000 310,000 1,051,443 639,418 945,250 113,700 233,700 264,640 201,488 256,600 527,000 5,084,452 112.403,33.1 $ 254.473.153 $ 254,473,153 $ 254,473,153 $ 18,799,595 $ 18,799,595 1,636,250 1,636.250 $ 20,435,845 $ 20,435,845 $ 274,908,998 $ 274,908,998 CITY OF ROANOKE~ VA. TEL No.703-981-2940 Feb 2090 1607 N P00~6~P.02 f~rH-20-gr0 TUC 11 24T COVNTY OF ROANQKis a a • ~ ~elporaxtdum of rJnderstandln~' Re; Payment of '~ransi28 n i99~ st: for RMG February eemcnt between of C~a buaf a forthe The February 28, 1990+ Consolidation A~ and the City of Roanoke includes a 5254 millib~ed om ~d pod 1989-90 fiscal Year Roanoke Metropolitan Government (RMG) ets of both localtuea. Tba RMGr pro•forma budget reE1e ~ the exception of the budg ualizat£on of ~ ~ rates and fees wt assessment policies; an eq res-1 estate tax rata which includes a compoban sarv ~cebdistn tCetha ~mPl n't~ ~ oa of additional services of government ~ the ~' tion of transltioa costs aecessar5- to additional available tax sources; at1d recogru The new recurring standardize and integrate the ~~dardizatioa, equaglizatioa and imp}etnentation of all revenue generated thorough the area rates and fees is estimated to be 55.0 million. 't'otal txansltioa costs are estimated to be 525.0 euUion over a Sva-year period. the intent of the County and Ctty negotiating team ~ ~a ~ se transit on It is exist as of July X, 1993, adequato x~ a 1990,oConsolidau~'oa A,g~raetnent insofar as such costs identified is the February ed 'and ado tcd by tl~e RMG Board of Com,r:,iss~oners. uanaition costs are iu fact, app '~ vat shall she County and City ba uable for traasitb det tattachu-u ant entitled Imnoee share of the 55.0 million as ~ Tax RatehC phanges rzaa g Srunmary of Proposed Genea~al "a11C1 As previously agreed, and County school programs it is also the intent of tbl aes~icso rior to duly i, 1993.ry and City and County sa ary p fob L. Johnson Su ervisor Roanoke County p pr, Y~arry C. Nickens Roanoke County Supervisor Paul M. Mahone Attorae Roanoke County Y PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby gives public notice that measures authorizing execution of the following Consolidation Agreement may be adopted by the Board and such Agreement may be filed with the Circuit Court of Roanoke County on or before February 28, 1990. A public hearing at which all citizens shall be accorded the opportunity to comment with respect to the Consolidation Agreement and the adoption of measures authorizing execution of the Agreement will be held as follows: Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 7:00 p.m., February 20, 1990 Exhibits "D," Agreement with Town of Vinton, and "H," Pro Forma Budget, to the Agreement are printed in their entirety. All other exhibits to the Agreement, along with the Agreement, are on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. The Consolidation Agreement, with Exhibits "D" and "H," provides in its entirety as follows: PRINT ENTIRE CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT GIVEN under my hand and seal this 23rd day of January 1990. l~""F Mary Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia Vinton Messenger and Salem Times Register to be published one time, no earlier than Monday, January 29, 1990. ~~l 3 House Bill No. 91 1 Government as successor to the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke. 2 ~ 2.6. Franchises.-The regional government may grant franchises to public utilities and 3 charge fees therefor, subject to the provisions of the Constitution of Virginia. 4 ~ 2.7. Transportation district. Roanoke Metropolitan Government is authorized to 5 create a transportation district with the powers, functions, and duties as provided in 6 Chapter 32 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia and by general law and :s authorized to ? levy a tax therefor pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 (~ 58.1-1719 et seq.J of Chapter 8 17 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia. 9 Chapter 3. 10 Governing Body. 11 ~ 3.1. Powers.-The powers of the regional government as a body politic and corporate 12 shall be vested in its governing body, which shall be known as the board of 13 commissioners. 14 § 3.2. Addtionat powers.-The board shall be the policy~determining body of the regional 15 government and shall be vested with all rights and powers conferred on governing bodies 16 of cities and counties by general law not inconsistent with this charter. 17 The board shall provide for the performance of all governmental functions of the 18 regional government and to that end shall provide for and establish all departments of 19 government that it deems necessary, not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter. 20 The board shall have the power to raise annually by excise and ad valorem taxes and 21 assessments on property, persons, and other subjects of taxation, which are not prohibited 22 by law, such sums of money as in the judgment of the board are ~ necessary to pay the 23 debts, defray the expenses, accomplish the purposes, and perform the functions of the 24 regional government. 25 g 3.3. Composition.-The board shall consist of eteven members. Two members, a mayor 26 and vice mayor, shall be elected by and from the regional government at large. Of the 27 remaining nine members, one member shall be elected from each election district of the 28 regional government. The board may redistrict or change the number or manner of 29 electing members of its board in accordance with geneal law without the necessity of 30 amending this charter. 31 ~ 3.4. Qualifications. Members of the board shall be qualified voters of that election 32 district, reside therein, and be elected by the qualified voters thereof. The mayor and vice 33 mayor shall be elected from the regional government at large, shall be qualified voters of 34 that regional government, reside therein, and shall be elected by the qualified voters 35 thereof. 36 ~ 3.5. Election of the board; limited powers. The board of the Roanoke Metropolitan 37 Government shall be elected at a special election as ordered by the circuit court (pursuant 38 to gg 15.1-1141 and 24.1-88 of the Code of VirginiaJ, which the parties intend shall be on 39 November 5, 1991, and shall take office for certain limited purposes specified in ~ 3.11 of 40 this charter upon their qualification, but not earlier than January 1, 1992, and for atl 41 purposes as of the effective date of consolidation for the terms herein specified. 42 The terms of the vice mayor of the board and four members from even-numbered 43 election districts shall commence July 1, 1993, and expire June 30, 1995. The terms of the 44 mayor and the other five members 'from odd-numbered election districts shall commence 45 July 1, 1993, and expire June 30, 1997. Thereafter, the members of the board shall be 46 elected bienniaQy in May of odd-numbered years for four~year terms commencing July 1. 47 ~ 3.6. Vacancy. In the event a vacancy occurs on the board, it shall be filled by the 48 remaining members of the board within thirty days of such vacancy, and if as much as 49 two years of any unexpired term of a member of the board or the mayor or the vice 50 mayor remains at the time of the next regular board election, aboard member shall be 51 elected at such ,election for the remaining portion of such unexpired term. The person 52 appointed to fill the vacancy shall be a qualified voter of the election district in which the 53 vacancy occurred and shall hold office until the qualified voters shall fill the same by 54 electon, 'and the person so elected shall have qualified. If a maiority of the remaininP r House Bill No. 91 10 1 and the departments thereof or in which the regional government has an interest; and 2 8. Perform such other duties as may be required of him by ordinance. 3 § 10.4. Authority as to deputies and other employees.-The metropolitan attorney may 4 appoint and remove deputies and assistant metropolitan attorneys and other employees. 5 He may authorize duputies and assistant metropolitan attorneys or special counsel to 6 perform any of the duties imposed upon the metropolitan attorney by this charter. 7 Chapter ll. 8 Planning and Zoning. 9 § 11.1. Planning commission. There shall be a regional government planning 10 commission which shall consist of not less than seven nor more than eleven members and 11 shall be appointed and organized as provided by general law. All members of the 12 commission shall be qualified voters of the regional government and shall be appointed by 13 the board for terms of four years. 14 § 11.2. Functions of planning commission.-The planning commission shall be 15 responsible for making recommendations to the board of commissioners on all phases of 16 regional government planning, including a comprehensive plan, zoning, and subdivision 17 control. It shall have the powers and duties provided by general law and such other 18 powers and duties as may be assigned by the board of commissioners. 19 § 11.3. Board of zoning appeals. There shall be a board of zoning appeals appointed 20 by the board of commissioners. The board of zoning appeals shall consist of five members, 21 each to be appointed for a term of four years. Members shall have the qualifications and 22 exercise the powers and perform the 'duties as provided by general law. Initially, two 23 members shall be appointed for four-year terms, two members for three-year terms, and 24 one member for atwo-year term. 25 Chapter 12. 26 Department of Pubtic Health. 27 § 12.1. Composition.-The department of public health shall consist of the director of 28 public health and such other officers and employees organized into such units as may be 29 provided by the orders of the director consistent therewith. 30 § 12.2. Functions. The department of public health shall be responsible for the exercise 31 of all health functions imposed on counties and cities by general law and such other 32 powers and duties as may be assigned by the board of commissioners. 33 § 12.3. Director of pubtic health. The head of the department of public health shall be 34 the director of public health, who shall be a physican licensed to practice medicine in the 35 Commonwealth. The director shall have general management and control of the several 36 units of the department and shall have all the powers and duties with respect to the 37 preservation of the public health which are conferred or imposed on health officers by the 38 laws of the Commonwealth. 39 Chapter 13. 40 Department of Social Services. 41 § 13.1. Composition.-The department of social services shall consist of the director of 42 social services, a social services board, and such officers and employees organized in such 43 units as may be provided by the order of the director consistent therewith. 44 § 13.2. Functions.-The department of social services shall be responsible for the duties 45 imposed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia relating to public assistance and 46 relief of the poor and such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the board of 47 commissioners or the social services board. 48 § 13.3. Director of social services.-The head of the department shall be the director of 49 social services, who shall be appointed by the manager and who shall be the local board 50 of social services. The director shall have general management and control of the divisions 51 of the department, subject to the supervision of the manager and to such rules, 52 regulations and orders as the manager may prescribe. 53 Chapter 14. 54 Department of Education. I-fang i n~ Rork Ahec~ Ta.x~a.ye~s l.ea9~~' i s Fi ht i 11~ ~ a~'»sT Conso/~'o~artl~oh lviYh Roahakc Cary ~fG_~ : Ne matzo that ~thsy Gla~.irri, ~onsolidatieh Cists !9'101 ~ The worst thing about Metro is that the new government can and will issue GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS for all kinds of projects WITHOUT A VOTE by taxpayers. Elected officials are currently controlled by downtown Roanoke interests, and will continue to be controlled by downtown interests under the new Metro government, at the expense of the rest of the citizens. No matter how the election districts are drawn, the interests of both City and County citizens can be either ignored or outvoted by a handful of arrogant politicians who think they know what is "best" for us, and without a vote by taxpayers! Roanoke County cannot now issue General Obliga- tion Bonds without voter's approval, but the new RMG will! Over strong objections by City citizens, the old A&P building on Market Square (now an antique mall), and the Hunter viaduct will be destroyed so that Faison's Office Tower can be built. Six floors of parking space in Faison's tower will cost taxpayers $11.4 million dollars, and the other city-owned parking garage is losing taxpayers money. City citizens were adamantly opposed to this plan, but some were afraid to speak out against it because they were afraid they would lose their jobs with downtown businesses. Do the rest of us want this kind of coercion to affect the exercise of our democratic rights? City council had a secret agreement with the developer and voted for the Faison plan, even though it increases traffic congestion and is against the interests and wishes of City citizens. The City also has plans for a new Civic Center, Conven- tion Center and other downtown projects at taxpayers expense, and under the new RMG governement these can be financed with General Obligation Bonds WITHOUT A VOTE BY CITIZENS! It appears that the news media, downtown Roanoke Businessmen, and most of our elected officials are unamiously in favor of Consolidation, that they have taken this position based on inaccurate, unsupportable information, and that opposing views are not given "equal time". 1) Regarding two governments combined to make one large "Metro" government, Urban Economics, (4th edition), by Mills and Hamilton; The Fiscal Impact of Consolidation (June 1987) by Thomas Muller, Ph.D.; and many other professional studies have shown that: a) The distribution (allocation) of dollars spent by local government is completely diffe- rent in larger versus smaller cities, and in suburbs versus the central city. b) In localities of around 50,000 population and up, expenditure per inhabitant (per capita) generally rises as population rises. c) In other words, bigger is not always better or more efficient. These studies show that combining governments into an area of over 50,000 in population has resulted in higher expenditures per capita, and in addition, cost of services to citizens went up not down shortly after combining governments. The financial disadvantages to taxpayers in both Roanoke City and Roanoke County as the result of consolidating into one large "Metro" government, have not been acknowledged by either the City or County, nor has the higher cost of a "Metro" government been made public. OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS AND THE NEWS MEDIA HAVE A DUTY AND AN OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE TAXPAYERS WITH A FULL, HONEST EXPLANATION CONCERNING THE HIGHER COST OF CONSOLIDATING INTO A METRO GOVERNMENT. (ove n NEEDS YOU YOU NEED CAM (Citizens Against Merger), is a totally bipartisan group of responsible, concerned Roanoke County Civic Leaders who are dedicated to stopping the takeover of the County by Roanoke City. We need the help and financial support of every citizen in the county in order to counter the powerful pro- consolidation group financed mainly by a few city businessmen. CAM workers will be meeting with groups and private citizens across the county in the months ahead to inform them about the many disadvantages of con- solidation. For county citizens, it's a no win situation! CAM needs your support, both financial and personal. For additional information write CAM, P.O. Box 7744, Roanoke, VA 24019 or call 977-1058 IMPORTANT CONSOLIDATION INFORMATION The management styles, governing laws. and school policies of Roanoke County and Roanoke City are totally different. They will never mesh well. With the Roanoke Metropoitan Government (RMG) dominated by city interests, you know the city will have control and we'll pay the bills. $$$$$$$$$$$$ Bigger isn't better. Research and statistics prove that smaller governments are more sensitive to their citizens and much less expensive to operate. Bigger isn't better, in fact it's worse, much worse! $$$$$$$$$ In 1989, the Virginia Department of Transportation spent over $5 million on Roanoke County roads. Under RMG we'll pay that $5 million along with the cost of road equipment to do the job. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Over please - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What is your biggest concern regarding the proposed consolidation?_ Do you believe taxes will be lower ( ) higher ( ) under consolidation? Will you write letters to the editor of a local newspaper giving your opinion on consolidation? yes ( ) no ( ). How would you be most able to help CAM?_ . ~ - ~ ~' CITY OF ROANOKE ~ ~ ~ ~`~ ` ~ ~ -; = DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '~ 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 461 •. ~~ P. O. Drawer 1220 ., ~ ` Roanoke, Virginia 24006-1220 L .. . lOEI M.SCHLANGER Director of Finance February 15, 1990 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke, Virginia P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA. 24018 Dear Elmer: Telephone: (703)981-2821 Telecopier: (703)981-2940 Your assumptions, as stated in your letter of January 11, 1990, are correct. • City of Roanoke Pension Plan will be the successor pension plan for the RMG, • City of Roanoke Pension Plan vesting period will be changed from 10 years to 5 years, and, • No assets or liabilities will be transferred from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System to the RMG Pension Plan unless we can work out some agreement with VSRS. (Which I doubt). I will respond to each of your proposed scenarios. Scenario #1: The RMG pension plan be structured to allow a "one time magic date" so that all employees of RMG as of July 1, 1993 would be immediately vested without assicrnin any prior service credits. This concept would be similar to the open enrollment process of implementing a new health insurance contract, wherein pre-existing conditions and normal waiting periods would be waived for initial sign-up purposes. Afterwards, all new hires would go through the normal sign-on procedures. This scenario would encourage all employees of RMG to choose the RMG pension plan with the ultimate retirement Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Page 2 February 15, 1990 benefit being paid based on service to RMG. For employees who have previously participated under VSRS, their service credits would be capped, as of June 30, 1993. Again, participation under any pension plan would be under a one time employee option. This scenario, without the immediate vesting provision, appears reasonable and a program to discuss the option with all County of Roanoke employees should be accomplished within the first three months prior to the initial consolidation date (July 1, 1993). A specific "one time magic date" (e.g. July 1, 1993) would be established and all County of Roanoke employees signing an election form on or before the magic date would begin to accrue creditable service in the RMG pension plan. Any employee that did not complete an election form would continue to accrue benefits in the VSRS Plan. I would recommend specific language in the election form to prohibit any employee from being allowed to retire under the VSRS plan and begin accruing benefits under the RMG plan. This scenario would only be beneficial to County employees with limited creditable service under the VSRS plan. Employees would make an irrevocable election to transfer to the RMG pension plan with no prior service credit. The immediate vesting provision for ALL RMG employees would have to be costed out before a recommendation could be considered. Scenario #2: Establish a provision within the RMG pension plan, which would allow employees of RMG who have previously served as employees of the County of Roanoke or City of Roanoke and have participated under VSRS, to continue their participation in VSRS and to allow the RMG pension plan to supplement the benefit for periods of service to the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, or RMG to the same level as those provided to employees who initially participate under the RMG pension plan. For persons who have already been vested under VSRS, there is currently little incentive to work an additional five years to be vested under the RMG pension plan, however, the perceived level of benefit (2% versus 1.650 or 1.50) is perceived to be significantly different. The State Code of Virginia requires that all employees (City and County) be provided the right to continue under the VSRS plan. To provide supplements for prior service under the VSRS plan for City employees would create an accrued liability to the RMG pension plan that would not be required. To provide a supplemental benefit (windfall) to County employees would also create an accrued liability to the RMG pension plan that would not be required. Your assumption that there would be no incentive to work an additional five years to be vested under the RMG pension plan would be mute if the employee elected to remain under the VSRS plan. County and City employees under the VSRS plan would have the same incentive as they have now -- increase Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Page 3 February 15, 1990 creditable service and average final compensation. As these two items increase, so does the retirement benefit. County and City employees covered by the VSRS plan have a benefit that is not available to employees covered by the RMG pension plan -- portability. This benefit provides an opportunity to relocate to most other governmental agencies in Virginia with no loss in creditable service under the VSRS pension plan. The most important factor here is that NO employee -- either those that elect to stay in VSRS or any existing City employee -- would lose any benefit they currently have. Scenario #3: Allow the immediate vesting provision suggested in scenario #1 and the supplement suggested in scenario #2 for periods of time of service to the City of Roanoke or County of Roanoke with participation under VSRS to equalize the potential benefits to all RMG employees. This would create an additional accrued liability in the RMG pension plan that is not warranted for a successful consolidation. The probability of the VSRS Pension Plan versus the increased benefits of the City of Roanoke Pension Plan provide employees of VSRS (both County and City) with alternatives to make a decision that would best suit their personal situation. I will now respond to each of your ten questions. 1. For employees who choose to participate in the RMG pension plan, how will the ultimate benefit be determined, particularly with the early retirement provision for an .employee with some previous service credits through VSRS or some other plan? For example, the employee may have ten years of credit through VSRS and twenty years of service to RMG and be 55 years old. Will this employee be qualified for retirement at age 55 with 30 years of service and how would the benefit be calculated? Employees that elect to remain under the VSRS pension plan would have their benefits calculated under the provisions of the VSRS which would include all service accrued under that system. Employees that elect to transfer or are required to remain under the RMG pension plan would have their benefits calculated under the provisions of the RMG pension plan which would be based upon all service accrued under that system. Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Page 4 February 15, 1990 2. Will the RMG pension plan allow the purchase of prior service credits? If so, at what rate would the purchase be allowed and will there be any caps on this purchase provision? This provision could be provided under the RMG pension plan. The amount of prior service credit and the cost would be calculated by an actuary. It would be similar to the prior service credit provided under the VSRS plan. Most likely employees would prefer to acquire the additional retirement benefits through Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) or deferred compensation plans -- but we could provide purchase of prior service. 3. For a vested employee who leaves the RMG pension plan prior to retirement, will the employee receive this settlement as a retirement benefit? Also, will there be any interest paid on this benefit (currently under VSRS, the employee share can be withdrawn by the employee with 4$ earnings on this money)? The employee would be required to receive a monthly retirement benefit based upon eligibility criterion. The RMG pension plan does not require any employee contributions. All retirement contributions to the pension trust are the responsibility of the employer. 4. What are the plans for the guaranteed COLA feature similar to the one currently provided under VSRS? It would be my recommendation to continue the AD HOC adjustments with the approval by the Board of Commissioners. The additional cost of providing this benefit would be significant. The VSRS plan currently does not actuarially fund the guaranteed COLA -- thus greatly adding to their unfunded accrued liability. 5. What provisions are planned for fire and police employees (age of eligibility for early retirement, years of service credit required and method of calculation of benefit)? No change of current provisions are currently planned for fire fighters and police officers. Current full-time police officers and fire fighters are provided normal retirement benefits at the attained age of 50 and 25 years of creditable service. All other employees are required to have 30 years of creditable service and the attained age of 55 for normal retirement benefits. Mr. Elmer Page 5 February C. Hodge 15, 1990 6. What will be the eligibility requirements for participation under the RMG pension plan by elected positions (Board of Commissioners)? What will be their vesting period and means of participation? Each elected commissioner will be considered an active member of the RMG pension plan and be required to meet existing eligibility criterion. The vesting period would be five years. 7. Please compare the current disability retirement provisions between the City of Roanoke's pension plan and VSRS and define the proposed structure for the RMG pension plan. WORK RELATED DISABILITY (OCCUPATIONAL) CITY OF ROANOKE Under Age 55 2 / 3 of average final compensation Payable from: Workers Compensation City Retirement REGULAR DISABILITY (NON-OCCUPATIONAL) 5 Years of Service Under age 55 VSRS Under Age 60 2/3 of average final compensation Payable from: Workers Compensation VSRS Retirement 1/2 Social Security Benefit Not Applicable Not Applicable Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Page 6 February 15, 1990 CITY OF ROANOKE REGULAR DISABILITY (NON-OCCUPATIONAL) (continued) 2°s times creditable service times average final compensation VSRS Less than 5 years 50~ of average final compensation minus 64g of Social Security Benefit OR More than 5 years Standard VSRS Benefit Formula * (If greater) * Before age 60 service increased by the lessor of twice actual credited service, or number of years between current age at retirement and age 60. The proposed structure in RMG would be based upon general provisions of the City of Roanoke Pension Plan. If the regular disability benefit is enhanced, I would strongly recommend a more stringent pre-employment physical. The awarding of a disability benefit is based solely on medical information obtained at retirement date. 8. It is our understanding that currently an employee who begins service with the City of Roanoke, aged 60 or above, would not be eligible in the City of Roanoke pension plan. Also, it is our understanding that service credit does not count beyond age 70 (mandatory retirement age). It has been suggested that these features need to be reviewed for the RMG pension plan and discussed in this response. Federal law currently requires that any employee, regardless of age, that is employed and has 5 or more years of creditable service is entitled to retirement benefits. The City Pension Plan is in compliance with Federal Law. A11 service credit is applicable up to the maximum 60°s factor that is multiplied times average final compensation. There is currently no mandatory retirement age, except for Police Officers and Fire Fighters which is age 70. These current features will be applicable to the RMG Pension Plan. Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Page 7 February 15, 1990 9. What provision is being made for school employees who currently have benefits under VSRS? School Employees will continue under the VSR5 Pension Plan. All school employees statewide are considered as one unit under the VSRS Pension Plan. The City of Roanoke Sheriff's employees and the County of Roanoke employees are considered as distinct units within the VSRS system. 10. It would be appreciated if several scenarios could be calculated reflecting the proposed retirement benefit under the RMG pension plan and comparing these scenarios to the current City of Roanoke pension plan and VSRS (see attachment). The examples you have requested are calculated and attached for your review. It is interesting to note that "most" of the calculations you requested were already provided to you by the Foster Higgins Study. Also the questions you asked were all negotiating points proposed by Foster Higgins. You indicated your desire to have our actuary meet with your Department Managers. After speaking with our actuary, he feels this would not be in the best interest of his firm since they are employed by the City of Roanoke. In fact, he has never met with City of Roanoke employees other than myself and members of our Board of Trustees. After giving this much thought, I concur with his view. I am very concerned that in a group meeting such as the one you have suggested, some individuals in that type of setting may assume that certain implied promises were made. The most important factor for all County as well as City employees is the fact that no employee would lose any benefit he/she currently has -- and each County employee will have the chance to evaluate his/her personal situation to see if a change in Systems would be beneficial to them after weighing all the facts . I will be pleased to meet with you or your staff regarding this matter should you desire. Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Page 8 February 15, 1990 I trust this information is responsive to your requirements. Sincerely, Joe M. Schlanger Director of Finance JMS/pac Attachment cc: Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Howard C. Musser Bob L. Johnson Harry C. Nickens W. Robert Herbert Wilburn C. Dibling Paul M. Mahoney -r,,, ref G ~T~ SAMPLE RETIREMENT DATA Assumed Retirement Date of January 1, 1990. Spouse assumed 3 pears younger. I. SERVICE RETIREMENT CITY A, Age: 55 Life: $33,000 Birthdate: 05/01/34 50~: 29,238 Average Final Campensation: $55,000 100: 25,344 Years of Service: 30 g, Age; 55 Life: $10,200 Birthdate: 05/01/34 50$: 9,037 Average Final Compensation: $17,000 100: 7,833 Years of Service: 30 C. Age; 65 Life: 6,800 Birthdate: 05/01/24 50~: 6,025 Average Final Compensation: $17,000 100$: 5,222 Years of Service: 20 p, ~; 65 Life: 22,000 Birthdate: 05/01/24 50$: 19,492 Average Final Compensation: $55,000 100$: 16,8% Years of Service: 20 E. Age: Birthdate: Average Final Compensation: Years of Service: II. DISABII.]:TY RETIREMEtiT A. Age: Birthdate: Average Final Compensation: Years of Service: III. JOB RELATED DISABILITY RETIREMEN'P A. Age: Birthdate: Average Final Compensation: Years of Service: IV. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/FIREFIGHTER A. Age: Birthdate: Average Final Compensation: Years of Service: B. Age: Birthdate: Average Final Compensation: Years of Service: 65 Life: 2,380 05/01/24 50~: 2,109 $17,000 100: 1,828 7 vsRS RMG $26,631 Current agreement 23,089 states the 20,399 benefits would be same as the City of Roanoke Pension 7,821 Plan, subject to 6,780 change by the Board 5,991 of Commissioners. 5,214 4,520 3,994 17,754 15,393 13,600 1,825 1,582 1,398 45 Life: 5,100 8,500 05/01/44 50~: 4,519 6,417 $17,000 100$: 3,917 N/A 15 45 Life: 11,333-w/c 11,333-w/c-1/2 SS 05/01/44 50$: 10,041-w/c 8,556-w/c-1/2 SS $17,000 100: 8,703-w/c N/A 15 65 Life: 13,200 10,2%* 05/01/24 50~: 11,695 8,927* $22,000 100: 10,138 7,887* 30 55 Life: 13,200 13,380* 05/01/34 $~.~ 30 *These benefits scheduled to change, effective July 1, 1990, House Bill 1477. (Special Benefits for Public Safety Employees).