HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/26/1991 - Regularo~ POANp~~ > ~ ti p Z Z o a ~$ E50i 9$$ SFSGUICEN7ENN~P~' -± Beauri~ul Beginning C~nun~~ of ~uttnnk~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA MARCH 26, 1991 ALL-AMERICA CITY ' , A, ~~9.g'9 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. AT THE REQUEST OF THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICES THE MEETING WII.L START AT 1:00 P.M. INSTEAD OF 3:00 P.M. AS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED A. OPENING CEREMONIES (1:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 1:10 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend William A. Cole Interim Minister, Colonial Presbyterian Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i LBE REQUESTED EXECUTIVE SESSION BE HELD AFTER WORK SESSIONS C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Congressman Olin's request for support of the Roanoke River Parkway and Visitors Center. PRESENTATION MADE BY CONGRESSMAN JIlVi OLIN AND REI~ZP~RKS BY TOM BROWN, ASSOCIATE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF IIVTERIOR, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE R-32691-1 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO OF SUPPORT FOR THE ROANOKE RIVER PARKWAY AND VISITORS CENTER - URC HCN REQUESTED COPIES BE SENT TO TOWN OF VINTON, ROANOKE CITY AND OTHER ELECTED OFFICIALS 2. Request from Roanoke County Firefighters for payroll deduction of dues. HCN MOTION TO DENY REQUEST AYES -HCN NAYS -LBE, RWR, BLJ, SAM A-32691-2 HCN MOVED STAFF RECONIlViENDATION TO REFER TO COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR FINAL DECISION - URC ECH DIRECTED TO MAKE FINAL DECISION AND CONVEY TO BOARD WITHIN TWO WEEKS a 3. Consideration of participation in 1991-92 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 12, 1991) A-32691-3 RWR MOVED STAFF RECOII~IlVIENDATION TO SUBMIT LETTER OF IlVTENT TO PARTICIPATE - URC 4. Adoption of Resolution recognizing The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge. R-32691-4 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO - URC D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring week of April 6 through April 13, 1991 as National County Government Week. PRESENTED TO ANNE MARIE GREEN, INFORMATION OFFICER SAM MOTION TO APPROVE PROCLAMATION - URC 2. Proclamation declaring April 29, 1991, as Lions Information Day. DEFERRED UNTIL 3:00 P.M. 3 PRESENTED TO DON RHINEHART, DISTRICT GOVERNOR, AND JACK DAMS, REGION II CHAIRMAN, AND LIONS CLUB MEMBERS LBE MOTION TO APPROVE PROCLAMATION - UW THE HONORABLE JACK SHELTON, MAYOR, BEDFORD CITY, SIGNED PROCLAMATION AND PRESENTED TO LIONS CLUBS MEMBERS E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS HCN REQUESTED WORK SESSION ON THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM WITH PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT SET FOR APRIL 9, 1991 F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G, REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING FOR REZONING ORDINANCE -CONSENT AGENDA BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING PUBLIC HEARING -APRIL 23, 1991 URC 1. An ordinance to amend proffered conditions on approximately 6.1 acres, to remove the condition requiring brick and wood siding, located east of Route 706 approximately .1 mile south of intersection with Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Robert E. Glenn. 4 H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a 0.108 acre parcel of land from Mamie E. Webster for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. HCN TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND -APRIL 9, 1991 I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the sale of 1.5 acres in Shamrock Park. HCN MOTION THAT THIS LAND BE MADE AV ~ p RTA ~ S NO DEVELOPER AT PRICE OF NOT LESS THAN $23, VOTE HCN MOTION THAT THIS LAND BE SOLD AT $~ ME~ A~~ AND DIRECT STAFF TO ATTEMPT LE G~ S~PLUS CATEGORY - INTERESTED PARTY AND IF , NO VOTE 0-32691-5 LBE SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO ~G T~ SSE AT $19,750 PER RECOMII~NDATION AUTHORI ACRE AYES - LBE, RWR, BLJ NAYS -HCN ABSENT -SAM ABSENT FROM DISCUSSION AND ABSTAINING FROM VOTING 5 J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 2. Transportation and Safety Commission LBE N011~IINATED ART I,ApRADE, POLICE DEPT RAE A ~ TAE, FRED C. ALTIZER, JR., VDOT REPRESENTATIVE, J TALENT, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE BOARD CONSENSUS TO ELIMINATE BOARD LIAISON AND ADD CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE 3. Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board BLJ NOMINATED HCN TO SERVE DURING TRANSITION PERIOD FOR DISCUSSION BLJ WITIIDREW N011~DNATION AND DIRECTED STAFF TO BRING BACK POTENTIAL CANDIDATES PMM DIRECTED TO REVIEW THE CONY RESID1E CO PMMITTEES REGARDING STAFF MEMBERS p~TICIPATION O K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSE ~E AND ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE R WII.L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW IF DDIS~C OM T~ IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVE 6 CONSENT AGENDA AND WII•L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-32691-6 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO - URC PMM ADVISED SAM (MEMBER OF MOOSE LODE ES #2 ~~R OF ABSTAINMENT IS NOT NECESSARY BECAUSE GENERAL APPLICATION 1. Abandonment of 0.08 mile of Bradshaw Road (Route 622) in the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. A-32691-6.a 2. Approval of a raffle permit -Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #284. A-32691-6.6 3, Approval of a raffle permit -Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School. A-32691-6.c 4. Acceptance of water facilities serving Tini World Child Care Center. A-32691-6.d 5. Approval of raffle and 50/50 raffle permit -Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. A-32691-6.e L. REPORTS AND INQUIItIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) REPORTED THAT THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION HAS FORMED A RECYCLINGMEETING R (2) CONIlVIITTEE AND HE ATTENDED THE FIRS _ ADVISED THAT INTERN AMANDA GUYRE FROM APRII. 9 1991 HIGH SCHOOL HAS ASKS CE~~ O OB~~ONS TO THIS FROM BOARD MEETING AND RE BOARD. (3) REQUESTED THAT ECH PREPARE DRAFT PRESENTATION FOR APRIL 8, 1991, VDOT ANNUAL PRE- ALLOCATION HEARING FOR PRIMARY, URB LAND OAS RECH~ HIGHWAYS AND SUBMIT TO BOARD FOR SUG REPORTED THAT STAFF IS WORIHNNG ON A DRAFT 1TOEBTEESNEDING BY END OF THE WEEK. (4) REQUESTED UPDA ALLIED SIGNAL SEWER LINES TO DIXIE CAVERN~UCOTIONAOF~TE REMOVAL. ECH ADVISED THAT BIDS FOR CONS THE LIlVE HAVE GONE OUT AND ARE DUE BACK BEFORE APRIL 15, 1991. SUPERVISOR ROBERS: (1) HAS RECEIVED A NUMBER OF CALLS FROM RESIDENTS ABOUT COUN1'YIDI~S BETINUINUSSED VACUUNIING OF LEAVES. ECH REQUESTE AT THE BUDGET WORK SESSION. (2) REQUESTED CLARIFICATION OF POTENTIAL CUT BACK OF EARLY RETIREMENT FOR EMERGENCY WORKER~• ECH REQUESTED THIS BE DISCUSSED AT THE BUDGET WORK SESSION. SUPERVISOR MCGRAW: (1) REPORTED ON VACO/VML ANNEXATION TASK FORCE MEETING IN ROANOKE MARCH 22 AND 23, 1991, AND HOPE TO HAVE GRABY END O FHJUNE OR JULY. AGREEMENT INTO FINAL DOCUMENT (Z) VACO BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING FOR SPRING WILL BE HELD AT TANGLEWOOD HOLIDAY INN ON APRIL 13 AND 14, 1991 FOR APPROXIlI~IATELY ONE-THIRD THE COST OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. (4) REQUESTED THAT LBE ADVISE OF ALL PERTINENT s FACTS CONCERNING BOARD ACTIONS IN THE WINDSOR HII,LS REPORTER M. CITIZENS' C011~IlViENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE N. REPORTS BL,T MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE - URC 1. Board Contingency Fund 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Accounts Paid -February 1991 4. Statement of income and expenses for the eight months ended February 28, 1991. O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia section 2.1-344 (7) to discuss a specific legal matter with respect to potential litigation and violation of zoning ordinances (7) to discuss a specific legal matter concerning negotiations with respect to a landfill use agreement (7) to discuss a specific legal matter concerning Item T-391-4 on the March 26, 1991 Board's agenda (1) to consider a personnel matter P. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION 9 HELD AFTER WORK SESSIONS R-32691-7 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO - URC Q. WORK SESSIONS 1. County Budget Work Session. TWO MINUTE. RECESS ECH PRESENTED COPIES OF THE PROPOSED BUD COUNTY ~ 1991-92 TO BOARD MEMBERS .AND ADVISED THA _ BUDGET IS OUT OF BALANCE BY $340,000• ~ STATTE. THERE ADDITIONAL CUTBACKS MAY BE MADE BY WAS A DISCUSSION OF THE ITEMS SHOWN ON THE SiTMMARY OF POSSIBLE BUDGET CUTS TOTALING $337,977. ECH ADVISED THAT A CONTINGENCY RESERVE OOF E~O 4MY BEEN ESTABLISHED BECAUSE OF UNCERTAINTY AND FURTHER STATE REDUCTIONS. LBE REQUESTED THAT STAFF PREPARE AN ANALYSIS OF IlVIPACT OF EARLY RETIREMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES. LBE REQUESTED THAT STAFF PREPARE A YEAR TO YEAR UNIFORM VEHICLE POLICY AND FUND EVERY YEAR. CONSENSUS OF BOARD TO I~:EVIEW AND SUB ~P RT ATNTHE BUDGET BY APRIL 2, 1991 SO THAT STAFF CAN APRII. 9, 1991 MEETING. BLJ REQUESTED THAT THE TWO-YEAR BUD GET~B SO REQU STED TO THE BOARD BEFORE THE NEXT MEETIN THAT FUTURE INFORMATION BE DELIVERED BEFORE A WORK io SESSION. TWO MINUTE RECESS 2. Joint Budget Work Session with School Board. MR FRANK THOMAS, CHAIRMAN OF THE SCHOO~EIO~DTHE DR BAYES WILSON, SUPERINTEN6D6 00~O,UUOT~~ ALANCE. DR SCHOOL BUDGET WHICH WAS $3 , WILSON EXPLAINED THE $366,040 CUTS WHICH WE ~ UPDATE~Y TO BALANCE. THE CAPITAL IlVIPROVEMENT PROJE WII.L BE SENT TO THE BOARD WITH FINAL BUDGET. HCN SUGGESTED THAT ANY BOND REFERENDUM BE SET AT TIlVIE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO SAVE EXPENSES. 3. Redistricting Work Session. PRESENTATION BY PMM, ELIZABETH LEAH, AND TERRY ~[ARRINGTON WHICH INCLUDED MAPS WITH DISTRICTS AND CHANGES OUTLINED FOR EACH PROPOSAL. SAM DECLARED THE BOARD BACK IN REGULAR SESSION HCN MOTION TO INCLUDE IN ROANOKE COUNTY TODAY AND ADVERTISE IN AREA NEWSPAPERS THE SUBMISSION TO THE JUSTICE DEPT OF FIVE DISTRICTS, OPTION A, HIGHLIGHTING THE FOUR AREAS PROJECTED FOR CHANGE, WITH PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 9, AND SECOND VOTE APRIL 26, 1991. AYES - RWR, BLJ, HCN, SAM NAYS - LBE RECESS FOR DINNER AND EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 6:00 P.M. 11 EVENTING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) R, pUBLIC HEARINGS 391-1 Public Hearing to receive citizen comments on onda ~ Year Construction Plan for 1991-97 VDOT Sec ry System. NO CITIZENS SPOKE HCN MOTION TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMn~NDHANG S IN wAY FURTHER STUDY BE DONE BY STAFF AND NO C THAT THE SIX YEAR PLAN IS DONE AYES - RWR, BLJ, HCN, SAM NAYS - LBE S. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 391-2 Ordinance amending Chapter 21 Taxation of the Roanoke County Code by the addition of Section 21-5 Admissions Tax, Section 21-6 Collection of Admission Taxes; Records. Section 21-7 Enforcement; Penalties• Violations. HCN MOTION TO APPROVE FIRST RT.A' DING WITH 14°1o INSERTED IN ITEMS C, D, E, AYES - RWR, BLJ, HCN, SAM NAYS - LBE is T, pUBI,IC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 391-3 An ordinance to rezone a .324 acre tract from B-1 to B- 2 to operate a video repair business in an existing structure located at 3556 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District upon the petition of Erwin B. Richards. 0-32691-8 RWR TO APPROVE ORDINANCE - URC 391-4 An ordinance to amend proffered conditions on approximately 4.35 acres, to construct a professional office park in accordance with a concept plan dated March 28, 1988, located on the north side of Route 419 at the intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District upon the petition of Fralin & Waldron, Inc. FIVE CITIZENS SPOKE 0-32691-9 RWR TO DENY ORDINANCE - URC HCN DIRECTED STAFF TO WORK WITH PETITIONER THREE 11~IINUTE RECESS 13 U. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1, T. CARTER, 4435 CORDELL DRIVE, QUESTIONED WHETHER SMITH GAP LANDFILL PARK A APPLICATION HAD BEEN APPROVED. ECH REFERRED MR. CARTER TO JOHN HUBBARD FOR MORE INFORMATION 2. PAT LAVERY, P. O. BOX 550, EI,I,ISTON, VA. REPRESENTING (BRACE) BRADSHAW ROAD AGAINST CONTANIINATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, OPPOSED TO RAIL SPUR THROUGH MONTGOMERY COUNTY AND REQUESTED AN ENVIRONMENT STUDY ECH REFERRED CONCERNS TO JOHN HUBBARD 3. LOUISE SPANGLER, 4731 NORTH FORK ROAD, FROM BRACE, CONCERNED ABOUT FLOODING DUE TO CONSTRUCTION OF RAIL SPUR ECH REFERRED CONCERNS TO JOHN HUBBARD 4, MCAULEY, 3951 CHAPARRAL DRIVE, OPPOSED TO DISCO G LEAF COLLECTION SAKI REQUESTED THAT DIRECTOR OF GENERAL SERVICES ADDRESS POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE METHODS V. ADJOURNMENT SAM DECLARED ADJOURNMENT AT 9:08 P.M. 14 O~ ROANp~~ . ~ w p Z z J a 18 ES0` 88 SfSCU1CENTENN~P~ A Beautiful8eginning C~nun~~ of ~uttnnk~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA MARCH 26, 1991 ALL-AMERICA Ctilf ... , i ~~9~8~9 Re lar Welcome to the Roanoke County Board ° andt hie fourth Tu sday atg3:00 meetings are held on the second Tuesday p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. P AS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED A. OPENING CEREMONIES (1:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend William A. Cole Interim Minister, Colonial Presbyterian Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS 1 C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Congressman Olin's request for support of the Roanoke River Parkway and Visitors Center. 2. Request from Roanoke County Firefighters for payroll deduction of dues. 3. Consideration of participation in 1991-92 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 12, 1991) 4. Adoption of Resolution recognizing The Arts. Council of the Blue Ridge. D. PROCLAMA'I'IONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring week of April 6 through April 13, 1991 as National County Government Week. 2. Proclamation declaring April 29, 1991, as Lions Information Day. E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS a G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND ~ ASGENDA ING FOR REZONING ORDINANCE CONSENT 1, An ordinance to amend proffered conditions on approximately 6.1 acres, to remove the condition requiring brick and wood siding, located east of Route 706 approximately .1 mile south of intersection with Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Robert E. Glenn. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a 0.108 acre parcel of land from Mamie E. Webster for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the sale of 1.5 acres in Shamrock Park. J. APPOINTMENTS 1, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 2. Transportation and Safety Commission 3 3. Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSE ~~ AND ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BO SO SON IN THE FORM WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RE OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISC OM THE IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WII.L BE REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA AND WII•L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Abandonment of 0.08 mile of Bradshaw Road (Route 622) in the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 2, Approval of a raffle permit -Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #284. 3. Approval of a raffle permit -Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School. 4. Acceptance of water facilities serving Tini World Child Care Center. 5, Approval of raffle and 50/50 raffle permit -Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. 4 I.. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CI'T'IZENS' COMI~~NTS AND COr~i7NICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. Board Contingency Fund 2. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3, Accounts Paid -February 1991 4, Statement of income and expenses for the eight months ended February 28, 1991. O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia section 2.1-344 A p. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Q, WORK SESSIONS 1. County Budget Work Session. 2. Joint Budget Work Session with School Board. 3. Redistricting Work Session. 5 EVENING SESSION (7:04 P.M1 R, pLTgLIC HEARINGS 391-1 Public Hearing to receive citizen co VDOT Secondary Year Construction Plan for 1991-97 System. S. PZJgJ,IC HEARING AND FIRST RF,ADING OF ORDINANCE 391-2 Ordinance amending Chapter dd tiontof Section 21-5 Roanoke County Code by the a Admissions Tax, Section 21-6 Collection of Admission Taxes; Records, Section 21-7 Enforcement; Penalties; Violations. T, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 391-3 An ordinance to rezone a .324 acre tract from B-1 to B- 2 to operate a video repair business in an existing structure located at 3556 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District upon the petition of Erwin B. Richards. 391-4 An ordinance to amend p ~ ffconstruc t alprofessional approximately 4.35 acres, office park in accordance with a concept plan dated 6 March 28, 1988, located on the north side of Route 419 at the intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District upon the petition of Fralin & Waldron, Inc. U. CITIZENS' C011~Il1~NTS AND COl~'IMUNICATIONS V, ADJOi:fRNMENT e „y~ AT A REGULAR MEETIN AT THE ROAN RE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H ON TUESDAY, MARCH 26r 1991 RESOLUROANORE RIVER PARKWAY RAND VISITORS pCENTER FOR THE WHEREAS, Roanoke County considers Explore and related elements, i.e. Roanoke River Greenway, Parkway and Visitors Center, to be one of its most important economic development priorities; and WHEREAS, the preferred route of the Roanoke River Parkway is across part of the current Roanoke Valley Regional Landfill, including Area "A", which has not been used for fill operation; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Smith Gap Landfill will open before it is necessary to use Area "A" for disposal of solid waste; and WHEREAS, the final disposition of the Regional Landfill property will be determined by the governments currently using the facility - the City of Roanoke, the County of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, that Roanoke County will prepare the new landfill at Smith Gap as quickly as possible, so that the current facility will be available for the Parkway Route; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors reaffirms its pledge to use the Roanoke River Parkway as the only public access to the Explore Park, scheduled to open its first phase in 1994; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors is willing to convey the County's interest in the Regional Landfill property to the National Park Service for the Parkway at the appropriate time. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYE5• Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: `,~y-~ ~ . C~~.c Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File The Honorable Jim Olin, U. S. RepresenTown of Vinton The Honorable Charles R. Hi11,M aorr~City of Roanoke The Honorable Noel E. Taylor, y Roanoke Valley Legislators Tom Brown, Associate Regional Director, National Park Service lore Bern Ewert, Project Director, Exp Richard Burrow, Project Engineer, Explore Joyce Waugh, Economic Development Specialist, Roanoke County Item No. ~"`~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OE ROANOKECOUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TH IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 Con ressman Olin's request for support of the AGENDA ITEM: g Roanoke River Parkway Project and Visitors Cen er COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Roanoke County considers ExTplo"re itor Center,eto betonelof . tsamost River Greenway, Parkway, a important economic development priorities. t the meeting the County staff will introduce guests and provide A background. Congressman Jim Olin will b the Roanoke River Parkway and ask the route he has recommended for County to convey its portioressman Olinnwilllmake the sameu request Roanoke River Parkway. Cong of the Town of Vinton and Roanoke City. BACKGROUND: In April, 1987, Congress created the Roanoke River Parkway and allocated $15 million for its planning and construction. This Parkway is planned as the only public access into the Explore Park, a state park scheduled to open in 1994. The Department of the Interior is also planning a Visitor Center which would be located near the intersection of the Blue Ridge and Roan th RNational wPark The Roanoke River Parkway will be built by Service, Federal Highways Administration, and Virginia Department of Transportation. A Draft Environmental Impareviewed late(Dast,summerha d early fally was prepared and publicly and a no build alternative. outlining three possible routes, ~_~ osed routes, and recommended Congressman Jim Olin rev 2e 1/4 milesrfrom the Blue Ridge Parkway to an alternative, running Explore, across the Roanokes of the landfill•which have notobend "Area A" and other portion of the road used for solid waste dispii lbecause proper nanchoring ilt on olid which has been used for f which will be placed over the s would require piercing the cap waste when the landfill is closed. pending The Regional Landfill is schedreearationl of al new9landfill at appropriate certification and p P Smith Gap in Roanoke County. The final disposition of the landfill the governments currently using the property will be determined by of Roanoke, and the Town facility - the City of Roanoke, the County of Vinton. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has long had an interest in the Roanok actsvon ~ from the perspective of potential imp Parkway s planning Ex lore, and landfill issues. The the surrounding community, P Roanoke River Parkway and related Visitor Centretailres les,~land linkages to the entire region for tourism, as a result. business. The region stands to benefit economically su orts the Roanoke River Parkway and wants to Roanoke County PP ickly. To that purpose, Roanoke assist in seeing it completed qu the new landfill and County is committed to the plan of preparing currently does not foresee a neld allow AreaY"A"c to ultimat lylbe to enter into Area "A. This wi is also willing used for the Parkway's construction. The arty for the right-of- to convey its interest in the landfill prop ur ose of way needed by the National Park Service for the p P constructing the Roanoke River Parkway. FISCAL IMPACT None STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1. Staff recommends that the County support the continued efforts of the Roanoke River Parkway planning in a manner consistent with Congressman Olin's request. 2. Staff further recommends that the County present a resolution to the National Park Service reaffirming the County's support for the Roanoke River Parkway and Visitors' Center. Attached is a resolution containing: o A commitment to preparing the new landfill as quickly as possible, so that the current one will be available for the Parkway route. ~- o A pledge to use the Roanoke River Parkway as the only public access to the Explore Park, scheduled to open its first phase in 1994. o A willingness to convey the County's interest in the landfill property to the National Park Service for the Parkway at the appropriate time. Respectfully submitted: ~,~ ~~! ~_ Jo `W. Waugh conomic Development Specialist Approved: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------- ------------------------------- No Yes Abs ACTION Eddy Approved ( ) Motion by: Johnson Denied ( ) McGraw Received ( ) Nickens Referred Robers to ~- t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE OBAI10 E COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R MARCH 26, 1991 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION OF ROANO SITORSTCENTER RT FOR THE ROANORE RIVER PARKWAY AND VI WHEREAS, Roanoke County considers Explore and related elements, i.e. Roanoke River Greenway, Parkway and Visitor Center, to be one of its most important economic development priorities; and WHEREAS, the preferred route of the Roanoke River Parkway is across part of the current Roanoke Valley Regional Landfill, including Area "A", which has not been used for fill operation; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Smith Gap Landfill will o en before it is necessary to use Area "A" for disposal of solid P waste; and WHEREAS, the final disposition of the Regional Landfill the governments currently using the property will be determined by facility - the City of Roanoke, the County of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton. Board NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roanoke County of Supervisors, that Roanoke County will prepare the new landfill at Smith Gap as quickly as possible, so that the current facility will be available for the Parkway Route; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors reaffirms its pledge to use the Roanoke River Parkway as the only ublic access to the Explore Park, scheduled to open its first P phase in 1994; and ~_~ FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors is willing to convey the County's interest in the Regional Landfill roperty to the National Park Service for the Parkway at the P appropriate time. TO~'VN OF VF~ITON P. O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 BRAD CORCORAN PHONE (703) 863-0607 TOWN MANAGER fAX (7031 983-0621 March 25, 1991 Mr. RobeR M. Baker Regional Director, Southeast Region United States Department of the Interior 75 Spring Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: Roanoke River Parkway/Roanoke Regional Landfill Dear Mr. Baker: The Town of Vinton supports the route proposed by Congressman James R. Olin for the Roanoke River Parkway. We consider this to be the most feasible alternative and we will be glad to work with the Park Service to get approval to use the Landfill. As ou are aware, the Landfill is scheduled to close in JulyW ;~dfills~therefore, lessening IanY ~ tO prepfare Y overnments to prepare the ne re ared and at the Town of Vinton and area g the existin landfill until the new one is p p and enter into area A. The Town is committed to using g this time does not foresee using area A. The Town of Vm oke River Pllarkway convey to the National Park Service their interest of the right-of--way land needed for the Roan ~~ ou to The Town is in total support with seeing the Parkway plans expedited. We look forward to working Y see this project completed. Sincerely, I-~ L1'1"~ .-. grad Corcoran Town Manager BC/db cc; The Honorable John W. Warner, U. S. Senator The Honorable Charles S. Robb, U. S. Senator The Honorable James R. Olin, U. S. Congress Roanoke County Board of Supervisors The Honorable Steven A. McGraw, Chairman, The Honorable Ncel C. Taylor, Mayor of Roanoke Mayor and Membe eoRoTaon k Coun Y Administrator Mr. Elmer C. Hodg , er, Cit of Roanoke Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manag Y Mr. Gary Everhart, Superintendent, Blue Ridge Parkway Mr. Lawrence A. Hamlet, Chairman Va. Recreational Facilities Authority Mr. Robert A. Hope, Resident Landscape Architect, Roanoke River Parkway Project Office Mr. H. Bern Ewert, Project Direct, The River Foundation TOWN OF VINTON P. 0. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 t~HONE t~os1 ~g.pgp~ BRAD CORCORAN fAX (703/ 983-0621 TOWN MANAGER March 25, 1991 Mr. Robert M. Baker Regional Director, Southeast Region United States Department of Interior 75 Spring Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: Visitor Center -Roanoke River Parkway Dear Mr. Baker: The National Park Service Visitors Center being planned near the intersection of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Roanoke River Parkway will be a vital linkage to visitor destinations in and about Roanoke County, the Town of Vinton, the City of Roanoke and surrounding regions. Consequently, the Town of Vinton is most interested in the National Park Service's decision on the location of the Visitors Center. After a series of discussions, the Vinton Town Council felt that it would be appropriate if I advised you of our preference for seeing the Visitor Center located on the north side of the Roanoke River. The Council has several reservations about locating the Visitor Center on the south side of the river on the Regional Landfill. We feel that each of the sites previously identified on the north side of the river as outlined is the draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) of the Roanoke River Parkway should be reevaluated so that the best possible site can be selected. Should you need any additional information relative to the Council's stated preference, please fael free to contact me at (703) 983-0607. With best wishes, I am, sincerelcy`,~ (?~y~a J GfJ~----- Brad Corcoran Town Manager cc: The Honorable John W. Warner, U. S. Senator The Honorable Charles S. Robb, U. S. Robb The Honorable James R. Olin, U. S. Congressman The Honorable Stephen A. McGraw, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors The Honorable Ncel C. Taylor, Mayor, City of Roanoke Mayor and Members, Vinton Town Council Mr. Elmer C. Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, City of Roanoke Mr. Gary Everhart, Superintendent, Blue Ridge Parkway Mr. Lawrence H. Hamlar, Chairman, Va. Recreational Facilities Authority Mr. Robert A. Hope, Resident Landscape Architect, Roanoke River Parkway Project Mr. H. Bern Ewert, Project Director, River Foundation ACTION NO. A-32691-2 ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROADTOKE MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER Request from Roanoke County Firefighters for Pay- AGENDA ITEM' roll Deduction of Dues COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIMARy OF INFORMATION' ou will find a copy of an opinion from the County Attached y Joseph B. Obenshain, Esq., Attorney's office Prepa At orney. This opinion concludes thatroll Senior Assistant County round in refusing to authorize a p Y County is on firm leg g Firefighters. deduction for dues for the Roanoke County r dues was denied by This request for a payroll deduction fo est was Thereafter thiinion from the the Chief of Fire and w ch erequested a legal oP submitted to the Board, County Attorney. olicy inion states that the Roanoke County Charter and p This op ersonnel matters as well of the payroll of this Boainistrativee details gofe the functioning 1 this request as the adm Administrator. According y department to the County Administrator for more properly should be referred to the County decision. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: est to the It is recommended r fai a hdeaisionrefer this requ County Administrator fo Respectfully submitted, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~,." Approved ( x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to _~- Action Vote No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x Motion by Nickens to endation cc: File Paul Mahoney, D. Keith Cook, Thomas Fuqua, County Attorney Director, Human Resources Chief, Fire & Rescue -~ RLL-RMEflICA CITY O~ ROANp~~G Ir ~' I ~' ~Y ~ 1979 Z ~u~tn~ ~ o z ~ 1989. J a 18 150 pQ OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY VEA HS vv SFSQUICEN7ENN`P~ ABeauti~ulBeginning JOSEPH B. OBENSHAIN SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PAUL M.MAHONEY COUNTY ATTORNEY ?, 2 March 19 91 VICKIE L. HUFFMAN ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke p, O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Va. 24018-0798 Re: Roanoke County Professional Fire Fighters Association Re est for dues checkoff Dear Mr. Hodge: You have requested guidance from this office as to th of ethe implications of the recent request from the Secretary hereafter Roanoke County Professio Val of eaF"duesr checkoff'tlor individual "Association"] for appro a roll office. ThiVl~~gUeof payroll deductions o h a d to this off a for response by was forwarded to Y $ecretary of the Association dated a letter from Bruce Roy, February 20, 1991, addressed to Mr. Steve McGraw as Chairman of t e Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Charter, personnel Under the provisions of the Roanoke County roll office have matters and the administrative details of the Pa Accordingly, the been delegated to the County Administrator. decision regarding a dues checkoff is vested in the County Administrator. Any decision regarding granting of a "dues checkoff" must be considered within the larger context of permissible relations between Virginia governmental entities and organizaovernmentseSboth ing employees. The cautious attitude of Visg gn ficant interaction at the state and local level, to any between an organization which purports to speak on behalf of a defined group of employee membersl ted and falong standingsuch enc is clearly articu government ag Y At least as far back as 1946, with the adopti~heo P Senate ublicly Joint Resolution No. 12 by the General Assembly, articulated position of the Commonwealth has been stated as follows: P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 • (7~3) 772-2007 c-~, Page Two 22 March 1991 to the public policy of Virginia for any 1, It is contrary ent to be vested state, count or municipal officetro °reco nize any labor with or possess any authority union as a representative of any public officers or employees or to negotiate with any such union or its agents with respect to matters relating to them or their employment or service. revent 2, Nothing in this resolution shall be construed to P or of employees of the State, its olitic°af the lvfromn forming any governmental agency or any organizations, not affiliated with an linor a ency the the purpose of discussing with the employ g g conditions of their employment, but not claiming the right to strike. [Emphasis added] Attorney General's Opinions and Numerous judicial decisions, General Assembly actions and r c olin thi ~oammonwealth regarding fundamental bedrock of public poll y with employee organizations which are recognition or bargaining essentially unions in name or in fact. Several significant cases fro einforced Virg niae sereluctance within the past twenty years have r and recognition of to countenance substantive representation by ublic employee organizations. In i in ao Supreme Court addressed the P (1977) the Virg Board, 217 Va. 558, interrelated questions of whether recognition of an organizatioi to ublic employees and the entering union representing P collective bargaining agreements with such o It n isa cleara from han the power of a local governmental body. analysis of the court's opinion in this case that these two issues if not inextricably, intertwined. The court held that are closely, ower of a local school board. neither action was within the p extended the School Board v. Parham, 218 Va. 950, in 1978, olicy arbitration p inquiry to the issue of whethe the st to Board of Education was imposed on local school boards by a lawful delegation of power. The hePaeMarentror potentials effect opposition to actions which ha°vwers conferred upon such governmen of limiting in any manner the p al issue tal bodies by the Virginia Constituti a b t at on not local teacher in that case arising out of binding rievances was whether committing local school boards to accept and enforce the decisions of outside arbitrators constituted 'an g unlawful delegation of power. f 1 The Supreme Court did n ansferltotother parties of ualaw u delegation by virtue of the tr ~-a page Three 22 March 1991 ower function essential and indis al s hool boards by our constitution. of supervision" vested in loc roue or resenting the views or Id, at 957. To the extent rlmatur as prep ton of ones that such organization grants it an imp situated, it appear in an positions of all employees similarly action by a local governing body likewise would be delegating overnmental authority conferred upon it by the unlawful manner the g citizens of this Commonwealth through our Constitutlon• h olicy Federal court decis r ments although thefdisputesis usually on the part of local gov rights of employees to be recognized framed in terms of whether any er can be found in by or to negotiate with their governmental employ 13 the U.S. federal statutory or constitutionalTews,a.339n F Supp rt News Fire- fi hters Assoc. v. Cit of Ne ort indepen- istrict Court for the Eastern Distc~cdidfnotrcreate any1972 held D that the National Labor Reublicnemployees to negotiate with their dent statutory right for p the state legislature employers. The court recognize ow ra to local governmental bodies. could delegate such a right or p Efforts by public employees to establish a right toe~SSinstheaFree working conditions or grievances with their employ the U.S. Speech Clause of the First Amendment were rebuffed by 441 ee ur orting to speak on Supreme Court in Smith a' ublics employte pi pwa Em o ees nment U.S. 463 (1979). Wh11e P osed of local gover behalf of an association not beldenied the right to addr Henrico employees could probably overnmental body, see, Board of Supervisors or other g Professional Firefi hters v' 1981r,i such right to be heard arises Count , 649 F.2d 237 (4th Cir. ) irements of Virginia's Freedom simply out of the "open meeting" requ and not from any constitu- of Information Act, § 2.1-340 et se or any other tional right to their speech. have their employer, party, 1lsten '~ there have been two federal On the issue of "dues checkoff,ast fifteen years upholding a court decisions in Virginia in tha union or employee organization local government's right to deny u on a U.S. Supreme Court such a privilege. These cases rely P decision in Cit of Charlotte v hichtconcluded thatsthere was no Firefi hters, 426 U.S. 283 (1976) w constitutional violation in a city's refusal to withhold union dues or other purposes at an even though it withheld amounts for ust fied its policy as limiting employee's request. Charlotte had j withholding options to instances whiancesrlimitedatoemembers ofta employees and not for those clrcumst particular group such as a union. _ . ,_ ~ _~~ ., ~; t~ cif Richmond, C-~ Page Four 22 March 1991 415 F.Supp. 325 (E.D. Va. 1976) upheld Richmond's refusal to withhold union dues for its firefighters as no al Pr to Lion Clause union's, or its members, rights under the Equ even if such policy impeded the union's ability to o EaDl Va.I1983) case of Decker v City of Hampton, Civ # 82-109-NW the same conclusion was reached even though city school teachers were afforded a right to a teachers weref actually employees ofla case, pointed out that such separate governmental body. Therefore, I am of the opinion that Roanoke County government we koff" oarrangement for nthose ecounty to authorize a dues ch firefighters who are membend re est aodeduction not theireduesnor Fire Fighters Association a ~ checks. fees in such organization from their pay I trust that these comments will be of assistance to you in responding to Mr. Roy's inquiry. Sincerely ytpu~. ~n n o eph`B, OY~ensfiain, Esq. ,nr A sistant County Attorney /jbo A-32691-3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~- MEETING OF THE BOARD OF STYEADMINISTRATION CENTER AT A REGULAR COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE CO MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 of Participation in 1991-92 VDOT AGENDA ITEM: Consideration Program Revenue Sharing COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS' BACKGROUND VDOT) annually artment of Transportation ( funds The Virginia DeP ortunity to receive state matching imary maintenance or improvement of the Povides provides localities the opp inia p for the construction, stem. The Commonwealth of Virg anticipating and secondary roads sY ro ram and limits p $5,000,000 for the matching P g localities to $500,000 each. Attorney was on March 12, the County is bound At the Board meeti ag opinion on whether the County directed to obtainntentg Staff has done th he Board whennfunding by the Letter of I it can be reevaluatTee at a later date by sources are determi SUMMARY OF INFORMATION 1991, "Letter of Intent" by March 31, ate in 1991-92. The County's VDOT has asked f to particip 382,500. Attached to from those desiring participation i he notification9 letterwfrom VDOT. this report is t el in view of the shot arsl Wenwillt be uunableato Unfortunat et ressures, it appe accompanying budg p ear. participate in the program next y ~-3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION anticipate in the Letter of Intent top may decline I recommend submitting program. The County the 1991-92 VDOT Revenue Sharing tici ate at a later date if the funds are not availab e• to par P RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~cT'~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator------------- ---------- ---------------- pOTE --------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Motion by: R~ ~~ra r~1 Rnbers x Approved ( ~ Eddy x Denied ( ) to Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x To ~- Robers cc: File p,ssistant Director, Engineering George Simpson, Finance Diane Hyatt, Director, Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget O~ POANp~~ .p ~.~ Z o Z v a ~a E5o sa SFSQUICENTENN~Q'~ A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOpGE (~nuntJ n# zRuttnnke March 26, 1991 Alb t'~ ~'1 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CWURMiiN CATAWBA MAGISTF3tW' DISTRICT HARRY C. NIC-(ENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGU`TER~ gSTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL pISTRICT BOB L -IOHNSON HowNS MAGLSTERUL ~TRK'r RIC1iARp W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERw' ~'t~ COUNTY PRIMAARRIN~PROGCRAM)ARY ROAD FUND (REVENUE S CODE OF VIRGINIA, SECTION 33.1-75.1 FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 COUNTY OF ROANOKE Mr. Gerald E. Fisher State Secondary Roads Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Mr. Fisher: indicates by this letter its The County of Roanoke, Virginia, program" for official intent to participate in the "Revue v aeh$500,000 for this Fiscal Year 1991-92. The County will p am to be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis from funds of progr , the State of Virginia. ineer to develop and The County will work with its Resident Eng 1991, a list of eligible work recommended to be submit by Mary 15, also understands that the undertak Will tbet reduced on aT pro-rata basis if requests exceed program available funds. Sinc rely, Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Catawba Magisterial District SAM/bah Jr., Resident Engineer pc; Fred C. Altizer, Elmer Hodge, County AdministA~inistrator Don Myers, Assistant County En ineering George Simpson, Assistant Director, g P.O. BOX 29600 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772'2004 '~ __..° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 RESOLUTION 32691-4 IN RECOGNITION OF THE ARTS COUNCIL OF THE BLUE RIDGE WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge (formerly known as The Arts Council of the Roanoke Valley) was formed as a non-profit corporation in 1979; and WHEREAS, the purpose of The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge is to promote and advocate the arts, to develop arts audiences and educational programs and to provide services for artists and arts organizations in the County of Roanoke and in the Blue Ridge Region; and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge desires to stimulate greater governmental" and public awareness of the importance of the arts; and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge wants to support the County of Roanoke's own artists, institutions, organizations and audiences; and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge is a service agency, with the primary emphasis on existing local arts organizations and artists; and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge is recognized by the Virginia Commission of the Arts, and the National Endowment of the Arts as the appropriate body to disseminate information to County organizations and artists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that The Arts Council of r ~ the Blue Ridge shall be recognized as the appropriate organization to advise the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on development of the arts in the County of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: y'Y) .~ . Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Susan Cole, Executive Director, Arts Council of the Blue Ridge ACTION NO. L-~- ITEM NUMBER -- C-- GULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD LINTY AD INISTRATIONROCENTER AT A RE COUNTY. VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE CO March 26, 1991 MEETING DATE' nizing the Arts DA ITEM•• Adoption of Resolution recog AGEN Council of the Blue Ridge ~. /~ y~~1 STRp,TOR' S COMMENTS : ~~p'n ~7"~~ ~ct' ~~ COUNTY ADMINI BACKGROUND' is Council of the Blue Ridge was established in 1979 as a The Ar romotion of art000na $100,000 has non-profit organization for the P between $50, Since that time, ear. While the in the community•through the Council every Y been funneled finally known as the Arts Counc~lo ra mtng organization waits focus has expanded to include arts p g Roanoke Valley, ion. for the entire reg S~Ry OF INFORMATION' ate funding and the recent rechout Virginia asewell Cutbacks in st ort for the arts throug impacted financial supp e, To attempt to relieve the the Arts Council as the Arts Council of the Blue Ridg unds from the National crisis funding situation in the arantcof munity, is seeking available federal g Endowment of the Arts. and would provide rant would be between $15, 000 - $30, 000, The g t their reorganize the Arts Council a Chet NEA to caccep1Onwide funds to In order for planning for the arts. for the 'cation, local jurisdictions ari si g landcprogramming he Ar s apple Council represents them in arts p community. rant is obtained, the Arts Council w 150,OOOefrom If the planning g of approximately $ opportunity to seek program funding uire 2:1 (local:federal) another NEA grant. This grant would req but existing funding sources such as local matching funds, for arts programming in the schools may contributions and funding No further grants will be sought be included toward the match. royal by the participating governing bodies. without prior app C-'{ FISCAL IMPACT' no matching funds required nor is the Arts Council None. There is requesting a financial commitment. RECOMMENDATION' ervisors adopt the attached the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge as the Staff recommends that the Board of Sup development of the arts. resolution recognizing organization to advise Roanoke County on ,~ ~ ~~ ~t j ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge ----------_ County Administrator-_-_-___ ______ VOTE -----'------------ ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion bY: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred ( ) Nickens To ( ) Robers t C ~- ULP,R MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTYE ADMINISTRATION CENTER AT A REG COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RO MBAR ~ 26, 1891 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION IN RECOGNITLUE RIDGEE ARTS COUNCIL OF THE B EAS The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge (formerly WHER r e Arts Council of the Roanoke Valley) was formed as a known as Th non-profit corporation in 1979; and EAS the purpose of The Arts Council of the Blue WHER . arts •s to promote and advocate the arts, to develop Ridge 1 rovide services for ro rams and to p audiences and educational P g of Roanoke and in the artists and arts organizations in the County e Region; and Blue Ridg a desires to WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridg of the imulate greater governmental and public awareness st importance of the arts; and a wants to WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridg County of Roanoke's own artists, institutions, support the organizations and audiences; and a is a service WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridg the primary emphasis on existing local arts agency, with organizations and artists; and a is recognized WIiEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridg ' is Commission of the Arts, and the National Endowment by the Virgin as the appropriate body to disseminate information o of the Arts County organizations and artists. the Board of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Roanoke County, Virginia, that The Arts Council of Supervisors of C-`} the Blue Ridge shall be recognized as the appropriate organization to advise the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on development of the arts in the County of Roanoke. ACTION # ITEM NUNIBER~-. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAR COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE D OUNTY ADMINISTRp,TIONRC LATER C MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 SU~_ County Government Week COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ND INFORMATION: The National Au ~° ut tthe UnitednStatess BACKGROU Government Week thro g sponsoring County eo le of the variety of The purpose of this Countylgovernmentda c oss the country. services provided by will celebrate the week by S~Ry OF INFORMATION: Roanoke CounOn Saturday, April 6, County ~~ overnment to the people." taking g lewood Mall between 10:00 aFor employees will be available at Tangof services for citizens. and 3:00 p.m. to perform a variety fingerprinting of children, there will be a rabies clinica mini-recycling station, and example, istration, library card and voter reg vehicles, such as the One-armed Bandit, displays of various County Ines and police cars. The Parks and the recycling truck, fire eng creation Department will have d 1 distr Bute brochures andcshow Re ities and Economic Developmenhistory book will be sold and Deedie a video. The Roanoke County Kagey will be available to autograph them. to ees have generously donated theiect a elarge County emP y of this event, and we exp enthusiasm to ril 6th nning turn out on Ap 1991 as County Attached is a resolution declaring April 6-13, Government Week in Roanoke County. FISCAL IMPACT: None 1 ~~i STAFF RECOMMENDATION: resolution, and plan to April 6. That the Board approve the attached attend the event at Tanglewood Mall on I~ ANNE MARIE GREE PUBLIC INFORMA'T'ION OFFICER ~'~ ~' Le1~~ ELMER C. HODGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ------------------------------------- pOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) Robers Referred Nickens To ~_ _ McGraw cc: File 2 1i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANOKE OCOUNTY RADMINISTRp,TIOON OCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HEON TUESDAYROMARCH 26, 1991 PROCLAMATION DECLARING WEER OF APRIL 6 THROUGH APRIL 13, 1991 AS NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEER WHEREAS, county government is the oldest form of local overnment in the United States; and Virginia is the birthplace of g county government with the first counties in America being Virginia's eight original shires that were established in 1634; and WHEREAS, ninety-eight percent of the Nation's population and two-thirds of Virginia's population resides in counties; and WHEREAS, county government employed over 1,900,000 people and s ent almost $103 billion last year to provide a wide range of P services for the benefit of the people of the United States, and WHEREAS, almost 1,200 counties are now managed by appointed administrators or elected executives; and nts have WHEREAS, over the last 30 years, county governme assumed increased responsibility for the administration and financing of health, welfare, justice, transportation, housing and community development programs; and WHEREAS, county governments have also been assigned a roblems dealing with air area wide p greater role in solving ollution, water pollution, solid waste disposal, airports, transit P systems, regional parks, and other issues; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County was founded in 1838 and has a overnment, and has long tradition of strong and responsible county g demonstrated this tradition by being the first County in the State w ' to obtain a Charter and to win the All America City Award• anoke NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Ro ril 6 through County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of Ap A ril 13, 1991, as NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEER in Roanoke P County; and further BE IT PROCLAIMED that the County will celebrate this week b taking local government to the people through a variety of Y events throughout the County. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, March 26, 1991 PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL 29, 1991 A3 LIONS YNFORMATION DAY WHEREAS, Lions Club International District 24-E has 48 Lions Clubs and 6 Lioness Clubs with a total membership of approximately 1,800 Lions and Lionesses; and WHEREAS, District 24-E covers a 10 county area of Virginia with Roanoke being the general center; and WHEREAS, Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917 based upon the motto "We Serve", it has now become the largest service organization in the world; and WHEREAS, the Lions and Lionesses of District 24-E support and fund the operation of the Lions Eye Bank on Elm Avenue in Roanoke, the Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation at the University of Virginia, Leader Dogs for the blind in Rochester, Michigan, as well as many other local and national causes and projects; and WHEREAS, all Lions and Lionesses are volunteers giving their time, energy, and finances to helping those who may be less fortunate; and WHEREAS, these actions by the Lions and Lionesses of District 24-E are exemplary, commendable, and deserving of notice by our community and its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim April 29, 1991, as LIONS INFORMATION DAY in Roanoke County, Virginia, in honor of and in tribute to all of the Lions and Lionesses of District 24-E, and especially those who are our neighbors and friends, who graciously ,.V -oL give of themselves to assist others. Given under our hands and seal 26th day of March, 1991. of the County of Roanoke this 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT A REGULAR HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MEETING DATE• March 26, 1991 ITEM•• Requests for Public Hearing and AGENDA First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: on these ordinances is accomplished by enda items. The first reading a royal of the tion of these ordinances s Goes a not ~ mply se PP ag s rather adop these item action , The adoption of the requested zoning substantive content °f rocedural requirements of the County ublic hearing and second approval satisfies the P fired p and public hearing Charter and schedules the T ~ second reading reading of these ordinances. n these ordinances is scheduled for A ril 23 199 . 0 The titles of these ordinances are as follows conditions on 1. An ordinance to approximateblr ck6 anc requiring 706 approximately Electric Road, Cave petition of Robert STAFF RECOMMENDATION: amend proffered to remove the condition acres, located east of Route wood siding, .1 mile south ri.a1 District upon the Spring Magis E. Glenn. Staff recommends as follows: t the first reading of That the Board approve and adop ur ose of scheduling (1) ordinances for the P for A ril 23 1991. these rezoning and public hearing the second reading G-I 2 enda be, and hereby is, (2) That this section of the ag approved and concurred iata the Clerklism authorized and forth as Item 1 and th law to set forth upon any of directed where required by such item said items the separate vote tabulation for any pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ~- Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs ACTION NO. 1 ITEM NO. / ' / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF A 0.108- ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM MAMIE E. WEBSTER FOR THE BUSHDALE ROAD RURAL ADDITION PROJECT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' This is the first reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize acquisition of a 0.108-acre parcel of land, trgvate roadh all right, title and interest in and to the existing p known as Bushdale Road, from Mamie E. Webster for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. BACKGROUND' On December 19, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervirade approved the acquisition of right-of-way necessary for the upg of Bushdale Road to Secondary Road Standards, which involves the relocation of a portion of Bushdale Road, requiring the purchase of some road right-of-way. The Board appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to proceed with right-of-way acquisition, based upon the fact that the road construction is provided by VDOT through Rural Addition Funds, but the costs associated with engineering and right-of-way acquisition are funded by Roanoke County. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Mamie E. Webster is the owner of a tract of land abutting Bushdale Road and designated upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 79.03-5-81, as shown on the attached map. Improve- ment of Bushdale Road involves the acquisition of a parcel of land, consisting of 0.108 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mamie E. Webster. Mamie E. Webster has not agreed to donate said 0.108-acre parcel to the County. Therefore, pursuant to authorization of the ~}- I Board on December 19, 1989, Staff proceeded to obtain an appraisal of the estimated fair market value for the proposed acquiraisal from Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRPA, of Commonwealth App Company. The appraiser's .opinion is that the estimated market value of the proposed acquisition is $1,473.00. Staff has offered to purchase tr val bbeC the Boarded Mamie oE. way for $1,473.00, subject to app Y Webster has agreed to accept the offer. FISCAL IMPACTS' Board authorization for the subject acquisition would involve no immediate fi d be taken .from the funds previouslypallocatedmby E. Webster woul the Board for this project. ALTERNATIVES' Alternative Number 1: Authorize the acquisition of a 0.108- acre parcel of land, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private road, known as Bushdale Road, from Mamie E. Webster for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project for the sum of $1,473.00. Alternative Number 2: Delete Bushdale Road from the Rural Addition List, due to cost and concerns involved in acquisition of right-of-way. Previously, Roanoke County has assumed the position that the C untrt for nupgradeulof dpri ate rroadso to Secondary Road Roanoke Y Standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of the 0.108-acre parcel of land, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private road, known as Bushdale Road, from Mamie E. Webster for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project for the sum of $1,473.00. Respectfully submitted, Vickie L. Hu ma Assistant Co ty Attorney ff-i Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Action Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~. i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF A 0.108-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM MAMIE E. WEBSTER FOR THE BUSHDALE ROAD RURAL ADDITION PROJECT WHEREAS, Bushdale Road is a private road located in the Vinton Magisterial District of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, Bushdale Road has been placed on the Rural Addition Priority List for upgrade of the roadway to state standards for acceptance into the State Secondary System; and, WHEREAS, on December 19, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of right-of-way necessary for the upgrade of Bushdale Road to Secondary Road Standards and appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to proceed with right-of-way acquisition, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.108 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mamie E. Webster for said improvements; and, WHEREAS, Roanoke County Staff has negotiated an agreement to acquire said parcel and right-of-way from Mamie E. Webster; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 26, 1991, and the second reading was held on April 9, 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: ~-i 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.108 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mamie E. Webster for the sum of $1,473.00 is hereby authorized and approved; and 2. That the consideration of $1,473.00 shall be paid from the funds previously appropriated by the Board of Supervisors from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance for costs of engineering and acquisitions in connections with the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project; and, 3. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. ~~~~ m 0 PROPERTY OF ~ MARY VIOLA BUSH TAX N0. 79.03-05-80 W.B. 28, PG. 108 y pp b v ~ _ N 86'03'00" ~ W 205.00' OLD IRON IN CONC. 126.73'---~'6 77.21' 1 c~ 2 1.06' a- C'~, 0 o _ m REMAINING PROPERTY OF 5 ~ WEBSTER MAMIE E C o . TAX NO. 79.03-05-81 ~, 0 Z D.B. 911, PG. 301 0 <_ a z v~ ~ ~ °~ CURVE "C" ~~ o ~ D ~ R = 70.00' ~ m ~ r" L = 99.49' ~ (T1 CH = S 45'20'06" E ; 91.32' ~ ~ 0.108 AC. 0 BOUNDED BY CORNERS ~, D ~ Op 2,3,4,5,6 TO 2 TO BE ~ D ~ ~ ~ l CONVEYED TO THE ~ ~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE o ~ ~~Nrc e. weu, m <` No. 1335 S 89'49'50° W 14.45' P.K. NAIL t,~ ~tcA' FOU N D 3 PROPERTY OF 4 MAYNARD R. OWEN, ET UX TAX NO. 79.03-05-82 D.B. 1303, PG. 1668 NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY. 2. SEE PLAT FOR JACK E. GLOVER, JR. & JANE R. GLOVER BY JACK G. BESS, C.LS. DATED APRIL 29, 1981 AND RECORDED IN D.B. 1167, PG. 58. 3. SEE PLAT FOR LAWRENCE CLARK BY C. 8. MALCOLM & SON DATED APRIL 19, 1960 RECORDED IN D.B. 645, PG. 134. PLAT FOR COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHbWiNG A 0.108 AC. PARCEL BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY FOR STREET PURPOSES ~- VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TAX N0. 7 9.03-05-81 SCALE: 1" ~ 50' G-77 N B CALL. DAP T• P• PARKER ~ SON DAB: JANUARY 31 1gg1 . . engineers -surveyors - planners DRAWN DAP CK'D BAI.EM. YIIZGIIQIA W.O. 90-1708 D-38380 CLOSED BY DAP ~_~.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 ORDINANCE 32691-5 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AIITHORIZING THE SALE OF 1.5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, IN THE SHAMROCK PARR BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus and is being made available for other public uses, i.e. economic development; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading was held on March 12, 1991; and a second reading was held on March 26, 1991, concerning the sale and disposition of 1.5 acres, more or less, in the Shamrock Industrial Park; and 3. That an offer having been received for said property, the offer of Plantation & Kanter to purchase 1.5 acres, more or less, for $19,750.00 per acre is hereby accepted; and 4. That all proceeds from the sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the Capital Projects Fund pursuant to Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter; and 5. That the County shall reserve a 20 foot sanitary sewer easement in the conveyance of said property. 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. r On substitute motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson NAYS: Supervisor Nickens ABSENT: Supervisor McGraw A COPY TESTE: ~~~ ~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Item No. ~ / ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD O TY ADMINISTRATION C LATER AT A REG COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COU IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 of report requesting approval for the AGENDA ITEM: Second reading sale of 1.5± acres in Shamrock Park ~ r' ~.,r~v~'l COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: lJ~^' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: nd Kanter would like to purchase 1.5± acres of Shamrock Plantation a 29,625 for 1.5 acres). Plantation and Park at $19,750 per acre ($ lan to build a 5,000 square foot research anBdth the Roanoke Kanter p Roanoke Valley company. facility for an existing reason, e artment of Economic Develop tial tenantntfor any d Kan er County D p oten agree tt Successfully entertinto an agreement with Plantation an does no Kanter. BACKGROUND: Plantation and Kanter, a Virginia General 5 acres of what is commonly referred In November 1989, 115,000 total). Partnership, purchased five ( ) 000 per acre ($ 000 square foot to as Shamrock Park at $23, Subsequently, Plantation and ersoll-Rand t a 27, manufacturing facility for Ing e site review process it was discussed eartflooda During th osed as developable, lay in the 100 y originally presupp acreage has been valued to reflect this plain. Thus, the remaining situation. and Kanter now request the Board to sell 1.5± acrosect Plantation for a research and manufacturing p 7 Shamrock Park (note map) 750 per acre. Plantation an eri anuser lnwhod w shes to ukeep at $19. The 5,000 square foot facility. en with 10 technical employees anonymous at this point, plans to op su ort staff. If product dev to pa manufacturing expansions and 5 PP will initia encouraging, the company r-i FISCAL IMPACT: osited to the ro erty are to be dep costs Proceeds from the sale of this P P a tees to pay for any County's Capital Account. The County cel. (Estimated cost $300.) related to the subdivision of this p 3 300 a for the preparation of the deed and any The County agrees to p Y should generate taxes of $ recordation taxes. The company annually. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ove sale of 1.5+ acres of land in Shamrock Park to 1. APPr Plantation and Kanter. Authorize County Administrattor Attorn Y cute all necessary 2' on review by Coun y documents up Approved Respectfully submitted: f,~ ~~~ J ~ `"} ~/u'c~r~~~,~-~'`~c~'~'~^1 Elmer C. Hodge Assistant County Administrator Brian T. Duncan, of Economic Development Director __________________ -------------- ---------------------- No yes Abs '----- ACTION Eddy Approved ( ) Motion by: Johnson Denied ( ) McGraw Received ( ) Nickens Referred Robers to ___ Attachment ~_.,~ ".` RoANOxE couNTY INDUSTRIAL SITE GENERAL AREA MAP \~ . err ~ ~ ~• ~,` ~~/^\ ~ ` w. .,. ~ ~, r`J~ •. /~,/~ • / ~ , j- ~ i .•• / / ~ sj ti ~ ~ ~~ - rnr ,, ~~~ Mr r ~ STS ~~ SHAMROCK .,.. .. ' 1. ,~ ~ •_ ;• 1 ~ / ... ~•' .~ ~ / ~•',' M ~~ ~ Mr V ~~ / _ .-- DATA ACRF-AGE 5.5 ACRES ~~(~ M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL E~pRCpEg~j~ INGERSOLL-RAND ~ MCVITTY ~ ROANOKE COUNTY ~ KRUEGER AD~1AC ~~ CH~ACTERISTICS NON-RESIDENTIAL AND DEVELOPING -x O AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARS COUNTYEADMINISTRATION CENTER,NTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANO CH 26 1991 TUESDAY, MAR ~ ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER M R OR ALESS,~IIN ING THE SALE OF 1.5 ACRES, THE SHAMROCK PARK BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus and is being made available for other public uses, i.e. economic development; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading was held on March 12, 1991; and a second reading was held on March 26, 1991, concerning the sale and disposition of 1.5 acres, more or less, in the Shamrock Industrial Park; and 3, That an offer having been received for said property, the offer of Plantation & Kanter to purchase 1.5 acres, more or less, for $19,750.00 per acre is hereby accepted; and 4, That all proceeds from the sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the Capital Projects Fund pursuant to Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter; and 5. That the County shall reserve a 20 foot sanitary sewer easement in the conveyance of said property. g, That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. M E M O R A N D U M TO: John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator for Community Services nd Development FROM: Stephen H. Carpent Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: March 25, 1991 SUBJECT: Sale of Park Property On Tuesday, March 26, 1991_, the Board of Supervisors will consider SECOND READING authorizing the sale of 1.7 acres + in Shamrock Park. It is my understanding that net sale proceeds will be about $33,000. It is hereby respectfully requested that sales proceeds be appropriated for the continued development of Green Hill Park, specifically, a picnic shelter (capacity of 100-150 patrons) is very much needed. As a revenue producing rental facility, a minimum of $3,000 + would be generated from reservations. Thank you for your consideration. / ~`~, l~ ~~ c c: E l m e r Hodge ~~ ,~;~,~~;~--~` .~ (~~-`` , John Chambliss, Jr. Reta Busher Brian Duncan M E M O RAN D U M TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors and Elmer C. Hodge FROM,s~rian T. Duncan, Assistant Director of Economic I Development DATE: March 22, 1991 SUBJECT: Sale of Shamrock property Several items were noted in regard to the potential sale of 1.5+ acres in the Shamrock Park during the Board's last meeting. Each of these items are discussed below. A. Map: Included with the Board report dated March 26, 1991 B. Appraisal Report: Attached memo from John Willey to Tim Gubala. Mr. Willey's overall range of value is $29,340 - $31,860 for 1.5 acres. The County will receive $29,625 if sale is approved. C. Previous Sale Price: Plantation and Kanter previously purchased five (5) acres at $23,000 per acre. At the time of purchase, no one had performed any flood analysis nor had the site had any known history of flooding. During the site approval process pertinent flood analysis work was conducted. This analysis caused total developable acreage to be limited. Thus, the remaining land has been offered at a price that reflects its limited utility. D. Utility Services: Water and sewer services are already available. However, the sewer line is being relocated as part of the utility department's program to upgrade services in the Glenvar area. (Fort Lewis sub-main project alto provides services to the fire station.) Connection fees for this building project could total $10,267 (1 1/2" meters). sbo M E M O R A N D U M .~i.~\ 'i• ~7 •~ .. .~ T0: Tim Gubala, Director of Economic Development ills Director of Real Estate Assessments ~~~ FROM: John D. W Y, DATED: March 13, 1991 SUBJECT: 1.5 ± Acres in Shamrock Park Per your request of March 12, 1991, for a value report on the 1.5± acres in Shamrock Park, I have the following: Computer analysis and comparison of M-1 zoned sales in the area and adjusting for time, size and location indicate a present value range of $23,000 - $25,000 per acre. In this case however, a drainage and accompanying floodway need to be adjusted for as part of the valuation process. A per acre value of $24,000 was selected. Roanoke County engineers calculate that approximately 16$ of the total parcel area is in the floodway. Therefore no use, including parking lots for commercial/industrial purposes exists for this portion of the lot. For purposes of calculation of total parcel value the per acre value of this floodway is estimated to be the same as arable cropland, approximately $1,500/acre. 1.5 ac x 43,560 sq. ft./ac. = 65,340 sq. ft. x 16$ floodway = 10,454 sq. ft. M-1 ac. = 54,886 sq. ft. = 1.26 ac. ± x 24,000/ac = ;30,240 Floodway = 10,45- sq. ft. _ .24 ac. ± x ;1,500 /ac. _ ; 360 1.5 acre total = ;30,600 Overall range ;29,340 - ;31,860 I have spoken with Mr. Duncan as to the methodology he arrived at the value per acre figure used in the sales contract with Plantation and Ranter and while unorthodox to an appraiser, came quite close to my figure. Since his ;19,750 per acre price is against the entire tract and my estimated adjustments are site and value specific, the overall per acre prices are very close. My estimate of value at this time, and with the information provided, would be ;30,600. JDW/pp ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 Parks and Recreation Advisorv Commission Unexpired three-year term of James Bryant, Hollins Magisterial District. His term will expire June 30, 1991. 2 Transportation and Safety Commission Four-year terms of Lt. Art LaPrade, Police Department representative; Fred C. Altizer, Jr., Va. Department of Transportation representative, H. Rodney Smith, Senior Citizen representative, Jackie Talevi, Legal Representative, and Harry C. Nickens, Board liaison will expire April 1, 1991. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator -------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw Nickens To ( ) Robers ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Appointment to the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Notification has been received from the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board that the 1990 population of Roanoke County does support the County's request for an additional member. The existing board is composed of local government staff and citizens and the term of appointment is four years. At present, this Board has six members; two from the County, (John Hubbard and Mrs. Mikeiel Wimmer); three from Roanoke City, (John H. Parrott, Joel M. Schlanger, and Kit B. Kiser); and one from the Town of Vinton (Stephen B. Corcoran). RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that a member of the county staff or a Roanoke County citizen be appointed to a four-year term. APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~'•3 ---------------- VOTE ---- ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred ( ) Nickens To ( ) Robers d~F ~3 xexoaAUaox To: John H. Parrott, Chairman Roanoke Valley Regional Solid waste Management Board FROMS Membership Committee DATE: March b, 1991 The committee has reviewed the request of Roanoke County to add an additional member under the provision o! su}asaction 3(d) of the Roanoke Valley Regional Landfill Agreement dated July Z9, 1975. wa have verified the population figures developed under the 1990 census and oonciud• thor nn addition 1 amber f Roanoke County does support the request f Therefore, the committee recommends that Roanoke County be notified of the Boards determination ~ ' Joa ~h anger Stephe Co oran J R. H rd wr I` A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOA ~ COUNTY RADMINISTRATION OC NTER 1 AT HELD AT THE ROANO COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ARCH 26, 1991 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 3266 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTHS GNATED AS ITEM R pECONSENT AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DE AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, that the certain section of the agenda of the Board - Consent of Supervisors for March 26, 1991, designated as Item K be and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item Agenda , atel set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, separ Y inclusive, as follows: 1, Abandonment of 0.08 mile of Bradshaw Road (Rou e De artment of Transportation 622) in the Virginia P Secondary System. royal of raffle permit - Loyal Order of Moose 2. APP Lodge #284• 3, Approval of raffle permit - Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School. 4, Acceptance of water facilities serving Tini World Child Care Center. royal of raffle and 50/50 raffle permit - Cave 5. APP Inc. Spring American Baseball League, 2, That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and on any of said items directed where required by law to set forth up arate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this the sep resolution. and On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt resolution, carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw AYES: NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~s~'i and- ~/ .GZ.~.~z-o Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections George Simpson, Acting Director, Engineering Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities Bingo/Raffle File :~ .- . ACTION NO. A-32691-6.a ITEM NUMBER '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Abandonment of 0.08 mile of Bradshaw Road (Route 622) in the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received acknowledgement that the following road has been abandoned in the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation effective February 27, 1991. 0.08 miles of Bradshaw Road (Route 622)- Section one of old location Route 622 from 0.45 mile East Route 873 to 0.53 mile East Route 873, Project: 0622-080-131, C501 SUBMITTED BY: APPR~ BY: ~/. ~rc...~-x./ ~~ ~~.~ tea:=6--, Mary H. A len Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X ) Motion by: Rah T,_ .Tc~hn~~n No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) McGraw x To ( ) Nickens x Robers x cc: File George Simpson, Assistant Director, Engineering ~- ,~ ~ `I ~~~ C®1~I~~1~TW~~LTH of V~R~~N~A RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 February 27, 1991 Secondary System Abandonment Roanoke County ~~ ~~, ~- ~.i~ ~ t,;~r,~'~-, Project: 0622-080-131, C501 Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. BoX 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated December 18, 1990, the following abandonment from the Secondary System of Roanoke County is hereby approved, effective February 27, 1991. ABANDONMENT LENGTH Route 622 (Bradshaw Road) - Section one of old location Route 622 from 0.45 mile East Route 873 to 0.53 mile East Route 873, Project: 0622-080-131, C501 0.08 Mi Sincerely, D. Pethtel mmissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY A-32691-6.b ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR HELDIAT THE ROANOKE~DCOUNTY ADMINI TRATIONRCENTER COUNTY, VIRGI MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM• Request for approval of a Raffle Permit from the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #284 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #284 has requested a Ra9fie PeThis to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on May 1, application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. len Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~ County Administrator ---------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by: Rnh T Tt~hnG~n Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred ( ) Nickens x TO ( ) Robers x - cc: File Bingo/Raffle File ~• • ~., COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF'THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO ~'~ Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This,applica.tion is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sec. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke~Coun,ty Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance. with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any .part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: RAFFLE PERMIT x (check one) BINGO GAMES Name of Organization Loyal Order Of T4oose Lodge ~k2F4 Street Address 3233 Catawba Valley Drive Mailing Address P• o. Box 538 City, State, Zip Code Balers, VA 24153 Purpose and Type of Organization Fraternal Organization When was the organization founded? 1915 1 ,~' ' . Roanoke County meeting place? moose xome Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES ,xXxx NO . Is the organization non-profit? YES_ NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # 54=0287492 Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: Presidents Clarence E. Davidson Vice-President Rice A. rlcPdutt Address: 1 759 ~orner ov Road _ Address: 30 Birch Drive - ~ vn ~LG1 5'3 ~jl its P Pi cl~P~ /A 2~}OFi- 4 --~ Secretary: Paul J. Whittemore Treasurer: John E. Wade Address s 1741 Elbert ,Drive SW Address • 7104.6dood,7 Crossing 'Dr. 'SW 'Roanoke, VA 24018 ~ Roanoke, VA., 24014'. Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name Dewey Hartwell Home Address P • 0 • Box 1366 Salem, VA 24153 Phone 389-9832 Bus . Phone A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURN ISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. Moose home 3233 Catawba Valley D rive, Sal era RAFFLES: Date of Drawing_5/1/9~~ Time of Drawing Pr=! BINGOi Days of We ek & Hours of Activity: Sunday From_ To_ Monday From To_,_, --Tuesday From_ To Wednesday From To_ Thursday From ~, To Friday From To_ -Saturday From_ To_ 2 ".' _ -.- ~~ ~~ -~ State specifically lothehelannedeor intended usegofRthelproceedse used. List in detai P Use estimates amounts if necessary. Proceeds will be used for civic affairs and national, state, and local charitable organizations. 3 K-a BINGOS Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County _ State Zip Is the building owned;by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacty_for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFZ~ AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sburcendarlaua terofor~pziora calenf Bingo games or Instant Bingo by cal q dar year period.. INSTANT BINGO BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter _ 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter " 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter Total Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation oP law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation mananinclasosrfcon- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, g g~ ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? Yes 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file comp leseand Rafflesreand thatdsuchbrecordssanersubject to Bingo gam audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? Yes 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any °nouncedtaudits,candutolsecurelforgaudit allfre~ to perform unan cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? Yes 4 w._._ K-2, ur organization understand that a Financial Report ~~ e 5. Does yo Pere must be filed with the Commission ti calendar yearnforowhich a f sac the first day of November o mit has .been issued? Yes Does your organizes arsn alendar quartergc an taddi- 6 d s i . c any ng dur no later er ceed fifty thousand doll r u f e t P ter? tional Financial Repo nt the qua such of last day llows g f o than sixty days Does your organization undir automaticfrevocationiof ~ . cause financial reports when due shal Bin o amP nd a nf a g u iled a is properly the permit, and ner such r port until raffle thereaft or new permit is obtained? Yes Does your organizatie~ ,nverified underaoath by pthe 8 i tif . cate must be accompanied by a C that the proce e r t r commu Board of Directors, able i religious cha d for these lawful, have been use nity, or educational orr dhthatttheooperati on of Bingo fo an anized cifically chartered or g n e Yes Virginia? games or raffles have BbeTitle 18 2 ofathe Code of r t , ~ e Article 1.1 of Chap ~ ~ D or anization understand tha a one per. nt anoke °2~`~~ Does your g of Ro ~ g the Y . fee of the gross receipts must be paid to of the annual f inancial report due on or before ~ ~` ~' i ~ on u on submiss . p Yes the first of November? P ~ ~ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid t such locations, and for ~~ ~~ ,~~ only in the County of Roanoke and only a re designated in the permit application? Yes N ~ ~~~ such dates, as a 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a anizat h or n v i l w ~`'~~s ~ g to bona fide member of any suc or pr days ninety east member of such organization for at 1 era- n g t s~~ 5;~~' no person and such participation, shall Pabingopgamelor rafflea ,~° tion, or conduct of any muneration for participating in management, ~ shall receive any re operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? Yes 12. Has your organization attached a toe he Countyaof Roanoket abl a 00 y p fee in the amount of $25. V1rglnia? Yes 13. Does your organization undo ddRaffle Ordinanceaoro ~lSu2a an in violation of the County Bi g 10 of the Code of Vir nthshareholder, agentt 340 r u l . perso any and ked to having such permit revo a h organizati f t suc agen member or employee o erson~ shareholder having such permit revoked and any p n who violates the above i o member or employee of such organizat f a felony? v~G referenced Codes may be guilty o 5 K-a r' 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? on file. 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? on file. 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? _ If yes,~state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. Peal Estate 3233 Catawba Valley Drive 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. Fraternal - non- rofit - charitable 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? vP~ If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: Paul 1 Whi teri~rP 1741 F1hPrt n,-;~~P ec~r Rn~ a~k~,~,,, *~n ~u(11 R 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department 4~ ag~iault~~a end ~~ns~msr A~fa~~~ .~uK~~an~ ~A ~h~ ~har-~kala~a Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? No (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? No (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description (Z) fishing trips 50/50 Dinner/Dance for two (2) Fair Market Value 5200.00 each total $400.00 50% of amount collected. $50.00 6 K-a ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organizatbin ondametaThesearecords basedron 518e2p complete records of the g g 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and 54.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: uantity, and card value of instant a. A record of the date, q bingo supplies purchased, as well as the naliesndanddwritten the supplier of such instant bingo supp iavoioe r~r receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing ointattendancenonheachB dat isand ythe the number of people amount °cordscmustt bearetained forothree years? ) (These re ~. A record of the name .and address of eac ame dprizea or jackpot door prize, regular or special Bingo g ' from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemind thatragreeawith c thesquart rlyrand ments which support, a annual reports required to be filed, and that these recor s must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization understand that instant Bingo. o ressy be conducted. at suc ocations and uatasuchnt mes as arelspecif ed in and only at such 1 this application? 23. Does your organizatioedrnfromtthe playing ofoinstant Bingo the course of a reporting y may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. DGes Your prganization understand it may not s®11 an instant ears of age? Bingo card to an individual below sixteen y 25. Does your organizabinnou perationshthat exceedzori are hexe gross receipts from all g pected to exceed $75,OS0 ursuan tolSection 501 ChoflthevUnbited granted tax-exempt statu p States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 ~, -_ ,. s'' f,,, ' .~ K-a 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. hose your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. ~ * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in 518.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements. are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Subscribed and sworn before me, My commission expires: Na ~ `30, 19~ ,~~ ~~~~ G~ '~~ ~~~ this ~~day of~~~~~~~s.~19~ ~ Notary ub ~ ~~ l~ ~'~~~ RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 :~-.~ - -_ r ~. .f NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED K-~ The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to_the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this .calendar year. r -/ g ~~ ~_ Date Com is Toner of t e venue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 A-32691-6.c ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit from the Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School has requested a Raffle Permit to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on October 25, 1991. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) McGraw x To ( ) Nickens x Robers cc: File Bingo/Raffle File COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ~ -~ COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sTeg. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke,County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regula~icns cor.cernirg these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: RAFFLE PERMIT (check one) BINGO GAMES Name of Organization K f3 i(s t-4`C 5 U~>~~ `~~~-~ ~'~'y~ Street Address Mailing Address ~~~=~ 1,.C?~:yl-lcR~: City, State, Zip Code ~~NNO~t- ~~ ~,Z~O-S Purp_ ose and Type of Organization ~ aRp,~~, - f o ~~c=c;~RA~~.. ~~^"eTN w ~~~~cr~T TNT ~T~k~.~`C-co f~oc~rZAn~s RT CAvc-~GRir.~C, Niyt~ S~Nc~. - ~u ~~A~~Ke_Gocti y Y~,. /jr5`i~c~g1~Z`7.+ ~~ ric~(~isTtReD ~ti _ When was the organization founded? ~1,~~Rcx . ~w`I'~ ~h'~Hr:,cKc L~`~'Y, 1 i I:-3 Roanoke County meeting place? C:Av~. ~St~oztNU NiC,N ~e~hael- Has organization been i existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES~_ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES / NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~r',nr'D'nt~~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President: ~AGK l~-~N~~ Vice-President r~c ni-„> ~ Wit? ~ r~_2~t~ ~' Address: ~ti32 ~~(~i+ckN i~R. S.U.'• Address: ~~~y T~U~. shoti 6:Q S.t,~ ~or~NaK~ ~N~ ~7~ot~ :~t~~1N~~K.e. ~fi~ ~~bi~ Secretary: ~AR2-~ ~-cl-v Re~'~ Treasurer: S©~~ ~XfCELi- Address: >i~5.~ t~~2e..e-IJCI~~t=~ ~D .Six.1 Address: ~~G;~C ~UNC~ ~c Rti fib. Sty.' ~o/~-~eiCe-, ~~1 ~'~c i~• ~cH.~c k~ ~r~A . ~Z"~o i Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle'~or Bingo opera- tions: Name ~gG4C ~A~h Home Address 5~i3~~ Y~i•w~rlct~tr~ 1~i: 5,~~ ~~oNti~K~,V~~ ~ ;~~ t~-fi i-t o rw~ Phone 'I'II -3c~(~[~ Bus. Phone ~•~~-~~-•3~-`~3 R-~-rq;che? SHIP MUST BELFURNIOSHED WITHMTHIS APPLDICATION S OF CURRENT MEMBER- Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. __ C.Hv~ ~~1 ~'~bt(arecTi3h11 bi'frt~~~~v.. •- !t i• r Ni-r -T,n~~. ~ ~~SI riea.E. t;=tc`ct3~~1 C~r+~~E RAFFLES: Date of Drawing escT: ~~~ ~~~I Time of Drawing A~pR~~, ~t ~? M . BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 K3 .. a:. State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo Raffle>will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of a proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. a~ „~, .o~e`~ Q- ~cr...a.c~ ,~.~~.. ~--~ ~~ Cry ~~x,.- r c~~~S;L , C~c~- ~c~h'v. ~-~~ ..,L~-~.c ' ,~.+-;..~ 0. ~.2i~L~;uu.~i~:c~ti ~.~t~~-~" _ ~,3, a~ j~`~`~ .~1.^C.- `'~+`,-t~4~^-\.~~ Y~ r' /~^~ ~`.,-'\ ~ n ~W 1 s~ .~1~VVN 'if ~,1.~4..F-,~eYw~ v` ~~ .(~J~~ ~, ~Y A {„i.iil.~.. Lrv.+7.J~_ ~, .~ A~a2..1~ A, ~yVC~- /^~~ _ i1 mot` ems.-~~:~~~~=~-C.~- ~ . ~3 ; ~= r, ILr-' . _,~~ ~~ ,s:. t°~.~..c.r,-- ~~~,ct' a~,Ei-w- -ft-~c-L` 4~.- :~:R..C~z~~ 4~.-~(;~',, ix)~j " # ~ d-i~~ H'~+ c,sNUe u:~:ter CE-~ ~1~ ~-`L ~ ~j~ ~C!0. J U~,`- ~•"~~ K3 I+ 1 ~~r 7 ~ (.JCT44 4i: ~^"E 4.. ~l,y'~ , -~- ~ ,1 c~ 3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: K-3 County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross seor1lnstant Bingo by calendarlqua r eroforep~i or calenf Bingo game dar year period. INSTANT BINGO BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter __ 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? „~~y 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue?_ l~ 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~;~ ---r 4 k3 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~1~=~ 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the .last day of such quarter? 'E 5 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? ~-I~`~ 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? 9. Does your organization understand that a ~w~ percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? Te5_ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application? ~~CS 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? ~-i~` 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? t..yeS 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member o.r employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~i~.~ 5 k-3 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? ~-"~. ' 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? t'-~ 16. Has the organization been declared tion under the Virginia Constitution or If yes, state whether exemption is for or both and identify exempt property.- State the 17 specific type and purpose of the organization. . /~1cN '~CFiT it'~SCG;~TrcN - ~vc~Fc=~ ^ 'Te ~'Nc.r~st2~~~ i~R~-~naTe.. ~ Su-~~~c~:T ~ Ti{l~.~T'i~- P 1-F~ ~b~OCaRAMS pcT CHu~ 51~~:r/sCa Cai-1- To i7N-Sr -7`tl~ ~r.hocl.-A~~ ~,+z~-zySpi~~ ~u n:e~S ~~G`iiF2e-b iC SiJi'r'sEZT' `TY .e~~ >'RoCaRHi~•S ,IV C-~tiT~.~n~t i,_c,c~ ~J'rttl C Jt 5t~' ~ - i 5ch ~ t. /~U rat K~ L ~ uT 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? /fir' If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? ~~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? ~~ (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value 199 I N ~ S~ AN ~~b S ~c 5~c~:-.5 CAR 'SIN-~ o~C. exempt from property taxa- statutes? Ne real, personal property, 6 K-3 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization understand that instant Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular Bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age'? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 I~-3 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, t'nat all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Name ~~G~ok`ti ~'. 17~o~H~c~Cr,1~t~..~~l~ Home Address tle V bscribed and sworn before me, this day of ~~~ ~ 19~~ My commission expires: ~~GG2~2r%.:~/~ 19~ Notary Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 ,, K-3 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. /, ,,/ Date Commis Toner o the Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 ACTION # A-32691-6.d ITEM NUMBER ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water Facilities Serving Tini World Child Care Center COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Tini World Child Care Center, Keith & Diane Bradshaw, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water facilities serving the Child Care Center along with all necessary easements. The water facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by John Abbott, P.C. entitled Tini World Child Care Center, dated August 30, 1990, which are on file in the County Engineering Department. The water facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT• The value of the water construction is $11,500. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water facilities serving the Tini World Child Care Center along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. f SUBMITTED BY: 1 Clifford aig, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: K-`I ~~' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred McGraw x to Nickens x Robers x cc: File Cliff Craig, Director, Utilities George Simpson, Assistant Director, Engineering ACTION NO. A-32691-6.e ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle and 50/50 Raffle Permit from the Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. has requested a permit to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on April 20, 1991, and 50/50 raffles weekly on Saturdays beginning April 20, 1991 and concluding July 15, 1991. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle and 50/50 Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: ~. Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: /~ f ~' i 3' ~~~~ f i C?t/,p--~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Rib r. TohnGOn No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x McGraw x Referred ( ) Nickens x To ( ) Robers x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File ~-' COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. s°g. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke ,County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to cand~,zct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: ( check one )~~ ,~ _ ~~1-'/~~ -a~~--~ y ~ U, / RAFFLE PERMIT BINGO GAMES Name of Organization ~w~ ``~~r~,4 ~ ,IFtl~~- i ~` ~- ~'~ ~''•'"''`-' ~,v t ems-- ~i , Street Address Mailing Address ~ ~ ~;~ •~~ `~ ~~~ City, State, Zip Code ',~~ ~~- ~~A ~~'`~~~' Pur_oose and Type of Organization ~=v3~~s~~•~~-~ ~L~~C'~T?'~~R~-- l'~~•H/~'~1~~j1'•'T--~ 1 -~, {^F-1 v ~~ sit ~~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ `~ ~~i~~-~. ~.L••A-~.: iZt~ ~.~k ~+~~2.L, ~kr~t- .~a~T~~i`12-~-. t ~ c ~t'p t ~ t ~: ti~ ~;' r~ When was the organization founded? ~'` ~ r r.:-~/~„~~r.~~-,tii-~ ~~, ~~~ 1 K-5 Roanoke County meeting place? ii ~~'~`~~ ~<'y~s ~'~'+~~ ~1~~3~~ ~`'~~`'~-~~`Y Has organization been inexistence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES ~ NO Is the or anization non-profit? YES 1~/ NO g Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~5 _ 7 ~`~ ~-`>~C~~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President: u ~~,~~y ~~~ ~f~',~~.~•~~"Y Address: `~,7-'~ - ~,~ ~itrce~~~;~~~,~, ~~lr~_. „---"' Secretary: /,~~>~~-rEer - ->v~c',~ ~'~'~.~_._ ' ). Address : ~~G'-~ ~r%'k,~ ~'~t:~n)~, ~+J,~~ ~~; r-. _ -x Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name r .l j:--~}.-~~ - L' ~t~k}c- i'u,~ -` ~ ~-~~'~~- ~~ ¢~-~'c: ~,A~'d` Home Address ~-i->i~ Phone ~~7~ - L• `~' ~:> ~ ~ Bus . Phone `jfz . ~ ~:~1~s A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing ` ~-^~-° `%~ Time of Drawing ~; •~'~' ~.~~' BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To Vice-President ~: ,r,;;~~1,~~i~ ~~}- ~i %'~- Address . <~'- % ~.~r sc,%,~~a % ~~~ Treasurer : l1~~ ' ~~~~ ~~~E-" Address: '-~~`>~ ~~i-,,~l;~~~ ~,~E~rr~_. ~`~~. ,SCL' 2 .~-~/`7 ~ /+~<=- LPL."~' ~`.-'L'~''~ K~5 State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. ,_ a ~ f ~~_ ~~ ~ 3 J j ..{~~ ~ ~ ,n „-.~" n, C:~ ,may % _ ~:'-t I v-F'- ~" ~ ~ - ~ '~ ? ~ ~ ~ ; J'~ i / ~~ / -- r . - ~~y . r, ~---- ~~-~ ~. _ 7~r /_ ,' ~~/J t ~J l..r'~%.~r-~._.j= ~l' /L~:Z.~l~-~~~1' ~-~.~,,,t~C ~~. 1>c ~`-r---- /p i ~ ,/ 9 ff - ~ -~ ~- k.~l~-~C.--c-~"T`~-,. '~"?' _ ~-j~~-~.~~. ~,/--rty7~._..~_ tC,.~_ -,c-f_.~.,.,"~t.e._-- .trl.-~- L.~t._ s ` G v_ ~t _ ~ / r/ j ~ ~ _ ~ r. Z; _ ~ ~. ~ 5 . /// 5 h ~_~- i - ~ ~ tl ~ _~ ~-~ _ ~~ ~7 1 ' _ _ ' -" c, l-tC~c~ - lc.~_ ,. ~,~.r'-mot -~t-r ~_~rs-=-%~-L_ ~_ -G ~- ~~~ -¢'~ ~ ~ < ~-f .~ zta~ ~'a r2f f, ~ - ~~ ~,~ -~ alt ~~<~~~.C'-~.~ ~11-~y~{€--~~. --~~_~ ~-~._ t.~b~~ ,L.c~z~, - --- 11 y } 7 ` ,~ ~~- ~~ t 3 s i~-s BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: i g Address: ~~~ A County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO %~`2~"~ _,_-~ _ ,,~ ~~ c. lst Quarter ~' -~ . 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 1st Quarter (~ 2nd Quarter t 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter Total ~~~ Total ~~~ ,` / r anization understand that it is~a violation of 2. Does your o g law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ~c"~> 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~~=~ 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? t ~~ 4 ~V 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? '~~ S 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter?_ 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? 4~~""`' 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the C de of Virginia?~°° `J~ ~ yk-, ~/ ~~ 9~. Does our organization understand that a'o percent aruda.t~~ Y fee of tree gross receipts must be paid to the.- ounty of Roanoke ~ Z upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? '~+~`~ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, an~~ ~ for such dates, as are designated in the permit application?_ 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? ~~~ 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? ''~ 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? y 5 K-5 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? ~~ 5 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? Y~-`~> 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? ~%~=~ ~~=~~=-~ If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. ~~<` =~`~~~-v r~' `• 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. ~~,c, ~ ~~~ 1~-~' ~ F 1 ~~' Lc_ a c•r- 1 r=C -" 2._x~b . ~-11i t =-~ 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? ~~" ~ If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: ~i.~ ~ f~'~' 14° '~, ~ 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? ~>~+~ ~~ry"6~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? ,r (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value .r ~ , __ L ~ Y,,_ 7 ~Y e ~ ~/ ~ f"}- t_P ~ i~ Ir1 t; r~r ~~~ ~~w is rt~ a FfT` T• J ~ ~ ry 1G" ~ {1 ,cX t ~.1 _ , i YY ~° ~~' ~ ~, 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than. two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) understand that instant Bingo may only regular Bingo game is in progress, and at such times as are specified in 7 K-s 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c, No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shalt the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed-_,by : ,~ ,. r .~__ .__.. _ _~ ~ J Name Title Home Address / G Subsc ibed and sworn before me, this ~~~,day of ~, 19`~ My commission expires: '/ ~~- ti~ / 19 ~7" Lr~ ~! / /7 G~____ Nota y Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 ~, NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of t calendar year. ~. -.3- l ~. ~j Dat Commissioner of t e Reven The above appl cation is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 ~-i COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1990 $ 50,000 August 28, 1990 Roanoke County Code Book Supplement 9, 845) ( September 25, 1990 Contribution to TAP Living Center - Transitional (15,000) September 25, 1990 October 23, 1990 Contribution to Darrell Shell Scholarship Replacement of lost State Revenues for the Arts (1,000) (4,250) 6, 800) November 13, 1990 Attorney fees for cable tv negotiations ( 5,574) December 18, 1990 Back Creek Fire and Rescue station ( 1,000) March 12, 1991 Contribution to Terry Plunk Memorial ( $ 6,531 Balance as of March 26, 1991 Submitted by .~.~~C~'r-~rL ~'. Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance N-a. COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Audited Balance at July 1, 1990 7/1/90 Amount reimbursed by County Schools 9/25/90 Appropriation to Police Department 9/25/90 Rescinding Parks and Recreation User Fees 11/13/90 Allied Signal 11/13/90 Read Mountain Fire Station 12/4/90 VDOT Matching Funds 12/4/90 Legal Fees for Dixie Caverns 12/4/90 Expansion of CORTRAN Service 12/18/90 Back Creek Fire and Rescue Station Balance as of March 26, 1991 ~ of General~l~ Amount Fund Expenditures $5,653,756 500,000 (200,000) (85,421) (875,000) (174,886) (347, 500) (186,850) (5,000) (9,700) $4 269,399 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 6.25 Note: On De the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at o6 t25~aof oGeneraleFund to maintain expenditures ($68,310,395). ACTION #. ITEM NUMBER 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid - February 1991 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNII~IARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $2,199,676.39 Payroll: 2/1/91 $445,515.31 2/15/91 452,679.73 $898,195.04 $3,097,871.43 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyat Director of Finance APPROVED: ~~~ ~~ ~' ~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 02l i l p/ ~/W ~SI~ S/S.3/ all 591 13~W ~5a16~ 9. ~3 $ q8~ 195.0 ~ ~'' ~I 0 0 ~ ~ '~ o M 0 0 i '. '~. W W i t~ f- , ~ ' d d I i Il q t .I ~ i j II '. 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I i ~' -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER .o.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Work Session on County Budget COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION This time has been set aside for a work session on the Roanoke County budget. Y1 ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF TE ROp,NORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TH ON TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 RESOLUTION 326326 Y WITHITHENCODEEOFTVIRGINIAING WAS HELD IN CONFORMIT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, on this date pursuant Virginia has convened an executive meeting to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the lies, and executive meeting which this certification resolution app 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES• Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session March 26, 1991 County staff requests the Board to adopt a motion to enter into executive session within the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act as follows: (a) to discuss a specific legal matter requiring the provision of legal advice by the County Attorney and briefings by staff members concerning legal matters with respect to potential litigation and violation of zoning ordinances in accordance with Section 2.1-344 A 7 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. (b) to discuss a specific legal matter requiring the provision of legal advice by the County Attorney and briefings by staff members concerning negotiations with respect to a landfill use agreement in accordance with Section 2.1-344 A 7 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. (c) to discuss a specific legal matter requiring the provision of legal advice by the County Attorney and briefings by staff members concerning Item T. 391-4 on the March 26, 1991, Board's agenda in accordance with Section 2.1-344 A 7 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. ~F ROANp~.F ~ L ~. .A Z J .: 2 a 8 E50 88 SFS~UICENTENN~P~ .~1 Beauti~u/Be~innrnR PAUL M.MAHONEY COUNTY ATTORNEY /,t•'~~~~ ~~ ~r ~LIl1MERIG~TY UUU-, ~~r~trt~~~ \/V~, ~ i 1979 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 1989 JOSEPH 8. OBENSHAIN 2 2 March 1991 SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY VICKIE L. HUFFMAN ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Re: Wilson's Restaurant Special Exception for Public Amusement Gentlemen: Wilson's Restaurant has recently opened a pool hall and game room on the second floor of its building at its current location. In the B-2, General Commercial District, public billiard parlors and pool rooms, bowling alleys, golf driving ranges, and similar forms of public amusement are permitted only after a public hearing shall have been held by the governing body on an application submitted to the governing body for such use. Since Wilson's Restaurant has not received approval for such use from the Board, the staff of the Zoning Department mailed a notice of violation to Wilson's Restaurant on March~5, 1991. In addition, the County has received several citizen complaints with. respect to this use. As a result of this enforcement action, Wilson's Restaurant has submitted an application for special exception dated March:l3, 1991. This public hearing and special exception. will be heard by the Board on April 23, 1991. A member of the Board has questioned this violation of the zoning ordinance and has inquired as to the possibility of additional enforcement action to compel the cessation of this use until the Board decision. If a majority of the Board so directs, this office will undertake immediate enforcement action, petitioning the Circuit Court for a hearing to seek a temporary injunction closing this facility pending final determination by the Board of the merits of this application. In the past the County has followed an unwritten policy allowing a landowner to continue an unpermitted use so long as that P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2007 r Page Two 20 March 1991 landowner diligently and in good faith pursued a rezoning amendment or application for a special exception permit from the Board of Supervisors . I would recommend that the Board discuss this matter in executive session at its meeting on March 26, 1991, to determine whether or not it should pursue this extraordinary remedy of a temporary injunction or allow the use to continue until the April 23, 1991, public hearing and Board decision on this application. PMM/sp Very truly yours, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney cc: Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Mr. Terry Harrington t 1 3109 Fleetwood Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24015 March 25, 1991 Mr. Lee B. Eddy, Supervisor Windsor Hills District Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Re: Wilson's Restaurant Billiards Parlor/Game Room Dear Mr. Eddy: Wilson's Restaurant is currently operating a Billiards Parlor/Game Room in violation of Roanoke County Zoning Ordinances as follows: Code Requirement: A Special Use Permit is required to operate a Billiards Parlor/Game Room prior to opening for business. Violation: Wilson's Restaurant opened the Billiards Parlor in January 1991 without consulting with the Roanoke County Zoning Department to obtain the required Special Use Permit. Wilson's Restaurant had previously attempted to operate a dance hall without a permit and ceased operations only after being denied a permit by the Board of Supervisors. Therefore, Wilson's Restaurant was aware of County ordinances and has chosen to blatantly violate the law again. Code Requirement: Roanoke County Zoning Ordinances require that a minimum of one parking space be provided for each 100 square feet of area used for such businesses. Violation: Wilson's Restaurant stated in their application that 3600 square feet of space is to be used for the Billiards Parlor. This means thirty-six (36) spaces will be required in addition to the 36 spaces required for the restaurant. The other tenants located in the same building require a minimum of twenty-one (21) spaces. Total parking required for the building is a minimum of ninety-three (93) spaces. 2 Wilson's building currently has a total of fifty (50) spaces available, ten of which are located in the right-of-way of Red Rock Road which is also a violation of County ordinances. Wilson's one-half {1/2) acre lot is not large enough to provide the required additional 43 spaces. Building tenants and customers are currently overflowing into Red Rock Road. Tenant Square F eet Sp aces Required Wilson's Restaurant 3,600 (1/100 sq. ft.) 36 Dance Factory Country Hair Saloon ~ 4,200 (1/200 sq. ft.) 21 Vacant Space Billiards Parlor 3,600 (1/100 sq. ft.) 36 Total Parking Required 93 Total Spaces Currently on Site 50 Minimum Additional Spaces Required 43 Code Requirement: Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance requires a landscape barrier of evergreen trees and scrubs be provided between Wilson's Restaurant and the surrounding residential areas. A privacy/screening fence is also required. Violation: Wilson's Restaurant currently has a sparse row of eight ( 8 ) pine trees to screen the ninety-seven (97 ) feet of property line along Fleetwood Avenue. More trees and shrubs are required to provide a proper landscape screen. Wilson's privacy fence is not being maintained and is unsightly. A fifteen foot section of fence has fallen down over the years and has not been replaced. .This is in violation of the zoning ordinance. During the spring and summer months, neighbors have to repeatedly complain to the Zoning Department to force Wilson' s to cut the weeds and brush behind the privacy fence on Fleetwood Avenue. 3 Code Requirement: Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance requires that all permanent signage be attached and not portable. The Ordinance also requires a permit for such a sign. Violation: Wilson's Restaurant has been utilizing a portable sign without a permit for many years. Fact: Wilson's Restaurant submitted an incomplete application for a Special Use Permit and did not pay the required $40.00 filing fee. Fact: The required list of adjacent property owners was incomplete on the application. Wilson's Restaurant's Billiards Parlor endangers the public safety and welfare as follows: Fact: over the past two and one half {2 1/2) months that the Billiards Parlor has been in operation, the County Police have responded to numerous complaints regarding noise and possible criminal activities in progress on the premises. You may check police reports for verification. Fact: Motorcycle gang members have been regular customers of the Billiards Parlor. This is not considered to be a "family atmosphere". Fact: The noise level coming from Wilson's property has increased dramatically. (i.e. traffic, music, loud voices, etc. ) Fact: The traffic volume has increased in the residential neighborhood along Fleetwood Avenue. Fact: The Billiards Parlor is open until 2:00 a.m. seven days a week. These hours of operation are not in harmony with the surrounding residential community. This does not convey a family atmosphere. Fact: This type of business in close approximation to surrounding residential areas will have a negative impact on the residential property values. 4 We, the petitioners, (See Attachment) ask that the Board of Supervisors instruct the County Attorney's Office to seek a restraining order causing Wilson's Restaurant to cease operation of a Billiards Parlor/Game Room. We also request that the Board of Supervisors deny Wilson's Restaurant a permit to operate a Billiard Parlor/Game Room. Thank you for your consideration on this issue. Should you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ~~~ ~'` d~ Alan D. Long Attachment pc: Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Vice-Chairman Bob L. Johnson Richard W. Robers Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Paul Mahoney, County Attorney To: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Board of Zoning Appeals Roanoke County Planning Commission The facts are that Wilson's Restaurant located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue is operating a Billiard Parlor/Game Room in violation of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. The Billiard Parlor/Game Room operated by Wilson's Restaurant endangers the Health, Safety, Harmony, Attractiveness, and General Public Welfare of the surrounding residential and business community. The following citizens petition the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke County Planning Commission t~ deny Wilson's Restaurant a permit to operate a Billiard Parlor/Gamy Room on their premises or anywhere in the surrounding communit_;. we also petition the planning commission to enforce the zoning ordinances by legal action in General District Court and in c~.rcuit Court, if necessary in order to force Wilson's Restaurant to cease operation of the Billiard Parlor/Game Room. cc: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., County Administrator Paul Mahoney, County Attorney NAME Li~-~- ~''• D ~~ o J ,rte-, 9 0 „ .,~, ~1 ~~~~~ ~ 1 ~i ,„ ~~ ~~ ADDRESS 3 l09 ~GEci wooD A /EN~~ .~iGl ~~~~~~~~ ~ a~ ~~~o~~~~~, ~~ 3als ~~~~~~~d ~~. s. .~ ~ a ~ ~,Cw~L ~--z T~' C~-~ s w i/ i~ ~i 33 ~ 4 ~JCt¢-~vye~ [-~ 3 .~ 3 f fc~t~.ac~o d A vE ~~v ~~~ b~ ~iV~~ 1~~ a. ~ ~.~..~,,. ~' G~ ap ~ ~~ _. 33,~~ ~~c~,~~a o G.Y CL ~ -e ~j 2 ~. LAwn t~r9Gd ~/~ 3 ~. ~.. ~ ,(.tee _ .~2stL ,C'~~T~~~A A~~ _ 3210 Fl o~ ~`~_x~c~ five. . 32 Iv ~,~~~~w~ ~~ NAME \.~`1 l~'c n ~ C' ~/ / 0 ~ .. ~ 1 y~ .rv~ ,/ ~ In ~ 0 ' lrt,a' /l2,c Jl~Gri~•. /~~~ ~~ -, ADDRESS , ~~d~ 25(7 ~ P~t~~cm ~1 ~ , S_ c~ ~. ~ ~ ,1ti, ~~~~ Flo ~ ~~ ~ / `/,~ 333 ~ ~.~,'~- ~~ ~ ~~ ~ il_~ I~~c~h C~~ ~~~>Q2 ~3 a 3 3 ~ _S l,J 3L~~ Sir , ,~o~ 3a8 - ~, D S ~~~ J~ NAME Q. 0 K ~a,..~ u. ~1,~, ~~ ~- o ;~ _ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ - a~ 1 Gt) t l.w~,,~w ''J, f. ~P~ ~YJ.cc~~ ~ tiC3.~'k.~C~,~`. ADDRESS ~a ~~ l t i~ 1~CJ,' ~ ~ ~ . oZGV ~ ~~ ~ ~/~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ z f~ 3 0 ~-, s~.d.~,t,~,~ ~~ r/ ~ ~vr ~o33~c~ , a (~. 3 o S'`Y ~ ~ ~F r ~c..D ~ D S . W . ICo ~,o~ ~ I~~r x-4.0 ~ .r 30 ~-~ 0 S `~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ 3 ~ zv GvL DG~ k~P [~- ~D . n-. i~-E ~ vk ~yb3 w~o~~ W~~D ~d. ~ T,.~.GU~Q~_ A,x _ ~ ~. tea, ~~3~ ~~y~ _~ s~~ .~ ~~ ~~ Ll~ ~ ~... NAME ADDRESS ~ >' ~ ~4~ l~~Q~ lJ 0 °~`% ~l ~~ `~pr~ 4Q~1~~.t~ ~C.'~,Y~,n~~~101 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~9'~ Cam,. ~. rc~. ~Q,~ c~, ~ ~~ _T 2, .~ 311`1 ~ An b ~ ~n~~ ~ ~ d~1diS ~ l l ~ ~~ A~/~n acv I~ I~r~dYO /S ~!l L C~2~~ 5~~ ~ 2(G~ z acs `3 03 ~yd,~_ /S / Q/~ / ~ ~~~~ ~dr6~~ -5'~ii ~-!,J 1~-U ~C~~ ~~~- ~9zglo.za~t-~.~1 ~,v ~.~ ~ ~~ _~y~, ~ ~19sa ~~J.~,J /~d-.S.w, ,~~ Ua ~~ NAME {1 'Y1 ~ ~ ' ~ a-~- ~ C~Lhc.P ~~~ ~~ ~~ T i v G ~ ~- /TG`~c°~L~-i~~ . . ., ~,~- ADDRESS ~ D~ 3 ~G ~ ~ivoo c~ /~Vt s G~ ~a 9n d k ~s . V'i~ Z t~v 1 S 3U r S f=/Pe~~ d S~ -2~~~ ~% ~ ~o .~y ~ ~ ~ ~ et~t-w y~l ~:y-u_r-~ Ise., yc~ ~~-(~ r 1 Ic~n~ I~~n~a ~-r-~ ~I ~ ~1 ooc.~ 1 ~l ~,~~ Z~folS ~ 13~`~ ~ rti~, ~~~ ~~.. ~'/ c~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ Pltttbn~ ~c ~ -e Z ~C/~~ NAME v.~ ,: ~~ ~~~ ~.. ~ ~~ '. ~ ~' ' ~ ~J -- ~ b J ADDRESS ~3t1dR~o Roc. K. +> , ~ ~oIL~ U~z~o~~ ~/ /2 6 ' ~2~1 l~~, (,, ~~o ~ ~ ,,3~0 1 _3~~. LC~~u l~a ,3~~~ ~ ~. ~~ ~.~ ~ ~( ~ ~~. J ^' ~u ~c' ~ Zea.~ vQ 3zz~ ~~} ~, iP~, ~/~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~.~, NAME ,, ~ ~ ,, ~`~ ~~.~~ w .~ 7 ~ Ji ,_,. ._ ~~` ~ ^, ADDRESS ~l ~ _ ~ _ . -~ 33~ z ~ ~ ~ ~~r ~~ s~~~ z~~~ .~3:1 ~ ~, ~~ G~ . Scy ~ ~ ~ ~3 / ~ L7~fI. 7' li / ,~ NAME ` ~ ~~ ~ 4` ADDRESS 2 573 8 ~ ~~~,hl~%vrtr`~ ~~ . ;;~~z Yd/ S~ ~l--T f/I~C~ BCC 1~i~ ; ~~` ~ 5~U/~ 3z~z-~ ~~ 3 ~ ~ Gc/ ,~ z ~~ g NAME ADDRESS 3~2 ~~aT- ~ IPA. VA a~~ x'7-7 ~-~t~r~a-a.~-er- / ~ (,C ~ ~~ ~~ t S' 3 i ~- 4- ~ ~e~c,~ aoc{~ A~t,~e ~1,c~, a.~S~{ I~ `1'12 0 ,o ~, ~.i G NAME ~,., ~,_ _.~ C~ C~-. na e ~4 ~L~ ~ ~~ ADDRESS 30 ~86~ ~. BRAMBLF"I'ON CLIN.CC IIKPLOYEE S!,!/ ,~os/1' , ~. 3~ ~~ ~~~~.G,~~~ ~ n «P, ~w 3°~~ ~/~ ~ri~~y ~~~ 3~ ~~ ~~~.~.s~ ~-~ ~ ~ uJ 303- 3~rn~~~fib~ /~~ S w .3D3 ~ ~t a~.,-~~~-~h~-, ~e . ~ N/~"4E ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS TO: DEPARTMENT OFNUMAN RESOURCES MEMORANDUM FROM: (~IO1l1lhJ Of }~DF11lDItP ~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator~~~.:. ~/,~~..~ <<.._ p• g• Cook Director of Human Resources /[,e _x u- 1' I I' 1979 1989 March 25, 1991 DATE: ECT• Communit Care Network Com arison - SUBJ arison of costs As you may erecall, ort on the compCare Network. to determine the Attached is a repthe Community pick Robers for Blue Shield and was requested by Community Care Network this informaof our contracting with feasibility Weikel of hospital claims review. re ared by George L• savings in this analysis P P As indicated there would not antic gated in the Corporate Benefit Consultants, stem had we P 1990• or the school sy 1990 through December 31' eriod to Roanoke Count~he period July 1. the six (6) mOri~om~nunity CCN program for s if all claims during Hospital and The total net saving through Lewis-Gale of the $1.80 per channeled 558 after deduction of CCN, the had been the services ital os Hospital would have been $5In utilizing er employee cost. 36,506. In month P school system would not the amount of $ e lose the County and the system would discount from Blue Cross-Blue Shie the amount of $ County and the school 77~g09. addition, the h sicians discount in participating P Y mcv c; Diane Hyatgardy Dr. Jerry A Bututi~+IBtginning aims continued at the current facilities the net discount If cl would be as follows: County $ 6 , 9 81 Schools $2~ Of 928 Total Therefore, the benefit structure redirect claims to participating CCN must be redesigned to facilities. Total net savings for hospital discount with 4• inia during the period July Shield of Virg' December 31, 1990 was as follows: Blue Cross Blue 1, 1990 through County $14,519 Schools 9 Total $36,506 lace with physicians. 5, CCN continues to have no network in P currently has a inia 6. lace and provides additional discounts Blue Crossn tworklin pghleld of lrg roximate physicians and schools account. The aPP 1990 to both the county the period July 1- savings for these discounts during through December 31, 1990 were as follows: County $26,464 Schools 34 Total $~~'809 ital network with Community Hospital CCN currently has a hose They have recently ~• and Lewis Gale Hospital. of Roanoke talsein Montgomery and Pulaski Counties. added hosp' Cross and Blue Shield of Virginia will not administer 0 g, Blue claims for the CCN format' t to Blue ~Crossl and B1ueeShieldc~ convert the county program TPA. This will result in a ro tram to est blishrnewtretention and a restructuring of the p g and claims liability costs for the county. helpful in providing this information CCN has been extremely ton, Virginia. through Mr. G. 8. McQueen in Arling e this information is satisfactory. If you need any Keith, I hop lease let me know. further information p ~~~ ~ . Yours very truly, ~ sh~~, George L. Weikel President jch ~c healthcare management dedicated to quality and aftordabi ity~^ `~ ~ J ~ ` ~~ RMa J ~. q, gFCF ~~ C', p aAp ~~/ ,~, ~ e~so,~ ke ~ F~ -; March 13 , 1991 u; ne~seyU~~' ~ .s es ~ ~ ./ Mr. George Weikel Corporate Benefit Consultant p,0. Box 1352b Roanoke, VA 94035 Dear George, ~ erform a claims iving us the opportunity tO County Schools. Thank you for g County and the Roanoke analysis for Roanoke sis. Briefly Enclosed are the results of our analy Roanoke County 14~ CCN Savings = $18~s60.20 CCN Savings - Roanoke County Schools _ 13% CCN Savings _ $52,055.69 CCN Savings leased to be of any further assistance, so I would~eelf Zycan help. Good Luck and good selling! please call Sincerely, ~~ G. H. McQueen Program Manager Enclosure • 200014th Street. North • Suite 480 • Arlington. VA 22201 • (703) 841 X7 659, 78.1262) g41-1322 Mid-Atlantic Office: CCN. Inc. Corporate Offices: 9265 Sky Parts Court • Suite 200 • San Diego. CA 92123 • (619) 278-2273 FA CCIr, IirC. PROPRIETARY Ai~D COP~FiD~:~'~'.?'. ESTIMATED CCN SAVINGS FOR CCN HOSPITAL CLAIMS SUBMITTED BY ROANOKE COUNTY StJMMP-RY CCN Savings in ~= CCN Savings in $~ Claims Priced: Billed Charges: CCN Payment Amount: 14$ $18,860.20 235 $134,351.44 $115,491.24 vin s are based on the following claims submitted by The above sa g ROANOKE COUNTY OUTPATIENT & INPATIENT CI,p,IMS Billed Charges ital Number of Claims CCN Hosp 48 $29,030.69 COMM HOSP OF ROANOKE 101 $64,978.99 HOSP 64 $30,843.48 LEWIS GALE HOSP* $6,152.79 ROANOKE MEM 4 $56.00 GILL MEM HOSP* 1 $64.00 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VF-* 2 $257,53 UNIVERSITY OF VA HOSP* 1 $173.40 OHIO VALLEY GEN HOSP 2 $151.86 JOHNSON CITY MED CTR* 1 $779.27 STONEWALL JACKSON MEM HS 1 $1 430.78 JOHN HOPKINS HOSP* 4 $198.05 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION* 3 $137.00 MEp,LTHTRUST INC* 2 $87.60 FRANKLIN MEM HOSP* HOSP* 1 BEDFORD COUNTY MEM $134,351.44 235 APPLIED COMM HOSP OF ROp,NOKE RATES TO NON CCN HOSPITALS. * NOTE : Mp,RCH 12 , 19 91 CC:~, i'IC. PRpPRIEYARY APID CONFiDE'r17~A1 ESTIMATED CCN SAVINGS HOSPITAL CLAIMS SUBMITTED BY ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS FOR CCN SUMMARY CCN Savings in ~: CCN Savings in S: Claims Priced: Billed Charges: CCN Payment Amount: 13~ $52,055269 $405,149.94 $353,094.25 s are based on the following claims submitted by The above saving ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS OUTPATIENT & INPATIENT CLAIMS Billed Charges Number of Claims CCDT Hospital $38,608.06 COMM HOSP OF ROp,NOKE 47 101 $143,590.02 $216,396.81 T,EWIS GALE HOSP 102 $11,40 ROp,NOKE MEM HOSP* 1 $140.79 TRINITY LUTHERAN* HOSP* 1 $124.00 ppCp,HONTAS MEM OF VA HOSP* 2 $166.68 UNIVERSITY 1 $54.45 S~Np,NDOAH CO. * WILLIAMSBURG COMM HOSP* * 1 1 $164.37 $405.17 VIRGINIA BEACH GEN HOSP OF VA* 3 $38,00 HCA HEALTH SERV. 1 $736.72 p,I,gEMARI,E HOSP* A CANNON MEM HOSP 1 1 $5.60 CHARLES ROANOKE MEM RHB* 3 $4,279.07 $192.80 GILL MEM HOSP* BEDFORD CO. MEM HOSP* * 1 1 $132.00 $104.00 Rp,DFORD COMM HOSP 1 VETERANS ADMS MED* $405,149.94 269 ZED COMM HOSP OF ROANOKE RATES TO NON CCN HOSPITALS• *NOTE: APPL 1991 MARCH 12, County of Roanoke Group # 6116-0000 14 Months Experience for the period 1/90 - 2/91 Renewal Rates Effective 7/1/91 Experience A -premium Income Dental erases B -Paid aims Reserve for Incurred but Unpaid Claims C .peening Reserve D - osin~ Reserve E - Changuig Reserve (D-C) F _ Incurred Dental Expenses (B+E) Administrative Expense G -Retention H -Total Expenses (F + G) Program Stabilization (A H) S 285 958 o_ 31 211 31 211 3~ 100.0 ~ 317,169 102.5 ~ 53,241 17.2 ~ 370,410 119.7 C (60.868) ;19.7) RENEyvaL ~~ ~er,c->~>1s,ATION ~ 309,542 A. Premium Income B. Claims Paid and Incurred ~ 317,169 102.5 C. Ratio (B/A) D. Current Rates Single - 8 36 2-Party - c13.28 Family - $25.56 permissible Loss t00.0 - 17.2 = 82.8 Projected Claims @ 1.102 x 317,169 Trend Factor Projected Loss Ratio @ Current Rates Rate Variance -Increase/(Decrease) C~rrP^+ Rates X Projected Liss Ratio permissible Loss Ratio ~ 349,520 112.9 136. 4 Single - $11.40 2-Party - $18.11 Family - $34.86 New Rates , _ . __ COUNTY ...SCHOOLS _ .. ___ . ROANOKE . 03120191. :. _ ............ .. . ......................... ____ BUDGET YEAR 1........_1.- ............. ..................... ................:.....:.... ............: Bud t Wbrkshset ... . . __ .... ,. ,...... 03121191 . __.. SCFIpOL OPERATING_FUND .... _ :. :. BUDGET : BUDGET € ...... INCREAS .............. ... E :. _ ..... ..... . _ ..... 1990-91 :..... .. . 1991-92. ~ ... : E .(D CREASE) ; , :.INCOME: ... _ _ . ....... _... ,.... State Funds Including Sales Tax: -_ .. ; 31,296,348 783. 29,~ :. ,b8 (1,8~. 6) ;.. Basic Appropriations _,_ . ~ ,625 :. ... 66,62b :.. ,.. ,__ :Additional Students (Approx. 125) 0 . 51 +!~ .. 1 161,40 , _ _ Regional Tuition.... , . .. , .. 389 73 . . bb,881..; ... :.. (17,508).;..... _ Federal Funds ..: .. ._ .... , .... .......... ..: 31 094,950 ' :........ , 32,728,910.. ... , :.. 1 ~. .. . + .Local Funds ................... 608,b75 :. 22,162..'... . ... .. Other Funds ....... ..... -------- _- .... ,... _. ,.._ .. __ _ _ . 63,073,282 .. 63,229. ~ ,308 ,.. ... . 156,044 ......... ..... 66,040 . .. _....._ TOTAL REVENUE - -------- ':EXPENDITURES ,. . _. _...... SALARY d~ pELATED C03TS _ . _ _ _ 213,678 40 _ 40,584,726 ..:.. 37 050 I .:.. ... ... .1.r................ (37,b06) .Instructfonal....No Salary Increase (73 .. , .. ...... 783,379 4 4,783,379 ;. .... .. ;....... ... ...... . :Administrative - No Sal Increase (76) _.. ...., ~! . ........ , . ~.... g 349,639 _........ ... 8,349,839.......... ....:............................ . ~. ', .. ..... Classified - No Salary.lncrease (89).........................................................................;. , .......... ...:......... 0 0 i i (7b,000) ,Personal Leave & Sick Leave ............. .... ,. .... __ - .. .. -- --'----- :. _....._ ............ . _.... _.... _..... . _.... , .___ . _ Subtotal- -- 63,348,894. ;... b3,717,944 ' 371,Ob0 :.....:. .... ........ :DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS :. _. _ __ Classroom Instruction _ _ .. 022 578 668,723 (19,299). ? Office of the Assistant Supt p8 ~ , ,.. .... . 614 421 60,049 ......(161,465),. .~ ...., ' Transfer to Textbook Fund....... __... .._ _....... _ _.. , .:.. :.. ... 192 797 i ._..._...... 192+797. , 0 : :... .. .. (31,379 ): Instructional Programs (79) _.... ....... ....... , ... 644 : b18 .. .. 631,429 . 14,78b ....:.. . (2b,221) Instructional Administration (80) , ... ..... 7 ~ ....... 17+~ . : . ; 0 ..... ...... ...........~ ...... (7,480)` .... . _. _„ Federal Programs & Testing (81) _ . ... .......... ,... + . 99 270 .. . 13~~..... ~ : ...._:... ..... X3,770 .......... 20,700) . ....... .............. ' Vocational Education 82 ...~. ..:........................................ 69 628 . .. 891 78 ....:... 263 416 ; ........:........................ ~.......... 10 000 ......... Pu it Personnel Services (83) _..... p .. , :... 28 438 : .:.. 28,438 . 0 ..... ....:.. ....... ...... (6,312).; ` Guidance & Curriculum (86)_..._ ... .. . ;. ' . . ' 162,350: ..:...... . 162,3b0 ........ ... ............ 0 (11,150): Media Services (5~.. _.... _ ..... . .. , ... .. .. ... . .... ...... . Support Services _.. ..........826 92 . . . 6 : ...... ..... . 526,925.: , 0 ....,............. .. .~...... (~~' Transportation (74) ,..... ' .. +... .2 ~ 0,777 ..:......... 2,885,836 (14,941) :........ ,. ..:........ (b1,5b8) 75 ; .. Facilities & Operations ( ... __ Central Support _ ...., 31 156 31 1 +. `~8 0 :... ............... .. .... 608 69 69,808 . ,... Office of the Supt (71) ; , .. ........835 413 _..... 881,728 ' 26,313: ~~.~+50~ .....Budget & Data Management (72) __ + . .. 761000 861,000 00,000 ~,0 _ Health Insurance Supplement --- 944,833 . - 1,008,694 1,861 .. Transfer to Debt Fund . . .. .. ..... ~ 8~ ~~ . ~ ... ..... (16,000) :. Transfer to Grant Fund _ ..... _ _ , ... 37,836 , . _ .... .. 60,686 22,730 , _. _ (10 000 Pupil Assignment /Census (88) __._ .. _ . _. ;... . 59,040 59,040 0 __.. (11,780 Staff Development (85) _ ... _ _... _..... -- - , _ __... _._.._ _ . ___ _ ... ,.. _. __.. _ .. _ ..... Subtotal-----_ ..... . 8,861,476 9,152,645 291 170 ~.. _... _ _ _ r TRANSFER TO 1989-90 OPERATING FUND- ,.... 500,000 , .. _ _. _ _ ... 0 ....... .....(500,000). . _. ; __. _ _ . _ _ TOTAL REGULAR DAY SCHOOL EXPENDITURES -- _. . 62,708,369 _.. _. _ . 62,870,b89 ...._ _162,22 .... . _ _ __. _ _ :SPECIAL PRO~RAM3_ ,. __ .. 220,752 _. 03,638 ... ........(17,114) _.. _ _ . _ .. Summer School (77) ... ... _..._ __...__ _ 141 144 , ... 155,079 10,938 _ .. .. _ ... Adult Education (90) _... , , __ _... _... __ TOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS- ----- ' _. . 364,893 _.. 358,717 (8,176) _. _ :_ , . _ _.. ' ~.,T~~ ccunni nPFRATINC EXPENDITURES------ _. _ . 3,073,282 _... ._ 83 229,308 ,. ,... . . 1b6,~. -- 366 040)- -' ~ EtOAtip~ F ~ ~ F-, .xl Z c~ 2 ~~ a` 1 38 OFFICE OF DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS 526 SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE SALEM. VIRGINIA 24153 TO: Roanoke County School Board Roanoke County Board of Supervisors FROM: School Administration SUBJECT: Study of School Attendance Areas DATE: March 21, 1991 The enrollment of each school and the attendance areas served are reviewed annually by the principals and administrative staff. Consideration is given to the number of students at each school, programs available (regular programs, special education, vocational), etc., in an effort to provide the best educational program for all students by the most cost-effective methods. The school system is committed to the neighborhood school concept and to the children remaining together as a group to the extent possible from K -high school. The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has requested a written report on the study of attendance areas in connection with the proposed capital improvement program for the next few years. This report is in response to that request. Glenvar High School Area Glenvar High School is the only high school which could accommodate more (approximately 200) students than are presently enrolled. If the attendance line were to be changed to send more students to Glenvar High School, the closest area would be from the Northside High School feeder school areas of Mason's Cove and Glen Cove. All of Mason's Cove attendance area would have to become a part of Glenvar's feeder system if this area were chosen to be aligned with Glenvar. Glen Cove's attendance area would have to be split between Northside High and Glenvar High Schools if Glen Cove were to send students to Glenvar. Awing would still need to be constructed at Glenvar High to accommodate the middle school. Northside High School Area While this change would reduce the enrollment of Northside by 200 students, the need would still remain for classroom additions to Northside High School in order to house the ninth grade and provide for a middle school organization in the current Northside Junior High School. William Bvrd High School Area The movement of 200 students from Northside High School to Glenvar High would make it possible to transfer a like number of students from William Byrd High School to Northside High. Students from Bonsack, Route 460 corridor, and part of Vinton who reside in the Herman L. Horn Elementary School attendance area would be transported to Northside. Even with the change in attendance lines, an addition for science rooms/labs would be needed at William Byrd High School. Cave Spring ugh School Area Southwest County students would remain in their current attendance areas. With the proposed upgrade at Cave Spring Junior High School and the addition of science labs at Cave Spring High School, Southwest County schools could accommodate their secondary students for the next ten years, thereby negating the need for a ne~v high school until after the year 2000. Finally, any proposed changes in attendance areas would affect neighborhood schools. Cultural and neighborhood ties would be affected, while movement of students from these schools will not negate the need for capital improvements. Operating costs would rise because of increased busing and related costs (salaries, gasoline, drivers, etc.). Approximately ten additional buses would be required. Academic achievement would be adversely affected because students would leave home earlier and arrive home later because of time and distance traveled. Participation of students and parents in extracurricular activities and school and community affairs would be severely limited. Because the need to upgrade facilities in our schools continues to exist, a capital improvement program is still needed. A netiT school in Southwest County will not be needed if science labs at Cave Spring High School and improvements at Cave Spring Junior High School are included. An addition at Back Creek Elementary and additions at William Byrd High School and Northside High School will still be required to upgrade and house quality programs. A capital improvement plan then seems to be a more reasonable and sound approach to meet the educational needs of students in Roanoke County. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Budget Work Session with School Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION This time has been set aside for a work session on the Roanoke School Board budget. The School Board will present a budget balanced within the dollars allocated by the County Administrator. The School Board will also be presenting a study of school attendance areas as requested by the Board of Supervisors. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Ref erred ( ) McGraw To ( ) Nickens Robers ACTION NO. ITEM N0. ~ 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on Redistricting COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' The redistricting committee will present to the Board of Supervisors several preliminary redistricting plans. The work session format will allow for a valuable exchange of thoughts and questions on the various plans. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The redistricting committee has prepared six preliminary redistricting plans. These plans will be compared to the existing districts. Maps will be available for Board and public review. Attached you will find summary population information for each of the alternatives. The committee utilized the policies and criteria adopted by the Board at its meeting on February 26, 1991, utilizing the existing precincts as much as possible. The committee will submit to the Board the following plans: - three different 5 district plans; - one 7 district plan; - one 6 district plan, with one member elected at large, (7 member governing body); - one 4 district plan, with one member elected at large, (5 member governing body); and - retain existing districts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The committee recommends that the Board review the various alternatives and select a plan for final preparation. Once the Board selects a preferred plan, the committee will prepare the redistricting ordinance with detailed precinct and district descriptions and map. ~ The committee further recommends' that the first reading of the ~~ redistricting ordinance be held on April 9, 1991; and that the r public hearing and second reading be scheduled for April 23, 1991. Respectfully submitted, ~. `•t. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred Nickens to Robers 4 RETAIN EXISTING DISTRICTS (NO CHANGES) Ideal Population 15866 1980 Census 1990 Census Catawba 14833 16168 (302 over ideal population = 1.9% deviation) Hollins 14187 16104 (238 over ideal population = 1.5% deviation) Cave Spring 15047 16836 (970 over ideal population = 6.1% deviation) Windsor Hills 13724 15375 (491-under ideal population = 3.09% deviation) Vinton 15154 14849 (1017 under ideal population = 6.41% deviation Growth +1335 +1917 +1789 +1651 -305 If no change, then _ Average deviation = 3.8% '~ Total deviation = 12.52% 4 DISTRICTS Ideal Population 19833 (divided by 4) Ideal Population 15866 (divided by 5) 1) Catawba 1014 Mason Valley 1544 Glenvar 3903 Green Hill 3762 Bent Mtn. 882 Poages Mill 2604 Oak Grove 4058 Castle Rock 2896 20663 (remainder of Mason Valley) (527 over ideal population taking into consideration the at-large seat; 3.32 deviation per member) 2) Peters Creek Botetourt Springs Northside Hollins Burlington Plantation Monterey Read Mtn. Mason Valley 3591 (34 under ideal population 1674 taking into consideration 2579 the at-large seat; .214$ 2457 deviation per member) 2094 3852 2232 620 680 (East of Route 311) 19779 3) Bonsack Lindenwood N. Vinton S. Vinton Mt. Pleasant Clearbrook 2270 (3 over ideal population 4280 taking into consideration 3304 the at-large seat; .019 4361 deviation per member) 2904 2718 19837 4) Windsor Hills Garst Mill Mt. Vernon Ogden Cave Spring Penn Forest Hunting Hills Cotton Hill 2508 (503 under ideal population 2427 taking into consideration 1830 the at-large seat; 3.17 3718 deviation per member) 2688 2367 2758 1297 19053 Total deviation = 6.49$ Average devition = 1.68$ Q-3 5 DISTRICTS (OPTION ~~A~~) ?~ Ideal Population 15866 HOLLINS DISTRICT 16104 1990 Census population -1062 Part of Northside Precinct (North Lakes) to Catawba -500 Part of Bonsack Precinct to Vinton +1525 Part of Botetourt Springs Precinct from Catawba 16067 (201 over ideal population = 1.27$ deviation) CATAWBA DISTRICT 16168 1990 Census population -1525 Part of Botetourt Springs Precinct to Hollins +1062 Part of Northside Precinct from Hollins 15705 (161 under ideal population = 1.01$ deviation) WINDSOR HILLS DISTRICT 15375 1990 Census population +439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct (Bridlewood) from Cave Spring 15814 (52 under ideal population = .33$ deviation) CAVE SPRING DISTRICT 16836 1990 Census population -439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct to Windsor Hills -621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct to Vinton 15776 -~- (90 under ideal population = .57$ deviation) VINTON DISTRICT 14849' 1990 Census population +500 Part of Bonsack Precinct from Hollins +621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct from Cave Spring 15970 (104 over ideal population = .65$ deviation)..... Total Deviation = 2.28$ ; Average Deviation = .766$ L Q-3 5 DISTRICTS (OPTION "B") Ideal Pogulation 15866 HOLLINS DISTRICT 16104 1990 Census population +982 Part of Peters Creek Precinct (North Lakes) from Catawba -500 Part of Bonsack Precinct to Vinton -482 Part of Hollins Precinct to Catawba 16104 (238 over ideal population = 1.5$ deviation) CATAWBA DISTRICT 16168 1990 Census population -982 Part of Peters Creek Precinct to Hollins +482 Part of Hollins Precinct from Hollins 15668 (198 under ideal population = 1.25$ deviation) WINDSOR HILLS DISTRICT 15375 1990 Census population +439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct Spring 15814 (Bridlewood) from Cave (52 under ideal population = .33$ deviation) CAVE SPRINC3 DISTRICT 16836 1990 Census population -439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct to Windsor Hills -621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct to Vinton 15776 (90 under ideal population = .57~ deviation) VINTON DISTRICT 14849 1990 Census population ± +500 ....Part of Bonsack Precinct from Hollins +621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct from Cave Spring 15970 (104 over ideal population = .65~ deviation) Total Deviation = 2.75$ Average Deviation = .86$ q-3 5 DISTRICTS (OPTION ~~C~~) Ideal Population 15866 1) N. Vinton 3304 S. Vinton 4361 Lindenwood 4280 Bonsack 2270 Mt. Pleasant 1787 (part of precinct, west of Blue Ridge Parkway) Clearbrook 64 (part of precinct) 16066 (200 over ideal population = 1.26$) 2) Mt. Pleasant 1117 (part of precinct, east of Blue Ridge Parkway) Clearbrook 2654 (part of precinct) Hunting Hills 2758 Ogden 3178 Penn Forest 2367 Cave Spring 2ggg Cotton Hill 1297 16059 (193 over ideal population = 1.22$) 3) Mt. Vernon 1830 Garst Mill 2427 Windsor Hills 2508 Castle Rock 2896 Oak Grove 4058 Poages Mill 2604 16323 (457 over ideal population = 2.88$) 4) Bent Mtn. 882 Green Hill 3762 Glenvar 3903 Mason Valley 2224 Catawba 1014 Botetourt Springs 1674 Peters Creek 785 (part north of Interstate 81) Hollins 1565 (part north of Route 11) 15809 (57 under ideal population =.36$) 5) Peters Creek 2806 Northside 2579 Burlington 2094 Plantation 3852 Monterey 2232 Read Mtn. 620 H 1 Q3 (part south of Interstate 81) o lens 892 (part south of Route 11) 15075 (791 under ideal population = 4.98$) Total Deviation = 7.86 Average Deviation = 2.14 ~~' 6 DISTRICTS (7 MEMBER BOARD OF SIIPERVISORB, CHAIRMAN ELECTED AT-LARGE) Ideal Population per district: 13222 (= 6) Ideal Population per district: 11333 (= 7) 1) Plantation 3852 Monterey 2232 Read Mtn. 620 Bonsack 2270 Lindenwood 4280 13254 (24 over ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; .21% deviation per member) 2) Peters Creek Northside Botetourt Springs Hollins Burlington Mason Valley 3591 2579 1674 2457 2094 680 (part east of Route 311) 13075 (108 under ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; .95% deviation per member) 3) Catawba 1014 Mason Valley 1544 Glenvar 3903 Green Hill 3762 Poages Mill 1742 Bent Mountain 882 (part west of Route 311) (part west of Route 692, Mt. Chestnut Road) 12847 (276 under ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; 2.44% deviation per member) 4) Oak Grove 4058 Windsor Hills 2508 Garst Mill 2427 Castle Rock 2896 Poages Mill 862 (part east of Route 692, Mt. Chestnut Road) Cotton Hill 439 (Bridlewood Subdivision) 13190 (24 under ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; .212% deviation per member) 5) Cotton Hill 858 (part of Cotton Hill Precinct less the Bridlewood Subdivision) Cave Spring 2688 Mt. Vernon 1830 Ogden 3178 Penn Forest 2367 Hunting Hills 2758 13679 (335 over ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; 2.96% deviation per member) 6) N. Vinton 3304 S. Vinton 4361 Mt. Pleasant 2904 Clearbrook 2718 13287 (48 over ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; .424% deviation per member) Total Deviation 5.4% Average Deviation 1.68 7 DISTRICTS Ideal Population 11333 4 1) Lindenwood 4280 N. Vinton 3304 S. Vinton 4361 11945 (612 over ideal population = 5.4~) 2) Bonsack 2270 Read Mtn. 620 Monterey 2232 _ Plantation 3852 Burlington 2094 3) Hollins Botetourt Springs Northside Peters Creek Mason Valley 11068 (265 under ideal population = 2.3$) 2457 1674 2579 3591 680 (precinct east of Route 311) 10981 (352 under ideal population = 3.1~) 4) Catawba 1014 Mason Valley 1544 (remainder of Mason Valley) Glenvar 3903 Green Hill 3762 Bent Mtn. 882 - 11105 (228 under ideal population= 2.01$) 5) Oak Grove 4058 Castle Rock 2896 Windsor Hills 2508 Garst Mill 2427 6) Penn Forest Cave Spring Mount Vernon ' Ogden Cotton Hill 11889 (556 over ideal population = 4.9~) 2367 2688 1830 3178 749 (Bridlewood Subd. and north of Blue Ridge Parkway 10812 (521 under ideal population = 4.6$) 7) Mt. Pleasant 2904 Clearbrook 2718 Poages Mill 2604 Hunting Hills 2758 Cotton Hill 548 (Remainder of Cotton Hill) 11532 (199 over ideal population = 1.76$) Total deviation = 10~ average deviation = 3.43 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 26, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on Redistricting COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY The redistricting committee will present to the Board of Supervisors several preliminary redistrictin session format will allow for a valuable exchangeaof.thoughtswand questions on the various plans. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The redistricting committee has prepared six preliminary redistricting plans. These plans will be compared to the existing districts. Maps will be available for Board and public review. Attached you will find summary population information for each of the alternatives. The committee utilized the policies and criteria adopted by the Board at its meeting on February 26, 1991, utilizing the existing precincts as much as possible. The committee will submit to the Board the following plans: - three different 5 district plans; - one 7 district plan; - one 6 district plan, with one member elected at large, (7 member governing body); - one 4 district plan, with one member elected at large, (5 member governing body); and - retain existing districts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The committee recommends that the Board review the various alternatives and select a plan for final Board selects a preferred plan, the committ e will•prepare the redistricting ordinance with detailed precinct and district descriptions and map. The committee further recommends that the first reading of the redistricting ordinance be held on April 9, 1991; and that the °/ public hearing and second reading be scheduled for April 23, 1991. Respectfully submitted, ~. •,l. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Motion by Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Action Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~_ 3 4 DISTRICTS Ideal Population 19833 (divided by 4) Ideal Population 19833 (divided by 5) 1) Bonsack Lindenwood 2270 (3 over ideal population N. Vinton 4280 taking into consideration S. Vinton 3304 the at-large seat; .019$ Mt. Pleasant 4361 deviation per member) Clearbrook 2904 2718 19837 2) Peters Creek Botetourt Springs 3591 (34 under ideal population Northside 1674 taking into consideration Hollins 2579 2457 the at-large seat; .214$ Burlington 2094 deviation per member) Plantation Monterey 3852 Read Mtn. 2232 Mason Valley 620 680 (East of Route 311) 19779 3) Catawba 1014 Mason Valley Glenvar 1544 (remainder of Mason Valley) Green Hill 3903 Bent Mtn. 3762 882 (527 over ideal population Poages Mill taking into consideration Oak Grove 2604 4058 the at-large seat; 3.32$ Castle Rock 2896 deviation per member) 20663 4) Windsor Hills Garst Mill 2508 (503 under ideal population Mt. Vernon 2427 taking into consideration Ogden 1830 the at-large seat; 3.17$ Cave Spring 3718 2688 deviation per member) Penn Forest 2367 Hunting Hills 2758 Cotton Hill 1297 19053 Total deviation = 6.49$ Average devition = 1.68$ 5 DISTRICTS (OPTION ~~A~~) Ideal Population 15866 HOLLINS DISTRICT 16104 1990 Census population -1062 Part of Northside Precinct (North Lakes) to Catawba -500 Part of Bonsack Precinct to Vinton +1525 Part of Botetourt Springs Precinct from Catawba 16067 (201 over ideal population = 1.27 deviation) CATAWBA DISTRICT 16168 1990 Census population -1525 Part of Botetourt Springs Precinct to Hollins +1062 Part of Northside Precinct from Hollins 15705 (161 under ideal population = 1.01 deviation) WINDSOR HILLS DISTRICT Q-3 15375 1990 Census population +439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct (Bridlewood) from Cave Spring 15814 (52 under ideal population = .33$ deviation) CAVE SPRING DISTRICT 16836 1990 Census population -439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct to Windsor Hills -621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct to Vinton 15776 (90 under ideal population = .57$ deviation) VINTON DISTRICT 14849 1990 Census population +500 Part of Bonsack Precinct from Hollins +621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct from Cave Spring 15970 (104 over ideal population = .65$ deviation) Total Deviation = 2.28 Average Deviation = .766$ Q-3 5 DISTRICTS (OPTION ~~B~~) Ideal Population 15866 HOLLINS DISTRICT 16104 1990 Census population +982 Part of Peters Creek Precinct (North Lakes) from Catawba -500 Part of Bonsack Precinct to Vinton -482 Part of Hollins Precinct to Catawba 16104 (238 over ideal population = 1.5$ deviation) CATAWBA DISTRICT 16168 1990 Census population -982 Part of Peters Creek Precinct to Hollins +482 Part of Hollins Precinct from Hollins 15668 (198 under ideal population = 1.25$ deviation) WINDSOR HILLS DISTRICT 15375 1990 Census population +439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct (Bridlewood) from Cave Spring 15814 (52 under ideal population = .33$ deviation) CAVE SPRING DISTRICT 16836 1990 Census population -439 Part of Cotton Hill Precinct to Windsor Hills -621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct to Vinton 15776 (90 under ideal population = .57$ deviation) VINTON DISTRICT 14849 1990 Census population +500 Part of Bonsack Precinct from Hollins +621 Part of Clearbrook Precinct from Cave Spring 15970 (104 over ideal population = .65~ deviation) Total Deviation = 2,75$ Average Deviation = ,86~ Q-3 5 DISTRICTS (OPTION ~~C~~) Ideal Population 15866 1) N. Vinton 3304 S. Vinton 4361 Lindenwood 4280 Bonsack 2270 Mt. Pleasant 1787 Clearbrook 64 16066 2) Mt. Pleasant 1117 Clearbrook 2654 Hunting Hills 2758 Ogden 3178 Penn Forest 2367 Cave Spring 2688 Cotton Hill 1287 16059 (part of precinct, west of Blue Ridge Parkway) (part of precinct) (200 over ideal population = 1.26$) (part of precinct, east of Blue Ridge Parkway) (part of precinct) (193 over ideal population = 1.220 3) Mt. Vernon 1830 Garst Mill 2427 Windsor Hills 2508 Castle Rock 2896 Oak Grove 4058 Poages Mill 2604 16323 (457 over ideal population = 2.s8~) 4) Bent Mtn. 882 Green Hill 3762 Glenvar 3903 Mason Valley 2224 Catawba 1014 Botetourt Springs 1674 Peters Creek 785 Hollins (part north of Interstate 81) 1565 (part north of Route 11) 15809 (57 under ideal population =.36~) Q -3 5) Peters Creek 2806 Northside 2579 Burlington 2094 Plantation 3852 Monterey 2232 Read Mtn. 620 Hollins 892 (part south of Interstate 81) (part south of Route 11) 15075 (791 under ideal population = 4.98$) Total Deviation = 7.86 Average Deviation = 2.14 ~-3 6 DISTRICTS (7 MEMBER BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, CHAIRMAN ELECTED AT-LARGE) Ideal Population per district: Ideal Population per district: 1) Peters Creek 3591 Northside 2579 Botetourt Springs 1674 Hollins 2457 Burlington 2094 Mason Valley 680 2) Plantation Monterey Read Mtn. Bonsack Lindenwood 3) Catawba Mason Valley Glenvar Green Hill Poages Mill Bent Mountain 13222 (= 6) Total Deviation 5.4~ 11333 (= 7) Average Deviation 1.688 (part east of Route 311) 13075 (108 under taking into large seat; member) 3852 2232 620 2270 4280 13254 (24 over taking into large seat; member) 1014 ideal population consideration at- .95$ deviation per ideal population consideration at- .21$ deviation per 1544 (part west of Route 311) 3903 3762 1742 (part west of Route 692, Mt. Chestnut Road) 882 12847 (276 under ideal taking into consideration tats large seat; 2.44$ deviation per member) 4) Oak Grove 4058 Windsor Hills 2508 Garst Mill 2427 Castle Rock 2896 Poages Mill 862 Cotton Hill 439 13190 5) Cotton Hill 858 Cave Spring 2688 Mt. Vernon 1830 Ogden 3178 Penn Forest 2367 Hunting Hills 2758 13679 6) N. Vinton S. Vinton 3304 Mt. Pleasant 4361 Clearbrook 2904 2718 13287 C,~-3 (part east of Route 692, Mt. Chestnut Road) (Bridlewood Subdivision) (24 under ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; .212$ deviation per member) (part of Cotton Hill Precinct less the Bridlewood Subdivision) (335 over ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; 2.96$ deviation per member) (48 over ideal population taking into consideration at- large seat; .424$ deviation per member) 7 DISTRICTS Ideal Population 11333 1) Lindenwood N. Vinton 4280 S. Vinton 3304 4361 2) B 11945 (612 over ideal population = 5.4$ ) onsack Read Mtn. 2270 Monterey 620 Plantation 2232 Burlington 3852 2094 3) H 11068 (265 under ideal population = 2,3~) ollins Botetourt Springs 2457 1674 Northside Peters Creek 2579 3591 Mason Valley 680 (precinct east of Rout e 311) 4) C 10981 (352 under ideal population = 3.1~ ) atawba Mason Valley Glenvar 1014 1544 (remainder of Maso Green Hill n Valley) 3903 Bent Mtn. 3762 882 5) O 11105 (228 under ideal population= 2.01$) ak Grove 4058 Castle Rock Windsor Hills 2896 Garst Mill 2508 2427 6) P 11889 (556 over ideal population = 4,g$) enn Forest 2367 Cave Spring 2688 Mount Vernon 1830 Ogden Cotton Hill 3178 749 (Bridlewood Subd. and north of Blue Rid e P g arkway 7) Mt 10812 (521 under ideal population = 4.6~) • Pleasant 2904 Clearbrook Poages Mill 2718 Hunting Hills 2604 Cotton Hill 2758 548 (Remainder of Cotton Hill) 11532 (199 over ideal population = 1.76$) Total deviation = 10~ Average deviation = 3.43$ ACTION # ~, „ , I ITEM NtJN1EER OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE MINISTRATION CENTER MEETING OF THE gpARD AT A REGULAR THE ROANOKE COUNTY AD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT MEETING DATE: March 25, 1981 A ITEM' Public Fe sc lgyear AGEND Plan for Construction the Secondary System Six-year 1991-92 MiNISTRATOR'S COMMENTS' COUNTY AD State Code, the BACKGROUND 70.01 of the on Section 33.1- a pubic hearing with aired to conduct ents. In accordance is req ut and comet Board of Supervisors ubbic inp the Six-year Plan to receive P INFORMATION with VDOT S~Ry OF in concurrence for Department Staff, of ineering Six-Year Constrtotthe Boa d The Eng reliminary was submitted This Staff, has prepared a PThis plan ublic inspection. the Year 1991-42' available for P with Fiscal and has been in accordance Supervisors has been advertised public hearing the State Code. making any requirements of from the public and resented to the reviewing comments plan will be P and formal After the Six Year approval revisions. peril for their necessarof Supervisors in Board adoption. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS Conducting the public County funds. hearing involves no expenditure oI 39 i-I STAFF RECOMMENDATION Supervisors conduu~ ose Staff recommends that the Board of he Six-Year Construction Plan for the P P public hearingublic input on the Plan. of receiving P SUBMITTED BY: AppROVED BY: n r ` `fi~~ , ~ l ~ Hodge Elmer C. `=''r P.E. County Administrator . Simps ~ III, George rector of ---- Assistant Di ---------------------- Engineering ----------------------- VOTE Yes Abs -------------- ACTION No Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~ J ~r 39~-I p Q B L I C N O T I C E Please be advised that the Boaad of Supervisors of Roanoke Coup Y of March, 1991, at the Roanoke at its meeting on the 26th d Y m. or County Administration CentertterRmay be/heard~nwallthold0appublic as soon onetheffollowingematter, to-wit: hearing tablishment of the Six-Year Con1991c1997,p1an for the secondary Es system of the State Highways for members of the public interest~dmenandhplacetaforesaid rth All above may appear and be heard at the A copy of the proposed schedulehwaferred to above is on file a Department, 714 South Broad the Residency Office, State Hsg Y eet, Salem, Virginia, and the a dheresitatisn available 3for Str Virgins Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, lar business hours. public inspection during re9u Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PUBLISH IN TWING DATES TIMES AND WORLD NEWS ON THE FOLLO Tuesday, March 12, 1991 Tuesday, March 19, 1991 BILL TO: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors p. O. Sox 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 .fir-I SECONDARY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROAN~YEAR 1991-92 FISCA VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (SALEM DISTRICT) ,3~r-i OSED INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS PROP 1991-92 FOR FISCAL YEAR normal activities those ear. Construction includes the same fiscala door Incidental constructed duriinclude pavement be planned and handled which can types of construction can normally be Office, The predominate These activities District through e improvements. Office or Residency rod al process drainag app $180,0Q0 is by the VDOT Residency the normal Playear 1991-92, requi1e For Fiscal and would not the Richmond incidental Construction. allocated for roposed for Incidental Construction The following roads are P for Fiscal Year 1991-92• LOCATION COST M=P STREET NAME ROUTE 1 $ 34,000 Absalom Smith Road 000 2 912 13, Galloway Drive 500 3 3 1653 , Heath Circle 500 4 4 1884 , Jasmine Circle 000 6 5 1885 Oleander Circle , 6 1886 11,000 McKinney Street 200 14 ~ 1853 , 1852 Petty Avenue 11,500 g Hedgelawn Avenue 500 9 g 1883 Oakland Boulevard , 10 1855 4,900 Brandywine Avenue 11 1602 4,500 Lawndale Road 200 6 12 1606 , Oakdale Road 800 5 13 1609 , Hastings Road 200 5 14 1613 , Bromley Road 1614 3 ,~~~'~ C_- STREET NAME ROUTE 37,500 *Pinkard Street 877 5,000 Sugar Loaf Drive 1331 3,700 1629 Eva Avenue LOCATION M=,P 15 16 17 $180,000 TOTAL COST LUDES COST OF RESURFACING AND DRAINAGE *PINKARD STREET INC IMPROVEMENTS. 4 ~: :~~~-I ~i\ / -,rte„•,,,,~ ~ ,,~,~,~ v1~f~ Y I \\, ~: ~ t / f ' ;li ^ 11 , wA ~ ~ ~O~Y •~ .' / ~ ~ /I~ I _ i ^ ~~ ~g~-I ' o • ~ ~ ~. / .:.: ~ ~ ~:: _.,.... z _ ~..• tr ' j ~~: ~ GK f1 ORtt ~ ~• ? Gi 1 ~ '? ~ + - 0. ~ J NORTH . s, ~. ~,~ ~~ 4 .. ~- f v ~` ` ~~~ ~ ~>a :~, s ~' ~ rs 8 ~° 8 ~ ~ 1i, "I~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ~,.. I 1 'av. ~ ~. ~ ~ Cogy ~ ~ c ` I 2 ~ ~ = Itw , ROek ~ •••,1 • 34 1 t : ~ ~ ` ~ ~, ~• ~c > a , ~ 4 ! ~ ~ I ~ ~ • . • . ~~ ~ ~IrtM ~ ~' •! ' ~ 3 S ' ~ ~ ~. s 6 ''t ~, ~ ~. ". s . t w (f y0s q ~ 760-c ,a t ' ,+ ~ ~ o ; .~ o . ~ O ~+ y i V n~f ~ ~>D 9 ~ L , ~ ~ ~~~ ,tit g ~ w r ~ ~ '~. bw a 11 ~ 4 l+,y IG n 1 li J + ~J 11 1 ! JJ i 2~ ~+ ~ ' ~• 3 ~~.• a ~ , r '4 ~ , ID •, , t II . 70 J ,+ ~ )li. 4 14 JJJ ~ ~t+ O ~ ~ 20 •. IS J.t 1! ~ yq I ~s1e ).~s p+` )+s! 's 27 17 j ti )+s! ~ I ~~ i w r /1 Is .I 19 s ~ T!1'I • i 3 ~ ,M ~ , 21 lR~R + ~ s.~ '~ ~ T ssos ` ,~ ~) ssss ss•~ ~ ~ rj sss ~ ses• . ssts i ~ ~ It 11 j~ 1 M 6n~n `'~ ~~ ~~ Meadow ~'~ ~' ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ; ~.1~ I b x,e l ip. SSN !3!i lS.I !!10 !3!r I 1 ' a !!J~ •'~ r ~ a •• N H __ ~ ,:. ) ~ I ~ s . - ~s >X~~r ~ p. MAP ~ 2 ..+ • ^' ~/ - ~. ,~ ~..-o»•~ rlor ,•% 1`/~ •` • V, IC~~ MAP ~ - .~ / ~ +•. 9 / ~ / i *~ •, w a • ., sts ~ 7s~r O . S ~ _. ~ ~~~-1 NORTB ,I , ~~ ~~ - w• • . - i.~. Sip / 49 47 S ~ ~~ ip 1 •~_~ ~~ ~ IS ~ ~~e° x ~~ ~, ~~t 28 ' ~ 22 ~,o~ ~n~ M / • : _ BSI '~ ~ ~'~ ~1 ''•' „3C~f ° n~ 26 ` ~•'`~ ~/ 16 ' a +~~• '~O +f~ .. `gyp; ~ */~.~~ ll31s ~ 43 ~. ~ ~~~ ' ~ r ~~~ 19 ' ~ t=• 2 ~ r' ~ p / R S ~ I • Z S +~ ~ ~ ~ .a 20 SS =s ii 53+t~+ ~, ~tl ~'r ~ / +t~ ~ ~ ZI + S7 •~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ M ~~ d 11 ~ ~ i 6 +_+ ~• +~ 1. .~ ~ ~ 26 ¢+ ~ ~~o IS • ti + 's~ 2T • `tG /~` 4 ~ 10 + r +~~ / ~ +s+ M ~ r •• .~ .+ ~ zs +. 2 a w ~ ~~+ ~ ~ .. i ~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION NGINBB1~a UTE 1884 (HEATS CIRCLE) TAX MAP #27.19 B RO • MAP A 3 _ 7 _ •-v ~~a~ °~ ..: ~K `1ST 3 6;~ ~1~ ~ i . 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S7 p. 14 f~°~ ~ ~ ~0 12 ~ ep ~ S 'Ja' `/ 6 2e ~ f ~~~ ~'~ ~ 2e pr ~ 2 ~ ~ 9 \ a ~ 7 ~ ~ ZI / ~~ • ~ ~i= ~ N • ~ ~~~ 11 , ~ q s ~ r ~ s ~~rl . s 9 ~ 24 ~~ a ~ • ~ y~ M ~ ,t° ~ 7 w ~o. •~e ~ N° ~ ~ •f° ' 2G MA 13 ~J • ~ / t . p '~ t . •` ~ / ,:~ S ~ ' °~ 27 ~ ''° ~ / 120' y , ~.. i • ;~ ~ ~ s~ ~e Z r " 2s ~o , , ~ ~,- ~ n 1 t / ~ 6 .- ••'~ ~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION $NCiIN81~~a ROUTE 1853 (MCKINNEY STREET) TAX MAP #27.19. , 10 MAP # 6 +~ • .., i ~,' ...... _ . r P'~ P K O ~ . ~ .tt a. I~~,u\It s w.... r~ ..3 ~~-- ~ • -fir- . NORTB •• / ' ~ .~.. .~, .fir. 2 ~~ K , ~ ~ ar• t~ •r•r ,r• 'L + ~ ` t ~ ~ r ~ /'r ~ •~' • ~ s~ ~• r ! p ~ ~ ~,• ! u ,• 1 ti /~ n u ss /f s r s ~ b a o'~ ,.+ ~R .. .. •m. ~~ •; r isr •d ~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION BIVGINBBRDVG ROUTE 1852 (PETTY AVENUE) TAR MAP #27.19 . ~~ MAP #7 ^~' -.v........_- .39~-f NORTiB ^~~ /\ ''~~! ~~ . 1 _ ... y . s~ a~ (/J • ~,r„~.+ ~.... ~ i•~~ ... •''i / ~ Y/ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ i.. 7ur O /N ` 8 ' ,.. 0 i e A u.. 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'~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION BNGINBBRINO ROUTE 1855 (OAKLAND BOULEVARD) TAX MAP #27.19 13 ~sen n _ _ - VICINITY MAC ~~ '.. ~~~~ ~ -~- . NORTB T s . , ~ e ~ ., , , ~ w , a, ~ o . Ste Moo I~T.q~~tns.ny-• .. { ~ I '* ~* ` 1 2 3 2 N ub~ _ ~,+d,~ `~ I ' 2 ~ ro ~ srs; ~ u.r st ~ FNa u~ ' ~:: • „ x3oe ~ 2'i • ~ t : ~oa b . ~ arts stogy it a so oar 27 _ ' ~, ups ,H„' ,r I 7 6 ~ ~ ': . !t,>>o • ro ~r ~ 27 20 r' . N >>or 3 ] •oa ~ - 26 ~ J ~;r ~ I 29 •' afo err ° ~ 1 Y~ sirs ' ua~ ' '. 21 P I srra 24 - ~ ,~ . 11 ~ l1lO~ ~ !!„ ¢ r I g ins _ +.r »o~ 9 . 7 ` ~ t "'" ~ • 12 sssl~ " 10 ~~ ~.ooAc uss 13 22 , _ ,~• r" X11 ~' use u>. ~ ~ oe s s< •~ A ~ pr_ 12 / j 6 r K a 2Z ~ ~ I ~ ~ roar' t ~ t ~.o0nc + 16~ ate / ~"• uu ~ 16 ~ ~. I =tir I ~e eu / `, ~, \ R 21 ~ ~ fl aars ~~ ` asks I ~o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~" 1! ~ . 0° ~ 0 urr , p ~ ""v , ~ o~ ~ s ~ O ~ Mss ` Z :af: ~ , / ~ ~ 3 2 ~ - ss~ 2,L~ aa. ~ 'is , b i • , ate ~ ~ •ssts~ ~ • ^ ~ , sue 1 _ .. . . ,~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION BNG~BBRINa ROUTE 1602 (BRANDYWINE AVENUE) TAX MAP #77.10 14 MAP 4~ 10 ..4. r~:• ~ 9/-1 ;;~,>~ a NORTB 2 1 !oH lrrt r 4 T -- fMawood ~~ ~ l loos _ 24 f ' ~ w i s ~ w ,r1n - -- - -- 0p - -- ~- _ -xw - - ~ ~~ `j at rl 11tH I .2S lt,~ b k/• ~ 1/f1 Y1r! ~ ~~ ~ t 1 2 i ~ a l,ss a arcs t 4 ~ ( ~ ~ •!! ra !t~ 2 i I Y!r M 1 ~ ns t ,0 6 = I 24 5 ~ , 28 ~ g ~ ~ arcs not • ' lros 23 ~ ,o 6 = ltr, ~ ~ r lros 8 a 26 s~•r 3 ~ lt,s 3 ,,, ~ ^ I N I c ~ 8 9 22 ~ _ - _ - - - - - - ' lrr~ - 25 I ~ . _ - - - - - - • 2 b ~ . 21 9 • S ' utt 24 ~ ~ ~N ~ ata ~tso f • ~ oo T,1 11 • 111 I .1 ~!! = 4 2p M :r ~ y p ~ a • ~ 7h 01 12 ~~~ lts~ ra . ~ . • N'r M i ~ .u1 • I • 1b ~' V M , = 'i /~ 17 ' ! ~ . Fi lt~s E Jtq ' , I ' 22 ..u .es 1,1 ~+ o- .01 iw 1.001 I r c • ~ !tN ~ ~!~ a 10 17 ~ t * n L - - - ~ 16 11,y µ I sar .o IS L acts r 21 !ts- Y !3!~ sstr 1oe 4 , n aarl !~ - ~ . ~ i I ~~ PIMVON ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Rood ~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~ s~ lit ~ !fir ~ I • . ` . O i ! !asa leas 32 taor aars ` !uo • ,~ {2e ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ oo~e i 33 ~ 36 27 . I I 1 ,., ~ /, ~ r • • h a ~ . 3T~q, aaoa ~ t, /~ ~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION BNG]NBBRINO ROUTfi 1606 (LAwNDALE ROAD) TAX MAP #77.09 •:.• 15 MAP ~ 1 1 , ^ t . ~ ,. { ,~. a Fp' 39/-I .-o-' N~,tTB ~ - .,,~.:. .y y . b ;,as I ,.,. ~ 2 3 • :oo 1~~~ ~4 4 ~~ FM~tti000 Z 2, , l 10 b ~~!» b OCC ~), . 2s ,~,. b ~.. 1 . ~ ~ S r 7 ss ~ ~ y lstt~ 4 ?3 less s/ y 4 • ~ .rra are. - ~ ~) I I • Ott n~ •e~~r .n ~~ .0 6 .~ ~ ~ ~ . _ 21 ' ' S ~ I !t!i = ~~ !?Q! . !I~! ~ !t o! 1 r • '• g I u/} ~ .~ . 3 2 ~ e-~ t - - - ~ xis ~ ~ ~ ~n, ~ ~ t _ sr/s - .q m ~+ Y ~ ~ 2 D i =~ . ~ - ---9 -- r I xN ' . uss Y !~.! ~~ 1 _ ao to Ii t» I I '' !t!! ~~ ~ ZC xrs ~ ~ ~ • , ~ x~. t s a ~ ltt~ Ml 12 • n ~ s ~ I ~~ $ ' ~ ~ Q s ~ 3 s era , ~ , 1 roe a i * ~~ts .es >.s I I N m .a ,~ p $ , x~~ r ~ R ~ c • ~ ~ 16 t r i soy I ~~ . 7 ~ ~ µ 15 = { ~~ ' x~ 1 Jx1/ lStl ~ .i~ft/ I ~ n .. Jl// !iW ~ ~~ Plnwoq ~.~ .~ ..~ ~ ~ Rpp~ ~~ ~ ~ . ~~ 16 tsot Leo » w «a •a wst w w Hsu ~sr~ i tlr ~ n i Ida ~~ . ~~ ~ . -~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION gNGI1VBBRIXl3 ROUTE 1609 (OAKDALE ROAD) TAX MAP #77.09 MAP 11 12 -• ~~r-/ NORTB -r - - _ . . _ ~ - _ _ . o - - ..._ - - - wnl•n• f , $ ~ ails $ - ° _ _ lt0i ~ 1 2 !!C! b ~ s f ~ !~a l~il 4 ~ __ 21 18 2 ~ ,•oi 1 !2a to w l2~0 ~ ~ = 5 ~ ~ 17 3 r• ~ a J,ls 7 I Y ~ '!tN ~~ ~ • !!2! ~ / ~ J22~ t°t Ifl m d Jtl1 ~ o ~ •O 5 t I 23 . f .. 16 ,. . 4 22 ~ ~ trace = g - !~f - 1226 J2lJ !2!6 S20! 7 ~ ~ . ~~ s _ 24 IS S 21 iN D) $ . ~ ~ , I 4 $ x~ ar., st.2 i, 6 s ~ u!' at~s .a ' ~ 29 ~ K ,~ s 6 20 9 ~ I • !Ml Jti! xIi ` ' 1t2, ~ . ~~~ a n I ~ - ~~ p 2 ~ b i ~ 7 19 JAN '' !}1! ytl0 I yss „ - !t!a ~ 11 ~~ - - - - •S stJJ ~ 8 ~ , ~ ~ G aA M. S M I ats. ~ ~ arss :, 12 17 :w ~~ s atos ~ • fr , $ - p 3 11 ~ , ~p ~~ r~ a ~ too * 1 ~~t: ,t 1 ` ~y a q g . aes~ a N a~ ~- a a ~i ~ja10 O ~ h~4 ~~ ~ ~ >t!7 Y ~ JJa!' !a! ` ,p ~ ~ Lass 17 ~ ~ ~ a>'a ~ ~ ~ ~~ PIn•voN ~~ ~~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ p Roo 2 ~ ~ tsw ao » n •s ra wK n is ,ats+ ~ "' ~.~„ . ano asat airy ~ afii ~ ~ 1 ,K A~ ~ 0 21 ~ Ixoi i ~r•s N p ~ 11 = nar Q ~ .~ ~ ~- - -~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION B1~G11~8BR1111Q ROUTE 1613 (HASTINGS ROAD) TAX MAP #77.09 17 MAP ~ 13 ti• ~~r--1 NORTB ~~ i I l- wni.no -- Dr I - ~ ~ $ I 2S / f !!0! = i ~sros I !i!. oc :oo I ~ 21 - $ 18 2 I 24 / $' ua • ' ~ .. use ups sr~o ~ I 22 a, 17 3 ( ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'lt~1 u ~ Jlt! ' 1 / to~n~ I ,w. 23 16 4 ~ ~ say _ .~ • _ srrE s:ss ~ sns A'07~ OS-6-IS / P 3 24 4 $ u~~S ti $ e S 21 I •100' Ou» u~~ sHt ~\ r n - sr•s ~ ups st•s ' `~ r srst s}.s I ~rsn ' / us, ,• - - -~ - - •~ / ~ 18 ; I6 ~ '~ • ~- • ~ .atl. ~ N Jts! ~~ 27 ~ .~ ssos ; 9 I 17 ` . ~ ~~ '~ • :, - I ~ ., s ~>> ~+ ~ „ ~ I wt s• ~ i i 18 ` stOS ~~ ~ .r , / JfJO ,` . 2 sJIO ~ ~' ~- ~~ ~~ d ~ )771 1,~ J ~ ~ !7N=O ` ~~ ~~ PIMY01~ ' 4 psfl ~M ~ ' ~ ~ I ~ ~ . Jfq fiu lill 18 ~ A~ s o tl _ / f d J7W µ ~ 12 .. y l7Qt . ,~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ~ BNGINBBRINO ROUTE 1614 (BROMLEY ROAD) TAX MAP #77.09 18 ~ MAP ~ 14 •. y. 3~~-1. NORTB .' 11 1.37Ae ~~ ~~ ~~ y , ,~ ~;• i s i ~ i ~ ?' i ~ v.uL ~ i ~' ~ N ' ~,' .~ O m K~ o4 b ~'~ ~s' s• ~ L T a ' .3 'f G „~ O7 N .f ~ ~. :8 • t us ~, ~~r ~ t? i Q9t 2 L12Ac O 1 Z 1 Gmnb-r 1.03At /!I INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ~G~BBRINa ROUTE 877 (PINKARD STREET) TAX MAP #87.08 19 ~ MAP # 15 - - - _-, i~, .~ ,~ ,/ *` - s, ~_ :.u:.- . •...~ ~~ -- - IlVU~l1 s wt+,a. • .~9~- ~ NORTI~ 1 / ' lJOS ~~ ' ~~ 3?t1 St2t tt,f l! ' a~ 1 . 2 ~ 3 ~ gyp. S7.o ~ . ' p trot ~ ~ t~ / ti~ K. ~ ~ 3 ' SI . ,+ • ~ 49 S.0 ri b ~ s,Jt IS a 3rJs / s~° a SrJS ! ti '° ~ ' ~~° SJJb ~ a •~ s ~° 19 tJJI F4 . ° trrs 7 f ;' ~ '' n P ., r. :'!r .~ 3!!113 • alt ~• ~ , ~ ql. .r t/tI ~., Q p ~ SQt' ~ 17 0~ , ~ +ou ,may i ~ • ti~ 12 / •^ 2 21 rs :~,, ,~ ° ~ ''~ :s : 8 • 16 2S ~ Zd 23 ~ > 3Jl, 10 ~ ; 3 JJe „e ~ ~ 11 t 10 ~ ~' ~ soli • y . ~ J yi ~ ,Jt3c~ n ~ ' ,~ ~ 11 t,so v ~ !,u , trt. 2S ~ ~~s 'i rsA° rsn ~° a+ s p>• ~ •SrlO ~! Y 26 ~ . ~ ~ ` • a •tR1I ' ~ 44 4S /'~! 47 r~s rsOt ~ Jstl ~ p t • ~ •, a ~ = ~~ • 4~' '~ +° p MM JOB ltQr \ s lOIO~' , ,rat ,~ ~ ~ '• s ~ o ; ., ~1 '~ tstt A tsa • s ~' ~"~ Lolr -- -- ' 4 ~ s fJ,l / 5 tarp - toys +s ttot ~ IS 16 17 n t 'b L ,, l Eb K .. u ~-- s• °, y .sot ~ 4 i ~' ~! ; t ~ / ~~ ~ ,eeo+ ~ '°+~ n t, ~(~J J/ • "" ~ rsro 3 O ~ 20 ; ~ ~ j >,.o t sttt / O 13 p,~, 6 ~ , . 9 ~ ,~ ttti ~„ •taro ~Vr ~fN ~ ~ t~ /• ~ ~ 21 tool rsos • ns~ S / tour a. 4 ~t INr ~4 ~~ •ttlt / °d? 2 ~i ~/ INCIDENTAL CONSTROCTION BjY(i1NBBR1N0 ROUTE 1331 (SUGAR LOAF DRIVE) TAX MAP #76.06 :- 20 MAP ~ 16 3 9~-~ . -~- . xo~ • N.~ awl Y ' ' s ~ '~~ ~~ ~ - I = a ~ ~ slol 7 's ZB sips ~ sr~a e I ~ t:~~ uK 26 tr, s urt 10 2S qua I ' ~rrr 11 2a ins ' ~r~o - ~ 't • 12 R ~ ' ~r 13 ~ ~ srs. s:sl .~ t I ra~ Y ~ r •. r ~ 16 I '17 sn , taT! ~ ~ tsr! ~ a II 0~1 s+~ / , ~~~ 2 / ` ., +a tt~ s~ol1 r, r1 = 2 r r 1 ~ tlrt ~ ' ~ M 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 32 . w ~ ~~ .: .~ a ~ r; ~ ~~ol ~,p w ~~ ~C_ ' . ~ ~` ~•• 4 »o, 9 , , ~~r ,, . 11 ~ os ~`~p ' ., q~ - 12 5 .° r~ rf5 } ~s, ~ ' ~ tray ~ ' ~ _ ~ •'~ A \~ ~ •: ~~~ ~ ssf/ ur ~. ~ ~ . ~ ~ t ~ ~ 's ~ !Y~ . 'a/~l 2 ~0 ~ s' ~~ J ~ O strr 41 M ' fists ~ !J9 42 t . ~ tall ~ ` I A . ~ ~ ssu ~ ' ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ...t~JO '. I.1 ~ ,! s ss.r l ~ II ~ ~,r. . E ••~ sssa - r'1 __. l ~~ INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION Bx(iIxBBRIxO ROUTE 1629 (EVA AVENUE) TAX MAP #77.10 i 21 ; ~ 1 MAP ~ 17 ~9i-/ U rn 0 ° ° 0 ° 0 ° 0 C7 i x 0 o 0 o ° ° ~ , n o ~ r•i rn - ~ ~ d: ~.,~ M •a~ ~p ~ ~ ~ r~ W N ,"' F ~z N~ ~N o ~ U ~ r-+ ~ z ~ N ~ rn ° ch g M ~ E ~ •r, o ~ o o ~ a o ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ z o o on rn i a a ai N a ai o x~ a v ~ b~ b+ v a eea~o eaG~4~co ~a o ,ax o +,, ~a . H •.•~ U ~+ +~ U ~ H ~ q d ~ G ~ d ~ N ~ N O+ G i $ D H C O ~~ .~ ~ .rC ~ 3 ~ b a U ~ ~ N ~ w N ~q 3 a bi ~ ~ 3 Ci + b~ ~ 3 td ++ Cn O bi ~ 3 ~ ~ i ~ ~ d te t !] ~ O ++ U ~ +~ .+.i ~ O ~ N~ N td + N O '-+ N ++ O •-~ N O -i ~ .- ~ w a ~ ,- a A U U U O O cd ,..~UV apgcna wpppGa aW wa apg a apg w•• E E h O '~ ~ U N N N ~...~ .-1 N N N s a U ~ h 0 QQQ ~ O •„~ ~-•~ •.t ~ U b U H d H OH ~r DD +~ +~ ~d a-+ ~& ~ o o ~ z ay ~ v ~-+ ca a ~ ~, ~ ~ •~ A ~ •H•1 tll V ~ f!~ N ll') H ~ C.1 ~ H 00 O ~ b 3 •'~ N ~ ~ ~rx° ~a° xa° ha° ox 3 ~~-1 U O ~ ~ O ~z O ~ H ` O~ p •-i ~i r-i O O N O O ~ O ~ ~ ~ O O ~ O O N ` ~--I '"'~ W E E f!1 i-i U E C!1 W ~ ~ ~ ,_~.~ cn ,~ ~ \ N O O O N ~ i a ~ 'd N LY N ~ a m ~ tp a ai ~-' z0 a ~ N a ai ~ a a n? x ~ kp4r~o . wino ~a~o a4n~G~p --, E. eex ~'' o G~no ~a ~a o ~ c . pp ~ ~ [[ C ~ d +~ cU O [[ tr~ rd +~ N C U C rd ~ Vj ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O td -~ N +~ N O t~ ~ N +~ N r .-i N +~ ~ ~ N +~ N a W a ~ N +~ N a w o» a w pq W a • a pq c~ a a Gq p~ a a pq c~ a a, tU f~ - q w Gq E M x N a N h O Lsr N N N N N fTi ~i aw b O H ~ ~ ~ ttl p~ W N ~ W t N ~ ~ ~ ~ ao Ltl p,~ u'f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ 41 ~ Lsa W C1 "`~ t ~ O b N ~ ~ U p N O ax N O xac b O oa ,,n ~x N O ~ O ~ O '' ~ b~ ~D rl ~ 'd .y ~ ~ N mNa° .~aa° as E O U N O O O O O O O ~ ~ O O O O O ~ ~y In ri H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j M O O ~ (/} W E E Cn U i-i E CA W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-+ O ~ r+ o ~ ~ o . e-i ~.. ~ rte. b r-, ea a o as a~ o a~ N to a o b a o ~ N ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ .,., ~ ~ C •,~ ~ N ~ H OR ~ ++ d ~+ ++ .~ +~ d r+ ++ N~-~ ~ N ~ 3 . C~ q 3 . b' i ~ ~ ~ ~ .u ai c rd ai a ~ +~ w a cn +~ w a A a ~ d ~-+ N apgpGa •-+ N +~ N aaDxa 41 H G4A ~ ~ r+ N p.,pp N Aa ~-+ 41 p,pgA ~ a E U ~ h ~ ~ z a O~ a4 N N N N N W Ri as .- a ~ '~ w r~ a ti ~ ~ ~ ~ vein bc!i ~N `a H Q, t~. tr, ~ >., :° ~i ono a~-i w ~ w H w C O ~ s.~ ~ A o O N ~ O ~ ~ ~ bi ~ cd ~ U ~~ xtda° oaa° aa° air° wn° H ~~~ N ~~~ ~ +~ ~ +~ ~+ O ~ .- i U U O ~ E A ~ Ew 4+ 'd a U A U A +' b ~"'~ ~ ~ ~ d d UU ~ U O N + • d [[ •n fd ~- i •~-+ a +~ n t ~ ~ i~ a a a coy v°~~ U ~ ~+ . , N ~ ~ CD O ~ c*~ O o O O ~ x r, ~ cn o0 `° ° ° O, N M O ~, p O N O .-~ to ~ ,~ e-~1 O O O f~ O ~y C/~ ra j+ E E ~ O ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~-1 N lC) r-1 l1') x F•-1 OUO~ W ~ O NaC ~ '-~ '"'~ •''~ ~ cHd ~ ~ u~ N e•i ~" 'F Cn '~''' .~ O (Y+ Te.' A W '~.. d Frod ~ `O ~ ~ N t~ ~ . . ~ a ; N ~U ~ a c~ R: a N •-i ~ ~\ C'7 ++ H H +~ b N ~ ++ N P+ O w O .-i ~ ~ ~H O O H NO o °° w °~ a c a °; a N o a~ a~ i • ~ b b a ~ a a~ cn +~ .-, b b b a .~ a~ .~ .c +~ a~ a rn 3 ~ >. +~ -~+ ~ .~ +~ +~ w ~ . a H H +~ c~ a~ Ho3~tn Ho+~a +~tn a~b a~,-, 4 + b ~a+ O O OOOtr' U ++ P C cs ~ +~ b1 U +~ [~ ~ b1 U O b O H O 0 b •••+ ass H - iaa ~a awxa A x ~ p~pq~a j~U ~V 7 x. Ax 3f U M wa 04 a aw ~ a v ~ a a i ~' ~ N a a ~ ~ a a ~~ N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~ A W a~ 7+ ~ N .-~ O~ & ° ° ° ~ ° Z o°n a° a~ o a ~ a a m ~ ~l-1 ~-+ U N '~ U .~ '^ O H a o N a E ~, U Q ~ W }r U U U N .~ N n ^ O N o a w w a O O O U U U U A ..-~ .,.q ~ W [s+ W O O .-r O O O O O~ C9 ~ O ap O ~ O 'i H O ~ O O ~ 01 ~ ~ O ~ ~ O N r O ~ ~ N W ~ N N O O O O O O ~ O ~ O N ~D O A ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ E N LOCI ~ O ~ rl ('n H V •~ ~D d ~ w . ~ ri ~ ~ a •r1 N ,~ S-I fd to ~+ ~ ~'' ~ (A .C: O fr7 ~ In O cM .+ aaM mx m aH>pixNa ~ '"' N ~a ~o O °~ ~ ~ ~ ~° ~ O ~O a0i pp v ti+tr~~ ~ ~,m ri ~•.~ A rn o ya E+ td O N V H •.+ n! p 0 0 N y aC w o~tO N ~ tr-~ OU b NU ~ B ~'~ ~ ~ O N ~ ~u+ p~ ,..o is ~ ~ N ~ •.~ U a •~+ Urn a~i o 4°, .-' '~' a ~ v°~ .°a A ~,v~~°a aavaia ~a~ ,~pF''go~po~ ~c~c~v~ N ~ O .-1 G~7 O O ~ .-~ Q+ a N A O N aa d ~ ~ 'd h W ;d cdp a .a ~ p c+~ ~ ~-+ ~ ~o ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ O ~ N ^~ ~ O +~+ O +~ O ~ a GO G4 3~ ~~ ~x Ana z~ ~qi-1 y~ U U U O y ~ •n O ~ ts. ~ a a a' ~ N U U O O ~ 10 '''~ c d G+ + W .r U ~•' 0 0 0 rn 0 0 ° 0 C7 ~ z O o °. Sri o .~ U w N A a~ U O -,.~ ~+ '-~ ~ r r °D w ~ ao o °' o ~ ° o ~n : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O O ~ C'~ ~ O O O ~ ~ .-~ O'+ N O ~ O~ H H Cn 0o c*~ N..~ r+ ~ U U rl ~ 4-1 'd b ~ Q ~ .+ .C O~ SA ~ ~ A O •.~ d 0 O ~ N . NOS ~ .i V 4 U H N ~-+ y H A ~ f: N x H O O ~ o ~ O H A N d~ .x H ~ +~ ~ 0 ~ ~U,d ~O 0 7•.~ c C~NC U ~ N O m i ~ O x O V cd O t0 D ~ to .C to +~ ~ ~ CT ~ O .d +' r+ N O v .d~•~•+x ab ~ ~ A+ pA A ~0 O aU O O o~ ~ 3 c x w .cn~x ~aHac~~ a AHz A H ~D ~ ww ° d ~ ' ~ w ,r, ~ H Q ~ A A~ bo W~ a o ,~ to ~ ~ rd W ~''"' ~ O Ua U~ U a x ~ b tt; .,., b ~~•' O ~ N ~ ~ d a c° '~ a x d a~ U ~" T rl W b H O U LY+ a O H ..~ H W h a a a W z r N ~H H ACTION NO. 9 p~ ITEM NO . ~ / MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE AT A REGULAR ELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, H MEETING DATE' March 26, 1991 OF THE EM:• ORDINANCE AMENDING B ~ HE ADDITION OFISECTIOADMI55 AGENDA IT ROANOKE COUNTY CODE COLLECTION OF ADMISSIONS TAX, SECTION 21-6 ENFORCEMEN_~. RECORDS, SECTION 21-7 SION TAXES VIOLATIONS. PENALTIES' COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' erformances ' nance will authorize the a ritertainment, cpollection o s This ordi licable public e an admissions to nts as authorized by Section 2.02 of the58o1n3817 and sporting eve in accordance with the standards set forth in § Charter inia. of the Code of Virg BACKGROUND: ose an admissions inia having such a tax a The cities of Roanoeri Cit1esl in Vlrgntly 1mP5~ rate. The only tax of 5~ . The other t Dinwiddie at 4~ and Prince basically evenly divided between a 10~ tax and a the 58,1-3818) limits to 10~ counties with an adin a ° Codea ~ §are r an admissions tax in those four counties authoriz- William at 5~. Virg maximum rate fo such a tax. ed by statute to levy SUMMARY OF INFORMp,TION• • is from an admissions tax ro ections for receip orting events and Current P ~ non-school associated sP imposed upon theaters, ublic entertainment at a rate of 5~ is the Board may any other non-charitable p a roximately $50,000. In accordance withadmissions~tax sn onsored PP Separately and not impose any activities, P classify events, including sporting museums anizations- event charitable events, ants in a sporting by educational institut Charge tto participt or or zoos and admissions such as a horse show or softball tournamen . ALTERNATIVES' 1. 2. Adopt the proposed ordroaosed Decline to adopt the p P ordinance. ,~91 ~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ommends the adoption of the proposed admissions tax Staff rec ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred to ~- Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs ,~ ~~'" TING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERTYSA MINISTRATION AT A REGULAR MEE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROAR H 26UN 1991 CENTER ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21, TAB ~N OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY TEH TiONDI21O6 COLLECTION 21-5 ADMISSIONS TAX, RECORDS, SECTION 21-7 OF ADMISSION TAXE5• ENFORCEMENT• PENALTIES• VIOLATIONS. of Roanoke WHEREAS, Section 2.02 of the Charter of the County taxes for izes the Board of Supervisors to levy and collect author ublic amusement, charge for any P admission to or other erformance, exhibition, sport or athletic event entertainment, P e County, which taxes may be added to and collecte within Roanok e• and with the price of such admission or other charg ~ 1950, as inia, WHEREAS, Section 58.1-3817 of the Code of Virg oses of ed establishes classifications of events for the purp amend , local taxation under an admissions tax; and a first reading and public hearing on this ordinance WHEREAS, March 26, 1991; the second reading on this ordinance was held on been ril 9, 1991; the appropriate legal notices having was held Ap iced by law. published as requ the Board of Supervisors of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Code be 1• That Chapter 21 Tax_ a~ n °f the Roanoke County Section 21- amended by the addition of Section 21-5 Admissions Tax$ection 21-7 Collection of Admissions Taxes• Records, and G Enforcement• Penalties• Violations: Section 21-5• Admissions Tax. rice of admissions An admissions tax is hereby levied on the p 1 ~,~ '°~' performance, exhibition, entertainment, in accordance for any public amusement, in Roanoke County sport °r aclassic event occurring 'fication below, which taxCe sf admission or other with the with the pri collected by the seller along charge, as follows: Toss receipts of which (a) Upon admissions to any event, the g at the rate of to a charitable purpose or purposes, go wholly zero (0~) percent; rivate event at a public or p (b) Upon admission to any onsored event, including secondary or college sP onsored by such elementary, a student organization sP events sponsored by such school at the school and athletice~C nt s authorized by rate of zero (~~) P museum, botanical or similar (c) Upon admission into any ercent; garden or zoo at the rate of zero (~~) P s orting event at (d) Upon admission as a participant in any P the rate of five (5~) percent. admissions to all other taxable events at the rate (e) Upon of five (5~) percent. Records BeC. 21_6. Collection of Admissions Taxes: ect to Every seller of admissu der Sec. 21e5tsha1l collect the (a) urchaser on whom which an admissions tax is levied ent for such admission becomes amount of tax imposed under that Section from the P or its the same is levied at the time pa . whether payment 1 f ao cred tdcard or sotherwise. due and payable, means o equivalent, or on credit the purchaser shall be added to the cost a the taxes collectedthe The amount of tax ° the seller who shall P Taxes collected by of the admission by the County as provided in this Section. held in trust by the seller until remitted to the seller shall be County. ect to which a tax is (b) Every seller of admissions with resp u on such forms P the levied under Section 2C -5 shall make out a re urno, h information as the CO~ nt ofnadm ssions and setting forth su ire, showing the am Revenue may prescribe and raga and shall sign and iced to be collected, with a collected and the tax raga fiver such return to the et asurer of Roanoke Cou ver g urn and remittance shall be iri dethe del co remittance of such tax. Suc20th) day of each month, or before the twentieth ( the preceding month. amount of tax collected during 11 be the duty of any seller of admis SeC.s2115 to (c) It sha osed by for collection and remitt eriod of three years records showing all keep and preserve for a P 2 39~' the price hases for events in the county and identifying ect to each admission, the purc urchaser with resp and the amount of tax charged against each p date thereof, the taxes collected thereon nd collected hereunder. The Commissioner of the Reventu records at reasonable timhe imposed a shall have the power to examine suc the without unreasonable interference with the business administering and enforcing arts and ur ose of seller, for the p P, ies of all or any provision of this Section and to make cop thereon. a to the seller required to collee~a~e o P otherwise 0 0 (d) Whenever any a tax under this Section shall cease erson County tax payable under this Section shall dispose of his busine due a and payable and such p become immediately a the tax due. immediately make a return and p Y the of compensating sellers for (e) For the purpose every seller shall be osed by Sec. 21-5, collection of the tax imp on this monthly return; hree (3) percent of the tmonnt of the tax due at. allowed t of a deduc accounted for in the form ent at the time of paymen provided, the amount due is not delinqu • Violations. Sec. 21-7. Enforcement; Penalties, romulgate rules (a) retation, administration and The Commissio~he ° interpRevenue shal po be the duty of and regulation for It shall als enforcement of Sections 21-5 and 21-6• who fails, refuses ' ner to ascertain the name of every seller liable for the Commisslo osed by Sec. 21-5, the collection of the tax imp Commissioner shall have is to collect such tax °r The make the returns a er or neglec fired by Section 21-6 Article 1, Chapt remittances requ owers as authorized by as amended, for all of the enforcement p inia, 1950, 31 of Title his Arti le,Code of Virg purposes of t whose duty it is to do so shall fail or (b) If any seller, lect the tax imposed Sec. 2 and semi tanceswmentioned refuse to col the returns time provided in Sec. 21-6- roceed in such manner as in said Section, the Commissioner shall p best to obtain facts and in asrm he commissioner os all he may deem As soon his estimate of the tax due. able by any seller who such facts and information taxheaYs able to obtain uP~n procure which to base the assessment of anY ainst ' ed or refused to collect suoc d termine tandaassesshage,ons has fail he shall proceed t these Secti and remittance, enalties provided for by such seller the tax and p by registered mail sent to his last and shall notify such seller, e of business, of the totalsri 11 be payable with ten known plac penalties aromtthe date uch nnotice is sent. (10) days f n seller whose duty it is to do so shall fail or (~) If a Y 3 39f-~, return required by Sec. 21-6 or to remit to the refuse to file any the tax require to be collected and ecified in Treasurer of Roanoke County the aid under Sec. 21-5 withi hall tbee added to asucht tat bin the p there s a pena Y these Sections, Commissioner of the ercent iff then failureu is not for more than ercent of the total amount of ten (10) p 30 days or fraction thirty (30) days, with an additional ten (10) p amount of tax owed for hech additional thirty ( enalty of two failure continues, not to exceed twenty- thereof during which t re ate, with a minimum p five (25) percent in the agg g .00 In the case of a false an f taxduduet under nthese dollars ($2 ) the intent to defraud the County of Y of fifty (50) percent of the tax shall be Section, a penalty fired to collect such tax. ainst the person requ assessed ag 1 with ani d It shall be unlawful an or neglect tof ~ mp Y hap er al ( ) erson to fail, refuse Such violation sh for anY p gections 21-5 and 21-6. provision of these Sections e i a Class 3 misdemeanor if ree fired by f tax levie or constitut ( ) return ~ or assessed in connection with any 000.00 or less, but unpaid as of the date of conviction is $1' ~ons but unpaid 1 misdemeanor is the amount the ex Secti d or assessed (ii) a Class return required by 000.00. in connection with any as of the date of conviction is more than $1' relieve any person (e) Conviction of such violation shall not rovided for in from payment, collection or remittance oa y Person t pay the taxes a reement by a ents Section 21-5 and 21-6. Any g a series of inst fe mveo at1~on of provided for in these erson of criminal liability ed to be paid by shall not relieve any p Each these Sections until the ful~hemTreasurera of Roa da e s cont nuance such person is received by and each Y failure, refusal, neglect or vi agate offense. thereof, shall constitute a sep hat this ordinance shall be in full force and effect 2' T 1991. from and after May 1. 4 ~j_3 OF ROp,NOKE COUNTY- SUPERVISORS CENTER, THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRp,TION MEETING OTHE ROANOKE COUNTY 1991 AT A REGULAR HELD AT Mp,RCH 26- VIRGINIA- TUESDAY- THE ZONING TO CH~GE CT OF REAL ORDINANCE 326 324 ACRE Tom' BLETON AVENUE (TAX CI,p,SSIFICATION OF 3556 INM THE CAVE SPRING ESTATE LOCATED A 6-12) THE ZONING ~p NO. 77.10' FROM THE ZONING Mp,GISTERIAL DISTRICTB-1 TO UPON THE OF CONDITIONS CZ,p~SSIFICATION OF B-2 WITH C,~SSIFICATIOOF ERWIN B. RICHARDS held on APPLICATION of this ordinance was the f first reading ublic hearing `^~as WHEREAS, second reading and p and the 26, 1991, February ublic 1991; and, held a p March 26, Planning Commission held County WHEREAS, the Roanoke and, 1991; on this matter on March 5- been provided as hearing advertisement has WHEREAS, legal notice and Supervisors of Roanoke County- required by law• BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of eal as follows: certain tract of r a Virginia, zoning classification o and located at 1• That the herein, •324 acre, as described in the TaX Map Number 77.10-6-12) estate containing 5'W• ~ ed from the zoning 3556 Brambleton Avenue, Chang District, is hereby zoning Magisterial to the Cave Spring Office District- cation °f B-1- General Commercial District. classif i Erwin of B-2- the application of classification taken upon That this action is 2• V• Belcher, has voluntarily B. Richards• William the owner, Which the Board of 3• That conditions fered in writing the following prof accepts office uses and Supervisors hereby the property shall be limited o a • Use of uno~ ' ~CauoL~elni a or ~auzo~.~~izO~oazTQ ' ~CattTM u a e s~ tea2i ~uo~buzzzeH 1~zzas ~uauzssassFi ~ ~ , zo~oazTa ~ ~ano~ ptouz~t buzuoZ ~ buTUUeZaanaQ 'zO~oaztQ atz3 :oa suoi~oadsul ~ ~uauzdot zeoS ~~,LZno~ axoueo2i SzpSZAZadnS ~° Xzat~ • uattti ' H 1Cze~nl .~ :gyS~s AdO~ ~ :S~`dN auoN adnS 'SSAK ,SZaa°g '~pp~ szosznz Mez9oL1 'suaXazrl 'uosuLior ° aLi~ ~a :a~.on papzoaaz buTMOtt ~ adnS 3° uOT~°~ u0 do a o~ Szac(o2i zosTnz patzze° pL1e ' a°ueutpzo ~ p ~ ate ~aazau oozes aLi~ pue .pateadaz saaueuzpzo 3° TM ~azj3uoa uT ~a aoueuzpzo siLi~ 3° suotsznozd ati~ Lid. ~ step CO£) ~~ztu~ q euz3 sit za~3 zo tt`d •abessed t •S sized zo saaueuzp aaueuzpzo stLi~ ~ez~s ~oa33a pue aozo3 ttn3 ut aq tteus a zoaaz pue '8L6t 'OZ aaQ ut p p °~ palCanuoo 'ssat '99t abed 'tOtto u~geaMUOwtuzo~ auk , Ltno~ aXoue°2i ~tnr uO 'etutbzzA ~ ~etuzbztA zo ae Z# oa ssat uoz~ S azenbs fiiL8 °~ buzp aa3 tfi't8 zo azotu aa3 unoL1 3° deuz aLi~ d auk o~ ~ o aoet auTt pa~n° ~ ~s~ubzo'HI butea Poe 'buzuutbaQ 3 ez asouM .bap ~ 0 08t 'M X00 i~t# ~ aa3 OZ sT snTp 3° a°ue~stp e.auzes uo ~utod ~ ~ aa3 Oies buote aouau~ buote aouaLi~ o apis ~CTza~sea p . • M . 00 •N anuanK si~sn~ 3 a aa3 0•SL o opts ~CTza~sea Lid °a Tt dot aLt~ buote anuanti si~.sn~ ~ ue i~t # s~°~ uaaM~aa aa3 0 ' OO Z ' ~ ~ 00 •bap 8S 'S St# p zauzoa ~utod ~ °~ ~ aL[~ buote ' St# ~ ~o'I oLZe 8t# s~°~ uaaM~aa auite~ ~ aa3 0' SS aauaLT~ uzod •bap Z £ i~t # o zauzoo ' oozes uo ~ o apt s tCZzaLi~nos aouaL[~ '_£ 2# 85 ' K anizQ uouzaA ~ST~ 3 0 opts ~tza~nos • N ~ 00 b p aanpozd anuan~i sn~ o opts 1~tzaLi~ auk, buote aauaq~ - P ~ uouzaA ~unoTni 3 uzoz3 aa3 ZM paonpOZd antzQ uabue~ans auk ~anTZQ aLi~ u o ~utod uot~aasza~ut ~ aq~ 3 buzaa ~utod butuutbaa pte ue ~znO~ •bap 8S • N eo2i buTZdS ane~ p 0 • 0 Z ' ~ ~ 0 0 Se LIMOL[~[ MOLL ' p LIT Od a ~~ btziuuz baS uouzaA ~LZnoy1 auk TS ~Zzau~nos aLi~ uo ~ uzpuez~ aLi~ 3° ap • zes ~eL~s se pagizosap 1Cttn3 azouz sz a~e~sa teat p . • srott°3 .~ • suoo Zteuzs 3o ztedaz pue aoznzas 'sates . s~anpozd zauzn -'/~~~ PETITIONER: ERWIN B. RICHARDS CASE NUMBER: 7-3/91 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 5, 1991 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 26, 1991 p,. REQUEST Petition of Erwin B. Richards it business in an ex st ng structure1 to B-2, to operate a video repa Cave Spring Magisterial District. located at 3556 Brambleton Avenue, B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION and buffering will be required by The Commission asked if screening County regulations, and staff replied it will be required. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1) Use of the property shall be limited to office uses and sales, service and repair of small consumer products. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) rove the request with proffered conditions. Mr. Witt moved to app roll call vote• The motion carried with the foWittinGordon, Robinson. AYES: Massey, Chappelle, NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map G. ATTACHMENTS: X Staff Rep rt Other ~. ~V Terrance rringt Secretary Roanoke ounty anning Commission ~39r BTAFF REPORT ..ASE NUMBER: 7-3/91 PETITIONER: ERWIN RICHARDB REVIEWED BYi ANITA MCMILLAN DATE2 MARCH 5, 1991 Petition of Erwin Richard ra ° Commerc al ~to4 repair and lservicedvideo B-1, Office to B 2, Gene in the Cave equipment, located at 3556 Brantbleton Avenue (Route 221) Spring Magisterial District. NATURE OF REST a. This is a conditio it st ucture on this parcelpto ea busi esseknown existing single fam y as P.R. Video, which repair and service all makes of video equipment. b. The site is located at the corner of Brambleton Avenue and Custis Avenue. c. Attached concept planisketch) and zoning vicinity map describe the project in more detai APPLICABLE REGIII,ATIONS The B-2 zoning district permits a wide variety of commer buildind office uses. Petitioner has proffered that the existing g will only be used primarily for providing vidreci ble part of athe and will not have retail sales as an app business. Petitioner has m sto 6:OOep.m thMonday through Saturdays will be limited to 9:00 b. Commercial entrance permit will be required from Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). c. Site Plan review will be required to ensure compliance with Roanoke County regulations. SITE CHARACTERISTICS TOPOGRAPHY: Proposed site is entirely flat. GROUND COVER: Site is covered by the existing single family structure paved area, mature trees, grass and shrubs. AREA CHARACTERISTICS FIITURB GROWTH PRIORITY: Thhislareasisld signatedhfort stables growthg Community Planning Area. T Urban services are available. NERAL AREA is developed with mixed commercial, office, and institutional uses along off the main corridor rounded by predominately single family residences ~q~_ ~ 2 LAND USE TMPAGT ASSE88M~ Rating: Rate each factor acc h d5 ng to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 throng li able impact, 3 manageable impact, 1 = positive impact, 2 g g licable. 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not app COMME~ TIN ACTOR LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1985 Comonrlandsuse category nt Pet tionerlsced this area within a Transits licable request is in confcrm~e offers d rect arterialmfrontage and access policies. The stru and it is located within tW thrba lacier cTR-8 a(enhancing afrontage proposal is consistent P through minimal signage) and TR-9 (strict screening provisions along the rear of the property). In addition, the site is surrounded by a number of commercial and office uses, and located in an existing commercial strip corridor. 2 gpgROIINDING LANDS The uses adjacent to this site are commercial to the east and west, private road and vacant lots to the north. Two single family residencve etationthe site on the south and are separated by existing 4 the strip commercial 2 NEIGHBORING AREA: The area is dominated by development along Brambleto establishments, officers auto repair and restaurants, general retail arts sales, gasoline other auto related establishments (car wash, p sales, etc.). Off Brambleton Avenue the area is predominately single family residential, with some institutional uses. 4 BITE LAYOIIT: Petitioner has submitted a number of alternative concept plans showing variations in parking and on site circulation. Parking at the front of tll be backing out onto Brambleton Avenue limited space (vehicles wi traffic) and the existing structure. Staff has encouraged parking to be located in the realabletwithout interfering with trafficeon parking can be made avai Custis Avenue. The d royals f ah sitet plan nand wissuance of an resolved prior to app occupancy permit. 2 ARCHITECTIIRE: The petitioner has indicated that the existing building will not be altered, except the stairs in front of The building which will be converted to a handicapped ramp. entrance into the building will be through the handicapped ramp. 3 SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING: Petitioner has proffered that a buffer of appropriate evergreen Sectionl2l 92 olf the Roanoke hCounty Zoning lot. In accordance with t e "D" screening and Ordinance (Screening and Buffering), YP buffering is required for this proposal. The type "D" requirement tions of varying screening and bufferinOg tione2" includes two op roffers "Type D, p Staff recommends that the petitioner p which requires a 35 foot buffer yard with large evergreen trees, and one row of evergreen scrubs. .~ N/A AMENITIES: N/A NATURAL FgATQRES: TRAFFIC ~~~~~ ~ 3 2 STREET CAPACITIES= erat d from his proposal dues tottheenature of minimal traffic gen the business. It will be operated by husband an tr ffic acounteon will be no other employees. The average daily Brambleton Avenue between Pinevale Road and Custis Avenue in 1988 was 11,772. 3 CIRCIILATION: During discussion, petitioner has explored a possibility of sharing access with Law Office of Tonita Foster. Due to the existing site layout constraints, shared access may complicate site design. (See also Site Layout). UTILITIES 2 WATER: Adequate supply and distribution. 2 SEWER: Adequate treatment and transmission. County regulations require a new sewer the effluentefromtthisduse,the sewer lateral to permit sampling of DRAINAGE 2 BASIN: Located within the Mud Lick Creek drainage basin. N/A FLpODPLAIN: PIIBLIC SERVICES 2 FIRE PROTECTION: Within established service standard. 2 RESCIIE: Within established service standard. N/A PARRS AND RECREATION: N/A SCHOOLS: TA% BASE LAND AND IMPROVEMENT VALIIE: Not Available. TABABLE GROSS SALES/YEARS Not Available. TOTAL EMPLOYEES: 2 TOTAL REVENGE TO THE COUNTY/YEAR: Not Available. ,3qi-3 4 2 AIRS 2 HATER: 2 SOILS: 2 ~?OISE: 3 SIGNAGE: Petitioner Ordinance. On-premises a lot frontage of less square feet of signage feet for every foot of ENVIRONMENT must comply with Roanoke County Zoning freestanding sign cannot be erected due to than 100 feet. Under the B-2 zoning, 112 would be allowed for the entire site (1.5 frontage). PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designates consistentt wi hlthe land upse hplanv map land Petitioner's proposal i following policies: TR-8 (enhancing frontage through minimal signage), and TR-9 (strict screening provisions along the rear of the property). STAFF EVALUATION STRENGTHS: (1) The proposal conforms with applicable policies in the 2 Petitioner has proffered the hours of Future Land Use Guide. ( ) m., Monda through operation wi113be The lproposal. potenti lly6•eliminates an y existing Saturday. ( use. (4) The proposal offers a viable use for an nonconforming The ex ansion of small business is a goal underutilized structure. (5) p of the County's existing business and industry retention program. is provided in front of the building, on site y1EARNE88E8. If parking circulation will be limited. the fr ntlof~theebuilding cande Brambleton of the parking stalls along Avenue, vehicles maneuver B amblet n Avenue. the parking spaces could affect traffic flow along PROFFERS SUGGESTED: In lieu of the proffered conditions received, the coffer conditions are suggested: (1) Use of the property following p shall be limited to officel~stallndarking tallse t theprear ofmthe consumer products. (2) building. (3) "Type D, Option 2" screening and buffering along the rear line of the site. property LAW OFFlCE ~ Gy/~ OF / I TONITA MINGE FOSTER 3540 BRAMBLETON AVENUE, S.W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 (703) 989-8868 FAX (703) 772-3932 TONITA M. FOSTER, Esquir¢ February 26, 1991 Roanoke County Dear Sir: Please be advised that we have agreed as owners of property described as 3540 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia to grant easement for the purposes of ingress and egress of our entrance onto Brambleton Avenue per the attached Conceptual Plan revised February 23, 1991 to P. R. Video once sale of that property described as 3556 Brambleton Avenue isr completed. /l ~ ~__=>~ N Tonita M. Foster ~~~~ ~ ~,~ Donald E. Foster ~~j'~ 3 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING OF ROANOKE COUNTY A .324 acre parcel of land, ) generally located 3556 Brambleton ) PROFFER OF Avenue, S.W., within the ) CONDITIONS Cave Spring Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel X77.10-6-12 ) in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) TO THE HONORABLE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Sec. 21-105E of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Owner W. V. Belcher, hereby voluntarily proffers to the Department of Planning and Zoning of Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel of land: (1) Use of the property shall be limited to office uses and sales, service and repair of small consumer products. (2) "Type D, Option 2" screening and buffering along the rear property line of the site. Respectfully submitted, W. V. Belcher, Owner s ~ ~~ f~3 ~~~ ~ ~- ~~~ :~ ~_~ ~% :~~ ~~ Q! lu g `+V ~~ , 2 ~4 p ~_~ n ~ SL ~Ct ~,_ t ~ ! N 4 MI p0o$ 'S ~ o o ` _ ~x V~ M`~~ _~ M ~`'~ ((~~ tii~,0 3lbl o~ty~'df''~ ~ ~+ ~ "lam/ ~ ~ "y 3 ~a 0 0 c~ W Z _~ O o ,y ~I~ i i. ~, • ~~ J ~ a a~i ~ p j If • , ~~ II Tl~' i~ -- - - -r r. o ~: ~ 4 ., ~ Y a ~ i ~ r o~ v 2 ~~ ~ i. W~ ~~ o r ! ,. a i~ ~~ Y i ~ 2 ~ ~t \ : - Or" (~ Z S w Q Y. V ESL 3~ ~ ~ rS ''N a,,,~ Nv1 l ~g ~N9!1 39/ 3 NORTB ~~.. .s, ~. I t! w w w~ ' M ~ I ~ p , ~ , LOOM s . _ _ _ N .t ~ 3 ~ 10 N ~ ~ ~ ~ Ib t I , ~ • a I ~ I -- R1 ~ ~ ~ B2 c~~ o ~ ~. ~ 2T W ~ I ~ ~ ~ I.oOA~ b~ b4 = ~ i ~ ~ p/ '~ t4 it ~ (' ~ 1.00 Ac ~ .: ~ B2C ~ r-i ° .o r _ / •, e •, % ~ R3 ~ '~ i s ~ ~ ~ \ , s ~,~~ •~ ~ .,. • ~. r ~ R3 / ~ . ~ m • ~ . ~3 82 , 0 ~ " t~ i~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B~~ ~ ~. r ` r N Ot ~ ~ ° ` ~ ~ BZ • ~ ~ Bt / ,r C ~ N ~ ~' ~ ~ Z ~ ,~ BCC „ ~ 2 y ~g Bx ~ " .~` ~~ ~ ~ ~s ~ N ~ B ~~ / , • ~, / 82 ~ N ~ ~ 4• N ~ w OT M 3C / et ~ 3 , ~ ~' ~ OT ~ ~ e a ~ ~ ~' :1 ~ ~ ALl PARCELS ON THIS MAP ~ = ~ et ~~ • ~, ~\ a ~ ~ ARE ZONED. UNLESS +~~,~ Bt ~ N • ~ ~• OTHERWISE INDICATED. coM~uxrrr sBRVrcBs AND DBVBLOPMBNT EDWIti E. RICNARDS B-1 i0 B-2 9r- 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A .324 ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 3556 BRAMBLETON AVENUE (TAX MAP NO. 77.10-6- 12) IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-2 WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF ERWIN B. RICHARDS WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 26, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held March 26, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 5, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing .324 acre, as described herein, and located at 3556 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., (Tax Map Number 77.10-6-12) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of B-l, Office District, to the zoning classification of B-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Erwin B. Richards. 3. That the owner, William V. Belcher, has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts: a. Use of the property shall be limited to office uses and sales, service and repair of small consumer products. ~~~"~ 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of the Grandin Court and Cave Spring Road, now known as the Mount Vernon Drive, said beginning point being N. 58 deg. 00' E. 20.0 feet from the subtangent intersection point of the southerly side of Mount Vernon Drive, produced with the easterly side of Custis Avenue produced; thence along the southerly side of Mount Vernon Drive N. 58 deg. 00' E. 55.0 feet to a point on same, corner to Lot #13; thence along the lot line between Lots #13 and #14, S. 32 deg. 00' E. 200.0 feet to a point corner to Lot #15, thence along the lot line between Lots #14 and #15 S. 58 deg. 00' W. 75.0 feet to the easterly side of Custis Avenue; thence along said easterly side of Custis Avenue N. 32 deg. 00' W. 180.0 feet to a point on same; thence along a curved line whose radius is 20 feet, a distance of 31.41 feet to the place of beginning, and being Lot #14, Section #2 according to the map of Mount Vernon Heights, Roanoke County, Virginia, less 874 square feet, more or less, conveyed to the Commonwealth of Virginia, on July 20, 1978, and recorded in Deed Book 1101, page 166. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. ~ ~k R ~, ~„r., r .~ A r ~ r ~ ~ ~ P A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 DENIAL OF ORDINANCE 32691-9 TO AMEND PROFFERED CONDITIONS ON THE REZONING OF A 4.35-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 419 AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH CHAPARRAL DRIVE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B- 1, CONDITIONAL, TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1, CONDITIONAL (AMENDMENT TO PROFFERS) UPON THE APPLICATION OF FRALIN & WALDRON WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 26, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held March 26, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 5, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, this property was rezoned from R-3, Multi-Family Residential District, to B-1, Office District, with proffered conditions, on August 13, 1985. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Denied on motion of Supervisor Robers, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Development & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 39/-~ PETITIONER: FRALIN & WALDRON~ INC. CASE NUMBER: 6-3/91 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 5, 1991 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 26, 1991 A. REQUEST Petition of Fralin & Waldron, Inc. to amend proffered conditions on approximately 4.35 acres, to construct a professional office park in accordance with a concept plan dated March 28, 1988, located on the north side of Route 419 at the intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Gary Crowder, representing the Green Valley Civic Association recognized approximately 40 residents in attendance. He stated that the association had reviewed the proposal in January 1991 and after much discussion, the residents remain opposed to the project. Ms. Chappelle asked for specific objections from the residents. Mr. Crowder replied that the main objection is the height of the building and its location on the site. He said the original proffered concept plan did not interfere with the neighborhood. His other concerns are: possible problem with lighting on nearby residences; the proposed building overpowers the neighborhood which could mean a potential loss in property values. Dorothy Hodges expressed concern with the existing drainage situation and said the proposal will compound their problem. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Witt said that he voted against the rezoning the last time because he didn't want to send a message to the community that it is easier to seek forgiveness than to seek permission; it is now one year later and the point has been made. He disagreed with the staff report and remarked that in his opinion the proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan and 419 Development Plan. He stated that the proffers presented tonight have mitigated many of the problems that had been presented to the Commission previously (reduction of one story, screening with berm and 16 foot pines, 14 foot lighting poles). Messrs. Gordon and Massey agreed with Mr. Witt and said the plan is even better than the former plan. Mr. Robinson said he knew of no good reason for the request to be denied. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1) To develop the subject property in substantial conformity to the site plan dated March 28, 1988, by Buford T. Lumsden & Assoc., attached as Exhibit A, provided that the building shall be limited to three above ground floors fronting on 419 and a fourth lower level of finished space. 2) To construct a fence along the boundary of the subject property at points where the subject property abuts with lots containing single family residences. 39i-~ 3) To plant appropriate ground cover vegetation on the slopes of the subject property. 4) The dumpster shall be moved to a location on the eastern end of the property near the railroad tracks. 5) To plant a buffer of 16 foot pine trees on top of the berm to be developed along the edge of the parking area adjacent to the residential properties. 6) The lighting shall be in substantial conformity with the plan presented to the Board of Supervisors with the provision that the lighting in the parking lot on poles so designated on the site plan shall not exceed 14 feet. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt moved to approve the request with proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Massey, Witt, Gordon, Robinson NAYS: Chappelle ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report Other Terrance Harring on, ecretary Roanoke County Planning Commission 3qi y TO: Planning Commission FROM: Terry Harrington ~~'• Director of Planning DATE: February 28, 1991 RE: Case # 6-3/91 Request of Fralin and Waldron Inc.; Amendment of Proffered Conditions; B-1 Conditional. Property located on the north side of Route 419 across from the intersection with Chaparral Dr.. I. Nature of Request This is a request by Fralin and Waldron Inc. to amend existing proffered conditions that apply to a 4.35 acre site located on the north side of Route 419 across from the intersection of Chaparral Dr. in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. In addition, the applicant proposes to add several other proffers to this request. In all, eight proffers are now proposed. The proffers are contained in a document entitled Proffer of Conditions, that was submitted as part of the application materials. II. Background The background surrounding the zoning history of this parcel is well documented. In 1985 the Board of Supervisors approved an R-3 to B-1 conditional rezoning request to allow the construction of an office building on this tract. Three proffers were accepted as part of that rezoning. In 1989, the Board considered and thoroughly reviewed a request to amend the 1985 proffers. The Board denied that petition in January of 1990, finding inconsistency with the 1985 Comprehensive Plan, and the 419 Frontage Development Plan. The applicant has now resubmitted the proposal for the Commission's and Boards consideration. A full history of these previous requests is contained in the the 1985 and 1989 staff reports. These two reports, dated July 11, 1985 and December 29, 1989 are attached for your review. III. Comparison o!` 1989 and 1991 Proposals The proposal now before you is substantially the same as the proposal submitted in 1989. However, several changes are noteworthy. 1 39e Y First, this proposal proffers a four story building (three stories from the 419 side; four stories from the Green Valley side.). In 1989 the staff and Commission evaluated a five story building. Second, additional proffers are now being offered that were not reviewed by the Commission in 1989. These proffers are: "That the architecture of the new structure shall be in substantial conformity with the rendering prepared by Horner and Associates, Architects, with the exception that the four floors will be constructed rather than the five as shown on the rendering." "That the dumpster shall be moved to a location on the eastern end of the property near the railroad tracks." "To plant a buffer of 16 foot pine trees adjacent to the berm to be developed along the edge of the parking area adjacent to the residential properties." " The lighting shall be in substantial conformity with the plan presented to the Board of Supervisors with the provision that the lighting in the parking lot on poles so designated on the site plan shall not exceed fourteen feet. " "To provide a detention facility designed to meet the requirements of a ten (10) post-development discharge reduced to a two (2) year pre-development discharge." The staff assumes that a rendering of the proposed architecture of the building will be presented to the Commission and Board at your respective public hearings. We recommend that this proffer not be accepted unless a copy of this rendering is filed with the planning staff to become part of the official record of this request. We also recommend that the proffer pertaining to stormwater management not be accepted by the Commission. The Roanoke County Department of Engineering has reviewed this proffer and has advised us that current stormwater management requirements contained in the Roanoke County Code are more stringent than this proffer. The acceptance of this proffer would be inconsistent with these Code standards and may create confusion on which standard will apply to this development. 2 .~~°- IV. Conlormanoe with the Comprehensive Plan The 1985 and 1989 staff reports addressed issues pertaining to the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. As you are aware, the 419 Frontage Development Plan was incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan in 1987. The 419 Plan was prepared and adopted by the Board in recognition that more specific policy standards were needed to evaluate development proposals in the 419 corridor. Together, these documents provide the major policy tools which the Commission and Board may use to evaluate proposals along the 419 Corridor. The staff concluded in 1989 that the request before the Commission was inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies pertaining to screening and buffering. The staff concluded that the proposal before the Commission did not mitigate the effects of the proposed building on the adjacent residential areas. We believe, and the Comprehensive Plan supports, that the current four story proposal also fails to mitigate these negative effects. Over the past year, considerable discussions have been held on the Comprehensive Plan's (including the 419 Frontage Plan) applicability to this request. Last summer's litigation forced the staff and the applicant to critically evaluate all of the policy guidance contained in the plan. Numerous applicable policies were identified. These policies are presented below. 1985 Comprehensive Plan The following applicable policies are contained in the Transitional Land Use Designation (pgs 45-50): Policy TR-3: WHERE OPPORTUNITY EXISTS, RESERVE FRONTAGE STRIPS FOR MAJOR OFFICE FACILITIES. Intent: To provide sufficient land area for office expansion. To recognize the high compatibility of office development along highway strips. Policy TR-9: PROVIDE STRICT SCREENING AND BUFFERING STANDARDS ALONG THE REAR PROPERTY LINES WHERE FRONTAGE DEVELOPMENT BACKS UP TO LESS INTENSIVE RESIDENTIAL USES. Intent: To minimize land use disturbances (noise, light, privacy, litter, etc.) to properties adjacent to highway frontage. 3 The following applicable policies contained in the Neighborhood Conservation Land Use Designation. (pgs.33-37): Polioy NC-is PROTECT RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS FROM DISRUPTIVE IMPACTS OF LAND USE CHANGES. Intent: To prevent the encroachment of incompatible land uses in established residential neighborhoods. To protect residential property values Policy NC-2: PROVIDE SCREENING AND BUFFERING OF ADJACENT LAND USE CHANGES ALONG THE NEIGHBORHOOD PERIMETER. Intent: To provide noise, visual and related safeguards to residences located at the neighborhood fringe. 419 Frontage Development Plan Land Ose Qoals (pq 3): Where possible, reserve 419 frontage parcels for office and commercial development... Preserve established residential neighborhoods and protect them from encroachment of land uses conflicting with the existing pattern of development.. Orban Design Qoals (pq.4): Increase the compatibility of conflicting land uses through design: screening and buffering building orientation and location architectural scale site Layout (pq.81) Tall buildings should be limited to Core locations except in transition areas where additional landscaped yards are maintained on large properties. 4 3~i-Y Lot Coveraq• (pq.81) Total lot coverage should be far less in transition areas than in Core areas. Re$oninq Procedures (pq. 89): Encourage petitioners for rezoning to proffer conditions which address: land use signage parking lots site layout environmental protection access, all in accord with the adopted guidelines of this plan. The Comprehensive Plan and 419 Frontage Development Plan policies fall into two main categories. These are (1) land use and, (2) site design and building configuration. The use of this parcel for an office building has not been an issue to date. Both the 1985 and 1989 staff reports indicated that the use of this property for an office building would be consistent with land use policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. The main issue continues to be whether or not the proposed building's height, configuration, and location on the lot conform to the policies contained in the plan. It is the opinion of the staff that the proposed four story building is not consistent with the design guidelines that apply to the 419 corridor. The proposed orientation and mass of the building, and its proposed location on the lot, violate the Urban Design Goals contained in the 419 Plan. Similarly, the proposed site layout is inconsistent with the rezoning procedure recommendations in this plan. Policies in both the Transition and Neighborhood Conservation portions of the Comprehensive Plan strongly encourage the buffering of incompatible land uses that are adjacent to neighborhood areas. Although this site is designated Transition, it is important to consider the Plan designation of the adjoining residential areas. The Plan recognizes that stable neighborhoods can be negatively affected by development that encroaches from adjacent or nearby properties. This four story proposal, in the location shown on the proffered concept plan, fails to protect the adjoining established residential neighborhood from the adverse effects of development, and fails to protect this neighborhood from the effects of conflicting land uses. Although significant screening is proposed as part of this request, the proposed location and mass of the 5 39~-~ building near the adjacent neighborhood, severely diminishes the effectiveness of any proposed screening. We believe that other alternatives should be explored. The proposed square footage could be achieved by modifying the configuration of the building. Building height could be reduced, with a corresponding increase in the building's footprint. In addition, the applicant should consider proposals to relocate and/or reorient the proposed building to other locations on the site. Locations that are farther removed from the Green Valley neighborhood would reduce the adverse effects of this development. Modifying the building's orientation and location on the lot would be consistent with the site layout and rezoning recommendation's contained in the 419 Frontage Development Plan. F~ . - To s Planning Commission ~~ ~l~~ FROM: Terry Harrington Director of Planning DATB: December 29, 1989 SIIBJECT: Case # 4-1/90 Request of Fralin and Waldron Inc.; Amendment of Proffered Conditions; B-1 Conditional I. NATDRE OF REQUEST This~is a request by Fralin and Waldron Inc. to amend one of the three proffered conditions that apply to a 3.9 acre site located on the north side of Route 419 at the intersection of Chaparral Dr. in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. This property was rezoned from R-3 Residential to B-1 Conditional in 1985. As part of this rezoning action the petitioner (Fralin and Waldron) offered, and the Board of Supervisors accepted, three proffers that regulated the nature of the development. As explained below, the purpose of this request is to modify one of these 1985 proffers to permit the development of this 3.9 acre site in accord with an approved site development plan dated March 28, 1988. IZ. BACKGROUND In 1985 Fralin and Waldron Inc. petitioned to rezone this parcel from R-3 Residential to B-1 Business. The stated purpose of the request was to allow the construction of a professional office park. The applicant offered three proffers that were accepted by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. These proffers were: 1. To develop the subject property in substantial conformity to the site plan dated 14, June 1985, by Buford T. Lumsden and Associates, attached hereto as Exhibit A. ' 2. To construct a fence along the boundary of the subject property at points where the subject property abuts with lots containing single family residences. 3. To.plant appropriate ground cover vegetation on the slopes of the subject property. The site plan referenced in proffer ~1 is attached to this report and is designated as ERAIBIT A. .. -_. ... , . ...~ ._.. Subsequent to the approval of this rezoning on August 13, .1985, Fralin and Waldron submitted a preliminary site plan for 3 ~~ review and approval on August 28, 1985. Over the next four years a series of revised plans was submitted to the County for review. On August 31, 1989 the County approved tie final plan for this project, and authorized the commencement of construction. Construction began shortly thereafter. The site plan that was approved on August 31, 1989 is attached to this report and designated as ERHIBIT B. A comparison of the concept plan proffered in 1985, and the final site .plan approved in 1989 reveals sajor differences, some of which are very evident, others of which are not. First, the 1985 plan, by notation, restricts the building to a two story design. The approved 1989 plan authorized a five story building. Note: the ro osed buildincr apbears to be a four story design when viewed from Route 419 and a five sto desi n when viewed from the Green Valle nei hborhood. This is due to the relationshi between the buildin s desi nand the modified too a h of the site which was altered to allow an a osed "basement" or round floor level when viewed from the Green Valle side. A second major difference between the two plans involves the placement of the building on the .site. The approved 1989 plan shifts the building approximately 90 degrees when conpared to the location on the 1985 proffered plan. This change resulted in a modification of the sites parking and landscape arrangements, and also resulted in the building being located closer to the Green Valley neighborhood. -- Finally, a third major difference between the proffered 1985 .plan and the approved 1989 plan is the number of parking spaces on the site. With the increase in the building's height, the gross floor area of the building- increased fran approximately 30,000 square feet to approximately 59,400 square feet. Additional parking spaces were required on site to accommodate the proposed square footage. Whereas the 1985 plan showed no development on the eastern portion of the property, the 1989 plan shows a significant number of parking spaces on the eastern half of the site. On November 2, 1989 representatives of the Green Valley community met with County representatives to discuss drainage issues associated with Murray Run (a stream that runs along the eastern edge of the Green Valley neighborhood . residents requested that the County review the proposed development to verify that it conformed to the proffered conditions of the 1985 rezoning. -. .. On November 3, 1989 the Planning Staff reviewed the 1985 rezoning action, and determined that the approved 1989 site plan did not comply with the conditions proffered by Fralin and Waldron Inc.. in 1985.... Fralin and Waldron had failed to submit development plans that complied with the proffered conditions, and County staff had failed to accurately verify these conditions prior to approval / / ~ ' •~ ~~~'• . - of the plans. We immediatel notif .. this discrepancy, and informed themithatrwork ondthelprojectcmust Q stop, until such time that the project was ~ 9/-~' with the proffered conditions. Fralin anduWht into conformance stopped wort on the project. aldron immediately After discussing various options with County staff, Fralin a Waldron decided to file this rezoning petition to modify one of the three proffered conditions accepted in 1985. action proffered a plan dated June 14, 1985, phereas the 1985 request is now to modify that proffer by substitutin) this proffering tIle approved site plan dated March 28, 1988 (EXHIBIT B) d Zf this rezcninq action is approved by the Board of Supervisors, the approved site plan will comply with the modified proffers, and Fralin and Yaldron will be authorized to continue the present development pattern on the site. III. EVALIIAiION OF IMPACTS Z3e 1985 staff report prepared by Rob Stalzer evaluated the impacts and suitability of the initial R-3 to B-1 rezoning. This report is attached for your review and the information in this report will not be repeated here. Below, I have provided you • ~ information and analysis on those aspects of the and site depelopment that have been (will be) modifiedsif thedsite Ic ontinues to be developed in accord with the approved site plan. 1. TOPOGRA~f: The existing to o ra considerably from that shown on the 1985 proffered plan.lff~e eastern poi#ion of the site has been filled to accommodate the altered bui3ding location and the parking areas on this half of the site. Altmngh this portion of the site does contain branches of Murray Run, these were incorporated into an on-site storm drainage system as fart of the development of the site. .(See DRA_AGg below. ) 2. BIIRROUDING LAND; Surrounding land uses have not changed dramatical~ since 1985. However, new commercial development has occurred almg and near Route 419 since 1985. Projects include the Fralin and 7aldron offices and First Virginia Bank at the corner of Chaparral Dr. , and the Promenade Park development located at the corner of CYlonial Avenue . 3. - siTB I~YOtJT: Modifications of the site layout have been discussed a3ove. As stated in the 1985 staff report, Policy TR- 9 in the 1ST Comprehensive Plan, advocates strict screening and buffering ~+andards along the rear property lines where frontage developmentIIacks up to less intensive residential uses. The 1985 staff ana~is concluded :that the project conforms to this standard. • :;~ 3 The increased height of the building now proposed. coupled with the relocation of the building closer to the residential area, prohibits the effective screening of this project. Even if screening was installed along the residential area to a height of approximately twenty feet,. it would not effectively screen the upper portions of the building, which would continue to be visible from adjacent residences, and from locations throughout the Green Valley subdivision. 4. ARCHITECTIIRE: The architecture of the building was not known in 1985. Although not proffered, the proposed architectural style of the building is now known, and can be provided for the Commission's and Board's information. 5. BCREENINC3 AND LANDSCAPE: The project conforms to the County's screening and buffering ordinance. However, as stated above, these requirements will not effectively screen the project from the adjacent residences due to the height and location of the building. 6. TRAFFIC GENERATION AND CIRCIILATZON: Due to the increased size of the building, trip generation from this project will be approximately twice that of the project envisioned in 1985. Total ADT from the 59,400 building is estimated to be approximately 970 trips per day. Route 419 has sufficient capacity to accommodate this increased volume. Access to the site has not changed appreciably. Both the 1985 and 1988 plan show two access points, one of which aligns with the signalized intersection of Chaparral Dr. The second access point continues to be located near the western edge of the property. This was envisioned to be a one- way point of egress~in the 1985 plan. The approved site plan designates two-way traffic flow from this point. 7. DRAINAGE: Modification of the site layout has resulted in a design that will generate additional stormwater runoff due primarily to the increased amount of impervious surface on the property. Although not designated on the proposed proffered plan, a representative of the petitioner has verbally informed the staff that Fralin and Waldron intends to design on-site stormwater management facilities such that post-development runoff rates will not exceed pre-development rates. This intended change in the site design is in response to concerns from Green valley residents who are concerned that the proposed development will aggravate periodic flooding problems for properties that abut Murray's Run. . . 1Note: Representatives of Fralin and Waldron have met with Green Valley residents during the months of November and December to discuss periodic drainacte problems in the neighborhood resulting from increased stormwater flow, and the inadequate design of the .among Murray's Run. Any such agreement would be an 'off-site" ,~ . t, imarovement, and thus m ,- not be legally proffered or accepted as a mart of this rezoning aetition. ) .~~~~~ Iv. sUMMARY This request has been submitted by strategy to correct a situation resulting failure to comply with proffers offered and 1985 rezoning action. Because of this err Board are obligated to review and act on which is currently under construction. binding land use and design obligations vo a petitioner. They must be complied wi eliminated by an action of the Boa recommendation by the Commission. the petitioner as a from the petitioner's accepted as part of a or, the Commission and a development proposal Proffers are legally luntarily submitted by th unless modified or rd after review and The staffs review of the proposed plan indicates that the major design issues involve the height and location of the building, and drainage. The land use proposed continues to be compatible with the 1985 Comprehensive Plan, which advocates major office facilities in Transitional areas. This current proposal is not consistent with Comprehensive plan design policies which advocate effective screening and buffering between residential land uses and uses of the type proposed. As stated above, the five story height of the building, coupled with its modified location closer to the residential area, prohibit this project from being effectively screened, even with mature landscaping. i 39i-~ STAFF REPORT Case #: 29-7/85; Petitioner: Fralin & Waldron Reviewed by: Rob Stalzer: Date: July 11, 1985 Petition of Fralin & Waldron, inc. to rezone 3.9 acres from R-3, Residential, to B-1, Business, to construct and operate a professional office park, located on Virginia Primary Route 419, approximately 900 feet west of its intersection with Bernard Lane, within the Cave Spring Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to construct a two story office building of approximately 18,000 square feet of floor area. Development to be completed in substantial conformance with attached preliminary site plan. b. Attached concept plan describes purpose more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. B-l, Office District permits a variety of professional and financial office uses. b. Commercial development requires extensive site plan review and approval to insure compliance with County requirements. c. Entrance permit from VDH&T. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Tomography: flat, parcel considerably higher than adjacent residential properties. b. Ground Cover: Cleared. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priorit Cave Spring area designated for a stable rate of res dential growth as well as commercial infill. b. immediate area is concentration of office and higher density residential uses. Lower density detached single family residential adjoins petitioner's property. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT a. Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5: 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. Rating Factor Comments LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 1 A. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan designates area as transitional where highway frontage strips and land use buffers between high and low intensity development may occur. Management of commercial sprawl is essential. Large office facilities in park-like surroundings encouraged (Policy TR-3). 2 B. Surrounding Land: Surrounding highway 419 frontage parcel already developed as office/commercial. Adjoining residential properties at a much lower elevation. 391-~ "3 C. Neighboring Area: Mixed useage. 2 D. Site Layout: Conforms with policy TR-8 (enhancing the quality of highway frontage development) and policy TR-9 (provide strict screening and buffering standards along rear property lines where frontage development backs up to less intensive residential uses). N/A E. Architecture: 2 F. Screening and Landscape: Conforms with requirements of Screening and Buffering Ordinance. 3 G. Amenities: Adequate parking. 2 H. Natural Features TRAFFIC 3 I. Street and Circulation Capacities: VA 419 is an arterial highway intended to provide mobility of traffic with limited land access. Current ADT is 23,885. Project reflects policy TR-3 (reserve frontage strips for major office facilities) and policy TR-7 (limit frequency of driveway openings). VDH&T comments that proposed entrance must align with Chaparral Drive to allow for synchronized left turn. Site distance between entrance and railroad questioned. 525 feet required. VDHBT notes that developer must bear cost of modifying the traffic signal. UTILITIES 2 J. Water: Roanoke County 0&M. Adequate and ample distribution capabilities available. 2 R. Sewer: Roanoke County 0&M. Adequate treatment capacity exists and is available. DRAINAGE 2 L. Basin N/A M. Flood Plain PUBLIC SERVICES 2 N. Fire Protection: Within adequate travel time standard. 2 0. Rescue: Within adequate travel time standard. N A P. Parks and Recreation N/A Q. School 1 R. Tax Base ENVIRONMENT 2 S. Air 2 T. Water 2 U. Soils 2 V. Noise ~~i 39/-~ 6. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: -Conforms with policies TR-3, TR-7, TR-8, TR-9, T-lA. b. Weaknesses -Design of entrance must conform with VDH&T requirements. ~~J EXHIBIT A ~~f_~ -- .- ~_~ o ~ < y ~ r ~ 7 ~ O ~ '~ ~3 ~~ ~ F= ' :P ~~°i S a ~ f7 ~ ~ ~ c SK :~,z~ '~~ _ 1 W- z ~ ~ c Z ~ I ~~I. ~ ~' ~ye~ ~ a Ii ~ W ~ 9 xx #9 i Z ;~~~~~ F AT W ~ ~ JI u iii ill Ni ~a6• i Z ¢ ~ ~ w Q g 3 ~ N ~ Z g ~ m ~ OI~a M / `~\ w ~ ~ ' ", QyH o Y M W Y - Q Z -ui- -- - -- - . - CL o V i ~~~ ~ ~ - r ``-\ V ...- .. ~ d e pp p ~ e p ! ~ ~ ~~~: pJ a li ' m ~~ II d }pk ~~ II . r -,, ~~ , 8 ~~ ~41a ~i e ~ ~i a II ¢ f i' /~~ '_~j'L i' ,~; ,, u ,f•' i \\ 1 ~ ,',~: ~ 3N'a- -, _ ~rav ° l ~ '~ -_ `~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ .(I ~~ / t I ( ttI k~ ~ ~ ,~I ~ i i ~ I ~i i ,; i i ~~ i ,~ i ~~~ i ~ ~ °,~~ ~ . , +- I i ~ `Z i a I ~i I 1 "I ~ :I I i !~ , i ul~i ~,~ R ! I ,{ ~ ~ ~ ~q~-y VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 4.35 + ACRE PARCEL OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED AT NORTH INTERSECTION OF RT. 419 and CHAPARRAL DRIVE WITHIN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, AND RECORDED AS PARCEL #87.06-4-1 AND #87.06-4-2 IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY TAX RECORDS AMENDED PROFFER OF CONDITIONS TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Being in accord with §15.1-491.1, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, and §21.105E. of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the Petitioner, Fralin & Waldron, Inc., hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following conditions to the rezoning of the above- referenced parcel of land: (1) To develop the subject property in substantial conformity to the site plan dated March 28, 1988, by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; provided that the building shall be limited to three above ground floors fronting on 419 and a fourth lower level of finished space. (2) To construct a fence along the boundary of the subject property at points where the subject property abuts with lots containing single family residences. (3) To plant appropriate ground cover vegetation on the slopes of the subject property. NOUOT, FERGUSON, ,ANERON S AOEE 'ORNEYS-AT•LAW 1NOKE, VIRGINIA 24018.1699 (4) That the dumpster shall be moved to a location on the eastern end of the property near the railroad tracks. (5) To plant a buffer of 16 foot pine trees on top of the berm to be developed along the edge of the parking area adjacent to the residential properties. 3y~-5' RHOUOT, FEROUSON, 'T, AHERON 6 ASEE iTORNEYS•AT-LAW OANOKE, VIRGINIA 1401B-ifi99 (6) The lighting shall be with the plan presented to with the provision that th lot on poles so designated exceed fourteen feet. Dated: March 6, 1991. proffer.nl.sb in substantial conformity the Board of Supervisors e lighting in the parking on the site plan shall not RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, FRALIN & WALDRON, INC. Its J1/icE ~ csioc.r~~- By ~~ ~ ~ ~- Its Attorney 2 Y ~I _ ~w69;ixg Rt~p t fl Q S b ~ ~ • R: ;.~-Sb:~E =',iy ~: C E, E~ 3~ . ~ II! F U e ~ i f .s ~ : .~ ilo~~~s~& ~~Esi S~i ~ ~ ER 6 e~ . ! iii ,', LL ~ S ~_ t' a ~• c•a~-•33~ 3R3 ~~' r sa R " s I" ' ~ :` ~ ~ .3R Yg y~VfaYe:_ Sp... ~:~ g p3 ! _ '< ~ ~ C Z a• - rr e .3 G :.'o a :' ~ ~ ~ ' } O ~ ~ D ~ pg ~ :. ~ sb ;3a3i*3;~i 9'33 ??i :! a r~ ~ g _ :' ~ , e ~ ° o v 3°s e ~ ya er,w:p~5~ eYo 6~ s° c Ei R e _ ~~ ~ i 'm < x ~ _ .,Pos.. ?'r_ - -~`- _ 3 .,R ~~+ YIJ i i a° N .tlS . ~~ ~ .. 9 g= '~_:::~ ~LRR ~~a ;y ~ ~~ 3: ~~ .- j ~ ' ~! I aFc • 'I~J w Z - :. II 'b I S a ,~ ~N~ `-€ Y: S 3 « ao -_ «i~~ . "._'.. 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I r I w? o ? ,Q ~ o, ~„~ 1. d?~ „ .J `-. lj. ~c~` 1`, ~: ;..~ I, 1 g ~---~'~ ~ lei `~`ca l Jv~ IJ ~ ~a' el yt ~I 1'1',It I Z i~~ I .II I7~ I dry :•r~ ••J % a ~ ~ : •e~°~t. ~ It3«~~ ii 1 I eta i~ lI ~°I I ~•' 1 I ;I ~`..}_ ~y~Fje'~T I <• ,~r,t~ n ~ e;. ~ I ~ I I I y a (I t l I I ~. zUCUa 2?aoc ~ z's2D a'J O''b' ~ I Ci~l I __ i' 1 ~a g i ~`''~b \'_02.20 ~ '~;,,2 ., „>,~r~ ~ I ,. ~ I ~ v - __ > ~ • - ~. ~~°'L i I I I I ~ / I '~,; f ~ ~ ~ I I Q: ~ - S :: ~ ° : `: I I I i ~- .o Ul~wi~ Y~YrY i ,~ YF6 y 3~/-~ NORTB '' ~_ 63 ..` - _ ~• 0 z ~ / ~• " t9 ~ a ' ~ ~ -1" " i 1 • , ~s A ( rf IS ~ '~ i O6 Ac ~ r '~ ~ / ~ s~ rp3 ~ ,,. ~... .. 6 0 ~4 Oa i too= g n.. \ 2 83 do ~ m~ s n~ ..ax x• 9 f, > ~ C 2 fit ~ ~ 9 : ~r/ ~ / .`~ qy~ ~~ 2 24 ~c I q _,/ ~O l' ~ ~ / .. ..M JI : / \i ~9'i ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~,n .•r ~~ 3 r i ~ 21 : ~'L' i ~~l c. ~ ` ~/ 2 23Ac ~~" - 2 ~~ r .r 7 /~ to u rte, ~ •• . r .'~ + '/ „~ ''.~~1 6 ~17 / RI 697 ~~ ty . FRALIN ~ WALDRON INC. COMMUNITYSBRVICB3 AMEND CONDITIONS AND DBVBLOPMBNT __ ,39~-9 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991 ORDINANCE TO AMEND PROFFERED CONDITIONS ON THE REZONING OF A 4.35-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 419 AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH CHAPARRAL DRIVE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1, CONDITIONAL, TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1, CONDITIONAL (AMENDMENT TO PROFFERS) UPON THE APPLICATION OF FRALIN & WALDRON WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 26, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held March 26, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 5, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, this property was rezoned from R-3, Multi-Family Residential District, to B-1, Office District, with proffered conditions, on August 13, 1985. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing approximately 4.35-acres, as described herein, and located on the north side of Route 419 at its intersection with Chaparral Drive in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of B-1, Office District, to the zoning classification of B-1, Office District, with amended proffered conditions. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Fralin & 39i-Y Waldron Inc. 3. That the applicant has voluntarily proffered in writing the following amendments to proffered conditions approved by the Board of Supervisors on August 13, 1985, which the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts: (a) To develop the subject property in substantial conformity to the site plan dated March 28, 1988, by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; provided that the building shall be limited to three above ground floors fronting on 419 and a fourth lower level of finished space. (b) To construct a fence along the boundary of the subject property at points where the subject property abuts with lots containing single-family residences. (c) To plant appropriate ground cover vegetation on the slopes of the subject property. (d) That the dumpster shall be moved to a location on the eastern end of the property near the railroad tracks. (e) To plant a buffer of 16-foot pine trees on top of the berm to be developed along the edge of the parking area adjacent to the residential properties. (f) The lighting shall be in substantial conformity with the plan presented to the Board of Supervisors with the provision that the lighting in the parking lot on poles so designated on the site plan shall not exceed fourteen feet. All other proffers and conditions would remain in full force. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Virginia Route #419 (Electric Road) and the southwesterly corner of property of N&W Railway being shown and designated as "1" on a plat prepared for Fralin & Waldron Inc. by Lumsden Associates, P.C. dated August 23, 1989; thence with the northerly side of Virginia Route #419 the following courses and distances: N. 74 deg. 04' 26" W. 100.40 feet to a point designated as "2"; thence N. 80 deg. 38' S5" W. 400.13 feet to a point designated as "3"; thence N. 80 deg 04' 03" W. 202.02 feet to a point designated as "4"; thence leaving Virginia Route #419, N. 42 deg. 11" 25" E. 54.31 feet to a point designated as "5" and being the southeasterly corner of the well lot r .~yi- y for Block 5, Green Valleys (P.B. 3, page 153); thence with the easterly line of Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 5, Green Valleys (P.B. 3, page 153), N. 43 deg. 02' 20" E. 429.24 feet to a point on the southerly line of Lot 6, Block 1, Section 5, Green Valleys (P. B. 8, page 34) designated as "6"; thence S. 55 deg. 33' 00" E. 509.96 feet to a point on the westerly line of property of N&W Railway designated as "7"; thence with the westerly line of N&W Railway, S. 17 deg. 10' 13" W. 201.91 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING and being a 4.35 acre tract as shown on a plat for Fralin & Waldron Inc., dated August 23, 1989, made by Lumsden Associates, P.C. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are, repealed. nniniinnnnun~nniin~ninnnniiniuninninnnininnniu i AGENDA ITEM Np, -~' ,3 q ~ ~, APPS CE RE QUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE t/ CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~R~a~«~" r GL~,q~~~cr~l 7o y~~ti~~ ~- k~r-~~: itva rC~,~;~~7ia~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of me during the meeting on the above matter Supervisors to recognize WHEN CALLED Tp so that I may comment. ADDRESS FOR 1'HE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MI' NAME THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE B AND GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: Y T~ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five m whether speaking as an individual or representative. Tutes to comment decide the time limit based on the number of citizen he Chairman will issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed b t s speaking on an Board to do otherwise, y he majority of the ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their Questions of clarification may be entertained b the p°int of view only. ^ All comments must be directed to the Boa Y ha~rman. speaker and audience members is not allowed ebate between a recognized ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courte ^ Speakers are re nested to leave an sy at all times. with the clerk. 9 Y Written statements and/or comments ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BE SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERI~AUTHO~7_OART ANIZED GROUP GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO R~p~ ION FROM THE SENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE T O THE CLERK NAME ~.:` E ~~ ADDRESS Y ,r3~~~F;~,,~ f ,~~~~~ C~~~~y L,~ PHpNE ~~9 - ~'~~ ~ nniininnninnnnnnnnninnniiiniiiinniiniin nin 111111111111111111111111111111111111 \ 111111111111111111111111111111111 a 111111 11 AGENDA ITEM N0..3 APPS CE ~ QUEST FpR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~/s/~ ~ -"" ~ ~~c~ ~,~~- ~~~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board o me during the meeting on the above mattef Supervisors to recognize WHEN CALLED TO r so that I may comment. ADDRESS FOR ~'HE LECTERN, I WII,I, GIVE MY NAME THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE AND GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW; BI' THE ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five whether speaking as an individual or representative. decide the time limit based on the num minutes to comment issue, and will enforce the rule unless in The Chairman will ber of citizens speaking on an Board to do otherwise, strutted by the majority of the ^ Speaker will 6e limited to a Questions of clarification ma presentation of their point of view only. y e entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate speaker and audience members is not allowed. be~'een a recognized ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courte ^ Speakers are re nested to leave an sy at all times. with the clerk 9 y ~'I'itten statements and/or comments ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BE SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERI~AUTHO~ ORGANIZED GROUP GROUP ~-LOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REp TION FROM THE RESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~ S~ /~ ~~L ADDRE SS ,3 ~ ~"~~~ - pHONE ,L~r,~ S~J _71x3 - 77,x- 778 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllitllllltlllllllllll 11111 ~uinnniiiiiiiiu~iunnnininniiiniiiiinninin~in~ttttntni~rf AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: l'.,'~L~~r ~ ~'~~n c ~~k~~~u f~ ,, ~,~,~w y .. '; _ ~ J c ~,t ~ J, I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~' ~:!`J~ :!~TXi --~ tnu~nni~uiin~iiunnniiun~niin~inininniuniin~nnnnirfii AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~`~/" ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~ r- .~'.c . ~ i~ E j i. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~~ ,,~~~-, ~1. 1-~`. (,~~ ~~ __, J, f~a:r~r~f i , ~ - ,~ > Irv, ~ ;:: ~~1 s ~ti (`I ~~) ~ 5 3 c~ . ~iiiiii~i~i~~i~oi~iii~~~iiii~iiiiiiiii~iiiit~iiiiiii~~~i~iiii~oiii~~~ii~iiiii AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ 9i APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR /PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE ,-CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ ~ ~ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WH.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE : ~ .. t~ ~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. 391- ~'PE CE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ,~ -~ti~~~` ~~~ ~c~ R9/~ ,~9 C~o~r T c~ ~ ~ , ~~~ ~uu I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII,L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~~ ~ "`~ ~PE~RANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING _p~INANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJ ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to reco nize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will 6e given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE inn H. ~7art n Ph.D. y ' ~~~-~ amily Counseling Services 7924 Spotswood Lane, Boones Mill, VA 24065 • 703/772-1195 }iaxr •~rt~~ C'~,itnty r:~o,_Lrc? c, (` c.~). F?O} ~'.Ci~ii11,~I ri t, ~ -~ . - ~ h . }'' L ;=i l I I1 'r3 I1 `? ~ d 1 Ci I- '? f ~ t-i ~, rl ._ , u ; ' ~ i . 1 ._._ 'To tEi.- Bo~,.rc.. nrn f~ nl ~~i rLlf-~ ~i c'! _. ~- SJ ~ 3~.~u1< r. ~ ~1 ~ t. r ~ il~.'= y f c]i=~l~t 1'ry iLl.~tlf ~r ; i~tt 1 Y # ~~ ' ~ ' ,_., 1. t 419 ,n flit c3.ltt'r-t~.t ~n . lt C,f t~~.- ~'rtaL ,? t fii;~ ~ G•rit .~ r,r~ ,v<~rL~~, ;:~>c_: rlrlcl -„- ~~I rt1 ~ i•?n I t7 : ~nr I ~ t~.. 1 ~.i or, r,~u t -~l Ul7Y_ . raf 3'< 1]r~ t ~l P f ~" ' r ,~, mt_.l t r L di z-~ _ u<_~ 1.1r with J rli~r 1 ~'17t idt1~l }1 CJ 41 t}]r? _ l . . 4h t 1 ' ~ ~ t ~ U i_; t i.l i" E?: i+j 1 c ~l Il ._~ i~i i~ Y1 l f_ " t_~ ~~ ~1 ~ / a?p) O~ t rlr' Illritltl`.::331:5. _ •• _. .T 1"". SV 3 _`> V f.) ;' (~ 1 1 ~' 1 f V 1 CC CI ~ .~) 4l _::' I: i y ] • ,;i r ~ +. '- l.tli'.t ~<~: E t.t?~ ~c~;7 t-~Ic> l~t~ r.:: ~12;aLC..IC1t.L SL' _.:>@%_ ~:~ r~„_: ~~OUt1t~~1. T~1° Ylltll[~,tl 2;~<~l~~e. ~,( .t :t~r It,'-, t~> IllE= t-~)r_' CE .f111.1~L~.>Yt,. <>C" ~ I1<, ~ ~ ~. -ICE C>(' i ~ ) ~' ii ~ ~,~ - ~ - ' .~iP %t c:. j j I~7~.L):d~.( C' e ~~if'::-i t~ I~re~1 lLL~: t~t:al_1t~ t i W i ~.:-ir ~~n r ~ ~~T,l,t ,1 1 Y i r-i ~~ c t t c„ i~ty Irtc:::.i iv''~r~ car .-c ~ ~ ~~r. m~:-~Linr<~i.n.., t.;, ~.i~_rfi.,r, r '~'_ `r, , i. .._ 1 r`A: ~_~ ~, '~;.t. ~l ~ ,_ :?j ~ . I~ , _ . Ttlarr}; ~,c~u fc~r ~ ou?- ~ ,r:: t _ >L'<~t ,,t..t ~~,, ~ ~ ; ? 1 r>;a ot.ttcc - t .i, ll~~ ..at t-i-I~ _ ~~7itc, c7T ltr anr~~I .:~t. iiiunnnnnnniuniunnniiinni~nniiuii~uin nii Hint iii AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ ~ ~ ~ % r ~ ~~.~' ~ ice' % ~~1 ~~~ ~~. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME ~JD ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained 6y the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE _~-- t~ ~~. ~~, ~~/-~~~ I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 iiininiinniuuininniiiiiiniinunuu~innun innin~iiiii~i AGENDA ITEM NO. ~PEARANCE REQUEST FOR ~IC HE G ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ ~~~. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR 1T~ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS ~ PHONE ~ ,q_ I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 11111111111111111111111111111 ~ - J 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPE -_ CE REQUEST FOR _ PUBLIC HEARING _ O~INANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: c~ I would like the Chairman of t me Burin the he Board of Supe~isors to reco ' WHEN Cg meeting on the above matter so gnize ALLED TO THE LECTERIIT I that I may comment. ADDRESS FOR ~ WII,L GIVE My NAME ~ G~DEL T~ RECORD, I AGREE TO D INES LISTED BELOW: SIDE BY THE ^ Each speaker will be whether speakin given between three to five g as an individual or representative?ninutes to comment decide the time limit based on the nu issue, and will enforce the rule unless i The Chairman will tuber of citizens s Board to do otherwise, nstructed b Peaking on an y the majority of the ^ Speaker will be limited to a p Questions of clarification ma resentation of their y be entertained b the pO1nt of view only. ^ All comments y Chairman. must be directed to the Board. speaker and audience members is not allowe Debate between a reco ni ^ Both speakers and the audience evil d. g zed ^ SQeakers are requested to I exercise courtesy at all times. with the clerk leave any written statements and/or com ^ ments SHALI LD i ES SPEAKING ON BEHAL GROUP ~'VITH THE CLERK AUTHORi ORGANIZED GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO ~ ZATION FROM THE PRESENT THEM, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GNE TO THE CLERK N~ ~~ DRESS ~ ~' rHONE ~ ' ~ ~ ~'~~~- - z~: -~ 1111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 of ~~;F ,.: - .A ~ _ a g~$ ~,Ar~ \ ~~ ` $8 'Q~ICeNTeN P~ Beauti~ul Beginning TY ADMINISTRATOR C.HODGE Mr. Dewey Hartwell P. O. Box 1366 Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Hartwell: March 27, 1991 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN GTAWElA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #284 for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on May 1, 1991. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1991. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YO U MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ALL~AMERICA CITY C~~~rt~ ~~ ~u~Yt~~~ 'I I' 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 ~ ROANp~. OAF a.s'r~ ~ t ~i ' ~ 7 ~ J ;: 2 "a $ E50 '1 y88 ~ S~lU1CENTENN~P~' i BeautifulBegixxixg fl( ADMINISTRATOR C.HODGE March 28, 1991 The Honorable James R. Olin U. S. House of Representatives 406 First Street, Room 706 Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Congressman Olin: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN UTAWE3A MAGISTERUL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 32691-1 of support for the Roanoke River Parkway and Visitors Center. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1991. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: The Honorable Charles R. Hill, Mayor, Town of Vinton The Honorable Noel E. Taylor, Mayor, City of Roanoke Roanoke Valley Legislators Tom Brown, Associate Regional Director, National Park Service Bern Ewert, Project Director, Explore Richard Burrow, Project Engineer, Explore Joyce Waugh, Economic Development Specialist AIL~AMERICA CITY u~~~ ~~ ~~r~nu~.~ 'I I' 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 ~ ROANp~. O~~F zI ~ 2 a g ~~ ~8$ ~ ~Q(~lCENTENN~P~ Beautiful Beginning TY ADMINISTRATOR C.HODGE Mr. Jack Lang 5932 Bighorn Drive, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Lang: March 27, 1991 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN CATAWEM MAGSSTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DSSTRICT At their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on October 25, 1991. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1991. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER l OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ,~1 •C:Z-L-e-e-~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor ~jh 3nclosures ~c: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ~~~~~ ~ ~ ALI~AMERICA LITY ~ ,~n~Ytn1~ 'I I' ~ ~ 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703> 772-2004 O~ ~oANC'YF > A L i ~ j 2 ,a 838 ~E50 1988 ~QVICENTENN~P~ Beauti~ul Beginning rY ADMINISTRATOR C.HODGE ~~~~~ ~~ ~ AIL~AMERICA CITY 1979 1989 March 27, 1991 Mr. W. David Paxton 3152 Galloway Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Paxton: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW, CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERLLL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRN;T RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERALL. DISTRICT At their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. for a raffle and 50/50 raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on April 20, 1991 and 50/50 raffle will be conducted weekly on Saturdays beginning April 20, 1991 and concluding July 15, 1991. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits b a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will December 31, 1991. This permit, however, is only valid specified in your application. suggest it conducted. e issued on expire on on the date PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRI1t-FINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER I OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, `~"YZa.-c.e.~~ ,mil . mac. r~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor ~jh enclosures :c: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • <703) 772-2004 ~ ROANp~- o~~F 1t" - . p G) ,. a YEAO I Jf)V ~QUICENTENN~P~ Beauti~ulBeginning rY ADMINISTRATOR C.HODGE March 27, 1991 Reverend William A. Cole Interim Minister Colonial Presbyterian Church 3550 Poplar Drive, S. W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Cole: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW, CHAIRMAN GTAW[3A MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS, VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL. DISTRICT On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of our appreciation for your attending the meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you for sharing your time with us. ~~~~~ ~~ ~ AII~AMfRICA CITY .~~r~tYtn1~ ' i i' ~ ~ it 1979 1989 Sin erely, Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 of ~CANC'Y6' a ~ ~ A 2 ~ . .2 a 8 YE50 88 S(?UICENTENN~P~ 1 BeauujulBeginning TY ADMINISTRATOR C.HODGE 'r All•AM ~r~ ,~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ I I 1979 1989 March 28, 1991 Mrs. Susan Cole Executive Director Arts Council of the Blue Ridge 20 East Church Avenue Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Ms. Cole: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS, VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRIG7 WINDSOR HILLS MAGIS ERI~AL~pIS~T~R~ BOB L JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT CAVE SPRING MAGISTERAL DISTRICT ?attached is a copy of Resolution No. 32691-4 recognizing The Arts ~ouncil of the Blue Ridge. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1991. Cf you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact ne. Sincerely, ~- Mary H. Allen, Clerk jh Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ttachment P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 ,a ~,# ~ ~ DNS of • ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~-a VI RGI A ... J N I/ \ a ! _ ~,~©r~ ` ~L i~ , D W. RHINEHART ~ t Governor 24-E - 1990-91 CT OFFICERS 1990-91 INTERNATIONAL Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors HINEHART ' Brambleton Ave. iia 24018 757 415 P.O. Bos 29800 'REASURER :RGUSON Roanoke, Va. 24018 March 8, 1991 load, S. W. is 24014 tMAN iwoaTH Dear Mrs. Allen. e, inia 24134 ,N Enclosed is a copy of the Proclamation we are IRGAN asking Mayor Noel Taylor to sign. I 4084 .N Please feel free to use the content to draw up the iginia 24073 Proclamation which Mr. McGraw will sign on March 26, 91. NAN When talking with you, you mentioned that I should VIS, IV a 24095 write to Mr. McGraw and bring him up to date on the status " of events scheduled for Tuesday March 26th. I have done 4M 2ao1s ;ircle this and in my letter I mentioned which dignitaries ~ would be present, along with the number of Lions of ley Drive ,53 District 24-E. I I will keep in touch with you for any last minute 4523 information or changes. ,2, Sincerely, ~HITL Farm )1 '~ ~~ A 1 ' ~ / C.L.v., .' r~ 24078 r/ Jack Davis Region II Chairman ti ~. ~rve 3/21/91 Steve McGraw Elmer Hodge Mary Allen Mr. McAuley called and said that he is coming to 7 p.m. board meeting next Tuesday and wants to talk about abandonment of leaf collection. He is a senior citizen upset about this and feels that there should have been a public meetin to the program was cancelled. He called earl ier and laskednmettoehave aach supervisor call him about this. e ie said that when he spoke before, always seems to be at the end ~flong line of teachers, parents, etc. and never . explained the time limit situation. got enough time. "e also made a suggestion that we ith pitcher of water and cu s, Put a table next to floor mike Baring, this should be made availablelto speakerselt at any public t board meetings before and takes medicine which makes hhissmouth ry,) Benda =;t, ~ : ) ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA MARCH 26, 1991 Velcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular ieetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 .m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each ionth. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. O S ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED A. OPENING CEREMONIES (1:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend William A. Cole Interim Minister, Colonial Presbyterian Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i C• PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring week of April 6 through April 13, 1991 as National County Government Week. 2• Proclamation declaring April 29, 1991, as Lions Information ay. _ b~--~-o---p r~ Resolution ' The Arts Council of the Blue ~ ~l ` ~~" S id ,~ g D. NEW BUSIlVESS ~, . ~eques~ Roanoke Coun Firefi hter Association for payroll deductions. ~ g s -~ Qmm cl,~,~.o 3. Consideration of participation in 1991-92 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 12, 1991) t'~ ~ //t~~s~r, 20 ~- t awl nn ~` ~''z7'_ ~" ~' r r'2 S ~'"' 1-~ r ll~~ E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. 1tEQUESTS FOR PUBI,[C IIEAgINGg ~ ~ ~~~~ 2 ~~q~~w ^-U U~-cze-z~ ~~ ~¢a,~~ .~ ~ Y k, t ---~y~= ~ n~d~~uxe ~civer Parkway. G• REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING FOR REZONING ORDINANCE _ CONSENT AGENDA 1: An ordinance to amend proffered conditions on approximately 6.1 acres, to remove the condition requiring brick and wood siding, located east of Route 706 approximately .1 mile south of intersection with Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Robert E. Glenn. H• FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1• Ordinance authorizing the sale of 1.5 acres in Shamrock Park. .q ,r ~„' ~'~ ~` ` " `~ ' ~ ~ r +r J. APPOINTII~NTS 1• Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 2. Transportation and Safety Commission 3~ Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board 3 K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY TI gOA~ TO BE ROUTIl~TE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN TIC FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW, ~ DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM Z'~ CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1• Abandonment of 0.08 mile of Bradshaw Road (Route 622) in the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 2• Approval of a raffle permit -Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #284. 3• Approval of a raffle permit -Knight's Booster Club of Cave Spring High School. ~/~ ' r }~_ 1, ~-~! -~.~,`~-~.a ~ ~.c 4 w c~.:t~R,t: cr_ C-c..-Q~c~,t..e.~~ ~i,~-~, ~.~~ , L- REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CITIZENS' COMI~~NTS AND CO1~IlV~1CA1'IONS 4 N• REPORTS 1• Board Contingency Fund 2• General Fund Unappropriated Balance 3• Accounts Paid -February 1991 4• Statement of income and expenses for the eight months ended February 28, 1991. O• EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia section 2.1-344 A P• CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Q• WORK SESSIONS 1• County Budget Work Session. 2. Joint Budget Work Session with School Board. 3• Redistricting Work Session. FINING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) R• PUBLIC HEARINGS 391-1 Public Hearing to receive citizen commen -___ _ ~' Year Construction Plan for 1991-97 ~O is on the Six System. T Secondary S• PUBLIC ~IlVG AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 391-2 ) Ordinance amendin ---~ Roanoke Coun g Chapter 21 Tax~ion of the Admissions Tax, Seca any the addition of Section 21-5 ~` 21-6 Collection of Admission Taxes• Records Section 21-7 Enforcement• p Violations. enalties• T. PUBLIC O~IN~HEARINGS AIVD SECOND READIl~G OF 391-3 An ordinance to rezone a .324 a 2 to operate a video repair business in an e m B-1 to B_ structure located at 3556 Brambleton Avenueisting Spring Magisterial District upon the etitio 'Cave Richards. P n of Erwin B. 391-4 An ordinance to amend approximately 4.35 acresP t f cony r onditions on o~Ce park in accordance with a conce t professional March 28, 198g~ located on the north sde loan dated at the intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cavef S °ute 419 Magisterial District upon the petition of Fr 'prang Waldron, Inc. alin & COZENS' COMI~~NTS AND CO ~B1'II111TICATIONS ~JOtiiR1vME~ 6 s~~ )H, THAT EXPLA/NS THE DIFFERENCE IN OUR SAI~IRIES Mary Allen 3/3./91 . Lee Eddy Bob Johnson ~h ' Steve McGraw 1 Harry Nickens Dick Robers RE: March 26 Board Meeting River Parkway Presentation Mr. Hodge asked me to let you know that the presentation on the River Parkway Presentation has been scheduled for 1:00 the regular meeting begins for several reasons. (1) p.The ePark Service Southeast Regional Director will be coming and requested this time due to airline travel problems. (2) That will be a very heavy meeting with 3 work sessions following the afternoon session. Mary Allen 3/3/91 w ECH: RE: PARKWAY PRESENTATION - 3/26/91 Joyce Waugh said that Tom Brown with the Southeast REgional Parks Service would like to have the presentation to the Board of Supervisors on the Parkway a~t~. 1:00 p.m. instead of 3:00 p.m. because of the difficulty of scheduling airline reservations to Roanoke. Do you want to schedule it for 1:00? v ~ ~! I --~. j If so, should I call board members and make sure they can come? Mary Allen 2/28/91 To ~'~ Date ' ~ Time ~G~ ", - WH~E YO WERE OUT M ~ C -C GvTi"~/Y of Phone ` Area Code Num r Extension TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YDU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL - ~ ~'~ Message / ~~`~. ~,~ Cti-''C~ -~-~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~.~' ice/ Operator AMPAD 23-000 50 SHT PAD EFFICIENCYO 23-001 250 SHT DISPENSER BOX -%~ For Date - Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT M -~ :.% r From Phone No. Area Code Number Extenebn TELEPHONED ~--"` URGENT PLEASE CALL WANTS TO SEE YOU Will CALL AGAIN CAME TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL Message - a ~ - s - a K. ~~DataCom s, s, A-31291-8.f INQ~R~S OF BOARD MEMBERS K. REPORTS AND KED SAM TO REPORT ON C Or~TII ED (1) AS T NEGOTIA'T'IONS C SUPERVISORONS.DSAM ADVISED TSA OE OBENSHAIlV Tp riEGOTIA'I'I WII.LEY AND J IGHBORHOODS FOR 9 HO~S• ASKED JOHN ~~, SERVE NE ~~ SURE 24 iJNI'rS PER ~ ASKED STAFF TO FOL~CA ~ LII~ CABLE. ()TREASURER REGARDING WHO WARM, CON'T'ROL AND BACK WITH D THAT ORDINANCE BE BROUGHT ORDINANCE SAM ASKE ~D FOR REPORT ON PROC 1D~) ASKED ON 5114191. (3) OSAD A VIRGINIA BYWAYS (4191 ~~~ ~L,~ DECLARIlVGT BOARD IOW WAN CURRENT ALL MHA TO LE ~~S• (5) ASKED ABOUT JOIlV' ECH SERVICE APPOINTME~ ATION WITH BO~TOURT C ~ ~ AMERICAN CITY APPI,IC CTS TO SUBNHT AND O VISED NEED 'THREE PROS ON OF COUN'T'Y SCHOOLS WHO ~ COGNTrI .r0 CONTAG"r .T.WO, (~ ASKED FOR ~ MIND, CIA ODYSSEY OF THE ,T,IONS IN MARCH WON AWARDSARD FOR RESOS OF CONG~TU~ SCHOOL B LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Fralin & Waldron, Inc. to amend proffered conditions on approximately 4.35 acres, to construct a professional office park in accordance with a concept plan dated March 28, 1988, located on the north side of Route 419 at the intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: March 7, 1991 Mary H. Alle , Clerk , Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, March 12, 1991 Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Direct the bill for publication to: Fralin & Waldron, Inc. c/o Edward Natt P.O. Box 20068 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 774-1197 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOB 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Erwin B. Richards to rezone a .324 acre tract from B-1 to B-2, to operate a video repair business in an existing structure, located at 3556 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: March 7, 1991 Mary H. All n, Clerk Please publish in the evening edition of the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, March 12, 1991 Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Direct the bill for publication to: Erwin B. Richards c/o Damico & Apgar PO Box 1578 Roanoke, VA 24007-1578 (703) 345-0275 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on March 26, 1991, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at the evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. will hold a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 TAXATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21-5 ADMISSIONS TAX, SECTION 21-6 COLLECTION OF ADMISSION TAXES; RECORDS, SECTION 21-7 ENFORCEMENT' PENALTIES' VIOLATIONS. All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Roanoke County, Virginia Publish on the following dates in the morning edition: March 17, 1991 March 24, 1991 Send invoice to: Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ATTENTION : MRS . MARY ALLEN oNE T READING G, REQUEST FOR PUBLIC IiEARIN oA~~ ENDA FOR REZONING OgDINANCE C ~I,~J MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING ,UBLIC HEARINGS - 3/26/91 .7RC 1, An ordinance to amend proffered conditions on rofessional approximately 4.35 acres, to construct a p lan dated office park in accordance nit a north side of Route 419 March 28, 1988, located o at the intersection of Chaparral Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District upon the petition of Fralin & Waldron, Inc. 2, An ordinance to rezone a .324 acre tract frem B~ 11 to B- 2 to operate a video repair b mbleton Avenue, Cave structure located at 3556 Bra Spring Magisterial District upon the petition of EYwin B. Richards. H. F~'r READING OF ORDINANCES NONE I, SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and readopting Articl f the Roanoke of Chapter 12, Motor Vehicle and Traffic o County Code. 3 a ~~ I~ PROCLAMATION Whereas, Lions Clubs International District 24-E has 49 Lions Clubs and 6 Lioness Clubs with a total membership of approximately 1800 Lions and Lionesses; and Whereas, District 24-E covers a 10 county area of Virginia with Roanoke being the general center; and Whereas, Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917 based upon the motto "We Serve", it has now become the largest service organization in the world; and Whereas, the Lions and Lionesses of District 24-E support and fund the operation. of the Lions Eye Bank on Elm Avenue in Roanoke, the Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation at the University of Virginia, Leader Dogs for the blind in Rochester, NI(C!~-~G~N as well as many other local and national causes and projects; and Whereas, all Lions and Lionesses are volunteers giving their time, energy and finances to helping those who may be less fortunate; and Whereas, these actions by the Lions and Lionesses of District 24-E are exemplary, commendable, and deserving of notice by our community and its citizens. Now therefore, 1 Noel C Taylor Mayor of the City of Roanoke Virginia, do `L9 hereby proclaim April, 1991 as LIONS INFORMATION DAY in the City of Roanoke in honor of and in tribute to all of the Lions and Lionesses of District 24-E, and especially those who are our neighbors and friends, who graciously give of themselves to assist others. ~T~, ~~~~ Given under our hands and seal of the City of Roanoke, this day of 1991. Clerk ~ ~ Mayor proc.mfl.i J j , ~ v ~. ,~' ~ f. 7 T~' fVIRGINIA ~~~~ ;.~-.~~ }~ ONS o .. , ' ~~®~ ~ VALD W. RHINEHART rici Governor 24-E - 1990-91 (STRICT OFFlCERS 199091 Steven A. McGraw :LUBSINTERNATIONAL Chm. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors W. RHINEHART r2ooe9 Brambleton Ave. f-9819 87574018 ~; , p, BOX 2 9 8 0 0 ;~774~4415 Roanoke, Va. 24018 March 8, 1991. iARY/TREASURER .L S. FERGUSON patine Road, S.W. e, Virginia 24014 N CHAIRMAN NI D L. ASHWORTH udill Street n~rg, Virginia 24134 CHAIRMAN HY P. MORGAN 2, Box 254 Virginia 24084 CHAIRMAN 'H C. WADE 1, Boz 370 ansburg, Virginia 24073 )N CHAIRMAN )N II 4MIN J. DAVIS, IV 2. Box 320 riew, Virginia 24095 CHAIRMAN JIN L. GILLIAM Red Cedar Circle oke. Virginia 24019 c CHAIRMAN =n MORRIS Catawba Valley Drive n, Virginia 24153 E CHAIRMAN E III ES P. WELCH Box 1022 ord, Virginia 24523 NON CHAIRMAN ZION III LIAM B. CLEM Pinecrest circle seta. Virginia 24121 iE CHAIRMAN iE I HILLIP WINDSCHITL 11 Windy Gap Farm dy. Virginia 24101 VE CHAIRMAN NE II N. RORRER. JR. Patsy Avenue linsville, Virginia 24078 E. We Serve Dear Mr. McGraw. I am serving as Region II Chairman of District 24-E. Lions of Virginia, and presently involved with a program scheduled for April 29, 1991. at Patrick Henry High School Auditorium. This date was changed from April. 3,91. I recently spoke with Jim Robertson, Sheriff of Roanoke County, regarding a Proclamation signing on March 26, 1991. Many dignitaries expect to be present to sign Proclamations in your office on this date. Among those are the. Mayor of Roanoke City, the Mayors of Vinton, Salem, Bedford, and the Chairman of Botetourt County Supervisors. I have spoken to Mrs. Mary Allen, and she advised me to bring you up to date on the status of things, and to send her a copy of the Proclamation which Mayor Noel Taylor will sign. At this signing seven (7) or eight (8) Lions including our District Govenor Donald Rhinehart, and I will be present. The primary purpose of the proclamation is to promote a better understanding of the services of Lions and Lioness Clubs, and how we live up to our motto We Serve." To better inform the citizens of Roanoke Valley and surrounding areas, we will be presenting an informational program on Lions Clubs services in:the_.areas. of Lions. International. I~. fry ~ y ~. ~., y VI RG . ~~,~ ,~ , } I NIA r S of ~N ©~- ~ ~` ALD W. RHINEHART ~t Governor 24-E - 1990-9 ~ fRICT OFFlCERS ,990-9, 24-E IBS INTERNATIONAL J. RHINEHART 0089 lirginia 24018 89-8757 74-44,5 ,RYITREASURER S.FERGUSON ,tine Road, S.W. Virginia 24014 CHAIRMAN L. ASHWORTH till Street 'g, Virginia 24134 {AIRMAN Y P. MORGAN Box 254 lirginia 24084 NAIRMAN i C. WADE Box 370 nsburg, Virginia 24073 N CHAIRMAN NII MIN J. DAVIS. IV ?, Box 320 ew. Virginia 24095 CHAIRMAN IN L. GILLIAM ied Cedar Circle eke, Virginia 24019 CHAIRMAN 11 dORRIS Catawba Vauey Drive t, Virginia 24153 CHAIRMAN e III _g p, WELCH Boz 1022 ord. Virginia 24523 ION CHAIRMAN ,ION 111 _IAM B. CLEM Pinecrest Circle sta, Virginia 24121 IE CHAIRMAN iEl HILLIP WINDSCHITL . 11 Windy Gap Farm dy, Virginia 24101 NE CHAIRMAN NE II W.RORRER.JR. ? Patsy Avenue Ilinsville. Virginia 24078 • € r We Serve Your help, and the Mayors' help in making this a success will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, and I hope to be hearing from you soon. Yours in Lionism MhL-X~/ ` Benjamin J. Davis IV- Region TI .Chairman District 24-=~ MARCH 26, 1991 PROCLAMATION ON LIONS CLUB JACK DAVIS JIM ROBERTSON JACK DAVIS TO SEND PROCLA~ION AND LETTER TO STEVE. QOANp~~ Z ,a E50 1 88 ~ NN~P~. UICENTE eautiful Beginning pll-pM r 1' ~ I ~' ~~~~ 1979 ~~~ ~~ 1989 C~~~t~~~ COMMUEN INEERING DEPDARTMENTOPMENT ' MEMORANDUM TO• Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Assistant Director. FROM: George W. Simpson, III, of Engineering SUBJ: Public Notice - Six Year Plan DATE: March 6, 1991 ublic hearing on March Attached is a Public Notice for the P table and cerning the proposed Six Yhernoticeristacceplan for 26, 1991 con Please confirm that the specified dates. Roanoke County• a er on have it published in the newsp P Thank You• dj c; Donnie Myers, Assistant County Administrator P P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 (703) 772-2080 P U B L I C N O T I C E wised that the Board of Supch,isors of Roanoke Coun Y 1991, at the Roanoke Please be ad on the 26th day of Mar m, or at its meeting Virginia at 7:00 public County Administration Center in Roanobe~heard, will hold a P as soon onetheffollowingematterr toywit: hearing t of the Six-Year Construc1997~P1an for the secon ary Establishmen hways for 1991 system of the State Hig the matter set forth ublic interested in lace aforesaid. All members of the p above may appear and be heard at the time and P file at co y ro osed schedule referred to above is o of the P P Department, 714 South B3738 A P Office, State Highway the Residency and the Administration Center, Street, Salem, Virginia, is available for Roanoke, Virginia where it Brambleton Avenue, regular business hours. public inspection during ~Yl ~ . Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PUBLISH IN THE ROANOES TIMES AND WORLD NEWS ON THE FOLLOWING DA Tuesday, March 12, 1991 Tuesday, March 19, 1991 BILL T0: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors p, 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 ~~~~is~ a~c~ 26, y ~,~ 0~4 ~e~S, 4~ar. s~1`~ 1~'Q~ est ~°~ o ,the S, 26191 ~ ¢~ " ~, gego ent ° O~'~I ~~ e,~,~, 1. c°~~, ~ ~s,~, ~ase~cc~ 1G ~'~ GAS . ~~~~*~ ion 4~y.1~~~ ~;~ s~'S. 3-1 O~ O ~ O~ ~3~~~~4/ /~,. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ bu$1°e5ses ab on ~ot'fying CO°"~' Rep°~' BRING SACK 3. Ordinanc~~ER A~ To SET WiTK ~G 3126 CESg " 5.1~ p'M' RE P•M• CONVEl~ _ 5.25 RE ~pN wnRK SFSS ~T SSIONS TAX D .SAT A~~ ,~ OF 411• p1VIN~ A CI~NS' (1~ ASIA EF~~'T1Y ~g~ E~EC"i' SE~IO -. ~,ZVISOR NI 91 AGENpA ~ 419 ~~ E BUS~ESSE OR ~CE~ ON 31ST . 3126191 ~ SENT TO TI30S 3, AgI~~ F P GEgTE~ 1 LE.~R B SSiONS TAX• ~ .~S'1II`Z Y LOGAN SUG AS~D TAT ~D BY ADS CO DZJIVIP• I,ARR c~*,•r •rr• V2VOUL.D BE A~'FEEAST CO~TYgC WAFTS ~ ca~~'~ ~' . ,.~.~cTANCE T ~,.~- stISE OF . _,-.~. r~,,vr Sue, roffer in the Do not include the screening and buffering P ordinance. ublic hearing. Terry will ask the Board to delete it at the p Audrey 3/18/91 c: Mary A. s_._...~_.._. __ -~~~- ~,~, ~ ~ ~~ +l "' ,~~; /s .-~ ,. ~~ _~ O -- ~~~ 1~ ~ pRpG~C1~ V A11~ R t'~~ . V15pR R V ~'~c~~p~G v~ pO~CE 5U4ER G O~ ~ A4p~ ~E`~ ~ V~ OpE~~011 ~1`~~~~~55~ RE 6 °y ~2~ ~'~ `NA5 ~ 312 5~~~5 R~ s 'Z dd~ull Pu~3 `~~aaarJ a,~~~~doa pa~oS •t aaU~l~S Q ~ uoa Pu°3 ~a~a$U ~ ~ 3° gam °y ~°~ 03 ~ ~ y~oa~ ~ ~siQ °~°~ s Sng ~°ISS~ ss~y~a g oy ~ ~~~g ~~ 03 Q~s a ~ ~°3 y~o QgQ ~°~ 3o y~g~s~ arul s~ n~ ~g °~~ ~ a~~g t a°gs~ S21~y~ a san~a~ s~q ~o~ 'rI ~°~~ gads ~~ avu4~ P ~ ~S~~~a x Sy~~~Oa Oa Q~ oly~al~~~ S~ ~ ~~~s ~ ' ~'~ a °y 3 s~ ss~ss`~ '~~. ~S ~.y ~oiy°vs z ~°3 ~~ ~ ~~s~o~a~ ~ a~ s~as1a ys~ yst ~ ~ ~ ~o1so 30 ~~ ~l ~o •~ 1~~ S~ ~ l~o~~n~ a~u~a p ~~ Q~S a`~S a~~ $u~ti . ~` Sal~~ 5'Z 30 x~o~~~LIS 51~10~[ .pun 3 d ~ ,~San{~a21 ~ Og n d ~~as auk ~~ 30 2I~~g Oy O~ l~~~ovua~ xu ~ ~~~ ga Zg OS Q ~O ~O~dO 2619 pa ~~~~ load $u~a~uS •9 SI ~~ .~~~ ~s°°a d ° a°~~~~ap ~~ /~ , ~d~al~~~ ~ ~ yes Os ~~ / u~ u°'~ ~ Zb"t66j ~'~Q ~~~ IyO~ ~~~ aauaAa~ y0~ ~ °y rI0 9_t6 ~,~~ a~~ ~ °a ~ aall°a u° .~ S ~10~ .ate a ~ o~ ,~Sanba2l ~ptWaa~ °~ `~AO1 wnna~ n ~~a~ as MEETING DATE: BOARD MEETING CHECK LIST Minister: Reminder: - Public Hearings Advertised: Draft Agenda Prepared: Reminder to Outside Participants: Prepare any "fancyu resolutions: BOARD MEETING DAY: Board Reading File Done: "FancyN Resolutions Signed and ready: Tapes Prepared: Sound System Ready: Room Set up: Media Packet ready: Double Spaced Agenda: - • Chairman told of anything different: Extra Agenda Copies: Dinner Plans: # People for Dinner: AGENDA FOLLOWUP Action Agenda Prepared and sent: Thank you letter -Minister: Resolutions and Ordinances Completed: Board Report Action completed: Appointment Letters: _____- Bingo/Raffle Letters: Other letters prepared: Board filed in: Meeting Followup memos to staff: Other: G ~~ .ice s ,~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~`~ =3 ~_ . ~ ~ a' .,, OCLAMATIDN DECLARING WEEK OF APRIL 6 THROUGH APRIL 13, 1991 ---s t PR `~ `~' AS NATIONA!- COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK ~ 3 ~ ~= EAS County government is the oldest form of local government in the United a ~ / WHER ~ ~' .in,cthe-Mate ~f Virginia; ~ vc u States, . • _ ~- ~ in~ rt~~~~ bf ~~`t i r (~) thc~tf-!t5 ~ a ~ 5 o ulation resides in counties; and, P WHEREAS, nine-eight percent of the Nation's p p L ~ ~ ~.~~ a.~N~ L~ ~ F ~ ~` , ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ to ed over 1,900,000 people and spent almost WHEREAS, county government emp Y st ear to provide a wide range of services for the benefit of the people of the ~<<(~~ ~'` la y $103, United States; and ed b a ointed administrators or WHEREAS, almost 1,200 counties are now manag Y Pp elected executives; and S over the last 30 years, county governments have assumed increased WHERFA , ustice, transportation, housing responsibility for the administration and financing of health, welfare, j development programs; and and community rester role in solving WHEREAS, county governments have also been assigned a g dealin with air pollution, water pollution, solid waste disposal, airports, transit area wide problems g systems, regional parks, and other issues; and .. saagog ~ p.~nyai~ govern ? uosuuol '7 ~pV3 •g aa7 'suaxairl '~ ~tiH uU'ul1lV1{~-a~1•!1 `uaIIN 'H ,C~vyv a~aal~ ~Mba~aY1I •N uanalS uniuainq~ - l.v / l °a PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, county government is the oldest form of local government in the United States, and originated in the State of Virginia; and ninety-eight percent of the Nation's population WHEREAS, resides in counties; and WHEREAS, county governments employed over 1,900,000 people and ear to provide a wide range of spent almost $103,000,000,000 las eo le of the United States; and services for the benefit of the p P almost 1,200 counties are now managed by appointed WHEREAS, administrators or elected executives; and over the last 30 years county governments have WHEREAS, for the administration and assumed increased responsibiustice, transportation, housing and financing of health, welfare, j community development programs; and overnments have also been assigned a greater WHEREAS, county g with air pollution, role in solving area wide problems dealing transit systems, water pollution, solid waste disposal, airports, regional parks, and other issues; and tradition of strong and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a long responsible county government, and has demonstrated this tradition by being the first County in the State to obtain a Charter and to win the All America City Award THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke County Board of NOW, 1991 is n Supervisors that the week of Government Week inrRoanoke County, designated as National County and further BE IT RESOLVED, that the County will celebrate this week by taking local government to the people through a variety of events throughout the County. -~~ ~~°' J ~~ STAFF REPORT se ~: 29-7/85; Petitioner:. Fralin & Waldron viewed b Rob Stalzer: Date:. July 11, 1985 Petition of Fralin & Waldron, inc. to rezone 3.9 acres from 3, Residential, to B-1, Business, to construct and operate a ofessional office park, located on Virginia Primary Route 419, proximately 900 feet west of its intersection with Bernard Lane, .thin the Cave Spring Magisterial District. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to construct a two story office building of approximately 18,000 square feet of floor area. Development to be completed in substantial conformance with attached preliminary site plan. b. Attached concept plan describes purpose more fully. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. B-1, Office District permits a variety of professional and financial office uses. b. Commercial development requires extensive site plan review and approval to insure compliance with County requirements. c. Entrance permit from VDH&T. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: flat, parcel considerably higher than adjacent residential properties. b. Ground Cover: Cleared. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priorit Cave Spring area designated for a stable rate of res dential growth as well as commercial infill. b. Immediate area is concentration of office and higher density residential uses. Lower density detached single family residential adjoins petitioner's property. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT a. Ratin Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5: 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. Ratin Factor Comments LAND USE COMPATIBILITY C. Neighboring Area: Mixed useage. ! D. Site Layout: Conforms with policy TR-8 (enhancing the '- quality of highway frontage development) and policy TR-9 (provide strict screening and buffering standards along rear property lines where frontage development backs up to less intensive residential uses). /A E. Architecture: 2 F. Screening and Landscape: Conforms with requirements of Screening and Buffering Ordinance. 3 G. Amenities: Adequate parking. 2 H. Natural Features TRAFFIC 3 I. Street and Circulation Capacities: VA 419 is an - arterial highway intended to provide mobility of traffic with limited land access. Current ADT is 23,885. Project reflects policy TR-3 (reserve frontage strips for major office facilities) and policy TR-7 (limit frequency of driveway openings). VDH&T comments that proposed entrance must align with Chaparral Drive to allow for synchronized left turn. Site distance between entrance and railroad questioned. 525 feet required. VDH&T notes that developer must bear cost of modifying the traffic signal. UTILITIES 2 J. Water: Roanoke County 0&M. Adequate and ample distribution capabilities available. 2 R. Sewer: Roanoke County 0&M. Adequate treatment capacity '- exists and is available. DRAINAGE 2 L. Basin N/A M. Flood Plain PUBLIC SERVICES 2 N. Fire Protection: Within adequate travel time standard. 2 0. Rescue: Within adequate travel time standard. N/A P. Parks and Recreation N/A Q. School 1 R. Tax Base ENVIRONMENT 2 S. Air STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: -Conforms with policies TR-3, TR-7, TR-8, TR-9, T-lA. b. Weaknesses -Design of entrance must conform with VDH&T requirements. t EXHIBIT A • c ., 9 • L # - s T " *r a m ~ r ^ O , Z ¢ 7 ~'rrr~r ~ r* try K y. t . ~ jL ~ a f C l rirQ y7Vi~, i1~3;.3i~S ~+ ~~~ o •~ ~ L + ~i > ~ ' 9 4 I' ~ rCy ~~ V J $ .e 8 i d ( ~ § t Z ~ o ~ ~ Z W [~I~I~I~ Q ~ ar ..~t• ~ .goQ °`. 6 ~ ~ •- ~ W ~ o hl n I I I I i` i - ~~+~r ~ m' ~ W ~ J u uii~Il N ,~r II I !n z H ~ II •' z_ w g ~ ~ ~ ; ~ odot~ M ~ ,, ~ m ~ =~ 1 /J~~'' o ' ~ Y ~_._.___- _ ~, ~ I -- 0.. Z --- -- _ - I ~, I ~i ,, j i aim to }i,>y i '- ~----- -7'' ~ 1 ~ /r I Y .. ~ ` _~ ?~ {fll ~ J I ~ I ~ \ ~ \ I I 1 0 Ou ; • ` I I I.I.LtYI I I I ~.~ ~ } ~ ~~ i .~~ _ ~ ..~ , 4 y I •, I ,~ ~ ,~ r •'~~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~`~`` it ! i i I ~i _ -- - - - -Is I • . ;' ~ c3 ( d ~ .I I i ~,,, • ~ I a. z ~ i ..rfD ~~ //:. ~ ~~, ~~ ~ .. /• I •.,I ~ i\, I ,~#i .,~ ApoPT~D ~~,~~~,~ (7pNSPI'IVIION AND BY-TAWS Z4~ ~~ ~~~ CAB ' ation shall be the KNIGHTS BOOSTER ~'~' I • Na=e aniz a, The name of this org se ,TER ~,UB is to encourage and promote the II. ~r ° High School, Roanoke, Virginia. se of the KNIGHTS BOOS ring a' ~e p~P° ro rams of the Cave Sp athletic p g SPF,CIFICALLY• ride in all athletics. enthusiasm and p 1, Endeavor to develop a e f an attendance at all athlet sch lastic achievements. 2, Encour g Encourage all athletes to attain hig 3 rshi re utation who agrees with and is willing III. Membe anization and who is willing tO rship• a. ~,y person of good character and P eligible for membe the purposes of this org ulations is to work for licies, rules and reg subscribe to its po the Board of Directors. b, Annual dues shall be determined by and of directed by a $O Vice IV. Administration anization shall ~ esident, Second First Vice ~ and members' a, The activities of f Pre s dent, Directors mSecree ary, Treasurer and seven other bo President, V. Elec~ S shall be held at the May regular meeting. a, The annual election elected: b, The following shall be President Fecond Vice Pre sdent S Secretary Treasurer ears (three Seven Board Members ear, directors for two y s shall be elected fo ern of er year and four directors in the c, Officer 11 be elected ev Y resent. directors sears). ood standing p intervening Y vote of membership in g to one vote. 11 be majority Shall be er-titled d, Elections hip in good standing of the month Each mecnbe office on the first day e, Officers and Dire ectionhall take following their _ s other times as approved by the Board ~, Meeti and at a, Meetings shall be held mO the president. of Directors or called bs Hess at any meeting of this club shall be at b, A quorum to transact bu least 15 men-bers. rescribed by parlimentary JII. Duties of Officers such as p s of the club. He/She a, The duties of the officers res de over all meeting a nominating law. The President shall P s rior to election date, shall appoint, at least 60 day P Additional shall submit a slate ofi ofineeach year fficers an committee, which in Apri directors at the regular meeting nominations may be made from the flop the President. All committees shall be appointed by s in the b. reside at all meeting tters c 'dent and shall work with the President on al ma The First Vice President shall p absence of the Presl pertaining to the club. He/She nd Vice President shall work with the Presiders n successful atters pertaining to the club. d, The Seco and First Vice President on al m roficient administrator of the club an u ble of performing the duties of shall bec~1e a p completion of this office should be ~ lar or called meetings• the President. s and be custodian of e Secretary shall record the minuof all meetir-gu e. ~ rshi He/She s dsland paper ebe tinging to the club. He/She shall all reco oks of account rer shall keep the financial books of re ular ~ records f. The Treasu He/She shall keep greceipts, sign the checks of the touether with all vouchers, and shall submit tho the directors for their examination as often as other papers, t rform all other duties as are incidental to and and shall pe they may require; his/her office. Duties of the Board of Directors VIII. ed b these by-laws the bB a d of Directorsb t as otherwise proved Y managed by its a, Excep ro erty shall be conducted and its p p rties of this club Bey shall: ks to act as 1, Control and safeguard the fads lect a ban ror bar- nditures; determine the manner of and direct all exile such funds; and if necessary depositories of the Band disbars ~ ~ activities of the club. receive-ng, deP°siting, rt the secure funds thr°USh loans to suppo for such counsel and others as they may deem necessary, purposes in the execution of their dude and reg 2. Employ ulations of out the policies, by-laws, rules, 3, Carry this club. s and a full account of its 4, Keep minutes of its meeting transactions. eet each month and at such other times as may be called by 5. M the President. uorum. 6, A majority of the Board of Directors shallor directo e h s of an officer inted 7. In the event of a vacancy Y successor to fill the remaindhe Boards term shall be aPPo by the remaining members of h any person or persons, IX. Fins b or throug the name of the club, or under its direction or authority, a, All monies obtained from any source, Y1 forthwith be delivered to the acting for or in shall be considered club fundssa~d shat Treasurer for appropriate depo X, Parliamentary Authority overn the proceedings of all meetings o a• Robe lub except as0 prov ded in the by-laws. the c XI. Policies Rules and Re ulations n or engage in any activities which resume upo ~ nsibilities, and a, The club shall or enc oach upon, the duties, respo the coaching interfere with, the teaching staff, , authority of the Board of Education, staff, or any other school official. all collect any money or cause any debts to be nor cause to b, No member sh ress in the name of the club, unless or make any statement to the P to the club or its activities, have printed anything pertaining the President. authorized to do so by anization The club shall adhere to the policy of confining itself c, ertain to the purpose of this org laws. For exclusively to such matters as p ree with the as set forth in Section II o~berswho notlonger can gY •call support continuity of Purp°Se' ulations, and who cannot enthusiasts ma ority policies, rules and reg he urpose of this club may be expelled from membership by J t p vote of the Board of Directors. r who is delinquent in dues fo a die than 60 days shall no d. ~ ger be considered a member in good st ~• X11. Amens is meeting of this laws may be amended at any resent, provided previous written a, This constitution and by- iven at least ten days in club by a 2/3 v~toe sed amendment~ha pbeen g notice of the p Po s in advance when announced at a advance by mail or at least thirty ~Y regular meeting. _ _ _. ,:.. -.: __ ,.. ,.. .. _ :_ _ ,. ; .... t.: ,. _ _ :, _ ,. r.. -. , , ~ _ .. ., ,., - _ ~ ._ .... .... ,. _ - -, - :... _ . _ _. .. _ ... ... _ _ _. _ ~ - ,,_ _.. , '.._ ~... ... _ _ _ _...... _... . . _.. .... . ,.. .. , ., . ,-. . . ,.. .... .. . r - .. ,.. ,: _ ,... ., __ .__ : ~; _... :. _ ;- - - :.. ,.,._ _ _ . . _ - . _ -: _. .. ., ~, . .... , , r, ~_ ~: -- _ _ - = ~ __ - .. _ ._ ,. __ ; ~:_ _.. _ - _ - _ ,.. _ ~ _ _ ...... .: :, ...::._. :. .. _ .: , _, , _~ .._ ,. ,,, ;. _ ;,, ;. :: ;. ___ _.. _.. _ _. _.. , ; _. { :_. ... ... _, _ _, ._ ... -- ., ;:. .: ,_ _ ,. . ' ~~ ,• .. ~.: s. ... _.. . .. .~ ~~ _.. ... .: ~ ~ ._i .. _ .._ . ,~ ' . ~. v ~, "~ i.. .. .. - ' :_ _:. _ p _ .. ~ ~ i__ _ - ... :. _ _. _ _ _. t .. .... _ z_ F' 1 ~~.~ t.aF - -ai ~~,_ ..,~,~,.- ~rx~. ~:CI~ ~C~ ___~~ .L~~~~ - L >. E Y ] K ~ V A tl i March 19, 1991 Elmer Hodge County Adminitrator County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Va 24018 Dear Elmer, Following is the informatlosif natlo°tresolution~as about the arts 5teveiMcGraw• Please call Steve cr me per request by We really need your help! It yo,~ have anY waysweocan apply for federal funds. The is the only 5lncerely~ f f Gtr''-~ " Susan J. Cole Executive Director e~ D ~w,c / ~L!/" may.. e~ }~ ~,~'~ ~ ~ ~ -- ;; , ::: 2(i Fast (:'hta•?~ A~'~ru; • t~:..,, .-- F' ~ ~" '1.i=tF 1'=~ "=~1_It;_~~~oF'I"~ '_:EPl1E~- I' THE '=~i=al_WF'E. p~gLtr: WoRKs PHONE (703) g9;b3tfi ~t~CRQ~ gION8326 PHONE ( } LAN03fly92-fi1 t t PMaNE t~ } ~INTENANCE~ PHONE (709} 992-938 SAX RI:CiNt , : 03} 992+3`-'07 ~ONNiE l NEWI.C~N A55~5TlWT COWJT"~ p.OM~ht`~TtiATOR K~VSN R. gµEARER. P E ~` R L S (QUNN g~,INF E R KENNETH M NtYERs RECREATiQN DIRECTOR jjj~~~ E.L. PADfi~IDK ~,}A' ~-~{- ~~~~ ~~~ ~pFLLL8UPERVISQR ~~~,.` µJ F~N ~' ~ ~~ (~'~ FRANK M. SMUS' ~~~ ~ ~~r~~~'^` M,wNTEN~~E +UPERvI:~JF+ Q ~u~Cu? ~vV ~~+ xa j WEST MAIN ~TpEET, 94 FINCASTLE. VIRGINIA 24Q90 (rydrCiT 1~, 14`11 ;usai~ ;;. Gale k'. a . t~,:ecutsve gireettne glue Ridge (iCtS ~~ur,ctl al the de519natinn atem "a~ y115a~t: 1~th 1 the Graft nl March Superarsars (Manda'/~ Hnpe _~clo`ed is j~aard of cro.5ed. al our r.eep your lingers _-~~T;±eration ha7pen~. ,~;. a t } O,_ ~~,;ti0ri stra:.gt'~t. ~incerelY, r_.._ _.~ lyonn>,e L. (ypwlan p~~istant County Admlrsl5tcat:sr ~W~ E1;~1o~ure ,:1 t~ ~~ ~~ for the (' 11 '~ e t got. p.~, f'1HF' i'? '`!1 4fi~~1L~Pf'1 ~:;Ef'ITEF-' Ifs 1HE =~i~UHR.E REEidi.UTIQN IN REC6GNIT ION 4F THE ARTS CGUNL'IL OF THE BLUE RIDGE ~' the Arts L'ouncil of the Glue Ridge i{armerly known as The wds {drtned as a non-pro{it WIiEFtEF;~, Farts Councii of the Roanoke Valleyl, cnrporatian ~n 199, and ur ase of The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge is to wxEkEFly, the P p to develop arts audiences and educational arts oPgantzatione in promote and advocate the arts, progratzts, and to provide services for artists and tt:e 6iue kidge Region, and is a local jurisdiction located within aiNrnE~+S, gctetourt County and t~,E aree or the 61ue Kidge Region, a desires to stimulate w:-IEkEta~, Tne arts t",ouncil a{ the nlue Ridg artance n{ the arts, qr@atEr gGvEi ~'~eflta ni~d puDllc awdrenES5 d{ tha 1Qtp artd art the C The Arts Council o{ the Blue Ridge ;cants to supp y,}t~ftEAa, institutions, organization, an° county of Botetourt'a awn artists, auo r i~r~i es, ar:d WHEREAS, The Arts Council o{ the locatRlagts`sergan,izat?onsenana riith the primary emphasis on assisting ~r i ~t and ,~ The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge has teen recogn._ed ~~! wklEftEAS, inia La+itntissi0n of the Arts, and the National Endowment oti ne the '~-~ 9 to disseminate ,n,c~rmattnn t4 lo:a! ,+rt5 as the aPG'npriate regional body ~U4er.,a:apt,, ;;, ,l an-.ations, and artists, ta~~, THEkEEGKE, BE 1T RESt]LVEQ BY TeE61ueTRidgeTShalilNbe recagni.ed ytrrt:.tt`J15t1R5 tt+:~t the Arts CounL;; of th as the sPproR"rata organisation to advise the aQdnNilhin thetErluerklt~n,P devetopntent o~ the arts wllni. the locality re.~sun. r1Hr- 1'~ _ i G=r` ~ 11Ff ~ ~-:Ef ITEF' Irk rHE S«UHRE _. _ T;-~ NFIT~ CpUNGiL Of THE HLUC RID~,E eawa of ar~Ecrofls TintWhY 8. Bury f'rrrl~rrw Jdbl RfIMM~L'!c, JL Buf10111. LrYY1! Vin P-ri~YM BICWai/ VI(~Prrsypy IrarY~ V Cn~wlw,r ~ DR CHrriw Ooutrr; '~ TrPUrJrrr J~nwis W. M.rrr, P, f1rW Blmkr. ~Jf., 4r+rw Diuww. Dwl ~~+~lr. Mupar+u. FwMGry uw+w H , amPlon, Lucy Mruw ~w• .~.nyr rYn.oiL .k, u4rn JaMKCn, Sw .+wwan. Ar. 1+cCrparn, 80eVw 11W~Yy1, KIIYYrMI G fp mall P , , rlu0 acyw ww vwrca, .~~ larw ~* AFFp.MTEB ThrAolrlp Cprpy-Y d fi4Ylriu C urYrr~ly Art~rr+an Grrwrr SaclwT r dr iiWMwYr Cowwy Parlu t Nruaawn ~~+c3+~+daaorn.,. N~ Ro.,wY. Cowwy stl~ool. wtW Art n l-N ~*r Aa~Y S acw, l ky ~1oYy PMUlrrl h YYi Prrk Flo~Ywly aluwwn w Flnr N4 ~ ~ ~ ~ Hoaltaka ~ ~~~ BaKlrra -Thr 41r~>Mr Eartatn ~~~~ dEA17J(AfiTS! PuPPW. w PIZ?AZ EraW ComoYllra ~sy ~lar~y B1wRwprfYm3rxwry r l FW~ gl'R+W,~Ya~t~.ilr. ~ ~ NIwR1ap+PUa~cTWrWOn y.1w!' pw-~i.r liuakSacrYy Bhr ~r WtYrn GoNwnw F1or10kr VrMr ~yy~rr 9$~$A @owtlrrW Q(rpIMC1 ~(Wki V Wry Cl~plff Ga PTa~.phpnr v4gnia Nu.ic Trrclyn ~ a Gx+Mny~ r y M l (;+uup Roar~atr VaYry C~rli soc,uy CartwnyiTwnrr(tWrry C FioarpYryaYry ~ Jglr/ 8rllk DortWyplf BaM Yy MNrYwlfl ~Ok4 VrYay kYwrLpwl E4l•rltiu Dyr Gort1 FqY Dalkr4 FYr,;~w.,asvrw,wapanc. flrnwl•r~Tlw~pai~rY.r p0a1Okr~°rvoro ~wluprrWlus y GAMr,y 3 Sorr+cr lrw:rwr~ d WrNrrnVwpioyl o~grmnT+y.w cirrrry wsnlaw ~'M~'~ uw ~ah0r'Go~~°'ry FuWNySrr~ -trrrson Muwwn of AYkan Mwign Crpwr S~IhNPr~.• krc. ~'~+l VNy7wYa Brllr~ -~aww CoYopr w++ w c $dulnwru virW,M+ ppwr Bown~ vufluYr . n w n~.r Afl ~6cWl Jrn~or Lrrg9w+ a Y ~ 3arlpwnww+ Araadri~o~7 Sorl.n flrrlk ~Y VaYry lwflur of Raana~ M41~ taw+rGw Fpunpr~;pl L flwrWry llwrwiy Mu4`c GYm Torn 41 Vinton app IGwI A/IM, w~F. l.m GtwN Puowc Rr4+lu+ir . Eprprl Prodrarn+ LkNCi,~m a EuitrrY~p T!w WYr C1aYUr McAl.nniNcDwr Flni Ary ulYr«fuy q VYpnu VwpY+lr MOufMaln Ctallf Guild X1111 ~~ TKrrMa hlorlulk SoWhr+n YkB~Ma Wusrwn of T1r ~pwrlr<+n fowid.yr~11 FIOrY1 Cwaar SGhapl rlapOrWion ~~Y ~l~ l ~~ 01,r Lear W r+„ier.rh G.uwYG Ctwrch w Vua1Yr Wrslrrn Pa4Nl. Ml (3rwry Pwq CIWeYgornWy GorMlwrrtY Ggyyr YYyWIa Wrlarcukr 54s,Ny ' Fiornokr 6a4r! TMrYa inrnplw Gry PyOwc I.+orary VkMnan a Guo q f;uuwyly WV'rF-fM PuWq r4wq Y w1s aruw y EAST CFIUHCII AVENUE • R4ANOKE ygkplnu12n , G11 (TQ7) 3~12.5T~0 _F' , ~, F' . 4 ,.;~H~, ~ ~~ • ,~.1 ~~2 ~ Gp~F't^ : F_f iTEF' tP ~ rHE '=;[ l_IHRE .- ~ - ro raro ff the Planning grant is obtained, it is possible to seek p 9 is second grant in a latzr I+(~A grant of about ~lSu,uuu• ~fundtr,g Sources funding 2:1 (local to ;ederail, but existing ue and the atY+er ~urisdtctians are require. matching of have may. be counted°- such as the money ra ramming in the schools. ~ht wQthoutotne prior already Spending an arts P g rants would be spu9 co document this, No tiundin9 9 consent of the go4erning bpdtes of the .iuried:ctions. the cammun:tY to `'ee whether that Ge Trie preliminary planning grant would enable in ~. regional ~cnse where artistic funding was needed°- resentation of Performances, P fund:n (ar arts :n lr,a developcr,ent a- copilot reSOUrCe~, et-ctes, g artists and arts a9 ro raroroing• lt• regranting to existing tnE•-r the :chaols, or other artistic or cultural p g education In pf the local .jurisdictions to eluc~d¢ke would Ge the responsibility g roces~. The function of rocess and produce Iota( and reginnsl needs during th+~ plann:n N' ift.h the Hris Council would be to [acilitatlanhespmilarnt° the role of the F the regional artistic and cultural p ~ c~pC in the areas of its ;,anyerns. ualit of life is an important consiaeratiun We have found that q Y and the cultura~ in ne++ businesses coming intoigtaefactarowhichal:sy~considered in new business retention and expansion• 'fns programming within the community Ari role nos+nes5 atiractian and existing 1,~;,,nt,, nos provided support to the Arts Co~4ionaln artsf ePlanamaY a"fat in Yoe production a( a ovs~r !ne n tre past. needs and better planning fir them ~..,~m,n++,g thrse co,aa,unit-Y a f-nancial comrnitmpnt tram the ?ne farts Council is not requesttnglanning and Pra9raroming agenCY i'n:rnty, ;,ut its deSh9sadesignationewillaassist in providing funding that '` ic~r the arts. T ,gat elsewhr're a•railabie at the state or lot al level• r;Dh1It11~~1-kH7uR'fi ftFI.QMf1~NDATION: onsarship The Arts Council has been providing caordinatian and sp ro ramming since 1979. It is recommended ann~n grant funding froa+ rf regional aPt5 planning and p 9 that w6 support their eifcrta to apply for pl g the federal government by passing the attached resolution. Attachments l~J P . _~ I'll-1k' 1'-1 • ~-i1 l_1_ ~ ~~'~I-'I'i ~ ~f i I t F-' 1i i T HE _d_!I_IH~a r ,~ ITEef: 6es~g~ation of Arts Council n[ the blue F. A~EN;1H hDri1~1~TRaiy3Fc'S CuM.ttE.N_TS~ raiit group organized of the. Blue kidge ~e a non-p Their {he f,rts Council funding in our coma-untty, ~n 1ti7~? to proR,ate the arts and aria ro raarmin9~ regional art shows. assistance with selection and war['. in the past has included children's P g rc, ramnttng, caminunity arts a~+ards and 9r3nts, arde artistic p g rajectsw avant 9 between econoar-~ inrplemKntat~or, of public art p the relat~onshxP needs, artist"` survey development regarding d associated iacil:ty art., nieTt and the arts an internships In the develop and forumG, student [or other 3rt':°L;;. ,nemberGhrP ~eiricrrl`.in9 ru rams, tundrais:r~g was ~" artists in residence p 9 anricr to 179, there ir,td t~nd;r-y Where ~ in the carnmurr~tY' to bring private and public money ~rpyrar.,,nir,g seef:in9 ili1~ UUU per year cc,runrun-ty arts agency between ~SU,u4u , since ihatAciseCauncil. !ts tiea,bership orq°r`~tntian5 artistic prograa,ming, tray lieEn funneled through the are attached. have brought a and cutbacks in State funning and the Arts The recFnt recession ro ramming in U>,rginia, over time a[ fundin support to arts p 9 crisis g It has broadened itz focus in its piiorts, an gp.~ective that t5 now :tr Council has similarly su[fered. arts and cultural reach the entire reglCln invested 1n hush Gi what has been now [acing the [ending cr-5is and yeopdrdy• attea~ptin9 to ommuni is Y '[he Arts Council is community ari5 ~ntrastructurE in our a thQ other basic atteir,pting to survive in same form. Gsslble 9i~en Salvage both it.s own organi2ation and n the extent p f r~rtorming and ih5titutianall t prc~gramminQ p ~aral resources, its i+;n, the H base far the arts ~n liue rt9 the recent Tc ~tabilsze the funding rant funding, o[ the available federal g wore C~uncli i5 seakan9 girding artistic Censorship, the CangreSS reg iz beir;g directed to loG¢1 deR°te5 In Iacal agencies become tt'e [dational Endowment o[ the Arts tµEA1 fTheln9 artists. heir communttle7- ~lundingeageni,arepareseni~ngtthe castes and needs c,f t seel,ir+g an C3EA grant r;nictr wu~lfri de netwcer: Council is r lto effectively The Arty inr its own reorganizatiui tanning iqr and to conduct regianw-de p for tee g1S,0u~~..$p,0u0 to pstated ab4vels a,eet the mrssinn the community look at the pro~ef role ortable. In order inr the KEA to the arts. This will healislicaily 6upA local jurtsdtctians ;oust arts and what i~ application, the [or t±;e t the Arty Council s tanning ano progranrm>.n9 accep a t5 them in arts P required and m~<st be indl~ate tr,at it repres lire d,acignatian that is This is 1 y'~91. communitY~ to Q rii accort~FliSt~ed prior A C~oo2 NEA 03/05/91 11:59 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /~~ C o /~ ~ r. l DESIGNATION ~~~ ~~~"'~'' / ion is a term which is used toldetts agency Designat a rivate non-profit loca , , ,,;;, procedure whereby P relationship with its local establishes a formal working d to officially represent it and/or county government. Designation enables the c Y to operate on behalf of awith state and federal arts agency on the its local government in dealing overnment to call uP agencies. It enables the local g ency without having resources and services of a loco department. There are both For many nated agencies. to establish a separate agency rivate-public advantages and eidesignatedsagencyso fers a p 0 communities, th artnership which is highlolitica~Pressureslbut eatsthe same p ency from p to include insulate the ag tune, broadens the concern of the arts const tuenc an entire city or county area. h'ch can be Designation accomplished in (3) Resolution, Chi r - is a relatively simple Procedure w ~ Ordinance, at least four ways : (1) Charter, ( ~ ) (4) Contract. The strongest method ofedeasgpart of theecity relationship is specify. roved by or. county charters ange ors addition to a charter"` `'~` ~"~" the voters. Any would normally be accomplished through a charter endment or included in~a series of amendments '~ am or major revisions. to the charter. - The most common met-hod of designation whereby,, Ordinance Soard or Council approves ., the city or county a document which spovernmenthand thellocalp between the local g azts agency. 'The .ordinance wouldartiesland .specify the obligations of both p might or might not include the financial terms f the agreement. The ordinance binds thout the 'n carrying '.',~ ,. ,. o to ees i government and its emP Y ,' agreement unless it is repealed. ~, statement of intent by a local,..',; Resolution - is a non binding ur ose of supporting, elected body for the p P ; endorsing or condemning a Particular action. rant application It is sometimes used to support g .. ~ ~..„ iVe a consensus. of political views at a or tog oint in time. It should not measure certain p t as a temporary for designation excep ... , _ THE TS COL:TNCIL .~~.R O F R O A N O K E V A L L E Y RESOLUTION IN RECOGNITION OF THE ARTS COUNCIL OF THE BLUE RIDGE WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge (formerly known as The Arts Council of the Roanoke Valley) was formed as a non- profit corporation in 1979, and WHEREAS, the purpose of The Arts Council of arts audiencese is to promote and advocate the arts, to develop and educational programs and to prfvRoanokevandsinotherBlues and arts organizations in the County o Ridge Region, and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of thubBiceawarenesssofetheo stimulate greater governmental and p importance of the arts, and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge wants to support the County of Roanoke's own artists, institutions, organizations and audiences, and WHEREAS, The Arts Council of the Blue Ridgocal artsrvice agency, with the primary emphasis on existing organizations and artists, and WHEREAS, The Arts Council he ArtsBlandRtheeNationalgnized by the Virginia Commission of t ro riate body to disseminate Endowment of the Arts organizaPponp and artists, information to County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS that Tae ropriatenorganizationlto advgse the shall be recognized as the PP Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on development of the ar s in the County of Roanoke. 20 East Church Avenue • Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 342-5790 (~..%'~ ~. r,~. , THE COL:TNCIL ~~ . ~~ . ~~RTS O F R O A N O K E V A L L E Y ~.. March 6, 1991 Mr. Elmer Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Elmer, Here is an explanation as°a sampletresolutionwIeadaptedtfromrthe on designation as well ou need more information. samples they sent me. Call me if y Sincerely, /~- ~~"/ Susan J. Cole 20 East Church Avenue • Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 342-5790 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL INCORPORATED 0 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS .o ~ o August 28, 1990 Tom Leggette Cave Springs American Little League P.O. Box 720 Roanoke, VA 24004 Dear Mr. Leggette: This letter is to inform you that the Cave Springs American Little League of Roanoke, Virginia, is a chartered member of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, and is covered under our Federal Group Exemption as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Information as follows League No.: 346-12-04 E.1.N.: 23-7393913 Federal Group Exemption No.: 3158 Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~~ Patricia Sechler Administrative Assistant PS:PS Enclosure P. 0. Box 3485 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701 (717) 326-1921 • FAX (717) 326-1074 Internal Revenue Service District Director pL.ittle League P.O. Box 1227 Wi.Zliamsport, Baseball Inc. PA 17701 .Dear Aaalicant: Department of the Treasury P.O. Box 12836. Philadelphia. Pa. 19106 Person to Contact: Mrs. S. Pratt Telephone Number: 1215) 597-x168 Refer Reply to: Date: SAY 12 i9 81 We have considered your application for a group e3:~ption letter recognizing your subordinates as exempt from federal income tax as organizations of the type described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our records show that you were recognized as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Code. The exemption letter regains uz effect. Based on the information supplied, we recognize your named sub_ ordinates on the Zist you sunmitted, as exempt from federal zncone tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Code. ddditionally, we ?gave classified the organizations you operate, supervise, or control, and which are covered by your notification to us, as organizations that are not private foundations because they are organizations of the type described zn Section 509(a)(1) Donors may deduct contributions to you and your subordinates as provided in Section 170 of the Code. Be4uests, legacies, d=vises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purposes .if they meet the applicable provisions of Section 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code. You and your exempt subordinates whose gross receipts each year are normally more than X10,000 are each r Return of Organizations Exempt from InecameeTax, byltheo15th9day of tae fifth month after the end of the annual accountin you prefer, you may file a 4 Period. If group return for those subordinates that authorize you zn writing to include them s.n that return. This would be in addition to your separate return. The law imposes a penaltxy of SID a day, up to a maximum of X5,000, when a return zs filed late, unless ~t.+:ere is reasonable cause far the delay. Little League Baseball Inc. -Z- You and your exempt subordinates are not required to file federal income tax returns unless subject to the tax on unrelated business income under Section 531 of the Code_ Each organizaiton subject to this tax roust file Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. In this letter we are not determining whether any of you or your subordinates present or proposed activities are unrelated trade or business as defined Zrt Section 513 of the Code. You are not liable far social security (FICA1 taxes unless you either (Z) filc .2 certificate, Fora JJ-1~, waiving your exemption from tisese taxes or (Z1 pay FICA taxes for at least three consecutive calendar quarters after you receive this letter (in such cases you are considered to have waived your exemption Pram FICA taxes) . You are not liable for the tax isrposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Each year, within 45 days after the end of your annual accounting period, please send the items listed below to the Internal Revenue Service address indicated .for your location. 1. A statement describing any changes during the year in the purposes, character, or method of operation of your subordinates. Z. A Zist showing the names, mailing addresses actual addresses if different and employer identify at onsnaumbers ofdes) subordinates that during the year: a) changed names or addresses; b) were deleted from your roster; or c) were added to your roster. 3- For subordinates to be added attach: a) a statement that the information on which your present group exemption letter is based applies to the new subordinates; b) a statement. that each has ive~: L~ to add its name to y you ::..i..~e,-z authorization • the roster; c) a list of those to which the Service previously issued exemption rulings or detPr*R~ration letters; d) a statement that none of the subordinates a:re private foundat_ons as defined in Section 509 (a) of the Code; e) the street address of subordinates where the mailing address is a P.O. Box; and f) for each subordinate that is a school claiming exemption under Section 501fc)(3), the information required by Rev. Proc. 7$-50, 1975-2 C.B. 587. Also include any other information nec- essary to establish that the school zs complying with the requirements of Rev. Rul. 71-447, 1971-Z C.B. 130. This is the same information required by Schedule A Forrrr 1023, Application for Recognition of Exerrrntlon Under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code_ 4• If aaplicable, a statement that your group exemption roster did not chance during the year. -3- the League Baseball Inc. ___e above information should be sent, "Attention Entity Control Unit," to the Internal Revenue Service Center which is .located in the state where the principle office of your organization zs located. Please notify any of your subordinates listed on the enclosed sheet that this letter supersedes their individual exemption letter. The service center that processes your returns wi11 send you a Group Exemption Number. You are required to include this number on each Fora 990, ~Zeturn of Organizatior. ~xeapt Frog Incoaw Tax, ar_a Foy agp-?-, Exemat Organizations Business Income Tax Return. Please advise your subordinates of this requirement and gzovide Cheat with the Group Exemp- tion Number. Ss.ncerel y yours , J~aes T . R.zdeoutte District Director c1f Federal Group $aemption Number - 3158 p~MpNWEALT~-~- OF `IIRGINi PRESTON C. SHANNON ~ i CHAIRMAN 'THEODORE V. MORRISON, JR. COMMISSIONER © , THOMAS P. HARWOOD, JR. ~ [R c ~ 1 `.' COMMISSIONER i~~;.' - STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION January 25, 1991 W. DAVID PAXTON GENTRY, LOCKE, RAKES & MOORE 800 CRESTAR PLAZA 10 FRANKLIN RD., SE, PO BOX 1018 ROANOKE, VA 24005 RE: CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE, INC. ID: 0152360 - 4 DCN: 91-01-24-0121 This is your receipt for $25.00 covering the fees for filing articles of amendment to change the corporate name and articles of restatement with this office. The effective date of the certificate of amendment and restatement is January 25, 1991. Sincerely yours, U~~ ~_ 0~- William J. Bridge Clerk of the Commission AMENACPT CIS20436 WILLIAM J. BRIDGE CLERK OFTHE COMMISSION P. O. BOX 1197 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23209 JEFFERSON BUILDING, 1220 BANK STREE?, RICHMOND, YQtGIPRA 23219 TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICE FOR THE DEAF-TDD/VOICE; (804) 225-3806 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION January 25, 1991 The State Corporation Commission has found the accompanying articles submitted on behalf of CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE INC, (FORMERLY CAVE SPRING AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE, INC. > to comply with the requirements of law, and confirms payment of all related fees. Therefore, it is ORDERED that this CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT be issued and admitted to record with the articles of amendment in the Office of the Clerk of the Commission, effective January 25, 1991. The corporation is granted the authority conferred on it by law in accordance with the articles, subject to the conditions and restrictions imposed by law. STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION By Commissioner A TRUE COPY TESTS: r William J. Bridge Clerk of the Commission AMENACPT CIS20436 91-O1-24-0121 CERTIFICATE ACCOMPANYING ARTICLES OF RESTATEMENT OF CAVE SPRING AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE, INC. 1. The name of the Corporation is currently Cave Spring American Little League, Inc., but this name shall be changed as part of this Restatement. 2. The Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation have been amended in their entirety and restated as the Restated Articles of Incorporation of Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. which is annexed to this Certificate. 3. The amendments and restatement of the Articles of Incorporation contain amendments which required membership approval. The amendments and restatement were found to be in the best interests of the Corporation, and directed to be submitted to a vote of the membership of the Corporation by the directors at a meeting duly held on September 9, 1990. The restatement, and the amendments effected thereby, were approved by the unanimous affirmative vote of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting which was duly called and held on November 18, 1990. CAVE SPRING AMERICAN LITTLE ~, LEAGUE, INC. ~ ,. l , ,~~,~- Date : ~ / ~ ~ y~ BY -' j /% ~imo~hy /J Holody Its• --President glrm/203.art RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE, INC. I. NAME: The name of the Corporation is Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. and shall trade under such names as may be appropriate to designate league affiliations. II. PURPOSE: The Corporation is organized exclusively for the purpose of sponsoring, promoting and providing a supervised education program of competitive baseball and softball games to the children in the community in order to implant the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so they may become stronger and happier children, and grow to be decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens. The winning of games is secondary; the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. The Corporation shall be a non-profit educational organization organized and operated in such a manner to comply with § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. III: POWERS: The Corporation shall have and exercise all powers and authorities now or hereafter conferred upon nonstock corporations under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. However, no part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to any trustee or director or officer of the Corporation or any private individual, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the § 501(c)(3) purposes of the Corporation. IV. MEMBERSHIP' Section 1. All corporate powers of the Corporation shall be exercised by, and the government of this organization shall be vested in its Board of Directors who shall be elected by the members. Section 2. No formal membership application shall be required, but membership must be renewed annually by participation in the affairs of the Corporation as set forth in Section IV4 or by the payment of required participation fees as set forth in Section IV3. All regular and sustained members in good standing are entitled to one vote either in person or by proxy, on the election of directors at annual meetings and shall, upon request, be entitled to receive an annual financial statement from the Corporation within 120 days of the close of fiscal year. Membership in the Corporation grants no vested rights in any property, equipment, facilities owned or programs operated by the Corporation. Section 3. Regular members are the parents or legal guardians (maximum of two per participant) of the paid participants of the various leagues provided and operated by the Corporation of each year. Annual membership for Regular Members shall be obtained upon the payment of the participation fees that may be assessed by the Board and shall run from that day through January 31, of the next year. 2 r Section 4. Sustaining members are all persons twenty- one (21) years of age or older, who are not otherwise a Regular Member, and who have served as a team manager (head coach), team parent, umpire, manager of a corporation-owned concessions facility (maximum two per facility), league officer, or board member during the immediately preceding season. Section 5. The Board of Directors may, but shall not be required, to assess and collect annual dues as an additional condition for annual membership in the Corporation. V. DISSOLUTION: In the event of dissolution of the Corporation, and after all liabilities of the Corporation have been paid, satisfied and discharged or adequate provisions made thereof, all remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more organizations that are organized and operated pursuant to Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or the corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax law. VI. AMENDMENTS: These Restated Articles of Incorporation may be amended at any meeting of the members, provided that previous written notice of the meeting and a copy of the text of the proposed amendment is mailed at least twenty-five (25) days, but not more than sixty (60) days before the meeting is scheduled. A simple majority of the members present and entitled to vote is all that is required for the passage of any amendment. 3 VII. INDEMNIFICATION: Any person who is a party or threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that he or she is or was an officer or director of the Corporation shall be entitled to indemnification from the Corporation against liability, costs and expense, including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees to the full extent permitted by law. The Corporation may obtain insurance to provide such indemnity protection, and may, but shall not be required to, indemnify any and all of its other agents, including coaches, to the same extent as directors and officers. glrm/200.art 4 RESTATED BYLAWS OF CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE, INC. January 23, 1991 1 ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ARTICLE I - MEMBERS' MEETINGS AND PRIVILEGES 1 Section 1. Annual Meetina. 1 Section 2. Other Meetinas. 1 Section 3. Notice of Meetina. 1 Section 4. Votina. 2 Section 5. Record Date. 2 Section 6. Conduct of Meetinas. 2 Section 7. Action Without a Meeting. 3 Section 8. Suspension or Termination 3 ARTICLE II - BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 3 Section 1. Number, Election and Term. 3 Section 2. Removal and Vacancies. 4 Section 3. Meetings and Notices. 4 Section 4. Quorum and Votina. 5 Section 5. Conduct of Meetinas. 5 Section 6. Action Without a Meetina. 6 Section 7. Formal Board Approval. 6 ARTICLE III - COMMITTEES . 6 Section 1. Creation of Committees and Selection of Members . 6 Section 2. Voting and Scope of Authority. 6 Section 3. Standing Committees. 7 ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS . 7 Section 1. Number, Election, and Term. 7 Section 2. Duties of President. 7 Section 3. Duties of Vice President. 7 Section 4. Duties of Secretarv. 8 Section 5. Duties of Treasurer. 8 Section 6. Divisional Directors. 8 ARTICLE V - S EAL. 8 ARTICLE VI - VOTI NG OF OTHER STOCK HELD. 9 ARTICLE VII - CHE CKS, NOTES AND DRAFTS. 9 ARTICLE VIII - FI SCAL YEAR. 9 ARTICLE I X - AMENDMENT 9 i RESTATED BYLAWS OF CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE, INC. ARTICLE I MEMBERS' MEETINGS AND PRIVILEGES section 1. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the members of the Corporation shall be held on the third Sunday in September each year beginning in 1991. If that day is a legal holiday, the Annual Meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day not a legal holiday. Section 2. Other Meetings: A special meeting of the members of the Corporation shall be held on the call of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President, or by a majority of the Board of Directors. In addition, twenty-five (25) members in good standing may call a special meeting of members for the purpose of removing, appointing or electing directors, or to make amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, by signing, dating, and delivering to the Secretary of the Corporation one or more written demands for the meeting and describing the purpose or purposes for which such meeting is to be held. Section 3. Notice of Meeting: All meetings of the members shall be held at the times and places fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of each meeting of the members, and in case of a special meeting the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be given either personally or by mail, to each member of record entitled to vote at such meeting. Such notice shall be given no less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of such meeting, except that notice of a members' meeting to act on an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, a plan of merger, a proposed sale of assets pursuant to § 13.1-900 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, or the dissolution of the Corporation, shall be given no less than twenty-five (25) nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of such meeting. Any such notice shall contain or be accompanied by a copy of the proposed amendment, plan of merger, or dissolution. If an annual or special meeting is adjourned to a different date, time, or place, notice need not be given if the new date, time, or place is announced at the meeting before adjournment, provided, however, that if the meeting is adjourned to a date more than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date fixed for the original meeting, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given under this Section to all persons who are members as of the applicable record date. Section 4. Votina: Members shall not be entitled to vote except as the right to vote is conferred by the Articles of Incorporation. Members entitled to vote may take action on a matter at a meeting only if a quorum of two percent (2~) of the votes entitled to be cast on the matter are present at the meeting. Once a member is represented for any purpose at a meeting, he is deemed present for quorum purposes for the remainder of the meeting and for any adjournment of that meeting unless a new record date is or shall be set for that adjourned meeting as provided in Section 5 of this Article. Less than a quorum may adjourn a meeting to a fixed time and place, and further notice shall be given if required by Section 3 of this Article. Except where the Articles of Incorporation or applicable law requires the vote of a greater percentage, if a quorum exists, action on a matter by a voting group is approved if the votes cast within the voting group favoring the action exceed the votes cast opposing the action. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote in person or by proxy on all matters with regard to which the right to vote is created by the Articles of Incorporation. Section 5. Record Date: The Board of Directors may fix in advance the record date for one (1) or more voting groups in order to make a determination of members for any proper purpose, including, but not limited to, a determination of members entitled to notice or to vote at any meeting of members of any adjournment thereof. A record date fixed under this Section may not be more than seventy (70) days before the meeting or action requiring a determination of members. A determination of members entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of members shall be effective for any adjournment of the meeting unless Board of Directors fixes a new record date. The Board of Directors shall fix a new record date if the meeting is adjourned to a date more than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date fixed for the original meeting. Section 6. Conduct of Meetings: The President shall preside over all meetings of the members. If he be absent, the Vice-President shall preside. If no such officer be present, a Chairman shall be elected by the meeting. The Secretary of the Corporation shall act as Secretary of all the meetings if he is present. If he is absent, the Chairman shall appoint a Secretary of the meeting. The Chairman of the meeting may appoint one or more inspectors of election to determine the qualification of voters, the validity of proxies, and the results of ballots. Section 7. Action Without a Meeting: Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of members may be taken without a meeting and without action by the Board of Directors 2 if all of the members entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter of such action sign one (1) or more written consents describing the action taken and deliver the same to the Secretary of the Corporation for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the corporate records. Any action taken by unanimous written consent shall be effective according to its terms when all consents are in the possession of the Corporation. A member may withdraw consent only by delivering a written notice of withdrawal to the Corporation prior to the time that all consents are in the possession of the Corporation. Action taken by written consent is effective as of the date specified therein provided that the consent or consents state the date of execution by each member. Unless otherwise determined under Section 5 of this Article, the record date for determining members entitled to take action without a meeting is the date the first member signs the written consent. A written consent signed by all the members in accordance with this Section has the effect of an unanimous vote of the members. If notice of proposed action is required by law to be given to non-voting members and the action is to be taken by unanimous consent of the voting members as provided in this Section, the Corporation shall give its non-voting members written notice of the proposed action at least ten (10) days before the action is taken. The notice shall contain or be accompanied by the same material that would have been required by law to be sent to non- voting members in a notice of meeting at which the proposed action would have been submitted to the members for action. Section 8. Suspension or Termination. Membership in this Corporation may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors, as follows: (a) The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or suspend or terminate the membership of any Member when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of the Corporation. The member involved shall be notified seven (7) days in advance of such a disciplinary meeting; shall be informed of the general nature of the charges and shall be given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges. (b) Where the Board of Directors is asked to consider disciplinary action that may affect the ability of a child to participate in league activities, notice of the meeting shall be given to the manager of the team of which the player is a member, as well as the parents of the player. The manager shall appear, in the capacity of an adviser, with the player before a duly appointed committee of the Board of Directors, 3 which shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player's right to future participation. ARTICLE II BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Number. Election and Term: (a) The Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the members or at any special meeting held in lieu thereof. No individual shall be named or elected as a Director without his prior consent. The number of Directors shall be eleven (11). The Board of Directors shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Division 1 (Youth 8 and under), Director of Division 2 (Boys 9 through 12), Director of Division 3 (Girls 9 through 12), Director of Division 4 (Boys 13 and up), Director of Division 5 (Girls 13 and up), and two at-large members who meet the criteria set forth in Article II, Section 1(d) below. This number may be increased or decreased at any time by amendment of these Bylaws. No reduction in the number of Directors shall have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent Director. (b) There shall be three classes of Directors: Class One shall consist of five (5) directors, consisting of the President, Vice-President, and the Directors of Divisions 1, 2 and 5, who shall be elected for a two (2) year term in 1990 and shall be elected thereafter in even years. Class Two shall consist of four (4) directors consisting of the Secretary, Treasurer, and the Directors of Divisions 3 and 4, who shall be elected for a one-year term in 1990 and shall be elected for two (2) year terms thereafter in odd years. Class Three shall consist of the two at-large directors who shall be elected annually for a one year term. All new directors will assume their position and begin their term upon the close of the meeting at which they were elected. (c) After the election in 1991, Class One and Class Two directors shall hold office until the second annual meeting of members next following the annual meeting at which their respective classes were elected, and thereafter until their respective successors are elected, except that any Director may be removed from office at any time as permitted in these Bylaws. (d) The Class Three directors shall be selected from those managers (head coaches) who have a minimum of five (5) years prior service to the Corporation, or one of its leagues, as an officer, board member, coach, assistant coach, team parent, umpire, or committee member, within the seven (7) years immediately proceeding the election. If there are eligible managers from within the divisions who are willing to serve, then one of the at-large board positions shall be elected from 4 nominations submitted from the eligible managers in Divisions 2 and 4 and the other at-large member elected from nominations submitted by the managers Divisions 3 and 5. Should there be no eligible managers willing to serve from one or the other of these Divisions, then any eligible manager may be elected regardless of the Division within which he or she coaches. Finally, if there be two or fewer managers willing to serve in any one year, then on a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors, the eligibility requirements for years of service may be waived for one year, on a year to year basis. Section 2. Removal and Vacancies: The members may remove one (1) or more Directors with or without cause. A Director may be removed by the members only at a meeting called for the purpose of removing him, and the notice of the meeting must state that purpose, or one of the purposes of the meeting, is removal of the Director. Unless a greater number of votes is required by the Articles of Incorporation, a Director may be removed if the number of votes cast to remove him constitutes a majority of the votes entitled to be cast. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors, including a vacancy resulting from an increase in the number of Directors, may be filled by the Board of Directors or by the members at a special meeting called for that purpose. If the Directors remaining in office constitute fewer than a quorum of the Board of Directors, they may fill the vacancy by the affirmative vote by a majority of the Directors remaining in office. A vacancy that will occur at a specific later date, by reason of a resignation effective at a later date or otherwise, may be filled before the vacancy occurs, but the new Director may not take office until the vacancy occurs. Section 3. Meetings and Notices: The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held, without notice, immediately following the Annual Meeting of the members. Other meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at times fixed by resolution of the Board, or upon the call of the President or a majority of the members of the Board. Notice of any meeting not held at a time fixed herein or by resolution of the Board shall be given to each Director at his residence or business address by delivering such notice to him or by telephoning or telecommunicating it to him at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. Any such notice need not set forth the purpose of the meeting. Meetings may be held without notice if all the Directors are present or those not present waive notice before or after the meeting. A Director may waive any notice required by law, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws before or after the date and time stated in the notice, and such waiver shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice. Except as hereinafter provided, the waiver shall be in writing, signed by the Director entitled to the notice, and shall be filed with the minutes or corporate records. A Director's attendance at or participation in a 5 meeting waives any required notice to him of the meeting unless the Director at the beginning of the meeting or promptly upon his arrival objects to the holding of the meeting or transacting business at the meeting and does not thereafter vote for or assent to action taken at the meeting. The Board of Directors may permit any or all Directors to participate in a regular or special meeting of the Board by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any means of communication by which all Directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting, provided that the Secretary of the meeting shall maintain complete and accurate minutes of all such meetings. Section 4. 4uorum and Voting. Except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, a quorum of the Board of Directors consists of a majority of the Directors elected and serving as of the time of the meeting in question, provided, however, that in no event shall a quorum be deemed to consist of fewer than one-third of the number of Directors fixed under Section 1 of this Article. If a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of a majority of Directors present is the act of the Board of Directors. A Director who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors or a Committee of the Board of Directors when corporate action is taken is deemed to have assented to the action taken unless (1) he objects at the beginning of the meeting or promptly upon his arrival to holding the meeting or transacting specified business at the meeting; or (b) he votes against, or abstains from, the action taken. Whenever the Board of Directors is required by law to recommend or approve any proposed corporate act, such recommendation or approval shall not be required if the proposed corporate act is adopted by the unanimous consent of the members. Section 5. Conduct of Meetings. The Board of Directors shall appoint one of its members to serve as Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors, and shall preside over all meetings of the Board at which he is present. If the Chairman be absent at any meeting of the Board of Directors or if no Chairman has been appointed, a Chairman of the meeting shall be appointed. Section 6. Action Without a Meeting: Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors or any committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if such action shall be evidenced by one (1) or more written consents stating the action taken, signed by all members of the Board of Directors or committee, as the case may be, and included in the minutes or filed with the corporate records. Action taken under this Section is effective when the last Director signs the written consent unless the consent specifies a different date, in which event the action taken is effective as of the date 6 specified therein, provided that the consent states the date of execution of each Director. A written consent under this Section shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors or members of the committee, as the case may be. Section 7. Actions Reserved to the Board: (a) All league franchising or afffiliation agreements, substantial playing or operating rule changes, rules or procedures that affect or impact more than one division, the annual budget, expenditures in excess of $500.00 (unless expressly authorized in the annual budget), and all actions to discipline, suspend or terminate membership pursuant to Article I, Section 8 above, must be approved by the Board. (b) Any parent or umpire may challenge a decision or action of a Division Director by submitting a written appeal to the President within seven (7) calendar days of the challenged decision or action. If the matter cannot be resolved informally, then the parent or umpire shall be entitled to a hearing before the Board, who shall act as the final arbitrator of the disputed matter. (c) Should two or more managers within a Division disagree with a decision, rule or action taken or implemented by their Division Director, the managers shall have the right to petition the Board for a review of the disputed matter. In order to be heard, the managers must put in writing (i) the nature of their complaint, (ii) the ruling or action of the Division Director which they challenge, (iii) the proposal for a different result, and submit this petition to either the President, Vice President or Secretary within three (3) days of the challenged decision. ARTICLE III COMMITTEES Section 1. Creation of Committees and Selection of Members: The Board of Directors may create one (1) or more committees and designate one (1) or more members of the Board to serve on each such committee and at least one of which will serve as the Chair of the committee. It is expected and anticipated that members of the Corporation who are not serving on the Board shall be entitled to serve on and fully participate in the activities of the committees. The members of each committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The creation of a committee and appointment of members to it shall be approved by the greater number of (a) a majority of all the Directors in office when the action is taken, or (b) the number of Directors required to take action under Section 4 of Article II of these Bylaws. 7 Section 2. Voting and Scope of Authority: Sections 3 through 5 of Article II of these Bylaws, which govern meetings, action without meetings, notice and waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements of the Board of Directors, apply to committees and their members as well. The Board of Directors may from time to time assign to each committee such duties and responsibilities as the Board may deem advisable. To the extent permitted by such a Board resolution, each committee may exercise the authority of the Board of Directors, except that a committee may not (a) approve or recommend to the members action that is required by law to be approved by members; (b) fill vacancies on the Board or on any of its committees; (c) amend the Articles of Incorporation; (d) adopt, amend, or repeal these Bylaws; or (e) approve a plan of merger not requiring member approval. Section 3. Standing Committees. The Board of Directors shall appoint the following committees to serve a one-year term, subject to unlimited reappointments, by February 1 of each year: Rules & Safety Committee (of which the Vice-President shall serve as Chair), Registration Committee (of which the Treasurer shall serve as Chair), Finance Committee (of which the Treasurer shall serve as Chair), Activities and Fundraising Committee (of which the Vice-President shall serve as Chair), and Nominating Committee (of which the Secretary shall serve as Chair). ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. Number, Election, and Term: There shall at all times be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board of Directors may elect or appoint one (1) or more Vice Presidents and such other officers as it may deem proper. No officer may serve more than three (3) consecutive two (2) year terms in the same position. No person may hold more than one (1) office at a time. Neither the President or Vice-President can serve as the manager (head coach) for any team in any Division. No Divisional Director can serve as the manager (head coach) for any team in the Division for which the Director has responsibility. Section 2. Duties of President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation, and when present, shall preside at all meetings. Subject to Article II, Section 7, the President shall have the power and authority to sign all bonds, deeds, mortgages, extension agreements, leases, and contracts of the Corporation. The President shall further perform all of the duties commonly incident to his office along with such other duties as the Board of Directors shall designate from time to time. 8 Section 3. Duties of Vice President: Except as specifically limited by resolution of the Board of Directors, the Vice President shall perform the duties and have the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President, and shall further have the power and authority to sign all bonds, deeds, and contracts of the Corporation. The Vice President shall further perform all duties commonly incident to his office, and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Board of Directors shall designate from time to time. The following areas of operation shall be the principal areas of responsibility for the Vice-President: Chair of Rules and Safety Committee, Team Parents Coordinator, Local Government Liaison, Opening Day, Fundraising and Special Programs, and coordination of the annual draft of new players among the various divisions. The Vice-President is authorized to appoint those individuals deemed best qualified by interest or ability to perform these functions to report to him. In the event that more than one Vice President shall be elected or appointed to office at any one time, the power and authority of each of the respective Vice Presidents shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. Section 4. Duties of Secretary: The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors, and shall be authorized to affix the seal of the Corporation to any and all documents and instruments duly executed on behalf of the Corporation by any of its officers. The Secretary shall have the power and authority to sign certificates of membership of the Corporation. In the absence of the Secretary at any meeting, an assistant secretary or a secretary pro tempore shall perform the duties of the Secretary at such meeting. The Secretary shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee and further perform all the duties commonly incident to the office of Secretary, and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Board of Directors shall designate from time to time. Section 5. Duties of Treasurer: The Treasurer, subject to an order of the Board of Directors, shall have the care and custody of the money, funds, valuable papers, and documents of the Corporation (other than his own bond, if any, which shall be in the custody of the President). In addition to other duties, the Treasurer, as Chair of the Registration Committee, shall be responsible for coordinating and supervising annual registration of participants and the turning over of such forms and information to the Secretary for recordkeeping purposes. The Treasurer shall further keep accurate books of account of the Corporation's transactions, which books shall be and remain the sole property of the Corporation and, together with all its property in his possession, shall be subject at all times to the inspection and control of the President and the Board of Directors. The Treasurer, with the President, shall be responsible to submit annual budgets for the Board of Directors 9 to act on, on or before the January meeting of the Board. All concession operations and purchasing of equipment and uniforms shall be coordinated and supervised by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall further have and exercise all of the powers and duties commonly incident to his office, and shall have and exercise such other duties and powers as the Board of Directors shall from time to time designate. Section 6. Divisional Directors: Each of the Divisional Directors shall be responsible for the entire operation of the league operated within the age group and division for which they are responsible, including but not limited to coordinating registration; player agent activities (including the annual draft within his or her division); umpire assignments and coordination; field, uniform and equipment maintenance; and scheduling. On these issues, the Division Director has final authority, subject to the rights of appeal and petition set forth in Article II, Section 7 above. If required by league affiliation, each division may have a separate constitution which shall be approved annually by the Board of Directors prior to the beginning of registration. Each Division Director is responsible to submit a budget proposal to the President not later than November 15 each year for the next year's operation, and to submit a list of managers (head coaches) and umpires to the President for Board approval for the upcoming season by not later than January 15 of each year. Finally, once the baseball season begins, each Divisional Director shall have the right, after consultation with the President, to suspend or remove managers, assistant coaches and umpires within his/her division on an as needed basis. Any disciplinary action against a manager shall be entitled to an expedited appeal, upon submittance of a written petition for review, to the Board of Directors within three (3) days of the contested action. ARTICLE V SEAL The seal of the Corporation shall be a flat-faced circular die with the word "SEAL" and the name of the Corporation engraved thereon. ARTICLE VI VOTING OF OTHER STOCK HELD Unless otherwise provided by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, the President may either appoint agents or attorneys to vote any stock of any other corporation owned by this Corporation or may attend any meeting of the holders of stock of such other corporation and vote such shares in person. 10 ARTICLE VII CHECKS, NOTES AND DRAFTS Checks, notes, draft and other orders for the payment of money shall be signed by the Treasurer of the Corporation, or such other person or persons as the Board of Directors may authorize from time to time. The signature of any such person may be a facsimile when authorized by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30 of each year. ARTICLE IX AMENDMENT Pursuant to Code of Virginia, §13.I-892 (1950), as amended, these Bylaws may be amended or repealed by the Board of Directors by majority vote. /glrm/781.orgBlnsm it January 23, 1991 FORM '_00-G - PAGcS (1) Office of Consumer Affairs 1100 Sank Street, Washington Building Richmond, Virginia 23219 VIRGINIA EXE'~IPTION REPORT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS - REQUEST FOR E.`OrMPTION '' UNDER § 57-60 (a), CODE OF VIRGINIA (Civic Organization) 1. Name of Charitable Organization: C~~ S~~+uo ~~~ gasc~a~ CsAgUc~ la~• Princi al Address of Charitable Organization: a ~~ w~~ (Street ) OFFICE USE Or7LY - Date Exemptiori Granted 2. 3. Employer I.D. Number ~y~4+oy~c.. ~ Z 3 ~ 73 `33 g /3 (County) (City) VA z~~ i3 (State) (Zip Code) Telephone No . (~°3) 982 -gr~v v Principal Officer of G`~aritable Organization: -~yn~~ ~. 4'~~o_dv ~ ~nts. 31 z3-~~ }~-nr~ay~.,,~~ ~,~'°~~ ~~1. LY'o~f3 ( ame) (Address) 4. Purpose of the Charitable Organization: ~D as~_ ~Ra H tyres f~no ~ILDU i PL f} SJP~~ ~ SGD ED u C.~T) e~ ~l~+e:'"t n F ~Pe'f ~ T~ y~c 1~A4 CLRU- fM~D Sr~fKfl'I s. 6kr~lC S `f~ L~ 1WPto-~ ~ GiJ2 G~tMv_N_ITY __- _ _ __ _ _ - - _--- 5. The above named charitable organization hereby requests an exemption from the registration requirements of § 57-49, Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended and § 57-53, Code of Virginia, (1950}, as amended, on the basis of this veri- fied statement that it is a civic organization as defined in § 57-48 (3a). 6. Professional Solicitors and/or Professional Fund Raisers employed in previous or present fiscal year: ~.! o n1t (Name) (Address) 7. (a) Total Solicitations for Previous Fiscal Year: (b) Total Fund Raisinq Casts (Including Payments to Professional Solicitors & Fund Raisers): ~1otilG (c) Line (b) divided by Line (a): ~ NOTE: Any and all agreements and/or contracts between the charitable organization and professional solicitors and/or professional fund raisers must be reduced to writing, fully executed and approved by the State Administrator prior to any solicitations. NOTE: ATTACH HERETO ALL DOCUMENTS OR COPIES THEREOF RELIED UPON IN ((~aAIMING EXEMPTION. V E R I F I CAT I O N I, the undersigned president vice- resident (treasurer) officer) duly authorized to act for the organization for which this request is made, verify that this Request for Exemption has been examined by me and is, to the best of my know- ledge and belief, a correct state nt pursuant to the law of the Common- wealth of Virginia. ` (D te) (Si ) (Title) . (,.1. V u r~ 3~SZ. Co4c~,,; ~~/kr ~,l---0r~-t (Print Name) (Address) - T - ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR RAFFLE PERMIT SUBMITTED ON BEHALF OF CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE Attached is a list of all player 199 gis U der louruprticles for the 1991 season as of March 15, and Bylaws, the members of our organization are parents Wethave children. Since registration has just been et P1 Ife necessary, not compiled a listing of the parerovided at a future time. a listing of the parents will be p 200/09817-001/add r1LL F'LAYEF2S DY DIVISION LAY ALF'i-iA FOR :1951 REGISTERED ONLY f+lar~. 1C, 1`~9I F';aye 1 Narne r~i[i D i r°•t h Lea D i ~r i s i~ ~r~ Teaim haarne ~rBARNHAR'7", RICKY `3 :19E.;11~::~g %, 74-88c::9 r~?eg : YES F'a i d : E74g ' E~ELL, P*1 T CHI=iEL 9 1981 1 ~i~=' 1 ~~ ~ 989- % i4 Re 9 : YES Paid : 39~~~8 ~, CARSON, NRADLEY 9 19i~Ek~71 ~: ,U 989-8c:':~9 Reg: 'YCS Paid: `10' ~ CH I AhIG, JONATf-~lAN n r3 19gE~0~7 ti 7 7 4-c:~86 Reg ; YE'S F'a i d: 1 ~:::>~ ~DESi=1T, h1IH:tl~ '~ 1'38~k'~1~1 ~~ ,G,.., 989--3010 Rey : YES Paid : ~:~6`~ ~ EM T CI:, TJ' 3 198;~k-1EL::8 ,,~,- 77~'--6805 Rey : 4'~:S F'a i d ; 06~ „~, FAF~L{'~:Y, JOHNATHAN `~ 196E071 k~ ,;~~~ 774-5740 Reg: YES F'aid: 188 ~ GR I FF T N, KEVIN `.~ 158Ek~E04 ~ "174-x:943 Reg : YES F'a i d : LJJ' ~7 ~ HOWARD, JONA"I-FiAN ~~ 198~'+Z~r+;k'+ ,(~ '~g9-068 Fte g : YES F'a i d : 1 ~+Zi 1 KRONE, JACG?UEL I NE Vii. `:~ 198•_+Z~O ~,i7 56`x-Oi~6..~. Reg : YES Paid : 1 rEB ~LAGUEUX, JOHN EVANB 9 198~k~Eig '~85-383` Reg : YES F'a i d : 36;0 LANDTS, OWRTH 9 198E03`1 „~ 5'9-4337 Reg : yes F'a i d : 2-g46 ~ L I NN, DOUGLAS 9 1961 k~8~-6~,C~ 969-ES08i3 Reg : YES F'a i d : 4~E;r~ / 4k'~Cik'~ LYNCH, SEAN 9 198`~;~~5 •~ 989-94k'~3 Reg ; YES Paid : 13;~1F ~,MAIVN, AllAi~i `~ 198` 1 `8 Z~ 77~'-~Z~639 Reg : YES F'a i d ; 1 JgJ McLEOD, GE01= FREY 9 198.'Or/ 1 O 589-70'~O Reg: YES Paid: 1"~93 ,f1EADOR, W I L.L I AM ® 9 198~:05::,~ ~i 989--Q~85~ Reg : YES F'a i d : 0 4'x,3 ALL !'LAYERS BY D I V T S T ON BY ALF'h-IA FOR 199'1 REG I STORED ONLY Rage E h1ar~. 15, 1991 Name AO L-+ir~~th Da Divisia~, 'Y'earn Name AARON MOSLOW ~ 19820116 ;-i , ~,,, 772-0418 Reg: YES Paid: 1319 ~ MUNTON, ALLEN n 9 19$1 ~i908 ~c.i 774-0908 Req: YES F'aid: 6791 DAV T D 6='ARIi~~(2 9 1 `3$~Q~4~3 ~' , ~ 9ts9-5124 Reg : YES F'a i d : 304 F'HEi_F'S, SARAN 7 1'381082 .J 77~'-0925 Reg : YES F'a i d : 19 POWELL, BRENT 9 1`381 1 12R+ -.%~ 772-107<'+ P,eg : YES F'a i d : •:777 ~RICHARDSON, BILLY 9 19811109 .~/ '389-3634 Reg: YES Florid: 5024 ~ROONEY, TOh1MY 9 17811023 ,~/ YES 989-90$3 Reg : F'a i d : 1 X74 I5CHROEDER, MAl'l- / 11 198+c'~011c !~-j '77:-45;=:4 Reg : YES F'a i d : 6546 ~SEAh10N, ALEX 9 19$20323 ~' `389-1767 Req: YES F'aid: :~33~ / ~ SHGLTON, 1='L'EER , 9 19820417 '774-3377 Reg: YES F'~~id: 6653 ~5 T SLER, ALLEN "3 :! 98E03O7 ~J 774-602Ci Reg: YES F'aid: X547 ~ Sht T TH, JORDON 9 19820614 '389-7032 Reg: YES F'aid: 12L ~SF'ENCER, MATT"HEW 9 19$11202 .~-' 989-~'~"T66 Req : YES F'~-~ i d : `57+c7 DANIEL S7G~"L `3 198~V~6~:.1 , ~ "T74-6644 Reg : YES F'a i d : 55~$ ~ SWTND>=LL T T I, ROBERT i 9 198~:~ 13 ~ 77~-0679 Reg: YES F'aid: 839 s 'f I NAGL I A, JOSEPH 9 19$20617 ;~ `3$9-3274 Reg: YE5 F'aid: 1909 ~ l"ORRE, CHRTST01='1-IER 9 198`0611 77c-0175 Reg: YES F'aid: 2701 ALL F'L~IYERS BY DIV.l'SION L=+Y ALPHA r~'OR 1`3r.~1 REGIa'TERE'D ONL'f Mar. 10, 1~~91 Page 3 Name __' A[i L{ i r~L h Da D i v i s i c+r' ____.. _-_._ _ 1"•~3~ar+i 1~~~rne AMANDA RENE 1Cr~. "fl i k~ 1984~~r3c 7 , . 774-~ 1477 Reg : YES F='a i d : `~ WALTERS, CURTIS ~ 1981~93~c~ ,/~ ~ 9G9-4317 Reg : YES F'a i d : ~~~343 n J'ENNI1=Er; l"ERS WAI 9 19811+c'+~7 „~ , _ ~~~-•4658 Reg : YES F'a i d : 18n8 i W T r~IDLL, JOEY A 9 198~:k 4~~: 9~:9--4:;01 Reg: YES F'~•~id: 1~~:;7 ~ , ~ W I NF REE, DAVID ~ 1 98~~ 713 774-1863 Reg : YES F'a i d : ~ri+ 77 • YOUNG, ADAh1 r, ~ 198c~1+c~+8 .-}-~ 77tr-9769 Reg : Yk5 F' ~ i d : 75k~9 A~-+BATELLO, BRANDON `r" 1'384~~=_'11 1 774-1319 Reg: YES Paid: '~45 i-1BBAT'GLLU, ~+RUCL 8 1 `~8~ 10:=: 1 T ND I ANS 774-131' Reg : YES F'a i d : 1945 ABB I T'T, STUAR"f 8 198.:,i7+5k J 1 ' i41E."r'vx 989-6453 Reg : YES F'a i d : 4 r 5 7 LR I C ADF1M5 :,01 1 `~ 1 8 198, ANGELS , xr ~~75~- / JC~I.~ Rr~g : YES F'a i d : '"~4~ ADAMS, RYAN ~3 1983k'+~+Zi6 1 T I GF=RS raB,r~-7581 Reg : YES F'a i d ADAMS, SCOT"C u 1985+~7~='~ 1 T T GERS 989-7E,81 Reg : `DES F'a i d JOHN ADI'.INS L 1984'1 i~~: 1 , 7 ;'~+-75~~~: Reg : YES F'a i d : 1 X45 ALBERT, TRCVOR 5 1`384115 1 7 r •~r-4995 Reg : YES F'a i d : 3135 ALllRIDGE, TRAVIS 8 198~1~-~9 1 YANKEES "3~9-~-895 Reg : YES F'a i d : 573 ALN.HADRA, "ZACHARY 7 1'384~-31` 1 -TIGERS ~74-;~4`9 Reg: YES F'aid: 1`,B1 RYAN AMOS 5 198411;.3 1 , 774-54+55 Reg : YES F'a i d : 59G 1 ALL F'Lt=1YCRS ICY DIVISION Ei j~ ALPHA I~° qR 1'::3`31 I~EG 1 STEREO gI~ILY h1ar,. 15, 1 991 F- age 1+ Name AG E+ir~th Da Div isi~,r, "1"ear~z Name ARORA, ANUJ' ~, 1985~c`~6EE 1 ..774-G99~ Reg : YES F'a i d : Nq CHii # AR1"HUR, DAVI:Y 7 198~~0911 1 CUL-+S 98`x-75~`_, F•eg : YES F'aid : ~05~: ASSAID, Si~RA 8 198.31117 1 F'I(dA1~ES 98'3-151:: Reg: YE5 F'aid: 789':; AVERY, DAVID 7 1981+k7~:,01 1 YAtJi'~EES `'38'3-77~s0 Reg : YES F'a i d : 184,.3 DREW ARMSTRONG BALZCR u 1984111E 1 , `38'3-;?,75E f~eg : YES Paid : ~ 1 BARBE, LgGAN 7 1984k'~`Lf~ 1 RgYALS 989-6849 Reg : YES F'a i d : :.975 BARLgb•J. "(gMMY 8 1'38?,~Z~51 E, i :C ND I ANS `389-7E4.3 Reg : YE5 F'a i d : 1 1"39 BARTG I S, M I CHAEI_ i'.. I I I 8 19850E~:7 1 989-6708 Reg: YES F'aid: ,.,00 BARTG I S, NATAL I L iii I GREE CE 8 198.307:~G 1 989-6708 Reg: YES Raid: 360 BAUMAN, ANllREW SCC]TT 7 198406Etf 1 "(WIi~dS '771 ~a..}JJ9 Reg : YES Piz i d : 5714 WELCHER, Cq~ZY 7 1984051, 1 77c-481 ~:, Reg : YES F'a i d : 149 WELCHER, RYAN 8 1981101 1 77`-481 S Reg : YES F'a i d : 149 BRIAN 5CgTT' BENSON 6 198504`3 1 , 174-0149 Reg: YES F'aid: X51 BIELWICZ, DANIEL 7 198~101~ 1 EXF' 1 `389-4071 Reg: YES Paid: S1E BLANDING, l"RL"'VqR 7 1'38.3,0'315 I Gl'AN'(a 774-5~33~:, Reg : VE5 F'a i d : ~'~,46 BLANKENSHIF', LINSEY 9 198109`5 1 98`.1-571+9 Reg : YES Paid : gWES BgETTCHER, MICHAEL 7 i98~1108 1 PADRES 774-013:8 Reg : YES F'a i d : 796 5 ~ ALL PLAYEi=?S ~~'Y D I U :C S I ON L-~`f AI_F'HA FOR 1991 REG T STERED ONLY Mar. 15, 1'391 1-'age S Nar~ie AG B i r"t h Da ll i v i s i~ ~n ~"eam Nar~ie BORON, JOSHUA R, G 1984117 1 774-9G9C Reg: YES Paid: 3954 BOL I NStiY, E+RLTT 7 1984~Z-4c~~ 1 r1°C'HLET' I CS 989--`3885 Reg : YES F'a i d : 1 k~~' E~ONO, ANURCW 7 1985111 1 RAh`i(:~ERS 7 7 4-599'% Reg ; YES F'a i d: 3539 L~+OONE, CHRISTOPHER E1DAM 7 1984~'7k6 1 77~:-4419 Reg : YC:S F'a i d : CASK) BOSWELL, ADAt*1 `7 1985 9`6 1 77L-4 E,7 Reg : YES F'a i d : 97 BRIGHT, CHRIS 8 1 `38;:~k~017 1 PADRES 989-8~'4~ Reg ; YES F'a i d : 4~ 1 1 BROOKS, SAMAN"('Htl L`=c o 1'38 a~~r+18 1 989-5976 Reg: YES F'aid: 30`8 BUCKNE R, JAS~c~N 8 1983413 1 A~('HLET I CS `'389-80;3Q~ Re 4 : YES F'a i d : 15:6 BURTON, F'1-i T L I F' L 19841 1 ~~:,:~ 1 ~ac~9-~a~9E3 Reg: YES F''aid: 156: CAM!'BELL, St=iRAH "I 1'3t34~Z~64~8 1 '7:-~ 1961 Reg : YES Paid : 181 `~ CANTOR, F'AUL ;3 198~~9~+~~ 1 7 7 ~-43;.6 P,e g : YES Raid : 19~~ CARTER, 70REN '7 i985~9~_9 1 CARDINALS 9G9-3454 Reg: YES F'aid: 5158 CARTER, WHITNEY 7 19831~k'~5 1 PADRES 989-546 Reg: YES F'aid: 0139 ~CECERE, TED 7 19~s 1 1 ~~i~8 1 CARD T NALS 77~-J' e.lJL Re~~ : YES F'a i d : 3c` 1 GECERE, lJ I LL I i~1M 8 1 ~383~~'_~ 1 1 CARD T NALS "i 7:-SS~:,L Reg : YES Paid : SQL 1 CHAMBLISS, PREY "I 1985819 1 774-7158 Reg: YES F'aid: iSS7 CHAN, ISAAC 7 1'3851 ~7` 1 1 E X E'' 3 98'3-87r+3 Reg : YES F'a i d: X 1 1 i ' ALL F'Li-lYER~~ EiY li T U I :~ I Oh•! I:tY ALF't_IA }= DR 1 ~'~ 1 REG I STEI7ED 01'~ILY Mir. 15, 1991 F'~1ge 6 !~lc~C~le AG ~~11'"t !l D~ D1V1'31~=~i'I ~eclCi7 N~fi7E? C}~ I "I"WDOD, ADAM 8 ~. 96~' ~D~6 1 T1~1 I NS `'369-'r:,8` % Reg : Yi~S 1='a s. d : 494.::, CHR I STLLY, F'i~~T R T CN; NEAL 81964tc'~63~ 1 77f+-e,i~L }?c:ag: YES F'aid: 705E CLARK, ,:tDRL"i~N D. 8 1`385131 1 989-5499 P,eg : YES F'a i d : E48 CLAP.K, REESE 3 19a3~c'~6~-E 1 Ei°iG!_ES S8S-3E56 Reg: YES F'aid: ~r+8~ COHEN, MEAGAN E 196 5+~~•f3u'~ 1 r7::'-~'6~~rE~ Reg : YES F'a i d : 53:=: COLLE'1"TE. TI'2AVI5 LEE 6 3.`365~E~5 1 7'7:-k861 Reg : YES F'G-t i d : c;488 • CDLL T NS, JUST I N 7 .t 9831 ~~~~5 1 !='ADRES 969-111$ Reg: YES F'aid: ,•.a3: COML R, Jt-~ T hif~-E 7 1963k~8~~71 774-~~76"T Rc g : YES F'a i d : ~65E COI~1F'TDC`a, JOEY 6 1983314 1 RANGERS 77E-~~'8~: Reg : YES F'C~ i d : L48~ COl+JNER, S"fEtli~l~a l 19831116 1 YAt`JI•SEES 774--•:5713 Reg : YES F'a i d : 17c7 COX, C}-IRTS'1-01='HER G 19t~41~Ziict4 1 774-159E; Reg: `rE5 F'aid: iBG~' COYER, CHASE ;3 1983~5E7 1 EXF' 1 `389-731 O Reg : YES F'a i d : ~"79 CRAFTS, ALEX 7 1984kj•:~ 15 1 T T GLRS 71'4-783 Reg : YE5 F' ~ i d : ~~~ ~. CREASY, JUST T hd 6 1'38` 1 k~ 1 L 1 TW T IVc~ 98'"3-484~~ Reg : YES t='~~t i d : G84t~ CUMF'STON, SCOT"f 7 1984~3~'6 1 f='ADRES 7`1~~--4914 Reg : YES F'a i d : 777 DALTON, AARON 8 1'38=11c7 1 77E-4318 Reg: YES F'~id: 1849 DALY, RYAN 8 1983~~1~ 1 RED SOX 77~:-198.?, Reg : YES F'~-t i d : 1'316 I FILL PLAYERS BY D I V I S I OfV BY ALF'i-iA FOR 1991 RE G I S'f'ERED ONLY Mar. 1:,, 1991 ~'clge % Narae AG B i r~t h Da D i v i s i r~r, Team Name DAVOREN. ftlEGAiV 7 1984~~:_8 1 77L-679 Reg: YES F'aid: 191 DOREMUS, Y.AT I L fl. 8 198 1 ~'~51 1 98'~-581 ~, Reg : `{E5 F'a i d : 1 X84 DAVID DOUGLAS 7 1985~d314 1 G:l' ANTS , 77~-406 Reg : YE5 F'a"~ i d : 865 DOWDY, LAUI~EN 8 1'~8~11~3 ! EXF' S 983-7343 Reg: YE5 F'aid: 5166 DRAF'LR, SHRIVE 6 1`~8~4'1:t~4 1 '17t--877 Reg : YES F'a i d : 774L DI~UMI°~E:.LLLR, RUSSELL 6 19848`6 1 98 y--~c'~6-~8 Reg : YES F'a i d : 578 D RUh1HL=LLE R, T!-iOh1A5 t3 1 G8~ 1 ~ i ~ 1 98 ~--~-6~t~ Reg : YL'-:.S K='a i d : SE78 DULL, BEIV3FaM.[iV 7 1984k ~`3 1 "~89-`8 1 Re q : YES Raid : 4905 DU1~21-IAhI, J'ESS>~ 7 1`:384~i:6 1 R[_D 4:iOX 'i7~-45i~4 Reg : YES F'a i d : ;I:G74 DYE, SCO-i-T M. 6 13t31t~917 1 7I:--151::: Reg: YES F'aid: X418 EMEP.Y, FCIRRESl- t=, i98~~u`~E~,1~ 1 `~~'~-489 Reg : YES F'a i d : 766 EMERY, TYLEfa ~:, 1985~~,1 ~ 1 9~3-fa859 Reg : YES F'a i d : 766 GARRETT ENGLISH 7 1'~8~t+~c'~~t+~4 1 YAtVI~~EES , 385-667 Reg: YES F'aid: 4989 FELDVARY, ADAh1 8 1983 151 1 YANI:LES 774--G958 Reg : YES F'a i d : 4749 FINNEY, NEAL 8 1`3854`1 1 ANGELS 77~r--~ 1 `r<1 Rev : YE5 F'a i d : `,8~~~ FLORA, JOD I "l 1984~73:~ 1 1 TIGERS 98''3--5171 Reg : YES F'a i d : 4617 FOrJDER, BRETT 8 19856`5 1 EXF' 4 77~-:L 999 Reg : YES F'a i d : 696.:, ' ALL PLAYERS ELY D I'•1:[ S I ON L-+Y ALF'I-IA 1= OR 1991 REG I STEI~iED OIUL',' Prlar^. 10, 1991 Page 8 NanZe AG Ei i r^~L h D~-~ D ~. v i ~i l +_i r, '1"ear~~ i:Jarne FORD, MICI-I(lEL F'. 6 1984922 1 7 7 4-C7~8 Rc g: YES F'a i d: x:68'7 FORTi~, CHRIS 8 1983~1c.'3 1 774-03~-4 Reg : YES F•'a i d ; 1 1:; FOY, I~.ELLY 8 1382~33~'~ 1 `~~~-b``".~~h 1 Reg : YES F'a i d ; ~3k'~ 1 SNORT ~ FRANL, ERIC << 198`1116 1 "TWINS 98`3-6069 Reg YES F'a i d : 2J 1 J FREEDMAN, COURT 8 198;~k~~+l~h 1 CiJEtS 98`3-4'~77r+ Reg : YES F'a i d : 7~+7 rULLER, .:JEFFREY i_. II ,~ 19E~2~318 1 EAGLES 174-~i~+8~3 Reg: YES F'aid; c'34~ FURROW, JOSHUA 8 :1983~ct30rh 1 GIANTS 38'3-3441 Reg ; YES F'a i d : 1 71+4 GAE{OR, MOP,GAN BRITI`ANY 6 138~,~5~'~4 1 983-6874 rr^,eg ; YES F'a i d : %~r7C~ GALLAGHER, L-~R :i AN 8 1983k~~ 13 1 ii1ET 7 7 7 ~--706 Reg : YES F'a i d : 888 GANNON, BRYCE r3 13821k'~~th 1 I?ED~, 989--")~ 16 Reg : YES F'a i d : 346 GANNOht, KOREY 6 198~4'~51~c~ 1 89-916 Reg: YES F'aid; 346 Gf~RV I N, CA I L_AN 7 13831 ~~7 1 METE 774-36A~ Reg: YES F'aid: 416~c~ GAYNOf^t, CLAY 8 13821115 1 CARDINALS r`74-88t-6 Reg : YES F'a i d : 18~ 1 GLE I NEt~, ff~T}-•IAN 3 1983~'~7~~8 1 G I Ahil"S 923-48 8 Reg : YES F'G•~ i d : ~2~+7 GOOD, DAV T D 3 1983~~218 1 h1ETS 774-741 1 Reg ; YES F'a i d : 04~ti2 GORDON, SETH 1 1380 i ~=E 1 774-30x3 Reg; YLS F'aid: 3691 GRUNEWALD, GLENN 8 1'3821111 1 EXF' 1 774-413 Reg: YES F'aid; 1643 ALL i•~'LAYE FMS >/iY DIVISION )=-~Y AI_!='H~=1 f= 0R 1991 REG T Sl-ERf°D OIULY MaT~. iJ, 1 771 1-~ct l~fy 7 Narne r~G Esir,th D~ Divi'_i.,.r, Tear~i Name HAGf1N, TOM 7 1983~9Ec 1 i'*'IET~ ??4-F.,9?6 f;:e q : YES F'a i d : 131 ~n I-iAGEh1, JUSTIN! ? 1~8~'r~7~„7 1 C(iFZDII~IALS 989-? 83~, Reg : YES ~'a i d : ;:::E~`r8 HALER°rY-HE I Lh1AN JOSHUA 6 19841 1 ~~ 1 1 ??~+-8495 Reg : YES F'a i d : ~.18J' J HATLEY, JOSH 7 i98;?,~c~+7u'~:_ 1 E~REWERS ?7`-?.?,S4 Reg: 'rC:=S ~~'aid: 1E,39 HALL, WESLEY 7 1984~~;~iZ~B 1 F~ED:a 77~:-L9Q~~ Reg: YES t=laid: E~~ f••IAMR I CI:, SARA MARIE 8 1984719 1 ?74-?8C8 P.ecJ: YC-~S 'aid: 4~~~Z+ HANSEN, K I MBF RLY i_'. I~a~l ? 1'3851 1 E8 1 ?? 4-? ~'~~9 Reg : YES ~'a i d : 1 G` 1 HA RMON, JUL T E Al~li~1 t~~ 1 `'3841 ~c'~~8 1 98`•3-9;~;4E f~eg e YES F'a i d: 1 1 HfIRI='OLD, h1Al"'THEW 8 1 `?8L 1 E 1:?~ 1 -I?4-1943 Reg : Y'f~S ~'a i d : •~i i1~9 HARR T 5, JUST- I N ? 1984~4k~4 1 ??~+-89%-rk'~ Rey : YES r'a i d : 1 E`4 HENDERSON, STET='HAIV I E Ei. ? 1 `384~~7:~:1 G 1 7? 4-?E94 Reg : YE5 F'a i d : 1'71 •~- H I CN.S, WAYNE ? 1984~c~`k~9 1 `389-1319 Reg : YES ~'a i d : 539, HODY, ANDREW 6 1985~3~4 1 ? 71r-?7c:8 Reg : YES ~'~-~ i d : ,?,494 HOF1=MAN, ER l i'.A `~ 1981 ~8~7 1 CUEiS t Tc-1 SJJ Reg : YES i='a i d : ?::iJ HOF=f=MAN, !/,i•~RLA 7 1"38~•r~Zi713 1 CUE•~S 7?C.-"'ifiJJ Rey: YE5 F'aid: ?55 ROLL=BEN, ANDREW '7 1983~8~8 1 DR T OLE.S `l7'~+--935E Reg : YES F'z~ i d : ~:,`~3 HOLCOhiH, E+LAI'~E ? 1983~8c8 1 T ND T ANS ??4-t,8G9 Reg : YES ~'a i d : 9`S~Zi ALL f='LAYERS ICY D T'•! I S I ON BY ALP!-iA !•='OR 1 G'~ ]. RE~~ I OTE t2LD ONLY lyl~~r,. 1C, 1r:39i F'~~„ye 1~~ N~r~ic AG E~irth Da Divi~i~~~-r~ Tcarn Name I-i0L'i', I_AUREI`J N.A T HL~:>~N 6 1`~84~~+5~':3 1 98 ~-8Sr~4 Reg : YES F'a i d : 7I7 t*I i LES I-IOF'FS I hlS J 198,:~~ '•c8 1 GA RD I NALS , 989-~76~- ~~teg: YE:S F'aicl: `~~~c.:8 HOTZE, L-+ENJAh1IN 3 1~8.3k~C~1 1 Hf~EWEI~S 77`-:::31~ Reg: YES F'aid: c8i~:, I-iOWI~LL, COLEY l"H01~1AS 5 i'3t3C~1i~'F i C i -77`-u9~~_~ (deg e YES 4='aid : ~-aE,6~ HU{"EMtaN, STACIE N I COLE 7 198.:~~`3c8 1 774-454:., Reg: YES F'aid: CASH HUNDLSY, DFaV I D 6 198W ~ E7 1 771+--i~i7 Reg: YES F'aid: i~"~Irk'~7 HUhlT, GEORGE (='. (`f R:C F'!-') 7 1 `?84~~ 1,=, 1 REDS 989-':394 Reg : YES F'a i d : ;.957 HUhlT, ;3TEVLN 7 1984~71~, 1 r71+-4w~+59 Reg: `DES Paid: G7I~ ANIh1ES1-i JAIhI 8 i98SkuE0 1 INDIANS , '~£~ ~-577G Fieg : YLS F'a i d : i~CBk`1 J01-iNSON, C-:VFaN `l 1 `~84k'~"71 ~ 1 SEIyATORS 77~=-~=S7~i Reg : YES F'a i d : I C8 JOf-~NSOfJ, G i hJPJY 9 i ~8 i ~~~8Et3 1 EX i=' 4 774-5'=,I+G Rya g : YES F'a i d : ~SSC KAPLFaN, JACOL-+ L. 6 19841 EE5 1 9L~9--`J~c~95 Reg : YES F'a i d : I ::,BG KRIS KEILMAN 8 i9821~cC~ 1 ROYtaLS , 774-39L8 Reg: YES F'aid: I4Sr~ 1;ILL~ANE, CHRIST"OF'HER 6 I985~51;~ i '~89-85;~ 1 Reg : YES F'a i d : E,.:,~6 I:TLLINGER, NEAU 8 198G~5iG 1 EXP <:f r'7c--ik~1~~ Reg: YE;S F'<<id: LEE FjRANDON t; I RTLEY Fa 1984 i 1 19 1 , 77E--1577 Reg : YES f='c'$ i d : 153 K T RTLEY, KYLE 8 198:.1 1 `8 1 77-i577 Reg: YES Paid: ISG~ ALL F-'LAYER; BY DIVISION BY ALPHA f-OR 1991 RE.G I S'1"L_f7ED OrlLY h~Iar. 1`,, i~i'~1 Faye 11 Nar~~e AG )wiiri:.h Da Div isi _~r~ 7"ea-~7 N~rne II~.L I NGER, Nf1T'I-iAN 1 ~ 1981 ~4u:'~ 1 T I GER: 989-44~~ Reg: YES Paid: 54~ KLII`IK, F'AUL 7 1984519 1 989-1589 Reo: YES E!aid: X97 LANCASTER, LAUP,EN "7 19859`8 1 YANI~l~ES 9L9-~+~.:JJJ Reg : YES Paid ; ~r.47 LAiVDGRAT=", L(aRA 9 198111~;~~1 1 h~ETS 771+--3:1 ~ Reg : Y'ES 1='a i d : E'3i;4 LANDGRAI=, N.ENNY 7 198~+0~',`i 1 1~1E~TS 774-5:~1J Reg: YLa F'aid: u564 LANDIS, JAKE r 1985909 1 ANGELS 9c 7_-LI'JJ7 Reg : YES F'a i d : ~Z-~45 LATSTET`('EP,, h1AT1" ,9 1985+c`~118 1 F'-"~DI~ES 77:-0~o-55 Reg : YES F'a i d : E:54 LAYTON, EiRADLEY 3 1985057 1 989--08i~~ Reg: YES F'aid: S~~CB LAYTON, JEFF 8 198501 ~~~ 1 I ND T (=-Nfa ''r4-7111? Reg: YES F'aid; 058;' LEE, JOHN 7 19840809 1 cXl=' 1+ 77E:-7750 Reg : 4'ES Paid : E,07 LEONARD, BRANDON 8 198`k"-G;~:~ 1 I~XF' 1+ 989--E78<~ Reg : YES F'a i d : 955 LEROY, J. ADAh1 7 19850905 1 CUB~~ 774-445 Reg : YES F'a i d : x'880 LI•=ROY, JGSS 1 LA L. E 1985~4~,?, 1 DUBS 771--- ;445 Reg: YES F'aid: ~~:fE,O LCW I S, t+IATTHEW 9 198 i 0819 1 I i'~JD I (aNS 989-9505 Reg : Y{~'S F='a i d : '1791 Ll'NGERFELT, JASON 7 138509L` 1 hlEl-S '7'74-854:' 1 Reg : `r ES F'a i d : E:7~ 1 L I NN, SAh1AIVTH~1 8 1'~8~ 1 1:9 1 1~~=~ ~1 S 989-688 Reg: YES F'aid: 40GC~ SHOR.C x+10 LOUGHRIDGE, SHANNON 7 1985086 1 ROYALS 989-y?,C07 Reg : YES F'a i d : 051 ALL 1='I_AYEf~S NY DIV'1'SION L~'f ALF'hlA 1=OR 1991 RE.CIS"fERf:::D ONLY M~tr,. 1U, 1`'391 F'G~ge 1~' Name AG E+i rt h Da D i v i s i ~ ter, Te~~r~i Nc-tr~ie LUF',ENS, CHARLES 7 1984~~G9 1 '77c-849 P,eg : YES F'~ i c:i : ~84~'~ LUI~ISDEN, ANDREW 6 1'381+817 1 77~--937 Reg : Yk:S F'a i ci : 31 LYNCh~, AMANDA 6 198w~~`3~6 1 989-943 Reg : YES F'a i d : 3~%+ h1ANCINI, Ni*1TE•if-liV 8 1'383518 1 ANGELS 989-r~5S4 Reg : YES F' 7 i d : 4336 MANGRUM, L-+RANDDN `=CUTT L`• 1985>Ti=,4"_..:, 1 `369-`~Zi7 ~ Reg : YE5 F'a i d : ~:~95 h1ASON, DAV 1' D 7 1983~6~'C 1 L=~f~l WERS '774-1:=,48 Reg : YES F'a i d : f:;;_9~ MAYhIARD, ALAIU JAMr=S 7 1984~'t6~7 1 98`3-LB~;D P,eg : YES F'a i d : X63'7 McAULi~Y I~tATThiEIJ C. 7 1984+Zi`~9 1 YANi:ECS ~4>J~-1~-47 Reg: YES F'~tid: .'-699 h1ILLER, DART 4! 198Jk~J1~J 1 989-~91-4 Rey : YL"S F'~:, i d : ~~ X66 MILLER, L I NDSEY 6 19841 ~c'~~9 1 77L-~_D~9 Hey : YE'S F'a i d : 1-186 MILLER, TRG'aVIS 8 ? 98~11L5 1 Ti(.7LRS 7"74-845 Reg : YES F'~ i cj : 1''353 MIRZAYAN. ANDI~G C. 6 19841`11 1 77~-..:,~C~`, Reg : YCS F'a i d : E477 M I TCi-IEEE, ALL. X i; 19841 X27 1 774- ;347 Reg : YES F'a i d : :.?,''374 MOORc, DEN.JAi*lIN 6 1984~9E3 ~. 989-95~'~6 Reg : YES F'a i d : 5 74 t'tOORi~, LANCE ~, 1 °8C4~ 1 1 7 1 'l 71+-97~~:; Reg : YES F'~-~ i d : ;7.:,3 MUN"I"ON MICHAEL Imo. 6 1984~9~ 1 1 774-"~9~8 Reg : YES F'a i d : 6791 NANZ, JASDN 7 1983~`31J 1 CARDINALS '389-781 ~ Reg : YES F'~~ i d : 1+387 f~LL F'L.AYF_-i~S 1:~Y D I V I S i UN L+Y f1LF'!aA {= OR i `?91 I~E G I STEREO ONL`{ F'<~ge 13 trl~~r. 15,, 1991 Narne AG T~~i~~ th D~, Div iei~~~~, Team Name ~v>=raL, Rf~ruvarl ~ ~ ~aa 4 i `~u~ L 774-4x63 Reg: YES F'aid: 13E~ NE AL, RYAhI 8 19p305k'~E3 1 ORIOLES 774-486. P,eq: YLS F'aid: 13Ek'~ IUE I GNE~DRS, :~ARfI 7 19831 1 i ~' 1 t:IIZ I OLES '387-•775<'+ Rey: YES F'aid: 138 NEIL, F?OL~L-+IE 3 IOF~c:iccG 1 1"IGERS 77`-104`a Reg: YES F'aid: EE~al3 NELSON, ~ITCI-KIEL `r 198407~~~ 1 ORIOLES 087-3GG4 Reg: YES F'aid: k"~8~:~' NEV I N, 1`~1ERED I TI-I 9 1981 1 ~ti+~3 1 '380-SG88 Rey: YE:S F'aid: 38c3 NEV I N, 'HiUL ~ 1984 i 1 k~3 1 ORIOLES 98'3-8588 Reg : YES F'a i d : 38`3 NEW`fON, i:~RALi ,~ 108E11`E t Ri~li~lC~ERS 'r ;,1~ --`378 Reg : `r'kS E~'~:~ i d : 683 tT;fll-l" N:CCNDLS 6 19~341~Z~O3 1 ORIOLES , 77~}- 7G~9 Rey : YE~~~ F='a i d : 6461 ORCU T T, F'f1TRICl; 7 :LOB~-~31~=' 1 l-1'GLRS 989-8116 Rey: YGS F'aid: 4w48 F'f-ILAZ~DLi~, i-1RTC 7 1984~Eik'~ 1 • 77~+-c~~k'~9 F;eq : YES F'a i d : `854 J~'GI I-TON, DAGNY 7 1984k'~5c4~ 1 i:JR T OLLS 77:-945 Re q : YES F'a i d : 166E F'NELF'S, LINSEY 7 19$4ki1k~3 1 Et: F' 1 ?7:_:-O9E5 Reg : YES F'a i d : 1 E9 F'LIGNTA, JONATNAtJ '1`. 7 19843`5 1 Tic-x+675 Reg : YES F'a i d : :~5~-9 F'OF' I K, I:AT :C E 7 19851 k~~6 1 7'7~-1838 Reg : YES F'a i d : 159 RUCKC•TT, t~IATTNEGJ 8 19C33~516 1 989-1171 Reg: YES F'aid: 661: RANDOLF'FI, DAVID 6 19$50705 1 989-~~k'~7~; Reg : YES F'a i d : CASH ALL F'LAY>=R;:i LjY I? T U T S I OhJ BY AI_F'HA I"OR 1 ~S 1 I~Ef~ I W °I`E~Z;:=D L:)i'JLY f='~tqe 14 t~1ar^. iS, 1991 rl~~me AG L-~ i t^t h Da D i v i~ i~=~r, "l"earn hl~~rne RAhaDOLI='H, •7ESS I Cf3 D. 5 1 `?83v..~55~ 1 959--075 REg: YC:S f~''aid: CASH f2A~T'OLD, Tf1t~ll~lY ~ :L r~83k~515 1 Y~~-~hlKEES 9139-0771 Reg : YES F'a i d : 0409 IZATHL-~OivC, DIaV I D 3 1 `353k'~455 1 ROYAL 77<+-1 X93 Rery : YCS 'mot i d : 756 RICO, GRE=vORY ~, 1G8Sfc14:tS 1 95"x-k~5i~?~4 Reg : YES F'a i d : ;:,155 MARY Cf1THER:CfWE RICI-IARDS 7 1'3$~+~(s~cti4 1 , 989-:~ 1 `:?k"~ Re cl : YES F'a i d : n k~JJS ROHERl`S, ASHLEY J 1933k~`731 1 ~~'~g9-","9~~4 Reg : YFS i''a i d : ~l8r~ ROE+ERTSOhI, BRfli~lDOhJ ~ 1983~~SSEl .I E~~F` ~' 77R'r-';~5.3~--! Reg : YES F'a i d : 3.4.7 ROCFC, JAit1LY 7 1'?(3~+~~`f~ 1 EX1=' C ~j5`~-6`x.:,1 Rey: Yi•=S r'L~id: 1716 ROOF', C!'1RR I E ;~ .L `?+33k~6~7 1 E =AGLES 17 ~+-°~65~ Reg : YES F'~~ i. d : CASH CARL`ER ROSS t`~ 1983~"~1Sk~ 1 I~AGLi=S , 959•-3555 Rey : YES f='a i d : ~ 143 P.OSS, JORDAhJ CI-il; I STO;=:'F=R G 1 r~J~~k7`~ 14 1 ~•~`~ 98~~°- ' -.•-••-' f2eg : YES f='a i d : 51 ~+3 ROUSE, 4{f2I ST I LYhIhIE `~ 1955 1 1 `~+ 1 77~'-135 Rey: YES Paid: 5963 RUSSEAU, HEhlJA1~1 I ht C. 6 19641 ~~ 1 1 1 `f F-1 h1N:E~_S ;' 74-956 Rey : 1'ES F'a i d : 1 b~f+ DUST 11~ RUSSLAU 7 19531 k"~~9 1 `{Ahli ;rES , 774-9k~56 Re q : YES f='a i d : 1 SQ~4 CHRISTOI='HGP. RUSSO 8 19L ic'_~'3 1 N.OYAL~_i , 77~+-4645 Reci : YES f='~7 i d : _ :~~.:~~{ t~ICOLE RUSSO 1~ 1981113 1 ROYALS , 774-4645 Reg: YES F'aid: 5534 SARGEhJT, ROL-~ERT ~l 1953511 1 RED SOX 774-4`~~E-,3 Reg: YES F'aid: 3'776 ALL 1='LA`{ERS L~'{ D:[ ~1 I .":_~ I OIV E{Y l=al_F='H~1 1= OR 1 "3"=)1 REC:71 J T~RED Dlrll_Y N~~r,te AG Z-~i~r~th D~•t Div i~i~~r, 'T~~~rci Nc:~me 5C!-!AAt`1=, ER'1'C 7 13~~F~L'1.~~,~ i E;(F'' 1 3(33-359~- Reg : YES i='a i d : 7~,0 ~,~~CHULTZ, STLF'}-IEN 7 1384~5~=5 1 ra89-F.53~78 Reg : YES F°~ i d : 1 X30 SEA>'~Oiu, L1~ I LY 7 198404>~9 I RED SOX '::C~'J-17,7 Reg : YES }='~-~ i d : 0555 SE.L~JEY, STE~'I~~rJ a 19r3L i i ~5 i ~ ~raDRES 389-4773 P.eg : YES E'<<i d : `50 ~ETTLE~3, JAC~1 I E i ~ 1381 i~813 1 Ah1GELS P 383-"._1JO~ Reg : YES [-~a i d : ..141 ~c"~ S--iARRER, t*1ATT}IEW G 1`?85~`k~:.3 1 ":389-184;1, Rey : Y~:S F'~t i d : 41 %+ COLE SI-i~ _1='F1RT~ 7 i. `38~+~Zt81 •_?, 1 (?s-lri(sEf~S , 383-354 Reg: YES F°~id: 443a S!-!EF'I-IERD, JOSI-IUA t3 19,3`1cE1 i 1",f1tdGERS 383-E:;354 Reg : YES t-'~~ i d : %+438 SHUf*1Al°E., JOHN I V u i 3t35~Z~.~~:7 1 774-SE334 Rera : `i LAS ~'a i d : CASI-~ f~`r LE SINGLETON 8 138~03~@ 1 l"W I i~S , 774-~c'~G45 Reg : ~''RS r-'ci 1 d : i 3` SmALE~, DAN i ~ L ~ i ~e~+l+~~L~ 1 77~t~-5"~~4 Re_y : YES K='a i d : ~G43 Sh1 I l'I-i, COD`r' G i "~E35~'t7~8 1 383-7~5: Reg : YES }='a i d : 1 ~:~: COLC DOUGLAS Sh1 I TH 8 138:~~31 ~ 1 , 77~'-77~="~ Reg: YE.~i f-<<:aid: 48 8 SNODGRAGS, l~0;~+Li I E 7 13851 ~~~Zt ~. OR I OLCS '77f+-~w81 w Reg : YES ~' ~ i d : 338 SOWDL--"R, ADAh'I 7 1304~c~ `1 1 E~`:1=' ,=; 774-41 C6 Reg : YES t='a i d : 0:::x'7 SCOT'1" STANCIL 7 1385~c't8~~ 1 LXI' L , 383-890 Reg : YL5 g'a i d : G~5 ST 11_L, AARON LF~ W I S 7 19840508 i 7 74-144TH 1 Reg : YES F'~t i d : 587 ALL F'LllYCRS L=AY D I V 15'1' ON ELY AL 'I-iA I~ OR 1`391 I~EG T `~~TERED ONLY Mc7Y^. 1~~, 1991 R~~CIe 1E~ hJr~me faG L-~i'r^th D~~ I:)ivi~i~_~r~ Te~~rn lucerne SULLIVAN, `RIC 7 1984+c~G:,i~`; 1 lrXf=' `+ ~Ti.:.-"iJik:, RC-'C~' ~'~EJ F'c-11d: ~G~9t:::. ~~ THACI:ER, GAf2f1 7 19831~~'~Zi i "i 74-:i 8E~1 Reg : YEf:, F'a i d : OWES 7H01}1A5, LAUREN 7 1`:J$Ssn9`~c'~ 1 989-359 Reg : YE5 F'a i d : Cf'15H AC TI•-IOiYlFlf:; 7 1`3$~+~4GG 1 RED 50X , . `l7•~+-$1'3~ Req : YES F'~-~ i d : .441 TORRE, h1ATTi-IEW 7 1 `3T.5~F~5551 1 TWINS 77~'-~l 17 Rer.~ : YE5 F'a i d : E 7~+1 TRIVLTT, JAMIC: ~~ i`3$S1E1'7 1 EXF' E 774-~8+c"~7 J. F?e G : YES F' ~ i d : 733 '1"UCKER, GMAT 7 1983~Z~;s1~i 1 ROYALS 774•-EE71 1?eg : YES F'a i d : E3~ IiA"1"'~ TURi~JER 7 198~•fk~3~~"~5 1 , 77~--~-~ 14'~ Reg : `dES F='~ i d : iZt9 ^ ,=, VERNON, r'AUL Z'. $ 19t73~13~'~ i .516~i -°..".~1~$,~~ Reg : YES F'c'l:l. d : 1?%+E VOLODZI'.0, MATTHEW `I 19$4~:~r~~:31 ':)$'~-v,E77 Rey : YES F'a i d : 1853 WAGNER, 5TE'JE ? 1. `3831 ~'~ l_ 1 t3I ANTS '3$9--~:,9E$ Reg : YE5 F'~-~ i d : 3 i 'i: WALDRON, McLANDY SHAWN u 19$:::,~3.E5 1 '~E9-~+3E 1 Reg : YES F'~~ i d : 4 '84 WALTERS, JARED E i.98~+~'~9~c'~4 1 YANKEE5 9c9-4EEa Reg : YES F'a i d : i $E8 WARD, JAMES WIL5ON $ 19$3~~7`5 i 774-"$E'71F Reg : YES F'a i d : ~'~34@ WARD, SAMUEL i='RESTON E 198;~~F~'$ i 774-$E~34 Reg : YIS P~1:id : k3.s4~ GAIN WATT :INS $ 198` 1 E~4 1 O Ft I OLES , 774-1'FJJ7 Reg : YES F'a i d : ~ 051 WA1"li I i'J5, LOWELL 7 19$4 X329 1 ORIOLES '774-4057 Reg : YES F'~ i d : ~~J.r.'11 :~iL_L ;-'!_~=iYl~ f?:3 DY D T. V I ~i J: i:Jiti ~+Y A(__F'HA roR 1 x`31 f~EG I a-ri~: rar,D OhJLY !~lar^. 1~, ].`~~i r-'ar~e 17 Name AG r•~irl:h Da Div iei~ ~r~ -('earn hfarne t•JA'I'I{IP•J~~, 'I";=EY "i 1`=7E3?,C~r3~~;1 1 E:~Xr=' %+ 7 7~~-7~'i~~Z~ Fie g: YEC f`'a i d: 1 1 ~L WATLLY, F{YLE G 1913 4'~;~ 1.' 1 7 7~;-~1~~;~ Reg: YES F'~.rid: 4~~~;11 WEHER, JACOL~ 7 I`~;3R+~~1 ~0 1 aL1~ATORS 774-~96~ l;c~g: YE5 ~='~id: C~.:,n~, WEi__LC, J011DAN ~, 1 ~;30k'~tJ i t3 1 98`7-`,Jk~ i 7 Rer~ : Y'ES F'a i d : ;~~,7'~ WEST, SLGAIV G 1'~[14~3~c'i7 1 X89-3 7 E~c' i-deg : 'r ES F'a i d : ~SC~~ WEa T ERMANhJ, I:fl•'I- I C J 13D34:~ 1 ~L 1 aL:hlH"•Il-URS 77~+--~~~~4 P,er{ : Yf•~O l~'~~ i d a :~4~r; i~J;~i!_i=LEFZ, J'rFr~'P.I.Y t+IIC~{r=iEl_ G 1'3~304't;~_'~4 1 SSA-~77C Recd : YES F'a i d : 40'1 L~J1-! I TLLE'~, R'r:11V t3 1'~S3~~k~E, 1 JB`?-- ! ~:;k~0 R~=y : YES F'~s i d : 1;~t`.~ 4J.-I I TEh•If1CF', BR I i-iiu f?. `T 1933~`~ 1;::, !. I hID I AhJS '~Br~-].e,,:~`~~ leg: '{` i F'~-iid: 1Eii31 4J I Lt{ T IVS, JOE-IN AhJD REW t 1 U841;~ 1 ~~ 1 7?~+-'7f;;~4 Reg : YL""^ -'aid : 1 O.:s7 W I LL'T Ai*1S, DFiWhJ 8 1 °8E 1 k~k~t~ 1 '~a~-~Gk~;J Reg: 'DES F'ai~(: 1e,~.~ W I LSOhJ, JL= h!N I Fl=R ~.l ~. "8u4~i41 1 1 lZED._~ 77:3•-k~~ 1 ~: Reg : YES F'a i d : :.781 4JOLFL, ANDRc:IrJ E 19i~0~'i4k~~ 1 T]:GLI?5 77;--1 `~~~~ Reg : YE5 F'~~ i. d : :~~=0 I WOLFS, JOSI-iUf-i 3 1`33~1;~~5 1 TIC~ER~~~ 77~::--10~Ok'i Rey : YES E"'G~ i d : L~:~~,7 WOOD, J'EF1= RE'f i3 1'3t3~~L~~'!k'~C 1 REDS 7"l ~~r-r=,474 Reg : YES F'a i d : ':";0,.:, WR I GI-IT, L-~EhJ 7 1 `384:314' 1 T I t3k~R5 77~~rc079 Reg : YES F'a i d : 1:'_'.31 ~ L-+AUMAN, C(aR l E r~ 19~i~~3`~:' 17c"'-S,?,39 Reg : YES F'B 1 d : 071 <.t -:-LL 1='''s_l~IYERS E-',' 13I'J I S I OIV 1L~Y AL)r'NA ~~OR 1'3 ~ 1 I',EG I Sl-ERE_D i~I~ILY 1~1~:~r~ie At3 Hir•th D~~ Divi=si~_~r~ TF_~rn t~a~-;mE., ~ Ci-11~,;~, VI~Rf~1LD `ti; 1'181-Zi81 k7 r r 1r-866 Reg : YES F'a i. d : ~rf+7?, I DOUCLf1S, ARTf-il.li`; "DALE-_" U 1`39.=~A`0 L GJ1--~~46 ItE~g: `;DES i='t~~.d: 14:~ ~ ~- L OI~-=1, F~Dilit'i 7 1'381 ~~AZ-6 ~8~--~ 171 f<e ci : YES ~~'G~ i d : ~+617 ~I-iA`(I~1ES, STL• F~'f-IEN ? 1991!~i'3L_L 7/L"'.LJJ.=~ Reg: `fES f='aid: :~77L3 ~ HrhaDERSON, ~~4V T rJ `? i U9`k}7E_~+ U9'3-46~+ Reg : YCS F'4~ i d : ;,~"_ 14' JUFiNSOIV, CRf-1 I G `3 1 U9`k"-7~+Z- 77~+-- ~T%-a96 ire r:i : YE:':; F'a i c:! » ~~~+~r~ ~I:ETSER, 1~FiV:I'D 9 a9;31iZ~~-7-7 ~: '7'7~:-907 Reg : YLa t:~'~~ i d : G3•~F 1 ~LASSI'rC_R, D~aVID "-7 1'39~-c~+Sk~` `~-(?S-.~+6r3A Rcag; YES F"'cjid: 1+15 ~r+l(-1L°i ~, JUSTTN S 1`391 ].~~"--c'-1 X395.-• 1 ^'33 Reg » Y'ES F'~~ i d : 4 7 ~ UECI-fSL I N, FjR~1D r3 1991 X817 %';Y4-6%-h~.~ ~ i}eg : Y~S E^'cl 1 d : W+-L~.:~~C'~ .:~raaw, ~~R I -~ra ~ 1'3A 1 1 {1~LL ; X8'3-9,?,41 Re. g : YES F'~:, i d : 1 A9~+ ~WTSHF"R, '1-Tf+iUi-HY '7 1'3911~iG '387---676A Reg : YES F'a i d : 1 ~a J~ LKAYRLR, TOMMY 1 1 1'394~~ 14~;_' ~~(-1 !='H I LL 1 C~S '387-8GF~9 Reg : YES P~~ i d : 4~i~~_ E~CJL I I~Si;Y, L~+Rf~r~aDOrJ ]. ~ 1'37~~7:L S ~A F'I-I I LL T iS ~9~3-a695 Reg: YES F'aid» 1~L-`c CARR, TODD i ` 197`3v_i l i7-4. C(:} DODGERS 71~+-;.:,'31.a Reg» YES F'e`tid: li:i4'~ COrJNLLLY, r~'AT'F'tlCi: 11 19791+c'--7-:~ ~:A RED SOX '7 i ~+-6 i 9~ Reg : YES F'~-t i d : ,=,09~s GOOF'LR, TR(~aV I S 1 ~ 1 ~7U~c"~ 1 18 ~A ALUC JAYS "39"3-~~:~~ Reg : YES F'~ i d : ~67~i7 AI-_L b~'Li~f`{I_RS L:+Y D 7: V I S I ON C~`~ f1L<='h-?(a f~01? 19'? 1 REG i STEF~ED Oh~L'r {~iar~. 15, 1991 E'<-;c~ 1 ~ Nclfil[? I~(J E~ 1 r~'1; fl ~ct D 1 V Y a 1 ~ FYI Teafll NL~f{l E' DESAI, f=101_c:N 1c 1978111 cF`t OF?IOL1=S 989-351 C Reg : YES r-'aid : ~:L89 ~ D 1 C1., JEFF ? 1 198~~6cr~ A `.i8 J-' 11Z+8c Rey : YES t/•'a a d : ~~+81 DOWDY, E+Ei`I i ~: 1979131 1 A EAGLES ~J~~ 9-7943 Reg : YES F'a i d : 318E EADE S, J T M 1 ~: 19 7'~IZI'730 :::El A l"~~3LET I CS r7~+--~-i48 Reryg: YES ~'~zid: v~iS.4 h~ I LSON, 1,`{A1~! 1 ~ 1'3794~`+i18 ~tl 1?EDS 77~t--~JLi.JQ FZe q : YES ~'a i d : 13~G HARMON, I;YLE 1~? 1`37~31E1i11 ~;'1 f'HTLI_IES `~i=i`~-~,~~i~: R~~ra: YES t~'aid: 115 HARit15, DI~~VID 1'3731115 ~~A lE C11;:LOLC=S ry r~p 7-J~.JOO Reg : YES F'~~ i d : ;~71. ~4 I-IOLODY, RYAN 1;~ 19781 `I~'t` 'EA OED T OLES "1Li9-551 i Fle g : YES F'cz i d : -~~'_E, JOHNSON, JAhi :[ E 1 ~: 1979731 EA EjLUL JA`(S 8 I--743` Reg : YES F'E~c i d : ~~?3 KERN, Wt=tLLY 11 198~IZ13L7 c(-1 RED SOX 9F19-5871 Ren : YES ~'a i d : :°i~- i 7 L(alyCi-~:?~l'EIZ, }:I.JRl- I 1 l'?7'3I i 17 (a >?ED~i ~.~c:`~-~- r 1..f Reg : YES F''a i d : E3E9 f+If~R1:5, JASON ;1.;~ 19794.'1517 ~f-1 AT~aLEI"TCS 77~+-- Reg : YES F'a i d : ~f7c::: h1ARKl3, JERCh1Y 1 1 198~IZ14~8 A A'THLLT Y CS "l7/+-7~~9 Reg : YES !='ci i d : ~f7 h7ART 7 hJ, ~7TUART 1 ~ 1979~1~;~8 ~:A C'~-I l' LL I ES 774--95k7~ Rey : YES ~'~~ i d : OWLS MATNE`f, EIRAND01~1 1 c 197814~1c~'~ cA r'I-t:l: LL I LS 77~+--~~t~87 -Reg : VES ~'t~ i d : OWES hICCALL, ASI-iLEY 1 ~ 19791 131 cA E-~LUL" J~IYa 774-8179 Reg: YES F'aid: 1486 MCCURRY, AARON i. 197811c't~8 LA L-+LUE JAY~3 7~:-r_:"F Reg : ES F'a i d : -, r .-., ,.:,~~:.E7 1L_L !~.i-"1 `r k:.!""=; E{Y D.[V.'f':,3.Ot',I L~Ff'tt{~~f~l~f~ F-01? 1"_7:'1. F?LOlS!"ERED Clr`.iLY i`~-l ct R1 P ; -t t~ ].? Z 'f ~ i•1 D c~ L Z V 7. ~ 1 +Z+t'1 I' ~ c-.t ftl r`I c~ ft1 C? i'IC~IRGP~It~i, ~:-i`?i::.'Y ~ ~_~ 1 `~ I ~I~'t.lh~[~ ,r:l~ RL' DS ~1'•i ~+-~,`t~^-4?t I-ZE~C~ YES ~'c? ].d : ...'~7' F'1'?X"F'O~Ji C:iRLY 11 19r'~1.4'~4.nF+ ~f~ E:t1GLE; .r'7%+-G~B~; Feg : .{IT:-S 1=''w~a 2 d : 7~'h~~3~c'~ SNODCa RAS`,~~, i*IARF; 1. 1 197 ~ ~. 1 ~~w'~ ~'t;+ F'i-i I Li_ I ES 77~~t-~~;~1~ Rig: YES F"'c~id. `~?s8 SNOUJ, KEV I td 1 ~' 1 `:37`?k 51 •{+ ~A DODGERS `~?89--•;3G41 Rey : 'fE5 ~'~~ i d : 188•x+ STO'•~'EF?, E-~RCi~i-i` 1~ 1979~7E7 ~:A RED SOX '~89'-86? 1 Rig: `rES i~'~-~;.d: ;..;~~~9 ~~TUh1F='y JASOt`J 1~: :i^79~i~:_4 ;.A RED 50X 989•--3147 R~ g : 'f I.S i='~+. i d : ~;•~ ~`~ -fHOMy'SOI~t, Cl~'EI'~lCER 1;:: 19781k~c='H :~_1") EF•~C:+LES 77~~f--3~-7~ I"•~~=g : YC5 r'G, i d : 1?+`~ "fORRENCC, C}-IRIS i;:' 1~~78111R~t ~A a'1T1-ILE'T1CS "? 14--5`3~"~ 1?eg : `r ES !'"'•_~ i d : ~73~'S >PJELLa, (.aF?EG :L 1 198t~1~;~~:-,' `A L{CLEF JAYti~ `? 8 `? -- ~+'3 ~ E~ F~ e~ ~ _< ~ `r E= S I='t~ i d : 4 L J W UJHI"('C, .t 1'-101+i 11 1.`-~81Z~4'~;_1~ Ef-~ F'~'HTLLTES '?89-•u~+U7 {~~ g : 'f E8 i'.a i d : CA:.~~!-i 4JRIC=F-I`fs i.i~1CI. 1;_' 1~~781k'~k"~4 L'-"~ f?LD '30X ! i~H- +~JS Rey: ~~~? F'ald: '.9~~• 1'1IJI{ T I'•IS. VAi~•ICE W. 14:1 198~t~ i i 14'~ '_E+ 1:)OL)tiE: RS 77'4-7G`S Reg : YES r'~tid a I1/~OG ~At:ERS, SCO1"T ~ 198`~6E5 cB 774-7t;+c';~ Reg : YES F='~ i d: 1 J 1 ~J ~ALLEt~l, GREG 1 1 13791 Lam,::; c.:H 989--~;EG / Req e YES F'a~.d : JJ~-J E+AL~ER, ADA1~ 1k'~ i'3 E3k~~c~'94fi5 ED l;ED3 i 7;~--9416 RG g : YEi3 F'~ i. d : ~C~ 14 E+ALcL-R, CRF~lIt~ '3 1`~~8`~c`~~:~3 :~B ~ '~8~~-375;. Reg : YES 1='a i d : `~ 1 E~E~1~1_EY, LUF;i~: 1c 1979~c-16~~1 ;:'L-~ r'I-iILLIES `~89-61 ~'~ 1 Reg : YES F'a i d : 48C9 SELL i 'i_i=iYc;'~'~~ .L-+ ~' D I V I S I tJr•1 J=•~Y (=!i_!=~`H(-1 k='OR i `91 RL'- t~ I ;.'..r~:l'~i:D' C1{~1L c. i ~=' • 1 N~irne AC L+ir,•L-f1 D~~ Di vissi~_~r~ 'f'r:,~:iri! i'•1~-tr;lca ~-lE(~~'_LEY, r1IC!',CJLA;3 l~'i 1~!~ii~'~i',11 i~Lj '~°!-iILL:iE: r=~v`~-- r =~ :1 4:~ J . i?C~I~ : YF=~ F-'c`t 7. d : ~+LJJr~ h f-th1 F{EI`1 :_i'J 14, ..~ A~oL'~ I°~. r 1 f y ` 7 , T ~j ~~ .'L 7O ~. Kf "~~i= T LL ~i~~-1-'-:_iC'i~~+~ i~',r~Cj : 'r ~.~') k~'cl ]. Cl : lr~~•+~~ BCRGLR, I~JA-n- .k :~. 1'?~3kj~5C'~76 ~~j nR:coL,_.n ~:~{l 1--'~c~Su ~+ Ike G : YL S F'a ~ d : GG8';_; ~iIh~iS, L{r~I~r1 1 ~ ~ `~~~~lt~ii.~rye; L_~j 0 RIOf_ES ? i ~•-~;; '~;O keg : 'ES F'~ i d ~ ~'~,CG ,ALA I a, CArk=1'' 1 1 1 J 7"~4''.ir7i='~ 4'~i 1 ~-10~-.~.'i 1 Cif r~E, C, : '7 L_S t- I-'i-17 d : .:ai E+04•iL I1VC, ~~(_ kZk_lY! I i~l-1 ]. ~ 1 ~E31!~~4L::, y~ (r't lli;3 r 7y -i~418 f'eg : YES F'~~ i d : ~:iF• ~L-!Rf•f1VD, I~1ILL:(t~lf~l F". iV :E 1 :l`~~•~4~1t~~IG~.1 c'~-+ -77L-iZi~~'~ k?E=~: YES F'~~id: Ch=r~=H ~L{Rl1TCHER, 5T1~:'J>=1V 8 1.3~93~1;~°I i~L=~ % i ~h--1::1vG ('k'g : Y14~ I-h'c1'1d ~ '~h~i..:~+ ~~+Ri30k~~S, Df1r~I.irL 1~ .1`_~~1!?!7!~`~ ~=5~ ~-~LI.JL••= ,7f1YS `J `~ ~"~.1`~.~.f'l:U !ZC G.~ : YL~ ~^'cZ 1 d : .='..:'ii`:8 ~riRUL~r=lll;>=1~7, ~rr~sor~ ~ 1`~~~1 i ~ a. ~~z; J/~>-Lia`~.~ Reg: ~'t.~i F'cj1C~: 1~-`Ic>~; +~Jl_I_OCI:, ,J 1..1ST .T, i'~_I 1 '. ,. ~~9k1~i 7l~`3 ~'ES E+LU~:: .7(lYS `~~t;~+-C•~'~i.:.'4~rl+} q: YE~.F f:~c-~ 1 d: 1 "r 1 i~h~LkJOUN, ;Jh11~1 1!~ 1~8~c~tZ~~`5 `L~ R~.D SOX X81-'~:.t~Bt3 Reg : YL- S F'~ i d : S~_G~r CAi~!='SELL, CSI I Cl-1-~EL 1 i 1'38~~Gi~ 1 i~B REDS ?7c-- 19iJ i Reg : YCS Paid : 1 ~ 1 k'~ ~CAI_li_E'~, PAUL ~. rk7. 1~'S i~~£3~1SZSFJQi6 c~ ~t~~-3474 Reg : YG~~~ °'c-~ i d : 1 `3`_;C ~CLOIJE RS, JOSk~IL;A ':3 1 X01 ~~'•~°i~+ `D 77~! -~'c3.~ P,eg : Y{~r F'a i d : •~h7 7 CLYL~URIV, JOSHI.J!'J i=a. 14~ 1 ~~3k'i 1 ~ 1 V! i=Es F7CL' S `~89-8;='4"~i=' l;e[~' : YES t-'a~ i d : ~hG~7 col-lr~.r~, Jor1~-rk~al~ 1 `331 ~r:~ 1 ~:~+ 77`-';~~~hE f"~eg : YES F'~ i d : ;=;~?, ' t1LL r=~1_t=iY'EI~`~ •~`i DIV1"S.i:Gti~l ~'t`'r' ("iLi=';-iA i=C:IR 1331 REGI~`('~RC'I:i Qidl_'v (~Ic~f(ICa ha (:7 ;~{ 1 i''t I I DC"j D 1 V 1 ci 1 t~f ( "1 F_'Lllfl P~1_1(11C~ CDi~1F'TQ~I, T(.?t91i~1'1- 1 k~ 13~ .i. tZt 1 tZ+~ ~I:t qR I GL`S }} ) ! i %--'~CSC i~ie~ : T`L'.,~ I-'cl1 d : GI+C11Li CClNNELLY, I:EV I PSI 14%, 1'=1!aVt i `;.;4~ ;='~< RL:ll 5GX '7 7 .tF__G,1 "~".-3 Re ~ : 4'r'5 e:!~c i d : ~3::~`~;=, CRAE"I":3, ('aR>_(.~QR1'' 14't 1`?E314~+~:,~'6 ;``D RCD SC]X 77s+-k~7E~C rrer~: YES Paid: ,~31 cRn I CI-I-wfaD, taDr,i~! 1 k~ :1. s~~.1. t~t~Fk,~: `~~ RcDs r Carta ~Y., JA17R~ T 1 ~ 13c~~,,:~1`~` `~ or~;IOLIr;:; n~r~1-LF~~~{~ Recl : _ 'f E::.S f°'r, 1 d : _ t~A~VG CUh~11~'STGhi, MRI°I"T'r-IrIJ 1 k7 13+~ 1 t~,~tr_t 7 ;..:I`~ L'ODGERS 77;-•~r~:J].~~r Rec: YE;::; L='aid: 777 ~liALf?Yittf=~1_L, ,7Q1-~iV i;~ a. '.:;~7`?4~tGk3C ~'~•~ 7'7~::--='-t3"~ i f~e,.3 : YL.S f::'a i d : 34'+~=H DALY, t+l I CI-iAI~L C~. 1 k'+ 138k"t i. i 14t EL-~ C-iTHL~T I GS ?7?w--135 i-2~~Q: i'fwS r'~jid: 1~~!3 ~DFtVIS, FiUY IhIT'C!-II:_LL 1~~ 1`~E31k'+1;_i ;_rs .'7C._,::;317 hieq : YES )'"'~~ i d : 17%+1 DIE1~-:E17, I;ICI:Y 11 13L~k~++~ti1`S ~S ;IF._t~ S("t~ 774-`~~``33 Req: Y~.S F'aid: 1i„f~h f.-.LLIO-i"T, I•:{(?IGaN D01'~II"1LD 1~ 13,~I+c~? .1. 7 cB !"'H rl LIEfy 77%+-(~%f%: ~i Re4 : YES F'a i d : %t~~r7 _ ~ri}10R'>', RUSSELL 11 13731~~t~ ~B 77~~-~'~rGk', Reg : YE;; 1='C-t i d : C~3 `Vf-~h1S, CI-{R 1 ~i i;_ i 373~7~?tt~ ;~L-t CAGLES '~d3--+~53G feg: YES F'aici: 3cE36 1=L"A1"HER, JA'~CtN 14.t 13~i1tr~7t~t3 ~L-+ DQDGERS 77c--`7F383 Reg : YES F''a i d : CASH j~ORTI-I, L-+R(1D 11 1'_771~tJ;:'~ ;_Et 7 7 ~'f--5G4h••.r Reg : YES 1='~-~ a. d : L7~' GAIZRE.TT, CRf-1It,; 11 13t3t~~+~.1;31 ED ORIQL;nS 3~r~-E~`~~~;~ Reg : YES F'a i d : 4G;~4 r`PJTP,'r, JAY 11 :L 3(3 tit Q7,:;4~ "c:~ TI[ii=i?S `~83--+c~~C~~"t R~~cl : YES t='a i d : ~+9~t 1 t^iLL i-'i_~ 1`t C= i?S ;t::+`t U I V :L'~ I Ui'~I L•sY +=~i.._C='Caf3 1= OR 1 `'`J 1 i?cG I STERI:::D C~IULY h1ar. :i.';:,, 1991 (='acae ~'3 htarnc :-+C I+ii^th D~_a Di vi~i~~r~ T~~irn h1w~r~~~= GR(=tVLS, L~+F~Yi~l~l 1 ~'+ ]. 981 t;i 71 S =I.+ F?LI)`wi 77 +-i;47~: F?eg : Y1=~3 Paid : ~:;~ 1 ~''o- GROSSU, 17f~V I D 14! 198V+~~+1 ~'+1 ~r-+ i-;-i I i_L I F_S 7'74-_879 Reg : YES E~'~~ i d : a~-~ 1 £1 F-}Aht I SCFi, AL~:;c 1 +t~ 1 `~38~ 1 c+Zf:_ `E+ CaECUr; / r ~+_+~,~+Zt,, Rey : YES P~7 i d e ~~u7 I-!fiP`IISCI-I, r'ETL-_!~ `7 1`~8i=~7`"-.~:I..:~ cL-+ r?1_I}S 774-k'+.?,~75 Reg : YES F'a i d : ~c'~:,7 F-IARMC7N, F"'i=1T;~TCIC 11 198Q+~71+Z+ LE•s (='I-!'1'LLI:I~; Jt"~9-9w~PC. RED C~ : YES F'a 1 d : 1 1 S F•?LU R I CI :, JEI?Eh'1Y 1 1 1 X379 T. ~~~ 1 cE~+ CUL-sS 77~-•--4'+89 Reg : YES Paid : S~1o-6 ~ i-•IEiVDERSUh.I, TJG1V I D i'•J. 1 ~t~ 1981 ~t~o-~: i ~E+ '77~-r-•-7i~~~<'+ Reg : Y'L=':~ }='~ i d : 17 i 4 HENF;t~L, llA',J I U 1 ~c~ 198'1 X71 S `E+ EArLE'J, 98`=t-•-S88G Rc [~ : i'C:5 F~'a i d : ~i81 `~~ 1-1CF~tCHEi~.ll?I1~EF~, f~uE~EF21- 1:_ 177~a1.14?+.L ~L-+ l~tE._I~ ~3U:C , '77~'t-~7~+8y Rc g : YES 1-'~; i d : 1 79 FiUT:LE, t~1I1;E l+c~+ 198k'+1117 ;'B (-'tTF-iLC-T:CCS 7 7;~--~51 S Reg : YL•= J E''GC 1 d : .~ ~~ 1 ~.J S F-iURT, J•LHIV 9 1`381+ Z+8i i ;~r-+ ry/ rr INVRAI~, AP,aD`r' 1~~ 198+~~~8+Z'+~?, ;.B !'FiILLILS `~89-~a874 P,e g : YEC7 F'a i d : ~ 7 ~8 INCRAh'1, {='FTTLI.~' 8 198~'1+~15 SB 1='F-IILL_7:ES 98^-`~~i'7~o- Reg : YES t='a i d : ~_7c8 JUNr=S, LRIC :: 8 1`~t3~1118 ~E{ DFdIUI L;~ 9L~`:~-•88 J. 7 ire g : YES N'a i d : P(a I D _ SJ'UL I AN, NATH!~N 9 1'~~31 1 ~~~ cE~ 7'7c=•-Ci2+89 Rc=R : YCS F'a i c : ~o-S7 I;EILh1AhJ, SCUT-T 11 1~~'7?1 i+Z~~s i~L~ TICaERS 774-~,9c:8 Reg : YES Paid : 1 fh,:,b F;E.I_LtY, J(aSf-i 11 :t98+c~+Z+1+27U )•~ ~:=f?GLES 774-8:~+2E8 Reiff : YES F'a i d : ~~::G f1Li__ ;_~!_(.:t`{ERS ~~Y D I V :[ ~~ I OI`d '~-' Y o-=ti_!='t-IF~i I°~ Qfi 1 `?`~ 3. I'Zt=C'~ I STER1=ii CJIULY IV~:~rn~' AG L=s i. ~^+• h D~~ D i v i ~~ i ~W~r•~ l"F=~~t•;t MJ~~t•nr~ I:ESSL_C R, i-161frR`f :~ in 1 `:38 i ~~ 7,:5~ c: Es I?ED ;~t~x !~'"-'i--7tlw:,2 Req: 1'ES ~-~~eid: 12~i K I DL'~E R, -FIiDD i i 1 ~ta4ltr]r,,:~4't 2$ L R I C1LEf~ `r'74-~t•4~~c. Req : YE:S F'« i d : 2ih~:;~ ~ I : I LCULLEi~~, ~'. M I CI~iAEI_ `~ 1 ~t12~ 1 ~~; c_Es 7-7<r_~'~,F3~-t I?ecl : YCS f='~z i d: 77.x., ~ I~ RAEt~iF=R, JOHt~J tel. 1 w"t i ~,~°~~'t~~^_,tZt 1 `L~ 7 7.4 --1 Fi.,±; tt. R ~, q : Y E c. F' ~i i ci : 1 1 G:~ t't f:RAEMf P, M 1 CI-IAF_L ~ 1 ?!3;~_ 1 ~ 1 ~+ ~=Li 77~+-•- i •'rSso- Req : Yt/S !='a i ci : i i c4'+ .y;~ ;:iHC11~?7 Lr}v-rar~, Dt'~~JID i+~ 19SitL't~4~~ ;~D DUDCEF:S '38~--4~h~.;~t~ P,ec~ : Y~:S h"'~ i d : 3~ti~~7 L I t~11V. ~rdH!•a 1: 1 ~`7`~~~;t~'t ~L-~ `~'- DS 1.L. JJ~3--r;~~-l8 RE=r~ : Y?~S Paid : ~-4iSS Si..lCJtl•T r~~='~r L(7VELL, LjRIFIhJ i 1 17•T'?tc~`3ctL1 2Lj I:fLUf~ Jf'iYS 77~W --'~`r`81 Reg : ';'~::;~ Pa i. c~ : :~k;~:~ Z. 141AR{',S, LUST I rJ i tc't i `J~31 ~ti7~=,~ 2L~ CU>_cS 77f}-7L~~'~ Req: YES F'aid: ~F7c' t•1CCC7Y, Zt~CI; 11 i'3~3~ttc'tS2S 2H DCJDGCRr 774-544 Reg : YE5 ~'a i d : '~~`~ti !}1 C;=t"1;iL;`ii+JD, T~Ri1llLL``{ 14:~ i`~331t~`J~;~2 ~D Icy ED :pox -7 7 ~+-- ~n 7.:5 ~?; ~ ? ~ y : `{ E~ S P ,•,~ i c:i : i~ 19 t3 MT!_LLR, t~,~EG ik't iSt~i~'tS1~3 LL=~ F?ED <t0:t 9f39-•3~~;r Reg : YES Paid : ~,~%+'7 t~l I LLER, JAt+1ES f~'. 1 tc"t 1 ~8~ 1 13tZt ;_'$ (~l"i-~ II_-l"ICS 7 74-8~+E5 Reg : Yr~-S F'a i d : 19SS MOI~F~iIS, Dt'=tVID ;='. Jib 1t~ 1.'7!3tZt11;~L ~'Ei F'I-iILLIES 9Ei9-9~`~~ Req : YES Paid : k't'?~8 ~t*1UCLLLR, DAU •1' D J. `-J 1 X13.=~:.?,~:5 ~L=~ l7_-7Ll'79 ;?eq : YL"a Paid : ~:_84?t ~ I'~ULL I IV3, LLC]'(D ~_~ i `7;31 ~t':~ 1 kt 2Lj ~E3~~-~~+L3 Reg : YES I='a i d : ~ 142 NC_.L UHEtORS, J~C71Vf1 ~FHt'~l~i i tZt 1 ~F3tlt 1 X716 2L-t 2'ArLES n r~~7'-77J~ Req: YES !''~~id: ilZl,~~ ' ~ r1LL r='Lt~IY{•~RS EtY D ]: ~.' I S I OI'~1 E-~Y E:lLI~'I-3>'1 i-l.3f~ i `~`~ 1 RlEG I S`I-E;?r- D C?i'~!L`,' ~~?!~'~~'- r-1G E~ii•'±ti I?a Di visi~_~r~~ '~ c'4arn i"1,_trn~ IVTCf-iOL;~, LU1;~ 1k~ 1~811~t;:?ik~ ~E-s (~Tf-li__1_TICa 7.7~_--4?'781 ~:e g : 1''f=S F'~t i d : ~~r 1 ~ ~ O' DELL, Dr=lV T D 1 ~ 1'37`3lL~~: 17 `D .~<+r_-r-17;'J ~j C~~"~[~: YG~ ~-'ci 1.d: C~~1`{ ,:'~-r~, JOi~JATl-1C-ihJ ? !~ 1'?81. i~,` 1 <'+ ~_E! r'{- I :t LL I E_S 774- Rc=g : ','LS ~'~t i d : ,.:,~61 ~(~'UF-F-Ef~;E+(lf(GC_R, E~I_i`J 1~~ 1'?© 1~t`!~4 LE+ ~ '~8r~---~C~~1J R~ _y : YE.S >='Gt i d : ~'~,'::7r., OUo-~!!~l, L;17E.1_r :L t 1 1'7~3~91~=' ;'E•+ i~LUf:+ 3111''ii ~8~7--8`«~}~t Req: YE=:~ F',~tici: f+C..:,~~ Rf-1THE-~OI`~!{_ 9 JGY :1 I E `.7'31 1 k~lt, ; _'E+ i~:J ~D"c3 r' 7 4 ""' 1 k~ J .~ R e C) : Y E.. S ~' ~~ 1 ;:] : % ~'»~ lil ~ SCI-~-~r•JCwoLr, J~IVra•r,-Inr,J 1; : _ ~ '~-~ r~ ~ 7 ~~4 `Ei D:I_L;{- Jn~f•'~; f ] r5 n `3 tiJ 7... ~ ~. is _7 R f3 r~ : ~~ F= S f-' c~ 1 C.{ : ;.=: r:~ t1 SCI-J~1RRI~R, Dnv1>> ik~ 19r7l~i~t~'~ ;~I~ f1T~-iL~TiCS SCI-itrJl~I~-r1, Di1V:i:I) 1 ]. 1`::7'11 1~:_`»3 ;~Li (1T{-fL_cT:[C~~ 77%+--.S~S4 tZc~g : 1'ES f='~-t i d : 1. 1 ~, SCRh'IAi~I. ..HESS L k.~ 1' t]k"~ l ~:l.l 7 ~B E{LUE JOYS 389--1.7E,°i Rig : YE.S f~'a i d : _C;~3 ~SI-iRVER, E{itF=IIVDOi`~I ~ :I.'~!3~~4:7C~ 7 cI:i ~- :~t :J--.';.C%F FZc~C~ : •~IC` r"'ct 1 d : Qi 1 L(^i SNrII~J, JOIVA°ri-i~fV t J. 1'? 7 G J. 1 ~~'~4 ~E~ DODGERS 774-e,r 7;~, rteg: YES ~'~-~id: :~7SG SWR(3DS=?, ItlAT7'I-iL`W 1~ 1'7;?k~i~~:~~ ;._P DOP.GERS 7'"r :_-~Z!`S1 R~t~: YES i='c~id: Sr+i S I (~ICL(-1 T r~', {?OL-t LjY 1 !. 1'~7~~i it7'~ 1 ~~7 ~'Lt I~3LUc Jl=IYG '78G-.?,44~Z~ F2~~g : YES F'a i d : r+~7; SIh_1{-;, R'r(-1iV 11 198k"~l~rr~_E1 ~=B 17LUL ,In`r `.=1~1"~"41Ji' F~(=q : ~^ `i' L."~. t~'a l d : t:, .L U SLOF~IV, PJr1T1 i>'~i'J 1!~ 1 SSkl~i~7~=~ ~E~ ~ r I r„_RS 089-7Cr~~:; Re g : Yk.S f='a i d : 1:'7C SM T "i-I-~. ROE+L-+Y 1 ~' 1 ~779l7~4~8 ~::E-~ ~J'? 7: OL_~<<3 `78'7-~5~,~ Req : YE_a ~''~-~ i d : x:35:1 ' i1LL ='Lr~`r El~z~.~ L{Y ~, I v I a I ~rJ ~~'r r~~L~~'f i;~r i= oR 1 `~~ 1 R~ ~ I ~T~ Rr-:i; urJLY ~~ i~J~~rre f1r I~;.irL-h S'i~t Divi~.i~ ~r~ "!"earn f~a~~r~~e ~r'r=DE, M : F.L:.. ~. ~ 1 `~ r JrL'iv~ i-'~ E1-1(_`Li~::= p `~W y.-.~`t7~1~. j ~f~(~ YL~ F•'a 21~ : r~~~[,'~~r1 ;_^iT;Z~UL~, ~'FZ~sTSr~ ~f--carrin:~ .LrL~ :l '~t~314'1.L,•~'~1 ~'~i ~ ].E~:~J ~ij+~--~,~~~`~ t~!?~ : Yea ;~`a1d : .=: t;~'~t ~ .r~-~oM~as, ~:~ =T~-~ i ~ i ~~ ~ rf~ i `~+ ~:L-~ ~r: I oL4= 4~~; - 7;~+-~i~~ Regs YES r-paid: J"V~'-.L TILLEY, JORDr~I'•I ].~~ 1`-?8~1L ~ `._3 ~'Et DODC_E~7O ~~`a--~~_JJ peg : 'r~s ~~'~-~ i ~ ~ `~w:,¢+ TOIrJr~JSrEND, TOE{Y 1I i'~?T3~~~.~i~.i ~='E~ OR1:Oj ;_S ~El~=?__`~tE~ 1 U Req : `?CU F'~:: i c- : O4JEO ~ TRr=rC'!, `;Et•rhi ~'s :t'?~~,=~~~?r'~:~'7 ~E; ~,a: _Z~t:•<'r.=~ Rr=r~;: YE;~ G='aid: ~:-- 11_~~; ~rRI~IETT, L-rR:Ct~ahJ 11 1~~31~~~L:G7:_ ~_1_{ ~ r 7o---8~:~~r" ~ Reg : YEAS H'a i r.~ : ! JJ~J T ROMF'~='TGR, Jr'lUUr•~ 1. rlr a. ri~ L rc'If-F~_'.:~ SFr ~='~-!? LL I GS ~Ej~--91 Gam: %tw g : 'r i _S F''Gt i d : [j`i i ~r. WEJ ~-, i~`i~1TTHE:IJ 1 rZr ? 9E',k~;k1'~34~1 ~'T~s ~;ED 'OX `=1 Q `_t -- ~ ~ ~~ ~ iz E? C.] : '{ G: 5 r~' ct 1 U i_ `'~.=,'~ w~-+, I TEI_i=Y, w~nTTi-~E!•J ~~, ~'t~.:~;~~Fr~~.~ ;~~ `~faU-7~•i~'r Reg : YE:S F'a i d : 1 ~rE:i4'.7 W I G i~ ?' hJ U , T ~=~ E V O F; '~ 3. ':~ 81 ~Z; 9_. i~ c ~ Ls '•;' ~l r•I I ; i= ~= O - `?;=`?-F-:-,_• 1 c q YE a f-'~~ i cJ . 1 L`='4 ~ !.J I LLLTT, JOS~~l-'H '~:~ 1 ~5C? ~ 1 yy~, 2Ei ?7~:'-7[~ 7 7 Req : `{ES F'a i d : 475 wlMr*1EP„ 4JILLIE 1ti'r 1~~E3~rZrt~rc~4 ;~L~ E~rCiLES ~~:..~"`~3J7<< Re9 : YES ~•'c-ll~ : r r1 [~.iu 7~ L-~L~='~' T r•aS, LAURI~hI 1 E 197'.7~'rGr~ 5 ,?, FIOTROO OL33-~r 1:?,O Req : YE::i F`'~~ i d : 4:~t,9 LEOGETT~:, ,JENr~i I G= 1 u+ 1 `~~ 1 ~'r 72L ~ DODGERU OG i L~J T E, Uf1F"tf~H i c 197`~~1~-r~17 ,a ;=rrv+~_L::i ';''t 4--t::,,?f.~Ccr Req : YES F'~:~ i d : ~~-5~4 TE SSLh1DORE, f_AURF~ i ~~ 1. ~.J794%'r~r•~=C~ .-?, F' I R(lT[.5 OBE-c77Ch Reg : YES F~a i d : ~+~r~' f~ll_1_ i::'I_il`t'h~:?r~ `; J1'J.i;:~:CUt~.I t=1 `( ~~tL_r-'Lli=t F"t=ir? t. '1`.?1 1?EG10T~F?F'D OI~ILY ' rrl~it'., 1;J, :~'3~~1 Page ~7 rJc~rne ciG L~ir,L--i-~ I:~t:.~ Di vi:::~i~ ~Y~ rE?clri7 IV~,rne Jcl-~rJ~;TOra, cl...lRi~_; 1~ t,~..T81~C~1~~ ~~ ,._,_.. -~ V 1lLLTi~~ _ _ r!~}-111 G?era: `rEo 6-''ti-~rc1i ~+~'~L Lf-1rJG, JG1=1=~ a G 1 ~ 784~L='L~~_ ~I• - S~ODG~~;:~5 ??l--U~G~ Reg : YLS i'"'~-t i d ~ !r 1 i~~a LOVE'LL, TI-i01r111.3 F.•. TLUDY 1 C 1 "~7?4~'.~;~'G ~~~ I-tl_I.it= J(IYS ;'7c-~?~ 1 Reg : YES i•='~~ i d : ~°~.~.i61 ~'OF~', J'OhJAI"I-iialV I .:s i'37~t~7ii; _'n ~~~ Eil._UL= ,.i t`'iY'~~ ?7~'r-8.?,r~C; F?eg : YES:; h^'ct i d e !f'•~'~:, SLTTLL;~, I~EI'~! 1;_, 1 O? 701 ~~ ~; LKLR_iH_ JI~Y;~ J~3'?--'~~'Sc,C~ I•~er! : YG~; E~'~ i d c 3~h 11c't 1'~LIr+EfdT, JOEY l ~:, l ~? £ ~ ~G 1 n 'tl•F-~ ~ ^ S t t- R(-IILCY, aCQTI" .i:; 1`~?? 1!:~;:?~c't 1.~.~ REDS BERGER, CHRIS 1?, 1`???+c~E3 1 !tai ORIOLES ? l~_ -~:r~:13r, i7c g ;'ES r'a i d . EG~iS i-~O I ThlOl"T, ;?Y(11~ 1,".; ±.'a781~i~;~l+ ~1•F1 (-1TL.ILi~-r I CS 77l-1•--~C~6 F2ey : YES ~='~-~ i d : E,7C6 1_{OLL I NG, CL~LE 1 `J '_ 9?E=~1~?~'~ 1 4~1 `~'1`1IVI;CCS T?~~F-~.=4~ilztl~ F.'C'` ~ ~ YES Pit l d: ,:S';_'ILi 1 1'_,(J4•:l_ I1~L, lii:~I`1PdL i H f?. i ..s I. "J? % Ic'~'~J4~ I ~+fl '_)t1 r - G >~ 1 i. !? E' r'j : `Y ~ S r' ~ ]. (::! : 1 i ~ E'i BrUr*1L•~CRGy JOhaa'~'Tl•-IAhI I-I I i_LLL 1 S 1 "3?3~'~ r ~:' 4~EI ;~~4~-~,1 1 ? Rrag : YES;.; F~'a i d : k3S[~ COLL I -~aS, STEF'I-IEP1 1 ? 1'731 klk~l; !t•Fl Rer~ ; YC5 ;•-'~-~ i d : r~or~~ COX, F,cI-I"I-I 1 1G7011~~o- 4~1 YAr<!I~FE~ ~?8~-~?7~7 Reg : YCS F~'a i d : X3479 DAV I v, .71'~ME~~ i 3 ~.'~ r i51r.~~,11~1 !1•(~ `~iE~9-I~R~t;_~~ rx~=~ ; Yro r'~ i d : ~o? ~ ~:, si-IOR-r Dr-~V z o, ;;cV I rJ :>. ~ 1'3?:~,a~rJ 1 ~ !•~~ DODG` I? Reg: YE5 Paid: D C~ f:Z T !. O, D 1~ V I D I'`1, 1 ~ 19 r C, ILI. _;1 !! ~ 9~"~-~ 1 ~,~ 1,'E?q : YLS F'a 1 d : k~!-a49 ' Fal_L r-•'Lr~Y'r~;~S ~Y ;~ I v I S.r. OI`.1 ~'r ra1.1-'FIE~a I~~oR 1 ~~ 1 ~?Er I sTERED or~LY i~i~~r~. ice, :i`~`.~?1 '.?~zrac~ L3 ~J~:~me AG D i i•~ F h1 D~~ D i v i :l i ~~~r~ `ra~,rn hl~~r,,e EL_DEf?, r+I I Ci-?Flrr=1_ 1,::, 1'_i77 i ~=' 1 ~"s ~r•il ~ I~E'D 0~ ~iF3`~-~'~~•~~ 7 Re ~ : Y'L~S f-'~x i d : ~'90~1 C~ I I_1... I Lr=-ri~iD, C1-iL'C.K 1 ~ ! 977 i 1 ~~'r~.. •:r~~i ^ 7i~~-17i~ C?ey: YES {='~~id: :r.~BE G~ ;s°"EN, t~E-If=sD 1 ~ 1'373r~4EE; 4A s sTi-ELr=T I Ca 77%+--sZs~E,~ i?e:~g : Y'ES F='-_z i d : 0~;0 7 F-1Ai~1 I LI_~l, 1',O~iE,'',T 1 O 197E~4~~E 1 ~ ~~f r O;?LL 01_1- f`:, - `~~`~-`~~ 1 u 1~f=' ~ : YL_S 'a ]. Gi : OWE~i 1-iELI_CR, L-sEi~l 1~3 1?77rGr9:L::~ 4F1 'i7:='-1 ~;~~r ire 9 : YE'~; F'~~ i c1 : ~'r9~'r7 1-iEWIT"1', C~ird:LS 13 1977! i;='~,1 rr.f~ FdC~D <.~Cl:~ - 9~9_•t%~O i ~ Rey : r'ES F'a i d : ,:3`;1 E:f J01-it`aSTOhi, L-sEl'•1 .t 3 1'~713~3I rZr ~~•A ;='I-! I Li_'1' ES 7 7 ~---:1 1 19 1?eg : YES !='a i d: ~El~; f:EitilIVEY, DOUG 1. ~~ l 9771;h 15 R'r•Fl r?EDS 9~9-79r~n4 Reg : YES 1='~t i d : ~~_;~~~ h~,UI~!N,LE, DAVID 61, 1 ~ i 97~ i. rh~'7 ~f(1 C~'fl I?D I NALS ~~t'~•-_•.,~,~; 7 r?eau : Y'E=:~ r~' ~ i d : i. t?ir~C3 'r:U)`l1,LE:, ~;-ir_vc:r~ l;_; I'~37i~~3c'3 /+F~ ' s~OL GEC2S `7 E5~~-904 ~ Rey ; Y'ES i='~~ i d : 1 VrE,~ LE:W I S, TE1-:= REY :i. E 1 `~7~r~t 1 r~'r~; +A DtJDCaERS '_'~~~-'`?Gr~Gr?fey : `r E_S ~'_~t t d : 1791 i*1ANn! I IVG, i~;FaTHFIh? 1.~ i `?77 i 14_'+ 1 CFA CZC= D ''3O;t '"r"74--9~+ 1 E~ Re ~# : YES Paid : ~~` MCrARLAND, L+RIi-rP~i t::~ 1`J79~~t•E.~.~ 4A i?ED SOX 77<'~--G~73u .?eC~ : YL~. J='a i d : ~0 9i3 I~iURI?AY, ERTL' D. 1O 197E+c"fG17 4A `?G'J-r:,~' t3 Reg : YES !~'~~ i ci : <+'~'~;~ t~IF:~JIN, ~'ETEf? iG 19774'x911 4~A I~k~D SOX ":'~9•-•85DE3 Reg : YES r''c-i i d : ~s~'~G OEHLSC.~HLf-1'cGER, t*IAT-r i. :=, 1`77,ri~-~Gi~~c ~+t~ Jf~.i--._~~cc Rey: YES ~~'~-~id: c1~+~f r-,Or_-, 1" 1 ~, DOUG 1 197t:,~ErZr`~ <'+A '77~:- 1 ~~?,~3 Reg : YES ~'~~ i d : 1 ~~9 r'~L L !='!_f-lYr:!?fa i':'s'f I):i`~1:(:=lCiha r;',' i:i!__i~';ii1 I~f~?J? 1'3'?:i. 1?!~C3ISl"~~:1<I:::D k~hlLY r 1 It',af'n iJy 1 ~.L i •' tt r.~ ~? i. IVar,~e fiG I~ir,l:h D_a Divi~~.i~,~r•, Tr<-~m hJ~•trnc ~?UAl~LL:S, J'A,ri0i~.l i G 1 "a71'r 1 i 1 •~~• '~.;::t UF? I ULcS S~_!__~LE.S I i, i~1AF?f:3,-!E'!I__L :I. u; J.`:~77+r".!`?1~~, :+;::t ~~LUE: .JAYS ~Ft~-Li c,,' R~q: `fE':, r.='aid: ,=~''!•1!;~~ ~sl-Ir~r~TER, r_•°s;?;~-`~_I_ i.:~~ 1'~)76~!1~:_'%+ ~t•A 70DC~1?S 77.tF....1;.;•4_!c-~ r~~r:I: 'f~S Paid: w:,r~S.1 I•Er~r~!-~(7, ~Clh;t'"i"1-I-1!="tP,i l:~ i97711!i~!~ ' ~~•A Jr?IOL~S ~7 %7`~o--1~o-~'4'! IZE'Cj: 1-' YES i~~c:tldy ~~~.:,1 ~~Tt=thJDll=er'~, RO~i:-rz•a- 1~F 1077!~11~.~ ~+A c,~I~znIr4ALa ~i 9'3 •- 7 G!Z! E3 (~ c g: Y E:- S F=' ~-~ i d: i 4 ti 3 1-F•IUi~lf-la, WILL 1,?, 1 ~7t~+~S i 1r %;•e:~ (:il(:~LES 77~F-w,k 7£3 i•;r?~ : YES:, r"'a i ci : +7;~3~ TILL 1(~1E!.7l•J~~•R, Dtr1VID 1;?, 1r37rJ•>~`!.`,~.?, t~•-'1 i?f-Dc:i Uha~o~, Cr-~~r:~`rar'-~~~ D 1a t~7~!~ry~~1+z~ %~~! oI~IO~.I~.-~ _,~~__;:;:!L!J. f?~~y: YE47 F•'ald: _ r.,~1~- V 1 t'1, c (,-IAIu it 2 J 1 ~1 % 71 !(~ ]. i::, -i~fl nonGl~.r?;:~ -~-~.<'--13f,<:~~ rlc:.~g: 'rr•r; r'i,,id; 4~n1!~+A i-Jf•aLl•~Oi`•JD, r=~IG 1,.:, 1`37r?•+~1,4~9 4•fl rl-i7:LL_:[c_a `._' ~ : 4JA1_I?OIVD, 3C= "fu 1 ':_~ :I. ry i ~~~!%+l~!~~~~ ~>•1=i r ~ r, 7,'}.._r.; t:i,_ 1 Vie:: q ~ Y~E3 Paid : '~'t~,`~i WOODrIhiC, Df1V'•D iu 1`:3••,"71~'_~=~=' <f!~ !~`f~f!_;~TIC~;; ~~3`~-•~!~'~ 1 I?c~q : YEi3 Paid : ~'-;;~ f"ll'.ERS, ..IOSHU(-l S. 1 ~; 197C 1 ~'!~~ 7 %t•L~ i~""i1Rn I hJALS f~ie~: 'fES F'aid: LjL~t1:E, MCI-it=1LWL 1 ~r i r37E,1 l !c~r~ t~FL~ = . . I ~RAVC~S c~~~_. ~=%.r`,q, R~r~ : YE~> Paid : 1 i3i`.L- L-~OI Tf~.10"r'T, !'-illAt'~ . %t 1 `:37E~!t~f3i_;3 ~hc{ [,j~,iC,C~_`; 771;. -. ~y r=< -, E_, I, ~ ~ - - ~ L~U!?T I S, STi._f~'i-li= hl Y 1 %;• 1 "37t,!~.7`:31 L ~t•E+ ~- . •-,-, L=~r?F1Vr 77%t-717'? r?c cl : YES F'a i d : ~:~~i!c"!~ _a COLLINa, t~1ICH!"1!_:L :I.%.~ 1~7ir,1~~'1!T! %-fit ' =sRf1VF~S 7 7lo-•-~~:7~s R~~r~ : YE.S Paid : 4Sk'! -?L_i._ r`L,'t`~''LF''L~ ~r1,~~ ~~• a a. w:; ,~ r J ' t SjY D.; '•,~ I `::.;.i. CJP! .~„~: i";i t"''hit"1 1='CrF: =i'~; .~- ~ _ aG- r, :. c. _: ~v,-r4:::: ~~cr~1 1:?j`~jL.. • F .,,. l S ' i ~ r• "h!I . .. ~. ,. , r ! ,~.<.. __ ".`. ~!•i{? r?c:i C~ a Y~ :a +~_'•~~ J. Cj e G_`lr;C:~ ~ . _~ r' ~..i41~)-~'~_ ~! 1:°~Pi T h I CI'~ 1 /1, ~ rj-7•^,^ic~t_~ ~ r.»i •, . J(~f-7t~~!QI`;) ;;?t^aiJ6 ','''I_.;7 i-'~t.f.(::~u ~:~t ~ac~r-'r-r- II, ~:{c~ucc L~. ~~ i~ri_'•k7ii~ R=f1~ L~~FI'~EJ L}'1!'' Lr?il' ~. t- hl~~j~-1LLw 1 7G~ ^' L~ C i ~ L- T T y ;~i f i; ~.=? iV ! - -' l:y Ft Y /t 1^-~ % r.,1 _' iLi' . - C~i-i(?D I PJAL r ~-~ L CiiLi~Dh•-I, JC,~iFi 11+ 1'~7ruf~r•J ~:. ,;,~~ . •/'~f+-~+~~~J~1 GJ~ j~ n ~~1-"r r~c3 ]. (:J a ~"~''"~ i ,:_,~_ ~ .;r:CCniS~ CHGD i~+ 1'?;~•7f%t~'~:LC ~~t•~{ - (11`•1CC=LS -fQL.LL:.Y', GEOFF ?s~i• i'~Ii'k'4~k'~C~ R.~Z+ 77~•-7~'f.~ ~ fir? ~ ~ Y~i; ~' -i i d = ;:sG?i: {~;tav ~ : _ i :; ~JRTGHT, ~TE~1= 1rt i`~71~~:tZi;v •+Et C:l f;17 i iii Ei L C . D I E R i'! F F?, j c f-l..r i f. 1::, 1 ~~ i r1 tip! [_ , k1;:s ~ . , •, ~u~i~ ~: y'~~ j°c31 ~,~ i~LTILEf2, ,3LSCICI~ J.~y J.~E~r~1t~iLi~ C~I~L~> ~` `-? ~i ~ `- F; ~> ._; ~:; F? c~= [] : Y t:~ C E-' ~:4 i. c9 r c k'~.°i G ' 1k'~ 1r~t31k7~;~'~+ (~IRLB ~ ~:, ~ {1L_L ;='Lr=,Y;=RG .L-~Y ?~I~J:CSIC?I~a I3 `f !~I__(•='H(1 f~'OR 1.`:~?~~:~ l~~t`G7f:;~?"~R~:mD r7iVL `r' _ F'~:~r.~E G1. Itii cl 1'tl f.' ~ ?'~ ' ..... rac ~..~, LI-~ D:., D:,.vl~-;~,~,;• •, ~_fr~~~~~, !•~I~:a~~,t:~ ;~:{L~ RIVYS ;jR a: nc~:-r~, ~: 1 r ~, ,; ~~Rl1C:~y ~~R~;r~DY t .~f i `~ r r/ z `~~~~ (:a I I~L`_: CC?CIWDC;;, ~1G1-iL..L`Y 1 ~ 1':3l.J~I~ 1 ~ 1 /r G I RL4~ 7 7' -- ~', ~' 71 R ~~•= q : YES C'' ~ i ~~ : v.;::,1 ]. Dt:)l•JD`f y .?'Ca`.~ ~ Cfl 1 s~ .I.3p 1. ~~~I,?,~~;?, !a T RI_;3 •,3 `~aB~~-~7Gp7 Ike YES 9~ C°~ ~ ~ •~t~u: -,- r w~;~G DRni~IRl=T1-Fl, I{E'Cti 1;~ :l '3?:~~1F';•tin'~ t_ I RLS ~~ `~C1~--i~k,9 Recd: 'fl:~S ~'~:~id: G~'+f+~ rDWF1RDS i 1 I ! t, l ~ ,_ ,-, ~~ ~! 1„. t! L, I ~+ ~r~r., I-;E~`~TI-I!~R i ~~ z 9pUi:l z,~%+ G I I~Lf:~ ~~ ~ ~ F-IAIVSCJIu, SI-i!~l~;ZY 1 ! :i'_:~pzL,~it•<'+14'.~ r I,`~iLC3 , , 'i 7 ~:_ --1'~ 6::,'? i;; t.3 tt = Y C~ S C"' ~~ i c! : 7 ~ 3 ,.7QIVE5, f ~h1Y I,~ i ^p 1 >~~G;?~'~':, G I I?i__S •,, KRiDnIE, I;(~TI~: t,~ i .i~t3~~~~i;~,,~~ GIRLS ; ~ i~lEf-+DU,~, C, i;<~.' 1: ;:: ir;` r t:~l y 1 G~ ~ `~p~k~piZ~/+ GIRLS Re r : r E~ ~'~~ i ci : ~;1Z~~?~ I'~! I hJTDIVy t~tk i:~LL`'f 1 i~ 19p 14'_114'7 GIRLS ~ '~~F~~"Cip 'env ReC~ : YEs~~ ~'cl:i [j ; ,~ibG~ I}1LJRRGIYy ili~1l:E 1~= 1`_?7pi?~'~~ GIRL~~ "~ : Y ~~ ~''ti :L 4 : i::~~Lf f+~ ~IFISi~ i1i'~Ii~l I E ~' ~pr)--4?v~f~"1 f~[~['~ : `f~S ~:ici 1 Cj % ~.~E~ r'~L?U I i~!, Rf~C;!-iE~ L!._I_ 1 ~ 1'~%p~1p 1 ~ GIRLS ~~+-~ Ei'i•p IlE~~ : Y>=.S ~-'ci 1 C~ : ~ p,~".)rJ 1`~t7r)--~~fi1 ~f=~ I~E'C:I : YES ~'ca Z C~ : ' ~,~- c ~, t,;, ~HlvrRS, SnRr,~~ 1;~ 1~~~,~,;,~1 GIRD 7;~.r_-4~1u, 1=1e~~c~: 'fE5 L='~:icl: :.:,4c~ ~=,LL'-°'Li~IYEI?S 'y?`f ??T'JT Si:a~a L+Y ,-~L3='4-~A ~=aR 1`?`?1 I~E'GTaTF_'F'tl~D a;`~iLY •,- i*Ictr~• 'lam, 19'?1 Pages J4. ;. ;d~~me :iG r~+i~^~I~ Dry Div:i~=i~=,r~ Te~tr;r !'*!~arn: ' SLaVlriuSt••;'f , S~",Rti"~N r1;;; GIRLS 1 k :i. Gi31 ~~ 1' 1~~~-~G~r~ r~'.~rJ, : YES ~''ct 1 d : 7:.,4'lE - SCrI .[ Tf-l, r1A{~lDY f a~u ! ~~ L~ T RLS 1 J 1 r.3 7•'~=--:L'~3E~ Reg: YES C=`~id: ltl~::'~ JE1ClS T E <~:,1='i:~l~1GLi~R ~- 1 S 1 `~ 771 l :mow G T RL'} ~' " , ( `v,`°~ 4~.--~ l i_~,ro- !~ey : YES ("'aid : ~~~i t3~~ s C ~aF? :a"!"~-+(:aGS, I'.Ct I ST I i ~~ 1 r3Ea 1 k'~iJ='~~ G I !?LS 9t3~-,c~G 1 ~ Reg : YEIS F'~t i d : 1371 ~ ' i.•J~1R`,.-_~f-11r1, C+I(~i•JDY ~ 1'~af~~~~ 1 k'~~~~f G T I?L~a ~ 1 ~c - - rn1 ~~77 ~t \ ~O?-.-'~K~i_. [_t RE= g : 1''{;_J F'ci 1 d : J ~ r_ r. ~..., .-~~.~ h I_r'~UF?E1 47IRL i~~~ j,`?1.3.1~'~?1 r ~'.LRL~`~ ~ , 7 7 i; -`9v,7 R~?g : Y'ES F'a l d : 4i; E.1 E+f~RCdLS, G-~R I ~~'i-Y 1 %,• 1 `~77~~%-tw'~~3 G I R{_;~ f'~f-1JaF1 ~ r ICED SaX 77~r---77~:?~ R~r~ : YES ';'~-~ i d : 1 S aEl E~Ef~h1Y'~~, Sa~1LERIE. ~ ~ 1~~7~f~~C~:;3 (-TRLS C*~f~JDi? .~ ' R~=L~ 3a;` r~~~~"~~~~_ Reu: 'YEJ F''~;1d: .'., l.:U ~.7 f+;-Cf1D'=aRD, 1'LLLY !.'i- 1'? i i ~1 J.~~'_~'3 GT RLS I~I(1JaC~ ~ r 7 ~'-'~liG RF.~~q : ~''~~. S i~~'i:37.C:1 : {.1•n~>w.S L=~1?TTT(1T1~1, LSE=Cf:Y l~f J.'~l-it,1;='17 GIRLS iait~.70~? ~ ;HE'D .•:=aX Rng : Y'ES F'~i i d : 77s~-~-'~~.~.,~;~ LIUJES { = itSICHEL.'_-E Rt~l~lflE EiUl~'LE`f 1JC_~1~ i'{ :'~^7E~1.4_1!;ti GIRLS C*1, • , v+,;~ri--~iJ` 1 Rey : YEJ F'a 1 cJ : 7 14'~:t CROCJDER, CQR->•'idL~Y L., 14 J.~77i~~?:~1 G%RLS C*~'1JaR _~ `~~~~-'",:.1.~ ~~~.' F'~L g : YES ~~'c-t 1 d : ~G~~ 1 L`i,il-I D(=1 I GLE. I. :3. 1 `i7;~,ti'~~{~~~.7 G I RL'a ihAJO R ~ RED Sa;1 ! -,;7.c;.--~'7~~ Reg: YES F'aid: abJES ~ i~lA1~.!CY D T X aid ? ~~ 1 ~ 7 8k'tf.~.i7~:~~ G I I?LS i~1,~JaR - L~RfIUE S , `3~'t`~--C,k7 =3`~~ Iteq : YE"i F'~t i d : T94 ~-., DiJbJDY, I_RI>`! 1~j. 1~77~~1`~ GIRLS Mi~JaR '?,3 ~ --l ~,~t 7 Reg : Y t' S F' a i. d :: 3.:,'.-:J u G I LL T LAC~JD, i~aSHLiEY 1. ~ ' 1 `~79~ 1 u"~3 GIRLS C+i~JaR J E+LUt ,:f i=,YS 7r~o--Gl~:'? I';egc `fE:S E=`aid: 14'~1u DA~,JC~.I 1-lGaldSL:N l ~ ~' 1 G r G~7.~ :L 1 E3 G I F2L S i~1AJaR ~~ iyL~JE ,.Tf1Y`i, , ?'?~;--7k6'~ f?cg: 'rES C='aid: 1~::,~i r ~ ~f L '~.i i i': `:-~ ~ { ) 1~ ~./ .{. J .~. ~1 ~~~ L~ ~ t ~ i._ ; • 1-I l`~ i - (1 {~ .. i -. T=~. Y ± L. _ !•• »» . f ' ~:. 6.1 e ~~~ .~ ' _ ~t'~,-~~r,, rl~,mr-~ 'a ~ii1F_' I a i--1C7Fi=i}1AIV, f~laii'.T(1 l s i `~73rZr 1 r~?rc r I ~~L3 i~i(1 T(] I? ~ r,~._ i'rP`1~ c..l_t:; ~+ i*1t=1R`r' J !~:fiLL I f ~ :•, .1'-~ ; 7t~ 1 ~7 e ,. iL~J 1''fG1JC1R , . ~, -°».__1~~,7u 1 ?c=g : Yf=-C "~'_~ i. cf a ~7~~{. ,r r•- ~ i;:; ;'~~~~><~,?,'~ GIRL`: *1a'~JDR ~' ` i''r!`,.1Cr'L:~ .=~ 8`3--1a 4'r~'a6 2~t~ : YG.`_, F?~::t ~. d : ~'a 1 ~~ :tC7Y r~ir~P r?ACC I t~l I • t C i `~'77'.'+J~~+J G I F?L_`~ ir!A.:; Q; 2~ Fii`•I(:;EI_5 , ~~~~t~._~1~;~~~ ~ Reg : '`r'~S ~'~~ ~. Ci : i=~~,:'~_a +1CCOh`~T~ELL ;<:L !'~{F~i•=RL'r ~ :+ :L `'-' ~'±_~:~:~1~ (~, ~ RI._`=~ ('~ls'~1Ji ~i~t -~ I ;i~`it=iri_C ~.~ ~:' ~3 c~ : 7 -r ~a -- 47 ~ 4?r C i?>=~ r_7 : Y F C t= ~ ~, i ~-i Y-li C-' .~ji,Dr.~.l--r ,NcDr~r~ICI.- 2 " l i'~ 1 ~ J~ir_.3.C l..~I ~\LJ f Il':.~~~•1 ~cJ . _ .. _ '. I?L:A.: 1_~,\ , IhCDAi~I I c=Ly COU f?Tl~~k.'( 1 4 i ~ T T ~~ i i i C ]: lii._5 I~1t=1JQ R ~' ;:.rI~IC;F LC ;7~~-'~::_r3~~ i~s~y« YEAS ~'a.-i.d: ,.:,1Ci r. a r ~ iii 1 ~ i~ .L I 1 ~.::, • ~;7-~,~,~;~~.9 r~ I RL_`~ I~l.:r~ rR y'~ s. (1i'•ICF'L;~ ~ r_~~rl-~'aGJ / ~J r L'1 i' i.: J {~'t_t :,. Cl . ~. I GJ y {_' O'=' ?: I ! ;~l l*i Y . ./ !. ' a a Q 7 ? !~r .=,;_ :~ i_~ i f; L S iY1 rl ~J Q F~ '> ~ f •~7.` -' 1 ~~;~~ j't~r'I « '7'['~~ ~' l1 i::i : 1 ~Y.r r1 L)''l I L.Y r3f'~RF'QLD i :?, 1 Q771~'~ 1 H' C3I RI_S l~i(1JOF? -,~ " , c t 14~'~ r' ~ ra'- rL~ % 7 :1 ~ ~ F? C] : ~'' ~ S ~ ~' ~ '1 C, . 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