HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/12/1990 - RegularAN t '~ 2 Ar' ~unf ~f ~ ,a~n~ ~ ~a ~~ ~ESOlIICENTEM~~'~ . e..wrw,e~~~~ ROANORE COONTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JIINE 12, 1990 u~.u~nu cm 1 ~•9.8~9 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at~7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE A POBLIC HEARING AT THIS AFTERNOON'S SESSION. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.K.) 1. Roll Call. HCN ABSENT AT 3:05 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Fleet Powell Colonial Presbyterian Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQOESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMB. LBE ADDED ITEM E-5, PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLIITIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Recognition of Timothy Gubala for being certified as an Industrial/Economic Developer. TIM GIIBALA PRESENT 2. Recognition of Iris Groff for receiving the 1 ACTION N0. r ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Iris ,.Groff for Receiving the Meritorious Service Award from the State Department of Social Services COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• On May 23, 1990, Larry D. Jackson, Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Social Services, presented to Iris S. Groff, Supervisor of Family and Children's Services for the County of Roanoke's Department of Social Service, the State's Meritorious Service Award. Ms. Groff was nominated by several of the professionals who she has trained over the past 24 years. Ms. Groff is very much a child advocate and a strong supporter of children and family services and she continues to provide unmeasured benefit to Roanoke County, the community and the Human Service Agencies with which she has become involved. The certificate from the State reads as follows: "From the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Social Services, Office of the Commissioner, Meritorious Service Award, presented to Iris S. Groff. Unselfish dedication marks the 24 year social service career of Iris S. Groff, Supervisor of Family and Children's Services for the Roanoke County Department of Social Services. Mrs. Groff has supervised and trained 23 social workers during her tenure at Roanoke County, representing a myriad of programs, including protective services, ADC services, employment services, custody investigations, day care and parent programs. Some of the social workers she had trained have gone on to supervisory positions themselves. All have Iris to thank for learning the rewards of social service. A life-long child advocate and strong supporter of children's services, Mrs. Groff helped to develop and participate in the first multi-disciplinary team in the Roanoke Valley area for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. A tireless volunteer, Mrs. Groff's time and energy have always been available to any agency, organization, fund-raising project or colleague. For the devotion of her entire career to the improvement of ~' -.~" social service programs, and the dignity she accords clients and co-workers alike, Iris S. Groff is presented with a Meritorious Service Award from the Virginia Department of Social Services." Signed: Larry D. Jackson, Commissioner, May 23, 1990. Mrs . Groff and a eawardu for acknowledgement) bysthel Board lof be present with th Supervisors. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION• Respectfully submitted, Approv~d by, '~~ ,~j ~ John M. Chambliss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Assistant Administrator _ -------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: dd Denied ( ) E y Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred ( ) Nickens To ( ) Robers ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -- l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on Spring Hollow Reservoir and request for authorization to proceed with rate and feasibility study. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During the budget work sessions, the Board instructed staff to prepare a plan for the financing of the Spring Hollow Water Project. Staff has worked closely with the engineering firm of Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern and the financial advisor, Wheat, First Securities, Inc., to prepare this plan. Representatives of both firms will participate, along with County staff, in the work session on June 12« Additional information will be available for the Board's review at that time. tj /y r.~. f -~t-~.~e.~. 1 ~r'~'~'^ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Action Number A-61290-1 Item Number D-1 AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Proceed with the Spring Hollow Water Project COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During the budget work sessions, the Board instructed staff to prepare a plan for the financing of the Spring Hollow Water Project. Staff has worked closely with the engineering firm of Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern and the financial advisor, Wheat, First Securities, Inc., to prepare this plan. Representatives of both firms will participate, along with County staff, in the work session on June 12. The Project is engineeringly sound and financially feasible, and staff recommends proceeding with the entire Project at this time. THE PROJECT' Most of our previous discussions have centered around the reservoir itself, with the addition of a treatment plant and distribution system at a later time. Based on favorable engineering reports, staff now recommends proceeding with the Project in its entirety. The Spring Hollow Water Project consists of the following components: 23 MGD reservoir $, 33.0 million 8 MGD treatment plant 9.0 million Transmission/distribution system 6.5 million Additional costs 5.0 million $ 53.5 million Using the new roller-compacted concrete dam, construction of the reservoir can be completed on a faster schedule. FINANCING' A report will be presented at the Board Meeting which was prepared by Wheat, First Securities showing that the County is in a strong position to issue bonds for this project. Existing debt is low, and the Board has done much to establish sound financial policies and a stable fund balance. -2- Existing bonds are rated Aa/AA, which is only one step from the coveted Aaa/AAA rating. The report from Wheat, First Securities shows that there is a variety of financing alternatives available. After a review of all alternatives, the County can structure the debt issue in the most advantageous way. Based upon preliminary scenarios, the annual debt service for the first year could range from $2.8 million to $4.7 million, depending upon the method selected. The new debt service could be covered by-a combination of transfers from the General Fund, new growth, and increases in connection fees and rates. For information purposes, the County can generate an additional $1.8 million annually by increasing utility taxes to the level of those in Roanoke City. By using County water rather than purchasing water, we can avoid a portion of the $360,000 annual surcharge now being paid to Roanoke City and Salem. Wheat, First Securities, Inc. recommends that an independent rate study be conducted to determine the best combination of fee and rate adjust- ments. Staff prefers to withhold a recommendation for increases until October when this analysis has been completed. UTILITY RATES AND CONNECTION FEES: Several Board members have expressed an interest in discussing the current utility connection fees. Staff is prepared to do so on June 12 if the Board wishes. Some increases in the fees will be required to fund the project. I prefer not to make any changes in fees or rates until the consultant completes the Rate Study. If there are some objectives that the Board wishes to incorporate into the rate study, we should agree on them at the work session. SCHEDULE- Attachment 2 is a proposed schedule prepared by the staff; Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern; and Wheat, First Securities, Inc; It is an aggressive but realistic schedule, considering the complexity of the issues. Please note that bonds will be sold late in April, 1991, and. construction can begin in that same time period. RECOMMENDATIONS: At this time, I recommend that Roanoke County proceed with the funding and construction of the Spring Hollow Water Project according to the schedule in Attachment 2. To do so, the Board needs to recognize that it will be necessary to revise utility rates and fees following the completion of a Rates and Feasibility Study in October, 1990. Permission is requested to: [1] Hire a Rate and Feasibility Consultant. An appropriation will be required in July, after proposals are received. -3- [2] Proceed with preparation of other documents necessary to sell bonds. [3] Proceed with preparation of the required Capital Improvement Program to coincide with the rate study and issuance of bonds. This is one of the most important projects in the future of the County and the entire Valley. The Board is to be commended on its foresight and perseverance. Your continued support will be greatly appreciated. SUBMITTED BY: t~'t/ Elmer C. Hodge Roanoke County Adm ohn Hubbard Assistant County Adm A C T I O N Approved (x) Motion Denied ( ) Bob L. Received ( ) rp ocee Ref erred s tudy to V O T E by; Robers Johnson moved to approve McGraw ding wit rate an ease ilit~ddy Johnson Nickens cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Yes No Abseni x x x x x ATTACHMENT 1 County of Roanoke, Virginia spring Hollow Water Project Proposed Debt Structure The County has obtained voter approval for issuing approximately $15 million of General Obligation Bonds to fund a portion of this Project. An additional $40 million will be needed to fully fund the Project, as presently designed. It is recommended that the County pursue the following financing options in determining the most efficient overall financing plan for the Spring Hollow Water Project. This recommendation is based on information which has been reviewed to date and which will be refined and changed, as needed, based on the results of the study to be conducted by the Rate and Feasibility Consultant. [1] Issue $15 million of General Obligation Bonds to support the Spring Hollow Water Project. Those Bonds should be rated as Aa/AA, reflecting the overall credit strength of the County. It is not recommended at this time that the County seek Municipal Bond Insurance on this portion of the Debt. [2] Issue $40 million of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to support the Spring Hollow Water Project. Those Bonds, assuming adequate rate coverage, should be rated as an A/A obligation. It is recommended that the County pursue Municipal Bond Insurance for this issue while continuing to pursue the VRA as a possible financing vehicle. [3J The Revenue Bonds will receive a gross pledge of the Water and Sewer Revenues, and the payment of the Debt Service on those Bonds will come ahead of the payment on Debt Service from the previously issued General Obligation Bonds. [4] The County should establish adequate water and sewage rates which would be sufficient to pay all operation and maintenance expenses and all Debt Service costs on the Revenue Bonds and General Obligation Bonds. To assist the County in. establishing those rates, it is recommended that a Rate and Feasibility Consultant be retained to review the ability of the County to support its existing debt, this proposed debt issuance, and to support all future CIP projects. [5] The County would issue Revenue Bonds sufficient to fully fund a Debt Service Reserve Fund. In addition, the County should agree to replenish any drawdowns on this Reserve Fund within six months of the draw. That replenishment would be subject to annual appropriation by the Board of Supervisors. ATTACHMENT 2 Suggested Financing Timetable June 12, 1990 Participants BS Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CS Roanoke County Staff CE Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern (Consulting Engineer) FA Wheat, First Securities, Inc. (Financial Advisor) BC McGuire Woods Battle & Boothe (Bond Counsel and General FC Rate and Feasibility Consultant (to be named) UW Underwriter (to be named) UC Underwriter's Counsel TR Trustee (to be named) ounsel) Date Event Participants 6/12/90 Briefing meeting for County Supervisors All Parties 6/18/90 Continue discussion with VRA on financing FA, CS 6/22/90 Issue Request for Proposals for Rate and Feasibility Consultants FA, CS 7/10/90 Rate and Feasibility Consultant proposals due FA, CS 7/16/90 Rate and Feasibility Consultant selected CS, BS Present proposed financing plan to County Administrator for review Week of Working Group meeting with Rate and Feasibility FA, CS, 7/23/90 Consultant to begin their independent evaluation CE, BC 10/90 Board meeting to include an update on the Project and approval of Request for Proposal for Underwriters 11/1/90 Issue Request for Proposal for Underwriters FA, CS 11/15/90 Underwriters proposals due to County --' 11/30/90 Select underwriting team CS, BS Month of 1] Draft Feasibility Study for financing in 12/90 circulation for review FC -2- 2] Initiate development of bond documents BC 3] Continue discussions with bond insurers; BC, CS, arrange meetings in Roanoke County FA, UW 4] Continue discussion with VRA (as necessary) CS 5] Initiate discussions with rating agencies CS, FA, if applicable UW 6] Adopt Capital Improvements Plan 1/91 Board meeting to include a progress report on the financing structure and discussion of preliminary findings on the Feasibility Study and ramifications on the current and proposed rates Authorize request for construction bids Month of Working Group meetings to assemble necessary All Parties 2/91 documentation for Bond Sale 2/91 & Selected Events: 3/91 1] Finalize Feasibility Study FC 2] Submit draft of bond documents to appropriate BC, UC financial parties (e.g., bond insurers, rating agencies, VRA) 3] Select ancillary parties to the transaction BS, FA, (e.g., bond trustee) 3/15/91 Receipt of construction bids 4/9/91 Tentative Bond Sale CS, FA, UW 4/91 Board meeting to authorize the entering into CS, FA, UW of a Bond Purchase Agreement Week of (Tentative) Close on the transaction; location All Parties 4/23/91 to be determined ACTION # A-61290-2 ITEM NUMBER ~ ' ~ AT A REGGLARA HELDNAT THEHROANO D COUNTYEADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIR MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Funding Allocation for Utility Capital Projects COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS/: n BACKGROUND' The Utility Department Capital Improvement Program was adopted as part of the 1986/1991 County Capital Improvement Plan. Funds are allotted from the water and sewer funded Depreciation Fund to cover the costs of the program. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Water - Funded Depreciation The following water pro Board a compl to list uofythencurrent are included to provide the projects . Sugarloaf Farms Geiser Road-Grander Wendover Drive Western Hills Woodland Drive Buck Mt./Upland Game (Tanglewood Pump Sta.) Previously Funded Total $114,500 26,000 52,000 48,000 46,000 70.000 $356~50~ The following water projects need to be added to the above list and allocation made to provide funding: VDOT Road Projects (Adjust/relocate lines) $ 40,000 50.000 Highfields Subdivision 90 000 Total Added From Current Fund -~ / Sanitary Sewer - Funded Depreciation All currently funded sanitary sewer projects have been completed or are under construction. The following list of sanitary sewer replacement projects included in the Capital Improvement Program require funds to be allocated in the priority listed: Grandin Road Sewer $ 40,000 Barrens Road Sewer 85,000 State Route 11-North 30,000 I81/Richfield 90,000 VDOT Highway Project-Replace 50,000 200.000 Replacement with SSE/R Program Total Funded by Funded Depreciation 495 000 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve funding for the above projects from the funds indicated and in the priority listed for each fund. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~ Cliffo raig, P.E Elmer C. Hodg Utility Director County Administrator Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ACTION Motion by: °^ti- T TnhnG~n to P funding Eddy approv Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers cc: File Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget VOTE No Yes Abs ent ~_ x x x tE#i(pt~IFr tY~p == " ~y, '~'~'~4!Kgxt~o ~ v ~7n w.:,~ "-°__.~` ~'~r~:.1 ~airti r 1loDy .-. _~ Yom' ! v~~y~~17~ p t J"'_~~«lli(w`ilni~Eir1 ~tlffr 4 ~'4!I = .,_ ~~~c~ ~4 x5a?wa5~,~'a"~ ] i~oi 1.~• ~I ~q~ll~~~s~ ,~ 7 i! ~ 1 ~ O Ir ~ ,au '~ W/fd .~ Pj° ,'.419 _. ~ ~. 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COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANDIN RD SEWER/STORMWATER AND DBVELOPMENT ___.-~ «,.~v~ __. __...,.~`.. 671 - ~~ `w-„~. s o~\ ~ ~~ f BEAR \ A lt~~`~w`~iLE`~~ ~ ~~I ((( 3 \ 'cS 1 `'VF ~ y j~\~ A .~ ~ RICN uN ~' L ' ° ~ V~' /lpT LUIS ~Ly yrr~ft ~ p ~~ p ~~ ~ I~OVS~ILL ~,. ~~~ ~ , O ~ --. : ; ~ / ,~;.. mar ~ ~~. ~ \ / ~ exT t~'r: y \ 8D r:. \\\ ~~ axiLC rarvs ~~~ ~ ~~VICINITY MAP ~f X~T~ ~ ~-C P ,.. \ ~ +,~;nn i° NORTB m _ '~< - .. aD`'~ BE~y H^vc'ty ~ '-' O ~ °_ -9P y`~ "QD ~yh~'~~P `:o~'~r pw• ~ _ /+-~ -'.+ c L-~ {{~~r~~- /~-,~~ @p ago • •, fAN h ~f N ~~ ~~a~~ Wy~/~"~L~[~~ ~ ~ ~~r' ~ .~04o~'L 'l\~jJ.ERD ,V `.a~V- , `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~ / "~~ ~~.. CSC` w0 MNUGN ~. 0 J p0 ~' V ~~ r wwrw E >~=. d$~y ~ "~h ~ ~I 5 MMERDEAN 9 o•- Gy ~" ~. ~[~~ ~W_~G~ `~ cps \i O~SUNNYBAOOK ~~~ `~9° $`~l, ~~~ - -`VICINITY MAP NORTH ,,.., oJY! 24 I ~~ S 03 Ac ' 1 • +'o . r r 4 281 247 / Cwrnnow A 6J5 Ac MO! Y,Irro~vl //iMf1 :w.wd~ Ln//SAOn d MifLppry °~ aa~onn Ln„rcn u~; i° lsos P/0 2713-4-2 '~~ ~ 28.3 r~ +' , f ~I00 J ? '~ 28.4 ~~ l~ ` 4 9 ~! l l ` ~ `` 9 °jo ' rb ~ 29 ~ y 10 ~Jr ~ rr ~ 7II! ~OOAc ipO AC + ` O q r 1 1 / ~,yo. ' RounoA• Cowrry E +°~. S ' ` •BoorO o/ SuP•rrr•o+s 4 8 •o " ~ ~°f° ro ~ 2.52 Ac 2 b 12 ~ o • ~ 9.62 Ae o ~ °0 13 ~ r• 'hol 8 13 ~'O° h ~ , la ~, m 5 ~ s la ~,o • ob ~ ,+O ~ ~•~ r ~,-, rr 16 8 •6 f O 3 16 4 +•a P~~ r "' o r+ \ti 10 `~` PO ~` ~ ,?~ 17 i X23 •ti ~~`\1 20 •r ,~ 22 'J?O,•• 17 + O ~+.. P .~ ~ ` 9 ~r• Nofthmont „a:' +/ s•j6 s ~M ~ a f \ ~ ~~`~ 6+O+s+ yo rw fo /r ~~ / ~I \ Nor IA\ (loonoR• \ \\ o' •: e.rr s. •r 'a ~ \ Boonrl\CnurcA \ tS0 S ~~ a \ 4 •' \ •G=\ Np\~~n ~ ~ •• ~n+~ 31 30 ,t~ 5 28 0 \ D ~ ~ \ I ~'• l 8 r' 33 css s X00 'q ~ 'S \ \ \ 34 i ps• ~ ~ • 6 Z~ ~ ~ \ ~ 49 r z 35 fO°g D e yD (rceeK = 6A~29.1; '~s~r t~ 24 \ \\ ~~.~9AC. ~~ a / ~ ~ ~ \ .snip 64 `SI! A' ° /Pe`eFS. \~Z\ \p ,~S ~c r2S~' 261 c \\ \\48 Fip( vXop.~C p ' BARRENS RD SEWER COMMUNITY SBRVICBS AND DBVBLOPMBNT ACTION # A-61290-3 ITEM NUMBER ~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETINGT THEHROANO D COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Funding for Well Drilling COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~~ ~~ BACKGROUND' As part of the recon~me ttofnHighwaysehasuacquiredBArlington Ave.), the Virginia Depar Hills #2 well by eminent domain at a cost of $57,203. Their acquisition of Arlington Hills #2 well property encroaches within the required 50 foot radiu nbgills #4~ 1 d 1 An additionaleclaim permit to operate Arlingto will be made to the Virgin wh D h Was drilled in 1988 at a cost of of Arlington Hills #4 well $50,657. The combined production of both wells is 140,000 gallons per day which would supply 350 equivalent residential units. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: It is necessary to drill additional wells at this time in order to replace the production lost by the Arlington Hills #2We11 #4 wells. It is pla Road and another well located on therrecently #1 off Crystal Creek acquired school property across Route 221 from Arlington Hills 2 and #4. The Starkey well wil io e er be used ent for the existing Starkey well #1, which can no g STAFF RECOMMENDATION : „(L~ received from the Virginia Staff recommends that the money Department of Highways for t drilling accou t to be nused toldrill placed in the existing well and develop additional wells. E-~ ~ . APPROVED: SUBMITTED BY: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ P.E. Elmer C. Hodge Clifford ~5. County Administrator Utility Director ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs ent Approved (x) Motion by: Richard W. RobersEddy x Denied ( ) to approve funding Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x to Robers x cc: File Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget ._. r MOM ,~11L1 H }[p rg.c \ C7 X ` \\_ ~ 0 725 ~r. '^ rt~~ "~ NORTH ~ ,~ ~I r ," 21 s r \ ~\` 1 +• ~ i • l ' i .ro \ 907 '•.. ~ E ' b ~°' \ 19 3 4 r,SY~n, BoN/r~.nu ~ / uun w.pn S: nen ~ ~~. \ ~ Its ~ I \ - / I \\• ~ • ~ crnwr xrm some r` ` ~r' I ~ i // rote ow. \ / ~ zveormr ~~ ~ o \\ ~ t Q 7 \ ~ rltJ 90zJCrh1 ~•• \ n°z er Icr ~ A°ee ~ / ~ ~ ~ e ' < Iln ry ~ ~ ' 21 ~ ~ ~e.r srr,•a ~\ _ i2 4• 19 ~ 6 Y,J egsr ~" zssr ~ y \~ _ _ / ~ \ ~ n t 72 ' - ARCING N ~ ~ ~ b ,, ~~ PROPOSE WELL _ _ 2 -~_ 2 \ a • . 20.. / ry ~ / I ' • Bros j I ssns 4 B ~ ~ ! ~~ ., r z r ~ ~~ e ? ` r • ~~ e}r y~ ~ ~/ r+,r ~4~. 3 ro d•Az1 s}r 1 ~,~ • 1 9 d//~ 7 ° 1 1 ya' r 22 a ~ .b s o . ~I ~ ~°O.`°' ~ ~ ~r 27 = P i 4 !-~ / ~ 2s tr 19 ~'i ~ ! ~ ~ r f' a + z~ + 3 4 n 11 4; M y ° ~ I Y Ci°e °jr ZO 27 r ~ O 4•. 1 '-e° e S e J 19 eC°S ~. 00 Ij t .y. ~ u ~I' ~ r 11 . ~ . °7 •+b 11 17 ~ l`JJI ~ 12r o / 4, • ~ J ~ zoo Jr ?9 i ~ d n ~' ~, to e, /+ ~ : °: ?~ r ,F M / °I ~ L8~ ~ ' J ~ 1f ~, ~ ~~ ~ 9 1 y • ~4 2g • 6 y 19 t • S ~ r r.. 24 ~ 16 17 • 20 s t biz r ,~ p 17 5 's 21 ~° ~'' ~ +',1• ~' ¢q ~~ ~°~ % b,,a F ''° ARLINGTON HILLS WELLS COMMUNITY SERVICBS AND DgVBLOPMBNT F' ~ -` .~.-~ NORTH W ^ xo.ooo /~ ~ - ~ ' , (~--~ i SD Ac `p~, ~' ~~ sss9 - w~O°o \ `O~• ~. 991 \ ~e R ss~ ~ ~ ~? ~ ~ ~• ~ ~f T rA ~ 6.73 Ac as a 4 ~ ) :6 660 Ac \ \\~/ / X '1li97 ? 2 RCBS 9.83 Ac `` / a 3 J a)on~ $TARKEY WELL~I e Z.n,ic 369J S 3693 28.37 pc ID) 24464c fC) 9 6'~ ~ App • s O • ~ \\\\ I I \\ 8/~e `~ . ~-,-_ ~.~ I ~ -~ \--. COMMUNITY SERVICES sTARREY WELL ~ 1 SITE AND DEVBLOPMENT ACTION # A-61290-4 ITEM NUMBER '~ AT A REGULARAMEELDNATOTHEHROANOKE OOUNTYEADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGIN MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Addition of Projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~~ ~~~ .» e~,o1 c~~ . BACKGROUND Projects P-29 through P-55 were presented to and apphevBoabd the Board of Supervisors in November, 1989. Also, approved an additional appropriation of $180,000 to fund construction of ethcuerentJeprojectsngisheshowneninf1EXHIBITar"A"A status of thes PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS. ~3 ro ects P-56 through P-y2' and Staff is now submitting p j revised cost estimates for P-54 and P-55 for approval and inclusion to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List for as shown 91. The estimated cost of these projects is ,~~3b,00~~ on EXHIBIT "B", PROPOSED PROJECTS. The FY 1990-91 Drainage Maintenance Budget has approximately $150,000 available for maintenanofeFYand990o91tfundsonremaincfor Therefore an estimated ~r~D' additional projects identified during the year. ~ ~~, OOv SUMMARY OF INFORMATION EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS No additional funding is being requested. C' STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of these additional drainage projects for inclusion to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Phillip Henry, P.E. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Director of Engineering ________ --------------- --------------------- -- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Richard W. Robers No Yes Ab~nt to approve additional Eddy x Denied ( ) x Received ( ) projects with P-73, Cave Johnson x Referred ( ) Spring Lane, Estimated McGraw x To Cost $15,000, added Nickens x Robers cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering 2 ~-~ ERHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS STATUS OF PROJECTS PROJECT DATE APPROVED COMPLETE P-1 thru P-28 February, 1988 75$ P-29 thru P-55 November, 1989 56~ TOTAL PROJECTS COMPLETED .............36 (66a) 3 ~-3 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE (PRIORITIZED) p_1, g, W. Kessler Complete Cost: $2,500 6911 Goff Road Loman Road P-2. Penn Forest Christian Church Costlete $3,500 Penn Forest P-3. Russell E. Taylor Complete Cost: $40,000 2824 Emissary Drive Montclair P-4. Bob Hansel 4514 Hammond Lane Eton Hills P-5. Dot Eller 3611 McDaniel Drive Andrew Lewis Place P-6. George Warner 3934 Sandpiper Drive Penn Forest p-7, Harry Goin 8167 Hunter's Trail Belleview Estates P-8. N. J. Holbrook 314 Woodmere Drive Lindenwood P-9. J. D. Thompson 618 Landfair Drive Lindenwood P-10.Richard Smoot 1325 Vivian Avenue Dwight Hills P-11.Stan Barnhill 3333 Kingswood Drive Algoma Park P-12.George Coughenhour 3319 Overhill Trail Penn Forest P-13.Lawrence E. Horton 3510 Penn Forest Boulevard Penn Forest 4 Complete Cost: $25,000 Negotiating for easement Cost: $50,000 Complete Cost: $60,000 Complete Cost: $20,000 Complete $3,000 Cost: Complete $3,000 Cost: Complete $2 000 Cost: Complete $5,000 Cost: Under Contract $37,000 Cost: Under Contract $1,500 Cost: -.~ P-14.Gene Tuttle 5551 Ambassador Drive Montclair P-15.Richard Looney 7340 Barrens Road Barrens Road p-16.Norman Caldwell 2233 Ruritan Road La Bellevue P-17.David Crosswhite 5216 Burnt Quarter Drive Falling Creek Estates P-18.Bridle Lane Sugar Loaf Estates P-19.Watkins Sugar Loaf Mountain Road P-20.Jack Browning 2844 Embassy Drive p_21,W, p, Meador 5516 Lamplighter Drive P-22.Hugh Wells 3663 Chaparral Drive P-23.Cheryl Beach 5444 Lakedale Road P-24.Pauline Roberson 4314 Cresthill Drive P-25.George Billups 3558 Verona Trail P-26.Mrs. Charles H. Clum, Jr. 5041 Craun Lane P-27.Mrs. Vola Cockram 3549 Colony Lane P-28.Dennis Duff 5137 Waxmyrtle P-29.Nelms Lane St. Route #840 North County Complete Cost: $5,000 Complete Cost: $1,500 Ready for construction Cost: $5,000 Complete Cost: $2,000 Complete Cost: $2,000 Complete Cost: $1,500 Complete Cost: $5,000 Complete Cost: $1,000 Ready for Bid Cost $25,000 Complete $1,000 Cost: Estimated .Cost: $2,500 Complete Cost: $1,500 Complete Cost: $3,500 Complete Cost: $2,000 Ready for construction Cost: $3,500 Engineering and Surveying underway Estimated Cost: $61,000 5 ,~ ' J P-30.John D. Kelly 942 Starmount Avenue Starmount P-31.Lynn Kirk 4704 Whipplewood Drive Branderwood P-32.Bobby Joe Hogan 2814 Embassy Circle Montclair Estates P-33.Raymond Hodges 509 Palisades Drive Lindenwood P-34.Palm Valley/Sun Valley P-35.Dick Simpson 5332 Cave Spring Lane Nottingham Hills P-36.J. D. Porter 2745 Tanglewood Drive Meadowlark P-37.John Glovier 4620 Vest Drive Eton Hills p-38.Ron Callahan 5138 Springlawn Avenue Springlawn P-39.Kim Hagood 2938 Merino Drive Castle Rock Farms P-40.Thomas L. Wright 2737 Tully Drive Glen Cove p-41.William T. Andrews 5702 Pine Acres Lane Pine Acres P-42.Samuel Irvin 4124 Eagle Circle Penn Forest Complete $12,500 Cost: Complete $500 Cost: Estimated Cost: $20,000 Complete $10,000 Cost: Estimated Cost: $25,000 Complete $4,000 Cost: Estimated Cost: $1,500 Estimated Cost: $1,500 Complete $6,000 Cost: Complete $2,500 Cost: Complete $5,000 Cost: Complete $1,000 Cost: Complete $1,500 Cost: 6 P-43.David Smith 1446 Freeborn Circle Hamden Hills P-44.Donald Obenchain 3743 Colonial Avenue Colonial Heights P-45.Glen Unroe 4101 Arlington Hills Drive Arlington Hills P-46.Howard Boblett 5443 Chatsworth Drive Mount Vernon Forest P-47.Lawrence Morgan 4956 Wing Commander Drive Nichols Estates P-48.Walter E. Stokley 7887 Enon Drive North Burlington P-49.Ralph Horne 1112 East Drive Dillard Court P-50.John W. Vaughn 4443 Wyndale Avenue Wyndale P-51.Gary Smith 1160 Vivian Avenue Dwight Hills P-52.Steven Bratcher 5402 Green Meadow Road Farmington Lake P-53.John Eades 4306 Fontaine Drive Cresthill P-54.Richard Ferguson 5053 Balsam Drive Belle Meade P-55.Robert M. Bostian 5029 Sugar Loaf Mtn. Road Hidden Valley Court Complete Cost: $1,000 Estimated Cost: $500 Complete Cost: $500 Complete Cost: $1,500 Complete Cost: $2,000 Estimated Cost: $3,000 Estimated Cost: $1,500 Complete $1,500 Cost: Under Construction Estimated Cost: $5,000 Complete $500 Cost: Estimated Cost: .$6,000 Estimated Cost: $20,000 Engineering and Surveying Underway Estimated Cost: $50,000 7 ~-3 ERHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS P-54 Richard Ferguson Revision 5053 Balsam Drive Belle Meade (P-54) Description: Install storm sewer and drop inlet Estimated Additional Cost: $10,000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring P-55 Robert M. Bostian (P-55) Revision 5029 Sugar Loaf Mountain Road Hidden Valley Court Description: Storm sewer rehabilitation Estimated Additional Cost: $10,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills P-56 Shelton Shepherd 5417 Gieser Road Grander Park (RFA 90E517) Description: Install storm sewer and drop inlet Estimated Cost: $10,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills P-57 Robert Boyd (RFA 90E539) 2870 Carvins Cove Road Description: Install storm sewer and construct ditch Estimated Cost: $5,000 Magisterial District: Catawba P-58 Bill Murphey (RFA 90E540) 4223 Twin Mountains Circle Falling Creek Description: Construct ditch within drainage easement Estimated cost: $4,000 Magisterial District: Vinton 9 L~'~ P-59 Charles Wilkerson 6712 Greenway Driv-e North Hills (RFA 89E505) Description: Joint VDOT project - acquire easement, install pipe and ditch Estimated cost: $5,000 Magisterial District: Hollins P-60 Julia Kelly (RFA 89E440) 2634 Green Ridge Circle Montclair Estates Description: Replace drop inlet top Estimated cost: $1,500 Magisterial District: Catawba P-61 Ron Adams (RFA 89E508) 4937 Hunting Hills Drive Hunting Hills Description: Construct channel & stabilize pipe outlet Estimated cost: $3,500 Magisterial District: Cave Spring P-62 Harold Ayers (RFA 89E511) 341 Missimer Lane Crofton Description: Install energy dissipator & stabilize channel Estimated cost: $2,000 Magisterial District: Vinton P-63 Wallace Slusher (RFA 90E529) 2024 Wildwood Road Description: Extension of storm sewer Estimated cost: $7,500 Magisterial District: Catawba 10 E- ~ P-64 Ronald Martin 1442 Freeborn Circle (RFA 89E247) Hamden Hills Description: Storm sewer repair Estimated cost $2,000 Magisterial District: Vinton P-65 Derrick Hall 3460 South Park Circle (RFA 89E434) Southwoods Description: Repair concrete channel Estimated cost: $1,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills P-66 Paul Rotenberry 6522 Woodbrook Drive (RFA 89E466) Brookwood Description: Regrade 100' of ditch Estimated cost: $1,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills P-67 Geneva Witt 1156 Nover Avenue (RFA 89E497) Dwight Hills Description: Channel Improvements Estimated cost: $5,000 Magisterial District: Catawba P-68 Howard Ridgeway 5413 South Roselawn Road (RFA 89E514) Layman Lawn Description: Install rip-rap in drainage easement Estimated cost: $500 Magisterial District: Cave Spring 11 P-69 Art D. LaPrade 3041 Merino Drive (RFA 90E579) Castle Rock Description: Storm sewer rehabilitation Estimated cost: $4,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills P-70 Joe Thurston 4614 Hazel Drive (RFA 90E576) Eton Hill Description: Repair separated pipe Estimated cost: $1,000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring P-71 J. K. Findley (RFA 90E567) 4655 West River Road Wabun Description: Extension of pipe from R/W and easement acquisition (joint VDOT project) Estimated cost: $3,000 Magisterial District: Catawba P-72 Sarah Crosier (RFA 90E520) 3375 Kingswood Drive Algoma Park Description: Channel Improvements Estimated Cost: $45,000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring P-73 Charles Flora, Jr. (RFA 90E559) 5423 Cave Spring Lane Nottingham Hills Description: Storm Drain Construction Estimated Cost: $15,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills 12 ~~~ ~ j . ~~ ~- - ~~ ~~ , •-; HST. ~ ~ \ r,, ~ ~ VICINITY JKAP ~ E' NORTB COMMUNITl'SBRVICSS ~2~4A{,IILDW00DROAD AND DBVBLOPMBNT P-63 ACTION # A-61290-5 ITEM NUMBER ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE,COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Appropriation to VML/VACO for Assessment for Appalachian Power Negotiations COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: - ~ ~~~ .~ ~ , o 0 7 ~ `'~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The VML/VACO Appalachian Power Company Steering Committee has been established to negotiate a reduction in electric service charges to local governments for the period beginning July 1, 1990. To cover the expenses of the utility consultant, legal fees and other expenses associated with the negotiations, the Steering Committee proposed a $115,000 assessment. Each local government is asked to contribute a proportionate share based on the 1989 electricity units for its locality (exclusive of street lights). The amount that has been assessed for the County of Roanoke is $9,007. (~-. FISCAL IMPACT:~The $9,007 assessment will need to be appropriated from the unappropriated balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends making the necessary appropriation and forwarding the $9,007 to the VML/VACO Steering Committee. ~Ccy-r-~e- /~. ~''' Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator ACTION Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: StPVPn A Mn[,raw to a~ rnvP aGGPG~mPnt VOTE No Yes Abs ent Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ "'r J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Acquisition of Sanitary Sewer easement from Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones by Eminent Domain COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• BACKGROUND• At the December 19, 1989 Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board authorized staff to proceed with eminent domain to acquire a sanitary sewer easement from Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones. The easement is required in order to extend an existing sanitary sewer sub-main to the Valleypointe Phase II development. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Valleypointe Phase II sewer line required easements on nine properties. Eight of the easements have been obtained at a cost equal to 40$ of the assessed valuation of the easement area acquired. Our offer to purchase the required easement at 40$ of its full assessed value has not been accepted. The easement across the Jones' property is 1,032 feet and includes a permanent easement of 18,780 square feet and a temporary construction easement of 28,170 square feet. Although the entire easement is within the limits of the 100 year flood hazard zone, our offer was based on the average square foot value established by the assessment records. ~/-l SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION (continued: In addition to the $2,579 offer for the easement and the standard agreement concerning restoration, staff agreed to construct the manhole tops level to grade so as not to interfere with use of the land; staff agreed to reconstruct and/or grade the existing manhole tops level with the existing surface and to replace any field drain lines that may be disturbed by the sewer construction. The above-mentioned construction items are included on the construction sheets and the importance of these items were discussed with the contractor at the pre-construction conference. The above items were discussed directly with Mr. Jones on the site by the Utility Director, the Design Engineer and the Right- of-Way Acquisition Agent. Staff hired Commonwealth Appraisal Company to make an independent appraisal for the taking of this property. The appraisal report made by Mr. Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRPA, established a fair market value for the taking to be $4,748 based on preliminary plans which indicated the manhole tops to be one foot above finished grade. Upon review of the final plans, which provide for the top of the manholes to be flush with finished grade, Mr. Robertson issued a report dated April 20, 1990 establishing the value of the permanent easement, temporary construction easement and damage to residue to be $2,579.00. A written offer was made to Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones in the amount of $2,579 as part of the eminent domain process. This offer and the easement agreement is consistent with the method of establishing value used for all sanitary sewer easements acquired during the past four years by Roanoke County. Immediate right-of-entry is required in order to complete construction of the remaining portion of the Valleypointe Phase II Sewer Project . FISCAL IMPACT: $2,579 - Virginia Resources Bond Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that after the Public Hearing, the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution authorizing immediate right-of-entry to the property in order to construct the remaining portion of the Valleypointe Phase II sewer project, and thereafter proceed with condemnation. ~-l SUBMITTED BY: Clifford r ig, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: ~ r~~ ~~i Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO § 15.1-238(e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY IN CONNECTION WITH THE VALLEYPOINTE PHASE II PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project is one aspect of the overall economic development project for Valley- pointe Phase II, which involves the development of a mixed use business park in the vicinity of the southeast intersection of Interstate Routes 81 and 581 in Roanoke County, Virginia. 2. That in order to complete the sanitary sewer phase of the Valleypointe II Project, a certain easement is needed and more particularly described as follows: A perpetual RIGHT and EASEMENT, twenty feet (20') in width, to construct, install, improve, operate, inspect, use, maintain, and repair or replace a sanitary sewer system and related improvements, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto, upon, over, under, and across the tract or parcel of land belonging to Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones, husband and wife, acquired by deed dated November 22, 1944, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 317 , page 4 65 , and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 26.16-2-14. The location of said easement is shown and designated as "20' S.S. LINE EASEMENT" upon the plat, dated November 21, 1989, made by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, and filed in the office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. TOGETHER WITH a temporary construction easement of an additional seven and one-half feet (7 1/2') on either side of the permanent easement hereinabove described, totaling fifteen feet (15'), for use as a temporary work space and to allow for necessary grading during any phase !~' " 2 of construction, reconstruction, repair, or replacement of the sanitary sewer facilities or related improve- ments. The fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $2,579, such compensation and damages, if any, having been offered the property owners. 2. It is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take such property and commence said sanitary sewer construc- tion in order to complete Phase II of the Valleypointe Project and to thereafter institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to said sanitary sewer easement; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-238(e) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and pursuant to notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges and provisions of said § 15.1-238 (e) as to the vesting of powers in the County pursuant to § 33.1-119 through § 33.1-129 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, all as made and provided by law. METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~; ~F ~ S 8° 33~~ 4 ~. /o~ ati'a JESSE N. JONES ~ / . oo . / N i~o °° / `~~ ~, `~ c~~"~ _ h~ / West forks ~~--~ !~ /90 ~ ~o~ / r•= .~ ~-ate 276 MH.~'3 a 0 / 250 MH.,~2A ap, ~ /~/M"',r2 20~ S.S. LINE ~%~~ EASEMENT E It~sihq 1~ MH.II / ' / ig!~% ti~ g=~ 00 4;~ l~/ \~00. ~~p ~ . ooh ,~ ~m .6 ~ m ~6 N I.l°oOM S2.o'' W ~ ~ N t•IOW 71.0' p fM N 7°S6 E l2.0~ ~ M 22°23E 71.30~1~ Nss°31E zzoo~ VALLEYPOINTE PHASE IL TAX MAP N0. 26.16 - 2 - 14 ~~ SCALE ; I = 2 50 PLAN S:-iG,i_`i~ SA_.t="A:t: Sr,~:Z EAS3.`~,ii 3~=:f~ CJ'i/3Y:,7 '"J ROA:;Ji:G ~OJ_il~i 3l JESSE *I. JOB LS Prepared 8y; Roonok• County Engineer~nq Department Oate: II-21-8 _ ~_~ = APPEARANCE REQUEST = AGENDA ITEM NO. --~ - i -~ ~~~ ~ - ~~ suB~ECT ~s ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~s.- ~~~ ~ ~~ r - _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~isors to recognize me during the public hearin on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLS TO THE PODIUM, - I WILL GIVE MY NAME A - ND ADDRESS FOR THE = RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = LISTED BELOW. __ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will 'c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- bons of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FQR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION - FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT - THEM. - _ .PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK mlllllllllllliliilllliillllllllillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllillliilllllllllllllllll ACTION # ITEM NUMBER -~ " AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING AND READOPTING CHAPTER 16 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE AS CHAPTER 16A, PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• Currently Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code, "Precious Metals and Gems" has Sections 16-1 through 16-20 reserved. In the process of developing the ordinance to organize the county police department, these sections appeared to be the logical location to place the Police Department Ordinance. While some consideration was given to including the "Precious Metals and Gems" sections in with the Police Department sections, it was felt this might prove confusing as well as making the "Precious Metals" sections more difficult for citizens to find. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The current "Precious Metals and Gems" ordinance is an important tool for effective law enforcement in Roanoke County. Enforcement of this Chapter will now come under the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County Police Department. The necessary amendments to the current code sections have been made to achieve that objective. As no major problems appear to have arisen in the current enforcement of this ordinance, no substantive changes are being made at this time. The current code sections will stay the same; only the chapter number will change from 16 to 16A. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends adoption to these amendments to be ~-1 consistent with the new Police Department organization. Respectfully sub fitted, Jo eph B. Obenshain S for Assistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs ,~ -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND READOPTING CHAPTER 16 OF THE ROANO.KE COUNTY CODE AS CHAPTER 16A, PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to institute and establish a county police department by adopting a new Chapter 16, Police to the Roanoke County Code; and, WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors to continue in effect those provisions of the Roanoke County Code dealing with the regulation of dealers in precious metal and gems with the same section numbers as currently but under a new Chapter designated 16A, and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, currently Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted as Chapter 16A Precious Metals and Gems by amending and reenacting Sections 16-21 through 16-32 and Sections 16-41 through 16-48 to read and provide as follows: Chapter 16A PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS ARTICLE I. GENERALLY 1 Sec. 16-21. Definitions. ~°` l The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: "Coin" means any piece of gold, silver, or other metal fashioned into a prescribed shape, weight, and degree of fineness, stamped by authority of a government with certain marks and devices, and having a certain fixed value as money. ~~Dealer'~ means any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of purchasing secondhand precious metals or gems, removing in any manner precious metals or gems from manufactured articles not then owned by such person, firm, partnership or corporation, buying, acquiring or selling precious metals or gems removed from such manufactured articles. "Dealer" shall mean any employee or agent who makes any such purchase for or on behalf of his employer or principal. This definition shall not be construed so as to include persons engaged in the following: (1) Purchase of precious metal or gems directly from other dealers, manufacturers, or wholesalers for retail or wholesale inventories, provided the selling dealer has complied with the provisions of this Chapter. (2) Purchases of precious metals or gems from a duly qualified fiduciary who is disposing of the assets of the estate being administered by such fiduciary in the administration of an estate. (3) Acceptance by a retail merchant of trade-in merchandise 2 Z-/ previously sold by such retail merchant to the person presenting that merchandise for trade-in. (4) Repairing, restoring or designing jewelry by a retail merchant, if such activities are within his normal course of business. (5) Purchases of precious metals or gems by industrial refiners and manufacturers, insofar as such purchases are made directly from retail merchants, wholesalers, or dealers or by mail originating outside the Commonwealth of Virginia. (6) Persons regularly engaged in the business of purchasing and processing nonprecious scrap metals which incidentally may contain traces of precious metals recoverable as a by-product. ~~Gems~~ means precious or semiprecious stones customarily used in jewelry whether loose or in a setting. ~~Precious metals~~ means any item, except coins, composed in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum or platinum alloys. sec. 16-22. Violations of Chapter generally. Any person convicted of violating any provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for the first offense. Upon conviction of any subsequent offense, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. sec. 16-23. Chapter not applicable to sale or purchase of coins. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the sale or purchase of coins. sec. 16-23.1 Chapter not applicable to financial institutions. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any bank or 3 2 -/ branch thereof, trust company, or bank holding company,, or any wholly-owned subsidiary thereof, engaged in the business of buying and selling gold and silver bullion. Sec. 16-24. Waiver of Article provisions for certain exhibitions and shows. The Chief of Police °~~ may waive, by written notice, any provision of this Chapter, except Section 16-30, for particular numismatic, gem or antique exhibitions or craft shows sponsored by nonprofit organizations, provided the purpose of the exhibitions or shows is nonprofit in nature, notwithstanding the fact that there may be casual purchases and trades made at such exhibition or shows. ARTICLE II. DEALERS Sec. 16-25. Inspection of records required by Chapter and of articles listed in such records. Every dealer shall admit to his premises, during regular business hours, the Chief of Police or officers of the Police Department, the sheriff or his sworn deputies and any law- enforcement official of the state or federal governments, and shall permit such law-enforcement officer to examine all records required by this Chapter, and to examine any article listed in such a record which is believed by the officer to be missing or stolen. Sec. 16-26. Bond or letter of credit. (a) Every dealer, at the time of obtaining a permit under Article III of this Chapter, shall enter into a recognizance in favor of the Board of Supervisors, secured by a corporate surety authorized to do business in the Commonwealth, in the penal sum of 4 .,Z~- / ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned upon due observance of the term of this Chapter. In lieu of a bond, a dealer may cause to be issued, by a bank authorized to do business in the Commonwealth, a letter of credit in favor of the Board of Supervisors, in the sum of then thousand dollars ($10,000.00). (b) A single bond upon an employer or principal may be written or a single letter of credit issued under this section to cover all employees and all transactions occurring at a single location. (c) If any person shall be aggrieved by the misconduct of any dealer who has violated the provision of this Chapter, he may maintain an action for recovery in any court of proper jurisdiction against such dealer and his surety, provided that recovery against the surety shall be only for that amount of the judgment, if any, which is unsatisfied by the dealer. Sec. 16-27. Notice of closing and reopening of business; location of business. If the business of a dealer is not operated without interruption, Saturdays, Sundays and recognized holidays excepted, for a beriod of not less than ten days the dealer shall notify the Chief of Police a~~z of all closings and reopenings of such business. The business of a dealer shall be conducted only from the fixed and permanent location specified in his application for a permit under this Chapter. Sec. 16-28. Identification of persons from whom purchases made. No dealer shall purchase precious metal or gems, without first ascertaining the identity of the seller, by requiring an identification card or document issued by a governmental agency, 5 .s-l with a photograph of the seller thereon, and at least one other corroborating means of identification, and obtaining a statement of ownership from the seller. Sec. 16-29. Record of Purchases. (a) Every dealer shall keep, at his place of business an accurate and legible record of each purchase of precious metals or gems. The record of each such purchased shall be retained by the dealer for not less than twenty-four (24) months. These records shall set forth the following: (1) A complete description of all precious metals or gems purchased from each seller. The description shall include all names, initials, serial numbers or other identifying marks or monograms on each item purchased, the true weight or carat of any gem and the price paid for each item. (2) The date and time of receiving the item(s) purchased. (3) The name, address, age, sex, race, driver's license number or social security number and signature of the seller. (4) A statement of ownership from the seller. (b) The information requires by subdivisions 1 through 3 of subsection (a) above shall appear on each bill of sale for all precious metals and gems purchased by a dealer and a copy shall be mailed or delivered, within twenty-four (24) hours of the time of purchase, to the office of the Chief of Police~~_. Sec. 16-30. Prohibited purchases. 6 ~' (a) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who is under the age of eighteen (18) years. (b) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who the dealer believes, or has reason to believe, is not the owner of such items, unless such person has written and duly authenticated authorization from the owner permitting and directing such sale. (c) No dealer shall purchase or sell any precious metals or gems except at the place of business as identified in the application required by Section 16-42. Sec. 16-31. Retention of purchases. (a) A dealer shall retain all precious metals or gems purchased by him for a minimum of ten (10) calendar days from the date on which a copy of the bill of sale is received by the Chief of Police s~re~-pursuant to Section 16-29. Until the expiration of this period, the dealer shall not sell, alter or dispose of a purchased item, in whole or in part, or remove it from the county. (b) If a dealer performs the service of removing precious metals or gems, he shall retain the metals or gems removed and the article from which the removal was made for a period of ten (10) calendar days after receiving such article and precious metals or gems. SeC. 16-32. ReCOrd of sales. Each dealer shall keep and maintain, for at least twenty-four (24) months, an accurate and legible record of the name and address of the person to whom he sells any precious metal or gem in its 7 ~--/ original form after the waiting period required by Section 16-31. This record shall also show the name and address of the person from whom the dealer purchased such item. Secs. 16-33 -- 16-40. Reserved. ARTICLE III. PERMIT sec. 16-41. Permit required; posting. No person shall engage in the activities of a dealer in the county as defined by Section 16-21, unless he has a current permit so to do issued by the Chief of Police= pursuant to this Article. No purchase or sale permitted by this Chapter shall be lawful unless and until such permit is prominently posted at the dealer's place of business. Sec. 16-42. Application fee. Any person desiring a permit required by this Article shall file with the Chief of Police °~~= an application form, which shall include the dealer's full name and any aliases and his address, date of birth, age, social security number, sex, and fingerprints; the name, address, and telephone number of the applicants' employer, if any; and the location of the applicant's place of business. Such application shall be accompanied by an application fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00), payable to "Treasurer, Roanoke County." sec. 16-43. Applicant's weighing devices to be inspected and approved. Before a permit required by this Article may be issued, the applicant must have all weighing devices used in his business inspected and approved by county or state weights and measures 8 .~-/ officials and present written evidence of such approval to the Chief of Police ~e~r. As a condition for renewal of any permit, as permitted under Section 16-46, each dealer shall provide written evidence of an inspection and approval within thirty (30) days prior to such renewal date. Sec. 16-44. Issuance or denial. Upon the filing of a proper application for a permit under this Article and compliance with the provisions of this Article and of Section 16-26, the applicant shall be issued a permit by the Chief of Police ~hG~T, provided the applicant has not been convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude within seven (7) years prior to the date of application. The permit shall be denied if the applicant has been denied a permit or has had a permit revoked under this Chapter or any ordinance of this county or another jurisdiction similar in substance to the provisions of this Chapter. Any false or misleading information provided on the application form required by Section 16-42 may be grounds for denial of a permit. sec. 16-45. Not transferable. No permit issued under this Article shall be transferable. sec. 16-46. Term; renewal. A permit issued under this Article shall be valid for one (1) year from the date issued, unless sooner revoked, and may be renewed in the same manner as such permit was initially obtained, with an annual permit fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00). Sec. 16-47. Revocation. 9 ~- / Upon the first conviction, by any court, of a dealer for violation of any provision of this Chapter, the Chief of Police enter= may revoke his permit to engage in business as a dealer under this Chapter for a period of one full year from the date the conviction becomes final. Such revocation by the Chief of Police shall be mandatory upon a second conviction. ARTICLE IV. sEVERABILITY sec. 16-48. severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Chapter shall remain valid. 2. That these amendments and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after June 27, 1990. 10 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ -'~~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, June 12, 1990 MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A COUNTY POLICE FORCE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: // __ /~ , i1 . (~C7rt~Yru~s~e"' ~ %~"'6'~`~'-'~ i .cam-~-c~.~~-Ca-e~r.,~.t/ C7 BACKGROUND: On November 7, 1989, a majority of the qualified voters of Roanoke County approved the establishment of a county police force in a referendum conducted pursuant to § 15.1-131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia. At its 1990 legislative session, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia enacted House Bill 413 which creates § 15.1-131.11 which authorizes Roanoke County to establish a county police department. This section states that "such police department shall be organized in accordance with an ordinance to be adopted by the board of supervisors thereof." SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed ordinance for the establishment of a county police department is designed to organize the department and provide for the general powers of the Chief of Police and the officers in the department. The ordinance authorizes the department to be headed by a Chief of Police who shall be the principal law enforcement officer within Roanoke County. The officers of the county police department shall be selected and promoted by the Chief of Police. The county police officers shall have all the powers and authority granted to them by either statute or the common law powers of law enforcement officers in Virginia. The ordinance also contains general organizational provisions for record keeping and providing copies of such records to the public. Property which comes into the hands of the department whether as evidence or otherwise will be disposed of in accordance with state law. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1.. - 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the adoption of this ordinance in order for the county police department to become operational as of July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, i Jo ph B Obenshain S 'or A sistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers --~ :... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A COUNTY POLICE FORCE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, on November 7, 1989, the qualified voters of Roanoke County approved by majority vote the establishment of a police force in the County in a referendum conducted pursuant to § 15.1- 131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia in its 1990 legislative session enacted authorizing legislation for the creation of such a police department as required by § 15.1- 131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia: and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to institute and establish a police department for the County of Roanoke which shall commence operations on July 1, 1990, at 12:00:01 a.m.; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, currently Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted under the heading Police by adding Sections 16-1 through 16-18 to read and provide as follows: CHAPTER 16 Police 1 „~~' ~. Article I. In General Sec. 16-1. Establishment of Police Department. A police department consisting of a Chief of Police and officers of such rank and experience as the chief shall determine is hereby created for the County of Roanoke, Virginia. This department shall be known as the Roanoke County Police Department. Sec. 16-2. Duties and authority of Police Department and its officers. The Roanoke County Police Department shall exercise all the powers and duties imposed upon police by the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, or its successors as it may from time to time appear. The police officers constituting this department are invested with and authorized to exercise all of the power and authority which pertains to the office of constable at common law within the territorial limits of the County of Roanoke, including the Town of Vinton, in taking cognizance of and enforcing the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ordinances and regulation of the County of Roanoke. Sec. 16-3. Limitations on board actions. Neither the board nor any of its members shall direct the appointment, promotion or removal of any officer or employee of the Police Department nor interfere with the Chief of Police in the exercise of his judgment in any such matters. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the members of the board shall deal with the Chief of Police and any officers of the department solely through the County Administrator, and no member 2 ~~` .~,, of the board shall give orders to or direct any officer or employee of the department, including the Chief of Police. Article II. Chief of Police Sec. 16-4. Selection of Chief of Police The Chief of Police shall be selected by the County Administrator and shall serve at the pleasure of the Administrator at such salary as the Administrator, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, shall determine. Sec. 16-5. Duties of Chief of Police; Bond. The Chief of Police shall be the principal law enforcement officer of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the operations of the Roanoke County Police Department and the performance of all officers and employees of this department. The Chief of Police shall be authorized to establish such policies and procedures and to adopt such rules and regulations for the department, not inconsistent with any such policies, procedures, rules or regulations of Roanoke County, as shall be most conducive to the efficient and professional operation of this department. The Chief of Police shall be bonded in accordance with standard county practice. Sec. 16-6. Coordination with other law enforcement agencies; Reports. In carrying out his responsibilities, the Chief of Police shall consult with and coordinate the operations of this department with the Sheriff of Roanoke County, the Chief of Police of the Town of Vinton and the principal law enforcement officer of all contiguous jurisdictions, in so far as reasonably possible. The 3 ~~ Chief of Police shall keep the County Administrator informed of the operations of his department and of significant matters affecting the public safety of the County of Roanoke and shall make such reports to the Administrator and the Board of Supervisors as shall be periodically required. Article III. officers and Employees Sec. 16-7. Selection and appointment of police officers; oaths. The officers of the Roanoke County Police Department shall be selected, appointed, promoted and terminated by the Chief of Police. To assist the Chief in hiring the most capable and qualified officers, he shall be authorized to establish such selection procedures, including the administration of tests or other measurements, as are consistent with professional police practices. Prior to receiving his badge of office, each officer shall take an oath as prescribed by state statute or local ordinance. Sec. 16-8. Powers and duties of police officers. Every officer of this department shall have all powers and authority as stated in Sec. 16 - 2 above. It shall be the duty of every officer of this department to use his best efforts to preserve and enforce the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ordinances and regulation of the County of Roanoke and to preserve the peace and good order of this community. Each officer shall in all cases, except in civil matters, execute within the territorial limits of Roanoke County, and within one mile beyond, all warrants or summonses as may be placed in his hand. 4 Sec 16-9. Regulations and procedures. The Police Department shall adopt such regulations and procedures in the form of general orders or otherwise as shall be necessary or conducive to the efficient and professional operation of the department. Article IV. Records and Services of the Department Sec. 16-10. Records of arrests and offenses; Release of records. The Police Department shall keep records of offenses reported and arrests and the disposition thereof in such form as the Chief of Police shall prescribe. The release of any such records shall be in compliance with the "Virginia Freedom of Information Act, " § 2.1-340.1 to 2.1-346.1 and the "Privacy Protection Act of 1976" §2.1-377 to 2.1-386, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended or their successors. Provided that written authorization is received from the individual who is the subject of any investigation or arrest, the department shall make such information available to third parties. The department may charge a fee, not to exceed $10.00 to defray the administrative cost of searching for and providing such information. The Chief of Police may waive such fee for any law- enforcement officer or agency or authorized representative of any armed force of the United States or the Commonwealth or for any organization which provides services to the Police Department which are reasonably adequate to offset the revenue to be derived from such fees. Sec. 16-1i. Fingerprinting. The Police Department shall record fingerprint impressions on 5 .~ fingerprint cards for any individual upon the payment of a fee of $10.00. No fee shall be charged where fingerprinting shall be a condition of employment of any agency of this local government, or where performed at the request of another law-enforcement agency or authorized representative of the armed forces of the United States or the Commonwealth. The Chief of Police is authorized to waive this fee in connection with the fingerprinting of minors conducted by the department in connection with any public service project or promotion, in his discretion. Sec. 16-12. Accident reports. The Police Department shall keep on file such records of traffic accidents occurring in the County of Roanoke as the Chief of Police shall require. Upon the payment of a fee of $10.00 to defray the cost of providing such reports, the Chief of Police may make available the originals and permit copying of such reports to any person directly involved in a particular accident, their legal or other authorized representative, any authorized representative of any insurance carrier reasonably anticipating exposure to civil liability as a consequence of the accident or any party who suffered personal injury or property damage as a result of such accident. The provisions of this section shall only apply to the standard report form authorized by the Department of Motor Vehicles and shall not be interpreted to include any investigative report by any police officer or statement made by any witness to any such accident. 6 Sec. 16-13. Disposition of fees. -~~" ~`-- All fees for services provided by the Police Department in accordance with this Article shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the county's general fund. Article V. Unclaimed Personal Property. Bec. 16-14. Definition. As used herein, "unclaimed personal property" shall mean any personal property belonging to another which has been acquired by an officer of this department pursuant to his duties, which is not needed in any criminal prosecution, which has not been claimed by its rightful owner and which the state treasurer has indicated will be declined if remitted under the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (§ 55-210.1 et seg, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended). Sec. 16-15. When sale authorized. Any unclaimed personal property which has been in the possession of the Police Department and is unclaimed for a period of more than sixty (60) days may be disposed of by the Chief of Police by public sale, subject to the provisions of this Article. Sec. 16-16. Prerequisites to sale. Prior to the sale of any unclaimed property pursuant to this Article, the Chief of Police, or his duly designated representative, shall make reasonable attempts to notify the rightful owner of the property, obtain from the Commonwealth's Attorney, in writing, a statement advising that the property is not needed in any criminal prosecution and cause to be published, in 7 a newspaper of general circulation in the county, once a week for two (2) successive weeks, notice that there will be a public sale of such unclaimed personal property. Such property shall be described generally in the notice, together with the date, time and place of the sale. Sec. 16-17. Disposition of sale proceeds. The Chief of Police, or his duly designated representative, shall pay, from the proceeds of any sale made pursuant to this Article, the costs of advertisement, removal, storage, investigation as to ownership and liens and notice of sale. The balance of such funds shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the account of the Chief of Police and paid to the owner upon satisfactory proof of ownership. If no claim has been made by the owner for such funds within sixty (60) days of the sale, the remaining funds shall be deposited in the general fund of the county. Any such owner shall be entitled to apply to the county within three (3) years from the date of the sale and, if timely application is made therefor, the county shall pay the remaining proceeds of the sale to the owner, without interest or other charges. No claim shall be made nor any suit, action or proceeding be instituted for the recovery of such funds after three (3) years from the date of the sale. Article VI. SEVERABILITY Sec. 16-18. Severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of 8 ~-.~_ " this Chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Chapter shall remain valid. Secs. 16-19 to 16-20. Reserved. 2. That these amendments, additions and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after June 27, 1990. 9 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~"3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE IN ROANOKE COUNTY COUNTY ADMINISTRATO/~R'S COMMENTS: ~~~'. ~---n--~l.~,v~.c.4' ~~.-rs~r~ G ~ ~ :.-K.-c~ .~-cc.e~.c-v..c~ BACKGROUND• In 1973, the Board established a Sheriff's Department Auxiliary force which has been an active law enforcement entity since that time. Current members of this Auxiliary have expressed repeated interest in continuing as members of an auxiliary police force under the Roanoke County Police Department. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: An auxiliary police force can provide a significant manpower resource to any law enforcement agency. Currently, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department Auxiliary provides approximately 4,385.5 man/hours each year to supplement the law enforcement efforts of that department. It is anticipated that a police department auxiliary force would provide a comparable resource to the Roanoke County Police Department. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends creation of a Roanoke County Police Depart- ment Auxiliary to serve the same function as now served by the Sheriff's Department Auxiliary. Respectfully submitted, Jo ph B. Obens~iain S for A istant County Attorney .,.- ~-~- Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs -rG-'.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County Police Department has expressed a desire to establish a program to provide for an auxiliary police force in Roanoke County, Virginia, which said auxiliary police force shall be trained in police procedures and shall be available as a supplementary force for use for various police activities and functions in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, § 15.1-159.2, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, authorizes the governing body of a county to establish, equip and maintain an auxiliary police force; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that the establishment of such an auxiliary police force would be in the best interests of Roanoke County. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, Police, be amended and readopted by adding Sec. 16-19 as follows: Sec 16-19. Roanoke County Auxiliary Police Force. (a) An auxiliary police force is hereby created in Roanoke County, Virginia. This force shall be designated as the Roanoke County Auxiliary Police Force. The members of the auxiliary police force, when called into service, shall have all the powers, authority and immunities as granted to such forces by Article 4 of Chapter 3, Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia [§ 15.1-159.2 et seq.). r Z =3 (b) The Chief of Police shall have the power and authority to call into service the members of the auxiliary police force at such times as he deems it necessary so to do. (c) All individuals who shall serve as auxiliary police officers shall be selected and appointed by the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County Police Department. (d) All auxiliary police officers shall wear the uniform of the Roanoke County Police Department with a designation thereon that such officer is a member of the auxiliary police force when in the performance of their duties. (e) All auxiliary police officers shall follow and fully comply with all established policies procedures, rules and regulations of the Roanoke County Police Department. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 1990. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~ -T ~T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ASSESSMENT OF FEES TAXED AS COSTS IN CERTAIN CASES FILED IN COURTS OF THE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION OR MAIN- TENANCE OF COURTHOUSE, JAIL OR COURT-RELATED FACIL- ITIES, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND AN EXPIRATION DATE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,,,( /, BACKGROUND• The 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly enacted House Bill 74 which added a new section to the State Code, Section 14.1-133.2. This legislation authorized the assessment of a fee which will be taxed as costs in each criminal and traffic case in the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County This fee is limited to $2.00 per case. The assessment shall be imposed by ordinance of the governing body, and the ordinance may provide for a different fee in district and circuit courts. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This assessment imposes court costs for the purposes of construction, renovation or maintenance of courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating, cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance. This legislation includes a "sunset" provision: the provi- sions of this act shall expire on July 1, 1991. The assessment shall be collected by the clerks of the dis- trict and circuit courts, and remitted to the Treasurer subject to disbursements by the Board for the purposes specified in the statute. The first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for June 12, 1990; the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for June 26, 1990. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: ~' / Based upon discussions with the Clerks of the General District and Circuit Courts, it is estimated that this fee will generate approximately $25,000 in new revenue in Fiscal Year 1990-91. (This estimate is based upon last year's case load.) Staff recommends that the Board appropriate the $25,000 in new revenues for the purposes as stated in the ordinance. Staff will submit to the Board at a later date a recommendation for the expenditure of these funds once a series of projects are identified and prioritized. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of this proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs ~- '/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ASSESSMENT OF FEES TAXED AS COSTS IN CERTAIN CASES FILED IN COURTS OF THE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION OR MAINTENANCE OF COURTHOUSE, JAIL OR COURT-RELATED FACILITIES, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND AN EXPIRATION DATE WHEREAS, the 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly enacted House Bill 74 (Chapter 543) which amended the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 14.1-133.2; and WHEREAS, this enactment authorized the assessment of fees to be taxed as costs in each criminal or traffic case in the district and circuit courts of the County for the construction, renovation or maintenance of the courthouse, jail or court-related facilities, and further provided the expiration of this authority on July 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 26, 1990. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority found in Section 14.1- 133.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, (1990 Acts of Assembly, Chapter 543), there is hereby assessed a fee to be taxed as the costs in each criminal and traffic case in the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00). The fees assessed by this ordinance shall be expended for the purposes as provided in said statute, specifically, for the ~W`'`/ construction, renovation and maintenance of the courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating, cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance. This assessment shall be in addition to other fees and costs prescribed by law. 2. That this assessment shall be collected by the clerk of the court in which the action is filed, and remitted to the Treasurer of Roanoke County and held by him subject to disbursements appropriated by the Board of Supervisors for the purposes specified herein. 3. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1990. The provisions of this ordinance shall expire July 1, 1991. 4. That a certified copy of this ordinance shall be delivered to the Chief Judges of the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County, the Clerks of said courts, and the Treasurer of Roanoke County. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER -r',~J~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 MEETING DATE: JUNE 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VESICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III. PARKING, TO PROHIBIT PARKING IN FIRE LANES COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~J / ,7 , BACKGROUND• The adoption of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code as Article II of Chapter 9 of the Roanoke County Code in May of 1988, resulted in the repeal of the then existing Roanoke County Fire Lane ordinance. Subsequently difficulty has been experienced in enforcing citations for parking in fire lanes due to several factors. Judges have expressed some question about the county's authority to regulate fire lanes on private property including shopping centers. Further, the penalty provisions under the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code makes any violation a Class 1 Misdemeanor under § 27-100 of the Code of Virginia. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 1990 session of the General Assembly added Roanoke County to those counties enumerated in § 46.2-1220 as having the same powers as any city or town to regulate parking within its jurisdiction by ordinance. The purpose of the proposed "Fire Lane" ordinance is to make explicit that Roanoke County makes illegal the parking of any motor vehicle in a fire lane which has been designated by the Fire Marshall in accordance with the standards for fire lanes as previously adopted by this Board. See Ordinance 52488-13. The penalty for parking in a fire lane shall remain at Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as established by Ordinance 85-52. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: "L'~"~ Staff recommends approval of this ordinance in order to remove a current loop-hole in the county's public safety enforcement procedures. ResA~ectful Jo ph B~ Obenshain Se or As istant County Attorney Action Vote Approved ( ) Motion by No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens Robers -~-.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III. PARKING, TO PROHIBIT PARKING IN FIRE LANES WHEREAS, by Ordinance 52488-13, Roanoke County repealed Article II, Fire Lanes of Chapter 9, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION in adopting the ~~Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code;~~ and WHEREAS, all violations of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke, Article II, Chapter 9, Roanoke County Code, are charged as Class 1 Misdemeanors carrying the punishment prescribed by § 18.2-11, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, by the amendment of § 46.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia, the County of Roanoke has been granted the same powers as cities and towns to regulate parking within its boundaries by ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Article III, PARKING, Division 1. GENERALLY, of Chapter 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, be amended and readopted by adding Section 12-60 as follows: Sec. 12-60. Parking in fire lanes unlawful. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park in or otherwise obstruct a fire lane designated and marked by the fire marshall in accordance with Sec. F-313.1, et seg,, of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke. (b) The fire marshall or any law-enforcement officer may 1 enforce this section in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and may have any motor vehicle parked in violation of this section towed to a garage or parking lot for storage, at the expense of the owner of such motor vehicle. 2. That this amendment and readoption shall be in full force and effect on and after July 1, 1990. 2 fi ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF-THE BOARb OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment and readoption of Section 12-8 of the Roanoke County Code; adopting provisions of Title 46.2 and 18.2 of the Code of Virginia COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND • a ~ ~-' °`-'~'~'~ SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The 1990 session of the General Assembly of Virginia adopted certain amendments to the Motor Vehicle laws of Virginia (Title 46.2). Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, of the Roanoke County Code, contains within Article I, a Section 12-8 entitled Adoption of state law. The purpose of Section 12-8 is to incorporate by reference those sections of Virginia law found in Title 46.2, Motor Vehicles, and Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2, Crimes, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, which are applicable to the regulation of traffic within Roanoke County. Amendments as a result of the 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly to Title 46.2 and Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, become effective as of July 1, 1990. The purpose of this ordinance is to make clear that the Board of Supervisors has taken affirmative action after the General Assembly amendments to bring these changes in the law into proper effect for Roanoke County. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Failure to adopt this amendment risks having any traffic charge issued as a County violation which involves incorporation by reference of any Virginia code section amended by the General Assembly being dismissed as not properly subject to the County Code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this proposed amendment and reenactment. ~„.,,~ Respectfully submitted, ~-P Paul M. Mahoney. County Attorney Action Vote Approved ( ) Motion by No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12-8 OF ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 12-8, Adoption of state law, Article I, General, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-8. Adoption of state law. Pursuant to the authority of Section 46.2-1313 of the Code of Virginia, all of the provisions and requirements of the laws of the state contained in Title 46.2 and in Article 2 (Section 18.2-226 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, except those provisions and requirements which, by their very nature, can have no application to or within the County, are hereby adopted and incorporated in this chapter by reference and made applicable within the County. References to "highways of the state" contained in such provisions and requirements hereby adopted shall be deemed to refer to the streets, highways, and other public ways within the County. Such provision and requirements, as amended from time to time, are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter as fully as though set forth at length herein, and it shall be unlawful for any person within the County to violate or fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any such provision or requirement; provided, that in no event shall the penalty imposed for the violation of any provision or requirement hereby adopted exceed the penalty imposed for a similar offense under the state law hereby adopted. .~ - The phrase "all of the provisions and requirements of the laws of the state" as used hereb shall be construed to include all amendments to said laws made effective as of the date that this ordinance is itself effective. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1990. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of an Ordinance Imposing or Increasing User Fees for the Parks and Recreation Department (Request to defer until July 24, 1990} COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: W~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~h~ .tea ~- a~ ~~ Q.~~-. tfi ate" oe_.C~ e_ c~-~l~ BACKGROU D• On May 22, 1990, the Board of Supervisors held its first reading of the ordinance imposing user fees for the Parks & Recreation Department. Since that time, staff has met with the Recreation Club presidents concerning its impact to the program, particularly in the area of Youth Athletics. A committee is being established with representation from each of the geographic areas to work through these issues, and we respectfully request that the second reading of this ordinance be deferred until the July 24 meeting, in order to incorporate the results of the committee's effort in establishment of a stronger policy document. There should be no adverse fiscal revenues as a result of this postponement County's budget can proceed as originally ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION• impact to the estimated and the adoption of the planned. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~~~ ~~~ ohn M. Chambl ss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw To ( ) Nickens Robers cc: Steve Carpenter Reta Busher Paul Mahoney AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IMPOSING OR INCREASING OF CERTAIN FEES FOR SERVICES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, on September 20, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, selected David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. to conduct a detailed cost/revenue study focusing upon an analysis of user fee services; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said user fee study was to calculate the full costs of providing specific services, compare costs with the revenues received for these services, and recommend fee levels to recover the full costs of services when such fees are practical; and WHEREAS, the Board has found that it is both equitable and efficient to ensure that those individuals who benefit from certain governmental services bear the cost thereof while eliminating unintentional general service cost subsidies; and WHEREAS, as a result of said study the Board determined that it was in the public interest to increase certain user fees, as modified by staff recommendations, budget work sessions, and citizen comments in order to recover a portion of the direct and indirect costs of providing certain services as provided herein; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on May 22, 1990, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990. 1 °"""g, E w.s .n BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Director of the Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized to establish fees for parks and recreation services and activities, subject to the approval of the County Administrator, and subject to the following standards: a) Definitions: Indirect costs include the general fund appropriation for each of the cost centers associated with the recreation area based on the 1989-90 fiscal year budget, plus the allocation of the central administrative costs for the Department of Parks and Recreation, and in the case of athletics, the share of the ballfield maintenance, which is provided by the Parks Division of the Department. Direct costs relate to the specific costs of instructors and associated supplies, which the County is currently recovering in the fees charged to participants. The registration fee is proposed to be established at $5 per participant, per activity and the membership fee is proposed to be $10 annually for senior citizens, in lieu of a registration fee. The guidelines, which were approved by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission, are as follows: b) For activities included under community education: leisure arts, outdoor adventure and adult athletics, the fee should be based upon a $5 registration fee, per participant, plus 25~ of 2 r .r. the indirect cost, plus 100 of the direct cost. c) For youth athletics, the fee should be based upon a $5 registration fee per participant. d) For special events, the budget should plan to recover 40$ of the indirect cost and 100 of the direct cost. e) For therapeutics, there shall be a recovery of 20$ of the direct cost. f) For senior citizens, there shall be a $10 membership fee, plus 100$ of direct cost associated with the program. 2. That the Director shall develop guidelines for the waiver or reduction of fees based upon demonstrable hardship and inability to pay. 3. That the effective date of this ordinance and for the imposition of the fees and charges authorized herein shall be July 1, 1990. 3 ~ r ~.J 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE 61290-6 IMPOSING OR INCREASING CERTAIN FEES FOR SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT AND INSPECTIONS, PLANNING AND ZONING, AND REPEALING PRIOR ACTIONS CONCERNING SAME WHEREAS, on September 20, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, selected David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. to conduct a detailed cost/revenue study focusing upon an analysis of user fee services; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said user fee study was to calculate the full costs of providing specific services, compare costs with the revenues received for these services, and recommend fee levels to recover the full costs of services when such fees are practical; and WHEREAS, the Board has found that it is both equitable and efficient to ensure that those individuals who benefit from certain governmental services bear the cost thereof while eliminating unintentional general service cost subsidies; and WHEREAS, as a result of said study the Board determined that it was in the public interest to increase certain user fees, as modified by staff recommendations, budget work sessions, and citizen comments in order to recover 100°s of the direct and indirect costs of providing certain services; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-466.A.(i) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, authorizes the imposition of reasonable fees and charges for the review of plats and plans and the inspection of facilities, such fees and charges shall in no instance exceed S f 2 an amount commensurate with the services rendered, taking into consideration the time, skill and administrator's expense involved; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-491(f) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, authorizes the collection of fees to cover the costs of making inspections, issuing permits, advertising of notices and other expenses incident to the administration of a zoning ordinance or to the filing or processing of any appeal or amendment thereto; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-29.14 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, directs the advertising, public hearing, and enactment of certain fees and levies, said requirements having been satisfied as required by law; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on May 22, 1990, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there is hereby established certain fees for public services provided by and through the Roanoke County Department of Development and Inspections relating to the review of subdivision plats and plans and similar development services rendered for and on behalf of citizens, as follows: Review Site Plans Review Small Subdivisions (less than 5 lots or parcels $685 + $40 per acre 25 Review Large Subdivisions X220 + $45 per lot or parcel 3 Review ErosionfSediment Control Plan $100 + $100fper acre or portion thereof Subdivision waiver or variance Vacation of subdivision plat and easements 190 150 2. That Section 8-32, "Filing Fee," of Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control," of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 8-32. Filing fee. An applicant submitting a plan pursuant to this article shall pay a f fi l ing fee o f c i f ty~-A-~-de-i~a~s-}9-1~9~~ €t One Hundred ($100) dollars plus One Hundred ($100) dollars. for each acre or portion thereof to cover the administrative expense of review and inspection and approval of such plan. 3. That there is hereby established certain fees for public services provided by and through the Roanoke County Department of Planning and Zoning related to zoning and variance services rendered for and on behalf of citizens, as follows: Variance 190 Administrative Appeal Rezoning to A-1 , RE, or R-1 to R2, R3, R4, R5 R-MH, R6 to M1, M2, M3 to Bl, B2, B3 275 $415 + $20 per acre or portion thereof $660 + $25 per acre or portion thereof X840 + $30 per acre or portion thereof $945 + $30 per acre or portion thereof Land Use Amendment 710 Special Use/Landfill 1 875 4 Use Not Provided For Permit $145 + $5 per acre or portion thereof PUD $145 + $5 per acre or portion thereof Special Use Permit/Special Exception 20 4. That in addition to the fees established herein, the applicant shall be responsible for the payment of the full cost of any legal advertisement or publication costs which may be required by law. 5. That Resolution No. 2368, which was adopted by this Board on August 14, 1979, and which established a schedule of fees for the review of preliminary and final subdivision plats, is hereby repealed. 6. That Resolution No. 82-213, which was adopted by this Board on November 22, 1983, and which established a schedule of fees for certain services for zoning matters, is hereby repealed. 7. That Resolution No. 84-96.q., which was adopted by this Board on June 12, 1984, and which established a fee for variance requests, is hereby repealed. 8. That Resolution No. 85-30.E, which was adopted by this Board on March 12, 1985, and which established a fee for conditional rezonings and subdivision waivers, is hereby repealed. 9. That Action No. A/2-11-86-34, item F3, which was adopted by this Board on February 11, 1986, and which established a fee for administrative appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals, is hereby repealed. 10. That the effective date of this ordinance and for the imposition of the fees and charges contained herein shall be July 1, 1990. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt ordinance with 5 monitoring system on time and money spent for reviews, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terrance Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County J&D Court, Intake Counsellor ACTION #, ITEM NUMBER """ ~ ;_,_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of the Ordinance Imposing or Increasing User Fees for the Development and Inspections and Planning and Zoning Departments COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,~ BACKGROUND: The Department of Management and Budget hired a consultant to perform a limited User Fee Study. David M. Griffith & Associates, LTD. (DMG) completed their review of existing and potential new fees, in February 1990, in the following departments: • Development and Inspections • Planning and Zoning • Solid Waste • Parks and Recreation • Jail • Police • Fire The objectives of the Study were to calculate the full costs of providing specific services, to compare these costs with the revenues currently received for theses services, and to recommend fee levels to recover the full costs of services when such fees are practical. A service for which a user fee is charged can be viewed as the time and/or materials costs paid by a governmental agency on behalf of a private citizen or group. Full costs developed for services rendered include direct labor costs, divisional and departmental supervision and administration, and supplies and materials costs. All appropriate indirect costs allocated from County central services, such as accounting, budgeting and data processing, to the departmentlor division performing the service under review are also included. The principle of user fees dictates that those who use a service pay for the cost of producing the service. Although this principle is firmly established in the private enterprise system, there may be cases of County activities for which it is not regarded as appropriate. It may be desirable to set fees for some services below full cost depending on the circumstances. ~' `Subsidies are often provided for two basic purposes. The first is to permit an identified group to participate in services which they might not otherwise be able to afford. This is a legitimate function of government, assuring access to importantzservices to all citizens without regard to their ability to pay. A second type of subsidy is based on the perception of the ultimate beneficiary of the service. Many County activities, by their nature, provide benefits beyond the immediate recipient of the service. Therefore, it may be regarded as appropriate to spread the cost of certain services over the large base of p3tential beneficiaries, as opposed to only the direct recipients. For purposes of generating new revenue for the 1990-91 fiscal year budget, staff has recommended the implementation of only three of the fee areas originally identified for study. These include Development and Inspections, Planning and Zoning and Parks and Recreation. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The attached ordinance, authorizing the user fee increases in the Development Inspections and Planning and Zoning Departments indicates a policy of recovering 100 of the total cost of providing County services in these two departments. Total cost includes all indirect and direct costs identified above, including the cost of such central services as accounting, budgeting and data processing. The specific fees that are proposed to be increased are as follows: Development and Inspections • Site Plan Review • Small Subdivision Review • Large Subdivision Review • Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Review • Subdivision Waiver/Variance • Vacation of Subdivision Plat and Easements Planning and Zoning • Variance • Administrative Appeal • Rezoning to Agriculture or Single Family • Rezoning to Multi-Family • Rezoning to Industrial • Rezoning to Commercial • Land Use Plan Amendment • Special Use/Landfill $685 + $40 per acre $25 $220 + $45 per lot or parcel $100 + $100 per acre or portion thereof $190 $190 $190 $275 $415 + $20 per acre or portion thereof $660 + $25 per acre or portion thereof $840 + $30 per acre or portion thereof $945 + $30 per acre or portion thereof $710 $1,875 2 3 ~. Please see the attached schedule for the detail comparison of old and new user fee rates. The user fees, with regard to the policy of recovering 100 of total cost, will be reviewed periodically by the staff of the Department of Management and Budget in conjunction with the budget process. The proposed user fee policy for the Departments of Development and Inspections and Planning and Zoning both were reviewed with representatives of the Homebuilders Association. They understood the total cost recovery concept and the definitions of direct and indirect costs, however, their wish was for a two-year phase in of the user fee rate increases. Staff indicated during these discussions that the increased user fees would go a long way in supporting increased services such as a shorter turn around time for site plan and subdivision reviews. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the proposed cost recovery policy through user fees for the Development Inspections and Planning and Zoning Departments is an increase in revenues in the amount of $128,800. The policy rate changes would be effective July 1, 1990. The revenue increase has been included in the FY 1990-91 budget adopted by the Board of Supervisors on May 15, 1990. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the above stated cost recovery policy and the resulting user fee rate increases to be effective July 1, 1990 after the second reading of the attached ordinance on June 12, 1990. ~~~ ~~ Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget ~~ ~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodg~ County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved Denied Received Ref erred To Motion by: Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 1,2,3 Observations were take from the Consultant's Report. 3 ....a~,,,, ,..~ ,~f :..w3. ~.q~. 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE IMPOSING OR INCREASING CERTAIN FEES FOR SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT AND INSPECTIONS, PLANNING AND ZONING, AND REPEALING PRIOR ACTIONS CONCERNING SAME WHEREAS, on September 20, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, selected David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. to conduct a detailed cost/revenue study focusing upon an analysis of user fee services; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said user fee study was to calculate the full costs of providing specific services, compare costs with the revenues received for these services, and recommend fee levels to recover the full costs of services when such fees are practical; and WHEREAS, the Board has found that it is both equitable and efficient to ensure that those individuals who benefit from certain governmental services bear the cost thereof while eliminating unintentional general service cost subsidies; and WHEREAS, as a result of said study the Board determined that it was in the public interest to increase certain user fees, as modified by staff recommendations, budget work sessions, and citizen comments in order to recover 100$ of the direct and indirect costs of providing certain services; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-466.A.(i) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, authorizes the imposition of reasonable fees and charges for the review of plats and plans and the inspection of facilities, such fees and charges shall in no instance exceed ~` 2 an amount commensurate with the services rendered, taking into consideration the time, skill and administrator's expense involved; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-491(f) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, authorizes the collection of fees to cover the costs of making inspections, issuing permits, advertising of notices and other expenses incident to the administration of a zoning ordinance or to the filing or processing of any appeal or amendment thereto; and WHEREAS, Section 15.1-29.14 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, directs the advertising, public hearing, and enactment of certain fees and levies, said requirements having been satisfied as required by law; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on May 22, 1990, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there is hereby established certain fees for public services provided by and through the Roanoke County Department of Development and Inspections relating to the review of subdivision plats and plans and similar development services rendered for and on behalf of citizens, as follows: Review Site Plans Review Small Subdivisions (less than 5 lots or parcels, $685 + S40 per acre 25 Review Large Subdivisions $220 + S45 per lot or parcel ^.~ 3 Review Erosion/Sediment Control Plan $100 + 5100/per acre or portion thereof Subdivision waiver or variance 190 Vacation of subdivision plat and easements 150 2. That Section 8-32, "Filing Fee," of Chapter 8, "Erosion and Sediment Control," of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 8-32. Filing fee. An applicant submitting a plan pursuant to this article shall pay a filing fee of One Hundred (5100) dollars plus One Hundred 15100) dollars for each acre or portion thereof to cover the administrative expense of review and inspection and approval of such plan. 3. That there is hereby established certain fees for public services provided by and through the Roanoke County Department of Planning and Zoning related to zoning and variance services rendered for and on behalf of citizens, as follows: Variance Administrative Appeal Rezonina to A-1, RE or R-1 to R2, R3 R4 R5 R-MH. R6 to M1, M2 M3 to B1, B2 B3 Land Use Amendment Special Use/Landfill 190 275 $415 + 520 Der acre or portion thereof $660 + 525 Der acre or portion thereof $840 + 530 Der acre or portion thereof $945 + 530 Der acre or portion thereof 710 1 875 .~ ~:. _~ 4 Use Not Provided For Permit X145 +~55 Der acre or portion thereof y~ PUD ~ 5 + S5 Der acre or portion thereof S ecial Use Permit S ecial E ce tion 20 4. That in addition o the fees established herein, the applicant shall be responsib a for the payment of the full cost of any legal advertisement or p blication costs which may be required by law. 5. That Resolution No. 2368, which was adopted by this Board on August 14, 1979, and whi .established a schedule of fees for the review of preliminary a final subdivision plats, is hereby repealed. 6. That Resolution No. 82-213, which was adopted by this Board on November 22, 1983, and which established a schedule of fees for certain services fo zoning matters, is hereby repealed. 7. That Resolution No. 84-96.q., which was adopted by this Board on June 12, 1984, and hich established a fee for variance requests, is hereby repealed. 8. That Resolution No 85-30.E, which was adopted by this Board on March 12, 1985, and which established a fee for conditional rezonings and sub ivision waivers, is hereby repealed. 9. That Action No. A/2 11-86-34, item F3, which was adopted by this Board on February 11, 986, and which established a fee for administrative appeals to th Board of Zoning Appeals, is hereby repealed. l0. That the effective date of this ordinance and for the imposition of the fees and ch rges contained herein shall be July 1, 1990. TION FOR ITEM J-2 ADDITIONAL INFORMA ING & INSPECTION FEES DEVELOPMENT PLANK •rcTT1J(~ nATE• June 12, 1990 ~rJ r.1l li of Planning Related Fees; AGENDA ITEM' Survey calities Twelve Virginia Lo COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: the Board asked for At the May 22, 1990 Board medt1bY other jurisdictions. fees charg ed by information on review of the planning related fees charg Attached is a summary twelve other Virginia localities. staff surveyed these localities to asAenu~ertof The Planning and the basss for these fees. indicated that their fees ~ ee a based on recovering level of fees charged, osts, however most of the localities ercentage. a percentage of the lnot aware of the exact p the localities wer are related fees proposed for Roanoke County The planning 100$ of the direct and indirect based upon a policy of recovering The proposed fees are: costs associated with these activities. Variance Administrative Appeal Rezoning to Agriculture or Single Family Rezoning to Multi-Family Rezoning to Industrial Rezoning to Commercial Land Use Plan Amendment Special Use/Landfills . $190 $275 $415 + $20 per acre or portion thereof $660 + $25 per acre or portion thereof $840 + $30 per acre or portion thereof $945 + $30 per acre or portion thereof $710 $1875 Respectfully submitted, Terrance ~! H ington Director of Planning and Zoning Action Motion by Approved ( ) Eddy Johnson Denied ( ) McGraw Received ( ) Nickens Referred Robers to Vote No Yes Abs - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - i i I 11 - - - - - - , I 1 1 N N 1 1 1 1 11 W N 1 I l 1 11 J N I I 1 1 '11 ~ N I 1 i 1 II 0 0 11 I 1 I t 11 = _ 1 1 I a 1 N 11 N O 1 1 I u u .. u a 1 • 1 ~~ 1 11 N W N r1 1 a 1 n I H 1 II 1 q 1 A 1 I II W S U ~' 1 1 a 1 y I II W N V I N 1 ~.'~ 1 1 N 11 W -.' N a 1 ` 1 1 11 y 1 q 1 >^ ~ p. I W! 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N J-1 Y1 ~.+ 1 N NY W ~ ... a Y q q q 1 i~ i a i W y a q V V U 1 M 1 Y O Y. c.f ~ m p Y Z 1 t_ r ` O O O 1 M n O a 1 1 6 a O ~H V~ ~H 1 O r 1 L-• r ~ W O m 1 ~~ 1 V p u ~ N O~ 1 o m m 1 1 W a a u -. ~ ,~ 1 d N r ~ 1 ~ .- M 1 1- -1 ~ ., . N Y t~ r~ r- rr ~ Y Y d 11 d 1 1 1 N ~ ~ ~ a ~~~ II i 1 N 1 ~-~~ 1 N N p 1 4 ~ a N 1 Y 1 N r Y 1 Y .~ 1 M N 11 1 1 r m O Y N n 1 4 1 r t/ 1 C N n 1 r U N 1 m 3 n aD H q n 11 11 1 ` C C 1 O 1 E M ~~ r/ M 11 1 H R O V m q 1 V a q 11 r 1 Z M N q A d ; D N _ O Y 1 `4 1 11 0 ti Y 1 >- N ti O ~ aJ 1 11 r i W Y 4 6 1 M D_ N N 11 ~ 1 OC n m 1 N a N 11 1 O~ V 1 t 1 N ~ Y m m C 1 •^ 11 / M b r N ]~ O 1 O ~ u 1 N 1 Y O O Rf V 1 O q Y N 1 Y .~ U9 r tl U 1 V- 1 a ~'- M r p 1 M ~~ 1 ~.~~~ r r 1 u a u ~ N N 1 Y N Y Y n r ~ r Y Y N 1 Y T N M 11 H Y ~ M u H a 1 o a N u ~ V r i n • ~ u 11 V N O 1 O N Y O n V 1 Gr II N Y 11 Y = 1 N 11 u o r 11 a O 1 t Y 11 u ~ M n Y ~ 1 N Y 11 i r ~- ~. ~ 11 11 ~~~~- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ITEM J-2 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING i INSPECTION FEES MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Survey of Development Related Fees; Six Virginia Localities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND At the May 22, 1990 Board meeting the Board asked for information on re ~ie of the Devel pmen tyrelated fees lchargednby Attached is a summa y six other Virginia localities. The Development Inspection staff surveyed these localities to ascertain the level of fees charged, and the basis for these fees. A number of the localities indicated that their fees were based on recovering a per 1 i ti es werehnot awaretof the dexact percentageever most of the loca The Development related fees proposed for Roanoke County are based upon a policy of recovering 100% of the direct and indirect cost associated with these activities. The proposed fees are: Site Plan Review Small Subdivision Review Large Subdivision Review Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Review Subdivision Waiver/Variance • $685 + $40 per acre Vacation of Subdivision Plat and Easements $25 $220 + $45 per lot or parcel $100 + $100 per acre or portion thereof $190 $190 SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Development and Inspections Director ____ --- ------------------ ----------- --- VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens To Robers -- DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES: 1 - Land Disturbing, Erosion Control Permit Fee 2 - Site Plan Review Fee 3 - Subdivision Review Fee City of Salem 1 - $50.00 (maximum) or $10.00/acre 2 - No Fee 3 - $25.00 - Resubdivision $50.00 - 1-5 lots Subdivision $50.00 plus $10.00/lot - more than 5 lots City of Roanoke 1 - $10.00 (flat fee) 2 - $50.00 /acre 3 - $50.00 plus $10.00/acre Albemarle County 1 - $75.00 Application Fee Up to 9 i nspeee li f notren compl eance aw th approved plan n Only charge f 2 - $520.00 Preliminary $260.00 Administrative Approval Final Plan $720.00 (Only is Plaon al) Commission reviews final prior to Preliminary pp $300.00 After Preliminary Approval $30.00 Amendment $130.00 Major Amendment $65.00 Relief of Condition of Approval 3 - $65.00 Preliminary Plat - 3 lots or less $260.00 plus $1.00/lot - 4 lots or more $390.00 plus $1.00/lot - Final Plats for Commissioner Approval $30.00 Review Fee - Family or Administrative $15.00 Exempt Plat $65.00 Condominium Plat $65.00 Waiver of Subdivision Ordinance Chesterfield County 1 - $600.00 Program Administrative Fee 2 - $820.00 plus $45.00/acre - Commercial, Industrial, Institutional Sites - Multifamily $870.00 plus $10.00 dwelling/unit Residential Sites $520.00 - Master $370.00 - Revised 3 - $345.00 plus $15.00/lot - New Tentative Approval $370.00 plus $800/lott- FRnalwApprovaltive Approval $65.00 plus $ Henri_co Count 1 - No Fee but Escrow Account - Minimum $500.00 (Anything over 5,000 sq. ft.) 2 - $440.00 plus $20.00/actual acre - Plan of Development - Commercial and Multifamily 3 - Conditi95a00ApPusv$5.00/lot -$(d~fferentsphasesjlot 2nd $ Loudon County ~ - $12.50/lot plus $86.00 - Subdivision $37.50/acre plus $86.00 - Commercial 2 - Non-Residential Site Plan - Preliminary fee - (greater than 4.9 acres or more) $2,330.00 P1 rs f$a0tion0/~fr acre rforsanytOhing rabove 120 $20.00/acre o acres. Final Site Plan - $3,100.00 plus $140.00/acre for 1st 2 acres plus $40.00/acre above 20 acres. Preliminary/Final - (4 9 acres of less) $3,000.00 plus $220.00/acre or fraction - 1st Step Review 3 - Non-Residential Subdivision - Preliminary - (5 or more new lots) $3,570.00 plus $120.00/lot for 1st 10 lots, plus $30.00 per lot thereafter. Record Plat - $3,530.00 plus $280.00/lot for 1st 10 lots, plus $30.00/lot thereafter. Preliminary Record - (2 - 4 new lots) - $4,910.00 plus $350.00/lot Rural (Private Well & Septic) - Preliminary - (5 or more new lots) $1,570.00 plus $120.00/lot for 1st 20 acres plus $30.00/lot thereafter. Record Plat - $1,450.00 plus $110.00/lot for 1st 20 acres, $30.00/lot thereafter. $1,380.00 plus $$350.00/lot - (2 - 4 new lots) Urban (served by public water and/or sewer) - Preliminary Separated Record Option - $1,870.00 plus $120.00/lot for 1st 20 lots plus $30.00/lot thereafter. Record Plat - $1 ,450.00 plus $110.00/lot for 1st 20 lots, lus $30.00/lot thereafter. Subdivision Waiver - (1 new lot) - $2,180.00 Family Subdivision - $1,730.00 plus $150.00 for each new lot created. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ITEM J-2 DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING ~ INSPECTION FEES MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 . AGENDA ITEM: Survey of Planning Related Fees; Twelve Virginia Localities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• At the May 22, 1990 Board meeting the Board asked for information on review fees charged by other jurisdictions. Attached is a summary of the planning related fees charged by twelve other Virginia localities. The Planning staff surveyed these localities to ascertain the level of fees charged, and the basis for these fees. A number of the localities indicated that their fees were based on recovering a percentage of their direct and indirect costs, however most of the localities were not aware of the exact percentage. The planning related fees proposed for Roanoke County are based upon a policy of recovering 100$ of the direct and indirect costs associated with these activities. The proposed fees are: Variance Administrative Appeal Rezoning to Agriculture or Single Family $190 $275 $415 + $20 per acre or Rezoning to Multi-Family Rezoning to Industrial Rezoning to Commercial Land Use Plan Amendment Special Use/Landfills portion thereof $660 + $25 per acre or portion thereof $840 + $30 per acre or portion thereof $945 + $30 per acre or portion thereof S71o $1875 Respectfully submitted, Terrance }! H ington Director of Planning and Zoning Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs --------------------------------------- II I 1 1 I W 11 1 I i J II 1 I 1 1 9 11 I I 1 1 0 0 II I I 1 1 W W 11 A I 1 I I x N II O 1 1 1 1 u .-1 u a 1 1 1 1 N '! N ••`I I • 1 1 I~ 1 W 11 I Ow I I O 1 W O N L 1 q 1 It 1 I1 1 W 11 Y 1 I O 1 N 1 ~• H• 11 a 1 N 1 O I I N 11 O i L I •ti 1 J..1 1 W i 11 a••~ i q I I N I 1•~ r 11 V 1 Y I >•. 1 7 I i 11 O 1 f•. I ••~ I P I O 11 1 1 9 1 9 1 11 I N I •"f 1 i 1 11 I 1 1 t . . ~~ ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . II 1 I 1 1 11 1 i./ i I 1 Y Y I N 1 C 1 I 6 L Y C •~ Y O I 11 1 q C id 1 1 H Y ••M O O >h W~ +•~ N 1 N I Y V Y 9 ~• I 1 d Y t C C •••~ P •r 1 N II I a •wr i• ~ O I 1 q F~ d i q Y .r .H C C .•1 1 W II N 1 9 •"'~ Y W I N 1 N d^ O t •.y O •H O •N 1 W 11 ++ I •••1 d > N 1 +•1 1 ++ N N •.+ O V w C •.M .~ 1 4• II N 1 V 6 a. L Y N I N I N 'J N C +~ C q~ C O M O 1 II O i C i ••••1 ^ •.•1 ••-1 C I O I O Y Y Y d q J•1 G O H ••••1 C I O 11 Y 1 •.••1 Y N L N ~ 1 Y 1 V C N N ••••1 Y q •.y N q I O II 1 i/ •wy q O 1 1 7 •.y L N q J +J ~ O J I IV II P 1 +.1 OI q ••'•1 ~ C 1 P I a O N V C L C d I 11 C I O C L ^ q ~[ I C 1 C~ • •ti N O N V•• O 7 O 1 N 11 ••"1 1 C •••+ q ^ V Y I •••M I •••• O V Y •y C F•1 d •~ ~•• ~•d 1 H 11 N I N 6 0 O N N 1 N I N C V L ~+ O • N II ••~ I O ••-1 Y V •••'1 •w•1 O I ••~ I •••1 O q •.-• O y 7 I i II L 1 O N N ~ C 1 ~+ I +•1 •.y .• L V V H Y L V C 1 m 11 L 1 L L L I ~. I L Y N N O •H •-1 O. •.••1 Y O 1 11 Y i N Y N Q Y Y N 1 Y I Y •N +~ JL M•• .y ~ W ^ N d d I II > I Y > i• q t t Y I > 1 > O N L d 6 V L Y N N I II 'O I Y~ q •••1 L a.+ Y I O 1 ~~ O O C d 0 i•[ Y • C Y 1 11 i I 1L q d d O O •1~ 1 i 1 i q V ~ •.•1 q Y W d a I.•1 L. 1 11 I I I I 1 II I I I I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 /l 1 I 1 L .••. 1 1 II I I 1 O 4.1 1 i 11 I I 1 + ••~+ I 1 II t 1 I I Y C 1 1 K Il I I I O L 7 1 1 W 11 O Y I i I r.. 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O N Y - N< 1 v O < Y L L L 1 < N p ] m n u 1 v Y d N d ~ 1 .. ~- q p ~~ E O 1 N ~-~ pL Y O M •.ti 1 W < `~• N <~ v T 1 ¢ i ~ O N 1 1 p 1 i Y 1 t r i O 1 I Y v +-+ 1 1 u o v I 1 Y ~ C 1 1 OC Y O O 1 1 Y 1 1 S r O L O• 1 1 F- r w q C 1 1 o a V --+ 1 1 a m -.ti c 1 1 r ~ w- O 1 1 ^ l~f ---1 /V 1 1 Y •lf 1 1 p M 1 1 Y 1 1 r 1 1 n I I < p 1 W p 1 1 d tl 1 T 1 O- p F- i < M 1 1 Y 1 1 W Y 1 < 1 V p 1 V 1 Z p 1 O 1 6 Y 1 ~ 1 p O 1 1 ¢ p •!f 1 Is'f T i < tl f•') 1 m 1 7 Y M i w 1 11 O 1 -~~- W 1 Y - - - 1 CO 1 p 1 ¢ 1 1~-1 Y 1 < 1 M H 1 S 1 i N ~ 1 V 1 ¢ Y •-1 H H 1 1 W Y 1--1 1 N 1 d N 1 W I Y Y L-t a..l 1 W 1 W M L q q q 1 IL• 1 N p g U V U 1 < 1 ~ Y V 1 N z 1 r ~. 1 m 0 1 r o o e 1 1 6 p O w V- V~ 1 O H 1 p `~ 1 a.+ < 1 V r OI O m 1 ~.~ V 1 W p ~ O 00 YO 1 1 d p ^ N W to 1 ILf 1 N Y N 1 i Y ... ~.- .+ .~- 1 ~.- O- 1 11 1 t 1 1 p I I Y 1 I N 1 1 M 1 N 1 p `-- 1 M I r d O 1 1 M 1 4 d 1 ^ V N 1 C 1 V p q d V 1 d ~ 1 Z Y C c 1 O 1 N O V d q 1 V 1 i p N q ~~ 1 q 1 O Y M q p 1 d 1 N r O 1 N O 1 W Y • O L N 1 1 ¢ N N O 6 1 M e. 1 Y N `~- d 1 1 H O~ L V 1 W 1 r ~O d CO c 1 1 N ~ ~ '~ O 1 O V 1 Y O O 1'•> V 1 O q 1 Y Iff 1 •O 1 Y M M 1 M 1 p I p 1 M 1 Y 1 N 1 Y 1 Y I M 1 !• M 1 -- u 1 H Y 1 ^ 1 O < N 1 u N O 1 o n V 1 0 .~ r / ¢ r z 1 O 11 O 1 W M O 1 U ~ 1 < tl O 1 H N ~ 1 N p 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ITEM J-2 DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING ~ INSPECTION FEES MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Survey of Development Related Fees; Six Virginia Localities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND At the May 22, 1990 Board meeting the Board asked for information on review fees charged by other jurisdictions. Attached is a summary of the Development related fees charged by six other Virginia localities. The Development Inspection staff surveyed these localities to ascertain the level of fees charged, and the basis for these fees. A number of the localities indicated that their fees were based on recovering a percentage of their direct and indirect costs, however most of the localities were not aware of the exact percentage. The Development related fees proposed for Roanoke County are based upon a policy of recovering 100% of the direct and indirect cost associated with these activities. The proposed fees are: Site Plan Review Small Subdivision Review ' $685 + $40 per acre Large Subdivision Review Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Review Subdivision Waiver/Variance Vacation of Subdivision Plat and Easements $25 $220 + $45 per lot or parcel $100 + $100 per acre or portion thereof $190 $190 SUBMITTED BY: C~ ,`t 61 C`~ C'~. Arnold Covey Development Director Approved ( ) Denied t ) Received ( ) Referred To C' and Inspections Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes Abs DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES: 1 - Land Disturbing, Erosion Control Permit Fee 2 - Site Plan Review Fee 3 - Subdivision Review Fee City of Salem 1 - $50.00 (maximum) or $10.00/acre 2 - No Fee 3 - $25.00 - Resubdivision $50.00 - 1-5 lots Subdivision $50.00 plus $10.00/lot - more than 5 lots City of Roanoke 1 - $10.00 (flat fee) 2 - $50.00 /acre 3 - $50.00 plus $10.00/acre Albemarle County 1 - $75.00 Application Fee Up to 9 inspections free - after that $25.00/inspection Only charge fee if not in compliance with approved plan. 2 - $520.00 Preliminary $260.00 Administrative Approval Final Plan $720.00 (Only if Planning Commission reviews final prior to Preliminary approval) $300.00 After Preliminary Approval $30.00 Amendment $130.00 Major Amendment $65.00 Relief of Condition of Approval 3 - $65.00 Preliminary Plat - 3 lots or less $260.00 plus $1.00/lot - 4 lots or more $390.00 plus $1.00/lot - Final Plats for Commissioner Approval $30.00 Review Fee - Family or Administrative $15.00 Exempt Plat $65.00 Condominium Plat $65.00 Waiver of Subdivision Ordinance Chesterfield County 1 - $600.00 Program Administrative Fee 2 - $820.00 plus $45.00/acre - Commercial, Industrial, Institutional Sites $870.00 plus $10.00 dwelling/unit - Multifamily Residential Sites $520.00 - Master $370.00 - Revised 3 - $345.00 plus $15.00/lot - New Tentative Approval $370.00 plus $8.00/lot - Renewal Tentative Approval $65.00 plus $7.00/lot - Final Approval Henrico County 1 - No Fee but Escrow Account - Minimum $500.00 (Anything over 5,000 sq. ft.) 2 - $440.00 plus $20.00/actual acre - Plan of Development - Commercial and Multifamily 3 - Conditional Approval - 1st - $170.00 plus $5.00/lot 2nd - $95.00 plus $5.00/lot - (different phases) Loudon County 1 - $12.50/lot plus $86.00 - Subdivision $37.50/acre plus $86.00 - Commercial 2 - Non-Residential Site Plan - Preliminary fee - (greater than 4.9 acres or more) $2,330.00 plus $100.00/acre for 1st 20 acres plus $20.00/acre or fraction of acre for anything above 20 acres. Final Site Plan - $3,100.00 plus $140.00/acre for 1st 20 acres plus $40.00/acre above 20 acres. Preliminary/Final - (4.9 acres of less) $3,000.00 plus $220.00/acre or fraction - 1st Step Review 3 - Non-Residential Subdivision - Preliminary - (5 or more new lots) $3,570.00 plus $120.00/lot for 1st 10 lots, plus $30.00 per lot thereafter. Record Plat - $3,,530.00 plus $280.00/lot for 1st 10 lots, plus $30.00/lot thereafter. Preliminary Record - (2 - 4 new lots) - $4,910.00 plus $350.00/lot Rural (Private Well & Septic) - Preliminary - (5 or more new lots) $1,570.00 plus $120.00/lot for 1st 20 acres plus $30.00/lot thereafter. Record Plat - $1,450.00 plus $110.00/lot for 1st 20 acres, $30.00/lot thereafter. $1,380.00 plus $$350.00/lot - (2 - 4 new lots) Urban (served by public water and/or sewer) - Preliminary Separated Record Option - $1,870.00 plus $120.00/lot for 1st 20 lots plus $30.00/lot thereafter. Record Plat - $1,450.00 plus $110.00/lot for 1st 2G lots, lus $30.00/lot thereafter. Subdivision Waiver - (1 new lot) - $2,180.00 Family Subdivision - $1,730.00 plus $150.00 for each new lot created. °. .,... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE 61290-7 ACCEPTING AN OFFER AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF AN ELECTRICAL SERVICE EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY AT GREEN HILL PARK BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus and is being made available for other public uses, i.e. electrical service easement; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the disposition of the subject property was held on May 22, 1990; a second reading was held on June 12, 1990; and 3. That the new forty (40') foot easement for electric service runs along Harbourwood Road, then follows a more direct route across the subject property to the service area of the proposed development, said easement being located on the property owned by Roanoke County, known as Green Hill Park, and lying on the westerly side of Virginia Secondary Highway 639 (Harbourwood Road) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and 4. That the offer of Appalachian Power Company in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 5. That the proceeds from the sale of the easement are to be allocated to the capital reserves of Roanoke County; and 6. That the County administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said easement, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Robers, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: maw ~ Mary H. A len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Steve Carpenter, Director, Parks & Recreation ' .~ 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER S- 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Second reading of an ordinance to award an easement to Appalachian Power Company at Green Hill Park COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• In an effort to secure electrical service to the ball field area at Green Hill Park, County staff has worked with staff from Appalachian Power Company to determine appropriate easements and coordinate the efforts so as to minimize the impact to the proposed development of the park facility. In reviewing the current easements across the property, Appalachian has agreed to abandon its present easement across the area being developed for the Equestrian facilities, and to utilize an easement along Harbourwood Road, then following a more direct route across the park property to the service area of the proposed concession stand and ball field development. The attached map delineates the proposed easement and shows the easement being released. The County Attorney's office has prepared the attached ordinance for the award of such easement. The first reading of this ordinance was held on May 22 and staff encourages the adoption by the Board of Supervisors. RECOMMENDATION• The Board is asked to approve the second reading of the attached ordinance and to authorize the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw To ( ) Nickens Robers - . ' ~ ~ 3 780- 250 8 4 8, 274 • ~ - ~ ' P. L.TATE ' • -~ ~ PROPERTY ..' t . - EX/ST/NG PCY£ 2 74 -/2 _ _ 'GREEN HILL PARK a o e a '. 8 o .X 0 b i •' c~ ,~ i ~ ~A Q rn ,~ 0~ ~ ~0' ti~ . _ ~~ ~~0• 40' " GEORGE K. GCO DE , ! PROPERTY SEX/ST/NG PoLE . ~ 20.S -/7/ j ~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY V BOARD OF COUNTY ,~~+~ SU PERU I SOBS " r'A PROPERTY '~ " f RAYMOND L. _ _ WADE PROPERTY .. NEW EASEMENT EASEMENT TO BE RELEASED APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY ROANOKE VIRGINIA ROANOKE DIVISION T. b D. DEPARTMENT PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON PROPERTY OF ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF 1L1 SO R S COUNTY OF ROANOKE~ VIRGINIA OHAWN BT L.M.A. GATE 3 _ 29 _g0 CATAWBA DIST. APP, er J.B.A.IIL SCALE I"= 400' ' 1, D, 8 g 5000 SHEET I OF~,L~SHEETS _ DRAWING N0. R - 27 29 DIlT20EN I]0~1A] CTD ~070FI]0011 Z.l6 ~~ 3 1 F?L.TATE PROPERTY - -src-~~ EX/S T/NG PCX-E 2 74 -/2 n a 0 c g 0 0 a .~ .~ -~ c~ rn w ~o GEORGE K. GOODE ~ / PROPERTY / ~~i RAYMOND L. I WADE PROPERTY ®~i~ NEW EASEMENT EASEMENT TO BE RELEASED "GREEN HILL PARK' 1p A 2 ~0~ 0~ 2 "~~ 1~~. COUNTY OF ROANOKE~ VIRGINIA CATAWBA DI ST. T. D. 6 6 5000 ~, N N O EX/S T/NG F~L E '2615 -/7/ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF GOU NTY- SUPERV I SOBS PROPERTY DIETiGEN 190-M9 GtD 1090E/9o0H2-0tl -'. APPALACHIAN POWER COMPAN' ROANOKE VIRGINIA ROANOKE DIVISION T 8 D. DEPARTMI PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON PROPERTY OF ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY SORS DRAWN BY L. M.A. DATE 3 -29 -90 APP. BY J.B.A.IIL SCALE I"= 400' SHEET I OF~_SNEETS DRAWING NO. R - 27 29 •.~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF AN ELECTRICAL SERVICE EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY AT GREEN HILL PARK BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus and is being made available for other public uses, i.e. electrical service easement; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the disposition of the subject property was held on May 22, 1990; a second reading was held on June 12, 1990; and 3. That the new forty (40') foot easement for electric service runs along Harbourwood Road, then follows a more direct route across the subject property to the service area of the proposed development, said easement being located on the property owned by Roanoke County, known as Green Hill Park, and lying on the westerly side of Virginia Secondary Highway 639 (Harbourwood Road) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and 4. That the offer of Appalachian Power Company in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 5. That the proceeds from the sale of the easement are to be allocated to the capital reserves of Roanoke County; and 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said easement, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. r ~a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE 61290-8 APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, a public hearing was held on April 23, 1990, concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 1990-91; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 15, 1990, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 4 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 22, 1990, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 1990, and ending June 30, 1991, for the functions and purposes indicated: ~~ COUNTY OF ROANOBB, VIRGINIA PROPOSBD FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGBT JUNB 12, 1990 RBVBNUBS: X66,881,463 GBNBRAL FUND 7,264,622 DBBT FUND 372,155 CAPITAL FUND 331,319 YOUTH HAVEN II FUND 351,256 RECREATION FBB CLASS FUND 1,168,754 INTERNAL SERVICES FUND 8,466,T57 UTILITY FUND 88,193 OFFSITB FACILITY FUND-KATBR 195,101 OFFSITB FACILITY FUND-SBwBR 233,700 GARAGE II FUND _____________ 85,353,320 SUB-TOTAL GBNBRAL COUNTY FUNDS 62,573,262 SCHOOL OPERATING FUND 2,724,000 SCHOOL CAFBTBRIA FUND 1,543,521 SCHOOL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND 736,838 SCHOOL TB%TBOOg FUND - ___-_ 67,577,621 SUB-TOTAL SCHOOL FUNDS X152,936,941 TOTAL RBVBNUBS ALL FUNDS _ ~." COUNTY OF ROANOgB, VIRGINIA PROPOSBD FISCAL MBAR 1990-91 BUDGBT JUNB 12, 1990 ------------------------------------------ PBRSONNBL OPERATING CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL ---------------------------------------- B%PBNDITURBS: GBNBRAL FUND BOARD OF SUPBRVISORS ;110,689 73,407 600 CO ADKINISTRATOR 920 142 15,616 ADKINISTRATION INFORKATION k RBFBRAAL , 41,617 63,458 flUKAN RBSOURCBS 726 115 80,972 ADKINISTRATION , 072 209 30,820 COUNTY ATTORNEY , BCONOKIC DBVBLOPKBNT 337 156 22,284 1,500 ADKINISTRATION , 141,682 KARgBTING 296,284 125,664 TREASURER COKMONNBALTfl ATTORNEY 313,373 17,424 776 VICTIKIAITNBSS 3,000 COKKISSIONBR OF TflB RBVBNUB 933 60 4,925 ADMINISTRATION , 904 74 4,800 REAL BSTATE PBRSONAL PROPERTY , 191,311 44,875 BUSINBSS LICBNSB 100,769 8,970 CLBRg OF TBB CIRCUIT COURT 535 359 73,275 PUBLIC RECORDS , 396 42 38,441 KICROFILK , SflBRIFF'S DBPARTMBNT 265 181 38,500 ADMINISTRATION , 273 621 52,100 CIVIL DIVISION , 960 TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COKKISSION CARB ~ CONFINEMENT OF PRISONERS 1,722,473 322,911 9,632 POLICE DBPARTKBNT 355 86 33,400 ADMINISTRATION UNIFORM DIVISION , 1,496,965 239,999 203,679 CRIKINAL INVESTIGATION 594,929 279 908 85,60? 105,259 5,950 9,717 SBRVICBS DIVISION , 000 160 B91I KAINTBNANCB DBPARTKBNT 600 6 , 69,064 300 CIRCUIT COURT GBNBRAL DISTRICT COURT , 300 16,112 1,700 MAGISTRATE 1,210 9,581 2,340 FAMILY COURT 54,400 1,600 COURT SBRVICB UNIT ASST COUNTY ADMIK-MGT SBRVICBS 67,098 7,325 GOUNTY ASSBSSOR 098 166 41,920 ADKINISTRATION , 144 383 34,925 2,853 ABASSBSSMBNT , BOARD OF BAUILIZATION 10,765 FINANCIAL PLANNING 976 238 74,508 CBNTRAL ACCOUNTING , 664 60 9,475 PAYROLL , (37,143 34,625 ;184,696 158,536 105,075 256,698 202,749 180,121 141,682 456,573 331,573 3,000 65,858 79,704 236,186 109,739 432,810 80,837 219,765 673,373 960 2,055,016 119,755 1,940,643 686,486 1,023,255 160,000 75,964 18,772 1,210 11,921 56,000 14,423 208,018 420,922 10,165 313,484 70,139 ~y PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION KANAGBKBNT AND BUDGBT RISE KANAGBKBNT PROCURBKBNT SBRVICBS FIRB ADKINISTRATION OPBRATIONS SUPPORT SBRVICBS YOLUNTBBR FIRB VOLUNTBBR RBSCUB 800KHZ COKKUNICATIONS ASST CO ADKIN-COKKUNITY SVCS GBNBRAL SBRVICBS SOLID 41ASTB ABFUSB COLLECTION RBCYCLING BNGINBBRING BNGINBBRING DRAFTING ~ RECORDS CONSTRUCTION INSPBCTION DRAINAGE ROADWAY STREET LIGHTING BUILDING KAINTBNANCB PLANNING A ZONING ADKINISTRATION ZONING ORDINANCE PLANNING COKKISSION DEVBLOPKBNT AND INSPBCTIONS ADKINISTRATION INSPBCTIONS DBVBLOPKBNT RBVIBfi ASST CO ADKIN-HUKAN SERVICES GROUNDS KAINTBNANCB GROUNDS KAINTBNANCB LEAF COLLECTION STRBBT SIGNS PARgS AND RBCRBATION COKKUNITY BDUCATION LBISURB ACTIVITIBS OUTDOOR ADVBNTURB SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIAL BVBNTS THERAPEUTICS ADULT ATHLETICS YOUTH ATHLETICS ADKINISTRATION PUBLIC HEALTH SOCIAL SBRVICBS ADKINISTRATION PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INSTITUTIONAL CARB SOCIAL SERYICB ORGANIZATIONS CONTRIBUTIONS SVC ORGANIZATIONS . COUNTY OF ROANOgB, VIRGINIA PROPOSED FISCAL MBAR 1990-91 BUDGET JUNE 12, 1990 60,200 60,200 82,714 17,050 200 99,964 74,200 1,060,284 1,134,484 195,629 23,730 6,486 225,845 55,760 1,218,572 253,585 111,493 194,483 164,879 203,447 424,086 176,544 11,000 1,412,116 225,890 44,375 523,850 49,800 sa,aoo 109,800 106,869 5,000 111,869 3,000 3,000 18,500 (10,800 119,193 27,768 222,251 773,140 863,008 296,146 62,000 215,415 17,217 (9T,584~ 99,921 10,264 11,000 (39,758 117,444 9,364 15,000 (57,730 82,640 139,244 15,000 40,200 7,700 123,441 293,919 525,528 20,275 (20,000 1,932,294 62,000 135,048 81,427 84,078 236,884 41,900 123,441 819,722 275,828 67,178 15,054 358,060 53,682 1,000 54,682 16,795 3,000 19,795 47,105 20,286 67,391 271,746 17,290 30,000 319,036 29,015 700 3,000 32,715 93,519 8,270 900 102,689 631,416 268,185 28,264 927,925 15,502 33,850 49,352 4,200 4,200 97,253 2,099 99,352 100,383 1,000 101,383 45,941 0 45,941 84,729 4,000 88,729 51,366 2,700 54,066 82,373 17,880 100,253 60,332 4,000 64,332 144,326 10,000 154,326 225,366 83,694 17,000 326,060 411,137 417,137 1,793,377 225,935 2,019,312 986,836 986;836 10,000 10,000 94,984 94,984 46,053 46,053 sy COUNTY OF ROANOgB, VIRGINIA PROPOSBD FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET JUNB 12, 1990 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION 135,752 810 RBSBARCH AND CIRCULATION 661,459 360,750 12,475 JOINT BOTBTOURT/RgB CNTY LIB 22,819 31,195 900 BgTBNSION S. CONTINUING BDUCATION 87,348 38,675 BLBCTIONS REGISTRATION 96,943 20,873 BLBCTIONS 28,357 12,225 ANIMAL CONTROL 113,288 47,347 15,008 BMPLOYEB BBNBFITS 924,777 MISCBLLANBOUS 799,996 RBCOVBRY OF SCHOOL DEFICIT 500,000 ADDITION TO FUND BALANCB 132,220 TRANS TO DBBT-GENERAL TRANS TO DBBT SBRVICB-SCHOOL TRANS TO CAPITAL TRANS TO SCHOOLS TRANS TO SCHOOLS - DENTAL INSURANCB TRANS TO GARAGB II TRANS TO YOUTH HAVEN II TRANS TO INTBRNAL SBRVICB TRANS TO UTILITY CAPITAL 50 000 CONTINGENT BALANCB , 1X TURNOVER (168,000) SUB-TOTAL GBNBRAL FUND DBBT SBRVICB FUND GBNBRAL FUND OBLIGATIONS SCHOOL FUND OBLIGATIONS 4,637,209 2,621,413 CAPITAL FUND YOUTH HAVEN II FUND RBCRBATION FBB CLASS FUND COMMUNITY EDUCATION LEISURE ACTIVITIES OUTDOOR ADVBNTURB SBNIOR CITIZBNS SPECIAL BVBNTS THBRAPBUTICS ADULT ATHLBTICS YOUTH ATHLBTICS ADMINISTRATION PARg CONSERVATION 372,155 259,906 70,413 1,000 136,562 1,034,684 54,914 126,023 117,816 40,582 175,643 924,777 799,996 500,000 132,220 3,737,420 3,737,420 1,646,575 1,646,575 322,155 322,155 30,594,950 30,594,950 128,280 128,280 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 656,097 656,097 40,OOa 40,000 5a,ooo ----(168,000) X66,881,463 4,637,209 2,627,413 7,264,622 372,155 331,319 32,768 13,107 2,000 48,475 25,836 40,624 2,000 68,460 6,459 27,221 1,750 35,430 6,476 36,963 2,000 45,439 2,153 48,585 3,000 53,738 6,997 10,810 1,000 18,807 43,598 19,265 1,000 63,863 1,073 1,073 4,974 8,347 1,500 14,821 1,150- 1,150 351,256 ~- `~ INTERNAL SBRVICBS FUND BANAGEKENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION OPBRATIONS DEVBLOPMBNT BND USER COMMUNICATIONS UTILITY FUND UTILITY BILLING COLLECTIONS MBTBR RBADING UTILITY ADMINISTRATION WATER OPERATIONS WATER MAINTBNANCB SBWBR OPERATIONS SBWBR MAINTENANCB SANITARY SBWBR EVALUATION NON-DBPARTMBNTAL-WATER NON-DBPARTMENTAL-SBWBR OFFSITE FACILITIBS FUND-WATER OFFSITB FACILITIBS FUND-SBWBR GARAGE II FUND SUB-TOTAL GENERAL COUNTY FUNDS SCHOOL OPERATING FUND SCHOOL CAFETERIA FUND SCHOOL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND SCHOOL TBgTB00B FUND SUB-TOTAL SCHOOL FUNDS TOTAL BtPBNDITURBS ALL FUNDS COUNTY OF ROAN08B, VIRGINIA PROPOSED FISCAL MBAR 1990-91 BUDGBT JUNB 12, 1990 145,615 13,600 79,234 175,400 237,512 8,100 42,266 17,350 221,357 106,959 13,497 105,284 700 l,a5o 159,215 373,415 246,312 59,616 330,196 l,16a,754 103,992 98,741 5,000 207,733 53,334 9,027 2,000 64,361 190,467 46,575 2,880 239,922 397,590 1,514,849 36,000 1,948,439 214,044 312,850 100,360 627,254 95,958 1,081,349 1,177,307 241,293 162,508 84,800 48a,601 329,346 152,024 38,500 519,870 1,473,484 136,652 1,610,136 1,446,484 136,650 1,583,134 8,466,757 88,193 88,193 195,101 195,101 233,700 233,700 :85,353,320 662,573,262 2,724,000 1,543,521 136,838 667,577,621 6152,930,941 2. That the County Administrator may authorize the transfer of any unencumbered balance or• portion thereof from one classification of expenditure to another within the same department or agency. That the County Administrator may transfer up to $10,000 from the unencumbered balance of the appropriation of one department or agency to another department or agency, including the contingency account encompassed in the Non-Departmental appropriation. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 1990, are reappropriated to the 1990-91 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 1990, and appropriations in the 1990-91 budget. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw,~Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: J`~'. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Don Myers, Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources J-`I AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, JIINE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, a public hearing was held on April 23, 1990, concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 1990-91; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 15, 1990, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 4 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 22, 1990, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 1990, and ending June 30, 1991, for the functions and purposes indicated: T~ 2. That the County Administrator may authorize the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one classification of expenditure to another within the same department or agency. That the County Administrator may transfer up to $10,000 from the unencumbered balance of the appropriation of one department or agency to another department or agency, including the contingency account encompassed in the Non-Departmental appropriation. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 1990, are reappropriated to the 1990-91 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 1990, and appropriations in the 1990-91 budget. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER '`~"` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget Appropriation Ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: f ,~,~~..4~~. BACKGROUND' The 1990-91 fiscal year budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors by the County Administrator on April 10, 1990. Budget public hearings were held on January 23, 1990 and April 24, 1990 to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed annual budget. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached for your approval is the 1990-91 Fiscal Year Budget Appropriation Ordinance. The total County budget is $152,930,941. This includes all interfund transfers. The budget net of interfund transfers is $112,619,133. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The first reading of the May 22, 1990. Staff recommends Budget Appropriation Ordinance 1990. ~~ ~~ Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget appropriation ordinance was held on adoption of the 1990-91 Fiscal Year after the second reading on June 12, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved Denied Received Ref erred To Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers r J-S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE 61290-9 TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 14.1- 46.01:1 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members to be $8,805 by Ordinance 61489-13 and further, has established the additional annual compensation for the chairman for the Board to be $1,800 and for the vice-chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an inflation factor not to exceed five (5%) percent; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the establishment of these salaries was held on May 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on May 22, 1990; the second reading was held on June 12, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of five (5%) percent pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $9,245 for members of the Board. In addition, the chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the vice chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1,200. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1990. On motion of Supervisor McGraw to approve ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: /'-' ` Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Board of Supervisors Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources ACTION NO. ITEM NO. °"" , AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 14.1-46.01:1 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• Last year on June 13, 1989, the Board adopted an ordinance to increase its salaries pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.1- 46.01:1 of the Code of Virginia. This section of the State Code and Section 3.07 of the County Charter require that any increase in supervisor's salaries be accomplished by ordinance after public hearing between May 1 and June 30. Any increase is limited to an annual five (5~) percent inflation factor SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The first reading and public hearing of this proposed ordinance is scheduled for May 22, 1990; the second reading was held on June 12, 1990. The proposed salary for Board members will be increased from $8,805 to $9,245. In addition, this ordinance establishes the additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board at $1,800 and for the Vice Chairman at $1,200. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: ~~ Five (5~) percent increase in Board salaries: ($440 each x 5 = $2,200) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. Respectfully submitted, ~ `yV~~ ~~ ~~~- ~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 14.1-46.01:1 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members to be $8,805 by Ordinance 61489-13 and further, has established the additional annual compensation for the chairman for the Board to be $1,800 and for the vice-chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an inflation factor not to exceed five (50) percent; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the establishment of these salaries was held on May 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on May 22, 1990; the second reading was held on June 12, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of five (5~) percent S S pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $9,245 for members of the Board. In addition, the chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the vice chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1,200. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1990. ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 Board of Zoning Appeals Five-year term of M. E. Maxey, Vinton Magisterial District will expire June 30, 1990. 2 Community Corrections Resources Board One-year term of Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate. His term expired August 13, 1988. One-year term of Bernard Hairston expired August 13, 1989. 3 Landfill Citizens Advisorv Committee Carl L. Wright, representative from the Cave Spring Magisterial District has resigned and another representative should be appointed. 4 Parks and Recreation Advisorv Commission Three-year terms of Linda Shiner, Cave Spring Magisterial District and Roger Smith, At-large member, will expire June 30, 1990. Mr. Smith is filling the unexpired term of Michael Lazzuri. K~-y SUBMITTED BY: ~~~~. Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board --------------------------ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) b No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) APPROVED BY: ~ ~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Motion y. Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 1 r _. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 RESOLUTION 61290-10 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM M - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 12, 1990 designated as Item M - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 7, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - May 8, 1990, May 15, 1990, May 22, 1990 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Fifth Planning District Commission, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, Transportation and Safety Commission and Virginia Western Community College Board. 3. Approval of Raffle Permit - Roanoke County AMVETS Post 92. 4. Request for acceptance of Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle into the VDOT Secondary System. 5. Request for acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. 6. Donation of drainage easements through Lots 1 and 2, Section 14 along Penn Forest Boulevard, and Lots 37, 38, 39, and 40, Block 3 along Overhill Trail and Lots 11 and 12, Block 3 on Verona Trail, all in the Penn Forest Subdivision. 7. Donation of drainage easements through Tract III- B-1, B-2, and the remaining North portion of Tract III-B, and donation of a parcel of real estate for street purposes, Southwest Industrial Park, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities ~ ~ 1 May 8, 1990 `~ `~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 B~ambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 May 8, 1990 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of May, 1990. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robers called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. The roll call was taken. . MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator May 8, 1990 3 3 5 Department of Historic Resources, Roanoke Regional Preservation Office and Lin Melchionna, President of the Preservation Foundation. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the proclamation. The motion carried by the following•recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 3. Recognition of Reta Busher, recipient of the Government Finance Officers Association Budget Award Director of Management and Budget Reta Busher was present to be recognized for the award. 4. Recognition of 8. Lynn Rogers. Certification as Senior Appraiser. Lynn Rogers, Real Estate Assessments, was present to receive recognition for his certification. IN RE: NEA BOSINESS 1. Ao~roval of Industrial Development Authority request for proposed financing for Optical Cable Corporation. R-5890-1 Economic Development Director Tim Gubala presented the staff report. He advised that Optical Cable Corporation and Alan Lingerfelt have requested up to $6,500,000 in Industrial Revenue Bonds to finance the acquisition, construction and equipment of a May 8, 1990 3 3 7 ~~ feet ("Project") to be located on 6:5 acres at the end of Research Road in Valleypointe Industrial Park in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and has held a public hearing thereon May 3, 1990; and WHEREAS, Section 147 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County"); the Project is to be located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ("Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to the terms to be agreed upon, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147 (f) and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of Virginia May 8, 1990 3 3 9 staff has been working with Botetourt County to develop a fire station in the Bonsack area. The fire station will be located at the entrance to Botetourt County'a new industrial park on Cloverdale Road. Chief Fuqua reported that a groundbreaking ceremony is planned for mid-June with construction to be complete by November 1990. Bids for construction will go out in approximately two weeks. He advised that Botetourt County Board of Supervisors are expected to approve the agreement on May 21. Supervisor Johnson moved to authorize the County Administrator to execute the agreement. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 3. Implementation of a Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Program for the County Schools. R-5890-3 Finance Director Diane Hyatt reported that the County began a self-insured Workers' Compensation Program on July 1, 1986. At that time there was an increase in the manual premiums for the insurance from $300,000 to $486,485 with claims experience much less than the premiums being charged. It was decided to establish the self-insurance program by contributing $300,000 into a pool. The schools would like to establish a similar program under the County's Risk Management Department and would contribute $188,800 annually to established the reserve. Ms. Hyatt advised that the resolution would outline the terms of 341 May 8, 1990 Management Services and a cooperative procurement agreement with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to secure the services of a third-party administrator to administer a self-insurance worker's compensation program. 3. That the School Board shall expend $188,800 for fiscal year 1990-91 or an amount not less than an amount required to fund the "manual rated premium" for a worker's compensation insurance program; said expenditure shall be made to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 4. That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby agrees to administer this self-insurance worker's compensation program on behalf of the School Board, that it shall administer the funds in the account established for this purpose, that this account shall be maintained separately from other County accounts in an interest-bearing account entitled the "Worker's Compensation Self-Insurance Fund for the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia." 5. That the School Board shall commit itself to exercise its best efforts through the budget process to expend funds in future years in an amount not less than $188,800 and not more than the amount calculated for the "manual rated premium," unless a severe depletion of the reserve occurs. Further, the School Board commits itself to build a reserve fund in an amount not less than $1 million in order to properly fund this self insurance compensation program. If the annual payment is not received, the County will not provide worker's compensation 343 May 8, 1990 A-5890-4 Engineering Director Phillip Henry reported that the application for $500,000 of VDOT Revenue Sharing Funds was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 27, 1990 and the county has now been notified it was allocated $442,800 and should submit a project list. He asked for board approval of the project list and appropriation of the local share of $347,300. He advised that $95,000 will come from private groups. In response to questions from Supervisor Eddy, County Administrator Elmer Hodge stated he recommends going forward with a commitment of funds from the private sector with the remaining funds coming from a future bond issue, but could be advanced from the General Fund. He advised that the state must approve the projects that are being submitted by July 1. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the staff recommendation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 5. Authorization and appropriation to reimburse Botetourt County for the Tinker Creek Interceptor Proiect. A-5890-5 Utility Director Clifford Craig explained that he had researched the records regarding this joint project with Botetourt County from 1978 to 1983. Roanoke County administered 345 May 8, 1990 IN ACCORDANCE KITH ACTS OF A88EMBLY 1989, CHAPTER ~8~ WHEREAS, it has been the practice of Roanoke County to provide benefits equivalent to the State Police Officers Retirement System for its law enforcement and full-time firefighters; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Roanoke County to demonstrate its support for those employed in public safety; and WHEREAS, House Bill No. 1477 was passed in the 1989 Session of the General Assembly of Virginia pertaining to retirement benefits for local law enforcement officers and firefighters; and WHEREAS, this bill states that an employer may, by resolution legally adopted and approved by the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System Board, elect to provide benefits equivalent to those provided for State Police Officers of the Department of State Police for any such employees who are employed in law enforcement positions comparably hazardous to that of a State Police Officer, including any sworn law enforcement officer who has the duty and obligation to enforce the penal, traffic, and highway laws of this Commonwealth as directed by his superior officer, if so certified by his appointing authority, or in positions as full-time salaried firefighters; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, that the Board hereby endorses provision of May 8, 1990 that Roanoke County sell Botetourt County up to 250,000 gallons of water per day. Supervisor Eddy pointed out that the maximum volume allowed in the current ordinance is 82,000 gallons per day and the agreement provides for up to 250,000 gallons per day, and the agreement is vague on charges beyond the current ordinance. He advised he had offered an alternative in a memorandum to more clearly define the charges. Mr. Craig advised he could make the changes if the Board desires. Supervisor Eddy also questioned charging fire stations for water usage. Mr. Hodge advised there was an accountability for the water usage with the charges and recommended that it stay the same. Mr. Craig advised that water from hydrants was not charged. In response to a question 'from Supervisor Nickens, Mr. Craig stated that the rates are looked at annually during the budget process. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the agreement. Supervisor Eddy offered a substitute motion that paragraph 5 of the agreement regarding rates for the purchase of water be changed per his memorandum. Supervisor Johnson accepted the substitute as an editorial change to the motion. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None ZN RE: REQOEST FOR WORE SESSIONS May 8, 1990 3 4 9 ~ ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1289-6 which imposed certain limitations neon the location of certain tyyes of signs. There was no discussion on this ordinance. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 3. Ordinance accepting an offer of and authorizing the execution of a lease of real estate, office space for the Roanoke County Office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. Supervisor Eddy requested that the staff continue to look for less expensive space for this operation. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve first reading. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES i. Ordinance accepting an offer and authorising the conveyance of a storm sewer easement to the Town of Vinton. 0-5890-8 There was no discussion of this ordinance. May 8, 1990 3 5 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents ~d take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary 'to accomplish the conveyance of said easement, all of which s3~a11 be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of S~ipervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eds.dy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTI~iENTB 1. League of Older Americans Supervisor McCraw nominated Murry K. White to a one- year term that will exp ire March 31, 1991. 2. TAP Board of Directors Supervisor Eddy nominated Elizabeth Stokes, County appointee and E. Cabell Brand, joint appointee with the City of Salem, to another two-ye:ar term expiring May 8, 1992. IN RE: REPORTB AND IN~QIIIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SOPERVISOR EDGY: (1) Announced that the Hidden Valley Junior High School Odyssey of the Mind won the state competition and have been invited tc the world competition. Requested a resolution of congratulations be presented to the students and their advisors at the next meeting. (2) Expressed concern about a May 8, 1990 ~ 5 IN RE: CONBENT AGENDA Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motioh carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None RE80LUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM 1C - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 8, 199q designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - April 10, 1990 2. Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer facilities serving Tanglewood Executive Park. 3. Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer facilities serving Hunting Hills, Section 20. 4. Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities serving The Orchards, Section 3, Applewood Subdivision. 5. Acknowledgement of receipt of Senate Jpint Resolution No. 14 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon May 8 1990 35 5 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures for the nine months ended March 31, 1990. 5. Report on the Green Hill Park Dedication ZN RE: BODGET WORK BESSION County Administrator Elmer Hodge reviewed the remaining steps necessary to adopt the budget. He announced a meeting had been set up on Thursday, May 10, 1990 to discuss healthcare insurance. He will bring back a staff recommendation following the meeting. Chairman Robers pointed out only one bid was received and the County could save $98,000 with Community Care Network and Blue Cross Blue Shield. He asked Supervisor Eddy to attend the meeting. Supervisor Johnson stated that he was concerned about funneling employees to one particular hospital for their healthcare needs. Supervisor Robers responded that he felt there was a misunderstanding of how CCN operates and what it provides. Supervisor Johnson asked that the plan be clearly defined with input from employees. Mr. Hodge presented a list of unresolved issues equalling $179,510 and advised there was $56,215 remaining revenue to fund those items the board desires. He also presented a list of the employee positions that were recommended for salary increases based on the market survey. A salary survey comparison --~ 35 7 May 15, 190 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 May 15, 1990 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being an adjourned meeting continued from the regular meeting on the 8th day of May, 1990. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robers called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None IN RE: COQNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS County Administrator Elmer Hodge presented opening 35 g May 15, 1990 IN RE: REVIEII OF BIIDGET CHANGES TO DATE Mr. Hodge reviewed the budget document presented to the Board. The following issues were discussed. 1. User Fees Mr. Hodge advised that changes have been made to the user fees in Senior activities and the Therapeutics Pogram as the Board requested. Supervisor Johnson advised he would like a policy established that no citizens would be excluded from a recreational program because of inability to pay the fees. Supervisor Nickens reported that he continues to request funding from Roanoke City for their share of the Therapeutics Program and there has not been a response to date. In response to a question from Supervisor Johnson, Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss advised that programs are dropped based on minimum interest and they will continue to study individual programs. 2 School Board Budget: Mr. Hodge reviewed the final figures on the school board budget. In response to a question from Supervisor Robers, Budget Director Reta Busher advised that the school budget is 46$ of the total local budget and 58$ of all new revenues. 3 Maior Funded Items Mr. Hodge reviewed the major items funded in the proposed budget totalling $2,840,732. The following specific categories were discussed. Market Survey: Mr. Hodge reported on the results of the market survey, explaining that some employees were two steps May 15, 1990 ~ 6 social services and he felt they should receive the same salary increases as other county employees. He also asked that these employees be included in future market surveys. Supervisor Eddy also suggested that other localities be surveyed to see if they provide local funding. Public Safety: Mr. Hodge advised he would like to include the funding for five police officers. Following discussion, it was board consensus to delete these positions and allocate the money to the fund balance. The new Police Chief may then determine his needs. In response to a question from Supervisor Eddy, Mr. Hodge advised that the paid firefighter position is earmarked for the Bent Mountain fire station because that station has the worst response time. Other Funded Items: Supervisor Eddy expressed concern about the funding for part-time employees to update the zoning ordinance. Planning Director Terry Harrington explained that this will fund two full-time temporary people to allow the full- time staff to work on the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. Supervisor Eddy advised that he would like a vote on whether the Sheriff should keep his supplement. He felt there was a commitment not to reduce the Sheriff's salary. Supervisor Nickens responded that this supplement is specifically tied to law enforcement responsibilities. With the Sheriff's reduced responsibilities, he felt that the supplement should not continue after the police department was established. Mr. Hodge reported May 15, 1990 ~ 6 `~ the funding of the positions of Economic Development Special at $35,430 and the Zoning Enforcement Officer at $42,283. Supervisor Eddy advised he would like to increase the unappropriated fund balance. IN RE: ADOPTION OF HEALTH CARE PACKAGE A-51590-1 Supervisor Robers moved to adopt the healthcare plan of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, amended by Supervisor Nickens that the staff recommendation delete the policy goal for county and school contributions to be funded at 90$ of the single employee rate within the next three years. Supervisors Johnson and McGraw advised that they would support the resolution but also supported the 90$ county premium policy goal. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE: ADOPTION OF COQNTY AND SCHOOL BQDGETS FOR FY 1990-91 A-51590-2 County Attorney Paul Mahoney recommended adoption of the budget on May 22 because this was only a work session. However, he stated there was no legal reason not to take action at this time. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the budget as amended during the work session with $37,142 added to the Unappropriated Balance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: May 22, 1990 ? C Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 May 22, 1990 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of May, 1990. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robers called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard W. Robers, Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Human Services; 0. Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections; Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk ; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney May 22, 1990 36 s y, c raw, o nson, is ens, o ers NAYS: None RESOLUTION 52290-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HIDDEN VA LLE Y JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ODYSSEY OF THE MIND TEAM UPON W I N N I N G FIRST PLACE IN STATE COMPETITION WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School System has always shown a commitment to training and expanding the minds of its students; and WHEREAS, as an example of this commitment, the Odyssey of the Mind teams allow students an opportunity to compete in an effort to solve hypothetical problems; and WHEREAS, the Hidden Valley Junior High School Odyssey of the Mind Team consisted of David Allen, Peter Nevin, Andy Newton, Kris Wiseley, Robert Herchenrider, and Ann Schleupner, sponsor Bob Keniston, and coaches Mrs. Lynn Schleupner and Mrs. Diane Herchenrider; and WHEREAS, the Hidden Valley Junior High School Odyssey of the Mind Team recently participated in the statewide competition in Williamsburg, and won first place. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of itself and the citizens of the County, does hereby extend its congratulations to the Hidden Valley Junior High School Odyssey of the Mind Team; and FIIRTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby extend its best wishes for good luck to the Team when they journey to Iowa to compete in the World Competition. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to approve the resolution and May 22, 1990 ~ 6 9 WHEREAS, over 6,000 participants, family members, and friends will come from 11 states to spend a weekend in the Roanoke Valley to enjoy excellent soccer, the Festival events, and the other opportunities and facilities of our community. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that we express our sincere appreciation to the officers, members, and volunteers of the Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club, Inc. for their tireless efforts in organizing and holding the FIFTH ANNOAL FESTIVAL SOCCER TOIIRNAMENT and wish to each participant a warm welcome to the Roanoke Valley and much success in their athletic endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to approve resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE: NEW BIISINESS 1. Request for approval to construct a support facility at the Regional Fire and Rescue Training Center. A-52290-3 Battalion Chief Mark Light advised that the next phase of the Regional Fire and Rescue Training Center is the construction of a support facility. He presented diagrams of the proposed facility consisting of four classrooms, conference room, bath and shower May 22, 1990 3 Fund of a GE Foundation Elfun Grant and JTPA Summer Youth Program grant. A-52290-~ Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget, advised that the Roanoke County School System has recently received two grants. One in the amount of $21•,000 from the GE Foundation, Elfun Educational Challenge from the Shenandoah Chapter to involve students in grades K- 12 in a human relations curriculum. The second is in the amount of $80,000 from the Fifth District Planning Employment and Training Consortium's Private Industry Council and Policy Board for a Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Summer Youth Program. Dr. Eddie Kolb, Director, Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education, and Garland Kidd, Director, Vocational and Adult Education, were present to answer questions. In response to a question from Dr. Nickens regarding the Elfun grant, Dr. Kolb explained that the grant was to develop a curriculum for a behavior adjustment program, to employ teachers and purchase materials. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the appropriation of both grants. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 3. Request to Virginia Department of Transportation for Industrial Access funding for Optical Cable. May 22, 1990 373 ROAD FIINDING FROM THE COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD (VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRAN8PORTATZON) FOR OPTICAL CABLE CORPORATION FACILITIES IN VALLEYPOINTE. WHEREAS, the Optical Cable Corporation has purchased property located in the County of Roanoke and has entered into firm contract to construct its facilities on that property for the purpose of producing fiber optic cable; and WHEREAS, this new facility is expected to involve a new private capital investment in land, building, and manufacturing equipment of approximately $6,500,000 and the Optical Cable Corporation is expected to employ 185 persons at this facility; and WHEREAS, manufacturing operations are expected to begin at this new facility on or about August 1, 1990; and NHEREAB, the property on which this facility will be located has no access to a public street or highway and requires the construction of a new roadway which would connect to Peters Creek Road (Route 117); and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke hereby guarantees that the necessary right of way for this new roadway and utility relocations or adjustments, if necessary, will be provided at no cost to the Virginia Department of Transportation; WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke hereby guarantees that the necessary right of way for this improvement, and utility relocations or adjustments, if necessary, will be provided at no cost to the Industrial Access Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Roanoke County Board of May 22, 1990 3 7 5 COMPONENT OF THE ROANORE COIINTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has expressed an interest in identifying areas and historic properties worthy of local historic resource protection; and, WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Historic Resources has announced that certain grant funds are available to localities on a competitive, matching share basis; and, WHEREAS, a portion of these funds are designated solely for tha purpose of conducting local historic surveys or planning activities; and, WHEREAS, the Board has authorized, as part of the adopted FY 9C- 91 budget, the expenditure of up to $20,000 in cash and in-king services to be used as a dollar for dollar matching share for an•: grant funds offered by the Department of Historic Resources for the purpose of identifying Roanoke County areas and historic properties worthy of local historic resource protection; and, WHEREAS, the Board desires to use the information and data obtained from a local historic survey as a basis for future efforts tc protect any historically significant areas or properties identified. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Board supports the efforts of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources to assist localities with their historic preservation efforts; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board will use the informati~^ obtained from the Roanoke County survey of historical areas anc properties as a basis for a preservation component of the Roanoke May 22, 1990 37 6A There was no discussion of this item. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the first reading and set second reading for June 12, 1990. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 2. Ordinance appropriating the fiscal year 1990-91 budget. There was no discussion of this item. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading and set second reading for June 12, 1990. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 3. Ordinance Imposing or increasing user fees for the Parks and Recreation Department. Reta Busher presented the staff report. She advised that staff recommends phasing in over several years the inclusion of total indirect costs in the cost recovery calculations in the ordinance. Richard Cox. 5714 Capito Street, President of the North Roanoke Recreation Club expressed concern about the impact of fees on youth activities. May 22, 1990 r1 for suggestions. Supervisor Robers questioned whether the costly programs with small participation were eliminated. John Chambliss explainer that each program is evaluated on its own merits and level o~ participation. During 1989-90, there were 800 different programs offered but only 600 programs were actually held based c:: participation. It was the consensus of the board that the staff should mee~ with all interested groups for their input and discussions prior t~ the second reading of the ordinance. The board emphasized than although they feel the need to recover costs for the programs, their intent is that no children are to be excluded from any recreations: program because of financial hardship. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the first reading any set the second reading for June 12, 1990, with Paul Mahoney to modif the ordinance if necessary. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: IN RE: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers None SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE8 1. Ordinance to amend Article II of Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl" of the Roanoke County Code. 0-52290-7 There was no discussion of this ordinance. May 22, 1990 38 0 --- - - '' --~ -- -~~:a:.... fir. ~}~n normal board fee of five dollars (S5 00) per day when anv doct is claimed by its owner or custodian. Sec. 5-34. Penalties. L1 The enalties for violation of Section 5-26 shall be as follows• u A fine of not less than one hundred dollars (5100.001 nor more than five hundred dollars (5500.00). j21 The iudcre tryinq the case may order the owner or custodian to remove such dog from the county within twenty-four (24) hours of entry of such order or within twenty-four (24) hours after the rabies observation period has expired, if applicablet or both. j~ The enalties for violations of all other sections of this chapter shall be as follows: .~1 For the first offense a fine of not less than ten dollars (S10 00) nor more than twenty dollars ($20.00). For a second offense within a consecutive twelve month S12) period a fine of not less than twenty dollars (520.00) nor more than fifty dollars (550.00). ,~,~ For a third offense within a consecutive twelve month X12) period a fine of not less than fifty dollars (550.00) nor more than five hundred dollars (5500.00). ,~j4 The iudcte tryinct case may order anv animal permanently removed from the county within twenty-four (24) hours of such order. May 22, 1990 3 8 2 0-52290-8 There was no discussion of this ordinance. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None ORDINANCE 52290-8 REPEALING ORDINANCE 12489-6 WHZCH IMPOSED CERTAIN LIMITATIONS QPON THE LOCATION OF CERTAIN TYPES OF SIGNS WHEREAS, on January 24, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Ordinance 12489-6, said ordinance provided for a limitation or prohibition upon the location of certain types of signs; and WHEREAS, on April 24, 1990, the Board adopted Ordinance 42490-11 which provided for new zoning regulations pertaining to the display of signage and repealed or amended certain existing zoning regulations pertaining to the display of signs; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 42490-11 supersedes and replaces Ordinance 12489-6 in its purpose and effect, and it is therefore just and appropriate to repeal same; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 8, 1990, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 22, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, May 22, 1990 3 8 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , May 22, 1990 3 8 6 . upervlsors y, McGraw, Johnson, _Nickens, Robers NAYS: None ~ Ordinance acce~tinq an offer of and authorizing the - execution of a lease of real estate. office space for the Roanoke County Office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. 0-52290-9 John Chambliss presented the staff report. Supervisor Johnson requested that the staff make an in- house study of all space leased by the county, including utilities costs, lease increase, insurance and need for additional space. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None ORDINANCE 52290-9 ACCEPTING T8E OFFER OF AND AOTHORIZING THE EBECIITION OF A LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, OFFICE SPACE FOR THE ROANORE COONTY OFFICE OF THE VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EBTENSION SERVICE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Virginia as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the acquisition of any interest in real May 22, 1990 On motion of Supervisor Nickens to approve ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING FOR REZONING ORDINANCE - CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading and set second reading and public hearing for June 26, 1990. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None 1. Ordinance to rezone 3.49 acres from M-1 to M-2 to be developed into five industrial sites located on Starkey Road off Terminal Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District upon the rectuest of Frank W. Martin. IN RE: REPORTS AND INQIIIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Eddy: (1) Asked Supervisor McGraw to report in detail regarding newspaper article on consolidation negotiations. (2) Asked for board consideration for a study of county operations by employees from other localities. He asked Mr. Hodge to study the May 22, 1990 ~ ~ 0 Supervisor Robers: (1) Congratulated Mr. Hodge on the process used to select the police chief and announced that thank you letters will be sent to those who participated. Supervisor Nickens: (1) Asked that staff investigate an appropriate memorial to honor the late Darrell Shell, who was the creator of the Parks and Recreation Department. (2) Asked Pau= Mahoney to bring back a policy or proposed ordinance setting standards for recycling of water usage in car washes and requirements for underground gasoline storage tanks. IN RE: RECONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST FROM AEROSPACE RESEARCH CORPORATION Supervisor Nickens moved that Aerospace Research Corporation's request to rezone 51.62 acres which was tabled at the April 24, 1990 meeting be removed from the table for reconsideration. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: Supervisor Eddy IN RE: REQUEST FROM AEROSPACE RESEARCH CORPORATION TO REZONE 51.62 ACRES FROM M-2 TO R-1 0-52290-11 May 22, 1990 392 Virginia, as follows: That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real 1. ontaining 51.62 acres, as described herein, and located off estate c Number 90.00-3-12) in the Vinton Route 939 (Aerospace Road), (Tax Map 'al District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification Magisteri eneral Industrial District, to the zoning classification of of M-2, ~ R-1, Single Family Residential District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Aerospace Research Corporation. roffered in writing the 3. That the owner has voluntarily p acce ts: following conditions which the Board of Supervisors hereby P a. All lots in the proposed subdivision shall contain a minimum land area of one acre. b, A minimum 50 foot buffer yard will be maintained between the M-2 and R-1 properties. The existing trees on the land will remain to implement the buffering. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at Point A in Back Creek at the west3rOn most point of the property, thence S . 56 deE ' 7 , 38 E. 31 poles to point 44; thence S. 77 deg. poles to a point on the Aerospace Road right-of- way; thence following Aerospace Road right-of-way oint 43; thence N. 30 deg. E. 18.14 30.1 poles to p 30' E. 40.92 poles to point 42; thence N. 72 deg. oint 42A; thence N. 29 deg. 45' W. 96.9 poles to p 2• thence S. poles to a point in the creek at 25 1/ W, 42.39 poles to a point in the creek at 89 deg. , oles to a 26; thence S. 20 deg. 15 W. 22'42 P 15' W• point in the creek oint2in then creek atd28; thence 52.54 poles to ~ P to point A the beginning. S, 7 deg. 11 W• more or less. Comprising a total of 51.62 acres, 5. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be May 22, 394 May 22, 1990 Supervisor McGraw suggested that the Board set a special meeting on Tuesday, May 29, 1990, to consider the changes to the roposed agreement. It was board consensus to adjourn from this P meeting to 5:00 p.m. on May 29, 1990, to consider the changes to the consolidation plan. IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Fifth Plannin District Commission Supervisor Nickens nominated Lee B. Eddy to another three-year term which will expire June 30, 1993. 2. Parks and Recreation Adviso Commission Supervisor Eddy appointed William J. Skelton, Jr. to another three-year term which will expire June 30, 1993. 3. Transportation and Safety Commission Supervisor Eddy nominated Lt. Delton R. Jessup to another four-year term representing the State Police. His term will expire April 1, 1994. 4. Virginia Western Community College Board Supervisor Nickens nominated Monty Plymale to another four-year term which will expire June 30, 1994. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-52290-12 May 22, 1990 3 9 6 to the County of Roanoke for road wiaening purposes along Route 943, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve Consent Resolution with "B" of Item L-7 deleted, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None RESOLUTION 52290-12.b URGING THAT THE CONGRESS ENACT LEGISLATION TO RESTORE TO MUNICIPALITIES SIGNIFICANT CONTROL OVER THE REGULATION OF RATES AND OPERATION OF LOCAL CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS WHEREAS, municipal regulation of cable television is essential in order to regulate the use of valuable and limited public right-of-way, to protect consumers' interests, to foster public educational and governmental use of cable television systems, and to provide for the protection of community cable related needs and interests; and WHEREAS, although the Cable Communications and Policy Act of 1984 was intended to increase competition and lower cable rates, the impact of this legislation has been to impose major restrictions on local regulation and localities' ability to control increasing cable rates; and May 22, 1990 ~ v combine with the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, Botetourt County, and City of Salem in a mutually agreed upon and cooperative program, contingent on approval of the application by the Department of Waste Management, Division of Litter Control and Recycling, and contingent on receipt of such funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1991; and 2. That the Board hereby authorizes Clean Valley Council, Inc., to plan and budget for a cooperative anti-litter program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1991, which shall represent said program for all localities named in this resolution; and 3. That the Board further authorizes Clean Valley Council, Inc., to apply on behalf of Roanoke County for a grant, and to be responsible for the administration, implementation, and completion of the program; and 4. That the Board further accepts responsibility jointly with the Clean Valley Council, Inc., and the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, Botetourt County, and City of Salem for all phases of the program; and 5. That said funds when received will be transferred immediately to Clean Valley Council, Inc.; all funds will be used in the cooperative program to which the Board gives its endorsement and support; and 6. That the financial records of Clean Valley Council, Inc., shall be subject to inspection and review by the Assistant County Administrator of Management Services and such May 22, 1990 4 O Q IN RE: RECESS Chairman Robers declared a dinner recess at 5:20 p.m. EVENING 8ESSION (7:00 P.K.) IN RE: RECONVENEMENT At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robers reconvened the meeting for the evening session. IN RE: PIIBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 590-1 Ordinance imposing or increasing certain fees for services for Development and Inspections Planning and Zoning and repealing prior actions concerning same County Attorney Paul Mahoney advised that the fee for vacation of subdivision plat and easement of $190 should be amended to $150 in the proposed ordinance to conform with State Code requirements. Supervisor Eddy questioned as to how these fees compared around the state and asked that staff compare proposed fees with other localities. There was a general discussion about the comparison of fees in other localities with Reta Busher, Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and Terry May 22, 1990 ~ 0 Z IN RB: POBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 590-3 An ordinance to amend the Future Land Use Mao designation of a 53.44 acre tract from Development to Principal Industrial and to rezone said property from R-E to M-1 for industrial development. located east of West Ruritan Road and north of Homestead Lane. Hollins Magisterial District upon the request of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 27, 1990. PETITIONER WILL REQUEST THAT THIS REZONING B8 TABLED.) Supervisor Johnson moved to table this rezoning to allow Fralin and Waldron to work with the City of Roanoke regarding the access road. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE: CITIZENB~ COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Jim Woltz. Route 2. Cooper Hill, Virginia expressed his concern about the impact of fees for site review for large acreage in rural area. Mr. Covey responded that there may be a misunderstanding of the fee and he will meet with Mr. a ACTION NO. A-61290-10.a • ITEM NUMBER ~ - •~.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Fifth Planning District Commission, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, Transportation and Safety Commission and Virginia Western Community College Board. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The following nominations were made at the May 8, 1990 board meeting. Fifth Planning District Commission Supervisor Nickens nominated Supervisor Lee B. Eddy to serve a three year term, representing elected officials. His term will expire June 30, 1993. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Supervisor Eddy nominated William J. Skelton, Jr.to another three- year term representing the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. His term will expire June 30, 1993. Transportation and Safety Commission Supervisor Eddy nominated Delton R. Jessup to another four-year term representing the State Police. His term will expire June 30, 1994. Virginia Western Community College Board Supervisor Nickens nominated Monty Plymale to another four-year term. His term will expire June 30, 1994. / jl' / r ~r RECOMMENDATION• It is recommended that these appointments by confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~~~~ ~ Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ~ /~ Elmer C. Hodge? County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs ent Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Ref erred ( ) McGraw x To ( ) Nickens x Robers x cc: File Fifth Planning District Commission File Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission File Transportation and Safety Commission File Virginia Western Community College Board File ACTION NO. A-61290-10.b ITEM NUMBER ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke County AMVETS Post 92 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County AMVETS Post 92 has requested a Raffle Permit for a raffle to be held in Roanoke County on August 11, 1990. This application has been reviewed by the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: m~-~- ~- ~' <` l~` Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ~ Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs ent Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) McGraw x To ( ) Nickens x Robers x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File ~/ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ~~ COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se~C. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sec.. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS R: (check one) Name of Organization ,9/~"r ~~-~ Street Address ~~~~~~~~ e ~ ~~~ ~////~~~ Mailing Address tai-/~~ /~~~~~ ~S'~~~ ~~(~~~ City, State, Zip Code ~~9.~p>Yc.~ !~~ ~SI~,L,~ Purpose and Type of Organization ~` p~ /,,~ ~,,.P ,~~,~~ RAFFLE PERMIT BINGO GAMES When was the organization founded? 1 Roanoke County meeting place? _~~/?/~,~: Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES NO /I~p 11s the organization non-profit? YES NO -J Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter.- n vt~'e ~~ 'Officers of the Organization: ?.'~. President: ~~~/~yj ~(j,~ L~ ~,.F ~~. ,~ Vice-President ~ /~~~,~~~ Address: ~5~~~ ~~~ ~-~1C, ~'~ Address: l~ o y ~~ y~, ,r= ~~~ Secretary:~~_~~~~ c~1Z Treasurer: ~~~~,_uL.`s~~.J Address: vii-~~~~.~~,~_fg~t~'~tf~/JI,Address: _~Sy/ U.~,~f~ !~-~'~~LJ~t~~u.~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name~~~~/ ~ ~ }~j Home Add r e s s t~7 ~~~ ~"~/,,t ,~q ~ ,q ~ ~ ,~ /J~ Phone~r~ ~c~- ~,~ ~ ~ Bus . Phone ~/D i/ ~ A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo G?re is to be conducted. "~it1~ /e ~0~~1 /~'~/ ~T RAFFLES: Date of Drawing ~~ jgU~ Time of Drawing~~~'-'¢ BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday From To Monday From To Tuesday From To Wednesday From To Thursday From To Friday From To Saturday From To 2 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. ~~f ~ {l2 ~~ ~ E.~''Ytif_~ '~ ~~ Yom-. G~.~=S -F-. ~ ~Z~~~ ~~- ~ ~~ • 3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gress receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ~,~ S 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue?~ 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? e 4 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter?~_ 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisio~s~o~f Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia?~(~1eJ 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent_~udit e of the gross receipts must be paid to the~oun y of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application? ~S 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? ~ ~S 12. Has your organization attached a check fo.r the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? 5 ~14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- hip to this application form? 15. Has your organization attach d a copy of its bylaws to this application form? U p~ 16. Has the organization been declared tion under the Virginia Constitution or If yes, state whether exemption is for or both and identify exempt property.- 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia?_~ If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Char able Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the ~irginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer .Affairs? L/ (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description ~b~r Fair Market Value exempt from pro er y taxa- statutes? ~~ ~U ~~~(~ real, personal property, 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete, records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and X4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? understand that instant Bingo may only regular Bingo game is in progress, and at such times as are specified in 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS J I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: My commission expires: 19 Notary Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 Subscribed and sworn before me, this day of _ _ _19 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date Commissi ner of t evenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 RESOLUTION 61290-10.c REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF MELISSA DRIVE AND MELISSA CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Bali Hi' I Estates Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 140, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 4, 1986 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of- way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: !y ~ ~-~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER IY =~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Barry J. St. John the developer of Bali Ha'I Estates, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.05 miles of Melissa Drive and 0.12 miles of Melissa Circle. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~'~~ No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS• The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED BY: ~~4'X~' Phillip Henry, P. E. Director of Engineering APPROVED: ~ ~ ~~2 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator '/~~ Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF MELISSA DRIVE AND MELISSA CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Bali Hi'I Estates Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 140, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 4, 1986 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Melissa Drive and Melissa Circle and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this 4 ` _ Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5 ~ / ."' ,L~ 'L` r NORTB c DESCRIPTION: 1) Melissa Dr., from the intersection of Terry Dr. (State Route 1091) to the intersection of Melissa Circle. 2) Melissa Circle from the intersection of Melissa Dr. to each cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.05 Miles (2) 0.12 Miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet (2) 50 Feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 30 Feet (2) 30 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 20 Feet (2) 20 Feet SERVICE: (1) 0 Connector (2) 3 Homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSA RY: RFr(1MMFNf1ATTf1N ACCEPTANCE OF MELISSA DRIVE AND MELISSA CIRCLE COMMUNITY SBRVICB.S INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ANDDBVBLOPMBNT SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM 3 PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY ~ / i AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 RESOLUTION 61290-10.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Countrywood Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Countrywood Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book Page , of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of- way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Countrywood Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: `mQ-~~ /'C7` - Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER ~ -' S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOICE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Hayes the developer of Countrywood, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.29 miles of Countrywood Drive. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: ~~~ No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the VDOT requesting that they accept Countrywood Drive into the Secondary Road System. SUBMITTED BY: Phillip Henry, E. Director of Engineering APPROVED: ,, C-1 ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion b No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Y• Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers -~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Countrywood Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Countrywood Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book Page , of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of- way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Countrywood Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 2 ~ ~ ~' b s ~ ~ 1 ~. c / ~ --- ~~ / X ~ ~'~ ~ pad ~ d~ ~ j 6Q 695 s LOST ~ MObN7A1 ^ c 9t s I 1 ~ _ \ G ~ , &g 69i, 1 ~ ^ n~ ~ ~ ~~ hri 1 1 j 1 ~\h 0 7 0~/ /'~ ~ ~~ 6i2 ~ (, 786 ~ ~ ~`. _;917___ ~~ 760 0 6 . J ) F / 611 /O ,~ ° : ~ ~~r ~, ~ y ~~~ o Ti 0 9t'hT m 1 ~ /~ ~ ~~~ »'' u , . VICINITY MAP rr ~; ~e~~E i~\ o ~~ ,, _, , ~~ NORTH . . 32 7s9~ 31 30 34 ' 33 200 Ac 2.00 Ac 2.10 Ac IKIO ! ..- ...<a r A 2.2SAC 2.35 AC 762 76 29 19 75 e2 7S e6 - 1.93 Ac ZBSAt 28 ~ ~~ 35 7771 1609 2.32 AC 2.70 AC 777e 764 ~ 26 27 T6~3 36 2 40 Ac 2.26 Ac 2.27Ac ~ ifs 40 716• ~ 3.IS Ac ^ 953 23 7ez9 25 a 5.64 Ac 22S Ac ,~ O ~• < 36 " 37 2.86 Ac ID1 7526 `3.21 AClp 342 Ac eso~ ~ 24 ~ ? I ~ -_ \ I.S34c 3.60 Ac ' ~' ~ 2 ' / 2 ~ / ` BO Ac ' \ . \ ~ .~ - / c ~~ ~~ ~ PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1) Countrywood Drive from Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to the cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.29 miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 38 feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 22 feet SERVICE: (1) 6 homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RECOMMENDATION: wa 20 4.69AC 8239 / COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY AND DEVELOPMENT ROAD SYSTEM 3 i._.. ACTION NO. A-61290-10.e AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSOOF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of drainage easements through Lots 1 and 2, Section 14 along Penn Forest Boulevard, and Lots 37, 38, 39, and 40, Block 3 along Overhill Trail, and Lots 11 and 12, Block 3 on Verona Trail, all in the Penn Forest Subdivision, to the County of Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following easements, fifteen (15') feet in width, to the County of Roanoke for drainage purposes in relation to the Overhill Trail Project in the Penn Forest Subdivision: a) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from Guy M. Hicks III and Marci S. Hicks, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1286, page 1666) (Tax Map No. 87.05-2-1) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineer- ing Department, dated 13 February 1990. b) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from James L. Korzik, single, (Deed Book 1313, page 1169) (Tax Map No. 87.06-6-45) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, dated 13 February 1990. c) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from Jerry M. Garrett and Martha S. Garrett, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1093, page 374) (Tax Map No. 87.05-2-12) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineer- ing Department, dated 13 February 1990. d) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from John D. Kirby and Susan C. Kirby, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1233, page 431) (Tax Map No. 87.05-2-13) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, dated 13 February 1990. e) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from Albert S. Galop and Valeria C. Galop, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1282, page 1319) (Tax Map No. 87.05-2-2) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineer- ing Department, dated 13 February 1990. r ~ / .."` f) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from William F. Zackmann and Dorothy M. Zackmann, husband and wife, (Deed Book 826, page 406) (Tax Map No. 87.06-6- 44) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, dated 13 February 1990. g) Donation of a fifteen (15') foot drainage easement from Elvin H. Ingram and Mildred S. Ingram, husband and wife, (Deed Book 789, page 207) (Tax Map No. 87.06-6-43) as shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineer- ing Department, dated 13 February 1990. The location and dimensions of these easements have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of these easements. Respectfully submitted, V c ie L. H m n Assistant Co my Attorney Action Approved (x) Motion by Bo 7c~hnen„ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Vote No Yes Abs ent Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities >~IETlE3 AJ~ BOUNDS DESCRfPT7ON SHOWN ON TH/3 PLAT REPRESENT A C~CM1pipSft'E OF DEED PLATS, AND CALCULATED lNFORMAflON AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY BtJRVEY. 51 g ovF /~ -- ~ f~R~ 9y~~ r S '9,4~ P ~~ E P~G• S 40°57 E 12.35' Wr "~ N GUY M. A' B MARC/ S. N H/CKS Z .\ \ 15~NEW O DRAINAGE h ~ ~~~~ EASEMENT ti ~ ~~ \\ w ~ `\\ ~-~ ~~ ~, h~ TAX MAP NO. 8705-2-I SCALE: 1~~= 40' PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY GUY M. III 6 MARCI S. HICKS PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENG/NEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 2 - 13 - 90 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRlPT1ON SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDSy PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN AG~IRATF BOUNDARY SURVEY. TAX MAP NO. 87.06-6-45 PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY JAMES L. KORZIK PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SCALE: ~"= 40' DATE: 2 - 13 - 90 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED /NFORMATTON AND DO NOT REFLECT ANACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. '.~. , 1 ~,>. ~~ VERONA TRA/L TAX MAP NO. 87.05-2-12 PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY JERRY M. & MARTHA S. GARRETT PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEER/NG DEPARTMENT ~ji~ -r SCALE: i "= 50' DATE: 2 -13 - 90 METES ANO BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SHOtNN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDSy PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE 80UNDARY SURVEY. --- W \\ \ \ \\~ `\` \ ..^^` V- p~'` `~6` \\ VERIDNA TRA/L TAX MAP NO. 87.05-2-i3 PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT ' BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY ' JOHN D. ~ SUSAN C. KIRBY PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SCALE: t" = s o' DATE: 2-13-90 1 ifETES AND BOUNDS DESCRp~T10N SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COA,/POS17r6 OF pEFD~ ' PLA TSy A!~ CALCULATED /NFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. o^~ / ~ 0~ ti ~ , ~~ Q~' ~•~ ~ ~ rr. ~~ ~~ ~0~ `~ ~ 1 15' NEW DRAINAGE ' ~ EASEMENT h~ '/ ~~ ~~a~ J SB•n . ~~/ Exist 20~ Esmt. 7 ~o ~~~ Q. ~~~ F ALBERT S. 8 VsiL ER/A C. GA L OP S 2`~ 2~. \~ TAX MAP NO. 87.05-2-2 PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY ALBERT S. & VALERIA C. GALOP PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGlNEER/NG DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1"=40' DATE: 2 -13.90 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A Cpl{(POSITF OF DEED. PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN~4000RATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. oL , . TAX MAP NO. 87.06-s-43 PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY ELVIN H. & MILDRED S. INGRAM PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SCALE: I "= 40' DATE: 2 - 13 -90 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRlP]70N SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A C'OlfIPOSlTE OF DEED .,PLATS, AND CALCULATED lNFORMATI.ON AND DO NOT REFLECT-AN ACaCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. OL ~-.C~ TAX MAP NO, 87.06-6-44 PLAT SHOWING NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY WILLIAM F. & DOROTHY M. ZACKMAN PREPARED BY: ROANOKE QOUNTYENGINEER/NG DF_PARTMENT SCALE: I" = 4 0' DATE: 2 -13 -90 ACTION NO. A-61290-10.f ITEM NO. ~ °" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of drainage easements through Tract III- B-1, Tract III-B-2, and the remaining North Portion of Tract III-B, and donation of a parcel of real estate for street purposes, Southwest Industrial Park, Cave Spring Magisterial District, to the County of Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following easements, ten (10') feet in width, to the County of Roanoke for drainage purposes, and donation of a parcel of land in fee simple for street purposes, in relation to the extension of Commonwealth Drive in the Southwest Industrial Park in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. a) Donation of a ten (10') foot drainage easement from Insulation Systems, (Deed Book 1315, page 123) (Tax Map No. 87.14-3-1.4) as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 14 February 1990. b) Donation of a ten (10') foot drainage easement from E. Nelson Brumfield and Robert A. Brumfield, (Deed Book 1298, page 893) (Tax Map No. 87.14-3-1.6) as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 14 February 1990. c) Donation of a ten (10') foot drainage easement from Gormon R. Howell and Sidney A. Maupin, (Deed Book 1312, page 793) (Tax Map No. 87.14-3-1.5) as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 14 February 1990. d) Donation of a parcel of land for street purposes consisting of 10,024 square feet from Mountain State Bank, et als, (Deed Book 1316, page 803 and Deed Book 1317, page 677) (Tax Map No. 87.14-3-2) as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 12 February 1990. The location and dimensions of these properties have been reviewed and approved by the County~s engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of these properties. Respectfully submitted, V ck a L. Hu a Assistant Cou ty Attorney Action Vote No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by Bob L. ohnGnn Eddy x Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x to Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities I 74 EX15t 17' P,G.E - - n M N m '` I m tt` Q 3 ~j ~} F-~ m N - `D r ~ v ~ ~ m f _. b ~. ~ k ._ ,~ ~ r ~: 2 ------ . _.`_ it ~~ APPROVED: ~' 3~0 '~ Py, P ~, q ~ F o ME M P,~ocx l I a I "MEAr UWGARK,'' SUAhrV151 0N I I P.9. 6 ( P4. A! I 15 ?6 27 78 I 49 I N/4°2!'7 6"E-- Nr5'0 '37"E -- .- (66dz------- 199.31•--- - ___ _`--_ - EXIh~ 15' PUbil6 Nf161~Y EASEMEN>• 7.r4-3-1.4 t AX "B N M ~ ~ ~ r T r l aA G 1 ~- PJ ~ ~ ~ e ~ } '^i f P. g, 11 PG. 57) n ~ v ~ n` ~" l~(~ V p Q N NEW f0' 1~~ZAlNRGE EASEMElYT c ~-' Ert9t. hRArNAGE EASEMENT Ex15T 30'r~rNIMUM 9urigrNG 6rNE~ --- -- - ------- --- y /4• r0'35"W, 360 B4' GOMMONWEA~1"H ~JaIVE (5o'a ~~r) ~ ( VA. SEGON~9AaV ROUTE ; 1723) ~ ~ ~ AGENT, ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION x O' '•p B. LEE c~ v HENDERSON, JR.> i3.~1'.UQ'`,.....~ ~. ' (LICENSE) No. 1480 ~~~ susv~°4 DATE PLAT SHOWING NEW 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY INSULATION SYSTEMS THRU TRACT III-B-1 (D.B. 1315, PAGE 123) CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ` SCALE: 1" = 100 ~ DATE: 14 FEBRUARY 1990 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P. C. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMM. MB4 (fj5 RG ~~p0 q' p6.~'° ~ of cclI oGw A M ,,,~ "MEAgOV yGARK ° hURI~. I P.g b II PG, B! ZB I Z9 30 I 9coGK G. SEC y3 "PENN FOAcbT" N15'Og'37"E. 0, 92' - - - - ~ N7 °?4~ Pb. b P6. B3 _ _ 46"E `---- - l00,11~ ' __-~~ rA~~~89ra~9-r.4 ~ e~Q EXrSr !y' pugylG 0116/tY EASEM ENr rAAGf lII-5.1 = 57~`' fl P6 ~ °' v ~`~ o `t~ fAX ~' 87/4-3•!,5 . P.g ;r ~ ti , • m a' N ° NORT N PORT ION OF N ~ ~ N ~ ~ TRAGT lII-13 z ~ ~ o ~ (4.g. 13rZ PG 993) EX/6r 30'MINlNUM 0Ul60lNG 6JN~~ -NtvP (!I' ~1HAINA(ar EAhEMEN~ ----~_ 7P.! -1 ~r .. GDMMONINEAGTN VA. SEG. ROUrE ~ 1~Z3-) GURvE "A" R a 749.00' A = 41 Bb' GH. = 4!. Ab' r Ge.g, = S !5°46'98"W GuRyE ~.A„--~_ - ~ql- VE ~5p'R~W) APPROVED: AGENT, ROANOKE COUNTY DATE PLANNING COMMISSION PLAT SHOWING NEW 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY E. NELSON BRUMFIELD & ROBERT A. BRUMFIELD ~ALTd 0~ THRU TRACT III-B-2 (D.B. 1298, PAGE 893) ~ ~ Lf CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ~ O ~, C ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 8. LEE ~ HENDERSON JR.~ SCALE: 1" . 100 ~ DATE: 14 FEBRUARY 1990 , l3. au-d're` Cri. (IICENS~ No. 1480 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P. C. 4, 0 ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ~~ 9UAr~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA oFP 960GK A ---"MEA40-1'GARK" 5Ug'U --I P9.6 PFi.IBI 78 I 3o I N~ 1 ~ ~---- . E I ~ ------- 341. B3' --- ~1 I NORtH POR>•!ON OF I z- 1 TaAGr II1•g 1 ~ 1 A.9. 131Z PC, 793 0°1 NI i NEW ~0' QaArNA~,E ~, ti' ~ ~, , ~ I EASEMENT I ti~ ~ m ~LJ-I ----~-j• EXIbT, 30' MrN~_~~NF -_ rl ~ ~ f ~ ~. ~ ~ _ ~ lAx ° B7.i4-3--.6 Nr T~acr~z-g-2 4.9. f296 Pb. B93 z 1 GURvE "A"! MMONwEgI,TN DRIVE ~ S3g%36p3,,~ ~ ~~ (VA ~E~pN9AKY RourE r7z~~ Guave "A'' d = 21°13'2f" 7 = 14p X12' R = 7a9, vo' A = ?77.43' GH = 775.85' W H Q N H ao O t-I U ~ W ~-+ x~ O U w `~ z ~• ~ H o Nz a` z z D_ w FC a ~w r PLAT SHOWING NEW 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY GORMON R, HOWELL & SIDNEY A, MAUPIN THRU THE REMAINING "NORTH PORTION OF TRACT III-B" (D.B. 1312, PAGE 793) CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 100' DATE: 14 FEBRUARY 1990 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P. C. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 960GK G. 4EG ~3 " PENN FDA6bf " P9. 6 P4. 83 w '~ ~ .,. u; ~ of II I of I t Wj I Z 3 Wij 4 5 I~~ 6 ~I EI r5t. r5' P~UI 19GIc Ulrl) !fY f/rM'L' --„ I I N? e'Il I I ?4 46 E~ ~~ ~~--7 ~~~9 35 E~ ---IIL--- - - _ - Rq.i5 ~v B. LEE ' r~~t HENDERSON, JR.r+ ~.a~.~.,Y..l-,q... (LICENSEI Na 1480 COMM. M B4 • B55 AG Q ,~ 51 T P~~ qPG~'~ ! SECTION »3 ~0~~~ f:" fP~' ~ glOtK NN' ~OpEy1 ° MER~~ -._ ~~ ~JE ,,~• E~' ~P~ 0 ~ PE ~ 63 ~~ --- i o ~a~, _ _ _ _- 7( h~P~Y,E Y Rogv I ~ ocA r~ LY MAp TAX "gT.t4-~J'1.50F NppiN POR110N `~~ NOTE : 0 GA68 Pj I - SEfiMEN'5 Of TURN•A-R9UNn pU~b10E 50' Tp,AGT ~~ `~ o I ~ wr:~rN of RoA~7 bNA66 aE~FRI r0 An/aarNG Pp~pER1Y'H~HE~b ~ ~ ~ ~ 0-VNERS WHEN SAfq AOAn f9 EXTE"rnE4 A5 CTORMON R' puPIN Z A 5>'ATE (NA/N(AINEp ROAM. g, ytptr6Y A M ~q3 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~-, 13t2 ~' '~ I •~P Ex~ ~ Nil_ N 9UIGD~NG G1NEl 4Ja~4, 1723 5 ~p~~w) N51°2357"VY-,. VAP16. MMON~ EAfirH ~R~VF ~Q I E~yy ~'Mq4' '- EX IyT• 20 P, U, E ~ I I ~ I ~¢ I ~_ N N M J `n ml v ~, a m U g e l ~ MI ~ ~ k ~ b 4 I ~ s 4: ~ I ! ~ W = ,,,_,~, ~ ` o To ~~ 4E~J1 GAtc9 r0 RDANOKE -- GouNTY FOx SrREEt PURPOSES > ~ Q 10,024 SA,Fr. W ~ ~•°'r'rGUR4N'Z~l~~~ aEMA1hIING PORTION OF ~ TAX " 87.14-3-2 3 FROPER(Y OF MOUNTAIN STATE SANK, /ONN 5 GRt55 4 4' `'= GNRt514FJ1El3 V GRf55, GO TR'l5TEb5 GN~BR ;Ne WIGC OF ADF:AN VERNON CR155 q.t3.1316 PG, 803 1 l3EMAlNING ACREAGE :19.5/ ACRES ~ CURVE DATA CURVE ANGLE RAllIUS TAN. ARC CHORD CH. BEARING r A 51°19'04" 25.00 12.01 22.39 21.65 N 12°56'31" E B 282°38'08" 55.00 --- 271.31 68.75 S 51°23'57" E C 51°19'04" 25.00 12.01 22.39 21.65 S 64°15'35" W ~ B-1 114°16`56" 55.00 85.15 109.70 92.40 N 44°25'27" E B-2 114°16'56" 55.00 85.15,109.70 92.40, S 32°46'39" W APPROVED: _ _ - =~~ EaN ~pl~wpy G0, AGENT, ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION DATE N~n,r oy~ '!O/u I f'~IWI NOTE: 1100 BENEFITROFYAWCURRENTATITLEIREPORTTAND T}IERE MAY EXIST ENCUMBERANCES NOT SHOWN HEREON. PLAT SHOWING AREA TO BE DEDICATED FOR 'STREET PURPOSES TO COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY MOUNTAIN STATE BANK, JOHN S. CRISS AND CHRISTOPHER V. CRISS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL OF ADRIAN VERNON CRISS BEING tiALTH OF PART OF TAX MAP NUMBER 87.14-3-2 ~1 y CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT O} r+PC ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA RENDER ON, JR ~ SCALE: 1" = 100' DATE: I4 FEBRUARY 1990 3. A'r-2'..,.~. ~,. (LICENSEf No. LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P. C. ~ 1~~ ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS \~'D QrruYd~04 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA L.~ 1- - -__ COMM. = 84.6S5RG ~ --1 COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1989 September 12, 1989 Contribution towards Hollins Fire Truck March 13, 1990 Automatic Court Documentation System April 24, 1990 Contribution towards Mt. Pleasant Rescue Squad Truck Balance as of June 12, 1990 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance $ 89,608 (25,000) (25,000) (30,000) 9,608 ""' COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE ~ of Amount General Fund Balance at July 1, 1989 $4,483,543 7.10 November 15, 1989 Dental Insurance (106,980) November 28, 1989 Drainage Projects (180,000) December 19, 1989 Library Automation (300,000) December 19, 1989 Drainage Engineer - half year (17,500) December 19, 1989 Bushdale Road Right of Way (15,000) January 9, 1990 Hurricane Hugo Expenses (109,000) January 2 3, 1990 Implementation of New (157,700) Police Department March 13, 1990 Contract Mowing and Equipment (50,000) for Parks and Recreation April 10, 1990 School Deficit (500,000) April 10, 1990 Recycling Grant Matching Funds (150,600) April 10, 1990 Renovation of the Offices of the Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue and Procurement 56 000 Balance as of June 12, 1990 2,840,763 4.500 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance On December 19, 1989, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at a minimum of 6.25% of General Fund expenditures ($63,168,000), which is $3,948,000. ~~ COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY June 14, 1989 July 11, 1989 July 11, 1989 July 25, 1989 August 8, 1989 August 22, 1989 Beginning Balance at July 1, 1989 Additional Amount from 1989-90 Budget Contribution to Va. Amateur Sports Purchase of drainage easement Option on 200 acres real estate Donation to Julian Wise Foundation County supplement for new position in Sheriff's Department Part time volunteer coordinator August 22, 1989 Public Information for Police Department referendum November 28, 1989 Stormwater Feasibility Study December 22, 1989 Copy machine rental for Treasurer's Office (Administratively approved) December 29, 1989 Portable telephones for Rescue personnel (Administratively approved) Balance as of June 12, 1990 Submitted by ~~~~ ~J C.Ci~'ZSZ~ ~ . Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance $11,395 50,000 (25, ooo) (5,000) (3,750) (5,000) (869) (5, 800) (9,000) (3,382) (2,415) (1,045) 134 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Report on County Leased Space COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• At the May 22, 1990 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, a request was made of staff to provide to the Board a schedule of the leased facilities of the County. The County currently has four locations where office space is being leased from a third party owner. Those spaces include the Department of Social Services, located at the Salem Bank & Trust Building, VPI Extension Offices, which are located on the Elizabeth Campus of Roanoke College, the Brambleton Corporate Center, which houses the Departments of Real Estate Assessment, Risk Management and Human Resources, and the temporary facility being used by the Bent Mountain Library while Bent Mountain Elementary School is being renovated. Atttached you will find a schedule outlining the characteristics of each of the leases and the total cost of the rented space on an annual basis. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION• Respectfully submitted, Approved by, L'~ /7~~ John M. Chambl'ss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To r ~ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Attachment ~ ~° m ~ ~ a m m y ° rm- ~ n cn i a m m 3 m .z.. _ ^~ ~ z c i r o a o ~ "{ ~ ~ m m a l o m r m z ~ ~ z z m ~ Z v m m ~ ~ ~ ~ O m ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ j ~ ~ ~ z m cni~ vZi m m ~ ^~ o z v m m m o ~ w N c m z l a m ~ r ~ D ~ z r y r 1 m r A I ~ m m ~ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b9 1 O 1 1 N 1 Cn 1 A W j N ,NO N nji ~ ~ m N z o ~ ~ o ~ .° ~' I n ~ ~ c 0 00 ~ ~, ~ N r ~ O '-n p ~ V W 1 D ~ I _ N I O O O ~ O m 1 I ts9 I O 1 I N I C ~ I H V1 W v 1 .o m r'I y m ~ 1 x TI a ~ w ' --~ ~ ~ 1 m ~ ~ O ~ O O ~ ~ N ~ H ~ ~A 1 ~ p ~ V 1 Z m m m o ~ w l ~ ~ ~ O O N 1 1 I I 1 W I 1 (") ~ W N I O W m j 1 ~ z m ~ ~ 1 v cn m ' 3 ~ a ~ ~ I m ~ ~ ~ t -o o-., ' n cvr a z z ~ _ I m m ~ 0 0 0 ,._, 1 z~ c ~ _c cn i--~ w i m z ~ ~ ~ . ~ :~ I .T7 V 1 p O D ~ N O I O I 1 I 1 3 1 O I W z 1 m -i 1"' I z z = ~ H z I r~ m ~ ~ N ~ 1 H 3 O ~ ~ \ i ~ O O a a m a I a c 30 ° 1 z z Z ; < --1 ~ 1 a -< x 1-' N 1_. ~ z p ~ I O 1 I I 1 1 1 1 F-+ 1 ~ t.,. I O Oi '-+ pi I 1 H (.11 C ~ I V O O ~, N 1 ~ O O O V ~ 1 W O p C O O I w t0 I w ~ M~ m V 0 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER V` ' Jr' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Report on Study of County Operations COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION• I have contacted the University of Virginia Center for Public Service about a peer review of Roanoke County operations. They are very enthusiastic about the possibility of working with us. They liked the idea of enlisting managers and department heads from other localities to conduct the peer review which they would coordinate. If the budget does not permit us to study the entire county operation in one year, it may be more feasible to concentrate on parts of the operation each year and leaking this an annual program. They estimate that it would take approximately three days onsite, plus additional time to prepare a report. The cost for the first year is estimated at $8,000. I personally support the idea of this being an annual ongoing project. As examples, General Services could be studied the first year, the Finance operation the second year, and other departments in following years. If the Board of Supervisors wishes to pursue this further, I will have the UVA staff attend one of our board meetings to define the scope of the project. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers K • +. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Potential Roanoke County Greenway Plan COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS • (~h ~~' Z'.~Z.to ~ Qn ~~~ ~.~~ earn c~c.~e.aa a..lr~~'" z-h¢,. -c.rn2pc~~ ~y~5~' ~ hctG`e- ~a.Phe.a -~i-e~c.cn. G2 /`c.~tr~¢,~.J ~' Z/tco, an of ~t n c_t,2~ `~'~'` ~ ~~~ 'a~L-o~~ ~~.~e~! o aal , rD /~2~~-e~C-ear/ 'moo- Gt d ~ t thc,oCZ. . ~:~/LC.ch. ,c.cr~~.~ a.t~to-c,u -c.u~ .tom .c.ia C.e-z~1 a~tA~ B CA KGROUN ~ -~xt-~ Q'yt ~ u~-`'(z • ~p ~e~ 13oGL1 c+~ !.v-c-dhtd .~e_oe.h_~ ,~c,c.c`Q.~~ cam' Q hD-z.c.~d ~ .u',!_L.u alQgl ,~ix~ At your April 4th meetin g you requested staff to prepare a report on a possible Roanoke County Greenway Plan. The staff has compiled the following information for your consideration and action. What is a Greenwav~ A greenway can be broadly defined as a connected series of land that includes conservation and recreation areas and is developed to provide passive and active recreation opportunities and to protect a communities natural resources such as open space, critical habitats, and valuable viewsheds. Greenways are usually thought of as being linear park or open space areas. For this reason, initial discussions of greenway planning in many communities has focused on major river and stream corridors. However once planned and developed, many examples of greenways incorporate other linear land features such as abandoned railroad rights-of way, power line easements, and urban bikeways. In addition, these linear areas are often connected by "greenway nodes"--larger park or open space areas that serve as a focus of recreational activity. In Roanoke County, discussions to date have focused on our river and major stream resources (Roanoke River, Tinker, Masons, Back Creeks) as the major components of a greenway system. While these resources could be a valuable component of a well designed greenway plan, our concept of greenways should be expanded to include both these and other types of linear areas, and "nodes" of land that form important open spaces. Examples of these "nodes" are numerous and would include such areas as the Spring Hollow t:~ '- C!? 2 Reservoir site, the landfill site and existing County parks such as Green Hill. The land that makes up a greenway corridor can be owned by individuals, businesses, or public entities. Some areas can be open to the public for recreational purposes and other areas can be private for conservation purposes. Benefits of Greenways Greenway plans are prepared and implemented for many different reasons. Some communities initiate a greenway plan due to a strong concern for preserving the natural environment, critical habitats and important viewsheds that they are endowed with. Other communities recognize the appeal and attractiveness of greenways and initiate greenway development for the sole purpose of economic development marketing. Still other communities want to enhance their quality-of-life and provide some additional recreational opportunities for their citizens. An additional benefit of some greenway plans, and of particular importance to Roanoke County, may be flood/storn-water run-off control. All of these reasons are valid, important benefits of a well-prepared and implemented greenway plan. These benefits can be achieved through policies and implementation strategies that include conservation easements, conservation overlay districts, dedication of right-of-way, acquisition of properties and stor`n-water management areas. Existing Studies and Resources If Roanoke County decides to prepare a greenway plan there are several local related studies that have been completed or are in progress. These studies could serve as a useful basis for the development of a Roanoke County Greenway Plan. There are three recent studies of the Roanoke River corridor. First, the Roanoke River Master Plan, conducted by The River Foundation, was completed in 1988. This plan recommended a 40- mile linear open space system from Montgomery County to Booker T. Washington Memorial which would include a river trail fully separated from motorized traffic. Second, the City of Roanoke is conducting a greenway study of the Roanoke River corridor in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood control plan. This greenway study will address both conservation and recreation uses. Finally, as you know, a group has been formed by the New River Valley PDC, 5th PDC, Central Virginia PDC, and West Piedmont PDC to study the Roanoke River corridor from its headwaters to the Hardy Ford bridge. This study is focusing on local implementation of land use policies and includes members from each local government whose jurisdiction the river runs through in ~- addition to local interest groups. 3 In addition to these studies, Roanoke County is fortunate to currently have many resources that could be linked in a greenway plan. For instance, the Appalachian Trail, and the Blue Ridge Parkway traverse the County and form linear parks that could be further linked to residential neighborhoods, existing County parks, power line and utility easements, and other "node" areas previously mentioned. One idea that is achieving national prominence and popularity is the identification of existing railroad rights-of- way which either have been or could be abandoned and converted to recreation trails. Sources of Information and Fundin There are numerous sources of information and technical assistance that staff can utilize in preparing a greenway plan. For instance, localities such as Greensboro North Carolina, Austin Texas, and Boulder Colorado have successfully implemented greenway plans. In addition, there are several national organizations such as Rails-to-Trails and Bike America which provide technical assistance at little or no cost. The Virginia Outdoor Foundation can provide information and assistance in developing policies for open space easements. Contacts with these localities and organizations could provide useful information. There are also numerous sources of funding that could be explored. These include, but are not limited to, the Virginia Commission on Outdoor Recrea- tion and corporate endowments. Respectfully submitted, Approved: ~, ~/, Terrance L. Ha ington, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning Approved ( ) Motion by Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Action ~ ~~ !' 7 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs SPRIIiTG ~O~/I/O rr RESERVOIR AGENDA SPRING HOLLOW WATER PROJECT WORKSESSION JUNE 12, 1990 I. Project Update A. Overall project description. John Hubbard B. Water Reservoir John Bradshaw II. Financial Issues A. Total financing needs and sources Diane Hyatt B. Financing concerns, methods of financing, Jim Johnson and time table III. Suggested areas of direction Elmer Hodge ~".;'~. ~`~ _ ROANOKE COUNTY -;~~`~'.~- REGIONAL WA?ER SUPPLY ;~~~ SPRING ~' ~`` HOLLOW RESERVOIR RESERVOIR ; t~ ' = ROANOKE COUNTY = REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR `~~ ; ~ ~~ ',. r ~~.Q S ~. ~ ~ ,a a~~~ ~ ~~ INTE ~~ AN ~~ 39 -.s' : ~3 BM ~ ;~~ ,u 1337 - ~. d ~ i - - ~ -.dam •;~~. `~~ _' , ~ '/ - ~~ ' ( ~12vv ~ ~~,•- r 6l2 ~ '` .eM .1/r' .: ~ ~ ~ TREATMENT PLANT ~ ~~~. ~ ~. ~~ N ,o ~ , rsoo /~' v~ ~ - ' --~` uarry o Q - Si .~~ ~ rvAYlsCem L/ ~ ~3, 0~ ~~ ~ '•~ 71b -i. ' _ zi av ~~ ~ ~`~~ OKE' X57 y ~ -~~ ~: _. ~G ~~ d 612 ~50~ i ~ ~ ~)). °, .~ n ei ~ e OP ~ - ~1 y _ ~ !' ~ 1 /V/ ,~.-- - - - -~ - - - 3 i~ 7UrR - r: ~ - ~ ~ ~ :~ i -- , ~~~ _ ~ sr~ _ ~o ide ~ ~ ' i. :I,, ~ ~ ~ Cem ~s'Qp = ~y r ~- ~•? ,C,ood ~r~ ~' ~~ ~•~ . ~~~`1" ~~ / ~y\, p _~, 1639 O`v. - i p - _ 1 1 ? ~-!_ s ~ - _-M 1 1~3 . '~ ~ ~ . ~ i q~ ~ i ,%~ 1300 - ~ - ~` 639 0, ~~ ~,, ,, _ ., . ~. ,, / ,t ~ ~; ~~ _ ~ ~ i ~, _ _ _ I ` ~i- ~~ o ,~ xi797 -. ~ .'.I15 1~ , ~' l~ ~ !` ~~ %n'I ~ ~ ~r 1 ~ ~) I~~. - ~ f _, ~ ~~ _ 1299 ~ ~ $u~ ~ ~`~~ - ,1,A~ U ° _ ~.~. ^d -. --f •- , •~ R OAK ~~~ ~ . i ~ ~ \ ~ --~„ _ 'o `' ~ _ ~~ ~ ~~ _ ~; ~ INTAKE '_ ~ _- ~ ~, ._ ~ - ,. • ~ - ~ ~ (; ao,p ~ Substy '~~ ~„ _ ; ~~ }~~ ~~~.~~ ~~~ ~' i~ ~ ~ ~ a. ~..~ Cem i1A~~ ~ " .. r V~~~, -- .. ~ ~ ? 7" (ice .: ~ i~, ~ ~ ~ , ~" o y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ," o ~ cP ~ , ~?~ , ti ~~, ~ , (~'c _ ~n 8~ '~;_ ~I a~ _ ~" - ~q ~~ ~ -~ ~`2 II i~ I~I r '~ ,~',9 - ,-.~. ' - ~. = ROANOKE COUNTY ' = REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY .' ,' 1 SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE p~E 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 DESIGN Dam ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Treatment Transmission System BID AND AiTARD Dam ~ Treatment Transmission System CONSTRIICTION Dam ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ Treatment Transmission System '~;~ = ROANOKE COUNTY 3 ^ i = REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY ~~~~~~ ICI ~~~~~~~ ICI ~ ~~~~~o iii ~g~~~$~ iii e~+1 H p~ ~. ... e+1 ^~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I H II O O O O O ~ O O O O O O O O O O 8 O 8 O 8 O 8 O ~ O Vl ~ Q ap O O ~ p ~O v0~1 try ~ 00 Yl O~ ••• ••• N1 .•r ~ P1 V1 ~ H n O A o. 00 .~ a 0 v a~ R .. 0 0Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ~ O O g O H I C I I I H II F z o y OU E"' o a a F Q 3 o a x c7 a a. ~, a a w W a 30 ^~ o ~ z a H ~ ~ O° H z a E- W ~ F a ~ E- W ¢ o E"' ~ FW- < 3 w x ~ ? w W .., U Q w z ~ A a. p" ~ ..a H Ao y ~ W Z z ~ y N zQ, a Er F U W z V ~ z Ltl z z o E..,, aAa a ~ A F y U ~ ~ ~ °' ~ o [- ~ ~ o F w ^pa a ~ z ° A q a q a ti ~' a a~ a w w a a z ~ ~ s z Q ~ o ~ a F N o U a ~ > Aa ~a v zd z w a v ~ U A o oa a w ~ a w z D F O w H O ~ o w ~ z F a o» z w a W t~i,~ 0W4 v a y [-- w A y ~~ ~ z 0 ~ ~ ~a o [- ~ o A !n W W ~ Z W V z a~ Wo Q _ W ~o ~~ W°~ WNW Wes, ° VSO Zpap Qr ~ ~~ Wp~ ~ rrW~~{j3 vJ F - Q~ W ~ Z O ~ W w ' ^ v ~ W ~ r o ~ ~ V z CJ Q - ~ z ~ o Zo Q ~ for O ~ ~rCV to o ~~ ~ r c Z V- J - a O J -~ W ~ o o~ ~- _ ~ ~ o z o a ~ ~ ° ~: o z o ~~ - oc W County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project June 12,1990 Wheat, First Securities, Inc. 707 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 649-2311 Wheat, First Securities, Inc. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA SPRING HOLLOW WATER PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB A BACKGROUND FINANCING OPTIONS B A. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT B. REVENUE BONDS CREDIT ISSUES C A. RATING AGENCIES B. MUNICIPAL BOND INSURERS EXISTING COUNTY DEBT D PROPOSED DEBT STRUCTURE E FINANCING PARTICIPANTS F SUGGESTED FINANCING TIMETABLE G ALTERNATIVE FINANCING STRUCTURES H ATTACHMENT CREDIT RATING AGENCY INFORMATION 1 EXAMPLES OF RATE AND FEASIBILITY STUDY OPINIONS 2 Wheat, First Securities, Inc. .: County of Roanoke Spring Hollow ~ Virginia Water .Project Background Wheat First_Seciiritic~[n ' The Count ~ and Y of Roanoke, Virginia is in the r potential financing sfructur'es for the SP ocess of ex cost estimates provided to amtning the overall financial feasibility estimated to total he Coun pnng Hollow Water Pro'eCt. $53,685 ty' he total costs of the S J Based on engineering obtained voter a '~' These costs are described below~g Hollow Water Project are Project. To ad PProval for the issuance of $15,Opp,000 of At this time he dress alternative Bnancin General Obligarion Deb fotr has $SS,Opp,pp~~ assuming that $40 g structures, we have used a total fin ~~0,000 of this amount would be issued ancing size of The purpose of this discussion is to as Revenue Bonds. financing for this project. Present alternatives to be considered in s fracturing the overall Spring Hollow Water Proj~t Estimated Total Project Costs Direct Project Costs; Water Reservoir Water Treatment Plant - 8 MGD Finished Water Storage pumping Facilities Transmission Line -South Loop Distribution Line h~nconnection Direct project Costs Additional Project Costs: Construction Management Rate and Feasibility Study Financial Advisor Bond Counsel Underwriter's Costs Contingency and Cther Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Additional project Costs Total Pr- oLected Fundin c.,. General "' `C Obligation Water and gads Sewer Revenue Bonds $15,000,000 $15,000,000 $18,000,000 9.000,000 1 000,000 1 ~~0,000 3,430,000 1.080000 $33,510,000 $800,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 375,000 60,000 3 750 000 $5,175 p $15,000,000 -~ $38,685,000 __` TTotal $33,000,000 9.0,000 1 000,000 1 000,000 3,430,000 _1.080 000 $48,510,510 p $800,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 375,000 60,000 3 750 000 $5,175,000 $53 685 p~pp i i I '~ ', i~ i s s i'' ~' ~. {' Wheat First Securitie~Inc. County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Financing Options ~_ A• GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT 1• Represents the strongest credit for the financing issue (Aa/AA Credit Ratin 2. g), Requires the County to obtain approval of the voters of the County; 3• This debt would require the County to provide security for this financin would encompass its ability to levy an unlimited ad valorem ro ert g which P P Y ~• B• REVENUE BONDS 1• Represents a strong credit; however, not as strong as the use of the Obligation Debt (probable A/A Credit Rating or AAA Insured Credit Rarinneral 2• Payable primarily from the revenues of the Ente ri g), rp se Fund; 3• Use of Revenue Bonds is best designed to match the capital costs of producing facility to the amortization of the Revenue Bond issue; a revenue 4• Requires the County's Board of Supervisors approval prior to issuance of the debt. Wheat First Securities, Inc. --- ~-- County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Credit Issues In addition to the overall financial feasibility of this Project, the Credit Rating agencies and/or the Municipal Bond Insurers will want to fully understand the financial ability of the County to undertake this Project whether the Project is primarily funded with General Obligation Debt or System Revenue Debt. Listed below are the areas where additional questions may be raised depending on the type of debt selected to fund the Spring Hollow Water Project. A. RATING AGENCIES 1. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT • Economic Base • Issuer Characteristics • Demographics • Tax Base • Employment Base • Retail Sales Financiallndicators • Accounting and Reporting Methods • Sources of Revenues and Uses and Expenditures • Annual Operating Histories • Balance Sheet History • Budget and Financial Planning • Pension Fund Position and Other Long-Tenn Obligations • Debt Factors • Type and Strength of Security Pledged • Maturity Schedule and Life of Project • Reliance on Short-Term Debt • Current Debt Burden and Future Financing Needs • Administrative Factors • Financial Management • Capital Improvement Program ' Property Tax Administration Wheat First ~curities Inc. -- ~_-- 2• REVENUE BONDS • Legal Provision • Security Measures • Rate Covenant • Flow of Funds • Additional Bonds Test • Economic Factors • Demographics • Tax Base • Employment Base • Operating Factors • Structure of Management • Government Regulations • Rate Structure and Policy • Financial Factors • Debt Service Coverage Balance Sheet Indicators • Future Trends • Debt Service Reserve Fund ~, Wheat First Securities, Inc. B. MUNICIPAL BOND INSURERS 1. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT x Eligibility Standards • Must be of investment ade uali ~' q ty (BBB or better). • Property taxes must be a sufficient source of debt repayment. The County is obligated to levy and appropriate ad valorem taxes when and as needed to pay debt service on the bonds. • The issuer must have the ability to issue debt within statutory or other limits. General Criteria • Economic and social factors should show at least the presence of average economic diversity, wealth and growth. Measures of the economic base to be examined include total personal income, income per capita, population changes, labor force characteristics, and employment and unemployment patterns. An Insurer would prefer to insure counties possessing growth characteristics, but will consider stable or declining communities if the community has demonstrated the ability to manage its financial affairs adequately in the absence of economic growth. • Debt management should be consistent with constitutional or statutory limits and within the financial means of the community as demonstrated by the debt relationship to property values, economic levels and the total revenues of the County. • The existence of a comprehensive capital plan is preferred. • Financial management should reflect the ongoing ability to fund operations from available ongoing revenue sources. Legal and administrative factors include an evaluation of political and statutory framework within which the community exists. An unqualified legal opinion is required. Wheat, First Securities, Inc. 2. REVENUE BONDS Eligibility Standards • Must be of investment grade quality (BBB or better). t Bonds must be secured by an ad uate _ eq gross or net revenue pledge. • A Debt Service Reserve Fund should be maintained at the maximum level legally permitted. • A rate covenant should require some level of coverage in excess of all costs including debt service. • An opinion(s) of the consulting engineer and rate and feasibility consultant must state that the project is feasible, economic and necessary. • The necessary construction and environmental permits should be in hand. General Criteria • Bond proceeds should fund projects which are compatible with system's needs; project feasibility should be evaluated by independent consultants. Bond payment must not be dependent upon timely completion of project. The County's service territory should exhibit positive economic indicators, the customer base should be expanding or stable, no single customer or industry should account for a significant portion of revenues. The County should have access to a reliable and cost effective source of water supplies; appropriate interconnection agreements should be in place. • There should be a history of rate adjustments being implemented on a timely basis, rates should be competitive with those of neighboring counties. -- Historic financial results should demonstrate an adequate level of earnings, coverage or existing debt should be at required levels, excess monies should be available to fund a sufficient maintenance program. • Financial performance should not be wholly dependent upon non-recurring sources of revenues such as connection fees. County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Existing County Debt Wheat, First Securities, Inc. In examining the County's ability to repay the debt issued to fund the Spring Hollow Water Project, outside parties will examine the County's existing debt as well as planned future debt issuances for Capital Improvement Projects. Outside parties will also be concerned as to debt issues where the County may have a moral obligation to pay potential shortfalls in debt service costs such as debt which may be issued by the Roanoke County Resource Authority. A. OUTSTANDING DEBT 1. As of June 30, 1989 the County of Roanoke, Virginia had approximately $50,000,000 of debt outstanding. Approximately $900,000 of this debt represented Revenue Bonds with the remainder representing General Obligation Debt. The changes in the County's long-term liability for the year ended June 30, 1989 were as follows: Outstanding Outstanding June 30, 1988 Additions Deletions June 30, 1989 General Obligation Debt: 1980 public improvement bonds $3,250,000 $ -- $250,000 $3,000,000 1982 public improvement bonds 5,950,000 -- 700,000 5,250,000 1986 public improvement bonds 12,278,391 -- 565,023 11,713,368 Virginia Public School Authority School Bonds 4,035,000 174,432 160,000 4,049,432 State literary loans 3,587,259 4,841,603 223,509 8,205,353 Capitalized lease obligations 2,327,203 2,088,934 648,433 3,767,704 Less portion of debt assumed by other localities 60 529 174 432 25 439 2( 09,522) 31,367,324 6,930,537 2,521,526 35,776,335 Accrued employee benefits 2 617 680 275 133 -- 2 892 813 $T,~6'T6 $2 3~a ~_ ~_ Enterprise Fund Debt: Water improvement bonds $2,425,000 $ -- $250,000 $2,175,000 1980 public improvement bonds 2,825,000 -- 150,000 2,675,000 1982 public improvement bonds 2,550,000 -- 300,000 2,250,000 1986 public improvement bonds 1,846,609 -- 84,977 1,761,632 1988 Virginia Resources Authority 4,652,500 -- 127,500 4 525 000 general obligation bonds , , 1988 Virginia Resources Authority 950,000 -- 26,667 933 383 water revenue bonds , Note payable 120 000 1~,1 __ -- 40 000 /~,1 ~ 80000 1~ Accrued employee benefits 79 277 2 920 -- 82 197 P= $'~~ $9'7~ ~~ $ ~3'~ i z W a a W U ~i W V1 F oa W A w a H ~Q h M 00 .-r ~p o 0\ •-• M h O 0~0 ~ ~ h M ~D M h p' ~ ~D N V ^ NN p OI N h M 00 N ~D M ~--~ ~ O vN~ 00 N M ~ ~A O ~ S M M ~ ~ ~ .--i .-r ~ N •--~ •-• ~ ... .-r I t ~O ~D N N ~ ~ ~ ' M O~ '~t •--~ ~ p ~ l~ l~ ~D cr ~ ~ M M M M •--i ... .--i .r .-.. .-. ~ 69 L ++ •~ •.• ~NhO~D~O ~-+ht~O~O00O N O~ ~t ~ N O ~-+ •--~ C ep~ ~t ~a ~ 00 O M N [ ~D V ~--~ ~ ONO c~ ~ N ~ ~ O ~ ' M O O O ~ N .°j o O oO V~oooOOO~ONO ~ ~ y ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 0 ~pp 0~~ ~pp = [ ~f a --~ O ~ ~ h ~N NN ~~~N ~ i - o i ~ h~ O001~ ti c •. 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ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL DEBT ASSUMING CONTINUATION OF EXISTING $2 MILLION OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Fiscal Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Existing Debt Service Changed to Enterprise Funds $1,997,255 1,983,106 1,983,519 1,974,290 1,412,807 1,377,098 1,370,067 1,061,376 1,066,436 1,066,050 1,057,437 526,781 527,968 528,835 527,548 527,523 530,211 531,881 117,375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $20,2_ Debt Service Available for New Bonds 0 0 0 0 $600,173 600,349 601,831 999,593 1,005,089 1,003,181 1,004,846 1,500,925 1,499,859 1,500,066 1,499,859 1,498,394 1,499,623 1,499,140 1,899,624 1,997,147 2,002,536 2,000,569 2,004,681 2,004,260 2,001,641 2,000,503 2,000,958 2,001,763 _2,003,471 $38,229,941 New Total Debt Service $1,977,255 1,983,106 1,983,519 1,974,290 2,012,980 1,978,929 1,971,898 2,060,969 2,071,525 2,069,231 2,062,283 2,027,706 2,027,827 2,028,901 2,027,407 2,025,917 2,029,834 2,031,021 2,016,999 1,997,147 2,002,536 2,000,569 2,004,681 2,004,260 2,001,641 2,000,503 2,000,958 2,001,763 2,003,471 $58,457,504 Amount of Debt which could be issued under this Debt Service Schedule 11 372 000 Wheat, First Securities, Inc. County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Proposed Debt Structure The County has obtained voter approval for issuing approximately $15,000,000 of General Obligation Bonds to fund a portion of this Project. An additional $40,000,000 of funds will be needed to fully fund this Project as presently designed. We are recommending that the County consider the following financing options to determine the most efficient overall financing plan for the Spring Hollow Water Project. These recommendations are based on information which we have reviewed todate and will be continually refined and changed, as needed, based on the results of the studies to be conducted by the Rate and Feasibility Consultant and other members of Financing Team. 1. The County should establish water and sewage rates which would be sufficient to pay all operations and maintenance expenses and all System Debt Service Costs. To assist the County in establishing these rates, we believe a Rate and Feasibility Consultant should be retained to review the ability of the County to support its existing debt, this proposed debt issuance and support all future CIP projects. 2. Issue $15,000,000 of General Obligation Bonds to support the Spring Hollow Water Project. These Bonds should be rated as Aa/AA reflecting the overall credit strength of the County. We would not, at this time, recommend that the County seek Municipal Bond Insurance on this portion of the Debt. 3. Issue up to $40,000,000 of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to support the Spring Hollow Water Project. These Bonds, assuming adequate water and sewer rates, should be rated as an A/A obligation. We would recommend that the County pursue Municipal Bond Insurance for this issue while continuing to pursue the VRA as a possible financing vehicle. 4. The Revenue Bonds will receive a net pledge of the Water and Sewer Revenues. A suggested flow of funds for this transaction is attached. 5. The County would issue Revenue Bonds sufficient to fully fund a Debt Service Reserve Fund. In addition, the County will agree to replenish any draw downs on this Reserve Fund within six months of the draw. This replenishment would be subject to annual appropriation by the County Board of Supervisors. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS SUGGESTED FLOW OF FUNDS NTIAL FEES 'sRCIAL FEES SYSTEM Y APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES MUNICIPALITIES OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE ON RESERVE FUND REVENUE BONDS COUNTY TRANSFERS I DEBT SERVICE ON TO SUPPORT DEBT OTHER BONDS BALANCE TO ENTERPRISE FUND Wheat, First Sc-curitieszlnc. County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Financing Participants As part of the overall Financing Plan for the Spring Hollow Water Project, the following groups and/or fu-ms would be major participants in the overall successful issuance of the General Obligation and Revenue System Bonds. Each participants' role in the financing process is briefly described below. Issuer The Boazd of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia will be the issuer of the Bonds. The Boazd of Supervisors will be required to approve the issue of the Bonds and the County Staff will be actively involved in the development of the financing plan. General Counsel The County Attorney will serve as the legal representative to the County Administrator and Boazd of Supervisors in legal matters relating to the issuance of the debt. Rate and Feasibility Consultant The Rate and Feasibility Consultant is responsible for determining the County's Water and Sewer rates needed to pay the operating and maintenance cost of the system as well as the required debt service cost. The Rate and Feasibility Consultant will determine the level of increase, if any, in the Water and Sewer rates for existing residential and commercial customers in addition to determining an appropriate level of connection fees for new system users. This work will include the use of sensitivity analysis on the overall systems ability to meet expenses under different growth assumptions. A copy of two Rate and Feasibility Study Opinions are shown in Attachment 2. Consulting Engineers The Consulting Engineers are primarily responsible for the technical engineering consulting aspects of the Spring Hollow Water Project. This group will work with the other team members to ensure that accurate cost estimates are used in determining the overall financing plan. Bond Counsel Bond Counsel is responsible for assisting the County in issuing its debt as well as protecting the interests of the bondholders "at large". Bond counsel is responsible for structuring the legal documents supporting the financing and for providing the legal opinion that the bonds are issued in conformance with Federal and state law regazding the issuance of tax-exempt bonds and that the interest income is exempt from Federal, state and any local income tax. Wheat First Securities~lnr. Financial Advisor The Financial Advisor will assist the County in the development of a financing structure which meets the Counry's objectives and satisfies all legal requirements. The Financial Advisor will also provide the County with guidance in selecting an Underwriter to market the bonds. As part of this process, the Financial Advisor will be responsible for coordinating the efforts of the working group in order to provide the County with the lowest cost financing. Underwriter The Underwriter will be responsible for the sale of the County's bonds. This group takes on an added importance with the use of CAB's, OID's or other special marketing structures to obtain a lower debt service cost in the early years. Underwriter's Counsel Underwriter's Counsel represents the underwriters in the financing transaction and is primarily responsible for preparing the Preliminary Official Statement (POS) and the Official Statement (OS), as well as other underwriting documents. Underwriter's Counsel also acts as the Underwriter's legal advisor in the Underwriter's efforts to market the bonds. The POS and OS are legal information documents used to market the bonds prior to the sale date. Underwriter's Counsel is responsible for evaluating the POS and OS in terms of the adequate disclosure of relevant information and ensuring the accuracy of the representations made in the POS and OS. Trustee The trustee is responsible for collecting, investing and distributing funds associated with the bond issue in accordance with the legal provisions of the financing. Rating Agencies The rating agencies review the financing to determine the credit status of the facility and the bondholder's potential to receive full debt service payments in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of the legal documents. The bond rating determined by either Standard & Poor's Corporation or Moody's Investors Service, Inc. will be an important factor in the interest rate expected by tax-exempt bond buyers on the financing. A brief description of the rating process and the meanings of the ratings are shown in Attachment 1. Credit Enhancement Providers Depending upon the credit strength and/or complexity of the anticipated financing, credit enhancement may be an economically beneficial addition to the financing. The credit guarantee would most likely be in the form of municipal bond insurance. Under the terms of a bond insurance policy, the insurance company guarantees the full and timely payment of debt service on the bonds in return for an upfront insurance premium payment. As a result of the insurance company's guarantee, the bonds bear the long-term credit rating of the insurance company Wheat, First ~curitie_s Inc. -1--- (generally "AAA") thereby bearing a lower interest rate than if the bonds were sold on a stand- alone basis. Bond insurance is deemed economically feasible if the insurance premium is less than the present value interest cost savings resulting from the improved credit rating. Wheat First Sc curities, Inc. County of Roanoke, Virginia Spring Hollow Water Project Suggested Financing Timetable (For Discussion Purposes Only) June 12, 1990 ParticiQants BS Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CS Roanoke County Staff CE Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern (Consulting Engineer) FA Wheat, First Securities, Inc. (Financial Advisor) BC McGuire Woods Battle & Boothe (Bond Counsel and General Counsel) FC Rate and Feasibility Consultant (To Be Named) UW Underwriter (To be Named) UC Underwriter's Counsel TR Trustee (To Be Named) Date 6/12/90 6/18/90 6/22/90 7/10/90 7/16/90 7/23/90 Week of 7/23/90 Event Tuesday Briefing Meeting for County Supervisors. Monday Continue discussion with VRA on financing options. Friday Issue Request for Proposals for Rate and Feasibility Consultants. Tuesday Rate and Feasibility Consultant proposals due. Monday Rate and Feasibility Consultant selected. Monday Present proposed financing plan to County Administrator for review. -- Working Group Meeting with Rate and Feasibility Consultant to begin their independent evaluation. Partiapants All Parties FA, CS FA, CS FA, CS CS, BS FA FA, CS, CE, BC Wheat, First Securities Inc. --~ Date Day Event p~Q~~ October -- Board Meeting to include an update and FC, CS, preliminary approval on the Project and approval FA, CE of Request for Proposal for Underwriters. 11/1/90 Thursday Issue Request for Proposal for Underwriters FA, CS 11/15/90 Thursday Underwriters proposals due to County -_ 11/30/90 Friday Select underwriting team. CSBS Month of -- 1. Draft Feasibility Study for financing in FC December, 1990 circulation for review; 2. Initiate development of bond documents; BC 3. Continue discussions with bond insurers. BC, CS, Arrange meetings in Roanoke County; FA, UW 4. Continue discussion with VRA (as CS necessary); and 5. Initiate discussions with rating agencies, CS, FA, UW if applicable. 6. Adoption of County's Capital Improvement CS, BS Plan. January, 1991 -- Board meeting to include a progress report on the financing structure and continue discussion on preliminary findings on the feasibility study and ramifications on the current and proposed rates. Board approval of Request for Construction Bids CS, CE Month of -- Working group meetings to assemble necessary All Parties February, 1991 documentation for Bond Sale. Months of -- Selected Events: February & March, 1991 1. Finalize feasibility study; FC Wheat, First Sc;curities, Inc. Date Dav Event particiaants Months of 2. Submit draft of bond documents to BC, UC February & appropriate financial parties (e.g. bond March, 1991 insurers, rating agencies, VRA); and 3. Select ancillary parties to the CS, FA, BS transaction (e.g. bond trustee) 3/15/91 Friday Receipt of Construction Bids CS, CE 4/9/91 Tuesday Tentative Bond Sale ~~ Fp, UW April, 1991 -- Board Meeting to authorize the entering into CS, FA, UW a Bond Purchase Agreement. Week of -- (Tentative) Close on the transaction; location All Parties 4/23/91 to be determined. t/~ V'1 V7 In ~ V7 V') V'~ V~ ~ V'1 V7 V~ ~ V7 V~ h H h to H V'f V'f L/'1 V'1 ~A ~ O M M v> vy v~ ~n ~n v~ ~n ~n ~n ~n v~ v7 ~n ~n ~/'~ ~n ~n v~ v~ ~n ~n oo rt O '--~ ~ ~t N ~n ~ O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 et t ~--~ pp~~~ O~ ~ [~~~}} oo pM~~ ~~~~ '~t ~ OV ~~~ M M M OM M M O O O M O~ 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 0 oN v et ~ v ~ v ~ ~t ~r ~ t~ t~ t ^ t ^ t w t~ ~ n ~ t~ oo ao 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MGR M M M M M M M M M V1 V7 lA V') lI~ V'1 ~ In l/') 1/') ~p ~p ~p \p ~p \p ~p ~p ~p \p Do M DD oo M M oo OO ~ O oo ~ ~ OO O~ 00 O OO [~ OO O ~A O M OO O N M ~O N~ ^' et ~ ct ~ O~ ~O M M M M M M~ M M M S M ~-+ N M N S f~ ~t M O~ N N t~ ~t N [~ 00 O O O O O O O O O O~~ ~--~ ~ 00 ~D ~--~ 00 ~ M O oo O O~ O o~ O [~ N [~ V~ V7 ~ O O O O O O O V'1 tI'i O~ ~D vi •-+ M f~1 N a0 001 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O O O O O O O Ncf3 N N N N N N N N N ~O ~O ~O ~D ~O ~O ~O ~O ~O ~D [~ (~ [~ [~ [~ [~ f~ [~ t~ [~ N O V7 V'1 O O ~A ~ M 00 00 00 M 00 OO M o0 M M tP1 V7 O~ M O M U1 M 00 ~ ^~ V O M M M M 00 N [~ ~ ~A lP1 U1 t~ O O ~ ~ ~ 00 t~ (~ et l/7 t~ d' V1 ~ ~t et O~ ~O et O^ M O N ~ OO of O~ ~ O O~ N ~O et ~O O^ ~-+ O O^ O ~O O ~--~ O ^~ O ~--+ O ~--~ oD M O~ ~G of [~ ~ p~ rj O O O N N N M '-+ M M M O~ M~ ^' •°" ^-~ ~~ ^+ ^' O ^' N N N N ^" N N N N N N N N N N N N ~-+ ~I M M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ M M M M M M M M M ~O ~D ~O ~O ~O ~D ~O ~O ~O ~p ~O ~p ~p ~p ~p ~p ~p ~p ~p ~p ~ M o0 a0 M M a0 00 t/') pp DD O~ O~ 00 Q~ OO O o0 C~ OO O V~ O M 00 O ~ M A N N "" ~t d' V~~ ~D M M M M M M~ M M M S M ^~ N M N S (~ '~7 M C. 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30 Yr Rev 30 Yr GO 30 Yr Rev (Ser 1-15, (Int only 1=20, (Ser 1-10, 20 Yr GO 20 & 30 25 & 30 CABs 11-20, Date (Ser 1-20) Yr Terms) Total Yr Terms 25 & 30 Terms) Total 07/01/92 $1,414,990 $3,311,555 $4,726,545 $1,084,395 $2,920,368 $4,004,763 07/01/93 1,417,000 3,310,110 4,727,110 1,084,395 2,918,923 4,003,318 07/01/94 1,416,890 3,311,445 4,728,335 1,084,395 2,920,258 4,004,653 07/01/95 1,414,800 3,310,405 4,725,205 1,084,395 2,919,218 4,003,613 07/01/96 1,415,680 3,311,930 4,727,610 1,084,395 2,920,743 4,005,138 07/01/97 1,414,155 3,310,630 4,724,785 1,084,395 2,919,443 4,003,838 07/01/98 1,415,165 3,311,435 4,726,600 1,084,395 2,920,248 4,004,643 07/01/99 1,418,315 3,308,935 4,727,250 1,084,395 2,917,748 4,002,143 07/01/00 1,413,490 3,313,383 4,726,873 1,084,395 2,922,195 4,006,590 07/01/01 1,415,990 3,309,048 4,725,038 1,084,395 2,917,860 4,002,255 07/01/02 1,415,095 3,311,228 4,726,323 1,084,395 3,730,038 4,814,433 07/01/03 1,415,760 3,309,178 4,724,938 1,084,395 3,730,039 4,814,434 07/01/04 1,417,593 3,312,843 4,730,435 1,084,395 3,730,039 4,814,434 07/01/05 1,415,193 3,311,458 4,726,650 1,084,395 3,730,038 4,814,433 07/01/06 1,413,505 3,309,958 4,723,463 1,084,395 3,730,039 4,814,434 07/01/07 1,417,588 3,313,453 4,731,040 1,084,395 3,730,038 4,814,433 07/01/08 1,416,233 3,310,078 4,726,310 1,084,395 3,730,040 4,814,435 07/01/09 1,414,908 3,310,903 4,725,810 1,084,395 3,730,038 4,814,433 07/01/10 1,417,683 3,310,203 4,727,885 1,084,395 3,730,037 4,814,432 07/O1/11 1,414,380 3,312,615 4,726,995 1,084,395 3,730,038 4,814,433 07/01/12 3,312,415 3,312,415 2,159,395 4,145,040 6,304,435 07/01/13 3,312,610 3,312,610 2,161,995 4,145,100 6,307,095 07/01/14 3,308,985 3,308,985 2,158,835 4,144,135 6,302,970 07/01/15 3,311,173 3,311,173 2,159,915 4,146,410 6,306,325 07/01/16 3,313,070 3,313,070 2,159,515 4,145,823 6,305,338 07/01/17 3,313,943 3,313,943 2,157,275 4,141,638 6,298,913 07!01/18 3,313,055 3,313,055 2,157,075 4,143,120 6,300,195 07/01/19 3,309,673 3,309,673 2,158,900 4,143,800 6,302,700 07/01/20 3,313,060 3,313,060 2,157,025 4,142,575 6,299,600 07/01/21 3,311,748 3,311,748 2,161,088 4,138,343 6,299,430 TOTAL $28,314,410 $99,340,518 $127,654,928 $43,278,918 $107,933,368 $151,212,286 Payment Source: Continuing Fees Connection Fees Contribution by County COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 'Spring Ho llow Water Projec t Comparative Debt Service $15 Million General Obligation Debt $40 Million Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Structure 3: Structure 4: 30 Yr GO (Int only 1-10, 30 Yr Rev 25 Yr GO 30 Yr Rev CABs 11-15, (Ser 1-10, (Int only 1-10, (Int only 1-10, ', 20,25 & 30 CABs 11-20, CABs 11-20, Ser 11-20, Date Yr Terms) 25 & 30 Terms) Total 25 Yr Term) 25 & 30 Terms) Total 07/01/92 $1,001,298 $2,920,368 $3,921,665 $673,920 $2,911,333 $3,585,253 07/01/93 1,001,298 2,918,923 3,920,220 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/94 1,001,298 2,920,258 3,921,555 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/95 1,001,298 2,919,218 3,920,515 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/96 1,001,298 2,920,743 3,922,040 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/97 1,001,298 2,919,443 3,920,740 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/98 1,001,298 2,920,248 3,921,545 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/99 1,001,298 2,917,748 3,919,045 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/00 1,001,298 2,922,195 3,923,493 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/01 1,001,298 2,917,860 3,919,158 673,920 2,911,333 3,585,253 07/01/02 1,546,298 3,730,038 5,276,336 2,293,920 3,866,333 6,160,253 07/01/03 1,546,298 3,730,039 5,276,336 2,298,920 3,864,483 6,163,403 07/01/04 1,541,298 3,730,039 5,271,337 2,293,920 3,867,573 6,161,493 07/01/05 1,541,298 3,730,038 5,271,335 2,293,920 3,864,828 6,158,748 07/01/06 1,541,298 3,730,039 5,271,337 2,293,920 3,866,173 6,160,093 07/01/07 1,546,298 3,730,038 5,276,336 2,293,920 3,866,440 6,160,360 07/01/08 1,547,330 3,730,040 5,277,370 2,293,920 3,864,600 6,158,520 07/01/09 1,545,503 3,730,038 5,275,541 2,293,920 3,865,920 6,159,840 07/01/10 1,545,815 3,730,037 5,275,852 2,293,920 3,868,908 6,162,828 07/01/11 1,547,910 3,730,038 5,277,948 2,293,920 3,868,558 6,162,478 07/01/12 1,546,430 4,145,040 5,691,470 2,293,920 3,864,508 6,158,428 07/01/13 1,545,990 4,145,100 5,691,090 2,297,280 3,865,443 6,162,723 07/01/14 1,546,590 4,144,135 5,690,725 2,297,000 3,866,158 6,163,158 07/01/15 1,542,870 4,146,410 5,689,280 2,292,720 3,865,923 6,158,643 '' 07/01/16 1,544,830 4,145,823 5,690,653 2,294,080 3,869,008 6,163,088 07/01/17 1,546,750 4,141,638 5,688,388 3,869,318 3,869,318 07/01/18 1,547,725 4,143,120 5,690,845 3,864,765 3,864,765 07/01/19 1,547,900 4,143,800 5,691,700 3,865,880 3,865,880 07/01/20 1,546,913 4,142,575 5,689,488 3,866,193 3,866,193 07/01/21 1,544,400 4,138,343 5,682,743 3,864,600 3,864,600 TOTAL $40,922,715 $107,933,368 $148,856,083 $41,158,400 $106,438,930 $147,597,330 Payment Source: Continuing Fees Connection Fees Contribution by County COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VII2GINIA > GSpring' Hollow Water ProjectComparative Debf Service $l5 Million General Obligation Debt $40 Million Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds° Structure 5: Structure 6: 30 Yr Rev 30 Yr Rev (Ser 1-15, (Ser 1-10, 30 Yr GO 20 & 30 30 Yr GO CABs 11-20, Date (CABs 6-30) Yr Terms Total (CABs 6-30) 25 & 30 Terms) Total 07/01/92 $3,311,555 $3,311,555 $2,920,368 $2,920,368 07/01/93 3,310,110 3,310,110 2,918,923 2,918,923 07/01/94 3,311,445 3,311,445 2,920,258 2,920,258 07/01/95 3,310,405 3,310,405 2,919,218 2,919,218 07/01/96 3,311,930 3,311,930 2,920,743 2,920,743 07/01/97 $1,855,000 3,310,630 5,165,630 $1,855,000 2,919,443 4,774,443 07/01/98 1,850,000 3,311,435 5,161,435 1,850,000 2,920,248 4,770,248 07/01/99 1,850,000 3,308,935 5,158,935 1,850,000 2,917,748 4,767,748 07/01/00 1,850,000 3,313,383 5,163,383 1,850,000 2,922,195 4,772,195 07/01/01 1,850,000 3,309,048 5,159,048 1,850,000 2,917,860 4,767,860 07/01/02 1,850,000 3,311,228 5,161,228 1,850,000 3,730,038 5,580,038 07/01/03 1,850,000 3,309,178 5,159,178 1,850,000 3,730,039 5,580,039 07/01/04 1,850,000 3,312,843 5,162,843 1,850,000 3,730,039 5,580,039 07/01/05 1,855,000 3,311,458 5,166,458 1,855,000 3,730,038 5,585,038 07/01/06 1,850,000 3,309,958 5,159,958 1,850,000 3,730,039 5,580,039 07/01/07 1,850,000 3,313,453 5,163,453 1,850,000 3,730,038 5,580,038 07/01/08 1,850,000 3,310,078 5,160,078 1,850,000 3,730,040 5,580,040 07/01/09 1,850,000 3,310,903 5,160,903 1,850,000 3,730,038 5,580,038 07/01/10 1,850,000 3,310,203 5,160,203 1,850,000 3,730,037 5,580,037 07/O1/11 1,850,000 3,312,615 5,162,615 1,850,000 3,730,038 5,580,038 07/01/12 1,850,000 3,312,415 5,162,415 1,850,000 4,145,040 5,995,040 07/01/13 1,850,000 3,312,610 5,162,610 1,850,000 4,145,100 5,995,100 07/01/14 1,850,000 3,308,985 5,158,985 1,850,000 4,144,135 5,994,135 07/01/15 1,850,000 3,311,173 5,161,173 1,850,000 4,146,410 5,996,410 07/01/16 1,850,000 3,313,070 5,163,070 1,850,000 4,145,823 5,995,823 07/01/17 1,850,000 3,313,943 5,163,943 1,850,000 4,141,638 5,991,638 07/01/18 1,850,000 3,313,055 5,163,055 1,850,000 4,143,120 5,993,120 07/01/19 1,850,000 3,309,673 5,159,673 1,850,000 4,143,800 5,993,800 07/01/20 1,850,000 3,313,060 5,163,060 1,850,000 4,142,575 5,992,575 07/01/21 1,850,000 3,311,748 5,161,748 1,850,000 4,138,343 5,988,343 TOTAL $46,260,000 $99,340,518 $145,600,518 $46,260,000 $107,933,368 $154,193,368 Payment Source: Continuing Fees Connection Fees Contribution by County COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGIIVIA Spring Holl ow Water. Project Comparative Debt Service $15 Million General Obligation Debt $40 Million Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Structure 7: Structure 8: 30 Yr Rev 30 Yr Rev (Ser 1-15, (Ser 1-10, 30 Yr GO 20 & 30 30 Yr GO CABs 11-20, Date (CABs 11-30) Yr Terms) Total (CABs 11-30) 25 & 30 Terms) Total 07/01/92 $3,311,555 $3,311,555 $2,920,368 $2,920,368 07/01/93 3,310,110 3,310,110 2,918,923 2,918,923 07/01/94 3,311,445 3,311,445 2,920,258 2,920,258 07/01/95 3,310,405 3,310,405 2,919,218 2,919,218 07/01/96 3,311,930 3,311,930 2,920,743 2,920,743 07/01/97 3,310,630 3,310,630 2,919,443 2,919,443 07/01/98 3,311,435 3,311,435 2,920,248 2,920,248 07/01/99 3,308,935 3,308,935 2,917,748 2,917,748 07/01/00 3,313,383 3,313,383 2,922,195 2,922,195 07/01/01 3,309,048 3,309,048 2,917,860 2,917,860 07/01/02 $2,915,000 3,311,228 6,226,228 $2,915,000 3,730,038 6,645,038 07/01/03 2,915,000 3,309,178 6,224,178 2,915,000 3,730,039 6,645,039 07/01/04 2,915,000 3,312,843 6,227,843 2,915,000 3,730,039 6,645,039 07/01/05 2,910,000 3,311,458 6,221,458 2,910,000 3,730,038 6,640,038 07/01/06 2,910,000 3,309,958 6,219,958 2,910,000 3,730,039 6,640,039 07/01/07 2,910,000 3,313,453 6,223,453 2,910,000 3,730,038 6,640,038 07/01/08 2,910,000 3,310,078 6,220,078 2,910,000 3,730,040 6,640,040 07/01/09 2,910,000 3,310,903 6,220,903 2,910,000 3,730,038 6,640,038 07/01/10 2,910,000 3,310,203 6,220,203 2,910,000 3,730,037 6,640,037 07/01/11 2,910,000 3,312,615 6,222,615 2,910,000 3,730,038 6,640,038 07/01/12 2,910,000 3,312,415 6,222,415 2,910,000 4,145,040 7,055,040 07/01/13 2,910,000 3,312,610 6,222,610 2,910,000 4,145,100 7,055,100 07/01/14 2,915,000 3,308,985 6,223,985 2,915,000 4,144,135 7,059,135 07/01/15 2,910,000 3,311,173 6,221,173 2,910,000 4,146,410 7,056,410 07/01/16 2,910,000 3,313,070 6,223,070 2,910,000 4,145,823 7,055,823 07/01/17 2,910,000 3,313,943 6,223,943 2,910,000 4,141,638 7,051,638 07/01/18 2,910,000 3,313,055 6,223,055 2,910,000 4,143,120 7,053,120 07/01/19 2,910,000 3,309,673 6,219,673 2,910,000 4,143,800 7,053,800 07/01/20 2,910,000 3,313,060 6,223,060 2,910,000 4,142,575 7,052,575 07/01/21 2,910,000 3,311,748 6,221,748 2,910,000 4,138,343 7,048,343 TOTAL $58,220,000 $99,340,518 $157,560,518 $58,220,000 $107,933,368 $166,153,368 Payment Source: Continuing Fees Connection Fees Contribution by County COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Spring Hollow. Water Project Comparative Debt Service $15 Millio n General Obligation Debt' $40 Millio n Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Structure 9- 30 Yr Rev 30 Yr GO (Int only 1-10, (Int only 1-20, CABs 11-20, Date 25 & 30 Terms) 25 & 30 Terms) Total 07/01/92 $1,084,395 $2,355,660 $3,440,055 07/01/93 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/94 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/95 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/96 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/97 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/98 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/99 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/00 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/01 1,084,395 2,355,660 3,440,055 07/01/02 1,084,395 4,650,660 5,735,055 07/01/03 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/04 1,084,395 4,650,660 5,735,055 07/01/05 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/06 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/07 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/08 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/09 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/10 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/11 1,084,395 4,645,660 5,730,055 07/01/12 2,159,395 4,645,660 6,805,055 07/01/13 2,161,995 4,648,490 6,810,485 07/01/14 2,158,835 4,648,910 6,807,745 07/01/15 2,159,915 4,646,190 6,806,105 07/01/16 2,159,515 4,649,600 6,809,115 07/01/17 2,157,275 4,647,680 6,804,955 07/01/18 2,157,075 4,648,070 6,805,145 07/01/19 2,158,900 4,645,820 6,804,720 07/01/20 2,157,025 4,649,828 6,806,853 07/01/21 2,161,088 4,648,255 6,809,343 TOTAL $43,278,918 $116,501,703 $159,780,620 Payment Source: Continuin g Fees Connection Fees Contribution by County COLJI~ITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi1VIA $15 Million General Obligation Debt Alternative Structures > 30 Yr GO 20 Yr GO 25 Yr GO 25 Yr GO 30 Yr GO (Int only 1-10, (Int only 1-10, (Int only 1-10, (Int only 1-15, (Int only 1-20, CABs 11-15, 20 Yr GO 15 & 20 CABs 11-20, CABs 16-20, 25 & 30 20,25 & 30 Date Se( r 1_201 Yr Terms 25 Yr Term) 25 Yr Term) Yr Terms Yr Terms 07/01/92 $1,414,990 $1,066,270 $673,920 $866,520 $1,084,395 $1,001,298 07/01/93 1,417,000 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/94 1,416,890 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07!01/95 1,414,800 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/96 1,415,680 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/97 1,414,155 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/98 1,415,165 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/99 1,418,315 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/00 1,413,490 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/01 1,415,990 1,066,270 673,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,001,298 07/01/02 1,415,095 2,146,270 2,293,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,546,298 07/01/03 1,415,760 2,150,130 2,298,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,546,298 07/01/04 1,417,593 2,148,350 2,293,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,541,298 07/01/05 1,415,193 2,150,930 2,293,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,541,298 07/01/06 1,413,505 2,147,165 2,293,920 866,520 1,084,395 1,541,298 07/01/07 1,417,588 2,147,055 2,293,920 2,951,520 1,084,395 1,546,298 07/01/08 1,416,233 2,148,375 2,293,920 2,951,520 1,084,395 1,547,330 07/01/09 1,414,908 2,146,830 2,293,920 2,946,520 1,084,395 1,545,503 07/01/10 1,417,683 2,147,063 2,293,920 2,946,520 1,084,395 1,545,815 07/01/11 1,414,380 2,148,358 2,293,920 2,946,520 1,084,395 1,547,910 07/01/12 2,293,920 2,951,520 2,159,395 1,546,430 07/01/13 2,297,280 2,951,400 2,161,995 1,545,990 07/01/14 2,297,000 2,950,480 2,158,835 1,546,590 07/01/15 2,292,720 2,953,040 2,159,915 1,542,870 07/01/16 2,294,080 2,948,000 2,159,515 1,544,830 07/01/17 2,157,275 1,546,750 07/01/18 2,157,075 1,547,725 07/01/19 2,158,900 1,547,900 07/01/20 2,157,025 1,546,913 07/01/21 2,161,088 1,544,400 TOTAL $28,314,410 $32,143,225 $41,158,400 $42,494,840 $43,278,918 $40,922,715 COUNTY OF ROANOKE VIRGINIA $15 Million GeneratObligation Debt Alternative Structures 30 Yr GO (Int only 1-10, CABs 11-20, 30 Yr GO 25 & 30 (Int only 1-29, 30 Yr GO 30 Yr GO Date Yr Terms) 30 Yr Term) (CABs 6-30) (CABs 11-30) 07/01/92 $867,880 $1,087,500 07/01/93 867,880 1,087,500 07/01/94 867,880 1,087,500 07/01/95 867,880 1,087,500 07/01/96 867,880 1,087,500 07/01/97 867,880 1,087,500 $1,855,000 07/01/98 867,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 07/01/99 867,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 07/01/00 867,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 07/01/01 867,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 07/01/02 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 $2,915,000 07/01/03 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,915,000 07/01/04 1,732,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,915,000 07/O1/OS 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,855,000 2,910,000 07/01/06 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/07 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/08 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/09 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/10 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/11 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/12 1,727,880 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/13 1,725,960 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/14 1,729,720 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,915,000 07/01/15 1,728,440 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/16 1,727,120 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/17 1,730,400 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/18 1,726,950 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/19 1,727,337 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/20 1,730,838 1,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 07/01/21 1,726,725 16,087,500 1,850,000 2,910,000 TOTAL $43,243,970 $47,625,000 $46,260,000 $58,220,000 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA $40 Million Water and Sewer. Revenue Bonds.. Alternative Structures 30 Yr Rev 30 Yr Rev 30 Yr Rev 30 Yr Rev (Ser 1-15, (Ser 1-10, (Int only 1-10, (Int only 1-10, 20 & 30 CABs 11-20, Ser 11-20, CABs 11-20, Date Yr Terms) 25 & 30 Terms) 25 & 30 Terms) 25 & 30 Terms) 07/01/92 $3,311,555 $2,920,368 $2,911,333 $2,355,660 07/01/93 3,310,110 2,918,923 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/94 3,311,445 2,920,258 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/95 3,310,405 2,919,218 2,911,333 2,355,660 07!01/96 3,311,930 2,920,743 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/97 3,310,630 2,919,443 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/98 3,311,435 2,920,248 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/99 3,308,935 2,917,748 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/00 3,313,383 2,922,195 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/01 3,309,048 2,917,860 2,911,333 2,355,660 07/01/02 3,311,228 3,730,038 3,866,333 4,650,660 07/01/03 3,309,178 3,730,039 3,864,483 4,645,660 07/01/04 3,312,843 3,730,039 3,867,573 4,650,660 07/01/05 3,311,458 3,730,038 3,864,828 4,645,660 07/01/06 3,309,958 3,730,039 3,866,173 4,645,660 07/01/07 3,313,453 3,730,038 3,866,440 4,645,660 07/01/08 3,310,078 3,730,040 3,864,600 4,645,660 07/01/09 3,310,903 3,730,038 3,865,920 4,645,660 07/01/10 3,310,203 3,730,037 3,868,908 4,645,660 07/01/11 3,312,615 3,730,038 3,868,558 4,645,660 07/01/12 3,312,415 4,145,040 3,864,508 4,645,660 07/01/13 3,312,610 4,145,100 3,865,443 4,648,490 07/01/14 3,308,985 4,144,135 3,866,158 4,648,910 07/01/15 3,311,173 4,146,410 3,865,923 4,646,190 07/01/16 3,313,070 4,145,823 3,869,008 4,649,600 07/01!17 3,313,943 4,141,638 3,869,318 4,647,680 07/01/18 3,313,055 4,143,120 3,864,765 4,648,070 07/01/19 3,309,673 4,143,800 3,865,880 4,645,820 07/01/20 3,313,060 4,142,575 3,866,193 4,649,828 07/01/21 3,311,748 4,138,343 3,864,600 4,648,255 TOTAL $99,340,518 $107,933,368 $106,438,930 $116,501,703 Wheat, First Securities, Inc. Description of Long-Term, Municipal Bond Ratings Provided by Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's Corporation Moodv's Investors Service Rating Description Standard & Poor's Corporation Rating Description "Aaa" Bonds which aze rated "Aaa" aze judged to be of the best quality. They carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred to as "gilt edge." Interest payments are protected by a lazge or by an exceptionally stable mazgin and principal is secure. While the various protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position of such issues. "Aa" Bonds which are rated "Aa" are judged to be of high quality by all standazds. Together with the "Aaa" group they comprise what aze generally known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the best bonds because mazgins of protection may not be as large as in "Aaa" securities or fluctuation of protective elements may be of greater amplitude or there may be other elements present which make the long-term risks appeaz somewhat larger than in "Aaa" securities. "AAA" Debt rated "AAA" has the highest rating assigned by Standazd & Poor's. Capacity to pay interest and repay principal is extremely strong. "AA" Debt rated "AA" has a very strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal and differs from the highest rated issues only in small degree. Wheat, First Securities, Inc. Description of Long-Term Municipal Bond Ratings (Continued) Moodv's Investors Service Rating Description Standard & Poor's Corporation Rating Description "A" Bonds which are rated "A" possess many favorable investment attributes and are to be considered as upper medium grade obligations. Factors giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate, but elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment sometime in the future. "Baa" Bonds which are rated "Baa" are considered as medium grade obligations, i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well. Note: For Moody's ratings, those bonds in the "Aa", "A" and "Baa" groups which Moody's believes possess the strongest investment attributes are designated by the symbols "Aal", "A1" and "Baal". "A" Debt rated "A" has a strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal although it is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than debt in higher rated categories. "BBB" Debt rated "BBB" is regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Whereas it normally exhibits adequate protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay interest and repay principal for debt in this category than in higher rated categories. Note: For S&P ratings, the ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories. S&P's MUNICIPAL FINANCE CRITERIA S&P MUNICIPAL DEBT RATING PROCESS ISSUER REOUESTOR 58P ANALYSTS ISSUER MEETING- OR ITS COMPLETES ASSIGNS RESEARCH PRESENTATION R R AUTHORIZED SSP RATMG ANALYTICAL A Y 56P LIB TO S8P REPRESENTATIVE FORM AND TEAM TO INTERNAL New REQUESTS A ISSUE IS THE ISSUE FILES ANO PERSONNEL "'-'-~~~--"""` RATING ENTERED ' DATABASES --- T Issue INTO S6P S ADMINISTRATIVE ION RESOLU ANALYSTS OF QUESTIONS ANO CONTROL REVIEW NEW AND CONCERNS FINAL SYSTEMS MATERIAL ANALYTICAL FROM ISSUER REVIEW CONDUCT PREPARATION PRELIMINARY OR OF RATING ANALYSIS. PROFILE AND LIST AND ANALYSTS PRELIMINARY CREOITWATCH ANALYSTS UNRESOLVED S6P COMMITTEE REVIEW REVIEW CRITERIA REQUEST QUESTIONS PERSONNEL PRESENTATION Rating NEW DATA INDICATES (EVENT OR ISSUER BCONCERNS VISIT ISSUER Review ON ISSUER POSSIBILITY OF DEVIATION MEETING FACILITIES °- FOr RATING CHANGE FROM TREND( PROMPT AND PROCEED ----°-~--------- WITH ISSUER NOTIFICATION COMPREHENSIVE MAKES Possible TO ISSUER ANALYSIS ON-SITE Change ANO LISTING PRESENTATION PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION FORMAL RATING (NEW OF THE OF RATING NOTIFICATION CHANGED. OR ANALYSIS DECISION TO ISSUER AFFIRMED( TO THE S8P TO ISSUER DOES OR ITS ENTERED RATING OR ITS ISSUER WISH TO NO AUTHORIZED INTO $6P5 J COMMITTEE AUTHORIZED APPEAL BY FURNISHING REPRESENTATIVE RATING -7 ---------------~-------~~ REPRESENTATIVE ADDITIONAL ....._....-...._....._.. SURVEILLANCE DISCUSSION INFORMATIONS RATING iS SYSTEM AND VOTE TO RELEASED DETERMINE RATING DES PRESENTATION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO $yP RATING COMMITTEE DISCUSSION AND VOTE TO CONFIRM OR MODIFY RATING ~ ~ E. PAUL NAYES IR ETIRtpt GILB ERT L. SEAY Al4.:iiITECTS ENt3INEERS PLANNERS EDWIN K.MATTERN(RCi'1 ~' GUILFORD L. MATTERN GLYNN O. BARRANGER N. BOYO DICKENSON WILLIAM L. MYERS REPLY TO: PEMBROKE TWO OFFCCI• BUILDING BYRD N. SARKSDALE, JR. SUITE 124 JOHN R. NILOE~RAND 287 PEMBROKE OFFICE PARK ERIC T. NASCMOLO,JR. VIRGINIA SEACN, VIRGINIA 234x2 FLETCNER F. RUSN - J. OLIVER STEIN JAMES M. STRICKLANO, JR. WENOLE R. SNAPP REPORT ON SEWERAGE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM OF TAE FIAMP'TON ROADS SANITATION DISTRICT, VIRGINIA 2 December 1976 Hampton Roads Sanitation District P. O. Box 5000 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 210 of the Trust Agreement and in our capacity as Consulting Engineers, we aze pleased to submit herewith our report on existing sewerage properties, the proposed expansion and improve- ment of these facilities, and past, present and probable future operating revenues and expenses. The~cnnaent report is based on recent and forecast trends in development activity in the District, studies of the present and future operating requirements of the sewerage system, and studies of the financial condi- tion of the District. As Consulting Engineers to the District under the Trust Agreement, Hayes, Seay, Maztern and Matters have conducted studies on the planning and design of the system and its elements, the capital and operating costs of the system, treatment requirements under Federal and State water quality regulations, and the District's probable operating revenues for the next several years. We feel that these studies and the current report serve to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the proposed issuance of $20,000,000 Primary Pledge Sewer Revenue Bonds. DEVELOPMENT OF THE DLSTRICT The Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission was created under Chapter 407 of the Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 1940, and authorized to exercise all powers granted by the Sanitation District's Law of 1938. This legislation and Chapter 66 of the Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 1960, as smended, provide that the District, constituted as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, may construct, im- prove, extend, maintain and operate sewerage systems within or without its boundaries, issue revenue bonds and notes for purposes of paying the costs of such sewerage systems and providing funds for other authorized purposes of the District, and fix, revise, and collect fees and other charges for sewage transmission, treatment and disposal. 18 ,p: REPORT OF AAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN The District, as originally constituted, included the cities of Norfolk, South Norfolk, Portsmouth, New- ' port News and Hampton; the counties of Elizabeth City and Warwick; and portions of Isle of Wight, Nanse- mond, Princess Anne, Norfolk and York counties. The cities of Williamsburg, Poquoson and Suffolk and York and James City counties were subsequently added to the District. In 1942, the City of Portsmouth elected to withdraw from the District. Mergers of political jurisdictions and adjustments of municipal boundaries have modified the service area to create the present District which consists of the cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, ~° Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg and Poquoson; the counties of York and James City; and portions of the City of Portsmouth and Isle of Wight County. The District azea is approximately 1,685 square miles and the population as of 1970 was approximately ' 950,000. During World Waz R, the United States Government constructed sewage transmission and treatment systems in the area to service growth in military facilities. These systems included the Army Base Sewage Treatment Plant, several pumping stations, and interceptor sewers on the North and South Shores. At the end of the waz, the District purchased these facilities valued at $5,500,000 for $2,750,000 and -_ in 1946, $6,500,000 of revenue bonds were issued for the purpose of initiating construction of additional facilities. This original construction program included the Boat Harbor Sewage Treatment Plant on the North Shore and the Lamberts Point Sewage Treatment Plant and interceptors serving Norfolk. After the completion of this initial construction program, numerous additions and improvements were made to the system, and financed by excess revenues, Federal and State grants, and contributions from developers and the District's constitutent municipalities. During the 1950's and early 1960's, the rapid urban and suburban development of the District con- ~, timed, and in 1962, the Commission initiated along-range construction program to provide service to the developing azeas. Major facilities included in the program were three new sewage treatment plants: Chess- - peake-Elizabeth and Western Branch on the South Shore and James River on the North Shore. In addition, four new sewage transmission systems were planned for construction. Construction was begun on these facilities in 1962, using monies from an issue of $10,000,000 of " Primary Pledge Bonds sold that year. Proceeds from this issue were also used to retire debt on the 1946 issue. In addition, $1,490,000 of 2114 % Secondary Pledge Revenue Bonds were issued in 1962 to extinguish con- tractual obligations for the facilities eazlier built by the U. S. Government. In 1967, the District sold $8,000,000 of Primary Pledge Revenue Bonds in order to continue construc- tion of facilities as outlined in the 1962 program. w, During the same period, continued growth within the District boundaries and the addition of the cities of Williamsburg and Suffolk and the counties of York and James City required additions to the 1962 con- '" struction program. These included additions to the transmssion system at the James River Treatment Plant and a new sewage treatment plant at Williamsburg. In 1972, the District initiated a new long-range construction program to accommodate anticipated growth within the system, to provide service to unsewered azeas, and to upgrade the quality of wastewater treatment in compliance with the 1972 amendments to the Water Quality Act, PL 92-500. This program was designed .to be completed by 1980,~and the original estimate of the total cost was $180,446,000. The construction program and its financing are discussed in detail in the sections Construction Program and Operating Revenues and Expenses. As of October 30, 1976, there aze nine sewage treatment plants in operation by the District and three ' new plants proposed. The Deep Creek Lagoon and the Washington Plant are scheduled to be retired from ser- ve, vice upon completion of trunk sewers now under construction, and their flow diverted to the Chesapeake- 19 '` REPORT OF AAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN Elisabeth Plant. The Western Branch Plant is scheduled to be retired from service upon completion of the `Nansemond Plant. The following table indicates their current capacities, capacities under design or planned under the current program and present sewage flows. While the increase in capacity is significant, the greater impact in terms of cost is the upgrading of the level of treatment throughout the District, particularly at Boat ~iarbor, Lamberts Point, and Army Base in compliance with the requirements of PL 92-500. Existing snd Proposed Capadties (Million Gallons Per Day ) Existing Additto~l Capadty Design Undu Design Arerage Flow Plant Capacity or Planed Fiscal Year 1976 Chesapeake-Elizabeth ....................... 24.0 - 16.2 - ~ames River ............................... 15.0 - 12.4 i~Villiamsburg .............................. 9.6 5.0 5.0 lamberts Point ............................ 30.0 5.0 26.1 Boat Harbor .............................. 22.0 3.0 20.8 'army Base ............................... 14.0 4.0 13.1 ,.Western Branch (1) ......................... 3.0 - 1.7 Watbing6on(1) ............................ 0.65 - 0.6 Deep Creek(1) ............................ 0.6 - 0.5 _ i Nansemond ............................... - 10.0 - Xork River ............................... - 15.0 - ~tlantic .................................. - 36.0 - ~'OTAL (all plants) ........................ 118.9 78.0 96.4 1) These plants scheduled to be retired from service. An inventory of the transmission system elements in service on October 30, 1976 is presented and compared with a similar inventory for January 1, 1972 and June 30, 1974: Number of Lineal Feet Type of Sewer 1972 1974 1976 60"-30" ........................ 303,692 465,856 570,919 27"-20" ........................ 216,373 270,768 402,753 18" & 16" ........................ 156,898 165,568 206,810 15" & smaller ..................... 206,486 218,886 242,540 Total ........................ 883,449 1,121,078 1,423,022 TREND OF DEVELOPMENT ' As noted earlier, the area within the District has experienced rapid urbanization since the Commission's #,ormation. This growth is illustrated by the population enumerated in each decennial census or forecast by ie Virginia Division of State Planning and Community Affairs in the table below: Anneal Rate . Year Population of Increase 1940 ........................... 295,925 - 1950 ............................ 509,541 5.6% 1960 ............................ 660,338 2.6% 1970 ............................ 952,297 4.5% 1980 ............................ 1,066,900 1.1% 1990 ............................ 1,193,000 1.1% 2000 ............................ 1,306,000 0.9% 20 REPORT OF HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN Although some of the growth is due to the expansion of District boundaries, the azea currently constitut- ing the District has shown rapid growth over the same period (1940-1970). Assuming no change in District boundaries, forecasts by the Virginia Division of State Planning and Community Affairs indicate an expected increase in population to over 1.3 million persons for the District by the year 2000. Although housing starts have been down in recent years, the slowdown experienced during the 1974-75 recession has diminished and the outlook in the near future is favorable. The number of building permits issued has increased and mortgage rates have stabilized and may even drop during the next year. Thus, the - long-term growth potential of the area seems to be improving. Even more revealing than the total population growth in the azea is the trend in total flow treated by the District's systems. The following chart indicates the annual average flows treated for the period 1948-76. While there is some variation due to infiltration differentials, a strong upward trend is evident. CONDITIONS OF PROPERTIES All- of the properties and facilities of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District are inspected by the Con- sulting Engineers at least annually. The facilities of the District are operated in a safe and efficient manner under slnIIed technical supervision. The District provides a training program for its operators and 53 of the . plant operators have received state certification. The sewage treatment plants and pumping stations are of permanent design and construction insuring a long serviceable life. They aze maintained in excellent condition. A scheduled program for up-grading and ' replacement of electrical pump controls at many of the older pumping stations is nearing completion, as well as the installation of emergency pump connections and/or auxiliary power generating equipment. The facility's equipment is updated, repaired or rebuilt as required to maintain it in proper operational order. An improved operating and maintenance system of accounts is being initiated which is tied into the District's automated data processing equipment so that running inventories of operation and maintenance supplies and spare parts as well as up-to-date cost records can be provided. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM In order to meet the demands for sewage treatment generated by population and economic growth and to comply with the requirements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the District established its con- struction program to upgrade and expand sewage treatment and transmission facilities. Key features of this construction program included both the interim and long-range upgrading and expansion of primary treatment plants at Lamberts Point, Boat Hazbor and Army Base. The proposed Nansemond plant will replace the exist- ing Western Branch plant and is programmed to allow extension of sewage service to the City of Suffolk, as well as additional portions of the City of Chesapeake. In addition to these improveme~s to existing facilities on the South Shore of Hampton Roads, the pro- gram included provisions for the construction of the Atlantic plant in the vicinity of Dam Neck to handle the rapid growth in the Virginia Beach area over the next fifteen to twenty years. This facility is planned to be, initially, a 36 mgd treatment plant with asub-aqueous discharge to the Atlantic Ocean. This plant will be linked to the existing looped force main system in the City of Virginia Beach in order to provide flexibility for flow diversion between the Atlantic and Chesapeake-Elizabeth systems so as to permit maximum system effi- ciency aad reliability. Also included in the original construction program were extensive improvements to sewage facilities on the North Shon of Hampton Roads. These included expansion of the James River and Williamsburg treat- 21 REPORT OF HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN went facilities and the construction of a new system to serve rapidly growing areas in York County. The York River plant is planned to be located in the vicinity of Goodwin Neck and to have an initial capacity of 15 million gallons per day. Improvements to the Williamsburg system will include improved expansion of the existing treatment plant to 14.6 million gallons per day and the extension of the transmissron system. The system of force mains under construction or planned will link the systems together and provide the flexibility to interchange flows between the Boat Harbor, James River, Williamsburg and proposed York River plants, thereby providing the ability to fully utilize all plant capacity. The District's construction program which was formulated in 1972 was estimated at $180,446,000 as the total cost for all capital improvement projects. Since 1972, the District has committed $91,824,564 primarily financed through the $25,000,000 1973 revenue bond issue and the $30,000,000 1974 revenue bond issue, and .through surplus earnings. During the four years since the formulation of the original construction pro- gram, inflation, delays in receipt of Federal and State funds, and increasingly stringent treatment requirements have pushed the costs upward. This has caused a continuous re-evaluation of both the costs and scheduling of the construction program. Consequently, the improvements and additions originally estimated to cost $180,446,000 aze now estimated at a total cost of $318,071,445. A comparison of the cost of the original 1972 construction program with the most recent estimate established in the 1976 rate study is summarized by the following estimated annual capital expenditures. Fiscal Year 1972 Estimate 1976 Estimate 1972 $ 1,456,000 1973 17,760,000 1974 44,774,000 $ 91,824,564(1) 1975 35,114,000 1976 55,689,000 1977 14,192,000 18,896,500 1978 8,155,000 68,622,500 1979 3,306,000 75,667,500 1980 - 36,667,500 1981 - 26,392,881 $180,446,000 $318,071,445 (1) Includes increases in book value of system for fiscal years 1972-1976 and construction in progress as of June 30, 1976: A small portion of this figure was unexpended as of this date, and will be reflected as expenditures during fiscal years 1977 and 1978. Despite the delay and impoundment of Federal funds, much has been accomplished in the last four yeazs. The key accomplishments as of this date are the completion of the expansion of the Chesapeake- ., Elizabeth plant from 8 to 24 mgd, several major interceptor force mains which extend and inter-connect the Chesapeake-Elizabeth and Atlantic systems, and the additions to transmission system elements throughout the Hampton Roads Sanitation District system. Other major projects recently finished aze the James River plant expansion from 5 to 15 mgd, the sludge incineration facilities at the Williamsburg and Chesapeake- Elizabeth plants, the interim improvements at Lamberts Point, Army Base, Boat Hazbor plants upgrading these plants to a level above primary treatment, and including sludge incineration facilities. During the past yeaz, the District completed and occupied its new Operations Center complex which includes general offices - for management, engineering, finance, computerized billing, centralized laboratory facilities for the South Shore, and i;entralized maintenance shops and materials yazds. It should be noted that most of the $91 million in completed construction was accomplished with District funds. Most of the remaining projects in the construction program are eligible for Federal grants equivalent to 75 percent of their eligible cost; thus, it has been assumed that these grant monies will be made available to help cover the estimated construction cost expected during fiscal years 1977 and 1978 as summarized in the '~ following table. 23 <~ REPORT OF HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1 977 and 1978 (Thousands of Dollars) Treatment Traasmissioa Total . ................................... $17,270.0 $ - $17,270.0 .- izabeth ............................ 70.8 3,755.3 3,826.1 i •_....••••••••••••••••• .............. 7,535.0 10,513.1 18,048.1 - •••••••••••••••••• .................. 15,837.6 250.0 16,087.6 'c it ................................. 5,793.4 754.5 6,547.9 .~ •••.•••••••••••.• ................. 6,725.0 1,608.4 8,333.4 rr ................................... - 131.3 131.3 rg ~ ................................... - 488.8 488.8 .. ~i • • . • ............................... 18,205.1 695.0 18,900.1 st_~ ................................. 825.6 - 825.6 ipital Cost ............................ $72,262.5 $18,196.4 $90,458.9 ~. Jrants ... • • • ....................... ($52,588.1) ($13,306.8) ($65,894.9) District ............................. $19,674.4 $ 4,889.6 $24,564.0 CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS )i riot's capital requirements during the next two fiscal years, 1977 and 1978, throughout the •ri_.. areas is expected to amount to $90.5 million, plus $2.3 million of retentions on completed con- , retirement of short-term notes of $4.65 million for a total of $97.45 million. Of the $97.45 al "°apital cost, $65.9 million is expected to be financed through Federal grants. The remaining li ,,} net cost to the District will be financed from bond proceeds and surplus earnings. As of X76, the District had approximately $5 million available for construction purposes. Based on rates :c°~ber 1, 1976, approximately $7 million will be available from surplus earnings and accumulated :-i~ fiscal years 1977 and 1978. Given the total requirement of $31.55 million during these two ttie net capital requirement is approximately $20 million, indicating the need for the current end issues cannot be precisely scheduled at this time due largely to the uncertainty with :7e t`uning of future Federal grant funds which must be counted upon to finance a majority of the ts. ,fit is the expressed intention of the District not to proceed with the construction of a major v ich grant funds have been requested without the approval of the grant application and com- g.~nt funds by the regulatory agencies. Therefore, this construction pmgram will be periodically d to permit accurate scheduling of construction projects and future bond issues in line with the le "rants. OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENSES of -ut Revenges g ,e last decade, both the District's revenues and expenses have increased severalfold, as illus- e table below: , . 30 Realized Reveaae (Less Refunds) Operating E=penees Debt Service Costs Sarpi® Earning .............. $ 3,207,809 $1,272,742 $ 784,470 $1,150,597 ' ............... 3,187,802 1,388,154 920,726 878,922 ............ 3,545,213 1,603,795 919,297 1,022,121 .. ............ 3,965,013 1,873,620 917,019 1,174,374 ............... 4,494,680 2,135,882 921,293 1,437,505 ...,............ 4,695,187 2,449,390 1,088,973 1,156,824 .. ............ 8,222,276 2,974,058 1,494,411 3,753,807 .. ............ 11,398,416 4,196,792 2,597,866 4,603,758 ............... 15,193,105 5,342,607 4,450,000 5,400,498 .. ............ 16,746,261 6,783,702 $5,192,965 $4,769,594 24 REPORT OF HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN -hese increases in revenues are due to increases in number of customers and rate increases during fiscal 1 ""'2, 1973 and 1976. Increases in operating costs have been due to increased service and costs of ~c nputs to the treatment process. Operating Revenues '1: 1976 rate study developed a detailed analysis of revenue growth for fiscal years 1977 and It""was based primarily on historical trends in billable consumption. Service charge revenues are ex- to grow 21 percent between fiscal years 1976 and 1977, and 16 percent between fiscal years 1977 and r~ 'ecting increases in billable consumption and the recent rate increase. chedules it -; the 1974 bond sale, there have been two rate increases adopted by the District. In August 1975, i~ rease averaging approximately 22 percent was implemented, and on December 1, 1976, an increase ~rozimately 16 percent took effect. A comparison of all of the various charges for both schedules is tee-below: First 9,000 cu. ft./quarter or 3,000 cu. ft./month ........... . Next 990,000 cu. ft./quarter or 330,000 cu. ft./month ......... . In excess of 999,000 cu. ft./quarter or 333,000 cu. ft./month ......... . Minimum Charge: Allowance 1,000 cubic feet/quarter or 300 cu. ft./month Previous $0.45/100 cu. ft. $ 0.41 / 100 cu. ft. $0.40/100 cu. ft. $4.50/quarter or $1.50/month Current $0.52/100 cu. ft. $0.48/100 cu. ft. $0.47/100 cu. ft. $5.20/quarter or $1.70/month Sills are based on water consumption: as reported by the District's constituent municipalities. Quarterly charges for premises $8.00 first toilet $9.00 first toilet with unmetered water connections $5.30 additional for $6.00 additional for are based on the number of toilets second toilet second toilet in use $2.60 each addi- $3.00 each addi- tional toilet tional toilet ir~~s: (for excess over 250 parts per million) Biochemical Oxygen Demand .......... $6.10/1001bs. $7.90/1001bs. Suspended Solids .................... $6.80/ 100 lbs. $8.60/ 1001bs. Dumpage of Septic Tank Sludge ....... $4.00/500 gal. $7.00/500 gal. e ..~sposal Facilities Charge (Tap Fee) Meter Size Previous Current S/s" ................................. $ 230 $ 250 3/a" ................................. 460 500 1 ................................. 690 750 lt/z" ................................. 1,150 1,240 2 ................................. 1,840 1,990 3 ................................. 3,680 3,970 4 ................................. 5,950 6,420 6 ................................. 11,500 12,410 8 ................................. 18,400 19,860 10 ................................. 26,500 28,600 25 ' REPORT OF HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN ~utnre Operating Expenses Our estimates of future operating expenses are based on studies of the cost of administration, billing i ;rvision, salaries and wages of personnel, both administrative and operational, costs of fuel, power, :hemicals, materials, repair and replacement of equipment and components throughout the treatment plants ~nd~ collection system. In estimating future operating expenditures, allowances have been made for the additional costs associ- itC'd with new treatment plants, improved processes, chemical additions and -additional manpower and fuel -e~uired by the expansion program now underway. In particular, the contract for power with Virginia Elec- r Power Company expired June 30, 1976 and although the terms of a new contract have yet to be ne- ;c--~ated, there is every reason to believe the increase will be substantial. This increase in power alone is xpected to account for over $1 million increase in operating costs between fiscal years 1976 and 1977. Our estimates of future operating costs for fiscal years 1977 to 1981 are presented in the table below: Fiscal Year ~~d°g Expenses 1977 ...............................$10,230,000 1978 ...............................$11,668,000 1979 ...............................$12,251,000 1980 ...............................$12,864,000 1981 ...............................$13,507,000 CASH FLUB' ANALYSIS ,.,, These estimates of operating revenues and expenses and estimates of construction costs were used in a :ash flow analysis in order to indicate the probable financial position of the District during fiscal years 1977- 9~a. This analysis is presented in the following table. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED OPERATIONS UNDER PRESENTLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM (Thousands of Dollars) Fiscal Year Ending Jane 30 to ';noes' 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 rv1CC ChargCS ..................... . Investment and Miscellaneous Income ... . ..Total ............................ )F 'acing Expenditures ................ . revenue Available for Debt Service ...... , , 'rin~ipal and Interest Primary Pledge Bonds .a nce Available for Other Debt ........ . 'ti..~pal and Interest-Secondary Pledge Bonds ............................. .e `+ired Deposit to Reserve Account ..... . .e ,,rve for Cttrrent Expenses . , .... , , , , , , glance Available for Capital Projects ..... . ri ;ipat and Interest Coverage-Primary l-;dgC Bonds ................. Only 4 months' revenue at new rate. ~ -vice chazge revenues are forecast to grow 4 percent annually for FY 79-81. (-Peratiag costs aze forecast to increase by 5 percent annually for FY 79-81. Only 4~i4 months' debt service on proposed bond issue @ 7% for 30 years. 26 $15,440 $18,6981 $21,782 $22,653= $23,559 $24,501 1,306 950 1,050 950 1,050 1,050 $16,746 $19,648 $22,832 $23,603 $24,609 $25,551 $ 6,784 $10,230 $11,668 $12,251' $12,864 $13,507 $ 9,962 $ 9,418 $11,164 $11,352 $11,745 $12,044 $ 5,043 $ 5,646* $ 6,649 $ 6,641 $ 6,634 $ 6,623 $ 4,919 $ 3,772 $ 4,515 $ 4,711 $ 5,111 $ 5,421 $ 150 $ 152 $ 149 $ 151 $ - 152 $ 149 $ 1,455 $ 1,612 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 351 $ 618 $ 287 $ 116 $ 123 $ 129 $ 2,963 $ 1,390 $ 4,079 $ 4,444 $ 4,836 $ 5,143 1.98 1.67 1.68 1.71 1.77 1.82 i q ~~ t_ POwH C: ~ ~ i 1~ ~~ _ . I r~~ IBRUN~ ~_ ~. REPORT OF HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN Si)iVIlVIARY In order to continue the District's construction program through fiscal year 1978, a $20 million bond issue is required, Based on our studies of probable operating expenses and revenues under the recently adopted rate schedule, net revenues will be adequate to provide debt service coverage and a margin of safety for the bondholders, Respectfully submitted, HAYES, SEAY, MATTERN AND MATTERN WENDLE R. $NAPP Associate Partner JAMES M. STRtCKLAND, IR. Partner 27 EMPLOYEE -OWNED 3urns & M~~onnQll ENGINEERS -ARCHITECTS -CONSULTANTS February 10, 1989 Loudoun County Sanitation Authority Members of the Board of Directors 880 Hamson Street, S.E. Leesburg, Virginia 22075 Financial Feasibility Study Project No. 76-011-3-008 Gentlemen: We herewith present our report of the Financial Feasibility Study for the Capital Improvements Program proposed by the Loudoun County Sanitation Authority (the "Authority"). Our study shows that the water and wastewater rates adopted by the Authority on February 10, 1989 will support operations and provide for adequate debt service coverage for the Series 1989 bonds issued to finance the first stages of the Capital Improvements Program. Our Study also shows that the income projected for each year through fiscal 1998 will support forecasted expenses, other cash requirements, the Capital Improvements Program and comply with the terms of the Indenture of Trust, dated February 1, 1989. Water and wastewater rates for 1989 and the schedule of rate increases presented herein are the least required to generate revenues necessary under the various expectations of growth conditions examined in the study. Water and wastewater rates for 1989 are presented in Attachment 1. THE LOUDOUN COUNTY SANITATION AUTHORITY The Loudoun County Sanitation Authority is a public corporation and an instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Virginia created by action of the Board of Supervisors of Loudoun County, Virginia and chartered by the State Corporation Commission on May 27, 1959. The Authority is authorized, among other things, (1) to acquire, construct, improve, operate and maintain a water system for supplying and distributing water in Loudoun County, and a sewer system and sewage disposal system for serving Loudoun County, (2) to issue revenue bonds of the Authority, payable solely from revenues, to pay all or part of the cost of a water supply and distribution system, a sewer system and sewage disposal system, (3) to fix, revise, charge and collect rates, fees, and charges for the use of and for the services of any system operated by the Authority and (4) to enter into contracts with any unit, including counties, cities and other authorities, relating to the furnishing of services of the Authority. The Authority is subject to the jurisdiction of the Virginia State Water Control Board and the Virginia State Health Department. 4800 EA3T83rd STREET, P.O. BOX 419173, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI811 41-01 7 3 • TEL: 818.333J375 TWX: 914771.3059 C-1 _on Authority February 10, 1989 ed by an eight person Board of Directors, the members of which aze ~~'Supervisors of Loudoun County, Virginia. Day-to-day activities are ,iff of 70 employees. area includes all of Loudoun County (517 square miles). The r ~- Loudoun County operate water supply and sewerage systems ~__•ty. The demand for the Authority's services has been focused in the County in the vicinity of Dulles International Airport. The Broad Run .i ~~f eastern Loudoun County aze expected to capture most of Loudoun ~~, ~azeas, comprising approximately 117 square miles, are generally inty (east), the Potomac River (north), Goose Creek (west) and Prince zty's system serves approximately 33,800 residents through 12,061 m ..:.consists of a network of approximately 138 miles of sanitary sewer r nes, and a 2MG treated water storage facility. The system does not or"wastewater treatment facilities. The Authority contracts with others :ICt~ supply of potable water. r Sewer, constructed in 1961 to serve Dulles International Airport and ~i~ -and Maryland, traverses the northern portion of the service area and 3I ;Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility, owned and operated by the the Authority disposes of sewage through metered connections to the ie-°the terms and conditions of an agreement among the Authority and ( greement No. DCF-A-2351), dated October 24, 1963. :-g' 'iia, owns and operates a water treatment facility on Goose Creek in ,tter transmission main which traverses the northern portion of the ~rity obtains its supply of treated water through metered connections to r lpply system under terms and conditions of an agreement among the in ~., and the City of Fairfax, dated September 22, 1959. C-2 Burns 8 M~DonnQll Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 Growth Trends The following table shows historical average daily flows of water purchase and sewage disposal volumes and the number of accounts at year end. Flow Volumes (MGD) Accounts Z'eaz' Water Purchased Sewage Disposed Water Sewer 1983 1984 2.7 2.4 7,196 7,256 1985 3.0 3 5 2.3 8,087 8,155 1986 . 4 0 2.5 9,048 9,124 1987 . 4 6 2.6 10,226 10,312 1988 . 4 3 2.9 11,170 11,263 . 3.1 12,011 12,111 Maximum Capacity 6.0 17.9 The Authority's ten largest customers consume (collectively) 10.6 percent of the water sold by the Authority. The Authority's single largest customer, a complex of residential condominiums, consumes approximately 2.81 percent of all water sold. Since 1983, water purchased has increased by approximately 63 percent and is encroaching on available average day capacity. Water accounts have increased by about 67 percent indicating a spreading of the distribution system. Likewise, sewage treatment volume and wastewater accounts have increased correspondingly. The rate of growth, if continued at these levels, will soon exhaust the Authority's ability to provide service. A master plan for each utility was, therefore, developed to guide the Authority in its endeavor to provide service for new customers. The master plans presented the Authority with the Capital Improvements Program, the initial projects of which are financed by the Series 1989 bond issue. THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The projects of the Capital Improvements Program are the same as recommended in recent master plan reports by the Authority's consulting engineers. In March 1988, the firm of Burns & McDonnell, Consulting Engineers, developed an overall plan forecasting population growth and providing for future water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities necessary to accommodate the Authority's increasing near-term and long-range projected water demands. This 1988 "County-Wide Water Supply Study for Loudoun County, Virginia" presents the findings and recommendations for the Authority's water system improvements through the year 2040. In addition, Camp Dresser & McKee, Consulting Engineers, developed a corresponding engineering master plan in 1986 titled "Study of Wastewater Management Alternatives in the C-3 ,. _ ~_ ~~ Burns S M~~onneil Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 Occoquan Watershed of Loudoun County" for the Authority's wastewater system. The priority and scheduling of projects for this Feasibility Study have their bases in these two reports. Table 1 shows the project schedule of the Capital Improvements Program for both water and wastewater utilities as well as for general support facilities. Improvements to the water system include provisions for additional water supply, major transmission mains, and additions to the distribution system including additional storage capacity. Improvements to the wastewater utility provide for anticipated construction of a treatment plant in 1997 and for constructing sewage lift stations. The plan for improving water supply proposes that the Authority purchase capacity in the water system owned by Fairfax County Water Authority (FCWA). The Authority is currently negotiating with FCWA for the purchase by the Authority from FCWA of an entitlement to 6 MGD capacity of treated water and a 4 MGD capacity reservation to be available January 1, 1994. Subsequent purchases will occur in 1998 and thereafter. The need for an additional 8 MGD of water supply, Projects 6 and 7, will not occur until the year 2000. These projects are included, however, because their costs affect the overall financing plan and the anticipated 1997 bond sale. In conjunction with the water supply purchase is the need for constructing transmission mains for delivering treated water from FCWA. The 15,000 feet of 36-inch water main (Project 1) will deliver water to the Dulles North/Eastern Loudoun azea, while an additional 27,000 feet of 36-inch water main (Project 4) will be required to serve the Dulles South area. Projects 3, 8 and 9 pertain to developing the water distribution system. The estimated annual costs of Project 3 are for that portion of the distribution system not financed by developers. Similazly, Project 8 provides for the Authority's share of the distribution system. Project 9 is for payment to developers for installing oversized mains at the Authority's direction for serving future connections external to the developer's subdivision. Projects 10 and 12 each provide for the installation of a 2 1/2 million gallon elevated storage facility for fire emergency and equalization. Project 11 provides for additional space in the present administration building in Leesburg, Virginia; Project 19, also for additional space, is for construction of a new building in Sterling Pazk. Project 13 is for purchase of land for siting an anticipated sewage treatment plant expected to be constructed in 1997 under Project 17. Other projects for the sewer system provide for construction of the Occoquan Pumpover project in three phases. The Occoquan Pumpover project consists of a series of sewage lift stations, force mains, and gravity sewers for transferring sewage from the Occoquan watershed to the Washington D.C. Blue Plains Treatment Plant through the Potomac Interceptor. C-4 aurns 8 M~~onnQli Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 THE FINANCING PLAN The financing plan is influenced by potential fluctuations in annual income from av charges which will correspond to variances in the number of annual connections. The of lability these variations will be offset by anticipated bond sales and projected changes in utilit fects of To ensure that the long range Capital Improvements Pro y rates. income requirements for the 10-year period were analyzed under three differentt onditions9of assumed growth. In all three cases of analysis, initial funding was provided by the 1989 bon sale for $40,585,000. d The base case analyzes the result on income, expenses and other cash needs when growth in water and sewer customers is 800 accounts per year beginning in 1989. This level of increase falls between the historical 10-yeaz statistical trend of 618 connections per year and th e recent 5- year statistical trend of 1008 connections per year and is conservative when com aced t expected growth rates. In this case, a bond sale in the amount of $9.62 million will be necess o in 1991, and a future bond sale for $87,1 g million will be necessary in 1997. The rat ~ adopted by the Authority aze based on this case. es for 1989 Case 2 assumes that the water and sewer systems will grow as expected by 900 to 13 per year. In this case, no bond sale will be necessary in 1991, and $70.83 million in bonds w 11 be sold in 1997. Case 3 analyzes the low growth condition where the number of accounts after 1989 will by only 400 accounts per year through 1998. This is the least ln~'ease the Capital Improvements Program as planned and shown on b e tl . t Th SuPa ertW 11 r need for bond sale in 1991 for $27.495 million and another in 1997 for $105.815 million. equire a Table 2 summarizes the three cases and shows the effect of variation in growth on t he level of coverage of debt service as well as on the volumes of water purchased and sold, and on the volume of sewage treated. The differences in affect income from availability charges. Chan~esvin salesl acid batmen t vo umeswill directly will affect annual income and expenses. Subsequent analysis of income requirements under these thr possible growth conditions shows that rates must be adjusted to accommodate the resul • ee differences in cash or income requirements throughout the period of the Capital Im rov ling Program. p ements For the three cases analyzed, only the growth in the level of connections and its resultin aze assumed to vary. Other assumptions remained constant for all cases. Bond interestcis assumed at 8 percent. Interest income from the Debt Service Reserve Fund and the Ra Stabilization Fund is assumed at 8 percent while other Interest Income is assumed at to Priorities on income and restrictions on debt service coverage were considered in ac percent. with the provisions of the Indenture of Trust ,dated February 1, 1989. cordance C-5 ___ r ~ rte---- t 3urns 8 M~i~nnvll Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 INCOME REQUIREMENTS Estimating future income required each year involved forecasting of expenses and capital costs. Forecasts in general are based on the record of past increases, the assumed growth of the systems and the terms of the bond covenants. Forecasts of Expenses The line items in the Authority's financial reports for expenses were analyzed and forecasted individually. Table 3 shows the record of major expense items for 1987 and 1988 and the forecast of these items through 1998 under the assumption that 800 permits will be issued and 800 new accounts will be added each yeaz. The forecasted expense of water purchased and sewage disposed takes into account the increased sales volume induced by additional accounts and an escalated unit cost of the respective supply and disposal services. These expenses will vary according to system growth. Personal Services are expected to increase by 20 percent in 1989; the rate of increase is expected to decline gradually to 10 percent by 1991 and remain at that level thereafter. Contractual services aze expected to increase by 50 percent in 1989 and by 5 percent each year thereafter. The increases in these expense items are caused principally by general inflationary trends and are not in a direct proportion to system growth. Forecasted expenses aze allocated between water and sewer utilities in the same proportion as recorded in the 1988 financial reports. Forecasts of Capital Costs Capital costs of the study include all costs except operating and maintenance expenses. The most prominent of capital costs aze debt service, renewals and replacements, and the purchase o capacity from FCWA to be funded from revenues. Debt service is projected in accordance with the debt financing plan for each of the three study cases. The amounts for renewals and replacements aze the same for cases 1 and 2 and are reduced for case 3, the low growth condition. The schedule of renewals and replacements is in accordance with a plan developed by Burns & McDonnell that takes into account the yearly additions to depreciable fixed plant created by the Capital Improvements Program. The assumed annual cost of purchased capacit~~ from FCWA is shown in Table 1, Project 2. " C-6 Burns 8 M~DonnQl! Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 Except for renewals and replacements, capital costs were divided between water and sewer utilities according to the costs of water and sewer projects in the Capital Improvements Program. Renewals and replacements were divided according to total investment in depreciable water and sewer facilities. Forecasts of Income Income from fees, chazges and investments constitute 40 to 50 percent of all income to the Authority. Forecasting of income from these sources is necessary to determine future cash required from rates. Income from Water Services is derived from wholesale water services, private fire protection and construction water. Income from Sewer Services is derived from sewer bulk chazges and wholesale sewer services. Other Water (and Sewer) Chazges are applied principally to water and sewer permits while Other Operating Revenue is derived from account charges, turn on/collection fees, plan review and inspection fees. Income from these items were forecast by escalating at four percent to account for inflation. Interest income is forecasted to be 8 percent of the Debt Service Reserve Fund and the Rate Stabilization Fund, both of which aze established by the Master Indenture of Trust. Other Interest Income is forecasted to be 6 percent of Special Redemption and General Reserve Funds. Income from Availability Charges is forecasted on the basis of the estimated number of accounts added each year as well as the increase in the Availability Charge per connection. RATE DESIGN AND FEASIBILITY The rates adopted for 1989 are designed to produce the necessary revenues when 800 accounts are added to the system during the year. Cash requirements for water and sewer are separately analyzed in order to provide a basis for rate design of each utility. Table 4 shows the effect of the 1989 water rate on income and cash flow. The Table also shows a 5-year cash flow for the water utility when water rates are increased annually to furnish the required revenues. Table 5 shows corresponding cash flows for the sewer utility. Note that under the terms of the rate covenants, water rates yield Net Operating Revenues each year that are greater than necessary for debt service coverage while sewer rates do not cover the sewer portion of debt service until 1993. Combined revenues, however, are adequate in all years. Table 6 shows the cash flow for the combined water and sewer utilities over the ten year planning period when rates are increased to support the cash requirements for a growth condition of 800 new accounts per year. Jebt service coverage from Net Operating Revenues in combination with the Rate Stabilization Fund is sufficient in all years. C-7 'FOP' ~~ti~ ~^^~• 3urns 8 M~~vnneli Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 A portion of the surplus shown on Table 6 is allocated to the Special Redemption Fund for early retirement of certain teen bonds. The balance of the surplus is allocated to the General Reserve Fund for, among other purposes, annual equity support of the Capital Improvements Pro ar.:. This use is in accordance with the terms of the financing ~ Application of the surplus and flow of funds is shown on Table 7 nFordsimplic tdy of explanation, Table 7 shows cash flow through these two funds as though both were combined. Referring to Table 7, the beginning balance of $13 million in 1989 is deposited to the General Reserve Fund from the Authority's accrued savings. The equity contribution of $11 million flows out of the fund to fill the Debt Service Reserve and Rate Stabilization Funds and furnish capitalized interest during 1989 and 1990. The same use is made of the equity contribution in 1991. In 1997, the equity contribution fills the aforementioned funds to the required level, but does not contribute to capitalized interest. The line item Capital Investment represents cash payments from revenues for the projects, including capacity entitlements, in the Capital Improvements Program. ANALYSIS OF OTHER GROWTH CONDITIONS Income Requirements under the other growth conditions of cases 2 and 3 previously described are demonstrated by the cash flows for the combined water and sewer utilities in Table 8 and 9. Table 8 shows revenues and cash flow under conditions of expected growth of 1300 fallin to 900 accounts per year. Table 9 shows revenues and cash flow under the low growth condition of 400 accounts per year after 1989. For purposes of analysis, adopted rates for 1989 and the proposed increase for 1990 were assumed operative for these two years. Rates were changed during subsequent years to generate the required revenues dictated by cash requirement. Projected Net Revenues in each case are sufficient in all years to provide the debt service coverage required by the Indenture of Trust. The revenues from rates and the income iron; availability charges will satisfy ail cash requirements and support the financing plan applicable to each growth condition. SUMMARI' Table 10 summarizes the scope of the feasibility stud showing well as water sales and proposed rates for water and sewer, and for the ~tilitie,o together as a~ composite. The schedules of rate increases shown will su Improvements Program under the three conditions of growth. Ifpgrowthhoccu0rsvasrexpepteaj (Case 2), rate increases will be less than necessary under the rate design analysis. If growth slows (Case 3), rate increases will be greater than under the rate design analysis. C-8 0urns 8 M~~7onnQ11 Loudoun County Sanitation Authority February 10, 1989 CONCLUSION 1 • The Capital Improvements Program, to be funded in part from the proceeds of the 1989 Bonds, is technically sound and conforms with good engineering practice.S The Capital Improvements Program provides for water and sewer system expansion to meet the growing demands of the Authority's service azea. 2• Proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds, in conjunction with anticipated availabili reserves, and surplus system earnings aze estimated to be sufficient to fund a substantial portion of the program for water and wastewater capital improvements at least to the year 1991. Additional bond financing may be required in 1991 to complete the fundin of the program of water and wastewater improvement, if growth in connections does not occur as expected. 3• The Water and Wastewater Systems have been well operated and maintained. 4• The existing management and staff aze qualified to operate the water and was systems. tewater 5• Projection of revenues and expenses is appropriate and reasonable for the W Wastewater Systems. Revenues and other income should support all cash re u~me nd and provide for debt service coverage according to the requisite bond gCOVenants established by the Indenture of Trust. Sincerely, /s/ W. N. Marshall, P.E. Rate Consultant /s/ John A. Price, P.E. Project Manager C-9 i }~ OAF ANMF ~ L ti ~ Z 2 a 18 ,~50' 88 ~~S~UICENTENN~~~ A Bcau~i~u/BcgrnninR Al t ~ AMEMCII G1 ~t~t~ of ,~~ ~~~~~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISOR: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Monty Plymale 7349 LaMarre Drive Hollins, VA 24019 Dear Mr. Plymale: June 14, 1990 RICHARD W. BORERS. CtuuRMA GV[ EtHtIP10 MI018'TLRIµ, OKTwK STEVEN A. MCGRAW, VK~•CH/URMA GTAW0/1 MAOtEiTERU1L pISTRK LEE B. EDo WINDSOR MILI.f MAGt6TERUt [MSTRK BOB L. JOE~NSOI NOl.LMB MAOt3TERUIL fXSTRIC HARRY C. NIQCEN! VINTON MAGISTERIAL DtSTRK' The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Virginia Western Community College Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Virginia Western Community College Board for a four-year term. Your term will expire on June 30, 1994. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, 1989. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bj h Enclosures pc: Dr. Charles Downs, President Virginia Western Community College P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 F o`~ a~~ ~ ~' L 2 ~ 0 2 a ~~ $ ~E50) 88 Q S~SQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful8eginnin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE June 14, 1990 Lt. Delton R. Jessup 3704 Buckingham Drive, S. W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Lt. Jessup: BOARD OF SUPERVISOF RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRM~ GVE SPRING MAGISTERAL gSTRi STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE•CHAIRM~ CATAWBA MAGISTERAL gSTRI LEE B. EDI WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERALL DISTRI 808 L. JOHNSC HOLLJNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI HARRY C. NICKED VINTON MAGISTERALL DISTRF The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Transportation and Safety Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Transportation and Safety Commission representing the State Police for a four-year term. Your term will expire on April 1, 1994. State law provides that any person' elected, re-elected, or appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, 1989. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, rnG~, ~. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bj h Enclosures pc: Capt. D. Art LaPrade, Chairman Al lAll A~. ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~a~ .~~r~nu~ 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 F o~ a~~ ~ L ~ p Z 0 2 a 18 ~E50 88 S~sQU1CENTENNIP~ A Btawi~ulBe~mnin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. William 4349 Cordell Roanoke, VA June 14, 1990 J. Skelton, Jr. Drive 24018 Dear Mr. Skelton: BOARD OF SUPERVISOR RICHARD W. ROBERS, CHAIRM/ GVE SPRING MACiBTERUI. pSTitN STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE•CHAIRMA UTAWBA MAGISTERIAL gSTRN LEE B. EDC WINgiOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI( BOB L. JOHNSO HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL gSTRK HARRY C. NICKEN VINTON MAGISTERIAL gSTRK The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission for a three-year term. Your term will expire on June 30, 1993. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, 1989. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, '~Z czl~~- ~/, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bjh Enclosures pc: Mr. Steve Carpenter, Director, Parks & Recreation AllAll A~ ~ ~~~~~ C~u~n~ ~~ ,~u~n~r ~~ 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ POAN ~.~ a ti p Z J ? a 18 ,E50 88 S~SQUICENTENH~P~ A Beauti~ulBeRinnirrnK COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE All AMERICA 1 ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~n~ u~ .~u~ n~~~e 1979 1989 June 14, 1990 BOARD OF SUPERVISOf RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRM UVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL CNSTR STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE•CHAIRM, UTAWEiA MAGISTERAL CNSTR LEE B. ED WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERALL DISTR BOB L. JOHNS( HOLLJNS MAGISTERIAL OISTRI HARRY C. NICKEL VINTON MAGISTERIAL CNSTRI The Honorable Lee B. Eddy Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2211 Pommel Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Eddy: The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Fifth Planning District Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Fifth Planning District Commission representing elected officials for a three-year term. Your term will expire on June 30, 1993. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, 1989. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~- Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bj h Enclosures pc: Mr. Wayne Strickland, Fifth Planning District Commission P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ pOANp,I.~ ~ ,A 2 p 0 2 a 18 Es~ 88 s~SQU1CENTENN~P~ A Beauti ful Bc~innin~ AII~AMERICA LI7 C~ttlt '~il~ ~t~ u~ ~~~n~~~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISOR: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Ralph H. Reed 3486 Mt. Pleasant Road Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Mr. Reed: June 14, 1990 RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMA CAVE SF~RING MAGISTERIAL DISTRI< STEVEN A. MCGRAW, VICE-CHAIRMA. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL OISTRIC LEE B. EDD WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC BOB L..IOHNS01 HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC HARRY C. NICKEN: VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC At their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Roanoke County AMVETS post 92 for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on August 11, 1990. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1990. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HATE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYNOVEMBER I OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBM/T A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORCAN/ZATIONPLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk bjh Roanoke County Board of Supervisor Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 o~ aoaroo,~ F > A ~ G '`' A _ ~_ J 2 a 18 <E50` 88 SFSGUICENTENN)P~ d Brnuti~ul8cr;innin4 All AMfRICAC C~ulzrt~ ~ ~ ~~II~ ~ ,~~~nu ~ ~~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISOF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE June 14, 1990 Rev. Fleet Powell Colonial Presbyterian Church 3550 Poplar Drive, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Powell: RICHARD W. ROaERS. CHAIRM/ GAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRI STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRM~ CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRN LEE B. EDC WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI< BOB L. JOHNSO HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI( HARRY C. NICKEN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you for sharing your time with us. bjh Sincerely, Richar W. Robers, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772.2004 MEMO - 6/11/90 To: Supervisors, E1 er Hodge, Paul- Mahoney, Mary Allen From: Lee B. Edd Subject: Additional Agenda Items, 6/12/90 In addition to a discussion of the Consolidation Agreement amendments, described in another memo, I would like to raise the following agenda items during our 6/12/90 Board meeting: F.l: Request a joint work session with the Planning Commission and staff to discuss goals and a work program for the coming fiscal year. L.1: Request a report on County options for enacting a no-smoking ordinance, based on 1990 state legislation. 0.5: Discussion regarding the report on a study of County Operations. 0.6 Discussion regarding the report on a Greenway Plan. MEMO - 6/11/90 To: Supervisors, Elmer Hodge, Paul Mahoney, Mary Allen From: Lee B. Eddy Subject: Adding a Consolidation Item to the 6/12/90 Agenda Paul Mahoney has given us, in a separate envelope with the agenda package, a copy of the legal ad and proposed amendments to the Consolidation Agreement as requested by the Board at the adjourned meeting on 5/29/90. He also included a proposed agreement addendum dealing with school personnel assignments. It was my understanding that the Board intended to review and/or ratify this material after it was prepared in detailed form. Therefore, I suggest that an item be added to the agenda for the 6/12/90 Board meeting for this purpose. If any changes are necessary in the advertisement, I understand there will still be time for publication on four successive weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing date on July 10. I suggest the ad could be more descriptive regarding the Catawba District area entitled to a second vote. Under the proposed amendments, the WITNESSETH statement refers to Section 12, Section 19, and Exhibit E (potential boundary adjustment with Salem), but there is no further mention of Exhibit E in the body of the amendment. I would ask Mr. Mahoney to check and comment on this possible inadvertent omission. MEMO - 6/11/90 To: Supervisors, E1 er Hodge, Paul Mahoney, Mary Allen From: Lee B. Edd Subject: Additional Agenda Items, 6/12/9 In addition to a discussion of the Consolidation Agreement amendments, described in another memo, I would like to raise the following agenda items during our 6/12/90 Board meeting: F.1: Request a joint work session with the Planning Commission and staff to discuss goals and a work program for the coming fiscal year. L.1: Request a report on County options for enacting a no-smoking ordinance, based on 1990 state legislation. 0.5: Discussion regarding the report on a study of County Operations. 0.6 Discussion regarding the report on a Greenway Plan. r pF PCANC'fF a ~ A Z a 18 E50 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE May 24, 1990 Mr. Sim Ewing, Director Southwest Virginia Office Center for Public Service University of Virginia College Avenue Wise, Virginia 24293-0016 Dear Sim: BOARD OF SUPERVISOF RICHARD W. BORERS. CHAIRM GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTR STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRM, GTAWBA MAGISTERAL DISTR LEE B. ED WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI BOB L..10HNSC HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI HARRY C. NIC.KE~ VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRN I appreciate your interest in working with Roanoke County for a peer review of operations. I think ..this is an exciting possibility. We have no format in mind, but perhaps this could be similar to the peer reviews conducted by schools in Virginia. We would welcome any suggestions that you might have regarding format. As for the scope of work, I think the Board of Supervisors is willing to support a project in the vicinit of suggestion from the Board was to have top level stafflsuch Oas youe from other localities, be a part of the review. There are no problem areas that are of concern to the Board, and they have given staff considerable flexibility in conducting the study. It would probably take three days of on-site review with staff and Board members, plus the time to prepare and present a report. It may be necessary to concentrate on select departments each year and have this as an ongoing process, as it is done with the school system, and make it an annual event. Our next step should be to prepare a proposal and, for your information, I am sending a copy of our latest Annual Report. I will take this matter to the Board on June 12. If they wish to pursue it, we can meet to define the scope and finalize the plan and fee. Atl ~AMFRIU ~i~~Yi~ ~ ~~I I~ ~~ ,~u~ ~ ~u~.~ 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703> 772.2004 a. Mr. Sim Ewing Page 2 May 24, 1990 If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ECH/meh Enclosure qi`°~,'/' Department of the Treasury ~Ii Internal Revenue Service PHILADELPHIA, PA 19255 AMERICAN VETERANS OF WORLD WA.R II 92 AMVETS 3486 MT PLEASANT BLVD ROANOKE VA 24014 DATE OF THIS NOTICE= 10-13-89 CP 578 - EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER= 54-1516198 TAX PERIOD ENDING= N/A 28083366 0 For assistance you may call us at: 649-2361 LOCAL RICHMON; 1-800-424-1040 OTHER V. Or you may write to us at the address shown at the left. If you write, be sure to attach the bottom part of this form. TAX FORMS YOU MUST FILE= Notice of New Employer Identification Number (EIN) Assigned Thank you for your Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identlflcation Number. The number assigned to you Is shown above. This number will be used to identify your business account and related tax returns and documents, even it you do not have employees, 1. Keep a copy of this number In your permanent records. 2. Use this number and your name exactly as shown above, on all Federal tax forms, 3. Use this number on all tax payments and tax related correspondence or documents, Entity Information includes your EIN, business name, trade name, street address, city, state and ZIP code. When filing tax documents or making FTD payments, it is Important to use the IRS prepared label and/or coupon. However, if this is not possible, your EIN and complete information as shown below must be used to properly identify your account and avoid processing delays (for I RS mailing purposes your account will appear as shown above), If for any reason this information is not correct, please return the bottom portion of this notice Indicating the changes. AMERICAN VETERANS OF WORLD WAR II 92 AMVETS RALPH H REED 3486 MT PLEASANT BLVD ROANOKE VA 24014 I f you are a trust, your tax year generally must be a calendar year, unless you are exempt from taxation under section 501(e) of the Internal Revenue Code or a charitable trust described in section 49d7(a)(1) of the Code. A partnership must conform Its tax year to either its majority partners, Its princi- ple partners, or a calendar year, in that order, unless it can establish a business purpose for using a different year. Personal service corporation must have a required year for its tax year unless it can establish a business purpose for using a different year. See Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods, for a tuller discussion on the required year, including exceptions to the requirements. This publication is available at most IRS offices for more informa- tion. If you are required to make Federal tax deposits for employment taxes (Forms 941, 943, 940 or CT-1 ), excise taxes (Form 720), and/or incorne taxes {r'orms i 12G, 990-C, 990-T, ur S30-F.'), vva have rcquo_ted art ini-!al sc^~!y or Federal tax denn:it coupon books for you. Please allow 5 to 6 weeks for delivery. If you are not required to make Federal tax deposits, please disregard the enclosed Form 8109-B, Federal Tax Deposit Coupon. Please note that the assignment of this number does not grant tax-exempt status to nonprofit organization>. Any organization (other than a private foundation) hav(ng annual gross receipts normally of 525,000 or less (s exempt by statute if It meets the requirements of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. These organizations are not required to file Form 1023 (Application for Recognition of Exemption) or file Form 990 (Return of Organi- zation Exempt from Income Tax). However, if the organization wants to establish its exemption with the Internal Revenue Service and receive a ruling or determinatlon letter recognizing its exempt status, it should file Form 1023 with the key district director. For details on how to apply for this exemption, see IRS Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for your Organization, available at most IRS offices. Thank you for your cooperation. Keep this part for your records. Form 8503 (Rev. 5-88) --------------------------- --------------------------- my return this part with your correspondonce if you Return this part with your Form SS-4 heve any questions so we may identify your account. Please correct any errors In your name or address. CP 578 2anR~~~~ ,;:, i ,~,; rri~~la~~l!~~t1j~`' C~~ _)t~ u~r '1ltiltfi~d~d tVOf"~11~ s~1"1V~C• ~1,~~ ,~ =7 ~ ~ ~3~~23~~41 t: a r. ,lil?f :) ~ G TLS I In .rfxfy ratrr to. ABETS ~Araerican Veterans of world War II) AANETS National Headquarters 4647 Forbes Boulevard __ Lanham, Maryland 20706 Gent 1 ems n s (:~t~l) 459-9~6Op Ye have considered group ezemption of ~ Your application to slodif siz additional Cate Y 22, 1945, to the extent op h Your namely= A~-rygT•S De goriea of your subordinate oldin,~ AIyy~S Partment Service Foundationsorganizations; Auxiliariee~TA Department Convention Corporationau Alyy from Federal inc me taz packs, and A ED'S organizat~nssdescri eds; exempt SO1(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 19 4 in sectioe, In our ruling dated Ma 5 under your former name A Y 22' 1945, addressed to you yOU""anQ your subordinate merick~n -Veterans of World War IY, at that time were he Posts appearing on lists s taz under the ld to be exempt from Fedora ubmit tea Revenue Code o~rivisions of sectio4 101 8 l income Revenue Code °f 939, now section 0 ( ) of the Internal 1954• On Februar 5 1(c)(4) of the Internal You. under your present name Y l5~ 1954, we issued to by rs!'ersnce our rulin ' a ruling which incorporated subordinate de g °f MaY 22, 1945, and which held on the lists submittedsexe istricts and Yo~jr mPt under sectionolpl appearing 1939 Code, now sect ion 0 (8) of the basis of information thstl (c) (4) of the 1954 Code, the lists of a You have 'u On the have been brow°hts' departments PPlied periodically, 6 up to date and weshavets and councils ruling• holding those issued ourrent subordinates eXempt~Pplementary Based on the information su subordinate AMVET Department ServiceiFd' we rule th ABETS, AMVET`S De oundationa at Your Auziliariea A Partment Convention Corporationa~Juni~S in the ' ~'~ Sad Sacks, and AMVET Sackettes A~ from Federal inc meitaxroster yOU submitted are named under section Spl(c) 4 exempt ( ) of the t 1700 CAPRI BOWRIDER Here's the smartest investment you can make in family fun. ~ i ~ The spirited 1700 Capri Bowrider is complete with a long list of il~~ I big-boat features, like AM/FM cassette stereo, custom swim platform and convertible top. There's generous lounge seating ~I ~ I ill .~ T forward, twin sleeper seats, custom instrumentation, and per- ~ I formance to spare, thanks to the standard electric-start Force 50 outboard. Its eye-catching profile and styling accents look great on or off the standard Escort trailer. The 1700 tows effortlessly-even behind smaller cars-and stores in virtually any garage. ., ~ -. ~ , ~•- *,~. , ~_. ~ _ =r»;.a -m~; ;. COMPARE STANDARD tc.2uirmtly i ... with Bayliner, you always get more ^ Force 50 outboard with CD ignition ^ 17-foot custom Escort trailer ^ Integral transom platform ^ AM/FM cassette stereo ^ High-performance Sequential Lift Hull with Delta step pad ^ Two custom contoured sleeper seats ^ Navigation lights ^ Unitized construction with hand-laid fiberglass (See pages 26-27 for detailed specifications and equipment fisting) ~,(,~%,(,~9TP; ~3s f Cb~~ F,`~~xT ~~i~~tr /80°° ~~~~ ~~z y i~~ Ylfv ~ ///~ ~ ~~~ '`~`,~~~ ~~~~~G~~~>° ~,E'~j~'``j ~~ ~ ,~.~x~~~~~ ~~ ~- SPECIFICATIONS Centerline length Beam Approx. wt. w/std. eng. Fuel capacity 1700 16'7" (5.17m) 1040 Ibs (472kg) 6 gal (22L) carry on ~ ~ ~y. Items for June 12, 1990 Board Meeting From the Department of Finance I.New Business A.Request for Additional Office Space B.Memorandum of Agreement between the County and Schools concerning the Finance operations ( I am trying to convince the Attorney's office that this doesn't need to be an Board item) C.Request from VML/VACO for an assessment to cover legal expenses related to APCO negotiations II.Reports A.Reserve for Board Contingency B.General Fund Unappropriated Balance C.Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance III.Worksessions A.Spring Hollow Reservoir w ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Survey of Development Related Fees; Six Virginia Localities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND At the May 22, 1990 Board meeting the Board asked for information on review fees charged by other jurisdictions. Attached is a summary of the Development related fees charged by six other Virginia localities. The Development Tnspection staff surveyed these localities to ascertain the level of fees charged, and the basis for these fees. A number of the localities indicated that their fees were based on recovering a percentage of their direct and indirect costs, however most of the localities were not aware of the exact percentage. The Development related fees proposed for Roanoke County are based upon a policy of recovering 100% of the direct and indirect cost associated with these activities. The proposed fees are: Site Plan Review Small Subdivision Review Large Subdivision Review Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Review Subdivision Waiver/Variance Vacation of Subdivision Plat and Easements $685 + $40 per acre $25 $220 + $45 per lot or parcel $100 + $100 per acre or portion thereof $190 $190 SUBMITTED BY: ~..~ ~ h-~I`L- ~ C'~ ~~' 6--~~LC ~ - - ------ Arnold Covey Development and Inspections Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) t' b No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Mo ion y. Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of the Ordinance Imposing or Increasing User Fees for the Parks and Recreation Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Department of Management and Budget hired a consultant to perform a limited User Fee Study. David M. Griffith & Associates, LTD. (DMG) completed their review of existing and potential new fees, in February 1990, in the following departments: • Development and Inspections • Planning and Zoning • Solid Waste • Parks and Recreation • Jail • Police • Fire The objectives of the Study were to calculate the full costs of providing specific services, to compare these costs with the revenues currently received for theses services, and to recommend fee levels to recover the full costs of services when such fees are practical. A service for which a user fee is charged can be viewed as the time and/or materials costs paid by a governmental agency on behalf of a private citizen or group. Full costs developed for services rendered include direct labor costs, divisional and departmental supervision and administration, and supplies and materials costs. All appropriate indirect costs allocated from County central services, such as accounting, budgeting and data processing, to the departmentlor division performing the service under review are also included. The principle of user fees dictates that those who use a service pay for the cost of producing the service. Although this principle is firmly established in the private enterprise system, there may be cases of County activities for which it is not regarded as appropriate. It may be desirable to set fees for some services below full cost depending on the circumstances. Subsidies are often provided for two basic purposes. The first is to permit an identified group to participate in services which they might not otherwise be able to afford. This is a legitimate function of government, assuring access to importantzservices to all citizens without regard to their ability to pay. A second type of subsidy is based on the perception of the ultimate beneficiary of the service. Many County activities, by their nature, provide benefits beyond the immediate recipient of the service. Therefore, it may be regarded as appropriate to spread the cost of certain services over the large base of p3tential beneficiaries, as opposed to only the direct recipients. For purposes of generating new revenue for the 1990-91 fiscal year budget, staff has recommended the implementation of only three of the fee areas originally identified for study. These include Development and Inspections, Planning and Zoning and Parks and Recreation. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The attached ordinance, authorizing the increase of user fees in the area of Parks and Recreation, is a policy statement outlining the level at which the Board of Supervisors will subsidize our Parks and Recreation programs in the following areas: • Community Education • Leisure Arts • Outdoor Adventure • Senior Citizens • Special Events • Therapeutics • Adult Athletics • Youth Athletics Briefly, the policy regarding Parks and Recreation program cost recovery through user fees is as follows: 1. Community Education, Leisure Arts, Outdoor Adventure, Adult Athletics 2. Youth Athletics 3. Special Events 4. Therapeutics 5. Senior Citizens $5 Registration Fee Per Event; 25~ Indirect Costs; 100 Direct Costs $5 Registration Fee Per Event 40~ Indirect Costs 100 Direct Costs 20~ Direct Costs $10 Membership Fee Per Year; 100 Direct Costs 2 The Director of the Parks and Recreation Department would be authorized to establish fees for Parks and Recreation programs based upon the above guidelines, subject to the approval of the County Administrator. The above policies will be reviewed periodically by the staff of the Department of Management and Budget in conjunction with the budget process. Please note that the definition of indirect costs used for Parks and Recreation cost recovery is different than the definition used for other departments. The indirect cost figures used for the Parks and Recreation Department do not include approximately $430,000 in indirect costs for central services such as accounting, budgeting, and data processing. The degree to which volume is affected by the fee level is referred to as the "elasticity of demand". Fees for recreational services are likely to be highly elastic. Therefore, staff recommends phasing in over several years the inclusion of total indirect costs in the cost recovery calculations outlined above. Finally, the staff recommends including in our policy statement a provision for a waiver or fee reduction in the case of "demonstratable hardship" or inability to pay situations. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission has approved the above policy statements concerning the proposed user fee increase for the Department of Parks and Recreation. (See attached schedule for additional detail). FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the proposed cost recovery policy through user fees for the Parks and Recreation Department is an increase in revenues in the amount of $167,013. The policy changes would be effective July 1, 1990. The revenue increase has been included in the FY 1990-91 budget adopted by the Board of Supervisors on May 15, 1990. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the above stated cost recovery policy to be effective July 1, 1990 after the second reading of the attached ordinance on June 12, 1990. Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 1,2,3 Observations were take from the Consultant's Report. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 3 pOANp OF '~F ti 9 2 G7 ~ 2 J a 18 ~' ~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ ~1 Br.tutirulBcSinnin~ PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE (~o~tx~#~ of ~o~zz~n~P June 12, 1990 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anne Marie Green Public Information Officer 703-772-2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE ROANOKE COUNTY WINS NACO AWARDS Roanoke County Administrator Elmer Hodge announced today that the County has been selected to receive four Achievement Awards from the National Association of Counties. The Awards will be made at the 1990 NACO convention in Miami in July. Roanoke County submitted applications for the following projects, all of which have received Awards: • Landfill Citizens' Advisory Committee • Custody Mediation Program • Comprehensive Health Investment Project • Roanoke County Today Copies of the applications are attached. The NACO Achievement Award program is in its 18th year, and gives national recognition to significant, innovative activities (more) P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2010 that improve the organization, management or services of member counties. The program applications become a data resource for Association members who need information on new and innovative programs, and how they were established. Programs must satisfy the following criteria: • The County must play a decisive role in the program's development and implementation. • The program should have been developed in response to a particular problem or concern within the County, and must go beyond normal means or use extraordinary effort to address the concern. • The program must have been in place and operational long enough for the department to be able to evaluate results. • The program must have proven, tangible results and evidence of its accomplishments over a significant time period must be clearly illustrated. • The County should have plans for continued commitment to the program through staffing, funding, or other means of support. In announcing the Awards, Mr. Hodge commented, "This is the first time that Roanoke County has applied for the NACO Achievement Awards, and we are very proud that all four of our applications were successful. Once again, this is national recognition of the innovation and imagination that we use to solve problems". Mr. Hodge made the announcement at the 3:00 p.m. meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. (end) 1990 ENTRY FORM ___ __~ Roanoke County CO(JNTY: „~: NACo member cauntles on-y. POPULATION: 75,000 Virginia STATE: $111,365,879 1989 COUNTY BUDGET: TTTLE OF PROGRAM TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (Please limit title w 60 dunacters. 1)o not include a~oty name in the p~~ title. lydiate the title at the pro~am to be coruidered far an Aclrieve- ment Award using the exact wording you watld Woe w appear on the certificate wild your merry' win.) Economical and Efficient Distribution of Newsletter CATEGORIES Entries must be made in the following categories. Check only ONE category for this entry. O Commuunity Development O Computerization O Criminal Justice 0 Community Services 9 County Administration and Management O Drunken Driving Deterrence and Seat Belt Safety O Employment and Training O Energy and Environment 0 Fiscal Management and Use of Federal or State Funds O Health O Human Services 0 Juvenile Justice O Land Use and Land Planning O Labor Issues and Empbyee Benefits 0 Mental Health O Media Relations 0 Older Americans O Parks and Recreation 0 Public Safety/Fmergency Management O Rural Programs 0 Substance Abuse Control and Initiatives O Transportation O Taxation and Finance O Youth Programs NOTE: Our list includes two general categories - Htunan Services and Community Services. We are looking for the following information under those categories: HUMAN SERVICES -food assistance programs; providing food/shelter for the homeless; programs to improve the service administration of welfare or general assistance programs; quality control in welfare assistance programs; the provision of social services such as family counseling and child care; improvements inthe management/administration of human services Pro~• COMMUNITY SERVICES -programs that make improvements in the county's infiastructtue, public services such as sanitation, fire, police, etc. (innovations or improved services in any of these areas are acceptable); programs promoting the enhancement or betterment of the community; programs designed to give citizens more input in county government. Name, title, mailing address and phone number of county's Chief Elected Official- the county's board chair, president, or elected county official- and his or her signature author- izing this entry. Name, title, department,division, mailing address and phone ntunber of the program contact- a person able to provide more information to inquiring juristictions. The division must be specified. Richard W. Robers Nom' Chairman of the Board Title: P.O. Box 29800 Address: Ci Roanoke Ste; Va Anne Marie Green Name: Pu lic Information Officer Title: County Administrator's Of Department: Division: u i c n orma ion ty Address: P. 0. Box 2 9 8 0 0 Zip Code: 24018 Phone: 703-772-2005 City: Roanoke Stam; Va . Signature: ~p Cie; 2 4 018 phone: (7 0 3i 7 7 2 - 2 010 EACH E RY MUST BE S TI'TED WITH A PHOTOCOPY OF THE ENTIRE APPLICATION 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY 1 PROBLEMICONCERN (continued) budget year, and any method of communication which was chosen would have to be economical, as-well as far reaching. The other Virginia localities with newsletters were either considerably smaller than Roanoke County, or sent them only to a small number of interested parties. The Board believed that the only effective newsletter would be one that went to all residents of the County and directed the staff to pursue this objective. SOLUTION (Describe the steps that were taker by the county/department to remedy the problem or ro address the concern. Explain how the program's objectives wen met) In 1987, as a result of budgetary considerations, the County had dropped the position of Public Information Officer. The Board now decided that the position should be re-instituted, with responsibility for the monthly newsletter, which was called Roanoke County Todav. The newsletter was first published in April, 1989, and is distributed as an insert in the Roanoke Times and World News, which allows for a large circulation at an extremely low cost. The newsletter looks like a small newspaper, and is presented to citizens at a time when they are in a "reading mood" - as they look at the daily paper. Roanoke County Todav is four pages, and contains approximately 12 typewritten pages of text. It also has photographs, and various type sizes to increase readability. Many topics are covered, including those which the daily paper does not have the time or resources to discuss. Since there is only one daily newspaper in the Roanoke Valley, almost all households subscribe. The paper is delivered by zoned routes, so we were able to pick only those zones which cover County neighborhoods, as opposed to the general circulation area. I 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY J RESULTS (continued) brochure could be used to reinforce important points, rather than to explain the issue in detail. The newsletter also informs County citizens on smaller matters, such as the opening of new parks, the prize-winning police dog at the Sheriff's Department, and the re-opening of a newly renovated school. The taxpayers can review in detail how their tax dollars are spent, and what services are offered to them in return. INDEXING INDENTIFIERS List 5 words or phrases that best de- scnbe your program and can be used ro index your program. These words should be different than those used in your program title. For example, a program in which a county contracted with a city to pmvide low interest renovation housing loans to low and moderate income home owners might consist of the following identifiers: (I) Low Interest Housin~,t~?ns (2) Housin Rehabilitation Substan terioratin Housin ~t governmental Partnership (1) Public Information Officer (2) Newsletter (3) Communication (4) Referenda campaigns ($) Information Distribution 1990 ENTRY FORM COUNTY: Roanoke County Note: NACo member counCa only. POPULATION: 75,000 STATE: Virginia 1989 COUNTY BUDGET: $111,365,879 TTi'LE OF PROGRAM TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (Please limit title w t50 duuaaers Do not include catmty name in the ptogtam title. Indiate the title of the program to be oatsidered for an Adtieve- merzt Award using the exact wording you would liloe to appear oa the certificate should your entry win) Custody Mediation Program CATEGORIES Entries must be made in the following categories. Check only ONE category for this entry. O Community Development O Computerization O Criminal Justice D Community Services ~ County Administration and Management O Drunken Driving Deterrence and Seat Belt Safety 0 Employment and Training O Energy and Environment O Fiscal Management and Use of Federal or State Funds O Health C~Httman Services 0 Juvenile Justice O Land Use and Land Planning O Labor Issues and Employee Benefits O Mental Health 0 Media Relations 0 Older Americans 0 Parks and Recreation O Public Safety/Fmergency Management 0 Rural Programs 0 Substance Abuse Control and Initiatives O Transportation 0 Taxation and Finance ^ Youth Programs NOTE: Our list includes two general categories -Human Services and Community Services. We are looking for the following information under those categories: HUMAN SERVICES -food assistance programs; providing foodJshelter for the homeless; programs to improve the service) administration of welfare or general assistance programs; quality control in welfare assistance programs; the provision of social services such as family counseling and child care; improvements inthe management/administration of human services programs. COMMUNITY SERVICES • programs that make improvements in the county's infrastructure, public services such as sanitation, fire, police, etc. (innovations or improved services in any of these areas are acceptable); programs promoting the enhancement or betterment of the community; programs designed to give citizens more input in county government. Name, title, mailing address and phone number of county's Name, title, department, division, mailing address and phone Chief Elected Official- the county's board chair, president, number of the program contact- a person able to provide or elected county official- and his or her signature author- more information to inquiring jttristictions. The division izing this entry, must be specified Name: Richard W. Robers Tide: C airman o e oar Address: PO Box Name: Betty Lucas irec or o ocia ervices Title: ~p~~t;~~iman ~PYYI G2G Division: Social Services City: oano a Address: Zip Code: Phone: _ - 7 ~ 0~ a City: a em State: Signature: Zip Code: Phone: (7 0$- 3 8 7- 6 2 3 7 EAC NTRY MUST BE SUB 1TTED WITH A PHOTOCOPY OF THE ENTIRE APPLICATION 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY PROBLEM/CONCERN (continued) SOLUTION (Describe the steps that were taken by the county/department to remedy the problem or to address the concern. Facplain how the program's objectives were met) The Roanoke County Department of Social Services implemented a custody mediation program, which uses 14 social workers as mediators in custody and visitation matters. The program is aimed at helping the divorcing couple to learn how to remain parents to the children, while terminating their roles as spouse to each other. The underlying premise of mediation is that the parents know best about their situation and their children. The mediation approach generally leads to a healthier post- divorce environment for the child, as well as a longer lasting and more satisfying agreement between the parents. Roanoke County uses a system of co-mediation - involving two mediators in addition to the parents. So far, a male/female team has always been available, which offers many advantages unattainable in a single mediator environment, i.e., sex role balance, modeling, two trained mediators and a unified approach to problem resolution. The agency, which also services the City of Salem, works with couples who have been referred by the Juvenile and Domestic Relations or Circuit Courts of each jurisdiction. The judges involved have endorsed the program, as has the Commonwealth of Virginia. The mediation sessions are held in one of the agency's interview rooms, and videotape recordings are made for review later. The mediators maintain the focus of the discussion on the children, while helping the parents to learn their changing roles through negotiation and compromise. When a settlement is made, it is written, signed by both parents and mediators, and sent to the referring court. After completion, the videotapes are erased. There are situations where mediation is not possible - such as where violence of over threats of violence have occurred, where parents live far apart, or refuse to cooperate. When mediation efforts are inappropriate or fail, the mediators report the situation to the referring court for a tradition home study. I 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY i RESULTS (continued) Several other localities in the state, including the nearby City of Roanoke, are investigating the process for use by their Social Service Departments and Court Systems. The Judges have become very supportive of the program, and use it whenever possible. INDEXING INDENTIFIERS List 5 words or phrases that best de- scribe your program and can be used to index your program. These words should be different than those used in your program title. For example, a program in which a county contracted with a city to provide low interest renovation housing loans to low and moderate income home owners might consist of the following identifiers: (I) Low Interest Housing Loans (2) Housin Rehabilitation ', Substan eterioratin Housin Intergovernmental Partnership _ (j) Divorce (2) Child Support (3) Courts (4) Social Workers (5) ~lisitation 1990 ENTRY FORM COUNTY: County o f Roanoke Note: ~TACo member caundes only. POPULATION: 75,000 STATE: Virginia $111,365,879 1989 COUNTY BUDGET: TITLE OF PROGRAM TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACHIEVEMEN'T' AWARD (Ptease limo title to 60 duracsers. Do not itrcitrde county name in the program title. lydicate the title o[ the program to be coruidered for an Adrievc men Award using the enact wording you would liloe w appear an the certificate slwuld your entry win.) Comprehensive Health Investment Project CATEGORIES Entries must be made in the following categories. Check only ONE category for this entry. O Community Development O Computerization O Criminal Justice O Community Services 0 County Administration and Management O Drunken Driving Deterrence and Seat Belt Safety O Employment and Training D Energy and Environment 0 Fiscal Management and Use of Federal or State Funds ® Health O Human Services O Juvenile Justice O Land Use and Land Planning O Labor Issues and Employee Benefits O Mental Health O Media Relations O Older Americans 0 Parks and Recreation O Public Safety/Fmergency Management ^ Rural Programs O Substance Abuse Control and Initiatives O Transportation ^ Taxation and Finance O Youth Programs NOTE: Our list includes two general categories -Human Services and Community Services. We are looking for the following information under those categories: HUMAN SERVICES -food assistance prognarr-s;providing food/shelter for the homeless; programs to improve the servict administration of welfare or general assistance programs; quality control in welfare assistance programs; the provision c social services such as family counseling and childcare; improvements inthe management/administration ofhttman service programs. COIVIIVIUNTTY SERVICES -programs that make improvements in the county's infraswettue, public services such a sanitation, fire, police, etc. (innovations or improved services in any of these areas are acceptable); programs promoting t~ enhancement or betterment of the community; programs designed to give citizens more input in county government. Name, title, mailing address and phone number of county`s Name, title, department, division, mailing address and phor Chief Elected Official- the county's board chair, president, nttmbex of the program contact- a person able to provide or elected county official- and his or her signature author- more information to inquiring juristictions. The division izing this entry. must be speciFied. Richard W. Robers Name: Title: Chairman of the Board Address: PO Box 2 9 8 0 0 Margaret Lee Hagan, M.D. Name: Title: Director, Alleghany Health Departmen . Health Department Division: ° ivision City: Roanoke Staff: Va . Address: P . 0 . Box Zip Code: 24018 -Phone: 703-772-2005 City: Vinton State: Va. Signature' Zip Cie; 2 417 9_ phone: (7 0~ 8 5 7- 7 8 0 0 EACH ENTRY MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH A PHOTOCOPY OF THE ENTIRE APPLICATION PROBLEIyI/CONCERN (continued) 3) Maximization of local health departments for dental, pharmacy, immunizations, WIC/nutrition, laboratory and follow-up services. nutrition and parent education to 4) Provision of health, strengthen the parental role aonn. skills to enhance the child's development, health and educat i ent m rEmeaiy ~ problem ~ to address the SOLUTION (Describe the stops that were taken by the county/deparun concern. Explain how the program's objectives were met) In May, 1987, several people met to discuss possible solutions to this problem. The group included the Director of the Roanoke County Health Department, and r enc es and the business P legal and private sector, human service ag religious community. These individuals formed what is now called the CHIP Coordinating Council. The Coordinating Council developed the plan and objectives ro ect and in January of 1988, initial funding was for the CHIP p j received from the Maternal and~Child Health988Y'`~When the kinitial The project became operational in June~ro ect staff were hired. physician providers were enlisted and p j Before the end of June, the first children were enrolled in CHIP. Several steps were taken to meet the objectiv~ v der network itself. The first was the establishmeV to dentists. The Block consisting of 213 physicians and 3 p Grant funds are used to reimburse the physicians and dentists at Medicaid rates. The second was the recrumem ublic health nurses and auproject nurse coordinator, two part ti p secretary. Concurrently, the Coordinating Council focused on strategies for long range planning to sustain the project s fuartreiersl in9the the local Community Action Agency, one of the p development of CHIP, received a 4 year Kellogg Foundation grant. This funding allowed CHIP to enhance its services through the addition of parent involvement, education in child growth and development, and support services, including transportation, g The Kellogg funds employment training, and a toy lendin library. ublic also enabled the project to increase anent involvement specialist, health nurses, 5 outreach workers, a p secretary and a van driver. The project now operates through eight locations in the Roanoke area. 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY RESULTS (continucd) was provided by public health nurses was an important influence in their acceptance of CHIP children. the first full year of operation Quantitatively, during the project reached its October 1, 1988 to September 30, 1989, initial goal for enrollment six months prior tCHIPs enrolled a304 From October 1, 1988 until June 30, 1989, During this period of time, several indicators were children. ro ress of interventions. The project selected to monitor the p g eS, Eighty-five achieved an 85~ immunization rate across all ag percent of the children enrolled rec 100$ of the children have appropriate for their age. Additionally, 24 hour access to a primary care physician and are assigned to a ublic health nurse. The nurses riate communi ywresourcesination p helping link to approp of care by Currently, the project has an enrollment of 500 ulationrthe This enrollment represents roughly 10~ of the target p p project eventually hopes to serve. INDEXING INDENTIFIERS List 5 words or phrases that best de- scnbeyour program and can be used to index your program. These words should be different than those used in your program title. For e~cample, a program in which a county contracted with a city to provide low interest renovation housing loans to low and moderate income home owners might consist of the following identifiers: (l) L.ow Interest HOLS;nv L~anS - (2) Housin Rehabilitation Substan terioratin Housin Inter¢overnmental Part~ixshio _ (1) Public-Private Partnership (2) Primary Health Care 3 Care Coordination (4) Famil -Centered Care ($) Parent Involvement 1990 ENTRY FORM _J Roanoke County COUNTY: Nae: VACo member counties only. Virginia STATE: POPULATION: 7 5.0 0 0 1989 COUNTY BUDGET: ~ 111 , 3 6 5, 8 7 9 TITLE OF PROGRAM TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (Please limit title to 60 characters. Ib not iadude ~Y tuune in the program title. Itdicatte the title of the ptvgtam w be aonsidasd fa an Acttieva meat Award using the euct wording yat wand like to appear on the certificate sltoald yaw emy win.) Landfill Citizens' Advisory Committee CATEGORIES Entries must be made in the following categories. Check only ONE category for this entry. 0 Community Development 0 Computetizadon O Criminal Justice O Community Services O County Administration and Management O Drunken Driving Deterrence and Seat Belt Safety O Employment and Training Its Energy and Environment O Fiscal Management and Use of Federal or State Funds O Health O Human Services O Juvenile Justice O Land Use and Land Planning O Labor Issues and Employee Benefits O Mental Health O Media Relations O Older Americans 0 Parks and Recreation O Public Safety/Fsrrergency Management 0 Rural Programs O Substance Abuse Control and Initiatives O Transportation O Taxation and Finance O Youth Programs NOTE: Our list includes two general categories -Human Services and Commuunity Services. We are looking for the following information corder those categories: HUMAN SERVICES -food assistanceprograms;providing food/shelter for the homeless; programs to improve the service administration of welfare or general assistance programs; quality convol in welfare assistance programs; the provision c social services such as family counseling and childcare; improvements in the managemenVadministradon of human service programs. COMMUNITY SERVICES -programs that make improvements in the county's infrastructure, public services such a sanitation, fire, police. etc. (innovations a improved services in any of these areas are acceptarble); programs promoting ih enhancement or betterment of the community; programs designed to give citizens more input in county government. Name. title, mailing address and phone number of county's Chief Elected Official- the county's board chair, president, or elected county official- and his or her signature author- izingthisentry. Name: Richard W. Robers ,I,~: airman o e oar Address: P . 0 . Box C• Roanoke Ste; Va . Name, title, department, division, mailing address and phor nttmbex of the progratrt contact- a person able to provide more information W inquiring jtrristictions. The division must be specified. Name: John Hubbard ,I,~: ssis an oun y minis ra ommuni y ervices an e ~~~` Solid Waste Management ~~~ P.O. Box 29800 tty Address: Zip Code: 24018 phone: 703-7 2-2005 City: Roanoke Stagy. Va S, ~. Zip Code: 2 4 018 Phone: ~7 0 3~ 7 7 2 - 2 0 71 tgna EACH RY MUST BE SUB ITTED WITH A PHOTOCOPY OF THE ENTIRE APPLICATION l 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY 1 PROBLEM/CONCERN (continued) and increased the pressure on County government to alleviate as much of the burden as possible. SOLUTION (Describe the seeps that were talcai by the county/department oo remedy the problem or to address the concern. Explain how the program's objectives were met) The Board of Supervisors appointed a Landfill Citizen's Advisory Committee (LCAC), made up of residents of each of the six areas under consideration. Some of the most vocal opponents agreed to serve on the Committee, and it was staffed by the Department of Community Services and Development. The Committee spent a great deal of time reviewing literature on solid waste management and the operation of landfills, and helped the consultant re-weight the matrix to increase the strength of community concerns. Two sites were ultimately chosen as being suitable for forwarding to the state for the permit process, and more citizens from those areas were added to the LCAC. The Committee then drafted permit conditions and operating policies, which were approved by the Planning Commission, and ultimately adopted almost in their entirety by the Board of Supervisors. The permit conditions include rules on the types of waste which will be accepted, the operating hours, environmental monitoring, screening and buffering, site security and fire protection. The operating policies addressed the two issues most important to citizens - groundwater contamination (most residents in the areas have their own wells) and devaluation of property. The Roanoke County Resource Authority, which will be operating the landfill, and consists of the Board of Supervisors, will provide County water, at no charge, to any household or business within a protected area, in the event that a well becomes contaminated. This protection extends to heirs of the original resident, and subsequent purchasers of the property will continue receiving County water, although at the prevailing rate. Further, in the event that appraisals and sale prices indicate that a piece of property was devalued by location of the landfill, the Resource Authority will reimburse the owner for the amount which was lost. These permit conditions and operating policies have helped the residents of the two areas to accept the location of the landfill and have assured them that the landfill will be operated in the least burdensome and most environmentally safe manner possible. 3 1990 PROGRAM SUMMARY ., RESULTS (continucd) and implemented their suggestions. The citizens recognized the need for government to plan for the greater good of the whole, sometimes to the detriment of a particular group. Both the County and the citizens have also realized the need for increased recycling. The County has the first curbside recycl- ing program in the state, but has been unable to expand the program to all areas. Citizen interest resulting from the landfill siting process has now allowed for some expansion of this program, and has encouraged voluntary recycling by various groups. INDEXING INDENTIF"IEERS List S words or phrases that best de- scn~be your program and can be used to index your program. These words should be different than those used in your program title. For example, a program in which a county contracted with a city to provide low interest renovation housing loans to low and moderate income home owners might consist of the following identifiers: (I)Low Interest Housing Loans (2) Housin Rehabilitation Substanda terioratinA Housintt governmental Partnership (1) Citizen Involvement in Problem Solving (2) Landfill Siting (3) Solid Waste Management (4) Environmental Issues (5) Public/Private Problem Solving