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3/12/1991 - Regular
O~ µOANp~.~ ~~ ~ , ti A Z G7 ~ 2 J a SfSQUICENTENN,P~ a Beauti{ulBegimm~g (~nun~~ ~~ ~nttn~~~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA MARCH 12, 1991 ALL-AMI ~~9 Re la Welcome to the Roanoke County Board ° and t hle fourth Tuesday atg3:0' meetings are held on the second Tuesday p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. PIAN. A. OPEI~TING CEREMOI~TIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:07 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Roger Smith Penn Forest Church of God 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. Led by: SGT. Larry B. Campbell, Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion 116 Infantry, Va. Army National Gua i B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS NONE C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Award to Roanoke County from the National Employer Support for Guard and Reserve in recognition of our support and participation in Operation Desert Storm. PRESENTED TO SAM BY PAT GREEN ON BEHALF OF GENERAL 2. Resolutions of Congratulations to Clyde Necessary and Gary Myers for being finalists in The County Signal Slogan Contest. R-31291-1 R-31291-2 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT - UW CLYDE NECESSARY PRESENT 3. Resolution of Congratulations to Jennifer St. Clair for winning The County Signal Slogan Contest R-31291-3 RWR MOTION TO ADOPT - UW ECH TO SPONSOR ART CONTEST IN COUNTY SCHOOLS FOR VISUAL WITH SLOGAN SAM ANNOUNCED THAT ECH WAS NAMED MOST EFFECTIVE LOCAL OFFICIAL BY READERS OF ROANOKER MAGAZINE. 2 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of the Peer Review Study from the University of Virginia Center for Public Study. PRESENTED BY SIM EWING WORK SESSION SET FOR 4/9/91 2. Request for Industrial Development Authority Bonds from Certified Medical Representatives Institute. CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 26, 1991.) R-31291-4 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC 3. Appropriation of Interest Income from 1988 VPSA Bonds. to the County Schools A-31291-10 HCN MOTION TO POSTPONE TO EVENING DISCUSSION WITH SCHOOL BOARD - URC HCN MOTION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS AYES-RWR,LBE, HCN,SAM NAYS-BL,T 4. Approval of Fiscal Year 1991-92 Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Budget. R-31291-5 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO - URC LETTER FROM SAM TO AIItPORT COMII~IISSION REGARDING EMPLOYEE SALARIES 3 5. Request for approval to terminate Leaf Vacuum Collection Service. R-31291-6 HCN MOTION TO TERNIINATE LEAF VACUUM COLLECTION URC ECH TO SET EFFECTIVE DATE 6. Consideration of participation in 1991-92 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. CONTIlVUED TO 3/26/91 PMM TO BRING BACK LEGAL OPIlVION ON WHETHER COUNTY IS BOUND BY LETTER OF INTENT. 7. Request for contribution to the Terry Plunk Memorial Scholarship Fund. A-31291-7 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS WORK SESSION SET FOR 4/9/91 ON PEER REVIEW STUDY F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PMM TO ADVERTISE PUBLIC ~[EARING ON ADMISSION TAX G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 4 1. Ordinance authorizing the sale of 1.5 acres in Shamrock Park. BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING OF ORD AS REVISED BY PMM - UW WITH SAM ABSENT FROM DISCUSSION AND ABSTAINING FROM VOTING. STAFF TO BRING BACK MAP AND ASSESSMENT FOR 2ND READING II. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES NONE I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 2. Transportation and Safety Commission MHA TO CONTACT THOSE SERVING TO SEE IF TIDY WISH TO COr~TINUE J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGEND ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AN WII~L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FOR] OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WII.L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A-31291-8 5 RWR MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC 1. Approval of Minutes -February 12, 1991, February 26, 1991. 2. Acceptance of 0.11 miles of Henry Farms Road, 0.06 miles of Glade Hill Circle, and 0.23 miles of Cundiff Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. A-31291-8.a 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit -Boy Scout Troop 209. A-31291-8.b 4. Confirmation of Appointments to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. A-31291-8.c 5. Donation of sanitary sewer easements in connection witl Highfields Sewer Project. A-31291-8.d 6. Donation of sanitary sewer easement and water line anc access easement from Holiday Retirement Associates Limited Partnership. A-31291-8.e 7. Donation of drainage easements in connection with "Thy Orchards" Applewood Section No. 6. 6 A-31291-8.f K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) ASKED SAM TO REPORT ON CABLE TV NEGOTIATIONS. SAM ADVISED THAT NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUEI FOR 9 HOURS. ASKED JOHN VVII,LEY AND JOE OBENSHAIN TO MAKE SURE 24 UNITS PER MII~E WILL SERVE NEIGHBORHOODS WHO WOULD LIICE CABLE. (2) ASKED STAFF TO FOLLOW UP WITH A,NIlVIAL CONTROL AND TREASURER REGARDING CAT ORDINANCE. SAM ASKED THAT ORDINANCE BE BROUGHT BACK ON 5/14/91. (3) ASKED FOR REPORT ON PROCEDURES DECLARING A ROAD A VIRGINIA BYWAYS (4/9/91). (4) ASKED MHA TO LET BOARD KNOW WHEN CURRENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE APPOINTMENTS EXPIRES. (5) ASKED ABOUT JOINT ALl AMERICAN CITY APPLICATION WITH BOTETOURT COUNTY. ECH ADVISED NEED THREE PROJECTS TO SUBMIT AND ONLY HAVE TWO. (~ ASKED FOR RECOGNITION OF COUNTY SCHOOLS WHC WON AWARDS IN ODYSSEY OF THE MIND. MHA TO CONTACT SCHOOL BOARD FOR RESOS OF CONGRATULATIONS INMARCH 1991. SUPERVISOR NICKENS: (1) ASKED THAT ADMISSIONS TAX BE PLACED ON 3/26/91 AGENDA WITH EFFECTIVE DATE OF 4/1. PMM SUGGESTED 1ST - 3/26/91 AND 2ND 4/9 WITH ORD EFFECTIVE 4/10. (2) ASKED THAT LETTER BE SENT TO THOSE BUSINESSES WHO WOULD BE AFFECTED BY ADMISSIONS TAX. (3) ASKED FOR ASSISTANCE TO EAST COUNTY CO IN TESTING OF WELL WATER BECAUSE OF TOXIC WASTE DUMP. LARRY LOGAN IS WORICING WITH THEM, AND CONCERNS SHOULD BE SENT TO HIM. SUPERVISOR ROBERS: (1) ANNOUNCED HE HAD ATTENDED THE OPENING OF THE VALLEY ART PROGRAM AND ASKED FOR A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO BECKY ARRINGTON ON 3/26/91. (2) ATTENDED MEETING WITH GREEN VALLEY RESIDENTS AND WAS IlVIPRESSED WITH POLICE OFFICER LEUN , (3) ANNOUNCED THAT HE WII.L GO TO NORTHERN VIRGINIA ON 3/15 TO PARTICIPATE IN ECONOMIC BRIDGES PROGRAM. SUPERVISOR TOHNSON: ASKED THAT CITIZEN GROUPS AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN MONTGOMERY COUN'T'Y BE OFFERED ANY ASSISTANCE FROM COUNTY ON LANDFILL. ALSO REQUESTED THAT MONTGOMERY CO. AGAIN BE CONTACTED REGARDING LANDFILL PARTICIPATION. SUPERVISOR MCGRAW: (1) ANNOUNCED CABLE TV NEGOTIATORS HAVE COME TO SUBSTANTIAL AGREEMENT ON A NEW FRANCHISE AND COMPLIlVIENTED HOWARD MUSSER ON HI: WORK WITH CABLE TV FRANCHISE. (2) VACO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WILL MEET IN ROANOKE FRIDAY 3/15 AND TASK FORCE WILL MEET 3/16 TO DISCUSS LEGISLATION TO RECONSTITUTE GRAYSON COMII~IISSION. L. CITIZENS' COD~IlI~NTS AND C011~IlVIUNICATIONS 1. Bruce Roy has requested time to speak. PRESIDENT OF ROANOKE COUN'T'Y FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION ASKED FOR PAYROLL DEDUCTION OF DUES. PMM TO BRING BACK REPORT FOR ACTION ON 3/26 UNDER NEVf BUSINESS M. REPORTS HCN MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION OF ITEM #3 - URC 1. Board Contingency Fund 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance s 3. Report on notifying County businesses about Smoking Ordinance. AMG TO MEET WITH TREASURER AND BRING BACK REPORT ON 3/26 RECESS - 5:10 P.M. RECONVENE - 5:25 P.M. N. WORK SESSION 1. Budget Work Session on Revenue Projections ECH PRESENTED ESTIlViATED REVENUE LOSSES AND REVENUE PROJECTIONS HCN MOTION TO RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION - URC HCN MOTION THAT TAX RATES BE ADVERTISED AT NO HIGHER THAN $1.13 FOR REAL ESTATE, $3.50 FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY AND $3.00 FOR MACIRNERY AND TOOLS. AYES-RWR, BLJ,HCN,SAM NAYS-LBE O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia section 2.1-344 A ('n TO DISCUSS LEGAL MATTER CONCERNING NEGOTIATIONS WITIi RESPECT TO A LANDFII.L AGREEMENT. (2) TO DISCUSS A LEGAL MATTER CONCERNING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOWN OF VIlVTON. HCN MOTION AT 6:00 P.M. - URC EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) OPEN SESSION AT 7:15 -ALL PRESENT 9 MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMNIISSION PRESENT P. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-31291-9 RWR MOTION TO ADOPT - URC Q. WORK SESSIONS 1. Joint Work Session with Planning Commission on Capital Improvement Program. PLANNING COMII~IISSION TO PRIORITIZE INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS AND BRING BACK 2. Joint Budget Work Session with School Board SAM -REQUESTED ENROLLMENT LISTS FOR ENTIRE COUNTY O2 3/26. HCN -ASKED FOR SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET THAT INCLUDED Na SALARY INCREASES, NO ANNUITIES, NO STEP INCREASES. LBE -SUPPORTS BEING PLACED ON INACTIVE LITERARY LOAN LIST FOR FUTURE PROJECTS. SCHOOL BOARD WII.L PRESENT BUDGET AT 3/26 WORK SESSION 3. Joint Budget Work Session with Fire and Rescue FIRE AND RESCUE REQUESTED TOP ADDBACK PRIORITIES OF TWO AMBULANCES AND ONE FIRE PUMPER EXECUTIVE SESSION HCN MOTION AT 10:50 RE LEGAL NEGOTIATIONS RE LANDFILL AND TOWN OF VIlVTON - URC io OPEN SESSION 11:00 P.M. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-31291-11 RWR MOTION TO ADOPT - URC R ADJOURNMENT BL,T MOTION AT 11:05 P.M. - URC ii h O~ ROANp~~ ~~ Z ~ 2 o a 1$ E50\ $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ 4 Beauti~ul8eginning (~nixn~~ of ~nttnu~~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA MARCH 12, 1991 2. Invocation: The Reverend Roger Smith Penn Forest Church of God Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors h Tuesda at 3] meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fount y p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fou ed Tuesday of eac] month. Deviations from this schedule will be announc O O PLAN. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. Au-aa ~~ 1•~ F 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. Led by: SGT. Larry B. Campbell, Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion 116 Infantry, Va. Army National Guy B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE i ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Award to Roanoke County from therecotln tion o po° per Support for Guard and Reserve in g support and participation in Operation Desert Storm. 2. Resolutions of Congratulations to Clyde Necessary and Gary Myers for being finalists in The County Signal Slogan Contest. 3. Resolution of Congratulations to Jennri~e ~ t. Clair for winning The County Signal Slogan Co D, NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of the Peer Review Study from the University of Virginia Center for Public Study. 2. Request for Industrial Development Authority Bonds from Certified Medical Representatives Institute. (COrTTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 26, 1991. 3, Appropriation of Interest Income from 1988 VPSA Boy to the County Schools 4, Approval of Fiscal Year 1991-92 Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Budget. 5, Request for Approval to terminate Leaf Vacuum Collection Service. 2 (,, Consideration of participation in 1991-92 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. 7. Request for contribution to the Terry Plunk Memorial Scholarship Fund. E, REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F, REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G, ~RST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the sale of 1.5 acres in Shamroc Park. H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES I, APPOINTMENTS 1. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 2. Transportation and Safety Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGEI 3 ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE IlO T~ FO WILL BE ENACTED BY ONES SOL ~ ODISCUSSION I'~ OR FORMS LISTED B DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVERED THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONS SEPARATELY. 1, Approval of Minutes -February 12, 1991, February 26, 1991. 2. Acceptance of 0.11 miles of Henry Farms Road, 0.06 miles of Glade Hill Circle, and 0.23 miles of Cundiff Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3, Approval of a Raffle Permit -Boy Scout Troop 209. 4, Confirmation of Appointments to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. K. L. 5. Donation of sanitary sewer easements in connection wit Highfields Sewer Project. 6. Donation of sanitary sewer easement and water line an access easement from Holiday Retirement Associates Limited Partnership. 7. Donation of drainage easements in connection with "Tl Orchards" Applewood Section No. 6. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COb~IlVIUNICATIONS 4 1, Bruce Roy has requested time to speak. M. REPORTS 1, Board Contingency Fund 2, General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Report on notifying County businesses about Smoking Ordinance. rJ, WORK SESSION 1, Budget Work Session on Revenue Projections O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia section 2.1-344 A p, CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION (7:~ P•M.l Q, WORK SESSIONS 1, Joint Work Session with Planning Commission on Capital Improvement Program. 2, Joint Budget Work Session with School Board 3, Joint Budget Work Session with Fire and Rescue R, ADJOURNMENT 5 ACTION NO. / ITEM NUMBER ~ -` AT A REGULAR MEETIAT THE ROANOKED OUNTY ADMINISTRATIONROENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD MEETING DATE• March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Award from the National Employer Support for Guard and reserve in recognition of Roanoke County's support and participation in Operation Desert Storm. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: has Major Pat Green with the 80th Division, U. S. Army Reserves, asked for time on the agenda to present to Roanoke County an award from the National Employer Support for Guard and Reserve. This award recognizes the County's support for and participation in Operation Desert Storm. ------------------------ACTION---------- VOTE Motion by: No Yes Ab~ Approved ( ) Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Ref erred ( ) Nickens .- To ( ) Robers C-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE p~ORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RO MARCH 12, 1991 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 3 T IN THE NROANORE COUNTY SLOGAN CONTEST FOR BEING A FINALIS WHEREAS, County Administrator Elmer Hodge authorized that The County a contest be held through the Roanoke County newsletter, s irit of Signal, to find a vision statement that epitomized the p Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, thirty-two entries were submitted from employees and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection; and WHEREAS, Gary Myers, employed by Utility Billing, was a finalist and submitted the entry "Roanoke County - Working Today for a Better Tomorrow . BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of NOW, THEREFORE, Virginia, does hereby extend its Supervisors of Roanoke County, congratulations to Gary Myers for being a finalist in the Roanoke County slogan contest. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~' ~ / Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Director, Human Resources D. Keith Cook, Resolutions of Congratulations File ~__i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF 'rE R AMORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION 31291-2 CONGRATULATING CLYDE NECESSARY FOR BEING A FINALIST IN THE ROANORE COUNTY SLOGAN CONTEST WHEREAS, County Administrator Elmer Hodge authorized that a contest be held through the Roanoke County newsletter, The Count Signal, to find a vision statement that epitomized the spirit of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, thirty-two entries were submitted from employees and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection; and WHEREAS, Clyde Necessary, employed by the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office, was a finalist and submitted the entry "Roanoke County - Dedicated to Excellence". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations to Clyde Necessary for being a finalist in the Roanoke County slogan contest. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources Resolutions of Congratulations File ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING O THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION 31291-3 CONGRATULATING JENNIFER ST. CLAIR FOR WINNING THE ROANORE COUNTY SLOGAN CONTEST AND AUTHORIZING THE USE OF "ROANORE COUNTY - HEART OF THE BLUE RIDGE" AS AN OFFICIAL SLOGAN WHEREAS, County Administrator Elmer Hodge authorized that a contest be held through the Roanoke County newsletter, The County Sicrnal, to find a vision statement that epitomized the spirit of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, thirty-two entries were submitted from employees and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection; and WHEREAS, the winner of the contest was Jennifer St. Clair, employed by the Finance Department, and her winning slogan was: ROANORE COUNTY - HEART OF THE BLUE RIDGE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations to Jennifer St. Clair for her winning entry; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors authorizes the County Administrator to use the winning entry as an official slogan for Roanoke County whenever he deems it appropriate. On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources Resolutions of Congratulations File ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~" `3 AT A REGULAR MEEDIAT THE ROANOKERD OUNTY ADM NISTRATIONRCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HEL MEETING DATE• March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions of Congratulations to finalists and winner in The County Signal Slogan Contest COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~ `'af1 ~'~' l SUNIl~IARY OF INFORMATION In 1990, I asked the County Signal Editor Mary Allen to hold a contest through the employee newsletter for a vision statement that would capture what Roanoke County is all about. I felt that employees who spend 40 hours a week devoting their time to Roanoke County would be most able to recognize the personality of our county. Thirty-two entries were submitted and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection. The four finalists and their entries are: Roanoke County - Dedicated to Excellence (Clyde Necessary) Roanoke County - Working Today for a Better Tomorrow (Gary Myers) Roanoke County - Heart of the Blue Ridge (Jennifer St. Clair) Roanoke County - Heart of the Valley (Jennifer St. Clair) The winner Jennifer Ste Clairt an employee in Finance and Budget submitted by Departments. I am very pleased with the flexibility and vision of the winning entry. I would like to involve the teachers and students in the County Schools in an art contest to develop a logo to go with the slogan. When the art contest is completed I will bring the logo and slogan back to the Board of Supervisors for adoption and use on all County documents. Until the art contest is completed, I plan to use the slogan on internal documents such as the employee newsletter, the budget, CIP and audit. The new slogan and logc will not replace the official seal, but will he used in combination with the seal. L ~ ~ ~.. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the attached Resolutions of Congratulations be adopted by the Board of Supervisors. ~~ Elmer C . Hodge ~-/ County Administrator ------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred ( ) Nickens To ( ) Robers "- ,~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H ON TUESDAY,O MARCH 12T,N lqg DMINISTRATION CENTER RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING GARY MYERS FOR BEING A FINALIST IN THE ROANORE COUNTY SLOGAN CONTEST WHEREAS, County Administrator Elmer Hodge authorized that a contest be held through the Roanoke County newsletter, The County Signal, to find a vision statement that epitomized the spirit of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, thirty-two entries were submitted from employees and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection; and WHEREAS, Gary Myers, employed by Utility Billing, was a finalist and submitted the entry "Roanoke County - Working Today for a Better Tomorrow". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations to Gary Myers for being a finalist in the Roanoke County slogan contest. C - ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD TUESDAY,O MARCH 12j,N 1g91DMINISTRATION CENTER ON RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING CLYDE NECESSARY FOR BEING A FINALIST IN THE ROANORE COUNTY SLOGAN CONTEST WHEREAS, County Administrator Elmer Hodge authorized that a contest be held through the Roanoke County newsletter, The County Sianal, to find a vision statement that epitomized the spirit of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, thirty-two entries were submitted from employees and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection; and WHEREAS, Clyde Necessary, employed by the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office, was a finalist and submitted the entry "Roanoke County - Dedicated to Excellence". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations to Clyde Necessary for being a finalist in the Roanoke County slogan contest. C-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING O THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT 1991 ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING JENNIFER ST. CLAIR FOR WINNING THE ROANORE COUNTY SLOGAN CONTEST AND AUTHORIZING THE USE OF "ROANORE COUNTY - HEART OF THE BLUE RIDGE" AS AN OFFICIAL SLOGAN WHEREAS, County Administrator Elmer Hodge authorized that a contest be held through the Roanoke County newsletter, The County Signal, to find a vision statement that epitomized the spirit of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, thirty-two entries were submitted from employees and the four entries with the highest vote totals were presented to the employees for a final selection; and WHEREAS, the winner of the contest was Jennifer St. Clair, employed by the Finance Department, and her winning slogan was: ROANORE COUNTY - HEART OF THE BLUE RIDGE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations to Jennifer St. Clair for her winning entry; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors authorizes the County Administrator to use the winning entry as an official slogan for Roanoke County whenever he deems it appropriate. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER.=1 AT A REGULAR MEETIN T THETROANOKE COUNTYUADMINISTRATIONROCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD A MEETING DATE• SUBJECT: Peer Review Study COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Sim Ewing, from the Center for Public Service, will attend the meeting to present the results of the Peer Review Study. This study was requested by Mr. Eddy and authorized by the Board of Supervisors. In December a team of reviewers from North Carolina, California, and West Virginia met with department heads and constitutional officersleasedewithlthedstudssandCwould operations. Overall, I am very p y like to continue this in future years. The staff has not seen the study. The team had a number of recommendations that will be helpful to the County. The Board should receive the report and schedule a work session in April to discuss staff's response to the recommendations. ~.~~ / ~ ~ ELMER C. HODGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ------------------------------------ E ACTION Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To VOT No Yes Abs Eddy Robers Johnson Nickens McGraw cc: File ...,-n.w...,....f..,vmn}Ir~.~ea.aw.»f.r~.ra+;rpm=.s. ,... .....-+rq *n:,T~Ty?r %•^9(i9~C ' ,r ~ C _. ark,-~I' ~, _~' 1 iF ~.~.. ~ i ~~H~ r_, c _ i.s t _ t. ~Y `~'~ _ _ i ~ ~~~ io, a F ~ d~'~t 'C ~p I~ ~i,Il~atiol ~ S~~i r'~~~ ~~~'f 4 ~~ - .r i t ~ f' ~ ~ ~ti s I t i~Y ,~` ~ r ~~ ~~ I z ~A~^FV~ _ ~' ~, a~ _ t r, 1 t ~-. r 4 ~'2 o f s i b ~.. 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Count Geo rah ............................................ 3 Communication .................................... ........................................... 3 ional Cooperation ......................:..... Re ......................................... g 3 Organizational Strengths .................................. .......................................... 5 Recommendations ............................................. .......................................... Communication ...............................................................................5 Departmental Activity ....................................................................6 Management Opportunities ..........................................................7 Conclusions ...................................................................................................9 Evaluation Team Backgrounds ...............................................................10 Address Questions Concerning This Report To: Simeon E. Ewing SWVA Office, Center for Public Service University of Virginia College Avenue Wise, VA 24293-0016 703-328-0133 Pro'ect Overview During the twenty years between the 1970 and 1990 census, Roanoke County saw its population increase 45 percent, from 53,817 to 78,236. Most of that growth, 36 percent, occurred during the 1970s. The county's growth outpaced Virginia's overall rapid growth during the same period by 13 percent. Growth has changed Roanoke County from a rural to an urban service provider. In 1970 the three population centers of the Roanoke Valley had 181,436 residents, with Roanoke County accounting for 30 percent of that number. By 1990 the valley's population had grown to 194,869, with 40 percent of these citizens residing in the county. Also during the 1980s Roanoke County, like other local governments, saw its service responsibilities increase dramatically under the 'new federalism.' As the county has taken over programs once operated by federal and state government, it has had to obligate limited local revenues without significantly changing the scope of services to citizens. This sometimes has given the impression that the county's payroll was being expanded. Effective and efficient service delivery is a critical goal of Roanoke County's government. Faced with these changes in population and service responsibilities, the Roanoke County board of supervisors and administrative staff decided it was essential for the healthy long-term development of the county to review its structure, analyzing its strengths and identifying areas for improvement. To carry this out, the University of Virginia, Center for Public Service, was asked to develop a 'peer review' of the county's administrative levels. A team made up of Center staff members and highly experienced local government professionals from other states came to Roanoke County and met with department heads, administrators, constitutional officers, and board members, in one-to-one conversations, to get their views on the operations of Roanoke County's government. These onsite interviews took place on December 17-19, 1990. The review focused on three main areas: • Human Resources. A local government's major resource is its employees. Thus, in examining the efficiency of Roanoke County, this review examined how employees are being used, and if the county has implemented the most up-to-date operating methods. (This did not entail atime-motion study of the workforce.) • Communication. A truly efficient and effective organization has well-developed communication skills and readily accessible communication channels (both formal and informal) that are used by everyone within the organization. This peer review process examined the two-way flow of communication among both appointed and elected officials. • Cooperation. This area of the review centered on (1) the relationship among divisions, both administrative and legislative, within the county; and (2) the relationship of the county with other local governments in the Roanoke Valley, including perceptions gleaned through conversations with leaders of the other communities. The informal, one-to-one conversations also covered areas like productivity, work environment, staffing, and program conception. This report sets forth the observations and recommendations about Roanoke County's operations that were developed from those conversations. Insi hts Each reviewer, upon leaving Roanoke County, felt that it was awell-run, highly professional organization. This professionalism has been recognized by other peer review organizations, through the county's selection as an 'All-American City' and its awards from the Governmental Finance Officers Association. Similarly, the elected governing board of Roanoke County is perceived as a professional, progressive body. The board interacts positively with county staff and allows them to carry out their assigned duties. Discussions between elected and appointed officials exhibit the mutual respect and trust that is essential for any peer review of operations to be carried out. County Geography Roanoke County is faced with an interesting geographic situation. Shaped like a doughnut, it must interact with two independent cities, Roanoke and Salem, located in its center. This geography presents a logistical challenge to the administration when developing service delivery strategies, as well as internal support. County offices are miles from one another, resulting in immense losses of productivity, especially during peak traffic times. Problems caused by this geographic separation of facilities is amplified by the limited resources of the Building and Maintenance Division. Given the existing level of staffing, routine maintenance of county buildings is hard to accomplish, and emergency repairs compound the problem. Communication The county's geographic situation also creates communication problems among functional units of government. Every reviewer noted internal communication problems, especially with those units located apart from the administration building. The logistical problems of scheduling the meetings for this review - in a way that minimized travel time and met the time constraints on both the department heads and the interviewers -highlight the difficulties the county faces every day. The reviewers saw firsthand the widespread nature of Roanoke County operations, and the time involved in commuting among facilities. The review also emphasized the county's communications problems. Frequently, the only information a department head had received in advance about this review was a memorandum confirming an interview. This required a reviewer to begin the interview by explaining the project (something the county more appropriately should have done) and often made the department heads, understandably, wary and reluctant to discuss international operations. Regional Cooperation Recent efforts toward consolidation with the City of Roanoke enabled county officials to examine themselves and observe their counterparts in the city. While the consolidation was defeated by the voters, officials of both localities have learned more about each other's operations and have developed important professional relationships that can and should be used to enhance regional efficiency. Failure of the consolidation referendum should not mean an end to regional programs; instead, partnerships should continue to develop, so citizens of the entire valley will have cost-effective service delivery. Officials from the other valley governments were reluctant to comment formally on the county during the review process. Most likely this can be traced to the failed consolidation attempt, rather than an unwillingness to work with the county. Organizational Strengths Roanoke County has developed into a strong organization in all facets of its operation, from the elected board to appointed officials. This development has made it possible for the county government to provide cost-effective and progressive services to meet the needs of its citizens. Some continuing themes emerged from all the interviews that should be recognized as clear organizational strengths. 1. The county -both its elected bo ofess onalpmantnermembers - is viewed internally and externally in a p 2. The county has a progressive attitude about dealing with situations before they become a problem. 3. The county has employed high-quality staff, and staff members are given the freedom to employ their ideas. 4. County residents are receiving high levels of quality services. Roanoke County is a leader among Virginia local governments in areas like solid waste automation and recycling. In addition, detailed implementation strategies and practices for new programs mean that citizens will receive the same quality of county services they have come to expect. 5. Respect exists between staff members and the board, creating a cooperative atmosphere in which to examine problems. 6. The county administrator has fostered cooperative working relationships between the administration and the constitutional officers. Given the separation of powers established under Virginia law, this cooperation is essential for efficient operations. Roanoke County's example should be modeled by local governments throughout the Commonwealth. 7. The county exhibits a wwillingness to implement new management techniques. Strategies like the use of quality circles by the Recreation Department create the kind of work environment that is essential to develop and implement innovative ideas. 8. The shift to a countywide police department was well conceived and achieved with resounding success. The review team felt that, given the way the transition was implemented and the results after the first six months, the police department will be excellent. The method of implementation should be considered by other Virginia counties that are thinking about shifting to a county police department. 9. The Department of General Services promotes a favorable image for the county government through the way it delivers front-line services. 10. Departments are frugal in their expenditures of public funds for non-service delivery functions. The lack of opulence in furnishings and surroundings indicates that tax dollars are not being spent unwisely. 11. Departments are organized effectively in relation to their mission. Each has clearly defined departmental goals and objectives. The departments exhibit good leadership, have good self-esteem, and have a high regard for the services they deliver to citizens. 12. Departments within the county share a a willingness to work together. Demonstrated in all of these strengths is a progressive managerial attitude, leading to effective organizational behavior. The recommendations identified during the review process will enable the county to build on all of these positive attributes. Recommendations The following recommendations are based on observations drawn from discussions held during the onsite review. Because of the limited time available with each department head, many recommendations call for a more detailed review of specific areas. Such recommendations do not necessarily mean that problems exist -only that additional information is warranted. The recommendations are divided into three categories: Communication Departmental Activities Management Opportunities Communication 1. The board of supervisors, working with the county administrator, should establish clear goals and objectives for the county. Then each unit of the county should create a working plan that shows how it can meet these goals and objectives. 2. Computer networking or electronic mail facilities should be established, to facilitate communication among organizational units. Additional personal computers should be made available to county employees and networked among them. By giving all units quick access to ongoing projects and developing organizational awareness, duplication of services can be avoided. 3. The county should develop a team strategy and emphasize the concept of team building throughout the organization. Using a team approach will help to eliminate some duplication of services. Any team strategy should include the constitutional officers. 4. The county administrator and assistants should visit county facilities at least once every quarter, to meet with line personnel. This would help maximize a team-building approach and bring all county employees into the process. 5. Use of assistants and department heads should be consistent. Assistants should be given projects by the administrator, allowing them to determine the most efficient use of their resources, instead of giving projects directly to department heads. This practice will enhance departmental and administrative communications and increase productivity. 6. Entrepreneurial methods of problem solving should be fostered. The review team noted a lack of risk taking in decision making, partially fostered by the lack of clearly state goals and objectives. While a conservative approach to problem solving is frequently needed, an environment that develops entrepreneurial methods may create opportunities for cost efficiencies not found using conservative methods. Considering alternative methods of problem solving will also broaden the options available to the administration and board of supervisors. 7. The county should develop a brochure for county citizens that outlines the services available from each county office and identifies its physical location. The geographic separation of county facilities makes it hard to keep up with the services and locations of all units - a fact that became apparent during the review, when some county agencies did not know the function of other agencies, or even that those agencies were located adjacent to them. 8. The board of supervisors and administration should clarify whether requests for information from a department head should go through the clerk of the board, the county administrator, or directly to the department head. Departmental Activity 1. The Police Department should be reviewed in depth after its first full year of operation. This review, which should include staffing levels and logistical needs, should also examine animal control, to determine whether it should be made part of the Police Department. 2. The county should examine the feasibility of combining into a single unit the Department of Finance and the Department of Management and Budget, both of whom have been nationally recognized for their work. Such a merger, achieved through cross-training and use of staff, could result in a reassignment of personnel without lessening their award-winning effectiveness. The feasibility study should include the offices of commissioner of the revenue and treasurer, to gain insights about ways to enhance their working relationships with the administration's financial units. 3. An in-depth study of p nrchn th ~e areas and aelack ofdunde standing iewers found consistent concer s throughout county government of the personnel function, which needs to be more than just employee counseling. Effective personnel resources are the cornerstone of a government agency, and essential for effective line operations. 4. The role of the Public Information Office needs to be strengthened. While Roanoke County is effectively providing services to its citizens, the word is not getting to the public. The county needs actively to enlist the media's help in informing the public about county activities, rather than waiting for the media to come to the county. The role of the office must be clearly defined, and the resources provided to carry out its mission effectively. 5. Given new recycling mandates in Virginia, leaf collection and disposal should be transferred to the Department of Solid Waste, to augment the county's recycling measures. 6. The staffing level of the Department of Economic Development should be reviewed, especially in light of the region's current economic development activities, to determine if services are being unnecessarily duplicated. 7. The current staffing level in the Building and Maintenance Division is inadequate, given the workload and geographic area covered. Cost-efficient and service-effective options should be developed to strengthen this unit by adding county manpower, purchasing contract services, or using some combination of these two approaches. 8. The departments of planning, engineering, and inspections should be examined to determine if consolidating them into a single department would be more effective and create less duplication. Management Opportunities 1. The county should develop a Capital Improvement Plan that would set priorities for capital improvements based on how they relate to the county's broad goals. 2. A vehicle and equipment revolving fund should be established. Without such a fund, purchases for these items must come from general fund operations, which are more readily targeted for budget reductions. Inadequate funds in these areas may increase operational costs because it costs most to maintain older vehicles and equipment. 3. Because growth in Roanoke County is placing tremendous stress on the county's existing infrastructure, the county should begin a comprehensive study of the entire infrastructure system. That study should examine current inadequacies and determine future needs, according to the county's comprehensive plan and future growth trends. 4. A clerical pool should be established, with employees from that pool rotated among those units needing assistance during short-term peak periods. This pool would eliminate full-time clerical assistance that is not fully used year round. 5. Ties between constitutional officers and the county administration must continually be strengthened. The unique nature of the constitutional officer in Virginia requires that close working relationships be maintained for effective management. 6. Following the lead of the Recreation Department, quality circles should be implemented and used at all levels of the organization. Employees' direct involvement in the decision-making process, especially as it affects the way their own jobs are carried out, is essential in cultivating employee morale. Improved morale normally means improved productivity and cost savings. Using a program that has already been adopted by one county department should lessen fears of those employees who might resist change. 7. Staff training and development should be established and carried out for all employees. The benefits of staff training can already be seen among the county sanitation crews, who are being rotated to new positions, thereby further developing their value as employees. Continued training for these sanitation crews should improve their current safety record. 8. To determine internal capital needs, countywide planning that involves all functional units should be undertaken. This need becomes increasingly important with the costs and changing capabilities involved in technology- based acquisitions. 9. Discussions should take place with the cities of Roanoke and Salem, to see if any additional functions could be combined to give better services to citizens. One area that should be considered is libraries, but no service should be excluded. 10. The county board of supervisors should meet regularly with the valley's other governing bodies to discuss mutual concerns and examine areas available for cooperation. 11. The county should examine the incremental nature of its budgeting process. Incrementally increasing a program expenditure because it was in the previous year's budget does not mean the program is worthwhile. By establishing a program review in the budget formulation process, the county could analyze the degree to which implemented programs are meeting broad goals and objectives. COriCItiS10riS The citizens of Roanoke County are receiving high-quality governmental services and professionalism for their tax dollars. The recent peer review of the county found that it is extremely well-managed and has high-caliber employees. However, the county government is experiencing pressures on its operations because of its rapidly changing demographic makeup and its shift from a rural to an urban service provider. The recommendations set forth in this report will help 'fine tune' an effective county organization that understands the importance of strategic planning for its continued vitality. By undertaking this review, the Roanoke County government is ensuring that it will continue to play a leading role in the dynamic development of the entire Roanoke Valley region -development that depends on the progressive management and intergovernmental cooperation of all of its local governments. EVALUATION TEAM BACKGROUNDS A. RAY GRIFFIN, Jr. EDUCATION North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 1977; Master of Public Administration. Barton College formerly Atlantic Christian Colle e Wilson ,North Carolina. 1974; Bachelor of Arts, cum laude. EMPLOYMENT City Manager, City of Lumberton, North Carolina. June 1979 -Present. Supervisor, Town of Spring Lake, North Carolina. August 1978 -June 1979. Assistant Supervisor, Town of Spring Lake, North Carolina. August 1976 -August 1978. SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Board of Directors, Electricities of North Carolina, Inc. Commissioner, North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency. Board of Directors, Lumberton Economic Advancement for Downtown, Inc. Member, Electricities Strategic Management Committee. Member, Electricities Communications Committee. N.C. Department of Administration Task Force on Minority, Women, and Disabled Business Enterprises. Past President, United Way of Robeson County, Inc. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS International City Management Association, Full Member. North Carolina City and County Management Association. American Society for Public Administration. EDWARD S. KREINS EDUCATION California Lutheran College, Thousand Oaks, California. 1978; Master of Public Administration. Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California. 1975; Master of Public Administration. Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California. 1974. Bachelor of Arts. EMPLOYMENT City Manager, City of Beverly Hills, California. September 1979 -June 1, 1990 (Retired). Chief of Police, City of Beverly Hills, California. November 1975 -September 1979. Assistant City Manager, Pleasant Hill, California. July 1974 -November 1975. Chief of Police, Pleasant Hill, California. January 1969 - July 1974. Chief of Police, Sausalito, California. July 1966 - January 1969. SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Chairman, Police Services Task Force for LEAA Past President, Chiefs of Police, California League of Cities Member, Safety Committee, California League of Cities. Member, Executive Board, Senior Executive Institute, University of Virginia Chairman, Police Science College Committee for Contra Costa County. Past Chairman, Contra Costa County Police Chiefs' Association. Past Member, Contra Costa County Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS International City Management Association, Full Member. International Association of Chiefs of Police, Full Member California Police Chiefs' Association, Full Member. HARRY F. PRICE EDUCATION West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. 1974; Master of Public Administration. West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. 1972; Bachelor of Arts. EMPLOYMENT Executive Secretary, West Virginia Department of Natural Resources. February 1989 -Present. Director, Compensation Programs, McDonough Caperton Employee Benefits. May 1988 -January 1989. County Manager, Kanawha County, West Virginia. January 1987 -December 1987. Finance Director, City of Charleston, West Virginia. January 1982 -January 1987. Cit~Mana~er, City of Madeira, Ohio. May 1980 -May 1981. City Manager, City of Princeton, West Virginia. November 1976 -May 1980. Assistant City Manager, City of Princeton, West Virginia. July 1974 -November 1976. SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Member, Governor's Personnel Reorganization Task Force Member, Board of Directors, West Virginia Arts and Crafts Fair Chairman, Investment Committee of the Fair Board Member, Executive Committee, Kanawha Valley Senior Services, Inc. Policy Board Member, Consortium for Public Administration Field Services. Past President, West Virginia City Management Association. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS International City Management Association, Full Member. Government Finance Officers Association Public Risk Insurance Management Association. American Society for Public Administration. LINDA C. WINNER EDUCATION University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 1986; Doctor of Philosophy. Counselor Certification, North Carolina Guidance-- University of North Carolina, Greensboro & Western Carolina University. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 1965; M.A.T.-American History. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 1964; Bachelor of Arts. EMPLOYMENT Director, Leadership Development, Center for Public Service, University of Virginia. 1987 -Present. Director, Special Academic Programs, University of North Carolina--Asheville. 1985 - 1987. Public School Counselor, Asheville City Schools, Asheville, North Carolina. 1970 -1976. Public School Classroom Teacher, Chapel Hill and Buncombe County, North Carolina. 1965 - 1969. SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Leadership Charlottesville, Virginia Alumni Association. Alumni board, School of Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Past President, Junior League of Asheville. Vice-Chair, Governor's Personnel Commission for North Carolina Public School Employees (1982- 1986). SIMEON E. EWING EDUCATION West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. 1979; Master of Public Administration. Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. 1978; Bachelor of Science. EMPLOYMENT Director Southwest Virginia Office, Center for Public Service, University of Virginia. September 1987 - Present. Town Manager, Town of Wise, Wise, Virginia. February 1982 -September 1987. Proiect Administrator, Region VIII Planning and Development Council, Petersburg, West Virginia. June 1980 -February 1982. SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Past President, Wise County Chamber of Commerce. Chairman, Information Development Committee, Wise County/City of Norton Economic Development Certification Committee Vice-President, Gladeville Housing Authority. Past President, Wise Jaycees. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS International City Management Association, Full Member. Virginia Local Government Management Association, Associate Member ' __ , t. . 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Ra_e_. is i a~, 3 .--. OF SUPERVISORS OF ROAN CENTER THE BOARD p,DMINISTRATION R MEETING O THE ROANORE COUNTY AT A REGULA HELD AT ARCH 12, 1991 COUNTY, VIRGINIAr ON TUESDA~Lr OF BONDS BY THE ISSUANCE ROANOKE COUNTY, 31291_q APPROVING OF MEDICAL RESOLUTION _~- AUTH aFITTHE CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEBN NEFIT FOR THE INC. VIRGINIA, INSTITUTE, REPRESENTATIVES of goanoke ndustrial Development Authority WHEREAS, the I the application he ~~puthority") has considered inia (t Inc• (the County, Virg Institute, rtified Medical Representatives The Ce the Authority's Industrial of of 000 (the the issuance to exceed $400, ~~CompanY") for an amount not Revenue Bonds in .s acquisition Development of the Company financing ware in the 5,409 sq ~~Bonds") to assist (approximately of an office facility in the Company= and equipment ,~ for use negate size) (the 'project ) feet in agg and the projec activities; and operator of nonprofit owner WHEREAS,. the initial the CompanY% and ,11 be located at 4950 Bramblet~ will be wi WHEREAS, the Pro?ect Virginia; and County, on st S•W•~ in Roanoke ublic hearing Avenue, held a P WHEREAS, the Auth°rity 13, 1991; and on February requested the Board application has WHEREAS, the Authority ~~goard Virginia (the County, 5upe~lsors of Roanoke Bonds to comply ~~ to approve the issuance of the 1986, as amen Supe~isors ) gevenue Code of 147 (f ) of the Internal urisdiction Section units having j that the governmental the area in which provides bonds and over rivate governmental rivate act the issuer of P the proceeds of the P any facility financed with bonds; and of the ds is located must approve the issuance of the bon issues its Bonds on behalf WHEREAS, the Authority and the Board Project is to be located in the County, the highest governmental unit of the County, the ~ of 5upe~isors constitutes .s resolution approving County; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority and a onds, a record of the public hearing, of the B f filed the issuance to the project have been fiscal impact statement relating with the Board of Supe~isors. OF ROANORE RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BE IT COUNTY, VIRGINIA AS FOLLOWSs u ervisors approves the issuance of the 1• The Board of 5 p the CompanY- tO the the Authority for the benefit of to permit the Bonds by of the Code, extend required by Section 147 (f) of the Project. to assist in the financing B°nds, a: Authority of the issuance of the The approval 2, endorsemen this Resolution, does not constitute an iability of the Project or the credi contained in of the Bonds, the financial 1 aired by Section 15.1 Further, as req worthiness of the CompanY• the Bonds sha. e Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, of th the County, n 1380 Virginia, the Commonwealth of al of , premiL provide that neither a the princip shall be obligated to P Y therE the Authority or other costs incident the interest thereon, and if anY- ledged therefor revenues and monies P except from the nor the tax ecurity, and neither the faith, credit, applicable s or the County, shal] ower of the Commonwealth, the Authority, P pledged thereto. lution shall take effect immediately upon 3, This Reso tion. to adopt resolution, and its adop On motion of Supervisor Nickens recorded vote: carried by the following Nickens, McGraw Supe~isors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, AYE5: NAYS: None A COpy TE5TE: ~/ - g. Allen, Clerk ervisors Mary Board of Sup Roanoke County File Industrial Development Authority cc: Secretary, Tim Gubala, County Attorney pawl Mahoney, Item No. _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE OKERCOUNTY ADMINI TRATION C LATER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROAN IN ROp,NOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request of cCeforflndustrial RevenuerBondtatives Institute, In NTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /~ ~ y ~~ COU G~~ rn~~ U~1 (~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. is requesting Board of Supervisors approval for an amount not to exceed $400,000 of Industrial Revenue Bonds. BACKGROUND: Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. has requested Industrial Revenue Bond financing for up to $400, 000 to acquire and equip a building located at 4950 Brambleton Avenue. Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. is a non profit o0erating corporation undert th th t ecertifiesn medical and epharmaceutical in Roanoke Cou y representatives. The Roanoke County Industriand preliminary Authority has approved an inducement resolution, resolution on February 12, edicalo Representat ves oInst it telis revenue bonds. Certified M ~~ as defined in the Code of determined to be an "Authority facility Virginia. The Commissioner of the Ratives InstitutelvInc leis a tax exempt Certified Medical Represent corporation by the Internal Revenue Service. Industrial Development Authority has issued The Roanoke County several industrial revenue bonds for non-pro House n(Richfield) Hollins College, Friendship Manor and McVitty Manor and have received bond approval for projects. Friendship Richfield have also been involved in lawsuits with ent settlement over the non payment of real estate taxes. a dutoethue County. provides for an annual service fee to be p ...L/ - .' In 1987 Edinburgh Square sought tax exempt status form the General Assembly and approached the Board of Supe e t and Edinburgh Square of support. The Board supported this requ voluntarily offered to pay an annual service fee of 20~ of the County's real property tax levy. In light of this information and being aware of the need for County Police and Fire/Rescue protection, Certified Medical Inc. has offered to pay an annual Representatives Institute, ~ tax lev for the service fee of 20~ of the County s real property Y 15 year period of the industrial revenue bond. FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal year impact statement shows no taxable income urchased eof annual value owe eroc the Treasurer'se Office tindi at s taxes of $518,455. H ~ $1,987.20 paid during 1990 on existing ert the b are proposing~to leases on Brambleton Avenue. The prop Y Y At purchase has a total tservice fee of 20~2would0amount to $515.66. this value, the annual STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1, Concur with the Industrial Development Authority's request for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds in the final amount of $360,000. 2 . Accept the offer of ane annu 1 service fee eof 20~ tof lthe Institute, Inc. to p y ear term of County's real property tax for the fifteen (15) y the Industrial Revenue Bond. A s w 11 be brought back tofthe approved by the County Attorney) ent meeting for approval. Board of Supervisors at a subsequ Respectful ~ ~ Timothy W Industria: Authority ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: _ly submittea: Gubala, Secretary Development of Roanoke County No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Enclosure • ~ -~ RESOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA RECOMMENDING PUBLIC APPROVAL OF BONDS WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority" ) has held a public hearing on the application of The Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. (the "Company") for the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $400,000 (the "Bonds"); and WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, requires approval of the issuance of the Bonds by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Authority hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds to finance the acquisition and equipment of an office facility, approximately 5,409 square feet in aggregate size (the "Project") for the benefit of the Company and recommends that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia approve the issuance of the Bonds. 2. The Chairman and Secretary of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Board of Supervisors a reasonably detailed summary of the comments, if any, made at the public hearing and a fiscal impact statement relating to the Project. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Chairman Saul convened a public hearing February 13, 1991. Teo one made any public comments and Chairman Saul closed the public hearing. This resolution recommending approval of bonds was approved on motion by Bill Branch, seconded by Carson Quarles and carried February 13, 1991. Bill Triplett abstained from voting. 1 .- .e RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ASSISTANCE TO THE CERTIFIED MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES INSTITUTE, INC. BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, there have been described to the Industria Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority" the plans of The Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. a Virginia non-profit corporation (the "Company") to acquire an equip an office facility (the "Project") in Roanoke County Virginia (the "County"); and WHEREAS, the Company in its appearance before the Authorit and in a letter attached hereto as Exhibit A has represented the it is anon-profit, non-religious, non-sectarian organization who= primary purpose is to promote the health and welfare of tY citizens of the Commonwealth and has described to the Authority tY benefits of the Project to the County; and WHEREAS, the Company has requested the Authority to issue ii Industrial Development Revenue bonds under the Virginia Industri~ Development and Revenue Bond Act (the "Act") in such an amount may be necessary to finance the cost of acquiring and equipping tl Project. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the location ~ the Project in the County will benefit the inhabitants of t; Commonwealth of Virginia and of the County and will promote the health, welfare, convenience and prosperity. 2. It is hereby found and determined that the Project wi constitute an "authority facility" within the meaning of Secti 15.1-1374 of the Act. 3. It is hereby found and determined that adoption of th Resolution by the Authority will assist the Company in locating t Project in the County. The Authority hereby agrees to assist t Company in financing the acquisition and equipping of the Proje by undertaking the issuance of its Industrial Development Reven bond or bonds therefore (the "Bonds") in an amount not to exce $400,000 upon terms and conditions to be mutually agreed up between the Authority and the Company. 4. The Company has requested the appointment of Wetheringt & Melchionna, Roanoke, Virginia, as bond counsel in connection wi the issuance of the Bonds. An agreement to retain Wetherington Melchionna being a contract for legal services which, in t judgment of the Authority, in the public interest should not acquired through competitive bidding, the Authority hereby concc 2 .~ in the appointment of Wetherington & Melchionna as bond counsel t~ supervise the proceedings and approve the issuance of the Bonds. 5. No covenant, agreement or obligation contained in thi Resolution or in the Bonds or in connection with the Project shal be deemed to be a covenant, agreement or obligation of any presen or future director, officer, employee or agent of the Authority i his individual capacity, and neither the directors of the Authorit nor any officer thereof executing the Bonds shall be liabl personally on the Bonds or be subject to any personal liability o accountability by reason of the issuance thereof. No director officer, employee or agent of the Authority shall incur an personal liability with respect to any other action taken by hi pursuant to this Resolution or the Act provided he acts in goc faith. 6. All costs and expenses in connection with the financir and the acquiring and equipping of the Project, including the feE and expenses of the Authority and bond counsel and administrati~ fees of the Authority's members, may be paid from the proceeds c the Bonds. If for any reason the Bonds are not issued, it ~ understood that all such expenses shall be paid by the Company at that the Authority shall have no responsibility therefore. 7. Adoption of this Resolution is intended by the Authorii to constitute "official action" with respect to the Project and tl Bonds within the meaning of regulations promulgated under Sectic 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. 8. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. This inducement resolution was approved February 13, 1991 o-n motion by Carson Quarles, seconded by Darnell Vinyard and carried unanimously, 3 - ~HIBIT A ~ J~ie 7~ ~/L'~ea~ C~~~Qe~~~'rir~ed ~~cd~~Gu~e, nc. ~"L ex~~~ `~~ TELEPHONE (7031 989-4996 4316 BRAMBLETON AVENUE. S.W•. ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018 CMR' January 24, 1991 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA C/O EDWARD A NATT ESQ OSTERHOUDT FERGUSON NATT AHERON be AGEE PC 1919 ELECTRIC RD SW PO BOX 20068 ROANOKE VA 24018 ~~~ Gentlemen: The Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. ("CMR") is a Virc corporation qualified under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) as anon-profit en CMR's primary purpose is to promote the health and welfare of the citizen the Commonwealth and oth ersabd medi d ne peadingeto tacfulle r underst lnd ng of the base of knowledge In sc>enc of pharmaceutical products in the treatment and prevention of disease. CMR is a religious, non-sectarian organization. CMR's current office facility does no' and the company plans to acquire and eqt Brambleton Avenue in Roanoke County. Development Authority of Roanoke County t of the facility by the issuance of bonds in proceeds from the sale of the bonds will be cost of approximately $360,000. Currently, the amount of bonds actually issued by the provide adequate space for its activi ip a new office facility located at 'he company is requesting the Indu: ~ assist it in its acquisition and equip an amount not to exceed $400,000. used to acquire the land and building it is estimated that such amount wi Authority. The company has obtained commitments, subject to definitive documents from six individuals in Ps clanned 3for~0 aOteoFebrua yutohorearly b'Iarch,o 19glrtain ~ and conditions. Clos g p your assistance in this financing would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Jam .s E. Dutton, C11R Y~r ident JED/g~va -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION APPROVING ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CERTIFIED MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES INSTITUTE, INC. WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") has considered the application of The Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. (the "Company") for the issuance of the Authority's Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $400,000 (the "Bonds") to assist in the financing of the Company's acquisition and equipment of an office facility (approximately 5,409 square feet in aggregate size) (the "Project") for use in the Company's nonprofit activities; and WHEREAS, the initial owner and operator of the Project will be the Company; and WHEREAS, the Project will be located at 4950 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., in Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Authority held a public hearing on such application on February 13, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Board of Supervisors") to approve the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which provides that the governmental units having jurisdiction over the issuer of private governmental bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of the private activity ~} -2 bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its Bonds on behalf of the County, the Project is to be located in the County, and the Board of Supervisors constitutes the highest governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a record of the public hearing, and a fiscal impact statement relating to the Project have been filed with the Board of Supervisors. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Board of Supervisors approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company, to the extend required by Section 147(f) of the Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as contained in this Resolution, does not constitute an endorsement of the Bonds, the financial liability of the Project or the credit worthiness of the Company. Further, as required by Section 15.1- 1380 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County, nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the principal of, premium, if any, the interest thereon, or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and monies pledged therefor and any applicable security, and neither the faith, credit, nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth, the Authority, or the County, shall be pledged thereto. ~~ 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. v C m of W m ~p s ~ 8LL ~ N O N m S ~ C/ U U S ~ Q E LL ~ Oi m m U ~ O; ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ y E n ~ ~ N ~ ~ t0 L_ a Z D p ~~ O O N N _D ~ ~ n~ m" O p 0 0 3 3 Z ~ ~ O~ Dp ?+"wAm„'o~o 0 ~Z rnrn~0-Zi1~ ~ ~ ~~ Z D~ t=„ 3 Z Q p n ~ „ n f - ~ t _ ~ " i 4 ~~~ a~ ~ o 0 ~, ~ ~ ~, o Sv ~ ~ ~ ~ p g ~ O c U m ~i E _C a~ _m y ~ ~ 0i ~ ~ C7 O [L b m d ~ ~3~ _V U a ° a~ ,4 ~ ~ ~ J C ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~- W ~~ o r o ~~ ~~ 3 t 3n~Z{ZXDZGI ~ ~ IO ~zm0~0-~ApD ~1 ~ D y p m p~ ~ D T n~ T~ T O Q~~ ~~ y m Q N N~ Z~ rn S C O Z~~ D - rn z n m N Q=~ ~ _ rn Q ~ m N Z cn ~ DD ~ nD mA(l ~O m~ mn ~~ Ap G1 G7 yZ7 Om ~~ r-pm nD AQ ~m nD ~(~ ~~ m~ mn p~!' O A cn mQ pm DZ ~~ pm DQ r-p n-Di AO Zp A ~ Q~ 8A ~ O(n QQ A ~N Qm DZ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ Zp QA O ZOO ~A ~ Op ° v z. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s o ~ ~ O s. o ~ D n m N `~~ , A ~ i ~, o i Q R T v C , ~ m G ° ~ Z 0 r,, ~ ~ ~~ ,_ ~ ~ < ~t~~ m D .I ~ ~ T 1 "' O O, v I I T O ~ -*~ m --i D'Tl'Tl "r'1 r1 C~ D 2 ~1 ~1 ~ ~:D m ttI'T1 n o cD-c a~n~,-•rOmmcrzm-~xco D ~o v O ~o UIUI~ -iD-IDX 13 DITIO-I NC ~ Oo D 3 D OC~3-I~ --IrO ['1C~~~1Z '0 DN r 3 UI -I G7•• mCZ2 ~~c-Irro ~ zm -~ m 'U G i D iU UI l~ 1-' ~-+ Z7:0 ~';0 D O `a O Z7 tJ7 r 3*m D********** .-. ~N Z ('~ -~ N D N N m ~-' ~-+ D D D• TJo oWOOO~~TIooNNL~ m o` c7 D C t31 Wr-+,~ CoT.A V W~W~ COWr~ O C"1N O Dom o Z Est t1.OD~ i3 ZUlC7DG7nOC7G1'~'IU7Ui m Co U! G7 ~~ o ~ -I• .D U7 -IrZZ1Ul~]-COOt~D~ -I :U o -c~co~ ~-~ I -~~Drmmm N -~ c m ~~-o v,DZ.~cn-~mv mD~m D W n ~ oon ~ r~ c Dc -+r moo -f oo-~ z~ *~ Ulcrn rU1 ~z o v• cn v z -~ _ --~ m z o mom I.., m D mc~-+ z XNN C7-~ O T~ T~~IGJ o W N m !p Ul m D ~ ri .. N ~ ~ ~ If) v \ o o V aD `o "D m N 3 o A Wr'r ***************** ~\ ~ o ~~ ~ \ D o ~D W o. (~ r-~ • N •~0 o OD N Q+(.f1 N~ o N N o W Nr' ~VQ`U~V~ Q`~ VINVV~'I~il~ (f)O-~ oZ t-fmV Nm N DTIo o~ o r~l\ ~' o o mC7 N~ o o -~ I m l N Est m T1 ~O N o I D I \ ~ ~] X3'1 o N I Ul I N ~ D D ~ 0 o I I V ~ 3 ~d o 1 I N ~ m N o• r I I N r • ao I I N m o m I I ~ --I m Est ao I I O U~ Op I 1 ~ i C X o I I ~D m eft I I Iy ~ I I O~ ` O V o I I o m ~1 D • ~D I I ~ ~ ~rl I I n r r N I 1 O -{ .-. I I 3 Z X X37 ~f1 N 3 D G 1 Q` '~ V m D -1 I I I ~ ~~ O w w I I ~ r7r Z V Y I I (~~ ~f~ O W ~~-1 N ~ I i 'T10D 7j i _ W W I I ~ W r G1 ~-. vl ~fl I I ~-• m -~ r I i c,ao o r W m m I I m m z t!l ~ D r I I o0 o N O I I ri o 2 II G7 I I O N -i •-• ~--~ ~ I I z o ~ r ~Y1 ~fi D I I (!1 o I O~ eZ] 1 I -i o ~ cn m I I o ~ W D I I o N W I 1 0 [~ ° m I I Q. c l o ~ + ~ ..~... ~..., ~., ,-, w w.~ ....-...-,...., ~-..., ~ + ~1 c~ t TI Z ~ a. m W r' W tt7 W X rn 3 ° W .~ o I D (-1 D aD TI ~7 C m A r3~r-'N =C-IA~I D v Ul U1 0 .o wwWN mo3r -i c~ II o to oNWV "'3U70 I Z mtT W T ~ ~S7 ~ o ~O W ~o nu-~u ~ •Sl •57T G7 \ \ O TCTT O _ m Wetherin n . ~'° ~ Melchionna a~~o~~u~~~~vw~~~\~\~\~UU\N\U\N\\U\\\WO\U~+OV411 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS /~~ ~ l '~r ~ , *~'~~ 1100 CRESTAR BANK BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 90 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24002 TELEPHONE TELECOPIER 703-982-3800 703-342-4480 March 6, 1991 TO All THE GENTLEMEN ON THE ATTACHED MAILING LIST Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a memorandum with an attached schedule and va: other documentation regarding The Certified Medical Representa~ Institute, Inc. ("CMR") for your review. This memorandum addr~ questions raised by some of you. I have also enclosed se~ letters from different pharmaceutical companies who support C its attempt to expand and to better our community. Please take a few moments from your busy schedule and r all the enclosed material. I feel that after you have reviewe material, you will understand what CMR is doing, and that expansion with the use of tax exempt financing would be a benefit for the Roanoke Valley. If you have any questions regarding any of the encl please feel free to give me a call. With best personal rega ORM,JR:rrw:217.17 Very truly yours, C~~Q ~~~ Olin R. Melchionna, Jr. Enclosures cc: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., County Administrator Timothy W. Gubala, CID/CED Mark Heath, Executive Director Regional Partnership ~`'~ :: 4:,~w MAILING LIST 1. Mr. Steven A. McGraw Chairman 3883 Shawnee Trail Salem, VA 24153 2. Dr. Harry C. Nickens Vice Chairman 4179 Toddsbury Drive Vinton, VA 24179 3. Mr. Lee B. Eddy 2211 Pommel Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 5. Mr. Richard Robers 5259 Slintlock Road Roanoke, VA 24014 4. Mr. Bob L. Johnson 6628 Northway Drive Hollins, VA 24019 ~ `. •Y' 1. WHAT IS THE CERTIFIED MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES IN; INC.? Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc. (here referred to as "CMR") is a non-stock, non-profit corporation and conducted as an educational institute. CMR has qualifi the Internal Revenue Service as an educational institute. 2. WHAT DOES CMR PROVIDE? It provides a complete educational and prof e; development curriculum primarily for the needs of t representatives employed by various pharmaceutical companies United States. Of course, individuals not workin pharmaceutical companies may take the courses. After taking a prescribed course of study and succe~ passing proctored examinations, the successful student recei~ designation of "Certified Medical Representative." 3. WHO RUNS AND OWNS CMR? Certified Medical Representatives is governed k uncompensated, self-perpetuating Board of Directors. There Shareholders. CMR's Articles of Incorporation provide tY shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educai purposes and no part of its net earnings shall inure to the bE of any member, director, officer or other individual. Peat, Marwick is CMR's accountant and performs a certified audit year. 4. HOW MANY STUDENTS ARE ACTUALLY EDUCATED ANNUALLY Approximately 1,300. The student enrollment has it tremendously in the past couple of years because of a curriculum. In the past 25 years there have been 2,464 gre 5• WHAT IS THE ANNUAL VALUE OF GOODS AND SERVICES PU LOCALLY? 1991 (estimated) See attached Schedule 1990 1989 See attached See attachec Schedule Schedule 6. WHAT ARE THE REAL ESTATE TAX CONSEQUENCES PURCHASING ITS OWN BUILDING? Article X, Section 6(a)(4) of the Virginia Consti exempts from real estate tax property owned by institutic learning not conducted for profit so long as the proper primarily used for literary, scientific, or educational purpo purposes incidental thereto. Thus, any real estate owned ~ will be exempt automatically from real estate tax. According. the new building is valued at $360,000, Roanoke County wil receive approximately $4,140.00 in real estate tax. CMR is different than other non-profit organizations in others must apply to the Board of Supervisors for approval of 2 real estate tax exemption. Then the General Assembly must the real estate tax exemption. CMR is currently leasing a parcel of real estate from Mrs. Maury Strauss. That parcel will remain on the tax role amount of $6,008.76 mentioned in Mr. Gulala's Memorandum f estate tax paid on this rental property is in error and sh $2,126.35 on the current assessment. In any event, this will continue to be paid to the county. 7. WHY IS CMR PURCHASING FOR APPROXIMATELY $360,OC BUILDING AND LAND WHICH WAS ASSESSED AT $224,200.00? The $224,200 assessment was for a shell building. C offered the building at approximately the assessed value, but only purchase a completed building. The Seller agreed to con a completed building and sell the property in a "turn-key" f for $359,800. Earl Robertson appraised the building i unfinished state and also determined the fair value completion with the finishes specified by CMR. Mr. Rober~ appraisal is attached as well as the contract of purchase. were certain small overages on the building, approxir $4,500.00. This overage, other equipment, furnishings, cos issuance of the bonds, and legal fees will be paid by CMR frc own funds. 3 8• WILL THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE OR THE INDUSTRIAL DEV AUTHORITY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THE DEBT PAYMENT? No. Only CMR and its building will be liable for the directly to the bondholders. Roanoke County and the Inc Development Authority have absolutely no cost, expE responsibility for the bonds. 9 • DOES THE CMR BOND USE THE STATE ALLOCATION FOR IND DEVELOPMENT BOND? Absolutely Not! Charitable organizations are exempt f allocation procedure under Section 146(g)(2) of the I~ Revenue Code. Thus, if a manufacturing facility needs allocation to build a plant, the CMR bond will have no effect. 10. HAS ROANOKE COUNTY, THROUGH ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVEL AUTHORITY, ISSUED BONDS TO HELP OTHER INSTITUTIONS OF LEARN Yes. In July, 1983, the Authority issued $340,000 for H. College in order to finance a horseback riding facility. 11. WILL JOBS BE CREATED WHEN CMR PURCHASES ITS NEW BUII Yes, if tax exempt financing can be used, two new jobs w~ created in the first year and four new jobs by the end o fourth year. Currently CMR has four employees. 4 12. WHO WILL PURCHASE THE BONDS? The Board of Directors of The Certified Representatives determined that it would be in the best intE CMR to finance its new building with a fixed interest rate, loan. Banking institutions are not willing to provide credit facility for a commercial type loan nor are they int in purchasing tax-exempt bonds because the current law do allow a bank to deduct the interest it has to pay to its cu. for money used to purchased tax-exempt bonds. The issue was too small to do a public offering because expense of doing such a public offering. The only alternat: CMR was to find a group of sophisticated investors to purch~ bond on a private placement basis. Those investors needed able to undertake the risk and sufficiently sophistical understand and evaluate the situation. Six local individual agreed to purchase the bond and they are as follows: Joel K Sydney Shaftman, Ben M. Richardson, Jeannette Mistele, Dr. 0 Melchionna, and Dr. Richard H. Lowe, Jr. Dr. Lowe is a direc CMR and Dr. Melchionna is the father of Olin R. Melchionna, J is also a director of CMR. 13. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO BE OBTAINED BY ROANOKE C AND THE ROANOKE VALLEY BY ALLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX EXEMPT FOR CMR? a. CMR will be allowed to achieve its educationa 5 charitable purpose by providing advanced education for representatives and other individuals. This will lead physicians in the Roanoke County and Roanoke Valley be: knowledgeable of the latest drugs and medical procedure: will directly inure to the health and welfare of the cit: our community. b• Two new jobs will be created the first year of oc of this new building and four new jobs within four years. c• CMR receives tuition on behalf of students all c United States. These tuitions come into Roanoke, and approx $518,455 is expended in Roanoke County and the Roanoke Val printing, salaries, legal and accounting, utilities, suppl. other services. Obviously, all of these purchases and salar repurchases will create sales tax, utility tax, personal p~ tax on cars of our employees, real estate tax on hog employees, etc. for the community. Assuming conservativel each dollar spent locally turns five times, and 50% generate: tax at 4.50, then each year approximately $58,326.00 w: generated in state and local sales tax alone. d. Interest paid on the bonds will be paid to individuals who will likely use and spend the funds in the R~ Valley. Interest paid to a bank may be utilized in localities and states. e• There will be substantially increased travel int Roanoke Valley and related expenditures in the Roanoke Valley, example, the October 1992 CMR Board of Directors meeting is pl 6 for Roanoke so that the Board members may see the new ed facility. Approximately 10 Board members and their spouses in Roanoke for a 3 day period. Further, CMR has an Advisory Board composed of approx: 15 executives from various pharmaceutical companies. These also plan to have periodic meetings in Roanoke. CMR has nevE able to have meetings at its offices previously because the too small. Having these various executives visit Roanoke we an excellent opportunity to showcase our beautiful valle invite their presence as new corporate citizens. 7 GOODS & SERVICES Printing - texts, exams, handbooks, newsletters and brochures Salaries - Fulltime and Part-time Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Meetings and Travel Telephone Insurance - general Insurance - officers life insurance Postage, UPS, and Federal Express Repair, maintenance Office supplies $ 9,183 $ 17,654 $ 51,642 $ 4,256 $ 3,756 $ 14,878 1989 rTnmTm~ 95~ Roanoke (W. Moore ~ $ 89,122 lives in Rc County) 5~ Quick P~ Swift Print County) $118,457 Currently, employees ] Roanoke CoL Roanoke Cit in Franklin $ 8,958 $ 17,134 Purchased t VandeLinde Investment Inc. Mr. Va lives in Ro County. $ 39,423 McDade Trav~ and Mrs. Mc] in Roanoke ~ $ 3,796 $ 4,889 McDonough C~ VandeLinde $ 11,352 Investment ~ Inc. (Mr. V~ lives in Roa County Stationery, I Paper, Virgin Legal and accounting $ 13,50x, $ 10,849 $ 13,969 Wetherington Melchionna; F Marwick Rent - equipment $ ' 555 $ 396 $ 2,454 Pitney Bowes Office furniture and equipment Design Busy $ $ Interiors Cronk owner Roanoke Cot Utilities $ 3f00g: $ 2,895 $ 2,789 Janitorial service $ 2,400'' $ 1,906 $ 1,906 Happy House (Roanoke Cc Computer programming $ 4~~Q; $ 2,935 $ 2,850 Azimuth (Ja Roanoke Cou Interest expense - ~ 1991 intere Dominion $ 7~,'40~ $ 59,352 $ 66,347 includes Do Bank and to bondholders TOTAL $518,455 $404,391 $412,467 APPRAISAL REPORT OF IMPROVED PROPERTY PROPERTY LOCATION 4950 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke County, Virginia PROPERTY 04VNER Dalton Vaughn, Inc. PROPOSED LENDER Dominion Bank 201 S. Jefferson Street Roanoke, Virginia PREPARED FOR Certified Medical Representative Institute, Inc. Richard H. Lowe, Jr. President BY Earl G. Robertson, biAI, SRPA CO~iMONWEALTH APPRAISAL C 2 November 27, 1990 Dr. Richard H. Lowe, Board Chairman Certified Medical Representative Institute 4316 Brambleton Avenue, S.W, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Dr. Lowe: As requested and with additional information, I have revisec appraisal of the property located at 4950 Brarr-bleton Avenue, S,jq. Roanoke, Virginia. This revision is based on additional data fur to me by Mr. ,Tames E. Dutton, President of Certified Medical Repr tive Institute, showing specific specifications of the proposed p C improvements. These specific specifications have permitted me to my original appraisal with a greater degree of accuracy. Based o: additional information it is this appraiser's revised opinion tha~ estimated market value of this property will be: THREE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($361,000.00) when the improvements are completed and ready for occupancy assumi occurs prior to April 1, 1991. Attached hereto are revised portio my appraisal report and copies of the data supporting the revised This revision is believed to be complete and the opportunity • of service is appreciated. However, if there are an can be of further assistance, please let me know. y questions or Sincerely, COMMONT~EALTH APPRAISAL COMPAN C Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants EARL G ROBERTSON. MAI, SRPq OAVIDE. ROBERTSON. STAFFAppRAISER SHENANDOAH BUILDING • TELEPHONE (7031 342.3881 • P.O. BOX 1188 • ROANOKE. VIRGI EGR/lchv ~~~~~/~ Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRPA PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value C property as it existed on September 20, 1990 and also to estim market value when all interior construction is completed and t ing is ready for occupancy. The American Institute of Real Es' defines the term market value as "The most probable price in c, equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for ~ appraised property will sell in a competitive market under all requisite to fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting x knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither undue duress." Fundamental assumptions and conditions presumed in this definit 1. Buyer and seller are motivated by self-interest. 2. Buyer and seller are well informed and are acting prudently 3. The property is exposed for a reasonable time on the open m. 4. Payment is made in cash, its equivalent, or in specified fig terms. 5. Specified financing, if any, may be the financing actually : or on terms generally available for the property type in it: on the effective appraisal date. 6. The effect, if any, on the amount of market value of atypic ing, services, or fees shall be clearly and precisely reveal appraisal report. C IDENTIFICATION OF REPORT The subject property is located at 4950 Brambleton Avenue in Roar and is further identified by Roanoke County Tax Map Number 86.16• PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED The appraisal of this property is predicated on the assumption tt; title is in fee simple, free and clear of all liens, assessments easements or land covenants affecting the property have no object clauses. LIMITATIONS TO Iti:1'OR'1• The appraisal oC this property was based on consideration of• all ~ data known to the appraiser. This report, however, is limited foi pose of brevity and does not include all of the information used t appraiser. This information is retained on file in this office if for future reference. FLOOD HAZARD DATA The subject property is not located in any known designated flood l area. COMMONIYiEALTH APPRAISAL STREET IA4PROVEbIENTS C Brambleton Avenue (U.S. Route 221), in front of this property, lane paved highway which does not have any sidewalk, curb or gu is understood that this road will soon be widened and upgraded. UTILITIES All public utilities are available to the subject property. ZONING ~_ The subject property is zoned B-1 "Office District" which permit tended use of the property as improved. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION AND TAXES At the time of inspection the subject improvements were finished outside only and the assessed value, as such, is as follows: LAND $ 54,900.00 IMPROVEMENTS 169,300.00 TOTAL $224,200.00 C The current tax rate is $1.15 per $100.00 of assessed value reflex "as is" annual tax load of $2,578.30. DATE OF PROPERTY INSPECTION September 20, 1990 DATE VALUATION APPLIES The "as is" value applies as of the inspection date (September 20, and the completed value will apply when the interior is completed ; building is ready for occupancy, provided this work is completed pi April 1, 1991. NEIGHBORHOOD DATA At the present time the subject neighborhood is mostly residential perties along with some scattered commercial properties fronting on Brambleton Avenue, including a junior high school and several churcl The subject property is locates on the southwest fringe of the neiEl hood. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL C DESCRIPTION OF LAID C According to information available to this appraiser the subje an irregular shaped lot fronting 109.68 feet on the southeast Brambleton Avenue. It has a depth of 180.22 feet alon 169.67 feet along the right side. The rear fronts 73.0 feetlo Drive. Total land area is understood to be 15,812 square feet acre according to local tax records. At the front the land li below Brambleton Avenue and slopes gradually downhill toward t; grade with Spencer Drive along the rear property line. It also gradually downhill toward the left side (facing the property f~ ton Avenue). At the time of inspection there was a building on the site and front of the building had been graded to provide a parking lot. sloping downhill from Brambleton Avenue is being held in place stone retaining wall. Access to this Drive and through the adjacent pro ertparking area is from Arli behind the subject building and has directAaccessdfromkSpencera; parking area is about grade with the lower level of the building parking lots have been stabilized and surfaced with tar and gray There are no known detrimental easements, zoning violations or e It is assumed that the ingress and egress from the parking lot t Hills Drive has been or will be legally documented. C DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS The improvements consist of a two story office building which al: basement that is about grade with the rear parking lot. This sty a concrete foundation below grade, brick veneer exterior above gx shingle roof, metal gutters and downspouts. All windows have doL wood sash with insulated glass. At the time of inspection (September 20, 1990) only the exterior Inside, there was a plywood sub-floor, exposed studs and rafters. no plumbing or wiring and the steps had temporary treads. On the the ground was covered with crushed stone and the concrete founda~ were exposed, along with the bottom side of the floor overhead. The above completes the description of this building as it existec 20, 1990. At this point in time it appeared to be about 48% compl When the interior is completed it is understood that it will have and ceilings, carpet and or vinyl floors, or the equivalent, flour gas fired warm air heat and central air. men and women on each level. There will be toilet fac: from the to Permanent inside stairs will provide p level to the bottom level and there will be outside er on the rear of the bottom level and the front of the next level abc to the top level is provided by an inside stairway only. COMMONI~E~ILTH ~ppRAISAL ~ DESCRIPTION OF ID4PROVEDIENTS (Cont'd. ) The structure is rectangular in shape. Exterior dimensions are C wide by 32.9 feet deep, indicating 1,803 square feet of space on or a total building area of 5,409 square feet for all three leve. It is assumed that the improvements will be completed in a workm; manner as no plans or specifications were available to this appr; When all the interior is completed the property will be ready to as office space and there will be "on site" parking space. HIGHEST AND BEST USE When the building is completed and ready to be occupied,~the higr best use of this property will be for office use. This use is pe under existing zoning. Office use is also the present use of the improved property. METHOD OF APPRAISAL Three methods of estimating property value when appraising improv are used. They are: 1. Cost Approach 2. Dlarket Approach (sometimes called the Comparis~ 3. Income Approach An indicated property value is derived by each method and these t~ estimates are correlated into one final property value estimate. used in the Cost Approach is derived by direct comparison. LAND VALUATION In deriving an estimated market value of the subject land it will as if it were unimproved and ready to be built upon. The following unimproved recent land sales are believed to be the comparable to the subject land. Land Sale 1 - On April 24, 1990, an unimproved site located at west corner of Franklin Road and King George Aven identified as part of tax map number 1030920, soli 5135,000.00. The land contained 30,056 square fey dicating a price of 54.49 per square foot. Land Sale 2 - On February 2, 1990, an unimproved site located or side of Third Street about 150 feet south of Walnt identified by tax map number 1030510, sold for 55~ The land contained 9,300 square feet, indicating $5.65 per square foot. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL LAND VALUATION (Cont'd.) C Land Sale 3 - On August 1, 1988, an unimproved site located southeast side of Franklin Road about 150 fee' west of Willow Oak Road and identified by tax 1100403, sold for $119,790.00. The land cont~ square feet, indicating a price of $5.98 per ; Land Sale 4 - On August 25, 1987, an unimproved site locates southeast side of Franklin Road, almost opposi Road and identified by tax map number 1100424, $79,200.00. The land contained 14,000 square dicating a price of $5.66 per square foot. Land Sale 5 - On July 10, 1987, an unimproved site located i block of Brambleton Avenue, S.W. sold for $160 This sale is identified by Roanoke County tax ~ 77.09-4-42, 77.09-4-43 and 77.09-4-44 and cont. square feet, more or less, indicating a price i square foot. These sales are shown on the following "Land Comparison Adjustme along with adjustments, where necessary, for dissimilarities. C COMMONWEALTH APPRAISfiL w J Q F W ~ ~ ~ ~ O u o , W ~ ~` O ~ ~. ~ C °' ti Q SG U v ._, t7 M _ rn t~ ~ M I` M Q c~ O ~ ~ Z ~ ~ in y y y y y y y ~ C, y y O -ri -~ cw a ~ ~ ~ o o ~, O ,-i ' ~ ~ 1 U¢ + ,--i in in ~ I I + cd S~. O ~ Cn .~. ~ O ~ +~ ~•~ ~ ~ O cr ~ U Sr O 40 a ~ .r., 1 N O O O O O O f" N Z W E W I- N O u'~ ~ O !!~ ~ + + O W ~ 1 + Lr J O ~ ~ Q ~ w ° ~ O ~ O M t~ ~-- r Z W U O O ~n O .-a J ~ '} 1 1 ~ '~ v 3 ~ o '~ w ~ O O ,n O O 1 Z ~ + + + w O c7 z N ~ a a ~ ~ a o j U ~ o Z •~ .--~ ~ 1 ~j N N 1 U U V V ,--~ J N W ~ W ~ d w 4 W a ~ u p rn ~ ~ U < of ~ cr cp ~ rn .1 lr ^ X ^ tD '; d .~ `r y ~ ~,, . . ~ ~ ,r, . : ... y y y y y y f W W C LL ~ (O 0 N u o ~ O p 0 M N ~~~ O E'w O O '~ N X M co O ~ ~"~ O cr ,_..~ try N ~ t7 H W J ~?' O N O .-~ o~ i j h \ Q O Q ~~ O~ O o0 N o0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ \ \ ~ ~ WW JU O O _ O O O N~ O ~ ~ O O n. ., N o t'7 lf7 ~ y '-{ y y I~ .-1 cp O y y .1 y y y y Z E.., W ,.i N -1 M ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~I C CORRELATION AND FINAL PROPERTY VALUE ESTIDiATE (Cont'd.) All three indicated property values are deemed to be reliable, t fore some credence is given to each. .However, more credence is the indicated value from the Cost Approach because the improveme~ ne~a resulting in a final property value estimate of $361,366.67 TIiI2E1 HUNDR~;D SIaTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($361,000.00) for the subject property when the improvements are completed and occupancy. This property value estimate is allocated as follows: LAND $ 85,000.00 IAIPROVEb1ENTS 276 , 000.00 TOTAL $361,000.00 C0~1~1OiVWEALTH APPRr11SAL C Re' MARKET APPROACH (Cont'd.) C Three of these sales lead buildings which were smaller than the building while two sales had buildings which were larger than i building. Selling prices varied from $40.00 per square foot of area for the property with the largest building to $81.03 per ' for the building containing the smallest amount of building are Adjustments were made, where necessary, for time, location, bui and condition of the properties, Sale 3 is believed to be the least comparable of all the sales had a large net adjustment, even though it was one of the most Sale 1 is believed to be the most comparable because it is next subject, built by the same builder and required only one small for time. The indicated value from Sale 1 is well supported by property values from Sales 2, 4 and 5. Therefore, it is concluc indicated market value of the subject property is $67,56 per sqL a total property value of $356,432,04 which is rounded to $365,4 is the indicated property value by the Market Approach, ass ments to be complete and ready for occupancy, INCOME APPROACH In the Income Approach, the net operating income is capitalized estimate. Gross economic rent is derived from the rents of comp perties which are now rented or which were rented recently. The C rentals are as follows: Rental #1 - 3651 Brambleton Avenue was rented in 1987 at $6.7£ foot per year, Tenant was responsible for utiliti service. Adding utilities @ $2.00 per S.F. indica $8.79 per S.F. per year. Rental #2 - 3433 Brarr-bleton Avenue has space for rent at $10,0 foot per year. Rent includes all utilities and ja; Exclude janitor service @ $1.25 indicates a rent o: S.F. per year, Rental #3 - 3807 Brandon Avenue rents for $9,50 per square foot Rent includes all utilities and janitor service. E service @ $1,25 indicates a rent of $8.25 per S.F. Rental #4 - 3228 Brandon Avenue rents for $9,00 per square foot Rent includes all utilities and janitor service, E service @ $1.25 indicates a rent of $7.75 per S.F. Rental #5 - 2706 Ogden Road, S.jV, rents for $10.50 per square fi Rent includes all utilities and janitor service, g~ service @ $1.25 per S.F. indicates a rent of $9.25 X year. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL Rey LAND VALUATION (Cont'd.) ~ Each sale was adjusted for time, location, topography and size, ~ necessary. No single sale required an individual adjustment gre 15% and only one sale had a composite adjustment greater than 10 adjustments, these sales indicate a value range from $5.37 per s, to $5.39 per square foot. No one sale appears to be stronger th; the other sales. Therefore, equal weight is given to each Indic: value of $5.38 per square foot. This is a total land value of $~ which is rounded to $85,000.00 for the subject site containing 1; feet . ------ It should be noted that the close proximities of the indicated sq values is a coincidence and should not be construed to indicate s degree of accuracy. COST APPROACH In this method of estimating property value, the indicated proper derived from the present day reproduction cost of the improvement: observed depreciation, if any, to which is added the estimated lar The resulting value estimate is the indicated property value by t} Approach. Replacement costs are based on this appraiser's knowledge of build in this area along with building costs as shown in the Marshall Sw Manual. From this data the following is developed: C Building - Reproduction Cost 5,409 S.F. @ $47,gg $259,0, Site Improvements - Stone Retaining Wall, Landscaping, Grading, Paving and Walks, (Est.) 16,0( Total Reproduction Cost of Improvements $275, 0: Rounded To: $275,OC Depreciation (None - New Construction) -0- Land Value (by Comparison) Total Estimated Pro ert Value 85,00 P Y (when completed) $360 00 COMh1ONWEALTH APPRAISAL C Revi COST APPROACH (Cont'd.) C Estimated Property Value as of 9/20/90 * The building was partially finished at this point in time. Building Value Less Cost to Complete - Est, @ 52% $259 134 Indicated Building Value (Unfinished) $124 (As of 9/20/90) - ROUNDED T0: $124 Add Site Improvements 16 Add Land Value 85, Indicated Property * (as of 9/20/90) $225, MARKET APPROACH In this method the indicated property value is derived from a dir parison of the subject property with known recent sales of compar proved properties. A diligent search was made to locate recent sales of improved prod which were comparable to the subject property. From all the sale: gated, the following are believed to be the most comparable. Improved Property Sale 1 - On February 9, 1989, the improved pr cated at 4954 Bran-bleton Avenue sold The building contained 5,536 square ing a price of $61.42 per square foo area. Improved Property Sale 2 - On January 5, 1990, the improved r p o; at 3501 Franklin Road sold for $135 1 , building area was 1,666 square feet, price of $81.03 per square foot of bi Improved Property Sale 3 - On February 15, 1989, the improved r p cated at 3536 Brambleton Avenue sold The building contained 8,000 square f a price of $40.00 per square foot of Improved Property Sale 4 - On November 7, 1988 the i , mproved pro at 3904 Brambleton Avenue sold for $1 building contained 2,299 square feet, price of $80.47 per square foot of bu: Improved Property Sale 5 - On November 3, 1986 the i , mproved proF at 5007 Carriage Drive sold for $315 ( , building contained 4,987 square feet, price of 563.16 per square foot of bui The following "Improved Property Sales Chart" shows each sale and th adjustments, if any, to make to comparable to the subject property. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL C c ~ U • ~ ' ~' N M O h ' O ~ VJ ' R. !!1 ~ O O C' ~ ~ ~ ~ i `"'~ ~-+ O O M N ~ a t '~ fl co a0 ~' a0 ~ c~ r~ r~3 ~ ~ '~ ~ O ° N , ~ • c i H -1-~ n' a0 00 W cp cC f. cD cp lt) c~ cp U G1 &4 ER tf3 64 b4 • ~ f]., .O O ~ H O tti fy S, f.~ "'~ O O O O -I~ • rl „~ • •-I ~,~ "'~ fr fr fti f~ o ~~ w w w 3 +, ~ z H~ H~ z ~ ~ ~ + .~ O in ~n ~n O + I + 1 + cn ro `° `° o rn ti M co O rn ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ~ O N Q~ ~ f~ ~ Q In ,.~ OJ N C' t!7 tx U O • rl W ~ O rn to cp ~ ~ N O O O ,.a Q ~ ~ 00 ~ 00 00 00 \ \ \ \ \ •o ~ + + + + + ~ ~ ~' rn ~ u~ y, ~ Q \ O .-~ \ \ \ \ .-i . ~ ~ H U F .. , N .--i N .-i ,-.~ C tX W a E. , ° ~ x ~ ~ ~ a~ ° ° ° ° ° ¢ ra o o o o o ''~ V O O O d Iz7 ~ O O ~ ~~ p y a O ~ O to to V' M s; O .-~ N ~ ~ a N ~ M ~ M ~ M .~ 1 t f 1 ~ 6R ER 64 ~ tf? ri H • rI I3~ O O O O O ~ > > Q ~ O d Q •r+ Q ~ N 00 tz G O A O .~ S. r--I r-d r~ ~ «f aj p 1 1 1 1 , ~ ~ ~ .n ,O •~ •Q a c3 cV s~ W Ci. C1 CO U ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ O ~' M M M ~ ~« • ri In F O ~ M ~ + + + + O z U O ( ~ r-i H N M c}' lf') fn N CC C C ., ... ,.a.,,.~- ~, ~ OF SUBJECT PROPERTY C ~,~~ r, ~1~ .~ ~~, ..: N . _S -i~, ~~ Ws~~, ~=/YT, ~f c I ~ROAnUrE /7a/z - ~ Ch[RR5 - ,~•;~ _ I ~'~'-'- ~` °'f f D l HILL PARK\ t ,e `,,~ ~ ~ ~~-r~~ ar,-`' „, ~! p 4RwOCD BURTON ° N".. , ,ses3u?'~'. °'~~~ "~MY•~l CSI VOC. TECH K SP i . 5 C r °." ~ ' OIOI ( '`++.,.r,,,, ...rabSlt.6 y• Oo /-~_ a \\\\` `~~ tee:. ( ~ ",`_ / 1 ~ H I`~dc. y ::(v(::VO ~~~ ~~ Cl^ .~ yr.. er ley l' `I ~ C. „~ ry,. 1` w4' C ,STRATFORO ~ ,'~ 19 : ~ICAY y,~ ~a„; , ~~, . J~ PORK J a R ~ T l \N LE E..ri $.~UN JD ~r f ••~A EEE r ~j y, ~~ C`R M•rroNo ~ f NTS. 5,:, ~ l ~~ _ r OA C~C\ ~. Et/~ J ~• jY.:: [4 " (D IV 4 K ~, LE WIS C9 PA'ROA VAIIC ~' OR ~yrD L - P~ L I`p.la ~ .° ~• 2V ly ~ ~4Y DSYCH CTR ,.4 1 !`~:, a • YL~ rC ~~•° O ' ` r•-. ~~-I B59 ~c rl it •'b NRq. :is ~. e° ° _Q r!~ ~ [ .+t" ~ •+. "~'J : ~ 11; 'O<,. 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(• •~n.SA'~ FAAPYff °,~-`~'?S'~ .,:' K .~a^% ~~y..r 1:t. ^4,i .'* to s, # ~ ..y~.~ ° ~v J 419 I ~` \ >~I ~• 9~ J`~{ 221 ~ ~ v ~ + "` ~ _ T < ~.. ~ a o s su c. F`Cl ci >`q J ` /ti ~ ~ ~ PJ NCB e° a a+ ~, s 'O T T N 1~M I d $ ~ ~ ' 9 ' ! .a•'°.,~i o ~ • `~ ~ •~ ETV e, ~ %+ PROF ssloHrL g uvr A { ea ~odl a ~+ ar - c dA • + PARK BbQG. ' v` ` .. f• Ova: . . r\ oA ~ ° D ~ .l ~ _ ".ter, RD• ~' L,1~ .C ,.`` . •`' MN ~oF`, P S'[IRFft `' Cp 1 ~ PINKAR~, • ~ 6YJ g \ ~` a~" : 793 ~ ~° e[a` ~ t ~ Fo HIL~•.r [•,o' I~ ~ ~ M v \ ` :` NICH 9a~S". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •1 HI `PI L ` oss oI P NN: ~ ,V s °&b h' ~AAK ~ V• ~~uci[• ~ ~. S sC1(r, r~ aC ~ w ° .. s s O NC ~ ~ fir` N rNTl~O. v~° m ~ •"A ^ / , .., 0.: ` P <qo vC. Elm SiJ NON Ir ` \ /' s o .. ;~ ~ '• 'sue L + RKfv I (la qt \ Av[ SDKiNG JR H c. t^r ~.Q` 'F. 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PEH(r ro fTELEM L~°pos c egi~,NL CROSSING~__ ~--\ ~~O ~6~ %~ ,: ,:(., os • o ~• yta nl vsy~ /' ~_ _ _.1 Y•I[ C'-f M •. pA °.qr BCCK 888 Q~P.; ~ 24018 , ~ 67 ~ ~ ~,;,Ia~~, \4\ ~' I/)' 1/~I' I ~~~~~ I ~ II rr~~1 `' t IDIPROVED PROPERTY ~~~1~°~'~~~~ ~~ ~,~t\~t~ulW i~I~ ~~ ~.~~ 0 ss,~ SALES DIAP \!~'`~'~Z`++~W+'""~I 934 \i~ ~\' ~ tt ` ~,5, i -_ t "4~" 1~~/,II~ . 1 SA:FM f: EII ~ ~ _ ~~ t/ _ 1 H l t ~ RAftn ~ ~" i ~ ~ ~ i ./ :r ECN. - ~. ~ t~~. A ~".~ Y~ ~ rr ~ ,~~'Nol 4 Sim [?~~ i :lash .: -..~.....¢+ ,nr n• ~ •i„( UERio GoE \ ~ ~r4' ,v': ~ !~("• 1'N K:H GAg%'i RE q 'mot _ q~ ,+C !~ _ jf _J na y( ,Y l i .:. Fr `4 5 ~y ;4 ,` erv /\ ~ , $iR47rpRD '~ ! ~ - •N fl, E ' Y.v</.. ~ ~7S•4%, ~.' ~•, $i , A SENA P lfE-~~~ ti..UP. S`TR P61AK[ }~` `KJJ~ ~ !•v,O S IITS.„~iJ flE~t ~ v , ac`I ~J!, ~ i~ h^ _ ~~ • ~ °~ : _~yc/ ,,yt 'O ~'.:~D(h ~~ = oLEa o ~ ~'.~ .r a • ••srr ; 'T«!`' RCS VAlltr ~ D M r,°F • J' •. ~ ~ ' V lh 4V ~,,_PSrcH CTR R \( ,.v ` „ia~y.. L :t• lyv~c °o o ~ _ °a 59 K 11 ay ~' RS.: of^L~'r:~ - a t . ~~ ~r"r',° •v elutKOKS ~ ~ : ;(,:, <. ,1 s ~ ~ ~ - ^ • 5 tRtlt n u0 <, ]ReNODM ; h: ,• • Iti+' +p p "JO o ERO RCEN CEM. ~ rl pr D~ 4 p`\ h ~Ca~'tR ~ >r. ~~~~ T ! / ~(S ++O 8 °SWV~r/ ~ l10Y0 g ~~ `'€." g ,a;•n ++ ~ °• € qtr h ~° s .e, ^,>.•~ ,'GER`. :_ ~S" '°r; •o Tip ~ a~ . P 0, e0 ~ i .M1f, Qi '„"'h . et" pD q, °t ~ + +o ~ W _ - +t fT~ 1 .a.`ttl L; L oi' s~~ s ~+i ct i ~I °I c ,,, .. ~1•' o ~ _ l-~-.1 ,' ~ EC.litl ~•PAR .,~(. 'l~( 3'v`j =''ya `< ,', .A ~ ~,a _ er~.oo, N ` s.,,~ pry :( (~ '. ,VAL. I.c.. _ l1~ HENAr °~ ,:. R11EWyOy~~O Py (BRA 9+( f-CT.`I tl `eRiNDMMM~ I~S. 'K + wC~ •nC ~ _ P 'r. 40 .,1 Alrt~ ~ .V L• o ~ n ct•~" T • eh' • • . ..~. . G1i pllp~ ~ I •~\ ~ $ V. ,~ ,5•Vl~~iyl'. OC rTiO~R~ ~'~`• a..VDI ° OP rG CLRR. N w'~`L ~~ ON1 L~A~l`Y-''fs'tvlD. •~ °'!, WI NOSOn I_ C` o' °: "~SSO+ C~.~ls~9P "v. ~!` r1rwo ~ ~~\ r r•1 E(.' S^ ,< ° 1• ~~~ ° EVER 'f rN .SHRI n. ~ C Kt1 t • ~° ~N~O HILLS', e .C•~ NE -I ~~ J c St \' ''!7>. V•+•.r~y ~HII ~PAR~ ~AF~L ARK l ., :L UCypKI r f CT .s. ~Iy -~; !• 5 < ~ lW ~ AsoN~o. `.\ IS • 5i ~7.',•' 1 ` ^`V~ y` i6n RV RN JRa° r°(IO`J ip° 'O+ ,~ ~`.S q .vr r ~a~ r ~^i ,~n` YN ~•: $}?;iJ~1 Jti• \ ~ • \ yr c \ PARK N~'+•., l ° P HYIDDD 7 " ~ s e.o " . r':: ~' S~{ N•1,li:S _ ry,LC~ HI`G~~ 'Sp ~'°,~;'rF P 0~3. 221 ~ ~ 0~""y>~ ~ d, GARDENSti ` ~` ~ '•~t .'6: ~ "`~~~TOQ~'`'~~TF';r~~~S•• '~R =Y" ~~:'' 9R ~ ~~° f~`'a+"FQ .°`°! Q,P > - 4~ _\ .• VIRGi A WESTERN L PP tr !i l~34 'IhDE^[ 4'f ~._ ~~ ;.~• ..._~ ~a,,.t eL, ov "C(4f4yNlir [thu[' r :e~/ '~k f f. Lr .SRo:• o. ssw~': <a, ~O' I~ 1 foes ,~ tot, •I,l , ., e~ ~ ~.~' ~'Lo +.(.LY '°R •, f : ,~ ~.tt' F. 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YERNON FO' SY ~ ~. +/p. r~.'1tADGn;~RK~ ~ 5~~ __ -- ~` ~ '~'OND~: 'e':t.x"~ oc /+ CRfSii Hlll$ ~ I•f'~"• ~~ ~4U~`t F~ jOC~~y N ,~_ r_ V i PfN r P~o~s : • ''~r t CROSSING ! ~ o~ o~ CF[_'-,1 °9 ~ • V RKIVJ N OAST [LEM 05 Siyy OR i / -^ l ~.. n.. - I~~ ~iw.Pt C t" z w / ~••.wa M I DLE ip Rr" ~ ~ ~~~'~ ,~~, 24018 - ~~ " .. ~ I~ 9 aR , ,~~~ ~l ~ (' LAND SALES { `r~e1~l~r~K~~ h~~~l~`~Il~~~ ~~ fJ~ I ~e ~ MAP :~~~~`~+au rA~~,~+ ,'~ _~ yl~~a '~' ~ - ~'%~ ~ ~ ~~fl'ai II _ _ \~_ T.~yJ..'; lax.+_ r r . ,~ s~~~ ~~°~ .. ~ Q. r ~p q~ ~~~ i ~~ ~ l ,~~ i 1 ~ ~ 1 SUBJECT d ~ ~i ie qj '~b ~R~ ~RTy 3 bra O~• q ~o /a, / n ' .Q h14 '~~ Vb iJ~ ~ °~ ~ ~.I bC ~ ~1 p~ 4 , ' •_~ gyp, ~~ 22 ~~' ,~ ~ ., ~0h ~ '1. 20 r ' a e 23 ~ ;~?,- I~ ,, 4 ~~ ,, 52 R~ ~e ~ ~0 `~ ti ~~9 , ~ 25 ~ .c ~ 3 ~ ~ Crj 51 ~ v 26 ,• ti / 50 $ .•~ y ~~ . ~ O 49 ~ ~' '` Q\ ~ ~ '+ J •f J jb I ~~\ / ~~R.CBS J~, ~ . 4~/i 13 ° ~ i • t °e ~ ~ ~ Pv• ~ ~ 12 ~ 47/ / 63 . n ,~ i ~ 2.50 Ac 14 a tib ~ R ~ I I ~ ;; iO ~ n 0~ ti .~ 2 15 . ~o ' ~ e~ ~ C~i 4 0 ~ r., 16 ~/ SUF3JECT SITE NIAP CONTINGENT AIVD LIbIITING CONDITIONS C 1. The legal description used in this report was furnished b others is assumed to be correct. No responsibility is assumed for its ac 2. No responsibility is assumed by the appraiser for matters legal nor is any opinion rendered as to the title which is assumed to and marketable. 3. All mortgages, liens, assessments, encumbrances and leases pertain the subject property have been disregarded unless specified in thi 4. Information furnished by others is assumed to be correct and a rea effort has been made by the appraiser to verify its accuracy, but accuracy is in no sense guaranteed. 5. Possession of this report or a copy thereof does not carry with it right of publication no i , r may t be used for any purpose by anyone the addressee without previous written consent of the a i ppra ser. report is to be used only in its entirety. 6. Distribution of the total valuation estimate between land and imprc ments in this report applies only under the conditions set forth it report. The allocation of value for land and improvements must not d i use n conjunction with any other appraisal, and if so used, is ir. C 7. No survey has been provided especially for this appraisal. Propert acreage area dime i , , ns ons, locations of improvements and general to h b ave een taken from general information or plats furnished by othe are beli d eve to be reliable, but no responsibility is assumed for t accuracy. Any sketches in this report are included only to assist reader in visualizin th g e property, and are not to scale. 8. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of property, subsoil, or structures which would render them more or le. valuabl e. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering which ma b y e required to discover them. 9. It is assumed that existing improvements do not encroach upon adjacf properties and th t th , a ere are no other adverse conditions unless si in this report. 10. The appraiser reserves the right to alter his opinion of value on tr basis of information which was withheld from him or which would not been discovered during the normal course of a diligent investigation il. The appraiser is not to give testimony or attendance in court by rea of this appraisal, with reference to the property described in this unless prior arrangements have been made. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISfI; ++,r ~ COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY C Rea! Estate Appraisers and Consultants EARL G. ROBERTSON, MAI, SRPA PROFESSIONAL ARTS BUILDING • TELEPHONE (703) 342-3861 • P.O. BOX 1 166 • ROANOKE, VIF STATEb1ENT OF QUALIFICATIONS EARL G. ROBERTSON, MAI, SRPA DESIGNATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS Member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers {b1AI). Certificate number 4292. Senior Real Property Appraiser member of the Society of Real Estate ~ (SRPA) and past President of SREA Chapter #170. Past President, past director and member of Roanoke Valley Real Estat Inc., Roanoke, Virginia. Member of Virginia Real Estate Board and National Association of Real Boards. C EDUCATION Graduate of Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia. Bachelor of Science De Economics and Business Administration. Included two years of stud D~echanical Engineering. ' Completed following courses of American Institute of Real Estate Appr: or Society of Real Estate Appraisers Course I, AIREA -University of Virginia, 1957. Course II, AIREA - University of S9isconsin, 1962. Course IV, AIREA - University of Georgia, 1965. SREA Course - Appraising Apartments, Roanoke, Virginia, 1968. Participating in continuing education programs and seminars. Currently certified by the SREA and AIREA. Instructor of the following appraisal courses or seminars SREA Course 101 - Introduction to Real Property Appraising, 1971-72 SREA Introduction to the Appraisal Process, 1974. SREA Depreciation Analysis Seminar, 1970. Roanoke County Adult Education Real Estate I 6 II, 1976, 1977 & 197 F.XPFRTrtvrF Engaged in the general real estate and appraisal business since 1954. Owner of Commonwealth Appraisal Company, Roanoke, Virginia. Qualified as expert witness in the circuit courts of the following Virg counties: Botetourt, Campbell, Floyd, Frederick, Henry, Page, Pitt; Roano}se, Rocitbridge, Rockingham. Law 6 Chancery Court, City of Roanc • APPRAISAL CLIENTS HAVE INCLUDED THE FOLLOi'dING: Governmental C City of Roanoke, Virginia City of Salem, Virginia County of Botetourt, Virginia County of Buchanan, Virginia County of Floyd, Virginia County of Patrick, Virginia Financial County of Roanoke, Virgin: Federal Home Loan Bank Bo: Town of Bluefield, Virgin: United States Veterans Adr Virginia Department of Alc Control Virginia Department of HiI American First Mortgage First Virginia Bank Bank of Oklahoma Freedlander, Inc. Central Fidelity Bank Investors Home Mortgage Co Charter Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. Leader Federal Mortgage, I Colonial American National Bank Lomas & Nettleton Corporat Dixie Financial Corporation N & W Employees Federal Cr Dominion Bank Signet Bank/Virginia Dominion Bankshares Mortgage Corp. Sovran Bank Dominion Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. Sovran Mortgage Corporatio First Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. United Virginia Mortgage C First Union Mortgage Corporation Business/Commercial/Institutional C American Modern Home Insurance Company Merrill Lynch Relocation AID Appalachian Power Company National Business College C & P Telephone Company of Virginia Norfolk and Western Railwa` ChemExec Relocation Systems, Inc. PPG Industries, Inc. V Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Roanoke College Dragon Chemical Corporation Roanoke Gas Company Eli Lilly and Company Sherwin Williams Company Employee Transfer Corporation Sperry Corporation Computez Equitable Relocation Service Stanford and Inge, Inc. Exxon Company USA TAP Head Start Program Gainsboro PAC, Inc. Times World Corporation General Electric Company U.S. Steel Corporation General b4otors Corporation U.S. Gypsum Company Greyhound Corporation Virginia Polytechnic Instit Gulf Oil Corporation Wells Furniture Company Hartford Insurance Company Westinghouse Electric Corpo Homequity, Inc. Westvaco Corporation Insurance Company of North America Woods Brothers Coffee Compa International Business Machines YriICA of Roanoke Valley Kraft, Inc. YWCA of Roanoke Valley Leisure Way Industries, Inc. Attorneys and Private Indio: Lenders Service, Inc. Appraisal territory includes western Virginia and Southeastern West Vii Completed appraisal assignments in Virginia and West Virginia. Roanoke, Virginia Earl G. Robertso3~., biAI, SRPA COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAI Revi INCODIE APPROACH (Cont'd.) Rental #6 - 4954 Brambleton Avenue (adjacent to the subject pry C space for rent at the following prices. Basement per S.F.; First Floor level - $12.50 per S.F.; Secs Level - $11.50 per S.F. The owner stated that apps 800 square feet is still available for lease. The: understood to include utilities and janitor service After comparing these properties with the subject property and gi` to the fact that the subject property would probably be occupied t tenant, it is concluded that a reasonable rent without utilities service would be approximately X9.75 per S.F. per year. A recent investigation of bond rates and interest rates from the ti~ Journal indicates that bond rates are approximately 9.35% and inte on federal funds is 8.20%. Adding rates for risk and liquidity ar Bonds Interest 9.35% 8.20% 0% Risk Rate 2.00% 0.50% Liquidity 0.50% 9.85% Indicated Rate g.70/ From the above, it is concluded that a reasonable market interest 9.80%. Utilizing this data the following is developed: Gross Income (annually) 5,409 S.F. @ $10.25 Less Vacancy and Credit (5%) Effective Gross Income Expenses - Real Estate Taxes (Est.) Insurance (Est.) Repairs and Dlaintenance (2%) Management (6%) Reserves for Replacement (2%) Total Estimated Expenses Net Operating Income $ 55,442. 2,772. $ 52,670. $3,910.00 1,500.00 1,053.40 3,160.21 1,053.40 $ 10, 677. C $ 41,993.1 CO~l1MONWEALTH APPRAISAL Rev INCOn1E APPROACH (Cont'd.) C Net Operating Income (forwarded) $ 41,993. Building Life - 40 years Recapture Rate - (1/40 per year) - 2.5% Interest Rate - 9.8°6 Capitalization Rate - 12.3% Land - $85,000.00 @ 9.80% = Income To Land $ 8,330. Income to Improvements $ 33,663. Capitalized @ 12.3% 112.3 Indicated Value of Improvements $273,683. Rounded To: $273,700. Add Land 85,000. Indicated Property Value by Income Approach $358,700. CORRELATION AND FINAL PROPERTY VALUE ESTIMATE The three approaches indicated the following property values (afte completion). C Cost Approach $360,000.00 Market Approach $365,400.00 Income Approach $358,700.00 At the offset it should be clearly understood that the proximity o above indicated values to each other (especially the Cost value an Income value) is a mere coincidence and should not be construed to such a fine degree of appraisal accuracy. Each approach was developed by a different method and all are deem reliable. The Income Approach was developed from rents of comparable buildin, believed to be quite reliable especially to an investor. The blark~ derived a property value by comparing the subject property directl~ recent sales of comparable properties. In the Cost Approach, the ~ value estimate was developed from the replacement cost of the imprc less observed depreciation, if any, and to which the land value wa: COMMONWEALTH APPRAISA, i i ' ~~g~~~ COVTR:~CT OF PL'RCII:ISE This. is a suq,gested fnrnt of contract recn~nnlended h,• t/re Real Estate Cunrmitree uj 7lre L'ireinia Bar .~ss~ sole and pnrchuse uj e.rrstintl residentru! prnpern• unlr. This tuner is nut ,nunduton': utlrer /utters c. }'Utt .tlruuid cleternrure iJ this lur'nr is upprnprnrte fur wort trunsucl,ua. !t is a le~•crllti• bindinY contract. • !f not understood. legal ad>.•ice s/lor~/d be obtained before it is signed. THIS CONTRACT OF PU)~CHASE is made as of NG y , / S ~'OriStrilCtlOI1 IT~~ly, C 19 ~ betwe . whose address is aT1O ce Cp~t Vi of owner of record of the Property sold herein (the "Seller", whether one or morel, and rtlrleQ i'ie whose address is Rnannha fnimi-y, V~o-~lg ~~ ("Llsting Broker"), and ~{the "Purchaser", whethe I. REAL PROPERTY. Purchaser agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell the land and all improvements there) thereto and, if not fronting on a public road, a recorded and mortgageable right of way providing adequa "Property"), located in the County erE+ty of Street Address Rrarnhl ptcm AyPnnP Ne~•~ j,p Virginia, and d scribed as: Legal Description Pl Rnok 11 naaa ~'~ ~ plat reeor~ed lrl 2. PERSONAL, PROPERTY: The following personal property is included in this sale: See plans and 3. PU H S PRICE: The purchase price is ' ~ e (a) $ ~~• ~~earnest money by (i) check to be held in escrow b rstt ~~$ ~ '"~ le a or until this Contract is terminated and it is disbursed in ac ordance with para_-g p~ of t~eStc ' accordance with (i) above. ~) $ (approximately) byassumption of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of Seller by a deed of trust on the Properly, at an interest rate not exceeding a assum tic ~- S P (~) $ `[approximately if loan being assumed in (b)] by de purchase money financing of ( first) ( second) deed oft a Property, bearing interest at the rate of _ • amortized over years, m monthly installments of $ . years after Sett . A late payment fee of 5% will be char ed on an ' ~ • calendar days aturity. The debt may be prepaid in whole or in part without penalty at ar •. subje a 1 in event of sale or transfer of the Property. The note shall be a negotiable instrun (d) $34'l 80~ the balance of the purchase price in cash or by cashier's or certified check at Settlement. • a~=~F~a1'OTAL PURCHASE PRICE (The total of a, b, c, and d above, as applicable). 9 S$TTLEMENT AND POSSESSION: Settlement shall be made at W~herinpton & M 1 hi 0~ ] . yll ("Settlement"). Possession shall be given at Settlement, unless otherwise agreed in wri~t~g b th S. REAL ESTATE COMMISSION: Seller represents that he i~pa~ny o a listing agreement witha r e t tZ11S. .: property • _ 6. CO,~IDITIONS: This Contract is contingent upon the following (check those applicable): loan on the Property with a term of years, bearing interest at an adjustable rate with an initial rate not exceeding % per yeart, and requiring not moreng (excluding a loan origination fee of not more than %), of which Seller agree discount L'I ~~~4. lOU cUU„r')u ~~»~~J Jn ~~,IUL'1JCM 't u,~w, ~ ~ ~ ., ,~, ;,... 1. ` 7 rC ` ~ uaarlaq luawa»,r true aUl >ulCluo, 7, 'JU,IU.,~ U, l 'c.~cl •~un,ll(7uc» .w~~l ,w t' ny ilunc,~ a ~ ., .. p t,ua w lc,u Ill:yti nay) lryl put •o~:. wry s~alun ley, : I~u~ssad a.v7JadSas slay) put. 'wa - ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ,.. , yl uodn au,pulq , q Il~ys 7~ lCyl aa~SL lacsluo sl :sualscc Puu s~ossaa~ns 'sa,, lay1O ayl~o luasuoa uallum a J .y~ of san~cd a91 ;S~~O~1'E'773JS'l. yl lnoy~ln, ~asr.y~~nd ~o .tall'S layna ,(q P,uSrsse aq loo ,icw ssas ~ l'n'lu~J s!y.L.~ll?/TIY,1•~fSSF' PPc ayl lC JallaS of JoaJayl a~nou .^ ~ PunOJ asC sasnsolasrp ayl ~o .la a 9 l_ l.sluoJ sryl all:urw~al ,S>;w sasr. aln~ ysruml of stre~ sa , II S ~q laC~luc,O sryl )o uollnaaxa o ;, y d 'ldr»as uodn sasr.y~sn II• SJI '~isanrlap uodn dlaaas aS ~ I lrp ayl ~alte sn • ~ ~»~r.u, wat ,~Ildwo~d awes lsanbas of saasS l P• tn,ou. •. U urynm sa~nso ~sr a~c,faq ~~srU,~ ,, ~as~y~~nd nl way) sa•,r a I P yens ~asl rl!u^c la,( loo ase salnso asl f p puc surnlrraossc s~aumo I ., s,p ~ayl~ Put' !r.r~uru 1 P Pa~rnba~ a . U urel~a~ ysrwnl of ~allaS sannba~ ~r ,~yl Jl 'afCS Jo 7JClluOJ Sul ur • y• y fr.rurSn P q c olur Su • n Jo apoJ ••bas la '6f'GL-cc uo .Lb'H.L 3~3S213H.'3"73SI~IH ,[3SI.Lt'S a~1lOHS 21dSF'fiJ2I,')d 01 1t' Q3,~12I2It' SI S3OQ t-'H3;Q(lH '321C1Sh1 3H.L '..~.L2i3dO21d 3H1 dO ,~OI.LIati`OJ 3H saaJ yans~o iunawc t\OI.Lt-',~~~n Q3SIt'b ~~IlAt t-'%1d;Ql1H HJIHh1 3Jt'J,fg n .•~ ,... ~_~.. _., Idol ayl pa lead ~a a ddt-' 3H.L S31~ddt' Ot~IJNt'IRI3 t: 011 1~(]I1I .L ~nrii1213 ~'-~- P• II S ayl riq Deed as of ti•ua ~o Wn no Dann H ~ I ~~0.OOlc, paaaaa you - .~.1 l ]Ills tin ,(n!j nl c» rSn ADDENDUM 7. Other Terms: a. The Seller will furnish or cause to be furn: labor, materials and equipment necessary tc all work, in a workmanlike manner, require attached plans and specifications for the finish of the improvements on the Property. to be done by the Seller includes obtai: permits, bonds, licenses and insurance requir governmental body for performance of such w thereof without additional cost to the Purch Any item not on the plans and specifications, which comparable or similar items are in Office Building #1, shall be completed or i pursuant to Seller's building standards. Building #1 which is adjacent to the office which is the subject of this contract shall the example of Seller's building standards. b. The purchase price is a lump sum for a "ti project, including completion of all the work cost of the land and improvements. c. The Seller assumes the entire responsibil liability for losses, expenses, damages, demo claims in connection with or arising from any including death, or damage to property, sust~ connection with or to have arisen out performance of the work by the Selle contractors, subcontractors, or their re: agents, servants and employees in and ab~ Property, and shall indemnify and hold the Pui its agents, officers and employees harmless, i and all such losses, expenses, damages and cl d. The Seller warrants to the Purchaser th materials and equipment used or to be i; connection with the improvements located Property are or will be new and that all improv fixtures, and equipment constituting a part Property will be of good quality, free from defects, liens and encumbrances and in conf with the plans and specifications attached Seller guarantees that all workmanship, includ not limited to all materials, fixtures and eq that are a part of the Property, will be frE faults and defects for at least twelve (12) following the closing. The foregoing guarantee addition to any other warranty, guarantee or coy whether express or implied, binding upon the ,/ v --<~- for any reason. At the closing, the Se] deliver to the Purchaser the manufacturer's w on all materials and equipment installer improvements. e. The Seller will use its best efforts to substantial completion of the interior finish ten (10) days prior to the closing. If any unfinished at the scheduled day for clos Purchaser may elect at its sole discretion with an amount of money being escrowed from t proceeds equal to 1.5 times the estimated finishing such items. If the estimated finishing such items cannot be mutually agre the parties shall appoint an MAI appraiser to the cost (or if the parties cannot agree appraiser, then the parties' legal counsE mutually appoint an MAI appraiser) of finish items. A condition of closing will be a certifi occupancy or temporary certificate of occupanc from the local governmental authority. f. At the closing, the Seller will deliver mecha: waivers and affidavits in sufficient form, nun content, which may be short form if allowed title insurance company, and take such other a~ allow the Purchasers' title insurance company a title policy with respect to the Property exception to filed or unfiled mechanics' lien g. The Purchaser shall have the right to insp cause its agents to inspect, the Property and t being performed thereon by the Seller at any reasonable times. h. Seller shall use its best efforts to comple contract by February 28, 1991. The acknowledge that Purchaser may begin accruing m damage if settlement is extended after March 31 Purchaser agrees that as a condition of Seller completing its work, that Purchaser will reapon selections and decisions it will need to mak timely, reasonable manner so that Seller may c~ its work. i. Any additions or modifications to the pla: specifications shall be by written change order by both parties. 2 ', ~,~ j . C. Douglas Dalton agrees that every represent warranty made by Seller for Purchaser's beha] by him for Purchaser's behalf; provided ho' does not assume personal liability for t specified in 7.c. above to third parties no to this contact. k. This contract shall survive the deed. Certified Medical Represe Inc. By : ~. ~~ s Dalton Construction Comp BY ~ (_- o~~-~is2 ~iL~A~ i ~ C. Douglas Dalton, Pre is C. Douglas Dalton, indiv~ 3 ,, ,, ~~, .~- \ , .. ., .. .~ z 0 0 ~~ 0 0 0 •~ 0 -~ 0 •~ o ~=, ~ oz ~ n n ~ z 9 ~ " ~~" w ~ ~ n ~ < ~ N ~. z ..~ m z ~ r '~ ~ "3 (7 w a h a C ] ~y -~ r" -~ trf ~ [=7 p ° ~ ~' z~ O o 9 9 9 9 M ~ O ~ r ndc~z r t n a ~,y > ~,.~ •ti •v •o ^o > ~ ~r~z a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ z -bah d = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y o~r ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ c 0 oz~~oo e d ° d ~ ~ ~ ~ o n ~ c~ c~ n ~ n ~ n r O n z zz~~ • b ro b ^ o • v •~c d ~'ya~ o o d d d d Enm 9 O ~ ~ ~~hr ~, <`~~ ~b as ~b a~ ~'~ as ~ a ~~ as •v as v ~r~:; rr-a rz tr„z z ~r ~r ~ -- O w n a con ro ro b ~_~ t~ to ~ N~r-~ ~ O ro n ro n b L1 b n b n b odn ~ O n ~ b7 o IA v W d G7 d r0 p xx~~ r o ~ ~z ~ a •° '9 'a ro •v •o z~o° a a 9 a s a zov?d ~ ~ ~ ~ w' ~ O ~' ~ oy a rc~z ~o C7 O C ;° ~ aP~ zy-~ C ° z~ ~• ~' ~ ~ nn .bw^ nn .'OW coo .~7'.:' z O z O y 9 k oa oa oa z z ~ C ~zr W t~ C~ r C~ r C~ r znt~ o d d o ~.~z xon z Cv~~; ~ - _,.. .~ y -~ .:, ~' r c; ~ ~ p o ~ Z ~ .r~ rn ~ 9 ~ ~ ra ~ ~ b a o ~, z ,~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ -~~ r~ < n < < to 9 -3 ~ -3 ~ _3 C7 < < < z z z ,.~ z z z [" C C" tr r. 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C7 d d d p O O C r 0 4~~~:. ~~ BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER CMRI FOR 4950 BRAMBLETON AVE. CiVIRI understands the allowances from Dalton Construction Co. to be as fc 1) Floor coverings @$16./square yard (labor & material) 2) Wallpaper (labor & material) $ 9,200.00 3) Li htin ~ 1,000.00* g g (interior exterior and emergency) 4,000.00** 4) Cabinetry (@$125./linear foot for raised panel oak and $155. for cherry) 2,300.00**~ TOTAL Additional expense to CMRI is broken down as follows: 1) 2) Smooth plaster on main and upper levels (walls) Wallpaper $ 3,000.00 3) Twelve fire-rated metal doors with closures (six-panel 1,000.00* 4) to match other interior doors as close as possible) Cabinetry 2,400.00 5) Three interior glass doors (thermopane/shatter f) 2,700.00*** proo on lower level 6) 7) Standard crown moulding and chair rail on u er level Heavier 450.00 800.00 crown moulding and chair rail throughout main and upper levels 8) 9) Computer wiring (to include three dedicated circuits) Securit s t 2,000.00 1,200.00 y ys em pre-wired 10) Access to attic 300.00 11) Insulation (3 1/2") between all interior walls 200.00 550.00 TOTAL NOTES: *Extra expense is estimate of what C"JIRI desires for wallpaper **In addition each "can" light installed will be roughed in a` $20.00 any existing exterior light fixtures are not included in this figure included in price of building ***Approx. cost for cabinets in ofc. n4 on main level and ofc. #2 on upper level as well as unit in conference room. If beveled glass used in conference room, it will be @ approximately $45./pa Ci'~~ / ~ BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER CMRI FOR 4950 BRAMBLETON AVE. PAGE 2 Included in the building price are the following: 1) Wiring for electronic telephone system 2) Sink and disposal in kitchen on lower level, sink in break area on main sink in service area on upper level (all other appliances at CMRI's exp. 3) All baths include vanities (included in cabinet allowance of $2,300.00) 4) Insulation to be 3 1/2" between floors and exterior walls; 11" in attic 5) Three high-efficiency Carrier gas furnaces with air conditioners (one m~ attic for upper level; two on lower level for lower and main levels 6) Schlage deadbolt locks on all exterior doors 7) Moen faucets used throughout 8) 1/4" underlayment to be used on flooring on main and upper levels 9) Builder will frame in a 30" x 20" box in computer room for later addit. cooling unit if needed; cost of wiring and grills paid by CMRI 10) Computer room on lower level to have two vents and one return 11) Extra wall in ofc. #3 on upper level as in executive office in building ¢ 12) Tray ceiling in conference room 13) Finish on ceilings throughout to be a light sand finish 14) Architects' (Balzer and Associates) fees 15) Exterior landscaping 16) Seller's interest costs NOTE: A central exhaust system may be desired by CMRI and should be E allowances for normal exhausts deducted. All incandescent lights t dimmers (extra cost, if any, not determined). CMR tivill desire gar in service closet on top level and break area on main level cost of addressed elsewhere. s- L ~ ~y~ ~~ Pfizer Labs Dig ision Pfizer Inc 235 East 42nd Street New Fork, NY 1001. March 6, 1991 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue SW Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Gentlemen: Pfizer Labs Bob Lanting Director Sales Administration & Training I am writing this letter in support of the Certified Medical Representatives Institute (CMRI), an independent, non-profit, educational institution located in Roanoke County. The Instit has played an important role in our overall training and education program for a number of years. Currently the CMR Program (36 credits of college level course work) is required representatives to progress to the highest levels of Pfizer La Career Development Program. Completion of the CMR Program provides many benefits, including personal growth and development, and advanced academic competence. Last week at a meeting of the CMR Advisory Board, I learned the the Institute has requested that you approve the issuance of tax-exempt bonds to assist them in their purchase of a new facility. This facility will allow the Institute to continue 1 expand and grow, both in terms of their staff size and the educational courses offered. Many of us in the New York area have questioned why the InstitL is located in Roanoke, Virginia. The answer we get from those CMR is that the quality of life is quite good in the Roanoke ar and that the Institute can provide all the services we need in more cost-efficient manner than from a location in the northeastern part of the country. I believe the Institute will continue to grow and that their ne facility will prove to be a valuable asset to your county, I know I am looking forward to visiting your area later this year to see the new location. I sincerely hope that you will approve the Institute's request for tax-exempt financing. BL/lh Sincerely~,~ ~ --~-- .~ Jam',', ~''~ Bob La t' -, ~ ~i SYNTEX LABORATORIES, INC. 3401 HILLVIEW AVENUE, P.O. BOX 10850 PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94303 March 1, 1991 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to state our support of the Certified Medical Representatives Institute and the excellent educational program the institute provides for pharmaceutical industry sales representatives. Syntex has enrolled students in the CMR curricu for more than 20 years and it is a valuable part of our total educational development and training program. It is our understanding that the Institute has requested the Board Supervisors of Roanoke County to approve the issuance of bonds tc assist them in their acquisition and equipment of a new facility t be located at 4950 Brambleton Avenue. I know from working with CMR that this facility is needed, and that, with the additional spar and added staff, the Institute wilt be able to continue to provide their excellent educational curriculum and to add additional cours and services that will benefit the entire pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare community at large. It is our hope that you will approve the CMR Institute's request. Sincerely, ~~_ ~~i ` ~ \, 1 \~ N ___f FV Allen C Boyette Director, Training and Education ~` , ' `'PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION March 1, 1991 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Gentlemen Nova Pharma~ 6200 Freeport Baltimore, Mai 301-522-7000 Telecopier #3C Donald G. Stc Vice Chairma The Certified Medical Representatives Institute, Inc of Roanoke has grown over the years and is now in the need for enlarged facilities to accomodate this and future growth. The Institute provides an up-to-date curriculum of outstanding courses of great value to those in the health care field. For example, a pharmacist can receive credit for Continuing Pharmacy Education by successfully completing CMR courses. The success of its programs have brought the Institute to the point of expanding its facilities. As a non- profit educational institution, CMR wants to use Tax Exempt Bonds for funding the new facilities. It is my hope that The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors can approve the funding in a timely manner. S '-ncerely onald G. Stark ACTION NO. A-31291- ITEM NUMBER .1~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANC COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION C MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Appropriation of Interest Income from 1988 Bonds to Roanoke County Schools COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~,z,~ BACKGROUND: In accordance with Federal arbitrage requirements, the proc from the $2,500,000 1988 VPSA bonds for renovations at Mountain and Back Creek Schools were deposited in an escrow acc monitored by a trustee. Each month, the County spent mone these projects and then filed for reimbursement from these proceeds. Interest income accumulates on the unused bond proc and at the completion of the drawdown of bond funds, the tru remits the interest income (net of arbitrage rebate) back to borrower. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proceeds from these bonds have now been spent and within next month we should receive an allocation of net interest ins of approximately $342,350. This money can be allocated additional school capital improvements. On February 28, 1991, School Board approved the allocation of funds as follows: Completion of Bent Mountain and Back Creek School Projects Cave Spring Junior Site Improvements $ 81,3_° Roofs and Other Capital Improvements 150,0( 111,OC TOTAL 342 35 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the School Board allocation of int income to the named projects. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VO'I No Ye: Approved ( ~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: ua,-r~, r ~iTlr]c~.~~ ~o a~= _ro~ri atP fLnc3G Eddy Johnson x _ McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Scho J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENT TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION 31291-5 APPROVING THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 1991-1992, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Roanoke Regional Ai Commission Act and Section 17.(a) of the contract between the of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Ai Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submi operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Boas Supervisors of the County and `City Council of the City; and WHEREAS, by report dated February 13, 1991, a copy of ~ is on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board, the Chap of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a re5 that the County approve the FY 1991-1992 budget of the Roa Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisor: Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following FY 1991-1992 buy for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is hereby APPROVE] THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 1991-1992 budget and propc capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commis: as set forth in the February 13, 1991, report of the Commis Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorn~ necessary to evidence said approval. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Y1'~~~ Mary H. Alen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget W. Robert Herbert, Chairman, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council ATTACHIKII~I'r I ROANORE REGIONAL AIRPORT PROPOSED FY 91-92 BUDGET ERPENDITIIRE PROJECTIONS 1. Operations and Maintenance A. Salaries, Wages and B. Operating Expenditu C. Internal Services D. Other Projects Current 1990-91 Expenses Benefits $1,087,399 res 1,124,120 600,245 173,503 Total Operations and Maintenance $2,985,267 2. Non-Operating Expenses A. Interest $ 635,073 B. Debt Service 240,193 Total Non-Operating $ 875,266 3. Capital Expenses A. Equipment $ 79,256 B. Capital Projects 31,285 - -- Total Capital Expenses $ 110,541 TOTAL EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS $3,971,074 Page 2 REVENUE PROJECTIONS Current 1990-91 Operating Revenue 1. Terminal Building A. Airline Terminal Rentals $ 983,393 B. Lease and Concession Rentals 992,685 C. Parking Lot 1,030,126 2. Airfield A. Landing Fees 615,451 B. Fuel Sales 9,600 3. General Aviation 105,974 4. Other Buildings and Land Rentals 157,877 5. Privilege and Other Fees 9,171 Total Operating Revenue $3,904,277 Non-Operating Revenue 1. Interest on Investment $ 170,000 2. Interest from Debt Service 63,000 3. Roanoke County Base Service Fee 264,640 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 497,640 TOTAL REVENUE $4,401,917 *Includes $80,000 which will be allocated as matching funds federal grants and not expended as part of the operating an capital budget. ATPACAfl~EN'P II PROPOSED CAPITAL EXPENDITIIRES Proposed Federal Airport Improvement Program ("AIP") Grant #3-51-0045-11 1. A. Projects: - Continue installation computerized security access system Est. $276, - Purchase high speed snow broom Est. $230, - Acquire professional services necessary for Preliminary and Design phase of Relocation of Taxiway "A" Est. $250, - Begin General Aviation Site Preparation (Raze 3 buildings) Est. 63 Estimated Total Project Costs $819, B. Proposed Funding Sources: Federal AIP Grant Funds $737, State Grant Funds $ 40, Commission Funds $ 40, City and County Funds $ Estimated Total Project Funding $819, Proposed Amendment to Federal AIP Grant #3-51-0045-08 2. A. Projects: - Install airfield lighting pullboxes - Install additional ramp lighting - Construct airfield perimeter road - Available reserve funding for above projects Estimated Total Project Costs B. Proposed Funding Sources: Federal AIP Grant Funds State Grant Funds Commission Funds City and County Funds Estimated Total Project Funding In house Est. $107, In house Est. $140, In house Est. $347, Est. 123 $718, $646, $ 35, $ 35, $718, ACTION # ~-~ ITEM NUMBER_~- MEETING OF THE BOARD OF~TyEADMINI5TRATION CENT AT A REGULAR COU1`TTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE CO MEETING DATE' March 12, 1991 A proval of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commiss: AGENDA ITEM: Budget for Fiscal Year 1991-92. ~~~ UNTy ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: C1 BACKGROUND' ort Commission is required to submit t'. The Roanoke Regional Airp Board of Supervisors and the Roa adopted by budget to the Roanoke County 1991, the Commis Council for approval before it can be formally City At its meeting on February 13, Commission. et for fiscal year 1991-1992 t~ approved the attacoVerning bodies of the two localities. forwarded to the g SUMMARY OF INFORMATION' ort Commi' Tonal Airp 960,263. The 1991-92 budget for the Roanok enditures of $3- 455,756 and eXP orting and d~ shows revenues of $ort operations are self supp lenient from either the County o. reflects that airp require any additional supp City. ro osed c~ ted the attached P P 53. The Commission also Theo Capital expenditures total $1. expenditure program. These expenditures will be funded as follows: $1,383,471 Federal Grant 76,860 State Grant 76,860 Commission FundsFunds -0 City and County g1 537,191 FISCAL IMPACT• The County will continue to make its annual which constitutes our original ten year airport. There will not be any additional result of this budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: payment of $264, contribution to monies needed a Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution approving Roanoke Regional Airport Commission budget for the fiscal y 1991-92. Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE CO VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROANORE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 1991-1992, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Roanoke Regional Airy Commission Act and Section 17.(a) of the contract between the of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airy Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submit operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board Supervisors of the County and City Council of the City; and WHEREAS, by report dated February 13, 1991, a copy of wh is on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board, the Chaim of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a requE that the County approve the FY 1991-1992 budget of the Roanc Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following FY 1991-1992 budg for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is hereby APPROVED: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 1991-1992 budget and propos~ capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commissi~ as set forth in the February 13, 1991, report of the Commissi< Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, ~ hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk ax authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of th County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney necessary to evidence said approval. Airport Commission ~ 5202~AV W Robert Herbert, Chairman Roanok~ ' Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman (703) 3C Joel M. Schlanger FAX (70; Richard W. Robers Kit B. Kiser Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director Robert C. Poole, Airport Manager February 13 , 1991 Honorable Chairman and Members Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke, Virginia Honorable Mayor and Members Roanoke City Council Roanoke, Virginia Re: Roanoke Regional Airport Commissi Fiscal Year 1991-1992 Budget and Proposed Capital Expenditures Dear Mrs. Bowles and Gentlemen: In accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Regiona: Airport Commission Act, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commis- sion Contract dated January 28, 1987, submitted for your approve are the Airport Commission's 1991-1992 proposed operating and capital budget, as well as a separate listing of proposed capita expenditures which are expected to exceed $100,000 and are in- tended to benefit five or more future accounting periods. The Commission has been advised by bond counsel that formal approval of the budget by resolution of each of the participatin political subdivisions would be appropriate. The capital expen- diture list also requires formal approval. Therefore, on behalf of the Commission, the fiscal year 199 1992 budget and the proposed capital expenditures are enclosed f your approval by resolution. I will be pleased to respond to any questions or comments that you may have with regard to this matter. On behalf of the Commission, thank you very much for your help and cooperation. Very truly yours, cs~-~C W. Robert Herbert Commission Chairman WRH:JLS:csp Enclosures cc: Members, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk, Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisor Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Paul M. Mahoney, Roanoke County Attorney Wilburn C. Dibling, Jr., Roanoke City Attorney AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUr VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 1991-1992, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Roanoke Regional Airpc Commission Act and Section 17. (a) of the contract between the C' of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airp< Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submit operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board Supervisors of the County and the City Council of the City; anc WHEREAS, by report dated February 13, 1991, a copy of which on file in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, the Chairman the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a reque that the County approve the FY 1991-1992 budget of the Roanc Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following FY 1991-1992 budc and proposed capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airpc Commission as set forth in the February 13, 1991, report of t Commission Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by referer herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and t Clerk to the Board are authorized to execute and atte~ respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in fc approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence sa approval. •Y t ~ ACTION # A-31291-6 ITEM NUMBER ~" ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOR] COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CEl MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval to Terminate Leaf Va. Collection Service COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~z ~~,.F~ ~,~,~,,,,`t'`1, i....~-~!'~/ ~(/~-~ ,~ ~f'"LC..O /l~i/'~ ''ALL _ L`~' ~-2,fi~'Y7L1`YI.~-'r'r~c=~ ~~'R-C~ .._" W.- / (...<-'('E.' :% ~7 ~.! !/ JL.L~ i "" hst.'r U~~l_ -LL U.'Y7ryJ r BACKGROUND' At the Board of Supervisors' retreat in January, the staff asked to bring a report to the Board during the budget proces options for leaf collection. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Residential vacuum leaf collection is a County ser~ administered by the Department of Parks and Recreation to the u areas of the County. In 1989-90, seventy percent of the t leaves collected were vacuumed. In 1990-91, that percentage dropped to fifty. The original fleet of leaf packer trucks consisted of e former refuse collection vehicles that had been recommended surplus by the County Vehicle Maintenance Division. During last season, only four of the vehicles remained in service. have an average of 200,000 miles and have all been in service over fifteen years. Constant packer breakdowns have resulte~ a high level of repair expense and the inability to providE acceptable level of residential vacuum collection services. Leaf vacuuming in Roanoke County represents a dispa service not used in rural areas. Consequently, the program we suggesting is already in place for many of our citizens. Inqui into the practices of other localities failed to reveal ano county providing free vacuum services. ALTERNATIVES AND FISCAL IMPACT: Alternative #1: Discontinue all leaf collection vac services and provide seasonal residential collection only thrc the bagged program, utilizing existing Refuse Division collect trucks. The bagged leaves will be collected during a special ~ through the neighborhood and will not be deposited in the landf: County residents have increasingly utilized the bagged collect option in lieu of vacuum leaf services. No additional funds requested. Alternative #2~ Retain seasonal leaf collection vas services and appropriate a minimum of $177,500 for the replace of the four currently useable surplused packer trucks. Replace of original fleet of eight packer trucks plus two additional vas machines would require a minimum capital equipment appropria~ of $400,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 as the most efficient and effective means to resolve present program service difficult This change in procedure will be advertised in Roanoke Co Todav and would be effective immediately. SUBMITTED BY: ~~~.~ Don C. Myers Assistant County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred to APPROVED: ~~' ~~~' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION X) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve Alternative #1_ County Administrator to set effective date. VOTE No Yes Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Gardner Smith, Director, General Services Steve Carpenter, Director, Parks & Recreation ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOR] COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CE] MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of Participation in 1991-92 ~ Revenue Sharing Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ BACKGROUND The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) annu~ provides localities the opportunity to receive state matching ft for the construction, maintenance or improvement of the grin and secondary roads system. The Commonwealth of Virginia provi $5,000,000 for the matching program and limits participat localities to $500,000 each. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION VDOT has asked for a "Letter of Intent" by March 31, 19 from those desiring to participate in 1991-92. The Count participation in Fiscal Year 1990-91 was $382,500. Attached this report is the notification letter from VDOT. Unfortunately, in view of the shortfall in State Funding accompanying budget pressures, it appears we will be unable participate in the program next year. *jf ~,~.. ~. o; n. xicnmona, virginia ~s~ly Note: A sample letter of notification is attached fnr In the event that localities throughout the state reque; total in excess of the available matching funds, the Commonwea participation will be adjusted downwards on a 1 remain within the limits of the a pr-= ata basis notified of the amount available to pyour rlocalit bYou will 1991. Y y mid-App Conversely, should the requests re available matching allocation, Quire less than requested the those counties which initia $500,000 maximum may apply for a remaining appropriation (Code of Virginia, Section 3 3 1 75 1 D The allocation of any remaining funds will be ~ 1992. decided in Ju Note: A set of guidelines for administering this program enclosed to assist you in making these assignments. The Resident Engineer for your locality will work with you identify a list of one or more improvement undertaken with these funds. `This list--must be submitted b Resident Engineer by May 15, 1991, y 1 Thank you for your continued support of this effort. Sincerely, Attachments ' ~• P y, Director Planning and Programminc pc: Mr. Ray D. Pethtel District Administrators Resident Engineers ACTION NO. A-31291-7 ITEM NUMBER `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RO. COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION C MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request for contribution to the Terry Memorial Scholarship Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~y~~-s/ ~~"'``~''""~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Army Lieutenant Terry Plunk, a resident of the Town of Vint graduate of William Byrd High School was killed on Februar 1991 while clearing mines near Kuwait City during the Persiai War. Lt. Plunk's mother is also an employee with the Rc County Schools. A scholarship fund has been set up at William Byrd High ScY in memory of Lt. Plunk who was an outstanding student-athle the school. He was also a 1988 graduate of Virginia Mi: Institute. In memory to his dedication and service to our country, e recognition to his outstanding leadership while a stude William Byrd High School, Supervisor Nickens has suggested th Board of Supervisors make a $1,000 contribution to the Terry Memorial Scholarship Fund on behalf of Roanoke County. RECOMMENDATION' Staff recommends that $1,000 be contributed to the Terry Memorial Scholarship Fund, and that the funds be appropriate the Board Contingency Fund. Ci'~~~ ~~}t~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Harry c' Nickens No Ye Denied ( ) t-o ~p~rove Eddy Received ( ) Johnson ~ Referred ( ) McGraw ~ To ( ) Nickens ~ Robers ~ cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget f Y ~' ~~ Item No. < AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROB COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CF IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Sale of 1.5+ acres in Shamrock Park COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR~B COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~~~ /~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Plantation and Kanter would like to purchase 1.5+ acres of Sha7 Park at $19,750 per acre. Plantation and Kanter plan to buy 5,000 square foot research and manufacturing facility fo existing Roanoke Valley company. Both the Roanoke Cc Department of Economic Development and Plantation and Kanter to void the sale if the potential tenant, for any reason, doe; successfully enter into an agreement with Plantation and Kani BACKGROUND: In November 1989, Plantation and Kanter, a Virginia Gee Partnership, purchased five (5) acres of what is commonly refE to as Shamrock Park. Subsequently, Plantation and Kanter bu: 27,000 square foot manufacturing facility for Ingersoll-Rand. During the site review process it was discussed that originally presupposed as developable, lay in the 100 year f: plain. Thus, the remaining acreage has been valued to reflect situation. Plantation and Kanter now request the Board to sell 1.5+ acre Shamrock Park for a research and manufacturing project at $1! per acre. Plantation and Kanter intend to construct a 5,000 sc foot facility. The end user, who wishes to keep anonymous at point, plans to open with 10 technical employees and 5 sub staff. If product development and market access are encourac the company will initiate a manufacturing expansion. FISCAL IMPACT: The County agrees to pay for any costs related to the subdivi of this parcel. (Estimated cost $300.) The County agrees tc for the preparation of the deed and any recordation taxes. company should generate taxes of $3,300 annually. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of first reading and approval to st the second reading on March 26, 1991. Respectfully submitted: Approved: /9iN ~''~'' ~ ` Brian T. uncan, Assistant Elmer C. Hodge Director of Economic Development County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ACTION Motion by: Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers No Yes r -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE CC VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTEF TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZ- ING THE SALE OF 1.5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, IN THE SHAMROCK PARK BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cot Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been dec: to be surplus and is being made available for other public i i.e. economic development; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 0: Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading was held on Marc] 1991; and a second reading was held on March 26, 1991, conce: the sale and disposition of 1.5 acres, more or less, it Shamrock Industrial Park; and 3. That offers having been received for said property offer of Plantation & Kanter to purchase 1.5 acres, more or for $19, 750.00 per acre is hereby accepted and all other offer rejected; and 4. That all proceeds from the sale of this real estat to be allocated to the Capital Projects Fund pursuant to Se 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter; and 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to ex such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke Cour are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANO COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION C MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Unexpired three-year term of James Bryant, Hollins Magisteri< District. His term will expire June 30, 1991. 2. Transportation and Safety Commission Four-year terms of Lt. Art LaPrade, Police Department representative; Fred C. Altizer, Jr., Va. Department of Transportation representative, H. Rodney Smith, Senior CitizE representative, Jackie Talevi, Legal Representative, and Harr Nickens, Board liaison will expire April 1, 1991. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Q Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board -~-yc.c / ~/~ f ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw To ( ) Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANO COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Ro County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the of Supervisors for March 12, 1991, designated as Item J - Co: Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 throw inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - February 12, 1991, Feb 26, 1991. 2. Acceptance of 0.11 miles of Henry Farms Road, miles of Glade Hill Circle, and 0.23 mile Cundiff Drive into the Virginia Department Transportation Secondary System. 3. Approval of a Raffle Permit - Boy Scout Troop 4. Confirmation of Appointments to the Public S2 Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. 5. Donation of sanitary sewer easements in connec with Highfields Sewer Project. 6. Donation of sanitary sewer easement and water and access easement from Holiday Retire Associates Limited Partnership. 7. Donation of drainage easements in connection "The Orchards" Applewood Section No. 6. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said i the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to resolution. 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROAN( COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION 31291-8 APPROVING AND CONCURRING Ir CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Ro County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the of Supervisors for March 12, 1991, designated as Item J - Coy Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 throuc inclusive, as follows: 1• Approval of Minutes - February 12, 1991, Febr 26, 1991. 2. Acceptance of 0.11 miles of Henry Farms Road, miles of Glade Hill Circle, and 0.23 mile Cundiff Drive into the Virginia Department Transportation Secondary System. 3• Approval of a Raffle Permit - Boy Scout Troop ; 4. Confirmation of Appointments to the Public Sa] Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. 5• Donation of sanitary sewer easements in connect with Highfields Sewer Project. 6• Donation of sanitary sewer easement and water 1 and access easement from Holiday Retirem Associates Limited Partnership. 7. Donation of drainage easements in connection w "The Orchards" Applewood Section No. 6. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said itE the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to tY resolution. On motion of Supervisor Robers, and carried by the fol] recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: `~~ G`~L.-t~ ~/ Mary H. Allen/,vClerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor cc: Tommy Fuqua, Fire and Rescue Chief Clifford Craig, Utility Director George Simpson, Assistant Engineering Director File February 12, 1991 Roanoke County Board of Supe Roanoke County Administration 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 February 12, 1991 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Adminis Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first re scheduled meeting of the month of February, 1991. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McGraw called the meeting to order at 3:02 p. roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Supervisors Eddy, Bob L. Johnson (arrived at 3:0! Richard W. Robers MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen to the Board; John R. Hubbard, Assistant Administrator, John M. Chambliss, As County Administrator, Don M. Myers, As County Administrator, Anne Marie Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend J. Harrison St February 12, 1991 the project. He advised that five sites have been studied i visitors center, and Roanoke County staff feels that site #: be the best site because it affords the best visibility valley, is the most easily accessible, would be the least ex~ and would require minimal site preparation. He announced tt Explore Project and Town of Vinton also support this sit recommended that the Board of Supervisors write a letter National Park Service Southeast Regional Director static County's preference, and that they be invited to attend session on February 26 on the parkway project. Supervisor McGraw requested that the Town of Vi support for Site #3 be included in the letter, and Supervisc requested that the letter enthusiastically support the c project as well as the visitors center location. Supervisor Robers moved to adopt the recommendation. The motion carried by the following recorder AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens ?. Acceptance of 53,000 grant for Action Plan 20 appropriation to the school Board. A-21291-2 Garland J. Kidd, Director of Vocational and Education for the County Schools presented the staff r explaining that this program is designed to improve the de vote with remaining moved to following AYES: NAYS: February 12, 1991 Supervisor Nickens absent. Following a report from Ms. Busher in reference funds in the Consolidation Account, Supervisor appropriate the funds. The motion carried recorded vote: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, McGraw None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: REQIIESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Rectuest for Work Session on February 26, 1991 Year Plan. Supervisor Johnson moved to set the work sess February 26, 1991. The motion carried by a voice vot Supervisor Eddy abstaining and Supervisor Nickens absent. Chairman McGraw asked that the Clerk provide f board members a transcript on the 1990 work session on the S: Plan. IN RE: REQIIESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Recruest for Public Hearing on March 26, 19 citizen comment on the six Year Plan. Supervisor Johnson moved to set the public hear March 26, 1991. The motion carried by a voice vote with Supe Eddy abstaining and Supervisor Nickens absent. February 12, 1991 spaces. The basic parking violation penalty will be rai $15.00 and the penalty for parking in handicapped parking will be raised to $50.00. Supervisor Robers moved to approve first reading ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vc AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 4. Ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 12, Vehicle and Traffic Section 12-34 of the Roanoke Count C increase the permissible maximum penalty for violations. Mr. Mahoney reported that the Commonwealth Atto Office has recommended an increase in the fine impose violations of the vehicle decal ordinance to $100.00 This would increase compliance of the decal ordinance. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first re The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 5. Ordinance extendinc the franchise of Cox Roanoke. Inc. to operate a cable television system in R~ Count for a eriod of 6o da s and rovidin for a 1 incre; the franchise fee oavment. February 12, 1991 one-year term expiring March 31, 1992. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-21291-4 Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Consent with Item 4 removed for discussion. The motion carried following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Following an amendment to Item 4, Supervisor ,; moved to approve this item. The motion carried by the fo] recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLIITION 21291-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON TAE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervis< Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda Board of Supervisors for February 12, 1991, designated as Its Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in each item separately set forth in said section designated I February 12, 1991 WHEREAS, Jack C. Smith has served as Secretary Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation since 1961, ~ as the Executive Vice President of the Roanoke Regional Chat Commerce; and WHEREAS, under Mr. Smith's leadership, the C Roanoke Valley Development Foundation and the Roanoke Development Corporation, purchased the 70-acre Bonsack indL site in 1975; and WHEREAS, since that time, Mr. Smith ha: actively involved in the development and sale of the site wh: greatly enhanced the economic base and community facilities c Botetourt and Roanoke counties; and WHEREAS, under the leadership of Mr. Smit Greater Roanoke Valley Foundation and the Roanoke Development Corporation donated two acres of the Bonsack indu site for the purpose of a jointly developed library, and ove million dollars of investment has taken place at the E industrial site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bot County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke County Boz Supervisors do hereby name the Botetourt/Roanoke County Indu Park at Bonsack the JACK C. SMITH INDUSTRIAL PARK in recog of his dedicated leadership, his many accomplishments, a~ assistance to both counties. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolutio carried by the following recorded vote: February 12, 1991 __ -- _ _ P s: As ed for an u date on proposed department cutbacks. Mr. Hodge advised he will i these in the budget process. (2) Announced he had discusse Keith Cook a comparison of Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Com Care Network. (3) Asked for an update on the parking probl the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Mr. Hodge responded that the pr are being worked out. (4) Suggested that the County r contribution to United Way instead of individual human s agencies. (5) Proposed that the private sector get invol~ funding school activities such as sports, band, etc. Supe: McGraw suggested hiring a volunteer coordinator for one yE work with businesses and agencies. (6) Advised there wil: meeting on the Smart Highway in March. Supervisor McGraw: (1) Announced that VACo legis: to expand the moratorium on annexation (HB1418) had passe House of Delegates and had been sent to the Senate Committ Local Government. (2) Announced that the VACo Board has bE funding process to reconstitute the Grayson Commission. Announced that the VACo Executive Committee will meet in Rc in March, and the VACo Board of Directors will meet in Roanc April. IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the reports 1 below. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote Supervisor Nickens absent. February 26, 1991 Roanoke County Board of Super Roanoke County Administration 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 February 26, 1991 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of R County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administ: Center, this being the fourth Tuesday, and the second reg~ scheduled meeting of the month of February, 1991. ZN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McGraw called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Vice Chairman C. Nickens, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, F Johnson, Richard W. Robers MEMBERS ABBENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; P~ Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, to the Board; John R. Hubbard, Assistant Administrator, John M. Chambliss, Assn County Administrator, Don M. Myers, Assn County Administrator, Anne Marie C Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend Branan Thon February 26, 1991 from Certified Medical Representatives Institute. Director of Economic Development Tim Gubala intr Jim Dutton from CMR Institute and Webster Day, at representing CMR Institute. He explained that the Indu Development Authority had reviewed the request and recom issuance of the industrial revenue bonds in the amou $360,000. Jim Dutton, President of CMR Institute, describe CMR program as a 501c non-profit organization founde professional development and certification in the pharmace industry. In response to a question from Supervisor Joy Commissioner of the Revenue Wayne Compton advised tha organization would have to get the authority of the Boa Supervisors to become exempt from real estate taxes. Supervisor Nickens expressed opposition to industrial development bonds for businesses that do contribute to the tax base of the County and moved to der request. Supervisor Johnson moved to table action to the 12 meeting to allow for further study of the request. The ~ was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra~ NAYS: None 3. Resolution adoDtinq uolicies and criteri February 26, 1991 United States Justice Department and precleared before it put into effect to conduct an election, and WHEREAS, no change in voting practices or proc shall have the purpose nor the effect of denying or abridge right to vote on account of race or color, and WHEREAS, all citizens shall have an equal oppoY to participate in the political process and to representatives of their choice, and WHEREAS, after public notices and advertiseme~ individual notices to various community groups and organiza a public hearing on redistricting policies and procedure held on January 22, 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1) That there is hereby appointed a coa composed of the General Registrar, the Director of Planni Zoning and the County Attorney, which shall prepare one o redistricting plans for election districts for the Boe Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 2) That the number of persons in each el district shall be as nearly equal as is practicable base the 1990 federal decennial census. Any deviation from eq of population shall be justified only when it is the res the criteria set forth herein. In no case shall the dev exceed five (5) percent of the ideal district population. 3) That election districts shall be compac February 26, 1991 AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None IN RE: REQIIEST FOR PIIBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READY REZONING ORDINANCE - CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first and set the public hearings for March 26, 1991. The mote carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGr~ NAYS: None 1. An ordinance to amend proffered conditj approximately 4.35 acres, to constr professional office park in accordance concept plan dated March 28, 1988, loci the north side of Route 419 a~ intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cave Magisterial District upon the petit: Fralin ~ Aaldron, Inc. 2. An ordinance to rezone a .324 acre trac e-1 to B-2 to operate a video repair bL in an existing structure located ai Brambleton Avenue, Cave spriaq Magi: District upon the petition of Ere Richards. IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amendin and reado tin Article Parkins of Chanter 12, Motor Vehicle and Traffic of the F County code 0-22691-3 February 26, 1991 1. That Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, III., Parkins, of the Roanoke County Code, be, and it her amended and readopted to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE III. PARKING DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 12-50. Regulation of parking on county-owned generally. j~_ The County Administrator is hereby delegai authority to establish regulations regarding parking on owned property other than school board property not in c with any provision of this Article The school board designated anent is hereby authorized to establish regulations on school board property ~_ Such regulations as shall be developed County Administrator under this section shall only take after havina been advertised for four (4) successive weed newspaper of general circulation in Roanoke County and havina been presented to the Board of Supervisors for rev comment. Such regulations shall be consp icuously posted Roanoke Count y Courthouse , the Roanoke County Adminisi Center and the Roanoke County Public Safety Center Coc such regulations shall be available to all citizens Roanoke County Branch Library L,),_ Anv person violating any such regulation deg pursuant to this section shall be deemed guilty of a 1 infraction and be subiect to the fines and punishmE February 26, 1991 Parking in designated space on county property .$15.00 Anv violation of this Article not otherwise scheduled S15 In addition to the imposition of such fines, and vehicle parked in violation of this section may be move garage or parking lot for storage at the expense of the o~ such motor vehicle. A~1. ...~ LL.. .~ .~GTTP..feTTJ''~'"'L" _ _l I '•`~'T.-~1~~C~ Sec. 12-52. Parkins on streets and highways gene ~P~= ees-='ese~ees--=e La,Z No motor vehicle shall be barked or left st on anv oortion of an v street highway or other public way county for more than five (5) consecutive days lbl No motor vehicle shall be narked in any lc marked as a "No Parking" zone Lc,1 No owner, oberator or other person driving February 26, 1991 scene at the risk and expense of the owner if such ~ creates a traffic hazard or interferes with the nec procedures of bolice fire fighters rescue workers or whose assigned duty it is to deal with such emergencies Ll An emergency vehicle or any personal ~ operated by a law enforcement officer fire fighter eme medical services officer or county volunteer fire figh~ rescue squad member resoondinq to an emergency or a leggy public safety need shall not be considered in violation c section. perms=~~s~ed--~ ~~--4 ~ n ee e~s-~~ ~$4- r ~ -4b-s~~~-i--vim ~~: saris ~ e '- - ~ ~ - - - ~-i-t-~te~t~~reees~t~=- • v sec. 12-53. Parking in fire lanes unlawful. ~k~sq-ea- _~~ [Formerly SeC. 12-60.] (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park otherwise obstruct a fire lane designated and marked by tr marshall in accerdanca with Sec. F-313.1, et seq., of th Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke. February 26, 1991 public way within the county; Within fifteen f 151 feet of a fire hydra ublic or private property or of the entra anv building housina fire equipment, rescue esuipment or ambulances: ~ Within twenty 1201 feet or upon anv k viaduct or railroad crossins; L1 Anv parkins space reserved for the handicap a public street, highway or other public the county or in t~rivately owned parkins open to the public, unless such vehicle disx special license plate, decal or barking issued pursuant to Sections 46 2-731 46 2- 46.2-1238, Code of Virainia 1950 as amends lg1 At any location where at the time pa standins or stoonina is prohibited and of sians or other markers to that effect hay erected or installed and are visible ordinarily observant person• ,LL Alons any street, hiahwav of other publ within the county or Dart thereof constitu part of the route of a barade for which a has been aranted under Chanter 14 of this The Chief of Police shall have the author desisnate any parade route and to Bost si such effect and when such sians are so post February 26, 1991 your having to appear in court and to pay adds costs." Sec. 12-56. voluntary payment or contest of parking tick (a) Within ten (10) days time when a ticket is attached to a vehicle pursuant t _.=:ic- 12-55, the owner or operator of such vehicle may in the Treasurer's Office, during regular working hour: waive his right to be formally tried for the violation inc on the ticket, by paying the fine prescribed by Sec. seat-i 51 3-5.4 as penalty for, and in full satisfaction of, violation. (b) In lieu of payment of the fine in accorc subsection (a) above, such owner or operator may Conte: parking ticket, within the time prescribed in subsection presenting it to the ee~r~ Treasurer of Roanoke Count` shall certify such contest, on an appropriate form, t General District Court. Sec 12-57. Procedure for delinquent parking tickets. (a) If the owner or operator of the motor vehi~ which a ticket is attached pursuant to this Article doE appear in the eel Treasurer's Office and pay the f~ present the ticket for certification within the time pres in Sec. c==_ic:, 12-56, the Treasurer shall, in order to the collection of county funds, notify the owner or opera the vehicle in question, by mail directed to his last address or his address as shown on the records of the Depa February 26, 1991 pursuant hereto, proof that the vehicle described ~ complaint, summons, parking ticket or warrant was par] violation of such provision, together with proof the defendant was, at the time of such parking violation registered owner of the vehicle as required by Chapter 6 (E 600 et sea.) of Title 46.2 ~l of tt of Virginia, 1950 as amended. shall constitute in evid rebuttable presumption that such registered owner of the ~ was es the person who parked the vehicle at the place whet for the time during which, such violation occurred. sec. 12-61. Removal or immobilization of motor vE against which there are outstanding violations. .La,_ Anv motor vehicle barked on the public hiah~ public grounds against which there are three (3) or more or otherwise unsettled oarkina violations may be removes place within Roanoke County or in an adiacent locality desi the Chief of Police of Roanoke County for the tea storage of the vehicle or in the alternative such vehic be immobilized in a manner which will orevent its remo, operation except by authorized law enforcement bersonne~ such removal or immobilization as authorized b this s shall only be conducted by or under the direction of a A County Police Officer LI It shall be the duty of the police c removin or immobilizin an motor vehicle or under direction such vehicle is removed or immobilized to info February 26, 1991 46.2-1213. Sec. 12-61 - 12-65. Reserved. DIVISION 3. ~~3i~£~9~~- COURTHOUSE PARKING LOT Sec. 12-66. Patrolling. The courthouse parking lot shall be perioc patrolled by The Sheriff of the County of Roanoke or his Dc ~t-y---i~~r~--e~€e~°PEiireirz-a-~-:~s and, when unlawful park found, the drivers involved shall be duly notified as pre: in this Article. sec. 12-67. Parkins resulations. The use of the courthouse parking lot shall accordance with procedures developed by the County Admini~ not incon: with the provisions of this division. sec. 12-68. "No parking" spaces. Spaces on the courthouse parking lot in which ~ is prohibited shall be indicated by parallel lines drawn the same. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a in any such space. sec. 12-69. Parking within marked space; occupancy o~ than one space. A vehicle parked on the courthouse parking lot sh parked within the lines indicated a parking space, and no v shall be parked so as to occupy more than one such space. sec. 12-70. Leaving motor or parked vehicle running. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave the February 26, 1991 space. Sec. 12-75. Maximum length of parked vehicles. No vehicle longer than twenty-two (22) feet sh~ parked on the courthouse parking lot. Secs. 12-76 - 12-90. Reserved. 2. That the provisions of Sec 10-10 (d) & (e) Roanoke County Code, Parkin Re lations are hereby repeale 3. That this amendment shall be in full fors effect on and after March 1, 1991. On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt ordinanc carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None 2. Ordinance amending Article II of Chanter 12. Vehicle and Traffic Section 12-34 of the Roanoke Count C~ increase the permissible maximum penalty for violations. 0-22691-~ This ordinance increased the penalty for failu obtain a county vehicle decal to a maximum of $100.00. Supervisor Nickens inquired whether the ordinance not be amended to the maximum allowed of $250.00 inste $100.00. Assistant County Attorney Joseph Obenshain rest that the Commonwealth's Attorney recommended $100.00 and t~ in line with other localities. In response to further quest Mr. Obenshain responded that the ordinance could be amendec February 26, 1991 b) It shall be unlawful for any person to ope motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer required to be li under this article on any street, highway, road, or traveled way in the County, unless a current license deg displayed thereon as required by this section. The fact th current license tax has been paid on such vehicle shall n prosecution for a violation of this section. A violation c section shall be punished by a fine of not less than dollars (S20 00) and not more than two hundred fifty d _(5250.001 Any violation o section may not be discharged by payment of such fine excep presentation of satisfactory evidence that the license required has been obtained. c) Each day that a vehicle is operated witt current license decal bein dis la ed shall be conside separate offense for purposes of this section 2. The effective date of this ordinance sha March 1, 1991. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt ord changing the maximum penalty to $250.00, and carried k following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Ropers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra~ NAYS: None 3. Ordinance egtendinq the franchise of Cog February 26, 1991 of several months between Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. and the of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, Vii for the renewal of this franchise which was extended for a of sixty days from the expiration of the current fr< agreement on December 31, 1990, by Ordinance # 121890-1 which negotiations may not be concluded sufficiently prior present date of expiration to permit adoption by the rest governing bodies prior to March 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. is prohibit federal law from operating a cable television system witY; jurisdiction without a franchise agreement or extens~ defined by federal law; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance wa on February 12, 1991, and the second reading of this orc was held on February 26, 1991. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of F County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That in order to permit Cox Cable Roanoke, I continue to operate a cable television franchise with: territorial limits of Roanoke County, Virginia, after Ma. 1991, and to prevent any interruption of cable tele services to customers of Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc., the fra of Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. for the operation of a television system within Roanoke County, Virginia, is extended for a period of sixty (60) days beginning at midnight on March 1, 1991. February 26, 1991 NAYS: None RESOLIITION 22691-6 APPROVING AND CONCIIRRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM R - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervi~ Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the age the Board of Supervisors for February 26, 1991, designa~ Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approve concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said designated Items 1 through 8, inclusive, as follows: 1• Confirmation of Committee Appointments Grievance Panel, the League of Americans Advisory Council and the Lea• Older Americans Board of Directors. 2• Donation of drainage easement from Debo Line in connection with the Remington Project in Hunting Hills Subdivision. 3• Request for approval of Raffle Per. Roanoke County Occupational School P.T., 4• Acceptance of water and sanitary facilities serving Northpark Office Par: 5• Acceptance of water and sanitary facilities serving Colonnade Corporate II, Phase I. 6• Acceptance of sanitary sewer facia serving Steeplehunt at Canterbury Section 5. ~• Authorization to allow the Bent Mountain Station to be used by the Bent Moi Women's Club. February 26, 1991 McGraw asked the Clerk to the Board to gather all info available and send to the Board members. There was genera: consensus not to devote further study to this issue. Sups Johnson asked for a report from John Willey on the Bo Equalization. Supervisor Johnson: (1) Announced that he wot; support cutting the DARE Program. (2) Asked that Mr. Hodc everyone informed that no cutbacks have been made yet budget. Supervisor Nickens: (1) Asked about the rep county vehicles. Mr. Hodge advised he had a draft copy report and will have the report complete for the budget pz (3) Asked about the report on the therapeutics program Asked that employee raises not be included in the p Commission and Landfill Board budget if city and county ems don't receive raises. Supervisor Robers• (1) Asked about the report proposed 5~ cutbacks. Mr. Hodge responded he will include in the budget process. (2) Announced that the Virginia C of Commerce is sponsoring a seminar on drug and alcohol ab the work place on March 5, and recommended sending someon the County staff. (3) Advised that he attended the o ceremonies of Elmcrest Estates on Sunday February 25, 1991. Supervisor McGraw: (1) Announced that the expanding the moratorium on annexation had passed the s (3) Advised that the Blue Ridge Region had received S February 26, 1991 carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGr~ NAYS: None In response to questions from citizens whc present, Mr. Hodge explained that this would put the proje the shelf" unless or until future residents or board n support the road improvements. He emphasized that no actic be take on the improvements in the near future. Fred Al Resident Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation f explained that VDOT would archive the current plans unti time in the future as there is new interest in the improvements. IN RE: AORR SESSION 1. Sig Year Plan Assistant Engineering Director George Simpson an Resident Engineer Fred Altizer reviewed the prioritization existing projects listed on the Six Year Plan for 19 $106,000 of the $250,000 is allocated for rural ad projects. Projects listed under Incidental Construction w completed during 1991-92. In response to a question Supervisor Eddy, Mr. Altizer explained that roads that are with slurry seal are completely funded by maintenance funds roads listed on the six year plan are covered with plant mi: Mr. Altizer reviewed the projects that were com~. during 1990 consisting of five major projects and six inci~ February 26, 1991 adding roads to the Six Year Plan every year instead of eve years. Mr. Hodge suggested that the process should cont: it has adding roads every two years, but if there is a c: situation, this could be dealt with on a yearly basis, Altizer pointed out that revenue sharing would alloy improvements to be funded much quicker than inclusion on 1 Year Plan. IN RE: RECESS EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) IN RE: PIIBLIC HEARINGS 291-1 Public Hearing to receive citizen commE the Roanoke County Capital Imprc Program. The following citizens spoke regarding the County Capital Improvement Program: 1. Sue Lumsden 6321 Woodbrook Drive spoke in s of the inclusion of additional classrooms and land for Back Elementary School in the CIP. 2. Tom Mason 6120 Woodbrook Drive, spoke in s of improvements to Cave Spring Elementary School incluc library, lighting and air conditioning. 3. Donna Vitor 7222 Holl berr Road spoke in s of site improvements and parking at Cave Spring JunioY February 26, 1991 AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None ORDINANCE 22691-7 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 0.5 ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 4721 STARREY ROAD (TA% MAP NO. 87.07-04-09) IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF M-1 IIPON THE APPLICATION OF ROGER JEFFERSON WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance wa; on January 22, 1991, and the second reading and public h was held February 26, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission 1 public hearing on this matter on February 5, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of R. County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain of real estate containing 0.5 acre, as described herein located at 4721 Starkey Road, (Tax Map Number 87.07-04-09) Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed fro zoning classification of B-1, Office District, to the classification of M-1, Light Industrial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the applicat~ Roqer Jefferson. 3. That the owner has voluntarily proffers February 26, 1991 or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions c ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt ordinanc carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None 291-3 Ordinance authorizing a Use Not Provid Permit to allow summer concerts, loca Valleypointe, Hollins Magisterial Dis upon the petition of the Easter seal S of OA, Inc. 0-22691-8 Susan Knight, Vice President of the Easter Seal S was present to answer questions. Supervisor Eddy asked whether there might be pot parking problems. Planning and Zoning Director Terry Harr advised that if Valleypointe Parkway becomes part o Secondary System, it may not be used for on-street pa However, staff feels that the parking was handled very wel year, and they recommended that the permit be limited t year. Mr. Mahoney recommended that the ordinance be a: to limit the permit to the dates for which the concert planned~(mid May to September 1991). Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the UsE Provided for Permit amending the ordinance to specify beginning and ending dates for the concerts. The motio carried by the following recorded vote: February 26, 1991 or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions o ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt ord amended to include beginning and ending dates of concert carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None 291-4 Ordinance vacating a fifteen foot IItility Easement on Lots 2, 3, and Franklin Estates Subdivision locatE Catawba Magisterial District. 0-22691-9 There was no discussion and no one present to spy this ordinance. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra~ NAYS: None ORDINANCE 22691-9 VACATING A FIFTEEN FOOT (15') PIIBLIC IITILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOTS 2, 3, AND 4 OF FRANKLIN ESTATES SIIBDIVISION IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Petitioners, Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Lc and Mr. and Mrs. George S. Coury, have requested the Boa Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia to vacate a 15 public utility easement located on Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Fra Estates Subdivision in the Catawba Magisterial District as in Plat Book 11, at page 187 of record in the Clerk's Offi _ February 26, 1991 NAYS: None 291-5 Ordinance vacating a 20 foot Water Easement recorded in Plat Book 11, Pag located in Windsor Hills Magis DiStrlCt. 0-22691-10 There was no discussion and no one spoke tc ordinance. Supervisor Eddy moved to adopt the ordinance. motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None ORDINANCE 22691-10 VACATING A TWENTY FOOT (20') WATER LINE EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION PLAT (PB 11, PAGE 155) FOR THE ESTATE OF AILLIAM DANIEL HUBRIS BR. AND FRANK R. AND MARY ELIZABETH RADFORD, CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Petitioners, Mr. Frank R. and Elizabeth Radford have requested the Board of Supervise Roanoke County, Virginia to vacate approximately 270 feet existing 20-foot water line easement located as shown o subdivision plat for the estate of William Daniel Burris S7 Frank R. and Mary Elizabeth Radford of record in the C] Office of the Roanoke County Circuit Court in Plat Book 11, 155; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.1-482 (b) of the 1950 Coc Virginia, as amended, requires that such action be accompl by the adoption of an ordinance by the governing body; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by Se February 26, 1991 Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-3 (7) to discuss legal matters pertaining to negotiations landfill agreement. The motion was carried by the fo: recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGr~ NAYS: None IN RE: OPEN SESSION At 8:20 p.m. Supervisor Johnson moved to return t Session. The motion was carried by the following recorded AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGre NAYS: None IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF E%ECIITIVE SESSION R-22691-11 Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the Certifi Resolution. The motion was carried by the following re vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGra NAYS: None RESOLIITION 22691-11 CERTIFYING E%ECIITIVE MEETING HELD IN CONFORMITY AITH THE CODE OF VIRGINII9 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on thi: pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; ACTION NO. A-31291-8.a ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROA COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CE MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Henry Farms Road, Glade Hill Cir and Cundiff Drive into the Secondary System by Virginia Department of Transportation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received acknowledgement that the follc roads have been accepted into the Secondary System by the Virc Department of Transportation effective February 20, 1991. 1. 0.11 miles of Henry Farms Road (Route 1992) 2. 0.06 miles of Glade Hill Circle (Route 990) 3. 0.23 miles of Cundiff Drive (Route 991) SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ------------------------------------------------ ACTION VO'I Approved (X) Motion by: Ri r~harr~ w Rnhr~rG NO YE Robers x Denied ( ) Eddy ?~ Received ( ) Referred ( ) Johnson ?~ To ( ) McGraw ~ Nickens ~ cc: File George Simpson, Acting Director, Engineering • i A-31291-8.b ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RO. COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION C MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit Boy Scout Troop 209 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Boy Scout Troop 209 has applied for a Raffle Permit to be he May 14, 1991. The application has been reviewed by the Commissioner o: Revenue and he recommends approval. The $25.00 fee has been STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Raffle Permit be approved. Respectfully submitted Approved by, ~Y~ ~-c~"~' .mod • r,.~-.s' /u rt~c(.~ Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Richard W. Robers No YE Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Ref erred ( ) McGraw x To ( ) Nickens ~ Robers ~? cc: File Bingo/Raffle File .. z. ~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle per This application is made subject to all County and State 1 ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or the un enacted aereli.cantaandwwhichashallrbeydeemeddat~obdition u signed pp which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the acs cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo c and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Sec 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws auth the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable inves tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Boar sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit o organization found not to be in strict compliance with count' state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concererso permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any p uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles fc purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, commu or educational purposes for which the organization is spE cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) RAFFLE PERMI`T' ~ BINGO GAMED Name of Organization ~~Y SGOV ~ ~i4o©~ °1 09 Street Address ~/p GE G~FS' ~©~'~ ~ ,l~,~r~',~Yro•~ /~~~'' Mailing Address v v Qy x '~~3 ~ l/ City, State, Zip Code ~p f~~®~~ //~ y~°i9 Purpose and Type of Organization When was the organization founded? ~ 9~~ .~ S Gv ~/S a,Pi~/G ®~ G A-.~•2~?ia./~ ~DD,C~E~' //fe 2'T'~i` !//~~ U~/ i7~E.0 ~lJEi r~fda~sj (iffd'~o~~ 1 ~ ~~ `. Roanoke County meeting place?~~5 ~ A~T A~~PEsl °^~ ~'gG ~' I Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two tinuous years? YES ,/ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES ~ NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # No~/~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. TR~a Officers of the Organization : ~,,~~ ,~~ E- s cv ~in,4s~'EQ 3A/ t ~ n ES ~C~A /'o nJ C fi~i~Pr~1~ ~~, ,. n _,. ~~ nt y7iQ, ~,EE ~ e n : ~.xr...es. ~ PF ~~ AR Address: Rs n.~' BA~P,PENS .P. OD,3 Address• /~/~Io~ ~~ ©i~Y Treasurer:~ ~,~a,cc-'' mTE Secretary: {-~~p,Q ~ 3 ~ ~cL~ J Q K G Address:~~ Q~~/~ G/,Pc ~E'"~/B 0 Address: i ~: ~ dt7 _ ~ ,QkE /~ yea i Y ~~ ~~ 2 ~oiL Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo < tions: Name ,SAIlIES /~~A ~a.J - Home Address 7Ua,3 ~i(~D.9d~~ ~~'/ ~~ Phone3~ 3a ~~ Bus . Phone !- A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT ME SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conduc RAFFLES: Date of Drawings Time of DrawingQr ~QOO/ BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 .~ ~ ;ti State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle wi used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proc Use estimates amounts if necessary. ~R©~EEOS FR~~ ~A%FL[; ~.v~~c. BE vsEO T~ PAS/ EXPE^i.s~~s fok /S- do f3oy Scov'~S Ta R T'T~/J Q ~ ~ ~ L /17 o nI % ~ /G f! A~ Ut' N i ~,Q ~~ R g~ ~ ~ / N ~ ~ m ~9 ~PRo•/ ~Ew ~E x ~~ ~Rrf~ ~s Scflt,Ovl~Eo `~R ~~~y ~- ?~c.y i3, /9'9~ o%A L CCSi//ETA%E~ ~o S J J ~ T~ E TRH ~ R g r/ F~ c QR o ~~ Eos w~ ~ ~ ~~ G~ o~ y ~A~e ; 3 `.~ ~ BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operati Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior c~ dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter s~/'~/~ 2nd Quarter ,~/oi/L~ 3rd Quarter ,vu/~/r~ 4th Quarter ,~t/~i/~ Total /~9^/~' lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total it/a~/E 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violati law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, ass tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classi tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? 7'ES 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintai file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaini Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subje audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue?~~} 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commission the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the pre on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or r< to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit al cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ire } 4 ~w ~ 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial P must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or 1` the first day of November of each calendar year for which mit has been issued? xES 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receip ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? ~ s 7. Does your organization understand that the failure t financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocati the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bing or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed new permit is obtained? ~~"S 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath I Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, c nity, or educational purposes for which the organization i cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisi Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia 9. Does your organization understand that a one percent fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of R• upon submission of the annual financial report due on or the first of November? --T 10. Does your organization understand that this permit i~ only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, a such dates, as are designated in the permit application?~ 11. Does your organization understand that no person, e~ bona fide member of any such organization who shall have member of such organization for at least ninety days pr such participation, shall participate in the management, tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no shall receive any remuneration for participating in manag operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle?_ ~=S 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Ro Virginia? ~~ S 13. Does your organization understand that any organizatioi in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, member or employee of such organization who violates the al having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, member or employee of such organization who violates the referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~~S 5 F ~ . 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its m~ ship to this application form? DES 15. Has your. organization attached a copy of its bylaws t application form? nJodJE" ,g-~/,¢-i~~BGE 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? c/d If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal prod or both and identify exempt property. 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. S coy i '~~cN /~ 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: ~~ Article Description ~s"s m . vo C~ys tJ o Q ~. 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Depa of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Char: Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code?~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from regist by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Af: ~/~ (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RA] VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Fair Market Value D vEQ ~~ o.oo ~/79.~a C9 A~S e L. ~•`1 E Po ~ E'~2. E~ w E•Fo TQ,~fia,E2 y /Y9.9-r ~~~L~ L.~-.~~s ~BRA1s~ 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days ~ calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required t complete records of the bingo game. These records based on E 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke Count must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of is bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and addre the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and w~ invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase c stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is p the number of people in attendance on each date, ar. amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or j from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and dig ments which support, and that agree with, the quarter annual reports required to be filed, and that these z must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit?_ 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross rece~ the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organize Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organizatioi gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or a pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall hav granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) understand that instant Bingo m~ regular Bingo game is in pro and at such times as are specif 7 Y,~ q 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this u: the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize or merchandise valued in excess of the following amount; illegal? a, No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One The Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes aw in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Name Title Subscribed and sworn before me, My commission expires: ,/ RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: ~~, ~ ; ~ otary P tic COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 Home Address thisVday of '~ 19 8 -~ r NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is apX and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31 this calendar year. ~ on{missi ner of the e~ Date The above application is not approved. Date ~C mmis Toner o the Re~ 9 ACTION NO. A-31291-8.c ITEM NUMBER AT A IRGI~R HELDIAT THE ROANOKER COUNTY ADMINISTRATIONRC] COUNTY, MEETING DATE• March 12, 1991 Confirmation of Committee Appointment t~ AGENDA ITEM• Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Boar Trustees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The purpose of the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Boa: Trustees is to administer the Length of Service Benefits Px for public safety volunteers. In March 1989, the Board of Trt became an official Committee established by the Boaz Supervisors in order to be protected by Roanoke County's liar insurance. At that time, it was determined tointments a wou would select members to serve and the app confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. There are currently several vacancies on this Board, and Fi: Rescue Chief Tommy Fuqua recommends the following appointme~ 1. Angela Bryant Volunteer At Large representative 2. James M. Chewning Volunteer Rescue Chiefs representative 3. Thomas E. Wagner, Jr. Volunteer Fire Chiefs representative Attached is a letter from Fire and Rescue Chief Tommy requesting confirmation from the Board of Supervisors for appointments. RECOMMENDATION• It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors confirm the appointments. e SUBMITTED BY: ~~ ~ Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------ ---------------------- ACTION VOTE Motion b n- --~~,ra i^?- R^_1~Pr~ No Ye Approved (~ y' Eddy x Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred ( ) Nickens x To ( ) Robers x cc: File Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees F: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue r ~R O~ Ei0AN0~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~.~ . ~ u~n~ ~~ Z ~ ~ z ~ m. a 150 /X~/x~ FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT 1 $ YEAFS yy SFSQUICENTE~N~P~ A BeautifulBeginning TO: Mary Allen FROM: Chief .Fuqua DATE: March 6, 1991 SUBJECT: Appointments -Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Tr The following individuals have been selected to serve on the Public Volunteers Benefits Board of Trustees: 1. Firefighter Angela Bryant 3731 Bradshaw Rd. Salem, VA 24153 Firefighter Bryant replaces Rescue Member Marlene Clifton as Chief appointment. 2. Rescue Chief James M. Chewning 679 Augusta Ave. Vinton, VA 24179 Chief Chewning replaces Richard Decker III as the Volunteer Rescue Board Representative. 3. Fire Chief Thomas E. Wagner, Jr. 2562 Rutrou h Rd. SE Roanoke, V~ 24014 Chief Wagner replaces Donald Gillispie as the Volunteer Fire Chief Representative. Please take whatever action necessary to have these appointments confi~ the Board of Supervisors. 3568 PETERS CREEK ROAD. NW. ROANOKE. VA 24019 (703) 561-807c FAX TELEPHONE (703) 561-8108 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. A-31291- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOP COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION C'. MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of sanitary sewer easements in conne< with the Highfields Sewer Project to the Couni Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,,~!'~,~Y~~~~' ~,{4~~I~.,.,,tR SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of following easements to the County of Roanoke for sanitary purposes in relation to the Highfields Sewer Project in the Spring Magisterial District. a) Donation of a sanitary sewer easement, twenty (20') in width, from Charles S. Campbell and Hien D. Camp (Deed Book 1291, page 1735) (Tax Map No. 86.07-3-3 shown on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engi ing Department, dated September 19, 1990. b) Donation of a sanitary sewer easement, fifteen (15' ' in width, from Dorothy W. Deyerle (Deed Book 1123, 67) (Tax Map Nos. 86.11-4-37 and 86.11-4-38) as shy a plat prepared by T. P. Parker & Son, dated Augu: 1990. The location and dimensions of these properties have reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of these properties. Respectfully submitted, V c ie L. H an Assistant Co my Attorne Action Vote No Yes A roved x) Motion by Richard W Robers Eddy x pP ( Johnson x Denied ( ) McGraw x Received ( ) Nickens x Referred Robers x to cc: File George Simpson, Acting Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities • METES AND BOUNDS DES~RIPT/DN SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF I PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDAA 32.~0~ =. g~TEMPORARY ~'` . _' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT S °~ S 02°22~E ~ ~- ~RFFK 48032, 91.70 gO ~ ~ ~ 286 F \00~ ~ ~ 1 ~ (TOTq~~ HIGHFIELDS ~ ~~°20 /~ ~ ~ PRIVATE PARK. / ~~ \ ' / EXISTING S.S. ~ ~~ ~ ~ / MANHOLE ~ \ ~ \ \ ~ EXISTING 15~ ~ \ . S.S. EASEMENT ~ \ \~ EXISTING 20' ~--CENTEf~LINE OF ~~ ~ S.S. EASEMENT ~ ~ ~ --" _. NEW 20 S.S. \ _.._ EASEiNENT \ S 47°05~48~~ W \ 27.60 \ ~Toperty of \ \ ,CHARLES S. ~ ~~ HIEN D. CAMP9ELL \ LOT 19 LOT 20 BLK. 3 SEC. 2 CANTERBURY PARK CHALICE TAX MAP NO. 8s.o7-3-34 SCALE: 1~~= 60 PLAT SHOWING NEW SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY CHARLES S. ~ HIEN D. CAMPBELL PREPARED BY: RDANDKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: ~ THIS CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IS PROVIDED FOR USE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ac CONNECT SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TO THE EXISP.NG~ DWELLUJG HIGHFIELD ROAD 50' R/W N 38'28'00" E 90.0:0 15' .,... ,~ . ~-. LOT 7 3 ~ ~ CV O ~y (V N ;~ co z AN I15' /1-STORY BRICK HOUSE :5524 10' TEMPORARY oLD CONSTRUCTION SOT :EASEMENT UNE -NEW 15' SANITARY SEN(ER EASEMENT 37.15' ~ OF~a~ ~ 'S, .." Q0• PROPERTY OF DOROTHY W. DEYERLE TAX N0. 86.11-4-37 do 3E D.B. 1123, PG. 67 r R = 75.00' A = 228.79' LOT 8 CH = S 54'08'30' BLK. 3 149.84' r S 33'15'00" W RD ^D H~G~F~Eo ~ ~W t'i S 62'33'00" W-~ 10.77' a Q`~ o`~ R = 150. GO' -~ A = 52.05' CH = S 23'17'53" W 51.79' C,gke~q 50~ R w~ R~q 0 ,{,~yTH op y ~` f ~ ~ NOTES: ~r,K e. c~~n~u., in> 1. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY. No. 1335 EASEMENT PLAT FOR ``~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHOWING A NEW 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON LOT 8 AND A PORTION OF LOT 7, BLOCK 3, MAP OF HIGHFIELDS, P.B. 3, PG. 247 BEING CONVEYED BY DOROTHY W. DEYERLE CAVE SPRING MAGIST. DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA TAX N0. 86.11-4-37 k 38 1" a 50' SCALE: N.B. ~''W-70 CALC. DAP T. P. PARKER dC SON DATE: AUGUST 22 ~gg~ en~Lneera - aurvcyora - plennera DRA11?J DAP CK'D 9AI.P.1[, VIFtGINIl N'.O. 90-0751 D- 37872 A-31291- ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOK~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CE MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Donaaccess easement from Hol a y R t r ment Ass and to the Board of Supe ates Limited Partnership sors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : /~~~~~yruy~~j a~,~,t~--~~y~T~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation oses ove for sanitary sewer and for Holiday Retirements Associ ates Li: across property owned by Partnership, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the C of Roanoke as follows: a) Donation of a sanitary sewRetirement ~Associatese Li in width, from Holiday (Deed Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, 1300, page 1745; Tax Map No. 77.20-1-51), said ear being shown and designated as "Proposed New 15' Sar Sewer Easement" on a plat prepared by Lumsden Assoc P.C., dated December 20, 1990. b) Donation of a water linen t rement Associates arL~ width, from Holiday (Dees Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, 1300, page 1745; Tax Map No. 77.20-1-51), said ea being shown and~~designatlat prepared by LumsdeneA Access Easement on a P 1990. ates, P.C., dated December 20, The location and dimensions of these easements havE reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this property. Respectfully submitted, V ckie L. H f n Assistant County Attorney Action Vote No Yes ~.,:,,,.~ rcr Rc~bPr~ Eddy x Approved ( ~ Motion by Ri c~~~~ Johnson x Denied ( ) McGraw x Received ( ) Nickens x Referred Robers x ~~ cc: File ineerin George Simpson, Acting Director, Eng g Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities ACTION NO. A-31291- ITEM NO. ~ AT A RE GILAR M HELD AT THE ROANOKE OCOUNTY RADMINISTRATION OCR ®UNTY, VIR , MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of drainage easements in connection "THE ORCHARDS", Applewood, Section No. 6 (F Community Development Corporation) to the Boax Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS :~ -cc~-r-rz-y~ u""~' ` ~..-C--~c~r'~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of ease' for drainage purposes in connection with "THE ORCHARDS", Apple Section No. 6 (Plat Book 11, page 130), owned and developed b & W Community Development Corporation, located in the V Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke as follows: a) Donation of a drainage easement, twenty feet (20 width, from Roy D. Bohon and Margie H. Bohon (Deed 1069, page 672; Tax Map No. 40.13-1-13) in relati the Orchards Subdivision, said easement being show designated as "NEW 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on a prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated 23 N 1990. b) Donation of a drainage easement, twenty feet (2C width, from Edward R. Rumbley, Jr. and Margaret 7 Rumbley (Deed Book 961, page 205; Tax Map No. 40.1: in relation to the Orchards Subdivision, said ea: being shown and designated as "NEW 20' DRAINAGE EAS] on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., da March, 1990. The location and dimensions of these properties havE reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this property. Respectfully submitted, Vic i L. Hu a Assistant Co y Attorney Action Vote No Yes x Approved (x) Motion by Richard W. Robers Johnson x Denied ( ) McGraw x Received ( ) Nickens x Referred Robers x to cc: File ineerin George Simpson, Acting Director, Eng g Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities . ~ -- r PROPERLY OF ~ F. & 4V. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. ~j ~ ._ D.H. 962_ PG. 651 I /I/ LOT 10 , ~ / ExIST. 20' D.E. E3LOCK 1 ~ / j~ C /. "iHE ORCHARDS' ~ /i 7~j/ APPLEWOOD SECTION No. 6 ~w / // fi~ (P.E3. 11 PG. 130) / ~ ~ / ]i' m~ ~ i LOT 9 ~~~ ago //~~~~• ~ ~7 EXiST. 15' P.U.E. ~~'~ ~ ~" ~ / S ~~.~ ~ LOT 8 ~ <~ ~~ ~ 6 Qw~ QJQ ° o `~ ~ xx '°oo~ -ExIST.~o' s.s.E. o- ~. ~~~ ~„ o ~,ix °° F ~ ~ LoT 7 ~ : o ~/ O , T ~~ ~~ S 84'27'47" E ~~ `~ ~ '~ ~ / ~ ~'Op OTq~ ~ LOT 6 18.7i' -~ ,~'~ D.~ ~' ~gFRTy ~ ~~ _ _E2 ,g J / n~~, /0~ ~G/F ~F ~ \ 9 - - ~- -- / ~Rq N 20 pc 6> e0ti 0 tip, qcF ~~ ~ 6/.~ Cqs~. 00 ~~ ~ ~ MFNT ss6 3/ (rOT q~J PROPERTY OE JACK L. & JANET ~. HENNETT D.H. 12.72 PG. 1745 i._ i~ ~ ~ ~ n cD ~ O R' ~7 ii. <1 O n ~ ~~ ~ ~ n_ 4 CJ ~ ' c' _ - ~r> `f ~ ~ -i c~ ;- n; ~i- C1'. j ~ R- (~ ~yj lil F._ 0_ l~J N t{J ~tiT ."~,w l C11110~~i1t ~~ ~'L ?o~ ~~ r ~~ 3. LEE 1--• HrNDERSOfJ, JR. ~•}z No. 1480 '1 ~ 4 ~ o s a r~ N i~ "~ 1 ~ ~. /;~ N ~ ~ ~~ ~m~m~ 4 ~~2 i~~ ~ o ~F~ ~ 20 , ~_ _~ ~ i ~ D] S. O ~ PLAT SHOWING 20' DR~~INAGE IJASI~~~1EN`I, BEING GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OIL' ROANOKE HY ROY D. & MARGIE H. BORON VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 100' DATE: 23 MARCH 1990 rJur,ssvLN assoclaTES, F~. c. EP~IGINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMM. S6 0 992 S 00 On .. O ~ \ ~'ROPERTY OF ~ \ EDWARD R. RUMBLEY, Jr. & ~ MARGARE I TAPI_EY P.Uti1!3LEY ~ ~o~ D.B. 961 PG. 205 ~ ~ o PROPERTY OF ROY D. & MARGIE H. BORON N 84'21'47" W D.B. 1069 PG. 672 15.97' ~ i _ _\ ~ / - - - - ~ \ S 26'51'07" W -~ / / \ 154.09' ~ / / \ / ~ NEW 20' A ~ ~ J DRAINAGE \ \ CENTERLINE EASEMENT EXISTING--~ CREEK PROPERTY OE ~' ~ C7 c0 ~' JACK L. & JANET F. BENNET7 D.Q. 1222 PG. 17h5 '~ j ? c~ o j O<- a Q~ ,~ ~ U ~ z J F- x \ J l ri U CO ~`1'' I ~ Lil F- \ f ~ Q_ LJ \ ~~ PLAT SHOWING NL~~V 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO TIDE COUNTY OF RQANOKE BY A~~11N~~t~ EDWARD R. RUMBLEY, Jr. ~~~tiyfI 0~, ~~ & :~ ~l MARGARET TAPLEY RUMBLEY B. LEE 7- ~° HENDERSON, JR. y VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ~. ~~'D"OC, It. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA No. 1480 ~R°~i ~, SURN1,~4 SCALE: 1" = 100' DATE: 23 MARCH 1990 N111 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P. C. ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMM. (~85~ PAYROLL DEDUCTION FACT SHEET 1. PAYROLL DEDUCTION IS A BENEFIT THAT ROANOKE COUNTY IS ALREADY PROVIDING TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. 2. THE ADDITION OF PAYROLL DEDUCTION REQUIRES NO MORE WORK LAY THAN THAT OF DIRECT DEPOSITS. 3. PAYROLL DEDUCTION WOULD PROVIDE AN EFFICIENT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM, ALLOWING LONG RANGE PLANNING FOR OUR COMMUNITY COMMITMENTS. 4. ASSOCIATION MEMBERS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT CONSISTS OF: * FUND RAISING FOR MDA; * ANSWERING TELEPHONES AND BUILDING THE STAGE FOR THE MDA TELETHON; * MANNING THE FIRE PREVENTION BOOTH; * PROVIDING OVER $300 IN GIVEAWAY ITEMS FOR FIRE PREVENTION WEEK; * CHAPERONING DAY ACTIVITIES WITH HANDICAP CHILDREN; * SPONSORING SANTA CLAUSE AND PRESENTS FOR PEDIATRIC PATIENTS AT A LOCAL HOSPITAL. r /ri _ COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1990 $ August 28, 1990 Roanoke County Code Book Supplement September 25, 1990 Contribution to TAP - Transitional Living Center September 25, 1990 Contribution to Darrell Shell Scholarship October 23, 1990 Replacement of lost State Revenues for the Arts November 13, 1990 Attorney fees for cable tv negotiations December 18, 1990 Back Creek Fire and Rescue station ~- Balance as of March 12, 1991 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE ~ of Amount Fund E 5,653,756 Audited Balance at July 1, 1990 $ 7/1/90 Count Schools Amount reimbursed by Y 500,000 9/25/90 Appropriation to Police Department 200,000) ( 9/25/90 Rescinding Parks and Recreation User 85, 421) ( Fees (875,000) 11/13/90 Allied Signal 11/13/90 Read Mountain Fire Station (174,886) (347,500) 12/4/90 VDOT Matching Funds (186,850) 12/4/90 Legal Fees for Dixie Caverns (5,000) 12/4/90 Expansion of CORTRAN Service 12/18/90 Back Creek Fire and Rescue Station 9, 700) ( $4,269,399 Balance as of March 12, 1991 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Note: On December eral Fund Unappropriat d Balance t o6 t25~ aofl to maintain the Gen expenditures ($68,310,395). ACTION # ITEM NUMBER T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BODED OUNTYUADMINISTRp,TIONR~ENT, A VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOK COUNTY, MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 JECT• Report on Notifying County Businesses about Smoking SU~_ ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRA'TOR'S COMMENTS: 12 meeting, staff SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the February y Cou directed to obtain informatisib lities cunderf the 1 new g smog businesses of their respon ordinance. There has already the n PublictlInformationo Off ce~j the County newsletter, an The Group to All received several inquiries as a result. in Public (GASP) has become active in the County, Smoking members have visited businesses to ensure that the ordinance being enforced. Staff has drafted a letter s under t e newtordinancbeigl and responsibilitie a of bfront and back. be printed on one p g Sen There are 4,011 active businessire assistance ofrom.a ett each a copy of the letter would fo ding and inserting the 1 house in labeling the envelopes, and sorting them by zip code for delivery. The total cost of the mailing is estimated as follows: Printing Envelopes Inserting Labeling, Folding, Mailing First Class Third Class (Bulk) TOTAL COST $125.00 97.00 13p.35 352.35 1,125.00 723.00 First Class $1,477.3E Third Class $1,075.3`. octant to notify the public about the While it is imp it is generally impractical to di: of various ordinances, ublic intere: communicate with those who are of to ensure that County businessE groups, such as GASP, are working ordinance. When that grog are in compliance with the smoking the ordinance, visits a business which is not impAdministrator. The Coun representative notifies the County articular busines Administrator then sends a letter to that P and requesti explaining the provisions of the ordinancethe Commonwealth compliance. Itakes legal actiones not comply, Attorney then This seems to be a more cost-effective and ourn mailing el~ with the problem. For example, which h~ of dealing such as grocery stores, includes many businesses, the funds spE already implemented the ordinance. Therefore, and yet imps sending them a notification woustore managersaare more likely sible to avoid. Additionally, Administra~ pay attention to a personal letter from the County when there is a specific problem. FISCAL IMPACT: Total cost could depend or chooses Firstilable oin Tt e Public.Information currently ava whether the Bo this mailing are Budget. ELMER C. HODGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR -------- ---------------- VOTE ACTION Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ~_ No Yes Abs Eddy Robers Johnson Nickens McGraw cc: File ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT A REGULAR VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CEN. COUNTY, MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 DA ITEM' Budget Work Session on the Estimated Revenues AGEN Fy 1991-92 COUNTY ADM NISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: S Y OF INFORMATION' ssion is• scheduled for the purpose of revie This work se et. At the work ses~ estimated revenues for the FY 1991-92 budg potential source ff will provide details on the revenues.s in State revenue: sta the projected increases in loca ur oses. new revenue will be provided for discussion p P Approved by,~ Respectfully submitted, A ,/~~ f~'/ ~' ~Y- ~ ~'~'~" ~ Elmer C. Hodge Reta R. Busher ement & County Administrator Director of Manag --------_ Budget ------------------------------------ V07 -------------- ACTION No Ye Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy - Denied ( ) Johnson - Received ( ) McGraw - Referred ( ) Nickens - To Robers - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANO COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION C. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 RESOLUTION 31291-9 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WA; HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cot Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date purl to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virg requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roa: County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conductec conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted f open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, 2. Only such public business matters as were identif in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discus: or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Couni Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt resolution, carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor: cc: File Executive Session ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER~.- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARS COUNTEADMINISTRATION CEN COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOK ,,r~FTTNG DATE• March 12, 1991 aau - Joint Work Session with the Planning Commission AGENDP'- EM the Capital Improvements Progra COUNTY ADMI ISTRp,TOR'S COMMENTS: S~p,Ry OF INFORMATION' . Commission will prese~ At this joint work session the Planning the Board of Supervisors their ova ents Program ~TheaSchool ] proposed 1992-lresentpt a discuss their capital projects witY will also be P resent a summarized schedul oss bleXt Board. Staff will p outstanding County and School debt and discuss the p of a future general obligation bond referendum. Attached for review by the Board of Supervisors are Commission's comments on the 1992-1996 Capital Program. the Pla Improve submitted, Approved by, Respectfully ~~' ~ ~~ "~~ ~ Elmer C . Hodge Reta R. Busher ement & County Administrator Director of Manag ---- Budget ----'---- -------------- -------- - VO ---- ACTION No y, Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy - Denied ( ) Johnson - Received ( ) McGraw - Referred ( ) Nickens To Robers ~ _ o~ AOANp,~.~ ~ « A ~ ~~ Z ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~, ~ a C~~~n~ ~ repns DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING ~a 150 as ' SFSQUICENTENNIPV PLANNING CC A Beauti~ul8eginning BOARD OF ZONI! TERRANCE L HARRINGTON. niCP DIRECTOR OF pU,NNING TO• Board of Supervisors , y'. FROM: Terry Harrington, SecretCommission Roanoke County Planning DATE: March 7, 1991 RE• Capital Improvement Program Attached please find the Planning Commission's comments recommendations on the 1992-1996 CIP. P. O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 • (703) 772'2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 TO• Board of Supervisors p,. Kyle Robinson, Chair FROM: Planning Commission DATE: March 7, 1991 RE: Comments Capital and Recommendations on the Proposed 1992-19 Improvements Program The Planning Commission has completed its review of t roposed 1992-1996 Capital Improvements Program. In addition p we have held two additiot the joint work session with the Board, This hearing was held CIP work sessions and a public hearing. February 5. Our review of the CIn has to the lComprehensiveePla! or projects which have a relatio P cities that we believe We have agreed on certain prio ursue as it reviews and adopts the CIP. Th County should p priorities are listed below: PRIORITY Education (including libraries) la ib Utilities 2 Public Safety 3 Drainage and Roads 4 Parks and Recreation Economic growth Commission. Each of our efforts to retain and development is a principal goal of these priorities is an important strateg and attract economic activity. A summary of the priorities in presented PRIORITY la. Commission's thinking on each of below. The Commi: Education fincludincr Libraries) believes that within the limits of avai. funding, all school facilities should be broug to minimum standards. Adequate facilities important to achieve high acad should be g ~• quality. Lower funding priority repair and maintenance items such as parkin repaving, and carpet replacement. Major new school facilities, such as the prc Cave Spring High School and stadium are ident in the CIP. Prior to the authorization of "i capital expenditures, detailed study and analyst should be undertaken to determine if cu roe rama~ future space needs can be met through aand/or t] expansion of existing facilities, redistribution of existing students among curre: facilities. Only if these alternatives are sho~ to be infeasible, should new facilities constructed. Libraries A new library in the Hollins area w identified in the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. ~ library should be programmed and constructed proposed in the CIP. This recommendation is bat on the continued high demand for library Seual in this area, and the importance of ua lit library system as part of our overall q Y life and quality of education. Utilities The Spring Hollow Reservoir, PRIORITY lb. p rade to Roanoke River Interce tor, and the upg Sewage Treatment Plant, are long term ne Tanning very important to the County. The p construction of these projects should continue programmed in the CIP. Regarding other utility projects, emphasis she be placed on two areas. First, emphasis should given to those projects/expenditures that direc affect the immediate health, safety and welfare Roanoke County residents. Our high degree reliance on wells and septic in our to r hart subdivisions are a problem waiting p] However, the major extension of water and s~ lines into these areas is not the only long solution available. Prior to authorizing any action, the County should explore other alternat for meeting the needs of residents who experi well or septic failures. The option chosen should address resident need also allow the County to follow a managed gr philosophy towards the rural areas of our commun Larger minimum lot sizes are needed in ou fL rural areas. Related to this point, development should be encouraged, through our use laws, to develop using existing facilitief servicand sewer capac ty in the long termon o~ water A second utility priority is the constructi< facilities designed to promote economic develop The three long term projects mentioned above direct bearing on our long term ability to pr services to accommodate future growth. In addi projects such as the North County Exit 43 WatE Improvements, have a direct bearing on our econom: development activities, and thus should be pursues Public Safety The proposed Hanging Rock Fire Stati~ PRIORITY 2 was addressed in the 1985 Comprehensive P an. continues to be uld be orrogrammed and developedt This station sho ermitsP soon as funding p enerators requested by the Fire z The emergency g Rescue Department may be needed to provide bett services during future emergencies. Given the me priorities of the County, we believe tl alternatives to the County purchase of thi generators should be explored. As mentioned dur. the joint worksession, a cooperative endeavor w the Valley's other governments, or public-priv ventures may be feasible. Also, the possibility identifying spare generators owned by the priv sector, and available for use by the County sho be fully documented prior to the expenditure County funds for this item. Drainage and Roads The Commission supports the F] PRIORITY 3 p and PDC Regional Watershed Develo went Study, Peters Creek Stormwater Ma St rmwater manage undertaken with the City. should be a priority of the County. Many of citizens who speak at our public hearings exp: concern over existing stormwater problems. T' art of any future bond i projects should be p pursued by the County. We also believe that funding for the VDOT mats program should continue to be allocated. PRIORITY 4 Parks and Recreation The Commi~ne npark considerable time to discussing recreational needs of the County. Consensus reached on numerous points: 1. Funding priorities for and antic pated us, be based on existing 2 , Areas t eu igto tminimum standardsrks shou7 brough p 3. All existing park areas should be reevalu Factors relating to usage, safety and ak to maintain facilities should be consic Analysis should also be undertaken to see parkland is the best use of a specific sia If enlandtusedaforsanealternativerpurpose. th 4, Better utility could be achieved by combing school and park sites to ma some hemsch~ accessible. Currently, recreational areas are not accessible due fences, etc. 5, p, joint Senior Citizens Center project w Roanoke City should be considered. Any s center should be located based upon demograp characteristics based upon the sere population. The Commission appreciates the opportunity to review the C and offer comments to the Board. Our sincere hopeearlyhba: County will review and adopt a new CIP on a y Regardless of the availability of funding for identified projec the CIP is a very valuable planning tool that allows the Boy Commission and general community an overall perspective of capital needs of Roanoke County. We look forward to our joint work session on March 12th. c;\wp50\pc\ciptrans ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER_~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANC COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: March 12, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Budget Work Session with the School Bo. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNII~iARY OF INFORMATION The School Board will present to the Board of Supervisors proposed FY 1991-92 budget. The State Code stipulates th School Board must adopt and present to the County Adminis their budget no later than April 1, 1991. The School Board will also discuss their capital needs as of the Capital Improvement Program Work Session. Per the Bc Supervisors request, information will be provided regarding enrollment estimates for all County schools. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodge Director of Management & County Administrator Budget ACTION Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers No ACTION NO. ?~ _ '~, ITEM N[JMBER_ ~~ MEETING OF THE BOARD OFp~TYEADMINI5TRp,TION CENT AT A REGULAR COUNTY. VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE C MEETING 2ATE: March 12, 1991 Joint Budget Work Session with Fire and Resc AGENDA ITEM: personnel COUNTY p,DMI ISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: S~p,R OF INFORMATION' Sion has been scheduled to ~eview the Fire and Re Fy 1991-92. Chief F This work ses et requests f Department's unfunde a tment's accomplishments in EFyr•1 F re C will review the dep ectives for the upcoming Y E discuss his goals and obj Chairman of the VoluntVolunteer Rescue Chiefs Boa ht Wagner, Chairman of the Chief Chewning~ the needs of the volunteers and high g both speak to unfunded budget priorities for FY 1991-g , riori~ ched is a copy of the Fire and Rescue Department s p Atta addback list. Approved by, Respectfully submitted, ~ !~~ f~ ~. t ~~ ~ Elmer C . Hodge Reta R. Busher County Administrator Director of Management & ---------------- Budget --------------------------------- Vo -----'--- ACTION No Y~ Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy on Denied ( ) Johns Received ( ) McGraw Nickens - Referred ( ) Robers To ~~ ROANOKE C SPAR MENT FIRE & RESCUE D ADDBACK PRIORITIES fTEM 110,000 1. AMBULANCES - 2 250,000 2. PUMPER -MASON COVE 60,000 3. FED ONRA NEID BREATHNG FOR SE APPARATUS 4. OSHA REGIUIRED MEDICAL EXAMS 5. REPAIRS TO SOUAD OWNED AMBULANCES 6. REPAIR WAGON 2, LADDER 3 LADDER 5 7. REPAIR HURST RESCUE TOOL 35,000 85,000 6,000 48,600 8. 81 SETS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOTAL 15,000 County of Roanoke ~ RequiremeIIts of Existing Debt Servi Analysis ~Ilarch 12, 1991 General Fund Debt Service _^„ „, ~ 456.000 December 4, ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 1991-1996 - In Order of Priorit 600, 1. Green Valley (library & kindergarten addition) 400, Green Valley (renovation incldg air conditioning) 2. Cave Spring Junior (building renovations incldg 2,000, air conditioning) 500, Cave Spring Junior (site renovations) * 1,000, 3. Cave Spring High (acquisition of new site) 2,000, 4. William Byrd High (sci.ence rooms addition) 2,500, Glenvar High (middle school addition) Northside High (classroom addition for 9th grade - junior high to become middle school) 1.,500, 300, 5. Cave Spring Elementary (library addition) Cave Spring Elementary (renovation incldg air 500, conditioning) 6. Mason's Cove Elementary (to accommodate kindergarten180, and special education classrooms) 7. Back Creek (classroom addi.ti.on and acquisition of 600 additional land) 8. Classrooms for At-risk Preschool students 500 Subtotal $1.2,580 Asbestos abatement ($250,000 per year as per 1,250 abatement plan) - Subtotal 13,830 ** Roof, pavement, carpet, and underground fuel tank 900 replacements _ $1.4,730 ;o, ;; ~, ~ , O 11 ~~ 1 1 N O N~ O~ 1 11 ID O ~ ~ N O N ID ~• 1L>• i„y rn o ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 1 1 cD ~ N ~ 0 N ~ ~ eD ~ ~ eD ~ ~ O~ ~ ~ O O ~ ; 01 I 1 I r ~ ' ~ T C.. N !+ ~ N 0= ^ ~ C c'~ 00 ~ 1 T II I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ N ~~~ N~ ~~ ~~ ~ O ~~ 11 1 J 1 N eh ~ IC+ a~ .. I 1 E... .ca ~ N O' .-~ ~ ~ 1 11 H N Ic'+ ~+' ~ ~-.' N 1 1 N ~ O r .~ s In .-~ ~ N r+ ~ ~: ~, ~ ~ ~ 11 j 1 T Ic+ N cND N .' = C. GO ~_ ~.y 01 1 II1 p~cl ; 11 tO ~ 1LS ~ cD ~ ~ M N 1n c^'> 'r N ~_ ~ ~ N ~ N e 11 ~ 1111 IY] ~ N ~ M ~ Nj It'a a~ ^ ~^ ~a ~ I! ~ ~ ~ T N r+ ^~ ~ O 1 ~ 1 C'J ~ r r O~ N `n a"F ^"1 O r I[Y ~w cif N O 1 T I11 ~ 1 N ; ~ Oo N N ~ ~ ~ ~ N O m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 11 ~ II 1 1 c"a N N O p ~..~ s0 1D ~ a0 '°~ 1 W .> 1 1 r~~ 0 0 s0 J• ~ cD O 1 N 1 EdF-" 11 ,1 .N~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ OI 1c'I N N ~ I~C+ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ 0 ~ 11 ~ 11 I P+ ~ 6 1D ~ ~^ e0 O ~ ~ eD r+ ^ p O O ^ rn O 01 O~ 11 In 1 1 Z 11 '_'= ~ ~ _~ r cYS _N N N c'~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ^"'i 11 N 11 1 O H O `" .-1 ~ c 0 1 i O H O ~~ p~ ~ N~ O 1~ 1 1 ; t ~ N ~ t~D r c- r a~'I ~ e` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 oO ~ ,1 ^ 111 N I ~ p0 01 eD r• O ^ ~ ^ c~ r 1 N 1 C 11 N ~ ~ ~ N ~ O ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ .C+ Ica ~ ~ ~ ~ H 11 N 11 ~ O i ~' oa 01 ~~ s~> i'~I O O ~ ~ ~~ ~-r CI O 1 `" 1 F ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ N ~ ~ N c"+ ~,-~ rn 1 N O 1 11 .-~+ _ _ N_ ~ ~ oo rn 0. 00 .[> ~ ~ O N o0 ~ r O 1 G 111 G II H 111 ~ 1D ! ~ ~ IC ~ ~ CD '~ ~ 4 ~ r O ~ ~ ~' ~ 111 ~ 1111 ~ it C11 11 cO ~ N ~'~' ~ Is'~ .1' '~ ~ N N N ~ ~ ~ ~ O 11 cD III V1 1 ~ 1 00 p r s0 ~~ N_ ~ O ~ r I ~ 2 11 ~ ~ _ _ N O e0 s+'a s.0 c.0 ~_ T c~ M O O 1 ~ 1 d d 1 1 ~' O ~ O s0 'D Q" O t~ ern O `~ '-° ~ eo ~' `~. ~_ O 1 ~, IIt d ~ 11 !y 11 ~ p OO ~ N o0 t0 cD O ~ O M ch a'"~ ch ~ ~ ~ f 11 ~ III 1 H ~ O ~_ N Ic"+ O r r OG 1 11 C~ 1 H 11 ""^ ~ N N ~ ~ 01 11 1 r) P 1 d ~ rn` .ca 1 e.o P+ .--~ r' 01 Oa O cD 1 C11 1 ~ O'1 ~' ~ N ~' ~. 1 O ~"' 1 I ~'+ M '~ ~ ~ ~ ~. e ~ O.1 cD ^"1 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ cD T 11 ~` 11~ C 1 1 N N ~. ^ ~ ~ T cD ~ !+ ~ ~ f OD ~ cD r 1 t~ 11 Z O 1 11 .~C 111 ~ ~ N ~ ~ M ~ n ~ ~ N T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ 11 N ~ ~ ^ ; ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ N O ~ ^ .~ ^ ~ 01 4 ~ ~ ~ II p1„ G10 ~_ 1 F ~ N N N N N N ~_ r m_ r ay+ r+ ~ ~' ~- u~ p 01 1cN"~ 11 N 111 O ,' d, z 1 N ~. `~' ~ ~ '"' °. o ~ .tea ao ~ N 1a ~+a `° rn ""= °° '~' 11 en 11 z Cd.J GI 01+ ~ 1 r. ~_ r ~ _ ~ ~ N ~ ~ c'I ~ T ID N N O N r j cD 111 U ~ Q ~ 11 d 111 ~ ~ 6 ^~ O N °~ e. °ti M N ~ ~ ^ T cD 11 tD 11 y m 6 N 1 Z 6 0 0~ r 1,p ~ G O° 0 0 °. p' II sD 1 G~ fib--' 1 4--I ; ~ r~ O O ~ p ~ O O ~ ~ I~"+ op ~ ~ Oo O 1n 1 1 V 111 ' 1~ O~ ~ cti M e~D Nr~ ~ ~ s"~ ~ ~ eD ~ cD cD r Q c0 N ~ 111 ~ 11111 0 6 rn o O ~~ a r~ ~ .~ .~ ~ ^ = P+ O'+ .. .y. ^ ~ t0 N U N o1 N r 1 I Z N 10 cD ^ -~ ^ ~ ~ `~ 1 6 ~ d 11 .~-y eD ^I ~~ ° ° ° p O p p 1 ..+s ~' d .~ r+ H 0 0 1 c-~ _ 1 ' ? 11 1 O r~ ~~~ N ^ O _o O o _O O O O O O I' N 1 I 1 N O N ~.,.~ 00 ^ y~ 1 t 1 ~ ~ 0O O> eD ~ ~ 1 IrLy ILY ~~C+ 1 ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ r~ N r- oo ; N Ii 11 O ,1 ~ ^ a~ N ~ ~ ~ N ~ ^ ~ O O ; T ~ 1 I ch c(a ~ N O D O O~ X 0 0 j ao 1 Ila Nf N N^ °. ~ O G O 1 c0 III I ~ 1 ~ 1D ~ ~ ~ ~_ c rn ~ ?~ 1n ° O ° ~ ~- ~ 1 °. C. b0 ~ r sD O ~ 1 _ _ ~ O _ OO 1 ~ 11 tFA ~ r ~ aTC' ~' N ~ G ~ N j 1L> W 1 ~ 1 tD 01 1D ~ ~ N eND N 1D 1 1 d .n 1 .> 1 Cs] I sD N o r ~, c"+ N .'ti 1 t d Z 1 rD O~~~ r O° O~ Q O ~ tr~ 11 H 1 ~^ p N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~ 1 F It 1I e-- o~ r N r p `~ ~ ~~ 0 0 0 11 ~^+ U 1 P. 00 `n r ~ N ~ ~ cG M ~ 1 ~ 11 I U 1 H N r~~~~~~ O r+ 1 z ~ N ~ ~ c~ ~ ~`? r. ~ 1 r-1 `~ r ., O 1 d 1 N N N~~ ~ 01 11 P+ ~ N O r„i o ~ p ~ ~ p N N N y+ 1 <,.~ r' `La• ~ 01 ~ ~ N N N N N ~. 12a '~ ~ O O U 111 Q~~~~~ O p T^ N N N N N N N N N N C/] I H GJ 1 REVIEW OF FUTURE NEEDS IN SOUTHWEST COUNTY To meet the future needs of students in the southwest part of Roanoke our system must consider whether to build a new high school, build an additior existing high school, keep the current organizational pattern with existing buildi keep the existing schools and change the organizational pattern. This report will the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Schools have reviewe community trends to accurately predict enrollments to the year 2000. Obviously, an important consideration in reviewing these changes is whet middle school concept can be effectively developed within the organizational strw existing schools, or whether it will be necessary to construct new buildings or ad Improvement of curriculum and delivery of instruction with a middle school conce~ be identified as a rationale to justify changes. Option 1. Addition to Cave Spring High School An addition to the existing Cave Spring High School would enable ninth students to attend the high school, while allowing Cave Spring Junior and Hidden Junior to change their organizational pattern to grades 6-8. This is in keeping a preferred organization for the middle school concept advocated by the State of ~ and national reports. The enrollment projections are as follows: CSHS CSJ HVJ 9-12 6-8 ~8~ 1991-92 1,539 601 571 1992-93 1,473 642 576 1993-94 1,500 655 601 1994-95 1,478 672 588 1995-96 1,532 685 623 1996-97 1,557 677 614 1997-98 1,567 665 607 1998-99 1,688 618 571 1999-2000 1,625 604 576 An obvious advantage to an addition to the existing Cave Spring High would seem to be that it would be less expensive than building a new high schoc would allow the preferred alignment (9-12) for the middle school concept and grac at Cave Spring Junior and Hidden Valley Junior. In addition, the restructuring of at in southwest county would fit appropriately with this plan. Instruction and opportunities would be enhanced for students. A review of the physical plant did reveal some limitations that would have overcome. Because there have been two previous additions, and due to the a~ sites for a new addition, the physical plant would be spread over a large area. This create problems in that students would have to travel great distances through cr halls to access specific classes and lunch. Halls are narrow and crowded now, a change of classes frequently requires students 5+ minutes to reach classes. It we particularly difficult to traverse from the new addition to the cafeteria, business computer labs, and art classes. Specific areas that would be impacted by an addition are the library, cai science labs, business labs, computer labs, and art. The library is located in the center of the school and can only be expan~ taking existing classrooms located adjacent to the library. At this time, the elec classroom is inadequate and any new equipment needed in the library, such as sal computer equipment, and rewiring, would be difficult at best. Two adjacent (currently divided into four classrooms) could be utilized to expand the library, bui cause additional rooms to be needed. The library, located in the center of the co would be far from the new addition. The library seats only 90 students. The cafeteria seats 414 students, but realistically it would be difficult to fees than 300 students in one lunch period. This would require more than three lunch F (probably 5), which necessitates split study halls and some classes. Additiona periods affect student schedules so that needed classes cannot be scheduled, am class conflicts are created for students. The cafeteria would be the farthest poii the new addition, and time would be a problem. Presently, study periods are helc cafeteria and would create a space problem if more lunch periods were required Science labs generally are scheduled to capacity and utilized almost all per the day. To add the ninth grade would require additional science labs in tr addition, since adjacent rooms would be difficult to convert to labs. Computer labs, home economics areas, art and business technology overcrowded and fully utilized. These areas would be needed for the middle curricula. Also, these areas are far from the proposed new addition and would r~ lost time for instruction. Technology labs and physical education areas would be adequate for ads students and are located in close proximity to the proposed new addition. Option 2. Construction of a New High School The same organizational structure and student population would remain the for a new high school and the two middle schools. However, the two middle could possibly be combined into one large middle school at the present Cave Sprir School or Hidden Valley Junior. The combination of the two junior high schools ii middle school will be addressed after reviewing the advantages and disadvant~ constructing a new high school. A new modern facility which meets the needs of special education, instructional technology and new advances in architecture and schooling would educational opportunities for the 21st Century. The new construction would be house programs, rather than construct an addition to an old building. As menti Option 1, a 9-12 organization would allow the middle school concept, which is pi by education reformers. As a result, all Roanoke County Schools would have th organizational patterns. Anew stadium and athletic complex could be added to the old small outdated facilities. The restructuring of athletics would be consist the 9-12 organization. Obviously, a new building would be much more expensive and could prc larger high school, and possibly a large middle school, which could be less per. Addendum With the construction of a new high school, according to enrollment trends, be possible to combine grades 6-8 in one large middle school at the present CavE High School or Hidden Valley Junior High School. Generally, middle schools have larger classrooms, student numbers, an small classes, and would require less classrooms than a high school. The above configuration could close two buildings, which would reduce of costs, administrative costs, and transportation costs. The two buildings not ~ schools could be utilized for administrative buildings or other needs. The enrollment projections are as follows: New Middle CSHS 6-8 1991-92 1,539 1,171 1992-93 1.473 1,218 1993-94 1,500 1,255 1994-95 1.478 1,260 1995-96 1,532 1,307 1996-97 1,557 1,290 1997-98 1,567 1,271 1998-99 1,688 1,188 1999-2000 1.,625 1,179 Option 3. Continuation of Current Organizational Pattern At this time, we are able to accommodate our present students and progr a 10-12 organization (high school) and 6-9 organization (junior high), and should t to continue this organizational plan in the future. Although school facilities and prc may have some shortcomings, achievement, pertormance, and morale are genera among students, patrons, teachers, and staff. Retaining the status quo doesr additional money and provides good utilization of facilities. Also, current transpc patterns aren't affected. The major disadvantage is that the organization does restrict the middle program and does not allow southwest county schools to have the preferred alit for middle schools (6-8) and high schools (9-12). The restructuring of athletics continue to be a problem under the present plan. The enrollment projections are as follows: CSHS CSJ HVJ 10-12 6-9 6-9 1991-92 1,141 815 755 1992-93 1,099 828 763 1993-94 1,107 872 777 1994-95 1,072 865 801 1995-96 1,109 917 815 1996-97 1,137 903 814 1997-98 1,157 875 807 1998-99 1,214 891 799 1999-2000 1,217 822 766 Option 4. Existing Schools With Change in Organization Pattern In this organization, the high school would house grades 10-12 and re present status. The two junior high schools would change their organization to 6-7 and 8-9. Some of the advantages would be that it would require no new const and would be cost effective. The enrollments could be leveled and balanced betwE two schools. However, this organization would have major disadvantages. The c separates the middle school organization and could create articulation prc Transportation costs could be increased because of additional drivers, buses, m and operating expenses. Parental concerns have been voiced in previous studie organizational patterns would make scheduling more difficult, as well as the utilize teaching personnel. The restructuring of athletics would continue to be a probl major concern would be the disruption to the community. The enrollment projections are as follows: SCHOOL 1 SCHOOL 2 6-7 8-9 1991-92 792 782 1992-93 821 769 1993-94 845 804 1994-95 831 835 1995-96 875 857 1996-97 876 840 1997-98 794 887 1998-99 775 887 1999-2000 781 806 CONCLUSIONS It is recommended that Option 3. Current Organizational Pattern fo county schools be utilized, with some modifications at Cave Spring High and Cave Junior High Schools. These modifications would be less expensive than a new t in the immediate future and would keep the same organizational pattern presentl~ three schools. The middle school concept and instructional strategies we implemented using present facilities. The high achievement, performance, and of our students would not be adversely impacted by keeping the present organi; Based on projected enrollments through 1999-2000, Cave Spring High Sch~ 12), Cave Spring Junior High School (6-9), and Hidden Valley Junior High Schoc should be able to accommodate the educational program if certain modificatic made. Cave Spring High School will need additional space for science labs, an Spring Junior High School will need air-conditioning, relocation of bus services, I an improved breezeway, and other space needs. Special education needs f schools are increasing. In addition to improvements at Cave Spring High School and Cave Sprinc High School, it is recommended that land for a new high school or middle sa procured as soon as possible to meet the long-range need for either a new high or middle school. Until needed for a new school, the new site could be used for fields. It should also be noted that no changes in attendance lines are requires time. Attendance lines will be monitored and adjusted should future need: Enrollment projections continue to show that Cave Spring Junior and Hidden Valle remain reasonably balanced and the same organizational pattern should be cor ~ __~ _ i 1. f f 1 I I k 1 t ~,+ f ti 1 I .~~ ~_I ,~ ~ .,- ~ (. I • __ ~I ~ ~~i ~, ~I n a c~ ~, m cl ~. o cn r, rn a ; i z m w z n Cn C+7 1'~ : H 7a .~ cn a -, ~ ~3 ~ Z n i " Iy. .Z/ y pb i I i comma 1 z x m ca O ~ Z C' i ' c/] C ~-3 rn ~ , C a PJ ~+ D9 ~ '. Z H H Z ?~ .C i '. i ~ Z ~ j Z ~ ~~~ I i ; { I I 1 I ; 1 1 I 1 ~ i 11 1 1 11 1 ~ ~ N 1 ~ . 11 C.a 1 ~ N C>, 1 m .'~ II ~ I N fWT 1~ p U 0 0 I B C H 11 1 O 0 0 1 D O - 11 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ .~ 1 GJ 1--1 II O 1 0 0 0 0 C7 '-~ O 1 0 0 0 0 1 '-3 ~ II O 1 O O O O I 11 I '. I 11 O 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 O 0 0 0 0 1 1 It 1 1 ' 11 I n.+ N 1 11 W 1 1 : 11 1 ~. N~ 1 m a ' 11 ct~ 1 W O E '. C~ 00 1 CNT 1 11 CT Cn O C.n 1 GOj Z ', 11 O 1 0 O O O 1 C>;] d I I o I o o. o o I, H GO 11 0 1 ', 0 0 0 0 0 l i d i n o 1 ~. o 0 0 ~. o o l ~. i ~ 11 0 I~ 0 0 0 ': o o r 1 t ~ 1 I 1 , II CG 1 _w,O 1 0 1 !• i t- ~ I i 11 ~N. 1' W ~CTN 1 1 1 tl .A 1 OO ~G~ O~ 1 00 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~ I. fl ~ 1.~ ~ .~ I.I 1 f 11 ~ 1 O ~ ~ 1 1 L.11 1= ~. ~ ~. { n / ~ II N 1 1 11 1 { 1 1 t I I ill ~, r 1 I 1 i { l l - 1' ~' 1 1 ~~ I I /1 w 1 ~ ~ - ; 1 11 - 1 ,~ 00 00_ / ~ 10 1 i n -u 1 :eorn 1 m 1 I 1 ` 11 Qi 1 `OO U , -~ ~ i II + t ~FiF <1 u~ 1.1 (~ rn I 1 ~I 1 i ~ 11 U ; 1 LtC 1 1 /1 I k 'll 1.~ i,. i i rn~ ~11 / 1 1 x1 I 1 11 N 1 ` L 1 b' 11 .. 1 +.-+ 1 1 W ~ j 11 O 1 ~ ~.t0 O 1 el.` 1 C, ~ ~ i i 11 1{ N V + 1/ W 1 c.n w~0~ Cr.~ 1 1 H t O 1 H I ~ '~ 1 t 11 N 1 ~ I~ -~ ST ~-i 1 ~ 1 1 C ~. . k i 11 N 11 Oo HIS O 1 I O 1 (}7 r ~ 11 Oi I ~ OD {~ 1 ~ 1 C/]'~ ~ 11 1 _ [ ~ 11 V1 1 00 .P 1..1 1 I 11 rP 1 O~ W : 00 cT 1 1 1 I 1 1 ~ ~ 11 1~ 1{t 1~ 1 L 1 : ~ ~. 11 :: { ~ I. 1 i 1 t 11 1 { -i ~ 11 N~ 1 ~~ ~ - ~ [V ~ t ,. ~ 4 { ~.~~ ~.~ LW 00 t N 1 F _ { r ~ ~ It N'. ~ ~ i0 N 1 ~ Olo 1 ` 11 GT / W Vf 1 { c0 1 1 1 ~ t II W t{ ~_ _ , 1~ 1 1 t i ~ t ~ ~ L,... ; 11 07 00 1 7 1 3 i It 1 ~ 1 : { t1 J 11 r 3 1 I ` 11 1 t I w 1 1 • ~+ N 1 D"G i ;~ ~ ~ {11 ~ 1 ~..r.-tea i ~ 1 111 l0 1 1<G Vt t 1 ~ y ~., 11 N 1 rN+ ~ .a• r--~ I~ C7 O I i ~ 11 -i 1 Ut ti 1 H H j 11 '~ 1 1 11 ep 1 Oo O O`OG O ;' C~JJ k I I O I Oo O W E fp -v I j V] j ~ f I ~~ N~ I m o -yoo <o i 1 i t 1 E `.~ 11 1 ~ ~ i ~ 1 11 I 1 w E { 1 ~11 1 ~ = 1 W~ 1 t 3 n 1 1 a s II ' CYI Qi I C^ H :. ~ ' { ~ t1 .~ 1 {^ 1 ! a Z 1 ~ ~ 11 ~ 1{ r m I eo 0 1~ Z I--I 11 1 m cn w ao 1 n 2 11 O 1 ~ 0.1 O c0 ~, .-- 4 . ' ~ ~ G] f ~ ; 11 t0 1 , m O O9 O _y I (.. 11 00 1{ W O W i N ep 1 t/ 1 ~1 -a { , 1 E ... ~ ~ { ~ I ~ 1 E ~ ~ 1 I ~ 1 i i : ~ { I 1 i. I ~ ' I i I ~ ~ i I + I '~ 1 ~ ' PROJECT CATEGORY: Fire and Rescue PROJECT TITLE: Hanging Rock Fire and Rescue Station Total Estimated Ex enditures B Fiscal Year F~ Estimated S, Project Cost 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 $1,050,000 -a -a -a -a 1,050,000 Bc Description: Construction of a full service fire and rescue station in the I Rock/Electric Road/I-81 corridor. This 6500 square foot will have 4 equipment bays, offices, bath and showers, s quarters, lounge, kitchen, training/meeting room and storag Justification: This station will be necessary due to a projected incr emergency calls for this area of the county. Funding Sources: Recommended funding for this type of capital project w a general obligation bond issue. Operating Budget Impact: Other than routine maintenance costs, there will be a ; provide fire fighting equipment at a cost of $300,000. If vo cannot be recruited to man the station, career personne be required at an annual cost of $400,000. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: This project type is consistent with the general goals, ob and policies of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department ~~a ~.~ ,~~ RF~ ~~~ 0 2 ~AgRtM~ Fiscal Plan FI' 1991 - 1992 Accomplishments FY 1990 - 1991 • Increased weekly workers compensation benefit supplement for volunteers • Continued funding for voluntee retirement program • Purchased 88 sets of protectiv clothing for personnel • Recruited and trained personn for Reed Mountain Fire Station • Provided funding for sleepin quarters at Back Creek Fi Station • Maintained for all active training standar personnel Program Enhancements • Decreased response time by one minute county -wide • Increased career coverage at Ben Mountain from 8 hours to 1 hours per day Monday -Friday • Funded one paramedic/fire~ghte and one firefighter at Vinton • Anticipate opening of Ree Mountain Fire Station by 7-1-9 • Funded 50/50 grant with Mou Pleasant Rescue for the purchas of a Medium Duty Squad Truc 1991-92 Goals and Objectives • Maintain current with same funding service levels and no major capital replacements Increase fire prevention permit process in order to generate funds Continue retirement system and workers compensation supplement for volunteers • Maintain acceptable response times to emergency calls ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT ADDBACK PRIORITIES FTEM EC~UiPMENT > VEHict.,~ ~ 110,000 1. AMBULANCES - 2 250,000 2. PUMPER -MASON COVE 3. FEDERAL REQUIRED UPGRADE FOR 60,000 SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS 4. OSHA REQUIRED MEDICAL EXAMS 5. REPAIRS TO SQUAD OWNED AMBULANCES 6. REPAIR WAGON 2, LADDER 3 LADDER 5 7. REPAIR HURST RESCUE TOOL 8. 81 SETS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 48,600 TOTAL 110,000 250,000 60,000 15,000 15,000 35,000 35,000 85,000 I I 85,000 6,000 6,000 48,600 609,6a t~ § `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE AN~RE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R MARCH 12, 1991 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 312 11 CEHTTHEICODEXOFUVIRGINIA ING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WIT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, on this date pursuant Virginia has convened an executive meeting ordance with the to an affirmative recorded vote and in acc rovisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and is P WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virgin wires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke req Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in County, conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of ervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, tc Sup the best of each members knowledge: ted fror exemp 1, Only public business matters lawfully o en meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the p lies, an' executive meeting which this certification resolution app 2. Only such public business matters as were identifie were heard, discusse in the motion convening the executive meeting or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count Virginia. a~ On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt resolution, carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw AYES: NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: YY~ a.~..~.~-.y~o! C~.~i~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session ~F ROANp~.~ auf~i M~! G ~ ''III z ~ ~ ~rt~~.~e z ~ ,~~ ~ _ ,a ~~~~~ ~ 1979 t50 ~ /x~/%~ 1989 YEA PS ~/y SFSQUICENTENN~P~ BOARD OF SUPERVISOF A Beauti~ul Beginning STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRM CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTF HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRM VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR LEE B. E[ ELMER C. HODGE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTI March 14 1991 B08 L. JOHNS , HOLLINS MAGISTERAL DISTI RICHARD W. ROBI CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DIST The Honorable Charles S. Robb U. S. Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Senator Robb: At their meeting on March 12, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors asked that you be informed of our support for Senate Bill 140 which increases the authorization for federal payments in lieu of taxes. The cost of providing services to citizens who live or visit public lands has increased substantially in the past fourteen years, however, there has been no increase in the program during that period. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I request your support for Senate Bill 140. Sincerely, ~~~ Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0796 (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp~-~ ~.~ Z Z v `a 1838 E5o ` 988 SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ 9 Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nunf~ of +~nanake March 14, 1991 The Honorable John W. Warner U. S. Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 ALL~AMERICA L ''III 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISOI S~VECA AWBA MGGISTER HDISTI HARRY C• IV~NTON MAGISTERW.DISTI LEE B. EI WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DIST BOB L. JOHN: HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DIST RICHARD W. ROB CAVE SPRING MAGISTERLAL DISI Dear Senator Warner: At their meeting on March 12, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of ou be informed of our support for Senate Supervisors asked that y a ents in Bill 140 which increases the authorization for federal p ym lieu of taxes. The cost of providing services to citizens who live or visit public lands has increased substantially in the past fourteen years, however, there has been no increase in the program during that period. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I request your support for Senate Bill 140. Sincerely, Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 • (703) 772-2004 O~ EiOANp~~ .~ ~. Z Z J ;.a 18 150 8$ YERPS ~FSQUICENTENN~P~ A BeautifulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (~nixnt~ of ~Ruttnnkr March 15, 1991 SGT. Larry B. Campbell Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion 116 Infantry, Virginia Army National Guard 32 Reserve Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24016 R11~11MEXMA CI ''III 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISOF STEHHN AWEIA MAGISTERIAL DIISTF HARRY C. NINTON MAG IISTERIAL DLSTi LEE B. Ec WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL D4STI BOB L JOHN: HOWNS MAGISTERW- DIST R~q~ARp W. ROBI UVE SPRING MAGISTERAL DlST Dear SGT. Campbell: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this 0 ortunity to express our appreciation for your attending our pP on Tuesday, March 12, 1991, to lead the Pledge of board meeting Allegiance to the United States Flag. earance at the board meeting was a reminder to us of the Your app ersonnel. Thank you for sharing your sacrifices of our military p time with us. Sin rely, G[ .67'z'~'l',A Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors SAM/bjh P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 OF ROANp~.~ G ~. ~~ Z ~J ' al 18 E50 188 $FSQUICENTENN,P~ A Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ~DlltltlJ Df '~Dc~llpkP March 14, 1991 Fire Chief Thomas E. Wagner, Jr. 2562 Rutrough Road, S. E. Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Chief Wagner: ALL~AMEflICA '' I I 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISC STEVECAN AWEiACMAGISTERIALHDIS'll HARRY C. NINTON MAGASTER HDIS LEE B. E WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERALL. DIS BOB L JOHN HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DIS RICHARD W ROE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DIS This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, March 12, 1991, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to confirm your appointment as th nteeruBenefits Boards ofsTrusteesntative to the Public Safety Volu State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. Both of 1989e acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, on behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Roanoke County Risk Manager P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0796 (7031 772'24 O~ AOANp~~ ~. .~ Z ~ 2 °a a 18 E50 $8 ~FSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~aunfg of +~uttnnke March 14, 1991 Rescue Chief James M. Chewning 679 Augusta Road Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Chief Chewning: ALL•AMERI 1 I I 19. 191 BOARD OF SUPERVIS STEVEN AWEtA MAGISTERIAL DI HARRY C. N'CK~ S~VI~~ p LEE B. WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERAL D BOB L. JOF HOWNS MAGISTERIAI- D RICHARD W. Rc CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL C This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, March 12, 1991, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to confirm your appointment as the Volunteer Rescue Chiefs representative to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. Both of these acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, 1989. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Roanoke County Risk Manager P.O. BOX 29600 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • <703) 772-2004 O~ p,OANp~~ ~,~ . p Z Z j z `a 18 8 ES01 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beau[i~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (~uuntg of +~attnnke March 14, 1991 Ms. Angela Bryant 3731 Bradshaw Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Bryant: ALL~AMEflIG '' ~ I 197! 198! BOARD OF SUPERVISC $TEVEq q gA MGGISTER HDIS HARRY C. N~NTON MMAGf'~R H~ 5 LEE B.I WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DI: Boe L. JoHr HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DI! RICHARD W RO CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DI: This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, March 12, 1991, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to confirm your appointment as a volunt~S Boa d f Trustees ntative to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefi State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, ointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of or re-app is enclosed. We are also sending you Information Act; your copy a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. Both of these acts were amended by the Virginia General Assembly in July, 1989. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizen reciationokf rouyour please accept our sincere thanks and app willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Roanoke County Risk Manager P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp,,~~ ti A Z ._ j - `a E50 $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti~u/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (~uunty n# +~uttnulte March 14, 1991 Ms. Marlene Clifton 10451 Bent Mountain Road Bent Mountain, Virginia 24059 Dear Ms. Clifton: ALL AMEF '' I 19 19 BOARD OF SUPERVIS STEVEGTAWFfA MAG45TEFtIALHD HARRY C. IvINTON MAGISTERIAL D LEE B WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERALL. C BOB L. JOF HOWNS MAGISTERIAL C RICHARD W. R~ CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL [ The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Sincerely, ~~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bj h cc: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Roanoke County Risk Manager P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • <703) 772-2004 0~ POANp~~ ~.~ Z Z ''a 1838 '/~ 88 SF`SQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~aunty of tiRnttnn~r March 14, 1991 District Chief Donald W. Gillespie 5450 Lakeland Road Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Chief Gillespie: All AMERI '' I 19i 19i BOARD OF SUPERVIS STEVECATAWE3A MAGISTERIAL DI' HARRY C. IVINTON MAGISTERIALHDI LEE B. WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DI BOB L. JOH HOWNS MAGISTERIAL D RICHARD W. R( CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL D The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bjh cc: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Roanoke County Risk Manager P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp~~ ti 9 Z Z J ,;- a i $ E50 ~ $$ SFSQUICENTEN~~P~ A Beauti~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (nnunf~ of 2.Ruttnu~r March 14, 1991 Rescue Captain Richard Decker 2531 Spring Road Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Captain Decker: All AMEF '' I 19 19 BOARD OF SUPERVIS STEVECA AWBA MAGIS7ERIALHD HARRY C. NiNTON M~ I~ ER D LEE B, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL 0 BOB L. JOF HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL L RICHARD W. Rt CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL C The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Public Safety Volunteer Benefits Board of Trustees. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bjh cc: Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Bob Jernigan, Roanoke County Risk Manager P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 • (703) 772-2004 o~ ROANp~,~ ti A Z Z °.~ =_ °a 18 E50 8$ s~st)UICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C~nunf~ of ~Rnttnnkr RIL~I+MERI I I 19. 19i BOARD OF SUPERVIS STEVCATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DI' HARRY C. IviN7oN MAGISTERIALO LEE B. WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERAL DI BOB L. JOH HOWNS MAGISTERIAL D RICHARD W. R( CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL D March 13, 1991 Mr. W. Robert Herbert, Chairman Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 5202 Aviation Drive Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Mr. Herbert: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 31291-5 approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Budget for FY 1991-92. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 1991. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bjh Attachment pc: Mrs. Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp~~ ~. •~ Z Z J ~a ~ 60~. 18 ~~, 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. James Deaton 7003 Ardmore Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mr. Deaton: $TEVECATAWBA MAGRISTERIALHD HARRY C• rVINTON MAGISTERW. Dl March 13 , 1991 LEE B. WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERULL. DI BOB L. JOH HOWNS MAGISTERIAL. DI RICHARD W. RC CAVE SPRING MAGISTERL4L D At their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Boy Scout Troop 209 for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on May 14, 1991. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1991. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER I OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 3I OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate tc contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor ,,nom-~r, ,~i. a<.~~ bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer C~nunf~ of +~nttnnkr 'II BOARD OF SUPERVISE P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703> 772-2004 O~ ROANp~~ ~ A Z~ ~~ ~~ ~ .al 1$ E50 ~88 ~FSQUICENTENN~p~ A Beauti~ul8eginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE STEVEcn AwE1MACAUG~RICAL~D1 HARRY C. N N~ M~ IIS~R~ ~I LEE B. WINDSOR HILLS MAG4STERIAL DI March 13 , 1991 Boe L. JOH HOWNS IAAGISTERW- D RICHARD W. R( CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL 0 The Reverend Roger Smith Penn Forest Church of God P. O. Box 8112 Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Reverend Smith: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 1991, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most meetings so that all of all citizens. important to ask God's blessing on these is done according to His will and for the good Thank you for sharing your time with us. Sinc rely, Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors SAM/bjh Cnaunf~ of ~Rnttnnke '~I BOARD OF SUPERVIS P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0796 • (703) 772-2004 rds ~o Sa BorSa~K 1, of fu toad ~o4t'atoa a~~ess ~ 5~1`~ ~,~p11 ~~4 ~°d~S~S ~ C~ ~p~5p~ 3 f°i , `K~ ~ ~ C * gp~ ~~ 5 p ~4 ~'~ ~~ .Z1Z91~ ~p~ ~ p ~~~~~~'~ z p~ `~ o~ ~ B~~oo .~~ ~ ~4 ~~~ ~~ ~s ~ 4404 GD'cS ~,~ 9~ ,to ~ S~~g ~~,~,c~.~~G 5~ 0~5 o~' ~04~~'"~' st ~~~ ~°~ ~ o4G~ ~~~4~' S~ ~~~ ~~~~,c ~og~~~ r~` Q 'rl. A.2 the ' ~- ,, /~ 29j~.c Roanok R "~~-.,. V ~ Vt P~ ?• e eglOnal A ~C U APP~O sport Co~~`~'` ` ~~~ ,. SIC ~D AS ~'SSion~ J~••t4~~~~ V~[ ~ ~SEN?' QED SSE ~P°RTs c° RCS°R E ~ ~Q A1~GZ~~CA ~DY,• ~S U~ O IS yy0 ?'IpN (Z) AS~ OF PO UPDA ~7pNS~G p~~ BUS ~ Fp ~ 11~ PROPS UN p Tp DISS ~ r~-~_ SS S ~~A ~ER.S 3o pR RCS. °SSlB r,E,,~ "`~ 8 ~ S~ oN ~"~'ljOPER P~ j~l Y OF ~ ~OG PAC °~G FOR ~S ~`~ SALE O ~~O k APO °~ I ~ ~~~ ~ F DE N ~2 R?' p~CE, ES PEGIN ERSON~QUE) ASS N 312 ~ATES. PRocE Wo ~' T~ D F°R P~ SS lN~G ° 6 ``~" P SL~~R ToP 2D , ~G BAC APE ~ ON 3/12/91. (3) EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT EXTENDING WATER AND SEWER LINES TO ALLIED SIGNAL LAND, ECH ADVISED HE IS GOING FORWARD WITH BIDS AND WILL BE BACK TO BOARD. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION, BOARD CONSENSUS TO GO FORWARD WITH BIDS. SUPERVISOR TOHNSON: (1) ADVISED THAT AIRPORT COD'~HSSION WILL DISCUSS AIRPORT BUDGET AND WILL BRING BACK TO BOARD FOR APPROVAL. (2) ASKED ECH TO CONTACT SOCCER ASSOCIATION OFFICIALS TO MAKE PRESENTATION ON SOCCER COMPLEX AND OFFER COUNTY ASSISTANCE. BOARD CONSENSUS TO MAKE PA,Rg LAND AVAILABLE FOR SOCCER COMPLEX AND STAFF TO WORK WITH ORGANIZATION. Signal. MARK HEATH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP, FOR LEN BOONE, PRESIDENT, PRESENTED FRAMED NEWSPAPER ARTICLE AND PICTURES CONCERNING ALLIED SIGNAL IN APPRECIATION FOR COOPERATION. ANNOUNCED PROJECT IS ON HOLD UNTIL 1/28/91 BUT STII.L ON SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION IN 1994. ECH SUGGESTED COUNTY GO AHEAD WITH iJ1'II.I1~S. 2. Recognition of County personnel by Mr. Hodge ECH INTRODUCED THE NEW PROCUREMENT DIRECTOR, SUSAN ~ur%e ~ I~[~~NLEY, AND EXPRESSED GRATITUDE TO PHII~LIP HENRY, FOR HIS WORK AS DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING, UPON HIS DEPARTURE FOR ANOTHER POSITION IN COLORADO D. NEW BUSINESS NONE E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS LBE UNDER BOARD INQUIRIES REQUESTED WORK SESSION FOR CIP -SET FOR 2/ BUDGET WORK SESSION ~~1~}~~~ F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING FOR REZONING ORDINANCE -CONSENT AGENDA 2 O~ ROANp~.~ ~ ,F Z ~ Z v a i $ 150 $8 YEARS SFSOUICENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ul Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE January 8, 1991 Rev. Roger Smith Penn Forest Church of God f P . 0 . BoxVAl12 4 014 ~ j ~ P~ ~ ~ ` Roanoke, Dear Reverend Smith: BOARD OF SUPERVISC RICHARD W. ROBERS..C•N/NF CAVE SPRING MAGISTERLAL DL5 STEVEN A. MCGRAW. 1Ff6E-CHAIF CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DIS LEE B. F WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DIS BoB L. JoHr HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DL HARRY C. NICI VINTON MAGISTERIAL DI' The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors begins each board meeting with an invocation given by a minister from the community. We would like to invite you to present the invocation on Tuesday, March 12 , 199 as as 3 associate minister rewen would be opleased ato your church h extend the invitation to him or her. The board meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, in the Community Room. The invocation is always given at 3 p.m. and I am attaching a list of the 1991 meeting dates for your information. If the date requested above is not convenient, please call me at 772-2005. I willo be fcalouiWOUld prefer another datehis time is acceptable to you Y The Board members are aware of how busy your schedule is, and they appreciate your volunteering your time to offer God's blessing at their meetings. Sincerely, ~.~~ ~.. ,~ . A~~ g `~ Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk -~'`" Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~y~4 {`~ ~ ~ ~~ y ~~ . ALL~AMEflICA 1 ~ I'I II '~ ~ ~~~ ~~ 1979 ~~~~~ ~ 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 COMMITTEE VACANCIES IN 1991 JANUARY FEBRUARY REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Three year term of Richard W. Robers will expire 02/10/91. MARCH LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS-ADVISORY COUNCIL One year term of Frances R. Holsinger will expire 03/31/91. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS-BOARD OF DIRECTORS One year term of Murry K. White will expire 03/31/91. APRIL TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Fred Four year terms of Lt. Art LaPrade for the County Police; C. Altizer, Jr., for the Virginia Department of Transportation; H. Rodney Smith for the Senior Citizens, and Harry C. Nickens, Board Liaison, will expire 04/01/91. MAY JUNE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of Eldon L. Karr, Windsor Hills District, will expire 06/30/91. r+T F'AN VALLEY COUNCIL Two year terms of Vince Reynolds and Richard W. Robers, Advisory Member, will expire 06/30/91. FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Three year term of Charles Steve Garrett will expire 06/30/91. 1 PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Three year terms of Kenneth D. Bowen, Catawba District; Yvonne Willis, Catawba District; James Bryant, Hollins DistrictVinton D. Bailey, Windsor Hills District; and Roger L. Falls, District; will expire 06/30/91. ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Four year terms °Vi ton District,awill aexp ire 06/30/91. and Barbara Chewning, VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD Four year terms of Stephen A. Musselwhite and Jean Glontz will expire 06/30/91. JULY ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Four year term of John Hubbard, will expire 07/31/91. AUGUST COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD One year terms of Bernard Hairston and Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate, will expire 08/31/91. SEPTEMBER GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Kim Owens will expire 09/27/91. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY Four year terms of Charles R. Saul and Bill Triplett will expire 09/26/91. OCTOBER GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Cecil Hill, 10/12/91. Alternate, will expire 2 NOVEMBER HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Two year term of Anne Renner will expire 11/26/91. DECEMBER ROANORE COIINTY RESOIIRCE AIITHORITY , Four year terms of Steven A. McGraw and Richard W. Robers will expire 12/31/91. COIIRT-COMMIINITY CORRECTIONS POLICY BOARD Three year terms of Harry C. Nickens and Betty Pullen will expire 12/31/91. LIBRARY BOARD Four year terms of Jane Bryant, Catawba District, and Dr. Paul M. Zeis, Windsor Hills District, will expire 12/31/91. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY SERVICES BOARD Three year terms of Rita J. Gliniecki, and Dr. Joseph Duetsch, Member at Large, will expire 12/31/91. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year terms of Ronald L. Massey, Hollins District and Donald R. Witt, Cave Spring District, will expire 12/31/91. 3 1990 UNFILLED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of M. E. Maxey, Chairman, Vinton District, expired 06/30/90. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Wilmore T. Leffell expired 12/12/90. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year term of A. Kyle Robinson, Vinton District, expired 12/31/90. APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES TO BE FILLED FOR 1991 DISTRICT TERM EXPIRES ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY Steven A. McGraw Catawba 4 yrs 12/31/91 Richard W. Robers Cave Spring 4 yrs 12/31/91 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Eldon L. Karr Windsor Hills 5 yrs 06/30/91 M. E. Maxey, Chairman Vinton 5 yrs 06/30/90 BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJIISTMENTS AND APPEALS Wilmore T. Leffell 4 yrs 12/12/90 CLEAN VALLEY COUNCIL Vince Reynolds 2 yrs 06/30/91 Richard W. Robers, Advisory 2 yrs 06/30/91 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD Bernard Hairston 1 yr 08/13/91 Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate 1 yr 08/13/91 COURT SERVICE UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (INACTIVE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE James K. Sanders Windsor Hills 2 yrs 03/22/91 Gerald Curtiss Catawba 2 2 yrs rs 03/22/90 03/22/90 Roger Smith Catawba Hollins 2 y yrs 03/22/90 Gary J. Minter Sherry Robison Windsor Hills 2 yrs 03/22/90 Hoyt C. Rath Vinton ring Cave S 2 2 yrs yrs 01/26/89 03/22/89 James L. Trout ell P p Cave Spring 2 yrs 03/22/89 ow Ted R. Dr. J. Andrew Archer Vinton 2 yrs 03/22/88 Youth Members Cave Spring 1 yr William Byrd 1 yr 1 PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Kenneth D. Bowen Yvonne Willis James Bryant Paul D. Bailey Roger L. Falls Catawba 3 yrs 06/30/91 Catawba 3 yrs 06/30/91 Hollins 3 yrs 06/30/91 Windsor Hills 3 yrs 06/30/91 Vinton 3 yrs 06/30/91 ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Ronald L. Massey Donald R. Witt A. Kyle Robinson Hollins 4 yrs 12/31/91 Cave Spring 4 yrs 12/31/91 Vinton 4 yrs 12/31/90 REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Richard W. Robers 3 yrs 02/10/91 ROANORE COIINTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Frank E. Thomas Barbara Chewning Catawba 4 yrs 06/30/91 Vinton 4 yrs 06/30/91 ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD 4 yrs 07/31/91 John Hubbard TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Lt. Art LaPrade, County Police 4 yrs Fred C. Altizer, Jr., VDOT, Cave Spring 4 yrs H. Rodney Smith, Sen.Citizen, Windsor Hills 4 yrs Harry C. Nickens, Board Liaison Vinton 4 yrs VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMIINITY COLLEGE BOARD Stephen A. Musselwhite Jean Glontz 4 yrs 4 yrs 04/01/91 04/01/91 04/01/91 04/01/91 06/30/91 06/30/91 3 Glenvar High 1 yr Northside High 1 yr COIIRT-COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS POLICY BOARD 3 yrs 12/31/91 Harry C. Nickens 3 yrs 12/31/91 Betty Pullen FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION 3 yrs 06/30/91 Charles Steve Garrett GRIEVANCE PANEL 2 yrs 09/27/91 Kim Owens 3 yrs 10/12/91 Cecil Hill, Alternate HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 yrs 11/ 2 6/ 91 Anne Renner INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 4 yrs 09/26/91 Charles R. Saul 4 yrs 09/26/91 Bill Triplett LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-ADVISORY COUNCIL 1 yr 03/31/91 Frances R. Holsinger LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-BOARD OF DIRECTORS 03/31/91 Murry K. White LIBRARY BOARD Jane Bryant Catawba 4 yrs 12/31/91 Windsor Hills 4 yrs 12/31/91 Dr. Paul M. Zeis MENTAL HEALTH BERVICEB OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD 3 yrs 12/31/91 Rita J. Gliniecki 3 yrs 12/31/91 Dr. Joseph Duetsch, Member at Large 2 :~~2~ ~Z ~~~""' _ Lc~ ~~~ ~- - ~'~ ~ ~.~ /T/T/ T ~? .~ Y ~,/ V / ,~'' ~z- ~ ~~- ~~ ~vs ~- ~._ ,~ C ?~ ED CUB SCOUT PACK 224, DEN 2 FROM ~~ SAM ~RODUC SPRING ~pTIST CHURCH D. ~W BUSINESS e uest for approval of a Raffle Permit -Roanoke Valley 1' R q TORS. Association of REAL A-2_ 2691=1 BI,~J MOTION TO APPROVE URC 2, Request for IndustrIAL De~,elopment A In tituteB. on s from Certified Medical Representatives TO TABLE TO 3/12/91 FOR MORE ~OBMAZ'ION g~J MOTION URC BE VESTED A REPORT FROM JOB ~'~ O HCN Q ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY 3. tin olicies and criteria to govern the Resolution adop g p redistricting. 1991 Roanoke County R 22691-2 TION TO ADOPT BESO AMENDING #4 BY MO ~ ~ BEFORE HCN MO #5 BY ADDING AS AN EXANIP STREETS" TO END AND NORTH LAKES - URC E, BEQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F, BEQUESTS FOR PUBLIC 1~GS a ~` CIP/p,9 _ 1` ~ ~$C1QM1°C0. ~ ~ ~ , ~~ U ~. ~~~ U ~~~~~ Uf ~~~.~~~~.~. ~~~~.®~~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 PETNTEL ary 20 - 1991 RAY D• Febru COMM~SS~ONER Secondary System Addition Roan°ke COUntY Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke p.0. BoX 29800 p798 Roanoke- VA 24018- MBER5 OF THE BOARD 1g- 1990- the tem ecember County i' ME resolution da sed of Roanoke ested in Y°ure $econdary SY 1991. th 2 - As re addition tO ve February LEA following roVed- effecti hereby app p,DD ACRE5 s goad) HENRY 1992 (Henry Farm Routemile East Route 923 p.11 Route 923 tO 0.11 Mi _ From Sincerely- ate, a D, pethtel mmissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY ~ ~~~. ~U' ~ ~' ~ A i, ~~~' ~` ,~ ~~$~,' T~-~ 0f ~~~~~~~A ~®M~-~~~~~i~. . TRANSPORTA710N DEPARTMENT OF 1401 EAST BROAD STREET , RICHMOND, 23219 ~ ~.- d PETHTEL February 20 - 1991 RAY D• COMMISSIONES Secondary SYstem Additions goanoke County Board of Supervisors County °f goanoke p•O• BoX 29800 0798 24018 th oke- VA 1 e goan 5 OF THE BOp,RD. tion dated Ja Roanoke CO ntY are MEMBER in Your resolu SYstem of As re~eSted the Secondary 1991• LEA following aoaedloeff ctive February 2 - hereby appr ADDITIONS ESTATES SECTION 1 to GI,p,DE HILL _ From goute 758 Hill Circle) goute 990 Glade goute 758 Southeast to 0.23 0.06 mile _ From goute 758 Cundiff Drive) 991 ~ poute 7F8 goute east n =1 P South 5incerely- % /~ a D •~ pethtel ommissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY p.06 Mi n_23 NIi /. ,~ - s .~, ~' ; r { sue, .:, ; ~ ~ _ 2- 21- q ~ ~~'~~`~~~ f V1 h~ ~ ~.~.,~a.~~,~-~Ttit- ~~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 14D RIC MONDAD 219EET RAY D. pF,TNTEI CGMM~o3r~NER February 15, 1991 ervisors of All Counties Boards of SuP Council and the City of Suffolk County Primary and Re: Road Fund Secondary Program) (Revenue Sharing Year 1991-92 ~. G. RIPLEY DIRECTOR 0"r P'v1N NING aND PRGGRAMMIP Fiscal Boards of Supervisors pear Members of the of the Council: more commonly and Members goad Fund, the Virginia Primary and Secondary ~~ allows The County Sharing Program , the "Revenue VDOT) to provide state funrd Vementtof known as ortation ( maintenance, or imp erative Department of Transp construction, our locality. This coop local funds for the hways in Y VDOT allows for an increathe and secondary big In primary overnments about the Commonwealth. throug anticipate in the program between lO roVements elected to P million for number of road imP 37 localities roviding $20 fiscal year- thereby P s stem. current Sharing Program' rimary and secondary Y ram is Revenue rovements to the p additional imP ation in this PrOg If ~S annual particip 1_75.1[C]) Commonwealth Vir inia, Section 33. The 000 (Code of ro ram for the fiscal 000, anticipate in this P g limited to $10 wishes to P ervisors or memo n sthe your locality 1992, the Board of Su to participate to bE ear ending June 30~ VpOT of its intent of local funds o: Y must notify and the amount a letter Council Sharing Program 000. VDOT must receive Revenue to exceed $500, provided, not Ma=Ch 31~ 1991. notification by should be sent to• This letter of notification Mr. Gerald E. Fisher ineer State Secondary Roads Eng ortation inia Department of Transp Virg 1401 E. Broad iniae23219 Richmond, Virg for Y~ tter of notification is attached Note: A sample le reference. TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY uest a n the event that localities throughout the state reasis to atching funds, the Commonwealth's I usted downwards on a pry Y u will be total in excess of the availab a ro riation. participation will be adz of the aPP P b mid-April, remain within the limits our locality Y notified of the amount available to y 1991. than the uests require less Conversely, should the req allocation, those counties waipart n ofia~hY available matching apply for requested the $500,000 Codemof Virginia, Section 33.1-75.1[D])• remaining appropriation remaining funds will be decided in June, The allocation of any 1992. this program is Note: A set of guidelines f thesem assignments. enclosed to assist you in making ou to our locality will work with to be sneer for more improvement projects The Resident Eng one or identify a list of This list must be submitted by the undertaken wineerhby May nd5- 1991. Resident Eng f this effort. Thank you for your continued support o Sincerely, . G. P y, Director Planning and Programming Attachments pcs Mr. Ray D, Pethtel District Administrators Resident Engineers 1991 County Primary and Secondary Road Fund (Revenue Sharing Program) Code of Virginia, Section 33.1-75.1 Fiscal Year 1991-92 County of Mr. Gerald E. Fisher State Secondary Roads Engineeortation Virginia Department of Transp 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Mr. Fisher: Virginia, The County of anticipate in the this letter its official intent to p will indicates by program" for Fiscal Year 1991-92. The Count to be "Revenue Sharing ($500,000 maximum) for this program, provide $ atched on a dollar-for-dollar basis from funds of the State o m Virginia. The County will work with its Residnn work reCOmmendedot abe submit by May 15, 1991, a list of elig ertaken with these funds. The County also understands that the and ro-rata basis if requests exceed program will be reduced on a p available funds. p, licable if County has requested $500,000 and wants more) ( PP the Having requested the maxim additional Oamount of $ funds, d County further requests that an funds remain unallocate be madenitialaallocations Bare made t any after i Sincerely, Board of Supervisors Chairman, pc: Resident Engineer Guidelines for the Selection Financ lishment of W Performed under the Revenue Sharin Pro ram Pursuant to Section 33 175 I Code of Virginia I, Pur ose These guidelines are intended to facilitate thea~j~ ~ t ate n this program and the governing body of-any county electing top P of the. the Department of Transportation, in the establishment and financing g ~~, county primary and secondary road fund" (i.e. Revenue Sharin Program) in accordance with the provisions of Section 33.I-75. t of the Code of Virginia, as amended. II. Eligible Items Items of work on the primary °r ons st ofc system eligible for financing under this program shall generally c A. Deficits on completed construction/improvements or supplemental funding for ongoing construction/improvements. ~, Supplemental funding Six--Year Plan. construction/improvements contained in the adopted C. Construction/improvements rovements necessaray for the acceptance Plan or the construction/i P of certain. subdivision streees Conti genteulponl therentire testimated the system for maintenanc , cost of such work being provided from this program within the fisca year involved. p, Unprogrammed maintenance whose accomplishment is consistent with the Department's operational policies. 111. Program Fundin rovisions of the statute, the Department shall Pursuant to applicable p annually allocate funds to provide an equivalent mateneral fuunds designated portion of each county s federal revenue sharing or g to this program by the governing body. In the event the total funds so designated in any one fiscal year by all participating counties exceeds $wilrl Abe adjusted. tThesbas s forc the alloca#ion to each such county adjustment will be the proportion oa $lied'tloothe iln tialtamou to pledged by funds designed by the counties, as pp each governing body. IV. Annual Notification of Intent to Participate in Pro ram To permit the effective utiliz ch count ellecti g to part plate must this program, the governing body of ea Y - 3 - Commonwealth Transportation Board. It is intended such projects be presented for the Board's consideration prior to the beginning of the fiscal year involved. NOTE: In the administration of the guidelines the following definition of certain terms shall apply: Maintenance -Those activities involved in preserving or restoring the roadway facility or structure, as near as possible, to its condition-as constructed. Improvements (incidental construction) -any operation which changes the type, width, length, location, or gradient of a road, facility, or structure; or the function of building into, or adding to such road, facility, or structure features not originally provided. The magnitude of all activities required is such that they can be accomplished within one fiscal year. As a consequence, improvements generally involve items of work which are relatively uncomplicated and limited in scope. Construction - Like "improvements", this involves operations which change or add to the characteristics of a road, facility, or structure from that originally provided. However, due to the magnitude of all activities required for the development and accomplishment of the work involved, more than one fiscal year will Likely be involved. Upon approval of the plan, it shall constitute the " ....county primary and secondary road fund". State matching funds will be allocated to the specific items of work included in the approved plan upon receipt of payment for the county's funds designated to such items. All funds designated for this program by a county shall either be placed in a special fund account of the cotheyDerartmen tpriorstocthec I se of'the fiscal year the Code, or paid to p allocated. VII. Accomplishment of Work under this Program A. By the Department: I. Prior to the Department initiating development of an item of work, it will present an appropriate billing for the county's share of the estimated cost for accomplishing the item. On more complex items, a separate billing will be rendered prior to the initiation of each of the three major phases of development, (i.e. preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition/utility adjustment, and construction), as may be deemed appropriate. i• - 5 - E. State matching funds available under this program shall be limited to participation in the cost of eligible improvements or maintenance to qualified roads which culminate in the completion of the work as mutually deemed appropriate. In the event of a request by the county for cancellation of an item of work initiated under this program prior to its completion, the Department at its sole option may require reimbursement by the county of all state matching funds expended between initiation and cancellation of the item. F. The party responsible for administering any item of work performed under this program shall maintain the necessary records and files, as mutually deemed appropriate, to substantiate the actual cost incurred by it in accomplishing this work. Upon request, such information shall be made available for review by the other party. G. These guidelines may be modified by mutual consent in writing. H. This program may be terminated by either party upon at least 90 days prior written notice. However, such termination shall in no way affect any approved work underway at the time of such notification. END