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12/3/1991 - Regular
OF ROANO~~ L ~ p a ~~rt~ ~r~ ,~~~nu .. ~ ~~ i i ~s 'tea; sa SFSQUICENTENNIP~' ~ d Butuuful8cginnmg A ~ ~ ~ Q ~ /'~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUI'ERVISO~ ,I ACTION AGENDA DECEMBER 3, 1991 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THE MEETINGS FOR DECEMBER WILL BE DECEMBER 3 AT 3:00 P.M. AND DECEMBER 17 AT 3:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL PRESENT AT 3:07 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Michael D. Meloy Windsor Hills United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PMM -ASKED THAT I'T'EM H-3 BE CONTINUED TO EITHER 12/17/91 i OR JANUARY MEETING. LBE -ADVISED THAT ITEMS N-2,3 WERE LEFT OFF PRIIVTED AGENDA. C. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS NONE D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of a design plan for the Water Treatment Plant A-12391-1 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-RWIt,BL~T,HCN,SAM NAYS-LBE 2. Annual Report from the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley. PRESENTED BY RITA GLINIECKI AND MARK BRAMLETT 3. Approval of Public-Private Partnership for Colonnade. A-12391-2 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-LBE,RWR,HCN ABSTAIN-BI.~,SAM E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE z F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of 45 acres of real estate adjacent to Vinyard Park. HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING WITH FUNDS APPROPRIATED FROM BOARD CONTINGENCY FUND, 2ND - 12/17/91 URC H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of two parcels of land from Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project. 0-12391-3 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC 2. Ordinance authorizing the exchange of real estate adjacent to Burlington Elementary School with Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp. 0-12391-4 BIB MOTION TO APPROVE URC 3. Ordinance authorizing the lease of real estate, a portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant property, to the Valley Soccer Club. (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 22, 1 3 CONTINUED TO EITHER 12/17/91 OR JANUARY TO COMPLETE LEASE NEGOTIATIONS. 4. Ordinance authorizing the exchange of easements between CWY Inc. and the County of Roanoke in connection with Berkley Court Subdivision and Vinyard Park. 0-12391-5 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-LBE,RWR,HCN, SAM ABSTAIN-BLJ I. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1291-1 Public Hearing on the adoption of a resolution authorizing Articles of Amendment to the Roanoke County Resource Authority authorizing the joinder of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton to the Roanoke County Resource Authority and authorizing the creation of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority R-12391-6 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE URC 1291-2 Petition of Roanoke County Resource Authority to amend the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the Smith Gap Landfill, located on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road, Catawba Magisterial District. CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 19, 1991) LBE SUBST. MOTION TO DEFER TO 12/17/91 FOR STAFF TO FURTHER CONSULT WITH RESIDENTS. 4 AYES-LBE NAYS-RWR,BLJ,HCN,SAM R-12391-7 RWR MOTION TO APPROVE AMENDING CORRIDOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION TO 1800 FEET CONTIGUOUS TO RAIL LINE WITH PROTECTION EXTENDING ONLY TO CURRENT RESIDENT AND PROVIDED THERE IS NO FURTHER CONSTRUCTION. AYES-RWR,BI4T,HCN,SAM ABSTAIN-LBE J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel LBE NOMINATED HENRY H. WISE TO ALTERNATE POSITION 2. Library Board 3. Social Services Board K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A-12391-8 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE URC 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Community Corrections Policy Board, Mental Health 5 Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors, and Planning Commission. A-12391-8.a 2. Request for acceptance of the extension of Valleypointe Parkway into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. A-12391-8.b 3. Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities serving Roanoke Retirement Community (Elm Park Estates) A-12391-8.c L. REPORTS AND INQUIIZIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) ASKED PLANNING COMII~IISSION TO STUDY PROPOSED APCO POWER LINE AND BRING BACK RECOIVIlVIENDATION. ECH WILL BRING TO P.C. IN JANUARY. (2) ASKED FOR DIRECTION FROM ECH REGARDING LIBRARY BOARD, ECH ADVISED HE MET WITH LIBRARY BOARD AND HE IS NOT READY TO MAKE A RECOMII~NDATION. (3) ASKED ABOUT VOICE TEL AND AUTOMATED MESSAGE SERVICE. ECH ASKED BOARD TO LET NIfIA KNOW OF ANY RECONIlV~NDATIONS TIDY HAVE. SUPERVISOR TOHNSON: EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT INCREASES IN COSTS FROM COX CABLE WHEN SERVICES ARE DECREASING. SUPERVISOR ROBERS: ANNOUNCED CONGRESS APPROPRIATED $5.9 MILLION FOR SMART HIGHWAY. SUPERVISOR MCGRAW: (1) ANNOUNCED CHRISTMAS TREE 6 LIGHTING WILL BE 12/4/91. (2) ADVISED THAT BLUE RIDGE REGION IS CONTINUE TO MEET. (3) ASKED STAFF TO BRING BACK REPORT ON 12/17 REGARDING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FROM SALE OF SHAMROCK PARK TO GREEN HILL PARK, 1ViIIA TO COPY ALL BOARD MEMBERS AND PARKS & REC. COMII~IISSION WITH RESEARCH ON THE ISSUE. M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COI~BVIUNICATIONS FENTON HARRISON. PARKS & RECREATION COMNIISSION SPOKE IN SUPPORT OF USING FUNDS FROM SALE OF SHAMROCK PARK FOR IlViPROVEMENTS TO GREEN HILL PARK. N. REPORTS (RWR ABSENT FROM 5:15 P.M.) BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION ON ITEMS 4 AND 5. UW WITH RWR ABSENT 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Report on Weed Ordinance Enforcement PMM AND TH TO STUDY EFFORTS TO STRENGTHEN AND SPEED UP ENFORCEMENT AND BRING REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD 5. Update on Lease-Purchases 6. Annual Audit for Roanoke Valley Cornention and Visitors Bureau. O. WORK SESSION 1. East Circumferential Highway. PRESENTED BY TIM GUBALA AND FRED ALTIZER, VDOT HCN MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AT 5:40 - UW WITH RWR ABSENT HCN MOTION TO SUPPORT "NO BUILD" OPTION AND INFORM VDOT, TRANSPORTATION BOARD AND ARFA LEGISLATORS AYES-BI~,HCN,SAM ABSTAIN-LBE ABSENT-RWR P EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) for discussions with legal counsel and briefings by staff with respect to various agreements pertaining to the Smith Gap Landfill Member Use Agreement BLJ MOTION AT 5:45 P.M. URC WITH RWR ABSENT Q CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-12391-9 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE URC WITH RWR ABSENT R ADJOURNMENT HCN MOTION AT 6:30 P.M. - UW WITH RWR ABSENT s ~~ O~ 4l0ANp~~ ~ ~ L _ ~ ~ ^' au-aM~ica cmr 8 E50 ' 8a SFSQUICEN7ENN~P~ ~ A Bmuti~ulBcgimm~g • • 9 . Q . A ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS V j AGENDA 3, 1991 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THE MEETINGS FOR DECEMBER WILL BE DECEMBER 3 AT 3:00 P.M., AND DECEMBER 17 AT 3:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Michael D. Meloy Windsor Hills United Methodist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS i D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of a design plan for the Water Treatment Plant 2. Annual Report from the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley. 3. Approval of Public-Private Partnership for Colonnade. E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of 45 acres of real estate adjacent to Vinyard Park. H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of two parcels of land from Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project. 2. Ordinance authorizing the exchange of real estate adjacent to Burlington Elementary School with Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp. a 3. Ordinance authorizing the lease of real estate, a portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant property, to the Valley Soccer Club. (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 22, 1991 4. Ordinance authorizing the exchange of easements between CWY Inc. and the County of Roanoke in connection with Berkley Court Subdivision and Vinyard Park. I. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1291-1 Public Hearing on the adoption of a resolution authorizing Articles of Amendment to the Roanoke County Resource Authority authorizing the joinder of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton to the Roanoke County Resource Authority and authorizing the creation of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. 1291-2 Petition of Roanoke County Resource Authority to amend the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the Smith Gap Landfill, located on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road, Catawba Magisterial District. (CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 19. 19911 J. APPOIlVTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel 2. Library Board 3. Social Services Board 3 K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WII,L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Community Corrections Policy Board, Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors, and Planning Commission. 2. Request for acceptance of the extension of Valleypointe Parkway into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3. Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities serving Roanoke Retirement Community (Elm Park Estates) L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 4 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Report on Weed Ordinance Enforcement 5. Update on Lease-Purchases 6. Annual Audit for Roanoke Valley Cornention and Visitors Bureau. O. WORK SESSION 1. East Circumferential Highway. P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) for discussions with legal counsel and briefings by staff with respect to various agreements pertaining to the Smith Gap Landfill Member Use Agreement and (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interesting in locating in the community. Q. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R ADJOURNMENT 5 .~ ~, • , ACTION # A-12391-1 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Design of Water Treatment Plant COUNTY AD INISTRATOR' S COMMnE~N,~TS BACKGROUND• The Spring Hollow Water Project consists of constructing a reservoir, a water treatment plant and water transmission/storage facilities. The reservoir is under construction and the transmission line/storage facilities are in the design phase. We are now ready to design the water treatment plant. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The design of a water treatment plant centers around the treatment process. All other parts of the design support the process facilities. In order to meet existing and proposed water quality standards, the current trend is to use proven proprietary water treatment processes in order to reduce both risk and cost. The use of proprietary or pre-manufactured process units significantly reduces the engineering design effort required to design a water treatment plant. In order to comply with the Board's directive to reduce costs and use innovative ideas to meet the challenge presented by the slow economy, staff proposes to handle the majority of the treatment plant design with existing staff. The Utility Department has experienced, well qualified staff to accomplish this work. Under this proposal, specialty design services that are not available from staff would be contracted for with a private engineering firm or firms. These specialty services would include: architectural design relative to specifications for a pre-engineered building, finishes and landscaping; engineering services relative to electrical, process control and display systems; and mechanical engineering services relative to heating, ventilation, air conditioning and humidity control systems. The design of the Glenvar Pump Station would also be by private engineer. Staff would handle the process, piping, concrete, chemical feed, storage tanks, pump station and laboratory design as well as the site work design for grading, roads and storm water. ~-/ Staff feels the County can save significant money by hiring outside engineering services for only that work that cannot be handled by staff. The Engineering Feasibility Report for the Spring Hollow water Project was prepared by Burns & McDonnell. They are one of the largest multi-discipline engineering firms in the United States specializing in design of water facilities. The Burns & McDonnell estimated cost for engineering services relative to the water treatment plant is $2,970,660. Staff estimates the cost for engineering design services for the water treatment plant under our proposal will not exceed $1,000,000. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: Alternative No. 1 The Utility Department handl the water treatment plant a services as required. It i will save Roanoke County a costs. e the overall design responsibility for nd sub-contract for specialty design s estimated that this design concept minimum of $1,000,000 in engineering Alternative No. 2 The engineering design services for the water treatment plant be handled by a private engineering firm. This alternative is estimated to cost $1, 800, 000 plus the cost associated with the time staff spends working with and reviewing the work of the engineering firm. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In keeping with the directive to provide service to the residents at least cost by the use of innovative ideas and methods, staff recommends the Board of Supervisors approve Alternative No. 1 whereby the Utility Department would handle the overall design responsibility for the water treatment plant. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Cliffor r ig, P.E. Elmer C. Hodge Utility Director ~ County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) motion to approve staff Eddy x Received ( ) recommendation Johnson ~ Referred McGraw ~- to Nickens ~ Robers _~ cc: File Clifford Craig, Utility Director John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator ~ .* ` ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER "°"` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report - Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Dr. Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Executive Director of the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley, has requested time on the agenda to present a report on services offered by the organization. Present will be Henry J. Sullivan, Ph.D., County appointee to the Board, Thomas Chapman, Director of Administration, and Dr. Roessel. Attached is information they plan to present. ~~- ~-.,~ Elmer C. odge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw To ( ) Nickens Robers November 1 9 , 1 9 91 Mr. Steven A. McGraw Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 ~~ Dear Mr. McGraw: This is to confirm our time on the agenda of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on Chairman Monday, December 3, 1 991 , at 3:00 p.m. John M. Hudgins. Jr. vise chairman Mr . Henry J . Su 11 ivan , Ph . D . , Menta 1 Health Henry J. Sullivan, Ph.D. SerV1C2S Board Member appointed by the rreosu rer Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Thomas Daniel E. Karnes Chapman, Director of Administration, and I Secretary will be present. Rita J. Gliniecki Fcecutiue Director Mark Bramblett, a resident of Roanoke County, Fred P Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. W111 also be present, and will give a brief report from a consumer's point of view. Written materials describing our services in some detail are enclosed. Sincerely, ~~~ Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. Executive Director Enclosures cc: Henry J. Sullivan, Ph.D. Thomas Chapman Mark Bramblett Marguerite Kiely MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY -Executive Offices 301 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia 24016-4026 - (703) 345-9841 FAX (703) 342-3855 Serving the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke ,.- ,~ MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY COUNTY OF ROANOKE PROGRESS REPORT - FY`91 DURINt; THIS PAST FISCAL YEAR. 569.984 OF RO:ANOKE CDUN'TY'S 'TAX DOLLARS WERE MATCHED WITH STATE AND FEDERAL DOLLARS AND FEES TO PROt'IDE 51,351,072 OF SERVICE TD THE CITIZE\S OF ROANOKE COLiNTY. THIS :AMOLiNTS TD $19 WORTH OF SERVICES FOR EACH TAY DOLLAR EXPENDED. PROGRAMS DURING THE PAST FISCAL YEAR (JULY, 1990 -JUNE, 1991) PROVIDED SER1;'ICES TO PERSONS WITH MENTAI: ILLNESS, PIENTAL RETARDATION, AND PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE. PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES WERE ALSO PROVIDED TO PERSONS AT--RISK FGR P~ENT:AI. ILLNESS . N.EN"TAI. RETARDATION . AND PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE. THE MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PROVIDES AN ARRAY OF SERVICES TO ADULTS WITH SERIOL`S MENTAL ILLNESS, EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS, AND THE MEDICALLY INDIGENT. THE SERVICES CF THE DIVISION WERE PROVIDED TO 454 CITIZENS OF ROANOKE COUNTY DURING THIS PAST YEAR. IN ADDITION, 1,108 HOURS OF PREVENTION WERE PROVIDED. THESE SERVICES TO CHILDREN. ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES AND ADULTS INCLUDE: O E`:ERGENCY AND ONGOING OUTREACH -CRISIS INTERVEiu'TIOti AND OUTREACH TO CONSUMERS OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES; INCLUDES INTENSIVE IN-HOi``E SERVICES, OUTREACH TO GERIATRIC ADULTS, HOMES FOR ADULTS, AND ADLiLT r'kDTECTIVE SERVICES 0 CASE MANAGEMENT AND Dt_;TFATIENT - COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES: INCLUDES ASSESSMENT, INDI1'IDU:ALIZED CASE PLANS, A\C) SPECII•'IC SERVICES SUCH .AS ''iEDICATION MANAGEMENT, PSYCHOTHERAPY AND ADVOCACY 0 CRISIS INTERVENTION - 24-HOUR CRISIS INTERVENTION FOR PERSONS EX~F'ERIENCING EXTREME EMOTIONAL STRESS C) PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION AND FOLLOW UP - C;OMMUNI'TY PSY'CHIATRIST`S FROI'IDE E1~'`:ALUATIDN, ^:EDIC:ATION, ANU FOLLOW-L:C' SERVICES AS CONSULTANTS TO THE TREATMENT TEAMS 0 P_SY"CHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION, TEACHI'vrG LIVING SKILLS WHICH PROMOTE INDEPL:'vrDENCF, PEER SUPPORT, AND IN"CEGRATION INTO THE CONr".UNITY 0 RESIDENTIAL SERVICES - TREATMENT FOR SERIOUSLY EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHILDREN, :AGES 5 - 12, IN A COMMINITY SETTING; FULL SUPPORTING SERVICES TO ADULTS LIVING INDEFENI)ENTLY 0 I'kEVENTION SERVICES -TRAINING AtiD CONSULTATION WITH PROFESSIONALS IN NON- MENTAL HEALTH SETTINGS, AS A ?''iETHOD FOR PRE1'ENTING EMOTIONAL DISORDERS IN CHILDREN AND :ADOLESCENTS; INCLUDES PARENTING ED-]CATION, SOCIAL PROBLEM- SOLVItiC7 SKILLS, AND PEER HF~I.PING 1 - Z O D:4Y TREATTMIENT -SERVICES PRU~~`IDED DURING AND IM:"!EDIATELY FOLLOWING TYFIC:4L SCHOOL HOURS FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENT'S, INCLUDES GROURS, INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY COUNSELING, F'ARF.N'L EDUCATION AND SUPPORT, AAJUNCTII~'E THER:4FIES 4tiD :4C:4DE`IC INSTRUCTION OF SPECIAL NOTE: A PARTNERSHIP WITH LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICES EXPANDS OL72 CAPACITY .AND AGE RANGE I`OR SPECIAL EDUCATION AND THERAPEUTIC ~):4Y TREATMENT FOR SERIOUSLY EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. WE I{.4VE NEGOTIA"TED CONTINUATION FUNDING FOR THE BED PURCHASE AGREEMENT, WHICH OFFERS CRISIS STABILIZATION IN THE COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENT RESIDENTS CF S:4NCTU.4RY AND 'LHE YOUTH Ii.4VENS . WE HALE BEEN GRANTED INTERAGENCY FL-NDS FOR A CASE MANAGER TO COORDINATE THE ACTIVITIES OF ALL THE PRESCRIPTION TE:4~_S IN OU.R CATCHMEN"C .4I:E.4. ROANOKE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL'S PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES AND "DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES' .."ENTAL HEALTH AND SUBST:4NCE ABUSE PROGRAMS ARE COLLABORATING "LO PROVIDE EU.4LUATION AND ASSESSMENT FOR OLR CLIENTS. A TF.A"° OF PROFESSIONALS ".EFTS DAILY WITH THE Ci:IENT 'LO IDENTIFY PROBLI~:"'.S :4ND SET TkE:4'LMENT GOALS . THE DIVISION OF MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES PRt)VIDES A COi`FREHENSIV'E SYSTEM': CiF QUALITY CUN?MUNITY SUPPORT SERV'ICES THAT ARE RESPONSIVE TO PERSONS WITH MENTAL kELARDATION, THEIR FA?~:ILIES, .4ND THE COMMUNITY. DURING THE PAST YEAR S+~E PROVIDED SERVICES TU 251 CITIZENS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. THESE SERVICES INCI:UDE: 0 E~'ERGENCY S_ERVIC'ES AVAILABLE 24 HOi~RS PER DAY, SEVEN DAY"S PF:R WEEk WHICH PROVIDE CRISIS INTERVENTION, ST:4BILIZ~-J~TON, AND REFERRAL .4SSIST.ANCL OVER THE TELEPHO'v`E OR FACE-TO-FACE i) CASF MANAGEMENT SERVICES 'iC) ASSURE IDEN'I"I:i ICATION OF AND OL''LREACH TO POTENTIAL CLIENTS AND CONTINUITY OF CARE BY ASSESSING, PLANNING WITH, LINkING, MONITC}RI?~G, A^~D .~C}~~t7CATI~:t) FOR CLIENTS i:`~; RESPONSE TO 'THEIR CH:4NGING NEEDS O DAY SUPPORT SERVICES WHICH PROVIDE PLANNED PROGRAMS TO INCLUDE SHELTERED EMPLOYMENT, ADULT DEVELOPMENT°{L SERVICES, SUPPORTED EMFLOYME:iT, :4ND EDUCATIONJRECREATION 0 RESIDENTIAL SERVICES WHICH PROVIDE OVERNIGHT CARE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN INTENSIVE TREATMENT OR TRAINING PROGRAM (I.E. INTER^`EDIATF. CARE F:4CILI'I'Y OR GROU~F HOME) OR SUPPORTIVE SERVICES TO ASSIST CLIENTS IN MAINTAINING RESIDENTIAL SETTINGS (I.E. RESPITE `~~ERVICES) 0 EARLY INTERNE DEVELOPrENT.4LI_Y ItiTERUENTION IS TION SERVICES TO PROVIDE EDUC:4TIUN AND TRAINING DEL.4Y~D INFANTS (0-2 YEARS OF AGEj AND THEIR PARENTS. DESIGNED TO REDUCE THE H:4NDICAFPING CONDITION. TO TIIE 2 ~- OF SPECIAL NOTE: THE COMMUNITY ~'iEDICAID INITIATIVE HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY IMr'LE~!ENTED. BY SECURING ``EDICAII)-FUNDED CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES THE DIVISION REPLACED STATE FUNDS WITH REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE MEDICAID PROGRAM. THE SERVICES REIMBURSED BY` "EDICAID PR01.'II)E THOROUGH ASSESSMENT, LINK;4GE WITH NEEDED SERVICES, :aND DEVELOPMENT t)F PkOGRAMS THAT ASSIST PERSONS WITH MENTAL kETARDATION TO I'ART'ICIF"ATE :`;ORE SUCCESSFULLY" IN 'THEIR COM?~'?UNI'IIES. iN ADDITION, QUALITY ASSURANCE FUR D.4Y HEALTH AND REHABI BEER INCREASED BY INCLUSION i~NDER LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL RETARDATION, AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICE IS OPERATED BY .ARC-ROANOKE/CHD INDUS"TRIES MHSRV. CITATION SERVICES HAS OF THE DEPART"L'NT OF SERVICES. THIS DAY THROt.~GH CONTRACT WITH THE ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM ALSO EXPANDED ITS CAMPUS INTO THE CO.M.MUNITY WITH :4 NEW' VOLUNTEER PROGRAn, CALLED BRIDGE BUILDERS. VOLUNTEER PARTNERS ARE hATCHED WITH ADULTS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION LIVING IN THE COM~"L~NITY" TO PLAN AND EXPLORE ACTIVITIES BASED ON '~'L'Ti..'AL INTEREST. THE CAPACITY' OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICES HAS BEEN EXPANDED TO SERVE TWO CLIENTS IN A TR:4NSITiO:'1:4L APARTMENT 0'~-SITE AT "CHE. N'IAGAkA kO.aD kESIDENf'E. TWENTY-ONE NEW FA`iZLIES WERE REt;ISTERED FOR RESPITE SERVICES THROUGH THE SHORT- TERM CARE PROGRA~~ FOR FY'91, AND TWENTY-FOUR NEW FA~`ILIES WERE ELIGIBLE f'OF: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE FAMILY SUPPORT FROJEC~T. THE DIVISION OF SU73STANCE ABUSE SERVICES PROVIDES SERVICES TO PREt~'ENT TIIE DEVELOP:"iENT OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND TO PROMOTE THE RECOVERY OF INDIVIDUALS WITH ALCOHOL A'~D OTHER DRUG ADDICTIONS OR I):EPENDENCIES. IN THE FAST YEAR, 208 CITIZENS OF ROANOKE COUNTY RECEIVED COUNSELING, DETOXIFICATION, OR RESIDENTIAL SERI'ICt.S FOR ADDICTION OR OTHER SUBST:NCE :VPL'SE FROBI.EMS. IA ADDITION, 568 HOURS OF PREVENTION/EARLY" INTERVENTION SERVICES WERE FROVIDEI). THESE SERVICES INCLE_11E: 0 OUTPATIENT SERVICES -PROVIDING COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT SERVICES TO DRUG AND ALCOHOI: DEPENDENT F'ER.50NS AND THEIR FAMILIES 0 MEDICAL/SOCIAL DETOXIFICATION - PROVIDING A TEN-BED, COh?MUNITY-BASED DETOXIFICATION PROGRAM UNDER MEDICAL SIPI'RVISION FOR PERSO:'~S WITH :a1_.COHOL AND OTHER DRUG PROBLEMS i) PRI"iARY CARE SERVICES - FRI`1ARY' CARE UNIT, A SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM OF ALCOHOL/DRUG I;I)UC:ATTON .AND A TRANSITION "IO A :`TORE INTENSIVE TREAT!`'ENT SETTING. OR TO THE COMMUNITY WITH AFTERCARE SERVICES - '1ULTI-LODf~E, A SIX~I•:EN BED THERAPi;UTIC C0~`ri`NITY EN1%IRONMENT PROVIDING INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP COUNSELING AS WELL AS CASE MANAt;EMENT FOR UP TO SIXTEEN WEEIR:S . •..!/ ° 0 HEGIRA ROUSE -PROVIDING A THERAPEUTIC CO"'MUNITY TREATMENT FROGR:4~1 FOR 4I}LILTS KITH SEVERE S[~BSTANCE ABUSE PRt)BLEAiS 0 SLPFORTED LIVING ARRANGEMENT'S - PROVIDING A DRUG; AND ALCOHOL-FREE ENVIRONMENT TO FACILITA'LE A 'fR:ANSITIC?N B:At;K 'f0 THE C01~'MUNITI~ FROM HEGIRA 4ND ?'(ULTI-LODGE 0 PREVENTION/EARLY" INTERL'ENTION - PRO"'`OTING A C0'~`UNITY NORi'_ OF NON-TOLERANCE C)F ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUt: :ABUSE, TO INC'kEASE :4t~ARENF.SS OF DRUG :AND ALCOHOL ABUSE, AND TO PROL'IDE FkOGRA'"Mi1rG TO DETER FIRST USE .4~iD DEVEI:OF`iENT OF 4B[. SE PATTERNS OF SPECLAL NOTE: SUPPORT GROUP'S t~'ERE PROVIDED IN THE RO:4NOKE COINTY SCHOOLS AND SFECIAI. PRESENTATIONS ON ALCOHOL ANI} OTHER DRUG ISS!ES t~`ERE GIl'IN TO STL~ENIS AND TEACHERS. PARENT DISCI'SSION GROUPS ItL"kE PROVIDED. JAIL BASED THE ~T''ENT SERVICES 1t`Eb'..E E~:P:ANDED FOR BOTH ME RO.A'1'OKE COUNTY JAIL . BED CAPACITY AT THE PRIMARY CARE UNIT SAS INCREASED, AND AN Sl_PPC}RT SI~RVICF.S PROGRAM` HAS BEEN EST.ABLISHE~i. SERVICES AT 'f HE NE?~ DIRECTIONS OUTPATIENT PROGRA' HAVE BEEN AIRING OF A CASE '~:4NAGERjI)ISCH:ARGE Fi.:1NNER. THE RENOVATION OF THE ALCOHOL :4ND DRUG REH:4BILITATION DIRECTIONS HAS BEEN CO~PLETEi!. ANL} ~O^F..ti IN TIiF AFTERCARE COM:MUNIT`i' ENPANDED THROUGH THE CE'~TER AND AT NEW ~~`ENTAL HEALTH SERVICES WAS THE LEAD AGENCY IN APPLYING FGR A GRANT TO PROVIDE AN INTERAGENCY .AFPROAC`ri TO *AKE AVAIL.4BI.F. COORDINATED SERti"ICES TO "`EET THE REEDS OF SL~B:ST:4NCE ABUSING FRECN.ANT AND POST F'.4RTUM It~OMEN AND THEIR INFANTS LIl'I'~G IN TIME ROANOIiF V':4LLEY . ON THE ATTACHED CHART IS .4 MORE DETAILED BREAKDOk'N OF OUR SERVICES TO THE RF.SIDE~TS OF RO.ANOKE C'OUNT4' Di~PItiG FISCAL 1'E:4R 1.99?_. (ROANOKE CCUNTY BOARD OF SL`PERVISORS - DECEMBER 3, 1991 - 3:OOF~'[) 4 12/3/91 ~.~~' • - MHSRV DIRECTLY FUNDED PROGRAMS FY-91 PERFORMANCE R EPORT ROANOKE COUNTY Unduplicated Units of Value of ----------------------- Client Count -- ------------ Service -------- -------- Service ----------- MENTAL HEALTH Outpatient Services 225 3,739 hours $218,535 Case Management 94 4,194 hours $141,171 Clubhouse lU 71i days $31,152 Emergency Services 124 1,977 hours $75,796 Child & Adolescent Day Treatment - - - Children's Center 1 334 days $54 982 MH Subtotal 454 10,955 mixed $521,636 units MENTAL RETARDATION Counseling and Life Skills Center 125 2;384 hours $88,700 Work Activities 18 2,741 days $65,857 Adult Development 8 1,313 days $44,731 Supported Employment 4 802 hours $8,673 Read Road 5 1,734 days $110,795 Niagara Road 5 1,307 days $94,250 Hazelridge ICF/MR 3 1,004 days $150,380 Melrose MR/ED - 92 days $17,806 Residential Respite 1 3 days $2,409 Short Term Care 37 5,659 hours $40,004 Co 1 1 eqe f or L i~/i ng 45 602 hour s_____ ______a y ~_~_460 MR Subtotal 251 17.641 mixed 5642,065 units SUBSTANCE ABUSE New Directions 177 1,610 hours $61,393 Community SA Services 23 215 hours $6,244 Detoxification Center 3 18 days $3,493 Primary Care Unit 4 31 days $1;656 Multi-Lodge - - - Hegira House l 472 days $31,576 Supervised Apartments - 367 dav_s__.___ .$_7,_063 SA Subtotal G08 2,71 mixed x111,425 units Contacts Units PREVENTION MH Freventior. Services SA Prevention Plus Frevention Subtota;. TOTAL FY-90 Local Share Ser~T/ice/Local Dollar 724 1,108 hours $46,326 1,233 568 hours 529,620 1;957 -~ 676 hours $75,946 2,870 32,985 $1,351,072: ------------ -------- ------------------- $69,984 - - $lg ------------- -------- ------------------- ACTION NO. A12391-2 Item No.~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Public-Private Partnership for Colonnade COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~r,~~~~ ~,, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bruce Hobart, developer of Colonnade, has a prospect for the Colonnade II building that will lease 37,600 square feet for seven (7) years and eventually employ 300+ new employees. One of the issues affecting a decision on the location is ingress/egress to the site from Route 419. There is an existing agreement between VDOT and Bruce Hobart to install a signal on Route 419 and allocate the $75,000 costs of this signal between VDOT and the Hobart Companies. Bruce Hobart has requested Roanoke County to fund a portion of the signal costs as an inducement to his prospect under the Public-Private Partnership Policy. The Public-Private Partnership Policy allows for the expenditure of public funds for basic industries such as manufacturing, and for major employers hiring over 250 employees. There are several other prospects being pursued through the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership that would necessitate the construction of a third building on the site. FISCAL IMPACT: Colonnade I and II have an annual real estate tax of $41,734.30. Public-Private Partnership funds are available from the Economic Development Fund which has a balance of $100,000. Payback from real estate taxes will occur within 1 1/2 years ($20,000 for Colonnade II) if the prospect locates. For a $30,000 appropriation, Roanoke County would be spending $100 per job ($30,000 _ 300). On a comparative basis, the Small Business Administration (SBA) requires that a job be created for every $15,000 of Federal funds. .,,1J "'" ALTERNATIVES: 1. Appropriate $30,000 from the Economic Development Fund towards the signal costs for Colonnade II with the condition that a qualifying prospect must locate there by June 1, 1992 before Roanoke County expends any public funds. 2. Fund some other portion of the signal costs. 3. Do not fund any signal costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that $30,000 be appropriated towards the estimated $75,000 traffic signal costs. The traffic signal will assist not only the location of this prospect, but the further construction of another building. Payment of the recommended portion would occur in late spring 1992. Respectfully submitted: Approved: W • ~y~%rr,r/ ~~ Timothy W. Gub la Elmer C. Hodge Director of Economic Development County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- Approved Denied Received Referred to ACTION (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens ( ) motion to approve staff ( ) recommendation No Yes Abstain Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens ~ Robers x Attachment cc: File Timothy W. Gubala, Director, Economic Development Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ~ ~ M, ~h Y y ,y ~ 4 ~ r ~ ~~~~r COMMOIeTWEALT~->~ of ~I~~C~~NIA DEPARTMENT pA TRANSPORTATION P. o. BOX 3071 RAY D. PETHTEL SALEM. 24753 COMMISSIONER Novemher 4, 1991 Mr. IC. Bruce Hobart, President THE HOBART COMPANIES, l.'t°D. P. D. Box 28117 Richmond, VA 23228 RE: Colonnade Corporate Center Dear Mr. Hobart: B. w. SUMPTER nItiTRICT ADMIN15TRATOR >h'ACSIlNII,IE 'This is in response to your letter of Qetobcr 30, 1991 to Mr. Lynn Whitcnack coztcerning tht ptaposcd signalization at the jnterscGion of Routes 419, 1662 attd dzc entrance of Colotutade Corporate Center. On May 16th of this year, we wrote you a letter indiratirtg the csiimated ccxt for this work would he X75,000. As outlirted in the signed agreement, your portion would be'h of the cast of the purchase. and installation. Once again, our estimated cost will be S75,UU0. Because of pxoblems associated with scheduling our contractor over a [our district area, it is imperative that you advise the Department as soon as possible as to your intentions. It is possible that work could begin within two weeks. if for some reason this dnte frame is not realistic, it could possibly be Spruig of '92 Uefore this work could be rescheduled. We will be awaiting your response. Should you have any c]uestion, please don't hesitate to cat1. My telephone number is (7U3) 387-5399. $111CerCly, R J. Yates TrenFlx~rtation Technical Progretn Supervisor FOR: L. C. Taylor, Il Disuict Traflic )engineer cc: Mr. F. C. Altizer, Jr., Resident Ettginecr NV TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of an ordinance to accept 45 acres of real estate adjacent to Vinyard Park COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Walter Darnell Vinyard and Claiborne W. Vinyard have offered to donate approximately 45 acres of land near the existing Vinyard Park to Roanoke County (see attached map). The land is located in the edge of Roanoke City and is currently zoned light manufacturing. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission and the Vinton Area Recreation Committee have been advised of this offer, but no action to formulate a master plan has been initiated until the details of the transfer could be finalized. The current zoning does not allow use as a park or recreational facility and the City would need to rezone said property to one of the city's agricultural, residential, or commercial zoning designations. A tract of land of this size and topography would be a welcome addition to the County park system and would provide an area for a regional park to serve the east County needs when capital improvement dollars become available. Initial development could include nature trails, picnic areas, playground areas, exercise areas, etc. for passive recreational use. When a master plan is developed for the area, athletic fields, hardcourt areas (tennis, basketball), restrooms, etc. could also be considered. If this site is developed as a regional park to provide needed facilities for this area of the County, perhaps some of our smaller parks could be used as community park areas thus concentrating our maintenance efforts on one improved facility. Until these developmental dollars become available either through bonds, grants, or the normal budgetary process, staff suggests that the property be held as a land bank for future park development. County staff has authorized the performance of an environmental hazard assessment, an appraisal report by an independent real estate appraiser, and a land survey to denote the property being donated to the County (the land being donated to the County is being subdivided from two parcels). -/ The negotiation of legal documents and settlement issues are being finalized so that the transaction may occur during 1991. Staff respectfully requests that the Board of Supervisors approve the first reading of the ordinance on December 3, 1991 and consider the second reading on December 17. If approved by the Board of Supervisors, the County Administrator should be authorized to accept said real estate on forms and conditions approved by the County Attorney. FISCAL IMPACT• Staff suggests that the Board of Supervisors appropriate $10,000 from the unappropriated balance to cover the cost of the environmental hazard assessment, independent real estate appraisal, land survey, and related closing costs. The value of the property being conveyed to the County is approximately $500,000. ALTERNATIVES• (1) Appropriate the requested $10,000 from the unappropriated balance and authorize the County Administrator to accept said property on forms approved by the County Attorney, contingent on suitable negotiations being completed by staff. (2) Decline the offer of donation of subject property. RECOMMENDATION• The Board of Supervisors is asked to approve the first reading of the ordinance to accept this donation of real estate and to hold the second reading of the ordinance on December 17, 1991. The Board is further requested to appropriate the $10,000 from the unappropriated balance to cover the cost of the expenses incurred. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ohn M. Chambl'ss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: Attachment cc Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Vinton Area Recreation Committee Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Reta Busher John Willey Steve Carpenter Ca - / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION AND ACCEPTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 44.59 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE FROM WALTER DARNELL VINYARD AND CLAIBORNE W. VINYARD WHEREAS, Walter Darnell Vinyard and Claiborne W. Vinyard have offered to donate approximately 44.59 acres of real estate, located in the City of Roanoke, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the value of the property to be donated is estimated to be approximately $500,000.00; and, WHEREAS, the property is acceptable and favorable for future public use by Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, the sole cost for the acquisition of this property is approximately $10,000.00 necessary to cover the cost of the environmental hazard assessment, the independent real estate appraisal, the land survey, and related expenses in connection with the acquisition; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 3, 1991; the second reading was held on December 17, 1991. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to acquire approximately 44.59 acres of real estate located in the G-/ City of Roanoke from Walter Darnell Vinyard and Claiborne W. Vinyard. 2. That the sum of $10,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance to cover the incidental costs of this acquisition. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition and acceptance of this donated property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. c:\wp57 \agenda\realest\vinyard j s F ii i ~A L °c R N N n~ z ag r P i~~.~cK~ p a~oolf 0 J G o a o A ~~~°Nm r~~gooom N { R ~ N A Z Nooo^ ~ova~ a ? 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Isis ply 4sT ~ P(p N 6x•ea'zow.~, T1TIG it ~L of 6Ewc~cr b oi~ "~r+o so Rlw a V^`' ACC. 0.T lc. 437 ~ ...,.. .•...+ laa.aa. S' (IOa.vo N.3Z'SS~oS w.-~. ~TO.n I L i / / i ~ °"wr w ~- --~ gii~ t ,111 n ~•. .~ ~ ~~ as ~~ ~ / 0 \~~ I !tp p l • ~ P /.~ fo ; o N rr r > .. F i P a. G / /j AHD / ,v o/~N F/ F t \•., p '~~Uyy P. I L~ ~~-. 7 ~ ,..gat ca... a~ O ~ 3. 41•SI.O~ E. 343.50 In ' CTeT ) o ~ a T f . 1 ~ ~ ~, 'u "? n ~ a , t, - ~ N- o~ a J o r A u n-~ A~ vEO u n O O Z Z d~ a p~- t a a u c ~ a u p f P N, m~ o~~o N r~-J~cJU0p LO I a P 1 ~ , 3~ JOpv o ~ o o trOpp 0 ~ c N ~ (r` x`I C J A J j V J~ J O N~ 3 Q P ; T N J 0 ~~ O O + oo M Q V Qg ~ X ~ N a~ ' R jy1+JJ V O JJ(` N o A t/ N S T J d J ~ FS~`M n'. DA )I ` F £p"I~" tid ~~&r~p{ + N D^1~ :~ P I ~. f o p; ~ > s~ ~ -~1 JI 1z~<~ ~~ ~( S 0(QP '~ ~~ ~ ~ f~ sRNz ~~ ~ moc~ ~ { i N O ° A 9 y<f)oi 97) m ° N A n< f t 4 t F q o @FFF~AOAO~D ti ~ n m p~~~ O ~ r ~ e Qrr L J q~ ~~p1~p;l~ - j~ ~ A f f t ~ N L C on P)~~OP n~ < v^~~~~~ ~p g ~g = ~ L ~~~~~~ x' ) ~E~f 1 g 0 Y p p F P r ~ r \ y~i ~ J iw " I W ~+ r N ~ ~ 0 ~~.1 ^?` or p - ~~ y . -r: " ( 1 f \\ y IY ~ '? } D P ~ ~ i I Ip ~ ~ _ . ~~ ___ --• , n T ' 1p I ~ ~0 lp N z ' , " m ~• ~ ® cu ~\o o s ~ ~ -i L L p o I m ~L ~ t - ~C4 ' + ' . ~ ' '~ l A ` \~ Q J ~ P \-I is '1 • ~ \ m 1~ ~ ~ \\ i, p -1 p O II ( II II N '! ~ 1 z,op ~ p ,a ~ • wJ~NO p. ! P \ ~ . w p l: I~ m „ f N m ~ 0 1 'ter I: A ..~•t Ne To,0104 ~ r o e N, .{ - v U -y P N [o D) N ~ lJ ?~t cr.T~~ \ - ~uI ~ I ET I H / p n D .e-- --- SEE S f-1 EET O F 2 S E ~ p ~ ~ " ~ ~ I ~ ~ i p c r r 0 t o h o " P C i P ~ Z i y~ p ~ ' r y~~ N O O R j P ~ D J O N N ~ ~ 01 V p FP ~ 7 ~ 0 p d . ( 6 m ~ ~ m U ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ N 'c ~~' fC~ ; b ~ 11 N ~ b~ 2~~ n , U % ~ A H~~ ~ 0 Z a ~, ~~ ~~ ~ i ~ I u 0;"~~-I~ P~xxx "ozzzP J ~ ~ ~ 0 A ~o~Jan P ~ C p N ~ M 0 0 0 ~ 1 N,I o 0 0 r rr-P n a jooo ~~~a o,,~J ~~~~ A ~~r o !` . g~~ N ~• W ~ I ' I4 Y ~II t~,l t 0 O 1 L I ~ p o z n 0 A. f 0 A E 0 nipom Z II o~i'm• ~r~~P1 ~~ ~ io V ~ P - vpva 0 a 5 ~~ I , c t ~t• ,110 In /°P oa~nn o-+ `~c z- 0 ~ Z m J ~ ~~ ~ oo P O o 0 ~ ~' 4~ / $ o o yay a;~~ { ~ 666666 VS an a~ , c ~ = Z v 1 c A r G-~ COMMONWEAL?'H APPRAISAL COMPANY Rea! Estate Appraisers and Consr~lta>~rts EARL d. R08ERTSON, MAI. >ZRPA DAVIO E. R09ERTSON. STAFP APPRAISER SHENANDOAH BUILDING • TELEPHONE (7031 942.3801 • P.O. BOX 1104 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24000 November 26, 1991 Mr. John Willey Roanoke County Assessor P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Willey: The purpose of this letter is to supplement my appraisal of the pro- perty located on Berkley Road, S.E. in' Roanoke, Virginia. This appraiser has been informed that a survey of this property reveals that the correct acreage to be appraised is 44.59± acres. The acreage shown in my original appraisal should be 20.182± acres and a second parcel known as "Tract B", containing 24.408± acres should be included also for a total of 44.59± acres. All of this land is contiguous and that a majority of the land being appraised appears to be in the 100 year flood plain. The additional land (Tract B) was inspected by this appraiser on November 22, 1991. This is the same type of land as described in the original report and the only difference is the new acreage. Based on the new acreage the indicated property value is as follows: (Corrected acreage in original report) 20.182± Acres @0$11,256.49 $227,178.48 "Tract B" - 24.408± Acres @ $11,256.49 247,748.41 Total - 44.59± Acres $501,926.89 Rounded To: $501,900.00 Mr. John Willey Page 2 November 26, 1991 ~he above value of $501,900.00 is the revised estimated value of the 44.59- acres based on the new acreage provided to this appraiser, by the requestor. This is believed to be the information which was requested and I appreciate the opportunity to be of service. However, if there are any questions concerning this report and supplement, or if I can be of. further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, ~~~ Earl G.~Robertson, MAI, SRA EGR/khv COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY APPRAISAL REPORT OF UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE PROPERTY LOCATION Berkley Road, S.E. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 PROPERTY OWNERS Walter Darnall Vinyard and Clairborne W. Vinyard PREPARED FOR Mr. John Willey County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke County, Virginia 24018 BY Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRA COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY Rea! Estate Appraisers aid Consultants EARL O. ROBERTSON, MAI, BRPA DAVID E. ROBERTSON, STAFFAPPRAISER SHENANDOAH BUILDING • TELEPHONE (7031 342-3841 • P.O. BOX 1186 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24006 October 17, 1991 Mr. John Willey County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Willey: As requested, I have personally inspected and appraised the 38.36± acre tract of land described herein which belongs to: Walter Darnall Vinyard and Clairborne W. Vinyard and located on the east side of Berkley Road, S.E. in Roanoke, Virginia. It was this appraiser's opinion that the estimated market value of this property was: FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($431,800.00) as it existed on October 10, 1991. The opportunity to be of service is appreciated and this report is believed to be complete. However, if there are any questions concerning it or if I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, /~~C/ Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRA E GR/khv PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of this property as it existed on October 10, 1991. The Appraisal Institute of Real Estato Appraisers defines the term market value as "The most probable price in cash, terms equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for which the appraised property will sell in a competitive market under all conditions re- quisite to fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, know- ledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is under undue duress." Fundamental assumptions and conditions presumed in this definition are: 1. Buyer and seller are motivated by self-interest. 2. Buyer and seller are well informed and are acting prudently. 3. The property is exposed for a reasonable time on the open market. 4. Payment is made in cash, its equivalent, or in specified financing terms-. 5. Specified financing, if any, may be the financing actually in place or on terms generally available for the property type in its locale on the effec- tive appraisal date. 6. The effect, if any, on the amount of market value of atypical financing., services, or fees shall be clearly and precisely revealed in the appraisal report. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTY The subject property is identified as being a 38.36± acre tract of land located on the east side of Berkley Road in the east portion of Roanoke City and further identified by tax map numbers 7020101 and 7020102. PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED The appraisal of this property is predicated on the assumption that the title is in fee simple, free and clear of all liens, assessments and that easements or land covenants affecting the property have no objectionable clauses. SCOPE OF APPRAISAL In recognition of the significance of the appraisal problem, the appraiser con- ducted a diligent search for relevant market data, verified the data, and used it in the analysis of the appraisal problem and the development of the value estimate. The search for data did not reveal all of the data which existed, but was believed to provide an adequate amount of data to develop a reliable estimate of value for the subject property, and represents all of the data that a reasonable search might uncover. The appraiser considered the use of three approaches to value: the Sales Compari- son Analysis; the Income Approach; and the Cost Approach.. One or more of-the approaches may not have been developed for the subject appraisal report, due to scarcity or inadequate reliability of data. The reason for the apprais.er's decision not to include one or more of the three approaches to value is stated in the report. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY ' SCOPE OF APPRAISAL (Cont'd.) The extent to which the appraisal report describes the appraisal problem, the property to be appraised and the analysis and conclusions developed by the appraiser was determined by the appraiser according to reporting guidelines which may have been specified by the client, and by the judgement of the appraiser, based on the function of the appraisal. Some of the data used in the development of the appraisal may not be included in the report for the above reasons. All of the data used in the preparation of the appraisal re- port is retained in the appraiser's files if required for future reference. The appraiser cautions the reader of the appraisal report that the detail of the report may have been determined by guidelines based on the function of the appraisal stated by the client, and may not be adequate or applicable to another function. FLOOD HAZARD DATA The majority of the subject land is located in a designated flood hazard zone. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Berkley Road is paved but there is no sidewalk, curb or gutter. A private road (right-of-way to land of others) is located just south of and parallel to the Norfolk Southern Railroad. UTILITIES All public utilities are understood to be available to the subject property. ZONING Existing zoning is Light Manufacturing (LM). DATE OF PROPERTY INSPECTION October 10, 1991 DATE VALUATION APPLIES October 10, 1991 HIGHEST AND BEST USE The best use of this land is believed to be for a use compatible with the existing zoning and subject to the possibility of infrequent flooding. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY DESCRIPTION OF LAND The subject land is a 38.36± acre tract located on the east side of Berkley Road and the south side of the Norfolk Southern Railroad in the east portion of the City of Roanoke and north of the Town of Vinton. Glade Creek meanders through this property, flowing generally from a northeast to a southwest direction. Most of the land is nearly flat or has gently rolling topography and is located on both sides of Glade Creek. Near the south side the remain-. ing land rises at a moderately steep rate to the south property line. The land is mostly cleared and is covered with grass and short ground cover except for wooded land along the creek and on the steeper land near the south property line. Along Berkley Road the land is about grade with the road. The north boundary line (parallel to the railroad) is between five and ten feet below the railroad elevation. A private right-of-way to land of others runs parallel to the railroad and is located several feet south of the north property line. There is also a domestic type of overhead electric powerline (three wire) running through the southeast portion of this land. .Other site improvements consist of some fencing which runs with the land. There are no known detrimental easements, zoning violations or encroachments. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS The improvements consist of an old frame dwelling and several outbuildings. These improvements are in fair to average condition only. The dwelling was rented at the time of inspection, There is an old swimming pool and frame shelter which have been abandoned. If the land is used for an industrial pur- pose, the existing improvements have no marketable value. Therefore, they will not be described in this report. METHOD OF APPRAISING When appraising unimproved land the accepted method of estimating market value is by a comparison of the subject land with known recent sales of comparable unimproved land. PROPERTY VALUATION A diligent search was made to lcoate recent sales of unimproved land comparable to the subject land. From the sales located, the following are believed to be the most comparable. Land Sale 1 - In January 1990, a 10.622 acre tract of unimproved land located on the north side of Cook Drive in Salem sold for $100,000.00. This property is identified by Salem Tax Number 255-1-1. Indi- cated price was $9,414.42 per acre. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY PROPERTY VALUATION (Cont'd.) Land Sale 2 - In May 1989, a 0.857 acre site located on the north side of Roanoke Avenue, in the southwest section of the City oP Roanoke sold for $14,000.00. This property is identified by the City of Roanoke Tax Map Number 1410208. Indicated price was $16,336.06 per acre. Land Sale 3 - In September 1987, a 10.107 acre tract Located at the corner of 13th Street and Tayloe Avenue, S.E. in the City of Roanoke sold for $129,000.00. This property is identified by Roanoke Tax Map Numbers 4230501 and 4130901 through 4130911. Indicated price was $12,763.43 per acre. Land Sale 4 - In April 1986, a 2.80 acre tract of unimproved land located at the corner of Underhill Avenue, 16th Street and Brownlee Avenue, S.E. in the City of Roanoke sold for $35,000.00. This property is identified by Roanoke Tax Map Number 4330.801. -Indicated price was $12,500.00 per acre. Each of these sales is shown on the following "Land Comparison Adjustment Schedule" along with adjustments, where necessary, for dissimilarities. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY W J w V N Z W ~"' N D z O a a O V Z J W ~ ~ ~ o~ O ~ O u N O O W <STa ~ F• ~, ~" .. ~p NN M M ti 00 (~ V V V W = N ~ N ~ N ~ N '~ N N N N N M a~ ~ ~ M ~ O V< ~i 1n t I 1 I M Ctl b >; ~1-> O •rl ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1 O O O ~ Gr G. 1 a 1 •~ s~ 0 0 0 0 a F' N Z W i~ fr fr v ~ N ~ ~ ~ W c d y j h to to ~ t 1 I I t~ ~ fr ~ ~ ~ ~ o a < ~ ~° o ~ a o 0 0 0 o F' ~o ~ ~o N l~ l<7 00 00 N U ~ O ~ ri ~ ~ ~ O ~ O I O J I 1 1 W H o x a F o o + ° . a x a I ~~ w a au ~ x ~ ~ ~ o t a WF ~ 'NC' O dM' o r ~ < W ~ M n 4 ( j . i ~ O d X^^ CI' N ~ M N ~ l~ M N ~ N ~ N ~ „~ N N N N N yt ~ ~ N l~ l~ ~ 0 N u p cp o0 0 0 M VI O O O N op x M W W ~ LL J O rn [~ cp ' O o~ ao ao ao O N e~ ~ ~ \ d' WW JU O O O O N~ O O O O a O ~ rn to O .-i N M e-i ~-.~ N N N M N N N N N N Z U W W < ~ N M d' y V] Z t d J d d x H J W Z O Z ~~ u PROPERTY VALUATION (Cont'd.) The previous adjustment chart shows each sale and the adjustments, where necessary, for time, location, topography, size, zoning and flood plain. Both individual and composite adjustments were within reasonable limits. After adjustments, these sales indicated a value range from $10,826.58 per acre to $11,875.00 per acre. It is believed that Sales 1 and 3 are more comparable to the subject, after adjustments but some credence should be given to Sales 2 and 4. it is this appraiser's opinion that Sales i and 3 should each have a weight of 40% and Sales 2 and 4 should have a weight o.f 10X each. Applying these weights to the adjusted per acre values, indicates a final value estimate of $11,256.49 per acre for the 38.36 acres. This calculates to a total indicated value of $431,798.96 which is rounded to: FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY ,ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($431,800.00) for the subject property as it existed on October 10, 1991. (The improvements had no marketable value in the opinion of this appraiser, if the land were used for its highest and best use.) COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COINPANY ! . .- ~ . ' ~ // - t 1 t I ~ / • I ~I r ~ O ;~ / ' Q ~1 / .. `\ • ~ • 1 '~ - ~f W W 3 f r ~,~ ~.. ~~ .\\` / ~ ~ \ Y `\ \ ~~ ~\ - • \\\ , \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ • \ \ \` ~ ~IY \` ~~ ~~ t ~ ~~ ~~ ., • ~ ~ ~ ~ tii ~~ ~b t ~tµ ¢! ' ~~ ~~~ ~ ' • ~~~ / ,.~ ; . ' `~ ~' ~. y~ ~~~ ~ ~. .y ~ ~ _ ;. ` _. ss wa zs wa ~s wa os wa ez wa tz wa cz wa az Wa 9Z Wa ~ rz wa sz wa ~ I zz wa ~z wa / oz wa at wa e~ wa odod u wa A3~~1k139 9L Wa 9t Wa r~ wa s~ wa z~ wa 0 3NOZ ~ t wa Ot Wa ` e wa 9wa 9d 3N0 c wa 9 Wa 9 Wa ` - wa ~ aavw 30N3a3d3a ~~u .O~d11S3NOZl6 ;~,~~~ Opy ,~3N c+ ;i r~ `~'~ ' 8t ' f ~ ~J!~nNanv 9ZW!! lZ6 ~ I;~IaI~Nnc 9ZW!! `tZ8 ~ naNVweoNi c yl ~ ~ < ~,_ t_ s i ~ ~ m ~ N01A3~ y ..:I \~ lldWO ~ m ~. ~;, / y ', --~- -- ia~nq)~ D~, i; ~aa of ; ' pc/ a' i~i'~ btu 3NOZ >I L E6 SZ wa 3n1k10 3ldnidd~ wa ~fio~ngii,~ ~aa~J apa~~ I ~_ ~' D ~.~_ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 'o ~ ~C A o = ~ s ~m O S gg0 < 'm ~~6 ~ ,'m I' 3n NNV111 1 ~, °-. ~OEWa gg6 3FJ8 N1S I~ ~ ~ v w 0~6 ' adod /"c`g ~ `O 3NOZ ~~1V/~IkIdO //N 3nIk10 33!!1'JNIkJdS O1' 3/~IdO SS3DDb' Avnudla-+ 3NOZ ~-9d 3NOZ ~~ / CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS i. The legal description used in this report was furnished by others, and is assumed to be correct. No responsibility is assumed for its accuracy. 2. No responsibility is assumed by the appraiser for matters legal in nature, nor is any opinion rendered as to the title which is assumed to be good and marketable. 3. All mortgages, liens, assessments, encumbrances and leases pertaining to the subject property have been disregarded unless specified in this report. 4. Information furnished by others is assumed to be correct and a reasonable effort has been made by the appraiser to verify its accuracy, but its accuracy is in no sense guaranteed. 5. Possession of this report or a copy thereof does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for any purpose by anyone but the addressee without previous written consent of the appraiser. This report is to be used only in its entirety. 6. Distribution of the total valuation estimate between land and improve- ments in this report applies only under the conditions set forth in this report. The allocation of value for land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal, and if so used, is invalid. 7. No survey has been provided especially for this appraisal. Property lines, acreage, area, dimensions, locations of improvements and general topography have been taken from general information or plats furnished by others and are believed to be reliable, but no responsibility is assumed for their accuracy. Any sketches in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property, and are not to scale. 8. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures which would render them more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering which may be required to discover them. 9. It is assumed that existing improvements do not encroach upon adjacent properties, and that there are no other adverse conditions unless stated in this report. 10. The appraiser reserves the right to alter his opinion of value on the basis of information which was withheld from him or which would not have been discovered during the normal course of a diligent investigation. 11. The appraiser is not to give testimony or attendance in court by reason of this appraisal, with reference to the property described in this report, unless prior arrangements have been made. COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY CERTIFICATION I certify that, to the best of my knowleSgo and belief, the statements of fact contained in this report are.true and correot. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions, or conclusions in, or the use of, this report. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared in conformity with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. As of the date of this report, I, Earl G. Robertson, have completed the requirements of the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute and am current- ly certified under this program. I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. No one provided significant professional assistance to the persons signing this report. This appraisal was prepared with the assistance of the office staff of Commonwealth Appraisal Company. However, no one other than the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions, and opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in this appraisal report. The real property which is the subject of this appraisal report was valued as oP October 10, 1991 for $431,800.00. I further certify that the appraisal assignment was not based on a minimum valuation, a specific valuation or the approval of a loan. This appraisal conforms to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice issued by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation, to the applicable provisions of Title XI of the Federal Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, 12 U.S.C. 3310, 3331-3351, and to the applic- able regulations of the Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR Parts 208 and 225. Respectfully submitted, COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY /~"'" " ., Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRA Dated: October 17, 1991 C01N1NONWBALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY Rea! Estate Appraisers and Consultants EARL 4. ROBERTSON, MAI, SRPA DAVID E. ROBERTSON, 8TAFFAPPRAISER SHENANDOAH BUILDING • TELEPHONE (7031 342.3941 • P.O. BOX 1166 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24006 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS EARL G. ROBERTSON, MAI,. SRA DESIGNATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS MAI Designation by the Appraisal Institute, Certificate number 4292. SRA Designation by the Appraisal Institute. Past President of Society of Real Estate Appraisers Chapter 170, (now merged into the Appraisal Institute). Member of Virginia Real Estate Board and National Association of Real Estate Boards. EDUCATION Graduate of Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia. Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Business Administration. Included two years of study in Mechanical Engineering. Completed following courses of American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers or Society of Real Estate Appraisers: Course I, AIREA - University of Virginia, 1957. Course II, AIREA - University of Wisconsin, 1962. Course IV, AIREA - University of Georgia, 1965. SREA Course - Appraising Apartments, Roanoke, Virginia, 1968. Participating in continuing education programs and seminars. Currently certified by the Appraisal Institute. Instructor of the following appraisal courses or seminars: SREA Course 101 - Introduction to Real Property Appraising, 1971-72. SREA Introduction to the Appraisal Process, 1974. SREA Depreciation Analysis Seminar, 1970. Roanoke County Adult Education Real Estate I & II, 1976, 1977 & 1978. EXPERIENCE Engaged in the general real estate and appraisal business since 1954. Owner of Commonwealth Appraisal Company, Roanoke, Virginia. Qualified as expert witness in the circuit courts of the following Virginia Counties: Botetourt, Campbell, Floyd, Frederick, Henry, Montgomery, Page, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham. Law & Chancery Court, City of Roanoke, Virginia. APPRAISAL CLIENTS HAVE INCLUDED THE FOLLOWING: Governmental City of Roanoke, Virginia City of Salem, Virginia City of Danville, Virginia City of Bedford, Virginia County of Botetourt, Virginia County of Buchanan, Virginia County of Floyd, Virginia County of Patrick, Virginia County of Roanoke, Virginia Federal Home Loan Bank Board Town of Bluefield, Virginia United States Veterans Administration Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Virginia Department of Highways Financial American First Mortgage First Virginia Bank Bank of Oklahoma Freedlander, Inc. Central Fidelity Bank Investors Home Mortgage Corporation Charter Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. Leader Federal Mortgage, Inc. Crestar Bank Lomas & Nettleton Corporation Dixie Financial Corporation N & W Employees Federal Credit Union Dominion Bank Signet Bank/Virginia Dominion Bankshares Mortgage Corp. Sovran Bank Dominion Federal Savings & Loan Assoc.Sovran Mortgage Corporation First Union Mortgage Corporation United Virginia Mortgage Corporation Business/Commercial/Institutional American Modern Home Insurance Co. Appalachian Power Company C & P Telephone Company of Virginia ChemExec Relocation Systems, Inc. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Dragon Chemical Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Employee Transfer Corporation Equitable Relocation Service Exxon Company USA Gainsboro PAC, inc. General Electric Company General Motors Corporation Greyhound Corporation Gulf Oil Corporation Hartford Insurance Company Homequity, Inc. Insurance Company of North America International Business Machines Kraft, Inc. Leisure Way Industries, Inc. Lenders Service, Inc. Merrill Lynch Relocation Management, Inc. National Business College Norfolk and Western Railway Norfolk Southern Corporation PPG Industries, Inc. Roanoke College Roanoke Gas Company Sherwin Williams Company Sperry Corporation Computer Systems Stanford and Inge, Inc. TAP Head Start Program Times World Corporation U.S. Steel Corporation U.S. Gypsum Company Virginia Polytechnic Institute Wells Furniture Company Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westvaco Corporation Woods Brothers Coffee Company, Inc. YMCA of Roanoke Valley YWCA of Roanoke Valley Attorneys and Private Individuals Appraisal territory includes Western Virginia and Southeastern West Virginia. Completed appraisal assignments in Virginia and West Virginia. Roanoke, Virginia Earl G. Robertson, MAI, SRA COMMONWEALTH APPRAISAL COMPANY r,1 P .~ No 1Ot01 ~ 5 A $ ~ < A z {, L t s. { 0 ; S jy { yriM I Y N. to local x~ !' Nl..a P...4<;~ C M.6.1 ~ to t3'~c..c 311 f / [[ A ~pppN f ~ R p jQ r~{ P 41.21 ACy~s D6. 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A ^ o ~ppingaymy~a m 88~' ~ z i> i \ ~ f (al F~{ F bn~p<hu~~ ~ `~'~~ rn o m I Z P;~ p n .. ~ - ~ Z Z p ~ 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ n~ IL - /~ E r o -+ ~~- s ~ "mpf°~"t~ m ~~~~ 1D N ~0 A pl'~p-zDptp ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ n ~ P P~N~g~.{D,( ~°v prof /n i -lion-l-ip ~L .){Zf / ~ ~ 1~ t Z_ d a~ ~® v \~ f s al-SS•14~E.~959.21 g > ~ ~ (roTS_) o ~ P ~J 1P ~~; r>+~ r-~e 1o~oloi a o,1 -li 4 ~~ ` ~ ~ ~. 14G2 FYq ~93B 2~Y /D _ ' ~~3 ~ r +, .•. i ~,. ... ~ it _' t } ..)~ ~t PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT Vinyard Property (35 Acres +-) Situate along Va. Sec. Rt. No. 653 (Berkley Road) Roanoke, Virginia aOANpk\ ~~ Z (Q COUNTY OF ROANOKE Department of Reai Estate Assessments P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 1991 z sl ~ TECHNICAL, INC. P.O. Box 230 Salem. Wrainia 24153 703 389-8282 .~. \83a/ November 6, 1991 County of Roanoke Department of Real Estate Assessments P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Attn: John D. Willey Re: Phase I -Environmental Hazard Assessment Vineyard Property (35 Acres ±) Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Willey: This report is based upon our previous agreement to perform an environmental assessment of the above referenced project. Therefore, our conclusions and recommendations are based upon a visual site inspection, interviews with adjacent property owners, and information from federal, state, and local environmental sources. During our interview process, a large red tanker truck was reported spreading what was thought to be septic tank effluent on the site. We investigated this report by contacting the State Water Control Board and the Southwestern Regional Office of the Health Department to determine what permits would be required for such operations. According to the Southwestern Regional Office of the Health Department, this activity is not permitted with raw sewage. If the sewage has been treated at a sewage treatment facility, that effluent may be spread on the property. The State Water Control Board has a permit license for spreading of sludge material on designated properties. Bio-Gro is the licensed sludge contractor for this area. This property, however, is not part of their permitted areas for distribution of sludge material. Throughout the remainder of our interviews, there was no substantiation of this activity. We recommend additional interviews with other individuals who would be familiar with the property to determine whether this was a fertilization process or anon-permitted act. In addition, Glade Creek does not appear to meet the Clean Water Act according to the State Water Control Board's Virginia Water Quality Assessment (see Appendix). The source of the bacterial contamination of the creek is not attributed to the site. It also appears that the site is not being contaminated with bacterial pollution, as we can cite no instances of distressed vegetation. Finally, we recommend that the general debris at the site be cleaned up and disposed of properly to prevent the attraction of vermin and mosquitos, and the development of resulting health risks. Environmental Health & Safety - Architects - Engineers P.O. Box 230 - Hygienists Salem, Virginia 24153 Phase I - Envl-onmenUl Hazard Assessment Vineyard Property November 8, 1991 Paye 2 We have addressed the Virginia Department of Waste Management, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Appalachian Power Company, in writing, to obtain any information pertaining to the site. Any correspondence received will be interpreted and forwarded to you at a later date. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to call us. Sincerely, \ ~ i /~ / Phil H. Dawson, P.E., R.E.P.A. Professional Engineer -Virginia License X7721 Registered Environmental Property Assessor ~k1690 PHD:jnp enclosures 2 PHI! I-I ~ , `" ' CAIn/SON -+ w REPA -~ ~~ 1690 ~~ - ~ P ~ ~~~ ' ... . ` S~ S b ~0 INDEX TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope of Work 1.2 Project Background 1.3 Vicinity Map 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION 2.1 Environmental Hazards Information Checklist 2.2 Interviews 2.3 Visual Site Assessment 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Conclusions 3.2 Recommendations 4.0 APPENDIX Qualifications Maps Soils Map and Information Commonwealth of Virginia Letter to Department of Waste Management Letter to Environmental Protection Agency Letter to Appalachian Power Company Information from State Water Control Board Miscellaneous Note: Responses to above referenced letters to the Department of Waste Management and the Environmental Protection Agency will be sent at a later date. 1.0 INTRODUCTION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 1_1 SCOPE OF WORK 1. Research prior ownership and uses of the property. (NIC) 2. Ascertain materials used or stored at the site. 3. Research waste treatment processes. 4. Research wastes generated (past and present) and their disposition. 5. Research permits and other regulatory requirements applicable to the property and conditions affecting transferability. 6. Research compliance with permit requirements, enforcement history, past and/or outstanding violations and their status or disposition, and regulatory investigations. 7. Compliance with record keeping, monitoring, and report requirements. 8. Upcoming changes to permits or other regulatory conditions applicable to the facility. 9. Complaints, oil spills, chemical releases, and similar releases. 10. Presence and condition of underground storage tanks and the contents of such tanks. 11. Information about building components (e.g., presence and condition of materials containing asbestos, contents of transformers, and capacitors that may contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). 12. Past or current practices or operations that may warrant close security as possible sources of contamination (e.g., fueling areas, machines shops, vehicle maintenance facilities, chemical storage, abandoned buildings, waste disposal areas, and uncontrolled access routes that may have resulted in unauthorized dumping). 13. Evidence that may indicate contamination or factors affecting the future development of the property. Examples include area of disturbed or discolored soil, evidence of debris, construction rubble or other waste materials on the surface, blighted vegetation, filled-in or highly eroded areas, streams, marshes, ponds, or other bodies of water. 1.0 INTRODUCTION TITLE: Phase 1 Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK (Continued) 14. Status of the site with regard to programs for protection of historic resources, endangered species, scenic rivers, wetlands, and the like. 15. Perform an actual inspection of the site. 16. Prepare an in-depth report indicating the findings and sources to the County of Roanoke. NOTE: We have compiled the accompanying study in accordance with standards established by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae). A compilation is limited to presenting, in the form of field investigations and information provided by Federal and State agencies. We have not audited or reviewed this information for accuracy or completeness and, accordingly do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. 1.0 INTRODUCTION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre_*) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND The subject property is a 34.46 acre tract situated along Virginia Secondary Route Number 653 (Berkeley Road) in Roanoke, Virginia, and is one of several tracts owned by Walter Darnall Vineyard in that area. The subject property consists of mostly bottom land with Glade Creek running through the middle, and is presently being used for cattle grazing. The property is bounded by Norfolk and Southern Railroad to the north, bottom land with some excavation presently taking place to the east, farm and wooded acreage to the south, Berkeley Road and Vineyard Park to the west. There is one structure on the property. It is a small shed with what appears to be a swimming pool next to it. (see appendix for further information) Note: The existing two-story house was not inspected because it is not being conveyed to Roanoke County as part of the original agreement. 1.0 INTRODUCTION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 1.3 VICINITY MAP ~ ~ ~,,- \~, ~` ,~ O 0~• Stev Kn~ "REA7.`1NA/fE/H7 c! A/" 3~ )~,..___.. _ \~~~,~ R 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre -_*) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS INFORMATION CHECKLIST HDH TECHNICAL, INC. Exhibit Phase I Environmental Assessment Property Log Property Address Vineyard PropertX (35 Acre ±) Berkeley Road, NE Roanoke, Virginia 24012 HDH Client Address Countv of Roanoke -Depart. of Real Estate Assessments P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 HDH Client Phone 703] 772-2040 Lender Company Name Individual Lender Environmental Underwriter Firm Name and Address HDH Technical, Inc. P.O. Box 230 Salem, Virginia 24153 Consultant Phone (703) 389-8282 Date Assessment Completed Visual Site Assessment Completed - 10/18/91 Assessment Comments Exhibit (continued) Phase I Environmental Assessment Results Summary and Recommendation t . Phase I Assessment Results (check applicable result for each hazard) Acceptable Fail, Requires Possible Phase II Hazard Acceptable O & M Fail Remedv Required Asbestos ~ _ PCBs ,r _ Radon ~ _ UST ~ _ Waste Sites ,r _ Additional ,r _ Hazards 2. Attach a brief explanation for each hazard requiring a Phase II assessment. List data deficiencies, test results etc., requiring further assessment. No Phase II testing suggested at this time. 3. Attach a brief explanation for each hazard that is acceptable but requires Operations and Maintenance (O & M) actions. What actions are required and how should they be performed? See Asbestos, PCB, and waste sites conclusions and recommendation section. 4. Attach a brief explanation for each failed hazard that could be corrected with remedial actions. What actions are required and how should they be performed? No items founded in this category. 5. Comments. 2 Phase I Environmental Assessment Environmental Hazards Information Checklist *Check the information sources used to perform the Phase I assessment. 1. Overall Property Description NA Building Specifications ,r Historical Aerial Photos NIC Current Aerial Photos NIC Title History ,r Site Survey (Visual) ,r Interviews with Local Fire, Health, Land Use or Environmental Enforcement Officials v Neighborhood Zoning Maps ~ Neighborhood Land Use Maps NA List of Commercial Tenants On-site NA Verification of Public Water and Sewer .r Interviews with Builder, and/or Property Manager ,r Other Va. Water Quality Assessment State Water Control Board "Incidents List" 2. Asbestos Dated Building Construction or Rehabilitation Specifications Engineer's/Consultant's Asbestos Report ~ Other Visual Site Inspection 3. Polychlorinated Biphenyls _ Utility Transformer Records v Site Survey of Transformers _ Site Soil, Groundwater PCB Test Results d Other Visual Site Inspection 4. Radon Water Utility Records Gas Utility Records _ On-Site Radon Test Results ,r Other Visual Site Inspection 3 5. Underground Storage Tanks _ Oil, Motor Fuel and Waste Oil Systems Reports ,~ CERCLIS/HWDMS Results on Neighborhood (within radius of one mile) _ Site Soil and Groundwater Tests Site Tank Survey ,~ Other Visual Site Inspection 6. Waste Sites ,r CERCLIS/HWDMS Results on neighborhoods (within radius of one mile) ,r State EPA site lists for neighborhoods (within radius of one mile) _ Site Soil and Groundwater Test Results ~ Other Visual Site Inspection 7. Additional Hazards _ Area Formaldehyde Foam Insulation Survey _ Interior Air Test Results Lead Paint Survey _ Lead in Drinking Water Test Results ,~ Other Visual Site Inspection 8. Comments 4 Exhibit (continued) Phase I Environmental Assessment Answer all applicable questions by checking the appropriate box. (Y - Yes, N - No, DK -Don't Know) Y N DK 1. Asbestos Note: All asbestos related assessments, testing, remedial action and maintenance programs must be in compliance with EPA document "Guidance for Controlling Asbestos -Containing Materials in Buildings" (EPA 560/5-85-024, 1985). 1. Was the building constructed prior to 1979? (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ ] [ ] 2 3 4. 5. Does a site walk through reveal any visible evidence of asbestos? [ ] [ ] [ v] Is there any documented evidence of asbestos? [ ] [ ] [ ~] Note: If the answer to all three of the above questions is "no", then stop, the property is acceptable for asbestos. If the answer to any of the questions is "yes" or "don't know", answer the questions below. Is there an asbestos survey by a certified, independent firm performed since 1979? [ ][ ][~l Note: If the answer to question 4 is "yes", answer the question below. Otherwise, stop, a Phase II assessment is required. Did the survey find the building to be free of treated or untreated ACM? Note: If the answer to question 5 is "yes", then stop the property is acceptable for asbestos. Otherwise either the building fails or a Phase II assessment if required. 5 6. Phase I Assessment Results (circle one) Acceptable Acceptable Fail Fail, Possible Phase II Requires Remedy Required O&M 7. Comments: From a Visual Site inspection, a roll of roofing felt and a pile of shingles was observed on the property. No friable asbestos containing material was detected at the time of inspection. (See Photos #12, 14, and 16, and Recommendations) 6 Phase I Environmental Assessment 2. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Y N DK 1. Are there any florescent light ballasts containing PCBs in the Building? (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ ~] [ ] 2. Are there any transformers or capacitors containing PCBs anywhere on the property? [ ] [ ] [ v] 3. Is there any visible or documented evidence of soil or groundwater contamination from PCBs on the property? [ ] [ ] [ ,r] Note: If the answer to all these questions ar "no", then stop, the property is acceptable for PCBs. If the answer to any question is "don't know" then stop, a Phase II assessment is required. Otherwise, answer the questions below. 4. (If question 1 above is "yes") Are any of the lights damaged or leaking? [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. (lf question 2 above is "yes") Are any of the capacitors or transformers inside residential buildings? [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. (If question 2 above is "yes") Are any of the transformers or capacitors not clearly marked, well maintained or secure? [ ] [ ) [ ] 7. (If question 2 above is "yes") Is there any evidence of leakage on or around the transformers or capacitors? [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. (If question 3 above is "yes") Have PCB concentrations of 50ppm or greater been found in contaminated soils or groundwater? [ ] [ ] [ ] Note: If the answers to questions 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all "no", then the property is acceptable for PCBs. Otherwise, the property either fails or requires a Phase II assessment. 7 9. Phase I Assessment Results (Circle one) Acceptable Acceptable Fail Fail, Possible Phase II Requires Remedy Required O&M 10. Comments: A single pole-mounted transformers was sighted at the rear portion of the property. At the time of the visual site inspection the transformer appeared not to be leaking, or damaged. (See Photos and Recommendations) Note: A letter addressed to Appalachian Power Company was sent requesting any information concerning the status of the single pole-mounted transformer at the site. A copy of their response will be sent, at a later date. (See Appendix) 8 3. Radon Y N DK 1. Were the results of an EPA approved short-term radon test performed in the basement within the last six months, at/or below 4 pCi/1 or 0.02 WL? (No Basements) [ ] [ ] [ ] Note: If the answer is "no" or "don't know", then stop, a Phase II assessment is required. If the answer is "yes", answer the questions below. 2. Is there any evidence that nearby structures have elevated indoor levels of radon or radon progeny? [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Have local water supplies been found to have elevated levels of radon or radium? [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Is the property located on or near sites that currently are or formerly were used for uranium, thorium or radium extraction or for phosphate processing? [ ] [ ] [ ] Note: If the answer to questions 2, 3 or 4 is "yes", then a Phase 2 assessment is required. If the answer to questions 2, 3 and 4 is "no", then the property is acceptable for radon. A property may be acceptable for radon with a "don't know" answer for questions 2, 3 or 4 but additional remarks must justify the decision. 9 5. Phase I Assessment Results (circle one) Acceptable Acceptable Fail Fail,Possible Phase II Requires Remedy Required 0&M 6. Comments: Radon results from surrounding schools were: Herman L. Horn Elementary School 0.8 average pCi/I Radon exposure low (normal), 4.0-20.0 moderate. The only standing structure on the site is a wooden shed. This building does not appear to be insulated or have a basement, therefore making Radon accumulation difficult. 10 Phase I Environmental Assessment 4. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Y N DK Note: In the questions below, "API" stands for "American Petroleum Institute" and NFPA stands for "National Fire Protection Association" 1. Is there a current site survey performed by a qualified engineer which indicates that the property is free of any USTs? ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 2. Is there any visible or documented evidence of soil or groundwater contamination on the property? [ ] [ ~] [ 3. Are there any petroleum storage and/or delivery facilities (including gas stations) or chemical manufacturing plants located on adjacent properties? ~~ ~ ,r~ ~ ~ Note: If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answers to questions 2 and 3 are "no", then stop, the property is acceptable for USTs. If the answer to questions 2 or 3 is "yes" or "don't know", then stop, either the property fails or a Phase II assessment is required. Else, answer the questions below. 4. Are there any active underground tank facilities on-site for such activities as motor fuel, waste oil or fuel oil storage? 5. (If "yes" to question 4) Have these facilities been maintained in accordance with sound industry standards? (e.g. API Bulletin 1621 and 1623; NFPA Bulletin 329, 70, 77 etc.) [][][~] 11 Note: If the answer to 4 is "no", skip to question 8 below. If the answer to 4 is "don't know" then stop, either the property fails of a Phase II assessment is required. If the answer to 5 is "no" or "don't know" then stop, either the property fails or a Phase II assessment is required. If the answer to both questions 4 and 5 is "yes" answer the questions below. 6. (If "yes" to question 4) Are any of the tanks more than 10 years old? 7. (If "yes" to question 6) Have any of the tanks that are more than 10 years old not been successfully tested for leaks within the last year using an API approved tests? [ ] [ ] [ ] Note: If the answer to question 6 is "no, answer the questions below. If the answer to question 6 is "don't know", then stop, either the property fails or a Phase II assessment is required. If the answer to question 7 is "no", then answer the questions below. Otherwise, stop, either the property fails or a Phase II assessment is required. 8. Are there any deactivated USTs on the property? [ ] [ ) [ •r] 9. (If "yes" to question 8). Were all of the tanks deactivated in accordance with sound industry practices? (e.g. API Bulletins #1604 and #2202 or NFPA Bulletin #30? [ ] [ ] [ ] Note: If the answer to question 8 is "no", or if the answer to question 9 is "yes" then the property is acceptable for USTs. If the answer to question 8 is "don't know" or if the answer to question 9 is "no" or "don't know" then either the property fails or a Phase II assessment is required. 12 10. Phase I Assessment Results (circle one) Acceptable Acceptable Fail Fail, Possible Phase II Requires Remedy Required O&M 11. Comments: Although two old above ground storage tanks (approximately 55 gallons each) were observed during our visual inspection there was no visible evidence as to the existence of any underground storage tanks on the subject property Note: According to Norman Richards, resident at the site, one of the 550-gallon, above ground storage tanks was used for storing diesel fuel for the tractors, while the other was used for storing water for cattle maintained at the site. Both tanks, however, are presently empty. (See Photo #21) 13 5. Waste Disposal Facilities Y N DK 1. Are there results of physical testing (including on-site sampling of soil and groundwater meeting all regulatory standards and sound industry practice) indicating that the property is free of waste contamination and is being operated in an environmentally safe manner? [ ] [ ] [ ~] 2. Are there any obvious high risk neighbors in adjacent properties engaged in producing storing or transporting hazardous waste, chemicals or substances? [ ~] [ ] [ ] (Yes: Virginia Transformer Corporation -see attached interview) Note: If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no", then stop, the property is acceptable for waste disposal facilities. Otherwise, answer questions below. 3. Was the site ever used for research, industrial or military purposes during the last 30 years? [ ] [ ~] [ ] 4. Has any of the site space ever been leased to commercial tenants who are likely to have used, transported or disposed toxic chemicals? (e.g. dry cleaner, print shop, service stations, etc.). [ ] [ ~] [ ] 5. Is water for the building provided either by a private company or directly from a well on the property? N/A [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Does the property or any site within 1 mile, appear on any state or federal list of hazardous waste sites (e.g. CERCLIS, HWDMS etc.). (See appendix for State List [ ] [ ] [ ] provided) 14 7. Is there any documented or visible evidence of dangerous waste handling on the subject property or neighboring sites (e.g. stressed vegetation, stained soil, open or leaking containers, foul fumes or smells, oily ponds etc.). [ ] [ vl [ ] Note: If the answer to any of questions 2 through 6 are "yes" or "don't know", then either the property fails or a Phase II assessment is required. If the answer to all questions 2 through 6 are "no" then the property is acceptable for waste disposal facilities. 8. Phase I Assessment Results (circle one) Acceptable Acceptable Fail Fail, Possible Phase II Requires Remedy Required O&M 9. Comments: There is no visible evidence of anv du~inq of hazardous waste or materials at the site. Only general debris was sighted which includes, five old tires, 1 roll of 15 Ib. roofing felt, 1 55 gal. drum {empty), 1 above ground storage tanks (550 gal.) (empty) demolished and other minor debris. (See Photos and Recommendations 15 Phase I Environmental Assessment 6. Additional Hazards Y N DK 1. Is there any visible or documented evidence of peeling lead paint on the floors, walls or ceilings of tenant or common areas? (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ ] ( ] Note: If the answer to question 1 is "no", the property is acceptable for lead paint. Answer the questions below. If the answer is "yes" or "don't know", the property fails. The application may continue, but remedial actions to remove or cover all peeling lead paint must be taken prior to Commitment. Answer the questions below. 2. Do the tenant areas contain Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation that was installed less than a year ago? N/A ( ] [ ] ( ] 3. (If the answer to question 2 is "yes" or "don't know" Did the current HVAC system meet ASHRAE standards when it was installed? (] [ ] ( ] Note: If the answer to question 2 is "no", or if the answer to question 3 is "yes", then the property is acceptable for UFFI. Answer the question below. If the answer to question 3 is "no" or "don't know", then the property fails. To demonstrate that the ventilation system should meet current ASHRAE standards. 4. Does the local utility providing the drinking water meet current EPA requirements for lead concentrations? N/A 16 Note: If the answer to question 4 is "yes", it should be confirmed that the property is in compliance with all state and local disclosure laws. With that confirmation, the property is acceptable for lead in drinking water. If the answer is "no" or "don't know", the lender must contact the utility and obtain a description of the affirmative plan the utility is following to come into compliance. In addition, the lender must also contact the local health authorities and implement any required response and notification measures. 5. 6. Phase I Assessment Results (circle one) Acceptable Acceptable Fail Fail, Possible Phase If Requires Remedy Required 0&M Comments: No additional hazards were detected at the time of the Visual Site inspection. 17 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 2_2 INTERVIEWS NORMAN RICHARDS, resident on site Berkeley Road Roanoke, Virginia November 3, 1991 Spoke with Mr. Richards concerning the past and present history of the property. During the interview, he stated that: - He has lived at the site for approximately 23 years. - The 55-gallon drums near the house contained heating oil for use in the furnace. - Of the two large storage tanks, one was used for diesel fuel for the tractor, while the other was used for holding water, to water the cattle. - The only underground storage tank on site is a gravity-fed 275-gallon tank used to hold spring water, which flows to his house for his personal use. - A substantial portion of the debris along the creek is the result of a flood. - The building next to the swimming pool was originally a changing room, which is now left open for the cattle to go in and out. - The single, pole-mounted transformer was installed by Appalachian Power Company to power the changing building it existed at the time Mr. Richards moved to the property, making it 23+ years old. - He had no knowledge of any dumping taking place at the site. DATE: October 31, 1991 - The barn which burned down approximately two months ago contained nothing but hay. 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 2_2 INTERVIEWS (cont.) DAVID MERRIAM, Manager Virginia Transformer Corporation 220 Glade View Drive, N.E. Roanoke, Virginia (703) 345-9892 DATE: October 31, 1991 October 17, 1991 Spoke with Mr. Merriam concerning the existence of any regulated substances or underground storage tanks at the site. During the interview, he stated that: - In the event of an emergency, EPA regulations require that the regulated substance used at the site be transfered into the two empty, 5,000-gallon, fiberglass, underground storage tanks located at the site, within afour-minute time period. - There are two above-ground, 8,000-gallon steel tanks with dikes around them that contain a regulated substance used at the site. - The dikes around the two 8,000-gallon steel tanks exceeded the EPA regulations with respect to the required size. - The plant is approximately one year old, and Virginia Transformer Corporation moved into the plant on October 8, 1990. - He observed what he believed to be a septic tank disposal truck dumping sludge onto the site approximately 30 days ago. He stated further that the truck was a large tanker truck and was red in color. 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 2_2 INTERVIEWS~jcont.) BILL DENNISON Health Department Southwest Regional Office 212 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia (703) 857-7411 DATE: October 31, 1991 October 18, 1991 Spoke with Mr. Dennison of the Health Department, Southwest Regional Office, in Roanoke, Virginia, concerning the dumping of effluent taking place the site. Mr. Dennison stated that "it should not be done," and that he wanted "the name of the truck and the company," "the license plate," and "any information we have." 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 2_2 INTERVIEWS (cont~ JIM STONE, Manager Bio-Gro Systems 1402 Bennington Avenue, S.E. Roanoke, Virginia (703) 343-2358 DATE: October 31, 1991 October 21, 1991 Spoke with Mr. Stone concerning the dumping of sludge at the site. Mr. Stone stated that '1Ne haven't spread anything in that area in three years to my knowledge," and that he "didn't know who could be spreading effluent at the site." He further stated that the spreading of sludge is regulated by permit through the State Water Control Board. 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 2_2 INTERVIEWS (cont.) RAY ETTER, Owner Camouflage Tree Experts 207 Berkeley Road, N.E. Roanoke, Virginia (703) 563-1138 DATE: October 31, 1991 October 21, 1991 Spoke with Mr. Etter concerning the presence of underground storage tanks and regulated substances. He stated, "We only have over-the-counter pesticides on site," and that they use only "solid plant foods." Finally, he stated that "there are no underground storage tanks on site." 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 2_2 INTERVIEWS (cont.) CURTIS STIFF, Plant Manager Tultex, Inc. 225 Glade View Drive, N.E. Roanoke, Virginia (703) 345-0474 DATE: October 31, 1991 October 18, 1991 Spoke with Mr. Stiff regarding the existence of any underground storage tanks and regulated substances on site. He stated, "Tultex has been here for three years," and that "they are a soft good manufacturer." He further stated, "There are no underground storage tanks on site." He also indicated that the only regulated substances on site are cleaners (one 55-gallon drum and nine one-gallon containers) and "all ten have material safety data sheets." 2.0 PROJECT INVESTIGATION TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 2_3 VISUAL SITE ASSESSMENT i, ,~.~~..~oR,~~~r~c v~~iv ~~ F~~1~.lORAMIC V I ~lr(1 OF ~~ ~ ~ ~. ,4 - C }~ ~~~ _.1_- . '~ ~\, ~ tL ~~ K ~: ~t/O f,%iZARG~C~ ~PRI~ SEE,U lAJ EXGAV,4riO~t1 O~t/,dOJACENT GRo~~4rY DART/Q! Y ,4D ~~1c` r(.1,T EXCA~/~T~;i C~~1J ~l L.. ~ ~I11~ Y~/~X.~,i'i.I~Q T~fdi~~.~i~C/R /'~K' j 8 9 V/RG~ti.1lA TRA~1~~R~1~R CORD, !~voTE ,4~o/E GRO~~v~ ~-o,~~~ ,4ti/K~ ,gGOr(fG LEF ~II~C O~ ,~LG~ T r ,CX~ OC/TGROl~ O~ f,~A7AR.~US MQrER/ALA ALOE f,~/LG~/~E TC1LT~'X ~l ~~ ~0: ~/ 1 ~~~ lil1~C ~ ~it1~'~ ~J,~,1 ~i~, PIL. ~ Ors JL l~ ~1~;--~,~'~ ' ~~ ~2 C ~,-a~tl'! T,4 ~~~E4 WiT~ ,~cc~G~ /SUE G~^,1 Ra~t>> 'i4. ,v ~~~~ E~ L /~C.1~ RU~/~ ~~ r-~ ~5. ,mac-~=~~ ~ ~ Cc,-v.r,~ic.~.~ .~~~ ~7~j ~~OT~~~A;~~-~ tic O`J ~C~L ~ ~ ~ (o i7 '8 ~J 2D;. 21'~ ,22; ~~/ P~~"!//Ol,~ ~ OC!-1 T/OTC/ Ors" OGD ~~l RSV ~> 23 ,~ ,;;L0~1C ~~;C~ C~~~ %; GLACE ~~~~K 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 3_1 CONCLUSIONS Asbestos At the time of the Visual Site inspection, what appeared to be a roll of roofing felt, pieces of roofing felt, and shingles which could possibly contain asbestos were observed. However, no friable asbestos containing material was seen. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs. A single, pole-mounted transformer was sighted at the rear portion of the property. Although the transformer appeared to be old, a visual inspection detected no damage or leakage. Radon The shed, presently at the site, has no basement or insulation, thereby making radon accumulation difficult. A local school (Herman L. Horn Elementary) reported a 0.8 average pCi/I (pecocuries per liter). Underground Storage Tanks Although two large storage tanks (approximately 550 gallons each, both empty) were sighted during our visual site inspection, after a thorough inspection of the site, we could find no visible evidence which would indicate the existence of any underground storage tanks on site. Waste Disposal Facilities There was no visible evidence of any dumping of hazardous waste or materials taking place at the site. Only general debris was observed, which included five old tires, a 55-gallon drum (empty), a demolished, above-ground storage tank (550-gallon, empty), one roll of 15-pound roofing felt, roofing shingles, and general demolition debris. Although this debris poses no immediate health risk, it could in the near future. Piles of debris and large empty containers can attract vermin and could pose a health and safety risk. Additional Hazards Information obtained from the State Water Control Board's "Virginia Water Quality Assessment" states that Glade Creek does not meet the Clean Water Act due to extensive bacterial pollution caused by sewage interceptor overflows. No visible evidence of any other hazards was detected. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TITLE: Phase I Environmental Hazard Assessment JOB: Vineyard Property (35 acre ±) Roanoke, VA 24012 DATE: October 31, 1991 3_2 RECOMMENDATIONS Asbestos Prior to the disposal of any building debris, we recommend that any suspected material on site be tested by a licensed asbestos inspector to determine the presence of asbestos. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Although one visual inspection of the single, pole-mounted transformer detected no damage or leakage, we recommend that if the transformer becomes damaged or is found to be leaking, that it be tested to determine the possible existence of PCBs. Radon No action required at this time. Underground Storage Tanks No action required at this time. Waste Disposal Facilities (Solid Waste -General) Prior to any site development, we recommend that the general debris be cleaned up and disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations. Note: With respect to the reported dumping of sludge or waste material taking place at the site: After an exhaustive search, involving local, state, and private facilities, we could find no evidence to substantiate the report. Although this is not to say that the dumping did not take place. As per a conversation with John D. Willey of Roanoke County, we are "reporting" this incident. However, we do recommend that the investigation into this matter continue, due to the fact that if this process is not approved through the State Water Control Board, it is considered illegal and could pose an environmental hazard as well as a health risk. Additional Hazards The extensive bacterial pollution in Glade Creek is not generated by an on-site source, but instead by sewage interceptor overflows off-site. Therefore, no action is required at this time. In the event that the site is developed and opened to the public, proper measures should be taken to preserve and protect the health and safety of the public. c:\Phase!`832791 T.log APPENDIX - Qualifications - Maps - Letter to the Department of Waste Management - Letter to the Environmental Protection Agency - Letter to the Appalachian Power Company - State Water Control Board "Virginia Water Quality Assessment" - Miscellaneous +~ O? t~ t ~- 3~) ~~ ~~~ !~ ~~ t~ •~ ~ooooo ~ .s ~~ o ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,O ~ ~~ ~~ `p '~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ •~ `~ ,~ ~ • ~ ~ -I.a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ • ~ 0 ~ Ala o~ ~~ `v' ~ ~ V ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y w ~ ~ +a ~ ,.., ~ ~ ` o~ o ~ V O h w .~ V O H ~~ ~ H !~r •~ ~. 0 a v a v `E~+ ~\ e~ ... v ~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~1 ~{.~ N •~ ~ ~~°'S ~~~ ~~~~ O y °~ O .ti ? h ~ C3 ~~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v v .~ ~ ~ ,~ O ~~1 O ~oooo~ .~ .~ Q .~ h .~ 67 a ~~~ ~ ~ i ~ .~` s i"` # _ ' ~ _ ~~ .~ .ti q J7 0 O m m p V 3 w O H F ~ ,~ `1' , ~ .. . ~~. v - ~ .Z ~ ;~ ~, jam, ,~, - ,.~.... - .. , ,.,. - ~- ~ r ~ ~ ~ A A ~ ~ r~ ~ ~~~ ~ V 1 ~0 ~s _ ~ .\ •~ ~ ray,, ~ X j . .1 ~ ~. • ~ ., ~ ~ a « a, .r~V , _ ~ ~ ~ ~i• r ~ vU '~ ~ .J - :z v~ Jac ri~~ , r:, ' ~ ,~ t t 1 / ~ ~ f ' ~ U ~ ~ L ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r '~ V (~ pp ~'t Ya-~. 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SIO1Ty-pically, the surface layer of this soil is brown fine sandy lcam about 8 niches thick. The subsoil extends to a depth of 42 ir:~hes. It is dark yellowish brown fine sandy loam. T}Ie substratum is dark yellowish brown sandy loam to a depth of at least 72 inches. $IOlIncluded with this soil in mapping are small, intermingled areas of the Craigsville and Philo soils. The Philo aid Craigsville soils•are in slight depressions and scour channels. Also included are gravelly or cobbly areas. Areas of the included soils make up about 20 percent of this map unit. $IO1The permeability of this soil is moderate or moderately rapid, and available water capacity is moderate. Surface runoff is slow. The soil is occasionally flooded for brief periods from No•:ember through April. The erosion hazard is slight. The surface layer is friable aild easily tilled. The soil has a low shrink-swell potential. The thickness of the loot zone and depth to bedrock are more than 60 inches. The soil has low natural fertility and low to moderate in organic mattes content. It is very strongly acid or strongly acid throughout, unless lime has been applied. SS137 A160 ROANOK~ CGU?~TY 3/84 $IOlThis soil is well suited Yo cultivated ci~_~ps, .:iid Most of the -- acreage is farmed. Flooding occasionally d.:rt~Zges ~.i-~ps and limits the use of machinery. Tilth is good. Crop yields can be increased by applying lime and fertilizer. Conservation tillage conserves moisture and reduces erosion. Row crops can be grown continuously on these soils. $IO1This soil is well suited to pasture. Establis}Zing and maii~taiizing a mixture of grasses aild legumes, rotating pastures, deferring grazing, controlling weeds, proper stocking, and applying fertilizer increase the productivity and earring capacity of pastures. $IO1The potential productivity of this Pope soil for trees is high; however, most areas are farmed. $IO1Flooding is the major limitation to use of t}zese soils for septic tank absorption fields, sanitary facilities, shallow excavations, dwellings, and small conunercial buildings. It is also a limitation for camp areas and playgrounds. SIO1The capability subclass is IIw. 55137 F161 ROhNCY.E COUt:T'~ 3/a4 October 25, 1991 Mr. John Conover, Jr. Virginia Department of Waste Management 11th Floor Monroe Building 101 N. 14th Street Richmond, VA 23219 RE: Property Located at: Berkley Road, Roanoke City, Virginia 24012 Known as the Vinyard Property (35 Acres±) A/E Commission No. 832791 T Dear John: Please search your computerized files for the above referenced property and a surrounding 1 mile radius. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the Department of Waste Management and a photocopy of a street map with the property highlighted in yellow. If I can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~ ,~ Raymond Weeks, II Environmental Technician RW/pc 832791 T.1 Environmental Health & Safety - Architects - engineers P.O. Box 230 - Hygienists Salem, Virginia 24153 t. {. q~V "Ea \ ~' ~ ~I ~y~~ 1 ~ GS8 `\ iA' _'~ ~~ ~ 3 ,}+~i ~r` ~e p~~ ~~\ pNPi MAN ai _ J zi o /yQ ~; 2 _ I o OLD /~ _.~Q •~~• ~ `_i ~ ~ '~ nARV tit a~~F , ~1 n ~ ~ ~ -/ z ~ p 1 c.+Jc r•..:Crv _ ____ . _ -off/ H >t ,f • y f ` ~ •J I r Rw[1 ':N s f ~` ~ / ~9EUEa~ pv' .oo$ ~ ~ ~ -i:~TEI7u r~Epc :/ ` t./ a ~ $ `~ N I° '' qrs R w r f ff ~ ~ al I° • .r cn_ _ Ito o,~,~ \ .. i .R F M ~ ~ ul o~ /Fr. 60`-' tp 6GS ~/~ p 0 .~ ~'y f Iy Z L • p ~. ptiE BALK •0- oy0 61~piMO~ ,.n i t ~ ~ ~ 1 I ,~ ~0L• D I ST T ' ~ ~ ' ,. AR 5 I ROANOKE CENTS tv e~ ~~~ri J~ ~ ~~~'~ 1 x~~ FOR ~~STRY of NrLL~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~__i,'.h .4.~CC'. i:CXNOLO Y ~0.~~0,* t _ _. ~Yy DR ///) ( ~ P r `p,~~.. y,/ •s I •,~~ ~/ PJ (Y Rr E~ I c ~? / /j ~„/.y ` r~ 0~; >t. ~ oQ gyp. ao ~ ~ ~1RE y a (• ~ SUN `' 2 5 ~ /-.,R t ~ p9f C~ TaC P ~ .PEE O~ o •~f u r ONO _l Oil ~.~ •~pa r~? fE5'.1?~~ ryc 9'R~ C pVf ~ > ~ J~pC qR Z'~ Q4 ~Ov to Gf g ~ 1z ~~f~l ~i !r 4 ~ ~~ V ~ CqO~ a • t _" ~p0 M ,1 'r O NNVV,V / - ~ F '% '. o„ p 1 h •` . ~c. ° , F p• -b ~4N I r. V (\ ~ ~ 1 ~ N AfN °~ ~ l ~ _ wOMERO - Va ~\ ~a j ~\ i W~ ~ ~ j 4e c.a. ! a ~, `gyp ` o a .gyp pP ~ ° ~~ ` ~A f A f~r'O V j , ^yFr a ~ ~oph+~ v r ~ n d N ~ \ • 1 ,Y ~ ~ ,P x~ `~ ~4E a ,r, ~. ~ as ` p ~ ~y "L )II 1 ~~~p ~ 051 s`r i iE' P .~soR fy'.,r ~~ $~'~~'~'` ,~ v +' S. roL MO o / i~ f Ro ~ a ~ E 651 D ~ a °~ • •~ ~ 'g, .r ,r C fy . ,' c pp~°'r e. ~,po ff*~ ~ a• E / r~ i ~ 51p ~~ r 1 OY ~ • yC,rs ~, ppp~ `' +~ Gti I fif4y '~ SGy ,f r 4NGER O i Iy f `r p" :' ' : 'JL p r •O a 'Y ~, TAT~ON ' BE ~~ 5 "+ '' +.~ o` ~ ~ ~ ~?ONEBR l u'~f aCAE f ~ pHO~ :Aw i - ~ ~ B ~f sr` °~o a op ~ i 24179 ~, +~ O~ 9 8 '_ f ~ E •, ~ ~ • 9 >f •- r „ IR p • rYV ~~' ,' ~~ f' `-KGRN EIE J ~ \ 4 67PV. r~ -~~ r, ++ •f ,. S 1 \ ~ ~ Spy ••'~R S ~ Yom. / ~z - p ~ bra"~ E ~. t.: ~~~-~ ~ M~NG d e~ e e+ tT .. ~~,op ~ .~. rf e • Nq / , ~ r ,~ !! ~ .HPS ` / ~ ' N~'Nj+rry 11 -.Al] • alas `..y w ~• AV i V~ 0 ~ • (~", 1 'i G a• - - ~ ~ - ,. ,i INI A IAV ~ a 3 , roMt $. s V hq Ry w d • ~ y~f .pME ROM ~ 6 s ~ ~ ~ A HiRO+ vGAD ^~~ ~ 33 ~ _ ~ _ OIiN ~ ~ gpusN vM(L c.RCrroM ~ d si CF ~ •Ir•ELEN q ~ 634 ~f ( ~ V At pµ-GM Qa ~A O W CL k +F LR. A (; A`a lr r~ pp ApE'1it4 ~ Z ~ AR M ~ - .• /,4 L\i00 6ff .f `~ ~ T I MO OR ~ + ~' ~ N LARr,LAR0. / n5 << FpB9r Lev !,1 r IG AV. FARM ~ A 8M ~ Ia ~ q R -- , E N ~ DR.^ s . rt' r qEC. CTR. ~ CC QQ~ s - \ J 654 ``l _ ~ ` % E 240M ~, C p oReo ,Rr BRIARCLIFFSWIM CI V. V ~' j;~ ~ ~bE ~ 634 734 i '.ter. ~+ ~~ 'si`o; R CLIFF ~'7br +~ ~ o sTNUr \ ~ l ~,tW+ o~, A,8 WTN00 ~ ~'~" / ~ { O CIR~ N. Y r t YP,w _4'9`_i •) SEWAGE N sT{i eLA FARO A1! / ~.. ~ R a ~ ti 4f ATME V~[y a` ~ I 63 ~ !.'~al~ ~~. ^'il 1 R ' Y :~ . ~O I Rang o ` TON HTS ~ ~ tar-~ at .,° aM~ QcP 16py1 ~IYERDALE '%y~~, E~4p Ro ~ ~1~r~ °ggma ~ • ~ .L\y M R R -~~, Ary( \ ~ ,~ CI` R Eb Rf q l ~p - YDR ,E yl ~ h + ~ a y MO r P a' ~ ~ \- ~ r fQ E ~ y i ~ L TAr "4 Y `'y CR ni4M i.R0 r r. ~ PO_ ff t Iy 1 ~ '.140A 7ERY~lV' _ • ~ , Ifi4f•r~ r f •~f C ,ir * ` O f Jf 0 ~s r 9 ° 3 .S.II 9 '~ ~qRR s ~ a0 X01 p RuI qJ ~ ao I RD v t~` 749 G,q 9Ck ~/,JAEST N ,~ ~ 1' S aLAZA pp .a, _ Y 9C RasE r g s• oA~can / 658 c r .~ - . slurraR r e s ~ _ / g Q~ ~ s L Aur ~ po ~ O N . gtl'•t[ AQ, ts0a sn Mfi ~ vCH T"Y f tiZ'y ~ ~.: . , ~,' ~ -~~ :~~ ~®1VINI®1~T~~A~L'~~-jT ®~ ~~~C~~IeT~A DEPARTMENT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT 11th Floor, Monroe Building 101 N. 14th Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804- 225-2667 TDD (804) 371-8737 NOV. 0 4 191 Mx. Raymond C. Weeks II FAH Technical P.O. Box 230 Salem, Virginia 24153 Re: Real Estate Inquiry concerning the Vineyard Property, located on Berkley Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24012. Dear Mr. Weeks: In response to your recent inquiry, we have undertaken a search of our computerized files as they might relate to the above referenced property site. Because these files are organized by either zip code or city/county, we provide the following information on the site in question within our ability to search available office resources. The following information is not a substitute for a site-specific environmental audit since these files only include information available to us and may not reflect the result of unreported conditions. Upon searching our solid waste, hazardous waste, Superfund, and current investigations data files, we have located the following information. Tdithin the zip c^de area ~r closely adjacent areas of the site of interest are the following facilities for which the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has r_otified this office as being handlers of hazardous wastes. Some of these listings were protective filings and in fact no hazardous waste was ever generated at that specific site. In addition many of these listings may reflect businesses which have ceased operation. Mr. Raymond C. Weeks II ZIP4132 Page 2 7-ELEVEN #11974 7-ELEVEN #17826 AIR-LEE CLEANERS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPE BERGLUND CHEVROLET INC BLUE RIDGE TRANSFER CO. IN BUDGET TRANSMISSION BURRESS, J. W. INC C ~ P ASSOCIATES INC. C ~ P TELEPHONE C ~ P TELEPHONE COLLEGIATE PACIFIC DUF-RITE CLEANERS INC EAST COAST OIL #22 EASTERN WASTE OIL SERVICE EASTLAND DEVELOPERS ELIZABETH ARDEN INC ELIZABETH ARDEN STATESMAN ELIZABETH ARDEN STATESMAN EX%ON CO. USA EXRON CO. USA RAS26469 FIBERCOM INC FRIENDSHIP MANOR FRIENDSHIP MANOR INC GARDNER-DENVER G~ERAL MOTOR LINES GENERAL TRUCK BODY CO INC GOODYEAR AUTO SERVICE CENT GRUMMAN EMERGENCY PRODUCTS HICKORY SPRINGS MFG CO ITT-ELECTRO OPTICAL PRODUC JOHNSON INTERNATIONAL TRUC KELTECH CIRCUITS INC KENAN TRAI3SPORT CO KMART #3598 LAG'RENCE TRANSFER & STORAG LAG-RENCE TRANSPORTATION SY MARCO AUTO PAINTING/BODYWO METRO HEAVY DUTY DIST. INC MOSHER STEEL CO. MPS CORPORATION ON TARGET INC. PIEDMONT AVIATION PRECISION HYDRAULICS CO IN PRESTON TRUCKING CO PROGRESS PRESS INC PROGRESS PRESS INC R. L. BROWN BODY SHOP R. M. AUTO PAINT AND BODY 3602 WILLIAMSON RD & OAKLA 2933 WILLIAMSON ~ FUGATE R 4720 WILLIAMSON RD NW 919 GUS W NICKS BLVD NE 1824 WILLIAMSON RD NE 1814 HOLLINS RD NE 1325 WILLIAMSON RD NE 1301 ROCKLAND AVE NW 2804 NICHOLAS AVE NE 3024 BARKLEY AVE NW US ROUTE 460 1302 ROCKLAND AVE ti'W 3015 FLEMING AVE NW 2555 ORANGE AVE 2902 KENNEDY ST NE ROUTE 460 E CITY LIMITS 4411 PLANTATION ROAD NE 3030 NICHOLAS AVE 3030 NICOLAS AVE 835 HOLLINS RD NE 815 ORANGE AVE NE 3353 ORANGE AVE NE 327 HERSHBERGER RD NW 215 HERSHBERGER RD NW 1700 BLUEHILLS DR NE 1634 GRANBY ST NE 1919 TENTH ST NW 5302 WILLIAMSON RD NW 1723 SEIBEL DRIVE N.E. 1618 SEIBEL DR NE 7635 PLANTATION RD 1202 ORANGE AVE NE 2742 MARY LINDA AVE 1625 SEIBEL DR NE 1419 HERSHBERGER RD NW 2727 HOLLINS RD NE 2727 PLANTATION RD NE 3030 PRESTON AVE NW 913 MC DOWELL AVE NE 1002 HOLLINS RD N.E. 1613 GRANBY STREET NE 2203 SHENANDOAH VALLEY AVE 22 WAYPOINT DRIVE 5637 WILLIAMSON RD NW 1924 KIMBALL AVE NE 2922 NICHOLAS AVE NE 622 HUNTINGTON BLVD NE 2701 MARY LINDA AVE NE 3031 SHENANDOAH VALLEY AVE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE CITY ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 Mr. Raymond C. Weeks II ZIP4132 Page 3 ROANOKE RADIATOR SERVICE ROANOKE, CITY OF - GARAGE RUSSELL TRANSFER INC SAM'S CLEANERS SEARS SHENANDOAH ENVIRONMENTAL S SHERWIN - WILLIAMS CO. SINGER FURN CO ROANOKE PLT SOUTHWEST OPERATIONS CENTE STANFORD AND INGE SIGNS STAR EQUIPMENT CORP SiTPERIOR EXTERMINATING CO THERMO KING OF ROANOKE INC TREAD CORP TRUCK SALES INC. VIRGINIA TRANSFORMER CORP VIRGINIA TRANSFORMER CORP WZNSTONS CLEANERS WOODSON PONTIAC BODY SHOP 7-ELEVEN #21878 APPALACHIAN POWER CO - ROA ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TELECOM ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TELCOM BRIGHT PRODUCTS INC CHEMICALS & SOLVENTS COMM. HOSP. OF ROANOKE VAL GENERAL ELECTRIC GREATER ROANOKE TRANSIT CO HOOKER FURNITURE PERMA-CLEAN CLEANERS & LAU SAFEHOUSE SIGNS INC SHEPHERD'S AUTO SUPPLY INC VALCOM INC. WOODING'S AUTO BODY WORKS 7-ELEVEN #16862 BUDDY'S AUTO BODY INC C ~ P TELEPHONE GRUMMAN EMERGENCY PRODUCTS JAMES RIVER EQUIPMENT CO MITCHELL DISTRIBUTING CO PIKES GENERATOR SERVICE IN PRECISION FABRICS GROUP IN ROANOKE COUNTY CAREER CENT SAFETY-KLEEN PLANT 3-15 VINTON DRY CLEANERS INC. 1001 HOLLINS RD NE 1802 COURTLAND RD NE 5259 AVIATION DR NW 1509 WILLIAMSON RD NE 4812 VALLEYVIEW BLVD 3016 ANGELL AVE NW 3653 WILLIAMSON RD NW 3322 HOLLINS RD NE 1410 COULTER DIRVE N.W. 1568 GRANBY STREET 5130 HILDEBRAND RD NW 2336 PETERS CREEK ROAD 1738 GRANBY ST NE 1764 GRANBY ST NE 210 CARVER AVE NE 1634 SEIBEL DR NE 220 GLADE VIEW DR 5812 WILLIAMSON RD NW 3013 WENTWORTH AVE NW 1701 9TH ST @ BUENA VISTA 802 RIVER AVE 1845 PRODUCTION ROAD S.E. 1845 PRODUCTION ST SE 907 4TH ST SE 1140 INDUSTRY AVE SE 101 ELM AVE SE 1004 RIVER AVE SE 1108 CAMPBELL AVE SE 2005 GREENBRIAR AVENUE, S. 2151 DALE AVE SE 102 ALBEMARLE AVE S.E. 1001 WILLIAMSON RD SE 1111 INDUSTRY AVE SE 205 8-1/2 STREET SE 1339 HARDY RD 122 WALNUT AVE STATE ROUTES 619 ~ 757 720 3RD ST RT 11 W ROUTE 11 WEST 225 WALNUT AVE 323 VIRGINIA AVENUE 100 HIGHLAND AVE RT 24 EAST OF VINTON @ 0'N 100 W VIRGINIA AVE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE ROANOKE VINTON VINTON STEWARTSVILLE VINTON SALEM SALEM VINTON VINTON VINTON VINTON VINTON 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24012 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24013 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 24179 lir. Raymond C. Weeks II ZIP4132 Page 4 The following sites in the area of interest are on the U.S. EPA CERCLIS (Superfund) List: EASTERN DEVELOPERS STATESMAN IND PARK ROANOKE 24012 STAUFFER CHEM CO GREENBRIER AVE ~ KENWOOD B ROANOKE 24013 The following solid waste sites are in our records as being in the city or county of interest (Latitude & Longitude are included where available): NO SOLID WASTE SITES IN OUR FILE FOR THIS AREA The following are incidents in the area of interest in our computerized file SHENANDOAH ENVIRONMENTAL S STATESMAN PARK LANDFILL # GRUMMAN EMERGENCY PRODUCTS VIRGINIA TRANSFORMERS CORP EDWARDS AND WARREN TIRE CO 1140 INDUSTRY AVENUE JASON ENTERPRISES RT 635 ABANDONED DRUMS 3016 ANGELL AVE., N.W. OFF U.S. RTE 460 1723 SEIBEL DRIVE, NE, ROA 1634 SEIBEL DR NE 3025 NICHOLAS AVE 1140 INDUSTRY AVE., S.E. RTE 24 EAST, VINTON, VA RT 635 ROANOKE 24012 ROANOKE COUNTY 24012 ROANOKE COUNTY 24012 ROANOKE 24012 ROANKOE 24012 ROANOKE 24013 BEDFORD COUNTY 24179 BEDFORD 24179 The following are incidents which may be in the area of interest but are not indexed by zip code in our computerized file NO FURTHER INCIDENT REPORTS ARE LISTED FOR THE AREA OF INTEREST We cannot be more specific on location because our files are not indexed to locate specific geographic points. This file search in no way replaces a thorough site-specific investigation performed by a qualified environmental consultant. Very truly yours, ~~~ ~ ~ ~. / /~~~_ Joh Conover, Jr. Env ronmental Program Specialist JTC/agc October 25, 1991 Freedom of Information Office U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 841 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Attention: Barbara Brown - 3EA00 RE: Vinyard Property (35 Acres±) Berkley Road Roanoke, Virginia 24012 A/E Commission No. 832791 T Dear Barbara: This is a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C.-552). We are requesting the following information with respect to the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road, Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012. Information pertaining to the status of any and all proceedings regarding the property known as Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012 including any legal or regulatory actions by the USEPA and/or any other local, state or federal agency. 2. Copies of all documents sent to the recent Owner by the USEPA, or any other local state or federal agencies pertinent to property known as the Vinyard Properlty and located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012. 3. Copies of all documents forwarded by or on behalf of the present owner to the USEPA, or any other local, state or federal agencies pertinent to the property known as the Vinyard property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke, Virginia, 24012. 4. All information regarding the history of the ownership of the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012 and the business operations undertaken by the owners or tenants of the said site, including but not limited to, copies of all records regarding any spills, leaks or other incidents in which chemicals, contaminants or other agents were discharged, released or disbursed onto Environmental Health & Safety - Architects - Engineers P.O. Box 230 - Hygienists Salem, Virginia 24153 October 25, 1991 USEPA Page Two the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road, Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012. In connection therewith, please provide the date, location, amount and types of discharge materials which escaped or may have escaped and their ultimate disposition. Please provide copies of all records. including photographs, maps, reports, memoranda, correspondence or diagrams which relate to such incidents. 5. Copies of any and all engineering or scientific studies prepared by any party relating to the contamination or other environmental injury at or in the vicinity of the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road, Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012 or any remediation or restoration at or in the vicinity of the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012. 6. Copies of any and all records relating to the types of wastes that are or were generated at the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012 including documents relating to the chemical composition and/or quantities of such wastes. 7. All records, correspondence and/or files which indicate whether any wastes were disposed of in the city sewer system at any time, including those indicating the drains which received or may have received or transported any waste to the city sewer system, and the nature and amount of solvents or other chemicals handled or discharged at each drain. 8. Any and all records which indicate the practices which resulted or may have resulted in any chemicals entering the soil or groundwater at the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012. 9. All records reflecting individuals who may have knowledge of waste handling and disposal practices at the property known as the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road in Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012 including individuals with knowledge of the history of hazardous waste usage and generation and other matters related thereto. Sincerely, - ~ _-~ ., Raymond C. Weeks, II Environmental Technician RCW/cam 832791 T.2 October 25, 1991 Mr. Robert J. Robinson Appalachian Power Company P.O. Box 2021 Roanoke, VA 24022 RE: Phase I Environmental Assessment of Vinyard Property Berkley Road Roanoke City, Virginia 24012 A/E Commission No. 832791 T Dear Robert: HDH Technical is currently doing a Phase I Audit of the Vinyard Property located at Berkley Road, Roanoke City, Virginia, 24012. Part of that audit involves collecting regulated materials information from property owners within a 1 mile radius of the site. Therefore, we are submitting in writing the request for the following: Any available information concerning the single, pole-mounted transformer located on the site (Pole #6). Any available information concerning the above referenced site that you feel would be of use to us. Thank you in advance for your help. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Raymond C. Weeks, II Environmental Technician RCW/cam 832791 T.3 Environmental Health & Safety - Architects ngineers ~.0. Box 230 - HyglenlStS Salem, Virginia 24153 V/R~/N/A WATER DUAL/TY ASSESSMENT 1990 VOLUME TWO OF THREE ti VIRGINIA WATER TROL BQARD INFORMATION BULLETIN 579 APR/L 1990 90S(b1 Aaport to EPA end Co~~roaa o~~ - - W ~ pL ~ ~ N W , ~ o. ~r-~ E F F "~ ~'; m ~ a F u F to m F F V 'F 11' N m m P N~ ~ O t t W a m aF '" ~ F E ~ ~ ~ i,' ' F -r ~£ o 1 ' ~ l~ ~, ^ ' ' F ~ „~ 1 1 rf < ~ ~ ~ F F i e~ , , ~ ` m ` A ~ ~ m ~ r+ z s ~ f c ~ ~ m F m ~ r ~ ~ ~~ ~ i/ ~ 4 1 £ F ~ i ~ ~ e t ~. ~''.. ~ ~ F ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~~ i~~ o~_~ m N ` `3 c ~ _ e~ t ` , ~ ~; F o ~ ~~ ~ t ~ ~ _t ~ F ,f~ ~ t. .A ~ ; a W ~ 1 tc ~ i ~ t r- ~ v ~ W o - - _ ~ ; s J ' S ~ jj ~ i 1 ~a Xa ; D ~ t W ; ~ • ' O ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ , m ; F ~ ~ _____~~ / o _ ~ ~ f ~~ 5i ~ F m N ~ m,t.~. FF r am P~~~'St _:~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ r ~ a p~ a , ~ _, ~ ~ ,~ I*i~ a ~ ~~ ~ i t ~ F ~ ~ ~;f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ v ? o ! l ~ i U1 '- i ~ ~~ ~ °o ~ Z f I ~ ~~ iU ~ a ' a o g ~ Z to ~, ~ ~ ° ~ I r m m ~ I i o..o I o o ~ ~ ~ n ~ F o a I !~ a D f ~ ,~ ~ F IA ~ { sn N ' ~ 1 f J No. River Mile Stream Name Location W18 4ALCK000.38 Lick Run W&W Parking Lot Bridge W19 4AORE000.19 Ore Branch Sherwood Ave., Roanoke W20 4ATKR000.69 Tinker Creek Rt. 24 Bridge Vinton, Va. W21 4AGLA000.20 Glade Creek Walnut Ave. Bridge W22 4AROA192.55 Roanoke River Hardy Ford Bridge W23 4AGSF002.16 S.F. Goose Creek Rt. 607 Bridge Montvale W24 4APGG008.42 Pigg River Rt. 40 Bridge Pittsylvania Co. W25 4ASNW000.60 Snow Creek Kirby Forge Bridge W26 4APGG Pigg River Rt. 605 Bridge W27 4AGSE013.78 Goose Creek Rt. 732 Bridge Near Huddleston W28 4ALOR014.75 Little Otter River Rt. 718 Bridge W29 4ALOR014.33 Little Otter River Below Bedford STP Outfall W30 4AGSE000.20 Goose Creek Rt. 630 Bridge W31 4AROA129.55 Roanoke River Rt. 29 Bridge, at Gage W32 4ASCE000.26 Sycamore Creek Rt. 924 Bridge W33 4ABOR000.62 Big Otter River Rt. 712 Bridge W34 4ABOR000.73 Big Otter River Rt. 29 Bridge Near Altavista W35 4AMEY018.02 Molley Creek Above Rustburg STP Outfall W36 4AMEY016.24 Molley Creek Off Rt. 655 Below Rustburg STP W37 4ASEN000.40 Seneca Creek Rt. 704 Bridge Above L.I. W38 4AFRV018.04 Falling River Rt. 615 Bridge 11-6 continued increase in compliance with water quality standards. Because the current 305(b) period was considerably drier than the last, the meteorological conditions may be responsible for the reduced counts. In any case, the water quality at the Lafayette station meets Clean Water Act goals for swimming and fishing. These measures of water quality improvement are important in these streams because portions of the North Fork, Bradshaw Creek and the Roanoke River support populations of Orangefin Madtom and Roanoke Logperch; State threatened species. Segment 4A-2 (ROA216.82-144.73) includes the Roanoke River and its tributaries from the Lafayette gage to the lower end of Smith Mountain Lake, a 72 mile distance. The main stem of the Roanoke River and Peters and Tinker Creeks in this segment are classified as Water Quality Limited with a phosphorus limitation imposed. All other tributaries in 4-2 are Effluent Limited with a phosphorus limitation imposed (W.Q.-P). At the upper end of Segment 4A-2 the Roanoke River is classified as Put and Take Trout waters from near the Montgomery/Roanoke County line to a point 7-12 miles downstream. A Public Water Supply segment coincides with the lower half of this stretch; the city of Salem has two water intakes in the segment. Segment 4A-2 is the primary area covered by the Roanoke SMSA nonpoint source study (VWCB 1983). A total of 13 streams in the segment were named priority watersheds and targeted for corrective programs or future study by local, state and federal agencies. These priority watersheds are mainly heavily urbanized with large percentages of industrial, commercial, and residential land. Special efforts have been undertaken in the past that address problems in priority watersheds. These efforts include additional study by the VWCB and Roanoke County, and runoff control projects in both Roanoke City and County. There are three biomonitoring stations in Segment 4A-2. At the first on the Roanoke River and 14 miles downstream of the head of Segment 4A-2, biomonitoring resu]ts indicate fair-good water quality during the reporting period. At the next station, 4AROA212.17, the water quality conditions were the same. Ten miles farther downstream at the third biomonitoring station the community was slightly lower in rank: fair-poor. Roanoke River water quality parameters are monitored along with biological conditions at the 14th Street bridge (river mile 202.20) in downtown Roanoke. A number of industrial dischargers are situated above this point on the river, as well as large areas of urban land which contribute significant pollution through storm runoff to the stream. The dischargers above the 14th Street station include Roanoke Electric Steel (Roanoke location), Koppers Company, Inc., Salem Stone and the Norfolk and Southern Railroad. 11-13 overflows, was violated in 60~ of the samples taken in 1983-85, 18~ of those in 1985-87, and 33~ in 1987-89. The decreased percentage in the most recent period may simply be due to decreased rainfall. Nevertheless, the high percentages mean that this part of Tinker Creek has not meet the Clean Water Act fishable/swimmable goals for at least six years. Water column metals near the mouth of Tinker Creek were not above the detection levels. Back Creek flows into the Roanoke River below the urban areas of Roanoke City and County. The entire stream is Effluent Limited. This large watershed is heavily forested. Shell Oil Company is one of the few dischargers to this stream. Coliform bacteria counts also occasionally exceeded the State standard in 1985-87 due to animal waste pollution. This intensified in 1987-89 to 27~o violations regardless of the fact that the decreased precipitation should have reduced the violations. The monitoring station on the Roanoke River at Hardy Ford bridge (4AROA192.55) is about seven miles downstream from the Roanoke metropolitan area and at the head of Smith Mountain Lake. Major dischargers to this river section are the Roanoke Regional STP and the Norfolk Southern Railroad. Sediment at this station contains the highest concentration of lead in the West Central Region but below the 95th percentile for Virginia. Sediment zinc is higher than 85~ of the measurements in Virginia and higher than 95~ of those in the West Central Region. In addition, zinc concentrations have been higher in the past at this station. It should be determined where the metal originates. Because water column metals were not detected upstream at 202.20 river miles, part of the explanation may be that the station is in an inundated head of Smith Mountain Lake. Heavy metal-bearing sediments are likely to drop out of the water column at this station where the Roanoke River is encountering the slow moving reservoir waters. Fecal Coliform bacteria levels in the Roanoke River at Hardy Ford Bridge exceeded the State standard in 21 percent of the samples over the four year period 1983-87. These problems did not continue into the current 305(b) period. Smith Mountain Lake: This 20,000 acre lake was created in 1965 when a dam was closed four miles below the confluence of the Blackwater and Roanoke Rivers. Since then the lake has been a rich, multipurpose resource. This encompasses the range from recreation to hydroelectric power generation at the Smith Mountain Dam. When the lake filled it inundated the lower part of Segment 4A-2 on the Roanoke River and of 4A-3 on the Blackwater River. Of these two reservoir arms, the Roanoke Arm is the larger. 11-15 :] C,: -, ,; ; ., T ..,... : _~ ._ .. .. t ?.: f", ... _ :')':° Y...~. f" ` fit:' !"~ C' .~. l i'_° t., .,. .e. ~.. ..: n. l I 1 P...!. _ _. ~. ~ .. ~... _.._. _ ,. _, ,... , . , _. .. ~ .~ • ..: ... b. ~~, i•! r.:..•: 1. ., 1•:' I:: `S r' I'' y ` ':' ~'r.. f_. ~ ~'.~h.17"'. t 1 '.' G . 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Ali:-!"1~•i~i:T !'i7v! .. tM aF ;p. at• ~;; -, t~ii•2i•i !•Y f "f t^•~i' I~ti<'J~~ ~f•• t`~ .s '~ rr'J '~':' .... ,: , .. _ .:: ;.... ... . _ ..,. , . ?'.z .,...y.. t..q. {,..a,...: F -lr .~{. ~ p.:~. •K :~: t. :~- .~i..~.:F. ~ ;.. .J - f ~. 3~~i ~: ~; 7-~~ t'.s .;r. aL :p..ri.:tf• ~- :r.' :t- tr a{:.~.:,i..1..:~r. 3t.:~:.ti• # :ti- :k. ~tb # .p~.:g.:~. f;r! `j'l:!t~ t~.~.t.::'''' '~. ;'~;f'i,t'.I.f.'3'?~.illF' ~'4' /1~`t,:' RADON RISK EVALUATION CHART t t 1 pCi/1 WL Estimated number of lung cancer deaths due to radon exposure (out of 1000) Comparable exposure levels Comparable risk 200 t 440-770 1000 times ~ tilore than 60 times average outdoor ~ non-smoker nsk level : ~ 4 pack-a-day 100 0.5 270-~30 smoker - t00 times average inooor ~. ;;`~ ~ 2.000 chest 40 0.2 120-380 level ; ~~~?<: x-rays per year •^ ~ • ~ ~ ~: ~ 2 pack-a~ay 20 O.i 60-120 t00times ~`~;~:~?~;:< ~~•>•~-•.~.~:.~.~ smoker average outdoor ~.::::::::::~:::: level ::;::~: ~ t oack-a-day . 10 0.05 30-120 smoker 10 times average _ ~>:~>>:>::.:.: 5 times a 0.02 t 3-50 indoor level ""~ non-smoker nsk 10 times :~~'`~ 200 chest x-rays 2 0.01 7-30 average outdoor ~ ~~ <:?:.;::: per year level ~ ~ Non-smoker 1 005 0 3-i3 Avera a indoor g ~`•~~ ~" risk of dying I . level ` from lung cancer Average outdoor ~.:.; ~ 20 chest x-ravs - 0.2 1-3 per year Fig 14~2~ If test results are about 1.0 WL or higher, or about 200 pCi/L or higher: Ex osures in this ran p ge are among the highest observed in homes. Action should be taken to reduce levels as far below 1.0 WL .~ (200 pCi/L) as possible. It is recommended that action be undertaken within several weeks to reduce levels. If this is not a possible, a determination should be made in consultation with appropriate State or local health or radiation protection officials, regarding temporary relocation until levels can be reduced. If test results are about 0.1 to about 1.0 WL, or about 20 to about 200 pCi/L: Exposures in this range are considered greatly above average for residential structures. Action should be undertaken to reduce levels as far below 0.1 WL (20 pCi/L) as possible. Such action should be taken within several months. If test results are about 0.02 to about 0.1 WL, or about 4 Ci/L to b t 20 C p a ou p i/L: Exposures in this range are considered above average for residential structures. Action should be taken to lower levels to about 0.02 WL (4 pCi/L) or below. It is recommended that action be taken within a few years, sooner if levels are at the upper end of this range. If test results are about 0.02 WL r o lower, or about 4 pCi/L or lower: Exposures in this range are considered average or slightly above average for residential structures. Although exposures in this range do present some risk of lung cancer, reductions of levels this low may be difficult -and sometimes impossible - to achieve. There is increasing urg ncy for action at higher concentrations of radon The higher the radon level the .~ au~cker action should be taken to reduce exposure t ~ Note that the recommended action level has been set at x.02 WL (4 pCi/L) and not 0 because: 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 • There is a .practical limit to what is achievable by current mitigation techniques. • The average U.S. house has some radon (about 1 pCi/L). • Outdoor air contains some radon (about 0.15 pCi/L). ~= _. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCE 12391-3 FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ACQUIRE TWO PARCELS OF LAND FROM CANAAN LAND COMPANY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ROANORE RIVER SEWER INTERCEPTOR PHASE III PROJECT WHEREAS, a permanent sanitary sewer easement is required across two parcels of land owned by Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project; and, WHEREAS, the small size of the lots and the construction requirements for the project will limit the use of said lots by the owner, and damage the residue, to the extent that purchase of a fee simple interest to said lots would be appropriate; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated with the property owner for the acquisition of said parcels, being Lots 1 and 2, lying between Poor Mountain Road and the Roanoke River, according to the Map Showing Subdivision of Tract of land Lying North of and Adjacent to "Nature's Own Bathing Pool" of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 3, page 8; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated the purchase of said parcels from Canaan Land Company for the sum of $2,000.00; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 19, 1991, and the second reading was held on December 3, 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of Lots 1 and 2, lying between Poor Mountain Road and the Roanoke River, according to the above-reference map from Canaan Land Company, for a sum not to exceed $2,000.00, is hereby authorized and approved; and 2. That the consideration of $2000.00 shall be paid from the funds previously appropriated by the Board of Supervisors to the Utility Department budget for the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project; and, 3. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: J~- ~.J Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections r 1 .~ r~ ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance for Authorization to Acquire Two Parcels of Land from Cannan Land Company COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~,~ d/ll~ BACKGROUND' During construction of the Roanoke River Interceptor, it was determined that the sewer line crossing of Poor Mountain Road would have to be made by boring under the road. This determination was made by the Highway Department in order to maintain traffic on Poor Mountain Road during construction. The location of the sewer line, manhole and boring pit is across two parcels of land owned by Cannan Land Company. The parcels are 50 feet by 96 feet and 60 feet by 104 feet and are located between Poor Mountain Road and the Roanoke River. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The two above mentioned parcels have little usable area that is not located in the floodway. The construction of the water line, sewer line and manhole on the parcel will further limit the owners use of the property. During discussions between the owner and the County, it was agreed that purchase of the land by the County was preferable to granting of an easement across the land. A purchase price of $2,000 was tentatively agreed to by the owner and the County. Due to the low value of the land under consideration, an outside appraisal of market value was not made. The first reading was held on November 19, 1991. 1 .~ wr ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: (~ ~ ~ / Due to the significant portion of the land that would be required for a water line, sewer line and access easement along with its associated cost, staff feels there is no alternative to purchasing the land. Funds are available for the purchase of the land from the Roanoke River Interceptor Project account. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the Ordinance after the second reading authorizing acquisition of two parcels of land from Cannan Land Company. SUBMITTED BY: Clifford ig, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCE FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ACQUIRE TWO PARCELS OF LAND FROM CANAAN LAND COMPANY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ROANOKE RIVER SEWER INTERCEPTOR PHASE III PROJECT WHEREAS, a permanent sanitary sewer easement is required across two parcels of land owned by Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project ; and, WHEREAS, the small size of the lots and the construction requirements for the project will limit the use of said lots by the owner, and damage the residue, to the extent that purchase of a fee simple interest to said lots would be appropriate; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated with the property owner for the acquisition of said parcels, being Lots 1 and 2, lying between Poor Mountain Road and the Roanoke River, according to the Map Showing Subdivision of Tract of land Lying North of and Adjacent to "Nature's Own Bathing Pool" of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 3, page 8; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated the purchase of said parcels from Canaan Land Company for the sum of $2,000.00; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 19, 1991, and the second reading was held on December 3, 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: ~' 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of Lots 1 and 2, lying between Poor Mountain Road and the Roanoke River, according to the above-reference map from Canaan Land Company, for a sum not to exceed $2,000.00, is hereby authorized and approved; and 2. That the consideration of $2000.00 shall be paid from the funds previously appropriated by the Board of Supervisors to the Utility Department budget for the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project; and, 3. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. e:\wp51\agenda\realest\eannan ,,""; AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCE 12391-4 AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF REAL ESTATE ADJACENT TO BURLINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WITH FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION WHEREAS, by Agreement dated July 11, 1991, the County School Board of Roanoke County and Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation entered into a contract for the sharing of costs for the construction of a new road over the property of both parties adjacent to Burlington Elementary School and for the exchange of parcels of real estate which would be left in isolation by such construction; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on Thursday, November 21, 1991, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted a resolution declaring a parcel of 0.031 acre, which will remain upon the western side of Barrens Road upon the completion of said 50 foot road, as surplus property and requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to convey such property to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation as part of an exchange of real estate pursuant to said agreement; and WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County has caused a true copy of the aforesaid resolution to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as required by law so that the title to the aforesaid parcel of real estate is now vested in the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the conveyance of the hereinafter described real estate was held on November 19, 1991; a second reading was held on December 3, 1991. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That the conveyance of certain real estate identified as "Parcel 1" on a plat designated "RESUBDIVISION FOR COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION" dated February 15, 1991, prepared by Balzer and Associates, Inc., having previously been declared surplus property by the County School Board of Roanoke County, to the County of Roanoke is hereby accepted and approved; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the aforesaid property is declared surplus and is made available to exchange for real estate for other public uses; and 3. That the conveyance of such Parcel 1 to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation in exchange for Parcel 2 identified in the same plat, which Parcel 2 shall be conveyed to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, for school purposes is in the public interest and is hereby accepted and approved. 4. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance and exchange of the aforesaid properties, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A en, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance Authorizing Exchange of Real Estate adjacent to Burlington Elementary School with Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~,y/~~N~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY• This ordinance will implement an exchange of two small parcels of real estate between the Roanoke County School Board and Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation in conjunction with their joint construction of a new street (Barrens Road extension) providing improved bus access to Burlington Elementary School BACKGROUND: When the Roanoke County School Board acquired the property for Burlington School in 1938, the seller reserved a 60 foot right-of- way easement along the western edge of that parcel. By an Agreement dated July 11, 1991, the Roanoke County School Board entered into a contract with Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp., the successor in interest to the seller, to share some of the cost of construction of a new street, 50 feet in width. This street, an extension of Barrens Road across Peters Creek Road, will be constructed in accordance with the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and will be subsequently conveyed to VDOT upon the expiration of the required waiting period. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The construction of this new street will result in a small parcel owned by the School Board, containing 0.031 acre (Parcel 1), being cut off from the main school property on the west side of this street, and a small parcel owned by Friendship Manor, containing 0.217 acre (Parcel 2), being cut off from their property on the east side of the street. In accordance with the Agreement of July 11, 1991, prior to commencement of construction of the new road, the parties intend to execute a deed to exchange these two orphan parcels as well as to extinguish any remaining interest of Friendship Manor in the original 60 foot right-of-way easement on the Burlington School property. The Roanoke County School Board at its November 21, 1991, meeting adopted a resolution declaring the ~r parcel of 0.031 acres (Parcel 1) as surplus and conveying such parcel to the County of Roanoke for reconveyance to Friendship Manor. By said resolution, the Roanoke County School Board has expressed its desire to receive title to the parcel of 0.217 acres (Parcel 2) which adjoins Burlington School. This ordinance authorizes the acceptance of title to Parcel 1 by the County and in turn authorizes the County Administrator to execute such deeds and other documents as shall be necessary to carry out this exchange of real estate. FISCAL IMPACTS' None ALTERNATIVES' 1. Authorize the exchange of two parcels of real estate to facilitate extension of Barrens Road. 2. Decline to authorize such exchange of real estate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends favorable consideration of the ordinance. Respectfully submitted, VV/1.~4t-,5~ oseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney Action Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs C:\WPS] WGENDA\REALES'1~BURLINGTON ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCB AIITHORIZING EBCHANGB OF REAL BSTATB ADJACBNT TO BURLINGTON BLBMBNTARY SCHOOL WITH FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGB CORPORATION WHEREAS, by Agreement dated July 11, 1991, the County School Board of Roanoke County and Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation entered into a contract for the sharing of costs for the construction of a new road over the property of both parties adjacent to Burlington Elementary School and for the exchange of parcels of real estate which would be left in isolation by such construction; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on Thursday, November 21, 1991, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted a resolution declaring a parcel of 0.031 acre, which will remain upon the western side of Barrens Road upon the completion of said 50 foot road, as surplus property and requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to convey such property to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation as part of an exchange of real estate pursuant to said agreement; and WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County has caused a true copy of the aforesaid resolution to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as required by law so that the title to the aforesaid parcel of real estate is now vested in the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the conveyance of the hereinafter described real estate was held on ~-- November 19, 1991; a second reading was held on December 3, 1991. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That the conveyance of certain real estate identified as "Parcel 1" on a plat designated "RESUBDIVISION FOR COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION" dated February 15, 1991, prepared by Balzer and Associates, Inc., having previously been declared surplus property by the County School Board of Roanoke County, to the County of Roanoke is hereby accepted and approved; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the aforesaid property is declared surplus and is made available to exchange for real estate for other public uses; and 3. That the conveyance of such Parcel 1 to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation in exchange for Parcel 2 identified in the same plat, which Parcel 2 shall be conveyed to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, for school purposes is in the public interest and is hereby accepted and approved. 4. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance and exchange of the aforesaid properties, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. c:\wp51\agenda\realest\burling[on.ord ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ -' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AOTHORIZING THE LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, A PORTION OF THE OLD STARREY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT PROPERTY, TO THE VALLEY 8000ER CLIIB COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : D~~nss~ n.e-,~ , "~%x °~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY• This ordinance would authorize the lease of a portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant property to the Valley Soccer Club. BACKGROUND• Over the past several months, County staff has been discussing the utilization of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant property as a soccer facility with representatives of the Valley Soccer Club. As a result of these discussions, this ordinance is submitted to the Board of Supervisors for its consideration. In addition later in this meeting's agenda, the Board will have an opportunity to consider the utilization of this property for these purposes, in accordance with the County's Zoning. Ordinance. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: § 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter requires that the granting of a lease to use public property be accomplished only by ordinance. The first reading of this ordinance will be held on October 22, 1991; the second reading will be held on December 3, 1991. This lease agreement identifies that portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant property which shall be leased to the Valley Soccer Club until December 31, 2011 (a twenty-year lease). This lease shall automatically continue on a year-to-year basis until one of the parties gives the other a six month's written notice of termination. The lease limits the use of this property for recreational purposes, namely for youth soccer activities. The Roanoke County Parks and Recreation Department shall be permitted to utilize this property for its programs at no 1 ~/ charge when not in conflict with Valley Soccer Club activities. FISCAL IMPACTS• The Valley Soccer Club shall be responsible for maintaining the property in compliance with the written County maintenance standards. Any improvements that the Valley Soccer Club may make to this property shall revert to the County upon the termination of the ,lease. Valley Soccer Club has indicated its willingness to construct several soccer fields on the property. It appears that this could be a valuable addition to the County and could provide valuable recreational and park improvements for the use of the public. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~~~.~ r Stephen H. Carp nter Director of Parks & Recreation Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator cc: Paul Mahoney Jim McAden, Balzer & Associates c:\wp51\agenda\realesr\soccer.rpt 2 Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs } ... 1 ~...~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, A PORTION OF THE OLD STARREY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT PROPERTY, TO THE VALLEY SOCCER CLUB BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of § 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the lease of a portion (Area 2) of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant as shown on Exhibit "A" attached to this ordinance was held on October 22, 1991. The second reading on this matter was held on December 3, 1991. 2. That it is in the County's best interests to lease this property to the Valley Soccer Club in order to assist the Club by providing facilities for its athletic activities. In exchange for the authorization to utilize a portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant, the Valley Soccer Club has indicated its willing- ness to construct several soccer fields on the property. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. ~:~~si~~~aa~re~c~~.ora 1 c r , e.- ~ ~F' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 RESOLUTION 12391-6 AUTHORIZING ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY, AUTHORIZING THE JOINDER OF THE CITY OF ROANORE AND THE TOWN OF VINTON TO THE ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE ROANORE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ("County") has determined that it is in the best interests of the County to authorize the City of Roanoke ("City") and the Town of Vinton ("Town") to become members of the existing Roanoke County Resource Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 28, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, ("Act"); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held in accordance with the requirements of Sections 15.1-1243, 15.1-1248, and 15.1-1250.01 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Resource Authority has, by resolution, expressed its consent to the joining of these other political subdivisions to become members of the existing Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it hereby agrees to provide for the joinder of the City and the Town as members to the Roanoke County Resource Authority, and that the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke County Resource Authority specifies the number and term of office of members of the expanded Authority. 1 2. That the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke County Resource Authority are as follows: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the Town Council of the Town of Vinton, and the Council of the City of Roanoke have by concurrent resolution adopted the following amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Resource Authority of Virginia, pursuant to the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 28, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended) ("Act"): (1) The name of the Authority shall be the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority and the address of its principal office is 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798. (2) The names of the incorporating political subdivi- sions are the County of Roanoke, Virginia; the City of Roanoke, Virginia; and the Town of Vinton, Virginia. The County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, as the incorporating political subdivisions, hereby acknowledge, covenant, and agree that these Articles of Incorporation shall not be further amended or changed without the express agreement of each of the governing bodies of each of the incorporating political subdivisions. Neither of the following actions shall be taken or permitted to occur by the Authority without the consent of the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke as expressed by the affirma- tive vote of all City and County representatives on the Authority: 2 t r ~ (a) Any change in the terms or conditions of design or operation of the Transfer Station located in the City of Roanoke as set forth in the Solid Waste Transfer Facility Design Criteria, dated March 19, 1991, and the Solid Waste Transfer Facility Operating Criteria, dated May 21, 1991, as approved by the Roanoke City Planning Commission on June 5, 1991, and the Part A and Part B applications for the Transfer Station as approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any expansion or modification thereof or use by any persons or entities other than City, County, or Town; (b) Any change in the terms and conditions of the design or operation of the Landfill located in Roanoke County as set forth in the special use permit and the Landfill Permit Conditions and Operating Policies, Action 62789-10 and Resolution 62789-12, each dated June 27, 1989, and the Part A and Part B applications for the Landfill as approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Since the Landfill and Transfer Station are scarce and valuable resources, and because the incorporating political subdivisions have a common interest in insuring that the Landfill is utilized in the best possible and most efficient manner, the incorporating political subdivisions agree that Authority member- ship and operation and use and operation of the Transfer Station and Landfill shall be .governed by the terms and conditions of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement ("Use Agreement") dated October 23, 1991. 3 (3) The names, addresses, and terms of office of the members of the Board of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") are as follows: 1. Gardner W. Smith P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/95 2. Diane D. Hyatt P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/94 3. John R. Hubbard P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/93 4. Mikeiel T. Wimmer 3878 Harborwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Term Expires: 12/31/93 5. Kit B. Kiser Room 354, Municipal Bldg. Roanoke, VA 24011 Term Expires: 12/31/94 6. Joel M. Schlanger Room 461, Municipal Bldg. Roanoke, VA 24011 Term Expires: 12/31/95 7. S. Bradley Corcoran P. O. Box 338 Vinton, VA 24179 Term Expires: 12/31/95 The terms of office of each of the members shall become effective on the date of issuance of a certificate of joinder for the Authority by the State Corporation Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-1248 of the Act. The governing body of each participating political subdivision shall appoint the number of members, who may be members of the governing body, set forth opposite its name below: County of Roanoke - four City of Roanoke - two 4 Town of Vinton - one It being the intention of these Articles that the governing body of the County of Roanoke shall always appoint a majority of the members, whenever an additional political subdivi- sion shall join the Authority, such governing body shall be entitled to appoint one or more additional members in order to maintain such majority. Initially, the governing body of the County of Roanoke shall appoint one member for a four-year term, one member for a three-year term, and two members for a two-year term. Initially, the governing body of the City of Roanoke shall appoint one member for a four-year term and one member for a three-year term. Initially, the governing body of the Town of Vinton shall appoint one member for a four-year term. After the initial terms, each member shall be appointed for a four-year term or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any additional members appointed by the County of Roanoke to maintain its majority pursuant to the foregoing paragraph shall also be appointed for four-year terms. The governing body of each political subdivision shall be empowered to remove at any time, without cause, any member appointed by it and appoint a successor member to fill the unexpired portion of the removed member's term. Each member may be reimbursed by the Authority for the amount of actual expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties. 5 (4) The purpose for which the Authority is to be formed is to exercise all the powers granted to the Authority to acquire, finance, construct, operate, manage and maintain a garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities pursuant to the Act. For purposes of these Articles, and any contracts or documents entered into on behalf of Authority, "garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities" shall mean collection and disposal of garbage and refuse at and through a transfer facility owned and operated by the Authority and the associated landfill or disposal operations only. The Authority shall not be authorized to engage in or provide for individual residential or business collection activities or services. The Authority shall contract with the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke to furnish garbage and refuse collection and disposal services upon identical terms and conditions including the same schedule of service rates, fees and charges of all types which shall be uniformly applicable to both such political subdivisions. Subject to the terms of the Use Agreement, the Authority may contract with other political subdivisions to furnish garbage and trash disposal services upon such terms and conditions as the Authority shall determine. The Authority may contract to make host locality payments to Roanoke County and Roanoke City to compensate the County and City in consideration of location of facilities within their communities. It is not practicable to set forth herein information regarding preliminary estimates of capital 6 costs, proposals for specific projects to be undertaken, or initial rates for the proposed projects. (5) The Authority shall serve the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton and, to the extent permitted by the Act and by the terms of these Articles and the Use Agreement, such other public or private entities as the Authority may determine upon the terms and conditions established pursuant to such contracts. (6) The Authority shall cause an annual audit of its books and records to be made by the State Auditor of Public Accounts or by an independent certified public accountant at the end of each fiscal year and a certified copy thereof to be filed promptly with the governing body of each of the incorporating political subdivisions. 3. That the County hereby ratifies and confirms the findings made on June 14, 1989, as follows: (i) Privately-owned sanitary landfill services are not available in a reasonable and cost efficient manner, and (ii) Operation by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority of a sanitary landfill and any related facilities or the contract for such operation in spite of any potential anti-competitive effect is important to provide for the development and/or operation of a regional system of garbage and refuse collection and disposal for the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton and such other governmental units or private entities as the Authority may determine. 7 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Jeffrey A. Cromer, Roanoke Valley Reg. Solid Waste Mgt Board Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Gardner W. Smith, Director, General Services Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Mikeiel T. Wimmer, 3878 Harborwood Road, Salem, VA 24153 8 s ti ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~•~ f ~ ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY, AUTHORIZING THE JOINDER OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND THE TOWN OF VINTON TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~'j~ir.~-,-~w~-s~ EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY Public hearing and consideration of the adoption of a resolution amending the Articles~of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Resource Authority to authorize the addition of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton. BACKGROUND' Over the past year representatives of the County and the Authority have been negotiating with representatives of the City and the Town to include these political subdivisions in a regional solution to the problem of solid waste disposal. On October 23, 1991, the City, County, and Town joined in an historic occasion to execute certain agreements for the development and use of regional solid waste facilities and for the disposal of acceptable solid waste. A key step in this legal process i Articles of Incorporation for the existing Authority. This public hearing and accomplishes this amendment. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: s the amendment to the Roanoke County Resource proposed resolution Section 15.1-1248 of the State Code (of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act) prescribes certain procedural steps to be followed for the joinder of a new political subdivision to an existing Authority. Each governing body must adopt an ordinance or 1 ~2.9~-/ resolution providing for the joinder of each political subdivision and specifying the number and term of office of members of the expanded Authority. Upon the adoption of this ordinance or resolution, the parties shall file an application with the State Corporation Commission for approval of this action. If the State Corporation Commission finds that the application conforms to law and that all proper fees have been paid, the Commission shall approve the application and issue a certificate of joinder. Each governing body of each political subdivision shall publish a copy of the resolution or ordinance in the newspaper together with a notice for a public hearing on this matter. Section 15.1-1243 of the State Code mandates a 30-day public notice requirement. A joint notice and resolution was published on behalf of the City, County, and Town on October 28, 1991. The public hearing for the City of Roanoke was scheduled for Monday, December 2, 1991, at 2:00 o'clock; the public hearing for the Town of Vinton was scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 1991, at 7:00 o'clock; and the public hearing for Roanoke County was scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 1991, at 3:00 o'clock. The adoption of this resolution satisfies the legal requirements as specified in the State Code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the hearing for citizen comment or conclusion of the public hearing, of the attached resolution. Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Board hold the scheduled public this resolution, and at the favorably consider the adoption Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney e:\wp51\agenda\landfill\joinder.rpt 2 Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers Vote No Yes Abs AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY, AUTHORIZING THE JOINDER OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND THE TOWN OF VINTON TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ("County") has determined that it is in the best interests of the County to authorize the City of Roanoke ("City") and the Town of Vinton ("Town") to become members of the existing Roanoke County Resource Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 28, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, ("Act"); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held in accordance with the requirements of Sections 15.1-1243, 15.1-1248, end 15.1-1250.01 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Resource Authority has, by resolution, expressed its consent to the joining of these other political subdivisions to become members of the existing Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it hereby agrees to provide for the joinder of the City and the Town as members to the Roanoke County Resource Authority, and that the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke County Resource Authority specifies the number and term of office of members of the expanded Authority. 1 ~~~ 2. That the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke County Resource Authority are as follows: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the Town Council of the Town of Vinton, and the Council of the City of Roanoke have by concurrent resolution adopted the following amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Resource Authority of Virginia, pursuant to the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 28, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended) ("Act"): (1) The name of the Authority shall be the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority and the address of its principal office is 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798. (2) The names of the incorporating political subdivi- sions are the County of Roanoke, Virginia; the City of Roanoke, Virginia; and the Town of Vinton, Virginia. The County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, as the incorporating political subdivisions, hereby acknowledge, covenant, and agree that these Articles of Incorporation shall not be further amended or changed without the express agreement of each of the governing bodies of each of the incorporating political subdivisions. Neither of the following actions shall be taken or permitted to occur by the Authority without the consent of the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke as expressed by the affirma- tive vote of all City and County representatives on the Authority: 2 ~2,.~ l~ l (a) Any change in the terms or conditions of design or operation of the Transfer Station located in the City of Roanoke as set forth in the Solid Waste Transfer Facility Design Criteria, dated March 19, 1991, and the Solid Waste Transfer Facility Operating Criteria, dated May 21, 1991, as approved by the Roanoke City Planning Commission on June 5, 1991, and the Part A and Part B applications for the Transfer Station as approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any expansion or modification thereof or use by any persons or entities other than City, County, or Town; (b) Any change in the terms and conditions of the design or operation of the Landfill located in Roanoke County as set forth in the special use permit and the Landfill Permit Conditions and Operating Policies, Action 62789-10 and Resolution 62789-12, each dated June 27, 1989, and the Part A and Part B applications for the Landfill as approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Since the Landfill and Transfer Station are scarce and valuable resources, and because the incorporating political subdivisions have a common interest in insuring that the Landfill is utilized in the best possible and most efficient manner, the incorporating political subdivisions agree that Authority member- ship and operation and use and operation of the Transfer Station and Landfill shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement ("Use Agreement") dated October 23, 1991. 3 /2y'/- / (3) The names, addresses, and terms of office of the members of the Board of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") are as follows: 1. Gardner W. Smith P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/95 2. Diane D. Hyatt P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/94 3. John R. Hubbard P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/93 4. Mikeiel T. Wimmer 3878 Harborwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Term Expires: 12/31/93 5. Kit B. Kiser Room 354, Municipal Bldg. Roanoke, VA 24011 Term Expires: 12/31/94 6. Joel M. Schlanger Room 461, Municipal Bldg. Roanoke, VA 24011 Term Expires: 12/31/95 7. S. Bradley Corcoran P. O. Box 338 Vinton, VA 24179 Term Expires: 12/31/95 The terms of office of each of the members shall become effective on the date of issuance of a certificate of joinder for the Authority by the State Corporation Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-1248 of the Act. The governing body of each participating political subdivision shall appoint the number of members, who may be members of the governing body, set forth opposite its name below: County of Roanoke - four City of Roanoke - two 4 Town of Vinton - one `"'2 ~ `~ It being the intention of these Articles that the governing body of the County of Roanoke shall always appoint a majority of the members, whenever an additional political subdivi- sion shall join the Authority, such governing body shall be entitled to appoint one or more additional members in order to maintain such majority. Initially, the governing body of the County of Roanoke shall appoint one member for a four-year term, one member for a three-year term, and two members for a two-year term. Initially, the governing body of the City of Roanoke shall appoint one member for a four-year term and one member for a three-year term. Initially, the governing body of the Town of Vinton shall appoint one member for a four-year term. After the initial terms, each member shall be appointed for a four-year term or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any additional members appointed by the County of Roanoke to maintain its majority pursuant to the foregoing paragraph shall also be appointed for four-year terms. The governing body of each political subdivision shall be empowered to remove at any time, without cause, any member appointed by it and appoint a successor member to fill the unexpired portion of the removed member's term. Each member may be reimbursed by the Authority for the amount of actual expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties. 5 /.2.~/ -/ (4) The purpose for which the Authority is to be formed is to exercise all the powers granted to the Authority to acquire, finance, construct, operate, manage and maintain a garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities pursuant to the Act. For purposes of these Articles, and any contracts or documents entered into on behalf of Authority, "garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities" shall mean collection and disposal of garbage and refuse at and through a transfer facility owned and operated by the Authority and the associated landfill or disposal operations only. The Authority shall not be authorized to engage in or provide for individual residential or business collection activities or services. The Authority shall contract with the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke to furnish garbage and refuse collection and disposal services upon identical terms and conditions including the same schedule of service rates, fees and charges of all types which shall be uniformly applicable to both such political subdivisions. Subject to the terms of the Use Agreement, the Authority may contract with other political subdivisions to furnish garbage and trash disposal services upon such terms and conditions as the Authority shall determine. The Authority may contract to make host locality payments to Roanoke County and Roanoke City to compensate the County and City in consideration of location of facilities within their communities. It is not practicable to set forth herein information regarding preliminary estimates of capital 6 ~z.~~~1 costs, proposals for specific projects to be undertaken, or initial rates for the proposed projects. (5 ) The Authority shall serve the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton and, to the extent permitted by the Act and by the terms of these Articles and the Use Agreement, such other public or private entities as the Authority may determine upon the terms and conditions established pursuant to such contracts. (6) The Authority shall cause an annual audit of its books and records to be made by the State Auditor of Public Accounts or by an independent certified public accountant at the end of each fiscal year and a certified copy thereof to be filed promptly with the governing body of each of the incorporating political subdivisions. 3 . That the County hereby ratifies and confirms the findings made on June 14, 1989, as follows: (i) Privately-owned sanitary landfill services are not available in a reasonable and cost efficient manner, and (ii) Operation by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority of a sanitary landfill and any related facilities or the contract for such operation in spite of any potential anti-competitive effect is important to provide for the development and/or operation of a regional system of garbage and refuse collection and disposal for the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton and such other governmental units or private entities as the Authority may determine. 7 ~ z~ i 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. c:\~1\agenda\landfill~joinder.rso ACTION # ITEM NUMBER f ~ { ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Amendments to Special Exception Permit Conditions and Operating Policies for the Smith Gap Landfill COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : /Y~ ~~~~,~,,~,/G~/ .!Z~%+.e~J '~I~, BACKGROUND' In January 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors announced that a rail spur through Montgomery County was being considered for transporting solid waste to the new Smith Gap Landfill. Subsequent to the announcement, several community meetings were held to receive input from the citizens of the area. As a result of the meetings, two groups were formed. One, known as BRACE, was established to stop the landfill and the rail. A second group was formed to develop a set of protection policies to address the concerns of the residents if the rail spur was built. This group was named the Montgomery County Citizens Action Committee (MCCAC). The latter group was endorsed by the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors to work with Roanoke County. A similar approach to the Roanoke County Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee was taken to address the Montgomery County citizens' concerns. As a result of the efforts of the MCCAC, the staffs of Montgomery and Roanoke Counties and other interested parties, the proposed amendments to the existing permit conditions and operating policies were developed. On April 8, 1991, the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors reviewed and endorsed the amendments with minor modifications. On April 9, 1991, the amendments reflecting the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors actions were presented to the Roanoke County Resource Authority and unanimously endorsed. On April 17, 1991, the Roanoke County Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee reviewed and approved the amendments. On November 7, 1991, the Roanoke County Planning Commission approved the amendments with minor modifications. As you may recall during the adoption of the Landfill Permit Conditions and Operating Policies, citizens along Bradshaw Road and ~'~.. several Board members attempted to extend the protection provisions to those adjoining Bradshaw Road in the case that Bradshaw Road became the transportation route to the landfill. That amendment was defeated by vote of the Board. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At its meeting on November 19, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors received public comments on the proposed amendments. The major comment concerned the expansion of the "rail corridor" protection area to the whole rail spur valley. The current "rail corridor" covers 1,100 acres and 57 properties with assessed values of approximately $2 million. The protection area varies in widths from 700 feet to 5,000 feet. The corridor protection goes well beyond the protection limits provided to the residents of Roanoke County. The staff supports the work by the Montgomery County Citizens Action Committee and the rail corridor as specified. ALTERNATIVES AND FISCAL IMPACT: There is no County budget impact at this time. Alternatives available: (1) Board approve the amendments to the Landfill Permit Conditions and Operating Policies as presented and forward to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for approval under the member use agreement. (2) Board approve the amendments with changes as deemed appropriate and forward to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for approval under the member use agreement. (3) Board allow no amendments to the existing permit conditions and operating policies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve Alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ohn R. ubbard, .E. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant County Administrator County Administrator 2 ice., ~,~ Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers No Yes Abs ..6 s.s ~~.-mil/ ~-~.. PETITIONER: ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY CASE NUMBER 27-11/91 Planning Commission Hearing Date: November 7, 1991 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: November 19, 1991 A. REQUEST Petition of Roanoke County Resource Authority to amend the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the Smith Gap Landfill, located on 640.39 acres on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road, Catawba Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission requested that the landfill permit conditions and policies be revised to clarify grammer and other issues. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS See attached. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Ms. Chappelle moved to recommend approval of the petition as amended. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Massey, Chappelle, Witt, Robinson NAYS: None ABSENT: Gordon F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report _ Other ~.<% / -~7 Terrance H rington ecretary Roanoke ounty Pl g Commission ~~~ TO: Planning Commission FROM: Terry Harrington DATE: October 31, 1991 RE: Request of Roanoke County Resource Authority to Revise Permit Conditions and Operating Policies to Provide for the Hauling of Refuse by Rail; Smith Gap Landfill; Catawba Magisterial District. Background In 1989 the Board of Supervisors adopted the permit conditions and operating policies for the proposed Smith Gap Landfill. These conditions and policies were developed by the Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee, and were reviewed by the Commission prior to their adoption. At the time of their adoption, access to the proposed landfill was envisioned to be by way of a new access road through Smith Gap. The recent decision to transport all of the refuse to the landfill by rail has necessitated that the previously adopted conditions and policies be modified to reflect this option, and to extend to the residents within the proposed rail corridor the protections currently offered to property owners around the landfill site. You received the proposed modifications in your packet last month. A summary of these changes is presented below. PERMIT CONDITIONS I. Types of Waste The original intent was to separate debris and sanitary fill areas at the proposed landfill. Since that time it has been determined to be equally cost effective to intermingle these two types of waste. Areas will be set aside for "special wastes", so that their location can be known and monitored. (Pg. 1) II. Operating Hours Operating hours for the delivery of waste by rail have been added to the permit conditions. (Pg. 1) These hours reflect the 1 evening delivery of waste to the landfill. As an entire days refuse will be at the site when landfill crews arrive in the morning, evening operating hours have been cutback to S:OOpm Monday-Friday, and 3:30pm on Saturday Due to the rail access, there will be no residential drop off at the landfill. Thus, residential drop-off hours have been eliminated. (Pg. 2) This service will take place at the transfer station located in Roanoke. III. operating Controls The permit conditions are revised to indicate that residents in the rail corridor will be provided a telephone number to call to complain about noise, dust, odor, or pests. (Pg. 4) Iv. Environmental Monitoring A log will be kept of all complaints of residents and businesses in the landfill area and the rail corridor. (Pg. 4) v. Screening and Buffering The existing conditions contain numerous standards for screening and buffering at the landfill. The revised conditions reflect that it may not be possible to totally buffer the rail line from surrounding residents. The proposed conditions indicate that Norfolk Southern will attempt to negotiate buffering issues, where feasible, with property owners during purchase negotiations. (Pg. 6) vI. site security Provisions for security associated with the night time delivery of waste by rail have been included in the conditions. (Pg• ~) The conditions now include standards requiring that vehicle access points to the rail spur be properly gated, locked and posted with "No Trespassing" signs. Signs will also be posted along the rail spur. (Pg. 8) OPERATING POLICIES (Note: The operating policies, are policies of the Board, and are not conditions attached to the Special Exception Permit.) 2 I. Groundwater Protection ~~9~-.2 The proposed revisions to the operating policies guarantee owners along the rail corridor groundwater protections in the event of a derailment of waste, or if landfill contamination is detected in their wells. (Pg. il) II. Property Value Protection The property value protections offered to residents around the landfill have been extended to cover residents within the rail corridor. (Pg. 13) Moving expense provisions have been modified to reflect that some eligible residents may now reside and wish to reside within Montgomery County, and that payment for expenses shall be made within 60 days. (Pg. 14) III. Landfill Ownership The revisions clarify that the newly formed landfill agency (Roanoke Valley Resource authority) has full responsibility for construction and operation of the landfill, and transportation of the waste under the terms of the Norfolk Southern contract. (Pg. 15) IV. Landfill Operational Priorities Protecting the interests of the residents of the rail corridor has been added as an operational priority. (Pg. 16) V. Rail Access These provisions have been added to the operating policies to reflect the importance of providing safe and adequate rail access to the Smith Gap site. Many of these policies were discussed during the public hearings on choosing a method of transporting waste to the landfill. (Pgs. 17, 18) In summary these policies address: 1. Access control to and 2. Minimizing the number 3. Train speed. 4. Construction standards 5. Use of train whistles. 6. Timing of trains. 7. Restrictions on use of posting along the rail line. of trains per day. for grade crossings. rail spur to landfill. 3 ~z9i~ 8. Prohibition on use of herbicides to control ground cover. 9. Residents rights to repurchase their property at fair market value. VI. Hoat community improvement Fund This fund has been extended to cover the area within the proposed rail corridor. summary The primary purpose of the proposed modifications to the permit conditions and operating policies is to extend to the residents of the rail corridor the same protections now offered to residents of the landfill area. A secondary purpose is to modify the landfill and train operating hours to reflect the hauling of waste by rail. The proposed modifications are consistent with, and further extend, the work of the Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee which developed the original conditions and policies adopted by the Board. In this respect, the Planning Staff supports their adoption and recommends that the Commission favorably consider these modifications. 4 ~~ ~~ ~~ \J ~/ ) )~ R ' 1~~~ ~~~I1/('~ ,~!_~~ +~, ~I III ~1l ~~.~; ~ `~~ I 1 . ~ ~~ li~cl~+~ ~~' ~) ra . 1 / ~~~~• _ ~` r / fJ~ ' ..J l ~ ' • '~ . ~ ~ I ~ ~~ Ili ~ -•'~~• ' ~~ •'i jai ti~.~ 1•fl./~, ~ ~ ~ / _,4~.~~5 ~~1 ~~ - •' + ~ 1565 1 ' ,.r ~ ~ ~ , ~h.. I •. , ~T' 1y ~. t,~, ~ M , r ~ .1 'r ^ ~ 'I~ '~' 'v t I •r. '-',r~. :a..j-~ ' CIA 1 .~ .~ ' ~~'11 1 ~ ~:~ ( + ~.~ •;r~ \ ~I 1) ,/ + + I 1 ;rl ~ ~~,i ~~~ ~i ((~11 k4R~ ~ r 111~~ I~lulh~~ (~, ~p~ ~ ~ ~t~(~ ~r~~l~~~~l~ ~i ;. Rail Corridor Map 'r/ Rail Corridor •'.., ' ~''~•1 Preliminary Rail .~~ '-~" Spur Location ~~ ,~, ~a ~.. `,u ,t ' ( ,' .7v~ , i << ~ of ~~ ~ -~ .~.I ~~1a . . ~' ~ '~ >' )' ',,',' II ~~ ~)~I 1,'~) 4. '' . •~~~ •• 1 j~ ~ ~~~ 1) V .~ • II ~~ )I~ // , , 1 ._ 1 ' ~i i ,1 ~-- ~~ 1. 4 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ I:.~ ~` ~ r l e ~. ~ ~~ fir. 1 1 •. , • •;~ ; ~~ ',~1'~ ~~, ~. •~ D ~~i` '( ~ +~ 1,; • 'll ,, ~i, ~ y' ,• ~ 1 r •. ,+~~ .. -., ;11 IQrI _,r. L~~ ~~ ~ .~ 1 . r _ ~ 1 ~~ A _~.. U ~ r• ~,~ v ~` ~ .. ,,.. r '~ • 1 I' ~'II'1@ <<~:~ . :~' , ~• r\\soo _ •. i~~; ;1~` 1'~ ~ •'~• . 1j11 t •, • ~(1 ~ '~.~. y \ . ~I~III .~•~: .R ~ ~ QOM ~ .••Y . 1 'C~'~~ \ ~ `,. ~ ~ b `~ r'!~ .. j i /~~ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS ROANOKE COUNTY LANDFILL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND OPERATING POLICIES March 1991 ~.2~,~"-.~- TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENTS (Amendments have been made to the following sections only) Pacie Number Permit Conditions Types of Waste. 1 Operating Hours 1 Operating Controls. 2 Environmental Monitoring. 4 Screening and Buffering 5 Site Security 7 Fire Protection and Public Water. 9 Policies Groundwater Protection 10 Property Value Protection 13 Landfill Ownership. 15 Landfill Operational Priorities 16 Road Improvements and Access. 17 Rail Access 17 Host Community Improvement Fund 18 Rail Corridor Establishment 19 Miscellaneous 19 Roanoke County Resource Authority Actions P E R M I T C O N D I T I O N S TYPES OF WASTE In order to protect surrounding residents and prolong the life of the Landfill site, the following conditions are made concerning the types of waste that may be accepted. 1. No hazardous waste will be allowed at any time during the entire life of the Landfill. 2. . Wastes designated as 'special wastes" shall be disposed of in separate sections of the areas designated for sanitary wash ~3. Non-hazardous Incinerator Ash may be disposed of ~iA-c3 as a special waste in the new Landfill. rr-4. Only properly approved waste may be accepted, with the main objective always being to safely dispose of materials and prolong the useful life of the Landfill. OPERATING HOURS In consideration of the adjoining neighborhoods, it is recommended that the following operating limits be placed on the new facility: 1. Normal working hours shall be: Delivery of Waste by Authorized Vehicle Delivery of Waste by Rail Operation of all Equipment Monday-Friday Saturday 8:OOam-S:OOpm 8:OOam-3:30pm 7.•OOpm-12:OOpm 7.•OOpm-12:OOpm 8:OOam-8:OOpm 8:OOam-6:30pm 1 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT 2. Emergency operations shall allow for extended hours on all days and Sundays whenever an emergency has been duly declared by the Roanoke County Administrator. -Res~~rel~e~-- ~-:-3. Operating hours can only be changed by action of the Board of Supervisors, after public notice and hearing. OPERATING CONTROLS Effective control over potential Landfill pests and nuisances are of great concern to all residents surrounding the Landfill site. The following policies are designed to minimize such nuisances: 1. Noise a. Noise levels generated by the Landfill machinery and equipment may not exceed the following amounts: 80 db (decibels) - Landfill site borders 65 db (decibels) - Surrounding residences b. Landfill operations vehicles must be equipped with the best possible muffler or exhaust system available to minimize noise. 2. Dust a. Fugitive dust emissions will be monitored by an authorized agent of Roanoke County or by the Landfill Operators for compliance with state regulations. b. Problem areas arising during dry seasons will be controlled with water. c. Access roads should be cleaned and dust controlled with water if excessive amounts of dust are generated. 2 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT 3. 4. d. Any fill area of intermediate cover must be seeded in vegetative cover within 30 days of fill. Odor a. Odor problems will be minimized if the Landfill operation is conducted properly and active fill areas are covered daily. b. If problem odors exist that adversely impact surrounding residents, deodorizing agents will be used. c. All holding tanks for Leachate collection systems shall be in enclosed underground structures. Lights a. Sufficient lighting must be maintained at all times to facilitate normal operations and to provide adequate security over the Landfill site. b. Lighting must be directed inward to keep the main- body of light and glare off surrounding residents. c. Adjoining property owners will be consulted as to light placement, direction and height. d. Lighting shall be limited to fixtures attached to buildings as necessary for security and operations and freestanding poles of not more than 16 feet in height, and no lights shall exceed one footcandle of light measured at the base of the pole or structure. 5. Pests a. A bonded, licensed pest control company will be retained by the Landfill Agency throughout the active life of the Landfill to provide preventive inspections and treatments. b. Adjoining property owners who incur pest problems that are proven to be directly related to the Landfill operation must be provided proper extermination at the expense of the Landfill Agency. c. Breeding areas for flying insects must be treated as often as is necessary to prevent the breeding cycle. 3 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT 6. A telephone number will be provided for use of surrounding residents including those in the rail corridor to call in complaints about noise, dust, odor, or pests. These calls will be recorded and corrective actions documented. ACTIVE FILL AREAS The active areas of the landfill are regulated by the Virginia Department of Waste Management. Strict guidelines are specified in the regulations; however, the Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee feels that active areas shall be designed to allow for final cover as soon as possible. Fill areas should be designed as far as practical from adjoining properties to provide maximum buffering, and in no case should extend within 100 feet of the Landfill boundary line. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 1. The responsible Landfill Agency must have all landfill facilities inspected at least annually by a qualified independent contractor to determine compliance with all special exception permit conditions and all other landfill conditions. Any violations must be reported to the responsible Landfill Agency and shall be made public information and the Landfill Agency shall take whatever steps are necessary to immediately correct the violations. 2. The responsible Landfill Agency will be required to log all complaints from any adjoining residents or businesses of the landfill and rail corridor and all reasonable and legitimate complaints shall receive the proper attention and shall be corrected immediately. The complaint log shall be open to public inspection. 4 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT SCREENING AND BUFFERING Adequate screening and buffering is a paramount concern of the Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee. Effective screening and buffering can reduce or mitigate the adverse impacts of noise, dust and light from the landfill on adjoining properties, as well as improve the visual appearance of the landfill operation. In addition, landscaping of obtrusive buildings and active areas within the landfill can reduce the visual blight from improved properties which are above and overlook the landfill site. Finally, minimizing the size of active and disturbed areas and immediate seeding of these areas once activity ceases can further reduce this visual blight. To address these items, the following standards are recommended. Additional requirements may be formulated for site specific conditions upon review of the proposed landfill sites. Any modification shall be subject to such site specific circumstances, as determined by the Director of Planning. 1. The following buffer yard and plantings shall be established around the perimeter of the landfill property, except adjacent to an existing residential property or public or private right-of-way. Trees shall be planted in three separate rows or in clusters, where natural land characteristics allow within the buffer yard. - 50 foot buffer yard; - Three large deciduous trees with an ultimate height of 50 feet or greater per 100 linear feet of buffer yard; - Five large evergreen trees with an ultimate height of 50 feet or greater per 100 linear feet of buffer yard; and, - Seven small evergreen trees with an ultimate height of 15 feet or greater per 100 linear feet of buffer yard. 2. In areas adjacent to an existing residential property or public or private right-of-way, the following shall be established and maintained around the perimeter of the landfill property. Trees shall be planted in three separate rows or in clusters, where natural land characteristics allow within the buffer yard. - 100 foot buffer yard; - Six large deciduous trees with an ultimate height of 50 feet or greater per 100 linear feet of buffer yard; 5 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT ''° ., . - Ten large evergreen trees with an ultimate height of 50 feet or greater per 100 linear feet of buffer yard; and - Fifteen small evergreen trees with an ultimate height of 15 feet or greater per 100 linear feet of buffer yard. 3. The buffer yard may only be used for passive recreation, such as pedestrian, bike or equestrian trails provided that: - No plant material is eliminated; - The total width of the buffer is maintained; and, - All other requirements and conditions are met. 4. Buildings, active landfill areas, equipment storage areas and other facilities shall be landscaped in such a manner as to enhance (but not necessarily screen) the visual appearance from adjoining properties. 5. The administrative standards and procedures contained under Section 21-92 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance shall apply unless more restrictive or specific standards are required above. 6. The rail line may or may not be able to be totally buffered by natural topography or feasibly by normal screening methods. Where feasible, buffering will be negotiated with the property owner during purchase negotiations with Norfolk Southern. 6 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT /29f~2. SITE SECURITY In compliance with State regulations, the following suggestions are to make the landfill the most up to date facility. 1. All facilities shall be surrounded on all sides by natural barriers, fencing, or an equivalent means of controlling vehicles access and preventing illegal disposal. All access will be limited by gates, and such gates shall be securable and equipped with locks. a. All fencing utilized at the facility shall be adequate to control unauthorized access. b. Gates shall be at the main entrance as well as the entrance to additional service areas. 2. Access to a solid waste disposal facility (landfill) shall be permitted only when an attendant is on duty and only during daylight hours, unless otherwise specified in the facility permit, such as for rail delivery of wastes 3. Each solid waste disposal facility should be provided with an adequately lighted and heated shelter where operating personnel can exercise site control and have access to essential sanitation facilities. Lighting, heat and sanitation facilities may be provided by portable equipment as necessary. 7 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT a. Dusk to dawn lights to be placed around buildings and at each of the security gates. 4. All sanitary landfills will be equipped with permanent or mobile telephone or radio communications. a. The main security gate should be able to communicate with all necessary areas of the landfill. 5. The operator is responsible for safety hazards to operating personnel through an active safety program. a. Security rules and regulations shall be posted at each gate. b. Security guard or landfill personnel shall be on site 24 hours each day. ~, =~a-~a 6. All vehicle access points to the rail spur shall be properly gated with loch and shall be posted with "No Trespassing" signs. Signs will also be posted at intervals along the rail spur. 8 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT ;. FIRE PROTECTION AND PUBLIC WATER Fire protection for the site shall be provided on site with adequate storage, distribution, and hydrants to properly extinguish fires. The system shall be designed as a potable water system in conformance with the standards of Roanoke County. The system s~~ may be deeded to Roanoke County for ownership and operation. The system shall be designed to serve all on-site water needs as well as being capable of serving adjoining properties. Expansion of the water supply system, except when groundwater contamination has been documented, shall be prohibited without prior review for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. This review shall follow the requirements and criteria outlined in Section 15.1-456 of the Code of Virginia, and shall also apply to any proposal submitted under Section 15.1-475 (subdivision) and Section 15.1-491(h) Site Plan Review, of the Code of Virginia. SITE REJECTION The Special Exception Permit for a landfill shall become null and void upon official notification of the rejection of the site by the Department of Waste Management or the date Roanoke County selects not to submit a Part "B" application for the site. 9 PERMIT CONDITIONS AMENDMENT ~~ P O L I CIE S GROUNDWATER PROTECTION The single greatest concern of all residents surrounding a landfill site is the potential contamination of groundwater sources. Residents must be assured that the water supplies will be protected at all times. 1. The responsible Landfill Agency will take all necessary actions as required by state, federal or local laws or regulations, including permit conditions to protect the groundwater and water wells from contamination as a result of the landfill construction and operation. 2. If private groundwater sources are contaminated as a result of landfill leakage, construction, and/or operation, the responsible Landfill Agency will, at its expense, provide to each eligible resident or business a clean source of replacement water. a. The Landfill Agency may select any source of water they so desire but it must meet all applicable health standards. The newly established water system will be extended to each residence or business and connected at the Agency's expense within 120 days after the date the contamination is verified. All interior plumbing contaminated to the extent that it is rendered hazardous for continued use will be replaced at the Agency's expense. b. Eligible residents or businesses will receive free water up to 6,000 gallons per month for as long as they own and occupy the residence. All water usage over 6,000 gallons per month will be paid by the resident or business at the rates in effect at that time. Heirs of residents will qualify for free water under this provision. c. The Landfill Agency agrees to continue to provide water to subsequent owners of affected residences or businesses. However, these residents or businesses must pay the normal charge for water services being paid by other Roanoke County water users. 10 POLICIES AMENDMENT /,~. ,~ -, d. The Landfill Agency will provide water during the interim period between providing a new source and the well contamination. 3. This guarantee will remain in force for a period equal to the State and EPA required monitoring period after closure, but not less than 25 years. 4. To be eligible for groundwater protection, each surrounding property owner (within 1,000 feet of landfill property boundary) must sign an agreement and must agree to allow water samples to be taken and tested at the Landfill Agency's expense. All property owners in the rail corridor are eligible forgroundwater protection only after a derailment of waste along the spur line or if contamination from the landfill is detected from those wells being tested quarterly. The Resource Authority will remain responsible to the property owners during a derailment. However, Norfolk Southern may be ultimately responsible under the transportation contract. a. For all wells in existence before the opening of the landfill, the initial water sample must pass all health standards and must include the chemical and bacteria tests. b. All eligible residents or businesses must allow water samples to be taken on a quarterly basis for testing by the Landfill Agency. All testing is to be done at the Landfill Agency's expense. c. For all wells which pass the initial test, if subsequent tests show contamination, it will qualify under the terms of this agreement for guaranteed replacement, unless the Landfill Agency can prove that the source of the contamination is -not the landfill. d. For all wells that fail the initial test, the exact nature of the existing contamination must be recorded and sufficient additional tests taken to establish an accurate base-line of data against which to compare future tests. If future tests demonstrate a deterioration of water contamination the well will qualify under the terms of this agreement for guaranteed replacement. e. All new wells drilled (within 1,000 feet of the landfill property boundary) during the life of the landfill that pass an initial water sample test 11 POLICIES AMENDMENT ~.~.. i~/ --.~ (chemical and bacteria) will qualify for groundwater protection under the terms of this agreement. 5 . All surrounding property owners within 5, 000 feet of the landfill property boundary may elect to have their water tested at the Landfill Agency's expense. This will be a one-time only test prior to the opening of the landfill, and is to include chemical and bacteria analysis. 6. A Contingency Plan must be designed and approved, for providing potable water to surrounding residents covered under this agreement, prior to the opening of the landfill. 7. The Landfill Agency will escrow sufficient money from landfill tipping fees to guarantee fulfillment of this agreement. 12 POLICIES AMENDMENT /.2 / ~,, PROPERTY VALUE PROTECTION A second major concern of residents surrounding the landfill site is the potential devaluation of their property. This is particularly true since people's homes usually represent the majority of their assets. Residents must be assured that their property values will be protected. 1. The responsible Landfill Agency will take all necessary actions as required by federal, state or local laws or regulations, including landfill permit conditions, to insure residents surrounding the landfill site that their property values will not be adversely impacted by the landfill. 2. Any resident or business owning property within 5,000 feet of the landfill site border on the day the site receives approval of the Part "B" application and issuance of a permit by the Department of Waste .Management, and the site is selected for development by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, may be eligible for compensation if they can prove their property was devalued as a result of the landfill. Any resident or business owning property within the rail corridor on the day that construction begins on the rail spur may be eligible for compensation if they can prove their property was devalued as a result of the rail spur. 3. The resident must establish the value of the affected property just prior to the sale date (Appraised Value) by either obtaining an appraisal by a "Professionally Certified Appraiser" or by use of the current Roanoke County or Montgomery County tax assessments. Tax assessments must reflect 100$ of fair market value. The responsible Landfill Agency will pay 50~ of the cost of the initial appraisal up to a total of $150. Appraisals to be made as if landfill was not existing. 4. Any resident who sells their property for an amount (Sale Value) which is less than the Appraised Value determined under paragraph 3 will be eligible for compensation from the responsible Landfill Agency for the amount of this difference, subject to the following conditions: a. The responsible Landfill Agency must be given the "Rictht of First Refusal" to buy any property for which a bona fide offer to purchase has been received in an amount below the Appraised Value. 13 POLICIES AMENDMENT 12~/-..~ b. The responsible Landfill Agency must exercise their rights under paragraph 4a within 30 days of the date they are notified by the resident of a bona fide purchase offer. c. Appraisal shall take into account condition of property. 5. The foregoing agreement to compensate residents for loss in property values will only apply to properties sold before the termination date, which is defined as 5 years after the date the landfill is closed. Heirs of residents qualifying under paragraph 2 will be eligible for compensation under the terms of this agreement. 6. Any resident who is eligible for compensation for property devaluation under the foregoing terms of this agreement will also qualify for reimbursement of the following expenses: a. Residents or renters will receive reasonable Moving Expenses to move to a new location within eke 25 miles of existing residence. Moving expenses are .limited to the costs of transporting household goods. Requires three (3) written quotes approved by the Landfill Agency. Payments to be made within 60 days of approved expenses. b. Residents or renters will receive reimbursement for the Interest Differential between their existing mortgage loan and any new loan assumed on any replacement property within ~e-H~•••=es e= 25 miles of existing residence. This reimbursement will be defined as the present value of the remaining principal payments, discounted at the difference between the interest rates on the original loan and on the replacement loan. Payments to be made within 60 days of the new loan closing. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the resident to carry adequate property insurance to cover any loss hazards. In the event that a total loss does occur, the Landfill Agency will compensate the resident (who qualifies under the preceding terms of this agreement) for the difference between the Assessed Value and the Insurance Settlement. However, if the Insurance Settlement is for any amount less than the Sale Value, the amount of compensation will 14 POLICIES AMENDMENT be the difference between the Assessed Value and the Sale Value. For purposes of this provision, the Sale Value is understood to be the Replacement Value of the property on the date of the insurance loss. APPEALS In order to provide a timely and inexpensive method for parties that may be damaged by the landfill permit conditions and policies, any disagreement between a property owner and the responsible Landfill Agency concerning groundwater contamination or property value damage, the matter may be resolved through the provisions of the Uniform Arbitration Act, Article 2 of Title 8.01 of the Code of Virginia (Section 8.01-581.01 et sect). LANDFILL OWNERSHIP The citizens of Roanoke County feel strongly that the landfill operator needs to be responsive and accountable for properly operating, maintaining, and adhering to the conditions placed on the permit. The Landfill Agency shall remain in full control and accountable for the construction and operation of the landfill. And will be accountable for the proper transportation of waste under the Norfolk Southern transportation contract. 15 POLICIES AMENDMENT LANDFILL USERS The responsible Landfill Agency shall limit users of the Regional Landfill to qualifying residents and businesses of Roanoke County, Roanoke City, Salem and Vinton. Private haulers will be allowed to use the landfill only if the refuse that is submitted originates from one of the municipalities previously mentioned and if they have applied for and obtained a dump permit from the Landfill Operator. Surrounding counties and municipalities who elected not to participate in the Regional Landfill on the date Part "A" application was made to the Virginia Department of Waste Management (VDWM) will not be allowed to use the landfill. LANDFILL OPERATIONAL PRIORITIES Siting and permitting a new landfill under current VDWM regulations is extremely complex and difficult. This is true for technical reasons but also due to the adverse impact on surrounding residents. The Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee feels that the following priorities must be used to guide the Landfill Operator and Board in making all future policy determinations. These are listed in priority order below: 1. Protection of the environment of the Roanoke Valley Service Area. 2. Protection or extension of the useful life of the landfill. 3. Protection of the interests of the residents of the landfill host community. 4. Protection of the interests of the residents of the rail corridor. ~5. Minimization of landfill operating costs. rr.-6. Minimization of landfill tipping fees. 16 POLICIES AMENDMENT ,~.. '~'~ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AND ACCESS r, ~ a. ~. ~ w G ez6~1- I ~9 +-L z~-i aTrazTrr~y-~ i > >,, a. a. a i... _ ~. t.... .. ~ .. a... "7:~ivwi iu v ~ M^a .. s ~-TITG""'~R7Tm~e ~~c e'L"'-R SG'~~~P'"1 LTl I RAIL ACCESS A Safe and adequate rail spur to the landfill is a great concern of the residents of the rail corridor. Properly constructed and maintained rail lines are critical in protection and safety of the adjoining neighborhoods. The following conditions are an attempt to address these issues: 1. Adequate access controls and proper posting of the rail spur shall be provided. 2. The number of train runs per day will be kept to a minimum. 17 POLICIES AMENDMENT /,~, / - ,: 3. Train speed shall not exceed 25 miles per hour along the rail spur. 4. Grade crossings should be of asphalt or other surfacing material other than grave S. Train whistles should be kept to a minimum and only when necessary. 6. Train runs should be as early as possible considering timing scheduling traffic and operating controls. 7. Spur line shall be for landfill traffic only. 8. Ground cover and weeds shall not be controlled by use of toxic herbicides 9. If, after purchase of property for the rail spur, the Landfill Agency or railroad determines that the rail will not be used to transport waste to the land fill the property owners will have the right to repurchase their property at the fair market value. HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION The landfill presently being sited in Roanoke County is strictly for sanitary municipal solid waste. Since no hazardous waste will be allowed, it is important for the Regional Landfill service area to provide a means of disposing of hazardous waste. The responsible Landfill Agency or Board will develop and make public information for the proper disposal of hazardous waste. HOST COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT FUND A Host Community Improvement Fund will be established through donations from the Landfill Agency for the purpose of public improvements to for the Host Community. The Host Community is defined as the area within 5, 000 feet of the landfill along with the rail corridor. Donations will be made annually in amounts of $10, 000; however, the fund shall never exceed $150,000. The fund shall be utilized for the construction and maintenance of public improvements to Landfill Agency property approved by the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission. A Public Improvement Plan 18 POLICIES AMENDMENT shall be developed by Landfill Agency with assistance from the residents of the Host Community for the expenditure of the fund. RAIL CORRIDOR ESTABLISHMENT The rail corridor has been established to identify the area adjacent to the rail spur that may be influenced by the transportation of waste and the construction of the new line. Each property owner will be adequately and fairly compensated for any land acquired for the constncction of the rail line and any residue damage, if any. Those other adjoining properties may experience some effects associated with the transportation waste along the rail spur as those adjoining properties of the landfill and, therefore, should be afforded similar protection. The rail corridor has been established and limited to those properties that adjoin the rail spur property and those properties between the rail spur and State Routes 603, 629, and 622 north of existing N&W tracks as shown on the "Rail Corridor" map. MISCELLANEOUS The railroad's responsiveness to complaints and claims is of great concern of the rail corridor residents. The Landfill Agency will make all efforts to assist the residents in satisfying their concerns and obtaining quick response and resolve from the railroad Reimbursements for legitimate livestock claims will be resolved and paid within 60 days. 19 POLICIES AMENDMENT AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 RESOLUTION GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND AMENDING CONDITIONS AND OPERATING POLICIES TO THE ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY FOR THE SMITH GAP SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, LOCATED IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 7, 1991; and WHEREAS, the the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a public hearing on this matter on November 19, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of amendments to the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the solid waste disposal facility at the Smith Gap site is substatially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That this action is taken upon the petition of the Roanoke County Resource Authority. 3. That this action amends the Resolution 62789-12 of this Board adopted on June 27, 1989. 4. That the Board hereby grants a Special Exception Permit to the Roanoke County Resource Authority (and upon its creation and 1 ~. ~/~ °` approval by the State Corporation Commission, its successor, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority) to publicly own and operate a solid waste disposal facility on what is known as the "Smith Gap Site" located on 640.39 acres on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road in the Catawba Magisterial District, subject to the amended landfill permit conditions and operating policies, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 5. That the Board acknowledges, to the extent permitted by law, that the Authority has a non-binding moral obligation to pay such amounts as may be needed to address the adopted operating policies, including property value protection, and that such payment is subject to future appropriations. Nothing in the approved operating policies shall be deemed to constitute the creation of a debt, the lending of the credit, nor a pledge of the credit of the County under the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, nor shall any provision thereof give any person any legal right to enforce the terms thereof against the County or the Authority. 6. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, repealed. c:\wp5 ]\agenda\landfill\spuseper.res 2 --~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 RESOLUTION 12391-7 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND AMENDING CONDITIONS AND OPERATING POLICIES TO THE ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY FOR THE SMITH GAP SOLID TASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, LOCATED IN THE CATATBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 7, 1991; and WHEREAS, the the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a public hearing on this matter on November 19, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of amendments to the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the solid waste disposal facility at the Smith Gap site is substatially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That this action is taken upon the petition of the Roanoke County Resource Authority. 3. That this action amends the Resolution 62789-12 of this Board adopted on June 27, 1989. 4. That the Board hereby grants a Special Exception Permit to the Roanoke County Resource Authority (and upon its creation and 1 approval by the State Corporation Commission, its successor, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority) to publicly own and operate a solid waste disposal facility on what is known as the "Smith Gap Site" located on 640.39 acres on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road in the Catawba Magisterial District, subject to the amended landfill permit conditions and operating policies, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 5. That the Board acknowledges, to the extent permitted by law, that the Authority has a non-binding moral obligation to pay such amounts as may be needed to address the adopted operating policies, including property value protection, and that such payment is subject to future appropriations. Nothing in the approved operating policies shall be deemed to constitute the creation of a debt, the lending of the credit, nor a pledge of the credit of the County under the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, nor shall any provision thereof give any person any legal right to enforce the terms thereof against the County or the Authority. 6. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt the ordinance amending the corridor to provide protection to 1800 feet contiguous to rail line with protection extending only to current residents and 2 existing improvements and provided that further constuction is exempt from protection, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy A COPY TESTE: Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning 3 Ilfllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllll AGENDA ITEM NO. ~a 9~_ ~- APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT:~~I~ ~~L~.~Lt~~ ~ ~ -' ,L~E~/ ~ ~I~u"h~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must 6e directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ,~ ADDRESS .~ y PHONE L= Lf.~r ~C~~ u ~11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iii~iitiii~ii~~ii~iiiii~i~i~ii~iit~~~~iii~~~i~i~~ii~~iii~~i~iiiii~~i~~~~tiiiii ~a g~_ a AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR ,PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: eU~sirrn ~~~ ~,'~/-~~.~-i~r i.>~t~-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WIN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR TIC RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ,. `~ ADDRESS ~ ~~, ~/,~~~, ,~~-~f .~d L ~J, s~~-„ ,,,,I,~,~. ,~ ~~:~ ~ PHONE /~~ ~~ ~~,1- .~ ~ ~ ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~i ~ ~ 4 ABSTAIN VOTE CORRECTED ON 1/27/92 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 ORDINANCE 12391-5 AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS BETWEEN CWY, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF BERRLEY COURT SUBDIVISION, AND THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, IN CONNECTION WITH VINYARD PARR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, containing 41.297 acres, which is used for park and recreational purposes and is commonly known as Vinyard Park; and, WHEREAS, CWY, INC., a Virginia corporation, is currently developing an adjoining parcel of land known as Berkley Court Subdivision in the Town of Vinton; and, WHEREAS, CWY, INC., needs to acquire a 15' sanitary sewer easement and a 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the Vinyard Park property; and, WHEREAS, the proposed easements do not conflict with the present or proposed County use of Vinyard Park, but the County does need an access easement for entering and maintaining Vinyard Park; and, WHEREAS, acquisition of an acceptable access easement for Vinyard Park constitutes a fair consideration for the conveyance of the sanitary sewer and drainage easements to CWY, INC.; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the exchange of said interests in real estate was held on November 19, 1991; and a second reading was held on December 3, 1991. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject easement areas do not conflict with other public uses and will ultimately serve a public purpose, and are hereby declared to be surplus; and, 2. That conveyance to CWY, INC., of the 15' sanitary sewer easement and the 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the Vinyard Park property, located in the Town of Vinton, as shown upon the Easement Plat dated October 3, 1991, made by Balzer and Associates, Inc., attached hereto, is hereby authorized. 3. That the consideration for said easements shall be conveyance to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County of an acceptable 15' access easement for ingress and egress to and from Vinyard Park, the acceptance of which is hereby authorized upon concurrence of the Board of Supervisors by resolution; and, 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as may be necessary to accomplish the exchange, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Steve Carpenter, Director, Parks & Recreation . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 ORDINANCE 12391-5 AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS BETWEEN CWY, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF BERRLEY COURT SUBDIVISION, AND THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, IN CONNECTION WITH VINYARD PARR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, containing 41.297 acres, which is used for park and recreational purposes and is commonly known as Vinyard Park; and, WHEREAS, CWY, INC., a Virginia corporation, is currently developing an adjoining parcel of land known as Berkley Court Subdivision in the Town of Vinton; and, WHEREAS, CWY, INC., needs to acquire a 15' sanitary sewer easement and a 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the Vinyard Park property; and, WHEREAS, the proposed easements do not conflict with the present or proposed County use of Vinyard Park, but the County does need an access easement for entering and maintaining Vinyard Park; and, WHEREAS, acquisition of an acceptable access easement for Vinyard Park constitutes a fair consideration for the conveyance of the sanitary sewer and drainage easements to CWY, INC.; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the exchange of said interests in real estate was held on November 19, 1991; and a second reading was held on December 3, 1991. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject easement areas do not conflict with other public uses and will ultimately serve a public purpose, and are hereby declared to be surplus; and, 2. That conveyance to CWY, INC., of the 15' sanitary sewer easement and the 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the Vinyard Park property, located in the Town of Vinton, as shown upon the Easement Plat dated October 3, 1991, made by Balzer and Associates, Inc., attached hereto, is hereby authorized. 3. That the consideration for said easements shall be conveyance to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County of an acceptable 15' access easement for ingress and egress to and from Vinyard Park, the acceptance of which is hereby authorized upon concurrence of the Board of Supervisors by resolution; and, 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as may be necessary to accomplish the exchange, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Steve Carpenter, Director, Parks & Recreation ~~ THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1991, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (the "County") and VALLEY SOCCER CLUB, (the "Tenant"), an unincorporated Virginia association (or its successor corporation organized and incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia). WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. That the County hereby leases to the Tenant real estate located at 6661 Merriman Road described as a portion'of Roanoke County Tax Map No. 97.01-2-13 and including 14.51 acres (said property being more specifically identified and described on the attached plat, which is identified as Exhibit "A"); and 2. That the Tenant shall pay as rent the sum of One Dollar per year due and payable on the first day of the calendar year. The Tenant shall construct at its expense at least three regulation youth outdoor soccer fields on this property subject to prior review and approval by the County. Prior to commencing any construction on the property, the Tenant shall comply with all County regulations and ordinances and secure all necessary permits. The Tenant shall submit a site plan to the County for its review and approval showing existing and future development plans. 3. That the term of this lease shall commence as of the date of this lease agreement and shall exist and continue until December 31, 2011. Thereafter, this lease shall continue on a year-to-year basis until one of the parties shall have given to the other party six (6) months written notice of the termination of this lease. 4. It is expressly understood that the leased premises shall be used during the term of the lease for recreational purposes, namely for soccer and related activities. The Tenant may construct a concession stand or similar facility; however, this facility is subject to County review and approval. The Tenant shall have exclusive use of the premises, however, the Roanoke County Parks and Recreation Department shall be permitted to utilize the premises for its programs 1 at no charge when not in conflict with the Tenant's activities, or normal maintenance requirements. 5. During the term of this lease, the Tenant shall provide and pay for all lights, heat, water, sewer charges, and any other utility charges upon the leased premises, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. It is understood that the Tenant accepts the leased premises in their current physical condition. The Tenant shall maintain the premises and fixtures therein located, and upon the termination of the lease, shall surrender the premises and fixtures in as good a condition as at the commencement of the lease, subject to normal wear and tear. The Tenant shall be responsible for regular maintenance and repair of the premises, including compliance with the written County maintenance standards ("Roanoke County Landscape Management System") and compliance with the Roanoke County ordinance regulating conduct in County parks, Chapter 15, Roanoke County Code. 6. The Tenant may, upon approval by the County, during the term of this lease construct facilities, buildings, structures, etc. upon the premises but it is agreed that all such construction and subsequent alterations and additions shall be and become a permanent part of the real estate and as such the property of the County upon termination of the lease. Upon termination of this lease, all improvements erected thereon shall revert to the County and shall be free from any encumbrance at the time of such reversion. The Tenant may not have attached any lien against the improvements which is contrary to Section 15.1-261.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The provisions of this lease shall be subject to Sections 15.1-260 and 15.1-261.1 of the State Code. The County warrants that there has been full compliance with the requirements of Section 18.04 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke. 7. The Tenant shall be responsible for securing and maintaining insurance coverage for their contents and any personal property and public liability insurance in an amount not less than $100,000.00, said insurance policy showing the County as additional insured. The Tenant shall be liable for any injury to or death of person or persons and for any loss of or damage to property of any kind, whether belonging to the County or the public, caused by the negligent acts or omissions of its agencies, employees, or invitees, or 2 caused by the Tenant's failure to perform property maintenance, repairs, and replacements required to be performed by it under this lease. The Tenant shall indemnify and save the County harmless against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, costs, and expenses which may be sustained by the County by reason of any of the causes set forth herein. The County shall be liable for any injury to or death of any persons and for any loss of or damage to property caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the County's agents, employees, or invitees. 8. This lease shall not be assigned nor sublet without the prior written consent of the County. 9. Any notice required or perm~~tted by this lease to be given by either party to the other may be either personally delivered or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, deposited and properly addressed in the U. S. Post Office, the date of such deposit being taken as the date of giving such notice. Ai notices required by this lease, unless otherwise designated in writing, shall be given to Valley Soccer Club, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, VA 24018-0798. 10. If the Tenant shall file a petition in voluntary bankruptcy or be adjudged bankrupt in involuntary proceedings, or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or like arrangements or composition, or file a petition in the federal court for reorganization, or otherwise seek relief pursuant to the provisions of any state or federal insolvency or bankruptcy laws, or be placed in the hands of a receiver or trustee, then the County may, at its election, terminate this lease by written notice seeking relief; provided, however, if the order of any court creating such disability shall not be final by reason of the pendency of the proceedings, or appeal from such order, then the County may not have such right of termination as long as the Tenant perform their obligations under this lease. 11. If the Tenant shall fail to pay any rent to the County when such rent is due and payable under the terms of this lease, and such default shall continue for a period of twenty (20) days after written notice thereof has been given to the Tenant by the County, of if the Tenant shall fail to perform any other duty or obligation imposed upon them by 3 the terms of this lease, and such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice of such default has been given to the Tenant by the County, or if the Tenant shall be adjudged bankrupt, or make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver of any property of the Tenant in or upon the demised premises be appointed in any action, suit, or proceeding by or against the Tenant and such appointment shall not be vacated or annulled within sixty (60) days, or if the interest of the Tenant in the demised premises shall be sold under execution or other legal process, then and in any such event, the County shall have, in addition to any other rights and remedies to which it may be entitled, the right to enter upon the demised premises and again have, repossess and enjoy the same as if this lease had not been made, and thereupon this lease shall terminate without prejudice, however, to the right of the County to recover from the Tenant all rent due under this lease. In the event of any such default and re-entry, the County shall have the right at its election to relet the demised premises for the remainder of the existing term whether such term be the initial term or any renewed or extended term, for the highest rent then obtainable, this lease and the rent obtained through such reletting less the costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the County in such reletting. 12. This lease represents the entire understanding between the parties and there are no collateral or oral agreements or understandings and this lease shall not be modified unless in writing of equal dignity signed by both parties. 13. It is agreed that all of the terms and conditions of this i~ease are binding upon the parties hereto, their administrators, heirs, and assigns unless otherwise specified herein. 14. This lease is executed by the County Administrator of Roanoke County by authority of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Ordinance No. adopted by the Board. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VA By Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 4 VALLEY SOCCER CLUB State of Virginia, County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1991, by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Notary Public My commission expires: State of Virginia, County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1991, by on bei~alf of the Valley Soccer Club. Notary Public My commission expires: e:\wps 1~ceatescVeere\va~ky 5 -~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS BETWEEN CWY, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF BERKLEY COURT SUBDIVISION, AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, IN CONNECTION WITH VINYARD PARK COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~`,~~,~ ~ ~„~»~. EXECUTIVE SUNII~iARY This is the second reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize conveyance of a perpetual easement, fifteen feet (15') in width, for sanitary sewer purposes, and a perpetual easement, twenty feet (20') in width, for drainage purposes, to CWY, INC., the developer of Berkley Court Subdivision, in exchange for a perpetual access easement, fifteen in width, to the County of Roanoke for Vinyard Park. BACKGROUND' By deed of gift, dated December 27, 1984, and corrected deed of gift dated January 17, 1985, Walter Darnall Vinyard and Claiborne Wood Vinyard conveyed unto the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, a certain tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, containing 41.297 acres, for park and recreational purposes. This property is commonly known as Vinyard Park. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CWY, INC., a Virginia corporation, is currently developing Berkley Court Subdivision in the Town of Vinton. As part of the development plan for the subdivision, CWY, INC., needs to acquire a 15' sanitary sewer easement and a 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the above-referenced property, which lies in the Town of Vinton and is owned by the County of Roanoke. A copy of the plat showing the location of these proposed easements is attached. The preliminary development plans have been reviewed and approved by the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The proposed easements have been reviewed by the Department of Parks and Recreation, and they do not conflict with present or proposed County use of Vinyard Park. ~/- y The development of Berkley Court Subdivision will, however, eliminate access which has previously been used by Roanoke County for entering and maintaining Vinyard Park. An alternate access, over and across a granted easement for ingress and egress, in such location as is satisfactory with the County Department of Engineering and Inspections and Department of Parks and Recreation, would be acceptable and would constitute fair consideration for the easements to CWY, Inc.. FISCAL IMPACTS• No monetary consideration has been offered to the County of Roanoke by the developer. ALTERNATIVES• (1) Authorize the County Administrator to execute a deed for conveyance, without consideration due to the ultimate public benefit, of the above-described easements to CWY, INC. (2) Authorize the County Administrator to sell the easements to CWY, INC., for consideration equal to forty percent (40~) of the tax assessed value of the easement area, which consideration would be in accordance with the guidelines followed by County Staff in acquiring easements. (3) Decline to authorize conveyance of the easements. (4) Authorize the County Administrator to execute a deed for conveyance of the above-described easements to CWY, INC., in exchange for conveyance of an acceptable 15' access easement to the County of Roanoke for ingress and egress to and from Vinyard Park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the proposed Ordinance in accordance with Alternative #4 above. Resp ctfully submitted, 'c 'e L. f n Assistant County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers c:\wp51 \agenda\realest\cwy. rpt t ~~ ~h ~ ~ , h° r~ , 1~, E'• ~ Q ~. GPL h /` . I I ~ of f--/- f h~ ~M. ~v. //-y-z~l • N /F .~~ l~o,gRD OF ~Q•l~ I SC!!-DERV/5085 pI ,~, a ~/ ti 1 S58°59%3"W oLE I~ ~/ 29.5/' ~/2/' ~ 75• ~ /S.S~ I fp,rG4N0 AVE. 03%r /2' ALLEY I I I f.. + ; • ..~ ' I I I , ~-- 65! So'~ ~ _ o3• - ~ 8a I ' ' I ARo _ . \ I / r ~ S S~c-~S -C _~ CcEArUS 13FrXN£R ,CANT/Erg BfcXN6Q I BERX~~ y CT ~ D.lj.55/, PG. 309 ~ I . Q :~ I i • .. . I ,... ~ ( W/LL/AM P. y~Ny,4RD l o i p• 4• /G z7, I PG. 380 I I ICI ~ ,E~ M o r ~~~" T ~ gel ~Fo x L N o I ~ L~~ 7 1 EASEMENT PLAT FOR 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT' ACROSS THE PROPERTY OF ROANOKE OOUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF VIN'InN, VIRGINIA OCInBh'R 3, 1991 JOB NUMBER 91097 ~~'~~ °~ ~` •~°~ ~~,~ ~~Ronaki R. Clark _ No. 1745 • PLANNERS • ARCHITECTS• ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS• ___ _______.._.. .._..,.... nr~er.,nvc VTD!`TNTA.7~7-QSTt~ ~` ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1991 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTB BETWEEN CWY, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF BERRLEY COURT BUBDIVISION, AND THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, IN CONNECTION WITH VINYARD PARR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, containing 41.297 acres, which is used for park and recreational purposes and is commonly known as Vinyard Park; and, WHEREAS, CWY, INC., a Virginia corporation, is currently developing an adjoining parcel of land known as Berkley Court Subdivision in the Town of Vinton; and, WHEREAS, CWY, INC., needs to acquire a 15' sanitary sewer easement and a 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the Vinyard Park property; and, WHEREAS, the proposed easements do not conflict with the present or proposed County use of Vinyard Park, but the County does need an access easement for entering and maintaining Vinyard Park; and, WHEREAS, acquisition of an acceptable access easement for Vinyard Park constitutes a fair consideration for the conveyance of the sanitary sewer and drainage easements to CWY, INC.; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the exchange of said interests in real estate was held on November 19, 1991; and a second reading was held on December 3, 1991. ~-1- ~- THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject easement areas do not conflict with other public uses and will ultimately serve a public purpose, and are hereby declared to be surplus; and, 2. That conveyance to CWY, INC., of the 15' sanitary sewer easement and the 20' drainage easement upon, over, under, and across a portion of the Vinyard Park property, located in the Town of Vinton, as shown upon the Easement Plat dated October 3, 1991, made by Balzer and Associates, Inc., attached hereto, is hereby authorized. 3. That the consideration for said easements shall be conveyance to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County of an acceptable 15' access easement for ingress and egress to and from Vinyard Park, the acceptance of which is hereby authorized upon approval by the County Administrator; and, 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as may be necessary to accomplish the exchange, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. c:\wp51\agenda\reales[\cwy.ord ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BORER COUNTY UADMINISTRp,TION C LATER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOR 1991 MEETING DATE: December 3, Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUB~CT_ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1, Grievance Panel 1991. Three-year term of alternateaseairegularemember ofttherpanel. Mr. Hill has been appointed 2 Library Board ant, Catawba Magisterial District and Four-year terms of Jane Bry Dr. Paul M. Zeis, Windsor Hills Magisterial District will expire December 31, 1991. 3. Social Services Board 1, Four-year term of William r edBtwo terms and isxnoteel g ble for 1992. Mr. Broderick has se reappointment. APPROVED BY: SUBMITTED BY : ~ /~ Elmer C. Hodge Mary H. Allen _--- County Administrator Clerk to the Board ----- ---- ________--- ------- -- _ -------------- VOTE _ --- ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McGraw Referred ( ) Nickens To ( ) Robers ~~r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE pp,OIdORE OCOUNTY RADMINISTRATION OCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RDECEMBER 3, 1991 ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION 123_91-8 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTHA OE R THISO DATE DESIGNATEDOAS AGEND ITEM R - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for December 3, 1991, designated as Item R - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 3, inclusive, as follows: 1, Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Court Corrections Policy Board, Mental Health Community Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Direc ors, and Planning Commission. 2, Request for accept Into the Virgini t Department Valleypointe Parkway g stem. of Transportation Secondary Y tance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities serving 3, Accep Elm Park Estates) Roanoke Retirement Community 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve the resolution, the following recorded vote: and carried by AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A en, Clerk Board of Supervisors Roanoke County cc: File En ineering & Inspections Arnold Covey, Director, Utility Clifford Craig, Director, ACTION NO. A-12391-8•a ... ITEM NUMBER ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD LINTY ADMINISTRATION C NTER AT A REG COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE CO December 3, 1991 MEETING DATE: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Corrections Policy Board, AGENDA ITEM: Court Community Mental Health Serv nd planning Comm ssionley Board of Directors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION' 1991 nominations were made at the November 19, The following meeting, and are offered for confirmation. Court Commune ~~~------ C, Nickens to another Supervisor Eddy nominated Supervisor Harry 1994. three-year term which will expire December 31,~ _r.a .~,f ni rectors Supervisorwhich will expire De ember year term Plannin Commission Supervisor Robers ire December 31a term which will exp Gliniecki to another three- 31, 1994. R, Witt to another four-year 1995. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ecommended that the above nominations be confirmed by the It is r Board of Supervisors. Approved by: Respectfully Submitted by: m ~~ Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~-j ------------------------------------ VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs nr.h T ~Qhn cnTl Approved (x) Motion by: Eddy x Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred ( ) Nickens x To ( ) Robers x cc: File Court CommunhtServiceslofsthelRoanokerValley Board of Directors FilE Mental Healt Planning Commission File CORRECTED ON 1/16/92, pARp,GRAPH 2, 100 FT RIGHT-OF-WAY REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD ~ANOSRE ECOUNTY ADMINISATRATION AT A gELD AT THE R COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DECEMBER 3, 1991 CENTER ON TUESDAYr RESOLUTION 12391-8.b gEQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF THE EXTENSION OF VALLEYPOINTE PARKWAY INTO TH8 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRp,NgpORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, BE IT Virginia, as follows: on the 1, That this matter came this day to be heard up ointe ceedings herein, and upon the application of Valleyp pro om its intersection with Concourse Drive to its Parkway fr 'on with Wood Haven Road, for a distance of 0.17 miles to intersects d and made a part of the Secondary System of State be accepte wa s under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. High Y e easements and 2, That it appears to the Board that drainag dred (100) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore a one hun certain map\maps known as been dedicated by virtue of a Page 79, of Valleypointe which map was recorded in Plat Book 13, s of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke the record reason of the County, Virginia, on April 11, 1991 and that by nor cordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, re abutting property consent or donation of right-of-way from the is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said drainage owners for streets. easements and a one hundred (100) foot right-of-waY ointe Parkway and which 3, That said road known as Valleyp and own on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, is sh me is hereby established as a public road to become a par the sa ~ i only of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, om and after notification of official acceptance of said street fr artment of Transportation. or highway by the Virginia Dep On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~ ~ Q-~_-~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File & Inspections Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering Engineering, and George Simpson, Assistaa~tmentcofrTransportation copy for Virginia Dep that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of I hereby certify esting the acceptance of the extension of Resolution 12391-8•b into the Virginia Department of Transportation Valleypointe Parkway the Roanoke County Board of Secondary Road System adopted by 1991. Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote on December 3, ~• Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors r ~.. ~.. AT A REGULAR MEETING HE D HAT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1991 CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, RESOLUTION 12391-8.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF THE EXTENSION OF VALLEYPOINTE PARKWAY INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That this matter came this day to be heard upon the lication of Valleypointe proceedings herein, and upon the app Parkway from its intersection with Concourse Drive to its intersection with Wood Haven Road, for a distance of 0.17 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Valleypointe which map was recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 79, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 11, 1991 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for streets. 3. That said road known as Valleypointe Parkway and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only m and after notification of official acceptance of said street fro inia Department of Transportation. or highway by the Virg On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw AYES: NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~ ~ . Mary H. llen, Clerk Board of Supervisors Roanoke County cc: File & Inspections Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering Engineering, and George Simpson, Assistant Director, copy for Virginia Department of Transportation ITEM NUMBER ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 of the Extension of Valleypointe Parkway into Acceptance ortation Secondary System. SUB--JE-C-. T' • artment of Transp the Virginia Dep ~/~~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: the developer of Development Corporation, rove a Lingerfelt the Board of Supervisors app requests that ortation requesting Valleypointe, inia Department of Transp from its of Valleypointe Parkway- resolution to thet V~r17 miles Concourse Drive to its intersection with Woo that they accep intersection with Haven Road. with representatives The staff has inspected this road along e artment of Transportation and find the road is of the Virginia D p acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: rove a resolutiointe The staff recomme~heythat the Boar ap accept the Extension of Valleyp VDOT requesting tha stem. Parkway into the Secondary Road Sy APPROVED: MITTED BY: L~~Y"'... ~'" I/~ Elmer C. Hodge no d Covey, Director County Administrator & Inspe tions of Engineering ------------------------ ---------- --- ------ VOTNo pbs ------------------ ACTION yes Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy - Johnson Denied ( ) McGraw Received ( ) Nickens - Referred Robers to ~~' ~, ~ ~ i~ wti ~~ /~ _ ; ~ <°.~e~~"~"'b C,~-Jv~•'o Rid ?°~~ ~ 8~ f~ ~ ~'/. r [ of gif S ~~ p ~, !f „~ 9o do x"- s: o° Sri ~~~ . ° ~' ~~~ /` c~~', ~ -l t~ ~ ~ ~EM~t~Yy~. PnQ, ~~j -~ ro q ~O ~Y ~~ i ~' t-. ~Ol 'F 'F', ' w .~ 5~~ t~ _` .ate ' , ~~~ P ~ ~ °~ ~ VICINITY 1KA1~~ - _+ •"` - 90 ~ ~ ._ .. PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1, Valleypointe Parkway, from its intersection with Concourse Drive t its intersection with Wood Haven Road. LENGTH : (1) 0 ~ 5 0 FEF RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 36 FED ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 24 FE] SURFACE WIDTH: (1) SERVICE: (1) N/A ~~ . .- . NORTS -_ 6Z~ P~ ACCEPTANCE OF THVIRGINIAIDEPARTMENT LOFPOINTE BNGIN$BRING PARKWAY INTO THE TRANSPORTATION 2 - - !"~ - .~. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAR ROpriORE ECOUNTY ADMINISTRATION AT HELD AT THE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DECEMBER 3, 1991 CENTER ON TUESDAY, RESOLUTION REQIIESTING ACCEPTANCE OF THE EXTENSIOGINIA DEPARTMENTEOFp,RRWAY INTO THE VIR TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM T RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, BE I Virginia, as follows: on the 1, That this matter came this day to be heard up a lication of Valleypointe s herein, and upon the PP proceeding to its kwa from its intersection with Concourse Drive es to Par Y ' tersection with Wood Haven Road, for a distance of 0.17 mi in System of State be accepted and made a part of the Secondary ' hwa s under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. Hig Y e easements and 2, That it appears to the Board that drainag 50 foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been a fifty ( ) Valle ointe dicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as YP de of the records of Page 7 9 , which map was recorded in Plat Book 13, k's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, the Cler 'a on April 11, 1991 and that by reason of the recordation Virgins nor consent or of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, ro erty owners is donation of right-of-way from the abutting P P The Board hereby guarantees said drainage easements and necessary. a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for streets. x-~- ointe Parkway and which 3, That said road known as Valleyp bey and 's shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, ame is hereby established as a public road to become a par the s only he State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, of t d after notification of official acceptance of said stree from an r hi hway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. o g r r A-12391-8.c ACTION # ITEM NUMBER _~"- REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD ~OUNTYEADMINISTRATIONNOENTER AT A COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOK MEETING DATE• December 3, 1991 tance of Sanitary Sewer FE1mlParksEstates) SUB~T: Accep Roanoke Retirement Community TOR'S COMMENTS: '~ ~~ COUNTY ADMINI5TRA SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Elm Park Estates), have requested The Developers of Roanoke RetirLimited Partnership, sewer Holiday Retirement Associ ~ the Deed conveying the sanitary that Roanoke County accep with all necessary facilities serving the subdivision along easements. lans prepared by The sewer facilities are installed, as shown on p Consulting Engineers entitled Ro1991e Richard L. Williams, dated March 22- The Retirement Community (Elm Park Estates), Department. file in the County Engineering which are on ecifications and sanitary sewer facilbit~heoCo n~ytion meets the sp the plans approved y FISCAL IMPACT' 000. value of the sanitary sewer construction is $37- The RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that th sewer facilities serving Estates) along with all County Administrator to facilities. e Board of Supervisors accept the sanitary Roanoke Retirement Community (Elm Park necessary easements, and authorize the execute a Deed for the transfer of these i-~ =3 SUBMITTED BY: i Cliffor ig, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: :^ yi(~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson Eddy x Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) McGraw x Referred Nickens x to - _ Robers x cc: File Utility Clifford .Craig, Director, & Inspections Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering ~'~y `"~ Nr "'.-s~ ~ P ~~ ~ ~"J'~o rArluoR ~ O~ H H~ ~ JAN ti9j~3 ~ ._ _ Ah ~ S~:~J~."; _ / / ~ A ~p:V~y" pN11+.1a fi IFfIN .~~y1:.:.:.. J = ~ `~ .G ~ b ~ ~t ~ P . `-~.15 r }. ~ A Ms a ,.;.s_~ ~yrFRr sw;'",pAC„ nK wt K'ro'' - :. ~ ;; ~ ~-. ~5 A 'c" ~~oy Y s"Aw'KO`.~ ~ ~~^ 0 uR~ ,,. ~?u'+5,~ b ~, J o a'.vD `~ •orr :_ . _ `• }' Feu~'oKr- Rlpy ~' _.~ AfMIrIK CIUI wcu pK p'~Sa~ `Y~ ~ 1~~ ~ Y'~" `" ~~`~ ~y uu ~~ ~ ~~~ . ~ `~`'' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ` ,M;f NORTH ;~; .;::~~ 1 ~`r VICINITY MAP , ~~ ~~J,•~~ es•'s'a r..r Ate.-~a~ne:vati~r) _.v _. ~' _ ~....... xF y ~~~ ~ ~ .; ~J e '., .. ~ r l '1 -. .+~.... .. - i -__ _ r;_~i-- a ~'e ``t i ~\, •\ \ ~` c i'w1AL ABC J-iL; Y_°~-p'~ 7 \'c.1~~ .u~r.: ••so s' L~._=. ti ,- ~~. --_ 1 L_., .,,,,s.,a ..°.°'~ ~ ~ \\ ~ c.....~ r.... L• .~ ; \ ~ \ ~ ...c . . . y~ , .. .. •r wr... a c.tir,.n,.~^~ .~. ...~~i.,~.. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ e _. ..._ .._ - \ ~ i , ~Y ~ ~ c~nr.un sue ..~t .o u4 ` \ ~ ,~ ... ~ ~.+4a ' . ~\ viz b ~.. _~ /~rEMtl+r/ /.ifs ~t6N C1'b t i ~x.~au:M -vo1CJ.: ='¢c l.~N! WRKI~Ib V bM~ ~I •*w yp~%~u x. A ' V~ ~i, S ~ .y J / 1 /~ Y• j~ .~' `~ , + /:T 1 i I 'r~s%J 'i_ - I m. ~. •a R :oNw~nNC n+c:Ne ._ _. s ~ ~'aAG v+r BNGjjVBBRING ACCEPTANCETOF~sMEEN REpA~NITYE~ELM PARK ESTATES) ROANOKE RE nnnninnnuuunu~numm~n~nin~niuuuinn~n~uninnin AGENDA ITEM7QU• CE REQUEST FOR APPE ORDINANCE ~~~ `~ CITIZENS COMMENTS PUBLIC HEARING ,_ SUBJ ervisors to recognize would like the Chairman of the Board of Sup hat I may comment. I me during the meeting on the above matter L G~ ~ NEE AND N CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I ~' ~E CORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE ~DgES S FOR THE ~ OW. G~EI,TNES LISTED BEL '11 be iven between three to five em TheeChairman will ~ Each speaker vrn g . on an whether speaking as an individual or representattv e time limit based on the numb~TU t a~byethe smajor y of the decide th issue, and will herwise. the rule unless ins Board to do of invited to a presentation of theie pia ~~anview only. ~ Speaker will be 1 be entertained b th C y Questions of clarification may be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized ~ All comments must speaker and audience members is not allowed. 11 times. oth s eskers and the audience will exercise courtesy at a ents ~ B P ers are requested to leave any written statements andlor Comm ~ vsv~ith the clerk. PEAKING ON BEHALF OF ~ O T ONI FROM THE ~ I~IVIDUALS S .I.HE CLERK AUTHORIZA S~I,I, FILEO~ ~ ,I,HE INDI~DZJ~, TO REPRESENT THEM. GROUP ALL LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK PLEASE PRINT ~'~, l^~~C ~ I . ~ TI fi=r ~''r ~t`'~ J° NAME i ADDRESS PHONE "' ` ~' " ~ ~`' 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 ~ ~~-~ ~' COUNTY OF gOANORE- VIRGINIA GENERAI+ FUND IINAPpROPRIATED BAI'~CE Amount $5,060,731 Audited Balance at July 1, 1991 and Balance as of December 3, 1991 ~ of Gendl ures Fund E 7.23 Submitted BY ~(~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ted a goal stateme of Supervisors adop of General Fv 1990 the Board at 6.25 On December 18' Fund Unappropriated Balance Note: General to maintain the 036,927)• expenditures ($70- N '.;~... OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA TAL FAD UNAPPROPRIATED BAL~CE CAPI inning Balance at July 1, 1991 Beg Board approved Sale of Shamrock p 199 1 gale Finalized August 15, 1991 sale on March 26, August 1, 1991) of Traffic Light at County Share peters 1991 h School and Northside Hig November 19- goad Creek Balance as of December 3, 1991 $ 6,097 34,914 (12,500) 1 Submitted by ,,,,~} `'"' ~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~ ....~. OF ROANOREr VIRGINIA COQNTY CONTINGENCY RESERVE FOR BOARD Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 Additional funds for Alleghany Health July 9, 1991 District Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors July 9, 1991 Bureau Center ovember 19, 1991 Transitional Living N of December 3, 1991 Balance as $ 50,000 (8,000) (3,000) (10,000) $ 29,000 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 1 ACTION NO. ~~~ ITEM NO. ERVZSORS OF RO~OCENTER BOARD OF SUP ADMINISTRATION MEETING OF THE OKE COUNTY AT A REGULAR gELD AT THE ROAN COUNTY- VIRGINIA, DATE: December 3- 1991 Enforcement - Status of MEETING Weed ordinance DA ITS' Repo ent Rec~-lations and Procedures . AGEN Curr ,S COMMENTS: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ,~,~,c~ ~ ~~~~u,. ~`2 - J °~ i~y inquiries of respond to the used BACKGROUND: repared to in the p r wth of weeds report was P were interested the g This that regulates Board members who several county ordinance for to enforce the arty. is responsible on private prop and Zoning Section requires of Planning This their Department 14 of the County Code. and weeds on also The }seep grass The code Section 13- roperty owners or less. enforcing County P of 15 inches the requirements that Roanoke to a length enforcing property eu rocess for administering and outlinessection. involves: of this rocess In summary the enforcement p certified mail. roperty owner by and given the offending P of the violation, 1. Notifying informed with the code. 1 The owner is comp Y in writing days t° to object fourteen (14~ days of the violation' owner seven (~~ Allowing the a ants determination a ant 2• enforcement g and the enforcement g to the fails to complY- ublic nuisance, t E If the owner violation is a clear p officials or at 3 , that county b' f finds that the request of County forces a ant Y'nay the use ursue crimina enforcement g through may instead P the nuisance The agent contract. sanctions. < r C,.L. 2 in costs incurred recover county administrative s tO steps include lists, and procedural step These 4. violation. of assessmen abating the the publication hearings, arty liens. securing prop in~eStigated and ~~ the Department violations, ~~ season Of the 126 One The the 1991 weed this section. days. During resolved within 21 action. violations we a not of judicial resolved resolved 126 f ive (5) as a result were than approximately resoled four) took longer cases was (approximately action these cases administrative remaining tiVelY- but result of igTheafew administra are the law. s. day twenty-one violations violate the ropertY all case5- desire to owners, P In aimost arty to achieve the law and not a wilf~om absentee Prop u in result f financial resources~~tied p11has of the title, are Staff difficult cases lack lack clear the to who apparently' that situations, etc. owners or properties In these trustees, While liance- trusts. relatives,e time frame time to comp actions, °r realtors, O5sibl of estate with attorneys, shortest p eriod their worked within th taken an extended P roach tO last compliance have tourer service app, as a obtain these cases taken a cus legal action some °f the staff to resol~e- We havae attempted use crews resolution. use of county As was resort. not pursued county eXpense. been the staff has of violations have the Since 1989, abate ast majority sent to or primate contract tO the ~ letters this year , °f certif ied as a result to demonstrat u ckly of property liens resolved q arty owners. abate the violating Prop allows the pursuit action to the code direct county in practice- Although with to apply costs assort vis ons are difficult recover these p factors: violation' from the following can abate arise work crews who to be Difficulties have any would need county does not Mowing contracts 1, The sector firms. these violations. rivate entering with local P about secured hesitancy the owner have expressed without th contracto rivate property code authorize woul 2. Local our local and mowing Although contractors rivate services, permiss to 'retain p county owners permission. currently budges Prefer the and Zoning would of Planning This aY°OUnt The Department rivate contract f mowing services. 3 • 00 f or were to pursue a P $400. insufficient if we r Y .r •~ 3 tratively within 21 adminis large resoldiff icult violations are every violat o f t~°e more days. Many repare and publish acreage tracts. costs t° p, and secure legal hearings- recovering hold public code, The administrative an The potentialUnder our 4, lists- high. low. the lien' assessmen Hein the short term is h action °n property throng these costs be recovered costs can only onsible for Y OF INFORMATION: is resp ast year S~p,R and Zoning Over the p were of Planning Code. violations Department of the County ated action. The 14 of the inve5tig ved, Section 13_ g6~~ administ also resol enforcing ercent ~ as the result °f were necessary ninety-six P day violations action was 21 s resolved within ercent of the Judicial four p than 21 days • The remain to k longer not to but action staff has elected in one instance. the weed ordinance summers action to correct 1) our high the past three county upon ~ working Over direct been based in the °ptiOn of has (2) our interest violations, pursue This decision to correct ursued, success raroperty,owners ave p violations. county p actions we h resources administrative with for criminal administrative cooperatively s stem supp°rt f fiscal and ~g~ judic the large am°unt of acti°n• and- nary t° pursue direct county neces staf f to enforce ATIVES: olicies in effect ALTERN report and authorize the 1• Accept thi 14 using the administrative p Section 13 staff to enforce since 1989' the either and instruct action, using this rep°rt county violations 2. Accept 14 through direct resolve within Section 13' rivate contract t° resolved county crews or p to be administratively that are not able 21 days' ATIVES require additions IMPACT OF ALTERN will not FISCAL budgeted. Alternative 1 tanee °f and those currently Accep an additional year resources bey 2 will require ure is an estima county This fig addition of Alternati $2000.00• ears. This Acceptance last three Y of apprOXimately allocation our experience the based upon !V- ~ 4 went of Planning and Z°ning the Depart allocate u tY budget process. funding cou t e annual as part of gECOMMENDATI~N' STAFF ends Alternative #1 The staff re°omm ApprOped- geSpectfullY Submitted' ~~ f Elmer C• Hodge inistrator L`"Y_ ~. f` , _ County pdm L• arr~ qto and Zoning Terrance of planning No yes Abs Direct Action Eddy Johnson Motion by McGraw Approved ~ ~ Nickens Denied Robers Rece1ped ~ ~ gef erred to ~ ~y Mp,GISTERIAL DISTRICT YOI'I'IIdB Weed Violations 58 Reported/Corrected * denotes repeat violations 928 Clearwater Dr. Prop) End BurlingtoRd (DouthatLester ProP)* peters Creek Shadwell and Sandep~ p)~ Trail Dr. (peters rop) Dr. (County P Waldr plantation Rd 6492 7308 Estes RdCaisse Inc.)* Verndale Dr ( Cir 5845 plantation Inc) 6125 Darby Rd Relay- Plantation I,,ube Ventures) ers CreekdRd ( * pet Tavern Fralin Prop) 8228 Old plantation ( Bank prop) DeXter and Dominion Plantatiotataon Rdcis Prof) 7500 plan Fran East Dr (C.W• ProP)* Trail Dr (Peters peters Creek Rd 6434 Creek Rd 7004 Peters * 710 Co~nander Dr 6918 Peters Creek Rd 2224 Brookf Lake Dr. 4909 North 7838 Barrens Rd Sloan Prop) Chester (Birchead Prof) DeXter and Chester DeXter and S angler prop)* Verndale ( P and Prop) Ashton Lane (Hamm prop) Ashton Ln (Waldron Constr.) Laban Rd (Townside 811 Anchor Dr * Lester ProP)* 710 Commander Dr prop) Shadwell and Sanderson Dr Kefauver Commander and Williamson 312 Azusa Street 5300 Ha~,,~horne F and W prop) Off Ruritan Rd 5313 Malvern 549 Wateroak 5425 Bauman 7834 Barrens Rd 6416 Garman Ur Page prop) PlaetaRal (Brooks Prof) Cov 5416 Hollins Rd ~-y DISTRICT CON'T Epj,LINB MAGISTERIAL 4000 Blue View 4000 Trail Dr 2737 Byron Dr 3553 Hugh Ave 7 537 Boxwood 6627 BrpOkf ieCa S$e ~ Inc) * prop) Verndale DrpiantatiOn (Fralin Dexter allis Rd 4731 Phyllis Rd 4741 phy llis Rd 4751 phy _ GISTERIAL DISTRICT: pINTON MA Weed Violations 20 Reported/Corrected * denotes repeat violations Falling Creek Dr (p,}tfer Rd* 3105 IvYland 3233 Huffman reek Dr Falling 4001 2970 . Stonebrldg a Cir neb i 2956 StO s Ln Prop) Prop) 2119 Beaver Brown Falling Creek Dr 2127 Pedigoe 1Dr (Brown prop) Falling Cre 4302 GearHFi neY prop) pembrook 1804 Hardy Rd 5083 Lewis Rd 4808 Lewis Rd 3105 Nyland Rd 1724 Mayfield Rd 1790 Melissa Cir Falling Creek Dr (pkf er Falling Creek Dr (Town bevel Prop)* of Vinton) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT' WI~SOR SILLS Weed Violations 17 Reported/Corrected * denotes repeat violations 3431 GreenaliCt (Martin Prop) Williamsburg Martin Prop) prop) Grape Tree I'n ( Ln (Oechslin Valley ,and Club 5026 Williamsburg Ct 5147 Roselawn 4404 Cordell Ur 5145 Rosela oaf Mtn. Rd W prop) 4925 Sug and Rt 221 (F and Rt• 696 ar Loaf Mtn• Rd.* 5216 BrandYwLn Ave 3570 Colony 7 Rin9ston Ct• Sec 3718 London Cir 44 16 sugar Lo f Mtn• Rd* 52 GISTERIAL DISTRICT CABS SPRING Mp' Weed Violations 11 Reported/Corrected * denotes repeat violations 3927 Chaparral Dr 3339 WestmorelOc idental prop)* Colonial Ave 4107 Belle Meade prop) Colonial Ave (Johnson 3016 Timberlane 3339 Westmoreland* 3338 Westmoreland 3419 View Ave 3402 Westmoreland prop)* Colonial Ave (Occidental N- ~-! Mp,GISTERIAL DISTRICT CATp,WBA Weed Violations 20 Reported/Corrected * denotes repeat violations Robinson Prop) Ellen Dr (McNeil Prop) Ellen Dr ( Rd (Pry Inc)* paint Bank Prop) Cove Rd (Brooks 443 Ingal Blvd 1442 Thompson Mem Dr 5523 TameY 5007Duxbu Yaw Rd 616 a Cir 2623 Greenridq 842 Paint Bank 859 Paint Bank Botts Prop) Carvins Cove Rd (Johns Prop) Texas Hollow RdgolidaY Lodge) Falinrd°FteZewis Fire Dept. Beh 5523 TameY Dr 3368 GreenridCovetRd 2817 CarvinHollow Rd 1108 Texas MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors of Finance ~'C'~`~ FROM Diane Hyatt, Director DATE: November 19, 1991 ~. Lease purchase Report E urchase gL1BJ of lease P its use situation. has accelerated • not ~~eS s ,t ese leases the County went. This is few years, ital eQuip • ore capital a way In the Past for funding cap ties to issue m urchase, in the sam were used to P an individual' ~ a method ong municiPali they ent by annual finan~ng been a trend ame uipnlent that bank for nonpaYmledge that the urchase 'there has V,,ith the 9 ed by the cannot p a lease P are collateral1zed be reclaim held, the County a default on result in a automobile can not been however, could that an ervice will be made,the rating agencies and should be a referendum has lease purchases Because for debts ve seriously by Therefore, County County appropriation viewed ry rating. ackage of the is payment wouldofb~he overall County overall debt p for which the leases ailing art, of the lease purchases ible for nineteen downgi' seriously as P outstanding was respo~ will be paid out in considered Very shows the the County 1366,0 1991-1992 budget. Attachment A At July 1, 1991 Another $ ~ m the ntl respo~ible. rincipal• were included in many insb~nce s~pe~ed curre Y$6,25~,000 in outstandln No new leases urchasing ona Y totaling leases. tion to P could be real E911 system, on thescan provide a viableWaPs more than . of the e interes~~e Purchasing the initial phase These items ar in three Y In addition, for in one Yeas' e of 90 school buses finds. ensive to Pay replacement Po be paid for from o~ ailng too eXp• of time• ed rice Ilion ~' tiger period the place of a plane higher P which costs over $3.5 not take .number °f erly planned aid for over a should a certain probably best P lease purchase tan to replace each year. o~iS°erit am°unt of However, ci ality should P~ and refuse snicks) a fairly A mum P fire tracks lished from program. be accomp • enditures. fire vehicle eac] ie. school busVehicles can ear for capital exp a $250, ear, you ar vehicles (• of these budget Y • een purchasing B the fifth y the purchase funded each arison bet~V , ear. Y being shows a comp vehicle each y e method. revenues hay money ent B a $250,p00 fire lease purchas ears, Attachm urchasing mature budget y 11 only P°stpo' d lease P X95 a year unde~~ tit and This w to prevent t year ~ additional $S0~ in the dramatically. to routin Pa~ngi the past Ye ted a d lcapital w e Ses na the fete lacemen bvehicles is Then severely restric for capital exp fleet of rep of vehicles. lacement is been our need elated that this urchas ears a keep in ~ a ~ and heighlease P ing an ea h y ~ budget f°r pie adopt such P need for ount laced as heeded. not allow us tO orde set aside a certain ah' and reP ore vehicles in can be reviewed c ed aoi le a purchase m vehicles The ~rrent economi ideal sit ~amen•ahd we nlay indeed tie at this operate. ~~' U +~ m N ~- a o _ - m ~ ~ - ~, a - - a o o _ m d o _ - c ~ N r ~ N m N o y rn d o 0 0 N N N ^ ~ ~ o G o ~ o y ~+ ~ r ~ o d o o ~ Z N "'o Y ~ o p oo ~_ [fJ F o o O N~ `+'' ' 1 ~~ ~ O rn ~ c'~o N rn~ o C o o G o o d p e° G~ O o 0 0 ~ 5 < ~ o ~ p - = o 0 0 o m Z = ~ ~ o o ~ a ~ 0 ~ e ^ N o 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ i y ~ m m U m N 2 m m m m m Y N, V ~ j U~ U m 2 > .~ m ~ •Y" rmm rm ~y m'o U 1 O V N 2~ y 1 m m~'~ < [~ ~ 2 ~ rn F S F N m S ~ 1 ~> D Y ~, C~ ~, S "a o 0 0 O ry °~ vN- o C 1 ~ ~ a ~~ j h m ~ m Q V s ~~ N U U N' H V ~' V, b S 6 .~ C m ~ F ~ °C ~ ot=- d ~ 6 .> > ~~ °' j i ' ~.' a m m F m '° w os- o~d ~ "' z v m a m ~ m ~-' y 1~ c mm"~z.~ "~ °c..' N m j m~ z w~ N z °' v a ~-' m Y`s ~w N ~ y °~` o o~ ~ ~ v m ~ o o ^-- m ~ mw~ N U sm ~ vim mc.m m m m o~ m~ o~° m w ~1 m mr moo Pm y~~ o s ' °z''mmm ~~°, m s ~s~ o~°N" ~ ~~ zm y~ Um~ ~.-, o~_- ~ ° m H '~ N ~m ~ ~so ~~ ~a ~ m v C 1 O O 00 pOQ ~ 43 I j j N O 1 J Q 1 ~ N p~ t f1 ~ N N N N , (A !~ 1 0 ~ N 1 1 , ~ j 1 O 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ 11 1 I 1 U cd ? z J ~ j ~ i ~ Q ~ ' I 1 ., ~ ~ J ' O I O 1 ~ j p 1 1 ~ II ~ 1 N 1 ',,~ N 1 pi ~ N 1 1 1 1 ., . G~ 1 r- ~ i 1 1 O 1 1 00 j O ~ 1 ~ 1 O 1 N 1 I N 1 1 ~. cD 1 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ I 1 ; 1 l j - p 1 I 1 t ~ 11 1 ~ 1 N 1 1 N ~ 1~ 1 1 11 ~ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 p 1 1 p 1 ~ 1 N N 1 ; O O 1 1 m ~ 1 N N 1 Q ~ 1 1 1 Q1 j ~ 1 Z r j 1 0 1 1 Q 1 O 1 ~ 1 1 O 1 ~ i Z = 1 1 1 1 to ~1 N I N 11 O ~ Q i ~I ~ 1 ~ O- I' ~ ~ 1 ~a 1 j ; o 1 (~' 131 W J 1 O 1 N 1 1 N 1 ~ > ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 LL = ll- N ~ 1 O 1 1 1 0 1 Q U 1- 1 ~ 1 ° - o i° i n 1 O 1 N I I , j ~ 1 N ; 1 J ~ 1 w ~. ' - w ~ cr~yctwW"'o" W ' i n g . aan ~ - -~ ~ 1 ~ 7 = a ~ a °' °" a I a ' a a U '°f V i . ~ ~ r ~p 11 ~ ~ tL') O ~ O Ln p 0 ~ p O ~~ 1~ ~j O~ N N O ~ N 1 C7 l N 1 ~ 1 CO `', ! ~ N Or N ~ O 1 r 1 ~1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ r- O 1 O 11 ~ O O O O 1 0 1 1 1 1 l ~ j O 01 -OA ~ ~ 1 ~= I r 'r ~ r O 1 O I ~ O O ip t0 j N 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~tOL1 1, ~ ; ~ O O O O I N 1 1 c0 ~ O O ~ II ~ 1 ~ ~ f r ~ O 1 O r O 10 I N Ij c0 O t0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 O ~ i d I ~ r r j ~ t ~ O O I 1 II 1 ap 1 1 r 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ 1 N 1 I r ~- I r l 0 1 cOD t0 1 1 to 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 N ~ ~ ~ 1 Q1 1 W 11 ~^ ~ tD 1 tCl 1 t0 1 1 W ;1 ; 7 1 ~ 1 Cn 1 z 1 Cr w [C W W a a a i ~~~ aaa°' j ~ o„an- ~. `~ 1VIDRANDUM ME Bold of SupernsOrs T~' J(Jca~' Kyatt FROM: Diane 1 November 21' 199 purch~e Report DATE: Lease gefinen1ents on ve S~1E~~ vember 19, th d in the eYnorand°m' dalease purch~e n'e ase purchaseh teeth°d versus um to the ~ of the cas d to ~% which more ~ an ced the comPansOn been in~ease enhan manner' urchases has . incomh following e P arket conditlons• that interest leas sumes the cas rate the Trent n' d which ~ , ents) on e interest cu adde ht lnVestm 1) ac~rately reflects been of oVernig cash sa`n gs se the curr t rate ould be n en t there wo sed 2) ~ annuea~ed at 4• eai ~ w°r~heet s e c~~ method as pavinYrs b available sa~ngs during that y the atta u chimed using th are no ° methods e new assumvtehi~ es weredPalternative, if the between t rig of 5384,05 e on then if ~ fire a $eCOn differen e savi urchas gaseari p of 5446,33 ethod• ~ sa~ngs In th uld still be a b~ to a lease P a saw ease purchas s ncome ~1e• ~ar)• TY'erem thod ~ °ore°realistic• 1 ur~ng that y a cash bl m to the mulate lntere t d on robs y to accu eted and seen ri es cloen Lance is P budg ese sari' dins in purchaSi believe that t method. sb ~,ttachn'ent ~'` - w ON AN ANNUAL BASIS OF FIRE EflUIeHBNT 4~EHAINING TOTAL CASH VS~ LEASE eURCHASE RBPLACENBNT 1997 LIABILITY __ ___ CLe 1996 -_- ___ _ _ 1994 1995 _ _ -- 1993 _____----- - 250,000 1992 ---` 250,00 1991 _ ---------------- 250,00 - -- _-__ -_- 250,0 250,0 CASH HETH00 __ 250,E ___ _- -- 250,000 250,000 000 250, --- 250, 250,000 _. eUNeER 11 250,000 250,p00 _ - ___- 250,000 1,756 eOHRER #2 __--"----- - 0 _ eUNeER t3 _ -___---- " 250,000 _ - eUKPBR #4 ___-- --'"--- 250,000 ____ _ -- eUNPBR 15 ____ -------.---"- 250,000 250,000 _-- -- - eUHPBR 16 _ __ _ - --""-- 250,000 __ -- - -- eUNeBR ~7 " - - 250,000 _ _ - - 250,000 __ _ 60,973 60,973 60,973 AT 7,011 __ -" 60,973 60,973 60,973 60,973 OVER 5 YEARS _ -___ _-- 60,973 60,973 60,973 60,973 60,973 60,973 60973 121,946 LEASE eAYHENTS _ __ --- 60 X973 60,973 60,973 60,973 60,973 60,973 162' 892 _ 60,973 60973 60,973 60,973 243, eUKPER ~1 60,973 60,973 __ ___ - eUNPBR ~2 ___ _ ----' 609,730 eUNPBR i3 _ __---------- 304,865 _ - eUNPER ~4 --- ----- ----- 5 304,865 ___- - - - eUNPBR ~5 _ _.- " --""- 243,892 304'86 _ _-__ eUHeBR ~6 _ -----""- 182,919 -__--- -- -- eUNPBR ~7 60,993 121,946 _ __ _-- 154,8651 1609,730 6,108 ~54,865~ X54,8651 --_ _ - COST~ 67,081 275 _ --"-" ~54,865~ ~609,7~ ANNUAL CASH SAVINGS ~ 126,054 3~p19 _____ -- ---"- - t54,B65~ ___ __-- - __ " - e KETHOD 189,027 5,762 - -- 154,865 _ _ LI 8,506 --_ -------- 6,383 ___ - -"" CURRENT MBAR 4 511 _ ---- -__-- 70,100 _ - - "" INTEREST INCONBI ~ - _ ------- - 133,816 ___ _-- -- -`- 609 197,533 ______ - 54,865 54 -- 54,865 2,469 ---- -" 16,1081 5 2 X69 2,469 ---___ __ __. 167,oa11 ___ ----- - 6s 054 57,334 (128, _ - ------- ----- 57,334 __ - - CASH HgTNOD 1189,0271 ___-- --'- -" 16,1081 57,334 _ -- -- "" CURRENT MBAR 4 5X1 __-- ---- X67,0811 _-- - -- --- - - INTBRBST INCONBI ~ ----_----- 1128,054 __ - ___- 1189,0271 ___ __-- --- ~ ,+ "~. Item No. ~ OF ROANOKE OARD OF SU DM NISTRATION ENTER T,AR FETING THE R p,N01~ ~EgDAY - A REGU HE?N ROANOI~ - VA O CO~TYT VIRGINIA- 3 1991 alley Con~enti°n and ING Dp,TE: December 'lt for the Roanoke V MEET NSA ITEM' Visit r uBureau p,GE ~o~TIpN ~ for the Roanoke Valley $~gy Off' I annual audi ement letter on is the d a mana9 audit and tacked for d V ~ tors Bureau an ed and exc an 9e ent letter• Convention an has review ding the m d of Directors taken regar s~mitted: Th ted corrective action u1lY no Respectf (~ ~Yv~O "~ la- Director a ub Ec n ~1~ Devel°Pment _--- No Yes Abs _---- ~~-~ Eddy ~ ______----'- ACTION Johns°n . ~ . ___---- on bY; McGraw . ~ . Nioti Nickens ~ ~ - APProved ~ ~ gobers ed ~ ~ Denl. Rece1ved Referred t° ~ Attachment '~ C~ ROANOKEVISITORSCB ~UION AND MP,NAGErIENT LETTER JUNE 30, 1991 W HOPE P AY alt Certified Public Accountants ~_, To the Board of Directors Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau m audit of the financial In planning and performing y Visitors Bureau of Roanoke Valley Convention and statements ear ended June 30, 1991, I considered its (Bureau) for the y auditing control structure in order to detmrmioPinion on the internal ur ose of expressing procedures for the p P rovide assurance on the internal financial statements and not to p consider However, I noted certain matters involving control structure. eration that I the internal control structure in its oP ortable be reportable conditions under b1acdAccountants1shRep by the to to American Institute of Certified u attention relating to m or operation of the conditions involve matters coming could adversely significant deficiencies in the lnemygjudgment, internal control structure thtO~record, process, summarize, and affect the Bureau s abiliconsistent with the assertions of report financial data management in the financial statements. ex ense Inconsistencies in acFoo~nt roperif budglons in the etary control, these line items were noted. P classifications should be formally defined and followed. ~ ~ ~ use ort is intended solely for the information an This rep management, and others within the of the Board of Directors, ortunity to thank the organization. I would like to take this oPP ear's audit. management and staff for their assistance in this y ~~~ / , W. gope Player, CPA August 20, 1991 316 Mountain Avenue, SW • P.O. Box 781 • Roanoke, VA 24004 •703/345-2695 N® ~ Tl1e Roanoke ~- Valley~ October 21, 1991 visitors Bureau In researching the recommendations of the Management Letter as submitted by Hope Player, CPA, I have found that the inconsistencies of account classifications relate to two items which are listed below: Telephone: Telephone equipment charges have been listed under equipment and also under telephone. Federal Express: Payments have been charged to office supply and expense and also to postage. These issues have been been rectified. Future account line items. Respectfully submitted, Martha Mackey _'' Executive Director discussed with our Treasurer and have posting will be consistent with P.O. Box 1710, Roanoke, VA 24008-1710, (703) 342-6025 Marketplace Center 114 Market Street, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 P ° ~ ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1991 .."' TABLE OF CONTENTS Pale INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 1 BALANCE SHEET 2 STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT, REVENUE, AND EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 3-4 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION 5 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6 W. HOPE PAYER - Certif ied Public Accountants ~ ~ ~ INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Board of Directors of the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau I have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau as of June 30, 1991, and the related statements of support, revenue, and expenses and changes in fund balance and changes in financial position for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Bureau's management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. I believe that my audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion. In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects the financial position of the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau as of June 30, 1991, and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. W. Hope Player, CPA Roanoke, Virginia August 20, 1991 316 Mountain Avenue, SW • P. O. Box 781 • Roanoke, VA 24004.703/345-2695 / V ""'" (1..~' ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1991 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 15,524 Total current assets 15,524 Furniture and fixtures 21,186 Assets under capital lease (Note 2) 3,140 24,326 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization <10,066> Furniture and fixtures, net 14,260 Security deposit 114 Total assets 29,ggg Liabilities and Fund Balance Accounts payable 1,636 Current portion obligation under capitalized lease (Note 2) 52g Total current liabilities 2,164 Obligation under capitalized lease (Note 2) 2,020 Fund balance 25,714 Total liabilities and fund balance $ 29,898 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statment. _ 2 ~""~.- ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT, REVENUE, AND EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1991 Support and Revenue: Fees and grants from government agencies $ 240,000 Total public support 240,000 Membership dues 34,203 4'797 Special events 039 2 Investment and other income , 1,675 Bad debt recovery 217 1 Reimbursements , Total revenue 43,931 Total support and revenue 283,931 Expenses (Schedule 1) 283,578 Excess support and revenue 353 over expenses Fund balance June 30, 1990 25,361 Fund balance June 30, 1991 $ 25,714 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. - 3 - t""~ ~--- ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT, REVENUE, AND EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (Continued) SCHEDULE 1 FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1991 Expenses: $ 116,695 Salaries 10,705 Payroll taxes 11,717 Benefits 4,162 Visitor Information Center 653 Visitor Information Center Supplies 673 5 Affiliation dues and subscriptions , 7,484 Office supplies and expense 2,909 Equipment rental 835 Equipment maintenance 2,564 Relocation 6,777 Promotion 11,997 Advertising 13,414 Printing 377 2 Exhibits, registrations, etc. , 7,788 Transportation 4,706 Hotels, meals, etc. 785 Local mileage 958 Sales entertainment 4,856 Service to conventions 493 Convention salaries 354 2 Membership initiative , 983 Legal services 4,988 Accounting services 9,765 Postage 8,354 Telephone 20,671 Rent 2,252 Parking 1,770 Utilities 1,049 Janitorial services 1,438 Miscellaneous 2,100 Insurance 6,785 Promotional projects 858 2 Depreciation and amortization expense , 663 Interest expense Total expenses ~ 283,578 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. _ 4 _ ~""'. ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1991 Resources provided Excess support and revenue ~ 353 over expenses Add items not using resources 2,858 Depreciation and amortization 3,211 Resources provided by operations 1,636 Increase in accounts payable 4,847 Total resources provided Resources used 867 Purchase of furniture and fixtures 114 Increase in security deposits Curtailment obligation under capital 417 lease 1,398 Total resources used 3,449 Increase in cash 12,075 Cash balance June 30, 1990 $ 15,524 Cash balance June 30, 1991 ______ The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. _ 5 _ ~--° CL~` ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1991 1, SUI~Il~IARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: Purpose of Organization The Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors1nurecruitBngeand promotes travel to the area through assustingn information to scheduling conventions and through PP y g tourists and other visitors. Basis of Presentation The Bureau prepares its financial statements on the cash durin the year. The accompanying financial basis of accounting g statements have been prepared on the accrual basis and ref ec certain receivables, liabilities, and assets under capital lease which are not recorded in the accounting records. Furniture and Fixtures Furniture and fixtures are is computed on a straight-line lives of the respective assets, stated at cost, and depreciation basis over the estimated useful which is generally ten years. Capital Lease ations are recorded at the present value Capital lease oblig of the future minimum lease payments discounted at the interest rate implicit in each lease. A corresponding amount is capitalized as the value of the asset and depreciateearsver the estimated useful lives, which range from five to ten y Income Taxes The Bureau qualifies as a tax exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. 2. LEASE COMMITMENTS: The Bureau leases officpresidentuofethe BoardaofnDirectorslis a corporation of which the 1993 with two a 50~ stockholder. The lease term expires July 31, one-year renewal options. Rent expense under this lease fOlease year ended June 30, 1991 waJ~e1630~51992Fandr1993nar~e $19,530 payments for the years ending a able and $21,485 resentsione month rentudue30, 1991, accounts p y of $1,636 rep - 6 - '"` ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1991 2. LEASE COMMITMENTS (Continued): Certain office equipment is also leased under operating leases with terms expiring September, 1992 and October, 1992. Future minimum lease payments for the years ending June 30, 1992 and 1993 are $2,866 and $771, respectively. The capital lease obligation is secured by office equipment and bears interest at 23'. The lease term expires December, 1994. As of June 30, 1991, the future aggregate minimwn rental commitments for the lease are: 1992 $ 1,080 1993 1,080 1994 1,080 1995 540 Total minimum lease payments 3,780 Less: amount representing interest <1,232> Present value of minimum lease payments $ 2,548 3. RETIREMENT PLAN: The Bureau adopted a tax sheltered annuity program effective July 1, 1990. The plan is a qualified defined contribution plan, which also allows voluntary employee contributions on a pre tax basis. The Bureau contributes 57. of eligible employees' salaries. A full-time employee is eligible after one-year of service. The retirement plan expense for the year ended June 30, 1991 was $3,728. - 7 - Item No. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: December 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Work session - East Circumferential COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~ua,,,~.+~r-~,,v( ~u c r3 v ~ ~~ °7l~°"' ~ .~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is proposing the construction of the East Roanoke Circumferential to provide a connecting route between Interstate I-81 northeast of Roanoke to Route 220 south of Roanoke. The corridor comprises several alternatives that vary from 16.2 miles to 20.5 miles in length. (See attached page 14 from the VDOT brochure) with various estimated costs. There are four alternative routes, a NO BUILD alternative, a Transportation Systems Management (TSM) alternative and a Mass Transit alternative under consideration through the Location Public Hearing Process. A series of location public meetings were held (November 19-21) as well as a public hearing (November 21). Staff noted citizen opposition as to the construction for the Circumferential. The County staff has participated through the Economic Development (ED) Team and reviewed the various alternatives. Staff has concerns about the total project costs, the inability of VDOT to protect the identified right of way for any alternative and the exclusion of the Blue Ridge Parkway corridor as a valid alternative route. Staff is of the opinion that several segments of the alternate routes should be reviewed and analyzed as being viable projects that would relieve congestion on I-581. These are the construction and extension of Route 115 (Plantation Road) between Hershberger Road and Route 460 and the construction of Alternate Route 220 to Route 460. This latter project is a priority need to alleviate truck traffic on Route 604. Staff has discussed the construction of alternate Route 220 with Botetourt County Administrator John Williamson and he advises that this route is a priority for Botetourt County also. o -~ ALTERNATIVES: 1. Select the NO BUILD alternative but request VDOT to analyze the 115 and Alternate 220 segments as construction alternatives. 2. Select an Alternate Route (6, 7, 8, or 9). Respectfully submitted: Timothy W Gubala, Director Economic evelopment Approved by: /t Elmer C. Hodge ~ County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved (~ Motion by: Harry C. Nickens Eddy At,ctain Denied ( ) motion to support "No Build" Johnson -~ Received ( ) option McGraw ~_ Referred to Nickens _~ Robers Ahcent Attachment cc: File Fred Altizer, Resident Engineer, VDOT Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Roanoke Valley Legislators Steve Musselwhite, Transportation Board 3 • VIIHGINIA OEPAgiMFNt OF 7gANSPpgtAtpN COMPARATIVE SUMMA • RY ALTERNATE ~' LENGTH IN MILES 6 7 SOCIOECONOMICS AND LAND USE RIGHT-0F. AGRICULTURA WAY RE 6.2 17.1 8 9 20.5 L QUIRED (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL 122 16.3 COMMERCIAL 123 401 .442 389 123 INDUSTRIAL ~ 32 ~ 412 TOTAI, 43 0 10 ~ 0 NUMBER OF DISPLACEMENTS 6S6 ~ 43 RESIDENTIAL (OWNER) 1,039 657 COMMERCIAL NUMBER OF M 192 (174) 49 (43) 2S 48 (41) AIOR INTERSECTIONS INITIAL 6 2 141 (124) FUTURE 12 21 NOISE IMPACTS 10 7 2 2i~ RESIDENTIAL UI'1lTS 1 0 1 2 =NERGY AVERAGE ANNUAL CONSUM P'1'IO 289 1~ 44 , N (IN BILLIONS OF BTU'S) • .DIRECT VEHICLE 263 BVDIRECT VEHICLE 2'1~ 2,337 MAINTENANCE 2,233 2,270 2,382 ,2,342 CONSTRUCTION 2,318 49 52 2,398 TOTAL 77 S1 IOS 141 49 ~ BARRELS OF OIL PER DAy 4'~9 4 876 71 TER RESOURCES , 2,134 4,780 2 ~ 4,86Q STREAM CROSSINGS ' 2.22s 2,282 NO. OF IMPACTED WETLANDS 24 32 ACRES OF IMPACTED WETLANDS AURAL RESOU 41 7 7 2 73 5 28 RCES POTENTIAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL . 1 ~ 1.11 7 1.92 SIGNIFICANT gRCHAEOLOGICgI 18 18 , POTENTIAI, ARCHITECTURAL 14 2 2 21 , SIGNIFICANT ARCHITECTURAL 9 0 11 2 , N 1991 S I1 6 7 10 CONSTRUCTION 4 7 NOISE BARRIERS ~ 172,390,500 123,772 000 UTILITIES , 2,30$000 130,150,000 2,838 000 179,532,600 RIGHT-0F- WAY & RELOCATION , 1,04.6,000 2,345 200 0 3,284,000 TOTAL, , 57,356,250 1,357,450 18,526,300 14,260 400 1164,450 , 49,205,250 233,100,750 147,481,500 145,767 850 , 233,186 ,300 ----- __._ . 1 q Z a w z U J m a Z O H Q U O J •~ V Z F- W W W W oC Z Q J a O ~ O a = o U O ~ ~ z ~ a o J a ~ H O ~ °' Q1 T- o~ w m W 0 Z 0 W O ~ ~ O a a U c°, c ~ ~ cc _ . ~ ~ ~ = a a ~ O O moo m ~' M a_ r *- J J N N w w ~~ W W Z Z a a W o ~ W = ~ ~ ~ O Z a O ~ ~ ~ T f R Q = W ~ Z -~ ~ N ~ V W m 0° a '~'~ W J O ~ z ~ a a 0 2 Y ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ O Z N ~ ~ a~ ~ O ~ Z, v W ~a ., O r a° T d ~ ~' O (n C 0 0 O 0 ~~ v c E _ ~~ g ~~ N C d O U ^w L O _ O W ~ C a ~«- co O c C ~ r C O d O F-~t~ g Y m ~:. 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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers A COPY TESTE: Mary H.°Allen, Clerk CC: File Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Executive Session O~ ROANp~~ a ~ ~ A Z J :,: ? a 18 '~°~ 88 SFSQ(IICENTENN~p~ A Beauti~ulBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I,ee B. Eddy, Chairman Windsor Hills Magisterial Dislrkt Edward G. Kohhilce, Sr., Vice-Chairman Catawba Magisterial District BOh L JOhnsOn Hollins Magis4rial District H. Odell "Farzy" Mhrnix Cave Spring Magisterial District Harry C. Nickens Vinton Magisterial Dtslrkt January 8, 1992 Mr. Fred C. Altizer, Jr. Resident Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation P. O. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Altizer: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN CATAWElA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGSSTERAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HIL1S MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERAL DISTRICT At their December 3, 1991 meeting, the Board held a work session on the East Circumferential Road. At that time, Supervisor Nickens moved that the Board support the "No Build" option and the motion was approved by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Nickens, McGraw; ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy; ABSENT: Supervisor Robers Attached is a copy of the work session board report with the motion and vote recorded. If you need additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, ~rr~a~. ~/.Q~u-*- Mary H. Allen, Clerk MHA/bjh Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Roanoke Valley Legislators Steve Musselwhite, Transportation Board ,.~7 ~~~~ ~~ ~ ilL-AMERICA CIT' ~ ~ 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 OF FiOANp~~ ti A 2 L7 V 2 a 183'8 E50 988 S~S~1t/1CENTENN~P~ A Beauti~ulBe~inninR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE /~~r~~~~ ~~ ~r AL'AMERIfaCITY I I 1979 1989 December 5, 1991 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS, VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERLAL DISTRICT Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Jeffrey A. Cromer, Roanoke Valley Reg. Solid Waste Mgt Board Dear Ms. Parker, Ms. Ross and Mr. Cromer: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 12391-5 authorizing Articles of Amendment to the Roanoke County Resource Authority, authorizing the joinder of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton to the Roanoke County Resource Authority and authorizing the creation of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 1991. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp~ F ~ .w z ~ ~' ~ ~' J - .2 a i$ E50 $$ SFS<?UICENTENN~P~ A Beauti ful Be~innin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE December 4, 1991 Rev. D. Michael Meloy Windsor Hills United Methodist Church 3591 Windsor Road, S. W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Me/oy: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN GTAWFlA MAGISTERALL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS, VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for attending the meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 1991, to offer the invocation. We feel it is most important to ask God's blessing on these meetings so that all is done according to His will and for the good of all citizens. Thank you for sharing your time with us, / ~, ~~~~ ~~~R rt p Al'AMEHIG~TY I 1979 1989 Sincerely, 1 , Steven A. McGraw, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 O~ FiOANp~.~ ~ A G ~ ~ A 2 ~ 7 J ::_, ~ 2 a 1 B $ E50; $$ SFS~?t/1CENTENNIP~ a Beauti~u/BeQinninp COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE ~ ALI~AMERICA LITY C~u~Yt~ u~ ~~~Yt~~~ ' I I' I f 1979 1989 Dr. Harry C. Nickens 4179 Toddsbury Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Dr. Nickens: December 4, 1991 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Court- Community Corrections Policy Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, December 3, 1991, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Court-Community Corrections Policy Board for another three-year term. Your term will expire on December 31, 1994. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bjh Enclosures cc: The Honorable Gerald O. Clemens, Chairman Court-Community Corrections Program P. O. Box 1016 Salem, VA 24153 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 O~ ROANp~~ ~ ,w z ~' ~ ~' O ~'_ 2 a 18~ 150 , 988 S~SQVICENTENN~P~ 1 Beautifu/BeginninQ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE December 4, 1991 Mrs. Rita J. Gliniecki 5219 Hawkbill Circle, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Mrs. Gliniecki: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW, CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Community Services Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, December 3, 1991, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Roanoke Valley Community Services Board for another three-year term. Your term will expire on December 31, 1994. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Mary H. llen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bjh Enclosures cc: Dr. Fred Roessel, Jr., Executive Director, Mental Health Services / ~, ~~~~~~ AL'AMERIG~TV I I 1979 1989 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2004 OF ~oANC'fF ~ ~ z ~' ~ ~ ~ z a 1838 150, - 88 SFSQUICENTENN~P~' -1 Benuti~ulBeQinnin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE /~.~~~~ ~~ ~. Al'AMERICA CITY I~ 1979 1989 Mr. Donald R. Witt 3332 Kenwick Trail Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Witt: December 4, 1991 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express on their behalf their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. This is to advise that at their meeting held on Tuesday, December 3, 1991, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Roanoke County Planning Commission for another four-year term. Your term will expire on December 31, 1995. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rior to your participation on this Committee. Please telephone Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, at 387-6208, as soon as possible and arrange to have the oath administered. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~- Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors MHA/bj h Enclosures cc: Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, Circuit Court P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703> 772-2004 PEED OF= EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT THIS DEED, DEED OF EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT, made thls First day of ~, 199i, by and between: Wolidav ,Ret.i_r~ment Associates, Limited Partnership hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of tits first part; the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, hereinafter referred to as tha "Board," party of the second part; and ELMER C. HODG~, County Administrator of Roanoke County, VIRGINIA, party of the third part. :WITNESSETH: TWAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits to accrue, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN ANO TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Baard all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues and public utility, water snd/or sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown and described and designated as follows, to wit: As shown on the plan entitled Roanoke Retirement Community (Elm Park states dated March.?2, 1991 made by Richard L. Williams. Consult~n,,q Engineers and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. Page 1 of 6 the Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches fora period of one (i) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, party of the third part, hereby loins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: peveloper: Holiday Retirement Associates, Limited Partnershic gy: SEE ATTACI~D SIQVATURE PAGE _. As: ..~.._ ---- -- Title State of: County/City of: The foregoing deed was acknowledged before . , day of _._. _. -- ---..._.-~f By: ~ as Ouly aathorirea officer ,Title) ~, on behalf of o` a y Pubi 1 c ~~~- Commission expires: ~_.____~._._.,_.___..__...__.._.~-~ to wit: Page 2 of 6 SIGNATURE PAGE FOR DEED OF EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT FOR HOLIDAY RETIREMENT ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP May ~ , 1991 HOLIDAY RETIREMENT ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership By: C & B A SOC ATES LIMITED PAR RAH , General Par ' By: ~ WILLI E. COLSON, General Partner B ' ~~.;. ~ ~ ~' Y~ DANIEL R. BATY, General Partner By: LEPERCQ RETIREMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership, General Partner By: LEPERCQ RETIREMENT CORP., a Delaware corporation, Genera P rtner By : l~l~ Its A TED AND ROVED: ~~ P ILI ~ BAGLE III Sole Acting Tr s ee FLEET NATIONAL BANK, a national banking as iation C~ ~ By: Its GOr9~ (=F~c JL Page 3 of 6 STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Marion ) T e foregoing i t u~e~t was acknowledged before me this _,;~, day of _,~~~,~,~,~.,, , 1991, by WILLIAM E . COLSON, General Partner of C & B ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, General Partner of HOLIDAY RETIREMENT ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership, on behalf of said partnerships. My Commission Expires: /~ `iS ~ %3 Notary Public for Oregon STATE OF ss. County of ~ ~ /~~~imn ) The foregoing in~t~u~ent was acknowledged before me this a~ day of ~s~~~~ 1991, by DANIEL R. BATY, General Partner of C & B ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, General Partner of HOLIDAY RETIREMENT ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership, on behalf of said partnerships. My Commission Expires: / ~' -/S ~ `l3 '~~/,/ Notary Public for W$-si~~i ~n~ Page 4 of 6 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. County of New York ) The foregoin i ~s~{~'u~ment was acknowledged before me this ~_ day of ~ C~ , 1991, by FRANCOIS LETTACONNOUX of LEPERCQ RETIREMENT CORP., a Delaware corporation, as General Partner of LEPERCQ RETIREMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership, as General Partner of HOLIDAY RETIREMENT ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership, on behalf of said corporation and partnership. My Commission Expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA ) (;~ ) s s . ~ of Richmond ) C~ ~ Y Vl . ~~t.~~~-~c( Notary Public for New York ALINE M. MONQ'A Nowt' Public, state or New IibrR No. 41.4878023 (lualified in Queens County Certificate Filed in Naw York Commission Expires November 24,1 a'- r/~he foregoin nstru ant was acknowledged before me this ~i - day of ~L'~,~t'/JK~h, , 1991, by PHILIP J. BAGLEY, III, Sole Acting Trustee. My Commission Expires: M11Cort~nlsslonExpirosilu~p1st28,18~Z STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ) ss. County of ~ ~~, ~~ t ~ ~ r, ~ ~ ) No art' Public for Virginia The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~ day of f\ r ~~ y_~~•-. `t = _ f , 1991, by CASEY MOORE, Loan Officer of FLEET NATIONAL BANK, a national banking association, on behalf of said association. i My Commission Expires : `~ I L ~~~ ' ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,:i i t i '~ i~ :Y~i ~ i , :~_•~ _ _ _ Notary Public for Rhode Island Page 5 of 6 Approved as to form: County Attorney State of County/City of: County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia 8y Elmer C. Hodge ------------ to wit: The foregoing deed was acknowledged before me this: day of -- -__, 19 _~ by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervlsors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: After recording, please return to: Colson & Colson Construction Co. Attention: Sharon L. Parent P.O. Box 14111 Salem, OR 97309 Revised 70/1fi/90 Page 6 of 6 DECEMBER 3 Concept Plan - Design and Construction of Treatment Plant Public Hearinas - Roanoke Valley Resource Authority - Amendments to Landfill Policies and Procedures (con't from 11/19) 2nd Readinas - Acquisition of Land - Canaan Land Co - Exchange of real estate - Burlington Elem. - lease of property - Valley Soccer Club - exchange of easements - CWY Inc. Reports - Lease-Purchases - Weed Ordinance Enforcement - Recycling - Enforcement Efforts - Setback Requirements Work Session - East Circumferential RESOURCE AUTHORITY MEETING (?) October 2 4 , 1 9 91 ~ ~ _ M ~ ~ ~-c ~ Mr. Steven A. McGraw Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 ~~ Dear Mr. McGraw: This is to request time on the agenda of the ~,ha;,,,,a„ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on Monday, John M. Hudgins, Jr. December 3, 1 991 , at 3: OOpm. ~,~e ~~~,~~~,,,an Henry J. Sullivan. Ph.D. Mr. Henry J. Sullivan, Ph.D. , Mental Health Services Board Member appointed by the Roanoke T,eos~.~e~ Daniel E. Karnes County Board of Supervisors, Thomas Chapman, Director of Administration, and I will be present s~,~,em~s, Rua J. GLniecki to give a brief report about services prov ided to r,; f , ,; « , the citizens of Roanoke County by Mental Health ,e ~E <<, ~;P o Fred P Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. SerV1CeS of the Roanoke Valley. A resident of Roanoke County, will also be present, and will give a brief report from a consumer's point of view. Written materials describing our services in some detail will be forwarded to you prior to our meeting on December 3. Sincerely, G' ~/~ ~r Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. Executive Director cc: Henry J. Sullivan, Ph.D. Thomas Chapman MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY -Executive Offices 301 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia 24016-4026 - (703) 345-9841 FAX (703) 342-3855 Serving the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke I T. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1191-3 Petition of Roanoke County Resource Authority to amend the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the Smith Gap Landfill, located on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road, Catawba Magisterial District. LBE MOTION TO COrTTINUE PUBLIC >F[EARING TO 12/3/91 URC 4 CITIZENS SPOKE JH TO RESPOND TO QUESTIONS FROM CITIZENS U. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the exchange of easements between CWY, Inc. and the County of Roanoke in connection with Berkley Court Subdivision and Vinyard Park. HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 12/3/91 AYES-LBE,RWR,HCN,SAM ABSTAIN-BLJ H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of two parcels of land from Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project. HCN MOTION TO APPROVE FIRST READING 2ND - 12/3/91 URC 2. Ordinance authorizing the exchange of real estate adjacent to Burlington Elementary School with Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp. HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 12/3/91 URC I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the lease of real estate, a portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant property, to the Valley Soccer Club. (THIS HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 3, 1991.E 2. Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code by the 6 addition of Article VIII "Fire and Security Alarms" to Chapter 16, "Police" to regulate the use and operation of security and fire alarm systems. (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 8 AND OCTOBER 22, 1991) 0-111991-12 LBE MOTION TO APPROVE AS AMENDED AND CHANGING FEES NO VOTE HCN SUBST. MOTION TO APPROVE AS AMENDED WITH FEES REMAINING THE SAME. URC 3. Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code, Article IV, Sewer Use Standards, of Chapter 18, 1985 Code (formerly Article III, Chapter 16, Code of 1971). (CONTINUED FROM JULY 23, 1991) 0-111991-13 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE TTU[r A-111991-14.b 4. Donation of sanitary sewer and water easements in connection with the Roanoke River Interceptor Phase III Project. A-111991-14.c 5. Donation of drainage easement from Robert C. Boyd and Lois Ann Boyd in connection with Carvins Cove Road Drainage Project. A-111991-14.d L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) REMINDED BOARD OF RIBBON CUTTING AT READ MOUNTAIN FIRE STATION. (2) ASKED THAT LEASE PURCHASE MEMO BE PLACED ON 12/3/91 AGENDA UNDER REPORTS. (3) ASKED PMM TO RESEARCH CONFLICT BETWEEN CHARTER AND STATE CODE REGARDING AUTHORITY OF LIBRARY BOARD OVER LIBRARY DIRECTION AND WHETHER LIBRARY BOARD COULD BE ABOLISHED. PMM WILL REPORT BACK PRIOR TO 12/3/91 MEETING. (4) CONCERNED ABOUT THE EXTRA TWO HOLIDAYS AT CHRISTMAS FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES AND COST TO CITIZENS. SUPERVISOR NICKENS: (1) ATTENDED VACO ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (2) ANNOUNCED THAT STATE SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT WILL NOT CHANGE THE AUTHORITY FOR INVESTIGATION OF CHILD ABUSE IN SCHOOLS. (2) $13.5M IN LOTTERY TICKETS PURCHASED IN ROANOKE COUNTY. PRIZE COULD BE REDUCED WITH SHARE GOING TO LOCALITIES. ALSO OPPOSED TO PROPOSAL THAT LOCALITIES SHARE WITH STATE (SO-20) COSTS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE. SUGGESTED THESE BE INCLUDED IN LEGISLATIVE PACKET. (3) SUGGESTED THAT TO AVOID STREET SIGNS BEING STOLEN FREQUENTLY, THE COUNTY 9 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of the Roanoke County fiscal year 1991-92 budget. A-42391-3 RWR SUBST MOTION TO ADOPT BUDGET WITH OPTION A AND NO SCHOOL CUTS WITH STUDIES TO BE CONDUCTED ON PRIVATIZATION OF SERVICES. -DEFEATED AYES-RWR, BLJ NAYS-LBE,HCN,SAM BLJ MOTION TO CALL FOR QUESTION AYES-RWR,BLJ,HCN,SAM NAYS-LBE BLJ SUBST. MOTION TO ADOPT BUDGET WITH MID-YEAR REVIEW OF BUDGET AND PROJECTED REVENUES FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF BUDGET CHANGES -RULED OUT OF ORDER BY PMM HCN MOTION TO ADOPT BUDGET WITH OPTION A WITHOUT SCHOOL CUTS AND OPTION B AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: REDUCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $25,000, FUND MT. PLEASANT AND CATAWBA SCHOOLS ($10,000), REDUCE 5TH PDC CUT BY $2,000, REDUCE SALEM/ROANOKE CO. CHAMBER CUT BY $2,000 AND REDUCE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS CUT BY $10,000 -DEFEATED AYES-HCN NAYS-LBE,RWR,BLJ,SAM BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT BUDGET AS PRESENTED WITH $55,435 IN VEHICLES ELIMINATED AND R~.Ar.r.~~~D TO BOARD CONTINGENCY FUND, AND THAT IN DECEMBER 1991 (12/3/91), STAFF WII,L PREPARE AN ACCOUNTING OF THE STATUS OF THE BUDGET AT THAT TIME AS WELL AS PROJECTIONS FOR 1992-93 BUDGET SO THAT MID YEAR ADJUSTMENTS CAN BE MADE. 3 ~ POANp~ O F ti ~~ ~ ~ v :; a 18~ 1501 ~8$ CSQVICENTENN~P ~1 Beauti~ulBe~innin~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE June 6, 1991 Rev. D. Michael Meloy Windsor Hills United Methodist 3591 Windsor Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Meloy: Church ~ _ ..~ ~, c~ STEVEN A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN GTAWEIA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS. VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RICHARD W. ROBERS GVE SPRING MAGISTERAL DISTRICT On behalf of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for giving the invocation at the Board Meetings in the past. We would again like to call on you . to present the invocation on Tuesday, December 3, 1991, at 3:00 p.m. For your information, I am attaching a list of the board meeting dates for 1991. These meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month and the invocation is always given at 3 p.m. If the date requested above is not convenient, please call me at 772-2005. I will be calling you soon to see if this time is acceptable to you or if you would prefer another date. The Board members are aware of how busy your schedule is, and they appreciate your volunteering your time to offer God's blessing at their meetings. Sincerely, ~~~~~ 9 1~~~~~ Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~~~ ~ ~ , ~ ~, . I ~~ .. ~~~ r ALl ~AMEflICA CITY C~u~trt~ u~ ~~~n~~~ 'I i' I I 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800 ROANbKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 <703) 772-2004 r COMMITTEE VACANCIES IN 1991 JANIIARY FEBRIIARY REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Three year term of Richard W. Robers will expire 02/10/91. MARCH LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-ADVISORY COIINCIL One year term of Frances R. Holsinger will expire 03/31/91. LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-BOARD OF DIRECTORS One year term of Murry K. White will expire 03/31/91. APRIL TRANSPORTATION AND BAFETY COMMISSION Four year terms of Lt. Art LaPrade for the County Police; Fred C. Altizer, Jr., for the Virginia Department of Transportation; H. Rodney Smith for the Senior Citizens, and Harry C. Nickens, Board Liaison, will expire 04/01/91. MAY JIINE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of Eldon L. Karr, Windsor Hills District, will expire 06/30/91. CLEAN VALLEY COIINCIL Two year terms of Vince Reynolds and Richard W. Robers, Advisory Member, will expire 06/30/91. FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Three year term of Charles Steve Garrett will expire 06/30/91. 1 PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Three year terms of Kenneth D. Bowen, Catawba District; Yvonne Willis, Catawba District; James Bryant, Hollins District; Paul D. Bailey, Windsor Hills District; and Roger L. Falls, Vinton District; will expire 06/30/91. ROANORE COIINTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Four year terms of Frank E. Thomas, Catawba District, and Barbara Chewning, Vinton District, will expire 06/30/91. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMIINITY COLLEGE BOARD Four year terms of Stephen A. Musselwhite and Jean Glontz will expire 06/30/91. JIILY ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Four year term of John Hubbard, will expire 07/31/91. AIIGIIST COMMIINITY CORRECTIONS RESOIIRCES BOARD One year terms of Bernard Hairston and Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate, will expire 08/31/91. GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Kim Owens will expire 09/27/91. INDIISTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY Four year terms of Charles R. Saul and Bill Triplett will expire 09/26/91. OCTOBER GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Cecil Hill, Alternate, will expire 10/12/91. 2 NOVEMBER HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Two year term of Anne Renner will expire 11/26/91. DECEMBER ROANORE COIINTY RESOIIRCE AIITHORITY Four year terms of Steven A. McGraw and Richard W. Robers will expire 12/31/91. COIIRT-COMMIINITY CORRECTIONS POLICY BOARD Three year terms of Harry C. Nickens and Betty Pullen will expire 12/31/91. LIBRARY BOARD Four year terms of Jane Bryant, Catawba District, and Dr. Paul M. Zeis, Windsor Hills District, will expire 12/31/91. MENTAL HEALTH BERVICEB OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY SERVICES BOARD Three year terms of Rita J. Gliniecki, and Dr. Joseph Duetsch, Member at Large, will expire 12/31/91. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year terms of Ronald L. Massey, Hollins District and Donald R. Witt, Cave Spring District, will expire 12/31/91. 3 1990 UNFILLED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of M. E. Maxey, Chairman, Vinton District, expired 06/30/90. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Wilmore T. Leffell expired 12/12/90. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year term of A. Kyle Robinson, Vinton District, expired 12/31/90. APPOINTMENTS/VACANCIES TO BE FILLED FOR 1991 DISTRICT TERM ERPIRES ROANORE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY Steven A. McGraw Catawba 4 yrs 12/31/91 Richard W. Robers Cave Spring 4 yrs 12/31/91 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Eldon L. Karr Windsor Hills 5 yrs 06/30/91 M. E. Maxey, Chairman Vinton 5 yrs 06/30/90 BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJIISTMENTS AND APPEALS Wilmore T. Leffell 4 yrs 12/12/90 CLEAN VALLEY COUNCIL Vince Reynolds 2 yrs 06/30/91 Richard W. Robers, Advisory 2 yrs 06/30/91 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOIIRCES BOARD Bernard Hairston 1 yr 08/13/91 Edmund J. Kielty, Alternate 1 yr 08/13/91 COURT SERVICE UNIT ADVISORY COUNCIL/YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (INACTIVE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) James K. Sanders Windsor Hills 2 yrs 03/22/91 Gerald Curtiss Catawba 2 yrs 03/22/90 Roger Smith Catawba 2 yrs 03/22/90 Gary J. Minter Hollins 2 yrs 03/22/90 Sherry Robison Windsor Hills 2 yrs 03/22/90 Hoyt C. Rath Vinton 2 yrs 01/26/89 James L. Trout Cave Spring 2 yrs 03/22/89 Ted R. Powell Cave Spring 2 yrs 03/22/89 Dr. J. Andrew Archer Vinton 2 yrs 03/22/88 Youth Members Cave Spring 1 yr William Byrd 1 yr 1 PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Kenneth D. Bowen Catawba 3 yrs 06/30/91 Yvonne Willis Catawba 3 yrs 06/30/91 James Bryant Hollins 3 yrs 06/30/91 Paul D. Bailey Windsor Hills 3 yrs 06/30/91 Roger L. Falls Vinton 3 yrs 06/30/91 ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Ronald L. Massey Hollins 4 yrs 12/31/91 Donald R. Witt Cave Spring 4 yrs 12/31/91 A. Kyle Robinson Vinton 4 yrs 12/31/90 REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Richard W. Robers 3 yrs 02/10/91 ROANORE COIINTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Frank E. Thomas Catawba 4 yrs 06/30/91 Barbara Chewning Vinton 4 yrs 06/30/91 ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD John Hubbard 4 yrs 07/31/91 TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Lt. Art LaPrade, County Police Fred c. Altizer, Jr., VDOT, Cave Spring H. Rodney Smith, Sen.Citizen, Windsor Hills Harry C. Nickens, Board Liaison Vinton VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMIINITY COLLEGE BOARD Stephen A. Musselwhite Jean Glontz 4 yrs 04/01/91 4 yrs 04/01/91 4 yrs 04/01/91 4 yrs 04/01/91 4 yrs 06/30/91 4 yrs 06/30/91 3 Glenvar High 1 yr Northside High 1 yr COIIRT-COMMIINITY CORRECTIONS POLICY BOARD Harry C. Nickens 3 yrs 12/31/91 Betty Pullen 3 yrs 12/31/91 FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Charles Steve Garrett 3 yrs 06/30/91 GRIEVANCE PANEL Kim Owens 2 yrs 09/27/91 Cecil Hill, Alternate 3 yrs 10/12/91 HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anne Renner 2 yrs 11/26/91 INDIISTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY Charles R. Saul 4 yrs 09/26/91 Bill Triplett 4 yrs 09/26/91 LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-ADVISORY COIINCIL Frances R. Holsinger 1 yr 03/31/91 LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-BOARD OF DIRECTORS Murry K. White 03/31/91 LIBRARY BOARD Jane Bryant Catawba 4 yrs 12/31/91 Dr. Paul M. Zeis Windsor Hills 4 yrs 12/31/91 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY SERVICES BOARD Rita J. Gliniecki 3 yrs 12/31/91 Dr. Joseph Duetsch, Member at Large 3 yrs 12/31/91 2