HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/9/1990 - RegularPASCOIIt OLD VALUE/NEW VALUE REPORT OCT 8, 1990, 9:45 AM ~ `~ szszazsszassass:a:ssaasaaaaasaasasaatasaasaasassasssa:sazsszzazaszsaszzasszsssaa ENTER SELECTION CRITERIA: NEIGHBORHOOD NUMBER: PRINT ONLY PARCELS WITH A NEW NOTICE CODE (Y/N)T _ PRINT PARCELS WHERE VALUES HAVE DECREASED (Y/N)? _ PRINT PARCELS ItHERE VALUES HAVE INCREASED BY SELECTED PERCENTAGE (Y/N)? _ ENTER MINIMUM PERCENT OF INCREASE: X PRINT TOTAL PAGE ONLY (Y/N)? SELECT UP TO FIVE USE CODES YOU WISH TO INCLUDE: OR SELECT A RANGE OF USE CODES YOU WISH TO INCLUDE: THRU PASC011I PASCO Ilt SELECTION MENU OCT 8, 1990, 9:46 AM sxxzazssass:zszssszssssss:ssssssssssssssssss:sssesasss:s:zssszs:szz:szaszsssssss 1. APPRAISAL FILE UPDATE 2. PRINT APPRAISAL CARD 3. INQUIRE TAX BASE / SALES 4. REPORTS 5. NEIGHBORH000 MAINTENANCE 6. NEIGHBORH000 UPDATE T. SYSTEM PROCEDURES / MISC PROGRAMS SELECTION NUMBER: PASCOIII REPORT SELECTION MENU szzssiss::iisiisssissssisssasi:sasesssasss:esisiss~ ** PASCOIii REPORTS ** 1. APPRAISAL CARDS 2. IMPROVEMENT TYPE 3. OlD VALUE/NEW VALUE 4. LAND LINE 5. SALES REPORT 6. SALES RATIO 7. CROSS REFERENCE 8. STATE CODE 9. SPECIAL CONDITION 10. OBXF OVER/UNDER 11. LAND OVER/UNDER OCT 8, 1990. 9:36 AM ;iiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiitii ** NEIGHBORHOOD REPORTS ** 30. NEIGHB0RHO00 LISTING 31. PARCEL NUMBER EDIT 32. NEIGHB0RHO00 OBXf 33. LAND USE ANALYSIS REPORT SELECTION NUMBER: _ OUTPUT DEVICE? LP DEFER PRINTING? _ NUMBER OF C0PIES1 O1 -------------------- ^ ---.--------------------------9.---~-...---...-.--------- -if processing not to begin immediately, enter be i mi date and t~me- BEGINNING T1ME• _ _ AM/PN: _ BEGINNING DATE: AN + • r ~ t ~ 9 /1' n~~ ~~ ~~~ .~ 18 ~ 88 +ES~UICEMTENN~~'~ ~ Auwi~18r~e~~eg ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA OCTOBER 9, 1990 ~u-~u cm 1 ~~9~8~9 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call AT 3:04 P.M. BLJ ARRIVED AT 3:08 P.M. 2. Im~ocation: The Reverend Linda Mitchell Christ Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to tyre United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH POSTPONED ITEM D-2, ACCEPTANCE OF DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT GRANT BL,J ADDED ITEM D-4, REVIEW OF SDN REPORT i C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLU`T'IONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Welcome to visiting teachers from the Youth Japanese Teachers' Program. R-10990-1 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC 2. Proclamation declaring the week of October 7 - 13, 1990 as Fire Prevention Week. HCN TO APPROVE PROC. URC MARK LIGI~~' ACCEPTED 3. Resolution of Congratulations to Glernar High School upon its twenty-fifth anniversary. R-10990-2 SAM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC PRINCIPAL AL MCLEARN ACCEPTED D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of resolution establishing a policy for continuance and postponement of public hearings for rezonings. R-10990-3 LBE MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC 2 2. Request to accept and appropriate grant to fund Drug Abuse Treatment for Adult Offenders. POSTPONED 3. Presentation on Computer Aided Real Estate Assessment Program. PRESENTED BY JOHN WILLEY 4. Review of SDN Report BOARD CONSENSUS NOT TO ANALYZE FURTHER ECH RECOMII~NDED JOINT STUDY WITH ROANOKE CITY E. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance requesting vacation of approximately 250 feet of an existing 20 foot wide sanitary sewer easement shown on construction plans for Edinburgh Green addition. HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING URC 3 2ND - 10/23/90 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES NONE I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals 2. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 3. Explore Citizens Advisory Committee LBE NOMINATED BUFORD T. LUMSDEN, WINDSOR HII.LS DISTRICT SAM NOMINATED ED KOHINI~, CATAWBA DISTRICT 4. Grievance Panel 5. Recycling Advisory Committee LBE ASKED FOR APPOINTMENTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WII.L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIItED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-10990-4 4 BI{J TO ADOPT RESO URC 1. Approval of Minutes -September 12, 1990, September 21- 22, 1990 2. Approval of Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring Elementary School PTA A-10990-4.a 3. Request for acceptance of Viking .Drive and Norseman Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-10990-4.Ir 4. Request for acceptance of Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court and Brentwood Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-10990-4.c 5. Request for acceptance of Fairway Estates Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-10990-4.d 6. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving North Meadows, Section I. A-10990-4.e 7. Donation of a storage tank lot -Section #2, Fairway 5 Forest Estates, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A-10990-4.f 8. Donation of slope and drainage easement for road widening purposes -Route 943, Cave Spring Magisterial District. • A-10990-4.~ 9. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Glenvar Youth Boosters. A-10990-4.h 10. Approval of a Raffle Permit for Unity of Roanoke Valley. A-10990-4.i K. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COl~'IlVIUNICATIONS 1. LAWRENCE GOLDSTEIN, 5113 FOX RIDGE DR ASKED FOR ASSISTANCE IN REQUESTING THAT VDOT ALLOW THE USE OF NATURAL TYPE GUARDRAIL PAID FOR BY DEVELOPER RATHER THAN METAL IN F[UNTING HILLS ECH DIRECTED TO CONTACT VDOT AND INVESTIGATE 2. MARGARET WIHTSCARVER, LIBRARIAN WITH ROANOKE COUNTY EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT LETTER SHE RECEIVED THROUGH HER OFFICE FROM HCN OPPOSING CONSOLIDATION. 6 L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) ASKED FOR REPORT FROM PMM REGARDING ZONING LAWS FOR PARI~NNG TRAILERS, ETC. IN FRONT OF BUILDING LINE. PMM RECOMII~NDED CHANGING ORDINANCE -ASKED FOR DIRECTION FROM BOARD MEMBERS. (2) EXPRESSED SUPPORT FOR ADVERTISEMENT IN NEWSPAPER OUTLINING FACTS OF CONSOLIDATION. MOTION THAT BOARD DIRECT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO TAKE OUT A FULL PAGE AD IN THE ROANOKE TIMES AND WORLD NEWS SETTING FORTH THE BASIC DETAILS OF THE CONSOLIDATION PLAN, QUESTIONS, AND ANSWERS AND TO INCLUDE STATEMENTS FROM THE BOARD MEMBERS THAT WILL APPEAR IN RCT AND PURSUE JOINT ADVERTISEMENT WITH ROANOKE CITY. HCN SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO TABLE MATTER AYES-BLJ,HCN NAYS-LBE,SAM,RWR LBE'S MOTION RULED OUT OF ORDER BY C BASED ON PREVIOUS CONCENSUS BY BOARD MEMBERS NOT TO TAKE ACTION UNDER BOARD INQUIRIES. (3) ADVISED HE FELT THAT CONSOLIDATION PLAN WAS NEGOTIATED IN GOOD FAITH AND NOT SABOTAGED AS EXPRESSED IN ROANOKER MAGAZII~E. (4) ASKED PMM FOR UPDATE ON SMOKING ORD. PMM ADVISED THAT ENFORCEMENT ISSUES MUST BE RESOLVED BEFORE ADOPTION. (5) ASKED PMM TO UPDATE ON NEIGHBORHOOD NUISANCE ORD. PMM ADVISED THAT THIS WILL BE PART OF NOISE ORD. IN NEW ZONING ORD. (~ ASKED FOR UPDATE ON INCREASED FEES FOR BINGO AND ~ ~ PERMITS. PMM ADVISED HE WILL BRING DRAFT ORD ON 10/23/90 (~ ASKED FOR UPDATE ON COUNTY SIGNAL SLOGAN CONTEST. ECH WII..L BRING INFO TO BOARD. SUPERVISOR MCGRAW: (1) COMPLIlVIENTED ZONING STAFF FOR RECENT INCREASED ENFORCEMENT A S. (2) ADVISED THAT VACO SEARCH COMIVIITI~E WILL MEET 10/12 IN CHARLOTTESVII.LE AND HAS RECEIVED 100 APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXEC. DIRECTOR (3) EXPRESSED SUPPORT FOR EXPLORE PROJECT EVEN THOUGH HE APPOINTED SOMEONE IN OPPOSITION TO SERVE ON ADVISORY COI~BVIIITEE. (4) ASKED STAFF TO MEET WITH ROANOKE COUNTY AIRPORT CONIlVIISSION MEMBERS TO PUT TOGETHER RESUME OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT TO COIVIlVIISSION OF SOMEONE FROM BUSINESS CO . ECH TO BRING BACK 10/23/90 (~ EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT PERSONAL ATTACKS REGARDING CONSOLIDATION. SUPERVISOR TOHNSON: INTROpUCED DAVID HIGGINS, BOY SCOUT WHO WAS ATTENDING MEETING. SUPERVISOR NICKENS: APOLOGIZED TO COUNTY EMPLOYEES REGARDING LETTER HE SENT OPPOSING CONSOLIDATION, STATING IT WAS NOT HIS INTENT TO OFFEND COUNTY PERSONNEL. SUPERVISOR ROBERS: (1) ATTENDED CONFERENCE WITH JAPANESE IN ATIANTA (2) ASKED THAT PMM DRAFT LETTER OF INTENT REGARDING ALLOWING COUNTY TEACHERS TO REMAIlv IN THEIR CURRENT SCHOOL IF CONSOLIDATION IS APPROVED. PMM TO BRING BACK ON 10/23/90. BIB ASKED THAT THE APPROPRIATE STATE CODE SECTIONS BE INCLUDED. M. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE UW 8 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -September 1990 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (5) to discuss a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating in Roanoke County. RWR MOTION AT 4:50 P.M. URC O. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-10990-5 RWR MOTION TO ADOPT RESO AT 5:24 P.M. URC P. ADJOURNMENT BIB MOTION AT 5:25 P.M. - UW 9 AN ,~ f L ~ 9 ~a ~ 8a `E~OUICEHTEMN~~ ~ Br~mi~ulBrg+~~~g (~nuntg of ~nttttnke ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA OCTOBER 9, 1990 ALL-AMERICA CRY ~~9~8~9 Re lar Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Meeting. gu meetin s are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 g p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Linda Mitchell Christ Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS i 1. Resolution of Welcome to visiting teachers from the Youth Japanese Teachers' Program. 2. Proclamation declaring the week of October 7 - 13, 1990 as Fire Prevention Week. 3. Resolution of Congratulations to Glenvar High School upon its twenty-fifth anniversary. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of resolution establishing a policy for continuance and postponement of public hearings for rezonings. 2. Request to accept and appropriate grant to fund Drug Abuse Treatment for Adult Offenders. 3. Presentation on Computer Aided Real Estate Assessment Program. E. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC ~IEARINGS F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance requesting vacation of approximately 250 feet of an existing 20 foot wide sanitary sewer easement shown on construction plans for Edinburgh Green addition. z H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals 2. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 3. Explore Citizens Advisory Committee 4. Grievance Panel 5. Recycling Advisory Committee j. CONSENT AGENDA AI,L MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BN IlO THE R1VI WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTIO OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DI FROM THE IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA AND WII.•L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -September 12, 1990, September 21- 22, 1990 2. Approval of Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring Elementary School PTA 3. Request for acceptance of Viking Drive and Norseman Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. ' 3 4. Request for acceptance of Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court and Brentwood Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Request for acceptance of Fairway Estates Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of water and'sanitary sewer facilities serving North Meadows, Section I. 7. Donation of a storage tank lot -Section #2, Fairway Forest Estates, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. g. Donation of slope and drainage easement for road widening purposes -Route 943, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 9. Approval of a Raffle Permit for the Glenvar Youth Boosters. 10. Approval of a Raffle Permit for Unity of Roanoke Valley. K, CITIZENS' COMI~~NTS AND COM1yNNICATIONS L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. REPORTS 4 1. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -September 1990 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) (5) to discuss a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating in Roanoke County. O. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION P. ADJOifRNMENT 5 . -~ ,•' ~.._. ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990-1 OF WELCOME TO JAPANESE TEACHERS VISITING ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1990 WHEREAS, it is increasingly important to foster understanding and goodwill between the United States and other nations of the world; and WHEREAS, the Young Japanese Teachers' Program will be placing twenty-five teachers in schools across the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School System will be hosting five of these Japanese teachers during the month of October, 1990; and WHEREAS, it is an honor and a pleasure to have these teachers working with our students and helping them learn about Japan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of the members of the Board and all the citizens of the County, does hereby extend the warmest welcome and best wishes for a fruitful and pleasant stay to Mari Ozasa, Keizo Yamaguchi, Hitoshi Kasuga, Kiyoshi Katayama and Masahito Saito. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools r^- C ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF HE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT '1' OCTOBER 9, 1990 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION OF WELCOME TO JAPANESE TEACHERS VISITING ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1990 WHEREAS, it is increasingly important to foster understanding and goodwill between the United States and other nations of the world; and WHEREAS, the Young Japanese Teachers' Program will be placing twenty-five teachers in schools across the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School System will be hosting five of these Japanese teachers during the month of October, 1990; and WHEREAS, it is an honor and a pleasure to have these teachers working with our students and helping them learn about Japan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of the members of the Board and all the citizens of the County, does hereby extend the warmest welcome and best wishes for a fruitful and pleasant stay to Mari Ozasa, Keizo Yamaguchi, Hitoshi Kasuga, Kiyoshi Katayama and Masahito Saito. c-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEER OF OCTOBER 7 THROUGH 13, 1990, AS FIRE PREVENTION WEER IN ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, in 1922, President Warren G. Harding proclaimed Fire Prevention Week in memory of the tragic Chicago fire of October 9, 1871; and WHEREAS, the major loss of life and injury is due to fire in the home; and in 1989, 2,544 people lost their lives in the United States, and 15,704 civilians and approximately 14,259 firefighters were injured at fire scenes; and the total fire loss was almost $4.5 billion; and WHEREAS, the United States and Canada suffer more loss of lives and dollars than any country in the world; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department responded to 7,212 emergency incidents in 1989; and WHEREAS, the national theme for Fire Prevention Week this year is "Make Your Place Fire Safe". NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the Week of October 7 through 13, 1990, as FIRE PREVENTION WEER in Roanoke County, and urge that all citizens install and/or maintain their existing smoke detectors, and urge that home inspections and clean-up campaigns be conducted, and education programs in schools, day care centers, and churches be utilized to further promote fire safety throughout the County. ,'"" ,~ ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANORRE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R OCTOBER 9, 1990 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 109=2 ITS TWENTY-FIFTH NANNIVERSARY R HIGH SCHOOL UPON WHEREAS, Glenvar High School was established in 1965 and moved into its present location in 1966; and WHEREAS, Glenvar High School is an important and sential part of the community providing educational, athletic and es social activities for 601 students; and ast twenty- during the p WHEREAS, Glenvar High School, ' e ears, has been an outstanding example of public education in f iv y among Roanoke County; and has received numerous honors and awards, Schools, given them the President's Excellence Award for Secondary ear; b the U. S. Department of Education, for the 1988-89 school y Y and WHEREAS, Glenvar High School, during the week of October - 13 1990, will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary hosting 7 many special events in honor of this occasion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of y Vir inia, does hereby, on behalf of g Supervisors of Roanoke Count extend its its members and all the citizens of the County. of Glenvar congratulations to the students, teachers, and staff High School on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors urges the citizens of Roanoke County to participate in the celebrations planned for the week of October 7 - 13, 1990. On motion of Supervisor McGraw to adopt resolution, and i carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: y;YJ ~.f .. 7'v Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of CongraeTintendentilRoanoke County Schools Dr. Bayes Wilson, Sup ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL UPON ITS TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, Glenvar High School was established in 1965 and moved into its present location in 1966; and WHEREAS, Glenvar High School is an important and essential part of the community providing educational, athletic and social activities for 601 students; and WHEREAS, Glenvar High School, during the past twenty- five years, has been an outstanding example of public education in Roanoke County; and has received numerous honors and awards, among them the President's Excellence Award for Secondary Schools, given by the U. S. Department of Education, for the 1988-89 school year; and WHEREAS, Glenvar High School, during the week of October 7 - 13, 1990, will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary hosting many special events in honor of this occasion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby, on behalf of its members and all the citizens of the County, extend its congratulations to the students, teachers, and staff of Glenvar High School on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors urges the citizens of Roanoke County to participate in the celebrations planned for the week of October 7 - 13, 1990. .._,~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF TROANOKEDCOUNTYPADMINOSTRp,TIONACENTER ONTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990=3 ADOPTING A POLICY CONCERNING REQUESTS TO CONTINUE OR PAONSDTPOTO PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR REZONINGS, ESTABLISH DEADLINES FOR THE SUBMISSION OF VOLUNTARY PROFFERS FOR CONDITIONAL ZONING BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it is the policy of Roanoke County that the citizens be fully informed of all material proceedings in the process of rezoning real estate in the County, and that the citizens be provided the opportunity to fully participate in this important governmental process. It is hereby declared that it is in the public's interest that requests to continue or postpone previously scheduled and legally advertised public hearings for changes in zoning classifications, or to voluntarily proffer conditions for conditional zoning, should be received in sufficient time to provide adequate notice to all interested parties. 2. That the applicant may request a continuance or postponement of a previously scheduled and legally advertised public hearing for a change in zoning classification by submitting such a request in writing to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors no later than noon on the Thursday before the scheduled public hearing date. The Clerk may only grant a single request for a continuance or postponement for the same application for a change in zoning classification. The request shall include an affidavit from the applicant that all parties notified pursuant to Section 1 I ~ 15.1-431 of the State Code and all citizens appearing before the Planning Commission on this application have been provided a copy of this request. As a condition of granting this request the applicant hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses required for any additional legal notice as a result of this request. Failure to comply with these requirements may be deemed by the Board of Supervisors in its sole discretion to constitute a withdrawal of the application for a change in zoning classification. 3. That it is the policy of the County not to grant any additional requests for a continuance or postponement except for An an exceptional or unusual occurrence or dire emergency. additional continuance or postponement may be granted only by, and at the discretion of, the Board of Supervisors for good cause shown, or upon a showing that to proceed with the public hearing would not be in the best interest of justice. The applicant shall appear before the Board of Supervisors no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day scheduled for the public hearing to request the continuance or postponement. If the Board grants this request, the applicant shall notify the parties and citizens, and shall be responsible for the costs and expenses, as described above. 4. That the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to continue or postpone a public hearing, or the consideration of a question, upon its own motion. 5. That the applicant may voluntarily proffer in writing reasonable conditions as part of a rezoning or amendment to the zoning map. This proffer in writing of conditions shall be made 2 J ~ by noon of the Thursday before the scheduled public hearing date. This proffer shall be delivered to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, and a copy shall be delivered to the Zoning Administrator at the same time. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the refusal of the Board of Supervisors to consider these proffers. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to refer proffers received after the Planning Commission public hearing to the Planning Commission for its review and comment. 6. That the effective date of this Resolution shall be October 9, 1990. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: y'YL Gam- ~/ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Mary Hicks, Executive Secretary Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY CONCERNING REQUESTS TO CONTINUE OR POSTPONE PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR REZONINGS, AND TO ESTABLISH DEADLINES FOR THE SUBMISSION OF VOLUNTARY PROFFERS FOR CONDITIONAL ZONING COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY Adoption of a policy to govern requests by rezoning applicants to continue or postpone scheduled public hearings. This policy also addresses the submission of written proffers BACKGROUND' SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: At its September 25, 1990 meeting the Board of Supervisors requested staff to develop a policy to guide future Board action with respect to requests by rezoning applicants for a continuance or postponement of a previously scheduled and legally advertised public hearing. The Board expressed it concerns that some applicants may seek a continuance at the last minute to avoid addressing citizen comments and concerns. By postponing the public hearing at the last minute, concerned citizens would be inconvenienced and perhaps discouraged from appearing at a later date to raise questions and to participate in the democratic process. The attached resolution provides that a request for a continuance be received by noon on the Thursday before the scheduled hearing date. The Clerk is given the authority to grant one continuance. The applicant is responsible for notifying all interested parties. This includes adjoining landowners as well as citizens appearing at the Planning Commission public hearing. The applicant is also responsible for the costs and expenses of re- advertising. ~~i Any additional continuances can be granted only by the Board. The policy states that the standard for another continuance is "good cause", and is based on unusual circumstances or a dire emergency. Also the policy provides that voluntary proffers for rezonings should be submitted in writing by noon of the Thursday before the scheduled public hearing. The Board reserves the right to refer the proffers back to the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPACTS• None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached resolution. Further this resolution should be included in the County Administrator's Policy Manual. Respectfully submitted, U V 1. U V ~C~-~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs _.. 4 -~_ i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY CONCERNING REQUESTS TO CONTINUE OR POSTPONE PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR REZONINGS, AND TO ESTABLISH DEADLINES FOR THE SUBMISSION OF VOLUNTARY PROFFERS FOR CONDITIONAL ZONING BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it is the policy of Roanoke County that the citizens be fully informed of all material proceedings in the process of rezoning real estate in the County, and that the citizens be provided the opportunity to fully participate in this important governmental process. It is hereby declared that it is in the public's interest that requests to continue or postpone previously scheduled and legally advertised public hearings for changes in zoning classifications, or to voluntarily proffer conditions for conditional zoning, should be received in sufficient time to provide adequate notice to all interested parties. 2. That the applicant may request a continuance or postponement of a previously scheduled and legally advertised public hearing for a change in zoning classification by submitting such a request in writing to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors no later than noon on the Thursday before the scheduled public hearing date. The Clerk may only grant a single request for a continuance or postponement for the same application for a change in zoning classification. The request shall include an affidavit from the applicant that all parties notified pursuant to Section 1 ..~ ~` 15.1-431 of the State Code and all citizens appearing before the Planning Commission on this application have been provided a copy of this request. As a condition of granting this request the applicant hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses required for any additional legal notice as a result of this request. Failure to comply with these requirements may be deemed by the Board of Supervisors in its sole discretion to constitute a withdrawal of the application for a change in zoning classification. 3. That it is the policy of the County not to grant any additional requests for a continuance or postponement except for an exceptional or unusual occurrence or dire emergency. An additional continuance or postponement may be granted only by, and at the discretion of, the Board of Supervisors for good cause shown, or upon a showing that to proceed with the public hearing would not be in the best interest of justice. The applicant shall appear before the Board of Supervisors no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day scheduled for the public hearing to request the continuance or postponement. If the Board grants this request, the applicant shall notify the parties and citizens, and shall be responsible for the costs and expenses, as described above. 4. That the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to continue or postpone a public hearing, or the consideration of a question, upon its own motion. 5. That the applicant may voluntarily proffer in writing reasonable conditions as part of a rezoning or amendment to the zoning map. This proffer in writing of conditions shall be made 2 ~- i by noon of the Thursday before the scheduled public hearing date. This proffer shall be delivered to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, and a copy shall be delivered to the Zoning Administrator at the same time. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the refusal of the Board of Supervisors to consider these proffers. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to refer proffers received after the Planning Commission public hearing to the Planning Commission for its review and comment. 6. That the effective date of this Resolution shall be October 9, 1990. 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Accept and Appropriate Grant to Fund Program for Drug Abuse Treatment for Adult Drug Dependent Offenders BACKGROUND: Due to overcrowding in the state prison system, the Virginia Department of Corrections has limited its acceptance of inmates to those with sentences of more than six years. Those not accepted must be confined in local facilities. This, along with the increased emphasis on drug law enforcement, has resulted in a significant increase in the number of drug dependent offenders confined to our local jail for extended periods of time. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County has applied for and received approval for a grant of $57,705 to implement a program of rehabilitation for drug dependent inmates as well as "aftercare" support following release. The proposed program will aid tort of Jud e Apostolou With drug offenders and has the strong supp g The underlying concept for this proposal is that something more productive than the mere "warehousing" of drug offenders can and should be done. Aside from the social benefits, it is felt that thousands of dollars could potentially be saved as the result of shorter but more productive periods of incarceration and a reduced return rate. A vital element of the concept is that post release care would not only be provided but would be a requirement. Compliance would be monitored and ensured by the Courts. The proposal is to employ a professional staff to administer treatment in a rehabilitation module within the jail facility. An appropriate assessment instrument would be used to identify and target the most salvageable offenders. Key features of the program are: o Separate areas for housing and daily activities of the program participants. o A daily schedule structured to maximize productive time. ~~ o Maximized use of other in-house rehabilitative and educational facilities within the jail to enhance offender preparation for return to the community. o Use of available services from local community agencies to develop and administer a post release program for inmates and their families. The initial effort would be confined to one cell and viewed as a pilot program with 12 or less participants. The staff would include two trained professionals. Our plan is to use temporary or sub-contract professional services for program implementation and a trial period of approximately one year. At the end of that period we would evaluate program status to determine its future direction. Grant funds are available for four years. Our goal is to provide a program with a successful completion rate of 50 percent or better. We would also plan for expansion of the pilot program, not only in our own facility, but to have it serve as a prototype for other jail facilities across the state. FISCAL IMPACT: Budaet Cateaory Personnel (Counsellors) Consultants (Psychologist and Psychiatrist) Travel & Subsistence Supplies & Other Expenses TOTALS DCJS County Amount Match Totals $36,900 $12,300 $49,200 9,375 3,125 12,500 180 60 240 11,250 3,750 15,000 57 705 $19,235* 76 940 *Amount required from fund balance The Sheriff plans to solicit additional funds from area businesses. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the grant be accepted by the County of Roanoke and that appropriations (revenue and expenditure) be approved to authorize the spending of these grant proceeds. 2 ~-a Submitted by: ~~ ~, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ACTION # ITEM NUNIBER~~ AT A VIRG NIA HELD AT THEHROp,NORE COUNTY, OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE• October 9, 1990 lementation of Computer Aided Mass AGENDA ITEM• Progress onCA~) System Appraisal Y ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~tin~ COUNT ~/~1~~ ,p~ ~N' ' ~~~ sG!' 2v~t U SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County' s Real Estate Assessment of f is Pe sonnel 1 froma the Computer Aided Mass Appraisal system. stem and Assessor's office will present information on traisals. discuss examples of commercial and residential apP SUBMITTED BY: N• J hn D. Willey, Dire to Real Estate Assessments APPROVED: ~~~~~' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens to - - Robers f ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~'/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of the Ordinance requesting to vacate approximately 250 feet of an existing 20 foot wide sanitary sewer Easement, shown on construction plans for Edinburgh Green addition site plans and recorded in Deed Book 562, Page '405, refer to attached Plat. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The petitioners, Edinburgh Square Foundation, are requesting the Board of Supervisors to vacate approximately 250 feet of an existing 20 foot wide sanitary sewer Easement, by Ordinance, so that the Easement can be relocated. Edinburgh Green Foundation is in the process of adding a 40 room addition to their existing elderly retirement apartment complex, Edinburgh Square. This proposed addition will be located over the existing sanitary sewer line and Easement thus creating the need for the relocation. Roanoke County staff have approved a construction plan which details the relocation of the sanitary sewer line and the petitioner has prepared the necessary documents required for the relocation. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The County Staff is requesting that the described Easement be vacated in accordance with Chapter 11, Title 15.1-482(b), Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, by adoption of the attached Ordinance. The First Reading of the proposed Ordinance is October 9, y ! - l/^1R V 1990; Public Hearing and Second Reading is scheduled for October 23, 1990. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed Ordinance to vacate the referenced sanitary sewer Easement and instruct the County Attorney in preparation of the Ordinance, that the 20 foot sanitary sewer Easement be vacated upon the recordation of the Deed and Plat providing a new 20 foot sanitary sewer Easement dedicated to the County of Roanoke. SPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: ,~ r old Covey Development and In pections Director APPROVED BY: ~~ (~~~' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred To Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers TAX #38.12-4-10 NOW OR FORMERLY PROPERTY OF DALLAS G. JARRELL JOYCE H. JARRELL O.B. 1201, PG. 445 20' PS~1tJl E~,~EYVER AA SS UNE O I RECTION DISTANCE i-2 N 2905'37' E 80.44 2-3 N 60'54 23 W 10.00 3-4 N 29'05 37 E 15.00 4-5 S 60'54 23 E 10.00 5-6 N 29'05 37 E 64.81 6-7 N 41'03'35' W 94.09 7-8 8. 8-9 S 41'03 35 E 127.84 9-10 S 29'05 37 W 215.99 10-1 S 03'28 04 W 46.24 AREA 6131 S.F. TAX ##38.12-4-11 ~ ~~ NOW OR FORMERLY PROPERTY OF HERITAGE INVESTMENTS I ~ &TOWNSIDE CONSTRUCTION CO., fNC. •0.6. 1199 PG. 55 . ~ ~ ~ --- - . PROPOSED 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TAX ~~EE38.16-1-1 - ~ ' ~ v 0. ~J NOW 0 ~t FORMERLY PROPERTY OF , TAX #38.16-1-1.1 ; RO ~~:s'' FIRST MORTGAGE CORP. ET AL P PERTY OF EDINBURG SQUARE ~ FOUNDATION C 10~ D.B. 1154, PG. 7321 A VIRGINIA W ~ ' w CORPORAT14N D.B. 1226, PG. 1508. ,s7e~o9 21; 16x.66 o ~ 1 1 M "~ ao EXISTING ' f o° ~` 20' SANITARY ~ Z SEWER EASEMENT '', D.B. 562, PG. 405 '. ~. 15' DR~NAGE EASEMENT UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE A-B N 31 41 40 E 100.40 8- N 050 02 W 251.73 D-E N 1 T38'S2' W 291.78' E-F S 89'48 52 E 15.78 F-G S 17'38 52 E 289.97 1 1 4. H-I S 05'30 02 E 258.07 1- S 31'41 40 W 78.45 J-A S 80'44 57 W 30.89 AREA 10 322 S.F. "A" ~ ~ = 11'50'15" ©, R = 1233.24' 1 I T == 127.85' L = 254.79' CHORD = S66'39'12" 254.35' O "A" Q V~ ~,v e a o ~ ~ ~ '° 1° o °< i~o ~ y 1 ~ ~ SITE 5 ~~ ~ a LOCATION MAP NO SCALE I NAGE '~ o `j :NT N ~ ~ o ~ N N r-a ~ ~ Z j 1- 'J 00 ~ --~ 40 r, i ~ o ~ ri E..r{ L ~ °~ N _ ~O ~ o0 O >~ ,~ ~ W o~ ° d Z~ Q o. -~ ° ~ 1 ''~ ~ ~ ~. PLAT SHOWING "'hN~N~' PROPOSED NE1P 20' SANITARY SEIYER EASEMENT PROPOSED NE1P 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING DEDICATED TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR PUBLIC USE PROPERTY OF EDINBURGH SQUARE FOUNDATION A VIRGINIA CORPORATION LOCATED IN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKTs COUNTY, VIIiGINL1 ' SCALE: 1" = 100 DATE: 18 SEPTEMBER 1990 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS -PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMM. #90-004 .~ G-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF A TWENTY (20) FOOT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT UPON REQUEST OF EDINBURGH SQUARE FOUNDATION, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Edinburgh Square Foundation, the developer of an adult-care facility known as Edinburgh Greens, has requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia to vacate a portion of a twenty (20) foot sanitary sewer easement, dedicated to the County by deed found in Deed Book 562, page 405 in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.1-482 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, requires that such action be accomplished by the adoption of an ordinance by the governing body; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by Section 15.1- 431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and a first reading of this ordinance was held on October 9, 1990; and the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on October 23, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a portion of a twenty (20) foot sanitary sewer easement located adjacent to an existing five-story adult-care facility known as Edinburgh Greens as shown on plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 8 August 1990, entitled "Portion of 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement," said easement dedicated to Roanoke County by deed found in Deed Book 562, at page 405 in the afore- G-~ said Clerk's Office, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to Section 15.1-482(b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, 2. That as a condition of the adoption of this ordinance, Edinburgh Square Foundation hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses required to vacate and relocate this easement and the sanitary sewer line therein; and, 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. 4. That Edinburgh Square Foundation shall record a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and shall pay all fees required to accomplish this transaction. ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~ r AT A REGULAR MEELDNAT THEHROANOKE OCOUNTYEADMINISTRP,TIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA H MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 SUB__ Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 Board of Zoning Appeals Five-year term of M. E. Maxey, Vinton Magisterial District expired June 30, 1990. 2 Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals Four-year term of Albert Trompeter will expire October 24, 1990. 3 Explore Advisorv Committee The Board approved the establishment of an Explore Advisory Committee on September 25, 1990. The following appointments should be made by the Board of Supervisors: - One member appointed by each Supervisor to represent his magisterial district - One member appointed by the Board to represent East Roanoke County from the north side of the Roanoke River - One member appointed by the Board of represent East Roanoke County from the south side of the Roanoke River 4. Grievar~c~ Panel . Two-year termsred Seotember 1O1m1990nd R. Vincent Reynolds, Alternate expi P 5 Recyclina Advisorv Committee The Board approved the establishment of a Recyclingo ntments Committee on September 25, 1990. The following app should be made by the Board of Supervisors: - One member from the Board of Supervisors - Two members from the County business community - Two lay members from Roanoke County ~ --s SUBMITTED BY: T~' Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------ - ----------------------- VOTE ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred ( ) Nickens To ( ) Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October 9, 1990, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 10, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - September 12, 1990, September 21-22, 1990 • 2. Approval of Raffle Permit for the Cave Spring Elementary School PTA 3. Request for acceptance of Viking Drive and Norseman Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 4. Request for acceptance of Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court and Brentwood Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Request for acceptance of Fairway Estates Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving North Meadows, Section I. 7. Donation of a storage tank lot - Section #2, Fairway Forest Estates, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 8. Donation of slope and drainage easement for road widening purposes - Route 943, Cave Spring Magisterial District. g . Approval of a Raffle Permit f or the Glenvar Youth Boosters. 10. Approval of a Raffle Permit for Unity of Roanoke Valley. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Bingo/Raffle File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities `° September 12, 1990 6 5 4 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 September 12, 1990 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of September, 1990. ZN RE: CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman McGraw called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Richard W. Robers STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Community Services and Development; Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES September 12, 1990 656 Services; and WHEREAS, G. Roy Nester was instrumental in the early development and County execution of residential trash collection, municipal utilities support, street sign installation, landfill operations, and buildings and grounds maintenance of County facilities; and WHEREAS, during his long tenure of service, G. Roy Nester monitored, managed, and coordinated the expenditure of millions of dollars year after year, and he continually produced operational savings which were to the benefit of the County taxpayers; and WHEREAS, G. Roy Nester has proven through his actions his personal loyalty and dedications to Roanoke County and its welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to G. Roy Nester for twenty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, t7ohnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers September 12, 1990 ~ 5 8 WHEREAS, he was recognized for this honor for cabinet making after winning First Place in the State and District to qualify for the national competition; and WHEREAS, MELVIN HENRY PETERS is deserving of special commendation for his successful achievement and continued efforts towards excellence. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia offers its sincere congratulations to MELVIN HENRY PETERS for his outstanding accomplishment; and FiJRTHER, the Board of Supervisors expresses its pride in this achievement and extends its best wishes to him for continued success in future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers 3. Resolution of Congratulations to Nicole Jones for winning the Gold Medal in national competition at the Future Homemakers of America Leadership Conference. R-91290-3 Miss Jones, a graduate of Cave Spring High School, was unable to be present and her parents accepted the resolution on her behalf. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the resolution. The September 12, 1990 660 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia offers its sincere congratulations to NICOLE MACKENZIE JONES for her outstanding accomplishment; and FTJRTHER, the Board of Supervisors expresses its pride in this achievement and extends its best wishes to her for continued success in future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers 4. Proclamation declaring the week of September 16 2 1990 as Emergency Medical Services Week. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the proclamation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers IN RE: NEW BIISINESS 1. Presentation and Resolution of Su ort for the I-81 Corridor Plan R-91290-4 September 12, 1990 662 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia urges approval of the I-81 Corridor Council's application to the U. S. Economic Development Administration for technical assistance funds. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers 2. An royal of a uolicy reaardinq residency requirements to serve on Roanoke Count Committees Commissions and Boards. A-91290-5 County Attorney Paul Mahoney advised that at the August 28, 1990 meeting, the Board of Supervisors directed him to prepare a resolution establishing that all future appointments of persons to citizen boards, committees and commission be Roanoke County residents. There was no discussion on this issue. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers 3. Approuriation of additional funds to the School Federal Procrams Funds for 2 + 2 Proqram. September 12, 1990 6 6 4 memorandum to employees retracting the earlier memorandum. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: Supervisor Eddy ABSENT: Supervisor Robers 5. Authorization to create a Recyclinc7 Advisory Committee. Following discussion on this item, Supervisor Nickens moved to table the issue. The motion tied by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McGraw, Nickens NAYS: Supervisors Eddy, Johnson ABSENT: Supervisor Robers Mr. Mahoney advised that a tie vote with an absent member will automatically be held over to the next meeting. Supervisor Johnson moved to reconsider the item. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers Following additional discussion, Supervisor Eddy moved to approve the establishment of a recycling committee. The motion tied by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw NAYS: Supervisors Johnson, Nickens ABSENT: Supervisor Robers September 12, 1990 sss two successive weeks prior to the date of this meeting, and shall post a copy of this Resolution at the Roanoke County Administration Center, the County courthouse, and at all County libraries. • On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Request for a public hearing on October 23, 1990 to adopt a resolution in support of the request of Roanoke Rebos, Inc. for tax-exempt status from the General Assembly Supervisor Eddy moved to set the public hearing for October 23, 1990. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance rescindinc Ordinance 81490-6, imposing or increasinQ._user fees for the Parks and Recreation De artment and appropriation of funds. September 12; 1990 X68 and Section 21-163 of Article VIII Tax on Pre ared Food and Beveraces of Chayter 21 of the Roanoke County Code, Taxation, to increase the criminal penalties for failure to file the required returns or to collect or oav the tax imposed by this article. Mr. Mahoney advised that the ordinance would increase the criminal penalties to those businesses who fail to file or pay meals tax collections. County Treasurer Alfred Anderson spoke in support of the proposed ordinance. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES i. ordinance reauestinQ vacation of a 15 foot drainage easement located on the west ro ert line Lot 11 Block 3 Penn Forest Subdivision located in the Cave S rin Ma isterial District. 0-91290-8 There was no discussion on this item. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens September 12, 1990 fi70 thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. 3. That Jerry Garrett and Martha Garrett shall record a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and shall pay all fees required to accomplish this transac- tion. • On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers 2. Ordinance reyuestina vacation of a 20 foot drainage easement shown on the resubdivision of Tract 3 Southwest In- dustrial Park located in the Cave S rin Ma isterial District. 0-91290-9 There was no discussion of this item. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers ORDINANCE 91290-9 VACATING AND RELOCATING A 20-FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE RESIIBDIVISION OF TRACT 3, SOIITHWEST INDOSTRIAL PARR PLAT, CAVE SPRING MAGISTE- RIAL DISTRICT September 12, 1990 672 3. That Gorman R. Howell and Sidney Maupin shall record a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and shall pay all fees required to accomplish this transac- tion. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Industrial Development Authority Supervisor Eddy nominated Ronald M. Martin to serve a four- year term expiring September 26, 1994. Mr. Martin is a resident of the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. ?. League of Older Americans Supervisor Eddy nominated Frances Holsinger, a Windsor Hills Magisterial District resident, to complete the one-year unexpired term of Murry K. White. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA The term will expire March 31, 1991. R-91290-10 September 12, 1990 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers ' RESOLDTION 91290-10.c SIIPPORTING LEGISLATION TO RETORN TO LOCALITIES A SHARE OF THE LOT- TERY FONDS WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia enacted legisla- tion to provide for a state lottery, providing that all monies received from the sale of lottery tickets, less payments for prizes and compensation of agents, shall be placed in a special fund known as the "State Lottery Fund", and WHEREAS, the Counties and Cities of the Commonwealth of Virginia have become unduly dependent upon local taxation because of underfunded and unfunded State mandates and the loss of Federal Revenue Sharing monies, and WHEREAS, it would be fair and equitable that a share of the revenue generated by the sale of lottery tickets be returned to the respective localities of sale. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors 67 4 September 12, 1990 676 will be a press conference on September 13 regarding analysis of the SDN Market Research Report. (4) Updated the Board on a meeting he attended where representatives from Lexington/Fayette County spoke on consolidation in their community. (5) Asked for an update on the budget shortfall. Mr. Hodge stated that they still don't have the exact figures available from the State. (6) Asked for a Board Report on September 25 regarding Total Action Against Poverty's request for funding for their Transitional Living Center. Supervisor Johnson: reported on the Regional Airport Commission Retreat and advised that the County Members of the Commission recommended citizen appointees to the Commission. He asked for a discussion of this issue at the October 9 meeting. Supervisor McGraw: reported on his travels with members of the Police Department and advised he was impressed with their professionalism. ZN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file the following reports after discussion of Item 4. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers September 21, 1990 _~" 678 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 September 21, 1990 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood, this being an adjourned meeting from September 12, 1990 for the purpose of a joint work session with the Planning Commission. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Michael J. Gordon, A. Kyle Robinson, Ronald L. Massey, Donald R. Witt September 21, 1990 6 8 IN RE: ZONING ENFORCEMENT Mr. Harrington announced that a new zoning enforcement officer has been hired and is spending six hours in the field investigating zoning violations. Mr. Mahoney advised that the staff met with Judge Apostolou and Judge Harris to advise them that there would be an increased number of zoning violations to be heard in the courts. The judges were very supportive. Mr. Harrington also explained the process involved in violations regarding inoperative vehicles. IN RE: RECESS At 8:50 p.m., Supervisor McGraw moved to recess until Saturday, September 22, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None IN RE; RECONVENEMENT At 9:00 a.m., Chairman Robers reconvened the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard Robers, Vice Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Michael J. Gordon, A. Kyle Robinson, Ronald L. Massey, Donald R. Witt September 21, 1990 6 ~ 2 __- - in prior wri en inpu rom the citizens. Mr. Harrington advised that the outlined plans are realistic and can be accomplished through March, 1991, unless unknown circumstances arise. The consensus was to use Roanoke Times & World-News, and Roanoke County Today, as well as citizen groups in an effort to inform the public. Supervisor Eddy suggested that the staff put together a package of information for the press concerning the zoning ordinance. IN RE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IIPDATE Mr. Harrington advised that there is a state mandate that the Comprehensive Plan be reviewed every five years. He listed fourteen priorities for review of the plan. IN RE: ROANORE RIVER CORRIDOR STIIDY IMPLEMENTATION Mr. Hubbard stated the need for a consistent and comprehensive approach to the Roanoke River. This study would be an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan and should be complete by the end of the year. It was announced that Virginia Tech has developed a slide presentation on this subject. It was pointed out that this is a regional study by seven governments and is not a flood study. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Roanoke River Corridor Study and forward at the appropriate time. AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson, Robers September 21, 1990 6 ~ 4 departments. Mr. Hodge responded that a report will be brought back to the Board on how this will be accomplished. IN RE: ZONING ENFORCEMENT Mr. Harrington advised that most complaints are about the same situations every year and that the staff is attempting to keep better records so they can send notices to citizens earlier about complying with regulations. He also reported that staff is reviewing the weed ordinance. It was suggested that Roanoke County Today might publicize that zoning enforcement officers will be looking for specific types of violations during certain times of the year. IN RE: CONDITIONAL REZONING There was a general discussion of conditional rezoning. IN RE: ADJOORNMENT At 12:15 p.m., Supervisor McGraw moved to adjourn. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson Richard W. Robers, Chairman ACTION NO. A-10990-4.a ITEM NUMBER ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit and one day bingo games from the Cave Spring Elementary School PTA COUNTY ADr1INISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Cave Spring Elementary School PTA has requested to hold a raffle and one time only Bingo Game on October 20, 1990. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit and one- time Bingo Game be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Ref erred ( ) McGraw x To ( ) Nickens x Robers x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File .; • ,~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sTeg. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke' County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable~investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. ' Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be ,guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) C>N~ Dr~-~/ e;~~~~/ RAFFLE PERMIT / ~ BINGO GAMES /~ /O; CEO - :,? : ~L Name of Organization ~~a,,~ 5,>,z ~.,r ~, ` ~t,v~ -,,,,r-r~,z, ~f~ Street Address s yc y ~ r~,~,.., T ,~~,.<<v !~v'civc~C Mailing Address ~` " ~~ City, State, Zip Code /~~;,~,~~~~~. V/jzc;>~.v,~~ Z~ci Purpose and Type of Organization _ ~-';~~~=,~; 5 ice,}~~ ,cs ~~55~~~_ When was the organization founded? /~1~/ 1 e Roanoke County meeting place? ~r~~r SF7r:,;,;~ C~F,,~.,~,~,,-,may S~/tz.~~I Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES ,Y NO Is the organization non-profit? YES~_ NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: ~1 President: T;-,~ ~ /~~3~k,, /yJ~}~,,,U Vice-President ~ ~ ~s~~~~ Abp/7 ~~,~'J:'~~`~ CAN/~t~ Address: ~ 1 Zc> ~~' w~rJ Hr~vv~ Address: sy3l C.-1vt' 5~~~~~C- Cr~/~' ~`fiG~~~ .~yc~~ Secretary: L~~} rn~ }~~, Treasurer: ~~.,,~ ~~,,~ • Address: _ 1~~e ~~~~~fi ~,~, Address:_ 5~~sc~i. /~~~,t,~~~~c,~5 ,~~;~. C!`~ _ ~`CC~r)ni~~k~ L~~+ Z<lGi~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name ~/} ~~ r ~ ~,, ~~s'., Home Address ~ ~~7 ~ ~,: ~,e ~.~ i~; rte;; ~~~~( R~.~~~r~.k~. ~ U~a , 2y~ Fz? Phone ~ ?y - ~~y3 Bus. Phone A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing /c, -- z~, - <)~, Time of Drawing ;~ .~i~ ~N,, BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ~_Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From /o.~; To ;~:~-L 2 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. / ~ j7i~f2Cf~7'~7C^ irv i T!'c,cL i Jti':vr4 / r2~/} TE,E'JNf C S ~;~ STU~~t',.~~ 5 >~T ~}~4L~;' SJ~i2i.V~, ~~t~~v~~iJ77~'7~~ 5e /fL; J• ~, i~~s &" J~;~- T~~~~< S ~~'~ r' Jvt=E~~c° JJ ~~ t nJh/}-yv~ ~- h 3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 e 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ~/t_-5 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? UL S 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~~5 4 .:~-- 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued?_~ ~5 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? -~, 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? ~~ES 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the,~roceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? ~~t;~5 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? si~5 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and fo.r such dates, as are designated in the permit application? ~)~5 _ 11. Does your organization understand that no person,-elxceot a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? y C s 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? ~~_ 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? 5 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? ~S 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? ~,,, Fi ~ ~ 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes?~~~~ES If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. ~/r,ti, ~N~~ti 5 ~ i~~~, i ~~'r~J- . 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? ,tiy If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? /~1~~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? iJ~ (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description G~ f} ~- ~~ !~ T I /' l C r7 7 F Fair Market Value ~ Sy, C C ~~`'~~CfSS ~i~%r`ti~~kl S ~7 ., C'TJ ~7 ~y G c`Z,' 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written ~` invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does ,your organization understand that instant Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular Bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL ,APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Name' ° Title Home Address ~~ IK ~'rf ~%c Kt~ L /~. Subscribed and sworn before me, this day of 19 ~yc My commission expires: 19 Notary Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date ~ '^ `~ ~~~~~~ Commissioner of a Rev nue The above application is not approved. / Date Commissioner of the Revenue P 9 -_. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990-4.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF VIKING DRIVE AND NORSEMAN DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Viking Drive, from the intersection of Craun Lane to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.11 miles, and Norseman Drive, from the intersection of Viking Drive to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.12 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Viking Court Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 74, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on July 14, 1987 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of- way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Viking Drive, from the intersection of Craun Lane to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.11 miles, and Norseman Drive, from the intersection of Viking Drive to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.12 miles, which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER J' 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Viking Drive and Norseman Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: L. C. Peters the developer of Viking Court, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept Viking Drive, from the intersection of Craun Lane to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.11 miles, and Norseman Drive, from the intersection of Viking Drive to the cui-de-sac, a distance of 0.12 miles. The staff has inspected these roads along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS- The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept Viking Drive and Norseman Drive into the Secondary Road System. ~"- 3 SUBMITTED BY: Phillip T. Henry, P. E. Director of Engineering Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by: APPROVED: / c4--e! Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~-3 NORTH `~\ ~~~ ACCEPTANCE OF VIKING DRIVE AND NORESEMAN DRIVE INTO THE BNGINBERING T~ VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM ~'~+s ~ R/ \6 ., es0 .' ~,. 'bo _ 6. ~ ~+z~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ` sot ~o~e 'b ~• ~. ~ . PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1) VIKING DRIVE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF CRAUN LANE (RT. 1557) TO THE CUL-DE-SAC. 2) NORSEMAN DRIVE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF VIKING DRIVE TO THE CUL-DE-SAC. LENGTH: (1) 0.11 Miles (2) 0.12 Miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet (2) 50 Feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 35 Feet (2) 31 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 30 Feet (2) 26 Feet SERVICE: (1) 3 Homes (2) 5 Homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RECOMMENDATION: J_3 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF VIKING DRIVE AND NORSEMAN DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEFARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Viking Drive, from the intersection of Craun Lane to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.11 miles, and Norseman Drive, from the intersection of Viking Drive to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.12 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Viking Court Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 74, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on July 14, 1987 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Hoard of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 4 - » ~+ 3. That said roads known as Viking Drive, from the intersection of Craun Lane to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.11 miles, and Norseman Drive, from the intersection of Viking Drive to the cui-de-sac, a distance of 0.12 miles, which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5 .~ ~ ~~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990-4.C REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF SHREWSBURY COURT, BRENTWOOD COURT AND CHIPPENHAM DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Chippenham Drive, from the intersection of Kettering Court to the intersection of Brentwood Court, a distance of 0.14 miles, Shrewsbury Court, from the intersection of Chippenham Drive to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.05 miles and Brentwood Court, from the cul-de-sac to the cul- de-sac, a distance of 0.18 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Kingston Court Sections 2 and 3 Subdivision which maps were recorded in Plat Book 10 and 11, Pages 58 and 39, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 7, 1987 and October 13, 1988 and that by reason of the recordation of said maps no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said roads known as Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court, and Brentwood Court, which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, ana zne saiue alp „~~",.,i established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court, and Brentwood Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Valley Developers, Inc. the developer of Kingston Court Sections 2 and 3, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportat0io05 requesting that they accept 0.14 miles of Chippenham Drive, miles of Shrewsbury Court and 0.18 miles of Brentwood Court. The staff has inspected these roads along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT- No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS' The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court, and Brentwood Court into the Secondary Road System. S~ SUBMITTED BY: _ ~~~~~/~ Phi lip T, enry, E. Director of Engineering Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~~ Q NORTH 4!0! qw -~- .- - ." ~ -+ - -. NN NN NN '.y~ - N,N w -- ~ ~ % N ~ ~ ~ IIl. • LI! • L/l ~ In IN! • ..» • L!! • •.I! a b NN NN N /. ~~ ~ NN NN r - _ , Br«it.ood '" Cain ': Ih N94 eM-"°ea Caurt ~ ~ .. N ~ Y.N NL . oy ~ s . n. wn 4`! !~ S , st O '6 '~ sO ~+ ~ ,~ ~ 4y .a F M O J PRA s "' '`*+ ` ' cI-'`` .~ t '+ ~~ t a' ,W .' iV, `a4 ~ ~~ i 0 ,nH • 3 ,~, •+ • ~ ~ ' v tip, +.. N.I ~.~ ~r ; a • + w .~ ~ ~ a ~ / ... ~ ~ .us .yrs ~F Z • ` ti pr. 1 ~ noun ~ +•~ ~ ~ ~ t F b a , ~ .~' . ,,_. _ _. PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1) CHIPPENHAM DRIVE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF KETTERINO COURT (RT. 1981) TO THE INTERSECTION OF BRENTWOOD COURT. 2) SHREWSBURY COURT FROM THE INTER9ECTION OF CHIPPENHAM DRIVE TO THE CUL-DE-SAC. 3) BRENTWOOD COURT FROM THE CUL-DE-SAC TO THE CUL-DE-SAC. LENGTH: (1) 0.14 Miles (2) 0.05 Miles (3) 0.18 Miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet (2) 50 Fe9t (3) 50 Feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 39 Feet (2) 31 Feet (3) 31 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 34 Feet (2) 28 Feet (3) 26 Feet SERVICE: (1) 8 Homes (2) 4 Homes (3) 25 Homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: RECOMMENDATION: ACCEPTANCE OF CHIPPENHAM DRIVE, SHREWSBURY COURT, AND RENTWOOD COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF BNGINBERING~RANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM 3 1.l ~J AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF SHREWSBURY COURT, BRENTWOOD COURT AND CHIPPENHAM DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM HE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Chippenham Drive, from the intersection of Kettering Court to the intersection of Brentwood Court, a distance of 0.14 miles, Shrewsbury Court, from the intersection of Chippenham Drive to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.05 miles and Brentwood Court, from the cul-de-sac to the cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.18 miles to be accepted and made apart of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Kingston Court Sections 2 and 3 Subdivision which maps were recorded in Plat Hook 10 and 11, Pages 58 and 39, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 7, 1987 and October 13, 19$8 and that by reason of the recordation of said maps no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-~of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of- way for drainage. 4 J~ 3. That said roads known as Chippenham Drive, Shrewsbury Court, and Brentwood Court, which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5 AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990-4.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF FAIRWAY ESTATES DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Fairway Estates Drive from the intersection of Hidden Valley Drive to the cul-de- sac for a distance of 0.24 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Fairway Forest Estates, Section 1 Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 41, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on January 15, 1987 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 3. That said road known as Fairway Estates Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~Z_~ ~- Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER ~ -- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Fairway Estates Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: FFE Development Corporation the developer of Fairway Forest Estates, Section 1, requests that the Hoard of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.24 miles of Fairway Estates Drive. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the road is acceptable. FISCAL, IMPACT- No county funding is required. RECOI~IIMlENDAT I ONS The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to the Virginia Department Transportation requesting that they accept Fairway Estates Drive into the Secondary Road System. ~5 SUBMITTED BY: ~~Th! Phill p T. Henry, Director of Engineering APPRO~IVED Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( } Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw to Nickens ________ Robers ~ 693 `,~ i :.NV;o TrMERS M p ~ F ~ 1 `. '~ ~ lcyF M ~ 4 ~ D A . ~ .. ~ ~ VICINITY MAP P ~- 5 NORTS a ~° L ! "~ %~y i g - '~.~ ~4 °a .• 5 •~ s p '~ 6aZ~ ~ e6~C I ,~~ ~~ ~ `~ ~~ Iir~ .~ ~~r~ e o g~ ptw a6A~ x~ ~ K~ ~ ~~3 ~~s ~ s ~ 6424 ~ 6 464?roa ~ ~ -. ;: ,y a ` ' 6 • T 61/9 ~•t 6.3 8 4 6.5 2ss. , s ~~ 8.E 5430 2 ,~ r 6.~3i ~.., r/ ~~~ ~ 6500 ~ ~ ~i C "' ao a ? ~ 8.13 2 ~,a°~' . ~ r~ i .~ "'~" !. -,°.. ~' • • ~ --p , • ' N ee ~ ~Jd 'O' 'a.s 1 Y *s ~ 8.8- 6s~~ 6.~~ ~6 9 ~ 21 ~ ~,~ ,cs 'n36 8.10 ~•v,r>~ . , PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1) FAIRWAY ESTATES DRIVE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF HIDDEN VALLEY DRIVE (RT.1381) TO THE CUL-DE-SAC. LENGTH: (1) 0.24 Miles . RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feat ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 33 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 20 Feet SERVICE: (1) 14 Homes IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY: ' RECOMMENDATION: ACCEPTANCE OF FAIRWAY ESTATES DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA BNGINBERING EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM 3 ~r AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF FAIRWAY ESTATES DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Fairway Estates Drive from the intersection of Hidden Valley Drive to the cul- de-sac for a distance of 0.24 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2• That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Fairway Forest Estates, Section 1 Subdivision which map was recorded in Plat Book 10, Fage 41, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on January 15, 1987 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right-of-way for drainage. 4 ~-5 3• That said road known as Fairway Estates Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 5 ACTION # A-10990-4.e ITEM NUMBER ~" ~O AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving North Meadows, Section 1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY_OF INFORMATION: The Developers of North Meadows - Section 1, Landmark Properties, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates entitled North Meadows - Section 1, dated August 27, 1986, which are on file in the County Engineering Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT• The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $16,400.00 and $21,600.00 respectively. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the North Meadows - Section 1 Subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. ~~ SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: f Cliffor Craig, P.E. Utility Director C i v-~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Denied ( ) Eddy _ Received ( ) Johnson _ Referred McGraw _ to Nickens _ Robers cc: File Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering Yes Abs x x x x x /~ Y~ `q~4is• sAi i•e e~.h.or~ 13 r~ ~ "~t4 M.H~B CA _1. ' ~.o. ~~\'n ~Y.~ /! 12 \ 3 CG. ~ CA. • ~ ~ /1 , 11 4 \ ~ c.o. ~ C O. i ;7~?~ t Pf. ~~ ~ ? F `~ ~= ~ ~ \~ L i. 2~' T • 2"f. ff' ./O z ~f C~' 1 ~•atiw• N• L ?I7.10 ~ ~ ~~~ wr __ M.H.•7 H .~ ~ : •>. \ ` ~ ~ R . •~, o. \ ff~ . ~ ~\\ `. .\ ~ ~ \ \\ • ° ~ o ~,: T, v ° urtta s $ F~ ~, ~ NEAOON ~ ~ ~ - LV'• Nrisfu H• ,'sp i~ ~~ r 4 Y ~ • ~,~ ~~ .~ ~1 BNGINBBRING Acceptance of slater and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving North Pleadows, Section 1 ~_ ACTION NO. A-10990-4.f ~- r ITEM NO. "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of "STORAGE TANK LOT" as shown on the recorded Plat of "SECTION No. 2 -- FAIRWAY FOREST ESTATES" in Plat Book 10, page 122, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to the Board of County Supervisors of Roanoke, Virginia. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following parcel of land in Section No. 2 of Fairway Forest Estates, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, to the Board of County Supervisors of Roanoke, Virginia: a) Donation from FFE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Virginia Corporation, of the fee simple interest in a parcel of land consisting of 7,306 square feet, shown and desig- nated as "STORAGE TANK LOT" upon that certain plat entitled "SECTION No. 2 -- FAIRWAY FOREST ESTATES", of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 10, Page 122. FISCAL IMPACT' No county funding is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donation. Respectfully submitted, V'cki L. Huf an Assistant Cou y Attorney ~-- Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by Bob L. Johnson Eddy x Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x to Robers x cc: File Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Phillip Henry, Director, Engineering i ~~. -~ ~ ~ ~ti ~ hq.64' w ~ ``~~~~ 643.00-'' , Zo26,21 w/r• =.77_!x` by w ~ y ~0 ~ 3Z0.ti9_ ._ - -_' -- ~ E~RES~i EASE tE~ p C~NS7E5M~r ~%2 a ~ s' ~ s. rN6aE55 of Wl 9F- ~ a '~/AtERGIKE TO STOa 6E tRNl4 L 4 2e' ti ~ N ~ 9S'- yw V !`~ a 0\ `~'`~ ~' x ~ cyn x ~ N 4 ~ t=i E t-' cn pip ~. \~ H H r t~ \~ ~~Slp ~ •~ Lei ai d \~ z ~ r~ H l c `. ~F,~. .o d t~ cn S9 ~., ~ ~ ~ n H ~ coi N~8•s9s ~' ~ ~y~ a `yw S ~ i ~ °- ~ ~ / o ~~r .~ N 3 ~ ~ , ~O ~ O ' ~ c ~ a ~, a. ~. ~ o" ~ -~- S 58.59'51" E 1 S ~ I i Z80.~6' V Q` C I g Z z N ~'~ ~ n I ~ W ' ~ ~o~ ~ Ir ~~ ___. °59'51" E ~ ~, ~ S58 .~ o m rn Z73. f¢• Q ~ ~p I O ~ ~ O I ~ W ~ 1 N ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ W _ _ 3 N~~ ~~ ~-- S 54.09'29': _ __ E 9/NA~E EASEMENT ~ ~ 2 3 6.31 ' S ~ -~ ° , ~ ~~ y3o a 'S ~ ~ i w ~ m/i tn~A ~ N ~, a, O ~ ~ 1,r ~~~ ~ n~ ~ ~ '~L ~ ~ ~~ ~O ~ ~ ~ .a A ~ ? s ~ S c-? ~°~ ~~ a ~°o w N -. N N z z ~o o ~~ ~3 ~~~ V ~ p~ o~~ ~~ czd~ryz ~,r~r~roxo l~ycl~OC]HH yyHO~U~lT1 z~1G~C7H aCZ tdb~ d ~xdro trJOH~ O C,'~7LhNHhd ~ ~vzr~ OOai~~H tr]HHx1'UH • zzxr~r~rn H4~t~~~Hz ^v ~n by Ry ("1 a ~~~ ?~ C ~ I5 ~ Y O ~d x Z i II °o 'I o 'I '~ '~ g ~'' o '. i n ACTION NO. A-10990-4.g ITEM NO. ~ O AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of a Slope and Drainage Easement to the County of Roanoke for road widening purposes along Virginia Route 943, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following easement to the County of Roanoke for road widening purposes along Virginia Route 943 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District: a) New slope and drainage easement from Stephen and Theresa Light (Deed Book 953, page 273) containing 0.119 acre as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 4 December 1989. The location and dimensions of this easement has been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this property. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ ~' Vickie L. Huff Assistant County Attorney ~° ~e~ ~- ,: 5~G ~a fig yofi 1~1G~ ~y ~ ~yoi 0 l~1 ~~ 1 ~ ~o~a ill / 4~ ye e~' y' er eye ea .~~- -. ~,. 4g ~e~~ G~o~ ~~ytiti G efi~~ ~ y,~e ~.g~ ~ ti~y~-~"y~G~ay GG~ 4 1ti~~ G 5 rePr. v. r, PROPEf. COUNTY WI. 1-2 ~ ~a 2- 3 N 47' ~ 3-t N 41': 'OTAL AREA = TAX ~' 96.03• pROpSATY DAV ~ ~ w' i?85 r ~ P6 q.D. ~wPyzx of yj~ ~o~' i B. LEE '2, HENDERSON, J~ ~ y PROPS THE C0~ FOR ROAL SLOPE & DR BEING ~ THE COUNTY B~ STEPHEN & THi SITUATE_ALONG VAc~RI ACTION NO. A-10990-4.h ITEM NUMBER '~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the GLenvar Youth Booster/Glenvar High School COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Glenvar Youth Boosters/Glenvar High School has requested to hold 50/50 raffles on the following dates: - September 7, 12, 14, 28 - October 3, 12, 17 - November 9 The organization was unaware of the legal requirement for a Raffle Permit until late September when they were informed by the Commissioner of Revenue's Office that a permit was required. The application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit and one- time Bingo Game be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. llen Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator . ... --------------- ACTION ----- Approved ( ~ Motion by: _ R~ T TCihncn., VOTE Denied ( ) - No Yes Abs Received ( ) Eddy x Referred ( ) Johnson x To ( ) McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which a.re hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 1~.2-340.1 et. seg. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke,County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) ~;,~-5U 1~f~ZJ ~ ti~'S F;B~'L'E~ PERMIT ~ BINGO GAMES Name of Organi Street Address ~1 ~/ ~ Mailing Address ~7Q 2 I~Ci h1~S h?!~l ~~. ~'~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~;~~~--~c-'' ~~°<< City, State, lip Code ~)~/pi_yY1 //C~ ca~'ll,~_ Purpose and Type of Organization fi'r'' ~ ~1~~ Y When was the organization founded? `JD,~y ~ ...YJd`--/~ 1z.~ ~J / ~i t--~ ` r' 1 t- ~T ~ 7, . Cam` . Z~.~,C~~-~ 1 Roanoke County meeting place?_ /~lYl,c/?:,~ ~/~Cc~~~ Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES / NO Is the organization non-profit? YES / NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~</~D~la s ~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: .~ ~/ ~~~~,~ Vice-President `/~ttf//~ J/~I~D~L,'~ President. Address: f~~_~~r n~CS/YI i ~~ Address: l~b~g ~/~llr/~25~r~ Secretary:~H~~ _~~~5/~1t~.S Treasurer: ~,~p/~ s~S%D/PS Address : ,~~ Qd 9 ~ a a ~l[~G ~fY~~/1 Address : ~~~ ~ , .S~-l_ ~ ~, ll~ r a ~ls ~,' Member authorized to be resoonsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Namet~Ah U Cpl ~~~"~ Home Address /~z/3 fl~rr~~ ~~, ~~I/~° Phone ~Q'9- 73 y~_Bus . Phone a 6J~-1~6/ `1 A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. ~~ : Date of Drawing _ ~„~ Time of iTrawing~~~ BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of. ~Act~iv ty: Sunday From To Monday From To Tuesday From To Wednesday From To Thursday From To Friday From To Saturday From To 2 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. ~~ ~a ~~~ ~ ~% ~~~:~ ~~~- v ~ ~ -1/ . ~~~.~ ~~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ r.~ ~ ~' rYr~-~~ . ~ ~~ ~ `~ ~ ~~-e,~.~ ,S~`~~ ~~ ,.~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~, ,il ~~~.__ ~--- ~ 3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State„^_Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter / 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter J 2nd Quarter ~r 3rd Quarter ,` 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? _ 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue?_-~ 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? --- C~ 4 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed w f Novemberlof leach calendar yearn forowhich ae pere the first day mit has been issued?~_. 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional FinancSafollowing the tlast day offsuchuquarter?er no later than sixty day 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permithereafter untilgsuch reportais properlynfiB ed andma or raffle new permit is obtained?~P.'r~ _ g. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board. of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia?-~~ 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke u on submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? t, - __----- 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application? 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at "least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? 12. Has yeuamountnofa$25n00tpayable toe the Countyaofu Roanoket fee in th Virginia? 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Aingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who vio~ the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony?~ 5 14. Has your organization attached a com lete list of its member- ship to this application form?~~ 15. Has your organization ttached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? !) ~ _ 16. Has the organization been declared tion under the Virginia Constitution or If yes, state whether exemption is for or both and identify exempt property.- 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia?_~o If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Cha itable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description exempt .from property ~xa- statutes? real, perso 1 property, Fair Market Value 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understhaa two cahlendarodays inhany not conducted more frequently Galen ar week? 21. noes your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular. or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that `agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be .filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable 'order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization understand t-hat instant Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular Birtgo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that tie gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing, of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts ot`an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sill an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of ag`e.? .` 25. Does your organization understand that an organiza ion whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall ha a been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? ~~ (Certificate must be attached.) 7 26. oes your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy st be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the propo~d location? 27. Does your '~..rganization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise va,l..ued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door .prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of_ the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: My commission expires: f 19~ "_ . ~_ ~ otary Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.0. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 Subscribed and sworn before me, this,~dG'~ciay ofSFf'~ 19~ NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. ~_ Date Commissio er of the: evenue The above application is not approved. ~ Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 ACTION NO. A-10990-4.i ITEM NUMBER ~ ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit for Unity Church of the Roanoke Valley COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Unity Church of Roanoke Valley has requested to hold a raffle on December 2, 1990. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator --- Approved (x) Motion by: -------------------------------- ACTION VO Bob L. Johnson No -------- TE Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Eddy x Referred ( ) Johnson x To ( ) McGraw x Nickens x Robers x ~c: File Bingo/Raffle File t,OUNTY OF ROATOK.U, VLkCvINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE 12F.VENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a dingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulation. now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which a.rf~ h~~rt.;~.y ~igreed to by the under- signed. applicant and which sY~~~~l.:~_ :~e -~ec~med a condition under which this permit i.s issued. All applicants should exercise .extreme care t:o Unsure the accura- cy of their responses to the follow.inq ~uestic>ns. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title lfi.2-340.1 et. s__eg. of the criminal statutes of the Virg~_nia CodE~;, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of {..he Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors tc> conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspe.^d, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in st:r i:~t com:~liance with county and state law. Any person violating county or statt~ t ~~1ula'~iens concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 .u: s.'.emeanor„ Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful r._,igious, cf~aritable, community, or educational purposes for cv::ich the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable oneratir~c expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) RAFFLE PERMIT g BINGO GAMES Name of Organization Unity Church of Roanoke Valley Street Address 3300 Green Ride Roadi Roanoke~_.VA 24019 Mailing Address same) _._ City, State, lip CG'?e Roanoke, VA 24019 . Purpose and Type of Organization_ Religious Education When was the organization founded? 9/71 1 Roanoke County meeting place? 3300 Green Ridge Road Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES X NO Is the organization non-profit? YES_ X NO Indicate Federal Identification Numkea_ # 54-1049143 Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption let,Fr Officers of the Organization: President: Gail Burruss Vice-President Martha Mackey Address : 517 Washington Ave. , SW Address : 7010 Snowberry Circle Roanoke. VA 24016 Roanoke, VA 24019 Secretary: Pat Eh~ Treasurer: Frank Williams Address: 3437 Canter Circle, SW Address: 5230 Ponderosa Dr., NW Roanoke, VA 24018 Roanoke, VA 24019 Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name Valerie Eagle Home Address 3620 Lakeridge Circle, Troutville, VA 24175 Phone 977-5504 Bus . Phone 563-4906 A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. :"'.+%rsGE Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. 3300 Green Ridge Road RAFFLES: Date of Drawing 12/2/90 ~i ? ~-e of Drawing 12:30 p.m. BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of <<ccivity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 State specifically how the proceeds :=rc~m :.'~e Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail. the planned or in~erided use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. We are constructing an addition to our Yo~u_th Ed' ucation building. The work is completed through the shell stage and needs gutters, paint and a rock wall constructed to winterize and protect the structure until it can be finished. The raffle should generate approximately $500 for these purposes. The raffle is part of a day-long Holiday Bazaar scheduled for November 3, with arts and crafts being the primary fund-raiser. BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: N/A ...-_ Address: County State Zip__ ~_ __. _ Is the building owned by a 501-C _.on-profit organization? Seating capacity for each locati~:~i: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter Total 0 Total _ 0 2. Does your organization unders~and that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? Yes 3. Does your organization understar.~~ that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that suer records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the :revenue? _Yes 4. Does your organization unc.~.rstand that ~:he Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? yes ~.s~, Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4 5. Does your organization under~tarid that a Financial Report must be filed witYi the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? Yes 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last :iay of such quarter? Yes 7. Does your organization unde;:~stand that the failure to file financial reports when due shad cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organi<:~tion shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? yes 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 1~3.?_ of the Code of Virginia? yes 9. Does your organization underta~~i that a one percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? yes 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such ~~.ocations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit app]_ication? yes 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? yes 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? yes _ 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the CodA of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to. having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? yes 5 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? on file 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? yes .._ 16. Has the organization been declaraci exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution u~ statutes? yes If yes, state whether exemption is F.c~r -eat, personal property, or both and identify exempt propel ty. All real _and personal property are exempt. This includes church buildings and equipment_ 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. Religious education through church services and classes. 18. Is this organization incorporaLFd in Virginia? No If yes, name and address of Registerec+ Agent: 19. Is the organization regist.e-led with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Af~=airs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? No (If so, attach copy ~~f registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? No (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIE.~~ ~'HE AR"I'ICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Holiday Wreath Hair Permanent Water Purifier Custom Picture Frame Holiday Ham Stained Glass rain: Market Value $35 $45 $100 $50 $25 $35 5 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWEtt QIJ>w~TION5 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingogames shall not be conducted more frequentl~~ t.`~<~n two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understann thac~ it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. Tx~.-s:: records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia ahd X4.'.'8 of. Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of_ th~~ date, quay,city, and card ~~alue of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as thE~ name and address of the supplier of such insta-it bingo suppl..ies, and written invoice or receiJ~t is also req~~i; ~~d for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? ___ b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained fc~r three years.) c. A record of the name and address cf e~~ch individual to whom a• door prize, regular or special. ~~.~n.TO game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awa~~;ec'? __ d. A complete and itemized reu~:cd of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and tha 4 agree wit•.h, t:he quarterly and annual reports required to rye filed, and ~.~iat these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization underst:anc~ that instant. Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular Bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross :e~eipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand i~ mad not sell an instant Bingo card to an in.iividua.l belcf% sixteen yep=~ s cif age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operat ionr~ 14hat exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any c~tendar. year shall have been granted tax-exempt stratus pursuant to Sep:tion 50' C of the United States Internal Revenue Service?_ ___ (Certificate must be attached.) 7 26. Does your organization understand th~.~ a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file. which authorizes this use at the proposed location? ___ 27. Does your organization understand 1_hat awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess o` thE~ following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bine~c; damn shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature wha~soever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shell the total .:.mount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed. One Thousand Dollars. NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Vira~~~ia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of m: ,:nowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answ~:e~a. Signed by: Valerie S. Eagle Administrator 3620 Lakerid~e Circle, Troutville, VA Name Title :tc.~me Address 24175 Subscribed and sworn before me, this day of 19 My commission expires: 19 Notary Public RETURN THIS COMPLET?~.D APPLICATIOw PU: COMMISSIONER GE THE REVENUE P.O. Box ?.409 Roanoke, VA ?.40].8-0513 ~. NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTFn~IGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date Com issione a Reven The above application is not approve3. Date ~ Commissioner of the Revenue 9 ~ii~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ - ~ - - - - ,~ - - - - ~ - ~- ~ ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST _ _ - - _ _ _= AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ *~~ SUBJECT ~~.~~°'~ ~i-a -~~ - v-~...A~..~ ~~~L~~ = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. _ _ c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the-Board to do otherwise. c • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c c 'Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c _ with the clerk. _ _ _ c 'INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK 11~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ii~1't1 0 April 16, 1990 Mr. G.E. Whiteside Assistant Resident Engineer Virginia Department of Engineering p.O. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Whiteside: As you are aware from our earlier conversations, many residents of Peregrine Crest Circle, Fox Ridge, and Silver :Fox Roads in the Hunting Hills Subdivision have expressed serious concern over the appearance of the guardrail proposed for installation in this area. There is and has been a consensus that we should proceed with some type of guardrail. Our concern is the type of guardrail proposed is designed for interstate use and it poorly blends with the aesthetics of the neighborhood. As you are aware, it states in the subdivision and street standards that you have the option to consider alternate types of guardrails as long as they provide "the needed protection, blend in with the surroundings, and do not create an undue maintenance problem". We request you consider a variance from the proposed corten metal-faced, wooden post guardrail. Our suggestion is the wood- faced, metal-backed, wooden post system tested by the Federal Highway Administration for use on National Park Roads and Parkways. The natural look of the wood guardrail complies more closely with the declaration of the reservations and restrictions for the Hunting Hills Subdivision. Currently, exposed metal pipes and beams are prohibited in external residence construction, as are metal wire fences visible from the road and fairways. Some types of rough wood construction are encouraged, such as cedar shake shingles and split rail wooden fences. Specifically, the guardrail we propose is a steel backed timber guardrail, type B, as detailed in the U.S. Department of Transportation standard drawing numbers 606-06.01 through 606- 06.03. Attached you will find copies of these drawings, as well as design and construction notes. The proposed type B guardrail, without the blockout, is used and tested for design speeds of 50 miles per hour or less. Our streets have a 25 mile per hour speed limit. The primary area in which the guardrails are to be installed is along a winding and hilly section of road, similar to sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway where speed limits are higher and wooden guardrails are in use. The curves and hills could make the metal rails even more visually apparent and highly objectionable. To assist` in the evaluation of the safety of this guardrail, I have attached a copy of the crash test results in a study done by Ensco, Inc. for the Federal Highway Administration. It followed the National Cooperative Highway Research Program's (NCHRP} Standard 230. The test was for a full size vehicle impacting the rail at 50 mph with an impact angle of 25 degrees. We have no test results for terminations. I expect you will need to evaluate the use of a wood taper down terminal versus the angle back metal terminal proposed. Both have drawbacks at interstate speeds, but residential neighborhoods have different requirements. For low speed use, the wood-faced guardrail should have a maintenance advantage. The resiliency of a wood-faced guardrail is much better during a low speed impact than the resiliency of a metal-faced guardrail. This should prevent you from having a large number of calls to replace sections of dented metal guardrail. In our discussions with officials or The U.S. Department of the Interior, we were informed that there are sections of wooden rail along the Blue Ridge Parkway that have been utilized without replacement for over 30 years. We feel you will find our proposed guardrail meets your safety and maintenance requirements while fitting the neighborhood standards. You may have other wood-faced guardrails you find acceptable. We have proposed this particular type as it was suggested by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Best Regards, Bill Upthegrove Hunting Hills Resident cc: Mr. Gordon C. Willis Jr. - Old Heritage Corporation Mr. R. W. Rubers - Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mr. Philip T. Henry - Roanoke County Engineer Mr. B. W. Sumpter - VDOT District Engineer ~~~ OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION TELEPHONE 774-1696 /BOX 8425 / ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24014 March 23, 1990 Mr.~G. E. Whiteside Assistant Resident Engineer Virginia Dept. of Engineering P. o. Box 3071 Salem, VA 24153 Dear Eddie: I spoke with Gary Yamine this morning and as a result of that conversation I believe that the homeowners have assembled most of the information necessary~to submit their request. I will contact them and try to expedite their request. Your letter indicates that you believe the homeowners are against having any guard rail installed. This is contrary to my conversations with several of the homeowners of the area. Many of them acknowledge a need for guard rail. Their primary question is that if the Federal Highway standards allow steel reinforced wood railings in 45 MPH speed zones they why can't the VDOT standards allow them in 25 MPH speed zones. I fully understand your position of the Commonwealth's liability and promise you that a response will be made immediately. Yours truly, OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION ~ ~~ vv f r Gordon C. Willis, Jr. GCW,Jr/mn cc: R. W. Robers - Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Philip T. Henry - Roanoke County Engineer B. W. Sumpter - VDOT District Engineer William Upthegrove - 5361 Peregrine Crest Cr., Rke., VA. 24014 ~: ~'-~3. :~• 1 I -r~ . 'll ;) .-- OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION TELEPHONE 774-1696 /BOX 8425 / ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24014 August 14, 1990 Mr. George Igoe, Subdivision Specialist Virginia Department of Transportation p. 0. Box X071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear George: absolutely shocked by the content of your letter dated I am a breach of good faith that is August 10, 1990- You imply ointment totally incorrect_ If you would kindly examine your app calendar you will find that at 10.00 A_M. on March 8, 1990, t ere office. The meeting was attended was a meeting at the Residency with other Virginia by yourself and Eddie Whitesiersonnelg Mr. Gary Yamine, Mr. Department of Transportation P Goldstein, Mr. Bill Up-the-Grove, and myself. The purpose Larry was to determine if an alternate byathe of the meeting specifically the type used`„,ould the acceptablee toartheyVirginia National Park Service, Department of Transportation. Mr_ Whiteside stated that the plans, which were submitted during the March 8th meeting, would have to be directed to higher authorities. in the department materialshe Eddie told mevafter ability to approve the alternate the meeting that the procedure WOHod etine Richmond forna final most likely be directed to Jack g decision_ our opportunity for additional We have been awaiting the ball is in your court. I r14~ stalling. George, commentary, ou at your convenience to discuss the will be happy to meet with Y progress of our request. Sincerely, ;; . --~ C , . G rdon C. Willis, Jr. cc: Mr. William Up-the-Grove Mr. Larry Goldstein Mr. Philip Henry Mr. 0. A. Covey _ ,, a~,~^ ~'+~ 7 `Y ~~ ~~ ~ ~-; o .•,... N+~:,. ~~~~®I~TWIE~.~,~'~ o f ~1~~;II~TI~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 714 SOUTH BROAD STREET RAY D. PET>•7TEL SALEM, 24153 COMMISSIONER August 10, 1990 Mr. Gordon C. Willis, Jr., Vice President Old Heritage Corporation P. 0. Box 8425 Roanoke, VA 24014 F. C. ALTIZER, JR. RESIDENTENGINEER Post Office Box 3071 Salem, VA 24153 re: Sections 20 and 22 Hunting Hills Subdivision Dear Bo: On a recent visit to Hunting Hills, I noted guardrail has still not been installed in the above captioned sections, as requested in my letter of October 19, 1988 and as promised in your letter of December 19 , 1988 . " The streets in the above referenced sections were accepted by the Department on February 16, 1989, in good faith that you would install the proposed guardrail. I have contacted you by telephone several times to request the proposed installation.. I feel more than ample time has been allotted to you to comply with the guardrail requirement. Therefore, this office will not accept any plans of future sections for review, nor consider any streets presently under construction for acceptance into the Secondary System until the guardrail requirement of Sections 20 and 22 is satisfied. If there are any questions, please call. Sincerely, c ~~ George R. Igoe Highway Permits and Subdivision Specialist, Sr. for: F. C. Altizer, Jr. Resident Engineer GRI/mj cc: Mr. 0. A. Covey Mr. P. T. Henry TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY WIIIIIIIIilillllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~illllllllliillllllllllllllllllllll(1 _ - _ - - _ - --~ - PE.A~RAN CE REQUEST AP - _ - - - - = e = _ ~ - -_ AGENDA ITEM NO. - - - _ -_ -}~-- - _ _ SUBJECT _ _ _ _ - I would like the airman of the Board of Supervisors to = __ - recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter - so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, - I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE - c - RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINE _ - _ - - LISTED BELOW. __ c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will c = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Boazd to do otherwise. __ - • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- bons of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c • All comments must be directed to the Boazd. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. -_ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. =_ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED = GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT - - = THEM. - _ - -_ - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - __ NAME ~ '~--`'~..r`~ - - - - _ - - - = ADDRESS ~ - - - - - - -_ - ~ - - _ - _' PHONE `7~ ~- ~"7 `~- ~- - - - = mlllllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllillilll II l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllllllllllllllllllllllillilllilllllllllllillllilllllliilllllllllll ~iiiiiiiiii~~eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~~ »~ ~ _ - _ - _ - APPEARANC EQUEST _ - _ - _ - - ~~ ~ .~ _ - _ - _ - AGENDA ITEM NO. ,~ _ - _ - __ SUBJECT _ - _ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment =_ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to __ do otherwise. -_ c • S eakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- p __ tions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized -_ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both s eakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ P • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. =_ • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED c GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK _ - m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m °~ COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FIIND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Unaudited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1990 $ 9,608 Balance as of October 9, 1990 Submitted by ~ ~. ~-~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance y.6Ut3 M-a COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FIIND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Amount Unaudited Balance at July 1, 1990 $2,653,756 July 1, 1990 Amount reimbursed by County Schools 500,000 September 25, 1990 Appropriation to Police Department (200,000) September 25, 1990 Rescinding Parks and Recreation User (85,421) Fees Balance as of October 9, 19901 $2,868,335 Submitted by %CJ~C..ecrn.2~ ~C.J • /~~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 1 This amount does not include the estimated addition to fund balance from 1989-90 operations of $2,800,000. /7'I-3 COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1990 $ 50,000 9,845) August 28, 1990 Roanoke County Code Book Supplement ~ September 25, 1990 Contribution to TAP - Transitional (15,000) Living Center 1 000 September 25, 1990 Contribution to Darrell Shell Scholarship ~ ~ 24,155 Balance as of October 9, 1990 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ACTION # ITEM NUMBER / ~ ~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 9, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid - September 1990 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $2,298,226.54 Payroll: 9/14/90 $ 424,532.37 9/28/90 440,748.81 865.281.18 $3,163,507.72 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyat Director of Finance APPROVED: e~,, l~~ri Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: 1 Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 RESOLUTION 10990-5 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity w~.th Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 4n motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt resolution, carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: i~2~f.-~~-' J~ Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session File O~ P ANO~F ~ ,~ p Z ~ 2 J a 18 E5~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~' ,a BeautifulBckinninK COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mrs. Page Griffin 6572 Forest View Road Roanoke, VA 24018 October 10, 1990 All AMERICA f,ITY 'III~~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mrs. Griffin: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 1990, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Cave Spring Elementary School PTA for a raffle permit and one-day bingo game, to be conducted on October 20, 1990. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1990. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 ~Alttt~l~ D~ ~itMYiD~iP O~ pOANp,I.~ ~ ,F p Z ~ 2 o a 18 E5~ 88 SFS~UICENTENN~P~' A Beauti~ul8e~;innin~; COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Ms. Valerie Eagle 3620 Lakeridge Circle Troutville, VA 24175 Dear Ms. Eagle: October 10, 1990 ~.b ALL AMERICA LITY 'II I'~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 1990, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Unity Church of Roanoke Valley for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on December 2, 1990. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1990. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~~~~- Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 C~uixnt~ of ~,~v~tnnkr O~ pOAN ,r~ ~ ,F 9 Z ~ 2 a ~ 8 E50 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ ,1 Beautiful8eginnin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Gary Harth 1443 Arrow Drive Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Harth: October 10, 1990 AlL AMERICA CIiY III I'~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 1990, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Glenvar Youth Boosters/Glenvar High School for a 50/50 raffle permit. The Board also approved those raffles which were conducted on September 7, 12, 14, 28, and October 3, 1990, as well as the raffles to be conducted on October 12, 17, and November 9. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1990. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, -~2a~.~-' ~. Q-c-~~c~/ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 C~nitn~~ of ~~ttnnkr O~ POANp~~ i ,F z v a 18 15~ 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P d Benutiful8tgianin~; COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE October 10, 1990 C~niYnt~ of ~pttnvke QL~MERIG CITY ''I I~~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rev. Linda Mitchell Christ Lutheran Church 2011 Brandon Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, VA 24015 Dear Reverend Mitchell: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 1990, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you for sharing your time with us. Sincerely, R. W. obers, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors RWR/bj h P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 F PC,~IwF t; A ~ a 8 E50 88 SFS~VICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nuntg n# +.~attnnltr October 10, 1990 Mr. Ronald Vance Scoutmaster, 252 Troop 5150 North Spring Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mr. Vance: All ~AMERIG qTY '' I''' 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 808 L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This will acknowledge that David Higgins attended the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Meeting on October 9, 1990. This meeting was held at 3:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Building at 3738 Brambleton Avenue. We were very pleased that David took the time to attend the board meeting and would welcome any of the other members of Troop 252 to come to one of our meetings. Sincerely, Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 COMMITTEE VACANCIES IN 1990 JANUARY FEBRUARY ELECTORAL BOARD - APPOINTED BY COURTS Three year terms of Leonard M. Pick, Secretary, and Armand L. Sanderson, Chairman, will expire 02/28/90. GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Eugene M. Martin will expire 02/23/90. REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Three year term of Bob L. Johnson will expire 02/10/90. MARCH COURT SERVICE UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Two year terms of Gerald Curtiss, Catawba District, Roger Smith, Catawba District, Gary J. Minter, Hollins District, and Sherry Robison, Windsor Hills District, will expire 03/22/90. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS One year term of Webb Johnson will expire 03/31/90. TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Four year terms of Arnold Struson, Medical Representative, and Jackie Talevi, Legal Respresentative District, will expire 03/01/90. APRIL TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Four year term of Lt. Delton R. Jessup, State Police Representative, will expire 04/01/90. 1 MAY TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Two year terms of Elizabeth W. Stokes, County Appointee, and E. Cabell Brand, Joint Appointee will expire 05/05/90. JUNE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of M. E. Maxey, Chairman, Vinton District, will expire 06/30/90. FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Three year term of Lee B. Eddy, Elected Representative, serving Bob Johnson's unexpired term will expire 06/30/90. PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Three year term of Alice Gillespie, Hollins District, will expire 06/30/90. Throe year term of Linda Shiner, Cave Spring District, William J. Skelton, Jr., Windsor Hills District, and Roger Smith, Members at Large will expire 06/30/90. ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Four year term of Charlsie Pafford, Windsor Hills District, will expire 06/30/90. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD Four year term of Monty Plymale will, expire 06/30/90. JULY BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTB AND APPEALS Four year terms of Larry Lester, Alternate, and John Brownlee, Alternate, will expire 07/25/90. AUGUST 2 SEPTEMBER GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year terms of Thomas T. Palmer and R. Vincent Reynolds, Atlernate, will expire 09/10/90. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Four year terms of J. Carson Quarles, and Daniel A. Zahn, will expire 09/26/90. OCTOBER BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Albert Trompeter, will expire 10/24/90. NOVEMBER DECEMBER BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Wilmore T. Leffell, Vinton District, will expire 12/12/90. LIBRARY BOARD Four year term of Leesa Dalton will expire 12/31/90. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY SERVICES BOARD Three year terms of Henry L. Woodward, Member at Large, and Henry J. Sullivan, County Appointee, will expire 12/31/90. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year term of A. Kyle Robinson, Vinton District, will expire 12/31/90. 3 (CONTINUED FROM 9-12-90) A-92590-7 RWR MOTION TO APPROVE STAFF RECO1VIlViENDATION AYES: LBE, SAM, RWR ~ d. ~ ~ CO M ~ ~ „~ ~ CC NAYS: BLJ, HCN ~G}~p t 5. ~, ~ pM ~ . ~~ a,~, E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC I:[EARINGS ~J~I(~NE HCN MOTION TO GRANT CONTINUANCE AYES: SAM, HCN, RWR NAYS: LBE, BLJ STAFF TO BRING BACK TO NEXT BOARD MEETING POLICY FOR CONTINUANCES ~ i S C Lt 5 5 W~ f h ~~ ~ C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS RWR RECOGNIZED SENATOR MACFARLANE IN ATTENDANCE D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Explore presentation and announcement of Plan Review Process Initiation. ~9d~' ~ Com~i~~ee ~f5 , A-92590-1 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE STAFF RECOII~IlVTENDATION TO INITIATE PLAN ~ ~ PROCESS BY 1/1!91 AND ESTABLISH ? EXPLORE ADVISORY CONIlVIIITEE - URC ~,e,r' COUN'T'Y ADMINISTRATOR REQUESTED WORK SESSION WITH PL~!-NNING STAFF, PLANNING COMII~IISSION AND EXPLORE STAFF 2. Approval of adjustments to 1990-91 Budget due to state funding changes. A-92590-2 BI,J MOTION TO APPROVE TRANSFERRING $103,593 TO GENERAL FUND BALANCE FOR OFFSET TO 1991-92 FISCAL IIVTPACT OF BUDGET CUTS - URC 3. Approval of Fire Mutual Aid Agreement between Botetourt County, Roanoke County and Blue Ridge Volunteer Fire Department. 2 ~SUAN 't , t ~,~ T ~~ ~~ 18 ~' S0 ' 88 SfSQU1CENTENN~P ,1 Btauli~ulBctivunr~y: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE September 20, 1990 Rev. Linda MiteheU Christ Lutheran Church 2011 Bra~rdon Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, YA 24015 Dear Reverend Mitchell: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This will confirm our telephone conversation of today. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for agreeing to give the invocation 1990 at 3:00 p.m. The meetings are at their meeting on Tuesday, October 9, , held at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, in the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room. On Monday before the board meeting, I will caU you as a re ~~ mee -know so find at any time that you are unable to do t~ le hones~nulmber is 772-2005. that other arrangements can be made- My P The Board members are aware of how busy your schedule is, and they appreciate your volunteering the time to o, f,~er God s blessing at their meeting. Sincerely, bjh All AMERICA CITY ~• '' I I'' ~~~ ~~ 1979 (~~ ~~~~~~ ;" 1989 l Brenda .1• Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor P0. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 BYLAWS FOR THE UNITY CHURCH OF ROANOKE VALLEY' ARTICLE I Identification SECTION 1.01 - STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of Unity Church of Roanoke Valley, a Virginia not- for-profit. religious organization, is to teach the universal principles of Truth, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ and interpreted by Unity School of Christianity and the Association of Unity Churches, a non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of Georgia with headquarters at Unity Village, Missouri, hereinafter referred to as the Association. In the accomplishment of this purpose, Unity Church of Roanoke Valley shall endeavor to conduct services of worship and classes of instruction and to demonstrate the principles of Truth by using them in the operation of the Church and to adopt other means that in the judgment of the ministers will further the principles of practical Christianity among people everywhere. Unity Church of Roanoke Valley shall appoint three trustees to effect the purposes of conveyances, etc.; to comply with the Code of Virginia, Title 57, Chapter 2, Section 57-8. The Board of Trustees so appointed will be subject to court approval and will function unde r the 1 aw of the Code of V i rg i n i a re 1 ated to Religious and Charitable Matters. The three trustees shall be ex officio members of the Board of Directors; they may attend any or all Board meetings in a non-voting capacity. SECTION 1.02 - ASSOCIATION OF UNITY CHURCHES MEMBERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITIES Unity Church of Roanoke Valley is a member of the Association of Unity Churches. The operation and conduct of this ministry shall comply with the regulations and policies of the Association as outlined in the Association Bylaws, so long as they do not conflict with the laws of the State of Virginia. (a) Leadership. This Ministry shall have as its leader an ordained or licensed Unity minister or a licensed Unity teacher approved by the Association. Refer to Section 4.02(c). (b) Teaching. The Principles of practical Christianity shall be taught through this Ministry using methods, textbooks, literature, and other materials approved by the Association. (b} Inactive members. An active member shall become inactive: {1) upon moving over 100 miles from the church (2) upon absence from the congregation for one year providing the church has attempted to notify the member of the change in membership status. (c) Removal. Removal from the membership role of any member whose qualifications are in q the 18oa d uofeSDarectors,a including (2/3) affirmative vote of agreement by the Minister(s). Prior to action concerning removal, the member must be given an opportunity for a hearing before the Board. SECTION 3.04 - POWERS OF ACTIVE MEMBERS Active Members of Unity Church of Roanoke Valley shall have the power to do the following: (a) Vote at any membership meeting, at which the member is present, called in accordance with Section 3.05. (b) Elect members to the Board of Directors as specified in Section 4.04. (c) Ratify the Bylection gt01s Ministry or any amendments thereto as specified in S Vote on any question of sale, pledge, or proposed (d) financing of real propelr~te oercentn(d75~)daff i rmat ~ve rvote of fthose Ministry. A seventy f p royal. Refer to Section 4.0:, present and voting is required for app (c) (7)• (e) Elect a membe s ecf led ihn Se t on 4 04 (b)serve on the Nominating Committee as p (f) Call a special membership meeting when the affairs of this Ministry warrant such action. Refer to Section 3.05 (b). (g) Vate to override any action of the Board of Directors provided it is communicated to the membership in writing ten (10) days prior to the subsequ as nteandgvottng haveethel a thoretynfor five percent of these p determination. (h) Vote for the removal of any Director from his/her office in accordance with Section 4.05 (a). 3 (f) Votin Unless otherwise provided herein, the vote of a majority of the active members present and votingoval of absentee ballot shall be necessary for approval or disapp the action being voted upon. Refer to Section 3.04 id) and (g), and Section 8.01. Active members unable to be present in a membership meeting may vote by absentee ballot upon application to the church office in advance of the meeting date. Absentee ballots must be returned prior to the meeting. No provi=ion shall be allowed for proxy votes. (g) Prav°~. In any membership meeting, the chair, the Minister(s), an Association of Unity Churches Liaison Representative or any member may request that action on an item of business be suspeneed U hon esuch req nest tithe chaff rs shal 1 provmdeoa prayer on the ~ s..u p period of prayer and silence. ARTICLE IV Government SECTION 4.01 - ADMINISTRATION The government of Unity Church of Roanoke Valley shall be vested in the senior Minister(s), who is/are the Administrative Director(s), and the Board of Directors elected from Membership. SECTION 4 02 - MINISTER(S) (a) Duties. As the Spiritual Leader(s), the Minister(s) shall be responsible for the scheduling, conduct, and content of services, classes, and all other activities that further the purpose of this Ministry as specified in Section 1.01. As Administrative Director(s), the senior Minister(s) shall be: (1) Responsible for the complete functioning of this Ministry. (2) Voting member(s) of the Board of Directors on all matters except own employment, or that of a successor. (3) Member(s) of all committees. Refer to Section 5.01. (4) Responsible for seeking Association or" Unity Churches Tiaison assistance in the event or" a dispute adversely affecting the Ministry. (b) Comoensaticn. The compensation of the Minister(s) shall be fixed by agreement between the Minister(s) and the Board of Directors. 5 (5) Make determination of the business needs of this Ministry and authorize payment of monies for those purposes. (6) Prepare and present an annual budget to the membership. (7) Administer the property of this Ministry, betr real and personal. (8) Make determinations on the sale, pledge, or procosed financing of real or personal property belonging to this Ministry. All decisions in favor of she stile, pledge, or proposed financing of real property shall be presented to the Membership at a properly constituted membership meeting to be voted in accordance with Section 3.04 (d). (9) As recommended by the Minister(s), authorize the employment of all staff personnel of this Ministry and set and approve their salaries. See Section 4.02 (a). (10) Set dates for the fiscal year. (11) Each year cause to be prepared a complete financial statement with disclosures which will set forth the fiscal conditions and operations of the Ministry. (12) When deemed advisable, secure a fidelity bond fer the Treasurer, the amount to be set by the Board. (13) Approve applicants for membership in accordance with Section 3.02. (14) Act to fill the unexpired term of any Director in accordance with Section 4.05 (b). (15) Elect officers of the Board, and their successors to fill any unexpired term when necessary. See Section 4.07. (16) Ratify committees and their chairpersons as appointed by the Board President. See Section 5.01. (17) Communicate with the Placement Liaison Coordinator of the Association for aid in the resolution oheall disputes between the Board of Directors an .. Minister(s) concerning the ministers' services. (18) Consider other duties brought to their atten:~~n by the Minister(s) and ether Directors. (d) Emolovment of Ministers. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to hire a licensed or ordained Unity mirista~ fir the church through cooperation with the placement and liaison procedures of the Association of Unity Churches. (e) Termination of Emalovment of Ministers. The Bcara ~~' Directors may not terminate the employment of a minister wry has senior or associate minister status until it has cooperacac wi= the liaison procedures of the Association of Unity Churche_. 7 (d) Election. Votes shall be cast by ballot only if more than three nomi nati onos fha otes a shaldle beh el ectedn to nthe Board 1 of the largest number Directors. SECTION 4.05 - BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- VACANCY AND REPLACEMENT Vacancy. The office of a Director may be vacated by any (a) of the following means: (1) The resignation of the Director. (2) The Board voting for the removal of a Director due to absesce Absences may beCexcused by the Boa drupon meeting written request. (3) The Board voting for the removal of a Director because of a failure to fulfill the duties as specified in Section 4.03 (c) (4) The Active membership voting for removal of a Director because of failure to fulfill the duties of the office as specified in Section 4.03 (c). See Section 3.04 (h). (b) Replacement. Should a vacancy occur on the Board of Directors, the Board shall proceed to fill the vacancy by ballot at its next regular meeting. In case of emergency, a special meeting may be called. Only persons meeting the qualifications specified in Section 4.04 (a) may be considered as replacements. No replacement shall have served as a Director during the year prior to their election. A majority vote of those present and voting shall be necessary to elect. The term of the newly elected Director shall expire on the same date as the term of the Director succeeded. SECTION 4 06 BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- MEETINGS AND QUORUM (a) Regular Board Meetings. of the Board of Directors shall be Ministry on the second Saturday specified by the Board. (b) shall be conditions The regular business meetings held at the headquarters of this of each month, unless otherwise Special Board Meetings. Special meetings of the Board called by the President under any of the following (~) By request of the Minister(s). (2) By request of two or morn Directors. (3) As the President deems it necessary. The request shal 1 be f i 1 ed i n wr~oti nofiw fyh a he pi re c orsc of aany Reasonable effort must be made special meeting. 9 (d~ Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: ?) ee custodian of the funds of this Ministry. He/she shall pay out or cause to be paid out, funds author~r ca usetto be kept,Rafreco~dSoftall fin0ancbal l2) Keep, o transactions, and submit a monthly financial report at each regular board meeting. (3} Submit a financial report, covering the last complete fiscal period, at the annual membership meeting. (~.) Count, or cause to be counted by the appointment of qualified persons, all funds received, and be responsible for their deposit. (~) Place, or cause to beoflother deposutoryoapprosed Ministry in the bank by the Board. ARTICLE V COMMITTEES SECTION 5.01 - FORMATION Committees for any sp shal lc beu appoe ntedtby tthe Boa d lpresi dente Nominating Committee, lus ratification by the Board is Approval by the Minister(s), p required. ARTICLE VI Dissolution SECTION 6.01 PROCEDURE Should this organization dissolve, all property and funds remaining after the payments of the debts of the organization shall be delivered to the Association of Unity Churches, a non-profor corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgiashall religious and educational purposes. Such funds or property be for the use and benefit ofonheeAestablishment ofyabUndityechurcdh by the Board of Trustees. Up or center in Roanoke, the Association shall make available to said church an amount of money equivalent to that received from the dissolut.~on. 11 ~~ m of Roanoke Valley A Church of Practical Christianity October 4, 1990 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke, VA Dear Friends: Unity of Roanoke Valley is a non-profit organization under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, organized and operated exclusively for religious and educational purposes. We are a member church of The Association of Unity Churches, whose headquarters are at Unity Village, hlissouri 64065 (maembeg ofd then AssocCi at i on weo com1e ~u de r the g roue Mta 64e 6empt i on a m number 44-0668175. Enclosed is a copy of IRS letter verifying the tax-exempt status of Unity churches. Thank you, ~\ (' n ~i ~~t ~ C .~.+._~_ ~ (t CAE `L- Valerie Eagle Administrator 3300 Green Ridge Rood Roonoke, Virginio 24019 Ministers: Alan and Kothryn Rowbothom Phone: 563-4906 U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT NOTE: DATE: February 24, 1970 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE This is a true copy of the original ldashington, DC 20224 Utter of Determination which is on file in the office of the .A,ssocia- Date: In reply refer to: tion of Unity Churches, Unity Feb. 20, 1970 T:t~iS:E0:R:2-RWB Village, Missouri 54063 ^.ssociation of Unity Churches Inc. Unity Village Lee's Summit, Missouri 64063 Gentlemen: This refersu~o~mberncentersoanduchurchesfforuFederaleincomeing the status of yo tax purposes. In our ruling addressed to you on December 3, 1964, it was held that you are exempt from Federal income tax under the provisions of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as it eras shown that you are organized and operated exclusively for religious and educational purposes. In this ruling you are required to file an information return, Form 990-A, annually. Inasmuch as the information now in the case file shows that you are organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes it will not be necessary for you to file the annual return of information, Form 990-A, under section 501 (c)(3) of the Code, since you come within the specific exceptions contained in section 6033(a) of the Code. Accordingly, our ruling of December 3, 1964, is modified to conform with this ruling. Based on the information supplied, we rule that your member centers and churches named on Schedule "P," submitted with your letter dated July 30, 1969, are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as it is shown that such centers and churches are organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes. Your exempt member centers and churches are not required to file Federal income tax returns so long as your exempt member centers and churches retain a tax exempt status. -2- Association of L'nity Churches, Inc. It will not be necessary for your exempt me~5er centers and churches to file the annual return of information, Form 990-~, generally required of organizations exempt under section 5~1 (c)(3) of the Code, as your exempt member centers and churches come within the specific exceptions contained in section 6033(x) of the Code. Donors may deduct contributions to your exempt member centers and churches as provided by section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, r~r gifts to or for the use of the exempt member centers and churches are deductible fir Federal estate and gift tax purposes under sections 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code. The exempt member centers and churches are not liable for Federal unemployrmnt taxes. They are liable for social security taxes only if they have filed waiver of exemption certificates as provided in the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. (Your District Director will be glad to tell you more about the latter point.) Each year within 45 days after your annual accounting period closes, please send us two copies of the following information about your member centers and churches: 1. A statement describing any changes during the year in the purp~sES, character or method of operation of your member centers and churches. 2. A list of the names, mailing addresses including Postal ZIP Codes, and employer identification numbers (if required for group exemption letter purposes) of member centers and churches en your group exemption roster that during the year: a. changed names and addresses; b. were deleted from the roster; c. were added to the roster. A directory of member centers and churches may be substituted for this list if it includes the required information and identifies the affected member centers and churches according to the three categories above. -3- association of Unity Churches, Inc. 3. For member centers and churches added to the roster a letter signed by one of your principal officers containing or attaching: a, a statement that the information upon which your present group exemption letter is based applies to the new member centers and churches; b. a statement that each has given you written authorization to add its name to the roster; c. a list ~f those to which the Service previously issued rulings or determination letters relating to exemption. 4. If applicable, a statement that your group exemption roster did not change during the year. You should advise each of your exempt member centers and churches of the exemption and the pertinent provisions of this ruling. The determination letter issued to the Unity on the Gulf, Inc., Venice, Florida, is superseded by this ruling. You should advise it accordingly. The District Director of Internal Revenue, St. Louis, Missouri, is being advised of this action. Very truly yours, (Sgd) John R. Barber Chief, Rulings Section Exempt Organizations Branch Enclosures: Rev, Proc. 68-13 for your information Copy of this letter Also Includes State Code Report