HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/26/1990 - Regular~N ~ a ~ 2 18 ~ 88 +ES~tI1CENTENN~~~ ~ Sr.rn~l8t~n.m~ /r' ~ W 11 C~u~t~f .~ ~ ' ~ ~~ .~~~ ~ n~~~ ~~9~8~9 ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JIINE 26, 1990 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A• OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call (3:05 p.m.) HCN ABSENT 2. Invocation: John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQIIESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ITEM D-7 DEFERRED TO JIILY 10, 1990 ITEM C-3 - RECOGNITION OF ALFRED ANDERSON ADDED ITEM 1-A - REPORT ON CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIES ADDED C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLIITIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the weekend of June 29 - July 1, 1990 as "Give Kids the World" Weekend. REPRESENTATIVES FROM HOLIDAY INN WERE PRESENT TO RECEIVE PROCLAMATION AND E%PLAINED PLANS FOR WEEKEND 2. Recognition of Parks and Recreation Therapeutics Program for being named a finalist - National Gold Medal Award for Excellence. 1 PRESENTED BY STEVE CARPENTER WITH SLIDE SHOW 3. Recognition of Alfred Anderson, Treasurer for being certified as a Professional Government Treasurer FRED ANDERSON PRESENT TO BE RECOGNIZED D. NEW BIISINE88 la. Report on Consolidation Issues ECH PRESENTED MEMORANDIIM REGARDING TA% RATE AND BOND INDEBTEDNESS IN ROANORE COIINTY IN RESPONSE TO ISSIIES RAISED AT SALEM PIIBLIC MEETING. SAM MOTION TO SEND INFORMATION TO CITY OF SALEM AND ASKED THAT THEY CORRECT INCONSISTENCIEB AND INACCURACIES TO CITIZENS OF ROANORE COIINTY. - DEFEATED AYES-SAM, RWR NAYS-LBE, BLJ CONSENSIIS TO SEND COPIES OF MEMORANDIIM TO MAYORS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND THAT ARTICLE BE INCLIIDED IN ROANORE COIINTY TODAY E%PLAINING FACTS lb. Authorization to conduct a peer review study of County operations. A-62690-1 • LBE MOTION TO APPROVE AND FIIND IIRC - HCN ABSENT 2. Adoption of Resolution amending Section 200 of The R-62690-2 BLJ TO ADOPT RESO IIRC - HCN ABSENT 3. Appropriation of funds for leachate removal at Dixie Caverns landfill. A-62690-3 SAM MOTION TO APPROPRIATE FIINDS IIRC - HCN ABSENT 4. 1991 Legislative Program - Virginia Association of Counties BLJ MOTION TO SET WORK SESSION ON 7/10/90 FOR FIIRTHER DISCIISSION 2 URC - HCN ABSENT 5. Acceptance of $4250 local government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. A-62690-6 BLJ MOTION TO ACCEPT GRANT URC - HCN ABSENT 6. Adoption of resolution concerning acquisition of and immediate right-of-entry to a sanitary sewer line easement along the West Fork of Carvin Creek also known as Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project. (PUBLIC BEARING HELD 6/10/90) R-62690-7 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC - HCN ABSENT 7. Authorization to amend Roanoke County Employee Handbook to permit reinstatement of leave credits. DEFERRED TO 7/10/90 8. Claim of Kenneth L. and Mary T. Wright in relation to drainage maintenance project in Penn Forest Subdivision. A-62690-4 RWR MOTION TO DENY CLAIM URC - HCN ABSENT 9. Appropriation to the 1990-91 Regional Education Fund A-62690-5 BLJ MOTION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS URC - HCN ABSENT • E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS WORK SESSION SET UNDER ITEM D-4 1991 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR 7/10/90 F. REQUESTS FOR PIIBLIC HEARINGS NONE HESS ITEMS WERE HEARD IN EVENING SESSION FOLLOWING PIIBLIC HEARINGS 3 G• FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance requesting vacation of an existing 20 foot waterline easement located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section 8, LaBellwe Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District. BLJ TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 7/10/90 URC - HCN ABSENT 2. Ordinance amending and readopting Section 4-53 of Article III, Shooting Matches of Chapter 4, Amusements: Section 2-17 of Chapter 2, Administration: Section 11-28 of Article II, Parlor Permit: of Chapter 11, Massacxe Parlors• Section 12-12 and 12-13 of Article I. In General, Article IV. Accidents and Section 12-121 and 12- 125 of Article V. Inoperative Motor Vehicles Trailers and Semitrailers of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic• Article II. Permit of Chapter 14. Parade; and Section 15-2, 15-7, 15- 10, and 15-11 of Chapter 15, Parks and Recreation of the Roanoke County Code. 0-62690-8 LBE TO WAIVE 2ND READING AND ADOPT ORD. URC - HCN ABSENT H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and readopting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code as Chapter 16A, Precious Metals and Gems. 0-62690-9 SAM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD AMENDED WITH "(A)" INCLUDED FOLLOWING CHAPTER 16 WHEREVER APPLICABLE URC - HCN ABSENT 2 Ordinance establishing a County Police Force for the County of Roanoke, Roanoke County Code, Chapter 16, Sections 1 - 18. 0-62690-10 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC - HCN ABSENT 4 3. Ordinance establishing an Auxiliary Police Force in the County of Roanoke, Roanoke County Code, Section 16-19 Chapter 16 0-62690-11 ~ LBE TO ADOPT ORD URC - HCN ABSENT 4. Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code, Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic Article III, of the Roanoke County Code, to prohibit parking in Fire Lanes. 0-62690-12 BLJ TO ADOPT ORD URC - HCN ABSENT 5. Ordinance amending Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic. Section 12-8, of Article I of Chapter 12 of the Roanoke County Code 0-62690-13 BLJ TO ADOPT ORD URC - HCN ABSENT I. REPORTS AND INQIIIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) ASKED ABOUT THE EVALIIATION OF ECH AND PMM. WAS INFORMED THIS WOIILD BE DONE IN EBECIITIVE SESSION. (2) READ AND HEARD STATEMENTS REGARDING COMMENTS BY ROANORE CITY COUNCIL PERTAINING TO COOPERATION. SUGGESTED ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION FROM ROANORE CITY. (3) RECEIVED AN OPINION FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL THAT STATED THAT JIIRISDICTIONS ARE LIMITED IN PENALTIES ASSESSED FOR LATE PERSONAL PROPERTY FILING TO THE GREATER OF TEN DOLLARS PER RETURN OR TEN PERCENT OF THE TAB, NOT $10.00 PER ITEM OF PROPERTY LISTED. SIIGGESTED REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION BY PMM AND COMMISSIONER OF REVENITE. (4j RECEIVED A COMPLAINT ABOUT DUMPING OF CHICKEN MANURE ON BENT MOUNTAIN. ASKED IF THERE SHOULD BE AN ORDINANCE REGARDING ANIMAL MANURE. ASKED PMM TO INVESTIGATE. J. APPOINTMENTS NONE 1. Board of Zoning Appeals 2. Building Code Board df Adjustments and Appeals 5 3. Community Corrections Resources Board 4. Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee R. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED IINDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROIITINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLIITION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCIISSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-62690-14 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE IIRC - HCN ABSENT 1• Approval of Minutes - May 29, 1990 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Community Corrections Resources Board and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. A-62690-14.a 3• Approval of Fireworks Permit - Hills Department Store. A-62690-14.b 4. Approval. of Fireworks Permit - Town of Vinton. A-62690-14.C 5. Donation of Right-of way, Map of Countrywood, Plat Book 9, Page 143 and amended resolution requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. R-62690-14.d L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMIINICATIONS NONE M. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AFTER PRESENTATION OF ITEM 1 IIW WITH HCN ABSENT 6 1. Report and Presentation on Customer Service Program PRESENTED BY MARILYN RIGBY 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 4. Board Contingency Fund 5. Accounts Paid - May 1990 6. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures for eleven months ended May 31, 1990 N. RECESS AT 4:35 P.M., THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS RECESSED TO ATTEND THE GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY AT THE NEW READ MOUNTAIN FIRE STATION, A JOINT PROJECT WITH BOTETOURT COUNTY. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) O. PUBLIC HEARINGS 690-1 Special Exceptign Permit of Lucille Boyd to operate a beauty shop at the residence, located at 3811 Hawley Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. A-62690-15 SAM MOTION TO APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS AND ANNUAL REVIEW BY STAFF URC - HCN ABSENT P. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 690-2 Ordinance authorizing the assessment of fees taxed as costs in certain cases filed in courts of the County for construction, renovation or maintenance of courthouse, jail or court-related facilities, and providing for an effective date and an expiration date. 0-62690-16 BLJ TO APPROVE URC - HCN ABSENT 690-3 Ordinance rezoning approximately 3.5 acres 7 from M-1 to M-2 to develop five industrial sites, one of which is a contractors' equipment storage yard or plant, located on Starkey Road (Route 904) approximately 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the request of Frank W. Martin. BLJ MOTION TO TABLE TO RESOLVE ISSUES URC - HCN ABSENT ONE CITIZEN SPORE SAM MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION BETWEEN PETITIONER AND PLANNING DIRECTOR • URC - HCN ABSENT 0-62690-17 RWR TO APPROVE REZONING PORTION AS DEFINED IN MAP CONTINGENT UPON PROPER DESIGNATION GIVEN TO STAFF. URC - HCN ABSENT 690-4 Ordinance to conditionally rezone approximately 1.25 acres from R-1 to B-2 to construct a convenience store with gas pumps, located on Hardy Road, approximately 0.4 mile west of Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District upon the request of Henry J. Brabham IV. SAM MOTION TO CONTINUE TO 7-10-90 URC - HCN ABSENT Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE R. E%ECIITIVE SESSION AT 9:15 P.M.,BLJ MOTION PURSUANT TO CODE OF VIRGINIA 2.1-344 A (1) TO CONSIDER A PERSONNEL MATTER - EVALUATION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY ATTORNEY URC - HCN ABSENT S. CERTIFICATION OF E%ECUTIVE SESSION R-62690-18 RWR MOTION AT 10:35 P.M. URC - HCN ABSENT 8 T. SETTING OF COIINTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COIINTY ATTORNEY SALARIES BLJ MOTION TO SET COIINTY ATTORNEY SALARY FOR 1990-91 AT $75,350 PLIIB $5,000 FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE AYES-SAM,BLJ,RWR NAYS-NONE ABSTAIN-LSE ABSENT-HCN SAM MOTION TO SET COIINTY ADMINISTRATOR SALARY FOR 1990-91 AT $92,000 PLUB $5,000 FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE AYES-SAM.BLJ,RWR NAYS-NONE ABSTAIN-LSE ABSENT-HCN R. ADJOIIRNMENT BLJ MOTION AT 10:40 - IIW 9 ' AN ~ a _ 9 18 ~ 88 +E~QlIICENTENN~'~ ~ Bt~~firYlBrRiwwing ,., i -AM~1 C i ~~l~nf t1 ~ ~ ~~~n~ ~~ ~~g~8~g ROANORE COIINTY BOARD•OF SIIPERDISORS AGENDA JIINE 26, 1990 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Louis E. Carson Cave Spring United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B• REQIIESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD.TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLIITIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the weekend of June 29 - July 1, 1990 as "Give Kids the World" Weekend. 2. Recognition of Parks and Recreation Therapeutics Program for being named a finalist - National Gold Medal Award for Excellence. D. NEW BIISINESS 1. Authorization to conduct a peer review study of County operations. 2. Adoption of Resolution amending Section 200 of The Design and Construct}on Standards Manual 3. Appropriation of funds for leachate removal at 1 Dixie Caverns landfill. 4. 1991 Legislative Program - Virginia Association of Counties 5. Acceptance of $4250 local government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 6. Adoption of resolution concerning acquisition of and immediate right-of-entry to a sanitary sewer line easement along the West Fork of Carvin Creek also known as Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project.(PUBLIC BEARFNG HELD 6/10/90) 7. Authorization to amend Roanoke County Employee Handbook to permit reinstatement of leave credits. 8. Claim of Kenneth L. and Mary T. Wright in relation to drainage maintenance project in Penn Forest Subdivision. 9. Appropriation to the 1990-91 Regional Education Fund E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PIIBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance requesting .vacation of an existing 20 foot waterline easement located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District. 2. Ordinance amending and readopting Section 4-53 of Article III, Shootin Matches- of Chapter 4, Amusements: Section 2-17 of Chapter 2, Administration• Section i1-28 of Article II, Parlor Permit• of Chapter 11, Massage Parlors; Section 12-12 and 12-13 of Article I. In General, Article IV. Accidents and Section 12-121 and 12- 125 of Article V. Inoperative Motor Vehicles Trailers and Semitrailers of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic• Article II. Permit of Chapter 14. Parade; and Section 15-2, 15-7, 15- 10, and 15-11 of Chapter 15, Parks and Recreation of the Roanoke County Code. 2 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and readopting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code as Chapter 16A, Precious Metals and Gems. 2 Ordinance establishing a County Police Force for the County of Roanoke, Roanoke County Code, Chapter 16, Sections 1 - 18. 3. Ordinance establishing an Auxiliary Police Force in the County of Roanoke, Roanoke County Code, Section 16-19, Chapter 16. 4. Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code, Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic Article III, of the Roanoke County Code, to prohibit parking in Fire Lanes. 5. Ordinance amending Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic. Section 12-8, of Article I of Chapter 12 of the Roanoke County Code I. REPORTS AND INQOIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals 2. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 3. Community Corrections Resources Board 4. Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee R. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED IINDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROIITINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY_.ONE RESOLIITION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCDSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 3 1. Approval of Minutes - May 29, 1990 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Community Corrections Resources Board and Parks and Recreation Advisdry Commission. 3. Approval of Fireworks Permit - Hills Department Store. 4. Approval of Fireworks Permit - Town of Vinton. 5. Donation of Right-of-way, Map of Countrywood, Plat Book 9, Page 143 and amended resolution requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. Report and Presentation on Customer Service Program 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 4. Board Contingency Fund 5. Accounts Paid - May 1990 6. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures for eleven months ended May 31, 1990 N. RECESS AT 4:30 P.M., THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL RECESS TO ATTEND THE GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY AT THE NEW READ MOUNTAIN FIRE STATION, A JOINT PROJECT WITH BOTETOURT COUNTY. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.1 O. PUBLIC HEARINGS 690-1 Special Exception Permit of Lucille Boyd to operate a beauty shop at the residence, located at 3811 Hawley Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. P. PUBLIC HEARINGB AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 690-2 Ordinance authorizing the assessment of fees taxed as costs in certain cases filed in courts of the County for construction, renovation or maintenance of courthouse, jail or court-related facilities, and providing for an effective date and an expiration date. 690-3 Ordinance rezoning approximately 3.5 acres from M-1 to M-2 to develop five industrial sites, one of which is a contractors' equipment storage yard or plant, located on Starkey Road (Route 904) approximately 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the request of Frank W. Martin. 690-4 Ordinance to conditionally rezone approximately 1.25 acres from R-1 to B-2 to construct a convenience store with gas pumps, located on Hard~t Road, approximately 0.4 mile west of Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District upon the request of Henry J. Brabham IV. Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. ADJOURNMENT 5 ~ AN ,~, a ~ .. A 18 '~50. 88 aESOl11CENTENN~'~ A Bt~uti/ulBtRinning ALL-AMERICA CRY ~~~n~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n~~ ~ ~ ~~9~8~9 ROANORE COUNTY BOARD•OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JUNE 26, 1990 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.j 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Louis E. Carson Cave Spring United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD.TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the weekend of June 29 - July 1, 1990 as "Give Kids the World" Weekend. 2. Recognition of Parks and Recreation Therapeutics Program for being named a finalist - National Gold Medal Award for Excellence. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization to conduct a peer review study of County operations. 2. Adoption of Resolution amending Section 200 of The Design and Construction Standards Manual 3. Appropriation of funds for leachate removal at 1 Dixie Caverns landfill. 4. 1991 Legislative Program - Virginia Association of Counties 5. Acceptance of $4250 local government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 6. Adoption of resolution concerning acquisition of and immediate right-of-entry to a sanitary sewer line easement along the West Fork of Garvin Creek also known as Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project.(PUBLIC HEARFNG HELD 6/10/90) 7. Authorization to amend Roanoke County Employee Handbook to permit reinstatement of leave credits. 8. Claim of Kenneth L. and Mary T. Wright in relation to drainage maintenance project in Penn Forest Subdivision. 9. Appropriation to the 1990-91 Regional Education Fund E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance requesting .vacation of an existing 20 foot waterline easement located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision, Hollins Magisterial District. 2. Ordinance amending and readopting Section 4-53 of Article III, Shooting Matches of Chapter 4, Amusements; Section 2-17 of Chapter 2, Administration: Section 11-28 of Article II, Parlor Permit• of Chapter 11, Massage Parlors; Section 12-12 and 12-13 of Article I. In General, Article IV. Accidents and Section 12-121 and 12- 125 of Article V. Inoperative Motor Vehicles Trailers and Semitrailers of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic• Article II. Permit of Chapter 14. Parade; and Section 15-2, 15-7, 15- 10, and 15-11 of Chapter 15, Parks and Recreation of the Roanoke County Code. 2 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and readopting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code as Chapter 16A, Precious Metals and Gems. 2 Ordinance establishing a County Police Force for the County of Roanoke, Roanoke County Code, Chapter 16, Sections 1 - 18. 3. Ordinance establishing an Auxiliary Police Force in the County of Roanoke, Roanoke County Code, Section 16-19, Chapter 16. 4. Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code, Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic Article III, of the Roanoke County Code, to prohibit parking in Fire Lanes. 5. Ordinance amending Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic. Section 12-8, of Article I of Chapter 12 of the Roanoke County Code I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals 2. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 3. Community Corrections Resources Board 4. Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee R. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 3 1. Approval of Minutes - May 29, 1990 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Community Corrections Resources Board and Parks and Recreation Advisdry Commission. 3. Approval of Fireworks Permit - Hills Department Store. 4. Approval of Fireworks Permit - Town of Vinton. 5. Donation of Right-of-way, Map of Countrywood, Plat Book 9, Page 143 and amended resolution requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. Report and Presentation on Customer Service Program 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 4. Board Contingency Fund 5. Accounts Paid - May 1990 6. Income Analysis and Statement of Expenditures for eleven months ended May 31, 1990 N. RECESS AT 4:30 P.M., THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL RECESS TO ATTEND THE GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY AT THE NEW READ MOUNTAIN FIRE STATION, A JOINT PROJECT WITH BOTETOURT COUNTY. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) O. PUBLIC HEARINGS 690-1 Special Exception Permit of Lucille Boyd to 4 operate a beauty shop at the residence, located at 3811 Hawley Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. P. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 690-2 Ordinance authorizing the assessment of fees taxed as costs in certain cases filed in courts of the County for construction, renovation or maintenance of courthouse, jail or court-related facilities, and providing for an effective date and an expiration date. 690-3 Ordinance rezoning approximately 3.5 acres from M-1 to M-2 to develop five industrial sites, one of which is a contractors' equipment storage yard or plant, located on Starkey Road (Route 904) approximately 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the request of Frank W. Martin. 690-4 Ordinance to conditionally rezone approximately 1.25 acres from R-1 to B-2 to construct a convenience store with gas pumps, located on Hardy Road, approximately 0.4 mile west of Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District upon the request of Henry J. Brabham IV. Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. ADJOURNMENT 5 . ~ C-/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 PROCLAMATION DECLARING JUNE 29 - JULY 1, 1990 AS GIVE RIDS THE WORLD.DAYS WHEREAS, many of us take for granted our health and that of our children, we look forward to spending time with them, watching their growth and cherishing the memories of time spent together on family vacations; and WHEREAS, some parents and children do not have this luxury of time, they are forced to squeeze a lifetime of happiness and memories into a few months or even weeks, these are the parents of a terminally-ill child; and WHEREAS, over seventy percent of terminally-ill children wish more than anything else in the world to meet Mickey Mouse; and many families with a terminally-ill child do not have the financial resources to make the trip to Disney World so their child can realize this most precious dream; and WHEREAS, "Give Kids The World" is a foundation that works in conjunction with other "Wish" foundations to expedite the planning and paperwork involved in such a trip, in order to make a child's dream come true within twenty-four hours, which is so very important because many of these families cannot wait three or four weeks to make this trip; and WHEREAS, "Give Kids The World" and the employees of Holiday Inn have undertaken the construction of a village in central Florida to provide accommodations for these children and C-~ their families; and WHEREAS, in the Roanoke area, the employees of Krisch Hotels have pledged their support of this project, and are raising funds to help cover the expenses of the 3.5 million dollar village and to send some of these special children from the Roanoke Valley and surrounding area to meet Mickey Mouse; and WHEREAS, this project will come to fruition due to the efforts of thousands of generous people who have pledged their resources, time and talents in order to Give Kids The World. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, do hereby proclaim the weekend of June 29 - July 1, 1990, as GIVE RIDS THE WORLD DAYS in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and urge our citizens to give their support to this magnificent endeavor. KRISCH ~T P.O. BOX 14100 HoTELs, Il V C/. ROANOKE, VIR70~342-4531 NLIE BECKER Director of Communications June 20, 1990 Chairman Richard W. Robers Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Robers: The employees of Krisch Hotels, Inc. are currently fundraising for the Give Kids The World Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to helping grant the dreams of terminally-ill children whose wish is to meet Mickey Mouse and to visit Disney World and other Central Florida attractions. ~-~ The weekend of June 29, June 30 and July 1, 1990, we are planning several events which are open to all of the people of the Roanoke Valley. On Friday, we have Krisch Family Night with the Salem Buccaneers and prior to their game, the employees have challenged the local media to a softball game. On Saturday we will host Picnic In The Park and on Sunday Krisch Hotels is donating $1.00 from each adult Sunday Buffet (throughout the company) to "Give Kids The World". We are requesting a proclamation from you on behalf of the County of Roanoke declaring the weekend of June 29 through July 1, 1990, "Give Kids The World Weekend". We appreciate any consideration you will give to this request. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may provide any additional information. Sincerely, KRISCH HOTELS, INC. -_ ~ { ii ~.~~--~ , ~ Julie Becker JB/bdh Overview The Charity Holiday Inn Kids Village in Kissimmee, Florida is a facility designed to accommodate seriously ill children and their families while visiting central Florida attractions. The village has been housing some families since February, 1989, and will serve about 2,200 fami- lies yearly. Give Kids the World helps children with life threatening illnesses all across the country. Children are nominated through local wish-granting organizations who consider the circumstances and will work with Give Kids the World to arrange the trip. Finances are never a criteria for the acceptance of a child. Henri Landwirth The Holiday Inn Kids Village Community is pri- warily the vision of Henri Landwirth, co-owner of Holiday Inn Maingate East in Kissimmee, FL and founder of Give Kids the World. ` Landwirth, a survivor of the Auschwitz concentra- tioncamp during World War II, began Give Kids the World in April 1986 with the idea of making a child's last days as pleasant as possible. "I have been just like some of these children, waiting for death, and I know what that means," said Mr. Landwirth, who spent his teenage years in a Nazi death camp. The initial idea formulated when Henri was trying to find accommodations for a little girl whose last wish was to visit Disney attractions. The little girl died one week before Henri could get the hotel, airlines, and attraction tickets pulled together. Zbday, Amy's Way, a street in the Village,is named in her memory. 1-2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER C -" -Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of the Parks & Recreation Therapeutics Program as a Finalist in the 1990 National Gold Medal and Special Recreation Awards Program COUNTY ADMINI~S fT~RATOR' S COMMEfN~TS : ~f ® • f ~i .r;,/!ut~--~? _~ ./(~'-~C. Gtr~yt~2-za--c,~rc-.c~( .-t-/'' .~~/' `t'rti`~`""L /I ~ f Q EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Therapeutics Program of the County's Department of Parks & Recreation has been selected as a finalist in the 1990 National Gold Medal and Special Recreation Awards Program. The County's program has been nominated for excellence in recreation administration and for outstanding service to the handicapped, serving an area with a population of 200,000 and over. Our nomination was submitted by CMT Sporting Goods Company of Roanoke, Virginia. Our program in this particular class is competing against the Charlotte, North Carolina Parks & Recreation Department, City of Aurora, Colorado, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Gold Medal Award winner will be announced at the National Recreation and Park Association's Annual Meeting to be held in Phoenix, Arizona in October, 1990. Betsy Dennis, Therapeutic's Recreation Supervisor and Debbie Pitts, Acting Assistant Director for Recreation, have been instrumental in developing this program, seeking and receiving grants to assist in the programming cost, and providing learning experiences for this special population within the Roanoke Valley. This slide/audio presentation, which will become a part of our submission package, will be shown to the Board of Supervisors on June 26. FISCAL IMPACT• None. ALTERNATIVES• STAFF RECOMMENDATION: c -.Z Respectfully submitted, J ohn M. Chambliss, Assistant Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION roved App by, r r: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy _ Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers A-62690-1 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~'- / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to conduct a Peer Review Study of County Operations COUNTY~ADMINISTRATO~RJ'S COMMENTS• ® y~ BACKGROUND At the June 12, 1990 meeting, plans were presented regarding a peer review study of operations in Roanoke County. At that time staff was directed to bring back more information and a funding request to implement the program. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The University of Virginia Center for Public Service has proposed that the County institute a two phase program of analyzing efficiency in governmental operations. Phase One The Phase one program would include a peer review study of the following departments: - Board of Supervisors - Office of County Administrator - Economic Development - Community Services and Development - Human Resources - Management Services - Human Services - Fire and Rescue Perceptions from other Valley Governments Each of these departments would respond to a reference questionnaire that would provide the background information necessary for the "Peer Reviewers" to analyze the department. "Peer Reviewers" would be selected by the Center for Public Service after ~-/ consultation with the County Administrator and would meet with county personnel and the Board of Supervisors. The focus of the review will be to analyze efficiency in the three main areas: - Utilization of Resources - Communications - Cooperation Following the review which would include responses to the questionnaire and on-site visit, the Center for Public Service would prepare a written summary and recommendations which would be presented to the Board of Supervisors. Phase Two Individual organizations within the departments studied in Phase One would be examined and analyzed, using information and recommendations gathered during the Phase One study. The Center felt that it might be appropriate to break this phase into segments over a period of time. Attached is a copy of the complete proposal from the UVA Center for Public Service. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the Phase I study will be $10,000 which includes all expenses for the peer advisors, administrative expenses, background development and the Center for Public Service personnel. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a peer review study of County operations to be conducted by the University of Virginia Center for Public Service, appropriation of $10,000 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to fund the study. ,.,,L;LCi ~,..tl` Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------ Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Lee B. Eddy to approve and f„nd Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes Absent x x x x x cc: File Assistant County Administrators Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget ~' -/ June 11, 1990 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Elmer: Linda and I have worked on this proposal concerning studying the efficiency of Roanoke County. Defining efficiency has a different interpretation in everyone's eyes, so it is possible that we may not be on target with what you had in mind. The Center is open to discussing any possible changes. Unlike the school peer review system where there is accreditation standards to weigh against, local government review does not have set guidelines, which makes the initial development more time consuming. However, this will allow the program to be custom tailored to fit the needs of Roanoke County. I am looking forward to hearing from you about this project. If the Center for Public Service can be of assistance on this, or any future project, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~`r/L Simeon E. Ewing Director, SWVA Office enclosure cc: Linda Winner 2015 Ivy Road. 4th Floor College Avenue Charlottesville. VA 22903-1 795 Wise. VA 24293 OO 1 F 804 924.3396: 804 924.74.51 703 328.0133 FAX 804 924.4538 FAX 703 328.0233 TDD 804 982. HEAR TDD 703 32.8.0191 *~ *~* 1111 *~* Southwest Virginia Office Center for Public Service University of Virginia ~-~ PROPOSAL TO ROANOKE COUNTY FORA "PHASE ONE" PEER REVIEW OF OPERATIONS It is the goal of all units of government to provide its citizens with the most effective and efficient level of services possible. To meet this goal, the operational unit must open itself to review in order to insure that it is utilizing its resources to the best of its ability. METHODOLOGY In order to review the operational efficiency of Roanoke County, the University of Virginia Center for Public Service proposes that the county initiate a systematic program of analyzing the efficiency of governmental operations. Given the size and complexity of the organization analyzing the entire operation in a single attempt would require a vast number of days, thus the implementation of a study would take away from the county's operational efficiency. To resolve this, the Center proposes a two phase approach conducted over two or more years, utilizing the same procedure with varying audiences. During Phase One the relationship among the following broad groups would be examined: • Board of Supervisors • Office of County Administrator • Economic Development • Community Services and Development • Human Resources • Management Services • Human Services • Fire and Rescue • Perceptions from other Valley Governments During Phase Two of the study, individual organizations within each of the broad heading would be examined, with a base of reference being the comments and recommendations formulated in the initial Phase One Studv. Given the size of the Phase Two Study, the County may wish to break it into segments over a period of time. FRAMEWORK For the Phase One Study, the Center for Public Service would prepare a reference questionnaire for each of the divisions, in order for the "Peer ~-/ Reviewers" to have background information to initiate their analysis of the operation. This will also serve as a reference point for the final report. "Peer Reviewers" will be selected by the Center after consultation with the county administrator, to meet with county administrative personnel and the board of supervisors, building upon the background information obtained in the reference questionnaire. This would be done during an on-site visit to Roanoke County comprising approximately three working days. These reviewers will be individuals both in local government and with the Center for Public Service who have experience and knowledge in the areas of concentration being examined in Phase One. The focus of this review will be to analyze the county's efficiency in three main areas: • Utilization of Resources: The major resource a local government has is its human capital. Thus to study the efficiency of Roanoke County, labor utilization must be reviewed to determine if current modes of operation are being implemented. This would not entail atime-motion study of the work force, but a review of how people are being used. • Communication: For an organization to be truly efficient and effective, communication skills and channels (both formal and informal) must be developed and open within an organization. Through the "Peer Review" process we will examine the two way flow between both appointed and elected officials. • Cooperation: This would be a two part examination. The first would deal with inter-organizational cooperation, the relationship between divisions, both administrative and legislative in the county. The second would deal with the relationship of the county with other local governments in the Roanoke Valley. This would include the perceptions of working with Roanoke County as obtained through conversations with leaders of the other communities. Based on the information obtained through the questionnaire and on-site visit the Center for Public Service would prepare a written summary which would be presented to the Board of Supervisors and Administration of Roanoke County, along with recommendations for enhancement opportunities. FEE & TIME FRAME The cost of the Phase One Study would be $10,000, which includes expenses associated with: Peer Advisors; Administrative Expenses--postage, printing and telephone; Background Development; and Center for Public Service Personnel. After completion of the study, the Center and Roanoke County will discuss the cost for development of the Phase Two Study. Should the county desire to pursue this study, Center staff will work out an implementation time table with the County Administrator which is conducive to both parties. ~ - / cL MEMORANDUM TO: R~~ ~nty Board of Supervisors FROM: Elmer C. Hod e, County Administrator DATE: June 26, 1990 SUBJECT: Consolidation The Board has requested clarification of certain facts and figures which have recently been released by the City of Salem at public meetings in Roanoke County, concerning consolidation and the financial future of Roanoke County. Salem officials have urged County residents to "get the answers" from the County. Set forth below is the information provided to our citizens by Salem, and the response from County staff. TAX RATES: According to a publication entitled Tax Rates in Virginia's Cities Counties ~ Selected Towns: 1989, by Albert W. Spengler of the Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia, Salem's effective tax rate is $1.02/$100. Roanoke County's effective rate is $1.01/$100. Roanoke County's real estate tax rate will be reduced to $1.13 in January. This should further change the above figures. A comparison of all tax rates is attached. With the exception of the personal property tax rate and decal fee, charges are generally lower in the County. If the Catawba District became part of Salem, it is unlikely that the assessments would be lowered -the City assesses every two years now, and reassessment of Catawba would certainly involve a great deal of personnel. Further, under state law, a locality cannot assess outside its cycle; if the city has just completed re-assessment in 1993, when consolidation would take place, it cannot reassess for two years, unless the whole re- evalued City is. This means that the citizens of the Catawba District would have the County assessments, at the City's rate of $1.18. Therefore, for at least two years, the tax bills of those citizens would be higher. It also seems unlikely that those assessments would be reduced - if the area expands, Salem will have to purchase fire trucks, police cars, ambulances, street equipment, garbage equipment and school buses to service the expanded territory. BONDED DEBT: The $71 million figure which was provided to Salem during consolidation negotiations represents principal n~ interest for all debt, including the schools and enterprise funds. This figure applies to the fiscal year ending 1989. Attached is a chart comparing the County's bonded indebtedness with Salem's, including upcoming projects. The figures were taken from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports of the two localities and the Comparative Report published by the Commonwealth of Virginia. As you will notice, the County currently has a considerably lower ratio of debt to population and to assessed value; with the addition of Spring Hollow, those figures will be closer. With respect to bonded indebtedness, the City of Salem also faces some upcoming capital improvements. For example, based on information provided at the meetings, the City will be spending $2 million shortly on an upgrade of the incinerator, and $4 million to expand and cap its landfill. This would be in addition to the $5 million bond issue they are anticipating during the upcoming year. Incidentally, cities are not required to have voter approval to issue debt; I don't believe Salem has scheduled a referendum on this year's bond issue. PRICE OF CATAWBA AREA TO SALEM: Catawba's share of the County's current debt is approximately $9 million. The debt was incurred based on the willingness and ability of the entire County to pay, and if the County is not reimbursed for this amount, the burden of repayment would fall unfairly on the other citizens. The figure of $16 million would cover the $9 million mentioned above, and help pay for part of the $13 million worth of assets in the area. These assets were purchased by all County residents, not just those living in Catawba, and there should be some reimbursement of their current value. A list of the current depreciated capital improvements in the Catawba Magisterial District is attached. PROFIT FROM THE COUN'T'Y WATER OPERATIONS: The County water rates are set at a level to cover the expense of operations. The actual figures for the fiscal year ending June, 1989 are attached. The unallocated portion of the County's Water Operations is $34,323 which is reserved for future capital water projects. DISTRICTING AND REPRESENTATION: Virginia's Constitution requires local election districts to be created to give representation in proportion to the population. "One man, one vote" is required both by federal and state law. If this plan were implemented, the people living in the current City of Salem would not have equal representation with those living in the Catawba District. If Salem wants to promise district representation, like the citizens of Catawba currently enjoy, it would probably have to divide the entire City into districts, as the County currently does. Any change in voting districts and representation must be approved in advance by the U.S. Justice Department under the "Voting Rights Act". CONCLUSION: I hope this resolves the inquiries about the County's finances and the current offer to the City of Salem. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Comparison of Tax Rates and Fees for Roanoke County and Salem Tax Roanoke County City of Salem Real Estate $1.15 per $100' $1.18 per $100 Effective Real Estate Tax Rate2 $1.01 $1.02 Personal Property $3.50 per $100 $3.20 per $100 Machinery and Tools $3.00 per $100 $3.20 per $100 (% of Assessed Value) 1st-5th yrs 25°~ 1st year 70% 6th-10th yrs 20°~ 2nd year 60°~ Succeeding yrs 15°~ 3rd year 50% 4th year 40% 5th year 30% Life 25% Meals Tax 4% 4% Utility Consumer Tax Electricity 6°~ 1st $15 R 6°~ 1st $15 R Telephone 6% 1st $15 R 6°~ 1st $15 R Gas 6% 1st $15 R 6% 1st $15 R Water None 6% 1st $15 R Utility License Tax Electricity .5% GR .5% GR Telephone .5% GR .5% GR Gas .5% GR .5% GR Water None None Cable TV Franchise 3% 3°~ Decal Fee $20 $10 Cigarette None None Admissions None 5°~ Business License Professional $30 + $.50/$100 GR $30 + $.58/$100 over $5,173 GR Retail Merchant $30 + $.20/$100 GR $30 + $.20/$100 over $15,000 GR Contractors $30 + $.16/$100 GR $30 + $.16/$100 over $18,750 GR Repair Service $30 + $.34/$100 GR $30 + $.36/$100 over $8,334 GR Transient Occupancy 2% 4% ' Will be reduced to $1.13 on January 1, 1991. z Source: Tax Rates in Virginia's Cities Counties & Selected Towns: 1989, by Albert W. Spengler, Center for Public Service. Faclity4 County of Roanoke Facilities Located in the Nap III Area Nay 25, 1990 Description Fort Lewis Bleaentary School Glenvar High School Glenvar Bleaentary School Pater Tanks and hell Lots Quarry Property (Surplus) Mestrard Lake Daa NcYitty Patk Glenvar Library Fort Leris Fire and Rescue Station Green Hill Park hater and Sewer Lines and Systeas Total Facilities Nap I Description Masons Cove Fire and Rescue Station Catawba Fire and Rescue Station Catawba Recreation Center Masons Cove Bleaentary Yhispering Pines Park Hessler Nill Public Service Center Regional Fire Training Center Total Facilities in Bzpanded Area Total Facilities Nap III Nap I (Replnceaent Cast) Construc Datea Land Buildings Total Accua Deprec Net Cast ------- ---------------- 1928,1941,1967 ------------ 175,000 ------------- 758,130 ------------ 933,730 -------------- 758,730 ----- 175,000 1966,1970,1987 359,600 7,881,788 8,241,388 3,467,987 4,773,401 1959,1970,1988 53,000 2,97!,322 3,027,322 998,629 2,028,693 1987 69,600 214,000 283,600 16,050 267,550 1,800 1,800 1,800 7,500 7,500 7,500 1987 139,300 139,300 139,300 1979 261,250 2!3,000 504,250 66,825 437,425 1982 261,250 411,000 672,250 82,200 590,050 1989 1,031,990 83,000 1,114,990 1,114,990 1987 2,259,264 2,259,264 169,445 2,089,819 --------------- 2,360,290 ------------ 1!,825,104 ------------- 1T,185,394 ------------ 5,559,866 -------------- 11,625,528 ------------- ---------------------- Construc Dates Land 1969,1988 16,004 1980,1988 16,000 Onknovn 17,600 1961,1963,1987 76,100 1986 28,500 1983,1986 166,900 1989 90,400 411,500 Ezpanded Area Buildings Total Accaa Deprec Net Cost 342,104 358,100 78,683 219,417 159,700 175,700 33,537 142,163 12!,595 142,195 124,595 17,600 1,937,322 2,013,422 610,257 1,403,165 6,600 35,100 6,600 28,500 1,492,016 1,658,916 N/A NIA 141,000 231,400 Nld NIA 4,203,333 4,614,833 853,672 1,870,845 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,771,790 19,028,437 21,800,227 6,413,538 13,496,373 Note 1: Dnable to obtain historical cost inforantion on a aajority of the facilities listed above. Therefore, only replaceaent cost inforaation was used in the facility calculations. Note 2: The above facilities are depreciated over a useful life of 40 years per the FY 1988-89 Audited Financial Stateaenta. Note 3: Bven though the Public Service Center and the Regional Training Facility are located in the eipanded area they rould be retained by the Roanoke Metropolitan Goverment. ~ ~ y 0 a. E z 0 u w 0 0 a a 0 W Z 0 ~Mr W a a W V M a w w m w 0 1 1 1 I I 1 1 O. 1 GD W 1 O~ ~ 1 .~ 1 1C H 1 G4 > ~0 I O 10 1 ~ -1 E w m 1 ~ Vf aD I W UI ~l1 1 U W - t alnr 1 W Vf r1 1 a~sm I 1 a 1 m I ~x i 0 I M 1 H o 1 o~~n I H t~ 1 F 1 V 1 N 1 1 I 1 O i 1 1 I 01 i 1 aow ~ 1 a~vi 1 .~1 10 1 4 r1 i 1 tr. > - I o a I A v I H W n i 1 zln -~ 1 U W N i 1 a In ao i W to i I a~f,N D 1 O~ III ui ~o 1 O M W 1 F E zO i O~o ~t i FOaO~ I~ a i ~ a n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 E I z~ 1 O I O i 1 1 Of 01 O O O l~ I-1 rl v a .+ +~ W 'd c a .~ d ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o w ~ 0 ~ n 1 i W ri ri m d a C ~D P ~ O O O O ~ t~ < N O O O O d r 10 ~o 0 1'1 rf n -+ r A ~~ ~ o v v v~ r o v v ao ~ r v o In 1"1 ~ t~f -~+ ~ ~, ~, ~, .~ v a, c ro >; v M s1 0 v a ~ rn d U e~ .~ ri It a O m m a J~ c r0 V' N O U o, ~n n In e+ o+ m N n Ill 0 r1 c ro O a A ~ ,~ ~ 1'1 O o, r, n 1 G o o o ~ W n l n e v .1 . m 1o a o Sri ri ~o v -.+ Of N o+ aD o r N m v ~ ao ~o .~ ~n o m A ri ri ui n ici rn Iii ui P N ~ Il1 O~ Il1 ~ 'i v ~ .i rl G 3 m y O~ O dl ~ A \ -~ m m c 1J 41 O J~ 'O •~ b G CI QI ~ b d J.~ \ ~ 'O \ O ~ O d ~ ~ R1 -. ~ k 1 1 ro d C ro .-'1 m O W +i > 3 8 O 11 a+ A 'O 0~ \ r1 ~ m OOW W G1A O EC E10 .1 alal,m a 11.1/ cv oa ,~o -.~ m w m a a a.1 -, d al c .1 >.+ w at 1+ b w ~v mmsoy a c~ row zwc v 11 U 11 0 m 1J H 'S, QI C c ~+ d a c A ma He a d b0 d~om bvw W O~ a+ 1 d U O~ > d +i C ++ +y W +1 o m c rn .~ a -+ c .-1 v ~ a~ d ro 11 a1 ro .~ aH~ a+d.+..o. a roro c~aa roaa .~ .~ 1 11 A 11 1 ~ O~ 11 ~ 11 ro m m O +1 a 0 ~ m +i .~1 m }1 @ M y Ql W ~ L1 m rna~ tgrn m J,.1.-1 m Aa~ 11A c H Q1 yQI O C a y Q11 Q ~ i [ , .] r7 .i o-7 W O -] O W W ~ ( '~ Z COUNTY OF ROANOKE WATER OPERATIONS JUNE 30, 1989 Operating Revenue $ 3,625,917 Operating Expenses (2,838,277) (includes $1,046,617 for purchase of water) Net Income from Operations 787,640 Non Operating Revenue 94,534 Non Operating Expense (469,804) Total Non Operating Expenses (375,270) Net Income 412,370 Amount transferrerd to capital 378.045 to fund water capital projects Unallocated portion of water $ 34.325 revenues for future capital water projects ._~, ,,<~ .', AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 RESOLUTION 62690-2 AMENDING A SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED 'PUBLIC STREET AND OFF-STREET PARKING STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS" WHEREAS, the Department of Development is in the process of preparing a manual to assist the public, and especially the development community, for clarification of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Design and Construction Standards Committee composed of area engineers, surveyors, members of the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders Association, and County staff was assembled to develop the content of the manual and the design standards; and WHEREAS, it was the consensus of the committee to address the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and stormwater management in the manual; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on February 14, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by resolution, adopted a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" to assist the public in the clarification and interpretation of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County, and in particular, the areas of water, sewer, street and parking; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 21489-9 the Board of Supervisors adopted the second componsent of the "Design and Construction Manual" entitled "Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications." NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby amend the second component of the "Design and Construction Standards Manual," which is entitled "Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications," as set out in Attachment "A" to this resolution. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED the effective date of these amendments shall be effective immediately. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections (Manual Attached) Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Attachment "A" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECT_ION _2.00..00 Street Design Standards 200.01 Street Requirements 1 200.02 Streets to property lines 1 200.03 Subdivision Blocks 1 * 200.04 Street Surface 1 200.05 Frontage major arterials 2 200.06 Connection to divided highways 2 200.07 Driveway connections 2 * 200.08 Urban section streets 3 200.09 Intersection of minor and major streets 3 200.10 Minimum crossover spacing 3 * 200.11 Roadway Street design 4 200.12 Traffic projections 6 * 200.13 Subdivision street design 6 200.14 Street centerlines 7 SECTION 201.00 Off-Street Parking Requirements 201.01 General provisions 8 * 201.02 Handicapped parking 8 201.03 Permitted locations 9 201.04 Access 9 * 201.05 Parking lot construction 10 201.06 Design standards 10 201.06.1 Compact Parking 10 * 201.06.2 Vehicle Overhang 10 201.07 Stacking spaces 11 201.08 Lighting 11 201.09 Combination of uses 11 201.10 Undefined uses 11 201.11 Gross Leasable area 11 201.12 Emergency access aisle 11 201.13 Minimum parking requirements 1. Residential/lodging 12 * 2. Commercial 13 3. Industrial 17 4. Other uses 17 SECTION 202.00 Off-Street Loading Requirements 202.01 General Provisions 21 202.02 Minimum loading spaces 22 SECTION 203_.00_Miscellaneous Construction Standards 24 **SECTION 204.00 Waiver __Procedures 25 SECTION 205._00 _~for future_ a_mendments~____ _S_ECTION 2.07.00 __Road Design= List_of T~~i_cal Details 207.01 - General Notes *207.01.1 - Pavement Design *207.02 - Rural, Category 1 through V 207.03 - Rural, Category VI *207.04 - Urban, Category 1 through V 207.05 - Urban, Category VI *207.06 - Crest Vertical Curves *207.07 - Sag Vertical Curves 207.08 - Standard Parking Dimensions 207.09 - Handicap Parking Space 207.10 - Handicap Parking Space 207.11 - Cul-de-sac Design 207.12 - Driveway Pipe Installation 207.12.1 - Specifications for Design Entrance Slab 207.13 - Intersection Landing 20C.J0 STREET DESIGN STANDARDS All the provisions of this Section shall apply unless specifically waived by the Director of the Department of Devzlopment and Inspections, hereinafter referred to the as "the Di re:.tor" . 200.01 Street REquirements Unless otherwise provided, all developments shall have frontage on existing state maintained public streets, or streets approved and bonded, to be constructed to a standard acceptable for addition to the State Highway System. The amount of frontage shall be in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. 200.02 Streets to Property Lines All streets eligible to be accepted into the Virginia Department of Transportation's System of Highways shall be constructed to the property line and shall provide access to adjoining parcels of land unless unnecessary due to topography or previous development of the adjoining property. 200.03 Subdivision Blocks Subdivision blocks shall be placed as to provide traffic circulation within, and between, existing or anticipated subdivisions. 200.04 Street Surface A ~ ~ - s~~ee~s- ~i~ts-1•-1- -be - Eo~s~,~r~e~ed- ~rrd- -~.x~~aeec'F - ~ n aeee~danee-~r-rt~- ~atrl-e---I--as--set-~f-cxx~#-+-r-~r~--this seer#er~- EPEE!~~l`~6N-~A-THI:S-STANBARB-ANB-T~RBtE-l: {1-Wl;tt-APPt~-WHEN-Att-1`TEMS BEEE*~-ARE-META All streets shall be surfaced with a asphalt plant mix in accordance with Section 207.01.1. EXEMPTION: A blotted seal coat surface as specified in Section 207.1.1 will only be permitted when all items below are met: 1. Subdivision is located outside the Urban Service Boundary. 2. All lots in the Subdivision are 2 acres or greater, and have minimum road frontage of 200 feet. 3. Street grades are less than 12~ and; 4. Street is not an extension of a previously plant mix Subdivision street. 200.05 Frontage on Arterial Road Whenever a Subdivision (residential/commercial) abuts a road which is included in the State System of Primary Highways or a road designated as "Arterial" in the adopted Roanoke County TranS~ortati on Plan , or the 1 atest Statewide H i ghwaY Pla_n~ the following conditions shall be met. A. A reverse frontage and/or combined access concept shall be utilized such that no lot has exclusive access to the arterial or primary highway; and in addition, all developments shall provide sufficient building, parking and travelway setbacks to permit the construction of the ultimate highway section. B. If reverse frontage or combined access cannot be provided, the site shall be limited to one exclusive access point. 200.06 Connection to Divided HiQhwav Subdivision street and commercial entrance connections made to existing or future divided highways shall, wherever possible, be located at existing crossovers or approved locations that meet all design criteria for crossover locations. (Refer Page 4, Table 1) 200.07 Driveway Connections It is the intent of this Manual that access be provided to individual residential lots only from streets classified as local and collector.-~ialrrle R-~- a~~ ~--~- -~--V-,- -i-rr t~er~- ~te{re-l-o~errt-~ Comp 1 y w i t h t o Rural and Urban, Category I-V, Section 207.02 and 207.04, in a new development. A reverse frontage or service drive concept is required for streets which: A. Carry in excess of five thousand five hundred vehicles per day (5,500 vpd) and/or are categorized as arterial highway; or B. The Roanoke County Transportation Plan indicates wi 1 1 carry i n excess of five thousand 2 five hundred vehicles per day (5,500 vpd). If the Director finds that a street carries in excess of three thousand vehicles per day (3,000 vpd), he may require a traffic impact study by a licensed Engineer to evaluate potential problems and to recommend corrective measures. X00.08 Urban Section Streets Urban section streets including curb and gutter shall be required in all Subdivisions within the Urban Service Boundary as defined by the latest Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. EXEMPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED WHEN ALL OF THE ITEMS BELOW HAVE BEEN MET: 1. Street grades must be less than 12% and; 2. Streets are not an extension of, or intersects with an existing curb and gutter street and; 3. Street cul-de-sacs ate in a cut section.-wfith~r-posi-iri-ve grade-ar~el ; 4. All lots are greater than 15,000 sq. feet and have a minimum road frontage of 100 feet. 200.09 Intersection of Minor and Manor Streets Wherever a minor street intersects a major street, a minimum 25' pavement edge radius and standard landing will be required on the minor street. In addition, the Director may require that the standard landing extend to the ultimate right-of-way for the major road. 200.10 Minimum Crossover Spacing Minimum crossover spacing requirements shall be as established in Table 1. 3 TABLE 1_ Crossover Spacing for Arterial Roadways Design Speed (mph) 30 Minimum Distance Between Crossovers (ft) 500 Desirable Distance Between Crossovers (ft) 600 40 50 55 60 70 600 700 800 900 1000 700 900 1000 1100 1250 200.11 Roadway Design The following procedures and use of Tables 3 and 4 shall be followed in the design of all roadway and street connections, including commercial entrances. A. Determine the speed of the roadway. On new roadways the design speed for sight distance consideration is based on the projected A.D.T. as shown in Section 207.02 through 207.05 -----------------------------~~1BtE-2 A-6-~--fvpd-~--6-25A--25#-48A--49#-X56--~5#-BAAA--36A#-5589--5599+ Besfign-Speeei --4mpl~~---------Z6------25-------89-------35---------49------55-- B. On existing roadways the design speed shall be determined by the use of Table 2. TABLE 2 Posted Speed 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Design Speed 30 35 40 45 55 65 70 4 C. Bes~gn-eael~-~ie~r-roa~~~o-~+~a#,-a~~-het~fi~enta~ and-vert~ea#-earves-meet-the-mfin~mam-stapp~ng d~stanee-eat,##ned-gin-Table-4;-and-the-mfinfimam p a s s i n g- -s-~~rt -c~i-s-t; a~ce~ - e a t~~ n e d- ~-rr -1=at~rl-e• - 5- T h e - e ~ ~ g n me n t - of - -a-1~- ~rerr -r~oa~#vrays -seta 1- f - me e ~ these ~rri-t~i~tm~rrr st~rrrd-s-r-ds- -v ~ f h -tote ~e~c~e~rt-i-orr t h a ~ v e e t ~ e a ~ --sag- -ettn~ - s ~ g h t - ~ ~t-errc~es- -tea ~l` - 4~ e ea~ea~ated--fir--~1-~---fa~ges--~--a~gebra~e d~ffet~enee-i-t~~r--ale-based-ert-e-mead-l-ig~#,-height a f - ~,~ro- -fee-~ - f 2 ' ~ - ~t~- -a rye - { ~ ~- ~egr-e~e- - a p H a n d d~der~genee-af-the-head~~ght-beams- C. Design each new roadway so that all horizontal and vertical curves meet the minimum stopping distances outlined in Table 3, and the minimum sight distances outlined in Table 4. Refer to 207.06 and 207.07 for design of Sag and Crest Vertical Curves. D. Each intersection shall comply with Table 4 and shall provide other items such as standard landings and channelization. Each connection to existing roads shall be checked to insure that the minimum sight distances are achieved. The sight distances for new intersections on existing roads sha 1 1 be certified by a 1 i tensed Engineer or Surveyor. TABLE 3* Stopping Sight Distance Height of Eye: 5-~5-3.50' Height of Object: 0.50' Design Speed (mph) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Minimum Sight (150) (225) Distance (ft) (125)#Z8 #68 200 Z46 275 325 400 450 525 550 625 Desirable Sight (150) (325) Distance (ft) (125)#28 #68 200 250 38A 400 475 550 650 725 850 *Use desirable values as the minimum values on all roads which carry in excess of 5,500 vpd. 5 TABLE__4 Sight Distance Along Major Road at Intersection with Minor Road, Crossovers, and Commercial Entrances Height of Eye: 3.5' Height of Objects: 4.25' Design Speed (mph) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 2-Lane Major Road (ft) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 4-Lane Major Road (ft) 300 350 400 475 525 600 650 700 750 750 825 E. For the purpose of Tables 3 and 4: 1. The term "Major Road" refers to the road with the higher traffic count of the two intersecting roads. All existing State maintained roads are considered as "Major Roads". 2. For median widths greater than sixty feet (60'), each roadway can be considered separately. 3. When a major road has more than four ( 4 ) 1 anes or if large trucks constitute more than 20~ of the total traffic volume on the minor road, use A POLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS. 1984, AASHTO, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, to design crossover and commercial entrances. 200.12 Traffic Projections The 24-hour volume trip generation for all land uses shall comply with Trig Generation-Information Report, I.T.E., latest edition. 200.13 Subdivision Street Design All residential developments generating more than 2;~b8 1,500 vehicles per day shall provide through access and shall connect to an existing State road in at least two locations. Internal roads shall be designed to incorporate good traffic design, and provide ease of access for domestic services and emergency vehicular traffic. 6 In situations where two (2) connections cannot physically be made, due to restrictive topography, limited sight distance or limited state road frontage, one (1) connection may be allowed by the Director. The connecting roadway shall be a four lane divided road section extending a minimum of three hundred feet (300') for the first 1,500 vehicle trips per day generated, and one hundred feet (100') additional for each 500 vehicle trips per day generated over 1,500. No other internal street shall connect to this four lane divided roadway except at crossovers. 200.14 Street Centerlines Subdivision streets intersecting an existing or future street, shall have the centerlines directly opposite one another or have a minimum of two hundred feet (200') between their centerlines. 7 201. 0 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS ?01.01 General Provisions All required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use, except under the following conditions: A. All required parking spaces are on a contiguous lot under the same ownership or in a permanent parking Easement on adjacent property ander agreement---sa-1:,~sfaE~o-r~+---~#-o----t-+~e---~ar~~t~g Adm~r~#strater . B. Such required spaces are within 500 feet walking distance of a building entrance or use and such spaces do not require pedestrians to cross a minor arterial or greater highway. C. Contiguous lots providing off-street parking for more than one (1) use shall provide sufficient spaces to comply with the parking requirements for all usages. 201.02 Handicapped Parking A ~ ~ - -c.rseg -1r ~+at- -r~tti-+°e - ~we~~- - f-~9 } - ~ -mar e park~rg-spaees-icy-this-seetfien;-sha~~-prev~de par 4e ~ r g - -s-pates - f~rr~ - t I~ e - -f~ra~#i~a~p~et#.- - - -Sae h park~rg-spaees~a~>--be-~rr-cr~r-i~fetf-~r~-aeeerdar~ee with-tl~e-fe~~awfing- A----The-namber-ef-parking-spaees-reserved-fer-tire pand~eapped--s~ra~~--tontp-l-y--ar~~i~-~~-fe##ew~r~g tai#e- ---------Teta~-Bff-Street-Parking-----Parking-Fer-Hand~eapped ------------------Ree~a~red--------------------Ree~a~red-------- -----------------ap-ta-25------------------------------# -----------------~s-ta-5e------------------------------~ -----------------5#-te-~5------------------------------3 -----------------~6-ta-#BA-----------------------------4 ----------------#8#-te-#58-----------------------------5 ----------------}5#-te-2A8-----------------------------6 ----------------28#-te-SAB-----------------------------~ ----------------38#-te-CAB-----------------------------8 ----------------~8#-te-588-----------------------------9 ----------------5e#-te-#eee----------------------~~-af-teta~- ------------------ever-#88A----------------------~A-peas-#AS-ef -------------------------------------------------teta~-ever-#ABA- A. Generally, the number of non-residential parking spaces reserved for the handicapped shall comply with the following table. For additional information, refer to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Buildin_g___Code~ Section 512.00. 201.03 201.04 Total Off-street Parking Required up to 50 51 to 100 101 to 200 201 over Parking for Handicapped Required 1 2 3 3 plus 1~ of total i n er.cess of 200 B. All spaces shall comply with the geometric design standards presented in Sections 207.09 and 207.10. C. Such spaces shall be the closest to a building entrance for which they are provided, and shall be connected thereto by a paved surface with no less than five feet (5') of unobstructed width. At no point shall the gradient exceed one foot (1') rise or fall in twenty feet (20'), except in the case of ramps which shall comply with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Permitted Locations Off-street parking spaces that are located on the ground and open to the sky may be located in any required yard unless otherwise required for screening, buffering, landscaping or other provisions in the County Code. Parking structures and carports shall be subject to the minimum yard and setback requirements applicable in the zoning district in which the structure is located. Access All off-street parking spaces shall provide safe convenient access to a street. If any such spaces are contiguous to a public street, the public street side of such space shall be curbed. 9 ?01.05 Parking Lot Construction All off-street parking areas, w~*_h twer~tlr--F2{~ fifteen (15) or more parking spaces including aisles and driveways, except for those required for single family detached dwellings, shall be constructed and maintained with a Category I surface in accordance with construction standards presented in Section 207.01. Off-street parking areas including aisles and driveways may, upon approval of the Zoning Administrator, be exempted from this provision if such facility is for a temporary purpose. However, such areas shall be graveled and maintained in accordance with standards approved by the Zoning Administrator. 201.06 Design Standards All off-street parking spaces and areas shall comply with the geometric design standards in Section 207.08. 201.06.1 Compact Vehicle Parking Parking for compact (small) vehicules will be permitted under the following criteria: 1. Compact spaces shall be located in groups of five or more contiguous spaces, be appropriately identified by markings and be located in a manner affording the same convenience as standard spaces. 2. Dimensions for compact space are set forth in Section 207.08. 3. If the total parking requirement is twenty (20) to hundred (100) spaces, twenty-five percent (25~) of the spaces may be designated for small/compact car use. 4. If the total parking requirement is more than one hundred (100) spaces, thirty percent (30%) of the spaces may be designated for small/compact car use. 201.06.2 Vehicle Overhang Where parking spaces lie adjacent to landscaped areas, the paved depth of all stalls may be decreased by two feet ( 2 ) to provide for a veh i cu 1 ar 10 overhang area. The vehicular overhang area may not encroach into a required landscaped area or sidewalk. 201.07 Stacking Spaces Stacking spaces, where provided, s~-all be ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet and be separated from parking areas and through movement aisles or driveways. 201.08 Lighting Al 1 1 i ghti ng fixtures used to i 1 1 umi Hate off-street parking areas shall not direct glare on adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity on adjoining streets or residential usage shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. Parking areas shall not be lighted at any time other than the hours that the appurtenant use is open, except for necessary security lighting. For the purpose of this Section, security lighting is considered an average intensity cf one (1) foot candle measured at the base of the lighting structure. All light intensity calculations shall be certified by a licensed Engineer and submitted for review. 201.09 Combination of Uses When a building includes a combination of uses as set forth in this Section, the required parking will be the sum of the required parking for each use. 201.10 Undefined Uses Where the parking requirement for a particular use i s not defined i n th i s Section , and where no s i m i l ar use is listed, the Zoning Admi^istrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided using the ITE Parking Generation Manual as a guide. 201.11 Gross Leasible Area For the purpose of this Section, Gross Leasable Area (GLA) shall be the total floor area designed for both tenant occupancy and exclusive use. This includes both owned and leased areas. 201.12 Emergency Access Aisle Wheneverver parking is proposed adjacent to a structure, a wide emergency access aisle shall be properly marked in accordance with Chapter 9, Code of the County of Roanoke, Titled Fire Prevention and Protection. ?01.13 Minimum Parking Required 1. Residential and Lodging Uses A. Dormitory or Residence Hall located off campus: One (1) space per two (2) sleeping accommodations based on the occupancy of the building, plus one (1) additional space per housemother, manager or employee. B. Dwelling, Single Family Detached, Duplex or Mobile Home outside a Mobile Home Park: Two (2) spaces per unit, one (1) space must have convenient access to a street. C. Dwelling, Multiple Family or Townhouses: One (1) Bedroom Units: One and one-half (1.50) spaces per unit. Two (2) and three (3) Bedroom Units: Two (2) spaces per unit. Four (4) or more Bedroom Units: Two and one-half (2.50) spaces per unit. D. Hotel, Motel One (1) space per rental unit, plus four (4 ) spaces per f i f ty ( 50 ) renta 1 units ; plus additional spaces required for eating establishments, assembly rooms, etc. E. Multi-Family Housing for the Elderly (Public or Non-profit, Assisted): One ( 1 ) space pe r two ( 2 ) dwe 1 1 i ng units , plus One (1) space per employee or staff member on major shift. Conversion of the apartment complex to non-assisted housing shall require sufficient parking for a 12 multi-family dwelling (see II. A.3.). F. Mobile Home within a Mobile Home Park: One and one-half (1.50) spaces per unit. G. Nursing or Convalescent Facility: One space per three (3) residents, plus one (1) additional space for each employee on major shift. H. Tourist House, Boarding House, Rooming House: One (1) space per guest accommodation 2. Commercial Uses A. Bowling Alley: Four (4) spaces per alley, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, plus additional spaces for eating establishments, assembly rooms, etc. B----Met°ean~fi~e-estal~~~sl~men~- 8~ e - f- ~ } ~aee -pe-r~ 3{30- -s~gtrst~e- f eel- a f - 6t A- B. Car Wash: Four (4 ) spaces per bay/stal 1 plus one ( 1 ) space per employee on major shift for a self-service establishment, or one (1) space per employee, plus sufficient area for five ( 5) stacking spaces per bay/sta l 1 for an automated establishment. C. Drive-In Bank: One ( 1 ) space per 250 square feet of GLA, plus sufficient area for eight (8) stacking spaces for the first drive-in window and two (2) stacking spaces for each additional window. ~3 D. Eating Establishment or Fast Food Restaurant: One ( 1 ) space per four ( 4 ) seats p 1 us one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift, plus sufficient area for ten (10) stacking spaces per drive-in window with a minimum of ten (10) spaces. E. Fast Food Restaurant With No Seating Facilities: One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of GLA F. Financial Institution: One ( 1) space per 250 square feet of GLA. G. Furniture or Carpet Store: One ( 1 ) space per 500 square feet of GLA, plus one (1) space for each employee on major shift. H. Medical or Dental Clinic: Three (3) spaces per examination or treatment room, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. I. Medical or Dental Practitioner's Office: Six (6) spaces per practitioner, or four and one-half (4.5) spaces per 1,000 sq. feet of GLA, whichever is greater. J. Office (Unless otherwise provided for in this section): One (1 ) spaces per 250 square feet of GLA. K. Outdoor Sales/Display Area other than Vehicle Sales, Building Supply, Outdoor Storage Building Sales, Nursery, Rental and Ancillary Service: 14 One (1) space per 100 square feet of open sales/display area. L. Personal Service Establishment: One ( 1 ) space per 200 square feet of GLA. M. Recreational Facility other than Theatre, Auditorium, Stadium, Bowling Alley or Swimming Pool: One ( 1 ) space per three ( 3 ) persons based on occupancy load plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. N. Repair Service Establishment: One ( 1 ) space per 200 square feet of GLA. O. Retail Sales Establishment unless otherwise specified: (For the purpose of these standards, Convenience Stores may include gas pump spaces toward the overall parking requirements) One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA for the first 1 , 000 square feet, plus one (1 ) spaces per each additional 175 square feet. P. Service Station: Two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1 ) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) spaces. Q. Shopping Center: Less than 400,000 square feet of GLA; one (1) space per 250 square feet of GLA. 400,000 to 600,000 square feet of GLA, seven ( 7 ) spaces per 1 , 000 square feet GLA and reduce the total number of required spaces by 1,200. Over 601,000 square feet of GLA, one (1) 15 space per 200 square feet of GLA. R. Swimming Pool (Regional or Community) One (1) space per four (4) persons lawfully permitted in the pool at one time, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. S. Theatre, Auditorium or Stadium: One (1) space per four (4) seats or similar accommodation provided, plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift. T. Vehicle, Light Service Establishment: One ( 1 ) space per 200 square feet of GLA, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one ( 1) space per employee on major shift. U. Vehicle, Major Service Establishment: Two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) per employee on major shift. V. Vehicle Sale, Rental, Building Supply, Outdoor Storage Building, Nursery and Ancillary Service Establishment: One (1) space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales/rental floor area, plus one (1) space per 2,500 square feet of open sales/rental display lot area, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) total spaces. W. Wholesale Trade Establishment: One (1) space per one and one-half (1.5) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, but with a minimum of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of GLA. 16 3. Industrial Uses A. Manufacturing Establishment or Establishment for Production, Processing, Assembly, Compounding, Preparation, Cleaning, Servicing, Testing, Repair or Storage of Materials, Goods or Products, and Business Offices Accessory thereto: One ( 1) space per employee on major shift, p 1 us one ( 1) space per company veh i c 1 e and piece of mobile equipment. B. Heavy Equipment Sale, Rental and Service Establishment: One (1) space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales/rental floor area, plus one (1) space per 2500 square feet of open sales/rental display lot area, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) total spaces. C. Scientific Research and Development Establishment: One (1) space per 1.5 employees based on the occupancy load, plus one ( 1) space per company vehicle. D. Warehousing, Storage Yard, Lumber and Building Material Yard, Motor Freight Terminal or Junk Yard: One (1) space per 1.5 employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, plus one (1) space per 10,000 square feet of GLA. 4. Other Uses A. Airport: One (1) space per employee on major shift, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the facility, plus one (1) space per 2,000 square feet of terminal area or one (1) space per 200 square feet of lobby area, whichever is 17 greater. B. Ambulance Service or Rescue Squad: Adequate space to accommodate all motor vehicles operated in connection with such use and two (2) additional spaces per each such vehicle. C. Church, Chapel, Temple, Synagogue or Other Such Place of Worship: One (1) space per four (4) seats in the principal place of worship. D. College or University: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each prcposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums, the availability of mass transportation; and the availability of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking i n t i mes of peak demand . E. Cultural Center, Museum or Similar Facility: One ( 1) space per 300 square feet of GLA. F. Country Club: One (1) space per four (4) members based on maximum anticipated membership. G. Funeral Chapel, Funeral Home: One (1) space per four (4) seats in the main chapel or parlor, plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the business. 18 H. Family Day Care Home, Child Care Center, Nursery School: One (1) space per each employee on major shift, plus a sufficient number of stacking spaces to provide one (1) stacking space for each eight (8) children, students, etc. I. Hospital: One (1) space per two (2) beds, plus one and one-half (1.5) spaces per each emergency room examination table or bed, plus one (1) space per employee on the major shift including doctors. J. Institution providing Intensive Special Med i ca 1 /Mental Care or Welfare Institution: One ( 1 ) space per two ( 2 ) patients , based on the occupancy load, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. K. Library: One (1) space per two and one-half (2.5) patrons based on the occupancy load, plus one (1 ) space per employee on major shift. L. Private, Civic, Fraternal Club or Lodge: One (1) space per three (3) persons based on maximum allowable occupancy. M. Public Utility Establishment: One (1) space per one and one-half (1.5) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle. N. School, Elementary or Intermediate: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all 19 classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums; proposed specia~ education programs and student-teacher ratios; and the avai 1 abi 1 i ty of areas on s i to that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. But in no instance less than one (1) space per faculty, staff member and other full-time employee, four (4) spaces for visitors, eight (8) stacking spaces; and sufficient stacking spaces for school buses. 0. School, Secondary: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of al l classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums; proposed special education programs and student-teacher ratios; and the avai 1 abi 1 i ty of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. But in no instance less than one (1) space per faculty, staff members and ful 1-time employee, one ( 1 ) space per eight (8) students, based on the maximum number of students attending classes at any one time, eight (8) stacking spaces, plus sufficient stacking spaces for school buses. P. Swimming Pool, (Neighborhood): One (1) space for every six (6) persons lawfully permitted in the pool at one time, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift; subject to a lesser number as approved by the Zoning Administrator based on the number of members who live within a reasonable walking distance of the pool. Q. Tennis Club: Four (4) spaces per court, plus such additional spaces as may be required for affiliated uses such as eating establishments. 20 202.J0 OFF-STREET LOADING REOUIREMEN_TS 202.01 General Provisions 1. All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use. 2. All off-street loading spaces and their appurtenant aisles and driveways shall not be reduced in any manner except upon approval by the Zoning Administrator when a change in land use or building size reduces the total number of loading spaces required. 3. No loading space or berth shall be located wi thi n forty ( 40) feet of the nearest point of intersection of the edge of adjoining travelway or the ultimate right of way of adjoining streets. 4. No loading space or berth shall be located within the front setback applicable in the zoning district that the structure is located. 5. No required off-street loading area shall be used to meet the space requirement for off- street parking, and no loading area shall interfere with the free circulation within the off-street parking area. 6. All off-street loading space shall have safe and convenient access to a street. If any such spaces are contiguous to a street, the street side of such space shall be curbed. 7. All off-street loading areas, including aisles and driveways, shall be constructed and maintained with a dustless surface in accordance with construction standards presented in this Section. 8. All off-street loading spaces shall comply with the geometric standards in this Section. 9. When a building includes a combination of uses as set forth in this section, the required number of loading spaces wi 11 be the sum of the required loading spaces for each use. But in no case shall the development be required to provide in excess of five (5) loading spaces. ~, , 10. Where the loading require~~nt `or a particular use is not defined in this Se~tion, and where no similar use is listed, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided. 202.02 11. For the purpose of this Sectior, Gross Leasable Area (GLA) shall be the teal floor area designed for both tenant occupancy and exclusive use. This includes both owned and leased areas. Minimum Loading Spaces Required Minimum off-street loading spaces accessory to the use designated herein shall be provided in accordance with the following: 1. One (1) space for the first 5,000 square feet of GLA, plus one (1) space for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Heavy Equipment Sale, Rental and Service Establishment B. Manufacturing Establishment or Establishment of Production, Processing, Assembly, Storage Etc. C. Vehicle Major Service Establishment D. Vehicle Sale, Rental, and Ancillary Service Establishment E. Warehousing Establishment 2 . One ( 1 ) space for the first 10, 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 15,000 square feet or majcr fraction thereof. A. Personal Service Establishment B. Retail Sales Establishment C. Vehicle, Light Service Establishment 3 . One ( 1 ) space for the first 10, 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 20,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Business Service Establishment and Supply Service 22 B. Financial Institution or Drive-in Bank C . Office D. Repair Service Establishment E. Scientific Research and Development Establishment 4. One ( 1 ) space for the first 10, 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 25,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Eating Establishment of Fast Food Restaurant 5 . One ( 1) space for the first 10, 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Wholesale Trade Establishment 6 . One ( 1 ) space for the first 10 , 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 100,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Bowling Alley and other Similar Commercial Recreational Establishment B. College or University C. Funeral Chapel, Funeral Home D. Hospital E. Hotel, Motel F. Nursing or Convalescent Facility or Housing for the Elderly G. School 23 203.:0 MISCEL_L_A_N_EOUS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 203.01 General Provisions 1. The construction materials and methods used for this Section shall conform to the current Virginia Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications unless otherwise modified within these standards. 2. Required thicknesses of sub-base, base course and surface course are shown i n l:al~~e--I-~ttd l`ab~e-l:A Section 207 .01 . 3----R~r~al•--~h~retnerrt -des#gn-~t~al-}--fie--based-~--a saff~e~enlr-~ttrm{~e~rL~f--eert~f~ed--E~-~esi;s--fie del;erm~ne-~i~e-'~ ~}ixe--of--the-sabgrade- A- l• fieertsed -Erfigi~tee~r• -s~1-1- ~et~--t,-if-y--tie- ~ eea~# en and -t-~e ~e strl-t-s- -trF- f h e -E BR -ir ests.- - ~+~e- E n g ~ t~ e e r s h a~ ~- ~ut~trri-t - a- rt~,#~ - r e d e s~ g r-- ~xs-i~rg- - t h e i~ a s w a n ~ - ale-l;fio~d- ~rhsrre~erL ~~-re- ~t-tta l- -E 6R - v a ~ a e fis-less-than-ten-f~8~---When-the-EBR-rra~ae-~s grealrer--lrhan--lien--f ~8~ ; --l:he--er~g~t~eer--may r e d e s i g n -t-he- ~~e~vemerit a s p r~ g -ire ~a-s~ra~ri- M e l;h a d- 3. All grading and utility construction within the right-of-way must be completed and approved by the County prior to installing the bituminous surface on the street. 4. The developer will be responsible for installing all driveway entrances to the right- of-way line prior to acceptance by Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5. All driveway entrances across a paved ditch shall consist of standard concrete driveway slab, see Sec. 207.12. 24 204..0 WAIVER PROCEDURES 204.01 When compliance with a particular Subdivision or Site Plan requirement, which incorporates these standards, unduly burdens the applicant, or causes harm to an adjacent property, the applicant may request a waiver of the requirement. The applicant shall examine alternative methods to attempt to compl y with the i ntent of that requirement. Wafibe~°s e f - -r~e~tr~~^etrre~rt~- -~f- -the - ~~si~xr -Or°t#i-t~-ante - a~° e e e r~ s ~ d e +~ e d ~}~ tire- P ~ a r~ r~ ~ n 9 ~-o~i-ssi~t,- lrrh-i-le- rv a~ ~r a ~° s ef-s~-t-e--~l•arr-~e~ti~~eme~~,s--arm-eens~det°ed-~-the B~r~eelre~-ef-Beve~epmenlr-and-l;r+speet~e~s- 204.02 A request for a waiver of a requirement shall be made by the applicant to the Director of Development and Inspections. The request must be in writing stating what relief is requested and the reasons the request should be granted. The appropriate application fee shall be included. Any supportive plans, profiles, or drawings necessary to review the request must accompany the submission. The waiver request must be made and acted upon prior to the submittal of any subdivision or site plan. The County will normally accept or reject a waiver application within five (5) working days. ~I~e 25 B e d e~ e p e r s- ~hotr-lt-f-- -m a Ire - e~+e~~- -~f-fo-r-~ - t e- -rna~r~ - t h e neeessa~y-ors-i~er~-request-~i~-te--st,rbmt~-~~l--fe~° ~ e v ~ erv-e f -~i^t-#~~° -t-+~ -strtrd-i-lr-i~i-orr ~r s-it,~- p-1 ass- I f rejected, the application will be returned to the applicant with the reason for the rejection outlined in writing. Upon acceptance by the Director, the waiver application will be transmitted to either the Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals for review and approval. Action on a waiver request, or an alternative method provided in lieu of strict compliance, will normally be made within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt. A t~ ~ -pe rse~r -a~gg~-i-e~*er~ -t~~r- -e- ~~-s iexr ~xr a- rr a ~ v e ~°- - m a~+ appeal-sael~-#n-H~~t#r~g-te-the-Reaneke-Eeant~-8ea~°d e f - ~t~pe~~r~ somas : - - T~i-s - a p p e e ~ - mash.- fie- -~at#e• - w fi t h ~ n fearteee-f ~4~-ea~endar~-days-ef-t4~e-dee~s~efl---l:f-a wafidet°--is-loot -approved--that-~e~gtri~-e~m~e~rrt ~xis~-be tpeeepet~ated--i-~rt-o--the-s.~trbd-i~-i~i~tr-e~°-~i-t-e--Puns pt~~e~-te-its-aeeeptar~ee- 204.03 During the review of a Subdivision and/or Site Plan, if a violation or error which is not in accordance with the approved standards is noted, the applicant will be notified through the normal review procedure. 26 If the applicant requests a waiver at this time, the review will cease until the above waiver requirements in Section 205.01 and 205.02 are met. 27 207.01 t' these designs are Dased nn the assumption that heavy commercial veh;cles (trucks. Doses, etc. with nue tha^ E trre5i wJl constitute Bess than 5% of the toter projected traffic. U the total number of heavy commercia' +er~icles, the design traffic vo~ume shall be increased by a factor aqua. tc 2U Gne° the numt`er of heavy commercial vehicles. ?1 °avPr~,en± design in accordance with "A Design Gwde Fvr Subdivision koad Pavements in Virginia' by Dr. N. k,. Vasweni 's an acceptable alternative. Increase the Thickness Index IT.L1 of asphalt concrete frun t.ti' to 2.25 when the total thickness is d.5 inches or more. Pavement Gesigns utilizing AASHTO's "Pavement Cesign Guidernes" or the PGA Gcmputer Model are acceptable. _~' ~,Nl,en the projected traffic requires a four 14) lane facility, 80% of the projected traffic shall be used as the taxis for pavement design. 4' 'he~e designs are based en the subgrade immediately under the pavement having a soil support value of 'C. Add 1; 1" of asphalt or 1'" of aggregate base for each 5 soil support value less than 10. Subtract ~- cf asphalt or T' of aggregate base for each 10 soi' support value greater than 10. Soil support value equals the CaGrurnia Bearing Ratio iCBR) times the resiliency factor (SSV:CBR x RF1. Si Representative GBR samples taken at subgrade elevations shad be used as the basis for evaluating the soil support value. The VDOT Gistrict Materials Engineer can give guidance as test method and the nunber of samples. 6' Each street shall have continuity of design throughout. Therefor, multiple or variable pavement structures are unacceptable. 'i Cement Treated Aggregate (GTA; or full depth asphalt concrete may be substituted for any aggregate, subgrade stabilization or select material on the basis of one I11 inch cf GTA or asphalt concrete for two i21 inches of the ether mater;als. Neither GTA or asphalt concrete shall be place directly on resi'~ent soi! as defined by Vasweni, unless the soil is stabilized with cement. C1A shall have a rt,inimum of four Id; inches ,ot aggregate base material under it when less than four 141 inches of asphalt ccr,crete is to be apelied over the CTA. b. When asphalt concrete is specified in pounds per square yard, the thickness can be determined on the basis of t15 pounds of base per square yard equals one !11 inch thickness, while 110 pounds per sgcare yard of surface equals one ;1; inch thickness. 91 Use 2t•E gradation ror all un!reated aggregate base, while a 2t-A gradation shall be used for treated aggregate base. iCl A'I materials and construction practices shelf be in accordance with VGGT Standards and Specifications. '11 Type ll select material used as subbase shall be cement stabilized, while type II select material used as base shalt be cement stabilized as specified. 121 Asphalt concrete with an cvera'I depth Greater than a-1!2 +nches shall be considered base and surface. All aggregate under the same shall De considered subbase. Appropriate structural values shall be assigned to these mater~ats when using the Vasweni Method. 131 Surrace material shown in parenthesis shall only be used .n accordance with Section 200.04 of these Standards. (PAVEMENT DESIGN i -- ~ - - - --- ~ - - -~ ! I . i o~ '- o I o U o 0 0 0 0 o U ! U_UU j • ~ ~;U~'i' _ • ~ ' - '. A O i i i e e- O ' O N o 0 0 0 0 o L~ I ~v~to tolnL,L~e . v~ v v v v v v _o ~ ' 1 0 ~ 0 O O O O ~ p U i I O m O O O G O O m I ~ _ _ _ m ~ ID ID _ _ _ _ ID 9 ID <D I II _ .J ~ ~C;00 ~C1 i]OU i . C I O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 ~ I _ - I nnnn T T> T T~nnn >> T j _ I r r r r r r r r r I I I UUUG~~ c - ~ a< t a< c a a a<< I<<<<<< ~<<<_ c a a - N N N N N N N N N N N c ', n N 17 17 n N I N N N N ^• V N 0 0 0 0 0 - ~_ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~. ~ ~ ~ ID ID Q. ID ID /~ ~ N N !n (n y n :n N N N (/~ (!. n N V: N~ N L! L7 !, i N :^. :- (!~ N N 'v N N - O p _ .. n 0 0 0 0 0 n n n ;, n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n }nnnn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n n~ n n n n n nnnn nnnn n ' ~> - - r a , ' rrrF- > ~ rrrrr T ~ ~ T T T >> ~ >>> T T •+ T> T T> irF..F rrr . r.-rr ~..- I rrrr-r ~. _..-~_.s_.~.~.._.~._-~._._.._.._.~._._..~ . N 0 0 0 0 h ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O O N ~ ~ ~ O h O O O i ! ~ ~ N v~ ~ N N N N q N N (N N N N N N N N N ~ q ~ q q q w, q !, N g q q N ~O ~ N ~p N N N q ' ,L '~~ I~~ L~ ~ q~ b q ID j N N N N I ( G / ` < ~ ~ E << a a i E l ~ • o 0 U 0 c I ~% ~ ~ a ~~~~ ~ ~ i I ~ O f I U I ~ o 0 0 0 n ~ °> ° ° ~ ( c ° ~ N ~ II 3 s • . . . > c O ~ • n r r r r a • N N n i ~ ' c c c c N c I n n n N Q rn ~o N N N v < o n No <t<co ~ 0 O O < ' N N N N l N N O I r ~ S C ~ N • ~ C r ry ' ~ C C r C I ,~ C , ~- -0~ N Y N N O I N C V E O N-0-0-0 d O w - - - - - - ~- - - ~ ~ID o -~- `m o , ----.ID o i ~ID=--n o Z~~~U ~ ~ ~~(: f r;r~c->nU I ~ o n~ i e i e o .~ o a e ii O v e o~ J ID S ID ID[ IDS 9~ v I ID~~~~ c I L e o O _ ->n n E_f~>o n G ~Sff~~„T° n . fT>ffmv~ee•e^IO em•lod¢mme (A ~ - s ue e .. l 0° e o~ ~ L7 ~ D N N c - o 0 0 o r r • ~ D N o `" ~- o 0 o i n n n n ~, I non ~, n ~ ~ T> T T Y > T O T O 0 0 0 ~ n ~ " • ~ • O ~' ° tl tl`« O • • m tl ~ N N .. r •- r F- O L- _ ' ti n O r n T n 6 0 • ~ • • T ~ I n ; • ~n n ` -' ca ~ ID oIDID~p IDID ID~ c d IDID~a i .. __ _ , ~- ca IDc i ~-Hr~ • c. c n~ i .. i c i ~ n -- - o'^ c n ooN c o n oooo~ N c I Y oac~ ~` ` o~ o ~o~ oa n o ~ ~ a O _ _ _ _ _. _ ____ __.________..~ O< _• ci Op 00<_• O O OON < • n n o O ~ 00 ^ _• ^ • •n •< • N n ~ N V • O. r « ` a a I <J<a, o «« a ~<~ as<a ccc<. <, « a«« ~ a Y) q, ' q , q r, q q C • • , • , ~ _ _. - _.._ _ _ _. _ _... _-._ __- _ -. -._ f n q q q O f f v1 q q f f ~ q h 1D :~. f q f N I f7 ,^, ~ r, N ~ n f .io ~o +nffr,mlo i - _._ I J F _- _--_.__y ~ I `_ 1 - • I - o = i ID I O ~~ ID • O - O O N ! _ _ O- ~ I • O O ~ I > .. .. < ID a F- D ~ • D • ~ O • I O n 0 • ~ r V • r ° ~ ao: ~ ~<~° a I<aIDO e I s °O : a O o v • . ~ 7 O , .e e a o 7 O • ^ q • ~ '~ 7 • ~ O • I m • o~ • O _ v 7 O nv(n I n ON 0 0 -0~ O ] I-0 O<O O U O ~ > ~ O> O I O r C > O O O _ O O O y_ Q• ~ r O _ O O ~~ O G~< ! O O.O.. O I Q~ i ~ ~ N i O I • e H i j n• N i 7 G ~ ~ 7 n• G a i i L7 D i !q _ ~ I O `oN a ~ rn To ~ • >c y i i d Hd D r j c ~ pNN i I Qr ~ O `c ~ to ~ rn y ` O c ID ~ ~ y i (~ y i y V i ` p o .. • U o N c 1 y c + O O ~-• ~ ~ o• ~ i L e ~ o i~ o o E e o o _E °o ~ e°° °o E oo • °w ~ o 0 o e o° ~ < m li -~ (/~ U I ~IAUJ ', ~< U J < y U < JJU < I ()(nUU < ~ w ' f jp ~ j jp b 10 b ! 10 m m f0 n ~p ~ ~D i i i0 C ~O b ~ j0 ep ~ m t0 I ~' [~ -.------ - -- ~ ri tc ._ -- _. _._..- - ----- ---- ~ ~i n v ai m ~ H ri v h ao ~ I I r ri .r h so n I ~ a.. ri~ n ~. ev vi i n i ~ r ri ~ n fu ~ z ~ Ir r O < o O 'o < ~O I q ~ ;r I< ~ to l j q ~ i r I~ oo Y I< I° to ;o ~~ io ~ I~ f ' q N I O Y j ~ I~ I^ o I ~ O O Y ~ Or O (~ I ANT DESIGN 207.0? SIF) FILL `,~ BASE 1 -~ I-~! P -~ S(C) CUT ~ ji •• 2: ~% ------ t -- a •~ ~, ~ SUBBASE Ij -~ ice- 6" ~I DESIGN ~ 'YPICAL STREET SECTION SPEED MAX. MIN. C.L. P S1` ~ SSC) ' R/W PVM T IMPH1 GRADE RADIUS ~ (a'. i WIDTH CAT. RUQ ~L LOCAL AND COLLECTOR I _;P TO 250 VPD 2G t6% tt0' j 20' 4' .o' ~ d' -- ! 50' I I II 251 TO 400 VPD (51 25 12% t90' ~ 20' 4' iE; j d' --t S0' ~ --- II III a0t TO 1000 VPD ' IV 'OOt TO 2000 VPD 121 30 35 12X ~ 10% 260' 360' 22' 22' 4' f' ~6' ;' 4' 6' ~ 50' i 60' II,IV~ Iv,V I V 200t TO 5500 VPD 12) a0 10% 410" _ ~ 2s' 8' (', 8' 60' V,vI,VIi RUF AL COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL III '.P TO t000 VPD 30 B% 260' 24' 10' ;'! ~ 8' ~ 60' IV V t00t TO 5500 VPD (21 50 7% 165' 2a' 10' ;' I 8 60' V,VI,Vu t. M.\IMUM CENTERLINE RADIUS BASED ON NORMAL CROWN FOR DESIGN SPEEDS UP TG 25 MPH, S"~PERELEVATION ECUAL TO THE ROAD CROSS SLCPE SHALL BE USED FOR DESIGN SPEEDS GREATER '.-+AN 25 MPH BUT LESS THAN 45 MPH AND REFER TO VDOT STANDARD TG-4 FOR GESIGN SPEEDS ECUAL TO OR GREATER THAN d5 MPH. 2. N~ PARKING ALLOWED IN THIS DESIGN CATEGORY. 3. STANDARD LANDINGS ARE REQUIRED AT ROAD INTERSECTIGNS WITH EQUAL GR HIGHER TRAFFIC COUNT. 4. Vti-+EN THE FILL SLOPE GRADE iS STEEPER THAN 4:1 AND THE HEIGHT OF F,~: (TOP OF FILL TO TOE C= FILL) EXCEEDS TEN It01 FEET, GUARDRAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT STANDARDS SHALL BE P=OVIDED. 5. Y. 'H APPROVAL, THESE STAND ACS CAN BE REDUCED TO CATEGORY I, BU' 'HE PAVEMENT DESIGN SHALL REMAIN A CATEGORY II. (CRITERIA. PROOF OF FIXED GENERATION( 6. A'~D TWO (21 FEET FOR GUARDRAIL. 7 A~D THREE (31 FEET FOR GUARDRAIL. (RURAL, CATEGORY I THRU V I 207.03 (~ P M - P~ I 6.. _~ ~ ~ CG-a i , - - ~ I _ ~ --~ ~-_ _ _ _ -~ r ~ BASE I LTLANE N S1,83ASE ~I ~ t' ~~ j DESIGN j 'YPICAL STREET SECTION ~ MAX. MIN. C.L. i I _ R/W I PVM'T sICI ~ SPEED GRADE RADIUS ! ~ slF' M P' I j ! SIDTH j CAT. (MPH) I i ' I i i , R~?AL ARTERIAL OVER 5500 VPD 55 ~ 7 % 765' ; 25' j 9' , 6' 6' ! 1t0' 16' 39' I VI t nEFER TO VDOT STANDARD TC-4 FOR PROPER SUPERELEVAT'ON RATE AhD PAVEMENT WIDENING 2 .1SE SMOULDER SLOPE OF 3ia':t', g1Fl AND S(C) SHALL BE F.'/E (51 FEE- HIDE 3 tNDIVIDI,!AL RESIDENTIAL LOT SHALL NCT HAVE ACCESS ON THIS SECTICh 4 ;HANNEUZATION AND STANDARD LANDINGS MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL '`•TERSEGTIONS 5 !v0 PARKING PERMITTED 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES IN EXCESS OF 15,000 VPD WILL REQUIRE THE CONSTR;,CTION OF THE ULTIMATE fi LANE ROAD SECTION ? .NHEN THE FILL SLOPE GRADE IS STEEPER THAN d;t AND THE HEIGHT OF FILL EXCEEDS TEN (10) FEET. GUARDRAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT STANDARDS MUST BE PR~ViDED. ADD THREE (31 FEET TO S(Fl. 8 FOR AN ALTERNATE MEDIAN DESIGN, REFER TO THE URBAN ARTERIAL ST~;EET SECTION RURAL, CATEGORY VI 207.04 S(FI - ~ - --- - ~ S(CI FILL CUT i I -- BITUMINOt,S SURFACE --- -' ~ p/~P~'~ i t ~ I 2, ~ 17 I Ate. , I f__. 1 / 4' .1. f- t,..1' t ~%~ - '~-~-_ CG-6 _~ BASE ( SUBBASE ~ ~- 6 ~ i DESIGN 'YR-:CAL STREET SECTION SPEED ( MAX. ~ MIN. C.L. I p SIF; ~ SIC1 I R/W PVM,T I i ~_ i (MPH1 I GRADE RADIUS i I l41 ~ j WIDTH 1 1 CAT. I;RoA'~ LOCAL AND COLLECTOR I ,;~ TO 250 VPD ! 2C i t6% '70' 30' ; 4' l6; ; a' 50' I II 25' TO d00 VPD (51 25 t2% X90' ! 36' 4' (61 ! 4' S0' ~ II ' Ih 4C• TO 1000 VPD ~ 30 I t2% 260' 38' 4' (6; ~ 4' S0' II,IV ~ ~ I`' !0 _" TO 2000 VPD 121 i 35 t0% 360' 38' 4' (~; ' 4' S0' I IV.V ' V 2007 TO 5500 VPD (21 40 t0% 470' 44' 4' 171 4' 60' V,VI,VII URBA\ COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ~ II! .;F TO 1000 VPD 3C 8% 260' i 38' S' .71 5' 60' IV i'~ 1C _! TO 2000 VPD 121 35 7% 36 C' ~ 4d' I S' (7) ~ 5' 60' IV,V ~ V 2COt TO 5500 VPD (21 40 7% 470' 44' S' (?1 5' 60' V,VI,VU I t. M.'VIM:JM CENTERLINE RADIUS BASED ON NORMAL CROWN FOR DESIGN SPEEDS UP TO 25 MPH, SGPLRELEVATION EQUAL TO THE ROAD CROSS SLOPE SHALL BE USED FOR DESIGN SPEEDS GREATER 'r+A'V 25 MPH BUT LESS THAN 45 MPH ANO REFER TO VDOT STANDARD TC-4 FOR DESIGN SPEEDS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 45 MPH. 2. `~J oARKING ALLOWED IN THIS DESIGN CATEGORY. 3. STANDARD LANDINGS ARE REQUIRED AT ROAD INTERSECTIGNS WITH EQUAL OR HIGHER TRAFFIC COUNT. a. '.ti'HEti THE FILL SLOPE GRADE IS STEEPER THAN 4:t AND THE HEIGHT OF FILL (TOP OF FILL TO TOE FILL) EXCEEDS TEN (101 FEET, GUARDRAIL iN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT STANCARDS SHALL BE ogr.~IDED. 5. '::.Tn APPROVAL, THESE STANOADS CAN BE REDO QED TO CATEGORY I, BUT 'HE PAVEMENT DESIGN SN.4_L REMAIN A CATEGORY II. (CRITERIA: PROOF OF FIXED GENERATION) 6. A7C TWO (2) FEET FOR GUARDRAIL. 7 A_D THREE (31 FEET FOR GUARDRAIL. URBAN, CATEGORY I THRU V 207.05 4~ P --.~; ~- M ~ P ~ FUTURE FUTURE LANE OR i '-- LANE i ~ INITIAL LEFT TURN i ' ~- 1/4`:x' _ _ _ _ _ __ CG-a BASE I ~~ FUTURE LT. ~ SUBBASE ~-~- 6" I TURN LANE I I M ~- 2.5' APICAL STREET SECTION DESIGN SPEED MAX. ~ MIN. C.L. P R/W M 1 ~ M. P. PVM'T (MPH) GRADE RADIUS WIDTH CAT U~3AN ARTERIAL V' OVER 5500 VPD 55 7 % 765' 24' 42' 110' 16' 39' VI t. REFER TO VDOT STANDARD TC-4 FOR PROPER SUPERELEVATION RATE AND PAVEMENT WIDENING 2. :JSE SHOULDER SLOPE OF 3/4":1'. $(F) AND SICI SHALL BE FIVE (51 FEET WIDE 3. 'NDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL LOT SHALL NOT HAVE ACCESS ON THIS SECTION 4. CHANNELIZATION AND STANDARD LANDINGS MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS S NO PARKING PERMITTED 6. TRAFFIC VOLUMES IN EXCESS OF 15,000 VPD WILL REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ULTIMATE 6 LANE ROAD SECTION 7. NHEN THE FILL SLOPE GRADE IS STEEPER THAN a:1 AND THE HEIGHT OF FILL EXCEEDS TEN (t0) FEET, GUARDRAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH VOCT STANDARDS MUST BE PROVIDED. ADD THREE l31 FEET TO S(F). 8. +=OR AN ALTERNATE MEDIAN DESIGN, REFER TO THE RURAL ARTERIAL STREET SECTION DURBAN, CATEGORY VI ~ ~a L a a c: w G Q S L 2 w L Z w LL LL U m w C7 Q E 2 -- ~ - - - t -- - r _- - --- ~ i i --- - -~ -- ~ .. __ -~- -- - -- - - +-- - a ~ ~ i - ~ I o i ' i r - ° - -- - - *----- -- --- ~ --- t h = a ~ ~ ~ _ ~ I O ~ ~ ~ n ' I - ----- ~a Q_ - -- --`- -- - -- -^-- --- }---- ~ I I ~ i- ~ I I ~ - i I I ~ Q~ i ~' I i y I J' I i I ~ I ~ Q ~ 5 '; J • : , , i - - - --- --}- - ~ li I i -- ~ I ! I I - --- i I I I ~ i I i ~ ! - - --}-- - ! ---- I li I t '. ~ I ~ I ' L 1 ~ ~ 1 i I I -~_ _ ~ I ~ i I I I I i I i ~ I I I ~ ! ~ ~ I I I i ~ ~ , i i I ~ ~ - ~ ~ I I I t I I i I I I ^ --t----- i ' 8 zoo goo soo soe ,ooc ,zoo ~aoo soc +~oo zoco 2zoo MINIMUM L~NG'.H OF CREST VERTICAL CURVE IFTi ~ FOR S< l: l = AISI ~ / 1329 , ~ FOR S> l: 21S1 - ,329 / A OR L 3(V1 REQUIRED STOPPING SIGHT CISTANCE (FT;' A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE BETYVEEN GRADES .:' L .ENGTH OF VERTICAL CURVE !FT1 Lv DESIG'_ SPEEC ;MPHI- SOURCE: A POLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGN~~A~ ~ AND STREETS, 1984: AASHTO f C CREST VERTICAL CURVES I CG~.~~ i 2 d ~ - ------ - 22 20 _ F t8 Z w a 16 Q ~ 14 Q Z 12 w U Z w w 10 LL LL 0 U Q g m w C7 J 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 t200 1400 1600 MINIMUM LENGTH OF SAG VERTICAL CURVc, (FT.) FOR S<L: L AISI 2 / (400. 3.5(SI) FOR S>L: L = 21S1 - (400 . 3.SIS11 / A OR L 3(V) S -REQUIRED STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE IF T.) ~ A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GRADES (%) i L = LENGTH OF VERTICAL CURVE IFT.1 V :DESIGN SPEED IMPHI SOURCE: A POLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS, t984: AASHTO SAG VERTICAL CURVES ~ _ i ! , _- I . ___.. - i I _ I ~ ~ --~- - ~ I I ~ h I j i I + - f ~Q ~ ~ ~ j ~ i ~ r -_~~ I Q i ~ ~ ~ -- ~ ,p I I Q~ ~ , ~- °~ i ~ ~Q~ ~Q~ ~~ ~y ~ ,.. ~-- I ~ i i ~ ~ i I ~ i I i I i i I ~ I i I ~ I "~,~.08 TABLE g C x p F F ~ G ~P~~ i - t- - ~ING STALL STALL ~ AISLE CURB ~ HALF ' FULL ='• SLE WIDTH ! DEPTH I WIDTH ~ LF~.~,'!~ ~ BAY ~ BAY ~- _ - - ' I ~ ~ T ? 8.0' __ ~ 8.0' I 12.0' 2' " ~.u 2 0.0' _ 4 O. C' _ _ ~M 8.0' 8.0' t2_G' 2C _' 20.0' _ 40.0' ?= ST 9.0' _ t7.8' 12.0' t8 0' 29.8' 47.6' 3 ~ SM 8.0' _ _ ' t5.9" 12.0' '6.0' 27.9' 43.8' a~ ST 9.0' 20.5' 13.0' t2.7' 33.5' 54.1' I ` 4~ SM 8.0' 18.4' 13.0' t'.3' 31.4' _ 49.8' 6 ~ S T 9.0' _ 21.8' 18.0' t O 4' 39.8' 61.6' 6C SM 8.0' _ 20.7' 18.0' 9 2' 28.7' 59.4' 9 ~ ST _ 9.0' 20.0' 24.0' 9.0' 44.0' 64.0' 9C SM 8.0' 18.0' 24.0' A.G' 42.0" 60.0' NOTES: ST IS STANDARD CARS SM IS SMALL CARS DIMENSIONS ARE FOR ONE - WAY MOVEMENT. TWO - WAY MOVEMENT REQUIRES A MINIMUM 2a FOG' P,ISLE WIDTH REGARDLESS OF PARKING ANGLE Ah~ C'ME'vSIO!:S GIVEN IN TABLE t ABOVE. G i F I ~ C D C MIN. \ R.5' i E ( a I A ~' Wheel Stop i . /~ • ' RIGHT OF WAY i I 12.5' MIN. RADIUS Refer to Section 201.06.2 for reduction in stall depth for overhang. STANDARD PARKING DIMENSION __ ~ J ~' ~ i - - °° -- ~ ~~-- --- _-- _ _1; ,~ o ~, ~ -~ s~ N 'I ~ Z I r._.____._._______1 r_.___ _-_ ___ __-_-~ ~ w Y ; ~' N h I W Q ~ ~ ~-- ----- - ~ ~- --' -- - ---- - -- ----~---~ i j Q d ~~ \ ~ -~-- I ~ i -,= ., %' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ I i w ~ 0 1 U >< ~ j Z3 a ~ '2 ~ Q ~ ~ I W Q N LL? J rY Y~ ~ G w w O O U y ~ C7 m m N m Q Cn Z m w C7 Z ~ w ~ O r-- Y w \ W M- = U w ~,~ ~ I ~ 3m t7 ao m3 ~ 7 ~ ~~ _ w ~- w ~ 1 + J H D I T I 1 ~ , Vi ~ > S Q ~ I + 1--a C 2 w ~- a V J C J N Z ~ I~ Q ~~m QO -'--1 c a ~ ~ Z ~ ¢ m OZ O I ~~-t-~ ~ ~ ~ w w I a w N V ~ O i Z ¢ w D 3m N w m y z ~_ w N '~ rn S w ~ i ~ O ~ i 2 N Z \ O r N II T ~ i Z O ~ ~ a ~ -_L- ~ I U i ~ ~ ~o i ~ L 1 I N ~- o HANDICAP PARKING SPACE r- - __ -- e - 5-I - 1-- r- - - ---- -.. -~ - i - ~ r- - -- i i i L ~ BIUE -~ I 2 0' :9 i I I _-~--T 6' - ~~ -- - -- zr - - - - - -- -- - - - i -- - ---- I --~ I /j I ~ ' I I ~ '. ~ ~ ~~ 1' ~' j i i j i I %/ ~ ~ I V ~ // /~ i i ~, ~ i ~ ~ . I, ~ I ~ ~, ~ I i i ~~ ^ ;l / . (/ ~~ / i / ~/ I~ ~ % v ~ % / ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I \ / \~ // i I I // ~ I ~ / ~ / ~~i~~_~ ~-_ - e r-- -- --- I i I - -- --- -- -- -- --I ~ BLUE ~~ i ` L- WHITE i I {~ -~ ~~\ \~ \`. \ ~\ ~~` ~~ I TWO HANDICAPPED SYMBOLS REQUIRED IF APPROACHED FROu BOTH ENDS PAINT: DURO KOTE ACRYLIC LATEX WHITE YELLOW BIUE No. 108A D-32 E-11 Y16 6' YELLOW BGRDER AND STRIPES AT IS', 2' APART NOTES THIS DES~Gv iS TC BE USED FOR MULTIPLE SPAGE_ ONLY. WHITE OUTLINE HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ~ ~~~ ,. ~~ 1--~~ '__~~ ~\ % ~ ~~ ~~ / ~ ~ v ~~ R/W / ~ S \_ ~ .' 4.~~9,90 ~~ ~~~ ~' J ~ ~ ~ ~~,~ ~- EP / FACE OF CURB C ~ \ ~ ~~ ~~~ .~ o~ ~Z 25' RADIUS ~ ~~ MINIMUM 10' MIN. MAXIMUM GRADE = 5% ISLAND IS OPTIONAL R/W w J m / EP / FACE OF CURB Q ~ s. w ~1i 'Q ~ ~L~O i t 25' RADIUS \ MINIMUM O c") _Z 10' MIN. CUL-DE-SAC DESIGN > a 3 LL ~ ~ p" 2 a O ¢ } ~ f ¢ ~¢ I I i a ~ i J I ~ 2 ~ 7.12 v~ !~ ~ I wU I ¢ ~ a ,L I I I o a z ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~,r' I ~~ ~ J I ~ ~ ~I I u r O V ~ U w G - Z ~~'`~ v > ~ i ~~,' ~ i° < N '' a I ~I ~~ v a zx _ \~ I i p J ~ (n a z~ ~ I ~~\J •^ a ~ z 3~ I V ~L_ ' z zp Z -' °c ¢°w I ! ~ Q =J x o > ~ ~- U ~Ni I ~ I > ~F «- w a U I ~ W¢ p a = I I I I i w ~~ x u Q 3 ¢ N O ~ ai N W ~ U ¢ r- U pz ° O m ¢ ~ w Z a 0 w w a¢¢ p p w W ~ a 2 u i Z¢H w ~ W ~ NF" OU N O O N Q LLO O > N w ~~ 00 (n Z p~ ~~ d O ~ ~ z = ic~~C7 u. LL a ~ ~Q f O O -' ~aa ~`~ ¢ w w ma ~ w u C7 t7 w LL = p p ~ Z a U w a~ J a W W a O U W J~ Q Q 3 a~-pC7 w > a a 2 0 ¢ a> w a w U- w wp U p a 7 F ¢ ~ i U W 0 ~ p N Z w wN¢ GC w O LL = G ¢ a o~ I~ 3Nwp Nam ¢ G 3 ova oo~Q ~`~¢ a ~~ LL a w w O ~~ Om~~ OmQ ~ N Z_ Upo N ~> rn O Yap a o~ Qaa m avxia a[ w m w ¢ ~Q~ N<~~ ~>U x N I pwQ~¢a~-~3 z 1 ~ ~ a¢~~ w a W` w p o I 1~ ~ ~'' a Q N J p m= p w ~~N a I `~; arc73zawup,uw o +~ ~~.~wONO>U¢ a <I ~ Zao¢WNW~F¢ ~ W I a Z U p j 0~ W N a m >I ~ Za¢p aNmzcn ¢ \ ~~OpaC7N> JJ J pl ~OQ~i, ¢ zaa ~ Z GOw~Q v=i w /~ ~. ~ ~v3UZ__z~ N ~ ~ oa¢ i~~~-va3 3 ~ I U 2 2~ N O U~~> >_ J ~? O LL J ~- Q ¢ o~d /I axv~oa?.3o 0 ~ a J O x w I ai N o I a Z LL W 1 ~ O> O I i0 + U (DRIVEWAY PIPE INSTALLATION g ----1 ~ I VAR. ~' TO 6' I ~~~7.,2.~ -s------------- - ~ ~- - - - _ _ __ _ ' ~ , VAR. 3' TO 5' g --- --- 9' MIN. -~' ITYP.I - -1" MAX. _ - -- I --------- -- ---- -- ~TT •• ~~ .--f - ---- 1-- - t----~-~ ~T- j ~~+y t ~ ~ I + ..I i •~~ i -~- ' - - ~--- ~---T --- :.~~ ~ - -+ -,-- ~ ~ 15 BARS 1851 ~ r • ~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 8" CENTERS i {.': ~~ VAR. j ~-~• I I `A~~ LEINGTHS ~) ~-I- i (5 BARS IS51 r~ I~ i ~ i i ~I ~ -~ 8' CENTERS I ~'.". -_--1----- -- -1----~ A e - ~ PLA,N VIE~J~' SECTIC^J B-B VAR. ~' TO 6' ~- - -~ ~ _ T YP. 3' -~ 'f-- 4" MIN. ~~ - - BARS SS / THICK .~:. -BARS BS ~ f~"~~~''~~~+~-~- ' ----- ~, ,~-- CL. AJ CONCRETE II . ~ ' ~ 6" VAR. 3' TO 5' I 6" I ~, -ter I I SAC ION A-A DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE -- ;- SHGULDER SD. ENT. SLAB ~\ i -T \ PAVEMENT _ ~~ POINT OF j i -~ I GRADE BREAK PAVED DITCH 'vOTE: CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO INSURE THE " THE SPECIAL DESIGN SLAB COV~:ETEIY SPANS BUT DOES NOT RES' ON PAVED DITCH. M1NiV'~M 1 1/2" CLEARANCE FROM BARS TO =:RFAGE. TYFICA~ INSTALLATION SPEC. DESIGN ENTR. SLAB ~ 207.13 POINT OF FINISHED GRADE I I I I I I I I < Q I ~ N POINT OF I J < -J Q FINISHED GRADE E.P. ~ ~ ~ N ~ O z ? O o z z a a J ~ J a MIN. 25' ~ ~ w w f ~ O O U U PCVC O LL O LL Z X Q X Q O "' I I ~ ~ OU Na N I I amy .5% MAX. I I -5% MAX. - = 0 1~1 l21 ~~ c~ _ z~ w y PIVC w O >w / \ U a / \ MAX. ALLOWABLE GRADE ¢ (SEE TYPICAL SECTIONI / a \ PROPOSED Z ~ STREET w ~ ~ GRADES \ > / PTVC INSTERSECTION LANDING ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE_ June 26, 1990 AGENDA_ITEM_ Adoption of Resolution to amend Section 200 of The Design and Construction Standards Manual entitled "Public Street and Off-street Parking Standards and Specifications." COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS_ p EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Roanoke County staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to adopt a Resolution to amend Roanoke County's "Public Street and Off-Street Parking Standards and Specifications" because of recent changes to the Virginia Department of Transportation subdivision standards and discrepancies that have been brought to our attention. BACKGROUND On February 14, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted by Ordinance the "Pubiic Street and Off-Street Parking Standards and Specifications." The Resolution which was adopted as a part of the Ordinance adopted the Design and Construction Standards Manual which permits the Board of Supervisors to consider, and adopt, Amendments to such manual at any time it is deemed appropriate. On January 1, 1990, the Virginia Department of Transportation adopted new subdivision street standards whict-~ superseded Roanoke County's current street standards in such areas as pavement and geometric design. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The County staff is requesting the following changes to the "Public Street and Off-Street Parking Standards and Specifications" ~-z to meet minimum Virginia Department of Transportation standards and to clear up discrepancies that have been brought to our attention by County staff and the local Engineers. In order to clearly define what changes are a result of Virginia Department of Transportation and the County staff, I have listed below the section number, title and placed beside each who initiated the change. Section 200.04 200.08 200.11 200.13 201.02 201.05 201.06.2 201.13 204.00 205.00 207.01 207.02 207.04 207.06 207.07 Initiated change - Street Surface - Urban Section Streets - Roadway and Street Design - Subdivision Street Design - Handicapped Parking - Parking lot construction - Vehicle Overhang - Minimum Parking Requirements/Commercial - General Notes - Waiver Procedures - Pavement Design - Rural, Category 1 through V - Urban, Category 1 through V - Crest. Vertical Curves - Sag Vertical Curves VDOT VDOT VDOT County/VDOT County County County County VDOT County VDOT VDOT VDOT VDOT VDOT For additional information, Attachment "A" is a copy of the amended standards with strike-overs and asterisks beside those sub- sections where changes are propased. The County staff has solicited the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association, the Association of General Contractors and the Construction Specifications Institute far review and comment. The only comments received were from the Roanake Regional HomeBuilders Association which were resolved. FISCAL IMPACT None STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of a Resolution to amend Section 200 of the Design and Construction Standards Manual entitled "Public Street and Off-Street Parking Standards and Specifications". 2 .~-z PECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Cavey Development and Ins ections Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by• No Yes Abs Denied Received Referred To Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 3 ~-Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 RESOLUTION AMENDING A SECTION OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL ENTITLED "PUBLIC STREET AND OFF-STREET PARKING STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS" WHEREAS, the Department of Development is in the process of preparing a manual to assist the public, and especially the development community, for clarification of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Design and Construction Standards Committee composed of area engineers, surveyors, members of the Roanoke Valley Homebuilders Association, and County staff was assembled to develop the content of the manual and the design standards; and WHEREAS, it was the consensus of the committee to address the areas of water, sewer, street and parking, and stormwater management in the manual; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on February 14, 1989, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by resolution, adopted a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards Manual" to assist the public in the clarification and interpretation of rules, regulations, and policies applicable to land development in Roanoke County, and in particular, the areas of water, sewer, street and parking; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 21489-9 the Board of Supervisors adopted the second componsent of the "Design and Construction Manual" entitled "Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications." NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors ~-Z of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby amend the second component of the "Design and Construction Standards Manual," which is entitled "Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications," as set out in Attachment "A" to this resolution. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED the effective date of these amendments shall be effective immediately. T~ F A R FoR o'scuss~ocv oNa~ SUBJECT FOR RE Attachment "A" ~ ~ 2,~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION N0. DATE Page SECTION 200 00 Street Design Standards 200.01 Street Requirements 1 200.02 Streets to property lines 1 200.03 Subdivision Blocks 1 * 200.04 Street Surface 1 200.05 Frontage major arterials 2 200.06 Connection to divided highways 2 200.07 Driveway connections 2 * 200.08 Urban section streets 3 200.09 Intersection of minor and major streets 3 200.10 Minimum crossover spacing * 20G.11 Roadway Street design 4 200.12 Traffic projections 6 * 20G.13 Subdivision street design 6 200.'4 Street centerlines 7 SECTION 201,00 Off-Street Parking Requirements 201.01 General provisions * 201.02 Handicapped parking 8 201.03 Permitted locations 9 201.04 Access 9 * 201.05 Parking lot construction 10 201.06 Design standards 1C 201.06.1 Compact Parking 1C * 201.06.2 Vehicle Gverhang 10 201.07 Stacking spaces 11 201.08 Lighting 11 201.09 Combination of uses 11 201.10 Undefined uses 11 201.11 Gross Leasab'e area 11 201.12 Emergency access aisle 11 201.13 Minimum parking requirements 1. Residential/lodging 12 * 2. Commercial 13 3. Industrial 17 4. Other uses 17 SECTION 202 00 Off-Street Loading Requirements 202.01 General Provisions 21 202.02 Minimum loading spaces 22 ~- SECTION 203.00 Miscellaneous Construction Standards 24 **SECTION 204.00 General Notes 25 **SECTION 205.00_ Waiver Procedures 26 SECTION 206.00 (for future amendments) SECTION 207 00 Road Design -_List of Typical Details *207.01 - Pavement Design *207.02 - Rural, Category 1 through V 207.03 - Rural, Category VI *207.04 - Urban, Category 1 through V 207.05 - Urban, Category VI *207.06 - ~~rest Vertical Curves *207.07 - Sag Vertical Curves 207.OS - Standard Parking Dimensions 207.09 - Handicap Parking Space 207.10 - Handicap Parking Space 207.11 - Cul-de-sac Design 207.12 - Driveway Pipe Installation 207.12.1 - Specifications for Design Entrance Slab 207.13 - Intersection ~andir:g .~. 200.00 STREET DESIGN STANDARDS All the provisions of this Section shall apply unless specifically waived by the Director of the Department of Development and Inspections, hereinafter referred to the as "the Director". 200.01 Street Requirements Unless otherwise provided, all developments shall have frontage on existing state maintained public streets, or streets approved and bonded, to be constructed to a standard acceptable for addition to the State Highway System. The amount of frontage shall be in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. 200.02 Streets to Property Lines All streets eligible to be accepted into the Virginia Department of Transportation's System of Highways shall be constructed to the property line and shall provide access to adjoining parcels of land unless unnecessary due to topography or previous development of the adjoining property. 200.03 Subdivision Blocks Subdivision blocks shall be placed as to provide traffic circulation within, and between, existing or anticipated subdivisions. 200.04----Street-Saefaee A ~ ~ - s~~ee~.s- ~+-ra-1-1- - be - e~s~~t~E~,e~- -a~t- -s~tr`izac~ - ~ +~ aeeeeeJawee--vti-ter- T-atrl-e---I--as--se-1r -~-ctt-~-+~--~~--t{~~s seet~ea- E~EEMPT1r9Pd-T8-THIS-ST~4Pd6AR8-~4M8-TABtE-~A-W~tE-APPt~-WHEPd-AEE-STEMS BEtBW-f1RE-MEty All streets shall be surfaced with a asphalt plant mix in accordance with Section 207.01. EXEMPTION: A blotted seal coat surface as specified in Section 207.01 will only be permitted when all items below are met: 1. Subdivision is located outside the Urban Service Boundary. 2. All lots in the Subdivision are 2 acres or greater, and have minimum road frontage of 200 --~ ..,.. feet. 3. Street grades are less than 12% and; 4. Street is not an extension of a previously plant mix Subdivision street. 200.05 Frontage on Arterial Road Whenever a Subdivision (residential/commercial) abuts a road which is included in the State System of Primary Highways or a road designated as "Arterial" in the adopted Roanoke County Transportation Plan, or the latest Statewide Hi hg way Plan the following conditions shail be met. A. A reverse frontage and/or combined access concept shall be utilized such that no lot has exclusive access to the arterial or primary highway; and in addition, all developments shall provide sufficient building, parking and travelway setbacks to permit the construction of the ultimate highway section. B. If reverse frontage or combined access cannct be provided, the site shall be limited to one exclusive access point. 200.06 Connection to Divided Highway Subdivision street and commercial entrance connections made to existing or future divided highways shall, wherever possible, be located at existing crossovers or approved locations that meet all design criteria for crossover locations. (Refer Page 3 Table 1 ) 200.07 Driveway Connections It is the intent of this Manual. that access be provided to individual residential lots only from streets c 1 ass i f i ed as 1 oca 1 and co 1 1 ector .-~~-a~e R - ~ -a ~ ~ -1~---1- ->:--~ ,- -i~- -gear -EFe~e-1-o•pme~rrt~ Comp 1 y w i t h t o Rural and Urban, Category I-V, Section 207.02 and 207.04, in a new development. A reverse frontage or service drive concept is required for streets which: A. Carry in excess of five thousand five hundred vehicles per day (5,500 vpd) and/or are categorized as arterial highway; or B. The Roanoke County Transportation Plan indicates wi 1 1 carry i n excess of five thousand 2 ~.. five hundred vehicles per day (5,500 vpd). If the Director finds that a street carries in excess of three thousand vehicles per day (3,000 vpd), he may require a traffic impact study by a licensed Engineer to evaluate potential problems and to recommend corrective measures. 200.08 Urban Section Streets Urban section streets including curb and gutter shall be required in all Subdivisions within the Urban Service Boundary as defined by the latest Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. EXEMPTION TO THiS REQUIREMENT WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED WHEN ALL OF THE ITEMS BELOW HAVE BEEN MET: 1. Street grades must be less than 12% and; 2. Streets are not an extension of, or intersects with an existing curb and gutter street and; 3 . Street cu 1-de-sacs aye i n a cut section . -arfiir~r-a-t~osi-~i~-e g~aele-a~eJ ; 4. All lets are greater than 15,000 sq. feet and have a minimum road frontage of 100 feet. 200.09 Intersection of Minor and Major Streets Wherever a minor street intersects a major street, a minimum 25' pavement edge radius and standard ianding will be required cn the minor street. In addition, the Director may require that the standard landing extend to the ultimate right-of-way for the major road. 2GC.10 Minimum Crossover Spacing Minimum crossover spacing requirements shall be as established in Table 1. 3 ~~ TABLE 1 Crossover Spacing for Arterial Roadways Design Speed (mph) 30 Minimum Distance Between Crossovers (ft) 500 Desirable Distance Between Crossovers (ft) 600 40 50 55 60 70 600 700 800 900 1000 700 900 1000 1100 1250 200.11 Roadway Design The following procedures and use of Tables 3 and 4 shall be followed in the design of all roadway and street connections, including commercial entrances. A. Determine the speed of the roadway. On new roadways the design speed for sight distance consideration is based on the projected A.D.T. as shown in Section 207.02 through 207.05 -----------------------------TABLE-2 A-9-T--f~dpd~--@-Z5@--z'S#-4@@--4@4-~5@--~5~-@@@@--@@@~-55@@--55@@+ Bes~gr~-S~eeel --fm{~h-~---------2@------25-------@@-------35---------4@------55-- 8. On existing roadways the design speed shall be determined by the use of Table 2. TABLE 2 Posted Speed 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Design Speed 30 35 40 45 55 65 70 4 ~~ C . Bes4gr~-eaei~-t~e~r~~r-~,~a~-a~~-#~et~~~er~ta~ aid-det°~4ea4-ea~°yes-meek-~+~e-m4r~~mam-s~epi~fir~g d~s~,anee-eat-~~r~ed-~t~-Table-~ ; -and-~t~e-n~firt~-nar~ pass # r~ 9 - -s~~rt -t#~ i-st-a-rtee - e a ~ ~ ~ ~ e d - ~-~r- ~-a~tr l-e - 5- The-a~~grtmer~t-o#-~-1-1-~tetrr-~o-a~ra~+-s-si~a1`1--meet t #~ e s e ~rri-rti~rtt~rrr -s t~ttd-ar~ w fi t F~ -t--~te~ ~c~e~rt-irtxt- t #~ a t ~ e ~ t ~ e a ~ - saw -c-~tt~*e - s fi g h ~- tfi~t~rrrE,•es- -s~-~r1-1` - be ea4ea4ated--~'frr--~l-1---~'-a~~es--~--a~gedt~a}e d4ffe~e~ee-i-rt~r~e-lased-at~~~ea~~~i~~-I~e~ght ef-,gyro--ihee~-f2-3--a-nc~-acre-~~~--c4egree--a~ras~d dfive~ge+~ee-ef-tl~e-I~ead4~gl~t-beams- C. Design each new roadway so that all horizontal and vertical curves meet the minimum stopping distances outlined in Table 3, and the minimum sight distances outlined in Table 4. Refer to 207.06 and 207.07 for design of Sag and Crest Vertical Curves. D. Each intersection shall comply with Table a and shall provide other items such as standard landings and channelization. Each connection to existing roads shall be checked to insure that the minimum sight distances are achieved. The sight distances for new intersections on existing roads steal 1 be certified by a 1 i tensed Engineer or Surveyor. TABLE 3* Stopping Sight Distance Height of Eye: 3-~5--3.50' Height of Object: 0.50' Design Speed (mph) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Minimum Sight (150) (225) Distance (ft) (125)429 469 200 2~9 275 325 400 450 525 550 625 Desirable Sight (150) (325) Distance (ft) (125}439 469 200 250 399 400 475 550 650 725 850 *Use desirable values as the minimum values on all roads which carry in excess of 5,500 vpd. 5 ''" TABLE 4 Sight Distance Along Major Road at Intersection with Minor Road, Crossovers, and Commercial Entrances Height of Eye: 3.5' Height of Objects: 4.25' Design Speed (mph) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 2-Lane Major Road (ft) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 4-Lane Major Road (ft) 300 350 400 475 525 600 650 700 750 750 825 E. For the purpose of Tables 3 and 4: 1. The term "Major Road" refers to the road with the higher traffic count of the two intersecting roads. All existing State maintained roads are considered as "Major Roads". 2. For median widths greater than sixty feet (60'), each roadway can be considered separately. 3 . When a major road has more than four ( 4 ) 1 anes or if large trucks constitute more than 20% of the total traffic volume on the minor road, use A PGLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN GF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS, 1984, AASHTO, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, to design crossover and commercial entrances. 200.12 Traffic Proiections The 24-hour volume trip generation for all land uses shall comply with Trip Generation-Information Report, I.T.E., latest edition. 200.13 Subdivision Street Design All residential developments generating more than Z;~56 1,500 vehicles per day shall provide through access and shall connect to an existing State road in at least two locations. Internal roads shall be designed to incorporate good traffic design, and provide ease of access for domestic services and emergency vehicular traffic. 6 «..6/ '°" In situations where two (2) connections cannot physically be made, due to restrictive topography, limited sight distance or limited state road frontage, one (1) connection may be allowed by the Director. The connecting roadway shall be a four lane divided road section extending a minimum of three hundred feet (300') for the first 1,500 vehicle trips per day generated, and one hundred feet (100') additional for each 500 vehicle trips per day generated over 1,500. No other internal street shall connect to this four lane divided roadway except at crossovers. 200.14 Street Centerlines Subdivision streets intersecting an existing or future street, shall have the centerlines directly opposite one another or have a minimum of two hundred feet (200') between their centerlines. 7 ~, 201.00 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS 201.01 General Provisions All required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use, except under the following conditions: A. All required parking spaces are on a contiguous lot under the same ownership or in a permanent parking Easement on adjacent property ar~de~ ag~eer~en~---sad-is~aE~o-r~+----t-c~---t~te~---~er~~ ~g Adn~~a~sl;~atee . B. Such required spaces are within 500 ±eat walking distance of a building entrance or use and such spaces de not require pedestrians ~o cross a minor arterial or greater highway. C. Contiguous lots providing off-street parking for more than one {1) use shall prov-de sufficient spaces to comp 1 y with the parr. i r1g requirements for all usages. 201.02 Handicapped Parkin ~4~-~--tses--that--r-e-cxtti-!~-$~ve~~,~+--F~3}-fx=-~nefe eaK{~{ng-spaees-b~+-th4s-seet~e~;-si~a~~-p~eb;de pat~k~~+~--s~ac~--fir--t~+e-~a-rtc~i-e~ppetf.----Seef~ pa~k~ng-spaees~al-l-~~r-o~-i-~}e~f--i~-aeee~danee wfitl~-tie-~e44eav4eg- A----~~,e-aar~~e~-e€-pa+~~~-~g-spaees-+~eset~ved-~ee-~i~e band;ea~s~seel--S~rl~--ec~rt~~~r--t~~.~--t-t~-iba=r~ew~r~g tab~ei ---------Teta-'r-9~~-Sheet-Pae+~}e~-----Pa~4~#~g-Rem-Hanel}eapped ------------------Ree~a4~ed--------------------Rem peel-------- -----------------a{s-te-25------------------------------4 -----------------26-te-59------------------------------2 -----------------54-$e-~5------------------------------3 -----------------~6-te-496-----------------------------~ ----------------484-te-456-----------------------------5 ----------------45#-te-299-----------------------------6 ----------------294-fie-399-----------------------------~ ----------------394-te-X99-----------------------------8 ----------------X94-te-599-----------------------------9 ----------------594-te-4699----------------------2~i-ef-*eta-'t- ------------------e+~er-4969----------------------29-peas--~%-e= -------------------------------------------------~eta~-ebe~-4999- 8 ,~ - z 201.03 201.04 A. Generally, the number of non-residential parking spaces reserved for the handicapped shall comply with the following table. For additional information, refer to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code Section 512.00. Total Off-street Parking Required Parking for Handicapped Required up to 50 51 to 100 101 to 200 201 over 1 L 3 3 Pius 1% of total i n excess of '?OG B. All spaces s!~~all comply with the geometric design standards presented in Sections 207.09 and 207.10. C Such spaces shall be the closest to a building entrance for which they are provided, and shall be connected thereto by a paved surface with no less than five feet (5') of unobstructed width. At no point shall the gradient exceed one foot (1') rise or fall in twenty feet (20'), except in the case of ramps which shall comply with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Permitted Locations Off-street parking spaces that are located on the ground and open to the sky may be 1 ocated i n any required yard unless otherwise required for screening, buffering, landscaping or other provisions in the County Code. Parking structures and carports shall be subject to the minimum yard and setback requirements applicable in the zoning district in which the structure is located. Access All off-street parking spaces shall provide safe convenient access to a street. If any such spaces are contiguous to a public street, the public street side of such space shali be curbed. 9 -.~.- 201.05 Parking Lot Construction All off-street parking areas, with tHe~ty--F-2{1`? fifteen (15) or more parking spaces including aisles and driveways, except for those required for single family detached dwellings, shall be constructed and maintained with a Category I surface in accordance with construction standards presented in Section 207.01. Off-street parking areas including aisles and driveways may, upon approval of the Zoning Administrator, be exempted from this provision if such facility is for a temporary purpose. However, such areas shall be graveled and maintained in accordance with standards approved by the Zoning 4dministrator. 201.06 Design Standards. Ail off-street parking spaces and areas shall comply with the gecmetric design standards in Section 207.08. 201.06.1 Compact Vehicle Parkin Parking for compact (small) vehicules will be permitted under the following criteria: 1. Compact spaces shall be located in groups of five or more contiguous spaces, be appropriately identified by markings and be located in a manner affording the same convenience as standard spaces. 2. Dimensions for compact space are set forth ~n Section 207.08. 3. If the total parking requirement is twenty (20) to hundred (100) spaces, twenty-five percent (25%) of the spaces may be designated for small/compact car use. 4. If the total parking requirement is more than one hundred (100) spaces, thirty percent (30%) of the spaces may be designated for small/compact car use. 201.06.2 Vehicle Overhang Where parking spaces lie adjacent to landscaped areas, the paved depth of all stalls may be decreased by two feet (2 ) to provide for a vehicular 10 ~~ overhang area. The vehicular overhang area may not encroach into a required landscaped area or sidewalk. 201.07 Stacking Spaces Stacking spaces, where provided, shall be ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet and be separated from parking areas and through movement aisles or driveways. 201.08 Lighting All lighting fixtures used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not direct glare on adjoining streets or residential properties. The intensity on adjoining streets or residential usage shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles. Parking areas shall not be lighted at any time other than the hours that the appurtenant use is open, except for necessary security lighting. For the purpose of this Section, security lighting is considered an average intensity of one (1) foot candle measured at the base of the lighting structure. All light intensity calculations shall be certified by a licensed Engineer and submitted for review. 201.09 Combination cf Uses When a building includes a combination of uses as set forth in this Section, the required parking will be the sum of the required parking for each use. 201.10 Undefined Uses Where the parking requirement for a particular use i s not defined i n th i s Section , and where no s i m i l ar use is listed, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided using the ITE Parking Generation Manual as a guide. 201.11 Gross Leasible Area For the purpose of this Section, Gross Leasable Area (GLA) shall be the total floor area designed for both tenant occupancy and exclusive use. This includes both owned and leased areas. 201.12 Emergency Access Aisle Wheneverver parking is proposed adjacent to a structure, a wide emergency access aisle shall be '~' ,,~, properly marked in accordance with Chapter Q, ~~ode of the County of Roanoke, Titled Fire Prevention snd Protection. 201.13 Minimum Parking Required 1. Residential and Lodging Uses A. Dormitory or Residence Hall located off campus: One (1) space per two (2) sleeping accommodations based on the occupancy of the building, plus one (1) additicnal space per housemother, manager or employee. B. Dwelling, Single Family Detached, Duplex or Mobile Home outside a Mobile Home Park: Two (2) spaces per unit, one (i) space must have convenient access to a street. ~;,. Dwelling, Multiple Family or Tcwnhouses: One (1) Bedroom Units: Gne and one-half (1.50) spaces per unit. Two (2) and three (3) Bedroom Units: Two (2) spaces per unit. Four (4) or more Bedroom Units: Two and one-half (2.50) spaces per unit. D. Hotel, Motel One (1) space per rental unit, plus four (4) spaces per fifty (50) rental units; plus additional spaces required for eating establishments, assembly rooms, etc. E. Multi-Family Housing for the Elderly (Public or Non-profit, Assisted}: One (1) space per two (2) dwelling units, plus One (1) space per employee or staff member on major shift. Conversion of the apartment complex to non-assisted housing shall require sufficient parking for a 12 multi-family dwelling (see II. A.3.). F. Mobile Home within a Mobile Home Park: One and one-half (1.50) spaces per unit. G. Nursing or Convalescent Facility: One space per three (3) residents, plus one (1) additional space for each employee on major shift. H. Tourist House, Boarding House, Room~rg House: One (?) space per gues~ accommodatior, 2. Commercial Uses A. Bowling Alley: Four (4) spaces per alley, pius one (1j space per emp ioyee on major shift, plus additional spaces for eating establishments, assembly rooms, etc. B----Me~ean$~~e-estab~~st~r~er~t~ 8 ~ e - F t- } ~a-ee -der- 3f~3- -sue:-ar-e- ~e~,- e f - 8 t ~4- B. Car Wash: Four (4) spaces per bay/stal i plus one ( 1 ) space per employee on major shift fcr a self-service establishment, or one (?) space per employee, plus sufficient area for five (5) stacking spaces per bay/stall for an automated establishment. C. Drive-In Bank: One ( 1 ) space per 250 square feet of GLA, plus sufficient area for eight (8) stacking spaces for the first drive-in window and two (2) stacking spaces for each additional window. t3 ~~ D. Eating Establishment cr Fast Food Restaurant: One ! 1 ) space per four ( 4 ) seats plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift, plus sufficient area for ten (10) stacking spaces per drive-in window with a minimum of ten (10) spaces. E. Fast Food Restaurant With No Seating Facilities: One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of GLA F. Financial Institution: Gne ( . ) space per 25G square feet cf GLA. G. Furniture or Carpet Store: One { 1 ) space per 500 square feet of GLA, plus one (1) space for each employee on major shift. H. Medical or Dental Clinic: Three (3) spaces per examination or treatment room, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. I. Medical or Dental Practitioner's Office: Six (6) spaces per practitioner, or four and one-half (4.5) spaces per 1,000 sq. feet of GLA, whichever is greater. J. Office (Unless otherwise provided for in this section): One (1 ) spaces per 250 square feet of GLA. K. Outdoor Sales/Display Area other than Vehicle Sales, Building Supply, Outdoor Storage Building Sales, Nursery, Rental and Ancillary Service: 14 -,.2.. One (1) space per 100 square feet of open sales/display area. L. Personal Service Establishment: One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA. M. Recreational Facility other than Theatre, Auditorium, Stadium, Bowling Alley or Swimming Pool: One (1) space per three (3) persons based on occupancy load plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. N. Repair Service Establishment: One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA. 0. Retail Sales Establishment unless otherwise specified: (For the purpose of these standards, Convenience Stores may include gas pump spaces toward the overall parking requirements) One (1) space per 200 square feet of GLA for the first 1 , 000 square feet, plus one (1) spaces per each additional 175 square feet. P. Service Station: Two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) spaces. Q. Shopping Center: Less than 400 , 000 square feet of GLA ; one (1) space per 250 square feet of GLA. 400,600 to 600,000 square feet of GLA, seven ( 7) spaces per 1 , 000 square feet GLA and reduce the total number of required spaces by 1,200. Over 601,000 square feet of GLA, one (1) 15 ..~ -'~ space per 200 square feet of GLA. R. Swimming Pool (Regional or ;;ommunity) One (1) space per four (4) persons lawfully permitted in the pool at one time, pius one (1) space per employee on major shift. S. Theatre, Auditorium or Stadium: One (1) space per four (4) seats or similar accommodation provided, plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift. Vehicle, Light Service Establishment: One ( 1 ) space per 200 square feet of GLA, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one ( 1 ) space per employee on majcr shift. L. Vehicle, Major Service Establishment: Two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) per empioyee on major shift. V. Vehicle Sale, Rental, Building Supply, Outdoor Storage Building, Nursery and Ancillary Service Establishment: One (1) space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales/rental floor area, plus one (1) space per 2,500 square feet of open sales/rental display lot area, plus two (2) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) total spaces. W. Wholesale Trade Establishment: One (1) space per one and one-half (1.5) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, but with a minimum of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of GLA. 16 °" 3. Industrial Uses A. Manufacturing Establishment ~or Establishment for Production, Processing, Assembly, Compounding, Preparation, Cleaning, Servicing, Testing, Repair or Storage of Materials, Goods or Products, and Business Offices Accessory thereto: One (1) space per employee on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle and piece of mobile equipment. B. Heavy Equipment Sale, Rental and Service Establishment: One (1) space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales/rental floor area, plus one (1) space per 2500 square feet of open sales; rental display lot area, plus two (~) spaces per service bay, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift, but never less than five (5) total spaces. ~~. Scientific Research and Development Establishment: One {1j space per 1.5 employees based on the occupancy load, plus one (1) space per company vehicle. D. Warehousing, Storage 'Ward, Lumber and Building Material Yard, Motor Freight Terminal or Junk Yard: One (1) space per 1.5 employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, plus one (1) space per 10,000 square feet of GLA. 4. Other Uses A. Airport: One (1) space per employee on major shift, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the facility, plus one (1) space per 2,000 square feet of terminal area or one (1) space per 200 square feet of lobby area, whichever is 17 --~ greater. B. Ambulance Service or Rescue Squad: Adequate space to accommodate all motor vehicles operated in connection with such use and two (2) additional spaces per each such vehicle. C. Church, Chapel, Temple, Synagogue or Other Such Place of Worship: One (1) space per four (4) seats in the principal place of worship. D. College or University: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each prcposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums, the availability of mass transportation; and the availability of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. E. Cultural :,enter, Museum or Similar Facility: One ( 1) space per 300 square feet of GLA. F. Country Club: One (1) space per four (4) members based on maximum anticipated membership. G. Funeral Chapel, Funeral Home: One (1) space per four (4) seats in the main chapel or parlor, plus one (1) space per two (2) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the business. 18 ~.1J ~-~,~,•~, H. Family Day Care Home, Child Care Center, Nursery School: One (1) space per each employee on major shift, plus a sufficient number of stacking spaces to provide one (1) stacking space for each eight (S) children, students, etc. I. Hospital: One (1) space per two (2) beds, plus one and one-half (1.5) spaces per each emergency room examination table or bed, pius one (') space per employee on the major shift including doctors. J. Institution providing Intensive Special Medical/Mental Care or Welfare Institution: Gne (1) space per two (2) patients, based on the occupancy load, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift. K. Library: One (1) space per two and one-half f2.5) patrons based on the occupancy load, plus one ( 1) space per employee on major shift. L. Private, Civic, Fraternal Club or Lodge: One ( 1 ) space per three ( 3 ) persons based on maximum allowable occupancy. M. Public Utility Establishment: One (1) space per one and one-half (7.5) employees on major shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle. N. School, Elementary or Intermediate: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all 19 -~ classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums; proposed special education programs and student-teacher ratios; and the avai 1 abi 1 i ty of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking i n times of peak demand . But i n no i nstance 1 ess than one (1) space per faculty, staff member and other full-time employee, four (4) spaces for visitors, eight (8) stacking spaces ; and sufficient stacking spaces for school buses. G. School, Secondary: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each proposal incl°udins such factors as the occupancy load of al l classroom facilities, auditoriums and stadiums; proposed special education programs and student-teacher ratios; and the availability of areas on site that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand. But in nc instance less than one (1) space per faculty, staff members and full-time employee, one (1j space per eight (8) students, based on the maximum number of students attending classes at any one time, eight (8) stacking spaces, p 1 us sufficient stacking spaces for schoo 1 buses. F. Swimming Pool, (Neighborhood): One (1) space for every six (6) persons lawfully permitted in the pool at one time, plus one (1) space per employee on major shift; subject to a lesser number as approved by the Zoning Administrator based on the number of members who live within a reasonable walking distance of the pool. Q. Tennis Club: Four (4) spaces per court, plus such additional spaces as may be required for affiliated uses such as eating establishments. 20 .1.~ ~. 202.00 OFF-STREET GOADING REQUIREMENTS 202.01 General Provisions 1. All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use. 2. All off-street loading spaces and their appurtenant aisles and driveways shall not be reduced in any manner except upon approval by the Zoning Administrator when a change in land use or building size reduces the total number of loading spaces required. 3. No loading space or berth shali be iocated wi thi n forty ! 40) feet of the nearest point of i me rsect i or. of the edge of adjoining Crave l way or the ultimate right of way of ad,~oining streets. 4. No loading space or berth shall be located within the ~=ront setback applicable in the zoning district that the structure is located. 5. No required cff-street loading aria shall be used to meet the space requirement for off- street parking, and no loading area shall interfere with the free circulation within the off-street parking area. 6. A11 off-street loading space shall have safe and convenient access to a street. If any such spaces are contiguous to a street, the street side of such space shall be curbed. 7. Ail off-street loading areas, including aisles and driveways, shall be constructed and maintained with a dustless surface in accordance with construction standards presented in this Section. 8. All off-street loading spaces shall comply with the geometric standards in this Section. 9. When a building includes a combination of uses as set forth in this section, the required number of loading spaces wi 11 be the sum of the required loading spaces for each use. But in no case shall the development be required to provide in excess of five (5) loading spaces. 21 °~ 10. Where the loading requirement for a particular use is not defined in this Section, and where no similar use is listed, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided. 11. For the purpose of this Section, Gross Leasable Area (GLA) shall be the total floor area designed for both tenant occupancy and exclusive use. This includes both owned and leased areas. 202.02 Minimum Loadi.n~Spaces Required Minimum off-street loading spaces accessory to the use designated herein shall be provided in accordance with the following: ~ One (1) space for the first 5,000 square feet of GLA, plus one (1) space for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Heavy Equipment Sale, Rental and Service Establishment B. Manufacturing Establishment or Establishment of Production, Processing, Assembly, Storage Etc. C. Vehicle Major Service Establishment D. Vehicle Sale, Rental, and Ancillary Service Establishment E. Warehousing Establishment 2 . One ( 1) space for the first 10 , 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 15,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Personal Service Establishment B. Retail Sales Establishment C. Vehicle, Light Service Establishment 3 . One ( 1) space for the first 10 , 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 20,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Business Service and Supply Service Establishment 22 ~~ B. Financial Institution or Drive-in Bank C. Office D. Repair Service Establishment E. Scientific Research and Development Establishment 4. One ( 1 ) space for the first 1 0, 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional 25,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Eating Establishment of Fast Food Restaurant 5 . One ! 1 ) space for the f i rs ~ 1 G , 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additional ~G,OGO square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Wholesale Trade Establishment 6 . One i 1) space fer the first 10 , 000 square feet of GLA, plus (1) space for each additiona' 1GO,G00 square feet or major fraction thereof. A. Bowling Alley and other Similar Commercial Recreational Establishment B. College or University C. Funeral Chapel, Funeral Home D. Hospital E. Hotel, Motel F. Nursing or Convalescent Facility or Housing for the Elderly G. School 23 ~~~ ?03.00 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 203.01 General Provisions The construction materials and methods used for this Section shall conform to the current Virginia Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications unless otherwise modified within these standards. 2. Required thicknesses of sub-base, base course and surface course are shown i n ~al~~e-~--arid ~ai~~e-~~4 Section 207.01. 3----R~na~--~.~avemet~ -eles~ga--steal-l--~e--basee~-qtr-a safffie~er9t-rbet-~f-eet~~~f~eei-~~-iressirs-te d e t e ~ m~ ~ e - ~~e- su•ppo~r-t ~a-}-u~e- ~f- -~~re - s a b g t~ ael e- R - } i-ee rises ~tfigi~ee-~ -s~-1-1- ~~~-f~-- ~}ie- ~ ee a~ ~ e r~ ar9d-tie-r~-sttl-t--~~F-Abe-EBR-te-s-t-s.--~~e-E~gfit~ee~ s M~ a ~ ~ - -stxt~ri-1r - a- ~alretrte~rt - r e d e s # g ~ - ~xs-i-t~x,~ - t h~ e Vaswa~~-~1e~~~d--~rh-e~eve~ ~-t~-amt-~.tal--E@R-va-~ae #s-less-tt~a~-~.e~,- f X83---W4~en-tl~e-EBR-ba~ae-~s g~eate+~--tF~a~--~e~-- f ~8~ , --tbe--er9g~±~ee+~--fl9ap t~ e d e s~ g ~- -ih~e emet~~ a s~~ g -t-rfie ~aswa~-i- M e t h e d- 3. All grading and utility construction within the right-of-way must be completed and approved by the County prior to .installing the bituminous surface on the street. 4. The developer will be responsible for installing all driveway entrances to the right- of-way line prior to acceptance by Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5. All driveway entrances across a paved ditch shall consist of standard concrete driveway slab, see Sec. 207.12. 24 204.00 G~nKSI Note:: L- N TtrsN MstM w Mssr M M. Nw»tM• t#N Aasw sssr•srslM wtrsws ttrwlta, Noss. sts. s1M avers t#M • tt»sl s• eMStil~M Mss 1Das !iX N M alai fnj»1N trsff4. M t#s tstsi AvAiw N ~1- eaN..~dsi wMcM•. tM Malw trafAo wMw N+r M MasssM h a fNtsr .~1 M 20 tt#1q tM 111N11AM N A.a~ ..sNSroid wN01N. 2) -aw~...t A..iw w aoeM~. irM •A O.at~ a//. iw suAwrMls. Raar -...~•.•a M tl*rsls' Ay Or. K K. VNwd k a~ .aes-taAh altsrsatira bo-sNS tM T*iok•••. b/sx Rl! N as~Aait ssasnls k.~• t•7 t• t25 •A.. tM t.lsi t#IoAesss Y l5 bolls K scars. -twwMt ONI~a NaeM• AANfTO's '-aws~t Oates O~ss' K tM -CA Cas~-sM YNsI srs Nw-lrM. A) 11MhM tM K~-.etN traffk -Nl~q • fsrr Mi Ica fsotNy, •OX N tM K.jN1M trsfOs s1Nt M vN/ w tM tam fsr 5awsw•t Ms1R 11 TMq M~ n. Aaa.r M tM suA•rsM A•~sisldy call tM •sws~ss! I»~y • ss/ w»Kt wt+n N /0. AV t/2' N N-tlrl of T N aNrsfaN Aass tar aaoA : ss• arhwt wiw MN ttua 10. s~ilrsst i/2• N apMlt N T N agnssM ANS fsr ssoA 10 •.i suMat rMn •rN/M t#M 10. sai wMMt ~alw Nwb tM CaifanM ttssrlwl tiatis ICMI ti•.. tM n.it••oT fN/M ItsV.CM : tNl. N Rprsaa.tat>w CfQ ss~iss tsk.s at wAtsM Mwatle•s s~ N rssr w M ANIs fsr saiwtAy t#s •o• wort w1w. TM VDOT Olstriat IIslaWs Ew~ssr saw rrs ~i/sses N test ~M/ ••I t#s •tanbN N ~~Ms. N EaeA strgt ~Aa• Asw eMtiwullT N Msi•• tMw•hwt. TMs-NK, ~a w wrisWs ~awa~sM ttlYCtilrq M. M1.COMt+1.. 71 C.n~..t TrNtN Aprhsta (CTA) w 1~ is-th as-haft eserNs wsy M s~i.tituW fM aay s~/MsN, sub•rsd• ~tabis.tlM K saNet sistsrisi N M tissls .f .•. 11 t•oA N CTA K N-11s1t sMeh/s ts- tMro 121 A~eM~ N tM atM- a~sts~isls. tMIMs- CTA w as-Aalt sssonM Msf N /Ises ~~ s• r.sMM ~a• M MfbN N YNwK Nlsaa tM ss• M staiissl stN oa~.sst CTA sAsr Asrs a ~nLMw N iwr 111 Y~oAss N ayrgsts Mss s~sMresi w+Mr tt s#+M Isss tt+ss Iwr {I- bsAss N NpAalt OMe~tb w b N ah•sr wsr tM CTA. •1 rYAs. Nphalt eMCrsN r »seMN M -swi/s Mr N•sn raN, t#s •MknaN eas M M1srs~MN ss tM Aatt. N 115 t~s N Asas -sr s•usn ysN NusM qia 111 ~ tMait•sss. sAM 110 ~sYers ~N s,usrs pN N surfaes s*nM Ms f1 ~sl~ t#bl~asss. N Usa 2111 psMtNa isr aN Mtr.s1N sarsOsts ANS. siNs • 21-A •rsMtfN BAs/ M rssr tar trastN aprgsb ANS. 101 AM sis1~NN sw eMatwetis• KsaOe.s sM/ M t# aee.Ns•e. s#M VpOT flasrsrM sM sOsoNestis•s. f* T~s 5 sd.et sntMW r•a1 N wMNS ~ M Ns~s•t staAtil•s1, sAM Itis t Nisst s~atwUl veal st Aaq s~ M Nw~.•t shNts/ N s-solisL 121 As-A~N aMOnb sM s• .whi MOM •nslsr M 1-1/2 A~sAss sMi M awti/srM AsN all srrtNS. At sNr.O•Is iwNr tM sw sly M sassi/srM aMsN. AArsNMs strrst+wsi aslws shat M ssd~s• M t#sss aislwlsM sfis• wtM tM Vssrsd ti>tt#K 121 srr1N. n.tww sf~rs w fw•t#.sl..A./ Mhr N w.1 M aees~••es s#t# 5tisstis• 200.01 N t#.« slaw/~i~. ~~ ~ ~ _ . N~ ,.~, ~; ~ ~~ ~F --~ ~ ~ ~, ~. a ~~~ ~ :^ ~~ ~-.~-~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ v'~ (PAVEMENT DESIGN I 25 -~ ..~. 205.00 WAIVER PRQCEDURES 205.01 When compliance with a particular Subdivision or Site Plan requirement, which incorporates these standards, unduly burdens the applicant, or causes harm to an adjacent property, the applicant may request a waiver of the requirement. The applicant shall examine alternative methods to attempt to comply with the intent of that requirement. Wa~ve~s e ~ - ~~gtri-r~n?e-rrt-s -o-1= - t I~ e- ~crtrd-i~-i~i~r -if~c#i~artc~e - a ~ e e e e s~ d e e e d -t~}* ~.-~te- P~ ae a~~ g-~-otrttrri~-si~,- ~v-hri-l-e- w a~ d e e s e~--s-i~.~--pray-~e~t,-i~etrre~~.s-~~-ee~s~de~eei--b~--tf~e e~~eete~-ef-Be+te~e~sr~et~t-acid-~~s}~eet~et~s- 20F.02 A request for a waiver of a requirement shall be made by the applicant to the Director of Development and Inspections. The request must be in writing stating what relief is requested and the reasons the request should be granted. The appropriate application fee shall be included. Any supportive plans, profiles, or drawings necessary to review the request must accompany the submission. The waiver request must be made and acted upon prior to the submittal of any subdivision or site plan. The County will normally accept or reject a waiver application within five (5) working days. THe 26 -- ,.~, 6 e v e ~ ep e ~ s - -s~retr-3-e~ -eta ke - e~ve~~- -ef-ft~-~~ - t, e- ~r4te- - ~ 4~ e +~ e e e s s a~ y--vrEri~e~= - +~ e g a e s t--xrr-i-o-r- - t e- ~ttk~trri•t-t-a-~- - f e ~° ~ e d ~ e a -e ~ -e' i-t-f9-e-r- -t-f~e -s~tbc~i-,ri-s-i~r- ~-!~ ~i -tom-- ~-1 ass- I f rejected, the application will be returned to the applicant with the reason for the rejection outlined in writing. Upon acceptance by the Director, the waiver application will be transmitted to either the Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals for review and approval. Action on a waiver request, or an alternative method provided in lieu cf strict compliance, wi i 1 normal 1 y be made wi thi n tl-~i rty ~; ~0 ? calendar days o~ receipt. A a ~ -fie ~sen ~gc,~~i-e-~ may- -~ ~}ert~~-oar ~r~t- a- ar a } ~r e r~ ; - +~ a ~ appeal-saeb-}a-w~~t~+~g-te-t4~e-Reawe+~e-6eaa~q-Eeat~el e f - ~t~~e~~d~ so~-s- - - -~+°ri-s - a p p e a ~ - t~ras~- -be- ~at~e- - w ~ t H ~ ~ fear~teea-t'~~3-ea~er~ela~-eJa~s-of-tl~e-doe-~sfie~---~f-a wa~ve~--is--rot -ap~re~*ed--that-~--e~rri~rt--~~s~-be fi~ e e~ p e~ a t e d- -i~t-o- - t h e- ~tfi-v-i-s-i-ot~r- - e t~ - ~-?-~-e- - F= a a s p~~e~-ta-its-aeeeptaaee- X5.03 During the review of a Subdivision and/or Site Flan, if a violation or error which is not in accordance with the approved standards is noted, the applicant will be notified through the normal review procedure. 27 :D _„~ If the applicant requests a waiver at this time, the review will cease until the above waiver requirements in Section 205.01 and 205.02 are met. 28 ACTION # A-62690-3 ITEM NUMBER ~ - `3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Appropriation for Cost of Leachate Removal at the Dixie Caverns Landfill for FY 1989-90 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~ ~f ~~~"~ ~"~ ~j~ ~~ ~2 . -rci Ci'~f' ~ C BACKGROUND: On June 14, 1989 the Board of Supervisors authorized the County Administrator to execute the Consent Special Order with the State Water Control Board (SWCB) and the Virginia Department of Waste Management (DWM) to address the production and discharge of leachate from the old Dixie Caverns Landfill. To control this discharge the County holding pond as directed by the SWCB. discharge induced by rainwater seepage has also installed a 25, 000 gallon watE from the pond and have contracted to pond to a public sewer. has constructed a leachate This pond helps control the in the landf i 11 area . Staf f ar tank to store any overflow haul the leachate from the SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The cost to implement the removal of leachate from the old Dixie Caverns landfill was unknown at the time the Board authorized the Administrator to execute the Consent Special Order in June of 1989. Staff was instructed to bring back an appropriation request when the full extent of the work and the related cost had been determined. The monthly operating cost of the removal operation is approximately $14,000. These costs include equipment rental and temporary labor for the pumping operation, as well as the charge for contract hauling. FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost for the twelve months ending June 30, 1990 is $168,000. An appropriation of $168,000 would be needed from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance. 1'~ ~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board appropriate $168,000 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to cover the cost of the leachate removal operation for FY 1989-90. The cost of removal for next fiscal year has been included in the FY 1990-91 Budget. Respectfully submitted, ~-- ~~ . Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Approved by, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge Budget County Administrator ACTION Approved ( x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: Steven A. McGraw to appropriate funds VOTE No Yes Abs ent Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: 1991 Legislative Program, Virginia Association of Counties COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY The Virginia Association of Counties requested its membership to identify major legislative issues of statewide concern that should be considered in the 1991 session of the Virginia General Assembly. This agenda item suggests several issues for Board consideration. BACKGROUND' Last year Roanoke County recommended that VACo consider the following two issues for priority action by the General Assembly: the development of a comprehensive statewide initiative to address the problem of solid waste management, and the authorization of a one-half cent local option sales tax. For this year I requested both the Board and the management team to provide me with suggested issues for consideration and adoption at this time. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The following is a list of legislative initiatives recom- mended for consideration by the Board: 1) Endorsement of the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Relations Task Force pertaining to interlocal cooperation, town- county relations, and city-county relations; 2) Limitation upon increases in real estate tax assessments (last year the Board's legislative program opposed restrictions upon real estate taxes or assessments); 3) Zoning: limit the scope of judicial review of local zoning decisions; oppose any restrictions upon local land use powers; ~~ 4) Increase salaries of chairman and vice-chairman of Boards of Supervisors; 5) Imposition of a local tax on bingo games based on a percentage of gross receipts; 6) Support additional State funding of Human Service needs, this includes Medicaid reimbursement, funding of administrative and equipment costs, and funding for mandated programs; 7) Equal taxing and borrowing powers - counties should be granted the same local taxing and borrowing powers that cities currently enjoy; 8) Authorization to create and fund stormwater manage- ment/stormwater utilities to meet new federal and state environmen- tal mandates. 9) Parks and Recreation: increase State funding to grant programs for acquisition of land and facilities; authorize tax incentive for private investment and participation in these programs; increase State funding assistance to the arts and humantieis programs of localities through Virginia Commission for the Arts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board endorse and adopt a recom- mended legislative program for the consideration of the Virginia Association of Counties for the 1991 session of the Virginia General Assembly. Respectfully submitted, ~°~m .`~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ACTION # A-62690-6 ITEM NUMBER ~ " --~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of the Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~:~ a~-~c-~;Y~ `~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On May 15, 1990, the Board of Supervisors approved the 1990-91 fiscal year budget which included $20,000 for the funding of cultural enrichment organizations. In addition to the $20, 000, the County has applied for and received a Local Government Challenge Grant from the Commission for the Arts. The Commission will match, up to $5,000, monies given by independent town, city, and county governments to arts organizations in their jurisdictions. The money, which does not include school arts budgets or arts programming by parks and recreation departments, may be granted either by a local arts commission/council or directly by the governing board. A local government that has not approved its budget appropriation by the grant deadline (March 1, 1990) may apply conditionally and confirm the application in July 1990. FISCAL IMPACT: The grant application was completed conditionally with the Administration's recommendation that the County allocate its cultural enrichment funding of $20,000 and the potential $5,000 challenge grant as follows: Arts Council of Roanoke Valley Center in the Square Roanoke Symphony VCA Local Share Share Total $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 -0- 15,000 15,000 2,500 2,500 5,000 5 000 20 000 25 000 ~ -5 The amount of the FY 1990-91 Challenge Grant approved for Roanoke County was $4,250, therefore the proposed allocation would change as follows: VCA Local Share Share Total Arts Council of Roanoke Valley $ 2,125 $ 2,500 $ 4,625 Center in the Square -0- 15,000 15,000 Roanoke Symphony 2.125 2.500 4,625 4 250 20 000 24 250 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the Commission for the Arts Challenge Grant of $4,250 and together with the $20,000 currently included in the 1990-91 fiscal year budget allocate the $24,250 as specified above. Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodge Director of Management and Budget County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs ent Approved (x ) Motion by: Rnh T ,TnhnGnn to Denied ( ) acce t grant _ Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) McGraw x To Nickens x Robers x cc: File Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance ~ -S r: ~. N ,~ < ~= `''` a __ / COMMISSION MEMBERS Commission for the Arts PEGGY J. BAGGETT TOY LACY COBBE. CHAIR JAMES MONROE BUILDING - 17th FLOOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARTINSVILLE 101 N. 14th ST. MARGARETTE M. SMITH, VICE CHAIR RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23219-3683 WINCHESTER MARY TRENT JONES, SECRETARY (804) 225-3132 Voice/TDD ABINGDON June 8, 1990 NANCY BAGLEY ADAMS HAMPTON FAME V. BENTON RICHMOND ROBERT E. BROWN NORFOLK HERMINA WALTHALL BUTCHER Mr . Elmer C • Hodge LYNCHBURG Roanoke County EDWIN S. DLAY. III T~ FAIRFAX r • 0 • Box 29800 MARY S. ELLETT Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 LYNCHBURG JAMESC McKEEVER.JR. Reference I.D.4~ 91-0510 -Local Government Challenge Grant - $4,250.00 FAIRFAX KATHRYN CHAPPELL NETTLES WAKEFIELD Dear Mr. Hodge: TRACY A. SPERO NORFOLK It is a pleasure to inform you that the Virginia Commission for the Arts CASSANDRA O. STODDART has awarded your organization a grant of $4,250.00 in the Local RICHMOND Government Challenge Grant category. Your signature on the application indicated your agreement to the grant terms which were attached to the application form. Any changes in the activities or budget described in your application must be approved in advance by the Commission staff. In all published material and announcements regarding the particular activity supported, acknowledgment must be made that the activity is partially supported by a grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. You may expect payment of the grant funds by-the dates listed below. $3,613.00 August 15, 1990 $637.00 Upon receipt of final report ~-S June 8, 1990 Page Two The Commission is grateful for your contribution. in making quality arts activities available to the citizens of Virginia. Please accept our best wishes for your continued success. Sincerely, o ~ ~ ~~ Peggy J. Baggett Executive Director Enclosure P.S. Please .send us written verification that your local government arts appropriation for 1990-91 has been approved by your governing board. Payment on the grant cannot be released until the Commission receives this information. °''""~~ ....V -° ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 RESOLIITION 62690-7 PURSUANT TO § 15.1-238(e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANORE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES AND TO TARE CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY IN CONNECTION WITH THE VALLEYPOINTE PHASE II PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project is one aspect of the overall economic development project for Valley- pointe Phase II, which involves the development of a mixed use business park in the vicinity of the southeast intersection of Interstate Routes 81 and 581 in Roanoke County, Virginia. 2. That in order to complete the sanitary sewer phase of the Valleypointe II Project, a certain easement is needed and more particularly described as follows: A perpetual RIGHT and EASEMENT, twenty feet (20') in width, to construct, install, improve, operate, inspect, use, maintain, and repair or replace a sanitary sewer system and related improvements, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto, upon, over, under, and across the tract or parcel of land belonging to Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones, husband and wife, acquired by deed dated November 22, 1944, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 317, page 465, and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 26.16-2-14. The location of said easement is shown and designated as "20' S.S. LINE EASEMENT" upon the plat, dated November 21, 1989, made by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, and filed in the office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. TOGETHER WITH a temporary construction easement of an additional seven and one-half feet (7 1/2') on either side of the permanent easement hereinabove described, totaling fifteen feet (15'), for use as a temporary work space and to allow for necessary grading during any phase of construction, reconstruction, repair, or replacement of the sanitary sewer facilities or related improve- ments. 3. That it is the intent of Roanoke County to enter and take the easement hereinabove described for the Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project. 4. That, pursuant to due notice as provided for by statute, a public hearing was held on June 12, 1990, on the adoption of a Resolution pursuant to §15.1-238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, concerning acquisition of and immediate right-of-entry to said sanitary sewer line easement by Roanoke County. 5. That the fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $2579, such compensation having been, and hereby is, offered the property owners. 6. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take such property and commence said sanitary sewer construction in order to complete Phase II of the Valleypointe Project and to thereafter institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to said sanitary sewer easement; and 7. That pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-238(e) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and pursuant to notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges and provisions of said § 15.1-238 (e) as to the vesting of powers in the County pursuant to § 33.1-119 through § 33.1-129 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, all as made and provided by law. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Timothy Gubala, Director, Economic Development Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ '"' C~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Enter Upon and Take Possession of Sanitary Sewer Easement Across Property of Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones Prior to Condemnation Proceedings Pursuant to §15.1-238 of the Code of Virginia COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~ a~ti~G~~~ .o.~ ~~ ,/ '~ti~.c~/~.f al ~~n~ EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY Immediate right-of-entry upon the proposed easement through the property of Jesse N. & Mary H. Jones is required in order to complete construction of the remaining portion of the Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project. Construction on the project is approximately 50$ complete; in order to avoid delay or discontinuance of said project, it is necessary to enter upon and take such property prior to the condemnation proceeding. Virginia Code §15.1-238.1 makes provision for the County to subsequently institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to said sanitary sewer easement. BACKGROUND• At the December 19, 1989 Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board authorized staff to proceed with eminent domain to acquire a sanitary sewer easement from Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones. County staff obtained an appraised value for the easement and by letter dated May 25, 1990, Mr. and Ms. Jones were offered the sum of $2579.00. This letter further provided notice of the public hearing for immediate right-of-entry scheduled for June 12, 1990, at 3:00 p.m., before the Board of Supervisors. At said hearing, the Board deferred decision in the matter to the June 26, 1990, meeting. - CO SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project involves extension of an existing sanitary sewer sub-main to the Valleypointe Phase II development. This sewer line required easements on nine properties. Eight of the easements have been obtained at a cost equal to 40~ of the assessed valuation (for tax purposes) of the easement area acquired. The proposed easement across the Jones' property is 20 feet in width and extends 1,032 feet; the permanent easement consists of 18,780 square feet and the temporary construction easement consists of 28,170 square feet. The entire easement is within the limits of the 100 year flood hazard zone. The subject area is assessed at $1,000 per acre; 40$ of the assessed value of the easement area is $172.78. Based upon the assessed value of the Jones property as a whole, as opposed to the specific section involved, the real estate is valued at $3,297.83 per acre; 40$ of this assessed value for the easement area is $570.91. County staff negotiated with the property owners in this price range, but no agreement was reached. In addition to the consideration to be paid for the easement and the standard agreement concerning restoration, staff agreed to construct the manhole tops level to grade so as not to interfere with use of the land; staff agreed to reconstruct and/or grade the existing manhole tops level with the existing surface and to replace any field drain lines that may be disturbed by the sewer construction. The above-mentioned construction items are included on the construction sheets and the importance of these items were discussed with the contractor at the pre-construction conference. The above items were discussed directly with Mr. Jones on the site by the Utility Director, the Design Engineer and the Right- of-Way Acquisition Agent. Upon determining that purchase of the easement at 40$ of the tax assessed value could not be negotiated, County staff requested and received authorization from the Board of Supervisors to proceed with acquisition of the easement by eminent domain. Staff hired Commonwealth Appraisal Company to make an independent appraisal for the taking of this property. The appraisal report made by Mr. Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRPA, established a fair market value for the taking to be $4,748 based on preliminary plans which indicated the manhole tops to be one foot above finished grade. Upon review of the final plans, which provide for the top of the manholes to be flush with finished grade, Mr. Robertson issued a report dated April 20, 1990 establishing the value of the permanent easement, temporary construction easement and damage to residue to be $2,579.00. ~~~J SUNII~iARY OF INFORMATION (continued) By letter dated May 25, 1990, a written offer was made to Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones in the amount of $2,579. This letter also provided notice of the public hearing in relation to the immediate right-of-entry upon the property. The offer has not been accepted to date, but remains open to Mr. and Ms. Jones for acceptance at any time. Under the proposed procedure, the condemnation proceedings would be filed subsequent to entry, pursuant to previous authorization by the Board, unless the County's offer is accepted during the interim. FISCAL IMPACT: 1_~ $2,579 - Virginia Resources Bond Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that, having held the public hearing on June 12, 1990, and having heard the position of Jesse N. Jones, Jr., on behalf of the property owners, the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution authorizing immediate right-of-entry to the property in order to construct the remaining portion of the Valleypointe Phase II sewer project, with condemnation proceedings (if necessary) to be initiated and conducted thereafter. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: is ie L. H fm n Elmer C. Hodge Assistant C my Attorney County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred to ACTION VOTE Motion by: No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO § 15.1-238(e) OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED, SETTING FORTH THE INTENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES AND TO TAKE CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY IN CONNECTION WITH THE VALLEYPOINTE PHASE II PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project is one aspect of the overall economic development project for Valley- pointe Phase II, which involves the development of a mixed use business park in the vicinity of the southeast intersection of Interstate Routes 81 and 581 in Roanoke County, Virginia. 2. That in order to complete the sanitary sewer phase of the Valleypointe II Project, a certain easement is needed and more particularly described as follows: A perpetual RIGHT and EASEMENT, twenty feet (20') in width, to construct, install, improve, operate, inspect, use, maintain, and repair or replace a sanitary sewer system and related improvements, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto, upon, over, under, and across the tract or parcel of land belonging to Jesse N. Jones and Mary H. Jones, husband and wife, acquired by deed dated November 22, 1944, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 317 , page 4 6 5 , and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 26.16-2-14. The location of said easement is shown and designated as "20' S.S. LINE EASEMENT" upon the plat, dated November 21, 1989, made by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, and filed in the office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. TOGETHER WITH a temporary construction easement of an additional seven and one-half feet (7 1/2') on either side of the permanent easement hereinabove described, totaling fifteen feet (15'), for use as a temporary work space and to allow for necessary grading during any phase of construction, reconstruction, repair, or replacement -~L.J (!~ of the sanitary sewer facilities or related improve- ments. 3. That it is the intent of Roanoke County to enter and take the easement hereinabove described for-the Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project. 4. That, pursuant to due notice as provided for by statute, a public hearing was held on June 12, 1990, on the adoption of a Resolution pursuant to §15.1-238(e) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, concerning acquisition of and immediate right-of-entry to said sanitary sewer line easement by Roanoke County. 5. That the fair market value of the aforesaid interest to be acquired is $2579, such compensation having been, and hereby is, offered the property owners. 6. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take such property and commence said sanitary sewer construction in order to complete Phase II of the Valleypointe Project and to thereafter institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to said sanitary sewer easement; and 7. That pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-238(e) of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and pursuant to notice and public hearing as made and provided therein, the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights and privileges and provisions of said § 15.1-238(e) as to the vesting of powers in the County pursuant to § 33.1-119 through § 33.1-129 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, all as made and provided by law. •. ' METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SH04IN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~ 9.33~W 4 ~. ' /o~ / . ,O ~~ ~ / ~ / // ~~ 3 Eiisihq l' MH.II / •,% ti ~~ i~ ~. ?~~ ~ ~/ a~o~oo~ f _m ~m M t3.00w 52.0'' ~ la w s•~ow T~.o~ cm w T•sa E s2.o M 22°23E Tt 30\ M 53.31E 27.00' JESSE N. JONES ~ • oo , N'~ZOO O~ S~ K~~ ~ West forks ~~-~ ~ X90 t~ 1r--~~ 276 MH.t3 a 290 MN..d`2A O- H.t'2 20~ S.S. LINE EASEMENT /~ h~ TAX MAP N0. 26.16 - 2 - 14 PLA: S:-iG',;=:iS SA'i."A3: SE"tE:2 EAS3.~'B.~i 3a_:iG CO.iJE'I:.D ':O ROA.~O.:E COJ:+i': 3Z JESSE *i. JO: LS /00' .ti VALLEYPOINTE PHASE IL u i SCALE : I = 2 50 Prepared 8y: Roanoke County Enq~neerinq Deportment Oote: ~~-L~-tty J ~. ACTION NUMBER # ITEM NUMBER ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 26, 1990 Approval of Roanoke County Employee Handbook Amendments to Authorize the Reinstatement of Annual Leave and Sick Leave. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors approved the Roanoke County Employee Handbook which was effective January 1, 1989. As appropriate, the Handbook may be amended to incorporate changes in county policy. Attached are two amendments to the Employee Handbook which provide for the reinstatement of annual leave and sick leave taken by an employee. In the reinstatement of any annual leave or sick leave, the employee must reimburse the county in advance for the leave credits to be reinstated based upon the current rate of pay of the employee, plus any fringe benefits or other payroll costs incurred by the county. These amendments are recommended in order to permit employees the option of buying back leave credits due to personal or other reasons. FISCAL IMPACT: No appropriation of funds is required in the implementation of this policy change. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the attached amendments to the Roanoke County Employee Handbook which will permit the reinstatement of leave credits at the request of the employee. ~-'~ SUBMITTED BY: D. K. Co Director of Human Resources APPROVED BY: ~/~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens Robers AMENDMENTS TO ROANOKE COUNTY EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK CHAPTER IX, SECTION A A. Annual Leave 1. Gaining Credits (Proposed Addition to this Section) Any annual leave taken by an employee may be reinstated for the employee upon the written request of the employee. The reason for the request or other emergency condition must be specified by the employee The request for reinstatement of annual leave is sub'ect to the approval of the appropriate de artment head or other official, the Director of Human Resources and by the County Administrator. In the reinstatement of annual leave, the employee must reimburse the County in advance for the leave credits to be reinstated based upon the current rate of pay of the employee, plus any frin e benefits or other payroll costs incurred by the County CHAPTER IX, Section B B. Sick Leave 1. Accumulation (Proposed Addition to this Section) Any sick leave taken by an employee may be reinstated for the employee upon the written request of the employee. The reason for the request or other emer ency condition must be specified by the employee The request for reinstatement of annual leave is subiect to the approval of the ap ropriate department head or other official, the Director of Human Resources and the County Administrator. In the reinstatement of sick leave the employee must reimburse the County in advance for the leave credits to be reinstated based upon the current rate of pay of the employee, plus any fringe benefits or other payroll costs incurred by the County x DENIED 1 ACTION NO. A-62690-4 ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: CLAIM OF KENNETH L. WRIGHT AND MARY Y. WRIGHT IN RELATION TO. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROJECT IN PENN FOREST SUBDIVISION COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY By letter dated May 15, 1990, Terry N. Grimes (Attorney) presented a claim on behalf of Kenneth L. and Mary Y. Wright for consideration by the Board. (See Attachment A). This claim arises from the drainage maintenance project in Penn Forest Subdivision, which included construction within the existing drainage easement on the Wrights' property. Mr. and Ms. Wright are requesting that the County restore the channel on the subject lot to the condition it was in prior to the alterations. Alternatively, they are requesting that the County pay them the sum of $4700 and agree to certain conditions as to maintenance and liability. County staff recommends that all claims be denied. BACKGROUND• On February 23, 1988, the Board of Supervisors approved the Drainage Maintenance Priority List, which included the subject project (P-6) in Penn Forest Subdivision for channel improvements, ditch stabilization, and storm sewer modifications. Action was undertaken in response to a number of citizen requests for assistance with erosion problems in this area. This project is one of many undertaken in a county-wide effort to address drainage and erosion problems. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: I. In November of 1987, the Roanoke County Engineering Department received requests for assistance with drainage and erosion control 2 from a number of county citizens in relation to a drainage ditch along and/or through the back of their properties. (See Attachment B.) County staff made a field inspection in response to the citizen requests and determined that the drainage ditch was unstable and significantly eroded. The purpose of the project was to control erosion and increase the efficiency of the water flow in the intermittent stream through the properties along Sandpiper Drive and Hummingbird Lane. The project involved the use of standard engineering practices to prevent further property damage. II. The stream follows the natural watercourse within a drainage easement, thirty feet in width, which was dedicated to public use by subdivision plat, "SECTION 6, PENN FOREST", recorded August 27, 1968, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 7, page 17. Project construction was, and is, within this thirty-foot drainage easement. Temporary construc- tion easements were obtained from adjoining property owners for additional work space during actual construction. It should be noted that Henry Doenler, one of the initial petitioners named above, was the owner of Lot 17, Block P, Section 6, Penn Forest, at 3819 Hummingbird Ln., S.W. This lot was purchased by Kenneth L. and Mary T. Wright in June of 1989, when construction on the project was underway. (See copy of survey - Attachment A). The watercourse and drainage ditch existed on the ground and the drainage easement existed of record prior to the purchase of the subject lot by the Wrights; Mr. and Ms. Wright purchased the property subject to these conditions. Weather caused significant delays in the overall completion of construction. However, the actions of Mr. and Ms. Wright resulted in even further delay of the work on the Wright property. County staff met with Mr. and Ms. Wright on several occasions in an effort to address their concerns about the project. As work progressed, the original plans were modified for each of the property owners, including the Wrights. On at least one occasion, threats made by Mr. Wright were perceived by the contractor's employees and county staff as dangerous; the contractor was pulled off the job, which resulted in additional delay and expense. Mr. and Ms. Wright were given the option of proceeding with the project (installation of rip-rap) as planned or restoring the drainage ditch to its previous condition as nearly as practicable. The Wrights elected to proceed and requested county staff to modify the plans for a more narrow ditch (and consequently steeper slopes). Construction was completed on or about April 25, 1990. On April 26, 1990, a hearing was conducted in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County upon a Bill of Complaint filed therein by .a - ~' 3 Kenneth L. and Mary Y. Wright requesting a temporary and permanent injunction against Roanoke County. The Wrights' motion for a temporary restraining order was denied and Roanoke County's demurrer (motion to dismiss for failure to first present their claim to the Board) was taken under advisement. This claim is now presented by the Wrights' attorney to comply with the statutory requirement of §15.1-554 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). III. The condition of the drainage ditch prior to this project resulted in washing away the yards of the affected property owners. The grass that lined the ditch, to the extent that it existed at all, was insufficient to control the erosion. The water undermined the channel and its upper edges were steep and unstable. The erosion created a health hazard, and destroyed property and plant life. Standing water, leaves, rocks, and debris are common in this type of intermittent stream and existed on the Wright property prior to construction. The use of rip-rap in and along a natural watercourse is a generally accepted engineering practice for controlling erosion and increasing the efficiency of the flow of water. Grouting is normally placed in the critical areas of the channel, namely in curves or bends and at the inlets and outlets of pipes. On the Wright property, the rip-rap was grouted to stabilize the side slopes at the bend in the channel and to improve the flow into the already existing pipe. Since the county complied with the Wrights' request to keep the channel narrower to avoid losing usable property, the side slopes are steeper than originally planned. This made the need for grouting even more crucial. Standing water will, to some extent, continue to exist because of the nature of an intermittent stream, but the project has been designed to increase flow efficiency. Leaves and debris in the drainage ditch cannot be controlled by the County, particularly when the property owner contributes to the collection. The County does and will clear any major obstruction of a drainage channel in the County but does not regularly remove leaves and other matter. At the very least, this condition should be no worse than it was previously. "Before and after" photographs, slides, are available for review by the Board. These depict a true picture of the improvements made to the Wright property. FISCAL IMPACTS• There would be no direct fiscal impact as a result of denying this claim, as it would require no immediate expenditure of public 4 funds. It is anticipated, however, that the Wrights will pursue their claim in the Circuit Court which is likely to involve a significant amount of County time. ALTERNATIVES• (1) Re-enter the property and restore the drainage ditch to its pre-existing condition. -- This alternative would involve a cost of approximately $4,000.00 for such restoration, in spite of the previous contrary instructions from the Wrights to proceed with the project. (2) Pay the claim of damages to the Wrights, plus agree to the stated conditions. -- This alternative would involve payment in damages of $4, 700.00 to Mr. and Ms. Wright, plus the cost of hiring an independent contractor or at least one additional county employee for the purpose of keeping all public drainage channels free and clear of leaves and other matter. Agreement to indemnify the Wrights against liability is not an alternative. (3) Deny the claim. The Wrights could then appeal their decision to the Circuit Court. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the claim of Kenneth L. and Mary Y. Wright be denied in all respects. Any other alternative would have a significant adverse impact upon Roanoke County and the Drainage Maintenance Program. Respectfully submitted, ~~.°m.~. Paul M. Mahoney ~ County Attorney Vickie L. Huffman Assistant County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied (x) Received ( ) Referred to cc: File Action Vote No Yes ~$ent Motion by Ri hard w. RobPr~ Eddy x moved to deny claim Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities -~ ~. '~, ~ ATTACHMENT A - I.Aw or-e1cEs KING, FULGHUM,SNEAD, NIXON & GRIMES, 112 west lmuc aven~lJE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 210 1 1-1 602 W. COURTNEY KING, JR JAMES H. FULGIIUM. JR. W. BEN SNEAD, JR G. DAVID NIXON May 15 , 19 9 0 TERRY N. GRIIviES Paul Mahoney, Esquire County of Roanoke PG Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 RE: Wright v. Co. of Roanoke Dear Paul,. ~~~ ; .-- • ~ -~ P,C ~, _ .._.~Q.F.P110~`iE -----__.__ .._-- 703-982-3711 W. COURTNEY KING, SR 1897 - 1985 Thank you for taking the time to speak with me concerning this matter on May 13, 1990. By this letter, I hereby present a claim on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wright against the County for the sum of $4,700.00 for damages to their real property and for other relief as described herein. In June, 1989, Mr. and Mrs. Wright purchased a home at 3819 Hummingbird Lane in Roanoke County. At the time of purchase, the Wrights received a survey plat indicating that 'a drainage easement existed along the north and east perimeters of their property. A copy of the survey plat is attached to this letter as Exhibit 1. At the time of purchase, the easement area was a shallow, grass-covered channel. Flow in the channel was intermittent. That is, flow occurred only during periods of heavy rain. The grass in the channel served to prevent channel erosion. Sometime during the fall, the county, through its agent or employees, came upon the Wrights' land with heavy machinery, bulldozed the channel, deepening and widening it, and dumped rock riprap into the channel. Sometime later, the county poured a small amount of concrete over the riprap. Now, whenever it rains enough to create a flow of water in the channel, leaves, other vegetative debris, trash and standing water accumulate in the channel. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have three concerns as a result of the county's work. First, the channel has become an eye sore. Second, the channel will continue to clog with leaves, vegetative debris and trash, and standing water will serve as a breeding ground for mosquitos. A. W. Workman, Civil Engineer for the County of Roanoke, wrote a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Wright dated Very truly yours, KING, FULGHUM, SNEAD, NIXON & GRIMES, P.C. Terry rimes Paul Mahoney, Esquire County of Roanoke Page 2 May 15, 1990 RE: Wright v. Co. of Roanoke February 26, 1990 advising that the county would not remove leaves and other debris from the channel. Third, Mr. and Mrs. Wright are concerned that children may be hurt while playing in or around the channel. A local landscape architect has estimated that the cost to restore the channel to the condition it was in prior to the county's alterations will be about $4,700.00. A copy of the architect's letter is attached as Exhibit 3. Accordingly, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, I request that the county restore the channel to the condition it was in prior to the alterations. In the alternative, I request that the county pay to the Wright's the sum of $4,700.00 and enter into an agreement with the following conditions: (1) that the county will maintain the channel and keep it free of leaves, other vegetative debris, trash and standing water, and (2) that the county will indemnify Mr. and Mrs. Wright against any action brought by persons who may be injured in or near the channel. I will appreciate your putting this matter on the agenda for consideration by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting scheduled for June 26, 1990 at 3:00 p.m. TNG:bg Attachments cc: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright SURti'EY IS SUBJECT TO INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY TITLE ABSTRACT. oG0 ~ .oisi S r8gt ~ 8.0 ' .oiN '°` ~ 3O' o,P.~iv,9~F E~9SE~s~lE~ ~~ _ ~ ~- -~" ~- ~ ~~ ~~ ~o ~ Lol/a Q ~ l i, \ 0 ~ loci p :~ ~ ~ Ill ~ zk s µ,AG~ 'J N GON~• / V r,LTN / ~~E OF ~ ~ ~o~o. isS ~ Z a ~• gyp, Lrp 1 a 'a pAT~O ~ ~~ p~ JOHN T PAAKER ? 0 ~ 9.~0 ' ~ ~ ~ ~, ` 27 3 ' c., N LAND SURVEYOR ~ f'~' / ~ CERTIFICATE NO. \ ~ o ~~~ ~ 3B~ ~~~ 35s' ~~~ 1076 X04, 23 ~ ~ ; /S ~.c+ rvf ~ ~f.3' J ~fi0 [.AND SU~ya/ 33.4' / v ~ot~~ A R / /•3 ~~ ~) \ 3 'ol 1~0 obi . /4 X/S' S ~ ~ r m cfiR E, ~. I A, /3/ ~ 8 3o p 3 ,~ ~~ ~LETo ~/OF °o~~ C!,! = S. 73RD _ 344.Oa F/~Ycy.PD.9o ',~/ 5 l' THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT ~~ ,~l WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE 100 /`/ ~ YEAR FLOOD BOUNDARY AS SHOWN n f,~~je0 5~ r ~1 Vy ON THE FEMA FLOOD BOUNDARY //// ~ (9~/ MAP. THIS DETERMINATION IS yU~ / BASED ON THE FLOOD BOUNDARY MAP AND HAS NOT BEEN YERIFZED BY ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS . ~OA/~/ SURVEY FOR of for i, ,BLoc,C i° " SEC, 6 ~E~/ryfD,QESl' ~ B ~~~ /J ._ .. . ~~~ .~. VIRGINIA ~ N. B. y~•8~ CALC. SCALE: 1"= .~0 Q ~~ BY: T. P. PARKER & SON o DRAWN CK~D. 'p C.W. ENGINEERS 8. SURVEYORS ,LTD. DATE: c/L//S~E' 8, ios~ n SALEM VIRGINIA w.o. ~?¢~ o_ 2gs¢/ _~ ~ amrrnun ~Iw Pnnt of ColumO~a w _O~O/ ~,D• VL/j-1 Exhibit 1 ~.~8 JAMES E. LOESEL, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 2753 TANGLEtd00D DRIVE, S.W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 May 11, 1990 Mr. Kenneth Wright 3819 Hummingbird Lane, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Wright: After inspecting the drainage ditch in your back yard, I have the fol- lowing answers to your questions. 1) Q. Was the addition of stone to the sides of the ditch and the pour- ing of concrete over these stones for the first 40 feet necessary? A. No. The same drainage ditch continues downstream on the other side of Hummingbird Lane without riprap or grouting. Another drainage ditch one block to the north does not utilize a continuous riprap or concrete grouting design. 2) Q. Was any reconstruction of the drainage ditch needed? A. The stone headwall on the downstream side of the culvert shows need for repair or reconstruction. Reconstruction of a poured concrete or stone headwall on the upstream side, which is on your property, would have been desirable. This work could have been done on your property to prevent soil erosion at the pipe entrance in an aesthetical- ly attractive and a functional manner. 3) Q. Is the current placement of riprap and the pouring of concrete designed to be compatible with back yard use? A. No. It is extremely incompatible with a suburban setting. 4) Q, iaill the ditch be safe? A. No. The rocks pose a safety hazard. The watercourse is an at- traction for children. There is a major walkway for children and teen- agers to Cave Spring High School approximately 250 feet to the north of this ditch. A connecting path was built to give vehicles and machin- ery access to the ditch. From footprints and bicycle tire marks it is obvious that use is made of this access created to the ditch. An empty carton of beer cans was found at the edge of the ditch. Exhibit 3 ~~ Wright, page two 5) Q. Will children be hurt if they play in the ditch? A. The unstable nature of the rocks, the sharp projections on the rocks, and the uneven surface make injury likely. 6) Q. Will the rocks stay in place? A. No. Some have begun to roll already. When they roll to the bot- tom, they will collect stic?cs, leaves, and trash. Ugly as the ditch is now, it will get even uglier. 7.) Q. Will the work prevent flooding? A. The rocks slow the flow of water and cause a higher level in the ditch. The rocks will collect debris such as leaves and sticks. Rocks which roll to the bottom of the ditch will accelerate the forma- tion of debris and further impede the flow of water. At peak flows this ditch could now overflow and cause flooding in your yard and first floor. 8) Q. What would be the 'cost of restoring the drainage ditch to a condi- tion similar to what existed before this "improvement" work was done? A. To restore sloped banks without riprap, dispose of stones, re- vegetate banks with grass and/or moss to hold the soil, rework and seed lawn area, would cost approximately $2100 to $2700. The cost of reconstructing the headwall would range from $1000 to $2000 depending on the type of construction and materials used. These are general ' estimates which could be substantially increased because of wet weather conditions, continued t.v. cable problems, disposal of rocks, liability insurance, etc. The exact amount could only be determined through a contractual arrangement. Please advise if I can be of any further service. Sincerely, _ /~ ~~ ~~ r 6~=~c_.C~-C-~ mes E. Loesel JEL/jkl cc: Mr. Terry Grimes Exhibit 3 r Mr. Phil Henry Roanoke County Engineer 9 ~z~ This will confirm our telephone conversation of September 15, 1987, relative to the severe erosion and expansion of the drainage ditch at the rear of my property and that of several others on either side of my property and across the ditch with homes facing Hummingbird. As I understand it, the ditch was required by the county to control flooding and appears on the platt. My home was built in 1969 but the ditch was not dug until about 1972 or 1973. I purchased the property in August of 1974 and the ditch was approximately 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. As stated in our telephone conversation, the ditch currently measures approximately 7 feet deep and 7 feet wide. I requested that to contain this situation the ditch be encased. Water from state roads and other properties above those of us affected i,s causing serious damage to our properties; fences are falling and trees will be if something is not done soon. Encasement is the only permanent fix and would return lost property to the residents. We appeal to the county for relief. ~'V, George H. Warner 343rf' SA.vaP~~~az. DiL~ ~~J. The signatures below are interested parties along the ditch. ~~~ W ~2cr~il' ~u ~~~ ;~:~ ~ 131 2~^ November 17 , 1987 ; ~ ~`~ ~y~ n E}~' t ~ B sZ ,~ ~ •1 6? ~;iGiN~Rl;;G p~PT„ c^~` 3syo << <~ ~, ~~ -~ r ,~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 9/~Z ...~ ~Gw~ r r /~ 7 /€~~ ~, 1~ November 17, 1987 _~,`~ ;' ''` ~~ ~ - EXIT B „~ rv_ _~„ -~ ~ Mr. Phil Henry ~~ .. ~ _- ;,.:; _ ;~,. - _ ~~ . Roanoke County Engineer %~-~„ `"~ ~;,, ~~ >. ~f.j`~ ,~ ~ \. This will confirm our telephone conversation of September 15, 1987; `relative to the severe erosion and expansion of the drainage ditch at the rear of my property and that of several others on either side of my property and across the ditch with homes facing Hummingbird. As I understand it, the ditch was required by the county to control flooding and appears on the platt. My home was built in 1969 but the ditch was not dug until about 1972 or 1973. I purchased the property in August of 1974 and the ditch was approximately 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. As stated in our telephone conversation, the ditch currently measures approximately 7 feet deep and 7 feet wide. I requested that to contain this situation the ditch be encased. Water from state roads and other properties above those of us affected is causing serious damage to our properties; fences are falling and trees will be if something is not done soon. Encasement is the only permanent fix and would return lost property to the residents. We appeal to the county for relief. George H. Warner 3 ~,3~}- SA,~~P~~~-vL D2, 5,~~ The signatures below are interested parties along the ditch. ~~ ~~ ~~ ,, ~~ ~yay /~l r~- ~ i ~iI G ,6 ~ 2J ~-/t~ ~i ~~, / ~~ l~~/~fT7 ~, ~~~/~7 l ~/I ~~~ ~,~~~~~ ~~~-~~~1 a ACTION # A-62690-5 ITEM NUMBER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Appropriation to Education Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: the 1990-91 Regional Special BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County School Board serves as the fiscal agent for the Roanoke Valley Regional Special Education Board. Due to paper work involved in seeking approval by the Virginia Department of Education for certain categories to be added to the program for 1990-91 and the process for accepting additional students from surrounding school systems for the ensuing year, the regional board could not adopt its 1990-91 budget prior to the May 22, 1990 meeting. The budget for the regional board for 1990-91 is $1,945,538.00 for low incidence populations in autistic, severe/profound, behavior management, deaf/hard of hearing, multihandicapped, multihandicapped/visually impaired. The Regional Program began operation during the fiscal year 1986- 87 with six school divisions involved in serving two (2) handicapped populations; autistic and severe/profound handicapped. All programs were housed in Roanoke County Schools. During the 1990-91 school year the following populations will be served: Autistic - AUT Severe/Profound Handicapped - SPH Multihandicapped - MH Deaf/Hard of Hearing - D/HH Multihandicapped/Visually Impaired - MH/VI Thus the program will more than double in size during the fiscal year 1990-91. The program will serve children in 20 separate classes located in 4 of the participating school divisions. Dr. Eddie Kolb, director of pupil personnel services for Roanoke County Schools, will be present to answer any questions related to the program. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenue received from state funding and participating school divisions based on a per pupil cost will offset expenditures. ~-y STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of the Roanoke Valley Regional Special Education Board's budget for 1990- 91. Frank J. parks Elmer C. Hodge Supervisor of Special Education County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson Eddy ent Denied ( ) to appropriate funds Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Nickens x Referred ( } To Robers x cc: cc: File Frank Sparks, Supervisor, Special Education Ruth Wade, Clerk, Roanoke County School Board Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance . ~ I RATE COMPUTATION SCHEDULE 7/1/90 - 6/31/91 Roanoke Valley Regional Board/ /~, •r~-'.:: Low Incidence Populations P~'~ ~'~ D41'ES: 7 ~ 1 / y~0 - ~~3/ ~ y v (+ ) ~~ ~ ~~o AUTISTIC R~X':XK`~ SEVERE PROFOUN BEHAVIOR.M9NG. 2. ASS'!F Gh:~cA-: ~i1:. ~' I:~ P~~ F?~•?~ I ~ I 1 (F~ C-i? ~ + f 3. .~ L~ QL~t ~"~"~L E~~ I I .. 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(T ~ -Y 7 Caiur: c z I=-'~e S ~'~' 9. 7IJ'.,~. ~' I~ - - r~~~cS (t:'~ L ` ' : J li, . rt!'Sc~ ~ • ,...yam ..,~ rr 11-t •. ~ ~ ~~~ t r W ~.• Y~ 9 ~~ ~~ MULTIEANDICAF ~IDEAF/HARD-~OF HR~. MULTIHANDICAP ED V?~ r~DaTRF j) _ ~ ~ 7 ~ , ii ~ ~a i ~` j I I 4~f _ fi(?~ ( ~~7.,~9 65 ,131 t,. ~) ~ I t/I/U.'I//l~l//!/l/l (l/l/:~:!/;iiiil/l1/ llll//i.'i/r/i/l/// ~_Y////1/:/!Il////l/l/ Yli//l,'l,'l;lll~`l/l// i'l/llllll/!/lIl///; 1 - `. , ( 1 R 757 I '~ f,7C~ :. _ .: -~_ ~ ~ I 48 6 180 ~v~~ I " - ,.92,.04 ~ 71.81 i 382.25 t ~ i u. _ _ li. I ~~ ~ u . ~..~~ z~~.~~ i u. F'1t CFFI~ L~ Q~..Y: _. _ AP°G'C7.'T~ R~ C~ _~>>. .. - -~. ~;~ ~.--_ -: ru ~'~ RATE COMPUTATION SCHEDULE 7/1/90 - 6/31/91 Roanoke Valley Regional Board/ ~, *rl-4:: Low Incidence Populations ~ (~ c-~~ 3. A~u~ QL~t ~~u;.*L ~"~ (Fars E-3) ~. ~~.~. S. : ~:i~.. ~3'I~ E~~ (Qil:sa' a c:crs t L~~e 4 cam:: ~ L` 6. PS';tE (F~ B-: ) (9, aT'.~. ~' I~ ' tl?fsci~ ~ L.. ---- - l 1.Z. ~r~-, g1T >~~ t ~~ ~ u . ~~~ z~~•'~~ u. >~ Fes? 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ACTION # ITEM NUMBER 'G AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE- June 26, 1990 A_GENDA__IT_EM:_ First reading of the Ordinance requesting a Vacation of an existing 20 foot waterline Easement located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 260, Hollins Magisterial District. COUNTY -ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS- ~~-,,.y to``z='`'~% ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The petitioner, Mr. Paul T. Hatam, is requesting that the Board of Supervisors vacate an existing 20 foot waterline Easement, by Ordinance, because the waterline was not placed within the Easement. BACKGROUND Wilclare, Inc., when developing the LaBellvue Subdivision, placed a waterline in the common lot line of Lots 10 and 11 instead of in the recorded Easement. Since the recorded Easement provides no utility service, Mr. Paul T. Hatam, the owner of Lots 9 and 10, is requesting that the Board of Supervisors vacate the existing 20 foot waterline Easement, described above, and shown on the attached map, in order that he may improve his property. In return, Mr. Paul T. Hatam and Mr. Robert Bryant, the owners of Lots 10 and 11 respectively, have agreed to grant Roanoke County a 20 foot waterline Easement where the existing utility service is located. SUMMARY__OF INFORMATION. Roanoke County is requesting that the described Easement be vacated in accordance with Chapter 11, Title 15.1 - 482 (b), Code of Virgir~ia, 1950, as amended, by adoption of the attached Ordinance. ~ - G -i The Departments of Engineering and Utility have commented that they have no objection to the proposed vacation, on the following condition: 1. That the existing 20 foot waterline Easement be vacated upon the recordation and dedication to Roanoke County a new 20 foot waterline Easement 1 ocated on Lots 10 and 1 1 , Block 1, Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision. First reading of the Ordinance is scheduled for June 26, 1990; The Public Hearing and Second Reading is scheduled for July 10, 1990. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed Ordinance to vacate the referenced waterline Easement and instruct the County Attorney, in preparation of the Ordinance, that the 20 foot waterline Easement be vacated upon recordation and dedication of .the new waterline Easement on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Section 8 of LaBellvue Subdivision. PECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~ ` Arnold ovey Elmer C. Hodge Development and Ins ections County Administrator Director ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by : __________ No Yes Abs Denied ( ) --- ----- --- Eddy - ----- ------ R e c e i v e d O ____ ___ J o h n s o n __ ___ __ _ __ ___ _ Referred ___ ___ McGraw ___ ____ _ To Nickens ----------- ------ Robers -/ Q NORTB N RO P~ SUMMIT RIDGE Zq~.2~, R , ~~ I ~~ ~`~° ~ . 6 s `9.b P EXISTING 20' WATER LINE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED A= 61.88 I 10' EXISTING I ~~ IS' P.U.E. '~ I S '. ~ -.. LOT 9 LA BELLEVUE I ~ LOT 10 ~ P8.9 PG.260) LOT I I LA BELLEVUE ~ p~ SECTION 8 (PH• 9 PG• 260) LA BELLEVUE a~ , ~~~ ° . i I NEW 20' WATER LINE ExIsTING 20~ ~ BASEMENT A.P.co. TRANSMISSION ~~ \ LINE R/W ~ ~ ti~ • - ~.c ~~ ~ ~ l60 110' LOT 2I LA BELLEVUE (PB• 9 PG•261) 39.02 - 3 -17 scALE : I" _ 60' TAX MAP NO. COMMUNITY SSRVIC~.S 20 FT. WATER LINE EASEI~NT TO BE VACATED '~ AND D$VBLOPMBNT SHOWN IN GRAY Gi - / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE VACATING A 20-FOOT WATERLINE EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 1, SECTION 8, LaBELLVUE SUBDIVISION, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Paul T. Hatam has requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia to vacate a 20-foot waterline easement located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision in the Hollins Magisterial District as shown in Plat Book 9, at page 260 of record in the Clerk's Office of the Roanoke County Circuit Court; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.1-482 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, requires that such action be accomplished by the adoption of an ordinance by the governing body; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by Section 15.1- 431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and a first reading of this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990; and the second reading of this ordinance was held on July 10, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a 20-foot waterline easement located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision in the Hollins Magisterial District of record in Plat Book 9, at page 260, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to Section 15.1- 482 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, 2. That as a condition to the adoption of this ordinance a new 20-foot waterline easement located on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, ~- - / Section 8, LaBellvue Subdivision be dedicated to Roanoke County and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. 4. That Paul T. Hatam shall record a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and shall pay all fees required to accomplish this transaction. "?, r._ ~~ 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE 62690-8 AMENDING AND READOPTING SEC. 4-53 OF ARTICLE III. SHOOTING MATCHES OF CHAPTER 4, AMUSEMENTS; SEC. 2-17 OF CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION; SEC. 11-28 OF ARTICLE II. PARLOR PERMIT, OF CHAPTER 11, MASSAGE PARLORS; SECS. 12-12 AND 12-13, OF ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL, ARTICLE IV. ACCIDENTS; AND SECS. 12- 121 AND 12-125 OF ARTICLE V. INOPERATIVE MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND SEMITRAILERS, OF CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC; ARTICLE II. PERMIT OF CIiAPTER 14. PARADE; AND SECS. 15-2, 15-7, 15-10, AND 15-11 OF CHAPTER 15, PARRS AND RECREATION, OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted Ordinance 62690-10 to establish a police department for the County of Roanoke effective July 1, 1990, pursuant to the authorization of § 15.1-131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board to transfer all law enforcement related functions from the Sheriff to the Chief of Police of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Sec. 4-53 of Article III. SHOOTING MATCHES, of Chapter 4, AMUSEMENTS, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: sec. 4-53. Chief of Police's B~~~~~ report as prerequisite to issuance. A written investigative report from the Chief of Police ~~, with specific recommendations, shall be submitted before 2 the board of supervisors shall issue any special use permit for any shooting match. 2. That Sec. 2-17 of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted, as follows: Sec. 2-17. Dissemination of criminal history record information of applicants for public employment, permit or license. a. Criminal history record information of an applicant for :....~.::., ..... x::::: public employment, permit or license may be disseminated 'min ....................... ....................... to agencies of local government whenever, in the interest of public welfare or safety, it is necessary to determine if the past criminal conduct of a person with a conviction record would be compatible with the nature of the employment, permit or ..:.:':A:::fi:: ' ::i::iY: ;ti'~'.:iii:....i:.i:;.:::it:isiiiii:':i::i::i::...:i<~:'.:::ii:i'iii?iXi'Y:i:.i:::i'i::i:!<; license under consideration. ~f«h~«~hze:f<:::~~::>:::::~1:~~e::>::::>de~erm~ne~: e:o:::::anf ::.::::<>::he:«::.;a; <:;:x:caznt<:>:a~d«:::::he<:»:a ~cabl:e:>:>a enc ;::::>~:a : ;::» ;::::1:;::>:have b. Use of criminal history record information disseminated to non-criminal justice agencies pursuant to this section shall be limited to the purposes for which it was given and may not be disseminated further. c. The Chief of Police= or an authorized officer or employee of the Roanoke County Police Department a-ri,,,a n?rj},gt-=== y shall disseminate criminal history record information for the purposes of this section as follows: i. Public Employment - To the chief personnel officer 3 of the County of Roanoke or the Roanoke County School Board. ii. Permits or Licenses - To the County Administrator, Chief of Police, or appropriate constitutional officer if required by the specific terms of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of said permit or license. 3. That Sec. 11-28 of Article II. Parlor Permit of Chapter 11, Message Parlors, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 11-28. Referral of application to certain officers. The director shall refer each application for a permit under this article to the administrative officers of the county charged with the enforcement of the building and fire prevention codes and to the Chief of Police~z for investigation. 4. That Sec. 12-12 and 12-13 of Article I. In General, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, be amended and readopted as follows: Sec. 12-12. Operation of unregistered or unlicensed motorcycles on private property. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motorcycle which is not registered and licensed, as required by Title 46.2 ~~ of the Code of Virginia, on the driveways or premises of a church, school, recreational facility or business property open to the public, unless authorized by the owner of such property or his agent. The owner of any property desiring enforcement of the provisions of this section on his property shall notify the Chief of Police~_, in writing of his desire to be covered by the 4 provisions of this section and such owner shall post notices on his property adequate to inform the public that operation of such vehicles upon such property is unlawful. sec. 12-13. Removal and disposition of certain unattended vehicles. immediately to the Chief of Police~~r~ and notice thereof given to the owner of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer as promptly as possible. The owner of such vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay to the county all reasonable costs incidental to the removal, storage and locating the owner of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer. (e) Should the owner fail or refuse to pay the costs referred to in subsection (c) above, or should the identity or whereabouts of such owner be unknown and unascertainable, after a diligent search has been made, and after notice to him at his last known address and to the holder of any lien of record with the Department i~ t~~e-e-~€t~~ ~` ~'~- ~~~''~ a~- -of Motor Vehicles against the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, the Chief of Police~~r 5 may, after holding the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer €e~ ::.: ':.i'Y:x; :.:.i'.i': ?;4i::: ':: ..i '.i ...... i::i<:. ~ .:..: ..... .:: ~ _........:...... ;... ~ ..::::i:::::.i~ ... ~. :Ji::i:.. ~i :::i::..:: i :::ii:: '.:.:. .: `~ .. i, :t. ~ :~ : iiii ::: + :. . >~:.:::: ;: ;»>:::a:::~:~> ::: days ~t:<::::the::>::>~;m ~n:::.;:.~.:ab<.;:.:.:.;~:;:... :~.;:.:.a.. ... o ..::..........t~s. >::.:.. ~'~ ~' and after due notice of sale, dispose of the same at public sale; provided, that if the value of such motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer is determined by three (3) disinterested dealers or garagemen to be less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), it may be disposed of by private sale or junked. (f) The Chief of Police~~-~ shall forward the proceeds of any sale made pursuant to this section to the county treasurer. The treasurer shall pay from such proceeds the cost of removal, storage, investigation as to ownership and liens and notice of sale, and the balance of such funds shall be held by him for the owner of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer and paid to such owner, upon satisfactory proof of ownership. If no claim has been made by the owner for the proceeds of such sale, the remaining funds may be deposited to the general fund or any special fund of the county. Any such owner shall be entitled to apply to the county within three (3) years from the date of such sale, and if timely application is made therefor, the county shall pay the same to the owner, without interest or other charges. No claim shall be made nor shall any suit, action or proceeding be instituted for recovery of such funds after three (3) years from the date of such sale. 5. That Article IV. Accidents, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, amended and readopted as follows: Article IV. Accidents Sec. 12-92. Immediate notice of certain accidents. 6 (a) The driver of any vehicle involved in any accident resulting in injury to or death of any person, or some person acting for him, shall immediately, by the quickest means of communication, give notice of the accident to the Roanoke County Police Department~~_. (b) A willful failure to give the notice require in this section shall constitute a violation of this section. Sec. 12-93. Reports by drivers and witnesses. (a) The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or total property damage to an apparent extent of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more shall, within five (5) days after the accident, make a written report of it to the Roanoke Count Police Department sir riff ' . a ~'~"'~''~""'} ---r-- ------- - (b) The Chief of Police~~= may require any driver of a vehicle involved in any accident of which a report must be made under this section to file a supplemental report, whenever any report is insufficient, in his opinion, and he may require witnesses to such an accident to render reports to the Roanoke County Police Department g~-riFF' - a..r~u~_..-~ . -~ - (c) A willful failure to file the report require by this section shall constitute a violation of this section. Sec. 12-95. Report by investigating officer. Every law-enforcement officer who, in the performance of his ~ee~~-e~ duty, investigates a motor vehicle accident of which a report must be made, either at the time of and at the scene of the accident or thereafter and elsewhere, by interviewing participants or witnesses shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after completing the investigation, forward a written report of the accident to the Police De artment ~;:.;:~.;:.;:.::.:.;:..:.;~:;~:~::>.;:.:>::>:~:>;.<:.:;<:.:.:.;:.;:.:y;:.;:<:.;;:.:.;;~; . Such report Roanoke County p ........................................::::~::..:::............::.;:::.. shall include the name of the insurance carrier or the insurance agent of the automobile liability policy of each vehicle involved in such accident. Sec. 12-96. Report by garage or repair shop. The person in charge of any garage or repair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle that shows evidence of having been involved in a serious motor vehicle accident or with evidence of blood stains shall report to the Roanoke County Police Department g~ =_F~'~ a..„~M~-~-` within twenty-four (24) hours after the motor vehicle is received, giving the engine number, registration number and the name and address of the owner or operator of the vehicle, if known. Reports require by this section shall be made upon forms furnished by the Superintendent of State Police. Sec. 12-97. Reports to be without prejudice; confidentiality of reports. All accident reports made by persons involved in accidents or by garages or repair shops shall be without prejudice to the individual so reporting and shall be for the confidential use of the county, the state Department a ; --:.. ; ..~ of Motor Vehicles or other state agencies having use for the reports for accident prevention purposes, except that the Roanoke County Police Department or the state Department ~~n of Motor Vehicles may disclose the identity of a person involved in an accident, when his identity is not otherwise known or when 8 he denies his presence at the accident. Sec. 12-98. Use of reports as evidence. No report required by this Article shall be used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of an accident, except that the Roanoke County Police Department em-~`~s shall furnish, upon demand of any person who has or claims to have made such a report or upon demand of any court, a certificate showing that a specified accident report has or has not been made to the Roanoke County Police Department s~-~~s , solely to prove compliance or noncompliance with the requirement that the report be made. Sec 12-99. Use of reports made by investigating officers. Subject to the provisions of Section 12-97, all accident reports made by investigating officers shall be for the confidential use of the Roanoke County Police Department s~`~ the state Department «~n of Motor Vehicles and of other state agencies for accident prevention purposes and shall not be uses as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of any accident. The Roanoke County Police Department ~n~u~~ shall disclose, from such reports, upon request of any person, the date, time and location of the accident and the names and addresses of the drivers, the owners of the vehicles involved, the injured persons, the witnesses and one investigating officer. Sec 12-100. Availability of reports to certain persons. The Roanoke County Police Department 9rti'rv-rr€-€~-s 9 shall make any report of an accident made pursuant to Sections 12- 93 through 12-95 available for inspection by any person involved or injured in the accident or his attorney or any authorized representative of any insurance carrier reasonably anticipating exposure to civil liability as a consequence of the accident. Such person, attorney or authorized representative shall be furnished a copy of such report, upon written request therefor and payment to the Police Det~artment ~~ ~ °°' '' ~ ~y«ci=t of the fee established pursuant to Sec. 16-12. 6. That Secs. 12-121 and 12-125 of Article V. Inoperative Motor Vehicles Trailers and Semitrailers, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-121. Administration and Enforcement. The Chief of Police~~and Zoning Administrator, through their agents or employees, shall be jointly responsible for the administration and enforcement of this Article. Sec. 12-125. Removal of inoperative motor vehicles, etc. (1) The owner of the property on which there is an inoperative motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that is not fully enclosed or completely shielded shall remove the vehicle or comply with the screening or enclosure requirement of this Article within fifteen (15) days after being notified by the Zoning Administrator. (2) Whenever the property owner fails to comply with this Article within the fifteen (15) day period of this notice, the 10 Chief of Police-~`~ or Zoning Administrator may remove the inoperative motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer from the ........................... ........::::::::::::::..::::..:::::: w::::::::: ~•.ii::.:.: '<,'iiii:.iiiiiiii?i:'.i:"ii:~iiiii iY.iyiXj-i i:..::i::i ~i;.;^:iii}:.:;iii::ii?i5{; ~:?;yi;i})}}}iiiY; Yii(i:'.; :i'::.iiii :.. ':.:.: 9iii:.i.i'::' :. :....... : ...: ' .i:<!. ?...... yi :,i ....: :::. :. iiii .: ~ . t ::::.i :>:<;:.:.:: ::<>: m . , i ..nd::::;::7:: ~«>: >_ i<<;;th:e»:i:au> hei <>a: ed:»::::.. , ;~€:: >:<::: a ;..:::::: <.. , proper y '~.;::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::.: (3) Whenever the Chief of Police= or Zoning Administrator removes an inoperative motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer from a property, such vehicle may be disposed of after giving an additional fifteen (15) days notice to the last known owner of the vehicle. (4) The costs of removal or disposal shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle or of the premises from men which the vehicle was removed. Such costs may be collected in the same manner as taxes and levies are collected. (5) The assessed costs shall constitute a lien against the property from which the vehicle was removed, and the lien shall continue until actual payment is collected. 7. That Article II. Permit, of Chapter 14, Parade of the Roanoke County Code be, and the same hereby is, amended and readopted as follows: ARTICLE II. PERMIT Sec. 14-22. Application A person seeking the issuance of a parade permit shall file an application with the Chief of Police~~= on forms provided by the Chief of Police~~. Such application shall be filed not less than fifteen (15) days before the date on which it is proposed to conduct the parade. The application shall be signed by the applicant and notarized and shall contain the following 11 information: (1) The name, address and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct the parade. (2) If the parade is proposed to be conducted for, on behalf of or by an organization, the name, address and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization and of the authorized and responsible heads of such organization. (3) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will be the parade chairman and who will be responsible for its conduct. (4) The date when the parade is to be conducted. (5) The route to be traveled, the starting point and the termination point. (6) The approximate number of persons who, and animals and vehicles which, will constitute the parade and the type of animals and a description of the vehicles. (7) The hours when such parade will start and terminate. (8) A statement as to whether the parade will occupy all or only a portion of the width of the streets proposed to be traversed. (9) The location, by streets, of any assembly areas for the parade. (10) The time at which units of the parade will begin to assemble at any such assembly area or areas. (11) The purpose of the parade. (12) Any additional information which the Chief of Police 12 finds reasonably necessary to make a fair determination as to whether the permit should be issued. If the parade is designed to be held by, and on behalf of or for, any person other than the applicant, the applicant for such permit shall file with the application a communication in writing from the person proposing to hold the parade, authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit on his behalf. Sec 14-23. Same-Processing fee. A fee in the amount of . < e t >w~`ive . altars ~ ,~~ to cover the expenses incident to processing an application for a parade permit shall be paid by the person applying for the permit at the time of the filing of the application. The Chief of Police~~~r may, in specific cases, waive such fee, if the parade is to be conducted on behalf of a nonprofit or charitable organization. Sec. 14-24. Issuance or denial (a) The Chief of Police~~z shall act upon an application for a parade permit, within seven (7) days after the filing thereof, by either issuing or denying the permit. If he denies the permit, the Chief of Police ire shall mail to the applicant, by certified mail, or have served upon the applicant, within seven (7) days after the date upon which the application was filed, a notice of his action stating the reasons for the denial of the permit. Any person aggrieved shall have the right to appeal such denial or granting of a parade permit to the circuit court of the county. The appeal shall be taken within eight (8) days after receipt of the 13 notice of denial or granting of such oermit. (b) The Chief of Polic~ -~~-~ " shall issue a parade permit when, from a consideration of the application and from such other information as may otherwise be obtained, he finds that: (1) The conduct of the parade will not substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of other traffic contiguous to its route. (2) The conduct of the parade will not require the diversion of so great a number of law-enforcement officers of the county, to properly police the line of movement and the areas contiguous thereto, as to prevent normal police protection to the county. (3) The conduct of the parade will not require the diversion of so great a number of ambulances as to prevent normal ambulance service to portions of the county other than that to be occupied by the proposed line of march and areas contiguous thereto. (4) The concentration of persons, animals and vehicles at assembly points of the parade will not unduly interfere with proper fire and police protection of, or ambulance service to, areas contiguous to such assembly areas. (5) The conduct of the parade will not interfere with the movement of fire-fighting or rescue squad equipment or vehicles en route to a fire, accident scene or other emergency. (6) The proposed conduct of the participants in the parade 14 does not present a clear and present danger of violence. (7) The parade is scheduled to move from its point of origin to its point of termination expeditiously and without unreasonable delays en route. (8) The parade is not to be held for the sole purpose of advertising any product, goods or event and is not designed to be held .purely for private profit. This provision shall not prohibit signs identifying organizations or sponsors furnishing or sponsoring floats or transportation for the parade. (c) The Chief of Police ~~~T, in denying an application for a parade permit, any authorize the conduct of the parade on a date, at a time or over a route different from that named by the applicant. An applicant desiring to accept an alternative permit shall, within two (2) days after notice of the action of the Chief of Police~~_, file a written notice of acceptance with the Chief of Police-~~T. An alternative parade permit shall conform to the requirement of and shall have the effect of a parade permit under this Chapter. Sec. 14-25. Contents Each parade permit shall contain the following information: (1) Date of the parade. (2) Starting time and termination time of the parade. (3) The portions of the streets to be traversed that may be occupied by the parade. (4) The number of persons, animals and motor vehicles that 15 will be in the parade. (5) Such other information as the Chief of Police~~ shall find necessary for the enforcement of this chapter. Sec. 14-26. Copy to be sent to certain officials. Immediately upon the issuance of a parade permit, the Chief of Police~~-r shall send a copy thereof to the following: (1) The county administrator. (2) The assistant county administrator of public facilities. (3) The commonwealth's attorney. (4) The chairman of the board of supervisors. Each supervisor through whose district the parade route will travel. u The chief of the fire and rescue department. Sec. 14-29. Revocation. The Chief of Police ~~e~~shall have the authority to revoke a parade permit upon any violation of the standards for issuance, as set forth in section 14-24(b). 8. That Secs. 15-2, 15-7, 15-10, and 15-11 of Chpater 15, Parks and Recreation of the Code of Roanoke County be, and hereby is, amended and readopted as follows: Sec 15-2. Definitions For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivation shall have the meaning given herein unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense 16 include the future, words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. County is the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Director means the Director of Parks and Recreation and includes any person whom the Director designates to act for the Director hereunder. Park and other areas, now or in the future operated and maintained by the County of Roanoke Department of Parks and Recreation, are defined to mean parks, public lands, playgrounds, recreation fields, museums, building, lakes, streams, lagoons, water areas, and submerged lands, and all public service facilities located on or in grounds, waters, buildings and structures in Roanoke County which are under the control of or assigned for upkeep, maintenance or operation by the County of Roanoke, Department of Parks and Recreation, including property of the Roanoke County School Board. Person is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind. Vehicle means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property may be transported upon a highway, except devices moved by power collected from overhead electric trolley wires, or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, and except devices other than bicycles moved by human power. Permit is any written license issued by or under the authority of the Director of Parks and Recreation permitting the performance 17 of a specified act or acts. Parkinct means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. Closed Hours means the hours from 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. the following day. Department when used hereinafter is defined as the Department of Parks and Recreation for the County of Roanoke. Police officer ?h? -~'-~t' =~~~:-;;?tie=t means all officers of the ---~ - Roanoke County Police Department including the Chief of Police and all properly trained and deputized law enforcement officers of the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department and any law enforcement officer legally empowered to issue warrants of arrest or summons within the County of Roanoke. Park attendants means all full-time employees of the Department of Parks and Recreation and any part-time or temporary employees of the department specifically authorized by the Director to enforce the requirement of this chapter. Sec. 15-7. Traffic. No person in a park shall: 1. Motor vehicle laws apply. Fail to comply with all applicable provision of the state and county motor vehicle traffic laws in regard to equipment and operation of vehicles together with such regulations as are contained in this and other ordinances. 2. Enforcement of traffic regulations. Fail to obey an police officer 2?-?; ~ti.,...._rc 1 .. a.,y „~; ~-- and park attendants who are hereby authorized and instructed to direct traffic whenever and 18 wherever needed in parks and on the highways, streets or roads immediately adjacent thereto in accordance with the provision of these regulations and such supplementary regulation as may be issued subsequently by the Director. 3. Obey traffic signs. Fail to observe all traffic signs indicating speed, direction, caution, stopping or parking and all others posted for property control and to safeguard life and property. 4. Sneed of vehicles. Ride or drive a vehicle at a rate of speed exceeding 15 miles per hour, except upon such park roads as the County may designate, by posted signs, for other speed limits. 5. Operation confined to roads. Drive any vehicle on any area except the paved park roads or parking areas, or such other areas as may on occasion be specifically designated as temporary parking areas by the Director. 6. Snowmobiles, etc. Operate in any park or recreation area snowmobiles, hovercraft, minibikes, motorcycles, go-carts, ATVs, mopeds or any other vehicles except in areas specifically designated by the Director for such use. 7. Trucks and commercial vehicles. Shall operate in or through any park, any trucks or commercial vehicles with a gross weight in excess of five (5) tons, except for the delivery of the load thereon for use in such parks as expressly approved by the Director. 8. Parkinct. A. Desicrnated areas. Park a vehicle in other than an 19 established or designated area, and such use shall be in accordance with the instructions of any park attendant or police officer S~ ..FF' . a _r _} j who may be present . B. Prohibited activities. Park a vehicle in a park for the expressed purpose of washing, repairing or maintaining the same. C. Double parking. Double park any vehicle on any road or parkway unless directed by a park attendant or police officer DZI' -r - 9. Bicycle. A. Confined to roads. Ride a bicycle on other than a vehicular road or path designated for that purpose. A bicyclist shall be permitted to wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy or wooded trail or any paved area reserved for pedestrian use. B. Desic1nated racks. Leave a bicycle in a place other than a bicycle rack when such is provided and there is a space available. Sec. 15-10. Behavior. No person in any park shall: 8. Exhibit permits. Fail to produce and exhibit any permits from the Director upon request of any police officer Bz~~'~z-~ y or park attendant who shall request to inspect the same. Sec. 15-11. Park Operating Policy. 3. Permit. A permit shall be obtained from the Director 20 before participating in a park activity prohibited by these rules: B. Standards of Issuance. The Director may issue a permit hereunder when he finds: that the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park; that the proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety or recreation; that the proposed activity or use is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct; that the proposed activity will not entail unusual, extra-ordinary or burdensome expense or allocation of manpower resources by the Roanoke County Police Department or other operation by the County; that the facilities desired have not been reserved for other use at the day and hour required in the application. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 1990. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to waive the second reading and adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 21 cc: File John H. Cease, Police Chief Michael F. Kavanaugh, Sheriff Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ -.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE Q'~JNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING AND READOPTING SEC. 4-53 OF ARTICLE III. SHOOTING MATCHES OF CHAPTER 4, AMUSEMENTS; SEC. 2-17 OF CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION; SEC. 11-28 OF ARTICLE II. PARLOR PERMIT, OF CHAPTER 11, MASSAGE PARLORS; SECS. 12-12 AND 12-13, OF ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL, ARTICLE IV. ACCIDENTS, AND SECS. 12-121 AND 12-125 OF ARTICLE V. INOPERATIVE MOTOR VEHICLES TRAILERS AND SEMITRAILERS, OF CHAP- TER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC; ARTICLE II. PERMIT OF CHAPTER 14. PARADE; AND SECS. 15-2, 15- 7, 15-10, AND 15-11 OF CHAPTER 15, PARKS AND RECRE- ATION, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~i,c~-G~mr,..c-...-t^ ei,,/~~;-v~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' This ordinance will conform changes in the administrative resulting from the creation of th the Roanoke County Code to the structure of county government .e county's police department. BACKGROUND' The approval of the referendum on November 7, 1989, and the subsequent passage of enabling legislation by the 1990 General Assembly have laid the foundations for a county police department. The Board has approved a first reading of an ordinance establish- ing the Roanoke County Police Department on June 12, 1990, and is expected to give its approval to the second reading at today's meeting. SUNII~IARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed ordinance will transfer to the Chief of Police and the Roanoke County Police Department various responsibilities which the county's Code now imposes upon the Sheriff and his department. These changes are consistent with the intention of the Board to transfer the primary law enforcement responsibilities for Roanoke County to its police department. Briefly summarized, the proposed changes are as follows: Sec 4-53, Art. III. Shooting Matches, Chapter 4, AMUSEMENTS; Chief of Police shall conduct investigation and submit writ- ten report to Board before issuance of special use permit for C..y - .•~ any shooting match. Sec 2-17, Chapter 2, ADMINISTRATION; Police Department will now handle release of criminal history records involving applicants for public employment, permits or licenses; adds Chief of Police and constitutional officers to section autho- rizing release of such records for purposes of issuance of licenses or permits. Sec 11-28, Art. II. Parlor Permit, Chapter 11, MESSAGE PAR- LORS; Chief of Police shall conduct investigation and report to Director of Health Dept. on each permit application. Secs. 12-12 & 12-13, Art. I. In General, Chapter 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC; Chief of Police shall be responsible for removal and sale of unattended vehicles and shall receive notice from landowners regarding unlicensed motorcycles. Art. IV. Accidents, Chapter 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC; Police Department becomes responsible for receiving, main- taining, and releasing accident reports. Secs. 12-121 & 12-125, Art. V. Inoperative Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Semitrailers, Chapter 12, MOTOR VEHICLES & TRAFFIC; Chief of Police (along with Zoning Administrator) now responsible for enforcing ordinances dealing with inoperative motor vehicles. Art. II. Permit, Chapter 14, PARADE; Chief of Police shall receive, investigate and issue permits for parades within the county; provides for a fee of $ to cover costs of process- ing and investigating applications; adds requirement to notify additional supervisors and Chief of Fire and Rescue as to issuance of parade permits. Secs. 15-2, 15-7, 15-10 & 15-11, Chapter 15, PARKS AND RECREATION; adds Roanoke County police officers to list of law enforcement officers authorized to enforce traffic and other conduct restrictions within county parks. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the adoption of this ordinance in order to maintain consistency within the Roanoke County Code following creation of the Roanoke County Police Department. Respectfully submitted, /i Jo ph B Obenshain Se or Assistant County Attorney G,-2 Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~- - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE AMENDING AND READOPTING SEC. 4-53 OF ARTICLE III. SHOOTING MATCHES OF CHAPTER 4, AMUSEMENTS; SEC. 2-17 OF CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION; SEC. 11-28 OF ARTICLE II. PARLOR PERMIT, OF CHAPTER 11, MASSAGE PARLORS; SECS. 12-12 AND 12-13, OF ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL, ARTICLE IV. ACCIDENTS; AND SECS. 12- 121 AND 12-125 OF ARTICLE V. INOPERATIVE MOTOR VEHICLES TRAILERS AND SEMITRAILERS, OF CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC; ARTICLE II. PERMIT OF CHAPTER 14. PARADE; AND SECS. 15-2, 15-7, 15-10, AND 15-11 OF CHAPTER 15, PARKS AND RECREATION, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted Ordinance 62690-_ to establish a police department for the County of Roanoke effective July 1, 1990, pursuant to the authorization of § 15.1-131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board to transfer all law enforcement related functions from the Sheriff to the Chief of Police of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990; BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Sec. 4-53 of Article III. SHOOTING MATCHES, of Chapter 4, AMUSEMENTS, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 4-53. Chief of Police's "`--~ "'" report as prerequisite to issuance. A written investigative report from the Chief of Police ~~z, with specific recommendations, shall be submitted before 1 ~' -- .~ the board of supervisors shall issue any special use permit for any shooting match. 2. That Sec. 2-17 of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 2-17. Dissemination of criminal history record information of applicants for public employment permit or license. a. Criminal history record information of an applicant for public employment, permit or license may be disseminated to agencies of local government whenever, in the interest of public welfare or safety, it is necessary to determine if the past criminal conduct of a person with a conviction record would be compatible with the nature of the employment, permit or license under consideration. b. Use of criminal history record information disseminated to non-criminal justice agencies pursuant to this section shall be limited to the purposes for which it was given and may not be disseminated further. c. The Chief of Police~~ or an authorized officer or employee of the Roanoke County Police Department agee~y shall desseminate criminal history record information for the purposes of this section as follows: i. Public Employment - To the chief personnel officer of the County of Roanoke B~ or the Roanoke County School Board. ii. Permits or Licenses - To the County Administrator, Chief of Police, or appropriate constitutional officer 2 ~-2 if required by the specific terms of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of said permit or license. 3. That Sec. 11-28 of Article II. Parlor Permit of Chapter 11, Message Parlors, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 11-28. Referral of application to certain officers. The director shall refer each application for a permit under this article to the administrative officers of the county charged with the enforcement of the building and fire prevention codes and to the Chief of Police= for investigation. 4. That Secs. 12-12 and 12-13, of Article I. In General, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-12. Operation of unregistered or unlicensed motorcycles on private property. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motorcycle which is not registered and licensed, as required by Title 46.2 ,46~-~ of the Code of Virginia, on the driveways or premises of a church, school, recreational facility or business property open to the public, unless authorized by the owner of such property or his agent. The owner of any property desiring enforcement of the provisions of this section on his property shall notify the Chief of Polices-~, in writing of his desire to be covered by the provisions of this section and such owner shall post notices on his property adequate to inform the public that operation of such vehicles upon such property is unlawful. Sec. 12-13. Removal and disposition of certain unattended vehicles. 3 (d) Each removal under this section shall be reported immediately to the Chief of Police= and notice thereof given to the owner of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer as promptly as possible. The owner of such vehicle, zrailer yr semitrailer, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay to the county all reasonable costs incidental to the removal, storage and locating the owner of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer. (e) Should the owner fail or refuse to pay the costs referred to in subsection (c) above, or should the identity or whereabouts of such owner be unknown and unascertainable, after a diligent search has been made, and after notice to him at his last known address and to the holder of any lien of record with the Department =e-e€€~ee-ez ~`~ ~}~~~ a""" of Motor Vehicles against the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, the Chief of Police~~_ may, after holding the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer forty (40) days and after due notice of sale, dispose of the same at public sale; provided, that if the value of such motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer is determined by three (3) disinterested dealers or garagemen to be less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), it may be disposed of by private sale or junked. (f) The Chief of Police~~r shall forward the proceeds of any sale made pursuant to this section to the county treasurer. The treasurer shall pay from such proceeds the cost of removal, storage, investigation as to ownership and liens and notice of sale, and the balance of such funds shall be held by him for the 4 ~-2 owner of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer and paid to such owner, upon satisfactory proof of ownership. If no claim has been made by the owner for the proceeds of such sale, the remaining funds may be deposited to the general fund or any special fund of the county. Any such owner shall be entitled to apply to the county within three (3) years from the date of such sale, and if timely application is made therefor, the county shall pay the same to the owner, without interest or other charges. No claim shall be made nor shall any suit, action or proceeding be instituted for recovery of such funds after three (3) years from the date of such sale. 5. That Article IV. Accidents, of Chapter 12, Moto Vehicles and Traffic, amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Article IV. Accidents Sec. 12-92. Immediate notice of certain accidents. (a) The driver of any vehicle involved in any accident resulting in injury to or death of any person, or some person acting for him, shall immediately, by the quickest means of communication, give notice of the accident to the Roanoke County Police Department~~z. (b) A willful failure to give the notice require in this section shall constitute a violation of this section. Sec. 12-93. Reports by drivers and witnesses. (a) The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or total property damage to an apparent extent of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more shall, 5 - .~ within five (5) days after the accident, make a written report of it to the Roanoke County Police Department s~re~-i-€=' _ ?-r__L_.._L • (b) The Chief of Police~~ °~ may require any driver of a vehicle involved in any accident of which a report must be made under this section to file a supplemental report, whenever any report is insufficient, in his opinion, and he may require witnesses to such an accident to render reports to the Roanoke County Police Department (c) A willful failure to file the report require by this section shall constitute a violation of this section. Sec. 12-95. Report by investigating officer. Every law-enforcement officer who, in the performance of his -•-~= duty, investigates a motor vehicle accident of which a report must be made, either at the time of and at the scene of the accident or thereafter and elsewhere, by interviewing participants or witnesses shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after completing the investigation, forward a written report of the accident to the Roanoke County Police Department sheriff's department. Such report shall include the name of the insurance carrier or the insurance agent of the automobile liability policy of each vehicle involved in such accident. Sec. 12-96. Report by garage or repair shop. The person in charge of any garage or repair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle that shows evidence of having been involved in a serious motor vehicle accident or with evidence of blood stains shall report to the Roanoke County Police Department 6 within twenty-four (24) hours after the motor vehicle is received, giving the engine number, registration number and the name and address of the owner or operator of the vehicle, if known. Reports require by this section shall be made upon forms furnished by the Superintendent of State Police. Sec. 12-97. Reports to be without prejudice; confidentiality of reports. All accident reports made by persons involved in accidents or by garages or repair shops shall be without prejudice to the individual so reporting and shall be for the confidential use of the county, the state DeQartment a;--: _:.._ - of Motor Vehicles or other state agencies having use for the reports for accident prevention purposes, except that the Roanoke County Police Department s~~~f~-1-s-~o~~~~ or the state Department of Motor Vehicles may disclose the identity of a person involved in an accident, when his identity is not otherwise known or when he denies his presence at the accident. Sec. 12-98. Use of reports as evidence. No report required by this Article shall be used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of an accident, except that the Roanoke County Police Department sn~-r~s -'~r.,~.L__..L shall furnish, upon demand of any person who has or claims to have made such a report or upon demand of any court, a certificate showing that a specified accident report has or has not been made to the Roanoke County Police Department shy-i-~f ' - '' """""~'"""''' -'-r --- ----- solely to prove compliance or noncompliance with the requirement that the report be made. 7 C .~ - ,.~ Sec 12-99. Use of reports made by investigating officers. Subject to the provisions of Section 12-97, all accident reports made by investigating officers shall be for the confidential use of the Roanoke County Police Department s~-~~ the state Department ~se~ of Motor Vehicles and of other state agencies for accident prevention purposes and shall not be used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of any accident. The Roanoke County Police Department -`'-M~ " '" shall disclose, from such reports, upon request of any person, the date, time and location of the accident and the names and addresses of the drivers, the owners of the vehicles involved, the injured persons, the witnesses and one investigating officer. Sec 12-100. Availability of reports to certain persons. The Roanoke County Police Department s~ _~_`_"_ a_==='~"""'~ shall make any report of an accident made pursuant to Sections 12- 93 through 12-95 available for inspection by any person involved or injured in the accident or his attorney or any authorized representative of any insurance carrier reasonably anticipating exposure to civil liability as a consequence of the accident. Such person, attorney or authorized representative shall be furnished a copy of such report, upon written request therefor and payment to the Police Department s~nrs of the fee established pursuant to Sec. 16-12. 6. That Secs. 12-121 and 12-125 of Article V. Inoperative Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Semitrailers, of Chapter 12, Motor 8 ~ _.~", Vehicles and Traffic, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-121. Administration and Enforcement. The Chief of Polices-and Zoning Administrator, through their agents or employees, shall be jointly responsible for the administration and enforcement of this Article. Sec. 12-125. Removal of inoperative motor vehicles, etc. (1) The owner of the property on which there is an inoperative motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that is not fully enclosed or completely shielded shall remove the vehicle or comply with the screening or enclosure requirement of this Article within fifteen (15) days after being notified by the Zoning Administrator. (2) Whenever the property owner fails to comply with this Article within the fifteen (15) day period of this notice, the Chief of Police-~= or Zoning Administrator may remove the inoperative motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer from the property. (3 ) Whenever the Chief of Police "m`'s~rrrr or Zoning Administrator removes an inoperative motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer from a property, such vehicle may be disposed of after giving an additional fifteen (15) days notice to the last known owner of the vehicle. (4) The costs of removal or disposal shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle or of the premises from ~per2 which the vehicle was removed. Such costs may be colleccted in the same 9 t,~ "'1 { +y "°° manner as taxes and levies are collected. (5) The assessed costs shall constitute a lien against the property from which the vehicle was removed, and the lien shall continue until actual payment is collected. 7. That Article II. Permit, of Chapter 14, Parade, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE II. PERMIT Sec. 14-22. Application A person seeking the issuance of a parade permit shall file an application with the Chief of Police~~= on forms provided by the Chief of Police~_. Such application shall be filed not less than fifteen (15) days before the date on which it is proposed to conduct the parade. The application shall be signed by the applicant and notarized and shall contain the following information: (1) The name, address and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct the parade. (2) If the parade is proposed to be conducted for, on behalf of or by an organization, the name, address and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization and of the authorized and responsible heads of such organization. (3) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will be the parade chairman and who will be responsible for its conduct. (4) The date when the parade is to be conducted. 10 ~-,Z (5) The route to be traveled, the starting point and the termination point. (6) The approximate number of persons who, and animals and vehicles which, will constitute the parade and the type of animals and a description of the vehicles. (7) The hours when such parade will start and terminate. (8) A statement as to whether the parade will occupy all or only a portion of the width of the streets proposed to be traversed. (9) The location, by streets, of any assembly areas for the parade. (10) The time at which units of the parade will begin to assemble at any such assembly area or areas. (11) The purpose of the parade. (12) Any additional information which the Chief of Police -~~i finds reasonably necessary to make a fair determination as to whether the permit should be issued. If the parade is designed to be held by, and on behalf of or for, any person other than the applicant, the applicant for such permit shall file with the application a communication in writing from the person proposing to hold the parade, authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit on his behalf. Sec 14-23. Same-Processing fee. A fee in the amount of Dollars , ' ""'' to cover the expenses incident to processing an application for a parade permit 11 -.~. shall be paid by the person applying for the permit at the time of the filing of the application. The Chief of Police~~= may, in specific cases, waive such fee, if the parade is to be conducted on behalf of a nonprofit or charitable organization. Sec. 14-24. Issuance or denial (a) The Chief of Police~~= shall act upon an application for a parade permit, within seven (7) days after the filing thereof, by either issuing or denying the permit. If he denies the permit, the Chief of Police ~e shall mail to the applicant, by certified mail, or have served upon the applicant, within seven (7) days after the date upon which the application was filed, a notice of his action stating the reasons for the denial of the permit. Any person aggrieved shall have the right to appeal such denial or grantingt of a parade permit to the circuit court of the county. The appeal shall be taken within eight (8) days after receipt of the notice of denial or granting of such permit. (b) The Chief of Polio-~~ shall issue a parade permit when, from a consideration of the application and from such other information as may otherwise be obtained, he finds that: (1) The conduct of the parade will not substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of other traffic contiguous to its route. (2) The conduct of the parade will not require the diversion of so great a number of law-enforcement officers of the county, to properly police the line of movement and the areas contiguous thereto, as to prevent normal police 12 -z protection to the county. (3) The conduct of the parade will not require the diversion of so great a number of ambulances as to prevent normal ambulance service to portions of the county other than that to be occupied by the proposed line of march and areas contiguous thereto. (4) The concentration of persons, animals and vehicles at assembly points of the parade will not unduly interfere with proper fire and police protection of, or ambulance service to, areas contiguous to such assembly areas. (5) The conduct of the parade will not interfere with the movement of fire-fighting or rescue squad equipment or vehicles en route to a fire, accident scene or other emergency. (6) The proposed conduct of the participants in the parade does not present a clear and present danger of violence. (7) The parade is scheduled to move from its point of origin to its point of termination expeditiously and without unreasonable delays en route. (8) The parade is not to be held for the sole purpose of advertising any product, goods or event and is not designed to be held purely for private profit. This provision shall not prohibit signs identifying organizations or sponsors furnishing or sponsoring floats or transportation for the parade. (c) The Chief of Police~_, in denying an application for 13 ~--7 ° .~. a parade permit, any authorize the conduct of the parade on a date, at a time or over a route different from that named by the applicant. An applicant desiring to accept an alternative permit shall, within two (2) days after notice of the action of the Chief of Police ~~~_, file a written notice of acceptance with the Chief of Police-~_. An alternative parade permit shall conform to the requirement of and shall have the effect of a parade permit under this Chapter. Sec. 14-25. Contents Each parade permit shall contain the following information: (1) Date of the parade. (2) Starting time and termination time of the parade. (3) The portions of the streets to be traversed that may be occupied by the parade. (4) The number of persons, animals and motor vehicles that will be in the parade. (5) Such other information as the Chief of Police-~~_ shall find necessary for the enforcement of this chapter. Sec. 14-26. Copy to be sent to certain officials. Immediately upon the issuance of a parade permit, the Chief of Police~z shall send a copy thereof to the following: (1) The county administrator. (2) The assistant county administrator of public facilities. (3) The commonwealth's attorney. (4) The chairman of the board of supervisors. 14 Cj -.~. 151 Each supervisor through whose district the parade route will travel. S61 The chief of the fire and rescue department. Sec. 14-29. Revocation. The Chief of Police~~rshall have the authority to revoke a parade permit upon any violation of the standards for issuance, as set forth in section 14-24(b). 8. That Secs. 15-2, 15-7, 15-10, and 15-11 of Chapter 15, Parks and Recreation of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec 15-2. Definitions For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivation shall have the meaning given herein unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. County is the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Director means the Director of Parks and Recreation and includes any person whom the Director designates to act for the Director hereunder. Park and other areas, now or in the future operated and maintained by the County of Roanoke Department of Parks and Recreation, are defined to mean parks, public lands, playgrounds, recreation fields, museums, building, lakes, streams, lagoons, 15 -z water areas, and submerged lands, and all public service facilities located on or in grounds, waters, buildings and structures in Roanoke County which are under the control of or assigned for upkeep, maintenance or operation by the County of Roanoke, Department of Parks and Recreation, including property of the Raonoke County School Board. Person is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind. Vehicle means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property may be transported upon a highway, except devices moved by power collected from overhead electric trolley wires, or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, and except devices other than bicycles moved by human power. Permit is any written license issued by or under the authority of the Director of Parks and Recreation permitting the performance of a specified act or acts. Parkins means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. Closed Hours means the hours from 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. the following day. Department when used hereinafter is defined as the Department of Parks and Recreation for the County of Roanoke. Police officer means all officers of the Roanoke County Police Department, including the Chief of Police and all properly trained and deputized law enforcement officers of the 16 ~ _,Z Roanoke County Sheriff's Department and any law enforcement officer legally empowered to issue warrants of arrest or summons within the County of Roanoke. Park attendants means all full-time employees of the Department of Parks and Recreation and any part-time or temporary employees of the department specifically authorized by the Director to enforce the requirement of this chapter. Sec. 15-7. Traffic. No person in a park shall: 1. Motor vehicle laws apply. Fail to comply with all applicable provision of the state and county motor vehicle traffic laws in regard to equipment and operation of vehicles together with such regulations as are contained in this and other ordinances. 2. Enforcement of traffic regulations. Fail to obey any police officer and park attendants who are herby authorized and instructed to direct traffic whenever and wherever needed in parks and on the highways, streets or roads immediately adjacent thereto in accordance with the provision of these regulations and such supplementary regulation as may be issued subsequently by the Director. 3. Obey traffic signs. Fail to observe all traffic signs indicating speed, direction, caution, stopping or parking and all others posted for property control and to safeguard life and property. 4. Speed of vehicles. Ride or drive a vehicle at a rate of speed exceeding 15 miles per hour, except upon such park roads as the County may designate, by posted signs, for other speed limits. 17 ~-z 5. Operation confined to roads. Drive any vehicle on any area except the paved park roads or parking areas, or such other areas as may on occasion be specifically designated as temporary parking areas by the Director. 6. Snowmobiles etc. Operate in any park or recreation area snowmobiles, hovercraft, minibikes, motorcycles, go-carts, ATVs, mopeds or any other vehicles except in areas specifically designated by the Director for such use. 7. Trucks and commerical vehicles. Shall operate in or through any park, any trucks or commercial vehicles with a gross weight in excess of five (5) tons, except for the delivery of the load thereon for use in such parks as expressly approved by the Director. 8. Parkinct. A. Designated areas. Park a vehicle in other than an established or designated area, and such use shall be in accordance with the instructions of any park attendant or police officer who may be present. B. Prohibited activities. Park a vehicle in a park for the expressed purpose of washing, repairing or maintaining the same. C. Double parkinct. Double park any vehicle on any road or parkway unless directed by a park attendant or police officer n1.,...,.~ rr ~ .. a.......~, 9. Bicycle. A. Confined to roads. Ride a bicycle on other than a 18 -~ vehicular road or path designated for that purpose. A bicyclist shall be permitted to wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy or wooded trail or any paved area reserved for pedestrian use. B. Designated racks. Leave a bicycle in a place other than a bicycle rack when such is provided and there is a space available. , Sec. 15-10. Behavior. No person in any park shall: 8. Exhibit permits. Fail to produce and exhibit any permits from the Director upon request of any police officer or park attendant who shall request to inspect the same. Sec. 15-11. Park Operating Policy. 3. Permit. A permit shall be obtained from the Director before participating in a park activity prohibited by these rules: B. Standards of Issuance. The Director may issue a permit hereunder when he finds: that the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park; that the proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety or recreation; that the proposed activity or use is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly 19 ~i-2 conduct; that the proposed activity will not entail unusual, extra-ordinary or burdensome expense or allocation of manpower resources by the Roanoke County Police Department~rr~~ or other operation by the County; that the facilities desired have not been reserved for other use at the day and hour required in the application. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July _, 1990. 20 ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE 62690-9 AMENDING AND READOPTING CHAPTER 16 OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE AS CHAPTER 16A, PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to institute and establish a county police department by adopting a new Chapter 16, Police to the Roanoke County Code; and, WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors to continue in effect those provisions of the Roanoke County Code dealing with the regulation of dealers in precious metal and gems with the same section numbers as currently but under a new Chapter designated 16A, and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, currently Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted as Chapter 16A Precious Metals and Gems by amending and reenacting Sections 16-21 through 16-32 and Sections 16-41 through 16-48 to read and provide as follows: 1 Chapter 16A PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS ARTICLE I. GENERALLY Sec. 16-21. Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: ~~Coin~~ means any piece of gold, silver, or other metal fashioned into a prescribed shape, weight, and degree of fineness, stamped by authority of a government with certain marks and devices, and having a certain fixed value as money. ~'Dealer~~ means any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of purchasing secondhand precious metals or gems, removing in any manner precious metals or gems from manufactured articles not then owned by such person, firm, partnership or corporation, buying, acquiring or selling precious metals or gems removed from such manufactured articles. "Dealer" shall mean any employee or agent who makes any such purchase for or on behalf of his employer or principal. This definition shall not be construed so as to include persons engaged in the following: (1) Purchase of precious metal or gems directly from other dealers, manufacturers, or wholesalers for retail or wholesale inventories, provided the selling dealer has complied with the provisions of this Chapter. (2) Purchases of precious metals or gems from a duly qualified fiduciary who is disposing of the assets of the 2 estate being administered by such fiduciary in the administration of an estate. (3) Acceptance by a retail merchant of trade-in merchandise previously sold by such retail merchant to the person presenting that merchandise for trade-in. (4) Repairing, restoring or designing jewelry by a retail merchant, if such activities are within his normal course of business. (5) Purchases of precious metals or gems by industrial refiners and manufacturers, insofar as such purchases are made directly from retail merchants, wholesalers, or dealers or by mail originating outside the Commonwealth of Virginia. (6) Persons regularly engaged in the business of purchasing and processing nonprecious scrap metals which incidentally may contain traces of precious metals recoverable as a by-product. ~~Gems~~ means precious or semiprecious stones customarily used in jewelry whether loose or in a setting. ~~Precious metals~~ means any item, except coins, composed in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum or platinum alloys. Sec. 16-22. Violations of Chapter generally. Any person convicted of violating any provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for the first offense. Upon conviction of any subsequent offense, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Sec. 16-23. Chapter not applicable to sale or purchase of coins. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the sale or 3 purchase of coins. Sec. 16-23.1 Chapter not applicable to financial institutions. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any bank or branch thereof, trust company, or bank holding company, or any wholly-owned subsidiary thereof, engaged in the business of buying and selling gold and silver bullion. Sec. 16-24. Waiver of Article provisions for certain exhibitions and shows. The Chief of Police~~ may waive, by written notice, any provision of this Chapter, except Section 16-30, for particular numismatic, gem or antique exhibitions or craft shows sponsored by nonprofit organizations, provided the purpose of the exhibitions or shows is nonprofit in nature, notwithstanding the fact that there may be casual purchases and trades made at such exhibition or shows. ARTICLE II. DEALERS Sec. 16-25. Inspection of records required by Chapter and of articles listed in such records. Every dealer shall admit to his premises, during regular business hours, the Chief of Police or officers of the Police Department, the sheriff or his sworn deputies and any law- enforcement official of the state or federal governments, and shall permit such law-enforcement officer to examine all records required by this Chapter, and to examine any article listed in such a record which is believed by the officer to be missing or stolen. Sec. 16-26. Bond or letter of credit. (a) Every dealer, at the time of obtaining a permit under 4 Article III of this Chapter, shall enter into a recognizance in favor of the Board of Supervisors, secured by a corporate surety authorized to do business in the Commonwealth, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned upon due observance of the term of this Chapter. In lieu of a bond, a dealer may cause to be issued, by a bank authorized to do business in the Commonwealth, a letter of credit in favor of the Board of Supervisors, in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). (b) A single bond upon an employer or principal may be written or a single letter of credit issued under this section to cover all employees and all transactions occurring at a single location. (c) If any person shall be aggrieved by the misconduct of any dealer who has violated the provision of this Chapter, he may maintain an action for recovery in any court of proper jurisdiction against such dealer and his surety, provided that recovery against the surety shall be only for that amount of the judgment, if any, which is unsatisfied by the dealer. Sec. 16-27. Notice of closing and reopening of business; location of business. If the business of a dealer is not operated without interruption, Saturdays, Sundays and recognized holidays excepted, for a period of not less than ten days, the dealer shall notify the Chief of Police= of all closings and reopenings of such business. The business of a dealer shall be conducted only from the fixed and permanent location specified in his application for a permit under this Chapter. 5 Sec. 16-28. Identification of persons from whom purchases made. No dealer shall purchase precious metal or gems, without first ascertaining the identity of the seller, by requiring an identification card or document issued by a governmental agency, with a photograph of the seller thereon, and at least one other corroborating means of identification, and obtaining a statement of ownership from the seller. Sec. 16-29. Record of Purchases. (a) Every dealer shall keep, at his place of business an accurate and legible record of each purchase of precious metals or gems. The record of each such purchased shall be retained by the dealer for not less than twenty-four (24) months. These records shall set forth the following: (1) A complete description of all precious metals or gems purchased from each seller. The description shall include all names, initials, serial numbers or other identifying marks or monograms on each item purchased, the true weight or carat of any gem and the price paid for each item. (2) The date and time of receiving the item(s) purchased. (3) The name, address, age, sex, race, driver's license number or social security number and signature of the seller. (4) A statement of ownership from the seller. (b) The information requires by subdivisions 1 through 3 of subsection (a) above shall appear on each bill of sale for all 6 precious metals and gems purchased by a dealer and a copy shall be mailed or delivered, within twenty-four (24) hours of the time of purchase, to the office of the Chief of Police~~. Sec. 16-30. Prohibited purchases. (a) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who is under the age of eighteen (18) years. (b) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who the dealer believes, or has reason to believe, is not the owner of such items, unless such person has written and duly authenticated authorization from the owner permitting and directing such sale. (c) No dealer shall purchase or sell any precious metals or gems except at the place of business as identified in the application required by Section 16-42. Sec. 16-31. Retention of purchases. (a) A dealer shall retain all precious metals or gems purchased by him for a minimum of ten (10) calendar days from the date on which a copy of the bill of sale is received by the Chief of Police ?n~Tpursuant to Section 16-29. Until the expiration of this period, the dealer shall not sell, alter or dispose of a purchased item, in whole or in part, or remove it from the county. (b) If a dealer performs the service of removing precious metals or gems, he shall retain the metals or gems removed and the article from which the removal was made for a period of ten (10) calendar days after receiving such article and precious metals or gems. 7 Sec. 16-32. Record of sales. Each dealer shall keep and maintain, for at least twenty-four (24) months, an accurate and legible record of the name and address of the person to whom he sells any precious metal or gem in its original form after the waiting period required by Section 16-31. This record shall also show the name and address of the person from whom the dealer purchased such item. Secs. 16-33 -- 16-40. Reserved. ARTICLE III. PERMIT Sec. 16-41. Permit required; posting. No person shall engage in the activities of a dealer in the county as defined by Section 16-21, unless he has a current permit so to do issued by the Chief of Police ~~~~ pursuant to this Article. No purchase or sale permitted by this Chapter shall be lawful unless and until such permit is prominently posted at the dealer's place of business. Sec. 16-42. Application fee. Any person desiring a permit required by this Article shall file with the Chief of Police ~~~ an application form, which shall include the dealer's full name and any aliases and his address, date of birth, age, social security number, sex, and fingerprints; the name, address, and telephone number of the applicants' employer, if any; and the location of the applicant's place of business. Such application shall be accompanied by an application fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00), payable to "Treasurer, Roanoke County." 8 Sec. 16-43. Applicants weighing devices to be inspected and approved. Before a permit required by this Article may be issued, the applicant must have all weighing devices used in his business inspected and approved by county or state weights and measures officials and present written evidence of such approval to the Chief of Police~~. As a condition for renewal of any permit, as permitted under Section 16-46, each dealer shall provide written evidence of an inspection and approval within thirty (30) days prior to such renewal date. Sec. 16-44. Issuance or denial. Upon the filing of a proper application for a permit under this Article and compliance with the provisions of this Article and of Section 16-26, the applicant shall be issued a permit by the Chief of Police~~~, provided the applicant has not been convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude within seven (7) years prior to the date of application. The permit shall be denied if the applicant has been denied a permit or has had a permit revoked under this Chapter or any ordinance of this county or another jurisdiction similar in substance to the provisions of this Chapter. Any false or misleading information provided on the application form required by Section 16-42 may be grounds for denial of a permit. Sec. 16-45. Not transferable. No permit issued under this Article shall be transferable. Sec. 16-46. Term; renewal. A permit issued under this Article shall be valid for one 9 (1) year from the date issued, unless sooner revoked, and may be renewed in the same manner as such permit was initially obtained, with an annual permit fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00). Sec. 16-47. Revocation. Upon the first conviction, by any court, of a dealer for violation of any provision of this Chapter, the Chief of Police ~~ may revoke his permit to engage in business as a dealer under this Chapter for a period of one full year from the date the conviction becomes final. Such revocation by the Chief of Police shall be mandatory upon a second conviction. ARTICLE IV. SEVERABILITY Sec. 16-48. Severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Chapter shall remain valid. 2. That these amendments and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after June 27, 1990. On motion of Supervisor McGraw to adopt the ordinance amended with "(A)" included following Chapter 16 wherever applicable, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None 10 ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. llen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Police Chief John H. Cease Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor 11 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER H " f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING AND READOPTING CHAPTER 16 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE AS CHAPTER 16A, PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~ ,~~ v~~~eti~--~.~ BACKGROUND' Currently Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code, "Precious Metals and Gems" has Sections 16-1 through 16-20 reserved. In the process of developing the ordinance to organize the county police department, these sections appeared to be the logical location to place the Police Department Ordinance. While some consideration was given to including the "Precious Metals and Gems" sections in with the Police Department sections, it was felt this might prove confusing as well as making the "Precious Metals" sections more difficult for citizens to find. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The current "Precious Metals and Gems" ordinance is an important tool for effective law enforcement in Roanoke County. Enforcement of this Chapter will now come under the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County Police Department. The necessary amendments to the current code sections have been made to achieve that objective. As no major problems appear to have arisen in the current enforcement of this ordinance, no substantive changes are being made at this time. The current code sections will stay the same; only the chapter number will change from 16 to 16A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends adoption to these amendments to be f--/ - ~ consistent with the new Police Department organization. Respectfully s mitted, J; sep Obenshain nior Assistant County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND READOPTING CHAPTER 16 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE AS CHAPTER 16A, PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to institute and establish a county police department by adopting a new Chapter 16, Police to the Roanoke County Code; and, WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors to continue in effect those provisions of the Roanoke County Code dealing with the regulation of dealers in precious metal and gems with the same section numbers as currently but under a new Chapter designated 16A, and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, currently Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted as Chapter 16A Precious Metals and Gems by amending and reenacting Sections 16-21 through 16-32 and Sections 16-41 through 16-48 to read and provide as follows: 1 }~ - i Chapter 16A PRECIOUS METALS AND GEMs ARTICLE I. GENERALLY sec. 16-21. Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: ~~Coin" means any piece of gold, silver, or other metal fashioned into a prescribed shape, weight, and degree of fineness, stamped by authority of a government with certain marks and devices, and having a certain fixed value as money. ~~Dealer" means any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of purchasing secondhand precious metals or gems, removing in any manner precious metals or gems from manufactured articles not then owned by such person, firm, partnership or corporation, buying, acquiring or selling precious metals or gems removed from such manufactured articles. "Dealer" shall mean any employee or agent who makes any such purchase for or on behalf of his employer or principal. This definition shall not be construed so as to include persons engaged in the following: (1) Purchase of precious metal or gems directly from other dealers, manufacturers, or wholesalers for retail or wholesale inventories, provided the selling dealer has complied with the provisions of this Chapter. (2) Purchases of precious metals or gems from a duly qualified fiduciary who is disposing of the assets of the 2 . ~` "' estate being administered by such fiduciary in the administration of an estate. (3) Acceptance by a retail merchant of trade-in merchandise previously sold by such retail merchant to the person presenting that merchandise for trade-in. (4) Repairing, restoring or designing jewelry by a retail merchant, if such activities are within his normal course of business. (5) Purchases of precious metals or gems by industrial refiners and manufacturers, insofar as such purchases are made directly from retail merchants, wholesalers, or dealers or by mail originating outside the Commonwealth of Virginia. (6) Persons regularly engaged in the business of purchasing and processing nonprecious scrap metals which incidentally may contain traces of precious metals recoverable as a by-product. ~~Gems~~ means precious or semiprecious stones customarily used in jewelry whether loose or in a setting. ~~Precious metals~~ means any item, except coins, composed in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum or platinum alloys. sec. 16-22. violations of Chapter generally. Any person convicted of violating any provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for the first offense. Upon conviction of any subsequent offense, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. sec. 16-23. Chapter not applicable to sale or purchase of coins. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the sale or 3 ~° purchase of coins. sec. i6-23.1 Chapter not applicable to financial institutions. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any bank or branch thereof, trust company, or bank holding company, or any wholly-owned subsidiary thereof, engaged in the business of buying and selling gold and silver bullion. Sec. 16-24. Waiver of Article provisions for certain exhibitions and shows. The Chief of Police~~ may waive, by written notice, any provision of this Chapter, except Section 16-30, for particular numismatic, gem or antique exhibitions or craft shows sponsored by nonprofit organizations, provided the purpose of the exhibitions or shows is nonprofit in nature, notwithstanding the fact that there may be casual purchases and trades made at such exhibition or shows. ARTICLE II. DEALERB Sec. 16-25. Inspection of records required by Chapter and of articles listed in such records. Every dealer shall admit to his premises, during regular business hours, the Chief of Police or officers of the Police Department, the sheriff or his sworn deputies and any law- enforcement official of the state or federal governments, and shall permit such law-enforcement officer to examine all records required by this Chapter, and to examine any article listed in such a record which is believed by the officer to be missing or stolen. Sec. 16-26. Bond or letter of credit. (a) Every dealer, at the time of obtaining a permit under 4 -~ III of this Chapter, shall enter into a recognizance in Article orate surety secured by a core favor of the Board of Supervisors, in the penal sum of authorized to do business in the Commonwealth, n due observance 10,000.00), conditioned upo ten thousand dollars ($ a dealer may cause of the term of this Chapter. In lieu of a bond, issued, by a bank authorized to do business in the to be ealth, a letter of credit in favor of the Board of Commonw 10,000.00). Supervisors, in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($ er or principal may be written (b) A single bond upon an employ le letter of credit issued under this section to cover all or a sing ees and all transactions occurring at a single location. employ c If any person shall be aggrieved by the misconduct of any ( ) ter, he may dealer who has violated the provision of this Chap an action for recovery in any court of proper jurisdiction maintain a ainst a ainst such dealer and his surety, provided that recovery g g ud ent, if any, the surety shall be only for that amount of the j gm which is unsatisfied by the dealer. and reopening of business; Sec. 16-27. Notice of closiaq location of business. erated without If the business of a dealer is not oP Sundays and recognized holidays excepted, interruption, Saturdays, eriod of not less than ten da s the dealer shall notify for a enings of such of all closings and reop the Chief of Police ~~ from the business. The business of a dealer shall be conducted only for a fixed and permanent location specified in his application permit under this Chapter. 5 ~. Sec. 16-28. Identification of persons from whom purchases made. No dealer shall purchase precious metal or gems, without first ascertaining the identity of the seller, by requiring an identification card or document issued by a governmental agency, with a photograph of the seller thereon, and at least one other corroborating means of identification, and obtaining a statement of ownership from the seller. Sec. 16-29. Record of Purchases. (a) Every dealer shall keep, at his place of business an accurate and legible record of each purchase of precious metals or gems. The record of each such purchased shall be retained by the dealer for not less than twenty-four (24) months. These records shall set forth the following: (1) A complete description of all precious metals or gems purchased from each seller. The description shall include all names, initials, serial numbers or other identifying marks or monograms on each item purchased, the true weight or carat of any gem and the price paid for each item. (2) The date and time of receiving the item(s) purchased. (3) The name, address, age, sex, race, driver's license number or social security number and signature of the seller. (4) A statement of ownership from the seller. (b) The information requires by subdivisions 1 through 3 of subsection (a) above shall appear on each bill of sale for all 6 ~--~ urchased by a dealer and a copy shall be precious metals and gems p mailed or delivered, within twenty-four (24) hours of the time of purchase, to the office of the Chief of Police °~==°-~-'-~• Sec. 16-30. Prohibited purchases. (a) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any ears. person who is under the age of eighteen (18 y (b) No dealer shall purchase precious metals or gems from any person who the dealer believes, or has reason to believe, is not the owner of such items, unless such person has written and duly authenticated authorization from the owner permitting and directing such sale. (c) No dealer shall purchase or sell any precious metals or gems except at the place of business as identified in the application required by Section 16-42. Sec. 16-31. Retention of purchases. (a) A dealer shall retain all precious metals or gems purchased by him for a minimum of ten (10) calendar days from the date on which a copy of the bill of sale is received by the Chief of Police .,..~._ff pursuant to Section 16-29. Until the expiration of this period, the dealer shall not sell, alter or dispose of a purchased item, in whole or in part, or remove it from the county. (b) If a dealer performs the service of removing precious metals or gems, he shall retain the metals or gems removed and the article from which the removal was made for a period of ten (10) calendar days after receiving such article and precious metals or gems. 7 ~-I Sec. 16-32. Record of sales. Each dealer shall keep and maintain, for at least twenty-four (24) months, an accurate and legible record of the name and address of the person to whom he sells any precious metal or gem in its original form after the waiting period required by Section 16-31. This record shall also show the name and address of the person from whom the dealer purchased such item. Secs. 16-33 -- 16-40. Reserved. ARTICLE III. PERMIT Sec. 16-41. Permit required; posting. No person shall engage in the activities of a dealer in the county as defined by Section 16-21, unless he has a current permit so to do issued by the Chief of Police= pursuant to this Article. No purchase or sale permitted by this Chapter shall be lawful unless and until such permit is prominently posted at the dealer's place of business. Sec. 16-42. Application fee. Any person desiring a permit required by this Article shall file with the Chief of Police ~-~-~f an application form, which shall include the dealer's full name and any aliases and his address, date of birth, age, social security number, sex, and fingerprints; the name, address, and telephone number of the applicants' employer, if any; and the location of the applicant's place of business. Such application shall be accompanied by an application fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00), payable to "Treasurer, Roanoke County." 8 -. Sec. 16-43. Applicants weighing devices to be inspected and approved. Before a permit required by this Article may be issued, the applicant must have all weighing devices used in his business inspected and approved by county or state weights and measures officials and present written evidence of such approval to the Chief of Police~_. As a condition for renewal of any permit, as permitted under Section 16-46, each dealer shall provide written evidence of an inspection and approval within thirty (30) days prior to such renewal date. Sec. 16-44. Issuance or denial. Upon the filing of a proper application for a permit under this Article and compliance with the provisions of this Article and of Section 16-26, the applicant shall be issued a permit by the Chief of Police~e~=, provided the applicant has not been convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude within seven (7) years prior to the date of application. The permit shall be denied if the applicant has been denied a permit or has had a permit revoked under this Chapter or any ordinance of this county or another jurisdiction similar in substance to the provisions of this Chapter. Any false or misleading information provided on the application form required by Section 16-42 may be grounds for denial of a permit. Sec. 16-45. Not transferable. No permit issued under this Article shall be transferable. Sec. 16-46. Term; renewal. A permit issued under this Article shall be valid for one 9 ,, (1) year from the date issued, unless sooner revoked, and may be renewed in the same manner as such permit was initially obtained, with an annual permit fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00). Sec. 16-47. Revocation. Upon the first conviction, by any court, of a dealer for violation of any provision of this Chapter, the Chief of Police -~~=may revoke his permit to engage in business as a dealer under this Chapter for a period of one full year from the date the conviction becomes final. Such revocation by the Chief of Police shall be mandatory upon a second conviction. ARTICLE IV. BEVERABILITY Sec. 16-48. Severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Chapter shall remain valid. 2. That these amendments and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after June 27, 1990. 10 ~ ,. 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE 62690-10 ESTABLISHING A COUNTY POLICE FORCE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, on November 7, 1989, the qualified voters of Roanoke County approved by majority vote the establishment of a police force in the County in a referendum conducted pursuant to § 15.1- 131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia in its 1990 legislative session enacted authorizing legislation for the creation of such a police department as required by § 15.1- 131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia: and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to institute and establish a police department for the County of Roanoke which shall commence operations on July 1, 1990, at 12:00:01 a.m.; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, currently Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted under the heading Police by adding Sections 16-1 through 16-18 to read and provide as follows: CHAPTER 16 Police 3 of the board shall give orders to or direct any officer or employee of the department, including the Chief of Police. Article II. Chief of Police Sec. 16-4. Selection of Chief of Police The Chief of Police shall be selected by the County Administrator and shall serve at the pleasure of the Administrator at such salary as the Administrator, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, shall determine. Sec. 16-5. Duties of Chief of Police; Bond. The Chief of Police shall be the principal law enforcement officer of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the operations of the Roanoke County Police Department and the performance of all officers and employees of this department. The Chief of Police shall be authorized to establish such policies and procedures and to adopt such rules and regulations for the department, as shall be most conducive to the efficient and professional operation of this department. The Chief of Police shall be bonded in accordance with standard county practice. Sec. 16-6. Coordination with other law enforcement agencies; Reports. In carrying out his responsibilities, the Chief of Police shall consult with and coordinate the operations of this department with the Sheriff of Roanoke County, the Chief of Police of the Town of Vinton and the principal law enforcement officer of all contiguous jurisdictions, in so far as reasonably possible. The Chief of Police shall keep the County Administrator informed of the 4 operations of his department and of significant matters affecting the public safety of the County of Roanoke and shall make such reports to the Administrator and the Board of Supervisors as shall be periodically required. Article III. Officers and Employees Sec. 16-7. Selection and appointment of police officers; oaths. The officers of the Roanoke County Police Department shall be selected, appointed, promoted, disciplined and terminated by the Chief of Police in accordance with the procedures established in the Roanoke County Employee Handbook. To assist the Chief in hiring the most capable and qualified officers, he shall be authorized to establish such selection procedures, including the administration of tests or other measurements, as are consistent with professional police practices. Prior to receiving his badge of office, each officer shall take an oath as prescribed by state statute or local ordinance. Sec. 16-8. Powers and duties of police officers. Every officer of this department shall have all powers and authority as stated in Sec. 16 - 2 above. It shall be the duty of every officer of this department to use his best efforts to preserve and enforce the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ordinances and regulation of the County of Roanoke and to preserve the peace and good order of this community. Each officer shall in all cases, except in civil matters, execute within the territorial limits of Roanoke County, and within one mile beyond, all warrants or summonses as may be placed in his hand. 5 Sec 16-9. Regulations and procedures. The Police Department shall adopt such regulations and procedures in the form of general orders or otherwise as shall be necessary or conducive to the efficient and professional operation of the department. Article IV. Records and Services of the Department Sec. 16-10. Records of arrests and offenses; Release of records. The Police Department shall keep records of offenses reported and arrests and the disposition thereof in such form as the Chief of Police shall prescribe. The release of any such records shall be in compliance with the "Virginia Freedom of Information Act, " § 2.1-340.1 to 2.1-346.1 and the "Privacy Protection Act of 1976" §2.1-377 to 2.1-386, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended or their successors. Provided that written authorization is received from the individual who is the subject of any investigation or arrest, the department shall make such information available to third parties. The department may charge a fee, not to exceed $10.00 to defray the administrative cost of searching for and providing such information. The Chief of Police may waive such fee for any law- enforcement officer or agency or authorized representative of any armed force of the United States or the Commonwealth or for any organization which provides services to the Police Department which are reasonably adequate to offset the revenue to be derived from such fees. Sec. 16-11. Fingerprinting. The Police Department shall record fingerprint impressions on 6 fingerprint cards for any individual upon the payment of a fee of $10.00. No fee shall be charged where fingerprinting shall be a condition of employment of any agency of this local government, or where performed at the request of another law-enforcement agency or authorized representative of the armed forces of the United States or the Commonwealth. The Chief of Police is authorized to waive this fee in connection with the fingerprinting of minors conducted by the department in connection with any public service project or promotion, in his discretion. sec. 16-12. Accident reports. The Police Department shall keep on file such records of traffic accidents occurring in the County of Roanoke as the Chief of Police shall require. Upon the payment of a fee of $10.00 to defray the cost of providing such reports, the Chief of Police may make available the originals and permit copying of such reports to any person directly involved in a particular accident, their legal or other authorized representative, any authorized representative of any insurance carrier reasonably anticipating exposure to civil liability as a consequence of the accident or any party who suffered personal injury or property damage as a result of such accident. The provisions of this section shall only apply to the standard report form authorized by the Department of Motor Vehicles and shall not be interpreted to include any investigative report by any police officer or statement made by any witness to any such accident. Sec. 16-13. Disposition of fees. All fees for services provided by the Police Department in accordance with this Article shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the county's general fund. Article V. Unclaimed Personal Property. Sec. 16-14. Definition. As used herein, "unclaimed personal property" shall mean any personal property belonging to another which has been acquired by an officer of this department pursuant to his duties, which is not needed in any criminal prosecution, which has not been claimed by its rightful owner and which the state treasurer has indicated will be declined if remitted under the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (§ 55-210.1 et se~C, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended). Sec. 16-15. When sale authorized. Any unclaimed personal property which has been in the possession of the Police Department and is unclaimed for a period of more than sixty (60) days may be disposed of by the Chief of Police by public sale, subject to the provisions of this Article. Sec. 16-16. Prerequisites to sale. Prior to the sale of any unclaimed property pursuant to this Article, the Chief of Police, or his duly designated representative, shall make reasonable attempts to notify the rightful owner of the property, obtain from the Commonwealth's Attorney, in writing, a statement advising that the property is not needed in any criminal prosecution and cause to be published, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, once a week for 8 two (2) successive weeks, notice that there will be a public sale of such unclaimed personal property. Such property shall be described generally in the notice, together with the date, time and place of the sale. Sec. 16-17. Disposition of sale proceeds. The Chief of Police, or his duly designated representative, shall pay, from the proceeds of any sale made pursuant to this Article, the costs of advertisement, removal, storage, investigation as to ownership and liens and notice of sale. The balance of such funds shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the account of the Chief of Police and paid to the owner upon satisfactory proof of ownership. If no claim has been made by the owner for such funds within sixty (60) days of the sale, the remaining funds shall be deposited in the general fund of the county. Any such owner shall be entitled to apply to the county within three (3) years from the date of the sale and, if timely application is made therefor, the county shall pay the remaining proceeds of the sale to the owner, without interest or other charges. No claim shall be made nor any suit, action or proceeding be instituted for the recovery of such funds after three (3) years from the date of the sale. Article VI. SEVERABILITY Sec. 16-18. Severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of 9 this Chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Chapter shall remain valid. Secs. 16-19 to 16-20. Reserved. 2. That these amendments, additions and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after June 27, 1990. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John H. Cease, Police Chief Michael F. Kavanaugh, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A COUNTY POLICE FORCE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : r~~~,.~,,,~,~ u~~~-`-L"-'( BACKGROUND' On November 7, 1989, a majority of the qualified voters of Roanoke County approved the establishment of a county police force in a referendum conducted pursuant to § 15.1-131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia. At its 1990 legislative session, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia enacted House Bill 413 which creates § 15.1-131.11 which authorizes Roanoke County to establish a county police department. This section states that "such police department shall be organized in accordance with an ordinance to be adopted by the board of supervisors thereof." SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed ordinance for the establishment of a county police department is designed to organize the department and provide for the general powers of the Chief of Police and the officers in the department. The ordinance authorizes the department to be headed by a Chief of Police who shall be the principal law enforcement officer within Roanoke County. The officers of the county police department shall be selected and promoted by the Chief of Police. The county police officers shall have all the powers and authority granted to them by either statute or the common law powers of law enforcement officers in Virginia. The ordinance also contains general organizational provisions for record keeping and providing copies of such records to the public. Property which comes into the hands of the department whether as evidence or otherwise will be disposed of in accordance with state law. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the adoption of this ordinance in order ~_a for the county police department to become operational as of July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, Jose B. benshain Sen' r Assistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs i~-a AT A REGULAR MEETING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER~NTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT 1990 TUESDAY, JUNE 26, ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A C VIRGINIALICE FORCE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, WHEREAS, on November 7, 1989, the qualified voters of Roanoke County approved by majority vote the establishment of a police force in the County in a referendum conducted pursuant to § 15.1- 131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia in its 1990 legislative session enacted authorizing legislation for the creation of such a police department as required by § 15.1- 131.6:1 of the Code of Virginia: and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to institute and establish a police department for the County of Roanoke which shall commence operations on July 1, 1990, at 12:00:01 a.m.; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; the second reading on this ordinance was held on June 26, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, currently Precious Metals and Gems, of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted under the heading Police by adding Sections 16-1 through 16-18 to read and provide as follows: 1 ~4 -~ CHAPTER 16 Police Article I. In General Sec. 16-1. Establishment of Police Department. A police department consisting of a Chief of Police and officers of such rank and experience as the chief shall determine is hereby created for the County of Roanoke, Virginia. This department shall be known as the Roanoke County Police Department. Sec. 16-2. Duties and authority of Police Department and its officers. The Roanoke County Police Department shall exercise all the powers and duties imposed upon police by the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, or its successors as it may from time to time appear. The police officers constituting this department are invested with and authorized to exercise all of the power and authority which pertains to the office of constable at common law within the territorial limits of the County of Roanoke, including the Town of Vinton, in taking cognizance of and enforcing the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ordinances and regulation of the County of Roanoke. Sec. 16-3. Limitations on board actions. Neither the board nor any of its members shall direct the appointment, promotion or removal of any officer or employee of the Police Department nor interfere with the Chief of Police in the exercise of his judgment in any such matters. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the members of the board 2 ~~ ~» ~. shall deal with the Chief of Police and any officers of the department solely through the County Administrator, and no member of the board shall give orders to or direct any officer or employee of the department, including the Chief of Police. Article II. Chief of Police Sec. 16-4. Selection of-Chief of Police The Chief of Police shall be selected by the County Administrator and shall serve at the pleasure of the Administrator at such salary as the Administrator, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, shall determine. Sec. 16-5. Duties of Chief of Police; Bond. The Chief of Police shall be the principal law enforcement officer of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the operations of the Roanoke County Police Department and the performance of all officers and employees of this department. The Chief of Police shall be authorized to establish such policies and procedures and to adopt such rules and such regulations for the department, not inconsistent with any policies, procedures, rules or regulations of Roanoke County, as shall be most conducive to the efficient and professional operation of this department. The Chief of Police shall be bonded in accordance with standard county practice. Sec. 16-6. Coordination with other law enforcement agencies; Reports. In carrying out his responsibilities, the Chief of Police shall consult with and coordinate the operations of this department with the Sheriff of Roanoke County, the Chief of Police of the Town 3 R of Vinton and the principal law enforcement officer of all contiguous jurisdictions, in so far as reasonably possible. The Chief of Police shall keep the County Administrator informed of the operations of his department and of significant matters affecting the public safety of the County of Roanoke and shall make such reports to the Administrator and the Board of Supervisors as shall be periodically required. Article III. Officers and Employees Sec. 16-7. Selection and appointment of police officers; oaths. The officers of the Roanoke County Police Department shall be selected, appointed, promoted, disciplined and terminated by the „rt~~ Employee Chief of Police in accordance with the Roanoke C~~a Han_ k. To assist the Chief in hiring the most capable and qualified officers, he shall be authorized to establish such selection procedures, including the administration of tests or other measurements, as are consistent with professional police practices. Prior to receiving his badge of office, each officer shall take an oath as prescribed by state statute or local ordinance. powers and duties of police officers. Sec. 16-8. Every officer of this department shall have all powers and authority as stated in Sec. 16 - 2 above. It shall be the duty of every officer of this department to use his best efforts to preserve and enforce the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ordinances and regulation of the County of Roanoke and to preserve the peace and good order of this community. Each 4 I~ w officer shall in all cases, except in civil matters, execute within the territorial limits of Roanoke County, and within one mile beyond, all warrants or summonses as may be placed in his hand. Sec i6-9. Regulations and procedures. The Police Department shall adopt such regulations and procedures in the form of general orders or otherwise as shall be necessary or conducive to the efficient and professional operation of the department. Article IV. Records and Services of the Department Sec. 16-10. Records of arrests and offenses; Release of records. The Police Department shall keep records of offenses reported and arrests and the disposition thereof in such form as the Chief of Police shall prescribe. The release of any such records shall be in compliance with the "Virginia Freedom of Information Act, " § 2.1-340.1 to 2.1-346.1 and the "Privacy Protection Act of 1976" §2.1-377 to 2.1-386, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended or their successors. Provided that written authorization is received from the individual who is the subject of any investigation or arrest, the department shall make such information available to third parties. The department may charge a fee, not to exceed $10.00 to defray the administrative cost of searching for and providing such information. The Chief of Police may waive such fee for any law- enforcement officer or agency or authorized representative of any armed force of the United States or the Commonwealth or for any organization which provides services to the Police Department which are reasonably adequate to offset the revenue to be derived from 5 ~'~ such fees. Sec. 16-ii. Fingerprinting. The Police Department shall record fingerprint impressions on fingerprint cards for any individual upon the payment of a fee of $10.00. No fee shall be charged where fingerprinting shall be a condition of employment of any agency of this local government, or where performed at the request of another law-enforcement agency or authorized representative of the armed forces of the United States or the Commonwealth. The Chief of Police is authorized to waive this fee in connection with the fingerprinting of minors conducted by the department in connection with any public service project or promotion, in his discretion. Sec. 16-12. Accident reports. The Police Department shall keep on file such records of traffic accidents occurring in the County of Roanoke as the Chief of Police shall require. Upon the payment of a fee of $10.00 to defray the cost of providing such reports, the Chief of Police may make available the originals and permit copying of such reports to any person directly involved in a particular accident, their legal or other authorized representative, any authorized representative of any insurance carrier reasonably anticipating exposure to civil liability as a consequence of the accident or any party who suffered personal injury or property damage as a result of such accident. The provisions of this section shall only apply to the standard report form authorized by the Department of Motor Vehicles and shall not be interpreted to include any investigative report 6 i "~" " by any police officer or statement made by any witness to any such accident. Sec.. 16-13. Disposition of fees. All fees for services provided by the Police Department in accordance with this Article shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the county's general fund. Article O. Onclaimed Personal Property. Sec. 16-14. Definition. As used herein, "unclaimed personal property" shall mean any personal property belonging to another which has been acquired by an officer of this department pursuant to his duties, which is not needed in any criminal prosecution, which has not been claimed by its rightful owner and which the state treasurer has indicated will be declined if remitted under the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (§ 55-210.1 et se , Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended). Sec. 16-15. When sale authorized. Any unclaimed personal property which has been in the possession of the Police Department and is unclaimed for a period of more than sixty ( 60 ) days may be disposed of by the Chief of Police by public sale, subject to the provisions of this Article. Sec. 16-16. Prerequisites to sale. Prior to the sale of any unclaimed property pursuant to this Article, the Chief of Police, or his duly designated representative, shall make reasonable attempts to notify the rightful owner of the property, obtain from the Commonwealth's 7 ~' Attorney, in writing, a statement advising that the property is not needed in any criminal prosecution and cause to be published, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, once a week for two (2) successive weeks, notice that there will be a public sale of such unclaimed personal property. Such property shall be described generally in the notice, together with the date, time and place of the sale. Sec. 16-17. Disposition of sale proceeds. The Chief of Police, or his duly designated representative, shall pay, from the proceeds of any sale made pursuant to this Article, the costs of advertisement, removal, storage, investigation as to ownership and liens and notice of sale. The balance of such funds shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the account of the Chief of Police and paid to the owner upon satisfactory proof of ownership. If no claim has been made by the owner for such funds within sixty (60) days of the sale, the remaining funds shall be deposited in the general fund of the county. Any such owner shall be entitled to apply to the county within three (3) years from the date of the sale and, if timely application is made therefor, the county shall pay the remaining proceeds of the sale to the owner, without interest or other charges. No claim shall be made nor any suit, action or proceeding be instituted for the recovery of such funds after three (3) years from the date of the sale. 8 .~- Article VI. sEVERABILITY sec. 16-18. Severability. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Chapter are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Chapter shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Chapter shall remain valid. Secs. 16-19 to 16-20. Reserved. 2. That these amendments, additions and reenactments shall be in full force and effect on and after June 27, 1990. 9 } ,~ rr ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPER MINISTRATION CENTER,NTY AT A REGULAR MEET VIRGINIA, HELD AT TTiE RrOpAy OKJUNE U12 Y 1990 CE 62611 AMENDING THEO ROANORE COUNTY CODE B CHAPTER 16, POLE. ORDINAN 0~, § 16-19 T THE ADDITION ISHING AN AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE IN ROANORE COUNT lice ESTABL County Po WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the Roanoke ro ram to provide De artment has expressed a desire to establish a P g which p Virginia, for an auxiliary police force in Roanoke County, rocedures olive p said auxiliary police force shall be trained in p use for various lementary force for and shall be available as a supp and olive activities and functions in Roanoke County' 0 as amended, p inia, 195 , WHEREAS, § 15.1-159.2, Code of Virg verning body of a county to establish, equip and authorizes the go maintain an auxiliary police force: and is of the HEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County W olive force inion that the establishment of such an auxiliary p op would be in the best interests of Roanoke County• Roanoke County, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Virginia, as follows: Code be . That Chapter 16, Police, of the Roanoke County 1 amended and readopted by adding Sec. 16-19 as follows: Sec 16-19. Roanoke County Auxiliary Police Force. uxiliary police force is hereby created in Roanoke Ca) An a 'r inia. This force shall be designated as the Roano e County, Vi g olive uxiliary Police Force. The members of the auxiliary P ers County A when called into service, shall have all the pow force, Article 4 of thority and immunities as granted to such forces by au inia [§ 15.1-159.2 et Chapter 3, Title 15.1 of the Code of Virg' seq.]• ower and authority fib) The Chief of Police shall have the ar police force at to call into service the members of the auxili Y so to do. such times as he deems it necessary as auxiliary police ~c) All individuals who shall serve disciplined, and appointed, promoted, officers shall be selected, police d b the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County terminate Y Department. 11 auxiliary police officers shall wear the uniform o ~d) A artment with a designation thereon the Roanoke County Police Dep 'cer is a member of the auxiliary police force when that such off i in the performance of their duties. uxiliary police officers shall follow and fully fie) All a rules and olicies procedures, comply with all established p Police Department. regulations of the Roanoke County full force and effect from and 2, This ordinance shall be in after July 1, 1990. f Su ervisor Eddy to adopt ordinance, and carried On motion o p by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers AYES: NAYS: None ABSENT: Supe~isor Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~' Mary H. Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors Roanoke County cc: File Cease Police Chief John HKavanaugh Sheriff Michael F. Mahoney, County Attorney pawl M• Commonwealth Attorney Skip Burkart, Magistrate S•W•, Rke, 24016 Sheriff's Department 315 Church Avenue, Roanoke Law Library, Main Library Code Book Roanoke County Court, Intake Counsellor Roanoke County J&D ACTION NO. ITEM NO . "~" '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF § 16-19 TO CHAPTER 16, POLICE, ESTABLISHING AN AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE IN ROANOKE COUNTY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: -ri~~~-'~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' BACKGROUND: In 1973, the Board established a Sheriff's Department Auxiliary Police Force which has been an active law enforcement entity since that time. Current members of this Auxiliary have expressed repeated interest in continuing as members of an auxiliary police force under the Roanoke County Police Department. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: An auxiliary police force can provide a significant manpower resource to any law enforcement agency. Currently, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department Auxiliary provides approximately 4,385.5 man/hours each year to supplement the law enforcement efforts of that department. It is anticipated that a police department auxiliary force would provide a comparable resource to the Roanoke County Police Department. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends creation of a Roanoke County Police Depart- ment Auxiliary to serve the same function as now served by the Sheriff's Department Auxiliary. Respectfully submitted, i~ -:~ Action Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers vc~~e No Yes Abs ' . ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF § 16-19 TO CHAPTER 16, POLICE, ESTABLISHING AN AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County Police Department has expressed a desire to establish a program to provide for an auxiliary police force in Roanoke County, Virginia, which said auxiliary police force shall be trained in police procedures and shall be available as a supplementary force for use for various police activities and functions in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, § 15.1-159.2, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, authorizes the governing body of a county to establish, equip and maintain an auxiliary police force; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that the establishment of such an auxiliary police force would be in the best interests of Roanoke County. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 16, Police, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and readopted by adding Sec. 16-19 as follows: Sec 16-19. Roanoke County Auxiliary Police Force. (a) An auxiliary police force is hereby created in Roanoke County, Virginia. This force shall be designated as the Roanoke County Auxiliary Police Force. The members of the auxiliary police force, when called into service, shall have all the powers, authority and immunities as granted to such forces by Article 4 of Chapter 3, Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia [§ 15.1-159.2 et µ-3 seq.]. (b) The Chief of.Police shall .have the power and authority to call into service the members of the auxiliary police force at such times as he deems it necessary so to do. (c) All individuals who shall serve as auxiliary police officers shall be selected, appointed, promoted, disciplined, and terminated by the Chief of Police of the Roanoke County Police Department. (d) All auxiliary police officers shall wear the uniform of the Roanoke County Police Department with a designation thereon that such officer is a member of the auxiliary police force when in the performance of their duties. (e) All auxiliary police officers shall follow and fully comply with all established policies procedures, rules and regulations of the Roanoke County Police Department. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 1990. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIN IN~ROANOKE, VA R ON TUESDAYT JUNEI26ST1990ON CENTER ORDINANCE 62690-12 AMENDING CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III. PARRING, TO PROHIBIT PARRING IN FIRE LANES ~.,.r .. WHEREAS, by Ordinance 52488-13, Roanoke ~.vuii~y L~r--~~-° Article II, Fire Lanes of Chapter 9, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION in adopting the "Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code;" and WHEREAS, all violations of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke, Article II, Chapter 9, Roanoke County Code, are charged as Class 1 Misdemeanors carrying the punishment prescribed by § 18.2-11, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, by the amendment of § 46.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia, the County of Roanoke has been granted the same powers as cities and towns to regulate parking within its boundaries by ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Article III, PARRING, Division 1. GENERALLY, of Chapter 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, be amended and readopted by adding Section 12-60 as follows: Sec. 12-60. Parking in fire lanes unlawful. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park in or otherwise obstruct a fire lane designated and marked by the fire marshall in accordance with Sec. F-313.1, et seq., of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke. (b) The fire marshall or any law-enforcement officer may 1 enforce this section in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and may have any motor vehicle parked in violation of this section towed to a garage or parking lot for storage, at the expense of the owner of such motor vehicle. 2. That this amendment and readoption shall be in full force and effect on and after July 1, 1990. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Chief Thomas C. Fuqua, Fire & Rescue Police Chief John H. Cease Fire Marshal Kenneth R. Sharp Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor 2 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIN IN~ROANOKE, VA R ON TUESDAY T JUNEI12ST1990ON CENTER MEETING DATE: JUNE 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III. PARKING, TO PROHIBIT PARKING IN FIRE LANES COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~`,.~,a-~7~~ ~ ` BACKGROUND• The adoption of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code as Article II of Chapter 9 of the Roanoke County Code in May of 1988, resulted in the repeal of the then existing Roanoke County Fire Lane ordinance. Subsequently difficulty has been experienced in enforcing citations for parking in fire lanes due to several factors. Judges have expressed some question about the county's authority to regulate fire lanes on private property including shopping centers. Further, the penalty provisions under the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code makes any violation a Class 1 Misdemeanor under § 27-100 of the Code of Virginia. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 1990 session of the General Assembly added Roanoke County to those counties enumerated in § 46.2-1220 as having the same powers as any city or town to regulate parking within its jurisdiction by ordinance. The purpose of the proposed "Fire Lane" ordinance is to make explicit that Roanoke County makes illegal the parking of any motor vehicle in a fire lane which has been designated by the Fire Marshall in accordance with the standards for fire lanes as previously adopted by this Board. See Ordinance 52488-13. The penalty for parking in a fire lane shall remain at Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as established by Ordinance 85-52. ~~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this ordinance in order to remove a current loop-hole in the county's public safety enforcement procedures. Respectfull subm'tte J eph Obenshain S for ssistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers vote No Yes Abs ,, ~~~~ , ~, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III. PARKING, TO PROHIBIT PARKING IN FIRE LANES WHEREAS, by Ordinance 52488-13, Roanoke County repealed Article II, Fire Lanes of Chapter 9, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION in adopting the "Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code;" and WHEREAS, all violations of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke, Article II, Chapter 9, Roanoke County Code, are charged as Class 1 Misdemeanors carrying the punishment prescribed by § 18.2-11, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, by the amendment of § 46.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia, the County of Roanoke has been granted the same powers as cities and towns to regulate parking within its boundaries by ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Article III, PARKING, Division 1. GENERALLY, of Chapter 12, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, be amended and readopted by adding Section 12-60 as follows: Sec. 12-60. Parking in fire lanes unlawful. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park in or otherwise obstruct a fire lane designated and marked by the fire marshall in accordance with Sec. F-313.1, et sect., of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke. (b) The fire marshall or any law-enforcement officer may 1 ~ k . , i. enforce this section in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and may have any motor vehicle parked in violation of this section towed to a garage or parking lot for storage, at the expense of the owner of such motor vehicle. 2. That this amendment and readoption shall be in full force and effect on and after July 1, 1990. 2 r i ~~, .... ,~k AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD ATUESDAYOAJUNE 26i,N1990DMINISTRATION CENTER, ON ORDINANCE 62690-13 AMENDING SECTION 12-8 OF ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 12-8, Adoption of state law, Article I, In General, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-8. Adoption of state law. Pursuant to the authority of Section 46.2-1313 of the Code of Virginia, all of the provisions and requirements of the laws of the state contained in Title 46.2 and in Article 2 (Section 18.2-226 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, except those provisions and requirements which, by their very nature, can have no application to or within the County, are hereby adopted and incorporated in this chapter by reference and made applicable within the County. References to "highways of the state" contained in such provisions and requirements hereby adopted shall be deemed to refer to the streets, highways, and other public ways within the County. Such provision and requirements, as amended from time to time, are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter as fully as though set forth at length herein, and it shall be unlawful for any person within the County to violate or fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any such provision or requirement; provided, that in no event shall the penalty imposed for the violation of any provision or requirement hereby adopted exceed the penalty imposed for a similar offense under the state law hereby adopted. t The hrase "all of the rovisions and re uirements of the laws of the s tate" as used hereb shall be construed to include all ordinance is itself effective. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1990. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: `~c~:h~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Police Chief John H. Cease Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment and readoption of Section 12-8 of the Roanoke County Code; adopting provisions of Title 46.2 and 18.2 of the Code of Virginia COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~.,~,,,,,,,,,,,~~ ~~~~~ BACKGROUND' SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION The 1990 session of the General Assembly of Virginia adopted certain amendments to the Motor Vehicle laws of Virginia (Title 46.2). Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, of the Roanoke County Code, contains within Article I, a Section 12-8 entitled Adoption of state law. The purpose of Section 12-8 is to incorporate by reference those sections of Virginia law found in Title 46.2, Motor Vehicles, and Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2, Crimes, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, which are applicable to the regulation of traffic within Roanoke County. Amendments as a result of the 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly to Title 46.2 and Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, become effective as of July 1, 1990. The purpose of this ordinance is to make clear that the Board of Supervisors has taken affirmative action after the General Assembly amendments to bring these changes in the law into proper effect for Roanoke County. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Failure to adopt this amendment risks having any traffic charge issued as a County violation which involves incorporation by reference of any Virginia code section amended by the General Assembly being dismissed as not properly subject to the County Code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this proposed amendment and reenactment. ~}-5 Respectfully submitted, -~~ ~.~. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12-8 OF ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 12-8, Adoption of state law, Article I, In General, of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, be amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-8. Adoption of state law. Pursuant to the authority of Section 46.2-1313 of the Code of Virginia, all of the provisions and requirements of the laws of the state contained in Title 46.2 and in Article 2 (Section 18.2-226 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, except those provisions and requirements which, by their very nature, can have no application to or within the County, are hereby adopted and incorporated in this chapter by reference and made applicable within the County. References to "highways of the state" contained in such provisions and requirements hereby adopted shall be deemed to refer to the streets, highways, and other public ways within the County. Such provision and requirements, as amended from time to time, are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter as fully as though set forth at length herein, and it shall be unlawful for any person within the County to violate or fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any such provision or requirement; provided, that in no event shall the penalty imposed for the violation of any provision or requirement hereby adopted exceed the penalty imposed for a similar offense under the state law hereby adopted. ~} -5 The phrase "all of the provisions and requirements of the laws of the state" as used hereb shall be construed to include all amendments to said laws made effective as of the date that this ordinance is itself effective. 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1990. ACTION NUMBER ,f ITEM NUMBER '~ ~~ ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: • SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 Board of Zoninq Appeals Five-year term of M. E. Maxey, Vinton Magisterial District will expire June 30, 1990. 2 Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals Four year terms of Larry Lester, Alternate and John Brownlee, Alternate will expire July 25, 1990 3 Community Corrections Resources Board One-year term of Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate. His term expired August 13, 1988. 4 Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee Carl L. Wright, representative from the Cave Spring Magisterial District has resigned and another representative should be appointed. ~ ~ k4 SUBMITTED BY: ~ .~t~~~. Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED B ~~~ ~~r Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------- -------------- ------------------- ACTION VOTE A1n Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~, .w.. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD'OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 RESOLUTION 62690-14 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM K - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 26, 1990 designated as Item K Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - May 29, 1990 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Community Corrections Resources Board and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. 3. Approval of Fireworks Permit - Hills Department Store. 4. Approval of Fireworks Permit - Town of Vinton. 5. Donation of Right-of-way, Map of Countrywood, Plat Book 9, Page 143 and amended resolution requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the VDOT Secondary System. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: File Phillip Henry, Engineering Director May 29, 1990 40~' Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 May 29, 1990 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fifth Tuesday, and an adjourned meeting from the regularly scheduled meeting of May 22, 1990. ZN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robers reconvened and called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Human Services; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Community 405 ~~Y 29, 1990 Serv~~es and Development; Don M. Myers, Assis!t~ County Administrator for Management Serviges; Paul M. Mahone, County Attorney, Mary ,fit, Allen, Cler}~~to -the Board; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer IN RE: DISCIISSION REGAfbD~~1G PtTRPOBE OF MEETING Chairman Robers advised that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss matters relating to the consolidation agreement. He announced that there wa~s.one outstanding issue in regard to the areas in the Catawba-Magisterial District that would be- allowed a second vote to joie the City of Salem. He further advised that there had been~no response from the City of Salem concerning the recent negotiations. He suggested that the meeting be adjourned and reconvened when the board receives a response from Salem. Supervisor Johnson asked for an update on the issues the negotiators have been discussing. IN RE: IIPDATE ON CONSOLIDATION NEGOTIATIONS REGARDING THE EBPANSION OF TERRITORY THAT;COOLD VOTE TO JOIN SALEM .i Chairman Robers advised that the negotiators met with the City of Salem and made ~n offer similar to the previous offer, with an additional provision that Salem would agree not to n accept any voluntary annexation petitions for the next 25 years should consolidation not be=approved by the voters. He explained that the purpose of the negotiations with the City of Salem would give additional areas in the Catawba Magisterial District a May 29, 1990 406 . 1. !-ddition of provision concerning reassignment o! school faculty and personnel: Mr. Mahoney explained that this would develop specific language to give guidance to the future school board to retain assignments of school faculty and personnel. Supervisor Nickens advised that he did not feel racial issues should have a place in the discussion, and this item should not be used to placate teachers. He also pointed out that the state code does not allow governing bodies to dictate such issues to the school board or superintendent. Mr. Mahoney agreed that this would be difficult to achieve. Supervisor Johnson suggested that this be attached as an addendum explaining the intent of the Board of Supervisors and not included in the agreement. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve the staff recommendation. Supervisor Eddy offered a substitute motion to approve the staff recommendation with the item regarding assignments of school personnel deleted. Supervisor McGraw withdrew his motion in favor of Supervisor Eddy's motion. Supervisor Johnson offered another substitute motion to divide the issues for a separate vote on each item. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None Following discussion, Supervisor Johnson moved to delete the provision concerning reassignment of school faculty and personnel. The motion carried by the following vote: 40 ; May 29, 1990 AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None Z. Section 12 Education: Exvand the comyosition of the school board by the addition of two members Supervisor Nickens advised that he felt even though the representation from the County would be larger, the influence and money will come from the elected officials which will be controlled by the former city and he would not support this addition. This item passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: Supervisor Nickens 3. Section 19 Designation of Additional or More Complete Governmental Services to be provided within urban Service Districts: Delete "(1) additional law enforcement services: (2) additional fire fighting equipment and services," Supervisor Nickens pointed out that there were many unfunded positions in the RMG government such as 54 additional personnel in law enforcement and 16 additional positions in rescue services. He further advised that the real estate tax rate would have to be increased to $1.50 to level up these services. Supervisor Johnson responded that it was his understanding that the state code calls for equal services and that the level would be similar. He advised he was comfortable with the changes to the language. Mr. Mahoney also advised that one section of the code states that a government may not levy a May 29, 1990 ~ Q p ig er ax ra a or sc oo s, po ice or general services, but another section states that a government may for higher law enforcement. Supervisor Nickens expressed his concern that the services cannot be provided without additional revenue. Supervisor Eddy explained that his concern was that emergency services be available in either the old city and old county without an arbitrary boundary line. He pointed out that services in rural areas and suburban areas in the county are not equal at the present time and the intent is not to provide a uniform level of services throughout the RMG, but to allow emergency services to cross old boundary lines when necessary. Following additional discussion, Supervisor Eddy moved approve this change to the agreement. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: Supervisor Nickens 4. Section 14 City of Salem; Glenvar: Revise Exhibit "E" which is incorporated bY__reference into this section to expand the territory for the second referendum. Supervisor McGraw explained that this issue was brought up in response to requests from citizens in the Glenvar area who wanted to expand the territory that will be given a second vote. He also described the history behind the decision to allow certain areas in west Roanoke County the opportunity for a second referendum to join the City of Salem. Supervisor Johnson advised that the original negotiators asked that the entire Catawba Magisterial District be 40 9 May 29, 1990 second vote on becoming a part o~~~em_ -_ -_ -__ -c._ss- Supervisor Johnson expressed concern about the amount ~__ that was agreed upon for the areas that would join Salem when the a -,..F original understanding was for no less than $31 million and has now been reduced to $16 million.Ja Supervisor McGraw explained that the first concern of the negotiators was to expand the size J LPL of the second vote, come up with a dollar cost for the territory t~ that Salem could agree with, and add protection against future voluntary annexations. - ~~ Following discussion on the merits of reducing the amount of money, what areas would be given a second vote, protection against future annexations, and the authority of the 3~ t previous negotiators to meet with the City of Salem, Supervisor Nickens suggested moving on with other items that the board could take action on. _~ IN RE: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT County Attorney Paul Mahoney suggested following the T' same procedure to approve the amendments that was initially followed in January and February including legal notices with the specific language, and to hold a public hearing followed by a ., -, final vote by the board members. He suggested that the public hearing be held July 10. He also advised that the agreement would need to go back to the courts for an amended order incorporating the amendments, and should also be put before the Justice Department. 0 May 29, 1990 41~ included in the second vote but that was rejected by Salem. He pointed out that the areas chosen were a compromise settlement. In response to a question from Supervisor Nickens regarding the fate of Glenvar School and Green Hill Park if Glenvar becomes a part of Salem, Supervisor McGraw stated it was his understanding that Salem would close the school. However, he did not have official word on the future use of Green Hill Park, but there was a possibility it would be converted to an industrial park. He pointed out that future Salem elections would include representatives from the Glenvar area who would have input into these decisions. Supervisor Johnson asked what would happen to the landfill and reservoir if Salem expands its boundaries. Mr. Mahoney responded that the landfill, reservoir and Public Service Center would not be transferred to the City of Salem, but any agreement on taxes has not yet been negotiated. Supervisor McGraw advised he would address this issue in the next item. Supervisor McGraw moved to approve this change to the agreement. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Robers NAYS: Supervisors Johnson, Nickens 5. Authorization to prepare a separate agreement between the Cif of Salem, the County and Roanoke City to specify the terms and conditions under which this territory would be combined with the City of Salem: Supervisor McGraw moved to approve this item with ~.1 1 May 29, 1990 specific language added regarding taxation of the landfill and reservoir, and that the issue be brought back to the Board of Supervisors for a vote. Mr. Mahoney explained that one jurisdiction may tax another jurisdiction a portion of the tax rate for specified services that may be provided. The County currently pays such a reduced tax on the courthouse and jail located in Salem. In response to a question from Supervisor Eddy, Mr. Mahoney advised that one locality imposes the tax on another and a negotiated agreement is not necessary. Supervisor Johnson stated he could not support this change to the agreement. Supervisor McGraw's motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Robers NAYS: Supervisors Johnson, Nickens IN RE: PROVISION CONCERNING REASSIGNMENT OF SCHOOL FACIILTY AND PERSONNEL Supervisor Robers suggested that the Board of Supervisors adopt a position that the teachers who currently teach in Roanoke County schools be given preference to continue to teach in those schools. Supervisor McGraw suggested that the same request be extended on behalf of the Roanoke City school personnel. Supervisor Johnson asked Mr. Mahoney to bring back the specific language to the board. Supervisor Eddy asked that a specific cutoff date be adopted in the language. May 2.9, 1990 4 IId RE: 7~-DJOQRNZiENT Supervisor Nickens moved Co adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Mahoney advised that he would like to get the specific language on the changes back to the board so that he may begin the legal advertising on the changes. Mr. Mahoney explained what would be included in the legal notice. Supervisor Robers offered a substitute motion to adjourn to 5:00 p.m. on June 4, 1990. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None Richard W. Robers, Chairman A-62690-14.a ACTION NO. 1 ITEM NUMBER \' AT A REGULAR HELDIAT THE ROANOKE~ COUNTY ADMINISTRP,TIONROENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE' June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Community Corrections Resources Board and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The following nominations were made at the June 12, 1990 board meeting. Communit Corrections Resources Board Supervisor Eddy nominated Bernard Hairston to complete a one-year term from 8/13/90 to 8/13/90 and another one-year term beginning 8/13/90, and expiring 8/13/91. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Supervisor McGraw nominated Roger Smith to another three-year term as an at-large member. His term will expire June 30, 1993. Supervisor Robers nominated Lee Blair to a three-year term representing the Cave Spring Magisterial District. His term will expire June 30, 1993. RECOMMENDATION' It is recommended that these appointments by confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. °S Respectfully submitted, Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board Approved by, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by. Bob L. Johnson No Yes Absent Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) McGraw To ( ) Nickens x Robers x cc: File Community Corrections Resource Board File Parks & recreation Advisory Commission File ., ~. ACTION NO. A-62690-14.b ITEM NUMBER ` ~ ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of a Fireworks Permit for Hills Department Store COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Hills Department Store has requested a permit for a fireworks display to be held on July 4, 1990. Fireworks Unlimited of North Carolina will conduct the display and they will agree to the following safety precautions. These precautions were discussed with and approved by Police Chief Cease on June 11, 1990. Pursuant to Police Chief Cease's recommendation, Hills is required to employ six off-duty officers, staring one hour before the fireworks begin and to extend one hour beyond the time that the fireworks end. Three of these officers would be assigned to handle additional traffic on Route 419 and Route 221 and three would be used on the parking lot at Hills Department Store. Fire Marshal Ken R. Sharpe has reviewed the plans for the fireworks display and he recommends approval of the permit. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends approval of the fireworks display with the precautions outlined above. Submitted by, Approv d by, rye- .~d -c~....~~~. ~~~ ~ ~~. Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Fireworks File Police Chief Cease Fire Marshal Ken Sharp .~ OF ROANp,F~ ~, z ~ v a i8 E50 $$ FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT SFSQUICENTENN~a~ KENNETH R. SHARP f~ BeAU[IfUlBeginning FIRE MARSHAL TO: Mary Allen, Deputy Clerk FROM: Ken R. Sharp, Fire Marshal ~~/eS DATE: June 11, 1990 SUBJECT: Fireworks Permit for Hills Department Store I have reviewed this request for a fireworks permit at this location. Fireworks Unlimited, Inc. has successfully conducted this event for many years. Their insurance coverage is in line. They have demonstrated in the past that they know the safety rules. Police Chief, John H. Cease, recommends that Hills be required to employ six off- duty officers, starting one hour before the fireworks begin and to extend one hour beyond the time that the fireworks end. Three of these officers would be assigned to handle additional traffic on Route 419 and Route 221 and three would be used on the parking lot at Hills Department Store. This recommendation from Chief Cease was per Leighanne Vulgan. I recommend that this permit be issued. 3568 PETERS CREEK ROAD. NW. • ROANOKE. VA 24019 • (703) 561-8100 ,, +.~ i j j ~•. i ~ a FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT APPLICATION Pursuant to the provision of Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code the following organization hereby applies to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a display of fireworks within Roanoke County. 1. Name of Organization: ~ i LL $~ i~,~~j." Sr,~l's 2. Address: ~`T ~ l j~f~~.~rr,b ~ ~~~ j,~~~- S'C~ ,~' c'~ /Y ~~/C%- ~i~ , -Z ~ y / ~-- ~rF'~-~/~S 3. Date of Fireworks Display: ~ ` p d ',~~h 4. Location of Fireworks Display: ~ ~ ~- ~' r 5. Name and address of qualified expert who will conduct such display and basis for his qualification as an expert: / ~i~,% :~'j ~~~ X5'7 /~ ~~.~tiCF ~y,lL~~! ~~ ~ z~~ 6. Attach copy of Certificate of Insurance. 7. Attach a safety plan outlining precautions that will be implemented for the duration of the fireworks display: The undersigned hereby certifies that the provisions of Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code have been read and will be complied with by said organization. Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display shall be immediately disposed of in a safe manner. J Name _ l,/ , Title v ' '~' COMPANYi ~F. T.H.E. INSURANCE COMPANY kYti.` ~ ~` 10453 Gulf Rau levard Treasure Island, F l ar i da 3370e5 T o l l Free 1-840-237~33~;5 Na d o na l 1~~800~-~$~-b77b F l ar i da Certir icafe number; 9 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE FIREWORKS UI13FLpY NAME b ADDRE88 OF INSURED! ADDITIONAL IN8UREDi Firawarks Unlimited, Inc. Ratite ~., $ax 25?A Hills Stores Company, All Landlords, Ya nceyv i l le, Nt.; ~ 7379 Property Owners and Municipalities POLICY iRi LIABILITY LIMITi Hod i Ly InJury and Property mage! Class B Products POLICY PERIOD! FrToi ~=r.~-gx_..co~t~et I.s~f~~.iw~.~_Zansu~.ance_..GQ: ~~~~ ~..~t".~~4~s~~~w~ ~w~~ ......M~_.._~.._..~..__..~.._~..~..._.____ /O1/91 O/00/00 O/00/00 i~ z c e~~ _ o ~'_.._._._„ O/00/00 O/00/00 * ~~ COMPINELI SINGLE t..IMIT Tn the event of any material change i n or cancel lot i an of said pa i. icy(ies?, the campany will endeavor to give writ~en native to the party wham this cer- #ificate is issued, but failure to give such native shall impale na liability ar obligation upon the campany, NAME b ADDREBi~f OP' CERTIP'IGATE MOLDERi Hills Department Stores 15 Dan Road Canton, Massachusetts 02021 LOCATION DATE OF' Di~AY~ Julyy 4, 1990 RAIN DATEi Ju YY ,~,~~Yz19~Q'~ ~b~:15pm DISPLAY AMO~TS ~ 6 00.00 OF DISPLAYS 3901 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, VA 24018 T# is a candl#ion of the patlcY that alt displays be reported to the Company a least ~4 bout~s i n advance of the d i sp Lay date. This certificate neither off t rma t i ve ly nat~ negatively amends, extends at~ a I #er~ the coverage afforded by the palicyy~ies) described hereon. NQTES In the event tha# rain ar inclement weather prohibits this display coverage will apply ona sub se cent date an which the display is heldr wi~hin the terms of the pa t icy con~t~ac#. Cleanup and pa t is i ng of the d isp LaY are the respansib i l i #y of the sponsors. The following are addi#fanat instil~edsS any fair ar exposition, assaciatian, sp a near i ng arga n i xa t i a n ar committee, fibs owner or lessee of any premises used by the Named Insured,ar any public authority granting a permit to the Named Insureds but only as respects accidents arising out of the negligence of the Named Insured at~ the Named Insured's employees acting in the course and scope of their emp layment. p lea, as additional Named Insured, any Independent Can~~ #ractar who f Tres the d isp lay an beha tf of the Named Insured. This i nsut-ance does not apply to anY failure #a palace ar cleanup the display, ar liability arising there lram. This certificate is not valid unless an original signature appears below. tCopies No# Valid.) CovQraq• under the po l Icy is coed I t I oned upon tul l comp L lance by a L L insureds wt th a L L app L Icab L• Nat i ona L Ftr• Protrrct i on Assoc tat t on tNFPA) codes and standards in ettect at the time of display. Lia te"~~a~"~ere# i ~~ca~e~~ssua nce A111[11 CD[r1A1N 1\ICIIDAAIr`[ IAIr EXGE88_Ct~Eg8~3E _~...~.~._~...~~..__~_~...~._._..~_ `~_` ~xces5`oi ..._.._...~..~_... ~....._~..._~.._~.._~.._.~....~w~..._~.. _.._......~....~......__.__....~..__._w...~.._ _......_._........~.. Au at~~i xed'~~~~~gna~ure_ _~. ( \ /1i~YYV V~ rV~I ~r~ ~ .~~yV~V .~~Vr~ ~~\M ACTION NO. A-62690-14.c ITEM NUMBER r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of a Fireworks Permit for Town of Vinton COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Town of Vinton has requested a permit for a fireworks display to be held on July 4, 1990. Fireworks Unlimited of North Carolina will conduct the display and the attached letter outlines the safety plan. Fire Marshal Ken R. Sharpe has reviewed the plans for the fireworks display and he recommends approval of the permit. RECOMMENDATION' Staff recommends approval of the fireworks display with the precautions outlined above. Submitted by, Approv d by, ~,~~ _ s s Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge" Clerk to the Board County Administrator ----------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Xes Absent Eddy Denied ( ) x Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw x Nickens x To ( ) Robers x ._ cc: File Fireworks File Police Chief Cease Fire Marshal Ken Sharp O~ AOANp~~ ~ ~ ~~ . p ~~a~n~ u~ ~~~~~~~ Z ~ ~ z v a 150 QQ FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT 18 MEANS SS SFSQUICENTENN~P~ KENNREM R5 wRP A Beautiful Beginning TO: Mary Allen ~i " FROM: Ken R. Sharp J~ ~ s DATE: June 21, 1990 SUBJECT: Fireworks Permit Vinton War Memorial July 4, 1990 I have reviewed this request for a fireworks permit. I feel that everything is in order. I support this request. 3568 PETERS CREEK ROAD. NW. • ROANOKE. VA 24019 (703) 561-8100 .... FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT APPLICATION Pursuant to the provision of Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code the following organization hereby applies to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a display of fireworks within Roanoke County. 1. Name of Organization: Town of Vinton 2. Address: 311 S. Pollard Street Vinton, Virginia 24179 3. Date of Fireworks Display: July 4 • 1990 4. Location of Fireworks Display: vinton war Memorial 814 Washington Ave., Vinton 5. Name and address of qualified expert who will conduct such display and basis for his qualification as an expert: Bill Austin Richmond Vir inia 6. Attach copy of Certificate of Insurance. 7. Attach a safety plan outlining precautions that will be implemented for the duration of the fireworks display: The undersigned hereby certifies that the provisions of Section 11-2 of the Roanoke County Code have been read and will be complied with by said organization. Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display shall be immediately disposed of in a safe manner. Name Title T N ~~ TOWN OF VIN O P. O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 (703) 983-0607 FAX (703) 983-0621 GEORGE W. NESTER TOWN MANAGER i ~ - ? , - p ;Yt";."it J, t1.Jl~Jn}et Fi,,l"3?``' `-,~ !t. . arr..! +:i 1"^/ A+'~. 1.~~ .` ~ ".r ,.+ ,~ , iii {~ ~' .; 7T! !:: ~ i'y }~ r . , fi~ J,, , 1 '.1 E`' , ". r~+l ~' rl G-' ^!~ `:~ W f3 C'+ ~ ~r° l... F~ r-r (? l }- -i ^ T ~ ~. 'v .L , : u ,~. ,.. ~ 3" 3 t" .l.:a r? W C'' T 1~ ;.. ? ! 1 S ~. t + c,1"'T11. '~ . '=3 i." _ . Tu7 9, l i~t 1,: _~) .Ct r'. Tt, 3t ~°. 1. z1 4(-~~~t , r,, ~ ~~rr R.ve`)rrt_~, ~t Ali '-.~. . V r ; c,:in , !~. `~'~sy t-a 11. -,w~.rtr~ ...t~~tv t~a_i~, w1_? ~ ~i;_, _,n,r~~oTm<srr~~~ri f;~t, ''Ptr ric~r,3t.~c~•'~ o %i) , ~`i. E-• ]. !" E. C,... ~ C~ 3 1. L' ~ ~) P ~ i :@ T is ;: s:.., t-! ~(: W ]. ~ .1. fl S `~! ~ f •7 1,1 '!~ t_i _.:.t.._ , . ~ . , ~ir~_;.-r,~~i'(I;3FI .:'l)i)t'1U~_ 1T1:,, ~£~:f'fJ.C' C'~,t-r{O~_ i'i i,-it. t`i if; C! 3't'_~~i' tfiN fi..'tsW i~i/S. ,.)U.1.f1f.', ttSt:' 7`~rc=~W'~?-}.•~ ~'y..,.',.r~'I.'_ p.'rlf'i )t_it.1C'r -~'f', W~.1.. - --~' t~. 'i '~ L r"' (") E C~ -j f.. 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'?'}~,_. ;-~r;rnp=n~_~ r~'~~~f~•r,~~t,' _ ~ i5p~~,av wr..l l ~._ rircwo~r -.- i! f i ~. 1 rf} 1 ~- f-, _~ ~~ f }J : t? r~ c' V t 1. ~ ~:=' r i~ _: ~ r.. ~'. }"i ~ fl T [> 2 1 : ! %3 W 1 ~'. ~'1 ~ r ) ~`7 i-~1 , l) ~i?~ 7 . ' 1. , i'(1 :L r. 1 .._: i1 t''~.1 ri ~; Ec' r^,~, ,,J f~S ~. C(f:' {~,... ~_, ~f ,,-{;.~ -_, r- ',.31f1~""{ •:a..;lr~7c::, '.; ~- _' ... .1. rj ~~V fFr~ ~~.~7r ~: _- }~~- ~ .t -ir':r. f t°:-,. i=3 f1' nl t rraa~ttrr `' ~ p", f, t, i. r{ ~' r: r : ~~, .- U - . : j -`'i `•, f"1 t ~ ~-; } 1 ,.., T., h ,., 1 ~ , ,..i c .^., f u %:, i. f ... F f=+ t.. i'1 t: G ''k t- ~3 f.'..r ?%7 F~ . - - A i r"~ c ~=•.r ~_~ '. , , ~/ i T.H.E. INRURANCE.t~MN'ANY ~ 10451 Gulf E~aulevard Treasure Island, Florida 3374b T o l l Free 1--800--237-3355 Ma t i a na L 1-X300--2$2-b77b F l o r i d a Certificate number: 13 ~F I ~EWOFK80I I Si=NANCE NAME ~ ADDRE8S OF INSUREDS Fireworks Unlimited, Inc. Route 1; Pox 2~?F1 Yanceyv~Lle, NC 27379 COMPANYi EgIMAgY_GG~@At~E I~.k1~E.~_I~su>L.ancs_Gs~.~. POLICY NUMBERi ~____$LG~~~~CZ_.~____~. LIABILITY LIMIT2 Hod i LY Injury and Property twa~et «._...#1~.Q4Q,.QQQG£~L_*_..-.. Clans H Products __-..#________-.._____-.._ POLICY PERIODt FrTot ~l~iJ~i ADDITIONAL INSURED! Town of Vinton Vinton, VA 24179 EXCE$$_C~EB9QE Excess of 0/00/00 0/OCR/t~0 i _____ _ 0/00/00 0/i~0/OG * - CCMIeINEI~ SINGL-E LIMIT Tn the even# of anY material change in ar canceltatian of said policy<ies), the company will endeavor to give writ~en notice to the party whom this cer- tificate is issued, but failure to give Such notice shall impose no Liability or obligation upon the company. gp~ y~4, NAMME 8~ ADDRE88 OF CERTIFICATE HOLDERi RAIN D~ATEi ^~~u~Y= ~ ~'~~"'"' 1990 Town of Vinton DI8PLAY AM~T~ s-~~~~0.00 C/0 Mary Beth Layman LOCATION OF DIBP'LAYSCit Park P.O. Box 338 y ItVip~~,C~d i f~'t~dn7~rT the po L I cy that a L L d i sp Lays be reported to the rampant at Least M4 hours i n advance of the d i sp lay date. This certificate neither affirms#iveLy nor negatively amends, extends ar alters the coverage afforded by the poLicyCies) described hereon. NOTE2 In the event that rain ar inclement weather prohibits this display, coverage will. apply on a subsequent date an which the display is held w~~hin the terms of the pnticY contract. Cleanup and Policing of the disp~aY are the respansibt lity of the sponsors. The following are additional insureds2 any fair or exposition, association, sponsoring organization or committee, the owner ar Lessee of any premises used' by the Named Insured,or any public authority granting a permit to the Named Insured, but only as respects accidents arising out of the neg L igence of the Named Insured ar the Named Insured's Qmploy~aes acting in the coarse and scope of the i r emp Loyment. A Lsa, as add i t i ono L Named Insured, any Independent Con-- #ractor who fires the d i sp Lay on beha !f of the Named Insua-ed. Th i s i nsurance does not app Ly to any failure to po L i ce ar cleanup the d i sP Lay, or L f ab i 1. i ty arising there from. This certificate Is not valid unless an original signature appears below. ~ tCopi~s Not Valid.) Coverage under the po l IcY Is conditioned upon Sul l coup l fiance by a l l i nsureds with a l t app t Icab t• Nat i ono L Fir• Protection Assoc la! i on tl~'PA~ codes and standards f n ettect at the t i i11e of d i sp Lay. f'Sa :_ QQ _.. _____.._ ~1u~Fior zed ~ g~na ure~~~ _°_ I~a~eMa~`~~er~T~~cate ~s~`u~nce ACTION NO. A-62690-14.d (1) ITEM NO. "` ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of right-of-way as shown on the recorded Map of Countrywood in Plat Book 9, page 143, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, to the County of Roanoke and adoption of Amended Resolution requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following parcel of land in Countrywood Subdivision to the County of Roanoke and an amended request to the Virginia Department of Transportation for acceptance of the right-of-way into the Secondary Road System: a) Donation from Edward G. Hayes, et als, of the fee simple interest in a parcel of land consisting of 1.5472 acres known as Countrywood Drive, and reaffirmation and dedication of all public utility and drainage easements to public use, all of the same being more particularly shown on Map of Countrywood Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 9 , page 143 in the Clerk' s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. b) Amendment of Resolution 61290-10.d for acceptance of Countrywood Drive into the VDOT secondary road system, said amendment being the addition of a general reference to the donation by deed from Edward G. Hayes, et als, as described in paragraph (a) above, for Countywood Drive. County staff has inspected the location and dimensions of Countrywood Drive and the easements, along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and has approved the same. FISCAL IMPACT' No county funding is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donation for Countrywood Drive and further recommends that the Board adopt an amended resolution reo n~~ingoodhDriveeintogtheasecondarynroad systemorta- tion accept C yw Respectfully submitted, ck a .~ Huf n Assistant Cou At orney Action Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Bob T Johnson Vote No Yes Abs ent Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment x_ ~.. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRCENTER ONLTUESDAYE JUNE026,C01990Y ADMINISTRATION AMENDED RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Resolution 61290-10.d adopted on June 12, 1990 requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive is hereby amended. 2. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Countrywood Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 3. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Countrywood Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 143, on August 23, 1979 and subsequent deeds dedicating the right-of-way and public utility and drainage easements to Roanoke County of records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map and deeds no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Hoard hereby guarantees said right-of-way and easments for drainage. 4. That said road known as Countrywood Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and ;~ w. ti...~a the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. ~ M9~ 31 30 >' 33 2A0 Ac 2.00Ac 2.10 Ac ~: ~~ •~< r a 25 Ac 2.35 Ac 2 lelz le 29 19 - ~ ~ . 75 e2 ,y eg - 1.93 Ac - 7.85 Ae r ' ' 28 ~ 1 _ ' 35 „ 7pli 1609 2.32 Ac ,: c _ • s ~ •; 2.70 AC 7~6• 7S7e 26 27 76ii ~ ~y, a. <! . f11VG' ~ 36 2.40 Ac 2.26 Ac ,. 2.27 Ac s is~ 7~6• 40 ~ 3.~ Ac ssos 23 20 7529 25 r S.64AC 4.68 AC 22SAc ~ . ~ ~~ e2s9 / 38 ~ 37 75 26 2.86 Ac tDl 3.42 Ac \ 321ACtp ~ 21 sso~ 24 3.60 Ac ~ ~_ LS3AC ' ~ ~ ~ 22 / \ .80 Ae ~` / ~~ ~ ~_/ J . / ~ t~' / ~~, ~e PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY ' DESCRIPTION: 1) Countrywood Drive from Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to the cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.29 miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 38 feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 22 feet SERVICE: (1) 6 homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RECOMMENDATION: ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYF100D DRIVE INTO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY AND DEVELOPMENT ROAD SYSTEM 3 m,~ _- 1 . -- AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 AMENDED RESOLUTION 62690-14.d (2) REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Resolution 61290-10.d adopted on June 12, 1990 requesting acceptance of Countrywood Drive is hereby amended. 2. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Countrywood Drive to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 3. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Countrywood Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 143, on August 23, 1979 and subsequent deeds dedicating the right-of-way and public utility and drainage easements to Roanoke County of records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map and deeds no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way and easments for drainage. 4. That said road known as Countrywood Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part s in Roanoke County, only of the State Secondary System of Highway from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the amended ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File En ineering Phillip Henry, Director, g and Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ACTION # ITEM NUMBER """" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Update on the Customer Service Program for County Employees COUNTY~/J/A~DMIJ~NI STRA} TOR' S COMM/E~1NTS : rt ~~1 d, ~ ~,~! Q BACKGROUND' The Board of Supervisors identified customer service as a priority during their annual goal-setting retreat. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A committee was established to review the level of customer service in the County and to develop a program to maintain service excellence. Some county departments, such as those in the Development and Community Service area, are already placing an emphasis on customer service through citizen evaluations and other means. Other departments such as Purchasing, MIS and Accounting also conduct periodic internal customer service surveys. Programs for improving customer service to citizens in other localities were studied including a training program for employees in the City of Lynchburg. It was determined that the best way to give increased priority to customer service in the County would be the development of a Customer Service Training Program for our employees. The Department of Human Resources hired a part-time Training Coordinator, Marilyn Rigby, in March 1990 for a period of six months. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at Radford University. Ms. Rigby is working with the Department of Human Resources to develop a Customer Service Training Program tailored to meet the needs of County employees. 1 /~-! A Customer Service Resource Committee comprised of a broad representation of Roanoke County employees has been established to 1) promote sound customer service practices among all Roanoke County employees, 2) provide advice, support and guidance for the development, implementation and evaluation of the Customer Service Training Program. In support of our commitment to excellence in customer service, a program consisting of a full day of training for every County employee will be conducted in July and August. Materials will include a customized training manual and a video which has been specifically geared to the Roanoke County environment. The Customer Service Resource Committee recognizes an ongoing commitment to customer service and will continue to serve as a catalyst and resource to create a climate of service excellence. The Customer Service Training Program will be offered to all new employees on a regular basis. Future steps towards achieving excellence in customer service could possibly include citizen evaluation of all county services. I~ue to the geographic separation of our County facilities, it is felt that an expansion of the County orientation program for new employees to include a visit to each County office would be helpful. SUBMITTED BY: C~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers No Yes Abs 2 1`~ - ~Z COUNTY OF ROAIdORE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1989 Se tember 12, 1989 Contribution towards Hollins Fire Truck p stem March 13, 1990 Automatic Court Documentation Sy April 24, 1990 Contribution towards Mt. Pleasant Rescue Squad Truck Balance as of June 26, 1990 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance $ 89,608 (25,000) (25,000) (30,000) ~ 9,608 M- 3 COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE ~ of Amount General Fund Balance at July 1, 1989 $4,483,543 7.10 November 15, 1989 Dental Insurance (106,980) November 28, 1989 Drainage Projects 180,000) ( December 19, 1989 Library Automation 300,000) ( December 19, 1989 Drainage Engineer - half year 17,500 ( December 19, 1989 Bushdale Road Right of Way (15,000) 1990 January 9, Hurricane Hugo Expenses (109,000) January 23, 1990 Implementation of New (157,700) Police Department 1990 March 13 Contract Mowing and Equipment 50,000 ( , for Parks and Recreation April 10, 1990 School Deficit (500,000) April 10, 1990 Recycling Grant Matching Funds (150,600) April 10, 1990 Renovation of the Offices of the Treasurer, Commissioner of the 56,000 Revenue and Procurement ( ) June 12, 1990 VML/VACO Appalachian Power Steering Committee ( 9,007) Balance as of June 26, 1990 $2,831,756 4.48% Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance On December 19, 1989, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement t~ maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at a minimum of 6.25 o: General Fund expenditures ($63,168,000), which is $3,948,000. ~"`7° COONTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1989 $11,395 Additional Amount from 1989-90 Budget 50,000 June 14, 1989 Contribution to Va. Amateur Sports (25,000) July 11, 1989 Purchase of drainage easement (5,000) July 11, 1989 Option on 200 acres real estate (3,750) July 25, 1989 Donation to Julian Wise Foundation (5,000) August 8, 1989 County supplement for new position (869) in Sheriff's Department August 22, 1989 Part time volunteer coordinator (5,800) August 22, 1989 Public Information for Police Department (9,000) referendum November 28, 1989 Stormwater Feasibility Study (3,382) December 22, 1989 Copy machine rental for Treasurer's Office (2,415) (Administratively approved) December 29, 1989 Portable telephones for Rescue personnel (1,045) (Administratively approved) Balance as of June 26, 1990 $ 134 Submitted by ~'V ~,Ctl~La ~J • Q~ t Diane D. Hyat Director of Finance ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid - May 1990 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: Payroll: 5/11/90 $ 414,335.98 5/25/90 426,919.18 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Y~.J ,(.lYm.t. ~ . Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodges County Administrator $4,105,911.64 841,255.16 $4,947,166.80 ---------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: 1 Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~- TAXES-REAL BSTATB TAXBS-PBRSONAL PROPHRTY OTHBR PROPERTY TAXES SALBS TAX BUSINBSS LICENSE AUTO DBCALS OTflBR LOCAL TAXBS DOG TAGS ZONING FBBS BUILDING FBBS OTHER PBRMIT, FBBS A LICBNSBS FINES AND FORFBITURBS SALBS A USB OF EQUIPMBNT k SUPPLIBS CHARGES FOR SERVICBS RECOVBRED COST-LOCAL ABC PROFITS COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNBY BXPBNSBS SHBRIFF'S BXPBNSBS COMMISSIONBR OF TBB RBVENUE'S BXPBNSES TREASURBR'S BXPBNSBS WBLFARB GRANT LIBRARY GRANT OTHER STATB RBVBNUB NON-RBVBNUB RBCBIPT TRANSFER FROM OTflBR FUNDS COUNTY OF ROANOXE INCONB ANALYSIS GBNERAL OPERATING FUND 1988-89 --- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ACTUAL ACTUAL 6-30-89 5-31-89 BUDGBT ( 12 MONTHS) ( 11 MONTHS) ---- - - X - -- __ ~ 25,780,009 --- - 26,802,142 ------- 21,729,042 84 S 110 10,200,000 11,872,517 11,220,943 102 1,257,293 1,325,954 1,276,217 79 4,390,492 4,140,633 3,455,671 90 2,400,000 2,248,433 2,156,872 107 1,150,000 1,322,655 1,232,068 83 4,015,220 4,123,198 3,344,319 79 18,000 000 15 14,963 25,426 14,146 23,276 155 , 345,000 321,549 281,749 82 249 11,282 38,314 28+091 116 162,000 226,709 188+ 0 p 151 151 96 150,510 203,654 144,912 98 504,029 582,557 494,772 81 230,045 185,794 185,T94 78 263,843 244,871 205,111 72 3,770,000 3,574,719 2+728+211 67 179,485 165,210 120,956 91 171,853 168,125 155,818 T 1,961,441 1,950,053 1,424,823 860 174 10 175,000 321,075 174,860 264,908 , 236 7 12 5,035 6,520 495 0 p 0 ---- -- ----- 57,476,612 59,983,915 - -------- 50,830,274 a BEGINNING BALANCE USED TO BALANCE 4,091,702 COSTS OF OPERATIONS 765,006 TBMPORARY LOANS ~ LEASB PURCHASE PROCBBDS 0 BOND PROCEEDS _____________ ~ 62,333,320 S ~ SPECIAL CONSIDBRATION ADDBD TO BASIC CONFUTATION 0 .0 572,891 286,522 0 0 60,556,806 ~ 51,116,796 1989-90 ACTUAL 5-31-90 BUDGBT (11 MONTHS) --28,511,770 21,107,627 74 11,668,447 8,780,724 75 1,435,000 1,412,946 98 I 4,200,000 3,632,177 86 l 2,100,000 2,301,288 110 ', 1,325,000 988,695 75 !, 4,180,000 3,641,631 87 15,500 12,441 80 10,500 19,130 182 408,611 382,936 94 7,250 18,816 260 173,850 168,032 97 p 1,913 D I 165,159 151,502 92 561,278 542,876 97 ' 200,000 152,802 76 251,670 209,406 83 3,837,277 3,034,982 79 180,000 137,218 76 180,000 134,392 75 3 2,067,474 1'ig9,630 98 p 175,000 4 245,000 313,235 130 9 D ls,ooo ls,ooo loo 8 61,914,786 48,886,576 79 p 3,820,577 37 2,268,968 0 --- B2 s 68,004,331 S 0 O 66,800 3 0 0 48,953,376 3 7i Financial Statements: Page 1 of 3 ~-P COUNTY OF ROANObB STATEHBNT OF BgPBNDITURBS BLEYBN MONTHS BNDBD HAY 31, 1990 BUDGET B1<PBNDBD x ------------- ------------ -------- -- GBNBRAL ADMINISTRATION 3 179,678 ~ 158,891 88 BOARD OF SUPBRVISORS 251,168 224,859 89 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 243,766 219,592 90 HUNAN RBSOURCES 186,341 154,392 83 COUNTY ATTORNBY 513,713 472,388 92 COHNISSIONBR OF REVENUB 519,642 454,083 81 TRBASURER 163,012 136,249 84 ' BLBCTIONS 0 23 0 SBSQUICBNTBNNIAL FISCAL MANAGEMENT ASST. CO ADH. HANAGBHBNT SBRVICBS 70,341 78 62,032 316 629 88 90 COUNTY ASSBSSOR 699,9 391,765 , 438,318 112 ' CENTRAL ACCOUNTING 218,274 196,046 90 ' PROCURBHBNT 133,657 114,629 86 HANAGBHBNT 8. BUDGET 1,127,318 844,149 75 RISb HANAGBHBNT JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION 143,133 17,993 54 CIRCUIT COURT 20,204 12,471 62 GENBRAL DISTRICT COURT 730 411 56 MAGISTRATBS 11,158 8,670 74 FAMILY COURT 516,653 455,142 88 CLBRb OF CIRCUIT COURT 4,434 100 LAW LIBRARY 312,279 284,374 91 COHHONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY 44,175 39,459 89 COURT SBRVICE UNIT 6,670 2,893 43 VICTIM WITNESS PUBLIC SAFBTY 347,634 211,265 61 POLICB DBPARTHENT 034,034 4 3,619,164 gp SHBRIFF'S DBPARTHENT , 960 210 22 HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION 2,036,591 1,661,915 82 FIRE 520,221 488,872 94 RESCUE SflUAD EMERGENCY SERVICES d. HAZ HAT RESPONSE 44,035 249 34,887 168 880 1 79 93 CONFINEHENT~CARE OF PRISONERS 2,018, 164,044 , , 155,950 95 ANIMAL CONTROL p 894 100 HAZ-HAT RBSPONSB 000 109 108,883 100 HUGO DISASTBR RBCOVBRY , COMMUNITY SERVICES AND DEVBLOPMENT FOR CORM. SBRVICBS d. DEVB CO ADH ASS LOPHBNT 116,056 101,592 88 . . 931,290 564,764 61 BNGINBBRING 208,870 191,343 92 GBNBRAL SBRVICBS 204 832 683,185 B2 BUILDINGS HAINTENANCB , 985,924 850,601 86 PARbS ~ RBCREATION 1,599,749 1,499,540 11 SOLID WASTB 65,400 46,489 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 990,173 902,189 91 GROUNDS HAINTENANCB Financial Stateaents: Page 2 of 3 - 4GJ" COUNTY OF ROANOXB STATENBNT OF EXPBNDITURBS BLBVEN NONTNS BNDBD NAY 31, 1990 BBALTB ASOCIAL SBRVICBS PUBLIC RBALTB SOCIAL SBRYICBS ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INSTITUTIONAL CARB SOCIAL SBRVICB ORGANIZATIONS DBVELOPMBNT PLANNING A ZONING ECONOMIC DBVBLOPNBNT DEVBLOPMENT REVIEW PLANNING CONHISSION CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SBRVICBS NON-DBPARTMBNTAL ASST. CO. ADM. HUNAN SERVICES LIBRARY EXTENSION A CONTINUING EDUCATION BNPLOYBB BBNBFITS CONTRIBUTIONS TO SBRVICB ORGANIZATIONS NISCELLANBOUS CONSOLIDATION TOTAL 425,799 406,305 95 1,840,244 1,611,437 88 954,030 737,586 77 36,000 13,488 31 94,984 64,988 68 336,553 253,147 75 264,530 242,183 92 134,602 118,182 88 18,695 16,075 86 262,842 220,876 84 97,675 87,119 89 1,089,010 946,882 87 104,694 67,020 64 787,138 506,125 64 30,000 22,750 76 883,400 183,290 21 196,350 45,650 23 28,315,841 23,535,828 83 ----------- ------------ ----------- TRANSFBRS AND RBSBRVBS RBINBURSABLE BXPENDITURBS TRANSFER TO DBBT SERVICE TRANSFBR TO INTBRNAL SERVICE TRANSFBR TO SCHOOL OPERATING FUND TRANSFBR TO SBMER FUND TRANSFBR TO UTILITY CAPITAL TRANSFBR TO CAPITAL PROJECTS TRANSFBR TO YOUTH HAVEN TRANSFBR TO GARAGB II UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY TOTAL TRANSFER ITEMS GRAND TOTAL p 751 0 5,663,804 3,402,239 60 342,645 280,346 82 81 28,717,090 24,882,670 92 40,000 36,667 92 525,000 481,250 92 2,666,112 2,443,936 92 78,658 72,103 0 120,000 0 0 1,531,295 0 0 3,884 0 39,688,488 31,599,962 ----------- ------------ ---- t --68,004 ,329 _S -55,135,790- __--_~--_S1_ Financial Statesents: Page 3 of 3 ACTION NO. A-62690-15 ITEM NO. C~ ~~ ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Petition of Lucille Boyd to obtain a Special Exception Permit to operate a beauty shop as a home occupation located at 3811 Hawley Drive in the Catawba Magisterial District. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• Special Exception permit was approved on November 25, 1986 for Lucille Boyd to operate a beauty establishment as a Home Occupation at 4789 Vintage Lane. Petitioner has since changed residences and requests permit for new residence. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: See "Attachment A" - Staff Report. ALTERNATIVES• Alternative 1• Approve the petition for a Special Exception permit to operate a beauty establishment as a home occupation, with the conditions recommended by staff. Alternative 2• Deny the.petition for a Special Exception permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. Respectfully submitted, Terrance Harringto Director of Plan ng Approved: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Action Approved Denied Received Referred to (x) Motion by Steven A. McGraw to ~ ~ approve with conditions and ( ) annual review by staff Vote No Yes Abs ent Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File/Terry Harrington, Director, Planning/Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Insp/John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment STAFF REPORT ~~ CASE NUMBER: SE 3-7/90 PETITIONER: Lucille Boyd REVIEWED BY: Lynn Donihe DATE: June 26, 1990 Petition of Lucille Boyd to obtain a Special Exception Permit in order to operate a beauty shop as a home occupation at 3811 Hawley Drive in the Catawba Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Petition to obtain a Special Exception in order to operate a beauty shop as a home occupation. Hours of operation will vary during the day, with no night hours. Petitioner suggests that no more than two additional cars will be at the residence at a time. b. Lucille Boyd received approval in November 1986 for a similar request at a previous residence, 4789 Vintage Lane. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. The property is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential. Home Occupations are permitted uses in this district. b. Beauty and barbering establishments to be operated as home occupations may, after notice and public hearing, be permitted as a Special Exception only if an infirmity exists which prevents either the home operator of the occupation or a permanent occupant of the dwelling unit from regularly leaving the dwelling unit to pursue gainful employment. A letter from Mrs. Boyd's physician, dated 10-13-86 was submitted with her 1986 petition for Vintage Lane. This letter states that Mrs. Boyd is partially disabled an unable to sustain vigorous employment on a regular basis due to degenerative arthritis, peptic ulcer disease, and anemia. c. Beauty and barbering establishments to be operated as home occupations shall have no more than one chair and no retail sales of beauty or barber supplies shall occur. d. A special exception granted for beauty and barbering home occupations shall be for a period of one year and may be renewed administratively for successive one year periods absent written complaint regarding such home occupation by residents of the residential zoned affected thereby. e. The Board of Supervisors, as part of the review and approval process, may attach additional conditions to a Special Exception permit request. f. Roanoke County business license shall be required. g. Proper plumbing and electrical equipment and fixtures must be installed prior to approval of business license. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Level lot. b. Ground Cover: Residential landscaping. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Glenvar Community Planning Area. Growth initiative for Glenvar is to stimulate growth. ~~~ - ~~ b, General area is developed with single family housing. An industrial site (Medeco) is located across Hawley Drive. 5, LAND USE R teT each factor according to the impact of the proposed Rating: 4 action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. = manageable impact, 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 =not applicable. = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 3 a, Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan as placed this site within a Neighf o r sidential neighborhoods ofrom NC-1 encourages protection o A one-chair beauty disruptive impacts of land use changes. otential to become a establishment as a home occupation has the p disruptive change if the number of customers and number of cars are not limited. Surrounding Land: Site is bordered on three sides by single- t b. family residential and is directly across Hawley Drive from Me eco Security Locks. Route 11/460 provides entry into the 2 c. Neighboring Area: neighborhood and is heavily developed with commercial an industrial uses. See also "b" above. d, Site Layout: Proposed home occapaveway wlill be use for parking 2 petitioner's dwelling. Existing with on-street parking if necessary. 2 e. Architecture: Existing dwelling. f. Screening and Landscaping: g, Amenities: h, Natural Features: TRAFFIC 2 i. Street Capacities: Average welve hourwworkDperiodetwith a maximum and Givens Road is 249. A t of one customer each half hour could produenerat rland shoulddnot The proposed use is not a high traffic g have a negative effect on the street capacities. Drive and connecting streets provide a 2 j, Circulation: Hawley arking area on driveway may through route for t on-street parking P be supplemented by UTILITIES 2 k. Water. Adequate source and distribution_ existing septic tank. 2 1. Sewer. No public sewer is available - Health Department reports no additional septic requirements. DRAINAGE 2 m. Basin: Big Bear Rock Branch n. Floodplain: ~•i PUBLIC SERVICES 2 0, Fire Protection: stablishedtservicedstandard,standar . 2 p, Rescue. Within e N A q. Parks and Recreation: r, School: TAX BASE s, -Land and Improvement Value: -Taxable Gross Sales/Year: -Total Employees: year -Total revenue to the County/ ENVIRONMENT 2 t, Air: 2 u, Water: 2 v, Soils: 2 w, Noise: 2 x, Signage: Per ordinance. 6, PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Neighbor nd use policies if thetnumberrof request may be compatible with theone time is limited. customers and cars allowed at any ~, STAFF EVALUATION a, Strengths: None b, Weaknesses• 1) Increase in traffic if number of customers and one time is not limited. 2) number of 'cars allowed at any Potential disruptive change to neighborhood if customers and cars are not limited. g, RECOMMENDED CONthisOrequest P the Af llowing conditions are suggested if In considering roved: the request is app a) Hours of operation should be limited to 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 p•i~ment b Petitioner shall install proper plumbing and electrical equ'p Official's satisfaction prior to staff's and fixtures to Chief Building approval of business license. c) No more than two ( 2 ) customers' cars shall be allowed at any on time. customers shall be allowed at any one time d) No more than two (2) ~~-t ,~ /Y1 , '~ on~~. 0 j/ fix. ~ ,~, / ~/~rl / ~ .n1 e. ,~ AC, Cs ~ ~ / J ~ m C ~ /1~/1/D / {,p /C~ GL 6 lti /~/ C~ ~l ~*' ~i ~ G ,0 6 ~'h.'s ~' . ~ ' y~ f ~ r~e. ~~ /tee ~ Gu ~ ~~`~~ I'y'~,' It ~~o rS 5 ~ ~ ' Q e ~ it ~ ryi ~e.. , r~ ~ do,/~ ~ ~e c rn 7 A. I~ f ~ a M /,~~ ~Y / Sr ~ ~/ L a ~ / y ~ '~ e ~ N ate/ ~e o ~ ~ ~-- Ss. ; ~ - y - 3S ~D ~ /~iS w ~~ y ri/' ~i~/~ rye ~~ _ .;~~i/s -~' ~' ~'1 / /fit y ~ ~Q. - S / ~~ ~~ y r C ~yy ~ ~~~~ r ~~ //f ~ 1~-- ~l `( i ~~ a r x 3~> y~_ ~ A (~:~ v /~ y -/~ w~- z , ~~ ;~ i ~J~' ~' _~ ____--_______~~~v ~~ ~ _ Sro~f.~wr~ i~~s- ~~ _y { - ---- -_ E I'~ w~ ~3 ~ ~, ~ '~ I~ ~ ~' ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~/d ~~l/~ Ito//-~~ r~~'n i }~ i a_ / `~,~ ~~ MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUYEADMINISTRATIONNCENTER,NTY, AT A REGULAR VIRGINIA, HELD AT TTUE D Ao JUNE U2 6 , 199 ~ ORDINANCE 626 6OSTSHINICERTAINECASESSFILED OF FEES TAXED AS C IN COURTS OF THE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTJOAIL RENOVATION O T D FACILpITIES F AND PROVIDING FOR OR COURT-RELA EXpIRp,TION DATE AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND AN EAS the 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly WHER ouse Bill 74 (Chapter 543) which amended the Code of enacted H and Virginia by adding a section numbered 14.1-133.2; REAS, this enactment authorized the assessment of fees to WHE as costs in each criminal or traffic case in the district be taxed renovation and circuit courts of the County for the construction. cilities, or maintenance of the courthouse, jail or court-related fa rther provided the expiration of this authority on July 1, and fu 1991; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on June 90; and the second reading and public hearing was held on 12, 19 June 26, 1990. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of NOW Virginia, as follows: Roanoke County, 1, That pursuant to the authority found in Section 14.1- 1950, as amended, (1990 Acts of 133.2 of the Code of Virginia, reb assessed a fee to be taxed Assembly, Chapter 543), there is he Y sts in each criminal and traffic case in the district and as the co courts serving Roanoke County the sum of TWO DOLLARS circuit ($2.00). ended for the The fees assessed by this ordinance shall be exp es as provided in said statute, specifically, for the purpos construction, renovation and maintenance of the courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost electricity, and ordinary maintenance. of heating, cooling, This assessment shall be in addition to other fees and costs prescribed by law. 2, That this assessment shall be collected by the clerk of the court in which the action is filed, and remitted to the Treasurer of Roanoke County and held by him subject to disbursements appropriated by the Board of Supervisors for the purposes specified herein. 3, That the effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1990. The provisions of this ordinance shall expire July 1, 1991. 4, That a certified copy of this ordinance shall be delivered to the Chief Judges of the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County, the Clerks of said courts, and the Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Edward S. Kidd, Jr. Chief Judge, General District Court Roy B. Willett, Chief Judge, Circuit Court eals Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr., Chief Judge, Court of App Philip Trompeter, Chief Judge, Family Services Court Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk, Circuit Court Theresa Childress, Clerk, General District Court ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ " ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 26, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ASSESSMENT OF FEES TAXED AS COSTS IN CERTAIN CASES FILED IN COURTS OF THE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION OR MAIN- TENANCE OF COURTHOUSE, JAIL OR COURT-RELATED FACIL- ITIES, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND AN EXPIRATION DATE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ BACKGROUND: The 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly enacted House Bill 74 which added a new section to the State Code, Section 14.1-133.2. This legislation authorized the assessment of a fee which will be taxed as costs in each criminal and traffic case in the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County This fee is limited to $2.00 per case. The assessment shall be imposed by ordinance of the governing body, and the ordinance may provide for a different fee in district and circuit courts. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This assessment imposes court costs for the purposes of construction, renovation or maintenance of courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating, cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance. This legislation includes a "sunset" provision: the provi- sions of this act shall expire on July 1, 1991. The assessment shall be collected by the clerks of the dis- trict and circuit courts, and remitted to the Treasurer subject to disbursements by the Board for the purposes specified in the statute. The first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for June 12, 1990; the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for June 26, 1990. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: ~~ Based upon discussions with the Clerks of the General District and Circuit Courts, it is estimated that this fee will generate approximately $25,000 in new revenue in Fiscal Year 1990-91. (This estimate is based upon last year's case load.) Staff recommends that the Board appropriate the $25,000 in new revenues for the purposes as stated in the ordinance. Staff will submit to the Board at a later date a recommendation for the expenditure of these funds once a series of projects are identified and prioritized. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of this proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~~.~m . Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ` :~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ASSESSMENT OF FEES TAXED AS COSTS IN CERTAIN CASES FILED IN COURTS OF THE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION OR MAINTENANCE OF COURTHOUSE, JAIL OR COURT-RELATED FACILITIES, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND AN EXPIRATION DATE WHEREAS, the 1990 session of the Virginia General Assembly enacted House Bill 74 (Chapter 543) which amended the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 14.1-133.2; and WHEREAS, this enactment authorized the assessment of fees to be taxed as costs in each criminal or traffic case in the district and circuit courts of the County for the construction, renovation or maintenance of the courthouse, jail or court-related facilities, and further provided the expiration of this authority on July 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990; and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 26, 1990. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority found in Section 14.1- 133.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, (1990 Acts of Assembly, Chapter 543), there is hereby assessed a fee to be taxed as the costs in each criminal and traffic case in the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00). The fees assessed by this ordinance shall be expended for the purposes as provided in said statute, specifically, for the ~ .~-, ~r `~~~ construction, renovation and maintenance of the courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating, cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance. This assessment shall be in addition to other fees and costs prescribed by law. 2. That this assessment shall be collected by the clerk of the court in which the action is filed, and remitted to the Treasurer of Roanoke County and held by him subject to disbursements appropriated by the Board of Supervisors for the purposes specified herein. 3. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be July 1, 1990. The provisions of this ordinance shall expire July 1, 1991. 4. That a certified copy of this ordinance shall be delivered to the Chief Judges of the district and circuit courts serving Roanoke County, the Clerks of said courts, and the Treasurer of Roanoke County. ~~`~ G. BESS VIRGINIA CEkT1FlEn LAND SURVEYOR 5422 STARxer ROAD &w. ROAPIOKE VIRGINIA 24014 ~ ~~ December 21, 1990 Description of 2.315 Acre M-2 Zoned Portion of Tax Parcel No. 87.15-2-8 (3.499 Acre Total) Beginning at an iron pin on the west line of Route 904 (Starkey Road said iron pin being on the boundary line of Lots 11 and 12, Crescent)' Heights Subdivision; thence with the common boundary line of Lots 11 and 12, Crescent Heights Subdivision, N. 66° 28' W 419.78 Ft. to an iron pin at the northernmost corner of Lot 10, Crescent Heights; then with the common boundary line of Lots 10 and 11, Crescent Heights S 2°e 36' 38" W 219.20 Ft . to an old pipe; thence with the line of now or formerly owned b property y Noah H. Keaton, N 55° 59' W 342.40 Ft. to an old iron pin situate. on the line of property now or formerly owned b Plantation Pipeline Company and the line of the propert no y owned by Plantation Pipeline Company and the line of a 0.5924oAcrerTract formerly owned by Joan S. Heinlein and now o N 58° 10~ 20.. E caned by W. Earle Spurill, Jr. 173.13 Ft. to an old iron pin; thence continuing with another line of the 0.5924 Acre Tract N 31° 08' 30" E 176.70 Ft. to an iron pin on the line of property now or formerly owned by Robert D. Hunt, Jr.; thence with the line of property now or formerly owned by Robert D. Hunt, Jr., S 73° 19' S0" E 205.00 Ft.; thence leaving the Hunt line with the division line thru Lot 12, Crescent Hei hts o ~ and to a point on the west line of Route 904; thence with the3west line4o.64 Ft. Route 904 S 5° 22' W 52.62 Ft. to the point of beginnin f 2.315 Acre M-2 Zoned Portion of Roanoke County Tax Parcel No.~ 87.15-a- 2 8. EVERY MAN iS A DEBTOR TO HIS PROFESSION ,~ ~) ~.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE 62690-17 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 3.5-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON STARREY ROAD (ROUTE 604) APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET NORTH OF CRESCENT BOULEVARD (TAX MAP NO. 87.15-2-8) IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF M-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF M-2 UPON THE APPLICATION OF FRANR W. MARTIN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990, and the second reading and public hearing was held June 26, 1990; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 5, 1990; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 3.5 acre, as described herein, and located on Starkey Road (Route 604) 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, (Tax Map Number 87.15-2-8) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of M-1, Light Industrial District, to the zoning classification of M-2, General Industrial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Frank W. Martin. 3. That the owner of the subject real estate is Donald H. Pollard. ~9v -3 c b. ~~ ~~ OC ~ I 0 Q~ .~A ~~~ a ~ u ~ 0' pc,+,vl.~~•/o~/ / /~/rt L/ ~E Co • / ~L ~ ~O . r'o , C'aES P. /3. Z .3,38 i' . .. ~ ~ 0 ~Pr°~ Q ~ ~~ O V ~ v ~~~ o~ ~ 0 ~ H ~ ~ ~ i Q ~~W h ~ \~~~~ ~ ~~o~o Q~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ W~ ho ~eN'~ Q ~ ~~ e ~ ~~~ V ~ W W .Z Q v ~ ~Oct`JQ v ~Q~hW >~ .~ ~a~~~ v V ~C 'A ~ o ~ o~c e o~ Q: .o~~ ~ ~~ M~ER ', I ~~+ I OLD of JD~'v S y~/,~/~e'i .~~ /. PAN .t/ ,,, ,3i .4e ;~o I so• O V ~e /,/E~c~vJ-a - / pr,~ ti 0 ~ ~~ of 0 0 ~ •ti a ~~ ~~ 0 V ~~ /~~• o ' Oce .. /. Piy /3Z t 2~ ~.~ i2 `~epi/i ,o~. r aio,v s~ }> ~H j '~ ~ ~ 0 ti ~~ o I~ .~ ~~ B~ , ~a o O ,. 4 ~ ~ - ,~ H ~ W ~~ W o ~~ N ~ ~~.~ ~ • 3 Q ~ ~~~ i~ ~G ~ a ~~ e ~E ~` ti ~ ~ O b ~ ~L a .~ ~~` T_~ETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: FRANK W. MARTIN 20-6/90 Planning Commission Hearing Date: June 5, 1990 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: June 26, 1990 A. REQUEST Petition of Frank W. Martin to rezone approximately 3.5 acres from M-1 to M-2 to develop five industrial sites, one of which is a contractors' equipment storage yard or plant, located on Starkey Road (Route 904) approximately 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION There was no opposition to the request. C. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS 1) Site Layout: Sharply constrained by existing 138 kilovolt Appalachian Power transmission line and its accompanying 200 foot wide easement prohibiting building construction in southwest corner of site and allowing road building by grant of an additional easement. Any proposed building must be developed on northern portion of site due to easement location, severely restricting future development possibilities. 2) Circulation: Petitioner intends to access site at Starkey Road within a portion of APCO easement. Petitioner must acquire easement rights from APCO under proposed concept plan. Minimum access and off-street parking requirements are not met by proposed concept plan. Contractors' equipment is proposed to enter and exit rear of proposed building after accessing Starkey Road via easement proposed to be granted by APCO. Limited sight distance from proposed access looking south on Starkey Road. Note: Petitioner has submitted a concept plan (to scale) which meets most parking requirements. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1) Proposed structure housing Frank W. Martin Construction Co. shall not exceed one story or 21 feet in height (at eaves). E. COMMISSIONERS MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mr. Witt moved to approve the petition with proffered condition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Witt, Robinson, Massey, Winstead, Gordon NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: V ,Concept Plan Vicinity Map ~/~Staff Report Other .plus..-~~ Terrance Harrington, ecretary Roanoke County Planning Commission FRANK W. NIARTI N P.O. BOX 20073 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 (703) 989-5127 June 11, 1990 Roanoke County Department of Planning & Zoning P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 RE: Proposed Rezoning of Tzx Map #87.15-2-8 from M-1 Light Industrial District to M-2 General Industrial District Gentlemen: I hereby make application to you to rezone a certain 3.49 acre tract known as Tax Map # 87.15-2-8 lying on Starkey Road (Route No. 904) off of Terminal Road (Route No. 753) currently owned by Donald EI. Pollard. I have entered into a sales contract with Donald H. Pollard to purchase this property subject to the said .property being rezoned to M-2. The property is currently zoned M-1 Light Industrial District, and I hereby make application to rezone the property to M-2 General Industrial District. I am now and have for many years been engaged in the land development and building construction business. I intend to erect a building on the property and to use it as my contractors' plant and equipment storage yard. As a part of my application, I enclose herewith the following items: 1. Roanoke County Rezoning Application. 2. Metes and Bounds Description. 3. The application fee of $155.00 4. A list of adjacent property owners. 5. A Vicinity map. 6. A detailed concept plan. 7. Application for Water and Sewer Service. 8. Written Proffer: Proposed structure housing Frank W. Martin Construction Co. shall not exceed one story or 21' in height (at eaves). I ask that this application be referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its meeting to be held June 5, 1990. Very truly ours, Frank W. Martin FWM/mm Enclosures ~~ m STAFF REPORT CH~E NUMBER : ~~J-b% `yii PETITIONER : Frank. W . Martin REvIEWED BY: TIm Esea~-d DATE: June 5, 1990 Petition of Frank lJ. Martin to rezone approximately 3.5 acres from M-' conditional to r~-~ to develop an undetermined number of industrial sites. one ni which is a contractors equipment storage yard or plant, located on Markey Road approximately 350 feet north of Crescent Bou~evard. Cave Spring Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REt~UcST a. Conditional request to construct and operate one contractors' equipment storage facility including associated warehousing and office uses. Any development of the remaining acreage is speculative at this time. b. Attached concept plan and vicinity map describe project more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATiurvS a. M-2. General Industrial District, permits a variety of light and general industrial uses. Petitioner has proffered construction of Frank W. Martin Company building at a maximum height of one story (21 feet to eaves). b. VDOT commercial entrance permit required. Appalachian Power Company access easement required under proposed layout. c. Site plan review required to ensure compliance with County regulations. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: gently sloping from east and west into central basin to be occupied by petitioner's equipment storage facility. b. Ground Cover: cleared eastern portion; west of proposed building is a stand of oak, cherry, dogwood, and pine. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: situated within the Cave Sprinq Community Planning Area; designated as a stable growth area, currently receiving urban services. 1 ~ ~ ._ ~, „ ~~ b. General area: Developed with light and general lnd~_istrial, limited general retail, institutional, multi- and single-family residential uses. Limited forest -,~r e-age also remains. 5 , ~r,;~~p '~~c i~iPACT ASSESSrIEiV i Rating: Hate each factor according to the impact of the p~_oposed ac~ion. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positi~~e impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, ~ = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 1 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Pian has placed this area within a Principal Industrial land use category. Conventional industries such as that proposed by petitioner are encouraged within this land use designation. Proposal conforms with the land use map and specifiically with policies I-1 (maximize the opportunities for industrial development within Principal Industrial areas) and I-2 (cluster the development of industrial sites within Principal Industrial areas) and I-3 (expand new locations for industrial growth). Should the future development of additional tracts occur, conformance with policy I-5 (disperse the location of industrial employment centers throughout urbanizing sectors of the County) would be achieved. 3 b. Surrounding Land: light and general industrial; heavily traveled major collector highway; one undeveloped residentially zoned tract; 8-inch underground gas pipeline located in southwest corner of overall site. 3 c. Neighboring Area: institutional, service commercial, single- and multi-family residential, light and general industrial. 4 d. Site Layout: sharply constrained by existing 138 kilovolt Appalachian Power transmission line and its accompanying 200-foot wide easement prohibiting building construction in southwest corner of site and allowing road building by grant of an additional easement. Any proposed building must be developed on northern portion of site due to easement location, severely restricting future development possibilities. 2 e. Architecture: proposed prefabricated metal storage/warehouse space to enclose 3000 square feet with accompanying 600 square foot office at front. 2 ~~t ~ ~~, f. Screening and Landscape: per ordinance; buffer yard and boundary plantings/screening required along southern and southwestern property lines; parking area and refuse dumpster plantings/screening required throughout. ~. Amenities: adequacy of parking supply cannot be determined from concept plan (see site layout). Petitioner intends to park all company equipment including dump truck., trailers, farm tractors and other assorted implements inside the proposed metal building. Customer and employee parkinq must be provided outdoors under limiting spatial constraints. 3 n. Natural Features: heavily wooded southwest border; trees in majority of forested portion ofi site are of substantial size and form for on-site or transplant landscaping purposes; VDOF advises that evergreens along border with Western Energy tract be removed fior liability reasons. TRAFFIC _ i. Street Capacities: 198b ADT of this segment of Starkey Road was 4777 vehicles. No accidents were reported on the 0.16 mile segment of Starkey Road (Va. 904) from Terminal Road (Va. 753) to Crescent Boulevard (Va. b32) in 1987. Proposed use is expected to generate fewer than 30 vehicle trip ends per day. 4 j. Circulation: Petitioner intends to access site at Starkey Road within a portion of APCO easement. Petitioner must acquire easement rights from APCO under proposed concept plan. Minimum access and off-street parking requirements are not met by proposed concept plan. Contractors" equipment is proposed to enter and exit rear of proposed building after accessing Starkey Road via easement proposed to be granted by APCO. Limited sight distance from proposed access looking south on Starkey Road. UTILITIES 2 k. Water: Adequate source and distribution. 2 1. Sewer: Adequate treatment and transmission. Ejector pump installation will be required if minimum two-foot grade from building service elevation to top of sewer main cannot be achieved. DRAINAGE 3 m. Basin: Back Creek sub-basin, no problems noted on-site. 3 n. Floodplain: Proposed site is not located in a federally 3 '.. , ~, designated flood hazard area as designated by FEMA. Engineering Department requests stormwater management implementation and access to Starkey Road for the entire parcel. PUBI_ I C SERV i CES ~ o. Fire Protection: within established service standard. 2 p. Rescue: within established service standard. N/::a q. Parks and Recreation: N/N r. School: TAX BASE 2 s. -Land and Improvement Value: X78.900 (currently vacant) -Taxable Gross Sales/Year: Unknown -Total Employees: Unknown -Total Revenue to the County/'Year: Approximately X2,300 ireal estate and proposed building) EP~V I RONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 u. Water: v. Soils: L w. Noise: 3 x. Signage: New industrial district regulations call for 1.5 square feet of signage per frontage foot (367 square feet total for all industries which may locate within the 3.5 acre tract) and not more than one freestanding sign on- site. b. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Principal Industrial. General industrial uses such as a contractors" equipment storage yard are consistent with the Land Use Plan Map and with policies I-1, I-2, and I-3 (see item "a" above). 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Proposal is consistent with policies I- 1, I-2, and I-3, (2) Petitioner has proffered that Martin Construction Company building will not exceed one story or 21-feet in height (at eaves). 4 `` ,w, b. Weaknesses: il) Concept plan is not drawn to scale and does not meet minimum County access and parking design standards, lam) Limited sight distance at proposed entrance onto Starke~~ Road creates a potentially hazardous situation. c. Proffers Suggested: None 5 ~- rArNa SZ/5-2-/O/ ZONEO M- 2 /aa.. 1 ti~~ jowE2 /i P~ q S 3 ~ po-aQ~1Q%0 ~ o~~ /av ~ ~/ ~~ ~ ~~ ^9~ h ~, ~ l ~ ~ /7 .70' 0 oW 3 / / i h/ I / / / ~` N p~ I // ~ ~ ~ ~~~ I h' NI ~~ 11 ~ ~ v 1 I~ . \ \ 2 Lo /2 _~.- r / L07 /D / ~ ~ ~ `\ , 1\ \~ 'I~ ZcwED M-l , M-Z \ , gG~ 38 ~ \ ~ \ \ ~ I 2 ' \ ~ ~ N 0 5 a O PLe. BA 3EM N ~ ~ T ~ -~\ ~ ~\ ~ ~ W 2 ~ o V ~~ I Si 5~ ~~ H ~ i V ~ z j ~ ~ I Aciice ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~ Z ~ 3 ~~ Mus / \ \ \ ~ W o p ~ OQ ti ~ P,QQyq~SED~ \ N 5/TE W I W ~ 35 svnr~Y o ~" y N ~ \ ~ ~ ~, ~ 3.499.9~RES ~ ~ ~'/c/~//,y MAP jojAL e I D ~ / l 1 ~J' '~ - - ,vo~s: ~ ~ ~ j ~' r x~ECT ,~~RTy-rAx No.d~/5-2-8 ~ o ~ _ _ ~~. CuRaE.v7tr zoo M-/C Q I $ ~ f5 0 ~ 3~ ~/ ~ QLL S/GN6 7a CnMPLy WirN L/~I/7AT/o'~5 u I ~ C j~~ ~ .' 3~ ~ R'rI0'4/ .37oPbdRAPNr /NfOR.MATiA/ TAKEN FRAM a ~ ~ , ~r ~349~ -to.q~~' QA,an/oicE /ALLEy.PLG/DNAL 7cpo MAP /~~ 5.22 ~~,/1'~ Ro0` THE St/Q/ECJ PRA°ERTr /5 n/oJ LacA7E0 p" ~~~ ~tA~tK~I W A N U D (,~5/GNAjED /CLOUD Zo.~/E. CO,vCEPj PLAn/ FOR /RANK W MAQT/N L'ONSjRr/CjiOn~ CO $I,t9W/NG P,QOPoSEV A°F/~E' '~O ~ES/a/5E SPACE ON A 3.49`/ At,ae TRACJ ~ (ffJN6 PARJ of Lol /O ANO Att oP LoJ /2 , MAP c~ C,QE 9G'ENj f/E/GNTS~ /N THE CA/E arOR/N(s MAG. D/3TR/Gr A~ ~POANOKE G'oUN7r, V/RG/N/A SCALE : /"= ro0' MAy /r°~ ~99~ /3~~ JACK G. Bess CEaTiriEp tANO sua~yaa ~. ~ 1 : ~ ~ - j ~ O ~ f - 'w ' Lw ~ ~` ~L~ .. ! ~~r..~ ^'T 1v1 ~ N, ~. . • .: 1 • .. 1 . ~ .. ..w 1 ~ :. t I ~ •' , . ~ • .. ' . . is ~ ~ i• . ~ b•P . M ' .' M1 J ~ • ' , N,O + C ~~ , 406 7M . ' ~~- ...1.~ ~` ` .+..~ ~~ ~.~ ~•.~ ~-~ , ~-~ ~ . • ~''y. lY;rF ~ R *.~~~,~ y~ ~ i' ~~ ~ rr ~D ~ ~ M ~' .. pb ~O.Y< ~ ~ . K ~ 1t ~:, ~~ w r.o ~ m M ~ ~0• - i`~ nN 0 ~ h• ~ ~~ i ~• O Z .• ~ + d• .. ~ h •A°~ ^ / f A ` 0~: a f + ' ~~ ; ~ ,,~ i.. - .• Y ti 3 0~. ~ .b P? .'~ rcf.m •N ~n ' I • ~ , r, m • L • n _ ~. I' i '^ ~• w ; ~ Doti . .I N' • 4 4 w .~ , Mf.o J S ` ~ N•. ~ tJ I • ~ r I BS 6~ I ~ .. I ~ - - .. •• I aoamti : Q .. c . , I 4 N •. „~ ~~~ ~, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 3.5-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON STARKEY ROAD (ROUTE 604) APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET NORTH OF CRESCENT BOULEVARD (TAX MAP NO. 87.15-2-8) IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF M- 1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF M-2 UPON THE APPLICATION OF FRANK W. MARTIN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 1990, and the second reading and public hearing was held June 26, 1990; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 5, 1990; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 3.5 acre, as described herein, and located on Starkey Road (Route 604) 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, (Tax Map Number 87.15-2-8) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of M-1, Light Industrial District, to the zoning classification of M-2, General Industrial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Frank W. Martin. 3. That the owner of the subject real estate is Donald H. Pollard. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: t ~: ~!` BEGINNING at an iron pin on the west line of Route 904 (Starkey Road), said iron pin being on the boundary line of Lots 11 and 12, Crescent Heights Subdivision; thence with the common boundary line of Lots 11 and 12, Crescent Heights Subdivision, N. 66 deg. 28' W. 419.78 feet to an iron pin at the northern- most corner of Lot 10, Crescent Heights; thence with the common boundary line of Lots 10 and 11, Crescent Heights S. 2 deg. 36' 38" W. 219.20 feet to an old pipe; thence with the line of property now or formerly owned by Noah H. Keaton, N. 55 deg. 69' W. 342.40 feet to an old iron pin situate on the line of property now or formerly owned by Noah H. Keaton, N. 55 deg. 69' W. 342.40 feet to an old iron pin situate on the line of property now or formerly owned by Plantation Pipeline Company; thence with the line of the property now or formerly owned by Plantation Pipeline Company and the line of a 0.5924-acre tract formerly owned by Joan S. Heinlein and now owned by W. Earle Spurill, Jr. N. 58 deg. 10' 20" E. 173.13 feet to an old iron pin; thence continuing with another line of the 0.5924- acre tract N. 31 deg. 08' 30" E. 176.70 feet to an iron pin on the line of property now or formerly owned by Robert D. Hunt, Jr.; thence with the line of property now or formerly owned by Robert D. Hunt, Jr., S. 73 deg. 19' 50" E. 485.92 feet to a concrete monument on the west line of Virginia Secondary Route 904; thence with the west line of Virginia Secondary Route 904, being Starkey Road, the following two courses and distances: S. 6 deg. 38' 43" W. 109.72 feet to a concrete monument; thence S. 5 deg. 22' W. 134.95 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and being 3.499 acres being a revised description of those parcels described in a deed to Lalah Finley Heinlein of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 481, page 123; and being part of Lot 10 and all of Lot 12, Map of Crescent Heights, shown on a survey for Edward Everret Heinlein by Jack G. Bess, C.L.S., dated August 28, 1985. 5. That the effective date of this ordinance shall be June 26, 1990. illllllll II I Iill IIIIIIIIIIilllllilliillililllllllllllillliillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlitillltllll IIIIIIiI~~,,~, __ _ APPEARANCE RE QUEST = AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~ - `~ suBJECT ~~ ~~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~- - Iwould like the Chairman of the Board of Supex~tisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I ma comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE P - y ODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FORTHE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. __ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will ecide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- c tions of cl ' 'cation may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FQR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c _= PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1m AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 RESOLUTION 62690-18 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Robers, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Executive Session File File COMMITTEE VACANCIES IN 1990 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH ELECTORAL BOARD - APPOINTED BY COURTS Three year terms of Leonard M. Pick, Secretary, and Armand L. Sanderson, Chairman, will expire 02/28/90. GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Eugene M. Martin will expire 02/23/90. REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Three year term of Bob L. Johnson will expire 02/10/90. COURT SERVICE UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Two year terms of Gerald Curtiss, Catawba District, Roger Smith, Catawba District, Gary J. Minter, Hollins District, and Sherry Robison, Windsor Hills District, will expire 03/22/90. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS One year term of Webb Johnson will expire 03/31/90. TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Four year terms of Arnold Struson, Medical Representative, and Jackie Talevi, Legal Respresentative District, will expire 03/01/90. APRIL TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Four year term of Lt. Delton R. Jessup, State Police Representative, will expire 04/01/90. 1 MAY TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Two year terms of Elizabeth W. Stokes, County Appointee, and E. Cabell Brand, Joint Appointee will expire 05/05/90. JUNE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of M. E. Maxey, Chairman, Vinton District, will expire 06/30/90. FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Three year term of Lee B. Eddy, Elected Representative, serving Bob Johnson's unexpired term will expire 06/30/90. PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Three year term of Alice Gillespie, Hollins District, will expire 06/30/90. Three year term of Linda Shiner, Cave Spring District, William J. Skelton, Jr., Windsor Hills District, and Roger Smith, Members at Large will expire 06/30/90. ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Four year term of Charlsie Pafford, Windsor Hills District, will expire 06/30/90. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD Four year term of Monty Plymale will expire 06/30/90. JULY BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year terms of Larry Lester, Alternate, and John Brownlee, Alternate, will expire 07/25/90. AUGUST 2 SEPTEMBER GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year terms of Thomas T. Palmer and R. Vincent Reynolds, Atlernate, will expire 09/10/90. INDOSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY Four year terms of J. Carson Quarles, and Daniel A. Zahn, will expire 09/26/90. OCTOBER BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Albert Trompeter, will expire 10/24/90. NOVEMBER DECEMBER BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Wilmore T. Leffell, Vinton District, will expire 12/12/90. LIBRARY BOARD Four year term of Leesa Dalton will expire 12/31/90. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Three year terms of Henry L. Woodward, Member at Large, and Henry J. Sullivan, County Appointee, will expire 12/31/90. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year term of A. Kyle Robinson, Vinton District, will expire 12/31/90. 3 4. Request from VML/VACo for assessment to cover legal expenses related to APCO negotiations. A-61290-5 8AM MOTION TO APPROVE ASSESSMENT URC WITH HCN ABSENT 5. Amendments to proposed Consolidation Agreement LBE SUGGESTED INCLUDING SPECIFIC LANGUAGE IN LEGAL NOTICE OF WHAT AREAS IN CATAWBA DISTRICT WOULD BE INCLIIDED IN SECOND VOTE. WITHDREW SUGGESTION BECAUSE OF COST FOR ADDITIONAL ADVERTISEMENT. F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS LBE REQUESTED WORK SESSION WITH PLANNING COMMISSION. TERRY HARRINGTON ADVISED THAT ONE IS BEING PLANNED AWAY FROM RCAC, POSSIBLY IN AUGUST - WILL BRING BACK REPORT. RWR SUGGESTED INCLUDING BZA FOR PART OF WORK 8ESSION G. REQIIEST FOR PIIBLIC HEARINGS H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing on the adoption of a resolution concerning acquisition of and immediate right-of- entry to a sanitary sewer line easement along the West Fork of Carvin Creek also known as Valleypointe Phase II Sanitary Sewer Project. BLJ MOTION TO DELAY TO 6/26/90 AND AUTHORIZE ECH TO CLEAR IIP MISCONCEPTIONS AND SOLVE PROBLEMS. URC WITH HCN ABSENT I. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and readopting Chapter 16 of the Roanoke County Code as Chapter 16A, Precious Metals and Gems. SAM MOTION TO APPROVE i8T READING 2ND - 6/26/90 URC WITH HCN ABSENT 3 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 1990, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Henry J. Brabham, IV to conditionally rezone approximately 1.25 acres from R-1 to B-2 to construct a convenience store with gas pumps, located on Hardy Road, approximately 0.4 mile west of Feather Road (SR 654), Vinton Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: June 7, 1990 ~_ ~/ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, June 12, 1990 Tuesday, June 19, 1990 Direct the bill for publication to: Bruce E. Mayer P.O. Box 246 Vinton, VA 24179 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COONTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 1990, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Frank W. Martin to rezone approximately 3.5 acres from M-1 to M-2 to develop five industrial sites, one of which is a contractors' equipment storage yard or plant, located on Starkey Road (Route 904) approximately 350 feet north of Crescent Boulevard, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: June 7, 1990 ~. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, June 12, 1990 Tuesday, June 19, 1990 To be paid on delivery by: Frank W. Martin P.O. Box 20073 Roanoke, VA 24018 ~~9~Oayy g ~'~ r~ C$ ~40~ ait' f 4~'aesr r~ p~Z~~ G~ ~1°rg ~G°rG G$ Z~ seas Zr aG~lors ~g,`1 L~GaA irG and i°s ~O yob glrq 4~ 11 q 4s ~s~'~ A~ i~`4° eye e4ea pt1 O s ~ ita e5 f°s and $4$~~ iar ~+~~~~ Ose a ti°rlr~ Z`~o4~~G 44alaGr A O~GG 5a e . S'~g ~,O t~'o ~o v /- ewe asX' v~ ~~ ~ Og9 r eag 1.1 4 04 a ~, ~ q0'6 ~ SO ~~ ~~ art ~ ~.~ee 99,91 s a 1 ~ ~pS4°4 4 ~ ~$ arGe 4ar~ ~ eas 94~~~ZSg g psd~es Gos` f.i5Ga1 R-. 04c ~ . 4° ~ irk ire SPRY. 04 ~ a'~ a~ si .1 444p ,~so4 o A ~ a4 e O'61Zq ,i0$ C 4$s4' irarGe °~ e ~°~ ~O't g $ Osd e'° • sleg roX ,ire 8` 4~ aZS ~ . b`~d~ ~ , e ga. o~ g ~~ 0 1.1 REpp~ ~ 04 'C.r sg 3 • X6.0 ORDINA A4440Q~ rGS .~4esv SeGtl la .1~ i r BQpERD Zq0' Otl SO '48a a to of rt "~ ~Gtiio ATTpRNEY O'61 l~-O'S g ~C~ irar $°a~ v~g~ard 5 GENERAL A8. $S'3 aZS O'Sd t,~,e a ~ 4 ,yes . a. 80pERD V leg t~ v yig r RIDGE I BOR M~ Cow e °~ REGION p d Co M E~ NG WI 28Cp8 Ogg • CO~ENTIONT N MIA, A444~~ Qeals U~GeS 0'q 'SO as' 4'4 ego ~.,~~ FOR ERDISOR ROB O'611~-OS g 8p~ ~ Zl`sl~'~~$ ~ ~'°r1rq G''C,1°rg g ~,~~1 j''O WORE DQRINGRa; ~ $~C qZS A4401 aid o cosse A O i~Z$ O G $ADINGBIR DIGILANCg~~ ~ .1~• $° vr1~~ g'SO~ ~~- $~ os`1 TO , l • o~ 14 S lg M ~ CONSE 2 ' c ~~g p~ Y~ • ZerS Ads yd~ ~,~ AZ,L ~ AGENDA t _ ; L..a , 4-~~~ go gig 11 C,~~1 ea~iot~ cON3~TTERB LI8 ~ ~ ,~~ ,t-.. ~ ~~O~Z~~ '4~ rdfl geG~ 5 IDERED TED ~ ... ' ' ~ 0 La ~,d ENACTED By NE RE88p ~ Z'g''~.9Iq 3. 4a~X5 a BELOW. REMODED IF DISCUBgr N' 0.. FRO $Ep~TELY. M T$E CONBE~~ R'6129p_10~ SRC ITgON TO AppROD $CN ABgE~ E 1. • ~aProval Minutp~ Y 22 - ~ ~f - - LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 1990, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on a Special Exception Request of Lucille Boyd to operate a beauty shop at the residence, located at 3811 Hawley Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: June 7, 1990 Mary H. A len, Clerk Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, June 12, 1990 Tuesday, June 19, 1990 To be paid on delivery by: Lucille Boyd 3811 Hawley Drive Salem, VA 24153 ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Classification Plan for FY 1990-91 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND The Board of Supervisors annually approves the Classification Plan for county employees in conjunction with the adoption of the county budget. The Classification Plan consists of salary grades for position classifications and incorporates the total number of positions approved for the fiscal year. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The Classification Plan for county employees consists of classified and unclassified positions incorporated in the proposed county budget for fiscal year 1990-91. The salary of members of the Board of Supervisors are determined by ordinance of the Board. The salary of the County Administrator and County Attorney are determined by the Board. The salaries for other county employees, both classified and unclassified, are determined by the County Administrator within the limits of the adopted Classification Plan and appropriated funds. The recommended salary structure for classified personnel consists of pay grades with precise 5~ increments between each pay grade. The recommended Classification Plan incorporates those new positions and the market survey reclassifications approved in the adopted county budget. The proposed plan incorporates for each pay grade in order to 5.2~ for the next fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: minimum and maximum salary amounts provide regular merit increases of The funding required for the Classification Plan for FY 1990-91 is incorporated in the county budget adopted by the Board at its meeting on May 22, 1990. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached Classification Plan for county employees for FY 1990-91. In the approval of this recommendation, employees will be eligible for regular merit salary increases of 5.2~. Merit salary increases will also depend upon the individual employee's level of performance during the evaluation period. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: D. K. ook Elmer C. Hodge Director of Human Resources County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied Received Referred To Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~oo N O lTl O C~ O CJ~bCC~ H O ~ N r ~~r wm rt~ m a~~ - ~ - rt ~ cD rt r• -- r• D ( ~ D r~r ~ (~ (nD ~m~ ~, o ~- (D E ~D ~" ~p r ~ ^ O N O >C ~ z ,~ ~° ~~ ~ yr ~ rt be Ai rr m x~m rt to r• ~-t ~~~ ~ ~ ¢' ~ r* ~_ m ~_ C~ ~np n N ~ N ~ ° ~ a a ~ `A a ~• . to rr ~° rt ~ ~ c~ n m •tn o, ~o w F-' 0 0 W N I~ ~ C~ v ~ N C c~ m ~ n ~ o n O ( D rt ~ r~ ~ z ~C rr ~~~~ ~ ~~~x rt r• ri (A ~~ ~ (~D N ~ cr ~ ~ m r• r• n CJ f~ ~~rppt \ \ rt O O O a a~ ~ a~ m m ~° m ~ o • ~ ~ ~.-+ ~ 01 .P tT~ N F-' O •tn 0 r- rn ~D O H i n ~ cn ~ ~ ~ ~~ 'i ~ OH lD lp ~Z oro H H F-h (~ O F~ rS Ai tt U1 ~ r- (p rh r- rt c1 r• ~~ ~ ro ~_ a ~ ~ ~• ~ ~' rrr, ~C r- r ~~ ~~ O ~ u~i n ~ ~' ~- m M O rr, o r rto ~~ ~• tin (D r~ ~ o c~ ~ n m a~ ~ ~ ~~ ao rr, tD `~ o n m ~~ Ul N I ~ U1~P+P~PF-•'N I("J ~ ~00NN NN N 00 ~ O~DF-'OAP W O ODONN E--'h-' O 01 O ~~~111+++ l0 l0 J F--' O tD ~+ 00 O Ul I--~ W O N ~+ CrJ LTJ Cr1 F-' N ~ F-~ O U A~ I N os ~ n ~ m rt r•~ `~ a 0 n rt rt O O H ,~ o ~* ~ ~- ~ ~~ ~o ~ G W r• ~ 7C O r• ~ r• A~ G ft (~D ~~k a ~ ~- rt m ~ i° n n (D cT \ r• cn O ~ si ~• w ~~ ~° ~ m w ~~cnr N W lfl 0 r• N O O ~P .A c~~~o o~rt c~* (~D N n ° N O ~•t ~ r- (D, (D N 5.~+ ~ z r n H n ~ ~ ~* ~° z ~oo ~ rt~~~~~ ~~~rtv~ 7~' ~ ~ G ct ~D ct ct cA ~- v v h~ O OVA ~° ~ z ~~p k C't' rt~~ rcrn n r-G G r•O r ~Ot ~ r G r-t ~ ~ ~ ~ . rt rt r• r• N ~ ~ \ U r • b . ~ r• rt m 0 NNW ~PI--'N t~ N N O rn N l0 O O ~ (D y ~ r D n n ( ~~ D ( f t' G ~ ~ ~ m ro x~ `~ - m ~n ~~~~ ~~ UI (D ~ fD H ~ . r~'St ^ 4 H 7C (D O Z G ~ . x N O O O H ~ G G (Gp ~ ~ (Q N ~( pp >C X ~ rt '~ N ( ~ ++`~ ~ ` v v ^ z ~ ~ rr ~° v ~r N O N O O ~ ~ ~ D G ( A~ ~ ~ ~ (D ~ rt ww ~ ~h ~ ~ • ~ a w ;n rn cD n ~ U1 m m rt~ p U1 W ~C (D N r \ \ (D (t r• r- n ~ a ~"` ~ ° • m m rt ~ rr ~~~ i nn ~ ~ ~ t•~ r• ' • ~ O O t7 t7 W UI \ r N ~ ~ ~ ~ (D ~ • rt _ ~ ~ ~ o mm ~ ~~ ~m n w rr r- ~ ~o N I--' N N W F--' W F-' F•-' F-' F•-' 40 QD 00 W N N N N N F--' F•' F-' OOOO W NN F-'r'N~ O ~AWNO~D C1N ~PF-'W O In O f~'• O (D A7 f1 t•S (D ~ ~ ~ (D n C r•S !-i ~c n ~ ~ cn_ u~_ n N hr-' (~D rr• O ~ (~ .r`s Uri N wn ~ ~ ~ rtm rtn ~ ~ ~C ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'~ rtxort ~c ~' u0i ~' n n n~ m HQ,~ z c nvxx H~ n z~-~ a N• (D N• Q Q H H 7G' ~ ~ -'t O•~'O•(~D (~D ~H H(D (D W ~ H ~ 7G 7G {~pp Z H >C ~ r't rt (D H ~ ~ ~ >C m~ Z ~ 1'j(~(~ O .~ am N rt~ X O~ !~ 5C C v rt ~ ^ r~rr n rtm ~ ~--~ o ~ rr o n rt rt ~'~~(~D N fi~ N rdiH~7l~(~C»~Q'~~O ~ rCtF%~~~ fD fD (D C ~ r• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G N ~•-~ W ~ r• ~ i-i rn rn rn O n rr n n G ~ cn to [n rr n H, (D (D rt r• ~ ~~~~ ~ cnan ~0 0 o n c cn r•~•C cn A~ r• W ~ (D rt (D rt ~ ~ ~ ~ (D ~ ~ to ~ r~~ (~D Ir-•~N•~rtrt ~r~r(~D ~ n n n ~ ~ n fD aC N ~ ~w awn ~ooo `4~ ~ ~ Nn~ ¢, --, ~ ~ cD N rn rn rf, ~ ~ n- ~ N N H~ W ~rt to rtrrrt ~ (D r- ~~ ~~o ~c~omc~n rt ~' w ~ rt ~ ~ ~ a N ~ ~ r (D N (CD ~w w ~~~ a cn o c~ m ~ rr f--~ N F--~ W N F-' N W N Ui N N .P N f-•~ N I--~ F--~ C1 N F-' F•-' I--' f--' I--' N 0 F-' N i/} N N N v N 0 rn O O l0 N N ~l n a' ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ mu~~ (p r• cn r• ~~ r. ~ ~.. 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U1 0 N O Q1 C1 N ~P O ( ~ UllJl~lOODl0OWt0l0OJJOJJ.P.P.A l01-C ~l ~l 01 r W N N lJ~ ~P lD llt lJ~ W U~ W W CT7 tJl tJl r H H H I H "'~ [H~ C7 H H H °z G H ~•C H r~ y H r~ O ~ FY 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION PLAN (Minimums Remain the Same Maximums Increased by .2%) Minimum Maximum Grade 7 5.3558 7.9281 Grade 8 5.6236 8.3245 Grade 9 5.9048 8.7408 Grade 10 6.2000 9.1778 Grade 11 6.5100 9.6366 Grade 12 6.8355 10.1185 Grade 13 7.1773 10.6244 Grade 14 7.5362 11.1556 Grade 15 7.9130 11.7134 Grade 16 8.3087 12.2990 Grade 17 8.7241 12.9140 Grade 18 9.1603 13.5598 Grade 19 9.6183 14.2378 Grade 20 10.0992 14.9497 Grade Z1 10.6040 15.6971 Grade 22 11.1344 16.4820 Grade 23 11.6911 17.3061 Grade 24 12.2757 18.1714 Grade 25 12.8895 19.0800 Grade 26 13,5340 20.0340 Grade 27 14.2107 21.0357 Grade 28 14.9212 22.0875 Grade 29 15.6673 23.1919 Grade 30 16.4507 24.3515 Grade 31 17.2732 25.5691 Grade 32 18.1369 26.8476 Grade 33 19.0437 28.1899 Grade 34 19.9959 29.5994 Grade 35 20.9957 31.0793 Grade 36 22.0455 32.6334 Grade 37 23.1478 34.2650 Grade 38 24.3052 35.9783 Grade 39 25.5205 37,7772 Grade 40 26.7965 39.6661 Grade 41 28,1363 41.6494 Grade 42 29.5431 43.7319 Grade 43 31,0203 45.9184 5/29/90 ~~ .i ;< ./,, M E M O R A N D U M TO: John Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator of Human Services FROM: Stephen H. Carpent~~irector of Parks and Recreation DATE: May 17, 1990 SUBJECT: National Recognition for Excellence - Theraoeutic Recreation Section Roanoke County Parks and Recreation Department was officially notified this date (Federal Express letter) that we have been selected as one (1) of four (4) finalists in the United States and Canada for the prestigious National Recreation and Park Association 1990 GOLD MEDAL AWARD FOR "excellence in park and recreation management" for Special Pooulations (i.e. THERAPEUTICS RECREATION SECTION). Roanoke County has been se 1 ected as a nati onal finalist i n the Class I category (population 200,000 and over). The other three (3) Class I finalists include Aurora, Colorado, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Raleigh, North Carolina. Class II finalists (population 200,000 and under) also do not include any County government jurisdictions; therefore, Roanoke County is the only County Government, within the nation, to have been chosen for "excellence". The Gold Medal Award winner will be announced at the National Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference (25,000 organization membership) to be held in Phoenix; Arizona, in October, 1990. The National Gold Medal Award is the most coveted Parks and Recreation management award in the nation and to be selected as a finalist among thousands of Park and Recreation agencies within the United States and Canada is a singular honor. The Roanoke County Recreation Division Therapeutic Section, under the direction of Betsy Dennis, Therapeutics Recreation Supervisor and Debbie Pitts, Recreation Program Coordinator, can be justly proud for developing services which have received national recognition and honors for "excellence". May I suggest that this honor and my staff should appropriately receive recognition from the Board of Supervisors. Thank you. cc: Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission ~~- . ~~1 ! ~~ . .~ ~. DIRECTORATE HARVEY H. FOX President Anderson's Sporting Goods. Inc. Saiem, Oregon [708] 439-4000 FAX [708] 439-0111 THE ~POf~T~ FOUNDATION, INC. '16JS Wall Street • Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 May, 1990 -- ~ K ~ ~ PJ~ ~U ~~,jj~~,,,,JJ ~ U C~1~~~~ Dear Gold Medal Participant: CONGRATULATIONS! Your department has been selected as a Finalist in the 1990 National Gold Medal and Special Recreation Awards Program. JOHN COOK A press release announcing the Finalists in all classes is enclosed vice President for your use. Feel free to pass this release along to your The Athletic House./nc. local news a er. You ma wish to work with Knoxville, Tennessee P P y your nominator in getting press coverage. MICKEY NEWSOME Hibbett Sporting Goods lrondale. Alabama RICHARD FR EDRICHSEN Wio:vam Milts Sheboygan. Wisconsin GREG HEGE Porter Equipment Schiller Park, tllino~s SANFORD CANTOR Chairman of the Board Ex-Officio THOMAS W. FITZGERALD Secretary JAMES L- FALTINEK NSGA President & CEO CYNTHIA SWANSON Administralor Also enclosed is a listing of supplemental materials we need from your department for the final judging. As a Finalist in the 1990 National Gold Medal and Special Recreation Awards Program, The Sports Foundation, Inc. will feature your agency in its annual award booklet, which is distributed to thousands of sporting goods dealers, park districts and media each year. In order for your agency to be included in this year's booklet, as either a Finalist or Grand Award Winner, we will need 3 black and white photos, 3}" x 5", that you feel best illustrate your program. Along with these photos, please provide descriptive copy (typed) of your program -- maximum of 125 words. THESE MATERIALS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THIS OFFICE'ON OR BEFORE JUNE 21, 1990. MATERIALS RECEIVED AFTER JUNE 21, 1990 WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR JUDGING. Good luck in preparing your supplemental materials. We will look forward to receiving them on or before June 21, 1990. Sincerely, `l ~,~ ~-tee Cynthia Swanson Administrator Enclosures SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS -- REQUIRED OF FINALISTS ONLY CASSETTE TAPE: If possible, use a "trained" (not necessarily professional) voice or narrator. Enthusiasm by the narrator is important. Narrated facts about your program should be consistent with application information. Consider using appropriate music, either as soft backgroud throughout the presentation and/or at the beginning and the end. Be sure the music does not detract from the presenta- tion, but rather enhances it. Length of tape/slide presen- tation cannot exceed 15 minutes. THOSE PRESENTATIONS THAT EXCEED 15 MINUTES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. WRITTEN NARRATION: Should describe the slide presentation, be typewritten and should indicate slide change numbers to coincide with cassette tape narration. (This is a pre- caution in case of cassette tape or equipment malfunction). SLIDES: USING A "120" SLIDE CAROUSEL ONLY! One tray of 120 or less carousel slides (to be used with a Kodak slide projector) in tray, ready to show, to give visual evidence of the description of your recreation pro- gram provided in your entry application. Be very selective in the slides you use. Assume that the judges know only as much about your recreation program as you show and tell them. Among other aspects of your program, the slides should illus- trate the scope, philosophy and diversity of the recreation program's activities, facilities and participants. Slides should show participants actually engaged in activities (avoid posed pictures). Slides of facilities should depict accessibility. Growth aspects of your program should be in- corporated into your slide presentation. Remember, your slide program should provide visual evidence of the facts and information provided in your entry applica- tion. Be sure to portray the innovative and unique features of your program. Show evidence that you are moving forward -- from whence you came -- where you are -- where you are going. t = ` NATIONAL SPORTING GOODS ASSOCIAT{ON INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS • 1699 WAU STREET • Mr. PROSPECT, IL 60056-5780 ~ 708/439-4000 FAX: 708/439-0111 ' FOR I`^4EDIATE RELEASE MT. PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FoR Fc,~x~x L~ox`tartov, Coxracr Gc.E*rrr A. Btscxo~ ox Txow~s G. DRnt:E May, 1990 THE SPORTS FOUNDATION, INC. ANNOUNCES NAMES OF FINALISTS FOR THE 1990 NATIONAL GOLD MEDAL & SPECIAL RECREATION AWARDS PROGRAM Finalists for the 1990 National Gold Medal & Special Recreation Awards Program were announced by The Sports Foundation, Inc. These awards are presented annually to communities throughout the United States for excellence in park and recreation administration and for outstanding service to the handicapped, in cooperation with the \ational Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). This year`s finalists are: CLASS I Cities over 250,000 AUSTIS PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - AUSTIN, TX NOMISATED BY: ROOSTER ANDREWS SPORTING GOODS - AUSTIN, TX BROW~RD COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION DIVISION - OAKLAI~ID PARK, FL NO.M.I\ATED BY: WEBSTER'S SPORT CENTERS - FORT LAUDERDALE, FL THE "_-~RYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK A.~'D PLANNING COMMISSION - SILVER SPRING, MD NOMI\ATED BY: WILLIAM CANN, HARLOW SPORTS, INC. - FORESTVILLE,'~ID SUBURBAN HENNEPIN REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT - PLYMOUTH, MN NOMI\ATED BY: ALL STAR SPORTS - NEW HOPE, MN CLASS II 100,000 - 250,000 CITY OF AURORA PARKS, RECREATION ~ PUBLIC PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT - AURORA, CO NOMI\ATED BY: GART BROTHERS SPORTING GOODS - DENVER, CO CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - FORT LAUDERDALE, FL NOMINATED BY: WEBSTERS SPORTS CENTERS - FORT LAUDERDALE, FL CITY OF RALEIGH PARKS AND RECREATION DEPART`-fE:IT - RALEIGH, `'C NOMI\ATED BY: D S G (DURHA.*i SPORTISG GOODS) - RALEIGH, NC SPOK.~\E PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - SPOK_~~iE, WA NOMI\ATED BY: KI:~L*1EL ATHLETIC SUPPLY COMPA.YY - SPOK.~.vE, WA Sponsors of NSGA World Sports Expo, the NSGA Fall Market and tfie NSGA Management Conference CLASS III 50,000 - 100,000 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS PARK DISTRICT - ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL NOMINATED BY: COOPER'S SPORTING GOODS - ROLLING MEADOWS, IL CHAMPAIGN PARK DISTRICT - CHA~`7PAIGN, IL NOMINATED BY: GERM & AL'S SPORTING GOODS.- CHAMPAIGN, IL CITY OF SOUTHFIELD - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION - SOUTHFIELD, MZ NOMINATED BY: OFFICIAL SPORTS CENTER - SOUTHFIELD, MI CITY OF WESTMINSTER, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION & LIBRARIES - WESTMINSTER, CO NOMINATED BY: GART BROTHERS SPORTING GOODS - DENVER, CO CLASS ZV 20,000 - 50,000 COLUMBUS PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - COLUMBUS, I:I NOMINATED BY: HOOSIER SPORTING GOODS, INC. - COLUMBUS, Iv HOFF'.~L~N ESTATES PARK DISTRICT - HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL NOMINATED BY: GRAND SLAM U.S.A. - PALATINE, IL HO:~iEt~00D-FLOSSMOOR PARK DISTRICT - HOMEWOOD, IL NOMINATED BY: HAYDEN'S SPORTING GOODS - MONTGOMERY, IL f~~-iEAT0~1 PARK DISTRICT - WHEATON, IL NOMINATED BY: HAYDEN'S SPORTING GOODS - MONTGOMERY, IL CLASS V Under 20,000 ALSIP PARK DISTRICT - ALSIP, IL NOMINATED BY: PALOS SPORTS, INC. - PALOS HEIGHTS, IL HERNDON PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - HERNDON, VA NOMINATED BY: FITNESS RESOURCE/CYCLE SPORT UNLIMITED, INC. - HERIVDON, VA WILLMAR PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - WILLMAR, MN NOMINATED BY: FITZHARRIS ATHLETIC SUPPLY COMPANY - ST. CLOUD, MN WOOD DALE PARK DISTRICT - WOOD DALE, IL NOMINATED BY: SANTO SPORT STORE - CHICAGO, IL Soecial Recreation CLASS I Cities over 200,000 CHARLOTTE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - CHARLOTTE, NC NOMINATED BY: AMERICA:~1 ATHLETICS - CHARLOTTE, NC CITY OF AURORA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION & PUBLIC PROPERTIES - AURORA, CO NOMINATED BY: GART BROTHERS SPORTING GOODS - DENVER, CO DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION - PHILADELPHIA, PA NOMINATED BY: GOLD MEDAL SPORTING GOODS, INC. - CROYDON, PA THER_~~EUTIC RECREATION SECTION ROA~tiO<E COUNTY DEP?.RTMENT Or PARKS & RECREATION - SALEM, VA NOMI`;ATED BY: CHIT SPORTING GOODS CC'U'A:VY - SW ROANOKE, VA The Sports Foundation, Inc. May,'1990 Page 2 Special Recreation CLASS II Under 200,000 ~ , CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE SERVICES - ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL NOMINATED BY: OVIEDO SPORTS - GENEVA, FL CITY OF KENT PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - KENT, WA NOMINATED BY: WEST COAST AWARDS & ATHLETICS, INC. - KENT, WA CITY OF THUNDER BAY PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO, CANADA NOMINATED BY: TOP BUCKLE SKI SHOP - THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO, CANADA SALIVA PARKS & RECRE:~TION DEPARTMENT - SALIVA, KS NOMINATED BY: THE SPORTS CONNECTION - SALIVA, KS The Grand Award Winner in each class will be selected based upon improvement, service, continuing development, extent of future planning and degree of participant involve- ment and acceptance by the community. Winners will be announced and honored at the NRPA Congress to be held in October in Phoenix, Arizona. Judges for the 1990 Awards are nationally recognized authorities in the field of park and recreation management. They are: Charles C. Clegg Associate Director University of Georgia Athens, GA Dr. Lee Meyer Associate Professor Curriculum in Recreation Administration Chapel Hi11, NC Dr. Theordore Flickinger Executive Director Illinois Association of Park District Springfield, IL Walter C. Johnson Great Lakes Regional Director National Recreation ~ Park Association Hoffman Estates, IL Dean Tice Executive Director National Recreation &' Park Association Alexandria, VA ' Richard C. Johns Perks and Recreation Director City of Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA The Sports Foundation is a non-profit membership organization founded to stimulate interest in the development of new recreational activities and facilities and to encourage participation in sports. It established the National Gold Medal Awards Program for park and recreation management in 196b. In 1980, the Special Recreation Awards were created to recognize outstanding achievement by park districts for physically and mentally handicapped community citizens. For additional information, contact Cynthia Swanson at The Sports Foundation, Inc. at (708) 439-4000. F a~~: F L ~ 'A Z Z a 18 <<50~ 88 sFS~U1CENTENN~P~ A B.'aut~rul8r~innin4 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~minf~ of ~Rattnakr LLl ~MERIGCITr '' I ~' 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN UVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT M E M O RAN D U M STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN UTAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON NOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT i TO: Ken Sharpe, Fire Marshall HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM: Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board ~~~ 1, ~~ DATE: June 4, 1990 SUBJECT: FIREWORKS PERMIT FOR HILLS DEPARTMENT STORE Ken, attached is a copy of the Fireworks Display Permit Application submitted by Mr. Charles M. Wilson, Operations Manager, for July 4th for Hills Department Store. For your information, I am attaching a copy of the Board Report and Permit Letter from last year. Please review this application and if you recommend approval, the request can be placed the board agenda for the June 12, 1990 or June 26, 1990 meeting. Thank you. bjh Attachments P.O. BOX 29600 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 n n W z w x .a U W Q C!1 W E-~ O W v~ d U W a W x z 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ .?~ o c ~ p -o °~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ • ' ~ 0 3 ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ c ~ y -~ ~ ~ ~ s~ Z ~ c c ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0 0 - s c ~ ~ , o ~, . ~ as " ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ o • ~ v ' ~ Rs y ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ o C r C_ c o im ~~ ~ ~ . a. o~ N ..~ ;~ °J ~ °„ ~ v . -~ ~, . ~ ~ ~, ~ ° .}' ~ C~ ° n y w ~ Z ~ ~ -a •on as ~ r ~ ~ C ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ r ~ N v ~ -v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-. c ~ o .o ~ -o c. ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ ~ N ~. •~ •~ ~ ~_~~ o~ 3 ~N ~ ~' ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ .n 3 0 ~ `~' x ~ ~~, ~ ~. ~, ~ o 3 ~ o. -~ ~ .N o :~ o 0 ~ ion n. 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O ~ C7 W y O Ort ~ O ,~ ~' C~0 v (D ~ ,~ A~ O O ~ O O ~ O ~, `~" ~ p ~. „c • ~ • ~ .t COO rt ^^ ~ ~ G. ,~' x' "t c0 ~ N OG coo ~ ~ O ~ ° O ~ `~ CD :G CO p„ f D ~ O n < 't3 (/1 iv :C N f~" ~ ~ ~ ,~ ;--' ~~+ OK ~ rt •~ A~ W (O ¢' O ~n C- i ' i ' ._. V1 V] N co N ti N .-., V.' - Y Y ' II rr ~ ~~ N ~ ~I~ I d ~ y ---~0 W ---~.-- r- i ,o '~ ~ ~, a I! i N ~ -•+ N W ~ 00 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~. :~ Bcnuli(Iil Bc~mm,.~, ;Ot1NT`~ ADM EIS~RA~OR :LMER C. HOD ,lu1~c 2a - 1g90 ~~~ AM~' 1 1''1 1979 1989 RD OF SUPERV150R5 Bop' BORERS RCi~ p~~RIGT RIGU E~pWRING MAGIS(E CHAIRMAN STEVEN p`•UT WgpMAGI5TERIALDISTRICT LEE g. EDP WINDSOR Ii1Ll-S MgoB LR -J°HNSON ~~WSF{ARRY G. Nic~Ns VINTON MAGISTERIAL DI~RICT er Smith Mr• R°g B°X 186 24070 behalf Routwba-- Vergenia on their arks rata eXpress to the P ed me tO service tO the Dear Mr • Smith ~ ~):+v e ask rev i°us ons eve ,ve resp and of SupervisO~lpj1 for y°ur Citizens sO of themselves The $Oardcere apprecia Con)n'lss~ willing to ge their sin AdvesorY and a 26, Recreation community too scarce' Tuesday- Jun ou & their 1 t Y needs of indeed al meeting held on to reappp1nfor a their time are at their unanim°uslY CO~isseon that rots voted Advisory 19g3. s is to Bo rd of S park5i& Rilleexpore °n June 30-ted, appoented Thi _ C °n ct~ 199 a, member °f th Your term w ted- re ele ormate Athe son elec om of Inf copy of tYiree-Year term Iles that a~Yc Py °f lso sending were amended by the State law pr°vefurnished We are a these acts to any b°dy•be enclosed. Both °f 1989• e ~ountY- your lactyof Inter As e blY in July - ens of R°aori k f °r Y°ur d the tiz C°nf inia General is°rs ahanKs and appreciate v erg n behalf °f th our p s~his app°intment. O acre to accept t please nc ely- wellingness Si er ~. ~~~~7 `J~ C1erK Supervisors _ x v Allen, °ard of Mary ~ountY Roanoke or, ParKs & Recreate°n ect ~iosure5 teve Carpenter, Dlr pc. Mr, S ~nutttu of '~Rn~nnl:e . c703) 772-2pO4 OKE V-RGIN-A 24018-p7g8 ' ROAN P•G• gpX 2g8~ _ ,~ gcnuli~ulBcl;~nm~~g DUNTY ADMINISTRATOR t_MER C. HODGE (r mcnti~ of "+Rnttnolce June 28~ 1990 Al l ~ ~M~A G1Y ' 1''f 1979 19x9 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD VV • ROBE~RIAH p1~R LK CAVE SPRING M VICE-CI"IAIRMAN cJTEVEN A• UT WBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC>• LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGIS'fER1AL DI5iRIG'>' Bpg L. JOp 55R~ F.IOLLINSHA R C NICKENS VIN70N MAGISTERI~ DISTRIC>- est Drive Mrs• Lee Blair 7713 Old VA 12401$ Roariolce - June 26 Tuesday as Blair : held on t° olp for a three- Dear Mrs• at the1r meet unanimously e that voted C°~lss Dis ct• Your This is to advdSOf Supervisors on Advisory, tri lal 3. the Boar & Recreati ring Magister 30~ 199 1g9e~er °f the Parks the Cave Sp eXpires June ted~ a ear term rep in Ju e 3 0- 19g0, and cted, re-electt a Freedom °f term will beg erson e1e a c°PY °f sending You des that body be furnished y1e are als° a acts were law PrOVi i5 enclosed. they State oiYlted tO any copy ct• Both of 1989• or re-app Act; your of Interest A July' Informs of the Conflicts General Assembly iri oke C°untY~ our a cOpY b the Virginia the citizens e~ a oan for Y ded Y and aPPr tion amen isors and of the Sup slricere thanks On behalf ointment• please acce to accept this app ~eSs Very truly Y°urs- w ill inq Clerk of Supervisors ~pllen ~ oard Roanoke COUntY B • eCtor, Parks & Recreation b7h enter, Dir Encl°sures Care Mr . Steve pc: . (703) 772-2°°4 . Rop`NOKE• VIRGINIA 24018-~~g8 P ~ BOX 2g800 ~Q ~~~ ~ POANOKFG ~jl\ ~~~ o ~~ 1• ~x~~~ Z ~,~ ~ a OJ is ,505 ea `p~. SFSQUICENIENN ~ Benutitul Bcgiunin}; T{ ADMINISTRATOR MER G. HODGE June 28- 1990 All ~M~0.1~ c 1'''I 1979 ~9a9 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROBERS. CI.{pIRM RIG~~~~ING MAGISTERIAL DISTR STEVEN A- GMA? WgA MA ISTERW' DIe~7RICT 8 • EDDY LEE Dlr{R~CT WINp50R HILLS MBOB RI~~OHN50-'I HOLUI`15 MAGISTERIAL DISTRI~ RY G. N p15 DNS VINTON MA ISTERIN- ICT Linda Shiner rlve 4965 T°ppVA 24018 express goanok.e - me to asked a parks Mrs, Shiner' ervisors have service tO thank you Dear Board of nevi ° oval Y Hoke County ciatiOn for Y°uA P °w met pets The g°sincere appre Commissi°n• issiOn• ling thRecreation pdvi Set ed °n this comet unity and wil & or the time Y°u °fa~eeirdeea all too scarce• f to the needs in onsive their time Citizens sO resp lve of themselves and to 9 Sincerely- `~ G V Allen - Cler a of SuPerv isors H $Oar goanoke County 'h ctor- Parks & gecreatlOn MHA/b7 Dire EnelOSUresteve Carpenter- Pc: Mr• . c703) 772-2pO4 . RDANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-07 9 8 P O BOX 2gg00 ~ Bcnuti(ul ~cQ~no,,.a, SUN c. H0~ EISTRATOR MER ~i untg of +~~ttitnl r June 28- 1990 Alt AMFA 1'''I 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUER RGHA ROMAN R~c~~p~NRMB IsTt:alna-DIST cam.-fEVEN A. Mcc'F2A MA ISTER AL DISTaIOT Cp.TAWBA I.EE $. EppY WINDSOR HILLS MBOB a ~pF1N~N NS MAGISTERIAL DISTaN HoLV HARRY C• I.I~GKE VINTON 1''1~'IS~a~ DIc~TRIGT d Kairston Mr, Bernar nee S.W. 6031 Crlole L 2401$ behalf g°anoke- VA on their the Mr• Kairston• aVe asked me t° exPouss service tO~e to Dear er~isOrs h for your PC tizens $O res 5e1Ves and The Board of eu appreciation es B°ard ng t° give °f them ourc ill sinter Res `a the1r Corrections unity and June 26' Coe ne ds of to indeed all too scarce' d on TueSdaY- O1nt y°u the1r time ar at the1r me d ng h imOUSCes Boa dpf r a °ne- t unan ano er one- s is tO adv d of Superiit oCOrre tlou5t 13ou1990 August 13, 1991• Thi the Boar Co~'uni Y to Aug firing 1990' ember of the ust 13. 1989- 199 0 and exP appointed a ear terin f eginn ng August l3' n elected, re of In o coati ofAt e Year term b that any perso the Freedom ou a c°PY the rovides ed a copy °f also sending were amended by State laW P be furnish We are these acts t° any b°dYis enclosed' $Oth of your ~Otyof Zntere ssembly in July - 1989 • . tens of g°, on k f or°uY°ur c d the cite Vz.r9inla General A isors an and apPreciati the Super e thanks On beealaccept °e~ pt this appointment. willingness t° a SincerelY~ `' (~~ ~• C~~/`r" ~ ors 1'" ~ Allen - Cl a a o f Superv is H g°anoke C°untY Bo MHA~b~h EnclOSUres . c7p3~ 77~'2pO4 OANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-p7g8 P O BOX 2g800 R ,~~~~e ~ PpANOKF` ~ ~~~ O ~ i ~~ 9 ~x~~~ z ~ z ~,~ ~ a OJ ~a ~,50~, as re~as SESQUICENSENN`P~ p BcnulifulBcc;i"nine ~ p,DM1N~STRATOR MER C. H~pGE June 28 , 1990 All AM ,'''' 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RIGI-TARO WNRM~ 5TERC~- DISiR G~ SAVE SPRI RAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTFtIGT STEVEN A, MGG LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DIS7RIGT BOg L. JOHN50N HOLLINS MAGISTERI NIG ENS HARRY G VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Circuit Court Court ct Chief Judge- general Dlstri Appeals ett~ Judge- Judge CS ~ c s COUrt Will Ch i RoY B d S. gldd~ of Chief goontZ~ Jr'' Judge Family Edwa ence L. Chief I,awr Tr°mpeter- ensurer t Court t Ph feed C , And Stokes T C1erkGe call District Cour the Ellie a Childress, Clerks 0_16 author in Courts e Th of gesoluti° in certaz.n ca or m intenanon Was is a copy ed as costs ren°vati°n This resoluTueSday~ a55ache ent of f e for acOnst relatedo s a the1r meeting on essm County or court' is the of °u$e ~ jail of courth b the Board Supers not hesitate tO contac ado et 26 ~ 1990. lease do Jun d further information- P If Y°u nee me• bjh Attachment P O BOX 2g8p0 SincerelY- f Supervisors en- C1erK M oano a County Board o R 24018-0798 . c7p3~ 772-2pp4 R~ANpKE. VIRGINIA Lnuntg of "+Rv~nv~e June 27 / 1g90 G HoD EIS.fRATOR GOUN'f `~ ELMER All AM ,' 1''' 1979 1989 OF SUPERVISORS gOp,R~ s RGu o~~ N R~cU~S~NRMBV GE-GHAIRMAN S?EVEN A~ MT WBA MAGIS~FtW"8 E ~D U LEE WINDER F11L.L5 MA QB ~ '~H R~ B RIA~ p15T h~pLLINS MAG~~ ENS VINT~ M~1 7ER~ N D STR~~ es M• Wilson Charl Manager Mr' tions gtore #54 Oplls Department Avenue 8 County 3971 gramblet 2401 oke ~ VA a R°anO}ce f or a goan th on r Mr. Wilson 1990 licati °ur e 26- our app Dea on Tuesday r s d rythis letter t° be eet ing ouslYn a con following their Supervisors ui ani You may Board of Display Pew t• issued on th H, Cease' eworks n ief John glr t is bei g, ce Ch pelt ~ to that th1reCOmme ded by Poll off -duty °fa d e to no ch s fired to employ.slx ks begin send. please was be requ the flrew the firework die conditi°n- wh1 t han at Hill hour befor e time tha assigned tO d three starting e h°ur beyon ens would be R°ute 221 an artment ext eed of they f f c f on Rout; ing91 t at Bills DeP aaa ld be lased on the par contact me~ wou gtore• s please feel free o ou have any ~e5tl°n / SincerelY- If Y ~~`r ~ r H• Allet, $Oard of Supe~lsors Roa °ke Coun Y ohn H• Cease arp 02021 NR~A~b police arshal gennto Claude Dan goad ~ C anceYv lie ,- NC 27 37 9 p Zo i 9 Ada tme t Stor gt~ 1 ~5 B°X 257 -A, Y Hills Dep Unlimited, Fireworks . (703 772-24 NOKE, VIRGIN-A 24'p7S-p7g8 ROA P•O• BOX 2g8~ • T( ADMINISTRATOR N oDG QOM RG.H E Mary Beth Layman Town of Vinton P ; ~ on oVA 3 24179 Vin All AM 1'''~ ~g79 1989 ER~~SORS BOARD OF SUP S GHA~RM FtICU~ S~ NRM-~ ~RGHA~RM c~.~VEN A• UT Wen M~15TEEE 8 E WINDSOR HILLS M-.~+ISTERIAL DISTR N BOB LRI~IS'TRIGT ~pLLINS~-TARRY G. NIGKENS VINTON MAGI~'RIAL DISTRICT royal aPP upon concerning t 0-14'c contingen er of Mary geth~ pcti Number 6269 1990, .s Lett Dear copy of it for Ju11n4George Ned the Pe~ltdaof tacked is a orks perin outlined has rev ieW b the Boar of your ftheWSafetY pia al Ken Shar was adopted Y following ~. Fire MarsThis action 26- 199• e to June 1 ena d aPPr°eir.n-eeting on June ease dO not hesitat recomm th atior- - P Superylsors at eed additional inf°rm If Y°u n contact me. Sincerely, ary H• Alle t- Board of Supervisors M coun Y goanoke Toym Manager h Vin ~achmen~eorge NeKer-neth R oSharP p° ~ Fire Marshal . (703) 772-2°~4 OAN~KE. VIRGtN~A 2478-0798 R P O BOX 298 . (~nuntg of +Rounnke June 27- 19g0 Mary S~eTerrY :.ne.; ~,,,,,.,e, ~> ley ~aneKneed '--~r~= f"1 , l .: J h".:if ~~E. ~" C.~.,a~ Lev Deborah ~ove-grvant Cr e, ot_S;an «~:~, ,~ ..,;1 J TAI V,, y IR 1 l r'\, Y L ~' 1 the Attorn~1' General O~~1Ce ~" June 19, 1990 K .~,arshallCook ne. =,en~.~~, :,n.x ,.on Drlis,or .. ..a~SPO.~; r -~r'~ _. R vlarfe Guthrie _ :.,tornev Wiener p ~~s~on moo, ,;,~ra~ Res: ~rces H.~,nar 5 ~. rltn9 Marshall Gad Sts .,eras pr_:• AttorneY"e' _ a; atlaas Dwwon Stephen ~' R°senne at ., attorney' C,e wr;~on Cnmrna -_ ` he Honorable G• Stevens ese T House of Deleg tuber, d tric S• of a return of M °a EleC VirgRoa 24018 R 1 oke, inia for late f ilinn § 1-3916 of t the 58. ate Agee' a penal Y ollar Penalty turn• in assess g re My dear Deleg in er a locality, the alternativ roperty listed on the You ask Wheth may levy ersonal P angible P nainroagrty' each item of P of$O is ainst Statutes roperty °n licable ible personal p of the t Code V>,rg I• A tang issioner the Wing any er oW local cOm . every taxPay return With thethe commissioner• g requires tion to f ile a supplied by shall be 58.1-351 ect to taxa form file a return ever is Section subj on a e to is urisdiction t dollars ich January for the.aPpropriate l „No penalchfreturn or ten wh nue f art' on s reve 1 3916 provides, in assessable Section 58' - ten Percent °f the t p,Ppl~es to greater than „ Tax Penalty on Return property ersonalt each item of greater ' ' • • II. Personal Each Item of P a ainst Not to ten dollars Ben the sum total °f Return and the levy of a o ~ property tax aUe on the PrOperty• - iciPates tangible Pers t of the Com uestion ant a of ten Percen gee Hayward v• Gate, yourroperty contained in ld exceed the penalty c°nstrued•~ne Bally Golden 490+ personal P be strictly ~, g at 4g9' to levies WOU ust United States subject these ena~ 2d 89 ~1g85); 1987-19operty t imp°$e p S Gen' An taxpayer °Wningcable languag ed for Statute229 Va• 363, 330 ptt'y every W •D, Va. 183518 requires ded•) The app be eharg the monWealth, _ enalty may ding of g• SuPP• 552 Section 58.1 „ hasis ad _ a Plain yea 225 1 at 63• thereof • est hat the To the co P rarY' 1980-198 to „file a_ re a 5 not sugg return.l taxation § 58.1-3916 erty on that d in nal Prop author~Zed the has taine of Perso for Which each item § 58.1-3517, erty ~- ursuant to ible personal PCOP a locality tO of Taxation, parable tang does not enable1mP°sing Pen- DeQartment article of oriZation °$es of h the each that auth turn for pure 1 Althoug . forms for file a return' a $eparate re are required to use of individual thereon, as item ~~ 1,89as Ni1~~) individuals form, °r a.-rFs 2o7t•aoa-' ~~.~ treat each s nt to § 58.1-3916• a a uTSU Erghih Stree •R,~hmono Vrrg~nra 2,,2. x.80 lties p t t forth r °~rt Buildrr'9. 10 S~Prer~,e The Honorable G. Steven Agee June 19, 1990 Page 2 er return or ten percent of the enalty to the greater of ten dollars p statute limits the p it is my opinion that a locality may not ainst each item of property listed tax assessable on the return. Baenalt n inh§ 581--3916 ag levy the alternativeble pe~sonapproperty filed with the commissioner of the revenue. on a return of tang With kindest regards, I am Sincere y, Mary Sue Terry Attorney General 5:58/54-136 \ ~. \ ~ \ \ \ ~ a ~~- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~` ~~ ~ ~ ~~ OC u ~.` ~~ ~ ~~ it r ~ ~ .v ~ ~~, ~~ . . ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` \ \ \ \ ~ ~ \ \ \ ~a ~ \ \ \ \ ~ ti \ ~ _ -~ ; ;; r ; ~" , u r- O ~~ v N ~ ` `~ \ \ ~,` ~ 1 1 ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ti ~ O ti ~ ` ` ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~.~ ~\ ~~ iL ~ ~ t ~ ~~ ~ r. ~ ~. n O ~~ ~ ~~ A ~ v ~ ~ lfl ~ ~ \ \ \ \ r--a \ ~ is ~, • ~ ~ \ _ •` ~ ~~ -~ '~. ~ ~ . '-. ~. ~ 1 -~ \ ~ ~~ I ~ I>. ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ti ~ _~~. ` ` ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~p/1 ~ lJ v \ ~ ~ . F'+ __~ _~. ~ ~ v ~ ` (`~, ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ _ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -~ 1 -~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 1 C I~ ` r ~ \ \ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ '~ U ~ J RATE SETTING APPLICA`PION FOR 1990-91 ROANOTCE VALLEY REGIONAL BOARD LOVJ INCIDENC'1~~ POPULATIONS 52.6 COLLEGE AVENUE SALE14, VIRGINIA 24153 PROGRAM NARRATIVE I~oancil<e Va tlcy Rc.~gi c~na~l 13oard~ Applicant Low iuc i dente 1'opu l a t i ons Date Completed 2 / 9 / 90 Froposed Rate Year Dates: 7 / 1. / c)0 to ~ 6 /30 / 91_ 1. Name of Program: Itc~anol<c~ Val-ley Reg.i-onal Program/Low Incidence Populations 2. Statement of Fhiloaophy• ~I~o Irr~~~~'ide ~ prol;ram which meets the educational ne~d~, of c hi Idren who arc_~ severely handicapped, auCistic, rnulliJrarulicappecl, derv( and bard of hearinf~. "I'o cont.inue to foster cooperative e.[~forts between various school. cl i v i-s.ions i_n order to better meet the needs of their handacanpE lropulati.ons. 3. Age of Service Recipients: 5 to 21 . 4. Sex of Service Recipients: ~ lisle /~ Female S. Handicapping conditions of service recipients: ~• Severely and Pro(orrndl_y Il,indic~~ppc~d Z. brit i~,t-ic• 3. ~1ulLi.hand~capped 4. Dc~.af/hard of Ilcar i uY ~. T`1ulLi.handicaphcd/V i ~un~l I y Imps, i rPrl 6. Handicapping conditions and/or characteristics unacceptable in service recipients: 'l'o he dciermined on an .individual basis depcnd:ing on child's nc~c,d~;. 7. `taterial or items to be provided by the service ceclpient~ family or placing agency (e.g., bedding, clothing, books, etc.): No charge' ocher than nominal. (c~c~~ r-har~;crl Lo rr I I olhcr s(udcni-s. 8. Level of parent or guardian participation required by the program: Prof;ram planning send i-mplcmc~ntation, II;P development, parent support groups and var-ie;r15 local and state 1-cvel inserv-i_ce meet i nps. A-2 Page of Ro<rnol<e VaI l ey Reg i cfr~<~~IL~,o~lf~~~ilON Applicanc: I.r_~w Inciclc~ncc I'opulalions Fropoaed Budget pates: / / ~- / 90- ~) /,l~) / 9.I Date Compleced: 1 / c) / ~~~~ i. Name of service: Iduc.~rL i_onal_ Serv:i.ces Lor /,Ut l Sta_C 2. Description of Service: Insl_ructional services based upon a fund ic)nal analysis ~~f~ hehav~i.or and needs of each child to he enrolled in the program. Instruction of. each chi_l_d to he based on a cant: i_nuous evaluation oL a1.1. available data. 1lsssssnrcnt rlat~r to lie used in updating ll~,P and i_nstruct:i.onal. I;oa l s Lor each sl_udc~nt . 3. Unit: clai ly r~rlc 4. Definition o[ Unit: l(15 days. 5~ hours of .insLruct~on for a period oL 5. Licensed or Approved Capacity 6. Average Number of Service Recipients 7. Utilization Rate 8. Hlnfmrnn Utilization Rate 9. Ut111r.ation Rate for Computation 10. iiaximum Unite Per Service Recipient ll. Total Units 12. Narnber of Daya Service Offered Ihrring Ferlod Prior Year Curren[ Year Proposed Budget •.. r.. ..l Tyr t...o r. V.er Tnctrnr•f inns $ee ChnptEr 1 of Application 2I3 29 32 Hanual See A-2 ?_4 23 27 Instructions Line 6. t I35 Line 5. -77777]Tj]~ / See Chaplet 1 ////////////// ////////1////// of Application ////////////!// ////////////// fir) ifanual 71TTTITTT17T17/ I7TT77~ /////////////// /////////////// 8 5 Spa A-2 ////////////// ////////////// Instructions ?_27 ?_05 ?_05 see "-1 Instructions Line 5. x Line /1631 5033 9. x Line ]0. 2">_7 205 205 see A-2 Instructions 13. Nicobar of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Education 3 2 14. Number of Service Recipients to be Funded by Vlrginl• Dept. of Social Services 0 15. Ntenber of Service Reclplen[s to bt Funded by Virginia Dept, of Correetions _~_ w-z FaRe of sF,RV1CE INFOR11AT10N R(r)nc~kc~ V,il Icy };cl~ional l;oard~ Arpllcant: Lola 1.nci_delic:e Po~)u:lati.ons Fropoaed Budget Datea: 7 / 1 / 9U - G / 30/ ~~ 1 Date Completed: ~ / ~) / 9O 1. Name o[ service: ~~tic;r~l ion~l SPryir ~ for ~c~yrrF,-Prnf(~lratl tlanrliraPped 2. txacripcinn of service: l.nsLrucCional_ serv_i_ccs based upon a funct_iona:i analysis of behavior and needs of each child l:o be enro11~1 in the program. Tn~;lruct.ivn t.o each child to be based on a continuous nvnlnnl-inn n~ ;,I ~ ;tvni I;~hlr (I;lf~_ 1~fiRPSSrI)('nY. data t.0 be IISE'(1 ]_n ~)clati.n~ ll;P an(I insl.rucT.ional goals for each_ si~usLc~rL1. 3. unit: (I,r i l ral (~ ~, Detinlelon of unit: ~ hours of i.nstrucLion Lora oer:iod_9 " O5 cl a S. L1ccnFed or Approved Crpacity 6. Average Number of service RecipientR T. Utilization Rate 8. Minimum Utilization Rate 9_ Utilization Rats for Computation 10. lrn~fmum Unfta Per Service Reclplen[ I1. Total Unlts 1 L Number of h^ya Service Offered Ih,rtng Ferlod Prior Year Current Year Proposed Budget _, r..,.....~ v.^r inetn,rtiens --~ See Chapter 1 of Appllcatlon 37 3O lr j _NAnUSl see A-2 32 ~~ 38 Instructions ' 85 18 ~/; 1ne 6. t L Llne 5. TTTTiT7TTiT77 ~777TTT~T see a,apcer 1 /////////////1 /////////////// fj; of Appllcatlon /////////////// ////////////// Tfanual -~ -711117Ti1T77T1i -7i77T77iTTTTIT /////////////// /////////////// ~~j see A-2 ////////////// ////////////// Ine[ructlona .~1 / 2O i 2O See A-2 Instructions " (,1 74 (~"l73 784 I ine -,lne 5: x L 9. x Linc 10. ZZ7 7() LC)) See A-2 In~ttuctlona 17. N,m,ber of service R.cipienta to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Education /!? ~) 14, Number of service Recipients to be Funded by VSrginl• Dtpt. of Social Services ~ 15. Number of Servlee Recipfen a to be Funded by Virginia kept. of Correc[lons A-2 Fage of SF,RVICE INFOR1fATI0N Roanoke Valley Regional. ]3oard~ Applicsnc: Lbw incidence hOplll_3<:lORS PrOpOaed Budget Dates: 7 / 1 / 90- G/ 30/ 9l. Date Completed: ~/ [) /9U 1. Name of Service: 1 nd v i dual. P,ehavi ors 1. ~1anagemenf: Ior lluti stic, tl..l=:L ianc :r.cappet ant opu._at:7 ons opC~.ona.. 2. Denctiption of Service: 1•o provide one-on-one assistance Lo sLudenCs as itlPnt;f~P~l by l he mti . t:.i d'-sc~. h.l_i_nary I.eam, lndiv_i_tlual goals m-~v ~ nr 1 utl,t~ rtPcreasing thc~ e(fecl.:s of spec.i C:i.c handicapping cond_il,ions and w;otnc~I P normali~aCion to l:he gr_eatesC exCent: poss.ih]e. J. Unit: I)~ Ral.e 4, Definition of Untt: ~1 hours oL ass.i_sCance for a period of 1.80 d:t ys S. L1cenFed or Approved Capacity 6. Average Number of Service Recipfen[s 1. Utilization Rite A. Minimum Ut111zatlon Rate 9. U[111zation Rate for Computs[Son 10. W+ximum Unlu Far Service Recipient ll. Total Units 12. NumhPr of Dnya Service Offered boring Feriod IJ. N~m,ber of Service Pecipients to be landed by Virginia Dept. of Education ~_ 14. Number o[ Service Reciplentr to be Funded by Vlrgini^ Dept. of Social Services Q 1S. Ntenber of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Corrections O Prior Year Current Year Proposed Audget Ac[unl F_stimnt- Yrar inatrurtlnna See Chapter 1 ~~ of Application 7 Manuel _ 7 _ ~t _ See A-2 _Instructions illO ln0 Line 6. t Line S. 7TTT7i~ ?TTTTT / see cnapcer 1 ////////////// /////////////// 8 5 of Application /////////////// ////////////// lfanual -7TTTITI/777177/ -7JTT7T7i-TTT77T /////////////// /////////////// i00 See A-2 ////////////// ////////////// Instructions 180 1.80 see A-2 Instructions l2~)~) 1O8t) Line 5. x Line 9. x Line l0. 180 i80 see A-z Instructions A-2 Fage of SERVICE INFOR1tA7I011 Koanolce Valley Regional. Board/ Applicant: Low :I_ncidence Pouu.lat.ions Proposed Budgec DAtes: 7 / :1 / 90 - EJ / 30 / 9l. . DAte Completed: 1 / ~) / ~~~) 1. NAme of service: I~;dr_icati.e~ual. Services Lor Deaf/hard oI IIearin~ 1. Description of Service: lnstruct:i.onal services Lor Deal/Ilard SZI llear:i.n~ based ou i.ndi.v_idual needs as determined by available eval_ual.i_ons. Instruction Lor each child to be based on cr~ntinuous evalut~i_ianandanalys:i.s oC assessment inf.or.mal:ion. /lssessment data to be used in updating IEP and =instructional. gva l s C<~r each student. 3. unit: rln i 1 y r~~l e 4. Definition of untc: 5 hours oL instruction Lor a perioc~of 180 ciavs. 5. Licensed or Approved Capecity 6. Average Number of Service Recipients 7. UtilirAtion Rate 8. Nlnimum IJtilitAtlon Rate 9. O[111rstion Rwte [or Computation 10. irnximum (lntts Fer Service Recipient 11. 7otAl lint is 11. Nl,m heC Ot DAyA Service O[[ered During Period Prior Yeer Current Yeer Proposed Budget Actual Estimste Yeer Instructions Set! t~IlApt P_r 1 of Application NA NA 32 Nanual Ste A-2 2G Instructions 8l Line 6. t Line S. TTTTi7~7 ~TTTTT see c-~apcer 1 ////////////// /////////////// ~ ~ of Application /////////////// ////////////// lianual "7TTTTT7TT77TT1/ -7TT17TT777TTTT /////////////// /////////////// ~) See A-1 ////////////// ////////////// Inetructions ~~) See A-2 Inetructiont 48r~~) Line 5. x line 9. x Line ]0. ~ ~~~ See A-1 Instructiona 13. Nim+ber of Service Recipients to he Funded by VErglni• Dept. of Education ~_ 14. N~nnber of Service M clplen a to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Social Services Q IS. N~anber of Service Reclplents co be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Corrections n A-2 Page of SERVICF, INFOR1tATI0N Roanoke ValJ.ey Regional. Loar.d/ Applicant : ,]..,crw T nr;,1rlc~nrP Pnprr 1 a r i nn~ Proposed Budget bates: ~ / 1 / 9~)- ~~ / 3~) / cal 1>Ate Completed: Z /<~ /~0 1. Name o[ service: iducat i.onal Services for Mu] t i-hand_i capped 2. Deacripcion of service: lnstrucL i.onal services for hirr Lt i hand capped hascd on individual needs as deCermined by avail-able eva.uati_ons. Lnstnrction for each clii_]d Lo he based on cont:i_nnoris eval.uaC.i.on ~~nd ana_ysis oI assessment information. nssessrnent data to be used i n updat_ i ng .[.1I' and instructional goals for, each student. 3. unic: da i ].y rate a. Definition o1 untt: ~z hours of instructi-vn f_or a period of 180 days. Fr1or Year Current Year Proposed Budget Ar t„A1 rcrlmwt• V~aT lnctructiens S. L1r_enFed or Approved Capacity b. Average Number n[ Service Recipients 7. Utilization Rate 11. Nin1m„m Utilization Rate 9. Utf](ratlon Rate for Computa[1on ]0. 14,><lmum Unf is Fer Service Recipient ll. Total Units 12. Numher of DAya Service Offered During Period See Chapter 1 lvn Iva -~Z nr Application Nanual 27 Sec A-2 instructions 84 Line b. t Line S. 77;TT77/ ~jTTTT See Chapter l ////////////// /////////////// 8 ) of Application /////////////// ////////////// ffanual TTTTTTTTTITTTI-/ ~iTTTTT177TTTT /////////////// /////////////// 8~ See A-2 ////////////// ////////////// Inetructlona ~ 8n See A-2 Instructions Lina S. 1t Line 4806 9. x Line 10. ]8n See A-2 Instructions 13 f s N b i R t i l t b Funded b Vir ia De t i of Edu n ati . IG erv ,nn er o ce N, ber of 4 rvice rc en s p W!cl ien a o e to be g p , y n Funded b Vlr inl• De t of o c Social Services . ,m p y g p . 3 2 ~ 15. Nisnbcr o[ Service Recipien a co he Funded by Virginia Dept. of Corrections _ ~ A-2 FaRe of SF.RV CF, ITtFQiUfATION Ko<inol<e Va I Ley Regi ona.l. -~oarc AFpltcant: Lo~~~ lnc_idencc 1'O~)U~.al10nS rropoaed Budgec naces: / / ) / 9O - 6 / 30/ c~.l. . [ante Completed: ~ / ~) / ~O 1. Name of Service: I?ducat.ional_ Sel-vi.ces for Mutt ihandi_caplaed/Vi_sual.ly Impai_rc z. [lencripcion o[ service: Tnstruc t_i onal services fir Mu l l i hand i capped/ Visuall}~ Impaired student Co be liased on ind.i.vi_dual needs as determined by avai.lahl.e evaluations. l.nstruction for student to Inc hascd on continuous cvaLuation and analys,i_s of assessment information. assessment- Bala to be used :in updalingT_EP and instrucli.onal l;oals for the student. 3. unit: drli ly rntc 4. Definition of Unic: >~ hours oI :i nstruc~ _i_on for a per i_od oL 130 days. 5. LtcenRed or Approved Capacity 6. Average Number of Cervice Reciplenta 7. Utilization Ante 8. N.tnimum Utilization Rate 9. Utlllration Rate tnr Compu[atlon Ib. Naxlmum Units Fer Service Recipient 11. 7ota1 Units Iz. Nnmber of nays service Offered Ih,ring Feriod 13. N,m,ber o[ Service Recipients to fie Funded by Virginia Dept. of Education 1 14. Number of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Social Services ~ 15. Nrnnber of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Corrections _n Frior Year Current Year Proposed Budget Arrunt Folmar. Year Ins[ruction6 See Cl,npter 1 1 of Application itanusl See A-2 ~- Instructions i ~)~~ Line 6. t Line S. 7777777~7T7 7 / see Chapter 1 ////////////// /////////////// ]. On of Application /////////////// ////////////// Ifanual ~~nr7r~rmTrr~ lirt777~rr - /////////////// /////////////// ~ oo ~~ A-z ////////////// ////////////// Inetructlons i gC) see A-2 Inetructlons Line 5. x Line 1 ~~) 9. x Line 10. 1.80 See A-2 Instructions A_2 Page of _ SERVICE INFORHAIION Roanoke V~r l I ey lle~; Tonal Board/ Applicant: LUw it i Ic.nc~l'crl?nl;il inner Proposed Budget Dates: ~ / ~ / ~~~~ - ~~ / 3~ ~)l Date Completed: ~ / ~~ / ~)O 1. Name of service: ~'hysical 'Therapy (optional) 2. Description of service: Serv ices t~_i.l_ 1. be provided by ~_ c_lrr~ 1 i f i PSI plrysi ca I I_Jreralri st. 'T'he poa l wi_:I_L be to promote tits norms ~;r-owl h and (rmcl-.ion of movement slcill.s. Individual eoaa,~ ncry .include docreasint; the efLects oC spec~i_Lic hand_icapn_in~ conditions and (rromote normal_i_zat-ion to the greatest extent pc~ss_i_hle. 3. Unit: hour (~~0 minutes) 4. Detiniclon of unit: Ell nri note sessions. May be subd.i_v.ided into smaller sessions, i.e., 3U mnut:,es. S. LicenFed or Approved c,Apacicy 6. Average Number of Service Recipfents 1. Utilization Rate 8. Hlnimum Ut111zAtlon RA [ e 9. Utilization Rate for Comput_a[Son 10. HAalmum Units Pcr Service Recipient 11. TotAl Units 12. Number of bays Service Offered During Period Prior Year Curren[ Year proposed Budget v... rnstrurtion6 See Chapter 1 of Application Hanual See A-2 Instructions Line 6. Line S. / / "~~~~~ See Chapter 1 ////////////// /////////////// of Application /////////////// ////////////// tfanual TT77TT~i ~7T ~T /////////////// ///////1/////// See A-2 ////////////// ////////////// lna[ructlons See A-2 Instructions Line 5. x Llne 9. x Line 10. See A-2 Instructions 13. N~onber of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Education I4. N~enber of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Social Services 1S. Nianber of Service Reclpfenta to be Funded by Yltgini• Dept. of Corrections A-2 Page of SERVICE INFORtiATION R~~nol<e Va 1 ley Ilegi ona l_ 13oard~ Applicant: Lcn~ .[nciclence Populations PropoAed Budget Dates: ~ / I / r)(1 - 6 / 3O/ 91 Date Completed: ~ / ~~ / ~~~~ 1. Name of service: Occulrli. i ona l 'L'Ilera Jly (ollt i ona l ) 2. Description of Service: Occupati.on~l. Cherapy will. be Ilrovidecl to c lr i 1 clrcn i clc nl i (i ecl as Ravi nJ; cleveLopmenta 1 or restora C _ve nx~tor nc,crl,. 'I'hc goal wi LI_ lie to [ac.i.~l_i1aCe i_ndependenL func~l i~~ninl; ~ ncl l imit l1roJ;ressive clisalll inp, cffecl:s from i n jury anti/or cl i scasc. 3. unit: hour (GO mi_nuLes) 4. t?e[inl[!on_.of unit: GO minute sessions. May be subdivided into ~nl~ll ler scgmc~nt.s, i.c~., 3U minutes. 5. Licensed or Approved cApacicy 6. Average Number of Service Recipients 7. Utilization Rite A. Minimum Utilization Rate 9. Utilization Rate for Computation 10. Hazimum Units Per Service Recipient 11. Total Unltc 12. Number of bays Service Offered During Fcriod Prior Year Current Year Fropoeed Budget Ar rnwl Tcrimnrw Ywar inetrur[fonR See Chapter 1 of Application _ Hanual See A-2 Instructions Line 6. t Line 5. ]]~ / / See Chapter 1 ////////////// /////////////// of Application /////////////// ////////////// tlenual -7~rrirrrrrn~/ / lrlrrrr /////////////// /////////////// See A-2 ////////////// ////////////// Inetructionc Se a A-2 Instructlone Line 5. x Line 9. x Line 10. See A-2 Inctructions 13. Nicobar of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Education 14. Number of Service F.eclplen a to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Social Services 15. Number of Service Recipients to be Funded by Virginia Dept. of Corrections A-z Fage ei 5FRVICF INFOANAi2011 I<<)anolce Va 11ey Reg.i.onal Board/ Appl leant : t .Il~.r 1 ti~ji(~i1rn T~iiTir] .fit io1zS Proposed Rudget Dates: ~ / I / 1~n _ ~~ / ~n / ~)] bate Completed: ~ / ~) / ~)Q 1. Name of Service: ~he~'c l) '1'Ilerapy (o}>t i ona l ) 2. Dencrlption e[ Servtct: S-)eech services w_i l l I)rovicle For i.dent.iEi.cation and diagnosis oC s-)eech and language problems. SCudenCs who are iclentiCied t~> he ~n need oI speech and language therapy will receive instrucC.ic)n as sl)ccifi.ed in Lhe lndivi.duaLi.~ed Educat.i_on Program. The program w i_L:I be comprehensive and will inc ~ I~Darent a 1 i.nvc)I vcmenl, i n re_ich i.tlg tl)e c.h.i Ld's individual goals J. Unit: ~)n[' h(~U1~ f~esSLOI1S 4. Dttlnicion of Unic: One hour sessions (f'~0 minutes) may he di_v:i_ded i n f o t:wo ~~ne-hs) I f (3O m i_n11 Les) sessions. 5. LicenFed or Approved Capacity 6. Average Number of Service Recipients 1. Otilization Rate A. 11lntmum Utilization Rate 9. Utlllrstlon Rate for Compu[a[Son 10. fU+xlmum Ilnltc Per Service Aeclplent ll. 7ota1 Unite 17. Number of hays Service Ottered L><crlnq Period Prior Year Current Year Proposed Audget ACtUal Fetimat• V..r Tner...~H..... See Chapter 1 of Application 1ta nue 1 See A-Z Inccructiona ^Line 6. t Llne 5. _ 7T1TT~ / ~TT Ste Chapter 1 ////////////// /////////////// of Application ///1/////////// ////////////// Nenual ~7TITTTTi7TTTTli ti~TllT /////////////// /////////////// Ste A-2 ////////////~/ ////////////// lnetructlona Stt A-1 _ Inntructi on• _ Lint 5. x Line 9. x Line 10. Ste A-2 Instructions IJ. Ntm+ber of Service Recipients to be Funded by Vlrgini• Dept. of Education 14. N~nnher of 6trvlct Recipients to bt Funded by Virgin!• Dept. of Social Services IS. Number of Service Reclpfenta to bt funded by Virginia Dept. of Corrtetlena Page of A-2 SF.AVICf, INFORMATION I~~r~nc~kc Val Ley 1~eL;ional lioarcl~ Appllcanc: Lcn~ l.ucidcnce 1'u nrlaLions Proposed Budge[ pates: 7~ ~ ~ /...-~~ El / 3~/ ~, Z / <) / c)0 pace Completed: n ~l.lon~l 1'syclioLogi.c~l Assessment. ~ I ~~:i.n a 1, Name of Service: Aclmi n i sl.er and i nterpr~eL tests to z, Description of Service: ____.~.-- curreriL esl inr.ite o[ present. intelle` lierl ~~l,~c.emernCrirec:armmcncl~Li-ons, hr~tlrcr- in(ornrit_iorr to ~ssi.st. i.n fen l __----------- cletermi nnL i_on Anil appropr i ~l,e educaL i ona 1 p).nnn_i_ng. c 1 I; i I~ i l i t} ~ sciioo L irov i clecl on l y upon recluesl f rom send i n Service iai l l he division. -~- (i(1 minute session 3, Unit: (~O minul.e session y, Definition of Unlt: Proposed Budget Current Year Instructions Yea Prior Year Actual Estimate r See L~1 '- of Application 5. Licensed or Approved Manual Capacity See A-2 Instructions 6, Average Number of Lfne 6• t Service Recipients Line S. Utilize'cfon Rate 7 ~,TT7 -~~-T~T~/ / See Chapter 1 of Application . /////!//////// /////////////// Stanual g, 111n1mnm Utilization /!/!///////!!// //////////////! T77TTTl~ - A-z s Rate -m77~71 T 1 / ee Instructio__ n_,L ,_ ////////////// g. Utillzatlon Pate for /////////~//// Gomput~tlon See A-2 Inatru 10. Maximum Units Per Line 5• x Line 0 1 Service Recipient _ _~ y, x Line 11. Total Units A-2 See 1Z. rd,m,ber of Daya Instructions Service Oftered During Period Virginia Dept. of Funded by Education _.._--- 11, p~nnber of Service R.ciplentc to be t, of l ~P Social Services ,__,_,.,.._. f Service ^ Reciplen v to be Funded by Virgin j4. Number o nded by Virginia Dept. of F Corrections _.,_...-- I5. Number of Service u Recipients [o be UTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD90FINOTHEKBOADUROOMMOFTTHE FROM THE MIN IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7 P.M. ON JUNE 14VIRGINIA 24153 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, RESOLUTION REQUESTpECIAL EDUCATIONTFONDTO THE 1990-91 REGIONAL S WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Regional Special Education rofound, behavior Board which governs autistic, severe/p and ana ement, deaf/hard of hearing, multihandicapped m g roximately 117 ed visuall im aired programs for app multihandicapp / y p Salem City, Franklin Roanoke City, students from Roanoke County, ted its 1990-91 County, Craig County, and Botetourt County adop budget on May 22, 1990, and WHEREAS, Roanoke County serves as the fiscal agent for the regional board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County School Roanoke County that an appropriation in the amount of Board of 5 538.00 be made to the Regional Special Education Fund for $1,94 , 1990-91. seconded and Adopted on motion of Paul G. Black, duly Ihi;ernal Revenue Service District virector Date: GIVE KIDS TES FARLD, INC. 5678 High~ray 192E, Suite 645 Kissimmee, FL 32741 Dear Applicant: Department of the Treasury Employer Identlncatlon Number. 59-2654440 Cssa Number. 586245051ErJ • Person to Contact: • • Alin Baker Contxt Telephone Number. (404) 3314516 Accounting Period Endlnq: Decgnber 31 Foundation Statue Claaaltlution: 509 (a) (2) Advanu Ruling Period ~121s April 4 , 1986 & Ends December 31, 1990 Caveat Applies: YFS Based on information supplied, and assuming your operations sill be as stated in .your application for recognition of exemption. re have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Because you are a nerly created organization. re are not nor making a final determination of your foundation status under section 509(x) of the Code. Hovrever, re have determined that you can reasonably be expected to be a publicly supported organization described in section 509(x)(2). Accordingly, you rill be treated as a publicly supported organization, and not as a private foundation, during an advance ruling period. This advance ruling period begins on the date of your inception and ends on the date shorn above. Rithin 90 days after the end of pour advance ruling period. you must submit to us information needed to determine rhether you have met the requirements of the applicable support test during the advance ruling period. If you establish that you have been a publicly supported organization. you rill be classified as a section 509(a)(1) or 509(x)(2) organization as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. If you do not meet the public support requirements during the advance ruling period. you rill be classified as a.private foundation for future periods. .Also, if you are classified as a private foundation, you rill be treated as a private foundation from the date of your inception for purposes of sections 507(4) and 4940. Grantors and contributors may relq on the determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period. If you submit. the required information rithin the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on the edvance determination unti'1 the Service makes a final determination of your foundation status. If notice that you rill no longer be treated as a publicly supported organization is published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, grantors and contributors may not rely on this. determination after the date of such publication.. Zn additi'on, if you lose your status as . a publicly supported organization and a grantor or contributor ras responsible for. or was. arare of, the act or failure to act that resulted in your loss of such status,-that parson,: may not rely on this determination from the date of the act or failure to act. Also, if s grantor or contributor learned that the Service had given notice that you rould be removed (owr- P. 0. Box 1055, Atlanta, GA 30370 5-5 Letter 1045(DO) (Rev. 6-86) from classification a5 a publicly supported organization, thou th~1t person may not rely ~n this determination as of the date such knowledge Was acquired. If your sources of Support, or your purposes, character, ar method of operation • hangs, please let us l;now sn we can consider the effect of t~:e change on ycur exempt ~tatus and foundation status. In the case of an amendment to your organizational document , or byl~rs, please send us a copy o! the amended document or b7laws. .Also, you should . inform us of all changes. in your name or address. As of January 1, 1984, you are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security .taxes) on remuneration of 8100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year. You are not liable for the tax imposed under. . the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the excise .taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code. Horever, you are not automatically exempt from other Federal excise taxes. If you have any questions about excise, employment, or other Federal taxes, please let us knot. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to yos or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax put ores if the most the a llcable ' of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of Lhe Code. p y pp provisions. You are required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, only if your gross receipts each year are normally more than x25,000. If a return is ~equired, it must be filed, by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of .your annual accounting period. The law imposes a penalty of x10 a day. up to a~maximim of x5,000,' then a return is filed late. uale5s there is reasonable cause for the delay. 11 You are not required to file Federal income tax returns unless you ar:•sub~ect to th. Gax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Codv. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income tax Return. In this latter. we are not determining whether any of your present o- ~roposei activities are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 51:5 of the Code.. Yov need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. It an employer identification number ras not entered on your appllcAtion, a number rill be is signed to you and you rill be advised of it. Please use thst number on all returns you 'ale and in all correspondence rith the Internal Revenue Service. If the heading of this letter indicates that a caveat applies. the caveat belor is a~ ntegral part of the letter. Because this letter could help resolve any questions about your exempt status and oundation status, you should keep it in your permanent recor~s. If you have any questions, please contact the person chose name and telephone number re shorn in the heading of this letter.' Sincerely yours. cc: J. Russell Hamlin ~-~.t.~ ~"~' D1RCi'1Ct DirecC~r he deteunination that you will be treated as an organization which is not a private oundation for your first two tax years is extended to your first five tax years in ooordance with your rawest and executed Foan 872-C, Consent Fixing Period of LirtitaticZ pop Assessment of Tax Under Section 4940 of the Internal Revenue Code. 5-6 L?tte~ 1Q45(D0~ (6-a.6)