HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/28/1992 - RegularO~ ROAN q'F ~ c L _~ ~" Au-a~e~~a cmr a ~~1ZYt~ Lt~ ~ . , ~ ~ 18 'emu, 88 SFS~UICENTENN~P~ ~ d 8caunlui8tgmmng ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~'9 '8 '9 ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 28, 1992 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:03 P.M 2. Irnocation: John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS LBE MOVED ITEM C-3 TO CONSENT AGENDA ITEM K-10 ITEM C-2 ALSO MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA ITEM K-11 i C. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolutions of Appreciation to Individuals Who Provided Donations to the Green Hill Park Equestrian Center. R-12892-1 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC PRESENTATION ALSO MADE TO THOMAS BROTHERS BY GREEN HILL EQUESTRIAN COM1VII~l'1'EE FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for amendment to the Irnestment Policy. (ALFRED C. ANDERSON, COUNTY TREASURER) A-12892-2 EGK MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 2. Request for the Adoption of a Procedure for Updating the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan. (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS) A-12892-3 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 3. Request for an amendment to the 1991-92 Budget Appropriation Ordinance. (RE'rA BUSHER, DIRECTOR, MANAGEMENT & BUDGET) A-12892-4 HOM MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 2 4. Request from Valley Beautiful for an Ordinance that would protect trees. (ELMER C. HODGE, COUNTY ADMNISTRATOR A-12892-5 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC BLJ REQUESTED THAT B7A BE INCLUDED IN PROCESS EGK REQUESTED THAT COUNTY FORESTER BE INCLUDED IN PROCESS 5. Request for Resolution of Support for a Local Government Postal Rate (ALFRED ANDERSON, COUNTY TREASURER) R-12892-6 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 6. Request for participation in Cable Television Community Studio. (ANNE MARIE GREEN, PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER) A-12892-7 EGK MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-BLJ,EGK,LBE NO-HOM,HCN 7. Proposal to request from the City of Roanoke Financial Participation in the Therapeutics Program. (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) HCN MOTION TO SEND REQUEST FOR FUNDING TO ALL THItEE LOCALITIES - NO VOTE 3 EGK SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO POSTPONE TO 2/25/92 MEETING AYES-BI.J,EGK,HOM,LBE NAYS-HCN E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2/25/92 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to Construct a Cornenience Store, located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance authorizing the Conveyance of a Well Lot located in the LaBellevue Subdivision of Roanoke County 9 to Lawrence E. McMahon. (CLIFFORD CRAIG, UTILITY DIRECTOR) BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 2/11/92 - URC 2. An Ordinance amending and reenacting Section 9-21, Article II, Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code , Chapter 9, Fire Prevention and Protection relating to the Marking of Fire Lanes. (MARK LIGHT, DEPUTY FIRE AND RESCUE CHIEF) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 2/11/92 - URC I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of a 0.303 Acre Parcel of Land from Mary Viola Bush and a 0.127 Acre Parcel of Land from George and Helen H. Cyphers for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTOP:NEY) 0-12892-8 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC 2. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease with Appalachian Power Company for Storage Site for Spring Hollow Reservoir Construction. (JOHN HUBBARD, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) 0-12892-9 EGK MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC 3. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease for Real Estate, Office Space for Roanoke County Administrative s SUPERVISORS. K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WII.L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WII.L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-12892-11 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE WITH ITEM 10 AND 11 ADDED- URC 1. Approval of Minutes -November 19, 1991, December 3, 1991, December 17, 1991. 2. Approval of Minutes -January 3, 1992 (Legislative Meeting), January 3, 1992 (Organizational Meeting). 3. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Library Board, Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors, Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors and Transportation and Safety Commission. A-12892-11.a 4. Request for Approval of 50/50 Raffle Permit -Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter. A-12892-11.b 5. Request for Approval of 50/50 Raffle Permit -Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551. A-12892-11.c 6. Request for Acceptance of a portion of Blueberry Ridge into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-12892-11.d 7. Acknowledgement from VDOT of the Acceptance of 0.26 miles of Strathmore Lane and 0.22 miles of Cardington Drive into the Secondary System. A-12892- ll.e 8. Acceptance of Water System Serving the Oakridge Subdivision. A-12892-11.f 9. Resolution Accepting the Employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County Personnel System. R-12892-11.g 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the Retirement of Margaret Reynolds, Finance Department. R-12892-11.h 11. Resolution of Appreciation upon the Retirement of Carl Catron, Parks and Recreation Department. R-12892-11.i L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) ANNOUNCED THAT STATE IS STILL MAI~NG REDISTRICTING CHANGES WHICH WILL CHANGE PRECINCTS. PMM DESCRIBED PROCESS. (2) ASKED FOR FORMALIZED DOCUMENT OF COUNTY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. M. CITIZENS' CONIlVIENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE s N. REPORTS HCN MOVED TO RECEIVE AND FILE -WITHDREW MOTION BT{T MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE ITEMS 1 - 4 AND 6 - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Treasurer's Investment Report 5. Update on Smoking Policy HCN MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE - UW 6. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of December 31, 1991. RECESS - 4:45 O. WORK SESSION 1. Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS) P. EXECiJTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding a contract with the City of Roanoke, (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding settlement of litigation (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding contract for audit services and (1) Personnel matter regarding 9 performance. EGK MOTION AT 5:56 P.M. - URC Q. CERTIFICATION OF EXEC`iJTIVE SESSION R-12892-12 BIT MOTION TO APPROVE AT 7:05 P.M. - URC EVENING SESSION R PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment for Items to be Included in the 1992-93 Budget. 3 CITIZENS SPOKE FOR FULL FUNDING OF SCHOOL BUDGET 2 CITIZENS SPOKE FOR FUNDING FOR RECREATION 1 CITIZEN SPOKE FOR FUNDING FOR IULIAN WISE FOUNDATION S. PUBLIC HEARIlVG AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Petition of Easter Seal Society of VA. Inc. to Obtain a Use Not Provided for Permit to Allow Summer Concerts located in Valleypointe, Hollins Magisterial District. (TERRY HARRINGTON, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & ZONING) 0-12892-13 BIT MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC BLS REQUESTED RESO OF APPRECIATION TO LINGERFELT ASSOCIATES FOR ALLOWING USE OF VALLEYPOINTE. 2. Ordinance Amending Section 21-3 Utility Service Tax, of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by io the Amendment of Subsections (i) and (1), and by the Addition of Subsections (m), (n) and (o) Providing for Enforcement of such Tax and the Penalty for Late Remittance or False Returns. (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY) 0-12892-14 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC 3. Ordinance Amending Section 21-4 Enhanced Emergency Telephone Tax, of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by Amending and Reenacting Subsections (g) and (j), and the Addition of Subsections (k), (1) and (m) Providing for Enforcement of such Tax and the Penalty for Late Remittance or False Returns. (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTOA:NEY) 0-12892-15 EGK MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC T. CITIZEN CONIlViENTS AND COIMIlVIUNICATIONS THREE CITIZENS SPOKE REOUESTING ROAD IMPROVEMENTS TO COLONIAL AVE AND INTERSECTION OF HAZEL DRIVE AND PROBLEMS REGARDING SPEED LIMIT AND TRACTOR TRAILERS USING ROAD HCN MOTION TO SEND VDOT OFFICIALS RESOLUTION REQUESTING ELIMINATION OF TRACTOR TRAILERS AND LOWER OF SPEED LIMIT ON COLONIAL AVENUE - UW U. ADJOUrRNMENT BI;T MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 7:55 P.M. ii a, OF p,OA N ~~ ~ ~ J ~ a= C~~~n~ ~~ ~~ ~n~~.~ ~ u-~~;r~ ~ ~ ~$~ es SFS~UICEN7ENN~P~' ~ A Beaun~ul8egirtmnS ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~' 9.8 . A AGENDA JANUARY 28, 1992 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolutions of Appreciation to Individuals Who Provided Donations to the Green Hill Park Equestrian Center. i ti 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the Retirement of Margaret Reynolds, Finance Department. 3. Resolution of Appreciation upon the Retirement of Carl Catron, Parks and Recreation Department. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for amendment to the Investment Policy. (ALFRED C. ANDERSON, COUNTY TREASURER) 2. Request for the Adoption of a Procedure for Updating the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan. (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS) 3. Request for an amendment to the 1991-92 Budget Appropriation Ordinance. (BETA BUSHER, DIRECTOR, MANAGEMENT & BUDGET) 4. Request from Valley Beautiful for an Ordinance that would protect trees. (ELMER C. HODGE, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 5. Request for Resolution of Support for a Local Government Postal Rate (ELMER C. HODGE, COUNTRY ADMINISTRATOR) 6. Request for participation in Cable Television Community Studio. (ANNE MARIE GREEN, PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER) 7. Proposal to request from the City of Roanoke Financial a Participation in the Therapeutics Program. (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to Construct a Convenience Store, located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance authorizing the Conveyance of a Well Lot located in the LaBellevue Subdivision of Roanoke County to Lawrence E. McMahon. (CLIFFORD CRAIG, UTILITY DIRECTOR) 2. An Ordinance amending and reenacting Section 9-21, 3 Article II, Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code , Chapter 9, Fire Prevention and Protection relating to the Marking of Fire Lanes. (MARK LIGHT, DEPUTY FIRE AND RESCUE CHIEF) I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of a 0.303 Acre Parcel of Land from Mary Viola Bush and a 0.127 Acre Parcel of Land from George and Helen H. Cyphers for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY) 2. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease with Appalachian Power Company for Storage Site for Spring Hollow Reservoir Construction. (JOHN HUBBARD, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) 3. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease for Real Estate, Office Space for Roanoke County Administrative Offices. (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 2. Grievance Panel 3. Library Board 4. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 5. Transportation and Safety Commission 4 lK. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WII.L BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -November 19, 1991, December 3, 1991, December 17, 1991. 2. Approval of Minutes -January 3, 1992 (Legislative Meeting), January 3, 1992 (Organizational Meeting). 3. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Library Board, Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors, Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors and Transportation and Safety Commission. 4. Request for Approval of 50/50 Raffle Permit -Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter. 5. Request for Approval of 50/50 Raffle Permit -Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551. 6. Request for Acceptance of a portion of Blueberry Ridge into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 7. Acknowledgement from VDOT of the Acceptance of 0.26 miles of Strathmore Lane and 0.22 miles of Cardington Drive into the Secondary System. s 4 8. Acceptance of Water System Serving the Oakridge Subdivision. 9. Resolution Accepting the Employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County Personnel System. L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Treasurer's Irnestment Report 5. Update on Smoking Policy 6. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of December 31, 1991. O. WORK SESSION 1. Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 6 (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS) P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding a contract with the City of Roanoke, (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding settlement of litigation. Q. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION R PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment for Items to be Included in the 1992-93 Budget. S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Petition of Easter Seal Society of VA. Inc. to Obtain a Use Not Provided for Permit to Allow Summer Concerts located in Valleypointe, Hollins Magisterial District. (TERRY HARRINGTON, DIRECTOR OF PIANI~TING & ZONING) 2. Ordinance Amending Section 21-3 Utility Service Taxt of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by the Amendment of Subsections (i) and (1), and by the Addition of Subsections (m), (n) and (o) Providing for Enforcement of such Tax and the Penalty for Late Remittance or False Returns. (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY) 3. Ordinance Amending Section 21-4 Enhanced Emergency Telephone Tax, of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by Amending and Reenacting Subsections (g) and (j), and the Addition of Subsections (k), (1) and (m) Providing for Enforcement of such Tax and the Penalty for Late Remittance or False Returns. (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY) T. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. ADJOURNMENT s 'i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-1 OF APPRECIATION FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GREEN HILL EQUESTRIAN CENTER WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, through the efforts of the Roanoke County Equestrian Center Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Department, has been able to establish the GREEN HILL PARK EQUESTRIAN CENTER, which includes a 140 foot by 260 foot outdoor showring, access road with related parking, and an equine cross-country course, and WHEREAS, this facility has been established in a public/private development concept where 100% of the development has been through private donations and volunteer labor efforts, and WHEREAS, this project has received State and National recognition for the excellence in community involvement in the development of this facility which has been enjoyed by hundreds of equestrian enthusiasts since its opening to the public in 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to THOMAS BROTHERS, INC., LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C., SISSON AND RYAN, INC., NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP., C & P TELEPHONE COMPANY, APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY, ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC., AND BERNARD HYLTON for their contributions of grading, survey, stone and related services; cross-ties; telephone poles; power poles; PVC drainage pipes; and design and installation of the cross-country equestrian course; all of which helped to make this facility available for the enjoyment of the general public of our community. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -• AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions of Appreciation to Individuals Who Provided Donations to Green Hill Park Equestrian Center COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: r` ~,,~~ ~~G.~ ,.~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' The Green Hill Park Equestrian Center located at Green Hill Park has been developed as a Public/Private development wherein the County provided the land and the community has provided all development capital and volunteer labor efforts. This project has been recognized at the State and National levels for its innovative concept. The Roanoke County Equestrian Center Advisory Committee and the Department of Parks and Recreation would like for the Board of Supervisors to recognize the efforts of some of our Corporate citizens whose contributions to this project have made this facility possible. The eight recipients have been invited to the Board meeting on January 28 for this recognition. FISCAL IMPACT' None. RECOMMENDATION' Adopt the attached resolutions recognizing the efforts of our Corporate citizens whose contributions helped to make this facility possible. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, '~'~ t~ ..~ ' ,~,~ t J1.7-'rv~r C?e.° ohn M. Chambli s, Jr. Elmer C. Hodg Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Aba Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens `~ _ ~'~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GREEN HILL EQUEBTRIAN CENTER WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, through the efforts of the Roanoke County Equestrian Center Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Department, has been able to establish the GREEN HILL PARK EQUESTRIAN CENTER, which includes a 140 foot by 260 foot outdoor showring, access road with related parking, and an equine cross-country course, and WHEREAS, this facility has been established in a public/private development concept where 100 of the development has been through private donations and volunteer labor efforts, and WHEREAS, this project has received State and National recognition for the excellence in community involvement in the development of this facility which has been enjoyed by hundreds of equestrian enthusiasts since its opening to the public in 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to THOMAS BROTHERS, INC., LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C., SIBSON AND RYAN, INC., NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP., C & P TELEPHONE COMPANY, APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY, ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC., AND BERNARD HYLTON for their contributions of grading, survey, stone and related services; cross-ties; telephone poles; power poles; PVC drainage pipes; and design and installation of the cross-country equestrian course; all of which helped to make this facility available for the enjoyment of the general public of our community. '~~..i.:. ~.\`' '^,r,'I., A-1272-2 .. A ? F' .., J iJ t ~ ... "` ,`, T ~y `' ;J r P " r J t~ " ,., `~ :' ~ T * ~ r -r C! J t n. 'J ^ ~.. ~ . , T '~`T . 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U ,. - _ ,- _ . __ ~, ., , ~:, , c- . , d _ .... .v '.,t~. ~~5. - - _... __ _.,._. aSFi .~ .. .. ~ _ __....~.. ~ ,' _, .". - kE' .,. >.-'4.Li.. ,' W.. iii ~ ;~ ..,,~_...tnli:?L L1~_ ,~ agreer:er:, ~~ ~e` ~~`~r1< ~_ ~~-- ~G~ur~ -~- _. r - , ~. .._ ~T:... ., .~£'~. i_:;:` ~~~ i rile ..i~_.>~ _ .. u_ _.. ... ,_. c , ACTION ~ A-12892-3 ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Procedure for Updating the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COI~IENTS • - ;~ . ~ =%~%t,1 -°~` a BACKGROUND The Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan is a document that provides for the planning and implementation of improvements to Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Under Section 33.1-70.01 of the State Code the Six Year Construction Plan is to be revised every two years. Roanoke County's policy is to update and revise it in the even numbered years and review allocations of funding in odd numbered years. The objective of the procedure is to: 1. Respond to citizen requests. 2. Maintain an inventory of road problems and needs. 3. Provide for uniformity of consideration of needs throughout the County. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The process of updating the Secondary Road System Six Year Pian is as follows: 1. Reports of road problems and needs are received by VDOT and county staff during the year from citizens, members of the Board of Supervisors and others. All requests are logged with a number and information such as the staff contact, the description of the project and other pertinent information is recorded. ~. ~-~ 2. As these reports are received, they are reviewed and researched by the staff. Site visits are made and complete documentation of each case is prepared. 3. During this process there is interaction with VDOT and a file is developed and maintained including information on problem areas, citizen requests, safety and economic needs. 4. Biannually County and VDOT staff collect all the new requests. Based on the current Six Year Plan and the new requests a preliminary update to the plan is developed and cost estimates are established. 5. A work session is scheduled with the Board of Supervisors during which the County staff and VDOT personnel provide an update on the status of the plan along with information on new needs and requests. Included is a complete listing of all requests, a report from VDOT on the funding available and the priorities which have been jointly established by the County staff and VDOT. There is a cutoff in the processing of new requests 30 days prior to the work session. 6. The plan, resulting from the work session, is subsequently presented at a public hearing and citizen comment is received. 7. Within two to four weeks after the public hearing, the proposed plan, with any further revisions, is presented to the Board of Supervisors for adoption. ATTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS Adoption of this procedure involves no expenditure of County Funds. STAFF RECOMLYIENDATION Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt this procedure for reviewing and updating the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction plan. ~IJBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~ r rnold Covey,. Direct r Elmer C. Hodge Engineering & Inspec ions County Administrator -------------- - ACTION VOTE Approved (x ) Motion by: Rnh r, _ .TC~son No Yes Abs Denied ( ) emotion ~ approve Eddy ,~ Received ( ) Johnson _~ Referred Kohinke ~ To Minnix _~_ Nickens ~ cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ACTION NO. A-12892-4 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment to the FY1991-92 Budget Appropriation Ordinance ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~r~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~~,~..,.,.~-„,~,.-.-~ '"~'~ ~ / j'~ ,'~~a F,t-C~cl„"r~ ~ .r.,~^"A-t OJt"`~".~".~~`_.--C,ct,t' ~/ = 'Z•t~~~¢'/'~C.y~'.c,~ ,~,. ~i~. ~ ~f' O'° 9 .sli" ~L"~1 Ctfv2~..t"tt.~+..'Y r~?`~.~_.t.'iiC..ts{ ...~y ~~'`!~f .. J.~.~,-~ C, i `~ i7 r a <~ ~ ~ J//w~~7 SUNII~IARY OF INFORMATION: On January 14, 1992, in a budget work session, staff reported to the Board of Supervisors that due to the downturn in the local economy and expected funding cuts from the Commonwealth, that staff anticipated a revenue shortfall for FY1991-92 of approximately $1,250,000 (See Attachments 1-5). FISCAL IMPACT: The proposal submitted by staff for balancing the FY1991-92 budget is as follows: Revenues• Real Estate Tax Personal Property Local Sales Tax Consumer Utility Meals Tax Commonwealth Total Proposed Tax Tax Revenue Reductions $ 200,000 (1,200,000) (450,000) 400,000 (50,000) (150,0001 $(1,250,000) Unappropriated Fund Balance: Use of FY1990-91 Year-End Surplus $ 771,314 Net Proposed Revenue Reduction S (478,686) Expenditures: Savings From Frozen Positions $ (149,009) 5~ Departmental Budget Cuts L29,677) Total Proposed Expenditure Reductions $ (478,686) 1 ~-3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends amending the FY1991-92 Budget Appropriation by $1,250,000 as outlined above. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodge Director of Management County Administrator and Budget ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Mot1Ori by: H Od 11 Minnix to a~orove Eddy x Johnson x McGraw x Nickens x Robers x cc: File Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 ~ -3 County of Roanoke Budget Work Session Summary of Mid Year Financial Condition January 14, 1992 Attachment 1 Estimated Revenue Shortfall at December 31, 1991 ($1,250,000) Expenditure Savings: Savings from Frozen Positions 149,009 5°r6 Departmental Budget Cuts 329,677 478,686 Net Revenue Shortfall (771,314) FY 1990-91 Year-End Surplus 771,314 Balanced Budget FY 1991-92 0 3 ~s~ Attachment 2 County of Roanoke Budget VMork Session FY 19912 Revenue Maiysis January 14, 1992 Original Revised Range Budget Budget - Revenue Source F1( 1991-92 FY 1991-92 Best Worst Local Revenues: Real Estate $32,243,174 $32,400,000 $250,000 $150,000 Personal Property 13,900,000 12,700,000 (1,200,000) (1,450,000) Public Service Corporation 1,460,000 1,489,075 39,075 39,075 Local Sales Tax 4,450,000 4,000,000 (400,000) (500,000) Consumer Utility Tax 1,600,000 2,000,000 500,000 400,000 Business License Tax 2,480,000 2,480,000 0 0 Motor Vehicle License Tax 1,370,000 1,370,000 0 0 Meals Tax 1,850,000 1,800,000 0 (50,000) Other 3,090,075 3,090,075 0 0 Total Local Revenues $62,433,249 $61,329,150 ($810,925) ($1,410,925) Commonwealth 5,163,850 5,013,850 (150,000) (150,000) Federal 1,216,500 1,215,500 0 0 Total General Fund Revenue $68,812,599 ===xao==~= $67,558,500 aee=xoma== ($960,925) ($1,560,925) =°===woe== =as:~:ssaa Mid-Range ($1,250,000) 4 ~" County of Roanoke Budget Work Session Freezing of 17 County Positions January 14, 1992 General Fund: Attachment 3 Fiscallmpact Fiscallmpact Position Department FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 Assistant Library Director Library $40,763 $41,914 Police Officer Police 0 0 Clerk Typist Police 8,395 16,487 Real Estate Clerk I Real Estate Assessments 13,384 16,515 Assistant Recreation Supervisor Parks and Recreation 23,828 24,979 Laborer Parks and Recreation 2,648 14,395 Firefighter Fire and Rescue 10,400 33,081 End-User Computing Specialist MIS 14,320 26,371 Tax Clerk I Commissioner of Revenue 8,682 17,278 Clerk Typist Communications 11,645 18,085 Custodian II Building Maintenance 3,490 23,848 Refuse Collector Solid Waste 11,454 17,248 Fraud Investigator Social Services 0 0 Volunteer Services Coordinator Social Services 0 0 Total General Fund Savings $149,009 $250,201 Utility Fund: Account Clerk II Utility Maintenance Foreman Laborer Total Utility Fund Savings Total Savings from Frozen Positions Utility Billing $20,694 $26,175 Utility 21,573 22,724 Utility 10,183 14,389 $52,450 $63,288 $201,459 $313,489 sssasssss= s:sssa..== 5 Attachment 4 County of Roanoke Budget Nlbrk Session ~.~ 5% Departmental Budget Cuts January 14, 1992 Fiscal Impact Department FY 1991-92 Board of Supervisors $1,621 County Administrator 18,000 Human Resources 2,983 County Attorney 3,600 Economic Development 1,170 Treasurer 0 Commonwealth Attorney 620 Commissioner of Revenue 0 Clerk of the Circuit Court 2,889 Sheriff 8,600 Police 15,038 Circuit Court p General District Court 641 J and D Relations Court 367 Court Service Unit 0 Asst County Admin-Mgt Services 400 Real Estate Assessments 2,700 Finance 3,727 Public Transportation 0 Management and Budget 1,081 Risk Management 47,000 Procurement Services 1,410 Fire and Rescue 18,072 Asst County Admin-Community Svcs 796 Solid Waste 29,779 Engineering and Inspections 8,627 Building Maintenance 10,100 Planning and Zoning 1,328 Asst County Admin-Human Services 770 Parks and Recreation 12,844 Public Health 0 Social Services 0 Library 11,800 Va Extension Service 4,296 Elections 540 Animal Control 1,210 Transfer to Youth Haven II 25,000 Transfer to Garage II 1,023 Transfer to Communications 6,782 Transfer to MIS 8,663 Transfer to Debt Service 75,000 $329,677 __________ 6 COUNTY OF ROANOKE ~ittachment 5 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET curs FY1991~2 ~®, JANUARY 14, 1992 DEPT. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET REDUCTION AMOUNT TOTAL BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TRAINING AND EDUCATION ~ 500 PUBLIC INFORMATION 500 SPECIAL EVENTS 621 1,621 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PUBLICATIONS 18,000 18,000 HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL 1,000 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 1,000 WELLNESS PROGRAM 983 2,983 COUNTY ATTORNEY PART-TIME 2,910 TEMPORARY HELP 690 3,600 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION TEMPORARY HELP 300 TELEPHONE 151 DUES 150 MARKETING TRAVEL 569 1,170 COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY TELEPHONE 35 PHOTOCOPIES 100 BOOKS 200 DUES 285 620 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,989 2,989 SHERIFF ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE 1,000 TELEPHONE 1,000 CIVIL GAS, OIL 1,500 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 100 CARE AND CONFINEMENT ELECTRICITY 5,000 8,600 POLICE ADMINISTRATION TRAINING 500 UNIFORM GAS, OIL 5,000 ACCIDENT FLARES 1,000 CID INFORMANT ALLOWANCE 3,000 GAS, OIL 1,000 SERVICES TEMPORARY HELP 2,500 REPAIRS-OTHER EQUIP. 1,000 GAS, OIL 1,000 TRANSPORTATION SAFETY LUNCHEON MEETINGS 38 15,038 COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET CUTS FY1991-92 ~,, JANUARY 14, 1992 DEPT. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET REDUCTION AMOUNT TOTAL GENERAL DISTRICT COURT REPAIRS 200 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 100 DUES 100 BOOKS 241 641 J & D COURT WEARING APPAREL 280 TRAVEL 87 367 ASST. COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS TRAINING AND EDUCATION 385 TRAVEL 585 DUES 100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 896 1,966 REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENTS ADMINISTRATION TRAINING 2,500 2,500 FINANCE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 3,727 3,727 RISK MANAGEMENT ~ PREMIUM REDUCTIONS 47,000 47,000 MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET PRINTED FORMS-CIP 1,281 1,281 PROCUREMENT PHOTOCOPIES 100 TIRES, TUBES 250 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,060 1,410 FIRE AND RESCUE ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,000 RADIO REPAIRS 2,300 TRAVEL(LODGING) 1,000 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 3,000 DUES 400 RADIO PARTS 500 REPAIR PARTS 500 SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 OPERATIONS HEATING FUEL 4,024 SUPPORT STAFF DEVELOPMENT 1,243 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1,915 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1,090 VOLUNTEER RESCUE REPAIRS-OTHER EQUIPMENT ~ 1,000 18,072 COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET CUTS FY1991-92 JANUARY 14, 1992 DEPT. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET REDUCTION AMOUNT TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE S MALL CAPITAL 7,579 CUSTODIAL SERVICES GAS, OIL 2,000 SIGNAGE 521 10,100 SOLID WASTE TIPPING FEES 29,779 29,779 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 200 REPAIRS-AUTO 100 TRAVEL 285 DRAFTING REPAIRS-OFFICE EQUIP. 259 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS REPAIRS-AUTO 100 TRAVEL 130 UNIFORMS 100 DRAINAGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,701 STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3,076 ROADWAYS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 217 7,168 PLANNING AND ZONING ADVERTISING 1,328 1,328 DEVELOPMENT AND INSPECTIONS ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 916 INSPECTIONS GAS, OIL 496 DEVELOPMENT BOOKS 47 1,459 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PART-TIME 3,746 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 4,440 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 600 RENTAL 308 9,094 PARKS AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL 2,544 DUES 580 UNIFORMS 726 3,850 LIBRARIES RESEARCH AND CIRCULATION PRINTED FORMS 500 PURCHASED SERVICES 2,000 AUTOMATION BACK-UP FOR AUTOMATED SYSTEM 9,300 11,800 VPI EXTENSION ~ SHARED SALARY COSTS 4,296 4,296 COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET CUTS FY1991-92 ~ e JANUARY 14, 1992 DEPT. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET REDUCTION AMOUNT TOTAL ELECTIONS TRAINING AND EDUCATION 540 540 ANIMAL CONTROL ANIMAL CLAIMS 250 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 500 GAS, OIL 160 GUNS, HOLSTERS, BADGES 300 1,210 MIS ADMINISTRATION TRAINING 796 SMALL EQUIPMENT 261 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 500 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 3,223 END-USER COMPUTING TRAVEL 940 TRAINING 704 SMALL EQUIPMENT 239 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3,000 9,663 COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,782 6,782 GARAGE II POSTAGE 50 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 200 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES 80 MISC. COSTS 500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50 RADIO PARTS 50 TIRE, TUBES 93 1,023 TRANSFER TO YOUTH HAVEN II TRANSFER 25,000 25,000 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE INTEREST EXPENSE 75,000 75,000 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL CUTS 329,677 10 ACTION NO. A-12892-5 ITEM NUMBER ~/ ", AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request from Valley Beautiful for an Ordinance to Protect Trees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a letter from Valley Beautiful requesting that the Board of Supervisors adopt an ordinance that would protect trees in Roanoke County. The Code of Virginia has two statutes which authorize the adoption of such ordinances. Valley Beautiful has proposed an excellent idea. However, there may be land use and general philosophical issues surrounding adoption of an ordinance protecting trees and the Planning staff and Planning Commission should be involved before an ordinance is brought to the Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the request from Valley Beautiful for an ordinance to protect trees be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. 5 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) motion to approve Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Paul Mahoney, County Attorney vPLLEy ~' i, ~~ ~~~ UTI~~~.. 310 FIRST STREET, S.W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24011 January 21, 1992 The Honorable Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~ 71 1 D.!!~~ T'~ C tY LL11 1 V11Lilel ilrlYe, V. ~ . Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Lee: Our Board of Directors, at its September 17, 1991 meeting, unanimously adopted a resolution to request the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopt an ordinance to protect the ever-decreasing number of trees in our beautiful Valley. The Virginia Department of Forestry estimates that we are losing 400,000 trees each year in the Roanoke Valley. The Code of Virginia has two statutes which authorize local governments to adopt such ordinances. Section 10.1-1127.1 covers memorial and street trees. Section 15.1-14.2 relates to the replacement of trees during the development process. (Copies of these two statutes are enclosed.) Valley Beautiful is a voluntary organization with anon-profit status. We receive no government funding. We obtain the majority of our financial support from tax-deductible gifts sent by people just like you. Our only other source of income is in the form of revenue sharing from local recycling programs. P1Fac~., su ie~ carzfta3 ~nncdP*~ t1Gn, nr{~Ynca Tr_. ~ Giir ~2Qar~i of C,~Ypr~~icnrc t~:Kt ?~ ~'~;3;,t .... a ~~rC;i;;73te ordinance to protect your beautiful, valuable and vanishing trees. 1 Sincerely, Betty J. Pence President William S. Hubard Vice President cc: Elmer C. Hodge . , ;,F: ~'. ~Y'. ~l "- electric, gas or telophunc service; (ivy to activities m•ith minor effects on trees, incLnlin;; b~-It not limited to, home gardening and landscaping of individual homes, and Ivl commercial silviculi.ural or horticultural activities, including but. nut limited to planting, managing, or h:u-vesting fm~est or tree crops. ll. In the evoirt that the appliartion of any ordinance regulating the removal of hentage, specimen, memonal m• street trees results in any talong 01' private properly fur a public purpose or use, the governing body shall compensate by fee ur ot.her consideration the property owner for such taking e a.~' ~^tF ,;4x -~ and the ordinance shall so slate thereby notifying the owner of hIS right to ' ~, n.: } sect: such foe nr other compentiat ion. the proviswns oCChapter 1.1 la 25-46.1 ' t ~, d ,, _ -! ~` ~ ~ et scy.1 of'1'rUe 2', of tho Coda of Vu ~uua shall apply to the taking of private ~ . = t ~ _, I ~ property for a public purjto e pursuant to such ocal ordinance. • T ~ i zs '~,-~ x ' E. A'iolntions of such local ordinance shall be punishable by civil penalties ,'~ x r:ot Lo a~ceed g?.50C for each vinl:nion. `r„~. ' t' -,~ ~ F. NoLhin rn this sectrou shall. be construed t.obc in derogation of the • ~ ~` '~.< . ' ~n' ~~ • -authority granted to any county, city or to.yn by the provision of any charter _ ' ~ or other provision of 1aFV. (1959, c..678J r `~ ~ ' ~~ 10.1-1128. Acquisition and administration. -Each county, city and _ ~ . i•- _ ~ ~ towu acting through Itti governing body, is authorized to acquire by purchase, ~- y gift m' bequest tracts of land suitable for the growth of trees and to administer 'S } the same, us well as any lands now owned by any such locality and suitable r fti ' _ , ; for the gro~yth of trees, as county, city or town forests. (Code 1950, ~ 10-48; r - 1958, c. S91J ~ ~~ ~ '~ r Y a+ ,~•y :? ~ 10.1-1129. Purchasing real estate outside of bomu3aries. -Before ~• ~ e 3 ~ ~ an}' governing body purchases any real estate outside of the county, city or ~ ` ` town which it represents pursuant Lo the provisions oft 10.1-1128, it shall ,'` ~ F ~ ~~°~`~ ' first secure the approval of the governing body of the county, city or town in ~•. - I ~ ~ ~yhich the real estate rs located. (Code 1950, ~ 10-49; 1988, c. 891.) 1 ~ , r r ..ts 6 . t I ~ ra' y ~~ ~ ~ x ` ti 10.1-1]30. State Forester to furnish seedlings and technical assis• ' s+s1 ~ ~u y* t `E'r ~ e ~ the Slate Forester is authorized to supply from any forest tree tance. - °,~ > ~ nursery or nurseru~s forest tree seedlings and transplants necessary and ~ '- ~ ,~ ~ ~ • sortable for re(bre~ting :ray part or all of any lands acquired or owned and ~ z 1 ~..- -. ~ 4<~y ~ administered by any county, city or town as provided in ~ 10.1-1128, and Co f - ~ furnish technical as~isLurce and supervision necessary fm• the proper manage- y ~ ~ ~ ~ meat and adminish'ation of such- lands and forests free of cosC to counties, r ~° ' cities and towns. The respective counties, crtres and towns shall agree to ~ ~ ~'~ ~ t ,~. , k~ - .~, administer such lands in accordance with the pr;tctrces and principles of d b h - •r ~ ~~~, ~ a ~ ~ ~ i xientitic fure~tiy as etci mined y t e State Forester a the Board of Forestry. (Code 1950, ti 10-50; 1956, c. 567; 1988, c. 591J ~ c a ~, z s ;~:r~ :~~ AIITICLF. 5. f 9 Pmrstrv Services for Landowners. -i. ~ ~; ~ ~ r ~ 10.1-1731. Authority of State Forester. -The State forester is ,~ authorized to desrgnate, upon request of the landowner, forest trees of private * ~i .~na forest landowners for sale or removal. b}~ blazing or otherwise, and to measure .7s - } ' or estimate the volume of the. t revs under the teens and conditions hereinafter ' provided. lt; ode 1950. :; 10-51; 1946, c. 567; 1988, ~. 891.) ~G~,. ~ ~{' n i ' Sr ~ 3 `' ~ 246 a e A` ~~ ~ r '=} 3y A - ~ ~ a rti°'~- f $y l TOII U:a 1 FL7, i q , Pr' C ~ a Y ~ , c ~ t V f - -- u ' S 1 ~, f t t _ e' ~/~ ~ ~ -~. ~ 5 r v!' u .'`a - -~ ~ 3 ~'' F ....~ T y ~ r# F 3~n; . ~ i r J t ~~Sf~ ~W r ~7; t } o -r 'f . _ . *~ ... . rut 10.]•]132. Admini The State Forester she Forester, m• his author, landowner fm'technica~ trees fw• removal fur lui or other Toro L pr~~iu. designating in an :yrpn, volume contained in 1h~ with a statement of th~~ (iv) offer general lino<;. owner's forest. (Code 1 ti 10.1.113:3. Fee., far statcmart for design,il; 10.1-1132, the landou~i thirty days of receipt of i the sale price or [air nui i estimated. IIowevor, G.. approved scienLi(ic (in~~ Commonwealth, and t,~ principles, the Stale Fur measure or estimate wiry not in excess of Len ar~~ § 10.1-1134. Disposili for services described in i the crediC of the b'mosti-. similar scienLi[ic forc.dr~ The State Forester is hey. the fire suppression fund for fm'esta'y managornon~~ 1984, c. 715; 19S(i, c Sr~ ~,. ~' ~; ~: I ss 10.1-1135. Appoints powers. -The St.~fc P~~~ Govm•nor to comnuasiun i forest wardens of Lhi~ Cnni: direction, to aid in carrci: shall receivecompcnsati~~~ purrpose. Before enlorinr; appointed ;hall take lh~~ ~~~ county or city in which tL- shall be consm-vaturs of i enforce the provisions ul The State forester may ; wardens. Special forest ~~:~ sheriffs throughout Iho ('~~, § 10-55, 1964, c. 79; ]o;' k ~ ~`,~m~y'a^ t *r 3 ~ ~~~~ i ~:F 1 ;" c ~ h '~ u~c. ~ i i ~ . ' 1 4 ~{ ~`iy'~t t:~. S CkI _.• ~ f ~r~. . _. ;., _ -..1 ~ • ~ z ~ , ~` ~ C ,~ ti ; ~ _r L ~~~~ a a ~ ~ ~M y 4 ~ t~~ t4 9 , •~3•~i - ; 11'~^'FG. x t 1 f w. • =_ e i ~ ~~ f i ~ ~ l r 1 Y Z.. ~ ~ ' Sk t r;; ~-,r y q i > •.a: i . - x ~ ti _~ -~ , ~ ' ' _ .~. . .~.. _ .. .~_ _..__._~ wW„_...1 ~„ ~ . s ~. . ;~, ~ x ~ a ~': ' ~~ ~. , ~~ 5 ~ ~~ ~ t ` 2n t lr~ Yk, ., "e' \ 1 YV •t r'e'f ~ '1 ~~ t i~x~A L - i ~~,' -- - . r~ >. § lo.I-18.2 COUNTIES, CITIES AND 'fO~'VNS _.~,: ~ u z Y_ N~ C t ~ /a` 7:v ~ ~ " ~~ ~~ § 15.1-18.2 `s ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ D. In no event shall any local tree replacement or planting ordinance ' '."s ' ~ ;aT~,~~ ~'?,`~ adopted pursuant to this section exceed the requirements, set forth herein. • > > s `•` ~ ' E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to invalidate any county, city, ~,~ or town ordinance adopted pursuant to the provisions of this section prior to 4 ; ~ :~ ~ July 1, 1030, which imposes standards for tree replacement or planting during ~.~~~ '~ f the development process. (1983, c. ?Iii; 13J0, c: 3Gf;.j -- , ~t~~~r •' The 1433 amendment in subsection I3 sub- , "~ -~ ~ ~ stituted "twenty years" for "maturity of ten ~_ 4 '~ J~~ ? years" in the introductory paragraph, inserted °' ~~ ~ "and the follo4cing shall be exempt from the ' ? r .~ a ~ requirements of any tree re lacement l t p or p an - _~ t'. ;.~ ~~ tiff ~,: s~.j ,. '°~ :; ing ordinance promulgated under this section" in subdivision B 4, inserted the language beginning "and the extent of canopy at matu- rity" at the end of the definition for "Tree canopy," and added subsections D and E. 15.1-I~.2. Special service districts in consolidated cities. = A. The city council of any city which results from the consolidation of two or more counties, cities or towns shall have the power to maintain service districts within the city to provide additional or more complete services of government than are desired in the city as a whole. Service districts shall be created by order of the circuit court of the city, or by a judge thereof in vacation, upon the petition of fifty qualified voters of the proposed district, which order shall prescribe the metes and bounds of the district. Upon the filing of a petition the court shall f`ix a"date for a hearing on the question of the proposed service district, which hearing shall embrace a consideration of whether the property embraced within the proposed district will be benefited by the establishment thereof. Notice of such hearing shall be given by publication once a week for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation within the city, and the hearing shall not be' held sooner than ten days after completion of such publication. Any person interested may answer the petition and make defense thereto. If upon such hearing the court, or the judge thereof in vacation, is of opinion that any property embraced within the limits of such proposed district will not be benefited by the establishment thereof, then such property shall not be embraced therein. Upon the petition of the city council and of not less than 50 qualified voters of the territory proposed to be added, or if such territory contains less than 100 qualified voters, of fifty percent of the qualified voters of such territory, after notice and hearing as provided above, any service district may be extended and enlarged by order of the circuit court of the city, or by a judge thereof in vacation, which order shall prescribe the metes and bounds of the territory •so added. B. The petition for the districts shall: 1. Set forth the name and describe the boundaries of the pro,r;sed district and specify any areas within the district that are to be excluded; 2. Describe the facilities and services proposed within the district; 3. Describe a proposed plan for providing such facilities and services within the district; and ~. Describe the benefits which can be expected from the provision of such facilities and services within the district. C. After the entry of such order creating a service district, the city .council shall have the following powers and duties with respect to the service districts: 1. To construct, maintain and operate such facilities and equipment as may be necessai;~ or desirable to provide additional or more complete governmen- tGi services within a service district, including but not limited to water supply, se~;~erage, etzrbage removal and disposal, heat, light, fire-fi hting en~~ipmen~ ano' power and s;as systems and sidewalks' economic development r~'^ ~ iCCS I ~'?, _1021 Of b'lslne~~s ;tT1Ct 2'Ctall deVe~Opnlent 8er V1C@S; beaL1t1f1Catlon ]~ t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-6 URGING THE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE TO INSTITUTE A LOCAL GOVERNMENT POSTAL RATE WHEREAS, increased postal rates have mandated a significant financial impact on local governments throughout the United States to provide essential services such as tax notices, voter registration forms, jury duty, summonses, utility bills, et al, and WHEREAS, such postal rate are a form of "double taxation" on local government taxpayers, for required governmental services; and WHEREAS, the National Association of Treasurers and Finance Officers and the Virginia Treasurers Association have endorsed the concept of a "local government postal rate". NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia endorses efforts to request that the Congress of the United States convene hearings on the impact of recent and potential postal rate increases on all local governments in the United States. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Roanoke County's representatives in the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. llen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Alfred C. Anderson, County The Honorable Jim Olin, U. The Honorable John Warner, The Honorable Charles Robb, File Treasurer S. House of Representatives U. S. Senate U. S. Senate ACTION NO. [" ITEM NUMBER ~ V AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Support for the institution of a Local Government Postal Rate COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /f ~•~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A major impact to local government budgets in recent years has been the increase in postal rates. It is anticipated that there may be additional increases in the future. In 1990-91 the actual postal costs were $10,000 above the amount budgeted. The 1991-92 budget for postage is $162,661, and the 1992-93 budget may have to be increased beyond that amount to cover the proposed postal rates. The attached letter from County Treasurer Alfred C. Anderson advises that the National Association of County Treasurers and Finance Officers as well as the Virginia Treasurers Association supports a local government postal rate. The County staff also endorses this action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The County staff and County Treasurer recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution supporting hearings by the U. S. Congress on the impact of recent and potential postal rate increases on local governments. It is further recommended that the resolution be forwarded to our representatives in the United States Congress and Senate. r ~~..~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~, Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ~. 5" VOTE No Yes Abs ., ~ AoaNO~. o FL • . '' • p Z ~, v az 18 ~50~ 88 g~SQVICEN7ENN% A Beauti~u/Beginning C~nttnt~ of ~uttn~k~ January 22, 1992 The Honorable Lee Eddy, Chairman Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Dear Lee, ,.;/ "" ~u- arr '~II~I 1979 1989 =. ALFRED C. ANDERSON. CFO. CGT TREASURER One of the budget costs that has become difficult to control is postage. Several years ago we attempted to control rising postage cost by taking advantage of first class bulk rates. However, even that has increased. The National Association of County Treasurers and Finance Officers (NACTFO) and the Treasurers' Association of Virginia has passed resolutions calling upon Congress to convene hearing on the impact of recent and potential postal rate increases. Hearing have been convened. See enclosed article. The County's 1990-1991 postage budget was $135,577. The actual cost, thanks to the postal increase in February, was $145,017. That $10,000 had to come from somewhere. The current postage budget stands at $162,661. That is another $17,000 that could have been used to either balance the budget or provide some needed service to our residents. I urge you and the other Board members to support the thrust of the enclosed resolution by memorializing our Representatives and U.S. Senators to support a local government postal rate. Sincerely, Al red C. Anderson, CFO, CGT Treasurer, Roanoke County c: Members, Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 21009 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24016-0533 (703) 772-2056 FAX: (703) 772-2015 ~,. ~' . ~ . ..V '"' RESOLUTION CALLING FOR CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS ON THE IM?ACT OF U.S. POSTAL INCREASES ON LCCAL GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, the membership of the Treasurers' Association of Virginia representing every County and City in the Commonwealth of Virginia desires to hereby enforce its desire for the Congress of the United States to immediately establish Hearings on the Impact on Local Governments due to ongoing and recent occurrences; and WHEREAS, recent occurrences seem to indicate that the U.S. Postal Service continues en an ~.r~charted course due. to the fact that on July 2, 1991, the independent Postal Rate Commission: unanimously rejected the U.S. Postal rates that became effective February, 1991, and requested that the current $.29 First-Class Stamp be increased immediately to $.30 and that several of the changes in the complex set of rates requested by the Postal Service also be changed; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Postal Service recently announced the payment of $20 million in bonuses to executive employees during fiscal years 1988-90, at a time when the service lost money; and WHEREAS, these continued postal increases continue to reap havoc upon all forms of government in the United States and the taxpayers related thereto, thus causing a form of "double form of taxation" completely disregarding the fact that the impact on local governments is tremendously costly, based on the fact that local governments are the sources directed to mail such items as Jury Notices, Jury Pay, Tax Information, Voter Registration Certificates, Payments for Federal and State Governments and many, many other related services that benefit of the taxpayers; and WHEREAS, local governments are truly "Non-Profit Organizations," and should be accorded such, rates, cr the establishment of_a "local government postal rate", and WHEREAS, it is imperative that the Congress take immediate stegs to help resolve this matter on behalf of kcal governments throughout the United States who are meeting tremendous cost overruns due to the ever-changing postal rates: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurers' Association of Virginia does hereby call upon the Congress of the United States of America to immediately convene hearings on the impact of recent and potential postal rate increases on all local governments throughout the United States; and ,r ., F ~~ ~ . .. 4i . ~, -~ ' ., BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Treasurers' Association of Virginia that the Congress and the Board of Governors of all U.S. Postal Services establish immediate dialogue to reach a common agreement with representatives of local governments from throughout the United States to establish a "local government postal rate" for essential government postal services only, at a rate lower than that currently effected by the U.S. Postal Service, set local government postal rates at the Non-Profit Organization Postal Rate, establish essential local government rates consistent with rates paid by the U.S. Postal Service, thus alleviating` all U.S. Postal costs to the local taxpayer, or seek the establishment of competitive services throughout the United States to curtail the lack of competition and service of the U.S. Postal Service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to our States's Congressional delegation memorializing them to support legislation establishing a local government gostal rate: Adopted by Executive Committee of the Treasurers' Association of Virginia August 18, 1991 _~-S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION URGING THE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE TO INSTITIITE A LOCAL GOVERNMENT POSTAL RATE WHEREAS, increased postal rates have mandated a significant financial impact on local governments throughout the United States to provide essential services such as tax notices, voter registration forms, jury duty, summonses, utility bills, et al, and WHEREAS, such postal rate are a form of "double taxation" on local government taxpayers, for required governmental services; and WHEREAS, the National Association of Treasurers and Finance Officers and the Virginia Treasurers Association have endorsed the concept of a "local government postal rate". NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia endorses efforts to request that the Congress of the United States convene hearings on the impact of recent and potential postal rate increases on all local governments in the United States. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Roanoke County's representatives in the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. A ACTION # A-12892-7 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992. SUBJECT: Request for Participation in Cable Television Community Studio COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : I recommend that the County continue to participate fully in the plans fora Community Studio, and that the Committee members be directed to investigate methods of absorbing or minimizing any costs which may be incurred. For example, if the studio is constructed in a County-owned location, I hope that we may be able to use in-kind services and existing staff as part of our contribution to it. It is my request that the Board clarify its position on this issue, so that the represent- atives to the Cable Television Committee will be able to act accordingly. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: After the new Cable Television Franchise Agreement was finalized with Cox Cable, Roanoke, Roanoke County and Vinton appointed the Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee to deal with a variety of issues, including allocation of the $480,000 grant which is being provided by Cox for a Community Studio. The County's representatives are Harry Nickens, Don Terp, Anne Marie Green and Jane James from the School system. The Cable TV Committee appointed a subcommittee to investigate equipment and facilities which might be used for the Community Studio. The Subcommittee consists of Michelle Bono, Public Information Officer, Roanoke, Mary Beth Layman, Special Events Coordinator, Vinton, Al Beckley, Citizen Representative, Roanoke (and former Director of Communications for the City), David Becker, Roanoke City Schools, Don Terp, Jane James, and Anne Marie Green. GOVERNMENT ACCESS The Subcommittee has toured studios at Virginia Tech, the Town of Blacksburg, Roanoke College and Cox Cable. In addition, the Subcommittee is looking at various types of equipment, focusing on what will probably be the first purchase, a character generator, which is used to produce lettering which scrolls across the screen. 1 ~°'tA The Subcommittee has also discussed possible studio locations, and is particularly interested in the Roanoke County Occupational School on Cove Road. Other suggestions have included the old William Byrd High School and Jefferson High School. Due to space considerations, including ceiling height, there are a limited number of facilities which would be suitable for this use. The school systems are very excited about the possibility of adding cable programming to their teaching methods and the Roanoke County School Board is apparently interested in having the studio at one of our facilities. The Schools want to use the system to produce their own shows, to broadcast classes, and to pull down programming from satellites. The issue of staffing for the Community Studio has been discussed briefly at the subcommittee meetings. No additional staff will be necessary for operation of the character generators. However, there is no in-house expertise on the purchase or operation of the more complicated video and broadcasting equipment, and discussion has centered around either hiring a consultant for assistance in the procurement process and/or hiring a temporary part-time person to perform this task and help operate the studio. The franchise fee was increased from 4% to 5% under the terms of the new franchise, and the City of Roanoke has allocated the additional 1~ of the fee for the purpose of staffing this facility. It is anticipated that the Town of Vinton will be doing the same. In Roanoke County, the l~ equals $48,500. When the Subcommittee finishes its work, a report will be made to the Cable TV Committee as a whole, and the Committee will formally vote on whether to proceed with the recommendation. Any appropriation of funds for purchase of equipment or staffing will have to be approved by Roanoke City Council, Vinton Town Council and the Board of Supervisors. PUBLIC ACCESS All of the above work addresses government access to Cable Television. Public access is a different issue, and has not been discussed by this subcommittee. Before the franchise was com- pleted, there were some staff meetings which included a presenta- tion from the Town of Blacksburg on how public access works, and how it can be controlled so that the standards of the community are upheld. Under the terms of the franchise agreement, the local governments may establish rules prohibiting the use of the public access channel for commercial advertising, lottery information and obscene or indecent material. While there will eventually be nine PEG (Public/Educational/ Government) channels, the system will begin with only three. The Subcommittee anticipates using one for the City Government/Schools, one for the County Government/Schools, and one for Vinton. 2 °' LD The Subcommittee should make a recommendation on the first phase of its mission within the next few months. Copies of that report will be provided to members of the Board. FISCAL IMPACT: It is unlikely that any expenditure of funds would be necessary in the upcoming budget year, unless a consultant is used to research and recommend equipment. ALTERNATIVES• 1. Reaffirm the Board's support for utilizing the grant from Cox Cable to equip a Community Studio for use by local government, the school system and the public, and direct the County's represen- tatives to the Cable Television Committee to convey this support to that Committee. The representatives will also be asked to investigate methods of minimizing any costs which may be associated with this project. 2. Direct the Cable Television Committee representatives to express the Board's desire not to participate in the construction and staffing of the Community Studio. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. nne Marie Green Elmer C. Hodge Public Information Officer County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Edward G. Kohinke No Yes Abs Denied ( ) motion to approve Alter- Eddy x Received ( ) native #1 Johnson x Referred Kohinke x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: File cc: File Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer, County Representative Don Terp, County Representative Jane James, County Representative 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Proposal to Ask the City of Roanoke for Budget Assistance for the Therapeutics Program of the Department of Parks and Recreation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Therapeutics program offered by the County's Department of Parks and Recreation provides recreational and learning activities for handicapped residents across the Roanoke Valley. The program is funded by contributions from the General Fund of the County, grants from the Mental Health Services program, fees paid by the participants, and in-kind services such as transportation, use of facilities, and supervisory assistance by staff of the City of Roanoke's Department of Parks and Recreation. The program is open to residents of the Roanoke Valley. During FY 1990-91, 39.2 of the participants were residents of the City of Roanoke. Supervisor Nickens has expressed support for the continuation of this valuable program, but has recognized the impact that the dire budget conditions could have on such programs. In order to protect the integrity of the program and to more equitably share in the cost of the program, Supervisor Nickens has suggested that the County once again ask the City of Roanoke to assist in the funding of the Therapeutics Program offered by the County Department of Parks and Recreation in recognition of the participation by residents from Roanoke City. Attached are copies of a letter sent to the City in 1990 based on participation in the program for 1988-89, and also materials from a work session held with the Board of Supervisors on April 9, 1991 with information from the 1989-90 program year. Staff is compiling the statistical data for the 1990-91 program year, and I will forward this information to you when it is completed. As pointed out in the work session materials from the April 9, 1991 meeting, the grants to the County are available because the program is regional in nature and represent a program the department does well for the entire community. We should endeavor to provide services needed by our residents, yet avoid duplication of efforts. ~7 FISCAL IMPACT' The budget for the Therapeutics program will be presented with the other Fee type programs as a part of the Parks and Recreation budget. RECOMMENDATION' Staff recommends that the County be authorized to submit a letter to the City requesting financial assistance for the Therapeutics program. This assistance would help to ensure the uninterrupted service to the needs of this special population of our community. Respectfully submitted, Approved by r% John M. Chambliss, Elmer C. Hodg Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Ref erred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens O~ P AN ~F Z 9 Q O 2 a 18 E50 % 88 s~sOUICEN7ENNIP`• ~1 Btaph~ul8egimm~Q COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE TO: FROM DATE: SUBJECT: ~- ~ C~~un~ of ~uttnnke 1992 BOARD OF SUPF.ItVISORS Lee B. Eddy, Chah~maa Windsor Hills Ma~Itlertal District Edward G. gohinl~e. Sr, Viee-Chairman Catawba Ma~sterW D[strkt Bob L. Johsswn HoBh~s Ma61s1erial District li. oaeu "Fogy' Mho Cave Sprtns Ma~isterW Distrtct Harm C. Nklsem Vinbn Magisterial Dh~rkt ALL~AI~IOtiR '~II~' 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N A. MCGRAW. CHAIRMAN GTAWBA MAG6T[RIAL pSI1dCi HARRY C. S. VICE-CHAIRMAN wsasrzRU~ txsnecr LEE 8. E~Or WINDSOR HIt13 pt5Tlaf,T BoB wsav r+our+a RICHARD W. R GVE SPRING MAGIifl:Jt1AL MEMORANDUM Members, Board of Supervisors /~ Harry C. Nickens ~,~, -Pc %~~`~v~.~f~,Q./ i January 21, 1992 THERAPEUTICS PROGRAM Mr. Minnix asked if the county had ever asked for funding assistance from the City regarding therapeutics. Please see the attached letter (April, 1990) to Mayor Taylor. I am asking that this matter be considered for our January 28, 1992 agenda. As we begin work on the 1993 budgets, timing is now. Attachment HCN/bjh cc: Elmer Hodge P.O. BOX 29800 • RAeNwer ....+..._ .. _ _ _ _ _ F o~ a~N~ ~ - ~ -. 's> z a= 18 ~.~; 88 S~S~UICENTENN~P~ a Bmuti~ul8eginnrng COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mayor Noel Taylor City of Roanoke 215 Church Avenue Roanoke, Va 24011 Dear Mayor Taylor: April 24, 1990 80ARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD W. R08ER5. CH/URMAN GVE SPRNfi MK'IiTlRIAL OISTIMC,T STEVEN A. MCGRAW. VICE-CHAUtMAN GTAMISA MAO{SRRIAL pMGTRIf-T LEE B. EDDY WINOBOR M1S MALiIiTER1AL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON Nou.lis MA0181E1tIAl 0617tlC,T HARRY C. NICKENS vu~rroN wAr:lr;-eRIA~ clsTRlcr As we begin our budget deliberations for the County of Roanoke and City of Roanoke, obviously there will be attention drawn to the amount of local funding going into various social service type programs for our community and the level of benefit being derived by our citizenry. One such program, which is administered through the County of Roanoke's Department of Parks & Recreation, is that of Therapeutic Recreation. This program provides recreational opportunities for the mentally retarded, visually impaired, head injury, hearing impaired and other disabilities. During the 1988- 89 program year, a total of 1,219 residents of the Roanoke Valley were served by this department, of which 529 (43$) were residents of the City of Roanoke. I have attached a copy of a worksheet from the County's Department of Parks & Recreation breaking down the participation by programs. Funding for this program has been largely through the efforts of the General Fund of the County of Roanoke. During the current fiscal year, the General Fund provided $97,533, we received grants from the State Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation in the amount of $33,162, we received approximately $10,000 from fees charged to the participants of the program and received approximately $1,600 from the City of Roanoke. City staff also provides some assistance in the form of use of City owned facilities. The Board of Supervisors would appreciate any additional assistance which could be provided to the County in the form of. monetary contribution to the program, or perhaps having the City's Department of Parks & Recreation assume the responsibility for some of the specialized recreational programs needed to serve this special population. ..J~` "' u-~ ~, ''I~~~ C~~~n~ ~~ ~~~.n ~~~ 1979 1989 ~-7 Letter to Mayor Taylor (cont.) 4/24/89 Page 2 Your assistance within the budgetary process will certainly be appreciated. Yours truly, ichar W. Ro ers Chairman Board of Supervisors RWR/cw Attachment pc: Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Members, Board of Supervisors ~~ RQAPARE COfIl1I'Y PARRS APID RHCRFATION DEPAR'II~ Z~PEUIZC RDCREATIOi~1 SDCrION 'Ihe Zherapeutic Recreation Section is designed to provide recreational and leisure services for individuals not effectively served by the general recreation program. his includes individuals with mental, emotional or physical limitations who would not receive the needed structure or adaptations in general classes or activities. 'Ihe ~erapeutic Section was created in 1976, through the Comprehensive Education an3 Training Act (CEEI'AA). program activities were initiated, with funding assistance from Mental Health Services, in 1977, for individuals with developmental disabilities in the Fifth Planning District. Programs are open to any resident of the Roanoke Valley area. Full program services, including transportation, are available for individuals residing in Roanoke County, Roanoke City, Salem and Vinton. Breakdown of services by residency and disability, for F.Y. 88-89: DL~C TTL+*ll+ll ~Q~ .YW• ~]Q•~.1YiiiL L~L~6• L'iR~i n ~y~' SERVICES FOR II~IDIVIDLAIS WITH: TOTAL CITY COgNI'Y SAKI CO(A~Tl'Y 368 598 38 8 18 Develo Disabilities (MR) 735 263 432 23 10 7 Visual 'rmertts (VI) 406 578 233 2 $ 83 2 $ 90 0 0 ' (348) (448) (228) Head In (HJ) 32 11 14 7 0 0 Other Disab sties: Hearing Impairments (HI); Physical Disability (488) (438) (88) (PI): 'atric Disabilities (IrII) 46 2Z 20 4 0 0 (438) 458) (108) (78) (78) SCTB-'DOTAL SIItVID 1,219 529 549 124 10 7 Si a Pr rams 113 (Res' not available ("bearing Imapired" HA1~S Gro and "Si rs") 20-40 (Resid not available) TOTAL SERVID 1,450 ~e ~ierapeutic Section holds an average of 24 programs per quarter with an average of 15 participants per program. Each program meets an average of 8 weeks for 3 hours each visit for an average of 34,560 hours.of service provided annually. In addition to programs for specific populations, the ~erapeutic Section offers opportunities for integration in general recreation programs. Interpreters are available for individuals needing sign language cannunication in order to suocess- fully participate in general program offerings. ~ staff of the Zherapeutic Section will work closely with general program instructors to aooompli.~h the needed adapta- tions of recreational services to meet the participant's specialized needs. ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER f ~ --.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 9, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session to Discuss the Therapeutic Recreation Program of the Department of Parks and Recreation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Therapeutic Recreation Section of the Department of Parks and Recreation was established in September 1976 and contractual agreements with Mental Health Services began in 1977. Based on a needs assessment of the Roanoke Valley, the original focus of the program was to serve individuals with mental retardation. Current programs also include activities for individuals with visual impairments (VIP), hearing impairments (HANDS and SIGN), head in;uries (HJ), psychiatric disabilities (TRIPS) and det:elopma::ta.l disabilities (MR), as well as advocacy and educational programs which are offered to the general public. The mission of the Therapeutic Program is to provide specialized recreation and adaptive services for individuals with disabilities who reside within the Roanoke Valley. The programs provide citizens with the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary to successfully participate in community recreation experiences and provides opportunities for socialization that meet their interests and needs. Every reasonable effort is made to provide adaptations or accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in non-therapeutic programs (mainstreaming). Educational and advocacy programs offered to the general public include sign language programs, the HANDS group, and awareness programs. Often, businesses and agencies enroll employees in these educational classes. We also offer in-house training for County employees. The Therapeutic Section is the only comprehensive municipal community program for individuals with disabilities operating in the Roanoke Valley or the Fifth Planning District. We receive two grants from Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley to support our activities. These grant funds are available only beca•~se t-~:j-s .~., u Legionai program and must be used to provide services for individuals residing in the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, County of Botetourt, County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton. The general registration policy of the department allows residents of Roanoke County to register for programs during the first week of registration after which there is open enrollment. ~~/ t~`--2 No Roanoke County residents have been denied Therapeutic Recreation Services in non-grant related programs. These recreation services are often the only respite for families and the only structured community recreational resource ava~ abler to se~~e the citizens with special needs. This program has been recognized nationally, as one of four finalists, on three occasions by the National Sports Foundation and National Recreation and Park Society's Gold Medal Award for excellence in Therapeutic Recreation Services. Attachment A shows the related budget information for the Therapeutic Program for 1989-90 and 1990-91. Funding is provided by the County of Roanoke's General Fund, two (2) MHS grants, fees by participants, cash and in-kind donations by the City of Roanoke, and by other private contributions and donations which are used to help offset the cost of programs. The City's in-kind contribution includes staff assistance and the use of facilities. Attachment B depicts the participation level, demographic characteristics of the participants and the related costs of our various programs. The Therapeutics Program is an example of a program the County does well for the residents of the entire com~-a~z.tiT Hoch like Festival in the Park and the Fourth of July Celebration at Victory Stadium which the City sponsors. Similarly, the Science Museum, Center in the Square, the arts and educational opportunities (which are located in the City of Roanoke) as well as programs aimed at significant social issues are more strongly supported by the City of Roanoke, yet are open to all of the residents of the Valley. We need to focus on the services which are needed by our residents, endeavor to avoid duplication of effort and, where practical, to work together to meet these needs. By charging fees for services, we are attempting to let the population drive the need for these services. This should offset the concern as to which locality where the participant resides. We are providing a valuable service to our community and the County should continue to support these efforts where our expertise lies. Resp ctfully submitted, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Ap~oved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) M Otioii by: No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers 7?-~ o i a m m m i A i s N -=1 m i r I a 1 ~ 1 T T r 1 1 A o ~ r 1 pp 3 m i 1 3 ~I I C 1 = ~ ~ 1 O i Z I o .. c~ T 1 .-~ y m ~ 1 ~ I 'D O t 0 N I ~a-la 1 _ 1 N 1 ~ -i O 1 O 1 ~ N 7C 1 1 m / i i n 1 1 1 c 1 1 Z I 1 ~ 1 ~ j I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ~ I 1 MI I I 1 1 -i 3 y m I 1 A = Of t N A 1 a Ca 1 N I-+ W I s w i v cn ~ cp i -i r N A 1 O O N 1 = 1 I I 1 C I N I I I-+ 1 3 -+ 'p O I N V 1 a C 1 1 O1 1 tr V W 1 ~ r 1 V1 N d I m V1 I 0 0 tT 1 O .-( 1 1 I 1 I 1 r.i 1 1 I ~ 1 c N I Q O ~ 1 -~ V I I O O V 1 I 1 I I I ~~ 3 x I I x v m O1 1 r W N I O ~p I .. o o l v m z N l o o N I v o 1 1 I 1 3 I I m N I _ 1 2 O I N 07 1 .... --i I I r ~+ I o+ o r I r r 01 1 cn o o .-~ I r o f 1 o 0 0 0 l I .j .o O 1 1 c m t0 I N Q1 1 Q~ Z I 1 ~ r m o I O 1 -• Q p~ N 1 _ f'1 cn I 1 o CJI I I r I I 1 a I 1 w ~0 1 -~ N 1 n-~ O W V 1 O I N I 1 Qf O I-~ CTl 1 H A ~c I o o rn w l r W I O O N F+ 1 a o c n m .~ O O ~ 'i o c~ r m z n r T 3 a° z O m -c -1 1 n „ 2 c'~ 1 1 i N m z i i ~ i x to -1 m 1 T T r ~ m 1 1 3 3 1x+ ' i c ~ i 1 ~ a c 1 O m 1 ~a y r z l c~ ~ ~ vzi ° r^ a i ~ I 1 2 -1 p , O C7 '*1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 Z 1 m a 70 I T ~ n Z ° i n - -1 a i ~ ~ Z 1 - j 1 ~( to ~ ; ~ I 1 m I n I m n 1 .., O = ~ ~ 0 1 C 1 1 Z 1 1 ~ --i 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 m 1 I v v ~ I -+ 1 I I A 1 a 1 N a I N I n-. W lO H O W V 1 N 1 O N 1 01 ID t O cp I O O Qf W Cn 1 O CT1 I O O N W 1 I I 1 -+ I H 1 a I W 1 1 .> V I I a t a7 0 V 1 N O N N 01 1 W N I O pl ( 71 O 1 OD N I I . O tG W N l~ 10 -C t0 O p ID T O -~ lp r s c m O c~ T --1 m ~ a n r m N ~ N a --1 O z v 0 O --1 a C7 x Z m --1 a _~-,~ ATTACHMENT B ANALYSIS OF PROGRAM BY REGISTRATIONS INDIVIDUAL MAY PARTI CIPATE IN MORE THAN ONE ACTIVITY PROGRAM TOTAL REGISTERED CITY COUNTY SALEM BOTE CO OTHER SBUDGEOF MR SERVICES ---------- --------- - ------- TOTAL REGISTERED 712 264 68,374 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00: 37.08% 402 56 46% 32 1 7 SHARE OF BUDGET 68,374 25 352 . 38 604 4.49% O.gg% p,98; , , 3,073 672 672 VIP SERVICES TOTAL REGISTERED 831 570 20,615 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00% 68.59% 146 17 578 113 p 2 SHARE OF BUDGET 20,615 14,140 . . 3 622 13.60% 0.008 0.248 , 2,803 0 50 MI SERVICES TOTAL REGISTERED 144 97 20,160 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SHARE OF BUDGET 100.00% 67.36% 33 22.92% 13 9.038 1 0.695 0 0 008 20,160 13,984 4,758 1,874 144 . 0 HJ SERVICES TOTAL REGISTERED 184 74 83 14,927 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SHARE OF BUDGET 100.00% 40.228 45.11% 27 14.678 0 0.008 0 0 008 14,927 6,003 6,733 2,190 0 . 0 GENERAL PUBLIC TOTAL REGISTERED 529 87 9,005 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.008 16.455 663168 1 • SHARE OF BUDGET 9,005 1 481 5 9,83k 4.165 ~ 3 , ,958 885 374 306 HI SERVICES TOTAL REGISTERED 15 7 8,612 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SNARE OF BUDGET 100.00% 46.67% 7 46.67% 1 6.678 0 0.008 0 O OOk 8,612 4,019 4,019 574 0 . 0 GRAND TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 2415 1099 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.008 45.518 1021 42 288 238 30 27 SHARE OF BUDGET 142,293 64,980 ' 63 694 g•~ 1.248 1.128 BASED ON PROGRAHS , 11,400 1,191 1,028 Of the approximately 40 active individuals in the "HANDS" group. ("H" Baring Impaired "AND" "S"igners), 16 individuals are deaf or hard of hearing. Special events through the HANDS group are attended by approximately 125 individuals who are deaf or have hearing impairments. °r7 t ATTACHMENT 62 ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM BASED ON RESIDENCE OF INDIVIDUALS INDIVIDUAL MA Y PARTICI PATE IN MORE THAN ONE ACTIVITY PROGRAM TOTAL SNARE OF INDIVIDUALS CITY C OUNTY SALEM BOTE CO O - - THER - ---- BUDGET --------- ----------------------- MR SERVICES --------------- --------- --------- --------- - ------- - 68,374 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 528 185 290 37 8 8 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 35.04X 54.92X 7.01X 1.52X 1.52X SHARE OF BUDGET 68,374 23,957 37,554 4,791 1,036 1,036 VIP SERVICES 20,615 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 7T 55 11 10 0 1 PERCENTAGE OF T07AL 100.OOX 71.43X 14.29X 12.99X O.OOX 1.30X SHARE OF BUOGE7 20,615 14,725 2,945 2,677 0 268 MI SERVICES 20,760 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 30 17 9 4 0 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 56.67X 30.OOX 13.33X O.OOX O.OOX SHARE OF BUDGET 20,760 11,764 6,228 2,768 0 0 NJ SERVICES 14,927 T07AL INDIVIDUALS 27 11 12 4 0 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 40.74X 44.44X 14.81X 0.00X" O.OOX SHARE OF BUDGET 14,927 6,081 6,634 2,211 0 0 GENERAL PUBLIC 9,005 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 146 14 104 13 7 8 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 9.59X 71.Z3X 8.90X 4.79X 5.48X SHARE of BUDGET 9,005 863 6,415 802 432 493 HI SERVICES 8,612 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 15 8 3 3 0 1 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 53.33X 20.OOX 20.OOX O.OOX 6.67X SHARE OF BUDGET 8,612 4,593 1,722 1,722 0 574 GRAND TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 823 290 429 71 15 18 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 35.24X 52.13X 8.63X 1.SZX 2.19X SHARE OF BUDGET 142,293 61,984 61,498 14,972 1,468 2,371 , BASED ON PROGRAMS COMPARING THE NUMBER OF REGISTRATIONS (ATTACHMENT B) WITH THE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE PROGRAM (ATTACHMENT 82), STATISTICS .SHOW TNAT THERE ARE MORE COUNTY RESIDENTS SERVED AS CLIENTS, BUi CITY RESIDENTS PARTICIPATE MORE FREQUENTLY. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for February 25, 1992. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. An ordinance authorizing a Use Not Provided For Permit to operate a commercial cat kennel on the same parcel as a residence, located immediately north of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jane & John Holmgren. 2. An ordinance to rezone 2.061 acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to construct a convenience store, located at the corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of Steve Brown. ~ ~~r ~ M p~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for February 25, 1992. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1 and 2, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney '~~-- County Attorney ';'~ .~ Action Approved ( ) Motion by Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to __ Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs ROANOKE COUNTY "USE NOT PROVIDED FOR" PERMIT APPLICATION ~~~~s~L~ ~~~,~~i ~~ G-r 1. Applicant's Name: ~q^(~ (,J ~~o~tN q• ~o~n~S,e~~1 Phone: 7751-~'!1~ Address: 7y~~o Fo rT -rYrl~ s o~ ~/21V 6 ~b~9 iJ D ~,¢. .V d. 5 il~, i` ~ Z i p : ~' 1 b Y~ 2. Location of Property: 722 ~ RAN iCO ~o~1~, l~d~,~oke 14 ayol~ T ~~~ 2 3. New Tax Map #: /aS••0O -a- 1.1 Old Tax Map #: 4. Magisterial District Location: CAUL c~ PRi ~ 5. Size of Property : f ~ ~/~ 1 1~C12F acres/sc~:-~€-t.. Size of Proposed Use Not Provided For: /, y(o / acres/sc~-€-t. 6. Existing Land Use: f/-1 Cq NT Existing Zoning: ~ / 7. Proposed Land Use: C 'prr~,vI2J2G~fri. ~g~ I~e,unlel' 8 . Comprehensive Plan Designation: i~u2aL I~R~S F,~2 9. Are Conditions being Proffered? Yes ~/ No 10. Proposed Annual Gross Revenue: hers T/.~-xl'~~o ooa 11. Value of Land: '~/~000 Value of (Proposed) Buildings: ~ao,ooo 12. Value of Machinery & Tools: ,(T''/S"Oat Number to be Employed: ! 13. Check Completed Items: / Consultation Letter of Application / 8~" x 11" Concept Plan Legal Forms / List of Adjacent Properties Application Fee ~159~ Public Hearing Notic s Issued 14. Applicant's Signature: 15. Owner's Consent, if different than applicant:"~ Name: QmAn1 ~L~ ~ ~N~~ir14 ~. ~~ Signature: ~ ~-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY: Application Deadline: Hearing Date: Received By: Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: _ Date Received: Action: December 16, 1991 ~~~ Mr. Jonathan W Hartley, Planner Department of Planning and Zoning County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hartley, Thank you for the time you sent with us discussing the Use Not Provided request that we are outlining in this letter. The type of business is a commercial cat kennel. The specifications for the business are as follows: o The kennel will only provide boarding for domestic cats. o The building will be a single story concrete block structure with dimensions of 24' X 42'. It will provide space to board up to 60 cats. o The entrance from Branico Road will be shared with that of Sleepy Hollow Kennel. The driveway and parking area is 5,000 square feet with the loop driveway which will exit onto Branico Road 160 feet north of the entrance. o The sign for the business will be located on the building. This business will be on the same property as a home that will begin construction within thirty-six months of the business becoming operational. We currently live in Fort Mason, one mile from the proposed kennel. The capital to construct the kennel is currently available. The capital for the construction of the house will be available at the time construction begins. Initial contact has been made with Moe Owens at the County Health Department concerning a septic system to serve both the house and the kennel. His requirements are that no living facilities be in the kennel and that there be no hose washing down of the kennel. Since the building will contain boarding facilities for cats only, there is no problem in complying with both requests. At the time of this writing a request for testing the land for a septic permit has been submitted, but the testing has not been done. We believe this business will provide a needed service to Roanoke and will not distract from the area in which it will be built. Thank you for considering this request. Sincerely, Jane W. Holmgren I~ P. yICINITY MAP L 0 }Z 0 'on o Yo ~ w ~„ ,, ~~ of ~ ,~ N d z~ r~xb J K~]O a wz--~ ~b ~~~/ ~'~~ % ~ / tiL ``'`~~ ~..~) AA SoN ~ p~ s!T /~~2 ~t00 2Z _/ / -.__~ -- •~ t5~~ vtN in 3 ~ J ._ NN m /~ o n CZ Np r~] 8 Q V~ O z a !~- ~ J a ~. Q V iJ 3,' L9' tS' ®2.IS' N 4.'i • Ol' 19• E 112.24' r^ o/ ~ _ 0I ~ ° '~ u NQ~"' ' v ~N `Ja ~ TRACT 3 N / REMA1-Jt1.16 °ROPERTY EDWIIJ A.+ MYtiTLB K. L3RIGGS ~~~ 0 ~ d ~ ~N G2'Ot:3<: E / 49. t a ~ ~ //~ -, :~• 22.19• V 'f C.. 2 B' L h ~ U b•~• 11' 14' !~, 1 K 1 C; V Imo. C \ 91t'Ab'40" W + 1ld.44' ~owLC. ~ DRA!-1GH 0jl•09'30 W 8°!.90' ~-----~_~ OR\Ca I ISAL 12.2 AC TRACT ~' 4uM 3 ~Zr a y, < r Qt N ~`o ~~ off; ao~ v:u O!T ruM• were e~ l4tit_!N 5' GHH. •uc aTUMP 1~ ~ '1e.22' g ai•29' ~e"w o ~ ' Q N ~ N 2S' 14' 20' E Slob' K - C ~ O 0 9g.Sd' s D2• Si' to" W • I ~ O 4 I 45.4i, N n• to' E ~t.aa' a w•49' oe' ~, 6T.Ot' ' ~G s ~ 06'oetoa:..rH SNlD D 11. 10' 37• W, 4''l.4b' W 4 Z X I 441. 1'1' 6,2.4'x' Z ' E' e,o• 99' t~• ~~ p:M ~_ ~ . \ 1 2.95 48.49' ~ xT d~ ~ I \ i2•o9'29•a ~~,w' v.AN ~ SL•ING ~OtJVEYED TO N L,• 29' 23' C OMAN t•EE , CYNTUTA J. EAST •; ' ~ ~~~\ TRAC,T 1 ' b 2S•o~•2t•C~~I ~ 4 40Co ~C. ~ 30RftN . - ~ eRtvE 1 u iL•04' 2S• ~ ~ ~ y~'L"'0T. FRANC \\ OWt-. / 45.20• , \~ /IM •O 1 V\ / =`~ a 1 ~ po:YT ~ C ~• O'T`C \ ,' C'µ9~ V 1 d t• ' su~v~Y ~a~ ~- r. f »e :+~azctt -taaititr c!, rat rLrtt! s!i Ltr'isa a r! tr+e ~ rcooo ~Q~ is :w'r~r :Y Iii tF!G ttit~8 i.^C~~}i6.t RAt. 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Laiec x satu ci 31 -, ss tic 40 37 er io ek a ,~ 23 u 17 .v 14 ' IS ~ ~ `~ 67 7fOtk c.si sok lot 1.»k k 2N '~ 22 f00tlc 2S t.a ktol l3f~c)p 0 ~ ~ 300A/ ~Sltk .~ S IC 4KACO1 41'x2cKJ ~ ! 7gkG f0 '~ i "' _ I 2o 41 3S 24 26 ,• ,~, S te.c :.ak ~ ~ for ~~sk~ Isis ` / , 33 °~ 8 'n K 63 42 34 71 s.' c 16 l sN~ t l x .r 47 sf.c 31 26 2 4 s~c e.o.tlc ii~ 63 u, ~ iie a 29 t eitl/ 1 " s 71cro1 ~ .nKO to 33 a 32 •at~ icl c t»n x . •• ~ r ~ ta64 61 ... r a x k101 x.fi tr k c . 2 gke„ t ~` ~ 1 21dk o~c 46 '°e i+etlca ,. ~ `~ . 3 :..s~ce) ttl ~ r n 4 8 ~ ~nn ' sf4c Iwiw/ll/ 43 . \ i x / ~) r 49 ~ a _ + ~•./nMCa 4~ `1 l70Atlol I.f I.ll.~ ' I ~3s ~ S ICI x.lfK 'y 4s • yq~y 22ekKi Y ~•~ / \ '~ 1 b S9 S3 ~' IO.Actpl .. ( 1 ) " \ „~ sa.~la ssoacto ~ S2 ~ 1 uoectu ~ ~ o 7 42 a \ 57 L 'f ~ ~KI ~, Se \. IeOtk s~ N ~• 10llkml ~ iO~OAc® ' ~O for r tol ; =i ~ 1u ~ ,rlc 2i7ac10 I s l.c of I.ettclo INtlc10 t i. ~ 32 k Itl x.ss kta I.fe k to 4/n w• r war.. tw.ap t« losoo-x-s'o1M• fea•x•e~ n.,l.I..a +/ n ecI1N an p,.«• Ieaa/ ~. ran M•wl S~ee~.w. ~ ela//- x~s,4~S •.• •Ia• M /NI/ WI/.N al elate 1, 1` „ o ~ •• ~ IOe k ti`j 0 /'~` - COhlMUNITYSERVICBS ,USE NOT PROVIDED FORMPERI~IIT AND DBYBLOPM~NT 105.00-2 -1.1 ROANOKE COUNTY REZONING APPLICATION Received By: ~"~' Ly Case No.: Ord. No.: ~ ~ a/~ D/~ ~~a~ ,~ 1. Owner's Name: W. E. Cundiff, Realtor _ Phone: (703)344-5585 Address: 118 Pollard Street, Vinton, Virginia 24079 2. Applic~t.'s Names: ~.,n Phone: (703)344-5585 Address: 118 Pollard Street, Vinton, Virginia 24079 3. Location of Property: Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road Tax Map Number(s): Part of 61.18-2-25 4. Magisterial District: Vinton 5. Size of Property: 2.061 acres 6. Existing Zoning: B-1 & ~-1 Existing Land Use: Vacant 7. Proposed Zoning: B-2 Proposed Land Use: Convenience mart for the retail sale of as food appare & of er merchan ise an related off-street parkir. 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation: 9. Are Conditions Proffered With This Request? Yes No X (If you are voluntarily offering proffers as a part of your applica- tion, these proffers must be in rriting. A member of the Planning Staff can assist you in the preparation of these proffers.) 10. Value of Land and (Proposed) Buildings: $ 220,000 11. The Following Items Must Be Submitted With This Application. Please Check If Enclosed. Application Will Not Be Accepted If Any Of These Items Are Missing Or Incomplete: Letter of Application Concept Plan _~,~ Metes and Bounds Description / List of Adj a;,ent Owners (EWf. ~~ of Property (Attach Exhibit A) / Vicinity Map _s~ Application Fee N~ Written Proffers .~ Water and Sewer Application (If Applicable) 12. Signature Of Property Owner, Contract Purchaser, Or Owner's Agent: Signature ~ /~~~ Date 12/20/91 for W.E. Cundiff G-a r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rJ r'J ~ I ~ - ~ ~ ~ 313 Luck Avenue 0 ENGINEERS Roanoke, Virginia 24011 0 SURVEYORS (703) 343-6685 ~, PLANNERS (703] 345-1519 (Fax) . Municipal Services • Commercial & Residential Site Development • Boundary, Topographic & Loan Surveys • Water Systems • As-Built and Downtown Surveys December 20, 1991 Planning Department County of Roanoke 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Attention: Ms. Janet Scheid RE: W.E. Cundiff Rezoning Tax Parcel 61.18-2-25 Dear Ms. Scheid: Mr. W.E. Cundiff is requesting to rezone 2.601 acres of the referenced parcel for the purpose constructing a convenience mart. If rezoned, a subdivision plat will be submitted to establish a separate tax parcel for the rezoned property. The land is undeveloped and is located at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Feather Road. It currently is zoned B-1 (1.660 ac.) and R-1 (0.401 ac.) and is bounded by Washington Avenue, Feather Road, a proposed Golf Course (W.E. Cundiff) and a vacant parcel belonging to the Town of Vinton. We fill that rezoning this property will lead to the development of this property in the near future, resulting in a more pleasing appearance, increased tax revenues, and additional jobs, both during construction and during operation. Please find enclosed an Application for Rezoning, a check in the amount of $ 1041.00 for the application fee, a metes and bounds description (Exhibit A), a water and sewer application, five reduced copies of the Concept Plan, and a list of adjoining owners (Exhibit B). Please call if you need additional information. Cordially, i2G~~ Fred 0. Shanks, III, P.E. .~ R0A1i0RE COQNTY OTILIT! DEPARTNEN? ~ ~~ APPLICATION FOR WATER OR SEWER SEAVICB TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date October 25, 1991 Name of Applicant Steve Brown Phone (703)344-5585 Address of Applicant 118 Pollard Street, Vinton, Virginia 24079 Name of Developer w. E. cundiff, Realtor Phone (703)344-5585 Address of Developer 118 Pollard Street, Vinton, Virginia 24079 Name of Design Engineer Shanks Associates, P.C.phone(703)343-6685 Address of Design Engineer 313 Luck Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24016 Name of Contact Person Fred 0. Shanks, III P.E. Name of Proposed Development Convenience - mart Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) Convenience mart with gas pumps. Location of proposed development (Furnish copy of map) Corner of Route 24 & Feather Road Size of proposed development in acres: 2.061 Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer service connections would be located: Minimum 1046 feet MSL. Maximum 1070 f eet MSL Is this application for a development that will be a part or section of a larger future development? x No Yes If yes, provide map of entire area if available. (OVER) Signature of ~policant h ~pA ~, Apr /.- j'~ ;~ ,. ~ij ~ N ~ '" ~ ~ \;::, ~. ~ , 1~.,'~ E 1~ , i I~ 1 f /,~~ 'J I I n R• ,~/~' ~ a yjS c i' ~ ~ 7~ k" }` ~ ; r, a q ----- II ilil I • 'd / I ~ r ` 2Z ~ .` y< ~i ~! I ~~ ~ i I ~ ~ ~1 f ;i= 3 ' 1~ ' ..i i I' ~' 1- ' ~ ~ ,~11 j ~ ~ l I 1 I ~ 1~III ' 1 gli ;11~; t tl~, I . ' ~ `. .~ t 111 I _- ` 1~li ~i i I!~ I ~L 0 ~ I ~ ` ` ' 11 a i I ~~ I ~ 1 ti ~ 13 ~_ Iil ,i ~, ~ III ' I~ ~ I $ is 'j ~' : i' ~ Q ICI i I+,'~, ` Y ~ ~ l i '~ ~ ' I f ~ , . __~jI'~ ; I ~ ~ ~ ' ' E ' 11 ~Y I ~ I 1 ~~ ~ ti ~, alt • ~ ~ 4~~fi ~ i ~~ 0 ~ d~ 1 1 I eT "~ G-~ NORTB 41. E. CL'~IDIFF, REALTOR COMJIIUNITYSERYICBS 6-1 & R-1 TO B2 _ ,~ lvrt nF~R~np1~!-~rrr t ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ ° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE.BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of Ordinance Authorizing the Conveyance of a Well Lot to Lawrence E. McMahon COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND' A well lot located in the LaBellevue Subdivision and identified by Tax Map Number 39.02-3-24 has been previously declared surplus property. The well located on this property was abandoned due to low water production. The well has been sealed to protect the ground water. Lawrence E. McMahon, an adjacent property owner, has offered to purchase this well lot for $500. The County Director of Real Estate Assessment has determined that $500 reflects the fair market value of the property. Mr. McMahon will incorporate the well lot into his existing property to prevent the well lot from becoming a non-conforming parcel. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors hold the first reading of an Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of this parcel to Lawrence E. McMahon. SUBMITTED BY: Clifford i P.E. Utility Dire for Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION H-~ APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE _ No Eddy Johnson _ Kohinke _ Minnix _ Nickens Yes Abs r : f#'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF A WELL LOT LOCATED IN THE LA BELLEVUE SUBDIVISION OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO LAWRENCE E. MCMAHON WHEREAS, the County has ceased to use the well located on a certain well lot and the subject parcel will no longer be used for this specified purpose; and WHEREAS, the County has received an offer to purchase this well lot for a price that reflects the fair market value of the property. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of § 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992; a second reading was held on January 28, 1992; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of § 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the remaining rights in the subject parcel of real estate are hereby declared to be surplus and the condition applicable to the property renders it unacceptable and unavailable for other public uses; and 3. That the offer of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) from Lawrence E. McMahon for this well lot is hereby accepted and all other offers, if any, are rejected. 1 ~+ ~, r 4. That the sale and conveyance of the subject parcel, described as a well lot located in the La Bellevue Subdivision (Tax Map No. 39.02-3-24) of the Hollins Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, to Lawrence E. McMahon is hereby authorized. That the proceeds from the sale of this well lot shall be paid into the capital facility account of the Utility Fund. 5. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. c:\wp51 \agenda\realest\mcmahon.ord 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER `"'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 SUBJECT: Ordinance amending and reenacting Sec. 9-21, Amendment of Article II, Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code of Chapter 9, Fire Prevention and Protection relating to the marking of Fire Lanes COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /,~ BACKGROUND' Roanoke County adopted the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, 8th edition, in September of 1991. At the time the Code was adopted there were no changes to the amendment section that specifically addresses situations in Roanoke County. Since the adoption of the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke, situations have occurred that question the proper application of the code as it relates to fire lanes. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The current code states: The curb or pavement edge of all fire lanes shall be painted yellow. The intent of the fire marshals office was that if a curb existed the curb would be painted; in the event that no curb existed then the pavement edge would be painted. Developers and business owners regularly question the code and proceed to paint the pavement even in cases where curbs exist. For a fire lane to be easily identified and legally defensible, the General District Court Judges in Roanoke County require that curbs be marked if a curb exists. Additional markings are considered to be an enhancement of the basic curb marking; however, failure to at least have the curbs marked results in parking in the fire lanes and dismissal of court cases. The second item to be addressed is adding the requirement that a fire lane sign be erected at the beginning and the end, as well as every one hundred (100) feet of a fire lane. Current code only specifies a sign every 100 feet; thus, it is often difficult for citizens to actually determine where a fire lane begins and ends. A combination of signage and proper markings will give clear indications to vehicle operators where fire lanes are located. FISCAL IMPACT' None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the Fire Prevention Code of the to be marked where they exist, beginning and end of every fire SUBMITTED BY: Motion by: CAF.. W . Mark W. Light Deputy Chief ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To the ordinance as prepared to change County of Roanoke to require curbs and require signage be placed at the lane. APPROVED: ~i~~ c-r1 Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator VOTE Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs ~~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SEC. 9-21, AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE II, VIRGINIA STATEWIDE FIRE PREVENTION CODE OF CHAPTER 9, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION RELATING TO THE MARKING OF FIRE LANES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, 8th edition, with amendments, as the Fire Prevention Code of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, questions have arisen regarding the interpretation of such code as to the proper requirements for designating fire lanes; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992; and the second reading was held on February 11,1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Article II, "Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code" of Chapter 9 of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 9-21. Amendments. The Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code is hereby amended and changed pursuant to section 27-97 of the Code of Virginia in the following respects: (14) F-313 5 Specifications. Add section F-313.5 as follows: "Fire lanes shall conform to the following specifications: ~}-?. (B) Signs designating fire lanes shall be located so as to provide at least one sig ~ :.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.::::...:...:.~.~:......:..:...:..........:..' "'mod>`<?a~d'~;~Eiii€s:. xtfor every one hundred (100) feet ~: ~;;:.; :::.::::::::: ~::::: ;::::.::::::::.::::::::::::.....:..::. g..::... . tEi of fire lane space. Should the fire marshal determine that additional signs are necessary, the owner or agent of the property shall provide the same. All such signs shall be maintained in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. .... :.>:.;::....:..::: <;:;:::::;.;:.;:.:.: ;:.:.;:.;;:.; .:;..; .:: :::>::> >::>: had:~:.:.>::b~.;:.::.:~~~:~<~:%:::.',:~1[~E~s~~::<a :.::. :::;::: , :. ~::::... ~..:»: ~>::: ~sr~: ~~:::>:::the :::.avem~? e~.. ~:<::s~:s~..,t.~. ~:<::<!~;:.;~1 a.:::::::::::. Any existing marking in the area designated as a fire lane shall be obliterated or painted over in a manner approved by the fire marshal." 2. This ordinance shall be effective from and after February 11, 1992. c:\wp51\agenda\code\firelane.ord r ,r ~ ~' ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANIIARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE 12892-8 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF A 0.303-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM MARY VIOLA BUSH AND A 0.12 7 -ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM GEORGE W . AND HELEN H. CYPHERS FOR THE BUSHDALE ROAD RURAL ADDITION PROJECT WHEREAS, Bushdale Road is a private road located in the Vinton Magisterial District of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, Bushdale Road has been placed on the Rural Addition Priority List for upgrade of the roadway to state standards for acceptance into the State Secondary System, requiring relocation of the initial portion of said road in order to provide adequate width and sight distance; and, WHEREAS, on December 19, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of right-of-way necessary for the upgrade of Bushdale Road to Secondary Road Standards and appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to proceed with right-of-way acquisition, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.303 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush for said improvements; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.127 acre from George W. Cyphers and Helen H. Cyphers for said improvements; and, 1 ,~ WHEREAS, Roanoke County Staff has negotiated agreements to acquire said parcels and right-of-way from the property owners; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on January 28, 1992. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.303 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush for the sum of $4,060.00 is hereby authorized and approved; and, 2. That the acquisition and acceptance of a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.127 acre from George W. and Helen H. Cyphers for the sum of $1,660.00 is hereby authorized and approved; and, 3. That the total consideration of $5,720.00 shall be paid from the funds previously appropriated by the Board of Supervisors from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance for costs of engineering and acquisitions in connections with the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project; and, 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary 2 1 to accomplish these acquisitions, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~)~-'`e.~.-cam-, Mary H. A len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 ACTION NO . ''"~' ITEM NO . -~+• """ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF A 0.303- ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM MARY VIOLA BUSH AND A 0.127-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM GEORGE W. AND HELEN H. CYPHERS FOR THE BUSHDALE ROAD RURAL ADDITION PROJECT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: G~~.AT~-rvr'vwe.~ (k -rw~~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' This is the second reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize acquisition of a 0.303-acre parcel of land, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private road, known as Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush and to authorize acquisition of a 0.127-acre parcel of land from George W. and Helen H. Cyphers for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. BACKGROUND' On December 19, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of right-of-way necessary for the upgrade of Bushdale Road to Secondary Road Standards. The improvements involve relocation of the initial portion of Bushdale Road, to provide adequate width and sight distance, requiring the acquisi- tion of property for the road right-of-way. The Board appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to proceed with right-of-way acquisition, based upon the fact that the road construction is provided by VDOT through Rural Addition Funds, but the costs associated with engineering and right-of-way acquisition are funded by Roanoke County. On September 10, 1991, the Board authorized condemnation of a 0.412 acre parcel of land owned by Mary Viola Bush for this project. Subsequent to this authorization, however, County staff negotiated for the acquisition of the necessary property from both Cyphers and Bush, and reached an amicable settlement with both property owners. 1 '" SUNII~iARY OF INFORMATION Mary Viola Bush is the owner of a tract of land, designated upon the Roanoke County Land. Records as Tax Map No. 79.03-5-80. Improvement and relocation of Bushdale Road involves the acquisi- tion of a parcel of land, consisting of 0.303 acre of land as shown on the attached plat, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road. County staff has negotiated with Diane Carpenter, attorney-in-fact for Mary Viola Bush, for the purchase of the subject parcel. Subject to Board approval, staff has offered to purchase the parcel for the sum of $4,060.00, which is the estimated fair market value for the property, and the offer is acceptable to Ms. Carpenter. George W. Cyphers and Helen H. Cyphers, husband and wife, are the owners of a tract of land, designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 79.03-5-77,78,&79. Improvement and relocation of Bushdale Road involves the acquisition of a parcel of land, consisting of 0.127 acre of land as shown on the attached plat. County staff has negotiated with Mr. and Ms. Cyphers for the purchase of the subject parcel. Subject to Board approval, staff has offered to purchase the parcel for the sum of $1,660.00, which is the estimated fair market value for the property, and the offer is acceptable to them. FISCAL IMPACTS' Board authorization for the subjec no immediate fiscal impact. The sums property owners would be taken from the by the Board for this project. ALTERNATIVES' t acquisitions would involve proposed to be paid to the funds previously allocated Alternative #1: Authorize the acquisition and acceptance of a 0.303-acre parcel of land, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private road, known as Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush for the sum of $4,060.00, and authorize the acquisition and acceptance of a 0.127-acre parcel of land from George W. & Helen H. Cyphers for the sum of $1,660.00, for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. Alternative #2: Decline to authorize the acquisitions. 2 ~"" STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt an ordinance to authorize the acquisition and acceptance of the parcels as set forth in Alternative #1 above. Respectfully submitted, Vick'e L. f an Assistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix 3 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIP?'IONS, SHO~i'N ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~^ ,~ MAYFIELD ROAD TD ROUTE 116 S 86'03'00' E Y tU Z M ~ ~~ n~ ~ z ~ .--~ 0 0 M~ r ~ o~ ~ Q ~~ w Q a ~ o , ^ z~ ~ J tD o_ W xa o ~ ~~ Q A 1,193 AC. 0 (`~ n tU 60.32' 78,63' N 84'41'00' ~,/ 210.08 n ~D n flJ 51,09' 0,00 ~ I I I I I I I b 127 ACRE ~BDUNDED BY ~C~RNERS 1 THRU ~ 4 TO 1 TD BE ~ CONVEYED T^ ~C^UNTY ^F ~R~AN~KE 71.13' 4 I I ~ REMAINING ~ PROPERTY OF MARY VIOLA BUSH W ~ TAX N0. 79.03-05-80 o I W.B. 26, PG. 108 o I ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ o (U ~ Z \ \ ~~- 3 PROPERTY OF MAMIE E. WEBSTER TAX ND. 79.03-OS-81 D.B. 911, PG, 301 TAX MAP 60,30' ~ 6 210,00' _ REMAINING PROPERTY OF GEORGE W. CYPHERS, ET UX TAX NO. 79,03-5-77,78,79 D.B. 1080, PG. 535 W 0 0 b • ~' ~ ~ n o fU Z 79 03-05-77,78,79 SCE; 1 = 50' NO.---' --- -- 1. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT T^ INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY, PREPARED BY.• ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE:12 SEPT. 91 - METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS- SHOiYN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DD NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. M A Y~ I E L D -1 READ .~ ~ 1 S 86.03'00'E 155.00' i 0.00 2 135.00' I I N o lf~ N o J ~ D I X ~ `D REMAINING PR^PERTY ^F w I MARY VIOLA BUSH - rv r w W w TAX N0. 79,03-05-80 ~ I o Q, ~ W.B. 26, PG. 108 m ~ ~-- ~~ ^ I ~ ° 857 AC. 0 £ ~ ~ ~~ W (,~ o c'') I ~ N ~ u~ , o = ~ ~ M CURVE 'A' ~ ~ ~ L7 I °L ° Z R = 70.00' U r. LC = 109.97 Z o I CH = S 41'02'00' E ~ z3z°o w L=98.99 N I x~ ~ W Q ~ ° 3 CURVE 'B' ~ 0 ~A I ~ 110.00' R _ L - 84.84' W I ~ o CH = S 63'57'31' E I Z q, L = 82.74' 0.303 AC. BOUNDED BY 4 36 72' S C^RNERS 1 THRUI . ~ 8 T^ 1 T^ BE I N 8603'00' W 8' C^NVEYED T^ C^UNTY ^F R^AN^KE ^LD IRON g N 86.03'00' W 6 IN CONCRETE 205,00' 7 tT.~ C d r f'~1 O d PROPERTY ^F MAMIE E. WEBSTER TAX N0. 79.03-05-81 D.B. 911, PG. 301 TAX MAP N0. N^TES~ 79.03-OS-80 SCALE: 1 ____ 1. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT T^ INF^RMATI^N WHICH MAY BE DISCL^SED BY A TITLE REPDRT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY 2. SEE PLAT FOR MARY M. BUSH BY R. L. ADAMS, C.L.S. DATED ^CT^BER 17, 1977 AND RECORDED IN D.B. 1080, PG.537. PREPARED BY.• ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE:12 S E P T _ 91 z-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQTJISITION OF A 0.303- ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM MARY VIOLA BUSH AND A 0.127-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM GEORGE W. AND HELEN H. CYPHERS FOR THE BUSHDALE ROAD RURAL ADDITION PROJECT WHEREAS, Bushdale Road is a private road located in the Vinton Magisterial District of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, Bushdale Road has been placed on the Rural Addition Priority List for upgrade of the roadway to state standards for acceptance into the State Secondary System, requiring relocation of the initial portion of said road in order to provide adequate width and sight distance; and, WHEREAS, on December 19, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of right-of-way necessary for the upgrade of Bushdale Road to Secondary Road Standards and appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to proceed with right-of-way acquisition, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.303 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush for said improvements; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.127 acre from George W. Cyphers and Helen H. Cyphers for said improvements; and, 1 s-~ WHEREAS, Roanoke County Staff has negotiated agreements to acquire said parcels and right-of-way from the property owners; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on January 28, 1992. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.303 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush for the sum of $4,060.00 is hereby authorized and approved; and, 2. That the acquisition and acceptance of a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.127 acre from George W. and Helen H. Cyphers for the sum of $1,660.00 is hereby authorized and approved; and, 3. That the total consideration of $5,720.00 shall be paid from the funds previously appropriated by the Board of Supervisors from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance for costs of engineering and acquisitions in connection with the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project; and, 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to 2 accomplish these acquisitions, approved by the County Attorney. c:\wps 1 ~agenda~realest\cyphers.ord all of which shall be on form 3 f ' ;._ - ~-., AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE 12892-9 AUTHORIZING LEASE WITH APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR STORAGE SITE FOR SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR CONSTRIICTION WHEREAS, construction of the Spring Hollow Reservoir in western Roanoke County will require the utilization and temporary storage of large amounts of materials and supplies by the contractor, PCL Civil Constructors for the erection of the dam and associated facilities; and WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations, Appalachian Power Company has agreed to lease to Roanoke County for a period of four (4) years at a nominal fee a tract of five acres adjacent to the Norfolk Southern Railway and in close proximity to the Spring Hollow Reservoir site; and WHEREAS, a first reading of the proposed ordinance was held on January 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on January 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That it is in the County's best interest to lease this property in order to provide an adequate and convenient storage site for materials and stone to be used by the contractor, PCL Civil Constructors, in the construction of the Spring Hollow Reservoir. 2. The real estate to be leased by the County for the use of its contractor consists of approximately five acres situated in 1 ~, the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia as more particularly described on a plat attached to the lease agreement. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. 4. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 28, 1992. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A en, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment 2 t ... w ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ,.1. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance Authorizing a Lease with Appalachian Power Company for Spring Hollow Reservoir Project COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~,,~~.-}7,,,,,,,.,L,.-~t~ a~~~~L`~'-'~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As part of the Spring Hollow Reservoir project, Appalachian Power Company (APCO) has offered the use of their adjoining property for project offices and storage of materials . The project contractor, PCL Civil Constructors, Inc., will utilize the area for such purposes. APCO has offered the property for lease at $1.00 for the period from December 1991 to December 1995. The property lease would be assigned to PCL for their use and care during the lease period. PCL has reviewed the lease agreement and will accept the conditions as established. The first reading of this Ordinance was held on January 14, 1992. ALTERNATIVES AND FISCAL IMPACT: (1) Authorize the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents approved by the County Attorney that will allow the County and PCL Civil Constructors to utilize the property.. (2) Authorize the County Administrator to execute the documents without assignment to PCL Civil Constructors. The lease fee is within the budget limits of the project. 1 1w z-~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends approval of Alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~~~ ~~ John R. Hubbard, P.E. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant County Administrator County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens 2 ~ R ~! AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING LEASE WITH APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR STORAGE SITE FOR SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, construction of the Spring Hollow Reservoir in western Roanoke County will require the utilization and temporary storage of large amounts of materials and supplies by the contractor, PCL Civil Constructors for the erection of the dam and associated facilities; and WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations, Appalachian Power Company has agreed to lease to Roanoke County for a period of four (4) years at a nominal fee a tract of five acres adjacent to the Norfolk Southern Railway and in close proximity to the Spring Hollow Reservoir site; and WHEREAS, a first reading of the proposed ordinance was held on January 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on January 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as follows: 1. That it is in the County's best interest to lease this property in order to provide an adequate and convenient storage site for materials and stone to be used by the contractor, PCL Civil Constructors, in the construction of the Spring Hollow Reservoir. 2. The real estate to be leased by the County for the use of its contractor consists of approximately five acres situated in the 1 Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia as more particularly described on a plat attached to the lease agreement. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. 4. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 28, 1992. c:\wp51\agenda\realest\apco.lae 2 r i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE 12892-10 AUTHORIZING THE EBECIITION OF A LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, OFFICE SPACE FOR ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of .Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the acquisition of any interest in real estate, which includes a lease of office space, shall be accom- plished by ordinance and pursuant to the authority found in §§ 15.1-262 and 15.1-897 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County the first reading on this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on January 28, 1992, concerning the lease of office space for the use of Roanoke County administrative offices at 3433 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. in the County of Roanoke, together with all appurtenances thereto belonging; and 3. That this lease is with Peery Realty, Inc., a Virginia corporation, of approximately 4,370 square feet of office space for a term commencing the 1st day of February, 1992, and ending the 31st day of January, 1993, for an initial annual rental of $41,515.00, payable in equal monthly installments of $3,459.59; and 4. That the lease agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of this lease is incorporated herein by reference. 1 5. That this lease has been negotiated and awarded without competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation upon a determination that this office space is the only office space practically available based upon the following factors: location and proximity to existing County administrative offices, extension of an existing lease, survey of office rentals in the immediate area, value of existing improvements to currently leased office space, and costs of relocation; and 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute this lease on behalf of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such other actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt ordinance for one year at $9.50 per square foot, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Minnix A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ,~ = 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of an Ordinance Authorizing the Lease of Office Space (Brambleton Corporate Center) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~,,z.~..y,~,~~,~ ~v~ / y~,~ ` EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY The County has leased 3,700 square feet of office space at the Brambleton Corporate Center, 3433 Brambleton Avenue since February 1, 1989 to house the operations of Human Resources, Real Estate Assessments, and Risk Management. This lease was for a 3 year period, beginning at $9.75 per square foot with a 3~ per year escalation clause. The County also paid $4,000 per year to cover the $12,000 remodeling expense incurred prior to our move to the building. Staff originally negotiated a new 3 year lease for 4,370 square feet beginning February 1, 1992 at a rate of $9.50 per square foot plus a 3~ per year escalation clause. The 670 square foot new area is for a conference/break area which will be jointly used by the Resource Authority and the County offices at this location. Under a separate document, the Resource Authority will be leasing office space at this same location under the same terms and conditions. At the January 14 meeting, the Board asked staff to try to negotiate a one year lease and to consider the ability to leverage the amounts being paid for lease payments towards the purchase or building of a new facility. In negotiating with the building owner, the rate for a one year lease would be $9.50 per square foot and the cost for a three year lease would be based on $9.25 per square foot with no escalator clause. The lease is for the gross amount including janitorial, electricity, maintenance, water, heating and air conditioning. The attached schedule describes the current leases of the County including the County's share of the lease payments. The two leases for the Health Department run until June 30, 1995 and 2000 and none of the dollars of rent being allocated to this space may be diverted until that time. The lease payments are distributed as 55$ payable by the State and the County and Salem sharing the local share (70/30) based on population. The Social Services lease expires February 28, 1994. This operation serves the residents of both the City of Salem as well as the County (including the Town of Vinton). The State pays 80~ of the lease and the local part is shared based on case loads between the County and City of Salem (70/30). The V.P.I. Extension offices are paid for by the localities and the contract for services to the City of Salem requires them to share based on population. Even though the Governor's message and budget proposal indicated cuts to the Extension Service, no specific local impact has been received at this time. County Staff agrees with the desirability of having adequate office space in facilities which we manage and supports efforts to secure such buildings with appropriate parking and amenities. At this time, the only dollars available to leverage for payments would be for the rents being paid for the Brambleton Corporate Center. After June 30, 1993 we could also consider the dollars from the V.P.I. Extension facility and for part of the year, the local monies for Social Services. In the case of State agencies, the State will consider sharing in the capital cost of a facility spread over 20 - 30 years without interest (like the Health Department office in Vinton) , or will share in the cost of economic rents to an outside party (like the Social Services office in Salem). Based on the monies reasonably available from the V.P.I. Extension lease and the Brambleton Corporate Center lease ($75,889.90), we could leverage towards office space of 8,042 square feet in the amount of $650,000 - $720,000. We must also consider the cost of relocating the present facilities and any associated rennovation costs. Other items to be considered are the availability of Lease/Purchase financing. Without this type of financing, the County must consider bonding the cost of a new facility under a bond issue which the Board of Supervisors has discussed. This concept would allow the County to have a say in the design of the facility and would allow us to locate in the most practical area. Staff is exploring several opportunities at this time and hopes to bring back information to the Board of Supervisors in the very near future. We are also updating our space needs study to assist in the justification of said facility. FISCAL IMPACT• Monies are currently budgeted with the Departments of Real Estate Assessments, Risk Management, and Human Resources to cover this lease payment and no new appropriation of monies is required. ~~ ALTERNATIVES' 1. Accept the lease renewal for a three year period beginning February 1, 1992 as negotiated ($9.25 per sq. ft. ) 2. Accept the lease renewal for a one year period beginning February 1, 1992 as negotiated ($9.50 per sq.ft.) 3. Seek alternate location which will involve moving expenses and public notification. RECOMMENDATION' Staff recommends alternative one (three year option) by approval of the second reading of the attached ordinance authorizing the renewal of the lease with Peery Realty, Inc. for the space being used at the Brambleton Corporate Center including the 670 square foot addition for the conference room. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~~~ / ohn M. Chambl ss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Ref erred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens h n~ O~ N N W Q d N W H Q J O f f N L~ O W N f Q 1' W ~ J ~ W J Q Q 2 h N ~ W i F- C' Z Q O N U W W Q Q F- 2 VI N J Q F- ~ Z z w Q ~ F- L~ O' N J Q L~ 0 ° rn rn o rn rn N \ \ \ \ \ O O M 00 N O M .~-I M M \ \ \ \ \ ~D N t0 r+ c0 I I I 1 ~ ~ OD \ 01 \ .-I .--I \ .--+ \ \ N .--~ \ \ 1~ M \ N n ~ n c0 OD ~ M O ~l7 ~ t~ t0 O .--i ~L'1 O N O ~ O O ~ tf) 07 ~ 01 Lff N Ln I~ O c0 O I~ O cY M M .-~ i~ O) .-~ O If1 M M ~ O) t0 N N N N M ~ N .--I N ""I N ~ M C p ~ p1 O O O Ol 01 O O O .-I i O O .-1 O) 00 N M I~ O O ~ ~ ~T L~ N ~ O I~ -I . ~ lf1 O M N M I~ 01 M ~ (b 1C1 1~ N O GO N t0 ~ O c0 O N M I~ tD 1~ M a' M e-1 N N •O N N N ~ N O U • • i i U ~ C N N W L~ N ~••~ W ~..I •O N ~ i•~ 7 O U i ~••~ O d O .- d ~= ~ O = O • 5 O Z }I 'p 7 ++ i ~ w N VI •O m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z J ~ W O W N to _ N H U > > t6 7 ~ a 10 Q t0 C cO I I ~ • ~ ~ N • O O O O O) O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ Z C ~ Z O N ~ N W 10 W C Vf t6 t0 O G d +~ N C F E tO W • O cO ~~ C N tO ~~ U O Z U '~ O ~ E Q ', C O C Q ++ Q N 7 10 i•+ W d N i d N N d d N OC [G V- Y d Z m O +~ N W C W 'O W C X O "O O tC /0 'a o rts G c N E to w c~ ~ M c ++ ~ M N '"7 2 2 U J O U J V f W U Z ~ Z ~ Q Q U a Q N fC O C ~ 2 Z N ~ m ~ .-y O N O M Ol O .--i Mf .--I N N O .--i 01 M N O ~O ~f1 N N O t[1 M ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, OFFICE SPACE FOR ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the acquisition of any interest in real estate, which includes a lease of office space, shall be accom- plished by ordinance and pursuant to the authority found in §§ 15.1-262 and 15.1-897 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County the first reading on this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on January 28, 1992, concerning the lease of office space for the use of Roanoke County administrative offices at 3433 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. in the County of Roanoke, together with all appurtenances thereto belonging; and 3. That this lease is with Peery Realty, Inc., a Virginia corporation, of approximately 4,370 square feet of office space for a term commencing the 1st day of February, 1992, and ending the 31st day of January, 1995, for an initial annual rental of $40,422.50, payable in equal monthly installments of $3,368.54; 4. That the lease agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of this lease is incorporated herein by reference. 1 "' ""~ 5. That this lease has been negotiated and awarded without competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation upon a determination that this office space is the only office space practically available based upon the following factors: location and proximity to existing County administrative offices, extension of an existing lease, survey of office rentals in the immediate area, value of existing improvements to currently leased office space, and costs of relocation; and 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute this lease on behalf of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such other actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. c:\wp51\agenda\maleet\bramble.lae 2 ~ ~ ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~ ~-' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals Four-year term of Thomas A. Darnall, Vinton Magisterial District, expired January 22, 1992. 2. Grievance Panel Two-year term of Kenneth W. Lussen will expire February 23, 1992. 3. Library Board Four-year term of Dr. Paul M. Zeis, Windsor Hills Magisterial District expired December 31, 1991. 4. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Three-year unexpired term of Karen Padgett, Hollins Magisterial District. Ms. Padgett has resigned, effective January 30, 1992 because she will no longer be living in Roanoke County. 5. Transportation and Safety Commission Four-year terms of Leo Trenor, Member at Large and Charlotte Lichtenstein, Neighborhood representative. These appointments are made by area of expertise or interest, not magisterial district. Ms. Lichenstein and Mr. Trenor have served two terms and are not eligible for reappointment. Please see the attached for information on these committees, commissions and boards. ~,~~ ..n SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ~.._ - ~ BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS A. COMPOSITION: To be comprised of five (5) members; appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members may be reappointed, and terms should be staggered so that less than half of the terms expire in any one year. The Board of Supervisors may appoint alternate members who may sit on the Board in the absence of any regular members, and shall have the full power and authority of the regular member. Board members shall be selected on the basis of their ability to render fair and competent decisions regarding application of the code, and shall to the extent possible, represent different occupational or professional fields. At least one member should be an experienced builder. At least one member should be a licensed professional engineer or architect. B. DUTIES: Shall act on application for appeals as required by Section 36-105 of the Code of Virginia; or it shall enter into an agreement with the governing body of another county or municipality or with some other agency, or a State agency approved by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: The Board shall meet upon notice of the chairman or at stated periodic meetings if warranted by the volume of work. The Board shall meet within ten working days of the filing of an appeal. ~ '~ GRIEVANCE PANEL A. COMPOSITION To consist of three (3) members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors; for terms of two years. B. DUTIES The panel shall adopt such rules and procedures as it deems necessary and desirable. The panel has the responsibility to rule on the interpretation, application, and meaning of the County's personnel policies, rules and regulations. The panel shall select for each hearing a panel chairman, set a time for the hearing which shall be held as soon as practical, but no later than fifteen (15) full working days after the grievant appeal. C. MEETING SCHEDULE The County Administrator shall arrange a hearing with the panel members to hear the grievance. s .~.. ~..~ - 3 LIBRARY BOARD A. COMPOSITION (Code of Virginia 42.1-35) To consist of not less than five (5) members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors; representing each Magisterial District, members may serve 4 year terms, only two terms consecutively B. DUTIES: For management and control of a free public library system. Has control of the expenditure of all moneys credited to the regional free library fund. Has the right to accept donations and bequests of money, personal property or real estate for the establishment and maintenance of such regional free library system or endowments for same. Has authority to execute contracts for the purpose of administering a public library service with the region. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: Fourth Wednesday of each month, 5:30 p.m., Headquarters Library Route 419. ~'?~'- ~ PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION A. COMPOSITION: (Resolution 85-151.N, September 10, 1985) To be composed of two (2) members from each magisterial district and one (1) member at large from the County. All members to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Original terms shall be staggared. Upon expiration of their original terms, each succeeding term shall be for three (3) years, expiring on June 30th. B. DUTIES: The Commission shall serve as the advisory body to the Director of Parks and Recreation of Roanoke County; the Commission shall suggest policies to the County Administrator and the Board of Supervisors through the Director of Parks and Recreation, within its powers and responsibilities as stated in this resolution. The Commission shall serve as a liaison between the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Board of Supervisors, and the citizens of the community. The Commission will work through the Parks and Recreation staff on all related matters. The Commission shall consult with and advise recreation policies, programs, personnel, finances, and the need for acquiring and disposing of lands and properties related to the total community recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for recreation. The Commission shall assume duties for the recreation purposes as follows: Make recommendations (1) for the establishment of a system of supervised recreation for the County; (2) to set apart for use as parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation areas and structures, any lands or buildings owned by or leased to the County and for approval by the Board of Supervisors and may suggest improvements of such lands and for the construction and for the equipping and staffing of such buildings and structures as may be necessary to the recreation program within those funds allocated; (3) and advise in the acceptance by the County of any grant, gift, bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made available for recreation purposes and which it judges to be of present or possible future use or recreation. Any gift, bequest of money or other property, any grant, devise of real or personal property so acquired shall be held, by the County, used and finally disposed of in accordance with the terms under which such grant, gift or devise is made and accepted; (4) and advise in the construction, equipping, operation and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and all buildings and structures necessary or useful to the Department function, and will advise in regard to other recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the unit or leased or loaned to the unit. ~`~, ~_~ ~~Ilzw (:~.~'~ ~ ss ~~~.~ ,~ ~ ~,~,h~e~ ,~ / ~ `~ .~ _ ,~ I~ ( ~ ~ ~~ P _ /7 C~' ~.~ o ~, 2 1` ,` J ``1 t ' ~ ,~(,~ 1 ~1~0 ~Ct~lr1 1 l 1 C. ` ~ ~2. I `~. J a ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ c ~~ ~0~4~oe~ ~ 2 . l ~ TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION ROANOKE COUNTY A. COMPOSITION: (Section 33.1 - 398, Code of Virginia) (Resolution 84-37 approved February 14, 1984) To consist of eleven (11) members of the Commission appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Terms shall be four years, but no members shall serve for more than two (2) full successive terms. Initial appointments to be staggered B. DUTIES: The Commission shall have the duty and responsibility to: (a) review, examine, and approve all highway safety grants and recommend same to the Board of Supervisors; (b) promote all highway and transportation safety programs; (c) make recommendations through the Board of Supervisors to VDH&T regarding signs, road improvements, and engineering improvement; and (d) develop and establish through the Board of Supervisors a safety program for the County and sponsor an annual awards banquet for persons excelling in the application of safety measures and procedures. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: Minimum of 4 meetings per year. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-11 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM R - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 28, 1992 designated as Item K Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 9, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - November 19, 1991, December 3, 1991, December 17, 1991. 2. Approval of Minutes - January 3, 1992 (Legislative Meeting), January 3, 1992 (Organizational Meeting). 3. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Library Board, Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors, Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors and Transportation and Safety Commission. 4. Request for Approval of 50/50 Raffle Permit - Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter. 5. Request for Approval of 50/50 Raffle Permit - Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551. 6. Request for Acceptance of a portion of Blueberry Ridge into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 7. Acknowledgement from VDOT of the Acceptance of 0.26 miles of Strathmore Lane and 0.22 miles of Cardington Drive into the Secondary System. 8. Acceptance of Water System serving the oakridge Subdivision. 9. Resolution Accepting the Employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County Personnel System. 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Margaret Reynolds, Finance Department. 11. Resolution of Appreciation upon the Retirement of Carl Catron, Parks and Recreation Department. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens with Items 10 and 11 added, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~- Mary H. llen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: Clifford Craig, Utility Department Arnold Covey, Inspections and Engineering Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court Sheriff Gerald Holt November 19, 1991 ..~ into two or more congressional districts R-111991-1 Supervisor Eddy expressed concern about the possibility of the division of the Roanoke County into two congressional districts. Supervisor Nickens agreed, but Supervisor Robers felt that the County might have more strength with two congressmen representing them. Supervisor Eddy moved to adopt the prepared resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. ::AYS: Supervisor Robers RESOLIITION 111991-1 OF THE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OPPOSING THE DIVISION OF ROANORE COIINTY INTO TWO OR MORE CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS WHEREAS, news reports indicate that the Virginia General Assembly is considering one or more congressional redistricting plans that would divide Roanoke County between the sixth and ninth congressional districts; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors believes that future relations with Congress will be enhanced and strengthened if the entire county remains in one congressional district; and WHEREAS, dividing Roanoke County into two or more congressional districts will create undue confusion among Roanoke County citizens who have historically been part of the sixth congressional district; and s November 19, 1991 :~ ~ i~ of Route 117 and Northside Rich School Road. A-111991-3 There was no discussion of this issue. Supervisor Johnson moved to appropriate $12,500 from the Capital Fund. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None 3. Recuest from School Board for acceptance of 510,450 federal Grant for the School Federal Programs Fund. A-111991-4 Supervisor Nickens moved to accept the grant and appropriate the funds to the Schools. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None 4. Recuest from School Board for acceptance of S3.000 award and appropriation to school capital Improvement Fund. A-111991-5 Supervisor Nickens moved to accept the grant and appropriate the funds to the Schools. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None Presentation of Year-end Audit. November 19, 1991 ~~~ Supervisor Johnson offered a substitute motion to allocate $375,000 of the year-end surplus for $100 bonuses to county and school employees. The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson NAYS: Supervisors Eddy, Nickens, McGraw Supervisor Nickens advised that the intent of his original motion was that the surplus would be used to provide salary increases or health care in July 1992. His motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: Supervisors Robers, Johnson 6. Aooroval of amendment to the Emnloyee Handbook Sick Leave Bank. A-111991-7 Supervisor Nickens suggested that if the employee owes the Sick Leave Bank upon termination, the days should come from unused sick leave days or annual leave days. Supervisor Eddy suggested that final determination of utilization of the sick leave bank be at the discretion of the County Administrator rather than the Internal Support and Operations Team. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the Sick Leave Bank as amended by the Board members. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. November 19, 1991 .; 1. That the Spring Hollow Reservoir Project, including the construction of a water supply system, pump station, and reservoir, has been approved to provide a source of water for the citizens of Roanoke County. 2. That the project is necessary for the general health, safety and welfare of the public, and specifically will provide a long-term water source in Roanoke County. 3. That acquisition of a certain parcel of land, consisting of 2.030 acres, is necessary for construction of the major access road to the reservoir and the pump station. 4. That the parcel of land required for this phase of the project is owned by Joseph H. Davis and Suzanne K. Widney and is more particularly described as follows: All that certain parcel of land, together with any improvements thereon, rights incident thereto, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, shown and designated as "2.030 ACRES -- D.B. 1035, PG. 474" upon the plat, dated 14 November 1991, made by Lumsden Associates, P.C., attached hereto as Exhibit A. This being all of the same real estate conveyed unto Joseph H. Davis and Suzanne K. Davis, now Suzanne K. Widney, by deed dated February 4, 1976, from Margaret M. Kelly, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 1035, Page 474. The above-described parcel is designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 73.00-1-7. 5. That the fair market value of the property is $4,800.00, which is hereby offered to the property owners for purchase of fee simple, marketable title to the subject parcel by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 6. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter November 19, 1991 ;~' ~ ;, AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: Supervisor Eddy 8. ReQUest to amend engineering services agreement with Haves, seav. Mattern and Mattern for Spring Hollow construction management A-111991-9 Mr. Hubbard explained that this action will amend the original 1984 agreement. The cost will not exceed $1,800 and will include all work required by HSMM, their subcontractors and testing services during the construction phase of the project. Supervisor Eddy suggested that the staff submit the proposal to an outside knowledgeable consultant to review the agreement. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the amendment. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: Supervisor Eddy 9. Approval of revised Capital Improvement Program Review Process and Calendar of Events. A-111991-10 Director of Management and Budget Reta Busher advised that the implementation of the CIP belongs to the Board of Supervisors through adoption and incorporation of the projects in the County's capital budget. The CIP process was presented to the Facilities Management Team for review, and the team recommended changes to the process. Staff recommended adoption of the revised CIP process and proposed calendar of events. November 19, 1991 1. Ordinance to amend the Future Land IIse Plan map desicnation of approximately 3.59 acres from Neichborhood Conservation to Principal Industrial and to rezone said property from R-1 to M 1 and obtain a Special Exception Permit to construct an office located at the northwest corner of Enon and Waldron Drive, Hollins Magisterial District upon the petition of James C. Wilson. IN RE: 2. Ordinance to amend conditions and to rezone approximately 2.43 acres from B-2 to B-2 and M 1 to operate a new auto dealership and auto collision repair facility located at 4037 Electric Road, Cave sprint Magisterial District, upon the petition of yZto DeMonte. 3. Ordinance to rezone 0.10 acres from B-3 to B-2 to operate a used household appliance shoo. located at 1806 Thompson Memorial Drive, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Everett J. Miles, Sr. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizin the ac isition of two arcels of land from Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ?. Ordinance authorizinc the exchange of real estate adiacent to Burlincton Elementary School with Friendship Manor Apartment village COrp. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: November 19, 1991 !} 3. D. Martin Etzler. 2311 Sanford Avenue expressed concern that homeowners were not included in the process. Supervisor Eddy moved to approve the ordinance as modified, and that the fees be changed as requested by those speaking. Supervisor Nickens offered a substitute motion to approve the ordinance as modified with no change to the fee schedule. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 111991-12 AMENDING THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF ARTICLE VIII. "FIRE AND SECURITY ALARMS" TO CHAPTER 16 "POLICE" TO REGULATE THE USE AND OPERATION OF SECURITY AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS WHEREAS, the improper operation of fire and security alarms by property owners, and the occasional unlawful activation of such alarms, within the County of Roanoke threatens the safety and health of the citizens of this county through unnecessary responses by police and fire units as well as causing unnecessary expense to the public and inconvenience to the neighbors of such alarms; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance occurred on October 8, 1991; and the second reading and public hearing occurred on November 19, 1991. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a new Article VIII, "Fire and Security Alarms" of November 19, 1991 ~~~~ Any Person legally authorized to transact business within the Commonwealth of Virginia and currently maintaining either a Virginia contractor's license or a local business license to engage in the business of installation, maintenance, alteration, servicing or monitoring alarm systems. d. Automatic Dialing Device A device installed, operational and which is interconnected to a telephone line programmed to send a recorded message, code or signal from a protected premises to a telephone number assigned to the Public Safety Center.. This term shall include a "telephone dialer" or a "tape dialer" or any other similar device or equipment. e. False Alarm Any security or fire alarm signal, communicated directly or indirectly to the Public Safety Center which is not in response to actual or threatened criminal activity or fire risk requiring immediate police, fire, or rescue response. False Alarms include negligently or accidentally activated signals; signals which are the result of faulty, malfunctioning, or improperly installed or maintained equipment; signals which are purposely activated to summon the police department or fire and rescue service in non-emergency situations; and signals for which the actual cause is not determined. False November 19, 1991 ~~;i J `/ and signal the unauthorized. intrusion into a premises or to signal an attempted burglary, robbery, other criminal activity, or fire at the protected premises, to which the police department or fire and rescue service are expected to respond. Such term, however, shall not include security alarm systems maintained by governmental agencies. k. IIser Any Person using a Security or Fire Alarm System or having an insurable interest in any premises upon which is located such a system, regardless of whether the Person owns the Security or Fire Alarm System or the premises on which it is located. Sec 16-22. False Alarms - Prohibited a. It shall be unlawful for any Person to knowingly and without just cause to activate a Security or Fire Alarm System to summon the police department or fire and rescue service in situations where there is no actual or threatened criminal or fire risk requiring immediate police, fire or rescue response. b. Violation of this section shall constitute a Class 1 Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) or not more than twelve (12) months in jail, or both. Sec 16-23. Alarm - Deactivation The police officer or fire and rescue official responding to a False Alarm shall have the authority to deactivate said November 19, 1991 h n ~ - of alarm or malfunction. (d). any additional relevant information requested by the Chief of Police or Chief of Fire & Rescue of Roanoke County; (e). execution of a release of liability by the User or by an officer or authorized agent of the User. Any material misstatement of fact made by any applicant shall be sufficient cause for refusal to issue a permit or to revoke any permit previously issued. 2. Installation by an Alarm Company or licensed electrician maintaining a valid business license within the Commonwealth of Virginia with the cost to be paid by the User. 3. Monthly inspection and testing of the Alarm System by the User and reporting, by the 10th day of the next month, of the results of said inspections to the Chief of Police or, if for a fire alarm, to the Chief of Fire & Rescue, on forms to be provided by said departments. 4. Implementation of a continuous training program for appropriate employees and others, who may have occasion to activate the Alarm System, regarding the use and operation of such Alarm System, which includes instruction on the setting, activation and resetting of the Alarm. ,-~ ; November 19 , 19 91 .~ ~,~ Chief of Police and the Chief of Fire & Rescue of Roanoke County. d. Nothing contained herein will prohibit any Person or User from installing an Alarm System which terminates with a commercial or other alarm monitoring and answering service. e. A User of a local Alarm shall adjust the mechanism of any Alarm or cause such mechanism to be adjusted so that an alarm signal shall not sound for longer than 30 minutes after being activated. f. After the effective date of this ordinance, no Alarm System shall be installed in any premises within this county which does not have an independent source of power capable of providing an uninterrupted power supply to such alarm in conformity with thee manufactures specifications for that installation. In the absence of any such manufactures specification, the Alarm System shall provide a minimum of eight hours of independent power supply. Sec 16-26. False Alarm Fees a. Users shall be allowed four false alarms, without fees, in any calendar year. For each false alarm beyond the four permitted by this section, there will be fees levied against the User, except as follows: 1. No fee shall be charged for a false alarm if, prior to dispatch of vehicles or personnel of the police department to the scene of the alarm, the Public Safety Center is notified by the User or an authorized employee or agent of said User. 2. No fee shall be charged for a False Alarm when the User demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police, or ~. November 19, 1991 Alarms" as defined by ordinance shall be subject to the false alarm fee schedule contained herein. The User shall be legally responsible for all fees or charges imposed thereunder. d. Any User experiencing a fourth False Alarm as defined in subsection a. above shall have their Alarm System inspected by an Alarm Company. This inspection shall include a complete examination of the Alarm System including, but not limited to, satisfactory design and installation of the alarm equipment, proper functioning of the Alarm and education of the User in the proper operation of the Alarm System. The Alarm Company shall record the details of this inspection on a form provided by the Police Department for this purpose. The completed inspection report shall be returned to the Police Department by the Alarm Company within seven days of the inspection. A copy of the completed inspection report shall be provided to the User by the Alarm Company at the same time. e. The Police Department shall notify a User of the requirements of subsection d by registered mail within 30 days of the fourth false alarm. If the inspection required by subsection d is not completed within 30 days of this notification, the User shall be liable to the County for an administrative service fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). f. The Roanoke County Police Department will be responsible for maintaining records of false alarms for billing purposes and shall forward such information to the Roanoke County Treasurer's Office on a monthly basis. g. In the event that a User fails to pay a false alarm fee ,< November 19, 1991 ~ 1. Evidence of attempts by the User to eliminate the cause of False Alarms, including (i) installation of new equipment, (ii) replacement of defective equipment, (iii) inspection and repair of the system by an Alarm Company, and (iv) specific formal training of User. 2. Evidence that any False Alarm was caused by electrical storm, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, or other act of God. 3. Evidence that any False Alarm was caused by the disruption of telephone circuits beyond the control of the User or any Alarm Company or central monitoring agency and that the cause of such disruption has been corrected. 4. Written evidence that the Alarm System which caused the alarm responses has been disconnected and removed from the premises. Sec. 16-28. Authority of Department of Fire and Rescue This Article shall not be interpreted to limit the authority of the. Department of Fire and Rescue and the Fire Marshal of Roanoke County to enforce any provision of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code as incorporated in Article II of Chapter 9, "Fire Prevention and Protection", of the Roanoke County Code regarding Alarms Systems or False Alarms. 2. This ordinance shall be in effect on and after January 1, 1992. On substitute motion of Supervisor Nickens to approve as amended with fees remaining the same, and carried by the following November 19 ~ 1991 ~ ~ :; State Water Control Board and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency have necessitated changes by the City of Roanoke to its Sewer Use Standards; and WHEREAS, the operative requirements of the current Sewage Treatment Agreement between Roanoke City and the County of Roanoke requires amendment of the County's ordinances to bring them into conformity with the current Roanoke City Sewer Use Standards; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 9, 1991, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on July 23, 1991, and continued to November 19, 1991. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the amended "SEWER USE STANDARDS" be reenacted as "ARTICLE IV. SEWER USE STANDARDS" of CHAPTER 18 of the Roanoke County Code of 1985. CHAPTER 18 ARTICLE IV. SEWER USE STANDARDS Sac. 18-151 Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the words and phrases set out in this section shall have the following meanings: Act means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et seq., as amended. Approving Authority for bur~oses of this Article only shall mean the county administrator or his duly authorized representative and shall be eQUivalent to control authority BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) means the quantity of oxygen November 19 , 19 91 ~ j' differentiating between stable and unstable organic matter and thus not necessarily correlating with biochemical oxygen demand. COD-BOD ratio means the ratio of the value of COD to BOD as these values are defined above. COD (soluble) means the COD of the filtrate from wastewater that is filtered through a gooch crucible as required by the suspended solids test in "Standard Methods." Control manhole means a manhole giving access to a building sewer at some point before the building sewer discharge mixes with other discharges in the public sewer. Control point means a point of access to a course of discharge before the discharge mixes with other discharges in the public sewer. County means Roanoke County. Discharge means any introduction of substances into the sanitary sewer. Garbage means animal and vegetable wastes and residue from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, processing, storage and sale of food products and produce. Group A wastewater means wastewater discharged into the sanitary sewers in which any one of the parameters below are more than the given loading: Average Daily Parameter MM ngthly Composite Total suspended solids (TSS) 62.5 lbs./day 7 5 lbs./day November 19, 1991 ~ ~ ~ ~° leaders, cellar yard and area drains, foundation drains, cooling water discharges, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross connections from storm sewers and combined sewers, catch basins, storm waters, surface runoff, street wash waters, or drainage. It does not include, and is distinguished from infiltration. Interference means a discharge which, along or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, (1) inhibits or disrupts the plant, its treatment processes or operations, or its sludge processes, use or disposal; or (2) causes a violation of the plant's VPDES permit. Milligrams per liter (mg/1) means the same as parts per million and is a weight-to-volume ratio; the milligram-per liter value multiplied by the factor 8.34 shall be equivalent to pounds per million gallons of water. National categorical pretreatment standard or pretreatment standard means any regulations containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the EPA in accordance with Sections 307(b) and (c) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 1317) and 40 C.F.R. Subchapter N (Parts 401-471) as amended, which applies to a specific category of industrial users. Natural outlet means any outlet into a watercourse, ditch, lake or other body of surface water or ground water. Normal wastewater means wastewater discharged into the sanitary sewers in which the average concentration of total suspended solids and BOD is not more than 250 mg/1, total A _ ~_y November 19, 1991 ~ ~ '' wastewater or industrial wastes or a combination of both, and into which storm water, surface water, groundwater and other unpolluted wastes are not intentionally passed. Slug means any discharge of water, wastewater or industrial waste which, in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow, exceeds, for any period longer than fifteen (15) minutes, more than five (5) times the average twenty-four (24) hour concentration or flows during normal operation. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) means classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual issued by the Executive Office of ~#e--P~~° -- L, 9€~}.~e e€-F~~g~~d Manacrement and Budget 1987 as amended. Standard Methods means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the latest edition, at the time of analysis, of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" as prepared, approved and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. Storm sewer means a public sewer which carries storm and surface water and drainage and into which domestic wastewater or industrial wastes are not intentionally passed. Storm water means rainfall or any other forms of precipitation. Suspended solids means solids measured in mg/1 that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, wastewater or other liquids, and which are largely removable by a laboratory November 19, 1991 ~~ charge shall include a proportionate share of any capital improvements to the system (capital costs). User surcharge means the charge made, in excess of the user charge, for all wastewater over and above the loading defined as normal wastewater. Waste means rejected, unutilized or superfluous substances, in liquid, gaseous or solid form, resulting from domestic, agricultural or industrial activities. Wastewater means a combination of the water-carried waste from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, together with any ground, surface and storm water that may be present. Wastewater facilities includes all facilities for collection, pumping, treating and disposing of wastewater and industrial wastes. Wastewater service charge means the charge on all users of the public sewer whose wastes are treated at the plant and is the appropriate sum of the user charge and user surcharge. Wastewater treatment plant means any municipal-owned facilities, devices and structures used for receiving, processing and treating wastewater, industrial waste and sludges from the sanitary sewers. Wastecourse means a natural or man-made channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. sec. 18-152. General Requirements. (a) All discharges into public sewers shall conform to November 19, 1991 .- .~ j L •:~ into the sanitary sewer system shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other substances regulated by this Article. Facilities to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the owner or user's own cost and expense. Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the approving authority before construction of the facility. All such existing users shall complete such a plan by July 1, 1986. No such user who commences operation after the effective date of this section shall be permitted to introduce pollutants into the system until accidental discharge procedures have been so approved. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the industrial user from the responsibility to modify the user's facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this Article. In the case of an accidental discharge, it is the responsibility of the user to immediately telephone and notify the approving authority of the incident. The notification shall include location of discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume and corrective actions. Within five (5) days following an accidental discharge; the user shall submit to the approving authority a detailed written report describing the cause of the discharge and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to the sewer system or treatment plant, fish kills, or any 1 .- November 19, 1991 ~~ interference and in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature at the plant exceeds forty (40) decrees Celsius (one hundred four (104 decrees Fahrenheit) unless the approving authority approves alternate temperature limits (b) Discharges into public sewers shall not contain: (1~ ~`~''~`~ Antifreeze. (2) Fluoride other than that contained in the public water supply Qreater than 10 0 mg/1 (3) Benzene. Toluene. Ethvlbenzene and Xylene (BTEX) Qreater than 5 0 mq/1_ (4 ) 6t~se~~e-lA r+a+ Q..~s~ - ~ - - -- L ti. ~ e.~_~r~~ ... p.aa~ , vz'-- Flammable or explosive liquid solid or acs in hazardous amounts. (5) Substances causing a chemical oxygen demand (COD) greater than 1,500 mg/1 in the wastewater. (6) strong acid or concentrated plating solutions, whether neutralized or not. (7) Fats, wax, grease or oils, whether emulsified or not, in excess of 100 mg/1 or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between thirty-two (32~) degrees and one hundred November 19 , 19 91 "~ ' ~' section. (b) The maximum allowable concentrations of heavy metals and toxic materials stated in terms of milligrams per liter (mg/1), determined on the basis of individual sampling in accordance with "Standard Methods" are: (1) Arsenic: .25 mg/1 (2) Barium: 5.0 mg/1 (3) Boron: ~-9-~g~ 1.0 ma/1 (4) Cadmium: 0.02 mg/1 (5) Chromium, Total: f-} 2.0 mg/1 (6) Chromium VI: .011 ma/L. ~} S.?L Copper: 1.0 mg/1 'f'~} 1~. Lead : 8-~--~gy~} . 2 mg / 1 fe} .LL Manganese: 1.0 mg/1 {1}} {101 Mercury: 0.005 mg/1 -(~9} (11) Nickel : ~ 2 , 0 ma/ 1 {}~} (121 Selenium: 0.02 mg/1 ~-~ 13 Silver: 0.1 mg/1 {3}} 14 Zinc: 2.0 mg/1 {~4} (151 Cyanide: 1.0 ma/1 In addition, if it is d etermined that any one of these parameters exceeds the state effluent requirements for the wastewater treatment plant, an adjustment in the given parameter concentration limit will be required. To accomplish this, the industrial discharge permits for industries discharging the particular compound will be adj usted to insure compliance. November 19, 1991 . ~ ~ r~ .~ . o equipped with a motor of three-fourths horsepower (0.76 hp metric) or greater. Sec. 18-156. Discharge of storm water and other unpolluted drainage. (a) No person shall discharge into public sanitary sewers: (1) Unpolluted storm water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff or subsurface drainage. {'~}--'~rsrm 'E!x aze P~~r ~ ~ ~ _ ~ L ~}-.LL Other un o l luted dra ina e . (b) The approving authority shall designate storm sewers and other watercourses into which unpolluted drainage described in subsection (a) of this section may be discharged. Sec. i8-157. Temperature of discharges. No person shall discharge liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit (65~ Centigrade), or any substance which causes the temperature of the total wastewater treatment plant influent to increase at a rate of ten (10) degrees Fahrenheit or more per hour, or a combined total increase of plant influent temperature to one hundred four (104) degrees Fahrenheit. Sec. 18-158. Discharge of radioactive wastes. (a) No person shall discharge radioactive wastes or isotopes into public sewers, without the permission of the approving authority. 3 November 19, 1991 (c) No person shall discharge into public sewers any substance that may: (1) Deposit grease or oil in the sewer lines in such a manner as to clog the sewers; (2) Overload skimming and grease handling equipment; (3) Pass to the receiving waters without being effectively treated by normal wastewater treatment processes due to the nonamenability of the substance to bacterial action; or (4) Deleteriously affect the treatment process due to excessive quantities. (d) No person shall discharge incompatible waste into public sewers which: (1) Is not amenable to treatment or reduction by the wastewater treatment processes and facilities employed; or (2) Is amenable to treatment only to such a degree that the treatment plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of other agencies having jurisdiction over discharges to the receiving waters. Subsection (b) (3) of this section illustrates the types of substances intended to be regulated by this subsection. (e) The approving authority shall regulate the flow and concentration of slugs when they may: (1) Impair the treatment process; A n ~' I L~ '~ November 19, 1991 (6) Shavings. (7) Metal. (8) Glass. (9) Rags. (10) Feathers. (11) Tar. (12) Plastics. (13) Wood. (14) Unground garbage. (15) Whole blood. (16) Paunch manure. (17) Hair and fleshings. (18) Entrails. (19) Paper products, either whole or ground by garbage grinders (20) Slops. (21) Chemical residues. (22) Paint residues. (23) Bulk solids. (g) No person shall discharge into the public sewers pollutants which cause interference or pass through. (h) No person shall discharge into the public sewers pollutants with a high flow rate or concentration of conventional pollutants as to interfere with the plant. Soc. is-160. Right to require pretreatment and control of, or to November 19, 1991 ;, ~ .,i y including Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards. (b) Any person responsible for discharges requiring pretreatment, flow-equalizing or other facilities shall provide and maintain the facilities in effective operating condition at this own expense. Sec.18-162. Requirements for traps. (a) Discharges requiring a trap include: (1) Grease or waste containing grease in excessive amounts; (2) Oil; (3) Sand; (4) Flammable wastes; and (5) Other harmful substances. (b) Any person responsible for discharges requiring a trap shall, at his own expense and as required by the approving authority: (1) Provide equipment and facilities of a type and capacity approved by the approving authority; (2) Locate the trap in a manner that provides ready and easy accessibility for cleaning and inspection; and (3) Maintain the trap in effective operating condition. sec. 18-163. Measurement, sampling, etc., and report of discharges. (a) The owner of each facility discharging other than normal wastewater or discharging Class A wastewater shall submit monthly, or at such other frequency as may be required by the approving November 19, 1991 f 1 .~ furnished to the County. There shall be ample room provided in each sampling chamber to enable convenient inspection and sampling by the County. (d) Each sampling chamber shall contain a Parshall flume, accurate weir or similar device, with a recording and totalizing register for measurement of the liquid quantity; or the metered water supply to the industrial plant may be used as the liquid quantity, where it is substantiated that the metered water supply and waste quantities are approximately the same, or where a measurable adjustment can be made in the metered supply to determine the liquid quantity. (e) Samples shall be taken every hour, properly refrigerated and composited in proportion to the flow for a representative twenty-four (24)hours sample. For oil and grease, pH, phenols, cyanide, volatile toxic organic and other appropriate pollutants, property grab sampling shall be performed. Each sampling shall be repeated on as many days as necessary to insure representative quantities for the entire reporting period. Industrial plants with wide fluctuations in quantities of wastes shall provide an automatic sampler paced automatically by the flow-measuring device. (f) Minimum requirements for representative quantities under this section shall include re-evaluation during each twelve (12) month period. The determination of representative quantities shall include not less than seven (7) consecutive days of twenty-four (24) hour composite samplings, taken during periods of normal operation, together with acceptable flow measurements. The November 19 , 19 91 '~ `' Sec. 18-164. Discharge permits for industrial waste. e~a~~e BP*~-s-~~9-f~i-'.}G~aarge~9- sra L , L L ~ L .scr ~ B ~f~~lafaA f'~OIA ~' t'~1~q~~~T L } / >/ A}1P'~iaiie=t~~ ~-i~tei~ ~.acal °~z c~ T.., .. ~ ~ n ~ 1 .--- I --i- -___- ~ ~-l ~~ iJV V~ s -L~-.. Lam. ~ ~ LL ~ r.31~TaCZT1 ~ '~'~'~~.saoal~'~'~"' Tr ~~ '~ ° 9, ,j~ L L ~'g.~ Z T~Q "!'L~ i -- -L-- - ~ Sew ~ ~ ~ I'~ ~9~-$ ' i ~CQ"- LT Ie~CCG'S 1e2'T"+..' C~~ I ~'e e1 ~! -t ~ ~i l8~~e-el~9~E'~3s3~eJ - L ~ L~ e e l f'~1~P•? ~ 1 e a 'e f' 1 "' - 171 ee~~ ] e~--- ' L L ~ p~te CG7ITSLTQ~•• ..1 .L~ --rr--~-..~vl~ J I •Yi , _, j ,~ ..~ November 19, 1991 i~ ` development of anv required compliance schedules or the applicable provisions of this article (b) An industrial user applying for a new discharge shall meet all conditions of subsection (a) of this section and shall secure a permit prior to discharging any waste. (c) A person not applying for a discharge permit within the allotted time and continuing to discharge an unpermitted discharge shall be deemed to be in violation of this article. (d) A permit issued under this section shall be valid for up five (5) years from its date of issuance, after which time the industrial user shall be required to obtain a new discharge permit. (e) The approving authority shall have the right to accept or reject any increases in flow or pollutants under existing or new permits. sec. 18-165. Waiver or modification of requirements of article. The approving authority shall have the right to waive or modify, on an interim basis to be noted in any permit issued under this article, the requirements of this article as they pertain to strength of contaminants. No such waiver or modification shall be granted contrary to any County, state or federal regulation and no waiver or modification shall be granted, if it would result in the violation of the discharge permit for the plant, as it is now issued or as such permit may be amended. spa. 18-166. Charged geaorally. Persons making discharges of industrial waste shall pay a November 19, 1991 - • waste, including new capital outlay and the proportionate part of the value of the existing system used in handling and treating waste. (2) Operation and maintenance costs (capitalized), including but not limited to, salaries and wages, power costs, costs of chemicals and supplies, proper allowances for maintenance, depreciation, overhead and off ice expense. Sec. 18-168. Schedule of charges. (a) Persons discharging wastewater shall pay a charge to cover the capital cost and the cost of collection and treatment of all wastewater discharged. (1) All Class I users discharging normal wastewater or Group B wastewater shall pay a user charge computed upon cost per volume of wastewater discharged. (2) All Class II users discharging Group A wastewater shall have their user charge computed upon a cost per unit volume basis for the amount plus the unit cost of treatment for all over the base amount for volume, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids (SS), phosphorus (P) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TRN). In computing the contaminant loading, the parameter concentrations for normal wastewater will be considered as standard strength in determining the base amount in the effluent discharge flow. November 19 , 19 91 % ~' '-r Vc = Cost of treating 1,000 gals. of Class II wastewater ($/1,000 gal.) $'~_~-ia~s-~-'~~Eiis~e~-$Av--cvrrsrrD~te3'i- rrr-~Gsegs Qi -~'ias.rt _Bs = Class II wastewater BOD contribution in excess of Class I wastewater limit (lbs 1 Bc = Cost of treating Class II BOD contribution ($/lb.) SS = Class II wastewater SS contribution in excess of Class I wastewater limit (lbs.) Sc = Cost of treating Class II SS contribution ($/lb.) Ps_= Class II wastewater phosphorus contribution in excess of Class I wastewater limit flbs 1 Ns = Class II wastewater unoxidized nitrogen contribution in excess of Class I wastewater limit (lbs.) Nc = Cost of treating Class II nitrogen contribution ($/lb.) Sec. 18-169. Adjustment of charges. (a) The county may adjust charges at least annually to reflect changes in the characteristics of wastewater based on the results of sampling and testing. This adjustment will correspond to charges established by the operating authority for the treatment plant. (b) The county shall review at least annually the basis for determining charges and shall adjust the unit treatment cost in the formula to reflect increases or decreases in wastewater treatment costs based on the previous year's experience. November 19, 1991 .L1, Appropriate information submitted to the approving authority pursuant to these regulations excluding any information utilized in determining effluent limits may be claimed as confidential by the submitter at the time of submission by stamping, the words "confidential business information" on each a e containing such information If a claim is asserted the information shall be treated in accordance with a licable law. (c) No person acting under authority of this section may inquire into any processes, including metallurgical, chemical, oil refining, ceramic, paper or other industries, beyond that point having a direct bearing on the kind and source of discharge to the public sewers. Sec. 18-172. Authority to disconnect service. (a) The county reserves the right to terminate water and wastewater disposal services and disconnect a customer from the system and revoke any discharge permit issued under this article when: (1) Acids or chemicals damaging to sewer lines or treatment process are released into the sewer .~ ~ November 19, 1991 ~ ~ ti of this section, the County shall: (1) Disconnect the customer; (2) Supply the customer with the governmental agency's report and provide the customer with all pertinent information; and (3) Continue disconnection until such time as the customer provides additional pretreatment or other facilities designed to remove the objectionable characteristics from this wastes. Sec. 18-173. Notice of violations The county shall serve persons discharging in violation of this article with written notice stating the nature of the violation and requiring immediate satisfactory compliance. The approving authority shall have the authority to publish annually in the Roanoke Times and World News Newspaper or a newspaper of general circulation in the Roanoke area a list of persons which were not in compliance with the terms of this Article at least once during the twelve (12) previous months. Sec. 18-174. Penalty for violations. (a) A person who violates the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation per day and confinement in jail for not more than twelve months, either or both. In the event of a violation, the approving authority shall also have the right to terminate the sewer and water connection. (b) In addition to proceeding under authority of sub-section November 19, 1991 :.t Effluent data complied as part of the approving authority's pretreatment program shall be available to the public. 2. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after December 1, 1991. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Court Community Corrections Policy Board Supervisor Eddy nominated Supervisor Harry Nickens to a three- year term expiring December 31, 1994. 2= Mental Health Services of the Roanoke valley Board of Directors Supervisor Robers nominated Rita J. Gliniecki to a three-year term expiring December 31, 1994. Clerk Mary Allen was asked to contact MHSRV regarding a letter in February 1991 that a Board member be appointed in the future. 3. Planninc Commission Supervisor Robers nominated Donald R. Witt to another four- year term expiring December 31, 1995. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: November 19, 1991 :, ;~ ~ '.~ ~ J carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQIIIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Ed~• (1) Reminded the Board of the ribbon cutting at Read Mountain Fire Station. (2) Asked that the lease purchase memorandum be placed on the December 3 agenda under Reports. (3) Asked County Attorney Paul Mahoney to research the conflict between the charter and state code regarding the authority of the Library Board over the Library's direction, and whether the Library Board could be abolished. Mr. Mahoney responded he would report back prior to the next meeting. (4) Expressed concern about the extra two holidays given to County employees at Christmas and the cost to the citizens for these holidays. Supervisor Nickens: (1) Advised he attended the VACo Annual Conference. (2) Announced that the Virginia Social Services Department will not change the authority for investigation of child abuse in schools. (3) Advised that there are $13.5 million in lottery tickets purchased in Roanoke County. He suggested that the prize be reduced, with a share going to localities. He also announced he was opposed to the proposal that localities share with the state (80-20) the costs of road maintenance. (3) Suggested that to avoid street signs being stolen frequently, the County may wish to sell them to citizens who are interested in purchasing them. November 19, 1991 offers a optional monthly billing to utility customers, but that there be no additional personnel. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: Supervisor Eddy 7. Report from Youth Haven II 8. Report on proposed Noise Ordinance 9. Industrial Development Authority 1990/91 Audit IN RE: EBECIITIVE SESSION At 6:40 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a) (7) for consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members pertaining to actual or probable litigation, i.e., Grumman Fire Equipment Company. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None EVENING SESSION IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF EBECIITIVE SESSION R-111991-16 At 7:15 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to return to Open Session. and adopt the Certification resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: .~ ... November 19, 1991 IN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLIITION3 AND RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Aooreciation to the Roanoke County Junior Women's Club for foundinc the Roanoke County Iibrarv System in 1933. R-111991-17 Dot Eller, a former member of the Junior Women's Club, received the resolution. Supervisor Eddy moved to adopt the resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None RESOLIITION 111991-17 OF APPRECIATION TO THE ROANORE COIINTY JIINIOR WOMEN'S CLIIB FOR FOIINDING THE ROANORE COIINTY LIBRARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, a free public library system is one of the most important services that can be provided by a local government; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Junior Women's Club was responsible for founding the public library system in Roanoke County in 1933, with a donation of 350 books and space in their clubhouse; and WHEREAS, the library at the Conehurst Clubhouse served between 40 and 50 patrons per day during its first decade; and WHEREAS, through the years, the Club was responsible for donating books, facilities and workers to the library system; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Library System currently stocks over 230, 000 books and serves over 1, 500 people per day, and is one of the most popular services provided to citizens of Roanoke .~ ~ .; ~. November 19, 1991 ORDINANCE 111991-18 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 2.9 ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 5266 REST RIVER ROAD (TA% MAP N0. 64.04-4-19.1) IN THE CATAABA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF M-2 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-E IIPON THE APPLICATION OF THE ROANOKE COIINTY PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held November 19, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 7, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 2.9 acres, as described herein, and located at 5266 West River Road, (Tax Map Number 64.04-4-19.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of M-2, General Industrial District, to the zoning classification of R-E, Residential Estate District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: STARTING at the old double locust tree at the southwest corner of the property now or formerly owned by Frank D. McDaniel (see DB 766, page 229); thence with the dividing line between the said McDaniel property and the property of Daniel Warren King (DB 761, page `~ ~ _ November 19, 1991 carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None 1191_2 An ordinance to rezone 12.387 acres from A-1 and M- 2 to A-i to brfnc an egistinc nonconforming use into conformance with the zoning ordinance, located 0.8 mile northeasterly from the point of intersection of Berklev Road, Vinton and Hollins Macisterial District, upon the petition of Roanoke County Planninc Commission. 0-111991-19 Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 111991-19 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLAS8IFICATION OF A 12.387 ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED 0.8 MILE NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF BERRLEY ROAD AND NORFOLK is 8OIITHERN RAILWAY (TA8 MAP NO. 50.03- 1-7) IN THE vINTON AND $OLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTS FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A- 1 AND M-2 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A- 1 IIPON TH8 APPLICATION OF THE ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held November 19, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 7, 1991; and, November 19, 1991 i ~~ sec. W. 1280.53 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 12.387 acres as shown on survey for Frank P. Ognibene and Dorothy Ognibene dated 4 June 1990, made by Mountain Top Surveyors, Inc. and further known as Tax Map No. 50-03-1-7. 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None IN RE: PIIHLIC HEARINGB 1191-3 Petition of Roanoke County Resource Authority to mend the Special Exception Permit conditions and ODeratinc policies for the smith Gap Landfill. located on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road. Catawba magisterial District. Planning Director Terry Harrington advised that the Planning Commission made several minor changes and Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard advised that staff would make several changes to clarify the document. The following citizens spoke. They expressed concern about, and asked for a better description of the corridor which will be provided groundwater and property value protection; and the November 19, 1991 ,~ ~ r ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: NEW BIISINE88 i Notice of Protest reaardina the crovosed Aooalachian Porer COmDany Transmission Line Supervisor Eddy advised that a Notice of Protest regarding the proposed APCO Transmission Line that will go through Roanoke County must be filed by December 2, 1991, and suggested that the Board of Supervisor go forward with a letter of protest. Chairman McGraw directed County Attorney Paul Mahoney to prepare a "friendly" Notice of Protest. 2. Action reaardina potential litigation with Grumman Eaui~ment. Supervisor Nickens moved to file the necessary legal documents against Grumman Equipment Company to cover the .loss of the fire equipment. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None IN RE: CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1~ W. H. HIGHFILL. JR. spoke in support of the Social Service Department investigating child abuse cases in school systems rather than school systems handling the investigation. He asked the Board of Supervisors to reconsider their previous decision of taking no official action on this issue. Supervisor Robers moved to reconsider action taken on October 22, 1991. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Nickens, McGraw. November 19, 1991 r~ ~ t y ~.. Supervisors. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy IN RE: CONTINIIATION OF WORK SESSION At 10:35 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to the Work Session. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy Mr. Craig advised he would like to form a design engineering team made of engineers from the County staff and consulting engineers in the Roanoke Valley for the design and construction of the treatment plan. He estimated the costs of the design at $1 million with a time frame of 13 to 14 months. Supervisor Eddy expressed concern at this approach, suggesting a search for design firms. Mr. Hodge advised he would bring a concept plan back to the Board on December 3, and would prepare a specific proposal for the inhouse design plan. IN RE: ADJOIIRNMENT At 10:50 p.m., Supervisor Robers moved to adjourn. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Steven A. McGraw, Chairman December 3, 1991 . ~ ~? Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 December 3, 1991 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the first Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of December, 1991. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McGraw called the meeting to order at 3:07 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Richard W. Robers MEMBERS ABSENT: None sTAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator, John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend Michael D. Meloy, Windsor Hills United Methodist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance December 3, 1991 ~1 2. Annual Report from the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley. Rita Gliniecki, a Board of Directors member of the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley, reported that Roanoke County's contribution of $69,984 were matched with federal and state dollars to provide $1,351,072 of services to the Roanoke County citizens. Mark Bramlett, a County resident reported on the services he received as a resident of Hegira House. 3. A~oroval of Public-Private Partnership for Colonnade. A-12391-2 Economic Development Director Tim Gubala reported that Bruce Hobart, developer of Colannade has a prospect for the Colannade II building which would eventually employ over 300 people. Mr. Hobart has requested that Roanoke County fund a portion of a traffic signal on Route 419 under the Public-Private Partnership Policy. Staff recommended that $30,000 be appropriated from the Economic Development Fund toward the traffic signal costs. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the appropriation. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw ~ d •J a y. December 3, 1991 AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 12391-3 FOR AIITHORIZATION TO ACQIIIRE TWO PARCELS OF LAND FROM CANAAN LAND COMPANY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ROANORE RIVER SEWER INTERCEPTOR PHASE III PROJECT WHEREAS, a permanent sanitary sewer easement is required across two parcels of land owned by Canaan Land Company in connection with the Roanoke River Sewer Interceptor Phase III Project; and, WHEREAS, the small size of the lots and the construction requirements for the project will limit the use of said lots by the owner, and damage the residue, to the extent that purchase of a fee simple interest to said lots would be appropriate; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated with the property owner for the acquisition of said parcels, being Lots 1 and 2, lying between Poor Mountain Road and the Roanoke River, according to the Map Showing Subdivision of Tract of land Lying North of and Adjacent to "Nature's Own Bathing Pool" of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 3, page 8; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated the purchase of said parcels from Canaan Land Company for the sum of $2,000.00; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 19, 1991, and the second reading was held on December 3, 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF December 3, 1991 ;j f `~ ESTATE ADJACENT TO BIIRLINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WITH FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION WHEREAS, by Agreement dated July 11, 1991, the County School Board of Roanoke County and Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation entered into a contract for the sharing of costs for the construction of a new road over the property of both parties adjacent to Burlington Elementary School and for the exchange of parcels of real estate which would be left in isolation by such construction; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on Thursday, November 21, 1991, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted a resolution declaring a parcel of 0.031 acre, which will remain upon the western side of Barrens Road upon the completion of said 50 foot road, as surplus property and requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to convey such property to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation as part of an exchange of real estate pursuant to said agreement; and WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County has caused a true copy of the aforesaid resolution to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as required by law so that the title to the aforesaid parcel of real estate is now vested in the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the conveyance of the hereinafter described real estate was held on December 3, 1991 .. ! AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None 3. ordinance authorizinc the lease of real estate. a yortion of the Old Starkev Sewace Treatment Plant Drooerty, to the valley Soccer Club. (CONTINIIED FROM OCTOBER 22. 1991) County Attorney Paul Mahoney asked that this item be continued to either December 17, 1991 or January 1992. 4. Ordinance authorizinq the exchance of easements between CWY Inc. and the County of Roanoke in connection with Berkley Court Subdivision and Vinyard Park. 0-12391-5 Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson ORDINANCE 12391-5 AIITHORIZING EBCHANGE OF EABEMENTB BETWEEN CWY, INC., IN CONNECTION WZTH THE DEVELOPMENT OF BERRLEY COIIRT SIIBDZVISION, AND THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, IN CONNECTION WITH VINYARD PARR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, containing 41.297 acres, which is used for park and recreational purposes and is commonly known as Vinyard Park; and, December 3, 1991 -' ~' ~ ~~ of Vinton, as shown upon the Easement Plat dated October 3, 1991, made by Balzer and Associates, Inc., attached hereto, is hereby authorized. 3. That the consideration for said easements shall be conveyance to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County of an acceptable 15' access easement for ingress and egress to and from Vinyard Park, the acceptance of which is hereby authorized upon concurrence of the Board of Supervisors by resolution; and, 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as may be necessary to accomplish the exchange, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy IN RE: PIIBLIC HEARINGS 1291-1 Public Hearinc on the adoption of a resolution authorizinc Articles of Amendment to the Roanoke County Resource Authority authorizinc the joinder of the city of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton to the Roanoke Count Resource Authorit and authorizinc the creation of the Roanoke Valley Resource Author ty December 3, 1991 ~ ~v NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That it hereby agrees to provide for the joinder of the City and the Town as members to the Roanoke County Resource Authority, and that the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke County Resource Authority specifies the number and term of office of members of the expanded Authority. 2. That the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke County Resource Authority are as follows: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY RESOURCE AUTHORITY The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the Town Council of the Town of Vinton, and the Council of the City of Roanoke have by concurrent resolution adopted the following amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Resource Authority of Virginia, pursuant to the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 28, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended) ("Act"): (1) The name of the Authority shall be the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority and the address of its principal office is 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798. (2) The names of the incorporating political subdivi- sions are the County of Roanoke, Virginia; the City of Roanoke, Virginia; and the Town of Vinton, Virginia. The County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, as the incorporating 13 December 3, 1991 -, •~ i ;; valuable resources, and because the incorporating political subdivisions have a common interest in insuring that the Landfill is utilized in the best possible and most efficient manner, the incorporating political subdivisions agree that Authority member- ship and operation and use and operation of the Transfer Station and Landfill shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement ("Use Agreement") dated October 23, 1991. (3) The names, addresses, and terms of office of the members of the Board of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") are as follows: 1. Gardner W. Smith P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/95 2. Diane D. Hyatt P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/94 3. John R. Hubbard P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Term Expires: 12/31/93 4. Mikeiel T. Wimmer 3878 Harborwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Term Expires: 12/31/93 5. Kit B. Kiser Room 354, Municipal Bldg. Roanoke, VA 24011 Term Expires: 12/31/94 6. Joel M. Schlanger Room 461, Municipal Bldg. Roanoke, VA 24011 Term Expires: 12/31/95 7. S. Bradley Corcoran P. O. Box 338 Vinton, VA 24179 Term Expires: 12/31/95 15 December 3, 1991 €? :e successor is appointed and qualified. Any additional members appointed by the County of Roanoke to maintain its majority pursuant to the foregoing paragraph shall also be appointed for four-year terms. The governing body of each political subdivision shall be empowered to remove at any time, without cause, any member appointed by it and appoint a successor member to fill the unexpired portion of the removed member's term. Each member may be reimbursed by the Authority for the amount of actual expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties. (4) The purpose for which the Authority is to be formed is to exercise all the powers granted to the Authority to acquire, finance, construct, operate, manage and maintain a garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities pursuant to the Act. For purposes of these Articles, and any contracts or documents entered into on behalf of Authority, "garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities" shall mean collection and disposal of garbage and refuse at and through a transfer facility owned and operated by the Authority and the associated landfill or disposal operations only. The Authority shall not be authorized to engage in or provide for individual residential or business collection activities or services. The Authority shall contract with the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke to furnish garbage and refuse collection and disposal services upon identical terms and conditions including 17 December 3, 1991 G ~ made on June 14, 1989, as follows: (i) Privately-owned sanitary landfill services are not available in a reasonable and cost efficient manner, and (ii) Operation by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority of a sanitary landfill and any related facilities or the contract for such operation in spite of any potential anti-competitive effect is important to provide for the development and/or operation of a regional system of garbage and refuse collection and disposal for the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton and such other governmental units or private entities as the Authority may determine. 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None 1 91-2 Petition of Roanoke County Resource Author tv to amend the s ecial Exce tion Permit conditions and operating uolicies for the smith Gap Landfill. located on the northwest side of Fort Lewis Mountain between Smith Gap and Bradshaw Road, Catawba Macisterial District. (CONTINIIED FROM NOVEMBER 19, 1991) R-12391-7 19 December 3, 1991 J residents in the community. The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisor Eddy NAYS: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw Supervisor Robers' original motion passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy RESOLIITION 12391-7 GRANTING A SPECIAL IISE PERMIT AND AMENDING CONDITIONS AND OPERATING POLICIES TO THE ROANORE COIINTY RESOIIRCE AIITHORITY FOR THE SMITH GAP SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, LOCATED ZN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 7, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a public hearing on this matter on November 19, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of amendments to the Special Exception Permit conditions and operating policies for the solid waste disposal facility at the Smith Gap site is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code 21 December 3, 1991 ~~ ! County or the Authority. 6. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Robers to adopt the ordinance amending the corridor to provide protection to 1800 feet contiguous to rail line with protection extending only to current residents and existing improvements and provided that further construction is exempt from protection, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Eddy IN RE: APPOINTMENTS ~ Grievance Panel Supervisor Eddy nominated Henry H. Wise to serve a three-year term as an alternate member. ZN RE: CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None 23 December 3, 1991 . -.. ;.i RESOLIITION 12391-e.b REQIIESTING ACCEPTANCE OF THE E%TENSION OF VALLEYPOINTE PARKWAY INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Valleypointe Parkway from its intersection with Concourse Drive to its intersection with Wood Haven Road, for a distance of 0.17 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1-229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a one hundred (100) foot right-of-way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map\maps known as Valleypointe which map was recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 79, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 11, 1991 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said drainage easements and a one hundred (100) foot right-of-way for streets. 3. That said road known as Valleypointe Parkway and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only 25 December 3, 1991 '. ~i of Shamrock Park to improvements at Green Hill Park. IN RE: CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COI~IIriIINICATIONB 1. Fenton Harrison, 1638 Weaver Road, a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission spoke in support of using funds from the sale of Shamrock Park for Improvements to Green Hill Park. IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file the following reports after discussion of items 4 and 5. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Robers absent, having left the meeting at 5:15 p.m. ~. General Fund Unauoropriated Balance j Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingencv Fund s Reuort on Weed Ordinance Enforcement County Attorney Paul Mahoney and Planning & Zoning Director Terry Harrington will study efforts to strengthen the ordinance and speed up enforcement and will bring a report back to the Board. 5. Update on Lease-Purchases 6. Annual Audit for Roanoke Vallev Convention and Visitors Bureau I~1 RE: WORK SESSION 3: Eaat Circumferential 8ichwav. 27 December 3, 1991 -• .. ~ to various agreements pertaining to the Smith Gap Landfill Member Use Agreement. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Robers IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF EBECUTIVE SESSION R-12391-9 At 6:29 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Open Session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw. NAYS: None Absent: Supervisor Robers RESOLUTION 12391-g CERTIFYING EBECIITIVE MEETING WA8 HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of 29 December 17, 1991 -. Y ~, :e . ., ~, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 December 17, 1991 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the third Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of December, 1991. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McGraw called the meeting to order at 3:1o p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson (arrived 4:30 p.m.), Richard W. Robers MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator; Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer December 17, 1991 ~~' t~ fl +t REBOLIITION 121791-1 OF CONGRATIILATIONS TO l1ILLI8 BIICHANAN FOR RECEIVING THE GOVERNOR'S AWARD FOR EZCELLENCE IN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WHEREAS, Willis Buchanan has been active in Roanoke County Volunteer Fire and Rescue #5 - Hollins, and has served as an officer in that department for 23 years; and WHEREAS, Willis Buchanan has served as Chaplain for the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department since 1981, providing an invaluable service to the men and women who respond to emergency situations and disasters on a daily basis; and WHEREAS, Chaplain Buchanan has also been active in various local and state organizations, including the Roanoke Valley Association of Rescue Squads, the Julian Stanley Wise Foundation, the Western Virginia E.M.S. Council, and the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads; and WHEREAS, through these activities, "Buck" Buchanan has provided an invaluable service to all the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Chaplain Buchanan recently received the Governor's Award for Excellence in Emergency Medical Services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby express sincere congratulations on behalf of itself and the citizens of Roanoke County to WILLIS BUCHANAN for receiving this state-wide recognition; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board also extends its appreciation and gratitude to Chaplain Buchanan for his services to December 17, 1991 of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to JEAN D. THOMPSON for fifteen years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FIIRTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 3. R-121791-3 Resolution of A~oreciation to Richard W. Robers for his services on the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Robers was present to receive a framed resolution and plaque. Supervisor Eddy moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent and Supervisor Robers abstaining. RESOLOTION 121791-3 OF APPRECIATION TO RICHARD W. ROBERB FOR 8I8 SERVICE A8 A MEMBER OF THE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORB WHEREAS, Richard W. Robers was first elected to the Roanoke County. Board of Supervisors from the Cave Spring Magisterial District December 17, 1991 ~ J~ Jr .. s ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson ABSTAIN: Supervisor Robers 4. R-121791-4 Vice-Chairman Nickens presented a framed resolution and plaque to Supervisor McGraw recognizing. his tenure as a member and as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Since Mr. McGraw's term as Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court begins January 1, 1992, he was presented with his "Last Will and Testament" as his first official document. Supervisor Eddy moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent and Supervisor McGraw abstaining. RESOLIITION 121791-4 OF APPRECIATION TO STEVEN A. MCGRAW FOR HIS SERVICES A8 A MEMBER AND AS CHAIRMAN O F T H E ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF 8IIPERVIBORB FOR 1985 AND 1991 WHEREAS, Steven A. McGraw was first elected to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from the Catawba Magisterial District in 1983, and was reelected in 1987; and WHEREAS, Mr. McGraw served the County of Roanoke tirelessly and selflessly for a period of eight years, devoting many hours to the business of Roanoke County both as a member of the Board, Vice Chairman for 1990, and Chairman for 1985 and 1991, and in all December 17, 1991 . , -" ~ = ~ 5. Resolutions of Aooreciation for their services as Constitutional Officers to: a. Elizabeth W._Stokes. Clerk of Circuit Court R-121791-5 Mrs. Stokes was not present and the framed resolution will be given to Mrs. Stokes at a reception in honor of her retirement on December 30, 1991, at the Courthouse. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent. RESOLIITION 121791-5 OF APPRECIATION TO ELIZABETH W. STORES FOR HER SERVICES A8 CLERR OF THE CIRCIIIT C O II R T FOR ROANORE COIINTY WHEREAS, Elizabeth W. Stokes has served Roanoke County for thirty years, having been employed by the Roanoke County School Administration from 1961 until 1967; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stokes was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County in 1967, and was reelected to that office in 1975, and 1983; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stokes has held leadership positions in numerous organizations including the Virginia Association of Counties; the National Association of Counties; the National Association of Clerks and Recorders; and the Virginia Circuit Court Clerks Association; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stokes was selected the National Clerk of the Year in 1987 by the National Association of Clerks and Recorders; and December 17, 1991 ~, ., ~J Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent. RESOLIITION 121791-6 OF APPRECIATION TO MICHAEL F. RAVANAIIGH FOR HIB SERVICES A8 SHERIFF OF ROANORE COIII~TY i1HEREAB, Michael F. Kavanaugh has served. Roanoke County for eighteen years, having been employed by the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department from 1969 until 1983; and WHEREAS, Mr. Kavanaugh was elected Sheriff of Roanoke County in 1987; and WHEREAS, Sheriff Kavanaugh has been active in various organizations, including the American Society for Public Administrators, the National Criminal Justice Association, the Virginia Association of Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors, the Virginia Crime Prevention Association, the North American Association of Wardens, the Virginia State Sheriff's Association, the National Sheriff's Association; and the Virginia Association of Counties; and WHEREAS, Sheriff Kavanaugh established the Inmate Work Force Program which was recognized by an award from the National Association of Counties, and instituted the Inmate Literacy Program; and WHEREAS, during Sheriff Kavanaugh's tenure in office, the jail received 1008 certification from the Virginia Department of Corrections. NOA, THEREFORE, B$ IT RE8OLVED that the Board of Supervisors December 17, 1991 ~ . A-121791-7 There was no discussion. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the staff recommendation appropriating up to $10,000 from the Capital Fund to cover the emergency repairs at the Roanoke County Career Center ball field lights, and up to $10,000 to cover the cost of playground equipment at Green Hill Park, with the balance of $8,511 remaining in the Capital Fund. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 3. Authorization to negotiate options and drill well sites in the vicinity o! Forest Edge and Carriage Hills Subdivisions. A-121791-8 Utility Director Cliff Craig advised that the Virginia Health Department has requested that Roanoke County discontinue the issuance of building penaits for any new houses in the Forest Edge Subdivision until additional water supply is provided. They have also requested the Roanoke County Health Department discontinue issuance of septic tank drain field permits in this subdivision. Mr. Craig advised that staff is requesting permission to drill additional wells in the Forest Edge area to provide an adequate water supply for existing lots that currently have County water services. The cost is estimated at $50,000. December 17, 1991 ~~ from January to April, set up programs in house or reimburse employees to attend smoking cessation programs, and that during this time, there will be no change in the policy regarding breaks. After further discussion, Supervisor Nickens withdrew this motion. Supervisor Nickens made. another substitute motion that smoking in those buildings under County control be eliminated effective January 1, 1992; with smoking taking place outside; and that the matter be referred back to the Smoking Committee to find the percent of County employees who smoke and the cost for reimbursing employees for smoking cessation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Robers, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: Supervisor Eddy ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: REQIIESTS FOR WORK 8E88ION8 ~. Request for Work Session to discuss revisions to the Secondary System. Siu Year Construction Plan (1992 98) Supervisor Nickens moved to set a work session on the Six Year Construction Plan for the January 28, 1991 meeting. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Supervisor Nickens moved to set a preliminary budget work session for the January 14, 1992 meeting. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. December 17, 1991 ;~ following discussion in Executive Session. IN RE: APPOINTMENTS ~ Social Services Board Supervisor Nickens nominated Robert H. Lewis to another four-year term which will expire January 1, 1996 and requested that Mr. Lewis's appointment be confirmed on the Consent Agenda. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-121791-10 Supervisor Nickens requested that Item 6 be removed and discussed during the Executive Session. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the resolution with Items 2, 3, 6, and 7 removed for a separate vote. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None Supervisor Johnson moved to approve Item 2. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw Supervisor Johnson moved to approve item 3. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: December 17, 1991 ,~ 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve consent resolution with items 2, 3, 6, and 7 removed for a separate vote, with item 6 to be discussed in Executive Session, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve item 2, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw On motion of Supervisor Johnson to approve item 3, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw On substitute motion of Supervisor Eddy to approve item 7 with changes on page 1, 16, and 17, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None i ~ N 'i December 17, 1991 j ~'' County, despite their individual differences. Supervisor Robers: (1) He expressed his admiration for and his thanks to the past and present board members, staff and citizens. (2) He asked that the Board recognize at the next meeting that the Penn Forest Elementary School and the Cave Spring Elementary School received blue ribbon school recognition for 1991-92. 8u~ervisor Mcgraa: (1) He expressed his appreciation for the presentation made earlier and his agreement with the comments made by Supervisor Johnson. IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Eddy requested discussion of Items 6, 8, and 9. Supervisor Johnson requested discussion of Items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. After discussion of those items, Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file the reports. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid - November, 1991 5. Statement of Expenditures and Revenues as of November 30, 1991. Supervisor Johnson expressed his concern about the upcoming budget because of the reductions in state aid to localities. Supervisor Nickens requested that the Employee Advisory Committee or the Gang of 40 be contacted for employee opinions concerning layoffs or pay reductions. December 17 , 1991 Z ~; EVENING SESSION IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF E%ECIITIV$ SE88ION R-121791-11 At 7:15 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None RESOLIITION 121791-11 CERTIFYING E%ECIITIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive -' December 17, 1991 to establish an earlier date for opening to relieve the County from the post-Labor Day opening day requirement. K~,tty Boitnott. President, Roanoke County Education Association, endorsed changing the County charter for new revenue. Supervisor Johnson requested that the new revenue be tied to education. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None RE8OLDTION 121791-12 REQIIEBTING THE GENERAL A88EMBLY TO AMEND THE CHARTER FOR THE COIINTY OF ROANORE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has complied with the provisions of § 15.1-835 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby requests the General Assembly to amend the existing Charter of the County of Roanoke. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby requests the General Assembly for the Commonwealth of Virginia to amend the Charter of the County of Roanoke as follows: 1. § 2.02. Taxing powers.--In addition to the powers granted by other sections of this charter and general laws, the county shall have the power to raise annually by taxes and assessments, as ~~ December 17, 1991 license; pre~r~e1 __~__,f.L ~ dti! ~~~_~~ <±:::::•'< tax on .. <:'.. ;.:. ~~~"' ••• w::4:•:::i/.i%eiiri:i%M4:viiifliiriifilJl~:lriiiiii:Mi: }iiii: ... ~..~...: i..:~.:~:•: ah 4_L...w LL _.~::.:::•: `:~~~~±~~ on tobacco products ~~-~~:,`~ those taxes • ..:.:~iNii;.::::. specially authorized in Title 58.1 of the Code. In addition to the other powers conferred by law, the County of Roanoke shall have the power to impose, levy, and collect, in such manner as its board may deem expedient, a consumer or subscriber tax at a rate or rates not exceeding those authorized by general law upon the amount paid for the use of gas, electricity, telephone, and any other public utility service within the county, or upon the amount paid for any one or more of such public utility services, and may provide that such tax shall be added to and collected with bills rendered consumers and subscribers for such services. x :: x,: :•. ~~~:: r:.,vyl; < ,»:::: ~ ::ry:i :. .:.:;j,..v :. .: ,:.fix,: ,..vr: ::x,,x.; ::<: :......:x.:x.::.{~~ .. ~ ae~~~ ~~ •' r. . . ::::iix:.W:i "': "'•istF'i4'lxx~iJ`i14(O+n%bi»V//IR/~Gy;;p +'^'~^~'~:'::::::: Slki<+~~. ~~.•~~~" .•'~rA-'~~ ..............m.-rwix:i `M•hYH%HJf/f»%f"i..f :v:: ::•:n ......J..:x::~»://NxY~vw~fiiiOVl%III+WGirW/J//OOW'lJ,LilFA:4I/:%w iGii%liiGiGi'rr% :rF" rF{ J4 xx~x:yx:~.~~.rx: •iii+iiiWl:4iiii~:i+f/.:fi:: x: xRx.•.•i/+C: ~ %~i: riri4~/%/lf/Na4i4WwW' ~ ~~~ ..: . / ~~ ~rr::~~~?<.:::ir `»vx~~r ~ . +V~~~flNl//AGF!/!r!./l:rxJ~''k'ri~l.+fv::::::: .ii4i:•::~:?:Giii•• •....... «iriii '^M1~n.y~T~~/~''!`$:~ :.v:i:i vrnri4{06q' • •. •... xii • • •: fiC04%N:'liGVi44vi% ~iiih: Gi i:Vi4i ~''~ : •: x .:x, ..:::lro-J.+.r:::::.:::.w..v:...a•.+wx.w.irar:~ • ~AiM~7171~1•;~~ ~'.?1~R~:;:_%~:~:!f.::.~.V r . ~iiR0~~04 ~//AY ~. .N~~:rr~.x::'ii:xr»v:nv:•ii'F.v:.WNAiripW.WY/W'xriJieiY. ... ii%iiiiiii: ::•:: vxx :•: • :: • .M.r. • :. . ~iA~,,,:~~.~,•'•~',•..',.•~l~~fif'.x •i: rM}~ij~y ~~f. f:.. :.~:• f /:~yv K. .:.;f %+.;.».x.: ~...; '::..xxx::::::::xx.:x4i'i:x:i..::ilii.{virx:»: xrx4:....r::::....i:..::v' .fi:::leY.iiWlg04Wq'q(qy,~yW.fN%~IYAF~'//:i'iN'rrix/x.:'rriiiY:iiiii:•iri~'iv%••... - ~rx :. :.:.. :•6:4F. ;:...:::.::: <.«<;«. y~ ,~:..: ::::.::. ..:::.......:.......G.::.x.: : . .....,:..:::::..~......:l::i~~..i>w:::i>:~:r:::;:;;,:;i~:::ivii;>% „r:~ir.:......... .•. xi.wxri/ iiiil N7".!':: /i%.44%iHi'll7'ff l:>~`' ""riY"+~.:. 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Managasent o! schools.--The administration of the public school system shall remain the responsibility of the school board in accordance with the Constitution and general laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. ~!, •~•~" :fir ~:. r • . xr %/w~~Y:wiirrb•? .~lf:.~f:',':'.;o:;„>f~s°:~:~w•.::;c•'w::.::' J .~ •:::'//J/Il/F/.{•iiW. iii::iiP::WI!! f:• ~. rYAYJ F/%//%/%//%N/d4lb'tA%N////N!//h:05KVAWYN%J. ~N/ } ~' ~~!J liY> /%lr4:. . 4s4f, '. .. r .. ..... .+iiiv::ii4iix~ ... N%/// ~f1r444YKri+iY r December 17, 1991 r ~, ~ ~ recommended the amendment to the official map of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Harrington advised that the rezoning request is to permit the construction of a three phase development (1) 9,000 sq. ft. office facility for Dragon Corporation (2) 24,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility and (3) additional 24,000 sq. ft of warehouse facility. A concept plan has been proffered together with eight other proffered conditions. The Planning Commission recommended in favor of the rezoning request. There were many citizen concerns expressed at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Harrington advised that the third request is for a special exception permit which would allow the offices to be built first. The Planning Commission endorsed this request. Mr. Harrington explained that the special exception permit could not be approved without the rezoning request approval; however, the rezoning and land use amendment could be approved or denied separately. Mr. Ed Natt, attorney, representing the petitioner, introduced Mr. Jim Wilson, President of Dragon Corporation, who explained that the corporation manufactures small package chemicals and plant food for backyard gardens. They do not manufacture chemicals but blend products. Due to the company's growth, they need additional space. Mr. Arnie Rose, Architect, was also present. Mr. Natt exhibited the concept plan and pointed out that 47$ of the space will remain green space. He commented on each of the eight proffered conditions regarding how they addressed the citizens' ,;; ~~ December 17, 1991 LAND II88 PLAN MAP DEBIGNATION OB APPROBIMATELY 3.768 ACREB LOCATED AT THB NORTHEAST CORNER OF ENON AND WALROND DRIVE IN THE HOLLINB MAGIBTERIAL DISTRICT FROM NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION TO PRIN- CIPAL INDIIBTRIAL, TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLA88I- FICATION FROM R-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION M- 1 WITH CONDITIONS AND TO GRANT A BPECIAL EYCEPTION PERMIT IIPON THE APPLICATION OF JAMES C. WILSON (DRAGON CORPORATION) WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 19, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held on December 17, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 3, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: DENIED: On motion of Supervisor Nickens to deny the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None bs Petition of James C. Wilson to obtain a Special ce tion Permit to construct an office located at tZiA nnr*l.vs-a ~_~__ _ ~ _ A-121791-14 Supervisor McGraw moved to deny the application for a special exception permit. The motion carried by the following recorded votes ~ 4 December 17, 1991 the effects of the prior rezoning and this rezoning upon her property which adjoins the facility. Supervisor Robers moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor McGraw ORDINANCE 121791-15 TO AKBND PROFFERED CONDITIONS AND TO REZONE APPROZIMATELY 2.~3 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT X037 ELECTRIC ROAD IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLA88IFZCATION OF B-2, l1ITH CONDITIONS, TO THE ZONING CLA88IFICATION OF B-2, WITHODT CONDITIONS (AMENDMENT TO PROFFERS) AND M-1, WITH CONDITIONS, QPON TSE APPLICATION OF VITO DEMONTE (RIVER RIDGE AIITO BODY, INC.) WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 19, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held December 17, 1991; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 3, 1991; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, this property was rezoned to B-2, General Commercial District, with proffered conditions, on April 19, 1985. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing approximately 2.43 acres, as described herein, and located at 4037 Electric Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, N V1 ; ~ December 17, 1991 except in the parking compound to be located as shown on the attached concept plan. (4) The parking compound will be constructed substantially in the location and according to the specifications detailed on the attached concept plan. (5) All work to repair damaged automobile bodies will be conducted inside the building. (6) All spray painting will utilize a down-draft spray booth with air make-up unit or a booth or system with at least equivalent filtering capability. (7) All scrap metal, waste materials and other debris will be contained in an enclosed area until the time of removal from the property and will not be accumulated outside the building pending pickup and removal, except in an enclosure. (8) The existing buffer yards and fencing will continue to be maintained. The provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance applicable to screening and buffering will be satisfied by the existing conditions. (9) All conditions previously proffered and adopted in connection with zoning the property are eliminated. The conditions set forth in this proffer are the sole conditions affecting the property. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the southeasterly side of Virginia State Primary Route 419, said point being Point 1 on the hereinafter-mentioned plat and being the northeasterly corner of the property herein described and adjacent to the property of Atalantis Group, Inc.; thence leaving Route 419 and with the line of Atalantis Group, Inc. property, S. 45 deg. 45 min. 00 sec. E. 402.6 feet to Point 2, a fence post corner, corner to the property of Emma S. and Earl S. Cunningham; thence leaving the Atalantis Group Property and with the line of the Cunningham property the following three courses and distances: S. 50 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. W. 131.3 feet to Point 3 marked by an iron pin; thence N. 45 deg. 07 min. 28 sec. W. 89.33 feet to a fence post corner being Corner 4; thence S. 51 deg. 40 min. 00 sec. W. 232.10 feet to an existing iron pin being Corner 5, said point being on the northeasterly side of a 20-foot road right-of-way; thence with said road, N. 43 deg. 08 min. 00 sec. W. 99.2 feet to an existing iron pin being Corner 6, said point being corner to the property of John H. Lipscomb e ,i~~ -~ December 17, 1991 NAYS: None ORDINANCE 121791-16 ADTHORIZINa THE ACQIIIBITION AND ACCEPTANCE OF APPROBIMATELY 44.59 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE FROM WALTER DARNALL pINYARD AND CLAIBORNE W. pINYARD WHEREAS, Walter Darnall Vinyard and Claiborne W. Vinyard have offered to donate approximately 44.59 acres of real estate, located in the City of Roanoke, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the donation is to be made subject to certain conditions and reservations as set forth in the attached copy of the proposed deed of gift; and WHEREAS, the intended donation was not to include a small triangular portion of the property, consisting of 0.614 acre, more or less, but correction and approval of the plat would delay settlement beyond December 31, 1991, so that it may be necessary to later reconvey this parcel to the Vinyards as part of the consideration for the subject donation; and WHEREAS, the value of the property to be donated is estimated to be approximately $500,000.00; and, WHEREAS, the property is acceptable and favorable for future public use by Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, the sole cost for the acquisition of this property is approximately $10,000.00 necessary to cover the cost of the environmental hazard assessment, the independent real estate appraisal, the land survey, and related expenses in connection with the acquisition; and, • . ~ w ~'~ December 17, 1991 ~ a ~~ IN RE: OTHER BIISINE88 1. ADDroval of Resolution of moral su~cort for Roanoke County Resource Authority landfill financinc. R-121791-17 Following discussion in Executive Session, Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None RESOLIITION 121791-17 OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVIBORB OF THE COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA WITH REBPECT TO ROANORE COIINTY REBOQRCE AIITHORITY LANDFILL FINANCING The Board of Supervisors ("Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") created the Roanoke County Resource Authority ("Authority") by resolution adopted June 14, 1989. The Authority was created, among other things, to provide for the development and operation of a sanitary landfill to serve the County and such other entities as the Authority may determine ("Project"). The Authority intends to finance the acquisition, construction, development and equipping of the Project by the issuance of its revenue bonds ("Bonds") and notes in anticipation thereof ("Notes"). The Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the County to assist the Authority in the acquisition, construction, development and equipping of the Project and the financing thereof. The Board adopted resolutions on November 15, 1989 and December 18, 1990 agreeing to assist the Authority in such financing and desires to reaffirm such a t December 17, 1991 ,Y 4 4~; ~ _. immediately. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None IN RE: ADJOIIRNMENT Supervisor McGraw declared adjournment at 9:35 p.m. Steven A. McGraw, Chairman J-~' - .~. January 3, 1992 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 3, 1992 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being a special meeting for the purpose of presenting Roanoke County's legislative requests to the Roanoke Valley legislators. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:10 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Edward G. Kohinke, Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Senators Brandon Bell, Malfourd W. Trumbo, Delegates A. Victor Thomas, C. Richard Cranwell STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer County Attorney Paul Mahoney reviewed with the delegates Resolution 102291-4, the legislative program for Roanoke County, and Resolution 121791-12, requesting the General Assembly to amend the Roanoke County Charter. He explained that most of the charter January 3, 1992 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 3, 1992 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the organizational meeting and the 3rd day of January, 1992. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Pro Temp Elmer Hodge called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Edward G. Kohinke, Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator, John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Supervisor Harry C. Nickens. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUEST TO ADD AGENDA ITEMS Supervisor Johnson asked that Reaffirmation of the 1991 January 3, 1992 Schedule for Board Meetinqs in 1992. R-1391-1 County Attorney Paul Mahoney presented the resolution and explained that there are three meetings in April to accommodate the budget process, and only one meeting in August because this is usually a slack time. He also presented an amendment to the resolution (3.c) that no amendment or addition to the printed agenda would be permitted unless approved by unanimous vote of all Board members present, or unless requested by the County Administrator or County Attorney as a matter requiring immediate attention. Supervisor Nickens suggested that two meetings be scheduled in August, one of which can be cancelled if there is no business to transact, and moved to adopt the resolution with the addition of the August 11 meeting. Supervisor Eddy offered a substitute motion to adopt the resolution with the addition of the August 11 meeting and the addition of Item 3.c. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None REBOLIITZON 1392-1 ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDIILE FOR THE BOARD OF SIIPERVIBORS OF ROANORE COIINTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1992 AND ADOPTING RIILES OF PROCEDIIRE FOR SIICH MEETING BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: January 3, 1992 • :. held on Monday, January 4, 1993. 3. That the rules of parliamentary procedure for the conduct of all Board meetings shall be Robert's Rules of Order; provided, however, these rules are amended as follows: a. that no second to motions shall be required in order to consider that motion; and b. that the chairman may make motions, participate in debate and vote on all matters considered by the Board. c. that no amendment or addition to the printed agenda be permitted unless approved by unanimous vote of all Board members present, unless requested by the County Administrator or the County Attorney as a matter requiring immediate attention. This provision applies to Main Motions and shall not apply to Privileged Motions, Subsidiary Motions, Incidental Motions, or Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Board. On substitute motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the prepared resolution amended with August 11, 1992 meeting added and item 3.c added, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Kohinke, Johnson, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None IN RE: REAFFIRMATION OF THE 1991 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Mr. Hodge explained that the area legislators requested that the 1992 Board of Supervisors determine their level of support for the legislative package adopted in 1991. Supervisor Johnson moved to reaffirm the 1991 Legislative ACTION NO. A-12892-11.a ITEM NUMBER 14j -~i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Library Board, the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors, Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors and Transportation and Safety Commission. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the January 14, 1992 meeting, the Board of Supervisors made the following nominations: Library Board Supervisor Kohinke nominated Dorothy Shifflett to a four year term which will expire December 31, 1995. Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors Supervisor Nickens recommended the reappointment of Dr. Joseph J. Deutsch, at large member, to another three year term which will expire December 31, 1994. Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors Supervisor Johnson nominated himself to complete the two-year unexpired term of Elizabeth Stokes, former Clerk of Circuit Court, and asked that Elizabeth Stokes be appointed to serve in his place. This appointment must be filled by an elected official, but the official may designate another County citizen to serve. Transportation and Safety Commission Supervisor Eddy nominated Henry Gregory, Member at Large, to another four year term which will expire January 1, 1996. i ) --~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above nominations be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ~. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Harry C.Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Library Board File Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors File Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors File Transportation and Safety Commission File 9 ~ ' ACTION NO. A-12892-11.b ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for a Raffle Permit and 50/50 Raffle Permit from the Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter has requested a Raffle Permit for May 8, 1992 and a Raffle Permit for 50/50 raffles to be held during calendar year 1992. The proposed dates of the 50/50 raffle are listed on the application. The application has been reviewed by the Commissioner of the Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit and 50/50 raffles for the Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter be approved. Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C.Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 1$.2-340.1 et. seg. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sec'. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concarnirg these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall- be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (check one) ,,~~~/ RAFFLE PERMIT ~~ l.S'7i BINGO GAMES Name of Organization~~~~c,«c ~e'~r„~/ ~~,~~ rx~~ ~~°~e~%r,~ ~1~.~~~~~'~ Street Address ~",~~ ~`''G,LG.Po ~ /-~!/r° ~ S,gL~d~? ~- C~~- ayi~~' Mailing Address ~ ,,.gyrl-G City, State, 7,ip Code ~',~Cre~. , t/~ ~i~%S~ ~ t Purpose and Type of Organization /°/~~,~~.s.p. ;.~.~.d/_ ca,a,~r~.~~ o ~ ~oce~ j f'lc~'UrC -G ~5 ~i~9 ~~ A fi ~L`~t..~ ~G ~~~ls'~.~5'fi7~~9 9~ ~/T/G~.e~r.~t~ 5° <'~i o~ G ~ ~~ ~ ~„j t~.f L~/' r" C~ When was the organization founded? / 9~~t~ 1 ~y Roanoke Countv meeting place? ~,~' ~`~~'!/LfUi~ % ~'a~;~,9-~ ~r'~ft~~ Has organization been in existence in Roanoke Countv for two con- tinuous years? YES ~ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES y NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # s'°c~f~lvdZ S~~C~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organizat/ion: President: ~C`~ ~`J.~Jin,~/J/~rS Vice-President~~c~i~r'ICId ~•~rc~~ Address:~;$-'J,~ ~,~ `~e'GV ~~~ Address: (p~CU~i N~(1 Drive_ U~ Secretary: l~ hem, ~Q p p,~~,~(,q,/ Treasurer : NOnriv ~r~t ~'T Address : /~ j h~ R~~ ,,ca ~ ~ ~~ ~} ~~ ~ Address : ,r'.s"yD ~~ vE /~'c~l ~tr'cc) Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or dingo opera- tions: Name /~~,r~~l~,~ ~iz/z r'Ll. S~ ~' ~ e C~~ -e .vie Home Ad d r e s s ~~/,~ ~~GC ~f,~c~G ,~'~,~~ /CC , ~• ~~®~~ ~'~~~`~` ~ ~~~, J Phone ,S'~~-f~/O Bus. Phone~~~'~-(~~~~ A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle is to be conducted. ~s o~'~t"d - .~1.,/G- .C~'• ~"C ~~f. 0~4 j ~~',e~G i ~O , /~A~ &', ~~,o~ ~ ~~ G'~'f• I~t; .6'c'f~ ~9 g /a~,q'~ ~ ~;~:~ Time of Drawing 3?;~~f'.°~ RAFFLES: Date of Drawin ~~~• ~~ BINGO: Days of.Week & Hours of Activity: ~ ~G ~ ~~~~ 4. /~ ~ ~ts' ~~~',r. t Sunday From To ,f ~'/j' • Monday Tr~c I g~`5~ Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 ~s-y State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. .~- rC --~ - cam.- ~ ~,; ~j,~ ~; C~,!.Q~--~,~~~.Q~~y~ ',C,Gt~ i!<?,~G~'ir'' ' ~,,f~/C rc~~'.C.~'•~`- ,t3-~' ..~°~~'c``I~.CIJ ~~~~ .,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 3 /-5'-- `~ BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? ,~/t..P~ 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue?~~~~, 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~f.Q/1. 4 `f 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~~~ 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter?_~,~,_ 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? .ham 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia?~ 9. Does your organization understand that a.twa percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? G~~ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and fo r such dates, as are designated in the permit application? 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of an_y bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? fi~~ 12. Has your organization attached a check fo.r the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? ~j~ 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or X18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? .G,~ v 5 /r ~f 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? t,1~ _ 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? ~ 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constit~ition or statutes? ~_ If yes, state whether exemption is for real, pers 'nab 1 property, or both and identify exempt property. 17. State the soecific type and purpose of the organization. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? _~~ If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? ~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? ~'„ (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value ~~ "e~ iC O. ~'' J ~y,T~~ ~' ~ / ~ ~ c7 ~ c v~d/S~O /9 ~ L~./~r'~? C'~7.~~~ s~~~/~ ~PGT/r!J^ ~,1,/Q~`~.S" ~,fTt'C°~ ~~~-'. ~, 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of_ the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bir.go game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization understand that instant Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular Bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 /~ ~f 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars, c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shalt the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in 518.2 of the Code of Virginia, that ali of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: Name Title Home Address ~~pff.~ Subscribed and sworn before me, this 1~day of ~.%i9,,~. 19~ Myc~om~m~ission expires: ~~~~ Notary Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.0. Box ?.0409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date / Comm~ssioner~f the Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 t 1 ACTION NO. A-12892-11.c ITEM NUMBER ~~ . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for a 50/50 Raffle Permit from the Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551 has requested a Raffle Permit to hold 50/50 raffles in Roanoke County during calendar year 1992. The proposed dates of the raffle are listed on the application. The application has been reviewed by the Commissioner of the Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit for the Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551 be approved. Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board G Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C.Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File ." m . ~ ~i~ ~~ ~, ~ ~' ~~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game o.r raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se~C. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations conce person hwho permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be ~ guilty of a Class 6 felony. i~ ~ ~ ~-~~u~,s ', THIS APPLICATION,IS,FOR: (check one) ~~ BINGO GAMES RAFFLE PERMI f 0 anization r I .~ 1T~a ~ ~ ~ a J -e l.G ~' y~ ~'~~~~~ 1 ~~ Name o rg U~ Street Address -----~ //~~ l ~, Ifs a. ~ l ~~ ~' i/~Mailing Address ~ C1 ~ f~`x °~~ °~ ` ~/~'y T°' ./City, State, Zip Code ~l~> ~~~ • ~'~ '`~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~zrpose and Type of OrganizationT ,,,~_~'Ls~-~~ c~~'~'~~''`~~-'~~" ~nlhen was the organization founded? I~ ~_ ~/ 1 • /~ - C-?~~""' ~ ~ ~r~-,~ 'Roanoke County meeting place? Has organization been iry'existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES ,/ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES ,/ NO f _5 Indicate Federal Identification Number # ~ ~ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. fficers of the Organization: '/ President: ~,~ ~'~~-~ ~`~'"-Vice-President t.~ Address: ~~ ~v ~ ~ ~PA-C 1 ~1C Address : _ ~~ ~C./e.C2..~.c..~ --- ~ ~ , ~ ~~f .~ !/~ ~~ 1 `a ~/, GSA ~ 5~ / ~ 9 Secretary : (,.(.,~~~~'' ~~ -~-r~~ti`- Treasurer Address : ~c>~1 ~~ ``~,~~ '~-~ Address r` Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name Home Add r e s s ~~ °~ ~'~- `~~-'''~ ~~ Phone ~ 7S~- ~ 7 `~ ~ Bus . Phone A COMPLETE LIST OF TH WITHMTgISNAPPLDICATION S OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED ~. ' Specific location where Raffle or B~inga--Game is to be cojndAu~ed. ~ t,~ r . Y' V' ~~ Time of RAFFLES: Date of Drawing BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To .~ 7~t l ~ ~ Drawing ~ ~ °~'~ %~~' ~.9 r~ ~ .f ~'"• ~ GT ~~ ~\ Sit. 31~Q ~= ~ ? G~ `~" f" 7 ::~~j ;~ ~ -<_ ~ ~ 2 State specifically how the proceeds from used. List in detail the planned or inter Use estimates amounts if necessary. ~~~~-~ /~ /-~-,~ the Bingo/Raffle will be zded use of the proceeds. " ;~ - ~ ~ ~. ~ ~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ i~~~ ~~~ r ~ ~,~ ~~~ 3 /~'~ " BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1 . Gross receipts nt Binlo by calendarlqua d ero forep~p ora calenf Bingo games or Insta g dar year period. INSTANT BINGO BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter lst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total Total 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of erson or firm, associa- law to enter into a contract with any p tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- ur ose of organizing, managing, or con- tion whatsoever, for the p p ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? `~~ ~~~ v 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such recoras are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue?--~"_' ,; 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~.f.~f 4 ~~ 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~.. 6. -Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? ~''~al--y 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained?~._` 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of~ Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? ~~~' c 9. Does your organization understand that a Ewa percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual; financial report due on or before the first of November? ~~ 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application? ~' r. 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? %~~. 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia?_~y~-:~--' 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member o.r employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above f ; . ;/ referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? 5 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? /~sU -~-~ ~ 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? ~ N ~~ ~ 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. 17~ State the specific type and purpose of the organization. r ~1~~r, ~, y,ti.,~-tee ~ 'u-`~.uz-;,~. ~! ~-v~,~-~ ;~.e /~~ d=t ~-/ ~ -c~z~w~, ~ ~ :~°`"'' ~ /~` ~ -~ 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? (If so, attach copy of exemption.) l ~- ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, ,~~` VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value -';7~.~ ~ L7 L /[~~5~~-Y(.{.< ~~ (/vY..~ ` ~...jP~~.- ~ '~k ~'Yl.-~-~'-e%,1 ~ t..f f'(..V L1.-G.~-.~t~,. 1i~''L'~'.'~ c~ ~ .. _._ G~ U~~ ~~.~e l.~- ~ r ttJJ ~ ~ c~,! YN~-~-~%~.,~.-,~~~,~.~-~-, rf-ci ~ 1 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records o£ the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) understand that instant Bingo may only regular Bingo game is in progress, and at such times as are specified in 7 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed 1 ation? 27. Does your org nization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise val~~d in excess ,c~~ the following amounts are illegal? ~~~ /~'~ a. No door prize shall cee twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or ,, ial Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of afn~i`~~nature wh tsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total punt of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed ne Thousand Dollars. i" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. S'`gned by: Name Title Home Address ~' Subscribed and sworn before me, this ,~~~ day of ~G~}-u 19 /~~'V My commission expires: 19 Notary Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 r~ "" NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. i'J J) Date o issi ner o Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 t 9 /"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLIITION 12892-11.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BLUEBERRY RIDGE AND PRALINE PLACE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of .06 miles of Blueberry Ridge from the intersection of Cundiff Drive Route 991 to its intersection with Praline Place, and .06 miles of Praline Place from the intersection of Blueberry Ridge west to the cul- de-sac, and .06 miles of Praline Place from the intersection of Blueberry Ridge east to the cul-de-sac to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1- 229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain maps known as Glade Hill Estates, Sections 1 and 2, Subdivision which maps are recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 33, and Plat Book 13, Page 76 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on October 4, 1988 and March 5, 1991 respectively, and that by reason of the recordation of said maps no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantee said drainage easements and a right-of-way for the roads. 3. That said roads known as Blueberry Ridge and Praline Place and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said roads by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections George Simpson, Assistant Director, Engineering, and copy for Virginia Department of Transportation f ~ i ITEM NUMBER ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 SUBJECT: Acceptance of a portion of Blueberry Ridge to the intersection of Praline Place and Praline Place Road into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: C & D Builders, Incorporated, the developer of Glade Hill Estates, Sections 1 and 2, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.06 miles of Blueberry Ridge and 0.12 miles of Praline Place. The staff has inspected these roads along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Blueberry Ridge and Praline Place into the Secondary Road System. TTED APPROVED: ~ / Arnold Covey,~35irector Elmer C. Hodge of Engineering & Inspe tions County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ,~,~ . / ~ Opt ~ ~,~ "~ ~'~ci ~' x-Wrf f(C~q°f Fem. 1~'8 LP ~~ s~~ra r r •, ', ` R~^CV~^' v'rfI00• ~ ~ ' `- i 4 Df+wf~ mNnnvc~ion ~ ~ q~,r N ([,~N Q 1 0 .,~c„D i ~~y '`qr I '" ` ~ , IInO "~~ + J ~ SPRiNGTREEr; vrcrNrrr ~ . _. _. _ . . f. ~- (o NORTB _ .. / 6 g . ~b BO ~ ~ ky «sfi 8B 5 Ac /~ S '-4 ry 99 s n 10 hW s °o /o / ~ 3$3B y a ,g va 2 ~O ss A ,~ 737 ~ 2•m i s> 636 k / o ~~' °p 535 ,a s, ~, °0 34 II °o !/ a„ 14 /,o°, ~z : 13 14 y I.OOAc a 10, 9 ~ ,4 15 ~ ' 17 '9~.k~O~e L'/ >c° so ~4 zz 6 6 6p ° /7 2~ '7 ~~ u ~, ~~ ~ . I: 2 f Cyr z6 , ry~ ~• /B. 18 ~ ~' 3 •P 5 `' b° ~9 `o., OJ n °7 . e 9. ,° a e, •19 ~• CO 3 ° 4 Ns a °P 20 a e~ 7~~ I I ~" ,. // :~ 12 ° ss /2 ro 13 ,° ~~ °o /3 ~~pp~ ~ '°, 6~e 'b89'oD/4~469e 20 a 19°O 9 15 'ue /e ?P 17 , 16 '~~ s b ~i' m /5 ° 3~ ez.~ >.,~ ° i 16.1 18.57 Ac '31 ». 30 ti` ''~ >, z~ ,x'20 ° ,~~' 2 8 s, ~, 15 ° ~ ' 21 ° Jo „ p2 ~'6 ." 9 2 7 2B •22 `.1~ 2.06 Ac :~.Z, ~'~ a~26'°27° 2. 9 J 23 ~ ''s,ae° PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: i 1. Blueberry Ridge Drive, from its south intersection with Cundiff Drive to its northern terminus. 2. Praline Place, from its west cul-de-sac to its east cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.06 Miles (2) 0.12 Miles RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 Feet (2) 50 Feet ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 44 Feet (2) 38 Feet SURFACE WIDTH: (1) 36 Feet (2) 30 Feet SERVICE: (1) Connecting (2) 20 Homes ,, Link ACG'EPTANCE OF ffiIIEBERRY RID( DRIVE AND PRALINE BNGINBBRING PLACE Il1P0 TIC VIRGINIA DEPARTN1ErTT OF TRANSPORTATION SECOI~IDARY SYSTEM 3 ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BLUEBERRY RIDGE AND PRALINE PLACE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of .06 miles of Blueberry Ridge from the intersection of Cundiff Drive Route 991 to its intersection with Praline Place, and .06 miles of Praline Place from the intersection of Blueberry Ridge west to the cul- de-sac, and .06 miles of Praline Place from the intersection of Blueberry Ridge east to the cul-de-sac to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways under Section 33.1- 229 of the Virginia State Code. 2. That it appears to the Board that drainage easements and a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for said roads has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain maps known as Glade Hill Estates, Sections 1 and 2, Subdivision which maps are recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 33, and Plat Book 13, Page 76 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on October 4, 1988 and March 5, 1991 respectively, and that by reason of the recordation of said maps no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting v /,~ ~.L./ property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantee said drainage easements and a right-of-way for the roads. 3. That said roads known as Blueberry Ridge and Praline Place and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said roads by the Virginia Department of Transportation. ACTION NO. A-12892-11.e ITEM NUMBER _~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Strathmore Lane and Cardington Drive into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received acknowledgement that the following roads have been accepted into the Secondary System by the Virginia. Department of Transportation effective December 16, 1991. Bentley Park 0.26 miles of Strathmore Lane (Route 2060) 0.22 miles of Cardington Drive (Route 2061) Respectfully submitted, Mary H. Allen Clerk Approved by, ~.~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections .. ACTION # A-12892-11.f ITEM NUMBER _!~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water System Serving the Oakridge Subdivision COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND At their May 14, 1991 meeting, the Board of Supervisors authorized Staff to negotiate the acquisition of the Oakridge Water System owned by Roselawn Forest, Inc. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Owners of the Oakridge Water System, Roselawn Forest, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water facilities serving the Oakridge Subdivision along with all necessary easements. FISCAL IMPACT' The water system is being donated to Roanoke County. O perational cost will be similar to the existing County water system and will be paid for under the water usage rate$ charged to the customers. RECOMMENDATION' Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the Oakridge Water System along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. y ~~~ V SUBMITTED BY: ~~~ n~~~~ Clifford ~~g, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge) County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C' N;~kPns No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred Kohinke x to Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections i ~ •' H~ ~ ~~~ 11 (~PLES 3~~~~'S • ~ xH taD / ~N.T.a ~_ 3Y~ g• r ~~ ~ .; LfM .P~LME 1\ E 4I I JRELWQ60S r ,, //'~ .. .U23 ~ ~ ' ~~ _I A Y ~\ I pEV1 t- \ ,^_~ .~ VICINITY MAP -, .~ ',w % \~ ~~ u NORTB _. i ~' ~ oA / ~ ? 13 s \ ~ ~ ~ 19 ACID) / I AdCI LB5 ~9 ~o s 9 / /p d/r / / 4 B \ i /,3eB ok 1io 2,~2 c ~ \ ~ g ~~ s 56 / J ~ 26 08 ~e~ ey>I ~ , .> / , _' \ ~ i ~9 . I ~n ~ ~ s , 8 .8 y~5 „~. /sso~ S t ~ ~ ,. ~ • ,; 'Jro ~o~B ~ ss ~ ~ sov ,. ~ 13 , ,sl• 'IO ~~ ~. ,> ~ 0 \ k••riva Ext O C \ 60 ~ ~ ~ /33~ r~ J ,33' ~ 3574C `~.y ,y~\\ O 32 ~,. 406 AC ~\ ~~~. ~ 6.70 Ac r- ~- ~~ ~~ 1 1 \.2 02A 6 07 Ac 1 ~~S a RCH X091 1 r, e (5 4.2 e A'a4 a/ 2 \dd 13 37 1.94 Ac 4 RC B 32.22 Ac 34 CommonriotlA o/ Viry/n/O 32.34 Ac Z ~g~ Go~~tY Soren` Roa~oKe of c,ty Ti. o/ /M So/em Po/ici ' C/cb COMMUNITY SERVICES OAKRIDGE WATER SYSTEM '~ AND DEVELOPMENT /?. S. Wt~r</ /~~oP. / O. B, //9s~. //.5/ James 6• if%6~i ~rper~ D. B, 9~4 P. 3 Bj ~. / ~~~ 'p~ ~J/O ~a ~ X0.9 ~ ca ~ ~ 1 pis ij ' ~ ~~ I ` ~ QI ~~r~~l a l~ae ~ ~,P~,~9 ~oo~ ~/6•~"-08 = of E /25, !5 \~_. ~ ~~ ~ ~_ \b D. B. ~ 75,7/ aj ~ ~- ~°> / ~~ a 99.9/' ~ J o ///Y T. PAni k ER , SR , ~ S v z ANNE A. `° '~ / FoRIYlF2 L Y T P. ~' Chri:sfiirc Y, Parker/oro/a~r~ \ \4i„fi D. B. 48/,~• /7~D ~ ~ x`22 nc.R~S $G3~3B-4D 62. !3 3. ~o { ~ I /p 'c cr .ac ~ ~~~ ~ 3 00. >> o ~ ~ 1 0 F\ ~~P>. ado ~c 7, ~F ~r9. o /G, Yip ~'O~ ~ ~ \aV ~~ ti ~ t /~~Q~ Q~ O Kp fib/ ~~(' Q~~ ~o~' 0 ~ !c ' SURVEY FdF~ //~/o~tio o ROSEL F~WM Fo.4ES T, /NC, ~~~~ ¢~',~ O F W.EL L L DT ~ EASEiYIENT 7'D `~ Q ~ ,Q r. ~t/D. i ~~ o ~ D,4 K ~,Q/ l/E ~ ,4o,v~/a~E cD. 2 VIRGINIA~„-~ -+ TAXNO.~~d3~/-~ 2_ 8CALE:1"= aY: T. P. PAFl.ER & SC?N DAYE: -~.~r1. r'q ioe7 n,p. y_ ~ ~ _ cA~c. ENGINEERS 8. SURVEYORS ,LTD. - DRAWN -~~`'._ CK'D. SALEM vIRO1NIA__-- W.O. ____, D- ---- ~~.m.r4.n -Iu. arlM of coWmDl. .c ` ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution Accepting the Employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County Personnel System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : i~~-z~t°~-~-~~~~ Gt~.2.2~~"`°z~ EXECUTIVE SUNIIKARY By the adoption of this Resolution, the Board of Supervisors accepts the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County personnel system. BACKGROUND• Section 6.02 of the Roanoke County Charter provides for a personnel system. The personnel system includes a classification plan for service, a staff development plan, a uniform pay plan and a procedure for resolving grievances for employees of the Board. Employees of constitutional officers may participate in the personnel system "at the discretion of the board and upon concur- rence of the constitutional officer." In 1980 the Board adopted resolutions accepting the employees of the several constitutional officers into the County personnel system. Similar action was taken in 1988 upon the election of two new constitutional officers: Mr. Burkhart and Mr. Kavanaugh. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION The election and assumption of office of a new constitutional officer operates to revoke the former constitutional officer's decision to participate in the County personnel system. Accord- ingly a decision by the new constitutional officer to participate in the County personnel system is necessary. Based upon Section 6.02 of the Charter and historical precedent from 1980, each new constitutional officer has been requested to indicate his concurrence in participating in the County's personnel system.' Both Mr. McGraw and Mr. Holt have indicated their willingness for their offices to participate in the County personnel system (see attached). /~'"~ " Since the decision of the Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue and Commonwealth's Attorney to participate in the personnel system continues until otherwise revoked, the attached resolution will consider only the offices of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff. The proposed resolution accepts the employees of these offices into the personnel system, provides for an exemption for the elected official and his chief deputy (the chief deputy is deemed to be a confidential, policy-making position), as well as a revocation procedure and effective date. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Adopt the proposed resolution and accept the employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County personnel system. 2) Refuse to accept the employees of these constitutional officers into the Roanoke County personnel system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the proposed Resolution. Respectfully submitted, '1'a1.~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix ( ~ ~ Participation of constitutional officers and their employees in the Roanoke County personnel system (which includes a classification plan for service, a staff development plan, a uniform pay plan, and a procedure for resolving grievances). Yes, my office will participate in the Roanoke County personnel system. No, my office will not participate in the Roanoke County personnel system. Constitutional Officer ;; ~ z ~~ Date Participation of constitutional officers and their employees in the Roanoke County personnel system (which includes a classification plan for service, a staff development plan, a uniform pay plan, and a procedure for resolving grievances). Yes, my office will participate in the Roanoke County personnel system. No, my office will not participate in the Roanoke County personnel system. Constitutional Officer ~~ (~~ Date LLLJJJ ~ Jr r.~,~r2~..~/C~~~`~u~ ,_ ~ ~ ~ ; i4F . t ~.» ~ ~.~..,w.., , . I ~~ F E) t;s W f ce ~ U i t f'i '-> Y_ ' .~ r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-11.ci ACCEPTING THE EMPLOYEES OF THE SEVERAL CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICER (CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND SHERIFF ) OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE INTO THE PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff, each of said elected officers having heretofore agreed in writing that their employees be accepted into the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke, as authorized in Chapter 6 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke, be and such employees hereby are accepted into the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke; and 2. That all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke as fully set forth in the Roanoke County Employee Handbook shall from and after the adoption hereof be applicable to each of the employees of the aforesaid offices; and 3. That the elected officer of the constitutional office shall be exempt from the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County personnel system. The Chief Deputy in each said office shall be exempt from the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County personnel system relating the application, qualification, appointment, disciplining, dismissal, and grievance procedure 1 provisions of the Roanoke County Employee Handbook. The Chief Deputy of each said officer is deemed to be a confidential, policy- making position. These positions shall remain subject to the express provisions of § 15.1-48 of the State Code; and 4. The participation of the employees of these constitution- al offices in the County personnel system shall continue until revoked by the constitutional officer, either by written notice to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, or by the election, qualification, and assumption of office by a new individual; and 5. The effective date of this resolution shall be January 28, 1992. 6. That an attested copy of this resolution be forthwith transmitted to each of the aforesaid constitutional officers. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources Steven A. Mcgraw, Clerk, Roanoke County Circuit Court Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff 2 . . K - g~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE EMPLOYEES OF THE SEVERAL CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICES (CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND SHERIFF) OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE INTO THE PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff, each of said elected officers having heretofore agreed in writing that their employees be accepted into the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke, as authorized in Chapter 6 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke, be and such employees hereby are accepted into the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke; and 2. That all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke as fully set forth in the Roanoke County Employee Handbook shall from and after the adoption hereof be applicable to each of the employees of the aforesaid offices; and 3. That the elected officer of the constitutional office shall be exempt from the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County personnel system. The Chief Deputy in each said office shall be exempt from the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County personnel system relating the application, qualification, appointment, disciplining, dismissal, and grievance procedure 1 v ~ • ~-~ provisions of the Roanoke County Employee Handbook. The Chief Deputy of each said officer is deemed to be a confidential, policy- making position. These positions shall remain subject to the express provisions of § 15.1-48 of the State Code; and 4. The participation of the employees of these constitution- al offices in the County personnel system shall continue until revoked by the constitutional officer, either by written notice to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, or by the election, qualification, and assumption of office by a new individual; and 5. The effective date of this resolution shall be January 28, 1992. 6. That an attested copy of this resolution be forthwith transmitted to each of the aforesaid constitutional officers. c:\wp51\agenda\general\consLOH 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-11.h EBPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO MARGARET T. REYNOLDS FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS OF SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds was first employed in January, 1974, as an Account Clerk II in the Finance Department; and WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds has also served in the Finance Department and the Delinquent Tax Office on a part-time basis from July, 1967, through December, 1973; and WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds, through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to MARGARET T. REYNOLDS for eighteen years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources c-~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION EgPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY TO MARGARET T. REYNOLDS FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS OF SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds was first employed in January, 1974, as an Account Clerk II in the Finance Department; and WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds has also served in the Finance Department and the Delinquent Tax Office on a part-time basis from July, 1967, through December, 1973; and WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds, through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to MARGARET T. REYNOLDS for eighteen years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION .CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-ii.i E7CPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY TO CARL R. CATRON FOR TWENTY-TWO YEARS AND NINE MONTHS OF SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, Carl R. Catron was first employed in October, 1968, as a Parks Maintenance Foreman in the Department of Parks & Recreation; and WHEREAS, Carl R. Catron, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to CARL R. CATRON for twenty-two years and nine months of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: J~- Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources C-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY TO CARL R. CATRON FOR TWENTY-TWO YEARS AND NINE MONTHS OF SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, Carl R. Catron was first employed in October, 1968, as a Parks Maintenance Foreman in the Department of Parks & Recreation; and WHEREAS, Carl R. Catron, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to CARL R. CATRON for twenty-two years and nine months of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. N -I COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE ~ of General ~ 1> Amount Fund Expenditures Audited Balance at July 1, 1991 $5,060,731 7.23 and Balance as of January 28, 1992 Submitted By Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Note: On December 18, 1990 the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25 of General Fund expenditures ($70,036,927). N-a COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FDND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 $ 6,097 August 15, 1991 Sale of Shamrock Park (Board approved sale on March 26, 1991, Sale Finalized August 1, 1991) 34,914 November 19, 1991 County Share of Traffic Light at Northside High School and Peters Creek Road (12,500) December 17, 1991 Roanoke County Career Center Ball Field Lights - Emergency Repairs (10,000) December 17, 1991 Green Hill Park Playground Equipment (10,000) Balance as of January 28, 1992 $ 8,511 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~f -3 COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 $ 50,000 July 9, 1991 Additional funds for Alleghany Health District (8,000) July 9, 1991 Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (3,000) November 19, 1991 Transitional Living Center (10,000) December 17, 1991 Vinyard Park Addition - Environmental Assessment (10,000) Balance as of January 28, 1992 $ 19,000 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance O~ ROANp~~ ti •~ 9 Z G7 z 18 E5o 88 S8SQUICENTENNIP~' A Beauti~ul Beginning (~nix~t~~ of ~nttnnkr ~'~v~xi`dm`s nE gn~.~n,OuE, ~'InG:_~~IA mREA~URER' ~ INVESiT~TE'~ ~ nEPO~ 1 ~E~~~Er~BE~ ~° ~.~~~~~. Capi~olir!e Lem ~1~iC~rCS CI' iie~7CSi.L:. ~C~,~ran v-~ i ~. r J L Tai i r~ l :1 .~.. n-r erg ign T1e~•urc'rlase ~.greement Firw.. V1'`giril~ ~~ CmA Resaec ~ Dui-' LL ~u'~:•,~ .. ~ec'; b~, _-_-_ - - -_ __ ____ _v~ _______. _----_..___-... ~re~ _ . A~"~~rsori _rea-°la.rer ~"" ALL-AMENICA CITY III I'I 1979 1989 ALFRED C. ANDERSON. CFO. CGT TREASURER ~~,1_ ~. -, ^~~-7r1 , 0~0 . ~0 ,000,000.00 ., 5 5 b r' ~ ~. 0 1_., . ,. , ~J ~~r' ^fi"' ~~..... P.O. BOX 21009 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0533 • (703) 772-2056 FAX: (703) 772-2015 " a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER "'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Update on Roanoke County Smoking Policy COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: At their December 17, 1991 meeting, the Board of Supervisors adopted a new smoking policy by a vote of 3-1-1. The policy, as it was adopted by the Board, was to be effective January 1, 1992 and would apply to all county owned and county leased buildings and would be adhered to by all County staff, volunteers and the public. The purpose of the policy was to address the documented health effects of smoking, and particularly, the effects of second hand smoke inhalation to nonsmokers. That is the primary reason for the Clean Air Act as well as the County smoking policy. At the December 17 meeting, staff asked for additional time to work through the issues of the smoking policy with County volunteers and to determine penalties for violators. The Board directed that staff report back to the Board with the figures on percentage of county employees who smoke, recommended penalties for violations of the policy, and more specific recommendations for smoking cessation programs. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Smoking Committee has begun meeting again to address these issues as well as other concerns that have been brought to the committee. They have expanded their committee to include volunteers (fire and rescue, library, etc.), since there has been concern expressed by some volunteers about the smoking policy. If different policies are established for employees, volunteers and the public, it will create serious problems resulting in low morale problems and probably grievances. Most importantly, to allow certain individuals to smoke and prohibit others would not address the primary reason for adoption of the policy which is to protect smokers and nonsmokers from the potential health hazards created by smoking. There are four issues to deal with regarding the smoking policy: "~ 1. The negative health hazards of smoking and second hand smoke inhalation. 2. The impact of smoking and second hand smoke to the County workers compensation and health insurance coverage, for volunteers as well as staff. 3. Fairness, consistency and uniformity for all county buildings and all county staff. 4. Uniform and progressive penalties for all violations. I have asked the Smoking Committee to complete its work prior to the February 25 Board of Supervisors meeting so that I may bring back a report and recommendation at that meeting. Until that time, the existing policy should remain in effect. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Smoking Policy Committee bring back a report on February 25 that would address issues that were not resolved when the Board of Supervisors adopted the policy on December 17, 1991. -vn-~- v-C~-,/1 Elmer C. Hodge d County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ~I o 0 j o \ ' o ^ 0 0 W WI Q Q d Cl i N i a I 7 C ^~ a e. ro a ~~~ .~ ~ M': 1C \, ~+ N' ~ 7 ^~ •.. ~+ W ;> u r'. I . 6 d, la V lac C LLI IC roO1 ~mvcnl O d Q i ~ ro I !, Iq- E Ip ""2'~ I y F. iTNZ' 1yWO C Lj O O JI ;U d'. I y Ui I a ~. f d LL V ~, m OI I N iM W j2 C] I y I~ to a .a .: 1 ~ ~.` I' a _- _. f H. • _ _ __ N. 1 ~_ I I ~ ~ i I I I I I I 1 I j ~ Ij ~ i ~ I 1 ~ ( I I ~ ~ I ~ , ~ I I '. ~ ' w I I 7 I 1 C '+-: I a O y I > ~ d I d \:;~ I ~ IV I ro; ~ I O ~ Q1 I F UI 1 r mi I VI 1 a; a I N U I •-~ C I .-~. m I N '+ I d, m L: m I C i ~; I I 1 d I ' 7 I O C 1 F~ d I }1 > 1 i d I CC 1 ~~ ~ i ~ ' 1 I 1 I I ! I j 1 mUlm.-N^•0'~!c~ V V Fo0Oll1a0aDaD^ V o--o NmaDN^PNOVOt~ N~ ~o M m o M Fj ^ O 111 o N N v' m o V' m o o In o N N .- v .a N N N N o N mMN~O^f~•o'R'.o lit^^.n o.oMMNM ^ Vl ',~ V'N^Mm~a SON to Q o lft 111M•O IM VAN 77'7NMOln In U~ '.?.O m. tl1171M71n 0[11 7 I I ,W V ^i ~ I 1 ~1 i I 1 I I~ I I I N .n to 00 r•c0o V'~n~•-.nO7~N^1f1O1f1ooNf~~O^~I~~iMMNl117lft -- M I`- 1~ <r ?^ ~O a0 N Ut N m M l- v o 0p m ~n o o v M 00 o M o 0J .- m M^ 0D 7 M.omtflmNll100'-V'~NNM~O aO~t~^•-o'R O+~oroW NON~oO oMm^MNr-NMo~Q`1n ~n ~ONM~n f~•N ovoly--:N ~nmtnWm.Mm lf1 m M v v o m ~O ^ m a0 W •- o N M N .- ^: T .-. M F ^. 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ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session for Secondary Road System, Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-98 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' 8 COMMENTS: ~~ ~,,-r. c'.t3 wKC~~~-ri-~.~'( ~/~'J l '' ~<L~Ti~ .~c-si,,,t~ir.~ .-.c-c-^~.'Gl --~fiLf ...~'LLS'L;.c..{.~,y~ ~,rtti'r~y'r"t' .all i/ ~~J2ti BACKGROUND In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Supervisors is required to revise the Secondary Road System, Six Year Construction Plan at least every two years. The County staff and representatives of VDOT have requested this work session to review and finalize the proposed plan. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The plan, which is enclosed for your review and discussion was developed jointly by VDOT and County staff. The proposed plan was developed by reviewing the current Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan, and considering additional requests or concerns that have been received during the past two years. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS No financial impact to County funds is involved. ~' STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the Board of Supervisors conduct a work session on the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for (1992-98) in order that it may be finalized and advertized for a Board of Supervisors Public Hearing Meeting on February 25, 1992. MITTED BAY: APPROVED BY: ~~ Arnold Cove , Dire or Elmer C. Hodge of Engineering & I spections County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred To Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs pc: Terry Harrington VDOT D~/ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors and Staff FROM: Arnold Covey, Director of Engineering & Inspectionsf;~~~ SUBJ: Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 DATE: January 23, 1992 The following information will hopefully assist you in reviewing and approving the proposed plan: I. Summary of Six Year Construction Plan A. Countywide Items B. Incidental Items C. Numbered Projects II. Comparison of Existing and Proposed Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan III. Additional Projects Rectuested but not Added A. Ridgelea Road B. Upland Game Road C. Ivy Ridge Road D. Lemon Lane IV. Funding C.~-/ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION FOR SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN The Six Year Plan addresses those projects that need to be repaired or reconstructed in order to sustain a reasonable level of service and safety. I. Summary of Six Year Construction Plan In Roanoke County, the Six Year Plan is updated in even numbered years and each alternate year the Board reviews and approves allocation of funds. The plan is set up in a specific format to address various State requirements as well as VDOT funding provisions. The Secondary Road System is broken down into three distinct categories: A. Countywide Items: The total cost of $1.75 million is based on an allocation of $250,000 in 1992-93 and $300,000 per year over the next five years. This category includes such items as traffic service, pipe installation at private driveways, survey and preliminary engineering, fertilization and seeding, and Rural Addition. Rural Addition Projects are allocated approximately $86,000 per year. A priority listing along with location maps is in Section 3 of the notebook. The priority of roads have changed slightly, due to current directions from Board Members and failure of citizens to pay Speculative Interest cost. Staff is currently working on the top five roads. Five roads have been added to the list and they are: Raintree Drive, Chestnut Mountain Circle, Southview Drive, Williams Drive and Luckado Street. B. Incidental Items: The total allocation of $1.2 million is based on an allocation of $250,000 for 92-93 and $300,000 per year for the following five years. Incidental projects normally can be completed within the fiscal year. Generally, these funds are used for plant mix overlay of existing roads or to address specific safety concerns. A priority listing and maps are located in Section 4 of the notebook. A majority of the projects originated from last year's revenue sharing list. 1 °'" C. Numbered Projects: The allocation proposed for 1992-93 is approximately $1.7 million of which a small percentage is allocated towards unpaved roads. Numbered projects are required by VDOT to have 70~ of the estimated construction cost allocated before the project can be advertised. In addition, VDOT has one year after the completion of a project to fully fund the total expenses. No additional funding is needed this year to pay for completed projects. This year four projects will have the 70~ funding required for advertisement. They are Sanderson Drive, West River Road, Merriman and Starlight Lane. Unpaved Roads: VDOT requires that these roads must have a minimum of 50 vehicles per day to qualify for this funding. Section 6 in the notebook provides the priority list, location maps and a list of all unpaved roads in the County along with their respective traffic counts. Four roads have been added and they are Peterson Drive, Dawnwood Road, King Brothers and Rocky Road. Cox Hopkins Road will receive the necessary funding this year to be advertised. II. Comparison of Existing and Proposed Secondary Road system Six Year Construction Plan When comparing the numbered projects of both plans, eleven projects were completed and funded over the past two years. Crystal Creek Drive from Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to Merriman Road has always been two separate projects on the Six Year Plan. The section from Brambleton Avenue to Cartwright Drive was tabled last year and no longer appears on the Six Year Plan. The section from Cartwright Drive to Merriman Road is still on the plan due to traffic generated by the County park and the Ponderosa Subdivision on Cartwright Drive. However, this section has also been tabled. The priority of projects have changed considerably due to the tabling of a section of Crystal Creek Drive and our current needs. 2 ~"" III. Additional Projects Requested but not Added Personnel from VDOT and Roanoke County have met and discussed all citizens' request and recommendations over the past two years. A majority of the requests made this year's plan, however, several did not. A. Ridqelea Road - VDOT staff recommended that a portion of this road would be done with maintenance funds. B. Upland Game Road was requested to be paved, but unfortunately was not viewed as a higher priority than the proposed incidental list. C. Ivy Ridqe Road was requested to be added to the unpaved road projects but was viewed as a lower priority. D. Lemon Lane was also requested to be added to the unpaved road project list, however, it failed to meet the minimum requirement of 50 vehicles per day. IV. Fundincf The total estimated cost to complete all projects from 1992 thru 1998 is $14,687,415. Of this, an estimated $2.4 million will be allocated each year. Last year $2.4 million was estimated, but the State cut the funds back to $1.65 million. This year we can expect a lower allocation as well; therefore, we will probably have to adjust the Six Year Plan in July. 3 MEMORANDIIM d-/ TO: Board of Supervisors and Staff FROM: Arnold Covey, Director of Engineering & Inspections . SUBJ: Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 DATE: January 23, 1992 The following information will hopefully assist you in reviewing and approving the proposed plan: ~ I. Summary of Six Year Construction Plan A. Countywide Items B. Incidental Items C. Numbered Projects II. Co_mt~arison of Existing and Proposed Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan III. Additional Projects Recruested but not Added A. Ridgelea Road B. Upland Game Road C. Ivy Ridge Road D. Lemon Lane IV. Funding SUMMARY OF INFORMATION FOR SIB YEAR CONSTRIICTION PLAN The Six Year Plan addresses those projects that need to be repaired or reconstructed in order to sustain a reasonable level of service and safety. I. Summary of Six Year Construction Plan In Roanoke County, the Six Year Plan is updated in even numbered years and each alternate year the Board reviews and approves allocation of funds. The plan is set up in a specific format to address various State requirements as well as VDOT funding provisions. The Secondary Road System is broken down into three distinct categories: A. Countywide Items: The total cost of $1.75 million is based on an allocation of $250,000 in 1992-93 and $300,000 per year over the next five years. This category includes such items as traffic service, pipe installation at private driveways, survey and preliminary engineering, fertilization and seeding, and Rural Addition. No changes occurred under Countywide Items, at Friday's meeting. Rural Addition Projects are allocated approximately $86,000 per year. A priority listing along with location maps is in Section 3 of the notebook. The priority of roads have changed slightly, due to current directions from Board ,Members and failure of citizens to pay Speculative Interest cost. Staff is currently working on the top five roads. Five roads have been added to the list and they are: Raintree Drive, Chestnut Mountain Circle, Southview Drive, Williams Drive and Luckado Street. 2 B. Incidental Items: The total allocation of $1.2 million is based on an allocation of $381,000 for 92-93 and $300,000 per year for the following five years. Incidental projects normally can be completed within the fiscal year. Generally, these funds are used for plant mix overlay of existing roads or to address specific safety concerns. A priority listing and maps are located in Section 4 of the notebook. For 1992-93 no projects were added or deleted, only the scope and funding were changed. •Priority number 5, Bradshaw Road - Increased paving distance from 0.5 miles to 1.5 miles. Obviously the funding reflects the changes. •Priority number 6, Newport Road - Increased paving distance from 0.5 miles to 2.0 miles. Increase in funding. •Priority number 19, Newport Road - Increase in funding. For incidental 1993-94 two projects were added. •Priority number 49, Webb Road - Curve Improvements. •Priority X50, Woodhaven Road - Switched from Numbered Project to Incidental in order to start construction earlier. A majority of the projects originated from last year's revenue sharing list. C. Numbered Projects: The allocation proposed for 1992-93 is approximately $1.7 million of which a small percentage is allocated towards unpaved roads. Numbered projects are required by VDOT to have 70$ of the estimated construction cost allocated before the project can be advertised. In addition, VDOT has one year after the completion of a project to fully fund the total expenses. No additional funding is needed this year to pay for completed projects. This year five projects will have the 70$ funding required for advertisement. They are Sanderson Drive, West River Road, Merriman Road, Starlight Lane and Cresthill Drive. 3 The changes that occurred on Friday are as follows: •Eight projects were added: Priority number Priority number Priority number Improvements Priority number Priority number Priority number Priority number Priority number 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, Timberview Road, Reconstruction Verndale Road, Bridge Carvins Cove Road, Curve Goodwin Avenue, Bridge Boones Chapel Road, Bridge Bendemeer Road, Bridge Franklin Street, Reconstruction Bottom Creek Lane, Bridge •Priority number 52, Woodhaven Road at the intersection of Peters Creek Road, was deleted. •With the addition of these projects, the priorities of several projects were changed starting at Priority number 49 all the way to the end. •Florist Road and Hollins Road are not receiving any funds since these projects would require major improvements on primary roads; therefore, increasing their cost. This allows us to increase the funding on the Incidental Projects already discussed and several Numbered Projects. IInpaved Roads: VDOT requires that these roads must have a minimum of 50 vehicles per day to qualify for this funding. Section 6 in the notebook provides the priority list, location maps and a list of all unpaved roads in the County along with their respective traffic counts. Three roads have been added: Peterson Drive, King Brothers and Rocky Road. Dawnwood Road has been deleted from the plan. Cox Hopkins Road will receive the necessary funding this year .to be advertised for construction. 4 II. Comparison of Existing and Proposed Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan When comparing the numbered projects of both plans, eleven projects were completed and funded over the past two years. Crystal Creek Drive from Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to Merriman Road has always been two separate projects on the Six Year Plan. However, this year they are shown as one project. Crystal Creek Drive was tabled last year; therefore, it appears as the lowest priority on the Six Year Plan. The priority of projects have changed considerably due to the tabling of a section of Crystal Creek Drive and our current needs. III. Additional Projects Requested but not Added Personnel discussed over the made this A. from VDOT and Roanoke County have met and all citizens' requests and recommendations past two years. A majority of the requests year's plan, however, the following did not: Ridgelea Road - VDOT staff recommended that a portion of this road would be done with maintenance funds. B. Opland Game Road - was requested to be paved, but, unfortunately, was not viewed as a higher priority than the proposed incidental list. C. Ivy Ridge Road - was requested to be added to the unpaved road projects but was viewed as a lower priority. D. Lemon Lane - was also requested to be added to the unpaved road project list, however, it failed to meet the minimum requirement of 50 vehicles per day. 5 IV. Funding The total estimated cost to complete all projects from 1992 thru 1998 is $14,366,575. Of this, an estimated $2.4 million will be allocated each year. Last year $2.4 million was estimated, but the State cut the funds back to $1.65 million. This year we can expect a lower allocation as well. Therefore, we will probably have to adjust the Six Year Plan funding in July, 1992. 6 1 SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY: ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ESTIMATED ALLOCATIONS YEAR ----------- -- NEW S.T. -------------- -- FEDERAL -------------- - OTHER --------------- - TOTAL --------------- 1992-93 $159,052 $407,274 $1,667,520 $2,233,846 1993-94 $79,093 $446,000 $1,777,097 $2,302,190 1994-95 ~ $143,000 $435,925 $1,713,037 $2,291,962 1995-96 ~ $115,855 $600,000 $1,671,308 $2,387,163 1996-97 $230,000 $380,000 $1,901,096 $2,511,096 1997-98 $110,000 $150,000 $2,380,318 $2,640,318 -------------- TOTALS ------------------ $837,000 ---------------- $2,419,199 ----------------- $11,110,376 --------------- $14,366,575 APPROVAL ----------------------------------------------------- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE ----------------------------------------------------- VDOT RESIDENT ENGINEER DATE ----------------------------------------------------- (CHAIRMAN,CLERK,CO.ADMINISTRATOR, ETC.) DATE SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 1 ' 2ESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I I LENGTH I COST I I -- ---------+--------------------+--------------0 ROUTE 8000 +------------------------------+ p,E, COUNTYWIDE ITEMS R/W 0 CON 1,750,000 TOT 1,750,000 ( 0 ) ROUTE 8000 P.E. 0 INCIDENTAL R/W 0 CONSTRUCTION CON 1,200,000 TOT 1,200,000 ( 0 ) -----------+--------------------~--------------0 ROUTE 1006 STONEBRIDGE CIRCLE P.E. +------------------------------+ TC: 125 1006-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RTE 1007 CON 5,900 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 5,900 STATE LENGTH:0.11 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 1 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 1007 STONEBRIDGE DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 655 1007-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RTE 24 CON 14,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 1008 TOT 14,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.19 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 2 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 OUTE 0659 MAY . FIELD DRIVE P.E. 0 "TC: 1162 0659-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RTE 116 CON 5,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 811 TOT 5,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.11 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 3 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0659 MAYFIELD DR V I E P.E. 0 TC: 902 0659-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RTE 811 CON 23,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 666 TOT 23,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.55 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 4 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0622 BR ADSHAW ROAD P.E. O TC: 455 0622-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: 5.3 MI S. RT 914 CON 80,000 CONTRACT TO: 6.8 MI S. RT 914 TOT 80 000 STATE LENGTH: 1.50 MI. ESD , 07/01/92 ( 5 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0629 NEWPORT ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 601 0624-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 311 CON 50 000 CONTRACT T0: 2.0 MI. W 311 TOT , 50,000 STATE SPOT IMPROVEMENTS ESD 07/01/92 ( 6 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0651 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD P.E. Q TC: 1603 0651-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 881 CON 5,100 CONTRACT T0: RT 880 TOT 5 100 STATE LENGTH: 0.50 MI. ESD , 07/01/92 ( 7 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0651 MOUNTAIN V IEW ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 1477 0651-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 880 CON 8,500 CONTRACT TO: RT 24 TOT 8,500 STATE LENGTH: 0.18 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 8 ) PLAN? MIX ECD 10/01/92 1.2 SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 2 'ESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) iISTRICT SALEM ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED ( LENGTH I COST ROUTE 1907 CHA RNWOOD CIRCLE P.E. 0 TC: 85 1907-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1876 CON 7,000 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 7,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.09 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 9 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 1908 GROVE LANE P.E. 0 TC: 28 1908-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1876 CON 4,000 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 4,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.05 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 10 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 -----------+-------------------- ROUTE 1908 +--------------0+ ------------------------------+ GROVE LANE p,E, TC: 184 1908-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1876 CON 8,000 CONTRACT T0: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 8,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 11 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 1876 SIERRA DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 14 1876-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: NCL ROANOKE CON 4,000 CONTRACT T0: RT 1908 TOT 4,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.04 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 12 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ~OUTE 1876 SIE . ~ RRA DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 510 1876-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1908 CON 9,000 CONTRACT T0: 1907 TOT 9,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.12 MI. ESD 07/01/92 { 13 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 1876 SIERRA DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 595 1876-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1907 CON 5,000 CONTRACT T0: RT 1849 TOT 5,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.06 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 14 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 1517 HER EFORD ROAD P.E. O TC: 266 1517-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 702 CON 11,000 CONTRACT T0: RT 1358 TOT 11,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.15 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 15 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0639 HARBORWOOD ROAD P.E. 3,000 TC: 586 0639-5 R/W 3,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.04 MI N RT 882 CON 29,000 CONTRACT T0:0.05 MI N RT 882 TOT 35,000 STATE LENGTH:0.10 MI. ESD 09/01/92 ( 16 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 11/01/92 ROUTE 0689 R OSELAWN ROAD P.E. 2,000 TC: 415 0689-5 R/W 3 000 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1668 CON 20,000 CONTRACT T0: 0.03 MI N 1668 TOT 25,000 ;TATS LENGTH:0.03 MI ESD 09/01/92 ( 17 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 11/01/92 ROUTE 0639 HARBORWOOD ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 139 0639-5 R/W 0 ID: FR:0.35 MI S 737 CoN 20,000 STATE FORCE T0:0.54 MI S 737 TOT 20,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.19 MI. ESD 08/01/92 ( 18 ) SPOT IMPROVEMENT ECD 12/01/92 +-----------~-3 +------------------ SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 3 `ESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) ISTRICT SALEM ROUTE I DESCRIPTION I ESTIMATED LENGTH COST ( I ROUTE 0624 NEWPORT ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 601 0624-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 311 CON 61,500 STATE FORCE T0: MONTGOMENRY CL TOT 61,500 STATE SPOT IMPROVEMENTS ESD 07/01/92 ( 19 ) CURVE WIDENING ECD 06/30/93 ROUTE 0605 SANDERSON DRIVE P.E. 10,000 TC: 1218 0605-080-193,C501 R/W 42,000 ID: 7590 FR:INT. RTE 627 CON 115,149 CONTRACT T0:0.20 MI. N RT 627 TOT 167,149 RS LENGTH:0.20 MI. ESD 08/11/92 ( 20 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/93 ROUTE 0639 WEST RIVER ROAD P.E. 15,000 TC: 511 0639-080-201,C501 R/W 35,901 ID: 612' FR:0.30 MI. S.RT 11 CON 300,000 CONTRACT TORTE 649 TOT 350,901 RS LENGTH:0.33 MI. ESD 01/01/92 ( 21 ) RECONSTRUCT(INC D673 ECD 03/01/92 ROUTE 0613 MERRIMAN ROAD P.E. 42,500 TC: 4267 0613-080-226,C501 R/W 238,675 ID: 3709 FR:RTE 1640 CON 422,520 CONTRACT TORTE 1682 TOT 703,695 STATE LENGTH:0.39 MI. ESD 10/07/92 ( 22 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/01/93 `JUTE 0615 STARLIGHT LANE P.E. 8 000 TC: 157 0615-080-230,M501 R/W 5,000 ID: 3669 FR:0.95 MI.S RT 613 CON 25,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO BRIDGE TOT 38,000 STATE OVER BACK CREEK(B651 ESD 01/07/93 ( 23 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/93 ROUTE 0615 STARLIGHT LANE P.E. 13,000 TC: 157 0615-080-230,B671 R/W 1,000 ID: 3669 BRIDGE OVER CON 150,000 CONTRACT BACK CREEK TOT 164,000 STATE STRUCTURE NO. 6021 ESD 01/07/93 ( 23 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/93 ROUTE 1658 CRESTHILL DRIVE P.E. 20,000 TC: 1911 1658-080-223,C R/W 5,000 ID: 6413 FR:INT 1664 CON 41,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO BRIDGE TOT 66,000 STATE OVER MUD LICK CREEK ESD 10/01/93 ( 24 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 05/31/99 ROUTE 1658 CRESTHILL DRIVE P.E. 70,000 TC: 1911 1658-080-223,D667 R/W 5,000 ID: 6413 FR:INT RT 1664 CON 190,000 CONTRACT BRIDGE OVER TOT 265,000 STATE MUD LICK CREEK ESD 10/01/93 ( 24 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 05/31/94 ROUTE 0668 YELLOW MOUNTAIN ROAD P.E. 30,000 TC: 2230 0668-080-229,C501 R/W 75,000 ID: 3668 FR:0.10 MI. N RT 667 CON 480,000 CONTRACT TORT 220 TOT 585,000 ^S LENGTH:0.97 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 25 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 05/01/94 ROUTE 0636 GLADE CREEK ROAD P.E. 30,000 TC: 367 0636-080- ,C R/W 90,000 ID: 6411 FR:0.05 MI.E R? 703 CON 500,000 CONTRACT TO:BOTETOURT CO.LINE TOT 620,000 STATE LENGTH:0.30 MI. ESD 07/07/93 ( 26 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/93 -----------+-------------------------------- - ~------------------------------+ 4 ~ SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE 4F.SIDENCY SALEM DISTRICT SALEM CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (In Dollars) Page: ROUTE I DESCRIPTION ( ESTIMATED LENGTH COST I I ROUTE 0670 LOST {MOUNTAIN ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 95 0670-080- ,B R/W 5,000 ID: 6415 FR:0.20 MI.S RT 694 CON 90,000 CONTRACT REPLACE EXIST. LOW TOT 100,000 STATE WATER BRIDGE WITH ESD 12/01/93 ( 27 ) SLAB SPAN BRIDGE ECD 06/30/94 ROUTE 0633 BENOIS ROAD P.E. 22,000 TC: 763 0633-080-237,C501 R/W 67,500 ID: 3675 FR:RTE 904 CON 270,500 CONTRACT T0:0.35 MI.S RT 904 TOT 360,000 STATE LENGTH:0.35 MI. ESD 07/01/94 ( 28 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/94 ROUTE 1602 BUNKER HILL DRIVE P.E. 27,000 TC: 500 1602-080-248,C501 R/W 18,000 ID: 6410 FR:INT. RTE 221 CON 90,000 CONTRACT TO:INT. RTE 682 TOT 135,000 STATE LENGTH:0.18 MI. ESD 02/01/94 ( 29 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 08/01/94 ROUTE 0720 COLONIAL AVENUE P.E. 3 000 TC: 9313 0720-080- ,C R/W 2,000 ID: 6416 FR:0.20 MI.Sw RT 419 CON 66,462 CONTRACT CURVE IMPROVEMENT TOT 71,462 RS LENGTH:0.01 MI. ESD 03/01/94 ( 30 ) ECD 08/01/94 tOUTE 0780 COVE ROAD P.E. 5 000 TC: 2757 0780-080- ,C R/w 10,000 ID: 6414 FR:0.15 MI.NCL RKE CON 105,000 CONTRACT T0:0.10 MI.N RT 1724 TOT 120,000 STATE LENGTH:0.28 MI. ESD 04/01/94 ( 31 ) DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT ECD 08/01/94 ROUTE 1404 TIMBERVIEW ROAD P.E. 10,000 TC: 300 1404-080- ,N501 R/W 60,000 ID: 0000 FR:INT. RTE 863 CON 600,000 CONTRACT T0:1.0 MI. N. RT 863 TOT 670,000 STATE LENGTH: 1.0 MI. ESD 07/01/94 ( 32 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/94 ROUTE 0912 ABSALON SMITH RD P.E. 0 TC: 182 0912-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 311 CON 36,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 740 TOT 36,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.90 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 33 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1366 BUCKINGHAM DRIVE P.E. O TC: 232 1366-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1365 CON 17,500 CONTRACT TO: 0.60 MI W 1363 TOT 17,500 STATE LENGTH:0.26 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 34 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1366 BUCKINGHAM DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 163 1366-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: 0.60 MI W 1363 CON 12,500 CONTRACT T0: SCL ROANOKE TOT 12,500 STATE LENGTH: 0.28 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 35 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 -----------~--------------------+--------------0+------------------------------+ ROUTE 1836 BELLE HAVEN ROAD P.E. TC: 695 1836-5 R/W 0 ID: FR:RTE 1832 CON 17,000 CONTRACT TORTE 1894 TOT 17,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.40 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 36 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 -----------+--------------------~-----------1.5-+------------------------------~ SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 5 ~ ZESIDENCY S ALEM (In Dollars) IISTRICT SALEM ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED ( LENGTH I COST I I ROUTE 1825 NEWLAND ROAD P.E. p TC: 121 1825-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 117 CON 9,000 CONTRACT TO: DEAD END TOT 9,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.22 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 37 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1849 ANCHOR DRIVE P.E. p TC: 775 1849-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1851 CON 13,500 CONTRACT TO: 0.05 MI W 838 TOT 13,500 STATE LENGTH: 0.30 MI ESD 07/01/93 ( 38 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 -----------+--------------------+--------------0 ROUTE 1849 ANCHOR DR ~------------------------------+ IVE P.E. TC: 1057 1849-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: 0.05 MI W 838 CON 4,500 CONTRACT T0: RTE 1876 TOT 4,500 STATE LENGTH: 0.06 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 39 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1850 PALMYRA DRIVE P.E. p TC: 132 1850-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1843 CON 7,500 CONTRACT T0: RTE 838 TOT 7,500 STATE LENGTH: 0.16 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 40 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ----------+--------------------+--------------0 :OUTE 0838 THORNROSE R --------------------- +- --------+ OAD P.E. TC: 495 0838-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1851 CON 13,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 1847 TOT 13,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.29 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 41 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1843 DARBY ROAD P.E. p TC: 190 1843-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1851 CON 5,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 1849 TOT 5,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 42 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1843 DARBY ROAD P.E. TC: 615 1843-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1849 CON 6,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 1847 TOT 6,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.11 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 43 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1848 FAIRHURST DRIVE P.E. p ----------------------------- TC: 180 1848-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1843 CON 15,000 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 15,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.21 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 44 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1847 FENWICK DRIVE P.E. p TC: 350 1847-5 R/W p ID: FR: RTE 1876 CON 16,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 1843 TOT 16,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.23 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 45 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 0612 MARIE DRIVE p.E, p Tc: 130 0612-5 R/W p ID: FR: 0.4 MI E R? 788 CON 20,000 CONTRACT TO: 0.5 MI E RT 788 TOT 20,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 46 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 12/01/93 1.6 SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 6 'ESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) ISTRICT SALEM ROUTE I DESCRIPTION I ESTIMATED LENGTH COST I ROUTE 0644 COUNTYLINE ROAD p.E, p TC: 59 0644-5 R/W 0 ID: FR:0.08 MI S RT 669 CON 27,614 CONTRACT T0: 0.15 MI S RT 669 TOT 27,614 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 47 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 12/01/93 ROUTE 0666 BANDY ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 259 0666-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: AT INT. RT 721 CON 27,500 STATE FORCE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. TOT 27,500 • STATE CURVE IMPROVEMENT ESD 07/01/93 ( 48 ) ECD 12/01/93 -----------+--------------------+--------------0+- -----------------------+ ROUTE 0615 WEBB ROAD p,E, TC: 64 0615-5 R/W 5,000 ID: FR: ZNT RT 220 CON 15,000 STATE FORCE T0: 0.10 MI S RT 220 TOT 20,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/15/93 ( 49 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 10/31/93 ROUTE 0628 WOODHAVEN ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 2263 0628-5 R/W 15,000 ID: FR:0.14 MI W RT 1438 CON 130,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 1542 TOT 150,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.48 MI. ESD 10/01/94 ( 50 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENTS ECD 06/30/95 JUTE 1404 TIMBERVIEW ROAD P.E. 30,000 TC: 300 1404-080- ,N R/W 165,000 ID: FR:1.0 MI N RTE 863 CON 1,638,000 CONTRACT T0:3.73 MI N RT 863 TOT 1,833,000 STATE LENGTH: 2.73 MI. ESD 10/01/97 ( 51 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/98 -------------------------- ROUTE 0601 HOLLINS ROAD P.E. 295,183 TC: 3596 0601-080-233,C501 R/W 437,280 ID: 3672 FR:0.59 MI.S RT 627 CON 1,280,000 CONTRACT TO:NCL ROANOKE TOT 2,012,463 RS LENGTH: 1.60 MI. ESD 06/07/96 ( 52 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/96 ------------- ROUTE 0623 FLORIST ROAD P.E. 10,000 TC: 5164 0623-080-231,C501 R/W 22,500 ID: 3670 FR:INT. RTE 11 CON 800,000 CONTRACT TO:INT RTE 1867 TOT 832,500 STATE LENGTH:0.25 MI. ESD 07/08/96 ( 53 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/96 ROUTE 1835 ARDMORE DRIVE P.E. 10,000 TC: 580 1835-080- ,C501 R/W 15,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.11 MI RT 1834 CON 30,000 CONTRACT LENGTH: 0.0.05 MI TOT 55,000 STATE APPROACHES TO BRIDGE ESD 07/01/95 ( 54 ) OVER TINKER CREEK ECD 12/01/95 ROUTE 1835 ARDMORE DRIVE P.E. 10,000 TC: 580 1835-080- ,B R/W 10,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.11 MI RT 1834 CON 135,000 CONTRACT STRUCTURE 6127 TOT 155,000 "TATE BRIDGE OVER TINKER ESD 07/01/95 ( 54 ) CREEK ECD 12/01/95 ROUTE 1861 CLEARWATER AVENUE P.E. 5,000 Tc: 739 1861-080- ,c R/W 5,000 ID: 00000 FR: 0.05 Mi. R? 1862 CON 30,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO BRIDGE TOT 40,000 STATE OVER TINKER CREEK ESD 07/01/95 ( 55 ) LENGTH:0.05 MI. ECD 10/01/95 SECONDARY SYSTEM _COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 7 'ESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars] :ISTRICT SALEM ROUTE I DESL~PG'IT'H N I ~COSTT~ I I ROUTE 1861 CLEARWATER AVENUE P.E. 10,000 TC: 739 1861-080- ,B R/W 5,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.05 MI. RT 1862 CON 155,000 CONTRACT REPLACE STRUCTURE TOT 170,000 STATE 6287 OVER TINKER ESD 07/01/95 ( 55 ) CREEK ECD 10/01/95 ROUTE 1867 VERNDALE DRIVE P.E. 15,000 TC: 4588 1867-080- ,C R/W 10,000 ID: FR:0.05 MI E RT 623 CON 35,000 CONTRACT T0:0.06 MI E RT 623 TOT 60,000 STATE APPROACHES TO ESD 07/01/96 { 56 ) STRUCTURE 6286 ECD 11/30/96 ROUTE 1867 VERNDALE DRIVE P.E. 20,000 TC: 4588 1867-080- ,B R/W 10,000 ID: FR:0.06 MI E RT 623 CON 180,000 CONTRACT STRUCTURE 6286 TOT 210,000 STATE BRIDGE OVER BOXLEY ESD 07/01/96 ( 56 ) CREEK ECD 11/30/96 ROUTE 0740 CARVINS COVE ROAD P.E. 1,000 TC: 73 0740-5 R/W 5,000 ID: FR: 2.5 MI.N RT 773 CON 80,000 CONTRACT T0: 2.7 MI.N RT 773 TOT 86,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.2 MI. ESD 07/01/96 ( 57 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENTS ECD 11/30/96 OUTE 0635 GOODWIN AVENUE P.E. 15,000 TC: 788 0635-080 ,B R/W 5,000 ZD: FR: 0.10 MI RT 619 CON 110,000 CONTRACT STRUCTURE 6043 TOT 130,000 STATE REPLACE BRIDGE OVER ESD 07/01/96 ( 58 ) BRUSH MT. CREEK ECD 11/30/96 ROUTE 0635 GOODWIN AVENUE P.E. 10,000 TC: 788 0635-080 ,C R/W 10,000 ID: FR:0.10 MI RT 619 CON 35,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO TOT 55,000 STATE STRUCTURE 6043 OVER ESD 07/01/96 ( 58 ) BRUSH MT. CREEK ECD 11/30/96 ROUTE 0614 BOONE CHAPEL ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 120 0614-080- ,C R/W 10,000 ID: FR: 0.01 MI S RT 615 CON 30,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO TOT 45,000 STATE STRUCTURE 6222 OVER ESD 07/01/97 ( 59 ) BRANCH BACK CREEK ECD 11/30/97 ----------------------- ROUTE 0614 BOONES CHAPEL ROAD P.E. 15,000 TC: 120 0614-080- ,B R/W 10,000 ID: FR: 0.01 MI S RT 615 CON 115,000 CONTRACT REPLACE STRUCTURE TOT 140,000 STATE 6222 OVER ESD 07/01/97 ( 59 ) BRANCH BACK CREEK ECD 11/30/97 ROUTE 0699 BENDEMEER ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 136 0699-080 ,C R/W 10,000 ID: FR: 0.3 MI RTE 864 CON 30,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO TOT 45,000 "TATE STRUCTURE 6085 ESD 07/01/97 ;( 60 ) OVER MASONS CREEK ECD 11/30/97 ROUTE 0699 BENDEMEER ROAD P.E. 15,000 TC: 136 0699-080- ,B R/W 10,000 ID: FR: 0.30 MI 864 CON 150,000 CONTRACT REPLACE STRUCTURE TOT 175,000 STATE N0. 6085 OVER ESD 08/01/9? ( 60 ) MASON CREEK ECD 06/30/98 -----------~--------------------*-----------~- 8 ~------------------------------~ SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE RESIDENCY SALEM DISTRICT SALEM CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (In Dollars) Page: ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED LENGTH I COST I ROUTE 0693 FRANKLIN STREET P.E. 50,000 TC: 140 0693-080- ,C R/W 80,000 ID: FR:SCL SALEM CON 448,000 CONTRACT TO:DEAD END TOT 578,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.64 MI. ESD 08/01/98 ( 61 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/99 ROUTE 0637 BOTTOM CREEK LANE P.E. 10,000 TC: 88 0637-080- ,C R/W 10,000 ID: FR: 1.0 MI MONT. CL CON 35,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO TOT 55,000 STATE STRUCTURE 6046 ESD 08/01/98 ( 62 ) OVER LAUREL CREEK ECD 06/30/99 ROUTE 0637 BOTTOM CREEK LANE P.E. 15,000 TC: 88 0637-080- ,B R/W 10,000 ID: FR:1.0 MI. MONT. CL CON 150,000 CONTRACT STRUCTURE 6046 TOT 175,000 STATE REPLACE BRIDGE OVER ESD 07/01/98 ( 62 ) LAUREL CREEK ECD 06/30/99 ------------------------- ROUTE 0897 CRYSTAL CREEK ROAD P.E. 334,744 TC: 605 0897-080- ,C R/W 640,900 ID: FR:RTE 221 CON 1,681,462 CONTRACT TORTE 613 TOT 2,657,106 STATE LENGTH:1.69 MI. ESD 07/01/97 ( 63 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/98 .ROUTE 0915 COX HOPKINS ROAD P.E. 5,000 -TC: 70 0915-080-P ,N501 R/W 15,000 ID: FR:INT. RTE 668 CON 150,000 HIRED EQUIP T0:0.25 MI. N. 668 TOT 170,000 STATE LENGTH:0.25 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 1 ) WIDEN,GR,DR,STAB,ST ECD 11/01/92 ROUTE 0669 PATTERSON DRIVE P.E. 2,000 TC: 73 0669-080-P ,N R/W 10,000 ID: 00000 FR: INT. RTE 607 CON 220,000 CONTRACT TO: INT. RTE 865 TOT 232,000 RS LENGTH: 0.6 MI. ESD 07/01/94 ( 2 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/94 ROUTE 0865 KING BROTHERS ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 51 0865-080-P ,N501 R/W 10,000 ID: 00000 FR:INT. RTE 669 CON 220,000 CONTRACT TO:FLOYD CO. LINE TOT 235,000 RS LENGTH:0.59 MI. ESD 08/01/97 ( 3 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/97 ROUTE 0744 ROCKY ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 87 0744-080-P ,N R/W 15,000 ID: 00000 FR: RT 607 CON 180,000 CONTRACT T0: 0.60 MI E RT 607 TOT 200,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.6 MI. E5D 08/01/97 ( 4 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/97 --------------------- 1.9 . Q . NORTB .~. c\ ~5 ~~o ~~ v ~ JSl.~ ~ ~O i 7 18- 16 X360 15 ~~\ ~ 16 32 59Ac ~ iz'Y 20(30Ac ~Sn dow y 7.2 .>> F¢' ~ a .:' 3 48:.c ~~a`~' 22.1 ,~. 23 ~ (v 4 • z .^• 22 ~z ~ z9a< 25 s°o '~,~~ ~al "26 ~'~pp ' ~• 3g 27 1•9N 8 ~ ~ arm 2389Ac '~'' 421 ,, .~. ~60J I;;vCt 16~^ 1h3 30 ~~ g a •~: 9 43 37 !28 2 6Gac ~•;. '' ID I SOAc ~ / 9 22Ac I OSAc ~ I .~s9 ~. ? r3~ I 29 ~oAc = ~ l,. 2 s 36 •_ to 0o Ac toy I 12 .. .. ~ 6 ;r 504Ac1C) 18 10 14\ z 30Ai rd » ,61' p lCCB ~ , -c ,• 6' ~'~,, 30.97 ~~ ~ R 100 Ac '% 34 I t58` 105 Ac 46 0 11pp ~ 34 6 33 3a ac ' X66 3 35 44 2a aeac lo) Route 0615 Webb Road BNGINBBRINO Curve Improvements: 0.10 Miles 49 4.29 vrcrNrrr~ ., , ~~ .~ NORTH .„ ~,, ..... ~•-r ~~ ~ S 4 • ` w w. r.~ ......~ - .. r ? w w. r r. i. ~. • .: 'Q .:. O .:. ~ v • ~F`~ ~ ~ - CROSSTIMBERS r, RT, 1438 ~ ~. ~ ~-~_._ ~ t ~ .:. S. ,. ~ .~. _. .: .:. .:. u. Q ~~P ~ RT ;; ~8 :' ~` r ,.. ,. •.. ,,,. 0~~ s. _ `~ ~ ' .:. =- w :. • . ~. Y ,~' ,p .;,- ~~y =- "" v (26.191 ,~ ~~ .: ^~ ~ i ~ ~• .. ~ *» :" . .. ..". . • . ! ~ ~ ,~ .t \ ~/~' .' ~ ~ ~ . . / ~ \.`. ~~ ~ / . \ ` M. r-• \~ '. ~ . .. \ . Z M ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ Route 628 BNGINBBRINO Woodhaven Road Curve Improvement SO _.___.__ .~.._...,_T~_._ .__._..._.. -- _---__..___-.__.._._______~._ .~._~__ 4.30 _' Route 1404 Timbervie~r Road ' BNGINBBRINO Reconstruction: 2.73 Miles 51 5. 14 _.~ ' J~ i_4M1L i; L 'r ~~ . -1_:J- NORTA ~ zs /~ ~1 ~ ,,,q F / • / _ ~ ,: w ' ~1 o / ~ .~ / 29 ~ ~ o~ Brooksi0e Durk j ~ i 3 `- ROBS I ~ '~ T IOA: '~~ ~ ~ '\ _ •' . ~ ' ~ ° ' 36 ~'~ -- - ~. w ~ ~ r * ~. ~~ ~ / ~ e ~1 -~ ~~ ~- -- / ~ 35~ - .,~ ~ ,. ~ ,~ 1 ~ ~, 34 ~~ ~ x 'A ~ , ' ` 33 ~'~ ~~ , ~~~ f 32 ~ ~ ~~~, ` ~ ~ \ • 31 r~~~ `oZ :171 ~s :~ ~ ~ ~ ter. / ~ 1 ~ ~: y ~ ~ ,~ o„ n ~.,~. R~ 186 ~ '' s ~~~ - ~'/ _. ti 1~ ti goo ~~ ao o `` o~ ~• Route 1867 Verndale Drive BNGINBBRINGi Bridge & Bridge Approaches 5.19 56 VICINITY 1KAP - _ .~,. - ~~ ~ ~ R T . \ Cswr to .art _ 7 ~~ ~rrN.vr ~~ ,+ 'I I C l V//~11flR~V VI b °1 -L '~ NORTB ....~ Route 0740 Carvins Cove Road BHGINBBRINO Curve Improvements: 0.20 Miles • 5.20 57 . ,. .. 4 NORTB .~, ,~ . ~ 43 at `~~ 02 ac ~~~~ °°p. o. 0'42 34 ` !~ ,•~ 26.83 Ac. ` . 41 ~ o 41.1 ~ ~' 5.37 Ac ' ~~ 8 o• ~ 39 •-r • •~ ~ I.0 Ac ~ 38 ~` . J,~ ; ~.. . ~,'~, a ;~,F3 36 SCp,. .~ 33 •~~'~ 66 Ac ` 1 ; 10 0 9 1 .' I IS.OAcfO) "~+a f ~' 10.12 AC fC) ' ~~,~ j ., ,. ~ II v .,, 32 ~~~ n I 0 Ac. ~oF~ 3) \ 0 12 • ~ I 0 Ac . ,?~ i v. I `. / ` '? ~ ` ., -Y ~,~°~, ` `I~ tea. ~. s5 Ac. ~ ~ ~• 30 ~~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ a .~~ 2.48 Ac. ~ ~ ~ r ~ •\ `~3O 29 ~ ` , ~ ~ .r .` 3 UOAc ~ ~'' t4 -' .~~~ 15 925AcIC) ~J~s '~-~ 468 Ac IC) :°a ~ .~ ,, ~. ~" . ' 1'i rs 0 Route 0635 Goodwin Avenue BNGrNBBRrNa Replace Bridge 5.21 . __ 58 yicrNrrr ~ 1 r M ' • . ~/ 6~5 ~.w 6~S .' VICINITY MAP NORTS . ~~ y 43 ac • 1~~ ~. jt~~~:. ~ :.\ 2 7~~ac ~ ~ 0 ? 4 ~~~~ J 8000. t '~~ a` 25 , 9~OQ 6~S 495 AciC) ~ . .. S~ 'Sis 8~pp 26. .' ,.• 9 ' ~'~ ' dnr s ,.L,-~~~ 3.9~ ac 4 _ ,A,4 ~ C » ~ ~ yid' . j ~ <~~1~ r~ 8 2s 12 Accd 23 ~~'' 23.32 Ac I 3225Ac1C) 2 3 30 :c •., _ r ' 29~. _ _P?O~ 3~ -.;, ~ , . ... ~. ^„ ~ ~n ~ I/ ' •~.~ ° 10 c -~- . ~ ------_'_--~ _ u ~ 3 ' "' actCl Route 614 Boones Chapel Road BNGINBBRINl3 Bridge and Bridge Approaches 5.22 59 ,• ...`' ` J_ NORTR .~~..^ _ ... r R t ~ Sc ,.. f. ,..,. a w c RI. 864 ,. • ~ .~ r• as 13 ~' r•~e 7 ,9. .,, ,~:: sO~Z - -- OUAc ~ II ..ra ~Ifl *. ~/ I ~.II Ac .~i ,~~ 31 .~ . aF g Ac `,1 ` ~~ Route 0699 Bendemeer Road BNGINBBRIN(3 Bridge and Bridge Approaches 60 5.23 22 °~~ 7.54 Ac ... ~ .. 1 _ o.oR . • ~ SALEM ~.. ~ -~ "WEp06 N/!1 EN V ' ,, ` C1D RY CLUB cov ~o Poor - -- - ~ ° ' - 1 i~ '~ !3 _ ~ t 1 Mr 1 VICINITY MAP "~ Q NORTH ^~...~^^ ~~ ~ c ~ ... ~i IkK ~za Iic1O ltd 2 9~ ~c1G s, ~ 1 lo~c 4 ,on~r pr~r• !13 r 1 OC K wJ e.s , V/0 66.02-1-3 ioi x 8.6 e.e 1' • 2~' °• e~ ~:~ J,O r ~ 0.4 d.l 219AC _ yr"" " _ ' 16 . 1 n t J i '° u0,r s.rs"~ 9 ~~ Apr ~ ~•• q.t3 At •• . ss: ~ °o~ I4 '' IS 1 1 S2 K ,~ s..,, ~ o N ~ ~.. \ 10!! ~c 24 .s ts~{. . ~~..i t{U A . ill. 1.~ ~. ' ~ 1 ~-J ~ _ wv iouro J Route 0693 Franklin Street BNGINBBRINO Reconstruction: 0.64 Miles 61 5.24 ~i __,,1~ J ~ ~~ \ Rt.63t ~ I ~1 ~ 0 I ~~i c, ap I \ ~O 00, • I 3. ~ ~: slaetol 3 I is n:~l(,- • .. 10 9c Ac I Se e~~ ~. / ,`` rJ. ~ ~ ~ / Q` 6 ]9 00 AC I ~SS2«c O O r •`~' 11 i ~a 4 ,y -- ~ S 43 ac y ~ s ,sF, r C,~4 3.OOAc ) ~. / k r Lon I ~ 10 isFC ..r~~ ~" 660 Ac ~ 101 . ~ 26 0o ac 9 1702 AC O) I T 13 45Ac Oi / 2817aC ~'Ohon • C~ee~ :. ~ W w ivy ~ ~ I / ~_i / / \ 8 Route 0637 - Bottom Creek Lane BNGIIYBBRIN(3 Bridge and Bridge Approaches -- 62 g.2S ti• VlC1NITYlKAP O -- SEA^NDaRY R~aD 1 ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,; ~~ ~ji ~;~ ~. ~i ~~ ,; Iii ~I ~i ~~ ~~ 01992 COUNTY 1998) ~/IRGINIA DEPARTMENT ^ F~ TRANSP^RTATI^N CSA~EM DISTRICT) SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANORE COUNTY TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Board of Supervisors Resolution - and Adoption Six Year Construction Plan.. •••••••••••••••••• " '1 Summary of Secondary Road•System•Construction Plan ..............2 Secondary Road System - Six Year Plan ....................2.1 County Wide Construction Category ...............................3 Rural Addition Priority List .............................3.1 Rural Addition Location Maps .............................3.3 Incidental Construction Category ................................4 Incidental Construction Location Maps ....................4.1 Numbered Projects Category ......................................5 Numbered Location ........................................5.3 Unpaved Road Projects ......................................6 Location Maps ............................................6.1 State Code Section ..............................................7 33.1-70.01. Annual meeting with county officers; six-year plan for county roads ....................................7.1 33.1-72.1. Taking certain streets into Secondary Road System ...................................................7.2 33.1-75.1. Special funds for systems in certain counties .................................................7.4 PREFACE The Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan is a planning document to allow for the planning and implementation of improvements to Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) delineated Secondary Roads as being those roads having Route Numbers beginning with 600 and extending to 2999. Roads with numbers less than 600 carry a Primary Highway Designation. Under Section 33.1-70.01 of the State Code the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan is to be revised every two years. In addition, each alternate year the Board of Supervisors review the allocation of funding for the various projects. In Roanoke County the plan is revised and funded on even numbered years and allocation of funding is revised in odd numbered years. Incidental Construction items are also revised in the odd number years. The attached information is the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for the period of 1992-1998. Roanoke County is responsible for working with the Virginia Department of Transportation to review the current Six Year Plan and consider additional requests or concerns that have been received during the past two years. The authority of the Board of Supervisors is in concurrence of the approved projects and the establishment of a relative priority of these projects. The Virginia Department of Transportation is responsible for developing the funding system to allocate funds to these projects in accordance to the priority established by the Board of Supervisors. The Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan is broken into three general areas, as follows: (a) Countywide Construction; includes miscellaneous yearly construction items, and also provides for funding for Rural Addition Roadways, (b) Incidental Construction; represents projects that will be completed within the fiscal year of the plan, which generally are either Plant Mix of roads for structural improvements or other minor improvements along existing secondary roads, (c) Numbered Projects: requires the majority of the funds for upgrade of Secondary Roads and includes improvement of Unpaved Secondary Roads. P II B L I C N O T I C E Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at its meeting on the 25th day of February, 1992, at the Roanoke County Administration Center in Roanoke, Virginia at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, will hold a public hearing on the following matter, to-wit: Establishment of the Six-Year Construction Plan for the secondary system of the State Highways for 1992-1998. All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. A copy of the proposed schedule referred to above is on file at the Residency Office, State Highway Department, 714 South Broad Street, Salem, Virginia, and the Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia where it is available for public inspection during regular business hours. 7Y) ~. Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PUBLISH IN THE ROANOKE TIMES AND WORLD NEWS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES Tuesday, February 4, 1992 Tuesday, February 18, 1992 BILL TO: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGI TIER ON LTUESDAY E MARCH 10 C01992 MINISTRATION CEN RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANORE COUNTY FOR THE PERIOD OF 1992-98 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board does hereby approve and adopt the Secondary System Six Year Construction Plan as set out on the attached summary and as reviewed and/or amended by the Board on March 10, 1992, in accordance with the provisions of Section 33.1-70.01, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; and 2. That a public hearing was held on February 25, 1992, to receive comments on the Secondary System Six Year Construction Plan for the period of 1992-98; and 3. That a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the Secondary System Six Year Construction Plan by the Clerk to the Board. ACTION ,~ ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 17, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Work Session to discuss revisions to the Secondary System, Six Year Construction Plan (1992-98) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Staff will meet with the two new Board Members in advance to familiarize them with the process and road needs. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance to Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Supervisors are required to revise the Secondary System, Six Year Construction Plan every two years. The County Staff and representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation are requesting a work session with the Board of Supervisors to review and provide comments to the proposed plan. The Board's January 28, 1982 meeting has been suggested as a date for the work session. The County must have the plan finalized and adopted for submittal to the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Richmond Office by April 1, 199'L• STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Supervisors schedule a work session for January 28, 1992. TIED BY: APPROVED BY: Arnold Covey, DiYector of Engineering & Inspec ions Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY: ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ESTIMATED ALLOCATIONS y~R ----------- -- NEW S.T. -------------- -- FEDERAL -------------- -- OTHER -------------- -- -------~T---- 1992-93 $159,052 $657,274 $1,417,520 $2,233,846 1993-94 $79,093 $627,465 $1,595,632 $2,302,190 1994-95 $143,000 $395,462 $1,753,500 $2,291,962 1995-96 $112,855 $500,000 $1,774,308 $2,387,163 1996-97 $308,416 $239,746 $1,962,934 $2,511,096 1997-98 $130,000 $0 $2,510,318 $2,640,318 -------------- TOTALS --- --------------- $932,416 ---------------- $2,419,947 -------- $11,014,212 $14,366,575 APPROVAL ------------------------------------------------- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE VDOT RESIDENT ENGINEER DATE ------------------------------------------------ (CHAIRMAN,CLERK,CO.ADMINISTRATOR, ETC.) DATE SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: - RESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I I LENGTH I COST -----------+-------------------- ROUTE 8000 P.E. 0 0 COUNTYWIDE ITEMS R/W CON 1,750,000 TOT 1,750,000 ( 0 ) ------+ ---------------+------------------------------ ROUTE 8000 P•E• 0 INCIDENTAL R/W 0 CONSTRUCTION CON 1,200,000 TOT 1,200,000 ~ 0 ) ---------- -- ------- ------------------- ROUTE 1006 STONEBRIDGE CIRCLE P.E. 0 TC: 125 1006-5 R/W ID: 00000 FR: RTE 1007 CON 5,900 CONTRACT T0: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 5,900 STATE LENGTH:0.11 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 1 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ----------------------------- ROUTE 1007 STONEBRIDGE DRIVE P.E. O TC: 655 1007-5 R/W ID: 00000 FR: RTE 24 CON 14,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 1008 TOT 14,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.19 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 2 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0659 HAYFIELD DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 1162 0659-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RTE 116 CON 5,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 811 TOT 5,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.11 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 3 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0659 HAYFIELD DRIVE P.E. 0 Tc: 902 0659-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RTE 811 CON 23,000 CONTRACT T0: RTE 666 TOT 23,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.55 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 4 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 0622 BRADSHAW ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 455 0622-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: 5.3 MI S. RT 914 CON 23,000 CONTRACT TO: 5.8 MI S. RT 914 TOT 23,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.50 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 5 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ----------------- ROUTE 0624 NEWPORT ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 601 0624-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 311 CON 21,000 CONTRACT TO: 0.50 MI. W 311 TOT 21,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.50 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 6 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 - ---------------------------- ROUTE 0651 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD P.E. O TC: 1603 0651-5 R/W ID: 00000 FR: RT 881 CON 5,100 CONTRACT TO: RT 880 TOT 5,100 STATE LENGTH: 0.50 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 7 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ----------------------------- ROUTE 0651 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD P.E. O TC: 1477 0651-5 R/W ID: 00000 FR: RT 880 CON 8,500 CONTRACT TO: RT 24 TOT ESD 8 500 07/0 /92 STATE LENGTH: 0.18 MI. ( 8 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 .2 COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: "L RESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I LENGTH I I ~osT ROUTE 1907 CHARNWOOD CIRCLE R~W• 0 TC: 85 ID: 00000 1907-5 FR: RT 1876 CON 7,000 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 7,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.09 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 9 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 -----------+ ROUTE 1908 GROVE LANE ' TC: 28 1908-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1876 CON 4,000 CONTRACT STATE T0: CUL-DE-SAC LENGTH: 0.05 MI. TOT ESD 4,000 07/01/92 ( 10 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 P E 0 ROUTE 1908 GROVE LANE • • R/W 0 TC: 184 1908-5 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1876 CON 8,000 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC TOT 8,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 11 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 1876 SIERRA DRIVE R W' TC: 14 1876-5 A 0 ID: 00000 FR: NCL ROANOKE CON 4,000 CONTRACT TO: RT 1908 TOT 4,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.04 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 12 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 0 ROUTE 1876 SIERRA DRIVE P.E. TC: 510 1876-5 R/W 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1908 ~ CON 9,000 CONTRACT T0: 1907 TOT 9,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.12 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 13 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 -----------------------+ ----- ROUTE 1876 SIERRA DRIVE R W' TC: 595 1876-5 A 0 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1907 CON 5,000 CONTRACT STATE T0: RT 1849 LENGTH: 0.06 MI. TOT ESD 5,000 07/01/92 ( 14 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 ROUTE 1517 HEREFORD ROAD P•E• 0 0 TC: 266 1517-5 R/W ID: 00000 FR: RT 702 CON 11,000 CONTRACT TO: RT 1358 TOT 11,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.15 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 15 ) PLANT MIX ECD 10/01/92 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 0639 HARBORWOOD ROAD P.E. 3,000 TC: 586 0639-5 R/W 3,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.04 MI N RT 882 CON 29,000 CONTRACT T0:0.05 MI N RT 882 TOT 35,000 STATE LENGTH:0.10 MI. ESD 09/01/92 ( 16 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 11/01/92 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 0689 ROSELAWN ROAD P.E. 2,000 TC: 415 0689-5 R/W 3,000 ID: 00000 FR: RT 1668 CON 20,000 CONTRACT TO: 0.03 MI N 1668 TOT 25,000 STATE LENGTH:0.03 MI ESD 09/01/92 ( 17 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 11/01/92 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 0639 HARBORWOOD ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 139 0639-5 R/W ID: FR:0.35 MI S 737 CoN 20,000 STATE FORCE T0:0.54 MI S 737 TOT ESD 20,000 08/01/92 STATE LENGTH: 0.19 MI. ( 18 ) SPOT IMPROVEMENT ECD 12/01/92 ---------+ 1.3 JL..vi1L e~[li -~=J1L'a°'~ COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 3 RESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM ____+_ ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED LENGTH I COST I I ' ~ ROUTE 0624 NEWPORT ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 601 0624-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 311 CON 30,000 STATE FORCE T0: MONTGOMENRY CL TOT 30,000 STATE SPOT IMPROVEMENTS ESD 07/01/92 ( 19 ) CURVE WIDENING ECD 06/30/93 _____________________________~ ROUTE 0605 SANDERSON DRIVE P.E. 10,000 TC: 1218 0605-080-193,C501 R/W 42,000 ID: 7590 FR:INT. RTE 627 CON 115,149 CONTRACT T0:0.20 MI. N RT 627 TOT 167,149 RS LENGTH:0.20 MI. ESD 08/11/92 ( 20 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/30/93 ____________________________+ ROUTE 0639 WEST RIVER ROAD P.E. 15,000 TC: 511 0639-080-201,C501 R/W 35,901 ID: 612 FR:0.30 MI. S.RT 11 CON 300,000 CONTRACT TORTE 649 TOT 350,901 RS LENGTH:0.33 MI. ESD 01/01/92 ( 21 } RECONSTRUCT(INC D673 ECD 03/01/92 ---------------------------+ ROUTE 0613 MERRIMAN ROAD P.E. 42,500 TC: 4267 0613-080-226,C501 R/W 238,675 ID: 3709 FR:RTE 1640 CON 422,520 CONTRACT TORTE 1682 TOT 703,695 STATE LENGTH:0.39 MI. ESD 10/07/92 ( 22 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/01/93 ________________________+ +------ ROUTE 0615 STARLIGHT LANE P.E. 8,000 TC: 157 0615-080-230,M501 R/W 5,000 ID: 3669 FR:0.95 MI.S RT 613 coN 25,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO BRIDGE TOT 38,000 STATE OVER BACK CREEK(B651 ESD 01/07/93 ( 23 ) RECONSTRUCTION__-__-+ECD 06/30/93 ---------------------+ ROUTE 0615 STARLIGHT LANE P.E. 13,000 TC: 157 0615-080-230,B671 R/W 1,000 ID: 3669 BRIDGE OVER CON 150,000 CONTRACT BACK CREEK TOT 164,000 STATE STRUCTURE NO. 6021 ESD 01/07/93 ( 23 ) RECONSTRUCTION_---_-+ECD 06/30/93 -----------------------------i ROUTE 1658*CRESTHII,L DRIVE P.E. 2,000+ TC: 1911 1658-080-223,C R/W 5,00000 ID: 6413 FR:INT 1664 CoN 25,0 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO BRIDGE TOT 32,000 STATE OVER MUD LICK CREEK ESD 10/01/93 ( 24 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 05/31/94 -----------------------------; ROUTE 1658 CRESTHILL DRIVE P.E. 15,000 TC: 1911 1658-080-223,D667 R/W 5,000 ID: 6413 FR:INT RT 1664 CON 90,000 CONTRACT BRIDGE OVER TOT 110,000 STATE MUD LICK CREEK ESD 10/01/93 ( 24 ) RECONSTRUCTION---_-_+ECD----05/31/94 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 0668 YELLOW MOUNTAIN ROAD P.E. 30,000 TC: 2230 0668-080-229,C501 R/W ?5,000 ID: 3668 FR:0.10 MI. N RT 667 CON 480,000 CONTRACT TORT 220 TOT 585,000 RS LENGTH:0.97 MZ. ESD 07/01/93 ( 25 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 05/01/94 -------------------i ROUTE 0636 GLADE CREEK ROAD P.E. 30,000 ~ TC: 367 0636-080- ,C R/W 90,000 ID: 6411 FR:0.05 MI.E RT 703 CON 500,000 CONTRACT TO:BOTETOURT CO.LINE TOT 620 000 STATE LENGTH:0.30 MI. ESD 07/01/93 I ( 26 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/93 -----------------------------+ 1.4 S&.;~N~ARY S~iS:EM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 4 RESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I LENGTH I COST I I ROUTE 0670 LOST MOUNTAIN ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 95 0670-080- ,B R/W 5,000 ID: 6415 FR:0.20 MI.S RT 694 CON 90,000 CONTRACT REPLACE EXIST. LOW .TOT 100,000 STATE WATER BRIDGE WITH ESD 12/01/93 ( 27 ) SLAB SPAN BRIDGE ECD 06/30/94 ROUTE 0633 BENOIS ROAD P.E. 22,000 TC: 763 0633-080-237,0501 R/W 67,500 ID: 3675 FR:RTE 904 CON 270,500 CONTRACT T0:0.35 MI.S RT 904 TOT 360,000 STATE LENGTH:0.35 MI. ESD 07/01/94 ( 28 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/94 -----+ ------------------------ ROUTE 1602 BUNKER HILL DRIVE P.E. 27,000 TC: 500 1602-080-248,0501 R/W 18,000 ID: 6410 FR:INT. RTE 221 CON 90,000 CONTRACT TO:INT. RTE 682 TOT 135,000 STATE LENGTH:0.18 MI. ESD 02/01/94 ( 29 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 08/01/94 -------+ ROUTE 0720 COLONIAL AVENUE P.E. 3,000 Tc: 9313 0720-080- ,c R/W 2,000 ID: 6416 FR:0.20 MI.SW RT 419 CON 66,462 CONTRACT CURVE IMPROVEMENT TOT 71,462 RS 30 ) LENGTH:0.01 MI. ESD 03/01/94 ( ECD 08/01/94 ROUTE 0780 COVE ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 2757 0780-080- ,C R/W 10,000 ID: 6414 FR:0.15 MI.NCL RKE CON 105,000 CONTRACT TO:0.10 MI.N RT 1724 TOT 120,000 STATE LENGTH:0.28 MI. ESD 04/01/94 ( 31 ) DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT ECD 08/01/94 --------+ ROUTE 1404 TIMBERVIEW ROAD P.E. 10,000 TC: 300 1404-080- ,N501 R/W 60,000 ID: 0000 FR:INT. RTE 863 CON 600,000 CONTRACT TO:1.0 MI. N. RT 863 TO? 670,000 STATE LENGTH: 1.0 MI. ESD 07/01/94 ( 32 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/94 ------------------------y ROUTE 0912 ABSALON SMITH RD P.E. O TC: 182 0912-5 R/W ID: FR: RTE 311 CON 36,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 740 TOT 36,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.90 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 33 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 -------------------------+ ROUTE 1366 BUCKINGHAM DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 232 1366-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: RTE 1365 CON 17,500 CONTRACT TO: 0.60 MI W 1363 TOT 17,500 STATE LENGTH:0.26 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 34 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1366+BUCKINGHAM DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 163 1366-5 R/W 0 ID: FR: 0.60 MI w 1363 CoN 12,500 CONTRACT TO: SCL ROANOKE TOT 12,500 STATE LENGTH: 0.28 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 35 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 -----------------------+ ROUTE 1836 BELLE HAVEN ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 695 1836-5 R/W 0 ID: FR:RTE 1832 CON 17,000 CONTRACT TORTE 1894 TOT 17,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.40 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 36 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 I.5 :~c.~.:~tv~A.~2Y JYSiGl"1 COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: 5 RESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM _____________, ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I I LENGTH I I COST + ------------------------------+ ROUTE 1825 NEWLAND ROAD RAW' 0 TC: 121 1825-5 ID: FR: RTE 117 CON 9,000 CONTRACT TO: DEAD END TOT ESD 9,000 07/01/93 STATE LENGTH: 0.22 MI. . ECD 11/01/93 ( 37 ) + -----------------------------4 PLANT MIX +- --------------------+-------------- ROUTE 1849 ANCHOR DRIVE P'E' 0 0 TC: 775 ID: 1849-5 FR: RTE 1851 R/W CON 13,500 CONTRACT T0: 0.05 MI W 838 TOT ESD 13,500 07/01/93 STATE LENGTH: 0.30 MI ECD 11/01/93 ( 38 ) PLANT MIX +--------------------+------ -------- ------------------------+ ROUTE 1849 ANCHOR DRIVE R~W• 0 0 TC: 1057 ID: 1849-5 FR: 0.05 MI W 838 CON 4,500 CONTRACT T0: RTE 1876 TOT ESD 4,500 07/01/93 STATE LENGTH: 0.06 MI. ECD 11/01/93 ( 39 ) PLANT MIX --+--------------------+------ -----------------------------, +- -------- ROUTE 1850 PALMYRA DRIVE P.E. 0 0 TC: 132 ID: 1850-5 FR: RTE 1843 R/W CON 7,500 CONTRACT TO: RTE 838 TOT ESD 7,500 07/01/93 ~ STATE LENGTH: 0.16 MI. ECD 11/01/93 ( 40 ) PLANT MIX ROUTE 0838 THORNROSE ROAD R~W• 0 TC: 495 ID: 0838-5 FR: RTE 1851 CON 13,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 1847 TOT ESD 13,000 07/01/93 i STATE LENGTH: 0.29 MI. ECD 11/01/93 ~ : ( 41 ) PLANT MIX ------------- 0 + ---------------- ROUTE 1843 DARBY ROAD P•E• 0 TC: 190 ID: 1843-5 FR: RTE 1851 R/W CON 5,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 1849 10 MI 0 H TOT ESD 5,000 07/01/93 STATE ( 42 ) . . : LENGT PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1843 DARBY ROAD RAW' 0 TC: 615 ID: 1843-5 FR: RTE 1849 CON 6,000 CONTRACT TE ST TO: RTE 1847 LENGTH: 0.11 MI. TOT ESD 6,000 07/01/93 ( 43 ) PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1848 FAIRHURST DRIVE R~W• 0 TC: 180 ID; 1848-5 FR: RTE 1843 CON 15,000 CONTRACT TO: CUL-DE-SAC 21 MI 0 TH TOT ESD 15,000 07/01/93 STATE { 44 ) . . : LENG PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ROUTE 1847 FENWICK DRIVE Raw' 0 TC: 350 ID: 1847-5 FR: RTE 1876 CON 16,000 CONTRACT TO: RTE 1843 23 MI 0 TOT ESD 16,000 07/01/93 STATE { 45 ) . . LENGTH: PLANT MIX ECD 11/01/93 ------------- 0 ------- ROUTE 0612 MARIE DRIVE P.E. 0 TC: 130 ID: 0612-5 FR: 0.4 MI E RT 788 R/W CON 20,000 CONTRACT TO: 0.5 MI E RT 788 TOT SD 20 000 07/0 /93 STATE ( 46 ) LENGTH: 0.10 MI. CURVE IMPROVEMENT E ECD 12/01/93 -------------- --------------- 1.6 SECONDARY SYSTEM COUNTY ROANOKE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: b RESIDENCY SALEM (In Dollars) DISTRICT SALEM ____+ ROUTE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED I LENGTH I COST I ROUTE 0644 COUNTYLINE ROAD P.E. 0 TC: 59 0644-5 R/W ID: FR:0.08 MI S RT 669 CON 30,000 CONTRACT TO: 0.15 MI S RT 669 TOT 30,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. ESD 07/01/93 ( 47 ) CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 12/01/93 ---------------------+ ROUTE 0666 BANDY ROAD P.E. O Tc: 259 0666-5 R/W ID: FR: AT INT. RT 721 CON 27,500 STATE FORCE LENGTH: 0.10 MI. TOT 27,500 STATE CURVE IMPROVEMENT ECD 012/01/93 ( 48 ) --+ ROUTE 0628 WOODHAVEN ROAD P.E. 32,649 TC: 2263 0628-080-232,C501 R/W 90,000 ID: 3674 FR:0.14 MI W RT 1438 CON 775,000 CONTRACT TO: RT 1542 TOT 897,649 STATE LENGTH: 0.48 MI. ESD 10/01/92 ( 49 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/01/93 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 0601 HOLLINS ROAD P.E. 295,183 TC: 3596 0601-080-233,C501 R/W 438,028 ID: 3672 FR:0.59 MI.S RT 627 CON 1,280,000 CONTRACT TO:NCL ROANOKE TOT 2,013,211 RS LENGTH: 1.60 MI. ESD 06/07/95 ( 50 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/95 -----------------------------; ROUTE 0623 FLORIST ROAD P.E. 10,000 TC: 5164 0623-080-231,C501 R/W 22,500 ID: 3670 FR:INT. RTE 11 CON 800,000 CONTRACT TO:INT RTE 1867 TOT 832,500 STATE LENGTH:0.25 MI. ESD 07/08/96 ( 51 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 12/01/96 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 0628 WOODHAVEN ROAD P.E. 10,000 TC: 2263 0628-080-232,C502 R/W 180,000 ID: 3671 FR: RT 117 CON 495,000 CONTRACT T0:0.15 MI W RT 1831 TOT 685,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.31 MI. ESD 10/01/95 ( 52 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 07/01/96 ROUTE 1835 ARDMORE DRIVE P.E. 10,000 TC: 0 1835-080- ,C501 R/W 15,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.11 MI RT 1834 CON 30,000 CONTRACT LENGTH: 0.0.05 MI ?O? 55,000 STATE APPROACHES TO BRIDGE ESD 07/01/95 ( 53 ) OVER TINKER CREEK ECD 12/01/95 -----------------------------+ ROUTE 1835 ARDMORE DRIVE P.E. 10,000 TC: 0 1835-080- ,B R/W 10,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.11 MI RT 1834 CON 80,000 CONTRACT STRUCTURE 6127 TOT 100,000 STATE BRIDGE OVER TINKER ESD 07/01/95 ( 53 ) CREEK ECD 12/01/95 ---------------------+ ROUTE 1861 CLEARWATER AVENUE P.E. 5,000 TC: 739 1861-080- ,C R/W 5,000 ID: 00000 FR: 0.05 MI. RT 1862 CON 30,000 CONTRACT APPROACHES TO BRIDGE TOT 40,000 STATE OVER TINKER CREEK ESD 07/01/95 ( 54 ) LENGTH:0.05 MI. ECD 10/01/95 ----------------+ ROUTE 1861 CLEARWATER AVENUE P.E. 10,000 TC: 739 1861-080- ,B R/W 5,000 ID: 00000 FR:0.05 MI. RT 1862 CON 60,000 CONTRACT REPLACE STRUCTURE TOT 75,000 STATE 6287 OVER TINKER ESD 07/01/95 ( 54 ) CREEK ECD 10/01/95 1.7 SECONDARY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page: ~ COUNTY ROANOKE (In Dollars) RESIDENCY SALEM DISTRICT SALEM __ +------------------------------+ ----+-----COST------ -----------+---------------- I ROUTE D~LENGTH N E-'TIMATED I ROUTE 0897 CRYSTAL CREEK ROAD P.E. 169,939 TC: 605 0897-080-200,C502 R/W 191,409 ID: 3678 FR:RTE 1726 CON 978,000 CONTRACT TORTE 613 TOT 1,339,348 STATE LENGTH:0.77 MI. ESD 07/01/98 ( 55 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 06/O1/99+______________________________+ ROUTE 0915 COX HOPKINS ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 70 0915-080-P ,N501 R/W 15,000 ID: FR:INT. RTE 668 CON 150,000 HIRED EQUIP T0:0.25 MI. N. 668 TOT 170,000 STATE LENGTH:0.25 MI. ESD 07/01/92 ( 1 ) WIDEN,GR,DR,STAB,ST ECD----11/O1/92+______________________________+ ROUTE 0669 PATTERSON DRIVE P.E. 2,000 TC: 73 0669-080-P ,N R/W 10,000 ID: 00000 FR: INT. RTE 607 CON 180,000 CONTRACT TO: INT. RTE 865 TOT 192,000 RS LENGTH: 0.6 MI. ESD 07/01/94 ( 2 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/94 _______+ ROUTE 0691 DAWNWOOD ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 56 0691-080-P47,N501 R/W 20,000 ID: 6409 FR:0.55 MI S RT 732 CON 180,000 CONTRACT T0:1.14 MI S RT 732 TOT 205,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.59 MI. ESD 07/01/96 3 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 10/01/96 ______+ ROUTE 0865 KING BROTHERS ROAD P.E. 2,000 TC: 51 0865-080-P ,N501 R/W 10,000 ID: 00000 FR:INT. RTE 669 CON 180,000 CONTRACT TO:FLOYD CO. LINE TOT 192,000 RS( LENGTH:0.59 MI. ESD 08/01/97 4 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/97 -_-_____+ ROUTE 0744 ROCKY ROAD P.E. 5,000 TC: 87 0744-080-P ,N R/W 15,000 ID: 00000 FR: RT 607 CON 180,000 CONTRACT T0: 0.60 MI E RT 607 TOT 200,000 STATE LENGTH: 0.6 MI. ESD 08/01/97 ( 5 ) RECONSTRUCTION ECD 11/01/97 -----_______+ 1.8 SIIMMARY OF THE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANORE COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-98 Sheets 2.1 to 2.8 present a summary of all projects on the approved Construction Plan for FY 1992-98. This summary includes project name, priority, description, cost estimates and projected funding for FY 92-93. Refer to Section 3 Countywide Construction Category, Section 4 Incidental Construction Category, Section 5 Numbered Projects Category and Section 6 Unpaved Road Project Category for additional information and location maps. The Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan is normally presented to the Board of Supervisors during February of each year. Part of the approval process includes a public hearing to receive input from the general public. County staff and VDOT staff begin to accumulate information on problems areas, citizens request, and safety and economic needs developed over the past two years. Based on the current Six Year Plan and these new needs a preliminary plan and cost estimate is prepared. After further meetings the plan is revised to match with the available funds for the planning period. The preliminary plan is presented to the Board of Supervisors at the public hearing so that the Board can consider both planning by the staff, and public input. Between two and four weeks after the pubic hearing staff will present to the Board of Supervisors the proposed Six Year Construction Plan for final consideration. The proposed plan presented or as revised by the Board of Supervisors would then be adopted. After receipt of the Resolution approving the Six Year Construction Plan, the Virginia Department of Transportation, Resident Engineer then executes the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan. 2 T. '' T _ "!. V I. ~.. 1 I } I s r ~ a ++ .Lr F J tr J f. 1 T T _ r. - z. !_ ~ i Y -~ F i ~. ` x ~ m s a n m 2 ' I- J1 V ... ~ 11 J. T !. :~ O -' y F z O Y F Y Y - i i s Z _- ~ T. F F z ,~ o j L 3 l N a ~ m ~ O z a. 1 H T .. c.. -. J _. ~- J - T _ ~ ..: - " - J ~ f.. - _ - .~ y _ _ ~ .. y 7 ^J ~ ~ 7 1I ~7 '' _ ~ T ~ ~.'1 I } f. x o z ++ y ~ :~ ... F 1 - -. t F- T .Ji ^ -z. +~ -. o ~_ ~ Y S J +~ F. [- F J f. y T. L r +~ J T Y .~ 4-~ J .. C l-~ F z n tai J ~ .Z. z I.. J Y J h- 1 :. ~ n 1 0 T. I GJ :~ _ F ~ s ^ < ^ 1 Y Z. yi O O 1 n i ^ I i i _ ~ '> 7 ~ ~ _ - ~ 'J 7 -~ 7 ~i 7 + 1 _ N -.. [~ t. '~ ~ _ 7 - 1 -. - J i .~ z y ~ ~ ~ i _ ,a I Y ~ ~ ~ Z J I Z Z ~ J _ Z i_ n y < .~ x o :v _ F J Z F L E F S v- .. F i .. - r _. +1 .. " _ _. I it i li .. 'J T. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ 3 1 I ~ _ _ _ S - _ ~ .. p% o c o .~ o o __ = ' t o i 0 '' m :~ x o _ 1 _ 1 ~ .e J J .. ^ z _ _ _ ' _ _ ~' _ - ~ u F I 2' T. J 1 .. x L F :~ J _ _ ~- - n T ^ w J.' 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L iH G F ~ T .J r f -. T O < _. s F- f- 4 F J .Tr s v t t a .. W ~ Z I w - z ~ ~ ,. v ~ ~ z I J ~ 7 Y ~ S i ; x I _ /1 ~ U W I ; < G I ~ _ .: '~ it I, e- y ~; - z O yy z 1 z. o U 1 F Z S Y Z ~ Z F `~ 1 I r ~ ~ F' 'r L ~ < r ~ Z Y~ p.. U ~.. - W I F < > of I F I << ' U ~ n - .. ~ Z - t N ! n IrTi 1+ .. G .. 5 O 1 U ~ Z I Y ~ S 3 r 7 _y F I z _ z - n Y I m 1 :J 1 r. n x I O < .Y F 1 W 1 U 1 Y -+ _ I C H - Y n Y J _ - J E- ~ ~ c_ Y __ > F _ - J Y F 1 F Z '.7 :.7 1 11 I I 7 _ W ~. I G i ~ W a O l y I m s J W z 7 r. .: n j n z r. y ~. z :1 y _ y x y i ~ 1 y _ e _~ n J z ~ ~ F ~. _ n ~ 2 N 1 W 1 y 1 U F ~ ~ -~ y` ~ x ~ Y n Y 7 I . I < ~ l y ~ " - ~~ I ^~ z '" ; Y o m ~ O~ I x 1 i ~. J ~ _ I 1 i it ., O < 1 I I I I 1 i 7 O. '~ 1 1 I I ;J ~ I ~ I .. .. I 1 .. .. .. I I .. I I I I I .. .. ?~ .. I .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. I I .. . I I . I .. I I J~ 1 i i ~ i ~ ~ n a W z '~ N °' > I I vi I ~ ~~ ` O ` ~ ~ I ~ z ~ i 1 L ~. ~ I I I I ~ I I ~ ~ 1 .. .. ~ I I I .. . I I . I .. .. .. 1 I I 1 .. .. .. .. I I ~ .. .. I .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. Y W .. m .. .. ~ .. I I I ; I I ~ I i I i a J I ~ T i ~ J I x F - I O < ~ ~ W I.. z J '' - y z m Y ' ~ ~ s ~ -. J ~~ . ,z Y b Y < W 7 - - ~ _ 1 F ~ _ Y G S i ~ :. ~ J W I F W .7 L ~ U I W W is it f y .. ~ s W F . .. i n H ; r F z F < ^ !~ F ~ .. ~ ! - ~ Y ^ 2 ;~ = o r s~ < I z I ~- x F s i m z i L ~ i~ a c I m z m ~ I` 1 F < a 1 < a i m s i :i :.i 1 o I < '° :: 1 J . ~~ 4 ~ J ,..1 I :G I ~ '1 I F I :J +) Y J _. I I U I I y m ~ I I ~ I ,~ i = I I I I I I 1 ~~ i ~ .i I ~ 'L 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I .. I .. I .. .. .. .. . I .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. I N z O F :J z r P `J I ~ i T i i = ~ r 1 n n a I 1 a O i F C _ 1 Y n a _~ a m ~ r. J L y ^ 1 7 7 7 1 7 J .1 V j z m T 1 F iJ .l J v y z r n :~ L i o Z ~ -• 7 F S ~ :J H i Y vl z ~. z z :! F ~' +l :.1 Y +~ ~ f. J Y it ~ F t. 1 ^ 1 ~1 1 ~~ 1 .. .. ',i .. 1 .. .. .. 1 1 N I f H J i 4i Y 1 '.] ') J Y Y ~~ i z y ~ ~_ :, L F y f- ~ U '-] J Y O z .. ~ f-. i _ 'L J i~ < .al 1 F- ^'1 v 7 O s m a z t - ~ z ~ ~ T m y 'I. m I ~~ v S f~ .. 't. O u ~ .~ F ~ :.1 i i y N COUNTYWIDE CONSTRUCTION CATEGORY SECONDARY SYSTEM SI% YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1992-1998 Countywide Construction includes the following items: (a) traffic services, including fabrication and installation of road signs and providing pavement markings, (b) pipe installations at private entrances, (c) survey and preliminary engineering for projects under consideration or that maybe considered in the near future, (d) fertilization and seeding, which may be required due to maintenance needs or unusual weather conditions, and (e) Rural Addition Roads, which include upgrade of the Rural Addition Priority List as approved by the Board of Supervisors. The projected funding level for the Six Year period for Countywide Construction is $ 1,750,000, with a yearly allocation of $ 250,000. Of this $250,000, the Rural Addition Program is allocated approximately $86,000. The most recent Rural Addition Priority List approved by the Roanoke County Board Supervisors is shown on sheets 3.1 and 3.2 with location maps on sheets 3.3 thru 3.24. The listing shown for Rural Addition is the relative priority of the projects, subject to acquisition of easements and right-of-way and resolution of construction and funding concerns. ATTACHMENT "A" RURAL ADDITION PRIORITY LIST 1992-94 ROAD (1) Bushdale Rd. DISTANCE FAMILIES SERVED 1100' 7 PROBLEMS ESTIMATED SEEN COST Right of Way & Drainage $ 120,000 Easements Required Possible New Location 20$ Grade S 50,000 Right of Way Required Drainage Easement Required $ 50,000 Property Owner Participation Possible Damage Two Houses $ 150,000 Coordination with CDBG Project Right of Ways & Drainage $ 100,000 Required Significant Grading Create Steep Driveways Right of Way & Drainage $ 50,000 Easement Required Houses Close to Road Right of Way & Drainage $ 60,000 Easement Required Significant Property Damage Drainage Problems S 120,000 Walls in Right of Way Speculative Interest Right of Way & Drainage $ 50,000 Easement Required Speculative Interest Drainage Easement $ 170,000 Required Speculative Interest 18$ Grade $ 80,000 Speculative Interest Right of Way & Drainage $ 20,000 Easement Required Right of Way & Drainage $ 60,000 Easements Required. turn around area may be a problem. Private Property damage (2) Chester Dr. 300' 3 {3) Camney Ln. 700' 4 (4) Washington Rd. 600' 3 (5) Sagewood Cir. 1100' S (6) Marigold Cir. 500' 7 (7) Cabin Creek Dr. 500' 6 (8) Lawyer Dr. 1600' 8 (9) Autumn Dr. 700' 3 (10) Bluebird Ln. 3400' 9 (11) Creekside Dr. 1100' 3 (12) Artrip Ln. 300' 4 (13) Smokey Ridge Rd. 800' 6 3.1 DISTANCE FAMILIES PROBLEMS ESTIMATED ROAD SERVED SEEN COST (14) Indian Hill Rd. Susquehanna Range 1300' 4 Right of Way & Drainage $ 105,000 Easements Required. Speculative Interest (15) Hemlock Ave. 1500' S Right of Way & Drainage $ 150,000 Easements Required. Significant Private Property Damage (16) Raintree Dr. 2600' 15 Right of Way & Drainage ' $ 325,000 d Easements Req Adjacent to Parkway (17) Chestnut Mtn. 500' 6 Right of Way & Drainage $ 37,500 Cir. Easements Req'd (18) Southview Dr. 800' S Right of Way & Drainage $ 80,000 Easements Req'd (19) Williams Ave. 300' 6 Right of Way & Drainage ' $ 22,500 d Easements Req (20) Lucado St. 700' S Right of Way & Drainage $ 87,500 (21) Penwood Dr. 900' 7 188 Grade $ 90,000 Right of Way & Drainage Easements Required Significant Grading (22) Futurama Dr. 900' 11 Right of Way & Drainage $ 60,000 Easement Required Significant Property Damage Improvements on Bandy Road Required 3.2 NORTIY ~ ~-- ~ ~ ~ `~ ~.r , , ~~ Ji i~ ._ ~9. ~ ~ q --r ~~ i x ~~i~ _ ~~ ~!---~---~--__j~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' ~~~2 ~~.e ~ ~ 3 ~ 6' ~~ .~ .~~ ~ __ I_._. ;~ //\ ~~ , - - /rte 591 EAR 6~'. 62 ~ ~ •• ~ ~~. ~~ i9 / ~ 9 ~~ X ~, V \ ~: i ~ 'a ~g 5 r~ .8. ~, 20 ~ z5 ~~ ~ , 6 ~ ~~ ~N ~ `~ ~~~`~--relocated ~ a ~ ~9 ~ o~~ ~ ~„q,,,,o zz ~ a ~' =~~',~ alignm`~nt ~ ~~a' . ~ ~ ~ zo °a _. /i~ 'p ~ ~ `~ ~ 22 _ Z ~. o~ ~~ ~ \% i 1J _ ~ 23 53. 87~ ~ 3~ ..i .,p q~ 87 ~ ~ "'4 ~., 1 ~ -, -. 2 5 ~ •, 26 88 \1 07 ` 6BZ =p 594c _i 1 i 29 o z a~ c ~ 49 68 .~ ~~ ~O ~ .. i 179.03) ~~ BNGINBBRING FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION 3.3 BUSHDALE ROAD ~ NORTB i ~~ ~~ ~ // % ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ,~ ~ A / E ` 4 ..i 5 / ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ., 4 .~ ,__._ ,= V ~ ~~~ \ Qo~~~ ~ a D _ e~~t ~ \ ^/ ~ z 3 ~ V ~ ~ -. ~ 6 J, ' \ ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ r SV ~ ~, ~ \ ~ ~\ 2' ~ 1 '` ~ c ~, 8 \\ ~'_ ~/ ;- ~ ,~ ~ r, , .~-- ~~~~ ~ r~~ r ` % \ y it '2~ i i ~ \ a~ ,. 5 ~~ \. i6 ~` e ~ '~ ~ 2 ~ ~~'. 12 ~ i5 -1Z._--~1_ ~-r ~~ BN(iINBBRIN~s` FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION CHESTER DRIVE 2 3.4 NORTII „~P B~~f ~ ~ ~~' 4 000 0' ~~y coG' ., 2.1 . ~ '• t, ~ 10 II I I ,,, .~ 9 ,pt, ~ 14SAG )2 7 : t 8 334 6/0 gyp' 2.12 Ac. ~~ 6 ,, "o 5 534 , Mountain "Z 16 ,. s 13 ~ ~ -~ G,~,ps~nv~ ~~ ~ 69 i SiAc. ~ ' 16 ~+ 70 149 Ac Taws o/ Vinlw~ ? w • 144 4c D) 72 5?S 71 Q 14 S 84 Ac lC) 1 ~ 7 q SI. ' t 141~Ac ,. .6 ~ ~c~' ,, X62 I7 ~ 0 163 3 60 Ac. C' - M '~ ~ 78 IS 'b -77 IOAc(D1 °~~ 67 GC LIOAc(C) 9~s 18 Town of VrnRn .l,~j~ o~ (,+N d 67 906 M 66 20 ; ~ ~ 4 6 9ti . 6S .. i +21` T9 ~ •- "t IsaoAclo~ 4 64 h b s i 4 15 .ac 1 C p A~ ~ \p b ~ 63 `h -\p~3 ~0 3 (61.04) J 62 d+p`24 ~~ . _. M1 _ s ,~ ~ _ BNGINSBRINa - FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION CAMNEY LANE 3 3.5 NORTB u"1z~W° I /`~~ / ~ 15\ r ~ "f4 / '0 I6 \ ~ ~ ~• 4 v a g• 13• ~~ \38 0 ~\ •o ti' • t ~ b39 \ ~ 21 i ~ti ~ / t ~ r0 • 'o . zss s• 4~ . ~ s u 36• sf. u• 7 9 N I ~2~ X4.5 '4 ' s ,. \ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ' ~~' NO • ~e ~. ~ . i • • s 34 24 ° • p • . • S 6 s ~. \ ~ ~a 25 K' ` . 4 5 • 48 4 ~ •ia\ ~ oz ~~ 49 • • a \ • 2 9 ~ • is • ii 5 51 r B~ 31 , \ a° ZT N~ a ,e'p 52 ~,• ~ „ ~ 53 ; . a 58 a.. .o S~. O 28 • is s s, t ii a \5T ~ ~ ~`~ ro \ ~ e ~ ~~ ,~o<~ ~p ~ eaar/y sefioa/ 9oorC ~ ~ ~ o0 oI RoaiwAw Caarlr 2 00 .P ~ 59 ~ o• 4.50 Ac lDl 212Ae ~ s , ~ 60 , ° 2.38 At lCI 61 , °." .• \ b2 r ••' `c , C~ ~~ ?S \ 64 ~P \ • N ~~ o A \ E /' ~Q .L qe • ~ 7 `•Y ~ \ ~ 9 *'° I s '65 ~ \ ~ 13 ~ 14 GmNbrr ~ 1.03At `b IS S~ a...,...w. a I I •'•~ \~ ..TJ 16 II n5 _ Q 37Ae 6 18 al • r1i •1'' ~ Guall Valley ConAominwma ~~., ~ See Map 87.08 Insert"A" (87,08) ~ • ~,~.I ~_, I /8\ 1"^an' - BNGINBBRING ~ ~ FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION idASHINGTON ROAD 4 3.6 / J`~ 1 .`.:w ~ ` G k 1 O/ :.. X120 ~CI~~ 1 1 l i - ~ •... ~•94 / ~,r 69•" y o.. 1679 ' Y 655 1 )P ti o 1 911 ` i '~, ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ss+ o. , ,'~ j o >O~^9 CF a•1 Y~2, w y~A ~p~+ '' \J ~ JP ~ ~ es~ w.r `/ sb+ ~p now ~, i / ~ 622 gl~ ~~ ~• ~ 7~0! sse'\ e~ e VICINITY MAP ~92J u~ NORTg 2 ~ 2 414c \~ } ~Oac / Ii3Ac ~ ~~ 3 ~ 5 }~~ `12 Ac ID, ~ 4 66 Ac ~G :~ 6 ~ ,. t~ 2 J4LC % ' '7 % ~~ ~~-ti 93 / i 11 37 Ac 8 b 2 IOAc (Dl 2 63Ac ~~ ~ 9 OOAC IG1 I \ IC~ ~ 1205 Ac IC1 1111 \ 164 Ac 92 5 a2 Ac \ II "~~p ~\ ~~ \ 130 AC ~ ~ 14 13 `' \ '~~ 105 Ac ~ 306 AC _ 15 i 12 s \ ' 16 ` ~' t ' ~• ,~ ~ I oo>~ l 15 zz Ac 19 _\~~ ~~ y~ ~ 1F 2 I'I O ~~ 11 \ ~~A< / ~ 24 1.30Ac 26 25 I' ' ~ • 13 r ~ I 1 5AC ~ 1674c I BOAC 6,, . ' ~ ~ I .. H4 9 ~ ~« ,, 8.40AC P ~ ~ 1 20 Ac 12 28 ~ 1 I • 200 AC I ~ +' 9h I 31 j 32 u... ~ IB I'd'D~... ~ ' 3~ ~ ~o+a+ _ _ s• .u• / ` ~ I ~ I 37 '.. 33 ~~ `9 ` 38 39 I OOAc i 1 \ G2 4c 102AC~ 11 % ~ i 2 94 At r ~ 41 • ~ ~ ~A< (15.02) ~ ~ Rt ~. ~ ~ $N(iIN$$RIN(i - FY 88-89 RIIRAL ADDITION SAGEWOOD CIRCLE 5 3,7 a 5 ° '~ ac 6'E ~ I e' ~ •.S ~ ~~ (~ I ~~~ ~ _ VICINITY MAP - NORTB ~.^ 84~ ~ ~' sO~M i,.s In 37 36 ~ 34 2 ODAc 3.78Ac 61~ a s.s • • • • 6 7Ac CA~reA d r Ar/Arl 7 ~6 TpdC~r~ M "" t71~0 -~ ~ I.t011a1D1 i>~ ~ A ~~ 6 7~6 ~C~`~~ • MOr~ p10 / / ~/ 673 67,l~ 1 24 1 2•S 6 733 8.lS6 At 2 36A< .06 S7~ L3QAe ~ 29 - ~ 300Ac 2.64 Ac 31 • •a« ~ 6~n 12.40 ~ ~ ~ 42.93Ac At ~ 61i0 6701 21 6.7'3Ac 3 6308 iK 19 18 50.70Ac 6~3~ 6~5~ ~" 4.S8AdC1 R w ~ _ ~~ ~ ~~ .e IS.OOAcIDI u --- 11.74 Ac lC 1 / ~--_~` _ i° i,~ +`, i ~ / \'r~'~ \ ~~ ~ I ~_. \ ~ / 27.20Ac ~~\ 3Q00 At ~1, ~ 16 l ~ ~ \ ~ A e.ooA~ ..« 21 / ~ 66(3 : ~.isAe !!4 At ~ ~~ ^-• 4AOlk 4 ; . . 20 ~ _ J ~ ' 9 2104Aca..... • a (10 7.00) 9 '-~ t• ~~ ~ o... BNGINBBRING FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION MARIGOLD CIRCLE b 3.8 NORTS ^ ~. s ~ ~ zl •o~ ails ,ees.ooo 6 RCB.S 20 ~o el ac cot asss ~ •,, 9 aeacttl „° assl / 66.04 ~~ I9 102 Ac . ~~ O •o / ` r~. °,, 37J9 ~ / 18 I ~ ~ • 17Ji + ~ s5'' ~A w a7Ja ~~, st 1r~ ~ ~ e rW I I6 , ~ iT ea 1+' _ l A ` ~ I a7a1 °., 1677 '~` 2 ~ 2 4c ~ ~ ` , '# ~ zr~ry_ 4s, i~ ~.s~ .+ • 9 / ~'~ ~ ~~ ~ y 361/ / / ~ 1669 / a •. ~,, / 13.1 (76.05 ) BNGINBBRIN(i - FY 88-89 RIIRAL ADDITION CABIN CREEK DRIVE 7 3.9 - ~ - a _, ~• ~ ~~ • ~~ • `rs ~~ o _ ~~ ~ iSTER - - ~ ~?9! ~, ~ ~ a / i }, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~` f+E~ 4 .. , ~ ~ . ~ .9Q '~ ~~. VICINITY 1KAP -~. ~c;: 000 8G j \ i9 3• ~c 9i ~\ • 52 4c \ ~ ' 80 83 5 1 i61t i 76 •c Lawyer ~r~~e / ~'.8 t \ .,~ i ,/ ,~ ~ ; \ i ]6~c 4 ~~ ~ i7~c S 191 I,c \ 8 sex ,~ J -1 .. ~ .o 13 I 12 ~1 i9:K iOAC talk i0111c 7 44 ~ 21 Ac l % Is wo. 17 \ 22 0 ac (45.01) ,_ NORTI~ ~~~. 77 zee a< \\ 79 SD4 ` ~ 76 \\ \ ~ O~ ~c \`\ 7S ~ )o1k ,` ~~ 7a \ )01~, \ \ \!~ 87 r ~ ~ ~ 83 86 O 17SAc 12911ciDI \ ~ ~ •S •c lCJ ~• •r 86 96 97 ~ ` ~ 91 i1c 6 9! k 1 S ~c O .•~ '90, 91 ~ 89 e 163 ~ \ ¢ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 9S 9 7 ~c 93 s ii sc ~y^ ~ _ ~~ -.-- ` ~ ~~ ~ .`~ . ~w~rri ~ gar ~~ .~ ~~ wrorr~ ocwu r,rr.c ~ mrn~rror 10 ~r O ,. ~ b . _ ~ _, , , ~ - .... ,. VICINITY MAP Qi ~ _ - _~~ J~`' x~-~ NORTB BNGINSERING ~ ~ FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION AUTQMN DRIVE 9 3.11 ~~ '~,`~, ._ ' nrt esr ~ .s ~i" ~ _ - y0.50w~ -` /.' ~ ^ - COVE ~ / __ fL£M SL}gp -;~~~ ~ .~ ~ \~ ,~ ~ ~ / ~ % VICINITY MAP NORTE 2 cy -- ,1 i,y~At e 4 5.lOAe 26 l! ~ M ~ S.0! Ae . s 1 'x ' s.. Mon as see I' •200' 21 22 us Ac. » ~ ~ Ilct ~.~i 20 (15.00) ~~ is 2K Is.3Ac ~O;ssk O ~ R r M.03 k 1 ~>~ k • • ~ _ 1MAC 170 At • M b L6k ~ tLlAc r . ~ ~Kk 4.1 131 k M. 4 ~ w 1X Ao ~. 1S3k i ~ ~k S i wis~c r 11 S + 1.Ob k 7laAf. q l7"rAe ,,, 1 R• N ~~~ l1.~ k r !.I r 6.D'1C 1 1 C~1 '~0 1~ CrwrwwwM MwMr !w- ~ ~ BNGINBBRING - ~ 88-89 RURAL ADDITION - BLUEBIRD LANE (E%T. OF RT,914) 3.1~ x'"01 ~ •~~•~` ~s ~A .~""'NtLL ~ ,wrn~~. ~ P~/ ~F'~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~l `~ / r n 00 ~ ~~r~ ~ 1j+t7 C ~ < ~ING 1~`' ~:~- ~~ 4, .' ~' ./ILL ~I ~ ~# ~l .__ .... VICINITY MAP ~; ro o~aw NORTH BNGINBERING ~ ~ - FY 88-89 RiTRAL ADDITION - CREERSIDE DRIVE (E%T OF RT 774) 3.13 NORT'8 ~~~ .,,~~ ~ Ro ~ d Rt. 80~ ~ /_ 49 91 4~9 18. I ~ °s n ~, o ~ ~~~ 17 ti N .~ 19 16 w '~,°' 22 ~ "' 1.28 Ac N • ~' ~ 1. 15.3 ~ P ~ ~, i 5 I J "' a '° ~ 0' . o+ m ~' e~0 j i so ~ C ii9 12 9s r~9 15.2 ~' h i • 5 2az ~?5 ~2 3D •. / 3 9i ,e,o jp0 ,23 24 0 ti a ~~. ~-~ 6\ Se 5 sa 3 i 44 p ,5p 9 `p°31 i0i s7 _ b • fTfl g ob I . I I AC 1 /sm ~ ' 15 65 Ac 26 89Ac (D) .09 Ac (C) / 27 5.82 Ac(D) 4.78Ac(C) 30 1.56< 32 "~~ s ~ ~ ~S, ,~ ~'s 35 sa, • ~ sae 34 ~~ .... • •, ~ y° ~s ti 38 •1.64Ac sa 29 ~' ~9 3.41AC P 9 a a v /2 I ~ ~ BNGINBERING - » 90-91 RURAL ADDITION ARTRIP LANE 12 3.14 Q NORTE ~~ S U °~ /p~ 9; 10 ' ~ g~ ~ 2 °Of 3 's 32 ~2 vg ~ titi 'oa ti~ ~f ~ I I ' ,q ~ a ~7 S ~~ s 12~ ^S s ~ ?' s loo `~ 0, ~ _ ~ ~, a A ~ ~ 2o1s1 Js O 7 ' , goo IS~ ~ o 13.4 _ ~ i ; ,RCa.s 73 ~n0 K f f _ O^ c y ~ = 3 13 ~~63i S 32 Ac 7: 2 w . a~,_, 2: ok ° 2.26Ac ~ ~ ~ '~%dge Road /~~ p2 ~ 15 36" 50 7 V /65 9a ` .5c, N 7 B ~71 ~ , / ~~ ~ 7 7 N _ 7 N N ~ \~ FjZ~ c~2 T ~ •' S2 ~~ 65~ ~ 70 69 p 6g 64 • N I C j2 S1 5 m °' 72 m j / J viQ2 ,73 ~= m ~ o N N ~ 2~9 76 ~/ ~~ . ~ 33.56 ~ N 9L1~ 4~ 67 0 9 N9566 i30 ^68• ~ ~, 50 48 i35 BS 33 a4 67 6p,~0 ~ j9~~499 74 Lane a ~ E 75 13.I Ghc ~ ,6 ~,i 3~ ,0 6 Stye 6g 3% I i0 ~ , 55 56 66 54 3.19Ac ,3$56 ~ 53 ~ o ~ Q 57 T 58 m ,~ 52 c ~ ~~ ~ - _ ~ t N ZZa`,~3~ ~9 ,5620 /9 ~B ~~ ` 2 g li'~~2 iii 02 ia601 ~ 5 1 56Ac(D) v pj 142 ~ ~ 928a ilea i08 ~p9p .6 59 14 1.29 Ac (C rv ,~~ ~'~ 0y ~4 61 w 605 N • ' S5 2755 ~ E J / 52 3: 99 J .. / 692 S ~ 9 99 S~ 64 65 33 / ' y ~ I 1 /~ - / BNCINBBRING FY 90-91 RURAL ADDITION - ' SMOKEY RIDGE ROAD ~ ~_ 3.15 '~- d ~ cN NORTS ~, .. I 14 .... ~ b Qe~ ; , 15 ..s •, . / • ~a 12 ~ 5 iS 1 ~„ r 10 s 1 ~` '~'w.R IN.~S 17 ~' ~ ~ w~ ~ • -- ` " • 1034[ ~ 7i . ' 2 334c _ _ .a ~' ~ . r 6 ` ~' X52 19 X24 ~t ° 4 . SI 23 ,,. » _ .. • .- r ~,J,y~ ~... ~~ ~ .alo .'• '27 ~ ~'• 6 6s !br ~ „- " "v o } 4S ..~i,, _ p ~ ~ ~ M - J 1 130 _ q I ~ 146 y V ~ ~ a 0~) 1 ` 38 • 1 ' pr 60 ~ . 2 . ~ ~wot S8 +. e ' w..~s • 601 , ~ u ~s ~ ; p \ ~~~. 11 '. R y 38 u ~ • I y6 , ~ j T+ i _~ C C 3S Y ~ 4 ! 26 e • • r,. S S~ .'~ ~•~'. S3 f 104c 1 ~ SC SC `'y'r ~' ~~A9 2: •'J ' ~' •. _aa , , O 32 ! it 4B ~ ~~ X ~ 6 • •~s. ~~ a ~,~ 31 a • ./ i ~ \: ~ ~ '' , ~~ e~ ~ O H~ t .1 .. • _ ~, . . ' 2~ ~ . ~+ ,~ . ... 0 ~` ' '~ ~~ ~' e o at ~ z5 \ r ~ ,. I i ~ r~ ~= / c \r ~ / ~ 23 s ~ .... .. t BNGINSBRING ~ 90-91 RURAL ADDITION - SUSQUEHANNA RIDGE AND INDIAN 3,16 T1TT T T/~ ~ T ~ ~- NORTH i SC ~ ~ t \ ~~ i5'Sa; / ~ ~ :~~ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~ F % ~ \y1 ~ t ~hr1 SI / ) O \ 't S5 fI / ~ / E1 J2 ~: ~ ~`~" \\ ~`~ itl T5 4t lL> ~ t . ~ «a;.."' S2 ~ i 2 • of 4c tC! 1 1 x JO At «-~• ~ -- "' by ~ .. « ... ,~ 35 ~ 35 3 zoxo~ ~ ~~ 35 2 ~ ~8 09 n, / ~e .o• ,~~ {. O/ }~ ~J 1C i/ 35• ~ ~ Soo ac ~ '~~ 34 I~D~? 4 36 >>~? / 2TOOac 1 / %I ~~-s / ~ ~ ,' j7 soon k iol 2.•s k C~ ~33 ~ 98J~+t ` _ 38 100 00 ac C' 8]OOac Cl \ BNGINEERING - FY 90-91 RURAL ADDITION HEP~LOCR AVENUE 1 S 3.17 'L` T NORTR ~~~ /'`~ E~~ ~ EEtA~E fYl~ ~ i 5 8 B • ~ 'r R ~ 8. 6 t . ~ 111 0 g ~ \ 7 ~ ~/ 6~ ~~~~ ~, ~ ~ \°s ~' ~ 62 ' ~~ ~} ^9C.c ~ ~ ;b ~ o / \ , gib:. / ~ ~ .. ~ ~, , u.. ~• .N, aov,.~i ~~ is , ~ ~tr~ ~ ^, i Eb~• ie ,oz~~ t / ~o '~ f: x~ i / ,.:~. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~"'~. 2 yea ~ ~ \ `P ~/D i e~7' \~/ o~ /~ ~ ~, 2i ~r z X04. i e ~~ ~ ~' - ~ ~~ 2 l~ . 0 e ~~ /~ e>> ~~ le f ~~ ~ ~ ~C ~~~ ~ E}9f V 1 ' 4 ~ ~~ ,~ s ~ ~~ ~ ~ BNGIN$BRING ~ 91-92 RURAL ADDITION - RAINTREE ROAD 16 3.18 YICINfTY MAP ?' ~~y~~ / /, ~~s~ J ~` as ~~ - ~~ tFy M v'9 ~ .. 0 ~"` HEST N'.; r P 10UN'4iN ~~'i .. ~~ ~ otcn ti ec_ +o._ YICINI?'Y MAP .^ 2 1K , SM Map 61 i2 1• ~ ~. ~~ ~t _ ^ 1~h 16 17 ~~ ~' I~ li ~, N\ t 2 CBAc ~~l A ~~ ~OAciD ~ I ~O ICiC ~~ BNGINBBR(NO FY 91-92 RURAL ADDITION CHESNUT )rIIiT CIRCLE 1 ~ NORTB .~~ 3.19 ^ p NORTH /' r ~~. \ rr ~ a / ~ N~ . po4 r ., - ~ \ m~~O ~ '' • •• , ~ a o•• \ \ ~ - .~ 1 • 1, O, M / Y / Q ~ / / N. N l7 / .~~~' \ ~~ ^ ` / ~ `~ ~ ,-~ , •~ ~• :o ~ °'~ ±' ~d o~i 4 •~ ~ ` ~ ~ p~ a ~ ~ ~i a n , e O N ~ `' ~/, _ = % ~ ~ \ ~~ ~b ~ _.. \\\~/`~ 1 \~ Y _ FY 91-92 RURAL ADDITION _ BNGINBBRDYG SOUTHVIEW DRIVE 18 3.20 1 ~ T , ~ 641 64 ~+ ` ~4 _ ;NO ' ~ ~~ . _ y-. VICINITY MAP ^ .. . NORTB ~~ See Mop 4300 i' = 400' " 68' „ a; \ / I 68 2 S00 a. ' `' ~ 67 ~.i i ~ _ • ~ 66 r 69 ~ 0 ;,~ ~, ~ /~ \ r a< /~.\ i \ / \ / \• \~J ~ ~ • \ • ~, ~ 'l 6Z\ 58 ,.•••~' 56 a; ''. . 'x,64 ~ \'Seac d 97 / J ~^-ac ~c~ / \ C /f~ ~1t'~ r"~ ~ ~ ~ 72 i'y / ~\ 111YYY j 55 , / Set Mop 44 00 i' •400' ~~ i i ,6 \ 61 ~•.~ s o ~.\ 33.1 ~ ~ ~~ ' '~ 7 '; 4c ~ g6 Ac IC. ~ 5~ 52 ` ~ 5 ` •4c n . `\ \ ~. ~ ~a 69 ,s ~ \ ~ \ 6 .. ~ P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~~ ~ .~ ~ 49 \ `~( `~ as ( ,w,4--'~~{(`~ ~ 56 a c s ~ 'r~~..~ 46 % ., a3 ~ ~ 422' e21 ; ~ 39 44 1 ~Silk'U ~41 -' ~nac.,~a~e 66 a~ \~04c '"` ~--7f 3' ..~ '' 7 s' ~ ` r.~ ... 1 a2 38.1 .~• 35 39 ,, 38,E 38 :~:--- ~ -Jl-~- `r /', BNGINSSRING - FY 91-92 RURAL ADDITION _ WILLIAMS DRIVE 19 3.21 .Ri~>7t'y~,.,,,,_..,,,_~,t, . 904 '.~4 0o I ~',~1 ~,,.dr. ^aaL• ~ ~~0~ ~ ~ 9uw ac ~/ G LLzJf ~i c(~ (G `$ O~ESTENFI ~0 W ~ ?~ ~~ Z ~~~~c, S ~y ~ SOU~IERN PINES W t ~ ,~P1v, '~ . ~. _.01/-~~tPl~-.~ N71NG ~C~ VICINITI' MAP 0~ 5~~10~~/ Rt 903 s,~; 110 4~ o, •~ w . h, ~ ' _ ~ h C 0 + ti ,,- w J + • A ~.>> •• ~ . _~ .. 1,. a ,.. '-.D 29 ,.~.. ,.~ ...~ . ''r .~ ., ,, ~. `. ,o t. 0 0 ze .~.____ ,s. NORTS ,,,. 2 ~ sole 3 ~o . I r ¢ ~ t0{M f ~~ c sae ,~ ts1 1s A~ I ~lU6 6 r• v c ~ ~ ~ ~. ,~ ~ ~ . s ~ _ - . o ss'• - . i I i N "~ 9 ~.' Rt 6C47 ~ 0 c •~ ~. ~ .L,e~o ' I. ~ I r O 12 O ~: 13 27 z .o ac _ ~ s~.~ O IS aB•. ~c 16 4 0 7 ~c BNGINBBRING FY 91-92 RURAL ADDITION LIICADO STREET 20 3.2'~ NORTB 5 :~ ~~ a5 ~c / ~~ ~ ~~~ .` ,~, ~~ ~,' ~~ ~~ ~~_ `4 ` ~' ~ ~ 35 _, _-~ a `~~ ~' \ ~, ~, PE91VW®~D~~~bR ~ ~ ~- `= s ~~ ~__~ ,) e '3 3a '3~ -~,~. ~ 4 ~~ ~c 2 ~' 4,=c ~~ \ ~ T i ~ ~~ a ~;p ac ?_ ~ ~ _ ~I~ ~ ~ w~/~ ,I .. i_7_ ~tII 32 _ i. '1 z ~ ~ i d9 :.c~p~ / ~i ~, ~~ 6 '9 ac I 1~' ~I 29 ~ -_ ~~ x _ ~ ~ 32 ~c ~~ ,r,~ (97.03) ~ ~i ~ ze See Mao 97p0 _~~, ~~ e BNGDVBBRING ~ ~ FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION PEN{~TOOD DRIVE 2 ~ 3.23 NORTB ~. ~ ~ $1VGDVSBRING - FY 88-89 RURAL ADDITION FUTURAMA DRIVE 22 3.24 INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION CATEGORY SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM SIZ YEAR CONSTRUCTION 1992-1998 Incidental Construction includes those normal activities which can be planned and constructed during the same fiscal year. The predominate types of construction include pavement and/or drainage improvements. These activities can normally be handled by the VDOT Residency Office or Residency and District Office, and would not require the normal plan approval process through the Richmond Office. For Fiscal Year 1992-93, $250,000 is allocated for Incidental Construction. All of the money is allocated to Plant Mix of existing roads to provide structural improvement of the roadway'or sight distance improvements. The following roads are included in the Incidental Construction (Plant Mix Schedule) for Fiscal Year 1992-93. ROUTE ~ STREET NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAP ~ PRIORITY 1006 Stonebridge Cir. Plant Mix 4.1 1 1007 Stonebridge Dr. Plant Mix 4.2 2 659 Mayfield Dr. 4.3 3 & 4 622 Bradshaw Rd. 4.4 5 624 Newport Rd. 4.5 6 651 Mountain View Rd. 4.6 7 & 8 1907 Charnwood Cir. 4.7 9 1908 Grove Ln. 4.8 10 & 11 4.9 12 thru 14 1876 Sierra Dr. 1517 Hereford Rd. 4.10 15 639 Harborwood Rd. Curve Imprv. 4.11 16 689 Roselawn Rd. Curve Imprv. 4.12 17 639 Harborwood Rd. Spot Imprv. 4.13 18 624 Newport Road Spot & Curve Imp. 4.14 19 4 The following roads are included in the Incidental Construction (Plant Mix Schedule) for Fiscal Year 1993-94. ROUTE i~ 912 1366 925 1836 1825 1849 1850 838 1843 1848 1847 612 644 666 STREET NAME Absalom Smith Rd. Buckingham Dr. Wyndale Ave. Belle Haven Rd. Newland Rd. Anchor Dr. Palmyra Dr. Thornroae Rd. Darby Rd. Fairhurst Dr. Fenwick Dr. Marie Dr. Countyline Rd. Bandy Rd. PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAP # Plant Mix 4.15 ~~ 4.16 ~~ 4.17 ~~ 4.18 ~~ 4.19 ~~ 4.20 ~~ 4.21 ~~ 4.22 ~~ 4.23 4.24 ~~ 4.25 Curve Improvement 4.26 ~~ 4.27 ~~ 4.28 PRIORITY 33 34 35 36 37 38 & 39 40 41 42 & 43 44 45 46 47 48 4 ~~' ` ~'/ ~ , ~' k . g ~Qp`~ ~o c ~ .D ~`~ 651 ~ ~~ J_a . ` 9y / a ! O t / fit,' h 9H `, g~~ J _ .~ 1 NEBRIDG g _ ~ --- - ~~ 1 - ~ ~yy~ - - ~ o _ ~' / A ~ -y~- 4GRE5 ' P~J ~ ~`,y~ GGF ;p SMtIN GG pvE °~ w~<u~ 1 ,,, ~ ; ~'' ~~ e ~~ •'I SPRING GRD °~\ ~~ ~• VICINITY MAP NORTS ,~ .- 14 ~ . ,2 \\~ ~2 15 s ~G'c° . ~ N O f I ~' s, ,>~ ~~? ,, ,, . `'~~'s 165 Ac ~ I7 a'''c R' ~~Q~ (~ Bp • ?j 1 • t ~ i9 ~s n ~ J IA f a ti 22 0 $ 0 20 a 6Di ~ ~ zl 6' ~ ~ 21 ~ ~ ~ /A ° a ~ ~, ,~ ~9J s c ro , 3 S N / '" ~~q6 1 6 5 a ' X20 r ~~ ~` ~ ?96, I9>'p Q ?9l6 ?981;•^~ r9 B 21 a r 8 Y ~ ~ ' /q ~ 2 7S _ •9 `C i ti~ 23 ~ a ~ ~ • e ~ti •M~ IIN k °' sr ~ 9 ~ Ar 1ys9 19 J rs d91~ sA Z97s ~ye ~ /OAS , s fT ~ ?96s ~ 3 14 13 ~ s~ a %~, '~ I i N ~ ~ ''. - 24 ,,ry ~ D ~ _ ~. ,s ~6' c b ~ it r' ,t~ /~ 6 ~ s ~ (i`j ~ ~~ r asos 0 61.11- I-11 ~ 25 ~•~ I " • 100' '~ ~nonr erd ~ ,w pA Scnooi 26 ~z ip ~~ti~ 39 ~,o~ f ~ ~ R. CB. S. F. „e. 2~ Route 1006 BNGINBBRING stonebridge Circle Plant Mix: 0.11 Miles t 4. Wosh~~Q`on / . ~ s ~!~ Sl1CQY Q` I ~ 1i y;krH ~ icy r ~ °ti - 8A~'~ ~d ~..._-__ _ I~q .cg ,~ _~.r ti'I -~H~I Q~ 3t ~ RIDG Ap- -- - < <• 5 .. e. ~ SPRING GROV~t°~"i,~,~1~'~ y_ o ~, +"o ~ / _ :. .~~,~:'~.':~-.~ " VICINITY MAP ~ - ~ NORTB ~~ ~~ o~ ~o a~ i I o ~ - J - `~ ~i. ~J ~~ : 1 V~ ~ J F ~.a T~ ~ i a 9 ~ oh 9 ° ' t 3 ~, o ~~ '~~~~'~~ - ti° See Map 61.02 1 ~ 01 ' -~ I" • 200 SB ~• m ~ S '` it ' '~ J '`o~ ~ 2 5 `~ 12 :~ as y J 30 9 ~ ~ S O _ k 13 4 a i ~ ~ ,,/ ^0 wu 14 O~ '°'~htiQ.~~ t~. • ,~ 1- 15 ,`~~ i91e 4,C0 ~ ~~~-.1 s° o ~ 19 ` ' ?`^ ~i., 'c ' .~` ~, x 19 y ~ •~ ~ ., O~ 9J J ~,, 22 ~ ~a ~ 20 • a .c ~ 6 697r _ J .~ , 7 X93 o z~ I > q6 ° ~ '~ ~ ''' ~ 3 2 ~ -~ ~,.. ?91s 6 e 5 0 4 r i q0 .~ ~ _ m 1 z. ~ 196• N1977 ~ 1976 19BIq'- ?9aB < 21 ~ . $ ~ ,1?. 1~ 8 `~_ ~ ~q a ?0 ~S rp '951 ~ ~N / .. ~. J 9 191' ~ s I 96 StoneM~dge Grcle .35, ,,, 1: ,1 ~>,. { 9 e ~~ l I o >s « x RI I ~g 9ta Iv• 197' 15 ,. lQn ,~ ~. 9 ~~ u 1963 14 9B~n 3 s ~ Q <. -~, ,~ 10 ~ ~ 13 I~ ' ~ II ~ _ ~~ " 24 ' o - a~' ~ i! *66' c t...".. I U '•' .~ 1195 O. ~ o~ ~z i ~ P/0 61 II- I-II ~~ ~ 25 zea' '- ~ I"• 100' ,~ v° to ~ r s h, n 4 i o wdhom Byrd a. / y~J O 7~ ~.' Route 1007 BNGINBBRING stonebridge Drive Plant Mix: 0.19 Miles 4.2 ~~ CIRC 1' ~Z~ LORI M ti ~ R l \C. ~' ~l , 40 P ~ ~ r 9fc~ , Et£w' '~~ '-` '~ ~ ~T PL~SANT l ! ~ ~ ~t ~~~------- - VIAY I L~0 `9 ~ ~ t ` f . 659 / ~~~ ~, D AV f ~ I ~ \p~ I ~ C7 N ~ ~ QQ ~ e _.'.~~ ,. ~ ~ O ' \ ~~~. VICINTTYMAP' NORTB ,' .4, ~,A 'C , 51 _ r , J ~ a o n ~ ',2 . ~ ..i . ~. 6 ~45,., . ~ a3 ~ Za ac 3 } • 3 (:. ,~~ as y ~ ~9 ec ~ \~ .4 ?9 aGl4i i i c 6 ~44 37 e 5 4 36 ~ ~'~~ a5 -•. _' a 9 .c .6 35. ... . ~ 200 .c 33 ~~ 2a1 ac .7 ~ ~~~I-'3 32. 3i~3G f ° `r a, 9: 29 3 ~ a6 2 r .g '0 Cori 'e. ,,. ,• St_... i6 Rac ^\ I 22. 3 26 IS i3a3 °< 47 1,J .•~ o ~ 27 ~ ? 500 ac ..~ ~' ., a^.9c'I al 9:. "'030`. 5 Co ac 3 . 9'°c 5 .~ 28. '8 ~~ s a 5~ ac .9 ~~26. ~d. // o ~ 14 ~ , ? ~J ; / it I ' - e 6~ ' 21 ~`~ ~~ 20 12 ? i 1:~i2: ~ ~ 16 7 V r 13 c ~ 19 r`` ,..~3 S 13 ~ o X i9 r ac 7 2 . p~ 9 11 o r I~ - ~ - !d0 f iti Dr Rr 559 r ~~ P _0.. '' B '.2 S3 5a -•"M a ..59 60.61 . X62 `73 `7~ ~75u '.. '6 77 78 ~: 3~ CBO ~ ia5y~ t7t 7 •P ~ 0a- a I ~ - 72 .37 -34 19 .r,•S- ~ .~}, a 4 d 55 0 51 ~1 .5 ac 71 '~ 3 \ 45 i 63 °c tU l ..85 , .. i e01 21 S1 ~` ~"a 2,^ n• SC 68 % 7J 95 ~ 83.~ i 3 . tic2a_ 4 '.22 _ ~2 nc x ~ a: o ..2i , ~ _ 31 _69• - 871 ~ ~ j y~ nc ~~ -' 38 49 O 2 50.x BT I A i .. a7 88 _ . ~c [8 692 29 ac 67 \ 48 29 25 200 ac ii 69 °c SDI ~ - 9i2ac101 89' S^^ac 90 ~ a 3 ' ~~ d a~ oc ml 9~a< ~~ i9 , i8 ~ as ac y~ e.'1 Route 659 BNGINBBRING Mayfield Drive Plant Mix: 0.66 Miles 3 & 4 4.3 >'MeP Game.. ~ Reluge • z l tp3N Jp`~~ / Ki. j ~\ ~M` _S`\~ ~. ~ /~ VICINITY MAP . •- . NORTH v / ~o~,,. }~ p ,.. ,, oI W / Pty 69e ~ ~ No i ~ ; ~~~~~ ~ aar _ }iii V ~P ' Ca~osNo P /' ~:r• ~~J2 NP~~pNp4a G ~ ~0 JN`D~H 0~ ~ ~ ( L ~ o / l0i 620:. ~ ~/V/b B73 / ~S~ SpN ° :., PLO ~ /~~ 1 \ r...... .. ~ THE ~ RIDGES 70~ 62• ~ON~ ~' l ~ ~ i ~ S PN~S C~ , 1 ~ ~z. 1 / / ~ •O ~ a~OGE 697 '+e ~ {MOVem Stafe f ... ~~FO~.~ P`'~ 795 ~ p`p~11ep 1 `Q,O a G ~ Game Refuys 1 ~~~ ~ 62a i~ 1 . / ~ ~ °ti `N 622 ~ ~ NS p~N 1 ' '85 9r NAP ec•• \ ~,OV / 6~9 . ~~ ,~J~~1 ~ .soe \ / .^ E f3Rl/SIVY 1 «50J P\S y'~ \~. aoe y ~ / $ ~'\ N~41 635 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4 ~~i-642 ~ __ _. I `i ~; ~ 5 1 L 69< x• .sae s° ~ L0~ F // '~ Route 622 BNGINBBRING Bradshaw Road Plant Mix: 0.50 Miles 5 4.4 Q NORTA e„ TyJ ~~ ~ v \,o ' - ;i y, ~~ ~ ~~ \ 56 ~~0 ~m ~ 0 `~~ \o ~~ / ~ Sf/I v p1~4/_ ~~~ A! Sett \b p 12 IIACIDI ~ 9 \ ~~ 13.aB4c1~) ~ ~ 3 ~ 63 $If 404A " , 7 8 ~ En Iprpe m4nt a ~•~ue s~°a.r _ ~ 8 8.2 200 v/ am•\t>~IC 691 _ 92 397ac 397AC Ac 6 5 Ac 54 9! 64~ 462 4\3 A9 , 3 53 At 10 a 02 Ac ~ ?•r a/ww ,J96e ec iC~ 66 ~ X288 AC 'y 447 AC IC7 99 X2.1 3 93 k ..c 3 ~ 7.SOAr • 6000 If IS.16Ac ~~ S03Ac so~z \ 12 II `aac.n. 72 ~ Ib ~c ro 7L6~~ 93 ~ 4 SJOAc O ~. 20a 530 Ac 609 15 / 11.50 Ac 6// • / 511 • SI 16 '' Ac IO OO AC 676 I6 G °~ 17 49a1Ac ~ B.SOAc ezJ~ 22 °OAC ID) ~ 18984c (CI u 61 ~J ~ / 49 as as 4c IDI 53 2B Ac lCl 20 6!/6 79 20 Ac C LJJJ 53 7G 4t IC 47 s!!1 \OOAC EJeJ aJ 23 21 23004c l.JS, / 2UAC / I6.1 \ ~/e0 S/aeJ o! / 4mlcrco 2GO~z I o< \_ \ ~~ 18 5 12 n1 Ac u. 3~ G Route 624 Newport Road BNGINBBRING Plant Mix: 0.50 Miles 6 4.5 18 16624 Ac 123 31 4c "~ ~y / ~~ i 1 ~Eh 1 i ae v~Cw R ',~ `~ .IMO < MOUN r>~M ~ r~ j Yq~ ~ ~ i ` ? 65t `` ~ .~ fY °q~p,~ ~ ... NEBRIOG g ~.,o^ '1 ~b d Jr1~ __ __ ~~ S ~ ~~ y~y NE L ~ S~t@ ~F.4.~*f p tor` ~ I, «AYICINI7'Y 1HAP y I l.! NORTB • `• 7 ~~ e 7 5 a `; . <] _ zo z i ~-~ ~~a `~ d e s,. ~ ~~ ,• ~ •~,~ ~~' 1L~ ~ 2J ~I S. 2b QP ~' ( 9 Y ~, ~•en~ ~ ~ 59+1 •f '\\ I\., ~ 6'~ .~ 5] s ~~ e a Js '. `•a ~( F ~ r• '.t,~ r 0~~' / JS 1 '1 /r ,s . A 11 - ~ ~ ~ ~ s~lldl~ ~" ~'. ~g1 .. ... Pa~k,,.or ,t ~' ~ ez sea~~ ~ 9z ~. J'~'~ ~~` J `` .., i~ ~ ~ pL c ^ //yyyyi~/"~ /rte .-J ~~_ ~ "` \` ~~ ,~ '36 \ ; •+ A~ iO 16 A ' 1 22... ~~~`~. Btu 1~;~ ~'. 004 /% 9 /r \~ ~~ i 1.20 _ ~-' ~:~~~ \ ~ Na. ~ ?.~ 9.f~ ~.: r ~ 2 O r/~/ ,~~i....o / \ :bas b r o ~~ i0 % ',T ~ _ V J S a0 ., '. \\\\\ ~ / \• • ' / l Y ,]Q/ i' i2 P ~~ 250 6. r ii ~ aMa: N I ~ o _S +i~]o I 1]4 ,a'~J! ~ fit' •~ sac \ ___ 5a O 6 m .fc 1~ ~,~ ~ ~i. .. a, / _ ~ . _gr T/ a U ,~~ ~Y 1 •~ SZ Itee ~M wlr.' ~:'~. .- 1 OJ1 P ) ~J ~' .. ~= a .. .' ~ • 1 ee° ~ 4 I IS / •. e•~r ' 4 / ,.sue c j ~ Bsr. d M-r.:e C ` F SM Mao & R ~ ~`. ' f ~ Route 651 BNGINBBRING Mountain view Road Plant Mix: 0.68 Miles 7 & 8 4.6 ~~ ~ .~ ` ~, 8;108 z, ~ ~ ~ ~.r*' ~"•" i R ~. on,...oo r ~¢ i =' ~ 'fY~'.'~{ ~,~ Iil /~` 1-. 't-" _w ass ~ S /~ ~.-yv ~_~ %"~~ ~ _ . ; •~' ~ VIC~INIT'1' MAP"-'= NORTS r%, • ~ 9 3~ ~ ~~. a ;- 3 5 2 Y, ~~ ~ ~o M s 36 2E ~~ a .i d (i ~ . l T ~6 94 9a ~, i 45 8 T _ •T -., i -.„ 6 ~ 'd ~L ~r ~ ~ 9 57 8; s 37 - io a s o4 9'0 ; 0 56 ' 6 ~ A 2 O 9 - 903 " S N 63 ' .,9 0~ ~ ' `~ "~''' 96 38 o X ~ ~22~ e~ `r .~. , ' iG2 76 26 ii v g ~~ '~j N ~ ` F, r .L ~~- rv ~ ~ '7 s r D .~ ~ p X62 'a' n,63 - - ~ 0 J 39 ~-~ ~ Q1 ` ,. w ~ ~, z 54 ~ 9 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,g , { 1 N ,ZO 60 A ~ > U' 9' ~o ,o~ , W 2 ~ ~ aE~ i3~p g tie <_ ,+, ~ ~ 4 ' a17 ~ ~ 40 H" i ~ io v 0 53 P 9 - ,. ~: ~ ~~ ~ * ~, 45 ,.; ~W Od ~ q ~ `'~ i 16 ~° , o e!~ ' O G ° z9e, 'S~, ~Z~ ~, 41 Q ~ g ,6 65 _ 924 52 ,c ' ~ ~ ~~,~ 935 93~ N 5, j ,29 ~` 49 "0 50 ~ ~ J 42 ~ ~ m o G _ ~ 6`- a m ~ O L e^ 65 3 44 ~ ~ f- 47 46 0-' ~ , ~ ~ o ti `~ .~ v ~ w ' I ~ ~ i5 67 A J, • '~ ' 9~ a 4~i ~ ~ ~ CA 9a; ~ ES ~_ , Ql ~'~• 6 ~ ~ ~~ +8a9 3 4 as 902 v2 ~, R' f 9OB 2 . D ~ /1 ' / ~ _ Route 1907 SNGINBBRING Charnwood circle Plant Mix: 0.09 Miles 9 4.7 NORTS // ~~o, ~ t .~ N~ p~ ~~ 7 s 8 ~ ,. ~ ~=~.' 6 13 ~',, .; ~ O ~' ~_ Ol! + !i ~ ~ T. 1T.]! ~~ 3 4 N 1r ~! H ~.. !! 17 10 ~ 3 r! I I S . ~: . ' ~ "4 ~r Y • 2 1F • qo! 4~ ~~T.s• L ~ ~ S I ~s r 13 - ~ rossT ! ,428 r ~a -•~ °, ° s '` ° 29 a ~ (~ 23 ~~ ~ ~' K ~ ~ T. 30 y ' 6 o a •, 24 ° 3 ` 31 s ~.~ O t a i ~'~Y 23 r.+,a 32 ~ . n ~ ~ ~~ ss ~~ s ?I „ ~ ~' le " ~ ~ s Nf.~ M! 19 K O~ `mss Route 1908 Grove Lane $NGINBBRING Plant Mix : 0.15 Miles 10 & 11 4.8 • ip ~APRAiNS~ ~r P ~ 5 c+~.w~ .~y / ~r Y~°RQ ~~~c, r~, ~' -R Ste''«~LL ~ ~. ~ ~::ti 4 ~ ,yS~~ s' ~,,, _ c. ~,:. ~ e ~-=. e~ • \ 1 ~ a r \ bilro• ~n ~p,~ ~ /"' 7 ~ ~~ y/.tFP OIL/ ~ efFE'}~ ` y.tR'-"° ~an0 6!..... , 4 Mil .moor -i` 1 ~~~~~ ~• NORTIT ~~ r ~• n N M ; • s ~ ~, ~• ~ :~ _ ,- w O ~. i ,J . ~~ ~ • ` ~ t! , _ /~,\ ~ so y ~ ~ ~_.~ ~ A ; p ~A .~ /'~ ~~ / / ~ • ` /.~ ~ _ ~` ~ ~ '~.O / `.'Z.~.~ . \' aw ' 2' \ ~~ / ~. ^~ / •~ / -P ' •~ x,,,• '~~~./~ ,`,~~r`~ .%• ' ,. icy.. i ,, ,,~'~ , Y ~ Y .~ ~ •• '• /. i •,,~• ~ ~~",~, >G~; •' n;r ~.• • ~ ~ ~~ f~ i ~:~ ~,, ,~ Route 1876 Sierra Drive BNGINBBRDVG Plant Mix: 0.22 Miles 12, 13, & 14 4.9 ,y~Q~-~ w . ~--. D? 8 coao~-°~~ ~ fORiNNE _ W ~ ~,y`~..w`~7c~~~ ~ ..~.~s P ~~rlf °~M.w m° .S`T~i,RE5x9[5!~u. ca, w __~~ -_`J _-____ ,~ ei-~sr, q:~o, ~y * K~ _ ~ CRESTHILL r~u d+m. ~ e F c, 8 oa T ~r Rkyy~ _ OP J1. '~uemo' C "W oa ~~ oWRN - __ ~ y~~pAg 3 .. g oo tirr DR ao sO FygR6~f q~g ~ ~~_"' ~ cP? p ~E ~Rh OR ¢ 0~ ~_~" d 1617 srE Od45T_~ .t't ~ Ra.K f ~ J!' ¢'f' yp ~ ttrf'n' ~ 1'~ HMV, ~cruawrD 0~+' >iC __.~ ._.._. 4.9 ... ~g W ~ . V Bv~, ~ ~ $a ,~2...P.s~ \~aWtli ~~ ~ < W ~~f~K aRr.~occ ~ V 4,. : ~~ `"°; ,f • ICINITY MAP __~~~ p~°,s~°~~4;;° NORTB aq 5932 16 a 15 ~ /9 '~ 223 3 6 93/ 2q tl9 2469 3 5924 9 ~~~~ I •°° ej ,, °q - /s /2 2 s ' ;' r 7 ~ 25 9 5 92 /ti P / ' ~59I o ~ 9 .Q Cos~~e ~ a~4a s~~ ROr_k ?59/6 ~ = 7p J ~~ '"'~~ 5903 '; sj q, ~ ~ ss55 20 2s °~ ~ `-t 7g !` ^~ 14 ~~ ~ t~''"~goa s Oc 0 13 /a a -~ 'a 32 P ;,r`~ r ~ ~ • n /s ~.-' /o~ ° " ,~~ 3004 ~ /7 v € ~Q0 °f N 2°s 9s -~6 ~ e`er ~ 31 =S c ~ 302 ' ,6 12 °~° °' 33 5838 p h T o~ 302 / 95 ao ~ ~.. ,~ o. '° 34 ~ 3833 23' d4 3020 3 ,~ l6 ~~ 49 3035 F `J~~ 35 ~ . ' 3028 a a 2s sq .. o ;< fem. ,,. a ~~, ; , s ~, ~: '' g 36 ° o Zs ~ ~ ~` 303b' s P ~~p.~ 'i m 5834' 3 I l4 n of h P _ ~ N ° I 10 37 95 ~8~ / ' 22 5903 ~ °s~ 3042 s ~ ~ 2T°p ~z~ `O /is Jv 26 ~`~' ±,92~ ` je SBQI tiv'~ _ Rood ' ~ ,° ° 39 ~2s .,OS~~B 5833 ,° I ~~ 1` ~ R o • 5906 N oC~ 6 '^ ~ ti 58~ 40 BNGINBBRIIVO Route 1517 Hereford Road Plant Mix: 0.15 Miles 15 i 5839 21 C 4.10 /!i r.l, ~ '~:~~ 640~~' ~ ..z ) ~_: l^ ,5 i a~n ^: `~4 647 64 nil ~'i~7~ 460 \ y z.+a~~ ~40.* 1. psY -y N 0~ M~occ \ 921. pie a. e+r .~ ~ [-ocs .. E 61 0/% ~o~ Q~ 6'34 .-. r F-061 ~[-[.20~ Jj/J_ B[ n 5 1619 »[..c ~ ~ ~ X64 ac~oca ~ vrclNrrr ~ ~.:~~ NORTB Route 639 Harborwood Road $NGINBBRING Curve Improvement : 0.10 Miles 16 4.I1 Q NORTS ~~ \gr~,e~~ Rood ;~CJ' ~' ~i 5 a ., s °' 26 ~~ 4 3 _ N 7 n G~~ ` _ a ~ , i, ~~ irti T ~~ ~ N ~ 1 _ i' Ii !q 9 "': r/`' '' 25.1 _, 5~ r. Rose Iawn --Rood ~-~ ~ ~~~~° '• J .J ` 4:,4J r c2 •`~ ' ~, b a. G r. 1 ~~ ~~ji 2~y N I? aE_'F ~~ 1 ~~ 0 Route 689 SNGINBBRING Roselawn Road Curve Improvement: 0.03 Miles 17 4.12 Q NORTB , ~ ~ -~ ~ ~" ~ 5o ac 32 ~ -:.: z 76 a~lo~ 62 = ' 3a :+c ,a ,; 1 O 29 I7 Ac lD) ' a I'4 3t.2 43 24 Ac (C) ~ 6 7Ac . ~` 28.35 ac ~ i•,;, ,, .63 r<<J I I IAA 'F I ~iAC • 64 ~ 31 1 ~ " . s 31.5 0 ~0 CJac 65 3.00 Ac I a , 16 ~~ 31 ,~ / • 2 44 Ac ~ 2 a2a: D; 28 8 "' ' ~~,._ _ ,F -a 1.35Ac(D) " ___. ~'-~' Len e 6 165 AC(C) ~-_r _ C QD~n 67 6 -See Enlargement ,, ISOAc 58Ac ~~~i 2~ 27.2 ''E-' u 2 1.02Ac , ~ =,~~Q68 '~ I! 63 Ac j65, ~ ~~ 25 Llo 19~Ac ,, + ' ='Z6 . 26 1 iE'-`'S 71 \ 71 stn ~ r 5 _ i~aE 69 70 . 0.3~.:,c.~,C`) ~ r Via" ~ ~9 2 46 Ac 5 73AciC) ~ L7IAc 4` 18 ~ 2.25Ac 1.58Ac - :~ I ~ C 17 ~ i 17 16 '~ . ~ I ~ A 52 ac Ac J ~ 79 ", ~, 2 iBAc 75 73 72 r - t 83Ac ,. - 309 Ac .D) 2 ~'ac • . F Iq - 7h 78 77 ` ' ~ 4 37 Ac ~C i ~ v '~4 2 JC;..' I n~ ~ ° _~ j I~ 2 ` I a6 ac t~) J , 4 Private Road ~ 13 15 ~ zeA~ ; - 18 1.27AC IC) \ ,~~,~ j95' ~ .:. I J 1d .. ~ 2 44Ac ~ ~ . Route 639 Harborwood Road Spot Improvement: 0.19 Miles 18 4.13 BNGMSBRING f~ T- MOUNTCIN "~ / ~. ~r ~ a. ,p~ ~ a (H _~~A 699 " .. . H 8RU5 ON ~~~ 6~ ~pJ NATIONAL ~`.~ti FfERS , ,~,o, ~ t-, , • ~.' a ~ ~~, ~ ~ ~ o~ , t t ~ 6z~ rh~ • ~'~a I ~ ~ ~OCES'0' •` ~ ov ~. ~ .62C w'~' ro~o. Eo ~WFOFU RIDGE ~ tza 6?~ -' .~ p~ _,~ / ' \ RwN 69v ~ ~~~ ~ 5eNO5TONE ~ `` 6z ~? a n0n~ ~ \ - 'B' .~ O,N~p~N B'jc .e~ `' ~ . "°~ ~ f 6~ ~ VICINITY MAP , r ~ W n ~ J .~~ .~ ~~ •~ ~~•,44 G P ~ \ 'L p /~ ~~. ~oJ~ NP.~~c a ~ ~ 62 ~ r 701 ~ 620 ~,~ ON ~ L~ i Nib.,,, 1 V .,~.:If~;~~ ~~~~~ / / ~ - TM t RIpGES - ~ N~~PO~ oS~O ~ , I - ... ~ .nf~ ,o a~OGE t 697 ee ,,,, ' a'1~ 1 roc _.die~ 1 ~ ati M°~~ X85 0 \ 8~001~ Z ~ (13.00 / 21.00) Q` ~O ~I Y t~ \~~E es `' Ot,~NT4 IF•O1 Route 624 Newport Road BNGINBBRING Plant Mig, Spot Improvements and Curve Widening - 6 ~ 19 4. i~ o `~vV COtOwDO co~'~ `~ ~~ ~ ' 6zz ~ 91q `oo ~ 0 V~, B73 6561` O ~P\e~ ~' ~ ~yS l.- / - ~~ ((// Havens State NORTS NORTH 'r Route 912 BNGINSBRING Absalom Smith Road Plant Mix: 0.90 Mi. 33 4.15 u ~ ~ c.~ien s* i ~ W111~S¢F~ ]CG ~ / ~~OE.fwM, ~a,~,gco_~~--- .+o«. s. ' ~ L'T RL MIL t^ ~ $ ~ $: cwa -. ~ ~y~ 9 a lI ~~ ~...~_~ GRANprN Y p EX~oP "yy~ - ~" f'P ' ~„~~ ~BMOIE ~ ° ~ ~_~` LH lLR '_ U Z~ u >` U ~ ~ a, ,CZ~.-Qer_ ~~ `~ °~ ~~ 1 r . S n~cw.u 1e ~±v •~sd' ao a. -/ ~~.y~1lL 9aoo- ~, ~~an'.. +~/c~T~lf.~l~Tio~_ i ~:~1•~tb ~.at3 a ~ ,~ VICINITY 1KAP ~`OaOEiG ~ w 5: ~Da rr .,~f ~I11 i~ NORTS I i i\ •r79 - n ~] zo • ~ ~~i~ q J:c. w 14 £ ~' z,zo 35 '' ~~ + 71,, a J'1s c ° ~J • ~~ 26 ~~y ~. • 9 isn / 34 ~ .,aiz O J>•!z- ..• ~ 16',s Js •i, 7 ?/ '3 ~ -'.r5e ~ 25 ~ Jni 17 #r 1366 - ~e7 '" ~ , _ O - 33 28 O .Jr9 ,, l)JS Slt t'oe .L ~~~ I 44 , a u X29 l+ ' J'.7 J ~ ,., 1 4?~ ~ 66 I 9 •. 3 ,rl ir. ~ ~ ° ~ j Q°1~' Ot \ 65 i'p. L ••JS ,t 32 - ~ ' 'e 23 - ?2 -J 21J I I1. 19 ~ i nzz4 !nz \ ^' ~ 3D ~° ~ _ _ ~~ 20 ~ 6 ~'I ~ J ~. +s 4ve R~ 92S BucJynghanl ~ ~ .. lsJe 62 67 \ °~ 47 I • A • 1.96 IJ!f0 J.1. ..:. ~. !7/1 , r 52 \ 56 ~` 57 58 ~ 59 60 51 !ns ', fstt ,., ~ 53 Jrev ,a'` 69 ~~ 49 - ~~ Jrez + lrjp ., r ,o . e ~ ~ s e . ~ ~- 72 ~is ~ I P ' 73 \': 7 - I; 2 - 81 - 80 79 is 78 - 77 T6 ~_ 7S I 74 - !7s ~ ~'~ 73 4 Jzts 1lns 0~ . IJ le0a Y!>II I - ° .. ~ ~..,~ 72 ': llJe less lesr !eu ~len Jear 6 •fei> ,+jf'~+„ / r +e ~ / ~- 17.e . - 3 .. •~ ~~ ~~ Rt 1359 ~~ ~•~ .~ ~~ ~~KMtIaM ~~ - '~ - lr7J 7 ~ ~ G9 v•r i71e 7/.! _I 19 / • 7•za 4 ~ 59 60 i< 61 Ij 62 I 63 : 64 6S ~~ 'u.~e •7eoz i 7•ez I ~ 1- 2C -, °% ~ j:Jesz ^7es ~ 7e.c Tel. ~e ` z 3s~ + ~ rJ 7e•21 ,i . •r ,• !e!! !ev'' r' 35 lsfe 34 7essL3 22 ~~.~ ~„ -'• ~z16 y 41 40 'J6' ,~ 1919 '~' 24 ^/ ,f -. 42 es. ' leis 14 ~ X625 ' '' Z~ . \ 7e,s ~sss r ' •-. a ,Jeep ..° ~ Q~~b °} ; +, ~ 37 ~~lu.,~ ~"33 e, Tlamss 7sJ ~-- ~ q1 . 16 ~'-- Rt 1375'• Oa ..~ r 26 .- ~ ^ . .. le.e ~ ` .\ \ ~ 39 J JF.p Jei. ~ \ Je~~ ~sse •: !si• ' nom" O, ~ ° ,~ \'t i2 :.~ o.Jn>J -~ pi ~ 38 ~ Jeso 4V + ~ ., ~ ~ _ 43 °44 .. 4.9 .,I 46 y` ~.~+ Jszr+ ~,y27 / 37 \ Jss.,, ~ Jsoe ., `lssi ,- -r ~tfi.7 - 31 -.>e ~; ~ ' s. Je,s 27 ;• r> + J9v 29~ ./ 36 ~7eez X29 28 \ ,are ~' . I 7erc Jett 7^61 Jf.9 ~ ~~ ° 49 :/J' ~ \ ~~'~~ 35 \ a n' ~ \ \ 52 _ •51 50 -I 49 ^tvor. /v~t7es, ^/ !e!! \ 1953 ~ I1f.~ 19065 ",F r° j ~G9 \Y \JP d,•~ + 31 . eu - BNGINBBRING Route 1366 Buckingham Drive Plant Mix: 0.26 Mi. ' 34 4.16 "L '~ NORTS ~M.n ~ ooe ~nem of Qooo ~E`~r /a, 60bCItY `'~~ ~aantY a,~an.Ne 37 a0~nofe ~~ ~ ~ 39 ";3d ..o. ~ ~0~n\9 ', a ~ \ ,fir. 1 T _ 'I s I- ~ l , S6l cGr'¢ 1 ~;~ •w,.e,s .., zr dy„rr ~ ' 41 .. I• £ 1 'zo 35 Fyn c)u.cn ` ~ ` Vi w,MSn Nr'lf 9mr,Sr ~\ 2CC is '02.'CZ+ °- ~ . ~ .. _ cvcn \ ~ > ~ 26 ' \ '\ e \` 34 ~zj.' /~ i I ~ r^z. ~27 3 Acees / ~ "~'~~~ z r Q ~ 33 2B ~ i,zi ) 9f1. ~."~:. ~ ~ 5 6 ' 3 a i 'a5) sa' •• r\ ~2g ~ .lZ) .., . • ~• 10 ~ +' ~ I ,1 X11; ~ 5 I +li:., ~.. ,... "~ /~ y' '~ !'"1r3 '~ .5la ~ A u„ ! •!o. a5 ,o ~ f32 ~ ~ 23 ~.' 22:1211 I• _- .SU,~ sez "d~ . I _ ~_ 3D J c x 9C B5 ~ Z .. ~ / 12 / _^ ~ '~M~ylgj4~',l<" ~,~~r'T"~ ~-:,-`K /. ~ / ~. ~ ~.. ,r ~•yi'Zyi~_ Rr 1763 ~z.N 7 S.r :.~ ,e + I ,s ~ 1 .'az , o u I t ,. . egllem ` < o` / IS ily ~ ~ /~ la IS 16 0~ .l 47 <8 a ..c '• \,rss• ,•fo h 3 ~` ~ ~' ~ 2 ~ .. ! 1 ~I ~ 1 i6 I~~ 7 59 37 ~ ~ ' p 1~ 21 2O 19 ~ .SO, ., •• S~ I . OI~I :~ -' ~ ~F~~~~~~~ ~ .~ Ieooe Lon I (o.s. ]-mot -\,lz' ~' ~ Cos . ~ - . ~' I ' ~ ' I • I r I • V I 9 `-' 0.r Ton01e+ i ~ ~ I' •n,c ~ 39 .9~. i ~ 1321 ~ ~. a4 6i 82 BI 2D ~ .: >R! 77 ~ :. .oast ^a2 .~ \ ~ - 6 6 F R5 ~ i. ilz ~ I~! Ina o~•{ '~J< .O,_d; a~.~ ~'~'nu, Ivv,..Ilel, ile.f sn ~hu, ~ le,. ~I re,~ ono! ~~(~C. ~a3 \ , ~ ____ I n. ', ~ ~ ar i339 ~ .~Ken11Wd~~ ~ ~~"e ~- ~ _ ~ ~ su 59 60 61 62 ~ 63 6a 65 66 ~ 67 The D ~ ~ I Jn e , ,n/ ,)Y .,,r • ~ . lfn~ ! ,u ~ 34 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,o ~ a1 •~ a0~ ~ i9 _ 3B _~ ' 36 ~ ~ ~ ~~' ,f.f «, ~- Nom ~ r ~ 3+ I 3~lf Sf - .~`,. 3~`4.. 1flf P •~ _ ~ ~ .. I ~ II` -,1 ; SSf,s ~ _-.. Rr 1373 ` Tnamee .. lf• ~'4 ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ 6~ ' U -. a3 j •4 s5 ab :~~ o~ 32 I q 9 9 ~ '1 •I a Ss °I 7 a7 S of /~J/1e,r 27 ~, I O i 13 Q ! 'I.r "' 3 „~ ,u :,fzf / 31 ''` / . 16 II 17 ~ Is I+ ~ 7 l'S3 ,fs, sA ~ 12 17 I .fll .fJ, ~ i 1 ',j Si .i ,il 1.~ ;9 ~ 48 'lfn /' f~~' 'fir// .,.) ! ~ ~ I _ . _. I__ •=951 ' _=~ -)w6~~ ~~ 29 Y I N, 150b ,. l _~ 4 Po.er 4 Rooo " ~ ^ Noce Y I .,z ~ ;.~^ ~ ~ / 1'. I 1 ~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ I I I 2 14 ! I ' o + ,se/ • ~ if b '~ Jf S. ,fb3 ^lo.z Sflfi 1s1.6 ,YJI I I 31 32 a,' ~A~ ~~-~ i T . ~I 11 2,n . BNGINBSRING Route 925 Wyndale Avenue Plant Mig: 0.28 Miles 35 4.17 .~ .a <aE < • o ~Q .f=ix- ~'4 ~i~e ~~ 1~ ods~pc~~•P ~_.- J~SFIERFFFSM~~,p~o'c~. Io NOR ° HaJ~ 9 ° `} ~oac H.vcr+ Esr.r[5 or ."° "qo d~ QP ' q ~ .. ~fyO oQ, ~ "PO~t~'h O~~~rc'd~,,~~t~ Jrf ~' ~, 0P BUnIVti' ~me~~ Sys'+w~`F v~ ~ ~± ~oar+rrvEN -- _ 76e - ~P, Q~ r, a03~ MQ~ ---~ - ~ .~~ VICINI?'Y MAP - ~g~~~~'~~~~~~rJ~~~`'~~~`...,,. 0 ~~-^ NORTR ~^ /p. /t d' w / Y / „ ~~~ . ' ~. ~: / ~i4 / / I /~ //~ ,' ~/ ~~ / / / a~ ~ ~ , ~ e`' ~ ~o i~~ ~ 2.fS~e~ ~ ~t / ~ / ~ / i ~ ~'~._;_z. . ' ~`'` , O f 2 ~.~k 9 6 i0 "',~~ is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ % .. ~ / ' ,•' ~ „'» i3 / ~..,.. ~, A l P. ~ ~ m ,. \~ ~I`~ ~, ~. n I I.W~c 9 ~iwam I O a ~~.< i .~";~ .,., ~ ..,a '~ }4, ~ 7 el fl ~ •)f/ B `~ /~ 14 / ";x . C 1 • /S hb /~ ~ 1} 'Il]I _ 9 \ i 2S ~\ X i~ / 17 ~ ` ~ . \ 24 ~ ~.. i9 ~ ~+c \ /: ~ ,, a ~s nn~ ~ ~ • ~ \A~\ ^ 2i A uex OJT ~ P~ 6 ~ ~ .~., u ~J ~ / Route 1836 BNGINBBRING Belle Haven Road Plant M;.x; 0.40 Mi. 36 4.18 ~'~.., p. ' p~i~T~ G I , t~ '~ mn.en~.'uiE~w ( •s~`"~e*i~~ °°~ . ;., a tE a, IEW o .M~ ~ ~~ E~ l7 ' ~CP° ~ ES b `F _ ~` .~ ? ~-~ 4 V _~ F YL Q APTS. Q '2 - ~ h am' ~ ~ y ' ~ ~ M\` ~ ` ¢ ~ ` e OEKU~'+ ,~V,'Q~ ~ ,! ' + w 4 ~ ~ =d P~yM~tJTY{ W COIDNV n `~ ' ya[RM `.a '' fi~ D O ~~ ~ ^! FNr GVrMy~E CF-` 'W c ~% DEq 4 c~.w.us ~~~ 1, ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ,ltF-Q~'~y-~ ~. ~ V '~. CAPTAIW AWE -moo ~d,~~ C A v. vvM ^~., ' C P .~ ,1q "'°"' "~' VICINITY MAP p.~.~ =~:~~~RS, Q NORTB .\ $\ .\ Route 1825 Newland Road BNGINBBRING Plant Mix : 0.2 2 Mi . 37 4.19 NORTS esze< n ~, 72 , ~ ~~. ~~ IS ~ ~ Ip~~~ 33 2i~ ; ~ ~ ~~~ I •~ J y~~ ~" I,~ ~°7 , ~, ,~ ~/ .,~, ~ ~°mmance. .> e _ `~I 3 36 a ~ 'zr '~ 7 - ° 1 ,qr ~_r l~ ~~ ~ ~ 6 t •13 ~ ~ z~ ~°~~/~ ~ ~ ~ I n ~ ~ ". to ~.~ 76 ° ~ - I ~~ 21 `ro a ~~i 59 ~ _ 3_~. e II!. ~ 2a '1 23 ~ ~ . , ~1 _I ~~ •' 2 .° • ~ ~ " ° ' 062 .~ s •.~t - ~~i~ ~ 26 2a •~ ~ ,. j ~I .,r ,.. _ ~ 9, 60 :SO 79 .4 I I ' -Rt Ig3O~ _' ~ ` 7 ~ 12 BJ ,I~ _~~ 1 ~ I 1 ' ce al °9 - p 10~ 4 13 .. 33 ~ I r ,~ r 3 ~ •6 I~ ~~ 7 I ~ 8 ~~ ~~ a ' u Cnarn+oaa < Ie ,2 7 ~ ~~I. I IS ~' / I~ a• IJ 31 2 \~ _ `~ . I 12 II / iJf F • C ' a9. ~ a2 X .. I . ~ ,16 ~ rS Ja s .a! '0 ~ I ` s/ ~I I .. ~ ~ g 19 ~I c ~ I !~ ~ ~° III ~ ~ ~ . I .---~ Lt' 3 _ ~~~ ~ vae ~ 9 I ~- n ~~ I .N mrr alja`' eft ~ I e / 6 7 ~ 3 . I $ ~~- encno! ,~ ~ 7 2 •!le t el ~~ I, ~~ ~ I ~ \~J'+-J/ '3 ~ p i3 ~ ~'2 s S6 .I °' • ~ ~ ~ .2.3. ~%~, 23 en Il a j4e s ~ s ~i"~ ~~ q. 19a6~ ~!e!~ r ! .u r' ' ~ ~fO1tlWttl .f/le , ~YN N • 7 ~~ 7 r ~. e • s e l/J1 t ~ t2 41 M ~ •~ ' ~ ~ 37 s JG a9 e' lets e 'J' ti ws rbete t .9n L , ' 17 _ 18 ~_ 1~ M " 1 !e,! R q !q IU ~, w! e' yt~ •,~ t /~ er. Nr a, Ye,. ~ q . a 1 2 1 ~ !.. !e•! lee: 1.t,~~~~ .. • 'F~11~Kk 1 " 61 ' w r,ar „ , ..N! Ins ~ '~ ~ r Ills 36 lets ` ..:• ~ ~ rJt !'r 10 .•19~ SS \ ~ 43 S2 = ~ /= ' _ 16 17 be !e. s seat ' / ' .. .. ~a/3 iII I - ,.e~ Sa . r,, r:.: ,~„ 2C lr1fq `~frr. ~ ~J ~ ~d ' 's . ~s r,t. " ! ~ lrei ° f 1 ~ '' 19r'~ 23 n ~ ,s ~ . W 't 4.20 Route 1849 Anchor Drive BNGINBBRDYG Plant Mix: 0.36 Miles 38 39 - ~JJ~•2 - _ .. SON Ya.tt ~ n 6~... _.1. M1' ~ ~ &.~g, ~,~ .may' ._.. ;~N.^1 ~.' ~.uoo.- :._-1-3 L'• a `~``br~ac.~lu ~~ ~~t:1v~.~,~=~ °ir---} ~a cac. 9 /( Is. =~~~ .~t . , ; ~' VICINITY MAP ..-.~.._ .~ B NORTS i i t r 1 I t t 61 ZvAb ~4 :5 a.9~ 10 v 19 I~1 ~ i3 , 51 iB r q. !~ ` ° ~ o 20 :~ 7~ ~ ~ lh~ ~ i6 c xi ~ ~ 21 n N t1 j 71 ~ p 65 ~~ ~ 90 ~~ W ~ N h a J `r` .A ~~ ~5~ ry 25 ' y "' '~ ~_ ~ . ~._ ., -'~ ma ~ . ~ I p4icrY~O ~ gj 7 0 ~,~.~ :~ ~ X286 ~ 9 0 v -, ,,, .. gU15 ~~ s e ~ 45i5 ,~ e J BnBq ~ !y ,+ ~ , z 3 65 g~ !a I 2 3 !' 12 0 ~ j .3 14 ~ 709 h " 15 ~ 115 6q q1 a , 16 . ~ ~z ~ gc 2 ~ • ~ 8a 17 ~~ eon 18 ice' Ji N • cl ' I 1~2 ai,' 1 ' e,, .. I ~ ~~v ~~, no I • 721 X9 ~ F I I g I~ ~ ~ P of ~Gh 1 eo 9 9 o ea 8 7 B 6': a ~-~ 812 ~ ~ gg43 1 1 60 4 1 ~~ >'I7 \~p n.. .. 50 ~ p^ ,oo z 20 19 18y ~gpi Z~ eo eo .. 22 ~, 21 N eo 9 .. .. m g~1 ~ gi7 • N_ 9? j 1 ~1 o~ ~~ . ,. 1~ ~~ BNGINBBRING `, le: ~g N ~ 0 G 0 Route 1850 Palmyra Drive Plant Mix: 0.16 Miles 40 4.21 'L'_`_r' NORTB - ~ - ,'SP3 ~ ~_ ~ , 0.0 ..j3 g.~ \. ~, ~1'~ °~ ~ \\`• 2 T •~ I ~' `` `\ L--- 1 ° } B ~ ~\\ ~ l \\ 36 ; I; ze ~2 '.. ? ~~~~~ °.' 1 ~ '. ~~ . 2 ,. Z^ \ ~ /~i 56 ~ n 56 ~Y ~ 2~ ~ .\~ ~ 2' ~~ o \ ~~ • Zl \\ 3 SB ~ / 5. .' cx. 26 c~a l I a~-~ I 1 ~~._ 1 V 5 f- J 5 I 53 { ~ 9 .1 /%;' ° ~ 1 1 1 ] ~° ~, ~ ~ ~ 1 B i_~f~3 z . b 1 * a ,x ,,, 3 .e 'S - i' .8,9!_, .' ,ice f ~ ~ ~ / • ~ .r `r y ~ ~ 39 Y~~~ /~:~. 20 2~ t2 }Y C~' ~ 2 '' 9 ~/ -\ X ~. ~ ~ 3 e ~~ 5 6 r>~ /' ~ / .. 9 _~ r g~ '~ 1 ' ice. ~ . -- ~~~!- `\ / Jl~ 1,SS 56 5] ~ZCi 1~\ ` '6~ 8~. ` ..L ~_ Route 838 BNGINBBRING Thornrose Road Plant Mix: 0.29 Mi. 411 4.22 NORTB ~~ _ ~ ~. ~- ,, e >_ 9 ,.~ ~ I 3 9o w~ can, m ° I, a z O 3 ~ ~ r ~„z onder •, „6 / 2& ~ q - y 95 `/ 2 ~e - 8 - 7 ., ~ '= ~ e, 6 2 7 ~ ° ~ 62 - 7r)1, 1 .. •t ~ .,9] 2685 5<,~ ~ 9~ 96 9.an N ,G, `~J ,~ 1i - tl' 30 ec a._5B 9 m f~. 1. J~ J T ' J 2 ~ 21 20 19 ~ J<Ir~ ~ ~ °o v ~l B9 66 . ~~'y ." ~ 9° ~~ ~~ R t X650 _ ~ 6 s ~ J yC'9 °o p~ 6.1 ~~ ~POITYra ~~ -_~ Df .s I is 6aaes,Z 's"° o-;e 61 ~~ ; a b 17 _ _ , 1? ~Si '117 '' 6e ~ '; ~ ~ M1 I 2 a' ~ 4 ~ ,?. °.., ' \ l a/ B ~a. ei;6q g ne6 - = 9 ' 0 0 ~ O ,d , 13 ° ~ BG: '~ '0 0 s .z ~ ~, 4 a~ / ~ 'o - . - 'D ao as s y ~:. a IS J 609 ' J i6 '' S I6 P 'e~ ~. ~ I 11 c big i be s~ a~ ~ 13 2 a'a9 q '' 16 IS ~`~ ro9 - von ~' °~ ~ „s7 6 b,a° 18 17 i1, ~~s ~ / s 5'a j ~9 _ B07 BOl 6991 ~ I:.:~ y'6 ..;/ $9')~. J \0° _-~ pL ~ 6. S ie 6T1 1 , ~ Anchor ~ roz ~,~~- s„ 6zB ~ 4 ~ 5 0 0~~,ye - ~~~' ~ rz1 ne r,o I 2 3 e x~ B,z eo 901 ID 11 - ' ezz B e 7 9 9 '..~ 81 ~ {- I~ ~ 8 I n~`;, r 6 q 3 5 9 k,.$ , 9t s ~ - I ' a ~ ,.. a ~ e^ 1 6° ,, p ~._ J s ~ D IS 9° 12 rl ~f ~~~ 14 13 :9 22 21 ' ~ 2Q ~~ `B8 17 16 ! 'O~ - 9J`j ~ ; 20 9 '. t 3 ~ B~'' I 1 ezt ~ I - „0 giJ eo9 : 3. ° q.. .., > ~~ 33a~ ~ '~ I g 1848 '~~ ~Rt ~ J ,: ~.~Fairhurst ~~ Dr. ~ ~ O . ~ ,e.,.>, . ~l - ~ ~6 5 6u ,o~ ' ~~ ~~ ti .° ~ d ~~ B;J BJ6 BOZ B' 71~ ~ ~' 31 32 r,1 s„d ~1,; ~ ~ IB 30 v 29 28 ~ m ~ 37 3 33 ~ 36 35 ~ ' • . ~ ° ,.~ M 8 I I C ° - / y 9B/al S 6 t J t J 6 ^' ~" (7 J 7i 77 ? - 2 i00 '~ 6, iJ i6 , .B O _76 N 27 .~+I~ V 25 • ~ ' I 8 ~ 2~ 2i ?2 I 19 24 . 23 . - .~ ,o. . 'a9 ~ 16 $ ~' 17 _ 11 615 M d.9 ~~ o e ^ ~ e VB s~ d' ~z' 4. s ," ^' 13 r ., 7 60 ~' ~ ~~~ ~a~ I ~B64c J •~'r a° 80 60 ~ ~~ ~~ Rt 1847~~ o IS ' . Fenwlck ~ Dr. r ~'~ ~ a6~ ~J 9° B0 AiB B~1 BOB 4.23 Route 1843 Darby Road $1YGINBBRING P 1 ant Mix : 0.21 Mi . 42 43 /~ 1 •.u~'. ~:. o'i '-- .. r•; ";~$ I ~ k~ - - fr.5 -_~ ~~~~ ~- ~~; '~~. ~j t .__, 4,1,1 / 1 i NORTB 4U SB , 76se ya l5 E![1 tl7 3 1C6 1/ /S i00 i9 7 ~ rp ,~ ~, ,B ~ 19 o i~ ~~ ~ 21 20 rt> , ~ ' •A, ~ m ~,, ,6 23 ~ 22 ;~s ~ ~~ ~ 6, ,. o a 4 W ~- :, 25 - C ~ ti7 ~~ R r .1850 ~.~ ~~ ~ a b ° 26 B'~' qo ~ ~ /\/ „ ~ ~ rr pr. egaay,z •1 39 ~ ~ 91 90 J ,e no 10 ao - ,J~~7 ~ .pd ~?L7 n ~ ~~ i0 0 ~ m~ ~ eu~ g 6 e ~ ~ 'z `s ,? ,., s ~, eti e~ ,, ~ t 3 6 ' eo ~ r '^ 00 'a S d '~ ry /' /e II a ~ , ~~6' 3 , g1' I s 12 m 41 a $ ~ ~ _ 's 13 ~p9 - T~~ h ''e ,• 14 ~~ V ~ r1 IS ~~S gq q7 ti ~2q ~y ,1 ~6 7? ~ qn ~; a' 17 go7 ~ ea' -~ ~ m r ., 42 c 19 I6 e ~ ~ _I ',,~ 1 1 L dpi 7iU 43 0 ' o~ _ or ,q z ~? 1 10 o ,1 n E7 ~ ,,,, ~ Anch do , 9o p 8 g _ 9 v 1/ .r, eI? 7 s E~ 1d > 4~ ~ . g p? d 5 6 1 ~ wo 5o qa e: ~ ,, '' 4 s l 79 Q ., by ~0 12 .. s ,a 9~p 3 ° • 7qx~ s v 13 n~ s 9oe 2 8 ~ z t ,. 6 ~ IS 14 , N: ~ ~ .. o s 16 7vr ~ 1 - 6 1 ~~ Z 2e I9 d~, ? E'~ N ,.>y 21 09 ear Y.' ~~,,~, ~ %18n6..~~ n_ yp a'~ . ~ ~ 22 - 9i ~ ~ g, 7 8 - - N~T~ y/ R - go sa<~~ ' 23 '~ 24: eta ;,.+~ DT dO ,~d _ 28 ;; - ~,~ ~4 ^ ,n :~ :'.~ Fairhurst ~.,, ao? 3Z 31 ,~ 7 ,~~~~~ a0 ~ d%C Aj6 33 io 9ea~ r«,_ ..~- .~,•~'~`" ,,. - ti so e i o g , • 35 34 , a 6o yo z? ~; ,,.' '. .., w ~~ 38 ~°o a • 3 s e ~9 25 N 26 =, ' y i 9pe ~ 39 ~' s ~6 ~~ 24 ~ ,Cq - • ~ ' 4~ N 40 m y~? ~•~~ i yo E~ ~s _. 7~ Z3 J Route 1848 Fairhurst Drive $NGINBBRING Plant Mix: 0.21 Mi. 44 4.24 r - ;~ _ ~yp~.~ o!! ~• --~ ti `~1r ~ (~ \'~af =L~ • / t. /~ i Y NORTS ~~_ • ,~ ~S ' se~s~- i 49 Y yB' 7 t N i yB19 - o ' le a - ee ;0 i ye~• ` s~ 61~pe \ c' •, `45 ysp u yBys ~: Z • >• ~ I '_ -. >• 63 4a . Y r. srso ,. 91 ° y19~ II6 ' 3//s q3 r ~ P 6•y11. ~ x _ ). Y - 42 r ''-r~ 766 '; •Bp yJ a'yr ly >r •~ i - y..y ~ tilt. ~ ~ 41 1 ; t~ yfe2 ~» u sfe9. • 67 a Y t. Y•ye lQe~ ~ '"~ ~ ~~~ j '~ yd9 - - 21 J ~ , L rr •'• ~ ..yam s '22 c r 4 ° yrs9i7 ' y,sy36 r 2.~ oiB 'T 35 r' 25yrj1 ~ sf1 •, s 26yr26' s.134 9 ~ 33 27 s•7° ~ 28s"~ • s, 29y pe ._ \°_ r .. a9 M t P 0 y Route 1847 Fenwick Drive BNGINBBRING P 1 ant Mix : 0.2 3 M i. 45 \1 ~, ~1 sB I 0 ,. 3 yb • \ Y ld,yv p\\F- 0 ° ~~ • y ~ .9 a s 65 = .Iir 71 ~• 40 s7 s yf sr ~ • yrt. ~ ' ~ ' 49 ,~ 37 , , r ,» 1 ' o yftg , a 41 e t 70 e ~ ~ 87 f,p s • ry. ,j .: 36 ~ y s a8 s\ yr • BB •'~ 4yf16 y~z~ 67y,o . 69 's ~ 5n yfyy \ ~ i ~• Y -` .'° ~ ,Q . yr= ~ 46 • ~ ~ 4~ • y ~ ~ ~ \e !1 \ k P e . / ye • \ e - 45 ~ O 32 ~ 0 ~ s~ ~ 10 9 i . . 13 •b , 25 ~ . ` / .6'p p l ~ • ~ Z6 - '~ • ybp x.~ ~~40 ~ - ~ ~ 27 °o0 2i _ 15 ypr ~y .. i y ~ e. B yb yf~9 l •.n '^IG . Y \ 4.25 Q NORTA ~' ~ . . t. , '. _\\ ,~ ~o~ / .c .Cl r 16 42 :'~ AC . DI 3098 Ac ICl / 11~ 1C) 2? 39' ..: ~:I z4 St. ~ ,.. i // Route 612 BNGINBBRDYG Marie Drive Curve Improvements 46 4.26 ._ ~~ I9 I _ .:c 35 i 1 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 06'.::~c~ •~b2 \ r ~.. .3.54 J~ 35.5- - ~/ t8 35.6 ~',.' - 35.7 - - 4 ~C... ~. ~o~ ~/ O ~ ~/ ~i~. 20 ~~ _ c ~. ~~ \ 674 AcIC '~ 7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ... ~ r 34 op~ , ~ = 7z ~- 33/ ~~ 22 ~ 'r_' ~ ~ ,., ; c~ 32 2,,5;,-~~, ~ 42 23 - ' ~ 25 G2 :.:G _ 21 ~ ..,. 553 Ac // ~ ~„ .,. "°' A P F ^ .. r NORTA ~_ ~ /` / i ,1 23.5 ~ ' i ~ 23.6 ~ j ~ z: / 2~ JJ ~\. ~¢~ / 1 + a 924 ~ - ,~ '-~ ~ ~~ ~~~ 23 3 ~ ~~ 66 9 , ~ 9 Rt 92 r ~~e ~ I 922 98 20 GOac(C` \ 9~y0 9~B0 ~7 ~9Ac(C) 22 12.0"~ ac 14 g4 Ac (Cl \ e. J, 9 3 ~ i 21 7 `'nac ' ~\ n ~5 C;Ca~ v~ c 27 CCac'C) I o ~ v 94 ~ I ..:c.~55Pi -n iD ~'~ ~~y~ C~~unly ~~; ~%•- \ l\ ; C i // Route 644 BNGINBBRING Countyline Road Curve Improvements 47 4.27 s ~ o r ° VICINITY MAP NORTH 27 39.3 ' 3.c Ss~ 46!0 - ,_ ~~.~ ' ~ I GSAc ID) / 1.54 Ac lC ) l 1 \ \\ ~1~ i 2 Route 666 BNGINBBRING Bandy Road Curve Improvements 48 4 .~~ NUMBERED PROJECTS CATEGORY SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1992-1998 The largest portion of the Secondary Funding is allocated toward reconstruction of substandard secondary roads. Approximate $2,000,000 of the Fiscal Year 1992-93 Funding is allocated to this category. Numbered Projects require five (5) to six (6) years to develop funding and complete survey, engineering, plan approval, acquisition of right-of-way and easements, and construction. Upgrade of Gravel Secondary Roads is a special item within this category and has an established funding level of $37,000 to $40,000 per year. The following numbered projects are included in the current Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan: ROUTE 1~ STREET NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAP ,~ PRIORITY 605 Sanderson Dr. Reconstruction 5.1 20 639 West River Rd. 5.2 21 613 Merriman Rd. 5.3 22 615 Starlight Ln. Bridge & Bridge Approach 5.4 23 1658 Cresthill Dr. 5.5 24 668 Yellow Mtn. Rd. Reconstruction 5.6 25 636 Glade Creek Rd. 5.7 26 670 Lost Mtn. Rd. Replace Low Water Bridge 5.8 27 633 Benois Rd. Reconstruction 5.9 28 1602 Bunker Hill Dr. 5.10 29 720 Colonial Ave. Curve Improvement 5.11 30 780 Cove Rd. Drainage Improvement 5.12 31 1404 Timberview Rd. 5.13 32 628 Woodhaven Rd. 5.14 49 609 Hollins Rd. 5.15 50 5 NUMBERED PROJECTS CATEGORY (continued) ROUTE ~ STREET NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAP # PRIORITY 623 Florist Rd. 5.16 51 628 Woodhaven Rd. 5.17 52 1835 Ardmore Dr. Bridge & Bridge Approach 5.18 53 1861 Clearwater Ave. 5.19 54 897 Crystal Creek Rd. Reconstruction 5.20 55 rou~„s ~y ~ ~~ T I ;ii e56 I / Y ~~ hem ~ ~~ ., :e.z e,. nou~es~`~ S~t-e iei~ e ~ o:e~5 0 1904` Sao ~ .e. ~ ~ee~ asy ~. 9z ~ ~ ~ . ;~~.. C ~ 1 - VICINITY MAP NORTH ~~ a, R~~ ri e ~ ;!°~ 1.06 30 • i4 3~ ~t 31 27.97 At 29 ~ 12 9QAc O ' / \ ^ t~OAc. . resew Lw A /3~ 21 ~o oo~c. 23 2.OCAc 22 I.6GAc P/0 28.03-1-2 I' • 200' (28.0 __ _ See Map 28J0 ~' . q0' ~ yw~ ~ ~' t ~ ° +~ 20 ~ , • ~, ~~ ~ r Route 605 BNGINEBRING Sanderson Drive Reconstruction: 0.20 Mi. 20 5. ~ '~ ~~ `\\ Q NORTH ~~ ssoo i d c lq /OJ l / w r~ ~ ~, ~ ; ~.~-.- .~ ;! ~ 1 ' ~1 ~ ' ~ ~ ~. ~( I ~` 2s l ~ - Z~~.~ AO /{_ 2z T CBI Ac sits ~+' assn ~'~s~ i &ac 24 w.r»~ t....n / R~~~r ds~r/o.... `q~oe .~= 639 0 7 B6ktd •3Ac lq . ,, ~-° -~ J619 ` \ \ ~w \ ~ RO~i asa 26 \ ~ s~~~~• i -- ~ ~~ ~ ~ \ I~ O ° 9 ` I m Jd ~ ~~ H _ eos ~e ~Qw L r s~ (63.04) i 0 0 Z 5~~ Map 73.00 1. ~ ~, ~. 0 Route 639 BNGINEERING W . River Road Reconstruction: 0.33 Mi. 21 5.2 r -- .6d "_~ ~ ~,° " a ~-. _ ~ t _ ~ ~i68S ,i6cr ~ _ ~ ~ o ~a 4 °j i% r ~ o r• 92 ~684 y~ ~ tti ; - / ~ - . 'a , ~ 1. ° =~'S" i° ~ ~--~~ °'a o~ i ° ~ ego ~~ ° . s ° 68' ~ ~'. ° ~ o y °o °' . iS6a ' "'~ ~aF ~~ ~ ~ / ~ `I ~Vu.!! t idJ5 NORTS . ,~ f , . ,: . , ~ \ J • f ~ ` ~~. • ~ F nti / ~ \ f ~ ~ / ~ 1 ~ i i• w.w s~ , u ~ ~ \ e ~ .. ~( • ~ . n ; • na • / r ~ * ~ . / f ~i e. . I ,r Y ' ' . ~ .a \ \' ~I ^ d ~ ~ ~\ A` ~~n ~ ' r~ r. ~~ ` ~~ • , r _+ ! ~ . ~ \ ~ . M ~ ~\ ~ ~ ~r. • ` . f ~ ~~ 1 a e ~ y i A ^ ` .. n ~ ~ t fl s , ° ~ ~ r • • i N / f(/ / ,r 1 a _ t y i ,~ ' t ' ~ ~y Y t d • I f' , • ' ~ ,,. V I,i ~ • O 'V ` • 1 ~ I • ~ O 1 • ~ ~ ` ` • Y` , ~ ~ ~ ~ ., I j ` ~ '~ ~~' 0 ' ~ .i ~ A ~ ti ~ •~ ~'M- ~ ~ ~Ir ~~ ~ ~ (86.12) ~ ~ ~ ,,~ ~~ - (') ~, 1 Route 613 BNGINBBRINa Merriman Road Reconstruction: 0.39 Mi. 5.3 22 Q NORTH j z ~6 -A< ~ ~ \\ \~ / r3 x ~ / .i2 ~ 1 , ~Y ~ :I 3 x~ \ o ~~~~~ _~~~ a z /~ 2 AaOi yry A ~ 09~ 4ciCi ~ ~~ ~ (,~~ //) ~ ~ i 4 3 ~, ~ B3Ac \\ ~t I I ~~ i~ jl ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ + \\ \ i 5 ~~~ ~ ~ 6}5 At ~~~ A~ 1 STARLIGHT LANE ~~ `~ z dom z \ 9'S AC \ ~ \ ~ }o .o A<<~i - -p J}7}AC ;CI .. ~ ~~ \ ~ y `, ~ ~'~ ~ ~~ ~~'~ ~ Q, ~~'~~`n ~ - ~~ (97.03) ~ ' +~ - Route 615 BNGINBBRING starlight Lane Bridge & Approaches 23 5.4 • ~ ~ 42 ~ S4 ° d '°' s ~ ~ "~ 2 ~' SS ° 48 " r b, " s2 ~ ~ r" ~ 13 JO 9 c~ '~ S5 I J C ! ~ - 16 ~). r) SI • ~ ~ .? 4~ n er~k.M 31Y 'S0 ~ n ~~ n 57 ~ n e a ..e 64 S ~ ~o:~s s.ay,~ as. v r. ae 6S ~ ~ ro " 67 SB 39 60 ~ 61 62 ~ - ~ _ ~ e~ 1 Q NORTH / __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cr~sthlll ~ _ ~oi.e w so ,ss ez 1 0 7e 26 27 24 y 25 R - 28 19 a u. e !' pr 1 ~ X• J . s ao ~~. ~e :~ / ~ I~ 31 29 ~~.:~ Ir 6 8 M .~ Ol' 8 O 2°~• I. 3s '' 32 n ,,.e 36 v '' ~ / r9 ~e9 r0 7 ~ / ptr ~ x: a. a 33 26 ~ , i 8 ti ~ s ~a ~ ~,, 16 ~ . ~ 5 e '~ I6 ^d l ~ Ol Y ~ 12 `A 7 tij 3 ~', . ? ~ 37 y's, a' ~ rq, ~ ~ '~ ,~ O a . ~ e e ~ 33 24 13 i ? ' e 8 / S ~ ,~ x J~ O Ip ~ / •~ r: s 1 'i • '4 ~ ,~ oe ~ II ~ ~ ti 14" ?I ~ '~ gh~idDn `',~ roo 176.12) -~_- . _ --- Route 1658 BNGINBBRING Cre s th i 11 Drive Bridge & Approaches 24 5.5 \ '! -i. ~ a- ~~ Y ~ O ---~-•~Y- ~ s _ _ ` `~ - ~ ~ - -- CA'A^ ~ ~,' ~- ,~~• Site ,a , -- , ,~ ~~ ~~ - ., ~ ~ o~~~ ~ . -- - I~~ ~ P ~ ~ s t~~ - -~~ , -- -- _ _ VICINITY MAP ~~ _,, ~ -_-- ENGINEERING Route 668 Yellow Mountain Road Reconstruction: 0.97 Mi. 25 5.6 «~. s. ri4c "~' NORTH / o~ / / ~~ /~ t r rta / I .~~ l ~ ' '3 l/ ~, ~ ` ~:~ L1 ~~ I 1 / r l3TAe i f ~ I / 0.C \ ` 1 I s.. ~.,. •~y/ ~.,,~. ~~ .,., I~M~~ Cr.N M.) I ~ .~ / Q{Z k~ / ~G! AtK) / 3 ITT (40.04) `\~,. f ~ ~y~ ~jjj ,~ . ~~ s IAQ ik ~~-. 4 p ~~ 1\ ~~ ~~' w, s L234 ~J~ a z o04~ zfl9x ~ 10 13 S34c I I 13.334 o~ // Route 636 ENGINEERING Glade Creek Road Reconstruction: 0.30 Mi. 5.7 26 ~• ~ .y Y~~vy~ _~~_~~. s ' ~S, ^ c"am" .,,x rw ,~' - _ 'yt•.,~ \~ '~ ~OAGES MILL C~ PP/f- ~ ESTATES \ r10p '6C~0 ..AA ~ c~ 6 ~ V;~ g . ~eoo '397 LOST MOUNTAIN ,,; VICINITY MAP ,~. V NORTB \o j 5 u' ~~, 66. u e 39 ~ ~ eb,~ ~~~ ~ 38 . g,~ /~! q ~ . -~I 6 37 > 2g 36 ~-. vs- ~ '~ } .. ?. 43 c ~ ~~ .~ .~. 9 ~ ~~ 263ses •25 ~~ --__ ~~ \ /~ ~ wECV ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ j ~ E C C/~ eh - ~.~ ~ CK /% ~i',y,~ a6 +7 q~ ~Q -~ 3+99 ~ (~ Y,~9 ~, < '.e ~~ ~ ~.9 fit 6' \ `~9S 1 .~ ., ~. co .a~~ ~ .aa~ ~ ~ ~ y - o'/ / 13 f ,- i __ ~ ~ -~-- ~._- 593^ (85.03) Route 670 ENGINEERING Lost Mountain Road Bridge Replacement 27 5.8 Q NORTA ~~t ~~i ~ / wCOS, I ~~ ,7\~ 'es: I Sn o~ ~ ~ ! \ i1 Y \ \ t' \ ., 9 Q sce.f otp 87 i0 -2-. ~ x ~. 694 ^ \ I ~ ~! ,~ :et.~a r z3 ~~~~ Qo~~~~ -_ 7~ 3 „4 27 ~ ,~ B., ~ z ~~~ ~~ _ z x .~~'~~~' ` '~ Q~ ~ / 9 _ ~~ i I a `OO ~ \~ I - - - - - - ~ ~ --=t~-- .. ~ z i ~--~- / \ ~ ~ 9 ~ - 1 >/0 8'IG-2-B / / /I j c 1 . iOC ,~-..~ 6 i y 1C / / / ? I j / Flo I y = JJJ ' i }1 ~/ ~~ ~ 7 ,~ ~ a. / ~.~' P/0 BT iS-Z~q .0 ./ ,: ~ is I ~ o.~ ~ , 32 ~. ~ i ~ 26.2~~ /~ I Route 633 BNGINEB'RING Beno i s Road Reconstruction: 0.35 Mi. 28 5.9 caMl~LL CDF~LL ~ 3pK~ V' J~ G ~ ~ ~J, ^„ Cif g w S ~.~~ r v~MILt ~~uu+ow... 4 'brmf~y~~ 221 p ~' -~ " . ~ ,r - ~-i `~r ~ Op' ~ g '~lelloHt• ® .~P' : ~ ° ~ STS a 1~00~~~~ g _ Std' Od / N` ~ ,. `~ RD' 0 4L9 _ ~ ~fi~ ~ P..E _ .. ••419 ~ ~ 3f ~t p ~a .' • ~Bv~s ~igyry ;'~~ 102' .. W 4iNC^ `, (f ~ ~ ti.. ~ . ~t - .~ ~ h '.1 :AnL~ w„ ~~ VICINITY MAP ~`~ ~`E~ .~ . ' a .~ V NORTS ~\~ r 6 ~ ''~~ 'Z~ - ~ ~ ~~ ~ a: 7 5 ~ ~. ~~ 10 `(~ 9 \, \ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ II~ ~, ~y,. ' _ 2 C,~ ~ •~.. IB` 3 \~. - ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ IS ~ ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~ 13 ~\4 ~~ 4 / r 9\^ ~ . 5.2 ~~~ ~ ~ ~« ~ ~ \ ~ , .r • t ~~ ~~P1 z ~ e: _ ~ 37 1616 ~ \\\~ ~' Sir / ~ 38 e~ 9 s z s ~~ 9 ~~ ~`.. 1~ \ 3 \\ '. ounrr dCm,rosrr o~ ve ~Cw•rrer ~ ,~i ~ 39 ~. °~ S ~ r, ~ oRCBS ~ 2 4CAC (D' ,. of n.,. 40 ~ "f 'e 5 4 \ 3 ~e ac Ic e FCBS 'e s, 10 ~ +~41~ t ! „ti { b~ ~ t 9 e 1C tl~ / ~ ~ .~ / '•~ "~ 8 ,tl-~ rc s s - 6 ~' 7 ti/,~ ~ 6. 1 ~ ~ ~ sn r 12 ~ ~p7 Nrcr ~ i 1c e ~cu. ~ 12 r rr • ~ ~ I ~- 5 ~ m ~ s. is 4 ~ 3 A 2 • I ~ ,vvv' ~ _ I fi ~ ~ 48 - r .c ,, ,, r , . ,~ o '` Fa .. I I _ q ~ g ' n .p' / •° a 9 ib s 9 .6 / '` 47 ^' 13 ~ R rr :, :2 q69 .A S3 e ' - 12 ~ r • ~V O at `'~ ~. o, •, ^, » r u ~ 'P 34 ' / . r 17 / " 57 .e z ~~+52 - .1 .. 6 'I~ - ~ ~ ,• ~ I' ~ 57 S6 '.. `SI .1 ~ 16 ,6 9e ~ cT s Sg r ~J 9~ s 61 , r zr 50 v < ~ • c6 +~, 18 'b, `^ oc ~ 62 ,e ~ ,~'rs 1 R 6..• s 19 '~ o ~ 44 s ° s 60 4 s, ~ z 1 ~\ - s, ~ 19 9 \ ~ ~ ga ~ 49°~ r 0 , b r . 8 a ., r^ ~'S ~ 6~ 6t '~ t _9 atr Z1•~ °.'a . ^~ I .~~ y21 • J ~ + y, ~~ s, 47 iJ' s 62 A t y $ .r. ~ ~ 66 , e. ~ } 12 \' 46 .y \ ,r ~9'a E _.~ 79 i 63 y s, c. Route 1602 BNGINEERING Bunker H i 11 Drive Reconstruction: 0.18 Mi. 29 5.10 IS P ~%4 ~~ Q NORTH Rf 419 `_ // w\lO\ 1 17 • 1{ • 1 I{ yb. Is • o. 1S ~ Q a.,~o 1q .w M R ~y 4 N !6 S • 11 ; 16 J N i Alsr/. Ge. Y.~l y~ 10]~e e) ' ~ • c.,r ~. s - e s • ?0 ~ . + ~ u • ~~ ~ ~ ~ , • s ~ „~~~ o s O e colengl A~ s T I ? s ~ 0 ~ 3 I I ~ ~ ' V / O / 3 I / 2 I/ ~rA CM tA~l I ry0 {T06-1-2 / I• • 100 \J~ / \ ~ / / r, IV •Q ~ ~ ~ ~ II ~. \ \~ ~E GENO ___._ _ .o•r. P110OE11TY gENTIF' Nnv nE V15~0M5 rt~nl{ , 7rM Route 720 BNGINBBRING Co lon is 1 Avenue Curve Improvement 30 25 ` \~ y .~, a w ~_ \- 26 s >.~~ed„~.. ~~ze ~~ ~O \ ro~o-..., v.. ~ ~~ \ II \ \ \ ~ \ • \\ ~9~ ~ ., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w O +... o... s~,rr rio rzle-~-s L• 100 ( w. oo~, s~~, 3 !C 6~ I 17 ILK 5.11 Q NORTS ~•. r ~ ~• ~•._ O ,~ ~ ~-- ~: ~? ,~<. •. •2 'a yf6 ~~~ ~• 9 /• i ~ . ,.. ,. , \~ gyp/ .~: ~;~'~' .,-•.~10 .ice ~ /g ~/. i~ /, i ~T~ / i ~ t% // ae °ax VV\~~ i ~ ~~ i~ /~r ~~ i ~ ~ i`i. 3~~ a9 \ i /.i . is ~ \ / . ~ / ~' "• ~ /.~ K " Ga~• • 31 / ~ , • /1= /y / n .~~~ _ /' S ./. ...~ / \/ (\coJ/\ \ `• ~ ~~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ r ~ I• ~~ _ ~~ `\ ,x^21 ~ / .~ •2a ~y ~~~,~~y t~, ~ C ~ .- ;~ - Route 780 Cove Road ENGINEERING Drainage Improvements 31 5.12 .. p~' G ' ~ j ~ M~, } ~ 9 ~2'r ~ a ___ ~' `J ~_.A~r i~ ~~ ~ _ ~ i ~~~~ A ~ ,,~Y ti ~:~„ ~~y ~ VICINITY MAPw ~-~ ~ !, ~~"' q°°"°° . ~ ~ ~ u~ NORTH Route 1404 BNGINEERING T imberv i ew Road Reconstruction: 1.0 Mi. 32 5.13 iC ~ ~NJ6 4 0 ~8.. i / - • /~ ~bZ 4 ' ~% < ! 19 1. I• J~ ~. eze ~ •~ ~_, ~ ,- ~6/ ~ e ez5 i~~ o~~ ° -tee ..a„o, ' ~` io i iSa illy ~'~ J ~'. ~ 619 i 51~ .-_ / 22 .. 9 ~ ~ --. .._ _ ~O 1 / ~ICINITY MAP c ~`°~' ,-, -~__ __ .. NORTS .~,a. I -------- -.. O ~ ,~, ,~ .. r Wr i00 it .. , ~~~ it .~ .~.PO e° -Rr ~~ ~~ e Rio. t ~. .. '°` / ~ ' A ~. ... j O :. .f- ~ ~. ~F~ _ CROSSTIMBERS RT 1438 .,.. .;.. ,;,,, ~~ 4N '.' ~. + ,. - - R-- ~. , ~. ~s~ M ~ ~w f.~ ir~~ ~ .. M•L. n~ ~ ~ \C\ vs .. (26.19 . ~ O, . *ww _ . . ` ~ ., .~ r~ i }, pw .... ~ .. '` ~ 0 . ~ ~ • ~ .: ~~ ~ ~ \\ ~~ - .' ." ~ `~ i '- ~ i 1 .ire; ~llf.;. ~ \ \ ~~ O r I w I rr r Route 628 SNGINBBRING Woodhaven Road Reconstruction: 0.48 Mi. 5.14 49 ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~--- - - - -"'~ ~ ..,~ ., s r ~ ,.,. ~ - -- -i .. ~ ~ ~ YICINIT'Y MAP ~ l ~~ x X909 .,~ ' ~ 851 ~~ ~ ~ f °, '~/ 601' ~ 6C ° ~ ;~ 181 0,1 ~,1 i85~ JJ~ .. Oo 0 9 ~ ~~ ~ ° ~ ~ '' 8 b ~~.~_ ~ 8~ ~ ~9 ~ ~ I ~' 8' 6 i- ~ ~ U85 \9~5 ~ ~c _ 1816 ~ 1961 _~"'~ r x,935' 189Y-~i96if~= 4 189 f ~ o` ~ .~ o~ ti ,y o ' 9~~ ~ 19 } p a 9dd) e/ J 1°: gd ~ ~ 189 ~~ ~_' I'i ~ e pp~ ~`, 191} •~ "7 ~ • 1 0 ~- r ~ 1 192 ' ~9C~ 6 ~ o P I 1902 ° z~ ~~ o . e5a ~ o " ~ ,, ° ° ~° to ' , ~ G9 ~ O ~ , ~ d- ~ 09 i ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ C 2) 19 . cn~' 18 • ° . o °_ o o oz) Z -1 \~ '' ~ ~ r' o ~ W ~ G [) 91 ~. J O g g o) a ~. _ S `185 ~ db 9 .n 0 0 s s 0 ~ o p 1912 ''j a -~ 1971 h ~ c ! a o~ 89 - ~ a (a~ ~ '1969, ~1953~ 1g9 18 1872' `= \ 60 I + : ) 62S t ;G S'- 7 ~ ~ /,^ ~ ~J _ _ ~, ~~~ ~' 7~ 3 ~ ~- i~5 1 (28.091 ,'i NORTH ~~~ 1 / ~ 6~E ~' ~ 6.. o )o~~ .~ ~~ Route 601 BNGINSBRING Ho 11 ins Road Reconstruction: 1.60 Mi. 5.15 50 Q NORTH ~~~ ~ ~\ `~ ~` ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ' i6 t ~ ,D +, .. ~,\ ,\ ~a ~~~ ~= . a~ ~\ ~ _ ~ ~ _ .'„ .` r ` ~ ~ ~~~ s 3 - ~ ~ ~a f I / ~! i,' ~ 1 i~ 3 •, ~ ~ '~ i~ Q' ` / z ~ \ /4 Gc 4 ._ a~ ~~~ 5 ~ ,. .w e ~ ~ Z n ,~~.:_ P t. G ~~' y 8 ; r / // a L l ~ 3~~3a; ` ~- %~ z=' ~ t i0 ` \ ~ \ 1 / ~ _ i f6 \ •~~ ~S ~~ ~ ~6 ~ Q ~~ ~~ i~ .~ _u ~'~ ~,, 19 ,~~ a a '' ~ ~ ~ 2d 21 ` is. \~ l f ,~ \\ ~~ h U, -~ \ ~ ~~~~ . Route 623 SNGINBERING Florist Road Reconstruction: 0.25 Mi. 5.16 51 ~~ . s ~ ~ 0~ ~11,T~`~'"~~ ~~NDS ~ ~~ a r o~ ~C4~ ,~ i Q~ f'- ~.~ t EXIT 41' twK~.~~ <, ' ~ ~E5 `~ F 62 t [xn 9 ~`~ . `~` 628 'J0 / S : a ~ ~, ~. --~-_ - - _ _~`-'-1---- NORTA \ .... ~ 77 ~; . nrr 1436 ~ ~ 6i ~ 59 ,ex p~'CP ~ ,rto Nm a t ~ / g 7 g !,;z• ~3° a ~ ~ biVrV / ~ ,t1s 67 a .x'60 i ~ Jylr o 1^ IQ~ir9~ •rIr• '~ I 4q tl„M~ '~ ~ !4 / J 72 /J1r 'or ~ ~° i2 ,~tt S\ „°e ~ 73 ' 72 ~ 69 ,rtr \~ v 71 ~~ • ~° iho, ! 71 70 ~ ~~~ ~ °'s , a 13 n: R ~ °j ,ro s firs / w nor ,.a 6 7 tt ,ro• ,r,~ ,tro 7O 8 a i9 R ~/ µ ,r.,: CroeeflmMn ~ / , nn ~ Via, Mer esn eur ~ sr., I~ ~ ~ IS r° ~' w sett u" a>s sets / ~`' ap60 o b ai>'O ~ ~ 9 °;' ~ 10 f1eM a '0d ar 8 s 'a `~. ~ ' °~ Rood Wq ° rs S9 ~' •rll - ~ II tNe w.a DWI! ~ rtes * ~„ ~ ~ " IM1 •~° RLdS ~ ~ ~, ~~re ~ • ~ ` a•sr E • NN ~ 24 ~~~ Mfr • r ~ ~ ,R w te, s. , e ' rrrr ~ , I O ' a 25 K 37 4 •' RK ~ ~ 12 feN 2 S4 ~ ,,, ~ v a d r a ~~„ ~ 1 O Ike ~. rota ~ s/ Ya rtrf, eb. o te,1 ~ t 9 ~ S ' 14 20 ~ _ sere ~ ea! ;q t , A ertt 31S ' ° cite \ 33 4c , K + en, 32 \ -~ ~ • 17 erns 31 ~ \ s5oec eae / ~ ~ ~ ~ \ erM pol 30 , ~ / ~ eeM ~ s •I s.r i.is / en ~ i ~~ '' free y u M,f Off. ~ Nt 29 i~ ~e. 2 ' ar e~ t0 a 27 • t.rr pc s rsrr ~ M tsrs p s.:r 6~ r wr i ~ ~ ~ ~ a i fen . \ i :.w wee ~ a s•ee lire a 9' ~ b~ ~ It ~ .f MA I! w ter ' 8 • A w •n , (2Ar20) 2J L43ec • 2 farms s• rM~ 1.' Route 628 BNGINBBRINa Woodhaven Road Reconstruction: 0.31 Mi. 52 ---5.17 y P~~ rut + / 2.1 / fstt a c ~, JNNYBfi00K P((T ~MIV l t. _. _ -- ,. i NORTH ~~ , ~ .~ i ~s~ _ V j ~ L_' _ _ _ .. ~ __' ~ / / W / \ ~~ s0~3 / / ~ / / ,~s . 3.~-- ~~ 32 % ~ ~~ /~ ~ i ~ --- - - - / / 's ~ . ~. 3 5 ti 30 I ~~_ ~ \105 ~ J~ / ~ \ '\Z~ ~ 1 / 27 \ \ \ ~ 1 \ y \ \ ~ ' \~ 'O sf 3 `GJa - Oj ~ '° \ 4 '~ 2 - ~J~O _ ~ / \ \ , ` ~ ~, ~~ 3 0,4 ~' :. \ ~, . O, / ~o~- `/ \ 4 ~ ° .. ~,\ '` / \; _/ ~~ \ o ~ ~\\ ~\ ~` ~` ,\ ~ 4 .. ~ ~ - ~~~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ \ ~ D J \ Route 1835 BNGINBBRING Ardmore Drive Bridge & Approaches 53 5.18 VICINITY MAP _~ \ ~. NORTH l0 37aa a ~ ~3 0"' o~ II ~ IV / ~~~~''' 9'3 96 2J 1aao1 /7 `y0 BO bpb ~1 e6 6 29 1 ~ z~ eo.2s ~o ~ 12 ~ i ry 47 ~ 1 1 1 B ~? y- TS ~9 a ~ s ,~1 ~y. ti 46 ~ 16~ ~ ~ 15 ~' r N 1 ~ 29 •, 14 °~' 13 °,,'oo ~o ~ . ; / a zs cry ry. ~J I! ~ a l I ~ / A° eJ 24 `e° w ~ 45 s. ~e9 „ A T S / 9 6 J ` ,~eJ N 90 ~_ 9 15 ~~~ \15 ~ - TS p~. _ R~ • 18 as.Te a2 ~ 's~,9a io s 25 N ~ ~ I a i~3 23 c Matre ~ `!; 23 ~ _ a I L 7 1 1 1 2 9 O N > ' 32 :~ T 25 I.pSAc Route 1861 Clearwater Avenue Bridge & Approaches 54 5.19 ~o BNGIIVBBRIIVG Q- NORTH ,~ ~ ~ ~, ~ o IW IS '~ ~~ ~o l c o v / 0~ c 6~ SSI ~ ~ 01 4 ~ / o ~ o 0 S o~ 7 _ ~•~ ~ J 689 ~ .e c , 6 y c 613 3 6] o1J 689 ,~ ~ 1 S'8 + ~ ~, 07 0~ ~ j 7 ~ C 1 1 ~ _ 166 a 7 ° I fj~ 16~ ~ f O ~~ ° O h 1~ ' 11 X606 I~ ~ , °s• o,~ * 75 ~ o~ 7 o' ° 4 ~ °t 1683 0~ l~ $ , iJ Ibrk)r p ~ o ~J ~ IS76 1681 ~ o ~~ t I~ ~ ~~ I ~ 1 / '25 ( 1 / 171 I S ~ ~ 735 897 ~ 0 1 ' j ~ n7 , ~ , ., f~ °~~~, 1718 ~ '-'7 ~ so~•~ RYS ~4 3` b \ ee eee ct~ ~1 0 ~ ~ o~. ~~ -•=- ~ - -- Q.i 1321 \J 16 ~'O m O ~~~12 01• dr0 °10 ~ ~ 0 531 3 0 2 o t~ ~~ ~ IS c 53° o l o o .. ° °' b40 ~. o 1. i 57 11 S32 c 74 0` ~ ISro ~ b ~_°~ 1S6 ~ 0~ Sbb ~~ i o 0,0 ~o 0 0 71 k /'~ ~°v 6 32 9 • - 7 0 ° ~ ~~s CREEK 0~ 90• 0 613 / o _ Route 897 BNGINBERING Crystal Creek Road Reconstruction: 0.77 Mi. 55 5.20 ROUTE ~ STREET NAME UNPAVED ROADS PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAP )IE PRIORITY 915 Cox Hopkins Rd. Widen, CR, DR, STAB, 6.1 1 ST: 0.25 Mi. 669 Patterson Dr. Reconstruction 6.2 2 925 Dawnwood Rd. 6.3 3 865 King Brothers Rd. 6.4 4 744 Rocky Rd. 6.5 5 6 `JNPAVED ROADS--ROANOKE CO. TRAFFIC ROUTE STREET NAME TERMINI (FROM/TO) ----------- COUNT _ _ 612 POOR MOUNTAIN ROAD ------- Rt. 916 to 3.45 M. N. Rt. 916 0 ~ 0 614 BOONE'S CHAPEL RCAD N. Rt. 677 to FRANKLIN C.L. 20 615 WEBB ROAD 0.35 M. S. Rt. 220 to FRANKLIN C.L. 636 GLADE CREEK ROAD 0.16 M. E. Rt. 1095 to DEAD END 59 644 COUNTYLINE ROP.D FLOYD C 75 M 0 .L. to Rt. 669 666 to FRANKLIN C.L. Rt S 24 657 6F~ ~~ROWELL GAP ROAD PATTERSON DRIVE _ . Rt. 644 . . to Rt. 607 7 3 6' WILLOW BRANCH ROAD Rt 220 to 0.2 M. E. Rt 220 30 . 677 WILLOW BRANCH ROAD Rt. 614 to 1.30 M. W. Rt. 614 44 690 POAGE VALLEY ROAD N. Rt. 612 to E. Rt. 612 06 703 PIONEER DRIVE Rt. 636 to BOTETOURT C.L. ~ 6 708 LANCASTER ROAD Rt. 690 to 0.35 M. S. Rt_ 690 Rt 220 S 98 M 221 to Rt S 0 708 IVY RIDGE ROAD 0.38 M. 618 Rt _ . . . . 25 M. SW. Rt. 618 to 2 709 727 LEMON LANE BERRYBROOK DRIVE . Rt. 622 . to 1.7 M_ N. Rt. 622 3 0 8 ~ 744 ROCKY ROAD 1.30 M_ S_ Rt. 221 to Rt. 607 28 759 BERGANBLICK LANE Rt. 752 to 0.20 M. E. Rt.752 3 ~ 764 845 VINYARD ROAD SOUTH INDIAN GRAVE ROAD Rt. 752 0.20 M. to DEAD END N. Rt. 676 to Rt. 676 14 2 857 BEASON LANE Rt. 847 to 0.20 M. E. Rt. 847 3 5 ~ 865 KING BROTHERS ROAD FLOYD C.L. to Rt. 669 20 870 OLD SENT MOUNTAIN ROAD Rt. 752 to 0.33 M. SW. Rt. 752 7ll (E.S.M.) Rt SW 85 M 0 80 889 915 MILL CREEK ROAD ~:OX HOPKINS ROAD Rt. Ili Rt. 668 _ . _ . to to 0.25 M.N. Rt. 668 4 0 916 HONEYSUCKLE ROAD Rt. 612 to DEAD END 29 1728 MONCAP TP.AIL Rt. 923 15 M 0 to 0.20 M. S. Rt 923 BOTETOURT C_L. to DEAD END SW 2 ~ 906 WORMACK ROAD . . . . ._ •._._ -__- ~ p~ 66 52 ~\~ 66~ Q~S~ ~ q~5 .~ - _ _._ ~ .- I s/ --- - s ns 66e ~ ~'N~ ~ 666 o ~- ~~ °° ~ YICINIT'I' MAP ,~, NORTH ..~.^.^ T 1.42Ac ~ 4 ~ ~ t77 3.OOAc lDl 1 31 Ac lo) g / 2.56 Ac lC) 1.09Ac lC) 130At g ~ 2 psi secs 6 1.79Ac ~~~ ~ 3.1 ~ LooAc 51st 2.19 Ac 19 ~o~ 3 O ~ 163Ac ~~ s937 ~ ' ICt 916g ? / 56g1 ,/. 4.18 .Ac (o) \ ` S 97 Ac (C) c* ~ Or ~1 ~ i67ac 5A 1 "~ \` 1 /~ 12.1 ~~. `..~ c"wc" 5.9/3 .M u ~ ~ 1 s91~ I ~a„ . 4 ~~ u rt s9t? A'd+~M I A 5AC(01 1AcIC) », `R~ + 8 a .; ~ I 04) 98 ~ 31 ~~ . ( ~ 10.2 c ~ '~~,,~ ~ I. 8.60 A C) 2C 512 '' ~~ ~ s~,. 12 38 ' a Sid / ' 18 « C1r~ i~ h 1.84A~~ s~6a 30 I.OOAc S61t is 4 39Ac lo) 5.91 Ac (C) 36~t 24 I LTOAc Route 915 BNGIIN$LRING Cox Hopkins Road Reconstruction: 0.25 Mi. 1 6.1 NORTB ~~ i 25 226..c~~ ,y~. 2241"cc r, ej ~_ }s" ~ IO • Y I ii0 6e ac~Dl ~ i X05 59 ACi:` o / o ~~ Y ~ `~ _ p ' / .~ (T ~ l~ 1 ~8 ~ 7 I I.i .C ~ '.D • •~ ~ , d ` '- ?. '.2. v~:C iii ~ Y a y ` ~ 1 C 4 ~ ,.,~-~-, ~ 9 e bJac~cl a ~ ~`~~ ~ r, a. 0. ~,.- _ ae ° _ / \ ~"6 - cd \ 1 y~Pe 16 .~,Jr. ~ zJ~ac '~ V s ~ i3 ~ ~e ,; <.i~, ~ L _ -- - zo ~"~.:~ ~ . -~ ,a<;, ~ 6 A _ ~ oc:.: a 9 O \ _ c .., _, ~ ~'~ f 5 ~• S~S~... _ - 20 GO : ICS 19 .._, y~, 2[ 21;1,;(~i Y -\\ ~` ti __ ~ \ \/ j~ ~ 95 \ \ \ / ~ R~O"o~.o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ _'i h~~ »~~~ac. o, /~~ \ j ~'~~ fit' / \ / ; `~ ~G' ~~ ~I ~ . -~ Route 669 Patterson Drive BNGINBSRING Reconstruction: 0.60 Mi. 2 6.2 Q NORTE --- ~ Sprinq ~ 690 688 88 c=~ ~~ ~s~9 3 ~o/~ 6 ~ T 32 1 691 ~i I I ../ ~ J~ 0 v O 196.03 / 105.00) MASONS K N09 ~ ~~ i \ __ ~,,o BNGINSBRING Route 691 Dawnwood Road Reconstruction 3 6.3 I ~ ~~ W~~ M ~ o -~ ~ eeM 1 •w 37 ~ 637 ~ M'~~ i2~ 'a" J ,, ~.. l ~ b..o.~ ~,` o~ oy , so ese ~ ~ i ~ F/p °` • ~~~~ I ~9 16~~ ~ ~ ~~ Q ~ G vrcrxrrr ir~ -L'J NORTH ~~ i~J OG ~+C IG`_ 59Cc r ,. ,. / :J ~ ~- ~ ^1 ~ \ ~ '9 J ,( 11 y `~ / / ~ / / _ - ~ ~ i ~ -~~ ~ i j~ ~~ _ / _ , P / s ~\ 394 ~ 1 _ s`~= -- <- 7 I Y~ ~ \ r 7«,"., ~~ I i / ~~ _ ~ ' ~// ~~, ,~~ ~~ BNGAVBSItING Route 865 King Brothers Road Reconstruction: 0.59 Mi. 4 6.4 .,. » A a E I r ~ ^ NORTB 1ZZK c , _ ~~,.~ ~_I ~~ --- /~~ ~, .~ '~- -- 1 ~ ~ _ 3 5 2 \~ -~ / ;,, ,~,, /~ 36 i ~~ i' ,:, -~ o ~ it , \ 0 ~ ~ a i ~~ ~~ Q i .~i ~~ ~ ~ ~ 33 .~:~~ \ ,~ 32 Route 744 Rocky Road SNGINBBRING Reconstruction 5 6.5 ~ ~ " VICINITY MAP STATE CODE SECTIONS The following sections of the State Code have been copied for easy reference. A. 33.1-70.01. - Annual meeting with County Officers; Six Year Plan for County Roads. B. 33.1-72.1. - Taking certain streets into the Secondary System C. 33.1-75.1. - Special funds for systems in certain Counties. The above sections provide the State Statute Authorization to implement the Six Year Secondary Road System Construction Plan. 7 33.1-70.01. Annual meeting with county officers; six•year plan for county roads. -The board of supervisors or other governing body of each county in the secondary system may,~ointly with the resident engineer for the Department of Highways and Transportation or other representatives of the Department as designated by the State Highway and Transportation Commis- sioner, prepare asix-year plan for the improvements to the secondary road system in that county. Each such six-year plan shall be based upon the best estimate of funds to be available to the county for expenditure in the six-year period on the secondary system. Each such plan shall list the proposed improve- ments, together with an estimated cost of each project so listed. Following the preparation of the plan, the board of supervisors or other governing body shall conduct a public hearing after publishing notice in a newspaper published in or having general circulation m the county once a week for two successive weeks, and posting notice of the proposed hearing at the front door of the courthouse of such county ten days before such meeting. At the public hearings, which shall be conducted jointly b~yy the board of supervisors and the rep• resentative of the Department of Hi hways and Transportation, the entire six-year plan shall be discussed with the citizens of the county and their views considered. Following such discussion, the board of supervisors or other governing body, together with the representative of the Department of Highways and Transportation, shall finalize and officially adopt the six-year plan which shall then be considered the official plan of the county. At least once in each calendar year representatives of the Department of Higghways and Transportation in charge of such secondary system of state highways in each county, or some representative of the Department designated by the State Highway and Transportation Commissioner, shall meet with the board of supervisors or other governing body of each county in a regular or special meeting of such board or other governing body for the purpose of prepar- ing abudget for the expenditure of improvement funds for the next fiscal year. The representative of the Department of Highways and Transportation shall furnish the board of supervisors with an updated estimate of funds and the board and the representative of the Department of Highways and Transporta- tion shall jointly prepare the list of projects to be carried out in that fiscal year taken from the six-year plan by order of priority, and following generally the policies of the State Highway and Transportation Commission in regard to the statewide secondary system improvements. Such list of priorities shall then be ppresented at a public hearing duly advertised in accordance with the procedure hereinbefore outlined, and comments of citizens shall be obtained and con- sidered. Following this public hearing, the board, with the concurrence of the representative of the Department of Highways and Transportation, shall adopt, as official, a riority program for the ensuing year, and the Department of Highways and ~ansportation shall include such listed projects in its sec- ondary roads budget for the county for that year. At least once every two years, following the adoption of the original six•year plan, the board of supervisors or other governin&g body of each county, together vv~th the representative of the Department of Highways and Transportation, shall update the six-year plan of such county by adding to it and extending it as necessary so as to maintain it as a plan encompassing six years. Whenever additional funds for secondary road purposes become available, the governing body may request a revision in such six-year plan in order that such plan be amended to provide for the expenditure of such additional funds. Such addi- tions and extensions to each six-year plan shall be prepared in the same the count s implementation of several projects during the fiscal year. Upon approval ~y the Department, the county may expend from its special fund created under subsection A of this section funds to undertake the implementa- tion of aparticularproject or projects. The county will undertake implementa- tion of the particular pro ect or projects by obtaining the necessary permits from the Department of ~ansportation in order to ensure that the improve- ment is consistent with the Department's standards for such improvements. C. Total state funds allocated statewide under this section shall not exceed x10 million in an one fiscal year. D. Notwithstanding the limitations specified in subsection A of this section, one month prior to the end of any fiscal year in which less than E10 million has been allocated from state funds under this section, those counties requesting more than x500,000 ma be allowed an additional allocation. The difference between the amount f~rst allocated and x10 million shall be allocated at the discretion of the Commonwealth Transportation Board among the counties receiving the maximum allocation under subsection A of this section. (1974, c. 543; 1976, c. 208; 1977, c. 221; 1979, cc. 88, 89; 1980, c. 405; 1983, c. 343; 1984, c. 467; 1985, c. 574; 1987, c. 440; 1988, cc. 31, 84, 562; 1990, c. 561.) ~ i ~ 33.1-?2.1. Taking certain streets into secondary system. - A. "Street," as used in this section, means a street or highway shown on a plat which was recorded or otherwise opened to public use prior to July 1, 1980, st which time it was open to and used by motor vehicles, and which, for any reason, has not been taken into the secondary system of state highways and serves at least three families per mile. B. "County,"as used in this section, means a county in which the secondary system of the state highways is constructed and maintained by the Depart• ment of'hansportation and which has adopted a local ordinance for control of the development of subdivision streets to the necessary standards for acceptance into the secondary system. C. Whenever the governing body of a county recommends in writing to the Department of'h~ansportation that any street in the county be taken into and become a part of the secondary system of the state highways in such county, the Department of 'l~ansportation thereupon, within the limit of available funds and the mileage available in such county for the inclusion of roads and streets in the secondary system, shall take such street into the secondary system of state highways for maintenance, improvement, construction snd reconstruction if such street, at the time of such recommendation, either. (i) has a minimum dedicated width of forty feet or (ii) in the event of extenuating circumstances as determined by the Commonwealth Transportation Commis- sioner, such street has a minimum dedicated width of thirty feet at the time of such recommendation. In either case such streets must have easements appurtenant thereto which conform to the police of the Commonwealth 'I~ransportation Board with respect to drainage. After the streets are taken into the secondary system of state highways, the Department shall maintain the same in the manner provided by law. Such street shall only be taken into the secondary system of state highways if the governing body of the county agrees to contribute fiom county revenue or the special assessment of the landowners on the street in question one-half of the cost to bring the streets up to the necessary minimum standards for acceptance. No such special assessment of landowners on such streets shall be made unless the ggoverning body of the county receives written declarations from the owners of seventy- five percent or more of the platted parcels of land abutting upon such street stating their acquiescence m such assessments. The basis for such special assessments, at the option of the local governing body, shall be either (i) the proportion the value of each abutting parcel bears to total value of all abutting parcels on such street as determined by the current evaluation of the property for real estate tax purposes, or (ii) the proportion the abutting road front footage of each parcel abutting the street bears to the total abutting road front footage of all parcels abutting on the street, or (iii) an equal amount for each parcel abutting on such street. No such special assessment on any parcel shall exceed one-third of the current evaluation of such property for real estate tax purposes. Such streets are eligible under this provision only if neither the original developer, developers, nor successor developers retain a speculative interest in property abutting such streets. For the purpose of this section, ownership or partnerah~p in two or more pparcels, or equivalent frontage, abutting such streets shall constitutes ulative interest. Special assessments under this section shall be condu in the manner provided in Article 2 (f 15.1.239 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of'Ititle 15.1, mutatis mutandis, for assessments for local improvements. Cl. Whenever the govenung body of a county recommends in writing to the Department of Transportation that any street in the county be taken into the secondary system of state highways as a rural addition to the secondary system in such county, the Department of Transportation thereupon shall, within the limitation of funds and the mileage limitation of the Common- wealth Transportation Board's policy on rural additions, take such street into the secondary system of state highways as a rural addition thereto for maintenance, improvement, construction, and reconstruction. Any street added to the secondary system under this provision shall be constructed to the Department's standards for the traffic served. Such streets are eligible under this provision only if neither the original developer, developers, nor suceessor developers retain a speculative interest, as herein defined, in property abutting such streets. .. - ~ 7.2 D. In instances where it is determined that speculative interest is retained by the original developer, developers, or successor developers and the governing body of the county deems that extenuating circumstances exist, the governing body of the county shall require a pro rata participation by such onginal developer, developers or successor developers as a condition of the rnunty's recommendation pursuant to this section. The basis for the pro rata percentage required of such developer, developers, or successor developers shall be the proportion that the value of the abutting parcels owned or partly owned by the developer, developers, or successor developers bears to the total value of all abutting property as determined by the current evaluation of the property for real estate purposes. The pro rata percentage shall be applied to the Department of Transportations total estimated cost to construct such street to the necessary minimum standards for acceptance to determine the amount of costs to be borne by the developer, developers, or successor developers. Property so evaluated shall not be assessed in the special assessment for the determination of the individual pro rata share attributable to other properties. Further, when such pro rata participation is accepted by the governing body of the county from such original developer, developers, or suxessor developers, such amount shall be deducted from the Department of Transportation's total estimated cost and the remainder of such estimated cost shall then be the basis of determining the assessment under the special assessment provision or determining the amount to be provided b the county when funded from general county revenue under subsection C o~this section or determining the amount to be funded as a rural addition under subsection C1 of this section. E. Acceptance of any street into the secondary system of state highways for maintenance, improvement, construction, and reconstruction shall not impose any obligation on the Board to acquire any additional right-of--way or easements should they be necessary by virtue of faulty construction or design. F. The local governing body of the county may expend general county revenue for the purposes of this section. Fl. The local governing body of the county may permit one or more of the landowners on the street in question to pay to the county a sum equal to one• half of the cost to bring the street up to the necessary minimum standards for acceptance into the secondary system of state highways, which funds the county shall then utilize for such purpose. Thereafter, upon collection of the special assessment of landowners on such street, the county shall use such special assessment funds to reimburse, without interest, the one or more landowners for those funds which they previously advanced to the county to bring the street up to the necessary minimum standards for acceptance. G. Any funds allocated for use writhin any count by suchp c~oun~ of adding to the secondary system of highways, if not y for such purpose during the fiscal year they are ao allocated, may be held for such purpose for the three succeeding fiscal years. (Code 1950, 4 33.1-72; 1968, c. 601; 1970, c. 322; 1972, c. 393; 1976, c. 391; 1977, cc. 214, 578; 1978, c. 487; 1979, c. 321; 1980, c. 96; 1981, c. 232; 1982, c. 167; 1983, cc. 171, 455; 1984, c. 146; 1987, cc. 156, 20?; 1989, c. 274.) 7.3 ~ 33.1-75.1. Special funds for systems In certain counties. - A. From, and as a first priority of, annual allocations of state funds for the mainte- nance, improvement, construction, or reconstruction oC the systems of state highways, the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall make an equiva- lent matching allocation to any county for designations by the governing body of up to twentyfive percent or E5 ,000, whichever is greater, of funds received by it during the current fiscal year pursuant to The State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, hereinafter referred to as "revenue sharing funds," for use by the Commonwealth Transportation Board to construct, maintain or improve the primary and secondary highway systems within such county. Such funds appropriated by the Commonwealth Transportation Board and such federal revenue sharing funds shall be laced in special fund accounts of the Board and county, respectively, both to be known as the " ....... County primary and secondary road fund," and shall be used .. solely for the purposes of either (i) maintaining, improving or constructing the primary and secondary highway systems within such county, or (ii) bringing subdivision streets, used as such prior to July 1, 1980, up to standards sufficient to ualify them for inclusion in the state primary and secondary system of highways. The governing body may place an equivalent amount from county general funds in such fund in lieu of such federal revenue sharing funds. After due consultation and exchange of recommendations with the Board, the governing body of such county shall determine what portion of such funds shall be used for construction, and what portion for maintenance or improvement, of primary and secondary roads in such county. That portion so designated by the governing body for construction shall be allocated to specific projects by the Board; that portion designated by the governing body for maintenance or improvement shall be allocated to specific roads by the governing body. The county shall pay over to the Board that amount of its special fund account needed for a project upon notice by the Board of its intent to proceed with the project. Projects identified by the board of supervisors for construction with revenue shanng funds need not be included in the county's six-year plan. B. Upon indication by the resident engineer of a county that a pproject or projects funded pursuant to subsection A of this section cannot be imple- mented by the Department of Transportation within the fiscal year for which such revenue sharing funds have been allocated, the Department may contract with the county for the implementation of the project or projects by the county. Such contract may cover either a single project or may provide for manner and following the same procedures as outlined herein for its initial preparation. Where the board of supervisors or other governin body and the resident engineer or other representative of the Department of~ighways and Transportation fail to agree upon a priorityy program, the board or governing body may appeal to the State Highway and'hansportation Commissioner. The Commissioner shall consider all proposed priorities and render a decision establishing a priority program based upon a consideration by the Commis- sioner of the welfare and safety of county citizens. Such decision shall be binding. All such six•year plans shall consider all existing roads in the secondary system, including those in the towns located in the county that are maintained as a part of the state secondary system, and shall be made a public document. (Code 1950, ~ 33.1-70; 1970, c. 322; 1977, c. 578; 1979, c. 64; 1981, c. 240.) 7.4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF BUPERVIBORB OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 12892-12 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ...~. Mary H. lien, Clerk cc: File Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Executive Session Q AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WA3 HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER !'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for Citizen Comment on the 1992-93 Fiscal Year Budget COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At this time the Board will invite comments from citizens on the 1992-93 fiscal year budget. Staff has not yet presented revenue or expenditure proposals to the Board, therefore, citizen comment will be directed toward general programs and requests. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, u~~ Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodge Director of Management County Administrator and Budget ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw To Nickens Robers 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ -- l APPE CE REQUEST FOR .. ~' PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS K SUBJECT: ) ~=~1 r c % ~ ~ ~, ~ Y ~ ~ r ~.~~~~ C=; I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WREN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIC GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK r NAME .tz r rn ~-~ ~_ C ~y ~~ ~ r~~ L- ADDRESS ~~~' S~~ ~`~ ~~~~ ~<.~ r~ ,~~ ~- ( - J c- ~~- ,r ~~~~ PHONE ~~ t~ ~/ - ~=- ~y / ~iilllllllillllllllllllllllllllll~llllllilllllliilllllliillllliillllillllllllli 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~, AGENDA Tl'EM NO. ~_ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR r PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: % ~~ ~ i'_:s .~ ~~..~~. %~ ~_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK ~' NAME , ~~ ~., ~~~,,~~---- ADDRESS ~ ::~ ~' ~° ;~~~~~ ~ , ~ ~~' ,~ PHONE `~~- ~ ~/ 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 o AGENDA ITEM NO. ~, APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR /1'UBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCECITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ r~ e r~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ r K I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME ~ p r~r~ ~Ses~ `~~ s ADDRESS ~g~9 to ~ ~ /pc IC I ruc~b F~. ~~,g-~e~, PHONE _ ~ g 9- ~~ ~~ I1111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~.~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR ~UBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: -~-~,~ ~ / g1Z - 9~ ~'~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO T'HE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIIE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIIE CLERK NAME ~~~J ~~ 1''I v ~~~.~~~ ADDRESS ~~ 33 S~- ~ /~„ a~~ ~~ PHONE ,~ ab ~- ~ ~o ~ illlllllillllllllllllilillliilll~illlllllllllliillillllllllllllllllllillllllli 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. J~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR '/PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK ~~ NAME -{~ ~ z ~ ' Cr ~ ~`~ ~ ~~ /~/~o n ADDRESS _ ~ ~ I U C~2-6 s -~-~",~,,,~.e_;r-S ~ -- PHONE _ . ~ ~ a, _ a 7 ,~L~ 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 _~ ~ r ,~ ',' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' I 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t I ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' t AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ ~~~j ? - q 3 !, ~A~~af I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GNE TO THE CLERK NAME ~-~ ~~ ~-4~,~;-~~-- ADDRESS C ` ' ~~~ ~)(11'Yl.Jf1%1'yl1 .)~~lr 1n~Jrl~~ir,n -~-Zrl t~1< ~L ~Pr PHONE i7~_~ ~a-~ ~~>~ -~ 3 a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE 12891-13 AIITHORIZING A USE-NOT- PROVIDED-FOR PERMIT TO ALLOW EIGHTEEN (18) CONCERTS LOCATED AT VALLEYPOINTE IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT UPON THE APPLICATION OF THE EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA, INC. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 17, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held January 28, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on January 7, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a use-not-provided-for permit allowing eighteen (18) summer concerts to be held from early-May until early-September of 1992 on a certain tract of real estate containing 2.4 acres (part of Tax Map Number 37.07-1-14) located at Valleypointe Corporate Development Community in the Hollins Magisterial District is hereby authorized. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of The Easter Seal Society of Virginia, Inc. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney ~~- ~ / PETITIONER: THE EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF VA, INC. CASE NUMBER: 1-1/92 Planning Commission Hearing Date: January 7, 1992 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: January 28, 1992 A. REQUEST Petition of The Easter Seal Society of VA, Inc. to obtain a Use Not Provided For Permit to allow summer concerts, located in Valleypointe, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Massey asked if Easter Seal has attempted to control the off-site parking on Kenworth and Thirlane roads. Ms. Knight responded that security has been able to control parking on Kenworth, but Thirlane is located in the city and the off-duty officers do not have jurisdiction to prohibit parking in this location. Mr. Massey and Mr. Gordon stated that they had received very positive comments about the event over the last two years and that the event has been very well run. Mr. Massey indicated that Easter Seal should continue to look at other parking alternatives for the 1992 season. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS None. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Massey moved to recommend approval of the petition beginning May 7 and ending September 3, 1992. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Witt, Gordon, Robinson, Massey, Chappelle NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: - X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report _ Other ~' Terrance arrin n, Secretary Roanok County Planning Commission *~ "' TO: Planning Commission FROM: Terry Harrington DATE: January 24, 1992 RE: Use Not Provided For Permit Request; Valleypointe After Hours; Easter Seal Society of Virginia. BACKGROUND For the past two years the Easter Seal Society of Virginia has requested and obtained a Use Not Provided For Permit to hold a summer concert series at Valleypointe Corporate Center. The permits allow the concert series to be held on consecutive Thursday nights between May and September. This year the request is to hold the concert series on eighteen consecutive Thursdays between May 7 and September 3, 1992. The concerts are proposed to be held on Lot 2; - the location of the previous year's concerts. A discussion of the significant characteristics of this event is presented below. ATTENDANCE Average attendance at the concerts has increased over the past two years. In 1990 the concert series averaged less than 1300 persons per show. Last year, average show attendance was approximately 2,300 persons. To better accommodate the larger crowds, The Easter Seal Society proposes to increase the size of the fenced area, and relocate the main entrance from Valleypointe Parkway to Valleypark Drive. The changes are shown on the site sketches submitted as part of the application. PARKING Attendees at the concerts have parked diagonally along Valleypointe Parkway, and in the off-street parking spaces associated with the businesses in Valleypointe. The number of these spaces has increased slightly over the past two years as lots within Valleypointe have been improved and parking lots constructed. This year the organizers propose to use the vacant lot behind the fenced area for restricted parking for the 50-100 volunteers who work at every concert. This will free up additional spaces for ~~ concert attendees. Valleypointe Parkway had not been accepted into the state road system during the first two years of this concert series. VDOT has however recently accepted this road into their system, and a connection has been made to Woodhaven Road. They have advised us that the road was not designed to accommodate parking along either side of the road. They have requested that parking not be allowed along Valleypointe Boulevard if this request is approved. Through the use of security and traffic control, organizers of the event have maintained orderly traffic flow and parking within Valleypointe. Some attendees however park along the shoulders of Kenworth Road and Thirlane Road. Parking in these locations creates potentially hazardous situations for vehicles and pedestrians. SECURITY AND TRAFFIC CONTROL As in past years, security will be provided on-site to assist with traffic and crowd control. Off-duty law enforcement officers will be hired to perform these responsibilities. svru~ARY The Valleypointe Corporate Center provides a central and accessible location for this concert series. In past years, the provision of adequate parking has been the main site design/land use issue associated with this request. While the on-site security and traffic control are very effective in insuring orderly parking and the preservation of traffic flow within Valleypointe, growing attendance will continue to stretch the capacity of this site to provide adequate parking. If approved, this permit should again be limited to the 1992 concert series. For 1993, the organizers should identify ways to provide off-street parking for all of the attendees. This may necessitate an alternative location for the concerts, either within Valleypointe or elsewhere. ' 'ROANORE COUNTY . "USE NOT PROVIDED FOR" PERMIT APPLICATION ~ !"f The Easter Seal Society of Virginia, Inc. 1. Applicant's Name: Susan S. Knj,gl~,, Vice President Phone: '~62-1656 Address : C~R41 Wi l l i amann Road, P. 0. Box 5496 Raanc~ke~ Virginia Zip: 2. Location of Property: Part of C3'~ •0'7- /- /-~ • 6~ ~ lg 1991 3 . New Tax Map # : 37 ~_~ _~ ~,` Ol Tax Map ~ :~ ~h 4. Magisterial District Location: ,s~;'a~t~, ~Le~{~P~? %1~ ~' 5. Size of Property: P1,aGP t• 51 arrPC acres/sq. ft. Size of Proposed Use Not Provided For: 2.4 acres acres/sq. ft. 6. Existing Land Use: C~rpratP RriR;nPRR~ Mix tine Tndnsrrial Park Existing Zoning: M_1 7. Proposed Land Use: St,mmPr Concert Series: Mav 7 to Sept. "~~ 1991; Thursday evenings only 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation: inc~;nle indLStrial 9. Are Conditions being Proffered? Yes No x 10. Proposed Annual Gross Revenue: 11. Value of Land: Value of (Proposed) Buildings: 12. Value of Machinery & Tools: Number to be Employed: 13. Check Completed Items: Consultation Letter of Application Legal Forms Application Fee 8~" x 11" Concept Plan List of Adjacent Properties lic Hearing Notices Issued 14. Applicant's Signature: i _~ ~~ Susan S. Knight, Vi e Pre dent 15. Owner's Consent, if different than appl ca Name: ,;ngp 1 D velopment ('.orp~lgriature: /'~~'~~/i Robert C. Crawford OFFICE USE ONLY: Application Deadline: Hearing Date: Received By: Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: Date Received: Action: Tlie faster Seal Society of Virginia, Inc. Providing people with disabilities the power to overcome. ~ November 14, 1991 r , .~ ~~t ly ~,+~~ s , = _ ~ Janet Scheid, Planner NOV I R , - . Department of Planning and Zoning County of Roanoke F' : i~;* « ~ ~~ ~ < i ~ . { t, ~ ~ ~ r,. a. , Post Office Box 29800 ~~ `' ~ ~~~ r ~~~'~~~'~ BOARD OFDIRECTORS ' Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 omeer. Chalrmm of the Board William B. Joyner. Sr., Maneaeae Dear Janet: First VICE ChdrmaII John M. Hudgins, Jr., Belem Second Vice Chairman Nancy Raicli$ Hampton Enclosed is our application and fee for a Use Not Provided For seQetar~ Robcrt E. Mullrn, Jr.. Roanol¢ Permit to once again conduct the Valleypointe After Hours Treasurer John W. Motlcha, Jr., Salem Summer Concert Series at the Valleypointe Corporate Center in ''~e~`r' North Roanoke County. Denys L Bendall, Richmond Dr. Patricia J. Brown, Richmond Glenn Cranrm, Mahaniesville B G E tt Ch t We are seeking approval for the of use Lot #2 as the concert site ruce vere , ea er Harry E. Francis, Jr., a Auen J Sh lb G B f G for 18 consecutive Thursdays beginning May 7 and ending ow in . e y »ss, reen Shelby Hamlett, Roanol¢ lli Vi W A H i i B h Se tember 3, 1992. P rg i am earst, n a eac Donald E. Huston, Vtrginm Beach Stuart W. [Bremer, Groat Falls Walton Mahon, Bowling Green h l M M h P k Although our average attendance in 1992 was 2, 300 persons per art a ews, ar att o y Robert W. Morrie, vuglnia Beach W l M week we have looked at increasing the size of the fenced-in area e tn F. Murray, cAon John H. Parrott. Jr., Roanoke dl hi Y R MWl on Lot #2 so that it becomes more rectangular i11 shape allowing vette i ot an ey, Tnomaa W. Ruble, Vinton l A a T le ll for relocation of the ortolets; chan In the entrance ate so that P g• g g y. Jonesvi nge a ur e Charles A W11eon, cullers h Wi L F ll Ch h atrons must enter off of Valle ark Drive rather than P un: eig nk, a s Preddent Valleypointe Parkway; utilizing the adjacent area on Lot #2 F. Robert ""'~" outside the fence for restricted off-street parking for Easter Seal State Headquarters volunteers and staff, as well as, band and equipment vehicles. The 4841 Williamson Rosd P. O. Hox 5498 new building for Magnetic Bearing currently under construction Roanoke, va. 24012 will allow for additional off-street parking. The attached amateur (703) 362-1656 1-6°0-365-1656 (Va. only, site plan illustrates our proposed changes. amee. 6319 CaatJe Place, Su11e A Please let me know if you need additional information prior to Palle Church. Va. 22044 c703) 596.4460,phone) consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. I look (7091 538-2407 TIY forward to hearing from you. 6200 Chamberiayne Road MechanfceNlle, Va. 23111 c804J ''~-'°°' Sincerely, 3101 Magic Hollow Blvd. Virginia Brach, Va. 23456 /J ~ / (804) 468-3140 / J f /J / mailing address: /, ~ ( ~( .~ P. O. Box 9185 w /%' / , /~ "''~`"'a r`a`h' "L ~~° Susan S. Knight ~• Vice President ~ ~ ~~,°,°; `-~"` Roanoke-Blue Ridge Region Milford, Va. 22514 (804) 633-9655 Camp Easter seal-Rest /S Route 2 Box 129 New Castle, Va. 24127 ('°3'664-5750 Enclosures F~eta] Tax I.D. N 54-0515735 Formerly the Easter Sea! society for Crippled Children andAdults, inc., of Virginia \~ '°~ a .~ ~ ~ °, .~ D C a 1 Y~,~~~yPc • ~ A~ L ~`~~ C~ s` NORTH WOOD ~9VEN ROAD 2.8 AC. ~ ~-$ tl PHASE I W ~- Z ® 0 3.1 AC. 3.0 AC. --- RESEARCH ROAD Q ® 2.3 AC. 2. I AC. 4.1 AC. -- - Q j 2.3 AC. 2. I AC. o _ ~ ~'c m ~ ~~ 6.8 AC. ~ o- z m ~ O~ ____ ~ 4.8 AC. \ 5.3 AC. p -T ~ ~~ 1; I 1.0 AC. \ ~_ s-- --~ i i ---J O - ~ 3.0 AC. r-~ L- i ~ I ~ I I ~ ~-~~ ~ I \\ i- 2.4 AC. 1 VA((~cyP~ I DRIVE 10.9 AC. ARK 2.7 AC. 2.4 AC. ~"'.., • VALLEYPOINTE • A PLANNED CORPORATE ENVIRONMENT Sites in hase I totalin 51 acres in P 9 Valleypointe are now available for purchase, tease or build-to-suit, designed to meet the individual needs of each company. Valleypointe, located in Roanoke County, is the largest planned corporate environment in southwestern Virginia. The total site is 250 acres, fronting two miles on Interstates 581 and 81 and is immediately adjacent to Roanoke Regional Airport. For details, contact Lingerfett Development Corporation. A Quality Development Of: LINGERFELT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION • 1 Z South Third Street Richmond; Virginia 23219 LINGERFELT 18041 644-9 1 1 1 I~, I `JV j ~OR~N ~~N _~ rt I tRS CREEK ROAD -- 7HIRLANE ROAD ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A USE-NOT-PROVIDED-FOR PERMIT TO ALLOW EIGHTEEN (18) CONCERTS LOCATED AT VALLEYPOINTE IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT UPON THE APPLICATION OF THE EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA, INC. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 17, 1991, and the second reading and public hearing was held January 28, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on January 7, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a use-not-provided-for permit allowing eighteen (18) summer concerts to be held from early-May until early-September of 1992 on a certain tract of real estate containing 2.4 acres (part of Tax Map Number 37.07-1-14) located at Valleypointe Corporate Development Community in the Hollins Magisterial District is hereby authorized. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of The Easter Seal Society of Virginia, Inc. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. c:\wp51\agenda\zoning\easteisl.unp illlllillllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllllllllilllllllllillllllllllll AGENDA ITEM NO. S APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~a/le~.,~o~~~~~ _~~~er~ moues ~, u /I m eXi ;',e~~ee~ ~e ,~eS I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TTY CLERK NAtVIE ADDRESS PHONE 11111111111111111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t a 1 L AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE 12892-14 AMENDING SECTION 21-3 UTILITY SERVICE TAX, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION, OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTIONS (i) AND (1), AND THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (m),(n) AND (o) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETURNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has levied a consumer utility service tax on purchases of certain utility services within the County pursuant to the authority granted by Article 4 of Chapter 38 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and Section 2.02 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue for the County of Roanoke has experienced significant delays from sellers of utility services in remitting the required tax; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, after publication and notice as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-3, Utility service tax of Chapter 21, Taxation of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: 8@C. 21-3. Utlllty S@rV1C@ t8B• ................................................::::...::::..:: :.:::::::::. v:::::::: :::v:: :•[::..^i}iY Sii:t iiiiiiS::ni:<~iii":vLv: :i' :::$ A;:j :i:j>!:: ":iii:ti•i:'ij'Y :jtiti•iii};rj .."?iijtiC: ::.:::.~ha:1.~; :;;.fie ::: l.aW;~`u.~,:«.;and;:::~:.;:. y ~ ~~ at ~._c~n:.::~ ~ ;;;:::::.::::.::.;: ;;:.;:.::.;;;;:.:.::.;;:.;;;;:: .:.:.:.:.:.:.;;;:::.:::::.::.;:.: 1 r i ~ r ~ i '' ' ' f e~e ~ i ~ : ., ~-~~~'~ e~ t-~~-~-L- a e;~e- ~~e~ irs r ~` 7k * 7~C 7k (1) Whenever the tax levied by this section is collected by the seller acting as a tax collecting medium or agency for the county in accordance with paragraph (b), such seller shall be allowed as compensation for the collection and remittance of this tax, three (3) percent of the amount of tax due and accounted for. The seller shall deduct this compensation from the payments made rah b "~~°r`t?~~d~`~"`~<< to the county in accordance with parag P ( ) P;<:>::>::>::>:<:::>::>::>:;:.;:;;:.;.~ ::::.::.::::::::.::.::::::::;.;:.;.:::::.::.;:.:~.. 3 .....................................::::::::::::::::::::::::..:. .:...::.>..::.:a::.>:.>:.s:.;>:.:.::.::.:::.::.::.>:.;::;:::i::::::>::>:.::;~>:: •:.>:.s:.::.:.::.>:.:::<::;.:::.::,.:::<.>:.:~ :::::.>:.: _ • •:::::.:.:' ::;:';:::i; ~"" ~`'~'3:: •::;:. '.'3 is ~:::: •.:.:.>:::::::::,::.::.: ~.x:.>::: mod::.:: n~s~aant~:.;:;:try.;:.,~.~~ta.,~n;: :.:::::::::::::.:::.::::::.;;:.;::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.::::::.;;~:::.;::::;::.::::.~::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::.. :o~,~ ~..;:.;~ .:::::::::::::::.:::::::................. .......,:.,::;:::::>::>:.:. ~ ~.;:.; :..... ....:.: .: ::. ::::.....;:;.:date:.;;:.~u~~:.;:.:~4~~~::::::>,~::s 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 1992. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Circuit Court C. O. Clemens, Judge Kenneth Trabue, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Family Court Services Joseph M. Clark, II, Chief Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge Peggy H. Gray, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George Harris, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator 5 Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ ~''~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending Section 21-3 Utility Service Tax, of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by the Amendment of Subsections (i) and (1), and the addition of subsection (m), (n) and (o) providing for enforcement of such tax and the penalty for late remittance or false returns. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS :~~ ~-~y"~.,"L`'~-~~ y~%~`'v`'rF-,~r~ EXECUTIVE SUNIIKARY Because of delays which have been experienced in the filing and payment of the County's utility service tax, it is necessary to specify penalty provisions and to strengthen the criminal penalty provisions of this tax to bring it in line with other County taxes. BACKGROUND• On several occasions within the past year, one of the utilities which is required by the County's Utility Service Tax to collect this tax from its customers has been as much as two months delinquent in filing the required return and remitting these tax funds to the Treasurer. Other County taxes including the meals tax and the admissions tax contain penalty provisions, explicit authority for the Commissioner of the Revenue to conduct investiga- tions and assess taxes owed the County, and criminal penalties based upon the amount of taxes withheld. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed amendments to Section 21-3 accomplish the following objectives: (a) The amendment to subsection (i) strengthens the criminal penalties portion of the ordinance to bring it into line with more recent legislative action and other County tax sections. (b) The amendment to subsection (1) makes it explicit that a utility is not entitled to deduct the usual 3~ collection or processing fee when it is delinquent in paying the tax due. 1 (c) The addition of subsection (m) sets forth in detail the penalties and interest which the Treasurer and the Commis- sioner of the Revenue may impose for delinquency in either filing the required return or delivering the tax proceeds to the County. These penalties and interest amounts are consis- tent with those for personal property taxes. (d) The addition of subsections (n) and (o) set forth the statutory authority of the Commissioner to establish further regulations for the administration and enforcement of this tax and to investigate and then assess the tax when no return is filed by a seller/utility. FISCAL IMPACTS' These amendments can b reporting and payment of the revenue in terms of penalties delinquent. ALTERNATIVES' e expected to insure more timely utility service tax or increased and interest when such payments are Adoption of the proposed penalty and enforcement mechanisms or continue to rely in good faith upon the integrity of the utility sellers to comply with their statutory responsibilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the proposed amendments. Respectfully submitted, J eph B. Obenshain e for ssistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by 2 Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix Vote No Yes Abs .~' "` ~, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-3 UTILITY SERVICE TAX, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTIONS (i) AND (1), AND THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (m),(n) AND (o) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETURNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has levied a consumer utility service tax on purchases of certain utility services within the County pursuant to the authority granted by Article 4 of Chapter 38 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and Section 2.02 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue for the County of Roanoke has experienced significant delays from sellers of utility services in remitting the required tax; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, after publication and notice as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-3, Utility service tax of Chapter 21, Taxation of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 21-3. IItility service tax. `~;,'.>' () 1 S -~ ~ i ~ ~ a ~ .., - - ~-~= w.. ~~ _.. ~.~.,. P-~e~- ~x~ese ~ --e~ e• ~€} e ~-a~r se a~ - - -e ~ ~ 7 ~ - -- - ---- -ee~be~ ~, ~'- ~e=-ee~~ ~ ~e- ee ~ a~e~r e~ee e~-e~ t k r ~~ € ~ ~ p -€ ~} t~ e e€ ~re~~•es~}~~ }~ e~r- - ea~r~ e ~~ ~ ~ ~~ e ~e ; $5 _ - e a e-s ee r a~s-{ a - ~., - . ti..~, , ~. .. ..w ~..~ :. .. .,...~ ~~...... ~~... ~_..... _~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ € ~ ~ i ~ : -1 ~ -ai~-ca ' ~i A ~~ ~ vi aicz- 6 3z- d ~_ 3e 3- t~~ ~ l E ~ i~~ 9 ~~e~ e~ -s ~ - r r : i a-~a~^ ~ ~ ~~„~ -a~s~ ~ ~e- e~ ee ee~s e a ~e$ 3 '~~:.~~.. ~..:::.~~..d:'!i~~'3 .................................................:.:::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::...................................:.::::::::::::::::::::.:~.~..:......................................... ~~~.~..~......... ~.:~t~:~:~:.:::°r~:~.:t.:::;:~:~:~ ............................::::.:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::..::..........................:..:::.::::::::.~:::::::::::.::.::::::::::. ': ................... ................... ................... ................... 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 1992. c:\wps l agenda\code\uNity.az pbo 5 ,.,~ `_f . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE 12892-15 AMENDING SECTION 21-4 ENHANCED EMERGENCY TELEPHONE TAR, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION, OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING AND REENACTING SUBSECTIONS (q) AND (j), AND THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (k), (1) AND (m) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETURNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has levied an enhanced emergency telephone tax on purchases of local telephone services within the County pursuant to the authority granted by Article 4 of Chapter 38 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and Section 2.02 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue for the County of Roanoke has experienced significant delays from sellers of utility services in remitting the required tax; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, after publication and notice as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-4, Enhanced emeraency telephone tax of Chapter 21, Taxation of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 21-4. Enhanced emergency telephone tax 1 r r r r r r of ~-t-~~~- e^~ €a~-1-~ ^~ ~ z ^ c ~ ~ ee~ e~ ~ ~ s ~~:eg e ~ -e ~ ~~ ~- e~iv~~a-~~~ .. .. - -- ~ -- _ e~ ee i -ee e ~ n r 7 ~ (j) Whenever the tax levied by this section is collected by the seller acting as a tax collecting medium or agency for the county in accordance with paragraph (b), such seller shall be allowed as compensation for the collection and remittance of this tax, three (3) percent of the amount of tax due and accounted for. The seller shall deduct this compensation from the payments made to the county in accordance with paragraph (b) p~~~~;id~``<>~:ersi 3 ::::: a .:::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i4:"^iiii:..ii ...iiii: "!•i;'i}iii:i^ii:viii:0iii'+''ii:"iiiiiii:vi}ii:.ii'i: ".i:S.iii:'.iii:{.iii:.?iiiii.::...i" `:: *iiii;{{ ".ii?:.iiii}}}}}}iY"iiii}}}}}}}}}iiYi;"^ii}isi•i}iY'i}ii:'}ii:i^ii}}}iiiiii}ii:"4}i}iXiryiiii:: }}}YriiiihiY is^:.}iiii ~ha~ ~:»:~~:>:::.::.°:a~:1e:€::>~r>~:~:::te~:::>::~~::::>::>da::::~:::>:fr[:::t:~~:::>dale:::>eu~~:>:>~o~3ce::>:a€s ................... s~~t~~ i ................... ................... ................... ................... 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 1992. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Circuit Court C. O. Clemens, Judge Kenneth Trabue, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Family Court Services Joseph M. Clark, II, Chief Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge Peggy H. Gray, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George Harris, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff 5 John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO . ~ " AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 28, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending Section 21-4 Enhanced Emergency Telephone Tax, of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by Amending and reenacting Subsections (g) and (j) , and the addition of sub- section (k), (1) and (m) providing for enforcement of such tax and the penalty for late remittance or false returns. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~L,~,.,,,,,,.,-~ ~~~~'~'/ EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY Because of delays which have been experienced in the filing and payment of other County taxes, it is necessary to specify penalty provisions and to strengthen the criminal penalty provisio- ns of the enhanced emergency-telephone tax in order to insure prompt remittance and to bring it in line with other County taxes. BACKGROUND• On several occasions within the past year, one of the utilities which is required by the County's Utility Service Tax to collect this tax from its customers has been as much as two months delinquent in filing the required return and remitting these tax funds to the Treasurer. Other County taxes, including the meals tax and the admissions tax, contain penalty provisions, explicit authority for the Commissioner of the Revenue to conduct investiga- tions and assess taxes owed the County, and criminal penalties based upon the amount of taxes withheld. In order to forestall similar problems arising with the County's enhanced emergency- telephone tax, similar interest, penalty and assessment authority is being added to this tax. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed amendments to Section 21-4 accomplish the following objectives: (a) The amendment to subsection (g) strengthens the criminal penalties portion of the ordinance to bring it into line with 1 °"' more recent legislative action and other County tax sections. (b) The amendment to subsection (j) makes it explicit that a utility is not entitled to deduct the usual 3$ collection or processing fee when it is delinquent in paying the tax due. (c) The addition of subsection (k) sets forth in detail the penalties and interest which the Treasurer and the Commis- sioner of the Revenue may impose for delinquency in either filing the required return or delivering the tax proceeds to the County. These penalty and interest amounts are consistent with those for personal property taxes. (d) The addition of subsections (1) and (m) set forth the statutory authority of the Commissioner to establish further regulations for the administration and enforcement of this tax and to investigate and then assess the tax when no return is filed by a seller/utility. FISCAL IMPACTS• These amendments can reporting and payment of th increased revenue in terms payments are delinquent. be expected to insure more timely e enhanced emergency telephone tax or of penalties and interest when such ALTERNATIVES• Adoption of the proposed penalty and enforcement mechanisms or continue to rely in good faith upon the integrity of the utility sellers to comply with their statutory responsibilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the proposed amendments. Respectfully submitted, `O~enshain istant County Attorney 2 5-3 Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix 3 s AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-4 ENHANCED EMERGENCY TELEPHONE TAX, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING AND REENACTING SUBSECTIONS (g) AND (j), AND THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (k), (1) AND (m) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETURNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has levied an enhanced emergency telephone tax on purchases of local telephone services within the County pursuant to the authority granted by Article 4 of Chapter 38 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and Section 2.02 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue for the County of Roanoke has experienced significant delays from sellers of utility services in remitting the required tax; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, after publication and notice as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-4, Enhanced emergency telephone tax of Chapter 21, Taxation of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 21-4. Enhanced emergency telephone tax .... :: ...;..:.; :. .... .:::::.::.:. .;:;:: ::.:. ; :: ; :;:<:>:. ;: i~>:::#~E:<:::~:X~`~Q~:~'t:X01'1::>:<4<:;::~~:~::~::;;~a~~'~~.~f~'t:.::::::::::.:: 1 r r i r ~ r ~ i i ~ 5-~ ***** (j) Whenever the tax levied by this section is collected by the seller acting as a tax collecting medium or agency for the county in accordance with paragraph (b), such seller shall be allowed as compensation for the collection and remittance of this 3 -~ r/ ....................................................................................................................................................................... ................... ~~'X' ................... ................... 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 1992. c:\wpSl~agenda\code\e911.ord 5 t .~ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS .~ JECT: .~..,.,~,~~ ~>:~ - ,:~ ~~,. SUB . ,~ , I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR TIC RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME `, ,~~_:,,. ~ ;., :.._ ~ . ~Ic~~-!~.~~ ,~ /. ADDRESS .~,.7 s ~ ,~~~~~-~,~~ .~~ _ ,< ~ ~~! PHONE ~~~ -/~7i 111111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ?- APPE CE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE =CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: r <lr~~,z.~~ .~~~: - ,,~~~,~f~~~= s ~ ~ `~.~ °~ ,~s~ z ~ ~` I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GNE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR TTY RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME -f ~'`~~% ~~~ ~s ~~ :~`==. ADDRESS ,,.i~i~ ~~~,~~~ ~ PHONE _ ,~ ~ ~ y - / Z s ~_. 1111111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 it nnin~niinini~niinn~inniiiniuinnnni~nnuininin~~nni AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ APPE CE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ,`CITIZENS COMMENTS -, _ _ SUBJECT: c.r~ I~~; r7 ~~~ :~ .~~ ~ l~P~~,~ ~ ~ ~--~ _~~ I ~s_~-~°t zc~.( ~r r-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO T'HE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR 1T~ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 1C~~i~c~~kr ; G'fl „~.~yo/ Petition for Highway Improvements at Intersection of Colonial Avenue and Hazel Drive, County of Roanoke, Virginia County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 The undersigned hereby petition the above Departments and Officials to take action on highway improvements at the inter- section of Colonial Avenue and Hazel Drive. Due to a hill on Colonial near the entrance to Hazel, there is a very short sight of distance for traffic on Colonial approaching Hazel and traffic entering or exiting Hazel to or from Colonial. This has been ver unsafe for ears and is more unsafe now due to heavier tra is using Co onia to access Route 221 at the new stor light. There are many residents and taxpayers in this area that use these highways. Also, Cave Spring United Methodist Church has over 1,500 members, a Weekday School and Scout Troops that use these highways to access the church facilities. In the past, there have been rescue squad vehicles involved in accidents along with all of the many other accidents. We the undersigned ask that immediate action be taken to complete the improvements in 1992, rather than waiting until 1994 as presently scheduled. Please do not wait until someone is killed or seriously injured due to an accident at this unsafe intersection. Thank you from your citizens and taxpayers. Name Address Telephone Number JS ,,~1.~~E:~ ;i~,) .r `1~~~- / i~,'~Y" ?,,z d r ~X.t-a r19 3.J~-.2'f ~d ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~r ~ ,, ~~ ~_S y~i yc/~ -4~U i ~ ~~-~~ ,~~~ ~ ~~3 z~ -c~~ti~ ~~~ Nance _ ,) _ Adc~ess Telephone Number ~ ~ 'l _ i C'-i ,-, ~~ r `J~ - ~ - V J ~ i ~' ~ /~ 1 1 l~ r~`~Y ` ~ ~ ~ .s~ .a l 1 .~_ ~ .1 ~?z~..~u~-1~~ ~~-vu 7 ~~ -G~ ~z t ~-~: ~ Sag z . .~., (//~ -~ 7 ~ 7 / ~Z '_~3 i ~ .~JD~' ~~~~,/. ,~' - ~9~~~~ YI~.~VGtC.~Df7/vl v~~`i ~~Ud~/;,~ 1.~ 1~~YULh' ~77~~-C~3,;~ ~' ,// ti ~ '( '7 J C/r )' 7 ~ r'.t:n'1 r r" 1%1~.~ f-'~~e U sr,~l ~ ~ ~-~~ "~r) (;% 1~ r `~/i// (% ~,.i J /~7 . / ~l 1~,% ~~-Lt' / n~c~~ fC= /~-lK,a~/' ~LL~-~L~~C ~~ ~/ ~ ~~~ ~ ~. (i ~~%G"l lid' ~~/~ v/r~ ~~~ 77 ~ ~~ ~"~ ~_~~k~i•.~ fir. ~!J~~j 5`~v~ ~LC~~GS/'- ~~o ~1,~`=' Kam- °<~~G~" ~~~-'~c~~-`~~ Name Address Telephone Number U ~~rL~/-1~ ,~ ~/t'trin/ 3S7 ~ ~o%s~~ ~-~J -77Z -Z~7~"~ ~~~5 G~~rz~s ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~- ~ ~~ _ ~ ,~ ~~ ~~3~3v ~ - X33 ~~~-~ l~8 Name Address Telephone Number ~.7.u~. ,~ . GCI ~r~,c. a~~ '~ / 6 ~_ ~~oc <-C n<-d~ ~s~. /~._ .~'.c.~ ~7 7~ - d 6 -.L-t~ L~/ ~ ~ ~'f~+~l ,f~-~U N C'~~ ~r~ " V~=(LNt~N -2~ X1-3 - Z3b1 5a ~ ~~-~ " f~ ~ z ~~~ ~ ~ SS~ T6j~f~ l//7, / ~~-~~ C .i ~I- ~ ~ ~3 ti~uti ~ ~7,;z- ~v .35"~`~ ~i.~. ~d ~ z y ~~7 -- ..- ~ ~S cS~J! a , -3 ,5 ~ 1 f /~ Q of a wl gr ~< ~c~(, ~ 7 2 ~ / y3 C T f ,- ~ u~c~ ~ G~~ ~3~~ r~ L; ~ ~n~ ~ ~'~ ~~ 7 . o ~ti ~ ~ l_x.~a-,r-a-, cal ~ 4y-~ ~~. ~~ ., ~ ~Fyn ~-~~ C-l ~S`~ - o~~ /, , / .-,~f' ., _ ~ ~~ n_ ~r In _ ~_V ~ ~ r .~ ~ )a6' r2n L I ~ g ~I - ~ ~,~ i. Name c~~~ ~, ' Address 3 Spa W n ~ ~ ~ 12~C Telep 12~a,..,,~-~c i~c~. 2~{~r1~ hone Number '7~.~ -'77y -2~r ~l ~3`I S ~.~w~. ( ,~>~2~- ~i4 Z~-/ oly ~i~ - ~r9~i'""v "`L `70.~~77 2 - cJ 3 zS- ac. ~~ ~~ ~ L ~ r R~ r,.~ ~ v ~ z~ ~ r ~ ~,~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ Z-Z~°~ ro '' -- ~ ~` 5E 3 ~{ 3 . Q . it rc rc rc ~( Name Address Telephone Number ~~?2u /_~i_,r~c~ 3 77 !.~ 7"~u~~:1~.d1 ~,~~ p S tv ~~~°- l/ ~la~ r~ /~, 3~~ _ ~//~ A,/ E,L. i f ~w~ r r ~ / • .o n ,. ~J ~i~ ..~ ~>1~" ~;~ ~~a-33yU Name Address Telephone Number -c% G ~~II~VIiC~ -- ~ 0 V~ -~- i V~ ~~ t I y~~'~'~~ ~~~ ~ , ~ ~E~ C~~:~ ~%~, L ~ -ter"-; 7 /I ~I/1~ Lr~' y ' ~ ~`j c r~ ,F~~~~ %~ I /wl~~ C~,iwYC C ~ L~ ~f ~~ ~-~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ a1~~~ /~~ .~~`~ `' 7 ,.~ ~ ~ ,_ ~ ~ C~~ l~7 - ~~v~ ,~, -wi~~, 1~ ~ _„ _ 1f ~, . _. l,. r' !~Z~'~ ~U v~~ , ~ ~~ ~ ~ «~~. ~~ ~~~~~ ;~~ '~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~- ~;~1 ~c~tc~, ° _ `l"~ ~~-~~~--~ ,~v ~ C.i ~ , ,~; ' ~ ~ . ~;_,.`, c. ~~~ ~~~ Name Address -../ ~C. "~ _...... ~~ 'I I 1/., .. ~ mac, ~.. ~: ~,.. ,..., _ ~..,, (' : .^ ~ L~~, SCy yZ -~ G?~,vi ~ f ~ LZ. ~ i ~~~~ ~~'~ ~~ ~~~ ~a ~_, ~, .~?r;.3 < <~~ ~ la~~nh ~n Telephone Number ~? c~-~acT ~~}cam lJ~ ~ £~ ~_ 3 S-S`/ ~y°~ U~ ~yar~? ~1~`%-~.ss`y fold' 7~~( --,~a~ C Z- yC i .rs i ~ aYG~~ ~7si Qua ~ ~~ .:yl Yci~ 7 )Y~L" 73~ ~~~l~ C~ a~~~~ 7 7~-~T~~ ~/~ z~i~ ~y~~~j~ ~;~~ ..-J ~~~ 7~~ y- 7, t ~7 17 ~(- ~-~' "~ ~ ~-`~~~~ _ ~y> "~ ;- ~ ~<7 ~~fc~ .~ ~~~~ c car ~ . ~ ~~ 7C ~~~ ~~ ~c . - s~ ~..~.-~~. -j ~?c~-1~' k.e L c~ .-,l~im~~n~ ~~titi//I/ ..~'X-~~ . ~i/~f/~/y'iyl~1JJ?/ l ~~.f ~~C~ • L/~ We the citizens of Cave Spring District have signed this petition to evidence our desire to have the intersection of Hazel and Colonial and the intersection of Penn Forest Blvd and Colonial Ave. improved to a state of safety for all citizens that will travel these roads. We ask the Board of Supervisors to be aware of these dangerous intersections and request funding to improve these intersections to a state of safety. We request funding for this project at the earliest possible date. '/5/ Svc ~ ~ l ~-- ~ ~-z,~Q_.~-~-, ~ col ~ ~- ~7a - a G ~ a_" 77~-c~~~ lc~a Q ~ ~~o GPiil-0~~ y~~ S~ , OYl GZ~.G'C,~i .~ ~~Z~ ~,... ~ .~ 3 ~~~~ ~~ '~bb.3 C-Q~~~ 0~ ROANp,I.~ ~ ~ 9 ;, G) a2 Cn~~~# ~~ ~~x~~ ~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 30, 1992 LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR Hll ~ e MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 The Honorable Jim Olin, U. S. House of Representatives The Honorable John Warner, U. S. Senate The Honorable Charles Robb, U. S. Senate Dear Congressman Olin, Senators Warner and Robb: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 12892-6 urging the U. S. Postal Service to institute a local government postal rate. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 1992. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, bjh Attachment ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ®a~.yaed Paper O~ ROANp~-~ ti ~ p z ~, 2 v a~ 1838 (2~.a~xx~t~ ~~ ~~~tx~~~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 30, 1992 LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Fred P. Roessel, Jr. Executive Director MHS of the Roanoke Valley 301 Elm Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24016-0246 Dear Dr. Roessel: This is to advise that at their meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ratify the appointment of Dr. Joseph J. Duetsch as an at-large member of the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Board of Directors. His term will expire on December 31, 1994. On behalf of the supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please convey to Dr. Duetsch our sincere thanks and appreciation for his willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~~--, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors m,. ~ .._ sd. G~-c.~ MHA/bjh cc: Dr. Joseph J. Duetsch Clerk, Roanoke City Council Clerk, Salem City Council Clerk, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors Clerk, Vinton Town Council Clerk, Craig County Board of Supervisors ® Hecyded Paper O~ ROAN ~F ~ ~ p z ~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 31, 1992 Ms. Margaret Reynolds 4860 Yateman Lane Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Reynolds: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NIGKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 am pleased to send you a resolution expressing our appreciation for your many years of service to Roanoke County. This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors at our meeting on January 28, 1992. 1 am sorry that you were unable to attend the board meeting so that you could be personally thanked for your valuable contributions to Roanoke County. On behalf of each member of the Board and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept this resolution along with our best wishes for continued success in the future. Sincerely, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Windsor Hi-Is Magisterial District LBE/bjh Enclosure cc: D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources ® ReCyded Paper O~ ROANp,~,~ z a? C~~~~# ~~ ~~x~~ ~ 7838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 31, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE. SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Norfolk Southern ATTN: Don Piedmont GOB East 8 North Jefferson Street Roanoke, VA 24042 Dear Mr. Piedmont: 1 am pleased to send you a resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors for your contributions to the Green Hill Park Equestrian Center. This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors at our meeting on January 28, 1992. Without support from corporations such as Norfolk Southern, this facility would not have been possible. We are indeed fortunate that you were willing to help us with this project. 1 am sorry you were unable to attend the board meeting so that you could be personally thanked. On behalf of each member of the Board, the Roanoke County Equestrian Center Advisory Committee and the Department of .Parks and Recreation, please accept this resolution along with our best wishes for success in your future endeavors. Sincerely, ~_~~~ Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Windsor Hills Magisterial District LBE/bjh Enclosure ® Recycled Paper O~ (>,OANp,I.~ z~ ~~ Z ~ a~ 1838 (~~ixx~#~ a~ ~~~xx~~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 31, 1992 LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Advanced Drainage Systems, lnc. ATTN: Howard Beumer P. O. Box 509 Buena Vista, VA 24416 Dear Mr. Beumer: 1 am pleased to send you a resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors for your contributions to the Green Hill Park Equestrian Center. This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors at our meeting on January 28, 1992. Without support from corporations such as Advanced Drainage System, Inc., this facility would not have been possible. We are indeed fortunate that you were willing to help us with this project. 1 am sorry you were unable to attend the board meeting so that you could be personally thanked. On behalf of each member of the Board, the Roanoke County Equestrian Center Advisory Committee and the Department of Parks and Recreation, please accept this resolution along with our best wishes for success in your future endeavors. Sincerely, LBE/bjh Enclosure BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Windsor Hills Magisterial District ® a~yaea Paper O~ ROAN ~F i ~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 30, 1992 Mrs. Dorothy M. Shifflett 4789 Vintage Lane Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mrs. Shifflett: (703) 772-2005 I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Library Board for a four-year term beginning December 31, 1991, and ending December 31, 1995. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rp for to your participation on this committee. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have the oath administered. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Lee 8. Eddy, Chairm n Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: Director, Roanoke County Libraries Steven A. McGraw, Clerk, Circuit Court BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ® Reeyded Paper O~ ROANp,1.~ z cAi az Cn~~~# ~~ ~~xx~~.~.~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 31, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Henry Gregory 6583 Pencheck Circle Roanoke, VA 24016 Dear Mr. Gregory: The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Transportation and Safety Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Transportation and Safety Commission for a four-year term. Your new term will expire on January 1, 1996. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: William G. Rosebro, Chairman Art LaPrade, Police Department ® Recyded Paper O~ ROAN ~.~ ti~ ~$ z ~, ~ 2 °v a~ 1838 C~~~xx~t~ ~f ~.~~tx~~~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes 5421 Sweetfern Drive, NW Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mrs. Stokes: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 31, 1992 LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. I am pleased to inform you at their meeting held on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to designate you as Supervisor Bob L. Johnson's appointee to the Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors to complete your previous two-year term. This term will expire May 5, 1992. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~~ Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: Supervisor Bob L. Johnson Theodore J. Edlich, III, Executive Director of TAP Forest G. Jones, Clerk, Salem City Council ® Recyded Paper OF R AN0,1,~ ~ ~ A 2 ~ 0 2 a ~ 38 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 29, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE. SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON MOWNS MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT H. ODELL FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Alice Breneman 902 Emerald Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Ms. Breneman: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Vinton Moose Lodge Chapter 1551 for a raffle permit to hold 50/50 raffles in Roanoke County during calendar year 1992. The proposed dates of the raffles are listed on the application. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1992. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Recycled Paper ., O~ ROAN ,I,~ a t` A ~~ ~~ z ~ a~ 1838 (~~~tx~#~ ~f ~.~~tz~~~E P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 29, 1992 H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Martha Ferrell 526 College Avenue Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Ferrell: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Roanoke County School Food Service Chapter for a raffle permit for May 8, 1992, and a raffle permit for 50/50 raffles to be held during calendar year 1992. The proposed dates of the 50/50 raffles are listed on the application. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1992. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION C4REFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT: YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYNOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~V Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT County Treasurer Recyded Paper 1 RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 December 31, 1991 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated October 22, 1991, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective December 16, 1991. ADDITIONS BENTLEY PARK Route 2060 (Strathmore Lane) - From Route 768 to 0.26 mile Northwest Route 768 Route 2061 (Cardington Drive) - From 0.07 mile Northeast Route 2060 to 0.15 mile West Route 2060 Sincerely, ~~-~-~ ~y D. Pethtel Commissioner ?RARiSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY LENGTH 0.26 Mi 0.22 Mi r r of POANp~~ ti '~ A 2 G> ~ 2 J ,:_ a 0 150 /x~ /x~ 1 $ YEAPS {J ~J SFg4UfCENTENN~P~' A Beautiful Beginning RETA R. BUSHER, CPA DIRECTOR January 13, 1992 Ms. Martha Plank Roanoke Times & World News Legal Advertisement Department 201-209 Campbell Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Ms. Plank: MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Please publish the enclosed public notice as a block advertisement on January 21, 1992. Bill the cost of publication to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at the following address: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Sincerely, Reta R. Busher Director of Management and Budget sb Enclosure c: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board (~nixnt~ ~f ~nttnuk.e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-07 9 8 (703) 772-2021 COIINTY OF ROANORE PIIBLIC HEARING CITIZEN INPIIT FOR THE 1992-93 BIIDGET The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County invites citizens of Roanoke County to offer written or oral comment for items to be included in the budget for the 1992-93 fiscal year. An informational public hearing, to receive citizen comment, will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. All interested citizens are invited to attend this meeting. LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of The Easter Seal Society of VA, Inc. to obtain a Use Not Provided For Permit to allow summer concerts, located in Valleypointe, Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: January 9, 1992 ~ ~~~cJ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, January 14, 1992 Tuesday, January 21, 1992 Direct the bill for publication to: The Easter Seal Society of VA Inc. P.O. Box 5496 Roanoke, VA 24012 (703) 362-1656 BEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at the evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. will hold a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-3 UTILITY SERVICE TAX. OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTIONS (i) AND (1), AND THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (m), (n) AND (o) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETURNS All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. "-vl' Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Roanoke County, Virginia Publish on the following dates: January 14, 1992 January 21, 1992 Send invoice to: Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ,_. 1-~`=9 .3 ~s7 ATTENTION: MRS. MARY ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 1992, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at the evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. will hold a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-4, ENHANCED EMERGENCY TELEPHONE TAX OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING AND REENACTING SUBSECTIONS (g) AND (j), AND THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (k), (1), AND (m) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETURNS All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. IVI~~` v\ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Roanoke County, Virginia . CI Publish on the following dates. January 14, 1992 January 21, 1992 Send invoice to: Board of Supervisors --,; P. O. Box 29800~,x~, .~~~ 3 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 / ~' ~' ~~ ATTENTION : MRS . MARY ALLEN `3 ' S~1 ' ~ _. Pa~e~No. ~~1 ~ ~Qe~,;, ~ S~~c~c~ ~ /-2~~af~ ~~'.~'Ci~'~-{. ~ ~~cn /.3ClC,J' . I Dn NA.'~1E ADDRESS STATE Z I P 056234 ADAMS SHELBI' J. 6;,10 FRANKLIN ROAD ~'A 24065 056207 ARTHliR GEORGIE S. 1212 BEAUMONT ROAD, N.E. V.4 2-1019 Q 056240 ATIiINSON DCRIS D. 3656 ~1CDANIEL DRIVE ~'A 2-1153 056191 ~ BANDY NANi~Y 4126 ARLINGTON HILLS DRTi'E, ~'A ZG18 S. W. 056192 BARNES LOTTIE ANNABELLE 623; POAGE VALLEI' ROAD VA 2-1018 056242 BEASON FA`iE 5192 POOR MOUNTAIN ROAD VA 2-#153 056190 BECKNER MARGARET R. 8085 BENT MOUNTAIN ROAD VA 24018 056209 BISHOP HAT'TIE P. 53-15 MAI'FIELD STREET, N. E. ~'A `'-1019 056241 BLANKENSHIP DORIS G. 6131 DRY HOLLCW ROAD ~'A 2.1153 056193 BOITNOTT GAIL H. 3517 NORMANDY LANE, S. W.,#54 VA 2.1018 056182 BOOTH K.-~REti F. 1843 REDWOOD ROAD VA 2401-1 056175 BORIS CINDY L. 3759 SANDLEWOOD ROAD VA 2.1011 056208_._ . BOWLES LILLTE G. -135 BOXLEY ROAD, N.W. VA 2-1019 129594 BRITTI~N _ BEL~LAH 0. 2962 PENN FOREST BLVD. VA_ 24018 064092 BRYANT VIRGINIA P. 65-10 BROOKFIELD ROAD VA 2-1019 056210. - BL'ECKERT KA~'E E. 5918 GREENRIDGE ROAD, N.W. VA 24019 060389 BUTTERWORTH CYNTHIA N. 715 S. MAPLE STREET VA 24179 091809 CALDWELL KATHERINE E. 3309 KINGSWOOD BRIVE, S. W. VA 24018 126514 CARRELL FLORENCE E. 805 GATES LANE -'- VA _ 24179 ~acc~ta ~.-~~:'!~;;~~,L ti1ARG;,,RET A. 4557 ; ChT LEh'IS CHURCH ROAD jO564`~`3 CHOCKLEY EDNA MARIE 319 BYP.NES ST'kEET 056427 COREi:L LOIS 1743 VICTORIA STREET 656212 CRAFT BONIv'Y K. 5540 COVE ROAD, N.W. 077867 CRAIG JO ANNE 6503 'I'REVILLIAN ROAD 056194 CRAiGHEAD MILDRED L. RT. 7, BOX 26'r 064093 CRONK PATRICIA B. 2968 LOCKHART DRIVE 064094 DAY MARY G. 1;, POST R0,4D DOYLE BARBARA W. 50-11 CRAUN LANE 077806 DL`NAHOO GOLDIE S. 8006 DUNAHOO DRIVE 05 6195 EDWARDS EDNA 'K . 5 711 ;:NOWLES DRIVE S . ~+ . 128299 EDW:'~RDS JACKIE SEXTON 10302 FORTUNE RIDGE ROAD 056177 EL'BANK 'r'ARIA.M S. 5304 YELLOW MOUNTAIN ROAD 056178 FARMER LLCILLE 541.9 CRESCENT' BLVD. 056213 FERRELL MARTHA S. 6213 NELL CIRCLE, N.E. 05617- FIZER ELIZABETH F. 4352 GEARHART RG:4D, SE. 122068 FLEENOR DOROTHY FISHER $533 MUIRFIELD CIRCLE 05627' FLOWERS LINDA FAME 225 FIELDS AVENUE 056196 FRANKLIN EDNA M. 6?$8 GRUBB ROAD, S. W. 056250 GOODWIN -- HELEN 6439 hiAGGIE LANE 666811 GRAY PATRICIA A. 6309 NELL DRIVE, NE. 056104 HAGEE ALMA M. 1097 GIFENS-TYLER ROAD O562Et0 HANNABASS ELLA 2572 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD 06$857 HAR&ISON_ __ LILLIAN 13 UPLAND DRIVE 066797 HARTSOCK- -- -REBECCA-G.-- -- --_- _950 C OLBOURNE AVENUE ~_ _ _, .._ VA 24153 VA 24095 VA 24153 VA 24019 t'.4 24019 VA 24018 vA z4o14 VA 24019 t`A 24019 t~A 24065 VA 24018 VA 24659 VA 24014 VA 24014 VA 2-1019 VA 24C14 VA 24019 VA 24064-1101 VA 24018 VA 24153 VA 24019 VA 24153 VA 24179 VA 24153 vA 24279 ~~`^~ `~. ~~:~~ ~.;GWOCjD AVENUE VA .24153 120750 HOLLIDAY CHERILEE MARY 121 DALEWOOD AVE. VA 24153-423 056254 HOLLOWAY PAULINE 520 BRIARWOOD DRIVE VA 24179 056253 HORNS HAZEL C. 1618 REECE ROAD VA 24153 064098 HUBBARD MILDRED W. 3553 GREEN RIDGE ROAD, NW V.4 24019 094763 HL'DDLESTON BRENDA (SUE}K. 1035 BROADHILL DRIVE VA 24179 113245 HUFF?~fAN RHOND.4 R. 5152 CATAWBA VALLEY DR. +'A 24070 056180 HURD PAULINE H. 4414 BANDY ROAD, SE VA 24014 085091 JOH\SON DOROTHY E. 674 F.IDGECREST DRIVE VA 24019 056281 JONES BIrVERLY L. 960 NORBOURNE AVENUE VA 23179 LAVELLE IRIS J. 4557 BROOKRIDGE ROAD VA 24014 092937 'MARSHALL JANICE DELIGHT RT. 2, BOX 630 VA 2-3053 066806 MARTIN ELIZABETH A. 4333 GARST MILL RGAD,S.W., VA 24018 APT.B 056218 MARTIN riELBA 6123 COVE ROAD, NW. VA 24019 065471 ~1cco'~VELL C.4:~SMIE P. 4088 BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD, S.W. 4'A 24014 077808 MCSHERRY' MARGARETE E. 718 ?MASON ROAD VA 24179 085092 MILLER BETTY JO 1430 ARF.OW DRIVE VA 24153 NEIGHBORS PATRICIA A. 5384 CANYON ROAD VA 24018 086236 PETERS LAURA W. 5011 PLEASANT HILL DRIZ'E ,SW. VA 24018 056283 PHILLIPS OLEO C. 413 CRGFTGN AVENUE VA 24179 056199 PGFF FRANCES M• 3520 CHAPARRAL DRIVE, SW. VA 24018 083224 PRIETO LEONGR 4333 ELECTRIC ROAD S.W., APT. VA 24014 9C 056201 RADFORD -MARY E. 4422 HAZEL DRIVE VA 24018 064108 - RAGLAND EYELYN C. 3440 PILOT BLVD.: SW VA 24018 .-an77o~n . ~ -- Rlruag.nsnN DQR~.`i...E _,_.,.~a..,..-!_.._ - _- _ - ~.._4.....,3.93~~ RICHARD,,,4AVENIIE.z N~ --- VA 24012 064109 ROBERTS FRANCES S. '109206 ROWAN JODIE SUE 056203 SAUL JUDITH A. ~ 128300 SHANK FRANCES W. 656202 SHARP JUNE S. I 091.812 SHEETS NORMA G. 056285 SHEETS PAMELA J. 067611 SHEPHERD PEGGY t~'. P 056187 SHEPHERD VLRGItiIA S. 1 129590 SHERBL'RNE Jt~Dl' FLOYD 056265 BLUSHER LORENE 085094 SMITH ANNIE F. 069438 SMITH DELORIS A. 071815 SPP,ADLI\' DRE.~M.4 H. 0:,6222 ST.4CKPOLE EtiLMA V. ) 066803 STEPHENS ELIZABETH S. 135368 STRICKLAND MARIE M. 656204 THOMAS SARAH G. ~ THOMPSON PATRICIA A. 081'7 77 - TOTTEN - ANNE D. 135370 TRAYLOR NYOF:A LYNN 056272 TRENT ELSIE pb6ZQS °` vssT- :" _- -.L't'~RHINE Q. - 5325 FLAGLER DRIVE VA 24019 4120 ARLINGTON HILLS DRIVE, YA 24018 S.W. RT. 1, BOX 244 VA 24065 1150 MOUNTAIN AVENUE VA 24153 5947 MERRIMAN ROAD, SW. VA 24018 3431 PILOT BLVD., Sh. VA 24018 708 SHELBOURNE AG'ENUE VA ?4179 3601 BRANDYWINE AVE., Si+'. VA 24018 4313 COVE ROAD, Nw. VA 24017 5212 LEVI ROAD Va ?4018 - 2024 WI LDw00D ROAD ~'A ?-1153 201 D.ALEWOOD AVE. , VA 24153 4630 CHINAS DRIVE VA 24019 124 OXFORD SQUARE VA 24179 7251 OLD ~10I;~tiTAIN ROAD, ~E. VA 24019 6622 WENDOVER ROAD, tih. VA 24019 2541 ORANGE AVENUE, N.E VA 21012 3548 FARMINGTON DRIVE, S.W. VA 24018 3"r 74 SANDLEWOOD ROAD VA 24014 3205 FOREST HILL VA 24012 5643 POOR MOUNTAIN ROAD VA 24153 2041 BROYLES LANE, N.E. VA 24012 5229 SPRING LAWN AVENUE, SW. VA '-24018 `T~EBfC~ ~ L~ 3 JEAN `-- _ _ ST . 2 ~ -- - _ ~ N4 ..,F~ .~ ,.. ~~::. ':_`~,-_~ - _ DUX-3~~ -- -- - VA -24096-_ - - _ Y 056189 126521 091749 077819 t; 081781 r 056268 056224 F, 056269 WILLIAMS WILSON W I !~'~fER WIM~fER WIZOREK WOOD W~~ICK WYRICK YOPP JOSEPHINE 4213 GAMILLE AVE., NW. VA 24017- "~ MARTHA R. 1002 BLANDFORD AVENUE VA 24179 BARBARA JEAN RT. 1, BOX 445 VA 24095 ELIZABETH htAE RT. 1, BOX "r2-B VA 24067 JANE A. RT. 3, BOX K-43 KNOLLWOOD ~'A 24175 DRIVE LOIS COMMIE 5982 TWINE HOLLOW ROAD VA 24153 JANET C. 204 ROSS STREET ~'A 24153 'MARY G. 7112 OL''LD DRIVE ~'A 24019 BRENDA D. 6198 DRY HOLLOW ROAD ~~.4 24153