HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/11/1991 - Regularo~ aoa-vp,~~ ~.- ALL-AM~ICA CIN Z ~ p ~ ~~ ~1~IY ~~ 1 ' ' 1 °~ a ~~~~~ ~ ~8 E50\ a$ ~ SFSQVICENTENN~P~ ROANOKE COUN'T'Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1.9 'B '9 ~ Bcauti~ul8cginning HOLLINS COLLEGE BOARD AND STAFF RETREAT JANUARY 11 - 12, 1991 FRIDAY, TANUARY 11, 1991- 1:00 P.M. ACTION AGENDA A. ROIL CALL AT 1:20 P.M. HCN ARRIVED 1~0 P.M. BLJ ARRIVED 2:00 P.M. B. REQUESTS TO ADD TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION LBE ADDED BIENNIAL ASSESSMENT RWR ADDED COST CUTTING MEASURES HCN ADDED AMUSEMENT TAX , C. REVIEW OF PRIORITIES AND RECOMII~NDATIONS SET DURING 1990 RETREAT (1/20/90 Action agenda attached) 1. Citizen Communication ECH UPDATED BOARD MEMBERS ON CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAM -CONSIDERED SUCCESSFUL. LBE -NEED BETTER RESPONSES ON TELEPHONE EXPLAINING 1 PROBLEM WITHOUT GOING INTO DETAIL - BE POSITIVE 2. Zoning Complaints SAM,LBE~CN - PLEASED WITH IlVIPROVEMENT BY STAFF IN ADDRESSING ZONING COMPIAINTS ' 3. Economic Development Progress LBE -REQUESTED REPORT ON JOYCE WAUGH'S ACTIVITIES BOARD CONSENSUS -NEED MORE REALISTIC GOAL THAN 75/25 PROGRAM FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 4. Development Review Process BOARD CONSENSUS -NEED TO IMPROVE PROCESS, I.E. ATTITUDES, RIGID ENFORCEMENT WHEN NOT NECESSARY, SIGN-OFF PROCESS. ECH -STAFF PLANS TO WORK WITH PRESIDENTS OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS TO RESOLVE PROBLEMS. D. TOPICS SUGGESTED BY BOARD MEMBERS 1. Establish strategic plan for regional cooperation and joint meetings (Steve McGraw) BOARD CONSENSUS TO CONSIDER A REGIONAL STRATEGIC MASTER PLAN, EACH GOVERNMENT SHOULD IDENTIFY ITS TOP PRIORITY. 2. Update on Grayson Commission and VACo/VML Efforts (Steve McGraw) SAM - GRAYSON CONIlVIISSION ON "HOLD". VACO/VML TASK FORCE WILL REGROUP WITH 3 MEMBERS FROM EACH GROUP. 2 3. Internal Auditor (Bob Johnson) ECH TO SURVEY OTHER I,O('ALITIES WITH INTERNAL AUDITOR FOR COSTS, POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES, AND WHO TIDY REPORT TO. 4. Leaf Collection (Bob Johnson) ECH WII.L BRING REPORT DURING BUDGET PROCESS ON OPTIONS FOR FUTURE LEAF COLLECTION. LBE ASKED FOR SURVEY ON HOW OTHER LOCALITIES HANDLE COLLECTION. 5. Landfill Board Membership (Harry Nickens) BOARD CONSENSUS TO PURSUE ADDING ANOTHER COUNTY MEMBER TO LANDFILL BOARD DUE TO COUNTY INCREASE IN POPULATION -MEMBERSHIP BASED ON POPUTATION. PMM TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. 6. Biennial Assessments (Lee Eddy) BOARD CONSENSUS TO MAKE NO CHANGE AT THIS TIlVIE STAFF TO SEND COPY TO BOARD MEMBERS OF PREVIOUS REPORT ON COSTS, ETC. FOR ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. 7. Cost Cutting Measures BOARD REQUESTED REPORT FROM DEPT. HEADS ON PROPOSED 5% CUTS TO BUDGET. OTHER SUGGESTIONS ASK EMPLOYEES FOR THEIR SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT COULD BE ELIMINATED TO SAVE COSTS. . 3 BUDGET EVERY SIX MONTHS. BEGIN PLANNING BUDGET FOR TWO FEARS SAM -DIRECTED STAFF TO DRAFT LETTER FROM HIM TO BAYES WILSON ASI~NG FOR THE SAME 5% BUDGET CUTS. BOARD CONSENSUS TO SAVE MONEY BY HAVING DINNER BROUGHT IN MORE OFTEN INSTEAD OF GOIlYG TO RESTAURANT DURING BOARD MEETINGS. 8. Amusement Tax BOARD CONSENSUS - PMM TO BRING BACK REPORT ON 1/22/91 E. UPDATE ON REDISTRICTING PLANS PMM UPDATED BOARD ON PLANS FOR 1/22 PUBLIC HEARING PMM WII.L DRAFT POLICIES, PROCEDURES FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION AND WII..L PROVIDE ALTERNATIVES REGARDING COMPOSITION OF BOARD. PMM TO RESEARCH INFO ON HOW CI~[AIRMEN ARE CHOSEN IN AND NUMBER OF BOARD MEMBERS IN OTHER LOCALITIES. F. PRELIIVIINARY BUDGET DISCUSSION DISCUSSED UNDER COST CUTTING MEASURES G. RECESS TO SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 AT 8:30 A.M. RECESS AT 535 P.M. 4 ROANOKE COUN'T'Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOLLINS COLLEGE BOARD AND STAFF RETREAT JANUARY 11 - 12, 1991 SATURDAY, TANUARY 12, 1991 - 8~0 A.M. ACTION AGENDA SAM RECONVENED AT 8:40 A.M. ALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT A. DISCUSSION OF MA,jOR PROJECTS 1. Landfill (John Hubbard) JH PRESENTED LANDFILL SCHEDULE FROM 12/90 THROUGH 2/93 JH PRESENTED RAIL SCHEDULE BLJ -NEED TO KEEP RECORDS ON ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS TO THE COUNTY FOR LANDFILL STARTUP. HCN _ FUNDS LEFT IN CURRENT LANDFILL SHOULD BE USED FOR MONITORING AND CLEANUP AFTER CLOSING. 2. Water Supply (John Hubbard, Clifford Craig) JH AND CC PRESENTED SCHEDULE ON WATER SUPPLY 3. Sewage Treatment Plant & Interceptor (Clifford Craig) 5 CC PRESENTED SCHEDULE FOR UPGRADE AND EXPANSION. BOARD CONSENSUS THIS SHOULD BE FIRST STEP IN REGIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN. RWR MOTION TO GIVE SAM AUTHORITY TO BEGIN DISCUSSIONS WITH OTHER GOVT'S REGARDING A REGIONAL AUTHORITY FOR WATER, SEWER AND LANDFILL - NO VOTE LBE SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT SAM BE AUTHORIZED TO WORK WITH THE COUN'T'Y STAFF TO COME UP WITH A PROPOSAL FOR APPROACHING OTHER LOCAL GOVT'S TO BEGIN DISCUSSIONS REGARDING- A REGIONAL AUTHORITY FOR WATER, SEWER AND LANDFILL; AND THAT THE PROPOSAL BE BROUGHT BACK TO BOARD MEMBERS FOR APPROVAL BEFORE GOING FORWARD TO OTHER LOCAL GOUTS. AYES-RWR,LBE,HCN,SAM • NAYS-BLJ 4. Zoning Ordinance (Terry Harrington) TH - 3/5 OF ORDINANCE IS WRITTEN AND 2/5 BEING ~ D BY PMM 5. Comprehensive Plan Revision (Terry Harrington) TH _ AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. PIANNING COMII~IISSION IDENTIFIED 14 AREAS TO N~~W AND STAFF CHOSE BONSACK AND BACK CREEK FOR FOCUS. MEETING WITH CITIZENS IN THOSE CO Y. WII.L ALSO CONCENTRATE IN AREA AROUND EXPLORE. ECH -STAFF, BOARD AND PLANNING COMII~HSSION SHOULD WORK TOGETHER IN SETTING UP CO MEETINGS, ETC. TO ASSURE CITIZEN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PLAN. 6 B. 1991-92 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1. Review of Staff Priorities set at January 10, 1991 Budget Kick- off Meeting. ECH PRESENTED STAFF PRIORITIES: (1) EMPLOYEES (A) CURRENT STAFF LEVEL, (B) PHASE II SALARY SURVEY, (C)HOLD BENEFIT LEVELS) (2) (A) MEET STATE MANDATES, (B) EVALCA ~ S~E~NC AND PROGRAMS FOR POTENTIAL ELIMINATION ( ) FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND PARKS, (D) VEHICLE REPLACEMENT, OFFICE SPACE UTILIZATION. (3) (A) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SEED MONEY, (B) LOOK AT FEES, TAX RATES 2. Preliminary Revenue Projections for 1991-92. ECH WILL BRING REPORT TO BOARD 3. School Budget BW AND FRANK THOMAS - (1) NEED TO COVER STATE BUDGET LOSS OF $1.8-2 MILLION; (2) $350,000 FUND FOR SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT, (3) 250,000 ROOF REPLACEMENT FiJND. (4) NO SALARY INCREASES BUT MAINTAIN PROGRAMS, (~ INCREASE COUNTY SHARE OF HEALTH CARE COSTS. BW WILL BRING BACK MORE INFO SCHOOL ON 2/12/91 HCN ASKED FOR REPORT ON 2/12/91 ON NEW CAVE SPRING HIGH ON BUSES 7 4. Discussion - Goals ECH WII.L ASK ALL DEPT. HEADS FOR 5% CUTBACK LIST LETTER WILL BE SENT TO BW FROM SAM REQUESTING 5% CUTBACK LIST FROM SCHOOLS HCN ASKED FOR REPORT FROM KC ON HOLIDAYS, ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK DAYS. 5. Establishment of 1991-92 Budget Priorities DISCUSSED UNDER OVERALL GOALS AND PRIORITIES C. ESTABLISI~I~NT OF OVERALL GOALS AND PRIORITIES FOR 1991. - TWO YFAR BUDGET ANALYSIS - REGIONAL APPROACH TO WATER, SEWER, LANDFILL - FINISH ZONING ORDINANCE - PREVENTATIVE 11~AINTENANCE - CO1NIlViUIVICATION - FISCAL PLANNING - EMERGENCY SERVICES - QUALITY SCHOOL SYSTEM D. ADJOi:fRNMENT AT 12:15 P.M. 8 ~ AN ~ F a ~ C~u~n~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~~ ~~~ ,~ ~ n~1~~ 18 ~~ 88 tE~0U1CENTEMN~'~ ~ ROANOKE COUN'T'Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOLLINS COLLEGE BOARD AND STAFF RETREAT JANUARY 11 - 12, 1991 SATURDAY. TANUARY 12, 1991 8:30 A M. ~ ~~ A- DISCUSSION OF MAJOR PROJECTS 1. Landfill (John Hubbard) 2• Water Supply (John Hubbard, Clifford Craig) 3. Sewage Treatment Plant & Interceptor (Clifford Craig) 4. Zoning Ordinance (Terry Harrington) 5. Comprehensive Plan Revision (Terry Harrington) B. 1991-92 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1. Review of Staff Priorities set at January 10, 1991 Budget Kick- off Meeting. 2. Preliminary Revenue Projections for 1991-92. 3• School Budget 4• Discussion - Goals 5• Establishment of 1991-92 Budget Priorities C• ESTABLISg11~IENT OF OVERACT, GOALS AND PRIORITIES FO 1991. R D• ADJOi:fR1vMENT LANDFILL SCHEDULE January 11, 1991 Preliminary Design December 1990 Final Design March 1991 Submittal to DWM April 1991 Authority Membership/ Final User Agreement June 1991 Construction Bids: October 1991 DWM Review and Approval December 1991 Sale of Bonds December 1991 Construction January 1992 January 1993 Operational February 1993 RAII,SCHEDULE January 11, 1991 October 1990 Preliminary Cost Estimate November 1990 Draft Contract January 1991 RCRA Approval of Memorandum of Agreement March 1991 Preliminary Design and Final Contract April 1991 Begin Land Acquisitions June 1991 Final Plans July 1991 Receive Bids and Award August 1991 Begin Construction September 1991 Complete Land Acquisition July 1992 Construction Complete SPRING HOLLOW SCHEDULE January 11, 1991 Rate Study Rate Study to Board Bid Spring Hollow Bids for Construction Due Complete Bond Sales Award Construction Contract • February 1991 Completion • March 1991 • May 1991 • June 1991 • July 1991 • July 1991 Start Construction August 1991 THE FOLLOWING IS THE SCHEDULE THAT ROANOKE COUNTY WOULD EXPECT FOR THE UPGRADE AND EXPANSION OF THE JOINT USE ROANOKE RIVER/TINKER CREEK INTERCEPTORS AND SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT January 1991 Review of the proposed new Intermunicipal Sewage Treatment Agreement by staff of Roanoke County, Botetourt County, City of Salem and Town of Vinton. By January 18, 1991 Present proposed new Intermunicipal Sewage Treatment Agreement to City of Roanoke staff for their comments. By January 22, 1991 Receive comments from City of Roanoke staff relative to agreement and negotiate terms of agreement to be presented to governing body's for their concurrence. By March 15, 1991 Municipalities state capacity and participation in the sewer upgrade projects in order to define the exact scope of the projects. By May 1, 1991 Owning Municipality contract for engineering services for the three projects. By August 1, 1991 Design of facilities complete. By July 1, 1992 Construction begin in Fall of 1992. Construction complete by Spring of 1994. "" ~F Au-~M~~ car ~ '' ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ .~ , ~a ~ as +ErOU1CEN?ENN~~~ e..~~~w~e~~~,~g ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOLLINS COELEGE BOARD AND STAFF RETREAT JANUARY 11 - 12, 1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11. 1991- 1:00 P.M. A. ROLL CALL B. REQUESTS TO ADD TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION C, ~ ~ OF PRIORITIES AND RECONIlVIENDATIONS SET DURING 1990 RETREAT (1/20/90 Action agenda attached) 1. Citizen Communication 2. Zoning Complaints 3. Economic Development Progress -c~~~'~ 4. Development Review Process ~ '~°~ D. TOPICS SUGGESTED BY BOARD MEMBERS 1. Establish strategic plan for ~ regional cooperation and joint meetings (Steve McGraw) 2. Update on Grayson Commission and VACo/VML Efforts (Steve McGraw) '~' S. Nom" 1 7 . E. Ul 3. Internal Auditor (Bob Johnson) 4. Leaf Collection (Bob Johnson) Landfill Board Membership (Harry Nickens) ti c~~P` cam'--~ - G ~ .c^.~~rr'kca"'~' 'DATE ON REDISTRICTING PLANS F. PRE Y BUDGET DISCUSSION G. RECESS TO SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 AT 8:30 A.M. -~ A N ~ F 2 9 18 '.~50.~ 88 ~ES~lJICENTENN~*~ 1 BrarN(ulBrR~nnmg C~nixn~~ of ~uttnukr BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' RETREAT JANUARY 20-21, 1990 HOLIDAY INN-TANGLEWOOD AMENDED ACTION AGENDA SATURDAY JANIIARY 20 1990 A• MYER.S-BRIGGS TEST 8:10 - 11:10 A.M. B. REVIEW OF PRIORITIES SET AT JIILY 1989 RETREAT Dealin With Citizens Au-a~~ca crrr ~ -- ~ ~~9~8~9 - REQUESTED AN AUDIT ON RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS - CONTACT BY LETTER OR PHONE CALL TO 5 OR 6 CITIZENS PER MONTH AS FOLLOWUP - SAM REQUESTED TOUGHER APPROACH TO ZONING COMPLAINTS (JUNKED CARS, ETC) - BLJ SUGGESTED CROSS-TRAINING PLANNING STAFF TO ENFORCE VIOLATIONS Communications - POLICY STATEMENTS SHOULD BE MADE ONLY BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - CONTINUE EFFORTS AT COMMUNICATION WITH CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. ROANOKE COUNTY TODAY: - LBE REQUESTED CITIZEN SURVEY ON READERSHIP - NO CONSENSUS - BOARD CONSENSUS THAT NEWSLETTERS NEEDS TO BE MORE TIMELY, INFORMATIVE AND BETTER DISTRIBUTED. - CONTENT: NEED MORE INFORMATIVE TOPICS - HOW TO APPEAL ASSESSMENTS, HOW TO APPLY FOR FREEZING OF TAXES, ARTICLES ON DEPARTMENTS AND HOW THEY SERVE THE PUBLIC; SPECIAL YEARLY ARTICLES, I.E. BUDGET ARTICLE IN MARCH, PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IN APRIL, ASSESSMENT ARTICLE IN JANUARY, SCHOOLS ARTICLE IN AUGUST - MORE INFORMATION ON UPCOMING BOARD ISSUES AND RECENT BOARD ISSUES - PRESENT BOTH SIDES OF AN ISSUE a - DISTRIBUTION: NEEDS TO BE SENT TO ALL COUNTY AREAS; CHECK ON DISTRIBUTION THROUGH READ AND SHOP Economic Develo meet - DISCUSSION ON BENEFITS OF CONTINUED SUPPORT OF REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP. - ECH TO SET UP TRIPS TO CHESTERFIELD COUNTY AND GREENSBORO AND REPORT BACK TO BOARD WITHIN 60 DAYS. - NEED TO DECIDE IF 75-25 IS A REASONABLE GOAL - WHAT IS PERCENTAGE NOW, WHAT WILL PERCENTAGE BE AFTER CONSOLIDATION IF PASSES? C. TOPICS REOTTESTED BY BOARD MEMBERS Consolidation - LBE ASKED HOW BOARD MEMBERS HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MODIFICATIONS. (DISCUSSED SUNDAY) - ECH ADVISED THAT A WORK SESSION WILL BE SET TO STUDY THE AGREEMENT Resource Authorit - ASKED STAFF TO HAVE AVAILABLE AT NEXT RESOURCE AU'T'HORITY MEETING DOCUMENTATION OF ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH BOTH LANDFILL SITES. - DIRECTED ECH TO CONTACT ROANOKE CITY CONCERNING A CONTRACT TO JOIN THE NEW LANDFILL. - ASKED FOR REPORT ON COSTS TO EXPAND RECYCLING AND A REPORT ON EXACTLY WHAT ROANOKE CITY IS DOING IN RECYCLING. WILL BRING AS PART OF BUDGET PROCESS. st~rinQ Rollow Reservoir - ECH TO SET UP WORK SESSION WITHIN 60 DAYS ON SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR - INCLUDE TAX RATE NECESSARY TO FINANCE THE RESERVOIR. HAVE INFO AVAILABLE PRIOR TO WORK SESSION. Stormwater Management - DIRECTED PMM TO LOOK INTO THE POSSIBILITY OF PURCHASING HOMES THAT ARE CONTINUOUSLY FLOODED. Police Department - LBE SUGGESTED WAITING TO GO FORWARD WITH TRANSITION UNTIL GENERAL ASSEMBLY HAS APPROVED FUNDING. Fire and Rescue 3 - DIRECTED ECH TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS ON MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH ALL NEIGHBORING LOCALITIES INCLUDING ADJACENT COUNTIES WITH AUTOMATIC RESPONSE FROM THE CLOSEST STATION. -HCN ASKED FOR REPORT ON HOW MANY TIMES ROANOKE CITY HAS COME INTO ROANOKE COUNTY ON CALLS. IItility Fees - ECH TO SET UP MEETING WITH JOHN HUBBARD, CLIFF CRAIG AND LEE EDDY TO DISCUSS AND REVIEW CONNECTION FEES. Bu-dget - BOARD CONSENSUS THAT REVENUE PROJECTIONS SHOULD BE REALISTIC AND ONLY 1$ TO 2$ VARIANCE IN PROJECTIONS AND BOARD SHOULD MAKE DECISION ON WHERE SURPLUS SHOULD GO. - Capital Improvements: ECH WILL PREPARE A LIST OF CAPITAL NEEDS TO INCLUDE AS PART OF BUDGET PROCESS. - Salaries: SAM, BLJ RECOMMENDED INCREASED SALARIES FOR ALL SCHOOL AND COUNTY EMPLOYEES. - BOARD MEMBERS ASKED FOR TURNOVER/ATTRITION RATE OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS. - RWR RECOMMENDED JOINING A PPO TO SAVE ON HEALTHCARE COSTS. - LBE RECOMMENDED STUDY OF EFFICIENCIES AND ECONOMIES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY. MADE RECOMMENDATIONS ON IMPROVING BUDGET FORMS. Su~ervisor~ -~eetinv Facilities and p rocedures - LBE PRESENTED RECOMMENDATION FOR MOVING BOARD MEMBERS TO FLOOR AND CHANGING SEATING ARRANGEMENTS FOR STAFF, PODIUM, ETC. - STAFF TO STUDY AND BRING BACK POSSIBLE DESIGN AT MINIMAL COST. - LBE SUGGESTED ROTATING SEATING AND VOTING - NO CONSENSUS - LBE REQUESTED THAT MINUTES BE BROUGHT UP TO DATE. MHA WILL MARE EFFORT TO CATCH UP WITHIN NEXT THREE MONTHS. ECH ADVISED ADDITIONAL STAFF WILL BE HIRED IF NECESSARY. - BOARD MEMBERS DIRECTED THAT FOR A 3-MONTH TRIAL PERIOD, ONLY THREE ASSISTANTS, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, CLERK, PIO, AND THOSE PRESENTING REPORTS ATTEND MEETINGS. STAFF FROM OTHER BUILDINGS MAY ATTEND IF NEEDED FOR BACKGROUND INFO, STAFF AT RCAC SHOULD NOT ATTEND BUT BE IN OFFICE ON STANDBY FOR BACKGROUND INFO D. RECESS TO SUNDAY JANiTAR 21 1990 5:09 P.M. SUNDAY. JANUARY 21 1990 4 A• RECONVENE AT 1:15 P.M. B. BUDGET DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE BUDGET SESSIONS - B~: HOW MUCH ADDITIONAL FUNDS COULD BE RAISED BY INCREASING UTILITY TAX? - RWR: HOW MUCH INCOME HAS BEEN GENERATED BY THE ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE IN TRF.ASURER~S OFFICE AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES IN COMMISSIONER OF F~EVENUE'S OFFICE - B~: HOW MUCH DOES THE SCHOOLS HAVE UNSPENT IN THEIR CAPITAL ACCOUNT. - HCN: HOW MUC$ COULD BE SAVED BY ROANORE CITY FUNDING THEIR SHARE OF THE PARRS AND RECREATION THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM? - LBE: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO FUND THE LEAg VACUIIM PROGRA1-i. - LBE AND SAM: INCLUDE BOTH AN ADDBACR AND DEPT. HEADS, I.E. WHAT COULD DEPAR CUTBACK LIST FROM PROGRAMS, PEOPLE E TMENT ~T BACK IN ORDER TO ADD ~ 4UIPMENT, ETC. - SAM: INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITIES OF CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR VARIOUS PROGRAMS, PROJECTS, I.E. PARRS AND RECREATION - BOARD: CONTINUED STUDY OF CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES WITH SCHOOLS, I.E. FINANCE, PERSONNEL, FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, ETC. PRIORITIES ESTABLISHED BY BOARD AND STAFF A. ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY 1. Landfill 2. Recycling B. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 1. Spring Hollot~ Reservoir 2. Major Maintenance 3. Asbestos 4. Drainage 5. Equipment Replacement C. BUDGET 1. Economies 2. Efficiencies 3- Employee Salaries D. ECONOMIC DEVE PMENT 5 E. EMERGENCY SERVICES 1. Police Department 2. Fire Department 3. Rescue Executive Session BLJ MOTION AT 3:05 P.M. TO DISCUSS LEGAL, CONSOLIDATION, AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO WEST COUNTY, GLENVAR AND SALEM AYES-BLT,SAM,LBE,RWR NAYS-HCN Certification of Executive Session SAM MOTION AT 3:35 P.M. - IIRC Executive Session fNot Held) HCN MOTION TO DISCUSS LEGAL, CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT - DENIED AYES-HCN,BLJ NAYS-SAM,RWR,LBE Consolidation Discussion DISCUSSION ON IMPACT OF TURNING OVER AGREEMENT TO CITIZENS COMMITTEE. DISCUSSION ON CHANGES THE GENERAL ~SEMBLY CAN OPTIONS ROANORE COIJN'I'y WOULD HAVE AT THAT TII~.MEKE AND WHAT BOARD ~ WILL SEND IN SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ON AGREEMENT THROUGH THE DICTATION EQIIIPMENT. RESPONSES WILL GO TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS. Adiournment at 4.30 p M -1_ TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Terry Harrington "~!~_ Director of Planning DATE: January A, 1991 RE: December Zonin g Inspection Report ,. 19?7 Attached is a summary of the Department's enforcement activities for December. ~ ~' ~ rt w G H CH E C H (D ~ N N ~ ~'O ~ ~ C~ ~ f D ~ N 00 fD ,., ~ ~ a "' x a ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ O '~ ~ H t O EA~O ~ ~~ N O -y~ ~ F+ '~ F-~• 1 ~ l31 W ~O O d o N• rt W W d m n~o ~' `' ~ob p a ~ , ~ rr ~y~ (D bNm ~x~ ~• o 0 H rt n D' ~ O N W ,{s W N ~ b t-+ to p ~ w to ~ H ~ K H ~ , dam, ,,, ~ o ~ N ~„~ ~,,,, ~a p N 1p 0 b ~, N ~~O d ~~, s W d y N 7~ H H ~ d ~° ~ z b ~ ~ b ~ ~ x ~ H H N O a ~ x o O O H x H x 00 ~ ~p 'p A .1 rn w ,p p oo G ~ ~:,, W. U. "ISerrv" Grav / Richmond County Stcwen A. McGraw Ann L. Hess Pstanoke County Montgomery County .mow Yf -~idmr frartary-~ Kathleen K. Seefeldt F. Virgil Sampson. Jr. Prince \\llliam County Scott County Martha V. Pennino Fairfax County _~ ~1 of favJV- -y0/ ~ ~ vim, , ~,J, ~~ ~"~ r~~~. ~J~~ Rty' (M. 1Rpm....ai:.K N'dliam F:. Bclvin Gloucester County IRpy:. 7,.H. JR.pr~r.~..mn:.~ k+hn.l. Purcell Louisa Cuunty l lame C. U+n[cI Chc~certicld County \nthonv P. \lchfoud Henrico County Man~in \P, Scutt Prince Edward Coun[v f'c¢gr H. \Vllev Grecnscdlc County fRpy: .~:..~ 'R.p..rR~.ri,.n,.r J. >tichacl Davidson Campbell County fRry;.... •IL FRS n.~or:..r (Jrange Cuunty Edwin C. King Prince N'dtiam County John M. tarter Stafford County fRfyw. iYYb< <R°aiKr F:Ilen M. Hozman Arlington County Katherine K. 1lanlev Fairfax County Gem• \S'. Hyland Fairfax County Audrey Moore Fairfax County Mary Margaret \Vhipple Arlington Counq~ 'R i ~.,~ fR p..~.~.r~ n.,r.. A. R. "Pete" Dunning. Jr. Clarke County t{arper K. Wagner Rath County ,Rfy~~. ~ ~ ~. Girardus G. ° us" Forry Franklin County Wanda C."\\endy" Wingo ftotetourt County sR,y~~ tr .,.r rv p+r r~a.K Mason A. Vauq ah n. Sr. Pulaski County 1RSy:wr .~•~/ FR pv+.r ~u~:..r.. lVdham 11. il. Blcvins Smv[h Counh~ G. Fred Dotson 1Vise Counn~ Jack U F:d,+'ards .lamas Cm~ Cuunn~ IiamG. King Prince Gc iree Counts .4'mr..e/ C+..u..d C 1-lippo I licks r CONNECTING COUNTY GOVERNb1ENTS SINCE 193 1001 East Broad Street. Suite LL`20 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 788-662 Fax: (804) 788-0083 TO: Members of VML/VACo Task Force FROM: James D. Campbell, Executive Director RE: Calendar for Future Task Force Meetings/Minutes from December 14 Meeting While each of us have our new calendars in hand I wanted to indicate the agreed upon future meetings schedule for the Task Force • Thursday, January 17, 1991, 10:30 a.m., Richmond • ; Thursday, February 21, 1991, 10:30 a.m., Richmond • Friday and Saturday, March 15/16, 1991, 12 noon, Roanoke area • Thursday, May 9, 1991, 10:00 a.m., Charlottesville Also, enclosed are the minutes from the December 14 meeting in Charlottesville. Thanks again for your willingness to serve the Association in this important capacity. Best wishes for a memorable holiday season. VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES p _ 4-y ,~ LUNCHEON MENU a SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE tAW ON A LETTUCl: BED ~,r.-. - - .___._ 'HREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO ~"-,- -.., COLE SLAW --~,_ POTATO CHIPS ~~. LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSEf~T, AND IGE OR COFFEE Si~na:ur~ RETURN TO MARY p~N NY TUESDAY 18191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE ;CLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1 8 91 LONDON B OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS ~ COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED IEE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS " UNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE R COFFEE ., ~, __ Signature ETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/891 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LO N BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE -~ BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE j" i r /' ;, Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/891 r ~ t DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 199 HOLLINS COLLEGE ~ ~~~ ~~ CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES ____ _ ,. FILET MIGNO BE13L~IAlS~ GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BR W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES ,--1 RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 'ham Sqy~ _~~ ~ ~_ .,, ~ - - DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ,~ ENTREES ~ ~~;~~ ~ (? `~ ~'~~r FI ET MIGNON ERNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON BERNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES .~ ~ J Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1 8 91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES LET MIGNON B~RNAI GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Si ture RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 s~ ~ ~- ~. DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON BERNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES ~, Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 ~• r, LUNCHEON MENU ~, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1 /8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 ::~ - - LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED , . - THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE _ ~a ~ .~~-'~ Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 ~ \ LONDON BROIL OF BEEF N TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CI-tIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 . _.. _ - 1: ,~- LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAU~~-~~~.,,,,,~~ BROCCOLI SPEARS ,, COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED .~.. REE DECIC~R ,~- E,Y, SW~S CHEESE, BACON, AT7'9~CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE 'gnature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 ,~.., ,~ k .e, ~~. LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 NDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO Ch~IPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED ~~ THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE CCOLI SPEARS ~. COLE LAW N A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE `,- /-~ f i=--~- ,' \ , ignaturq RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1 8 91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAMOMATOEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ,QGt y~ .s ~~~ ~S o ~1 Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 IL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED , THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ~/~~ ,~ ~'~ o m ~ Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN .- ,~,1-- ~ ~f ~ ~~ DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON B~RNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES S~eyz ~Y]~Cr~~~> Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON B~RNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES !V L~ Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1 8 91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FIL~T__MIGNON BERNAISE ;` GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Signat re ~ RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 ti LUNCHEON MENU / o SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 f HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, LETTUCE AND TOMATO ~''~----~..__._ COLE SLAW ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE S' nature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE 7 -~ ~~ ~ C_ ~ J-~g C.U Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8 91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED ~.._~ ,._ . _ ._ ----- - -------- --------------- THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO / COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE ._._ ---~ TEA OR COFFEE ,~~'°~ ~..~: _ ._ C.~ ~ _.--~-- - _-__-- F RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUES~AY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ~ 1M~. Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE ON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE LOND BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED //~ CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, -TREE DECKER LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CH ~ ~ EONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE p .LUNCH . OR COFFEE 1~Z~ Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE 1 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON`; THREE. DECKERCLUB SANDWt~u~ {TH HAM, TO _~tt P . l~T~t.H1PE- ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ~. Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE ~- M~~~ A ~~: ~KRy 1 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED - -- THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE . °~:_„~ Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 b~ LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ---- ~ _ Signature ___ .~,......_.~__~_..~..~~.. RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ~~~~ Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 ., r ,~ --~ ~_. LUNCHEON MENU ~'~~ ~' ~-~J ~ n ~~~ SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE ~ /~ ~'' CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1 8 91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED ~ [ ~ ~~, t~~ HREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, ~' LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS "".L LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE .A OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE 1 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS AI ' LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE ~, OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8191 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE ignature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 Ask Paul Mahoney if he would be prepared to discuss how Roanoke County might get an additional member on the Roanoke Regional Landfill Board. Particularly, my question will focus on change in population in the County and City as it relates to membership. I would like to be able to discuss this at our retreat over the weekend. Thank you. Harry Nickens 1/10/91 by dictaphone ec : ~`11~ l~- MENUS NOLLIHS COIIEGE DINING ROOM 362-6282 ROOM AhIQ FOOD ~RRAh1GEMEhITS Facilities for events are to be reserved through the Scheduling Caarindator 1362-6390, located an the third floor of the Moody Center. Reservations are to be made at least two weeks in advance of the f uncti an. ~. If faad services are required, call ar visit the Catering Manager's office x`362-6282- Moody Center Lobby} to arrange menus and service details. 3. The final guest number or food quantity must dateuomthe fun~tionGatering t~lanager na 1 ater than seven days pn or to the 4. Flowers, candies or other decorations are not included in the stated prices but can be provided at additional charge. 5 All can~:ellatians of functions must be made at least four days prior to the scheduled date of the function. Cancellation of parties for which preparation has started will result in a charge far faad and lobar expenses incurred to the time of cancellation. i~. ~, credit will be given for Hollins College students t:dinners $3.00, luncheons $2.00) attending a banquet in lieu of the regular boarding meal. The person making banquet arrangements will be responsible far informing the Catering Manager prior to the banquet haw many students will be in attendance. Credit will be allowed only for functions of twenty ar mare guests. f. ~, $25.00 charge is added to billings for luncheons and dinners where fewer than twenty guests are present. 8. The normal service time for a luncheon ar dinner has been determined to be two and one-half hours. A room use and labor charge will be made far functions exceeding the two and one-half hour service time. 9. X11 functions requiring food services will be catered by the Hollins College Food Service Department unless this requirement is waived. ~?aom use charges for occasions where food services are not required will be made per an established room rental schedule. Room use r_harges are waived for luncheons and dinners where more than 40 guests are served. 1 FACILITIES THE MOODY CENTER Goodwin Dining Raom "lain Dining Roam: Ballator Gallery: Alumnae Lounge: Janney Lounge: Rathskeller: Forest of Arden: Served Meals to 651Buffet Meals to 70 Served Meals or Buffets to 4001Receptions to 500 Serviced Meals or Buffets to 100/Receptions to 250 Served Meals to 14fReceptions to 20 Served Meals to 21/Receptions to 50 Informal Buffets to 150/Dances to 200 Picnics and Outdoor Receptions THE GREEN DRAWING ROOM {Main Building): Receptions to 300 BEALE MEMORIAL GARDEN (Adjacent to Dupont Chapel: Outdoor Receptions to 300 SQa~LET COh1TEhITS Page Page Page Pages Page Pages Page Page Pages Pages Page Page Page 1 Banking information 2 Facilities 3 Receptions and Coffee Breaks 4 ~ 5 Hors D'oeuvres b Breakfasts 7 ~ 8 Luncheons g Served Dinners 10 Buffet Dinners ] 1 & 12 Vegetable, Salad and Dessert Selections 13 ~ 14 Bar Service, Wine Lists, Beer Selections 15 Picnics 16 Deli Sandwiches and Party Trays 17 Snack Foods Z RECEPTIahI SERt11CE PASTRIES, COOKIES AND SHEETCAKES French or Blueberry Crumbcakes $ 6.50 per dozen Glazed, Cinnamon or Filled Doughnuts 4.50 per dozen Warm Haneybuns 6.50 per dozen Apple-Strawberry ar Raspberry Danish 6.50 per dozen Mini-Bagels with Flavored Cream Cheese 6.75 per dozen Homemade Blueberry Muffins 6.75 per dozen Mini-Doughnuts (Cinnamon ar Assarted7 x.00 per dazes French Rolls with Butter 5.75 per dozen Mini-Croissants with Strawberry Jam 6.75 per dozen Cinnamon Toast Strips 6.00 per order French Party Cookie Assortment 14.00 per tray Pepperi dge Farm Gooki a Assortment 17.75 per tray Bulk Gaakie kssortment (360 county 27.50 per box Petit Fours .3.60 per dozen iced Sheet Cakes 25.00 per sheet with additional decoration 30.00 per sheet Chocolate Brownies 35.00 per sheet BEVERAGES Coffee (Regular ar Decaffinated) Hat ar iced Tea with Lemon Slices or Warm Russian Tea Hat or Gald Apple Cider Lemonade Hot Chocolate Sherbet Punch with Gingerale (Lime, Orange, Raspberry Orange Blossom Citrus Punch All above beverages seventy-five cents per serving Champagne Punch 30.00 per gallon Assorted Fruit Juices 1.00 per serving Soft Drinks .75 per serving Quibeli Mater, Sundance, N.Y. Seltzer, Evian Water .95 per serving Sparkling Grape Juice (25 ounces) 4.00 per bottle 3 HORS D'OEUVRES HOT HORS D'OEUVRES Cheese Puf f s ar Straws Miniature Quiche Lorraine Cocktail Franks in Puff Pastry Ham Biscuits (Smithfield or Baked Smoked Hams Beef Tips in Wine Sauce Smoked Cocktail Franks in Barbecue Sauce Chinese Egg Rolls with Duck Sauce Meat Balls in Brawn Sauce Broiled Mushroom Caps filled with Spinach, Crab ar Sausage Chicken Livers ar Chicken Breast Chunks wrapped in Bacon Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce Assorted Hat Puff Pastry Hors D'oeuvres Puff Pastry Triangles with Feta Cheese or Spinach Mini Chicken Kabobs Petite Pastry Shells filled with Chicken, Crab, Mushroom or Shrimp Pate Deep Fried Mozzarella Sticks with Marinate Dipping Sauce Mini Burritos or Tacos with Salsa $45.00 per One Hundred minimum 50 of any item} VEGETABLES Fresh Vegetable Tray of Broccoli, Celery, Carrots, Radishes, Cauliflower and Mushrooms with Dip $22.00 per tray Marinated ~a'hale Mushrooms $20.00 per tray Celery Sticks or Snow Peas filled with Herb Cream Cheese ar Port Wine Cheese $30.00 per One Hundred minimum 50} FINGER SANDWICHES Chicken Soled with Toasted Almonds or with Pineapple and Grape Date Nut Bread with Cream Cheese Tuna Salad Cream Cheese with Green Olives, Pimento or Orange Marmalade Ham Spread Egg Salad Cucumber $30.00 per One Hundred minimum 50 of any item) 4 HORS D'OEUVRES CAPdAPES ,,~Uked Oyster ar Clams and Cream Chasse on Toast Rounds Cucumber and Fruit Delights on Pumpernickie Rounds Chutney and Bacon an Toast Rounds $30.00 per One Hundred minimum of 50 of any item Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese on Toasted Mini-Bagels $45.00 per One Hundred tminimum of 50) ~_HEESES Whole Baby Swiss, Edam, Gouda or Cheddar Cheese with Crackers end Seedless Grapes $30.00 Per wheel Cheese Log Rolled in Chopped Walnuts and Served with Party Rye Bread and Crackers $23.75 per 1 og Warm Brie Cheese Wheel Topped with Pecans end Served with Whale Wheat Crackers $19.75 per wheel Creamed Sharp or Port Wine Cheese served in a Crock with Party Rye and Crackers $12.00 per crock FRUITS Bite-size pieces of Fresh Melon, Whole Strawberries, Seedless Grapes, Orange Sections and Pineapple Ghunks served with a Dip Small platter $19.50 Large platter $29.50 Frosted Seedless Thompson or Tokey Grapes $3.25 Per pound Fruit Kabobs of Melon, Grapes, Pineapple Chunks end Strawberries $35.00 per One Hundred minimum 50~ Chocolate Glazed Whole Strawberries {Choice of Dark ar Whited $41.00 per One Hundred f minimum 140) DE~IILED EGGS Plain or Blended with Parmesan Cheese, Diced Bacon or Herbs $22.00 per One Hundred ~rrtinimum 50) SEAFOOD Smoked Boneless Salmon Side with Party Bread Slices, Crackers end Lemon S1 i ces $15.00 per pound Whole Poached Salmon garnished with Assorted Crackers and Lemon Slices end served with Hollandaise Sauce $6.75 per pound Iced Jumbo Gulf Shrimp with Cocktail Sauce and Lemon Slices $95.00 per One Hundred Pieces (minimum 100} 5 BREAKFAST ME~lUS 1. Assorted Chilled Juices, Warm Apple-Raspberry Danish, Miniature Cinnamon Doughnuts, Mini-Bagels filled with Strawberry Cream Gheese, Coffee, Decaf f i Hated Coffee, Hot Tea. $3.25 per person 2. Assorted Chilled Juices, Fresh Fruit Cup or Melon Wedge, Croissants, Warm Cheese and Apple Danish, Strawberry Jam, $3 75 peo persone- caffinated Coffee, Hot Tea. 3. Assorted Chilled Juices Fluffy Bmelettes: Chaise of one -Spanish, Mushroom, Cheese, Western or Plain French Toast Sticks with Maple Syrup Choice of one Breakfast Meat: Crisp Bacon Strips, Sausage Patties or Sausage Links Miniature English Muffins with Butter and Jam Goffee, Decaffinated Coffee, Hot Tea $4.517 per person 6 LUNCHEOM~ Served luncheons include an appetizer of Chilled Cranberry or ~fegetable Juice, Soup of the Day or Fruit Cup; dessert of Ice Cream Par fait or Sherbet with Pepperidge Farm Cookies; and Iced Tea and Coffee. All served luncheons are $6.50 per person. Sliced Fresh Fruits on Crisp Greens served with Cottage Cheese and Cucumber Finger Sandwiches. Served with Yogurt or Raspberry Poppy Seed Dressing. Centel oupe Hai f f i 11 ed with Seafood Salad, Date hiut Bread with Cream Cheese, Peach Half with Apple Butter, Crackers , Tomato Slices and Hard Boiled Egg Slices. Tender Chunks of Chicken Breast tossed with Apples, Sliced Red Grapes, ~'$lnuts and Mayonnaise arranged on Crisp Spinach Leaves. Served with Cheese +~edges, Melon Slices and Bread Sticks. ~~lhole ripe Tomato stuffed with your choice of Chicken, Shrimp or Tuna Salad; Marinated ~egetabl es, Cheese Sticks, Fresh Grapes and Bremner ~ntaf ers. Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast with Pan Fried Fresh vegetables, Spinach Noodles with Pesto Sauce and Cole Slaw. Chicken, Mushroom and Spinach Crepe with Hollandaise Sauce. Asparagus Spears and Lettuce and Tomato Salad with Dressings. Three Decker Club Sandwich with Ham, Turkey, Swiss Cheese, Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato. Served with Cole Slaw and Potato Chips. London Broil of Beef on Toast Points with Mushroom Sauce. Broccoli Spears and Cole S1 aw on a Lettuce Bed. Breast of Turkey ,Crisp Bacon and Tomato Slices on a Toasted Cheddar Muffin covered with ~lelsh Rarebit. Served with Cole Slaw. Quiche Lorraine or Broccoli-Cheddar quiche, Grilled Breaded Tomato Slices and Tossed Salad with Dressings. 7 LUNCHEONS (Continued Chef Salad of Fresh Salad Greens; Julienne Strips of Smoked Ham ,Chicken and Cheeses; Tiny Shrimp; Fresh Vegetables; Egg Quarters, and Crumbled Bacon. Served with Crackers and choice of Dressings. Assorted Miniature Sandwiches served with Potato, Fruit and Pasta Salads. KETTLE OF HOMEMADE SOUP AND MAKE-YOUR-OWN SALAD BAR: Crisp Tossed Mixed Greens Ten Tappings Four Salad Dressings Melon Slices and Berries Cheese Bread Sticks and Assorted Crackers ice Cream Parfait or Cheesecake Tartlett Iced Tea and Coffee g SER~E~ ~ iiwifdERS ~t'PE I I LEkS r r~.ai t Cup of Peaches, Gropes and Melon Ball s Chilled Vegetable Juice wfLeman ~tedge Chilled Cranberry Juice wlLime ~tedge French Onion Soup Parmesan Homemade New England Clam Chowder, Vegetable ar Cream of Brocr_ali Soup or Gazpacha Fresh Honeydew or Gontoloupe with Berries Shrimp Cocktail or Baked Stuffed Clams x$5.00 a_xtra) BEEF Filet Mignon Bernaise ~ Ounces $ 10.00 6 Ounces 12.50 Petite Filet Mignon and Stuffed Shrimp 12.75 Landon Braii of Beef w/Mushroom dine Sauce 8.00 Flank Steak wlHerb dressing 8.00 Prime Rib of Beef au jus 10'75 Beef Stroganoff w/Spiral Noodles 7.50 Shishkabab of Beef f.75 POULTRY Pon Fried Breast of Chicken Topped w~Mozzarella Cheese and Mariners Sauce 8.00 Boneless Breast of Chicken Kies 8.00 Boneless Breast of Chicken Stuffed wlBroccoli & Cheese B.00 Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast w~'Stir-Fried Vegetables 8.75 Chicken Breast Marsala souteed wlFresh Mushrooms $-75 Boneless Breast of Chicken Stuffed wlApples & ~-lmonds 9.54 Roast Garnish Hen Stuffed w/Raisin Rice Dressing 5.75 SEAFOOD Grilled Shrimp and Scallops wlSnaw Peas & Red Pepper 9.95 Scollop and Grabmeat Crepe w/Newburgh Sauce ~-25 Grilled Swordfish Steak wlHerb Butter 8.95 Grilled Salmon Steak wlHollandaise Sauce B.95 Pan Fried Farm Raised Catfish 7.75 9 BUFFET i}INh1ERS 3uffet Dinners include an appetizer, Two Entrees: Three Vegetables, Three Salads, Breads, Dessert and Beverages minimum 35 people) $1 O.St~ per person. Choose one entree from each group: GRQL-P 1 i_ondon Broil of Beef in Mushroom Wine Sauce Flank Steak Stuffed with Herb Dressing Braised Beef Tips with Fresh Mushrooms Beef Shishkebob aver Rice Pilaf Brar_r_.ol i and Cheese Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breast Banele~:s Breast of Chicken Kiev Style Grilled Chicken Breast with Grilled Fresh Vegetables Whole Poached Salmon with Lemon and Tarragon Butter Steamed Shrimp in the Shell with Cocktail Sauce GROUP 2 Seafood Newburgh ar Seafaad Create E-riental Stir-Fried Chicken i~ven Fried Chicken Pieces King's arms Tavern Chicken Pat Pie Chewnings Tavern Welsh Rarebit with English Muffins Hanauer Tavern Shrimp Salad ~~wedish Meat Balls in s Brawn Sauce Eggplant Parmesan Manicotti in Mariners Sauce Braccal i Cheese Casseral e Ratatouille ENTREES GaRVED TQ QRDER Includes ane entree f ram Group 2 above. $12.50 per guest. Whole Steamship Round of Beef Roast Prime Rib of Beef vegetable, Salad and Dessert selections fallow an pages 1 1 and 12. 10 ~1EGETABLES Buffet Dinners Include Three SelectianslServed Dinners Two Cut Green Beans with Sliced Dried Tomatoes and Onion French Style Green Beans with Toasted Almonds Broccoli Spears with Hollandaise Sauce Green Peas and Sliced Sauteed Fresh Mushrooms Stuffed 1te11 ow Squash Au Gratin Apples with Melted Cheese Candied Whole Baby Carrots with Walnuts Southern Breaded Tomatoes Corn Pudding Williamsburg Squash Stir-fried Fresh Julienne Vegetables Au Gratin Potatoes Hot German Potato Salad Deep Fried I~ew Potatoes with Herb Butter Baked Potato with Sour Cream and Chives Fluffy White Rice, Long Grain and Wild Rice, Rice Florentine Cheese Stuffed Potatoes SALADS Buffet Dinners include Three SelectionslServed Dinners One Fresh Tossed Greens with Dressings Dreamy Cole Slaw Seven Layer Salad Three Bean Salad Pasta Salad Fruit Salad Deviled Egg Halves Cottage Cheese and Fruit Molded Gelatin Salad with Shredded Vegetables Assorted Crisp Vegetables Marinated Steamed Vegetables 11 DESSERTS Please make one selection. Ice Cream Parfaits: Chocolate /StrawberrylGreme de MenthetCreme de CacoafChocolate Peppermint ~authern Pecan Pie Warm Cherry ,Apple or Peach Cobbler with Vanilla Ice Gream Sliced Fresh Fruits with Leman or Raspberry Sherbet 'Warm Apple Pie a la Mode or with Melted Cheese French Chocolate or Strawberry Mousse Raspberry, Lime or Orange Sherbet with Pepperidge Farm Cookies Chocolater Eclairs Creamy Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce or Cherries Fresh Strawberry Custard Tartlett Dessert Selection Table (Three Dessert Choices) $2.00 per person extra. 12 BAR SER~t I CE Bar Seri°ice is provided for cocktail parties at a charge of $1.75 per guest for the first one and one-hal f hours of service. An additional charge for materials will be made after the initial 1 1!2 hours of service. Bsr service includes the following items: Cocktail Napkins Sodas and water Bloody Mary Mix and Orange Juice Cubed Ice Lemon and Lime Slices Tablecovers Glasses Hollins Gollege is licensed by the 4'irginia ABC Board to sell beer and wine. A provision of this license permits party guests to bring liquors far their enjoyment to the function. Liquors, however, cannot be resold to guests nor can they be provided by the College. Groups wishing to sell or otherwise dispense liquors may obtain a one day Banquet License from the ABG Board for that purpose. Professional bartenders can be provided to service cocktail bars at a charge of $5.00 per bartender far the first one and one-half hours of service. One bartender per 75 guests is suggested. t~f INES AND BEER A representative selection of wines, sherry, champagne and beers is available to service cocktail parties, luncheons and dinners. Ail of these beverages must be purchased from Hollins College when required at such functions. Consult the wine and beer lists for selections and pricing. 13 V~iNE SUGGESTIONS White Mines: 50 $ 9 Dne and One-half Liter House Wine . Robert Mondavi White Table Mine 10.25 Glen Elien Chardonnay 1 1.00 Blush Wines: Sebastiani White Zinfandel {1.5L~ 14-x5 Beringer White Cabernet 1 1.75 Sherry: Duff Gordon Club Dry Amontillado 14.5D Taylor Paie Dry 7.25 Red Wines: 25 1 1 Almaden Zinfandel (1.5L) . Sutter Hame Cabernet Sauvignon 9.75 Robert Mondavi Red Table Wine 14.00 Champagnes: 8.50 LeDomaine 50 6 J. Roget . 9.75 Caak's BEER KEG BEER: Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller, Miller Light $57.00 per Half $37.00 per Quarter Milwaukee Best $41.00 Balling Rock $45.00 per Half Deposits are not required far taps, kegs and tubs. The cost of equipment not returned, however, will be added to the bill. Ne charge for ice. Twelve ounce cups may be purchased at a cost of $3.00 per 100. CANNED AND BOTTLED BEER: Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller, Miller Lite, Rolling Rock - $1.00 per bottle. Lowenbrau, Becks - 1.50 per bottle. Student parties held on campus or at the College Apartments involving the serving of alcoholic beverages are subject to the regulations of the party contract issued by the Office of the Dean of Student Services. Beer can be ordered from Food Services only if a copy of that contract is presented when ordering . Alternative, non-alcoholic, beverages must be offered at parties where beer is being served. 14 P IChI ICS Picnics will be delivered and set-up anywhere an campus far groups of 34 ar mare guests- Foodstuffs far picnics held off campus must be picked up at the Maady Center. The per person charge for picnics is $5.(~d; Hollins students receive a $3.5D per person credit. Prices include all paper goods and condiments; a grill will be provided if needed. ENTREES iSelect One}: Hamburgers ~ Hot Dogs wlBuns Southern Fried or Oven Fried Chicken Barbecued Chicken Quarter Pound Hamburgers wlBuns Barbecued Spareribs Assorted Caid Cuts and Cheeses !Breads SALADS iSelect Two}: Crisp Greens with Dressings Macaroni ar Pasta Salad Seven Layer Salad Asst. Crisp Fresh Vegetables Creamy Cole Slaw Potato Salad Sliced Tomatoes and Lettuce Leaves Fruit Salad HOT VEGETABLES iSelect One}: Boston Baked Beans Macaroni and Cheese Corn on the Cab Potato Chips Baked Potato wlSaur Cream Hot German Potato Salad DESSERTS iSelect One}: i~atermelon tin season) Chocolate Brawnier cupcakes Cantaloupe & Honeydew fledges Tinker Gake Apples ,Bananas and Grapes BEVERAGES iSelect One}: Iced Tea Assorted Soft Drinks Lemonade Apple Cider BOk LUNCH PICNICS.... Oven Fried Chicken Breast or Turkey and Swiss Cheese Pita Sandwich/Fruit SaladlCole S1awlPotato Salad or Chips/Beverage. 15 DELICATESSEhI TRAYS AID SA~ID~ICHES CHEESE AND MEAT BUFFET TRAY -- Ham, Corned Beef Round, Turkey Breast; Swiss, iuenster end Gouda Cheese Slices. Serves 25 .... $45.00 COMBItVATiON BUFFET TRAY -- Ham, Turkey: Swiss, Potato Seled: Three Been Sel ed, and Cale Slaw. Serves 15 .... $28.00 The above deli treys include a selection of Rye, Pumpernickle, end 100 Whale Wheet Breads end Onion Bagels. CHEESE APPETIZER TRAY -- Bite-sire pieces of Gaude, Baby Swiss, Muenster, Sharp end Colby Cheeses. Served with crackers and grapes. Serves 50 .... $32.00 FULL-SIZE SANDWICHES of Roest Beef, Turkey, end Ham and Swiss Cheese on Rye and Pite Breeds. Cole Slaw end Dill Pickle Spears. far 25 .... $47.00 FINGER SANDWICHES of Pimento Cheese, Chicken Salad and Tuna Fish made with white and whdle wheat breeds. Potato Chips end Deviled Egg Haives_ for 25 .... $45.00 STUFFED PITA POCKETS of Turkey Breast, Smoked Hem, Swiss Gheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Sprouts. Potato Ghips and Cole Slew. for 25 .... $55.00 FIVE-FOOT HOAGIE SANDWICH Stuffed with Turkey, Hem, Selami, Bologna, Provolone. Tomato, Lettuce, Onion, Pepper Rings. $49.75 is ~~~~~~ NUTS AND CANDIES_ Chocolate Cream Mints $ 4.5C~ per pound ~;ndes Chocolate Mints 8.~~;:F per 1t~0 pc. Mixed Nuts 5.75 per pound ~~ry Roasted Peanuts '.25 per pound Geasoned Walnut Haloes 5.~7~? per pound Gmoked Almonds S.I~U per pound Cheese Wafers with Walnut Centers ?5.0±~ per 1~?~? pc. Gotato !hips ~.OC~ per pound Pretzels or Pretzel Gems ?.~~~ per pound s ortilla Chips with Uips .75 per guest Popcorn .5~~ per guest '~nacE~ Mi:! 3.5~ per pound yce Cream sundaes - Bulk ice Dream of your choice ~~f fla«ors, chocolate and butterscotch tapping, r_:hopped peanuts .85 per guest ~~:tra Large M~{M or Chocolate Chip Cookies 7.00 per dozen 17 H p L L I N S Admissions ONice in Main Building (19) 1 Art Annex (gallery) 2 Barbee House (faculty and guest residence) 3 Botetourt Hall (information office, dance and sculpture studios, security office) 4 Bradley Hall (Talmadge Recital Hall) _ 5 Carvin House (alumnae and development offices) 6 Cocke Memorial Building (offices of pres- ident, dean, registrar, and treasurer) 7 Dana Science Building 8 Duchouquet Cottage (faculty residence) 9 duPont Chapel 10 East Building (student residence) 11 Eastnor (faculty residence) 12 Faculty Row (faculty residences) 13 Fishburn Library 14 French House (student residence) 15 Greenhouse 16 Parsonage and Hill Building 17 Infirmary 18 Theatre 19 Main Building (admissions and financial aid offices, student residence, Green Drawing Room) 20 Malvern Hill (faculty residence) 21 The Moody Center (Ballator Gallery, bookshop, dining room, Rathskeller, snack bar, student life offices, and Younts Museum) 22 Pleasants Hall (classrooms and faculty offices) 23 Power Plant 24 President's House 25 Presser Hall (music department) 26 Randolph Hall (student residence) 27 Rathhaus (adult studies) 28 Robbie Hunt Burton Alumnae Cottage 29 Rose Hill-(Career Counseling Center) 30 Sandusky (student residence) 31 Starkie House (student residence) 32 Taylce Gymnasium 33 Northen Swimming Center 34 Tinker House (student residence) 35 Turner Hall (modern languages) 36 West Building (writing center, student residence) M E M O R A N D U M TO: Don Myers John Chambliss John Hubbard Keith Cook Tim Gubala ' Clifford Craig Reta Busher Diane Hyatt Anne Marie Green Terry Harrington John Cease Tommy Fuqua Dr. Bayes Wilson, Roanoke County Schools Frank Thomas, Roanoke County School Board FROM: Mary H. Allen `~'L-hQ~ Clerk to the Board DATE: January 8, 1991 SUBJECT: Agenda Retreat - January 12, 1991 Attached i.s a draft copy of the Agenda for the Saturday session of the Board/Staff Retreat on January 12, 1991. The session will begin at 8:30 a.m. in Moody Hall at Hollins College and will last through lunch. Dr. Wilson and Frank Thomas from the Schools will join us at 11:00 a.m. M E M O R A N D II M TO: Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Steve McGraw Harry Nickens Dick Robers Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney FROM: Mary Allen ~L~/ DATE: January 4, 1991 SUBJECT: Board Retreat January 11-12, 1991 The Board Retreat plans have been finalized as follows: Friday January 11 1991• 1.00 p m through Dinner Hollins College Moody Hall Attending will be the five board members, the County Administrator, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. Attached is a dinner menu. Please fill out your choices and return to me by Tuesday, January s, 1991. Saturday January 12 1991• 8.30 a m through_Lunch Hollins College Moody Hall Attending will be the five board members, County Administrator, County Attorney, Clerk to the Board and key County staff. Dr. Bayes Wilson and Frank Thomas from Schools will join us at 11:00 a.m. and have been invited to stay for lunch. Attached is the luncheon menu. Please fill out your choice and return to me by Tuesday, January 8, 1991. A draft agenda will be available for you on Tuesday, January 8. If you have any questions, please contact me. LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1 8 91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST SPEARSWITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAMOMATOEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND T COLE SLAW POTATO CI-tIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON BERNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Don Myers John Chambliss John Hubbard Keith Cook Tim Gubala Reta Busher Diane Hyatt Anne Marie Green Clifford Craig Terry Harrington John Cease Tommy Fuqua FROM: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board DATE: January 4, 1991 SUBJECT: Board of Supervisors Retreat January 11-12, 1991 The Board of Supervisors Retreat has been scheduled for January 11- 12, 1991 in Moody Hall at Hollins College. The Board members will meet on Friday afternoon. Each of you has been invited to attend on Saturday, January 12. The session will begin at 8:30 a.m. and last through lunch. Dr. Bayes Wilson and Frank Thomas from the Schools have been invited to attend at 11:00 a.m. and join us for lunch. Attached is a luncheon menu. Please make your choice and return to me by Tuesday, January 8, 1991. If you are unable to attend on Saturday, please let me know. A draft agenda will be sent to you early next week. CC: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Dr. Bayes Wilson, School Superintendent Frank Thomas, Chairman, School Board LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE LAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/891 AN ~ F p ~u-~t~~a crrr ~~~n~ u~ ~~~tnuk~e ~ ' ' ~ 18 ~ 88 ~ tE~QU1CENTEMN~'~ ~ . L~ . Q ~ Bt~w~~lBtjp~wug j V M E M O R A N D U M TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ' DATE: December 13, 1990 ~ ;~,,. SUBJECT: Board Retreat Reservations have been made at Hollins College in the Moody Center for the Board of Supervisors annual retreat as follows: Friday, January 11, 1990: 1:00 p.m. - ~~ The retreat will begin at 1:00 n.m. and will continue through the evening. Dinner will be served, and the Board may adjourn whenever they desire following dinner. Attending will be the Board members, County Administrator, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. Saturday, January 12, 1990: 8:30 a m - ~~ The retreat will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will continue through the afternoon. Lunch will be served, and•the retreat will be adjourned whenever discussions are completed. Attending will be the Board members, County Administrator, County Attorney, Clerk to the Board and the following staff: Don Myers, John Chambliss, John Hubbard, Keith Cook, Tim Gubala, Reta Busher, Diane Hyatt, Anne Marie Green, Clifford Craig and Terry Harrington. Please mark your calendars. The agenda will be developed and further information will be available in early January. CC: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Paul Mahoney, County Attorney AN a ~ 2 A ~8 ~ 88 +E~DUICENTEHN~~'~ ~ B~~~n/rlBt~~e~eg (~nunfJ of ~nttnnke ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOLLINS COI:LEGE BOARD AND STAFF RETREAT JANUARY 11 - 12, 1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991- 1:00 P.M. A. ADDITION OF TOPICS SUGGESTID BY BOARD MEMBERS au-aM~~ca cmr i ~~ i ~~9~8~9 B. REVIEW OF PRIORITIES AND RECOMIIUENDATIONS SET DURING 1990 REI'RF.AT (1/20/90 Action agenda attached) 1. Citizen Communication 2. Zoning Complaints 3. Economic Development Progress 4. Development Review Process C. ESTABLISH STRATEGIC PLAN FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION AND JOINT MEETTIl~TGS D. UPDATE ON REDISTRICTING PLANS E. UPDATE ON GRAYSON COMMISSION AND VACO/VML EFFORTS F. PRELIlI~IINARY BUDGET DISCUSSION G. RECESS TO SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 AT 830 A.M. ,., i SATURDAY, TANUARY 12 1991 - 830 A M A. DISCUSSION OF MAJOR PROJECTS 1. Landfill 2. Z`'ater Supply 3. Sewage Treatment Plant & Interceptor 4. Capital Improvement Program 5. Zoning Ordinance 6. Comprehensive Plan Revision B. 1991-92 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1. Review of Staff Priorities set at January 10, 1991 Budget Kick-Off Meeting. 2. Discussion - Goals 3. School Budget 4. Revenue Projections for 1991-92 5. Establishment of 1991-92 Budget Priorities C. ESTABLISffiV~NT OF OVERALL GOALS AND PRIORITIES FOR 1991. D. ADJO 0~ ROANp~~ ~ i z ~ ~' c~ °.~ - a 1 S E50 SS SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauti~u/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE AlL ~AMFRIG CITY V~i~~~~i ~~ ~i~~~~~~ 1979 1 89 9 M E M O R AND II M TO: Lee B. Eddy Bob L. Johnson Steven A. McGraw Harry C. Nickens Richard W. Robers FROM: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board DATE: November 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGLSTERLAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW, VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HIUS MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOLUNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGLSTERULL DISTRICT ~- ~~ Mr. Hodge and I are beginning preliminary plans for the January 1991 Board of Supervisors retreat. Tentative plans are to hold the retreat at either Hollins College or Roanoke College. These alternatives are substantially less expensive than a local hotel, but still offers the opportunity to get away from the regular work place. Based on previous discussions, the preference is not to hold the retreat for two business days or the weekend. A two-day retreat beginning Friday and ending Saturday (either half-day or full day, depending on the agenda) will eliminate using two work days and giving up a complete weekend. Please list your preference: Friday, January 11 - Saturday, January 12 Friday, January 18 - Saturday, January 19 °~ N,o Friday, January 25 - Saturday January 26 -~ PRCP~~~ Ql~ A weekend retreat: 1/12 - 1/13/90 3 1/19 - 1/20/90 jl/26 - 1/27/90 Attending Friday will be the Board members, County Administrator, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. The Saturday session will include the remaining members of the management team. P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • <703) 772-2004 The following is a tentative list of subjects for discussion. Please list other subjects you wish to add to the agenda: - Review of priorities set at 1990 Retreat .~~SCuS S is r~ o n - i~ -~f Peer Review Study - Regional Cooperation ~" ~ o, ,, ~- M ee_f"~ ref - S ~r~ ~-e ~ ~ ~~~1 - Discussion of Major Projects - Landf i l1 ~ ~ u, n f A 9r~e -,~.e.td7 - -c c Sv~~-v r= VVa t ear S'~, p P/ /, - Sewage Treatment Plant ~.l>n'~-e.~c~~~r - Development Review Process - Preliminary Budget Discussion - Establishment of 1991 Goals and Priorities ~ !Y'1 ~~lt^C, ZU 1'l -hG'1 ~-~ ""-'",~~ (1 ~ G/4t d- tr~Q >t ~}n dT d lhlih~fe ~- ~~ <>~~~ ~v~j~Fo ECH: RE: RETREAT Called Kathy Claytor. They are going to reserve Hollins College rooms for retreat on Friday, January 11 and Saturday, January 12 for the following hours: Friday, 1/11 1:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 1/12 8:30 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. I told her that Board would be eating dinner on Friday evening, and Board and management team would eat lunch on Saturday. She asked if we wanted a facilitator? I said I didn't think so. She asked if we wanted a speaker or some program for Board members on Friday. I said that you might. We need to establish whether we want an "outsider" to present program or something similar to My - 'rjs that we did last year. Mary Allen 12/5/90 ,, r. 1 ,.. f?~ ~Aj o,'~. V r !~ ~' ~p f r` i `'~~ ECH: RE: RETREAT Called Kathy Claytor. They are going to reserve Hollins College rooms for retreat on Friday, January 11 and Saturday, January 12 for the following hours: Friday, 1/11 1:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 1/12 8:30 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. I told her that Board would be eating dinner on Friday evening, and Board and management team would eat lunch on Saturday. She asked if we wanted a facilitator? I said I didn't think so. She asked if we wanted a speaker or some program for Board members on Friday. I said that you might. We need to establish whether we want an "outsider" to present program or something similar to Myers-Briggs that we did last year. Mary Allen 12/5/90 OF ROANp~~ z ~' ~ `-' z J a, 18 '~° 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE 9 ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~r ~~~ - ~~~ `1 ~`a c~a ~° ~jy f _ ~V'v`-<~~v ~ ~~~~7~ ~ {"I`~ ALL~AMEflICA CITY ~~~~~~ ~~ i~i~ ~~~~~ ~ 1979 1 989 M E M O R A N D II M TO: Lee B. Eddy Bob L. Johnson Steven A. McGraw Harry C. Nickens Richard W. Robers FROM: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board .~~"~ DATE : November 3 0 , 19 9 0 '~~'" ~' SUBJECT : Board Retreat ~ ~r``~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLANS MAG45T'ERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT --. _ ___. ___ ._. ___~ r, ~; -~ ~; Mr. Hodge and I are beginning preliminary plans for the J nuary 1991 Board of Supervisors retreat. Tentative plans are to hold the retreat at eithe Hollins College or Roanoke College. These alternatives are su _~ s expensive than a local hotel, but still offers the opportunity to get away from the regular work place. Based on previous discussions, the preference is not to hold the retreat for two business days or the weekend. A two-day retreat beginning Friday and ending Saturday (either half-day or full day, depending on the agenda) will eliminate using two work days and giving up a complete weekend. Please list your preference: 1 /~ Friday, January 11 - Saturday, January 12 'd N, o ~' . o ff` {;~''' ~~" Friday, January 18 - Saturday, January 19 ~"r Friday, January 25 - Saturday January 26 A weekend retreat: 1/12 - 1/13/90 1/19 - 1/20/90 1/26 - 1/27/90 .,F'' >., ~.. `t . Attending Friday will be the Board members, County Administrator, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. The Saturday session will include the remaining members of the management team. P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • <703> 772-2004 The following is a tentative list of subjects for discussion. Please list other subjects you wish .to add to the agenda: - Review of priorities set at 1990 Retreat - Results of Peer Review Study - Regional Cooperation - Discussion of Major Projects - Landfill - Reservoir - Sewage Treatment Plant - Development Review Process - Preliminary Budget Discussion - Establishment of 1991 Goals and Priorities 0~ ROANp~.~ ~ i z °.~ a~ 1 a E50 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ .d Bcautifu/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE AII~AMERICA CITY ~i~" ~~~ ~~ i~i~ ~~~i-a ~~ 1979 1989 M E M O R A N D II M BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE•CHAIRMAN CATAWElA AAAGISTERLAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERL4L DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERAL DISTRICT TO: Lee B. Eddy Bob L. Johnson Steven A. McGraw Harry C. Nickens Richard W. Robers FROM: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board DATE: November 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat Mr. Hodge and I are beginning preliminary plans for the January 1991 Board of Supervisors retreat. Tentative plans are to hold the retreat at either Hollins'College or Roanoke College. These alternatives are substantially less expensive than a local hotel, but still offers the opportunity to get away from the regular work place. Based on previous discussions, the preference..is not to hold the retreat for two business days or the weekend. A two-day retreat beginning Friday and ending Saturday (either half-day cr full day, depending on the agenda) will eliminate usng~two work days and giving up a complete weekend. Please list.your preference: ~- ~/U~~ ~~`'~ Friday, January 11 - Satur`tiay, 'January 12 v ~ :. .:_ Friday, January 18 - Saturday, January 19~, _, Friday, January 25 - Saturday January 26 / A weekend retreat: 1/12 - 1/13/90 1/19 - 1/20/90 1/26 - 1/27/90 Attending Friday will be the Board members, County Administrator, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. The Saturday session will include the remaining members of the management team. P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • <703) 772-2004 The following is a tentative list of subjects for discussion. Please list other subjects you wish :to add to the agenda: - Review of priorities set at 1990 Retreat - Results of Peer Review Study - Regional Cooperation ~` ~` ~~ ~~` - Discussion of Major Projects - Landfill - Reservoir - Sewage Treatment Plant - Development Review Process - Preliminary Budget Discussion - Establishment of 1991 Goals and Priorities O~~•FtQPN kF h ~ z ~ ~ ~ i J a~ E50 $8 SFSCUICENTENN~P~ .~ Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ALL AMERICA CITY (~ rt j~~,a rt I III' I ~.Yi~ ~~~ i-~ ~ :~i~ ~~i-~ ~~ 1979 1989 M E M O R A N D II M TO: Lee B. Eddy Bob L. Johnson Steven A. McGraw Harry C. Nickens Richard W. Robers FROM: Mary H. Allen ~~~~~ Clerk to the Board DATE: November 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Board Retreat BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. ROBERS. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW, VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Mr. Hodge and I are beginning preliminary plans for the January 1991 Board of Supervisors retreat. Tentative plans are to hold the retreat at either Hollins College or Roanoke College. These alternatives are substantially less expensive than a local hotel, but still offers the opportunity to get away from the regular work place. Based on previous discussions, the preference is not to hold the retreat for two business days or the weekend. A two-day retreat beginning Friday and ending Saturday (either half-day or full day, depending on the agenda) will eliminate using two work days and giving up a complete weekend. Please list your preference: Friday, January 11 - Saturday, January 12 Friday, January 18 - Saturday, January 19 Friday, January 25 - Saturday January 26 A weekend retreat: 1/12 - 1/13/90 1/19 - 1/20/90 1/26 - 1/27/90 Attending Friday will be the Board members, County Administrator, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. The Saturday session will include the remaining members of the management team. P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703> 772-2004 The following is a tentative list of subjects for discussion. Please list other subjects you wish ~o add to the agenda: - Review of priorities set at 1990 Retreat - Results of Peer Review Study - Regional Cooperation - Discussion of Major Projects - Landfill - Reservoir - Sewage Treatment Plant - Development Review Process - Preliminary Budget Discussion - Establishment of 1991 Goals and Priorities ~, Q'K O~.t~ ~ Q n p ~ ~rt~ K , Y fi ~ tp „ • N ~ K ~ H 4~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G~ K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rt W N ~ ~i" rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ;A O i~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .J ~ N• ~ G ~~ O ~ ~ ~ ... rt `~' N ~ n ~ (~ ~ ~ O M ¢' p a1 K ~ N N fi ~ N ~ ~ 9~ ~ ~ (D J Q ~~ °, ~ ~'. ~. m ~ ~ ~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Keith Cook Director of Humna~n tRelsources FROM: Mary Allen %~`~`~v Clerk to the Board DATE: December 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Retreat - January 11-12 I have discussed the retreat plans with Elmer Hodge and he agrees to the following schedule: Friday, January 11, 1991 1:00 - ?? evening soft drinks, etc. in afternoon, Dinner to be provided Attending: 5 board members Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen TOTAL• 8 Saturday January 11, 199:1 - 9:00 a.m. - ??? (after lunch) Coffee, juice and danish in morning, lunch provided Attending' 5 board members Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen Don Myers John Chambliss John Hubbard Keith Cook Tim Gubala Reta Busher Diane Hyatt Anne Marie Green Clifford Craig Terry Harrington TOTAL• 18 -r' ~. ~ -~ ~l U T ~_ ~b m ~ y luncheon menu January 12, Harry Nickens London Broil on Toast for dinner Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast with stir fry vegetables s r~r~. LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 LUNCHEON MENU SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY 1/8/91 LONDON BROIL OF BEEF ON TOAST POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BROCCOLI SPEARS COLE SLAW ON A LETTUCE BED THREE DECKER CLUB SANDWICH WITH HAM, TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO COLE SLAW POTATO CHIPS ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, SOUP OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE TEA OR COFFEE Signature , RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON B~RNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON B~RNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 DINNER MENU FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1991 HOLLINS COLLEGE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1 8 91 DINNERS WILL INCLUDE AN APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, AND FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS ENTREES FILET MIGNON B~RNAISE GRILLED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST W/STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES Signature RETURN TO MARY ALLEN BY TUESDAY, 1/8/91 ENV X991 1$ g. R M ~ ~~, pal o~NNP v P o~~,~G~ ,~ '~`~~SV GN s'~~,~ ~ G 0 FN~OPO~-~'~N5 p~N NO FR~N N ~G Mph ~p~0, P ~5 pN0 ~`2~~~0 ~ GNG`G pN pQP~ c~~ov `NG~vO~ p~NN ~pNS ~N~~~ NP~SE GR~~N O ON ~~~ ~~pg~ F~L NE~'~55 v~G~~ A8 O O t~`~~~0 5 ~N.FR~~ G .TII ~/ LUNCHEON ENU JANU RY 12, 1991 SATURDAY, HOL-LINS CO LEGS POINTS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE LONDON BROIL OF BEEF BROCCOL SPEARS D LETTUCE BE COLE SLAW ON HgEE DECKER CLUB SANDWET'fUCE T __ POTA ALL LUNCHEONS INCLUDE JUICE, S TEA OR COFFEE TURKEY, SWISS CHEESE, BACON, HAM, ~p TOMATO SLp-W ~ CHIPS OR FRUIT CUP, DESSERT, AND ICE P gignature R~(URN TO MARY ALLEN BY Y 11s191